f VJfcX-i*' 5* ;£?3tf1 -» .. ''•/if'-¦- 'm earths ; iiiilliiMpa.- is iSP SO toTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEJ U Nmereeo7?i/ToruiA. m the only low-priced car with theMEE-ACTIOIV GLIDING RIDE!*MASTER DE LUXE SPORT SEDAN. HE new Chevrolet for 1936 brings gou the world's most comfortable ride at the lowest price. . . . It's the onlvj car in its pricerange with the famous Knee-Action Wheels* and mang otherfeatures which are equally important to gour comfort. . . . New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes give gou and gour familg the peaceof mind resulting from maximum safetg. A Solid Steel one-piece Turret Top keeps gou cooler in summer, warmer in winterand safer at all times. Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation enables gou to "scoop in" great waves of refreshing air on thehottest dags. An economical High-Compression Valve-in-HeadEngine saves gou moneg with everg thrilling mile. And Shock-proof Steering* makes driving more nearlg effortless than gouever thought it could be. . . . Decide now to go places morecomfortably this summer in a new 1936 Chevrolet — the onlycomplete low-priced car!CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGANNEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES • SOLID STEEL ONE-PIECE TURRET TOP BODIESIMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* • GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILA-transpobtation TION • H I G H - C O M P R E S S I O N VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE • SHOCKPROOF STEERING**AVAILABLE IN MASTER DELUXE MODELS ONLY. KNEE-ACTION, $20 ADDITIONAL. GENERAL MOTORS INSTALLMENTPLAN— MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE.CHEVROLET CaA *~z?A GENERAL MOTORS VALUETHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEBY THE ALUMNI COUNCILHoward P. Hudson, '35Associate EditorPUBLISHEDCharlton T. Beck, '04Editor and Business ManagerFred B. Millett, PhD '31; John P. Howe, '27; William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson,' Jr., 11, JD '13; Louise Norton Swain, '09, AM '16; John J. McDonough, '28Council Committee PublicationsN THIS ISSUEWith the echoes of a history mak- late at night in their laboratories, Less publicized than other departing reunion ringing in our ears we making discoveries of the greatest ments, it enjoys the distinction ofreturn to a more normal issue of the significance. From time to time we placing most of its graduates in goodMagazine. More complete details of Ff £omg to pay tribute to these men, positions in a fifd wfoct i surveys m-,.,,.. , . „ ., introduce them to you, and perhaps dicate is becoming increasingly lmthe celebration and especially the ex- tdl you much abo^t them ^ has tant Historians might note thattremely successful Alumni School never been made public before. In Marion Talbot was one of the primewin be delegated to our Midsummer this issue is featured Robert Bensley, movers in its founding.edition. one 0{ the really top men in the Bio- «logical Sciences, now professor w+k +1 *No doubt you who returned to the emeritus of Anatomy. Fittingly What's your preference i Wrtti™campus noticed many changes. But enough, the article is treated by an- Magazine year drawing to a cioseaccording to the Buildings and other leader in the field, Dr. Basil with plans for next year now beingGrounds department, it is only the C. H. Harvey, dean of students in the made, it might be well to take mven-beginning. Beatrix Farrand, con- Biological Sciences. tory. Of course comments and criti-sulting landscape gardener to the m cisms are always welcome, but howUniversity, has contributed an arti- about some specific f ob|ems ^ J^cle describing just what is being done Once more Wells Burnette enters about the columns. Are J.to beautify the campus. And to prove our Magazine, this time discussing type you wish, are t ney c omp^her contention that much has been ac- the Home Economics department, sive enough, are you tlTe ,„,„,: wcomplished already, we're providing them? We have striven this year torseveral before and after pictures to balance and contrast in Aeir selection.drive home the point. For your aid TABLE OF CONTENTS Without meaning to put our column-in following the progress of this in- JUNE 1936 ists on thf sVot\T th% %J Unnnterestinsr develonment a man of the 0 T \ c opinion, the backbone of the Maga-leresung^aeveiopmeni, a map 01 me Squaring the Circle: a Study of Jf we solicit vour preference. Per-University of the future will be found Campus Development, Beatrix Far- Z \7 -V Ja L * hxrA task toon the next page. Better save it so rand 3 sonally it would be a hard mssk tothat you can find your way around at V Checking the Bursar's Office drop any. Without any question, incfuture reunions. George David Livingstone 7 news accounts of John iiowe aim• xr r- t, t> William Morgenstern are essential inw Behind Hull Gate: Robert Russel ,vvu. ", § . . {„,.„_ j nt ti„-.„,, „ , „ ,., , Bensley, B. C. H. Harvey 9 keeping the alumn l informed lot UniThe Bursars office like any other Reunion r,™^ Howard w_ Mort. n versify events. We think that *redorganization that handles money, is HoME Ec0N0MICS. theoretical B. Millet's skilful prose and criticismoften discussed, frequently scurnhzed. Knowledge Practiced, Wells D. of contemporary literature adOs cns-But according to George Livingstone, Burnette tinction to the Magazine. And cer-it is a remarkably efficient place, with The Campus Dissenter, Sam Haw. . . 15 ta;nly Howard Mort's ability to findmany more functions than are gen- In My Opinion, Fred B. Millet 16 unusual and newsy bits and his en-erally known, as he shows in V 'Check- Ne^s of the Quadrangles, John P. thusiastic presentation is a necessarying the Bursar's Office. r Howe '' " part of mirroring the University.College Election 23 Finauy) Sam Hair's delvings into the• Athletics, William V. Morgenstern.. 24 undergraduate mind do much to com-With a faculty the size of the Uni- T™ ^L0 ^^fltl^TZ^ Plete the Picture' We don't know.., , J. LOWSHIP IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, \\T „•>«.„ V^oc«/l i"« -Po^rnf nf all of thettl.versity's, many great men are often Anton L Carlson. .27 We rf blf/rsed in ±ayor °lv*LA V™ £enot fully appreciated outside their University Alumni in Nearby High But the Magasme is published I by theown field of specialization. Often Schools 28 Alumni Council for the^ Alumni, sothey are the scientists who work alone News of the Classes 30 why not give us your opinion .Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, monthly, from November to July. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the rost umceat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency oithe University of Chicago Magazine.>-jMMM¦j30rr 1:!¦ ~» r-™i - .*¦.;¦p W- ' ' "*¦ "; ¦MIP, ] f1 J ;: • ( iwJSI :*#'¦» Zj ,.? ¦ i¦"IS ¦'IP* & . ,- is -ifii "' ~ : t ¦¦ ^i1™ — -*v ':::f. -~i ;'..>'U Al I V t L/Tff «r CliCA&O *THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTUREVOLUME XXVIII THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 8JUNE, 1936SQUARING THE CIRCLE:A Study of Campus Development• By BEATRIX FARRAND, Consulting Landscape Gardener to the UniversityIN the early days of the University, the Circle rapidly became a favorite spot for students, a convenient spot to go on a sunny afternoon or a naturalrace-track for cyclists. Early it became the meeting placeof the campus, soon the traditional gathering place foralumni reunions in June. With the coming of the machineage, later generations continued the race about the Circle, while the daughters clogged the roads with automobiles each noon at the club-women s rendezvous. Student mass-meetings, from football rallies to politicalforays, gravitated inevitably to the Circle. And so forgenerations of Chicagoans the Circle has been an integralpart of the University, something approaching a tradition,something always to be there.But the machine age has proved to be too fast for it.The roadway surrounding it and the few carriage roadsconnecting are hazardous for young people with ioohorsepower cars. One rally of any sort, to say nothingof the natural short-cut across campus provided, causesthe Buildings and Grounds department tremendous laborto keep the greensward in any sort of condition at all.So it was decided the Circle must go. The last bitof the old days must give way to a new age. Since 1032plans have been under way to reconstruct the campusalong new lines, modern lines. Two main walks areto run from Hull Gate to Harper and as a continuationof 58th street, intersecting on the site of the old Circlein the form of a large plaza. Additional walks will intersect on either side of the plaza, on the east and west axis,thus connecting Cobb and Kent and Swift and Jones onone side, and Rosenwald and Eckhart and Walker andRyerson on the other. Main walks will be 12 feet wide,large enough for the entrance of fire trucks.These are the plans at present. But with this newscheme there must be a "new plan" of landscaping, newtrees, shrubs and flowers. Beatrix Farrand, the consulting Landscape Gardener to the University, has beenat work with Lyman R. Flook of the Buildings andGrounds department for several years on this importantproject for modernizing the campus. The work to datepromises much for the future. (Editor.)A great responsibility is laid on the shoulders of anygroup whose absorbingly interesting duty it is to con- The CircleThis Will Be Squaredsider and learn from the past, to organize and guidethe present, and to advise wise future development ofbeauty and fitness on the University campus. A studymust be made of the past in order to understand the reason for certain conditions in the present, which otherwise would be difficult to explain, and the present everyday uses of the campus must be observed and assimilated in order to see the daily needs for communicationare met in a manner consistent with good design.Thought must be given to the future and suggestionsmade which permit necessary development and yet aresufficiently flexible to allow for changes as yet unknown,but inseparable from normal growth. The inheritancefrom even a comparatively recent past must first be sympathetically appraised, as out of this sympathetic studywill grow an understanding of past problems and theirpresent effect.In the start of any large enterprise emphasis must ofnecessity be laid on solving questions of organizationand accomplishment in ways which do not slow up construction or early development, and in solving these greatproblems of early growth the small ones must rightlytake the second rank. As a result of carrying throughthe great creative undertaking of founding, building and34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA change . . .Jones Laboratory when completedequipping a great university the lesser problems of thesurroundings to the buildings and the plantations nearthem quite properly had to take a subordinate place.In the early days, when construction was proceeding,it must have seemed essential to plant something, whatever it might be, to soften the lines of newness and toretain such existing trees as grew naturally on the area.Some of the trees were not worthy of their new dignityas part of the ornament and beauty of a campus, andhave not even attempted to live up to their new surroundings. New trees were planted in some cases without full understanding of the poverty of the existingsoil conditions and the need for the addition of adequateamounts of rich loam. The result is clearly seen todayin lack of unity in the groups of original oaks in themain campus, many of them gnarled and stunted, butlacking in picturesqueness, and other fine young trees,well placed, growing and thriving, while still others areplanted too close to buildings, or unrelated to any design.A still further number of discouraged and feeble treesare struggling to continue an undernourished and possibly horticulturally vitaminless existence!The present group working on outdoor campus problems found the first year or two fully occupied in theorganization of a staff competent to deal with the dailyneeds of care, pruning and planting. Then followed thetraining of those concerned in the work, in the appreciation of the need for neatness in appearance and theirindividual responsibility in the education of students andfaculty in the daily use of their surroundings. Whilethe human organization of the first years was going on,studies for future development in design were carriedforward and a tentative plan submitted to the Trusteesfor the placing of permanent walk lines on the old campusand the elimination of much road surface. This planwas approved in principle by them at a meeting on February 23, 1932. It was clearly understood by the Boardand the designer that the tentatively approved suggestions would undoubtedly need revision and considerablealteration as further study proceeded. This study hasbeen continuously carried on since the provisional assent to the scheme was given, and a further plan has . . . for the betterLandscaping has helpedbeen made showing certain specific suggestions as toposition of walks and tree planting. Thought has beengiven to the future and space has been left for possiblefurther buildings and provision made so that the workof carrying out the design may be made either slowlyas it may seem advisable, or with greater rapidity if thisshould be wise.The problem of making the existing space appear asample as possible between the somewhat closely-placedbuildings on the old campus was the first to be thoughtout, and a vital part of this problem concerned the placing of walks of communication which would serve normal traffic needs and yet become part of a balanced andsimple design. It is obvious that the placing of a walkon a paper design may look well, but its constructionon the ground must not be started until its position isfound to meet a proved need. It is equally obvious thatwalks must not be created to serve the wandering feetof each and every student who may be late for a classor feel an irresistible desire to follow the shortest distance between two points. The mean must be chosenbetween cutting the campus into a jig-saw puzzle ofpaths and reducing their number to the minimum whichthe designer may consider ideal. In a restricted spacesurrounded by large, and in some instances almost monumental, buildings it would be folly to attempt to givean illusion of informality and the appearance of a greatnatural landscape; there should be a frank recognitionof the limits imposed and only a straightforward andsimple design would be appropriate.Walks should be placed fairly near the entrance frontsof the buildings for convenience of access, and treesplaced where they will shade the walks in summer andnot darken the light in the working rooms. The planting of the permanent trees should be thought out inconnection with the general scheme of the whole composition, so that the rhythm of the spacing of buildings to*open areas should make a pleasant and apparently inevitable and easy harmony. In many instances the un-planted portions of a planter's design are the most effective, as the mind and eye are quieted by the restful-ness of an open space and the true focus of the compo-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEs 1 1 1 o n isoften established b ythe elimination ofdisturbingdetail. Thegreat landscape andportrait artists of oldChina canteach thosewho wantto learnfrom theserenity oftheir compositions inwhich theunnecessary is omitted andonly the in-tellectualessence retained.The fundamental structure of the old quadrangledesign must be controlled by the buildings themselves;their spacing and the inevitable weight they impose.After the walk and access questions have been solved,the next problem is to give the buildings the most becoming setting and how to surround them with addeddignity. Some of the former planting proves to beEckhart beforeA dead pile of stonesNear Cobb hallTrees do wonders hererather too near the structures, and some so far awaythat the general trend of the building lines does notmarry in smoothly with the tree forms. In places theyhave been placed too close for their ultimate development,and in other instances trees have been grouped or juxtaposed which are not harmonious in their structural lines.The present study has been made in the hope that'f approved a planting programme will be at hand ready for trees to be set out in positions which some yearsof constant thought and consideration seem to indicateas fitting. The essential lines of the design are thosebordering the walks near the buildings and at the endsof the open space. After even a few of these first linesof trees have been planted it will be possible to judgemore wisely than at present how many groups of treesand what sorts should be considered for giving occasional accent of height and shade in the open space between the lines of structures. The finest and healthiestof the young campus trees are not at all too large tomove with the now trained force of University gardenerswho can prepare them for their shift in position by care-Eckhart afterA living thingful root pruning, fertilizing and attention. If a schemeis now adopted, in the course of the next five years avery noticeable improvement can be made in the orderedand spacious appearance of the area and the wholescheme advanced on lines that seem appropriate andpermanent. The work can be planned so that it maybe carried out by the present force of men, as it willgive an opportunity to so organize the group that theymay be kept at work on lines constructively useful, andthe inevitable slack days wisely and productively used.It is so well known as not to need repetition that thespirit of a group of men is upheld by the sense thatthey are steadily employed in a worthwhile endeavor.The main key group of plantsmen should have continuing and, if possible, continuous work.The choice of the sort of tree recommended for thechief planting has been made after much thought andweighing of evidence. All men and plants are subjectto disease and accident, but care and measures of protection often prevent one and forestall the other. Inspite of the dreaded elm tree disease, this beautiful treehas been chosen. It has been found that elm trees inhealthy condition, just like healthy people, are less likelyto be attacked, and as there is no other tree so lovelyin form and as well suited to the making of high-branched avenues, the decision has been made to recommend the planting of the New England fountain-shapedtype of the American elm. Incidentally, trees will be6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEchosen of other sorts, such as oak, ash, with a possibleexperimental excursion into the native hickories or thedifficult but elegant beech tribe.The plants for the immediate surroundings to thebuildings will be selected from the sorts of shrubs whichhave proved themselves tolerant of city smoke and dustand of types that will give flower or fruit or change ofleaf at the time of year when they will give most pleasure. Probably one building or group will have a genusallotted to it so that the withe-rods or viburnums maybe seen and possibly studied together. Elsewhere a seriesof lilacs of different sorts will be assembled, and, inorder not to be too academic and tiresomely instructive,an occasional interloper will be permitted, such as ahigh-colored burning bush (Euonymus alatus) to givea flame of scarlet and rose to the autumn scene. During the planting of the main quadrangle a continuous study will be carried on covering the whole University and the inter-relation of its various units as tohow they can best be treated individually and collectivelyas parts of a great whole. The whole should be harmonious and made up of details studied so carefully andso intimately that each will fall into its place apparentlyinevitably. For example, benches should be placedwhere they will be used, and they should be made onsimple and good lines. Lights should not only illuminatebut do so agreeably. Only in this blending of detailinto a dignified and simple whole will the goal be reachedfor which the whole gardening group is wholeheartedlystriving. This result can only be achieved by the collective and disciplined efforts of the group and its well-wishers working in accord and for one common aim.Dudley fieldPlanning brought thisT? ^^^BP tt\. M €9 ^^^Srifer^JS;.*" T~ * m W ¦ iv --«."•¦¦ '!- '2F' '/J X *if~"" ryy^'mw^m*^^^^^—itff-Even backyards . Two faculty homesneedn't be unsightlyCHECKING THE BURSAR'S OFFICE! '*&*#WITH no Tower Topics map to guide them, thefirst ten persons you happen to meet any dayon your University Quadrangles might not beable to tell you where Classics 11, Belfleld Hall, orHutchinson Court are.They might not even be able to differentiate whichis east of the other — the Zoology or the Anatomy Building, for your University has eighty-two buildings over115 acres of ground.But you could be reasonably certain that every one ofthe ten, strangers excluded,would knowwhere the Bursar's Office is.They know thatbecause, w h o-ever t he y are,they have foundthat the Bursar'sOffice has anamazing numberof indispensableservices sincethere is not onepart but four tothis departmentlocated on thefirst floor southof the Administration Building at 58th and Ellis.It is not everyone who knows, however, more thanhis own side of its activities. Few persons beyond theBursar's Office staff appreciate the extent of businesscarried on here. Few persons, too, know the humerous,the human, the personal elements in it all, and it comescloser to life at your University than you may realize.Did you know that the Financial Section corresponds with alumni in every country in the world withthe exception of Tibet and a few in South America?That is how far loans from the Student Loan Fundshas helped to send former students to do useful work.A teacher in Iraq, a geologist in South America, amissionary in the Transvaal, a writer in Vienna, a physician on Park Avenue, all are where they are, doingthe things they do, because at one time in their lives theywere loaned money. (More specifically they were loaned money by yourUniversity when it meant going ahead with their education or turning back.The administration of loans is only one phase of theBursar's Office. So many other things begin here. Isthere a possibility of getting an exhibit of scientific instruments for Summer quarter students? What companies will want a display at such an exhibit ? ProspectsDan Balkin • By GEORGE DAVID LIVINGSTONE, '35are called, told of the plan and before you can say"University of Chicago," their representatives are crowding in asking for space. Is there a new type of coloredfilm to be shown ? Again the Bursar is interested. Butthe film must be shown tonight, not tomorrow, or thenext day, or next week. There's no time for it ? Maybenot, but the Bursar says, "Show the pictures, we'll beready." And ready they are. A place has been foundfor the showing, announcements have been hurriedaround to the bulletin boards, and the pictures are seenthat night by a sizeable audience in Eckhart Hall.But checking the Bursar's Office properly beginswith the Bursar himself. With the possible exceptionsof Edith Foster Flint and James Weber Linn, both ofthe English department, and the Deans, few can tell youmore about the students of your University than WilliamJ. Mather. It is a rare thing during office hours to seehim working alone. Usually he is talking to someonewhile one or two others are waiting outside. On thefirst five days of any quarter you will find long lines ofstudents, waiting special payment arrangements, dividingbetween his office and the desk of A. F. Cotton, assistantbursar.If you were fortunate you heard an extremely interesting talk last summer by an alumnus of your University on the safety of traveling by air. You heard itat either Hutchinson Commons or the Cloister Club,for it was received so enthusiastically that it was repeated by popular demand. That talk was given becausethe Bursar at your University walking through the busyReynolds Clubone noon ran into someone heremembered wasinterested in aviation.Sometimesthings are easyto remember likethe student whonot so long agomade a trip tothe Bursar's Office with a greatmany doubts.When he leftyour Universityhad bought acow.Behind theglass partition ofthe Bursar's private office, face to face over his desk,the Bursar and the student talked — they talked aboutthat student's wife and baby at home, about his child'sillness and his chances for recovery if in that backwoodscommunity where it was impossible for even the nearestDan Balkin78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEneighbor to bring milk regularly, there was a cow tosupply the rich, wholesome milk the doctor had ordered ;they talked about that student's days and nights of worrybecause there was no money to buy the cow for his littleboy, of his ambitions and how near he was to realizingthem. They talked until the Bursar was convinced thata cow could stand between a man and his educationquite as grimly as the lack of tuition funds.But the interesting thing behind the story is thereasons why that loan was granted. It shows you manythings, not the least of which is the flexibility with whichyour University is able to help. That came more certainly in the Autumn of 1931 with the inception of thenew plan in education. President Hutchins saw thetuition loan for deferred payments as a necessary adjunct. How important it is can be proved by figureswhen you know that 10,000 loans have been made sinceamounting to $608,000.00, or more than 75 per cent ofthe 12,500 loans your University has given since thefirst loan in 1894, two years after it opened its doors.However, only a small part of the $129,149.55 inloans last year was used to buy cows. As a matter offact it happened just once. It still is — outside of anapplication for a loan to get a Reno divorce which wasrefused — the most unusual request ever made to theBursar, and it probably will retain the distinction.But how do the borrowers feel when they are paying loans back, at a time when they are most likely tofeel that they are paying for a dead horse?The Bursar himself was curious about that verything; so in June, 1935, he arranged a sample check ofthe reaction of individuals who had obtained and repaidloans. They represented fifteen different occupationswith even a G-Man among them, and almost every University degree. Not one replied that the loans were lesshelpful than they expected at the time of borrowing.A personnel director wrote: "I went into debt some$4,500 in five years of attendance during a period often years. I consider an education essential to obtainat almost any risk. I have not been disappointed."Not all the people who come to the Bursar's Officedo so to make «m ¦¦¦ i ^lihsf^Z^Slloans — not even i / ^> — It, I I^^Y^E,the largest per- ¦ L u-1i '""^ -> —centage of the154,689 personswho came to theFinancial Sectionlast year. Thatwould not takeinto account the1,400 student depositors with atotal bank booko f $124,252.00who appeared atvarious times, orthose who cameto cash checks1 • , Dan BalkinOr claim a partof the 105,000 checks the Financial Section dates, signs and distributes annually. Neither would it account forthose who are interested in still another Bursar's Officeactivity — and supervision of the dormitories and refectories — a task detailed enough in itself to require theassistance of an entire department, Residence Halls andCommons, after it leaves the Bursar's Office.Dozens of assistant Bursars, chief clerks and chiefbookkeepers, assistant chief clerks and bookkeepers, stenographers, student and generial tellers and assistants,and messagers donot work in theFinancial Sectionin spite of thefact that thereis work for dozens of people todo here. An evendozen, includingthe Bursar himself, manage it.Did youknow in additionto the FinancialSection of theBursar's Officewhich you wouldnaturally expect,that it includes apost office, an information office,and the maindesk of a 954room hotel?Letters, seventy-eight miles of them weighing overtwenty-one tons, 842,400 a year pour out of the mailbags at Faculty Exchange. There are also twenty-fiveregistered and insured parcels daily requiring specialcare. There is the checking of unknown mail numbering 9,000 pieces a year, and the forwarding of lettersfor fifty faculty members. There are nine daily University deliveries to think about, the sorting, the routing, the pigeon-holing of mail. Fifteen hundred piecesof stamped mail arrive. The remainder is the messages,intercommunications, orders and memos your Universitywrites back and forth.Four thousand persons a week come to the Information Office desk to ask just such questions as a professor's address, the time of a class, the date of a lecture,the list of lost and found; to buy tickets, receive timeschedules, announcements, catalogues, or to scan thesixty-odd signs posted on its bulletin boards. Two thousand more keep its telephones busy. Therefore once aweek, vacation or no vacation, the equivalent of yourUniversity's 6,000 students turn up here.The Housing Bureau directly across from the Information Office is the desk of the 954 rooms in yourUniversity's residence halls. Add also the office of anapartment building with thirty-two suites with the further business of investigating, classifying and listing ofall rooms not belonging to your University, but offeredto your University's students.