ms¦% *,ar - 3S& M:f~., x^-'•¦"S X ¦y ¦¦' ¦¦¦¦ *\r*S;. '"¦¦ i^Bv*!!,v'i* ¦'" •^.¦¦' IE/* I** 1;»«wMfrTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEJANUARY 19 3 5DO NOT GUESS THE ANSWERSTO IMPORTANTEMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS• WHETHER YOU ARE AN EDUCATOROR BUSINESS MAN AVAIL YOURSELF OF THE PROFESSIONALPERSONNEL SERVICE PROVIDEDWITHOUT CHARGE EITHER TOREGISTRANT OR EMPLOYER BY ADEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITYTHEBOARD OF VOCATIONALGUIDANCE & PLACEMENT• 5801 ELLIS AVENUE • CHICAGO • ILLINOIS MIDWAY 0800 •THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCharlton T. Beck, '04 Ruth C. E. Earnshaw, '31Editor and Business Manager Associate EditorFred B. Millett, PhD '31, William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22, John P. Howe, '27Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, JD '13, Ethel Preston, '08, AM '10, PhD' '20, Elizabeth Faulkner, '85Council Committee on PublicationsN THIS ISSUEWe take very great pleasure in in- where he is U. S. A. District Signal Edward Scribner Ames is chair-troducing to the alumni a member of Officer, tying in with the CCC camps, man of the Department of Philos-the order who combines the best He is responsible for the communica- ophy at the University of Chicago.qualities of the scholar tion between camps, telephone and For thirty-five years he has been as-and the man of action telegraph service, photography, and sociated with this Department, and—Major Donald B. meteorology, over a vast area. there are many of his students whoSanger. The Major • wjll be particularly glad to read hisstarted his academic Robert C. Woellner is Executive Convocation Address, delivered atcareer at Massachu- Secretary of the Board of Vocational the Fall Quarter Convocation Drsetts I n s t i t u t e of Guidance and Placement at the Uni- Ames is algo tor o{ the UniversityTechnology,, where he versity. In addition to carrymg on Church of the Disci les of Christspecialized in electn- a most efficient service to both under-cal engineering. A period of engi- graduate and alumni, in counselling •neering work in Mexico was termina- and placement, he has made some . ¦.__„.• rnntrn<;1. +rv rjrted suddenly when he, along with the extremely interesting and valuable *» Sc\r? r,™ „„well-known Diaz, was requested to studies of college people and their Ames article is that by Canon Ber-leave the country. Taking" the com- jobs. "ard Idd^ ™> wh° gave the ad-petitive examination for admission to dress published here at the Universe United States Army, he was com-T A Bl c oc ^mtcmtq ^cP^'i, ?*> if ^ n^missioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the TABLE OF CONTENTS of St. Stephen's College until 1933,Infantry and sent out on border serv- JANUARY. 1935 when he was made preaching canonice at Vera Cruz. He organized the _ rrr -.. R ~„„ Q1 of St. John's Cathedral, Providence.first camp for Signal Service in the ™E CCC' DonM B' Sm9Z He is the author of a number ofWorld War, at Monterey, and was in Vocational Aspirations, Robert C. b0dks on religious thought ; he hascharge of a Replacement Depot, hand- Weellner 95 iectured at the University of Chi-ling 4,000 men a week. He saw The Philosophic Way, Edward cago before, in the Chapel, and onceactive service with the 6th and later Scribner Ames 97 as William Vaughan Moody speaker.the 2nd Division, as Signal Officer, The Mystic Way, Bernard Iddings mand was with the Communications geu 101Division of the Hoover Food Relief Christmas '^ Hutchinson,' HoW Howard W. Mort, who has beenorganization in Europe. After the ivi the readers of the Magazinewar, Major Sanger found time to ' ,,.rh HeliVVitful nubs of news aboutstart a little scholarlv work at the The Versatile Children 105 s,uch aeugtitltll nuDS oi news aDom»idii d nrcie scnoiany worK at ine the quadrangles, is an editor in hisUniversity of Chicago,— just for the In My Opinion 106 own4ri ht &being the master mindSSC^rtl wrdte U?2 s s^to A DlFFEMNG °PINI°N 108 back of ToWer *<**, a weekly bul-tSSSS^^^J^S. NEWS of the O— - 110 letin distributed in all the Universityject of strategy in the Civil War. He Alumni Meetings 116 eating places.has had various articles published, In a Literary Mood 117 •both on engineering questions and Chicago Alumni in the Current Qur thanks are due to WayneinSttrCai SUbJCw ! a^ uS E lGCtU2r Magazines 117 Lavert Landscape Gardener of thel^7*Z*r£t^\^ A— 118 Univeiity, who photographed thestationed in Texas, at Fort Bliss, News of the Classes 120 unusual winter scene on our cover.,, The Magazine is published at Chicago, 111., monthly from November to Jnly, .inclusive for The Alumni Council of the U^^*^ ChiagOj^St and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. Annual Association membership is $2.00, which includes the Magazine; single copies are Si cents, nmerea as scvouu.class matter December 1, 1934, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 187S.You are cordially invited to attendTHE FIFTH ANNUAL MIDWINTERALUMNI DINNERThe ProgramPresident Hutchins will give his annual report on the University.Grace Abbott, former chief of the Children's Bureau in Washington, now Professor of Public Welfare Administrationat the University, will speak.Music by the Midway Singers, directed by Mack Evans.THURSDAY EVENING At THE UNION LEAGUE CLUBFebruary 21, 1935 63 West Jackson Boulevardat 6:30 o'clock Chicago, IllinoisReservations at $1.50 each may be made by mailing your check to: The AlumniCouncil, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, Alumni-in-law and friendswill be welcome.VOLUME XXVII THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 3JANUARY, 1935THE CCCSome Observations and Reflections• By MAJOR DONALD S. SANGER, AM '28, PhD '34 Signal Corps, U. S. A.SOMETHING like a year and a half has passedsince the Democratic Administration introduced,among other relief measures, the Civilian Conservation Corps. No matter what criticism may be directedagainst these others there seems to have been a wholesaleapproval of the work of the CCC, both for its effect onthe young man, and for the good and lasting results obtained in the conservation of our national resources.Faced with the problem of administering the livesand activities of a full quarter million of young men,the President was forced to call on the organized military forces of the country to take over this part of thetask since there was no other agency which was eitherequipped to handle a mass concentration or which hadthe requisite understanding of the magnitude of theproblem.The Army took over the task of administering theCCC with questionable enthusiasm. The matters ofprocessing, of housing, of feeding and transportingthese boys were not what caused apprehension. Ratherit was the serious problem of managing these three hundred thousand or so young men, many of whom had escaped the discipline of home or routine employment,without the authority to administer routine militarydiscipline. Fortunately, the problem was well on itsIt was the writer's privilege to become associatedwith the Civilian Conservation Corps program with itsoriginal establishment in the Southwest. As the communications officer from the Army, he has arranged forand managed the military agencies of communicationbetween the District Headquarters and all lesser admin-istratwe control points down to the camps. In thiscapacity he has visited many of the camps and all of thesub-idistrict headquarters periodically, during the lasteighteen months. The District includes all of Arizonaand New Mexico and the western or mountainous sections of Texas. His conclusions are necessarily limitedto what he has seen in this section and, therefore, maynot agree with the results observed in other parts ofthe country. way to a satisfactory solution through the good senseof the officer in command and an appreciative responsefrom the men, who knew that some form of obediencewas necessary. The spirit rather than the form itselfbridged what, under normal times, might have been achasm of disaster. In spite of the traditional lawlessness of the unemployed city boy, he proved surprisinglyamenable to routine group discipline and settled downinto the group activity in a very short space of time.The administration of the CCC in the field hasdisproved the old saying that a man cannot serve twomasters. In the CCC, the work day belongs to theForest Service or whatever particular agency is usingthe man ; at night and during meal hours, the boy comesunder the Army. And, on the whole, it has worked outfairly well. It has been an experience almost uniquefor the soldier — an educational advantage which wouldhave been of untold benefit could it have been availablebefore the great mobilization of 1917.While a gratifying amount of conservation workhas been accomplished by these thousands of youngmen, the people are not so much interested in whethertwo million forest trails have been opened as they arein the probable future programs of Forest Conservationwork, and the probable effects of this experiment on theyoung man, on the Forest Service, on the MilitaryService that has administered the camps, and on thefuture national relief policies.Without doubt, the future will show a more wholesome and particular interest in national relief programs.The recent election returns indicate that a nationalpolicy of laissez faire is ended, and that a social reformof far reaching effect is in the making. While manymay doubt the wisdom of some of the relief measures inforce and proposed, all seemingly agree that the spiritof the present Administration represents the principlesof the social reforms desired by a large majority of ourcitizens. The work of the CCC has received nationalapproval. It is not unreasonable to assume that it willbecome a prominent feature of our future national relief and conservation policies. If this assumption is9192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAdministering the oath to the first group of CCC students atFort Blisscorrect, the people will show an increasing interest inthe extent of the program and the means whereby thiswork may be carried on with the minimum of cost andthe maximum of benefit, as well as in the purely socialfeatures of the plan.As a relief measure, the benefits of scattering theConservation Corps effort has produced a stimulatingresult over a wide section of the Southwest. Smallmountain hamlets and isolated forest villages have received a needed increased market for local products anda healthful and periodic increasing supply of currency.No one section seems to have benefited at the expenseof others. The larger wholesale centers have acted assources of supply for bulk foods, lumber and kindreditems, and the other incidentals needed for a strenuouslife in the forest or hills. The clothing and leathergoods trade has been helped; and the automobile andtransportation companies have been enabled to put menback to work in order to supply the items and servicesdemanded.The purpose of this article, however, is not to discuss the general benefits derived from the Civilian Conservation Corps work, but to point out something of theeffect on the young man himself, and to show where hehas labored and what he has been doing.The first CCC camps of the Southwest comprisedsome 10,000 average American boys, taken largely fromthe plains west of the Mississippi — about equally dividedbetween rural and city groups. Physical examination atthe sources eliminated those who were manifestly unfitfor labor. The chosen ten thousand were divided amongsome fifty camps in Arizona, New Mexico, and WestTexas. The first groups showed the effect of prolongedundernourishment or malnutrition. All evidenced theresults of a somewhat prolonged exposure to the uncertain economic and social conditions of their ownhome towns. A few were pseudo-communistic ; manywere dispirited and dissatisfied, but all seemed to approach this new venture with enthusiasm. The campcommanders recognized that they had the problem ofrestoring physical strength and normal physical habits of eating and living as well as to attempt to bring backa more wholesome attitude toward society at large.The problem of bringing the bodies back to norma]strength was easily solved. First, good food in abundance was supplied with a balancing of the necessarycomponents. The best cooks the Army affords weretaken at once to operate the camp messes. Having beentrained in the proper and economical handling of foodsin bulk, and providing well cooked and tasty meals ona ration of something like 30 cents a day, the CCCmesses, with the increased money allotment, excelled inquality and variety, the meals in an average middle classAmerican home. The writer visited several camps during these opening days and saw lines of boys prepared to dine al fresco on steaks and chops, two or threevegetables, raw fruits in abundance, salads of greens andtomatoes, and desserts of pudding, pies or ice cream.Coffee, tea, cocoa and milk provided either a hot or acold beverage. Some boys filled a 10-inch plate nottwice but three times — and needed it all to satisfy appetites stimulated by mountain air, physical exercise, anda long absence from such satisfying meals. Withinsixty days the demand for "thirds" had ceased, and notover half the boys called for "seconds". Although thefood had improved and lodge-type dining halls had beenconstructed, the boys had been "filled" and only required a normal ration to keep going at maximum efficiency.Before leaving the subject of food, it is worthnoting that many of these supplies had to be hauled bytruck as many as one hundred miles over mountainroads in order to have fresh fruits and vegetables available daily. To meet the need for fresh breads, one enterprising camp commander built old fashioned dutchbake ovens and soon was turning out bread, rolls, cakesand pies of a superior quality in quantities sufficient toprovide other camps with these luxuries. The writersampled cake and rolls that brought back memories ofthe better tea shops in and around Chicago — much better, it may be added, than some of the culinary monstrosities that used to grace the tables at the Commonstoward the end of the summer term.A corps of trained inspectors kept a watchful eyeon the meats and other raw foods and never hesitatedSome boys filled a ten-inch plate, not twice, but three timesTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 93to prohibit sales to the CCCcamps when there was anyindication that the food wasbelow standard. The verylow rate of intestinal disturbances among the CCCindicates that the food handling from source to finishedproducts on the table wasably done.Because of the shift fromlow altitudes to the mountains and a correspondingdrop in day and night temperatures, it was feared thatthe pneumonia rate mightrise. Every precaution wastaken, both in supplyingproper clothing and in the arrangement of sleeping quarters, to prevent the spread ofcolds and to isolate those infected. Camp hospitals wereset up with skilled surgeonsin charge and a supervisory medical inspection service insured against neglect of either precautions or thesick.Injured men and those who required long hospitalization were evacuated to General Hospitals, whereevery facility was made available to care for the patient.Even an aerial ambulance service was called into playwhen haste was imperative. The low record of sick andwounded cases per thousand was the gratifying resultof this medical service.The work of the men was, and is, under the direction of the Forest Service or some kindred Governmentor State agency. The Army administers the food,housing, clothing, and general welfare of the men; theUsing Service, i.e., the Forest Service, lays out the workprograms and supervises the work.There is not space to give a detailed account of theamount of work done or the several varieties of workundertaken. Those who are interested in this maysecure a copy of the report of the Director of the CCCwhich gives the results textually and by graph in a surprising amount of detail. The work was healthful, productive of good results, and not hazardous. Some fewaccidents have occurred which proved to be the resultof a disregard of instructions or the insatiable curiosityof the young American boy when handling explosives.So well watched were these work programs by the Forest Service or other Governmental official that the actualnumber of accidents is below the normal average forsimilar work in industry. The work has been productive of much good. Unquestionably, had the ForestService been permitted to hire labor locally, in amountsas needed, the actual monetary cost would have beenless. Such a plan, however, would have defeated therelief element which was a large motivating cause forthe program.In this section much of the work done has been inopening mountain trails, preventing forest fires, andRehabilitation Through Beauty preparing camp and parkgrounds for a more generaluse of the people. It hasbeen focused on conservingthe natural resources and inpreparing for an extensionof national and forest parks,so that a larger number ofpeople may enjoy them. Theeconomic results can only beguessed ; but undoubtedlythere will be a considerablesaving in actual moneythrough the conservation ofour forest and grazing lands,and the prevention of disastrous floods which have, inthe past, taken a heavy tollof livestock, homes, and human life.Since the work wasplanned in the mountainareas, most of the campswere located in the almostinaccessible sections of the national forests of the Southwest. The Southwest is justly held to be the land ofromance. Nature was certainly not conservative whenshe formed these deserts and swelling mountains withthe innumerable canyons and rugged cliffs. The brightsun of the Southwest has looked down on many succeeding generations who have lived and died and added theirbit to the civilizations that have come and gone and reappeared in this land. Only the paleontologist and thearcheologist can tell how long ago the civilizations beganand when they died. The land is still primitive and unspoiled. The effect of the impress of such ruggedbeauty and such indescribable variations of the groundon the future lives of these young men is bound to betremjendous. The writer has/ talked with many ofthese boys who have spent some weeks in the mountains.The effect of the environment as an agency for creatinga spiritual awakening of these young men has beenlarge. Very few found mountain life distasteful —many claimed that they did not* want to leave ; manymore showed a much more wholesome social attitudethan when they came, and some attributed this changeto the influences brought by the beauty of the naturalsurroundings. This can be easily understood. Theman who has been brought up in a smoky city full ofnoise and the vibrations of an urban industrial societyand is translated in body and spirit to a mountain wherethe eye can pass over 75 to 100 miles of valley to thenext chain of mountains with its kaleidoscopic effect ofthe changing color shades, where each detail comes outstrongly, is bound to undergo a great awakening. Themajesty of distance makes the petty trials of our modern society seem trivial.It was in this land that Coronado and the other explorers forged their way through the wilderness. Cor-onado's Trail is now dotted with the camps of the CCC.No man can breathe the dust of Coronado and not imbibe some of his resourcefulness and love for the "wide94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEopen spaces". When these boys go back to an urbansociety they will take with them, in addition to theirhealthy bodies, a spirit that has been stimulated andbroadened by the influences of the Coronado Trail,Santa Fe Trail, Mesilla Valley, and other historic highways. One camp was dropped into the bottom of theGrand Canyon where the boys traveled the Kaibab Trailfor three hours, dropping down into the bowels of theearth, there to remain for six months, unless they werewilling to spend six hours in a tiresome climb back tothe mesa rim. Here, in the valley of the Colorado,where the sun rises at 10 in the morning and sets shortlyafter three in the afternoon, some 200 young men wereto clear the river of its trash and obstructions, widentrails, and open up a much larger extent of this naturalwonder, so that others could profit by their labor inthe years to come. It was not an easy task to keep theseyoung men contented. There were no young womenavailable for Saturday night "dates" and the long evenings proved rather tiresome until an educational projectwas started to keep them occupied.Another camp was placed on top of a very highmountain with an unobstructed view for hundreds ofmiles in almost every direction. Here the young mendressed for winter in summer and snow balls were madeon the north side of the cliff even as late as the middleof July. Another camp was set down in the MountainPark south of Phoenix, Arizona, to open up this playground for the benefit of the community where theparks and streets were already too congested for children to play and their elders to have a quiet, old fashioned picnic. Part of this program included the building of a vast stadium at Papago Park, near Phoenix,Arizona, open to all, where religious and other beneficial services could be held. A fish pond was constructed where mountain trout, steel-head and rainbowwere propagated to increase the value of the fishingstreams already renowned as a fisherman's paradise.Another camp, in fact three of them, were nestled downunder the Tonto Rim, where the ghosts of Zane Grey'sdynamic characters ride the mountain trails, and undoubtedly came to visit with these boys. Other campswere located in and around Santa Fe, the cradle ofAmerican white civilization (with due apologies to St.Augustine, Florida), and others in and around the miningcommunities of Globe, Arizona, where there are desolateghost towns bleaching on the hillsides. Not one of the50 camps was located in a dull place or an ugly place, orwhere there was not an immediate response for theinward gratifying for something more beautiful to lookat than the smoke stained windows of a factory. Theseveral photographs included here, many of them takenby the Signal Corps photographic service, are but muteevidence of some of the influences brought to bearin the great spiritual awakening caused by the CCC.. . . Is it worth while?The greatest benefit will not be from the monetarysavings in the conservation of our national forest andgrazing lands, enormous as these savings will be inthe future. Far greater is the saving of a quarter million young men from the despondency and the uglinessof some features of our modern industrial community life. Some of this will be translated into municipal reform and the elimination of ugliness in our towns.Undoubtedly the CCC will become a permanent featureof our national conservation policy. The funds spentnow, and to be spent in the future, are buying muchmore than direct physical relief. If this work is turnedover to the Forest Service it is to be hoped that it willnot be carried on through the hiring of ordinary laborlocally, for the mere purpose of preventing fires or saving agricultural lands from further erosion. While thatwould be worth while, it would be by no means comparable to the benefits to be gained through the enrollment of young men between the ages of 18-25, forperiods not to exceed one year, as part of a youth building national service, as a guarantee against the physicaldecadence of the modern young man which is comingabout slowly but surely with the reduction of the ruralsociety. The Greeks worshipped the healthy body.Modern medicine has demonstrated that the healthybody is the best breeding place for a good spirit and asound mind. There is no question but that the benefits tothe young man with the CCC (over a million of them todate) have been vastly more important because of regular sleeping, eating and recreational habits, and frombeing "exposed" to a reasonable amount of hard physical work.The benefits to society in the future can be measured with some degree of accuracy. The danger ofthese young men participating in political movementswhich would be destructive of our national ideals isremote. There are no candidates for communism inthe CCC. The habits they have formed, and that theyare enjoying, and the benefits to be gained from a balanced diet and regularity of sleeping, will be transmitted by them in some degree to their children. Theimportance of regular medical inspection, not only ofthe body, but of the living place, has been emphasized.There will be less danger in the future from slums andthose awful smelling alleys and back streets that havebecome a nuisance in America. There will also be lessdanger of an unwise exploitation of our national resources. These men will think in terms of the nationrather than