f'ERIODR.R, SEP 1 1933VOL. XXV J.tflDSUMMER,1933 NUMBER 9THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINETHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION:President) Paul S. Russell, '16, III WestMonroe Street, Chicago ; Secretary,Charlton T. Beck, '04, University ofChicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY:President) Louis L. Thurstone, Ph.D.'17, University of Chicago. Secretary,f<{ Edwin E. Aubrey, A.M. '21, D.B. '22,Ph.D. '26, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: President,o. H. McDonald, A.M. '26, ImmanuelBaptist Church, Rochester, N. Y.Secretary-Treasurer, C. T. Holman,D.B. '16, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION: President,Charles F. McElroy, J.D. '15, 29 SouthLaSalle Street, Chicago; Secretary,Herbert C. DeY'oung, '25, J.D. '28, I N.LaSalle Street, Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: President, Aaron John Brum- baugh, A.M. '18, Ph.D. '29, University'of Chicago; Secretary, S. Lenore John,A.M. '27, 6009 Kimbark Avenue,Chicago.SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: President, Neil F. Sammons, '29, Armour andCo., Union Stock Yards, Chicage.;Secretary, Alphild Nelson, '29, 8626/'8'.Ada St., Chicago.RUSH MEDlCAU COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: President, George F. Dick, M.D.'05, University of Chicago; Secretary,Carl O. Rinder, "r r, M.D. '13, 122 S.Michigan Ave., Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF THE SCHOOL OF SOCIALSERVICE ADMINISTRATION: President,Jane Mullenbach, '29, A.M. '31, 885Drexel Sq., Chicago; Secretary, FlorenceWarner, Ph.D. '33, Public WelfareCommission, State Capitol, Phoenix,Arizona.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO(lhairman, PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16Secretary & Editor, CHARLTON T. BECK, '04The Council for 1933-34 is composed of the following delegates: Term expiresI934: Harold H. Swift '07, Helen Norris '07, Chester S. Bell '13, J.D. '15, Donald P.Bean '17, Lyndon H. Lesch '17. Term expires I93S: Paul S. Russell, '16, ElizabethFaulkner, '85, Willoughby G. Walling, '00, Henry D. Sulcer, '06, Milton E. Robinson, 'II,Harry R. Swanson, '17. Term expires I936: Harry D. Abells '97, Frank McNair '03,Herbert 1. Markham '06, Barbara Miller Simpson '18, Frances Henderson Higgins '20,Lucy Lamon Merriam '26.FROM THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY, Louis L. Thurstone, Ph.D. '17,Charles H. Behre, '18, Ph.D. '25, Edwin E. Aubrey, A.M. '21, D.B. '22, Ph.D. '26,Herbert Blumer, Ph.D. '28, Charles A. Shull, '05, Ph.D. '15.FROM THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Franklin D. Elmer, Jr., D.B. '30, J. H.Gagnier '08, D.B. '15, A. R. E. Wyant, D.B. '97.FROM THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Charles F. McElroy, J.D. '15; CharlesP. Schwartz, '08, J.D. '09; Herbert C. DeYoung, '25, J.D. '28.FROM THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Harold A. Anderson, '24, A.M.'26; Paul M. Cook, A.M. '27; Robert C. Woellner, A.M. '24.FROM THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Earle W. English, '26, Elizabeth Foreen, '26,Neil Sammons, '29.FROM THE RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, William A. Thomas, M.D.'16; Clark W. Finnerud, M.D. '18; Edward Stieglitz, '18, S.M. '19, M.D. '21.FROM THE ASSOCIATION ')F THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION, Eleanor Goltz,'29, A.M. '30; Wiirna Walker, ex, Anna May Sexton, A.M. '30•FROM THE CHICAGO ALUMNI. CLUB, William C. Gorgas, '19; Frank J. Madden, '20,J.D., '22, Harvey Harris, '14.FROM THE CHICAGO ALUMNl£ CLUB, Mrs. Portia Carnes Lane, '08; Gladys Finn, '24';Ethel Preston, '08, A.M. '10, Ph.D. '20.FROM THE UNIVERSITY, John F. Moulds, '07.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilAll communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the AlumniCouncil, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues for membership in anyone of theAssociations named above, including subscription to THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are$2.00 per year. A holder of two or more degrees from the University of Chicago may be a memberof more than one Association; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.The Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Lnd., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave.,Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year; the price of single copies is 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana,under the Act of March 3, 1879.mbe mtnibersitp of (tbicago "'aga?ineCHARLTON T. BECK, '04Editor and Business Manager RUTH C. E. EARNSHAW, '31Associate EditorMILTON E. ROBINSON, 'I I, J.D. '13Chairman, Editorial BoardFRED B. MILLETT, PH.D. 'JI, WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. '22, JOHN P. HOWE, '27Contributing Editor JIN TH I.._../"I .r.> U CI t is to be hoped that the readers of theMAGAZINE will be as thankful as the editorto the Institute for Administrative Officersof Higher Institutions of Learning. Fromthe proceedings of that body he has extracted two contributions that appear Inthis issue. The welcomingaddress by President Hutchins was of such generalinterest that we publish itwithout elisions.The paper presented byProfessor Metcalf, while ofabsorbing interest, was ofsuch length that it was necessary to eliminate large andimportant sections to keepwithin our space limits.From that which is printed,it is our belief that the alumniwill get a comprehensive impression of the theories andpolicies of the new Directorof Athletics.* * * ** former student and departmental colleague,Avery O. Craven. Mr. Craven's sketchis most fittingly followed by the addressdelivered by Mr. Dodd at a dinner givenin his honor shortly before his departurefrom the University to take up hisduties as ambassador toGermany.* • * * •For the first time in thehistory of the MAGAZINEwe bring to our readers advance information relative tofootball prices as well as prospects. Mr. Morgensternwrites with traces of optimism, not to say enthusiasm,of the football squad of 1933,and the athletic directorprovides us with information regarding admissionprices.The MAGAZINE providesa season ticket applicationblank on page 427 of thecurrent issue to make it easy for alumni tomake early reservations and obtain preferredseat locations.CAPTAIN ZIMMERIn the opinion of the editor there is noone better qualified to write of William E.Dodd, scholar and gentleman, than his393FREDERICK STARR394Vo L. X X V NO·9�beWntber5itp of C!Cbicago�aga?ineMIDSUMMER, 1933We Must Have A ProgramBy ROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINS, President, The University of ChicagoON BEHALF of the University ofChicago I have the greatest pleasurein welcoming you here today. Ascolleagues you are always welcome. Asfellow sufferers in a cruel world we areespecially glad to see you now. We hope weshall discover that the situation in your institutions is worse than in our own, so thatWe may recapture some of that fine sense ofsUperiority that helped us over so many hardSpots before 1929. If on the other hand itappears that you are better off than we are,We shall find out how you do it, imitate youas rapidly as possible, and take great creditto ourselves for the splendid improvementsthat we have introduced.I trust I have made the purpose of thesetneetings clear. It is to educate the officersof the University of Chicago. We have feltthe 'need for this education as never beforein the last four years. All of us have facedthe same problems in this period. They arethe problems that will be discussed here thisweek. Yet we have been strangely isolatedfrom one another. Engaged in a commonenterprise, confronting the same difficulties,We have not been able to take advantage ofinspiration or even information that develOPed at other institutions. Bright ideas that have originated with one president (and Iani told there have been such) have beenhelpful in his university, and his universityalone. Our ability to deal with trustees,regents, legislatures, donors, and faculties inthis emergency has been seriously limited by'the absence of any effective system of ex-change. No existing organization can meetthis need. Perhaps these meetings, though, somewhat late in the day, may assist us, ifonly after the manner of a post-mortem.Sooner or later we must invent some meansof utilizing the experience and imaginationof one another.Today as befits the president of a Baptistuniversity, I shall confine myself to thespiritual and moral aspects of the emergency,in the belief that officers of more secularinstitutions cannot hope to deal adequatelywith these matters, and will because of theirpersonal and professional character necessarily be limited to the discussion of morepractical questions. And the first of myspiritual and moral problems is this: Howcan we escape taking a commercial attitudetoward higher education?In the years from 1923 to 1929 I seldomheard anybody ask in discussing any educational plan whether it would be attractive,395THE UNIVERSITY ·OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto students or whether it would raise orlower tuition income. In those remote dayswe used to consider new programs fromthe standpoint of their educational merit.If anybody did chance to refer to the possibleeffect on student fees he was regarded as alow-brow and promptly sat upon. This wasa university; we were to do what we thoughtbest for it irrespective of the howls of students, their parents, and the general public.If these people didn't like it they knew whatthey could do. The opposition of the public,indeed, and of influential sections thereof,merely served as an incentive to further disagreeable activity on our part. If somebodywas going to take us out of his will becausewe did something or allowed our professorsto say something we took additional pleasurein having these things done or said in orderto show that nobody could buy a university.Although this rosy picture may be somewhat overdrawn, I think it does representthe spirit of the pre-depression era. W �had faith that devotion to the best interestsof education and research would receive itsreward. In this faith we declined to worryvery much about individual or temporarycriticism, even though it might be reflectedin financial losses. We indulged in educational experiment though we were told itwould frighten students away. We raisedstandards though we knew it would frightenstudents away. We spent money on investigation that had no "practical" value. Weinsisted on the right, if not the duty, of theacademic man to irritate everybody else byexpressing his views on any subject, howeverremote from his own field. In this spiritthe great universities of America have beenbuilt. I am inclined to think that they havebeen great because of this spirit. Where isthis spirit now?I have not heard an educational plan discussed in the last three years without havingthe question of its effect on students andstudent income raised. And this questionhas been raised not only by those whose business it is to protect the financial interestsof the university, but also by faculty members, whose business it is to advance itseducational interests. And in more than onecase the presumed effect on student fees of an educational adventure has controlled thedecision as to whether the university shouldenter upon it.I believe that the presumed effect wouldhave been quite otherwise. I have greaterconfidence in students than in most otherelements of the educational system. I thinkthey are attracted rather than frightened bywhat seems to them a bold and experimentalpolicy. But that is neither here nor there.That we feel compelled to discuss our program in these terms is something new andsomething most unfortunate.And the reverse of the process is equallynew and equally unfortunate. We are likelyto think that we must now do things weshould have thought improper before becausethey may increase our tuition income. Wemay favor seductive courses at the expenseof good courses, teaching at the expense ofresearch, and college life at the expense ofeducation. And at a time when professors,particularly in the social sciences, are moreirritating than ever to the business man, andacademic freedom is more necessary thanever, we may be tempted to hedge on it.The threat of being taken out of a will ismuch more dreadful now than it used tobe, even though we may be permitted todoubt whether those who threaten will leaveenough to satisfy their creditors.If you ask me how to meet these dangersI can only reply that we must not yield.It would be better for us to commit masssuicide than to yield; for if we yield wecease to be institutions of higher learningand become business corporations. Withinthe limits of our resources we must experiment in education and we must foster research. Rather than lower standards wemust contract our operations. We mustpreserve academic freedom no matter whatit may; cost us now. We must remain universities.Closely related to the matter of a commercial attitude toward education is thesecond of my spiritual inquiries, which iswhat is the proper fiscal policy of an institution of higher learning? A university is nota business. It is not an investment trust, ora bank, or a hotel company. Its investments,its property, its dormitories and commonsWE MUST HAVE A PROGRAMcan be justified only as assisting it to carryout its main function. Consequently emphasis on the business aspects of the institution is a false emphasis. An organizationunder which the business officers are independent of the educational executive isindefensible. Whatever values a universitywas founded to propagate, they were certainly not property values. Laymen, andeven those who become members of boardsof trustees, quite naturally think in terms ofthe tangible assets of the institution. Theyunderstand these things. I t is not surprisingthat they sometimes regard these things andtheir preservation as the chief object of theuniversi ty. It is the perpetual task of administrative officers to direct the minds ofthe public and of boards of trustees to thereal purposes for which institutions of higherlearning were established. They mustdemonstrate to lay boards that what may be"sound" finance in business may be ruinousto a university. They must present theexcellence of the institution as the primaryconcern of the board; they must insist uponit as a foil to the insistence of the businessman on the conservation of assets.We are now affiicted with large properties. Their operation requires muchthought, time, and effort. The temptationis strong to think only of the property, notof the purposes it was accumulated to serve.I t is entirely possible that we should stopworrying about our budgets and think aboutour program. If the program is a good onesupport for it will be forthcoming. If it ishad or non-existent the properties are uselessanyway.Assuming that we understand that we areinstitutions of higher learning and not commercial corporations, and assuming that wehave developed a fiscal policy appropriate tothe nature of our work, we still face thetask of saving money . We know that if weare going to save much we must reduce thestaff, reduce salaries, or both. This is mythird spiritual and moral problem: whichshall we do, or if we must do both, whichshall we do more? If you think this is apractical and not a moral problem youmerely show your obtuseness to spiritualvalues. For on the one side we do not wish 397to throw people out of work when they cannot get jobs. On the other we must considerthe long future of higher education in thiscountry and the importance to it of the compensation of the scholar. The administrative officer who is seriously concerned aboutthat future can make but one answer to thisquestion. He must, if he can, maintain thecompensation of the scholar. I admit that Ifind myself here in opposition to the Councilof the American Association of UniversityProfessors and the President of the CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement of Teaching. I admit that the policy I advocatewill bear hard on individuals. But I reiterate that within the bounds of possibility andcommon humanity the administrative officermust elect to maintain the compensation ofthe staff.He must do so for the' same reason thathe must maintain academic freedom. In thatname every president has been called uponto defend professorial activities to which hehas been quite unsympathetic. He has responded because failure to do so would meana violation of principle which would ultimately destroy the pretensions of his institution to be a university. The most sadisticpresident can hardly enjoy letting men goin these days. But the effect on highereducation of doing that is far less seriousthan decreasing the amount or decreasingthe certainty of faculty salaries. Facultysalaries have had little but their certainty torecommend them. The recently disclosedinsecurity of non-academic compensation hasmade academic compensation relatively attractive for the first time since I canremember. This position we should determine to hold as long as possible in order tosecure better and better men in educationand in order to raise still further the stand.ard of scholarship in the United States.The Share-the-Wages movement has noplace in the higher learning.Nobody has ever suggested that facultysalaries are too high. But it may be suggested, and I think rightly, that faculties aretoo large. In view of the organization andmethods of instruction in American universities it is inevitable that this should be so.Because of the departmental system and be-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcause of our habit of teaching everybodyeverything and in classes as small as possiblewe have had in a period of rising enrolmentsto go in for quantity rather than quality inthe staff. The self-examination which thedepression induces and which Mr. Coffmanwill describe can result in economies onlythrough reductions in the size of faculties.The easier course is not to examine ourselvesat all, but to solve our problem by reducingsalaries. That requires no effort, nothought, no plan. It can be done by anybodywho understands the rudiments of arithmetic. But it deprives us of the only benefitof the depression, which is the opportunity toadvance American education through fundamental reorganization.The limit to the reduction of the staff atpresent is common humanity. Much progress can be made painlessly through failureto replace men who retire or resign, throughproviding fellowships for those who havenot completed thei� graduate study, andthrough seeking to find in the junior collegesand secondary schools places for others.But the fundamental reorganization must bebrought about; it must be brought aboutnow, even though faculty members therebymade unnecessary cannot be released un tilthe educational world can absorb them.And so I come to the end of my moralreflections and the last of my spiritual questions, which is, can we become constructiveagain, and do we know what we want toconstruct? (You will be astute enough tosee that this is really two questions. I haveput them in one so that you will understandthat I am not going on forever.) One ofthe most discouraging aspects of the depression has been that the educational brains ofthe coun try have been devoted to tearingdown the educational system in order tosave money. We have tried to tear it downin places where the least damage will bedone. But we have been in a destructivemood; we have had to be. We have been contracting educational opportunities whenany numbskull could see that this was thevery time when they ought to be expanded.In a period that has called for no smallplans we have been able to make no plansat all. We have been busy cutting our costs.The depression struck the universitieslater than the rest of the country. The recovery will benefit us later than anybodyelse. New appropriations, dividends,interest, and gifts will not come untilgeneral business has been operating at aprofit long enough to feel at ease and toind uce the same feeling in those dependenton it. We shall therefore be called upon tocut our costs for at least another two years.In the meantime problems affecting the educational system from top to bottom are crying for solution. Many of them were prod uced by the depression; others are oldfavorites that we should have been at workon for the last four years.An administrative officer who merely administers is not worthy of the name. It ishis task to provide the imagination and theleadership that will make his institutionpress forward in the ranks of higher education. And not his institution alone. Hemust with other administrative officers provide