{Continued on page 29) Dan BalkinBEHIND HULL GATE:Robert R. Bensley• By DR. B. C. H. HARVEY, Professor of AnatomyWHEN the buildings of Hull Court were erectedin 1896 the Biological Sciences were segregatedin a special quadrangle. Their laboratories wereclosely connected with one another and on three sidespresented to the outside world an unbroken front. Onthe south side they faced the main quadrangle of theUniversity and here an imposing fence of stone and ironraised a high and formidable barrier between biologyand the humanities, the divinity school, the social sciences.It separated biology even from its closest neighbors —physics and chemistry. Great central gates of iron wereput in place : they might have been closed but were not ;and their pillars were surmounted by lamps which onoccasion shed a clear and mellow light over a large partof the University terrain. The builders arranged thatthey should be turned on sometimes from the biologicalside.As time has gone on the great lamp clusters have beenbeautiful and useful, and the open gate has proved muchmore significant than the iron fence. Nevertheless, therehas been some separation, and we who have been fortunate in being close to some Promethean minds whichhave kindled fires and brought light to the biologicalquadrangle have sometimes regretted that the Universityin general does not know these minds as intimately as we.It is evident that the Alumni share this feeling for theeditors of their magazine have asked for brief accountsof the life and work of some of the leaders in biology.Robert Russel Bensley was born on a farm in the beautiful Dundas Valley near Hamilton, Ontario, 1867. Hisfather, Robert Daniel Bensley was of English stock. Hismother was Caroline Vendeleur of County Clare, Ireland.Dr. Bensley is Irish. There was evidently a hereditaryinclination toward Biology in his family ; for his youngerbrother Arthur became Professor of Zoology in the University of Toronto. Robert Bensley attended the Ontario country schools and the Hamilton Collegiate Institute. He was educated also by the life on the farm andby explorations of the neighboring woods and streams.His first published paper dealt with parasites (distomes)in the urinary bladder of frogs. Centralblatt fur Bac-teriologie and Parasitologic, 1890. He entered the University of Toronto in 1884. Their college had at that timea general course for the Bachelor's degree and eight special courses, the latter being specialized with progressively greater intensity from the second year on to graduation.Bensley elected three of these special courses — biology,chemistry and modern languages — and carried the tripleload to the end. This combination of Chemistry andBiology was the expression of a fundamental interest :it has always characterized his research.His graduation was delayed. During his third collegeyear, when 19 years of age, his right thigh was shattered Robert Russell BensleyHis a Promethean mindin a hunting accident: a high amputation was requiredand the accompanying infection enforced a year's interruption of his college course. He spent it on the farm.A microscope, some chemicals and some animals providedthe means for study of histology. His apparatus washomely; his tools of the simplest; his books were theanimals. He improvised his technique. But he sawdirectly and by himself the cell structure of tissues. Hesaw things within the cells, little bits of substance, living ?or dead ?, and he sought to find how the chemical natureof these bits of substance explained the transformationswhich they underwent in the process of living, how theyhelped explain the process of living itself — of growthfrom the egg cell, differentiation, physiological activity,senescence and death. This was his course in histology —he never had another. What he saw was real — for helooked directly at the living things — its significance heinterpreted for himself. On that farm he became one ofthe world's most promising investigators of histology andhistochemistry. The alluring visions of truth which thenappeared to his mind have been beckoning him ever since.He is still following them devotedly.With this faith and enthusiasm he went back to chemistry and biology in the University. Nature never lies —no fact is out of harmony with any other fact ; they alwaysexplain each other. At the end of the year he graduated :910 THE UNIVERSITY OFhe was first in two of his three programs and the University sent him its medal for general proficiency, 1889.He went into the School of Medicine. Human sympathy and scientific curiosity combined to turn him thatway. But when he finished the course, 1892, he turnedback to biological problems fundamental: it is an interesting fact that whatever happens to the human machineand whatever the cortex of its brain thinks about it, thereare only two things that machine can do about it: — itcan make muscles contract or glands secrete; Bensleystudied glands and the way they secrete. The Universitygave him a little room, some small equipment, a class andan insignificant salary. His preparations he made withhis own hands. No other person could by any meddlingdistort the pictures which truth was showing him. Andwhat others reported he checked. What truth had shownto another truth would show to him also. This jealousreverence for truth is exceeded only by his faith in it. Itappears in all his work — all of which will last. It had tobe caught by all his pupils, for this is to him the criterionof scientific nobility and the first article of its faith. Thestudents had great respect for the lame man always readyto welcome into his little room, which he never left, anywho could see the beauty of his preparations, and occasionally he was encouraged by finding one who couldfollow and share in his discussion of the chemical andphysiological significance of the little bits of substance inhis gland cells — in his gland cells — not extracted andstudied in a test tube — no longer a part of cell life whichis the manner of study to which biochemists are forced.The Canadian Institute soon learned that through thatlittle room there was a way to fundamental truth, andBensley's second paper — one on the glands of the stomach was published in their proceedings. Others followedin various American and European publications describing the nature of the vital processes in the glands ofstomach and aesophagus of mammals and of lower vertebrates. These constituted pioneer studies of the cytologic life of gland cells.The University of Chicago in 1901 was looking, justas it is looking now, for young men who could see andfollow truth, and who could hear and understand thevoice of nature as she constantly tells her way of working. The search then lead to the small laboratory of theinstructor in Biology in Toronto and Bensley came hereas Assistant Professor of Anatomy.Here he was given room and equipment and generoussupport and encouragement. Under better conditions hecontinued his study of animal cells and their constituentorgans — the correlation of their structure, chemical constitution and function. For these studies new methodswere constantly developed — staining methods, the freezing-drying method of fixation and the isolation of cellorgans for chemical study. Many of these Bensley methods have been generally adopted and the equipment andprocedure of many laboratories adapted to their use.A long series of contributions covering the whole rangeof cell activity has lead to his recognition in the wordsof an Italian colleague, as the last of the great "Allge-meine Histologen." A few among these great contributions are The Stomach, 1903, the Pancreas, 1911, Theislets of Langerhaus, 1915, the Thyroid, 1916, the Kidney tubules, 1931, the Freezing-Drying Method, 1931, CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Chemical Basis of Cell Activity (1934 and in progress). From the time of his advent here he became theleader in research and in 1905 he was made Acting Director and shortly afterward Director of the Department.Advanced students in large numbers have drawn fromhim the inspiration which has lead them into histologicresearch. Since he came in 1902 57 candidates havereceived the degree of Ph.D. in the department. Someof the most devoted have not taken any degree. Amongthem was the late Mark A. Lane who, under Bensley'sguidance completed the work on the endocrine islets ofthe pancreas, which showed the existence of the alphaand beta cells and something of the nature of theirproducts. From the beta cells of Lane was later extracted the product (insulin) which has become themainstay of sufferers from diabetes. Others of this grouplike Vinetrup of Denmark, Cordier of Belgium, Ma ofPeiping and Dean Lewis of Baltimore have expressedProfessor BensleyAn early love, the microscopemany times and in many ways their appreciation andgratitude toward Bensley, to whom for many decades wehave been accustomed to refer respectfully as "the chief"or affectionately as "the old man." Through these andmany others Bensley's inspiration has been extendedover three continents. In America there is hardly adepartment of Anatomy in which there is not at least onemember trained by him.To effect the full development of the department hebrought to it from Denison University Herrick, the Neurologist, and from the Military Institute at Leningrad,Maximow, the histologist, who studied connective tissueand blood elements and the potencies of living cells intissue cultures made in appropriate media outside thebody. These colleagues were inspired by the same fundamental principles and together they made the department on which for years was ranked first in Americaby the votes of American Anatomists tabulated and published by the Editors" of American Men of Science. Hewas himself elected President of the American Association of Anatomists and has exerted a very powerfulinfluence upon the development of Anatomy in America.Recently a group of his associates suggested that we(Continued on Page 23)REUNION REVERIESTHE ALUMNI SCHOOLIF you haven't heard how successful the AlumniSchool was, remind us to furnish some figures, whichmay help prove the popularity of this new (for Chicago, at any rate) homecoming venture. The schoolopened in the lounge room of Judson Court on Monday, June 8 and continued through Friday afternoon.The first alumnus we met at the school, early in theweek, was Milton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, which augured(meaning to predict — not auger, a boring device) a successful week for us who necessarily thrive on goodstories we can pass on to you.Milt started the week with his "introduction story,"which was about the salesman who sent his card intothe private sanctum of his prospect via the efficient,albeit courteous, secretary. The magnate demonstratedhis desire to be alone by tearing the card into two equalparts while the secretary returned to explain that thepresident was in an all-day conference. The suspicioussalesman asked for the return of his card. The secretary passed the embarrassing moment back to the bosswho determined to put the salesman in his place by sending out a nickel in payment for the card. The ever-courteous secretary explained to the young man that thecard had been misplaced but the president had sent hima nickel with which he could purchase a new card.Whereupon the bright young man handed her a secondcard explaining that they were two for a nickel !From this point forward the school went "from bed toverse," as was said of the young convalescent in the hospital who began writing poetry to pass the time. Milt wasthe dean,master ofceremonies,or whatever, ofthis Alumni School.He introduced thevariousspeakers,made theannouncements, and(you knowMilt) madepertinenti e mar kswhich keptthe customers in a re-freshedstate of mind for the programs to follow. In the eventyou do not know Mr. Robinson it might be well for usto illustrate : r& DOCTORApple Yen d~ KeepO"* j• By HOWARD W. MORT, Editor, Tower TopicsAt oneof the sessions thesubject o fmunicipalills wasconsidered .Depressionills playeda pr om i-nent partin the dis-c u s s i o n,which inspired Dr."Andy"W y a n t(B. D. '97;M. D. '08:captain ofthe '93footballteam, andthe man who played 119 college football games) to callattention to the exceptionally good state of the nation'shealth during the depression. Dr. Wyant contended thatthe medical profession deserved credit for a record ofthis sort, made during those depression years whendoctors were forced to carry on with limited resources.At the close of the discussion, Milt, the master ofmirth, paused before he introduced the next speaker tomake this casual remark, "It has always been mytheory, doctor, the reason for this improvement in healthconditions during the depression was because people didnot have the money to spend interviewing physiciansduring those years !" All in good fun and the doctorlaughed with the two hundred fifty others as they settledback for the next serious discussion of the morning.The Thursday afternoon session dealt with the sub-jects of banking legislation and labor disputes. Thesetwo discussion periods, presided over by Dean Spencer(School of Business), were of additional interest because each discussion was conducted by three professorsin exactly the same manner as it would be presentedover the air in the famous Sunday NBC University ofChicago Roundtable program.In view of the fact that the Class of 1911 was prominent at this year's homecoming because of its silver anniversary celebration; in view of the fact that this class, instressing its importance in the history of events, mademuch capital of the facts that1. The first Interfraternity Sing was held in 1911;2. Ned Earle '11 was its first director and still continues in this capacity ;(Continued on page 26)11HOME ECONOMICS:Theoretical Knowledge Practiced• • By WELLS D. BURNETTEIN introducing the University's Home Economicsdepartment to you it would be much simpler if firstI put you right by telling you what it is not, ratherthan what it is. The positive description of its characterwill of necessity take the greater part of this article, andthere is nothing better in the way of casting out prejudice and obtaining an attentive truth-seeking reader thanto right wrong impressions at the offset.According to the nine feminine voices which comprise the staff, there are at least three nots which shouldbe known if the work of the department of Home Economics and Household Administration is to be correctlyunderstood. And, after all, they should know, for theyare the formulators of its policies.In the first place, Home Economics is not differentfrom other departments of the University in standardsnor in the essential character of its work. It is no more(and no less, I am told) practical or vocational. Secondly, the courses can not be described as instruction inthe practical arts, skills, or repetitive techniques. Finally,emphasis is placed on the point that it does not existprimarily for teacher training. Whereas it is true thatin the early days under the School of Education it waslargely a methods course, it has not since 1925 been connected with the Department of Education.In terms of faculty and prestige, as compared with400 competitors in the field, this department is one ofthe more outstanding branches of learning at the University, yet it remains to many who are on campus andto many who have graduated, an unknown quantitywhose title has little appeal except to "a few well-meaning young women who were sidetracked when crossingthe Midway" (to quote a remark made by a skepticalliberal arts product).It is primarily for these people that I want to introduce this department and its faculty in a hurried layman'ssurvey. It is entirely fitting that along with our betterknown laurel holders, one of the nation's best "HomeEc' " departments should become more than a mere catalogue-filler to the alumni and student body. Its effortsare far-reaching, extending beyond the Midway to thecity and to the country at large in promoting humanwelfare. Holders of its degrees are sought wheneverpositions requiring sound training at the true Universitylevel are available.For purposes of background, let's review the ratherevolutionary growth of the present organization.The present department is the result of a consolidation of two departments, one in the old School of Arts,Literature, and Science, and the other in the College ofEducation. The first department started back in 1893with a course in Sanitary Science given by Marion Talbot (now emeritus and publishing her "memoirs") in Sociology. Ten years later Miss Talbot joined Sophon-isba Breckinridge (now emeritus in Social Service Administration) to establish an independent unit of Household Administration. In 1900 in the College of Education, Alice P. Norton became professor of the Teachingof Home Economics, dealing mainly with the food problems of the family. Other branches including textiles anddesign were later added. A department within the College of Education eventually developed, and in 1919Katherine Blunt (present president of Connecticut College) took charge of the work. Increased interest andLydia J. RobertsAdministrator, practical scientistthe undesirability of having to minor in Education whenmajoring in Home Economics brought about furtherrevision when Miss Talbot retired; Miss Breckinridgejoined the School of Social Service Administration; andMiss Blunt became chairman of a separate departmentof Home Economics and Household Administration inthe College of Arts, Literature and Science. This administrative unit brought together people with diversifiedtraining to work on problems having a common nexus.The staff was made up of persons trained in chemistry,nutrition, art, psychology, and economics. The unity ofthis new organization was obviously not found in thesimilarity in training of the staff, or in similarity of basicsubject matter dealt in, but in the fact that all work concerned a unified set of problems, those centering in thefamily, its problems and activities.Since 1930 Lydia J. Roberts, described by many ofher students as a "high-pressure" scholar who has the."goods" (and knows how to "pour it on" according toreliable reports) has had command of the departmentas well as work in nutrition. Her laboratory is Chicagochildren's institutions. Well aware of the fact that underthe present social system, nutrition is only a sub-topic12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13under the family income, Miss Roberts as chairman ofthe Budget committee of the Chicago Council of SocialAgencies is turning practical scientist in attempting tohelp interested agencies to work out scales of requirements for families of limited means.Among the five ranking members of the University'sall-women department is Hazel Kyrk, associate professor of Home Economics (and also of Economics inthe Social Sciences). Although reluctant to join the"I knew him when" club, she well remembers a chapanswering to the name of "Bob" who toddled each morning some twenty years ago into her economic class atOberlin College. "Then he was one of Mr. Hutchin'sthree fine sons, all excellent students and all-around boys,too," she recalls. Now he is the Mr. Hutchins on thiscampus at least, when not Mr. President.Evelyn G. Halliday, also an associate professor,directs the chemical studies of food materials. Althougha Canadian by birth, she holds three degrees from thisUniversity and has been a member of the faculty since1919.Although her work is closely related to the department of Psychology, Associate Professor Helen Kochteaches Child Psychology in this department and isthe director of the Co-operative Nursery where motherslearn that their darlings are no better (and no worse,for that matter) than Mrs. Jones' offspring.Two assistant professors complete the professorialfaculty. Marion E. Clark, who teaches art in the homeand costume selection, has among her students FrancisTresise who designed, selected the material for, and didall the cutting of the costumes (chorines et al) of thisyear's Blackfriar's production, Fascist and Furious.Lastly, in the field of Textiles is a woman who buysher clothes with eye to durability and wear, not to fashionand fad, Lillian Stevenson. She also serves as departmental counselor for prospective teachers.Worthy of mention are two professorial lecturers,Margaret H. (H. for Hessler; her father heads theJames Millikan University at Decatur) who superintends the "finest" rat colony on campus ; and MinnaSchmidt who teaches a course on "Historical CostumeDesign" and operates her own costume "shoppe" in Wei-boldt Hall.Two other members of the faculty are: Isabel T.Noble who teaches and directs research in food chemistryand Ruth Blair who is associated with Miss Roberts inall activities.Research in the department is limited by funds totwo chemical and textile laboratories and the NurserySchool. As Dr. Roberts says, "The city of Chicagoserves as the real laboratory." Included in currentresearch is a study of calcium metabolism in womenand children. This has been a subject of interest in thedepartment for a number of years. Last year sevenyoung women served as subjects for a balance study.The third floor of Hoffman House was fitted up as alaboratory where quantitative diets could be preparedand where the subjects could live and eat their meals.These young women lived for five months on a constantdiet. During that time they collected all excretions andweighed all food. Two of the number were research students who are now analyzing the data for their doctors' theses.One of these, Ruth Leverton, has been studying theiron metabolism of normal women. She has a small glasshouse erected in the laboratory where she carries on heranalyses for iron in order not to have any contaminationof iron from other sources.The other young woman, Margaret Maxwell, isdoing a study of calcium and phosphorus of these womenwith and without an added source of vitamin "D."Since the fortification of foods with vitamin "D" hasbecome so common it is important to know whetheradults as well as young children need a source of thisvitamin other than what they get from ordinary foodor that stored from the sunshine during the summermonths. This experiment when completed should throwadditional light on the problem.For some years the department has been interestedin the question of food requirements of children. To thisend they have studied the food intake of large numbersof children both in their homes and in institutions. Sucha study is laborious as it means going into the home,and weighing every bit of food for one to two weeks.It means, moreover, that a large number of childrenat each age must be studied and