THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEVOL. XXIII DECEMBER, 1930 NUMBER 2A/ \LUMNI headquartersfor 102 colleges and universities and 21 national Pan-Hellenic sororitiesALLERTON HOUSEWALTER W. DwyER,Gen'IMgr.B CHICAGO «7 01 North Michigan AvenueHty ®mbergttì» of Cfjicago4Waga?tneEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck '04EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Associ ation— Rollin D. He-mens, '21 ; Divinity Association— C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Associ ation— D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association— Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College— Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty— Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.John P. Mentzer, '98, ChairmanI Al T H I ^To quote from Time, the newsmaga- tezine, "No flighty theorist is 31-year-old diPresident Robert Maynard Hutchins of the tiUniversity of Chicago. No flight of fancy tiwas his speech to southern pedagogs at liChapel Hill, North Carolina, on a Uni- h;versity of Utopia where hours and residence tirequirements as criteria for winning collegedegrees would be scrapped. PresidentHutchins was hinting at, preparing pedagogsfor the formai announcement of something Bwhich he and his predecessor, Dr. Max tiMason, and the Chicago faculty had dis- u;cussed for several years. Last week, on the n;first anniversary of President Hutchins' in- piduction, the formai announcement wasmade: a pian for drastic revision of the c<entire educational organization, personnel, fimethod, at the University of Chicago." r<w w « UWe offer our readers not only the in- fcTHE Magazine is published at 1009 SloanSt., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from No-vember to July, inclusive, for The AlumniCouncil of the University of Chicago, 58th St.and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscriptionprice is $2.00 per year; the price of single copiesis 25 cents.Remittances should be made payable to theAlumni Council and should be in the Chicagoor New York exchange, postai or express moneyorder. If locai check is used, 10 cènts must beadded for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be madewithin the month following the regular month of l- teresting and signiflcant address of Presi-d dent Hutchins, but under "The News ofe the Quadrangles" John P. Howe brings toy the alumni a remarkably comprehensive out-,t line of the new pian of reorganization as itl- has now been adopted by the trustees ande the University senate.6 wwwLtjs In the January issue Dean Chauncey S.g Boucher will treat of the pian of reorganiza-x tion from the standpoint of the undergrad->- uate colleges, and a cross section of thee nation wide editorial comment will bet- It would be a rare privilege to publishe comment — favorable or unfavorable —1, from the alumni of the University, and" readers of the Magazine are invited andurged to put their opinions in writing andi- forward them to the editor.publication. The Publishers expect to supplymissing numbers free only when they have beenlost in transit.. .Communications pertaining to advertising maybe sent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office,Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University ofChicago.Communications for publication should be sentto the Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December 10,1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.57Its battlemented towers shall risPhotograph by L. C. BrodribbV O L. XXIIIW$t No. 2ÌJntóergttp of Chicago4fflaga?meDECEMBER, 1930A University of Utopia'By Robert Maynard HutchinsIWISH to discuss briefly the situationeducation confronts today. But be-fore doing so I beg to observe that com-plex and disturbing as that situation maybe it is as nothing compared to the situationin which I find myself . That any citizen ofChicago should be permitted to enter thepeaceful South, and particularly the State ofNorth Carolina, and at this great seat oflearning invited to provide light and lead-ing for education in this area is the mostastounding instance of Southern hospitalityI ever heard of. Whether you felt thatwhat the South needed most at this momentwas a horrible example, I do not know. Ido know that that is what it seems mostlikely to get. In the second place, for aperson of my inexperience to address anygroup of educators is presumptuous enough.But for me to address you, the most dazzlingarray of culture and capacity the South canshow, passes the bounds of presumption, andenters that realm of intellectual recklessnessin which one may expect to find only university presidents. I have not been longenough a university president to be accli-mated to that rarefled atmosphere in whichthey customarily move. And yet I must* Address delivered at the Southern Conference on tonight deal perforce in those airy general-ities to which they are so much given, andwhich are so infuriating to ali right-mindedstudents of education. You sit before meterrible as an army with banners; I shallendeavor not to see you.Sir Robert Walpole said he always talkedbawdy at his table because in that ali couldjoin. More recently talk of business de-pression has supplanted obscenity as thebond that unites casual strangers in smoking cars. And it is with this common tiethat I wish to start. Discussion of businessdepression naturally leads to a discussion ofeducation therein. What is education to doabout it; and what are our people likelyto do about education in view of it?It is perfectly clear, I suppose, thatAmericans and citizens of every countrymay with some justice inquire what education has been doing ali these years if it hasbeen unable to prevent the kind of crisisthrough which we are now passing. Andthis is clear because it is obvious that thatcrisis is the result of our own folly and in-competence. If the aim of education is totrain intelligence and to substitute it at thelast for stupidity and prejudice, we mustEducation, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.596o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEconcede that it has signally failed so far. Itis upon ourselves and upon no mysterious oroccult forces that the responsibility for ourpresent plight must rest. To pray Godto help the poor and needy is almost blas-phemous; for God has poured forth hisriches upon us in unparalleled abundance.Tonight in my own city hundreds of menand women are homeless, hungry, and ill-clad. The same streets they roam shiveringand disconsolate are filled with the thingsthey need. They cannot buy them, and theirowners are going bankrupt because theycannot sell them. One-half the world isstarving to obtain the goods the other halfis starving to dispose of , and we see no meansof bringing them together.Under these circumstances those who paylarger and larger taxes every year for thesupport of education