the leadership for all higher education. And not higher education alone. Iam in favor of abolishing the distinction between higher education and whatever isbelow it, We must have one educationalsystem. I ts leadership must come fromthose now·concerned with what we euphemistically call institutions of higher learning. We must think, even in the midst ofdepression, we must think nationally, and wemust think in behalf of education as a whole.The present conflicting, competitive, confusing system cannot last. We must havea program. We must expound it to thepublic. We can do it. I do not know anybody else who can. The responsibility andthe opportunity are ours.Ambassador DoddBy AVERY O. CRAVEN, PH.D. '24Professor of American HistoryIN THE appointment of ProfessorWilliam E. Dodd as Ambassador toGermany the University has been bothhonored and impoverished. Recognitionhas come to one of the University's mostdeserving crtizens and scholars. TheQuadrangles have lost, at least temporarily,one of their outstanding personalities.Professor Dodd came enthusiasm for knowing "just what happened." They gather stimulating approaches to historical events and feel theurge to move ahead "under their ownpower" to the investigation of new and oldfields. Few teachers have excelled in theirability to stimulate and suggest.As a scholar Professor Dodd has wonwide recognition. Hisbiographies of Southernleaders and his studies ofSouthern life have beenaccepted as authoritative. They are wellwritten. They emphasize the human side ofmen and events and appeal to the generalreader as well as to thespecialist. He has beenmade chairman of hisDepartment, and givena distinguished professorship by the U niversity. He is now servingas first vice-president ofthe American HistoricalAssociation.Professor Dodd's in-to Chicago in I908 fromRandolph-Macon College in Virginia. BornIn the South in themidst of Reconstructiondays, and trained in thebest traditions of German scholarship at Leipzig, he was unusuallywell prepared to developthe field of Southern history. Students of ability were attracted by hiskeen understanding ofproblems and by hisquaint methods of presentation. Within a fewyears Chicago was recognized as the foremost institution for advancedstudy in the history ofthe American South. In time his "fol-WILLIAM E. DODDlowers," scattered about in other universities as teachers, formed something of apeculiar school of historical approach. Hewas accepted, with Turner and Dunningand Robinson, as "a Master."It is a bit difficult for one who has beena student of Professor Dodd's to explainhis unusual hold on classes. He has theability to make dead men live again andto give to past events the air of reality. Butthat does not explain all. It is more amatter of personality. Students feel hisinterest in them as fellow workers at a task"well worth the while." They catch his fluence on the life ofthe University as a whole has been large.Colleagues in all departments have recognized the breadth of his interests and thecharm of his personality. An outspokenliberal, he has constantly pleaded the causeof scholarship, declaring that this was theonly excuse for the existence of the endowed university. He has openly deprecated the growth of outside interests incollege life, which have taken the time andenergy of the teacher from his researches.He has insisted that the productive scholarbe set free to follow his own course unhampered by excessive burdens. With anunusual capacity for friendships, Professor399400 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDodd has mingled with widely differinggroups. The older men of the faculty havefound him apt in cooperation and sound inadvice. Younger men on the staff haveappreciated his ability to make them feelthat they were a part of the company ofscholars; to include them in his conversations; and to give due weight to theiropmions. Modest to a high degree, he hasencouraged self assertion in others andgranted liberal recognition to the deserving.In a peculiar way Professor Dodd has'Stood for academic freedom. To him it isthe very basis of sound scholarship andsocial betterment. He has contended thatthe scholar must be free from all pressureto seek the truth in his own way and to:speak his honest opinions if the U niversi tyis to serve its real purposes. Fearless andhonest in his own thinking and speaking,:he has demonstrated both the wisdom andieasibility of such principles. In the earlier period Professor Dodd'swritings dealt primarily with the AnteBellum period. Beginning in 1920 with abiography of Woodrow Wilson, however,he turned more to recent times, interpretingevents against their historical backgrounds.This led him to a larger participation inpublic affairs and to a wider contact withthe leaders in public life. A democrat bytemper and training, he allied himself withthe liberal trends of the day, supportingthe efforts to check privilege and monopolyand to bring about a wider cooperation ofthe United States in international affairs.He has been particularly active in forwarding the present efforts toward "a new deal"for greater social justice. It Was his deepsense of duty in carrying out a new programfor human betterment that led himto sacrifice the primary interests of a lifetime and to accept a post of publicduty.As we go to press word reaches us of the death on Sunday, August 13, inTokyo, Japan, of Frederick Starr, Associate Professor Emeritus of Anthropology.Professor Starr was a member of the first faculty of the University, and gavethe first of his inimitable lectures to Chicago students on October 1, 1892.For more than thirty years he was a notable figure on the quadrangles. Hiskeen mind, his incisive wit, his pervading optimism, and his wide knowledgemade his classes outstandingly popular with the students. To a remarkableextent he became the personal friend of those who took work under him. Tothousands he was known as "Freddy" Starr. Immortalized in the first Blackfriar production, he was, throughout his years at Chicago, the inspiration and thesource of many a campus myth and saga.Retiring from the University in 1923, at the age of 65, he made his homein Seattle in a bungalow presented to him by many of his former students, andfrom which he went out each year to Japan and to the Orient to continue hisstudy of ancient civilization.The Education of an AmbassadorBy WILLIAM E. DODDI, HARDLY know how to express mythanks for the kindly remarks of myind ulgent friends or the sacrifices oftime and personal comfort of all those whoare gathered here this evening. I t is to mea surprising, if precious, demonstration ofinterest and anxiety as to the mission Ihave been asked to undertake. The strangeturns that come in one's life.As a young man, I journeyed from theold, hard and subdued South to Leipzig.The Maasdam took me over in June, 1897-a date that suggests an ancient world.From Rotterdam I bicycled to Vesel andthence over the mountains of Westphalia toWeimar where I paused to look at theLuther and Goethe memorials. I was inthe midst of that ancient Germany whosehistory runs all the way to imperial Rome.At Leipzig a day later I came near to beingrun over by a street car, not knowing thetraffic rules. I have a distinct recollectionof the angry, frantic motorman berating mein a language which I did not understand.But I was safe, and promptly commenceda ttending the lectures of two famous historians, Karl Lamprecht, the kultur specialist,and Erich Marks, who had to do with therevolutions and wars of modern Europe.Lamprecht has since passed away and hisremains lie in the famous Pforta schoolcemetery where Martin Luther used to linger 'and preach to the boys of his time.Marks is now professor emeritus at theUniversity of Berlin. My sojourn in theancient Saxon university continued till theend of 1899 and the .inf uences which surrounded me left an indelible impression.The famous Gewandhaus was then countedthe first musical centre of Germany andArthur Nickish was its honored master.Every Wednesday American studentshurried there to learn. something of thestrange, realm of music. Tickets were soldto us at twenty-five cents each!When my student days drew to a close Imanaged to pass the ordeal of the doctor'sexamination and published in German, ac- cording to University law, an eighty-fivepage study of Thomas Jefferson's rise tonational leadership in '1796. The onlycriticism my professors gave the little bookturned upon my treatment of Washington'srelations to his famous Secretary of StateJefferson. Germans then considered thefirst President of the United States as beyond all criticism. As I left the examinationhall, which the students called "DieHolle," Hell itself, my friend, Elliot Goodwyn, anephew of PresidentEliot, met me ina droeschke and drove me through the parkwhich marks the spot where Napoleon lostthe battle of Leipzig and the mastery ofGermany at the same time-Elliot Goodwyn, one of the rare companions of a lifetime, now deceased. We had a delightfulevening as he was about to depart for Harvard where he was to teach political science.I lingered a while in Germany and returnedto Raleigh, North Carolina, late in theautumn to look for a position as a teacher ofhistory. For a year I worked in the StateLibrary and enlarged my study of Jeffersoninto a study of early American democracyand gave the work the title : NathanielMacon, the North Carolina friend of Jefferson for whom a score of counties and townsin this country have been named.After much anxiety and a year of thehardest toil, the trustees of RandolphMacon College made me their first professorof history at a salary of one thousand dollarsa year. I was happy but not popularthe next year or so; but in December, 1901,Mattie Johns of North Carolina venturedto become my wife and from that time for ..ward success seemed easier of attainment.To my amazement the New York Sun devoted the front page of its Literary Sectionto a review of the Macon when it appearedin 1903. and from that time onward it wasnot difficult to procure the publication ofmy work.The next undertaking was a Life of J ef[erson Davis_, tragic figure of a needless war.In one of the chapters I was compelled to401402 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtake somewhat unfavorable notice of animpolite letter of Theodore Roosevelt tothe Confederate chieftain about 1890. Tomy amazement again, I received an invitation to lunch with President Roosevelt oneday in May, 1907. I bought a top hat, according to the custom of the time, and approached the White House at the appointedhour. I sat on the right of James Bryce andopposite Lyman Abbott. I would give a lottoday if I could remember all that was said-the discussion of men and events wasfrank and surprising. President Rooseveltacknowledged the rawness of his letter toDavis and plunged into a discussion of Sherman and other Civil War leaders whichdelighted everybody. The occasion provedthe beginning of an acquaintance that wasmost revealing to me as a young historian.The Davis book caused my appointmentto the University of Chicago and the offerof an appointment to the University ofCalifornia-as it also led to a visit to theUniversity of Wisconsin where I wasthe guest of Frederick J. Turner, one of thegreat historical lights of his time. But thetoilsome job at Chicago held me fast from1909 to 1933 where earnest, ambitious students worked and struggled as I had done atLeipzig, hundreds, even thousands, whonow teach in schools or follow other professions in the West and South. I t has been agreat and an enlightening experience-it hastaught me much of the joys and sorrows ofambitious young people trying to make aliving and serve their fellows.But busy as any conscientious teacher is,we were all interested in the struggles of1912 for leadership and for an improvednational life. Although Roosevelt was apersonal acquaintance who took the troubleto read my books, I made the first appeal, Ibelieve, to Illinois voters to nominate Woodrow Wilson in the primaries of that year.The printed address was sent to the NewJersey governor by a young Kentuckyleader and I received my first letter fromthe man whose name was soon to be heraldedto all parts of the world. Wilson's residencein the White House proved to be one of theterrible periods of all history. More thanonce I was a guest there and finally ventured a biography, 1920, of a living leader-a riskything to do. There were no seriously unfortunate consequences. The book washowever, more of a history of the time tha�a biography, since the private correspondenceand confidential papers could not be openedto me. Some ten thousand copies were soldand, as I had occasion last year to runthrough its pages, I believe it substantiallyaccurate.As the work in Chicago became more exacting in 1912-13, I wandered one summerinto the Blue Ridge country of northernVirginia and there purchased a small farmwith an ancient stone house on it. Therewas also a forest of huge oaks that hadescaped the fire and axes of the pioneers ofthe eighteenth century. It was an idyllicplace to one who lived under the strain andpressure of Chicago. It was a part of theregion where Thomas Lord Fairfax huntedand quarrelled with hundreds of tenantsand squatters before the Revolution of 1776and George Washington, the Lees and theMasons owned thousands of acres of wildlands. The weather is eight degrees, coolerin hot weather than Washington City andeverywhere there are springs and streams ofwater that lend charm to the landscape.Here I have spent my vacations since 1913either working on the land or writing chapters of the story of the Old South, a workwhich has not yet reached the revolutionaryera.One of the appeals to me as we came toChicago twenty-five years ago was to studythe people of the great Middle West andunderstand better the great figures of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, menwhose decisions turned the fate of this nationand greatly influenced the course of westerncivilization. Here in 1860 was a group ofactive states with a population of seven anda half millions out of the total population ofthirty-one millions. These people weremuch like the elements of the old Southwhen Patrick Henry and Thomas Jeffersonraised the flag of democracy and after adecade of terrible experiences had their sharein the formation of the Union of 1787.After checkered experiences the newTHE EDUCATION OF AN AMBASSADORUnion was confronted with the questionwhether a Union of peoples without coercivepower could long endure. Great masses ofsoutherners had poured into the river valleysof the Middle West. They loved their oldSouth; but they feared the effects of the constitutional institution of slavery. Theirkinsmen back home had grown rich andpowerful through the export of enormouscotton crops. The older southern constitutions had been less democratic as wealth andpower had increased. But all over the newregion both the southerners and their NewEngland and German neighbors, constitutions had been made more democratic as thedecades passed. From Ohio to Iowa andMinnesota, in the northern and southernzones there were eager, active men andwomen, just emerging from the primitivefrontier life. They had still a profoundfaith in the ideas of 1776 and when the issueof a disruption of the Union came to livelydiscussion about 1850, they put the rightsand interests of common men above those ofgreat planters; and the constitution becameto them less important than democraticnationality.Strange as it may seem to some people,Douglas' and Lincoln believed in the samepolitical philosophy. They both wrote toJesse Lemen in 1858 that they were disciplesof Thomas Jefferson, and Lincoln wrotesubstantially a little later to a group ofyoung Bostonians, I am a follower ofThomas Jefferson; it may be a little embarrassing to some of you who entertain thefaith of' Alexander Hamilton, if I speakamong you. N either Lincoln nor Douglascould endure the thought of a disruptedUnion, with a closed Mississippi barringtheir access to world markets. On theslavery issue, the difference between themwas that Douglas hoped to stop the spreadof the institution by popular elections innew western states and territories and byhastening the growth of western power incongress, while Lincoln proposed that congress, acting on assumed powers, simply stopthe slave migration to new areas. Bothof these greatest of western statesmen werecommitted to the! idea of a growing nationality; and Chicago was the one centre from which agitation and anxiety emanated.There was no doubt on the part of either ofthem that democracy was to be the norm ofAmerican life for an indefinite future.I t was one of the great struggles of humanhistory, for while Lincoln and Douglaslabored day and night for democraticnationality in the United States, Cavour andBismarck labored for national unity in theirdistraught countries. Cavour had a problem as "impossible" as the urge of todayfor better international co-operation; andBismarck had to deal with the disunitedstates of Germany, accustomed for centuriesto make foreign alliances and combinationsagainst other German states. Aristocraticand even reactionary as the great Prussianstatesman was, he scented the real issue ofthe mid-nineteenth century. In the case ofGermany as of the United States, there wasalways the question of ,historical sectionalism, accentuated by religious inheritances.In the South, Rome was held to be the religious capital of the world; in middle andnorthern Germany, Martin Luther was stillone of the 'great living influences.Despite all the rivalries and sectionalanimosities, there prevailed for a quarter of acentury in Europe as in the United States asort of universal free-trade or near-free-tradephilosophy. It was the day of Adam Smith;and the ready exchanges of internationalgoods literally saved Lincoln's cause in 1863and 1864. At the same time the Britishliberal policy influenced Fr.ance, Germany,and Italy, and there was everywhere aneconomic prosperity hitherto unparalleled.Unhappily, the United States broke firstaway from this co-operative policy, but notwithout the protest of Lincoln in 1864.I t was indeed one of the difficult eras ofhistory; but Italy, the United States, andGermany emerged as independent and freenationalities, all with liberal possibilities.There was fear of democracy in the UnitedStates; and Germany worked out a constitution that gave the minority in Prussia toomuch power. But Cavour, Lincoln andBismarck were the makers of the age. Inthis country we think Lincoln the greatest,although the social ideals he fought for werelost in the turmoil of war and reconstruc-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion; in Germany, Bismarck is the greatestman since Luther, although some of hispurposes were thwarted by rivalries and thedecree of fate. When one thinks of thatstormy era and contemplates the tangles ofthe present, there is hope that men will notprove utterly unequal to the occasion. It isa man-made world; and men must make ita fit realm for men.From this quiet life of a teacher and vacation farmer I have now and then ventured alittle into public life. Colonel Edward M.House asked me to assist in the preparatorywork of his Peace Commission in 1918 andduring the campaign of 1932 I wasgreatly interested in the plan of FranklinRoosevelt. The depression which began before 1929 and upset the plans and relationships of us all, led to studies of agriculture,finance and international relations, some ofwhich were published in the CenturyMagazine, the Chicago Tribune, and theDaily News.Into this quiet life came the call of President Roosevelt of June 8th to go as envoyto Germany in the hope of improving therelations of the two countries. I hesitatedand took counsel with the Universityauthorities only to accept. I leave Chicago,where I have .lived and worked so long,with deepening regret. As life has alreadyadvanced so far with me I naturally havedoubts as to the renewal of the former relations with her people who have been sokind and among whom I have so manyfriends.The economic and social life of what wecall the western world is complex and distressing. There are perhaps twenty millionunemployed men and women; there arelegitimate debts that run into the hundredsof billions; and there are vast industrialoverheads that can never be reduced, without sorrowful losses. There have beentremendous follies in the making of this condition; and our old ideal of individualinitiative and freedom has been scandalouslyabused. Franklin and Jefferson would turnin their graves if they could know how successful men have exploited their less successful fellows and procured the assistance ofthe Government in the process. It is not democracy that has failed as so many areready to say, but the abuses of the democraticmethod which have overwhelmed us all, andsubjected us to financiers not responsible topublic control, industrialists selling securitiesthat could never be redeemed and armies ofpublic officials whose one objective is to drawsalaries from the public chest. I t is indeeda serious plight.But one needs not despair. There havebeen similar plights in the past. At the closeof the American revolutionary war, whenmen looked for the millenium, there werevalid debts, foreign and domestic, that couldnot possibly be paid; there was unemployment so pressing that thousands of men wereabandoning their little homes in the Eastand going to the wildernesses on both banksof the Ohio; and the international treaty of1783 was so "horrible" that American legislators pitched it into their wastebaskets withcontempt. Nor was the European worldmore happy. Every nation that had lentaid to the Americans in the war closed theirmarkets to American products; and of courseEngland put sterner conditions upon the freeUnited States than she had put upon herunruly colonies. Washington at the pointof bankruptcy declared that he would payhis foreign debts when he could, but hewould not pay the interest of the precedingdecade. Virginia, Pennsylvania and NewYork were in economic turmoil; their circulating medium was mere paper; and theablest statesmen of that age, European and'American, were unable to find means of payment. I can hardly think of a darker day inAmerican history.Yet men worked their way out. Virginiapaid her debt to her soldiers by sending themto little tracts of land beyond the mountains.She paid her obligations to her citizens whostayed at home in new paper worth onlyone-fourth the value of the old. 