THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEOL. XXIII JUNE, 1931 NUMBER 8THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOChairman, Henry D. Sulcer, '06Secretary &f Editor, Charlton T. Beck, '04The Council for 1930-31 is composed of the following delegatesiFrom the College Alumni Association, Terni expìres 1931: John P. Mentzer, '98;Walter L. Hudson, '02 ; Mrs. Martha Landers Thompson, '03 ; Henry D. Sulcer, '06 ;Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, '15; Terni expìres 1032: ElizabethFaulkner, '85; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; Daniel P. Trude,'02; Mrs. Jessie Heckman Hirschl, 'io; Milton E, Robinson, '12, J.D. '14; Terniexpìres 1933: Frank McNair, '03; Herbert I. Markham, '05; Renslow P. Sherer, '09;Mrs. Margaret Haass Richards, Jn; John A. Logan, '21; Arthur C. Cody, '24.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98;D. Jerome Fisher, Ph.D. '22; Robert J. Bonner, Ph.D. '04; Arno B. Luckhardt,Ph.D. 'n, M.D. '12; George K. K. Link, Ph.D. '16.From the Divinity Alumni Association, A. G. Baker, Ph.D. '21; Perry J. Stackhouse,D.B. '04; Andrew R. E. Wyant, D.B. '97.From the Law School Alumni Association, Charles F. McElroy, J.D. '15; CharlesP. Schwartz, '08, J.D. '09; Dwight P. Green, J.D. '12.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Jessie Todd, '25; Harold A.Anderson, '24, A.M. '26; Paul M. Cook, A.M. '27.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Earle W. English,'26; Henry G. Hulbert, '23; Dwight M. Cochran, '27.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, William A. Thomas, M.D.'16; Clark W. Finnerud, M.D. '18; T. E. Blomberg, M.D. '27.From the Association of the School of Social Service Administration, Louis Evans,A.M. '29; Mrs. Edwina Meaney Lewis, '25; Mrs. Savilla Millis Simons, A.M. '26.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Frank H. Whiting, '16; Kenneth Rouse, '28;Frank J. Madden, '20, J.D. '22.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Charlotte Thearle Sulcer, '09; Mrs. MiriamBaldwin Shilton, '14; Shirley Farr, '04.From the University, Emery Filbey, '17, A.M. '20; Walter G. Preston.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association : School of Education Alumni Associa-President, Henry D. Sulcer, '06, 167 tion : Presidente Roy W. Bixler, '16East Ontario Street, Chicago; Secre- A.M. '25, University of Chicago;tary, Charlton T. Beck, '04, University Secretary, S. Lenore John, A.M. '27,of Chicago. 6009 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Association of Doctors of Philosophy: Commerce and Administration AlumniPresidente Robert J. Bonner, Ph.D. '04, Association: Présìdent, Earle W.University of Chicago; Secretary English, '26, 5240 Kenwood Avenue,Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98, Uni- Chicago; Secretary, Margaret E. Knox,versity of Chicago. '2^> 6116V2 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.„ A '. . Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-D™Y Alumni Association: Presidente TI0N. Présìdent Carl B. Davis> ^R E Sayles DB. 03, First Baptist MD , J2a South Michigan Avenue,Churcru Ann Arbor, Michigan; Secre- Chicago; Secretary, Charles A. Parker,tary^ C. T Holman, D.B. 15, Uni- MD , West Madison Streetversity of Chicago. Chicago.Law School Association: Présìdent, Association of the School of SocialCharles P. Schwartz, '08, J.D. '09, 105 Service Administration: Présìdent,West Adams Street, Chicago; Secre- Marion Schaffner, '11, 3957 Ellis Ave-tary, Charles F. McElroy, J.D. '15, 29 nue, Chicago; Secretary, Ruth Bartlett,South LaSalle Street, Chicago. '24, 6850 Cornell Avenue, Chicago.To the Quarterly meeting of the Council held in July are invited the hold-over members as shown in the above list, as well as the new members electedby their associations in the spring elections.I Al T H I -nMary Louise Foster, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Smith College, theauthor of many a scientific article, the mem-ber of many a scientific society, spent a twoyear leave of absence teaching Americanlaboratory methods in chemistry to thewomen students at the University of Madrid. While in Spain she was associatedwith many of the people who are now inthe cabinet of Republican Spain, and ispeculiarly qualified to write of the educational implications of the late revolution.The thousands of readers who enjoyedCzarna Moecker's interrogative article,Why Not a Liberal Graduate School thatappeared in the January issue of the Maga-zine, will delight in her second contributionin the current issue.During the past quarter the Universityhas lost two of its foremost scholars. Thedeaths of Professors Michelson and Meadhave removed from the University facultytwo men of exceptional eminence, of world-wide fame.Max Mason, himself one of the world'sgreat physicists, and a former presidentof the University, writes most interestinglyand authoritatively of the accomplishmentsand characteristics of Albert AbrahamMichelson.Van Meter Ames, who contributes an in- timately beautiful appreciation of ProfessorMead, is a member of the philosophy de-partment at the University of Cincinnati,and author of Msthetics of the Novel, pub-lished in 1928. His second book, Introduc-tion to Beauty j will be a Harper publicationduring the present summer.Herbert E. Slaught, professor of mathe-matics at the University, is retiring fromactive service after thirty-nine years as afellow and faculty member. Eminent math-ematician, inspiring teacher, an author andan editor, he for twenty-five years has foundtime to serve as secretary to the Associationof Doctors of Philosophy, and for nearlyas long has been chairman of the FinanceCommittee of the Alumni Council. HisRambling Reminiscences will prove delight-ful to many an alumnus who never can hopeto attain a doctorate.It is a privilege to publish the addressdelivered by President Hutchins at thequarter centennial celebration of the Doctors of Philosophy. It should do much toclarify the situation for many an alumnuswho aslcs "What about the GraduateSchools?,,Messrs. Millett, Howe, and Morgensternagain contribute to the enjoyment of ourreaders.THE Magazine is published at 1009 SloanSt., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from No-vember to July, inclusive, for The AlumniCouncil of the University of Chicago, 58th St.and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscriptionprice is $2.00 per year; the price of single copiesis 25 cents.Remittances should be made payable to theAlumni Council and should be in the Chicagoor New York exchange, postai or express moneyorder. If locai check is used, 10 cents must beadded for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be madewithin the month following the regular month of publication. The Publishers expect to supplymissing numbers free only when they have beenlost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising maybe sent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office,Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University ofChicago.Communications for publication should be sentto the Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December 10,1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.357The Buttresses of Harper LibraryVOL. XXIII No. 8®mber*ttì> of Cfncago4fflaga?ineJUNE, 193 1The Triumph of Educationin SpainBy Mary Louise Foster, Ph.D. '14,Associate Professor of ChIN THE ultimate analysis, educationmust be held responsible for the débàcleof the Spanish monarchy. It has takenmany years to transform the war-weary,lethargic Spaniard into the revolutionist,orderly, but determined, of to-day. Evolu-tion by education is a more rapid processthan the biological, but, given the conditions,nevertheless takes place as inevitably. Thepsychology of the Spaniard supplied thenecessary condition and the forces that wentto work as far back as 1868 have completedthe transformation.Nations have their distinguishing charac-teristics as do individuals. To understandSpain, one must remember her great pastwhen she was Mistress of the world. Pridein her achievements could not be wiped outby war, foreign and domestic, nor even byeconomie decay. This collective pride hasits root in the belief of each individuaiSpaniard in his personal freedom, his inde-pendence, and in his deep-seated sense of emistryj Smith Collegehonor. In these qualities He his personalpride. Many of the characteristics of thedays of chivalry are stili manifest in Spain.Though the guitar-playing "caballero" andthe gay Carmen have vanished from thePeninsula, the inherent qualities of theirdays continue to exist and to control actions.The national fortunes were at a low ebbduring the nineteenth century. Loss ofcolonies, civil war, and a hostile, absolutistCourt found the mass of the people unpre-pared for democratic independence when,in 1868, the army and the navy revolted,Generals Prim and Serrano headed the Provisionai . Government and the BourbonQueen Isabel crossed the frontier. As a re-sult of the national democratic indecision,the Cortes voted to cali in Amadeo of Savoy.At this time, there was in the University ofMadrid a professor named Sanz del Rio,the intellectual leader in the University anda follower of the doctrines of Krause. Hewas preaching ali-round education, human359360 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MA GAZINEas well as mental, a philosophy which foundmore receptive response in Spain than inGermany. The teaching of Sanz del Riowas opposed to the absolutism of the Bourbon Court, and Orovio, Minister of Education, deprived him of his Chair upon hisrefusai to sign a profession of fidelity to theCrown, the Dynasty, and the Catholic reli-gion. He was accompanied in his banish-ment by his disciple, Don Francisco Ginerde los Rios. Both were reinstated by therevolution of 1868, to their Chairs in theUniversity. In the following year Sanz delRio died and Don Francisco became theintellectual leader of the party. On the return of the monarchical party, Don Francisco was arrested and imprisoned in afortress at Cadiz.The vacillation of the Liberals had madeit very evident that the times were not ripefor democratic control and that the need ofeducation in the theory and practice ofGovernment by the People was the out-standing pre-requisite for any success in thatundertaking. Don Francisco was a bornteacher and he determìned to found a schoolfor the training of teachers, who should re-form University education and thus prepare leaders for a politicai career. Thusbegan the Institución Libre de Ensenanza.Later it changed to an elementary andsecondary school.Don Francisco was largely influenced bythe ideals of the English Public School withwhose products he had become acquaintedduring his imprisonment in Cadiz. Games,out-door life, long walks in the near-byGuadarrama Mountains formed an impor-tant part of the Institución^ curriculum.Art was studied in the Prado from the paint-ings of the great masters; naturai historyin the museums. Formai education, thelearning by rote of the printed text, unisonrecitation were outlawed in this first of themodem schools in Spain by this teacherwhose keen sensibility to ali that is best inlife set up a standard of behavior and under-standing that have revolutionized Spain.This example worked a change in the University itself. Some students who venturedto attend out of curiosity the class of a manwhose course contained none of the require- ments of examination, remained, as enthusi-astic followers of the gentle teacher whorevealed to them new worlds of imagination,behavior, and life. One of these was DonJosé Castillejo, now the recognized leaderof the reform educators.In "Notas de una vida," Count Roma-nones tells us that, while he was Minister ofPublic Education in 1901-02, there werepassed forty-five decrees and royal ordersfor the improvement of schools, colleges,universities, and other public institutions.Institutos, or academies, were established inthe Provinces with the right of giving theBachelor's degree and admitting to the University. Religious teaching in the schoolswas made optional. The expenditure foreducation was at that time about 43,000,000pesetas. In i9o7 was established the"Junta para ampliación de los estudioscientifìcos," a Commi ttee for the Extensionof Scientific Studies. This committee wascomposed of scholars with Dr. Ramon yCajal for President and Don José Castillejo y Duarte for Secretary, a man of rareability, wise, shrewd, and persuasive, thor-oughly saturated with the aims and aspira-tions of Don Francisco.The main object was the reform of university education. Since the establishmentof the famous University of Salamanca inthe last part of the twelfth century, therehave been founded twelve other universitiesup to the present time. The early democratic organization by which the studentsthemselves elected their rector or presidenthad dropped into an innocuous desuetude.Students lived where and how they could ;studied when and what they wished; andtook examinations at their own pleasure.These lax customs were the first to be at-tacked. A house in the best residential partof Madrid was purchased and opened as adormitory. Not only were there livingquarters, but there were also study rooms,living-rooms for the promotion of sociability,and some recitation rooms, for the organization was modeled rather after the Englishcollege than the American. Most promisingstudents were sent abroad to Paris, London,and Berlin to study and laboratories andlibraries were established for their use onTHE TRIUMPH OF EDUCATION IN SPAIN 361their return. The single house was almostimmediately increased by the addition of twoadjoining houses, their gardens being alithrown into one. By 19 15 these houses wereover crowded and, what Alfonso called asand-heap was donated to the Junta for de-velopment. Soon appeared there what isknown as the "Residencia de Estudiantes,"a charming group with distinct Moorish ac-cent in its style, looking on one side towardthe city, on the other to the blue Guadar-rama Mountains beloved of Velasquez,whence comes on even the hottest days acooling breeze. In these new houses arelaboratories of research, gymnasium, largehall for concerts and lectures. Here resideprofessor and student under the wise cheer-ful rule of Don Alberto Giménez, son-in-law to Don Manuel B. Cossio, who withDon Francisco founded the InstituciónLibre.When the men left the first Residenciafor the new one on Pinar, the former wasoffered to the women students of the University. Today that is filled to capacity.Under the able administration of DonaMaria de Maeztu y Whitney, these girlsare sharing in ali the reforms in education,cooperative living, high ideals, and ad-vanced instruction to supplement the re-sources of the University.In addition to these splendid opportunitiesopened up for the men and women of theUniversity, the Junta has an elementaryand a secondary school for boys and girls.Four years ago, students entered the University trained from their first school-days in theInstituto-Escuela, this school built on DonFrancisco's ideals. Since the war, Ameri-cans through the International Institute forGirls in Spain have assisted in this move-ment and the American students who go to Madrid to study, ordinarily live in one ofthe "Residencias." Even the University it-self has been stirred by the new ideas. Newchemical laboratories have been added with-in the last two years. But most ambitiousof ali is the "Ciudad universitaria," which,started three years ago as a gift to Alfonsofrom his people, is being built, in one of thebig parks of Madrid, modeled after Englishand American universities.It is easy to understand why the studentshave played such a prominent part in thestirring events which have been taking placein Spain in these last few years. They ap-preciated keenly the loss of their "constitu-tional rights," the failure of Alfonso tokeep his word to support the Constitution,and the restriction of the individuai in acountry dominated by the Army and theChurch. They resented with riots, country-wide, Primo de Rivera's granting to the private Jesuit and foreign colleges the rightof conferring academic degrees, formerlywholly a Government privilege. Althoughthe universities were closed and studentsimprisoned, the privilege was withdrawnwithin a few months.There may be stili much illiteracy inSpain in spite of the increase of the budgetfor State education to 178,000,000 pesetasin 1926, but the Spaniards are great talkersand they learn readily in that way. Books,automobiles, cinemas, each has played itspart in producing the overwhelming votefor a Republic that surprised the world out-side of Spain. But there, the work startedby that modem saint, Don Francisco, hasbeen carried to the uttermost parts by thosedevoted disciples who stili gather in DonFrancisco's former home to discuss plansfor the welfare of Spain and on the anniver-sary of his birth to read his letters.362 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Backward Turn of the HandsBy Czarna H. Moecker, '29, A.M. '31THE aftermath — a reflective, inter-esting term which I recently hearda preacher apply to the periodimmediately following the New Year holi-days. He bade us ask ourselves whether theseason had brought us anything more than aseries of stomachic disorders arising fromtoo warm-hearted and uncritical a partic-ipation in festive dinners. It is in thisspirit that I sometimes study the aftermathof my graduate experience at Chicago.Certainly for a brief time before and afterthe final examinations, acute pain is the out-standing element in our consciousness. Thispain, though of a different nature from thatfollowing on the last wing-bone of theChristmas turkey, is symptomatic of adisease virulent among students and causedby a systematic, deliberate overstuffing ofthe brain. Happily, the affects of thisdisease pass off with surprising promptness.As the sheets and layers of knowledge se-curely packed away on the cortex of thebrain begin to disintegrate and fall away,the pain decreases and the mind is enabled toreturn to its native unmarred vacuity.Brain fevers are to the aftermath of collegejust what indigestion is to Christmas; underpresent systems and circumstances, almosta painful necessity.But after the brain fevers are over, occasionai serious thoughts rise to the surfaceand tempt one to give them expression.The aftermath of college naturally bringsto the same person successive and variedevaluations of the university and graduateexperience. Tangible and intangible bene-fìts are too numerous and obvious to men-tion. Methods, regulations, academic atti-tudes may not always be congenial or fittedto every individuai, but in lieu of some-thing better, must be accepted and profitedby to the fullest extent. In this aftermathof reflection one remembers things whichmight be altered for the better ; since changeand reorganization at the University ofChicago now occupy front page space in educational news, we ought not to be hesi-tant in mentioning them.The situation at Chicago reminds me ofthat marriage ceremony in which at thefinal moment, the ofHciating minister looksup with an austere countenance and callsout grandly to possible objectors in thecrowded pews, "Speak now, or foreverhold your peace!" In novels, a bold-facedvillain springs up from the last bench withfire in his eye and a sneer under his blackmustaches, and accepts the challenge withthe most