PERIOD RJft. 'lTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINETOURIST CLASS VIA WHITE STARMEANS SO MUCH*On broad, open decks for a gay game or aquiet bask in the sun ... in the deliciousmeals, in the quiet efficiency of everysteward . . . and most of all, in the happyfaces of your traveling mates, you'll seewhy Tourist Class via White Star meansso much. Perfectly appointed cabins (on theMajestic and Olympic all former SecondClass and even some former First Classspace is now converted to Tourist Class.)For passages toIreland.EnglandandFrance,see your local agent. His services are free. S. S. MAJ ESTI C(World's largest shiplMarch 16 . . . . April 13S. S. O LYMPICMarch 29 ... . April 27•England's largest Cabin linersM.V. GEORGIC fnewlMarch 23 ... . April 20M. V. BRITANNICApril 6 . . . . May 5TOURIST CLASS RATES$110Iup| ONE WAY-$198|UP' ROUND TRIP SAIL AND DISCOVERsH^^g^3&ML ? • |\j^^^^r ^'¦^SBb^GWHITE STAR LINEINTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY /&^\UTMOST OCEAN SEBV1CENO. 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK . . . AGENTS EVERYWHERE V!"07hyoV* \locol agen^r Tourist Class dining room, new S. S. ManhattanNEW JOYIN TOURISTCLASSAMERICAN STYLE!SO MUCH space for play . . .so many new luxuries and conveniences in your stateroom . . .such beauty — and all these areyours in Tourist Class on thenew Manhattan and Washington!It doesn't take long for Americansto find out where true value lies.They discovered in the Manhattanand Washington the Americanstandard of living afloat. The record of these two American-builtliners speaks for itself. World'sfastest Cabin liners — largest shipsever built in America. The Manhattan and Washington with theirrunning mates, President Hardingand President Roosevelt, offer weeklyservice to Cobh, Plymouth,Havre, Hamburg. Fares from$167 Cabin Class; $113 TouristClass; $84.50 Third Class.New S. S.WASHINGTONNew S. S. MANHATTANS. S. PRESIDENT HARDINGS. S. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELTFor full information and reservations apply toyour local agent or your own graduate travel service.UNITED STATES LINESRoosevelt Steamship Co., Inc.General AgentsNo. 1 Broadway, New York UTMOST OCt AW StHVICt. Through yourTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCharlton T. Beck, '04 Ruth C. E. Earnshaw, '31Editor and Business Manager Associate EditorFred B. Millett, PhD '31, William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22, John P. Howe, '27,Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, JD '13, Ethel Preston, '08, AM '10, PhD '20, Donald Bean, '17,Editorial BoardIN THIS ISSUEWILLIAM BENNETT BIZ-ZELL came as a studentto the University of Chicago with a southern background.Born in Independence, Texas, in1876, he was attracted some eighteen years later to the educationalofferings of Baylor University, wherehe was graduated a bachelor ofphilosophy. After winning thisdegree he was impressed with theholes still remaining in his educational fabric and returned to Baylorto become, two years later, a bachelorin science. After some years inschool administration, Mr. Bizzelltook a course in law and added twodegrees to his collection. Then camehis work at Chicago, where heemerged an M.A. Columbia gavehim his doctorate and Baylor honored with an LLD the man it hadtwice graduated as a bachelor. Fornearly twenty-five years he has beena college administrator; since 1925he has been president of the University of Oklahoma. He is an ableleader, a captivating speaker, andthe author of a shelf of books onsuch diverse subjects as The Aus-tinean Theory of Sovereignty, TheSocial Teaching of the JewishProphets, and Rural Texas.Once each year the Magazine attempts to offer a composite portraitof the entering freshmen, that thosewho have gone out from the University may know something of thosewho are taking their places on thequadrangles. In this issue Roy W. Bixler, the University Director ofAdmissions, gives us the annual survey of the freshman class.Some months ago we had the privilege of publishing a most searchingand stimulating article on The Racefor Armaments in Advertising. Itwas written by Professor James W.Young, of the School of Business,recognized throughout the advertising world as one of the leaders inthe profession. In that article heexpressed the opinion that competition between ideas, instead of products, is the most fundamental of thecurrent trends in advertising. In response to numerous requests, Mr.Young is supplementing his earlierarticle with a discussion of some ofthe specific developments that bearout his contention.TABLE OF CONTENTSMARCH, 1934PAGEThe Changing State University,William Bennett Bizzell 171Neophytes of 1933-1934, Roy W. Bixler. 176Markets of the Air, lames W. Young. 178The World Discovers, Marion Talbot. 181In My Opinion 184Chicago Alumni in CurrentMagazines 185News of the Quadrangles 186Athletics 190News of the Classes 192Undergraduate Trends 200 Back in 1927 it was announcedthat Marion Talbot, LLD, ProfessorEmeritus of Household Administration and Dean of Women at the University of Chicago, would serve asacting president of the Constantinople Woman's College during theyear's absence of its president. Tenthousand former students heard thetidings with mixed feelings of amazement and delight. They had understood that Dean Talbot had retired,but to all appearances, retirementmeant but the taking on of new responsibilities—a pioneering in newfields. So to Constantinople shewent, where her administration wasso successful that she was prevailedupon to return for a second year.This success came as no surprise toDean Talbot's many friends, for anyone who had watched her career atthe University would assume thatanything she touched would prosper.Miss Talbot came to the University at its opening, and by her longand useful service, both as teacherand as Dean, as well as by her contact with the many students whoseUniversity home was Green Hall,made a lasting contribution to theUniversity's development over itsfirst third of a century. As a founderand president of the CollegiateAlumnae and as co-author of theHistory of the American Associationof University Women she is peculiarly well qualified to write of college women in the world today.The Magazine is published at ioog Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November to July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of the Universityof Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;, the price of single copies is 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under the Act pf March 3, 1879.<*»L> ' 'VJI JilBh _^^fc .**>*. t_ • * i1 i|w^ # r ^v. -^mtm ¦ .e* ^drntaWM^w^^t^l^B** ^^^*^^^^B^g^^9Ut^a^k^r^km&%^ ^P ^^^^^BB^(P(»A GLIMPSE OF IDA NOYES HALL THROUGH A GOTHIC ARCHVOLUME XXVI THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 5MARCH, 1934THE CHANGING STATE UNIVERSITY• By WILLIAM BENNETT BIZZELL, AM '1 2EDUCATIONAL institutions of every gradeand character are undergoing important' changes at the present time. Many of thesechanges reflect radical departures from established organization and policy. Dissatisfactionwith educational accomplishment, as well aseconomic necessity, accounts for this situation.While the most spectacular changes are takingplace in the institutions of higher learning, thesame influences are at work in the primary,secondary, and even the private schools below thecollege level.It goes without saying that all these changesare not desirable. Economic necessity has forcedboth colleges and secondary schools to restricttheir academic programs, to reduce personnel,and to make other adjustments that will certainlyretard the progress of education. But, undoubtedly, the searching of hearts that financialdistress has brought to education will producesome beneficial results. To what extent the losseswill be offset by gains is impossible to determineat this time. The historians of the future willcertainly find that many foolish things have beensaid and done. Let us hope that some of these maybe offset by words and deeds that may have beenwise and constructive.The state universities, like all other educational institutions, are in process of readjustment.Changes are taking place in this group of institutions that will profoundly influence educationalthought and accomplishment for all time tocome. Most of the changes are the result of necessity created by financial adversity; but some havecome in response to changing political, economic,and social conditions. The state universities, asfunctional agencies of society, have been quiteresponsive to changing conditions throughout their history. In the past, however, these changeshave been evolutionary. To-da;y, they have atendency to become revolutionary.The Increasing Importance of the StateUniversityThe state universities have been exerting anincreasing influence upon the cultural life ofAmerica through several generations. These institutions were not established simultaneously.The number has been slowly increasing for morethan a hundred years. The idea of providinghigher education at state expense originated inthe political and social liberalism that developedin America during the latter part of the eighteenth century. The ideas of equality of opportunity and freedom within the law were uppermost in the thoughts of men in that creative age.Education appeared to thoughtful men as themost direct means of securing these blessings toall mankind. George Washington shared theviews of his contemporaries concerning the importance of education as an agency of the newsocial order. Leonard C. Helderman, in hisGeorge Washington: Patron of Learning, statesthat Washington had the idea of a national university at the time he took command of the Continental Army under the Cambridge Elm in 1775.Correspondence with men of his day supportsthis assertion. The fact that he discussed thesubject in both his first and last messages to Congress shows how seriously he regarded the matter.Washington's views were certainly in harmonywith the liberal thought of his times.The dream of Washington and other statesmenof his day has never been realized, although thepolicy vof establishing a national university hasbeen under consideration from time to time ever171172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsince the establishment of our national government. His views concerning education took deeproot in the minds of men throughout the country.An institution that evolved into a state universitywas established in Georgia in 1784, and a similarinstitution was established in North Carolina in1789— the year that our national government wasorganized. It will be recalled that only five universities in this country antedate the establishment of these two institutions— Harvard, Yale,Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Columbia (King'sCollege) . It is a matter of great significance thatthe state university came early in our history andhelped to give impulse and direction to highereducation throughout the nation.The nineteenth century was preeminently thecentury of educational advancement. Educational history has no parallel to it in any time orcountry. The number of colleges and universitiesmultiplied rapidly during this century. Thenumber of students increased slowly at first butgained increasing momentum. through the years.The physical facilities for higher education increased with the growth of population and the development of our natural resources. The state university movement reflected all these influences.The University of Virginia was founded byThomas Jefferson in 1819, the University ofMichigan in 1841, and the University of Wisconsin in; 1849. A great impulse was given to state-supported institutions of higher learning by thepassage of the Morrill Act in 1862, for out of theland grants authorized by this act many of thegreat state universities have grown. To-day thereare forty-nine state universities, including theterritorial institutions in Hawaii, the Philippines, and Porto Rico. It happens that in theState of Ohio there are three state-supported universities. There is a state university to-day in allbut four of the states of the Union.Origin and Functions of State UniversitiesThe state university differs in origin and, insome respects, in objective from the private universities. As educational agencies of the severalstates, they have their functions prescribed byconstitutional provisions and legislative enactments. All of these institutions are obligated toprovide instruction in many fields of learning toresident students, to conduct research, and to provide educational opportunities for adultsthroughout the states in which they are located.Every publicly-supported university is expectedto inculcate state pride on the part of students inthe traditions and history of the state and to dis seminate our cultural heritage throughout thepopulation.Professional education is a recognized functionof the state university. High standards in professional training have been maintained in theseinstitutions for a long time. Of course, the stateuniversity shares the responsibility of academicinstructional and professional training with allof the great private universities; but the justification for technical training at state expense isbased upon the theory that those receiving thistrailing will assume leadership and render somepublic service independent of professional obligation. From time to time there has been opposition to the establishment of professional schoolsin these institutions on the ground that the stateis not obligated to provide a professional education to any one. In answer to this objection, twoarguments have been advanced. In the first place,it is contended that professional training is inherent in the idea of a university; and, in thesecond place, the policy has been defended on thetheory that the state should provide leaders in theprofessions of law, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry,engineering, journalism, etc., as a means of providing an adequate number of men of professional qualifications in the several fields whowould be willing to render public service independent of their professions. There is no question that the private universities attempt to dothe same thing. I admit there is not much evidence to support the theory that the professionalgraduate of the state university reveals more passion for public service than similar graduatesfrom private universities, but it is undoubtedlytrue that professional training at state expense islargely to be justified on this theory.Most of the functions, to which reference hasbeen made, are inherent in every universityworthy of the name; but the state university ischarged with other obligations not generally assumed by private universities. The state university is essentially an agency of social welfare. Assuch, it is expected to perform many educationalservices that are not usually performed by othertypes of universities. These functions have beendisparaged by some, and ridiculed by others.M. Maurice Caullery, a professor at the Sorbonneand a former exchange professor of Harvard, in asurvey of higher education in the United States,says:Through their origin, the state universities have had at the beginning some veryutilitarian tendencies. They have, before allelse, striven for practical application andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 173teaching. Real culture has only little bylittle made a place for itself in them, and is- still often rather cramped, and much of theteaching smacks of the soil.The state universities freely admit that theystrive for practical application, both in theirteaching and research functions. Their friends,however, do not agree that "real* culture has onlylittle by little made a place for itself in them."They vigorously deny that their practical objectives have cramped their cultural functions.They boast of many scientific discoveries thathave contributed to the wealth and happiness ofthe American people.The attitude of the state universities towardeducational service was forcibly stated by President Lotus D. Coffman, of the University ofMinnesota, in an address at the Conference ofUniversities held under the auspices of New YorkUniversity in 1932. He said:The state universities hold that there is nointellectual service too undignified for themto perform. They maintain that every timethey lift the intellectual level of any class orgroup, they enhance the intellectual opportunities of every other class or group. Theymaintain that every time they teach anygroup or class the importance of relyingupon tested information as the basis foraction, they advance the cause of science.They maintain that every time they teachany class or group in society how to livebetter, to read more and to read more discriminatingly, to do any of the things thatstimulate intellectual or aesthetic interestand effort, they therebyenlarge the group's outlook on life, make itsmembers more cosmopolitan in their pointsof view, and improvetheir standard of living.These are services whichno state universitywould shrink from performing.It is this larger obligationof the state university tothe social order that hasmade it sensitive to changingsocial conditions. The increasing complexity of organized society and themultiplication of problemsresulting from this situationhave given to the state uni versity its greatest opportunity. It has made continuous adjustments, both in organization andobjectives, in an effort to fulfill its high mission.Problems of Co-ordinationIn these recent years, the state universitieshave been experiencing critical revaluation.There has been a re-appraisal of both structureand procedure. In fact, every function of government has been subject to this process as a resultof the necessity for rigid economy. The state universities of the country, without exception, havebeen compelled to practice unforeseen economiesin order to survive. This situation has broughtserious problems to governing boards and administrative officers— problems that are new anddifficult of solution. Before the "years of thelocust," to use a phrase of Mr. Gilbert Seldes indescribing the period of the depression, stateuniversities were increasing their facilitiesrapidly. Increasing enrolment called for largerfaculties, more and better equipment, and newbuildings. The public was making new demandsupon these institutions for all kinds of