that the children chosenmust be healthy and well nourished. To date there havebeen collected data on about eight hundred children, andby the time the gaps at certain age levels have been filledin, the department will have a standard for energy requirements for children throughout the growth period.The requirements for other food constituents, especially minerals and vitamins, have also been a source ofattention. Some of these problems have been attackedby means of balance experiments as described above.There has been a considerable number of such experiments on calcium requirements of young children. Onemethod of attack is to watch the effect of making additions of certain food material to the diets of childrenliving on an average diet and noting whether there isany improvement in their growth and physical status.Just at present two projects of this type are under way.One was carried out during the last year at a children'sinstitution on the outskirts of Chicago. The institutionMarion E. ClarkArt in the home, costume selection14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhoused approximately one hundred and fifty childrenliving on the average institution diet and at least managing to survive on it. These children were divided intothree groups, one remained on the same diet, anotherreceived an additional pint of evaporated milk a day, anda third received an additional pint of irradiated vitamin"D" milk. This was continued for a full year. Measur-ments of their progress were taken by growth in heightand weight, other body measures, the progress of arrestof dental caries, et cetera. The results of these studiesare now being analyzed. They show very definite improvement for those children receiving an addition ofmilk, thus indicating that the diets of the institution werenot optimum in some constituents contained in milk.The value of the "D" vitamized milk has not as yet beendefinitely ascertained.This is simply one of the many undertakings whichhave been under the careful supervision of the University's number one nutrition authority. Dr. Roberts cameto the Midway to take all of her degrees and has beena member of the staff since 1917. She served on theHoover White House Conference and has written a number of government bulletins on child health and nutrition.Her recently revised guide, "Nutrition Work With Children," is widely read. In the past she has served asadviser for the National Dairy Council, and at presentshe is chairman of the Budget Committee of the ChicagoCouncil of Social Agencies.As a member of the committee on foods of theAmerican Medical Association she helps to decidewhether a product is worthy of the seal of the Association. The seal, she explains, means only that the advertising of the food is approved, not that the Committee isadvocating its use. Among the items of interest recentlyup for consideration is the contest among manufacturersto fortify foods with vitamins. With the newer knowledgeof vitamins, food companies have literally gone "mad"on the subject and are adding vitamins A or D to alltheir products, from milk, bread, cereals to chewing gumand weiners. The committee has the task of decidingwhich of these are for the public good and which shouldbe discouraged.Hazel Kyrk has her abode on the fifth floor of Harper Library. She, too, took both her degrees from theUniversity. Her doctoral thesis written under the titleof "A Theory of Consumption" was awarded the Hart,Schaffner and Marx prize of one thousand dollars forthe best economic essay that year. Before joining thefaculty here in 1925 she held positions in Oberlin,Wellesley, Stanford and Iowa State.Miss Kyrk teaches one section of a general economics course. Her special work is the economic problems of the family (she published a book with this titlein 1933), and the theory of consumption. She is interested in the buying problems of the consumer and hiseconomic situation. This involves the appraisal of advertising and of the retail market and its price policies fromthe consumer's point of view. The other major divisionof the field of consumption is the study of standards ofliving. The problem here is the consumer's wants, theirnature and origin. She is interested in why standardsof living are as they are and how they vary from time to time and place to place. In clarifying her position inteaching, she remarked to me, "I am not trying to tellpeople what to do. That is scarcely the function of aUniversity course. Its objective is understanding andawareness of how judgments are arrived at, rather thanhanding them over ready-made."Miss Kyrk's present research is connected with apaper on the field of consumption as defined and treatedin economic literature. The purpose of this project is toshow the causes of the sterility of the past discussion andto present a new definition of the field and its relationto economics. She is also working on the historicaldevelopment of the minimum standards which have constituted a basis for relief policies and for measuring"adequacy" of wage rates.The work in food chemistry has been allocated toDr. Halliday and Dr. Noble who have collaborated onseveral publications. One of these, in popular style is"Hows and Whys of Cooking," which has been phrasedby the publishers as "the guide to all cookbooks." Another book, largely composed of a set of charts, isentitled "How to Buy Beef," which presents such characteristics of meat as will enable the consumer to selectintelligently the grade and cut of her choice.They are now working on a chemistry of food text,which they hope will be as unique in its way as theother publications. In order to make it so, much oftheir research is being undertaken to round out certaintopics for the book. Among these, perhaps the one ofmost general interest is concerned with the chemicalcomposition of cooked food as compared with the rawproduct. Thus the sulphur dioxide content of driedfruit, the calcium, iron, copper, and other mineral (alsovitamin "C") content of vegetables is being determined.In the April article on the Psychology DepartmentI mentioned the University Co-Operative NurserySchool together with its director, Helen Koch, whoseofficial title is Associate Professor of Child Psychologyin the Department of Home Economics. Among theexperimental investigations going forward under herdirection are those concerned with the modification ofunsocialness in young children and the analysis of personality traits by factor methods.The unique feature of the Nursery School is itscooperative organization. The mothers of the childrendevote three hours a week to the School, acting in thecapacity of assistant to the teachers. Special lecturesand library facilities are provided for the parents. Students interested in teaching young children also doapprentice work there.Dr. Koch has among her extra-university responsibilities the presidency of the Chicago PsychologicalClub, the vice-presidency of the Chicago Association forChild Study and Parent Education; and the secretary-treasuryship of the Illinois Society of Consulting Psychologists. She is a charter member of the NationalSociety for Research and Child Development, a fellow inthe American Association for the Advancement of wSci-ence, a member of the American Psychological Association, and the author of several monographs.For the sake of biography, I might add that she(Continued on page 26)THE CAMPUS DISSENTER•By SAM HAIR, '35CONVOCATION time is here. And at just thistime the alumni are coming back to the Midway. The seniors go out; the alumni come in.Two dreams simultaneously are realized: the dream ofgraduation and the dream of going back to school.There are a lot of things you alumni ought to wantto find out about. Perhaps we can give you some newslants on things. Perhaps we can brush up your literary backgrounds. Perhaps we can tell you in moreliterate terms just what is wrong with the country. Or,grander yet, perhaps we can show you what this worldof ours is coming to. We are pretty sure ourselves.Perhaps you, too, would like to know.Perhaps you can learn just as much or more justby hanging around watching us, watching the way we dothings, the way we get all the answers out of books andfrom the men who wrote the books. We have a lotof things all figured out. We sweat over obscure platitudes, it is true, but no longer do we think the world iswaiting for us with open arms. The dream of graduation is fulfilled, to be sure. But we know that it isjust one dream among perhaps a thousand others, forthe undergraduates live in a series of dreams. Theylive and think in lovely extended pipe-dreams which theyare coming to realize can never be fulfilled. Undergraduates are ambitious. They can see ahead the objectives which, when reached, can satisfy their ambitions.They may try to track them down, for years perhaps,finally to lose sight of them entirely, or to catch upwith them and clutch and grasp at them only to havethem go like clouds through their fingers. We knowthat to be a very possible ending. The senior can writeup for himself, from his earliest years, a poem of fulfillment, of power, of achievement which might materialize when he gets the chance to apply this vast and variedknowledge which he has so avidly sought here at theUniversity. But not all seniors imagine the realizationof these good and beautiful fantasies to be possible. Notall seniors think every human being to be perfectlycapable of ridding himself of all but generous andthoughtful feelings with regard to talented June graduates. No, the seniors are too well-warned.The Reunion, the coming of the alumni, has servedto liven up during these last days of the last quarter acampus which to now has been remarkable passive.What has happened this year? Not much. This schoolyear has been one of uninspired routine with the occasional sparks of certain inevitable events casting glimmers of hope for an outstanding year into the gloomyshadows of what has turned out to be three full quarters of emptiness. The arrogant class of '35, that tried-and-true unconventional gang, takes great pride in itselfbecause it put across the only Midway Fandango, contributing therefrom the most munificent of all seniorclass gifts; that class, too, handled the student anti-Walgreen campaign. The class of '36 is not to be panned precisely for what did not occur. Rather forwhat did occur and for what did not come of it.The publications have for the most part, editorially,been inferior. The Daily Maroon has been capablyturned out by Ralph Nicholson, but almost half of itsspace was filled with rehashes of United Press despatches. Comment magazine shuffled along. The Phoenix failed. The athletic year saw Berwanger flare andgo. The year on the stage was unimpressive ; the Black-friars show was damned with faint praise.Probably fortunately for the aforementioned Comment and Phoenix, a big and new editorial venture tostart in the fall was lately announced in the Maroon.It will reconcile that which is humorous and that whichis literary, including a lot of both between its covers.Drawing from undergraduate talent in both lines, thisnew magazine will seek to improve over what has gonebefore in funny Phoenix and literary Comment. It isthe job of the editor to pick and to choose, to achievea synthesis of the ridiculous and the serious in their extremes, for extreme each is likely to be. Offhand, anyobserver would say that the editor is heartily welcometo such a task. The one surprising aspect of the wholeidea is that it might even prove to be successful. Itmight be successful because the campus, in matters artistic, is not as adolescent as it once was; in matters ofhumor it is slightly less feeble and less contented withthe smutty; and the undergraduate reading group willno longer allow the usual exhibitions of shoddy humorto pass unscathed. Fortunately, they no longer possesssufficient sense of humor to feel tickled at the sight ofunaesthetic, uncalled-for pieces of pornography sneakedpast the Dean's Office. No longer will the humor predominate which is written by the smarty who raises hishat to himself, and who at any moment is capable ofsaying that he must confess that he finds no one savehimself invariably funny. Comment magazine has doneits chore. It was "The University Literary and CriticalMagazine." Now, whatever it may have stood for anddone, and whatever literary tradition it may in somesmall way have established, now it may either be ignoredor perpetuated in the new Phoenix. Sidney Hyman willbe editor of this Phoenix next year.The women on campus have tended to their knittingthis year, with slight interruptions. Everyone likes theirclubs (sororities) in which kindred feminine spirits alignthemselves. There should really be no cause for wonder about the clubs. It is all very simple : the clubs areformed by groups of girls who wish to protect themselves from their friends by building up a sort of collective immunity to criticism of their individual members. The club is a social shock-absorber. The cryof the coed is "Save me from my friends." Is is necessary to prove that the form of crucifixion from whichthey desire salvation exists? A man may turn and snarl(Continued on page 26)15IN MY OPINIONBy FRED B. MILLETT, PhD'31, Associate Professor of EnglishTHOUGH the charm of London is one of the firstrefuges of the perplexed essayist, no one who feelsthat charm can fail to ask himself why this, cityarouses a warmth of affection such as no other citywithin one's experience evokes. The sources of thisfeeling, as of most pleasurable emotions, may prove indefinable, but, as the lover cannot desist from giving reasons for his idolatry, so the devotee of London feelsdriven to search the nooks and crannies of his heart formotivation.Probably the most obvious of the reasons for one'sattachment to London is the inexhaustible, if somewhatoverwhelming, richness of its historical and literary associations. It is not merely when one is treading gingerly the tombstones in the Abbey that one feels thatghosts are about. Among the redolent breweries ofSouthwark, Shakspere strolls unheeded and unheeding.In every square, now mistily fresh with new leaves andcheerful flowers, the elegant wraiths of noblemen andpoets perambulate. One square is peopled by the Napoleonic rakes and beaux of Thackeray's Vanity Fair;the next is shadowed by the dwellings of the third andfourth Earls of Chesterfield. Not far away abides thereigning muse of Bloomsbury, Virginia Woolf, andnearer at hand, T. S. Eliot, whom the Telephone Directory designates MA. and D.Litt., descends upon hispublisher's modest offices.London is not merely a city; it is a museum, preserving more or less imperfectly relics of all its history.The bony hand of the past moves stiffly over it ; life anddeath are ever at odds here; the grubbiest relic, oncethreatened, will find defenders. Thus the suggestion thatthe least attractive of the squares in Bloomsbury shouldgive way to the new buildings of the University of London stirs even Aldous Huxley to epistolary wrath.Finally one comes to feel that he is living in a modernTroy, and that each of its buried cities is clamoring tobe saved. On the whole, one's sympathies go out tothose who would dull the edge of Time's bending sickle.Current standards of restoration are far higher than thoseof the nineteenth-century Goths who with the best ofmotives wrought irreparable damage. And one cannotsummon too lively an enthusiasm for the building nowgoing on conspicuously in all parts of London. It isnot merely the frankly machine-made "villas" along thegreat auto-roads out of London that threaten England'sbeauty; the epidemic of flat-building that is raging inthe most exclusive residential districts is having verysorry results. The most disturbing of these arise fromthe British attempt to utilize German notions of modernistic architecture. The monstrosities that are replacing the suave elegancies of Mayfair and Belgravia arefar less admirable than the huge blocks of flats beingbuilt for modest rental by the London County Councilin the drab Victorian areas of Streatham and Clapham.Obviously the problem of what is to be saved and whatis to be bujlt is not a simple one, but one can but regret Fred B. Milletthat the Adel-phi, the handiest monument to thetaste of thebrothers Adam, must giveway to such abanality as theShell - MexBuilding, i t snear neighboron the Embankment.The antiquarian a 1 -lurements o fLondon areinfinite, butthey hardlyaccount for allthe warmthof the emotional aura around the city. Not a little ofthat warmth springs, I feel sure, from the unfailing friendliness of the inhabitants of this historical museum. Americans, despite their essential amiability, are far morelikely than the English to be unfeeling and churlish incasual contacts. Something of the English friendlinesscomes, I fancy, from ingrained class-consciousness. Ouryoung radicals would have us believe that class-consciousness ought to produce animosities and antagonisms ; it isquite as likely to produce good manners and friendliness.For each class comes to feel that consideration andamiability are due, not merely to inferiors, but to thoseof higher position. When one is sure of one's socialposition, there is no need of demonstrating by bad manners, as we frequently do in America, that we are everybit as good as the next person and, if anything, a littlebit better.Certainly not the least of the delights of London isthe opportunity it affords for the leisurely reading ofa couple of English newspapers after a beautifully amplebreakfast. Since the English press is much more clearlystratified socially and politically than the American pressit is much easier to find one's way about and to estimate the success with which a particular journal isachieving its objective. English newspapers, one reluctantly admits, are good in proportion as they are not"American." In other words, the better the paper, thesmaller the headlines, the less conspicuous the advertisements, the fuller the parliamentary reports, and thegreater the respect for the privacy of persons in the news.English law makes it possible to veil the identity ofminor figures, if not of principals in law-suits, and theprinting of photographs without permission is still . apunishable offense. But even the Times gives columns'16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17of space daily to an almost verbatim account of livelycourt-room proceedings, and the inferior press is quiteas sensational as its American rivals. It is the inferiorpress that sounds most loudly such a pukka sahib noteas rings through the dispatch entitled, How the ItaliansWill Enter Addis Ababa: "The first building of importance that the Italians will pass is the British Legation.It will be the first sight of civilisation that many of theItalians will have had since the beginning of the war.Outside, the Sikh guards will stand motionless as theinvading column rumbles by over the stones."Even more conspicuously than the New York Timestowers over all other American newspapers, the LondonTimes maintains a position of imperial superiority. Atfirst, its make-up seems as topsy-turvy as that of a newspaper in Alice's Wonderland. What seems strangest isthe devotion of the best space, the front page, to noticesof births, marriages, and deaths, the agony column, andsmall advertisements. The next half dozen pages offerelaborate accounts of all the sports in the calendar, lawsuits, and parliamentary debates. The first news ofnational or imperial importance is carefully concealedin the heart of the paper. But the make-up, howevergrotesque, is at least constant, and one soon learns toturn directly to the significant news of the world. Theprestige of the Times is so great that it is no wonderthat writing letters to it is a national habit, or that, fromthese letters alone, the history of the English spirit mightbe reconstructed. In the past month, for instance, themost noble peers of the realm have not disdained to discuss the fate of the League of Nations and the rape ofAbyssinia in its columns, but even more characteristic,perhaps, are the interminable series of letters on the reasons for cuffs on trousers, the superstitions connectedwith parsley, and the antiquity of the British rabbit.The Times, one ends by thinking, achieves almost perfectly its apparent intention of printing an official recordof all the news that it regards as consequential. At itsworst, its notion of the consequential is that of a dowager; a column and a half of fine print listing the wedding gifts received by the grand-daughter of the Earlof Derby seem a little excessive in a society in which theDistressed (euphemistically called the Special) Areasseem devoted to the preservation of human misery. Andthe Times' essential imperial outlook accounts, I suppose, for the irksome fact that news from America istreated as though it came from the most benighted andinsignificant of the Crown Colonies. Nor is the least of the delights of London the liveliness of its theatrical activity. For a variety of reasonsthe London theater has not suffered so deeply as theNew York theater from the inroads of the depression.At the height of the social season thirty-seven theatersare offering a variety of entertainments. Of these, eightare musical comedies or revues ; of the legitimate dramas,Lady Precious Stream is in1 its second year, and T. S.Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral is about to end a runof twenty-eight weeks. The Old Vic company has beenseen recently in Shakspere's The Winter's Tale and KingLear, and now concludes its annual activities with Ibsen'sPeer Gynt, not only in a short version but in its entirety.But, despite these notable exceptions, and despite theapparent prosperity of the London theater, its currentofferings are, on the whole, aesthetically undistinguished.The only emergent dramatist of consequence would seemto be James Bridie, who surprises one by turning outto be, not Irish, but Scotch. He is represented this season by an adaptation, Storm in a Teacup, which is enriched by the presence of Sara Allgood, for so many yearsan adornment of the Abbey Theater, Dublin.When all is said, there is one thing of which onenever wearies in London — the notation of the innumerable respects in which it differs from an American city:the countless squares with neatly trimmed walks and gaybed of tulips and wallflowers, the imperial-scarlet post-boxes, the huge gold mace and jeweled sword borne before the Lord Mayor, the comic helmets of the fire department, the black bands on the scarlet sleeves of theChildren of the Chapel Royal, the chin-strapped navy-bluepolicemen, the cleanliness and efficiency of. the most modest postal stations, the ingenious complexities of theUnderground, the romantic destinations of buses(Hounslow Heath, Burnt Oak, Chalk Farm, The Elephant and Castle), the prehistoric standards of advertising typography and window-dressing, the singing beggars on the curb, the easy availability of bookstalls andmagazine kiosks, the daily polishing of brass knockersand sluicing of doorsteps, the juxtaposition of opera houseand vegetable market, the shining scales on which one'sTurkish cigarettes are weighed out daily, the men bearing on their heads trays of purple iris, tulips, and cowslips, inexpensive and abundant flowers that recall thewild primroses growing along the railway embankment,the troops of bluebells in Hyde Park, and the precisionof Shakspere's observation when he wrote of daffodils :That come before the swallow dares and takeThe winds of March with beauty.