devastating consequences imagi-nable. So it seems at Chicago. Though weobjectors do not have black mustaches, wetoo speak now in the expectation of holdingour peace later. Unlike the movie villain,however, I shall spread very little conster-nation, if indeed, anyone listens to me at ali.My graduate work having been donelargely in the field of English, my remarksrelate primarily to that department. IfJonathan Swift could look at the curriculumand prerequisites of our graduate Englishdepartment, he would immediately revisehis Voyage to Laputa in Gullivers Travelsand include an account of our methods ofstudy in his satire of human pursuits.Swift, I am confident, would describe usas a most industrious and honest set of folks,engaged in the strange endeavor of writinga treatise on mountain climbing withoutever budging from the top of the mountainwhere we were born. We pick up as muchinformation as possible from travelers whohave come up the mountain, gaze endlesslyand curiously down the slope, pretend toali who matter that we go up and downdaily, study the efrects on others of climbingand changing altitudes but never go downourselves really to find out what it is toclimb a mountain. We write a scientific dis-sertation on plant life at the foot of thehill and assign temperature and altitude asreasons for certain growth developmentswithout ever knowing what the temperatureand altitude are down there. In short,A backward turn of the HANDS 363Swift would show us ingeniously endeavor-ing to climb a mountain by starting at thetop.But because I am not Swift, I do not goso far as that. Yet I do not think that Swiftis entirely wrorig or even un just in pictur-ing us working by this inverted method.There is in our graduate courses in Englisha decided tendency to start at the top of thehill and to talk as if we had started at thebottom. By this I mean simply that theancients and their classics are at the baseof the hill and that modem literature ex-tends up the side till the summit is reachedin nineteenth and twentieth century work.Sitting at the utmost peak, we look down-ward and even venture so far down asChaucer, but never so far down as Homer,though we talk about him continually. Intrue Laputan style, we love to say thatGrey used the Pindaric ode form, and arenot at ali abashed by our ignorance of thenature and instincts of the Greek ode inits own habitat. In Restoration comedy,we write excellent and glib examinationanswers showing how Congreve adhered tostrict classical principles in play construc-tion; never having read a classical comedy,we should feel somewhat impeded in tracingthe influence of it, but, like the treatisewriters on the top of the mountain, wehave gathered some important data fromothers who have been down to the classicsand this we skillfully pass off as our own.We think nothing of saying that Plautusand Terence were among the greatestwriters of ancient comedy ; we should swearit under oath before a judge and jury,though for ali we know at first hand theywere a pair of grasping inn-keepers.The experience of a dear friend of minewhose griefs and misfortunes must be borneby me as my own intensifies my regret thatwe students of English literature shouldknow so little of the ancients. She voicedan opinion to me and a learned companion,who immediately commented patronizingly,"That's Juvenal. Do you often talk thatway ?" My poor unfortunate friend, to hereternai shame, replied with some heat, "Idon't think that's a bit juvenile!" As Isaid, this did not befall me. May I men- tion also the intelligent, even brilliant Chicago graduate who declared stoutly he hadnever heard of Juvenal at ali?Probably the most unscholarly and dis-honest thing candidates for a Master's de-gree in English do is to talk, as we ali do,about Ciceronian and anti-Ciceronian style.Needless to say, not one in twenty knowCicero had a style — and yet we are aliadept at tracing the popularity, decline,,and modification of it in English literature.Such skill is, I believe, not fully appreciatedby higher authorities. Men of Houdini'sprofession ought to be distinctly impressedby this development of their art here atChicago. One "takes" four years of Latinin high-school (to use this very apt medic-inal term) and normally the closest onegets to an appreciation of Cicero or hisstyle is to wish mightily he had become ablacksmith or a traveling peddler before hediscovered himself to be an orator.Any understanding which a student ofEnglish literature is to have of the classicsmust come through a study of Englishtranslations. Lame-backed and second-handed as this method is, I think it theonly practical one for students of English.Time does not permit in our day the ex-tensive study of classic originals which gavemen of a hundred years ago a thoroughfamiliarity with the Greek and Romanlanguages and literatures. In our graduairebound from the educational aims andstandards of that day, we have abandonedthe middle course. It is really inconceiv-able that the technical, conventional, schol-arly Master's degree should be awardedin English literature before some workis done in the classics to serve as a background against which later literatures mayshine. A survey course, covering in aquarter, if possible, the important worksof Homer, Sophocles, Euripedes, Aeschylus,Virgil, Cicero, Lucan, Plaurus, and otherswho have definitely influenced English literature, would be of immense service to any-one interested in the form and philosophiesof modem literature. Such a course wouldattract people of various subdivisions, andbecause of its inter-departmental character,would be directly in line with the working3^4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEplans of the new system to be inauguratednext autumn.Let me explain why I think intensivestudy of English literature is superficialand false from the point of view of bothscholarship and culture unless groundedupon at least a speaking acquaintance withthe classics. Consider Swift's Battle of theBooks, that famous satire in which Swift'scontemporaries, the "moderns," are soroundly trounced in mock-heroic battle bythe victorious ancients. How scant is trueappreciation of Swift's attack upon themoderns and his praise of the ancients whenthe reader knows nothing at ali of thelatter and has never evaluated them forhimself? Swift's insistence on the supe-riority of the ancients is to such a readerjust as intelligible and convincing as theeffusions of an opera devotee to a jazzhound. They mean nothing at ali.Move forward two hundred years nearerour own times to the English AnatoleFrance, Samuel Butler, and his delightfulbook, The Way of Ali Flesh. Ignoranceof the classics makes the reading of parts ofthis book as intelligent as reciting the Biblebackwards. Earnest Pontifex, a very stiri,conscientious, young man at Cambridge,writes an essay upon the ancient authors."Why," he asks himself methodically, "doI see much that I can easily admire inHomer, Thucydides, Herodotus, Demos-thenes, Aristophanes, Theocritus, parts ofLucretius, Horace's satires and epistles, tosay nothing of other ancient writers, andyet find myself at once repelled by eventhose works of iEschylus, Sophocles, andEuripides which are most generally ad-mired?" If Earnest is puzzled and em-barrassed at not being able to appreciatethose works of the ancients which are"most generally admired," imagine our bar-barity and uncouthness at not being ableeven to name them! We are not inclinedto join Butler in his sly mocking of hishero's attempt at scholarship when we findourselves ignorant of the very subjects heis trying to discuss. We are hardly in aposition to enjoy a joke. His casual refer-ence to his appreciation of the satires andepistles of Horace makes us uneasy. We have often read Alexander Pope's imitationsof them and hold ourselves almost an au-thority on them without ever having reada word of Horace himself. Earnest prob-ably did not know the "Elementary Prin-ciples of Politicai Economy" or the sociologica! difFerence between a tramp and ahobo, but his knowledge of who and whatAristophanes and Lucretius were seems atthe moment quite a satisfactory substitutefor the miscellaneous information which wecali our "education."Perhaps even Earnest Pontifex wouldhave been embarrassed by this paragraph ina modem criticai work on Swinburne. Pie-ture, if you can, the spectacle of an averagecandidate for the Master's degree endeavor-ing to understand Mr. Samuel C. Chew'sevaluation of Swinburne's great poeticaldrama, Atalanta in Calydon. Atalanta inCalydon, we are told with caution, is notas Greek in form as it looks ; that we knowpractically nothing of Greek form rendersthis kind of warning unnecessary to us. Weshould hardly have been misled by discover-ing too much of the ancients in it. Thedevastation of our self-respect continues:"In one place no less than six actors withspeaking parts are admitted upon the stageat one time. The choruses are often ongrandiose, generalized themes and do notfulfill the requirement, as do the chorusesin 'Erechtheus,' that they be connected insome way with outlying portions of themyth. In this latter respect, as in tone,'Alalanta' is nearer to Euripidean tragedythan to Sophoclean." Before such a statement we bow with humble respect, copyingit meanwhile into x>ur note-books for useon final examinations.English literature was written by menwho knew the classics thoroughly and neverescaped from their influence in thought orspeech. Pastoral literature, influenced byTheocritus and Virgil's Georgics, of whichwe know no more than the name ; charaetérwriting, growing out of the sketches ofTheophrastus, whom we know only by im-plication; Jonson and classical comedy,obedient to classical rules we have memo-rized; Spenser and The Faerie Queeneallegorizing virtues we say are Aristotelian.A BACKWARD TURN OF THE HANDS 365We look for and find influences of Lucretius, Epictetus, Plato, Aristotle, and manyothers, without knowing at first hand whatthese men represent. Somehow we are ex-pected to have a full knowledge of Greekand Roman literature. This is an un-warrantable assumption considering the typeof schooling most of us get in high-schoolsand universities.For many of us, the last we hear of classical mythology is in grade school, where wefind tales from it in our "readers." Somefew persist through four years of high-school Latin, in which the campaigns ofCaesar, the orations of Cicero, and theMneid of Virgil, are encountered, muti-lated, and deserted, bloody, long-sufferingmartyrs. It is impossible, it seems, forhigh-school courses to impart any broadgeneral information whatever of the classics.High-school boys and girls are too desper-ately taken up with vocabularies and gram-mar ever to get a synthetic view of whatthey have so painfully analyzed. Theyread Quam diù etiam furor iste tuus noseludei, which they then render, "How muchlonger this madness of yours was it mock-ing us?" and are satisfied. What can theycare for Cicero's style when they think hetalked like that ?After struggling through several hundredpages of Latin text in this strange, one-legged fashion, they are confronted withthis enticing announcement : "Thirty lessonsin prose composition based on Cicero, to betranslated into Latin by the student."Small wonder Cicero is to them a bookrather than a man. The editors themselvesplainly think of him as a volume of textto be sliced up eventually into a deliciousnew set of exercises. The charm of theseexercises and their value in revealing thebeauties of Ciceronian style may be inferredfrom this typical sentence to be translated :// we had not driven him from the cityjwe should have had to watch (plup. ind.,198, Note 2) day and night (acc. più.)Obviously, there is no hope of creeping offanywhere without being assailed by a bris-tling subjunctive or a dastardly ablativeplural there. As a result, ali I rememberof Latin is the delightful little euphonic jingle, utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor,which is supposed to reveal a cryptic andvery significant truth about a certain classof verb. Of the literary value of Ciceroand Virgil, alas, I never dreamed until Iheard such men as Swift and Johnson in-sist upon it. What then of my phoneticjingles and dative cases? I knew I hadset my heart after false gods.Without wishing to renew hostilities be-tween the Ancients and Moderns, I feel thatour twentieth century disregard of theclassics is unwise and indicative of both poorscholarship and narrow cultural interest.Criticisms of this sort have usually comefrom people who were themselves primarilyclassical scholars and only secondarily, ifat ali, scholars of modem literatures. Thatthe need for some initiation into the secretworld of the classics is felt by those whoare conventionally on the other side in thedispute, ought to have some significance.This need is partially supplied in philosophycourses where ancient thought is analyzed.Another dip into the well is made in in-troductory courses in the drama which re-quire the reading of small sections ofAristotle's Poetics and a play by Sophocles.Such incomplete and widely scattered ap-proaches to the classics yield a very smallbody of knowledge with which to begin thestudy of English or any modem Europeanliterature.The classics have immemorially been rec-ommended for their own sake. Consideredin this light they remain the property primarily of the Greek and Latin departments.But once their importance as the earlieststep in the development of English literatureis admitted, they transcend departmentalboundaries and become the possession ofmany departments. For English students,the attack would be somewhat difrerentfrom that of the classicist, who desiressimply a full, general view of the worksof the ancients. Such a view would doubt-less greatly increase the appreciation ofEnglish literature, but would require anundue quota of time and would includemuch that has no direct hearing in thesubject under study. A specially arrangedcourse, to be taken the first quarter in resi-366 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdence if possible, and treating those ancientauthors who most unmistakably affectedmodem literatures, would render subse-quent study of such literatures for graduatestudents much more intelligent and sound.The custom of sliding over important ref-erences to the ancients becomes so ingrainedthat many are not conscious of the superfici-ality of such a method of study. That itis poor scholarship is to me a more minorconcern than that it fosters incomplete andunpenetrating thinking and builds up aTHE gains in knowledge which areassociated with the name of Michelson are of the sort we term f undamen-tal in character. The high importance ofhis results depends upon the fact that hebrought to problems of basic significance hispassion for precision of measurement and hismarvelous ability of finding the simplest andmost direct instrumentai arrangements forexperiment.While at the Naval Academy, his interestwas aroused by the determinations of thevelocity of light by Fizeau and Foucault.He modified the Foucault method and ob-tained a result of high precision. His de-cision to devote himself to a life of researchwas, no doubt, the result of this early success, and was probably aided by the remarksof an Admiral, who in terms more pictur-esque than quotable, told him that he wouldhave to stop wasting time at scientific workif he were ever to amount to anything.Michelson remained primarily a studentof light, and a user of light for measurementsof high precision. Nature was in a way hisopponent in the game of his choosing, buthis deft touch made her also his collaborator.No result was sufficiently accurate to culture that is somewhat of a sham andlacking in the fullness of true sophistication.If I may use this obsolescent terminology,the Master's degree in English, whethersought by ambitious scholars or by merelovers of a broadened culture, ought to offerits aspirants the opportunity of studying ina highly organized and purposeful way, thegroundwork of English literature in theclassics. To me it seems that a niche forsuch a course is already preparing in thearchitecture of the new system.satisfy Michelson, if he could find a way tohigher accuracy, and so he returned againand again — from 1880 until 1931 — to theproblem of the determination of the velocity of light, working to ever higher degreesof precision. A few years ago he reachedgreater accuracy by the use of a base linebetween two mountain tops in Californiawhose distance was most carefully deter-mined for the purpose by the Coast andGeodetic Survey, and during the past yearhe made a new determination in a vacuum amile long. This last work f urnished a fittingdose to his great career.In this work he was determining the valueof the most important of ali of the physicalconstants. In the last fifty years the con-viction has been reached that ali of matteris electrical in its constitution, that ali material forces are electrical in their origin, andthat the universe is a vast electromagneticcomplex — each atom, each electron and protone in continuai interaction with ali others.This interaction does not take place instan-taneously, and the speed of propagation ofthe efrects is the same as the speed of light,for light is an electrical action; so thatMichelson in determining the velocity ofAlbert Abraham MichelsonCreator of Knowledge — Creator of BeautyBy Max MasonPresident, The Rockefeller FoundationALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSON 367light was dealing with the most funda-mental physical phenomenon — the time lagwhich governs the forces that knit togetherthe universe.The nineteenth century was an ethercentury, in physical theory. Light was con-ceived as a wave motion, and therefore amaterial was required to carry the waves.Ether was invented in order to be, in thelanguage of Lord Salisbury, "the subject ofthe verb to undulate," and was supposed topervade ali of space. Now a medium inmotion, like the streaming surface of a river,carries the wave system with it, and so thereshould be an effect on light transmission, dueto the motion of the earth with respect tothe ether. The famous Michelson-Morleyether drift experiment was performed totest this effect. A light ray was split intotwo rays, which were made to traverse pathsat right angles to one another, and then combine, giving an interference field. The appa-ratus could be rotated as a whole, so thatthe orientation with respect to the earth'smotion could be changed. The apparatuswas a hundredfold more sensitive than neces-sary to detect the ether drift effect, if itwere present, but the result was negative.Although this conclusion aroused the great-est interest at the time, its full significancecarne later. Ether was forced to join thecompany of past pseudosubstances such asphlogiston and calorie, and another greatimpetus given to the understanding of thatmost fundamental of ali physical phenomena,the propagation of forces throughout theuniverse. This result formed the basis ofthe theory of relativity. It is hard to con-ceive of a more fundamental and definitivescientific result than that of this experiment.Further experimentation by others in thefield of electricity and magnetism were inaccord with the Michelson-Morley result,and Michelson himself returned in recentyears to an even more careful series of ob-servations, with complete accord with theprevious conclusion.It