in terms of the community in such matters.There is one danger that should be pointed out andthat is that the Civilian Conservation Corps programin the future may become the plaything of politics andan integral part of the "Spoils" System. Such a shiftwould be fatal in its consequences. The main reasonwhy this program has received such an unqualified approval from the American people is the fact that it isexempt from a "Spoils" System and that it has beenadministered by men who have no political affiliation andwho have been brought up on the traditions of scrupulous honesty and an unselfish attention to the wishes oftheir common superior. If the CCC is to become a permanent institution, no better solution could be foundthan that of continuing the present administrative "setup" with a few essential reforms and a wider use ofour Reserve Corps of officers as field commanders. Theservice will be honestly administered and the young menwill discover that the American Army, at least, is notaddicted to the "Goose Step."VOCATIONAL ASPIRATIONSOf Freshmen• By ROBERT C. WOELLNER, AM '24,THERE will be no depression by the time freshmen graduate from college. The normal processesof the work-a-day world will be functioning, andyoung people with ambition, training, and a "will to do"again will be sought by employers. Upon such hopesrest the vocational aspirations of the newcomers to theCollege. Many of them selected a vocation before starting their college work ; others seek vocational counseling ;while a fortunately small group have neither selected, nordesire help in selecting, their future careers. This minority group perhaps hopes for a return of the good olddays when bond selling and college graduation weresynonymous.Vocational information concerning the Freshmenwho entered the College during the last three years(1932, 1933, and 1934) has been recorded by means of aquestionnaire distributed during Freshman Week of eachyear. A digest of the information obtained from thesequestionnaires follows.1. Approximately two-thirds of the Freshmen ofeach class have chosen a vocation.2. About one-third of the Freshmen of each classhave expressed a desire for vocational counseling. Thereseems to be some evidence that the proportion of Freshmen who desire vocational counseling is increasing.3. Proportionately more Freshman men than Freshman women have decided upon a vocation.4. There seems to be no direct correlation betweenage and vocational decision. In 1932 and 1934 more ofthe older Freshmen, and in 1933, more of the youngerFreshmen, had made a choice of vocations.5. There does seem to be a correlation between aknowledge of vocations and vocational decision. Aboutfourteen per cent more of those Freshmen, who had acquired a knowledge of vocations have made decisions,than of those who had acquired no vocational information. More Freshmen had been taught about vocationsthan had not.6. A larger number of Freshmen checked "Reading"than any other item as a source of vocational information. The second largest group checked "As Part of aCourse." "Parents," "A High School Course in Vocations and Careers," and "Other Means" follow in orderof frequency of occurrence. It would seem that thehigh schools are justified in continuing and perhaps expanding their programs of offering students information about vocations.7. Approximately fifty per cent of the Freshmen ofall three classes have chosen one of the three major professions — Law, Medicine, and Education. The sevenmost popular vocations are Law, Medicine, Education,Natural Sciences, Business, Journalism and Social Service, in the order given. Very few changes occur in the relative popularity of these vocations. The variationsthat might be mentioned occur among the women. Thereseems to be an increase, during the three year period, inthe number of Freshman women who have selected Medicine as a career, and a decrease in the number who haveselected Education. The percentages of women who havechosen Journalism show a decrease, while the percentagesof women who have selected Social Service show a rathermarked increase. As would be expected from the foregoing, the order of preference changes with each yearin the case of the women. However, Education is far inthe lead in each instance. Among the Freshman men, theorder of vocational preference reads as follows : Law,Medicine, Natural Sciences, Business, Education, andJournalism. The order is the same for the men of eachFreshman class, and the percentages give little or no evidence of trends.For the most part, the three classes of Freshmen included in the study show amazing similarity in their selection of vocations.In order to assist students who desire counseling inregard to the selection of a vocation, the University ofChicago has done and is doing a number of things. Eachstudent in the College has an "Adviser" with whom hemay confer for counseling. Each student in the Divisions has a departmental "Counselor" for the same purpose. In addition, students are privileged to use the services of the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement.This administrative unit of the University has assembledfor student use published materials, printed and mimeographed material about vocations and the selections ofvocations, arranged for lectures by faculty and alumnion vocational subjects, and provided for individual conferences with students.By these means, students who so desire may receiveas much sound vocational counseling as it is possible toprovide at the present time. The following outline wasprepared by the author with the hope that it would reachstudents who desire assistance either through advisers,counselors, or through the office of the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement.SuggestionsAs you realize, no doubt, there are many difficultiesinvolved in attempting to offer vocational counseling tothose who have not chosen their vocation. No personor persons are equipped to tell you in what vocationyou will be happiest, make your largest potential income,or contribute most to the welfare of society. The selection of a vocation, however, is not entirely a matter ofchance. There are some things which you can do foryourself that will be worthwhile to you in making an9596 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEintelligent choice of a vocation. The following steps ofprocedure are suggested to you.I. Decide upon what you want most from vocational life. In deciding upon what you want, consideryour abilities and your opportunities. What other menand women have taken into account when thinking aboutvocations is presented in the following references whichare in the bookroom of the offices of the Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement, Room 215, Cobb Hall.Crawford, A. B. and Clement, S. H. The Choice ofan Occupation. The Department of Personnel Study,Yale University, 1932, pp. 1-17.Neuberg, M. J. Principles and Methods of Vocational Choice. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1934, Chapters V-X.II. Acquire information about vocations. Do notmake the mistake of assuming that you know about avocation when in reality you have only a partial understanding or merely a prejudice for or against it. Thereare a number of books and pamphlets containing information about vocations. These publications are available to you on the shelves in Cobb 215. You can readthem there or take them out for a limited time. Thefollowing are a few of the publications in which you willbe especially interested.Bennett, G. V. and Older, F. E. Occupational Orientation. Society for Occupational Research, 1931.Bernays, E. L., An Outline of Careers. Doubleday,Doran and Company, Inc., 1928.Cohen, I. D. Find Yourself. Sears Publishing Company, Inc., 1932.Crawford, A. B. and Clement, S. H. The Choice ofan Occupation. The Department of Personnel Study,Yale University, 1932, pp. 43-483. Menge, E. J.v.K. Jobs for the College Graduate inScience. The Bruce Publishing Company, 1932.Neuberg, M. J. Principles and Methods of Vocational Choice. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1934. Appendices I-V,University of Minnesota. University Training forthe National Service. University of Minnesota Press1932.III. Expand your conceptions of vocational life toinclude the newer vocations. The traditional vocationsare becoming over-crowded. Rapid social and technological changes are creating new lines of work. Thesetwo facts should encourage the college graduate to consider entering newer vocations. These are described inProfessor Pitkin's new book, New Careers for Youth,Simon and Schuster, 1934. Also read Make Your OwnJob, by Violet Ryder and H. B. Doust, The H. W. Wilson Company, 1934.IV. Obtain all possible assistance in discoveringyour abilities and aptitudes. Results of standardizedtests tell partial truths about you in which you should beinterested.At present, the Strong Vocational Interest Blank isreceiving considerable attention by those interested inoffering vocational counseling. This blank will giveyou an idea of the pattern of your social interests bycomparison with those of successful individuals in various vocations. The blank is furnished free of charge.The scoring of the blank, however, costs the Universityone dollar. This charge is paid by the person taking thetest. A copy of the Strong Vocational Interest Blankcan be obtained at Cobb 215. If you wish an interpretation of the results of the Strong Vocational InterestBlank, you should fill in at the time that you take thistest, the Vocational Interview Summary. This blankshould be obtained at the same time you request theStrong Vocational Interest Blank.C* %;j4 i %9^li •*fife < Sifti- .?**^fe r \"A camp on a mountain top with unobstructed view"THE PHILOSOPHIC WAY*® By EDWARD SCRIBNER AMES, PhD'95, Chairman, Department of PhilosophyDOUBTLESS most of you who are receiving degrees today have the common experience of realizing that your studies have touched upon manysubjects which have appealed to you but which you havebeen unable to pursue. You have been compelled toleave many questions unsolved and many untouched. Itis to be hoped that the work you have done has stimulated you, and trained you, to resolve at least to followout in the future many lines beyond the limits you havereached, and into other fields bordering upon those youhave specially cultivated. Perhaps in these new days ofleisure while waiting for patients, or clients, or pupils,or any kind of a job, you will have opportunity to travelon new roads with the initiative and independence whichthe "new plan" has encouraged in you. Certainly it isone test of any higher education to open to the mindwider vistas of knowledge for mastery and enjoyment.Philosophy is one of those subjects toward which manystudents glance with curiosity but often leave at oneside in order to deal with what they think more practicalthings, or with things that seem more tangible and urgent. There are reasons, however, why educated peopleare likely, in the days ahead, to inquire more eagerlywhat philosophy has to say about life, and how it proceeds to formulate its answers to the crucial questionsthat all thoughtful men ask some time or other. Everyone is aware that the past decades have been characterized by intense specialization. Scholarship, like ourtechnologies and professions, has cultivated intensivelyvery narrow interests. This specialization has been atimely and fruitful procedure, but it has given to academic work the appearance of extremely minute andatomistic research. Even the members of the facultyhave often found amusing compensation, during the routine periods of university convocations, in noting thesubjects of doctors' theses in other than their own departments. A symbol of such minute investigations remains in my mind from association years ago with a colleague in a small college who wrote his thesis for thedoctorate in biology in a German university. His subjectwas "The Nasal Muscles of the Salamander." He wasvery enthusiastic about these particular muscles and feltthat his work on them had helped his science to breathemore easily.There is now a tendency toward synthesis, withoutignoring or minimizing the importance of meticulous, detailed analysis. The synthesis which philosophy undertakes is audaciously inclusive. It is more comprehensivethan an Outline of History, or an Outline of Science.Philosophy ventures to construct an entire cosmology,a thorough-going metaphysics, and a sound theory ofknowledge, as in the work of Professor Whitehead.An age of great system building, apparently, is begin-*The Convocation Address, delivered at the University Chapel, December 18, 1934. ning. There is a very natural and deep-seated desire inthe human mind to see things whole, to grasp the entirescheme of being, and if possible to discern its meaning.People crave the experience of attaining an elevationfrom which the horizon of their vision is thrown back togreater distance, permitting a clearer view of the scenewithin which they live. That is why sky rides are sopopular, and that is one reason why hills and mountainshave such fascination. It has long seemed to me that aflat city like Chicago should build itself a hill to satisfythis craving for far horizons. Building a hill wouldsurely be as justifiable an enterprise for the CWA assome other public works. I have already talked withpublic spirited individuals who were willing to subscribeprivate funds to construct a hill in one of the publicparks of this city where pedestrians and motorists couldrise above the dead level to see the sun set, or to viewthe farther waters of the lake. One function of philosophy is to present life in larger "dimensions and longerperspectives, and to do so, not in mere fancy or unrestrained imagination, but with due regard for the knownfacts, and the observed relations in which they stand.A common complaint about philosophers is that theydifTer so much among themselves that they merely confuse their readers, or else make noisy partisans of theirfollowers. Philosophers themselves, however, reply tothis complaint by saying that particular systems are thework of individual men, employing the materials whichtheir age affords, but with the common purpose of interpreting the world and man's place in it. Philosophersare somewhat like architects who build a great variety ofhouses, using the material at hand, thinking out theirown designs, yet all seeking to provide shelter, comfort,and some degree of harmony and beauty. Differentperiods, and different countries, have their own styles,but houses everywhere have common properties, such asfoundation, roof, doors, and windows. To hear an admirer of Gothic architecture discuss Renaissance architecture might create the impression that Renaissance construction had no security whatever, that it was entirelylacking in both foundation and walls.Philosophy has had a long history, and in its greatestnames, registers one of the impressive, continuing enterprises of mankind. With no false hopes of bringingtheir task to full completion, some men in every generation take up the enterprise anew, adding somethingthrough their criticism and insight, or adding something,too, by their consciousness of failure. Along the highways of all real intellectual adventures ther£ are marksof pick and shovel where roads were attempted but whichbear the sign, No Thoroughfare. And these records ofself-criticism are among the important contributions ofthought.There are three persistent problems with which philosophy concerns itself : first, a vision of reality as com-9798 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEprehensive and clear as possible ; second, the examinationand criticism of the processes of knowledge and imagination by which that vision is gained ; and third, the assessment of the meanings and values which appear ormay be discovered in the broadest and most searchingoutlook upon life.The first problem is that commonly called cosmologyand metaphysics, and this reveals the close dependence ofmodern philosophy upon the sciences. The physical sciences have not only given new data concerning the magnitudes of space-time, but they have discovered amazingthings about the structure and behavior of matter in itsminutest forms and most interior depths. The onceseemingly solid nature of the ultimate pellets from whichthe imagery of a materialistic and completely mechanisticconception of the world was drawn has dissolved intoactivities and processes far more refined and complexthan were the atoms of Democritus or any later materialist. The philosopher tries to readjust his conception ofthe universe of objects and events to this new imageryand to the idea of the continuous, and the discontinuous,changes going on. If he has heretofore thought of himself walking or standing on solid rock, it is difficult torealize that the rock is not only porous but actually consists of streams of energy rushing up to its surface andsustaining the pedestrian's feet by beating up againstthem. One may think upon this strange phenomenon until one becomes so obsessed by thought of the fluid,streaming nature of the rock, that he hesitates to stepupon it for fear of sinking into it as into quicksand orflowing vapor. Professor Eddington says, "The external world of physics has thus become a world of shadows. ... In the world of physics we watch a shadowgraph performance of the drama of familiar life. Theshadow of my elbow rests on the shadow table as theshadow ink flows over the shadow paper. It is all symbolic," he says, "and as a symbol the physicist leaves it."In these words is suggested something of the strangelynew views of the world which the physical sciences aredisclosing, views that have scarcely any parallel in thehistory of critical, experimental science in any age ofthe past.No less epoch-making have been the biological sciences. Through the long, patient observation of livingforms, Darwin matured the basic conception of evolution. It is only seventy-five years since the publicationof his Origin of Species, which has so profoundly affected man's outlook upon himself, his relation to allother forms of life, his view of all human experience,and his insight into all processes and institutions ofsociety. Not the least significant is the impression thusgained of the turbulent stream of life in whose depths thepressures, struggles, and conflicts produce such a varietyof creatures in such varying degrees of fitness to survive.The wonder excited by the scene presented, is scarcelygreater over the marvelously efficient adaptations whichoccur where organisms develop a complex, delicatenervous system like that of the human being, or whereother organisms are so imperfectly formed that theyhave little chance to develop or survive. This mixedscene, producing the "believe it or not" marveL of all museums and laboratories, is a vivid answer to all static,or perfectionist doctrines about existence as we nowknow it. Professor Jennings, in his book, The Universeand Life, mentions what he calls an unwelcome but verifiable fact that is important for our picture of life, thefact that life makes many mistakes, tries blind alleys, andwill repeat the same unsuccessful experiment, the sametragic mistake, a hundred times. He says, "Whether westudy the infusorian, the fruit fly, or man, we find produced misshapen creatures, individuals that lack essentialorgans, individuals whose senses are imperfect or wholack certain sense organs ; individuals whose internal organs work but ill, whose intimate chemical processes areimperfect ; individuals whose nervous systems fail to provide guidance." But in other directions, in manybranches of the life tree, growth and progress can continue and do continue. Professor Jennings adds that"Life is transforming now as it has transformed in thepast. . . . The universe is not finished, it is still in themaking ; and what it will produce in the future, we cannot predict."The newest, and in many respects the nearest to human concerns, of all the aspects which the vision of thephilosopher includes, is that presented by the rapidly developing social sciences. The same basic work of careful observation and cautious generalization which havecreated the modern physical and biological sciences, hasbegun to achieve discovery of significant relations andmovements within the field of human society. Here arepresented in great wealth of detail the formation andlife-history of numerous cultures from the simplest tothe most complex. The influences of man's struggle withdifferent climatic and material environments, of racecontacts, of invention and social organization, of movements of reformation, revolution, education, religion, andsystems of ideas, begin to appear in the long perspectivesand changing forms of the whole human world. Studiesof sociology, economics, law, international relations, religion, morals, and art, have revolutionized these subjects and have shown their interdependence. In all thesefields of growth; psvchology, and especially socialpsychology, has played a central role. Men still feel that"the proper study of mankind is man," but the twentiethcentury has gone far beyond the day when Pope madethis assertion, for it is now seen that nothing that happens in nature or society, is unrelated to that study. Itis only of late years that it has become clear how muchthe growth of individual personality is bound up with thegeneral conditions of society, with war and peace, wealthand poverty, crime and order, barbarism and culture.Doubtless this attempt, to suggest what it means forphilosophy to seek a vision of the whole of life will seemto many to convict philosophy of an altogether presumptuous and fantastic enterprise. But there is at handin the educational policy of this great university an impressive answer. Here under the "new plan" not onlystudents who wish to become philosophers, but every student is required to make a survey of the physical, thebiological, the social sciences, and the humanities. Asfurther evidence that the requirement of such an inclusive vision of the world is not chimerical, we have theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 99fact that a large number of undergraduates have really achieved it, andhave passed the comprehensive examinations !There is a sense in which philosophy g°es beyond the sciences.Philosophy does not restrict itself bythe boundaries and limits which aspecial science draws around itself.The scientist properly enough, and infact as a necessity for the accomplishment of the best results withinhis field, refuses as a scientist to dealwith all the other sciences with whichhis own subject has connections. Butphilosophy is interested in just theseinterrelations, and employs themethod of science in developing itsmore inclusive generalizations. Accepting the facts and the general conclusions of science, philosophy projects the larger outlook upon the totalscene and ventures to ask for thevalues and the meanings of life. Itsmethod is the scientific method applied to this farthest reach of humanreason and imagination. Modernphilosophy recognizes the tentativeand hypothetical character of its generalizations, and holds them subjectto further testing and revision in thelight of new discoveries and hypotheses of growing science.In this process of self criticism and revision, the instrument employed is that of examined and disciplinedknowledge. It-is knowledge alert with watchful scepticism of its own processes and results, knowledge whichcultivates for this purpose a rigorous logic as its own censor. Intelligence, operating through sharply tested ideas,is the means by which man has risen from the level ofanimal existence, and this intelligence continues in thehighest cultures to be the ground of hope for furtherachievement. It stands guard over the dearly won treasures of civilization against the persistent dangers of bruteimpulse, of superstition, of blind dogmatism, of unreasoning authority, and of uncritical mysticism. In itsconstructive function, imaginative intelligence guides therestless energy of man to discover the means of masteryover nature, to create inventions, social organizations,and works of art. Mr. H. G. Wells, in his Autobiography, characterizes this urge of mankind toward newtypes of life as a desire "to escape from individual immediacies into the less personal activities now increasingin human society." "Essentially," he says, "It is an imposition upon the primary life of a participation in thegreater life of the race as a whole. In studies and studios and laboratories, administrative bureaus and exploring expeditions, a new world is germinated and develops.It is not a repudiation of the old but a vast extension ofit, in a racial synthesis into which individual aims willultimately be absorbed. We originative intellectual work-Harper Tower, haunt of the Philosopher ers are reconditioning