'Debts toFrance were paid in tobacco at low prices.In the midst of these despairing efforts, aconfederation of states, without coercivepowers, was formed; and the greater leadersof the time practically forced its adoptionupon a despairing, wrangling, warring congeries of budding nationalities. It was aninstance of the more thoughtful public menTHE EDUCATION OF AN AMBASSADORrunning counter to misguided public opinion,and in the end accomplishing what must everbe accomplished in critical eras. Rarely hasthere been such a remarkable recovery asthat which followed.But one needs not forget that Europeanpeoples were never out of the picture. TheFrench revolution which was largely a fruitof American influence and the activity ofthe master propagandist, Benjamin Franklin, led all European nations to open theirdoors to American exports; and five yearsafter the critical moment of 1788, returnsfrom exports were so great that both national and state obligations became choiceinvestments. It was a, great moment; outof chaos, there had come state co-operation,prosperity and reciprocal international business. It was the day of free-trade or nearfree-trade. Adam Smith had even capturedthe statesmen of England. Is there not alesson in history?N or are the facts of other epochs of ourhistory different. After the fall of N apoleon, when Europe was in terrible plightand the great depression touched Americanaffairs and wrecked even the Second N ational Bank, every statesman in the countrywas terribly exercised. Devices of everykind were tried: distribution of bankingamong states, contrary to the assumptions ofthe constitution; gifts of lands to every sortof company that would undertake employment measures; distribution of national income among the states; and tariffs designedto help industry, as well as to hurtforeigners. N one of these devices provedvery successful. There was no authoritative Federal control, and waste, repudiation ofstate debts, defaults on foreign obligationswere the rule of the American economic behavior. It was surely a troubled epoch;and Europe was plagued with revolutionafter revolution.Then strangely, the British, under thelead of Sir Robert Peel, reversed her twohundred year policy of rigid trade domination and opened her markets to the world.At the same moment a clever, wizen-f.acedlittle secretary of the Federal Treasury,Robert J. Walker, insisted upon writing analmost free trade tariff for the United States.I t Was driven through congress upon a narrow margin of votes. It was 1846. Withintwo years there was an amazing commercialactivity which gave birth to a new Americanmarine and led to a prosperity all over thewestern world. What England and theUnited States did in 1846 was imitated laterin France and Germany. A little laterGod Almighty seems to have intervenedand showed men where to find hundreds ofmillions in gold underneath the hills of California. This made the prosperity so greatthat it actually did harm and there came atemporary setback in 1857. But in this caseas in that of 1789, open markets and cooperation among states and nations playeddecisive roles. If one ventured then to sayfriendly, co-operative activity among sectionsof a country and among jealous nations almost invariably preludes prosperous eras, hewould find the mass of historical evidencebehind him. It has never been excitement,anger, trade barriers and war that has setmen upon the upward trends.Readjustments in Athletic Programs *By T. NELSON METCALFChairman� Department of AthleticsONE of the great needs in collegeathletics today is a better integration with educational policies, Ourathletics have grown up quite too independently of the rest of the program. Thereis need to analyze every activity, everyproced ure, and every expense in our physicaleducation work to see if it can be justifiededucationally .... One of the great tasks ofeducation is to teach how to spend mostwisely an increasingly large amount ofleisure time. With the shorter hours oflabor and the longer hours of leisure, thematter of how best to play is assumingincreasing importance. We have for yearsdone a fairly good job of training forvocations; but we have not given sufficientserious attention to training for leisure.Physical education and the fine arts mayhave but little direct bearing on how to makea living, but they certainly have much to dowith how best to live. Is it not reasonable toretain in the curriculum those activitieswhich contribute in an important way eitherto earning a living or to enjoying leisure?If an activity is used, it is a fundamental.If it contributes but little while being taughtand little later, it is a frill.We can safely assume that most individuals enjoy competition and enjoy playingathletic games, especially those games inwhich. they have attained a fair degree ofskill. It appears, further, that the physiological effect of pleasurable vigorous play isin general beneficial. To be sure, somepeople seem able to adjust themselves to aminimum of physical activity, but we haveenough evidence of the beneficial effect ofrecreative exercise on organic function andon the mental state to indicate a definitehealth value.The moral and social values resultingfrom properly supervised competitive playhave been much talked of. These values arehard to prove but those people who have hadexperience in athletic competition and in itssupervision are firmly convinced that they are among the chief values of athletic expenence.The chief responsibility of the physicaleducator at the college level should be todevelop game skills, play interests andhabits of regular exercise which will protectthe health and add to the enjoyment of lifeboth in college and later. There are, ofcourse, many other worth while and enjoyable leisure time activities, but we owe itto every boy and girl to give them at leastthe opportunity to find out what vigorousgames they wi1l enjoy when they play themreasonably well. In his leisure time a manshould and will do what he enjoys doing.He will enjoy what he does well. His satisfaction comes from accomplishment andfrom the approbation of others. One doesnot often play the games which he cannotplay well.What, if anything, shall a college requireof its students in the way of athletic participation and accomplishment? Shall we require so many hours a week for a given number of years? Shall we require all studentsto meet certain motor ability or physicalfi tness tests? Shall they all be required tomeet certain minimum standards of gameskills? ... I favor a requirement adjusted inits nature and its amount to the needs of theindividual. A fair criticism of our athleticprogram in the past has been that too muchof the time, effort and expense have beenplaced on those who need it least.Under an ideal scheme of education thesedesirable game skills, play interests, andhabi ts of exercise will be developed in theelementary and secondary schools. By thetime a student reaches college age, his habitswill be formed and he will be competent toselect those forms of exercise most pleasingand profitable to him. The function of thecollege physical education department undersuch conditions would merely be to providethe facilities and the supervision for activities of the student's own choice.Unfortunately this Utopia is not yet here* Extracts from a paper given before the Institute for Administrative Officers of Higher Institutions406READJUSTMENTS IN ATHLETIC PROGRAMSand will not be here for some time to come.We continue to admit as college freshmenthose who range all the way from the experienced and skilled athletes whose physicaleducation may be considered as completed,to those who might well be called physicalmorons-underdeveloped, awkward, clumsy,with no pleasure, skill nor interest in anyathletic sport. These same individuals arelikely also to be overly self-conscious, and tobe misfits socially. N 0 matter how a ttractive the opportunities, these physical moronswill not voluntarily participate in our sportsprograms. Yet they are the ones who canprofit most by the experiences.As long as college freshmen come to uslacking adequate play experience, and totallyunable to set up satisfactory recreation programs for themselves, we should retain somesort of a physical education requirement,properly adjusted in amount and nature toeach individual's 'needs. It is hard to statedefinitely the detailed procedure by whichwe should determine what the requirementfor a given individual should be. But ifbefore entering college a man has had' littleopportunity to find out whether he willenjoy skillful participation in such adult recreation sports as swimming, handball,squash, golf, tennis, volley-ball and playground ball, we should see to it that he getsthat opportunity. We .should require ofsuch a man a reasonable period of instructionin a good variety of these sports, in the hopethat there will be developed the skills andthe interests that will add to his enjoymentof life, and, incidentally, protect his physical and mental health and make him a bettersocialized individual.This required instruction in sport skillscan well be followed by a requirement ofparticipation in a sports program-not at aspecified class hour and place, but at one'sown convenience and in company with thoseof one's own choice. The primary purposeof such a participation requirement is to continue the building of interest in sportand to develop the habit of regularexercise. The final step in the department'swork should be the offering of an attractiveprogram of intramural and intercollegiateathletics which will provide a satisfactory outlet for play interests .... One importantadjustment which will improve manyathletic situations is to tie up the menwho are coaching the varsity teamswith the other phases of the work. A manshould not be hired just to' coach a certainteam. He should be hired as a physicaleducation instructor and the coaching ofthat varsity team should be merely oneof his many assignments. . . . With ourvarsi ty coaches used also as teachers ofrequired physical education classes, andas coaches and supervisors of intramuralathletics, they are sure to have a better ideaof the place of athletics in the institutionthan if their only contact with the schoolis for two hours in the late afternoon. Suchcombined duties will, of course, require, adifferent and a broader type of training thanmere varsity coaching requires. We mustselect men who are versatile athletes withexperience in many sports and who are alsoprofessionally trained physical educators.As varsity coaches become more valuablein other kinds of work their positions willnaturally become more secure. It is nowonder to. me that football coaches havedemanded and have received approximately25% larger salaries than other teachers.These coaches will be delighted to exchangetheir bigger salaries for the greater securitythat goes with the other teaching positions,It is sad, but true that no matter how hardwe try to stabilize a coach's position, thereare factors beyond our control which mayterminate a fine coach's usefulness to an institution. It is obviously unfair to judge acoach merely by the number of contests histeams win or lose. There are too manyother factors that enter into the winning orlosing.The coach should keep his job just as longas he recognizes the proper place of athleticsin his institution, co-operates fully with hiscolleagues and the administration, showsreasonable evidence that he knows his gamesand can teach them well, is interested primarily in the welfare of his boys, and has afine influence over them.' The coach shouldnot be retained after he has lost the confidence of the boys, because' then his good influence has gone too. Unfortunately, theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbest of coaches through bad luck and inferior material may go through one badseason after another until the morale of thesituation is broken and boys lose confidence.The wise coach will see the hand-writing onthe wall and will move before the si tua tiongets this bad and while he can still landanother position.Until some reorganization of our athleticsystem can be worked out which will preventsuch occurrences, we can justify the payingof our football and basketball coaches at asomewhat higher salary scale than teachersof similar experience and training in otherfields. This small bonus might well be considered as insurance against the risk of thepositions.While on the subject of coaching, I mightsay that I have little sympathy with thosewho want to do away with professionalcoaches and "give the games back to theboys." If athletic experience has educationalvalue, it is surely worth the best supervisionwe can grve,� The great development in the physicaleduca tion field in the next few years is sureto be in intramural athletics. Relativelymore emphasis will be placed on intr.amurals and the better members of the staffgiven important assignments in this part ofthe work. The great intramural problem inmost colleges is to interest .and to reacheffectively those individuals who are in organized social groups. For years most ofus have had fine intramural programs forthe men in fraternities, clubs, .and dormitories. But few of us have done much forthose who need it the most-those not inorganized social groups.The control of intercollegiate athletics.has passed through many evol utionary-phases, from the e.arly student control,through the days when alumni control was-dominant, to the modern institutional control. The most common organization for.athletic control to-day is an athletic board-made up of faculty, students and alumni,'but with the faculty outnumbering the stu-dents and alumni. The trend is, however,toward .a departmental control, with thedirector of the department the responsible�party, and the athletic board, if any, purely ad visory in function, instead of being aboard of control.This is the preferred type of organization.If we have the right personnel in our athleticdepartments, it is only reasonable to expectbetter administration when the athletic director and his staff make their own decisions,than when they are made for them by acommittee of men not so intimately acquainted with the situation.Regardless of the type of athletic controland regardless of what individuals aredesignated as the responsible parties, it mustbe admitted that the real tone and atmosphere of an athletic situation usually reflectsthe attitude of the president and the facultyas a whole. If the president .and the facultywant dean and healthy and honest athleticswhich will be a benefit, not a detrimentto the institution, they can have them ....There has been much talk of the enormousgate receipts of intercollegiate football.The idea seems widespread that most college athletic departments are rolling inwealth. As a matter of fact, even in thegala days from 1924 to 1929, there wereprobably no more than twenty universitiesin the United States which were makingenough profit on football to finance their department programs, and to build up largesurpluses. Most of us squeezed along witha small profit one year .and a small deficitthe next, while in many of the smallerschools the athletic departments have fromthe beginning received much financial support from institutional funds, either throughdirect budget .appropriations or through theabsorbing of annual deficits.The commercial aspect of our varsityathletics and the necessity for football tomake the money to support the other sports,to maintain the fields, to pay the salaries,.and often to finance the entire physical education programs, has brought undue emphasis upon winning and has forced us intowhat we call "money schedules" with moregames and harder games than our footballteams ought to play .... Were it not for thestadium and field house debts hanging overso many schools today, we could be muchmore hopeful for improved athletic conditions.READJUSTMENTS IN ATHLETIC PROGRAMSThe reduced athletic incomes of the lasttwo seasons have had some very wholesomeeffects. The athletic standard of living hasgone down and will go farther down. Lavish expenditures have been eliminated. Weare finding that we can conduct a fairlygood program for much less money. College business managers are scru tinizingathletic fin.ances to eliminate waste. The"desirability and the necessity of every budgetitem is being questioned. With general college funds footing the bills it.is natural thatbetter business methods result and that theathletic budget be incorporated in thegeneral college budget.I dream of the day when athletic gatereceipts will be forgotten, when our varsityathletic programs can be financed by incomefrom endowed funds, and when the commercial aspect of college athletics can becompletely eliminated.With varsity athletics no longer selfsupporting, the whole question of their valuehas naturally been raised. Although I amby no means completely satisfied with thingsas they are, I do believe in intercollegiateathletics and should hate to see them givenup. I should prefer to see our intercollegiateprograms expanded rather than restricted.I would not have them expanded in lengthof schedules nor in the time and energy demanded of the individual athletes, but Iwould have more teams in more sports. Ifvarsity athletic experience is a worth whileexperience, and I am sure that under theright setup and supervision it is worth while,then it should be made available to moreindividuals. There is no necessity for athletics to be overemphasized to the extentof interference with academic work. I believe in light schedules, playing naturalrivals only, with a minimum of absence fromclasses and with short practice periods.I f such a program is worth while, it isworth support from institutional funds ...