is naturai that Michelson was a greatinstrument designer. His instruments were ideal in their simplicity, for he had thegenius of being able to see the obvious. Oneof his great services is his invention of theinterferometer, to measure distance by lightwaves. The Michelson-Morley apparatusitself was an application of the same prin-ciple, as was his startling result in directmeasurement of the diameter of stars.Other applications are the experiments performed in collaboration with Gale, ofrelativity test performed by passing lightover closed paths, and the accurate measurement of the earth rigidity, by measuring theearth yield under tidal forces. To theseclassical experiments must be added hiswork on optical gratings, his develop-ment of the echelon spectrograph, hisanalysis of fine spectral lines. He madesome excursions into byways suggested by hismain results, but his great achievementswere made possible because he concentratedon relatively few fundamental questions.Science is laying a path through the morassof ignorance, a path which will alwaysfollow those stepping stones of fact whichwe owe to Michelson.These are some of the creations of thisgifted member of a brilliant family. Hisinfluence was great in the world of science.His example a continuai stimulation toAmerican men of science, as, growing inability and confidence, they took their placein the world of productive scholarship.This was Michelson, the scientist, com-bining the quality of creative imaginationwith the ability of persistent, careful andarduous performance. But he was morethan a scientist, he was an artist in science.A keen emotional perception and deep en-joyment in pure artistry did not lead himaway from action. He did not separate theadverb from the verb, the quality from theaction. The structures of thought whichunderlie his experimental work are of thepurest beauty. They have the beauty ofsimplicity, of easy graceful efEciency.The world honors Michelson, a greatcreator of knowledge. To us he is more,a great creator of beauty.368 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPhotograph by Florence M. HendershotAlbert Abraham Michelson1852— 1931THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 369George Herbert Mead1863 — 1931 Photograph by Moffett370 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGeorge Herbert MeadAn AppreciationBy Van Meter Ames, '19, Ph.D. '24WHEN Mr. Mead was late to class,even undergraduate students waitedfor him patiently. In the old daysat the University of Chicago, classes begana quarter after the hour, and when it wasdecreed that they should begin on the hour,Mr. Mead apparently never heard of it, sothat for many years he was fifteen minuteslate to his lectures, if always to arrive ex-actly when expected is to be late. No onecomplained, because his wisdom was not tobe measured in minutes of listening to himbut in a lifetime of realizing the signifìcanceof his ideas. His students felt that he wasa philosopher. They did not think of himas a professor and they knew he was not aPh.D. He had no notes, no prepared lectures, and no need of any. He had a beard,a bicycle, a piece of chalk, and he neededthem. Without his beard he would not havebeen himself; without his bicycle he couldnot have got anywhere; and without hischalk he could not have said anything.His students waited for him in groupsoutside his lecture room, or outside thebuilding, talking over what he had said thelast time and speculating as to how hewould continue. When his tali figure ap-proached they greeted him affectionatelyand went in to sit before him like disciplessure of hearing somethihg of life-importancefrom a master — not like students taking acourse for credit. Many admirers auditedhis famous course in Social Psychology overand over, affirming that it was a new courseeach time he gave it. They knew that hisanalysis of human nature was more thanacademic, because his knowledge of menwas based on love for them. He and hiswife were continually helping people ontheir way, even keeping them in their homeas members of their own household, andthey entertained black men at their tableexactly as if they had been white men.Through the University Settlement, and oncommittees of the Chicago City Club Mr.Mead worked for social justice; and it was evident that he was always consideringsocial problems, because whenever they werebrought before him he was ready with aninsight that lighted them up.His thinking was part of his living, ashis teaching was part of his thinking. Hisideas carne from beyond the campus likefresh air off the Lake. Indeed, he used togo out early in the morning, bareheaded, inold trousers and sweater, for a run in thepark by the Lake. Behind the thinker therewas the vigor of the man, and he comparedhis pragmatic philosophy to a cold bath —to like it you had to have vitality.His eyes twinkled as he gave zest to thegreat mysteries of human life by explainingthem in terms of things already interestinglike play and games, and showed that theseare fun because they are fundamental. Hedelved into the secret of personality andrevealed the developmerrt of the self, be-ginning with play in which the child ac-quires one at a time the ròles of otherpeople ; and going on to the game, in whichthe child not only assumes the ròle of another person, but takes the ròles of ali theparticipants in the game, and governs hisaction accordingly. This organized reaction becomes a "generalized other" thataccompanies and controls conduct — and this"other" is the self.A man has a self only when he can beanother to himself, when he can cali onhimself and find himself at home. When aperson can arouse in himself the effect hetends to have on others, he has the basis foran inner life. It is inner only in the sensethat it is like a conversation that does nothappen to be overheard by outsiders. Men-tal experience is objective, because thinkingis talking to oneself as one would to others,and saying things to oneself that could per-fectly well be said to anyone.The child-mind is an exposure of whatali minds are — a process of social controlthrough taking the ròles of others in orderto make adjustments. We go throughGEORGE HERBERT MEAD 37iinner conversations, especially in thewatches of the night, to determine situationsin advance. Like the child we do this notmerely to fit in with what is going onaround us, but to get beyond our environ-ment. The child plays at what he will dowhen he grows up, taking the ròles of thosewith freedom that he does not yet have.The most elaborate expressions of this arein the drama and the novel, where the individuai carries out ali the ròles that he hasin himself. Art is only a further develop-ment of play.A child does not have personality untilhe can put himself into relation with hisgroup through the organization of his re-sponses. An individuai in the human sensedoes not appear until both the attitude ofthe group and that of a member of thegroup can be taken at once. When this isachieved, a man can be a companion to himself. A person never studies to entertainanyone as much as himself, because it ismost difficult to have subjects of mutuaiinterest for conversation with oneself.People are bored with themselves when theydo not have topics that the selves in theself can talk about.Mr. Mead did not seem to see us takingnotes. He was not lecturing to us, deliver-ing what was old stufi to him. He wasthinking out loud and we were overhearinghis thoughts. We were sitting in his innerforum, which was merely the room in whichwe ali were gathered. The distinction be-tween inner and outer had disappeared.What went on in that room might be calledmental and subjective because the door wasshut against the rest of the world. Butanyone else might have come in and haveunderstood what was taking place, and wewere sorry for everyone who missed ouropportunity to be there. We felt drawnto each other in sharing what Mr. Meadsaid, and the way he said it.We knew how he would tilt back in hischair and glance up at the high Windows,twirl the chalk with the fingers of bothhands, and suddenly disengage one hand tozigzag it roughly over his grizzled pompa-dour, his brows and beard. He mightglance abstractedly at the class, and then he would lean forward on the desk, with hishead down, and begin again on the V thathe was always making with the chalk.Sometimes he would transform it into anM before rubbing it out with his fingersand beginning afresh. He usually wore agrey tweed suit and tan army shoes. Heoften wore a grey sweater- jacket so thathe might dispense with an overcoat whileriding his bicycle, and he never noticed thatit was too warm in the room for a sweater.Occasionally he would draw out his nose-glasses, attached to a black silk ribbon, toread a passage from a book. But he seldombrought anything to read.He carne to think, and if he did notalways remember just where he had left offthinking, we did not mind, because histhoughts would bear repeating, and he neverrepeated them without thinking them out alittle differently. The data and illustra-tions necessary to his thought he always hadon tap, as if he had an inexhaustible supply.He must have done a great deal of reading toget his information, but it never seemed tohave come from books, because it had beengathered from so many sources and had beenso worked over by him that it could hardlyhave been identified as having come fromhere or there. He read enough to inspirehis own thinking, but not enough to clog it,like Hobbes, who said that if he had readas much as other men, he should have beenas ignorant as they. Mr. Mead rarelymentioned titles. He regarded authors notas books he had read but as men he hadknown, and he thought of men as mani-festations of mankind.Man was his hero. The great names ofhistory were to him only aliases for manhimself. He thought of society as led bygreat men, but he considered great men asthe products of society. He would say thatthe individuai is the growing point of thegroup, the point where society is beingreconstructed before mounting to newheights of individuality and sociality. InMr. Mead's universe there was nothingstatic — least of ali in thought. In histremendous course, Movements of Thoughtin the Nineteenth Century, he presentedFichte, Schelling, Hegel, and the other372 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgreat "figgers," as he called them, as sweptalong in waves that could be understoodonly in motion, and only as motivatedby movements back of them. He couldnot talk about the nineteenth centurywithout going back to Kant and the eight-eenth century. He could not consider Kantwithout going back to the influences on him.In each of his courses hearing the name ofsome particular philosopher in the title, thatworthy was not likely to appear in personuntil the course was half over.Going back for such a running start Mr.Mead gathered so much momentum thatwhen he reached his objective he was carriedbeyond, but his prologues were so long thathis epilogues had to be short, except whenhe made them into courses in their ownright. Probably no other man has given somany competent courses. Certainly no oneelse has given a repertory of brilliant coursescovering such a great range of periods andsubjects. He gave courses in Aristotle,Hume, Kant and Hegel, including theirpredecessors, contemporaries and successors.He scored in ethics and in logie, especiallyin the logie of science, and one of his mostexciting courses was in relativity. Heseemed as familiar with men of letters aswith men of science, and could have givena great course on Marcel Proust, JamesJoyce and Virginia Woolf.To his students ali the figures that Mr.Mead interpreted must forever be facets ofhis personality, including Whitehead, Bergson and Dewey, who were foremost in hisinner forum. These three he said were theQ**ES vanguard of modem thought, but their relativity, creativity and instrumentality werecarried to a new synthesis by Mr. Mead sothat they also seem like his inventions, alongwith the nineteenth century and the wholehistory of philosophy — if one accepts histeaching that a self is its activities and interest^ as they are organized through takingover the ròles of other people.It is fitting that the influence of such apersonality should have been highly personal.He wrote a number of articles that easilycould be made into books, but chiefly hiswriting was the only kind that Plato thoughtreally serious — that which is done directlyon the minds of men. Thesis after thesiswas written under him by students whowere fired to develop ideas of his. Whenthey went to him for advice he always hadtime to confer with them, but it never tookmuch time. When he squared around toface them they knew the truth of his sayingthat to feel a human being look at you is themost powerful stimulus known. In hisgentle voice, that carne as a surprise fromhis beard, he would simply inspire them.In his even speech, with the long "a's," hewould spark out so many hints and sugges-tions that after a few minutes they could goaway with more to think about than theycould have got from a week of reading. Hepublished no books, but for years books willappear of which he is the author. Peoplewho read them may not realize this, orknow that in countless unrewarded wayshe worked for the "generalized other" untilit was no other than his self.A review of the June Reunion will appearin the Midsummer issue of the Magazine.Rambling ReminiscencesBy Herbert Ellsworth Slaught, Ph.D. '98Secretary of the Association of Doctors of PhilosophyIN 1892 when the University of Chicago opened its doors, graduate studyfor the doctor's degree had made hardlymore than a feeble beginning in America.The normal procedure for those seekingadvanced degrees was to look to the universities of Europe. The most notablecounter current to this European streamhad been set in motion in 1878 at JohnsHopkins University where 212 doctorateshad been conferred up to 1892. Yale hadgiven 134 doctorates in the preceding thirty-one years, Harvard 89 in nineteen years,Columbia no in seventeen years, andPrinceton 9 in thirteen years. In the west,Michigan, the oldest of the state universities, had given 34 doctorates, Wisconsin 3and Illinois none up to 1892.Small wonder, then, that the academicworld, especially the western portion of it,was ali agog when it was realized that theUniversity of Chicago was to be emphati-cally a graduate school, and that the caliberof its faculties was to be adequate to guar-antee the high standard proclaimed in itspublished prospectus. It should not be in-ferred, however, that this greatemphasis on graduate study atChicago served to induce a weakand lifeless under-graduate curriculum and student body. Onthe contrary, the very presence ofa large number of graduate students gave a high tone of serious-ness to the college group. Evensome early attempts at traditionalcollege pranks, such as paintingclass letters on sidewalks andbuildings, were quickly frownedupon and the leaders advised topursue their ways elsewhere.Growth of the Doctorate Bodyat ChicagoJust as the new universitybegan operations on themorning of October ist, 1892, without any public ceremony whatever, soalso did it proceed quietly and unostenta-tiously with its chief and highest business,the training of men and women for thedoctorate. During the first three years,1892- 1895, the Ph.D. degree was conferredby the University upon twenty-two can-didates. It was singularly fìtting that thefirst recipient, Eiji Asada, was in Dr.Harper's own department of Hebrew.It was also significant that in his first groupthere should be two women, Myra Reynoldsand Wilmer Cave France, thus confirmingthe announced policy of absolutely equalopportunities for women and men in thenew university. In that group werealso six who were to become membersof the Chicago faculty, Edward ScribnerAmes, James Westfall Thompson, FrankRettray Lillie, Theodore Gerald Soares,Francis Asbury Wood and Myra Reynolds.Another in this group was Edwin HerbertLewis, author of our Alma Mater hymnand of the Quarter Centennial Ode.By 1905, when the Association of Doctors of Philosophy was organized, the numbers had grown to nearly400. This rapid increasecould in no wise be attributedto easy requirements or lowstandards. In fact, it soonbecame a common observation inthose days that the Chicago doctorate was more difficult of attain-ment than was the case in manyof the foreign universities. During the twenty-five years of theAssociation 's history the numbershave increased with rapid ac-celeration. For the past decadethe annual additions have beenwell over one hundred, while inthe last two years they havemounted well toward two hundred. The total number now is2,678 of whom 443 are women.In these thirty-eight years sinceHerbert E.Slaught373374 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe first doctorate was conferred in 1893, theinexorable hand of the Mortality Table hasdone its work in taking 130 of our doctorsbeyond the veil. The grand total of livingdoctors it therefore 2,548. If these werearranged in groups as in the last Registerof Doctors, the largest by far would be thePhysical Sciences; with the Social Sciencesnext, followed in order by the ModemLanguages, the Divinity Group and theClassical Group.There is, of course, no implication thatmere numbers is a complete criterion of in-herent worth, but if it is found (as I believeit will be) that the officiai survey of theUniversity, now being conducted, and byother studies which have been carried onby various agencies, that the doctors as abody have exerted a very definite and ef-fective influence in academic, scientific andadministrative affairs throughout the country, then the larger the number of Doctors the greater the force of that influence.In this connection it should be said that thedoctors of Chicago far outnumber those ofany other university except Columbia,which has conferred 2,803 doctorates since1875, while Chicago has conferred 2,678,since 1893. Other totals are Harvard1,841, Yale 1,722, Johns Hopkins 1,642,Wisconsin 1,150, Illinois 747, Michigan721, Princeton 450.Have the Chicago Doctors Made GoodfSome light on the general question as tothe success of our doctors may be founddirectly from the Doctors' Register, whilewaiting for the results of the more elaboratestudies mentioned above. For example,from a random sample of two hundred doctors, ali of whom had been out from Rvt totwenty years, I found that 85 were fullprofessors, 43 professors and heads of departments, 35 presidente directors or mana-gers of various organizations, 20 associateor assistant professors, io deans, 2 preachers,2 bankers, 2 high school teachers and onelawyer, a record that would seem to indicatea rather high degree 01 success. Incidentale, also, further light on the general question is found from a hasty review of the1931 Who's Who in America recently made by Mr. Beck in the Alumni Office. Hefound that one in four of our doctors whohave been out Uve years or more are listedin that volume, which is a very high per-centage in view of the fact that the standardof admission is strict and quite free fromsocial and fìnancial partiality.Wherever the Ph.D. Degree is underdiscussion two words are always heard —"research" and "teaching," and the successof the doctor is measured in terms of thesetwo categories. In a recent report by a com-mittee of the University Senate on GraduateStudy and Graduate Degrees it was