human life."For some readers his use of the personal pronoun in this last sentencemay obscure the vital truth it contains, but dropping that pronoun,there remains the statement of a profound observation, "Originative intellectual workers are reconditioninghuman life."While attempting to see life withsome wholeness, and to purifyby criticism the eyes by which theysee, philosophers adventure into thestill more difficult problem of thevalue and the meaning of life. American philosophers have not been pessimists. The idealists, like JosiahRoyce, have recognized bitter, tragicevents as common enough, and havenot minimized the darkness and thepain that mortals experience, but theyhave held that in some ultimate stageor manner of life, the evils are overcome, and possibly made tributory tothe good. Most philosophers in thiscountry are now realists in referenceto the problem of evil, that is, theyagree that it is a very mixed world inwhich are found both goods and evilsfrom the standpoint of human needsand wishes. The favorite word todescribe the general attitude towardlife is neither pessimism nor optimism, but meliorism. Meliorism means the doctrine ofbetter and worse, and implies that at the best thingsmight be better, and that at the worst they might beworse. It is also a growing conviction that somethingcan be done about" both the goods and the evils. Thegoods may be cultivated through knowledge and controlof the conditions in which they arise, very much as gardeners discover what soil, moisture, and light are favorable for desired variations in the cultivation of flowersand fruits. But any gardener knows that this task is noteasy or simple. There are so many pests, so many dangers of blight, of extremes of heat and cold.What, then, is the meaning of life? My answer isthat the end of life is to grow, to grow in knowledge, inachievement, and in enjoyment of growth itself. Thismay be the answer of what Santayana calls "animalfaith," but it is also a faith that continues to live at thehighest levels of life. The plant puts forth its tendrilstoward the light, the animal seeks food, and the humanbeing aspires to satisfy his multiple hungers which springfrom the wide ranges of imagination. There are two olddogmas which deny this conception of the meaning oflife, not to mention the conviction of some that life hasno meaning at all. One is the dogma that human natureis inherently bad and therefore lacking within itself theresources of significant development. Not so many anylonger hold explicitly to this doctrine but the old distrustof the natural man still poisons the currents of thought.100 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIt is an old theological stronghold to which, in the wakeof war and depression, many influential minds are reverting. It rests upon the fallacy that things are either justgood or bad, black or white, with no intermediate tonesof gray. It rests also upon a fact of human nature which,however, may easily be turned to the credit of man, andthis fact is the obvious discrepancy between man's consciousness of the actual and the ideal. In every normalperson the difference between what he actually is orachieves and what he dreams of being or accomplishingmay appear like an impassible gulf. The real self seemsso small and insignificant against the imagined possibilities. Judged from the side of the ideal, the consciousness of failure and imperfection makes any effort appearfutile. The psychologists and the moralists call suchidealism sentimentality, and propose as a cure more realistic, more practical standards for direction of effort.Ideals, they insist, are wholesome when they are reasonable projections of plans and purposes in relation to existing habits and knowledge. Imagination itself needsrestraint in order to find realization of its ends.The other dogma is that human nature cannot bechanged. The apparent growth in civilization and so-called higher culture is said to be only a veneer over thebasic animal inheritance. Only the stress of passion, orsore defeat, is needed to reveal the unchanging, untamedimpulses. This is another form of the despair of human nature, and it has its paralyzing effects in relation to theproblems of popular education, of democracy, of worldpeace, and various social reforms. But the psychologistsare on the side of the possibility of real growth. Theyemphasize the plasticity of human nature. The child maybe "conditioned"; the youth may be reconditioned; andthe adult may be still further reconditioned. It is aproblem of environment, of motivation, of the formation and the re-formation of habit, of building up attitudes toward new personality patterns. One boon whicha college education tends to bestow is the realization thatnew things may be learned, new ideas, new techniques,and new confidence in the possibility of self -stimulationand self-direction.I congratulate you who are graduating today. Youhave experienced much of what I have been calling aphilosophy of life. You have had your horizon of observation broadened, you have learned better how tothink, and you have grown into a larger and richer life.What hints I have given of philosophy as the wisdom oflife, you have found, or may find, elaborated in the professional writings of the great geniuses of the intellectual life, from Plato down to Professor Whitehead.These systems are like master pieces of art. They revealthe heights and the shadows of man's noblest adventures, suggest roadways for life's journey, and offer theenjoyment of endless and rewarding contemplation.Something more beautiful to look at than smoke-stained factory windowsTHE MYSTIC WAYA University Chapel SermonJesus said unto Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovestthou met"He saith unto Him, Lord, thou knowest that I lovethee/' St. John 21:61.I HAVE lately been in receipt of a communicationfrom an undergraduate woman in a certain university. She expresses the hope that, as a priest, I mayunderstand youth enough neither to flatter it nor to f earit. "We young people," the letter goes on, "have notmerely eagerness, but inexperience, too; our faith inourselves is probably as foolish as the caution of ourfathers; and we are always too desirous of simplifyingwhat the gods have made complex. This you CatholicEpiscopalian people seem, somehow, to understand."Then she comes to her immediate difficulty. She says sheand many of her friends are sick of the uncertainty abouteverything which comes from disbelief in God and wearyof morals which assume that men are only higher animals. They feel that, if life is to be tolerable, they musthave some grounds of certainty. In her university, sheis at a loss where to turn for guidance. The philosophictutors seem to her like the men who went to sea in a tub.Their craft will not steer. The spiritual leaders roundabout on campus impress her as being so intent on applying religion to problems of ownership, nationality, raceand what not, they ignore the fact, frequently embarrassing to parsons, that she and her kind have next to noreligion to apply and are questioning the validity of thelittle they do possess. Therefore, she writes to me,because Anglo-Catholics seem tO' her — so she says — tohave arrived at a certain peace without ceasing to be freecitizens of the twentieth century. She asks that I tellher "in elementary terms" about how "a man or womanof her generation" may, perhaps, "approach the wholequestion of God."It is a large demand, but one quite legitimate. IfI am indeed a Christian priest it is my business to be ableto tell to her, to tell to myself, to tell to you this morning, something of how to approach the certainty that isof and in God. Without God and that certainty man isof necessity at once a truthseeker and lost in a morassof meaningless becoming. It is impossible to conceiveof a more hopelessly tragic figure than that. Yes, weChristians must expect to be called on by puzzled youthand disillusioned old age alike, for exactly the sort ofguidance that my correspondent seeks. In response, wemust formulate and seek to express the Faith with simplicity and honesty we have within us. It willnot do to talk only about the incidentals of religion,its ornaments, its proprieties, its dogmas, even its consequences, to a world which is asking, with a desperate sortof urgency, whether there be a God at all who may befound by man, or any reason to go on living. • By CANON BERNARD IDDINGS BELL, '07There are two pathways, by one or both of whichone may come to God, for the avoiding of futility, self-pity and despair. There is the path along which onesearches for love, and the path along which one seeks formeaning. The one path is primarily of the emotions,though it has enough of reason in it to enable us toanalyse and weigh our loves; the other is primarily ofthe mind, though there must be in it, too, an emotionaldrive which makes us not merely to think about ananswer to the riddle of life but also passionately to desiresuch an answer. The first is the pathway of the mystic ;the second, the pathway of the theologian. Of the firstlet us think this morning. Let us think today of themystic way. It is the mystic way that attracts more people to God than does the theological. The logical, andtheological, approach to God is not the way that most ofus become religious. The mind God can indeed feed.Theology does greatly matter; but usually only to thosewhose hearts have first been won. Most of us who findGod do so by way of hunger of the heart, and where itends. The brainiest, the most coldly intellectual of us,as well as those more ignorant and simple, know thathunger of the heart, which nothing, no one, seems ableto satisfy.Between human beings in their loves, as persons ofinsight and experience come well to understand, thereare always canyons of division which may not be bridged.Lover reaches out toward mistress, and she to him, butnever wholly to find ; husband and wife partly, but nevercompletely, know unity of self in self ; parents and children remain aliens, for all they care and try to understand ; the dearest friends not only must part, but nevermeet. How much easier it would be if in our loves wewere only animals — content with casual, physical contacts — content across the sexes to mate and procreate,and to let it go at that ! We, because we are human, cannot be so modest in demand. Perhaps we try to be, andsay, "Oh well, there is for me no true romance, in thesense that once I hoped there was, but only somethingless, much less. Though less, what is, is far fromunlovely. I shall make the best of it." But we arenot satisfied with that compromise. Perhaps we thinkthat a new human love will give what old ones do notgive. We try, and find that new loves are very like theold ones, after all. I do not minimize, mind you, thebeauty of human affections. They are wondrous fine,especially when from them we do not expect the impossible ; but they leave us heart-hungry, just the same. Toattain happiness in love, we must lose ourselves in someone who will let us give our all ; and such an one we donot find. We keep on searching, ever asking for thePerfect Lover.The only perfect lover is God. Unless God be102 THE UNIVERSITY OF CFIICAGO MAGAZINEfound, man sinks back at last from his search for heart'sdesire, unsatisfied. How most pathetic it is, of all fates,to give up search for love! And how many men andwomen round about us have come to that — faint shadowsof the men and women they once were! It is not anecessary fate. God can love and be loved with a lovethat is complete. For this end we were made — thatthrough the discipline of human loving we might cometo know at last the love of God, as Francis Thompson,for example, knew it when, after long search for love,in nature and in people, and flight from God throughmany weary years, in the end he heard God say :"All which I took from thee I did but take,Not for thy harms,But that thou might est seek it in My arms.All which thy child's mistakeFancies as lost, I have stored for thee at home;Rise, clasp my hand, and come.3'How may one the most easily and surely come, comeearly enough in life to avoid the long, lean years of loneliness, to God who satisfies the hungry heart? It is byhumbleness that one must come, and then most readilyby sacrament.No one, I am quite sure, has ever found God's loveuntil he has known how undeserving he is of any loveat all. With another human being, there is always inone's love an element of self-esteem. "After all," saysthe man, "I, who love this woman, know well enoughher imperfection. That does not make me care for herthe less, but it does make me know that I am not myself,in turn, wholly unworthy of her love for me." And shesays the same of him. So it is, always, in our humancontacts. If a lover were, indeed, perfection and yetpoured affection on poor us, washing away our faults andmaking them as though, in a flood of understanding, theywere not — how free, how happy, we could be in such aloving! There is no human being who can love and beloved so; but that is indeed the way God loves. Until,in all humility, I know my worthlessness, I can not knowHis love at all. This, too, Francis Thompson understood"Strange, piteous, futile thing,Wherefore should any set thee love apart? ...How little worthy of any love thou art !Whom wilt thou find to love ignoble thee,Save Me, save only Me?"It is hard, you say, for us of today to feel that. Weare too much possessed by conceit, we modern men andwomen. At least we are often told that this is the case.But are we, really? Most of us know moments — andthose our most real moments — when, undisturbed byothers, we have the company only of our own souls;when we know how weak we are, how ignorant, howabsurd, and how alone; when one says, "What am I,O God, that Thou shouldest love me? Yet, if Thoulovest me not, I am indeed face to face with the ultimatedisaster. I dare not ask that Thou shouldst care." Andthen God says, "I care."It is after such moments that one knows the needof sacrament as well as sermon — of sacrament more thansermon. For what are sermons, but groping talk aboutthe things that are beyond all words? Sermons help the reason, it may be, sometimes.; but they do not feedthe heart. God alone can do that; and God is foundmost simply in His Sacrament.I come alone within the silent church; and I knowthat Fie is present. Not in some mighty cataclysm doesHe come, but simply and in kindliness, as once He cameto Bethlehem long ago. In a Body made of bread, asmine is made of flesh, He waits for me. I need not tryto pray, to put my love in words. He knows withoutmy speaking. Again I come, when the church is full offolk, with pageantry and ceremony — concourse of noblesound — smell of sweet incense — while the priest liftsHim high, God who for love of us has lived our lifeand died as we shall die, and lives, and loves ; and prostrate, I adore. Again I come, in the morning early, andat the altar lift my body to receive God's Body — bodyto Body in a noble purity — spirit to Spirit in a great simplicity. Thus by the Sacrament my love for God growsday by day. So may yours grow, I think.His love for me, it can not grow, nor need it grow.Fie loved me when, being yet unformed, I lay in thewomb of my mother. He loved me when in former yearsI did deny Him. He loved me when I forsook Him fordalliance in the gardens of the Beast. He has alwaysloved me. I do indeed love Him; but I am still aneophyte, a foolish child. My love must grow. I donot know that it will ever grow until it is a love like Hisfor me. I think it is not possible. But at least it doesbecome a little more like His, as time goes on ; and mostit grows from Him in that Most Holy Sacrament whichweary pilgrims love ; and as I come to love Him more, Ifind that He and I — love everyone. And life, for all itshardness, is worth while.At the conclusion of the Gospel according to St.John, there is one of the most beautiful chapters in theBible. Its peace follows stress and turmoil. The agonyof God's compassion, in the night before He was betrayed, as John has described it, is indeed an agony — theLord's prayers surging forth in great pulsing intercession from a heart torn with struggle. There follows thetragedy of Calvary, heartbreaking in intensity. Thencomes the ecstasy of Easter. And then — at the very endof this Gospel, a lovely, quiet pastoral. The resurrectedLord meets His pupils beside a lake in Galilee. He summons them ashore from their fishing. He has cookeda meal for them over the coals. "Sit down that we mayeat together," He says. Then, after dinner, around thefire in the sunshine of that April countryside, Jesus turnsto Peter. "Simon," He says, "Do you love Me?" Peterlooks on Him whom a fortnight since he did three timesdeny. "Lord, you know' I love you." There is a momentof silence. Then says Jesus, "Feed my sheep."That is what religion means when one has learnedat last to understand it. For that, God has made us. Forthat Jesus has suffered. For that He has died. Forthat He bears, even now, the wound-prints in the handsand feet and side, that He may say, "Do you love Me?"and that He may hear the answer, "Lord, you know Ilove you." Jesus had loved Simon, the Rock, untilSimon fell in love with Him, and Simon, the headstrongcoward, became Simon the saint. So may it be with Godand us — lest we die.CHRISTMAS AT HUTCHINSONA LAST minute wire of acceptance from SantaClaus, the Midway Singers, a fire in the southfireplace, an illuminated Christmas tree, brightred candles on every table, and pop corn balls stackedhigh on huge silver trays concentrated the Christmasspirit at Hutchinson Commons the night before moststudents left for the holidays. Of course there is an inside story worth telling if we had the time, such asthe mad search for sleigh bells — most of which havedisappeared with the harness shops of the "Way BackWhen" days;an afternoon experimenting with an electric fan anda piece of cardboard to secure an airplane effect —which had to be abandoned as unsatisfactory, necessitatinga rehearsal on the roof, ringing bells, blowing a whistle,yelling "Whoa, Prancer" in a deep bass voice and thendiscovering that B. and G. had sealed all the windowsfor the winter and the sound would not carry throughinto the dining room;the three-day argument as to whether the fireplacesreally have chimneys — searching parties on the roofflashing lights down dark, vertical holes — droppingdangling chains through dusty apertures — yells frombelow — a feeble fire — a dozen curious pairs of eyesstooped in a semi-circle (would the smoke find an outdoor exit or curl threateningly into the room?) — Victory! There are chimneys, thanks to Mr. Hutchinson'sforesight and maybe his belief in Santa Claus ;the midnight shift of pop-corn-ball-makers (how doyou get molasses off rugs and upholstered furniture?) ;a last minute SOS for a load of fireplace wood for afireplace that had never had a fire (or are we wrong?) ;and the final decision that Mr. Claus would have to sitin the north fireplace sheltered by a screen and greenery, to avert suspicion, until time for his arrival (itwould give him half an hour to practice being spontaneous and memorize his ad lib lines while his guestsfinished their turkey dinner).The party was a grand success and the programclicked like an NBC broadcast. The guests were admitted at five-thirty to a beautiful Gothic dining roomlighted by flickering candles. Christmas carols greetedthem from around the Christmas tree where the MidwaySingers were the dinner guests of the University. As thefolks finished dinner they pulled their chairsup around the fire and sat visiting when —"All of a sudden there arose such a clatter . . " and out of the opposite fireplacejingled a fat, jolly old man laughing and yelling "Merry Christmas," the while he prepared to distribute his presents to the PhiBeta Kappa students (presumably the bestchildren).As the carols died away and the candleswere blown out and as the last flickers from > By HOWARD W. MORT, Editor, Tower Topicsthe fireplace played across the vacant circle of chairs,Miss Farquhar suggested to Scotty, the janitor, that hehad better save those extra sticks of wood because herguests had all said they were planning to return againnext year.NelsDirectly back of the toastmaster at the Chicago AlumniClub banquet, which was held at the University Club onthe evening of December thirteenth, hung a maroon blanket containing a large white "C" in a setting of thirteenstars. The original American flag contained thirteenstars but they were white and arranged differently. Wewere sure it wasn't an early Colonial flag. Only three ofthese stars were white, three were blue, three purple andthree were orange. The thirteenth was black. Our curiosity prompted an investigation.This maroon blanket is the well-earned property ofNelson (Nels) Norgren, who graduated from Chicagoin 1914. Each star represents a full season's participation in a college conference sport. Nels won the maximum number of stars in football (white), baseball(blue), basketball (purple), and track (orange). In hissenior year he was captain of an undefeated championfootball squad, which captaincy accounts for the blackstar.Only one other athlete in the history of Chicago hasequalled Norgren's record of thirteen stars since thethree year eligibility rule was established. This was Paul(Shorty) Des Jardien. It is an interesting coincidencethat two of Shorty's three years of athletics wereserved side by side with Nels and in identical sports.Shorty also merited his black star by taking over Nels'job as captain of the football team when Norgren graduated.Upon leaving Chicago, Norgren went to the University of Utah and, in 1916, presented that university witha national A. A. U. football championship after defeating the crack team of the Illinois Athletic Club.In the mean time a World War was in progress andthe Allies needed backfield material so Nels decided toexpend his energies toward winning a more importantvictory. In support of his theory that if you can't makeprogress through the line you should take tothe air he became a lieutenant in the air service.On one of his first solo flights as a cadetin the training camp at San Diego he headedout over the Pacific in one of those old styleopen cockpit planes — the kind where the engine was fitted in around him and he wasfastened in with a safety belt anchored fromone spark plug to another. On the flightsomething happened and everything stopped103104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE<s<r\( £ ^-frft X ## but the plane — which headed suddenly downward toward the Pacific.Nels couldn't figure out what hadhappened but, while waiting for theocean to arrive and, to sort of passthe time, he began casually to fiddlewith the different little gadgets onthe engine spread out before him. Of course this wouldmean another silly star to sew on his blanket — a gold one.He wondered how they could fit it into the present design,which was a neat block, three stars on a side, with theblack one in the center of the "C." If he only had fourlives to give to his country — as the brave song writerswho stayed at home said — there could be a gold star ineach corner without spoiling the design.lie need not have been so concerned for in thisthoughtful mood he casually touched a stray spark plugwith the wire with which he had been toying. The engine gave a roar, the plane swooped upward and his moreimmediate concern became that of making a gracefulthree-point landing back at the field so they wouldn'tlaugh at him.Nels has done a little of everything in the coachingline since he returned to the University in the fall oftwenty-one. He took the base ball team to Japan a coupleof times. He assists in developing football material eachfall and helps to direct the destinies of other athleticevents in the department. Right now he spends his Saturday evenings at the Field House trying to decidewhom to substitute for Captain Flinn if and when hemakes four personal fouls in one evening on the basketball floor.Nels likes most any flavored gum but on the Saturdaynight of Big Ten games he always chews spearmint.Business Women Forget BusinessOn the evening of December seventeenth the University women employees held their annual Christmasparty at Ida Noyes Hall. Between three and four hundred attended. Failing to qualify as a University business woman we were not present, but from all reports,the ladies are to be commended for the novel way inwhich they planned and presented the program. LikeMoses, on his rock overlooking Caanan, we were permitted a view of what we missed via the printed program, "The Christmas Jamboreer." Miss Valerie Wick-hem was the editor. (In real life Miss Wickhem isEditor of Official Documents at the University.) Everypage of the "Jamboreer" sparkled with clever and appropriate articles. For example, we will let you read apart of page