•The main purpose of rules and regulationsgoverning eligibility for intercollegiateathletic participation is to insure even andfair competition and to prevent interferencewith the" main purpose of the college. Ascholarship standard requiring satisfactoryprogress toward graduation guarantees that the athletes are bona fide studentswho are not permitting athletics tointerfere with their academic progress ... �Our restrictive regulations have done muchto improve and to standardize collegeathletic conditions. But the greatest evilbesetting college athletics is that of undesirable recruiting and subsidizing. Anyrecruiting method is wrong which results inathletics being the chief determining factorin one's choice of a college. All subsidizingis wrong which is in violation of eligibilitystandards. It is to be hoped that as eachgeneration of graduates goes out less wildlyexcited over athletics, we shall build up analumni body with fewer and fewer rabidfans who are willing to violate the rules andmake crooks of the boys in order to havewinning teams.Those colleges which have modernmethods of administering all scholarships,loans and. employment, through centralizedcommittees are not making athletes a preferred class, nor are they discrimina tingagainst them. With the exception of thosecolleges where. the athlete is in a favoredgroup in these respects, the chief source ofathletic dishonesty is where unprincipledcoaches work hand in hand with unprincipled alumni. It is most important thatmembers of the athletic staff have no connection directly or indirectly with any ofthe recruiting activities of the institution.Schools whose students, faculty, administrative officers, and alumni are playing thegame of athletics on the square should refuseto schedule those schools which do not dothe same. If this measure, when combinedwith educational campaigns to eliminatesubsidizing of athletes and undesirable formsof recruiting does not bring results, I forone, shall favor some radical reform of ourentire intercollegiate athletic system, probably along the line of more restricted participation, which will lessen the importance andthe value of the individual star athlete.A college athletic program suited to present conditions should include the following:I) A centralized department in whichrequired instruction, intercollegiate and intramu-ral athletics are closely knit togetherunder one director and staff.410 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE2) A required program of instructionalcourses with the work based on the individual need and emphasizing especiallythose sports suitable for adult recreation.3) A scheme for intramural athleticswhich gives every student the incentive andthe opportunity to take part regularly incompetitive sports.4) An honest, moderate, and economicalprogram of intercollegiate athletics, conducted in harmony with the educationalpolicies of the institution, providing equalcompetition for the exceptional athletes,and setting an example of the best inathletic achievement.Such a department program should assistgeneral education in the following ways:first, by contributing to the health of thestudents while in college through providing the exercise necessary to an adequate functioning of their vital organs, and the menta]relaxation desirable as an offset to intensiveintellectual application; second, by contributing to their health, efficiency and happiness after they leave college through thedevelopment of skills, tastes, attitudes,and habits which aid in effective living;third, by contributing to the social trainingof students through contacts which emphasize such qualities as sportsm.anship,fairness, cooperation, loyalty, courage, selfcontrol, and perseverance, and fourth, bycontributing to the morale and solidarity ofthe institution as a whole by providing inthe intercollegiate athletics .: program awholesome common interest for students,faculty, alumni and friends.A Pre-View of '37ON JDL Y 25, the Office of Admissions reported that nearly 1200prospective freshmen had made application for admission to the University.Of this number, more than 1000 had metall the scholastic requirements for entranceand had been tentatively accepted. An even400 of these have paid their matriculationfees. Among the four hundred, who hadtaken time by the forelock, were representatives from more than thirty states of theUnion. More than eighty high schools andacademies had prepared these students fortheir work at the University. Of these fourhundred entering freshmen, forty were sonsor daughters of alumni of the University,.and one of the forty can point with pride toboth a father and a grandfather with Chicago degrees.Twenty-one of these second generationrepresentatives come from the city of Chi-.cago, six come from Chicago suburbs andthirteen are residents of nine states as widely separated as New York and California, Wisconsin and Mississippi.In this delegation are twenty-seven boysand thirteen girls. Of these forty, fourreport that both parents have attended theUniversity, twenty-three report that theirfathers are Chicago alumni and thirteenhave mothers who claim Chicago as theirAlma Mater.The vocations of the twenty-seven fatherswho are alumni prove that Chicago training may fit one for diverse occupations.Among the twenty-seven we find five U niversity professors, five physicians, twolawyers, two bankers, three public schooladministrators, two clergymen, two insurance underwriters, a broker, an editor, anewspaper manager, a board of trade executive, a lumberman and a mining engineer.For the benefit of our readers with aninterest in geneology, we give a list of thesemembers of the second generation, togetherwith their alumni forbears.The Alumni Family TreeSecond GenerationRichard AdairCharles AxelsonWilliam BardWilliam N. Beverly, Jr. \William B. Bosworth, Jr.John M. BrackenThomas T. Brackin, Jr.Abraham BraudeHenry CubbanGene C. DavisLiIliam H. EllmanEdward G. Felsenthal, Jr.Ruth E. F'oxJohn W. GiffordEleanor C. GrahamRobert G. HarropHenry M. LemonJerome LevitonJames K. LivelyPaul LuckhardtVenus L. McElIhineyGordon MacLeanFrederic S. MarksHarmon MeigsHenry B. MillerMarion OliverHelen B. ParkerCatherine E. PittmanElizabeth PooleEleanor J. SawyerJohn E. ScrubyHerbert SalingerGertrude P. SennDaniel C. SmithHelen L. SmithFay SullivanCharlotte E. ThomsonJohn VanderlipRuth VisherJames L. WaltersKeith C. WhiteRawson K. White First GenerationFred L. Adair, M.D. '01Charles F. Axelson, '07Alice Porter Bard, '07William N. Beverly, '09WilIiam B. Bosworth, '14John L. Bracken, A.M. '22Thomas T. Brackin" Gr.St.Benjamin Braude, '06, S.M. '08, M.D. '09Hannah Owens Cubban, '12Carl D. Davis, A.M. '21Bertha Holland Ellman, '32Edward G. Felsenthal, '08, J.D. '10G. George Fox, '04, A.M. '14Vesta Whitcomb Gifford, '14William C. Graham, Ph.D. '26Marguerite Mathos Harrop, '10Harvey B. Lemon, '06, S.M. 'II, Ph.D. '12Max B. Leviton, '08James M. Lively, A.M. '14, D.B. '15Arno B. Luckhardt, '06, S.M. '09, Ph.D. '12Moses M. McEllhiney, Gr.St.M. Haddon MacLean, Gr.St. '93-'98Charles Marks, Gr.St. '07Merrill C. Meigs, '08Charles G. Miller, '07Edward A. Oliver, M.D. '09Bertha Montgomery Oliver, '10Alice Bright Parker, '09Ann Terrel Pittman, '15Elizabeth Franklin Poole, '10Myrta McCoy Sawyer, '12Horace F. Scruby, '14Mary Roe Scruby, '14Louis Salinger, '90George Senn, S.M. '03, M.D. '05Helen Carmody Smith, '01Helen Carmody Smith, '01Robert B. Sullivan, '09Hannah Waldie Thomson, '03Frank A. Vanderlip, '94-'95N arcissa Cox Vanderlip, '03Stephen S. Visher, '09, S.M. '10, Ph.D. '15Bertha Natanson Walters, '14Adeline R. White, M.D. '20Adeline R. White, M.D. '20 CityChicagoChicagoLaPorte, Ind.Caloma, Mich.Oak ParkClayton, Mo.State College, Mo.Oak ParkChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoMattoonChicagoGary, Ind.EvanstonElginEvanstonChicagoWinnetkaWinnetkaYpsilanti, Mich.East Orange, N. J.ChicagoBevery Hills, Calif.ChicagoGreen Bay, Wis.ChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoScarborough, N. Y.Bloomington, Ind.ChicagoChicagoChicagoPresident Burton's ForecastBy FREDERIC J. GURNEY, D.B. '83A ssistant Recorder, retiredIT WAS �ine yea�s ago, Saturday J�ne7, I924, Alumm Day. The reumondinner was held in Bartlett Gymna �sium. President Burton in his after dinnerspeech said: "The total assets of the U niversity are about $54,000,000 .. I see no reasonwhy this amount may not be doubled withinthe next fifteen years." The boldness ofthe statement, the greatness of the amountnamed, startled the more than 550 alumnisitting at the tables. Then President Burton proceeded to lay before them the mainlines of his program of advance. He tookthem into partnership in the plans which he,with the trustees and the faculties, was already putting into shape to accomplish "thetask of the immediate future." Then wasorganized the famous development campaign, well remembered by alumni andstudents of those days. As stated in Dr.T. W. Goodspeed's "Story of the Universityof Chicago," the aim in the program of advance was, "to bring all our work in all departments and schools up to the highest levelof efficiency; more specifically, on the onehand to give our students the best type of education which we can provide; and on theother, by research in every department, tomake the largest and most valuable contribution of which we are capable to humanknowledge. It was felt that the notableadministrations of President Harper andPresident Judson had prepared the way andcreated a demand for a period of which thekeywords should be discovery and. betterment-discovery of truth in every field,betterment of every phase of the University'swork." President Burton said, on anotheroccasion, "We are not aiming to make thisthe biggest university, but to make it the bestuniversity which it is possible for us to makeand maintain." The plan involved a greatincrease in the University's endowmentfunds and the construction of many newbuildings, which he enumerated to theeagerly listening alumni.After President Burton's speech, Presi- dent Swift of the Board of Trustees spoke.He said, "It is up to us alumni to cooperatewith the President to the full and promotethese great plans. President Burton hasn'tany money up his sleeve, he cannot go to Mr.Rockefeller and ask for funds with whichto perform this heavy task. If we do notput ourselves into this work, it will not bedone. But it must be done, and we willdo it." This was quite in keeping with astatement made more than once by PresidentJudson, "The alumni are our most valuableasset."Dr. Burton had been president a little lessthan a year, and acting president for theprevious five months. A year later he hadpassed away. It was the briefest presidencythe University has known, but "a glorioustwo years," as Mr. Swift said at the funeral.But the program of advancement continuedto advance. It got well into action in I925,and in much less than ten years the goal hadbeen practically reached. What PresidentBurton had forecast had been substantiallyrealized. The assets had beerr doubled and. many of the new buildings projected hadbeen added to our City Gray, fifteen ofthem, if we include International House,during the years I928-I93I. We must ofcourse recognize the fact that these resultsincluded some things which were not partsof President Burton's program and thatsome items of the program had not beenattained. The general advance, however,was an outcome of that remarkable development campaign.Several thoughts come to mind as a resultof these events. One is that the quality ofthe work done and of the work being done bythe University is what has drawn to it thegenerous support of its many donors. People who have desired to contribute to thecause of higher education, to endow re�search, to assist students, have seen that thisis a place where their gifts will be effectivelyused. It was the character of the work ofthe early years that drew to the U niver-412PRESIDENT BURTON'S FORECASTsity's resources, quite unexpectedly, thesplendid group of the Hull BiologicalLaboratories, with an accompanying endowment fund. The School of Education,in its several units, came to 'the Universityin a similar way. Such great institutions asThe Chicago Theological Seminary and theChicago Lying-in Hospital have likewisebeen attracted and have come into permanent close affiliation.Another thought is that the University hasalways had men of vision who could causeothers to see what they saw, and so wereable to enlist them in loyal and devoted cooperation. Thus have their visions beenchanged into realities. At one of the convocations in the nineties, held downtown because we had then no suitable hall at thequadrangles, President Harper in his quarterly statement said: "When the Universityhas acquired an endowment of $20,000,000it will have made a fair beginning towardadequate permanent means of carrying onits work." An audible smile rippled throughthe audience at the idea of so princely asum as $20,000,000 being merely a beginning. Yet the achievements of the yearshave made this appear to be a moderateamount of money for its purpose. Again,about the year 1899, when the need of addi tional ground for expansion had becomeevident and even acute, he said to a certainmember of the faculty: "In the early days,the trustees used to laugh at me when Italked to them about the prospects and possibilities of the University and what resources it must have in order to develop itswork adequately. But nowadays I can't talk too big for them. They have at lastbegun to realize that we have here the beginnings of a great institution."Every university boasts, and quite rightly,of its loyal alumni. In making such aboast, therefore, the University of Chicagois not doing anything exceptional. But thef.act of their loyalty should be recognizedand emphasized. For it is remarkable thatan institution only forty-one years in theeducational field and already so great, andthe management of whose properties is soserious a business, should have eight of itsal umni on its board of trustees, includingthe president of this important body. President Burton made no mistake in laying thegreat project before the men and women assembled at dinner on that memorable evening in June, 1924. The University hasnever failed to receive most enthusiastic cooperation and most generous support fromall its graduates.All this has been said in keen realizationof the fact that present financial conditionsare vastly different from those of a fewyears ago and that the University is facingvery serious problems, problems not merelyof advancement, but, for the present evenof maintaining the work at the establishedlevel. N one the less is it true that as thevisions of the past were not dreams S0' thehopes of the present and the expectations forthe future are not baseless. The samespirit inspires and will continue to inspire,the same principles will guide, the same aimswill be kept in view, and the increasing bodyof alumni will continue to advance the interests of our Alma Mater.,.x .• • •.In lilY 01)IUJODBy FRED B. MILLETT, PH.D., '31Associate Professor of EnglishWHENEVER I dream of an escapefrom the academic treadmill, arefuge from cumulatively exhausting pedagogical responsibilities, a place ofhealing from the exacerbation of countlesscontacts bruising to mind and soul, thererises sharply before my mind's eye a hamletof shabby cottages strung negligently, likecheap beads, along the sweeping crescent ofa segment of Massachusetts Bay. Thevillage of match-box cottages is as ephemeralas scattered foam, and the domestic intimacies of one's neighbors, the nearby radioannouncing the ball scores, the prolificFrench family on an adjacent veranda celebrating a wedding anniversary with unintelligible volubility, the shrieks of batherssmitten suddenly by an icy w.ave, the birdlike cries of children seeking starfish amongthe barnacled rocks,-all these are subduedand mollified by the incessant surge and roar,the infinitely repetitious assault and retreatof the tireless sea. At its angriest, the surfdrenches one's door-step; its foam flecks thepainted shutters. All petty immediacy isdwarfed by the great semi-circle of waters,bearing up lightly the illimitable expanse ofclouded or unclouded heavens.I do not know why the sea, of all thefascinating aspects of nature, should alonehold assuagement and peace and oblivionfor me. I do not find joy in being on it,for confinement to a ship, however spacious,brings a slightly boring, slightly disturbingsense of claustrophobia. And, though to bea moving part of its swaying surges, to beburnished by its sun and energized by itsI ucid salty airs brings the very acme ofeuphoria, it is quite enough for me to be byit, endlessly, unweariedly.Certainly one of its immediate and persistent allurements is its color. At its dullest, under moist and murky fogs, there IS no word for its vast intangible greyness.How much less can its color be named,emerald, turquoise, amethyst, ultra-marine,-when it lies quiescent over golden sands,or is empurpled by beds of swaying frondedkelp, when it frowns to inky blue under thetempest's darkness, is ensil vered by shattered moonlight, or reddened by an ominousdawn! There is no color to match it, inthe peacock's tail, delphinium's delicacies,the painter's palette, for this color is notone, but a constantly shifting myriad,thrown back from a million liquid jewellike facets.But beneath its surface allurements, thereare depths of meaning, to drown the unwary.I ts immensity, as I have said, dwarfs, notmerely this row of cottages, clinging precariously to the crescent of dunes, but allhumanity. What can this generation orany generation that has been or is to be,mean to this tireless giant? There is nothing else in nature so perfectly calculated torestore one's sense of proportion, to givetrue perspective to one's puny transitoryexistence. Thus, of the subtle and treacherous world of man's thought and emotion, allthe storm and fret are washed clean to untrodden smoothness by wave upon wave ofimmensity sweeping over them.For there is about the sea a superb unconsciousness, a simple unproblematical amorality. Living by it, for but a brief time,furnishes a blissful escape from annoyancesand worries, a lightening of ethical andmoral pressures that most persons find in aforeign country or even on shipboard. For,whether by the sea or on it, one feels himself to be a passenger bound for the oblivious and happy isles of whim and impulse,of sensuousness and amphibian thoughtlessness.The sea has a timelessness that the stolidIN MY OPINIONland, the implacable recurrence of the seasons can not perfectly suggest. Even in thesternness of aNew England winter, thereis hope of diaphanous and life-givingspring. In the web-like patterns of dustyleaves, smouldering acridly in autumn bonfires, the idea is foreshadowed of rising sapand tender new foliage. But the sea wasand is, and, so far as man . knows or cares,ever shall be. Incessantly changeable, it islikewise the least impermanent of the elements that set the stage of man's tragicomedy.But probably the ultimate secret of thesea's fascination for me, is, like Shakespeare'ssupreme compliment to womankind, its"infinite variety." The sea is the most magnificently resourceful of epics. Its groundrhythm is unmistakable, but over and beyondthat unforgettable rhythm play the infinitevariations of its constant untiring motion:the soft lapping of listless summer waves;mountainous breakers piling higher andhigher under the scourge of a Northeasterand flinging sand and spray beyond beachand sea-wall; the greedy voracity of combersdevouring and destroying comfortable sandbars and chortling hoarsely over roundedrocks and boulders.Yet, by the constancy of its variety, itforms a point of reference for those wholive beside it or return to. it. It is' an unfurling measure by which to mark off thechanges brought by the years: the littleshack my grandfather built among thedunes, solitary save for autumnal gunningstands masked in dried shrubbery; the cooldim rambling house I first knew there; thestorm "in which the Portland went down"and which tossed the houses of this hamlet,like egg-shells, topsy-turvy along themarshes; at the summer's melancholy ending, piazzas hung with swaying rows of J apanese lanterns and sky-rockets soaring fromthe Rock to drown sizzling in the surf; thecool sand of the dune-tops at night andbreakers edged by moonlight in featheryfoamy whiteness; iridescent salty flamesfrom a dozen fires of gathered and cherisheddriftwood; books read casually in the leaof the sea-wall or on the wind-blownveranda. Here it is that I remember readingRichard Mahony and South Wind (theideal vacation book) and, in more seriousdays, Heroes and Hero 'Worship. Here Ihave found again, in Kay Boyle's The FirstLouer, renewed evidence of her fresh andexciting .talent. This volume, like her twonovels, has the same power to invoke avivid world, the same controlled and measured tenderness and acerbity. Here is nosingle note, monotonously sustained. Instead, there is the sordid seaminess of "ArtColony," the harsh brilliance of "RestCure," the sophistication of "To the Pure,"the tenderness of "Black Boy," and the cruelbeauty of "Lydia and the Ring-Doves."There an; one or two 'failures, or comparative failures: the historical "Man who DiedYoung," and the dangerously sentimental,"Idea of a Mother." But, despite theseaberrations, no one, since Katherine Mansfield, I believe, has produced so distinguisheda volume of short stories as this.Than this sea-scape there could hardly bea more fitting setting for the first readingof Gladys Hasty Carroll's As the EarthTurns. For, beyond these bitter marshes,are farms and lives such as she lovingly depicts. With. her and in the life hereabouts,one can pleasurably re-discover the household habits, the country foods, the seasonalpre-occupations of one's: childhood. Thetenderness with which she re-captures thelife she and her family knew and her admiration for staunch and simple rural character remind -one pleasantly of WillaCather's prairie novels. Not that Mrs. Carroll is another Willa Cather, or that herpicture of New England farm life is completely satisfying. The tone is too idyllic foractuali ty; her characters are not gnarled andsinewy but thin and flat as pasteboard.Besides, she ignores the sinister shadows inthis narrow and ingrown life. Her book, infact, cries out for a counterpart, equally trueand equally false, a sequel that might perhaps be called As the Worm Turns.After all, the pleasantest reading by theseliving waters is Proust who, if anyone, criesout for, an eternity of leisure and' the tolerance of a-morality. I do not think it merelyfanciful to find an analogy between Proust416 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand the sea, not merely in his devotion toBalbec and in his creation of marvelouslyevocative sea-scapes, but in the ground -swellof his incomparable prose. Are not the interminable sentences like waves that mounthigher and higher and shatter the beauty oftheir foam high up on the thirsty shores ofthe mind? Is not the vast fertility of Proust comparable to the sea's? Wherever one dipsinto it (and, like the sea, it has no beginningand no ending) one finds the same bitterness, the same f uidi ty, the same luminoustransparency. And is not the life of the sea,like Proust's illusive Past, capturableonly under the net, however imperfectof art? 