foundthat among 1,065 of our doctors less thanten percent engagé in research exclusively,although more than fifty percent combinesome research with teaching. I wonderwhether this percentage for doctors ofphilosophy is not higher than the correspond-ing percentage for doctors of medicine, lawand divinity. Out of one hundred menpursuing a three or four year course forany one of these professions, are we likelyto find as many as one in ten who stand outamong the mere practitioners as researchmen, as real explorers in their fields? Idoubt it. Such a comparison may serve tosuggest that possibly ten percent of research success is as much as should be ex-pected under present methods of training.If we look down the line of our Ph.D.'swe do see outstanding men and women,possibly not more than one in ten, whohave pushed the frontiers of knowledgefarther and farther out; and possibly theUniversity has its sufficient reward in con-templating the work of these choice re-searchers.As to success in teaching, it has come to bea favorite indoor sport to proclaim that thePh.D.'s are proverbially poor teachers oreven that the specialization leading to thedoctorate actually unfits a person for suc-cessful teaching. It is very doubtful whetherany such general indictment can be sup-ported by the facts. Doubtless the surveyof the University will throw new light onthis question. I content myself with twoillustrative examples. First, a report waspublished recently in the Bulletin of theAmerican Association of University Pro-RAMBLING REMINISCENCES 375fessors with respect to the so-called "bestteachers" in a certain group of 187 colleges.In the list were 142 doctors whose degreeswere gotten from about forty institutionsamong which Chicago stood at the head,followed closely by Columbia, then Cornell,Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Yale, etc. Ofcourse not ali the "best teachers" in thesecolleges were doctors. The complete listnamed more than one hundred institutionsas sources of supply for "best teachers," andagain Chicago was at the head with Columbia a poor second, and Harvard, JohnsHopkins, Cornell, Illinois, Yale, etc, trail-ing far behind. Of course, no sweepinggeneralizations are to be drawn from thisvery special survey, but, at least, it affordsa very interesting side light.Another, and more pertinent circum-stance, enacted within our own quadrangles,was the recent officiai announcement ofsalary increases awarded to five men in rec-ognition of their outstanding excellence inthe teaching of undergraduates. This wasthe first occasion, I believe, in the history ofthe University, when academic prefermentwas explicitly and publicly attributed tohigh order of teaching. To be sure, it hadbeen occasionally announced in presidentialstatements that teaching as well as researchshould be regarded as a proper basis of promotion, but nothing was ever done, at leastpublicly, to put such a program into opera-tion. In fact, in the earlier years, it tooksupreme courage for a man to devote timeand energy to becoming a first-rate teacher,when he was reminded on every side thathis only hope of promotion was in the production of published research. At a meeting of instructors once called by DeanVincent to devise means of improving college teaching it was agreed that the mostpowerful corrective and incentive for suchimprovement would be the assurance of first-rate reward for first-rate achievement inthe teaching field. Both Dean Vincent andDean Angeli in their time urged the adop-tion of this principle, but apparently withvery little effect.You will have noted that the five mennow selected for this first-rate reward areali Ph.D.'s and that four of them are Chi cago doctors. There are doubtless a scoreof others (possibly fifty) who should belikewise honored. It would seem that theUniversity (purely out of self defense)would be compelled to apply this rewardas rapidly as possible to its own Ph.D.'swho are now members of its faculties to thenumber of more than two hundred. Forif these doctors are not already goodteachers then they need this incentive tobecome such in order to free the Universityfrom so great a burden of poor teaching.I prophesy that this award to these fivedoctors will turn out to be the greateststimulant to improvement of teaching in thecollege that could be devised, far greaterthan any proposed educational or pedagogi-cal scheme.Are Chicago Doctors Good Alumni?An outstanding characteristic of the Chicago doctors is their loyalty to the University. Notwithstanding the many claimsupon them by other institutions with whichthey are or have been connected, more thanhalf of them contributed to the Universityof Chicago Development Fund, and morethan one third now contribute annually orby life membership to the support of theAlumni Council. The only other alumnigroup approaching this proportion of activesupport is the Education group. For in-stance, the College group, the largest ofthem ali, has only a 24 per cent record ofsupport.The Doctors' Association took an activepart in bringing about the federation ofali Chicago alumni organizations ; forminga unique body known as the Alumni Council, in whose hands is the control of alialumni affairs.The Doctors' Association has been chieflyresponsible for maintaining the loyal espritde corps of an alumni group whose membershave very great divergence of interests, andwho might well have been too much ab-sorbed in other ways to maintain dose connection with Chicago. As indicated in itsconstitution, the "object of the Associationshall be the advancement of the interests,efficiency, and influence of the Universityof Chicago, the stimulation in, and the en-376 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElargement of, the field of graduate work inthe University, and the promotion of ac-quaintance and good fellowship among theDoctors of Philosophy of the University."This spirit of cooperation was reflectedin Dr. Harper's invitation to the first an-nual luncheon in 1905, in which he said:"One of the problems which the membersof the faculty of the University of Chicagoare continually trying to solve is that ofpreventing the relation between the University and its graduates from losing inti-macy. It is, of course, mutually desirablethat ties formed during residence at theUniversity shall not only be continued inforce, but shall if possible be strengthened."It seemed the irony of fate that Dr.Harper was prevented by ili health fromattending this first meeting which he hadcalled and that he was never able to attendany subsequent meeting of the Association.Past and Future of the Doctors' AssociationThe Doctors' Association has sponsoredsymposium discussions over a period ofyears on such topics as the following:1. "Should candidacy for the Doctorate be conditioned upon a higher andbroader standard of general culture?"2. "Should candidates for the Doctoratebe required to pursue courses in thephilosophy of education or in thepedagogy of special subjects?"3. "Should the University discourage amuch larger number of persons fromproceeding to the Doctorate?"4. "Should there be created a new Doctorate for those more interested inteaching than in research?"5. "The stimulation of research throughprizes, honors or other awards to beendowed by the Doctors' Associationand open to competition by ali doctorsof the University."The Association has been greatly honoredfrom time to time by notable addresses givenby request by members of the University.For example :1. "Turning doctors of philosophy intoefficient teachers," by ProfessorCharles Hubbard Judd.2. "Some problems of the young scholar in the United States," by ProfessorJ. Lawrence Laughlin.3. "Reflections on the place in the in-tellectual world which the Associationhas come to occupy or is destined tooccupy," by Professor Thomas Chrow-der Chamberlin.4. "The business of making doctors andthe doctor's business after he is made,"by Professor J. Paul Goode.5. "The significance of the ChicagoDoctorate," by Professor John MerleCoulter.6. "An educational program especiallyfor the Graduate School," by President Max Mason.Other significant addresses were givenfrom time to time by Professor Albion W.Small, James R. Angeli, Paul Shorey, MyraReynolds, Charles J. Chamberlain andothers, and by Presidents Harry Pratt Jud-son and Ernest DeWitt Burton.As to the future of the Association, myfaith in its vitality and belief in its continued steady progress are best indicated byan anecdote which may well have been auth-entic. It is said that young Charles W. Eliot,early in his career a president of HarvardUniversity, found it necessary to deal quiteforcefully with a certain department. Ina conference on the matter one professorasked why, after fifty years of peace andseemingly successful operation of the department, they should now be subjected tothe turmoil and confusion of complete re-organization. Whereupon Mr. Eliot, fac-ing the inquiring professor, said: "I willteli you why — it is because you have a newpresident!"Ladies and gentlemen of the Doctors'Association, on behalf of the 300 here pres-ent and of the 2,248 unable to be here, I hailour new President and pledge to him ourloyal support, in the firm and confidentbelief that under his administration theUniversity of Chicago, and especially theGraduate School, will move forward tonew heights of achievement, thus maintain-ing the traditions which have hitherto vital-ized the Doctors' Association and whichnow constitute its greatest guaranty forthe future.Education for Research and TeachingAn address delivered before the Association of the Doctors of PhilosophyBy Robert Maynard HutchinsPresident of the University of ChicagoSINCE I am the only person here who isnot the possessor of a Ph.D. degree itis only naturai, if not proper, that Ishould discuss the qualifications for that degree and their ramifications in the life ofthe University of Chicago. In so doing,I beg in the first place to say that I welcomeyou here tonight as the crown of the Uni-versity's toil. The object of the Universityis to advance knowledge. We must there-fore look to you, who are the people wehave produced with that object in view,to justify and glorify our activity.You are people who are engaged either inadvancing or in distributing knowledge. Indistributing it you doubtless entertain thehope that you are training people who mayadvance it. Your accomplishments as inves-tigators are well known. Your achieve-ments as teachers have lately come to shineas brilliantly. The Association of AmericanColleges led us to believe that there wassome doubt as to your erfectiveness in thisdirection. A year or so ago that organizationsuggested that men and women going intocollege teaching, however admirably trainedin research, were not well equipped by theuniversities for their life work in college.A committee of the University Senate under-took to obtain more specific data on thispoint. It first asked our departments whatthey were doing in the preparation of teachers. The answers were various. Some weredoing a great deal. Some were doing nothing. The committee was rather disturbedat the wide variation it discovered and askedyou yourselves what you thought aboutyour education. In general you replied thatyou were fairly well satisfied with it; butmany of you suggested that you wished youhad learned a little something about collegeteaching. Stili more disturbed by this con-firmation of its fears, the committee wroteto the various institutions which employ ourDoctors of Philosophy, and asked their re-sponsible officers for an opinion of the effec- tiveness of our graduates in the classroom.They have almost unanimously replied thatyou were excellently prepared for teaching.The committee therefore is now in something of a quandary. But it is nothing tothat confronted by the Association of American Colleges. If the Association's chargesare correct, then the college presidents em-ploying our Ph.D.'s are liars. If the collegepresidents employing our Ph.D.'s are tellingthe truth, then the Association is lying. Theonly way in which the Association's viewscan be reconciled with those of its members isto say that men and women who did not re-ceive their higher degrees from the University of Chicago are not likely to be wellequipped for teaching. Ali those who didare. In this view of the matter we shallcheerfully concur.We may take it as established, therefore,that you are ali well prepared for collegiateinstruction, even though some of the departments don't think they did very well byyou, and some of you don't think they dideither. The next question is whether youare well prepared to do research work.The answer to this is the research you havedone and the research of the University.The excellence of what you have done showsthat what you did here has not interferedwith your productivity. The high qualityof the research of the University (and thereis none higher in the world) indicates thatwhile you were graduate students you wereassociated with men who were leaders intheir chosen fields and yours. The researchwork of the University of Chicago cannotbe improved. It can only be assisted. Suchdepartments as Psychology, Bacteriology,Anatomy, Geography, and Home Econom-ics, that for years have carried on an un-equal struggle with inadequate equipmenthave produced their quota — perhaps morethan their quota — of distinguished investigato rs. These departments must have newbuildings, and have them at once. Other377378 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdepartments must have research facilities.Ali departments must have fellowships.Two million dollars for this purpose wouldnot put us where we ought to be. But thequality of the work and the standard of it,and the earnestness of it are not surpassedin any other institution. It was to be ex-pected then that you who have worked in arigorous scientific atmosphere in associationwith eminent scholars would go forth withexcellent training and the highest scholarlyideals.We may consider it settled therefore thatyou whom we have the pleasure of wel-coming back tonight are good teachers andgood investigators. Our problem then be-comes one of attempting to predict whateffect the reorganization of the Universitywill have upon research, the education ofresearch workers, and the preparation ofcollege teachers. Will it make it easier ormore difficult for us to produce people likeyou, to attract others like you into a life ofscholarship, and to contribute to the ad-vancement of knowledge as we have in thepast ?In trying to solve this problem we mayturn our attention first to the new Collegeof the University of Chicago. Let us consider its influence on research and its influence on the preparation of college teachers.Since the object of the University is to advance knowledge, it is clear that the Collegecan only be justified if it contributes to thisend. The College will contribute to thisend, I believe, and in three ways. First, itshould give a good general education. Weknow that general education has hithertobeen spread ali through the four years ofJunior and Senior College and has evenspilled over into the graduate schools. Atthe end of the College period hereafter thestudent should have a solid foundation ofgeneral culture upon which he may base hisspecialization. In the second place, theCollege will contribute to the advancementof knowledge by removing those barriersthat have in the past discouraged less deter-mined men and women than you from be-coming scholars. How courageous youwere, when you come to think of it, to bewilling to spend seven years fulfilling to the letter requirements of major after major,quarter after quarter, year after year. Youcould not go any faster. You could not gomuch slower. Even before the end of theSophomore year you may have wonderedif this ambition of yours to be a scholar anda teacher was really worth the price inmonotony and scattered effort. We cannotteli whether the absence of a scholarly atmosphere in American colleges is the resultof the kind of students we get or the kindof colleges we run. Doubtless the responsi-bility is divided. The kind of college wepropose to run is one in which every incentiveand every opportunity is provided even tothe Freshmen who cherishes scholarlyambitions.And in the third place the College of theUniversity of Chicago will contribute tothe advancement of knowledge because itwill be an experimental college. If this werenot so I should recommend its abolition.We cannot maintain a college here on thetheory that we shall produce jolly goodfellows. There are enough institutionswhich are engaged in this type of en-deavor. No institution in this area, and veryfew in the country, can do what we can do incollegiate education — and that is to experiment with it with the same kind of intent-ness, the same kind of staff, and the sameefTectiveness with which we carry on experiments in our laboratories. Educationis a branch of knowledge. Our collegiateexperiment must contribute to it. By thesame token those who are preparing themselves for college teaching should themselvesbe familiar with the latest developments inthe college field. That knowledge our College should supply, and in supplying it,should meet whatever criticisms may bemade of our methods of preparing collegeteachers.When we pass from the College to theupper divisions of the University we observethere a stili more direct connection betweenthe reorganization and the advancement ofknowledge. The College is a unit devotedto experiment in general education. Thedivisions are units devoted to advancedstudy. Although none of them has yet de-cided whether it will abolish majors andEDUCATION FOR RESEARCH AND TEACHING 379substitute for them general examinations asthe basis of awarding degrees, we assumethat they will do this, and do it this year.If they do this they will offer to the ad-vanced student the same freedom that theCollege will give the entering Freshman,and it is hoped with the same beneficiairesults. But students passing from the College to the divisions will make much more ofa break than they have made in going fromthe Junior to the Senior College in the past.They go from an organization with onepurpose to an organization with an entirelydifferent purpose and under entirely differ-ent control. And they make this transitionwhen they can show first, that they have ageneral education, and second, that theyare prepared to specialize. The transitionis from one purpose to another, from onecontrol to another, and finally from oneatmosphere to another. Although the em-phasis in the College may be collegiate, theemphasis in the divisions should be, even-tually at least, scholarly and professional.Only those who are interested in and quali-fied for advanced study should be admittedto the divisions. As I have often said, theadvantage of graduate schools is not in thematurity of students, or in the backgroundof students, but in the segregation of students. If we can foster college life withinthe College and develop a graduate attitudeand graduate habits of work in the firstyears of the divisions, we shall have studentsentering a scholarly atmosphere two yearsearlier than they have hitherto.The first advantage of the divisionai pianthen is that it brings the graduate schooldown to the beginning of Junior year. Thesecond is that it permits breadth of trainingand the study of problems rather than frac-tions of problems. Since