publicservice. The state governments were reasonablyresponsive to these demands. Public revenueswere supplied in continuously increasingamounts in each recurring biennium until thecollapse came. Those of us who had been guidingthese institutions in high gear found ourselvescompelled to shift to neutral about 1930; andthen as taxable revenues collapsed, we found itnecessary to go into reverse. Educational administrators had no experience in running the educational machine backwards.It was not easy to keep themachine in the road. Noneof us had eyes in the backsof our heads. It was not surprising that some of usfound ourselves off the roadon dangerous curves or getting off the pavement wherethe soil was soft and the driving difficult. The situationcalled for courage, ingenuity, and sometimes quick action.In common with all othereducational institutions, itbecame necessary to reducesalaries. These reductionshave ranged from ten percent to fifty per cent. Thepublic will never know whatBack to the MidwayJune 8-9Reunion Plans Are Under WayFive Year Reunion Classes1894— 40th Reunion1899— 35th Reunion1904— 30th Reunion1909— 25th Reunion1914— 20th Reunion1919— 15 th Reunion1924— 10 th Reunion1929— 5 th Reunion1933— 1st ReunionGet in touch with your Class Secretary or with the Alumni Office atthe University and find out what yourClass is doing.174 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthis did to the morale of faculty membersand other employees; but every one recognizedthe necessity for this action and, in general, itwas accepted philosophically. It became necessary to curtail, or to discontinue, all buildingprograms; even repairs and campus improvements were discontinued. All these things werenecessary to keep expenditures within budgetallowances. These drastic measures, however,have not satisfied public demand for economy.State budget committees and tax officials havedemanded co-ordination of effort and the elimination of needless duplication in many state-supported institutions of higher learning. Whentimes were prosperous, many states increased unnecessarily the number of their state-supportededucational institutions. In some' cases these institutions were established out of a sincere desireto provide adequate educational facilities for thepeople; but, in many instances, these institutionswere created as the result of patronage. It was inevitable that the time would come when theseveral states would not be able to support all theinstitutions that they had established. In fact,many of them have never been adequately supported.Some of these institutions have rendered goodservice to the cause of education, but many tax-supported institutions have been over-ambitiousand expanded their teaching programs by upgrading or otherwise as a means of increasingtheir enrolments. Quality in education has beensacrificed to a quantitative standard. This situation has discredited their work and impairedtheir usefulness.This unfortunate situation has been going onfor a long time. The public has been dissatisfiedwith educational results. Social pressure hasforced a thorough re-appraisal of values and accomplishment. State-supported institutions havebeen compelled to undertake vast experimentsand to undergo close scrutiny. These things havebeen justified on grounds of economy and efficiency. Survey commissions have been busily collecting data and formulating policies. The mostrecent of these have been made in Oregon, California, Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, andTexas. The plans of co-ordination that have beenproposed in the several states are not equallypromising of beneficial results. The thorough reorganization of the educational system in Oregon,for example, does not give promise at the presenttime of advancing the cause of higher education.On the other hand, constructive results seem assured from the Georgia and North Carolina plans. The efforts to co-ordinate both state-supported and private colleges in Oklahoma areprogressing slowly, but the problems are difficultand it is not possible to predict what will resultfrom the undertaking. Far-reaching plans for theco-ordination of the tax-supported institutions inTexas were proposed last year; but the situationin Texas is complicated, due to the vast area ofthe state and the unusually large number of state-supported institutions. What the final results willbe no one can predict at the present time.How will the state universities be affected bythese various, plans for co-ordination? This question is not easy to answer. Public sentiment andeducational rivalry are variable factors in thiswhole situation. In some of the states whereserious proposals for elimination of duplicationthrough co-ordination are under way, the stateuniversity is regarded as just one institution verymuch like all other institutions, regardless of itseducational importance. In other states, ofcourse, the state university is recognized as thehead of the educational system of the state andthe general public appreciates the large service itis rendering to the cause of education.Internal, as well as external, co-ordination isequally imperative under existing conditions. Arigid examination of the curriculum in state universities is under way in several of these institutions. There is a widespread belief that all universities have multiplied their courses and increased their personnel unduly. Every head of adepartment has been anxious to increase his personnel. The only means of doing this has beenby fractionalizing the content of the courses inthe department. This has greatly increased theoverhead cost and unnecessarily reduced thecontent of courses. A new synthesis, both of departments and courses, is demanded by everyconsideration of educational policy and economicnecessity. This situation presents a difficult problem for administrative officers and governingboards, for this process involves the demotion ofsome department heads and the reduction of theteaching personnel. It will require courage andtact of a high order; but, undoubtedly, in theyears immediately ahead, we will see a muchsimpler organization in our colleges and universities and a complete breakdown in the air-tightcompartments of learning.The Influence of the Junior CollegeThe state universities have been compelled totake account of the junior college movement. Thenumber of junior colleges is increasing and allTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsenior colleges and universities must take accountof their place in the scheme of education. Willthe junior college ultimately replace the firsttwo years of undergraduate work in both privateand state-supported universities? This questionis being raised frequently these days and educators are not of the same mind with reference tothe answer. I, personally, do not believe that thejunior college will eliminate the freshman andsophomore years in the state universities; but itseems certain that it will bring about the reorganization of undergraduate work in the state universities. It seems now that the liberal arts colleges will be divided into junior and seniordivisions. In fact, several experiments of this kindare under way at the present time. It may be thatthe time will come when the university properwill begin at the junior year and all graduate andprofessional courses will begin above the juniorcollege level. The junior college movement seemsto make this policy necessary; but, for practicalreasons, it will be necessary for the state universities to maintain the first two years of the collegecourse as a basis for the senior, graduate, and professional school work.Finally, the problem of student enrolment iscalling for serious consideration. There is a general belief that far too many students are entering our colleges and universities. This belief hasbeen held for a long time. Carlyle said in SartorResartus: "Among eleven hundred Christianyouths, some eleven are eager to learn." Manypeople share Carlyle's belief to-day, varying onlythe percentages in the analysis. Should people betaxed to provide educational facilities for youngmen and women who are unable to profit by educational advantages or are indifferent to theiropportunities? The answer is "No." It is believedthat some method should be devised to eliminate the unfit and indifferent before they enter college. Intelligence tests have been applied withoutvery satisfactory results. Entrance examinationshave been proposed and, in a few places, this isthe method adopted for admission to college. Butstudents continue to enroll in our colleges anduniversities in increasing numbers and this maycontinue as long as high schools graduate increasing numbers of boys and girls. It is probably true,however, that state universities are rapidly reaching their maximum enrolments. Junior collegeswill divert large numbers from universities forthe first two years and more accurate measuresof student capacities will be devised to separatethe intellectual sheep from the moronistic goats.Certainly, the trend is toward quality in education rather than quantity; and every universityworthy of the name must devise methods to accomplish this result.The wide-spread belief that the disseminationof knowledge is a public obligation and thattraining for leadership is a just charge upon thetaxpayer seems to justify a prophecy. The stateuniversity will survive the cataclysms that occurfrom time to time, just as Bologna, Paris, Oxford,Vienna, and Heidelberg have survived them.Future generations will recognize that the stateuniversity was one of the great contributions thatthe nineteenth century made to our civilization.These state-supported institutions will continueto exert a large influence upon the intellectuallife of the nation. Their usefulness will increaseor decline from time to time with changing political fortunes and economic conditions. Theywill always be peculiarly sensitive to social demand and political expediency, but the possibility of survival of our state universities is notone of the uncertain factors in our national program of education.NEOPHYTES OF 1933-1934By ROY W. BIXLER, '16, AM '25, Director of AdmissionsTHE third freshman class since the inauguration of the new plan is now in theprocess of discovering the characteristicsof the New Freedom. One day last Autumn theywere told, as freshmen customarily are, that theywere the best ever. In a few weeks they will betackling their first comprehensive examinations.This experience will make them feel sorry fortheir less brilliant predecessors, and cause themto wonder why so many of the freshmen of 1932are still here. Valedictorians and salutatorianswill carry home reports of mediocre performancein the examinations and doting mothers will callupon harassed deans to assure them, protestingly,that the new plan is not properly recognizing thenation's future leaders.These mothers will overlook the fact that theirsons and daughters are now competing withothers who have been selected by their highschool teachers and by their parents to occupy thefuture high places in intellectual society and inthe selling of bonds. Eighty-five per cent of thesefreshmen of 1933-34 ranked higher in scholarship than half of their classmates in their highschool graduating classes. Fifty-five per cent werebetter than eighty per cent of their fellows,and nearly forty per cent were better than ninetyper cent of their fellows. Standing upon the verypinnacle of high school scholarship were twenty-eight men and twenty-seven women who werevaledictorians of their classes and, only a notchbelow, seventeen men and fourteen women whostood next to the valedictorians.The mothers and fathers of these freshmenhave done well by their boys and girls in providing educational opportunities for them, for fortyper cent of the fathers and forty per cent of themothers did not graduate from high school. Thesefathers and mothers are doubtless happy to seetheir children moving out beyond their own educational horizons, and are proud of the success oftheir own efforts to extend that! horizon.About seven per cent of the fathers and aboutfour per cent of the mothers of the 1933-34 freshmen are graduates and former students of theUniversity of Chicago. These figures take onmeaning when it is known that thirty-four percent of the fathers and twenty-two per cent of themothers are former students and graduates of other colleges. In other words, about one-fifth ofthe parents of this class, who have had collegeexperience, attended the University of Chicago.Dartmouth College gives preference in admission to qualified sons of alumni and officers ofDartmouth, residents of states west of the Mississippi, or south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers,and residents of territories and dependencies ofthe United States and of foreign countries, andthese groups make up about twenty-five per centof the entering class. The University of Chicagodoes not draw as large a proportion of the freshman class from similar sources. This year seventy-six per cent of them reside in the Chicago area,and sixty-five per cent of the men and seventy-fourper cent of the women are so near the Universitythat they commute daily. Happily, thanks to theUniversity's broadening efforts to contact highschool graduates and the good cooperation of thealumni, a slight trend has been observable recently in the direction of a wider geographicaldistribution of the sources of the class.The quality of the class has been emphasizedin this article and it is commonly said that thescholastic ability of the freshman class is improving year by year. The increase in the median scoreof the class in the scholastic aptitude test is largelyresponsible for this notion. There is little doubtthat the scholastic character of the class did improve for several years after the inauguration ofselective admissions, but there is not conclusiveevidence that it has improved during recentyears. While the median score in the aptitudetest was increasing from 185 to approximately22,0, the average high school grade of the class hasremained surprisingly constant, roughly, between ninety and ninety-one. During this samethree year period the number of applications hasincreased from 1381 to 1463, the number of admissions from 1082 to 1302, and the per cent ofapplicants admitted from 78 to 88. This year 693of the 1302 admitted matriculated during theAutumn Quarter. This is a shrinkage of approximately forty-eight per cent.The shrinkage is very closely related to theability of the University to satisfy the demand forscholarships. This year, for example, 467 applicants for scholarships had to be disappointed,176THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 177and 308 of these did not matriculate.1 Therefore,approximately one-half of the shrinkage is madeup of unsuccessful scholarship applicants. It isnot possible to say that all of these would havecome to the University if they had receivedscholarships, but it is probable that the University would have received a large proportion ofthem.The best test of any class is what its membersdo with their educations. Obviously this test willnot be completed soon in the case of the present1 These figures do not include those who took the prize scholarship examinations nor certain awards made to worthy studentswho were not applicants for scholarships. freshman class. A more common test, though notnecessarily a sound one, is how well its membersdo in college. We do not know just how to makeeven that test of the present class, because thenew devices for measuring progress may not beequivalent to the old devices. If we could be surethat the old devices are equivalent to the new, wecould not be sure that we were measuring something that is measurable by these devices, so weshall not be able to compare the present freshmanclass with their predecessors until they begin paying their alumni dues and become regularreaders of the University of Chicago Magazine.Don't forgetThe Fourth Annual Alumni AssemblyThe date is still Saturday, March 17.The hour is still 6:30 o'clock.The place is still the Knickerbocker Hotel, just east of Michigan on East WaltonPlace.The Chairman is still Paul Russell.The Toastmaster is still Charles E. Merriam.The Speakers are still Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, and Robert M.Hutchins, President of the University.In fact we have nothing to add to last month's announcement except the fact thatwe have substituted Consomme for Cream of Celery Soup on the menu,andthat if you want to hear the speakers, meet your friends and have your share ofthe Consomme you had better send in that check for $1.50 for your reservationin a very big hurry, or you'll be too late. Make up a table of classmates and friendsand tell us about it right away.MARKETS OF THE AIR• By JAMES W. YOUNG, Professor of Business History and AdvertisingTHE competition between ideas, ratherthan products is, in my opinion, the mostmarked characteristic of current advertising practice, and the most fundamental of thecurrent trends in advertising.The first of these changes to which I shall callattention is the remarkable development of radioas an advertising medium. In 1929, the last pre-depression year, the business of the two nationalradio networks was $18,729,571. In 1930 it increased to $26,815,746, in 1931 to $35,791,999and in 1932 to $39,106,776. Thus during yearswhen national advertising volume as a whole wasshrinking at a rapid rate, radio advertising wasincreasing. It is true that this increase did notcontinue in the early months of 1933, but thefigures have not changed sufficiently to affect thesignificance of the preceding ones. Radio advertising showed a steady and substantial increasewhen advertising as a whole was diminishing involume. This is the significant fact.Now undoubtedly many influences contributed to this result. Radio had a novelty appealto advertisers, but this had mostly worn off beforethe years we are considering. Radio also had avanity appeal. It is said that one of the secretambitions of most men is to be in the show business. Things connected with the stage, with actorsand musicians, have a kind of secret glamourabout them. Putting on a radio program hasmany theatrical elements, and gives those whoare a part of it a "behind-the-scenes" feeling.This has been, perhaps, an unconscious influencein radio's favor. Many things in business are donefor human reasons such as this. But