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By JOHN P. HOWE, '27TWO distinguished German classical scholars, Professor Werner W. Jaeger of Berlin and ProfessorKurt Latte of Gottingen, have been appointed tothe faculty of the University. Their appointments wereamong seven additions to the faculty announced by President Robert M. Hutchins following the May meeting ofthe University's Board of Trustees.Dr. Jaeger, a world famous Greek scholar, is at present senior professor of classical philology at the University of Berlin, which has been regarded by many as theleading center of classical studies. He is also Directorof the Institute for Classical Antiquity in Berlin. He isbest known for his presentation of a new view of thedevelopment of Aristotle's thought. Prof. Jaeger, whois forty-seven years old, will begin his tenure at Chicago in October, following his lecture at the HarvardTercentenary program in September. Chicago's greatGreek scholar, Dr. Paul Shorey, died two years ago.Professor Kurt Latte, until recently tenant of theprincipal chair in Latin at the University of Gottingen,has been appointed Visiting Professor of Latin, beginning October 1. He is regarded as one of the ablestyounger men now working in the field of classical studies,his interests ranging through Roman and Greek religion,Roman and Greek law, Roman political institutions andRoman historiography. Dr. Latte, who is forty-threeyears old, was an officer in the German army duringthe war.Dr. David Slight, clinical professor of psychiatry atMcGill University, Montreal, has been appointed Professor of Psychiatry at Chicago. He will head the workin the division of psychiatry in the University Clinics.Born in Edinburgh in 1899, Dr. Slight received theM. B. and C. H. B. degrees at the University of Edinburgh and served there as instructor in psychology.Eight years ago he became a fellow of the CanadianMental Hygiene Commission, under a Rockefeller scholarship. Later Dr. Slight organized and introduced thecourses in medical psychiatry at McGill.Three additions are made to the faculty of the University's Law School. Paul H. Cleveland, who has beenengaged in trial work for the New York firm of Milbank,Tweed, Hope and Webb since his graduation from Harvard in 1933, will teach courses in Evidence and Practice. James W. Moore, now instructor in the Yale LawSchool, will teach courses at the Midway in Pleadingand Procedure. Edward H. Levi, now Sterling fellow atYale, will work in the field of corporate reorganizationand teach methods and materials of legal research.Mr. Moore and Mr. Levi received their law degrees atthe University of Chicago, where they were outstandingstudents. Mr. Moore graduated at the top of his classat the Midway in 1933 and served as editor of the University of Chicago Law Review. He won the J. S. D.degree at Yale last year, and has been working with DeanCharles E. Clark of Yale on the proposed revision of procedure in the federal courts. Mr. Levi, who is the sonof Rabbi Gerson Levi of Chicago, took the J. D. atChicago in 1935. At Yale he has been working withDean Clark and with Prof. James O. Douglas.Messrs. Cleveland, Moore and Levi will become assistant professors at Chicago October 1. They will takeover the work of the late Professor Edward W. Hintonand of Professor William Eagleton, who is resigning tojoin his father, Judge L. O. Eagleton, in private practicein Peoria. Professor Richard B. Campbell of theUniversity of Wisconsin will be visiting associate professor of law at Chicago during the first six months of1937.The seventh appointment was that of Dr. Paul B.Jacobson, now director of secondary education, Hibbing,Minnesota, who will become principal of University HighSchool, assistant dean of the College and assistant professor of education on September 1. Dr. Jacobson succeeds Dr. Arthur K. Loomis, who has been appointedsuperintendent of schools at Shaker Heights, Ohio. Thenew principal, who is thirty-four, is a graduate of theUniversity of Iowa and has served as head of the junior-senior high school at Austin, Minnesota, and as directorof the junior and senior high schools and of the juniorcollege at Hibbing. He will teach at Syracuse Universityduring the summer.Two special appointments made earlier this year werethose of Professors Scott Buchanan and StringfellowBarr of the University of Virginia, as visiting professorsin the Humanities division, to engage in a researchproject under a special fund, beginning July 1st. Earlierthis year the University appointed, among others, Professor James Rippy of Duke University, outstanding historian of Hispanic-America, and Professor E. M. K.Geiling of Johns Hopkins University, exceptionally ablepharmacologist. Dr. Rippy comes to the Midway inthe autumn.Dr. James R. Blaney, professor and head of the department, and director of the Dental Infirmary of theUniversity of Illinois, has recently been appointed Professor of Dental Surgery and director of the ZollerDental Clinic of the University of Chicago. This is thefirst appointment under the Walter G. Zoller MemorialFund, which now amounts to approximately $2,900,000,and which enables the University to engage in researchand clinical work in dentistry. At the June meeting ofthe Board of Trustees Dr. Sigmund F. Bradel becamethe second appointment under the fund, as assistant professor of dentistry. At the same meeting R. Clyde White,now Professor of Sociology and Director of the Bureauof Social Research at Indiana University was appointedProfessor in the School of Social Service Administrationof the University of Chicago and James C. Babcock ofthe University of Iowa was appointed assistant professorof Romance languages in the College.18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19FOR THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTEAn appropriation of $3,354,722.46 has been made bythe Rockefeller Foundation and the General EducationBoard to the University of Chicago for the general purposes of the Oriental Institute.Of the sum given by the two foundations $1,354,722.46represents an unexpended balance of a ten-year grantmade by them in 1928 to finance the Institute's expeditions in the Near East for a ten-year period which is nowdrawing to a close. The other $2,000,000 is new money,which may be used for such purposes as the Instituteand the University may determine.Founded in 1919 by the late Professor James H.Breasted with Rockefeller funds, the Oriental Institutebecame the first laboratory ever established for the studyof the rise of civilization. Over a period of seventeenyears its activities have included a series of coordinatedfield expeditions in the Near East, and research projectscarried on at its Chicago headquarters.The Institute's research program calls for the gradualwithdrawal of its field expeditions and the consolidationof the researches and activities carried on at its Chicagoheadquarters. Particular emphasis will be given to itspublication program, based largely on the work of thefield expeditions, which is one of the most extensive everundertaken in the field of humanistic research.The appropriation by the Rockefeller Boards is butone of several these two foundations have made to theInstitute. In December, 1928, the boards recognized thepermanent value of the research program of the Instituteby appropriating funds for the construction of the Oriental Institute building, and for the endowment of teachingand research, as well as making the grant to support theexpeditions.GOD AND CHICAGOControlling in ever-increasing measure its own destinyon earth, mankind is challenged by constantly growingopportunity to work as a partner with the God of theUniverse.That was the theme of Professor Arthur H. Compton,University physicist and Nobel Prize winner who servedas preacher at the Sunday service in the UniversityChapel May 24th. Not by turning back from science,technology or a "mechanized world," but by using themwisely, mankind becomes the partner of God, the distinguished physicist said.Though it is possible that there are or will be otherplanets with high types of life, "there is reason to believethat we may occupy at present the highest position in theuniverse with respect to intelligent life," Dr. Comptonsaid. "Does it seem then too bold to assume that theintelligent Creator, whose existence seems by far the mostreasonable basis for accounting for our world, shouldtake an active interest in the welfare of the perhapsuniquely intelligent beings he has created on our earth?"The remarkable course of evolution, leading as it hasagainst tremendous odds to organisms with the modicumof intelligence that we possess, really seems to point inthat direction."Mankind thus far has progressed the hard way, forcedto adapt itself to the laws of nature or perish. "It would be hard to imagine a process for achieving adaptation toenvironment that would be more certainly effective thanthe one we now see working in nature," Dr. Comptonsaid."With regard to our distinctively human characteristics we are, however, clearly in the early stages of evolution. In such attributes as clarity of reason, appreciation of beauty, or consideration of our fellows, our remote descendants may be expected to excel us as greatlyas we are in advance of the Java ape-man."Is nature friendly to us ? Assuredly, if we will learnher laws and adapt our lives accordingly. If we do not,she becomes our merciless enemy. Such is the stern yetkindly dictum which science has to offer."Here is the point of first importance. We find thatwe are able to adapt our environment to our needs. Infact, we are masters ofthe plant and animal lifeon the earth, and havein our hands the meansof controlling to a largeextent even the directionof our own evolution.Up to the dawn of socialconscience, which Mr.Breasted placed at aboutfour thousand years ago,God held in His ownhands the whole responsibility for evolution oflife upon this planet.Gradually this responsibility is being shifted toour shoulders. As science advances, it seemsinevitable that this transfer of authority will approach completeness."Considering the many obvious errors that we arcmaking we may be thankful that we do not yet havecomplete control. Yet who can fail to respond to theopportunity and challenge that are before us of workingwith the God of the Universe in carrying through thefinal stages of making this a suitable world and ourselvesa suitable race for what is perhaps the supreme positionof intelligent life in His world ?"If men are to reach a satisfying life as masters ofmachines, it cannot be by fighting against 'a brave newworld.' Those who are part of the mechanized worldmust adapt themselves to it or perish. It is toward themechanized communities that we must look to find themost rapid adaptation of our thought and custom."The educational institutions in our mechanized Chi-cagos are those toward which men look for leadership inthe changing world. A surprisingly large share of theresponsibility for carrying through a major program ofthe God of the Universe rests upon the shoulders of thosepresent in this audience."If indeed the creation of intelligent persons is a majorobjective of the Creator of the Universe, and if, as wehave reason to surmise, mankind is now in his highestdevelopment in this direction, the opportunity and responsibility of working as God's partners in His greattask are almost overwhelming. What nobler ambitionArthur H. Compton"A partner with God"20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcan one have than to cooperate with his Maker in bringing about a better world?"SEVEN ELEMENTS OF MINDSeven prime elements of intelligence, which combineto make up an individual's mental capacity, have beenidentified after four years of research at the Universityby Professor Louis L. Thurstone, authority on mentaltests. The work may lead to great advances in the technique of advising young people on their choice ofvocation.The seven "dimensions" of intellect, each of themseparately measurable, which have been isolated by Dr.Thurstone are named by him: (1) number facility; (2)word fluency; (3) visualizing ability ; (4) memory; (5)perceptual speed; (6) induction; (7) verbal reasoning.Others may be identified in further work, but probablynot many, Dr. Thurstone has reported tothe American Councilon. Education.Colleagues say thatDr. Thurstone's newconception of intelligence, and tests basedon it, may eventuallyoutmode "IQ," "mental age" and othergeneral intelligencetests.Two hundred andforty University students volunteered fifteen hours of work intaking fifty-six psychological tests in order to provide Dr.Thurstone with material. Results were analyzed as a statistical problemin nine dimensions, and the seven primary elements werefound to "isolate out." The elaborate mathematicaltreatment is described in Dr. Thurstone's latest book,The Vectors of Mind.Pointing out that it is possible to represent an individual's "mental profile" graphically in terms of the sevenprimary factors, Dr. Thurstone says :"In vocational and educational guidance the mentalprofiles will play an important role. Children may bedivided into separate groups in accordance with theirmental profiles and taught to read, for example, by methods that are appropriate to their respective imagerytypes. An engineering student who is relatively deficientin visualizing will be warned beforehand of his difficultywith descriptive geometry. The medical student who isrelatively low in memory will know beforehand that hewill have to give special effort to learning anatomy. Unsuspected talent might be discovered by rating people oneach primary element of intelligence."Discussing the seven intelligence factors he has thusfar isolated Dr. Thurstone says :Louis L. ThurstoneSeven elements he finds "One of the most conspicuous primary abilities thatappeared in these experiments was number facility. Thisis present in the highest amount in simple numericalspeed tests. Its appearance as a primary factor is notsurprising in view of the common observation that manyotherwise intelligent individuals seem to have a mentalblind spot in dealing with numbers."Another primary ability conspicuous in these experiments was word fluency. This is prominent in thosetests in which the subject is asked to supply words ingiven context, such an anagrams. All of the tests thatsignify this ability are limited to the recall of words, andnone involve sustained verbal reasoning. Discovery ofthis factor raises the interesting possibility that someforms of aphasia involve this mental primary."Material in the experiments was adequate for theisolation of a primary ability of visualizing. As far ascan be determined this factor includes the visualizing ofsolid objects as well as flat space. There seems to beexperimental evidence for describing some people asvisually minded."A distinct memory factor was revealed. The conclusion seems warranted that memory is distinct fromother mental abilities, and that a person can be describedas having a good memory in general without specification as to what he can remember well. Again, theseexperimental findings agree with the common observation that people of superior intellect sometimes reveal¦surprisingly poor memory' and that people who are endowed with this ability are not always regarded asequally superior in other mental powers."Another of the seven primary abilities has been calledperceptual speed. It is prominent in those tests in whichthe subject is asked to identify something quickly whenit is mixed with other perceptual material. This is theability that enables some people to scan a page of namesor numbers to find a particular item quickly while othersmust examine each item separately."Perhaps the most interesting of the primary abilitiesthat have appeared in these experiments is one that hasbeen named induction. It is involved in several tasks inwhich the subject must discover some principle or rulethat governs the material. This is an unexpected differentiation in reasoning abilities since it indicates thatsome people may be superior in deductive thinking without being superior in inductive thinking. Further experimentation with tests for this factor should revealwhether originality and inventiveness are involved."The seventh primary ability has been called verbalreasoning, though it might be called verbal relations ordeduction. It is exemplified by tests of verbal analogiesand tests in which the subject is asked to match proverbsor quotations which have the same meaning or makenumerical estimates which require deductive reasoning.It is of psychological interest that it separates out fromthe word-fluency factor, which means that the experiments have demonstrated at least two distinct verbalabilities."Dr. Thurstone is chief examiner of the University, andeditor of intelligence tests for the American Council onEducation. His wife, Dr. Thelma Gwinn Thurstone, ishis collaborator.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21The Thurstone work bears potentially on one of thefundamental problems of education — to what extent primary abilities are native and to what extent they can betrained. Also, it is pointed out, it will be of great socialinterest to ascertain which abilities are determined byinheritance.THE AMERICAN LANGUAGEProof sheets for the first section of the monumentalDictionary of American English, in preparation at theUniversity, reveal that Americans have taken manyliberties with the King's English, particularly with suchwords as "all," "along" and "around."The dictionary, now ten years in the making underthe direction of Sir William Craigie, famous lexicographer, traces the histories of words distinctivelyAmerican in invention or usage. The first section, containing one hundred and twenty-eight pages and including American words from A through Ba, will be published by the University of Chicago Press next month.Since the English language made its first journeyacross the Atlantic in 1607 Americans have made freewith the word "all" in many phrases of local origin. Theexpression "all of," meaning "as muchas," is an Americanism which the dictionary makers have traced back to f1829. First published use of the expression, according to the proof, occurs in Sand's Writings, in the sentence, "They actually appoint a subcommittee, consisting of Miss Cross, ^A |^^^who was all of six feet high." \ ¦ *,The phrase "all sorts of," meaning I ^L. ':"':¦"of a comprehensive character," is an ^^^"^"^^^^Americanism dated back to 1841. "All Sir Williamover," meaning "throughout," is firstfound in 1834. "All-around," meaning "good for allpurposes," is noted in 1883, in Harper's Magazine, although it is found in 1856 in the meaning of "on allsides." "All the way from to ," denotinglimits, goes back to 1878. "For all of me," meaning "asmuch as I care," is noted in 1854."Ail-aboard," as the call of a conductor, is an Americanism which has been traced back to 1837. Also ofAmerican origin and usage are many expressions suchas "all outdoors," "all-fired."As for the word "along," Americans used this also inways that would once have disturbed a delicate Britishear. "Right along," meaning "continuously," is anAmericanism which has been dated back to 1856. Thatwidely used expression, "to get along," meaning "tomanage, particularly under difficulty," is American, andis dated in the dictionary in 1830.Used alone to mean "in company with others," as inthe phrase "I was not along," the expression is anAmericanism which has been dated back to 1773. "Alongback," meaning "some time in the recent past," is anAmericanism.Americans found many uses for the word "around,"according to the dictionary. In such contexts as the following the word is used in a distinctively American way :"traveling around from town to town" (meaning "here and there at random") ; "persons will do well to callaround" ; "the apples and nuts are just enough to goaround" ; "he is now able to be around, but has not yetfully recovered"; "to come around" (meaning to revive) ; "to hang around" (meaning to loiter about) ; and"he was born around three o'clock," meaning "sometime near."The dictionary will be published in twenty to twenty-five sections over a period of five years. Half a millionquotations from some three thousand American sources,have been gathered to illustrate the American meanings.The word "ahead," when used as an adverb meaning"forward" in respect of action, usually in the phrase "goahead," is distinctively American, dated back to 1833.It is also American when used to mean "in advance ofanother with respect to progress." Its first usage in thisway is found in Neal's "Brother Jonathan," in 1825, inthe sentence, "I was working, all the time, to get aheadof Edith."ABOUT SOME FACULTY WIVESWorking at their husbands' sides in laboratories,libraries and research expeditions, wives of many University professors are serving without salary as volunteer associates in the advancement of knowledge.Conspicuous among the examples of this researchpartnership on the Midway are Mrs. Elizabeth M. Koch,wife of Professor Fred C. Koch, chairman of the department of physiological chemistry, and Mrs. Lucy GravesTaliaferro, wife of Professor William H. Taliaferro, deanof the biological sciences division and chairman of thedepartment of hygiene and bacteriology. Both women doa full day's work in the laboratory. Both hold the Doctorof Philosophy degree in science ; both in fact, won theirdegrees as students under their husbands, and theirromances began in the laboratory.The Kochs are nationally known authorities onhormones and vitamines. Dr. Fred Koch is credited withthe first preparation of the male sex hormone in crudeform. Dr. Elizabeth Koch specializes in vitamines ; recently she and her husband have demonstrated that thereare at least three sources of potent vitamine D, and probably more, and that they work in different ways in various animals. Since their marriage in 1922 the Kochshave published a number of research reports under theirjoint signatures.The Taliaferros specialize in parasitology, and in recent years have concentrated on malaria, both in laboratory research and in research expeditions in the tropics.They have worked together since their marriage, at JohnsHopkins University from 1919 to 1924 and at Chicagosince then ; most of their recent reports have been jointlysigned. Last year Dean Taliaferro was awarded theChalmers Medal of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, which is granted once every two yearsto a scientist under 45 who has "contributed signally" toresearch in tropical medicine.Dr. Robert S. Platt of the University's geographydepartment and his wife returned recently from a research expedition to South America on which theystudied "patterns of land occupancy." Part of their workconsisted of twenty thousand miles of airplane travel, onwhich Mrs. Platt kept the "traverse record," a detailed22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEaccount of the changing patterns, Dr. Platt being engagedconstantly in photography. In ground studies Mrs.Platt served as "diplomat" with native tribes, as generalinterpreter and research assistant. This was the fourthexpedition to Latin America in which Mrs. Platt accompanied her husband as aide.Widely known in medicine are Dr. George F. Dick,chairman of the University's department of medicine,and his wife Dr. Gladys Dick. Together they developedthe Dick test for scarlet fever, and a scarlet fever vaccineand serum. Mrs. Dick works not at the Midway, however, but at the McCormick Institute for Infectious Diseases.Another research partnership that resulted from a"laboratory romance" is that of Dr. Louis L. Thurstone,professor of psychology and chief examiner of the University, and his wife, who is also a Ph. D. in psychology.They work together on statistical problems in psychology.Dr. Henry N. Wieman, professor of Christian theology,in the Divinity School, and his wife, Dr. Regina West-cott- Wieman, have recently published a joint volume entitled, The Normative Psychology of Religion.The wedding-trip of Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole, chairmanof the anthropology department, in 1906, was a researchexpedition to the hinterlands of the Philippines, whereMrs. Cole, trained in psychology, aided with ethnologicalstudies among native women which would have beenimpossible for a man. The Coles spent six years, at various times, in research in the Philippines and the Malaypeninsula. Mrs. Cole recently published a popularvolume on their work entitled, Savage Gentlemen. Mrs.Robert Redfield, wife of Dr. Robert Redfield, professorof anthropology and dean of the social sciences division,lived the Mexican peasants' life with her husband whilehe was on an expedition which led to his notable book,Tepotzlan. Mrs. Redfield recorded the native folk-loreon that and later expeditions.Instances of less formal husband-and-wife cooperationin research, as in the preparation of manuscripts, aremanifold. Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed, wife of the chairman of the department of New Testament and EarlyChristian literature, learned Greek so that she might aidher husband in an extensive program of collation heundertook. Typical are the words of Professor John U.Nef, of the economics department, in the preface to histwo-volume work, The Rise of the British Coal Industry:"My greatest debt is to my wife. She has done partof the research, has found most of the illustrations, andhas helped me in all manner of ways. But for her unflagging support, interest and sympathy this book wouldnever have been completed."JOBS FOR JUNE GRADUATESWith more employment opportunities offered them atany time since the depression, seniors of the University were almost as occupied with interviews with prospectiveemployers than they were with the vital final examinations that face them this month.According to Assistant Professor Robert C. Woellner,executive secretary of the University's Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement, and John C. Kennan,placement counselor, this year's graduating class faces nojobless world. Miss Helen Landon, placement counselorfor women, likewise has found a distinct improvement inemployment opportunities for women.More large industrial organizations have sent representatives to the Midway to interview seniors this springthan at any time since 1929, and their quota of jobs islarger. Many firms which have not sent personnel representatives to colleges in seven years are again seekingcollege trained men."The employment prospects of the college man thisyear are better than they have been since the depression," Mr. Woellner says. "Large companies are thinking not only of the immediate needs, but of the futureand the development of executives. Their standards arehigher, now that they are again taking on men, becausethey are thinking of permanent additions to their organizations and want men who will develop."Not only are there more jobs, but the salaries beingoffered by the large companies are higher than last year,averaging about $110 a month as compared to $94 lastyear.A new competitor for graduates this year is the government, which is seeking promising men for some of itsagencies. More graduates are interested in governmentwork than in recent years.The largest number of opportunities offered are insales work, but many of these positions will lead to othertypes of positions in the organizations taking the seniors.Accounting is another type of work in which many graduates are being offered employment, and seniors withstatistical training also have numerous opportunities.Industries also are interested in chemists and physicists.Most of the opportunities for women, other thanteaching, are secretarial and clerical. Women with training in home economics are in demand for a variety ofpositions. Various department stores also are seekingcollege women for training as buyers.The leading factor in selection, according to Mr. Ken-nan, is personality and presence, with scholastic attainment ranking second, and extra-curricular activities being the third most important element.Graduate students receiving higher degrees for teaching purposes are finding better opportunities. There aremore vacancies in teaching positions, and a large numberof higher salaried offices, such as superintendencies, available. Inexperienced teachers are still at a disadvantage,but their situation is much improved over that of 1933.