are likely to suggestthat it is better to buy food with this moneythan to continue the expansion of a processthat seems powerless to help us in time ofneed. And the complete and final answeris that the remedy for our present ills andthe only hope we have of preventing theirrecurrence is not less education but more ;more study of human problems, wider dis-semination of the results obtained, moreattention to adult education, and increasingemphasis upon the major task of institutionsof higher learning, the development ofleadership. The obligations, opportunities,and necessities of education are greater thanever before.Yet we must examine the education thatwe administer to discover whether it isequal to the obligations and opportunitieslaid upon it, and whether the public isjustifìed in supplying its necessities. Andin the first place we observe that the studyof contemporary lif e is comparatively new inuniversities, and that today it is halted atevery step by our organization. Let ussuppose that a graduate student comes toan American university to study inter-national affairs. Unless the university isexceptional, he will not be permitted to doso. He will be required to take his Economics, or in History, or in PoliticaiScience, because there is no such departmentas International Affairs. In one university with which I have been connected, elevendifferent interests on the campus are con-cerned with Child Development. AHeleven have something to contribute to theadvanced student in this field. But he willnot be able to take advantage of it ; he willbe required to conform to the departmentalrequirements of one group, with permissionto pick up a little work here and there fromone or two of the others. As a result weare not now training people who have acomplete conception of any important contemporary problem, for I know of no suchproblem that does not transcend departmental lines. By the same token we arenot making the most of the capacities ofour faculties. It is altogether likely thatin many universities the faculty club is themost important educational building. Therethe professor in the Romance Departmentwho is concerned with French culture meetsthe professor in the History Departmentwho is concerned with the same thing andthe professor who is teaching Criminal Lawmay meet the Professor of Criminology.Otherwise perhaps they might never meet,and might pursue their intellectual roadsin ignorance of each other were it not forthe accidental crossing of their gastronomiepaths.But there are signs that the rigid divisionsthat have separated scholars from one an-other and students from an education arebeing gradually circumvented. Institutes,committees, and councils are springing up aliover the country in university after university, primarily with a view to poolingthe results of investigation. It is inevitablethat those engaged in these admirable enter-prises will shortly observe that it is anom-alous to get together for the sake of oneanother and not to permit the student tocenter his attention on the field rather thanthe department, too. When that is ac-complished the end of the baleful effeets ofnarrow specialization is in sight, for education and research will be focused on problems and not on those sections of problemsthat chance to fall within departmentallines.We may look forward, then, to an immense acceleration of the study of contem-A UNIVERSITY OF UTOPIA 61porary life in the universities within thenext few years. In addition we shall realizethat the time has passed when either thepublic or the professor can remain contentwith making results of investigation feltthrough scholarly publications alone. Schol-arship will cease to seem an abstruse arm-chair undertaking and demonstrate that itactually has something to do with what isgoing on in the world. In the law, the onlyfield of scholarship with which I have evena speaking acquaintance, we see both whathas been done and what may be done in alitheir glory. For a century legai scholarshave been writing about the opinions ofcourts of last resort, proving them verballyright, proving them verbally wrong, or proving them logically irrelevant. In the mean-time the courts have gone on making law inprofound disregard of these suggestions,either because they did not read the journalsthat printed them or because they thoughttheir scholasticism remote from the real con-siderations on which the decisions werebased. Now legai scholars, especially inNorth Carolina, together with students ofbusiness, of social conditions, of politics, areattempting to discover what those real con-siderations are. Then in collaboration withbench and bar they are affecting the actualadministration of justice. As a law studentof twenty I can remember thinking of acontract as a globule suspended in the airformed by the coalescence of three minorglobules called offer, acceptance, and con-sideration. The idea that people were en-gaged in a business transaction, or indeedthat there was any business transaction in-volved, never occurred to me. Those of uswho taught Procedure used to find eventu-ally that we could defend or criticize anyrule on theoretical or historical grounds.The questioni was after ali, how did itwork? But the systematic study of theworking of procedural devices is less thanfi ve-years old. As it goes forward it willassist in putting an end to the age longsterility of legai scholarship.We may yet discover too that expertknowledge of social conditions must be madeimmediately available, for like the mannain the wilderness, it loses its savor on the third day. Every month new means of com-munication develop; we must exploit themali: radio and the talking motion picture,television, and whatever comes next. Auniversity, it is true, cannot be conceivedin terms of a service agency. It cannotdevote its agricultural college solely to show-ing f armers the best way to grow hogs or itsmedicai school exclusively to showingmothers how to take care of babies. But ifscientific material is to have its greatest andmost immediate value, if our people are toadmit that it has value, then university extension by the most modem means must continue to develop.And this suggests that those of us whohave taken a lofty attitude toward adulteducation must prepare to abandon it. Ifone thing is certain it is that we are enteringan era in which people will have more leisurethan ever before. At the moment they arecompelled to have it. Sooner or later itwill be theirs as a matter of course ; the fiveday week points the way. What will theydo with it ? The uses of unemployment arebeing displayed in England today, wherethrough the workers' colleges, through discussion groups based on radio lectures, andthrough university extension, England islikely to emerge from the present depressionwith a working class more civilized, moreintelligent, and better informed than pros-perity could have given