profit andloss statements count most in the end, and radiowould not have continued to increase its advertising volume if it had not proved profitable toadvertisers.The fundamental reason why it did proveprofitable was, in my opinion, the discovery thatit could add a value not in the product. Thisvalue was entertainment— a value which is universally desired.I suppose the outstanding example of this isAmos and Andy, in their nightly performance for Pepsodent toothpaste. In the dentifrice fieldcompetition is intense. Unless we are very naivewe know that there are few if any objective reasons why we should prefer one dentifrice to another. They all furnish a more or less efficientmedium for scrubbing the teeth. Hence competition on the basis of actual differentiation betweenproducts is weak. And the day is gone when onedentifrice could gain an advantage on the basisof greater familiarity alone. Thus we get the inevitable transfer of competition to the realm ofideas and subjective values. One dentifrice manufacturer may look for such an idea in the field ofscientific research; at least one has tried to addsocial status to his product, but this is difficultto do for a product of this type. Still others, likePepsodent, have added the value of entertainment.This ability of radio to add an entertainmentvalue to a product is not by any means the onlyvirtue of the radio medium. But it is the onewhich has best fitted in with the current competitive conditions in many lines of merchandise.It is the ability which, I suspect, accounts mostfor radio's rapid rise to a place of importanceamong advertising mediums.The Advertiser Doubles in BrassThere have been various collateral results fromthis development of radio. One such result hasbeen to impose an entirely new type of development on the advertising agency. Agenciesformerly wrote and prepared printed advertising.Their creative talent was made up of writers andartists. But now a completely equipped agencymust be able to produce the equivalent of adrama, a musical comedy, or a concert. Whereyou used to see illustrators waiting in an agencyreception room, with a portfolio of drawings,you are now just as likely as not to see an oboeplayer or a singer waiting for an audition, or abudding dramatist with a radio script to sell. AHthis has added to the difficulties of the smallagency and increased the advantage of the largeagency, which can better afford this specializedtalent. It is probably one of the reasons why, over178THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE *79the last five years, a steadily increasing percentageof national advertising has been handled by theten largest agencies.Another collateral result of radio developmenthas been the application of the entertainmentidea to advertising in other mediums. Amos andAndy are, after all, a comic strip of the air. Sowe now have the development of comic stripadvertising in magazines and newspapers, as wellas other forms of advertising in which ideas arefloated, so to speak, on an entertainment feature.Witness, for example, the recent Camel cigaretteadvertising which featured the performances ofmagicians.The second of the three current trends in advertising to which I wish to draw attention isthe increase in advertising sophistication on thepart of the general public. Advertising campaignsare talked about, joked about, and complainedabout as never before. What form of advertising,what advertising idea, some big and prominentadvertiser is using has become news to a far largercircle of people than ever before.The most striking evidence of this advertisingsophistication was furnished by the great popularity of the magazine Ballyhoo. The generalpublic seized upon its razzing and burlesquingof advertisements with whoops of joy. Thenovelty wore off after a bit, but the magazine'ssuccess showed how extensive was the interest inthe advertising scene.This increase in advertising sophistication is,I believe, a direct result of the competition inadvertising ideas. We have imposed on the advertising man this task of finding an idea, extraneous to the product, with which to differentiate the product and give it fresh sellingappeal. The search for this idea and the pressureto get it often lead to advertising strain. Just asit is said that there are not enough good authorsto write good scenarios for all the films the moviehouses require, so there are not enough goodmen capable of producing sound, constructive,and true advertising ideas. The result, not alwaysbut too often, is stupidity, exaggeration, and insincerity in the advertisements.But this is only part of the process. An advertising idea may be extraneous to the product inits origin, and yet be deeply true in human experience, and susceptible of sound relationshipto the product. Thus if you have read Middle- town, that scientific survey of life in a mid-western city, you will remember that one of thethings registered there was this: among working-class families there was an almost universal desireto have their children secure the improved socialstatus which they thought came with a highereducation. So when a certain life insurance company takes this desire for higher education, orwhen its advertising agency does it for it, andhitches the desire and the company's policy together, that is taking an extraneous, subjectivevalue and adding it to the objective one of thelife insurance contract. But it is a true, an intelligent and a creative advertising performance.When that kind of thing is done—and it is donequite often in this new advertising competition-then advertising is made genuinely more humanand more interesting. Its increase in emotionalpower attracts a vastly increased attention, andthis too has contributed to making the publicmore conscious of advertising as advertising.You Have to Take ItThe development of radio has also acted to increase this advertising sophistication. In a magazine or newspaper you can take advertising or letit alone. Over the radio it is almost forced on you.Furthermore, over the radio advertising comes toyou not as to an individual, but most often whenyou are a member of a group. You receive the advertising message in a group setting, and thismakes advertising as never before conducive tocomment and discussion.But even more influential, perhaps, is the factthat radio has added personality to the advertising message. The anonymous writer of the magazine page is displaced by Ed Wynn, Kate Smith,Graham McNamee, et al. And what is said in thisworld has never been as important as who saysit— at least, when it comes to getting talked about.Something of the interaction of these varioustrends in advertising is now perhaps evident. Thecompetition of ideas has encouraged the use ofradio. The use of radio has increased the advertising sophistication of the public. And both ofthese, together with the excesses caused by thecompetition in ideas, have contributed to thethird of the pronounced trends in advertisingwhich I wish to discuss— the growing agitation forsome kind of regulation of advertising.Regulation of misrepresentation in advertising,i8o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEso far as actual mis-statement of fact is concerned,is a well established matter. All of the better advertising mediums have for many years refusedto accept advertising which was obviously or demonstrably fraudulent or untruthful. "Truth inAdvertising" has long been the motto of theAdvertising Federation of America. Some twenty-odd states have adopted what is known as thePrinters' Ink model statute, which provides forthe prosecution of fraudulent advertisers; andthe Better Business Bureaus have been diligentin seeing that this law is enforced.Through these means actual untruth andfraudulent statements have been almost entirelyeliminated in national advertising. But it " isclaimed now that this is not enough, and thatregulation of advertising must go much furtherif both the honest advertiser and the public areto be adequately protected.The criticisms of advertising today are principally of three kinds.The first is that it creates false values and mulctsthe public by charging for these false values.This seems to be the contention of Messrs. Chaseand Schlink in their book, Your Money's Worth,and to be the thought behind their Consumers'Research organization. Thus if the ingredients ofa bottle of mouth wash cost, say, 5 cents, and theadvertising induces you to pay 50 cents or 39cents in order to guard against halitosis, this is,according to such critics, one of the crimes ofadvertising.The second criticism is that advertising oftenoffends against the canons of good taste and public morals. This is represented by the agitationof certain organizations against some of the radioprograms, especially programs for children; andby criticism of the so-called "sex-appeal" usedin some advertising.The third type of criticism is that advertisingmay be free from actual misstatements of fact butstill be highly deceptive through ambiguity andinference, or by not telling the whole truth. Andthis criticism has now become active in the formof a proposal by the Department of Agricultureto rewrite the Food and Drug Act, so as to givethe Federal Government power over the advertising in this field, and to extend the field to includecosmetics.These criticisms of advertising are not confined to people outside the advertising business. Many persons engaged in advertising have madethe same criticisms. There has been a growingfeeling among advertising practitioners that thecompetition in advertising ideas has led to excesses and exaggerations, and to offenses againstgood taste, which must be corrected. This feelingculminated about two years ago in the organization of a committee of advertising men to draft acode of standards for advertising practice. Out ofthis grew not only such a code, but a Review Committee to interpret and apply it.But the difficulties in such regulatory attemptsare enormous, and how the evils complainedof are to be removed is by no means clear. Theproblems are not as simple as they seem whenattempts are made to deal with specific cases, andthe Code is drawn on very broad and generallines. The heart of the matter appears to be thatsuch regulatory attempts are essentially a formof censorship; and the difficulties of censorship,and the new evils resulting from it, are wellknown in the fields of literature, the drama, andthe press.For example, let us examine the problem ofregulating radio programs on the basis of goodtaste. The fundamental danger lies in the critic'sunconscious assumption that his own particularstandards of taste are identical with the publicinterest. No error is easier for us human beingsto fall into than this one. While I personally abhormany radio programs I am sure that as an advertising man I would go wrong if I followed myown taste alone in putting on a program. Toomany of the programs I dislike have an enormousfollowing. Furthermore, I can see no evidencethat following my individual taste would promotethe public welfare.An even more difficult problem presents itselfas soon as you attempt to confine advertising toa presentation of the objective values in the product itself. These objective values may be producedat a low cost and sold at a relatively high price,as the critics point out. But quite often you willfind that the really large element of cost in theprice is the advertising cost of overcoming aninertia— of persuading the people to use the objective values at all. Shall the advertiser be prohibited from making these efforts in persuasion?Or, let us take a case where subjective valuesare added to the objective ones— say a soap which(Continued on page 191)THE WORLD DISCOVERSThat College Women Are PeopleTHE Century of Progress is now a memory. It willbe difficult for us Chicagoans to realize howmuch more than a memory it is and how itsachievements are influencing the reputation of a greatcity. Soon after my return from my second stay at Constantinople Woman's College (in modern Turkey renamed Istanbul Amerikan Kiz Koleji), I received afriendly letter from one of the Bulgarian students. Shesaid, "I suppose you are now settled in your home in thefastest and wickedest city in the world!" One did nothave to go as far as Bulgaria or Turkey to discover howgeneral that impression is. It is gratifying to have evidence from many countries that a new estimate of ourcity is growing in the minds of foreigners. We of theUniversity of Chicago may properly claim some creditfor this, since its scholars and administrators contributedlargely toward the initiation and development of thevast undertaking. Many of its aspects were highly spectacular. There were others that were equally significant, even though they did not attract as muchattention. Among these was the advance shown in theeducation of women in the past century. The Universityof Chicago had a considerable share in this progress.Its establishment in 1892 with four women holdingprofessorships of different grades, a considerable numberof women fellows and no academic distinctions betweenthe sexes marked a great step forward. It is difficult torealize now how strange and revolutionary these measures were. A woman fellow was a paradoxical term. Itwas not strange that a mother in Tennessee was staggered when her daughter, one of the first freshmen in thenew University, wrote her that she was rooming with aUniversity Fellow. The poor woman knew that the University was trying startling innovations and of coursewas immensely relieved when she learned that the fellow in question was none other than Elizabeth Wallace,later the well-beloved member of the faculty.An Alarming SuccessThe recognition of the right of women to educationwhich was considered so remarkable when it was grantedby the University of Chicago in 1892 is now so much amatter of course that it is difficult to believe how greatthe struggle was to obtain it. The steps may seem slowand halting, but only when one undersands what theconditions were a few short generations ago can onerealize the progress made. In the first half of the eighteenth century fewer than forty per cent of the womenof New England who signed legal documents could writetheir names; the others made their marks. The dameschool provided a few crumbs of learning for the girls,but the public schools of as old a city as Boston were notopened to them until 1769, and no high school wasavailable until 1824, when Worcester, Massachusetts,took this step. In 1826, Boston established a publicschool "for the instruction of girls in the higher depart- • By MARION TALBOT, Professor Emeritusments of science and literature." It was called an "alarming success," and, because it could not accommodatemore than one fourth of those who should attend, wasabolished in 1828, and was not firmly reestablished until1852.In the intervening years, a group of remarkablewomen initiated and carried out the establishment ofprivate seminaries for girls; Emma Willard and TroyFemale Seminary, Catherine Beecher and HartfordFemale Seminary, and other schools which she founded,Mary Lyon and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary,— arelandmarks in the movement.The founding of Oberlin Collegiate Institute in 1833,which from the beginning admitted women as well asmen, marked another step forward. The state universities, beginning, strange to relate, with Utah, in 1850,one after another opened their doors to women. In someof these the standards were low, in others, the struggleto give women an equal standing with men was longand hard, notably in the University of Wisconsin. Theeffort to open the University of Michigan to womenbegan with memorials to the legislature, early in the'50's, and lasted until 1870, when the regents announcedthat "no rule exists in any of the University statutes forthe exclusion of any person from the University, whopossesses the requisite literary and moral qualifications."Cornell University was the first large privately endowedinstitution to receive women, but although the founder,Ezra Cornell, expressed the wish to "found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study"and said more explicitly, "I hope we have made thebeginning of an institution which will prove highlybeneficial to the poor young men and the poor youngwomen of the country," it was not for some time thataccommodations for women were provided.It was undoubtedly this delay in giving practicalrecognition to women that accounts for the traditionalopposition of the men students to women and for theexclusion of the so-called "co-eds" from most of the activities organized and promoted presumably by thewhole student body. Encouraging evidence of the officialattitude of Cornell University toward women, at least inits early history, is seen in the fact that when it firstoffered fellowships in 1884, one of the seven was awardedto a woman, Harriet E. Grotecloss. She thus became thefirst woman in the United States and, so far as therecords show, in the world, to receive a fellowship.Important MilestoneAnother important milestone was reached in 1869,when Boston University was founded "not for one sexmerely, but equally for the two." It was "the first institution in the world to open the entire circle of postgraduate professional schools to men and women alike."The prophecy did not prove altogether true. Whilewomen held full professorships in the Medical School,181182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDean Marion Talbolunder the sympathetic leadership of the Dean, it wasmany a long year before a woman received a professorship in any other department. It is worthy of note, however, that the first degree of doctor of philosophy conferred on a woman in the United States was granted byBoston University in 1877, to Helen Magill, later Mrs.Andrew D. White.Then came the great step forward taken by the University of Chicago at its opening in 1892. Its attitudetoward women was one of the features which attractedworld wide attention. Leland Stanford Jr. University,opened also in 1892, offered for a time "a fair field andno favor" for women under the presidency of DavidStarr Jordan, but here again, as in Boston, many yearsbefore, the success and the interest were "alarming," andit became a part of the corporate law of the Universitythat no more than five hundred women students shouldbe allowed to attend at a time. It has been difficult to seeany bright side to the prevailing depression. There issome satisfaction in reading that on May 11, 1933, theBoard of Trustees of Stanford University decided because of financial emergency to admit women beyondthe five hundred limit. The money of women may be ofvalue even if their minds are not!The opening to women of the graduate schools ofYale University and the University of Pennsylvania gavemuch encouragement to women. In 1907 Johns HopkinsUniversity gave permission to women who had takenthe baccalaureate degree at institutions of good standingto be admitted to graduate courses. Princeton Universityis practically the only institution which remains ad amant, for even Harvard University has opened one ofits doors a crack and moreover agreed when RadcliffeCollege was incorporated that its charter should containthe provision that no degree should be conferred exceptwith the approval of the President and Fellows of Harvard College, given on evidence of such qualification asis accepted for the same degree when conferred by Har-vard University.Note must be taken of gains which have been madealong other lines. It was natural that in the West wherepioneer conditions existed and money was scarce andtaxes difficult to collect, boys and girls should attendthe same school. In the Eastern states the colleges anduniversities founded in colonial times for young menonly were unwilling to admit women when the demandbecame pressing. This led to the establishment of thecolleges for women, such as Vassar, whose growth hasbeen phenomenal.Meanwhile, opposition to the movement had foundexpression in many ways, and the young adventurersinto collegiate fields had to be very determined andplucky. They were assured that their brains were notequal to the task, but they were not sufficiently awed bythe strain college studies put on their brothers' minds tohave this frighten them. Many other difficulties besetthem, and for a long time they trod a lonely path. Thestruggles which my mother, Mrs. Emily Talbot, had insecuring opportunities for advanced training for her twodaughters led suddenly to a vision which has culminatedin a world wide movement of tremendous importance.The Birth of the A.A.U.W.I remember vividly the day in October, 1881, whenshe called me to her and introduced a young collegewoman who had come to her for advice. She said, ineffect, that it had occurred to her that we and theconstantly growing numbers of young graduates like uswith similar training and congenial tastes might cooperate and organize to set the stakes ahead in the educational field and study how to solve problems in thelife of women which were at the time discouraging andbaffling. We were fired by her enthusiasm and soundjudgment. On November 28, 1881, we managed to gettogether in Boston seventeen graduates from eight colleges and universities. On January 14, 1882, sixty-fivewomen from New England and New York met andorganized the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. It isof interest to members of the University of Chicago thatthe motion to organize was made by the youthful president of Wellesley College, Alice E. Freeman, who later,as the distinguished Alice Freeman Palmer, helped organize the University. The story of what followed is tooLong to tell in detail. Only the high lights can be indicated.Institutions were added to the list of those whosegraduates are eligible to membership and the numberis now over two hundred, while the membership is aboutforty thousand. Over six hundred branches have beenformed. The current year ten fellowships are offered,none of less than one thousand dollars, and a milliondollar fellowship fund is steadily growing in spite of thedepression, and is now more than a quarter of the waytoward its goal. The Association, which since 1921 hasbeen known as the American Association of UniversityTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 183Women, is now ranked among the outstanding educational forces of the country. It is, however, not merelynational in character, but has had wide influence in theinternational interests of women. Various measures including committees on International Relations hadshown the need for more definite coordination andunder the leadership of the American Association andthe British Federation of University Women, which wasformed in 1908, the International Federation of University Women was organized in 1920. This now consists ofthirty-eight national organizations of university women.The imagination is stirred when one recalls that littlegroup of seventeen lonely young pioneers in Boston in1881, and learns that in almost every country of Europe,including Lithuania, Latvia, Jugo-Slavia, and even Iceland, in Mexico, South America, Africa, Asia, Australiaand even New Zealand, the university women are federated.The PatternThis article may seem to have four different themes:—the Century of Progress, the reputation of Chicago, therole of the University of Chicago in the progress ofwomen, and the organized movement for the educationof women. The pattern into which these threads may bewoven may not be very clear from a distance, but near-bycertain features of it stand out clearly.To start with, the Chicago Woman's Club made acontribution to the Century of Progress of twenty-threelectures describing the part played by women in theadvancement of civilization during the past century.Sixteen women who have had official connection with the University of Chicago were among these lecturers—a notable array. It fell to me to treat university education. My appeal to the thirty-eight national federationsof university women as to the progress of education forwomen in their several countries brought valuable andinteresting replies. There was much evidence that theachievements of women in the United States had influenced greatly their opportunities for education in otherlands. For example it was reported from Denmark thata young woman, having read that women were studyingmedicine in the United States, "swore she would be aphysician" herself. She applied for admission to the fourhundred year old University of Copenhagen and aftertwo years of discussion and conference permission wasgranted and the first degree of doctor of medicine wasgranted to a woman in 1885. The head doctor in aCopenhagen hospital retired as a protest when she gota position there.Many of my international correspondents expressedadmiration for the city which, in times of stress, was determined to put through on a high plane such a difficultundertaking as the Century of Progress, and many, too,told of their pleasure in making some contributiontoward its fulfillment. It is not too much to assume thatthroughout these scattered groups in far away lands thereputation of Chicago rests now not so much on what thegangsters and the bootleggers do, as on the tie whichbinds all these women— education. The role playedby the University of Chicago is a large factor in onephase, at least, of the picture foreign women will haveof the city.The Conquest of a ContinentThe A. A. U. W. has inaugurated a nation-wide enterprise of selling a delightful pictorial wall-map, "The Conquest of a Continent/ 'as a benefit for its Fellowship Fund. InIllinois this Fellowship Fund is named in honor of Chicago's Dean Marion Talbot, inrecognition of the great service she has rendered to the advancement of women.The map, done in colors, shows the historical development of America, and is accurate in every detail. A generous commission is offered to clubs, P. T. A.'s and other organized groups who wish to earn some money selling it. Unmounted maps sell, retail, for onedollar. For further information, address Miss T. Louise Viehoff, 1933 Greenleaf Ave.,Chicago, Chairman of the map committee for the Chicago branch of the A. A. U. W.Miss Helen Norris is Chairman of the Fellowship Fund for Chicago.IN MY OPINION• By FRED B.PERHAPS the finest flowering of the Irish literaryrenaissance was neither in the drama nor thenovel, but in poetry. # The richness of this poetryimplies the simultaneous appearance of a large numberof talents endowed racially and individually with thegift of song. But the richness was enhanced by a quickening of imagination, on the one hand, by the resurgentnationalism of southern Ireland, and, on the other, bythe revival of mediaeval Irish literature, the influenceof which had hitherto been restricted by its imprisonment in a tremendously difficult and little studied language. But the effects of these influences were unequalin depth and weight, since they operated upon variouslygifted individual and creative temperaments andtalents.Both the typical and the individual qualities of theIrish poet can be illustrated in the poetry of its unofficial dean, William Butler Yeats. Like most poets ofhis race and age, he has been deeply moved by the storiesof Deirdre and Cuchulain, and, like many another Irishpoet, he has been intimately, if not tragically, involvedin Ireland's struggle for political self-determination.But no attentive reader could mistake Yeats for a conventional Irish poet. His individuality is apparent inthe constant refinement of his art, in his earnest questfor literary perfection, and in the varieties of avenues,legitimate and illegitimate, by which he has attemptedto plumb mystical and esoteric experience. The mysticism of Yeats is less accessible to many readers thanthat of A. E., and often, especially in the middle periodof his career, its symbolism is intelligible only to theadvanced initiate. But in his more recent work, Yeats'spsychological realism and his insight into the experienceand mentality of maturity testify to his, rescue from thebogs of spiritualistic and less reputable forms of approach to the mystical vision.A. E.'s quest for ultimate reality has led him into arich and earthy pantheism. For him, as for Hardy, alllife is the expression of a single force, but the unityof living things is not, as with Hardy, out of harmonywith the unity of the sub- or super-animate. Consequently, his reaction to the universe is tolerant andhopeful rather than tolerant and dispiriting. Life anddeath are equally valid and equally welcome. The ideasof A. E. are sufficiently familiar, but the medium inwhich these ideas are expressed is remarkably individual. For, despite the practicality which marks hisdaily life, A. E.'s verse and vision have a radiant opalescent beauty, in which light and color seem the mostcharacteristic manifestations of the glory that is in allthings. No poet of our time has built a more luminousand etherial world than has the fine visionary nature ofA.E.* The following excerpts form part of a critical survey of contemporary British literature to appear in the forthcoming editionof Manly and Rickert's Contemporary British Literature. MILLETT, Ph D '31, Associate Professor of EnglishThere have been many other notes in the swellingchorus of contemporary Irish song. Synge's poetry isonly a slight sheaf, but his translations from Petrarchand his scanty lyrics display in verse the qualities madefamiliar by his plays. In Padriac Colum, a strongerpeasant-like strain is touched with nimble fancy orlightened by humor. James Stephens' spirit is that ofa sensitive and uncannily observant gnome, but he isreally more human than elfin, for he is hurt by everycruelty and agony dealt to little creatures, and he ischarmed and enchanted by the gusty natures of peasantsand unconventional proletarians wherever he findsthem. Less national but authentically lyrical are theearly verses of James Joyce, in which the clarity and theserenity of seventeenth-century classicism shine out.John Masefield. Masefield began his work as an innovator under the influence of the muscularity of Kipling. No one who can remember the sensation caused bythe appearance of his early narrative pieces can forgetthe impact of those astonishing events. The early poemswere unquestionably influenced by his early enthusiasmfor Chaucer's great story-telling powers, but their subject matter and tone reveal the influence of Kipling intheir marked rhythm, heavy alliteration, and strenuousenthusiasm for the common man. Masefield's early narratives, shocking alike in subject and in language, wereintended to restore narrative verse to favor. Their influence in this direction has been negligible, and timehas brought to light weaknesses in these and subsequentpoems of the same type: exaggerated coloring, melodramatic settings and plots, and a carelessness in technique that is only partially offset by such brilliantpassages as the sea-scapes in Dauber. Perhaps his lessdramatic but more deeply British Reynard the Fox is, atthis date, the most readable of his narratives. The periodof experimentation over, Masefield reverted to the waysof conventional but not, therefore, contemptible poetry.Probably his finest work is, not the narratives, strikingand colorful as they are, but the lyrics and sonnets inwhich his perpetual quest for beauty, the love of theEnglish countryside, and his brooding upon curiousman and his fate are the most frequently recurring subjects. Masefield's reputation will suffer, is, indeed, already suffering, not only from the over-abundance ofhis work, but also from its lack of distinction and itstechnical casualness. In poetry, nothing short of perfection in its kind is long tolerable, and Masefield toofrequently contents himself with something short ofperfection.Traditionalism. In the midst of the currents andcounter-currents of experimental poetic activity, thegreat traditions of English romantic poetry have notgone unheeded, and work that is worthy of that greattradition deserves praise no less than work that is conscientiously but often feebly experimental. Traditionalism in the best sense of the word is illustrated by the84THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 185work of Robert Bridges, whom the laureateship elevatedto an uneasy eminence but did not demoralize. Thetraditionalism of Bridges was clearly revealed in hisscholarly interest in the metrical habits of Milton andKeats, in his sense of responsibility to language, manifested by his founding the Society for Pure English,and his own fastidious but never tasteless experimentation with metrics. A distinguished, not to say temperamentally classical nature, he felt himself urged to theattempt to breathe life into the form of the classicaldrama, and to select as subjects for lyric writing themesof human love and the love of nature that have beenhallowed by centuries of poetic attention. His boldestexperiment in the choice of subject-matter is his elaborate philosophical poem, The Testament of Beauty, inwhich in loose but subtle Alexandrines, he attemptedto synthesize a strongly Platonic reading of life withthe increment of knowledge due to modern science.Greeted with a singularly wide enthusiasm upon itspublication on Bridges' eighty-fifth birthday, the poemis rapidly becoming a curiosity of literature of the orderof Erasmus Darwin's Love of the Plants. Bridges' mostvital work was done, not in this statement of his philosophical creed, his classical dramas, or his sonnet sequence, but in his specifically lyrical writing. Here, too,many of the products are skilful technical exercisesrather than embodiments of any very genuine creativeimpulse, but at his best Bridges could fuse feeling andobservation in an artistry that had a delicacy and finality, a lucidity and elegance that are veritably classical.But there are other poets in whom traditionalismplays a not unworthy part. Lascelles Abercrombie'sspirit is more philosophical, less lyrical than Bridges',and neither his frequent use of the dramatic form norhis recourse to historical or legendary situations conceals his highly individual utterance. Without arrivingat a definite or systematic philosophy, Abercrombie isChild Life- MarchThe Five Little Bears Have Their Pictures Taken,Sterling North, '29Collier's Weekly— February 24Out of the Whirlpool, Alan LeMay, '22Esquire— MarchA Living from Tennis? George M. Lott, '27Harper's— MarchIf Japan and Russia Fight, Nathaniel Peffer, '11Journal of Business— Winter QuarterThe Federal Courts and Organized Labor, Jay FinleyChrist, JD'20 content to present in poem after poem rich broodingsupon the nature of man and the meaning of the varietyof forms that life assumes. More primitive and romanticin his sources of inspiration than Abercrombie orBridges, Gordon Bottomley has brought into contemporary poetry notes of violence and horror which havethe effect of sophisticated primitivism, of romanticismshot through with a vein of naturalism that restores aquality rare in English literature since the dramatistsWebster and Tourneur. T. Sturge Moore, like the o^^ditraditionalists, finds inspiration in the great figures' andlegends of history and romance; like them, also, he exhibits a yearning for the dramatic form with perhapsas little genuine dramatic spirit. Like Abercrombie, heis concerned, not with the circumstances but the significance of the experiences his poetry communicates,and those significances are such as would manifest themselves to a spirit austere, controlled, and less sunnilyclassical than that of Bridges. If Bridges recalls theclassicism of the later English Renaissance, and Bottom-ley, its decadence, Moore is more nearly Roman inspirit.Traditionalism at its worst is exemplified in thevoluminous products of Alfred Noyes, whose ideas arefrankly Victorian and whose verse technique is thatof a saccharine Kipling. The animated jingle of Noyes'slines, their superficial color and brilliance have madecertain of his lyrics as popular as Kipling's BarrackRoom Ballads, but his essential emptiness and thoughtlessness render his popular work less distinctive thanKipling's. He has been more successful in bringing tolife a sentimentalized Elizabethanism than in writingthe epic of science through the ages. He is as remotefrom the living movement of modern poetry as it ispossible for a modestly literate person to be.(To be continued.)Journal of Negro Education— -JanuaryThe Needs of Negro Education in the United States,Howard K. Beale, '21. The Education of the Negroin the United States, Harold L. Ickes, '97, JD '07New Republic— February 7Germany Prepares Fear, Frederick Schuman, '24,PhD '27School and Society— January 20Learning and Leisure, William B. Bizzell, AM '12Survey Graphic— EebruarySaving the Good Earth, Harold L. Ickes, '97, JD '07Chicago Alumni in the Current MagazinesNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESWHILE most of the University continues to applaud the New Deal in its social aspects, andfaculty and alumni continue in increasingnumbers to lend their talents to the government, thereremains a large bloc of economists who regard theRoosevelt fiscal policy with dubious eye.Latest additions to the long list of faculty membersaiding the administration are Professor Leonard D.White, public administration expert in the political science department, whose appointment as United StatesCivil Service Commissioner is pending in the Senateat this writing, and Professor Simeon Leland, taxauthority, who has been asked by Secretary Morgen-thau to head a committee to discuss with thetreasury department the financial plight of the cities.Both men have had experience in local administration,White last year as Chicago civil service commissionerand Leland this year as Illinois tax commissioner. Prominently mentioned for the position of Undersecretary ofthe Treasury is alumnus M. Haddon MacLean, vice-president of the Harris Bank, who served the Universityas Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds for a fewyears after his student days.As at Columbia and Harvard, however, the majorityof the University's economists are disturbed at the monetary policies which the government has pursued consistently since last March. Here are some representativeopinions expressed at the time the President's golddevaluation message was delivered:"This message makes more definite what was alreadyknown to be the monetary policy of the administration," said Harry D. Gideonse, associate professor ofeconomics. "There are immediate and ultimate consequences. The immediate results are, of course, moresignificant at the moment. But how many depressionscan you remedy by devaluating without sacrificing thefull 100% of the monetary unit?"The first direct consequence of an official increase inthe price of gold is an improvement in our balance ofpayments with the rest of the world. That balance ofpayments was already very strong. If the other countriesdecide to take the consequences of our action— and theyalmost certainly will not— then it will mean that we shallbuy less of their goods and sell more of ours by a policyof currency dumping. It will provoke a movement ofgold to this country. It may push all countries on thegold standard into suspension of gold payments. We arepresumably stabilizing to get the psychological benefitof the traditional international monetary standard. If wepush other countries into competitive depreciation, thatobjective will not be achieved."We are following a far more effective policy toachieve price-raising— assuming that this is worth while—by our large public spending program. It is alwayswell to remember that we had our 1926 prices on the oldgold content of the dollar. The difference between thenand now is a difference in expenditures. Substitutingpublic for private expenditures will undoubtedly do the • By JOHN P. HOWE, *27trick for a while. Gold tinkering can have only minorconsequences with regard to prices.""As a means for prompt and opportune raising of domestic prices, the policy is naive and ill-conceived,"Henry C. Simons, assistant professor of economics,said. "Its real importance lies in the perhaps irreparabledamage to the future of the gold standard, and to thefuture of international; relations."Devaluation does improve our balance of trade andthereby transfers to other countries some of the burdenof unemployment, provided those countries refrain (asthey cannot) from retaliatory measures. It representsthe most objectionable sort of cut-throat competitionagainst other nations."It is our surpassing contribution to an insane international struggle for gold— to a struggle in which tariff-raising and quota-limiting measures are less ominous,since they can be (and probably would be) reversed afterthe emergency. As protectionism, the government's policy with respect to gold surpasses the achievements ofany Republican administration."Devaluation contributes handsomely to the profits ofour most profitable industry; of all devices for feedingpublic funds into circulation, that of putting them intothe pockets of gold producers is surely among the leastcommendable. Finally, given no revolutionary changein banking and fiscal policy, devaluation promises thatthe next boom will reach more fantastic heights, andlead to more severe depression, than otherwise wouldhave been possible."To avoid misunderstanding, let me say that I quiteapprove the policy of raising prices moderately by fiscalmeasures (spending)— provided this policy includes (asit could easily but does not) adequate measures for keeping the price-level increase within appropriate bounds."Whatever one might think of the policy, no lack ofconsistency could be charged to the President on thebasis of his message," Melchior Palyi, German economistand visiting professor of economics of the Universitysaid. "He goes on as he has since the end of March, withmonetary manipulation of the restricted type, withoutdefining the ultimate purpose of the restrictions."He does not promise any definite stabilization, butleaves the question open. He has not said that he willnot devaluate further when once he has arrived at 50per cent of the present dollar. He does not commit himself to any promise that he will not ask Congress in thefuture for further depreciation of the dollar. What hehas done is to fix the upper and lower limits of foreignexchange fluctuations."The most important aspect of the message is theproposal for the government to take over the gold reserve of the country. The real reason for this step is notgiven in the message. That is obviously that the government wants the profit arising from devaluation of thegold reserves."Professor Palyi believes that President Roosevelt willuse the two billion stabilization fund almost exclusively186THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 187to manipulate the government bond market, and so protect credit when six billions of bonds are issued thisspring.Criticizing the message as ambiguous and unsatisfactory, Stuart Meech, assistant professor of finance in theSchool of Business, said, "Energies wasted on dollarschemes might well go to attempts to restore worldtrade."How is the two billion dollar fund to be used? It maybe used to stabilize the dollar in foreign exchange. Itmay be used to drive dollars down while driving theprice of gold up. It may be used to 'window dress' themarket for government bonds. The Treasury mightdrive up gold prices and support its bonds at the sametime— trying to carry out inflation policies on one handand orthodox financial measures on the other. It mightstabilize the dollar abroad and support its bonds here.Ambiguity! Uncertainty!"Other questions Prof. Meech asks are just how variations in the dollar value of gold will be used to stabilizeprices of goods and services; when and subject to whatlimitations the free flow of gold in the internationalfield will be permitted; and how much more of devaluation and unstable foreign exchange the country faces."Perhaps redistribution of world gold through aworld central bank; perhaps world credit control; perhaps world bi-metallism are in faint prospect. But if so,can it be expected soon and will it work with trade barriers, economic and political nationalism fightingagainst it?""The President tells Congress that the time has notyet come to stabilize completely the gold value of thedollar but that it is desirable that the margin of uncertainty as to its future value should be reduced," Garfield V. Cox, professor of finance, commented. "Accordingly, he has asked Congress to make 60 per cent of theold weight of the dollar as the maximum which he mayset, with 50 cents still the minimum."Presumably the President hopes that this element ofgreater definiteness will tend to improve domestic business confidence and to hasten the time when an international agreement for currency stabilization will bepossible."He recommends permanently prohibiting the internal circulation of gold in order that the withdrawalof gold for domestic hoarding can never again occur ina time of crisis."The proposal that each gold certificate be backedby 'gold for each dollar of such weight and fineness asmay be established from time to time' suggests that thePresident still has in mind the possibility of holding thecommodity price level steady in the future by varyingthe amount of gold in the dollar."Since this message is consistent with the President'smonetary policy throughout the summer and autumnthere is nothing new to be said in criticism of it. Itsmost undesirable features are its intensely nationalisticcharacter and the risks of later extreme inflation towhich it exposes us. The gold hoarding policy is depressing to world prices, and our foreign exchange depreciation is a handicap to international economic recovery. Domestically, the doubling of the number ofdollars in our monetary reserves means that the sky willbe the limit to prices in the next boom so far as reservelimitations are concerned." MapsDevelopment of a great map library at the Universityof Chicago, rivalling the collections of the national government and organized to serve scholars and businessmen of the Middle West, is being planned on the Midway. Professor Wellington D. Jones of the University'sgeography department has outlined the project throughwhich the University hopes eventually to accumulate400,000 sheet maps, and in so doing to perform a servicewhich no other American university has attempted.More than 50,000 maps now on file in the Map Division of the University Library form the nucleus of theproposed collection. This includes 10,000 items acquiredfrom the John Crerar Library through the interest ofJ. Christian Bay, Crerar librarian, in the project. Expansion will be along four lines: first, the collection of"master" topographic maps, covering the entire civilizedportions of the globe on a scale of one inch to the mile,wherever available; second, acquisition of large-scalecity maps; third, accumulation of hundreds of types ofmaps containing special data; fourth, collection of historical maps."As a factual record of the areal distribution of a widevariety of phenomena, maps are superior to any otherdevice," Professor Jones says. "Maps of density and composition of population; of crops and livestock, and products of forests, mines and factories; of cities, towns andvillage, the stages of rural settlement and the growth ofurban centers; of railroads, motor roads, steamship linesand airways; of political boundaries now and in thepast; of natural vegetation, rainfall, temperature, winds,rivers, lakes, land forms, soils, mineral deposits, geological formations and ocean currents— to mention but afew— are of fundamental importance in a wide varietyof theoretical investigations and practical pursuits."Six of the major map concentrations of the UnitedStates are in Washington, Dr. Jones points out. Theseare Military Intelligence Division, War Department,1,000,000 maps; Library of Congress, 688,000 maps; Engineers Office, War Department, 260,000 maps; Interstate Commerce Commission, 175,000 maps; GeneralLand Office, 102,000 maps; and U. S. Geological Survey,87,000 maps. The other great American collection, the100,000 items belonging to the American GeographicalSociety, is in New York. The proposed Chicago collection not only would be more convenient for MiddleWestern investigators but would treat Chicago and itstributary regions in exhaustive fashion and the MiddleWest thoroughly.The existing map collection at the Midway is beingused by students and research workers from the departments of geology, sociology, history, zoology, botany,anthropology, business, political science, geography,economics, religious education and literature. It hasalso been used by explorers, engineers, investmenthouses, city planners, real estate dealers, teachers, publishers, travellers and exporters and importers.Among scores of maps suggested for the collection arethose showing cities with regard to zoning, communityareas, nationality, land values, rents and economicstatus, newspaper circulation and purchasing power,marketing districts, crime and poverty; time maps showing identical subjects at intervals; and maps showingvoting trends, political unrest, standards of living, liter-i88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEacy and cultural traits such as legal systems and religions.The project also calls for the collection of 3,000 atlases. The development of methods for cataloguing andhandling the maps would be worked out in cooperationwith the University's Graduate Library School.No funds are yet available for this project, but theUniversity would be glad to receive as gifts all types ofsheet maps, including maps in manuscript, which are nolonger useful to the owners. Prof. Jones is chairman ofthe committee in charge of the project."The University could hardly perform a more welcome service to the central region than to set up sucha reservoir of information," Llewellyn Raney, Directorof the University Library, said in a recent report on theproject/ "A map is like a man's countenance— it tellsmore than a torrent of words."New DeanRobert Redfield, young anthropologist who has wondistinction for his work in defining and systematizingthe scientific study of culture, has been appointed Deanof the Division of Social Sciences, one of the five academic units of the University. He succeeds BeardsleyRuml, who resigned to become treasurer of R. H. Macy& Co., New York.In his efforts to systematize the study of culture, Professor Redfield has been particularly concerned withproblems arising in the field of racial and cultural contacts, and his research has been centered on studies todetermine especially the effects of western civilizationon primitive races.As a research associate of the Carnegie Institutionsince 1930 he has been in charge of ethnological andsociological research in Yucatan, where he has spent partof the last three years. The first volume of the reportson the investigations made by himself and the staffunder his direction is entitled "Chankom— A Maya Village," and is now in press.In 1926, while a graduate student in anthropology,Professor Redfield began a study in Tepoztlan, Morelos,Mexico, a community where a distinctive culture wasundergoing influence from modern civilization. At thistime he was accompanied in the Mexican village by hiswife, daughter of Professor Robert E. Park of the department of sociology of the University, and their two children, a daughter, Lisa, then two and one-half years old,and a son, Robert, five months old. The result of thisresearch was published by the University of ChicagoPress in a volume entitled, "Tepoztlan, A Mexican Village." This book provided much of the factual substanceof Stuart Chase's book, "Mexico."Professor Redfield was born in Chicago, December 4,1897, tne son °f Robert Redfield, well known corporation lawyer, and Bertha Dreier Redfield. He received allhis education from the elementary grades through hisgraduate work at the University of Chicago, taking hisPh.B. degree in 1920, and his J.D. degree from the LawSchool the next year. During six months of 1917 heserved with the American Field Service, and then wasattached to the Military Intelligence Corps.He was instructor in sociology at the University ofColorado, 1925-26, and Research Fellow, Social Science1Research Council, 1926-27, when he did most of his work in Mexico. In 1927 he became instructor in sociology at the University of Chicago; the next year he wonthe Ph.D. and was made assistant professor, and in 1930he was promoted to associate professor.Open Book ExamsStudents taking the Humanities general course in theCollege will be permitted to bring their class notes,syllabi and text books to the comprehensive examinations in June, and to consult these sources freely duringthe morning half of the six hour test, it has been announced by Professor Arthur P. Scott, in charge of thecourse, and John M. Stalnaker, member of the University's examination board.Predicting that the "open book" method of examination will spread, Stalnaker explains that it emphasizesability to handle ideas rather than to memorize isolatedfacts."The open book examination puts the emphasis onthe most vital objectives of the course," Stalnaker says,"which are to teach the students to see situations intheir entirety, to see relationships between facts, utilizefacts to solve problems, to evaluate facts, to infer fromone situation what will happen in a similar case, and toorganize facts from various sources."Isolated facts, often learned by cramming, are soonforgotten, whereas knowledge of procedures and relationships is more enduring."The open book examination presents a natural situation to the student, which rightly appeals to him. If, inthe excitement of the examination, he forgets even akey datum, he may refer to his books. The ability torefer quickly and accurately is important. The studentwho thoroughly understands the subject is not penalizedbecause he forgets a single detail. On the other hand,the student who does not have a thorough understanding of the subject matter cannot pass by hasty perusal ofhis texts and notes. He knows in advance that the examination will demand the ability to handle problems."Stereotyped questions must be discarded under theopen book plan, Stalnaker points out, but objectivetypes of questions can be used as well as essay types.Under the New Plan, "thinking" questions have beenstressed, and the open book examination is regardedas a normal extension of the plan. The Humanitiesgeneral course, organized under the New Plan andoccupying about one-third of the student's time in hisfirst year, uses materials from the fields of history, philosophy, literature, art and religion. A typical questionpresents a series of statements which may or may nothave been encountered in the course, the student beingasked to check which great philosopher he would associate with each statement.The Past YearFor the academic year ending June 30th, 1933, thetotal enrollment was 11,960 different students, exclusiveof the Home Study enrollment. The faculty roster numbered 852, exclusive of assistants and teachers in theLaboratory Schools. In all departments and in all gradesof service the University employed approximately 3,000persons.