nine:Won't Santa Send the Alumni Office a Door Bell ?In the Alumni Office, up underthe. eaves of Cobb Hall, a calleris a real event, to be greeted withpomp and circumstance. It maybe that the remoteness has led toa certain informality among theworkers, somewhat akin to' thatof explorers on a desert island.At any rate Josephine Broad wascertainly not expecting a call from the President of the American Alumni Council thatafternoon as she crawled under her desk to do a littleupholstery work. Down in the darkness little Josephineworked, so happy, so busy, humming quietly to herself. . . when a visitor entered without warning. Hecoughed tentatively. The subterranean singing ceased.Tense our heroine waited. The visitor coughed, andcoughed again. Josephine, her duty clear, rose tothe occasion. She stuck her head out of her kennel, andsaid in a businesslike voice: "Mr. Beck has gone forthe day" and retired once more into obscurity.A few days later the Past President of the American Alumni Council met our Alumni Secretary and remarked that he had always known that there was a lotof undercover work done in alumni offices but that hehad never caught anyone at it before.We hope this gets past Editor Beck's desk. Wethink it reflects real credit upon an alumni secretary whoselects such versatile office assistants.Twenty-nine Years AgoJanuary 10, icjo6At 2 :30 PM the American flag on the University flagstaff was lowered to half-mast. Dr. William RaineyHarper, first president of the University of Chicago,had passed away at 2:20 PM. His last prayer hadbeen that in the life to come there might be more workto do and greater things to accomplish. Not a surprising request, to those who knew this man of untiring energy and unselfish ambitions. With his characteristic attention to details he had said on Monday,outlining plans for carrying on after his death, "If Ishould die Wednesday, for instance, the funeral service would be on Sunday." He died the followingWednesday.Is Our Physiognomy Crimson!It wouldn't be quite so embarrassing if, on every possible occasion in the past, we hadn't been so severe inour criticism of the careless habit of the modern reporterwho disregards accuracy in his news stories and articles.We wrote three stories for last month's Magazine.There was a glaring mistake in each. The one about thefrequency with which deer shed their antlers was not,really, our mistake. We knew better but the printerthought we were referring to the number of times thequestion was asked and decided it must be "twice." Thecorrection should read "once each year."The second, we ascribe to our avoidance of mathematical courses in our college career. We had the trainthat was due in Columbus at six-forty arriving fifty minutes late, which was all right if we hadn't brought it inat eight twenty-seven (a few minutes under an hourand fifty minutes behind schedule). The latter figurewas correct, which makes the remaining part of the article more intelligent.But the glaring blunder, for which we have no alibi,was having Teddy Linn and Dr. Harper dedicate thereplica Shanty in 1919. Dr. Harper died in January,1906. We apologize and, with the New Year, resolve tobe more dependable. (We're glad that's over!)THE VERSATILE CHILDRENOf Alma Mater Pass in ReviewDavid Prescott Barrows, PhD'97,represents as well as any one couldthe career of a man who has combined scholarship with public service,ingeniously, and in many fields. Theimpressive list of his honorary degreesand decorations from foreign governments only confirms the value of hiswork. After finishing his study forthe doctor's degree at Chicago in1897, in anthropology, he went to thePhilippines, an anthropologist's paradise, where he became city superintendent of schools of Manila in 1900.The following year he was madechief of the Bureau for Non-Christian Tribes; until 1909 he combinedthis work with that of directing theeducational work of the Islands. Atthis point the University of California enlisted his services, and there heoccupied successively the positions ofDean of the Graduate School, Professor of Political Science, Dean ofthe Faculties, and President of theUniversity, until 1923. During thewar Dr. Barrows distinguished himself in active service in the Cavalry,in which he was a Lieutenant Colonel, in the Philippines and in Siberia. His work on the Belgian Relief Commission, as director forBrussels, won him added fame. Atpresent he holds the rank of Brigadier General in the U. S. Army, anddecorations from the governments ofFrance, Belgium, Czecho- Slovakia,Japan, Italy, and Poland. He is atrustee for the Carnegie Endowmentfor International Peace. PomonaCollege, University of California,Mills College, Columbia University,and the University of Bolivia havebestowed honorary degrees upon him,and he is an honorary professor oflaw of the Catholic University ofChile. In 1933 and 1934 he wasTheodore Roosevelt Professor to theUniversity of Berlin. He is the author of a number of books on government and anthropology.Arthur Boyd Hancock, '95, hasmade himseli known wherever thereare those wl / appreciate the finerthings of hor./e-flesh. He is one ofthe most noted breeders of livestockin this country, and horses from hisfarms are star performers in all therace-track classics of America. Al though he is a resident of Paris, Kentucky, where the Claibourne Stud islocated, he maintains the EllerslieStud at Charlottesville, Virginia, thefamily homestead. At Paris he presides over the destinies of the Bourbon Lumber Company, and takes anactive part in the School Board, theAmerican Red Cross, for which heacts as County Chairman, the Y. M.C. A., which he directs, and the Community Service organization. He ispresident of the Horse Association ofAmerica, Director of the KentuckyJockey Club, 2nd vice president ofthe American Remount Association,and vice president of the Thoroughbred Horse Association.Ivan Lee Holt, PhD'09, is thenewly elected head of the FederalCouncil of Churches of Christ inAmerica. This is a most importantposition, and a very great honor, asthe Council comprises the representatives of most of the Protestant denominations in the country. For thepast sixteen years, Dr. Holt has beenpastor of St. John's Methodist Epis-cipal Church, South, of St. Louis.He has twice served as head of theMetropolitan Church Federation ofSt. Louis, and has been unremittingin his work toward bringing aboutcooperation among the denominations. He has frequently preached innon-Methodist pulpits, has invitedJewish rabbis to preach from his pulpit, and on invitation has addressedcongregations at the synagogue. Forthe next four months he will be guestpastor of the Community Church ofShanghai, China, the leading Protestant church in the Orient. FromShanghai he will go to Australia, asfraternal messenger of SouthernMethodism in America to the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Methodismin Australia. In 1931 he was guestpastor at Egremont PresbyterianChurch, Wallasey, Cheshire, England. A recent book of his, "TheReturn of Spring to Man's Soul"has been one of the most popular ofcontemporary religious works. In aninterview with the press after hiselection as head of the Council, hesaid that it was his "hope that the reunion ideal of Protestantism may be nearer realization at the conclusion ofmy term as president of the FederalCouncil than it is now. My heart isset on discovering those elementswhich are universal and essential inour Christian faith with a view tobringing Protestant communions intoever closer fellowship. At the sametime I shall be seeking to promotebetter order between Protestantismand other great religions of ourcountry."Helen Rose Hull, '12, hasproven her ability as a writer by producing a series of steadily improving novels, climaxed by MorningShozvs the Day, her latest publication, which has received the most enthusiastic reviews throughout thecountry. Since finishing at the University of Chicago, she has studiedand taught English literature at Wel-lesley, Barnard, and Columbia University, publishing novels the while.This alumna's eminently successfulcareer interestingly disproves one ofthe favorite theories advanced to aspiring authors — namely that Englishdepartments are very bad for creativewriters. In addition to numerouscontributions to magazines Miss Hullhas published the following novelssince 1922: Quest, Labyrinth, TheSurry Family, Islanders, The AskingPrice, Heat Lightning, and AdorningShows the Day. In 1931 she washonored by receiving the Guggenheim Fellowship for creative writing.•Stephen L. Richards, LLB '04,is one of the University's most notable alumni in the southwestern partof the country. Since 1917 he hasoccupied the distinguished positionof a member of the Council of theTwelve Apostles, for the Church ofthe Latter Day Saints. This honorwas awarded him after a number ofyears of service as director of theSunday Schools of this Church. Formany years a practicing attorney inSalt Lake City, Utah, he is a prominent business man as well. He ispresident and owner of the WasatchLand and Improvement Company,vice president of the AmalgamatedSugar Company, and is interested inthe Utah Fuel Company, and Whit-(Continued on page 107)105IN MY OPINION• By FRED B. MILLETT, PhD '31 Associate Professor of EnglishSCENE: A class in contemporary literature.Time: Autumn, 1934.Interlocutor : What did Gertrude Stein look like ?First voice: She is a plain, rugged strong-lookingwoman of the peasant type, with iron gray hair, cutcompletely mannish, which she worried while reading,when her hand was not rammed in her jacket pocket.She was dressed in a brown serge — or perhaps it wasdenim — skirt and sleeveless jacket, with a masculine-looking shirt, and a huge diamond sunburst at the throat.Second voice: What attracted all eyes was a brilliantyellow scarf wound about her shoulders. After assuming her position on the stage, she proceeded to extricateherself from it, and draped it carelessly on the desk.Third voice: She is only a muscular head close-shaven like a monk's with a sweet potato scarf and acorduroy robe which should be tied with a robe andterminated by a celibate's sandals. One would put herwith melancholy St. Bernard dogs leading blind menthrough the Alps, and no wonder the priests of Spainbowed to her with grace, believing her to be the memberlost, strayed or stolen, of a curious monastic order ofsomewhere else.Interlocutor: And what did Miss Stein do?Second voice: She did not introduce herself ; neitherwas anyone else permitted to do so. She walked up ontothe stage and surveyed her audience' with a critical eye.She unfolded the manuscript which she had taken froma voluminous bag, adjusted her glasses, and began toread. Her voice was a surprise. It was a carefullymodulated, cultured voice, rather low, quite forceful,and brightened by flashes of color in expression. It isdifficult to disagree with her when one is under the spellof that voice.Third voice: She holds her paper close to her noseand reads rapidly without looking up often and there aremany l's in her words.Fourth voice: Her inner balance was evidenced byher ability to laugh at what she was saying as she saidit. This chuckle usually communicated itself to methrough the material she read. Her vocalization of theprinted matter brought out what she intended the meaning to be. She established the, rhythm of her expressionso firmly in our minds that many of her listeners heardthemselves talking like her after the lecture.Interlocutor: And what did Miss Stein say?Second voice: Because words have to do everything in writing we must concern ourselves with them.Some sounds do not mean the same thing as they proceed because the feeling changes. A noun is only the name of something. It does not do anything. Whywrite in nouns when names do nothing to change thenature of things. Adjectives are not interesting either.They affect nouns and how can anything which affectssomething uninteresting be interesting. Verbs and adverbs are better, they can be mistaken, and that is oneof their nice qualities. Nouns never can be mistakenbecause they are only the name of something. Verbsare mistaken and make mistakes. They are always onthe move. Prepositions make the most mistakes andare the most mistaken. I like prepositions best of all.Articles please, because they do something a noun mightdo and doesn't. Conjunctions have a force, and therefore are not dull. As they work, they live. Pronounsare better than nouns because adjectives cannot go withthem. They are not the name of something, but represent something. Interjections have nothing to do withanything, not even themselves.Question marks are uninteresting. Everybodyknows a question when he sees one, so why the question mark. And if he doesn't know a question whenhe sees one a question mark won't help him anyway. Ifind them positively revolting. Exclamation points andquotation marks are unnecessary too. They are ugly,they spoil the writing and the printing, and anywaywhat is the use. Dots and dashes might be interestingif one felt that way. Colons, semicolons, and commasare the marks I use least. Writing should go on, andpunctuation breaks the continuity. One must stopphysically sometimes, and so periods are all right. Theyare natural. Not interfering. Periods have a life oftheir own. They are arbitrary. Not servile. Colonsand semicolons like commas are servile. As periods theymight be adventurers but I always feel that they arecommas. A comma is positively degrading. Its useis not a use but it replaces one's own interest. Commas make easy a thing that if you liked it well enoughwould be easy anyway. Commas indicate when oneought to take a breath. Now everyone knows when heought to take a breath. Why should he be coerced bya comma. And if he does not want to take a breathwhy should he be coerced by a comma. We may dopretty well what we like with capitals and small letters.Capitals have nothing to do with the inner life ofparagraphs and sentences. Capitals are like horses.They are diminishing.Sentences paragraphs and periods will always bewith us. Sentences are not emotional but paragraphsare. The sentence content is always logical. A sentence if long enough should gain the balance of theparagraph. However, I tried that and lost both otherbalances and created a new balance.One and one and one and one is the natural way tocount. This has to do with poetry. When ridding one'sself of one's nouns, much happens. We may meet106THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 107nouns and not just get around them by using them.Prose is the emotional balance of the sentence and theparagraph. Poetry has to do with vocabulary and prosehas not. The two are completely different. Vocabulary is based on the noun. Consequently so is poetry.Prose is based on the verb. Poetry is loving, using,caressing, wanting, and addressing nouns. Poetry isloving a name, and repeating makes it more beloved.Once upon a time, poetry included nearly everything.It lived in nouns, was drunk with nouns. Poetry isthe state of knowing and feeling a noun. And why arethe lines short. It is natural when one expresses one'sself in loving the name of anything.The future need in writing is the need to createa thing without naming it. Not the name of a thingbut the way in which it actually exists should be written.Language is an intellectual re-creation. Not imitation.We must realize to re-create and so avoid the use ofnouns as nouns. Everybody knows too well the nameof anything. We need to create poetry as prose ifanything that is anything is to go on meaning anything. We need to put down the thing in itself withoutnaming the name.Interlocutor: Excellent. And what do you think ofGertrude Stein?(All the voices speak at once )First voice : It is difficult for me to believe that shetakes the sensational part of her writing seriously. Andif she does, I must fall back on the defense of theperson too unsophisticated to understand, and say sheis just a bit — queer. Or else she is perpetrating aGargantuan hoax on the public — which I doubt. Orelse she has an extraordinary feeling for publicity, andlike George Cohan, thinks that "It doesn't matter whatthey say about me so long as they say my name."Fifth voice: Gertrude Stein approaches ideas andestablished customs in a straighter way than many people are able to do. I do not feel as the reviewer didwho wrote "a pose is a pose is a pose."Sixth voice: Miss Stein is a sincere earnest womanwho thinks she has discovered something big but reallyhas not.Fourth voice: I doubt whether this extreme1 subjectivity is the highest possible goal at which modernwriters can direct their powers. The subjective realmsshould be explored with all the aids which modern culture can give, but we must never lose sight of the factthat we write to communicate our ideas and our emotions to other people.Second voice: I think she is the most complete individualist I have ever heard. In fact, I should say sheis a solipsist. aSeventh voice : Some one with authority will confess that Miss Stein's use of repetition is conducive tonothing but boredom and then the tide will break, andshe will be put in her place as a picturesque character.Eighth voice: The group as a whole was pleased withher lecture, pleased -that it wasn't too obscure. But Idon't think everyone was quite so breathlessly excitedin following her as I confess myself to have been.Third voice : After all is said and nothing is done, MissStein is not really mad or not dangerously so ; really sheis a delightful shoulder to weep on or heathen buddhato put flowers before and she could understand prayersin bedlam if necessary. Miss Stein is so curiously andstrangely sane it is only her language that is insane, butaren't we all?(As the confused voices die away, there is heard inthe distance — like the fall of the axe in The CherryOrchard — the sound of a deep masculine chuckle, recognizable to the initiate as proceeding from the hoveringspirit of Gertrude, a saint in many acts.)**With_ grateful acknowledgment to the students in English 375. w«hocreated this drama.The Versatile Children (Continued from page 105)more Oxygen Company; he is a director of the Utah State NationalBank, the Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution, and the Utah OilRefining Company. Formerly heserved on the Utah State Board ofCorrections, and has held the position of Secretary of the Utah StateBar Association and Vice Presidentfor Utah of the American Bar Association. As a student at Chicago in theLaw School, Richards was noted asVice President of his class, and asthe cultivator of an unusually fine,luxuriant mustache.Anna Louise Strong, AM'07,PhD'08, has had a truly unique career in journalism, the uniqueness guaranteed by her establishing in1930 the first English language newspaper in the USSR, the MoscozvTimes. Miss Strong's first publicitywork took the form of organizing"Know Your City" institutes in Seattle, Portland, Walla Walla andSpokane. In 1910 her work in arranging child welfare exhibits in Chicago and New York attracted muchfavorable comment, and in the courseof the next few years she put on exhibits in many cities in the UnitedStates, in Montreal, Dublin, Ireland,and in Panama. In 1914 she was attached to the Children's Bureau atWashington, as the official expert onexhibits, work which she combinedwith newspaper writing. Her suc cess as a writer won her an appointment as correspondent for Centraland Eastern Europe for Hearst's International Magazine, and later sheworked in Russia for the NorthAmerican Newspaper Alliance. Onher occasional visits to America, MissStrong lectures extensively on hertravels and on Russian affairs. Shehas had occasion to visit many unusual portions of the globe and herbooks are varied and interesting. Sheis a frequent contributor to Asia, andher recent articles and books on Russia since the revolution have arousedconsiderable interest. The SovietsConquer Wheat, China's Millions,and The Road to the Grey Pamir;have been well received.A DIFFERING OPINIONEditor, U of C Magazine :Dear Sir:I am writing in the hope that thedifference of opinion, in regard toProf. Millett's article in the November issue on Censorship, evidenced bythe letter of F. W. Allport, does notrepresent a private fight, but that itis one in which all who feel inclinedmay join. I promise that if admittedI will use no more questionable weapons than are indicated by the challenger's article of the Novemberissue.Lip service at least is given byProf. Millett to frankness and I willbe frank to say that I am not a regular reader of Prof. Millett's opinions.Perhaps his articles in the Novemberand December issues are not a fulland fair representation of his habitual intellectual processes, logic, andmethods of argument.I find myself in accord with Prof.Millett's conclusion in his November article, which reads as follows :"The responsibility of censoringmoving pictures belongs, obviously,not to church, state, or police force,but to the parents of the adolescentor the child."Prof. Millett may scorn the authority of the U. S. Supreme Courtas a citation supporting his opinionand I feel rather sure he will scornthe support of my opinion. However,that supporting authority is availablein the Oregon School Case where thecourt held the Oregon Statute, whichsought to suppress Catholic Schools,to be unconstitutional. The reasongiven by the court for that opinioncan be fairly stated by the quotationfrom Prof. Millett given above witha few words added for clarity thus :The responsibility for education andinstruction of the child belongs tothe parents.I have a feeling too that Prof.Millett will scorn also the supportingopinion of his Catholic fellow citizens who show the strength of theirconvictions by supporting the Catholic schools by voluntary contributionsand also, as taxpayers, support thepublic schools. This large group,through the agency of the OregonCatholic schools affected, were the active parties litigant in that case. Perhaps the technical word "agency" inthe foregoing sentence is inexact andthat "community of interest" wouldbe better. I am also able to share Prof. Millett's "horror" expressed in the following quoted sentence from his November opinion if the danger indicated therein is real and imminent.That sentence reads :"The idea that a hundred millionAmericans permit a single benightedindividual to determine the moral implications of their moving picturefare is horrifying in its potentialities."I am willing to assume that the individual referred to is benighted butdisavow any personal knowledge oropinion on that point. The individualreferred to, it develops from Mr.Allport's letter and Prof. Millett's reply in the December issue, is Mr.Breen. Even if the individual is notbenighted and even if he is assistedas Mr. Allport says by "seven qualified collaborators whose wide experience enables them to bring a practicalviewpoint to their work," I, as theresponsible father of a thirteen yearold girl, am not willing to surrendermy responsibility for her educationthrough movies and talkies into theirhands. I am reliably informed thatMr. Breen has his main financial andbusiness investment in the motionpicture industry and I think he mighthave in mind too strongly box officeresults and too little the thought ofwhat it is good for my daughter tosee and hear. Even so I would notbe sure he was benighted. I have a"hunch" that perhaps some or all ofhis seven advisers may be too closein interest to the industry to be entirely impartial ; though I confess ignorance and call this merely a"hunch" and not an opinion.I do have a great deal of confidence in the opinion of the Committee of Catholic Bishops andPriests who have undertaken to anddo view and classify the movies andtalkies offered to the public. Theseare divided by that committee intothree classes as follows: Class A pictures are entirely unobjectionablemorally from their point of view.Class B have parts which are objectionable and Class C are condemned.The New World, diocesan paper ofChicago, lists all pictures so classified.This certainly helps any parent todischarge his responsibility as to censoring the movies for his children.If the parent wants his child to seesex and crime pictures, he need only read reviews of, or view the Class Cgroup, and select those which hethinks suits his purpose. If he is willing to neglect his child's education insuch subjects, he can restrict hischild's attendance to Class A and likewise further refine his selection byreading about or viewing those pictures. So also as to the intermediateClass B. I have found this a greataid. Our family set-up is such thatwe usually attend the same movie atthe same time, mother, daughter andmyself. My leisure is limited. I cannot be an efficient, single handed censor for my own child. I need help.Perhaps my situation is typical ofthat of parents generally.On the other hand, no one is boundto use