it. Adult educationhas not been fashionable in this country.Many universities have regarded it as asideline which they tolerated in order to ekeout the salaries of their professors. But un-less it is part of the obligation of the University and the duty of the professor it cannever achieve great usefulness and may bepositively demoralizing to the staff. Even-tually ali professors will be on full-time inthe medicai sense of that phrase. They willnot be teaching a regular schedule and giv-ing extension courses in addition in orderto keep alive. They will be paid enough tokeep alive, and their extension work will bepart of their regular schedule. Such anarrangement will permit a university tomark out a distinctive function for itselfin its community. An institution that re-gards its undergraduate work as experi-62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmental and as contributing to its researchprogram will not be then diverted from itsmain task by running a lot of routine under-graduate night classes so that its instructorscan pay their grocery bills. Such a university will make its extension conform to itsgeneral scheme of things by holding seminargroups for advanced students and professional people, teachers, lawyers, doctors, en-gineers, and chemists, and will feel under nogreater obligation to make money from themthan from any other research courses that itconducts. In one university with which Ihave some familiarity such a pian wouldcost $2,000,000. But it must be apparentthat without this conception of adult education it can never become respectable, andperhaps scholarship cannot either. Withsuch a conception of it it ceasés to be a parasite and attains a dignity commensurate withits importance.But the major object of universities, in-cluding state universities, is not to raise thelevel of culture generally in the UnitedStates, although they hope to do this if theycan; stili less is it, whatever alumni maysay, the production of jolly good fellows, oreven of good citizens. Insofar as a university is an educational institution it hopes thatits graduates will not be just average, alittle better but not much because they havegone to college — but people who are leadersor promise to be. At this particular junc-ture we must lavish more and more attention, more and more money, on those whoseem likely to become more than average.Glance at the organization of colleges, professional schools, and graduate schools. Cananybody teli you much about any of themexcept how many years, hours, and creditsare required for entrance to and graduationfrom them? And what have these things todo with the production of leadership?Minimum standards of entrance and de-parture may prevent you from admitting orgraduating individuals who are so bad thatyou would blush to own them; they willhardly indicate the independence, the ca-pacity, and the promise of those in whomthe country is most interested. Consider thegraduate student. He encounters first theabsolute requirements of entrance, second the departmental requirements governingthe curriculum, to which/ I have referred,and finally the absolute requirements ofcredits, hours, course examinations, and residence. If he wishes to be a college teacherhe is only accidentally prepared for this com-plicated enterprise. If he wishes to engagéprimarily in research he will find that muchof the work he has done has no connectionwith it. We know that most Ph.Ds. do nofurther research after the dissertation. Wehear that many of them are poor teachers.We are not organized to make those whowish to be teachers good teachers, or thosewho wish to be research workers good research workers. We are organized merelyto prevent any graduate student from escap-ing us without passing through a curriculumwhich is not designed either as adequatepreparation for teaching or as adequate prepara tion for research.Consider the professional student. Pre-sumably professional work may be startedat the end of a good general education. Butwhat is a general education? Apparentlyit is not four years of college, for we aliknow that much undergraduate work is nowhighly specialized. Apparently it is not twoyears of college because many professionalschools require more, and there are widedifferences from institution to institution inthe course of study in the first two years.The plain fact is that we do not know whata general education is. And if you ask anybody what it is he will be certain to reply bysaying something about credits or years inresidence. The time requirements for entrance to a professional school are not basedon a rational desire that the students shouldbe able to do certain things; they are basedprincipali y on a desire to cut down numbers.We have as yet hit on no method of cuttingdown numbers except insisting on more, notbetter, but more college work of ali, notsome but ali professional students. Whetherfour years of strenuous attention to football and fraternities is the best preparationfor professional work has never been seri-ously investigated. When it is investigatedI predict the most startling results. Graduation from a professional school is dependenton the same type of arithmetical calculation.A UNIVERSITY OF UTOPIA 63In a law school of which I was once the deanwe had to buy an adding machine to determine whether our students could graduate. They had to have a weighted averageof 65 on 72 points. The mathematics in-volved in deciding whether they were edu-cated so far surpassed the abilities of thedean and even of the registrar that we hadto resort to mechanical methods of as-certaining their intellectual equipment.They carne to us by arithmetic ; they lef t usvia the higher calculus.Consider the college student. His entrance upon the higher education is settledagain by years in high school and courseaverages. He then begins the long piocessof accumulating credits by passing courseafter course; forgetting the one he haspassed as he goes on to the next. When hehas passed the minimum number with theminimum average, he is sent into the worldas an educated person. Large amounts ofmoney have been spent on him, it is true ; forwe have assumed that the smaller the classthe better the education. But if we wereasked to say whether he were actuallyeducated, we should be forced to replythat he had spent four years with us andhad passed 36 courses with a general average of 65.Now you may admit ali these things andyet inquire what can be done about themwithout sacrificing values that have becomeprecious to us ali. Since I realize that thisquestion is a just one, I have brought withme the organization of the University ofUtopia, which I shall now proceed to present to you with my compliments. ^Jone ofyou will ever adopt it. Perhaps it mayserve as the horrible example I promisedyou at the beginning. At least it will giveyou something to laugh over when in thegreat age I hope for ali