'University of Chicago Alumni Club Officers1933-1934Ames: President, Dr. H. M. Hamlin; Secretary, Maud McCormick, Cranford Apartments, 35.Aurora: President, John 'Le May ; Secretary,1 acob E. Alschuler, 57 Fox Street.Boise: President, Mrs. James P. Pope; Secretary, Mrs. Frank Wyman, 1217 N� r rth Street.Boston: President, Roberts B. Owen; Secretary, Mrs. Forrest L. Martz, 309 School Street,Watertown, Mass.Buffalo: President, Mrs. Justus Egbert; Secretary, Alice Mary Dolan, 69 Zittle Street.Cedar Falls, Iowa: President, Dr. HowlandHanson; Secretary, May M. Smith, 2320College Street.Chicago Alumnae: President, Ethel Preston;Secretary, Mrs. Esther Cook Pease, 10320Walden Parkway.Chicago Alumni: President, William C.Gorgas, 666 Lake Shore Drive.Cincinnati: President, Anna L. Peterson;Secretary, Ernest Runyon, 3231 Bishop Ave-nue.Cleveland: President, Marilla W. Freeman;Secretary, Clara Severin, 2593 DartmoorRoad, Cleveland Heights.Columbus, Ohio: President, Ralph Tyler, University of Columbus.Denver: President, Frederick Sass; Secretary,Mrs. Charles E. Lowe, 1075 Gaylord Avenue.Dallas: President, Dr. Lemuel C. McGee;Secretary, Dr. E. May Fry, 1920 MedicalArts Building.Dayton: President, Claude V. Courter; Secretary, E. P. Legler, Callahan Bank Building.DeKalb: President, James C. Ellis; Secretary,Otto Gabel, 218 Sycamore Road.Decatur: President, H. H. Core; Secretary,Alvin R. Krapp, Y. M. C. A.DesMoines: President, Joseph Brody, 1012Valley Bank Building.Detroit: President, Dr. Vinton A. Bacon;Secretary, Mrs. Hazel Grover Keenan, 1515W. Grand BouI.Elgin: President, Harold G. Lawrance; Secretary, Dorothy Springer, 150 River Bluff Road.Elkhart: President, Mrs. Dorothy G. Boynton,1923 Greenleaf BouI. Evansville: President, Warren F. Klein; Secre-tary, Dorothy Erskine, 900 S. E. SecondStreet.Fort Wayne: President, R. C. Harris; Secretary, Carl Rothert, 715 Forest Avenue.Fox River Valley: President, Laura MayJohnsto�; Secretaries, John P. McGalloway,104 MaID St., Fond du Lac; Howard J ersild,Neenah, Wis.Gary: President, Alex Pendleton; Secretary,Mrs. Beth Underwood, 701 Arthur Street.Grand Rapids: President, Mrs. Floyd MeN oughton ; S e cretary, Mrs·. Charles Richards840 Kalamazoo, S. E. 'Houston: President, Dr. J. Z. Gaston; Secretary, Mrs. Beulah Temple Wild, 401 SuIRoss.Indianapolis: President, Henry M. Whisler;Secretary, Marguerite Orndorff, 1617 CentralAvenue.Iowa City: President, E. W. Hills, II73 W.Court Street.Kansas City: President, Paul E. Basye; Secretary, Martha McLindon, 3440 College Avenue.Lawrence: President, Domenico Gagliardo;Secretary, Alice Winston, 1620 MassachusettsStreet.Lexington: President, Claibourne G. Latimer;University of Kentucky.Little Rock: President, Daniel Autry; Secretary, Emily Penton, 1 304 Welch Street.Los Angeles: President, Norman Barker;Secretary, Edith A. Kraeft, 6433 Stafford Ave.,Huntington Park.Louisville: President, Rev. H. Campbell Dixon;Secretary, Gertrude Kohnhorst, 2032 EasternParkway.Manhattan, Kansas: President, W. H. Andrews; Secretary, Mrs. Effie M. Carp-Lynch,1528 Pierre Street.Memphis: President, C. Arthur Bruce; Secretary, Dorothy Sohn Metz, 1045 JeffersonAvenue.Milwaukee: President, Franklyn K. Chandler:Secretary, Rudy D. Mathews, P. O. Box 2065·Minneapolis: President, Guy W. C. Ross;Secretary, Marion Weller, Farm Campus,Univ. of Minn.UNiVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB OFFICERSMontana: President, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Anaconda.Muncie: President, Susan M. Trane; Secretary, Helen Jackson, 305 Rector Apts.Nashville: President, Ernest Krueger; S ecretary, Dr. Gretchen Rudnick, 2012 NatchezTrace.New York Alumnae: President, Hannah G.Johnson; Secretary, Mrs. Mary Lakin Pullman, 50 Umquowa Hill, Bridgeport, Conn.New York Alumni: President, George S.Leisure; Secretary, Rob Roy MacGregor, 35Wall Street, 22nd Floor, N. Y. C.Omaha: President, Dr. Lowell Dunn, 1530Medical Arts Building.Peoria: President, Arthur B. Copeland; Secretary, Mary Knapp, 1800 Columbia Terrace.Philadelphia: President, Elim E. A. Palmquist; Secretary, Gertrude Solenberger, 43Brandon Road., Upper Darby, Penn.Pittsburgh: President, Dr. Reinhardt Thiessen; Secretary, Mary Maize, 218 Home Avenue, Avalon.Portland: President, Jay Stockman; Secretary,George W. Friede, 1013 Corbett Building.Racine: President, Harrison U. Wood; Secretary, Mrs. Irene D. Lange, 13IO Grove Avenue.Salt Lake City: President, Arthur L. Beeley;Secretary, E. E. Ericksen, 252 UniversityStreet.Sioux City: President, Vail E. Purdy; Secretary, Carlton M. Corbett, 501 Security Building. San Francisco: President, Fred Firestone.Medico-Dental Building.South Bend: President, Mrs. William E. Miller, 314 Navarre Street.Springfield: Secretary, Lucy C. Williams, 714First Nat'l Bank Building.Stillwater: President, Guy A. Lackey; Secretary, Grace Fernandes, Oklahoma A. & M.College.St. Louis: Pre sident, Lansing R. Felker, 200N. Broadway.Tampa: President, Mrs. A. J. Barclay; Secretary, Georgia Borger, 5103 Seminole Avenue,Terre Haute: President, Miller Davis, 401-404Star Office Building.Tri-City Club: (Rock Island, Moline, Davenport) President, Paul A. White; Secretary,Mrs. Merle C. Nutt, 3015 Tudor Court,Moline.Toledo: President, Cletus V. Wolfe, Seeley andWolfe, Nicholas Building.Tucson: President, Dr. Frank Fowler; Secretary, E. R. Riesen, Univ. of Arizona.Washington, D. C.: President, Howard K.Beale; Secretary, Godfrey L. Munter, 3753Oliver Street, N. W.West Suburban Chicago Alumnae: President,Harriet Amy Bradshaw; Secretary, Genevieve Bergstresser, 201 N. Grove Avenue,Oak Park, III.Wichita: President, John M. Michener; Secretary, Mrs. Amy McIntire Mahin, 1725 Fairmount Avenue.Porto Rico: President, J. M. Rolon, Aibonlto,P. R.See Page 427NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy JOHN P. HOWE, '27CLEARLY the most significant University news in recent months is thatcon tained in a news-release issuedon August r st :"Chicago's two great universities, N orthwestern and Chicago, are considering possibilities of cooperation looking toward someinterchange of facilities and the preventionof overlapping effort in the future development of their activities. The hope of thetwo institutions to develop measures thatwill enable them to use their resources moreeffectively for educational service was announced yesterday in a joint statement ofPresidents Scott and Hutchins."The recent agreement made by PresidentH. Y. Benedict of the University of Texasand President Hutchins of Chicago wascited as illustrative of the type of cooperative measures that are possible. By the cooperative arrangement under which Texaswill build an astronomical observatory andChicago will provide the staff, each university will be saved an estimated milliondollars of expense.In commenting upon the possibilities forcooperation, President Scott stated:"Chicago is the only city in America thatcan boast of two universities honored withmembership in the Association of AmericanUniversities. Two universities in our position, working for the advancement of thesame locality, should cooperate with eachother. In this purpose lies an unequalledopportunity, and the opportunity createsthe obligation."In the past we have profited by workingtogether, but President Hutchins and I areconvinced that a closer study of the situation wili reveal new ways in which thetwo universities may be made more effectiveby cooperative planning to the advantage ofthe community. Such joint effort willhasten the day when Chicago shall become the center of higher learning in Americaa position to which she seems destined bythe character of her people and by herstr.ategic location."President Hutchins' statement said:"President Scott and I agree that coordination of effort among American institutions of higher education will be of valuein obtaining the most effective use ofresources."For one thing, coordination will hastenrealiza tion of the fact that there is nogood reason why every institution shouldattempt to do everything. Furthermore,inter-university agreements, such as thatbetween Texas and Chicago, will offer oneof the chief sources of support for researchin the future."If some measure of informal cooperation, particularly in planning new phases ofactivity, will benefit the educational servicesof Northwestern and Chicago, neitherPresident Scott nor I see any reason whythat cooperation should not be attempted.We hope that from time to time we shallbe able to take some steps in that direction."For the present this news is significantchiefly because of the cooperative principleenunciated. No details have been developed. When they are developed it isquite possible that they will not be dramatic.The principle is something rather new.Universities have been cooperating for along time, particularly in the interchangeof ideas, but there has been also andobviously present an uneconomic rivalry, anunnecessary duplication of facilities. Someobservers believe that the closer regulationof industry indicated for the future willimpede the growth of huge personal fortunes, and by the same token impede thegrowth of privately endowed universitiesunless these institutions-which play aval uable and unique role in the whole418NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESpicture of education and learning-canpresent a more efficient coordination of activity and thus a greater claim to support.Apparently, little thought has been givento' the idea of a merger between Chicagoand Northwestern. The extent of the planwould probably be a series of agreements,made over a period of years, as to spheres ofinterest, with some interchange of facilities,such as those of library or laboratory.Thought 'is being given, however, to thepossibility of a merger between the U niversity of Chicago and Lewis Institute onthe west side.In the development of this principle ofcoordination among institutions of higherlearning the University of Chicago has beena leader. Dean George A. Works has recently supervised the coordination of thetwenty-five publicly supported higher insti-·tutions in the state of Georgia. Two yearsago he performed a similar service forNorth Carolina.* * * *University of Chicago social scientistscontinue to commute between the Midwayand Washington. Two' months ago in thiscolumn the names of seven Chicago facultymembers who have been active in the affairsof the local and national governments werelisted. Last month came the appointmentof Professor William E. Dodd as ambassador to Germany. Since then PresidentHutchins has accepted appointment bySecretary Perkins as chairman of the advisory committee of the federal unemployment' service-obviously a post of greatpotential significance. Professor Merriamhas been made a member of the controlcommittee of the federal public works program. Professor Ogburn is serving on theconsumers' committee of the NIRA group,and Professor Paul Douglas has been calledto Washington as an adviser to GeneralJohnson's staff. Professor N erlove aidedin; devising the code for the clothingindustry. Professor Stuart Rice, who hasbeen at Chicago during the past year takingthe place of Professor Faris while the latterpursued his sociological research in Africa,has been appointed Assistant Director ofthe Bureau of the Census, and Professor John H. Cover of the School of Business isin Washington during the summer as amember of a privately supported committeeaiding in' the coordination of the government's various statistical services. Professor Floyd Reeves of the School of Educationhas been given leave of absence to serve aspersonnel director of the Tennessee ValleyAuthority.While many of the elements of thenational government's program have longbeen urged by Chicago men, the attitudeof the social science faculty toward thesemeasures is not an unrelieved song of praise.All efforts to increase the volume of employment are laudable, they believe, butseveral important Midway economists assertthat the government's effort to raise wagesas rapidly as prices rise is ill-advised since alag between rising prices and rising wagesseems to them' inevitable 10 any sustainedrecovery.* * * * *Several years ago Professor ErnestBurgess of the University's sociology department conducted an experiment whichdemonstrated, probably for the first time,that the statistical method in sociology canbe used effectively to predict human behaviorin practical situations. The results wereduly published, and, as in so many instances,apparently forgotten by all except socialscientists. On August rst, however, JohnLandesco, research associate in sociology atthe University who was recently appointeda member of the Illinois Board of Pardonsand Paroles, made an announcement whichproves that such research work is seldomfutile.Scientific administration of the parolesystem of Illinois; which will enable theBoard of Pardons and Paroles to base itsaction on statistical "expectancy" tables inmuch the same way that life insurance companies base rates on actuarial statistics, isto be put into practice immediately.The plan, developed by Professor Burgess, will provide a means of determining,with a high degree of accuracy, what is themost effective sentence from both the standpoint of society and the individual prisoner.It will also determine to a large extent the420 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEamount of supervision that is necessary forparoled prisoners.Professor Burgess . first developed thestatistical prediction plan in 1928, and hassince reworked and improved it. The planis 'based on a study made of the parolerecords of 3,000 prisoners released fromJoliet, Menard, and Pontiac. As firstdeveloped, the plan worked out twenty-onefactors which could be mathematicallyweighted to determine the probability ofviolation of parole, but the number of factors has since been increased to 25.Among the elements weighted are previous criminal record, age when committed,time served in prison, prison record, employment record, intelligence, type of crime,type of community and home. Expectancyra tes were found to range from 95. 5 percent non-violators of parole to 24.0 per centnon-violators from various classificationsmade in the plan.Prisoners with previous criminal recordsshow a high rate of parole violation, theBurgess study demonstrated. Farm boysand immigrants are good "risks" for parole,while hobos, ne'er-do-wells from the cities,and older drug addicts are all likely toviolate parole.The state of New Jersey adopted theBurgess prediction system recently, and ithas been informally applied in Minnesota,where it has proved to have an error of notmore than 2 per cent. The last session ofthe Illinois legislature provided for the retention of one sociological actuary and twoassistants to verify, analyze and classify therecords of prisoners technically eligible forparole and to give each case an actuarialrating.* * ** *U sing the Burgess "actuarial" technique,Dr. Leonard Cottrell, instructor in sociology at the University, has made a study ofmarriage, the preliminary results of whichhe reported at the meeting of the AmericanSociological Society on the quadrangles lastmonth. Young men and women who arecontemplating marriage may in the futurebe able to secure scientifically determinedpercentage scores predicting their chances ofhappiness together. Working with Professor Burgess, Dr.Cottrell has analyzed the pre-marital backgrounds of 1300 couples, and compared thiswith their records for separation and divorce, or with the. degree of happiness theyattained together, as rated by themselves andchecked by their acquaintances. The studywill be completed this autumn and resultsmade available to persons giving advice toyoung people.Tentative results, based on 526 cases andoutlining 40 factors bearing on the probabilities of a successful marriage adjustment, were reported to the Society by Dr.Cottrell. Among these were the following:Individuals who have had college orgraduate training have a 20% better chanceof attaining a satisfactory marriage adjustment than those who have had only highschool training.Those whose parents were happilymarried have a 20% better chance ofachieving such an adjustment themselvesthan those whose parents were unhappilymarried.Marriages contracted after an acquaintanceship of less than six months are 30%more risky than those preceded by 'anacquaintanceship of five years;' marriagescontracted after a courtship of less than oneyear are 20% more risky than those pre-ceded by a courtship of two or three years;and engagements lasting less than threemonths involve a 30% greater marriage riskthan those lasting two or three years.Other pre-marital factors contributing tothe success of marriage, the absence ofwhich has been computed by Dr. Cottrell onthe "minus" side of his probability schedules, include the following: membership insocial organizations, and the possession of areasonable number of friends; reasonableequality in the economic and culturalstatus of the families of the prospectivemarriage partners; participation in churchactivities, up to a limit; and regular employment and regular habits of saving."Only" children have a 20% poorerchance of marriage success than do thosewho have brothers and sisters; individualsreared in the country have a better chancethan those reared in the city; and thoseNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESliving at home or in private residences havea better chance than those living in roominghouses.Emotional and personality factors 'bearing on marriage, and the effect of the earlymarriage adjustment on the later marriedlife, are also being studied. Marriage candidates who have an emotional attachmentfor their parents have a better advancechance of achieving happiness than thosewho were in conflict with their parents, butif this affection is not adequately transferredto the spouse it often operates against thesuccess of the marriage.* * * * *Seldom have the quadrangles been livelier than they have seemed this summer. Enrollment for the summer quarter was higherthan that of last year by more than 150.This reverses a trend of the past severalyears, and is probably due to the Centuryof Progress exposition and to the fact thatsomewhat more effort to promote the summer quarter was made during the winterand spring. Following the close of themeetings of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science, thirteen sections of which met on the quadrangles, therecame the meetings of the American Sociological Society, the Econometric Society, theInstitute for Administrative Officers ofHigher Insti tu tions, the Conference of Administrative Officers of Private and Secondary Schools, the Haskell Institute onW orId Religions and the Pastors' Institute.Most of these groups were housed in JudsonCourt across the Midway, and held theirsessions in the lounges and libraries of theresidence halls, which have proved ideal forsuch meetings.An average of three thousand people aday have visited the University Chapelsince the opening of the Century of Progress, and more than 10,000 have beenescorted on tours conducted by the U niversity's guide service.Meanwhile, University faculty membershave been much in the newspapers becauseof the vigorous and outspoken stand theyhave taken against the recent drastic curtailment of local public school activities bythe Chicago Board of Education. Not in 42Iyears have the University's men taken sucha frank and unanimous position in regardto an issue of public moment.