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBEHIND HULL GATE: Robert R. Bensley ( Continued from Page 10) 23have a portrait painted and presented to the University.Notwithstanding the depression his former students subscribed the needed amount twice over, and the Portraitby Giesbert is hung in the great lecture room of theSchool of Medicine. While his name will always beknown among those of the great biologists whose workhas made the University of Chicago respected, those ofus whose good fortune it is to live and work with himfeel an added satisfaction in knowing that future studentsof histology in Chicago will not only know his work butwill also have some representation of a great and belovedpersonality.One of Dr. Bensley's junior colleagues (Knisely) isnow engaged under his stimulation and supervision instudies in which light and microscopic objectives areplaced in such relation to living tissues as to permitstudying their activities under high magnification. Another (Hoerr) is continuing work by the freezing- dryingmethod in which preparations are made with less disturbance of cell contents and especially of chemical constituents than has been possible heretofore. Both methods are capable of wide application and have alreadythrown much light on the way in which vital activitiesfulfill themselves in various bodily organs. By improvedmethods of micro-photography worked out with the aidof his son, he is able to secure clear pictures with enormous magnification — even up to 30,000 diameters, and soto come closer to actual cooperation with physical chemistry in the study of the way in which the amazing potentialities inherent in living cells are realized. Some ofthese potentialities are evident in the fact that one germcell carries in it all the ways in which a boy may resemblehis father in body or in mind.Dr. Bensley is now engaged in separating by methodsof his own devising various cell organs, isolating themand studying their chemical composition in differentstates of their activity. His papers on the Structure ofNuclei and on the Chemical Basis of Cell Organization,and on the Properties of Mitochondria (with Hoerr) present some of the first fruits of this study. Such workcould be done only by a man who is at once a master ofhistology and a master of biochemistry.Because the work on which he is now engaged maywell exceed in significance and importance any that hehas already done, it is too soon to say by what he will bechiefly or most enduringly known among the world'sstudents in his field. Certainly he will be known as onewho saw most clearly the nature of the chemical-biological activities of cell organs. He will be known as onewho has pushed farthest in his time into that importantmysterious realm between the farthest reach of the microscope and the beginning of molecular chemistry — aregion in which must be sought understanding of mostvital processes. Students in general will appreciate thekeen mind ranging over wide fields and interspaces,they will appreciate his study of living cells and the methods by which fixed preparations of cell organs are madein successive phases of their activity without diffusion oftheir constituent chemical substance. They will appreciate the rigorous control of experiment and the insistence on absolute accuracy in drawings and reports. Hiswork will endure and through it they will know him.But those who have lived and worked with Bensleycherish the personality of the man. They appreciate thehospitality of his home, his skill with piano and violin andeven more the unfailing sympathy with aspiration, theencouragement of any spark of investigative genius, andthe unstinted generosity with which he gives himself, hisenergy, time and thought to any and all who do researchin his department. Informal seminars in "the chief's"room have always characterized investigations in Anatomy. Work so encouraged, so assisted, so directed, haslead to many contributions which do not carry Bensley'sname, but which are informed throughout with the influence of his thought. They bear the name only of thestudent or junior colleague whose visions and aspirationswill always be to "the chief" the most precious trust confided to his care.COLLEGE ELECTIONPresident — Arthur C. Cody, '24Second Vice-President — Geraldine Brown Gilkey, 'I IExecutive CommitteeJ. Milton Coulter, ' 1 8 William C. Gorgas, ' 1 9Delegates to the Alumni CouncilJosephine T. Allin, '99 Frances Henderson Higgins, '20Frank McNair, '03 Arthur C. Cody, '24Herbert Markham, '05 J. Kenneth Laird, '25ATHLETICSScores of the MonthBaseballChicago, 2-1 . ; Iowa, 3-9Chicago, 9; Ohio State, 8 (10 ? innings)Chicago, 4; Indiana, 3 (10 innings)Chicago, 1; Illinois, 11Chicago, 6; Purdue, 1Chicago, 18 ; Waseda, 16Chicago, 5; Waseda, 10Chicago, 7; Alumni, 4Chicago, 13 ; Waseda, 3TennisChicago, 6; Ohio State, 0Chicago, 9; Notre Dame, 0Chicago, 4; Northwestern, 2TrackChicago, 63)4 ; Northwestern, 62%IT now appears that the championship won by thefencing team last March merited more than thescant mention it received in these pages. Viewedfrom the perspective of the end of the athletic year, thefencing championship looms up large and important asthe only title achieved by a Chicago team. There is reason to suspect that constant readers of this section ofthe Magazine, therefore, will write the year down as adismal failure and the more expertly informed willrise to inquire why more hulabaloo was not raised aboutthat undefeated chess team.Although the year's competition failed to producemany championships, it was not so bleak on the whole.In the spring season the record was rather creditable,with a record of 26 victories, 11 defeats, and 1 tie. Thetennis team, which did not lose a single dual meet, andwas tied once, contributed most to the average. Thetrack team likewise was unbeaten in its outdoor dualmeets, and it lost but once indoors. Despite the handicap of uncertain pitching, the baseball team made steadyprogress, and finished in sixth place in the Big Ten,with a record of 6 games won and 4 lost. It was interesting enough to attract some 2,000 spectators for itssecond game with Waseda, and even conceding the novelty of the opposition, credit must be given to Kyle Anderson and his players for that kind of a following.To keep this review in balance, however, the fortuitous circumstance that Chicago has had a numberof exceptional individuals sprinkled through its teamsmust be pointed out. Chicago's ratio of material tothat of the rest of the Big Ten is such that these especially talented athletes are necessary to keep Maroonteams among the contenders. Jay Berwanger, in football and track ; Bill Haarlow in basketball and baseball ;Ray Ellinwood in track; Charles Wilson in swimming;Campbell Wilson of the fencers, are the conspicuous • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22examples. Even a Berwanger can not produce a conference champion, nor can a phenomenal scorer such asHaarlow make enough goals to win a conference gameunaided, but they can make a team a threat and giveit the sparkle that makes for interest. Likewise, Ellinwood's great races have brought prestige to the trackteam. These athletes not only lift their teams out ofreputation for mediocrity but they also serve to lifttheir teammates up to a higher level of competitiveeffort and spirit. The Berwanger-Haarlow era came toan end when that pair received their "C" blankets atthe Sing, and their absence will be noticeable next year.They will not soon be replaced, but some of the othersports retain their stars and will keep the level reasonably satisfactory.The record of spring competition already cited isproof enough that all was fairly well, despite the factthat spring quarter brings the most strenuous academictussle of the year because of the long drawn out seriesof comprehensive examinations. There was real satisfaction in the play of the tennis team, led by NormanBickel who did not lose a match. The tennis squad lostits' conference team title by a margin of one point toNorthwestern, but Bickel brought the single championship back to the Midway and Bickel and Norbert Burgess also took the doubles title. Bickel is a decisiveplayer on the court, with an offensive style, and a willingness to drive sharply and finally. He had little realopposition in the Big Ten tournament, although BobNiehousen of Ohio State, the other finalist, carried himto 11-9 in the first set when Bickel eased up after blasting through the first three games. Bickel then went onto win 6-1. Bickel and Burgess raced through theirdoubles match with Russell Ball and Richard Rugg ofNorthwestern in two easy sets. Northwestern had chosento split up its best doubles combination to insure winning the second flight doubles, but the Maroon pairundoubtedly could have won convincingly against Russell and Charles Ball, regarded as the best Northwesterncombination. Herbert Mertz and John Shostrum bothlost their final matches, in the third and fourth bracketsingles respectively, and then were beaten again in thesecond bracket doubles, although Shostrum rallied toturn in a much better game than he had in the singles.Any one of these three matches, all against Northwesternmen, would have held the title for Chicago.Walter Hebert, the tennis coach who just finishedhis first season, will have an embarrassment of richesnext season. He not only retains Bickel and Burgess, aswell as Mertz and Shostrum, but he adds four exceptionally good freshmen. Two brothers, Bill and ChetMurphy, who were the first ranking junior doubles pairof Chicago, are very good right now and still comingalong. Bill scored something of an upset in the freshman tournament by beating Chester, 7-5, 6-4. Chesteris seeded sixth in the national juniors and Bill is rated24THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25eighteenth, but both players have been developing sofast that those rankings are deceptive. The present outlook is that Mertz and Shostrum will find difficultyretaining their places on the team.Had "Buss" Yedor, who won six Big Ten gameslast year, been in shape for the season, the ball teamwould have had a much better record. Yedor did notget started until the season was practically over, butthen he won a four-hit game against Purdue with amakeshift team behind him, several of the regulars being engaged in the examinations. Several individualsplayed competent baseball all the season, Bill Haarlow,Roy Soderlind, Dick Cochran, Bob Shipway, and FrenchWhite being the team's mainstays. Haarlow was asgood a fielding first baseman as there was in the conference, and he hit .357 for the season. His hitting andrelief pitching beat Ohio State, and the next day heagain went on the slab to save the Indiana game. Soderlind, left fielder, led the team in hitting with .474.Shipway, a fine catcher, hit .410, and got his hits whenthey were useful. He smashed two home runs in thefirst Waseda game, winning an uproarious struggle withtwo out in the ninth with a tremendous hit that scoreda man ahead of him. Shipway was fortune's stepchildthe next day, however, for Shozo Wakahara, the bestpitcher in Japan, and off whom Shipway had made histriumphant homer, came back and struck Shipway outfive times in a row. White was a remarkable fieldingshortstop, and if his hitting improves a little, he willbe talking business to big league scouts.The team loses by graduation Haarlow, Cochran,Yedor and Connor Laird, the latter a pitcher who wasless effective this year than last. Frank Vanek and"Lefty" Nessler of last year's reserves are expected toreturn next season. Howell McAfee, brother of theformer Michigan pitcher who is now in the big leagues,one of the most promising catchers Nelson Norgrencan recall, will come up from the_ freshmen. RobertReynolds, a right handed pitcher who was a star inhigh school, will be a winning pitcher in the Big Tenwith a little experience. Wendell Jones, another catcher ;Morry Bublick, a capable first baseman ; Robert Meyers,an infielder, and Harvey Pratt, outfielder with possibilities as a pitcher, will be other able recruits fromthe freshman squad.The track team showed better competitive spirit thanit has in years, and with Ellinwood doubling in thesprints, managed to edge in ahead of all its opposition,which did not include the upper flight of Big Ten teams.Ellinwood still goes his flying way, having yet to meetanyone who can make him open up. That time approaches, however, for Ellingwood is going to the Prince-tion invitational meet to face Eddie O'Brien of Syracuse, best of the eastern quarter milers, and JamesLuValle, the Coast star. In the National Collegiateto be held on Stagg Feld June 19 and 20, Ellinwoodwill race Archie Williams of California, said to be thegreatest runner at that distance the world has ever seen.Ellinwood also has to fight his way on to the Olympicteam, but he probably can do that. He won the BigTen outdoor as he pleased, in the slow time of 0:48.4; with no one caring to give him a fight. He started outin the relay trailing by about twenty-five yards, andbrought the team from last to fourth place, and withanother stride would have taken third. He was caughtby Director Metcalf in the phenomenal time of 0:45.8.All this was on top of his two races in the 440, qualifying and final, and two other races in the 220, in whichhe placed fourth. George Halcrow made a great finishin the 440 to win fourth, after seeming to be hopelesslybeaten on the backstretch. Halcrow's time was caughtas 0.49.All-around Berwanger and Ed Krause, sprinter, arethe only considerable loss to the track team by graduation. Ellinwood ; John Beal, high hurdler ; Nat Newman,low hurdler; Halcrow; David Gordon, high jumper;Matt Kobak, broad jumper; "Bud" Steele, pole vaulter;Richard Wasem, quarter miler; Jack Webster, 880 andmile; Dan Smith, two mile; Harold LaBelle, discus,remain for next year and most of them will be improved.There are no exceptional freshmen prospects, but therewill be some point winners added. Marshall Burch,who won the Indiana state meet 880 last year in 2 :00,is also a good 440 man, and may bolster the relay teamif basketball does not interfere too much. Bob Cassels,whose brother was an outstanding tackle several yearsago, has vaulted 12 feet, 3 inches. Morton Goodstein,better known as a football prospect, has possibilities asa shot putter, but has done little practicing. Anotherfootball man, Lewis Hamity, has worked steadily in theshot, adding three feet to his performance and is nowdoing 43 feet. Harvey Lawson, an all-around athletewho will be busy with football and perhaps baseball, isa fairly good hurdle and javelin prospect. John Bonni-well, a miler, is another possibility.At the Sing, the following group of athletes receivedtheir blankets : Thomas J. Barton, wrestling ; SheldonBernstein, swimming; Jay Berwanger, football andtrack; Miles Brousil, wrestling; Charles A. Butler,wrestling; Merritt Bush, football, swimming, and waterpolo; Richard Cochran, baseball; Ernest Dix, football;Emery Fair, gymnastics ; George Gelman, fencing ; MerleGiles, wrestling; William Haarlow, basketball and baseball; Norman Howard, wrestling; Donald J. Hughes,wrestling; Quintin Johnstone, track; Theodore M. Kolb,gymnastics; Edward R. Krause, track; Connor Laird,baseball; William J. Lang, basketball; Louis M. Marks,fencing; Ewald Nyquist, football; Robert Perretz, football; Gordon Petersen, football and basketball; RobertScanlan, gymnastics ; Peter Schneider, gymnastics ;Henry F. Trojka, baseball; Paul H. Whitney, football;Campbell Wilson, fencing; Leland Winter, fencing;Harry Yedor, baseball; Edward Boehm, golf; AlfredE. Hoffman, baseball; Joseph Kacena, baseball.Arthur W. Clark, member of the track team in 1904,who had not previously received his blanket, also is onthe list.Twenty-eight major "C's" were awarded membersof the baseball, track, tennis, and golf teams. Seventeen of the letters were first awards. Twelve Old English letters also were awarded squad members.Co-captains of baseball William Haarlow and Rich-(Continued on next page)26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Campus Dissenter(Continued from page 15)and fight; a coed may only retaliate in kind, goingher adversary one better. The girls this year havehemmed and hawed at their social whirl; they have become quietly, paradoxically frenzied at their parties;they have built up terrible illusions about men.A tempest in a teapot. The year has been a satisfactory one. We are progressing vastly in learning theways of gods and men. Students are searching, thefirst place, for educations, in the second place for amusement; if they ever find both they have plenty to bethankful for. In what may result from this combination, anyone could find fault. A student ought to bethankful, at any rate, for the facilities placed at hisdisposal with which to make of himself either a scholar ora fool. If the best things are those which are undone,then certainly we have accomplished much that is mediocre. Not to dwell, however, upon the infinite possibilities of mediocrity, we must, at one time or another,take stock of ourselves. Much too much is happeningin our times to let pass unchallenged all that may happen. Youth is discussed everywhere just as if it werea brand new phenomenon that had never yet been seen,that had to be described and a tag put on it like adiscovery of a strange new insect. But we can see nothing particularly new about ourselves. There is nothinggenerically new about youth. Elders may criticize us,and we may criticize ourselves. These are hystericaldays of comprehensive examinations, graduations, reunions, and political conventions. Serio-comic protestsagainst certain things certain people perpetrate are neverentirely out of tune.Athletics(Continued from page 25)ard Cochran, Harry Yedor, Robert Shipway, and Connor Laird, previously had won letters. New awardswere: Joseph Kacena, Henry Trojka, Milton Bernard,Joseph Mastrofsky, Ray Soderlind, French White, Jr.,and A. E. Hoffman.Three men who had previously won the "C" intrack, Co-captain Jay Berwanger, John Beal, and StuartAbel, were in the list, with eight new winners. Thesewere: George Halcrow, Matthew Kobak, Nat Newman, Ray Ellinwood, David Gordon, Edward Krause,Theron Steele, and Jack Webster.Capt. Norman Bickel, Norbert Burgess, and Herbert Mertz, who won letters last year, and John Shostrum, Chicago, a sophomore, received the awards intennis. Capt. Ed Boehm of the golf team won his first"C," the only one given in the sport.Old English letters were awarded in track to JohnBallenger, Harold LaBelle, Richard Wasem, Co-captainQuintin Johnstone and Daniel Smith.In baseball the awards were to Maurice Neiman,and Avrum Gold. Hiram Lewis, Frank E. Carey, andJohn H. Gilbert, of the golf team ; Sol L. Freedman, andRussell M. Baird, River Forest, of the tennis team, alsowon the minor letter. Reunion Reveries(Continued from page 11)3. The annual Senior Mustache Race began with theClass of '11 ; and4. The "Mile of Pennies" to start a fund for awomen's hall was a 1911 idea;Dean Spencer's statement that the first minimumwage legislation in the United States was passed in 1911was doubtless the most significant observation made atthe Thursday afternoon session !Professor Paul H. Douglas spoke at the Friday noonluncheon. During the open forum following his talk thequestion of Germany's evident preparation for anotherwar was raised. Mr. Douglas was asked when, in hisopinion, would this threatened German war start. Hisanswer was as startlingly specific as it was immediate :"The second Saturday in March, 1938 !" This date, heexplained, was not entirely without foundation. In thelight of the present progress of international events,Germany will be at the peak of her strength early in1938 after which she will be at a disadvantage in thearmament race ; most important events in Germany seemto happen in March ; and Hitler has a habit of announcing important political decisions on Saturday.The total registration at this first Chicago AlumniSchool was 671. The largest number present at any onesession was Friday when almost 500 attended both themorning and afternoon sessions.THE FANDANGO CLASSof 1935 held its first annual reunion in HutchinsonCourt Friday evening, June 12. We quote from theunique announcement:JAMBOREE COCKTAILa creation by the class of 1935Take Mandel Hall,Add Frank O'Hara and Company,Stir in the University Band,Strain through the West Doorinto Hutchinson Court,Add a ten-piece Dance Band,Color with B & G lighting effects,Drop in one singer, and swing it lightly !Home Economics(Continued from page 14)donned her purple hood at the University in 1921 andtaught for eight years as Educational Psychologist atTexas, finally rejoining the Midway scholars in 1930.When speaking of art in the "Home Ec' " studentsimmediately think "Clark" (Marion Clark, M. A. in Art,Columbia) whose lectures, it is said, sound very muchlike a chapter from a thesaurus on decoration. MissClark's courses deal with the activities of the home whereart should function: decorating and furnishing rooms,costume selection, flower arrangement, et cetera. A thorough study of the fundamental elements and principlesof design is made to enable the student to solve theseproblems satisfactorily from an aesthetic viewpoint. Thecourse aims to give student standards for judgment, todevelop critical faculties and a greater appreciation ofart in its relation to the home.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Under her supervision are courses in the history ofcostume, furniture, decorative textiles, china and glassware. These attempt to acquaint the student with theoutstanding styles in each of these fields, and through thestudy of the finest pieces created by leading craftsmento develop understanding and appreciation.Miss Clark entered the department in 1923. Besidesgolf and the theater as pastimes she has traveled extensively in Asia, Europe and America. During the wartime she worked with the Y. W. C. A. in Russian refugeecamps in Archangel, later going to Constantinople insimilar service.One who despite the divorcement of the departmentfrom education still maintains a vital interest in education theory is Lillian Stevenson. Her work is the why'sand wherefore's of clothing and household textiles — primarily from the standpoint of consumer education. Shelooks forward to a future when the consumer will buyaccording to specification, not according to the effectiveness of salesmanship or advertising. Within her limitedlaboratory facilities she tests fabrics for tensile strength,durability, deterioration when wet, et cetera. Tomorrow's purchaser will respond to these results, not to theefforts of the sales promoter, at least she hopes hewill, and the research which she supervises is to further this end.As for activities, she is ex-chairman of the research committee of the textile and clothing divisionsof the American Home Economics Association and ex-president of the Illinois division of the same organization. Her outside interests are varied, from hiking tothe "dunes" to attending an undergraduate lecture serieson the history of science. She aims to make her lifeas broad as possible by keeping in touch with the worldat large.The work of Margaret Brookes must be mentionedto round out the picture of this department of the University. Her special wards are the rats on which thedepartment depends for its various food tests. Whenon regular schedule the rats feast on two-thirds wholewheat, with the balance in whole milk powder and salt.More than twenty generations of one family have beenreared on this food. (Since 1926 when she left Columbia.Mrs. Brookes has transported her favorite rodent specimens to the University of Missouri and now to Chicago.)Among her research problems is a study of children's diets. Recommended children's diets are fed toher rat colony. The foods, from soup to nuts including a dash of bread and jam, are dehydrated and pulverized into a food powder. The animals are thenwatched for the effects that the new diet will have uponthem. Thus far, after numerous similar experimentsshe has found no particular advantages by substitutingthe delicacies of the table for her prescribed rat diet.Although the food under consideration does not betterthe life of the rat, neither does it harm it. The conclusion that follows is that the analyzed diet is not harmful for children. Very simple, isn't it?So, in leaving Blaine hall and its nine womenscholars we can look in retrospect over the work of thisdepartment and supplement the three negative statementswith one positive characteristic. Home Economics at Chicago is a department interested not only in the advancement of knowledge concerning human life but alsoin the living of it.The Arno Benedict LuckhardtFellowship in the Medical SciencesIN 1932 a friend of the University and of Dr. Luckhardt started this fellowship, in recognition of Dr.Luckhardt's outstanding services in research andteaching, with a gift of $1,000 and with the stipulationthat gifts to this fellowship, as they may come in, shouldaccumulate until a total fund of $30,000 or more had beenreached, yielding an annual fellowship income of approximately $1,500. Since that time seven differentpeople have contributed $246 to this fund. In 1933 apledge of $2,000 a year for five years towards the support of research in the Department of Physiology was,with the approval of the donors and the University Administration, diverted to the Luckhardt Fellowship Fund.Of this pledge a total of $7,000 has been paid into theUniversity to date, and out of this sum $2,000 have beenused for Arno Benedict Luckhardt Fellows. At thepresent writing the endowment fund stands at $6,298,with $3,000 still due on the $10,000 of the pledge previously mentioned. This $3,000 is due and I am surewill be paid in 1937, so we can say at present that theendowment fund amounts to approximately $10,000.As originally planned, this leaves $20,000 to go.The fellowship fund was started at an unfortunatetime. The depression was on and has been with usever since. A great many friends of the University andfriends of Dr. Luckhardt expressed the hope and desire,in 1932, to contribute to this fund.On April 20, 1932, Dr. Russell M. Wilder wrote :"I feel quite certain that I shall want to make a personalcontribution, and Dr. W. J. Mayo assures me that theClinic, as a clinic, will want to make a contribution asan expression of appreciation of Luckhardt's discoveryof ethylene. This, however, is a very unfortunate timefor raising such funds. From the way your letter isworded I judge that you have in mind allowing sometime for its accumulation."On April 16, 1932, Dr. Frank Billings wrote meas follows: "This is a movement in which I mostcordially hope to take part. In fact, I had just such anidea about Dr. Luckhardt. Hard times will not lastforever. Last year I was hard up and this year is no better, but ultimately I will be glad to join with you inthis splendid project." Frank Billings passed on, thedepression lingered, but I think I sense the beginning ofeconomic recovery. Hence this note to the Alumni, especially those who know Dr. Luckhardt personally as ateacher and colleague.This story of the Arno Benedict Luckhardt Fellowship Endowment is a clear indication that as a beggar Ido not amount to much. Butj I hope to see this fellowship fund completed before I am "laid on the shelf." Solend a hand!Anton J. Carlson,Chairman, Department of Physiology.