of you, you sit beforethe fire with your grandchildren on yourknee and recali that amusing conference atChapel Hill back in 1930.In disregard of such time honored titlesas graduate school and senior and juniorcollege, the University of Utopia is dividedinto the professional schools and five divi-sions in arts: the humanities, the social sciences, the physical sciences, the biological sciences, and the cuilege. The collegefaculty is charged with discovering what ageneral higher education is and with admin-istering it. A student enters upon his general higher education when he can show thathe is ready to do so irrespective of his yearsin high school or his grades there. He re-mains in the college until his general highereducation is complete, irrespective of thetime or courses taken there. General ex-aminations indicate his progress and not themultiplication of credits. His course ofstudy is simple in the extreme and in none ofit is his attendance required. There arefour general lecture courses, planned to lastthrough two years, in the Humanities, andthe social, physical and biological sciences.Anybody may attend them but nobody iscompelled to. From the lecture coursesstudents particularly interested and qualifiedare chosen for seminar work in one or morefields, continuing to attend such lectures inthe other fields as appeal to them. In thisway those who wish merely to learn aboutthe various divisions of knowledge do so inthe lecture courses. Those who wish a morespecific orientation and can show they deserve it may prepare for the upper divisionsof the professional schools in the seminarcourses. Tool courses and laboratorycourses are given only for students who arein the seminars for presumably only theywill ever use the tools. The seminars arethe only small classes in the college for theUniversity believes that it can afford suchclasses only for students who are especiallyable in the field and excited about it. Gradu-ation from the college with distinctionmeans entrance to one of the upper divisionsor a professional school; graduation fromthe college without distinction means anhonorable exit for the man who wishes onlya general education.The upper divisions are responsible forthe award of ali non-professional degrees,including the bachelor's and the professionalschools for ali professional degrees. Astudent, as we have seen, may enter themwhenever he shows by examination, notcredits, his capacity to do so. He graduatesin the same way. The bachelor's, master's,and doctor's degrees are granted on theH THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsuccessful completion of examinations setfor each degree by the entire division andnot by one department. The examinationfor the Ph.D. demands evidence of famil-iarity with the major problems of collegeteaching, and at least as much familiaritywith research as is now generally required.Other degrees, the Doctor of Science andthe Doctor of Letters, are available forthose who make no pretense of being collegeteachers but who can present a substantialpiece of research to show their promise ininvestigation. And when I say substantialI mean substantial. In my own university Ishould not expect io per cent of the candi-dates for the doctorate to be able to qualifyfor the research degree as offered at goodold Utopia. Utopia refuses to confer itsdoctorates upon anybody whom it cannotcertify as a good college teacher or a promis-ing investigator.By imitating good old Utopia we mightobtain certain results that would be welcometo us ali. In the first place we shouldcompel ourselves to study what we aredoing; for we should no longer be ableto name hours and residence as the criteriafor a degree. We should have to knowwhat a student knew and what he coulddo, not what he had been through. Morethan that, we should have to know what wewanted a student to know. In the secondplace we should ad just the university to theindividuai by asking the time spent and therewards obtained depend on the interest andability displayed. A student who wishedto devote four years to a general educationmight do so, and without great expense tothe institution. A student who knew that he wished to specialize and was able to doso might finish his general education in ayear or even less and press on to the workhe wanted to do. He would enter an atmos-phere of graduate and professional study oncompleting his general education and notlose his interest in scholarship by being boredto death by four years of undergraduateroutine. Finally, we might be confidentthat our educational organization was facil-itating the development of those who mightbe leaders in America, for it was with thisaim that the University of Utopia wasfounded.Ali these things mean better and bettermen in education and that means better sal-aries than we are now paying. This requirespublic support, and that means more thanmoney. Much money, and much more thanwe are now spending will be required tomake American education what it ought tobe. But assumed beneath ali that I havesaid is a kind of public support that is moreimportant than money, and that is completeand utter academic freedom. Academicfreedom is not an academic question; it isan issue that is never settled, a battle that isnever won. If we are to study humanproblems more intensively and disseminatethe results more widely; if we are to makethose results felt through adult education;if we are to develop leadership, we mustrelentlessly pursue the truth, let it take uswhere it will. This is the University spirit,without which there can be no universities.It is this spirit that must dominate us now asnever in the past ; for the obligations, opportunities, and necessities of education aregreater today than ever before.Manuscript Hunting in ChicagoBy Harold R. Willoughby, Ph.D. '24Associate Professor, New Testament LiteratureIN THESE days it is not necessary togo on an expensive and uncomfortablepilgrimage to the Holy Mountain ofAthos or to St. Catherine's on MountSinai in order to experience the joys andgriefs of manuscript hunting. They maybe had right here in America — in Chicagoeven. With ten Greek churches in thecity of Chicago, each one of them thenucleus for a settlement of that nationality,Greek manuscripts of genuine worth forscholarly purposes are at the very doors ofthe University.A full third of a century ago the University should have awakened to a realiza-tion of this fact. In the year 1895-96Professor Caspar René Gregory, the out-standing authority on New Testament textin the last generation, was lecturing in theUniversity as a visiting professor. He wasa Christian Socialist; and he spent muchtime among the working class Greeks of thecity, conversing with them in modem Greekas readily as he talked English or Germanwith the students at the University.He discovered in the Greek colony amanuscript of the four Gospels in Greekwritten in a large cursive