departmentalcategories are historical, the student who isinterested in a problem rather than in get-ting a degree from a department may besomewhat at a loss to know in what department he should pursue his problem. Such afield is International Relations. Another isChild Development. Another is MediasvalStudies. In the first of these arrangementshave been made so that a student may takehis degree in International Relations in the Social Sciences Division, even though wehave no department of International Relations. In the others similar plans are underconsideration. Such plans are facilitated,though not made compulsory by the divisionai scheme.Cooperative research, too, is facilitatedthough not made compulsory by the divisionai scheme. Any program that attemptsto coerce investigators into such research willfail. Any program at the present date thatdoes not provide the fullest opportunity forsuch research is reactionary. The divisionaiorganization, in fact, originated in the research committees that were directing in-vestigation of a more or less cooperativetype in the Social Sciences, BiologicalSciences and the Humanities. Since Facultymembers with common interests from different departments are now brought togetherin the divisions as part of working and planning units, we expect the divisions to giveimpetus to cooperation in investigation. Wedo not expect any division to insist upon itas the criterion of professional excellence.The reorganization of the University,then, will contribute to the advancement ofknowledge through attracting, training,and stimulating people who can advance itor train others to do it. The whole pianshould re-vitalize the research activities ofthe University. What else is necessary?Of course there are the obvious things: thebuildings and fellowships I have mentioned,in addition about two millions more forbooks and five or so for a new library. Thereis too the need for maintaining the qualityof the staff, a more difficult task here thanelsewhere because of its already highquality. The matter of the education ofcollege teachers does not worry me verymuch. It seems to me a little absurd to produce Ph.D.'s, seventy-five per cent of whomwill go into college teaching, without givingthem some preparation for college teaching.But with the new College and the feelingthat ali the divisions have on this subject,I believe that this problem will graduallybe brought to its solution. The attentionof Mr. Barrows' committee of the Senatehas been largely devoted to this problem,and I am certain that with that report before38o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEus the Faculty will devise means of answer-ing any criticisms that may be fairly lodgedagainst our methods of educating teachers.I am unalterably opposed to diminishing theamount of research required for the Ph.D.Although I should like to see educationalpreparation given those who are to beteachers, I do not believe it necessary to reduce the research required in order to provide that preparation. Nor do I believethat the Faculty would or should approveany change that lowers the research standardof the Ph.D.But if the education of college teachersseems to me a problem that we shall solve inthe naturai course of events, the problem ofproviding incentives to research presents it-self in no such rosy light. The teachingdemands of colleges and universities are suchthat research after graduation is difficult andnot always valued. The research require-ments for the degree are frequently knockedoff in a routine manner. Since the samecurriculum, the same examinations, and thesame recognition come to the student whois doing graduate work to get a better joband to the student who is doing it becausehe wants tò be an investigator, there is no incentive offered in graduate schools for outstanding excellence in research. The poten-tial investigator may be overloaded withroutine work, and doing that in classes com-posed largely of students who have no interest in investigation. Because of the time hemust give to this majority the instructorcannot give the potential investigator theattention and guidance that he should have.Although admitting that much can be doneto improve the education of college teachers,Q* I am primarily concerned with the discoveryof some method whereby we may give a newimpetus to creative scholarship in America.I have thought for some years, and stilithink, that one way to do this and one worthtrying would be to differentiate the curriculum, examinations, and recognition ofthe prospective research worker and the pros-pective college teacher. I think this wouldbe practical and effective. But I am theonly person at the University of Chicagowho thinks so. And although my prejudicein favor of my own ideas is extreme, I mustconfess that such overwhelming testimonyagainst this one gives me pause. Mr. Bar-rows' committee has been studying thiswhole question for a year with a devotionand intelligence quite unexampled. Although I am sure that they will not recom-mend my suggestion, I am equally sure thatwhat they will recommend will be thought-ful, judicious and considered, and will leadus to decided improvement in the educationof teachers and the preparation of researchworkers.Our confidence in the future is justifiednot so much by our belief in any changes inour machinery or in our methods as by theaccomplishment of the men and women whohave taken our highest degree in the past.By you we must stand or fall. It is you whohave enabled us to stand. We need yourcriticism and advice as we need that of noother group of alumni; for you are in ourbusiness. Your presence here tonight indi-cates a loyalty and affection that on behalfof the University I venture to reciprocate.You are in no flippant sense the pride andjoy of the University of Chicago.m%®Newly elected officers of the eightalumni associations will be announced inthe Midsummer issue of the Magazine.Summertime Is Camping TimeSnapshots of Camp Farr, the University of Chicago Settlement Camp, wherehundreds of boys and girls from "back of the yards" will be given outings during thenext two months. The camp is located 45 miles from Chicago, 4^ miles southeastof Chesterton, Indiana, and alumni visitors are welcome at any time.381Alumni inPaul H. Davis, 'iiHeads Chicago Stock ExchangePAUL H. DAVIS, senior partner inthe Chicago brokerage fìrm hearinghis name, has been elected presidentof the Chicago Stock Exchange, to succeedR. Arthur Wood, who retired on June i,upon the completion of his fourth term. Thenewly elected president is 42 years old andhas been the head of his own company since1916, where he is literally surrounded andfìguratively inspired by a bevy of Chicagoalumni partners, among whom are Dr.George W. Hall, M.D. '93, Herbert I.Markham, '05, Ralph W. Davis, '16, andWalter M. Giblin, '22.Avocationally, Paul fishes for trout in thestreams ad j acent to his summer home in La-ona, Wisconsin, or carries on conversationsby short wave length radio with Teheran orTimbuctoo, for he is as great an authorityon fìshing as fìnance, and just as efficient inhis radio laboratory as in the field of corporate reorganization.For nearly twenty-fìve years Paul Davishas been active in University and Alumniaffaire. As an undergraduate he won prizes the Newsin oratory, a captaincy of the gymnastic teamand worthy mention on the track. Sincehis graduation he has been three timeselected to the Alumni Council, and was oneof the organizers of the Alumni Gift Fund,to which he has contributed most generously.He is the recurring, if not permanent, reunion chairman for the Class of Ee-o-leven.Mrs. Davis, the former Dorothy Milford,is a graduate of Mount Holyoke, and a Master from the University of Chicago. Twoyears ago the Davis family migrated fromWoodlawn Avenue to Kenilworth, but theircontinuing interest in the University isshown by the matriculation of Paul H.Davis, Junior,' who enters the colleges as aFreshman, in October, bent on becoming ageologist.Member Federai Reserve BoardWayland W. Magee, '05SIXTY days ago one might have drivento the western outskirts of Omahaand followed the meanderings of theOld Military Road for some ten miles in ageneral northwesterly direction with thehope of finding both Summer Hill Farm,"the home of pure bred live stock and cer-tified field seeds," and its proprietor and director, the far-famed Wayland WellsMagee. To be sure the probability of finding the farm was far greater than that of382ALUMNI IN THE NEWS 3«3finding its peripatetic proprietor, who aslikely as not was on an inspection tour of hisWyoming ranch, or over at the state capitolpresiding at a meeting of the Nebraska Crop-Growers Association, or back in Omaha,giving the Federai Farm Board some fineadvice on coarse grains, or down at KansasCity at a directors' meeting of the FederaiReserve Bank. But even with the oddsagainst one, there was a fair chance — sixtydays ago — of finding the proprietor in residence, for Summer Hill Farm would neverhave become the prideo f agricultural Nebraska through absenteeownership or long rangedirection.Today the odds are aliagainst the discovery ofDouglas County's lead-ing dirt farmer tilling hisown fields, or feeding hispure bred live stock, forFarmer Magee has beencalled to Washington bynone other than HerbertHoover to become agri-culture's representativeon the Federai ReserveBoard."Big, husky, talkativeWayland Magee," toquote from Time; "wasendorsed b y SenatorHowell of Nebraska,Senator Carey of Wyoming, Samuel Mc-Kelvie, Federai Farm Board, GovernorBailey of the Kansas City Federai ReserveBank, and many an agricultural collegepresident."Says Wayland, 'Tm a real dirt farmer,and can catch my own broncho," and again,"The West holds a man like sticky fly-paper."A member of the Class of 1905, later com-pleting a law course at Northwestern, Magee majored in geology at the University,and avocationed in football, track, and golf.He has served as president of the OmahaAlumni Club, and State Chairman duringthe Development Fund Campaign. Fromlong acquaintance and inside knowledge we vote Wayland Magee a distinct asset to theFederai Board.Knute Rockne's SuccessorWHEN Knute Rockne, NotreDame's famous coach and athleticdirector was killed in an airplanecrash on March 31, the athletic worldmourneci the loss of a great leader. Following the first grief at his untimely death,carne conjecture as to his successor. Scoresof candidates were nominated by the pressof the country, but theauthorities at NotreDame knew the man pe-culiarly equipped t ocarry on the work so ablydone by Rockne, and,from his Kansas ranch,called back to the serv-ice of the University,Jesse C. Harper, theman who taught KnuteRockne the fundamentalsof the now-famous NotreDame system, back in thedays when Rockne was amember of the team, andlater, an assistant andHarper was head coachat Notre Dame.It was a logicai choice,a fortunate selection onthe part of the University, and a great compli-ment to the man who voluntarily retiredfrom the coaching field some thirteen yearsago, after a surprising record of successes.During these last thirteen years, JesseHarper has been associated with his father-in-law as manager of a huge ranch in ClarkCounty, Kansas, his family dividing its timebetween the ranch and a city home inWichita. His success as a rancher, and hisability as a leader have resulted in his electron to the presidency of the Kansas LiveStock Association. His continued interestin athletics is shown by his annual attendanceat one or more Notre Dame football games,and by his membership on the athletic committee of Wichita University.Twenty-fìve years ago Jesse Harper grad-Jesse C. Harper, '073 U THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEuated from Chicago with an enviablescholastic record and a niche in the Univer-sity's athletic hall of fame for his work onthe gridiron and diamond. Competing as aquarterback in the days of Eckersall neces-sitated some protracted sessions of bench-warming, but Jesse was on the field ofbattle often enough to prove that he was theequal of any quarterback in the conference,other than Eckie. In baseball he starred forfour years, and captained the team in 1905.A Builder of PortsCOLONEL BENJAMIN C. AL-LIN builds ports. Houston,Texas, and Stockton, California,have benefitted by his work, and now he hassailed for Bhavnagar, India, to restore theancient harbor to its proper usefulness toshipping.The appointment as Director of the Portat Bhavnagar carne from Sir PrabhashankerD. Pattani, president of the Council of Administration of the city. Colonel Allin hasbeen in correspondence with the prince fortwo years, and is thoroughly acquainted withthe problems he will have to solve in re-claiming the harbor and promoting shippingthere.The port lies two miles inland on a riverthat has been shoaling for twenty-fìve years.Colonel Allin proposes to cut a new channelto the sea, abandoning the old bed entirely.Although the completion of the engineeringjob and the building operations will takemuch longer, the Colonel plans to be inIndia only four or five months, when he willreturn to Stockton and resumé his duties.His return journey will be made by wayof Italy where he is on the program of theInternational Congress of Erigineers whichmeets at Rome in October.The work to be done at Bhavnagar re-sembles that which faced Colonel Allinwhen he tackled the Houston harbor in1919. At Houston he not only directed thephysical improvement of the port and re-organized the handling of shipping, but Benjamin C. Allin, Ex '08engaged in promotional work as well. Oneof his greatest services at Houston was theinstalling of increased railroad trackageserving the wharves. His system has beenpatented and is in use in a number of otherAmerican ports.Colonel Allin's work at Stockton hasbeen much the same as that at Houston, although that by no means implies routinework. On the contrary, his reason forleaving Texas was that he wanted new har-bors to conquer.Before the war, Colonel Allin was a cap-tain in the Illinois National Guard, andhelped organize the io8th engineers. Partof the time he was in the governmentengineering service he was stationed in thePhilippines. Here as a "leisure time" oc-cupation, squeezed in between trips of ex-ploration and engineering work, he compileda dictionary of one of the numerous nativedialects.Not a bad record — philologist, director ofshipping, builder of ports, engineer, explorerand soldier!in my opinionBy Fred B. MillettAssistant Professor of EnglishIHAVE recently been entertaining theidea of clearing my book-shelves of thenovels that have been accumulatingthere during the last twenty years. For Iknow now that those I thought I shouldsomeday read, I shall never read, and thoseI have somehow managed to read, I shallnever read again. In the meantime, theyoccupy valuable shelf-space, and deteriorateirretrievably under the stealthy onslaught ofChicago soot. As I glance over my shelves,I discover that the books I have haphazardlyacquired are of four sorts: those I teachfrom; those I thought I should read, andnever did; those that I have read and for-gotten ; and those that have by some curiouspsychological chemistry become a part of mylife and thought. The only important ones,of course, are of the last sort, but, paradoxi-cally, most of the books from which I havederived ideas no longer stand on my shelves.With missionary zeal I have lent them, andof course never recovered them, or I havelost them and found no reason to replacethem.To compute the amount of time and en-ergy one has devoted to systematic or mis-cellaneous reading is a task that might welldaunt the most mathematical, or defy themost indèfatigable filler-out of question-naires. To list the works that have con-tributed to one's knowledge of geography orauto-mechanics or the neo-Latin pastoralwould be an infinitely simpler task. Itwould certainly not require more than tenminutes of the most sluggish person's time todisinter from memory the books from whichhe is aware of having acquired attitudes andvalues. The discrepancy between the ap-palling number of books one reads and themeager number of those he profoundly re- members may well deepen one's doubt asto the legitimacy of the reading-habit.The first memorable milestone in my in-tellectual history (I won't deceive myselfby calling it progress) was Fitzgerald'stranslation of Omar Khayyam, presented tome on my sixteenth birthday with the in-tention, I am sure, of culturizing me, notof corrupting me. But the sugared quat-rains, innocuous as they now seem, werethunderbolts in the austere if not very rare-fied atmosphere of rural New England.Here in singularly pregnant and memorable lines was a way of looking at life andthe universe, dynamically hostile to a some-what pallid and intellectualized Unitarian-ism. In ethics and theology the Persianseemed terribly subversi ve. It was not thatI began at once to dally with sensuality under a New England elm, but that, like rosylight upon a narrow darkness, carne theidea that, had I selected another variety ofparent, I should have been as inevitably aBuddhist or a Hottentot as a not very eagerUnitarian.It was probably mere chance that my nextmemorable gift was as far removed as possible from the sly cofruptiveness of thePersian. Could any book be more chastethan Thoreau's Walden ? How I was sup-posed to benefit from it, I shall never findout. If it was intended to contaminate mewith a love for roughing it with an axeor a borrowed bag of beans, it failed miser-ably. No person or book has ever persuadedme that it is either pleasurable or salutaryto spend insect-bitten nights in the timberwhen one has a decent roof over his headand a Simmons mattress under him. Nordid the book incite me to bow my head tothe study of ants and bees. I have never385386 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEregarded nature and sub-human life exceptas a more or less appropriate setting for ahuman situation. Birds and flowers arousea merely aesthetic excitement. The onlysub-human creature of ethical import to meis the feline whose poise and remoteness andenlightened self-regard I find admirable andinimitable. What really caught me in W al-den was its gentle asceticism, its preachmentagainst the bondage of possessions, its com-pelling demonstration that the more one de-sires of the world's goods, the more onemust enslave himself to acquire them. Tobe sure, I have not been able to escape com-pletely from the New England habit ofcollecting things and saving them, but toThoreau's passion for simplicity and privacy,I owe perhaps a certain imperviousness tothe allurements of automobiles, radios, bun-galows, and frigidaires.In these callous days, it takes some cour-age to mention the name of Maeterlinck,and I hasten to add that neither the Lifeof the Bee nor that ethical monstrosity theBlue Bird was ever housed long in my in-tellectual menagerie. But I stili cherish thenotion that his Wisdom and Destiny is goodsobering reading for the rebellious adoles-cent. The demonstration that it is withinthe power of the individuai, not to re-makebitter and immalleable circumstances, butto transform its meaning, to interpret itssignificance, the development of a cairn andde-personalized stoicism in the face of life'sbrutalities and stupidities — these attitudesI am stili able to admire, even when it isimpossible to exemplify them.It seems crushing evidence of the innoc-uousness of my college