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 189NotesTwo more units of the University's scientific motionpicture series were exhibited for the first time on thecampus last month. The subjects are "Sound Wavesand Their Sources" and "Fundamentals of Acoustics."Six reels of the twenty projected for the physical sciencecourses are now available. . . . The Chicago AlumniClub's handsome new Yearbook and Directory, a 273-page volume of which 90 pages are editorial materialand the remainder listings, records the fact that theUniversity matriculated its 165,445th student last fall.Of the 8,000 male alumni living in Chicago and vicinity1,157 are doctors of medicine and 1,014 are attorneys. . . .Five alumni of the University are among the twentysuper-advanced students recently admitted to the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, of which Einsteinis the big figure. . . . The Delta Tau Delta fraternity hasrelinquished its house, and the chapter president,Charles Greenleaf, is quoted as follows in the DailyMaroon: "We wish to relieve ourselves of the financialburden so that there will be no pressure within thegroup to include in membership any man who will notbe truly congenial with other members of the group.Thus we believe that the original goal of fraternitieswill be realized in a group of men held together whollybecause of their common interests. . . ." The month'smost popular lecturers were Secretary Wallace andRaymond Moley of the New Deal but the month's greatplatform event was a debate on logic and methods in science between Professor A. J. Carlson and Associate Professor Mortimer Adler, for which a strictly Universityaudience jammed Mandel hall to hear PresidentHutchins' Convocation address argued. . . . The University's Debate Union, a thing of ups and downs, is upat the moment, a recent high point being an international radio debate, carried by NBC and the BritishBroadcasting Co., in which the Maroon lads, speakingfrom Chicago, defended the profit system against a pairof Oxford students speaking from London. . . . The1934 Blackfriars book, written by Huntington Harris,Henry Reese and Dulaney Terrett and chosen fromamong sixteen submitted, has been tentatively dubbed,"Merger for Millions". . . . Professor George D. Fullerof the Botany Department was elected president of theEcological Society of America at the Christmas meetingof the Society. This brings the total number of University people chosen during the holidays to be presidents oflearned societies to seven. . . . The allocation of federalrelief funds for the employment of students by universities should prove a great blessing to several hundredstudents who could not otherwise enter, or remain in,the University of Chicago. The University has made application for funds to be paid 420 students, at the rate of $10 to $20 a month each, for jobs requiring about twohours work a day.The assets held by the University as of June 30thwere $111,131,191, an increase of $393,402 over thefigure for the same date in 1932. These assets were divided as follows: endowment, $60,242,064; plant,$40,831,672; other assets, $10,057,454. Total incomeunder the University's combined budget for the fiscalyear 1932-33 was $7,335,529, while expendituresamounted to $7,324,958. Student) fees provided 30.6 percent of the University's budget income and endowmentfunds 34.52 per cent. The salary cost of instruction andresearch constituted 36.91 per cent of the budget expenditures, or $2,703,587. The total amount of giftspaid in was $4,865,745.Discussing the financial situation of the University,Mr. Frank McNair, speaking for the Trustees at theirannual dinner for the faculty in January, said that "unquestionably there is a satisfactory surplus of favorable factors in the financial affairs of the University.As far as we are intimately informed as to the operationsand assets of comparable educational institutions, weseem not to suffer by comparison. Compared with themine run of results secured by individuals and institutions, the results are rather comforting. The Universitybalances its budget and has done so for many years. Itowes no money."The University Press published 122 books during1933, in addition to 16 scholarly journals and a considerable number of publications for such groups as theNational Advisory Council on Radio in Education. Important among publications were "The University ofChicago Survey," in 12 volumes, comprising the mostexhaustive analysis of its own organization any university has made; "The Short Bible," edited by Edgar J.Goodspeed and the late J. M. P. Smith; and "WhatPlato Said," by Paul Shorey.Accessions to the University Library increased thenumber of bound volumes to 1,048,001. The numberof periodicals received remained the same as in 1932,totalling 5,322.During the year the following men were made distinguished service professors: Gilbert A. Bliss, chairmanof ..the department of Mathematics, as Martin A. RyersonDistinguished Service Professor; Edgar J. Goodspeed,chairman of the department of New Testament andEarly Christian Literature, as Ernest DeWitt BurtonDistinguished Service Professor; Frank R. Lillie, Deanof the Division of the Biological Sciences, as AndrewMcLeish Distinguished Service Professor; and WilliamF. Ogburn, Professor of Sociology, as Sewell L. AveryDistinguished Service Professor. Harry A. Bigelow, Deanof the Law School, was appointed John P. WilsonProfessor of Law.ATHLETICSScores of the MonthBasketballChicago, 35; Michigan, 22Chicago, 26;Chicago, 34;Chicago, 18;Chicago, 25;Chicago, 22; Notre Dame, 37Wheaton, 23Minnesota, 36Marquette, 33Minnesota, 23Chicago, 36; Northwestern, 34Chicago, 21; Illinois, 42TrackVarsity, 67;Chicago, 78;Chicago, 51; Freshmen, 20; Alumni, 16Armour, 25North Central, 44SwimmingChicago, 51;Chicago, 31; Wisconsin, 33Illinois, 53Water PoloChicago, 14;Chicago, 12; Wisconsin, 1Illinois, 1WrestlingChicago, 6; Indiana, 21Chicago, 16;Chicago, 5; Iowa, 16Illinois, 31GymnasticsChicago, 1142.5; Roger Williams, 748.75FencingChicago, 10;Chicago, 8; Purdue, 7Wisconsin, 8RESULTS of a month of routine activity by theChicago teams, statistically presented at the head*• of this page, call for the briefest of interpretations. Mortimer ("Aristotle") Adler— in this corner—and Anton ("Ajax") Carlson— over there— draw as biga gate in Mandel with a three-round intellectual contestas the basketball team can pull in the field house. Thatproportion of things should be maintained in thislearned journal.The basketball team, naturally enough, is the onlyone which has introduced any particular element of thedramatic, although some gallant efforts on the part ofCoach Vorres' wrestling troupe have been greatly appreciated by the select few who patronize his shows.The track team has been winning its meets, but againstcompetition from the minor leagues. The swimmingteam, as the tabulation shows, has broken even in twomeets against teams which, like itself, do not possess ashare of the athletes who have made swimming a lifework. The water polo and the gymnastic teams will winwhatever conference championships come this way, andget a two-head over on page 5 of the Sunday sports sheet.The sophomore basketball team and Mr. NelsonNorgren were just achieving that degree of excellencewhere results of a material kind were in prospect whendisaster overtook them in the form of the dislocationof Bill Haarlow's right big toe. Norgren has been goingalong philosophically for years with shoddy squads, • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN/20, JD '22but this season he had players with lurking ability. Hedidn't have his men available until the first of the year,a delay which gave the rest of the Big Ten a month'sadvantage. As a result, Chicago lost a couple of gamesthat might have been won had the team been accustomed to playing as a unit.Overcoming the handicap of the late start, the teamhad made enough progress to start winning, only to have> Haarlow stub his toe against an end-board while warming up before the Minnesota game at Minneapolis.Haarlow was inactive for two weeks, and the Chicagoteam was without his valuable services for both gameswith Minnesota and the engagement with Marquette.Even without him, Chicago came within a point of defeating Minnesota in the field house, losing the gamebecause of inaccurate free throwing.With Haarlow back in the game, and on a scoringspree in which he made eight field goals and five free-throws, the team won from Northwestern at Evanston.That brought its conference victories to a total of twogames. Two nights later, Illinois concentrated on stopping Haarlow, and doubled the Maroon score. Had theteam been able to get a strong start, and win some of itsclose games at the first of the season, it unquestionablywould be doing much better now.Haarlow, despite his being out of two games, is highamong the conference scorers. Peterson is doing goodwork at center, although most of his opponents are ableto control the tipoff. Lang, who does some phenomenallong range shooting at times, and Oppenheim, inexperienced but big, are reasonably efficient guards. Haarlow'sdefense is a little weak, and there is not a satisfactoryforward to work with him. As a group, the players areslow, and fast breaking opposition can get away fornumerous shots.Jay Berwanger has been the biggest point maker onthe track team. He has proficiency in many events, buthas not the specialized skill to win in the conference.He has done 0:06.5 m tne 60-yard dash; 0:09.1 in the70-yard high hurdles, and 0:07.9 in the low hurdles. Hecan broad jump about 22 feet. A strained arm has kepthim out of the dual meet shot and pole vault events.Barton Smith, with 0:51.6 in the 440, is best in thatrace, but Sam Perlis gives him a battle. John Robertshas cleared 6 feet, 1 5/8 inches in the high jump, a goodfour inches more than his own height.Times in the swimming meets have been slow, andthe main interest of the swimmers is centered on waterpolo, a sport in which they seem invincible. The wrestling team fought savagely to win a tie with Iowa, EdBedrava going out of his weight to save the meet bypinning a heavier Iowan and so making two extra pointsthat offset the certain defeat in the one remaining bout.Badly crippled, the wrestlers then lost a return matchto Illinois, a team they had previously tied. The gymnasts begin operations in the Big Ten shortly, and although an injured knee will cost the expert GeorgeWrighte points, the team probably will win as usual.190THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 191(Markets of the Air continued from page 180)is advertised as being used by all the moviestars, the implication being that the charms ofthese romantic personages are due, at least inpart, to the use of this product. Now I am frankto say that I doubt this implication, and so faras I know I personally get no thrill from bathingwith the soap which Marlene Dietrich uses.But I must close my eyes to a sociological factif I want to doubt that there are at least severalmillion women, leading unromantic lives inshops, offices, factories, and homes, who wouldget and do get the most intense satisfaction fromdoing exactly what Marlene and her like do.That fact is just as real as those stating thechemical ingredients of the soap. I may think ita silly fact and I may wish it weren't so. Butwishful thinking pays no advertising bills; Imust deal with the fact as I find it. I must sellthe satisfactions which people want, not theones I think they ought to want. If a millionwomen buy my soap for this reason, if they doindeed get satisfaction out of that reason, thenthey have gotten their money's worth.In what code, by what regulatory body, orunder what statute can the satisfactions andtastes of the public be as accurately determinedas they can be by their own day-to-day purchases? In the competition of advertising ideasthese dollar votes will, I believe, separate thesheep from the goats, the true from the untrue,more effectively than it can be done by anyother method.We Quote a scholarly bit of correspondencefrom the News Letter, Chicago Council of SocialAgencies."My dear Mr. Lovett:"... My ear is offended by a use of the word'contact' which is becoming common in socialservice circles. It is frequently used in ourown case records as a verb. For example, 'Mr.M gave permission for us to contact his sister.'I have been accustomed to its use as a nounonly. If I am wrong, I shall try to bear it, butI should like authority on the subject."Knowing you to be a good natured gentleman, I am appealing to you in the matter."Very truly yours,"Florence Nesbitt""Dear Miss Nesbitt:" 'Contact' as a verb is one of the mostatrocious abortions of present day colloquialspeech. I know of no way to prevent its growthexcept instantly to cease communication withanyone who uses it in speech or writing."Hoping that I may have your co-operationin this matter, I am,"Most sincerely,"R. M. Lovett" This advertisement is written by aman who just returned from his firsttrip to Mexico.I went down and came back on theWest Coast Route of Southern Pacific,spending two days at Mazatlan, threeat Guadalajara, seven in Mexico City.And my most vivid impression ofMexico is the kindness and friendliness of its people. Not once did Isuffer any inconvenience or discourtesy at their hands.Other memories crowd in ... of thefirst American money I exchanged.For $40 I received 141.20 pesos — atremendous roll! The crowds thatcame down to meet the train at everystop, on this West Coast where thearrival of a train is still a big event.The fresh pineapple I bought atRosario. The mountains shaped likejigsaw puzzles. The beautiful womenat Mazatlan. The thrill of my first experience at deep-sea fishing in thattropic harbor. And the man whoclimbed a tall palm to bring me downa green coconut.Guadalajara's market place attraced .me far more than the magnificentchurches. There was a street almostfilled with sombreros, another withpottery and baskets. Mexico City(they call it simply "Mexico" down there), a beautiful city in a valley7,440 feet above the sea. The struggleI had learning to pronounce lxtac-cihuatl. The policeman who stoppedall traffic while I photographed aCharro during the Sunday parade atChapultepec Park. The little boy whopoled us through the floating gardensat Xochimilco.I wrote an account of my trip justas it occurred. Southern Pacific hashad it printed. If you'd enjoy readingwhat an average tourist saw and didin a three weeks' trip to Mexico, writeMr. Bartlett at the address below.FARES ARE LOWService on Southern Pacific's WestCoast Route via Tucson and No-gales, has been recently increasedto six trains a week, every day except Sunday. All trains carry Standard Pullmans and serve good meals.From the East or Middle West,take our Sunset Route or GoldenState Route to Tucson.Pullman charges have been greatlyreduced. And the rail roundtripfares are very low. For example,$94.80 from Chicago to MexicoCity and back (23-day limit). Stilllower fares will be in effect forsummer trips.For free booklet, "I've Been toMexico," write O. P. BARTLETT,Dept.AB-3, zwSo.MichiganBhd.,Chicago,SouthernPacificTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE^T NEWS OF THE CLASSESDIRECTORYCAMPSTHE OLDEST CAMP IN THE WESTCAMP HIGHLANDSFOR BOYSSAYNER, WISCONSINThree Camps— 8-12: 13-14: 15-17Woodcraft, Athletic and Water Sports, Music,Photography, Scouting, Long Canoe Trips, RidingWRITE THE DIRECTOR FOR CATALOGW. J. MQNILAW, M. D.5712 Kenwood Ave., ChicagoORCHARD HILL CAMPThirteenth Season-Girls and Boys— 3-1140 Miles West of Chicago in BeautifulRolling CountryIndividual Attention and Constant Care Givenby Physicians and Experienced CounselorsPrivate Beach, Horseback Riding, and all SportsR. J. Lambert, M. D., DirectorWoods Lane St. Charles, IllinoisDENTISTDR. GEO. G. KNAPPDENTISTWoodlawn Medical Arts Bldg.Suite 304 I305 E. 63rd StreetPhone Plaza 6020ELECTROLYSISLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT13 YEARS' EXPERIENCEHair Removed from Face, Neck and BodyFacial Veins, Warts, Moles Permanently RemovedGraduate NurseSUITE TELEPHONE17 N. State St. FRANKLIN 4885SCHOOLSMacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any MondayII70 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2I30The Mary E. Pogue SchoolFounded 1903For Children and Young People NeedingIndividual InstructionSpecial Training, Medical Supervision,Trained Nurses, College Trained FacultyHome Atmosphere 25-Acre EstateMany Students Have Continued inAcademic SchoolsWheaton, III. COLLEGE1896C. F. Tolman, Jr., professor ofeconomic geology at Stanford University, has just published a book on"Ground Water Geology."1899Pearl Hunter, AM'20, (Mrs.Weber) of the department of philosophy and psychology of the Municipal University of Omaha, is applying the principles of the new plancomprehensive examinations in herclasses. A recent examination, inwhich her students were allowed touse reference books, caused somecomment among her colleagues.1901Guy D. Smith is the new presidentof the St. Paul Division of the Minnesota Education Association. He issuperintendent of schools at Stillwater, Minn., and director of education at the Minnesota State Prison.1908William E. W rather is the newlyelected president of the EconomicGeologists' Society. He is living inDallas, Texas.1910Alida W. McDermid (Mrs. LewisBernays) is living at 2608 Lake ViewAve., Chicago. Mr. Bernays is BritishConsul in Chicago.1911Albert Sabath has been made president of the Chicago Business Men'sRacing Association, which controlsthe Hawthorne track, one of the oldest and most valuable turf propertiesin the country. ** Mary R. Parkmanis teaching English at Wilson Teachers College at Washington, D. C.1912Frank Robert Weber is secretaryof the Minnesota Retail Merchants'Association. He lives at Paynesville,Minn.1913Olive Paine is first grade supervisor of the Iowa State Teachers College, at Cedar Falls. 