* * * * *A twenty per cent reduction of tUItIOnrates in the Home Study Department whichreduces the fee for a full credit course from$25 to $20, has been announced by DeanCarl F. Ruth, who became head of the department on July rst, The fee of $10 formatriculation has also been waived, untiland if the. student enrolls for residencecourses on the campus.Dean Ruth also announced that themajority of the College courses developedunder the University's new plan of instruction will henceforward be available by correspondence study, and that a series of noncredit guided reading courses, with feesranging from $10 to $20, will be ready inthe autumn for adults who wish to keep upwith current developments in politics, economics and science."Chicago was the first university to makeits educational resources available throughcourses-by-mail to those who cannot come tothe campus," Dean Ruth pointed out."Now we are making available to studentswho must study at home the benefits of theUniversity's new plan."Because the University of Chicago believes strongly in adult education we arealso developing non-credit reading coursesfor mature people who wish to keep up withcultural and social developments. In thesecourses the student will be provided with astudy outline prepared by a specialist in thefield, which will point out the critical problems and will recommend printed materialsand sources of information. Persons enrolling in the courses will be authorized tocorrespond with the professor about problems in the subject.The present Home Study faculty numbers 125, all of them regular members ofthe Midway teaching staff, including manyof the outstanding scholars and scientists.Since the University began its correspondence offerings in 1892 a total of approximately 75,000 students have enrolled forHome Study courses. Current enrollmentis approximately 4,500. All of the standard422 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcourses of the School of Business and theDepartment of Education are to be offeredin par.allel through Home Study and muchof the curriculum in other branches of theUniversity IS duplicated in correspondencecourses.* * * **Dr. Edward Chiera, professor of Assyriology in the Oriental Institute of theUniversity, internationally known Orientalscholar, died last month in the AlbertMerritt Billings hospital. Pneumonia,which set in following an illness of severalweeks, was the cause of his death.Born in Rome, Italy, August 5, 1885,Dr. Chiera was educated in the UnitedStates, . receiving a Bachelor of Divinitydegree from Crozer Theological Seminary,Chester, Pa., in 191 I, and the Master ofTheology degree from the same institutionin 1912. In 1911 he also received theMaster of Arts degree from the Universityof Pennsylvania, and in 1913 the Ph.D.degree from that university. He taught atthe University of Pennsylvania from 1913to 1927. He was annual professor of theAmerican School of Oriental Research anddirector of excavations at N uzi, Iraq,1924-25.In 1927, Dr. Chiera left the Universityof Pennsylvania, where he was professor ofAssyriology, . to accept a similar rank in theOriental Institute. The next year he wasfield director of the Institute's Assyrianexpedition, and began the work of excavating the palaces and temples built by SargonII at Khorsabad, Iraq. His work in thefirst season saved from destruction a largebody of Assyrian sculptures.At Khorsabad, Dr. Chiera uncovered thefamous winged stone bull of Sargon II,which now is one of the main exhibits inthe Oriental Institute museum. The bull,sixteen feet high and weighing forty tons,was one of a pair which guarded the entrance to. the palace. I t was found inpieces, the largest of which weighed 19tons. With the aid of a two-ton truckand a trailer constructed out of abandonedwheels of German artillery and somerailroad rails, Dr. Chiera successfully got the bull to a small native ship to start it onthe way to the United States.The death in 1927 of Professor D. D.Luckenbill, who had been directing theInstitute's monumental Assyrian Dictio.nary project since 1921, made it necessary to.retain Dr. Chiera in Chicago to continuethe dictionary, a task on which he was engaged at the time of his death. The dictionary project now has compiled 1,500,000alphabetically organized cards, representing17,840 words, and will not be completelypublished for another fifteen years.* * * * *.Election of Mr. James HendersonDouglas, Jr., former fiscal Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury, to theBoard of Trustees of the University ofChicago was anno.unced last month by Mr.Harold H: Swift, President of the Board.Mr. Douglas resigned as a partner of Field,Glore and Company, investment bankers, inFebruary, 1932, to accept the treasury post,An appointee of President Hoover, he wasrequested by the Roosevelt administrationto continue in office during the bankingemergency. He resigned the treasury postin June.Mr. Douglas was born in Cedar Rapids,Ia., in 1899. His father, the late JamesHenderson Douglas, Sr., was chairman o.fthe Executive Committee of the QuakerOats Company. The new trustee attendedthe University of Chicago. elementary andhigh schools, and received his A. B. degreefrom Princeton in 1920, having interruptedhis college work in 19 I 8 to serve as a secondlieutenant in the army.Following his graduation from Princeton,he studied for a year at Corpus ChristiCollege, Cambridge University, and thenentered the law school of Harvard University from which he received the LL.B.degree in 1924. In the same year he wasadmi tted to the Illinois bar, and becameassociated with the firm of Winston,Strawn, and Shaw. He left that firm in1929 to engage in the investment bankingbusiness with Field, Glore and. Company,of which firm he became a partner in1931.WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D., '22NOT the "New Deal" but the "NewPlan" promises to bring a restoration of football and perhaps intercollegiate athletics generally at Chicago tothe pre-war levels. With only one exception, all the key men on the freshman football squad were successful in meeting therequirements of the reorganized college.These men will make a vast difference inthe team this autumn. Chicago's footballgoes off the dead center of the last eightyears, and the impetus may bring an' improvement in other sports. At least whatwas once classically described as a "viscouscircle," has been broken. A' college teamthat is in the ruck can not win unless itdraws in some good high school athletes.But good high school athletes prefer to gowhere there is a winning team. The process is much like the deflationary cycle youhave heard expounded in recent years. Inasmuch as football is the bell-wether ofcollege athletics, a rising football team willnot only attract high school players in thatsport, but in others as well. Well over ayear ago your correspondent observed thatit would be rather interesting if the reorganization of the College, undertakenentirely as a measure of educational improvement, should have as a by-product the restoration of Chicago's athletic prestige.Things seem to be working out in that direction. A successful football team will meana different athletic picture on the Midwayin another year or two.The fact that this journal will not bepublished again until November leaves thosewho depend on the publication for theirathletic information in a most inconvenientstate of suspended animation. Such a gaplikewise makes prophecy too likely to be aprecarious and unwarranted projection of the rising curve of hope. And so, lest theexpectations of some isolated but ardentalumnus in Alaska be dashed when theNovember issue is packed in by dog sled,cautious understatement rather than uncontrolled optimism seems indicated rightnow. The drums too often have beenbeaten in the last eight years for no solidreason.Appended to this analysis is a tabularsummary of the squad for the coming season, and those who think that they can tellanything about a football player from hisheight, weight, and home town, are at liberty to peruse this form chart. The onlyreally significant facts that appear in thesestatistics are two: Only thirty men are available to carry the war against the armies ofthe conference; and, the "x" which indicatesa freshman numeral winner appears againstfifteen of the thirty names. Thirteen letterwinners of the team that played pretty goodfootball last year have graduated; nineletter men return. Whatever is accomplished in this first year after the Stagg erawill therefore depend in a large measure onthe sophomores. You can't tell how gooda sophomore will be in this league from hishigh school record, or his runs in springpractice. N or is it apparent from watchingthe home boys how many' sophomores ofmerit the other teams may, have.There is no questioning the fact, however, that this current Chicago squad hasmore power and skill than any sincethe McCarty-Thomas-Crisler days. Thesophomores are the best group that has become eligible in any year in a long time,and may even be the best group ever addedto the team. It is still a question whetherJay Berwanger is another Grange, but itis obvious that he is a first rate back who canTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdo almost anything. Ewald Nyquist is atough young man who cuts down tacklerslike a scythe when he hits. A lineman withthe physique of Merritt Bush, who stands6 feet, 5 inches and is handsomely built, isobviously difficult to handle. Robert Deempushed the varsity line around very efficiently last year, and Bob Perretz, who willshare the running guard position with him,plays with desirable intensity.This language needs tempering with theobservation that although the first teamwill be formidable, its efficiency will henoticeably reduced if replacements are necessary in all but a few positions. There isa shortage of ends, for one thing. The firststring backfield is rugged, and may not needmany relief men, which is just as well, forthe number of backs is limited. CoachShaughnessy will not have on his squad oneman of the typical fullback type, Berwangerbeing the closest approach to a smasher.At this distance, it appears that the firstteam will line up about like this: EndsBarton Smith, Rainwater Wells; Tackles-Merritt Bush and John Rice; GuardsWalter Maneikis and Robert Deem;Center-Ell Patterson; Quarterback-Vinson Sahlin; Backs-Capt. Pete Zimmer,Ewald Nyquist, and Jay Berwanger.Although the line will average an even 200pounds it will have considerable speed.The backfield, despite its average of 182,is really fast, and it should have everyoffensive weapon but top grade passing. Inthis first team lineup there are five menwith previous varsity experience, and sixsophomores.Barton Smith will be recalled as the sophomore end of last season whose leg wasbroken in the Yale game. Smith is a cleverpass receiver, but he is a little light to handlea big tackle. Rainwater Wells (no Indian)is huskier and also is a good pass catcher.John Baker learned a lot about the positionlast year and may be surprisingly valuable.Coach Shaughnessy plans to shift JohnWomer, last year's letter winner at tackle,to an end) to get more power at the position.Bill Langley, a sophomore, also has possibilities.The towering B�sh probably will play cen ter on defense and tackle on offense, trading with Patterson. Both Mr. Bush andthe chubbier Rice can be taken on faith·they are good tackles. Something useful isexpected from Raymond Pokela, and twoother tackles, Stanley Marynowski andLeRoy Walter, will fill in acceptably. Thepowerful Walter Maneikis will hold oneguard position, and Deem and Perretz willplay the running guard position. They arefast and hard hitters who will provide realinterference. Patterson, an aggressive andsmart player, will make a good center.Gordon Peterson, a rangy sophomore, wasused at center on the second team thisspring and will be an entirely satisfactoryalternate.The first string backfield has but onecomparatively small player, the energeticSahlin, who has proved himself in two seasons of competition. Nyquist, primarily ablocker, is an artist in that specialty. Much,perhaps too much, is expected of Berwangerin his first season. He is big and shifty,running with high knee action, and once heis escorted beyond the line of scrimmage, hecan go a long way on his own steam.Zimmer has not the driving power of Berwanger but he runs with beautiful baianceand grace, and is highly elusive. Thereisn't a better ball carrier in the conferencethan Zimmer, and the threat of Berwangerto the opposition is going to make the captain much more effective. Shaughnessyplans to work Cullen up as a quarterback,and little Tom Flinn, who was a sparkplugon the team last year, also will be triedthere. Bob Wallace, the fast halfback whocould not compete last season because ofillness, will be very valuable. Bill Berg,tried at end last year, is returning to thebackfield. If the new coach desired, hecould put in a backfield that can run .anactual 0 :09.8 on the track : Wallace,Zimmer, Cullen, and Berwanger. Heprobably will not use that combination, but hedoes have more than average speed to relyupon. Zimmer is a good punter, and Berwanger may be sensational as a kicker. Healmost puts his foot through the ball, andhe has a fast kicking action that will keepthe opposition constantly worrying aboutATHLETICSquick kicks. Zimmer is a pretty good passer,as is Berwanger, and both Sahlin and Wallace can throw well enough to be used. Allaround, the backfield should be one of thebest Chicago has ever had, -unless it isbroken up by injuries.I t looks as if this team will play a spectacular type of football. Shaughnessy likesplenty of variety in his offense, dependingon his quarterback to use- daring in theproper spot. He will never quarrel witha gambling decision which has the percentage in its favor. His offense favors the"open" game, and the talented Chicagobackfield, behind that big line, ought tomake plenty of ground. Win or lose, theChicago. team will score touchdowns, andmost of them probably will come on quickbreaks. The crowd likes that sort of play,and the interest in Maroon football shouldshow considerable increase this autumn.The team will have to prove first that ithas a chance to win games before it willdraw the crowd, but midseason should bringan appreciable increase in attendance. Theprices this year are again the most moderatein the conference, $6.00 for a season bookfor the six home games; $1.00 for Cornell,$1.50 for the conference games, and $2.00for Dartmouth, when tickets are boughtfor individual games. Those are bargainprices for a season that ought to bring relief 425from the painful experience of watching aChicago. football team struggle mightilyagainst overwhelming odds.Coach Shaughnessy will be assisted byNelson Norgren, Otto Strohmeier, KyleAnderson, Sam Horwitz, and A. A. Stagg,Jr., of the Stagg staff, and Julian Lopez,who was his assistant at LOYDla of the South.The plan at present is that Shaughnessy andNorgren will direct the first team, withStrohmeier and Lopez working with thesecond. team. There will be much to accomplish in the first month, for the newcoach had only four weeks to work withhis squad last spring. The opener withCornell promises no great difficulty, butthe Washington University game. at St.Louis promises to be a vicious battle thatmay not be any benefit to the team in itspreparation for the Purdue game. FromPurdue on, Mr. Shaughnessy will have anopportunity to experience at first hand thepitfalls of a Big Ten season.One inadequacy in the preparation forthe forthcoming season needs to. be stressed:The songs have not been rewritten. If heis not too busily occupied as general counselof the National Recovery Administrationthis is a task that should immediately engage the attention of Donald R. Richberg.How can anyone expect a football team to.win games if the stands are mute?I932 Schedule and ScoresLettermen Who Completed Competition in 1932 SeasonBacks---Capt. Don Birney, Hugh Mendenhall, Allan SummersEnds Warren Bellstrom, Carl Gabel, Frank Thomson, Pompeo ToigoTackles--William Cassels, John Spearing, George SchnurGuards--Robert ShapiroCenters--Keith Parsons, Raymond Zenner* * * * *I933 ScheduleOct. 7-Cornell College" 14-Washington U. at St. Louis2I-Purdue28-MichiganNov. 4-Wisoonsin" II-Indiana" 18--Illinois at Champaign" 25-Dartmouth Chicago, 41Chicago, 7Chicago, 20Chicago, 13Chicago, 7Chicago, 0Chicago, 0Chicago, 7 Monmouth, 0Yale, 7Knox, 0Indiana, 7Illinois, 13Purdue, 37Michigan, 12Wisoonsin, 18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETentative Roster - University of ChicagoFootball Squad - 1933Namex Alesanskas, Anthony G.x Aufdenspring, Robert J.t Baker, Johnt Berg, Williamx Berwanger, Jay J.x Bush, Lloyd M.* Cullen, Edwardx Deem, Robert B.* Flinn, TornHatter, Keithx Lang, William J., Jr.x Langley, William* Maneikis, Walterx Marynowski, Stanleyx Nyquist, Ewald B.* Patterson, Ellmorex Perretz, Robertx Peterson, Gordon C.x Pokela, Raymond W.* Rapp, Wayne E.x Rice, John W.* S ahlin, Vinsont Smith, Barton L.Waldo, Ralph E.* Wallace, Robert G.t Walter, LeRoyx Watrous, George M.x Wells, Rainwater* Womer, John* Zimmer, Peter (Capt.) POSeHBFBEHBHBC,THBGHBHBHBEGTHBCGCTGTQBEEHBTHBEE,THB Age Ht.24 5'1020 5'1020 6'021 5'819 6'018 6' 521 6'021 6"019 5'620 5'1018 5'920 5'1124 6'022 6'018 6'019 6'019 5'1018 6'418 5'921 5'1120 5'1023 5'721 5'1 I18 5'920 5'1019 6'122 5'1018 6'019 6'120 5'9 Wt. Yr. Prep School-Home Town165 0 Fenger, Chicago190 I Belleville, Illinois168 1 Englewood, Chicago170 2 Oblong, Illinois192 0 Dubuque Senior, Iowa220 0 Fullerton, California184 I New Trier; Wilmette, Ill.195 0 Long Beach Poly., Calif.150 I Redwood Falls, Minn.165 0 East; Sioux City, Iow a160 0 St. Rita, Chicago175 0 Highland Park, Dallas197 2 Lindblom, Chicago185 0 Pullman Tech, Chicago191 0 Rockford, Illinois180 Lake Forest Acad.;182 0 Western Springs, Ill.Hyde Park, Chicago186 0 Long Beach Poly., Calif.184 0 Bessemer, Mich.170 2 Long Beach Mil. A., Calif.225 0 Forest Ave. High, Dallas162 2 Schurz, Chicago176 Long Beach Poly., Calif.157 0 Long Beach Poly., Calif.168 2 Morgan Pk. Mil., Chicago181 Lane Tech, Chicago170 0 Bowen, Hyde Park, Chicago185 0 Woodrow Wilson, LongBeach, Calif.185 Oak Park, Illinois185 2 La Grange, Illinois"Yr." indicates past varsity competition. * Denotes major "C." t Denotes minor letter.x Denotes numerals.DateOct. 7Oct. 14Oct. 21Oct. 28Nov. 4Nov. IINov. 18Nov. 25 Game SCHEDULEPrices include TaxPriceCornell College $1.10Washington (At St. Louis)........... . .Purdue University 1.65University of Michigan......................................... 1.65University of Wisconsin..................................... .. 1.65Indiana University 1.65University of Illinois (at Urbana) (2.20)Dartmouth College 2.20Total for single tickets six home games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $9.90Special-rate Season Ticket for all home games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.60"CHICAGO'S TRIPLE THREAT, ZIMMER, l\i{ETCALF, SHAUGNESSY"Season Tickets Football 1933ALL HOME GAMESUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOApplication Blank STAGG FIELDPrint name_Street and Number _City State_Check here if a former University of Chicago Student.Application for season tickets @ $6.60 (inc. Tax)For mailing and registration fee .20_TotalPin one check payable to The University of Chicago to this application. Sign and mailto The Football Tickets Office, 5640 University Avenue, Chicago. Season ticket doesnot include games played at St. Louis and Urbana.Office RecordDate_Registry _Se-c. Row Nos.NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSClass Reunion Gossip1903THE class of 1903 held a reuniondinner at Henrici's, June 8th. Thefollowing were present: Tom Hair,President ; Walker McLaury, Bruce MacLeish, Ella Dannehy Bunting and Mr.Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Amberg,Helen Solomon Levi, Frank W. DeWolf,E. V. L. Brown, Albert G. Miller, Elizabeth Weirick, Grace Randall, RaymondKelly, William R. Kerr, Hester RidlonHemstead, Herman 1. Schlesinger, RoyalW. Bell, Lois Prentice, Agness J. Kaufman.So pleasantly was the evening spent inrenewing acquaintances, in reading letters,in general gossip, and in discussing the "fiveyear plan" at Chicago that it was voted notto wait :five years before another reunionwas held. Can you imagine that afterthirty years?1913SIXTY-FOUR were present at thetwentieth reunion dinner of the Classof 1913 at International House, onFriday, June 9. Included were the classpresidents for each of the four years, asfollows: Freshman, Lawrence H. Whiting ; Sophomore, James A. Donovan;Junior, Donald L. Breed, and Senior,George E. Kuh. The class historian, RuthB. Bozell, read from the greetings sent bythirty-four members of the class who wereunable to be present. The reunion chairman, Hiram L. Kennicott, read greetingsfrom Professor Frederick Starr, of Seattle,Wash., honorary faculty memher of the classand from Mrs. Robert A. Millikan, ofPasadena, California, whose tenure as official class chaperone commenced with the firstfreshman dance of the class, in 1909. JamesA. Donovan told of the class luncheon given in honor, of George J. Kasai, of Tokio,Japan, on the occasion of his recent visit toChicago. Benedict K. Goodman, appointedclass statistician for the occasion, read theresults of the voting in the contest forprettiest girl, (won by Marie Fanning Condon), most handsome man, (won by KentChandler), and other distinctions too numerous and too personal to print. Musiciansfilled the intervals with the strains of songspopular in the long ago years of 1909- 1 9 1 3,including "Cubanola Glide," "Alexander'sRag-time Band," and other classics. Theevening ended with the melancholy strainsof the class song, the rousing class yell, the"Alma Mater," and a "Chicago" big enoughand loud enough to last another five years,all led by the class chorister, Chester S.Bell.The next day forty members of the classattended the class luncheons at Old Heidelberg, in A Century of Progress grounds.Lawrence E. Whiting and Mary AnnWhiteley Kennicott were in charge of theparties . for the men and the girls, respectively.An end to the reunion came with a mostenjoyable class picnic on Sunday at the homeof Virginia Hinkins Buzzell, on DelavanLake, Wisconsin.Among those present at the reunion were:David B. Adams, Chicago, Illinois; BentonB. Baker, Chicago; Dr. Hillier L Baker,Chicago; Bessie Schumacker Barnard, Winnetka, Illinois; Chester S. Bell, Chicago;Edith V. Bisbee, Whitewater, Wisconsin;Edward G. Blonder, Chicago; Ruth B.Bozell, Indianapolis, Indiana; Elizabeth H.Bredin, Highland Park, Illinois; Donald L.Breed, Freeport, Illinois; Virginia HinkinsBuzzell, Delavan, Wisconsin; Kent Chandler, Lake Forest, Illinois; Robert E. Clark,Highland Park, Illinois; Marie FanningNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSCondon, Winnetka, Illinois; Florence L.Deniston, Chicago; Lulu McLaughlinDonnell, Ponca City, Oklahoma ; James A.Donovan, Winnetka, Illinois; HarrietEdgeworth, Kankakee, Illinois; Max Enelow, Chicago; Cora Hinkins Farrar, Birmingham, Michigan; Elizabeth Jones Farrell, East Orange, N. J.; Benedict K.Goodman, Highland Park, Ill.; Edith A.Gordon, Chicago; Albert L. Green, Chicago; Kathryn N ath Greenblatt, Winnetka,Ill.; Cecile Van Steenberg Haydock, Pittsburgh, Penna.; William S. Hefferan, J r.,Chicago; Donald H. Hollingsworth, Lakewood, Ohio; Byron C. Howes, HighlandPark, Ill.; Mary E. Howland, Harvey, Ill.;Dr. Harry L. Huber, Chicago; Hiram L.Kennicott, Highland Park, Ill.; Mary AnnWhiteley Kennicott, Highland Park, Ill.;George E. Kuh, Highland Park, Ill. ; JamesA. Lytle, Highland Park, Ill. ; HelenMagee Marshall, Chicago; Earl B. McKnight, Chicago; Howard B. McLane, LaPorte, Ind.; Dr. Norman C. Paine, Glendale, Calif.; Harry A. Perrin, Joliet, Ill.;Samuel L. Pidot, Chicago; Stewart A.Prosser, Lake Forest, Ill.; Howard P. Roe,Chicago Heights, Ill. ; Harry O. Rosenberg,Chicago; Martha Green Sawyer, AnnArbor, Mich.; William A. Schneider, Kankakee, Ill.; Otto Y. Schnering, Evanston,Ill.; Fritz Steinbrecher, Chicago; Paul E.Tatge, Chicago; Robert E. Tuttle, Chicago;Dr. Leon Unger, Chicago; Lawrence H.Whiting, Chicago; Catharine A. Wisner,Washington, D. C.; Florence M. Wolf,Chicago, Ill.; Margaret Mitchell Wyeth,St. Joseph, Mo.Those unable to attend who wrote greetings included: Eleanor Ahern, Cincinnati,Ohio; Hazel K. Allen, N ew York, N. J.;Ellyn Broomell Beaty, Fairhope, Ala.; Rev.A. A. Bedikian, New York, N. Y.; W.Varner Bowers, New York, N. Y.; Dr.George H. Caldwell, Kalamazoo, Mich.;Halstead M. Carpenter, Monticello, Ia.;Isabel J. Clark, Washington, Penna.; Mrs.William E. Cochran, Paducah, Ky.; Clinton O. Dicken, Hinsdale, Ill. ; RuthCrawford Drake, Appleton, Wis.; Dr.Lawrence G. Dunlap, Anaconda, Mont.;Norman R. Elmstrom, Chicago; Theodore 429E. Ford, Kansas City, Mo.; Eleanor SeleyFowkes, Chicago; William S. Gray, Chicago ; Jeanette Israel Greenstone, Cleveland,Ohio; Muriel Bent Harris, Greenwich,Conn.; Dorothy Fox Hollingsworth, Lakewood, Ohio; Roger D. Long, Lexington,Mass.; Irene V. McCormick, Chicago; C.E. Montgomery, DeKalb, Ill.; Olive Paine,Peekskill, N. Y.; Alma Ogden Plumb,Streator, Ill.; Louise C. Robb, Glendale,Ohio; Glenola Behling Rose, Penn's Grove,N. J.; Thomas E. Scofield, Kansas City,Mo.; Sandford Sellers, Jr., Lexington,Mo.; Rev. Samuel T. Slaton, Birmingham,Ala. ; Regina Strauss, Danville, Ill.; Leo L.Weil, Chicago; Edith Bradley Wells, PalosPark, Ill.; Alan D. Whitney, Chicago;Edwin W. Eisendrath, Chicago.News notes from over a hundred members of the class, with up-to-date addressesof those and many more, and scores ofpictures of class members and their families,will appear in issue No.8 of "The Thirteen." This is now in preparation and willreach members of the class in October, onthe anniversary of the day when they firstappeared on the campus in I gog.1918IN THAT gracious room on the thirdfloor of Ida Noyes Hall, where fifteenyears ago members of the Class ofEighteen had afternoon tea with the gracious Archbishop of York, the class gatheredagain on the evening of Friday, June 9,for its fifteenth reunion dinner.Thirty-eight members of the class stoodout on the balcony overlooking the Midway,recalling how much greener the grass hadbeen in that golden University era of 1915to 1918, and then adjourned to a very pleasant dinner in the sunparlors. The dinnerwas very informal, with all conversation andno speeches, except for a sketchy and satisfying report by Arthur Baer on the classmonies. Of course, the Class Gift wasdiscussed slightly, as is the custom.After the dinner, the class, in rather afestive mood, went to the Breasted picturesin International House. It should be addedthat Barbara Miller Simpson was in charge430 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the arrangements, and that Walter Earlecame all the way from Porto Rico to bepresent.Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs.Arthur A. Baer, Ethel Bishop, Anna E.Boller, Pauline Callen, Mrs. Eva Richolson Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. SigmundCohen, Sherman Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.J. Milton Coulter, Mrs. Madeline McManus Craig, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Earle,Ruth Falkenau, Mr. and Mrs. HaroldFishbein, Mrs. Florence Lamb Gentleman,Margaret' Hayes, Lois Higgins, Mrs.Louise Maxwell Hoskins and son, Mr. andMrs. Jasper King (Julia Ricketts), FrancesLauren, Mrs. Annie Gordon Meier, AliceMcNeal, John Nuveen, Mr. and Mrs.George N. Simpson (Barbara Miller),Mrs. Frances Creekmur Whitcomb, Mrs.Dorothy Winefield Pink, Florence Woods.Letters of greeting were read fromLetitia Chaffee of New York City, PaulM. Heilman of Havana, Cuba, MaryKnapp of Peoria, Illinois, and Mrs. IdaliaMaxson Macy of Flushing, N. Y.Letitia Chaffee's letter follows:"Dear Eighteeners:"Greetings accompanied by regrets that Imust miss the 'Fifteen Years of Progress'expose of the Class of 1918. I am sureit will equal a Century of Progress for anyother class-or Eighteeners aren't the tallstory tellers I think them!"Long about two years ago the advertisingpastures in N ew York looked a little greenerto me-so here I am in an office overlooking verdant Sixth Avenue and the 'cuttingup trades' (before I came and settled onManhattan I called them the dress, coat andsuit manufacturers.)1876W. G. Hastings of Omaha, Nebraska, isserving as District Judge of the Fourth JudicialDistrict of Nebraska, for his fourth term.1902Beatrice Freeman Davis is assistant professorof English at Montana State College at Bozeman. *** Mrs. Edith Logan (Edith Jenkins)sends news from California of the recent engagement of her son, William Logan. "The Martha Houston Publications, ofwhich I am a co-founder, have much to dowith these cutters up, carrying the story ofthe swell things they make to stores allover the country."I really have a very comfortable if untidy office (excused because I am theeditor) -and I should be very glad to havea visit from any Eighteeners who happen toroam this way. For the bargain-hunters Imigh t add that we are just across the streetfrom Macy's, ready to furnish first aid anda more or less soft chair in case they wish torest up after the battle.USincerely.1"LETITIA CHAFFEE"1930THE 1930 Class Reunion Luncheonwhich was held June 10 at International House was attended by approximately twenty-one of the class. Wefelt this was a rather small representationalthough we had been told that we mustnot expect too much for the first reunion.However, we are hoping there will be agreat many more present. at the next reunion which we expect will be held in 1940.Following is a list of members of the1930 Class who were present at theluncheon: Kay Riddle, Norman Root, HalHayden, Louis Engel, Vi Engel, CatherineScott, Suzanne Kern, Clair Davis Clarkand guest, Helen McDougall, Frances Carr,Lucile Pfaender, Marian Fisher, VirginiaPatton, Adrienne Taylor, Mrs. Effie Barnard Mueller, David Klein, Helen Walters,Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Ginsburg, Mrs. VeraMay Hoppers.College1903Livonia Hunter is teaching in Monmouth (Ill.)High School.1904Jane Black Okeson is at Hirsch Junior HighSchool, Chicago, in the English department.1905Albert W. Evans, S.M. '08, is principal ofTilden Technical High School, Chicago.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS1906Wayland D. Wilcox, D.B. '07, is manager ofLea and Febiger, Publishers, in Philadelphia.1907Mrs. Katherine F. Roberts (Katherine Forster)A.M. 'II, is principal of Hosmer Hall, a schoolfor girls at St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Roberts resigned her position as dean of women at JuniataCollege to take up this work. *** Ralph EmersonHill, ex, is secretary-manager of the SouthernOak Flooring Industry and code administratorof the Oak Flooring Industry. He is living inMemphis, Tenn. *** Clark C. Steinbeck, whois business secretary of the Presbyterian missionat Peiping, China, visited in Japan this summer.1908Paul C. Stetson, A.M. '18, is the new presidentof the N. E. A. Department of Superintendence.At the recent convention in Chicago, he made anotable address on economy in school systems.1910William C. Geise, of Racine, is now superintendent of schools there.1913John C. Werener, A.M., is director of training at Albion State Normal, Albion, Mich. ***Helen Earle is head of the MacDuffie CountryDay School of Springfield, Mass.1914Mr. and Mrs. William Wiser (CharlotteViall) have been studying at Cornell Universitythis past year. Mr. Wiser has just received hisPh.D. in rural social organization, and Mrs.Wiser her M.Sc. in foods and nutrition. Bothwere awarded notable honors with their degrees, as Mrs. Wiser was elected a member ofPhi Kappa Phi, and Mr. Wiser to Sigma Xi.He will return to India, where they have beenengaged in social research previous to this yearof study, and in February Mrs. Wiser and thethree boys will join him. *** William H. Lymanis with the Prudential Insurance Company's realestate department at Newark, N. J. *** Mrs.James W. Pearce (Lydia Lee) teaches publicspeaking in Tilden Technical High School,Chicago. In private life she "looks after herfamily, one boy, two girls and one miningengineer husband who yearns for the mines tobuzz with activity again." She reports a recentvisit in Cleveland with her sister, Alice LeeLoweth, 'II; while there she met Nell Henry, '12,S.M. '15, who is teaching in that city. *** RudyMathews has recently been made manager of theMilwaukee office of Harris, Upham and Co., aNew York Stock Exchange firm. Mr. Mathewsis secretary of the Milwaukee Alumni Club. 4311917John W. Elliott, A.M., is secretary of theChristian Education Department of the AmericanBaptist Publication Society in Philadelphia. Hehas been with this department in variouscapacities since 1923. *** Lucy C. Williams waselected president of the Illinois Chapter of theAmerican Association of University Women thisspring, succeeding Mrs. Casper Platt (JeanetteRegent, '18) of Danville. Miss Williams willhold office for the next two years.1921Frank L. Eversull, A.M. '27, is now aninstructor in the department 'Of education atYale University. *** Phyllis Baker is working inthe Chicago Public Schools.1922]. Forrest Crawford, director of agriculturalwork at the Talabaya Farm School, of the NearEast Foundation in Lebanon, Syria, writes thathis young son, Clifford, who joined the familylast summer at Mount Lebanon, is already beginning to show a lot of interest in his father'swork, though scarcely in a position to say muchabout it yet. *** H. C. Gregg, A.M. '23, is thenew business manager for Iowa State College.For the last three years he has been engaged ina study of the business and financial affairs of66 colleges and universities, and has aided in asurvey for the North Central Association.1924H. C. Kilburn, ex, has been giving a course inphilosophy at the Leisure Time College inRacine. He is principal of the McKinley JuniorHigh School in his non-leisure time. *** FlorenceM. Guenther is teaching art at NorthwesternHigh School in Detroit. *** Margaret KuhnsSmith writes that she is keeping house for herhusband in Los Angeles (537 N. Irving BouI.).*** Wade Hampton Shumate, A.M., is nowpresident of Oklahoma State Teachers College,Durant, Okla.1925Eugene Lee Outland, A.M., is superintendentof schools in Centerville, Ind. *** Harry B.Ebersole, A.M., is a professor of European his':'tory at Northern State Teachers College, Marquette, Mich. *** Claus A. Olsen, A.M. '28, ispresident of Grandview College, Des Moines,Iowa. *** Adah Peirce, A.M. '30, just publisheda book, "Vocations for Women" (Macmillan).Miss Peirce is dean of women at Hiram College.*** D. H. Loree, A.M., is principal of thejunior and senior high schools at Connellsville, Pa.1926Franklin Gowdy writes that he is selling wooland lives in Springfield, Mass., headquarters also432 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOregon Alumni MeetDr. Morris Fishbein, 'II, M.D. '12, editor ofthe Journal of the American Medical Association, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rush, met with the Oregon Alumni Clubthis spring when he was in the West.Over seventy-five graduates of Chicago andRush, with their wives, attended. PresidentJay Stockman presided. Dr. Richard Dillehunt,M.D. '10, dean of the medical school of theUniversity of Oregon, introduced Dr. Fishbein,who spoke on the present development of theUniversity and the Medical Schools.The Oregon alumni meet frequently duringthe year, and invite alumni moving to theirsection of the country to get in touch with thesecretary and come to their meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to George W.Friede, Attorney at Law, 1013 Corbett Building,Portland, Oregon.for Nannene Gowdy, '21, and Howard Gowdy,'34. *** Maude Smith is teaching English atLaurel (Miss.) high school. *** Mabel A.Hewitt is an art teacher at Northeast high schoolin the teachers college at Kansas City, Mo. ***Mrs. Irene D. Lange, A.M. '28, dean of theLeisure Time College of Racine, reports a smallbut enthusiastic enrollment for summer quarter.*** Mabel May Whitney, A.M. '28, is teachingEnglish at Fenger high school, Chicago.1927N orman Johnson is manager and assistantsecretary of the Agricultural Bond and CreditCompany of Kansas City, Mo. *** W. E. Lewis,A.M., is working in the education department ofDoubleday Doran and Co., Garden City, N. Y.1928Mrs. Elmo PaulHohman (HelenFisher) just published "The Development ofBritish Social Insurance and Minimum WageLeg i s I a t ion"(Houghton M i fflin ) . This workwon first prize inthe Hart, Schaffnerand Marx prizeess-ay contest. ***J. Howard Covell,A.M., professor ofEnglish in K wantoGakuin, Y 0 k 0-hama, Japan, spenttwo weeks in Chinathis spring, in theinterest of interna-tional understand-ing among students. *** Margaret AlbertsonOkeson teaches English at Farragut. high school,Chicago.1929Benjamin Harrison Overman, A.M., is teaching in Southwest high school, Kansas City, Mo.*** H. Margaret Bunting, A.M., teaches Englishand History in the Collegiate and VocationalSchool, Belleville, Ontario.1930Muriel Parker, who has been studying, teaching and composing music since leaving thequadrangles, reports that her string quartet wasplayed at Kimball Hall in June. *** MyrtlePikeman is teaching in the English departmentof. Hibbing (Minn.) high school. She startedwork towards her master's degree this summerat the University. *** Mrs. J. A. Griffin (Eliza- beth Thomason), although unable to get to theclass reunion reported the acquisition of ahusband and a husky blonde son, James Emoryaged II months. *** Rudd Fleming received hismaster's degree from Co rnel I last year, and atpresent is working toward his doctorate at thatUniversity. He married Mary Duke Wight ofBloomington, Ill., December 27, 1932. *** Mrs.N an Hamlett Ewing has recently been appointedDirector of Nursing Service at the ToledoHospital, Toledo, Ohio. *** E. T. Smith, A.M., isdirector of the department of secondary education at Central State Teachers College, at StevensPoint, Wis. *** M. D. Helser, ex, is dean ofthe junior college at Iowa State, and is professor of animal husbandry and personnel directoras well. *** Van V. Alderman won the poetryprize of the Averyand Jules Hopwoods Awards atthe University ofMichigan in June.Mr. Alderman iscontinuing his workin chemistry. ***Mrs. H e len K.Dunn writes thatshe and her husband are travelingall over the RockyMountain region inthe interests 0 fPure Foods andDrugs, under theD epa r t men t ofAgriculture. Shesays that it is astrenuous life, butinteresting and educational and "it's ajob, which is something i nth e s etimes!" *** Leo-nard Anderson is teaching at Racine MilitaryAcademy. *** John Ball if, A.M., teaches Frenchand Phonetics at the University of Utah. Hewrites that Walter A. Kerr, A.M., '18, is in hisdepartm.ent, and that Merron C. Barlow, Ph.D.'26, is head of the department of psychology.1931James R. Couplin, known to the radio audienceas James Copeland, has passed from his Blackfriars successes on the quadrangles to the radioand concert stage. His baritone voice may beheard over WCFL on Saturday afternoons.1933Erik Wahlgren is working as a Life U nderwriter with the Prudential Insurance Companyof America, Ordinary Office, 175 West JacksonBoulevard. Mr. Wahlgren is a "second generation" Chicago alumnus.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSDoctors of Philosophy1898Edgard J. Goodspeed, D.B. '97, was electeda trustee of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill., thisJune.1900Isabelle Bronk was recently made head emeritaof the department of Romance Languages atSwarthmore. She spent last summer in Paris.1904Laetitia M. Snow is working on bacteriologicalflora of the dunes at Monterey Peninsula andDeath Valley, for Hopkins Marine Station ofStanford University. *u George H. Shull,eminent botanist and professor of botany andeugenics at Princeton University, received notable recognition from the U. S. Department ofAgriculture this June, when Secretary Wallaceused his work as an illustration of the value ofpure research, in relation to the productivenessof the farm and to general human values.1905Earl Dean Howard, '02, Ph.M. '03, is a deputyadministrator of the National Industrial Recovery Act. He is with Northwestern University.1907Frank G. Lewis, A.M. '06, is librarian ofBucknell Library at Crozier Theological Seminary, Chester, Pa.1908R. E. Buchanan, head 'of the department ofbacteriology and dean 'Of the graduate college atIowa State, has been appointed director of theagricultural experiment station in addition tohis present duties.1909Ivan Lee Holt received the degree of Doctorof Divinity from Duke University this spring.Last fall his church, the Southern MethodistEpiscopal, sent him as a fraternal messenger tothe London Conference, which united the threeMethodisms of Great Britain.1910'William C. Moore has been elected secretarytreasurer of the Metropolitan New York sectionof the Electrochemical Society.19IIJohn F. Norton heads the department of bacteriology at Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich.1913J essie Taft, '05, announces the publication ofa book on "The Dynamics of Therapy in aControlled Relationship." Miss Taft is with 433the Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania, atPhiladelphia.1916A. Wakefield Slaten gave the commencementaddress for the University of Hawaii in June, onthe subj ect "The Challenging Present." ***David McKey is president of Millsaps College at Jackson, Miss.1917C. L. Kjerstad, A.M. '16, is chairman of thecommittee on standards and surveys of theAmerican Association of Teachers Colleges thisyear. He is president of the State TeachersCollege at Dickinson, N. Dak.1918F. E. Brown, 'I3, professor of chemistry incharge of general chemistry at Iowa StateCollege writes that his twin sons are doingwonderful things in high school, leading inathletics, scholarship and class activities.I920Paul W. Terry is head of the department ofpsychology at the University of Alabama. ***William C. Smith, A.M. '12, is professor ofsociology at the William Jewell College SummerSchool.1921Willis L. Uhl is teaching at the University ofHawaii summer school session this year. He ischairman 'Of the department of education at theUniversity of Washington, and has written someexcellent hooks on secondary education. ,jHl-,.;*Hugo Blomquist, '16, is professor of botany atDuke University. He is preparing a manualof gr asses of North Carolina.1922Waldo F. Mitchell heads the department ofsocial studies at Indiana State Teachers Collegeat Terre Haute. *,!H* W. S. Hendrix is workingat a study of radio broadcasting of RomanceLanguages in North America. He is professorin Romance Language at Ohio State. ,1:** HaroldF. Gosnell is spending the summer in London,studying the British Royal Commissions of Inquiry.1923L. E. Blauch, A.M. 