education that, ofali the books I read at Amherst, only twoemerge for other than aesthetic reasons.From Hobson's Rise of Modem Capitalism,I gleaned such understanding as I have ofthe evolution and structure of the industriaisociety of which I was to be ari unproductiveparasite, and from Graham Wallas' GreatSociety I snatched selfishly the vision of theindividual's problem in organizing work and happiness with the aid of the social order,or despite it.Even in my demure New England college, the name of Freud began to be whis-pered, but it was some years after graduationthat I carne to know anything specific aboutthe man who has contributed more to theunderstanding of human nature than anyhand-picked thousand behaviorists or statis-tical psychologists. Of course, I am notthe fanatic Freudian that I once was; noone is, not even Freud. But I shall probablynever abandon the idea that Freud and Jungand Adler have given the world an entirelyfresh interpretation of the evolution andmechanics of personality, thrown light intosome of the darkest corners where humanbeings misbehave, and initiated a revolutionin ethics that is bound to transform domesticsociety.When I clear my shelves of books read,unread, and unreadable, there are threenovelists who will stand undisturbed: theincongruous trio of Hardy, Conrad, andProust. Both Hardy and Conrad seem lessperfect novelists than they once did, but Icannot believe that time will lessen theirstature as men, as unflinching analysts of thefearful predicament that we lightly caliliving. Proust, of course, was a snob and acad, but no novelist of any age is his rivai inpainting a terrific indictment of corruptsociety, in his horrifying revelation of theinroads of love and jealousy upon integrity,in his tragic demonstration of the creative-destructive powers of Time and Memory,Memory's power to recreate and transmutethe past, Time's power to obliterate ecsta-sies and agonies alike, to debauch or ennoblepersonalities.I shall never re-read any of the booksthat I remember most gratefully. For Ishould not enjoy the disco very that I, in myturn have falsified words and meanings andvalues. Yet, despite this inevitable infidel-ity, can one pay an author greater homagethan to make his vision a part of one's verybreath and blood?W^t Untberéttp of Cfncaso jlaga?meEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck '04EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Rollin D. He-mens, '21; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College — Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.John P. Mentzer, '98, ChairmanNEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy John P.JUST about this time every year theUniversity seems to become a multi-farious sort of hive, so far as news isconcerned. The reporter for these lettersto the alumni, losing the illusion that hecan encompass the academic domain in aday's brisk gallop, becomes querulous andsays, "Yes, but there are so many things.What would you like to hear about?"The reporter can go over to the vesti-buie of the Chapel on June ióth, for ex-ampie, and watch the — is it 164r.l1? — Con-vocation. Something like nine-hundred fig-ures, ali amiable and easy despite the capsand gowns, will file up out of the basementand into the nave, where at length President Hutchins will hand them each a degree and a smile. Surely in those nine-hundred figures there is many a humaninterest story, the reporter will think, heroicor waggish as it may be.Then he will espy an old friend in theparade; John Dollard, who used to beMax Mason's assistant. "John is gettinga Ph.D. in Sociology . . . Wrote his dis-sertation on the family in early America Been appointed assistantprofessor of anthropology at Yale. . . .Dr. Sapir will be his chief there Sapir will leave here in August to head Howe, '27the Yale department Quite aChicago-bred department, what with Cor-nelius Osgood there — and married to Har-riet Keeney Remember Corneliuswas the lad who went to live with thenorthern Athabascans for a year to get material for a thesis. . . . Passed throughtown last week on his way back to themfor a summer, this time in Alaska Must enjoy the Athabascans A chapfrom the University of Sydney, pretty dis-tinguished British anthropologist — A. R.Radclifre-Brown— is coming to join ourown department in the fall AndBill Krogman will probably be back fromhis sojourn in London Have youheard about the swell exhibit Fay-CooperCole is preparing for the World's Fair,Mayan temples and cross-sections of Illinoismounds The University is to getali the anthropological trappings when theFair is over, probably need a new buildingfor anthropology By the way, JohnDollard set a time record in the SociologyDepartment in getting a degree, and plansto spend the summer at an insane asy-lum. . . . Research, you know Say,there's Wormley Veepings in the line. . . .Now he's an interesting bird "387388 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOr the reporter might listen to Mr.Hutchins' Convocation statement, for in-stance, in which the President may or maynot itemize the gifts received during thequarter. "That $500,000 from the Rocke-feller Foundation is to capitalize per-manently the annual grants of $25,000 forwork in the Social Sciences The other$150,000 from the same source is to providecurrent expenses in the School of SocialService Administration for three moreyears Last quarter the President an-nounced gifts totaling $2,516,222.00 to beprecise — most of it from Mr. Rockefeller,Jr., for the International House Aliof which doesn't mean that the Universityhas escaped the depression ThePresident has been sitting up nights tryingto make next year's budget balance The alumni gift fund helps a good deal —it's about $45,000 a year now, with nearlya thousand alumni contributing It's abig job, budgeting the expenditure of sevenor eight million dollars a year to fit needsdemanding ten or twelve .... Don't envythe President. . . . Well, here comes MarshalMerrill, in his best Sheldonian-Theater-Oxford manner, and Dean Laing with hisflaming scarlet robe. . . . The Dean gavethe Commencement address at Vanderbiltthis month — and Jerry Kerwin at Loyola,New Orleans; quite an industry. . . . ThePresident spoke at Berea, where his fatherconferred the LL.D. upon him. . . .Makes Mr. Hutchins "Dr." Hutchins forthe rifth time, I believe. . . ."Or the reporter might sit in the SunRoom of the Quadrangle Club and watcha hundred stories come up the stairs forlunch. And the first one might be HansHenning von der Osten, perhaps, who isdirector of the Orientai Institute's Hittiteexpedition. "Osten's leaving tomorrow forthe Near East. . . . Not as romantic asit sounds, out in that desolate spot, but hemakes it sound romantic. . . . Did youknow he was an officer in a crack battalionof the Kaiser's, despatched to whereverthere was need for courage and intelligence. . . . Stili carries bullets in him — and a sword in that cane. . . . They sayhe is one of two men living who know wherethe plans for Big Bertha are. . . . Heought to, he hid them. . . . And speakingof German officers, did you know that Dr.Paul Block over in the Clinics escaped fromsix British prisons. . . . And there's Swen-son in Psychology, he was on a tanker inthe war. . . . Before that he was a rail-road fireman, and a fiddler in five-a-dayvaudeville. . . . Invented his own musicalinstrument, a kind of cigar-box Strad. . . ."Fifteen cents worth of Opera," his actwas called. . . ."And while we are at it, take BernadotteSchmitt, whose "Corning of the War,19 14" has just won him the Pulitzer Prizeand $2,000. . . . He talked with theKaiser at Doorn, which is a startling wayfor a historian to go about his business. . . .Talked with Grey of Falloden, Poincaré,Count Berchtold. . . . Schmitt stands outalmost alone against the group headed byFay of Harvard, who lay the war-baby onthe doorstep of the Entente. . . . The op-position critics say Schmitt went pro-English as a Rhodes Scholar at Merton. . . .Quite a few Rhodes Scholars we have onthe faculty these days, Schmitt and Thompson and Knappen in History, Eagleton andTefft in Law, Wooddy in Politicai Science,Merrill in Romance Languages. . . .Schmitt will spend next year at the Post-graduate Institute of International Studiesat Geneva, as special lecturer, on leave ofabsence from the University. . . ."Probably the most noticeably absentleave-of-absence next year will be that ofVice-President Woodward. . . . At Mr.Rockefeller's request, Mr. Woodward be-comes a member of the Mission Inquirycommission, which will make a disinter-ested study of religious, educational andmedicai missions in India, China and Japanfrom September to June. . . . There areseveral retirements, this month, too. . . .Slaught, who is probably down in, the bil-liard room, carne to the Mathematics department in 1893. . . .And Moore, whocarne in 1892, and has headed the department since '96. . . . And Howland, inComparative Literatures, he's another ofNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 389that first faculty group. . . .Only a hand-ful of them stili actively teaching. . . .Stieglitz, Stagg, Jordan, Buck, Lillie,Shorey, will begin their fortieth year ofservice in the fall. . . . Lillie — FrankLillie, who's head of zoology, has been ap-pointed Dean of the Biological Sciences tosucceed Dr. Scammon, who returns to theUniversity of Minnesota as Dean of Medicai Sciences. . . . They've tried for a longtime to get Dr. Lillie to be a Dean. . . .He and his brother Ralph, who is Professorof Physiology, comprise one of the facultyfamilies. . . . There's George K. K. Linkin Botany and his wife, Addine DeSaleLink in Chemistry as another. . . . andRalph Gerard in Physiology and his wife,Margaret Gerard, who is psychiatrist in theStudent Health Service. . . . And Dr.Harkins in Chemistry and his son, Harry,now in the surgical division of the Clin-ics And the Taliaferros, Williamand Lucy, both in Parasitology. . . . AndElliott Downing in Education, his sonGeorge in Art. And his daughter Lucia inthe Kindergarten primary school — and theBensleys, father and daughter-in-law, inAnatomy. . . . And the brothers Wright,Sewall in Zoology, Quincy in PoliticaiScience. . . . And the Hankes, Martinand Milton, in Physiological Chemistry. . . .And the Herricks, C. Judson in Neurologyand Ruth in Medicine. . . .And the Jor-dans, Edwin O. in Bacteriology and youngEdwin P. in Medicine. . . . And theBreasteds. . . . And the Staggs. . . . Andthe champions of them ali, the Morrisons,Henry C, Professor of Education and histwo sons, John, Instructor in Geographyand Hugh, Instructor in Art. . . ."W. J. G. Land in Botany is retiring. . . .And so is Ella Ruebhausen, in Ger-manics. . . . You would miss Michelson andMead here. . . . The ashes of PresidentsHarper, Judson and Burton have beenplaced in the columbarium of the Univer sity Chapel now. Edward Scribner Amesis the new head of the Philosophy Department. . . . Léonard White, our author-ity on public personnel administration, hasjust been appointed by Mayor Cermak asone of Chicago's three civil service commis-sioners, which won't interfere with his workhere. . . . Shouldn't be surprised if Professor Merriam's support had a good dealto do with Cermak's monumentai vie-tory. . . . Here comes "Ajax" Carl-son. . . . Did you know he was a goatherdin Sweden as a boy, a divine as a youngman, and one of the world's great physiol-ogists now?. ...Or, perhaps, wishing to observe studenttrends, the reporter might wander over toCobb and observe a few trends in the flesh."How will the new pian aflect frater-nities? .... Well, there are more application to the freshman class than ever before. . . . It isn't the new pian that willaffect them. . . . Partly, it's the one-yearrushing rule that goes into.efEect in 1932.... Should be a scramble for pledgesthis year. ... And partly it's the newdormitories, which sound pretty attractive.... Perhaps there will be fewer andlarger and better fraternities in the future,social organizations rather than boardinghouses. . . . Activities? .... Well, theDaily Maroon had the best year in itshistory editorially. . . . and financiallythere's a cool $6,000 profit to be split amongsome fifteen upperclassmen. . . . And theDramatic Association packed the house andiput 'em in the aisles when they took"Uncle Tom's Cabin" to the Goodman intheir first downtown appearance. . . ."This trickle of gossip might go on for-ever without reaching the brimming river.What would you like to hear about?Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago, io:4:3:3:10:o:5:7:5:13:ZV2 By William V.SCORESBaseballMichigan, oIowa, 7 (14 innings)Minnesota, 2Minnesota, 1Indiana, 2Indiana, 2Michigan State, 9Wisconsin, 5Varsity, 3GolfWisconsin, 1 1Purdue, 13Iowa, 5: Illinois, i2y2: Michigan, T/ii/ MORGENSTERN, '20 J.D. '22OF THE MONTHTennisChicago, 9: Iowa, 0Chicago, 3 : Ohio, 6Chicago, 4: Michigan, 5Chicago, 8 : Minnesota, iChicago, 4: Illinois, 5Chicago, 2: Northwestern, 7Chicago, 6: Wisconsin, 3TrackQuadrangular :Ohio, 74^Wisconsin, 73 1/6Chicago, 15Northwestern, 13 1/3Triangular :Wisconsin, 86Iowa, 62Chicago, 1 7THE end of the year's competitionfound the tennis team retaining itstitles in singles and doubles and thesurprising baseball team finishing second,one game out of first place, the best showingsince 1926.Captain Scott Rexinger, who was thesingles champion in 1930, won again inthe tournament held at Columbus, andpaired with Herbert Heyman repeated theMaroon victory in doubles scored last sea-son when he played with Bill Calohan.Rexinger has been defeated only once inthe Big Ten competition in three years,and that once in his sophomore year, whenhis teammate, George Lott, beat him forthe singles championship. With Rexinger'scompetition now over, and Ohio State andNorthwestern both having exceptionallygood sophomores, the Chicago supremacyin tennis may be temporarily interruptedfor a season or two. Paul Stagg, son ofthe "Old Man," will be captain next year, as was his brother, Amos Alohzo, Jr., before him in 1923. Rexinger, Heyman, andStanley Kaplan, who played number 3 onthe team, graduate.It has been sardonically suggested thatcollege baseball is one of the few remain-ing amateur sports, else the Chicago teamwould not have been right in the race tothe end. More apparent reasons for thesuccess of the ball club are to be foundin the fact that the players were on thefield last year from Aprii until late Sep-tember, getting needed experience, and inthe fine pitching of Roy Henshaw, thesophomore left-hander. Pitching, at arough guess, is 70 per cent of a short schedule, and Henshaw is considerable of apitcher. He is a little fellow, weighing only144 pounds, but he has courage and intelligence, and a deceptive side-arm, left-handeddelivery. He pitched ten games and woneight of them, the best record in the con-ference, and led the league in strikeouts,390ATHLETICS 391piling up 92. Twice this season he pitchedand won doubleheaders, the two gamesagainst Minnesota and the two against Indiana. That is a feat which apparently hasno parallel in Big Ten baseball. He losthis first game to Illinois, 3 to 2, and his finalgame, at Wisconsin. The latter game wasthe decisive one, and Henshaw unsettledhimself by having difficulties fielding hisposition. The team hitting was not aspowerful as the position of the team wouldindicate, the final figure being .239, fourthin the ieague. Will Urban, who playedsecond base most of the season, and waselected captain just before the Wisconsingame, led with .350; Fish batted .333,Mahoney, .306, and Canili, .293. Exceptfor the uncertainty in hitting, it was a verygood team; it fielded sharply, and it wasalert. Coach Page deserves credit and recognition for the enthusiasm and fire whichhe put into the players and for the hardwork that smoothed the team out mechani-cally, Of the regulars, only Urban atsecond, Fish at third, Canili, catcher, and H.C. Johnson, outfielder, are lost by gradua-tion. William Olson, first baseman, waselected captain of the team next year, andwith a good group of veterans, including theredoubtable Henshaw returning, the teamshould be in the thick of the fight next season.The prediction that the track team wouldbe very sad indeed was fulfilled, as refer-ence to the scores will show. CaptainAllan East never did recover from thepulled muscle he suflered at Penn, and infact, did not try to run until the conferencemeet. Dale Letts won the 880 in the conference and then won the National Collegiate 880 with a record breaking performance. Letts is one of the finest runnersChicago has ever producedc The following record of his performances indicates hisversatility: 100 yards dash — 0:10 1/10;220 — 0:21 8/10; 440 — 0:48 3/10; 600 — ¦1:19 5/10 (world's record) 880 — 1:535/10: (National Collegiate Record) Mile— 4:20; 2 Miles — 9:45; 5 Miles — 26:40;broad jump — 22 feet, 3 inches. He won ashe pleased in the Big Ten and ran like areal champion in the National Collegiate, to beat Alex Wilson of Notre Dame, member of the Canadian Olympic team, andEddie Genung, of the University of Washington, the 1929 champion. Genungjumped past him just at the end of thebackstrech, whereupon Letts went outaround him, racing outside on the curve.He ran Genung into the ground 150 yardsfrom the finish and beat Wilson, who passedthe failing Washington runner, by threeyards. The time of 1 :53 5/10 was a newrecord, and had the conditions been better— the track was heavy with rain and theday cold — he would have hung up a markmuch faster. Lawrence Brainard5 who ransome fine mile races both indoors and outwas worn too thin by the time of the BigTen meet. Bertram Nelson qualified inthe Big Ten 880, but failed to piace. Hewas handicapped by his youth and lack ofstrength; in another year he would havehad the stamina to run with the best.Major letters were awarded to East, Letts,Brainard, Nelson, and Roy Black. Blackthe only "C" man to return, is the captainfor 1932. The squad next year will be aslim one, with few renforcements from thefreshmen, except for Brooks, a sprinter andhurdler who has been successful in tele-graphic meets0The golf team, consisting of MiltonKlein, Robert Bohnen, Samuel Prest, WillisLittell, and Capt. Charles Grosscurth, metwith only moderate success in the dualmatches and finished eighth in the conference.« » wAt the "C" dinner on June 11, Mr.Stagg initiated a new custom by namingthe outstanding athletes of the year, WalterKnudson, who was voted by his teammatesas the most valuable player on the footballteam; Marshall Fish, basketball captainand baseball player ; Scott Rexinger, tennis •Dale Letts, track; Will Urban and ArtCanili, baseball; Cornelius Oker, swim-ming; Bill Dyer, 148 pound champion inwrestling for two years; Errett Van Nice,football captain; and Werner Bromund,who won the club swinging event in gym~nastics for two seasons, were on the rolL(Continued on page 402)NEWS OFTHE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege1896John F. Voight has moved his law ofHcesto 1803-5 Chicago Tempie Building, 77West Washington, Chicago. *** MaryDoan Spalding is a professor of English atHarris Teachers' College, St. Louis.1897George J. Williams, ex '97, is supervisingthe rehabilitation of the Chicago AthleticAssociation club building.1898Henry Justin Smith, known to ali readersof the University of Chicago Magazineparticularly for his "Sojourn on a Summit,"as well as for his other books and articles,received, on Aprii 23, the prize from theChicago Literary Foundation for meritor-ious work in prose writing. Mr. Smith ismanaging editor of the Chicago Daily News.1903Lynne J. Bevan has moved his office to 26Beaver Street, New York, where he iscarrying on the professional activities of aconsulting engineer.1904Margaret Wilson, famous for herAmerican Prize Novel, "The Able Mc-Laughlins," has recently published anotherbook, "The Crime of Punishment." As thewife of an English prison officiai, she has haddose contact with prison life. Her book issane, compassionate, not at ali sentimental, —and puts the problem of punishment up tothe world with great force and intelligence.