1914Laura M. Smith is doing personnelwork with the American Telephoneand Telegraph Company in NewYork.1917Joseph L. Samuels is vice presidentof the Douglas Lumber Company inChicago.1918Louise Allen Green is conductinga "visitors' service" or sightseeing.bureau in Washington, D. C. #* Nellie L. Walker is kindergarten supervisor at the State Teachers College atHarrisonburg, Va.1919Chester K. Wentworth has beengranted an indefinite leave of absencefrom Washington University, St.Louis, to accept an appointment asgeologic engineer to the HonoluluBoard of Water Supply. He willmake a detailed geologic study forthe purpose of developing the potential water supplies of the city.1923Wallace E. Bates is with the Eastern Advertising Office of the ChicagoTribune, in New York. He reportsthat C. E. McKittrick, '19, is managerof the office, and E. A. Tanner, '23, isa fellow worker.1925Eliot Ness has been transferred toCincinnati where he is employed bythe Department of Justice. ** EdwinJ. Kunst is a part-time instructor inaccounting and economics at theCentral YMCA College, Chicago. **Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago535 Fifth Ave., New York415 Hyde Bldg., SpokaneA general Placement Bureau for men andwomen in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College, and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors andMasters; Critics and Supervisors for Normals. Also many calls for Special teachersof Music, Art, Home Economics, BusinessAdministration, Correspondence Teaching.Fine opportunities in Secondary Schools.A host of best Suburban patrons for gradeand High School teachers. Read our booklet. Call.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 193Clara H. Stroud was made principalof the Pasto (Washington) gradeschool, in September.William W. Meyer, AM'33, issuperintendent of schools at Harvard, Illinois.1926Charles Albert Mahin is principalof Lowell School, Wichita, Kansas.1928Mrs. Madelaine Maybauer supervises the kindergarten work at theState Teachers College of Ypsilanti,Mich.1929Armand Bollaert is chief chemistfor the Orenda Corporation at Wilmington, 111.1930Lucile Hoerr Charles is in chargeof the Pocono drama-study toursagain this summer, and will follow aprogram similar to that of last year.Under Miss Charles' direction fiveplays were given by young American men and women at Oetz-in-Tyrol, the informal center of theAmerican Peoples College in Europe; this year the players will tourthe Alpine valley giving plays at theinns "and schoolhouses of many aquaint Tyrolean town. Opportunityis also given for study of the moderntheatre in the dramatic centers ofEurope. Miss Charles is at present directing dramatics at Lennox HillSettlement, N. Y. C. ** Eva BelleHensen, SM'32, is mathematics instructor in the high school at Ottawa,111. ** Grace Marie Boyd is principalof the Woodbine Primary School,Cicero, 111. ** Winfred Gordon issuperintendent of schools at Durand,Wis.1932Ralph Edwin Darby is assistantmanager of the Merit Cafe in Arkansas City, Kansas. ** Culver Jones isstudying at Harvard for his master'sdegree, and expects to receive it inJune. ** Earl F. A. Meyer is an investment analyst with Blyth and Co.,Inc., 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. **John Vincent Healy is secretary tothe Mayor of Boston, and in moments spared from his official dutiesstudies at Harvard towards his doctorate.1933Helen L. Graves won a prize of fifty dollars for some travel units shewrote for a contest sponsored byThe Grade Teacher in February. * *Jerry J on try writes in reply to anews item about him in a recent issue of the Magazine, "Before HarrisTrust objects to the statement inyour December issue that I am nowworking for that bank, I would liketo file my objection. I am at present associated with Bonner, Troxelland Co., an investment house inChicago, and with fair luck I hopeto remain here. It might interestyou to know that Fred H. Sills, '33,is also in our organization. Let mecongratulate you upon the much improved form and organization of theMagazine."Editors, Journalistsand CriticsErnestine Evans, '12John Gunther, '22Fanny Butcher, '10Richard Atwater, '11Elizabeth Walker, '20Burton Rascoe, '15George Morgenstern, '30George K. Shaffer, '16Rosalind Shaffer, '17Howard Mumford Jones, AM' 15Harry Hansen, '09Sterling North, '29Arthur Sears Henning, '99Genevieve Forbes Herrick, AM' 18Edgar A. Mowrer, '13Leroy T. Vernon, '01Charles Vernon Stansell, AM'11Barret H. Clark, '12Percy Holmes Boynton, '05Edith Rickert, PhD '99Kirby Page, '16, Editor, The WorldTomorrow.Philip S. Allen, PhD'97, Editor.Riley H. Allen, '05, Editor, Honolulu Star Bulletin.Sheppard Butler, AM'04, Editor.William Chenery, '09, Editor, Colliers Weekly.Henry Justin Smith, '98, Editor,Chicago Daily News.Robert Bruere, '02, Editor, The Survey.Paul C. Patterson, '04, Editor, Baltimore Sun and Evening Sun. If you would like to sail away this summer to the world'smost thrilling lands — to Japan, China and the lovelyPhilippines, and do it for no more than you might easilyspend for a very ordinary vacation — see your nearesttravel agent ot once, or send us the coupon below forall details. Roundtrip fares on the celebrated PresidentLiners (the ones that let you stopover exactly as youchoose between New York and California, or the Orient,and Round the World) are almost unbelievably low.And shore expenses in the Orient need be no more thanone-third of like costs here at hornetDOLLAR5tsamiAu}£uisi wetAMERICAN604 Fifth Ave., New York-, 1 10 S. Dearborn St., Chicago;760 Stuart Bldg., Seattle; 311 California St., San Francisco. Or Boston, Washington, Cleveland, Toronto, LosAngeles, Vancouver, B. C, Portland, Ore.,, San Diego.Please send your new folder describing all of thePresident Liner cruises, and oblige CG,SName - 194 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOLS-continuedBEVERLY FARM, INC.36th YearA Home, School for Nervous and BackwardChildren and Adults220 Acres, 7 Buildings, School Gymnasium, Industrial and School Training Given, Departmentfor Birth Injury CasesGroves Blake Smith, M.D. Godfrey, III.Practical Business TrainingBusiness Administration, Executive-SecretarialStenotype and 14 Other College Grade Courses77th YearTrain for Assured Success Write for CatalogBryant & Stratton College18 S. Michigan Ave. Randolph 1575BUSINESSDIRECTORYAPARTMENTSCLOSE TO U. OF C.Apartments — All SizesProfessional OfficesProperty Investments— Insurance — JACKLEY BROS. CO.1447 E. 63rd St. HYDE PARK 0100ARTISTS SUPPLIESEDWARD C BUNCK4645-47 South ParkwayPAINTS — GLASS — WALL PAPERArtist's MaterialsALL PHONES OAKLAND 0845Deliveries to All Parts of Chicago SuburbsAWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690— 069I— 0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INCAwnings and Canopies for AH Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueAUCTIONEERSWILLIAMS, BARKER &SEVERN CO.Auctioneers and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at oursalesroomsAccept on consignment the better quality of furniture, works of art, books, rugs, bric-a-brac, etc.We sell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.229 S. Wabash Ave. Phone Harrison 3777 MASTERS1922Allen Thomas Price, AM, has recently received his doctorate at Harvard University, in the field ofhistory. His thesis dealt with "TheRelation of American Missionariesand the American Missionary Movement to American Diplomacy inChina."1923Beulah M. Woods, AM, is withthe department of education ofJuniata College, Huntington, Pa.1924Frances C. Oakes, AM, is chairman of the English department ofthe teachers college at Edmond, Okla.1926H. T. Holt, AM, is superintendentof the public schools of Riverside,Iowa. ## George K. Wells, AM, isan instructor in Hammond HighSchool, Ind.1927Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon is directorof research in the Women's Bureau,U. S. Department of Labor. ## JamesDuffy, AM, is teaching at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ##Clair C. Olson, AM, is an instructorin English at George Williams College, Chicago.1928Mrs. Martin H. Turner, AM, is assistant supervisor in the LowerNorth District of the County Bureauof Public Welfare, Chicago.1932E. H. Pritchard, AM, is superintendent of public schools of St.Mary's, Kansas. ## Edith JuliaVecker, AM, is a medical socialworker at the graduate hospital ofthe University of Pennsylvania.1933Lois Mathis, AM, (Mrs. WilliamO. Suiter) is living at Guilford College, N. C, and is active in community and educational affairs of thetown. ## Lewis S. Hansbrough, AM,heads the mathematics departmentof the high school at Paragould, Ark.#* Helen E. Strait, SM, is with thenursery school at Sunset Hill School,Kansas City. AUTO LIVERYCHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYLINCOLNSWith Experienced Chauffeurs5548 Lake Park Ave. MID way 0949AUTO SERVICE STATIONSWASHINGTON PARKSERVICE STATIONWe Appreciate Your Patronage560I-7 Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Dorchester 7II3for Economical TransportationSALES V CHEVROLET, SERVICEParts — Passenger Cars — TrucksMODERN SERVICE STATIONORME CHEVROLET CO.5200 Lake Park Ave.USED CARS FAIRFAX 0825BOOKSKrochs BookstoresBooks On All SubjectsIn Every LanguageAsk for Catalog, stating special interests206 N. Michigan AvenueCHICAGOBROKERSClark G. (Skee) Sauer '12WithJames E. Bennett & CompanyStocks — Bonds — Grain — CottonMembers: New York and ChicagoStock Exchanges, Chicago Board ofTrade, All Principal Markets.332 So. LaSalle St. Tel. Wabash 2740P. H. Davis, 'II H. I. Markham, 'Ex/06R. W. Davis, '16 W. M. Giblin, '23F. B. Evans, 'IIPaul H. Davis & Co.MembersNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock Exchange37 So. LaSalle St. Franklin 8622CATERERSJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900 Tel. Sup. 090!Quality and Service Since 1882THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 195DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1901Allan Hoben writes from Kalamazoo, Mich., of various literary activities which include a number of publications in The Biblical World, TheAmerican Journal of Theology, andThe Atlantic Monthly. He is also theauthor of a couple of books.1904William McAfee Bruce is with thePermutit Co., of New York, as a research chemical engineer.1914Eliot Blackw elder, '01, reports thatin a recent visit to the University he"almost got lost in the jungle of newbuildings that surrounds the oldquadrangle."1915Harlan T. Stetson has just received appointment as research associate in geophysics for the secondhalf of the academic year and will bein Cambridge until July 1. He is director of Perkins Observatory atOhio Wesleyan University. ## A. W.Fortune, DB'05, is supervising the rebuilding of the Central ChristianChurch, Lexington, Ky., which waspartially destroyed by fire last year.1921H. L. Blomquist, '16, is just completing his work on the ferns of thestate of North Carolina.1924Henrietta Zollman, SM'23, (Mrs.B. B. Freud) is teaching at Munde-lein College.1929H. H. Downing, SM'16, of the University of Kentucky, at Lexington,reports that his present avocation isindoor tennis practice. ** John G.Meiler, '26, has accepted a positionwith the Marathon Chemical Company of Rothchild, Wis.1930Ray W. Rutledge is teaching atState Teachers College, Florence,Ala.1932Kenneth N. Campbell, '28, is withthe department of chemistry at Pennsylvania State College. ** Francis M.Parker is with the Research Department of Merck and Company, Railway, N. J. 1933Julius Porsche, '30, is with the research department of the MunicipalTuberculosis Sanitarium of Chicago.## Eugene Rosenbaum, '30, is an instructor in the department of chemistry at the University of Chicago.Mrs. Rosenbaum (Ruth Comroe,PhD'33) has just received her doctorate in chemistry. ## Mark HannaWat kins, AM'30, is an assistant professor at the Municipal College forNegroes, Louisville, Kentucky. #*Raymond W. Baldwin teaches economics at Morningside College,Sioux City, Iowa.DIVINITY1885William M. Corkery, '83, DB, is inhis twenty-fourth year as pastor ofthe Kensington Avenue BaptistChurch, Hamilton, Ont.1907W. F. Rothenburger, DB, is president of the International Conventionof the Disciples of Christ. He is minister of the Third Christian Churchat Indianapolis.RUSH1890/. Allen Patton, MD, has retiredfrom active service with the Prudential Insurance Co., and has moved toCalifornia, where he has settled inBeverly Hills. He does not plan togo into active practice again.1901W. E. Lamerton, MD, sends thefollowing interesting note and comment to his Rush friends: "I amspecializing in internal medicine anddiagnosis here in Enid, Oklahoma.We built a hospital— 100 bedcapacity— and have a nurses' trainingschool in connection with it. Some40 girls are in training each year.Our hospital was built by a stockcompany and, quite out of the ordinary, it has always made money inits 20 years of operation. It appearsthat in the past few years the oldfamily physician has been lost in theshuffle of specialities, but I believehe will come into his own again andwill hold a more sacred place in thehearts of the people than ever in thehistory of medicine. It takes about40 specialists to have as good common sense as one family physician." CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285 COALQUALITY COAL PRICED RIGHTLESTER COAL CO.4025 Wallace St., at 40th PlaceAll Phones: Yards 6464RIDGE FUEL & SUPPLY CO.Coal — Dustless CokeFireplace Wood — CannelI633 W. 95th St. BEV. 8205CUTLERYKRAUT & DOHNALHIGH GRADECUTLERYWe Grind Anything that NeedsAn Edge325 S. CLARK ST.PHONE WEBSTER 7360DECORATINGIt will pay you to haveour estimate and expert adviceNATIONALDECORATING SERVICEHart Bros. System, Inc.4035 S. Michigan Ave. Boulevard 9700 ELEVATORSReliance Elevator Co.PASSENGER AND FREIGHTELEVATORSFor Every Purpose2I2 W. Austin Ave. Chicago FISHJ. A. DAVIS FISH CO.Specialize in Supplying Hotels,Restaurants, Hospitals, Institutions.Fresh Caught Direct From the Fisherman2II N. Union Ave.Phone Haymarket I495ig6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFLORISTS^ lit 0 CHICAGOw^ Established 1865QJjjr FLOWERSPhones: Plaza 6444, 64451631 East 55th StreetFURSELLIOTT FUR CO.DESIGNERS OF HIGH GRADEFURSREPAIRING and REMODELING36 Years of DependabilityTax Warrants AcceptedStevens Bldg. 17 N. State St.CENTRAL I678 SUITE I000FOODSh^KS?*!FOODPRO DUETS^H^fQV^ Durand-McNeil-HornerCompany25I to 3I5E. GrandAve.' Chicago/ III.Superior9560FRUIT AND VEGETABLESCOHEN and COMPANYWholesaleFruit — Vegetables — Poultry2II South Water MarketPhones Haymarket 0808 to 08I6GARAGESCARSCALLED FOR AND DELIVERED64th STREET GARAGETowing At All Hours6341 HARPER AVE.PHONE HYDE PARK 1031University Auto GarageCo.16 Years of Dependable ServiceWe Call For and Deliver Your CarTelephone Hyde Park 45991169 East 55th Street 1903L. M. Bowes, MD, writes "I am stillengaged in the practice of medicine,though my wife claims I am marriedto it." The Bowes live in NorwoodPark, Chicago.1912W. H. Olds, 'io, SM'u, is a member of the Medical Executive Boardat California Hospital, Los Angeles.In addition to his surgical practice,he is professor of clinical surgery atthe College of Medical Evangelists ofLos Angeles.1913Ralph H. Kuhns, 'n, MD'13, recently spoke at the annual meetingof the American Congress of PhysicalTherapy on the subject "Electropy-rexia in the Treatment of GeneralParesis"; he also spoke over KYW,Chicago, under the auspices of theIllinois Society for Mental Hygieneon the subject "Nervous Breakdowns." Dr. Kuhns is a recentlyelected member of the AmericanPsychiatric Association.1915Lawrence G. Dunlap, '13, MD, isthe new commander of AnacondaPost No. 2 1 of the American Legion.1917B. S. Kennedy, MD'15, in generalsurgery, is senior attending physicianat the United Hospital at PortChester, N. Y.1919Vito A. D. Taglia, MD'18, includes work at the Racine AvenueDispensary of the Municipal Tuberculosis Dispensary of Chicago alongwith his general practice. He andMrs. Taglia (Lena S. Riccio, ex) arethe proud parents of Francis, James,Junior and Florence.1921Clarence W. Spears, MD, broughthis University of Wisconsin footballteam to Stagg field on November 4,for its annual game with Chicago;score— o to o.1923Clarence F. G. Brown, 19, MD,writes, re the hypothetical merger:"I am against the merger of the twouniversities for the sake of both, butespecially in thinking of the forgotten man, the little student. What we HOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoHARPER SURF HOTEL5426 Harper Ave.Beautifully Furnished Home-LikeRooms, Private Bath and Shower$5 and UpPHONE Miss MonsellPLAZA 3900 Mgr.PARKLAND HOTELFacing Jackson Park1550 East 63rd St.300 Rooms — Private BathFrom $5 WeeklyFolder with details of rates and services will besent on request.LAUNDRIESADAMSLAUNDRY CO.2335 Indiana Ave.Superior Hand WorkOdorless Dry CleaningTelephoneCalumet 3565THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL SERVICESWe Also DoDry Cleaning — Shoe Repairing4240 PhoneIndiana Ave. OAK land I383Standard Laundry Co.Linen Supply — Wet WashFinished WorkI8I8 South Wabash Ave.Phone Calumet 4700LITHOGRAPHINGL C Mead '2i E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing725 So. LaSalle St.Wabash 8I82THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 197need is smaller universities so thatthe student may get started in acquaintance with those who purvey'knowledge' in his four years.Wouldn't it be about right to have auniversity large enough to provideadequate equipment and a diversified faculty of many points of view,but small enough so the student canget at the facilities without beingpassed upon by deans whose judgment reflects the human weaknessesof 1934? The larger the school themore impersonal, so we would approach, by way of merger, an education of poorly taught 'hearsay'."1925Sol M. Wolffson, '22, MD, is attending staff surgeon at the LutheranMemorial Hospital and clinical instructor in surgery at Chicago Medical School.1926James C. Ellis, '23, MD, is president of the DeKalb County MedicalSociety.1929Robert Moore Jones, MD, is assistant in internal medicine at theUniversity of Illinois College ofMedicine. *# S. L. Stormont,PhD'2^,MD, is practicing internal medicinein Evanston, 111.1930Lemuel C. McGee, PhD'27, is aninstructor in physiology and pharmacology at Baylor University Collegeof Medicine. ## Garland Rushing,MD, is practicing at Longview,Texas. ## Frank J. Nelson, MD, isassociated with Dr. Samuel Goodmanin practice in the Medical Arts Building, Tulsa, Okla. ** Frank Menehan,MD, is in practice in Wichita, Kans.** Maurice E. Cooper, '25, MD, ispart-time resident physician for theUniversity of Missouri StudentHealth Service. He is in generalpractice in Columbia, Mo. ** ErnestL. Stebbins, MD, is director of Henrico County Health Department(Virginia).1931Samuel L. Miller, MD, is districtsurgeon with the U. S. Army, stationed at Camp Kentucky, CCC,Wetmore, Michigan. He plans togo abroad in April. **Hugh AllenEdmondson, MD, is resident in pathology at Los Angeles County GeneralHospital. 