Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllim miiiiiiiiiii i i i inn i i iiiiiimiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiini i > vol. xxiv February, ipj2 number 4THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE{TRAVEL SERVICES FOR ALUMNIConvenient and Enjoyable Travel Assured by the Appointing of the American Express Companyas the Official Travel Bureau of the Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service IA "SUNSHINE'' TRIP TO END THE WINTERC EE the cold weather season out by^ taking a trip to summertime landsthat will bring renewed health andvigor. There is a number of short,economical cruises and land trips tonearby sunny playgrounds, that canbe arranged for you. Just to give youan idea:West Indies CruisesSailing March 12 — "Kungs-holm" — 18 days. Returns March30. From New York $205 MinimumCostSailing March 25 — "Vulcania" — 17-day Cruise.Returns April 10. From New York $215(Prices are minimum, less shore excursions)BermudaAll-expense trips to suit your leisure time ; 4 sailings weekly throughout the winter. 5 -day tripsfrom New York 76 Mexico MinimumCostMarch 8 and 22 — 21 -dayEscorted tour-cruise to Mexico,leaving Chicago and St. Louis(can be joined from your town,prices quoted on request). FromChicago $494March 8 and 22— 16 -dayEscorted tour-cruise to Mexico,Havana to Florida. From Chicago 434March 8 and 22 — 18-day Escorted tour-cruiseto Mexico, Havana to New York. From Chicago 446March 9 and 23 — 17-day Escorted tour toMexico City, leaving San Antonio, returning toTucson; opportunity for people traveling toCalifornia to visit Mexico en route. From SanAntonio 346PLANS FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMEREDUCATIONAL TOURSTOURS through the Old World, planned to fully realize theexceptional educational and cultural values of travel, areoffered by the Intercollegiate Travel Extension Service of theAmerican Express Company. They include the major artistic,scientific and social problems of vital interest to modern menand women. An educational director, an authority in his field,will accompany each tour. On some of these tours it is possibleto gain academic credit, which makes them of especial valueto teachers and students.The appeal of these tours is by no means limited; all are welcome who are interested in the purpose and aims of these unusual travel offerings. Here is an opportunity long awaited byalumni, advanced students and all intelligent travelers — a pleasant summer in Europe combined with intellectual and estheticpleasures and benefits.1. Music Lovers' Tour ... Educational Director, Prof. V.Moore, University of Michigan . . . Sail on ''Olympic" July 1,return on "Homeric" Aug. 24 . . . price $798.2. Education Study Tour . . . Director, Dr. Thomas Alexander,Teachers College, Columbia University . . . Sail on "Generalvon Steuben" June 30, return on "Europa" Sept. 7... cost $760.3. Social Welfare Tour . . . Director, Dr. Thomas Alexander,Teachers College, Columbia University, assisted by Mr. JohnW. Taylor of Raleigh Public Schools . . . Sail on "General vonSteuben" June 30, return on "Europa" Sept. 7 . . .rate $760.4. Agricultural Tour . . . Director, Dr. C. E. Ladd,Cornell University . . . Sail on "Olympic" July 1,return on "Pennland" Sept. 4 . . . price $800.5. European Industries Tour . . . Director, Prof.N. C. Miller, Rutgers University . . . Sail on "West-ernland" July 1, return on "Lapland" Aug. 29.7-day extension tour to England, returning on the TRAVELERS CHEQUES , TRAVEL SERVICEHERE AND EVERYWHERE"Baltic" Sept. 5. Cost $681 for main tour, $88 for EnglishExtension.6. Architectural Tour . . . Director, Prof . W. M. CampbellUniversity of Pennsylvania . . .Sail on "Conte Grande" June28, return on "Statendam" Sept. 3. Price $882.7. Art Tour . . . Director, Prof. Charles Richards, OberlinCollege . . . Sail on "Olympic" July 1, return same steamerAug. 30 . . . rate $775.8. Psychological Residential Study Tour . . . Director, Prof.Henry Beaumont, University of Kentucky . . . Reside in Viennaone month and attend University. (Lectures in English.) Sailon "Westernland" July 1, return on "Majestic" Sept. 6...cost $645.9. Anthropological Tour (To New Mexico) . . . Director,Prof. Paul H. Nesbitt, Curator, Logan Museum, Beloit College. . . Tour leaves Kansas City Aug. 1, returns to that city Aug.22. The cost ranges between $440 from Kansas City, to $502from New York.(Write in jor individual tour booklets, giving allnecessary information)"TRAVAMEX" TOURS OF EUROPETravel independently, a new economical way — at a cost, ofabout $9 a day while in Europe. Choose from among 10 alluringitineraries, ranging from 15 days at $133, to 35 days at $332.50.(Time and cost exclusive of ocean voyage.) Send jor interestingbooklet, with maps."AMEXTOURS" OF EUROPE— If you prefer anescorted tour, there are 31 varying tours, all interesting and carefully planned, and priced to fit modestincomes. They start from a 25-day tour at $278,including all expenses. (Write jor literature.)Independent Travel Arranged. No Matter WhereYou Wish to Travel, American Express ServiceWill Smooth Your Pathway !IT IS IMPORTANT TO BOOK EARLY!• FILL IN THE COUPON AND MAIL TO ADDRESS MOST CONVENIENT TO YOU -American Express Intercollegiate Travel Extension Service, 65 Broadway, New YorkAmerican Express Co., 70 East Randolph St., Chicago, 111. 8Gentlemen: I am interested in the trip checked. Please send me information, and literature.? West Indies Cruise ? "AMEXTOURS" to Europe ? Mexico Tour-Cruise ? "TRAVAMEX" Tours to Europe ? Special EDUCATIONAL TOURS to EUROPE ? Any other trip Name Address ®f)e ©nfoersrttp of Cijicago 4laaa?meEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck '04Cobb Hall, University of ChicagoEDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Rollin D. He-mens, '21; Divinity Association-— C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College — Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.Donald P. Bean, '17, ChairmanI Al T H I ^On our cover we bring you a reproduction of the bas-relief portrait in bronzeof President William Rainey Harper recently placed in the corridor of Swift Hall.This memorial tablet is the work of LeonardCrunelle, sculptor of the Judson memorialbas-relief in Mandel corridor.£& •& J& J& £&LAlfred S. Romer who writes so interestingly of fossil hunting in Africa has beena member of the department of geology since1923. At the present time, when not employed in the search and study of fossil-iferous treasures, he spends his odd moments in speculation as to whether a vertebrate paleontologist owes first allegiance tothe Physical Science Division or to that ofthe Biological Sciences.*****Carl Bricken was called to the Universitythis year as assistant professor in a department of music which is still to be established.Department or no department, he has, sinceearly fall, organized and developed a mostcreditable symphony orchestra that has delighted the campus with its initial concert.tJt ¦si? yfc t(? v(?The editorial reprinted from the DailyMaroon is the work of its Editor-in-ChiefLouis N. Ridenour, Jr. Harry D. Gideonse, excerpts from whoselectures we print under the title Disarmament or Peace, joined the faculty in 1930and has already become known as an inspiring teacher and stimulating lecturer. He isAmerican Editor of The Revue EconomiqueInternationale. For a man of his age, whichis far from hoary, he has had a remarkablebackground of experience in internationalrelations..ik. Jfc £& £&. J&VjC 7F Tjv ^ Tf*John Holt, of the class of '31, no soonerreceived his diploma than he started on aworld tour. Returning to Chicago aftersuccessfully circumnavigating the globe hebecame an official member of the SherwoodEddy expedition to Russia. Our presentcontribution gives evidence that he got asfar as Berlin on his journey to the SovietRepublic.7f* *T» ^ -^ ?[•Lawrence McGregor is Bond Officer fora large New York bank. In his undergraduate days he edited the Chicago Literary Magazine, presided over the HonorCommission, headed the University Marshals and won Phi Beta Kappa. Sincegraduation he has been honored withthe presidency of the New York AlumniClub.The Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave.,Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per year; the price of single copies is 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana,tinder the Act of March 3, 1879.147Looking Eastward Through Harper ArchesVol. xxiv No. 4tradeUntoersiitp of ChicagoJfflaga^meFEBRUARY, 1932Treasure HuntersBy Alfred S. RomerProfessor of Vertebrate PaleontologySOUTH AFRICA has long been notedfor the wealth produced from its soil ;the country is the world's leading producer of gold and diamonds. We had longdesired to acquire for Walker Museumanother type of earth product from thatregion much less valuable in dollars andcents but much more interesting scientifically — the bones of fossil reptiles.Our museum possesses an excellent seriesof primitive early Permian reptiles from theTexas "red beds" collected by Paul Millerand described by the late Dr. Williston andhis students. We had long wished to obtainspecimens from later Permian times whenprimitive reptiles were developing intomammals. But for this period the Americanfossil record is a blank, and almost all knowntypes of this sort have come from SouthAfrica. And so Miller and I were highlypleased, two years ago, when funds wereforthcoming to enable us to spend ninemonths on an expedition to that region inquest of remains of our ancient reptilianrelatives and ancestors.From Cape Town, where we equippedourselves with a truck, camping supplies,good advice from our scientific colleagues, and a Dutch cook (the world's worst — barnone) our way lay for some hundreds ofmiles over and between the mountain rangeswhich border the southern edge of the continent, until finally we reached the regionin which we were to spend the greater partof our time in the field — the Karroo.The name is, I believe, a Hottentot termmeaning barren land. The Karroo does notbelie its name. It is, I imagine, one of themost inhospitable regions inhabited by man.It covers many thousands of square miles inthe interior of the continent — rolling, barren plains, with kopjes standing out hereand there. Mountains to the south shutoff any rain-bearing winds that shouldattempt to drift in from that direction. Theprevailing winds in South Africa come in,moisture laden, from the Indian Ocean.First, most of the rain is shed in the coastaldistricts of Natal where sugar and cottongrow. Enough moisture is left, as theypass west, to render the "high veldt" of theTransvaal and the Orange Free State awell-grassed cattle country. As the windscurve to the south they shed their few remaining drops in the Kalahari Desert, whichis none too congenial a district. And only149150 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEafter that do these now dry breezes reachthe Karroo. The amount of precipitationleft to precipitate is nothing to cheer about.The average rainfall per year is officiallygiven as about ten inches. This is probablya bit optimistic. In some areas which wevisited there had not been one single dropof rain for five years previous.In consequence, the vegetation leavesmuch to be desired. No trees except alongthe (usually dry) river beds. No grass.Practically nothing except scattered shriveled little shrubs — the Karroo bush.It has been found,however, that sheep canmanage to keep alive onthese blackened bushes,provided water can befound for them; in consequence the country isinhabited by a race ofhardy sheep herders.Sparsely inhabited however, for on the averageten acres must be allowedas pasturage for a sheep.And in consequence each"ranch" must includemany square miles ofbarren unfenced land.The landowners, inthis region so unlike theirnative land, are Dutchmen. They are a finerace of men — honest,hospitable, friendly, andintelligent in many ways,but often dominated by two emotions —hatred of the English and fear of the black.The English long ruled this region and, itseems to us, did much for it in their usualsolid, sincere but blundering fashion. Theywere never too welcome, however, and theBoer War was a rather indefensible episode.Now South Africa is practically independentand the Dutch majority is turning the tables.The flag of the Union of South Africa isthat of the Dutch Republic — with a microscopic replica of the Union Jack inserted inits central white stripe as a last minute concession to the English minority. "Afri-caans," a simplified Dutch dialect, without any literature or tradition behind it, is on apar with English for all official uses."A century ago," said a pessimistic Boeracquaintance, "this was a black man'scountry. A century from now it will be ablack man's country again." The Karroowas part of the homeland of the Hottentotswhen the Dutch first entered the country acentury ago. They still dwell there (witha casual dash of white blood mixed into thestrain), but only as servants, sheep-herders.In the towns they are crowded into miserable hovels in a native "location"; on the"farms" their home isthe nearest bush whichmay shelter them for thenight. The standardmonthly wage is a bag ofcorn meal, half a sheepand ten shillings. Theyare a miserable lot, butindispensable as a sourceof cheap labor; it is below a white man's dignity to work with hishands.White rule has abolished intertribal warsand eliminated epidemicsof disease which servedas a natural check on thenative population. Inthe union there are atpresent 1,500,000 whitesto 7,000,000 blacks; immigration is practicallynil (for white cannotcompete with black for manual work)while the native population increases rapidly.The blacks are being "kept down" as far aspossible, and herded into reservations; butit seems but a question of time beforeserious trouble will break out. If the blacksshould win, however, it would not be thedegenerate Hottentots who would dominateSouth Africa, but the Bantus, the "Kaffirs,"Zulus, and related tribes. Splendid physical types, they were advancing southward,driving the Hottentots before them, whenthe Europeans appeared on the scene. Theirprogress was halted only after a series ofbloody wars. Perhaps — who knows — theHottentot Sheep-Herderand His SonThey proved efficient fossilhuntersTREASURE HUNTERS 151dikes may burst and this swelling black floodmay inundate the country.But I am not supposed to be writing abook on South Africa and should stop elo-cuting and get back to bones. Our generalprocedure in collecting was to establish acamp in some locality where fossils mightbe expected and work out from that centerin our car until we were satisfied with ourcollection, and then migrate to a new regionwhere new fossil types might be expected.I shall jot down a few of the places at whichwe stopped and a few of our recollections ofthem.Stinkfontein. Our first stop. "Fontein"means spring, and "stink" seems to be aninternational word. We carried tentsalong, but since it was winter in the southtemperate zone we much preferred to installourselves snugly in any empty building thatoffered. Here we were fortunate in findinga vacant house built for the engineer of anirrigation dam that had been constructed,rather optimistically, to utilize the waterthat theoretically should flow down intothe plain from the hills. The dam hadactually filled up once, and then promptlyburst in surprise.Hottentots River. So called because thisregion remained in native hands after therest of the country had been occupied.Presently, however, came a Scotchman, oneMcTavish, who married the Hottentotchieftain's eligible daughter and inheritedthe land. His nephew, one Gordon, married their dusky daughter and their progeny continue the dynasty. At this "farm"we could not find any empty building ofany sort, and were forced to use tents. Itwas then midwinter and presently a blizzardblew down from the Nieuwveldt Mountainsbehind our camp. Huddled around ourfire, we didn't enjoy it particularly. However, the medicinal use of a Glasgow product which we may not advertise comfortedus and carried us through.Murraysburg. Here we lived in style intown, camping jn the empty city "mansion"of a farmer's widow. Murraysburg is thecapital and only town of a district embracing some 2,500 square miles ; its white popu lation is 700. It boasted several streets anda dismal native "location" up at the edge ofthe rocks; a church, several stores and aflourishing bar; incidentally a hotel, maintained as usual, because necessary for aliquor license. The Scotch name recalls anincident in Boer history. A century or soago the Dutch decided that their nativeDutch Reformed ministers were not givingthem enough brimstone in their preaching.So they decided to infuse new life by importing some Scotch Presbyterians. Murraywas one of the most successful of the imports in sending cold shivers up and downthe backs of his auditors, and the town wasnamed in his honor.Fossil collecting in the South AfricanPermian we found to be quite a differenttask from that in the Permian of thiscountry. In the Texas "red beds" if onesees a bone projecting from a bank one canfollow it in and readily break up the fairlysoft shales which surround it. Not so inSouth Africa. We tried it, and found thatafter getting in about a foot, it was ourpicks and cold chisels that broke, not therocks. They are "mudstones," exceedinglytough, and silicious in nature, and nothingbut dynamite will dent them except rightat the surface. We soon found that ouronly chance lay in finding skeletons just atthe surface on the flat, where the rock, afterweathering out for hundreds of years, hadfinally softened sufficiently for us to excavatedown a foot or so. We saw many skeletonswhich we knew we could never excavate inthis generation, and left them with regret.Whoever visits these localities in the nextcentury may have better luck with them.But the main difficulty was in finding anylocality at all. There are plenty of fossilsin the Karroo. But the Karroo is a bigcountry, and most of the rocks are quitebarren. In consequence we would oftenspend whole days in "leg work," walking,walking, walking back and forth over thebarren veldt hoping that some fragment ofbone might show itself and lead to a goodspecimen. Prospecting for bones is likeprospecting for gold; discouraging, mainly.But — who knows — a big strike may always152 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElie just a little farther on — just beyondthat next hill, justacross the next gul-ley. Or the nextone, then.Despite these difficulties, the collecting of fossils wentwell, and by the endof our stay we hadaccumulated somefive tons of materialto ship back to Chicago. The largestand bulkiest of thebeasts came from the regions which wefirst visited, Stinkfontein and HottentotsRiver. Here the commonest forms werePareiasaurs — large, ungainly lumberingreptiles with ugly heads. They apparentlylived on the vegetation of the marsheswhich abounded in the region in Permiantimes. Most fossil animals of the KarrooBirdseye View of Miller GettingAcquainted with a PareiasaurSkeleton are scattered and disarticulated. Butthe Pareiasaurs arealmost always foundintact and right sideup. It is believedthat these old"corpses" are the remains of animalsbogged down in theold time swamp ; thestone now surrounding them is the mudin which they wereoriginally mired ; wefind them in theexact position in which death occurred.One such specimen is shown in an accompanying figure as it was found in the rock.This skeleton has already been mounted inWalker Museum in the original position.Facing the front entrance of the building, itforms a fairly satisfactory watch dog; itsugly face is enough to scare off any un-The Transplanted Pareiasaur — "the Watch Dog of Walker"TREASURE HUNTERS 153A Restored PareiasaurIncorrect in some details it gives a fairidea of the general appearancewelcome visitor. A second complete Pareiasaur is to be mounted in proper life-likewalking pose at some later time. Freeingit from the hard matrix surrounding it isnot a task to which Miller looks forwardwith any great pleasure.The other common forms of the olderhorizons are the Dinocephalians or "giant-heads." These are primitive but ratheraberrant mammal-like forms, including bothA Harmless HerbivorousDinocephalianflesh-eating and herbivorous types, often oflarge size. The oddest feature is the presence of a swollen forehead region, the skullrising into a dome over the eyes. This"high brow" appearance gives a false impression of sagacity ; in reality this structurewas of solid bone, and the brain within tiny.