*** Miss Shirley Farr, a member of theUniversity faculty, was elected second vice-president of the American Association ofUniversity Women at its recent conventionin Boston. 1907Miss Dora H. Kelley is now living at 412W. Washington Avenue, Apt. A5, SouthBend, Indiana. *** San Lyon, reportsStanley R. Linn, ex '03, is living in Clare-mont, California. His oldest boy is attend-ing Pomona College, his three girls are inhigh school, and his youngest son is in gradeschool. Just to show that there is no lackof interest in education in the family Mr.Lyon himself takes courses at Pomona inwhatever time golf, Kiwanis, and the Cham-ber of Commerce leave him. Mrs. Lyonwas Helen Peck, 'io.I909Mrs. J. J. R. Lawrence (Orna MargaretMoody '09) reports that "trying to keeppace with the varied interests of three individualista aged 17, 15, and 8, and one busyhusband, fills up my time thomughly, I'mthoroughly domesticated and glory in it."Mrs. Lawrence is living at 4957 West EndAvenue, Chicago.I9IIHarriette Treadwell, principal of theGompers Crippled Children's School, Chicago, will visit twelve of the capitols ofEurope this summer. Miss Treadwell isgreatly interested in the cause of betterAmerican speech, and is the author of an"English Creed," used in the Better American Speech Week campaign. *** Paul H.Davis, head of the LaSalle Street brokeragefirm of that name, is the newly elected president of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Mr.Davis has been a member of the Exchangefor eleven years, and has served on the gov-erning board, and as vice-president.1912John B. Williams, '12, A.M. '13, is managing the Swift and Company Produce392news of the classes and associations 393Plant at Ottumwa, Iowa. His address is202 W. Woodland, Ottumwa. *** ZillahShepherd is living at 1524 E. 66th Place,Chicago. *** Lillian E. Kurtz is teachingmathematics in Fenger High School, Chicago.1913Josephine R. Robinson, under the professional name of "Increase Robinson," isdirecting the Studio Gallery and DianaCourt Salon in the Michigan Square Building, Chicago. Only Chicago artists' workis exhibited at Diana Court, which is, itself,one of the most interesting and beautifulexamples of modem art to be found. Inaddition to her work at the gallery and salon,Miss Robinson is teaching and lecturing onmodem art. Her paintings have appearedin several current exhibits. *** Anna E.Moffet has returned from Nanking, China,and can now be reached at 1397 FairmountAvenue, St. Paul, Minn. *** Florence M.Wolf is teaching Spanish at Calumet HighSchool.1915Andrew P. Juhl, A.M., is teachingAmerican history and algebra at RooseveltHigh School, Fresno, California.1918Chester K. Wentworth is associate professor of geology at Washington University,St. Louis. *** Mrs. David Lee Shillinglaw(Marie Schmidt '18) is at home at 5836Stony Island, Chicago. Morton B. Weissis now holding the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Roosevelt Motor SalesCompany, located at 3838 Roosevelt Road,Chicago. *** Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.Earle (Eugenie Williston, '18), have returned to Porto Rico where Dr. Earle isworking on the malaria survey of theInternational Health Board. *** Helen E.Loth, '18, A.M. '20, is teaching Latinand Spanish at the Superior, Wisconsin,State College. ***J. M. L. Cooley, A.M.,is instructor in French at Shattuck School,Faribault, Minnesota. *** Dorothy Fay,1722 East 55th Street, Chicago, sendsthe following report of Mrs. FredSeaberg (Helena Stevens, '18) : "Helena has been living at 1098 Pratt Boulevard forover two years, and has a young son, FredStevens Tollett Seaberg, known to intipiatesas 'Steve'." *** Mrs. Frank H. Macy(I dalia Maxson, '18) has moved to 190-17Crocherow Avenue, Flushing, N. Y.1919Mrs. Edwin G. Walker (ElizabethG. Van Houten '19) recently published"Charted Ways to Hawaii and the SouthSeas." Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-days, at 7:30 P.M., Mrs. Walker may beheard over WBBM giving travel talks. ***Kenneth Macpherson has been secretaryto the postmaster general in Washington forthe past year and a half. *** Eva L. Hydeis principal of Collegio Bennett, Rio deJaneiro, a progressive educational institution ofrering primary and secondary education. *** Earle M. Wagner is head of theEnglish department and in charge ofdramatics, pipe organ and choir at Shattuck School, Faribault, Minnesota. ***Ethel A. Wold, A.M., has been teaching atIllinois Wesleyan College, Bloomington,Illinois, this year.I92OJohn E. Joseph has been appointed advertising manager of the midwest division forRadio Keith Orpheum. His ofHces are at190 N. State Street, Chicago. *** K. A.Hauser, A.M., and Mrs. Hauser (VeraDonecker) have moved from Milwaukee,where Mr. Hauser was eleven years withHalsey Stuart & Company, to Salt LakeCity, where he is manager of the newlyorganized bond department of the Continental National Bank. *** In his position asY. M. C. A. secretary at Oregon StateCollege, Charles L. Crumly is responsiblefor the organization of a rural program forthe three counties surrounding the college.1921Ralph L. Small, '21, S. M. '23, is livingat 6640 S. California Avenue, Chicago. ***Mary E. Owen, A.M., one of the editorsof Normal Instructor and Primary Plans,is living at 405 Canterbury Road, Rochester,New York. *** Harold E. Nicely has been394 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church inEast Orange, New Jersey, since Aprii, 1930.*** T. E. Blackwell, Jr., is business manager of Principia College, St. Louis. ***Franklin E. Vestal, S.M., is acting professorof geology at the Mississippi A. & M.College.1922Josephine Liska is principal of the BarrySchool, and lives in Berwyn, Illinois. ***Elizabeth D. Zachari, '22, S.M. '30, ishead of the geography department of theLouisville, Kentucky, Normal School. ***Douglas C. Ridgley, S.M., professor ofgeography in education and director of thesummer school at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, is president, for theyear 193 1, of the National Council of Geography Teachers. *** R. C. Matlock, Jr.,is with the R. C. A. Radiotron Company inHarrison, New Jersey. *** Helen M.Whelan has been teaching at ChippewaFalls, Wisconsin, this year.1923Mrs. Ogden Livermore (Alice Cramer'23) is doing social service work in hercapacity of executive secretary, of the Chil-dren's Scholarship League in Chicago. ***E. E. Pletsch is an instructor in economiegeography at the University of North Dakota, and he reports an impressive colonyof Chicago alumni on the teaching staffthere. John M. Gillette, Ph.D. '01 isprofessor of sociology; Jerome Hall '22,J. D. '24, and Olaf H. Thormadsgard, J.D. '24, are teaching law; John L. Hundley,Ph. D. '27, teaches physics; George A.Talbert, Ph.D. '21, is a professor on thephysiology staff; and Beatrice Olson, A.M.'18, is Dean of Women. *** Mary C.Fisher, '23, may now be reached at 7953Marquette Avenue, Chicago. *** NormanWood Beck has been appointed an instructorin government by Yale University. ***Wallace E. Bates is with the eastern advertising office of the Chicago Tribuneat 220 East 42nd Street, New York City.*** Elizabeth Powers is supervisor of gradesone to six at Cadillac, Michigan. *** FredD. Wilson is a member of the Chicago salesforce of Robert Gaylord, Inc., manufac- turers of corrugated and solid fibre boxes.*** Albert R. Van Cleave, A.M., is professor of philosophy and sociology at ElonCollege, North Carolina. *** FrancesChristeson is reference librarian at the University of Southern California. *** Mrs.Ucal Stevens Lewis, '23, A.M. '25, isspending a year's vacation in Tuscaloosa,Alabama, where she may be addressed at1109 Greensboro Avenue. *** Ethel O.Woodring has been teaching at CentralHigh School, Tulsa, Oklahoma, this year.*** Mrs. Gordon Dix (Louise Fletcher'23) finds her time well filled with house-keeping and taking care of her lively ninemonths old boy, at 1717 E. Street,Chicago.I924Earl Bright is now with the MotionPicture Producers and Distributors ofAmerica, 28 West 44th Street, New York.*** Hazel L. Nystram is psychiatric socialworker in the Conley School District, Taft,California.1925Mari H. Bachrach has moved to 166Second Avenue, New York. *** Frances F.Mauck is assistant professor of textiles andclothing at Russell Sage College, Troy, NewYork. *** J. Gertrude Lamphier is teachingEnglish at Cari Schurz High School. ***Arpad E. Elo, '25, S.M. '28, is an instructor in physics at Marquette University.His address is 2744 N. 50th Street, Milwaukee. *** Herman H. Hegner, '25, issecretary-treasurer of the Pestalozzi-Froe-bel Teachers' college and vice president ofthe Columbia College of Expression, inChicago. He commutes from his WestChicago, 111., home. Herman Jr., 3, andJames R., 1, are his two sons. *** EllenJane Teare is teaching household arts inhigh school at Bedford, Indiana, and is deanof girls. She has done half her work on amaster's degree at Columbia, and hopes tofinish next year.I928Dona Heloisa Marinho is teaching psy-chology and comparative religions at theBennet School in Rio de Janeiro. She wasNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 395one of the first high school graduates of thisschool, and later continued her studies inthe United States. Miss Marinho spent thelatter half of 1930 traveling on the Contin-ent. *** George N. Wells is entering hissecond year as superintendent of schools atElmwood Park, Illinois. His address is7907 Cresset Drive, Elmwood Park. ***Dorothea Rudnick is one of two recipientsof Seessel Research Fellowships from Yalefor the year 1931. Miss Rudnick's research involves study of suitable graftsfrom stages earlier than the definitive primitive streak, with reference to thyroid diff-erentiations. *** Mrs. F. H. Muller(Emma Fleer) is dean at the Chicago Nor-mal College. *** Will Ghere (stage nameGeer) was a member of the cast of Ladiesof the Jury during the engagement in Chicago in January. *** E. P. Westphal, A.M.,is director of adult education for the Pres-byterian Church in the United States. Hisheadquarters are in Philadelphia. *** RobertC. Hetherington, '24, M.D. '28, and Mrs.Hetherington (Leola Chard) '28, announcethe purchase of a new home in Geneva,Illinois. They invite ali their friends tocali at 318 South Fifth Street, whereTommie, age ten months, may be seen. '***Raymond E. Hayes is head of the historydepartment of the township high school atArlington Heights, Illinois. Mr. Hayesmarried Ruth Carruthers of Rochester,Ind., and they have a very young daughter.*** Mrs. Cari C. Branson (Herberta VanPelt, '28, A.M. '30) is enjoying college lifefrom the point of vantage of an instructor'swife. Dr. Branson, Ph. D. '29 is teachinggeology at Brown University. *** MabelA. Newitt teaches art at Teachers' College,N. E. High School, Kansas City, Mo. ***F. M. Setzler is assistant curator of arch-eology in the United States NationalMuseum. *** Roselle Moss is a buyer forthe juvenile department of Saks Fifth Avenue Store in Chicago. *** Barbara Davidsonis exercising a fine restraint upon her edi-torial powers in her position as editor of amissionary quarterly. Miss Davidson hasheld this position since October, and reportswith pride that not one scare-head or frontpage streamer has crept in. I929John B. Cade, A.M. '29, is director ofteacher training and principal of the Demonstration School at Southern University,Scotlandville, La. *** Dorothy Carter hasspent the spring months traveling on thesoutheastern coast, lecturing before homeeconomics groups. *** Charles DaytonRiddle, M.S. '29, is teaching Health Education at Furman University SummerSchool, this summer. *** Gladstone Koff-man, A.M. '29, is principal of the Junior-Senior High School at Hopkinsville, Ky.*** J. R. Kelly, A.M. '29, is head of thedepartment of history at New MexicoMilitary Institute, and is making a splendidrecord there. *** Rosalia M. Schultz isteaching Latin and history at the high schoolin Beaver Dam, Wis. *** David E. Johnsonis acting as head of the commerce departmentat New Trier Township High School,Winnetka, 111. *** Philip W. Harsh, '29,A.M. '30, is teaching Greek at AlleghenyCollege, Meadville, Pa. *** .Joe DavidThomas, '29, A.M. '30, is teaching Englishand directing dramatics at Rice Institute,Houston, Tex.I930Elizabeth White is now living at TheBeatrice, 1375 E. 57th Street, Chicago.She is working in the Buyers' Service department at Donnelley's. *** Mrs. WilliamM. Zapff (Frances Tatge, '30) is living inEl Centro, Colombia, S. America.***Rainey Bennet had one stili life water colorand one sketch in the International WaterColor Exhibition at the Art Institute inMay. Mr. Bennet has also shown his interest in another branch of the fine arts, — heis known as "Rainey, the Crooner," to theradio fans who listen to him and his orchestra broadcast from a Gary station. On May20, he left for Mexico City to visit hisbrother Wendell, '27, Ph.D. '30, who is ananthropologist, and assistant curator ofSouth American ethnology in the AmericanMuseum of Naturai History. *** MontroseH. Hayes received his master of arts degreefrom George Washington University onFebruary 23, 1931.396 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDoctors of Philosophy1894Edmund Buckley has settled in Florida,and can be reached at 551 Third Avenue,south, St. Petersburg.1898Annie Dolman Inskeep is a nationallyknown educator in the field of child psy-chology. Her recent book, "Child Adjust-ment in Relation to Growth and Develop-ment" was selected by the NationalEducation Association as one of the twentymost significant contributions to professionalliterature in the last year. This is one ofthe most gratifying comments an author inthe field of education can receive, and it isthe second time Dr. Inskeep has been sodistinguished. Dr. Inskeep will be one ofthe lecturers at the June convention of theN. E. A. at Los Angeles.1899Warren Palmer Behan, '94, D.B. '97,Ph.D. '99, was formally declared presidentof Ottawa University on Aprii 12. For nineyears Dr. Behan has served as dean of theUniversity, and was the choice of faculty,trustees, and students alike when the presidente resignation left the position open.No one could have a finer tribute than thatof the student editorial at the time of hisinauguration, "Dr Behan is loved and re-spected ... he has been a true friend andcounsellor . . . he is the students' choicefor the presidente chair."1904Roy C. Flickinger has been head of theLatin and Greek departments at theUniversity of Iowa since 1925.I908W. V. Bingham lectured on "The Prone-to-accident Driver" at the conference onHighway Engineering at Ann Arbor inFebruary. The Grand Rapids SafetyCouncil heard him speak on a similar topic.*** R. R. Gates has been recommended bythe Council of the Royal Society for election as a Fellow. Dr. Gates is professor ofbotany at King's College, London, and isthe author of several important scientificbooks and papers.I909Anna Louise Strong, A.M. '07, Ph.D.'09, author, lecturer, traveler, and socialworker, recently brought out a new book onSoviet life in a primitive part of Asia, "TheRoad to the Grey Pamir." The Iure of theconqueror's way to India, the way of Alexander, of Marco Polo, of Sultan Babur,drew Miss Strong from the comparativecivilization of a city in Russian Turkestanto the Road to the Grey Pamir. Thebook unfolds the story of her remarkablejourney on horseback to the High Pamirs,that desolate centrai Asian plateau whichmen cali the "roof of the world." Traveling at first with the caravan of a geologicalexpedition, and later joining a garrison oftroops sent out to relieve a remote post inthe mountains, the author made her perilousway among Soviet ofHcials, horse thieves,and nomads. Miss Strong is the author ofseveral books on Russia, and on social problems, and is a f requent lecturer on these sub-jects. She was for some time correspondentin Russia for a group of newspapers.I912Mrs. Jerome McNeill (Laura CampbellGano, '98, Ph.D. '12) has been appointedhead of the biology department for theJunior College and School of Art of theJohn and Mabel Ringling Art Museum,at Sarasota, Fla.1913Katsuji Kato, A.M. 'io, D.B. '11. Ph.D.'13, M.D. 22, is now an instructor inpediatrics at the University of Chicago.1917Charles E. Decker, A.M. '09, Ph.D. '17,has been elected president of the Societyof Economie Paleontologists and Mineral-ogists. Dr. Decker is professor of Paleon-tology at the University of Oklahoma. ***Sidney Marsh Cadwell, '14, Ph.D. '17, isdirector of product development in the U.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 397S. Rubber Company, Tire Department.He is living at 557 Fisher Road, GrossePointe, Mich.1918F. E. Brown '13, Ph.D. '18, meets from500 to 900 students twice each week in hisfreshman teaching at Iowa State College.He is in charge of inorganic chemistry work,and the f reshmen are his particular group.Dr. Brown uses his own text book in qualitative analysis and plans to publish it soon.I92IAnson Hayes is director of the researchlaboratories of the American Rolling MillsCompany of Middletown, Ohio. *** E.Wertheim has just published a text book,"Essentials of Organic _ and BiologicalChemistry." He is teaching at the University of Arkansas.1922M. Louise Sawyer, assistant professor ofbotany at Wellesley college, was recentlypromoted to an associate professorship.1923Archibald T. McPherson is seniorscientist and chief of the Rubber Sectionin the Bureau of Standards, Washington,D. C.1924William Weldon Watson '21, S.M. '22,Ph.D. '24, is an associate professor in physics at Yale University.1925Ruby K. Worner, '21, S.M. '23, Ph.D.'25, is assistant chemist in the Bureau ofStandards at Washington. The problemwith which she busies herself rejoices in thename, "The thermal decomposition ofchloropentammine chromic chloride." ***James T. Carlyon is teaching at the IliffSchool of Theology, Denver.I926John Alexander McGeoch is chairmanof the department of psychology at the University of Missouri. *** Mary E. Maver, '14, is research associate in the Nationalt Institute of Health in Washington, D. C.I927J. S. Hicks is research chemist for the1 Sherwin Williams Company in Cleveland.] 