this aid nor to follow it. If abetter aid is available even to Catholics such persons are free to use it.They are bound in conscience toavoid seeing or permitting their children to view pictures which actuallyand not merely theoretically excitethem to thoughts of lust or of avarice or of criminal adventure or anger.Parents may go to movies haphazardand leave when they find them objectionable but this is neither efficientor economical as to either time ormoney. Of course, those who maythink the opinions and selections andclassifications of the clerical committee are untrustworthy or diabolicallyfalse, may and should ignore themand find a better. Perhaps Prof. Millett's followers would welcome aclassification by him. No one couldjustly be angry at him if he undertook and performed that task conscientiously to the best of his ability.Perhaps I am wrong in my inference that Prof. Millett is angry at theCatholic churchmen who have endeavored to aid Catholic parents likemyself in discharging the responsibility which he says is obviously ours.I make that inference from certainstatements made by Prof. Millett asestablished facts which I am fairlycertain are false. I infer that hismind was beclouded by his anger andresentment against the Catholic Committee and that otherwise he wouldhave seen the obvious error in hisstatement of fact.False statement No. i. Mr. Breenis a "devout adherent of one of thenarrowest of creeds." Mr. Breenmay be a member in good standingof the Roman Catholic Church. I in-108THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 109fer that he is at least a nominal member of that church from newspaperitems. He may go to Mass everySunday, and to Confession and Communion once a year and thus fromoutward appearance and practice bea Catholic. I hope he at least is that.This does not entitle him to the descriptive adjective of devout. Attendance on Sunday is an almost irreducible minimum of devotion. Prof.Millett, I am sure, does not have asufficiently intimate acquaintance withthe extremely private and personalaffairs of Mr. Breen to be qualifiedto state whether he is "devout" 6rnot in the proper sense of that word.But Prof. Millett does not use thatword in that sense alone. He wishesto connote the idea that Mr. Breenis an authoritative or representativeexponent of the views of movie morality held by "devout" Catholic citizens in general and the Catholicclergy in particular.This connotation of the word "devout" is false. Mr. Breen had muchto say about movies to be offered tothe public before the Legion of Decency was formed and his appointment to his present position has notin the least removed the necessity forvigilance in the opinion of Catholicparents or clergy nor caused the disbanding of the Legion of Decency. Ihope Mr. Breen is a devout man butI am sure that Prof. Millett has notthe knowledge sufficient to justify astatement on the subject. The lastpart of the above quotation meansundoubtedly that the Catholic is "oneof the narrowest of creeds." I chargethat this is false. It is a creed whichcomes near to being what the adjective Catholic means, namely, universal. It is broad enough to satisfy thespiritual yearnings of a large percentage of the human race. A percentage alongside which any othersingle Christian creed dwindles intonumerical insignificance.The Catholic creed has been foundsufficiently broad for such intellectualand spiritual giants as Augustine,Thomas aKempis, Thomas Aquinas,Athanasius, Newman, Leo XIII, etc.Religion is not a matter of intellect alone, although it should be intelligent. That creed is broad enough tocross political boundaries and retainthe allegiance of those of alienspeech, customs and political concepts. It is possible that the idea ofnarrowness is engendered in Prof.Millett's mind by ignorance of thecreed to which he applies the term. Iclaim no exact knowledge of othercreeds though my associates havemainly been non-Catholic since I leftthe grades in the parochial school,then through public high school,through the U of C six years, andthen into the Chicago Bar. I heard inmy youth from my non-Catholicfriends that various athletic gameswere taboo by their church on Sunday but they were not in mine; somesects condemned ballroom dancing,mine did not; some condemned cardplaying, mine did not.What does Prof. Millett mean by"narrow creed"? I would be interested to hear the names of the other"narrow creeds" since the Catholicis only "one of the narrowest creeds."False statement No. 2. "There isa similar occasion for suspecting thesincerity of the reformers when onelearns that school girls were orderedto march in a Legion of Decency parade in academic costume, and thatthey were told that a bus would trailthe procession so that none of theyoung innocents should be seen smoking in cap and gown."Prof. Millett's suspicions -are easily excited. Perhaps this pronenessto suspicion also comes "from hisstern Puritan ancestry" like his antipathy for games. Perhaps his neglect of games in his youth has prevented him from developing his senseof fair play as illustrated by theabove quotation. That statement isfalse because the school girls werenot ordered to march in the Legionof Decency parade in Chicago — if herefers to that one. (Here's a chancefor Prof. Millett to alibi by saying hereferred to one in a distant city ; buthe should name the city.) I havepersonal knowledge about the schoolgirls at Marywood in Evanston wheremy daughter attends. They were not ordered to march. My daughter, mywife, and myself, are all in accordwith the purpose of the Legion ofDecency, and my daughter, Rosemary, marched because she wanted todo so. I am sure the same is truewith practically all the marchers. Isaw the parade and the youthful enthusiasm I witnessed could not havebeen produced by orders without individual willingness. I saw nobusses following the parade in whicha furtive smoke might have been hadby the "young innocents." I do notwish any one to infer that I think acigarette, smoked furtively or otherwise, would prevent a girl, innocentof improper sexual knowledge orconduct, from being as innocent afteras before the smoke. My daughterdoes not smoke, I hope she neverdoes, but I would not feel disgracedif she did at some future time followmy own bad example in that regard.False statement No. 3 reads as follows :"The hysteria on both sides haswell nigh passed."There was no hysteria on the partof Catholic parents and clergy. TheLegion of Decency arose from longconsidered and carefully discussedplans for getting the moving pictureindustry to supply a legitimate demand for clean and decent amusement for parent and child. This reasoned and reasonable determinationwould not he called hysteria by anyone having a proper respect for themeaning of the word or for the people to whom it is applied. This determination has not passed but it isas strong as ever and will continue.In conclusion, I wish to testify toa fact which I am sure my readerswill agree with, and it is as follows :There is a large increase in the number both quantitatively and proportionately of movies of real entertainment value free of moral objectionssince the Legion of Decency waslaunched last Spring. This argument I believe is entitled to moreweight than most "post hoc ergopropter hoc" arguments.Very truly yours,Paul O'Donnell, '07, JD '09.Mr Millett's reply will be found on Page 115Although not meant to be a speaking likeness of John Howe, this model photograph from the Cap and Gown very beautifullyrepresents the manner in which he, sitting on top of the world, views with the eye of a candid camera the activities ofthis bookish realm.110NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES®By JOHN P. HOWE, '27FOR scholars and scientists the Christmas holidaysare days filled with polysyllables and formulae.Scores of learned societies meet to discuss what's-new, the older pundits to give of their wisdom and moderation, the younger ones to make names for themselves.Nearly a hundred Chicago faculty people attended suchmeetings over the recent holidays, chief centers beingPittsburgh, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia and Toronto. No less than ten Chicago professors headed societies convening at that time, with the local social scientists predominating in these presidencies.Professor Ernest W. Burgess presided over thesessions of the American Sociological Society, which metin Chicago. Also presiding at Chicago meetings wereProfessor Harry A. Millis, who headed the AmericanEconomic Association, and Professor-emeritus Sopho-nisba Breckinridge, who headed and heads the AmericanAssociation of Schools of Social Work. Professor William E. Dodd, vacationing from the American embassyat Berlin, presided over the sessions of the AmericanHistorical Association, which met in Washington, andgave the presidential address on "The Emergence ofSocial Order in the United States." Dr. James H.Breasted, a former president of the Historical Association, gave one of the principal addresses at the celebration of the association's 50th anniversary, on "Historyand Social Idealism."At Pittsburgh, where the American Association forthe Advancement of Science and many other scientificgroups met, Professor Fay- Cooper Cole presided overthe sessions of the American Anthropological Societyand Professor George Fuller over those of the American Ecological Society. Professor Ezra Kraus was unable, because of illness, to fulfill his chairmanship aspresident of the American Botanical Society; and Professor Arthur H. Compton, who is on leave teaching atOxford University, was unable to attend the meetingsof the American Physical Society, at which he was tohave presided. Dean Henry G. Gale headed the Physicssection of the A.A.A.S. and Professor Guy T. Buswellthe education section. Professor Rollin Chamberlin delivered the address as retiring head of the geology section.This was a rather notable accumulation of such presidencies for one institution. There are always many ex-presidents about the Midway, graduated to the executivecouncils of the societies (and many other fine scholarswho were never convention-minded), but we do not recallany one year with so many active. Five faculty people,so far as we have learned, were elected at the Christmasmeetings to head societies for the current year, as follows: Leonard Bloomfield, Professor of Germanic Philology and chairman of the department of Linguistics, asPresident of the American Linguistics Society, whichmet at Philadelphia; Berthold L. Ullman, Professor ofLatin, as President of the American Philological Asso ciation, which met at Toronto; John T. McNeill, Professor of the History of European Christianity, as President of the American Church History Society, whichmet at Washington ; Sophonisba Breckinridge, re-electedpresident of the American Association of Schools ofSocial Work; and Charles E. Colby, Professor of Geography, succeeds Wallace Walter Atwood, formerly faculty member, as President of the American Associationof Geographers.Charles A. Shull, professor of Plant Physiology,was awarded the Stephen Hale Prize by the AmericanAssociation of Plant Physiologists, meeting at Pittsburgh, for outstanding work in that field. He has beeneditor of "The Journal of Plant Physiology" for manyyears. Also honored at Pittsburgh were Professor Ed-son S. Bastin, who was made vice-president of the American Geological Society; Professor Sewall Wright, whowas made vice-president of the American Society ofZoologists; and Robert Redfield, Dean of the SocialSciences Division, who was chosen by the AmericanAnthropological Society as its representative on theSocial Science Research Council.Merriam on Social PlanningOne suspects that Professor Charles E. Merriam isa far more important influence in the nation's progressivepolitical thinking than his quiet demeanor would indicate.He gave one of the most-awaited addresses before thesocial science societies meeting in Chicago at Christmas."Every man is entitled to his own opinion and Ihave no desire to thrust my views on others, but perhaps I may be permitted to say quietly as a student ofgovernment for a disgraceful number of years and notby nature an alarmist, that especially on returning fromEurope this summer, I do not share the complaisance ofthose who look forward to a world but little changed,"Professor Merriam said."Without essaying the role of a prophet, I maysay that I anticipate fundamental changes in the scientific, technological, political and industrial order, changesthat will alter many of the present day and historic social patterns and remake them in new, and perhaps tosome, unwelcome forms. The mold in which the modern state was cast is broken or is breaking. But theway is open for our time to reconstruct a finer way oflife, if we can pioneer our way through and around difficulties as nobly as did our fathers."Professor Merriam's address was, he explained, anattempt to analyze for the last two years the trend ofgovernment since the review he wrote for the HooverSocial Trends report in 1932.Expansion of the activities of government is evident at many points, in agriculture, industry, in reliefdirectly and through public works, in currency and111112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcredit, and in other related fields, he said. The exerciseof these powers has not, in his opinion given rise tomore than the usual development of presidential powersin time of emergencies, and only emphasizes the trendof power away from localities to the national government."The widespread reorganization of local government, the re-examination of the relations of cities tothe United States, the examination of regional governments of which T. V. A. is a type; the considerationalike of areas of administration and of representation,these are immediately before us and will call for constructive ability of the highest order," Professor Merriam said."We have reached a point where in order to avoidtoo great centralization of power it will become necessary to consider more carefully just what functions localities may best exercise and plan for their vigorousdevelopment. This is as necessary for the preservation of the legitimate and vital functions of local self-government as for the proper functioning of the nationalgovernment itself."This is not by any means an exclusive result ofthe recent depression, which has only revealed a tendency shaping for decades. The growth of new types ofcommunication is a powerful factor in upsetting governmental areas while the nationalizing of trade and commerce is an equal contributor. But this trend has beenmade clearer than ever before by the events of the lastfew years, and has brought us nearer to a serious reconsideration of the role of the various units of government in our national economy."An important and clearly marked recent trend inAmerican government, Professor Merriam pointed out,is that in the direction of systematic planning, local,state, and national."It is an error to conclude that all planning involvesregimentation of a deadening nature. Wise planningmakes provision for decentralization as well as unification, for territorial and individual decentralization,for independent criticism, judgment and initiative, forpreserving and creating free areas of human activity.The zoning of power is as important in political as ineconomic organization."Sound planning is not based on control of everything, but of certain strategic points in a working system. The best planning will find these strategic points,shown by the social directives of the time, and seize nomore points than are necessary for the purpose in mind.Force is only too often the result of impatience or impotence. What often happens is that change is too longdelayed; then the readjusters violently seize more thanthey need, only eventually to restore what they wouldnot have taken had they been -wiser."If, however, there are those who believe that ourliberties are in jeopardy, I rejoice that they speak out,that they organize and agitate in behalf of their judgments, for only in this way may our liberties be maintained. We cannot have liberty if men tamely submitto what they believe is dangerous and wrong. Therecan be no greater threat to liberty than absence of free and full discussion of opposing views, political, socialand economic. Already Russia, Italy, Germany, andAustria have forbidden free public consideration of public questions; and if democratic states adopt the samepolicy, a new era opens; an era when we abandon discussion for clubs and machine guns."Obviously there is no magic in the mere word'planning/ Nor is there any mystic charm in a planning mechanism per se. Our democratic system is basedupon the principle that the gains of civilization are essentially mass gains and should be diffused throughoutthe mass as promptly and as equitably as possible. Withthis end in view, there is reason to believe that systematic, forward looking planning would facilitate theadoption of such policies regarding our national andhuman resources as would best serve this basic purposeof our system."Planning in a democracy is a cooperative enterprise, requiring widespread sympathy and support, beyond party and beyond region. Business can block it;labor, agriculture, the middle class, can block it. Butthe danger then is that we drift away from planning,not into a blissful heaven of politics and economics, tolive forever with golden harps, but to a point whereforce mounts the throne and writes a plan in blood andsteel."The natural and human assets of America give usthe means to provide a higher standard of life and afuller realization of essential human values, more equitably diffused than ever before. But this is precisely thetime in which the necessary adaptation and adjustmentcannot be made by drift and chance but imperatively require construction and invention of a high and distinguished order, nobly directed toward a common goal ofpublic weal, which has always been the promise ofAmerican life."Professor Merriam has been a member of the three-man National Planning Board, appointed by PresidentRoosevelt, together with alumnus Wesley Mitchell andMr. Frederic Delano. Last July 1st this board becamepart of the National Resources Board, which consistsof the three named above, five members of the Cabinetand Mr. Harry Hopkins, the group being headed byalumnus Harold Ickes. Last month the Resources Boardpublished its report, described by Secretary Ickes as"the first attempt in our national history to make an inventory of our national assets and of the problems related thereto." This report, recommending the creationof a permanent national planning agency, discusses indetail problems of land planning (such as the retirementof submarginal lands), water resources planning, mineralresources, public works planning, and state and regionalplanning, and recommends some seventy-five specificsteps to be taken. Professor H. H. Barrows, chairmanof the University's department of Geography, is a member of the Water Planning Committee of the Board.Last month in this department of the Magazine we suggested that the "Hutchins" report on American international economic policy and Norman Wait Harris report on foreign policy, to both of which the Universitycontributed heavily of its intelligence, would have itsTHE- UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 113effect on the future of American affairs. No less canbe said for this latest report, to which Professors Merriam and Barrows are important contributors. Muchdiscussed also in the newspapers has been ProfessorJacob Viner's report to the Treasury department on theavailability of bank credit in the Chicago reserve district.More on Christmas MeetingsProfessor William F. Ogburn, the country's leading social predictor, did some forecasting for the socialscience societies. An expansion of both industry andgovernment, and a greater union between them, may beexpected in the future, he said, with some kind of super-organization developing from this union."After all the violent and exaggerated interpretations of these eventful years shall have been forgotten,the future historians of the period will note two outstanding phenomena," Dr. Ogburn said. "The first isthat we have had an unusually long and severe business depression, and not a near-collapse of civilization.The second observation will be that there occurred anexceptionally vigorous growth of government, with theconsequent ideational accompaniments."Of the five great human institutions, the family, thechurch, the local community, industry and government,the first three have declined in importance in the last100 years, while the latter two have grown, Ogburnpointed out. The depression has caused a temporaryreversal of the trend for the first four of these institutions, but has speeded up the expanding influence of government. The long-time trends may be expected to resume their course after the depression has eased, thoughthere will be some recession temporarily from the NewDeal and its emphasis on the importance of government."Indications point to a union of industry and government, somewhat as the family and industry wereunited for centuries. The older concept of this issue wasthat business men did not want such a union, and that ifit did come it would be because of a revolutionary proletarian movement. But the needs of business are forcing a closer union. Industry apparently needs the aid ofgovernment in combating depressions, in restrainingbooms, in controlling credit institutions, in regulating theflow of credit, in providing cheap transportation, in regulating monopolistic prices of goods which all industriesuse, in preventing unfair competition, in aiding foreigntrade, in planning and carrying out plans for greaterefficiency outside the plant and between different industries, in helping to smooth out the maladjustments dueto invention and science as in the case of transportation and communication, and in adjusting industry tothe -mobility or immobility of population as in the caseof agriculture."Some kind of super-organization is needed to workout a solution. The wider aspects of economic activitymake it more probable that this super-organizationshould be a creation of the state rather than aprivate industry. Government has been slower to growthan industry. One retarding influence is the difficultyin building up an efficient administrative service. The in adequacy of administration in view of the task is glaringly apparent in the case of both NRA and AAA. Another possible reason for the slowness of governmentis the lack of adequate techniques in the governmentalmachinery for quick changes. A large deliberative assembly is not the happiest device for such a crisis; noris our system of representation based on areas."Many fear that the inefficiencies of a more collec-tivist state or a vastly regulatory one will mean a lowerstandard of living. Such of course is a possibility. Buteconomists tend to over-emphasize the economic organization as the determining factor. We may have a deterioration in the efficiency of our economic organization andstill have a rising standard of living. The economic planeof living is a function of four factors, a small population, abundant natural resources, new inventions and efficiency of economic organization."The first three of these factors, at least, will continue to be favorable in America, Dr. Ogburn Said, withnew inventions the most favorable. Citing the telephone,the automobile, the airplane, the motion picture, theradio and rayon as inventions from which huge industries have grown since his college days, Dr. Ogburncontinued: "Will the young men and women graduating from college today see in the next thirty years newinventions develop into industries of similar magnitude?I think they will."Television is overdue, and when it comes, will puttheaters in 20,000,000 homes. The electron tube, admittedly the greatest invention of the 20th century, willbe the basis of a hundred new devices. Then, there isthe manufacture of artificial climate, coolness indoors insummer, artificial sunshine in winter, flood-lighting atnight. Less spectacular are the new alloys and plastics,which have wide possibilities. And talking books maybe mentioned."Such new industries, together with a small population and abundant natural resources, will raise thestandard of living even though collectivism should lowerthe efficiency of our economic system. Such a loweringis an assumption not to be taken for granted ; under aunion of state and industry it might even be increased."A great problem of the future is likely to be that ofmental disorders, Dr. Ogburn said. The "fact that 1 in20 of our boys and girls of high school age will be confined in a hospital for the insane some time during their. lives indicates that the great trends of the past centuryhave not added to psychological adjustment. It is