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUNIVERSITY ALUMNI INNEARBY HIGH SCHOOLSHIGH SCHOOLTEACHERSMichiganAlbion — Belle Pratt, Iva Fleming.Amasa — Fanny Rentola.Ann Arbor — Mrs. Phyllis SwiftBuxton, Harold Copp, Raleigh Schorl-ing AM '16, Orlando W. StephensonAM '16, John M. Trytten.Battle Creek — G. G. Price, AvaSeedorff, Virginia Winship '28.Bay City Central — Julia L. God-deyne '31, J. H. George '28.Bessemer — E. J. Oas, Rose Burt,Florence Cresswell.Calumet — Edith M. Stott, RuthLyon, Kathryn Suino, Dorrit Dodds,E. Rogers, Harold W. Sweeney AM'29, C. E. Hertz.Clare — A. F. Bates.Dearborn— Ralph McCallister,Muriel Wolkins.Detroit — Noel E. Craig AM '30,Jane Dicker '16. Cass Tech — Fred J.Fricke, Margaret Whitlock. Denley —Frances Clendening '07, ElizabethWolff '29. High School of Commerce— Harvey F. Chapman AM '33, CecilE. Kirkwood AM '28, Esther McCoy'25. Mackenzie — Yervant H. Basmad-jian AM '18, Katherine Crewdson '24,Mildred Erickson '24, Joseph V. Mc-Nally '06, Eleanor S. Currie, Arnold V.Doub, Ethel M. Horton. Northeastern—Alma E. Lusskey '15, AM'28, LouellaArnold AM '26, Grace R. Sanford,Nellie Octavia Plei, Blanche Rinehart,AM '20. Northern— Helen Wood, MayZinck '16, Gladys Owen. Northwestern— B. J. Rivett '15, Joseph C. Blumenthal, Deda L. Emmons, A. R. GilpinSM '12, Florence Guenther '24, Albert B. Keenan '29, Marion Kanouse,Ruth Randall, W. M. Wade '14. Southeastern— W. H. Edwards AM '28.Southwestern — Matilda Amberson, FernCornville, John Dail, Lillian Hett, VinaKnowles '16, Elizabeth Mailhot '30.Western — Marcia Waples '01, MabelWoodward, Edith Wright, HomerYutzey.Dowagiac — William Carey.Flint — Grace Baghy, Mrs. Ellen M.Clark, Grace E. Field, Hazel Hoyt,Henrietta Lewis, Merele Merritt, ClaraG. Roe AM '28, Edna Stewart, Mrs.Mabel Barker Stoddard.Gladstone — Charles C. Strickland.Grand Rapids — Amy Broome. Central — Wilson B. Ashley, Sherman Coryell, Alice M. R. Gillette, Elsa Gleye,Nellie M. Hayes, Plynn Matthews, C.H. Newcomer, Helen Shaw, Nellie M.Sheehan, Eleanor Temple. OttawaHills — Zora Barnaby, F. A. Koepnick,Albertine Loomis AM '34, Doris Robinson, Hazel Zellner. South — Elisha L. Fisher, Etta Lambert AM '26, LauraAnn Moore, Doris Sedelbauer, LudwigSwenson, Myrtle Tubergen, Laura Wilson. Union — Cynthia Jones, Ruth Carpenter, Elizabeth Perrin '12.Greenville — Bernice Root, LouiseLau.Grosse Pointe — Nelle M e s s e r 1 i,Laurence Clark, Herbert Hobart, Mrs.Anne Sima Majneri, Cavins Baugh-man, Donald L. MacNeal.Harbor 'Springs — Reo Fullerton,Theron D. Sutton.Hastings — David Van Buskirk, JeanBarnes '08.Highland Park— I. M. Allen, RuthHaupert, Elizabeth A. Hunt, J. R.Locke, Katherine MacLennan, MurielPaugh, Nina Varson, Roy E. Waite.Hillsdale — William W. Hohman.Howell — Leon McDermott, DonnaBinkhorst '22.Ishpeming — Leonard Flaa, Cert '16;Proctor Maynard; Emma Conrad '25.Kalamazoo — Central — Margaret J.Bailey, Harvey J. Bouck '09, Eva PaineCarnes, Edith Cory, Jeanette Dean,Carolyn Edwards '03, Sarah Elder '01,Emily Hochstein '99, Lotta Lower, S.B. Norcross, Lena Seas, Sue Slayton,Vera Smith, Leah Swift, FlorenceWinslow '06.Lansing — Central — Lois Frazier,Hazel Miller, G. R. Turtle, Howard V.McCurdy.Lawton — Dewey A. Stabler AM '29.Ludington — Carolyn M. Fairchild.Marquette — Graveraet — Henning J.Anderson, AM'30, Lydia Artz, J. S.Bennett, Florence Driscoll, MildredHawks, Milton McGowan, Ralph Rode-fer, AM'29, Mac Von Zellen, '14, JD'17.Normal— E. M. Parker, AM'18, HelenBosard, AM'24, Emily Huntling, HarryD. Lee.Menominee— F. Davis, L. A. Devine,C. A. Meter, Martin Minne.Monroe — Lucille Conway, GertrudeSeibert, Dorothy Wood.Muskegon — Harvey Paulson, '30,Alice Prescott, AM'32, Augusta Carpenter, Bertha Ellis, George A. Manning, William Mayrose, M. N. Mc-Ilwain, June McNiel, Milton Scherer.Muskegon Heights — Ruth M. Ferris, '25, AM'30, Florence Kurtz, '30,Carrie M. Moore, Lottie M. Nibbelink.Niles— Cornelia Crowley, '33, Walter J. Zabel.Paw Paw — Bess W. Baker, AmeliaBauch, Bryan Emmet, '23, AM'35, OrinW. Kaye, Agnes Keefe, M. N. Mc-Daniel, AM'32, Anna Orcutt, ClellaStufft.Pontiac— Paul B. Line, Jessie Gar-side, AM'24, Bessie Carpenter.IJiver Rouge — James McDonald,Cleo Shellenberger, Antoinette Turney,'21, Rosalie Ullman. Saginaw — Edna L. Gross, '25.Sault Ste. Marie — Ruth L. Brad-ish, Mabel J. Mather, Frances Zimmerman, Fern E. Snyder, W. S. Price, ]\/[%E. Shouse.St. Joseph — Mrs. Anna Gross McDowell, '22.IndianaAlexandria — Roxanna Frazier.Angola — Sarah J. Powell, Russell F.Handy.Auburn — Frank W. Weathers, CarolM. Dawson.Bloomington — Mrs. Anna L. Dickey,Lydia Ferger, Eva Pring, Nelle Caruth-ers, Edith Bauer, Dorothy Rucker, Lillian Hunter, AM'32, Sarah' Martin,Esther Amick, Mrs. Clara M. Murphy!Bluffton — Blanche Karus.Bremen — C. B. Macey.Clinton — Mrs. Cecil McWethy,Hugh Mendenhall.Columbia City — Joseph Shull, AM'31, Mrs. Irene Shull.Columbus — Hazel Fitzpatrick, Har-ley Talley, Verna Taylor.Connersville — B. E. Myers.Crawfordsville — Delia Dennis, AmyBeatty, Mary Booz, Mabel Fertich,Maynard Darnall.Crown Point — Mrs. FlorenceThomas.Culver — Frank McLane.East Chicago — Roosevelt: Mrs. Le-nora L. Clark, Grendaline Marshall,Mary Sullivan, '33, Aileen Owen, JohnP. Fox, Fred S. Haynes, Mrs. EmmaS. Henry, Stacia Skrentny, '30, E.Stanley Brown, Annette Specter, '27,George E. Anderson, Harry Apostle,Ruth Larson, '27, Lillian Cohen, Margaret Mulligan, '34, Ann Brazzill, William T. Poage. Washington: ThomasAltenderfer, Emma Bloomquist, FloydBolton, Reah Belle Branham, VirginiaCaldwell, Sue Cook, Kate Depew, A. T.Elliott, C. E. Fauber, Marie Flinn, C.L. Foster, R. Frankenhauser, HelenJacoby, Carl Johnson, Florence Johnson, '17, C. E. Kellam, AM'29, ClaraBelle King, AM'27, Mary Kozacik,Mary Lean, Nellie Mills, Ella Moriarty,Charles K. Palmer, Joseph Paul, GuyA. Pratt, R. F. Robinson, '24, H. L.Reeves, AM'27, Russell Richey, JohnJ. Souter, '28, Margaret Steinberger,H. E. Walley, Fred Woodbury.Evansville— Central : David Kar-dokus, J. C Stratton, Helen Doty, '17,Sarah Vickery, Alvin Dickhaut, LillianLohmeyer, Emma B. Page, WarrenFauquher, Warren Klein, '29, AlmaBurtis. Reitz: Viola Eblen, LawrencePage, AM'32, M. L. Plumb, AM'33, Sali-belle Royster, Hugo Schuessler, JohnWaltz.Fort Wayne — South Side: MaryCrowe, Russell Furst, AM'31, E. S.Gould, Dorothy. Magley, HermanMakey, Lucy Mellen, Hazel Miller, '21,E. H. Murch, Maurice Murphy, Gertrude Oppelt, Mary Paxton, Mary Po-cock, Beulah Rinehart, '16, EleanorSmeltzly, Herbert Voorhees, Wilburn(Continued on page 37)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29Checking the Bursar's Office(Continued from Page 8)All this is the Bursar's Office and the Bursar'sOffice activity.Did it sprout overnight to take such an importantplace in the affairs of your University? Indeed not.The Bursar's Office has a long ancestry beginning withthe very first Registrar's Office in the basement of CobbHall. As your University grew, functions of the Registrar's Office carrying the germ of the idea, split off,assumed the name "Comptroller's" and took quartersin its present location in the Administration Building.Then came another off-shoot, the Cashier's Office.Finally the Bursar's Office emerged in 1931 as a department charged with the responsibility of all business relationships with students. It has as the Bursarexplains, "Gradually separated by function from theRegistrar's and Comptroller's departments."Now you may see why those first ten persons youhappen to meet any day on your University Quadranglesprobably will know where the Bursar's Office is located. It's a tribute to something or other the Bursar'sOffice has, something that perhaps checking the Bursar's Office with pencil and paper you never will catchprecisely unless you go there and see for yourself. 3<rRobert Bondy, '17, talking with Admiral Cary T. Graysonduring the recent flood disasters. Bondy writes of his experiencesin a forthcoming issue.A JVord to the GraduatesThe mildness and tenderness ofSWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMandSWIFTS PREMIUM BACONwill add considerable goodness to yourmeals. Ask for Swift's Premium Hamand Bacon the next time you shop.NEWS OF THE CLASSESCOLLEGE1902Mrs. E. A. Cleeton (Pearl Bryning)continues teaching shorthand at MoserBusiness College, Chicago.Last April, H. M. Solenberger waselected president of the Illinois StateAssociation of Life Underwriters. Hehas been the general agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company ofNewark, N. J., for the last twenty-fiveyears in Springfield, 111.1903Alice E. Duffy is policewoman forthe City of Fargo and also principal ofthe high schools.1907Clarence A. Dykstra, city manager of Cincinnati, gave the addressat the Knox College commencementexercises on June 10. His subject was"We Face Life— 1936."1909Lee J. Levinger is the author of anew book, Anti-Semitism Yesterdayand Tomorrow (Macmillan). This isthe first comprehensive treatment of thesubject in English, covering the historyand analysis of anti-Semitism in a popular style. The theory of the authoris a sociological one, treating anti-Semitism as primarily a matter of therelation of majority and minoritygroups. Rabbi Levinger is director ofthe research bureau of the B'nai B'rithHillel Foundations, and is engaged inmaking a survey of Jewish students ofthe United States and Canada.1910Maynard O. Williams is at present making an extensive survey ofTunisia and is not expected to returnto the United States until fall.Extracts from theSecond Eruption of "EE-O-LEV-EN"Volcano of Lava-ish Plansfor Silver Jubilee ReunionMrs. Marjorie Hill Allee is stillthe wife of our old friend WarderClyde Allee, Professor of Zoology ofthe University faculty. Their eighteen-year-old daughter Barbara has spentmost of this year in Paris and theireleven-year-old Molly is in the elementary school at the University. Marjorie is still writing books for childrenand her seventh and latest product "Offto Philadelphia!" will be published thisfall by Houghton, Mifflin & Company.Vallee O. Appel is still president ofFulton Market Cold Storage Co., 1000 Fulton Street, Chicago. He certainly ismarried with Mary Elizabeth (9) andNancy Elinor I 7) as evidence.Mrs. Edith Prindiville Atkinswrites from Hanover, New Hampshire,that she is married to Professor Kenneth Noel Atkins, Professor of Bacteriology in the Medical School ofDartmouth College, and their son Kim-berly Atkins will enter Dartmouth nextfall.Our good friend and classmate,Richard T. Atwater, suffered a sortof paralytic stroke nearly two years agoand has been almost wholly incapacitated at the Hines Hospital, Hines, Illinois, ever since. It seems that the cerebral embolism which is supposed tohave caused his stroke has hamperedhis speech so that he can now write andspeak only in fragments. He readseasily, however, and if any of Dick'sold acquaintances would drop him aline of greeting it would be appreciated.Dr. Walter C. Burket practicesmedicine successfully in Evanston.May Josephine Carey, who was living in France five years ago, now resides at the Hotel Pearson in Chicago.Still unmarried, she is "mothering"about 800 children at Madonna Center,a settlement at 712 Loomis Street, aiding Mary Amberg and Marie Plamon-don. "Have been in California most ofthe last two years but fully intended —wherever or however — to be here forReunion, having missed the 20th bybeing in Paris on one of my would-bebusiness ventures."Dr. George H. Coleman is one ofChicago's well knownj physicians, withoffices at 122 South Michigan Avenue,Chicago. He is married and has fourdaughters.W. Phillips Comstock, our famoustrack captain, writes from 55 FifthAvenue, New York City, that he is nowthe statistician for London Guarantee& Accident Company, Ltd., and for thePhoenix Indemnity Company, that he isstill married and lives with his wifeand daughter (21) and son (17) at 49South Clinton Street, East Orange,New Jersey. He recently wrote anarticle on "Aviation Casualty Insurance" which was presented to the Casualty Actuarial Society.Our famous Olympic pole vaulterFrank J. Coyle seems to be marriedonly to his residence and to his business, as he mentions neither wife norchildren. He is in the men's tailoringbusiness at 225 West Van Buren Street.Among his contributions to literatureis an article published in Inland Topicsentitled "Rhythm in Athletics."Carl Degenhardt, who is now con nected with the United Coal and DockCompany at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, appeared before a conference of personsinterested in solid fuels and domesticstokers at the University of Wisconsinon April 23, 1936, and delivered an address upon the subject of "Merchandising Can Be Made Simple." It seemsthat the University of Wisconsin is oneof several state institutions in the Westwhich have developed a series of conferences of leaders in various importantindustries within the state for discussion of their common problems and suggestions of improvements.Lucile Taylor Dinehart of Muir,Michigan, sends us a snapshot of theirlovely country home where she and herhusband would welcome classmatespassing their way. Their small son is5 years old. Lucile taught in the Chicago high schools for several years before marrying W. Bradley Dinehart.Ned Earle still lives at 922 TowerRoad, Winnetka, and is still Presidentof Northern Lithographing Company at2340 Racine Avenue, Chicago. He haschanged the name of the company andadded photo-offset reproductions to theother lithographing products for whichthe company has always been famous.His daughter Elsie graduates in Junefrom Sarah Lawrence College in ornear New York. Their son Sam is now12 years old.Mrs. Mary Maginness Faust of2818 Sheridan Road, Chicago, reportstwo children and a "non-fluctuating(though not static) marital status."(Could she mean "ecstatic" status?)Her son Edgar "spent a year atAmerica's outstanding college countryclub, Williams, and is now at our AlmaMater. Margot is a sophomore atFrancis Parker School.Charles F. Grey writes from 2906Lincoln Street, Evanston. His wife,Josephine and daughter (10) and son(8) help make a very happy home forCharlie. He advances the importantinformation that his weight has increased only thirteen pounds in twenty-five years. The editors got quite a kickout of his remark that his contributionto the advancement of literature is hismembership in the Book-of-the-MonthClub — "My wife reads or gives awaythe books and I pay the monthly bill.^Charles has a life membership in theArt Institute, and editorially we happento know that he is a liberal patron ofartists. Charles is in the real estatebusiness in Chicago.Elizabeth Halsey is director ofphysical education for women at theUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City. Thisis a most important position and theClass is proud of her prominence.30THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MforCollege Graduates"THIS booklet, published byThe Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, explains theadvantages life underwritingoffers to the college graduateat the present time. It coversthese topics :FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIESTHE COMPANY'S FIXEDCOMPENSATION PLANQUALIFICATIONSYou may obtain the bookletwith no obligation from:National CollegiatePersonnel BureauTHE PENN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYIndependence Square • PhiladelphiaFrances Keating Hepner, residing at 2920 Rosecrans Boulevard, SanDiego, California, has one son Ray anda husband Walter R., who is Presidentof the San Diego State College. Franceswrites "there should be a salary forbeing a Board member, etc., for thelocal YWCA and University Women,to say nothing of sponsoring this andthat ; I should have been a campus butterfly instead of a Phi Beta Kappa."She has jointly authored 3 textbookspublished by Houghton Mifflin and inher spare time paints landscapes.Margaret Fogelson Ingram (Mrs.E. B. MacKay Ingram) of 17 IngramStreet, Fore Hills Gardens, LongIsland, New York, is teaching Englishin New York City.Dr. William D. Jack, Remlik Hall,Remlik, Virginia, is sorry that he cannot attend but says "The years havedealt kindly with me in every way buthealth. Sometimes I envy those wholost everything but their health." Hethinks his family quite the finest in theworld and mentions that he is "perhapsinordinately fond of his war record."Ethel Kawin is a practicing psychologist working especially with children, and is the psychologist of thelaboratory schools of the University ofChicago and child guidance counselorfor the Glencoe public schools. She haswritten two books and many journalarticles. Both books were published bythe University Press, "Children of Preschool Age" and "The Wise Choice ofToys." Of the latter, Marshall Field& Company have made a movie.Karl Keefer, Vice President of Cur-tiss Candy Company, Chicago, "BabyRuth," "Butterfingers," and other famous 5c sweets, indignantly denies thathe has a wig, but his silence is an admission that maybe he could use one !He and Peggy have two lovely daughters and live at 6224 N. WashtenawAve., Chicago.A physician located on the SouthSide is Dr. Gerard Nicholas Krost,and he and his wife will be at most ofthe Reunion events, unless, of course,somebody's baby decides to make an inopportune appearance.A famous physician with a legiblehandwriting is Dr. Ralph H. Kuhns,55 East Washington Street, Chicago.Ralph is married, has two children, isan instructor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, a lecturer inPsychiatry in the Illinois State MedicalSociety, and is also engaged in privatepractice. He has kept up with researchin his special field of Neurology andPsychiatry and has written many articles which have been published in theUnited States and Europe in variousmedical publications.Dr. Acelia May Leach writes usthat her address has been changed toCapital Savings & Loan Building, Lansing, Michigan. She was formerly inHastings.Moses Levitan is another of the sev eral '11 lawyers in Chicago, and is amember of the firm of Krinsky, Levitan& Glassner at 120 South LaSalle St.Ralph E. Lidster writes from Chicago that he and his wife will necessarily have to miss the Sunday Reunionteas because they must proceed to Granville, Ohio, to participate in the graduation exercises of their elder son, RalphE., Jr., from Denison University. Theiryounger son Alan is a freshman there.Their daughter Jean is in eighth grade.Ralph is President of J. S. Neilson Co.,insurance. Mrs. Lidster was EdithYoung and the society minded membersof the class will remember their collegeromance — one of several which has endured the test of time to the admirationof all their friends.Dr. Esmond R. Long is Director ofthe Henry Phipps Institute at Philadelphia and lives at Wayne, Pennsylvania,15 miles away. The Institute is for thestudy, treatment and prevention oftuberculosis. Es. is also Professor ofPathology at the University of Pennsylvania and Chairman of the Divisionof Medical Sciences of the National Research Council with offices in Washing-.ton, D. C, and for next year is President of the National Tuberculosis Association. He insists that he has contributed nothing to the arts and lessthan nothing to finance, but admits furnishing three or four books to literature, a little on tuberculosis to scienceand 15 years of hard work to educationin teaching pathology to medical students. Es. married Marian Boak ofDenver and they have 2 children, Judy(10) and Es, Jr. (4).Hargrave Long's elder son Robert isa freshman at Wabash College; theyounger boy Edward will enter theEvanston high school in the fall, andthe blonde daughter Janice Marjorie isa fourth-grader. Hargrave practiceslaw in Chicago as a member of the firmof Avers, Resa & Long in the ConwayBuilding.John Mac Neish writes : "I live ina bungalow with a wife (my own) andthree children (also my own) — John,Jr. (9 years), Jeanie (8 years), andBruce (aged 11 months). Possibly Ihave the youngest baby in the class!(Ed. note: He has, so far!) ... I sellschool books for Allyn &• Bacon, whohave done more in the past ten yearsthan any other publisher to make textbooks beautiful and inspiring. If youdon't believe, Val.,N Til send you a setof Stull and Hatch geographies, whichare the next best thing to a trip aroundthe world. How you and yours wouldenjoy the South American maps andillustrations ! . . . Yes, I have a manuscript (as yet unpublished) entitled"Twenty-five Years Out of College —And Broke!" (Ed. note: If he wasn'tbroke, it wouldn't have been written,and idem, would not be unpublished!)H. Harper McKee writes from 60Tennis Place, Forest Hills, LongIsland, New York, that he was and still CLOISTER GARAGECHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYA PERSONAL SERVICEof Refinement, Catering to theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO•5650 LAKE PARK AVE.Phone MIDWAY 0949Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors and Masters: fortyper cent of our business. Critic and Grade Supervisors for Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics. Business Administration. Music, and Art. secure fine positions throughus every year. Private Schools in all parts of thecountry among our best patrons: good salaries. Wellprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handlesGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor Economical Transportation^CHEVROLET,SALES SERVICEJ. D. Levin '19 Pres.PASSENGER CARS - TRUCKSModern Service StationDREXEL CHEVROLET CO.4733 Cottage GroveDREXEL 3121GREUNE- MUELLERCOALIs of Highest Quality fromRespective Fields and isDUSTLESS TREATEDLet Us Prove This to YouGREUNE-MUELLER GOAL GO.7435 So. Union Ave.All Phones Vincennes 4000Your whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.LEARN GREGGThe World's Fastest Shorthand.THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY2500 Prairie Ave. ChicagoILLINOIS COLLEGEof Chiropody and Foot SurgeryFor Bulletin and Information AddressDR. WM. J. STICKEL, Dean1327 North Clark StreetChicago, Illinoisstage arts school, inc.Peggy Lou Snyder, PresidentDANCING— INSTRUCTION615 Lyon & Healy Bldg., 64 E. Jackson Blvd.Harrison 4782South Side StudioHayes Hotel — 64th and University is married to a smart and good naturedgal who has helped him produce 5 children. He brags about having broken100 last Sunday on the Queen's ValleyGolf Course.Clarence E. Parmenter, 234 Faculty Exchange, at the Uinversity, isProfessor of Romance Phonetics, Fellow of the A. A. A. S. and the International Association of Experimental Phonetics, and President of the Associationof Romance Language Teachers of Chicago. He has written 5 textbooks andmany articles "in queer periodicals likethe Zeitschrift fur Experimental-Phone-tique and the Archives Neerlandaises dePhonetique experimentale."