1928, Arthur H. Steinhaus, '20, S.M. '25,. Ph.D. '28, will spend 1931-32 in Europe,- studying the "Arbeits-physiologie" move-ment, under a John Simon GuggenheimFoundation Fellowship. *** John HaysBailey, '26, Ph.D. '28, is Huesman Fellowì and member of the department of pediatrics3 at the Indiana University School of Medi-. cine and Hospitals. *** William Castle is9 teaching biology at Brown University. ***[ Merwin M. Deems will travel in the Far. East and on the Continent, this year andpart of next, as an American Fellow of theAlbert Kahn Foundation. Dr. Deems hasbeen professor of history and religion at[ Carleton College up to the present time.r *** Itzehak Spector, at a lecture in Tacoma,Washington, sponsored by the League ofWestern Writers, recently put forth a newtheory of Greek religion, in which he main-. tains that the early Greeks were really{ monotheists, and that polytheism, as it isgenerally known, resulted from a confusionof attributes with entities. Dr. Spectorplans to publish a book on the subject en-titled "The Theory of Attributes," withinthe next two years. *** Alexander Pogois doing research work in the CarnegieInstitute at Washington, in the section onthe history of science. *** Clarence H.Mills, after spending the summer in Franceand Spain, will go to a new position as professor and head of the department of romance languages at Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C, in September.I929Garfield N. Gox is teaching businesseconomy at the University of Chicago.I93OWinifred C. Warning, A.M. '25, is en-gaged in research in botany at Cornell University. *** Grace Oberschelp McGeoch,398 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA.M. '27, is doing research work at the University of Missouri. *** Ronald MacFar-lan is a National Research Council Fellowin physics, at Harvard. ***Eleanor S. Up-ton will continue her compilation of a"Guide to Sources of Seventeenth CenturyEnglish History in the Reports of the RoyalCommission on Historical Manuscripts."Miss Upton has been awarded a SterlingResearch Fellowship by Yale University.*** Mrs. Mary A. Lee holds the interest-ing position of consultant psychologist forthe Girls' Latin School, Chicago. *** Frederick C. S. Smithson, is associate professorof chemistry at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. *** Joseph L. Adler,'17, is an assistant professor in geology atMichigan College of Mining and Technology, Houghton, Mich. Dr. Adler devoteshis vacation time to research on iron oresfor the Michigan Geological Survey.School of C. and A.Albert H. Morrill, president of the National Chain Store Association, was guestspeaker at the seventeenth annual dinner ofthe School at the Shoreland Hotel, the nightof May 7. Forty well-known Chicago busi-nessmen were also guests, and alumni, students, and faculty members crowded theCrystal ball-room to capacity.Mr. Morrill spoke on "The Economie andCivic Effects of the Chain Store Methodof Distribution." President Robert Maynard Hutchins talked about the Schoolfrom the point of view of its social andeducational possibilities, and Dean W. H.Spencer discussed the removal of the Schoolto its new quarters in Haskell hall, the newsystem of general examinations, and otherfeatures of administration. The alumniwere ably represented by R. G. Knight,Comptroller of the Walgreen Drug Company, who stressed the need for the develop-ment of brains to cope with such economiesituations as the current business depression.Members of the Undergraduate Counciltook an active part in the program, not onlyin helping to roll up the largest attendanceyet observed at such a meeting, but also as speakers. Walter C. Lay, president of thecouncil, gave the address of welcome ; Michael Jucius served as toastmaster. Joel LaySang a group of solos, with Miss RuthWalmsley as his accompanist.Following the formai program the eve-ning was given over to dancing.To renew old acquaintances and makenew ones, an alumnae-graduate dinner spon-sored by the Comad Club of the School ofCommerce and Administration was held atthe Tip Top Inn, Aprii 25. The guestspeaker was Miss Florence Knight. Otherspeakers were Dean Spencer, Miss AnnBrewington, representing the faculty andgraduate students, Miss Mollie Ray Carroll of the University Settlement, Mrs.Spencer, representing the married women,and Miss Gertrude Norris, who presided.1914I. N. Loren, president of Loren and Company, investment securities house of Chicago,has been giving a series of financial talksover radio station WJJD.1921Joseph B. Hall is manager of the realestate department of the Kroger Groceryand Baking Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. ***E. S. Hoglund is sales manager of the General Motors Corporation in Stockholm,Sweden.1922Thomas E. Blackwell is Comptroller ofPrincipia College, St. Louis, Mo.1923Wilfred A. Merrill is a salesman for theMilnor Refrigeration Company of Cincinnati. *** H. G. Hieronimus is a salesmanfor the Kankakee Steamer Company, automobile accessories, in Chicago. *** J. D.Craig, who is with Spencer Kellog andCompany, in Buffalo, was recently given anhonorary doctor's degree by the Universityof Delaware for material presented beforethe United States Senate, regarding U. in the Philippines, tariff, etc. Mr.Craig received a well-deserved commenda-NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 399tion in the Congressional Record. *** Ir-win N. Knehans is teaching commercial lawand accounting in Calumet High School,Chicago. *** George V. Deal is living inOak Park now, at 831 North East Avenue.1925Edwin J. Kunst is teaching in the Schoolof Commerce and Administration at theUniversity of Chicago. *** Robert H. Dis-telhorst is locai plant manager of the NurreCompanies in Kansas City.1927George Stuart Kenney is in the advertising department of the National SafetyCouncil at Chicago.1928William H. Perkins is now manager ofthe beef department of the Evansville, Indiana, Packing Company. *** S. H. Liu, A.M. '28, is vice-president of the Manufac-turer's Bank of China, 3 Hankow Road,Shanghai, China.1929Lester C. Shephard is secretary to thepresident of the United Light and PowerCompany, Chicago. *** George C Recinger is assistant radio editor of the ChicagoEvening American. *** Hyla M. Snider,'27, A.M. '29, is head of the department ofsecretarial training at Connecticut College,New London, Conn. *** Through the cour-tesy of Mr. Pei-Lin Tan, A.M. '29, we hearof Alumni in China. Mr. Tan, who re-ceived his Master's degree in 1929, hopes toreceive his Doctor's degree this spring. Hewill then return to China, where he expectsto join the Ministry of Railroads, which isthe centrai organization in charge of ali therailroads in China. *** L. M. Chen, A.M.'29, is with the Manufacturer's Bank ofChina.I93OAlice R. Kavanaugh is on the faculty ofFenger Senior High School, Chicago. ***Thomas Stone Vinson is in the accounting department of the Federai Land Bankof Louisville, Kentucky. *** Norman R. Root is a special agent for the NorthwesternMutual Life Insurance Company, Chicago.*** H. S. Ho, A.M. '30, is cashier of HsinHwa Bank, Shanghai, China.1931August W. Brinkmann, Jr., is salesmanfor the Kordick Electrical Company, Chicago. *** Wellington Chang, A.M. '31, iswith the Central Bank of China, 5 TheBund, Shanghai, China.Rush1877Win Wylie, M.D. '77, is practicingmedicine in Phoenix, Arizona. (402 Goodrich Building).1891Don S. Harvey is practicing at 9152Commercial Avenue, Chicago. *** RobertM. Lapsley, specialist in eye, ear, nose andthroat work, is president of St. Joseph'sHospital staff, Keokuk, Iowa.1894D. S. Hayes, M.D. '94, was recently re-tired from active service in Manila for disabili ty. He is now living at 1001 FloraAvenue, Coronado, California.1895J. F. Gsell is doing eye, ear, nose andthroat work in Wichita, Kansas.1899John D. Manchester is captain in theMedicai Corps of the U. S. Navy, and is atpresent on duty as senior medicai officer ofthe I5th naval district, Balboa, Canal Zone.1902James Nicholson, M.D. '02, has beentraveling in the orient for some time, andwill return home in June. He expects tovisit Dr. Newhouse, M.D., '00, in Manila,on the return trip. *** E. S. Schmidt, eye,ear, nose and throat specialist in GreenBay, Wisconsin, writes, "I am paying income and other taxes regularly. Go fishing4O0 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand hunting. Of course, I cannot fish in thewinter. Planning on a European trip, butam scared of the ocean. Outside of thatam stili hitting on about six and half cyl-inders."1905Dr. H. H. Goheen, '02, M.D. '05, isphysician in charge at the Friends' Lepro-sarium, St. Luke's Hospital, and the HillsideSanatorium in Vengurla, India.19IIElmer V. Eyman, 'n, is fully occupiedby his professional duties as Chief of Servicein the Department for Mental and Nerv-ous Diseases in the Pennsylvania Hospital,and as an instructor in psychiatry at theUniversity of Pennsylvania. His sparemoments he devotes to the presidency of thePhiladelphia branch of the University ofWisconsin Alumni Club.1912L. D. Smith, M.D. '12, is a prominenturologist, practicing in South Chicago andthe loop. He is also president of the staff ofthe North Shore Hospital. His home ad-dress is 3004 E. 92nd Street. *** ArthurGoetsch, 'io, M.D. '12, is attending sur-geon at the Long Island College Hospital,and is engaged in general surgery and goitrework in the Medicai Arts Building, Brook-lyn. *** W. H. Olds, 'io, S.M. 'n, M.D.'12, is practicing surgery in Los Angeles.1915Frank G. Murphy, M.D. '15, is nowteaching at the University of Illinois, in themedicai school, as Assistant Professor ofOrthopedic Surgery. In addition he issecretary of the Chicago Orthopedic Club.Mr. Murphy is married and has four boysand one girl.1916Clinton D. Swickard, '14, M.D. '16, ispracticing at Charleston, Illinois. *** BurtH. Hardinger, '14, M.D. '16, was recentlyelected president of the Coles CumberlandMedicai Society. He is practicing atMattoon, Illinois. *** Dr. I. Harrison Tumpeer, '14, A.M. '17, M.D. '16, is nowliving at 501 Surf Street, Chicago.1917Dr. Winfield Carey Sweet, M.D. '17, iswith the Rockefeller Foundation in Indiaand recently met with Dr. Goheen, '05, inSavantivadi State, where the Foundationis conducting an anti-malarial campaign.Savantivadi State joins Vengurla, where Dr.Goheen is practicing at present.1919Seymour T. Cohen, '17, S.M. '18, M.D.'19, is practicing medicine in Chicago, andis also acting as pharmocologist at the Muni-cipal Tuberculosis Sanitariuml He isstudying the gastric functions in tuberculosis.*** Jean R. Heatherington of Los Angeleswrites that he is engaged in general practicein that city, and adds the pleasant commentthat "the University of Chicago Maga-zine covers are lovely." *** Vito A. D.Taglia, '17, M.D. '19, is in general practice in Chicago and is a member of the staffat Mother Cabrini Memorial Hospital.I92ODr. Clifford L. Wilmoth, '20, M.D. '20,is surgeon in chief at the U. S. MarineHospital No. 20, on Staten Island, NewYork.I92IWillard L. Veirs is engaged in generalpractice in Urbana, Illinois, where hemoved last September from Pleasant Hill,Missouri.1922Edward J. Stieglitz, '18, S.M. '19, M.D.'22, assistant clinical professor at Rush, wasrecently elected a Fellow by the AmericanCollege of Physicians.I923Elmer A. Vorisek, '21, M.D. '23, andMrs. Vorisek (Matilda Pekny) '22, haverecently returned from a year's post graduate study abroad and are making their homein Chicago. Dr. Vorisek is practicingTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 401Aicago / \|University of Chicago / \LUMNI headquartersand for 101 other colleges and 21 national Pan-Hellenic sororitiesPER PERSON$2.00 to $3.50 daily$10.50to$25.00weekly/ separate Floors 2 Separate Floors (orMarried Couplesseparate FloorsALLERTON HOUSEPHILIP E. COBDEN, Manager ¦ CHICAGO ¦ 701 North Michigan Avenue402 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEophthalmology at 104 South MichiganAvenue, and Mrs. Vorisek is teaching atCalumet High School.1924Arthur N. Wilson is surgeon for theKennicott Copper Corporation, Kennicott,Alaska. *** Alfred L. Craig, '21, M.D.'24, is chief surgeon at the Shriner's Hospital in Honolulu.I92SDr. S. M. Creswell, '23, M.D. '25, hasbeen appointed director of health for thecity of Tacoma, Washington, but is continu-ing his private practice at the RhodesMedicai Arts Building. His home addressis 3 118 N. I3th Street.}9*7 Bert Van Ark is practicing medicine inEaton Rapids, Michigan.I928T. E. Blomberg, '24, M.D. '28, is study-ing eye, ear, nose and throat in Vienna, andwrites that he hopes to be back in June forthe Rush Reunion. *** Reuben Ratneris associated with Fred Firestone, '18, M.D.'20, allergie specialist in San Francisco.Dr. Ratner is visiting physician and assistantin Mount Zion Hospital, and attending physician at Canon Kip Clinic. *** S. L. Gold-berg, '24, M.D. '28, surgical fellow at theMayo Clinic for the past two years, is carry-ing on research in gastric function at theInstitute of Experimental Medicine of theClinic. *** Isaac Vander Myde, '24, M.D.'28, is practicing medicine in Prophetstown,Illinois.I929Spencer Johnson, '25, M.D. '29, is withthe Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota.*** W# M. Weiner is resident physicianin obstetrics at the Los Angeles CountyGeneral Hospital. *** LeRoy H. Berard,'19, A.M. '20, M.D. '29, is practicingmedicine at 2750 West North Avenue,Chicago. Coyne H. Campbell is practicingmedicine and surgery at Frederick, Oklahoma. Education1928Clarence Hendershot, A.M. '28, is associate professor in the extension division ofthe University of Alabama. *** L. P. De-Boer, A.M. '28, is head of the animai hus-bandry department of the Wisconsin StateTeachers' College at Platteville.1929O. H. Johnson, A.M. '29, is an instructorin chemistry and education at State Teachers' College, Montgomery, Ala.Athletics(Continued from page 391)The left arm of H. Orville Page stoodup until the last three innings of the alumni-varsity baseball games, when his young mengot five runs that won the game. This isalleged to be the first defeat Mr. Page hasever sufi ered at the bats of the varsity.Dale Letts, Phi Beta Kappa, head student marshal, etc, won the graduate scholarship in the department of psychology, andwill return to study in that departmentnext autumn, after a summer spent at ThreeLakes, Wisconsin, as director of a girls'camp. Harold Hardon, the crack hurdlerwho graduated in 1930? received the Master of Arts degree at the June Convocation.His thesis was entitled: /'Some Aspects ofthe Problem of Time." Anton Burg, thehigh jumper who had the method of jump-ing 6 feet, 6 inches reduced to a mathe-matical formula, and who is and intendsto remain, National A. A. U. champion, hasbeen appointed an instructor in the department of chemistry. Among those uponwhom the Rush M.D. degree was conferredwere Michael Dorsey, golf captain in 1926,and R. Kennedy Gilchrist, swimmer of thesame year.EngagementsEthel Shamberg, '29, to Gershom Hur-witz of Elgin, Illinois. Mr. Hurwitz is amember of Phi Beta Delta fraternity.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 403MarriagesLeona Fay, '23, to Finny Briggs, Aprii25, 193 1, at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Briggsare living at 6953 Crandon Avenue, "rightin the heart of the Alumni Beh."Malcolm MacCuaig, '23, to GenevaWilliams, of Charleston, Illinois, at theFourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago,August 23, 1930. At home, 3436 WilsonAvenue, Chicago.Katherene I. McCabe, '27, to ThomasMartin Ingman, December 12, 1930. Athome, 11 44 North Vista Avenue, Hollywood, California.Stewart R. Mulvihill, '27, J.D. '28, toDorothy A. Spring, Aprii 25, 1931. Athome, 7 141 Eberhart Avenue, Chicago.Irene Esther Rudnick, '29, to Richard J.Winn, January 3, 1931, at Villa Park, Illinois. At home, Valier, Illinois.Russell B. Cooper, Ph.D. '30, to ArbutusSpangler, Aprii 2, 1931, in Charleston,West Virginia.BirthsTo Dr. Seymour J. Cohen, '17, S.M.'18, M.D. '19, and Mrs. Cohen (SylviaKaplan, '20,) a baby girl, January 20, 193 1,at Chicago, Illinois.To Chester K. Wentworth, '18, and Mrs.Wentworth (Edna Louise Clark '20, A.M.'22) a son, Robert Clark Wentworth,January 21, 193 1, Webster Groves, Missouri.To Mr. H. C. Trenholm, '22, A.M. '25,and Mrs. Trenholm, a daughter, EdwynaEllen, August 31, 1930, Montgomery,Alabama.To Mr. and Mrs. Francis K. McKenna(Helen Palmer, '22,) a daughter, Stuart,October 30, 1930, Evanston, Illinois.To Dr. and Mrs. Jean R. Heatherington,M.D. '22, a son, Robert, November 4, 1930,at Los Angeles, California.To Dr. and Mrs. James B. Costen (Caro-lyn Thompson, '22,) a daughter, Carolyn,September 21, 1930, Clayton, Missouri.To Horace Dawson, J.D. '24, and Mrs.Dawson, a daughter, Jeannette Elizabeth,May 22, 1931, Chicago, Illinois. e7Vow You CanOwnA First FolioShakespeareN AUTHENTICATED facsimileof the first folio edition, as itwasprintedin London in 1623, withali its blemishes, errors, and faultypagination, will be published in thefall under the auspices of the Athen-aeum of New York. This is contin-gent upon advance orders of 1000copies. Maurice Inman, Inc., notedworkers in leathers, will do thebinding.A very low price of $25.00 hasbeen placed on the regular edition.More limited and more expensiveeditions may also be obtained.This is a real opportunity to havethe first folio for your own library.If you are interested, mail us yourorder with a deposit for $5.00, therest to be paid when we notify youof its arrivai.U. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Avenue404 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo Dr. S. M. Creswell, M.D. '25, andMrs. Creswell (Alice Snyder, '25) a daughter, Jane Blair, Aprii 4, 193 1, Tacoma,Washington.To Dr. Mervin M. Deems, Ph.D. '28,and Mrs. Deems, a daughter, MargaretMerle, January 6, 1931, Chicago, Illinois.DeathsJohn Jay Crittenden Nichols, M.D. '80,February 21, 1931, at his home in Muscarine, Iowa.John Weinlander, M.D. '91, March 27,1931, in Chicago.Louis M. Young, M.D. '91, May 14,1931, in San Francisco.Asher F. Sippy, M.D. '92, Aprii 18,1931, in Chicago. Dr. Sippy was the firstto receive the Benjamin Rush medal forscholarship. He had practised internaimedicine in Chicago for sixteen years, andwas associate attending physician at the Pres-byterian Hospital, attending physician atWashington Boulevard Hospital, and instructor in internai medicine at Rush. Hisson, H. Ivan Sippy, '21, M.D. '30, will continue his practice.Dr. John C. Williams, M.D. '94, May17, 1931, at his home in Kilbourne, Wisconsin.John Dudley Hullinger, ex 'oo, February4, 1931, at Rye, New York.John E. Bergquist, ex '08, March 2,193 1, in Chicago.Charles P. Engle, '14, M.D. '16, Aprii28, 193 1, at Colton, California.Dr. George Hoffman Cresse, Ph.D. '18,professor of mathematics at the Universityof Arizona, May 3, 193 1, at Tucson.Mrs. H. C. Winslow (Helen MargaretKemp) '24, May 15, 1931, of pneumonia,at her home in Park Ride, Illinois.Dr. Russell E. Neff, M.D. '28, Aprii'17, 1931, at Dotham, Alabama. Dr. Neffwas health officer of Houston County.Mrs. Angie Miriam Gordon, '29, Novem-ber, 1930, in Logansport, Indiana.Claude Irwin Palmer, ex '12, Dean ofStudents at Armour Institute of Technology, and head of the department ofmathematics, Aprii 8, 193 1, in Chicago,Illinois. Paul H. Davis, '1 1 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23PaaiRDavis&@o.MembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The Univer- tsity of Chicago, 18 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesAutumn, Winter and Spring QuartersThe Spring Quarter begins March 30, 1931Registration period, JMarch 21-29For Information, AddressDean, C. F. Huth, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.FOR SALELarge Three Room CooperativeApartment, University vicinity, nearMidway. Reasonable.Phone Cedarcrest 3238 or addressUniversity of Chicago MagazineALUMNIPROFESSIONALDIRECTORYTRAVELFor Reservatìons, Tickets, Ali Steamship LinesandTravel OrganizationsLESTER F. BLAIRTravet Service Bureau— University of Chicago5758 Ellis Ave. Phones Midway 0800 and Plaza 3858