or running hand,and embellished with splendid decorativeheadings that seemed stenciled in bright re-lief on the plain parchment of the manuscript. It dated from about 1500 A. D.The manuscript had been brought to Chicago by Pericles Morades, a native of theIsland of Thera. At the instance of Professor Burton it was purchased by the University for twenty dollars. Such manuscript prices were possible in the nineties.Until 1929 this volume, known as theHaskell Gospels, remained the solitarymanuscript of its kind in the possession ofthe University. Generations of New Testament students were brought up on it. Thefirst page of Matthew, which exhibited astrange initfal B formed by three beasts industriously devouring each other, appearedas the frontispiece to the Catalog of Manuscripts in the University of Chicago Librarie s. In 19 18 the University Presspublished a collation of its text as Part 5 inthe series Greek Gospel Texts in America.Though not a particularly significant manuscript it proved most useful to students inthe textual study of the Gospels.In 1929, after a third of a century ofmanuscript dearth, there began in the NewTestament Department a series of manuscript quests that yielded surprising andimportant results. When one is manuscript hunting it is important to followevery available lead. Some clues prove tobe entirely futile. Others yield results be-yond anticipation. Ali are worth chancing.Two incidents, one from last year's experi-ences and one early in this year, illustrateby contrast the vicissitudes of manuscripthunting to-day.On January 4, 1929, Professor Good-speed and myself had an interview with anelderly and obviously eccentric gentlemanwho represented himself to be a grandsonof Mr. W. J. Walters of Baltimore, im-porter of slaves and liquor, rivai of theGoulds and Vanderbilts, and main financialhacker for the Confederacy. In order tospite his New York rivals Mr. Waltershad assembled a great art collection, nowin a gallery in Baltimore, and had even purchased seven important New Testamentmanuscripts written in Greek and said tohave been exhibited at the Council of Trent.(This is supposed to have happened to theimportant Codex Bezae now at the University of Cambridge.) The Waltersestate had been willed to four men alreadydead so that it could not be settled untilthe present time. Now our conferee, asheir to the estate, was faced with the problem of disposing of the manuscripts. Hisinclination was either to bum them or else6566 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE»v*^FL:ÌrP < =J< >••'r- * Z 2 =• =r- «. •. «^ w > ^:>'^*•* — ^'^'-~ '- *< :" ^—. _ . — ». o a, ^ <» L*i«< <\c- p- < c.J^lr-~ ^<=»,&¦ tt-jL t. — <•• v x> ™"-> —— "—-a ^- 5(i£ < - < ¦> «!0H000¦mlì?*-"b I 'E&t&$Sfeto 111^ . „* . ¦•. — ¦MANUSCRIPT HUNTING IN CHICAGO 67to give them to the Vatican, and so prevent"godless professors from tampering withthe word of God." The two professorsimmediately involved, with ali their com-bined eloquence, made little headway indissuading him from these purposes.Within a week after this conference otherreports, as bizarre and improbable, carne toour ears concerning our eccentric friend.He had appealed for assistance to Mr.Clifford Barnes, President of the ChicagoSunday Evening Club. This time he repre-sented himself as an ex-convict, recently re-leased from Deere Island Prison, who wastrying to get a new start in life. At theY. M. C. A. Hotel, where he was staying,he posed as a humanitarian and litterateurwho was investigating social agencies inChicago in order to get materials for aseries of articles and a novel about theunderworld. Clearly our acquaintance wasproving to be a man of multiple personality.From a well known south side ministerhe borrowed one dollar to buy a pair ofsocks. Then, just as he was becoming mostdiverting, he disappeared without leavinga trace behind.Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore is awell known semi-public institution. Theclosest search has failed to reveal any manuscripts of the Greek New Testament thereor in any way connected with the Waltersestate. The alleged collection of Greekmanuscripts vanished along with our imagi-native informant. This particular manuscript clue led exactly nowhere.On the afternoon of January 15, 1930, aGreek student of my acquaintance broughtto my rooms in Goodspeed Hall a magnifi-cent large quarto containing the text of theGospels written in the Greek uncial orcapital letter hand. It was one of the mostimpressive volumes I ever saw: written ina dignified and delicately shaded script, onthick parchment leaves, with two columnsof writing to the page, and enlivened byvermillion notations, colorful initials, andilluminated headbands. It contained 145leaves measuring 8^ by nj^ inches. Itsdate was judged to be at least tenth century. On the whole it was unusually wellpreserved, though it had lost about half of its originai contents, including a number ofsplendid decorative headpieces.Evidently the codex was intended forchurch use. The Gospel text was writtennot in the normal order but arranged forreading in the services of the Greek church.Such a book is called a gospel lectionary andcorresponds roughly to the pulpit Bible inProtestant churches.Immediately I got in touch with theowner of the codex and opened negotiationsfor its purchase by the University. Theowner proved to be a restaurateur. WhenI asked the name of his restaurant he re-plied with a quiet smile, "Colosimo's!"This brought gangland suddenly near andmade Jim Colosimo and Al Capone seemfamiliar figures. When the owner wenton to say that the manuscript had beenused as an oath book by the patrons of hisrestaurant, the codex took on an addedinterest as a document that had contributedsignally to the recent history of Chicago.Who can teli what gang wars it may havestopped?Its earlier history had been quite as inter-esting. At the beginning of the nineteenthcentury it was treasured as a church bookin Argos, Greece. Here in the open airtheater on December 12, 1821, DemetriosYpsilantis — from whom the city in Michigan was named — summoned the Greeksto assert their independence and stood siegein the citadel of Larisa. During theseoperations the church in which the lectionarywas located was plundered by the Turksand the codex itself was robbed of its richcovers and brilliant miniatures. The greatgrandfather of its most recent ownersalvaged the remainder of the book andpassed it on as an heirloom to his descend-ants. The mutilated leaves were patchedwith paper and the codex was rebound inquarter leather. Fifteen years ago it wasbrought to Chicago.The owner proved eminently moderatein his demands. He refused the University'sinitial offer in a dignified manner and namedan advanced price that was not unreason-able. The writer treasures a business-likeletter from him, typewritten on blue robin'segg stationery with the Colosimo