quitepossible that the weakening of the influence of religionhas increased insanity. The old-time religion with itsvariety of beliefs and deities was a wonderful pattern ofculture for meeting the psychological needs of mankind."Some loss of liberty and some regimentation wouldresult from a greater union of government and industry, Dr. Ogburn said. "This is to be expected, for suchis the implication of any high degree of organization;though of course there will be gains in liberty in otherdirections. We may have more liberty than before, whenfreedom of conduct is seen in terms of all man's institutions and not as an affair of the state and the businessman. Still, a nation of pioneer traditions that has fought114 THE UNIVERSITY OFtwo wars over liberty will necessarily and rightly viewwith alarm the encroachment on liberty of the expandingstate."Dr. Ogburn predicted a great growth of nationalism,not necessarily war-like in its aims. "Some recession ofthe present nationalism may occur, but the communication inventions and the present weakness of religion ifcontinued almost assure a great growth of, nationalism,like religion commanding our devotionand loyalty and dominating us with itsintolerance." There will be some risein internationalism also, he said.Other developments predicted byDr. Ogburn were: Countries and peoples will tend to become more alike, withtechnological countries setting the pace ;widening of the geographical base ofpolitical units and economic services;and greater mobility of population, withsome dispersion from cities into metropolitan areas. Concluding on a pessimistic note, Dr. Ogburn said: "No prospective integration of state and industry is expected to deliver us in thefuture from grave social disturbances."Addressing the economists, Professor Paul Douglas said that if the unemployment insurance plan which may beset before the present Congress does notprovide for a national re-insurance fund "it will be grosslydefective and we may expect a marked disparity of benefits between states to develop." A nation-wide system ispreferable, but since this has been rejected by the administration, the plan accepted should be state-wide in scope,with the national re-insurance fund used for equalization, Mr. Douglas said. Professor Harry A. Millis, inhis presidential address before the economists, said thatthe economist finds a sufficiently strong case for collective dealing in industry through unions. Althoughsupporting in part the labor doctrine of wages, Professor Millis said, "The level of wages and the welfare ofthe masses turn much more upon progress in productionand upon the taxation and spending policies of the government than any such thing as the control of wagesthrough law or collective bargaining." He is a memberof the National Labor Relations Board.Among the more interesting papers presented at thePittsburgh meetings were two which illustrate the aptitude of Chicago people as breaker-downers as well asbuilder-uppers in scientific theory. Miss Madeleine Kne-berg of the University's anthropology department gaveevidence that the use of hair-structure as a criterion inthe determination of race, long accepted, probably is notvalid. Professor Paul Weiss bf the Zoology departmentdisagreed with the great emphasis now placed upon "action currents" in the study of nervous transmission, andwith the whole analogy of the nervous system as a"switchboard" affair, suggesting instead a kind of harmonic-selection explanation for the nervous control ofcomplex actions. And in this vein, but not at Pittsburgh,local astronomers up at Yerkes observatory have recently CHICAGO MAGAZINEreported successful experiments in recording infra-redradiations from stars which indicate that most acceptedestimates of star heat will have to be revised.Professor A. J. Dempster reported at the Pittsburghmeetings that he had succeeded in analyzing solid substances chemically through the use of positive rays;Professor H. H. Newman reported further progress onhis crucial environment-heredity study of identical twins,ten more sets of identical twins rearedapart having been induced to come toChicago for examination via the lure ofthe Fair; and Professor Griffith Taylordiscussed his interesting ideas on environment and race.NotedCharles Bane, a first-year studentin the University Law School, wasawarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford on January 7th. Not an activeparticipant in campus affairs as a University undergraduate, Bane was able tooverstep this usual requirement by hisbrilliant record in scholarship and bythe very favorable impression he madeupon the regional committee. His is thefirst such award for a Chicago man inseveral years. Bane and another Chicago student, Lewis Dexter, were thetwo Illinois candidates chosen to appearbefore the regional committee. Dexter is about to setan all-time Ail-American academic sprinting record.Entering the University as a freshman, graduate of aMassachusetts high school, in the autumn of 1933, Dexter completed all the requirements of the College divisionand the divisional sequence in Social Sciences withinone year. He is now completing the elective coursesin the division, preparing for the baccalaureate examination in political science, and writing a master'sthesis in that department. He expects to take thebachelor's degree this March and the master's degreethis June, and in all probability he will do it, completing in two years — and at age 19 — a program usuallyrequiring five years. He has been active in the University Debating Union and led the "Facts" faction inthe Daily Maroon's "Facts-versus-Ideas" controversylast year. . . . President and Mrs. Robert M. Hutchinswere at-home to the entire faculty and trustees groupsNew Year's afternoon. Mrs. Hutchins inaugurated thepresidential New Year's Day reception idea several yearsago. . . . Alfred V. Frankenstein, who has been teachingin the department of Music during the past two years,has resigned to become music critic of the San FranciscoDaily Chronicle. In addition to offering formal coursesand conducting a University radio broadcast on music,Frankenstein built up the University's record collectionand originated the now popular daily symphonic recordprograms on the campus. ... A posthumous degree ofDoctor of Philosophy, the first such award the University registrars know about, was conferred at the December convocation on Clarence W. Baldridge, who, havingcompleted all the requirements* for the degree in the de-Anton J. Carlson Upholds theArvey OrdinanceTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 115partment of physiology, was killed in an automobile accident in Iowa on Nov. 22nd. Two hundred and forty-fivedegrees and certificates were awarded at the Convocation, twenty-one new Phi Beta Kappas having been initiated five days before. . . . Socialists have asked Maynard Krueger of the economics department tobe a candidate for alderman of the 5th ward, which includes the University. Many faculty members are backing Joseph Artman, former divinity faculty member. Theincumbent alderman is James Cusack, '27, former Maroon track star, and he is the odds-on choice for re-election. . . . Thirteen fraternities have entered a cooperativebuying program this quarter, which is limited in the experimental stage to dairy products, baked goods andlaundry service. . . . The local Sigma Nu chapter has become inactive. This is the second fraternity withdrawalwithin an academic year, for the Delta Tau Deltas turnedin their charter last summer. Lambda Chi Alpha hasmoved into the Delta Tau Delta house and Kappa Nuinto the Lambda Chi Alpha House. Phi Pi Phi has givenup its house. . . . Howard Hudson, editor of the DailyMaroon, one of 37 editors of college dailies who met inWashington over the holidays, personally presented apetition to President Roosevelt asking that Prof.Ogburn's pamphlet, "You and Machines", written foruse in the CCC camps and banned by the CCC directoras "pessimistic", be used as intended. . . . Two holidayservices now established as traditional in the UniversityChapel were held with unusual success this year. TheChristmas pageant ; consisting this year of three liturgicalplays used in medieval French cathedrals, was givenDec. 16th; the Epiphany candle-lighting service, with appropriate Twelfth Night music, was held Jan. 6th. . . .The University's Anthropology department has been assured the right to do a thorough job on the excavationof the important Kincaid mounds near Metropolis, 111.,on the Ohio river, through the purchase of the site bya friend of the University. . . . The right of Chicago'smedical research centers to secure a portion of the unclaimed dogs at the city Pound for purposes of humaneexperimentation, as provided by the Arvey ordinance, is being seriously threatened by a small but vocal anti-vivisection group. All alumni living in Chicago whosense the incalculable benefits which have derived fromanimal experiments, both to humans and animals at large,and know the care exercised in all experimental operations, will write to their aldermen asking that the Arveyordinance be upheld at the forthcoming hearing. . . . During the autumn George Otis Smith, trustee of the University and former director of the U. S. Geological Survey, was elected president of the Board of Trustees ofColby College; Professor George Van Biesbroeck of theYerkes staff was awarded the honorary Sc.D. by theUniversity of Brussels at its 100th anniversary celebration; Edwin O. Jordan, Professor-emeritus of Bacteriology, was awarded the Sedgwick Memorial Medal fordistinguished service to public health by the AmericanPublic Health Association; Professor A. H. Comptonwas awarded the honorary master's degree by OxfordUniversity and elected a supernumerary fellow of Bal-liol College; and Professor James H. Breasted, alreadya. foreign member of the British, German, French andBavarian academies, was elected a foreign member ofthe Royal Academy of Belgium. . . . Dr. Arthur C.Bachmeyer, whose appointment as Director of the University Clinics was announced in the November issueof the Magazine, took office January 1st. . . . Three foreign scholars also began their service to the Universityon that date, as visiting professors — Walther von Wart-burg, eminent philologists of the University of Leipzig,Max Rheinstein, law authority, formerly of the University of Berlin, and Oliver Franks, philosopher, ofQueen's College, Oxford. . . . Professor Samuel Harperreturned for the opening of the winter quarter from hisfourth visit to Soviet Russia, Sir William Craigie returned from England, Dean George A. Works returnedfrom Germany, and Professor Jacob Viner returnedfrom Washington, where he has been serving as assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, all to resume theirregular duties. . . . Professor-emeritus, John M. Manlyleft for England to resume his Chaucer research.By Way of ReplyThe Editor has kindly offered mean opportunity to comment briefly onMr. O'Donnell's vigorous and invigorating communication.I. Mr. O'Donnell and I agreethat the responsibility for censoringmovies for children and adolescentsbelongs, "not to church, state, orpolice force, but to the parents of theadolescent or the child."II. Mr. O'Donnell and I agreethat Mr. Breen and his staff are notthe proper persons to censor moviesfor the American people. We objectto that censorship, however, on opposite grounds. Mr. O'Donnell objects because he fears it will be toolax; I object because I fear it will be too strict.III. Mr. O'Donnell's objectionsto my use of the terms devout, narrow, and hysteria are objections, itshould be noted, not to matters ofobjectively demonstrable fact but tosubjectwely achieved opinions. Naturally, he prefers his opinions tomine.IV. Mr. O'Donnell believes thatthe Legion of Decency will prove tobe an effective agency in the guidance of adult and adolescent moviegoers;I believe that the Legion of Decency will not prove an effectiveagency in such guidance, because(a) official censorship of any sort defeats its own purpose by givingpublicity to objects and activitiescensored.(b) the censorship manifested inthe New World Motion PictureGuide on which the Legion relies ischildish and preposterous. As evidence of my last contention, I needdo no more than cite the fact thatthe following pictures: Catherine theGreat, Little Man What Now, OfHuman Bondage, and One MoreRiver were classified as "indecentand immoral and unfit for public entertainment."A censorship that functions thusis its own worst enemy.Fred B. Millett.ALUMNI MEETINGSFar and WideBuffalo, N. Y.November 13 : Our typewriteralways tries to write Buffalaewhen we report activity on thealumni front in Buffalo, becauseit is the alumnae in that city whohave been most active in the interests of the University. In November, when Dr. James M. Stifler, Secretary of the University, visitedthere, the Club assembled for a dinner in his honor. Mrs. Justus Egbert, president of the club, made thearrangements, and Mrs. John L.Eckel provided a charming musicalprogram. Dr. Stifler spoke informally on University events andnews, and regaled his listeners withstories of Benjamin Franklin, onwhose life he is an authority. Thismeeting was so successful that theheretofore quiescent alumni demanded a part in the future programand a permanent committee for theClub was appointed, with the following members on it : Rev. EarlF. Adams, '30, Dr. Carl Lathrop,PhD'31, Philip Schweickhard, '17,Dr. Edward S. Tones, PhD'17, Dr.Olive Lester, PhD"31.Columbus, OhioNovember 10: Nothing less thana Dinner-dance at the ColumbusAthletic Club, in honor of the football team, would satisfy the ambitious brethren of Columbus; anda completely successful party it was,with a record-breaking crowd andevery one there having a very goodtime. To Bill Harman, '00 goes mostof the credit for promoting this exceptionally fine affair. His ingeniousmusical welcome for the team as theyarrived and considerate attention totheir comfort and pleasure while inColumbus were much appreciated.At the dinner President Ralph Tyler presided, and James Weber Linngave one of his inimitable after-dinner speeches. Special guestswere Mr. St. John, Director of Athletics at Ohio State, Mr. Schmidt,Ohio's Coach, Mr. Metcalf and Mr.Shaughnessy of Chicago, and the entire football squad. As a final gesture of hospitality, Mr. Harmaninvited the cream of Columbus'sorority beauties as dancing partnersfor the team. Following the dinner,officers were elected for the coming year, and the presidency was entrusted to Robert Harman, '30.Duluth, Minn.November 19: Some sixty loyalmembers of the Duluth-Superioralumni group braved the perils of anor'easter to come to a meeting atthe Lincoln Hotel, to hear news ofthe University from the AlumniSecretary and Keith Parsons, assistant to the Secretary of the University. The University talking pictureswere shown to an appreciative audience, and discussion and gossip werethoroughly enjoyed. Mr. J. B. Per-lee was responsible for the arrangements and presided at the dinner.Leonard Young, superintendent ofschools in Duluth, was there as aspecial guest, and was found, to thejoy of all, to be a regularly qualifiedalumnus, having attended innumerable summer sessions. A. M. Santee,principal of Central High School wasanother honored guest. During theday of the meeting, the Secretaryand Mr. Parsons held several assemblies in the Superior schools,showing the talking pictures to alarge number of most enthusiastichigh school students.Ethel Preston, President of ChicagoAlumnae Club Minneapolis, Minn.November 16: Just as we predicted, the meeting at Minneapoliswas a great occasion, in spite of thescore at the game. Over a hundredalumni turned out to dine togetherat the Union Building of the University of Minnesota. In the absenceof President Ross, Mr. David Merriam, '13, presided most graciously.Professor Emerita Elizabeth Wallace introduced the speaker, JamesWeber Linn, telling things about hispast that not even the Alumni Secretary had suspected, and Mr. Linnoutdid himself in eloquence. Themeeting attracted Willis Zorn, '24,all the way from Eau Claire, Wis.,and Mr. Parsons, Mr. Mather andthe Alumni Secretary were presentfrom the University. New officerselected at the meeting were as follows: President, Dr. L. F. Miller,PhD'31; Vice-President, C. GlenMather, '13; Secretary - treasurer,Mary Moses, '16.Oak Park, III.December 1 1 : The second of theOak Park Alumni dinners was justas successful as the first, which wasdue, no doubt, to the facts that thespeaker was Professor Ogburn, andthe arrangements were in the capablehands of President Amy Bradshaw,'28. Although December 11 will beremembered by Chicagoans as the dayof a most paralyzing blizzard, someseventy people plowed through thedrifts to meet at the Oak Park Club.So many have made reservations forthe entire series of dinners scheduledthat there is no doubt of the successof the alumni campaign in the westsuburb. Percy H. Boynton is to bethe speaker at the meeting on January 23rd, and Dr. Luckhardt andDean Boucher will appear later inthe season.Washington, D. C.December 2 : Professor Leonard D.White, of the Civil Service Commission, and professor of political science at the University, spoke to thealumni at their first Sunday suppermeeting in Washington. As usualthe faithful appeared in great numbers and gave every evidence of theircontinuing interest in the fine program this organization presents.116IN A LITERARY MOODFrom "The Bozvling Green," byChristopher Morley, in The SaturdayReview of Literature, December i,1934-" Among many adventures (continued Old Quercus) one of the pleas-antest was climbing up four flightsin a lecture-hall at the University ofChicago to attend a discussion classin the Introductory Course in theHumanities. It occurred to me thatit was perhaps unfortunate that theHumanities are assigned to the hourimmediately after lunch, when thehuman ember (like Montaigne'sfamous raven) 'retracts into a dulland dumpish stupor,' but I greatlyadmired Professor Norman McLean's brilliant and engaging conduct of the argument. He probedhis somewhat pedestrian pupils withstyptic questioning and I think thatseveral months of that discipline mayteach them some notion of the process and pursuit of thought. I wasapprehensive that he might ask mesome questions about Aristotle'sEthics (that being the topic of thehour) and when his lambent eyeswept the back row I trembled. Icouldn't tremble much, however, forI found that the old varsity lecture-room chairs are now too tight formy figure. The note-taking shelfmade a deep impression on me. Sofor an hour the class argued 'WhatIn the Grand MannerTHE Chicago Alumnae Club contributed to the usual holidaycelebrations in December with anunusual luncheon and bridge in theJoseph Urban Room of the CongressHotel. We don't know exactlywhich attraction brought out therecord-breaking crowd— but possiblyit was six little words in the invitations, "Floor Show — The Best inTown.'' Floor shows seem to havea universal appeal even at high noon.As we enthusiastically consumedour broiled chops and ambrosia par-faits, regimented (to use an up-to-date expression) in groups of fourabout the dance floor, we were entertained by three delightful littlesprites from Lindblom High Schoolwhom Miss Mary Courtney, our program chairman, had imported for is the Chief Good of Man and HowCan It Be Realized?' This exactedfrom the students definitions of aChief Good, and of Man. It wasagreed, under the shade of Aristotleand the scalpel of Professor McLean, that the Chief Good of Manis 'the workings of the soul in accordance with Right Reason.' And(as the magazine serials say) go onfrom there."The chapel of the university, designed by Goodhue, is of admirablebeauty. It will take a long time,however, for the feeling of mingledhumanities and divinities to immigrate into it. Seen empty it has abare and static perfection; it lacksemotion. One solitary student wassitting in a front pew, engrossed inreading. What kind of devotion, Iwondered, and walked past. In thisbuilding dedicated to eternity he wasreading Time."Chicago Alumni in theCurrent MagazinesAtlantic Monthly — DecemberFollowing the Gleam — Youth andthe Revolution, Vincent Sheean,'21Collier's Weekly — December 8Thought for the Morrow, HaroldL. Ickes, '97,JD'07the occasion. There were no speakers to interrupt our practically continuous flow of conversation — notthat we don't thoroughly enjoyspeakers when we have them — andthings rapidly became cozier andcozier. At an appropriate momenttwo door prizes were awarded to thetwo guests who had drawn the luckynumbers. The prizes were two ofthe famous University of Chicagoplates that you have seen advertisedin the pages of the Alumni Magazine. Ecstatic were the "ohs" of thetwo winners and long the wails ofthe luckless.The Congress Hotel's best andvery expensive luncheon consumed,a few extemporaneous speeches ofwelcome by our officers made, theafternoon was found to lie invitingly China Critic — November 28.Life of a Chinese Student, RuthEarnshaw, '31.Esquire — January .The Coarse Feeder, John Gunther, '22.Harp er's—N o vemberPolicy by Murder, The Story ofthe Dolfuss Killing, John Gunther,'22The Nation — November 28Samuel Insull on Trial, MitchellDawson, T1JDT4New Republic — December 19.The Federal Housing Program,Harold L. Ickes, '97, JD '07.Open Court — OctoberSpinoza and Hinduism, Kurt F.Keidecker, PhD'27Occupations — DecemberThe Alleged Over-Population ofthe Colleges, Robert L. Kelly,PhM'99Saturday Evening Post — November24From Farm Boy to Financier,Frank Vanderlip, '95exVanity Fair — DecemberThe New King of Jugo-Slavia,John Gunther, '22Vanity Fair — January.Playground of Hate, the Saar,John Gunther, '22.before us. Debris of various sortswas cleared away — and presto — wewere a bridge party. The prizes forthe players were University of Chicago maps which ordinarily sell for$1,— the proceeds to give substanceto our Alumnae Club Scholarships.So the whole affair was entirelypatriotic from start to finish.Several announcements were made.One that Ruth Earnshaw — a memberof the staff of the Alumni Magazine— is the new Chicago Alumnae ClubSocial Chairman. Another, thatLouise Viehoff is the new chairmanin charge of the University Teas tohigh school students given everyspring to interest students in comingto our University. Gladys Finn willhave charge of the financing and distributing of the U. of C. Maps.117ATHLETICSScores of the MonthBasketball :Chicago, 46; Wheaton, 29.Chicago, 22; North Central, 39.Chicago, 27; Armour, 34.Chicago, 23; Marquette, 33.Chicago, 16; Kentucky, 42.Chicago, 31 ; Butler, 37.Chicago, 24; Marquette, 28.Chicago, 29; Iowa, 39.Although activity in football ended before Thanksgiving, the echoes of that standard bearer of the collegiate sports are still heard on the quadrangles. Mr.Clark Shaughnessy, the football coach, suddenly becamethe universal candidate of institutions which had justfired their coaches, and wanted a Moses to lead themto the promised land. No less a personage than theHon. Huey Long, bereft of football guidance for hisLousiana State University when Capt. "Biff" Jones resigned, announced on the floor of the Senate of the stateof Louisiana that he ("Huey") wanted Mr. Shaughnessyfor the job. Mr. Shaughnessy and the senator, then ayoung lawyer, once lived in the same rooming house inNew Orleans, and are well acquainted, though not in abusiness way. Mr. Shaughnessy discreetly said nothing,and finally that proposal lapsed in the newspapers. Butimmediately there came a rumor from a different sector— this time from Harvard — that Mr. Shaughnessy wasthe favored candidate to succeed Eddie Casey, resigned.There apparently was something more than bombast tothis offer, but Mr. Shaughnessy, like Ol' Man River,didn't say nothing — for publication. Finally Harvardcame up with another coach, signed on the dotted line.And so it looks as if Chicago teams will continue underthe guidance of Clark D. Shaughnessy.The team next year will have Jay Berwanger ascaptain, an honor which obviously was his due. In Berwanger's case, however, it will be something more thanan honor; like his valuable predecessor, Ell Patterson,he will be a superior leader. Patterson was named themost valuable player on the team, after earnest consideration by the players, who had a difficult time choosingbetween him and Berwanger. Ewald Nyquist, fullback,was voted the team's best tackier ; Sam Whiteside, sophomore guard who played more minutes in conferencegames than any other player, was named the player ofgreatest value receiving the least recognition. The election of the captain, and the award of "C's" and numerals,and the announcement of the individual honors, exceptof "most valuable player", were achieved at the annualfootball dinner of the Chicago Alumni Club on December 13.There were 22 major letters awarded for the season,ten of them