(The usual moral lesson may be drawn..)We have several skulls of these forms, butunfortunately no complete skeleton.Higher up in the beds at Murraysburgand other localities the "giant heads" are no longer present, the Pareiasaurs rare, andtheir places taken by other types, mainly ofsmaller size. Most conspicuous membersof the fauna are the Dicynodonts or "two-tuskers." These forms are mammal-relatives, but quite highly specialized vegetarians in which almost all the teeth havebeen lost and the mouth bordered with ahorny, turtle-like bill. In some forms apair of large tusks is present in the upperjaws; in others they are absent. It wasformerly thought that these represented twodistinct but related families. We are nowconvinced, however, that the tusked formsRestoration of a TusklessFemale Dicynodontare the males, the females tuskless ; in thiscase Kipling's remark concerning the femaleof the species receives a setback.Much less numerous but more interestingscientifically are the more orthodox progressive mammal-like forms, such as Cyno-gnathus. These are very similar in manyways to our warm-blooded relatives. Thewhole skeleton, especially the limbs, is muchmore mammal-like than in any other groupof reptiles, while the skull is curiously suggestive in many ways of that of such ageneralized higher type as the opossum.The teeth, for example, are differentiatedinto incisors, canines and molars; as in themammals, the head joins the neck by twocondyles, in contrast with the single con-A Cynognathus154 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdyle of ordinary reptiles ; the nostrils, instead of openingdirectly into the roofof the mouth, as innormal reptiles, aresometimes separatedfrom the oral cavityby a hard palate.The Karroo bedsare practically theonly place wherethese forms are to befound. In latertimes, the development of the dinosaurs seems to havecaused the extinction of these ambitious carnivores — all, thatis except that one small group which wasdestined to become the ancestors of themammals.It was an interesting country and thehunting was good. Not of course, that wecouldn't wish for more; bone hunters arenever satisfied. Every once in a while wesit in a cloud of tobacco smoke and wonder,for example, whether that last bluff whichwe saw but couldn't explore as we leftLady Frere (place, not person) was reekingwith bones, or what a month's work in theupper beds in Natal might produce.The Cynognathus Beds near LadyFrereThis country is populated by Kaffirs some of•whose kraals may be seen in the foreground We really have agood series of fossils.Their preparation,however, is a slowand difficult task.We are a one-manmuseum, and everyspecimen must beworked out by Miller's unaided efforts.The preparation ofa single skull in thisdifficult material requires days or weeksof painstaking effort.A skeleton meansmonths of hardwork. Even at that,we can report progress. A case full ofskulls and other skeletal parts has been prepared. A skeleton of a large and uglydicynodont is now in course of preparation and will presently join the pareiasaurin his watch over the exhibition hall. Andothers will follow in due course.As objects of art Karroo reptiles leavemuch to be desired. Scientifically they are,however, of the utmost importance and it isto be hoped that their study will contributein some degree at least to the knowledge ofthese ancient reptiles that lived so long agoin southern Africa.The Department of Music'By Carl BrickenAssistant Professor of MusicA SIMPLE outline will suffice togive a general view of the new Department of Music as it now haspassed its third month of existence. t Thereis a symphony orchestra already established,of sturdy proportions and balance, consistingof seventy-five players. The enthusiasm,spirit, and actual pleasure displayed by thisgroup in its rehearsals bear out the originalconviction that music was inevitable at the University. If anybody had claimed thata raw ensemble group of this size could attempt the "Coriolanus" overture of Beethoven and give a creditable performance ofit, many would justly have doubted it. Yetthe claim has been justified. In order notto dwell too long upon this side of it, it willbe of interest to note in passing that notonly has the orchestra steadily grown innumbers since its formation but the faculty* Published through the courtesy of the University Record.t Outline of courses beginning Winter Quarter, 1932: (1) "History and Appreciation ofMusic"; (2) "Elementary Theory," "Ear-training," "Dictation," "Sight-singing"; (3) two coursesin "Harmony" offered by Mr. Cecil M. Smith.THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC i55of the University has evinced an active interest in it — even to the inclusion in it ofeight playing members.It seems that by beginning with a definitepractical program such as the establishmentof an orchestra, as well as two goodchamber-music ensembles (to which I wishmore space could be given), many loosethreads have already been gathered together,and those who had wondered where theymight give vent to their abilities and desiresto play have come to serve more than a goodcause. They have come together to servethemselves. Results to date have shownthere is no need for justification of thispractical method of approach. What isneeded is broader application. This concerted activity has already served to openthe doors to music in the University, sothat in the next quarter (winter, 1932)those courses that will be offered will nothave come too suddenly. Music as a culture will have been launched. It has beenlaunched.One hears so often the pathetic complaintof older men, themselves college graduatesand successful men of affairs, that theynever got much music in college. Theyfeel like outsiders. The whole world ofsound is foreign to their comprehension;they heartily wish it were otherwise.The situation in our universities is nottoday what it was. We know that musicis a vital ingredient of general culture. Inorder to give the future business man, thebanker, the doctor, lawyer, and the politiciana more profound understanding of thebeauty of good music, there are illustratedcourses in history and appreciation and elementary courses in theory. Here the undergraduate may learn how music is made, atfirst by creating phrases and periods himself,by discovering what form means, and byhearing with his own ears the magnificentmusical literature that is our heritage.As Is Hoped for the FutureOf necessity this article must be an expression of the ideals and hopes for thefuture. , I visualize two main branches-one really the development of the other.The first, as above described, to give the undergraduate his opportunity for a soundappreciation of what is good in music. He isthe ultimate judge; his intuitions will bequickened by his knowledge. It seems tome that the ground is already well turnedhere. Mr. Mack Evans has done a splendidwork in bringing the choral masterpieces ofthe sixteenth century to such prominencewith the University choir. It is not at allbeyond the limits of possibility soon to heara performance of one of the great choralworks of Bach, Handel, or Beethoven givenby the choir and orchestra of the Universityin the University Chapel. Let the reader'simagination dwell a moment on that.The second branch is for the more seriousstudent, and for him there must be theopportunity to delve deeply into the past.He must see that art is likened unto a greatmountain with its peak in the clouds. Thebase of this mountain represents the foundations of the past. Paths have been beatenas far as the clouds. We must lift themhigher. But a great preparation must bemade for this ascent. He who is strong willclimb. His knowledge of the paths leadshim to creation. Then is he an artist, conscious of his powers, and he has gained hisfreedom. I believe that there is great talentin this country. There is even some geniusif we can but uncover it. We are only beginning to become artistically conscious, butno art can thrive without authentic information and wise guidance. Keen minds aregenerally curious. In the student, curiositymust be encouraged and most certainlywisely directed. If we all agree that musicmay be called the art of sound, then it mustbe heard. The student has no way of proving the merits or faults of a given workexcept by listening to it. He should be ableto play some instrument well — not as avirtuoso, but as a sound musician. Heshould be able to read a score at the piano.After all, Bach was not a bad organist; healso played the violin. Beethoven couldhave rested alone on his laurels as a pianist ;he too played the violin. Other great namescould be listed, but it is not necessary hereto mention more. The Germans have longknown the importance of playing music. Iwish I could describe in words the joyi56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEevinced by the players in our orchestra.They know the advantage they have overthose who cannot participate, and at theend of a strenuous day, it is something toend it with a melody singing in one's mind.Not a bad way to retire, nor a very badconception of recreation.I envision here at this University a placefor creating music second to none. I foresee young American composers, at last thearistocrats for whom we have waited. Whyshould not the American Opera come fromthese precincts? Why not our own honestsymphonic works — untouched by contemporary European styles and tendencies?Why not a broad and continuous stream ofintelligent music-lovers who will know thegood from the bad — those who must ultimately judge?This foreshadows a tremendous program.Each year the best men obtainable must beadded to the faculty. Each year more newand eager talent must be guided.To sum up the whole program: (i)Courses for the under-graduate which willA REPRESENTATIVE cross-section of student life and activitiesin the University has been concentrated in three reels of 35 millimetersound-on-film motion pictures and is nowplaying to high school and alumni audiences.Since it is obviously impractical to take theUniversity to those who would like to knowwhat it is and what it does, the motionpicture medium was adopted as the mostsuitable means of presenting a vivid andcomprehensive story of the University.Motion pictures have been used before byvarious universities — the present picture, infact, owes its existence to the fact that ahigh school sophomore came home one dayten years ago with the announcement thathe wanted to go to Princeton because hehad just seen a movie of that universityin "assembly." But so far as is known, give him a general knowledge of music,how to listen to it, how to develop and carryalong with him a deeper and wider appreciation of music, and to know what isgood music. (2) Added to these courses,for the more serious student of music,courses in counterpoint, form, compositionand orchestration. From this group willcome the composers, teachers and critics.The orchestra, taught by the best men obtainable, will serve also as the provingground for those seeking the higher musicaldegrees. Students will write orchestralcompositions in the larger forms as theirtheses, these works to be played by theorchestra.Chicago is geographically and historicallyready for this development. The University of Chicago is its logical center. Thisnew child in its large and healthy familypromises to add distinction to an illustriousrecord. I cannot but feel that we are contributing an important bit to the vitalityand the cultural consciousness of the University and the city of Chicago."Life on the Quadrangles" is the onlyUniversity picture in sound. Indicationsare, however, that it will not long beunique, for the picture has been successfulenough to lead other institutions to plansimilar efforts when verdant spring comes'round and brings out the leaves on thecampus trees.Production of the picture began the weekbefore the Yale game, and the final printwas not in satisfactory shape until the lastof November. Production of a picture isconsiderable of a task, involving lighting,temperamental sound recording apparatus,and a lot of other irritating factors, suchas "gammas," "dissolves," and "filters."Satisfactory projection apparatus that willgive practically professional results and stillbe portable has only recently been developedand choice of apparatus developed a num-"Etfe <Bn tfje ©uabrangies"ttye g>uper-$robuctton in g>otmb. Bon't M&& 3t !&ll=g>tar Cast"LIFE ON THE QUADRANGLES" 157ber of bewildering problems. But the picture is now complete, and has been shownin at least forty different locations. Some35,000 people already have seen the film,the majority being high school students,but alumni audiences in the Chicago territory and as far distant as Kansas City andPhiladelphia have seen it. It was run silentin the latter city, however, because suitableequipment was not available. KennethRouse, assistant to the dean, carries thepicture and equipment in his automobile,and is practically "booked solid" until thefirst of June. An extra print is being usedat present for distant points such as Philadelphia, and equipment is rented for theseshowings. Within the next month, however, the picture probably will be reducedto 16 millimeter sound-on-disc and sent ontour as far as the Pacific coast. The 16millimeter equipment is much lighter thanthat which Mr. Rouse engineers, but thebigger equipment has produced the picturebefore high school audiences that range ashigh as 2,100.The picture represented an experiment,and it is far from perfection in its presentform. But the experience that has beengained with this version will be valuablelater on when an improved edition is undertaken. Some one has criticized everysingle scene in the picture at some time oranother, but the response to the picturein general has been enthusiastic. Thealumni who have seen it have been interestedand the high school authorities and studentshave liked it. It has resulted in an impressive increase in the number of highschool students who have made interviewswith Mr. Rouse to discuss the Universityand its requirements.Adequate review of the entire Universitywould require a hundred reels or more andmany phases of the University have beenneglected entirely in this picture. Designedfor the combination of alumni and highschools, it has a selected series of some 65scenes that were regarded as being of mostinterest to those groups. President Hutchins talking to the freshman scholarshipholders; the "Old Man" giving his teama final word before it goes on the field; "Teddy" Linn lecturing; Thornton Wilderin informal session with a student writer;the Mirror chorus in rehearsal ; the Maroonoffice, Ida Noyes swimming pool and agroup of views of the quadrangles areamong the scenes. Quin Ryan, the radioannouncer, did the voice continuity forthose scenes where explanation was needed.The introduction consists of architecturalshots, on which the titles are superimposed.The sound accompaniment to this introduction is the "Alma Mater," sung andhummed by Mack Evans' choir. A fewquick views of Chicago the city, are followed by an aeroplane view of the quadrangles and a panorama of the Midwayfront. A picture of a couple of studentsunpacking in their room in the new dormitories; then President Hutchins addressingthe freshmen; Cobb Hall, the BotanyPond, and other familiar spots on the quadrangles; a dining room of the men's residence halls at noon; Ida Noyes, inside andout, and Dean Boucher discussing the educational program of the University — thesecomplete the first reel.Reel 2 brings laboratory views, and agroup of the faculty— Ferdinand Schevill,Thornton Wilder, and James Weber Linn.Then a series of activities — an archeryclass, the Maroon, Ida Noyes pool, hockey,the Mirror Chorus, Frank O'Hara rehearsing a scene with some of his DramaticAssociation players; the Coffee Shop, anda fraternity living room. The third reelopens with a pep-session, and moves on withthe football team coming out on the field,Mr. Stagg's talk, shots of the Yale game,the "Old Man" as a play goes wrong, thecrowd, the cheer leaders, and the band.Next a series of "dissolve" shots for transition, then the Chapel exterior, and the finalscene inside the Chapel showing the choir inits processional on Sunday morning.The picture will be shown, wheneverMr. Rouse's schedule permits, to anyalumni groups that ask for it. Since ithas been in use, the picture has been exhibited to alumni in the towns where ahigh school showing has been scheduled.Requests for alumni showings should bemade to the alumni office.Youth Wants PeaceAn Editorial fromTHE grisly fact that war, and perhapswar involving the United States,which has shown an inclination toconsider the world's business as its business,may be lurking in the vicinity of Shanghaiis one which lends a