heading,68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand beginning, "In re." The letter con-cludes: "Enclosed you will find a statement for the sum stated above. If our priceis accepted the convenient forwarding of acheck will terminate the matter. In caseof refusai, kindly inform me so I can comefor the lifting of the manuscript." - (Italicsours.)With the aid of a substantial gift fromMr. Arthur T. Galt and generous grantsfrom the Rosenwald, Library, and Divinityfunds it was possible to meet the owner'sterms, and the Board of Trustees authorizedthe purchase of the manuscript on Februarythirteenth.The codex takes its place as the aristo-crat in the University's collection of NewTestament manuscripts. It is the firstuncial codex in Greek and the oldest codexwith New Testament text thus far acquiredby the University. As an example ofByzantine calligraphy it has few peers inAmerica or in the world. Paleographicallyit is a document of prime importance. Whatcontribution it may make to the history ofNew Testament text and of Greek lec-tionaries time and study will show. Theseproblems are being investigated at presentby Assistant Professor E. C. Colwell, of theNew Testament Department.For a manuscript of the importance anddistinction of the Argos Lectionary toemerge, unheralded and unsuspected, righthere in Chicago is simply an astonishmentto ali workers in the field. The incidentillustrates perfectly the possibilities of Chicago as a source for manuscript supply.The stories here told may be regarded astypical of the experiences of various membersof the department in their questing formanuscripts during the past year. Alto-gether the search has been astonishinglyproductive. A year ago the New Testament Department possessed only one gospelsmanuscript and the fragment of a Paulinelectionary. To-day it possesses fourteenNew Testament manuscripts, complete orfragmentary.These include a manuscript of the Gospelswith a doublé series of evangelist portraits,two gospel codices that are both dated andsigned by their scribes, a Praxapostolos (Acts and the Epistles) with Saracenicheadpieces, an uncial lectionary of the Gospels, a unique magical roll with seven ex-quisite miniatures, and a church servicebook with marginai sketches in ink illus-trating the festivals celebrated. Ten thou-sand dollars altogether have been expendedfor the purchase of this collection. It isbut the beginning of an adequate assemblageof New Testament manuscripts ; but at leastit gives the University of Chicago status asan important center for manuscript materiata and textual studies. Additionalfunds for the purchase and publication ofmanuscripts would enable the University toattain front rank in these related fields.Already the advanced students of the department are busy with the collation of thetexts thus far acquired. Results will bepublished as soon as possible. To the FirstSeries of Greek Gospel Texts in America,already published under the editorship ofProfessor Edgar J. Goodspeed, there isshortly to be added a Second Series editedby Dr. D. W. Riddle. This volume willinclude several manuscripts, hitherto un-published, that have been loaned to the department by various American collectors.The manuscripts gathered together duringthe year 1929-30 will then consti tute theThird Series in this important sequence.The famous Rockefeller-McCormick Testament is to be accorded the distinctionof separate publication in three vol-umes. Other publication possibilities are insight.Nowhere else in America is there such ex-tensive publication of New Testament textsactually in progress as is being carriedforward at the present time by the University of Chicago Press. By this co-operation between the Press and the NewTestament Department the University ismaking worthy contribution to the accumu-lation of criticai apparatus for the study ofNew Testament text. The contribution istimely; for in London to-day scholars arebusy compiling a new and up to date apparatus of readings for the Greek New Testament. Published immediately, the Chicagodata will add materially to the total ac-cumulation of textual evidence.Sojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin Smith, '98XVIII.1.THE group in The Club library satdose together and talked in under-tones."I heard it from a friend of DoctorGadsby. The doctor said the diagnosis wasnot certain, by any means.""Probably they can't teli without a lab-oratory test.""No.""No; probably not."Pause."When does the operation take place?""They aren't saying. . . . But I heard.A new-comer :"Anyone here for billiards?""Not I.""No, thank you."More whispers. "The examination it-self was very severe. He is at home now,I hear, but he's unable to see anyone. . . .They say he's perfectly cheerful about thewhole business.""He would be. . . . I'm not. Imaginethis happening, just when success was insight.""Yes.""Yes; of ali the malignant turns offate. . . ."They sit dose together, gazing at thefloor, in silence.2.The Great Man is slowly walking to-ward his laboratory. He seems somewhatolder than yesterday, and his shoulders sag— or do they? The Lowlander catches up,and greets him."What have you heard about the President ?" demands the Great Man, in a voicemore eager than his wont."He is at home; you knew that. Theysay he isn't suffering. The real test is tocome, of course."The Great Man nods. A robin trillingover his head gets no attention. "I was very fond of the President, sayshe. "I — always knew where I was, withhim. . . . Never thought I'd outlive him."Thus the Great Man, in unusual vein."But, professor, of course he may recover."No answer; nor any change, either forhope or deeper gloom, in that stern face.3.Alongside the gushing fountain is thedoor of the chapel, and into the chapel rushthe students, the mad-caps, as full of lifeas ever, not a care in the world. What'sali this to them? This is May, and thereare a thousand things to be glad about. . . ."They say the President is sick." "Heardabout it. . . . Take you on for tennis thisaft. . . ."They crowd in, fili the rows of seats ; theorgan murmurs up in front. The sun slantsin from a tali colored window, upon thehead of the chaplain.Prayers for the President —He stood here, just a few days ago. Henever looked better. It seemed as thoughhe felt a special warmth toward these youngcubs whom he exhorted. . . . They don'tany of them realize just what he felt.Stili, now that everything is so solemn,and there is such a break in the chaplain'svoice, they are affected; at least, they arevery quiet.Going out:"I was called into his office once. Troublewith the deans. . . . He looked at me fromunder his bushy eye-brows, and he said : 'Ifancy you don't purposely cause us trouble,do you?' or something like that. . . . Boy,I felt mean!""Great old man, I guess. . . . Well,they pass on. . . . Beat you to the!"4.In a corridor with plain grey walls andan arched roof, as in a monastery, there isa doorway of carved oak, very massive, and6970 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon it the words: "Office of the President."About this doorway, which is closed, peopleseem to linger. Two or three professorshave their heads together here. Passingstudents look over their shoulders curiously.A janitor stands hard by, humbly, as thoughawaiting a crumb of news.Go inside. . . . The ante-room containsseveral more professors, one an emeritus.This white-haired one, an old, old friend,looks lonely already."It is dreadful — yes," he murmurs. Apparently he has no hope. He has outlivedit.Another professor is saying to a secretary :"Have you any idea what he decided aboutthe promotion of Mr. Latchett? I was tosee him about it this af ternoon ?"An assistant secretary is answering onetelephone cali after another. "No, Professor McGill, there are no bulletins beingissued yet. . . . They say at the house. . .""I'm sorry; it is impossible to make any ap-pointments at ali. . . ." "Oh, yes, Mrs.Hunt. . . . No, I'm afraid I can't give youany news. . . ."In the big private room the presidentialdesk stands open, everything just as he leftit, untouched for four days. He might comein any minute, the room says. Over thelong table behind the desk are strewn building plans, a manuscript, proofs. The por-trait of the founder, and of the first president, look down stolidly.The green things at the windows areswaying. Birds pass, with a rush of wings.Ceaselessly, carelessly, on the boulevard goesthe rush of motors, carrying their freight ofpassengers from Down There.5-An administrative officiai told the Low-lander how he had been to "the house," andhad seen him."There he was," said this officiai, withawe, "seeming quite himself, except that hewore a black silk dressing-gown, with bluefacings. It made him look a little as thoughready to go to a ceremony."He had called me in about a little pointregarding one of the buildings. Had a pie-ture of it lying in front of him, on the card- table. . . . Sitting up ? Oh yes !.. . Upthere in the south bedroom, he was, dressed,shaved, and brushed^-and trying to work.... He had got to thinking about thatlittle kink in one of the buildings, whichwon't be built, now, till God knows when;and it worried him."Then he wanted to know if there hadbeen photos taken at the corner-stone laying.The newspapers might want them. ... Abit disappointed to find there hadn't beenany. . . ."What do you thirìk of ali that! Facingwhat he has to face, and trying to obligepeople, even newspapers! . . ."Never saw him calmer. There was alittle hint of anxiety, far back in his eyes, alittle grimness about his jaw. . . . Hedidn't refer to what was coming, nor didI. . . ."He — he doesn't have to ask any of ushow we think it will come out. No doubthe prays. ..."6.Toward evening, after the flocks of students have passed along with their booksand papers, there is a queer, slow figure withwrinkled clothes and nondescript hat thatcreeps by the hedges, and across the lawns,and examines ali the nooks, stabbing loosepapers with a stick.He works in the twilight. He can beseen in the shadows of the frowning lab-oratories, stabbing, and then stuffing into abag, the fragments of class-room notes,pieces of newspaper, torn bits of essays, ormaybe letters with romance in them. . . .AH alike to him !Never does he say anything to a passer-by.Never does he answer a question.The whole parade of things in the quad-rangle, the movement of human beings, thefluttering of flags, the glitter of those magicthings in the laboratories — utterly zero tohim. The lights over there in the presidente bed-room — does he even see them?He makes a vicious stab at a sheet thatflutters, races him, in the wind. Ah, hecaptures it, brings it up with his stick, andeyes it with his dull eyes. It is the coverof a pamphlet lettered : "The GreaterUniversitv."The Ninth International Baseball SeriesBy Nelson H. Norgren, '14,Associate Professor of Physical CultureMANY years ago when the boys ofJapan were beginning to take aninterest in team sports, ProfessorFred Merrifield and A. W. "Stuffy" Place,two of our outstanding baseball players,went to Japan to teadh. They took aninterest in these youths who were trying tolearn to play the game of baseball, andmuch of their spare time was given to coach-ing the eager aspirants. Waseda University, one of the first two institutions in thatcountry to take up the pastime, secured theservices of these two famous Maroons ascoaches. In this manner the first formaicoaching was given to the Japanese boys byChicago men.The Waseda squad proved to be inter-ested and apt pupils. It was not long beforethey had developed in their play tò sucha degree that they were ready to seek com-petition with American college teams. Inhis search for worthy opponents, it wasnaturai for Professor Iso Abe, the grandold man and pioneer of baseball in Japan, toturn to Merrifield and Place for suggestions.It was naturai, also, that these two, whilegiving due regard to the prowess of otherteams, explained fully to the good Professorthe merits of the University of Chicagobaseball team. Professor Abe is a man ofdiscernment. Though he did give heedto the arguments of the two Maroons, I amsure he also contemplated the effects of thesound coaching his boys had received fromthe petitioners and decided he could not dobetter in the choice pi opponents.And so our athletic relations withWaseda University of Tokyo, Japan, dateback to 1910, the year of the first visit ofa Maroon team to the Orient. Since thattime Professor Abe has invited our team toplay a series of games over there every fiveyears. A return visit to Chicago has beenmade by Waseda as guests of the Universitythe second year following our visit to them.We have played in Japan five times andWaseda has been here on four occasions.This year the invitation for our fifth trip to Waseda carne by the kindness of Professor T. Takasugi, who succeeded ProfessorAbe as Director of Athletics, and who wasin charge of their team when they were inChicago in 1927. September and Octoberare usually the best months for baseballover there and our hosts requested that wearrive about the first week of September.This gave us time, from the end of theSpring Quarter to the date of our departure,to give the candidates for the team a monthand a half of intensive practice. From asquad of twenty-two the following team wasselected: Captain M. F. Holahan, '30,2nd base; H. B. Wingate, '31, catcher;W. J. Olson, '32, ist base; C. M. Fish, '31,3rd base; H. J. Bluhm, '30, center field;J. R. Gray, '30, right field; W. J. Urban,'31, pitcher; A. R. Canili, '31, pitcher;W. Knowles, '30, pitcher; H. C. Johnson,'31, right field; Roy Henshaw, '33, pitcher;C. L. Johnson, '33, short stop; J. B. Lynch,'33^ left field; and N. H. Norgren, '14,coach.To get as much game experience as possible, thirteen contests were