^ Nat Peffer wrote Hargrave : "Allright, all right; set aside a period forresuming our private argument. I canassure you in advance you are wrong asusual. But, anyway, I'll be glad to seeyou as usual."Mrs. Marguerite ChristensonPrimm is moving to 829 WisconsinAvenue, Oak Park, on June 1st. Shereminds us thaf her son, John Kenton,born February 16, 1913, in New YorkCity, was the second child born to amember of the class after graduation.The young man is now attending LewisInstitute and is studying Hydro-Electric Engineering.Margaret Haass Richards is thewife of George D. Richards, Presidentof Chicago Casket Co."Bunny" Rogers, our Junior Classpresident, is hale and hearty, slightlymore buxom than 25 years ago, but justas overflowing' with smiles as of yore.He reports that he will bring his18 year old son to the Reunion. His8 year old daughter will evidently stayat home. Young "Bunny" expects toenter the University of Chicago thisfall. "Bunny" is still in the insurancebusiness with Bowes & Co., and hasmaintained successfully his college slogan: "Friend of everyone, enemy ofnone."William H. Rothermel, Jr., lives inHubbard Woods, Illinois, but makes hisoffice in the Insurance Exchange, Chicago, where he is engaged in the adjustment of insurance losses. Bill married Theresa V. Wilson, Chicago '20,and they have two children, Stephen(13), and Ann (9). Bill reports thathe has weathered the depression in firstclass shape and enjoys good health.Richard Y. ("Dick") Rowe ispracticing law in Jacksonville, Illinois.His wife, nee Sarah Harris of Evanston, is a former president of KappaKappa Gamma.Mrs. Myra Zacharius Siedenfuss(Mrs. John C.) has contributed largelyto the art of better living and to theeducation of three children, Suzanne,Louise, and John C, Jr.Donald S. Stophlet writes fromRR7, Madison, Wisconsin, that he is awidower with 3 children of whom the2 eldest graduate in June from the University of Wisconsin. He is President of D. S. Stophlet, Inc., electric appl},ances. He regards his contributions toarts, etc., as being 23 years of businessand 2 years of army life. He sends usa very interesting clipping from theMadison Rotary News about a 15,000mile auto trip he took in 1934 with hisson, Don, Jr., throughout the West inwhich he mentions spending a day withMr. Stagg at Stockton. The trip covered eighteen weeks and Don maintained a perfect attendance record byvisiting twenty Rotary Clubs. He wasin twenty-eight states and Canada andMexico. He saw Norman Barker hiLong Beach and Roy Quigley at Fresno,California.Mrs. Susan Kirkman Vaughnwrites from State Teachers College,Florence, Alabama, that she is in chargeof its museum and does some teachingthere also. She is widowed, with onedaughter and three grandchildren andhas contributed many articles to magazines and newspapers on historical subjects relating to her city and state andhas written two books, of which one isan accepted textbook for the fourthgrade for the Alabama schools.Arthur W. Wheeler writes laconically from Sterling, Illinois, that hewill attend some of the Reunion events.To illustrate how the big corporations have taken over so many household functions, let us cite Aleck G.Whitfield, who, as District Managerof the Doughnut Corporation of America, is busy making money out of dough,or dough out of money, as you prefer.Aleck is located at 16503 EdgewaterDrive, Lakewood, Ohio, claims to bestill married to the same wife and tohave two sons. It will be recalled thatAleck devoted three years to the affairsof A Century of Progress, being one ofits chief executives.Irene Haire Wilde writes from1324 Alessandro Street, Los Angeles,California, that she is a childlesswidow. Irene has written a great de,alof poetry, of which one volume has beenpublished under the name of "DriftwoodFires." She has won many poetryprizes. Professionally, she is a schoollibrarian.Herp>ert L. Willett, Jr., is Directorof the Community Chest of Washington,D. C, still married to the same wife;they have three children, Herbert III(17), attending high school; Jeanne(15) and Carol (6). He claims to bequite gray, but not bald and not too fat.He is Vice-President of the ChicagoAlumni Club in Washington. His jobis to raise nearly $2,000,000 a year forwelfare, recreation, boys' clubs, etc.Dana writes for himself and MaryPhister Atchley from 262 OakwoodRoad, Englewood, New Jersey, wherehe practices Medicine. Their eldestson, Jr., is a freshman at Harvard College. John A. is a junior at LoomisInstitute, and Bill is still at home. Danahas written numerous publications formedical journals and is an associateTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 33professor of medicine at the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons of ColumbiaUniversity. He is a visiting physicianof the Presbyterian Hospital in NewYork, and his medical office is also inManhattan.Roy Baldridge, 284 West 11th Street,New York City, has the same wife, anddescribes his job as portrait painter andbook illustrator and designer. He illustrated his wife, Caroline Singer's book,"Boomba Lives in Africa." They arecompleting another book, "Half theWorld Is Isfahan," about present-dayPersia, with some 200 sketches. Theirtwo-year trip to Persia was "made possible by the purchase (just after 1931Reunion) of 600 sketches made in WestAfrica by a Mr. Samuel Insull of Chicago. He (bless 'im) not only boughtbut paid for them, and donated the entire collection as a permanent exhibitionto Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn."Allys Boyle is teaching in Dallas,Texas. . . Margaret McCrackenByrnes is residing in New York City.. . Enoch J. Brand is in "Who'sWho in Chicago." . . Dr. RobertOsgood Brown is proprietor of St. Vincent Sanitarium at Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was one of the attending physicians at the time of the automobile accident in which Mrs. Harold Ickes diedof her injuries about a year ago. . .No word yet from Elizabeth HarrisCave and her brood of "Cave-men" atMansfield, Ohio.Two "Bills" in the glove business —Beatty with Industrial Glove Corporation at Danville, Illinois, and Kuh withBoreal Mfg. Co. at Marinette, Wisconsin.Evelyn Phillips Campbell inCleveland still engages in dramaticreadings, to the edification of a constantly widening public. She is a former president of, and still active in, theCollege Club of Cleveland.Dr. James Cunningham Clarkewrites from LaGrange, Illinois that hewill have to attend his son's graduationJune 12th from Phillips Andover Academy. His other son is also away atschool.Joe Coambs should be on deck forReunion. . . Leonard W. Coulsondefinitely will be. . . No word yetfrom Dorothy Buckley Clark at Le-Roy, N. Y. . . Mary StaleyCrosby of Chicago will be on hand, andwe hope she brings Kenneth with her.Paul Davis wrote the best reportreceived from any classmate. It reallytells us about himself, as follows: "Istill live in Kenilworth, 256 Woodstock Avenue. Our family is just the sameas it was five years ago — wife, DorothyMilford Davis, AB Mount Holyoke '11,AM, U of C, '13; our oldest son, Paul,Jr., finished his first four years as apre-medic at the University of Chicagolast year and is now in the medicalschool at the University of Pennsylvania, and has just arrived at the ripeage of 22 ; my daughter, Patricia, knownas "Pat," went down East to MountHolyoke College, where she had a wonderful time for a little over a year andgot along fine in every way. However,the family tradition of the Universityof Chicago was too much for her andshe is now in residence there as a sophomore, and has just been initiated atQuadrangler, and is having the time ofher life. The youngest member of thefamily, Milford Davis, commonly knownas "Bill," is rapidly approaching theage of 11. His principal interest inlife ;at the moment is divided betweensinging cowboy songs to his own guitaraccompaniment and trying to do magictricks on the side, along with the usualamount of baseball and what have you."I am still in the stock brokerage andinvestment banking business, and (advertisement) come over and see ournew offices."I can not say very much about contributions to the advancement of 'arts,literature and science, etc.,' except forthe following:"For several years I have been amember of the Board of Trustees ofMount Holyoke College and have alsobeen on the Board and Finance Committee of Armour Institute of Technology. For a number of years I havebeen connected with The Chicago StockExchange, as president from 1931 to1933, and have continued on as a member of the Governing Committee. Forthe past year I have been a GoverningMember of the Governing Ccmmitteeof the New York Stock Exchange.Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, I am also a dirt farmer."Ada Walker Dickerson, Oregon,Illinois, will miss Reunion because shesailed on May 9th with her daughter,Lita (Chicago '34) for a motor trip toEngland and Scotland and the Continent. Her husband, J. Dwight Dicker-son, died in 1934, but Ada is completingthe country home near Rock Riverwhich was started before his untimelydeath. Ada asks if, under "contributions to education," she may qualify byreporting that her daughter, who graduated from the University in 1934, wasthe first graduate who started in the University Nursery School. 100% U.of C. Education !Mitchell Dawson, lawyer in Chicago, is active in Bar Association affairsand does a lot of writing for legal andgeneral publications. . . Orley A.DeGraw is coming from Peterborough,Canada.Hal Gifford and his wife, nee Elinor Byrne, will be on the Reunioncruise. And won't he and "Red"Houghland have fun ! And suchstories ! . . "Chuck" Higgs is coming from Fontana, Wisconsin. . .If Lyle Harper's mental growth equalshis physical increase, he's needed in theBrain Trust.From Choisy-le-Roi, France, nearParis, comes a letter from Ed. Hall.He operates an "O'Cedar" factory justoutside Paris and "during spare time(if any) trout and salmon fishing, partridge and pheasant shooting and golfkeep me pretty well occupied."Frances Herrick, of "The Delineator" in New York City, was the firstout-of-towner to say she is coming forReunion. Her job on that famous woman's magazine seems to be the "MenuDepartment," for which she "knows allthe answers." She writes that she seesher brother-in-law, Dick Myers, frequently. He and Alice Lee HerrickMyers reside at Bedford Village, inWestchester County. We gather thatDick has attained avoirdupois — "Cakeshave been his great indulgence, but heis grand, amusing, enormously charming and still loves to play the piano."Edith Coonley Howes and Byronare, of course, expected at Reunion.. . Florence Hunn will be here.. . We haven't heard yet from Gertrude Perry Keats, but surely she isn'tgoing to let Reunion pass by withoutword from her.Miss Dana Kelly, 2117 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah, is principal of theUtah School for the Blind, where shehas taught since the World War. Danasays she is "the darling of my familyand the pest of the community !" Andif she is a pest, it's because she does somuch to keep the community stirred up !Now president of the Drama Club andTreasurer of the American Associationof University Women, she has beenpresident of (1) Women's UniversityClub, (2) Ogden Art Society and (3)Local Teachers Association, (4) Matron and (5) State Grand MarshalO.E.S. and (6) its Secretary for sevenyears.William H. ("Bill") Kuh wrotefrom Marinette, Wisconsin, anent the270,000 Telephone WorkersThere are 270,000 workers in the Bell System. It takes a telephonesystem of great size to render quick, reliable service to a great nation.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorSUPERFLUOUSfHAIRPositivelyDestroyed!Your Beauty-RestoredELECTROLYSISis the only method endorsed by physicians.We are the inventors of multiple needle electrolysis and leaders for 40 years in removalof superfluous hair, moles and warts. Nopain — no scars — experienced operators andreasonable rates for guaranteed work.MADAME STIVERSuite 1009 Marshall Field Annex25 E. Washington St. »Clip Ad for Booklet or Call Central 4639ASBESTOSA UNIVERSITY FAVORITEK. & M.FEATHERWEIGHT85% MagnesiaUniform and light in weight. Moredead air cells. Better insulation.KEASBEY & MATTISON CO.205 W. Wacker Drive Ran. 6951 suggestion in the First Blast of EE-O-LEV-EN that we take "our stenographer by the hand or our typewriteron our lap," that "one individual (andEditorial we suspect Grace ! ) suggested that some members might prefer to take their stenographers on theirlaps and forget about the typewriter !"Bill's family is the same as before —wife, Grace, daughter, Marjorie (valedictorian of her class), Betsy, highschool freshman, and Billy and Davidin the grades. Bill is president of Rotary Club and for hobbies works forthe Boy Scouts and reproduces antiquefurniture.Alice Lee Loweth (Mrs. FrederickC.) is coming to Reunion from Cleveland Heights, Ohio. She and Fred havethree charming children, Jean (15),Charles (10), and Anne (7). Alice isactive in Red Cross and P.T.A. work.Edith Hemingway Park (Mrs.Joseph S.) writes from Port Arthur,Texas, to Ralph Kuhns that she can'tmake this Reunion.Helen Mary Parker's work in theArt Institute of Chicago is unusuallyhelpful and has won for her recognitionin "Who's Who in Chicago."Cola George Parker is the seniormember of the law firm of Wise, Whitney & Parker in New York. Being nowin Europe, he probably won't attendReunion. . . Francis F. Patton isstill one of the leading lights of LaSalle Street. . . Clarke B. Ritchieis practicing law in Chicago. . .George H. Roulston, ex, will be atReunion to renew old acquaintances.. . John D. Scott now resides inNew York City. It will be rememberedthat he is a past national president ofDelta Upsilon. . . Deloss P. Shullpractices law in Sioux City, Iowa.Margaret Hackett Sears deservesKudos for her valiant and persistent industry (along with Geraldine) in thepreparations for Reunion. Her husband, Bill, recently took a flying (byair) vacation trip to the Pacific Coast.Their three boys are lusty examples oftheir sex; the youngest is 4. . . Al.Straube is in Chicago and will be atReunion. Still unmarried. . . PaulF. Swain, same as Straube.Hazel Stillman is reported to beprincipal of Tuley High School in Chicago.Charles L. Sullivan, Jr., is stillpresident of Thresher Varnish Co. atDayton, Ohio, and very active in civicaffairs. His wife, Fay, it will be remembered, is a sister of Herbert G.Hopkins, '11."Ed" (Edward R. to his clients)Tiedebohl of Chicago and his wifehave three charming daughters of 8,10 and 12, Sally, Susanne and MaryRose (and when Mary was small, DaddyRose, too ! ) . Ed. is a lawyer and hiscontributions to literature and the artsare "just a lot of legal pleadings andbriefs gathering dust in Court Clerks' offices — of startling interest to no one.No, even, sad to relate, to the Judgesfor whom they were so laboriously prepared."Perry Trimble practices law inPrinceton, 111. His wife is very ill ina Chicago hospital and Perry spendsmost of his time here lately. His olderbrother, Cairo, is president-elect of theIllinois State Bar Association.Ralph Vandervort of Los Angeles,whose presence with his wife in 1931added so much to the 20th Reunion,can't make the Silver Jubilee, becauseof their daughter, Marjorie's graduationfrom Hollywood High School. Address, 3236 Primm Avenue, Hollywood.Ralph is in the mortgage loan business.John B. Williams has recentlylaunched the Williams Dairy Co. atOttumwa, Iowa. So far as disclosed,he is the only member of the Class inthe drink business. Good luck, Johnny ;may your cows be always fresh andtheir milk always sweet ! . . HumeC. "Nemo" Young is in the bond business in Chicago. . . Seeing the nameof Charles I. Yule from Oshkoshprompts the comment to him that wehope Yule be coming to Reunion,Charlie.1917Supervisor of Secondary Educationsince 1925 in Little Rock, Arkansas,Charles F. Allen has, as joint author, written three books in the field ofextra-curricular activities, each ofwhich was rated and starred on theBest Sixty List, N. E. A. The third,"Basic Student Activities," by Roener,Allen and Yarnell, was published bySilver Burdett Company last year.Allen was this year elected permanentadviser of the Southern AssociationStudent Government at Dallas, and isa member of the executive committeeof the National Honor Society and theNational Committee on Research in Secondary Education, is the author of several work books and numerous magazine articles, and is Associate Editorof the Junior-Senior High SchoolClearing House. His favorite recreations are duck hunting, fishing, golf,traveling by automobile, checkers, andcards.1918As the wife of Professor Edward A.Wicher, Ida Oberbeck Wicher has anactive part in the student life of theSan Francisco Theological Seminary.Mrs. Wicher recently "had an opportunity to recall and talk over Chicagodays with Ann Elizabeth Taylor,AM'18, YWCA Secretary at Chicagoin 1918. Miss Taylor is now a secretaryof the Board of National Missions ofthe Presbyterian Church, with officesin New York City, and was the speakerat the annual Presbyterial meetings inCalifornia this spring. It was at sucha meeting we met and wondered why theone looked familiar to the other. It wasHAIRREMOVEDFOREVER16 Years' ExperienceFree ConsultationLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Rootsper hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrologyand Physical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 35a joy to know we had a further interest in common, namely, that of promoting missionary work in various fieldsin the United States as well as in foreign countries."1919At present Sik-Chu Lui, SM'27, isan assistant chemist in the office of Inspector of Naval Material, Navy Department, located at Menhall, Pa.1920Madeleine I. Cohn has been Mrs.Ben D. Silver since December 17, 1933.The Silvers have just moved into theirown home at 5408 Nicholas Street,Omaha, Nebraska.1924"Work! Work! Work! That's thelife at U of C !" So reports Harold A.Anderson, AM'26, as for his recreation. Chairman of the Department ofEnglish at University High School,Anderson is a member of the Board ofTrustees of North Park College for1934-36 and president of the AlumniAssociation of that institution.1929Teaching more or less exclusively inthe field of education, Isaac H. Millerhas been professor of education at Livingstone College and director of theState Summer School at LivingstoneCollege during the past seven years andalso director of extension work (forteachers) of the college. His interestis in outdoor things — gardening, raisingchickens, and keeping a cow.1931Marguerite McNall has been connected with the First District IllinoisState Nurses' Association, 8 SouthMichigan Avenue, Chicago, for the lastten years.1933Violette L. Burstatte has taughtdepartmental reading and literature, hasbeen grade school librarian, has taughtsummer school and fifth and sixthgrades. She was recently reappointedP. T. A. program chairman of the Melrose Park School of Maywood. Herfavorite recreations and hobbies areworking with Camp Fire Groups, camping and mountain climbing, travel, collecting pictures of geography, history,literature, and handicraft.The exhibit of the art work of JohnPratt at the Renaissance Gallery inWieboldt Hall for the last month hasincluded his paintings in oil, water colors, on glass, and sculpture in tin andlead. His work was shown with thatof Charles Sebree.1934Edgar Burtis of Washington calledat the Alumni Office in early June. Heis with the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in research. DePaul University College of Law recently congratulated Carolyn R. Juston her excellent scholarship during herfreshman year. As a result of receiving the highest scholarship in her firstyear she was awarded a tuition prizeand a copy of Bovier's Law Dictionaryand her name was inscribed on theSigma Delta Kappa Plaque and on theNorman Feinberg Memorial Cup.1935Since leaving in June, 1935, JamesF. Heyda has been employed as a parttime instructor in mathematics at Michigan State College, East Lansing,Michigan, and is also working for hismaster's degree at the same time. Hereports: "My favorite pastime is learning to play a piano by myself, and alsolistening to 'hill-billy' music on theradio, which I like very much."DIVINITY&. E. Garrison, DB, PhD, gave theConvocation Address for the DisciplesDivinity House on the fifteenth of thismonth.1932Emmie F. Harper, AM, and MarvinH. Harper, PhD, returned in Januaryto India where they resumed their dutiesin the Leonard Theological College atJubbulpore.John Knox, PhD, has resumed withnew zest, after a year of absence spentin study at the University of Chicago,his duties as teacher at Fisk University,Nashville, Tennessee.Carleton L. Lee, AM, is director ofreligious life in the Department of Religious Education, Dorchester Academy,Mcintosh, Georgia.Benjamin E. Mays, PhD, reportsthat he is enjoying his new duties asdean of the Howard University Schoolof Religion in Washington, D. C.SOCIAL SERVICEEdith Abbott, Dean of the School ofSocial Service, was elected President ofthe. National Conference of SocialWork for 1936-37. The national meeting, which was held in Atlantic Cityduring the last week in May, was alsoattended by Grace Abbott, SophonisbaP. Breckinridge, Elizabeth Dixon,Helen R. Wright, Charlotte Towle,Harrison A. Dobbs and Eleanor Goltzof the faculty of the School of SocialService.Two hundred alumni of the Schoolof Social Service who were attendingthe National Conference of SocialWork met together for breakfast. Thecustomary "roll-call" proceeded duringthe breakfast hour and each memberpresent responded by telling briefly AWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Puf poses4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rusk Medical CollegeBROADCASTINGNORMAN KLINGOutstandingVOCAL INSTRUCTORTO STARS OFRadio — Stage — OrchestraWill Help You to Improve orDevelop Your VoiceHis Aid Has Helped Many toGreater Earning Power and SuccessStudio Telephone903 Kimball Building Webster 7188CATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882COALJAMES COAL CO.ESTABLISHED 1 888YARDS58th & Halsted Sts. Phone Normal 28008 1st & Wallace Sts. Phone Radcliffe 8000COFFEE -TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston— New York— Philadelphia— Syracuse36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEELECTRIC SIGNSELECTRIC SIGNADVERTISING•FEDERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYCLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.225 North Michigan Avenue•W. B. Kruplce, '19Vice-president in Charge of SalesEMPLOYMENTCOLOREDDOMESTIC HELPFurnishedDay or NightReferences investigated.Englewood Employment Agency5530 S.State. Phone-Englewood 3 1 8 1 -3 1 82Street Night-Englewood3l8lEstablished 16 yearsFLOWERSmHOMER LANSE A. LANSEEst. 1887Charge Accounts and DeliveryFLORIST<ZI East Monroe Central 3777Phones:1631 7 CHICAGOEstablished 186SFLOWERSPlaza 6444, 6445East 55th StreetFUNERAL DIRECTORH. D. LUDLOWFUNERAL DIRECTORFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 28616110 Cottage Grove Ave.FURNITURE POLISH"Marvelous"NEVERUBPOLISHCr.imFurnltur.Brilliant, Lasting, Not OilyDIM* with equal waterNO RUBBINGSold by: Fields, Davis Store, The Fair, andRetail Stores everywhere. about the kind of work he or she wasengaged in at the present time. The"roll-call" is interesting because former students are present from all partsof the country and are carrying on somany interesting and important varieties of social work.The annual School and Alumni dinner was held at Judson Court, June 9,1936, with two hundred former students of the School of Social Servicepresent. Following the dinner, a briefbusiness session resulted in the unanimous election of May Freedman asVice President, Gertrude HerrickSchafer, AM'36, as Secretary andTreasurer of the Alumni Association,and Margaret Cochran Bristol,AM'33, as Council representative. Theothers continuing in office for anotheryear are Eleanor Goltz, AM'30,President; Helen) Haseltine, AM'34,and Anna May Sexton Mitchell,AM'30, Council representatives.Miss Breckinridge, in response to theappeal of the alumni, served as toastmis-tress with various interesting stories ofthe old School of Civics and Philanthropy and the University. The entiregroup was very much pleased to hearfrom President Hutchins, who spokebriefly. It was a great pleasure to welcome Miss Grace Abbott this year, whowas not able to be with us last yearbecause she was away attending the International Conference at Geneva,Switzerland. A telgram from Dr. Graham Taylor, former Director of theSchool of Civics and Philanthropy, wasread. Kenneth Foresman, a FieldWork Assistant in the School, broughta message of appreciation from thestudent group. Miss Marie Reese represented the Social Service Club, whichhas been very active during the pastyear and, in addition to its many activities, has published the interestinglittle paper entitled "News and Views."The high point of the evening, however, was the annual report given byDean Edith Abbott, with news of theSchool's work for the past year andits hopes for the future.During the evening, Miss Goltz presented Dean Abbott with a very generous contribution from former students of the School for the AlumniLoan Fund which was established lastyear and is being used by Social Service students. The School wishes toextend its sincere appreciation for thiscontribution to our loan fund, which isgreatly needed and appreciated by thestudents.Helen R. Jeeter, PhD'24, is nowin charge of statistical reporting forthe Social Security Board, Washington,Grace White, AM'34, has resignedher position at the University of Pittsburgh and is joining the. Social Servicestaff of the University Clinics.Laurin Hyde, AM'35, has accepteda position with the Social SecurityBoard in Washington, D. C. Donald Hartzell, recently of the DelinquencyDivision of the U. S. Children's Bureau, will take Mr. Hyde's place incharge of the Juvenile Court FieldWork unit for the School.Cecelia Carey, AM'35, has takena position as supervisor of Child Welfare Work under the new Social Security program set up in the state ofNevada. Mildred Arnold has taken asimilar position in the state of Indiana.SOUTH SIDEMEDICAL1930Llewelyn P. Howell finally brokea long period of silence. We thoughthe was lost in the north country buthe wrote the other day and we inferthat he is still at the Mayo Clinic.Ruth E. Stocking reports a changeof address after July 15, 1936, fromLansing, Michigan, to 409 E. ArmourBlvd., Kansas City, Mo.1931Alfred C. Dick is now located inKingman, Arizona, and from what wecan learn is in general practice.1932Arthur Vorwald recently presenteda paper at the meeting of the NationalTuberculosis Association Meeting inNew Orleans, La. At present he is inthe hospital recovering from an operation.Justin A. Frank is in general private practice at Pismo Beach, Cal.,which he describes as a little resorttown midway between Frisco and LosAngeles. His main medical interestsare heart and skin.1934Sara Branham is in the NationalInstitute of Health, Washington, D. C,and is working on Antimeningococcicserum.Lawrence E. Skinner is located at252 S. Broadway, Tacoma, Washington. At present he is working in alarge industrial clinic.Monroe K. Ruch is completing 31/.months as medical resident at SanBernardino Co. Hospital July 1. Heis taking the California and ArizonaState Boards.Kent Thayer, who is located inPhoenix, Arizona, reports that he likeshis work and is especially interested inChest.1935Sion Holley is at the present in'"'the department of Pathology at the University of Texas in Galveston.Paul C. Foster is just recoveringfrom a peritonsillar abscess. He hasresigned from the Department ofPhysiology at Tulane University. AfterJuly 1 he will be at the UniversityClinics, Iowa City, Iowa, starting uponan interneship.