new interest to thedecisions reached by the Intercollegiate Disarmament council held this year in seventyuniversities and colleges.Under the caption "Youth Votes forPeace," The Nation says of the Intercollegiate Disarmament Council : "In the longvista of warrantable gloom, this is indeed acause of cheer. For not only have 92 percent of the 24,345 students declared, ingeneral terms, for the reduction of armament ; no fewer than 63 per cent have urgedindependent disarmament by the UnitedStates without waiting for other countries.On this issue, our college students are notonly thinking, but thinking boldly."Now the fact that college students haveshown themselves to be in favor of the reduction of armaments cannot, by any stretchof the imagination, be deemed to be due tothe mass of anti-war and disarmament propaganda which has flooded the country withinrecent years. Rather, perhaps, is it due tothe fact that the present generation of college students, because of its age, remembersthe return of maimed veterans from France,the casualty lists in the newspapers, andGold Star Mothers in connection with thelast war, rather than the public indignationat the sinking of the Lusitania and thepatriotic fervor preceding enlistment.College students of today are not waitingin a welter of anticipation for an opportunity to take up arms in the next war inwhich the country is to be embroiled. Alarge proportion of them, we venture, wouldnot fight until Uncle Sam asked them to,unless an invasion of the United Stateswere imminent. This feeling is at the basisof the outcome of the poll of the country'scollege students on the subject of disarming.As Charles A. Beard has indicated in thecurrent number of Harper s magazine, the the Daily Maroonaverage man — and the average college student, too — is primarily interested in the protection of his homeland. War and itsattendant horrors, war made doubly horribleby the development of modern science, hedisapproves of in principle, but he is skepticenough to suspect that no League of Nations, no World Court, no Kellogg pact hastoday succeeded in removing the possibilityof war. Disarmament our average man seesas a means of making the prosecution of warmore difficult, the preparation for premeditated offense impossible beyond acertain point; and, viewing it in this light,he favors it.Our average man is likely to favor themaintenance of a navy and a standing armysufficient only to protect our country frominvasion, regarding the maintenance ofgreater armaments and the indulgence ingreater "preparation" as being merely thesignal for a cruiser-building race among thepowers, as well as a temptation to aggression. A strong man is frequently temptedto be a bully.Youth has voted for peace. Youth istremendously interested in securing peaceand permanent peace, but is not sure thatit knows just how to go about it. Disarmament appeals to youth as being perhaps themost practical means of insuring as permanent peace as is possible in a society made upof present-day individuals, and is thereforeseized on by youth; thus may the resultsof the disarmament poll be explained.It remains to be seen whether today'syouth, which is to be tomorrow's nation,will merely passively desire peace, will forget about the whole matter, or will activelyassist in any sane means which are offeredfor the insuring of peace. It is pretty obviousthat the attempts which have been made topromote amity and international understanding have fallen far short of beingsufficient to prevent or "outlaw" war.Further measures will have to be taken, andit will fall to the lot of today's youth totake them. — Louis N. Ridenour, Jr.58Disarmament or Peace?THE contention of American statesmen that large armies and navies arecontributing causes of war, and that"the way to disarm is to disarm," was declared a fallacy and an illusion by Dr.Harry D. Gideonse, associate professor ofeconomics, of the University of Chicago, inhis lectures at the Art Institute this quarter.These discussions of the problems of armament are a prelude to the DisarmamentConference at Geneva, toward which thewhole civilized world is looking with interest, if not with hope.The following paragraphs present inbrief the facts and the point of view of thisauthority."The simple assumption that we canattack the age-old problem of armamentsand of war by a treaty reducing the numberof cruisers, machine guns and troops, is anillusion. On the European continent alarge group of nations have come to realize,through years of experimental work on theproblem, that hoping to arrive at disarmament by the method of disarming is simple-minded."Armaments are not a cause of war.They are an effect of political and economicinsecurity. The armaments industry issimply a phase of modern technology, andarmaments are the last link in the chainwhich leads to war. To remove the lastlink you must first attack the earlier links."If countries that are in a peculiar position of insecurity are to be persuaded todisarm, all other countries must be willingto give guarantees to the disarmed. Acountry with modern tractor and rayonmanufacturing plants, with chemical industries and large commercial airplaneservices, is immeasurably superior, from amilitary point of view, to a nation with apredominantly agrarian economy."If Germany and Poland, for instance,were to sign equal disarmament treatiesapplying only to armaments, it would leaveGermany in an incomparably superior position because of her industrial power. Talkof equality of treatment is, therefore, onlysincere if the industrial country is willing to place her potential war industries, whichcan be converted readily to war-time purposes, under just as close an internationalsupervision as her armaments proper."The experience of the League of Nations during ten years of hard and experimental work on the disarmament problemhas made European countries skeptical ofany isolated effort at solution of the problemwhich does not attack the fundamentalcauses of armaments, and is not based uponpolitical and economic preparatory work.The League in its first attack on the problem proceeded on the assumption that todiscuss disarmament was to discuss disarmament. It discovered after five years thata direct attack on armaments is comparableto a medical treatment of smallpox as if itwere a skin disease."If we are sincere in our desire for disarmament, we must be willing to attack theunderlying causes of armament, such aseconomic rivalry, imperialistic ventures incolonies and elsewhere, through a broadlygaged system of international organization.To disarm is, paradoxically enough, not todisarm but to provide such an organizationof international life as to make armamentsunnecessary. That is the security thesis ina nutshell."Our official representatives have not yetunderstood this. William R. Castle, Jr.,Under-Secretary of State, in a recent speechin New York City described the securitymethod of approaching disarmament asVague.' He added: 'So far as the UnitedStates is concerned the whole thing is contrary to our tradition and to our way ofthinking. We have always insisted on making our own decisions and we have beengenerally right.'"I need hardly say that this is the pointof view that has always led to wars in thepast. There is no traditional way of handling a radical departure from traditionsuch as disarmament. Only a revolutionaryre-examination of traditions and ways ofthinking holds promise for the future. Ourtraditions and our ways of thinking are thevery obstacles to be overcome, and noi59i6o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmethod of disarming will be successful thatdoes not violently readjust and changethem."*****"We often hear in the United States thatthe armament problem is primarily a European problem and that, relatively speaking,America is not a large factor in the worldrace for competitive armaments. The factsbelie this assumption."Great Britain spent 375 million dollarson her national defense in 19 13 and 535million dollars in 1930. That representsan increase of 42%. France spent 348millions in 19 13 and 455 millions in 1930,or an increase of 30%. The United States,however, spent, according to its officialfigures submitted to the League of Nations,245 millions in 19 13 and 727 millions in1930, an increase of 197%. The UnitedStates not only spent more on armamentsin 1930 than any other country but alsoshowed the greatest relative increase."If we look at the naval situation thefigures are even more striking. If we compare the present tonnage of the five leadingnaval powers with that of 19 14, we findthat the American and Japanese fleets haveincreased while those of England, Franceand Italy have actually been cut. Thisinterpretation of the situation, presents amore accurate picture than that presented byAmerican government officials, who stressAmerica's arms reduction program. It isbased on figures turned over by the government to those who are preparing for theGeneva arms parley."No one who has witnessed the economicdistress caused by the World War will evermaintain that war pays. That period inthe history of mankind is over. But if weare to be realistic in studying the economicsof war and of armaments we must recognizethat while war does not pay as an undertaking for society as a whole, it holds verydefinite advantages for limited groups. Inthe armaments manufacturers we have agroup maintained by public expenditure thathas a decided financial interest in fosteringthe sort of international suspicion and distrust that lead to higher armament expenditures. "We have had our own Shearer case toprove the existence of this problem. Before the war the German Reichstag unearthed information about a case in which aGerman machine gun manufacturer usedthe French press in order to inspire theGerman nationalists with a desire for largerpurchases of his product."The first step toward the correction ofsuch conditions would seem to be the publicownership of the entire armament industry.We already do some of our own navalbuilding and we should extend the application of that principle."vf? TJ? vI7 ^p* $fc"We are again to go to a disarmamentconference, and again we refuse to considerthe fundamental question — the consideration of a genuine remedy for the insecuritywhich underlies the new armament race.When our delegates left Washingtonthey were instructed not to participatein any new treaties on the security problem,and to agree to nothing but the applicationof 'moral suasion' in the adjudication ofdisputes."To exercise such moral suasion one mustenjoy moral prestige. Our internationalrecord over the last ten years has left usvery little of that precious quality. Wehave wanted privileges without undertakingthe corresponding responsibilities. Unlesswe change that attitude the conference isdoomed to flat failure from the beginning."American unwillingness to join theLeague of Nations and thereby strengthen asystematic and organized approach to theproblem weakened the League's efforts fromthe start. American unwillingness to discuss the underlying causes of naval rivalrycondemned the Geneva tri-partite conference of 1927 to failure before it met.American unwillingness to discuss thestrengthening of the peace machinery underthe Kellogg pact caused the failure of theLondon naval conference of 1930, unlesswe are to regard as a success a treaty whichleft things as they were before the conferencemet."Even the partial success of the Washington conference in 19 19 was due to thewillingness of the American government toDISARMAMENT OR PEACE? 161drop its attitude of an isolated foreign policyat least to the extent of signing the FourPower Treaty, which did provide guaranteesagainst aggression in the Pacific."We do not need to join the League ofNations to provide the material with whichto build a more solidly organized peace.We should simply continue along the linesof some of our own policies during the lastten years by taking the next step, whichwould combine the compulsory consultationof the Four Power Treaty with the Kelloggpact on an international scale. We shouldalso agree to the application of an economicboycott to an aggressor nation."History is a continuous record of bloodshed. Unless we enter purposefully uponthe task of organizing peace, that recordwill undoubtedly continue. Mere moralsuasion will not be sufficient. Unless wetake definitely understood risks as a premiumfor the insurance of peace, the certainty ofour relapse into the old habits of war cannot be denied."&. ;& M& ate, 2&l«T» *f? «T^ T» ?f?"There is little doubt that to Americanpublic opinion there is a close link betweenthe revision of the interallied debts and disarmament. Senator Borah voiced thatsentiment when he expressed the fear thatunder present circumstances a cut in thedebt payment would simply result in anincreased expenditure for armaments."Such a view may have a superficialplausibility but it is without logical foundation. In the first place our cuts in the debtswould not give the Allied powers moremoney to spend since at least 80%, andprobably more, of such cuts would be passedon to the ultimate debtor, Germany. Weare constantly forgetting that the Alliespay us out of their receipts from Germany,and that they pay us four-fifths of whatthey receive. The Allies would thereforenot have any extra money to spend. TheGermans might conceivably have more tospend for armaments but it seems improbable that they would avail themselves of theopportunity in view of their depressed domestic situation and in view of the stipulations of the Versailles Treaty."There is likewise no good economic reason for linking debt payments and armaments expenditures. A country might verywell be able to spend more on its armamentsand still not be able to meet its internationaldebts. Armaments expenditures are spent athome, in the kind of money in which taxesare paid. A foreign payment requires notonly domestic taxation but also a transferinto foreign money."Such foreign money will only be available in the banks if there has been additionaltrade or credit. And if the creditor country— in this case the United States — is unwilling to take a debtor's goods or services, andis also unwilling to issue new credit, itvirtually announces that it does not desireto be paid. In a sense the creditor causesthe default of the debtor."There is a good possibility, however,that we might be successful if we shouldapproach our debtors with the proposal thatwe would revise our debt settlements andthat we would like to see our debtors cuttheir armaments expenditures at the sametime, under the clear understanding thatwe would match their cuts, every dollarand every ship."Our present drifting policy, with itscomplete refusal to assume the responsibilities of leadership, is not likely to producesuch a result."The disarmament conference now meeting in Geneva is the first of a long series.It is an error to think of it as the one andonly conference, and to imagine that itsfailure will mean the failure of the entireinternational effort since the World War."There are several reasons for believingthat definite results are possible at Geneva— not the least of them the fact that priceshave fallen sharply and that as a consequence a smaller sum will buy largeramounts of armament equipment; and secondly, that everywhere tax burdens arenow heavier."The new disarmament treaty will probably provide for the creation of a permanentinternational disarmament commission,which will meet regularly, study relatedproblems and from time to time prepareand call new conferences when careful sur-(Continued on page 172)162 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMain Entrance to the Residence Building of the New OrientalInstitute Headquarters in Egypt on the East Bank of the Nilebetween Modern Luxor and the Great Temple of KarnakPutting the University on the MapWERE you on campus before orafter Sleepy Hollow was abolished ? Did you meet your friendsat the Shanty or the Spa, or just under theclock in Cobb? Were you there whenPhil Allen was a distinguished footballplayer or after he had become a distinguished scholar? Are you so confused by allthe new buildings that you do not knowwhether "Eckhart" is the name of a hall ora trustee or both?Recall the campus you once knew andbrush up on the things that are happeningthere now by getting a copy of "A MAPOF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, 1893-1933 (from Fair to Fair),"which the Chicago Alumnae Club is publishing on March 1st, a decorative map infour colors of the campus as each succeeding class from Harper to Hutchins hasknown it.All the University's eighty or so buildings are there, and the new women's dormitories and the Art building which are soonto be built south of the Midway. Twenty-six recognizable opened in 1892. Another was on campusin 1930. And they have all called on theirfriends with the longest memories to makethe story complete.This map is large enough to enjoy without a microscope (37 by 24 inches). Itis colorful with its green campus, red roofs,black-gowned figures, and yellow walks.It is very decorative. You may hang itover the mantel, paste it to the nursery floorlike a rug (and shellac it) to proselytizefuture athletes in their formative years,mount it on a table top or a fire-screen, ormake it into a man-sized portfolio. Oryou may keep it in the compact tube inwhich it is mailed (to arrive fresh andunfolded) and bring it out like the Christmas tree ornaments to liven up special occasions.The map will cost one dollar. It will bemailed free anywhere within a fifty mileradius of Chicago. Beyond this zone thepostage will be ten cents extra. For the firsttime Chicago alumni are offered an attractive and distinctive souvenir of the campusat a modestfaculty members have beencaught in revealing poses.The campus, theMidway, andthe neighborhood are alivewith famouscharacters taking part in historic events.Betty Fisher,'22, is the artist.One member ofthe committee incharge was agraduate student when theUniversitySend your orders with remittance to Miss Gladys Finn, Box 66, Faculty Exchange,University of Chicago. price. The profitwill go to thescholarship fundof the ChicagoAlumnae Club,the fund thatnow sends twowomen to theUniversity everyyear. Your copywill be ready formailing byMarch 1st. Insure yourself afirst edition bysending a checknow.Have yourown reunion fora dollar !163Winter Semester OpeningA Chicago Alumnus Gives His Impressions of the University of BerlinBy John B. Holt, '31DARK, cold and wet. Yet nobodygrumbles, for on the opening daythe weather is expected to producethe proper November atmosphere. And furthermore the gray mists seem to give lifeand meaning to the grim amazons