being to men receiving the award for thefirst time. The new "C's" were to: Sam Whiteside, • By WILLIAM V. MORGANSTERN, '20, JD '22Evanston, 111., guard; Prescott Jordan, LaGrange, 111.,guard; Clarence Wright, Clinton, la., tackle; GordonPeterson, center and end, and Bartlett Peterson, end, ofLong Beach, Cal. ; Ralph Balfanz, Abilene, Tex., end ;Warren Skoning, Elgin, 111., fullback; Earl Sappington,Lake City, Fla., tackle; Ned Bartlett, Glendale, Cal.,halfback; Keith Hatter Sioux City, la., halfback. Theplayers who previously had won their letters in footballwere : John Baker, end, and Bob Perretz, guard, of Chicago; Merritt Bush, Fullerton, Cal., tackle; RainwaterWells and Barton Smith, Long Beach, Cal., halfbacks;Ewald Nyquist, Rockford, 111., fullback; John Womer,Oak Park, 111., tackle; Edward Cullen, Wilmette, 111.,quarterback; William Langley Dallas, Tex., end; JayBerwanger, Dubuque, la., halfback; Tom Flinn, Redwood Falls, Minn., quarterback; Capt. Ell Patterson,Western Springs, 111., center.The Old English letter was awarded to HarryNacey, Chicago, back; Harmon Meigs, Evanston, 111.,guard; Adolph Schuessler, Alton, 111., fullback; WilliamRunyan, South Haven, Mich., quarterback ; Jack Scruby,Beverly Hills, Cal., guard. Award of letters this yearhas been based on a definite system of length of play,with, of course, provision for recognition of playerswhose earnest work over a period of years entitles themto an emblem. Whiteside played 325 of a possible 360minutes in the conference games ; Flinn was second, with280 minutes.Freshman football numerals were awarded to Seymour Burrows, 181, Arthur Goes, Jr., 156, WendellHenry, 165, Fred Lehnhardt, 182, Albert Schenck, 167,and Hilary Zimont, 164, backs; Jack Fetman, 158, Arnold Phillips, 160, and Arthur Dean, 172, ends; WalterGritzer, 180, and Benjamin Crockett, 167, guards; andRobert Wheeler, 194, tackle, all of Chicago; Ward Albert, 170, center, and Omar Fareed, end, 162, Glendale,Calif. ; George Antonic, 190, tackle East Chicago, Ind. ;Murray Chilton, 158, guard, Portsmouth, Ohio; JohnSype, 160, end, Oak Park, 111. ; David Gordon, 176, end,LaGrange, 111. ; James Chappie, 175, back, Grand Forks,B. C; Paul Gill, 156, back; and Felix Jankowski, 199,tackle, of Michigan City, Ind.; Kendall Petersen, 178,end, Long Beach, Calif. ; and Woodrow Wilson, 195,tackle and center, Escanaba, Mich.The schedule for next season: Sept. 28 — Nebraskaat Lincoln; Oct. 5 — Carroll at Chicago; Oct. 12 — Western State at Chicago ; Oct. 19 — Purdue at Chicago ; Oct.26" — Wisconsin at Chicago; Nov. 9 — Ohio State at Chicago; Nov. 16 — Indiana at Chicago; Nov. 23 — Illinoisat Urbana. And that, it is hoped, disposes of footballuntil spring practice.The basketball team is the only one at present engaged in competition. The record to date shows sevendefeats in eight starts, including the loss of the conference opener at Iowa. By next month, however, there118THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 119ought to be a victory or two to report, for the team isgradually improving, and it has barely enough talent towin a few times during the season when it is at its peakand the opposition isn't quite right. There is no questionbut that the basketball squad here is, as usual, outclassedin size and speed by practically every team it meets. Thelack of height is painfully obvious on rebound plays ; theslighter and shorter Chicago players get pushed rightout of the scramble under the backboard.Bill Haarlow, who did not start playing on theteam until the Kentucky game, still is not fully adjustedto the pace, although he is doing very well. With a fewmore games behind him, he will be much harder to stop.Capt. Tommy Flinn is like a terrier at a rat in his floorplay. Dick Dorsey, who is being used at the guard position which has been the most troublesome spot to fillbecause of the loss of Oppenheim, is the most improvedplayer on the team, but he does not shoot at all. BillLang, despite the operation on his shoulder, is playingfine basketball, hitting consistently from well out on thefloor, and also has developed a technique of boring infor close shots. Gordon Peterson, while handling thetipoff better than he did last year, isn't as satisfactory inhis play as was anticipated. Walter Duvall's poor defensive work has kept him out of the recent importantgames, but he will be worked in as an alternate to Flinnin the near future. Coach Norgren is planning to useBob Eldred (a scorer) to substitute for Dorsey. Three of the leading contenders for the Big Tenchampionship, Purdue, Wisconsin, and Illinois, appearon the Chicago schedule this year. Iowa, Minnesota,and Ohio are the other conference teams on the rotating list ; currently, Ohio is the only one regarded as belowthe general level. But basketball is an uncertain game,and Chicago is as likely to win from the title-defendingBoilermakers as from Ohio.Notes: It is interesting to observe the average ageof the players who received major or minor awards infootball this season was slightly over 18 years. Thereare no data as to the opposition, but Chicago's opponentsmust average at least two years more, giving them asignificant advantage in maturity. Chicago's position asa national university is reflected in the wide range ofterritory represented on the squad — the players camefrom states as far apart as Florida and California. Interesting, also, the predominance of "American" nameson the roster. . . . The fifth annual Christmas Weekbasketball tournament, which replaced the famous national interscholastic, was won by Lane, defending champions. Hyde Park, coached in his spare time by HenryH. Schultz, lawyer, who was a notable baseball playerin his undergraduate days here, was second. . . . Intra-murals, though little in the public eye, are flourishing,and the program for faculty members inaugurated lastyear has been augmented. The indoor tennis courts inthe field house are so popular that they are now beingused at night.THIS HAM NEEDSNO PARBOILING. . . it's Swift's Premium and it's Ovenized!HERE IS A DELICIOUSWAY TO SERVE IT!Bake Swift's PremiumThis Easy Way:Place a whole or half Swift'sPremium Ham in a roaster. Add 2cups of water, and cover the roaster.Bake in a slow oven (325°), allowingabout 2 1 minutes a pound for a largewhole ham;about 25 minutes a poundfor smaller (up to 12 lb.) hams orhalf hams. When ham is done, remove from oven. Liftoff rind. Scoresurface and dot with cloves; rub withmixture of -^ cup brown sugar andI tbsp. flour. Brown, uncovered, for20 minutes in a hot oven (400°).For a festive touch, try basting theham — while it browns— with meltedcurrant jelly.Apple SurpriseCore and halve apples and boiluntil red in syrup made with cinnamon drops. Pile apples with saucemade with cranberries and drainedcrushed pineapple. Serve in parsleynests. Swift's Premium Ham needs no pre-cooking. Instead, it comes to you ready to bake, or to slice andcook in your favorite way with no parboiling. Itsaves you time and effort and assures you of tender,juicy ham, rich, sweet, and full-flavored.Ovenizing, Swift's own method of smoking hamin ovens, makes this possible. First the famousmild Premium cure, then this special way of smoking. . . and the result is a ham far superior in flavor andmuch, much easier to prepare. Why not try one thisweek-end? Just be sure to ask for Swift's PremiumHam. No other kind is Ovenized.SWIFT 6- COMPANY . GENERAL OFFICES • CHICAGO120 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGRADUATESCHOOL and CAMPDIRECTORYPENNSYLVANIA— GIRLSPENN HALL for GIRLSJunior College — 2 year and 4 year HighSchool. Credits honored by Universities.Music Conservatory. Int. Decor., Costume Design, Phys. Ed., Secretarial, HomeEc, Athletics. Riding. New Fire-proof buildings. Connecting baths. Part of May at OceanCity. Catalog:F. S. Magill, A. M., Box C, Chambersburg, Pa.WASHINGTON— GIRLSFAIRMONTJUNIOR COLLEGE and 4 YEAR HIGH SCHOOLCultural and Social advantages of the capital.Interesting trips. Two-year college courses.Liberal Arts. Secretarial. Home Economics.Music._ Art. Develops talents. Accredited toUniversities. All sports. 36th year.Maud van Woy, A.B.1715 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C.NEW ENGLAND— BOYSCLARK SCHOOLHANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIREAn accredited preparatory school certifying tothe University of Chicago and other colleges.Classes average five students. Supervised^ study.Instructors men of experience. Athletic andwinter sports.Frank G. Morgan, DirectorCOUPONFOR COMPLETE SCHOOL ANDCAMP INFORMATION, FILL OUTAND MAIL THIS FORM TO THEGRADUATE SCHOOL SERVICE, 30ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, N. Y.Student's Age Sex Religion Rate Location Preferred Type of School Preferred Type of Camp Preferred Remarks Name Address A GENEROUS REWARDin satisfaction is guaranteed to all Chicagoalumni who will share with our boys booksno longer needed. Write or call the AlumniOffice.EARNKIRK SCHOOLCol. A. C. Earnshaw ChestertonExecutive Indiana NEWS OF TfCOLLEGE1903Harold M. Barnes is Director ofEducation and Publicity for the FortWorth Community Chest.1906J. P. Walters is with the IowaRailway and Light Company of Toledo, Iowa.1913Theodore W. Anderson, AM' 14,is a religious executive, working inChicago, living in Evanston.1915Paul Des Jardien has recently accepted a fine position in the mercantile field with a subsidiary of SearsRoebuck and Co. He is living at LosAngeles.1917Claude W. Warren, AM'19, published an article, "The Miracle of theChanged Mood," in the Septemberissue of Church Management.Joseph L. Samuels is vice president of the Douglas Lumber Company, Chicago.Fred B. Wise was elected president of the Hyde Park - KenwoodCouncil of Churches this fall.James L. Sayler is president ofthe Board of Directors of Presbyterian College, Chicago.S abina Grace Medias (Mrs.Joseph Brumberg) is an antique jewelry dealer in Buffalo.1918John Ray McNamara, ex, is secretary of the Rockford Loan Corporation.Bernice C. Blackman is a casework supervisor for the Children'sService Association of Milwaukee.1919Martha F. Simond is secretaryto the District Committees of theEmergency Relief Bureau of Buffalo.Ethel Maddux, AM'25, is teaching Latin and Greek at WestminsterCollege, Salt Lake City, Utah.1920Genieve Lamson, SM'22, is assistant professor of geography, nowin charge of the department, at Vassar College. She traveled in Europelast summer, making a special studyof Jugoslavia, and reading a paperat the International Congress of IE CLASSESGeography at Warsaw, Poland. Sheattended the Congress as delegatefrom Vassar and from the Societyof Woman Geographers. Miss Lamson is head resident at Lathrop Hall,Vassar.Edna Richardson Meyers wasrestored to her old position as principal of Lewis-Champlain Experimental School in Chicago, by action ofthe Chicago School Board this fall.Virgil Binford is business manager for Earlham College, at Richmond, Ind.John Toigo is in the advertisingbusiness, with Lord and Thomas ofChicago.1921Margaret A. Turner, AM'32(Mrs. James O. Grant) is teachingin Newman School, New Orleans.Andrew Baird is in investmentbanking, 100 S. La Salle St., Chicago.1922Frank Lusher is with the LusherMotor Car Sales Company of Elkhart, Ind.Robert C. Matlock is chief chemist for the Ken-Rad Corporation ofOwensboro, Ky.Harold M. Barnes is administrator of the Community Chest at FortWorth, Tex.Marion Lydia Clark is an occupational therapist; she lives in St.Louis, Mo.1923Bartlett Cormack is with FoxWestwood Hills Studio, Westwood,Calif.Almo S. Anderson is Superintendent of Schools of Ashtabula County,Ohio.1924W. D. Coombs is secretary andtreasurer of Matthews, Lynch andCo., investment securities, 120 S. LaSalle StJohn J. Abt is chief of the litigation section, legal division, Agricultural Adjustment Administration,Washington, DC.Mrs. Jennie A. Rice is head ofthe mathematics department of theTables forSpecial PartiesMay Be Reservedat theMIDWINTER DINNERSee Page 90THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 121junior and senior high schools ofMarinette, Wis.R. W. Johnson is superintendentof schools at Royal Centre, Ind.1925Kathryn A. McHenry is chiefdietitian at Edward Hines, Jr., Hospital. She is president of the Chicago Dietetic Association.Courtland Bell Frain is a clerkwith the Union Oil Company. He isliving in Los Angeles, Calif.1926Gertrude W. Solenberger is assistant director of recreation projects,in charge of arts and crafts teachersworking in settlement houses onCWA jobs. She is an experiencedart teacher and interior decorator,having taught those subjects both inschools and in the Wanamaker storein Philadelphia. Her special studyof color and cosmetics, made in connection with a color training courseshe gave at Wanamaker's, attractedmuch interest. Several articles onher work have appeared in the Toilet Requisites Magazine.Charles Morris is at MiltonAcademy, Milton, Mass.Dan McCullough has just beenelected prosecuting attorney for Ingham County, Mich.1927William P. Bager is in the advertising business with Needham,Louis and Brorby of Chicago.Hazel Cain is teaching in theGirls' Technical School in Milwaukee.Beulah Temple Wild, AM'29,has been asked to join the staff ofthe Houston Child Guidance Clinic,as a case worker.John J. Yarkovsky has movedto Chicago, where he is pastor of theHubbard Memorial Church. He andhis parishioners are planning to celebrate the 20th anniversary of theChurch in January.Almira Martin, '27, AM'30, instructor at the University of Utah,has been conducting an interestingexperiment in play schools. An article about her work appeared in theMay, 1933, Childhood Education.1928Elizabeth Bray is teaching highschool home economics at Quincy,111.Fern Chase is executive secretaryof the Dakota County Child and Family Welfare Association. Her business address is at S. St. Paul, Minn.Anatol (Speed) Raysson, onetime halfback for Chicago, was one of three alumni to exhibit a varietyof paintings and drawings at a showing of contemporary art at the Ara-gon Hotel this fall. Most of the pictures were sketches from the Indiana dune country.Edna E. Eisen, SM'29, is headof the geography department ofSteuben Junior High School, Milwaukee.Gertrude R. Gardiner is livingat 5493 Cornell Ave., Chicago.Roberta W. Brown teaches psychology at Kendall College. She isespecially interested in a researchproject on piano learning. Her thirdpublication on "Efficiency in PianoLearning" appeared in the Augustnumber of the Journal of AppliedPsychology.Kathryn A. Haebich is assistantlibrarian at the Public Library ofLansing, Mich.1929John K. Brown is with a hotelauditing firm, Harris, Kerr, Forsterand Co. of Chicago,Edith Harris, teacher of Englishin Akron, Ohio, sends most interesting news of her father, F. B. Harris, '10, SM'16. He is 78 years old,and celebrated the family vacationthis summer by driving his daughterall over the southwest, some 8,000miles.Thomas C. Patter is county director, and lives in Oroville, Calif.Mabel F. Rice is co-author withW. W. Charters of Conduct Problems (MacMillan). Miss Rice is anassistant in the School of Philosophyat the University of Southern California.Alfred H. Reiser is an accountant, living in Springfield, 111.1930Dexter Masters, whom the editors of this magazine have bedeviledpersistently for a long time for anarticle, writes that his work as editor of Tide, a Monthly Review ofAdvertising and Marketing, leaveshim but little time to write for alumniAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors and Masters: fortyper cent of our business. Critic and Grade Supervisors for Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics. Business Administration, Music, and Art. secure fine positions throughus every year. Private Schools in all parts of thecountry among our best patrons; good salaries. Wellprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handlesGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today. PROFESSIONALDIRECTORYTHE OLDEST CAMP IN THE WESTCAMP HIGHLANDSFOR BOYSSAYNER, WISCONSINThree Camps— 8-12: 13-14: 15-17Woodcraft, Athletic and Water Sports,Music, Photography, Scouting, Long CanoeTrips, Riding, Shooting, Shop, Nature Lore,Camping Trips, Unexcelled Equipment,Experienced Staff, Doctor-Nurse.WRITE THE DIRECTOR FOR CATALOGW. J. MONILAW, M. D.5712 Kenwood Ave., ChicagoDENTISTDR. GEO. G. KNAPPDENTISTWoodlawn rv ledical Arts Bldg.Suite 304. 1305 E. 63 rd StreetPhone Plaza 6020ELECTROLYSISLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT13 ' DEARS' EXPERIENCEHair Removed from Face, Neck and BodyFacial Veins, Warts, Moles Permanently RemovedGraduate NurseSUITE TELEPHONE17 North State Street FRANKLIN 4885SCHOOLSE. A. BOOS SCHOOLFor Mentally an d PhysicallyHand icapped Persons — All AgesBoarding and Day SchoolTo Limited NumberFree Consu tationInfo rmation Sent on RequestReasonable Rates5740 W. 22nd Place, Cicero, IILBEVERLY FARM, INC.37th YearA Home, School for Nervous andBackward Children and Adults220 Acres, 7 Buildings.^ School^ Gymnasium, Industrial and School Training Given, Departmentfor Birth Injury CasesGroves Blake Smith, M. D. Godfrey, 111.Practica 1 Business TrainingBusiness Administration, Executive - SecretarialStenotype an d 14 Other College Grade Courses78th YearTrain for Ass ured Success Write for CatalogBryant & Stratton College18 S. Mich 'gan Ave. Ra ndolph 1575122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOLS— ContinuedMac Cormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any Monday1 1 70 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130NORTH PARK COLLEGEFully AccreditedJuniorCollege: Liberal Arts and Pre-ProfessionalCourses.High School: Language, Scientific and Vocational Courses.Conservatory: Public School Music and otherCertified Courses.High Standards of ScholarshipBeautiful Campus, Athletics and Social ActivitiesExpenses LowFor catalog write to the presidentNorth Park College Foster and Kedzie Aves.The Mary E. PogueSchool and Sanitarium.Wheaton, III.Phone Wheaton 66A school and sanitarium for the careing of children mentally subnormal,or who suffer from organic brain and train-epileptic,disease.SCHOOL OF THEATREMR. BEN GUY PHILLIPSFaculty Member of the RoyalAcademy of Dramatic ArtCOURSESInclude: Art of Acting, Voice Control,Pantomime, Playwriting, Stage, Sceneand Costume Design, Public Speaking, etc.Children's ClassesSTUDIO— 72 EAST 11TH STREETHarrison 3360SAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music — ArtBUSINESSDIRECTORYL APARTMENTS JCLOSE TO U. OF C. ¦¦Apartments — All SizesProfessional OfficesProperty Investments— Insurance —ACKLEY BROS. CO.1447 East 63rd Street HYDE PARK 0100 consumption, but holds out somehope for the future. He reportsthat he has "rented a house in thecountry for $15 a month, whereat Iseek refuge each month. It's 180years old and offers all the serenitiesthat a 4 year old Tide cannot."Marjorie Tolman, AM'31, isworking as secretary to the assistantadvertising manager of Wilson andCompany, Meat Packers. She reports that a master's degree is nodrawback in the business world.Dorothy G. Cahill is workingfor Professors Bovee and O'Hara atthe University.Virginia C. Reilly is a studentof Dramatic Art in New York City.Vincel Smith is managing an A.and P. Store in Detroit, Mich.1931Grace White, AM'34, is teachingin the graduate Division of SocialWork at the University of Pittsburgh. She writes that she finds herwork "both serious and challenging."Don M. Cooperider is assistantmanager of the Adjustment Department of the May Co., of Los Angeles.William C. Carroll, AM'33, iseducational director for Camp Cooks,at Manistique, Mich.William F. Zacharias is professor of law at Chicago-Kent Collegeof Law. He is no longer practicing.Cicely Cone is secretary of theEnglish Department at Northwestern University.Florence E. Petzel is a researchassistant at the University Farm, St.Paul, Minn.Martin F. Heidgen, ex, is superintendent of Elmhurst CommunityHospital. He reports the recent addition of a son, John Martin, to hisfamily.Ruth Lee teaches art at DunbarHigh School in Chicago.Alice M. Dolan teaches Englishat Bryant and Stratton Business College in Buffalo.Charles S. Phillips is in thewholesale division of Marshall Field& Co., in the Merchandise Mart,Chicago.1932Marjorie L. Marcy, SM'33, isteaching at Louise McGehee Schoolfor Girls in New Orleans, and reports that she likes both her workand the location. "People here havea high regard for the University ofChicago and I'm always proud to sayI'm from there," says she.Blanche Schaffner (Mrs. Julius Altschul) is living at the HotelLaSalle, where Mr. Altschul is assistant to the manager.Ruth H. Shaw (Mrs. Roland GREUNE- MUELLERCOALIs of Highest Quality fromRespective Fields and isDUSTLESS TREATEDLet Us Prove This to YouGREUNE-MUELLER GOAL GO.7435 So. Union Ave.All Phones Vincennes 4000Bach) is living in Sparta, Wis. Shehas a son, Robert Louis, who occupies her attention at the present timethoroughly, but finds time to keep intouch with the LaCrosse Chapter ofthe A.A.U.W. Mr. Bach, her husband, is District Chaplain for the14th Forestry District of the CCC.1933Charlotte Sutherland hasmoved to San Francisco to work asagent for Clark-Hooper, Inc., ofNew York.Martin J. Herrmann writesthat he is now connected with theaccounting department of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, atSt. Joseph, Mich. And concludes bysaying, "Congratulations on theMagazine. The form and content aresplendid."Lily V. Maddux is teaching commercial subjects in the New Athens,111., Community High School.Priscilla Mead is secretary to theSocial Science Division at the University of Chicago, working with Dr.Slesinger.Roland B. Miller is principal ofthe new George Rogers Clark HighSchool of Hammond, Ind.Jacob Beederman is a real estatemanager and salesman, living in Chicago.1934Betty Hansen is with MarshallField and Company, on the salesforce "with an eye on the advertising bureau."Beatrice Achtenberg is takinggraduate work at the University ofChicago, living at Beecher Hall.Susan Mary Scully is presidentof the Illinois State Teachers' Association, Chicago District.Leah Booth heads the mathematics department of George RogersClark High School in Hammond, Indiana.Oscar L. Scherr is a graduateTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 123student in chemistry at the University of Chicago.Esther L. Weber is teaching art2X St. Cecilia's Parochial School inOmaha. She is also doing some vvorkfor Clark-Hooper, Inc., of NewYork.Miriam Louise Church is alaboratory technician for the People'sGas Light and Coke Company, Chicago.Eula Mabel Brown is an assistant superintendent of the Y. W. CA. She is living in Chicago.Erwin Kaufman is a research statistician, working in Chicago.MASTERS1899Robert L. Kelly, PhM, completes his twentieth year as an officer of the Association of AmericanColleges, at the 21st Annual Meeting at Atlanta in January. For thefirst two years he was the presidentof the Association and since then hasbeen permanent Executive Officer.1911Albert Z. Mann, AM, is Dean ofSpringfield College, the internationalY.M.C.A. college at Springfield,Mass. This was the Alma Mater ofAmos Alonzo Stagg, and he coachedhere before coming to Chicago. Mr.Mann reports the college as prospering, with a good increase in enrollment, and the completion of a curriculum revision.1913Ida Capen Fleming, AM, lecturer and writer on literature andspeech, has just brought out an interesting little book of very graceful verse, dedicated to her son. Mrs.Fleming is teaching English in theSan Francisco Institute of Accountancy in the Stock Exchange Building, San Francisco.Lewis H. Beall, AM, is generalmanager of the Encyclopedia Brit-tanica for Sears Roebuck and Co.,Chicago.1915B. C Hendricks, SM, is an associate professor of chemistry at theUniversity of Nebraska.1917Charles E. Oates, AM, is withthe U. S. Public Health Service atHot Springs, Ark.1918Grace Phillips, AM, DB'23, hasaccepted a position as librarian in Boone Library School, Wuchang,China.Paul Ludlow Benedict, AM, ispastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Crawfordsville, Ind.Florence J. Morgan, AM, (Mrs.John M. Cunningham) is lecturingon child guidance and parent education in Indianapolis.1919Mrs. Jean Piccard (JeannetteRidlon, SM) is beyond any doubtthe alumna who has risen highest inher profession of all the distinguishedladies turned out by Chicago. Mrs.Piccard accompanied her husband inhis most recent stratosphere ascension, which succeeded in getting thetwo scientists and their recording instruments some ten miles off theearth. Although the expeditionended in a crash in the woods nearCadiz, Ohio, some valuable data weregathered and no one, not even theturtle mascot, "Fleur de lis," suffered any injury.1922Douglas C Ridgley, SM, is nowlocated in Bloomington, 111.1924Maurice M. Witherspoon, AM,is with the Chaplain's Office, of the4th Marines, Shanghai, China; heexpects to be there for the next twoyears.Guy A. Lackey, AM, is takinggraduate work at the University ofChicago this quarter. He is on Sabbatical leave from Oklahoma A. andM. College where he teaches. Thiswinter he represented this College atthe meeting of the American Association of University Professors. Mr,Lackey is a most loyal supporter ofChicago, and has been the leadingspirit in the organization of the Stillwater Alumni Club, which meets annually in connection with the meeting of the Oklahoma Education Association.Harry Wayne Schwartz, AM,is advertising manager for C. G.Conn, Ltd., of Elkhart, Ind. He isthe author of several works on music. How Music Is Made, and FromShepherd's Pipe to Symphony.1925J. P. Gibbs, AM, is instructor inaccounting at Morton Junior College,Cicero, 111.Hazel Floyd, AM, supervises theintermediate grades at Hammond,Ind.1926Edith May Johnston, AM, isteaching American History in Ports- AWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691-The Old Reliable -0692Hyde Park AwningINC. Co.,Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBONDSP.R. H.W. Davis, 'II.Davis, '16F. B H. 1. MW.Evans, arkham, 'Ex. '06M. Giblin, "23IIPaul H. Davis & Co.MembersNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock Exchange37 So . La Salle St. Franklin 8622CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, 12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and E ngfneers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285CATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900— 090 1Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882COFFEE— TEAw. S. Quinby CompanyIMPORTERS AND ROASTERSOF HIGH GRADECOFFEES AND TEAS4 1 7-427 W. OHIO ST. —CHICAGOPhones Superior 2336-7-8COALQUALITY COAL PRICED RIGHTLESTER COAL CO.4025 Wallace St., at 40th PlaceAll Phones: Yards 6464Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones Wentworth 8620- 1 -2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wasson Does124 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEELECTROTYPERCONSOLIDATEDELECTROTYPERS, INC.