1932Lealdes M. Eaton, '27, MD, is withthe Mayo Clinics of Rochester, Minn.**Beulah Chamberlain, MD, (Mrs.Fred Bosselman) is a Fellow in psychiatry at the Institute for JuvenileResearch, Chicago. ## Clyde A.Lawlah, MD, is practicing medicineand surgery at Pine Bluff, Ark. Heis school physician and head of thebiology department at the A.M. andN. College there.1933Hollis E. Sides, MD, reports thathe is practicing in Huntington Park,Calif. ** Ralph G. McAllister, MD,having completed his interneship atWest Suburban Hospital, Oak Park,111., has hung out his shingle at DeKalb, 111. **Stephen A. Zieman,MD,has opened his office at 8 1 5 MarshallField Annex, Chicago.LAW1920Robert E. Nash3 JD, is State's Attorney for Winnebago County, 111.His headquarters are at Rockford.1930Edward J. Barrett, JD, is practicing at 228 North LaSalle St., Chicago.1932Lester Asher, '30, JD, is with Son-nenschein, Berkson, Hautmann,Levinson and Morse, of Chicago.Public Opinion and World Politics; edited by Quincy Wright, professor of international law at theUniversity of Chicago. Who makespublic opinion, how it is made, andits influence on the fate of nations,is discussed by men of internationalmind in the 1933 volume of theHarris Foundation Lectures on International Relations. The powerof such slogans as "Make the WorldSafe for Democracy," "VictoryBonds," "war lord," is emphasizedwith a review of World War situations. Harold D. Lasswell, associateprofessor of political science at theUniversity of Chicago, is among thecontributors. MUSIC PUBLISHERSMcKINLEY MUSIC CO.1501-15 E. 55th St. CHICAGOPOPULAR AND STANDARDMUSIC PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERSMusical Settings — Compositions ArrangedPublishers of McKinley Edition of 20 cent MusicSTANDARD - CLASSICAL - TEACHINGOFFICE FURNITUREPruitt's rebuilt office machines give theappearance and service of new equipment — carry a full guarantee — yet, saveyou as much as 50%.PRUITT, Inc.172 N. La Salle St. ChicagoORIENTAL RUGSWe sell to all Universities and -their associates at ourWholesale PricesEastern Carpet and Rug Co.5 South Wabash Av., ChicagoJohn Moloney DearbornSales Manager 7024 PAINTINGGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3I23 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3I86PAINTING AND DECORATINGEMIL C. ERICKSEN & CO.Painting and DecoratingDraperies — UpholsteringFurniture Refinishing6830 Cottage Grove Ave.Phones Dorchester 3584-5 PLATINGYou Wreck 'em We Fix 'emMcVittie Plating & BrassRefinishing Works, Inc.Expert Metal Platers and RefinishersChromium — Nickel — Copper — Silver — GoldBrass — Bronze— All Antiaue and Modern FinishesWe plate or refinish anything made of metalWe specialize in silver plating tableware1 600-02-04 S. State St. Calumet 2646-7-8PHOTOGRAPHERSMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION30 South Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C ALUMNIi98 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPLUMBINGESTABLISHED 42 YEARSW. M. MclNERNEY624 EAST 63 rd ST.PLUMBING andHEATINGPHONE FAIRFAX 2911RADIO-PLUMBINGA. J. F. Lowe & SonI2I7 East 55th StreetPlumbing — Refrigeration — RadioSales and ServiceDay Phones Mid. 0782-0783Night Phones Mid. 9295-Oakland II3IRESTAURANTSChicago/s Most Unique RestaurantBANZAI'SWhere Stars and Celebrities Meet6325 Cottage Grove Ave.American and Oriental CuisineOrders Delivered Hot at No Extra Charge *A Steak at Banzai 's IS a SteakPhone DOR. 09I7Luncheon — Tea — DinnerGreen Shutter Tea Shop5650 Kenwood Ave."Remember it*s smart to dineat the Green Shutter —It's Different"The Best Place to Eat on the South Side(Pkl2£3KE>lif3B£4: IJIZMriMMii)COLONIAL TEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn Ave.Restaurant I423 E. 62nd StreetRIDINGMidway Riding Academy6037 Drexei AvenueExpert InstructorsBeautiful Bridle Path and Good HorsesUniversity of Chicago RidingHeadquartersMidway 957I Phone Dorchester 804JROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired— New Roofs Put On24 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estimates FreeFairfax 3206 SCHOOL OF SOCIALSERVICE ADMINISTRATIONFacultySophonisba Preston Breckinridge,PhM'py, JD'04, PhD'oi, Dean ofPre-professional students, is the author of The Family and the State,recently published by the UniversityPress. Miss Breckinridge recently returned from Montevideo, Uruguay,where she was a member of Secretary Hull's delegation to the SeventhAnnual Congress of American States.Miss Breckinridge, the first womanmember of this congress, returnedvia the Pan-American Air- Ways, flying for eight days from Montevideoto Miami, Florida.Associate Professor Helen RussellWright, PhD'22, was in Washingtonduring the autumn quarter for special work with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics regardingplans for a field program in construction of Cost of Living Indexes. MissWright read a paper on this subjectat the Philadelphia meeting of theAmerican Economic Association.Associate Professor A. Wayne Mc-Millen, PhD'31, presided at a sectionentitled "Relief Problems in 1933,How They Are Met," held under theauspices of the Minnesota State Conference of Social Work at the StateUniversity. Dr. McMillen was incharge of an Institute on Public Relief in Kansas held under the direction of the Kansas Emergency ReliefCommittee; and he also was incharge of a two-day institute held atIowa City under the auspices of theExtension Service of the State University.Charlotte Towle, Assistant Professor of Psychiatric Social Work, hasrecently given an Institute in St.Louis on Psychiatry in Social CaseWork under the auspices of the Department of Social Work of Washington University. She has also giventwelve lessons on "Psychiatric Concepts as Applied in Supervision" to agroup of supervisors from varioussocial case work agencies in Chicago.StudentsLeila Kinney, '29, has been appointed Assistant Professor of SocialWork in the University of CincinnatiErma H. Wainner, AM'29, andJessie Viehmeyer, '32, have joined RUG CLEANERSHAAKER & HENTSCHORIENTAL -:- DOMESTICRug and Carpet CleanersUpholstering and Refinishing5165 State St. Oakland 1212STORAGEPhone MID way 9700 HYDe Park 0452Peterson Fireproof Storage Co.Chas. A. Peterson, Pres.Moving and ExpressingPacking and ShippingForeign ShipmentsBranch: 8126 Cottage Grove Ave.55th Street and Ellis Ave.SMELTINGU. S. WANTS GOLDDiscarded Old Jewelry, Dental Gold, BrokenWatches, etc Redeemed for Cash, Dependable and Courteous Service. Management of42 years' experience Old, established andresponsible. Bring or send direct. Don't sellto strangers. WE EMPLOY NO SOLICITORS.U. S. SMELTING WORKS(The Old Reliable)39 So. State St., Cor. Monroe, 4th FloorTEACHERS AGENCIESFisk TEACHERSAGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGOOur Service is Nation WideTHEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.TELEPHONE HARRISON 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronageTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS AGENCYEstablished I906PAUL YATES, Manager6I6-620 South Michigan Ave.ChicagoUNDERTAKERSBARBOUR & GUSTINUNDERTAKERS4I4I Cottage Grove Ave.PHONE DREXEL 05I0THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE *99the staff of the Nebraska State ReliefCommission.Eleanor Goltz, '29, AM'30, hasjoined the staff of field work supervisors at the School.Borghild Boe, AM'32, has left theUnemployment Relief Service ofChicago to become Secretary of theAssociated Charities in Beloit, Wisconsin.Students who received the AM degree at the December, 1933, Convocation and their present positionsinclude the following: Robert W.Beasley has been appointed an Instructor in the School; Margaret Isabelle Cochran is continuing as aField Work Assistant in the School;Mary Ruth Colby is continuing herwork with the United States Children's Bureau; Jeannette MargaretElder is a case worker with the Unemployment Relief Service; RuthLovett Endicott has been appointedField Work Assistant in the School;Phyllis Joseph, '32, has taken a position as social worker with the CookCounty Bureau of Public Welfare;Mary Wysor Keefer is now a medicalsocial worker at the University ofChicago Clinics; Elizabeth Leonghas gone to Honolulu to accept aposition as medical social workerwith the Queen's Hospital; MargaretWarren has taken a position with theVeteran's Service in the Cook CountyBureau of Public Welfare.The students who received thePhB degree in the December, 1933,Convocation and their present positions include the following: GeorgeBollman, Superintendent of Schoolsin Harvey, Illinois; Susan Faherty,Visiting Teacher with the PhoenixPublic School System in Phoenix,Arizona; and Christine Kelly is onthe staff of the Provident Hospital inChicago as a medical social worker.ENGAGEDRobert E. Landon, '26, PhD'29, toDorothy M. Graves, of ColoradoSprings, Colo. Mr. Landon is chiefgeologist of the Mines Service Co., ofDenver.MARRIEDLemuel C. McGee,PhD'2j, MD'30,to Mary Virginia Provence of Dallas,Tex.Beatrice Bentley White, '28, toArlyn Custer Rosander, PhD'33, August 26, 1933, Thorndike HiltonChapel; at home, 6109 Ellis Ave.,Chicago.Emily De Sylvester, '31, SM'32, toF. Paul- Zscheile, National ResearchFellow in Chemistry at the University of Chicago, October 14, 1933; athome, 6213 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.Grace Lucille Engel, '31, to William Johnston, June 10, 1933; athome, 5516 So. Francisco Ave., Chicago.Robert J. Graf, Jr., '31, AM'33, to Kathryn Collins, '34, January26, 1934, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Grafare spending the rest of the winterin Arizona and California.BORNTo Robert M. Oslund, PhD'23,MD'32, and Mrs. Oslund, a daughter,Ruth Caroline, Los Angeles, Calif.,Jan. 23, 1934.To Jacob Geffs, JD'29, and Mrs.Geffs, a son, Tolman Farrah, 1933,University, Alabama.To Frank J. Nelson, MD'30, andMrs. Nelson, a son, Franklin Sterling,June 2, 1933, Tulsa, Okla.DIEDNewell Hiram Hamilton, MD'yj,November, 1933, Santa Monica, Cal.Jerome F. Pease, MD'93, November 27, 1928, Big Rapids, Mich.Lincoln Hulley, PhD'95, January20, 1934, Deland, Florida. Dr. Hulleywas president of Stetson University.Eugene Robert McMurray, MD'97,October 25, 1933, Bartow, Florida.Charles Klauber, '99, May 11,1933, Chicago.Hanson Randle, '03, May 4, 1933,Chicago.Harry Bugge Moe, MD'15, June16, 1933, Deerfield, Wis.William Walter Hartman, '20,MD'22, April 25, 1933, Los Angeles,Calif.Marie Gulbransen, '20, February9. 1934. Chicago.Marie A. Prucha, '23, February 3,1934, Chicago.Glenn Taylor Logsdon, '23, January 5- 1934. Calif-Martin H. Turner, '27, January25. J934> Chicago.Robert R. Cook, AM'22, February3, 1934, Des Moines, Iowa. UNDERTAKERS— continuedLUDLOW-SCHNEIDERFUNERAL DIRECTORSFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 28616110 Cottage Grove Ave.UPHOLSTERINGDERK SMIT & COInterior DecoratorsFurniture and DraperiesUPHOLSTERINGand Refinishing6830 Cottage Grove Ave.Phones Dorchester 3584-5-6VENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating Contractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767Read about this NEW kindof service to EuropeLOW COST TRIP TO EUROPE ! They said itcouldn't be done . . . with two-bed rooms; hot and coldrunning water in every cabin: abundant and deliciousfood; the unrestricted use oi the Bhip with its spacious decks, veranda cafe, and recreation rooms. Butit can be done. We proved it last year to Btudents,teachers, scientists, professional people and familyparties. They were so delighted (and surprised) atthe comforts and steadiness of our ships and thecongenial friends they met aboard that they wrotehundreds of unsolicited letters to us. Those lettersare a remarkable verdict on this new kind of serviceto Europe (New York— Havre — Antwerp). Wouldyou like to read some of these letters? May we tellyou about it?AND your car can go along in the ship'sgarage at the lowest rate on the AtlanticThat's the most economical way to explore Europe,especially for a party of four or five persons. Youwill see more and pay less if you take your own car.May we tell you about roads and motoring abroad ?Ask your agent, or write to usARNOLD BERNSTEIN LINE, Dept. 7317 Battery Place, New York, N. Y.YES ! Tell me about the new kind of serviceto Europe. I am especially interested in:? Passenger (the low cost way)? My car (the lowest rate on the Atlantic)Name- — •StreetCity- State- UNDERGRADUATE TRENDS• By CHARLES TYROLER, 2nd, *35, and LOIS CROMWELL, '34Over at LastON FEBRUARY 15th, one hundred and eighty-seven men were pledged to twenty-three fraternities. This was thirteen more than thenumber last year. The increase, though slight, came asa pleasant surprise to fraternity men who were anticipating a substantial decline due to serious financialstraits prevalent among the freshmen. Two fraternities, however, failed to pledge any men, one did notrush and five others received less than five pledges.These organizations seem to have little hope of surviving under the present system.The deferred rushing plan as outlined in a previousarticle has not met with favor among fraternity mengenerally. We look for additional changes in the planbefore next year.Neighborly InterestThe Daily Northwestern has evinced an interest inus. Recently they dispatched one of their star staff men,Phelps Johnston, to visit our campus for the best partof a week. The result of his stay was the appearanceof day-by-day articles in his paper covering the newplan, deferred rushing and the general set-up. His visitwas an indication of the neighborly good-will borne usby the Evanston college; as such it is highly commendable. Our own paper, the Daily Maroon, intends toreciprocate the latter part of this month when JohnBarden and Bayne O'Brien will journey to Evanstonfor a three day stay. They will cover the Northwesterncampus as a subject for articles in the Maroon. Weshould characterize this exchange of visits as a greatstep towards mutual understanding and perhaps eventually towards co-operation.BOOKSTERS AND PRODUCERThe Order of Blackfriars has selected their book forpresentation this spring. The script, entitled "Mergerfor Millions" and written by Huntington Harris, Henry-Reese and Dulaney Terrett ( is a satire on the proposedmerger. Harris and Reese are juniors under the newplan in the University and Terrett is a graduate. Theproducer for this year's show, according to an announcement by Abbott James Henning, is to be Joe Bren,who has been a successful musical comedy producer formany years.Come and GoneThis year's Washington Prom in all its glory andsplendor is a thing of the past. It was held successfullylast month under the direction of Donald Kerr, headof the Student Social Committee. Need we say that itwas the bright spot of the social season?Again and StillComment, the University's literary and critical publication, made its first appearance of the year recently.Comment was started last year in ani attempt to revivean organ of this nature on the campus. Student supportof this type of publication has been deplorable in the past although the material published has been on thewhole of a commendable quality.DebateProfessors Mortimer Adler and Anton Carlson held apublic debate in Mandel Hall last month on the subject "The Logic and Method of Science." The affair& was sponsored by the Daily Maroon, which is planningto stage others in the future.Forward MarchUnder a new order, women's activities survive theinevitable changes with vigor and vitality. Some adjustments are necessary, but the New Plan has addedto these activities ratner than subtracted from them.Deferred rushing decreases mass production and resultsin an increased emphasis on congeniality. Fewer girlsare joining clubs, but those that do, enjoy the benefitsderived from group participation.The Federation of University Women has adjustedto change by co-operating with the Dean's office in theappointment of the five junior members. The chairmanis chosen by the retiring Senior members as formerly,and she is selected from the Juniors of the Board.Social DirectorThe appointment of Mrs. Harvey A. Carr as SocialDirector of the University is a forward step highly commended by us all. Mrs. Carr is the wife of ProfessorCarr, Chairman of the Psychology department, and themother of Frances Carr, '29, and Lawrence Carr, '32.She has been chairman of the Advisory Board of theY. W. C. A. for several years, and has been intimatelyconnected with University life in its various phases.The Advisory Council of Ida Noyes Hall has manynew ideas, and Ida Noyes becomes more of a socialcenter than ever before. Open House for all Universitystudents is held once each quarter. Over seven hundred enjoyed bowling, ping pong, and dancing, and therefreshments served by the Advisory Board at the firstopen house in the fall quarter.On the BoardsWe are now chorusing: "It's Mirror time again,"as Frank O'Hara and Geraldine Smithwick, president ofMirror, "Step Ahead" to new success. Berta Ochsnerdirects the ballet, but she finds time to take week-endtrips with Marion Van Tuyl to Wisconsin and Michigan,giving joint dance recitals. This versatile and accomplished pair gave a program in Mandel Hall, February7th, for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A., and an enthusiastic crowd surged back stage afterwards to congratulatethem.ChangesElections inevitably follow Mirror, and the Seniorsin activities are beginning to hear the funeral knell.Lorraine Watson is handing over the Board of Women'sOrganizations to Helen de Werthern, and Betty Saylersucceeds Lois Cromwell as Chairman of Federation.200jback safe,on schedule. . . andTelephoneTrain Dispatchingdid its partDaddy's train pulls in "on time."And Western Electric dispatchingapparatus helped to bring himhome— quickly, safely, on schedule!Railroads throughout the country rely upon Western Electric train dispatchingtelephone systems. To guide any one of manytrains in his territory, the dispatcher — by simply turning a key — is in instant telephone touch withthe proper signal tower. Western Electric telephones are in stations and at sidings too, and withinreach of train crews and track inspectors.Like the many other Western Electric soundtransmission products, the railroad telephone isthoroughly dependable — made by the makers ofyour Bell Telephone.Western ElectricLEADERS IN SOUND TRANSMISSION APPARATUSCyKesterfithe cigarette that's MILDER • the cigarette that TASTES BETTER© 1934. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.