andgiants who glower and strain from everycornice and pedestal of the palaces, museums, and public buildings surrounding theuniversity square at the head of Unter denLinden. To a critical aesthete this moreappropriate Nibelung setting is a distinctrelief from the painful exposure the Octobersunlight brings upon the mudplasteredblocks of baroque, rococo, and severe classic,which constitute Berlin's royal heritage.On sunny days one could stand on thethe bridge near the Kaiser's Palace and lookthe length of the empty university squareto where big-eyed Frederick with his threecornered hat sits his elevated horse squarelyat the head of the double row of lindens,as though ready with his generals, whostand out in pedestal relief, to lead twolong columns of trees to battle. Past thisstatue one could follow with his eyes thewide gravel walk as it runs the gauntlet oflinden trees to where it halts before thecolumns of the Brandenburg Gate, three-quarters of a mile away. But on this opening day the November atmosphere matchestoo closely the billows of gray twigs and themouse colored gate. All distinctions arelost and there remains but the mist. TheUniversity lies in the form of an H whosetwo upper ends, like the paws of the Sphinx,abut the northern thoroughfare of Unterden Linden. A crowd of students mill infront of the gate on this opening day. Theinflowing stream moves jerkily. Admittance through the front and back courts isgranted only upon exhibition of a studentcard which sometimes lies down at thebottom of the flimsy briefcase.Beyond the sentry boxes, under the trees,one dodges a statue and pushes open a swinging door, to find himself among ahumming mob whose only united interestseems to be to concentrate itself in huddledgroups in front of glassed-in notice boards,which, with the fraternity shields and advertisements, occupy the wall and pillarspace.These glassed-in notice boards are markedTheologie, Philosophic, Medizin, and Jura,and are plastered with thumb-tacked slips,bearing the common inscription, "Duringthe winter semester I choose to present thefollowing lectures at the specified time inthe below mentioned lecture rooms." Thenfollows a short list signed by a professor.Foreigners who lack a practical experience with German script find it necessary now and then to compare the numberof words in the lecture title with all possible titles occurring in the announcementbook or else resort ignominiously to askinga bystander if he please won't read the nameout loud. By one method or another he isable to solve the majority of scriptural riddles and find his proper classroom eitheramong the three hundred rooms of the university building proper or two or threeblocks away.If the new student happens to enter theclassroom from the rear he is impressed bythe sea of paper slips stretching out beforehim, as though someone had emptied aballot box from the ceiling and snowedpaper over the rows of desks. Close inspection reveals that these slips are securelytacked to the desk tops and bear the namesof students who have reserved the seats forvarious hours.Further inspection, best begun at theback and worked forward, reveals that thelecturer is popular and that the four hundred and fortieth student has already tackedhis name down on the last available seat.The window sills are also occupied. Onlythe floor space remains free, and that probably by fire ordinance.164WINTER SEMESTER OPENING 165On the hour only Rvt or six students seemto have had interest enough in the lectureto come, but the lecturer hasn't appearedyet, and more students stream in. Atquarter after the hour, most of the seats areoccupied, and two or three dozen wallflowers, who neglected to reserve their seats,stand ready to slip into the remaining vacancies as soon as the professor puts his nose inthe door.For all the professors to put in their appearance at the same moment, would bedisastrous for the university's foundations,and would probably be recorded as an earthquake on the seismograph of the Universityof Chicago. The professor is greeted witha trampling, that lasts from three secondsto fifteen minutes, according to his popularity. Not only is he greeted by trampling;everything remarkably appealing he says isaccepted in the same fashion, and his exit,unless after an unsatisfactory lecture, is accompanied with the same rumble. Fortunately the professors distribute their entrances over a quarter of an hour."Meine Damen und Herren," the lecturer invariably begins, while the wallflowers are settling themselves in theunoccupied pews, and the roomful of"Damen und Herren" prepare themselvesfor an hour or two of oratory, "Today Iwill proceed to lay before you the chiefpoints we should learn from the empireperiod under Bismarck," which he proceedsto do, adroitly and effectively.After fifteen minutes most students findthey can follow the lecture with their earsand devote their eyesight to a scrutiny oftheir neighbors and what their neighbors arefinding of value to note down. If all onehears about the general unattractiveness ofGerman university women is true, then this year's assembly of men in looking about theroom discover that the depression or perhaps the new ways which American girlsset for young women have hustled inside theUniversity walls a passable crop of femalestudents. The lecturer becomes that muchharder to follow; for such is the effect ofyoung ladies in any university room uponthe young men, except perhaps the foreignstudents, who are obsessed with the idea thatlectures from such eminent men areprivileges which nothing must deter themfrom enjoying.Out in the hall a long line waits forreduced train certificates, and inside oneoffice late students are trying to matriculate.One of them is a Japanese student who discovers that his preparatory credit certificates, which he imagined could be left behind in Kobe or Tokio, should have been inthe hands of the University officials just onemonth before. The man at the desk shakeshis head sadly, and tells the Japanese to gethis application into the office before oneo'clock and he will see what can be doneabout it. There is a repeated rumble overhead where a professor seems to be especiallypopular.As the opening day draws to a close, theclassroom lights shine out into the smallpark between the back wings of the University building and light the cement andgravel walks among the trees. Between thetwo gates leading out into the back streetstand the columns of a simple war memorial.Few lectures are held after eight o'clock.The proprietors of the wagon book stallslining the back streets, find business dropping off, put out their gasoline lamps, dropthe canvas covers, and disappear. So endsthe semester opening, and so opens thesemester.r^^*^P^r^^*^^r^^*^^What About Alumni Reunions?A delightfully challenging letter from one who returned to the Campusfifteen years after graduationIndian Rock, Chatham, N. J.The Editor:I have your letter about Reunion, andinstead of answering it now I really shouldput it off and give the subject some matureconsideration. I won't do that, though,first because I don't know when I'll have asgood an opportunity to write and secondbecause I don't know that considerationwould change my feelings.Probably I shouldn't write on the subject at all, as I think my reaction to thingslike reunions is highly anti-social. Probably I'm lazy or selfish or morose, or havesome of the polysyllabic shortcomings thatthe current crop of amateur psychologistsdiscuss so easily, but the truth is that a greatdeal of the activity which is popularly supposed to generate enthusiasm and a glowtoward one's fellows on occasions like theseleaves me very cold. It's the sort of thingthat fortunately can't be seen on a man'sface or every college cheer leader in the^world would have committed suicide longbefore now.In thinking about why I feel as I do, Ihave come to the conclusion that possiblythe major premise on which a chairman of areunion committee is operating is all wrong.Always remembering that other people maynot feel at all the way I do, I just wonderwhy a reunion program is what it is. Withprofound salaams to certain members ofearlier classes, is one justified in believingthat all the University of Chicago means orcan mean to a group of returning alumnimay be summed up in a replica of a SpanishWar hot dog stand ? With every thing as itis in the world today, is the feature of aUniversity that will draw the greatestthrong a pingpong exhibition by formerstudents ?For fear of leading you to think that Ihave gone deadly serious, let me say that Idon't know what the answer is, and I don'tthink you do, nor can anyone until we get a definition of what Alumni expect andwant Alumni Day to be. If we are toassume that the Eastern men's colleges havefound the correct answer, then by all meansstart laying in a supply of costumes andliquor, because they'll be needed. Here andthere, however, I note faint traces of dissatisfaction with that type of reunion, andpossibly we can't accept it without investigation. I don't know what the reactionwould be to a reunion that took on some ofthe characteristics of the Institute of Politicsand Foreign Relations — or whatever itsname is — at Williamstown. I can't get outof my mind the great inconsistency of training a lot of men and women by all themeans at our command to be leaders in ademocratic social order and then takingit for granted that when they come together all they crave is an opportunity toclothe themselves in tissue paper hats and"utter har-r-r-monious cr-r-ies," as the LordMayor of Edinburgh put it. It's no greatcompliment to an alumnus to consider a reunion chairman's idea of his capacity forentertainment.Maybe I'm mistaken in thinking that reunions should minimize the entertainmentside but there could be no harm in justlisting what the average alumnus mightbe vitally interested in and then attemptingsome program along those lines. Business,education of children, athletics — especiallygolf and football — current literature, politics, foreign affairs — those are the topicsthat come to mind. In my own case I'd beglad of a chance to choose between a lectureon the current situation compared with1893, a series of talks on progressive andnursery schools, a discussion of the futureathletic policy of the University as affectedby the new it-is-suggested system of classes,a lecture on present day literature — if thereis any — a debate between a Republican andDemocrat from the political science staff,and a lecture on Russia or France's gold166WHAT ABOUT ALUMNI REUNIONS? 167policy or the twilight of Great Britain.If in every case the men or women whowere talking were absolutely top notch, andthe attendance was to be limited strictly tothose who were actively interested in thesubject and who had asked to be allowedto come, you might really have something.In talking over with Ernie Quantrell myreaction to Reunion he said that maybe Iwas getting old, and there's every reason tothink he's right. If after what has happened in the last fifteen years I have nothingmore to entertain me or occupy my mindthan the activities that used to go big in theThree Quarters club, then my college education was a failure and the Universityreally doesn't need to bother about whetherI return or not. And that comes as nearbeing the answer as anything I can find.The University sends men and women outinto the world for five, ten, twenty-fiveyears, and then by implication is afraid thatif anything more serious — again withsalaams in all directions — than the outlookfor the football team is broached for discussion, all the comrades will yawn politelyand take immediate steps to retire to theintellectual fastnesses of the locker room atSkokie.When I talk about lectures on the business situation I don't mean for some C. P. A.gone academic to stand up and ramblealong about lines on a chart. One of themen whose judgment I respect most hasobserved that a man shows whether or nothe is really educated by the way he handleshimself in times like these, and I'd like tolisten to some one who has a broad visionand experience enough to give us a point ofview to keep through the year. When Italk about progressive schools I think of Otis W. Caldwell, and men like him whoought to be able to clear up for a lot ofparents some of the half-baked theories thatare being actively sprayed around communities like Bronxville, N. Y., Montclair,N. J., Highland Park, Illinois, and pointseast, west and south. Speaking one wordfor reunion and six for myself, howabout some one who could talk on horticulture in a comprehensive way, withoutspending too much time on microscope slidesand amoeba ? or is it dicotelydons ?If this general idea is carried out it wouldmean the reorganization of reunions alonggroups interested in a given subject, ratherthan the customary class plan. That wouldbe all right with me, as I'd a great dealrather meet some one active in foreignaffairs, for example, if I went to that group,than to meet a 19 16 graduate with whom Ihad only a speaking acquaintance andnothing more in common than that we bothwore shoes. There are 19 16 graduates thatI can't remember and if I did rememberthem I couldn't say Boo to them without aneffort, but if there's a man who is settingout pines on an old farm and trying to growflowers under trees and raise seedlings inthe house in February, he and I can bebuddies while we listen to a talk on horticulture, and I don't care what class he was.And there is still luncheon and supper to seethe people you really want to see.These comments are given to you fornothing, and on the basis of an old WallStreet saying, they are probably worth whatthey cost. Greet all those in the Quadrangles that I do know, likewise the brethren on LaSalle Street.Lawrence J. MacGregor, '16What About Alumni Reunions ?The Editor invites your opinions and suggestionsJti my opinionBy Fred B. MillettAssistant Professor of EnglishTHE lot of the modern lyric poet is nota happy one. Over and beyond thenot unimportant problem of subsisting somehow while he sings, he is the unwilling rival of thousands of singers bornnearer the dawn of measured humanutterance. A meager infusion of culturemay well-nigh paralyze him with thethought, that, however poignant his emotions may be, however fresh his observationsmay seem to him, they have all been feltand seen hundreds of years before sight andsound became torments to his consciousness.His heart-break and ecstasy, his horrifieddiscovery of death and his breathless initiation into love are stale and time-wornemotions; his tremulous heart-beats are thestammering tickings of a wearied racialclock. The splendid aloofness of stars, theinfinitely various beauty of the treacheroussea, the Eden-newness of recurrent spring,the deep obliviousness of mutual passion, —all these have been superbly sung by mightypoets of which he is the slight and insecuredescendant.And if his most intimate pains, his mostnovel delights, are vain and meaningless repetitions to all save himself, his means ofutterance are even less fresh and individual.The instruments that must make music ofhis agony recall the brilliant fingering ofsupreme technicians; they have, unhappily,been strummed and pounded by thousandsof blasphemous and stumbling amateurs.The once bright and mint-born verbal coinswith which he would buy his love eternityare now dulled and hand-worn. Themodern poet staggers uncertainly betweenthe mountains cast up by his giant forebearsand the sloughs of sentiment and banality inwhich the saccharine swim to popularity.But every genuine poet must somehow surmount the obstacles set by the conventional ity of his experience and the familiarity ofhis medium. Of many attempted circumventions, most have sent the assayer sprawling ungracefully into a merciful oblivion.The Imagist revolt, tartly though it offsetthe tepidities of Victorian deliquescence,sinned profoundly against the spirit ofpoetry in discarding emotion and idea foramorphous sensationalism. A fine lyricaltalent like E. E. Cummings amuses or affronts his readers with meaningless typographical monkeyshines. With moreintelligence and art, Ezra Pound and T. S.Eliot represent the self-conscious collapseinto final chaos of the noble tradition stemming from the Renaissance. Essentially,they are critics and satirists of impotentpoetic nobility, sworn loyalists to bitternessof mood and discordant emotion. And poetslike Sandburg and Lindsay who havestriven to invest contemporary phenomenawith something like poetic atmosphere havedone so at the risk, and with the reward,of being tentative explorers of what may be,but probably are not, the poetic Indies.I can not but believe that a poet likeGeorge Dillon is taking, consciously or not,at once the most difficult and the mostsatisfying way out of the modern poeticdilemma. Unlike his betters, he makes noeffort to escape it ; he faces all its difficulties,and overcomes them. For his work is, inthe most admirable sense, traditional. Hisrhythms and meters, his themes and emotions are both ancient and honorable, butwith the true artist's untiring scrupulousnessand unfailing taste, he has clothed his ideasand emotions in garments of fresh phraseand figure. In the face of thousands ofrivals, to tunes that have done service countless times, he utters the oldest and greatestthemes in words as fresh as the dawn.In the fifth year of its life, Boy in the168IN MY OPINION 169If ind, despite the vague narcissism of thetitle and the frailty of the royal purpleformat, maintains its distinction. Not morethan two or three poems, notably "ToeBallet" and "Mother," need cause a maturerDillon aesthetic embarrassment, and theseare beautifully offset bythe perfection of suchlyrics as "April's Amazing Meaning" and"Compliment to Mariners." For the rest, thepoems are distinguishedvariations on the themesdearest to youth, endowed with painful sensitiveness and the awfulprescience of the poet, —the equal wonders ofspring and human consciousness, of love andominous autumn andsnow in winter. And itis surely significant thatthe first section of thisthin volume is dedicatedto death, and thatthe finest poems in thethird section areelegies, for it has beenwisely said that the trueartist works ever in the shadow of death.If a poet's second volume is as crucial asa second novel, Dillon may feel secure, forThe Flowering Stone is an even more impressive achievement than Boy in the Wind.There is a marked increase in emotionaland intellectual maturity. "What Artifice," for example, is a perhaps less vivid,but a more thoughtful and perfect renditionof the essential idea of "The Flame" of theearlier volume. The book's apparent lackof unity in mood and manner is amplycompensated for by its larger themes, itssubtler and more courageous utterances.The tone of the entire volume is intellec-tualized and philosophical, not only in theprojection of the poet's view of life in "Iam a dreamer in a dream" and the stalwartpessimism of the richly wrought sonnets,"Address to the Doomed," but in the manipulation of his favorite macabre themes.George Dillon '27Despite analogies to metaphysical lyricistsof the seventeenth and twentieth centuries,Dillon may call peculiarly his own the inextricable infusion of intellect with emotion, of emotion with intellect that characterizes the bold imaginative penetration of"Fantasia of Winter,"and the lucid, and therefore more than Lauren-tian, mystical elevationof "Indeed, when it isdone, incredible youthtold over."I hope that no onewill be so stupid as tourge Dillon to writeepics or plays or novelsrather than lyrics, forperhaps the most miraculous of man's achievements, the most perfectflowers of the tiresomeprocess called civilizationare those painfullywrought intaglios ofthought and emotion inwhich masterly craftsmen have enshrined theirdearest moments, theirrarest visions. A perfectlyric is perhaps the mostprecious of all man's creations, for it is theutmost quintessence of his highest values.Something of this Dillon realized when hewrote :What artifice against foul timeSo difficult, I often cry,As this I make of air and rhyme?Oh, any other! I reply.Yes, any house on any siteSacred to eagles or to doves,If a man builds it in delightAnd terror, for the one he loves.The thing his passionate hands deviseHis mind reviews with cold despair:Likely as not a storm will riseAnd hurl it down, for all his care ;Likely as not when he has doneAnd pulled away the props and ropesHis dear will wed another one.170 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHe knows. But while he builds he hopes.