'I7, is executive secretaryof the Curriculum Survey Committee of theAmerican Association of Dental Schools. Thesurvey is an effort to devise a suggested course ofstudy in dentistry. This summer Mr. Blauchis teaching in the summer school of the University of Maryland. *** Norman S. Haynes, A.M.'2I, is traveling with his wife and two childrenon an extensive automobile tour of the UnitedStates and Western Europe. He expects to re-434 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEturn to the University of Washington at Seattlein 1934.1924Ruth Phelps Morand is collaborating with herhusband, Paul Morand, on his new book. Theirnew address is Gai Logis, Avenue Montfleury,Mont-Boron, Nice. They plan to spend mostof their time in Nice hereafter. *** CorneliusGouwens is associate professor of mathematicsat Iowa State. He was recently elected permanent secretary of the Mathematics Associationof America. *** Barclay L. Jones is headmasterof the Friends Central Country Day School atOverbrook, Pa. There are 500 boys and girlsat the school, ranging from kindergarten tocollege age. Mr. Jones writes that he was recently elected president of Bela-CynwoodNarberth Rotary Club.1926Florence E. Barns, '15, spoke in a symposiumbefore the National Convention of the AmericanAssociation of University Women at Minneapolis in May.1927Paul L. Whitely, A.M. '24, writes that he isa charter member of the Torch Club, newly organized at Lancaster, Pa. Mr. Whitely teachespsychology at Franklin and Marshall Collegethere. *** A. M. McMahon is curator of thedepartment of physics in the Museum of Scienceand Industry in Jackson Park, Chicago.1928Frederick M. Derwacter is professor of Greekat Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. *** Rachel Stutsman is a psychologist at Merrill Palmer School,Detroit.1929W. E. Sturgeon is head of the chemistry department at Beaver College, Jenkintown, Pa.193�R. S. Boggs, '26, has published "T'he Hal/chickTale in SPain and France" in Folklore FellowsCommunications, and, with N. B. Adams, atextbook of Spanish Folktales. He served at theM.L.A. meeting this year, and reported that hisbibliography "covering the entire field of Spanishlanguage and literature has already attainedsuch a degree of completeness as to be of greathelp to all scholarly activity in the department.All Chicago alumni are welcome to use it. Iteliminates such drudgery as looking throughmore than 100 numbers of the Rev.d.FiI.Esp.and Z.R.P. for bibliography on 'One's subject."*** Leon P. Smith, Jr., A.M. '28, professor inthe Romance Language Department, Universityof Chicago, received an award from theAmerican Council of Learned Societies to enable him to visit the Vatican Library in Rome, theN ationale and Arsenal libraries of Paris, andThe Famous library in Berne. He will alsocontinue research begun at Tours last summer.Dr. Smith is specializing in Old French and hasdone some notable work on some recently discovered manuscripts of the medieval period.1931Herbert Hamlin is associate professor ofvocational education. at Iowa State College. ***Arnold Lieberman, '24, M.D. '28, reports fromGary that he is practicing there, curing someand burying others, a cheery bit 'Of news.1932Hugh Van R. Wilson has spent the last fewmonths at Harvard with an appointment as aresearch fellow in philosophy.1933Joseph W. Hawthorne recently published anarticle on "A Cruelty-Compassion Test" in theJournal of Social Psycholo ay, which arousedconsiderable attention in the daily press.' Heis the son of Warren Hawthorne, S.M. '00.Rush1865John Meacham, M.D., presented the diplomasto the graduating class at St. Luke's Hospital inRacine this spring. The doctor who is called byhis fellow alumni, "The Dean of ChicagoAlumni in Racine," is hale, hearty, and exceedingly active, despite his advanced years.1880J. A. Badgley, M.D., is living and practicingin DeKalb, where he has been for more thanfifty years.1883C. D. Carter, M.D., celebrates the 50th anniversary of his beginning to practice medicinein DeKalb, Ill., this year.1893Henry J. Gahagan, M.D., is medical directorof Mercyville Sanitarium, at Aurora, Ill.1894Daniel J. Hayes, M.D., writes that he is muchinterested in mental hygiene, which he believesto be the most promising field in preventivemedicine today. He is living in San Anselmo,Calif., and likes it very much there.1896Fred C. Hannold, M.D., has retired fromactive practice and is now living at 457 AshStreet, Winnetka, Ill.1900G. F. Zerzan, M.D., is especially interested inPROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYphysical therapy, but carries on a generalpractice in Holyrood, Kansas.1901C. A. Lilly is doing research in nutrition atthe University of Michigan. 4351902George B. Lake, M.D., who has been editorof . Clinical Medicine and . Surgery for severalyears, was recently made business manager also.His book of verse, "Hilltops," says he, "is stillselling-occasionally."Professional DirectoryARTISTGERDA AHLMExpert Restorer of FinePAINTINGS and MINIATURESSuite 170156 E. Congress St. TelephoneWabash 5390DENTISTDR. GEO. G. KNAPPDENTISTWoodlawn Medical Arts Bldg.Suite 304 1305 E. 63rd StreetPhone Plaza 6020MUSIC PUBLISHERSMcKINLEY MUSIC CO. l���d�rc}J�POPULAR AND STANDARDMUSIC PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERSMusical Settings-Compositions ArrangedPublishers of McKinley Edition of 20 cent MusicST ANDARD-CLASSICAL-TEACHINGOPTICIANSNELSONOPTICAL CO.1138 East 63rd StreetHyde Park 5352Dr. Nels R. Nelson, OptometristOSTEOPATHYD 0 (T 0 R H. E. W ELL 5Osteopathic Physician and SurgeonPhysio- Therapy- X-Ray-Light Treatments6420 Cottage Grove Ave.Phone DORchester 6600Hours 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Home Calls MadeSCHOOLSBEVERLY FARM A Home, School forINC. Nervous and Backward36th Year Children and Adults220 Acres, 7 Buildings, School Gymnasium, Industrial andSchool Training Given, Department tor Birth Injury CasesGroves Blake Smith, M. D. Godfrey, Ill. SCHOOLS - ContinuedPRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAININGBusiness Administration, Executive-Secretarial14 Other Practical Courses- Train for Assured SuccessCollege Grade Courses 77th Year Write/or CatalogBRYANT & STRATTON COLLEGE18 South Michigan Avenue Randolph 1575CHICAGO SCHOOL OF SCULPTUREVIOLA NORMAN, DirectorLife Modeling - Life DrawingAbstract Design - CompositionWrite for Catalog Studio 1011 Auditorium Bldg.Telephone Harr. 3216 Fifty-six East Congress St.HUETTLART SCHOOLCartooning - DrawingPainting - EtchingArt Materials1546-50 E. 57th St. Plaza 2536MacCormac School of CommerceBusiness Administration and Secretarial TrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any Monday1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130THE MIDWAY SCHOOL6216 Kimbark Ave.El�mentary GradesKindergarten Tel. Dorchester 3299Junior High PreparationFrench, Dancing, Music and ArtBus ServiceA School with Individual Instruction and Cultural AdvantagesTEACHERS AGENCIESF• k Teachers1.8 Agency 28 E. Jackson Blvd.CHICAGOOur Service is Nation WideTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1914Eunice Ford, A.M. '28, has been Mrs. T. B.Stackhouse since June, r st, Her present address is I5II Laurel St., Columbia, S. Car.1916Hannah E. Pease teaches vocational home economics at Putnam High School, Putnam, Conn.1920Earl B. Dickerson, J.D., is serving as assistant attorney general for the State of Illinois,with headquarters at 33 N. LaSalle St.1923Edwin S. Godfrey, J.D., writes that he ismarried, has one son aged three, and lives inAppleton, Wis.1926James C. Ellis, '23, M.D., has been in practicein DeKalb, Ill., for the past 2� years. He ispresident 'of the DeKalb University of ChicagoClub.1927J ames Otis Helm, M.D., holds the offices ofmayor of New Florence, Mo., coroner of Montgomery County, and member of the New Florenceschool board. *** Holland Holten, J.D., is headof the department of education and director ofsummer school at Duke University, Durham,N. C. *** Joseph Sibley, J.D., has opened officesfor the practice of law at 134 N. LaSalle St.,Chicago.1928Percival Allen Gray, Jr., '22, Ph.D. '24, M.D.,was elected an associate member of the American College of Physicians in March, 1933; heis living in Santa Barbara, Calif.1929Gilbert J. Rich, M.D., is director of MilwaukeeCounty Mental Hygiene Clinic, (2430 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee).1930Harry Shapiro, M.D., is health commissionerfor the city of Adams and county physician forthe county of Adams, Wis.1931Beatrice Jones, M.D., is practicing in Racineagain after a protracted absence. from that city.1932William E. Jones, M.D., is in general practicein Fairfield, Washington. 1933Sanford K. Robinson, M.D., is now in Chicago'at 7100 South Shore .Drive, having completedhis term of interning at St. Louis City Hospital.Rush Necrology ReportNinety-nine Rush alumni have passed onduring the last year. The oldest was ninetysix, belonging to the Class of 1863, the youngest,thirty-eight, a member of the Class of 1921. Theaverage age of 66,7 is two years lower this yearthan last. The classes of 1883 and 1900 eachlost seven members, and 1891 and 1903 eachlost six. Only nine have been lost from all theclasses that have graduated in the last thirtyyears. The name of Dr. Frank Billings wasadded to this list by a vote of the AlumniAssociation, although he was an honorary member.* * * * *1863: Charles Frederick Little1872: Zorah Elon Patrick1873: Milton Granville Sloan; George ChristianWellner1874= John Henry Byrne; James G. McElroy;] ames Harold McCune1875: James Gordon Berry; Charles Egan1876: Samuel Judd Holmes; Floyd Delos O'Brien1877: John Wesley Andrews; Frederick S.Lu'kmann1878: Judson D. Irwin1881: James Morgan O'Connell; NathanielBruyn Ro rnbeck ; Thomas ] effersonDuma; Thomas Henry Line1882: John Milton Adams; Alfred J. Abbott;Frank Hayward Farnum; AlbertGeorge Stoddard1883: Stephen S. Stark; Charles Hamlin Good;Benj amin Franklin Forrest; William P.Goodsmith; Lester Cameron Smith;John Knox Miller; Edson Rhodes1885: Clarence Theodore Lindley; Boyd NelsonBricker; George ]. Jurss; John J.Leahy; William E. Dodds; FrederickSteele Hartman1886: Pearson McPherson1887: Amos Longfellow Baker; Adolph Roos1888: James Bell Goddard; George Frederick .Yates1889: Chambers B. Clapp; ] ames RobertWatson1890: Cornelius J. Phillips; Clinton DeWittCollins; Stephen Gano West1891: Edward B. Felter; Albert Eugene Bulson;] ohn G. Marbourg; Albert StephenBurdick; John William Smoot; WilliamGue Morgan1892: Michael J. Kenefrick; Thomas Suleeba1893: Wilmer Lambert Dickerson; James Warren Van Derslice1894: Frank Harvey Allen; Willis L. Ste arns tJoseph. H. Closo .TEACHERS AGENCIES - ContinuedBUSINESS DIRECTORYAWNINGSTHE YATES-FISHER TEACHERSAGENCYEstablished 1906PAUL YATES, Manager616-620 South Michigan Ave. Chicago JUNDERTAKERSBA'RBOUR & GUSTINUNDERTAKERS4141Cottage Grove Ave. PHONEDREXEL 0510LUDLOW .- SCHNEIDERFUNERAL DIRECTORSFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 2861 6110 Cottage Grove Ave,SKEELES BIDDLEFuneral DirectorsFairfax 0120 Sixty-Third Street and Evans Ave.Business DirectoryARTISTS SUPPLIESEDWARD C. BUNCK4645-47 South ParkwayPAINTS-GLASS-WALL PAPERArtist's MaterialsALL PHONES OAKLAND 0845Deliveries to All Parts of Chicago SuburbsAUCTIONEERSWILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO.",4_uctioneer,<:: and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at our salesrootnsAccept on consignment tile better quality of furniture,works of art, books. rugs, brlc-a-brac, etc.TVe sell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.229 S. Wabasn Ave. Pnone Harrison 3777AUTO LIVERYCHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYLlNCOLNS With Experienced Chauffeurs5548 Lake Park Ave. MIDway 0949AUTO SERVICE STATIONSWASHINGTON PARKSERVICE STATIONWe Appreciate Your Patronage5601-7 Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Dorchester 7113 437PHONES OAKLAND 0690-0691-0692The Old Reli a bleHYDE PARK AWNING CO., Inc.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOYD & GOULD, Inc.5813-15 Wentworth AvenueARTCRAFTAWNINGS AND CANOPIESPhones Wentworth 2450-2451BROKERSClark G. (Skee) Sauer '12 C. P. (Buck) Freeman '13WithJAMES E. BENNETT f4 COMPANYStocks - Bonds - Grain - CottonMembers: New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges,Chicago Board of Trade, All Principal Markets332 So. LaSalle St. Telephone Wabash 2740P. H. Davis, '11 H. I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W. Davis, '16 F. B. Evans,'l1 W. M. Giblin, '23PAUL H. DAVIS & CO.MembersNew York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange37 So. LaSalle St. Franklin 8622CATERERSJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900 Tel. Sup. 0901Quality and Service Since 1882CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12EPSTEIN REYNOLDS and HARRISConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4286CEMETERIESOAK WOODS CEMETERY1035 E. 67th St. at Greenwood Ave.Fairfax 0140Irrevocable Perpetual CharterCrematory - GreenhousesCOAL5900 STEW ART 3952AUBURN COAL & MATERIAL CO.COAL-COKE- BUILDING MATERIAL7443 So. Racine Ave. ChlcascTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1895: John Mills Lang; Frank R. Frazier;Daniel C. Cavanagh; Benjamin AbnerArnold1896: John Whiteaker Ballance; J ohn LawrenceJacques1897: Cassius True Lesan; Milo Mason Loomis;Matthew U. Chesire1898: Earl Lee Overholt1900: James Walter Andrist; Robert EmmettFarr; James M. Mitchell; CharlesJ ames Patton; Vincent Rockwell Killen;George Smieding ; Emanuel OliverBenson1901: Charles Augustus Henry, Jr.; WilloughbyAnson Herninway ; Raymond G.Richards; Jacob Wilford Wine1902: John Merl Frick; John Robert Carney;Walter Wilson Yates; RichardHuizenga; George DeVere Miller1903: Edward Paul Fick; Clinton E. Spicer;Gayfree Ellison; Clarence JosephMcCusker ; John Z. Mraz; CharlesEdmond Scullin1904: William Webster Root; William WhiteCollins1914: Frank Amos Chapman1915: George Hiram Robbins1917: Clifford Spencer Powell; Maurice MartinCritchlow1918: William Edward Wegge1921: Albert Jacques St. Germain1924: Elmer Louis BoydLawIrwin Walker, ex, is one of the new schooltrustees recently appointed in Chicago.19IIDeWitt B. Lightner, '09, J.D., is with theZurich General Accident and Liability Insurance Co., Ltd., of Chicago.1913Jerome N. Frank, '12, J.D., is now with theDepartment of Agriculture at Washington, D. C.1923L. Phillip Holt, '21, J.D., is associated withRobert Winn in the general practice of law atWashington, D. C. They give especial attentionto cases concerned with the recently enactedFederal Securities Act and Industrial Recoverylaw.1926Scott W. Hovey, J.D., is an assistant generalcounsel with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation at Washington. 1927Paul E. Mathias, LL.B., has moved fromSpringfield to Chicago, where he is located at7550 Essex Ave. Mr. Mathias was president ofthe Chicago Alumni Club of Springfield. ***Hercule Paulino, J.D., is practicing law at4710 Main Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio.1929Fred H. Mandel, '28, J.D., is in general practice with the firm of McN elson and Zimmermanin Cleveland, Ohio.1932John Thomas Moore, '31, J.D., is with thelaw firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and PlattChicago. 'School of Business1925J. P. Woodlock, A.M., is sales executive ofthe B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., of Akron, Ohio.1926Frederick R. Wilkins is with Sears Roebuckand Co., of Chicago.1931Harry P. Gordon has joined the forces ofSears Roebuck and Company. *** Errett VanNice and Arthur Cahill are with the HarrisTrust and Savings Bank.1932Stoddard G. Small is working for Harris,Upham and Company in Chicago. *** RobertS. Hinds is with Wayne, Hummer Company,Chicago. *** Maurice A. Zollar is in the TrustDepartment of the Continental Illinois NationalBank and Trust Co.1933Theodore Kleisner is with the CommonwealthEdison Co., of Chicago. *** O. L. Weir is another alumnus in the Sears Roebuck fold.Divinity1907G. I. Hoover, D.B., A.M. '08, i� president. ofthe Bethany Assembly, Brooklyn, Ind., a centerof religious education, under the immediate control of the church of the Disciples of Christ,but intercommunional in cooperation with otherdenominations. The center is celebrating itsJubilee this summer. Mr. Hoover also reportsthat his s'On, Lyman, is serving as student secretary of the Y.M.C.A. at Peiping, China.PAINTINGGEORGE ERHARDT and Sons, Inc.Painting - Decorating - Wood Finishing31�3 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3186PLASTERINGHoward F. NolanPlastering, Brick and Cement WorkRepairing a Specialty1111 East 55th St. Dorchester 1578-1579PLUMBING .. RADIO .. REFRIGERATIONA. J. F. LOWE & SON1217 East 55th. StreetPLUMBING - REFRIGERATION .. RADIOSALES AND SERVICEDAY PHONES NIGHT PHONESM�D. 0782-0783 MID. 9295-0AKLAND 1131RIDINGMidway Riding Academy6037 Drexel AvenueExpert I.nstructorsBeautiful Bridle Peth end Good HorsesUniversity of Chicago Riding HeadquartersMidway 9571 Phone Dorchester 8041ROOFINGGROVE ROOFING CO.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired New Roofs Put On22 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices - Estimates Free Fairfax 3206RUG CLEANERSHAAKER & HENTSCHORIENTAL -:- DOMESTICRug and Carpet CleanersUpholstering and Refinishing5165 State St. "Oakland 1212SADDLERYw. J'. WYMANManufacturer, Importer and Dealer inHigh Grade Saddles, Polo Goods, Etc.Chicago Riding Club Building, 628 McClurg CourtLake Forest Store-210-212 Westminster Ave., EastTelephone Superior 8801SMELTINGU. S. WANTS GOLDDiscarded Old Jewelry, Dental Gold, Broken Watches, etc., Redeemed for Cash, Dependable and Courteous Service. Managementof 42 years' experience. Old estabt ished and responsible. Bring orsend direct. Don't sell to strangers. WE EMPLOY NO SOliCITORS.U. S. SMELTING WORKS (The Olel Reliable)39 So. State St., Cor. Monroe, 4th Floor Behilul .. ,youJ:.TEhERHONEnation-wide organization of trained mindswhose ideal is to serve· you in anearly perfect as is humanly possible,Welcome· toBlackstone HallExclusive Women's Hotel-Close toWORLD'S FAIRandUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSpecial fRates by Week or Month. ModeratePriced Restaurant in Building. Near BeautifulBridle Path. Good Horses for Hire .. -BLACKSTONE HALL5748 Blackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd .. , Chi�ago535 Fifth Ave., New York.415 Hyde Bldg., SpokaneA generat:��acementBur�au for men and twomen irtall: kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College, and State Teachers' College dep.artments for Doctors andMaster�.;. Critics' and Sup�visoJJ$ Jor Normals. Also many calls for·,;Special teachersof Music, Art, Home Economics, BusinessAdministration, Correspondence Teaching.Fine opportunities in Secondary Schools.A host of best Suburban patrons for gradeand High School teachers. Read ourbooklet. Call.SHIPPING AND STORAGEMOVING - STORAGE --'- SHIPPINGPacking and Baggage TransferSTROMBERG BROTHERS1316 East 61st StreetPhones Dorchester 3211 and 3416VENTILATINGTHE HAIN·ES COMPANYVentila ting Contractors1929-1937 West Lake St.PHONES SEELEY 2765 - 2766 - 2767... can IIte# itYtltf!J!to sofistl .'THE CIGARETTE THAT'S MILDER. THE CIGARETTE THAT TASTES BETTER© 1933, LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO.