THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEez/<fo Quality AAin&i briahtetZ a/jte/i 10,People who have examined the newMaster De Luxe Chevrolet marvel at itsquality. Very likely you will marvel, too. . . because Chevrolet has made this carso big and sturdy — so fine in every part—that it no longer looks or acts like alow-priced car! The most pleasing resultof this high quality manufacture is thatthe Master De Luxe will continue to givereal satisfaction long after you are satis- ynieJZ axce/i 10,000 mnrfied you have received full value for themoney paid for it. This new Chevrolethas a habit of staying young. Its qualityshines brightest after ten thousand miles.The most surprising thing of all is thatits prices are among the lowest and thatit gives the greatest operating economyin Chevrolet history. But, as we havesaid before, quality is remembered all themore pleasantly when price is so low.CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGANCompare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms. A General Motors ValueCHEVROLETr7foK/9JSsTURRET-TOP BODY BY FISHER (WITH NO DRAFT VENTILATION) . . . IMPROVED KNEE-ACTION RIDE . . . BLUE-FLAME VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE . . . WEATHERPROOFCABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES . . . SHOCK-PROOF STEERINGTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCharlton T. Beck, '04Editor and Business ManagerFred B. Millett, PhD '31, William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22, John P. Howe, '27Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, JD '13, Ethel Preston, '08, AM '10, PhD1 '20, Elizabeth Faulkner, '85Council Committee on PublicationsN THIS ISSUEALONG toward 1 he end of May Alumni Weekly. When all is said, tail, the story of the 1935 Reunion.alumnus Ickes of the Class of there is a certain bond of sympathy For the impatiently curious, or should'97 or attorney Ickes of the Class of between alumni editors, past or pres- we say the curiously impatient, we1907 journeyed to Chicago to speak ent. But Mr. Embree is an editor in announce at this time that a rich andto the local Teachers' Welfare Organ- the past tense, most decidedly. He diversified program was offered theizations. He appeared before them rose from that lowly occupation to alumni between M.ay 28 and June 11as a representative of the Federal ad- be an officer of Yale University, then with the climax in interest and administration in Washington for alum- a director and vice president of the tendance on Alumni Day, June 8,nus Ickes is now Secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation, and finally when thousands of former studentsInterior and Public Works Adminis- president of the Julius Rosenwald returned for a visit to their Almatrator. His address was of sufficient Fund- He has had remarkable op- Mater.significance and timeliness to deserve portumties to acquaint himself with •far more publicity than it received ^^^^^J^^ What are the hobbies of Chicago^S^^in^t^ ^^X^^^^e^ graduates under forty? We can giletakes great pleasure m making up, tonersonal ooinion Chicago you but a sampling. PhotographyriioTo Stet^ohSiSU SSSi mayTell S gSnecPST and philately rank nigh, but frno^omission ot the metropolitan papers y s h unusual avocational inter-We offer our readers Secretary Ickes' showinS made ^^ Alma Mater-ests we find scrapbooks and Engiishaddress in full. briar pipes, diophantine problemsThe Midsummer issue of the Mag- an(j the handling of crowds, 18thIrving Garwood who heads the azine will carry, in considerable de- century Americana and the growingEnglish Department at the Western______ of roses. All this and much more isIllinois State Teachers College has m- disclosed by a study of America'svited the editor to visit his Forest TABLE OF CONTENTS Young Men.of Arden. After one fleeting glance JUNE, 1935 •at the photographs that accompanied 'Pagethe invitation, the editor dictated an Witch Hunting a la Mode, Harold For four years the Magazine hasacceptance. Even as reproduced in L- Ickes • •' 291 been most fortunate in having on itsthe Magazine these pictures have such Arden in America 295 editorial staff Miss Ruth Earnshawcharm that it is our belief that many In Order of Their Eminence, Edwin of the Class of 1931 Coming to thean alumnus will be inspired to in- R.kmoree .29 alumni office immediately after grad-clude Macomb on his mid-western *V ^™ °NE NlGHT' H°ward304 nation, frankly accepting the positionsight-seeing schedule and insist upon canvases -1 and a Letter from as a temporary job, she has remaineda view of this transplanted English Persepolis, Corinne Lindon Smith 306 to play a most important part m thegarden. The Modern University is a Men- editing of your alumni magazine.• ace, Howard Vincent O'Brien 308 Her name no longer appears as As-The .Magazine is deeply indebted to In My Opinion 309 so date Editor. She spends her daysthe editor of The Atlantic Monthly, News of the Quadrangles... 311 at Earnkirk, out near Chesterton, andand to the author, for permission to Chicago Alumnae Club, Ruth B. is upholding the Indiana tradition byprint In Order of Their Eminence MacFarland v.... 313 writing a book, or maybe two of them,from the current Atlantic. Mr. Em- Athletic News 314 before going east to take up graduatebree's permission may have been the And His Hobby Is Work 316 work. With her go the heartiest ofmore easily obtained because of his America's Young Men 317 good wishes from her former co-four years as editor of the Yale Alumni Far and Wide 328 workers.Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, monthly, from November to July. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Omceat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency ofthe University of Chicago Magazine.*****3;MilMMMMlThe North Walk in Hutchinson Court290VOLUME XXVII THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 8JUNE, 1935WITCH HUNTING A LA MODEONCE again the witch hunters are hard at it. Theyare exploring every corner, looking under everybed, peeping into every closet, the while theirsouls are tortured with misgivings. Something is wrongwith the world and instead of facing the situationlogically and with courage, some sections of the peoplethat ought to know better have become panic stricken,victims of their own childish fears.One would have thought that we have sufferedenough from the economic and social misfortunesthrough which we are painfully toiling our way, withoutbeing called upon to endure the humiliation of the intellectual bankruptcy that seems to be threatening us. Itwas assumed that the reasons for our distressful situation were pretty well known. Experts might differ asto the precise reasons for the catastrophe of 1929, butthere would be substantial agreement that today was theinevitable and logical consequence of yesterday with itsover-expansion, its over-production, its reckless financingand frenzied speculation. Then, too, there was the warto pay for — that war which was to end all wars and savedemocracy.In short, until recently, it was supposed that wewere paying for our own folly, the folly that impelledus, as we now know, to burn up billions of dollars ofour capital and expend the energies and the lives ofour manhood in lands where the American is now regarded with the especial distaste that the ungeneroushuman being usually reserves for one who has done hima favor; paying likewise for the reckless stupidityinduced in us by the harbingers of a new economic era,an era in which every newsboy would blossom into acapitalist; when the old virtues of work and save, ofindustry and frugality, would be outmoded; when allthat one had to do in order to acquire the Rolls Royceor the steam yacht that he had been coveting was tomortgage his home and open an account with a stockbroker so as to buy what he could not afford and sellwhat he did not- own.Now, however, it appears that it wasn't our ownbad judgment that got us into the' mess in which wehave been floundering. It was the witches. It is gratifying to learn that we have made no mistakes; that it • By HAROLD L ICKES, '97, JD '07was the wicked witches riding broomsticks in the darkof the moon that have soured the milk and given thebaby colic. So we must get busy, chasing them amongthe tree tops, meeting incantation with incantation, overturning the cauldron where the poisonous potion of toadand dog's hair and venomous serpent is being brewed.How natural it all sounds ! It is rather shockingthat at this stage of the world's civilization we shouldrevert to the superstitions and the fears of our cave-dwelling ancestors, but, after all, this experience hasbeen repeated at intervals through all the ages. At leastwe can console ourselves with the reflection that otherpeoples at other times, who doubtless also thought ofthemselves as civilized, gave way during periods ofcalamity to primitive apprehensions. When the shipwas tossed about on the raging sea, Jonah was thrownoverboard. Children have been offered up to Molochand victims tossed to the crocodiles of the Nile. Thenumber of people who have been sacrificed to the Voo-dooistic fears of different groups in the history of theworld must reach an appalling total.So once again the hunt is on. However, in thisage we do not burn our victims alive, nor do we impalethem on pointed stakes. We do not even cut out theirtongues, blind the sight that God gave them, or croptheir ears. We are too civilized for such crude behavior. We merely denounce them in the screamingheadlines of the press, rail at them in public meetings,slander and traduce them to their friends and neighborsand deny to them their rights and privileges as citizens and fellow members of our human society. Weare satisfied, if we can, to deprive of their means oflivelihood those whom we persecute, reducing them towant and despair. We are humane folk. We do notcrucify the body; we merely scarify and maim andstarve the soul.Our forefathers used to shiver in terror when themoon went into eclipse. Some demon was abroad inthe land whose terrible wrath they would evade if theycould. In times past when an epidemic, bred in filth,swept over a community, heathen gods were invokedand demons were placated. Slowly and painfully,through that enlightenment of the spirit that we call291292 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeducation, we had .come to understand the underlyingnatural causes of many of the fears of primitive man.We had freed' ourselves from most of the terrors thatbeset the childhood of the race. We had almost cometo believe that reason, based upon investigation and information, would account for practically every naturalphenomenon or human experience.When all is well with the world it is easy to behave like civilized human beings. But when a calamitybefalls us we are more than likely to revert to originaltype. We go primitive ; impulses revive in us that seemto be as inevitably embedded in our natures as are theinstincts to preserve life and perpetuate the race. Theresult is that we organize witch hunts and go forth tolook for victims with as self-satisfied a conviction thatwe are humane, civilized and Christian human beingsas possessed those God-fearing zealots of Salem whenthey harried the land for witches to be hanged.The witches of today have already been segregatedfrom the community at large. They are the teachers.And here again we are running true to form. Sincethe beginning of the world the man or woman who wasa step ahead of his time in intelligence has been thesorcerer or the witch. It is so human to be suspiciousof him who knows a little more than we do. The cannibal in the jungle of equatorial Africa lives in terrorof the Voodoo priest while abjectly invoking his powers.Out on the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona whenthe Navajo becomes ill, the medicine man is called in tolead in a chant or to make a sand painting that willexorcise the evil spirit. Credulity has always been animportant ingredient in the fearsome respect that thehuman race has felt for persons of superior intellectualattainments.Yielding in like fashion to our apprehensions, someof us are now reverting once more to the superstitiouspractices of our prehistoric ancestors. We have decided to protect ourselves with some amateur magic ofour own. We will stage a little incantation. We willconcoct a special oath which we will require you totake, thus weaving a charm about you that will makeyou fit for democracy.However, we decline to rely altogether upon theexorcism of the evil spirit by means of this wizardry.We have devised further protections. We have set upa list of taboos, consisting of subjects which you maynot discuss, and of persons whose very names youmust not mention. Just as we used to rear our boysand girls in ignorance of certain vital facts of life inthe belief that ignorance was virtue, so will we now,in human-ostrich fashion, stick our heads in the sandand thus bravely meet vitally important political andeconomic facts by ignoring their existence.And to put the proper kind of a capstone on thisideal educational edifice, we will see to it that only theuneducated shall be permitted to select the courses thatthe carefully immunized intellects of our adolescentsare permitted to browse upon.The fact is that we are in danger of forgettingthat the function of the teacher is that of a generalscientist whose mind must be trained to analyze keenly,to probe and question, ever seeking the truth, in order to be able to transmit the facts when ascertained, understandably, interestingly if you will, to the student mind.Such a function cannot be successfully carried onif academic freedom does not exist. If a teacher mustsubordinate intellectual honesty to the clamor of themoment; if a teacher, through fear of losing his position, dare not disclose the underlying falsity of a problem with which his students are wrestling; if a teachercloses his mind and refuses to admit new evidence toweigh against ancient, hoary beliefs; in short, if ateacher is remiss in his devotion to truth, then our educational system has indeed failed, and that teacher hasbecome the propagandist of theories which may haveno basis in fact. History has shown that only thatwhich can withstand the searchlight of truth, can alsowithstand the wear of time.The fundamental duty of educators, a duty forwhose observance many of them have been and moreof whom will be harassed, tortured, exiled and destroyed, is to present the truth. And to present thetruth, they must ever be seekers of it.Freedom to search out the basic and undeniablefacts, whether they be physical, social, economic or political, is a right inherent in any educational systemworthy of the name. Should that right ever be takenaway, and I hope that it never will be, then the justification for education will have failed. And whoeverattempts to abridge that right, to break down the pillarof strength upon which our educational plan rests, is atraitor to the past who strikes a fatal blow at our democratic form of government.A school system is not created for the purpose ofkeeping dullards off the street. Ours was not instituted to regiment a population of yes-men, who, without understanding or reason or analysis, accept as gospel truth the self-serving tenets of others. The duty ofa school system in our American way of life is to trainfree men and women to carry on, in mutual respectand good will, a community life which will bring contentment, afford an opportunity to earn a livelihood andprovide those mutual protections which human societyrequires. It is further the duty of a school system toteach the truth of history and current events, so thatwe may lay up a store of experience that may serveto keep us from following false political gods and enable us to improve our lot as the days march.In order to justify its existence, a modern schoolsystem in America, from the kindergarten to the graduate school of the university, must be staffed by intellectually honest men and women who are undauntedin their search for the truth, fearless in its dissemination, and, unshackled by ancient superstitions or bugaboos, free to think, and to think aloud.Academic honesty requires a scientific approach,and that means an absence of external pressure, plusan inner determination to uncover the truth and revealit so that all may know what it is. Schools must notbe fettered or bound in any way, except by truth.All of which leads to the view that schools, sincethey are specialized and scientific institutions, shouldbe managed by specialists. For business men generally,or for men of other than the teaching profession, tothink that success in other fields, especially if that sue-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 293cess is measured by money, qualifies them to run schoolsis based on an egotism that properly subjects them toridicule. There seems to be an unhallowed traditionamong certain groups in America that a man's intellectual attainments are in exact proportion to the number of dollars that he has been able to acquire or wasfortunate enough to inherit. Yet a bulging bank account and a cultivated mind are not synonymous. Norever will be.I pause to wonder if the too-venturing Mr. Walgreen isn't as inconsistent as some lesser human beingssometimes are. He doesn't want to expose youthfuland impressionable minds to poisonous economic andsocial theories, but would he employ a man in one ofhis drug stores who did not know a poisonous from abeneficent drug even by name? The Latinized labelon a bottle of paregoric is the same label that standsout on a bottle of laudanum, except for a final "c." Oneis a soothing drug in common usage, while the otheris a deadly poison. Yet if Mr. Walgreen would applyhis theory on education to his own business as a druggist, which he is not foolish enough to do, he wouldturn loose as dispensers behind his prescription countermen who had not been taught to distinguish between thedrugs that cure or have an ameliorating effect and thedrugs that kill.History tells us how difficult it once was on account of prejudices and superstitions for members ofthe medical profession to study the origin and causesof diseases. If their inquiring minds had not defiedthe witch hunters of their times, we would still call inthe barber to operate on us if we were enlightenedenough to be operated on at all. Men made a dangerous living disinterring freshly buried corpses to sell tosurgeons, who thereby became criminals merely becausethey insisted upon searching for the truth. Now no oneis permitted to practice medicine unless he has a medical degree which is a certificate that, among otherthings, he has mastered the human anatomy at the dissecting table. And just as the medical man, even atthe risk of imprisonment or death, persisted in makinginquiries into the causes of various diseases in orderthat he might contrive cures for the physical ills ofmankind, so did Galileo persevere in his scientific researches despite all opposition until he was able toannounce his conviction that the world was round.In the physical world it has long been recognizedthat one of the greatest contributions that scientists arecapable of making to the welfare of humanity is thediscovery of noxious and poisonous influences and thedevelopment of cures and antidotes for them. Our scientists are not afraid to face realities. They know thatcancer cannot be eradicated by ignoring its existence.They are aware that without investigation and experimentation life cannot be saved when a virulent poisonhas been injected into the system. A cure for copperhead bite could never have been developed if our medical schools and laboratories had gone on the theorythat young and impressionable minds should not be exposed to the notion that there was such a thing ascopperhead poison.Facts are just as important in the field of the socialand political sciences as they are in the physical sciences. Harold L. IckesNo more than we would send our soldiers into modernwarfare without all the instruction that we could givethem with reference to poison gases, should we sendthe youth of our schools into life without knowledgeof the nature and effect of false and insidious antisocial theories. I doubt whether it has ever been sonecessary in this country as it is today to train theminds of our youth in the sound principles of democracy. They should be sent out from the schools, notonly firmly believing in American principles ; they shouldbe made aware of the dangers that threaten our systemof Government and be taught how best to ward offthat danger. Newspapers, magazines and books are fullof references to Marxism, the Third International,Fascism and Communism. Unless we know the natureof the poison that threatens our institutions from anyof these sources, how can we be expected to providean antidote for it?How silly it would be for a teacher of politicalscience to say in reply to a question about Marx andhis theories that the query was an improper one thatshould not have been asked. Or, take those two threatening systems of government that are obnoxious toevery well-balanced American mind, Fascism and Communism. Are we to ignore what we do not like, orare we to turn on the full light of truth through investigation, honest thinking and plain talking to the endthat we may intelligently oppose these two systems withall our strength?I have had a rather intimate contact with the University of Chicago since its earliest days. I entered itas a freshman, the second year after it had been founded,and by dint of hard work over two periods aggregatingseven years, I am the proud possessor of two of itsdegrees. I have known many of its students and alumniand I have counted among my friends a number of themembers of its faculty. I can say in all honesty thatduring all the years of my contact with it I have yet294 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto metet a Communist whose educational background,either as a student or as a member of its faculty, hasbeen the University of Chicago.But Mr. Walgreen has1 — or says he has. He provesit by his niece, his dialogue with whom he recites, without verification, before an investigating committee ofthe State Senate. "Are they advocating these things(Communism, etc.)," he asks her and she replies: "No,not exactly." Whereupon, having proved his case tohis honest and painstaking mind he rushes to the newspapers to announce that the University is- teaching Communism. He had already asked his niece what hermother would think of the discussions in which shehad participated in the classroom, during which, according to her, Communism was not taught. Apparently he thought that the most private and delicate manner in which he could tell her mother about his niece'sintellectual wanderings was through the columns ofthe daily press.For my part, both as a student, as an alumnusand as a citizen of Chicago, I am proud of this University. It is not given to many cities of America tobe able to boast that within their corporate limits standsone of the really great institutions of learning in thewhole world. It is needless for me to recount to youmen and women, familiar as you are with the achievements of the University of Chicago, its notable contributions to the advancement of civilization. It has servedChicago and America in a most enlightened and humanitarian fashion. Chicago citizens should resent such anattack as has recently been made upon this proud University.I think that it is a legitimate occasion for impatience when a man, merely by reason of the fact thathe has made money, is regarded by himself, as wellas by others equally lacking in discretion, as occupyingan oracular position on all physical, social, economic andpolitical problems. Why should a physicist puzzle overa perplexing experiment when a solution can readilybe furnished by one who has never had even a smattering of the subject but who happens to have a largebank account? To what end should the nine wise menwho constitute our Supreme Court struggle over anabstruse question of Constitutional law that could easilybe solved by some local .butter and egg man? Theold homily that a shoemaker should stick to his lastmust go back to days when suddenly acquired wealthdid not make of its possessor an oracle on every question under the sun. But at least the wealthy oracleshould not slander what he cannot understand. If timehangs heavily upon the hands of Mr. Walgreen hemight, without harming anyone, devote himself to writing a book under the compelling title "What EveryUncle Thinks He Knows."It is just as true as it ever was that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." The man who is reallywise, regardless of whether his schooling ended withthe eighth grade or whether he possesses the highestpossible university degree, is the one who realizes thatthe flickering candle of knowledge that he holds lightedin his hand serves but to illuminate how little he knows.Not a thousand men could encompass all knowledge even if they devoted all their years to that purpose.The ablest mathematician in the world would not presume to speak with authority to a Greek scholar on theconstruction of an obscure text. No geologist worthy ofthe name would attempt to give a chemist a formula fora new gas. No profound lawyer, even if he were theChief Justice of the United States Supreme Court,would venture to tell a surgeon how to perform evena simple operation. And yet an estimable and successful owner of a chain of drug stores presumes to tellone of the outstanding universities of the world justwhat it should teach and how it should teach it.There is another issue involved in this situation thatis perhaps the most important one of all. I refer tothe right of free speech, implicit in which is the rightto search for the truth wherever it may be found andto announce that truth when discovered. How can weever be sure that what we believe the truth to be is infact the truth unless we have tested it, unless we haveexperimented with it, unless we have put it under themicroscope of experience and training for a rigid investigation? If our schools and colleges are not to be *permitted to search, to inquire, to test, to analyze allsupposed facts and theories until the ultimate microcosmof truth has been discovered, then they should be closedand we should frankly retrace our steps to the DarkAges preceding the renaissance, those glorious days ofthe love philter, the charm against evil spirits, the blackdeath and the undeveloped mind.Free speech is as vital to the school room as free ,assemblage is to the people, and as a free press is tothe newspapers. Each is an integral part of the triologywhich guards our liberties. Without them we might becalled upon to endure the tragedies which have befallenother peoples who have been deprived of these basicand fundamental rights. Majorities can protect themselves, but minorities must rely on the protection afforded by these three rights. They are the beaconsthat light the way of progress for us. If one is extinguished the others will languish and die.It has been suggested in some quarters that thereis more pretense than reality to the witch hunting thatis now going on. It is suspected that some of those whoare so busily appealing to ignorance and attempting torevive childish superstitions are serving some ulteriorpurpose. It may be that this is the last stand of theforces of reaction in their desperate attempt to blockthe social program of President Roosevelt. Be thatas it may, undoubtedly these enemies of progress areclever enough to know that any general arousing offear would have the effect of closing the minds of thepeople even to their own best interests.It is not credible that any effort to stampede thecountry into such an abject state that we will be governed by our fears and our superstitions would succeed. I, for one, refuse to believe that the travail ofspirit that has gone into the making of our civilizationhas all been in vain. That mind is greater than matterdoes not have to be argued before such an audience asthis and that intelligence in increasing degree and despite temporary setbacks will continue to prevail in thegovernance of human affairs there cannot be any doubt.ARDEN IN AMERICAMACOMB, ILLINOIS,claims the distinction ofpossessing at least oneunique feature "The Forest of Arden." The "Forest" is the gardenof Dr. Irving Garwood, PhD, '22,head of the Department of English,at the Western State Teachers College. Dr. Garwood has always beenespecially interested in Shakespeareand Shakespearian England. Hespent some time in Stratford-upon-Avon, and has planted in his gardena number of flowers grown fromseeds obtained from Shakespeare'shome.From the terrace at the rear ofhis house, flagstone steps lead to thelower garden, which form a naturalamphitheatre with a perfect littleterrace stage, on which A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, The Tamingof the Shrew, and Much Ado About Nothing have beensuccessfully presented by the members of the Collegeclasses.The stage is as simple and free from modern dramatic machinery as the stage of Shakespeare's own day.There are no "wings," no curtains, no painted scenery,and the costumes are devised by the actors themselves.The only lighting effects are obtained by footlights connected to an ingeniously simple switchboard which Dr.Garwood has devised to hang from one of the huge oaks on the terrace.The stage proper is worthy ofspecial description. It is framed oneither side by arching maple treesand marked at the corners with dwarfcedars. The backdrop is a wall ofalternated lombardy poplars andsweet honey-suckles behind a rocktrimmed perennial border. Thetheatre is immensely popular in thecollege community, and, althoughoriginally planned to seat sixty people, the "Forest" has held as manyas three hundred in an audience.There is no admission charge for theperformances and people gather fromfar and wide, sitting on chairs, rusticbenches, cushions or on the grass.The garden is illuminated at night bythree soft-green and yellow Japaneselanterns containing electric bulbs.The students themselves have christened the garden"The Forest of Arden," and much of the social lifeof the English Department centers in it. There is always a Midsummer Festival, held either on Midsummereve or Midsummer night, June 24th, beginning usuallywith a production of As You Like It or A MidsummerNight's Dream, and continuing with the singing of someof the popular old ballads, and the dancing of the traditional Old English country dances on the green.At Christmas time, although the Forest lies hiddenunder a blanket of snow, an Old English ChristmasIrvinj GarwoodA friendly spot in the Forest — the Shakespearean characters feel right at home295296 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE¦¦ }*jQm5'P Vr^f^eJi^i^Kf/$&^&$$UK /,. r*5^te- ¦ m<%> IF. flEiftitiaHThe Forest of Arden showing the Dancing Green. Here the Midsummer Revels are held.Revel is held in the great hall of Dr. Garwood's home.All the Yule-tide traditions are observed. A pig, roastedwhole, adorns the table, and a smoking plum pudding.Carols are sung, mountebanks perform, and the houseis gay with holly and mistletoe.Dr. Garwood has been at work for a number ofyears on his Shakespearean garden, and he has caughtto a remarkable extent the hospitable simplicity andcharm of an Old English garden.^ The natural settingis in itself fortunate. The broad lawn, surrounded onthree sides by closely set trees, gives the Forest anair of peaceful seclusion. At one extremity a tiny rockyspring flows past a bank "where the wild thyme blows,"besides many other Shakespearean flowers, violets, marigolds, love-lies-bleeding, larkspur, and numerous others,into a lily pool edged with moss and flowering shrubs. At the opposite end is a stone hearth and a rustic tableand benches which have been the center of many delightful out-of-door feasts the students of WesternState Teachers College will not soon forget. Betweenthese lies the stage and the dancing-green and beyond,the terrace, to which Dr. Garwood has recently addeda "Knott-garden," designed after a seventeenth century print, with quaint interlaced borders of clippedshrubbery, outlining beds of brilliant old-fashioned flowers." (Reprinted by permission of Dr. Garwood fromThe Shakespeare Pictorial, Sept., 1933. Written byTheo. Battle Dunn.)Dr. Garwood is a well known lecturer on literature ;his special study has been American writing. He is busyat present with a book to be published in the near future, Literary Shrines of America.IN ORDER OF THEIR EMINENCEAn Appraisal of American Universities• By EDWIN R. EMBREELAST winter in answering a politician's fantasticclaims for the state university of his bailiwick, Ihazarded a list of the dozen greatest universitiesin America. A storm at once broke about my temerarious head. Not only did the politician shriek cursesand threats, but complaints and questions rained in fromuniversity presidents and professors all over the country. Even institutions which I had rated high protestedthat they should be higher, and universities omittedfrom the list wailed, and a few of them looked eagerlytoward the libel courts. Only Harvard, which I placedfirst, was satisfied. Later followed a swarm of pupilsand their mothers, asking my advice as to the collegethey should choose. Even instructors, ambitious forplaces in the sun, began to solicit my advice as to thetransfer of their academic allegiances and my help ingetting them positions on the faculties of my favoredinstitutions.Fortunately the rating of scholarly eminence amonguniversities is not so much a matter of mere personalopinion as people generally assume. Authorative appraisals are available of the attainments of individualprofessors and the relative standing of the several departments of science and learning at the various universities and research institutes. It is easily possible,although somewhat unusual, to add together the variouselements of distinction and thus to assess the scholarlystatus of American universities.Before appraising the greatest centres of learning,let us be perfectly clear about what we are discussing.We are considering university scholarship, not collegelife. A university, according to Webster, is "an institution organized for teaching and study in the higherbranches of learning." In Europe, where the conceptoriginated, the university grew up as an aggregation ofscholars who came together for the purpose of pursuingadvanced studies under great masters and of collaborating with those masters in enlarging the borders ofknowledge in their chosen fields. Colleges in theseEuropean universities were merely sub-groups associated for convenience either of residence or of discipline. The term "university' in most countries has beenrestricted to the highest forms of academic activity. InAmerica it has been used to designate almost anythingfrom an institution of higher learning to an association of quack doctors or a glorified high school. But byincreasing agreement, even in America, "college" is nowused to designate undergraduate residence or the offerings of some special department ; "university" is reservedfor institutions of higher learning.Whatever the vagaries of current usage, in the present discussion I employ "university" to designate insti-Reprinted by permisison from The Atlantic Monthly, June, 1935. tutions which emphasize the higher reaches of scholarship. Great universities I regard as those which haveon their faculties the great masters of the severalbranches of learning, masters who are not only imparting known truth to advanced students, but also workingwith their student colleagues in enlarging the borders ofknowledge. Such high scholarship is a very differentthing from either schoolmastering or the general pleasures of college life.Creative scholarship is not necessarily better thanteaching or better even than successful football teams.It is simply different. Judgments about it, therefore,must be made on different grounds from those applicable to other aspects of school and college. If I wererating the athletic standing of institutions, I should notconfuse the discussion by mentioning the intellectualprowess of physically feeble professors. Similarly,when we are considering the scholarly eminence of universities, questions of football triumph or the country-club aspects of undergraduate life are not relevant.While the search for wisdom is not the only goalof life, it is the essential feature of a university. Capitalistic business succeeds by profits, hospitals exist forcuring the sick, the police are supported to maintainlaw and order. If these institutions fall short in theseessential functions, their failure is recognized, whateverother qualities of an agreeable sort they may be able toshow. Just as definitely, a university exists for theeducation of students in the highest reaches of scholarship and for advancing knowledge. In so far as a university falls short in this, it is a failure, no matter howhandsome its campus or expensive its buildings, no matter how successful its football team or how fashionableits student body. To the degree that universities cultivate the best and most advanced intellects and to theextent that they constantly add to the store of humanwisdom, to that extent they are great.IHow does one go about appraising the scholarlyeminence of universities? In the first place, one maytake the lists of the most distinguished scientists as published in American Men of Science and in somewhatsimilar records for the other branches of learning andtabulate the centres of concentration of these mosteminent scholars. Second, since creative scholarshipfinds expression ultimately in publication, it is possiblethrough the scientific journals to appraise the scholarlyoutput of the several university faculties. The thirdand probably the soundest method is to rely on appraisals of the relative eminence of the several departments of universities made by competent scholars ineach field. The scholars themselves are best able tojudge distinction in their own subject and they arethoroughly acquainted with all the important workers in297298 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtheir own relatively small domains. Such appraisalshave been made by juries of scholars in each of thevarious scientific and learned subjects. An initial ratingof the eminence of given departments in American universities, intended for the guidance of prospective graduate students, was made a decade ago by committeesassembled by Dr. R. M. Hughes, then president ofMiami University. A new and more comprehensivestudy has recently been made by a Committee of theAmerican Council on Education and the results published in the Educational Record of March 1934, andreprinted as a pamphlet of the American Council. Inthe earlier tabulation, the juries were asked to ratethe several American universities in the relative orderof their eminence in each subject. The second appraisaldid not attempt a numerical rating of the universities,but simply listed those which were judged to have adequate provisions in faculty and equipment for advancedgraduate work in the given subject, and starred thatsmaller and highly select number which were judgedto be especially distinguished in each field.I have used this 1934 report of the American Council on Education as the basis of my rating of universities. That study records the judgments of fifty to onehundred competent scholars in each subject as to thestanding of universities in thirty-five departments. Ifany university were judged distinguished in all thirty-five of the designated fields, it might be regarded ascompletely and universally distinguished. As a matterof fact, the university adjudged eminent in the greatest number of departments has only twenty-three starsto its credit out of a possible thirty-five.In my own tabulations I have carried the studysomewhat beyond the tables of the American Councilreport. I have, for example, combined a number of thesubdivisions of the sciences into the general basic subjects, so that there would be fairly equal units for comparison. I have also asked individuals to rate for methe basic • medical sciences, which are omitted from theAmerican Council study. In all, I have compiledtwenty- four major departments of learning, includingthe medical sciences, as contrasted with the thirty-fivesubdivisions of the American Council report. A listof these departments and of the universities starred fordistinction in each appears in the table on page 299. Ihave supplemented this study by a tabulation of thecentres of concentration of the most eminent scientistsas compiled in the starred lists of American Men ofScience. In addition, I have consulted individual scholars and national committees which were in a positionto judge the scholarly attainment of American universities.It is surprising how consistently the several universities hold their relative7 places when any of thesetests are applied, and it is amazing how uniform arethe judgments of competent groups and individuals asto the standing of universities in given departments. Forexample, the American Council committee lists the universities most distinguished in anthropology as Harvard,Chicago, Columbia, California, Yale. I have asked anthropologists in various parts of the country to namethe leading centres of this science; without hesitation every one has named these five universities, and no onehas even mentioned any other. In certain other subjects the judgments are more difficult, but there is on thewhole astonishing agreement among the scholars of anygiven discipline as to the university centres which arepreeminent in that field. Remarkable also is the concentration of distinguished departments at a few universities. In the twenty-four basic subjects, 206 departments throughout the country are rated as of highexcellence. The leading eleven universities account for167 of these distinguished departments; only 39 ar:efound scattered among all the other hundreds of universities and technical institutes of the United States.There is nothing unusual or even very difficult in therating of individual departments. That is currentlydone in all university thinking and planning. The thingthat is out of the ordinary is to bring together thesegradings of departments in an attempt to appraise thetotal scholarly eminence of the universities as a whole.While I have based my ratings on authoritative findings,most of which are matters of published record, I must inthe end assume personal responsibility for the judgments.With all these considerations and reservations inmind, here is my rating of American universities in theorder of their scholarly eminence : —1. Harvard.2. Chicago.3. Columbia.4. California.5. Yale.6. Michigan.7. Cornell.8. Princeton.9: Johns Hopkins.10. Wisconsin.11. Minnesota.IIHarvard is in a class by itself. This oldest of ourinstitutions has maintained its priority for nearly threehundred years, almost the entire span of our colonial andnational history. In 1636 the general court of Massachusetts Colony voted £400 toward a "schoale or col-ledge," whose site outside Boston was two years laternamed Cambridge in memory of the English universitywhere some seventy of the leading men of the Colonyhad been educated. An immigrant Puritan minister,dying in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1638 bequeathedto the little wilderness seminary half of his estate, £780and 260 books. In astonished gratitude the institutionwas at once named for him; thus John Harvard purchased enduring fame at one of the greatest bargainsknown to history.Ever since Charles W. Eliot in 1869 began thetransformation of a traditional New England collegeinto America's first university, Harvard has persistentlyheld primacy among the nation's institutions of higherlearning. It is the richest as well as the oldest, holdingprobably the largest endowment for education ($128,-000,000) of any organization in world history ; it hasTHE UNIVERSITY OFon its faculty by far the greatest concentration of distinguished men of science — nearly 40 per cent more thanany other university; it has the greatest number of starsin the American Council list of distinguished departments and also in my reclassification by basic departments. Of the twenty-four major branches of learning,Harvard is starred for distinction in all except sociologyand the engineering sciences, which latter, in a veryproper division of labor, it leaves to the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.Furthermore, Harvard's preeminence is widely —one might almost say universally — recognized among thelaity as well as among scholars throughout this countryand Europe. To hold a degree from Harvard carriessocial as well as scholastic distinction; to be a memberof its faculty is an honor universally coveted; its president is ex-officio the leader of American science andletters.Even more striking in any study of Americanscholarship is the eminence of the University of Chicago. Here we have not an old foundation maintaining its standing, but a very new institution planted onthe intellectually barren plains of a frontier, forgingforward in pure scholarship ahead of institutions whichhad generations of distinguished history and traditionbehind them. Chicago stands at least second by allthe tests of eminence that have been applied. By certain of them she equals and even exceeds Harvard.For example, in the earlier Hughes rating of relative standing of departments, Chicago had 8 departmentsrated first among all American universities, 4 rated second in eminence, and 5 third; Harvard had 7 firsts, 6seconds, and 3 thirds. Of the twenty-four basic fields,Chicago is rated distinguished in all except the engineering sciences, philosophy, and biochemistry.The University of Chicago is a shining example ofwhat can be attained by the combination of ideals, consistent policy, and financial resources. Mr. Rockefellergenerously poured in the millions that made it possibleto build in the capital of America's middle empire oneof the world's greatest universities — the most brilliantof all the accomplishments of the Rockefeller fortune.A total of $70,000,000 was given from Rockefellersources, including the personal gifts and the later grantsfrom the Rockefeller boards. The announcement in thenineties, that salaries for top professors were to be$7000 rocked the academic world as much as Ford'slater offer to pay laborers five dollars a day shocked industry. The university's generous and courageous attitude toward professors' salaries ushered in a new erain academic life.But it was not money alone that made the University of Chicago great. Even today her endowment isless than half that of Harvard and well below that ofother Eastern universities which she outranks inscholarly eminence. Chicago's distinction is in the factthat from the first she set out with single purpose, notto create a fashionable college or an enormous conglomerate institution, but to build a university in the realmeaning of the term : a collection of the finest scientistsand scholars, working with a selected group of maturestudents for the advancement of knowledge. The under- CHICAGO MAGAZINE 299graduate college, although an exceedingly good one, hasnever been the major interest; nor has the Universityof Chicago maintained large schools for purely professional training.William Rainey Harper was perhaps the most picturesque figure in the whole history of American universities. Born in an unheard-of little town in Ohio,educated at the then little-known Muskingum College,he migrated for graduate study and teaching in Semiticlanguages to Yale and to a Baptist theological seminaryin Chicago. No one would look in that beginning forthe dynamic figure of American scholarship. But hisBaptist and Midwest connections commended him toJohn D. Rockefeller and his advisers. And once chosenfor the leadership of the new university, which wasfounded only forty-three years ago, Harper proved awise and courageous builder, a persistent leech in sucking out Rockefeller millions, a "flashing comet in thewestern sky of the universe of learning."Columbia University, which has grown from theearly foundations of King's College in 1754 and theCollege of Physicians and Surgeons in 1767, is a strangeconglomerate of contradictions. It sprawls on thenorthern hill of America's largest metropolis. Its sizeis in the most blatant American tradition: an enrollment of over 30,000 students annually, of whom 10,000are in the huge summer sessions and over 5,000 in extension classes. It is on the one hand a university offering a series of well-knit courses of enriching study,and on the other a giant day school purveying knowledgein well-docketed packages to a huge population of eagerand ambitious young people — aged sixteen to sixty. ItsTeachers College, a semi-autonomous unit, grinds outcourses and degrees to thousands of persons who returnto every city and countryside of America with none toowell digested "credits in education," on the basis ofwhich they in turn pour instruction upon the defenselessTABLE OF DISTINGUISHED DEPARTMENTSIncluding All Universities Judged to Have More ThanFive Departments of High Excellence&o&1 I2< o*o•e$§ 1aiat31^•StsIIISIIS 6o5"!'¦vSa ot3"c3OS'S »n c¦ci•aeW161&16 1Cjo 1! .21£ Ca1 -ft3 o1O a03ga 1w 1i sI-a.96kH1° !o •11 IoIf£'ft J'3GO11 !PM c8&§1a1 1o'& sIIf»(rHarvard ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 22Chicago ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? * ? ? ? 21Columbia ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 19California ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 18Yale ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 18Michigan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 14Cornell ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13Princeton ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? 13Johns Hopkins ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? 11Wisconsin ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 11Minnesota ?, ? ? ? ? ? ? 7300 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEheads of hundreds of thousands of pupils and pupil-teachers. Last year Teachers College gave the M. — that morsel delectable to all American teachers— to 1867 persons, all too many of them after merelya series of courses in educational busywork.With all its size and in spite of its amorphous structure and uneven standards, Columbia has great intellectual wealth for those who care to search it out. It hasexcellent professional schools, especially in medicineand law. Even Teachers College, for all its degree-mongering, has some exceptionally fine scholars andsome yeasty thinkers. The splendid graduate faculty isoften embarrassed by the purple reputation of otherdepartments, but its truly great scientists and scholarsare not deflected from their high standards or their creative work. By any tests of scholarly eminence Columbia easily stands third among American universities. Ithas nineteen departments starred for distinction andnumbers on its faculties fifty- four of America's mostdistinguished scientists.1IllThe University of California is the leader of fourstate Schools which find places in the list of preeminentcentres of American learning. Only a few decades agoit was generally assumed that private endowments werethe only guarantee of high scholarship and pure science.It was supposed that taxpayers and their legislators,while possibly willing to support extensively the passingon of knowledge to the younger generation, would neverrespect high standards or support research. Happilythat has proved to be far from true. State universitiesare now in the very front rank of scholarship in America, as they have been for generations in Germany andFrance and most other countries except England.In some ways state institutions are less secure thanprivate foundations. Legislative appropriations whichmust be made afresh at each biennial session are lessdependable than income on fixed endowment — at leastthey were supposed to be until the depression revealedthe insecurity of any fiscal expectations. In the earlydays, politics tended to infect the administration of public universities. Even today an occasional outburst ofpolitical meddling occurs, as for example the scandalof a few years ago in Mississippi and the opera bouffeantics last autumn in Louisiana. But the older stateuniversities have won a real integrity, and the swiftpunishment by public opinion that recently struck theastonished heads of interfering politicians has prettywell taught self-seeking officials that they had betterleave the educational institutions alone and concentrateupon easier and more accustomed spoils. While therehave been some legislative interference with teaching,as in the notorious monkey kws of Tennessee, and while1. A tabulation of the scientists starred for distinction in the1932 edition of American Men of Science, excluding those who are retired or emeritus, shows that they are concentrated at the followinguniversities, including in the list only institutions having twenty-five ormore: Harvard 78, Chicago 57, Columbia 54, Yale 50, California 46,Johns Hopkins 39, Cornell 35, Princeton 31, Wisconsin 30, Michigan 29,Minnesota 26, Pennsylvania 26, Stanford 25.Another measure of scientific standing is a study of the universitiesat which the leading scientists received preparation for their careers. Thescientists starred for distinction in the 1927 and 1932 editions of American Men of Science took their advanced study, culminating in the Ph.D.or Sc. D., at the following universities, listing only those with twenty-five or more: Harvard 101, Chicago 96, Columbia 65, Johns Hopkins 50,Yale 37, Cornell 32, Princeton 29, California 25. — Author. there are constant threats by individual legionnaires andlegislators against advanced opinions in economics andthe social sciences, there is in actual fact probably nomore interference with the intellectual freedom of stateuniversities than comes from reactionary donors andboards of trustees of private endowments.The University of California — opened in 1869, onlytwenty years after the gold rush — has outstrippedeven Columbia in the doubtful distinction of bigness.Some 24,000 students are annually in residence thereand about 30,000 more attend extension classes throughout the state. Huge professional schools spread overfrom the University's seat in Berkeley into the city ofSan Francisco. And the jealousy of the southern section of the state has forced the development of a largesubdivision in Los Angeles which already numbersnearly 7,000 students, the overwhelming majority ofwhom are women studying to become teachers. In spiteof its size and the factory aspects of certain of its divisions, the University of California in its higher departments has a galaxy of the most distinguished scholarsand scientists in America, who have already set fine traditions in creative scholarship. Eighteen of the graduatedepartments of this university at the far shores of thePacific are rated as among the scientific elite of America.Yale for years has had the best undergraduate collegein the United States. This is the purely personal opinion of a Yale graduate, since too many factors enter intocollege life to make objective appraisals possible. Atany rate the college has always been Yale's pride andjoy. Recently even greater renown has come from theeminent graduate and professional schools, and from thedistinctive contributions to scholarly publication of theYale University Press. In material wealth, Yale is exceeded only by Harvard. While a shocking proportionof her recent money — over $50,000,000 during the pastdecade — has gone into the most extravagant buildingprogramme ever known in academic history, this is notentirely the University's fault. Those particular fundswere available only for buildings, and during the samedecade Yale has added even more — some $52,000,000 —to her endowment, which now amounts to the impressivetotal of $92,000,000.Yale more than once has just missed the chance forprimacy in American education. The most conspicuousinstance was in the middle of the last century, when allthe older colleges were in a rut and when an educationalrenaissance was simply waiting for a leader. The onlysigns of liberal education on the American horizon atthat time were the newer universities of the West. TheNew England colleges of the fifties and sixties were stillsmall seminaries where two to three hundred younggentlemen were presided over by clergymen and taughtroutine subjects by a dozen schoolmasters. There wasa stalemate between the old classical teaching and thenew sciences. It was not merely a question of alternative subjects. The old curriculum was almost entirelyrote drill in grammatical construction and mechanicaltranslation plus some equally routine crossword-puzzlework in mathematics, while the sciences were an intellectual adventure, an opportunity for the student tojoin actively with his professors in exploring new fields.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 301At both Yale and Harvard strong forces of revoltwere in evidence. Able exponents of the new scienceswere at each place and active discussions of educationalpolicy were disturbing the centuries of complacency offaculty and trustees. Momentous decisions were beingforced upon these historic colonial colleges. Harvard,amid anguish and debate, turned from its clerical andformalistic traditions and elected as president in 1869a young professor of chemistry, Charles W. Eliot, whoimmediately began the building of America's greatestuniversity. At this same time Yale had carried evenfurther than Harvard the new ideas in learning and hadan even more brilliant group of scientists: Gibbs,Brewer, Brush, Marsh, Sumner, Dana, Gilman. Yalemight have taken an educational step ahead of Harvard ;she might have selected as the leader of a new programme the young geologist, Daniel C. Gilman, who inalmost every way had the same relation to Yale and educational reform that Eliot had to Harvard. But Yalecould not bring herself to accept her own greatness andpotentialities. Instead, in 1863, the Sheffield ScientificSchool was founded as a separate corporation to fosterthe sciences which Yale College continued to snub, andin 1871 Reverend Noah Porter was made president tocontinue the clerical and schoolmasterish traditions.Yale is sometimes referred to as the Mother ofColleges. Many of her graduates and professors havegone elsewhere to lead notable educational movements :Gilman to inaugurate the new University of Californiaand to direct the brilliant course of Johns Hopkins,Andrew D. White to introduce fresh methods at Cornell, Harper to launch the University of Chicago, William H. Welch to start a new kind of medical educationat Johns Hopkins, Charles H. Judd to create a greatSchool of Education at Chicago, Guy Stanton Ford tobuild up one of the most vigorous of modern graduateschools at Minnesota, Robert M. Hutchins to introducefurther educational liberalism at Chicago. Of courseinterchange of professors and leaders goes on continually among universities and is one of the means of educational progress. If Yale has suffered conspicuously,her loss is the nation's gain.IVThe next six universities fall clearly into the second bracket, but the relative rating among them is difficult. One can arrange this second set in any orderamong themselves and have good reason for it, except that Minnesota, in spite of recent rapid gains, isstill probably not above eleventh in scholarly eminence.I have set them down in a certain rank, which seemsto me justified, but even the criteria that I have followed indicate first one order and then another.Michigan is the oldest of the great group of Western state universities, dating in its direct ancestry to the"Catholepistemiad of Michigania" of 1817 and in itspresent organization to one of the first acts of the legislature of the newly created State of Michigan in 1837.It has an honored history and an illustrious present.Cornell, which I placed next, is especially strong inthe sciences which underlie medicine and agriculture,and is one of the few general universities which havedeveloped the engineering sciences to a high point. Michigan and Cornell were among the first to developthe new sciences. Even in the sixties both of themwere moving toward the modern concept of a university.Princeton has the most brilliant recent history ofall the universities of this second group. Up to theyear 1902, when Woodrow Wilson became its president,no one would have thought of naming Princeton in anylist of institutions selected for scientific research or theadvancement of knowledge. At that time it was familiarly referred to as "America's most delightful country club." A fashionable assembly of young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty- two, many ofthem from the leading families of the Old South, werewont to spend four agreeable years in this New Jerseyvillage, attending classes under benign and not too vigorous teachers, playing football with enthusiasm and success, and singing on balmy spring and autumn eveningson the steps of Old Nassau. Meanwhile the PrincetonTheological Seminary, Presbyterian and fundamentalist,kept up the traditions of gentility untroubled by anything so bourgeois as intellectual struggle.President Wilson declared, "The side shows havegrown more important than the main tent," and set outruthlessly to change it all. He attacked the studentclubs, citadels of complacent snobbishness. He urged atutorial system to stir the intellectual fire of individualstudents. He opposed the project of Dean West to remove the Graduate School to a separate and secludedplot, arguing that even undergraduates should bescholars, and that research and high intellectual endeavorshould not be confined to cloisters but should inspireand infect the whole life of an institution. It is hard,thirty years later, to recapture the spirit of that struggle ;the driving enthusiasm of the crusading president; thebitter anger of the guardians of Princeton's pleasanttraditions. Finally Dean West won his particular fightby getting a donation which sealed the fate of the newGraduate School. Wilson resigned, and it looked asthough any hope for keen scholarship at Princeton werelost. But the spirit of the crusade survived its leader.Fortunately the technical victory of Dean West securednot only a home but an endowment for graduate studies,and as a result scholarship was enthroned at Princeton as it had never been before.Other events have added to the scientific eminenceof the Princeton community. For twenty years the department of animal pathology of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research has been near by. More recently Abraham Flexner has also placed his Institutefor Advanced Study in Princeton. This new graduateschool will share in and add to the scientific wealth ofthe university. Dr. Flexner, a lifelong protagonist ofthe university ideal, is building his new organizationexclusively, on pure science in its higher reaches.Among his first appointments was Albert Einstein andhe has added four others of the world's greatest mathematicians to his small research group. Thus the mathematics personnel in this New Jersey community isalready the most distinguished in the world. WithFlexner's recondite faculty and the new devotion toscholarship of Princeton itself, ably financed by wealthyalumni and friends, this university in a single generation302 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhas changed from America's leading country club toone of the nation's centres of highest scholarship.Johns Hopkins is another exciting member of ourgalaxy of institutions of higher learning. It opened itsdoors in 1876 as the first real university in America —that is, the first institution to put its emphasis on thehigher branches of knowledge. Established by whatat that time was a fabulous bequest (seven million dollars) from a Baltimore merchant, — quizzical'y reputedto have been so ignorant that he didn't even knowhow to spell his own first name, — the new university atonce began to set fresh standards in American scholarship. The direction of the new school was put into thehands of a great scholar, Daniel C. Gilman, whose onepurpose was to assemble a faculty of brilliant scientistsand a student body of serious-minded scholars. Themedical school, opened a decade and a half later undersuch leaders as William H. Welch and William Osier,transformed what had hitherto been regarded as routineprofessional training into an organization devoted largelyto advancing the science of medicine.The intellectual ferment stirred up by this newkind of university spread widely. The influence of theBaltimore institution was for many years paramountin American scholarship. It was a potent factor in thedevelopment of research and graduate instruction atHarvard, and it started a movement which twenty yearslater another new school, the University of Chicago,was able to carry much further. By all reasonable expectations Johns Hopkins should have developed intoAmerica's leading institution of learning. But after thefirst dazzling bequest, and in spite of gifts totaling sometwenty million dollars from the Rockefeller boards forthe medical departments, the university has had greatdifficulty in financing itself. Furthermore, the urge todevelop conventional departments became irresistible.College life on the handsome new campus at Home-wood, the training of teachers, and extension courseshave diverted a part of the attention which at first wentsolely to high scholarship, Johns Hopkins has failedto maintain the leadership that was expected of it fiftyyears ago. However, even to-day there are those whoinsist that it is still the finest of American universities,that within its resources — its annual budgets of approximately two and a half million dollars are less than onequarter those of Harvard, Columbia, and California — itdevotes itself with more nearly single purpose to scholarship than any other institution on this continent.The list closes with two of the most interestingof the Midwestern state universities — institutions whichhave combined the advancement of learning in its veryhighest branches with general educational service to thewhole population of their states. Wisconsin has theolder history of scholarship and of state-wide service,but during recent years Minnesota has been climbingrapidly while Wisconsin, has lost some of the distinctionshe held during the great days of Van Hise. Under intelligent leadership of president and deans, infusedequally with imagination and common sense, with political sagacity and downright courage, Minnesota offers today the finest example of what a university maymean in influence upon a whole great state. I have not named the twelfth institution. This isnot only to allow myself an alley of escape from thefierce claims of a multitude of universities to a placein America's first dozen, but because no other institution, by any objective tests that I have applied, approaches the eminence of the eleven I have listed. Ifone were to attempt to fill this place he would have toweigh the claims of a number of universities whichhave distinction in certain branches but which lack thewidespread eminence of the leaders. The most activecontestants for twelfth place are Stanford University inCalifornia, the Universities of Pennsylvania, Illinois,and Iowa, and Ohio State University. WashingtonUniversity in Saint Louis, and the University ofRochester are strong in the medical sciences but notequally so in other subjects. The two great technicalschools — Massachusetts Institute of Technology andCalifornia Institute of Technology — are preeminent inengineering and mathematics and the physical sciences *which underlie this profession, but they lack the universality of scholarship implied in the term "university."VIt would be agreeable to turn for a moment fromthis consideration of pure scholarship to contemplateschools which are most interesting for other reasons.So far as undergraduates are concerned, the advancement of the borders of truth is not of such immediateconcern as a stimulating environment in which to acquire a general grasp of existing knowledge and to begina wholesome growth toward the ideal of a scholar and agentleman.If I were picking a small college, I should placeSwarthmore at the head of the list. Standing just outside the culturally rich city of Philadelphia, with a tolerant and intelligent Quaker background, this college isone of the few smaller institutions which have been ableto appoint professors of a distinction approaching thoseof the great universities, yet has never forgotten thefact that stimulating teaching is the first duty of a college. Under the able direction of President Aydelotteit has eschewed the temptations of bigness or any kindof professional training and has concentrated its veryconsiderable resources on first-rate general education.America has plenty of good small colleges. Amongthem Amherst and Williams in Massachusetts, Carletonin Minnesota, and the Claremont group cf colleges inSouthern California happen to be my favorites. Dartmouth, in the New Hampshire hills, is a most excellentplace. Founded about 1750 by a Yale graduate first asa charity school for Indians, Dartmouth has educatedmany of America's famous men and has held an honorable place for nearly two centuries among the groupof New England colleges which were the beginnings ofAmerican education. In spite of its recent growth innumbers and wealth, it takes pride in keeping itself acollege rather than a university, cherishing the historicplea of Daniel Webster before the United States Supreme Court which established the inviolable rights ofthe college. There has grown up recently an activegroup of "progressive colleges," among the most notableTHE UNIVERSITY O^ CHICAGO MAGAZINE 303of which are Antioch in Ohio and Bennington (forwomen only) in Vermont.The most exciting American institution for thegeneral undergraduate student is the University of Hawaii. Situated on the slopes of the picturesque volcanichills of Honolulu, at the crossroads of the Pacific, thisyoungest of our state universities offers sound instruction in the conventional subjects and a stirring educationin world citizenship obtainable nowhere else. Amongits educational influences is the presence of considerablenumbers of able and attractive Japanese and Chinesestudents who guarantee an intellectual competition stimulating and often distressing even to the best of Nordicbrains. A smaller number of Polynesians and a fewstudents from Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines,and other Pacific countries combine to make this themost cosmopolitan of American colleges. The presenceon the regular faculty of a Japanese and a Chinese professor and visiting lecturers from many countries ofEurope and Asia, together with scholarly attention toEastern arts and civilizations as well as to those of theWest, offer a broadening of view highly desirable tothe average American youth. The atmosphere is stimulating also because of the important scientific research otthe biological experiment stations of the large sugar andpineapple interests of the Islands, the investigations inethnology and natural history of the Bishop Museum,and the special studies of Pacific problems, both socialand physical, supported by special grants from foundations.A similarly stimulating environment is the Universityof New Mexico, where the student may rub shoulderswith Indian, Spanish, and Anglo-Saxon cultures in asetting refreshing both as to human and as to naturalscene.For their undergraduate course I strongly adviseevery boy and girl who can possibly do it to go to acollege outside the home region. This is done by largenumbers from the West and South, who, as a matterof course, go East to college. But one reason why NewEngland and the North Atlantic seaboard are so muchmore provincial than other sections of the country isthat Eastern students have not even considered goingelsewhere for their education. Today excellent collegesmay be found all the way from Boston to Hawaii, andany student who does not roam a thousand miles or moreduring his undergraduate years misses the very considerable educational stimulus of fresh environment.VIIn contemplating American scholarship, the sectionaldistribution of the great centres is significant. A surprise is the wealth of the Midwest in institutions of thefirst rank. Of course the Eastern seaboard still holdspriority. Of the eleven universities named in my list,five are on the Atlantic coast and one other, Cornell,while still regarded by New Englanders as hopelesslyWestern, is really a part of the Atlantic coastal group.The preponderance of America's scholars is still in theEast, where the nation began. Nevertheless, one whohas not thought much about it is amazed to find thatfour of America's eleven greatest centres of learning, and in addition three of the five most active claimantsto twelfth place, are in that section which is so verynew and which is supposed to have little regard foranything above the material progress represented byharvesting machines, canned meat, the wheat pit, andmail-order catalogues.The scholastic eminence of the Midwest is duelargely to a single influence : the fact that the Universityof Chicago was enabled to build itself into an institutionof such high distinction that it set standards and established traditions which the surrounding universitieswere almost forced to follow. The Rockefeller millionsand the Harper leadership not only created a great university; they transformed the intellectual standards ofa whole region.An even more striking item is that no universityin the whole South is of a scholarly eminence justifying a place on this list or even on much longer cataloguesof America's leading universities. The Atlantic seaboard, the Midwest, and the Pacific slope are all contributing toward the highest reaches of the intellectuallife. The South alone is outside the main currents ofscience and scholarship.The Association of American Universities has admitted to its membership only three Southern institutions : the Universities of North Carolina, Virginia, andTexas. In the twenty-four fundamental branches oflearning which I have used as the basis of my tabulation, there are a total of 206 university departmentsthroughout the country rated as distinguished. Of these,only one is found in a Southern university — the Institutefor Reseach in Social Science under the brilliant direction of Dr. Howard Odum at the University of NorthCarolina.2 One place of eminence out of two hundredfor a region which represents nearly a third of the areaand more than a quarter of the population of the entirenation !I comment on this shortage in the South, not incaptious criticism, but in the earnest hope that something will be done about it. The South is still producing about as many of the nation's leaders as anyother region. But the lack of business opportunity hasdriven most of the industrially ambitious to careers inthe North, and the lack of intellectual opportunity hasdriven the best brains to universities in the East andWest for their advanced study and for their academiccareers. Even one university of first rank would rallythe intellectual forces of the region, would provide acentre at which Southern scholars could make theircareers and to which a fair share of the best minds ofother sections could be drawn. And it might be expected to have immediate influence on neighboring institutions, just as Chicago has raised the scholarly toneof the whole group of Midwestern universities.Happily there are centres which might readily bebuilt into great universities. In addition to the threewhich are now members of the Association of American{Continued on page 315)2. In the American Council list of thirty-five departments and sub-departments, the University of Texas is also starred for eminence in thespecialty of genetics. Scholarly assets begin to appear in at least^ twoNegro universities: Fisk and Atlanta. The division of social scienceunder Charles S. Johnson at Fisk is among the most productive of Southern institutes. — Author.IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHTMR. C. H. KOENITZER lives in Oak Park. Although he is just around the corner from theUniversity he never seems to find time to visitthe quadrangles except once each year. Always, on theSaturday of the Fraternity Sing, he leaves his home inthis western suburb for his annual trip to the Midwayto spend the day renewing old acquaintances and visiting familiar scenes.When you have exhausted your "way back when"stories of 1906, 1899, or even 1893, and you have arrivedat that comfortable old-timerish "earlier than thou"feeling, Mr. Koenitzer quietly remembers "... the fallof '85, my first year at the University, when the campuswas at 35th and Cottage Grove. Theathletic field was a grassy yard backof the main building and a little north.It was the only plot of ground nearthe school that wasn't cluttered withoak trees and was large enough for theplaying of Rugby.There was just one drawback tothis field. Professor Colbert, of theAstronomical Department, could neverquite understand why his cow shouldbe so unwelcome on a field where itwas manifestly an advantage to havethe grass mowed. Each afternoon thecow had to be tied in an adjoining lotbefore it was considered safe to proceed with the game."Came the morning after Halloween. The good professor, wishing milk for breakfast,was forced to climb out on the third floor roof of thechapel to do the morning chores. Bossy stood overlooking the city of Chicago from behind stone battlements. Bossy was once more in the wrong pew — orabove it!"They got her down the way they put her up [Mr.Koenitzer avoids supplying the antecedent for 'they'] byborrowing the block and tackle from the fire house inthe district, but the cow played no more Rugby that fall."There are other interesting stories of the Old University if you are interested. The one, for instance,about the stolen cornerstone strong box. The cornerstone laying took place on July 4, 1857, in the presenceof many notables including the founder, the HonorableStephen A. Douglas. That night thieves used the derrick, which had been left after the ceremonies of theday, to remove the stone and stole the box. The boxand part of the contents were found the next day in anearby field by Mr. Koenitzer's father. It was decidednot to replace the box at the time, probably because itwould be some time before work continued on thebuilding.In fact, construction was not resumed until July15, 1858, when work was started on the south wing, • By HOWARD W. MORT, Editor, Tower Topicsknown as Jones Hall, but it was not ready for occupancy until the fall of '59. The north wing, DouglasHall, was started July 7, 1863, and completed in thespring of 1866.A major civil war, a couple of panics, and two Chicago fires finally proved too much for the financially-burdened university, and the convocation of June 16,1886, became the obsequies for the thirty-three year-oldoriginal University of Chicago.A part of the stone from the main building wasused in 1890 in the building of the Calvary BaptistChurch on the southeast corner of Wabash and 38thstreet. The stone entryway in this church is the stone-*for-stone entrance to the old University of Chicago building, and the greatoak-paneled doors are the same.Mr. Koenitzer devoted his sparetime during the years from 1907 to1927 in the gathering of all availablehistorical data relating to the old University of Chicago. At the end of thisperiod he presented to the Universitya well organized history of this oldinstitution in company with accurateillustrations and descriptions of thebuildings and equipment. This bookis now in the Rare Book section ofHarper Library.The bonding stone set in the walkbetween Cobb Hall and the "C" benchand the buttress stone built into the wall between Wie-boldt and Classics buildings were both given to theUniversity by Mr. Koenitzer. It is an interesting coincidence that Mr. Koenitzer studied art at the Universityin 1926, while the stone he gave the University restspermanently in one of the walls of the building setapart for the study of art.Our Fan MailWith Alexander Woollcott and other noted writersflaunting literally tons of fan mail in our journalisticface, we have been trying desperately to decide what tohave you tear the cover off of to send in for yourcopy of . . . well, something — we hadn't decidedjust what.Inadvertently we struck upon a scheme which welike solely because of its subtlety. In our April column,you may remember, we referred to "three boisterousrobins" and then, to impress you with the feeling thatour major credit in ornithology was legitimate, welabeled them in a foreign tongue as is the habit of mostlearned men. The result was that our fan mail camepouring in. It was dated May 9, 1935, and reads, inpart, as follows :"May I be permitted to congratulate The University304THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 305of Chicago Magazinein making an important scoop. I am referring to the remarkable announcement on p. 223 of theApril number thatthree specimens ofthe European robinredbreast Erithacusrebecula have beensighted on ourcampus."Of course there is no possibility of mistaking thisbird for our American robin, Turdus migratorius, sincethe two are quite different in size and many other respects. As far as I know this is the first well-authenticated report of a visit by the European bird to theseshores . . . (there is more of this in the same vein,but we'll finish with his closing sentence) . . . And tothink that all this should have happened right on ourown campus ! Yours conservatively, F S "We appreciate the complimentary tone of the letter,but we suspect a touch of sarcasm here and there ! Andthat "Yours conservatively" is definitely disconcerting.Come to think of it we do remember Webster usingthe phrase in connection with the English robin redbreast, but we assumed that, like a Ford, a robin is arobin whether he chooses England or Brazil for his citizenship papers.Aside from all the above, please note the class ofthe highly educated people who read our column!Probably Light ShowersAnother successful Fraternity Sing has passed intohistory and the Alpha Delta Phis are displaying anothersilver cup in their trophy case. We suppose if you wereunable to attend in person you tuned in on NBC at9:30 (Chicago Daylight Saving Time) and spent halfan hour with us at Hutchinson Court.It was a perfect evening, with scarcely a disturbingbreeze and no rain — which enables us to remark, as always, that it has never rained during a Fraternity Sing.Speaking of rain, we were somewhat perturbed the daybefore the Sing.Mr. Monroe Cohen, one of the government meteorologists stationed at the University, dropped in Fridaymorning of that week and made the casual but officialremark that there was a strong possibility of rain Saturday evening. We made some reply to the effect that"them's fightin' words, pardner" and got involved in along discussion as to what might be done about it — theweather.Before we finished this discussion with Mr. Cohen,we found ourselves in the tower up under the roof ofRosenwald Hall gaining first hand information on howthis weather forecast business works.There are five official government forecasting districts in the United States : Washington, D. C, Chicago,New Orleans, Denver, and San Francisco. We weresitting in the office where these records are made for theChicago district. These forecasts are arrived at fromthe information received twice daily from a multitude of smaller stations established at important weather centers throughout these five districts.Mr. Cohen had the file of the morning reports forJune sixth, which he handed to us for perusal. Weselected one at random which read as follows :"JOSEPH TORMENT BEANBAG FOMENTKABAKOS MUREX MEGAPODE WEEPING."We hasten to explain that this is not a code messagefrom Russia. It is a weather report from St. Joseph,Missouri — in code for purposes of brevity only. Mr.Cohen, looking over our shoulder, interpreted it for us :TO of the second word represents a barometerreading of 29.98 and ME a temperature of 54 degrees.The first B in BEANBAG signifies that the wind direction is north ; E that the sky is cloudy and BA that thewind velocity is 12 miles per hour.The F in FOMENT designates a steadily risingtemperature ; the O, .08 rise in the past three hours andME a minimum temperature of 54 degrees.KABAKOS records a jump in air pressure of .12in the last three hours. If it had jumped .14 the wordwould have been KASBEK.MU in MUREX establishes the dew point at 50degrees and RE a maximum temperature of 74 degreeswithin the past twenty- four hours.MEGAPODE refers to rainfall. ME lists the timeas between two and four a.m. GA records a precipitation of .42 inches.You have doubtless guessed what WEEPINGmeans. There was a heavy two-hour thunder stormwhich began between eight and nine p.m.As complicated as the above report appears, it iseven more so. The position of the word in the messagemust always be considered. Our interest in the reportfrom Eureka, California, was attracted to the wordMAROON for obvious reasons. It was the last wordin the message. In that position it meant that the lastrain recorded began between one and two a.m. and .78inches fell within the two-hour period. If MAROONhad been the first word, the interpretation would be:barometer reading .52; temperature 78 degrees, etc.With our modern equipment and highly trainedmeteorologists, the unfortunate weather just hasn't anyprivacy. These men not only know every move it makes,but they anticipate most of them in advance. If youthink St. Peter's recordof everything you do - r-^is detailed, you shouldsee the shelves of datareckoned to the last second recording the misbehavior of the weather.A drop of rain, a nervous gust of wind, ablinking sunbeam on acloudy day, the direction of a breath of air— it's all registered inthe Doomsday Book inMr. Cohen's office inRosenwald tower. The Burns Detective Agency neverkept as close a check on the movements of a suspicious(Continued on page 316) ^r -SIX CANVASESBring Persepolis to the UniversityUNDOUBTEDLY Mr. Joseph Lindon Smith hashad more experience in the painting of ancientmonuments than any other American artist. Foryears he has spent his winters at the camp of the Harvard-Boston Expedition at the Pyramids of Giza, whoseenvironing monuments he has captured upon canvasesof rare distinction.One of the leading attractions of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts is a collection of Mr. Smith's Egyptian and other paintings, forming a permanent group.In the summer of 1934 the Oriental Institute wasable to make arrangements with Mr. Smith to go out toPersia to visit the Institute's Iranian (Persian) Expedition at Persepolis, in order to make a series of paintingsof those superlatively impressive ruins which are now allthat remains of the great palaces of Darius and Xerxes.During the winter of 1934-35, therefore, Mr. Smith, accompanied by his wife, Corinne Lindon Smith, made thedifficult and arduous journey to Persepolis, which noartist of his distinction had ever before visited. The sixpaintings which he produced during his five weeks' stayat this site are brilliant achievements.The collection comprises three copies of the superbrelief sculptures on the scale of the original, a generalview of the Persepolis ruins (10 feet wide and 6 feethigh), and two upright panels (8 feet high by 6 feetwide) showing some of the lonely columns upon thegreat terrace. All of these will be hung on the west wallON Shiraz's best note paper I wish to give an account of ourselves before we leave Persepolis theend of this week en route for Boston via Egypt.All winter the delightful Christmas cards from you andthe Charles Breasteds adorned the adobe walls in ourpyramid home and were a pleasant reminder of this Persian adventure arranged by the Oriental Institute.It will always remain one of the most worthwhileexperiences among the many we have had in Joe's longpainting career that has taken us to many out of the wayplaces in distant countries. Prentice Duell devoted muchtime and energy to preliminary details and thanks tohis efficiency and the Institute's communication to thePersian Minister in Washington, all went smoothly. . . .March 5 was the fatal date set for the seven footlong tin tube containing Joe's canvas to burst upon thestartled gaze of the blue coated police at the Persianfrontier of Khosrovieh, but having been duly forewarnedit apparently seemed less formidable than they had expected. My heart, I must confess, beat rather fasteras I waited in the car for Joe's return from the builcl- of the Palestinian Hall in the Oriental Institute Building.To transport canvases of this size to Iran was notan easy matter, but to bring them home in safety waseven more of an undertaking. On the eve of their returnjourney from Persepolis, Mrs. Smith wrote a letter- toDr. Breasted, describing their trip outward, their stay inPersepolis, and their preparations for the start homeward.Corinne Lindon Smith is the daughter of the wellknown publisher, the late Major George Haven Putnam,a Civil War veteran of great military distinction, whosemany civil activities included the founding of the English Speaking Union.Mrs. Smith is an accomplished Arabic scholar, andher life of wide activity includes eminent service toFrance during the post-war recovery period concerningwhich she produced a book called, Rising above theRuins. For her services to the French people she wasdecorated with the Legion of Honor. She is advisor ofthe Indian Welfare Branch of the Federation of Women's Clubs of America, and likewise of the State andProvincial Health Authorities in connection with Indianwelfare.Her letter to Dr. Breasted, reprinted below, is sufficient evidence of her skill as a writer to require no further comment beyond this expression of our appreciationof her kindness in thus permitting us to share it with thereaders of the into which he had disappeared with our papers. Butall was well ! As we sped triumphantly over Persiansoil, he told me he had been received with ceremoniouscourtesy and that the officials wanted to know what theycould do for him. "Nothing," he replied, "except permit me, my baggage and my wife to enter Persia." "Weare honored by your presence," was the answer. Joewas jubilant, but I took him down some by inquiringwhy he had mentioned his "baggage" before his "wife."We thoroughly enjoyed the road in spite of habitual6:00 A. M. starts, indifferent food, and hard bedsin simple inns where willing service, however, made upfor a lack of amenities. We rejoiced in being in Persiaahead of a railroad, and in our amusing fellow travelersin the form of livestock. We found all animals sophisticated, and they recognized that the tooting of a hornmeant their right of way had been successfully disputedon the highway, and even the supercilious camels stoppednot to reason why. Not so with the huge trucks laboringnoisily along, a menace to all concerned on the highpasses with steep grades and abrupt turns, and the carts — oA LETTER TO DR. BREASTED306THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 307carrying timber sticking far out behind. Drivers ofboth had fortified themselves against the hardships of theroad by frequent resort to opium and in their resultinghappy visions was not included a motor with two JoeSmiths impatient to get by. They hugged tenaciouslythe middle of the road and you can imagine our chauffeur's expressive epithets hurled at them in just wrath.You who know the landscape can realize how muchJoe — as an artist — appreciated the great plains encircledby superb mountains and the hills in the foregroundthat figure so largely in Persian miniatures, and primitive towns and villages with the simple flat roofed housesin color like the desert and rocky ledges of which theyseemed to form a part.Unlike the lotus eaters we did not forget our goalin the charm of the places where we stopped, but pushedon with great rapidity. It was near the sunset hourwhen we had our first sight of the terrace of Persepolis.No need to describe to you our sensations as wewandered about studying the ruins from every angle. Isaw at once that Joe was in for an embarrass de richessein selecting his subjects. I remembered, and so did he,the contents of your first letter to him suggesting someof the possibilities from the viewpoint of one who knewPersepolis well from intimate contact.By 7:30 the following morning Joe was out againon the terrace and all day he studied the ruins in varying lights and from different positions. By dark hischoice was made. An ambitious program to cover insix weeks, but he will have accomplished it, and I'mconfident the result will please you.The three landscapes are two uprights and a panorama taking in the corner of the wall (facing the plain),the great stairway, and the entire audience hall andpalaces, and even one of the tombs on the hillside. Oneof the" uprights is of five columns alone, with sky andmountains, and the other gives four columns and in theforeground the whole of the stairway your expeditionuncovered.Having completed this comprehensive landscapeproject he turned with equal enthusiasm to details ofthe sculptured reliefs, the fine horse surrounded byEuropean Scythians, three large heads of guards, aMede between two Persians that face the center tableton this stairway, both pictures painted the size of theoriginal, as is his final subject, that of the bull clawedby the lion, to the right of this stairway when comingto it from the harem.During the six weeks of our stay he has taken butone full day off and his painting hours daily have averaged from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. He has kept well and hisenthusiasm, as he finishes with the lion's tail, has remained throughout his work unimpaired, in spite ofdoing some hundreds of curls on human faces or decorating animals. He says he's qualified now to take uppermanent waving as a barber.We have been most comfortable in the big suitefacing the garden (now in bloom) which no doubt youoccupied. The American made beds, cheering woodopen fire, and sofa in the sitting room are luxuries indeed!We like your staff immensely. Mr. Krefter,as host, is always thoughtful and helpful in every "His canvas ivhile he works is kept in the large wooden box indicated in the picture and held secure against potential damage fromheavy gusts of wind by an ingenious contrivance of ropes andstones and ladders."way and runs the establishment extremely well. Yourphotographer, Mr. von Busse, certainly takes wonderful pictures of the details of Persepolis as alsoof Joe at work on them. Mr. Bergner's architecturaldrawings have interested us, and Donald McCown as aboy from home has become an intimate. All of thempaint acceptably and naturally have turned to Joe foradvice and criticisms. Joe's painting has been greatlyfacilitated by the congenial atmosphere created by yourstaff.His canvas while he works is kept in the largewooden box indicated in the picture and held secureagainst potential damage from heavy gusts of wind byan ingenious contrivance of ropes and stones and ladders.It's quite a job putting the pictures to bed in situ anduncovering them again in the morning. . . .We've had one full moon here, a perfect night, andas the moon rose to the right height above the stairway,the illusion was created that we were looking at a pageant of live people staged for our benefit. Now anotherfull moon will bid us farewell.The moment has arrived for Joe to roll up hiscanvas heavy with paint to replace it in the tin box, torepack our personal belongings in our dust worn valisesand to have the barred entrance to Darius' superb creation spring open, then snap back after our exit, probably308 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE— alas! — never again to beremoved to welcome theJoe Smiths.Before long I fear thedeeds of Elamites, Achae-menians, Sassanians andothers so vivid from my recent study will fade frommy memory like a brokendream, but Persepolis willremain before my mentalvision. The great terracewith its stately columnsreaching right into the deepblue sky, the stone stairways and carved doorwaysof the audience hall andpalace of Darius I will never forget. Nor the Kingof Kings himself as I have ¦seen him day after day withhis tight curls and the god in a winged disc over his headprotectingly surrounded by his royal body guard, withgroups of vassal nations passing before him.What an emotion is created by these hundreds ofhuman figures and animals moving in a dignified ceremonial procession along the stone representing many nations, wearing different clothes and headgear. Otherwisethere is no variation. The same pose, and almost thesame features; bulls torn by lion's claws, monsters receiving the royal dagger into their entrails goingThe grand double stairway leading to the audience hallof the emperors at Persepolis, unearthed by the OrientalInstitute's Iranian Expedition, is one of the most beautiful works of art of the ancient world which has survived to modern times. through their ordeal in thesame calm ceremonialtempo.The endless repetition isnever monotonous but servesto accentuate the awedmood in which I meet themall, absorbing from thissculptured stone the symbolical purpose and realityof the pomp and power tjfDarius.In future when I readof the absurd antics ofHuey Longs and Coughlins,an American contribution todemocracy, I will, with asense of detachment, encourage my thoughts towander to the spectacle ofa great government depictedso gloriously at Persepolis.Joe asked me to send his cordial greetings withmine, to you and the Charles Breasteds and salaams totheir small son and heir. Also to tell you that he willbring on to you the six pictures soon after our arrival onMay 27 . . . and with a sincere regret he will returnthe red sealed document stating that he was attachedto the Oriental Institute.I am sincerely yours,Corinne Lindon Smith.oTHE MODERN UNIVERSITY IS A MENACE*I, too, have a niece ; and she'sstudying at the University of Chicago. The other morning at breakfast — or it would have been at breakfast if I had breakfast with her ;as a matter of fact it was at lunch,which is really a much better timefor the discussion of such matters.Well, anyway, at breakfast or lunch— or maybe even at cocktails — Iasked her how she was getting alongat college. And was I shocked by herreply!"Uncle," she said, "it is my opinionthat the accomplishments of this administration haven't been very reassuring. Business quails in the face ofsuch threats as the future tax loadand the antagonism to profits.""My child!" I cried, aghast.* Reprinted by permission from The ChicagoDailv News. "Where did you pick up such ideas,not to speak of such language?"She reached for a Murad and anotebook. "It's from a lecture in theSchool of Business," she said tranquilly. "And if you think that's anything, listen to this :'There is a gradually growingfear for the future buying powerof the dollar and distrust of government plans for recovery.'"And what is more," she said, closing the book, "I have grave fears thatthe federal credit is impaired, and Ifeel that inflation is inevitable."I looked at her, speechless. Herewas a maiden of gentle birth, carefully brought up in a good home,sheltered against all subversive influences ; yet right under my nose shehad learned to talk like Ogden Mills. By HOWARD VINCENT O'BRIENHer plastic young mind was a gardenfilled with weeds from Wall street.Any minute I expected her to say thatrecovery was just around the corner.I was grieved, I was pained. I wasalarmed. What's the country comingto, I wondered, when one's niece canbe stolen away in this manner? Theuniversity should be investigated, andthose teachers who, under the guise ofbusiness education, spread hereticalpropaganda should be dismissed. Thegovernment should do somethingabout it. It is being insidiously attacked.I tried to reason with my niece. Shemerely made noises that, I regret tosay, indicated derision. I rushed tothe phone and called up the presidentof the university. I am sorry that hisreply cannot be printed. This is a(Continued on Page 316)IN MY OPINION• By FREDTHE latest chapter in the history of the PulitzerPrizes resembles its predecessors in tragi-comicfeatures. On this occasion, as previously, disagreement between the recommending committees andthe final authority, the Advisory Board of the ColumbiaSchool of Journalism, has been aired in the public press.On this occasion, similarly, the press has displayed fairlygeneral dissatisfaction, not to say argumentative acrimony, toward one or another of the awards. Each year'sawards would seem to be making clearer the fundamentally unsatisfactory technique and conditions for thedesignation of the prize winners.*The Pulitzer prizes were only a few years old whentrouble began to develop between the recommendingcommittees and the Advisory Board. In 1921, the novelcommittee recommended Zona Gale's Miss Lulu Bett;the Board, however, rejected this recommendation, andgave the prize to Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence. In 1924, the drama committee recommendedGeorge Kelly's The Show-Off, but the prize was bestowed on H ell-Bent for Heaven by Hatcher Hughes,a member of the faculty of Columbia University.In 1926, the novel award to Arrowsmith was refused by its author, Sinclair Lewis. He explained hisrejection in these terms : "All prizes, like all titles, aredangerous. The seekers after prizes tend to labor notfor inherent excellence but for alien rewards ; they tendto write this, or timorously to avoid writing that, inorder to tickle the prejudices of a haphazard committee.And the Pulitzer Prize for Novels is peculiarly objectionable because the terms of it have been constantlyand grieviously misrepresented. . . . Between the PulitzerPrizes, the American Academy of Arts and Letters andits training school, the National Institute of Arts andLetters, amateur boards of censorship, and the inquisition of earnest, literary ladies, every compulsion is putupon authors to become safe, polite, obedient, andsterile." When in 1930 he accepted the Nobel awardfor literature, Lewis felt it necessary to explain furtherthe earlier refusal and the later acceptance. On thisoccasion, he said, "The Pulitzer Prize is cramped by theprovisions of Mr. Pulitzer's will that the prize shall begiven to the American novel published during the yearwhich shall present the wholesome atmosphere, of American life and the highest standard of American mannersand manhood. This suggests not actual literary merit,but an obedience to whatever code of good form maychance, to be popular at the moment. As a result, thePulitzer Prize has been given to some mediocre novels,along with some admirable novels."In 1929, Richard Burton, then chairman of the*The 1935 awards, announced on May 6, at an alumni dinner of theColumbia School of Journalism, are as follows: Novel — Josephine Johnson,Now in November; Drama — Zoe Akins, The Old Maid; Poetry — AudreyWurdemann, Bright Ambush; Biography — Douglas S. Freeman, R. E. Lee;History — Charles McLean Andrews, The Colonial< Period in AmericanHistory. For a complete list of American and British honorary and publishers' prizes, see the article "Literary Prize Winners," The English Journal, April, 1935. B. MILLETT, PhD "31 Associate Professor of Englishnovel jury, announced in a public lecture that the novelprize was to go to John R. Oliver's Victim and Victor.The advisory board, thereupon, asked for further recommendations. The novel committee complied by submitting Julia Peterkin's Scarlet Sister Mary and, withgreater enthusiasm, Upton Sinclair's Boston, then bannedfrom sale in the city of that name. The Board chose(as the lesser of two evils?) Scarlet Sister Mary, thelife-history of a negress without a moral to her name!In 1931, as a belated justification, perhaps, for bestowing the award in 1928 on Thornton Wilder's SouthAmerican novel, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, it wasannounced that the qualifying restrictions on the novelaward would be abolished, and that henceforth the prizewould be given to the best novel on any theme.But the liveliest controversy concerning the Prizescame in 1934. A week before the official announcementof the awards, Walter Winchell, the most unsavory ofthe columnists, broke, it is charged, the press releasedate and broadcast the news that the drama jury hadvoted unanimously for Maxwell Anderson's Mary ofScotland. The committee, however, was overruled bythe Advisory Board, which bestowed the award onSidney Kingsley's Men in White. The drama committee,consisting of Clayton Hamilton, Walter Prichard Eaton,and Austin Strong, made it known, that though theyrealized they were retained in a merely advisory capacity,Winchell had been right about their recommendation.The committee, then, resigned. At the same time, itcame to light that the novel committee (Robert MorssLovett, Albert B. Bain, and Jefferson B. Fletcher) hadrecommended, first, Helen C. White's A. Watch in theNight, a novel concerning the thirteenth- century poet,Jacopo da Todi, and, second, Caroline Miller's Lamb inHis Bosom. The prize went to the latter book. Apparently for the first time, there was some difficulty inconnection with the history award. Two members of thejury voted for Mark Sullivan's Over Here; one membervoted against making any history award. When theBoard gave the prize to Herbert Agar's The People'sChoice, the cry of "Politics" arose in certain quarters.This multiplication of controversies prompted President Nicholas Murray Butler to make the following announcement: "It has now been established that thesejuries will not be expected to make recommendations forthe award of any prize, but rather to present an eligiblelist of candidates for each prize, together with a statement of the reasons why the particular candidate isworthy of serious consideration. These eligible lists willthen guide the Advisory Board in making its definiterecommendations." At the same time the phrase "preferably dealing with American life" was added to the qualifications for the drama and novel prizes.This clarification of the relationship between thecommittees and the Board seemed likely to make forpeace, but the most recent events have belied that prom-310 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEise. On this occasion, the drama award has again stirredcontroversy. The new drama committee, consisting ofJohn Erskine, William Lyon Phelps, and Stark Young,nominated without order of preference : The Old Maid,Personal Appearance, Merrily We Roll Along, andValley Forge. From the beginning of their deliberations,The Old Maid, a dramatization of Edith Wharton'snovelette of that name, had a place on each judge's list.The Children's Hour, the play most dramatic critics wouldhave chosen, was discussed and eliminated. ProfessorPhelps found the subject "unpleasant," and the committee, as a whole, felt that its third act was "a poor conclusion for an otherwise fine piece of dramatic writing." Onthe day following the announcement of the award, Clayton Hamilton, for sixteen years a member of the dramacommittee, protested that the Board had passed over thefinest play of the year, The Children's Hour, for a playwhich is not "original and which is merely the transference of a novel to the stage." From Hollywood,Miss Akins inquired how Mr. Hamilton could reconcilehis present objection with his voting in 1930 for MarcConnelly's The Green Pastures, an adaptation fromRoark Bradford's Adam an' His Chillum. An irreverentjournalist has suggested that the Board chose The OldMaid because it enjoys a good cry. It may also havebeen influenced by the play's having received two weeksearlier a gold medal from the Theatre Club, an organization of women theatre-goers.It is a rather curious thing, as Gertrude Stein isfond of saying, that the drama award should be the onlyone to arouse outspoken hostile criticism this year. Thenovel and the poetry awards, as well, raise very interesting questions in evaluation. For them, the least that canbe said is that the Board has been rather unusuallycourageous in recognizing handsomely the work of youngand relatively unknown writers. It has altogether toofrequently taken the easiest way of crowning the life-work of sedate and established authors. Of the awardto Josephine Johnson's Now in November, it can alsobe said that her talent, though hitherto known to only a small circle, is unmistakable, and that her novel isunquestionably on the "wholesome" side. The poetryaward to Audrey Wiedemann's Bright Ambush probably errs in the direction of obscurity and conventionality.At any rate, the enthusiasm with which her work hasbeen greeted by writers like John Masefield, WilliamButler Yeats, Stephen Vincent Benet, and Hervey Allenraises doubts as to her being a genuinely creative andactually contemporary talent.But the awards for any particular year are less significant than the general disrepute into which the PulitzerPrizes are falling, a disrepute which makes it possiblefor the arch- jester, Westbrook Pegler, to describe theawards in journalism as given "in recognition of thosefeats which require the least enterprise, ingenuity andinitiative, command the least public attention, and possessthe least importance." These prizes are too famous andtoo valuable to be allowed to lapse into objects ofmockery.For the rehabilitation of these prizes, two easy reforms and one difficult one are eminently necessary. Inthe first place, the responsibility for the awards shouldbe, not divided but single. So long as the committeesand the Advisory Board share responsibility, disputesand recriminations are bound to occur. In the secondplace, the original stipulations as to the subjects and themorality of the works crowned, should be adhered to, orabolished and replaced by sensible and workable conditions. Until the Board stops fussing about "the wholesome atmosphere of American life," the awards arebound to be preposterous. Finally, the Board shouldmake a vigorous attempt to secure jurors, not merely ofwide reputation but of some intelligence and taste. Withone or two conspicuous exceptions, it has been contentwith critical "stuffed shirts," with "window-dressing,"with names and not with brains. It might very well putan age limit of forty on the jurors it selects, since anyone beyond that age is almost certain to be too set in histastes to comprehend or evaluate veritably contemporaryliterature.COLLEGE ELECTIONSFirst Vice President — Harold T. Moore, '16Secretary-Treasurer — Charlton T. Beck, '04Executive CommitteePortia Carnes Lane, '08 C. Daniel Boone, '25Delegates to the Alumni CouncilDavie Hendricks Essington, '08 John Nuveen, "19Milton E. Robinson, '1 1, JD, '14 Charles G. Higgins, '20Paul S. Russell, '16 Robert McKinlay, '29, JD, '32NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By JOHN P. HOWE, '27AS this is written, the committee of the IllinoisSenate which has been investigating charges of"subversive" teaching at the University of Chicago, has concluded its hearings and is preparing areport. The majority of the committee, apparentlyfeeling that the three hearings held had brought outnothing that would warrant continuance of the investigation, rather abruptly terminated the committee's researches and decided against investigation on othercampuses. If anyone is interested, we shall attempt topresent a brief account of the hearings (the record ofwhich covers more than 500 pages) and of the reportin the next issue of the Magazine.New DeansAppointment of new deans for two of the important "upper divisions" of the University has been announced by President Hutchins. Dr. William H. Taliaferro has been appointed Dean of the Division of theBiological Sciences, effective July 1, and ProfessorRichard P. McKeon has been appointed Dean of theDivision of the Humanities, effective October 1.Dr. Taliaferro succeeds Dean Frank R. Lillie in thebiological sciences division and Professor McKeon succeeds Dean Gordon Jennings Laing in the humanitiesdivision. Both Dr. Lillie and Dean Laing will havereached the retirement age of 65 before the close ofthe present academic year, and will become professors-emeritus. Both will continue to serve the University,Dr. Lillie continuing his work on research projects inthe field of embryology and sex hormones, and Dr.Laing continuing as General Editor of the UniversityPress and as a member of the teaching staff in Latin.Dr. Taliaferro, who is 40 years old, is head of thedepartment of Hygiene and Bacteriology at the University, and for the last two years has been serving asAssociate Dean of the Division of Biological Sciences.This division includes the departments of Anatomy, Botany, Home Economics and Household Administration,Hygiene and Bacteriology, Medicine and the ConjointClinical Courses, Nursing Education, Obstetrics andGynecology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Surgery, Zoology, and courses in the teaching of science.An outstanding authority on malaria, Dr. Taliaferro was recently announced as the 1935 winner ofthe Chalmers Medal of the Royal Society of TropicalMedicine and Hygiene, which is awarded biennially toa scientist under 45 who has "contributed signally" toknowledge in this field. He was first to succeed intransmitting human malaria to monkeys, has done extensive work on animal immunity, and is credited with thediscovery of a new type of antibody principle. He hasrecently returned from a research expedition to Panamawith his wife, who is his research associate. He hasbeen connected with the University for 11 years. Professor McKeon, who is 35 years old, has beena Visiting Professor at the University for the last year,on leave from his post as Professor of Philosophy atColumbia University. The division which he will headincludes the departments of Art, English Language andLiterature, Germanic Languages and Literatures, GreekLanguage and Literature, History, Latin Language andLiterature, Linguistics, Music, New Testament andEarly Christian Literature, Oriental Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, and Rcmance Languages and Literatures.Regarded as a brilliant young scholar, ProfessorMcKeon received the Doctor of Philosophy degree fromColumbia University in 1928, his doctoral dissertationbeing amplified into a volume entitled The Philosophyof Spinoza. He holds diplomas from the Sorbonneand Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris. He is particularly interested in the history of ideas, and his coursesat the University this year, in the department of History, have included one on that topic and one entitled"The Intellectual History of Western Europe."Professor McKeon's new professorial appointment,in addition to his appointment as Dean, is in the department of Greek, and he will offer one course on "Platoand Aristotle" and another entitled "Classics of Criticism." He has published two volumes of Selectionsfrom Mediceval Philosophy.Dean Lillie has been conspicuously honored withinthe last month by election to the presidency of the National Academy of Sciences and to the chairmanship ofthe National Research Council. He also heads theWoods Hole Marine Biological Station and the WoodsHole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts. Heplans to divide his time between the University campusand Washington, which is the headquarters of the twoscientific bodies of which he has recently been electedhead.Dean Laing has been connected with the University of Chicago since 1899, with a two-year interlude,1921-23, when he served as Dean of the Faculty ofArts at McGill University. A distinguished Latinscholar, he is a former president of the American Philological Society and of the Classical Association of theMiddle West and South, and a former vice-presidentof the Archaeological Institute of America. He is associate editor of the journal, Classical Philology.Under the Chicago Plan, deans of divisions arevirtually "vice-presidents of the University," since theyhave initial jurisdiction over the budgets of their divisions.GiftsBacking its endorsement with a check for $10,000and indicating that a further substantial gift will bemade, the trustees of The Rosenwald Family Association have sent a letter to President Hutchins endorsing311312 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhis stand on academic freedom and the right of theUniversity to "intelligent exploration of all subjects."Addressed to President Hutchins and signed by alltrustees of The Rosenwald Family Association, MarionR. Stern, Edith R. Stern, Adele R. Levy, William Rosenwald and Lessing J. Rosenwald, the letter is asfollows :"We are impressed by your liberal and courageousstand in behalf of academic freedom. We agree withyou that intelligent exploration of all subjects is the dutyof a university and the best defense of the nationagainst reaction on the one hand and revolution on theother."Our Association has not, as yet, received its bequestunder the will of Mr. Julius Rosenwald. We are unable, therefore, to express our confidence in your administration as we should like to do. It is our presentintention to make the University of Chicago one of threeprincipal beneficiaries as soon as we are in a position todo so."As a token of our appreciation of your effortsand your accomplishments we are enclosing at this timeour check for $10,000."Also last month came another check from a member of another prominent family who preferred to remain anonymous, expressing the same thought. Thegift is to establish a fellowship in sociology, andthe donor, like the Rosenwald family, expresses the hopethat he will be able to make a more substantial benefaction within a few years.From the Rockefeller Foundation last month camegifts totaling $393,000. Of this, $150,000 is designatedfor support of research in the modern fields of experimental biology; $75,000 is designated for support ofresearch in the humanities ; and $168,000 is to assist inthe establishment of a department of psychiatrics in theUniversity Clinics. With the establishment of the latter department, the South Side medical school of theUniversity will be completely represented in all the ordinary branches of medical research. Dr. Roy Grinker,associate professor of neurology, who has spent thelast two years abroad engaged in research and study inpsychiatry, will head the new psychiatric unit, forwhich 12 beds in the Clinics have been set aside.NRA DecisionIn the face of the Supreme Court decision invalidating the National Industrial Recovery Act, the national administration can do one of four things, DeanW. H. Spencer of the School of Business told the Investment Analysis Club last month."The administration can do nothing and see whathappens," Dean Spencer said. "It can ask for voluntary observance of what was best in the codes — this isequivalent to doing nothing. It can ask for enactmentof specific codes for industries falling within the decision of the Court, or it can ask for an amendment tothe Constitution giving Congress more comprehensivecontrol over business."In this decision the Supreme Court, while notmoving back to a 'horse-and-carriage' age, certainly didnot move forward. Under it, national economic plan ning of the kind envisaged by the present administration, either in industry or in agriculture, is practicallyimpossible. If, therefore, national economic planningis imperative, the President is correct in stating that thepeople must now decide the issue in terms of a proposedamendment to the Constitution."But it does not necessarily follow that this is thetime to confound a sorely distressed people by throwingout this age-old issue, encrusted with tradition and shotthrough with emotion. If I were the President, I shouldaccept the decision of the Supreme Court as final. Forgetting all proposed legislation now pending, I shouldask for an immediate adjournment of Congress."I should then forcibly remind business that theproblems of the depression are its problems and not theproblems of the government. I should remind businessthat for some time it has been saying that if left aloneit would take care of these problems. I should takebusiness at its word and give it another opportunity totake care of these problems. I should wait until the75th Congress and see what business has done aboutchild labor, collective bargaining, plans for social security, wages, hours, reemployment, prices, and production."If in January business has not shown promisingsigns of being fully aware of its responsibilities and itsability to cure the problems of the depression, I shouldthen remind it that for some time large segments ofbusiness have been asking for a return to a competitiveregime. I should therefore propose a vigorous program looking to the restoration of competition in thiscountry — the abolition of protective tariffs, a drasticfortification of anti-trust laws, and prohibitive taxes onmonopolies and on business in which competition hasbecome conventional or has broken down completely.While the Supreme Court has checked the plans whichthe present day administration has been attempting toput into operation, it has by a recent decision opened upnew possibilities in the restoration of competition throughthe use of the taxing power."Discussing the three decisions of May 27, DeanSpencer said: "The decision on the Frazier-Lemke Actwas not necessarily a rebuke to the administration. Thedecision on the removal of Mr. Humphrey from theFederal Trade Commission was not a reflection on thePresident. The 'Sick Chicken' Case knocks NRA froman amazing grace into a floating opportunity."To many it seems strange that the law could havebeen administered two years without a test of its constitutionality. The United States is the only large nationin which the courts can question the constitutionality oflegislation. Authority for this is not in the Constitution,but is based on a decision of the court itself."As for delay in the present situation, the Court isnot at all to blame. Our system of government is partlyto blame — there is always some delay between enactmentsof a law and a decision on its validity. The Administration is primarily responsible for the long delay — it couldhave had an earlier decision if it really wanted it."The Court did not say that Congress may not delegate some policy making power to the president or to theAdministration, as has been done with the InterstateCommerce Commission and the tariff commission. TheCourt did not decide that Congress might not prescribeTHE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 313codes for businesses really engaged in interstate commerce, and it carefuly avoided passing any judgment onthe economic wisdom of the various recovery measuresundertaken by the Administration."As for the immediate effects of the decision, DeanSpencer pointed out that all codes, so far as having theforce of law, were thrown out of the window. "Provisions of Section 7a on collective bargaining and minimum wages are gone, since they had effect only as partof the codes. Aside from such state legislation as exists,business can reemploy child labor, lengthen hours, cutwages, throw out newly-organized unions, and dischargeemployees because of union activities."Business is now subject to investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and to prosecution under theSherman Anti-trust act for price and production control,and other monopoly practices. Among the ironies of thepresent situation is that many businesses asked to be allowed to go back to competition ; now some businesses arealready asking for relaxation of the Anti-trust Act."* * *NotedThe death of Edwin Brant Frost, eminent University astronomer, and director-emeritus of the Yerkes Observatory, occurred on May 14th. . . Miss Mary Jo Shelley, head of the physical education program of New College, Teachers' College, Columbia University, has beenappointed chairman of the women's division of physicaleducation, succeeding Miss Gertrude Dudley, who retires July 1st after 37 years of service to the University. . . William W. Crosskey, New York attorney, andformer secretary to William Howard Taft, has been appointed associate professor of Law, replacing Professor Arthur Kent, who will retain a government position inWashington. . . An oil portrait of the late ProfessorPaul Shorey, executed by Claude Buck on commissionof a large number of Professor Shorey's former students, has been hung in the Classics Library. . . Professor Paul H. Douglas has been appointed a member ofthe advisory board of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. . . The number of full professorslost to other institutions, effective next autumn, has increased by four since we reported in the April issue thatProfessor Karl Lashley of the Psychology departmenthad been lured away by Harvard. Also to Harvard, tohead the department of physiological chemistry, will goDr. Baird Hastings, biochemist. Professor Griffith Taylor of the geography department will head the University of Toronto's work in the same field, Professor N.Paul Hudson will go to Ohio State University to establish and head a department of bacteriology, and Professor Edwin Sutherland of the sociology departmentwill head the work in his field at Indiana University. . .Professor Samuel Stouffer of the University of Wisconsin has been appointed to the Chicago sociology staff.. . Applications for admission to next autumn's freshman class are 6 per cent ahead of the figure for the samedate last year. . . Dr. Rudolph Schindler, Visiting Professor of medicine, was recently awarded a medal by theIllinois Medical Society for his development of an ingenious gastroscope which permits physicians to look directlyinto a patient's stomach. . . Dr. William H. Wilder, Sr.,emeritus professor of ophthalmology at Rush MedicalCollege, was awarded the Leslie Dana Medal of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness on May18th.oCHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB•By RUTH BROWNE MacFARLAND, '21, AM, '22THE Chicago Alumnae Clubadded another highly successfuland diverting party to its list ofalumnae affairs ( which have been accumulating since its organization in1898), when the doors of the Art Institute swung open on Wednesdayevening, March 27th, to admit members and their husbands and gueststo a private showing of the International Water Color Exhibit. TheArt Institute was, incidentally, quitean appropriate background for a University of Chicago party at this time,for University College and the ArtInstitute have recently made arrangements whereby Institute courses maybe counted toward University of Chicago degrees.By 8:15, when the lights in Fuller-ton Hall were dimmed to signal thebeginning of ceremonies, nearly twohundred alumnae and guests had as sembled. Dean Charles Fabens Kel-ley of the Art Institute welcomed theaudience and Mr. Carl F. Huth ofUniversity College explained the newcooperation between University College and the Art Institute. Then Mr.Daniel Catton Rich, Associate Curator of Painting and Bulletin Editor,arose and, assisted by slides of someof the pictures in the exhibit,launched us upon the aesthetic program for which we had come. Thesubject of his talk was: A SensibleApproach to the International WaterColor Exhibit.Mr. Rich's talk turned out to beso stimulating that upon its conclusion most of the alumnae, husbandsand guests forgot their traditionaldignity and rushed up the main stairway for the tour of the galleries withthe enthusiasm of undergraduates inthe old days storming Walker Mu seum for one of Freddy Starr's lectures.Dean Kelley and Mr. Rich, however, soon had the situation well inhand, dividing us into two groups toview the five hundred water colorpaintings in the show. Everyone wasso interested by their humorous-educational dissections of modern artthat scarcely anyone could be draggedaway to the hot chocolate, coffee,sandwiches and cake being dispensedin the main gallery, in the presenceof the El Greco and Velasquez masterpieces.The party was arranged by EthelPreston, retiring president, and MaryCourtenay, vice-president. And wehave recently heard thaf some of thehusbands of Alumnae Club membersare watching the mails these days tosee if the next Alumnae Club partyinvites them to come.ATHLETIC NEWSScores of the MonthBaseballChicago, 7; Notre Dame, 8Chicago, 6; Indiana, 1Chicago, 7; Illinois, 4Chicago, 5; Iowa, 4Chicago, 7; Iowa, 6Chicago, 13; Purdue, 3Chicago, 6; Indiana 10Chicago, 3; Northwestern, 7 (10 innings)Chicago, 2; Northwestern, 1Chicago, 5; Alumni, 5TennisChicago, 6; Michigan, 3Chicago, 4; Wisconsin, 2Chicago, 5; Minnesota, 1Chicago, 7; Notre Dame, 2Chicago, 5; Purdue, 1Chicago, 2; Northwestern, 4Chicago, 5; Wisconsin, 1Chicago, 2; Northwestern, 4TrackChicago, S8l/2 ; Purdue, 72 >4Chicago, 22%; Wisconsin, 103%Quadrangular : Ohio, 69^2 ; Wisconsin, 54^4 ;Northwestern, 33^4 \ Chicago, AV2GolfChicago, Zy2 ; Purdue, 14>4Chicago, A'l/2 ; Northwestern, 13^4Chicago, 4; Wisconsin, 14Summer jobs and eligibility are the two presentinterests of the University's young men who will returnfor another season of activity in the autumn, and thefield house and Stagg Field are now the quietest spots onthe quadrangles. One Maroon squad, the tennis team,brought a Big Ten championship home when the Big-Ten wound up its activities in a crowded week end thelast of May, thus saving the year from being entirelydevoid of titles.As Mr. Nelson Metcalf and his staff face the impending year they can get some encouragement out ofthe fact that Chicago in two major sports has the leading individuals of the Big Ten. Jay Berwanger certainly ranks as the best of them all in football, and BillHaarlow is as conspicuous a figure in basketball. Inswimming, a sport in which individual stars are numerous, Chicago has Charles Wilson, another able performer. The outlook for next year is good ; in football,basketball, baseball, and tennis, the showing of Chicagoteams should be quite respectable.The "New Plan" has now been in existence fouryears. Its effect on athletics generally has been regardedas favorable, for it attracted a superior group of students, among them some better-than-average athleteswho were able to maintain eligibility. For a time at least • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD, '22— the regulations now are trending toward the involvedtechnicalities of the old system — it eliminated many ofthe red tape restrictions on eligibility and for two yearseligibility has not been a major handicap. This spring,however, it became apparent that the general comprehensive examinations, and divisional comprehensives andthe departmental comprehensives, which are scheduledfrom early May through the end of the quarter, wouldinterfere in large measure with the spring athletic program. Those comprehensives are no joke; for the student who has been inclined to let things slide, springquarter is one large headache produced by worry andintensive study. Even the better students faced by adepartmental examination are occupied with no otherinterests.It so happened that the 'track team was the mostconspicuous example of this culmination of the new system, although not all the woes of the track squad werethe direct result of the examinations. Dexter Fairbank,a capable half -miler, went west to take a job at the endof the winter quarter; Alfons Tipshus, another half-miler, quit the squad ; Bob Milow, best of the mile runners, was not competing for three weeks because hehoped to do enough work to graduate ; Edward Rapp,place man in the two-mile, had pleurisy in the earlyseason; co-captain Harold Block was of no value because of pulled muscles ; Jay Berwanger was busy withfootball. Co-captain Bart Smith was unable to competein the Big Ten meet because of a conflicting examination ; Rapp, recovered, had an examination the day ofthe quadranglar. Other schools have the same sort ofdifficulties. Iowa, for example, was unable to participate in a meet because of examinations.Next year, not all of the athletes in the junior classwill have examinations to worry about, for only theSocial Sciences Division and the School of Business haveexaminations for juniors. Sophomores will still havetheir general comprehensives to pass; seniors will haveeither or both the divisional and departmental examinations. They will have very little time to do anything inathletics, or in anything else. The fact must be facedthat the spring quarter is the big academic quarter ofthe year. The Daily Maroon and some of the studentsbecame belatedly excited about this situation late inthe spring quarter, and the Maroon editorially described— and welcomed — the day when all students would spendthe balmy days from March until June engrossed in theirbooks and test tubes. That picture was overdrawn. Itis obvious that activities must of necessity be limited,and the Dean of Students' Office has advised with Blackfriars, the Military Ball committee, the Fandango, andothers over a program that will bring these events earlierin the quarter and clear the decks. The track team andthe baseball team may eventually find %it necessary toshorten schedules somewhat, but this year the ball clubwas not adversely affected by academic requirements.Mr. Clark Shaughnessy, the football coach, has voiced314THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 315his regret that he had to curtail spring practice becausehe wanted his boys to study to such purpose that theywould be available next autumn, and it may be thatspring practice will become winter practice. But allthings considered, there is no reason to change the conclusion that the "New Plan" has helped more than it hashurt the athletic program.At the spring meeting of athletic directors, Mr.Metcalf announced before framing the football schedulefor 1937 that Chicago in the future would limit itselfas a matter of policy to four Big Ten games. Mr. Staggdid that in some of the lean years, and so the enunciation was new only in that it was formally stated. Oneother "big" game, probably with a team from the east,will be played each year. That game for 1937 and 1938will be with Princeton, now coached by H. O. Crisler,whose brilliant work at end was so big a factor in theMaroon upset of the Tigers at Princeton in 192L TheChicago- Princeton series has been a highly successfulone. Chicago has won two games and tied one ; Princeton's spectacular rally to defeat Chicago, 21 to 18, inthe 1922 game on Stagg Field is one of the traditionsof Tiger football and that game rates as the thriller ofthe modern game. To get within the four game limit inthe conference, Purdue, an annual opponent since 1892except for the three years between 1895 and 1897, wasdropped from the schedule. The schedule establishedfor 1937 is: Oct. 9 — Wisconsin at Chicago; Oct. 16 —Princeton at Chicago ; Oct. 30 — Ohio State at Chicago ;Nov. 6 — Michigan at Ann Arbor; Nov. 20 — Illinois atChampaign. Two practice games remain to be scheduled. The 1938 game with Princeton will be played inthe east on October 15.Announced also since the last issue of the Magazine was the appointment of Judge Robert Jerome("Duke") Dunne as assistant to Clark Shaughnessy, tocoach the tackles and guards. Judge Dunne, of theMunicipal Court of Chicago, played four years of football at Michigan, getting an extra season by virtue ofthe S. A. T. C. season, and was line coach for GlennThistlethwaite at Northwestern from 1923 to 1925, inclusive. From 1926 to 1930, inclusive, he was linecoach at Harvard, where Arnold Horween was headcoach. An able and experienced teacher of football,Judge Dunne should make a very effective developer ofthe Maroon line this autumn.Amos Alonzo Stagg, Jr., tennis coach, retires toIn Order of Their Eminence(Continued from Page 303)Universities, promising Southern institutions are Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tulane in New Orleans, Duke incentral North Carolina, and Emory in Atlanta.It is probable that money from outside the Southwill be required to build a great university. Rockefeller,Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and others have already helped tocreate the present centres. It is natural and proper that go to Susquehanna with the Big Ten championshipneatly won through a combination of the skill of hisplayers and some craft in the arrangement of the tournament. "Lonnie's" boys might have won in any kind ofa tournament, but he was an ardent and successfulbooster for division into brackets, whereby the No. 1man played with all the other leaders ; the No. 2 with thesecond men, etc. Chicago won the team title with 14points; Minnesota was second with 9. Capt. TrevorWeiss lost the singles championship to Bill Schommerof Minnesota, but Norman Bickell took the No. 2bracket; Herbert Mertz won in No. 3, and NorbertBurgess in No. 4. Bickel and Burgess won the No. 2doubles bracket, the only other doubles being in thechampionship division, which Minnesota took. WithWeiss the only loss from the Maroon team, and JohnShostrom coming up from the freshman squad, CoachStagg leaves his successor, Walter Hebert, a first classteam for next year.The track team scored exactly one point in the BigTen meet at Ann Arbor, Berwanger throwing the javelin183 feet, 11% inches for fifth place. The golfers finished tenth in their championship meet, with 1323 strokesagainst the 1163 scored by Michigan, the winner. EdBoehm, with a card of 317, led the Chicago contingent.Norman Bickel, sophomore from Oak Park, waselected captain of the tennis team ; Richard Cochran andWilliam Haarlow were elected co-captains of baseball;Quintin Johnstone and Jay Berwanger co-captains intrack. David Levin was voted baseball's "most valuable" player. Haarlow and Berwanger will lead twoteams next year, the former being captain in basketballand Berwanger captain in football.Twenty-five men won the "C" in track, tennis, andbaseball: Track — Stuart Abel, John Beal, Harold Block,Quintin Johnstone, Edward Rapp, Chicago; Jay Berwanger, Dubuque ; Cameron Dystrup, Lemont, 111. ; Robert Milow, Oak Park, 111. ; Barton Smith, Long Beach,Cal. Tennis — Trevor Weiss and Herbert Mertz, Chicago ; Ell Patterson, Western Springs, 111. ; NormanBickel and Norbert Burgess, Oak Park. Baseball —Ralph Wehling, David Levin, William Haarlow, HarryNacey, Richard Cochran, Robert Shipway, Harry Yedor,and Marvin Berkson, Chicago ; Edward Tyk, Berwyn,111. ; Anton Kruzic, Cicero, 111. ; Connor Laird, Marsh-field, Wis.wealth from any part of America should interest itselfin a Southern university, for progress by the nation asa whole is dependent upon well-rounded growth of eachof the sections. Contributions to a notable centre ofscholarship for the South may easily be repaid in a single generation by scientific discoveries made at that institution and by the raising of the intellectual level of awhole section of the American commonwealth. A greatuniversity in the South is the insistent need in Americanscholarship today.316 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAND HIS HOBBY IS WORK"Start the boy in on somethingelse; there's nothing in the automobile business for him."But Paul Hoffman' 11, is in theautomobile business because he refused to take this advice of a friendof his father. He was "Young Paul"then, fresh out of school in Chicagoand rarin' to go. He was fascinatedwith the possibilities of the motorcar and ambitious to prove that hecould sell automobiles. But FatherGeorge Hoffman said, "Let's askabout the future of the motor carbusiness and its possibilities first."So he went to an old friend of his,N. H. Van Sicklen, publisher of anautomobile trade paper in Chicago,now dead, and asked for feed-boxinformation on this most importantquestion.This was about 1908 when timeswere bad, a depression in fact, andtruth to tell, there didn't seem to beany future for the automobile industry, and this publisher friend ofFather Hoffman's was decidedly pessimistic and jittery. "Start the boyin on something else ; there's nothing in the automobile business forhim," he said.But Young Paul had intestinal fortitude even in those days and hescoffed at what father's friend hadto say. He took the bit in his teeth,got a job with Charles M. Hayes,who had the Halladay car agency inChicago and proceeded to pound thepavements.On the job Paul proceeded to putinto practice the theories he had asto the proper methods of salesmanship. He'd come down to CharleyHayes' store, take out a new Halla day and drive west through thestreets of Chicago until he had soldthe car. Then he would take themoney back to the salesroom, get another car and start out again. Thatwas his schooling in salesmanship.So much for his novitiate. Hekept climbing and climbing up theladder. Chicago couldn't hold himand in 1912 he migrated to California and took over a salesman's portfolio in Studebaker's retail branchin Los Angeles. He proved he knewhis stuff — there was no stopping him.Soon the men on Automobile Rowadmitted that Paul Hoffman was thebest automobile salesman on the WestCoast. His ways differed from theconventional. No stone was left unturned. If the branch refused to accept the credit of a Hoffman prospect, Paul himself financed the deal.The World War butted in and ofcourse Hoffman rallied to the colors,serving in the American TransportService overseas. And when he shedthe khaki, Albert Russell Erskine, thevoice of Studebaker at the time, dangled in front of him the managershipof the New York branch."No," said Paul, who declared hewanted to go back to Los Angeles torealize his ambition to be a distributor, and if he couldn't get such afranchise he would go sell some othermake of car. Naturally, he got thedistributorship, in 1919, and he builtit up to a point where the volume ofbusiness amounted to $10,000,000 ayear. He's still a distributor as wellas president of the Studebaker Corp.,and the sign "Paul G. Hoffman Co.,Inc.," still hangs over the doors ofhis stores on the West Coast. At the factory in South BendHoffman stood ace high so it wasto be expected that he would receivean offer to come to the plant as vice-president in charge of sales. He tookit and in 1931 he was made president.That in a nutshell is the background of the recently elected president of the Studebaker Corp. of today. It's enough to bring out thethorough training Paul Hoffman hashad and it makes one realize why heis so understanding as to the problems of dealers and salesmen.And I will complete this word picture of President Hoffman with afew vital statistics concerning him.He was born in Chicago April 26,1893, educated in Chicago schools,with two years in the University ofChicago. He married DorothyBrown, a Massachusetts girl, Dec. 15,1915, and now the family consists ofMr. and Mrs. Hoffman, Hallock,Peter, Donald, Robert, Lathrop andBarbara.As for hobbies, Paul Hoffman hasonly one — work.The Modern University Is a Menace(Continued from Page 308)family newspaper. I can only saythat it was deploringly flippant.Then I called one of the trustees, aman for whom, up to that time, I hadalways had the highest regard. Buthe failed me. Apparently he,<oo, hadbeen corrupted by these dangerousideas. When I told him what myniece had read to me from her notebook, he said that it expressed hissentiments exactly.As a last resort I telegraphedWashington, stating that the NewDeal was being attacked, and demanding that the troops be calledout. So far I have had no answer. The only thing left for me to doin this emergency is to withdraw myniece from the university. The trouble with that is that I can't very welltake her out when I didn't put herin, and I can get no co-operation fromher father.I have explained to the youngwoman the perils to which she isexposed, and have appealed to herbetter nature ; but my arguments havebeen futile. She says she likes theplace — as if that had any bearing onthe issues at stake.Any day I expect her home, wanting to balance the budget, and wearing a button : "Mellon for President." I tell you, friends, the modern university is a menace !It Happened One Night(Continued from Page 305)husband as is kept of the weathertwenty-four hours of every day.The only fun the weather can haveis to start a shower in our directionscheduled to arrive at eight p. m. onthe evening of the Fraternity Singand then suddenly change her (thefeminine pronoun is used advisedly)mind, upsetting the deepseated suspicions and prophecies of the weatherbureau. But it didn't rain at theSing this year!AMERICAS YOUNG MENChicagoans of Recent YearsNOT content with the reading ofWho's Who in America, yourAlumni Secretary has been skimmingthrough a recent publication by theRichard Blank Company, edited byDurward Howes, a sort of junior edition of Who's Who, a compendiumof names of men whose work hasdistinguished them but whose youthexcludes them from the other honorroll.^Chicagoans will be pleased to knowthat out of the total number of biographies (4,182), there were 3,981who attended college; of this 3,981,there were 269 who attended the University of Chicago, or 6^4% of thetotal number of collegians listed. Ofthe 269, some 168 actually hold oneor more Chicago degrees; that is,4.6% of the college graduates listedare Chicago degree-holding alumni.The following table indicates thedistribution of degree holders amongthe different Associations of alumni:Bachelors of Philosophy orScience 89Masters of Arts or Science. ... 20Doctors of Philosophy. 35Doctors of Jurisprudence 15Doctors of Medicine ... 9168Chicago matriculants not holdingdegrees 101269A statistician would rejoice to seethe beautiful curve made by the distribution among classes in the College. Fourteen class years are represented by the 89 Bachelors in therecord.Number inClass Year America's Yo1916 51917 71918 81919 91920 161921 71922 101923 81924 61925 3. 1926 41927 31928 11930 289In the next largest group, the Doc tors of Philosophy, 1927 seems to bethe most favorable year, as sevenof the 38 Doctors mentioned in thisbook, received their degrees in 1927.While news of some of the activities of the men listed here has undoubtedly been published in theMagazine before, a great deal of ithas not. So we are presenting, verybriefly, a few salient facts about theknown careers of these distinguishedsons of Alma Mater.COLLEGE1916Ralph W. Davis is a partner ofPaul H. Davis and Company, Chicago, a director of the Burgess-Norton Company, Geneva. 111., Treasurer-Director of Thomas J. CroweIncorporated, Chicago, and a member of Delta Upsilon. His home isat 321 Franklin St., Geneva, wherehe has served as Alderman of the2nd Ward. He received special citation for meritorious service in the S.O. S., A. E. F. As a member ofAdventurers and Green Wing GunClub, he indulges his interests inhorses and dogs, as well as his favorite sports of riding, hunting, and fishing.Carl A. Dragsted, PhD'23, MD'22, is active in research in physiology and pharmacology. At present he is Professor of Pharmacology,Northwestern University MedicalSchool, Chicago ; previously he taughtat Rush Medical and the State University of Iowa. From 1918 to 1919he served as Second Lieutenant inthe Sanitary Corps. He belongs tothe Masons, Boy Scout ScoutingClub, and American PhysiologicalSociety. His favorite recreations arebridge, fishing, and duck hunting.Helmuth C. Engelbrecht, AM'17, formerly Instructor in history atthe University of Chicago and Concordia Institute, is Associate Editorof the World Tomorrow. He is a contributor to Pacifism in the ModernWorld. The acquisition of foreignlanguages and travel are his hobbies.As history editor, he organized Central and Eastern European correspondents for Social Science Abstractsby personally contacting universitymen in several countries.Arthur W. Haupt, PhD'19, whowas Professor of Biology at St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., and served with the U. S. Department ofAgriculture in 1918, is now Assistant Professor of Botany at the University of California at Los Angeles,and Professor of Biology at HolmbyCollege in the same city. He is amember of Alpha Tau Omega andSigma Xi fraternities, The BotanicalSociety of America and Western Society of Naturalists. He has writtenseveral books and numerous articlesbased on original investigations inplant morphology and cytology. Hisspecial interests are music and photography; his favorite recreation iswalking.C. Phillip Miller, Jr., MD'18,is Associate Professor of Medicineat the University of Chicago. From1920-24, he served as Assistant Resident, Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research; andfrom 1924-25 as Assistant in pathology and bacteriology. The next yearhe was volunteer research assistant inthe Institut fur Infektion-skrank-heiten, "Robert Koch," Berlin. He isa member of Kappa Sigma, SigmaXi, and many medical societies ; wassecretary of the American Societyfor Experimental Pathology, 1930-34; is on the Editorial Board of thelournal of Clinical Investigation.1917Donald P. Bean, a member ofDelta Chi and Phi Beta Kappa,served in the War as Ordinance Sergeant at Headquarters. He is treasurer of the University of ChicagoSettlement Society, member of theRenaissance Society of the University, American Institute of GraphicArts, American Library Association,and Bibliographical Society of America. He is manager of the Publication Department of the Universityof Chicago Press.Dunlap C. Clark in his undergraduate days participated in BetaTheta Pi and Owl and Serpent. Whenthe U. S. entered the war, he enlistedin the Air Service, Balloon Division,emerged as Major, Air Service, Reserve Corps. Afterwards he becameconnected with the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company, leaving to become president ofthe American National Bank of Kalamazoo, Michigan. He likes dramatics,tennis and swimming.Harold P. Huls, JD'21, is City317318 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVERSATILE SERVANTIt speeds the news of opportunity and good fortune.It keeps friendships alive.It summons help in emergency. Able and ready toserve you in countless waysis your Bell Telephone.Albert Teachers1 Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors and Masters: fortyper cent of our business. Critic and Grade Supervisors for Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration. Music, and Art. secure fine positions throughus every year. Private Schools in all parts of thecountry among our best patrons; good salaries. Wellprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handlesGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today.Serving the Medical Professionsince i8q5V. MUELLER & CO.SURGEONS INSTRUMENTSHOSPITAL AND OFFICEFURNITUREORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCES•Phone Seeley 2181, all departmentsOgden Ave., Van Buren andHonore StreetsChicagoCHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYA PERSONAL SERVICEof Refinement, Catering to the"UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOLINCOLNSWith Experienced Chauffeurs5650 LAKE PARK AVE.Phone MIDWAY 0949 Attorney in Pasadena, California.After active participation in Blackfriars and Owl and Serpent, heserved in various ranks from Privateto First Lieutenant at the OfficersTraining Camp. From 1922-27 hewas with Joseph Scott, Esquire, LosAngeles, California; from 1927-28he was on the deputy county councilof Los Angeles; from 1928-29 hewas deputy city attorney in Pasadena.Gymnastics and mountain life are hisspecial interests.William A. Hunter became associated in 1925 with the law firm ofBassett and Hunter, St. Augustine,Florida; he left in 1927 to becomeassociate professor of law at theUniversity of Florida; in 1928 hebecame associate professor of law atGeorge Washington University, resigning in 1934 to accept a post onthe Public Works Administration.His war record includes service asFirst Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps,later Royal Air Force. He belongsto the American Bar Association,American Association of UniversityProfessors, and Masons.Frederick R. Kuh is London Correspondent for the United Press Association ; previously he was specialcorrespondent for the London DailyHerald, United Press Manager inMoscow, 1924, Central EuropeanManager, 1925-33. Mr. Kuh reported the big international conferences in post-war Europe and wascorrespondent at the front duringSino-Japanese hostilities in Manchuria in 1931. In November andDecember, 1933, he accompanied Mr.Litvinov to and from the UnitedStates, and covered the negotiationsbetween Roosevelt and Litvinov,which culminated in both countries'resumption of relations. His addressis United Press Association, 220 East42nd Street, New York City.Joseph J. Levin led an active career as an undergraduate; he was amember of Phi Beta Kappa, Owland Serpent, and Order of the IronMask. Tennis is his favorite sport.He is Public Relations Manager ofthe A. G. Becker and Company, 100South LaSalle Street, Chicago. Hehas been director of the FinancialAdvertisers Association.William J. Mather is Bursar ofthe University of Chicago, AssistantSecretary of the Board of Trusteesof the University of Chicago, RushMedical College, Baptist TheologicalUnion, and Country Home for Convalescent Children. During theWorld War, he served as SecondLieutenant in Infantry and is an officer of the Reserve Corps in Infantry.He is secretary-treasurer of the scholarship and loan fund of the Chicago Alumni Club and was a councillor ofthe Quadrangle Club. He finds oneof his hobbies, handling crowds, useful in his administrative capacity atthe University.1918Clifford J. Barborka, MD^ '20who was consulting physician atMayo Clinic from 1920-32, is nowPhysician and Diagnostician atNorthwestern University MedicalSchool. He is active in research innutrition, diabetes, obesity, ketogenicdiet in epilepsy, and urinary infections. He has written on treatmentby diet in numerous articles in medical journals. He is on the editorialcouncil of American lournal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition.J. Arnold Bargen, MD'21, isConsultant in Medicine at MayoClinic, Assistant Professor in Medicine at Mayo Foundation, and a member of the Editorial Council of theAmerican Journal of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition. He was a member of the Medical Reserve Corpsin 1918 to 1919. He is an honoredmember of many medical societiesand is the author of various technicalwritings. He has an unusual hobby,carpenter work.Charles H. Behre, Jr., PhD'25,who has had a distinguished career asa geologist, contributes to books andtechnical journals dealing with mining and geology, and belongs to manylearned societies. Politically, he is anIndependent. At Northwestern University, he is Associate Professorand Departmental Chairman.Martin E. Hanke, PhD'21, is amember of Phi Beta Kappa andSigma Xi. In 1918 he served in theStudents Army Training Corps. Heis Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry at the Universityof Chicago. He is especially interested in gardening and violin music,and chooses tennis and camping as hisfavorite recreations. He is a Fellowof the A. A. A. S.Louis Leiter, SM'19, MD'22,PhD'24, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago, isactive in research in the fundamentalphases of B right's disease. His favorite recreations are reading, swimming and walking. He is a memberof Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi BetaKappa, Alpha Omega Alpha, SigmaXi, Central Society for Clinical Research, and Chicago Society of Internal Medicine.Theodore A. Link, PhD'27,joined the Empire Gas and FuelCompany in 1919; worked with theTropical Oil Company of Colombia,South America, from 1922 to 1926;was in charge of the Petroleum In-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 319dustry Exhibits at the Century ofProgress in 1932-33. He is nowgeologist in charge of Western Canada for Imperial Oil, Ltd., Calgary,Alberta, Canada. His hobbies arephotography and oil painting; hisfavorite sports, golf, curling, andshooting. In helping to develop theFt. Norman oil field in the ArcticRegions of Northwestern Canada, heflew the first aeroplane to the arcticin 1921. He is the author of manyscientific publications on structuraland petroleum geology, as well assemi-popular articles on travel experience and popular geology.Walter L. Palmer, SM'19,MD'21, PhD'26, is Associate Professor of Medicine at the Universityof Chicago. He is a member of theSociety for Experimental Biologyand Medicine, American Gastro-En-teralogical Society, American Societyfor Clinical Investigation and a Fellow of A. A. A. S. His favoritesport is horseback riding.Stanley Roth left school with aPhi Beta Kappa key ; in the wartime,he became First Lieutenant in t*heAdjutant General's Department. Hehas climbed from executive in- StoreManagement Division of Hahn Department Stores in New York Cityto Vice-president of Gimbel Brothersand general manager of GimbelBrothers Milwaukee store, 1928-33,and finally to managing director inthe Golden Rule Department Storein St. Paul, Minn. He classifies economics as his hobby, golf and squashas his favorite recreations.1919Van Meter Ames, PhD'24, isAssociate Professor of Philosophy atthe University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1918 he drilled withthe Students Army Training Corps.He has written two books, Aestheticsof the Novel and Introduction toBeauty. His hobby is scrapbooks.Norris C. Bakke, LLB'19, of4518 E. 17th Ave., Denver, Colo.,began his political career as CountyJudge of Logan County, Colorado ;from 1925-26 he occupied the postof City Attorney in Sterling, Colorado, leaving that for his presentposition as deputy attorney generalof the "State of Colorado. In 1932 hewas Democratic Committeeman tonotify the Presidential nominee. Histwo children, Norris Conroy, Jr., andNancy Banks, and Mrs. Bakke arehis hobby. In Denver he is a member of Elks, Masons, and Lions ; Elder and past president of the Layman's League, Boulder Presbytery;superintendent of the second largestSunday School in his state.Frank P. Breckinridge, investment counselor, is president and On June 3 there will arrive in NewYork not merely another big liner,but a different kind of liner ... asuper-liner.Neither size nor speed was thefirst consideration of the engineerswho plotted her lines. Those qualities came later, as the result of afresh approach to the basic problem of assuring our passengersmaximum safety and convenience.For the decoration of this super-liner . . . fifty years ahead of hertime . . . the foremost artists ofFrance were called into consultation. The decor . . . executed withthe finish of French craftsmanship... is beyond anything you haveever seen in brilliance.Imagine a ship 1029 feet long. . . 79,280 tons ... a dining-salon400 feet in length, walled withmolded glass, and entirely air-conditioned ... a sun-deck, clear of allobstructions, as long as two cityblocks ... an eighty-foot swimming pool . . . virtually every cabin inFirst Class with bath or shower,many with private decks ... a completely equipped theater . . . radiotelephones constantly in touch withboth shores ... a staff of 1300 toassure your comfort.Need we say that the chef andhis corps of assistants are even nowengaged in an amiable conspiracyto raise your appreciation of FrenchLine food to new and quite entrancing heights?You must see this ship! . . . Thearrival of the Normandie in NewYork harbor with a distinguishedpassenger list will be an event inmaritime history. Your TravelAgent can tell you more about her.. . . French Line, 610 Fifth Ave.(Rockefeller Center), New York.s. s.MnoRmAnDiG"FIRST ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK, JUNE 3.FIRST SAILING FROM NEW YORK, JUNE 7.ADDITIONAL SAILINGS: JUNE 22, JULY 10AND 31, AUGUST 21, SEPTEMBER 4.breach £Uie Other Sailing* to England and France:ILI DI FRANCE, Juno 29 • LAFAYETTE, June 20(via Boston, Quoboc) • CHAMPLAIN, Juno IS320 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtreasurer of Breckinridge and Company, 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago. Previously, he was with Westand Eckhart, attorneys, and partnerin Farwell and Breckinridge. In1918 he served as Second Lieutenant,Field Artillery, Officers School, CampTaylor, Kentucky. He has writtenarticles for the Chicago Daily News,The Economist, Illinois Law Review,and Polity.Ralph W. Gerard, MD'25,PhD'21, professor of physiology atthe University of Chicago, has mademany contributions to scientificknowledge of the action of the nervesand brain. He is a member of PhiBeta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha OmegaAlpha, Chicago Institute of Medicineand other American national societies. He enjoys outing,' "sailing,chess, and tennis. Mrs. Gerard, MD'24, is assistant clinical professor ofpsychiatry at the University of Chicago.Lester L. Johnson served hiscountry from 1917 to 1919 at theBase Hospital of the American Expeditionary Forces. His present occupation is vice-president of the Continental Assurance Company, 910 S.Michigan, Chicago. Masons andLife Underwriters are two of theclubs of which he is a member.John Nuveen, Jr., was active inhis student days as a member of Owland Serpent, order of the Iron Mask,Score Club, and Three QuartersClub. During the World War, hewas in the Army Air Service as aFirst Class Private. He is in the investment banking business as a partner in John Nuveen and Company.The University, Quadrangle, andChicago Literary Clubs count him asone of their active members.Harvey A. Simmons, SM'22,PhD'25, who is one of those muchlauded members of the famous Hole-in-One Club, lists golf and diophan-tine problems as his hobbies. His firstteaching position was at GeorgiaSchool of Technology in 1919; hissecond at the University of Michigan from 1920-23; his third at theUniversity of Pittsburgh from 1923-24. Since 1925 he has been at Northwestern University; from 1928 he hasheld the title of Associate Professorof Mathematics. He has writtennumerous technical articles, and is amember of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America.Sumner G. Veazey, business executive, is Secretary to A. G. Cox,who is the retired vice-president andtreasurer of William Wrigley, Jr.,Company; previously, he was advertising manager at the Peoples Trustand Savings Bank. He served in the Infantry as First Lieutenant. Hishobby is reading, and his favoriterecreations are tennis and swimming.Pie lives at 10414 LongwTood Drive,Chicago.Louis Wirth, AM'25, PhD'26,Phi Beta Kappa, is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Universityof Chicago. From 1931-32 he was aresearch fellow in Europe under theauspices of the Social Science Research Council, New York City; in1932 he served as secretary-treasurerand managing editor of the American Sociological Society. His diversions are billiards and swimming.He is the author of The Ghetto.1920Emmett B. Bay, MD 23, is amember of Kappa Sigma Nu, Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xifraternities; a member of the Quadrangle and Jackson Park YachtClubs. His particular hobby is sailing. He is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Universityof Chicago ; has written a book onMedical Administration, and alsoarticles in the American Heart Journal.Ralph H. Cannon was with theChicago Evening Journal from 1920to 1929 and is now Sport Columniston the Chicago Daily News. He isthe author of Grid Star, and the creator of "The Campus Canopy," college sports column. His hobby isgrowing roses, but his favorite sportis baseball. He was a member of theStudents Army Training Corps in1918 ; and is a member of Tau KappaEpsilon fraternity.Franklyn K. Chandler's favorite sports are fishing and golf. He isresident manager of Shields andCompany, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.His club membership includes theMilwaukee Association of Commerce,the Milwaukee, and Milwaukee University. He is president of the University of Chicago Alumni Club ofMilwaukee.Coleman Clark sells securitiesfor A. C. Allyn and Company, 100W. Monroe St., Chicago. He enteredthe World War as private in the Ambulance Section of the French andAmerican Armies in 1917, and wasawarded the French Croix de Guerre.In 1932 he was National Ping-PongChampion, runner-up, 1933, WesternPing-Pong Champion, 1931, 1932;he is the author of Modern Ping-Pong and How to Play It.F. Lowell Dunn, Phi Beta Kappa, received his M. D. at HarvardUniversity in 1924. From 1917-18 heworked on the problems of chemicalwarfare in the Student Army Training Corps. At the University of Ne braska College of Medicine, he isAssociate Professor and Director ofthe Laboratory of Clinical Research;is also Pathologist at Clarkson Hospital. He is a member of the Nebraska Nutrition Council, AmericanChemical Society, Family WelfareAssociation. His hobbies, photography, research, instrument designand construction, are as varied as hiswork. He is president of the University of Chicago Alumni Club ofOmaha.William E. Glass is Credit Manager and Controller of the CottrellClothing Co., 621-16th St., Denver,Colo. Active in civic affairs, Mr.Glass is a member of the DenverChamber of Commerce, Director ofthe Junior Chamber of Commerce,Director-Treasurer of the RetailCredit Men's Association, the National Retail Clothiers' Association.In 1918 he acted as Lieutenant inField Artillery.Dwight H. Green, JD'22, lawyer,from 1917-19 was in the Air Service;in 1926 he was appointed Special Attorney, Bureau of Internal Revenue,serving in this position until 1932 ; hewas United States Attorney in theNorthern District of Illinois, from1932 to 1935. He is a Mason, a member of the Chicago Legal and UnionLeague Club and his favorite sportis golf.Walter F. Loehwing, SM'21,PhD'25, is Professor of Botany at theState University of Iowa. During theWorld War, he served in the FieldArtillery of the United States Armyand is captain of Chemical Warfarein the Reserve Corps. He is a member of the Iowa Academy of Science,American Society of ExperimentalBiology and Medicine, and a fellowof the A.A.A.S.Grant S. Mears, Alpha DeltaPhi, is Assistant General Manager,Marshall Field and Company, Chicago; President, King Dry GoodsCompany, Newark, Ohio; Director,Wholesale Dry Goods Code Authority. He served as Lieutenant in theReserve Corps in 1918 and is amember of the Union League Cluband American Legion. Golf is hisfavorite sport.Stuart P. Meech is AssociateProfessor of Finance at the University of Chicago, and Director of theFinance Reserve Co. He contributesarticles and monographs to the University Journal of Business and Journal of Political Economy, and is coauthor with J. O. McKinsey of Controlling the Finances of a Business.Playing the violin is his hobby andthe theatre his favorite recreation.James M. Nicely, banker and lawyer, has had a varied career. AfterTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 321graduating from Harvard LawSchool, he was law clerk with JusticeHolmes, of the Supreme Court of theUnited States, for one year, practicedlaw with Davis, Polk, Wardwell,Gardiner, and Reed from 1924-27,was second Vice-President of the National Bank of Commerce, 1927-29,and since then has been Vice-President of the Guaranty Trust Companyof New York in Paris, France. He isa member of the University Club ofNew York, The Travellers, and Golfde Morfontaine of Paris. Readingbiography is his hobby.Willis J. Potts, MD'24, Sergeantin Chemical Warfare Service from1917-18, is a surgeon and educator.As Instructor in Surgery at RushMedical College, Associate AttendingSurgeon at the Children's Memorial,Cook County and Presbyterian Hospitals, he finds ample opportunity toenjoy his hobby, which is practicingmedicine. He is active in the American College of Surgeons and the Chicago Surgical Society.Robert Redfield, JD'21, PhD'28,Professor of Anthropology and Deanof the Social Sciences Division at theUniversity of Chicago, also hascharge of the ethnological-sociologicalresearch work in Yucatan for theCarnegie Institution of Washington.In 1930 he published his book, Tepoz-tlan, A Mexican Village, and in 1934was co-author of Chan Kom, A MayaVillage. For his service as Ambulance Driver in the American FieldService, he received a divisional citation and the Croix de Guerre.Charles T. Smythe served in theOfficers Training Corps during theWar and holds the position of Majorin the National Guard. At St. John'sMilitary Academy, Delafield, Wis., heis Commandant of Cadets and Secretary of the Board of Directors. Hedevotes some of his leisure to fishingand duck hunting.Arthur H. Steinhaus, SM'25,PhD'28, Professor of Physiology atGeorge Williams College in Chicago,is the author of many research articles on the physiology of exercise.He is a member of Kappa Delta Pi,Phi Gamma Mu, and Sigma Xi fraternities, and is a fellow of the American Physical Education Association.His hobbies are teaching and photography, his favorite pastimes, musicand swimming.Amry Vandenbosch, PhD'26,taught at the Pullman School ofManual Training in Chicago and theIowa State College before assumingthe Professorship of Political Scienceat the University of Kentucky. Hehas published two books dealing withthe Netherlands and the Dutch East [P ** ^ BJPPP* W*BERMUDA'S SUMMER AVERAGES 79'NO TEMPERATURESIN THE NINETIES No stifling heat, no hay fever; never atraffic jam. No wonder it's such a popularsummer spot !Leave the world behind — summer holdsno greater pleasure than you find in Bermuda.There's ample time, and room to do everything.Championship golf courses, numerous tennis courts,world's finest beaches; every form of sport. Lowsummer rates — many of the hotels far-famed fortheir brilliant social life. You'llreturn with vivid memories,new friends and no regrets.Send Today for the NewEdition of the Bermuda GuideBook, free. Address yourtravel agency or Furness Bermuda Line, Munson Steamship Line, Canadian NationalSteamships, or -the BermudaTrade Development Board,230 Park Avenue, New York.In Canada, 105 Bond Street,Toronto.wmSUBMARINE EXPLORATIONIt's safe and inexpensive to "walk on the bottom."Glass-bottom boats, too— and don't miss the Government Aquarium, world's finest.>OOL ENOUGH FOR PENGUINS322 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOL INFORMATIONBOARDINC SCHOOLSFree Catalogs of ALL in U. S. Prices,ratings,, etc. Inspector's advice. Alsosmall COLLEGES and Junior Colleges.Only office maintained by the schools.American Schools Assn., 27th year, 921Marshall Field Annex, 24 N. Wabash.Central 6646, Chicago.V. C. Beebe, U. of C. '05, Pres.Camps- InformationE. A. BOOS SCHOOLFor Mentally and PhysicallyHandicapped Persons — All AgesBoarding and Day SchoolTo Limited NumberFree ConsultationInformation Sent on RequestReasonable Rates5740 W. 22nd Place, Cicero, III.Key To SuccessKM COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSEi^j Training vou can sell! A school noted for its famous ^¦TII graduates. Choice of alert young people intentIon LEADERSHIP. Write or Phone Ran. 1575.J 18 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO +ILLINOIS COLLEGEof Chiropody and Foot SurgeryFor Bulletin and Information AddressDR. WM. J. STICKEL, Dean1 327 North Clark StreetChicago, IllinoisMac Cormac School ofBusinessDA\1 1 70 E. CommerceAdministration and SecretarialTraining' AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any Monday63rd St. H. P. 2130IATIONAL COLLEGE of49th year EDUCATIONMH ^U International reputation) for superior£ ^11 scholarship and distinguished farulty.Teacher training in Nursery School,Kindergarten and Elementary Grades. Exceptional placement record. Demonstration Schooi,Dormitories, Athletics. For catalog write, EdnaDean Baker, Pres., Box 525-G, Evanston, 111.The Mary E. PogueSchool and SanitariumWheaton, III.Phone Wheaton 66A school and sanitarium for the care and training of children mentally subnormal, epileptic,or who suffer from organic brain disease. Indies and contributes articles to various journals.1921Samuel K. Allison, PhD'23, Associate Professor of Physics at theUniversity of Chicago, is active inresearch investigations into the nature of X-rays and atomic physics.Before taking his post at the University, he was research associatewith the Carnegie Foundation and amember of the faculty at the University of California. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a fellowof the American Physical Society.Howard K. Beale, Phi BetaKappa, is historian in the Library ofCongress, Washington, D. C. Author of numerous periodical articlesand several books on divers subjects,he has joined many learned societies,doing research work on the Commission on Social Studies in the Schoolsof the American Historical Association from 1932-34. A former member of the faculties at Grinnell andBowdoin, he served as visiting Associate Professor at the University ofChicago in 1934. He is past presidentof the University of Chicago Club inWashington.Joseph B. Hall, who finished hisundergraduate days the holder of aPhi Beta Kappa key and a "C"blanket, was for some time the assistant manager of the real estate department of the Continental IllinoisBank and Trust Co., President of theHamilton Bond and Mortgage Co.,and Director of the Midway StateBank. At present he manages RealEstate and Store Construction forthe Kroger Grocery and Baking Co.,of Cincinnati, Ohio, and is presidentof the American Institute of RealEstate Appraisers.Rollin D. Hemens, who servedas Sergeant in the Ambulance Service in the War, is Assistant Managerof the University of Chicago Press.He is a Mason, and treasurer of theQuadrangle Club. Tennis is hisfavorite sport.Harold E. Nicely is pastor of theBrick Presbyterian Church in EastOrange, N. J. Interested in community affairs, he is director of theChamber of Commerce and vice-president in charge of civics. Nextto golf, he likes fishing.LeRoy D. Owen, JD'23, is Salesand Assistant Industrial Manager ofthe Central Manufacturing District,Inc., of Los Angeles, Calif. In addition he is Vice-President of West-land Warehouses, Inc., Special Instructor in Industrial Real Estate atthe University of Southern California, Director of the Los Angeles Division of the California TaxpayersAssociation, Director of the LincolnBuilding and Loan Association, anda member of the executive committeeof the Pacific Coast Advisory Boardof San Francisco. He is a Mason,a member of the TransportationClub, Foreign Trade Club, EconomicRound Table, and California Bar Association. Polo is his best liked sport,stamps his hobby.George R. Taylor, PhD'29, began his career as an educator at theUniversity of Iowa, then went toEarlham College for a year. Since1924 he has been at Amherst Collegeand now holds the Chairmanship ofthe Department of Economics. TheNavy claimed him during the Waras radio repairman; in 1930 the International Commission on PriceHistory appointed him director ofresearch for one year.1922Edward L. Compere, Jr., MD'26,is Assistant Professor in charge ofthe Division of Orthopaedic Surgeryat the University of Chicago, Attending Surgeon at the Home for Destitute Crippled Children, and Consulting Orthopaedic Surgeon at theProvident Hospital. At the Centuryof Progress, he directed the exhibitof the Rehabilitation of the CrippledChild. An active member of manymedical associations, he writes numerous articles for scientific journalsbearing upon phases of bone andjoint pathology or surgery. OldEnglish Literature and English Briarpipes are his hobbies.Bartlett Cormack is Playwrightfor Paramount Studio, Hollywood,California. For five years he workedon the Chicago Evening American asnewspaper reporter, feature writer,and dramatic critic, and has alsobeen press agent and company manager of New York theatrical companies. He is a member of the Boardof Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, andmakes the collecting of 18th CenturyAmericana his hobby. Besides writingthe play, The Racket, short stories,and magazine articles, he also stagedthe University of Chicago Blackfriars musical comedy of 1928, TheHouse That Jack Built, and madedramatizations of Tampico, and thePainted Veil. vHerbert O. Crisler, Instructorin Physical Education and Footballand Basketball Coach at PrincetonUniversity, holds the remarkablerecord of coaching the only undefeated and untied football team in1933. Fritz, who made his name asall-American end, coached at theUniversity of Chicago from 1923 un-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 323til 1926 when he went to the University of Minnesota. Mrs. Crisleris Dorothy Adams, '22; their son,Prescott Adams, qualifies as hisfather's hobby.Richard Foster Flint, PhD'25,the son of Nott W. Flint, '98, (deceased) and Edith Foster Flint '97,married Margaret Haggott, '20. Heis Assistant Professor of Geology atYale University. He contributesresearch papers in geology to scientific publications and is co-author ofa standard textbook of physicalgeology. In his undergraduate dayshe won membership in the Order ofthe "C," Phi Beta Kappa andSigma Xi.Jerome Hall, JD'23, practicedlaw in Chicago and lectured atIndiana University from the time ofhis admission to the bar up until1929, when he went to the University of North Dakota, where he isProfessor of Law, but at present heholds a special fellowship at Columbia University School of Law. Hisextensive writings deal mainly withcriminal law and administration, andthe interrelationships between lawand social sciences.Harold D. Lasswell, PhD'26.Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, isalso an investigator for the Committee on the Scientific Method of theSocial Science Research Council anda council member of the AmericanPolitical Science Association. Two ofhis books are Propaganda Techniquesin the World War and Psychopath-ology and Politics.Alan Le May, novelist, is wellknown to readers of Collier's, Cosmopolitan, and Saturday EveningPost. Fond of horses and polo, heis the author of Painted Ponies, Gun-sight Trail, Winter Range, andThunder in the Dust. During thewartime he enlisted in the Infantryas Second Lieutenant. He lives at2166 Pine street, San Diego, Calif.,and is a member of the Writers Cluband Phi Gamma Delta.Benjamin March, Jr., enrolledin the Army Service Corp in 1918and received a commission as Sergeant in the Field Remount Squad.After^ obtaining his degree, he wentto Hopei University, Paotingfu,China, where he taught for twoyears ; in 1925 he received an appointment at Yenching University,Peiping, China, and stayed there foranother two years. Then he returnedto the United States to become Curator and Freer Fellow of the Divisionof the Orient of the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Michigan and Curator of Far Eastern SCHOOL AND CAMPDIRECTORYGIRLS' SCHOOLS BOYS' SCHOOLS-ContinuedPENN HALLFor Young Women. Accredited Junior College — 2 years, and 4 year high school. Creditstransferable without examinations to universities. Music Conservatory. Int. Decor., Costume Design, Phys. Ed., Secretarial, HomeEc, Athletics, Riding. New Are-proof buildings.Connecting baths. Part of May at Ocean City.Catalog :F. S. Magill, A. M., L. L. D.Box C. Chambersburg, Pa.FAIRMONTJunior College and 4 Year High SchoolCultural and Social advantages of the capital.Interesting trips. Two-year college courses.Liberal Arts. Secretarial. Home Economics.Music.# Art. Develops talents. Accredited toUniversities. All sports. 36th year.Maud van Woy, A.B.1715 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C.BOYS' SCHOOLSCLARK SCHOOLAn accredited preparatory school certifying tothe University of Chicago and other colleges.Classes average five students. Supervised study.Instructors men of experience. Athletic andwinter sports.Frank F. Morgan, DirectorHanover, New HampshireWESTERN MttlTARY ACADEMYYour boy's success in life depends largely uponthe training he receives between the ages of10 and 19. Western specializes In developingthe success-winning qualities of initiative, perseverance, courage and judgment. That's whyWestern boys are leaders. Thorough accredited preparation for college or business. Sports,riding, for all. 25 miles from St. Louis.Catalog:Col. G. F. Jackson, Pres., Alton, IllinoisCRANBROOK SCHOOLDistinctive endowed boys' school, grades 7-12. Graduates in 29 colleges. Unusual opportunities in arts,sciences, athletics, hobbies. Creative talent cultivated.William O. Stevens, Ph. D., Headmaster2200 Lone Pine Rd., Bloomfield Hills, Mich.CAMP CHARLEVOIXNorth Mich. Boys 7-18. Grad. staff includes "Tad"Wieman, Princeton coach ; Herm Everhardus, starMich, halfback; Mark Wakefield, Indiana basketball star; "Bud" Ruthven, son of Pres. U. ofMioh., riding master. All land and water sports,crafts, nature, sailing, riflery. Physician, CampMother. For catalog writeL. C. Relmann '16, Mich.Ann Arbor, Michigan ULVErt HELPS HIM TOFIND HIMSELFStudies and guides himunderstandingly. Dis-, . - . _ covers interests and apt-tUUtAltb Int. itudes. Develops initia-MILITARY ACADEMYWHOLE BOY tive, poise and enthusiasm for purposeful living.Prepares for all colleges.Junior College work.Modern equipment on1 000 -acre campus, adjoining Lake Maxinkuckee.All sports. Infantry, Cav-alry.Artillery.Band. Catalog.61 PERSHING SQUARECULVER, INDIANACOUPONFOR COMPLETE SCHOOL ANDCAMP INFORMATION, FILL OUTAND MAIL THIS FORM TO THEGRADUATE SCHOOL SERVICE, 30ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, N. Y.Student's Age Sex Religion Rate Location Preferred Type of School Preferred Type of Camp Preferred Remarks Name Address CHICAGO COLLEGE OFDENTAL SURGERYDental School ofLOYOLA UNIVERSITYOffers a four year dental course requiring for matriculation thirty semester hoursof approved college credit in specified subjects.The three year dental course requiressixty semester hours of approved collegecredit in specified subjects.In the near future the requirements formatriculation will be two years of college credit and the dental curriculum afour year course.Graduate courses offered in selectedsubjects.For details addressThe RegistrarChicago College of Dental SurgeryDental School of Loyola University1757 West Harrison St. Chicago, III*324 THE UNISCHOOL OF THEATREMR. BEN GUY PHILLIPSFaculty Member of the RoyalAcademy of Dramatic ArtCOURSESInclude: Art of Acting, Voice Control,Pantomime, Playwriting, Stage, Sceneand Costume Design, Public Speaking, etc.Children's ClassesSTUDIO— 72 EAST 11TH STREETHarrison 3360SAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music — ArtCUATEMOLAST OF THE AZTEC EMPERORSBYCORA WALKERROMANCE AND HISTORYTOLD AS NEVER BEFOREThe ancient Aztecs were white people,probably descendants of those great navigators, the Carthaginians — "as fair as Europeans.""In urbanity, politeness and sublimity ofexpression no other language can be compared with the Aztec." The subjects comprising the curricula of Aztec schools werenumerous and included the important andpraiseworthy courses in civility, modesty andGentle Behavior.From Mexico a civilization that mighthave instructed Europe was crushed out.In America, Spain destroyed races morecivilized than herself.348 Pages of Text 70 IllustrationsPrinted in large clear type. Priced at $3.00Address Miss Cora WalkerStarkville, Mississippi/jHT\ REMOVEDAJrwJ FOREVER•S^P^Qjlgi? 14 Years' Experience70 i,2<Wf ior*»ij pree ConsultationLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseELECTROLYSIS EXPERTPermanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600Hair Roots per hour.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrologyand Physical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St. ERSITY OF CHICAGOArts at the Detroit Institute of Arts.Samuel H. Nerlove, AM'23, isa trustee of the Security Life Insurance Company of the America Trustand Associate Professor of BusinessEconomics at the University of Chicago. A member of many economicand insurance associations, he haswritten extensively on investments,insurance, and business economics.Louis P. River, MD'24, is Assistant Professor and Surgeon at LoyolaUniversity School of Medicine, alsoAttending Surgeon at the Oak ParkHospital in Illinois. The AmericanCollege of Surgeons have honoredhim with a fellowship; he is an active member of the Chicago MedicalSociety and the Lions.1923Lars M. D. Carlson is Secretary,Treasurer, and Director of the Montana Consolidated Mines Corporation. He lives in Helena, Montana,where he is a member of the Commercial Club and Kiwanis.Henry S. Commager, PhD'28,was appointed a fellow by the American-Scandinavian Foundation from1924-25 and was awarded the H. B.Adams Prize in European Historyby the American Historical Association in 1929. Professor of Historyat New York University, he contributes to the New York Herald Tribune, Saturday Review of Literature,and the New Republic and is co-author of The Growth of the AmericanRepublic, and The Story of Our Nation.Robert E. Corcoran, JD'24, hasbeen a partner in the law firm ofBarr, Barr and Corcoran since 1928.He interrupted his schooling in 1918to serve as a private. He is a pastpresident of the Chicago JuniorChamber of Commerce and a member of Delta Sigma Phi.Hugh C. Graham, MD'26, childspecialist, practices medicine in Tulsa,Oklahoma. Here he serves on theBoard of Education, is Diplomate ofthe National Board of Medical Examiners, a Mason, and a member ofthe Civitan Club.Livingston Hall attended Harvard Law School after completinghis undergraduate work, and receivedhis LL.B. in 1927. He then becameassociated with the law firm of Root,Clark, Buckner and Ballentine, practicing law with them until 1931.Serving the next year as UnitedStates Attorney in the Southern District of New York, he has been Assistant Professor of Criminal Lawat Harvard Law School since 1932.Paul S. Martin, PhD'29, Assistant Curator of North AmericanArchaeology of the Field Museum of MAGAZINENatural History, Chicago, was formerly Archaeologist in Yucatan forthe Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C, State Archaeologist ofColorado, Assistant Archaeologistfor the Public Museum of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.J. Marvin Weller, PhD'27, began his geological work with the Illinois State Geological Survey in 1916and stayed with them until 1919.Then he went to India for two yearsfor the Whitehall Petroleum Corporation of London, England, returning to finish his undergraduate work.Upon receiving his degree he spentone year with the Chanute SpelterCompany of Joplin, Missouri, asgeologist. Then resuming his workwith the Illinois State GeologicalSurvey, he became Head of theStratigraphy and Paleontology Division.Howard E. Wilson, AM'28, isAssistant Professor of Education inthe Harvard Graduate School ofEducation. True to his hobby forwriting, he has published severalbooks and numerous magazine articles. In 1934 he presided over theNational Council for the Social Studies and is a member of the Masons,the American Historical Association,and N.E.A.1924Henry F. Becker has had avaried teaching career. In successionhe has taught at Marshall College,West Virginia, University of Chicago, and at present is Associate Professor and Director of the GeographyDivision of the Department of History at Florida State College forWomen at Tallahassee. He is amember of Chi Beta Phi, Phi DeltaKappa, Sigma Xi, and the AmericanAssociation of University Professors.Forest Dizotell, LLB'28, attorney, has served the Rock Island community in Illinois in many capacities :first, as police commissioner; next,as city attorney; and now, as Assistant Attorney of Rock IslandCounty. He is a past president ofAlpha Sigma Phi and ex-director ofthe Junior Chamber of Commerce.His avocation is boats.John S. Millis, SM'27, PhD'31,is Professor of Physics at LawrenceCollege, Appleton, Wis., and devotesmuch of his spare time to astronomy.In 1929 he married Katherine Wis-ner; they have one child, Jean Ann.He is a member of the AmericanPhysical Society, Association ofAmerican Physics Teachers and ofthe Association of University Professors. He is a contributor to professional journals.Russell E. Pettit busied himselfTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 325BUSINESSDIRECTORYAWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691-The Old Reliable -0692Hyde Park AwningINC. Co.,Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove Aven ueBEAUTY SALONSERNEST BAUERLEBEAUTY SALONSpecializing inIndividual HaircutsSuite 1308 Telephone17 N. State St. Dearborn 6789Stevens BuildingBOOKSARE YOU INTERESTEDinMEDICAL BOOKSWe will send you gratis our bargain pricecatalog on Medicine, Surgery, MedicalHistory, Psychology and Sexology.LOGIN BROS.1814 W. Harrison St. CHICAGOMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical CollegeCATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '2 1Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285 with the extra curricular activities ofIron Mask, Score Club, Owl andSerpent, and Delta Tau Delta in hiscollege days. He is Assistant Manager of the San Jose Chamber ofCommerce, and also Manager of theFiesta de las Rosas Association ofSan Jose, California.Earle L. Rauber, PhD'30, isProfessor of Economics at the Alabama Polytechnical Institute in Auburn, Alabama, where he is a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights ofMalta, and the American Legion.During the World War, he servedas Corporal in the Ambulance Corps.He enjoys music and likes a goodgame of tennis.Frederick L. Schuman, PhD'27,is a member of the Department ofPolitical Science at the University ofChicago. He contributes to the NewRepublic, The Nation, as well asother journals, and has written theAmerican Policy toward Russia sincel pi?, War and Diplomacy in theFrench Republic, and InternationalPolitics — An Introduction to theWestern System.1925Erling Dorf, PhD'30, is widelyknown in the field of paleontologyand geology both for his researchand his writings. He has been anAssistant Instructor at the Universityof Chicago, engaged in research activities in Western United States withthe Carnegie Institute. His presentoccupation is Assistant Professor ofGeology at Princeton University andAssistant to the Director of the International Summer School of Geology and Natural Resources.William J. Pringle, Jr., headsthe Travel Department of Lord andThomas, Los Angeles, Calif., is aDirector of the Ever-Dry Laboratories, Inc., and Vice-President of theSaskatchewan-Illinois Farms Company of Chicago. He handled andwrote the advertising for The TenthOlympic Games held in Los Angeles in 1932.W. Leslie River was a specialwriter for the New York EveningWorld from 1925 to 1926; the nextyear he sailed as chief yeoman on theS.S. American Banker and that sameyear published his first book, TheDeath of a Young Man. Then hewas with the W. G. Bryan organization from 1927 to 1929; he wrotedialogue and scenarios for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer from 1929 to 1932.1926A. Adrian Albert, SM'27,PhD'28, Associate Professor ofMathematics at the University of COFFEE— TEAw. S. Quinby CompanyIMPORTERS AND ROASTERSOF HIGH GRADECOFFEES AND TEAS417-427 W. OHIO ST —CHICAGOPhones Superior 2336-7-8COALQUALITY COAL PRICED RIGHTLESTER COAL CO.4025 Wallace St., at 40th PlaceAll Phones: Yards 6464Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wasson DoesCURTAIN CLEANINGGREENWOODCURTAIN CLEANERS1032 E. 55th St.Phone Hyde Park 2248We Clean All Kinds of Curtains — Drapes-Banquet Cloths — Window ShadesWe Also Do Dry Cleaning onCurtains and DrapesELECTRIC SIGNSELECTRIC SIGNADVERTISING•CLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.225 North Michigan Avenue•W. D. Krupke, '19Vice-president in Charge of SalesChicago and Associate Editor of TheAnnals of Mathematics, is ranked asone of the eighty leading mathematicians in America, and is active inresearch work in algebra and algebraic geometry. His hobbies aregolf, radio, billiards, and contractbridge. He spent the year of 1933-34at the Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton, New Jersey.Seward A. Covert was ManagingEditor of The Bystander Magazine.Before assuming this position, he hadbeen Director of the Department ofEducation of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, Assistant Personnel Director of the Cleveland Trust Company,Editor of the Cleveland Trust326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEMPLOYMENTCOLOREDDOMESTIC HELPFurnishedDay or NightReferences investigated.Englewood Employment Agency5530 S. State. Phone-Englewood 3 1 8 1 -3 1 82Street Night-Englewood3 181Established 16 years*+.~~ till* Q CHICAGOw^ Established 186Sv^j^ FLOWERSPhones Plaza 6444, 64451631 East 55th StreetOBERG'SFLOWER SHOPFlowers by WireTo Any Part of the World1 46 1 -63 East 57th St.FLOOR FINISHING"Definitely Superior"NEVERUB4BRAZIL WAX « f 'jb*-.Hardest Known Wax, 11Wears Longer 1NO RUBBING y- - In a.USED BY THE UNIVERSITYFURNITUREWE BUY - SELLUsedFURNITURE & RUGSHOUSEHOLD SALVAGE GOODS CO.740 EAST 47TH STREETPHONE KENWOOD 2224FURRIERF. STEIGERWALDFURRIERSTORAGE— REPAIRINGREMODELING902 Phone17 North State St. Cent. 6620Exclusive But Not Expensive Monthly, and Instructor at the Haw-ken School for Boys.Wilton M. Krogman, AM'27,PhD'29, is Associate Professor ofAnatomy and Physical Anthropologyof the School of Medicine of Western Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio. He is a Fellow with theNational Research Council, theA.A.A.S., the Cleveland Foundation,and a member of the InternationalCommission for the Study of Population Problems.Henry P. Weihofen, JD'28,PhD'30, was branch circulation manager of the Chicago Evening American from 1922 to 1927, assistant tothe managing editor of the AmericanBar Association Journal from 1929to 1930, and attorney for the ChicagoMotor Club from 1931 to 1932. Heis now Instructor in Law at the University of Colorado School of Lawin Boulder.1927Anton B. Burg is engaged inchemical research and is an Instructor of Inorganic Chemistry at theUniversity of Chicago. His summers from 1924 to 1928 were givenover to work with the Central Scientific Company, and he was with theKimberly-Clark Corporation of Nee-nah, Wis., the following year. Hehas published articles relating to hisresearch on the Hydrides of Boron.His hobbies are German Literature,linguistics, and applied psychology.Five times the N.A.A.U. Champion,he has won considerable fame as ahigh jumper.George Dillon began his careeras a poet in his undergraduate days.While at the University he started apoetry magazine called the Forge.Shortly thereafter Harriet Monroeinvited him to become associate editorof Poetry. From 1927 to 1930 he wasadvertising copy writer for the JohnH. Dunham Company of Chicago.Boy in the Wind, his first publishedvolume of verse, was the first selection of the Poetry Book Club. Thiswas followed by The FloweringStone, which won him the Guggenheim Fellowship and the 1932 Pulitzer Prize.Cornelius B. Osgood, AssistantProfessor of Anthropology at YaleUniversity, made four ethnologicalexpeditions in the far north between1927 and 1932; in 1933 he made anarcheological exploration in Venezuela and Panama. He has also beenEthnologist for the Canadian Government, and was Treasurer of theAmerican Anthropological Association in 1934. .„„1928Kenneth A. Rouse is Director of Public Service under the TVA atNorris, Tenn. Versatile All-Amer-ican football center and Phi BetaKappa, Ken was the Assistant to theSecretary of the University of Chicago for several years. Seriously interested in police work and criminology, he placed third in the PoliceExamination given on December 19,1931. Mrs. Rouse, the former HelenKing, '28, was a leader in campusdramatics while a student.1930Walter M. Gibb, one-time purchasing agent for the Union Memorial Hospital of Baltimore, reporterand rewrite man on the BaltimorePost, assistant publicity director forthe Point Breeze Works of theWestern Electric Company, is nowadvertising copywriter for Van Sant,Dugdale and Company, Baltimore.Robert A. Haden, born in Kiang-yin, China, is Vice Consul of theUnited States and Secretary in theDiplomatic Service in Singapore. Heis affiliated with the Foreign ServiceAssociation, and is a member of theRoyal Singapore Yacht and IslandGolf Clubs. Philately, music, philology, and chess are his hobbies.BORNTo George McDonald, '18JD'20,and Mrs. McDonald, a daughter,Susann Hackett, May 26, 1935, RockIsland, 111.To Theodore J. Feiveson, '23,and Mrs. Feiveson, a son, HaroldAllan, May 20, 1935, Chicago.To Mr. Maurice Patrick Ger-aghty and Mrs. Geraghty (Helen C.Tieken, '24), a daughter, Betsy Tie-ken, on May 7, 1935, Chicago.To John F. Merriam, '25, andMrs. Merriam (Lucy LAM0N'26),ason, James Alexander, April 14, 1935,Chicago.To Chester R. Chartrand,AM'33, and Mrs. Chartrand, a daughter, Drusilla Andre, February 20,1935, Burma, India.ENGAGEDHarold P. Huls, '17, JD'21, toMuriel Hobday, Purchasing Agent ofthe City of Pasadena; the weddingwill be in August.John Menzies, '30, to Ruth Marshall.Robert L. Vierling, ex '33, toFloyd Cushing.Harry B. Miller, MD '33, toMartha G. Wilson.MARRIEDLois E. Higgins, '18, to Capt.Donald C. Kemp, June 14, 1935, Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 327GALLERIESO'BRIEN GALLERIESPaintings Expertly RestoredNew life brought to treasured canvases. Our moderate prices will please.Estimates given without obligation.673 North MichiganSuperior 2270GROCERIESTelephone Haymarket 3120E. A. Aaron & Bros.Fruits and Vegetables, Poultry, Butter,Eggs, Imported and Domestic Cheese,Sterilized and Fresh Caviar, Wesson and"77" Oil, M. F. B. Snowdrift and ScocoShortening46-48 So. Water Market, Chicago, III.LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERHOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESADAMSLAUNDRY CO2335 Indiana Ave.Superior Hand WorkOdorless Dry CleaningTelephoneCalumet 2346Morgan Laundry Service, Inc.2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Calumet 7424Dormitory ServiceStandard Laundry Co.Linen Supply — Wet WashFinished Work1818 South Wabash Ave.Phone Calumet 4700 Esther M. Nichols, ex '21. toElmer A. Stein, March 12, 1935.Rosalie H. Allman, '25, to Robert C. Levy, '26,MD'29, June 16,1935 ; they will reside at the ChicagoBeach Hotel.Alice J. Hahn, '27 , to EdmundO. Rausch, June 6, 1935, ThorndikeHilton Chapel; they will reside at9422 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago.Albert F. Cotton, '28, to AlicaJensen, May 18, 1935, Joseph BondChapel.J. Kyle Anderson, '28, to MaryJane Makinney, June 11, 1935, Chicago.Irma E. Stadtler, '28, to William J. Roach, '29, June 15, 1935;at home, 5717 Kimbark Ave,, Chicago.Charles Cutter, '29, to AudreyMcGrath, June 28, 1935.Felice E. Barrett, '29, to Lawrence J. Schmidt, '32, June 1, 1935,Washington, D. C.Mary Lee Johnson, '30, to William E. Bolton, April 24, 1935,Joseph Bond Chapel.Hannah Halperin, '31, to William L. Goldenberg, March 31, 1935;they are living in South Bend, Ind.Mary C. Maize, '31, to James E.Stinson, April 27, 1935 ; at home,1526 Asbury PL, Pittsburgh, Pa.Helen Dodd, '32, to Harris B.Burrows, III, June 12, 1935, Chicago.Lois Dodd, '32, to David B. Richardson, June 12, 1935, Chicago.John C. Dinsmore, Jr., '34, toLorna L. McDougall, June 19, 1935,Chicago.Natalie B. Goldstein, '34, toBenjamin W. Heineman, April 17,1935 ; at home, 210 E. Pearson St.,Chicago.John F. Moulds, Jr., ex '34, toVirginia Bennett, June 4, 1935, Providence, R. I.Helen Martin, PhD '34, to AllanRood, June 8, 1935, Cleveland, Ohio.DIEDCapt. Philip Leach, MD '81,October 19, 1934, St. Augustine, Fla.Edgar E. Chivers, MD '99, March23, 1935, Ardmore, Okla.George A. Mulfinger, PhD '02,May 12, 1935, Oak Park, 111.Daniel A. Tear, PhD '06, February 21, 1935, Washington, D. C.Charles J. Webb, '06, JD '07, June7, 1935, Spokane, Wash.Raymond H. Coon, PhD, '16,May 7, 1935.Georgia P. McElroy, '12, AM '13,(Mrs. Arthur C. Hunt), May 15,1935, Salem, Mass. LAUNDRIES— ContinuedSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL SERVICESWe Also DoDry Cleaning — Shoe Repairing4240 PhoneIndiana Ave. OAKIand 1383LITHOGRAPHERL C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MUSICRayner Dalheim &CoMUSICENGRAVERS & PRINTERSof FRATERNITY,SORORITYand UNIVERSITYof CHICAGO SONG BOOKSNO 0RDERT00 LARGE 0RTO0 SMALL - WRITE FOR PRICES2054 W.LAKE ST. PHONE SEELEY 4710NURSES' REGISTRYNURSES' OFFICIAL REGISTRYof FIRST DISTRICT, ILLINOIS STATENURSES ASSOCIATIONFurnishes registered nurses for all types ofcases and for varying hours of service tofit the patient's need.TelephoneNURSES' HEADQUARTERSSTATE 85428 South Michigan Ave., Willoughby TowerBuilding — Lucy Van Frank, RegistrarOPTICAL SUPPLIESSince 1886BORSCH & COMPANYEyes Examined Glasses FittedOculists Prescriptions FilledWe Can Duplicate Any Lens fromthe Broken PiecesTelephone62 E. Adams St. State 7267SPLINTSDe Puy SplintsFracture BookFreeUpon RequestProfessional Card SufficientWARSAW— INDIANA328 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI FAR AND WIDEAmesThe Chicago Club at Ames, Iowa,met with Fred C. Koch, PhD '12, onFriday, May 17, and with Dean Gordon J. Laing on Thursday, May 23,for luncheon. The president of theclub for next year is Martin F. Fritz,PhD '31, Associate Professor ofPsychology at Iowa State College,and the secretary is Margaret G.Reid, PhD '31, Assistant Professor ofEconomics at the College.BuffaloAt a meeting of the University ofChicago Club of Buffalo held on Friday evening, April 26, in the MusicRoom of the Grosvenor Library, thefollowing officers were elected for thecoming year: Dr. Carl O. Lathrop,PhD '31, President; FrederickSchultz, '22, Vice-President; AliceMary Dolan, '31, Secretary-Treasurer.DurhamRecent visitors to Duke Universitywere Professor and Mrs. Donald W.Riddle, New Testament Department,University of Chicago. ProfessorRiddle came here to deliver a publiclecture in the School of Religion onthe subject, "The Origin of the Gospels." The lecture, given on Monday evening, March 18, was wellattended and received. ProfessorRiddle also addressed two New Testament classes in the School of Religion on Monday morning. Mrs. Riddle was engaged for a solo on Sunday morning in the UniversityChapel. The Riddles were entertained while here by Dr. K. W. Clark,PhD '31 and Mrs. Clark.New YorkON Friday evening, March 22nd,the Alumni and Alumnae Clubsof New York held a dinner meetingat the Barbizon-Plaza Hotel. Onehundred ninety-three persons attended. The occasion was an auspicious one for the members of bothorganizations as the speakers of theevening were Elizabeth Wallace andPercy Holmes Boynton.Elizabeth Wallace, who is now amember of the faculty of the Seminarin Mexico, conducted each year by theCommittee on Cultural Relations withLatin America, was introduced byMr. George Leisure, President of the Alumni Club and presiding officer.Her words were inspired and full ofpoetry. She told of travels far afieldand of rinding Chicago alumni in remote parts of the world. She placedher hope for future peace and harmony in the western hemispherelargely upon a more intelligent understanding and appreciation of oursouthern neighbors by people fromour colleges and universities in America. A great many of Miss Wallace'sfriends from the University werepresent, some of whom came a co -siderable distance to see and hear heragain.Percy Holmes Boynton, speakingof his active existence at the University, revealed the salient and intimatefacts of a professor's life. He spokeof the routine of classes, the contactswith students, the opportunities forcreative work, the intellectual freedom, the compensations and the sacrifices, and he summed up his exposition by saying that had he his life toplan again, he would pattern it inmuch the same manner; as a facultymember of the University of Chicago.Following the talks of Miss Wallace and Mr. Boynton, the motion picture on sound waves was shownthrough the courtesy of the AlumniCouncil, and Erpi Picture Consultants, of New York.NashvilleNashville alumni of the Universityof Chicago have elected new officersfor the coming year. Dr. LouisBircher, PhD '24, professor of chemistry at Vanderbilt University inNashville, was elected president tosucceed Dr. F. P. Wirth, professorof history at George Peabody College for Teachers.Dr. F. L. Wren, PhD '30, professor of mathematics at Peabody College, was elected secretary-treasurer,to succeed Dr. Bircher who held thatoffice during the past year.The University of Chicago alumniin Nashville meet regularly, usuallyat a luncheon. At the luncheon April15 (Monday) they were addressedby Charlton T. Beck, alumni secretary of the University of Chicago.OregonAt its most recent meeting the University of Chicago-Rush Alumni Association for Oregon elected the following officers : Verne Dusenbery, JD TO, Chairman of the Governor'sRelief Administration InvestigatingCommittee, as President, and GeorgeW. Friede, JD '31, Secretary-Treasurer, to succeed himself. Jay Stockman, JD TO, was the retiring President.Thirty-six alumni and their spousesattended the meeting at the Reed College Commons. The principal speaker,President Dexter Keezer of ReedCollege, talked of radicalism as it affects a college and the true meaningof a liberal institution, taking analogies from the University of Chicagoand Reed College. Other speakerswere Judge George Rossman, JD TO,of the Oregon Supreme Court, andMrs. E. L. Clark, PhD T6, formerlysecretary of the Club, who recentlyvisited the University.SpringfieldDr. Harry Otten, TO, MD '12, hasbeen elected President of the Springfield Club for the coming year, andLucy C. Williams, '17, has been reelected Secretary.Professor T. V. Smith delivered amost unusually penetrating and philosophical address to the group at adinner Tuesday evening, May 14, atthe University Club. His addresswas delightfully interspersed withchoice poetical quotations and his narrative of his trip to Europe for theAmerican Philosophical Association,including his communications with theDelphic Oracle, was most interesting.Thirty-five alumni attended the dinner and all were much impressed bythe thoughtf ulness and humor of Professor Smith's address.TallahasseeThe meeting of Dean ShailerMathews with the group of Chicagoalumni who live in Tallahassee,Florida, held March 28, was mostsatisfactory and enjoyable. It tookplace at the Florida State College forWomen, whose season program oflectures included Dean Mathews asone of the speakers. The alumnigathered immediately after the lectureand held an informal reception whichwas concluded by a talk from DeanMathews. His genial, loyal appreciation of the University and its graduates, and his liberal interpretation ofthe new movements on the campusthere, as far as he has followed them,were appreciated in every detail bythe Florida group.PAINTS RADIATOR CABINETS STORAGE— ContinuedGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86JOHN E. ROCKEFELLOW, INCEstablished 1893Paints, Wall Paper, GlassWindow ShadesWHOLESALE AND RETAIL4321 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Atlantic 1900 ' ?PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPHYSICAL THERAPY UNITSMCINTOSHV ELECTRICAL CORPORATION- CHICAGO IEstablished 1879MANUFACTURERSPhysical Therapy EquipmentTelephone — KEDzie 2048223-233 N. California Ave., ChicagoC. E. MARSHALLWHEEL CHAIR HEADQUARTERSFOR OVER FORTY YEARSNew and Used Chairs for Sale or Rent.Hospital Beds, Crutches, etc."Airo" Mattresses and Cushions5062 Lake Park Ave. Drex. 3300PLASTERINGT.A.BARRETTPLASTERERChimneys RepairedBoiler Mason Work, etc.6447 Drexei Ave.Shop 541 I CottageGrove TelephoneHyde Park 0653PRINTINGMAGNUS-MARKSASSOCIATESPrinting-Publishing-Photo EngravingGeneral Offices 608 S. Dearborn St.Phone Wabash 2685CHICAGO REDUCINGBe in Correct ProportionsGARDNER REDUCINGSTUDIOS30 S. Michigan Ave.Phone Dearborn 3809RESTAURANTThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL TEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324ROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired— New Roofs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estimates FreeFairfax 3206RUG CLEANERC. A. BOUSHELLECOMPANYRUG CLEANERS2 1 8 East 7 1 st StreetTelephone: Stewart 9867SCENERYPAUSBACK STUDIOSScenery Props and LightsRENTEDTelephone Drexei 70603727 Cottage Grove Ave.STORAGEGARFIELDFIREPROOF STORAGE CO.Movers, Packers and StorageNew and Used Household Goods. Terms.5929—33 So. State StreetPhones, Englewood 5020-5021 Phone MID way 9700 HYDe Park 0452Peterson Fireproof Storage Co.Chas. A. Peterson, Pres.Moving and ExpressingPacking and ShippingForeign ShipmentsBranch: 8126 Cottage Grove Avenue55th Street and Ellis AvenueTAILORFrank DEdwardCharles Campbell PhoneEisele State 3863C. Polich Central 8898EISELE & POUCH, LTD.Merchant Tailors8 South Michigan Avenue — Fourth FloorCHICAGOTEACHER'S AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.THE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS AGENCYEstablished 1906PAUL YATES, Manager616-620 South Michigan Ave.ChicagoTHEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.TELEPHONE HARRISON 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronageUNDERTAKERSLUDLOW - SCHNEIDERFUNERAL DIRECTORSFine Chapel witl j New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fa* ifax 286161 10 Cottag e Grove Ave.X-RAY SUPPLIESX-RAY SUPPLIES& Accessories"At Your Service9Tel. Seeley 2550-51Geo. W. Brady & Co.809 So. Western Ave.Io^ sttuck a l|yvlatck In the Ukum _7 struck a match amid the rain dropsWhile there we waited you and I.A little flame revealed we both liked Chesterfield.You know — I know — They Satisfy.You smiled and said, "They do taste better'And I replied, "They're milder, too."Those words just fit them to the letter.You know — I know — They're true.And now we're furnishing a cottageWhere we'll be happy by and by.Because the night we met, you held that cigarette.You know— I know— THEY SATISFY.^^© 1935, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.