* m *You waders through the weeds and flowers,Come rest within my house of words —And you who toil at loftier towersRound which the planets play like birds,And you who fell upon your kneesAnd heard the roofs of fortune fall.A house of song will stand for these,PROFESSOR THOMPSON ofthe Department of History has already made a celebrated and enviable name for himself among Americanhistorians by his detailed history of the religious wars in France in the sixteenth century, by his "Economic and Social Historyof the Middle Ages" and by his "FeudalGermany." Now, in his most recent work,he surveys a much wider panorama than inhis previous studies.A work of this scope and on this subjectinevitably suggests comparison with Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," even though the latter begins andends with a somewhat earlier period of timeand centers its interest more to the east thandoes the newer book. No doubt the nature of such a comparison (though notnecessarily its result) would be very different if this review were written by a professional historian to whom Gibbon's workmust very likely appear much as Black-stone's "Commentaries" does to the practicing lawyer of today — a venerable andrespected monument, but not a workingtool for daily use. The present comparisonis made, however, by a layman, from a layman's point of view. The result, it canbe said without flattery, need not be fearedby Professor Thompson. This statement I daresay, if it stands at all.If it should tumble, let it go., Give back the ground to wordless things.When wondering children want to knowWhat ruin is this beset by wings,, Tell them no matter : something madeIn haste and ignorance — as it wereA house where Beauty never stayed.But tell them it was made for her.t is not so much a criticism of one of the- classics of English literature, as a recognition that in the writing of history, as every-1 where else, tremendous progress has been- made.Lay readers of Gibbon find it extremelyt difficult to disentangle the larger, wider,L more significant relationships of events to, each other from the endless succession of1 details that crowd the pages. As Gibbonhimself says, at the opening of Volume V,t "A minute accumulation of circumstances- must destroy the light and effect of thosegeneral pictures which compose the use and1 ornament of a remote history." Gibbon1 has not escaped this danger. Thompson1 has. In a work less than half as long, hegives one the feeling of having gained at much more thorough understanding of theperiod concerned. Not that he deals onlyin generalities ; fortunately he finds a plentyc of room for details as minute as those ofGibbon; but what marjks his differencefrom the earlier writer is that he helps his1 reader regain his bearings and his sense ofI the direction of the general movement by1 frequently taking him to a mountain topand showing him the great landscape as a1 whole. Then the details, instead of con-1 fusing, only make clearer the meaning oft the greater facts. Indeed, it is in thatReviewsThompson Writes of the Middle AgesThe Middle Ages. By James Westfall Thompson. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1931,Pp. 1063, XIVI.REVIEW 171balancing of the minute and the general thatthe reviewer is most impressed with thebook. How skilfully the great generalideas and movements have been analysed,and how adequately they have been explained it would be presumptuous and impossible for him to say. ProfessorThompson's reputation as a scholar is aquite sufficient and convincing guarantee.Attempting only a rough and generaldescription of the plan of the book, the firsttwenty-three chapters are given to the political history of Europe from the days ofthe barbarian invasions to the end of theHohenstaufen empire. Then follow a halfdozen chapters on such subjects as feudalsociety, education, science, literature andart. The remaining chapters return to theTHE irregular line of high, rain-furrowed, mud walls which facedus might have been mistaken for adeserted fortress. No dooryards, nowindows were there to give glimpses offamily life. Nothing but blank walls andmore walls, so joined that it was often difficult to tell where one man's house endedand his neighbor's began. Dark doorways. . ." Such is the obvious impression madeby the common village in northern India.Within those walls live several hundredhuman beings, with their cattle and goatsand chickens. But just how do they live?Gopal and Somchand and Lakshmi knowwell enough; but they do not write booksabout it from the anthropological and sociological viewpoint. The Sahib must do that.But he will have to earn his data from them.In fact they are thoroughly suspicious aboutany person who desires to know anythingabout the village. Long centuries of experience have taught them that it is dangerous to tell anybody the truth about anything.If this applies to one's next-door neighbor, political scene, and carry it on into theRenaissance, where the book ends.By way of warning let it be said thatthese pages are not light reading, as thatterm is understood by the myriad readersof "modern" biographies, with their verbatim conversations and minute personal details of historical characters from GhengisKhan back to Rameses. They assumereaders who want information and not fiction, even though given the more flatteringlabel of "history" or "biography." To suchthe rewards of slowly reading and digestingThompson's books will be great, and thedisappointments, none. To the others, theauthor himself would be the first to say"Stay away."E. W. PUTTKAMMERhow much more must it apply to the strangerfrom without the village. Dishonesty isthe best policy; — hence the mud walls todisguise ones economic status. The sameblank mud walls are also figuratively presentabout the villager's lips and heart.Bits of family and social life do leak outto be sure, and the officials, the sociologists,the propagandists, and the globe-trotters pickup all the scraps they can and write books :some are long, some short, some tedious,some racy.A few years ago Mr. Wiser and hiscolleagues decided it worth a missionary'stime to vary the routine and see what couldbe done from the inside of the walls, to geta systematic view of the whole of villagefunctioning. He decided upon Karimpur;so there he went with his family to live,tenting beside the village pond. It requiredsome strategy, this getting inside the people'sconfidence, — and later to avoid beingmonopolized by one or other of the manycompeting parties.There was the healing of the body to do,Behind Mud WallsBy Charlotte Viall Wiser, '14 and William H. Wiser, '15. 180 pages; illustrated. Published by Richard R. Smith, Inc. 1930. Price, $1.50.172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa task that fell largely to the Memsahiba.The Sahib's long point is supposed to be apervasive influence with all officials, hencethe problem is to induce him to exert hispull for your interest. This reputation required downright skill to parry. "By continually demonstrating our desire to beneighbors we finally made it clear that therewas only goodwill in our camp. We mightbe foolish in our questionings, but notmalicious. As good neighbors we were accessible at any time to those in need. Whentwo men once came to ask our help at midnight, our helpers tried to send them away.Their reply was comforting — 'We knowthat if the Sahib hears our voices, he willnot send us away.' " His motor did duty asomnibus. And his fiddle and bow, pushedby what I call a master hand, drew everypossible person (male) to the occasionalmusicale, after the day's work was done.In this little world we meet the Brahman,lord of the earth in theory, the bhagat, thewasherman, the Mussulman, the creditor,the debtor, the scavenger. For centuriesthey have been living together (geographically), and evolved some sort of system bywhich to exist — feeding or devouring oneanother according to circumstance. Mostof them are little concerned about whathappens outside. "After hearing an explanation of Dominion Status, the villagerasks, 'How will it benefit me? Will it giveme ownership of my fields? Will I getconsolidated holdings? Will I get canalwater? Will we get a decent road throughthe village? Will some of us get jobs?'Such questions challenge one's theories."Part of their converse implies such a workaday world; otherwise they talk of karmaor Fate.Mr. and Mrs. Wiser have written downthe more salient features of such a life inthis fascinating book. They have no theoryto prove, no one to eulogize, no one toanathematize. Especially in the last chapterthey let the villager himself speak out his own mind— 'LET ALL THINGS OLDABIDE/' — and he has his reasons.Baxter M. Mow.Porto Rico ReunionTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI OF PUERTO RICOThe First Alumni Reunion at Mr. and Mrs.J. M. Rolon's in Aibonito.All Alumni and Alumnae are mostcordially invited to thisinformal Reunionand Picnic.Nov. 26, 1 93 1Note: We wait for your answerThis little message, sent to the alumniliving in Porto Rico, brought together sevenof the faithful for a delightful picnic andreunion.Following the picnic dinner, the alumniheld a brief business meeting, and electedJ. M. Rolon chairman, Elsie Mae Willseyvice-chairman, and Mrs. Richard VanDeusen historian. The secretary will bechosen from the group of graduates nowstudying at the University of Porto Rico.Disarmament or Peace?(Continued from page 161)vey and organization makes the time seemripe for the next step."In other words the problem will betaken out of the hands of the occasional conference and will be institutionalized.The progress of such institutionalization ofdisarmament will depend on the extent towThich the various powers are willing totake definitely understood responsibilitiesfor the maintenance of peace."REVIEW 173Stag Members of the Oriental Institute with their Egyptian helpers, seated in thecourt of the Megiddo expedition house, engaged in the conservation and study ofthe largest and most important group of ancient skeletons yet found in Palestine.From a study of these remains it •will be possible to determine the race of the pre-Hebrew inhabitants of MegiddoArchaic Babylonian Figures of about 3000 B. C, excavated at Khafaji. Threebearded old men standing in the posture of -worship, cast of solid copperNEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy John P. Howe '27IN SUCH a University as ours thegatherer of news is apt to be overborne by a multiplicity of matters; aplethora of people and a welter of words.Names make news but there are ten thousand names. Events make news but teaching and research are the daily great eventsof the quadrangles.Single out exceptional names and exceptional goings-on and you deal only withthe expanding and contracting periphery ofthe place. Put a finger to the systole and thediastole of the University, not to mentionan ear to the mighty diapason, and you dealwith dull generalities.This has become the more true duringthe past year. Up to last year it had seemedpossible to circumscribe the academic preserve, and all its operations, by a simpleact of imagination. Through sheer physical expansion, the culmination of sevenyears of building, a metamorphosis has nowbeen achieved, at least for this observer,through which the University has becomemetropolitan. Though it has retained itsessential unity of spirit, the University hasso multiplied the foci of its activities thatno single cross-section can be comprehensive.On the east-west axis the quadranglesstretch for a busy mile from the new two-million dollar Chicago Lying-in Hospitalat Maryland Av. and the Midway to thenew two-million dollar Chicago International House at Blackstone Av. and theMidway. International House will not beopened until summer but it is already acenter to be reckoned with in the news.On the longitudinal axis the Universityextends from the new two-million dollarMen's Residence halls approaching 61st St.on the south to the new $600,000 athleticField House and practice field, which approach 55th St. on the north. Indeed, ifyou care to haggle over the compass, you could find a stretch of at least a mile andhalf between the almost new two milliondollar Blackstone Av. Power plant development and the newish Botany laboratorynear 56th on Ingleside.* * *The new plan continues to make theratchets of reorganization click all alongthe line. To venture a rash generalization :the new plan is a success. President Hutchins, speaking last month at the annual dinner which the Trustees give for the Faculty,said this:"The educational reorganization whichthe faculties undertook is definitely superiorto anything we have had before. In theCollege, the freshman courses are as agroup the best in the United States. Thesecond year sequences are intelligently conceived. Although the advisory service canbe improved, it is certainly better than itever has been. The cooperation of theexamining and teaching staff is beautiful tobehold."The range of our selection of studentshas been greatly extended by the increasein the number of our applications, whichoccurred in the face of prophecies that thenew plan would frighten away all but themost reckless high school graduates. Alltests' for intelligence show that the studentsare markedly superior to their predecessors, and yet they are attending classes withalmost excessive ardor."I have not heard anybody express anydoubts as to the merits of the ideas underlying the new plan. All doubts have beenexpressed as to the possibility of carryingthem out. We now know not only thatthe ideas are good, but also that they canbe carried out, and carried out here andnow."From the standpoint of administrationthe reorganization has been an unqualified174NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 175success. The deans have become what it•was hoped they might become, vice-presidents in charge of their divisions.They have admirably handled the preparation and revision of budgets under conditions under which it would have beenimpossible to handle them in the old style.We have obtained already, I think, a divisional consciousness which supplementsbut does not supplant departmental consciousness."Says Dean Chauncey S. Boucher: "Eachweek of operation of the new plan seemsto add perceptibly to the number of studentsand faculty members who are enthusiasticin their praise of its basic features. Facultymembers, relieved of police duties, arestudying more critically than ever beforethe effectiveness of their methods. Students,given increased responsibility, with theirattention directed solely to educational opportunity rather than to compulsory disciplinary devices, are working harder andmore effectively, are reading more bookswith greater profit, are attending classesfaithfully and more purposefully, are interested in tests, quizzes and examinations forinstructional purposes rather than formarks, and are learning how to work effectively much earlier in their college careersthan under the old plan."During the first three weeks of lastOctober more of our students were confused and uncertain about what they weredoing than during the corresponding periodin previous years; in each succeeding weekthe number of such students became steadilyless among those interviewed, and by theend of December the number and percentage of students not satisfactorilyoriented seemed to be no greater than underthe old plan at the corresponding date.Furthermore, the number of students whowere positively enthusiastic about theirwork was greater than under the old plan.Thus, as far as the orientation of ourstudents into their college life and workis concerned, the dark side of the pictureseems to be no darker, while the brightside seems to be brighter."That the distinguishing features of ournew educational program are attractive to a highly desirable type of student is testifiedby the fact that the scores on scholasticaptitude tests, the reports from the healthservice staff, and the opinions expressed byfaculty members show that this year's freshmen have higher intellectual capacity, arebetter specimens of humanity physically,and are more attractive beings socially thanany previous entering class."So much for progress. Quizzes takenat the end of the autumn quarter, by students in the four first-year survey courses,which embrace virtually the entire enteringgroup, showed one rather astonishing result, which has not been satisfactorily explained. The top ten to twenty-fiveperformers in these more-or-less incidentaltests were men.Sample sets of the first-year comprehensive examinations will be available in pamphlet form before this issue of the Magazine is published, and the examinations willbe offered for the first time in June. Syllabiof the second-year courses are practicallycomplete; not, as had been planned originally, in the form of four units continuingthe first year courses, but in the form ofsome thirty departmental outlines."You have made a very creditable adjustment to the new situation," the Presidenthas told the freshmen. "Many of youhave faced a big city for the first time —and believe a boy from the country whenhe says that facing a big city is an education. You have faced a large university.You have heard a great deal about theadvantages of small colleges but it is onlyin great universities that great men, greatresources, great libraries and great laboratories are assembled. You have faced anew system of education. Believe me whenI say it has been worth it. Under thenew plan you get men of such abilities asteachers as you would not set eyes uponunder any other system. You have facedfreedom to a degree granted to graduatestudents in few universities and to undergraduates in none. We do not expectpeople who would have passed last yearto fail this year. But the University attaches no disgrace to a longer stay in the176 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECollege than two yearns. The City ofChicago has educational opportunitieswhich may very well be more valuable toyou than a formal course here at the University. If that is true I should urge youto drop the fourth course every quarter andto adjust your program to all your needsand desires."The upper divisions of the Universityhave now established their requirements forentrance and for the attainment of all theacademic degrees, including the baccalaureate. The comprehensive examinationhas, as expected, been adopted throughout,but somewhat more emphasis is placed uponcourses taken than obtains in the College.* * *A second matter of major interest to theUniversity at large is the financial situation. Because of the business depressionthe income from the University's large holdings in securities and real estate has beenreduced by some hundreds of thousands ofdollars. Yet President Hutchins was ableto announce to the University Senate inDecember that no reductions in salaries arecontemplated, at least for this year. Reductions in general departmental and administrative expenses, and economies in theoperation of the University's physical plant,supplemented by an underwriting of anydeficit by the Board of Trustees out of areserve fund which has been built up overa period of twenty-five years from more-or-less unexpected surpluses, have aided in thebalancing of the budget.Readjustments for the next academicyear contemplate the spreading of the teaching duties of, the regular faculty to includethe work of the Summer quarter andof the University College downtown. Withthe institution of these further economiesthe University will be able to withstandsome slight further reduction of its incomewithout dipping further into its reservesand without reducing salaries. In theevent that some more drastic action is madenecessary by the progress of the depressionacademic salaries will be the last to be cut,it has been decided. There has been aslight and anticipated decrease in the num ber of student enrollments, largely in theupper divisions and in the University College downtown, the professional schools andthe College division remaining constant."The hope in the financial situation isthe spirit of the faculty, the attitude of theBoard of Trustees, and the history of theUniversity," President Hutchins said at theaforementioned dinner. "The Universitywas organized and financed in a period likethis. It has survived an expansion thatwent on at a rate that was almost preposterous. It has survived under all kindsof conditions, financial, climatic, educationaland presidential.""The fiscal management of the University," one distinguished member of theSchool of Education remarks, "has beenabove reproach."* * *This is a day of mergers on the quadrangles. The University's varied promotional activities, hitherto operating more orless independently, have now been coordinated under the direction of Dr. JamesM. Stifler, Chairman of the DevelopmentCommittee of the Board of Trustees, whois devoting full time to University work.Things being what they are, there havebeen comparatively few major changes inthe personnel of the University faculty.Dr. Russell Wilder, erstwhile chairmanthe Department of Medicine in the University Clinics, has returned to the MayoClinic, and Dr. Oswald Robertson is nowacting-chairman of the Department. Dr.Esmond R. Long, member of the Department of Pathology and leading authorityon tuberculosis, will leave at the end of thesummer to head the laboratory work of thePhipps Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. The Department of Anthropology, having lost Dr. Sapir to Yale lastyear, has been strengthened by the additionof two distinguished ethnologists, Dr. A. R.Radcliffe-Brown and Dr. Manuel Andrade.Under the Carnegie grant, the GraduateLibrary School last year appointed to itsstaff Dr. Pierce Butler, formerly of theNewberry Library, and this year Dr. LouisRound Wilson, librarian of the UniversityNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 177of North Carolina, who is one of the foremost men in his field and almost the inevitable choice for the post, will becomeDean of the School, effective in September.Miss Gertrude Dudley, director of physicaleducation for women, has been chosen asChairman of the Women's UniversityCouncil, succeeding Mrs. Flint, who plansto devote all of her time to her instructionalduties in English under the new plan. Mrs.George Goodspeed, director of Ida NoyesHall since it was opened in 1916, retiredat the close of the calendar year and wassucceeded by Mrs. Alma Brooks, lately ofthe University of Kansas. Two distinguished professors emeritus, Dr. Benjamin S. Terry, who served the Universityfor thirty-three years as Professor of English History, and Dr. George W. Myers,who served for twenty-eight years as Professor of the Teaching of Science andMathematics, died during the autumnquarter. Professor Frederick Schlutz,Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics,was named the first incumbent of theRichard T. Crane Professorship. ProfessorWilliam A. Nitze, Chairman of the Department of Romance Languages, occupiedthe Meredith Pyne Professorship at Princeton during the autumn quarter, as the firstAmerican so honored with that distinguished chair.Among emergent personalities on thequadrangles one might mention CarlBricken, assistant professor of music, whoorganized, from sources ranging from thejanitorial staff to the ranks of the fullprofessors, a University Symphony Orchestra which presented its first concert inMandel hall in December with astonishingsuccess; Thornton Wilder, who hasachieved an enormous popularity with hisstudents, and who will return to the University after a session with his typewriterduring the spring and summer; and HarryD. Gideonse, associate professor of economics, who has argued the cause of internationalism with remarkable acumen andeffectiveness.* * *Among 257 receiving degrees at the December Convocation: Randolph Haynes,blind and a member of the faculty of theUniversity of Texas, the Ph.D. in RomanceLanguages; Anton Burg, former Maroontrack captain and six times winner of theNational A. A. U. high jump title, thePh.D. in Chemistry; Fred Millett, assistant professor of English, head resident ofthe men's Residence halls and contributorto this journal, the Ph.D. in English;William Wallace Campbell, formerly President of the University of California anddirector of the Lick Observatory since 1901,the honorary Sc.D. ; and Hastings KamazuBanda, prince and heir-apparent to thechieftainship of a tribe of 25,000 in Nyassa-land, the Ph.B.Said President Hutchins to the graduates: "Devotion to truth, the courage tobe independent, an enthusiastic interest inthe community and in new ideas, an intellectrigorously trained and being trained, thesethings will distinguish you as they havedistinguished your Alma Mater from thebeginning. We know that cov^rdice, selfishness, stupidity and fear have brought theworld to its present low estate. How canthe world ever hope to find leadership ifhonest, unselfish, inventive, intelligent menand women do not emerge from universitieslike this?"The University of Chicago was foundedby young men in a hurry. There has neverbeen anything contemptuous, defeatist, orindifferent about it. Believing that something can be done, it has entered enthusiastically into the life of the community, enthusiastically developed or accepted newideas. It has never cared to be respectable,still less conventional."The University's first distinguishingmark is that it is devoted to inquiry. Weknow that the roster of great scientists,investigators and discoverers is filled withthe names of those who either as teachersor students have borne the name of theUniversity. No institution in so short atime has made contributions on so vast ascale."The business of taking a fresh view isone in which the University has been en-17*. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgaged since President Harper's day, andone in which it will always be engaged.Its new educational plan is not, therefore,a violent eruption on its placid surface andthe present program will not be the lastword the University will utter on education in America."Another characteristic of the Universityis its independence. It has never had anaxe to grind; it has refused to be a grindstone for anybody else. Under its presenteducational system the student is offeredthe realms of learning to explore at will.He is not required to do anything. Hedoes not have to accept the view of hisprofessors or conform to any social, religiousor political creed."The object of a university is intellectual,not moral, but it sets a standard of achievement which can be achieved only by thoseScores of the MonthBasketballChicago, 18; Wisconsin, 24Chicago, 20; Illinois, 30Chicago, 28; Minnesota, 40GymnasticsChicago, 1018; St. Louis Y. M. C. A.889HAVING achieved the statisticaltable above, your correspondentcast a jaundiced eye over the result and morosely contemplated its possibilities for the monthly report to Mr. CarlBeck's controversial journal. There isn't,apparently, a whole lot that can be said.The obvious desolate outlook for the in- qualities that are commonly called character. Character comes as a by-product ofsound education; nothing comes of tryingto teach character. The University'smethod of developing character is to trainintelligence, and no student under the newplan, in the face of the distractions of alarge city and of college life, can passthrough that experience without developing it."The universities have only themselvesto blame if the public confuses them withcountry clubs, reformatories or preparatory schools. We must insist on the intellectual emphasis which distinguishes theuniversity from all other institutions."These are some of the distinguishingcharacteristics of your University. Theyare rather splendid characteristics. Youcould wish no better ones fqr yourself."TrackVarsity, 86 1/2; Freshmen, 28 1/2,Alumni, 11FencingChicago, 5; Michigan, 2WrestlingChicago, 3 ; Iowa St. Teachers, 29Chicago, 19; Western Reserve, 11Chicago, 8; Penn State, 24door season was intimated last month, andthere is no good reason for going over allthat again. Things in general are, if anything, slightly worse than they promisedto be, for George Wrighte, the particularjoy of Dan Hoffer, the gymnastic coach,has hurt a knee, and the one Maroon teamthat appeared certain of winning is at®&%®m%gm*®By William V. Morgenstern '20; J.D., '22ATHLETICS 179present not certain to be unique. Thingslike that sour an optimist.The basketball team so far has not wonany of its conference games, although CoachNorgren has tried every possible combination in an attempt to get better results.In the second game of the season, withWisconsin, he shifted his lineup, takingByron Evans from forward and using himat center in place of Keith Parsons. Parsons had come directly from football tobasketball and could not seem to get started.He lacked speed and tired quickly. ScottRexinger was used at forward, and BernardWien replaced Jim Porter at guard. Thisarrangement seemed to be an improvementin the Wisconsin game and was usedagainst Minnesota, but for Iowa, Norgrenplans to go back almost completely to hisoriginal lineup. Parsons is again at center,having improved meanwhile, and Evans andWien are out of the starting team. Porterhas his position again, and Louis Schlifkeis being tried at forward. The mostbaskets Chicago has scored in conferencecompetition is eight, this total being madeagainst Minnesota. It is still possible thatthe team will win three games, but it willhave to start against Iowa.The varsity-alumni-freshman track meetwas dismal, not only because the knownweakness of the varsity was demonstratedbut also because there apparently is littleprospect of the freshmen adding anythingnext season. The only first rate men on thevarsity are John Brooks, the sophomoresprinter, hurdler, and broad jumper, andCapt. Roy Black, high hurdler. Brooks,who is national A. A. U. junior broadjump champion, and can better 24 feet,should be able to win that event in theconference and be right up in the dash.He did the 60-yard sprint in 0:06 4/10,which is fast. His form in the low hurdlesneeds improvement, but he should place inthis event. Black is a strong high hurdler.Jerome Jontry won the 440 in 0:51 9/i°>and can do better, but hardly rates in theconference. The half mile was won in2:06 4/10; the mile in 4:49, and the two mile in 10:36 4/10, performances that arefutile. The one freshman of promise wasEugene Ovson, a freshman from Oak Park,who put the shot out 43 feet, 1 3/4 inches.The level of performance will be somewhat better in the spring, when the baseball team goes into action. Some alumnimay by this time have the belief that theimprovement in athletics, like the illusoryprosperity, is always just around the corner.But the general enthusiasm that prevailsover the University's plans for the collegewill be a helpful factor that will make itself felt. The spirit of the college, and thespirit among the alumni about the college, is unquestionably better than it hasbeen in a decade. A good football teamnext autumn will give Chicago athleticsa start that will gather momentum quickly.So far, the status of the freshman teamfrom which so much is expected, is generallysatisfactory. Several men have been lostfor economic reasons — these are parloustimes for most students — and the scholasticperformance of the numeral men could havebeen better in the autumn quarter. Butthe first quarter in college is the hardesttime of the hardest of the four years, andthere is nothing in the general academicsituation to cause great concern. With aquarter's orientation behind them, most ofthe men should be able to look forward tothe June examinations with confidence.The minor adjustments in courses that area necessary element of any ambitious projectsuch as the reorganization are being made.On the whole, the prospects for next seasoncontinue to be definitely hopeful.Mr. Stagg, by the way, has completedhis football schedule for 1932, and the listof games is this:Sept. 24 — Monmouth at ChicagoOct. 1 — Open dateOct. 8— At YaleOct. 15 — Knox at ChicagoOct. 22 — Indiana at ChicagoOct. 29 — Illinois at ChicagoNov. 5 — Purdue at ChicagoNov. 12 — Chicago at MichiganNov. 19 — Wisconsin at ChicagoNEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege1900Mary B. Harris, superintendent of theFederal Industrial Institution for Women atAlderson, W. Va., manages the only federalwomen's prison in the country.1902David Allan Robertson, president of GoucherCollege, was elected a member of the senateof Phi Beta Kappa in December, to take theplace of the late Dwight Morrow. At thesame meeting Dr. Robertson was made a member of the new Committee on Qualifications.1906Elizabeth Munger's position as superintendentand warden of the Connecticut State Farm forWomen and the State Prison for Women, involves managing a 1000 acre farm and some500 people, only 60 of whom are employees.*** Mrs. Margaret Young Jones is teachingLatin at St. Agnes School, Albany, N. Y.1907Mary Johnson Stith is engaging in amateurdramatic projects in connection with a busysocial and domestic career in Baltimore. ***Ralph E. Hill is secretary-treasurer of theSouthern Oak Flooring Industries of LittleRock, Ark.1912Harold Kayton, of San Antonio, has beena member of the Texas Legislature for thepast four terms. He is a past vice-president ofthe Associated Advertising Clubs of the World,and a past president of the Advertising Clubsof Texas. *** Lillian M. Elliott is with theGilman Country School at Baltimore.1913Byron C. Howes, ex, is general agent at Chicagoin charge of the Berkshire Life InsuranceCompany's offices. *** Elsie Mae Willsey isnow with the Insular Board for VocationalEducation at San Juan, P. R.1914Laura Emma Brodbeck, for fourteen years amissionary in China, for the Baptist Church, is now spending her furlough year in thiscountry, dividing her time between Chicagoand Miami. Miss Brodbeck's work has beenprincipally in western China with some time inJapan during the more serious political upheavals.1917Mrs. George K. Shaffer (Rosalind Keating)and Mr. Shaffer, ex, '16, are both writing forthe Chicago Daily Tribune. Mr. Shaffer isPacific Coast correspondent and Mrs. Shaffercontributes frequent articles on motion pictureaffairs. They live in Hollywood and havetwo children, Rosalind, 11, and George, Jr.,10.1920Mary E. Owen, A.M., is associate editor ofthe Instructor and lives at Rochester, N. Y.1923Mrs. Carrie M. Barlow is teaching clothingat Calumet High School, "for the joy of service?" as she puts it. *** Elizabeth D. Powersis chairman of District III of the B. P. W.Club of Michigan, and member of the StateBoard of Business and Professional Women'sClubs. Miss Powers is elementary supervisorat Cadillac, Mich.1924Alfred H. Webster, A.M., is at the Universityof Georgia, Athens, Ga.1925Henry O. Lloyd, A.M., has returned to hiswork as Boys' and Men's worker at the Weir-ton Christian Center, Weirton, W. Va. He was.pastor of Ormond Baptist Church at Ormond,Ontario, last year, and during the summeracted as religious reporter for the ChautauquaDaily. *** Rev. R. C. Ostergren, A.M. '16, is* director at Weirton Christian Center. *** Winifred Wadsworth has been doing some radiowork with the Wrigley Co., in Chicago.1926Eleanor Fish is the author of a charmingchildren's story book, beautifully illustrated, arecent publication of Harcourt Brace. *** Mil-180THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 181'EYES"THAT GUIDEAIRCRAFTCPEED with safety and dependa-** bility is the essence ot airplaneservice. To-day's ship is safer in fogand darkness. Its "eyes' are in its instruments,and the equipment of a new monoplane recentlypurchased by General Electric is unique inthat the instrument panel is almost completelyelectrified.The ship is equipped with many electric devices:automatic steering, radio apparatus for communication and contact with directional radiorange beacons, and a sonic altimeter to giveaccurate indication of height above the ground,regardless of visibility. The 300-horsepowerengine is equipped with a G-E supercharger.Other General Electric apparatus on the ship includes an electric engine-temperature indicatorand a selector switch, a magneto compass, a cardcompass, a drift indicator, a turn indicator, atachometer, an oil-temperature indicator, an oil-pressure indicator, a voltammeter, control pulleys,landing lights, and an oil immersion heater.These developments in air transportation werelargely the accomplishments of college-trainedengineers who received preliminary experiencein the Company's Testing Department. Hundredsof college graduates join the ranks through thisdepartment, which trains them for electricalleadership on land, on sea, and in the air.95-925FBIGENERAL® ELECTRICSALES AND ENGINEERING SERVICE IN PRINCIPAL CITIES182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdred Heatter teaches English at Kelly JuniorHigh School, Chicago. *** Mamie A. Dicksonis principal of the Dumas School in St. Louis,Mo. *** Mrs. Milton Gerwin (Dorothy Grosby)has been teaching at Lindblom Senior HighSchool in the Commercial Department for thelast year. *** Arlee Nuser is studying andtravelling this year.1927F. H. Sumrall, A.M., heads the departmentof commerce of Grove City College, Pa., andteaches commerce and business administration.