THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEFrank D. Campbella leader.YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH 70 YEARSOF EXPERIENCE TO GUIDE YOU RIGHTIn clothes it is authoritative style . . . Quality of Material . . .Skillful tailoring and the proper fit. Adherence to theseprinciples has earned for us a noteworthy reputation formaking satisfactory clothes for all occasions.Campbell, Eisele & Polich Garments are individually tailoredfrom the finest woolens obtainable and priced to meetpresent day budgets. May we serve your requirementsthis season?CAMPBELL, EISELE & POLICH, Ltd.8 South Michigan Avenue, 4th Floor, ChicagoTelephones: State 3863— Central 8898THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCharlton T. Beck, '04 Howard P. Hudson, '35Editor and Business Manager Associate EditorFred B. Millett, PhD '31; John P. Howe, '27; William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson, Jr., 11, JD '13; Louise Norton Swain, '09, AM '16; John J. McDonough, '28Council Committee on PublicationsN THIS ISSUEWE hope that it is apparent that humorous way writes an appreciation School of Business, took issue, how-this is the Reunion issue of the of the forgotten student — the janitor, ever, and wrote a sharp refutation.Magazine. Final arrangements are Already Mr. Young has been be- He poses many questions at Mr.just about completed after several sieged by newspaper men getting the Gideonse which Air. Gideonse at-months of preparation. And all you story and taking pictures, to the ex- tempts to answer.have to do is plan to be here and tent that the hyper-efficient but un- •enjoy every minute of the time. recognized janitorial crews of Build- Teddy Linn started it with This% ings and Grounds for a while timed Was Life. Phil Allen joined withProfessors at the University have their strokes of the mop and broom Football in Ninety-Five. And nowfor years excited interest and com- to the flashing of flash bulbs. When Marion Talbot, former dean ofment from their many different ex- you read the opus On Mopping, pay Women, writes her reminiscencesperiments in research work. Few, special attention to the pictures, for the University Press in a volumehowever, carry their studies to such . .They're authentic. called More Than Lore, soon to bea dangerous and far flung field as • published. She has kindly consentedDr. Geiling, new head of the Depart- , . . to our pricing excerpts from the bookment of Pharmacology. His peculiar Harry D. Gideonse' s article in the and reviewing it fromi galley proof.field of specialization is the pituitary March issue, An Economist Looks at #^iand of the whale. And since whales the Constitution, was received very We are introducing a new featurecan't be transported to the ordinary favorably by many readers. One of tnjs month— a column about under-laboratory, Dr. Geiling goes to the nis colleagues, J. F. Christ, of the graduates by a very recent one — Samwhales. An assistant, Lewis Rob- — _____ Hair, '35. Former author of Thebins, has written a description of Dr. Travelling Bazaar in last year's DailyCeiling's adventures and tells of a TABLE OF CONTENTS Maroon and an editor of the literaryforthcoming expedition this summer monthly, Comment, he will attempt tonorth of Vancouver. • describe and interpret undergraduate• Whaong for Science, L,Wu L. i?o&-^ activities, personalities, and thought.More than half of the student body 0n Mopping,' Martin 'F. 'Young '. .' '. .' '. '. .' 6 Qat the University works full or part The Constitution as We See It; Some time ago the Magazine rantime to earn money for schooling. ^^^^ 8 an appreciation of several well-knownStudents are employed in all kinds of Professors on the Spot, Howard P. professors by equally well-knownwork for the University— clerical, Hudson 10 alumni. Now, in Professors on thewaiting tables, and on the Buildings The^^ ^ Sm we give yQU the resultg of aand Grounds staff. In this latter The Campus 'dissenter^ Ysa'm Hair W 13 survey we made among several hun-group are thirty-five boys who serve iN My Opinion, Fred B. Millett. ...... 14 dred alumni as to the "most stimulat-as janitors in the buildings, mopping, 1936 Tentative Reunion Program... 16 mg." ancr "least stimulating" instruc-scrubbing, sweeping far into the night. ,£lass of '35 Holds First Reunion. . 17 , , ,Superintendent Flook finds them ex- N_^r.™^ tors they had.^ceedingly efficient and useful. One College Elections '. [ [ \ \ 22 Your attention is called to the an-of their number, Martin F. Young of Athletics, William V. Morgenstern.. 24 nual election of the College AlumniCoffeyville, Kansas, has become their S°pu^RA^DE Medical Alumni Day30 Association. Clip out the official bal-spokesman, and in a clever, half- News of the Classes! .'.'.'.WW YY. YY .' 31 lot on page 23 and vote today.t?n- P"blished £y the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, monthly, from November to July. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. at1 A- cnue» Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency ofthe university of Chicago Magazine.HELLO, ALUMNA!This is Milton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, Reunion Chairman speaking"Have you heard of our plans for Reunion thisJune? You haven't? Well, then, listen! Whether youtend toward the serious or the frivolous, we have arranged features to please you, and if you are one of thoserare souls who can always be a Roman in Rome (andan Abyssinian in Ethiopia) we'll keep you so busy fora week that you'll think you're a delegate to the Leagueof Nations !"For those of you who think a University is aschool of learning we offer a series of five courses — oneeach day for five days, June 8 to 12, inclusive — at whichyou can bask in the brilliance of our best Faculty speakers in the five selected departments. This will give youa coat of mental tan which will last a year. Hundredsof alumnae and alumni have voted on the courses to begiven, and the five selected are those which won theelection."To furnish still more academic atmosphere, roomsand meals will be available for either men or women inJudson and Burton Courts, the palatial residence hallson the south side of the Midway at Ellis Avenue."And for those of you who think a University is aGothic country club (and for the intelligentsia who seekrelaxation after five days of mental overhauling) you may look forward to a Friday and Saturday of frivolity in thebest Quadrangular manner."Friday night (June 12) the Drama and Music departments will collaborate in Mandel with a potpourri oflight and heavy entertainment. Between acts, refreshments will be served in the sunken garden. Saturdaymorning (June 13) the Sixth Annual Alumni Conference will meet. Saturday noon the Alumnae will havetheir traditional Breakfast."Saturday afternoon will bring the biggest meetingof all, when speakers from the Alumni and the University will bring us important messages. Immediately following this, the University Press will provide a newfeature, an Author's Tea for Alumnae and Alumni. Aspecial buffet supper will be served in Hutchinson during the dinner hour. (No speakers! Here's your chanceto chin with the cronies of yesteryear.) And finally, the26th Annual University Sing will occur Saturday night,winding up the week in a paean of harmonic (we hope)glory."Many other special features are being planned byclasses, fraternities, clubs, honor-societies, and professional school groups. Plan to be here! We'll see youthen."FOR DETAILS SEE PAGE 16VOLUME XXVIII THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 7MAY, 1936WHALING FOR SCIENCEEVERYONE at sometime in life has thrilled tostories of whale hunting in Moby Dick or TheCruise of the Cachalot, but few know the insidestory of whaling or anything about the life history of thismammoth of the ocean.For many years, scientifically gathered informationon the whale has been wanting. Obviously it is not a veryconvenient animal to study in the laboratory. Thewhale presents many interesting problems for study andin recent years scientists have gone from their cloisteredlaboratories out to the whaling stations and ships in orderto answer such questions as : How can the whale remainsubmerged for such a long period of time ? How can hewithstand the pressure of several hundred fathoms ofwater? Why doesn't he suffer from Caisson's diseasewhen he returns to the surface? How has he becomeadapted to a completely pelagic environment in whicheach generation is conceived, bred, and nursed ?From what mammalianancestors did the whalearise and what course didhis peculiar form of adaptation follow? And ahost of many others.In recent years thestudy of the endocrineglands has aroused greatinterest. Because of thepeculiar adaptation of thewhale to a completelyaquatic environment theinvestigations of itsglands of internal secretion yield some very valuable information. Dr. E.M, K. Geiling, chairmanof our newly - foundedDepartment of Pharmacology is one of the investigators who has goneout to study the whalefirst hand. Dr. Geilingcame to the Universityof Chicago last February WHALES VS. HUMANSThe whale is an extremely curious mammal whose tremendous size taxes one's power of credulity. A bluewhale is about 23 feet long at birth and nurses for sevenmonths by w>ich time it has grown to about fifty-sixand a half feet. After a year and a half, the baby whalesreach sexual maturity, the males now being about 74feet long and the females 77 feet. The largest blue whaleever measured was a female 93 feet 6 inches in length. Ablue whale weighing 268,400 pounds gave the followingfigures for the various organs and tissues:Blubber 56,432 lbs.Meat ..124,176 lbs.Tongue . .. 6,947 lbs.Bone .. . . 49,016 lbs.Lungs 2,697 lbs.Heart 1,388 lbs.Stomach 915 lbs.Liver 2,057 lbs.For contrast, the following figures for the human bodywill serve to show how tremendous is the whale:Brain 40-47 oz.Kidneys 85-100 oz.Lungs 22-25 oz. • By LEWIS L ROBBINS, '35from Johns Hopkins University where he began his researches on the endocrines. While there he was associated with Dr. Abel when the latter obtained insulin,the active principle of the pancreas, in a crystalline form.Prior to the work of Dr. Geiling, nothing was knownregarding the pituitary of the whale. To the whaling-station at Rose Harbor on Queen Charlotte Island, fourhundred and fifty miles northwest of Vancouver, Dr.Geiling has gone for the past two summers in order toobtain material for study and plans to return this year tocontinue his research.The pituitary gland of the whale was chosen for special study because it offered promise of being suitablematerial for solving some of the important problemsconnected with this endocrine structure. Extracts of theposterior lobe of the pituitary contain among otherthings, two important substances, one of which causesthe small blood vesselsof the body to constrictand may be of use in thecontrol of hemorrhageand surgical shock, andthe other of which causescontraction of smoothmuscle such as is foundin the uterus and is being used in obstetricalpractice. One of theproblems is the precisedetermination of the siteof elaboration of thephysiologically activeprinciples, responsible forthe multiple properties ofextracts made from theposterior lobe (pars intermedia and pars nervosa). In other words, arethese extracts formed inthe pars intermedia, inthe pars nervosa, or inboth?Already Dr. Geiling'sinvestigations have yielded information of greatKidneys 1,203 lbs.Intestines 3,438 lbs.Brain 25 lbs.Blood 8,000 qts.Pituitary 0.5-2 oz.Ovaries 33-55 oz.Suprarenals .... 9-11 oz.Thyroid 2-6 lbs.Testes 12-15 lbs.Heart 85-100 oz.Thyroid ... 8-13 oz.Pituitary . .0.03-0.08 oz.3T 1 1 E U N I V E KS1TY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe whaling station at Rose Harbor on Queen Charlotte Island. 450 miles northwest of Vancouver, where Dr. Ceiling will makehis headquarters. The whale boats dock at the wharf to the left, while newly caught whales are moored at the flensing platform inthe centervalue to the science of endocrinology. From studiesmade on the material obtained by him, the fact that thepituitary of the whale possesses no pars intermedia wasconfirmed. He concluded that the substances whichcause smooth muscle contraction and rise in bloodpressure are elaborated in the pars nervosa lobe and notby the pars intermedia. However much more workneeds to be done in order to be absolutely certain of theresults.The paucity of our knowledge of the anatomy andphysiology of this unique order of mammals and the increasing difficulty of obtaining suitable material for study,prompted Dr. Geiling to collect, in addition to the pituitary gland, a number of other organs and tissues. TheseSperm whale head onSlitting the blubber in threewere placed at the disposal of several investigators especially interested in the specimens.Rose Harbor is a land station from which four whaling vessels go out to hunt. These vessels bring their catchback to the station where the oil and various other commercial products are obtained from the carcass.Whale boats operate from one of two types ofbases. Either there is a shore station, like Rose Harbor,which is built at the water's edge in some well-shelteredpart of the coast or there is a floating factory or factory ship which is equipped, with all the necessary machineryfor the treatment of the carcass. In former years, thewhalers would go out in small rowboats, sneak up onthe whale, and spear it with a harpoon thrown by hand.This method has been modernized by the introductionof the harpoon gun which is mounted on the bow of asmall but sturdy steam vessel. For all of its efficiencyand modern methods whaling is still a difficult anddangerous calling.Each of the factory ships has its quota of lead-linedcoffins in the hold to bring home those who die. For allthe seaworthiness and superb construction of the smallchasers, they can still be overwhelmed. The hunt is dangerous and will always remain so. It is rare for a whaleto turn on its attackers, but sometimes in its frenzy itmay do so unwittingly ; and even a steel whaler one hundred feet long cannot stand a collision with an infuriatedwhale.In the olden days, sperm and right whales only werehunted because of their slowness of movements and thefact that they floated after being harpooned. The greatblue and fin whales were left alone because these sankwhen dead. Now, however, all types are hunted, thecarcasses being inflated with air so that they can easilybe towed to the land station or factory ship.The whale boats spend nearly their whole time atsea returning to the station with their catches, after beingout from one to about three days, leaving again soon aftertheir arrival. Whales are generally to be found from tento forty miles from the coast. Decomposition sets inrapidly so that it is desirable that the whale should bebrought to the station fairly soon after it is killed. Thevalue of the oil is seriously reduced in a whale whichhas been dead for several days owing to the higher percentage of fatty acid which is formed.The whale boats dock at the wharf which is seen atthe left of the picture. When whales are first broughtin, they are moored temporarily near the flensing platforms. This is the large ramp sloping in to the waterseen in the center of the group of buildings. Other structures in the picture are the sheds where the vats forextracting the oil are located, power house, warehouses,and quarters for the men.The method of dealing with the carcasses is as fol-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElows: The whale is drawn up out of the water by apowerful electric winch. It is now almost invariablylying half on its back and half on its side. By means ofthree longitudinal cuts, the blubber is slit into three longsections, on one of which the whale is resting. Wires arehooked into the ends of these strips and the blubber ispulled away from the flesh beneath by powerful steamwinches. Two strips are thus removed simultaneously,the carcass is then rolled over and the third slice, uponwhich the body was lying removed. Blubber is then cutinto small pieces and put into boilers into which a number of steam jets open which melt out the oil.After the lower jaw has been removed and the headseparated from the body, the carcass is opened. Theribs are disarticulated from the backbone. The wholeright shoulder, right side of the abdominal wall andthorax come away with the viscera attached. The bonesare cut up by means of a steam saw and dropped intothe pressure boilers and the flesh and entrails are putinto another set of boilers. Only the vertebral columnand a considerable amount of flesh remains. These areseparated and taken to the appropriate boilers and thedismembering of the carcass is completed.A blue whale sixty-seven feet long and thirty-six feetin circumference weighs about 48.7 tons. Of this, 26tons are meat; 9 tons blubber; 9.4 tons bone; 1.1 tonstongue, and 0.4 tons whalebone. The distribution of oilapproximates 47.25 per cent in the blubber; meat 18.2per cent, bone 26 per cent and tongue, 8.5 per cent. Theaverage yield of oil from a blue whale is seventy toeighty barrels. The best oil is obtained from the blubberand with the least amount of trouble, but the bones provide a grade of oil which is very little inferior. Fromthe meat and viscera, the oil contains a higher proportionof fatty acid, and is thus of a poorer quality. The bonemeal and guano, consisting of the dried and powderedremains of the bones and flesh are sold as fertilizers.There is very little residue left from the blubber except asmall quantity of fibrous material. The baleen is theonly part of the carcass which is not utilized.As soon as possible after the carcass has beenbrought up on to the flensing patform, Dr. Geiling mustperform his "operation." The pituitary gland is embed- Dr. E. M. K. GeilingWhat well dressed whalers wearFlensing platformWhale oil from this ded in a bony and membranous case at the base of thebrain. In order to reach this, the delicate instruments ofthe neurosurgeon must belaid aside andan axe andsaw used intheir place.With the aidof a skillfulJapaneseworkman Dr.Geiling obtains entranceto the glandafter a bonesix inches inthickness hasbeen choppedthrough. Thiscut must bemade carefully in ordernot to go onthrough intothe soft partswherein liethe gland.When thebone has beenremoved, thenthe crude and heavy tools are laid away and by delicatedissection with a scalpel, the gland is removed from itsmembranous envestments. The total weight of the freshgland is from fifteen to fifty grams ; it varies from twoto three inches in length, one and one-fourth to one andthree-fourths inches in width, and one-half to one inchin thickness. The human pituitary measures less thanone-half an inch in its longest axis and weighs .025grams. In addition to the pituitary, Dr. Geiling alsoremoves various other organs which are of interest forfurther study either by himself or other investigators.This year Dr. Geiling plans to return to Rose Harbor to obtain more material for continued research. Withhim will also go Dr. Walmsley of Edinburgh Universitywho will make special studies on the anatomy of thewhale on which project he has been engaged during thepast year. Already Dr. Walmsley has obtained someinteresting and significant results regarding the respiration of the whale which will help to answer questionsregarding the whale's ability to remain submerged forsuch long periods of time.In addition Dr. Geiling feels that the story of thewhale hunt and the operations at Rose Harbor is an extremely interesting one. Therefore he would like totake with him an assistant who besides helping him andDr. Walmsley with their scientific investigations will obtain a complete photographic record both in moving andstill pictures of the thrilling scenes of harpooning andcapturing whale along with views of how the material ishandled at the shore station provided he is able to obtainthe funds necessary. These pictures ought to prove ofgreat value for their scientific record.ON MOPPINGWE rest. Partner Bill and I have just finished atough Saturday morning mopping job. Therest of the gang knows it's a good morning'swork to get the building finished — they all say you'vegot to keep going to finish in the customary time, butthey don't know how tired we are, for they don't knowwhat an inspired job of mopping we've done.There's good mopping and there's bad mopping, andmuch indifferent mopping. We do only the best. Whatcare we've lavished on the wringing out of each mop!How tenderly folded it — how strenuously pulled on thewringer to give it the correct degree of steaming newborn damp dryness necessary to take up the water !Incidentally, there's a division of labor in mopping.In our world mopping is done by a two-man team ; oneman "puts on" and one "takes up." It starts like this :the putter onner brings a full pail of hot suds and hismop, a two-foot bundle of soft absorbent ropes clampedon the end of a long heavy stick, much heavier andblacker, much more durable, more virile, than a broomhandle. One of our mop handles bears somewhat thesame relation to a broom handle that a salt sailing captain bears to a delivery boy, or an oak to a lily.Bill, the putter onner, grasping the handle like acasting rod, ducks his mop in his pail of suds, schlunchesup and down a couple of times and holds the streamingspaghetti-like mass above the pail for a moment to drainout the superfluous water. At the moment the sudsno longer cascade out of the mop, but before the mophas become a senile drool, Bill gives it an undulatingflick to interrupt the stream and make the first grandbubbling swish across the open floor.Back and forth with long measured strokes fromas far left as he can reach to as far right as he can reachBill spreads on the water. Practice has given him agraceful technique, beautiful to behold. Experience hadtaught him the balance and the rhythm necessary to getthe greatest speed and coverage with the least wastedeffort. "Do it with your legs and back," they told himthe first day, and he found it true. He found in addi- • By MARTIN F. YOUNG, >36tion that by using a fast stroke, the momentum of thesodden weight, lubricated by its cargo of slick suds,would carry the mop from the two-thirds point of thestroke to the end. Back and forth. Back and forth.Less intelligent moppers, who push the mop to the endof the stroke, have to hang on to stop the thing beforereversing its direction, a terrific waste ; a waste of energyand breakfast, or, to use more scientific terminology, ofbacon and ergs. (I stopped here with "(To be continued— if you don't mind)", and handed the thing to myEnglish composition instructor, James Weber Linn. Hereturned it with the scrawled comment, "Not only amusing but truly 'expository.' Of course as it stands it isnot a unit; but you know that as well as I do." Thusencouraged I presented him chapter II.)Since the last installment the soapy water has lainon the floor. By magic it has been prevented from dryingup, for time has stood still and the two moppers havebeen motionless as statues since we left them at the startof their work. Now Bill resumes his "putting on" and weturn to the subtleties of drying up the floor; that is,"taking up."During the time Bill has started his part of thejob, I have not confined my attention solely to the contemplation of his artistic technique, pleasing though itis. I have been assembling my tools, my wringer, pailand mop, and getting my mop ready for action. Thewringer is no more than a rectangular box-like frame ofiron into which a mop pail can be placed. Its mechanicalfeatures are two wooden rolls which can be pressed together above the pail by a foot pedal and turned bymeans of a crank. I set a pail of hot water in thewringer, rinse my mop in it and remove the excess waterby cranking the mop through the rolls.The first of this process practically all moppers doin the same manner: bending nearly double, they graspthe mop at the base of the handle, stand heavily on thepedal of the wringer in order to clamp the mop betweenthe rolls, and, tugging up on the mop all the while, crankit slowly through, amid a great splashing of expressedThe author at workHere in the Cloister of Swift hall Martin Young demonstrates the intricacies of mopping. Note particularly the "putting on" andthe technique of wringing6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7*Li"There's good mopping and there's bad mopping. . . ." Here the wringing process is completed. ^At the right is the "taking up"and then the inspection for the "virgin sheen of Queen Elizabeth's gown"water and an irritated creaking of compressed rollers.To the layman this may all seem very simple, but inreality the interaction of forces is most complex.Let us examine the involved forces: first, by theprinciple of reaction, the greater the force with whichone pulls up on the mop the harder his foot bears downon the pedal. By the construction of the machine theharder one presses down on the pedal the tighter thewringer clenches the mop between its wooden gums,giving the paradoxical result that the harder one triesto pull the mop out the harder it is to pull out. Butat the same time there is another tendency at work:the pressure of the food pedal being constant, the harderone pulls on the mop the easier it becomes to crank thewringer handle, so that, all in all, pulling up on themop handle tends at the same time to make it easier andharder to wring through. Even mopping, you see, hasits paradoxes.Perhaps it is this scientific complexity, little suspected by the layman, that explains why from now onall new janitors at the University must have high schooldiplomas. There is really no need for such a ruling,though, for with careful tutoring a beginner soon learnsto make a nice balance of pulling, cranking, and stepping,so that before long his mop comes out without scientificentanglement or backlash. The next time the readerhears a series of short, noncommital, parrot-likesquawks coming from the vicinity of a mopping team,he can remark to his friends with learned superioritythat the artisan is putting too little effort into his upwardpull, thereby allowing the upper roll to slip across themop rather than eject it — allowing it to rail at the moprather than to usher it out. But let the reader not betoo hasty to condemn the mopper, for it may be thatthe man is tired, or that he is a beginner ; or he may beneither inexperienced nor weary, but squawking intentionally to punish some nearby instructor, or dean, orsecretary — some person who fails to treat members of thejanitor profession with fitting respect.So much for the scientific aspects of the wringer;let us get on with the wringing, for Bill down there atthe end of the hall is swinging steadily with his wet mop,and if I do not hurry he will be acres ahead of me. AsI have said, the technique of wringing, up to this stage,is practically the same for all moppers. The mop comesfrom the rolls this first time looking like a spade, so thinand stiff it resembles sheet iron coming from the rolls of asteel mill, but this first trip through leaves the mop insufficiently dry to take up the water from the floor. Onlythe center has that white appearance that indicates sufficient dryness; the edges are still dark and limp withwater. It is in the methods of drying these edges that themopper first has an opportunity to show his individuality. Some, by a dexterous flip, fold the mop double without touching it, folding and sticking it back between therolls in the same motion. Other moppers, of more artistictemperament or less skill, after they have thrust thehalf dried mop back between the rolls, tenderly fold eachedge toward the middle with their hands. By the aloofor the intimate method the result is the same — whenwrung through the second or third time the edges aswell as the center are dry.It is a phlegmatic mopper who can escape a fleetingpride as he surveys his finished product, white andstiff from the pressure he has just exerted upon it,almost dry, but still steaming from its recent contactwith the hot water.Now we come back from this general discussion toour specific job, where I have been stooping over thewringer. The wringer rolls slam apart as I straightenup, and before the bubbles have stopped crackling onthe agitated water, or the wringer crank has stoppedswinging, I am half way to the wet end of the hall,shaking the stiffness out of my mop as I go. I dodgepast Bill, synchronizing my passing so that he won'thave to break the rhythm of his strokes, and at the endof the hall start to sweep over the floor with my mop,taking up the water he has just put on. After I havegone a short distance down the hall the weight of mymop as I lift it, and its sound as it touches the floorindicate that it is full of water and in need of wringingagain. I drag the wringer down the long hall a bit tokeep it out of Bill's way, wring out the mop, and return to the fray.Of the stretch of hallway done just previously, Ifind the first few yards, done while the mop was freshfrom the wringer, now dry and clean, and the last fewyards, done while the mop was approaching saturation,still wet. In between, there is a steady gradation fromalmost dry with streaks of wet to almost wet withstreaks of dry. Starting at the first dry streaks, I gountil the mop is wet again, wring it out and repeat.This over and over, is the basic routine. Soon thenearly full pail Bill started with is nearly empty and thenearly empty pail I started wringing into is nearly full.Both are black with dirt, so we go to the water roomto change water. Over and over again we empty dirtywater and fill with clean — finish one hall and start another — go from one floor to the next.Monotony? Not on your life. This is the wholeroutine but not the whole technique. It is the attentionto detail that makes or mars our finished job; we make(Continued on Page 25)THE CONSTITUTION AS WE SEE IT.•.By J. F. CHRIST, JD'20, Associate Professor of Business LawAY I comment upon "An Economist Looks atthe Constitution"?I am quite in agreement with the statement, that one question is how (as well as when andto what extent), rather than whether, the Constitution is to be amended, in order to make provision fora more nearly modern relationship between governmentand economic facts. 1 am in sympathy with the beliefthat we need and will some day have an amended Constitution with a more flexible [broader] text, morestrictly construed. I believe, too, that that making ofthese changes is a function of the economist and thestatesman, and not of lawyers as lawyers. But thisamended and more flexible Constitution is still to beconstrued and interpreted; and by whom?Apparently, it is thought that the interpretationshould not be entrusted to "judges," because we shouldthen still have government by judges, and becausegovernment by judges is government by men and notby law. The reason for this appears to be that sincejudges are neither arch-angels nor supermen, they areprone to certain faults. They know too much law ; theyare sometimes inconsistent ; they are sometimes liberaland sometimes conservative, and we never can predictwhen they will be which ; they confuse questions of lawwith questions of social policy; they allow their personal beliefs to influence their decisions on "socialquestions." Judges have doubtless done these things.The suggestion in the closing paragraph seems tobe that we do away with "judges," so far as interpretation of the Constitution is concerned, and that we replace them with economists — sort of tribunes of thepeople ?The underlying assumptions appear to be that oureconomist-tribunes, not knowing too much law, (a)would not confuse questions of law and questions ofpolicy; (b) would never (or hardly ever) become involved in inconsistencies ; (c) would always (or atleast usually) be either conservative or liberal in accordance with some dependable scheme; (d) would beable to solve the legal problem, whether or not Congress, etc., shall have exceeded the powers' granted bythe flexible, amended Constitution; (e) would rarely(if ever) be influenced in their decisions by their personal beliefs ; and finally (f ) in doing all this, wouldbe able to satisfy practically everyone, including theirfellow economists. This would produce government bylaw and not by "judges."Now, I don't believe this at all. I don't even thinkthat your contributor believes all of it. I am merelytrying to say that much of what your contributor saysabout judges seems to be based upon some such assumptions.However that may be, in the field of constitutionallaw (and constitution making), it is desirable that we keep in mind an important distinction between questions of two quite different types.Question 1. In view of current economic facts,should the Congress, etc., be given powers broader thanthose granted under the present Constitution, as interpreted? And, if so, how much broader should the newpowers be?Question 2. Were broader powers given, shouldthe Congress, etc., in the light of current economic facts,exercise such powers in any given situation? And, ifso, how and to what extent?Question 3. Has the Congress, in a given instance,exceeded this powers given it under the Constitution asit exists at the given time?The first and second of these questions ask, Whatshould be the rules of the game? These two questionsclearly belong in the field of the economist and thestatesman. The third question asks, Have the established rules been violated or disregarded in a giveninstance? This question is just as clearly in the fieldJ. F. ChristHe takes issueof "judges," by whatever name they may be called.Questions of law and questions of policy, while theydo in some cases overlap slightly, are in this sense questions of essentially different types ; and a different function is exercised in dealing with each. The distinctionis similar to that between the function of the rulescommittee and the function of the field judge or umpire.It is one thing to determine what shall constitute a"foul"; it is quite a different task to determine whetheror not a "foul" has been committeed in a given instance. It is inaccurate, for example, to say that thecourt described agricultural production as a local issue.Certainly, agricultural production is a matter of national(Continued on Page 29)8A FACULTY MEETING OF MINDSBy HARRY D. GIDEONSE, Associate Professor of EconomicsAFTER Mr. Christ's final statement that it is "justpossible that economists need to realize that asound economist is not necessarily qualified todecide questions of constitutional law," it may be some-.thing of an anti-climax to ask just where I argued thateconomists were "necessarily qualified to decide questionsof constitutional law?" And if I did not say it, why dragit in? And where did I say that we should "do awaywith judges" in so far as interpretation of the law isconcerned? And can Mr. Christ cite the paragraph inwhich I am supposed to urge that the judges be replacedwith "economists-tribunes" (whatever that may be) ?Does a lawyer have to be careless of facts just becausean "economist looks at the constitution"?Mr. Christ explicitly concedes the main thesis of myarticle that "a more nearly modern relationship betweengovernment and economic facts" calls for an amendedconstitution. He seems to have read the paragraph whichI devoted to a plea that our government by judicial discretion grew out of broad construction, and that a returnin the direction of government "by law" rather than "bymen," calls for free amendment and strict construction.To me such a statement reveals clearly the fundamentalconfusion of the customary distinction of "governmentby law vs. government by men." It is obviously a question of "more-or-less" rather than "either-or." I meantto convey that general notion to my readers. I am gladto see that Mr. Christ agrees, and sorry to note that hehas misunderstood my position.Mr. Christ's main point turns out to be — and heseems to think that I disagree with it^-that the courtsare the proper bodies to establish whether the ruleshave been observed or disregarded, and that there is afundamental distinction between the determination ofrules and their interpretation. Perhaps he will understand me if I say again that the weakness of our presentpractice lies in its confusion about these fundamentals.The court is at present not only interpreting rules, butin the judgment of many of us — including men on thebench — it is actually making them. These, again, arequestions of "more-or-less," rather than "either-or."Recent Supreme Court decisions have the effect of constitutional amendments. Broad and narrow constructionhave alternated with such startling speed, that the rulesthemselves have become uncertain because of the latitude in interpretation. This is an impression that canbe documented from Supreme Court decisions — the AAAand TVA cases, for instance — and perhaps even an economist can be excused for his "errors" if he happens tofind his views supported by distinguished names on thebench. In the end, this practice will throw the Court and its works into politics — and properly so — becausea majority on the bench no longer saw the distinctionbetween the "making" and the "interpreting" of therules. Mr. Christ should direct his comment on thispoint to the present majority on the bench, and not to me.It is — says Mr. Christ — "inaccurate" to say thatthe Court described agricultural production as a "localissue" for "what the Court decided was that under therules as they exist, the Congress has not been given legalpower to control this matter." A glance at my articlereveals that I specifically refer to the AAA decision as"based on the view that the control of agricultural production was not within the power of the federal government." Does Mr. Christ see a difference between hisstatement and mine? What I meant by the shorthandphrase "local issue" — in another context — was the obvious fact that the Court in denying the federal government the power to act, was in fact throwing the issueback to the states. And the main point of my articlewas precisely that the local governments might have thelegal power to act, but that, in view of economic developments — the rise of the federal market — the legal powerwas unable to deal with the economic and social issues.The present issues in constitutionallaw are too frequentlya matter of social philosophy or insight.They are not a matterof law as the law isusually understood —and to deal with themas if they were law,will have its repercussions in the public attitude toward the lawand its "interpreters."That was the meaning of my concludingremark that if casesare decided on socialor economic grounds,judges are the wrongpeople to be trusted with the decision for they are students of the law, and not of economic or social questions.It was not a proposal to put economists (or Mr. Christ'seconomist-tribunes) on the Supreme Court but a plea forgiving law a new resilience by keeping it more nearlyaligned with the social and economic factors with whichit is supposed to deal. Harry D. GideonseHe defends9PROFESSORS ON THE SPOTSTUDENTS have often expressed their opinions ofcourses and professors. Prominent alumni havetestified to the stimulating influence of a greatteacher. But to the best of our knowledge a large groupof alumni has never been permitted to register officiallytheir likes and dislikes of the faculty and curriculum.And so we offer you for what it's worth the resultsof a questionnaire sent to five hundred alumni representing a cross-section of former students during the pastfifteen years. Approximately 150 replied with theseresults. English scored a resounding victory on bothsides, leading both as the most stimulating and leaststimulating of all subjects studied. In line with thisJames Weber Linn was the most stimulating professor,and off the record, met with most disfavor.The method of study was this. The alumni wereasked to indicate the three courses which proved to bethe most stimulating and the least stimulating. Thesewere courses in the undergraduate school, only. Similarly, they listed the three professors in order of most andleast stimulating.Here, indicating either the high caliber of the faculty or the delicacy of the alumni body, not enough professors were placed on the black side to warrant publishing the results. So, in the adjoining table, only thepopular teachers are printed. Three of these, Linn,Thornton Wilder, and Percy Boynton, are in the English department. The others are split up, William Hutchinson and Arthur Scott in History, T. V. Smith inPhilosophy, Harlen Bretz in Geology, Fay Cooper Colein Anthropology, Harlan Barrows in Geography, andPhilip Schuyler Allen in German Literature.Despite the popularity of the English department,there was a definite trend against the compositioncourses. Only 29 of the 79 choosing English voted forthem, and 39 of the 69 registering a protect objected tothese courses.The first survey course, Nature of the World andMan, received high praise, perhaps justifying the University's present plan of survey courses.DepartmentsMost StimulatingEnglish 79History 42Economics 25Political Science. . . 23Geography 21Nature of theWorld and Man. 21Geology 20Philosophy 19 Least StimulatingEnglish 69History 29!Economics 28Political Science ... 28Sociology . 21Philosophy 20Psychology 20Education 17 ProfessorsMost StimulatingLinn . 28. 16. 14. 14. 12. 10. 10. 9. 8. 8Wilder Hutchinson Boynton T. V. Smith Bretz Cole Barrows P. S. Allen Arthur Scott • By HOWARD P. HUDSON, '35Perhaps the biggest value of the study, which wasdesigned to find out just what alumni thought of thefaculty and curriculum with the perspective of a personaway from the quadrangles, were the comments attached.For example, many objected to the practice of allowinggradute students to teach certain introductory courses(this practice is practically abandoned), and the factthat many of these beginning courses were mere rehashesof previous materials. Thecommon bugaboo of teachersvs. researcherswas oftenraised.One alumnus voiced acommon opin- .ion las follows:"I believe thatin general moreattention shouldbe given toteaching atthe Universityof Chicago. There are a number of brilliant research menwith whom I have been acquainted who in private conversation have been very stimulating, but who haveneglected to prepare their course work. There is amongthese men a tendency to let their teaching slide, to failto throw their interest into it, and to neglect the very important factors of comprehensiveness and organization."Activities, though neglected in the survey, werelisted by many as most beneficial. "From a dollars andcents standpoint, as I see it, Blackfriars was the mostvaluable 'course' I ever studied," wrote one. Another,"Courses and professors were of little value. Campusactivities — other than fraternal — were stimulating, especially dramatics and close working friendship with theMaroon staff, etc." One graduate lists track, swimming,and tumbling as his three most valuable courses!Several alumni felt that the personality of the instructor was of more value than the courses. "I believethe personality of the instructor goes a long way towardsdetermining whether a student acquires enough of acourse to afterward be useful to him.""Upon reflection in recent years I have come torealize the importance of taking 'men' instead of'courses,' and if I had it to do over again, I would omitsome of the 'courses' which I thought so important andtake some of the great minds on campus whom I missed."Another graduate, now on the faculty, has a contrary view of the "great minds." "In all the courses Iever took at the University I never found a person whoas a teacher was more than ordinary in mind or person-(Continued on Page 28)10THE "CO" IN EDUCATIONFROM the first years of the University, when theColumbian Exposition was in the front yard, whencab drivers were having difficulties locating theUniversity of Chicago, and when one helpful correspondent addressed his envelope to "The University, Near theFerris Wheel," there were many shaking heads amongeducators about the radical departures from the "straightand narrow" at this new institution.In 1895, for example, one writer crossed his fingersand said: "Chicago is trying a more daring experimentthan has been tried in the United States. . . . The University is only three years old. ... It has three womendeans and half a dozen women on its faculty. Its womenprofessors instruct men as well as women so that President Harper has made as sensational a departure ashe. could make in gathering in the lecture halls of thisenormous institution, which has sprouted in the nightlike a mushroom, college boys and girls to be taughttogether by college women." (Such a startling exposuremerits an exclamation point, wouldn't you say?)Now, more than forty years later, the chief offenderin this startling departure has consented to talk! MissMarion Talbot, Dean of Women from the year one untilshe retired in 1925, tells the story of those early experiences in More Than Lore, a book published by theUniversity Press which you can secure when you areback on the quadrangles for homecoming in June.Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, a former president ofWellesley College and whose husband was a memberof the Harvard faculty, had been appointed Dean ofWomen at Chicago. Because Mrs. Palmer did not feelshe could spend more than twelve weeks of the year inChicago, she asked that Miss Talbot be appointed resident dean. This cooperative arrangement continued forthree years, when Mrs. Palmer resigned and left MissTalbot to administer the office.Early in the book — with a twinkle in her eye, weare sure — Miss Talbot tells of the arrival of the firstwoman student (from Memphis) whom President Harper escorted to the hotel where Miss Talbot and Mrs.Palmer were arranging their effects on the first nightof their arrival in Chicago. Miss Talbot concludes thisinteresting story : "The President was somewhat disconcerted to discover that an actual student, an attractiveyoung women at that, had deposited herself on his frontdoorstep. Even if never again, he took great satisfactionon this occasion in the fact that he had two womendeans at hand to help him out of his difficulty."More Than Lore is a history chiefly of the problems of women at the University and their position inthe activities of this mid-western educational institution.But it is delightfully interspersed with little stories ofhuman interest, a few of which we would like to repeat.She tells of Dr. Harper's love of music and its • By HOWARD W. MORT, Editor, Tower Topicsrestful effect after a hard day's work. One evening shereceived the following note from the President :"My Dear Miss Talbot:"It is quite a lonely place over here. Couldyou not bring over some of your music, andplay a little this evening? It is more thanprobable that you have an engagement — but ifnot, perhaps you will come. Yours very sincerely,(signed) "William R. Harper."Miss Talbot went, of course, and played until an"adagio movement from Beethoven, very simply played,soon brought sounds of heavy breathing. ... I did notdare stop even to turn a page of my sheet music, butplayed over and over the same sweet notes whosesoft melodious sounds were accompanied by the gradually increasing noise of his breathing, which after awhile — there is no evading the fact — changed to an actualsnore! With this the performance was ended. He hadawakened himself and, after he had thanked me warmlyand apologized heartily, I left with the hope that lifemight bring me many opportunities to render simpleservices so fruitful in good."We have all moved into apartments or houses before the lights were connected and other conveniencesestablished. How much greater must be the sense ofhumor when this new home is a residence hall forwomen and the family includes representatives frommany sections of the country with varied early environments. But Miss Talbot's "family" met every tryingemergency in the spirit of a "lark."For instance:".. . . there was thedistinguished professor &?•¦' 7H\J 'from England who put his C* '£""»vtl2''boots' outside his bed- ^ 'room door to be cleaned,not realizing that the establishment was as yetwithout a single menial.The same adventurousyoung members of theUniversity saw to rfcthat hewas not disappointed andhe never suspected how ithappened ! And he had tobe given help when heasked where he could getsome 'spirits'- — not meaning the high kind that was about him on every side,but something with which he could 'brew a cup.' "And again : "When we discovered that the lightingfixtures had not been put in, another friend came to ourrescue. Dean Harry Pratt Judson produced some can-1112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdies and beer bottles in a manner so friendly and winsome that we made no inquiries as to their source."Miss Talbot admits that a dean of women in thosedays had a variety of duties and a complication of problems. But she adds : "I think, however, that my niece,aged six years, stretched the term to its limit. On herway to Chicago to visit the Columbian Exposition hermother heard her tell some ladies in the sleeping carthat she was going to visit her auntie who was deanof the World's Fair. 'No, Margaret,' her mother calledacross the aisle, 'that isn't what Aunt Marion is.' 'Oh,no,' the child said, 'auntie isn't dean of the World's Fair— she is dean of the Universe.' "But little Margaret could have been farther wrong inher statement. As our 1895 writer suggests, until theyear when Miss Talbot became a dean of women at aco-educational school there had never been such a position. When this office was established at Chicago therewere no precedents to serve as guides. The trail had tobe cut through a heavy growth of prejudice and tradition.More Than Lore follows this interesting trail from theday Miss Talbot's New England friends pressed intoher hand a piece of the original Plymouth Rock fearing,Miss Talbot interpreted, that she might forget her ancestors who arrived on the Mayflower "and be temptedto follow strange Gods" without this reminder. MoreThan Lore is the log of an uncharted course followedby the first dean of women which brought honor andMarion TalbotThe pioneer dean of women recalls recognition to her University and herself, and whichhad untold influence in changing and improving theeduational status and opportunities of women.* * * *YOQREMEMBER the story in the February YOQ ofthe German who made the mistake of enteringSouth Divinity Hall in the winter of '93, whotook a brief course at the Joliet state penitentiary, andwas finally helped to a tailor job by the students heoriginally tried to rob?President Gordon K. Chalmers, Rockford College,Rockford, Illinois, in a letter addressed to us, commendsMr. Cressey on the telling of this story. PresidentChalmers evidently did not see the closing two paragraphs which followed the verbatim account by Mr.Cressey in which we told of the romances growing outof this disturbance. This information was also furnished in Mr. Cressey's letter but because of limitedspace we did not quote fully from his letter.We are taking the liberty of publishing your letter,Mr. Chalmers, feeling that those who knew your fatherwhen he was attending Chicago will enjoy reading thedetails which you furnish.Dear Mr. Mort :On the YOQ page of the February issue of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine you printed a letterfrom Frank Graves Cressey about the scuffle in SouthDivinity in which my father took part. The story hasanother chapter. The interloper had visited a women'sdormitory just before coming to South Divinity andtaken some silver from Mary Dunklee Maynard's rooms.As witnesses, William Chalmers and Mary Maynard metat the Court, developed a common interest in the defendant, and in each other.I am pleased to see that Mr. Cressey goes on to tellthe other happy ending of the story — how the defendantserved his term and proved himself an honest workman.Yours sincerely,Gordon K. Chalmers.Were You on the Quadrangles When :The University formally opened the "UniversitySoda Fountain" (now nationally known as the CoffeeShop) and served free drinks (soft) to all guests on theafternoon of May 1, 1924. Previous to the opening daythe students had been referring to this new refreshmentroom as The Spa. No one seemed to know who selectedthis unofficial title although its appropriateness was explained in the Whistle column of the Daily Maroon viaa published note purporting to be from a faculty member :. Sir:One, curious about the name for the newsoda fountain, may note the origin of the word,the last pull on the straw — the satisfied sigh —S-s-s-sp, A-a-h !— Member of the Faculty.Appropriate as the above name may have seemedto the "Member of the Faculty," the present title--(Continued on Page 29)THE CAMPUS DISSENTER• By SAM HAIR, '35^ ^ £"> INCE I have come to the University I have^V learned a great many things, quite simpleW-^ things. I know enough so that I never step infront of speeding automobiles, I never eat anything butfood, and I never put burning cigarettes in my pockets.I also know that no bamboo tree, even after years of patient nursing, will produce apples ; I know that no pieceof cheese, no matter how squeezed, will yield root beer ;and I know that no amount of education, no matter howapplied, can get out of a person something which is notin him."So cynically reported a student in his third year;he was to graduate three quarters early. His werethought provoking statements ; they were not a bit funny.He went on : "Thinking I might be a bit more socially efficient if I went to- college I took my education seriously. I investigated and found out all about thecloisonne work of St. filoi; I know all about the labortheory of value and the root concepts of Max Muller. ButI don't know what I am going to do with myself ; I don'tknow what I want to do because there is so much that Iwant to do but that I know I couldn't or shouldn't do."Worse yet. Did this person know too much abouttoo many things?Sardonically: "It certainly was nice of the University to do all this for me. If I hadn't come here I wouldhave been selling insurance, all unaware of the nicetiesof Aristotelian sorites."Perhaps it was this individual's own fault that hewas so uncertain as to his future. But it was also indicative of the catastrophic experience which many like himare going through. In spite of themselves, the under :graduates, knowing that they are about to becomealumni, are thinking these days.They cannot ignore the ominous lectures in thesocial sciences which have been decried as untrue andun-American. They cannot possibly ignore altogetherthat contemporary world which, they are told, is onsome kind of a verge. The University is a bundle ofnerves sensitive to the world. The thinking student isforced to see today that the historians, the economists,the sociologists, and the political scientists are lecturinghim in terms of preparedness, are purposely demonstrating the virtues of that not un-Boy Scoutish notion.The student whose mind is thus massaged thinks seriously of his future, looking to it with unmixed apprehension. The merits of the teaching which has sucheffects are not debatable here, but the changes producedin the individual are. These changes, these effects ofthe University even upon the least aware of the undergraduates are undoubted, often complete, occasionallydistressing, but never surprising.The legislative chambers in Washington resoundwith alarmist oratory ; in more finished fashion, the socialscientists are asserting similar bewareisms. The studentswant to do something about it. They will turn to one or ganization or another which aims at the solution of thesesocio-economic problems. Thus, the radical movementhas gathered unto its ranks many of these who emergefrom the social science lectures in a sweat of apprenhen-sion and with a burning desire to make straight the pathwhich will otherwise lead to national ruin. Thus, the Veterans of Future Wars has attracted 37,000 students thecountry over who see in it a congenial means of goingabout the business of preventing war. Thus, the scholasti-cists, though unorganized, are a group of kindred soulswho are figuring it all out in their own prolix terms. It isin the initiates to these groups that we can view metamorphoses. For better or for worse they are findingout what to do with themselves. More than ever, thestudent is required to qualify and define his intellectualand philosophical leanings. Time was when the froshtook more pride in being as obviously rattlebrained aspossible. Today, he is not here long before he must takea stand, however casual, on scholasticism and one brandor another of collectivism.The trend in student thought is changing elsewhere.When the boys and girls of the Bowery go to New YorkUniversity their thoughts turn not only to love but towar. The curious combination of the sublime and theridiculous shown in their activities in Veterans of FutureWars organizations and other less sensational preparations for a millennium (which will be, they say, chaotic)is vastly different from the simple sun-shiny thoughts ofthe students of the universities of California. The creedof the Gotham scholar is one of prevention of everythingmilitary and capitalistic; that of the majority of FarWesterners is far removed therefrom, undefined, andless avid. A perusal of college newspapers of California shows greater interest in the human body than inthe human mind, although recently the impact of thewar menace has had marked effect on the Westernundergraduate consciousness.We of the Middle West are less provincial. Eventhe Daily Maroon, accused of being the bulletin of theItalian War Office with baseball thrown in for goodmeasure, is losing its local tang and reflecting the interest in world problems. The Maroon fell wholeheartedlyin line with the aforementioned Veterans, calling attention to the serious nature of its aims, thereby diminishingcriticism of the group as being but a vaudevillean organized prank.As for the radical movement, it has gained in numbers and in impetus, taking in not the fraternity-mindedogling youths, but those who have thought comparativelyrationally about the broad social requirements of the"coming generation." Winston Ashley, a junior whodoesn't like to be called a campus poet, in order to easehis mind went from Oklahoma to Moscow, in spirit; hisis not an unusual instance. Quentin Ogren and a redcravat entered the University, and the former now makes(Continued on Page 28)13IN MY OPINIONBy FRED B. MILLETT, PhD'31, Associate Professor of EnglishIT was midnight, and the great liner was slowly passing in review that eighth wonder of the world, theincredible skyline of lower Manhattan. One Englishman at the rail was remarking to another, "Therereally isn't very much to see." This characteristicBritish disparagement of an America secretly admiredand unsuccessfully aped I could hardly apply to thoseamazing towers and those extravagantly jeweled crests,but I am perfectly willing to borrow the cool observationfor the essential monotony of ocean travel. For, whenone has thrust his way through the flowers and packages, the trunks and suit cases, the hysterical friendsand relatives of the departing, when, catlike, one hasinvestigated the somewhat narrow resources of one'sstateroom, and decorously seen one's friends ashorethrough the weeping and shouting mobs of exuberantEuropeans, when the relief that comes with the throwing off of the enveloping net of one's cares and responsibilities has passed, then the boredom of ocean-travelsets in in good earnest."There really isn't very much to see." I never tireof watching the infinite variety the chameleon-like sea displays to the jealous land ; I tire very soon of the endlessmonotony of the sea when on it. There is muchtoo much of it. On and on it surges to an immeasurablydistant horizon, a horizon rarely broken by even theleast neighborly of ocean vehicles. In my innocence, Iused to think that the paths of the sea were as traffic-jammed as State and Madison on Christmas eve. I hadthought that boats of all sizes would dart about the oceanlike those curious insects that skate hither and yon onthe surfaces of pools of stagnant water. It is inconceivable to me how boats manage, occasionally, to collide ; so far as my experience goes, the only boat in existence — at least in the middle of the ocean— is the one I amon. So one watches instead the ship's chart for an indication of some variation in the sea's behavior, but Iat least am too insensitive to distinguish between a "slightsea," a "swell," and a "rough sea." From shipboard, thesea seems to me as monotonous as a billiard table.The resources of life on shipboard are by no meansindefinite ; its restrictions are both physical and psychological. I develop a painful sense of frustration when Iread the signs indicating that five turns around the deckconstitute a quarter-mile, and I have observed that thosesturdy souls who do twenty turns around the deck before breakfast are likely to be of a grimly unhappy sort."This hurts me more than it does you," they would seemto be saying. Five times around the deck induce in methat manic state which makes the behavior of caged tigersand panthers excessively painful to observe. I can't believe that walking in order to improve one's health orto get up an appetite ever accomplished either of theseends ; the only good reasons for walking are to get somewhere or to get to see something. On shipboard, thereis nowhere to go, and nothing to see. Under the cir- Fred B. Millettcumstances, itseems best tostick to one'sdeck- chairand pray forthe arrival ofthat pallidbouillon thatseems closelyderived frombilgewater.The psychological restrictions oflife on shipboard pressmore heavilyon a personwho exercisedfor the lasttime duringthe late, if notgreat, war. It is not that the activities possible on shipboard are so silly but that they are so few. Most of one'sactivities on land will hardly stand the test of rationalanalysis, but on land one can at least be sillily active ina tremendous variety of ways. Few things that I haveobserved seem to me more pathetic than the devicesshipping companies descend to in order to keep theirpassengers fairly sane. Only babes and sucklings oradults in a state of extreme boredom could find relief inthe inevitable shuffle-board, horse-races, or beano, sometimes more cutely denominated "housie-housie." It isnot, however, that the things that one can do are so fewand so silly, but that the things one cannot do are somany. I should look with great favor on the impositionof a period of probation upon all persons about to go tosea, a period of retreat in which they could begin to getaccustomed to doing a half dozen things rather than fifty,accustomed to regressing to the level of the kindergartenafter years of struggling toward adulthood. As it is, thesudden cessation of an active and eventful life seems almost as dangerous as retirement usually is to the American business man.The movies, of course, have done something to relieve the fundamental montony of ocean-travel — notmuch, but a little. It is perhaps unfair to look a ship-movie in the face, but one wonders sometime where suchmovies are kept or whether they are not preserved carefully with the ship's log to assist in identifying a floatingderelict. In this case, / Dream Too Much was the bestof the lot, though I had been able to rate it only as fairthree months before. I doubt very much whether thevogue of the operatic movie will endure, unless the typedevelops its own music. As it is, the two arts do notblend; opera is essentially static; we expect — perhaps14THE UNIVERSITY OFnaively — that the movie will move. Such an aria as thebell song from Lakme would seem interminable, if itwere not for the undulations of La Pons in a costumewhich bothered the Hollywood censors considerably until they decided it might do in an operatic movie. Of theother movies, the less said the better. The British movieswere inevitably painful. Something called Soft Lightsand Sweet Music seemed bent on publicizing British variety at its worst, and Midshipman Easy was grotesquelyincredible.I should, however, be unfair to my sea-going experience if I were to deny that there are elements thatalleviate its essential boredom. The earliest of these arethose communications of various sorts with which one'sfriends signalize one's departure. I have a fancy thatno letters — except love-letters — are so appreciativelyread as those one finds at the purser's window. Theyare carefully read because there is plenty of time in whichto read them, and because they seem to precipitate astate of feeling or emotion that on other occasions mightbe diffused or unexpressed. Moreover, steamer-lettersof my own inditing have missed too many boats to permit me to feel any resentment at omissions in the collection awaiting me ; instead, I am disposed to count myblessings over one by one, and thank Heaven for thenumber of friends that have taken the trouble to noticemy departure. And sometimes there is more than gratitude or affection to return. I should feel churlish indeed if I were not to express my deep appreciation forthe opportunity to investigate an assortment of sometwenty British and American magazines which one package revealed. I could not but ponder what conclusionsconcerning our civilization one could arrive at, if sucha packet, sealed and dry, should drift ashore on a cannibal island, conclusions somehow to be reconciled froma study of such oddly various reflections of our little waysas The Spur, Motion Pictures, The London Mercury,Bystander, The Art World, Harper's, and Country Life.I should be more churlish if I did not share with thepatient readers of this column the pleasure I derivedfrom the scrutiny of a batch of poems in the eighteenth-century manner composed for the occasion by my brilliant young friend, Donald Bond. The least personaland least satirical of these will perhaps bear dissemination :Milletius sails ! ye zephyrs play !The tardy spring exalts her flag,Let Aquitania's path be gay,Nor loose above iEolus' bag.See Nature struggling to rebirth,As Sol relumes man's flood-drenched earth,Ye sky-larks ! tremble as ye sing,Mount up, and fates auspicious bring!Milletius sails ! skies be not drab,Let Albion s shores be verdant dress'd !Bennetus, ope thy doors (Cantab.)And honour one more learned guest.And ye, in Chichester's hallow'd bower, .Where Collins' Muse prais'd Fancy's power,With garlands deck each lintel fair,And bid this traveller welcome there! CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15But perhaps the most endearing of these communications was the wire wishing me a "very early return."After the steamer-letters have been read and re-readand answered, there are books that demand attention,and, for once in one's life, there is plenty — indeed toomuch — time to read. It is an excellent idea, I think, todevote one's sea-voyages to the scrutiny of neglected andinterminable masterpieces. On this occasion, however, Icontented myself with books which strove to be masterpieces, but which perhaps are not. Rebecca West's TheThinking Reed, for instance, is a tremendously readablebook. It is beautifully written; indeed, I can think ofonly two contemporary writers — Virginia Woolf andKay Boyle — who write more exquisitely. It has, too,a devastating if somewhat extravagant satirical interludein which a British noble family is perfectly polished off.Yet, despite the wit and the satire, despite the unbrokenbeauty of the writing, I wondered, and still wonder,whether the theme, important as it is — the preservationof woman's integrity amid the corruptions of the modernworld — has been treated with adequate seriousness,whether Miss West has not written a clever, indeed abeautiful novel, but not a very significant one. GeorgeSantayana's The Last Puritan is, of course, an amateurishnovel, but any product of so rich and subtle a mind deserves careful reading. Every page of the book has itsofferings in the way of suggestive idea or pertinent observation; indeed, the book is so rich in incidentals thatone is likely to lose sight of its direction and drive. Itis an amazingly penetrating and almost sympatheticanalysis of an easily recognizable American type, a manhag-ridden by conscience and a sense of duty. Santayana's case against his unfortunate hero is overstated,perhaps, and one wishes that he had had the courageto present directly the secondary reason for his hero'sfailure to make a successful adjustment to life. He goesfar enough in that direction to make some extraordinarilyastute and moving hints, but he fails to make either hishero or his casual reader perfectly conscious of boththe reasons for his failure And, of course, from Oliver'spoint of view, his life was not a failure ; no one who isthe victim of his conscience can really fail, since his satisfaction lies in following that conscience and for himthere is nothing comparable to that satisfaction.The somewhat mitigated boredom of ocean-travelfinds its final compensation and reward in the excitementand ecstasy of arrival. The excitement begins to makeitself felt within a day or two of landing: one senses itin a growing restlessness in one's fellow passengers, inthe attitude of polite expectancy of the waiters and stewards, in the avidity with which the terminal entry in theship's chart is greeted. At last, with patient impatience,one awaits the final callof "All passengers ashore." Ahasty colloquy with the customs official, and one touchesthe soil of England. The emotion of long-deferred"home-coming" echoes perfectly that of Richard II,when, returning from turbulent Ireland, he falls to theground, and kisses the earth of"This other Eden, demi-paradise,This precious stone set in the silver sea."1936 TENTATIVE REUNION PROGRAMMonday, June 810:00 AM: Alumni Roundtable. Modern Art.12:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable Luncheon, Judson Court.2:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable. Modern Literature.Tuesday, June 910:00 AM: Alumni Roundtable. Child Psychology.12:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable Luncheon, Judson Court.2:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable. Psychology.6 :30 PM : Social Service Alumni Dinner, Judson Court.Wednesday, June 1010:00 AM: Alumni Roundtable. Better Government.12:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable Luncheon, Judson Court.2 :30 PM : Alumni Roundtable. Better Government.Thursday, June 1110:00 AM: Alumni Roundtable. Economics.12:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable Luncheon, Judson Court.2:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable. Business.3:00 PM: Alumni-Varsity Ball Game, Greenwood Field.6:30 PM: Dinner, Women's Athletic Association, Ida Noyes Hall.6:30 PM: Annual Dinner, The Order of the C, Hutchinson Commons.6:30 PM: Annual Dinner, Phi Beta Kappa, Judson Court. Speaker, Dr. Gordon K. Chalmers, President Rockford College.6:30 PM: Class of 1911— Women's Dinner, Ida Noyes Hall.5 PM to1 AM: Class of 1911— Men's Dinner, Roof Bungalow, Hotel Sherman.Friday, June 1210 :00 AM : Alumni Roundtable. International Relations.12:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable Luncheon, Judson Court.2:30 PM: Alumni Roundtable. International Relations.5:00 PM: Class of 1911 Silver Aniversary Meeting and Dinner, Judson Court.6 :00 PM : Annual Dinner, University Aides, Ida Noyes Hall.6:00 PM: Class of 1916 Reunion Supper at the home of Isabel MacMurray Anderson 5009Greenwood Avenue. '8:30 PM: Band Concert and Al Fresco Reunion, Hutchinson Court.9:00 PM: Reunion Revue, Leon Mandel Hall.10:10 PM: Class of 1935 Fandango Reunion, Coffee Shop.Saturday, June 1310 :00 AM : Sixth Annual Alumni Conference and Forum, Judson Court Lounge.12:00 M: The Alumnae Breakfast, Ida Noyes Hall.12 :30 PM : Informal Conference Luncheon, Judson Court.12:30 PM: Qasses oM916-1917 Luncheon, The Coffee Shop. Speaker, Professor James3 :00 PM : Annual Alumni Assembly, Leon Mandel Hall.Milton Everett Robinson, Jr., Presiding.ProgramA Not Too Unfriendly Voice— Frederic Woodward, Vice-President of the University. JAmericanism: What Is It?— Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge, '11.Can America Keep Out of War?— Nathaniel Peffer, '11.An Editor Speaks About Authors.— Gordon Jennings Laing, General Editor Uni-zrersity Press. * '16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 174:30 to6:00 PM6:00 PM6:00 PM6:00 PM6:00 PM7:30 PM10 00 PM30 PM00 PM10:30 PM:10:00 AM:11:00 AM:3 :30 to11 PM:4:00 PM:4:30 PM:9 to 12 M:\2 to 5 PM:J8 to 9:30:9:30 to 12:2:00 to 4:00:6:30 PM:9:00 to 12:11:00 AM:3 :00 PM :4:30 PM5 :30 PM6:30 PM6:30 PM A tea for the Authors of the University through the courtesy of the UniversityPress to which all alumni are most cordially invited. Quadrangle Club.Club and Fraternity Suppers.Sunset Supper, Cafeteria Service, Hutchinson Commons.The Doctors of Philosophy Dinner, Judson Court. Speaker, Gordon J. Laing,General Editor, University Press.Class of 1911, Buffet Supper at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gilkey.Twenty-Sixth Annual University Sing, Hutchinson Court.Band Concert.Concert, Interfraternity Club Singers.Annual Fraternity Song Competition.Induction of Aides and Marshals. Awards of Cups to winning fraternities.Award of blankets to graduating men. Alma Mater.Class of 1911 Supper, Chicago Beach Hotel.Sunday, June 14Convocation Prayer Service, The University Chapel.University Religious Service, University Preacher, The Reverend Ernest Fremont Tittle, D.D.Class of 1911, Progressive Teas at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Vallee Appel,Highland Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis, Kenilworth.Carillon Recital, The University Chapel.Organ Recital, The University Chapel.Monday, June 15Rush Medical Alumni Clinics, Rush Medical College, 1758 West Harrison St.South Side Medical Association.Operative Clinics, Surgical Amphitheatre.Program of Scientific Papers by Faculty Members, Rm. 137, Medicine.Program of Scientific Papers by Alumni, Rm. 137, Medicine.South Side Medical Association Annual Faculty-Alumni Dinner, Judson Court.Tuesday, June 16Rush Medical Alumni Clinics, Rush Medical College.The One Hundred Eighty-Fourth Convocation, The University Chapel.The Conferring of Higher Degrees.The Conferring of Bachelor's Degrees. Dr. George E. Vincent, ConvocationOrator.The Convocation Reception, Ida Noyes Hall.Business Meeting, Rush Medical Alumni, Palmer House.Rush Medical College Faculty-Alumni Dinner, Palmer House.Law School Association, Annual Dinner. Speaker, James H. Douglas, Jr.CLASS OF '35 HOLDS FIRST REUNIONChallenging the time-worn supremacy of the classesof 1911, 1916, 1917 and others who lay claim to "thebest" the fledgling group of 1935 is planning to take anactive part in the June Reunion.It will be the spirit of Fandango that will prevail,the spirit that raised more money in a more unusual manner for the University than any other class, as the first"guinea pigs" under the New Plan gather. PresidentEli Patterson is supervising activities from his NewYork office and hopes to be on the grounds along withCharles Tyroler.In action on the Chicago front are William Watson, Waldemar Solf, Betty Sayler, Ilo Carr, Virginia Eyssell,Peggy Moore, Charles Greenleaf, Harry Morrison,Noel Gerson, William O'Donnell, and Howard Hudson.Tentative plans call for a buffet supper and meeting inthe Coffee Shop, headquarters for many thirty-fivers, at10:10 Friday evening, June 12. A general announcementwill be mailed next week with complete details.Members of the class are invited to write in suggestions, comments as to what they are doing and where,and whether or not they can be present. Send all communications to Howard P. Hudson, The Alumni Council, 403 Cobb Hall, University of Chicago.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By JOHN P. HOWE, '27TO Dr. Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin, distinguished emeritus-professor of history, now 75years old, the month brings great honor. Prof.McLaughlin is announced as the recipient of the $1000Pulitzer Prize for the outstanding work dealing withAmerican history published during 1935. The award isfor his scholarly text, "A Constitutional History of theUnited States," the product of ten years of work.Dr. McLaughlin headed the University's history department from 1906 to 1927. His successor as chairmanof history, William E. Dodd, is now America's ambassador to Germany. Dr. Dodd's successor, the incumbentchairman, Prof. Bernadotte Schmitt, won the PulitzerPrize in 1931 for his volume, "The Coming of the War."Active and keen at 75 Dr. McLaughlin as a scholaris an objective historian, as an individual is an admirerof the strength and flexibility of the American Constitution, a conservative in the best tradition; that is, arespecter of established values aware of the fact ofchange and the necessity of judicious adaptation to it.The first duty of the historian, he says, is "to presentthe past as a living thing," rather than to pass judgments on it. But he is convinced of the importance ofa nation's sense of its own background, and the shaping of progress in terms of historical development.In the final passages of his 833-page volume, Dr.McLaughlin writes :".... We are led to reflect upon theobvious. The constitutional system, which, when it wasestablished, derived its substance from the experiencesand the efforts of previous centuries, has survived. Inthis modern world, that simple fact is an achievement.Formed for less than four million people living in anarrow area along the coast, it has been adapted to theneeds of thirty times that number occupying half a continent. If federalism, democracy, and individual libertyare drowned in the torrent and whirlpool of the futurebecause men are found incompetent to govern themselves, the historical fact remains — for a hundred andfifty years the Constitution lasted as the fundamentallaw of a successful people."Only the unhistorical-minded person, fretted byhis present and immediate ills, will underestimate thisfact. Ancient dynasties and old monarchial systemshave disappeared ; new monarchies have risen and fallen ;and the American constitutional system still stands.""Very few people really object to the Constitution,"Dr. McLaughlin says in conversation. "Some fret under its restraints, and the patience required to adapt theidea of a union of states to a nationalized industrial system. But change in the political structure should comeonly after careful and deliberate study of the facts of historical forces. In the 150 years since its adoption theConstitution has repeatedly proven flexible enough to beadaptable to changing conditions, and at the same time a safeguard to personal rights and the idea of local responsibility."Since the Civil War the rapid growth of cities andindustries has presented new and complex problems,raising issues of great difficulty for decision by thecourts. Federal regulation of industry is not a newproblem; it was raised as far back as 1877 in a SupremeCourt case relating to grain elevators at the mouth ofthe Chicago river."Discussing the right of the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional acts of Congress Dr. McLaughlinAndrew C. McLaughlinTen Years Labor Brings Pulitzer Prizesays: "The Constitution contains no explicit grant ofpower to declare acts void, and the debates in the Convention do not banish all doubt — if anyone wishes or isanxious to doubt — concerning the intention of the fram-ers that this power would be exercised. A careful examination of the debates will, however, probably convince the skeptic that men of the Convention made thatassumption." Current suggestion that Congress be cm-powered to over-ride by a two-thirds vote decision ofthe Supreme Court on questions of constitutionality Dr.McLaughlin described as probably not feasible.Framers of the constitution, although they were at*tempting to put into an effective system the ideals thatphilosophers had longed for and men had fought for,were nevertheless "tremendous realists," Dr. McLaughlin says. "The generation of which these men were theflower had been steeped in the discussion of political18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19principles and had been engaged in the actual construction of governments and constitutions. The greatestsingle teacher was experience."Constitutional history, he points out, carries thehistorian through the study of controversies far beyondthe court-room. "The most significant and conclusiveconstitutional decision was not rendered by a court oflaw but delivered at the famous meeting of GeneralGrant and General Lee at Appomattox."ALUMNI OF THE FACULTYThe award to Dr. McLaughlin calls attention to thefact that many other professors-emeritus are using theirleisure profitably. Postmen on their holidays havenothing on university professors retired from activeduty. A survey of the forty-eight living University ofChicago professors-emeritus — eighteen of whom areover 70 years old — reveals that the great majority of thepensioned professors are using their leisure for the advancement of knowledge. At least ten have books inpreparation.Dr. Ira M. Price, authority on the Old Testament,who was 80 years old on April 29th, works daily athis office in Swift hall, and serves as. secretary of thetheological faculties union. A member of the first Chicago faculty in 1892, he is professor-emeritus of SemiticLanguages and Literatures, and author of eleven books.Miss Marion Talbot, now 77, who was Dean ofWomen in the University's first year, will publish avolume entitled More Than Lore through the UniversityPress this June.Professor Elizabeth Wallace, 69, emeritus inFrench, has traveled extensively since her retirementand is reported to be considering flying to the Orienton the "China Clipper."Dr. Edwin O. Jordan, emeritus chairman of thedepartment of hygiene and bacteriology, now 69, is amember of Chicago's Board of Health; Professor Martin Schutze, of the German department, also 69, hasbeen teaching and writing as well as playing first violinin the University Orchestra; and Professor Carl D.Buck, philologist, also 69, puts in a full day working onhis "Dictionary of Selected Synonyms" and plays tennis whenever the weather permits.Among the younger "oldsters" who have passed theUniversity's retirement age of 65 are Dr. William E.Dodd, 66, emeritus chairman of the history department,who is United States ambassador to Germany; Dr.Frank R. Lillie, 65, emeritus dean of the biologicalsciences, who divides his time between Washington,where he is president of the National Academy ofSciences, and chairman of the National Research Council, and his laboratory on the campus, where he workson problems of embryology; and Gordon J. Laing, 66,emeritus dean of the humanities, who serves as GeneralEditor of the University Press.Actively engaged in research on the campus areother emeritus professors who are under 70, includingRobert J. Bonner, in Greek; Robert R. Bensley and C.Judson Herrick, in anatomy; Charles M. Child, in zoology; George D. Fuller, in botany; and Julius Stieglitz, in chemistry. Dr. Edward S. Ames, emeritus chairmanof the philosophy department, is pastor of the Church ofthe Disciples at the campus. Sir William Craigie,emeritus in English, who has been in charge of themonumental dictionary of American English now inpreparation, is in England working on this project andon a dictionary of middle Scottish.Among those living in California, in addition toTufts and Stagg, are Francis A. Wood, Germanics, now77, and Myra Reynolds, English.Four of the most active professors-emeritus are73. Amos Alonzo Stagg, after 43 years as athletic director and head football coach at the Midway, chose toaccept similar responsibilities at the College of the Pacific rather than retire. James Hayden Tufts, formerchairman of the philosophy department and one-timeacting-president of the University, now living in SantaBarbara, last year published a volume on American social morality and this year has contributed to learnedjournals. Dr. Shailer Mathews, emeritus dean of theDivinity School, who will be 73 this month, is active inwriting and lecturing, and Professor Charles J. Chamberlain, emeritus in botany, recently published a volumeon gymnosperms and is composing one on cycads.The oldest living professor-emeritus is CharlesChandler, of the Latin department, now 86, who residesin Alton, 111. Mary McDowell, former head resident ofthe University Settlement, is 81.Robert E. Park, distinguished sociologist, now 72,is teaching this semester at Fisk University, and willteach this summer at Harvard. W. J. G. Land, botanist,now 70, is preparing a monograph on liverworts; Herbert Willett, Old Testament expert, now 72, is conducting a church on the North Shore; Herbert E. Slaught,mathematician, now 74, is convalescing from an accident; and John M. Manly, emeritus chairman of theEnglish department, now 70, is in England completingresearch on a monumental critical edition of Chaucer's"Canterbury Tales."MORE HONORSTwo members of the University faculty, Dr. EdwinO. Jordan, Andrew MacLeish distinguished service professor emeritus of bacteriology, and Robert S. Mulliken,professor of physics, were elected to the National Academy of Sciences at the annual meeting in Washingtonlast month.The Academy consists of some 300 of the leadingscientists and election to its membership is regarded asone of the most important marks of recognition accordedscientific workers. Dr. Jordan is an authority on foodpoisoning and epidemics, and Professor Mulliken hasachieved distinction in theoretical physics, particularlythrough his work in spectrum analysis.Dr. Frank Rattray Lillie, Dean-emeritus of theBiological Sciences Division of the University of Chicago, last year was elected president of the NationalAcademy of Sciences for a four-year term. Other Chicago faculty members of the Academy are ProfessorArthur H. Compton, Gilbert Bliss, Leonard Dickson,C. Judson Herrick, H. Gideon Wells, Ludvig Hektoen,20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESewall Wright, William D. Harkins, Julius Stieglitz,A. J. Carlson, and C. M. Child.Elected to membership in the American Philosophical Society were Prof. William A. Nitze, chairman ofthe Romance Languages department, and Prof. WilliamE. Dodd. T. V. Smith, professor of philosophy andstate senator, received the 1936 prose award of theChicago Foundation for Literature, because of the literary quality of his published writings as exemplified inhis volumes, The Democratic Way of Life and The Philosophic Way of Life, and his latest book, The Promise ofAmerican Politics.PECK-RIGHTSSocial distinctions are drawn more finely amongflocks of barnyard fowl than on any ambassadorial dining list, research at the University indicates.Dr. Warder C. Allee, professor of zoology andexpert on animal "sociology," is planning to investigatethe factors which account for the existence of the "socialhierarchy" observed among chickens.Patient observation of flocks of Brown Leghornpullets and cockerels at the Midway campus has alreadyborne out the fact, first noted by Prof. Schjelderup-Ebbeof Norway, that one bird in a flock becomes a despot,and that there is a definite order in which birds higherin rank "browbeat" inferiors.Dr. Allee and his assistants hope to explain thesedistinctions by experiments in which the diet, hormonebalance, color and other characteristics of individualbirds will be varied and their effect on social statusstudied. At present it is known that the older birdsusually become despots.The social distinctions among fowl are marked by"peck-rights" and "peck-dominance." The animal highest in the order pecks every other bird in the flock andis pecked by none of them. The lowest is pecked byevery other bird and pecks none. It is in this order thatrights to food and other advantages are obtained. Ina few exceptional cases "rebel" birds have defied anddominated the otherwise leader of the flock.Prof. Schjelderup-Ebbe holds that throughout theorder, in any flock, any individual with the peck-rightJune Suarez and Rosalie StechRifle shooting latest campus sport over another remains steadily dominant over it untilby a combat their positions are reversed ; that whenevertwo birds of one species are together, one is despot andthe other subservient; and that this sort of despotismis one of the fundamental principles of biology.Studies by Dr. Allee and R. H. Masure show thatthe order is more rigid among females than among males.A flock of 13 pullets was observed two hours a day for60 days, and a "strong and stable social organization"was found to exist. The order of precedence for thetop seven individuals was clearly established; the nextthree formed a "triangle" of precedence ; and the bottomthree were clearly lowest. Superiors often ate food fromthe bills of their inferiors without resistance from thelatter.An order of peck-dominance was worked out amongeleven cockerels over a 70-day period, but here the organization seemed less stable. There were several reversals of order during the period, and the triangleseemed more characteristic than straight individual order. One individual, who ranked second, was injured ina fight. After treatment he was returned to the pen,immediately became the lowest, and was persecuted sobadly that he had to be removed permanently from thepen to save his life.Studies of 14 White King pigeons showed that more"democracy" obtained among them than among chickens. After a period a social order developed but absolute despotism was lacking and frequent though temporary reversals of the order took place.The study of pigeons was made in three intervals,first with the birds segregated by sex, second during themating period, and third with the birds again segregated. The two females which did not mate quicklyrose to dominance during and after the mating period.Individuals high in the peck-order have far more"social contacts" than those low in the scale, Dr. Alleereports. Dr. Allee is president of the American Societyof Zoologists this year.ASTRONOMERSAppointment of four new faculty members of itsdepartment of astronomy, three of them distinguishedyoung foreign astronomers, has been made by the University. The appointments will make the astronomydepartment one of the most cosmopolitan groups in theUniversity, as well as one of the outstanding departments.Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper, of Leyden, Holland, hasbeen appointed Assistant Professor of Practical Astronomy, effective Sept. 1. He has carried on research atthe Bosscha Observatory in Java, at the Lick Observatory of the University of California, and at Harvard.He has made some of the most important discoveriesin observational astronomy in recent years. Last year,at the Lick Observatory, he found that the bright newstar, or nova, which was being observed by astronomersall over the world, is in reality a double star. He hasalso greatly increased the known number of "whitedwarfs," those peculiar stars which are so dense thata cubic inch of material from them would weigh tons.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Dr. Bengt Stromgren, now privatdozent and lecturer on astrophysics at the University of Copenhagen,Denmark, has been appointed Assistant Professor ofTheoretical Astrophysics, effective Oct. 1. He becameactive in astronomical research at the age of thirteen,and, although he is still under thirty, is already one ofthe world authorities in astrophysics and co-author oftwo important textbooks.Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, a native of Madras, India,lias been appointed research associate, effective Jan. 1.Especially well-known in the field of mathematical astronomy, Dr. Chandrasekhar is a former student of SirArthur Eddington. He received the Ph.D. at TrinityCollege, Cambridge, England, and has recently beenengaged in research at Harvard.Dr. Philip C. Keenan, of the Perkins Observatoryof Ohio. State and Ohio Wesleyan universities, has beenappointed instructor in astronomy. He received thePh.D. at the University of Chicago. Drs. Kuiper, Chandrasekhar and Keenan will do most of their work at theYerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago, atWilliams Bay, Wisconsin. Dr. Stromgren will workchiefly on the Chicago campus at the Midway. ProfessorWilliam D. MacMillan, member of the Chicago facultyfor 28 years and widely known for his theoretical studiesin astrophysics, reaches the retirement age this year.Present personnel of the Chicago astronomy department, in addition to American-born members, includesDr. Otto Struve, chairman of the department and director of Yerkes Observatory, whose father, grandfatherand great-grandfather served as directors of variousEuropean observatories; Professor George A. VanBiesbroeck, a native of Belgium ; and Dr. Hans Rosenberg, a German. Astronomy has always been an "international" science, it has been pointed out.In addition to its work at the Yerkes Observatory,the University's department will direct the research atthe McDonald Observatory, now in construction in theDavis Mountains of Texas. The McDonald Observatory represents a cooperative enterprise of the University of Texas, which is erecting the plant, and theUniversity of Chicago, which is taking responsibility forthe staff. Two staff appointments will be made shortly.BUSINESS AND ELECTIONSDuring presidential-election years business hasbeen, on the average, roughly four per cent worse thanin any of the three other years of the presidential period.Results of a statistical study of the subject arepresented by Professor William F. Ogburn, of the University's sociology department, and A. J. Jaffe, graduatestudent, in the current issue of the American PoliticalScience Review, just published. They studied the 17election years from 1868 to 1932, inclusive.Lowest point of business in the four-year presidential cycle is found in the July preceding election,when business is approximately 8 per cent worsethan in the peaks of the preceding September or of thefollowing July. Dr. Ogburn and Mr. Jaffe point outthat their conclusions are true on the average only, and that any individual election period may differ widelyfrom the relationship given.A general business index, in which trends and seasonal fluctuations are eliminated statistically, was usedfor the basic figures in the study. Effect of the businesscycle was largely eliminated by the averaging of a number of years. The stock market in particular was foundto be more sensitive to the effect of an election yearthan trade and production. Discussing the report theauthors said:"An attempt was made to test the popular impression that business is not as good during the year of apresidential election as in other years. This was doneby taking theaverage indexof businessconditions ina number ofelection yearsand contrasting it with theaverage indexof businessconditions ineach of theother threeyears of apresidentialperiod. Theaverages forall of the yearssince the CivilWar showedbusiness to besome four percent worse onthe averageduring theyear in whichthe electiontakes placethan in any ofthe other William Fielding Ogburnyears. A popular impression was tested"Individual election years do not always conform to these results.Thus in 1916 and 1920 business conditions were best.Hence it cannot definitely be said that business this yearwill not be as good as it was during 1934 and 1935 noras good as it may be during 1937. However, the chancesare nine out of ten that during the next several presidential elections business will suffer somewhat on theaverage."It seems reasonable to assume that business wouldnot suffer equally in all twelve months of the year inwhich the election takes place, but that some few monthswould show the greatest decline. This assumption wasshown to be true by calculating the average index ofbusiness conditions during each of the forty-eight monthsof the four-year period, and then seeking the months inwhich the greatest decline takes place. These are the(Continued on Page 26)$*•COLLEGE ELECTIONSJosephine T. Allin '99, Principalof the Seward School, one of the experimental units of the Chicago SchoolSystem. Formerly Assistant Principalof Harper High School and for yearsDean of Girls in Englewood HighSchool. As an undergraduate a member of the Dramatic Club, on the staffof the U. of C. Weekly and editor ofthe first woman's edition of the same.Ivy Day orator, on the Woman's GleeClub and a Quadrangler. Since graduation active in the National EducationAssociation, Progressive Education Association A.A.U.W., University Settlement League and the Art Institute, aformer member of the Alumni Council.For recreation she enjoys travel andmusic.Arthur C. Cody, '24, 5741 Kenwood Ave., Manager of the Hammondbranch of the Great Lakes MortgageCorporation and the Winton RealtyCompany. Engaged in the real estateloan field and the sale of real estate.Previously connected with the ChicagoTitle and Trust Company and the CodyTrust Company. In his undergraduatedays he was a member' of Iron Mask,Skull & Crescent, and Owl & Serpent,served on the Maroon, led the cheersfor three years, member of Psi Upsilon,won his "C" in baseball, was classpresident in his senior year and CollegeMarshal. He was president of theChicago Alumni Club in 1929-30.Mrs. Cody was Margaret Monilaw, '24.Arthur reports that his favorite recreations are swimming, fishing, golf andtennis.Geraldine Brown Gilkey, '11,5802 Woodlawn Ave., wife of CharlesW. Gilkey, Dean of the UniversityChapel. As an! undergraduate ClassSecretary, on the Cap and Gown staff,the YWCA cabinet, a University Aide,a member of Kalailu, Nu Pi Sigma andMortar Board. Since graduation General Secretary of the UniversityYWCA and active in the work of thenational YWCA serving as nationalvice-president from 1926 to 1930 andnational president from 1930 to 1932,a member of the midwest committee,Federal Council of Churches and auxiliary committee of the UniversityClinics.Louise Norton Swain, '09 AM '16,1364 East 58th St., the wife of GeorgeW. Swain, attorney. In her undergraduate days won honorable mentionin the College, was on the women'sbasketball team, the YWCL cabinet,was associate editor of Cap & Gown,member of Class Gift Committee,Kalailu, and Spelman House. Servedas University Aide. Since graduationhas been active in the University Settlement League, the Chicago Woman's Club and the League of Women Voters.Is at present president of the ChicagoAlumnae Club and on the AlumniCouncil. For recreation she choosestennis and contract.J. Milton Coulter, '18, Vice-President, Selected Investments Company(Investment Bankers) and SecuritySupervisors, Inc. (Investment Counselors) at 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago.As a student he was a member of theUndergraduate Council, manager of theInterscholastic Track Meet, JuniorClass President and College Marshal.He was a member of Skull & Crescent,Iron Mask, Owl & Serpent, and KappaSigma. Since graduation his work hasbeen in the securities and investmentbanking field. He is a member of theInterfraternity Club, the InvestmentAnalysts Club and the Bond Men'sClub. He likes to hunt, fish, canoe andgolf in season and plays squash andbadminton in winter.William C. Gorgas, '19, ExecutiveSecretary, The Furniture Club of America, 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago.As an undergraduate, a seven timeswinner of the "C" in football, basketball and track and a one time winner ofPhi Beta Kappa. A member of Skull &Crescent, Iron Mask, Owl & Serpent,and Phi Kappa Psi. Appointed College Marshal in Senior year. He servedas president of the Chicago1 AlumniClub in 1933 and on the executive committee of the College Alumni Association. At the present time he is secretary of the Order of the "C" and amember of the American; Legion. Hegoes in for handball and swimming.Phyllis Taylor Christie, '20,(Mrs. Ronald J.) 1017 E. 46th St. Asan undergraduate active in athletics, amember of the Women's Baseball Teamand Class Hockey Teams, secretary St.Marks Society. After graduation shewas for seven years with the StandardPublishing Corporation, producers ofsyndicated advertising services for retail stores, where she rose from copywriter to production manager. She isa member of the Board of Directors ofthe Chicago College Club. Her favorite recreation is golf and as hobbiesshe studies typography and collectstiles from all over the world.Agness Kaufman, '03, 4848 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, where sheholds the position of Registrar at LewisInstitute. Active as a* member of herclass organization, she was a memberof the Committee on Lists and Quotasduring the Development Fund Campaign and has served on Reunion Committees of the Council. She is a member of the Chicago College Club, theChicago Chapter of the D.A.R. and isSecretary of the Illinois Registrars' Association. For hobbies she is faithful to stamps and antiques.Frank McNair, '03, Vice-president,The Harris Trust and Savings Bank.As an undergraduate on the staffs ofthe U. of C. Weekly, the Daily Maroonand Cap and Gown; on the Senior College Council, a member of Iron Mask,Owl & Serpent, and Delta Kappa Epsi-lon. Now a trustee of the Universityand of Rush Medical College. A former chairman of the Alumni Council,on which he has served for many yearsas chairman of the Alumni Fund.Herbert I. Markham, '05, 5605Woodlawn Avenue, a partner in PaulH. Davis & Company, InvestmentBankers. As an undergraduate he wasactive in the business management ofthe College publications serving asbusiness manager of both the U. of C.Weekly and the Daily Maroon. Member of Delta Upsilon. Since graduationhas served as an executive in the Federal Electric Company and the Household Utilities Finance Company and isat present vice-president of the LincolnPrinting Co. Mrs. Markham was LoisKauffman, '08. Markham has servedas chairman of the Finance Committeeof the Council for the past four years.Florence Fanning Dunihue, '11,1350 Rosedale Ave., Chicago. As anundergraduate active in the work of theUniversity Settlement and on theSenior Class Gift Committee. Formany years a member of the PoliticalEquality League, the Chicago CollegeClub, and the Chicago Women's Athletic Club. Has served as secretary ofthe Chicago Alumnae Club.Harvey L. Harris, '14, 5000 EllisAvenue, Chicago, Business Counselor.As an undergraduate he played threeyears of football, his last year a member of the Conference Champions of1913. Served as Class Treasurer, member of the Honor Commission and ofOwl & Serpent. Since graduation heheld an executive position with Sears,Roebuck and Company for many years,leaving that concern in 1934 to join theBunting Glider Company of Philadelphia. He is now back in Chicago asa consultant. He has served as bothsecretary and vice-president of the Chicago Alumni Club.J. Craig Redmon, '16, 6806 JeffreyAve., Division Manager, The BerghorfBrewing Corporation of Fort Wayne,Indiana. As an undergraduate a "C"man in football and swimming, for twoyears a member of Blackfriar's cast,Senior Class President, a member ofOwl & Serpent and Phi Kappa Psi.Since graduation he has served as salesmanager of the Traver Paper Co., vicepresident and general manager of theAmerican Refrigerator Corporationand property manager for McLennan22THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23Company. His favorite recreation ispinochle.Barbara Miller Simpson, '18, 5637Dorchester Ave., (wife of George N.Simpson/ '10). As an undergraduatean officer of the Woman's Athletic Association, women's tennis champion ofthe University, member of the Women'sAdministration Council, Senior ClassSecretary and. University Aide. Editedthe official documents of the Universityfrom 1920-26. Formerly president andtreasurer and now vice president, HydePark League of Women Voters, treasurer Cook County League of WomenVoters, recording secretary, The Fortnightly of Chicago. For three yearswomen's tennis champion of the SouthShore Country Club.Frances Henderson Higgins, '20,wife of Charles G. Higgins, '20, livingin Oak Park. As an undergraduatewas on the swimming, hockey and bas ketball teams but found time to serveon Ida Noyes Council, the W. A. A.Board, act as vice president of herclass and president of the Y. W. C. A.She was a University Aide, a Quad-rangier, and a Nu Pi Sigma. Sincegraduation she has been interested insocial service and is at present Assistant Superintendent of the Hay marketDistrict of the Family Service Bureau(United Charities of Chicago), and amember of the American Associationof Social Workers. She has beenactive in the West Suburban AlumnaeClub and is at present chairman of theClass Organization Committee of theAlumni Council.J. Kenneth Laird Jr., '25, 223Scottswood Road, Riverside, vice president in charge of advertising for WecoProducts Company (manufacturers ofDr. West's Tooth Brush). Formermanaging editor of the Daily Maroonand the Student's Handbook, president of the Undergraduate Council, a scholarship holder for four years, head Marshal of the College, he was a memberof Iron Mask, Owl & Serpent, Phi BetaKappa and Psi Upsilon. Since graduation he served on the Chicago Herald& Examiner before making his presentconnection. He is a member of theUniversity Club and is president of theAdvertising Managers' Club of Chicago, For recreation he votes forsquash racquets.Elizabeth K. Sayler, '35, 6529Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. As an undergraduate a member of the DramaticAssociation Board, the Chapel Council,the Mirror Board, the Y. W. C. A.,Chairman of Ida Noyes Hall AdvisoryBoard and Chairman of the Federationof University Women. A member ofNu Pi Sigma and of Esoteric. Thisyear she is a student at the AmericanAcademy of Art.ANNUAL ELECTIONCOLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONWho are members of the College Alumni Association?All Bachelors or Masters in Arts, Literature or Science, and any non-degree holders with a minimumof nine majors of undergraduate credit in Arts, Literature or Science — always provided that they are LifeMembers of the Association or hold annual memberships through the payment of annual dues.All members of the College Alumni Association are urged to vote.Candidates are listed in the order of seniority, — where in the same class, they are listed alphabetically.For effective organization it is advisable that your nominee for President be also one of your nomineesas delegate to the Council.The ballot will be kept secret, but all ballots must be signed, and must be received at the Alumni Officeprior to Friday, June 12.official ballotFor PresidentTwo Years(Vote for one)? Josephine T. Allin, '99.?????? Arthur C. Cody, '24,For Second Vice-PresidentTwo YearsGeraldine Brown Gilkey, '11.For Executive CommitteeTwo Years(Vote for two)Louise Norton Swain, '09.J. Milton Coulter, '18.William C. Gorgas, '19.Phyllis Taylor Christie, '20.Mail this ballot to the Alumni Office, University o For Council DelegatesThree Years(Vote for six)? Josephine T. Allin, '99.D Agness Kaufman, '03.? Frank McNair, '03.? Herbert Markham, '05.? Florence Fanning Dunihue, '11.? Harvey L. Harris, '14.? J. Craig Redmon, '16.? Barbara Miller Simpson, '18.? Frances Henderson Higgins, '20.? Arthur C. Cody, '24.? J. Kenneth Laird, '25.? Elizabeth K. Sayler, '35.f Chicago.Name Class .Address ATHLETICSSCORES OF THE MONTHBaseballChicago, 2 ; Notre Dame, 8Chicago, 2 ; Illinois, 8Chicago, 3 ; Northwestern, 2Chicago, 0 ; Notre Dame, 8Chicago, 5 ; Northwestern, 2TrackChicago, 67 ; North Central, 59Chicago1, 72 ; Purdue, 59Chicago, 78 ; Western State, 52TennisChicago, 6 ; Elmhurst, 0Chicago, 4 ; Wisconsin, 2Chicago, 6 ; Iowa, 0Chicago, 5 ; Illinois, 1Chicago, 7 ; Wheaton, 0 (Chicago reserves)Chicago, 3 ; Northwestern, 3Chicago, 6; Western State, 0.Chicago, 6 ; Michigan, 0Chicago, 6 ; Minnesota, 0GolfChicago, 3/2 ; Notre Dame, 14y2Chicago, 2y2 ; Northwestern, 16y2THE brief spring season of athletics is about over,for the spring series of comprehensives alreadyis at hand. The tennis team has achieved the mostdistinction, for it has defeated five conference opponents and been tied by another, and it heads for the BigTen tournament with every likelihood of retaining thechampionship. A little too late for practical purposes,the baseball team is beginning to find itself, and the trackteam, in meets with second class squads, has managedto win three times in a row. An automobile accidentvirtually ended the season for the golfers, with Capt. EdBoehm and John Dudgeon receiving serious injuries.And finally, Mr. Clark Shaughnessy has wound upspring football practice, with a lament over sparse attendance and work undone.Chicago's tennis team so far has done a remarkablyfine bit of campaigning, winning easily most of the time,but rising handsomely when the competition was firstclass. Capt. Norman Bickel has not yet been defeated,his two choicest victories being over Don Leavens ofNorthwestern, national indoor finalist, and Carl Fischer,Western State, state intercollegiate champion of Michigan. His former high school team mate, Norbert Burgess, has been beaten but once, and the Bickel-Burgessdoubles team has not yet been pushed. The pair shouldwin the doubles title, and the singles championship isbetween Bickel, and the Northwestern top men, Leavens,and Russell Ball, who last year went to the semifinalsof the national collegiate.The ball team has had no pitching until recently,when Joe Mastrofsky, a sophomore, as a result of con- • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22stant work against the major Maroon opponents, developed into a very steady pitcher. "Buss" Yedor workedfor the first time in the return game with Notre Dame,and, although he had plenty of speed, he had no control.With the conference season four games from the finish,he is just starting to be of some use. The hitting ofthe team against the better pitchers of the Big Ten wasweak at the start, but lately there has been a decidedpickup. Coach Anderson had a rather glaring weaknessat third base all season, and just as he was about tomove Dick Cochran, one of the most reliable of hisplayers, in from the outfield, Cochran became ill. Onthe whole, however, the fielding has been better thancollege average, and the work of French White at shortstop has been notable. From now on in, which is notvery far, the team will be hard to beat. Even so, it hasa .500 average in the conference, with two victories overNorthwestern and one over Purdue balanced by twodefeats from Iowa and one from Illinois.Waseda University, with which Chicago has since1910 carried on the oldest international intercollegiaterivalry, will come to the Midway on May 29, 30, andJune 16, for three games. Waseda is returning the visitChicago paid to Japan in 1930, the trip of the Japanesehaving been delayed by such matters as the depressionhere.Ray Ellinwood continues to be the most spectacularmember of the track team. His best performance in hisfavorite event, the 440, was a 0:47.5 race at WesternState. That seems to be the best time made in the country this year. Ellinwood also doubles up in the 100 and220 when points are necessary, and he added a 0:21.2furlong to his quarter mile time at Kalamazoo. At theDrake Relays, Ellinwood ran three excellent races, making up some seven yards to put the Chicago team firstin the qualifiers, The next day, he ran in a match raceto win in 0:48.5 against the best men who could bemustered, and an hour later he came back on the finalleg of the relay to take third, beaten by a scant yard,after he had started twenty yards behind in sixth position. The Chicago team that ran at Des Moines wascomposed of Webster, Wasem, Halcrow, and Ellinwood.Its time in the preliminaries was 3 :19.4, better than thefinal time. It would have been stronger if Berwangerhad been running, but the redoubtable Jay was homestudying, after spending the previous week end takingthird in the Kansas decathlon. Jay did well in the trackevents, except the 1500 meter, but in his old specialties,the shot, broad jump, and javelin, he was far below hisperformances of previous years. In the conference meetat Ohio on May 23, Ellinwood is the only likely pointwinner, unless the relay team gets a place.Coach Shaughnessy's summary of the prospects fornext autumn tends somewhat toward the despondentside at present, but before the summer is over he probably will bounce back with a new line of deceptive24THEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25plays. For the young men who reported this springseventeen sessions of practice were offered, but the average attendance was only twenty men a day. Altogether,but thirty-four men came out, and the coach figures thatthe average number of sessions attended was abouttwelve. Most of the candidates were freshmen, but Co-captain Bud Jordan and Walter Skoning of the "C"men did not miss a day. The approach of the examinations, and the necessity of studying and holding jobsmade practice impossible for many of the players.Among the squad men of last year, Antonic and Bos-worth benefited particularly from the tutoring, and theseveral promising freshmen backs, Goodstein, Hamity,and Sherman, also developed. Freshmen linemen, Johnson, tackle; Hawkins and Joffee, ends; Fink and Sass,guards, and Dick Wheeler, center, gave evidence of realusefulness. Goodstein right now appears to be the choicefor quarterback. If he does win the position he will bethe first sophomore to hold that post since CoachShaughnessy came here.The only Chicago student other than Ellinwood who seems likely to compete in the Olympics is MissMarjorie Smith, whose second place in the NationalA. A. U. Backstroke indicates that she can qualify forthe woman's swimming team. She, however, will berepresenting the Lake Shore A. C. Other Maroon candidates have failed to prove themselves in the final try-outs, Campbell Wilson losing out in the final fencingtrials, while the two wrestlers, Bob Finwall, 145 pounder,lost in the fourth round, and freshman Ed Valorz, 174pounds, was beaten in the second round, of the finaltryouts at Bethlehem, Pa. If the final swimming tryoutsfor men are held in Chicago Charles Wilson and JayBrown will compete. There are no funds to send themto New York if the meet is there. Brown and Wilsonhave been elected co-captains of the Chicago team fornext year. Berwanger will not be able to qualify in thedecathlon on June 26-27 at Milwaukee at his presentlevel of performance, but if he regains his old form inthe field events, he has a chance. Ellinwood, while theclass of the middle west in the 400 meters, has one ofthe toughest events in which to win a place.ON MOPPING (Continued from Page 7)a routine of this much only in order to concentrate betteron the more technical details. Some floors, for instance,must have no soap, while others require it. Some floorsmust have lukewarm water, while for others it may behot. The water must not be put on skimpily lest thefloor dry unevenly, but it must be taken up promptlylest the floor dry dull. And not only must it be takenup promptly, but it must be taken up thoroughly. Istress this point above all — the temperature of the watermay have been regulated with the greatest accuracy ; thewater may have been spread on with utmost skill, andtaken up promptly enough to suit the most exactingexpert, but if the taker-upper doesn't wring out frequently, and overlap at least double all along the line,the product will reach no high degree of merit.If, on the other hand, the taker-upper uses all hisconscience, all his effort, all his knowledge, then theseother factors will contribute toward that unattainablebut stimulating ideal of a perfect job. The mere thoughtof turning out a slick tile floor with a virgin sheen likeQueen Elizabeth's gown would lead us through inferno.No soap for a floor like that ; no hot water ; no lingeringfor delicacy; but instead a caressing lukewarm bath anda brisk mopping up.When it comes to a floor of smooth but porousstone, the treatment and the ideal are different. On thiskind of floor we can vent freely all our suppressedPuritanism with the hottest of hot water and the soap iest of suds. The ideal job on this type of floor, ifdifferent from that on the slick tile or cement, is no lesstempting. It is less showy, but to the taste of many aconnoisseur of mopping, a more subtle, more refined ideal.It is, to let you in on a long kept secret, to turn outa floor as smooth and suave and unspotted as the tightwhite breeches of an 18th century dandy.That ideal! Ah, me, I sigh to think of it. Happily, tomorrow is the day we mop again. Perhaps (Iscarcely dare think it aloud), perhaps it is destinedthat tomorrow partner Bill and I shall do a perfect job!What does it matter that you or some vulgar philosopherwho is not sensible of the finer things of life will immediately tread with unseeing eyes upon the masterpiece?After all, the chief value of mopping is the spiritualvalue the moppers themselves get out of it. The floorsare only mopped to get dirty again, so that the artistsmay have more practice, for, as Candide sagely remarked, "everything is for the best in this best of possibleworlds, even getting up at six tomorrow morning to mopinstead of sleeping late and breakfasting comfortably atthe coffee shop."Gentle reader, you must envy us, but do not despair,for perhaps you too will some day be freed of crassworldly cares and enabled to follow out your impulses,even to joining us in the stern joy of our discipline,learning the technique of our art, and marching with usin our long but soul satisfying journey toward perfection.Come Back toReunion June 8NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES (continued from page 21)three summer months of June, July, and August. Business then begins to pick up and continues to do so untilit reaches its maximum in the fall months of the thirdyear of the presidential term, after which it again beginsto dip."The values of stocks traded on the exchanges aresupposed to be more susceptible to rumors and emotionsthan business conditions as a whole. This would appearto be true inasmuch as the study showed stock pricesto begin to decline somewhat sooner than business conditions as a whole and to decrease to a somewhat greaterextent. The general average four-year cycle in stockprices corresponds to that of business as a whole, exceptthat it precedes somewhat. Thus stock prices begin toincrease in value about the July of the election year andreach a maximum in the second year following the election. They remain at approximately this level until thespring of the third year, after which they begin to decline."THE GREEKS HAD. ..Modern wits and wisecrackers may be clever butthe Greeks likewise "had a word for it" some 2,000years ago, Professor Henry Prescott of the Universitytold a national convention of classics students, the EtaSigma Phi society, at their meeting on the Midway lastmonth. Dr. Prescott talked on "Wit and Satire inGreek Epigram" pointing out the similarity of subjectmatter and treatment between the ancient Greeks andthe moderns.The modern epigram, "the operation was a successbut the patient died," was anticipated by the Greeks, anddoctors and other professional men were particular buttsfor jibes. In one story Agelaus, a surgeon, operates onAcestorides. The patient dies and Agelaus consoles thefamily, saying, "Poor fellow, if he had lived he wouldalways have been lame." The suggestion that the doctorsand the undertakers were in partnership was made byGreek wits, according to Dr. Prescott.The Greeks had many jokes about tall men andshort men, men with prominent noses, and fat, thinand bald men. One Demetrius was described as beingso short that he could not stoop, and always lay flaton the ground when he tried to get up. As for Nicon,of the long nose, if you see his nose he cannot be faroff and will be here presently, the ancient Greek wise-cracker says.Of the modern jokes about the three deaf men Prof.Prescott said, "The low comedy of today is anticipatedin the scene in court when judge, plaintiff and defendantare all stone deaf; the plaintiff says of the defendant:'You owe me five months' rent'; the defendant answers,'No, I do all of my grinding of grain at night' ; and thejudge concludes the case: 'Well, what are you two fellows disputing about — she is your mother, you ought toshare her upkeep.' "Dr. Prescott cited Greek jokes about the prizefighter, Cleonbrotus, who married and got worse blowsat home than he ever received in the Isthmian games; and about the runner in a race between six men whois described as coming in seventh. The explanation givenfor the latter is that a friend, wrapped in a long cloak,ran alongside him setting the pace and calling out theequivalent of "Attaboy," finishing in front of the racer.In another story, a farmer consults a prophet and istold, "if the grain gets rain enough, and the weeds don'tgrow too rank, and frost doesn't crack the furrows, orhailstorms crush the stalks, then you will have a finesummer, but look out for the locusts !"One Greek wit, commenting on the cost of cosmetics,says, "You bought false hair, false teeth, rouge andalmond cream; for the same money you might havebought a whole new face"; another tells his barber tostop cutting his face and switch to his lower legs, ifthe barber must cut.People who sang or played instruments late at nightwere compared with the night raven, the Greek equivalent, according to Prof. Prescott, of the alley cat. Schoolteachers were particular objects of the wit of theirpupils.The Greek became a medium for satire about thefirst century A. D., and as such lacked the "Attic salt"and came to smack of the comic-strip, Dr. Prescott said.NOTED Charles O. Gregory > associate professor of Law, hasbeen given a leave of absence to accept an important postas solicitor in the Department of Labor in Washington..... Zantzinger and Borie, Philadelphia architects, havebeen commissioned to design the Public AdministrationClearing House building which will be erected on thesouth front of the Midway at Kenwood Ave. The samefirm designed the Men's Residence Halls south of theMidway. . . .This year's senior mustache race was wonby Tom Glassford; following the ceremony of awardsome forty individuals, apparently chosen at random,were tossed into the Botany Pond. . . .William E. Dodd,professor-emeritus of history and American ambassadorto Germany, will return to the campus to offer a courseon "The Critical Moments in the History of the UnitedStates, 1763 to 1921," during the first terms of thesummer quarter. . . .Death of Jack Schiffer, gifted medical student from Brooklyn, in Hitchcock hall on April26th was the first campus suicide in several years the modern Czech opera, "Schvanda," produced in English for the first time by the University Music Societyat Mandel hall April 20th, 22nd and 23rd, was in ourjudgment the finest production that has been staged bya University group in that historic auditorium in thethirteen years of our attendance there. ...The annualPeace Day meeting, held at 11 A.M., April 22nd, drewan estimated 1,500 to the Field House, was conductedin a peaceable manner. . . .Mme. Frances Perkins, Secretary of labor, was the Chapel preacher on Sunday, April26th. . . .Award of the Howard Taylor Ricketts prize for1936 is made to John P. Fox for research in pathology( Continued on Page 28)26Today We Gladly Sing the Praise of 3 New Books"Her mighty learning we would tell,Tho' life is something . . . READY JUNE 12MORE THAN LOREA delightful history of agreat university and thepeople who made that history.Miss Talbot leaves Boston for the "wildand woolly" west with a bit of Plymouth Rockin her hand (1892).After a perilous ride across the prairie In a hack, a womanstudent from Memphis is deposited on President Harper'sdoorstep. Where is the University?A chronicle of the achievements of women in the field ofhigher education and of the long struggle for recognition in which the dean of women played a leading role.About 246 pages, illustrated REMINISCENCES OFMARION TALBOTDean of Women, The University of Chicago1892-1925PROMINENT ALUMNAE SAY:". . . discloses — quite without the intention of sodoing — those personal qualities of justice, staunchness, far-seeing wisdom which have set her unique impress on allalumnae. And for added grace, it is lit by her glintinghumor." — Edith Foster Flint, '97.". . . the source of knowledge and inspiration for anyoneserving as a mentor to young people." — Helen Norris, '07."... a glimpse of the way of life which is the University'sbest gift to her students." — Alice Oreenacre, '08."... a treasure house, presenting in permanent form thestory of important events and movements of those significantdays." — Josephine T. Allin, '99.with fascinating pictures, $2.50''Dynamic ... it willprobably be denounced on the onehand as too radical and on theother as too conservative, but itsclosely knit arguments are nonethe less — indeed they are all themore — worth reading on thataccount."Ernest Sutherland BatesNew York Herald-Tribune"Vivid and delightful reading" said James Weber Linnin a book talk over WGN. And of the author, he says,"Though he has opposed the Governor who nominatedhim, fought the organization that elected him and stoodalone quite as undeterred as when he has stood with themajority, he is the strongest political force in the stateSenate among the 'new members' and one of the strongest of them all."THE PROMISE OFAMERICAN POLITICSBy T. V. SmithState Senator, Fifth District, IllinoisProfessor of Philosophy, the University of ChicagoA new basis for American democracy in the light of counterclaims of fascism, naziism, communism and other prevailing'isms.280 pages $2.50 JL HERE are many people who have good humor, manyfewer who have courage:those who have the combination of the two are rare indeed.It's a great book and I am putting it on my required readinglist for visiting academic potentates." — F. P. Keppel, President Carnegie Corporation.The President's first book contains twenty-four of hisbrilliant addresses which command attention for theirlogic and sanity. Required reading for everyone interested in current problems of education.NO FRIENDLY VOICEBy Robert Maynard Hutchins"There is rich and varied material here to inspire, stimulateand broaden. . . It has been long since a breeze so challengingand enlivening swept through our educational halls, or one ofwhich they are more in need." — New York Times."... a contribution to the literature in higher education, a fineantidote to much of the loose thinking in this field." — L. D.Cofifman, President, University of Minnesota.198 pages $2.00THE UNTVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS27THE CAMPUS DISSENTER (Continued from Page 13)speeches on the gangrenous condition of the chain-gangs.But these are not the casual tuition-payers ; these are thepioneers. The socialist methods are decried, and rightly,because of their adolescence which is even more obviousto most people than is the debauchery committed in thename of the fraternity. The hoarse speeches and slam-bang procedure of a radical meeting at an Eastern university brought out the football team's flying wedge —they resented the socialist stand and resolved to asserttheir somewhat Nordic superiority. Young people, ithas been observed, are not old. That is why they say,"let us raise hell," and each proceeds in his very ownway to do so. As Mr. Gosnell, one of the most scholarlywarriors who ever prosecuted a precinct captain, wouldhave it, "the id outweighs the super-ego."And as for the scholasticists, theirs is a means ofsalvation at wide variance with the foregoing. Thisscholasticism, this untenable theosophy has confoundedmany a youthful mind, but has brought peace to manyanother. One wag remarked that as long as he waspaying his three hundred dollars a year he might as wellget God too. The scholasticist has an exasperating wayof solving everything, of reducing the most perplexingof economic dilemmas to a few elementary problemswhich are readily disposed of in Aristotelian terms.Scholasticism might have begun here with Mr. Adler,who came here to the Philosophy Department fromColumbia. When he came in several of the mainstaysof the Department here went out; Mr. Adler went overto the Law School, but scholasticism, no respecter ofdepartments, was here to stay. One representative undergraduate scholastic group is composed of Adlerites.Martin Gardner, editor of Comment, the literary magazine, has had contributions from them and from otherswhich seek to show, through the medium of the literarymasterpiece, that scholasticism, and nothing else but, isProfessors on the Spot(Continued from Page 10)ality. The only possible exceptions would be certainscientists lecturing two or three or four days each forthe courses on the nature of the world and man ; but Iknow little of them. The University has had more effecton me through the ideals for which it strives thanthrough its actual realization of them."It seems fitting to close with these helpful comments from an unknown alumnus: "Your inquiry onthe professors least stimulating is stupidly brutal. Ifyou have any common sense you will realize that thoseappointed to teach are appointed by those qualified toappoint. If you are trying to weed out those who areonly brilliant in favor of the super-brilliant you are eitherfostering the ruthlessness of the competitive system oryou are proposing to raise the general scale of teachers'salaries. The first ought to make you ashamed of yourselves and the second is improbable." the only hope for the confused social scientist. Theaesthetic approach to the material problems has beenseized upon as more expeditious than the commonplacepractical approach. The student faddists who have takenup this study, probably because it is the most discussed,are lined up against those who are familiar with it butwho have their doubts. These latter are known as "anti-intellectuals." The arch anti-intellectual is he who isunable to reconcile Aristotle-Aquinas with modern life.Arguments between these two fronts take the characteristic form of polysyllabic words of uncertain meaning,or, lacking the words, they argue in more whimsicalvein on such topics as the miracle by which Aquinaswas sainted. (Aquinas, a heavy man, was suspended bydivine power in mid-air for several minutes.) The student scholastics are peculiar to this institution, for nowhere else has the movement reached such gaseousheights. Many campus writers, athletes, editors, andactors are now ardent Aristotelians, including, amongothers, humorist Sydney Hyman, pundit John Barden,athlete Raymond Ellinwood, poet Elder Olson, et al.What are Aristotelians ? They seem to be scholasticists.What are scholasticists? They, evidently, are Aristotelians. Well, what now ? I, in my unthinking way, havenot found out.At any rate, it is clear that we have everythinghere, we have every kind of intellectual path for theundergraduate to follow. Some like to sit all night atthe inn where an infernal machine, for the price of anickel, will blast out a tune called "Wahoo." Otherswill sit and refute Kant. Others will sit in sinistersmoky dens and plan huge demonstrations. It is allimmensely intriguing. So is the barfly who weeps tearsof inarticulate frustration in his brew. So is the twenty-four-year-old Ph.D. who does research for a nationalsocial planning board.News of Quadrangles(Continued from Page 26)and to Dr. Dan H. Campbell for research in bacteriology.The award is announced each year on May 3rd, theanniversary of the death of Dr. Ricketts, University scientist who discovered the germ of typhus fever and succumbed to the disease in 1910 Oak Park and RiverForest high school won the scholarship plaque at theannual competitive prize examinations last month. Atotal of 982 able seniors from 184 high schools took thetests, and 21 full scholarships and 23 half scholarshipswere awarded, of which Oak Park won four of the former and nine of the latter Death claimed two formermembers of the University faculty on Sunday, April19th. Emeritus professor of Latin Elmer TruesdellMerrill, who was 76 years old, died of pneumonia inSanta Barbara, and emeritus professor of English literature William D. MacClintock, who was 77, died inBloomington, Indiana.28THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29The Co in Education(Continued from Page 12)Coffee Shop — has justified itself in recent years. Somefivo, hundred cups of coffee are served daily at this popular student rendezvous — this, without the aid of a Major Bowes program or electing the Major honorary president of the University for a day.The original plan for the University Soda Fountaincalled for eight tables which were to be placed aroundthe walls with a possible additional ten which could beadded to bring the seating capacity to fifty. An outsidedoor opening on Hutchinson Court was cut in the wallin the event the management decided at some future dateto serve in the court during the summer months.The most optimistic could not have been expected toforesee a day when this refreshment room would containtwenty-seven tables with a seating capacity of one hundred ninety-three where an average of four hundredstudents would be served luncheons between the hoursof eleven and one-thirty.If you were on the quadrangles in the spring of '24when the Maroon was announcing: "A part of MandelHall has been set aside for a quiet room (italics ours) inwhich drinks of every variety will be served" you mayexpect to be surprised at this "quiet" scene today. Wheneight hundred students in the course of a day leavelaboratories, lecture courses, quiet libraries, or compre-hensives to meet friends for refreshments at the CoffeeShop they don't curl up behind posts with philosophy texts and forget their world of friends around them. Instead there is laughter, visiting, the latest Blackfriartunes in four-part harmony and the hailing of otherfriends who are just entering.The Constitution (Continued from Page 8)concern ; but what the court decided was that under therules as they exist, the Congress has not been givenlegal power to control this matter as it tried to do withthe AAA. The question was properly one for judges.It is unfortunately true that judges have sometimesforgotten or disregarded this important distinction; but,so far as I can see, to require that interpreters of theConstitution be trained in economics (or anything else),rather than in law, would not have the slightest tendency even to counter-balance the human tendency tothis error.Perhaps we need more and better economists onthe rules committee, working at the solution of questionsof policy, and better judges trying to solve questions oflaw. It may be that we can move in that direction, ifeconomists and lawyers can come to a better understanding of each other, and if each can recognize thefunctions of the other. Probably lawyers need to realize that a good constitutional lawyer is not ipso factoa statesman ; and it is just possible that economists needto realize that a sound economist is not necessarily qualified to decide questions of constitutional law.A JVord to the GraduatesThe mildness and tenderness ofSWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMandSWIFTS PREMIUM BACONwill add considerable goodness to yourmeals. Ask for Swift's Premium Hamand Bacon the next time you shop.SOUTH SIDE MEDICAL ALUMNI DAY PROGRAM8 to 9 :30 — Operative Clinics in theSurgical Amphitheatre.9 :30 to 12 — Papers to Be Presented,Room 137 Medicine:Harmon, Paul H. — Instructor and Resident in Surgery — Significance ofNeutralizing Substances in Resistance and Recovery from Poliomyelitis.Harkins, Henry N. — Assistant in Surgery and Assistant Resident — SurgicalShock.Huggins, Charles B. — Associate Professor of Surgery — Distribution ofBone Marrow.Templeton, Frederic C. — Instructor inMedicine — Demonstration of Gastricand Duodenal Lesions by the MucosalRelief and Compression Technic.Krause, Arlington C. — Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology — The Chemistry of the Retina. Ricketts, Henry T. — Instructor in Medicine — Experiences with ProtamineInsulin.Francis, Byron F. — Assistant Professorof Medicine — Variations in Bronchial Capacity Associated withChanges in Total Pulmonary Capacity.Hamilton, Bengt L. K. — Professor ofPediatrics — Parathyroid HormoneContent in the Blood in Various Conditions.Dieckmann, William J. — Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology— Treatment of Toxemias of Pregnancy.Dick, George F. — Professor and Chairman, the Department of Medicine —Streptococcus infections.Leite,r, Louis — Associate Professor ofMedicine — Studies on Hypertension. Robertson, O. H. — Professor of Medicine — Factors involved in the recovery from Lobar Pneumonia.2 to 4 — Papers to Be Presented bythe Alumni, Medicine 137:Dr. James O'Leary — Washington University, St. Louis. — Physiological andAnatomical Studies on the CerebralCortex.Dr. Winston H. Tucker — State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Health, Springfield, 111. — Encephalitis of the St.Louis Type in Illinois.6 :30 — Annual Faculty and AlumniDinner at Judson Court, 1005 E.60th Street.Toastmaster — Dr. W. B. Steen, President Alumni Association.Speakers — Frederic Woodward, Dr.Dallas B. Phemister, Dr. NormandL. Hoerr, Dr. W. C. Goodpasture.THE GRADUATE'S GUIDE FOR 1936Featuring Current Advertisements FromYour Alumni MagazineMEET YOURSELF MR. AVERAGE GRADUATEYou are 36 years old and the chances are two to three that you are marriedand have two children, one of whom is in a private school Your present annualincome exceeds $4,000 and you carry $15,729 lifo insurance You own your ownhome which probably contains a Hoovor vacuum cleaner. Steinway piano, and aset of Gorhdn-i silverwareYou own a car and a half- — probably a Chevrolet You smoke Chesterfield cigarettes. Van Dyck cigars and a Dunhill pipe. You wear a Stetson hat, Arrow shirtsand collars, Paris garters and a Hickofc belt You brush your teeth with Ipana,and shavo with a Gillette razor, using Probak blades and Williams Cream.You are one of 512,235 college graduates who have been regularly reading theirgraduate magazines since leaving college fourteon years ago. Forty thousandof your classmates and friends have written to The Graduate Group giving us theinformation on which we have based this composite picture.Please use the enclosed questionnaire to add your stroke to the sketch now beingmade of MR. AVERAGE GRADUATE for 1936 (Seo back cover of this Guide.)If you are one of the 8,000 graduates engaged in advertising, and would like further details regarding these surveys, write on your business stationery directly to:THE GRADUATE GROUP, INCORPORATEDNew York Boston Detroit - Chicago - San Francisco - Los Angolas HELP! HELP! HELP!About the time you get this May issue of theMagazine you will receive a copy The GraduateGroup Guide for 1936, a replica of which is shownas "Exhibit A" at the left.Will you be good enough to read this littlebooklet, answer some of the questions printed onthe inside of the envelope, fold up the envelopeand put it in the next mail? The postage will costyou nothing. The Graduate Group takes care ofthat for you.And why all this interest on the part of theEditor and Business Manager in the Graduate'sGuide for 1936? The explanation is simple. TheGraduate Group, Inc. is the national advertisingrepresentative of the University of Chicago Magazine. When, in these columns, you see an advertisement of Auburn or Buick or Chevrolet, ofChesterfield or News-Week, of the French Line orthe Nassau Development Board, it's a sign thatthe Graduate Group has been busy.And now these national advertisers ask for asurvey of the Alumni Magazine field. And theonly way in which your Magazine can assist in thesurvey and reap of its benefits is through the generous cooperation of the individual readers.The Graduate Group has gone to great expenseto prepare this little survey booklet with one endin view — to obtain more advertising for the University of Chicago Magazine.Naturally the more advertising your Magazinecan secure, the bigger and better publication yflBwill get for your money. It is that sort of a magazine that we hope to give you. We can do itthrough your Cooperation.30 HELP! HELP! HELP!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31NEWS OF THE CLASSESCOLLEGE1903Livonia Hunter is teaching Latinat the High School at Monmouth, 111.As a Council member from the Palestine Association of UniversityWomen, Sophia Berger Mohl (Mrs.E. N.) will attend the Conference ofthe International Federation of University Women at Cracovia, Poland, thissummer, and also the Education Fellowship's Conference at Cheltenham,England. Mrs. Mohl heads the Committee on International Relations of thePalestine Association of UniversityWdmen.1904Now a New York commuter, C. R.McMillen is the executive vice president of the St. Regis Paper Company.230 Park Avenue, and lives at 731 Berkeley Avenue, Orange, New Jersey.1907The Guggenheim Foundation hasawarded Odell Shepard, PhM '08, afellowship this month. Dr. Shepard isProfessor of English at Trinity College, Hartford.1909Wilfred H. Worth now resides inBerkeley, Calif., at 2131 Hearst Avenue, and is a San Franciscan accountant.1910Instructor in Mathematics and Director of Physics at Calvin College,Grand Rapids, Michigan, JamesNieuwdorp turns to painting pictures,smoking his pipe, eating fish, and collecting pictures of ocean steamers forhis real enjoyment and recreation.1911At the annual election of the NewYork Stock Exchange, Paul H. Daviswas re-elected a governing member bya vote which only one other candidateon the entire ticket surpassed. Mr.Davis polled 1,087 votes of 1,094 cast inthe election, including three defectiveballots. Popular with the exchangemembers, Davis practically commutesbetween Chicago • and New York City,attending meetings of the exchangeevery Thursday and every two weeksthose of Wednesday and Thursday.From 1931 to 1933 Davis was presidentof the Chicago Stock Exchange and isstill a governor of that exchange. Healso is a member of the Chicago CurbExchange, Chicago Board of Trade, anassociate member of the/ New YorkCurb Exchange, and a director of Ben-dix Aviation, Borg-Warner, EvansHoudaille Hershey and Noblitt-SparksIndustries.1914Walter Lee Kennedy manages thesales department of the Wayne TankCompany of Pittsburgh. 1915As Deputy Clerk, Mrs. BarnettFogel (Mussie Holland) is assignedto the Social Service Department ofthe Municipal Court of Chicago, whereshe has been working for the past fiveyears. Outside of her work she is busywith her family. Her daughter Evlyn,16 years old, expects to graduate fromHyde Park High soon and to enter theUniversity in October. Her son Daniel,12, graduated from Ray School in February and is now a freshman at HydePark High.Since April, 1935, Elizabeth Miller Lobingier (Mrs. John L.) of Win-cester, Mass., has had four "one-man"exhibits of her paintings; the BostonCity Club, the Winchester Art Association Gallery; the Copley Society ofBoston; Oberlin College Art Gallery.Her paintings were also representedthis year in the circuit exhibition of theAssociation of Georgia Artists. Allthis is done as her hobby and for several years she has taught one course inReligious Education each semester atAndover-Newton Theological School.1916Ralph W. Davis has been aldermanof the Second Ward in Geneva, 111., forthe last seven years. A partner in PaulH. Davis and Company and in chargeof Stock Exchange floor activities, heturns to swimming, playing golf, horseback riding and his farm for recreation.From Rio de Janeiro, Lorna La veryStafford writes that she is "doingnothing save enjoying nature in theworld's most beautiful city. I shouldlike to be at the, twentieth reunion ofthe Class of 1916, but feel I shouldmake a definite effort to remain at homeoccasionally." Mrs. Stafford receivedthe degree of doctor of philosophy inRomance Languages from Johns Hopkins University in February, 1936.1918Helen E. Loth, AM'20, is teachingLatin and German at the State Teachers College in Superior, Wisconsin, andis working for her PhD at the University of Chicago.1920Now a resident of Toronto, Canada,Morris M. Kupferberg lives at 211Brookdale, and is the father of a fouryear old boy.Donald Culross Peattie, author ofAn Almanac for Moderns and otherworks, received a Guggenheim Fellowship.1921John J. Yarkovsky entered his newwork as pastor of the CongregationalChurch in Silver Lake, Minn., last December. Previously he was associatedwith the Bethlehem CongregationalChurch of Chicago and was then calledto the Mizpah Congregational Churchin Cleveland where he served for seven Western ElectricLEADERS INSOUNDTRANSMISSIONAPPARATUS"Insurance CareersforCollege Graduates //THIS booklet, published byThe Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, explains theadvantages life underwritingoffers to the college graduateat the present time. It coversthese topics:FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIESTHE COMPANY'S FIXEDCOMPENSATION PLANQUALIFICATIONSYou may obtain the bookletwith no obligation from:National CollegiatePersonnel BureauTHE PENN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYIndependence Square • PhiladelphiaFor Rent:Furnished apartment in Munich, Germany.Reasonable. 3 or 4 large pleasant rooms,kitchen, and bath. All comforts — heat, hotwater, elevator. Excellent location, nearpark and University. Available July 15,1936.Mrs. Dagmar Hagens, Nicoleiplatz 6/11,Munich, Germany.For further details phone Kildare 3436.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGlen Eyrie FarmFOR CHILDRENDELAVAN LAKE, WISCONSIN• • •BOYS and GIRLS 7—12Family Group — Not a Camp. All farm activitiesbesides swimming and boating.Opens June 21stSend for story of the Farm.VIRGINIA HINKINS BUZZELL, ' 13Glen Eyrie Farm. Delavan Lake, Wis.SCHOOLSILLINOIS COLLEGEof Chiropody and Foot SurgeryFor Bulletin and Information AddressDR. WM. J. STICKEL, Dean1327 North Clark StreetChicago, IllinoisTHE ORTHOGENIC SCHOOL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBoarding and day school for the studyand training of children, 6 to 14, witheducational or emotional problems. Mental defectives are not accepted. Undersupervision of University Clinics and Department of Education.Dr. Frank N. Freeman, DirectorDr. Mandel Snerman, PsychiatristELIZABETH HULL SCHOOLForRETARDED CHILDRENBoarding and Day Pupils5046 TelephoneGreenwood Ave Drexel 1188LIBRARY SCHOOL209 S. State St., Chicago, III.Preparatory course for public Librarian.Practical book courses for positions inRental Libraries and book stores.Register Mon. to Fri. II a. m. to 4 p. m.DANCINGSTAGE ARTS SCHOOL, INC.Peggy Lou Snyder, PresidentDANCING—INSTRUCTION615 Lyon & Healy Bldg., 64 E. Jackson Blvd.Harrison 4782South Side StudioHayes Hotel— 64th and University years. Last summer he visited England, Scotland, Germany and Czechoslovakia, attending the session of theBritish Parliament and obtaining firsthand knowledge about the conditions inGermany while mingling with the"plain" people.1922Sherman K. Shull, electrical engineer, has charge of the developmentof new methods in radio tube manufacture for the Western Electric Companyof New York City.1923For recreation, Alma H. Prucha,French teacher at Bay View HighSchool in Milwaukee, enjoys bird study,nature study, travel — and French. Shehas also held office in the French Section of the Wisconsin Education Association.1924William Robert Jenkins is connected with the Northwestern NationalLife Insurance Company of Minneapolis and has the impressive title of Director of Research.1926Elizabeth B. Rogge is a member ofthe faculty of the University of Washington at Seattle.1927James A. Bly is the owner and manager of a milk plant in Madison, Wisconsin.The Guggenheim Foundation recently granted a fellowship to George D'il-lon, poet, author of Boy in the Wind,The Flowering Stone. Recently in collaboration with Edna St. Vincent Mil-lay he published Flowers of Evil. In1931 Mr. Dillon won the Pulitzer Prizefor Poetry.1929Theodore McCoy Burkholder, MDU of C'35, who has now served twoyears as house doctor at the HenryFord Hospital in Detroit and has alsospent this past year in further specialization in surgery at that hospital, wasrecently appointed to the U. S. MarineHospital in Detroit. He was given hiscommission as First Lieutenant in theMedical Division of the Marine Corpson April 6. He and his wife (Margaret Veeder) have two fine youngsters,Margaret Ann, aged four, and GeorgeVeeder, aged two.Helen C. Williamson, AM'33, directs her own Nursery-Kindergarten at7401 Yates Ave., Chicago. This is thethird year in which this school has existed. The program consists of Music,Literature and Project work suitablefor children of three to six years of age.They work and play in groups, dividedaccording to ages and abilities, and emphasis is laid upon habit developmentsand social adjustments. Miss Williamson plans to conduct a Summer PlaySchool beginning June 22 and lastingsix weeks or possibly two full months. 1931Frederick H. Roberts is associatedwith the Carbide and Carbon ChemicalCorporation at South Charleston, WestVirginia. His address in Charleston is303 Ruffner Ave.1932Paul F. Coe has an article entitled"Limes in the United States" in theApril number of the American FruitGrower.George T. Van der Hoef is chief ofthe Radio Section of the Federal Housing Administration in Washington,D. C.1933John T. Crowley is in the brokerage business in New York and liveswith Hal James '35, who is now playing leading roles in East Lynne andother old-timers in a new series of playsfeaturing many famous Broadway stars.1934Edwin M. Duerbeck, AM'35, isworking for the PWA in Washington,D. C.Louis E. Hosch is connected withthe American Public Welfare Association, 850 East 58 Street, Chicago, andis now living at 5315 S. Harper Avenue.John G. Neukom turns from hisduties as a member of the marketingstaff of McKinsey, Wellington andCompany, Chicago to- bridge and golffor diversion. He is vice-president ofthe Phi Kappa Sigma Alumni Association of Chicago.Wendall A. Smith, a salesman forRemington Rand, Inc., has moved to365 Vineyard, Benton Harbor, Mich.1935Jean Pickard is attending theSchool of Library Service at ColumbiaUniversity.MASTERS1898Lolabel Hall, AM, who has doneconsiderable work in teachers' organizations in syllabus making and development of special courses for the "non-academic minded" pupil, wrote one ofthe chapters in the volume on Workwith the Superior Student, published bythe First Assistants Association of theUniversity of Chicago. Miss Hallteaches and heads the Department ofEconomics at the Bay Ridge HighSchool in Brooklyn, N. Y., and as heravocations likes painting, designing andgardening.1913Julia D. Randall, AM, is teachingin the department of English at theGrover Cleveland High School in St.Louis, Wis. After school hours she enjoys studying harmony and coachingdebating. Last summer she took theHorace Bimillenium Cruises.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 33SCHOOL AND CAMP DIRECTORYBOYS' SCHOOLSROXBURY SCHOOLFor boys 11 years and olderFlexible organization and painstaking supervision of each boy's program offer opportunityfor exceptional scholastic progress and generaldevelopment.A. N. Sheriff, HeadmasterCheshire, ConnecticutWILLISTON ACADEMYUNUSUAL educational opportunities at modestcost. Endowment over half a million. Over150 graduates in 40 colleges. New recreationalcenter, gymnasium, swimming pool. Experienced, understanding masters. Separate JuniorSchool.Address Archibald V. Calbraith, HeadmasterBox 3, Easthampton, Mass.cranbrook schoolDistinctive endowed boys' school near Detroit.Grades 7-12 and post-graduate courses. Arts,sciences, athletics, hobbies. Graduates in 40 colleges. Non-military. Modern buildings andequipment. Single rooms for all boys. For catalog addressRegistrar, 2000 Lone Pine RoadBlcwmfield Hills, Mich.PEDDIE f"4°d°wed¦*¦ *-**-* •*" ¦""¦"* for BoysPeddle specializes in preparing boys for college. Outof 373 boys graduated In last five years, 302 have entered colleges such as Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Harvard. Brown. Cornell, Pennsylvania, Mass. Institute ofTechnology. 150-acre campus. 15 modern buildings.Near Princeton. Separate school for younger boys. Allsports for all. School golf course. Summer session.71st year. Catalog.Wilbour E. Saunders, HeadmasterBox D, Hightstown, N. J.SECRETARIAL SCHOOLSKATHARINE GIBBSSecretarial Executive AcademicTwo-Year Course — First year six college subjects: second year intensive secretarial training.One year course of brood business training.Special Course, College Women. Day, Residentin N. Y., Boston. Catalog. OiBce of Admissions.New York Boston Providence230 Park Ave. 90 Marlboro St. 15S Angell St.Optional Spring Session in BermudaIntensive Stenographic Course1 FOR COLLEGE MEN & WOMEN100 Word! a Minute In 100 Days As- ^sured for one Fee. Enroll NOW. Day jfclasses only — Begin Jan., Apr., Julyand Oct. Write or Phone Ban. 1*75.18 -S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO^-aMim'HMi.ii.'i:MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any Monday1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130 GIRLS' SCHOOLSThe MARY C. WHEELER SCHOOLA school modern in spirit, methods, equipment, rich intraditions. Excellent college preparatory record. Generalcourse with varied choice of subjects. Post Graduate.Class Music, Dancing, Dramatics, and Art. an Integral part of curriculum. Leisure for hobbies. Dailysports. 170 acre farm — riding, hunting, hockey. Separate residence and life adapted to younger girls.Catalogue.Mary Helena Dey. M.A., PrincipalProvidence, Rhode IslandLOW-HEYWOODOn the Sound — At Shippan PointEstablished 1865Preparatory to the Leading Colleges forWomen. Also General Course. Art and Music.Separate Junior School. Outdoor Sports. Onehour from New York.MARY ROGERS ROPER, HeadmistressBox G, Stamford, ConnecticutCO-EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLSMORNING FACE in theBerkshiresA small boarding school for boys and girls fromfour to fourteen. Prepares for leading secondary schools. Men and women teachers whounderstand children. Intimate home life.For information addressMrs. Eleanor Runkle Crane, directorRichmond, Mass.The Midway School6216 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades — High SchoolPreparation — KindergartenFrench, Music and ArtBUS SERVICEA School with Individual Instruction andCultural AdvantagesCOLLEGESIATIONAL COLLEGE ofEDUCATION50th yearN' International reputation _ for superiorscholarship and distinguished faculty.Teacher training1 in Nursery School,Kindergarten and Elementary Grades. Exceptional placement record. Demonstration School,Dormitories, Athletics. For catalog write, EdnaDean Baker, Pres., Box 625-E, Evanston, 111.SAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music — Art BOYS' CAMPTHE OLDEST CAMP IN THE WESTCAMP HIGHLANDSFOR BOYSSAYNER, WISCONSINThree Camps— 8-12: 13-14: 15-17Woodcraft, Athletic and Water Sports,Music, Photography, Scouting, Long CanoeTrips, Riding, Shooting, Shop, Nature Lore,Camping Trips, Unexcelled Equipment,Experienced Staff, Doctor-Nurse.WRITE THE DIRECTOR FOR CATALOGW. J. MONILAW, M. D.5712 Kenwood Ave., ChicagoGIRLS' CAMPS"i" SARGENT Bgggg«At Peterboro, N. H.OUTSTANDING camp for girls, on largeprivate lake. Superior equipment on landand water. Well-balanced recreationalprogram. Experienced counselors, residentphysician. Separate divisions: Seniors,14-19; Intermediate, 10-13; Juniors, 5-9.Biding in fee. Counselor training course.Catalog. ERNST HERMANN. Director14 Everett Street Cambridge, Mass.SEA PINESCape Cod For GirlsSALT water beach, 100 acres of pines. Rustic,well-equipped buildings. Four age groups.Swimming, sailing, canoeing, riding. Dancing,dramatics, sketching. Craft shop. Course inCounselorship. French conversation. Tutoringif desired. Nearby Guest Building for adults.Write for booklet.FAITH BICKFORD, Box R, Brewster, Mass.COUPONFOR COMPLETE SCHOOL ANDCAMP INFORMATION, FILL OUTAND MAIL THIS FORM TO THEGRADUATE SCHOOL SERVICE, 30ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, N. Y.Student's Age Sex Religion Rate.Location Preferred Type of School Preferred Type of Camp Preferred....Remarks Name Address THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.LEARN GREGGThe World's Fastest Shorthand.THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY2500 Prairie Ave. ChicagoBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director/Efc\ HAIRIWW\ REMOVEDIJwJ FOREVER*^^A/\^^\ '^ Years' Experience*L^8&smJ&**s Free ConsultationLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Rootsper hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrologyand Physical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.SUPERFLUOUSfHAIRPositivelyDestroyed !Your Beauty-RestoredELECTROLYSISis the only method endorsed by physicians.We are the inventors of multiple needle electrolysis and leaders for 40 years in removalof superfluous hair, moles and warts. Nopain — no scars — experienced operators andreasonable rates for guaranteed work.MADAME STIVERSuite 1009 Marshall Field Annex25 E. Washington St.Clip Ad for Booklet or Call Central 4639 1915Andrew P. Juhl, AM, teaches geometry and German in Fresno, California,at the Roosevelt High School.1916Dean of Wesleyan College, Macon,Ga., Leon P. Smith, Sr., SM, is nowworking on a monograph for the Smithsonian Institute dealing with the relation between the patination of Indianflints and the time since they werechipped.1917Chester C. Wardlow was appointedlast month to the position of sole arbiterof the Transatlantic Passenger Conference, with headquarters in NewYork. He had been assistant to the latearbiter, Emil Lederer, until Mr. Led-erer's death and since that time hadacted as temporary arbiter. In 1920Mr. Wardlow joined the United American Lines in New York, and remainedwhen the lines were absorbed by theHamburg-American Line.1919Fred Merrill Jewell, SM, createsand manufactures biological models.The Jewell Models are turned out inCarlinville, 111.Vesper A. Schlenker, AM, consulting engineer with offices in the GraybarBuilding, New York City, has beenselected by Columbia University to takecharge of a course in ArchitecturalAcoustics which is to be offeredjointly by the Department of Physicsand the School of Engineering.1922Ethel A. Rumney, SM, of Sandwich, Illinois, likes to travel as oftenas possible and enjoyed her roamings inItaly, Austria, Germany, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland this pastsummer to the utmost.1923Juna M. Lutz, AM, is at Butler University as acting head of the Department of Mathematics.1924Parker Manfred Holmes, AM, isengaged in marketing research. He isnow living at 1303 Maple Ave., Evanston, 111.1925For the last six years L. R. Hiatt,AM, has instructed chemistry and education at the State Teachers College inDickinson, N. D., and now heads theCollege Publications and PublicityCommittee. Hiatt reports that hisfavorite recreations are hunting pheasants and partridges in the Badlands andangling for trout in Yellowstone Lake.1926Lan Hua Cheng, SM, is assistantprofessor of Chemistry at the NationalMedical College of Shanghai .Etta E. Lambert, AM, is head of theSocial Studies Department of SouthHigh School, Grand Rapids, Mich.,and chairman of the Social Studies Curriculum Committee of the city. Growing plants in window boxes is her hobby. 1927Ernest S. Ford, SM, is an instructorin Biology at Northwestern University.1928Sidney M. Smith is minister of theFirst Baptist Church of Marquette,Michigan.1929Virgie M. Howard, AM, is especiallyinterested in Individual Psychology anda study of individual characteristics anddifferences and also likes to take snapshots and movies. He has been principalof the Wilson Elementary School inWauwatosa, Wis., for the last threeyears and was formerly the supervisorof grades in the Wauwatosa PublicSchools.1931Clayton G. Ball is now with theBell and Zoller Coal Company at Peoria, Illinois, doing field work on coalstripping possibilities in that region.1932R. W. Johnson, AM, is principal ofthe Royal Centre (Indiana) Schools.G. C. Oldham has been field representative for the Iowa Emergency Reliefat Des Moines, Iowa.1933Jose Bech, SM, mechanical engineer,sends us his new address: Pasaje Sa-grista 9, Barcelona, Spain.Clara M. Graybill, AM, now theprimary supervisor in the city schoolsof Kokomo, Ind., was formerly a member of the School of Education of Indiana University and before that wasat Cheney Normal in Washington.WHAT'S BEHINDTHE NEWS?This fearless, stimulating and mostquoted organ of informed leadershipprovides the key to clear understanding and wise action in a complicatedworld. meChristian CenturyInterprets the flow of life and theflux of interest from week to week— in politics, economics, international relations, books, business, social movements, etc. Makes yourpart in the building of a new worldmore real.Searching articles, undaunted editorials, strong departments. Regularsubscription rate $4.00 per year, 15cper copy.GUARANTEED Get-Acquainted Offer— 17 issues for $1.00Your money back if dissatisfied during trial period. Titles of recentarticles: "Borah and Monopolies";"Boondoggling in Business"; "Laborat the Crossroads"; "Psychoanalyzing the Atheist."Write your name in margin, clipwith this advertisement and mailwith check or dollar bill today.The CHRISTIAN CENTURY440 S. Dearborn Street, Room 1056Chicago, IllinoisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 35Duncan McConnell, exG'33, hasbeen appointed to a Fellowship at theUniversity of Minnesota, where he ispursuing his graduate studies.1934R. V. Hollings worth is with theShell Petroleum Corporation at Tulsa,Oklahoma.1935C. L. Cooper is now associated withthe National Park Service in Washington, D. C.Marcel G. Eye, SM, is a biochemistat Fordham University, Bronx, NewYork.Harold L. Geis is now with theShell Petroleum Corporation at Houston, Texas.O. J. Henbest is a soils technicianwith the Soil Erosion Service at Berry-ville, Arkansas.Carl L. Horberg accepted a positionas assistant professor of geology atAugustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. He succeeded Dr. Fryxell, whorecently left the institution.Raymond E. Janssen has accepteda position with the Bureau of EconomicGeology at the University of Texas,Austin, building dioramas and modelsfor exhibition purposes.H. S. Perdue teaches geology andgeography at Brandon -College, Manitoba, Canada.George F. Shepherd of the Museumof Science and Industry spent the summer in Craters of the Moon NationalMonument, Idaho. He acted as ParkRanger for three months, mapped various unit areas of eruption and explorednew territory south of the monument.Edward L. Tullis has been appointed Assistant Professor of Geologyat the South Dakota School of Mines,Rapid City, S. D.William Wing, AM'35, is an instructor in French and Music at theCollege in Pella, Iowa.1936Terence C. Holmes is with the Victoria Memorial Museum at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This summer Mr.Holmes had charge of a party of twelvemen working on Huronian sediments inthe Spanish River area, Ontario, forthe Canadian Geological Survey.Oscar W. E, Junek, AM, AssociateProfessor of Anthropology and chairman of the Department of Sociologyand Anthropology at the Central Y.M.C.A. College of Chicago, has beenelected a Fellow of the Royal Society ofArts (London) for his work on "IsolatedCommunities" — a study of a Labradorfishing village.William Mather was in charge ofa field party of twelve men for theGeological Survey of Canada, workingin the Trout-Nungessor Lake area ofnorthwestern Ontario, Canada. He hassince returned to the department, and iscompleting his work for the doctorate.Hilding Sellin has returned to theUniversity to pursue his graduatestudies. Previously he completed a number of sand and gravel studies forthe State Geological Survey at Urbana.DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1894Being, since July 1, 1935, happily retired, E. H. Lewis has settled down inPalo Alto, Calif. Last December heread a paper on "What a LinguisticContextualist Thinks of Philosophers,"before the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association.Theodore Lee Neff, Associate Professor Emeritus of the University ofChicago, writes us that while he hasmoved around in the winter he has notchanged his address, Blue Jacket Lodge,Merriam, Kansas, in nine years.1897Since retiring in 1929, ProfessorEmeritus Charles J. Chamberlain,has given two courses in botany atthe Puget Sound Biological Station, asemester in the University of Californiaat Los Angeles, and has given lecturesin various universities. In these sevenyears he has written three books : Elements of Plant Science (McGraw-Hill), fifth edition of Methods in PlantHistology, and Gymnosperms — Structure and Evolution (last two publishedby the University of Chicago Press).He has been elected an honorary member of the Kaiserlich Deutsche Akade-mie der Naturforscher and of the Indiana Botanical Society. At present,Professor Chamberlain is devotinghis time to a book on Cycads, basedupon studies made and material collected in Mexico, Cuba, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Africa. For relaxation he turns to the chessboard,rifle, or Bach's preludes and fugues.1914Eliot Blackwelder, '01, Professorof Geology at Stanford University, wasrecently elected to the National Academyof Sciences.Work on a textbook of Botany in collaboration with H. W. Popp, PhD'26,and L. O. Overholts to appear thismonth, published by McGraw Hill, hastaken much of the spare time of J. BenHill in recent years. Dr. Hill isProfessor of Botany at the Pennsylvania State College.,1919W. L. Richardson writes of hiswork: "I 'Dean' around among Collegeof Education students [Butler University] and try to conduct two courses— one class in Psychology of Childhoodand one in General Psychology." Hishobbies are golfing, gardening, piano,literary club, and having a good timewith his fellow-citizens. He is chairman of the Indiana State AdvisoryCommittee on Teacher Training. TheCommittee has held several meetings,has been organized into sub-committeesand consultation has been held withother important officials not directlymembers of the Committee. The Com- TOMAHAWK"GOLF AT THE DOOR"m\Uk ConcretetoWithinOne MileGOLF, SADDLING, TENNIS. FISHINGWhite Sand Beach, Baths in CottagesInnerspring Beds Throughout.Essex Lodge is operated by College people.Excellent CuisineEssex Lodge Open June I to Sept. 15M. M. GRIFFITH, HostessTomahawk, WisconsinBUSINESSDIRECTORYASBESTOSA UNIVERSITY FAVORITEK. & M.FEATHERWEIGHT85% MagnesiaUniform and light in weight. Moredead air cells. Better insulation.KEASBEY & MATTISON CO.205 W. Wacker Drive Ran. 6951AWNINGS]Phones Oakland 0690—0691-The Old Reliable -0692Hyde Park AwningINC. Co.,Awnings t wd Canopies for All Purposes450* 1 Cottage Grove AvenueBEAUTY SALONSERNEST BAUERLEBEAUTY SALONSpecializing inIndividual HaircutsSuite 1308 Telephone17 N. State St. Dearborn 6789Stevens BuildingBOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical College36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBROADCASTINGNORMAN KLINGOutstandingVOCAL INSTRUCTORTO STARS aFRadio — Stage — OrchestraWill Help You to Improve orDevelop Your VoiceHis Aid Has Helped Many toGreater Earning Power and SuccessStudio903 Kimball Building TelephoneWebster 7181CATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '2 1Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6COALJAMES COAL CO.ESTABLISHED 1 888YARDS58th & Halsted Sts. Phone Normal 28008 1 st & Wallace Sts. Phone Radcliffe 8000COFFEE -TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1 350Bostons-New York— Philadelphia— SyracuseELECTRIC SIGNSELECTRIC SIGNADVERTISING•FEDERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYCLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.225 North Michigan AvenueW. D. Krupke, '19Vice-president in Charge of Sales mittee hopes to present a greatly improved program for the preparation ofteachers and for the improvement inthe general equipment of teachersalready in service. He was recently appointed as Consultant of the Educational Policies Commission appointed bythe National Education Association ofthe United States and the Department ofSuperintendence.1920Ethel Preston, '08, AM'10, pastpresident of the Chicago AlumnaeClub, Instructor in French at Royce-more School, Evanston, and of the Romance Languages at the Art Instituteof Chicago, has accepted the associatedirectorship of Alliance des fitudiantset Professieurs for summer study inParis at the Alliance Franchise. Thepurpose of the Alliance is to promotelinguistic achievement and a more intimate knowledge of French culture andthe program provides for nine weeksof travel and study at a modest cost.1921Cyrus C. MacDuffee, SJVT20, formerly Associate Professor of Mathematics at Ohio State University, hasbeen promoted to a full professorshipat the University of Wisconsin.Leonard D. White, United StatesCivil Commissioner, on leave from theUniversity of Chicago as Professor ofPolitical Science, has been appointed aGuggenheim Fellow.Derwent Whittlesey, '14, AM'16,has been doing field work in SouthAmerica and Africa since last June.After giving a series of lectures onMexican geography in Mexico, he visited most of the other Latin Americanrepublics, and then moved across theAtlantic to the west side of Africa.1922^ Until this winter K. F. Bascom practiced general surgery in Minot, N. D.,but he has now moved to Manhattan,Kansas, where he is in general practicewith surgery as his major interest.Bascom is married and has four youngsons — not quadruplets however.1926John Daniel Wild, '23, AssistantProfessor of Philosophy at HarvardUniversity, was another of our alumnihonored by a fellowship grant from theGuggenheim Foundation this month.1927John Rice Ball is associate professor of geology and paleontology atNorthwestern University.Joseph C. Ireland, SM'22, since1928 professor and plant breeder at theOklahoma Agricultural and MechanicalCollege, enjoys making time lapsestudies of plant growth by means ofmotion' pictures.1928Arthur H. Steinhaus, '20, SM'25,Professor of Physiology at George Williams College, Chicago, will address aCongress of Students of Physical Education convening in Berlin two weeks importationSALES SERVICEJ. D. Levin '19 Pres.PASSENGER CARS - TRUCKSModern Service StationDREXEL CHEVROLET CO.4733 Cottage GroveDREXEL 3121GREUNE- MUELLERCOALIs of Highest Quality fromRespective Fields and isDUSTLESS TREATEDLet Us Prove This to YouGREUNE-MUELLER GOAL GO.7435 So. Union Ave.All Phones Vincennes 4000Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors and Masters: fortyper cent of our business. Critic and Grade Supervisors for Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics. Business Administration, Music, and Art. secure fine positions throughus every year. Private Schools in all parts of thecountry among our best patrons; good salaries. Wellprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handlesGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today.CLOISTER GARAGECHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYA PERSONAL SERVICEof Refinement, Catering to theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO5650 LAKE PARK AVE.Phone MIDWAY 0949THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 37before the opening of the 1936 Olympicsthis summer. To this Congress, whichis called by the German Minister ofEducation, are being invited 30 menstudents of physical education from eachof the countries participating in theOlympics. The delegates will be guestsof the German Olympic Committeefrom the time they enter Germany onJuly 25 until they leave August 17. Themorning periods will be devoted to lectures and physical education practiceactivities under leadership of scientistsand physical educators of various countries. The afternoons will be devotedto sightseeing and attendance on theOlympic Games. The American students are being selected by a joint committee of the American Olympic Committee and the American Academy ofPhysical Education.The Guggenheim Memorial Foundation this month awarded a fellowship toSteinhaus.The plans of Watt Stewart, AM'25,of School of Science and Literature ofthe Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College at Stillwater, includesa sabbatical leave for the coming year.He will not be on the campus afterMay.1929Sidney Bloomenthal, '26, SM'27,is an associate physicist for the U. S.War Department stationed at theFrankford Arsenal at Philadelphia, amember of the Technical Committee onElectroacoustics Institute of Radio Engineers of New York for 1935-36, andactive in the affairs of the PhiladelphiaSection of the Institute. His hobby isgetting acquainted with the historicbattlefields and houses in Germantownand vicinity.H. Y. McClusky of the School ofEducation of the University of Michigan reports that a daughter by thename of Edith Lillian, was born in theirhousehold, October 23, 1934.1931Irma H. Gross '15, AM'24, for yearsa member of the faculty of MichiganState Teachers College, has been givena leave of absence so that she may serveas regional director of the east centraldistrict of the country for the study ofconsumer purchases, a project conducted by the Federal Bureau of HomeEconomics. Miss Gross' headquartersare at Mansfield, Ohio, where she willbe located until the beginning of thenext school year when she returns toEast Lansing.Perry G. E. Miller, '28, Instructorand Tutor in the Department of History and literature at Harvard University has been appointed a GuggenheimFellow.1934A member of the Louisiana StateMedical College faculty, Ralph C.Dorfman has the rank of an instructor in the Department of Pharmacology. LAW1907Laird Bell, JD'07, Frederick C. E.Lundgren '21, JD'22, Glen A. Lloyd,JD'23, with Darrell S. Boyd, ThomasL. Marshall, Walter T. Fisher, WilliamC. Boyden, Jr., David Watts and Carle-ton Blunt announce the formation of apartnership for the practice of lawunder the firm name of Bell, Boyd &Marshall with offices in the Field Building, 135 South LaSalle St., Chicago.1915Y. D. Mathes, LLB, now AssistantSolicitor to the Veterans Bureau isresiding at 2024 Pierce Mill Road,Washington, D. C.1917The new address of the law offices ofMaurice A. Barancik, j15, JD, is 135South LaSalle St., Chicago.1927Austin Warren Kivett, '25, JD,Milwaukee, attorney, has his offices inthe Empire Building and his residenceat 2909 N. Bartlett Ave.John P. Rogge, '26, JD, is practicinglaw in Conroe, Texas.1928Josef L. Hektoen, '25, JD, has beenelected a member of the Board of Governors of the City Club of Chicago.Nat S. Ruvell, LLB, and George S.Lavin have formed the law firm ofLavin and Ruvell, with offices at 33North LaSalle St., Chicago.1930Robert F. Bittrich, '28, JD, is anassociate attorney for HOLC, Chicago.Landon L. Chapman, JD, has movedhis law office to Suite 1810 at 77 WestWashington Street, Chicago.Robert B. Johnstone, JD, became amember of the firm of Cassels, Potter &Bentley, engaged in the general practice of law at 1060 The Rookery, 209South LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.1931At the last meeting of the MultnomahCounty Bar Association, which countyincludes Portland, George W. Friede,JD, Portland attorney at law and secretary of the Portland University of Chicago-Rush Alumni Club, was electedsecretary of the Bar Association. Hisoffices are located in Room 1013 Cor-bett Building.1932Lawrence Apitz, '28, JD, who hasbeen assistant to Amos Alonzo Staggat the College of the Pacific for the pastthree years, has just been appointedDirector of Athletics at the Universityof Louisville.1933For the past three years associatedwith the law firm of Neale, Newman& Turner, Louren G. Davidson, JD,now announces the opening of his officefor the general practice of law at 909-911 Woodruff Building, Springfield,Mo. EMPLOYMENTCOLOREDDOMESTIC HELPFurnishedDay or NightReferences investigated.Englewood Employment Agency5530 S. State. Phone-Englewood 3181-3182Street Night-Englewood3l8lEstablished 16 yearsFLOWERSmHOMER LANSE A. LANGEEst. 1887Charge Accounts and DeliveryFL0RIST<743 East Monroe Central 3777J^.~*v mlfl* Q CHICAGOW^ Established 186SvJ^^ FLOWERSPhones Plaza 6444, 64451631 East 55th StreetFUNERAL DIRECTORH. D. LUDLOWFUNERAL DIRECTORFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 286 16 1 10 Cottage Grove Ave.FURNITURE POLISH"Marvelous"NEVERUBPOLISHBrilliant, Lasting, Nat OilyDilute with equal waterNO RUBBINGCreamFurnitureSold by: Fields. Davis Store. The Fair, andBetall Stores everywhere.GALLERIESO'BRIEN GALLERIESPaintings Expertly RestoredNew life brought to treasured canvases. Our moderate prices will please.Estimates given without obligation.673 North MichiganSuperior 2270GROCERIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1 327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9 1 00- 1 -2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVER38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHOTELS"Famous for Food" xDancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESMorgan Laundry Service. Inc.2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Calumet 7424Dormitory ServiceStandard Laundry Co.Linen Supply — Wet WashFinished Work1818 South Wabash Ave.Phone Calumet 4700SUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL SERVICESWe Also DoDry Cleaning- — Shoe Repairing4240 PhoneIndiana Ave. OAKIand 1383LITHOGRAPHERL. C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset— Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MUSICRayner Dalheim &CoMUSICENGRAVERS & PRINTERSof F RATE R N I TY, SOROR IT Yand UNIVERSITYof CHICAGO SONG BOOKSNO 0RDERT00 LARGE 0RT00 SMALL - WRITE FOR PRICES2054 W. LAKE ST. PHONE SEELEY 4710 Formerly Associated with the lawfirm of Lee and McCanna, ArchieSmith, JD, has formed a new partnership for the general practice of law withConrad K. Strauss and his office is nowlocated at 428 Industrial Trust Building, Providence, Rhode Island. LastFebruary Archie was appointed DeputyCoroner of the City of Providence.1935James O. Wright, in law school lastyear, is continuing his studies at nightat George Washington University inWashington, D. C, and works for thegovernment in the day time.DIVINITY1890Oliver B. Sarber, DB, who retiredfrom the active ministry in 1924, andspent most of 1926-28 in a trip aroundthe world, has recently accepted thepastorate of the Central Baptist Churchat Indianapolis and is now moderatorof the Indianapolis Baptist Association.1898Asa H. Ballard, DB, since the deathof his wife last October, has gone tomake his home with his daughter inBelleville, Kansas.1899Clarence Mason Gallup, DB, is recording secretary of the Ministers andMissionaries Benefit Board of theNorthern Baptist Convention.E. A. E. Palmquist, DB'04, was recently given a complimentary luncheonby one hundred and five of the Christian leaders of Philadelphia at the closeof fifteen years of service as the executive of the Philadelphia Federation ofChurches.For the last two years Chief of Chaplains of U. S. Army with the rank ofcolonel, Alva J. Brasted, DB, has supervised the religious work of both theArmy and the Civilian ConservationCorps and has visited practically allthe army posts in the United States andCCC camps in forty-four states, delivering a character building lectureand holding conferences with chaplainsand duty in all of the states.George L. White, DB, AMj04, isassociate secretary of the Ministers andMissionaries Benefit Board of theNorthern Baptist Convention. Twoother officers of this Board hold degreesfrom the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, namely, Peter C.Wright and Clarence M. Gallup.1905George MacDougall, DB, after twoperiods in a hospital, is recuperatingat Belgrade, Montana, and is hoping tofind another opportunity to resume active work.1907Walter L. Runyan, DB, whom ourearlier alumni will remember as Di vinity School librarian when we werehoused in Haskell Hall, now resides inBerkeley, California.1908Charles B. Williams, PhD, has inpress A Translation of the New Testament in the Language of the PlainPeople. He has been elected to membership in the "Tennessee Academy ofScience'' and is listed in Who's Who inTennessee.1912Anna B. Tourner, AM, recentlysuffered the misfortune of fracturingher right arm.1913Jesse Clyde Fisher, AM, has beenappointed superintendent of the LiberalDistrict Southwest Kansas Conference.Last year he was a delegate to the Rotary International in Mexico City.1914W. B. Warriner, AM, has movedto Attica, Indiana, where he is servingthe First Methodist Episcopal Church.1916Edith Mae Bell, AM, dean of theAmerican Institute of Applied Psychology in Canon City, Colorado, publishedan article on "What Color Means toMe" last November in Everyday Psychology and Inspiration.Hal E. Norton, pastor of the FirstBaptist Church at Janesville, Wisconsin,is the author of an interesting accountof the history of his church, preparedin connection with the celebration of itsninetieth anniversary in the autumn of1934.Ralph V. Hinkle, AM, has movedfrom Pendleton to Portland, Oregon.1917Joseph Paul Bartak, AM, is thelegal representative and treasurer of theMethodist Mission in Czechoslovakia.His book on John Hus at Constance waspublished in December by the CokesburyPress, and he has been appointed oneof the alternates to represent the Methodist Episcopal Church South at theWorld Conference on Faith and Orderat Edinburgh, in 1937.Erwin J. Urch, AM, who is atpresent instructor in history in theSenior High School, University City,Missouri, is assembling in book form anumber of articles from his pen thathave appeared in the Classical lournaland other periodicals, dealing withphases of Roman legal history.C. H. Scheick, DB, reports a prosperous work at the Lyndhurst Church,Indianapolis, Indiana, where he has beenpastor for fourteen years.1920Henry H. Dennison, AM, is at present connected with an industrial casualty mutual insurance business inFerguson, Missouri.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWilliam A. Phillips, AM, DB'21,director of evangelism for the NorthCalifornia and Nevada-Sierra BaptistConventions, has published through theAmerican Baptist Home MissionarySociety a pamphlet entitled "How toBecome a Christian."1923Earl Isaac Doty, AM, is professorof history and vice-president of YorkCollege, York, Nebraska.Edward H. Koster, AM, BD'24, onthe first of November became pastor ofAvalon Park Community Church, Chicago. Previously he had served achurch in Irvington, New Jersey, wherehe was chairman of the FERA and ofthe Council for Social Action of theMiddle Atlantic Conference of Congregational-Christian Churches.1925Herbert N. Massey, AM'25, teachessociology in the Georgia State TeachersCollege for Women at Milledgeville,Georgia.1926Howard P. Buxton moved to Dixon,Illinois, last October, where he is incharge of a church of more than a thousand members.Royal G. Hall, PhD, who for thepast ten years has been chairman of theSocial Science Division, Albion College,Albion, Michigan, was lecturer at theInternational Conference, Honfleur,France, last August.David Leon Woodward has led theLaGrange Baptist Church, of which heis pastor, in the successful effort to payoff a large part of its indebtedness,while it has also exceeded its quota inmissionary giving.Yoshio Sato is now pastor of IyogiChurch (Presbyterian) in. Tokyo,Japan.Stiles Lessly, AM, DB'29, announces the arrival of a baby girl in hisfamily; also he has published an interesting annual report on the seventy-seventh year of the work of the FirstCongregational Church at Osage, Iowa,where he has just completed three yearsas pastor.1927Robert C. Calderwood, AM, hasbeen assigned to Pittsfield, Illinois, aftera five-year pastorate at Catlin, Illinois.Ernest D. Gilbert, left the statewelfare staff in July, and is now attached to the United States PublicHealth Service in* Cleveland, Ohio.David Crockett Graham, PhD, isthe author of two books, Religion inSzechuan Province and Ancient Caves%n Szechuan Province, China. He isalso a missionary of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, teacher inthe West China Union University, director of the West China Union University Museum of Archaeology, associate pastor of the Chengtu BaptistChurch, dean of the Baptist College atthe University, and chairman of the Baptist Committee for Religious Workof the University Campus. He has published a preliminary report of the Han-chow excavations in which were discovered the oldest known traces ofChinese culture in Szechuan Province.Paul N. Elbin has recently beenelected president of the West LibertyState Teachers' College.Ben W. Sinderson is Poor Commissioner - Case Supervisor of WilsonCounty Relief Administration at Fre-donia, Kansas.1928W. H. Fonger, who began his dutiesas acting secretary of the PhilippineIsland Agency of the American BibleSociety in March, 1934, is again in theUnited States and writes that he hopesto get a couple of quarters at Chicagoduring 1936-37.Christian B. Jensen, AM, DB'29,became pastor of the First BaptistChurch of Poughkeepsie, New York, onMarch 1, 1936.1929A. D. Beittel, PhD, has resignedthe pastorate of Collegeside Church,Nashville, Tennessee, to join the socialscience faculty at Guilford College,North Carolina.Raymond H. Ewing, AM, DB'21, isstate director of the Wisconsin YoungPeople's Conference, the interdenominational state organization, chairman ofChristian Education for the MilwaukeeCouncil of Churches, and state directorof Christian Education for the Wisconsin Baptist State Convention.Martin Schmidt, DB, since 1929 hasbeen pastor of the German BaptistChurch in Riga, Latvia. At the sametime he has studied at the Latvian StateUniversity, where he took the degreeof Candidate of Theology in 1930.Nelson Chappel, AM, since lastsummer has been pastor of CrescentHeights United Church, Calgary, Alberta.1930Elmer Kelso Higdon, DB, of Manila, Philippine Islands, recently received from the director of commerceunder the Philippine government thefollowing letter:"I wish to state that your keen interest in the welfare of the small farmers is commendable and I highly appreciate your enthusiastic desire to helpthis bureau in the organization and promotion of cooperatives among the smallfarmers and barrio people. It is indeedvery encouraging to have your assistance in the furtherance of the cooperative movement in the Islands for thesocial, economic and financial uplift ofthe masses. For this purpose, I appointyou as my honorary deputy on agricultural cooperation, without compensation, for which I enclose your appointment. I assure you that you can counton our full backing and wholeheartedcooperation in your efforts to improvethe lot of the common people throughthe operation of cooperatives." NURSES' REGISTRYNURSES' OFFICIAL REGISTRYof FIRST DISTRICT, ILLINOIS STATENURSES ASSOCIATIONFurnishes registered nurses for all types ofcases and for varying hours of service tofit the patient's need.TelephoneNURSES' HEADQUARTERSSTATE 85428 South Michigan Ave., Willoughby TowerBuilding — Lucy Van Frank, RegistrarOPTICAL SUPPLIESSince 1886BORSCH & COMPANYEyes Examined Glasses FittedOculists Prescriptions FilledWe Can Duplicate Any Lens fromthe Broken PiecesTelephone62 E. Adams St. State 7267PAINTSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie3l86PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPIANO INSTRUCTIONOLGA H. SCHAWETEACHER OF PIANOStudio— Del Prado Hotel5307 Hyde Parle Blvd.For AppointmentPhone Hyde Park 9600ROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired — New Ro Dfs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage G rove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estimates FreeFairfax 3206RUGSAshjian Bros., inc.Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED2107 E. 71st St. Phone Dor. 000940 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESPORTING GOODSJ. B. Van Boskirk & SonsSporting Goods"Van" of Bartlett Gym1411 East 60th StreetMidway 7521Complete Tennis EquipmentSquash & BadmintonSPLINTSDe Puy SplintsFracture BookFreeUpon RequestProfessional Card SufficientWARSAW— INDIANATEACHER'S AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.THEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronagePaul YatesjTates-Fisher Teachers' AgencjTEstablished 1906616 South Michigan Ave., ChicagoVENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating "and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767X-RAY SUPPLIESX-RAY SUPPLIES& Accessories"At Your Service9Tel. Seeley 2550-51Geo. W. Brady & Co.809 So. Western Ave. 1931Eleanor Moles is now employed asa social worker for the Bureau of Indigent Relief, Los Angeles County,California, working entirely with peopleover sixty-five who have applied foradult state aid.Agnes Fenenga is connected withthe American Girls High School,Aleppo, Syria.John Peterson, AM, has writtenThe History of Our China Mission, hasbeen appointed superintendent of theChina Mission, and is devoting a gooddeal of time to organizing flood reliefwork in the province where he islocated.1932Ralph G. Korteling is chairman ofthe evangelistic committee of the SouthIndia United Church, and regionalchairman of the Evangelistic Campaignfor Chittoor, North and South Arcotdistricts.Austin J. Hollingsworth aftercompleting ten years in the pastorate ofthe Memorial Christian Church of Rock,Island, Illinois, moved in January to theCentral Christian Church, Shreveport,Louisiana, a church of twelve hundredmembers.Sam T. Lenters, AM, at the beginning of the year became pastor of theMizpah Congregational Church at Hopkins, Minnesota.Bernice A. Miller is secretary forEducation-Group Work at the CentralBranch of the Young Women's Christian Association, Brooklyn, New York.1933Julia M. Barber, AM, is associatesecretary of the Young Women's Christian Association of Muskegon, Michigan, where she is specializing in musicand dramatics.Ruth K. Hill, PhD, has been appointed city supervisor of the healthsurvey being conducted in Winona,Minnesota, under the auspices of theUnited States Public Health Service.She heads a staff of thirty employees.Stewart W. Herman, Jr., has become pastor-in-charge of the AmericanChurch, Berlin, while working on aDoctor's dissertation to be presented atthe University of Berlin.Martha Howell, for the last yearhas been a missionary of the FirstMexican Baptist Church, Wichita,Kansas.Katherine Tatom and LemuelChester Summers moved in November to Stilwell, Oklahoma, where Mr.Summers is pastor of the MethodistChurch.1934Albert Newton Corpening is authorof a drama entitled "Jonn tne Baptist,"presenting the social and political background of the life of Jesus.Alexander Mackie Honeyman,PhD, is interim lecturer in charge of the Department of Hebrew and OrientalLanguages, University of St. Andrews.Haven Hubbard is engaged in organizing a new secondary coeducationalboarding school in Chicago.A. T. DeGroot has published TheChurches of Christ in Owen County,Indiana, a history of thirty churchesfrom 1821 to the present time.1935William C. Laube, PhD'35, is professor of church history at the University of Dubuque and also superintendent of the Bethany Home for theAged, which he founded and organizedthirteen years ago. Until the first ofNovember he had been editor, forthirteen years, of the PresbyterianMessenger.ENGAGEDEleanor Betty Spivak, '33, to Morton John Barnard, '26, JD'27.John J. McDonough, '28, to AnneO'Brien of Highland Park, 111.Agnes J. Adair, '34, to Dr. JohnFrederick Kuhn, Jr., of Oklahoma City,Okla.MARRIEDCharles Francis Leich, MD'32, toCarroll Mabel Duncan, April 25, 1936,Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. Leich is connected with the Illinois Eye and EarInfirmary of Chicago.Ethel Ann Gordon to Jerome M.Jontry, '33, May 2, 1936. They willmake their home in Michigan City, Ind.BORNTo A. C. Droegemueller, '25, andMrs. Droegemueller (KatherineMeyer, '25), a daughter Kay Ellen,April 29, 1936, Chicago.DIEDJohn Ridlon, '85, noted orthopedicsurgeon and teacher, formerly of thestaff of St. Luke's Hospital and medicaldirector of the Home for DestituteCrippled Children, passed away April27, at his home in Newport, R. I.,where he had resided since his retirement five years ago.Frederick A. Kohn, MD'04, formany years a practicing physician inChicago, died March 31, 1936.Marian Roy Allen, AM'30, March6, 1936, Chicago. Miss Allen had beencontinuing her graduate studies at theUniversity.James Whitney Hall, Jr., '30, MD,U. of C. '35, an interne at the FordHospital, Detroit, last year, died April28, 1936, in Detroit.Houston J. Holloman, MD., Cert.U. of C, '35, became ill last Septemberjust shortly after he started his internship at the Ford Hospital in Detroitand passed away March 1, 1936, at hishome in Waycross, Ga.smmtf*^likes the New CHEVROLET because it istrie cm£y ccmipwfe £aw-p^icecL coSl^//MEN and women . . . young folks and grown-ups. . . people who live in large cities and peoplewho live in smaller communities . . . all like the new1936 Chevrolet.They are placing this beautiful new Chevrolet first intheir favor because it's the only complete low-priced car.That, as you know, means it's the only low-pricedcar with New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes and a SolidSteel one-piece Turret Top, for greatest safety! The only low-priced car with the Knee-Action GlidingRide*, Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation andShockproof Steering*, for maximum comfort anddriving ease! And the only low-priced car with aHigh-Compression Valve-in-Head Engine, giving thefinest combination of performance and economy!You, too, want all these modern advantages in yournew car. Insist upon having them. Buy a new 1936Chevrolet — the only complete low-priced car.FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATIONNEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ; ' J"**rt i SOLID STEEL ONE-PIECE TURRET TOP BODIESIMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* ^HjBBSHy GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATIONHIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* • GENERALMOTORS INSTALLMENT PLAN— MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE*Available in Master De Luxe models only. Knee-Action, $20 additional. Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.Chesterfield writesits own advertisin'&T7ZJ© 1936, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.