(Midland Federal)Electrotypes — LeadmouldsNickeltypesAdvertising PlatesTelephones— Wabash 8100-8101ELECTRIC SIGNSELECTRIC SIGNADVERTISINGCLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.225 North Michigan Avenue•W. D. Krupke, '19Vice-president in Charge of SalesEMPLOYMENTCOLOREDDOMESTIC HELPFurnishedDay or NightReferences investigated.Englewood Employment Agency5530 S. State. Phone-Englewood 3 1 8 1 -3 1 82Street Night-Englewood3l8lEstablished 16 yearsFLOWERSFLOWERSKORTSCHDistinctly Better1368 East 55th StreetPhone— Plaza 2150Phones: Plaza 6444, 64451631 East 55th Street -GARAGECARSCALLED FOR AND DELIVERED64th STREET GARAGETowing at All Hours6341 HARPER AVE.PHONE HYDE PARK 1031 mouth High School, Portsmouth,Ohio.J. F. Snodgrass, AM, is principalof the township high school of Col-linsville, 111.1927Paul Raymond Conway, AM, is acounsel for the Public Works Administration in Washington.J. H. Benefiel, AM, is principalof the Roosevelt Junior High School,Coffeyville, Kans.19281929Dorothy B. Smith, AM, is instructor in English at Carroll College,Waukesha, Wis.R. A. Rodefer, AM, heads themathematics department of GraveraetHigh School, Marquette, Mich.John L. Ballif, AM, is an associate professor at the University ofUtah, where he is teaching modernlanguages.Laura M. Pederson, AM, spentthe summer traveling in Europe. Shehas returned to teach at Little RockJunior College, Ark.William Gordon Bennett, AM,is teaching at the Ontario College ofEducation, Toronto, Canada.John B. Stout, AM, is nowsuperintendent of schools at Mo-mence, 111.Oscar K. Dizmang, AM, has resigned from the faculty of HanoverCollege, to accept a position at Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kan.1930Claud L. Shaw, AM, is with theService Bureau for Men in Chicago,under the Illinois Emergency ReliefCommission. He was previouslymens' work secretary for the HydePark Y.M.C.A.Dice Anderson, AM, is professorof English and head of the department at Middle Georgia College.H. W. Vandersall, SM, writesfrom Oslo, Norway, that he plans tocome hack to Chicago in a year— byway of Cairo, Egypt, where he is connected with the American University.Henning J. Anderson, AM, isprincipal of the Graveraet HighSchool at Marquette, Mich., and presides over the local Lions Club.Genevieve A. Dennis, AM, is su- — POSITIONS-VACANCIES FORCOMPETENT WORKERSOffice — Technical — SalesMale — FemaleCall and Register-Free-NowEXECUTIVESERVICE64 E. Jackson Blvd.^rvisor and instructor in the pri-ary department of the College ofducation, University of Arkansas.1931Erwin Johnston, AM, is with theIllinois Children's Home and Aid Society.Minnie E. Larson, AM, teachesart at the State Teachers College ofKearney, Nebr.Eulah Belle Orr, AM, is supervising field work for the School ofSocial Service Administration of theUniversity.Winfred D. Addison, AM, is assistant principal of the high schoolat Perry, Iowa.Charles G. Hunt, AM, is principal of the Hanna High School,Hanna, Ind.Sophia P. Alston, AM, teacheshome economics at the Berry Schools,Mount Berry, Ga.1932James Douglas Haygood, AM, isan assistant professor of education atthe Yonge Laboratory School and theUniversity of Florida. He has recently published several articles onmodern language teaching in educational journals.Catharine B. Calhoun, AM, isDirector of a School of Creative Education in Seattle. She writes thather work is fascinating and that sheis very happy to be home again.1933Ruth L. Bradish, AM, is a hostess in a tea room at Wieboldt's Englewood store.Harold P. Claus, AM, is a highschool principal at Farmersville, 111.Vivian Roberts, SM, is instructorin home economics at ConnecticutCollege for Women. She is in chargeof Vinal Cottage, the home economics practice house.Noble Henderson Benjamin,Evan E. Evans, AM, is superintendent of Schools at Winfield, Kans.Mildred McAfee, AM, is dean ofwomen at Oberlin College.Mary Houston, AM, teachesEnglish at Riverside-Brookfield HighSchool, Riverside, 111.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 125AM, is secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Rural Rehabilitation Corporation.M. L. Plumb, AM, is principal ofthe F. J. Reitz High School ofEvansville, Ind.DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1904William McAfee Bruce is a research chemist for the Permutit Company of Birmingham, N. J.1909Herbert Francis Evans, DB'07,is professor of religion in WhittierCollege, Berkeley, Calif.1910William Cabler Moore is research chemist for the U. S. Industrial Alcohol Company, of Stamford,Conn. For the past two years he hasserved as secretary-treasurer of theMetropolitan Section of the Electrochemical Society. His vacations arespent doing genealogical research inVirginia and Tennessee, looking upthe family histories of the Kabler,Cobler, Kobler, Pryor, Whitford,Harvey, Hensley and Smith families.Fred W. Upson is chairman of thedepartment of chemistry and dean ofthe Graduate College at the University of Nebraska.1913Bertha Reed Coffman editedtwo German texts this last year, DieFamilie Pfaffling, by Agnes Sapper,in collaboration with Henrietta Little-field, published by T. F. Crofts andCo., and Die Gegenkandidaten, byLudwig Fulda, published by D. C.Heath and Co.1914Mary Louise Foster wins theprize this year for the most originalChristmas card received at the Alumni Office. It consisted of a picturefrom the Ms. Las Cantigas, at theEscorial Library, where Miss Fosteris working at present. She makes amost interesting hobby and avocationof the history of science, rather especially of Spain.1916Miles D. Sutton, AM'32, headof the business department at Deer-field Senior High School, Duluth, ispresident of the Duluth Teachers Association.1918D. J. Brown is professor of chemistry at the University of Nebraska. 1927William J. Reilly is doing market research for the AmericanWeekly of New York City.1928Graeme A. Cannery is an assistant professor of zoology at the University of Tennessee.1929Carl C. Branson is an instructorin the department of geology atBrown University.Marvin R. Schafer spent thesummer directing a social economicsurvey, gathering material for theWashington Emergency Relief Administration, the City Planning Commission, and the Foundation for Social Research in Medical Care, ofwhich he is technical adviser. Forthe past two years, Mr. Schafer hastaught sociology at the College ofPuget Sound.1931Charles E. Cayley, AM'25, is director of Emergency Adult Education Work under the FERA, forFort Worth, Texas.1933William V. RoosA,AM'16,isheadof the department of religion atEureka College, Eureka, 111.Roy Graham has just completeda year's work on a National Fellowship at Cambridge. He is living atLangley Prairie, B. C.Julia Wells Bower is instructorin mathematics at Connecticut College for Women.Eugene Trygve Halaas, AM'24,is with the School of Commerce, Denver.RUSH1923Clarence Brown,' 19,MD, is practicing in Chicago.1924Charles F. Rennick, '22,MD, isa physician in El Paso, Texas.1927E. May Fry, '23,MD, is practicinggynecology and obstetrics in Dallas,Texas. She serves as secretary to theAlumni Club there.1930Lemuel McGee, PhD'27,MD, ispresident of the Alumni Club of Dallas, Texas, where he practices internal medicine.1933DeWitt C. Mead, MD, is in general practice in Fulton, N. Y. GROCERIESTelephone Haymarket 3120E. A. Aaron & Bros.Fruits and Vegetables, Poultry, Butter,Eggs, Imported and Domestic Cheese,Sterilized and Fresh Caviar, Wesson and"77" Oil, M. F. B. Snowdrift and ScocoShortening46-48 So. Water Market, Chicago, III.COHEN and COMPANYWholesaleFruit — Vegetables — Poultry21 I South Water MarketPhones Haymarket 0808 to 0816LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERHOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESADAMSLAUNDRY CO2335 Indiana Ave.Superior Hand WorkOdorless Dry CleaningTelephoneCalumet 2346Morgan Laundry Service, Inc.2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Calumet 7424Dormitory ServiceStandard Laundry Co.Linen Supply — Wet W ashFinished Work1818 South Wabash Ave .Phone Calumet 4700126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELAUNDRI ES— ContinuedSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL SERVICESWe Also DoDry Cleaning — Shoe Repairing4240 PhoneIndiana Ave. OAKIand 1383MOTOR LIVERYCHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYLINCOLNSWith Experienced Chauffeurs5548 Lake Park Ave. MIDway 0949LITHOGRAPHERL. C. Mead "21. E. J. Ch alifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing725 So. La Salle St.Wabash 8182OFFICE FURNISHINGSPruitt's rebuilt office machines give theappearance and service of new ec uip-ment — carry a full guarantee — yet, saveyou as much as 50%.PRUITT, Inc.172 N. La Salle St. ChicagoPAINTSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 Phone *Lake Street Kedzie 3 1 86JOHN E. ROCKEFELLOW, INCEstablished 1893Paints, Wall Paper, GlassWindow ShadesWHOLESALE AND RETAIL4321 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Atlantic 1900 DIVINITYOne of the high-lights of the Illinois Baptist State Convention atSpringfield, October 25-28, was theUniversity of Chicago dinner. Inthe absence of the president, Dr. M.P. Boynton, the vice-president, Reverend A. C. Riley presided. Following introductions, and some pungentreminiscences on the part of formerstudents, the chairman introducedthe Divinity School representative.Professor C. T. Holman told aboutthe football activities of the University of Chicago squad. He said hehad been attending U. of C. gamesfor twelve years, but this was thefirst year during that space of timethat he had experienced the thrill ofwatching the wearers of the maroonleave the playing field as conqueringheroes.Dean Shirley Jackson .Case wascalled upon for an address. TheDean appeared in fine form. Hissparkling wit, enthusiastic appreciation of the work which Universityof Chicago men are doing, and hissympathetic understanding of thedifficulties which men of social visionare experiencing in this chaotic society of ours, were encouraging andrefreshing. Dean Case went intosome detail to explain the new planof the Divinity School schedule. Hepointed out some of the moderntrends of scholarship ; he explainedin a delightfully informal mannerthe ideals and plans which the oldschool is carrying out to meet thenew demands of a modern day.Following this address the electionof officers was held, which resultedas follows : President — ReverendRobert Van Meigs, Logan SquareBaptist Church, Chicago; Vice-President — Reverend James R. Shanks,Carlinville, Illinois ; Secretary — Reverend V. H. MacNeill, First BaptistChurch, Mendota, Illinois. Reverend James Lively offered the closingprayer.1901Richard R. Wright, DB,AM'04,is president of Wilberforce University, Ohio.1914Earl A. Riney, DB, is pastor ofRoanoke Baptist Church, KansasCity, Mo.1915James M. Lively, AM'14,DB, ispastor of the First Baptist Churchof Mattoon, 111. He is one of themost active alumni in his section ofthe country, and does much to promote the University's interests. Hisson, James Kenneth, is a student atthe University of Chicago now. 1920Harold S. Matthews, AM, hascharge of the evangelical work inShansi, China, in a district about thesize of the state of Iowa. He hasabout sixty men working under him;it takes twelve weeks to cover thedistrict, visiting each church.1923E. A. Kelford has accepted thepastorate of the First Baptist Churchof Eaton Rapids, Mich.1924Jesse Guy Smith, AM, is superintendent of the Toledo City Mission,Toledo, Ohio.1926Raymond Oshimo, AM,PhD'31, isabout to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of his church, the BanchoCongregational Church in Tokyo.1928Frank B. Herzel, AM, is pastorof St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Aurora, W. Va.Harry E. Campbell, AM, is assistant pastor at First CongregationalChurch, Madison, Wis.LAW1919Norris C. Bakke, LLB,PhB'20, isin the office of the Attorney Generalat Denver, and, as he is in charge ofaffairs there in the frequent absencesof the Attorney General, he findshimself quite busy. However, hemanages to devote some very effectivemoments to the work of the DenverCouncil of Religions, of which he ispresident. This organization represents a cooperative effort on the partof the Protestant Churches of Denver to promote the cause of religiouseducation. Mr. Bakke reports avery pleasant meeting with PresidentHutchins this fall, when the President was in Denver for a brief visit.1920Ben W. Lawless is in charge ofthe Real Estate Department of theChicago Title and Trust Company.Lee A. Dayton, LLB, is practicing law in Los Angeles.1926Byron A. Carse, LLB, is vice-president of the Alexander H. SibleyInsurance Company of Detroit.1930Allan M. Wolf, '29 JD, is practicing at 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago.THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 1271933Charles W. Boand, LLB, is an attorney in the legal department of theU. S. Treasury at Washington, D. C.SOUTH SIDEMEDICAL•The following graduates are interning in surgery at Billings Hospital : William Noonan, William Bes-wick, John Van Prohaska, '29, JamesMcBean, '31, Charlotte Clancy, MD,'34, and Herman Harms. Paul Bru-yere, John Darst, and LawrenceSkinner are interning in medicine.•There is a good delegation of thesouthside school on the west coast.Townsend B. Friedman, MD'33, isassociated with Dr. George Piness, inLos Angeles. Maurice Friend, OwenHeninger, Justin Frank, '29, MD'33,Alexander Riskin, and Howard Dil-lenbeck, '31, are interning at Los Angeles County Hospital. George Wil-coxon is interning at the CaliforniaHospital and Ken Blake at Cedarsof Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles.1930Sylvia H. Bensley, MD, is teaching and doing research work in theDepartment of Anatomy at the University of Chicago. She has the distinction of being the first graduate ofthe School of Medicine of the Division of the Biological Sciences.Isee L. Connell, MD, is in private practice at Birmingham, Ala.,and wishes to send her greetings toher former associates and friends.1931Norman Hoerr, PhD'29,MD,president of the newly organized Alumni Association of South Side Medical graduates, is sending out a letterand questionnaire to all such alumni,in an effort to assemble their ideasand views regarding certain featuresof the medical school.Joseph L. Johnson, PhD'31,MD,drove all the way from Washington,D. C, for the purpose of attendingthe first Alumni Dinner of the newAssociation last June. He is head ofthe Physiology Department at Howard University.Llewelyn P. Howell, MD, isFirst Assistant in the division ofmedicine, Mayo Clinic.Donald E. Yochem, '29,MD, isMedical Director of Licking CountyTuberculosis Hospital, Newark, Ohio.Archibald R. McIntyre, 28'PhD'30,MD, is professor of pharmacology, University of Nebraska. Graham Kernwein, '26,MD, is anassistant resident in surgery at Billings. He interned at St. Luke's, Chicago.1932Robert Porter, '27, MD, is Resident in Medicine, at Billings Hospital. He served his internship there,and acted as assistant-resident in gastroenterology under Dr. Walter Palmer.Adelaide Johnson, PhD'30,MD,is studying psychiatry with Dr.Adolph Meyer at Johns HopkinsUniversity. Dr. Johnson did somework in this field at the UniversityClinics, after completing her internship at Billings.Emory R. Strauser, PhD'29,MD,is an instructor in the Department ofPathology, Northwestern University,and is also pathologist at Illinois Masonic Hospital.Alexander H. Davis, '27,MD, isspecializing in radium therapy in Chicago.Vernon R. DeYoung, MD, ispracticing pediatrics in southside Chicago. (Woodlawn Clinic Building,East 61st St.)Egbert Fell, MD, is resident surgeon at Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, where he interned. He was alsoresident physician at the MunicipalContagious Hospital.William Tuttle, MD, is with Dr.O'Brian in Detroit. He was formerlyconnected with the department of surgery at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis.1933Gail M. Dack, PhD'27,MD, is assistant professor of bacteriology, University of Chicago.Joel Francis Sammet, MD, isserving in the tumor clinic at Michael Reese, Chicago, under Dr. MaxCutler. He recently announced his engagement to Miss Heila Fishman, ofGrand Rapids.C. Elmer Barrett, MD, is practicing clinical allergy, and is directorof the National Laboratories, SaltLake City.John Meredith, MD, and Harold Huston, '29,MD, are studyingRoentgenology under Dr. PaulHodges, at Billings.Virginia Jackola, MD, is married to Dr. Knute Reuterskiold, assistant professor of medicine at theUniversity of Chicago.Louis E. Barron, MD, is residentin medical and surgical research atStarling-Loving Hospital, Ohio StateUniversity. For two years he hasbeen under Dr. George Curtis, formerly of the department of surgery,University of Chicago.Maurice H. Friedman, '24,PhD PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIRADIATOR CABINETSBe in Correct ProportionsGARDNER REDUCINGSTUDIOS30 S. Michigan Ave.Phone Dearborn 3809RESTAURANTROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired— New Roofs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estimates FreeFairfax 3206RUG CLEANERc. A. BOUSHELLECOMPANYRUG CLEANERS2 1 8 East 7 1 s+ StreetTelephone: Stewart 9867STORAGEGARFIELDFIREPROOF STORAGE CO.Movers, Packers and StorageNew and Used Household Goods. Terms.5929—33 So. State StreetPhones, Englewood 5020-5021128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESTORAGE— ContinuedPhone MID way 9700 HYDe Park 0452Peterson Fireproof Storage Co.Chas. A. Peterson, Pres.Moving and ExpressingPacking and ShippingForeign ShipmentsBranch: 8126 Cottage Grove Avenue55th Street and Ellis AvenueTAILORFrank D. CampbellEdward EiseleCharles C. Polich PhoneState 3863Central 8898EISELE & POLICH, LTD.Merchant Tailors8 South Michigan Avenue — Fourth FloorCHICAGOTEACHER'S AGENCIESTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS AGENCYEstablished 1906PAUL YATES, Manager616-620 South Michigan Ave.ChicagoAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.THEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.TELEPHONE HARRISON 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronageUNDERTAKERSBARBOUR & GUSTINUNDERTAKERS4141 Cottage Grove Ave.PHONE DREXEL 0510 *LUDLOW - SCHNEIDERFUNERAL DIRECTORSFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 28616110 Cottage Grove Ave. '28, MD, is assistant professor ofphysiology, University of Pennsylvania Medical School.1934Wendell N. Willett, MD, is anassistant in dermatology at the University Clinics.John H. Glynn, '28,MD, is teaching in the department of bacteriologyat McGill University, Montreal.Robert A. Woodbury, MD, is assistant professor in the department ofpharmacology and physiology, University of Georgia.F. L. Sullivan, MD, is practicing in Freeport, 111. He was recentlymarried.Sara E. Branham, SM'21,PhD'23,MD, writes from Washington,D. C, that she is doing, research workin infectious diseases. at the NationalInstitute of Health.1935Sam W. Banks, '31,MD, wishesto urge all alumni of the South SideMedical School to send in their alumni dues to him, for the excellentreason that he is the chairman of themembership committee. He is atMichael Reese Hospital, Chicago.Erhardt Fox, MD, was interningat Anchor Hospital, Minneapolis,Minn., when an attack of pneumonialaid him low. He has returned to hishome in Chicago to recuperate.H. Gordon Heaney, MD, andMrs. Heaney report a delightful tripthrough Texas and old Mexico. Dr.Heaney is interning at Billings.Cloyde R. Fisher, MD, is interning at the Cincinnati General Hospital.Mollie Radford, MD, is engagedin a tuberculosis research problem atthe department of physiology, University of Chicago.John Gedgoud, '30,MD, is interning at St. Margaret's Hospital, Pittsburgh.Arthur Rosenblum, '30,SM'32,MD, is interning at Michael ReeseHospital. He achieved the distinctionof first place in the country in onepart of the National Board Examination.Meyer Brown, '31,MD, is interning at the Evanston Hospital. Hewas recently married to Sylvia Ber-ger, who is a student in the Schoolof Social Service Administration.marriedAnne Louise Hood, '30, to DwightE. Harken, August 29, 1934; athome, 95 Prescott Street, Cambridge,Mass.Brant Bonner, '31, to CarolynPenny Raynor, October 11, 1934, at Rockville Centre, Long Island; athome, 21 Edna Street, Baldwin, L. I.BORNTo Franklin C. McLean, '08,MD'10, SM'13,PhD'15, and Mrs. McLean, a son, Franklin Vincent, December 14, 1934, Chicago Lying-inHospital.To Paul S. Russell, '16, and Mrs.Russell (Carroll Mason, '19), a son,Harold Swift Russell, January A,1935, Chicago.To William V. Roosa, AM'16,PhD'33, and Mrs. Roosa (Ina Donnelley, '20) , a daughter, MargaretLee, August 12, 1934.To Mr. and Mrs. J. Levine (Jennie Appelbaum, '28) a daughter, January 9, 1933, San Francisco.To Frederick S. Mudge, '29, andMrs. Mudge (Manota Marohn, '30)a son, Bruce Baldwin, November 3,1934, Chicago.DIEDFred Latham Taylor, MD'88,November 9, 1934, Los Angeles,Calif.Edith Capps, '97 (Mrs. George E.Shambaugh), October 19, 1934, Chicago.Cornelia Clapp, PhD'96, January1, 1935, Mt. Dora, Fla.Adam M. Wyant, '97, January 5,1935, Greensburg, Penna.George H. Gaston, '97, November20, 1934. Mr. Gaston was a memberof the faculty of Chicago NormalCollege for twenty-one years.Lillian Clark, '02, August 9,1934, Oshkosh, Wis.Irving Francis Wood, PhD'03,August 29, 1934, Washington, D. C.Addison W. Chamberlin, '04, June16, 1934, Waterloo, Iowa.George H. Betts, PhM'05, December 8, 1934, Evanston, 111. Mr.Betts was director of research in education at Northwestern University,and was nationally known for hiswork in that field.Leonard E. Gyllenhaal, '06, October 3, 1934.Helen E. Purcell, '07, July 1,1934.Ernest Iler, '14,AM'17, December 23, 1934, Aurora, 111.Walter Scott Athearn, '16, St.Louis, Mo., November 13, 1934. Dr.Athearn was president of OklahomaCity University at the time of hisdeath.Madelon Larkin, '22, December22, 1934, Chicago, 111.Mrs, Jessie Roberts Broman,MD'16, January 4, 1935, Evanston,Marguerite M. Rea, '25, December 23, 1934, Chicago.No more of those tedious interruptions.The hard of hearing find it easy to hearwith the help of the Western ElectricAudiphone — available in both the air conduction and bone conduction types.This little device is such a mighty aid because it was designed by Bell telephoneengineers — the world's leading experts in sound transmission, and is produced byWestern Electric — makers of Bell telephones.Try the Audiphone. Notice how natural are the sounds that come to you.Western Electric• HEARING AID •Distributors in Canada: Northern Electric Co.9 Ltd, I Consult telephone directory for address of Graybar branch in your .¦ city, or mail coupon to Graybar Electric Co., Graybar Building, I| New York. N.Y., for full information on Western Electric Audiphone I| and name of nearest dealer. AL-17 |IName. ICity-.Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.