*** Mrs. Harold G. Burmeister (Violet Knut-son, A.M.) is living in Milwaukee with herfifteen months old daughter. *** MarjorieBurrell is teaching kindergarten at the StateTeachers College at Oshkosh in place ofDorothy Bernet, '29. *** J. A. Krafft is athleticcoach for the Elgin high school, Elgin, 111. ***Ruby Frances Moore teaches biology at theState Teachers College of Johnson City, Tenn.,with the added responsibilities of school nursing in the demonstration school and the supervision of health of the women of the college.Up to this fall,, Miss Moore has been teachingat the Pi Beta Phi School at Gatlinburg, Tenn.*** Clyde U. Phillips, A.M., is superintendentof schools at Hays, Kansas. *** Cecil MichenerSmith is assistant professor of music at theUniversity. *** Fannie Frank is teaching schoolin Hyde Park, Chicago.1928Clarence Hendershot, A.M., is in residenceat the University this year. *** Corinne Kelso,A.M., is critic teacher of junior high schoolmathematics in Oshkosh, Wis. *** Evan E.Evans, A.M., is principal of the high school atWinfield, Kansas. *** Rosalie G. Burns is freeteacher of library curriculum and training inthe Cleveland public schools. *** Al Ingle,S.M., is teaching chemistry at the Y. M. C. A.Central College in Chicago. *** E. Anita Mein-ders is teaching French at Kelly junior highschool, Chicago. *** Charles T. Leavitt, A.M., isteaching at Dakota Wesleyan University, atMitchell, S. Dak. *** Edna Gross teaches seniorhigh school at Mount Morris, Mich. *** BessieVecans is laboratory technician at LutheranMemorial Hospital, Chicago. *** DorotheaAdolph teaches first grade in Malvern School,Shaker Heights, Cleveland. *** Marie Lewis,A.M. '30, heads the art department at CasperHigh School, Wyo. She reports that the schoolis unusually well equipped and that conditionsthere are pleasant. .Last summer Miss Lewistravelled on the continent. *** Stephen E. Bull-man, A.M., teaches Spanish at St. John's Military Academy, at Delafield, Wis. *** Ivan D.Patterson, S.M., is at Port Huron Junior College,Mich., teaching physics and mathematics. *** Fanny W. Fairfield, ex, is visiting teacher inthe Rogers and Smith Elementary Schools.1929Mary M. Sullivan teaches English and Latinat the Greeley Branch of the Lakeview HighSchool. *** Forest G. Wise, A.M., is now livingat Tacoma, Washington. *** Ethel M. Praeger,A.M., '30, is fourth grade supervisor at CentralState Teachers College, Mount Pleasant, Mich.*** C. J. Matthews is a salesman with theKeete Le Stourgeon Company of Dodge City,Kansas. *** Arnold F. Hartigan, ex, heads theA. F. Hartigan Company, Construction Engineers, of Hammond, Ind. *** Lucile Ferreiraspent last summer with her family in Hollywood, Cal. *** Theodore T. Cowgill, A.M., isemployed in the general office of the ChicagoSurface Lines, in the Schedules and TimetablesDepartment, while studying for his doctorate.1930Mabel F. Rice is co-author with Dr. W. W.Charters and E. W. Beck in writing a seriesof five books called "Conduct Problems," material for character education in grades 4-8.Miss Rice is a member of the faculty of theschool of philosophy of the University ofSouthern California. She is literary critic inthe department of character research. *** S. A.Kirk, '30, A.M. '32, is with the Wayne CountyTraining School, Northville, Mich. *** AleneStamm, A.M., teaches American History atPittsburg, Kansas. *** Florence Sprinkle isteaching Spanish in the senior high school atRockford. *** P. Stiansen, A.M., is professorof church history at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago. *** John J. Chapinis learning lithographic printing in the pressroom of R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. ***^Winfred E. Gordon has left the principalshipof Elmwood, Wis., high school, to be the superintendent at Durand, Wis. *** Victor Roterus,S.M. '32, is teaching economic geography atWashington State College. *** Dorothy Leggittteaches social studies at Glen Ellyn, 111., and inher spare hours works on her thesis for herA.M. degree.Law1907John L. Hopkins, J.D., is practicing underthe firm name of Hopkins, Starr and Godman,in Chicago. The firm specializes in corporation law and income tax matters. *** ChesterG. Vernier, '04, J.D., has recently published acomparative survey of the family laws of theforty-eight American states, Alaska, Hawaii,and the District of Columbia. It is the first ofa series of five volumes which will constituteNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS i»3FF^ONTINO SOUT»-fON JACKSOnJ PARK5«TB STREET AND THE LAKE^AtmosphereWhether you are seeking a distinguished place to live or planninga social function that requires a luxurious setting, you will searchno further once you have made an inspection ofWotels ||in(lermer e56th Street at The Lake WARD B. JAMES, ManagerFairfax 6000WHEN YOU NEEDA GOOD BOOKfor anyoccasioncallTHE U. of C. BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Avenue0 rwe canfurnish you withGifts, Prizes, EngravingTypewriters, U. of C. Etchings,Stationery, and many other items Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago535 Fifth Ave., New York415 Hyde Bldg., SpokaneA general Placement Bureau for men andwomen in all kinds of teaching positions.Large and alert College, and State Teachers' College departments for Doctors andMasters ; Critics and Supervisors for Normals. Also many calls for Special teachersof Music, Art, Home Economics, BusinessAdministration, CorrespondenceTeaching.Fine opportunities in Secondary Schools.A host of best Suburban patrons for gradeand High School teachers. Read ourbooklet. Call.Paul H. Davis, '1 1 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavis &<90.MembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGO184 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa definitive study of the entire field of domesticrelations. The second book, on Divorce, is inthe hands of the printers, and the third,Husband and Wife, is in preparation. Furtherstudies will treat the problems of Parent andChild and Incompetents and Dependents. Mr.Vernier, when in the Law School at the University, made the highest grades of any studentin that school up to his time. He has been amember of the Leland Stanford Law Schoolsince 1914.1911DeWitt B. Lightner, '09, J.D., is assistantsecretary Continental Casualty Company,Chicago.1912Judge Walter P. Steffen, 'io, J.D., is retiringfrom his unique position as "Commuting Coach"of Carnegie Tech.1914Arden E. Ross, J.D., is an attorney in Tulsa,Okla.1915George Maurice Morris, J.D., reports thatthe law offices of KixMiller, Baar and Morris,with whom he is affiliated, have been moved tothe American Security Building, Washington,D. C, where the partners will continue ascounsel in federal tax matters and as attorneysbefore the courts and executive departments.1916Stephen R. Curtis, '14, J. D., is practicing lawindependently at 704 Equitable Building,Denver, Col.1920Riley E. Stevens, J.D., is now judge of theCircuit Court of Knox County, 111. *** RobertE. Nash, J.D., is first assistant state's attorneyfor Winnebago County.1923L. P. Holt, '21, J.D., is assistant state's attorney in Chicago, in charge of prosecutingviolators of the Illinois Blue Sky Laws. During the last two and a half years he has handledapproximately 6000 cases and has obtained forthousands of victims, who purchased fake orunqualified securities, stocks or bonds, restitutions totalling $8,400,000.00, without cost to thevictims. In addition, he has piled up a highrecord of convictions, fines that run to the stateof Illinois, and jail sentences against the violators.1926Richard B. Austin, J.D., has formed apartnership for the practice of law, with Clifford B. Sawyer and Thomas S. Sawyer, under the firm name of Sawyer, Austin and Sawyer,R. 173 1, Burnham Bldg., Chicago.1927W. A. Brookshire, J.D., is enjoying a goodlaw practice in Farmington, Mo.1929Jacob Geffs, J.D., formerly assistant visitingprofessor of law at the University of Missouri,has joined the law school faculty at the University of Alabama. *** Herbert F. Geisler,'27, J.D., is with the firm of Barnett andGeisler, at 134 N. LaSalle. *** M. Ray Doubles,J.D., in addition to his duties as Dean of theUniversity of Richmond Law School, is annotating for the state of Virginia the Restatement ofContracts by the American Law Institute. ***LeRoy H. Schurmeier, '28, J.D., is practicinglaw in Chicago with the firm of Schurmeierand Christianson.1930Seymour S. Guthman, '29, J.D., is secretaryto Congressman A. J. Sabath, and can bereached at Room 299, House Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. *** Wm. H. Sloan, '29, J.D., iswith Urion, Drucker, Bishop and Boutell, 134S. LaSalle. *** Harry C. Partlow, J.D., isgeneral counsel for Casey Construction Co.,Casey, 111., in addition to his general practice.*** E. Harold Hallows, J.D., is associated withthe law firm of Marschutz, Fish and Hoffman ofMilwaukee ; he also teaches equity at MarquetteUniversity Law School. *** W. Gordon Moffett,'29, J.D., is "endeavoring to practice law inDuPage County, 111., with occasional excursionsinto Chicago."i93iAgnes L. Cherry, J.D., opened her law officesDecember i5, 193 1, at 77 W. Washington St.,Chicago. *** Ellis Overton, '28, J.D., is teaching law at the University of Arkansas. ***Benjamin Landis, ex '31, is assistant U. S.Attorney at Washington. *** William G. Burns,'30, J.D., it with Foreman, Bluford, Krinsley,and Schultz, at 38 S. Dearborn. *** Elliott A.Johnson, '28, J.D., is practicing law with hisbrother at 10 S. LaSalle, and is chairman ofthe Voters Information League in the 5th Ward.Rush1880John Ritter, M.D., has been conducting a"Teen Age Clinic" this winter for the DadeCounty Tuberculosis Association, in an attemptto diagnose incipient tuberculosis in children,so that remedial treatment can be started intime. Dr. Ritter is the author of several interesting pamphlets on diagnostic problems.ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYBIOLOGICAL SUPPLIESPresident, C. Blair Coursen '22General Biological Supply House761-763 East 69th Place, ChicagoDorchester 3700BROKERSFARNUM, WINTER & CO.120 West Adams St. Randolph 8910New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade,Chicago Stock ExchangeJames M. Sheldon '03 Paul E. Gardner '13 FLOOR COVERINGSEdw. P. Bezazian, '25Oriental RugsDomestic Carpets and RugsThe Tobey Furniture Co.200 N. Michigan Avenue State 4300INSURANCEC. F. AXELSON, '07Chartered Life UnderwriterREPRESENTINGThe Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.209 So. LaSalle St. Tel. State 0633HARRY C. WATTS & CO., Inc.INVESTMENT -:- SECURITIES39 So. LaSalle St. Rand. 7804Harry C. Watts, '11 Pres.Ralph W. Stansbury, '14STANSBURY & CO.Investment Securities105 W. Adams St. Cent. 7762CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12EPSTEIN, REYNOLDS and HARRISConsulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4286CLEANERS AND DYERSBIRCK-FELLINGER COMPANYExclusive Cleaners and Dyers of RecognizedAbility, Service and Responsibility200 East Marquette RoadTelephone Wentworth 5380Edwin H. Fellinger '28DENTISTSDr. Kermit F. Knudtzon, '25DENTISTSuite 1619 Pittsfield Bldg. 55 E. Washington St.Hours by Appointment State 1396ENGINEERSJudson S. Tyley, '18 Secy.E. H. Ward & Company, Inc.Engineers of Tests608 South Dearborn St. ELLSWORTH E. HOFFSTADT '24INSURANCEIn All Its Branches1180 E. 63rd Street Faixfax 7200Fairfax 5353LAUNDRIESR. C. WEINBERG '31ECLIPSE LAUNDRY CO." Artists in Washer aft"Triangle 7500949-957 E. 75th St.LITHOGRAPHINGL. C. MEAD *2i E. J. CHALIFOUX '22PHOTOPRESS, INCPlanograph — Offset — Printing725 So. LaSalle St. Harrison 3624MUSICIANSPhone Fairfax 7310RAYMOND A. SMITH, '185 1 30 Kenwood Ave.PIANIST AND ACCOMPANISTArranger STETSON SINGERSMale QuartetteAvailable for Banquets, Clubs, ConcertsPERSONNEL SERVICEFor Your Office and Sales AssistantsBoth Men and WomenDavis Personnel Service, Inc.One LaSalle St. Cen. 4232GERTRUDE G. DAVIS '18RADIOWMAQOfficial Broadcasting Station ofThe University of ChicagoWilliam S. Hedges, '18 Mgr.185i86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1891J. F. Shelley, M.D., practices medicine andsurgery at Elmdale, Kansas.1893Richard Lord, M.D., is president of the "Inter-ocean Reinsurance Company" of Cedar Rapids,Iowa.1903Otillie Zelezny-Baumrucker writes that herson George, '27, M.D. '31, is following in hismother's footsteps, and is studying medicine atRush. He is interning at the West SuburbanHospital in Oak Park now. Dr. Zelezny hasbeen practicing since 1903 and is on the attending staff of the Women's and Children's Hospital.1904Romney M. Ritchie, M.D., has gone into theU. S. Public Health Service with the rank ofSurgeon (R) ; he is stationed at the U. S. Penitentiary at McNeil Island. Dr. Ritchie wassuperintendent of the Mendocino State Hospitalat Talmage, Cal., up to the first of March, 193 1.1907D. C. Shaff, M.D., is practicing at Clinton,Indiana. *** Robert E. Graves, '98, M.D., is aphysician in Chicago.1 9 12John R. Steagall, 'n, M.D., is practicingmedicine and surgery at Portland, Oregon. ***Maude Hall Winnett, M.D., is practicing inChicago, and is a member of the surgical staffof the Women's and Children's Hospital.1913G. P. Lawrence, M.D., has been practicing inWesterville, Ohio, for the last eight years. Hehas a son and daughter, Cora Jane, age six, andWilliam Hieatt, age four.1923Clarence F. G. Brown, '19, M.D., is teachingat Northwestern University and practicingmedicine.1924Ruben Nomland, M.D., is practicing dermatology in Chicago, and is an instructor at RushMedical College in that subject. *** EllisEdwards, M.D., and Mrs. Edwards (Lida ScottMcCarty, A.M. '23) and their three sons liveat White Plains, N. J., where Mr. Edwardspractices medicine.1925C. Oliver Heimdal, M.D., was elected secretary and treasurer of the Aurora Medical Society at their last meeting. Dr. Heimdal ispracticing surgery at Aurora, 111. *** MiltonSteinberg, '22, M.D., is specializing in obstetricsin Chicago. *** Eugene Ziskind, '22, M.D., isin Boston doing post-graduate work in neurologic pathology. He recently received a stateprize for some research work on tuberculousmeningitis. *** Sol M. Wolffson, '22, M.D., isattending staff surgeon and lecturer in surgeryat Lutheran Memorial Hospital and the Training School for Nurses there. *** Louis B. Kar-toon, '23, M.D., is an instructor in medicine atthe University of Illinois College of Medicine,and collaborator on the year book on therapeutics. *** Clyde E. Partridge is practicing medicine and surgery at Emporia, Kansas.1929Ralph H. Scull, '24, M.D., having just completed six months of post-graduate study indermatology with Dr. H. Fox of New YorkUniversity, is now beginning an additionalhalf year of work with Dr. H. H. Hazen in thesame subject. *** Federico Lontoc, '26, M.D., isresident physician at the Jolo General Hospital.1930Elizabeth Bergner, '16, S.M. '17, M.D., isinterning at Children's Memorial Hospital. ***Sylvia H. Bensley, M.D., is teaching in thedepartment of anatomy at the University. ***Peter F. Coleman, M.D., is practicing at Sunny-side, L. I. *** R. E. Petrone, '26, M.D., is anassociate in psychiatry and neurology at theU. S. Veterans' Hospital at Camp Custer, Michigan.1931Marion Corrigan, '23, M.D., is interning atMichael Reese Hospital for one year, inpathology. *** Eleanor Humphreys,, M.D., isan associate professor in the department ofpathology at the University. *** Beatrice 0.Jones, M.D., is interning at Children's Memorial Hospital. *** Evangeline Stenhouse, 5i6,M.D., and Beth Downing, '27, M.D., are bothinterning at Swedish Covenant Hospital. ***Mrs. M. S. Sherman, '16,, Ph.D. '24, M.D., isinterning at Frances Willard Hospital. *** RuthStocking, M.D., and Lucille Robey, S.M. '21,M.D., are serving their internships at BillingsHospital. *** Jane Hickman, M.D., is assistantresident in medicine at Billings. *** BerthaBrainard, M.D., and Hilda Kroeger, M.D., areinterning at Women's and Children's Hospital,at San Francisco. *** Lois Day, S.M. '28, M. D.,is interning at the University of MinnesotaHospital. *** Sere H. Kistler, S.M. '29, M.D.,is assistant professor of physiology and pharmacology at the Medical School of the Universityof Alabama. *** German A. DeVenecia, M.D.,NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 187REAL ESTATE SOUND FILMJ. Alton Lauren, '19J. Alton Lauren and Co.139 N. Clark St. Randolph 2068SCHOOLS "LIFE ON THE QUADRANGLES"Produced byThe Vitaglo CorporationMakers of Educational and Commercial Sound Films4942 Sheridan Road Longbeach 6380SPORTING GOODSTHE FAULKNER SCHOOL FOR GIRLSA Day School for Girls of All AgesPrepares Its Graduates for All Collegesand UniversitiesThe College Board Examinations AreGiven at the School4746 Dorchester Ave. Tel. Oakland 1423 RAY WHITE, Inc.Athletic EquipmentComplete Golf and Tennis Supplies28 East Jackson Blvd.Harrison 3437 Ray White, *l6SEEDS (Wholesale) TRAVELOSTBERG SEED CO.Wholesale Seeds7301 Woodlawn Ave. Phone Dorchester 0314 For Reservations, Tickets, All Steamship Linesand Travel OrsanizationsLESTER F. BLAIRTravel Service Bureau— University of Chicago5758 Ellis Ave. Phones Midway 0800 and Plaza 3858SIGNS WAREHOUSE LOCATIONSFEDERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYNeon, All Types Electric SignsW. D. Krupke, '19225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. FACTORY AND WAREHOUSELOCATIONS, INC.35 E. Wacker DriveJ. C. Erickson Huntington B. Henry, '06BUSINESS DIRECTORYAUTO SERVICE CATERERSENGLEWOOD 0280CHICAGO AUTO SERVICE COMPANYComplete Auto Service Specializing In All MakesEverything For the Car436 East 63rd Street, Chicago MARTHA WINTERLING5034 Cottage Grove Ave.Catering toLuncheons, Dinners, Card Parties, etc.Telephone Kenwood 0249CEMENT WORKHartland Garage57th and Cottage GroveSERVICE ALL CARSBatteries - Tires - Gas - Oil - StorageHYDE PARK 681b EMIL O. HANSELCEMENT CONTRACTORFloors Our Specialty824 Wrightwood Ave. Phone Bittersweet 2259UNIVERSITY SERVICE STATION5701 Cottage Grove AvenueTEXACO GAS TEXACO ETHYL GASHigh Pressure Greasing by Experienced MenTire Service, Battery Service and Electric RepairingPhone Hyde Park 0103AWNINGSPHONES OAKLAND 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHYDE PARK AWNING CO,, Inc.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove Avenue Let Us Do Your Cement WorkL. GUNGGOLL COMPANYConcrete Contractors for 30 Years6417 So Park Ave.Normal 0434 Phones Wentworth 1799W. J. SCHUMACHER6147 University Ave. Phone Hyde Park 5840Plastering, Mason and Cement Repairs, Expert Chimneyand Boiler Mason Work, Brick and Stone BuildingsCleaned, Pointing, Draft Experti88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEis in private practice at the DeVenicia BrothersHospital at Dagupan, Pangasinan, P. I. Hewas married Dec. 27, 1931, and plans to moveto Manila soon. *** Libuse Kostelecky, '25,M.D., '31, is practicing at 6254 S. Kedzie Ave.,Chicago. *** Howard B. Weaver is practicingat Canton, Ohio, with special attention to obstetrics.Social Service AdministrationFacultyProfessor Harrison A. Dobbs attended a conference last month, on the teaching of childwelfare work, which was called in New Yorkand included delegates from several differentschools of social work. *** Professor MollieRay Carroll, Ph.D. '20, attended a meeting inNew York on Unemployment Relief, called bythe American Association of Social Workers.She also attended a meeting of the Committeeon the International Conference of Social Work,which will convene next summer in Frankfurt,Germany. *** Dean Edith Abbott delivered anaddress on the Responsibility of Federal Government at the Chicago Forum of the League ofWomen Voters. Professor Sophonisba Breckinridge presided at the meeting.1906Marcus Wilson Jernegan,, Ph.D. '06, is theauthor of a new volume in the series of SocialService Monographs, "Laboring and DependantClasses in Colonial America, 1607-1783." Thematerial in the book is used by the class in thehistory of American Philanthropy.I93iHazel Black Selness, A.M., has accepted aposition in the Social Service Department of theHospital at the State University of Iowa. ***Georgia Ball, A.M., has taken a Medical SocialService position at Michael Reese Hospital inChicago. *** Phyllis Osborne, A.M., has takena Visiting Teacher position in Kalamazoo,Michigan. *** Gladys Spencer, A.M.,, has goneto Sioux City, Iowa, where she is in the VisitingTeacher Department of the public schools. ***Dorothy Puttee, ex, is superintendent of theProtestant Children's Home in Chicago. ***Harold Vaughn, ex, is with the St. Louis Provident Association. *** Mrs. Fredrica Floyd, ex,is with the Juvenile Protective Association inChicago. *** Lula Leonard, ex, began work inJanuary in Springfield, Illinois, with the PoorRelief Department. *** Marola Jeanne Newton,ex, has accepted a position in the Mothers' Pension Department of the Juvenile Court of Kenosha County, Wisconsin. *** Mrs. Janet Goff,ex, is working with Louis E. Evans, A.M. '29, in the Child Placing Department of the JointService Bureau, an organization providinghomes for dependent Negro children committedby the Juvenile Court. *** Merton Trast, ex,has also taken a position with the Joint ServiceBureau which serves the Protestant Children'sInstitutions in Chicago. *** D. Katherine Rogers,'16, has taken a position with the Traveler's AidSociety in Chicago.At the end of the Autumn Quarter the following students took positions with the UnitedCharities of Chicago: Blanche Miller, Mrs.Jeanette Gerson, Helen Hrachovska, FrederickPowell, Bernice Howard and Frances Taylor.Sidney Williams, Elva Lee Perry, Alanzo Mercer, Theresa Moreland, Jean Saylor, Vera Soti-rova and Frederick Veeder accepted positionswith the Joint Emergency Relief Stations;Joanna Mitchell, case worker at the MunicipalLodging House for women, and Melvin Phil-brick case worker at the Municipal LodgingHouse for Men.Commerce and Administration1914I. N. Loren, '14, president of Loren andCompany, investment securities, of Chicago, isgiving radio talks every Wednesday night overWBBM, on various phases of investmentactivity.1918Marion E. Schaar is a case worker for theJewish Social Service Bureau, Chicago.1920Roscoe E. Taylor was recently promoted tothe general managership of the Ottumwa GasCompany, Ottumwa, Iowa. He has been associated with the company for 11 years. ***Helen C. Markell was recently appointed statesupervisor of home and school visitors in theDepartment of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania. *** Joseph R. Thomas is inventor of theRome controvertible sofa, a new type of davenport bed with many unusual features. The newproduct is being introduced nationally by amanufacturer with factories in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.1922Donna H. Binkhorst is teaching English anddramatics at Howell High School, Howell,Michigan. *** Ford H. Kaufman is a salesmanfor the Smith Brothers Laboratories, Louisville,Ky.1919Karl A. Hauser, A.M., is manager of thebond department of the Continental Bank andTrust Company, Salt Lake City.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSCHIROPODIST FLOWERS 189DR. G. L. BIERSMITHFoot Specialist and Chiropodist1133 East Sixty-Third St.PHONE MIDWAY 1828CLEANERS AND DYERSTHE NEW DREXELCleaners and DyersWe Clean Everything from Gloves to Rugs9x12 Rugs Cleaned on Both Sides, Only $2.004720-22 Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Drexei 0909 - 0910 - 0911 - 0912COAL5900 STEWART 3952AUBURN COAL & MATERIAL CO.COAL- COKE- BUILDING MATERIAL7443 So. Racine Ave. ChicagoALL PHONES ENGLEWOOD 2606Our Yards Cover the Entire CityHeritage Coal CompanyMain Office 101-33 East 63rd StreetCorner Michigan Blvd., ChicagoJ. J. HERITAGE, PresidentCUT STONE HAULINGNELS OLSONCUT STONE HAULING3001 S. Wells Street Victory 0711DENTISTSDR. J. J. JOHNSTENDENTISTSuite 417 1180 East 63rd Street, ChicagoPhone Dorchester 9545 titO CHICAGOGXflM#y ESTABLISHED 1865mT FLOWERSs^* Phones: Plaza 6444, 6445 1631 East 55th StreetOberg's Flower ShopFLOWERS WIRED THE WORLD OVERTelephones: Fairfax 3670-36711461-63 East 57th St.FLOOR SURFACINGL. C. FAULKNERElectric Floor SurfacerRemoves Paint and Varnish ElectricallyMakes Old Floors Like New1516 E. 69th Street Fairfax 5262HARDWAREHENRY T. HANSEN935 East 55th StreetPaint — Hardware — Cutlery — ToolsHardware Phone Midway oooSRadios and Expert Radio ServiceRadio Service Phone Midway 0009INSURANCECHILDS & WOODINSURANCE UNDERWRITERSTelephone Us When You Have AnyQuestions About Special Coverage1 75 W. Jackson Blvd. Phone Wabash 1180LAUNDRIESFidelity Morgan Service, Inc."Better Laundry Work"Branch 1015 East 61st StreetPhone Calumet 1906DR. E. E. MACPHERSONDENTISTGASX-RAY 1133 East 63rd StreetPhone Hyde Park 3939EMPLOYMENTReliable HELP FurnishedOffice, Technical, Domestic, Factory, Hotel,Restaurant No Charge to EmployerGROVE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE852 E. 63rd St. Phone MID. 3636 LEXINGTON LAUNDRY1214 East 61st StreetFAIRFAX 0732" For All Fine Laundering "LIGHTINGStudio and Display Rooms Tel. Superior 5381- 2Henkel & Best Co.439 North Michigan AvenueDesigners and Manufacturers ofArtistic Lighting FixturesIQO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1923Hugh C. Gregg, A.M., has been engagedin research for the North Central Associationof Colleges since September. During the previous two years he participated in the surveyof 35 Methodist colleges, having major responsibility for the critical studies of businessmanagement, unit costs, and all other phasesof finance. During 1932 he will visit 50 NorthCentral colleges and universities, in connectionwith a study for the revision of North Centralstandards. He will study all phases of administration, finance, sources of revenue,management, endowment, and the college anduniversity plants. *** John M. Dinges is nowsecretary of John M. Dinges, Inc., of Bedford,Iowa, a concern engaged in abstracting titlesand making loans. *** Harold D. Waller isnow operating his own advertising agency inChicago.1924Billy E. Goetz, formerly instructor in theSchool of Commerce and Administration, is nowinstructor in money and banking and businessadministration at the University of Buffalo.1925J. P. Woodlock, A.M., is general managerof Goodrich, Silvertown, Inc., of Akron, Ohio.*** Marketing Principles, Organization andPolicies, by John Freeman Pyle, Ph.D., Dean ofthe College of Business Administration at Marquette University, Milwaukee,, was published inJune, 193 1, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company.To date it has been adopted as a text by 35colleges and universities.1926In addition to his work as marketing specialistat the University of Texas, Arthur H. Hert isalso secretary-manager of the Retail MerchantsAssociation of Texas. A study by Mr. Hert,"An Analysis of Accounts charged off to Profitand Loss in Retail Stores," will soon be published. *** Arthur Pratt, ex, is rebuyer forMontgomery Ward and Co., in Oakland, Cal.1927Dwight M. Cochran is a statistician with theKroger Grocery and Baking Company of Cincinnati.1928Milton A. Rosenberg is in the merchandisingdepartment of the General Hosiery Company,Chicago. *** Edgar E. Koretz has been secretary and treasurer of Adolph Koretz, Inc., Chicago, since receiving his degree. *** Hyla M.Snider, A.M., has been appointed chairman ofthe department of secretarial training and business administration at Connecticut College, NewLondon, Conn. *** Virginia Winship is teach ing in Southwestern Junior High School, BattleCreek, Mich. *** William A. Condray, A.M.,set up his own accountant's office at Lubbock,Texas, in November, 193 1.1929Robert J. Williams is an assistant businessspecialist, engaged in merchandising research,with the Department of Commerce at Washington. *** C. Rufus Rorem, Ph.D., formerly assistant dean of the School, is now Associatefor Medical Services with the Julius RosenwaldFund, Chicago. *** Alphild Nelson, after twoyears of varied business experience, has returned to the quadrangles to work for theUniversity press.1930Fred Feasel, A.M., major in the Air Corpsreserve, was recently elected president of theDepartment of New Mexico, Reserve OfficersAssociation of the United States. *** RalphValentine is a salesman for the American Photo-Engraving Company, Chicago. *** Alice R.Kavanaugh is teaching in Fenger Senior HighSchool, Chicago.1931Lee J. Loventhal is a special agent for theNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,Chicago. *** Mary A. Clark is teaching commercial subjects in Midland High School, Midland, Indiana. *** Rose Hoch is secretary andpersonnel assistant at the Children's MemorialHospital, Chicago. *** Olive A. F. Kunz, A.M.,is teaching bookkeeping at Bowen Senior HighSchool, Chicago. *** Lionel R. Martin teachescommercial subjects in the J. W. Riley HighSchool, South Bend, Ind. *** H. R. Mackenzie,Jr., is now with the Illinois Agricultural Auditing Association, Chicago. *** Donald Lee Curlessis a credit reporter for the Lyon FurnitureMercantile Agency. *** Bernard D. Urist,A.M., is an instructor in Crane Evening HighSchool, Chicago. The Crane Evening News,the school paper for which he acts as Facultyadvisor, recently received mention as an outstanding paper of its type, in a contest inChicago. *** Harriet Balding is doing secretarial work for the Izaak Walton League ofAmerica, in the Merchandise Mart, Chicago.MarriagesThomas Field, ^27. to Ruth Wenter, November 26, 193 1, at Thorndike Hilton Chapel. Athome: 216 East 109th Street, Chicago.Laura Lee Kyes, '29, to Ted McCrory, June29, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. McCrory are ranchingnear Livona, North Dakota.Harry A. Novick, '30, to Ethel Crane, January16, 1932, at Chicago. At home, 1813 S. Ridg-way Avenue.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSLOCKSMITHS RUG CLEANERS 191Oldest - - Largest - - Locksmiths$ &) S KEY SERVICEKeys Made While U Hesitate6420 Cottage Grove Mid. 3643-4-5MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONAMERICAN CONSERVATORY of MUSICFORTY-FIFTH SEASONAll branches of music and dramatic art. Certificates,Degrees. Nationally accredited. Enter any time.Address: Free catalog.John R. Hattstaedt, Secretary, 500 Kimball HallSouth Side Branch, 1133 E. 63rd St. TEL TRIANGLE 3640 ESTABLISHED 1910GRAGG — Certified Rug CleanersOF ORIENTAL AND DOMESTICRUGS AND CARPETS EXCLUSIVELY911-13-15-17 East 75th StreetSADDLERYW. J. WYMANManufacturer, Importer and Dealer inHigh Grade Saddles, Polo Goods, Etc.Chicago Riding Club Building, 628 McClurg CourtLake Forest Store— 210-212 Westminster Ave., EastTelephone Superior 8801MONUMENTSPhone Monroe 5058 Established 1889C. CILELLA & SONMONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMSRock of Ages and Guardian MemorialsWe Erect Work Anywhere 723-25 W. Taylor Street SCHOOLSCOLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOLPrepare for Leading Colleges in Months not YearsHigh School Requirements in Shortest TimeConsistent with Thorough InstructionMorning and Evening Classes23 East Jackson Blvd. Webster 2448PAINTINGEstablished 1851 Incorporated 1891Geo. D. Milligan CompanyPainting and Decorating Contractors616 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Har. 0761 THE MIDWAY SCHOOL6216 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades J unior High PreparationKindergarten French, Dancing, Music and ArtBus ServiceA School with Individual Instruction and Cultural AdvantagesPAINTINGS RESTOREDTELEPHONE DIVERSEY 7976UNITED ART & CRAFT STUDIOSPaintings, Etchings, Cornices, Picture Framing,Mirrors, Expert Regilding and Restoring1412 North Clark Street Chicago, 111.PLASTERINGMONAHAN BROS., Inc.CONTRACTING PLASTERERS201 North Wells StreetPhone Central 4584RIDINGMidway Riding Academy6037 Drexei AvenueExpert InstructorsBeautiful Bridle Path and Good HorsesUniversity of Chicago Riding HeadquartersMidway 9571 Phone Dorchester 8041ROOFINGGROVE ROOFING CO.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired— New Roofs Put On20 Years at6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Fairfax 3206 Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers CollegeKindergarten — Primary— Dramatics — SpeechStrong, Practical CoursesCentrally Located in Downtown Chicago. Dormitory.Accredited-37th yr.-2,3,4yr. Courses- Special Courses616 S. Michigan Ave. Write for Free Catalogs Wabash 6762STARRETT SCHOOL for GIRLSA Boarding and Day School for High School andJunior College StudentsFully AccreditedA Refined and Stimulating School Environment4515 Drexei Blvd. Drexei 0521MacCormac School of CommerceBusiness Administration and Secretarial TrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESEnter Any Monday1 1 70 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130STORAGEAsk Our AdviceMOVING— PACKING— STORAGE— SHIPPINGThe Murray Warehouse &Van Co.6314 University Ave. Chicago, IllinoisHyde Park 8067 Phones Midway 8067192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESTORAGE — ContinuedPeterson Storage CompanyStorage - Moving - Packing - ShippingBaggage and Freight to All Stations1011-13 East 55th StreetPhones: Midway 9700-Hyde Park 0452TAILORSPhone Central 6801 8 So. Michigan Avenue, ChicagoAnderson & Christian©, Inc*TAILORSDesigners and Makers of Smart Riding Clothes for Menand WomenTEACHERS AGENCIESF* * Teachers1SJK. Agency 28 E. Jackson Blvd.CHICAGOOur Service Is Nation WideTHE YATES-FISHER TEACHERSAGENCYEstablished 1906PAUL YATES, Manager616-620 South Michigan Ave. ChicagoUNDERTAKERSBOYDSTON BROS.Undertakers4227-31 Cottage Grove Avenue Cor. 42nd PlaceTelephones Oakland 0492 and Oakland 0493LUDLOW * SCHNEIDERFUNERAL DIRECTORSFine Chapel with New Pipe# OrganSedan Ambulance ServiceTel. Fairfax 2861 6110 Cottage Grove Ave. BirthsTo Alexander H. Schutz, '15, A.M. '20, Ph.D.'22, and Mrs. Schutz, a son, Robert Sundal, atColumbus, Ohio, January 10, 1932.To Dr. and Mrs. Denzil King (Joyce ElizabethSnepp, '27) a son, William Lafayette, December26, 1931, at Milton, Pa.To Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Smoler (HarrietPhillips, '28) twin daughters, Miriam andD'vorah, November, 193 1, Chicago.To Kenneth A. Rouse, '28, and Mrs. Rouse(Helen King, '28) a daughter, Joan, January27, 1932, Chicago.DeathsGeorge M. McConnaughey, ,fj7, December 28,193 1, Villa Park, Illinois.Katharine Barton Childs, '00, January 2, 1932,Hinsdale, Illinois.Ella Cordelia Gill, '02, June 30, 1931, Springfield, Illinois.Thomas J. Riley, Ph.D. '04, October 10, 193 1,New York. Mr. Riley was a leader in socialservice work.Miriam A. Besley, '12, A.M. '13, June 22,193 1 Detroit, Mich;Mary Lorette Dougherty, '17, A.M. '18, January 7, 1932, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Dougherty was an associate in education at JohnsHopkins University.Stanley M. Crowe, '20, M.D. '25, December30, 1931, at Colorado Springs, Col.Margaret Helen Cloney Hastings, '24, July16, 1931, Benton Harbor, Michigan.Ross D. Cummings, ex, December 9, 1931,Chicago.EngagementsConstance Ruth Sidder, ex '24, to Dr. DavidSeligson of Detroit.Helen Ash, '29, to Herbert Clay Bluthenthalof Chicago. Miss Ash is at present studying atthe Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.SKEELES - BIDDLEFuneral DirectorsFairfax 0120 Sixty-Third Street and Evans Ave.UPHOLSTERERSHARPER UPHOLSTERINGREFINISHING— REPAIRINGCabinet Work, Antiqueins and LacqueringPhone Radcliffe 6413 UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 18 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesAutumn, Winter and Spring QuartersSpring Quarter begins March 28, 1932Registration Period, March 18 to March 26For Information, AddressDean C. F. Huth, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.