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHIGH SCHOOLTEACHERS(Continued from Page 28)Wilson. North Side: Julia Alexander,'26, John DeLong, Mrs. Ella B. Clark,Glen A. Gordy, '17, AW 33, MabelGreenwalt, AM'30, Milton Northrop,Maryann Roller. Central: FlorenceLucasse, '11, Blanche Nielsen, HazelHawkins, '14, Mary Smeltzly, MildredBrigham, John R. Jones.Frankport — Maurice N. O'Bannon,Supt.Garrett — Clifford Bryan, MaryDean, Mrs. Helen Dawson Ellis, RuthHarsh, AM'35, E. Vaughn Minniear,Vera Silberg, Marie Thursh, Paul Wilkinson.Gary — Emerson: Bertha Ade, CletaBailey, Grace Benscoter, '23, EstherBoal, Donald Connerley, MargaretEvans, Emma B. Peters, AM'22, MaryPortmess, Clara K, Reyher, DaisyRowe, Lillian Ryan, Frances Townley,Francis V. Unzicker, Maurice Wol-brandt, Edna Zaldivar, '31. HoraceMann: Myrtle Berg, '29, Julia Brown,Juliette Cline, Olive Greensf elder, '16,Dora Hill, Martha Larsen, Wilson Masters, AM'28, Mrs. Imogene McCor-mick, Mildred Polak, Ray G. Price,AM'32, Florence Wheeler, C. C. White-man. Lew Wallace: Margaret Ridge-ley, '35, Rose Richardson, Paul Carlson,Glenn Shelley, '27, Allegra Nesbit, '23,Elvira Bass, Carolyn Weber, HeroldHerod.Goshen — Gertrude Wahl, '14, GraceGalentine, '29, Frances Stutz, '23,Daniel Gerig, '30, O. L. Walter, AM'28..H a m m o n d — Mrs. Gwendolyn M.Barnes, Norman A. Beyer, KatherineBollenbach, Berenice Buck, Alyce O.Cain, Clarence T. Coleman, AM'29,Madelyn Conroy, William T. Elliott,Theodore Fruehling, '25, AM'34, MarieS. A. Gustafson, Glen H. Hendricks,SM'33, K. B. Huffine, B. O. Keeler,Helen Kennedy, W. A. Kumpf, AM'36,Joseph W. Little, '32, Charles E. Long,Stewart W. Matson, Eunice McCul-lough, Hellen McCullough, Edwin Nelson, Pauline Pritchard, Crystal Reeder,SM'23, Thelma Robison, R. G. Rupp,Mrs. Leena D. Rupp, '08, Charles R.Shanner, '33, SM'35, Eileen Shannon,Flora W. Snyder, AM'17, A. L. Spohn,AM'29, Vera A. Thomas, Deane MarieWhite, Katherine J. Williams, AM'32,Edith Wood.Hobart — Richard A. Nuzum, AM'34,Fonzo Lawler, AM'35, J. M. Sellers,Mildred Tabbert, '35.Howe— Edwin W. Neff, AM'31.Indianapolis — Bertram Sanders,Gretchen Scotten, AM'13, GertrudeMescall, Jessie E. Moore, '17, AM'24,L. B. Maxwell, Violet Beck, W. S.Hiser, Charles M. Sharp, J. BeatriceEvans, Adelaide B. Thale, GertrudeLieber, Ruth H. Shull, W. S. Barn-hart, Estelle Peel Izor, Ina Pemberton, '24, Ada M. Coleman, '19, ElizabethHodges. Crispus Attucks: MarimonHansberry, Julian D. Coleman, AM'24,William T. Davis, Mary A. Johnson,Emily B. Garrett, William L. G. King,Radford D. Morris, Maenell V. Hamlin. Shortridge : Katharine Allen, RuthAllerdice, James C. Beane, Zola Beas-ley, Walter H. Carnahan, Opal G. Conrad, Louise Fechtman (Mrs. WarnerF. Patterson), E. M. Hughes, MarthaHunt, Albert Kettler, AM'27, Don R.Knigth, AM'29, Ruth Lewman, Rousseau McClellan, Grace Morrison,Blanche Rawlings F. L. Rouch, LauraC. Rupp, Adelaide Smith, Mabel Washburn, '18, E. Carl Watson, Edna K.Watson. George Washington: W. G.Gingery, AM'17, William H. Bock,Mrs. Iva C. Head, Mary McB ridge,AM'27, Leo Rosasco, '34, Mrs. Alice T.Schultz, Mrs. Bess S. Wright, MyrtleJohnson, Mrs. Lydia A. Thomas.Kendallville — Laura Goodwin,Paul Haist, Walter Penrod, '24, MaeStephens, Anna Valenti.Knightstown — Mariella Stanton.Kokomo — C. V. Haworth, Supt.; C.E. Hinshaw, Anna B. Ward, IndiaMartz, Fred Mustard, AM'33, JosephPowell, Haven Jones, Louise Scheldt,'23.LaPorte — Grant Frantz, Frankie I.Jones, '23, AM'35, Eva H. Thompson,E. B. Wetherow, '32, Supt.; John M.French, AM'27, Princ.Lebanon — Drubelle Stephenson, '30,Thomas L. Christian.Ligonier — Elizabeth Hire, ClaraRathfon, Winifred Bevan, Emma Manders, Elsie Downs, Nell Jones, EthelRichardson.Michigan City — M. L. Knapp,James Griffin, Mrs. Florence Kelly, Ellis Beals, '23, Eva Zink, George Irgang,'27, Mabel Engstrom, AM'28, Mrs. Cornelia Anderson, Mildred Smith, HelenSouthgate, Mrs. Grace Hart, A. J. Parsons, R. B. Troyer, Frances Halter, '24.Monticello — Robert Ross, AM'27,Supt.Muncie — Mrs. Emma Commack,Mrs. Erma Christy, Charles Hampton,Melva Harris, D. W. Horton, FlorenceLentz, Clarence E. Swingley, AM'31,Junetta C. Heinonen, PhD'29, Elizabeth Stone, Lydia Grabbe, Basil Swin-ford, AM'26, P. D. Edwards, L. H.Whitcraft, AM'23, Mary Kibele, '18,Mildred Osgood, AM'29, Lucia Myseh,'28.Newcastle — G. H. Gross, WilliamEmerson Jones, AM'28, Clara West-hafer, '16, Maude Woody.Pendleton — Ernest Harris, AM'27,Dessie Burton.Peru— Lillian Rappert, W. H. Bit-tel, Mrs. Rachel Challis, Ida Galbreath,'18, Ina Hornish, Clarence Oury, J. P.Crodian.Pierceton — M argaret E. Payne,George E. Plew.Plymouth— T. A. Kleckner, AM'33.Portland — J. C. Webb. GALLERIESO'BRIEN GALLERIESPaintings Expertly RestoredNew life brought to treasured canvases. Our moderate prices will please.Estimates given without obligation.673 North MichiganSuperior 2270GROCERIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERHOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESMorgan Laundry Service, Inc.2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Calumet 7424Dormitory ServiceStandard Laundry Co.Linen Supply — Wet WashFinished Work1818 South Wabash Ave.Phone Calumet 4700SUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL SERVICESWe Also DoDry Cleaning — Shoe Repairing4240 PhoneIndiana Ave. OAKIand 138338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELITHOGRAPHERL. C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MUSICRayner Dalheim &CO-MU51CENGRAVERS & PRINTERSof FRATERNITY, SORORITYand UNlYERSITYoF CHICAGO SONG BOOKSNO 0RDERT00 LARGE 0RT00 SMALL - WRITE FOR PRICES2054 W.LAKE ST. PHONE SEELEY 4710OPTICAL SUPPLIESSince 1886BORSCH & COMPANYEyes Examined Glasses FittedOculists Prescriptions FilledWe Can Duolicate Any Lens fromthe Broken PiecesTelephone62 E. Adams St. State 7267PAINTSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3186PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPIANO INSTRUCTIONOLGA H. SCHAWETEACHER OF PIANOStudio— Del Prado Hotel5307 Hyde Park Blvd.For AppointmentPhone Hyde Park 9600ROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired— New Roofs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estimates Freef Fairfax 3206 OUR FOREIGNCORRESPONDENTEleanor M. Burgess, '20, is spending the year on a 'round-the-world tour.In the March issue of the Magazinewe published some casual notes aboutChicago alumni that Miss Burgess hadencountered while touring the Orient.After seven weeks in India, going fromCalcutta to the Khyber Pass, Bombayand Colombo, she sailed for Egypt and,after a fortnight stay there, was off forthe Holy Land and spent Easter inJerusalem. Then she favored Greecewith a visit and her last report stateddiat she was headed for Belgrade andBudapest and felt as if she were almosthome ! So again we pass on to yousome news of the alumni she has metin these countries in the last fewmonths.In Lucknow, India, our correspondent found time to call on Mrs. Carl S.Forsgren (Enola Eno), PhD'25, wholives at the Press Compound on Cantonment Road and is the Assistant Principal of the Isabella Thoburn College.She also visited Ava Hunt, AM'26, ofthe Teachers' Training Department ofthe same College.Kathleen Clancy, AM'32, teachesat Lai Bagh High School for Girls inLucknow.Isabelle Bux, AM'25, formerly ofIsabella Thoburn College, is now Mrs.Dan Caleb, Union Christian College,Allhabad.At Lahore, Ross Wilson, AM'22,John B. Weir, PhD'34, and MartinR. Ahrens, AM'29, are members of thefaculty of the Forman Christian College.While traveling by train betweenMadras and Modura, Miss Burgess metMrs. Martin L. Dolbeer, whose husband received his master's degree fromthe Divinity School in 1929. Mr. Dol-beer is a missionary at Nararsardupetin the Guntur District, north of Madras.Harold Nelson, '01, PhD('13, FieldDirector of the Epigraphic Expeditionof the Oriental Institute, served as hostto Miss Burgess at a tea at the ChicagoHouse in Luxor, Egypt.Keith C. Seele, a graduate studentat the University, in 1928, is now anepigrapher at the Chicago House, butwill return next fall to take up work atthe* Oriental Institute.Nicholas Lattof, '28, is at theY. M. C. A. in Jerusalem as AssistantSecretary. Mrs. Lattof is OlgaMisura of the Class of '29.Mrs. Philip Joseph (Dena E. Shapiro, '27, AM'29), lives at 112 Roth-child Boulevard in Tel-Aviv, Palestine.Margaret Shannon, '31, teacheshistory at the American Junior Collegein Beyrouth, Syria, and another Chicago alumna, Nejla M. Izzedin, AM'31, PhD'34, teaches Near East Historyand Arabian Literature. On the evening of April 23 Miss Burgess attendeda program of plays given by the girlsof the Junior College and coached byMargaret Shannon. Walter H. Ritsher, PhD'34, isdoing research work in the departmentof Political Science at the AmericanUniversity of Beyrouth, Syria, on aRockefeller Foundation grant.John E. Hartzler, AM'19, formerlyin the Near East School of Theology,is now in the Witmarsum Theologica)Seminary at Bluffton, Ohio.George E. Scherer, PhD'30, is atthe American Mission in Beyrouth.Dr. Edward L. Turner, '22, SM'23,holds the chairmanship of the Department of Medicine at the American University of Beyrouth. Mrs. Turner wasKatharine Ensminger, ex '23.Miss Burgess was with Maxwell K.Moorhead, '03, the American ConsulateGeneral at Istanbul, Turkey, and hiswife on several occasions and especiallyenjoyed the motor ride up the Bos-phorus to the entrance of the Black Sea.Just at present Mrs. John A. Leva-ditis, who was Edna Heymann whenshe received her bachelor's degree in1925, is a "Greek housewife" and isstarting a class in home making at theAmerican Junior College for Girls nearAthens. Her address is 24 Rue Deli-yanni, Athens.Dean at the University of Chicago inthe early days and associated withPresident Harper, Edwards Capps nowheads the American School of ClassicalStudies in Athens.MASTERS1920Mary E. Owen, AM, o£ Rochester,N. Y., is Associate Editor of The Instructor. A motoring and golf enthusiast, she was president of the Educational Press Association of Americafrom February, 1935, to February, 1936.1928Mildred H. McAfee, AM, of Ober-lin College, has been appointed as theseventh president of Wellesley Collegeto succeed Ellen Pendleton this fall.1934Esther Hale Powell, AM, is amember of the Department of Sociologyat the University of Nebraska.RUSH1909Arrie Bamberger, '07, MD, Chicagosurgeon, is chairman of the SurgicalDivision and a member of the Board ofDirectors of the Jackson Park Hospital,and has been promoted to the rank ofAssociate Professor of Surgery at theMedical School of the University ofIllinois.1913Ralph H. Kuhns, '11, MD, instructor in Neuropsychiatry at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine,spoke over radio station WAAF, May5, on the subject "Old Versus NewIdeas in Raising Family." This talkwas given under the auspices of theEducational Committee of the IllinoisState Medical Society.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M1918At the meeting of the American Society for Experimental Pathology heldin Washington, C. Phillip Miller,MD, Associate Professor of Medicineat the University was elected vice-president.1926Since moving from Chattuck, Okla.,to Santa Ana, Calif., John P. Davis,MD, has been specializing in urology,and is the urologist on the staffs of theOrange County Hospital and the St.Joseph Hospital at Orange, Calif.Esmond R. Long, '11, PhD'19, MD,of the University of Pennsylvania recently was elected president of the National Tuberculosis Association.BUSINESS1914Sarah Reinwald Levinson writesthat the subjects she is teaching aretwin girls, 13 years old, and a boy of 10.Erling H. Lunde is sales engineerfor Central Tools, Inc., and the DeanMachinery Co., Chicago.1923Harold D. Waller is advertisingmanager for the L. & L. Hotel Corporation, Chicago.1924Nanine Steele Bixby is taking extension work at Harvard and BostonUniversity.Billy E. Goetz is teaching at Armour Institute and DePaul University.William McLean Stewart, Jr., isa representative of James S. Kemper &Company of New York City, and aresident of Glen Ridge, New Jersey.1928Sidney M. Perlstadt is an internalrevenue agent (income tax division) atSan Francisco.1930William R. Benner is a partner inthe Streator Canning Co., Streator, 111.Austin T. Gardner is assistant tothe president of Utilities Power andLight Corporation, Chicago.Henry J. Rehn, PhD, is controllerfor the American Far Eastern MatchCompany, Shanghai.1932Stuarta Kaye Barat is assistant tothe manager of the credit union organization of Chicago Civil Service Employees.Robert Colville is with Chapkin &Company, public accountants.Fred Wong Louis is taking the Fordtraining program at Dearborn, Michigan, preparatory to an assignment tothe Shanghai office.Frank W. Murray is sales managerfor Armour & Company in Cuba. From the School of Business NewsLetter we glean the information that"by dint of hard work and everlastingto the principles of integrity and perseverance," John N. Smucker has "arrived at the point where he is a salesrepresentative (peddler) of the Aluminum Company of America."1933George Cameron is working for theGeneral Motors Acceptance Corporation.1934Anthony Alesanskas is with theResearch Department of the IllinoisCentral.A. Neal Deaver is business managerfor Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa.Isobel Kennedy is in the businesssurvey department of the Chicago Tribune.Paul C. Smith is assistant to thepresident of the B. G. Garment Co.,Chicago.1935Ruth Marjorie Beck is a stenographer for the Central Life AssuranceSociety of Des Moines and the newlyelected secretary of the University ofChicago Club. of that city.William H. Bergman is a salesmanfor S. A. Bergman, Inc., paints andwall paper, Chicago.Albert J. Bonady is doing salespromotion work for the Shell PetroleumCompany.John Curry is in the sales promotion division of the General ElectricCompany.Robert Diefendorf is an accountantfor the Bendix Products Corporation,South Bend, Ind.Charles Thomas Dwyer is an adjuster for the Commercial Credit Company, Chicago.Stanford Ege is in the accountingdepartment of the Dole Valve Company,Chicago.John A. Logan is a junior accountant with Albert A. Chatkin, Chicago.Conrad A. Lund is in the sales promotion division of General Mills at Duluth.Ray W. MacDonald is a salesmanfor the Burroughs Adding MachineCompany in Chicago.John W. Rice and Daniel Walshare in the office of the Shell PetroleumCompany, Chicago.Elliott R. Suttle is secretary tothe comptroller, Fairbanks, Morse &Co., Chicago.Frank G. Todd, Jr., is a salesmanfor the International Business MachinesCorporation in New York.Wilbur L„ Vick is a cost accountant with Johnson & Johnson, Chicago. AGAZINE 39RUGSAshjian Bros., inc.Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED2107 E. 71st St. Phone Dor. 0009SPORTING GOODSJ. B. Van Boskirk & SonsSporting Goods"Van" of Bartlett Gym1411 East 60th StreetMidway 7521Complete Tennis EquipmentSquash & BadmintonTEACHER'S AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.THEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronagePaul Yatesjf ates-Fisher Teachers' Agenc jTEstablished 1906616 South Michigan Ave., ChicagoVENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767X-RAY SUPPLIESX-RAY SUPPLIES& Accessories"At Your Service9Tel. Seeley 2550-51Geo. W. Brady & Co.809 So. Western Ave.40 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELAW1932Donald B. Smith, '31, JD, is a member of the law firm of Smith, Carlsonand Whitacre, with offices at E-826First National Bank Building and 5Midway Club Building, both in the cityof St. Paul, Minn.1933Julian D. Weiss, '31, JD, is in theinvestment department of American National Bank and Trust Company. Hishome address is 7432 Chappel Ave.,Chicago. -Thales Norman Lenington, '30, JD,is with Silber, Isaacs, Clausen & Woley,208 South La Salle Street, Chicago.DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1918Professor of Chemistry at Iowa StateCollege at Ames, F. E. Brown, '13, hashad about two thousand quarter enrollments of freshman chemistry studentsper year for the past nineteen years. Hekeeps a little research going along thelines of effects of pressure catalysts andenergy on reactions. As for his hobby,he states that it "must be that of a'jiner.' I keep memberships alive in everything I was at any time eligible tojoin, from Sunday School and BoyScouts on up and I hope soon to join aTownsend Old Age Pension Club."And for proof Professor Brown is chairman of the University of Chicago Club;president of the Presbyterian ChurchBoard ; president of the Tall Corn Council, Boy Scouts of America; councilor,chairman, secretary and correspondentfor local section of American ChemicalSociety; chairman of the EducationalSection of the last two midwest regionalmeetings of the American ChemicalSociety.1921Gertrude Smith, '16, AM'17, is professor of Greek and Acting Chairmanof the Department of Greek at the University of Chicago.1924Associate Professor of Religious Education at the University, E. J. Chavehas been elected chairman of the Executive-Religious Association of the Research Committee of the InternationalCouncil of Religious Education, andalso of the Parents Association of theUniversity Laboratory Schools for1936-37.1929Physical anthropologist and anatomist, W. M. Krogman, '26, AM'27, isassociate professor of anatomy andphysical anthropology at the School ofMedicine of Western Reserve University, located at Cleveland, Ohio. He issecretary of Section H of the American Association of Advance Science,secretary of WRU Chapter of Sigma Xi, secretary in physical anthropologyfor the U. S. in the International Congress of Anthropology, Ethnology andArchaeology, second vice-president ofthe Central Section of the AmericanAnthropology Association and a member of the Editorial Board of Child Development Abstract and Bibliography.This last is closely related with his avocation and hobby of watching his infantdaughter grow in size and grow up inbehavior.1930Joseph L. Adler, '17, is president ofthe Pathfinder Prospecting Company, afirm which makes seismograph surveys,of New York City.1931C. L. Christenson, '24, is now associate professor of economics at Indiana University. He is one of threefaculty men of that institution listed inAmerica's Young Men.1934Russell A. Beam has an office in theChicago Post-office Building where heis assistant to the Area Educational Adviser for the Civilian ConservationCorp.Earl A. Dennis joined the facultyof the American University as assistant professor of Biology in September,1935.1935Richard H. Bauer, '23, AM'28, isa new assistant professor of EuropeanHistory at the American University,Washington, D. C, having resigned hisposition in September, 1935, to acceptthis new appointment.J. Allen Hynek, '31, who holds aninstructorship at Ohio State Universityand the position of assistant astronomerat Perkins Observatory (which housesthe world's fourth largest telescope) reports that his work is mainly researchwork in astrophysics. Mrs. Hynek wasMartha D. Alexander, SM'31.ENGAGEDBeatrice Hall to Robert E. Lang-ford, Jr., '34. The wedding will takeplace in September.MARRIEDEdward Z. Rowell, '15, AM'16,PhD'22, to Margaret Avery, May 24,1936, Oakland, Calif. ; at home afterSeptember 1st, 1061 Miller Road, Berkeley, Calif. Mr. Rowell is AssociateProfessor of Public Speaking in theUniversity of California in Berkeleyand president of the Western Association of Teaching of Speech.A. Louis Rosi, '26, MD'31, to Barbara Shambaugh, February 14, 1936,Chicago; address, 5615 Kimbark Ave.,Chicago.Elizabeth Annette Steiner, '29,to William Henry Rapp, April 15, 1936;address, 6853 South Ada Street, Chicago. William Brand, '29, to BarbaraPark, formerly of the University Press,May 9, 1936, Bond Chapel; at home,7612 Saginaw Ave., Chicago.Francesse Tigue, '33, to TheodoreBrand, '35, May 9, 1936, Bond Chapel ;at home, 7610 Saginaw Ave.> Chicago.Elizabeth Anne Jones, '33, toCharles Borst; at home, 6027 KimbarkAve., Chicago.Elisabeth Cason, '34, to EdwardW. Nicholson, '34, June 10, 1936, Chicago. After a honeymoon in Californiathey will go to Texas for the summerand in the fall they will go to Boston,where he is to serve as an instructorin Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the year.Geraldine Smithwick, '34, t oLuis M. Alvarez, '32, SM'34, April15, 1936, Bond Chapel. They are livingat 2451 Le Conte, Berkeley, Calif.Howard K. Hyde, AM'35, to S'.Marie Black, June 5, 1936. ThorndikeHilton Chapel; at home, 6218 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.BORNTo Elwood G. Ratcliff, '22, andMrs. Ratcliff, a daughter, Sandra, April14, 1936, Oak Park.To Hugh Riddle, '30, and Mrs. Riddle (Katherine Madison, '30) a son,William Lewis, March 20, 1936, Highland Park, 111.To Dr. John J. Keith, MD'33, andMrs. Keith (Caroline E. Masini,ex'26) a daughter, Mary Katherine,June 2, 1936, Chicago.To Robert E. Asher, '32, AM'34,and Mrs. Asher, a son, Robert LouisAsher, May 10, 1936, Washington,D. C.DEATHSAsa Howard Ballard, DOB'88, Baptist Minister, March 17, 1936, Belleville,Kansas.Herman J. Powell, DB'90, March30, 1936, Santa Ana, Calif. For thelast few years Mr. Powell devoted muchof his time to the care of his three anda half acre orange grove.Mrs. George William Beach (BerthaBarnet), '00, May 15, 1936, PortTownsend, Washington.Evan T. Sage, AM'05, PhD'08,head of the department of classics atthe University of Pittsburgh, died May30. A professor of Latin, Dr. Sagehad been at Pitt since 1914.Earl R. McCarthy, '19, SM'21,MD'22, 41 years old, 808 Hill Road,Winnetka, a member of the staffs ofthe Presbyterian and County Hospitals,died April 21, 1936.Charles Albertis Wagner, AM'22,professor of education and psychologyat the Louisiana State Normal atNatchitoches for many years, died onApril 14, 1936.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOL AND CAMP DIRECTORYBOYS' SCHOOLSROXBURY SCHOOLFor boys 11 years and olderFlexible organization and painstaking supervision of each boy's program offer opportunityfor exceptional scholastic progress and generaldevelopment.% A. N. Sheriff, HeadmasterCheshire, ConnecticutWILLISTON ACADEMYUNUSUAL educational opportunities at modestcost. Endowment over half a million. Ovei150 graduates in 40 colleges. New recreationalcenter, gymnasium, swimming pool. Experienced, understanding masters. Separate JuniorSchool.Address Archibald V. Galbraith, HeadmasterBox 3, Easthampton, Mass.CRANBROOK SCHOOLDistinctive endowed boys' school_ near Detroit.Grades 7-12 and post-graduate courses. Arts,sciences, athletics, hobbies. Graduates in 40 colleges. - Non-military. Modern buildings andequipment. Single rooms for all boys. For catalog addressRegistrar, 2000 Lone Pine RoadBloomfield Hills, Mich.PEDDIE scnh|5dowedfor BoysPeddie specializes in preparing boys for college. Outof 373 Doys graduated in last five years, 302 have entered colleges such as Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Harvard, Brown. Cornell, Pennsylvania, Mass. Institute ofTechnology. 150 -acre campus. 15 modern buildings.Near Princeton. Separate school for younger boys. Allsports for all. School golf course. Summer session.71st year. Catalog. .Wilbour E. Saunders, HeadmasterBox D, Hightstown, N. J.SECRETARIAL SCHOOLSKATHARINE GIBBSSecretarial Executive AcademicTwo-Year Course — First year six college subjects: second year intensive secretarial training.One year course of brood business training.Special Course, College Women. Day, Residentin N. Y., Boston. Catalog. Office of Admissions.New York Boston Providence230 Park Ave. 90 Marlboro St. 155 Angell St.Optional Spring Session in Bermuda GIRLS' SCHOOLSIntensive Stenographic Course1 FOR COLLEGE MEN & WOMEN100 Words a Minute in 100 Days As- asured for one Fee. Enroll NOW. Day j\classes only — Begin Jan., Apr., Julyand Oct; Write or Phone Ran. 1575.18 -S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO -frHiBMiMMifcMIHI.LIBRARY SCHOOLLIBRARY SCHOOL209 S. State St., Chicago, III.Preparatory course for public Librarian.Practical book courses -for positions inRental Libraries and book stores.Register Mon. to Fri. 1 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. The MARY C. WHEELER SCHOOLA school modern in spirit, methods, equipment, rich intraditions. Excellent college preparatory record. Generalcourse with varied choice of subjects. Post Graduate.Class Music, Dancing, Dramatics, and Art. an integral part of curriculum. Leisure for hobbies. Dailysports. 170 acre farm — riding, hunting, hockey. Separate residence and life adapted to younger girls.Catalogue.Mary Helena Dey, M.A., PrincipalProvidence, Rhode IslandLOW-HEYWOODOn the Sound— At Shippan PointEstablished 1865Preparatory to the Leading Colleges forWomen. Also General Course. Art and Music.Separate Junior School. Outdoor Sports. Onehour from New York.MARY ROGERS ROPER, HeadmistressBox G, Stamford, ConnecticutCO-EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLSMORNING FACE *&&»A small boarding school for boys and girls fromfour to fourteen. Prepares for leading secondary schools. Men and women teachers whounderstand children. Intimate home life.For information addressMrs. Eleanor Runkle Crane, directorRichmond, Mass. CHILDREN'S FARMThe Midway School6216 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades — High SchoolPreparation — KindergartenFrench, Music and ArtBUS SERVICEA School with Individual Instruction andCultural AdvantagesCOLLEGESIATIONAL COLLEGE ofEDUCATION50th yearN' International reputation for superiorscholarship and distinguished faculty.Teacher training in Nursery School,Kindergarten and Elementary Grades. Exceptional placement record. Demonstration School,Dormitories, Athletics. For catalog write, EdnaDean Baker, Pres., Box 625-F, Evanston, 111.SAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music — Art Glen Eyrie FarmFOR CHILDRENDELAVAN LAKE, WISCONSIN• • •BOYS and GIRLS 7—12Family Group— Not a Camp. All farm activitiesbesides swimming and boating.Opens June 21stSend for story of the Farm.VIRGINIA HINKINS BUZZELL, ' 13Glen Eyrie Farm, Delavan Lake, Wis.SPECIAL SCHOOLSTHE ORTHOGENIC SCHOOL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBoarding and day school for the studyand training of children, 6 to 14, witheducational or emotional problems. Mental defectives are not accepted. Undersupervision of University Clinics and Department of Education.Dr. Frank N. Freeman, DirectorDr. Mandel Sherman, PsychiatristELIZABETH HULL SCHOOLForRETARDED CHILDRENBoarding and Day Pupils5046Greenwood Ave. TelephoneDrexel I 188COUPONFOR COMPLETE SCHOOL ANDCAMP INFORMATION, FILL OUTAND MAIL THIS FORM TO THEGRADUATE SCHOOL SERVICE, 30ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, N. Y.Student's Age Sex...,Religion Rate .Location Preferred Type of School Preferred Type of Camp Preferred Remarks Name Address Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.