scheduled withteams located in cities along the NorthernPacific railroad enroute to Seattle, our portof embarkation. Departing from ChicagoAugust 4th and sailing from Seattle August20th, we played a game every week dayduring that period. For the most part thecompetition encountered in these games waskeen. Without exception the boys playeda class of ball that was encouraging whencontemplating the approaching contests inJapan. We won nine of the thirteen games.Of the four defeats, three were by a marginof one run each.We had ampie time, also, to look aroundat points of interest and scenic beauty. Ahappy occasion was arranged for us inSpokane. We were the guests of the AlumniClub at a delightful luncheon. Henry C.Calhoun and Charles J. Webb, "C" men,were especially kind to us.On August 20th we sailed from Seattlefor Yokohama on the new N. Y. K. motor7172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWaseda University Baseball Teamship Hikawa Mara. Eleven days on amoderate sea passed pleasantly with deckgames and reading. Believe it or not, threeof the boys failed to report for several meals.They testily maintained that they were notsuffering from "typhoon fever." "They didnot feel like eating, that was ali." And themeals were ali paid for! One of the boys,whose name I hesitate to mention, thoughI may say that he is a left-handed pitcherand bats right-handed, confessed to me thathe could not understand the loss of appetiteand the inclination to say in bed. Forhadn't he spent many a day in a row boathunting ducks on his lake up in Michiganwhen it was rougher than this ocean ? Didhe feel squeamish then ? Not a bit !On the morning of September 2nd welanded at Yokohama, where we weregreeted by Professors Takasugi and Kono,Mr. Ogawa and Mr. Goro Nakano, whowas our friend and manager during ourstay there. After satisfying the customsrequirements we boarded the electric tramfor Tokyo, where we were welcomed by alarge delegation of Waseda students. Such a rousing greeting was beyond our expecta-tions and it gave us a deep feeling of appre-ciation that these Waseda students wereindeed our friends. For over half an hourwe posed with the members of the Wasedateam for numerous stili and moving pic-tures. Then we were escorted to the Imperiai Hotel which was to be our head-quarters while we were in Tokyo.The arrangement of our schedule in thecapital called for six games at the MejiShrine stadium, an unusually large ballfield which accommodates about 50,000spectators. September 5th and 6th we wereto play Waseda, September 9th, Keio, September ioth and I2th Meji, and SeptemberI3th, Keio. Our third game with Wasedawas to be played on the I5th at Yokohama.At the conclusion of this series we were toproceed to Takarazuka, a recreation resortup in the foothills, half way between Osakaand Kobe, where we were to play a seriesof six games, two of them with Waseda.There were three days to practice beforethe first contest. In the afternoon of ourarrivai in Tokyo we went out to MejiTHE NINTH INTERNATIONAL BASEBALL SERIES 73stadium for our first workout since our lastgame at Everett. The stadium is one unitof a civic center located in an immense parkthat was set aside for this purpose in honorof the happy reign of the beloved emperorJVIeji. An art museum, swimming tank,open air basket ball court, football field,quarter mile track and a clubhouse completethis wonderful playground. The ball field,therefore, is not the property of any institution, but is used by the Big Six universityleague for its championship schedule. Uponour arrivai we were met by a warm applausefrom about 1,500 fans who had gathered towatch us. We enjoyed a good practice ses-sion though we were bothered considerablyby the heat and high humidity. The fanswere especially interested in our work andencouraged the boys with generous applausewhen they made a good play or a long hit.Unfortunately, they were so generous intheir appreciation of a long hit that soonwe were trying to hit every ball over the fence, and that was not so good at that stageof the practice. The spectators were presentthe next two days, and we tried to hit theball harder and harder.Before a crowd of over 20,000 people,and with high hopes, we engaged our hostsin the opening game of the series. We wentright to work and scored two runs in thefirst inning and one in the second inning,while Waseda scored one run in each ofthese innings. In the third inning Wasedamade three runs, two more in the fourth andone in the sixth. We did not score againuntil the eighth when we got two more runs.We were defeated 8 to 5-The going was hard ! We were defeatedin the next four games, by Waseda, 8 to 3,Keio, 4 to 2, and Meji, io to 5, and 6 to 1.In three of these games we got the lead butour pitchers who had done quite well on theway to the coast could not hold the Japanesebatters in check. We were up against it!Our opponents were playing first class ball.The Chicago Team Aboard the Hikawa Mani74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresident Takada Welcomes theMaroonsin ali phases of the game, and our pitcherscould not pitch effectively in a foreign lan-guage !Of course, we were disappointed, but wewere not discouraged. After that first gamewe held a lengthy practice every day thatwe did not have a game scheduled, in anendeavor to find ourselves. We won thenext game, with Keio, 2 to i.At Yokohama, Waseda won the thirdgame of the Waseda-Chicago series, 7 to 6.This game was well-pitched and we lost itbecause of errors. Before the game we helda blanket ceremony in which we presentedthe Waseda team with large Maroonblankets similar to those given to our "C"men when their term of competition is com-pleted. The team was lined up in front ofthe grandstand, and after I had made a shortspeech of thanks in appreciation of theirkindness to us, and our cordial relations, wedraped the blankets over the shoulders ofProfessors Takasugi and Kono and theWaseda players.We returned to Tokyo that evening.The next morning we departed for Takara-zuka, arriving there about nine o'clock inthe evening. Rain delayed our scheduletwo days. On September igth we defeatedWaseda, 6 to 4, in ten innings. This gamemarked the beginning of a remarkable come-back by the team. The following day wewon our second game from our hosts bythe score of 4 to I. Kwansai Gakuin carnenext and they took the short end of the contest, 6 to 4. The Tomon Club, Wasedaalumni, were then defeated in two games,3 to 1, and4to 1. A pleasant stay of ten days at Takarazukacarne to a dose when we journeyed toShizuoka, the center of the tea culture, notfar from the base of magnificent Mt. Fuji.Here we met the Tokyo Club. This teamis composed of star graduate players ofWaseda, Keio and Meji, and is consideredthe best in the country. After a tightbattle of twelve innings, the game was calledbecause of darkness, with the score I to 1.Then carne our last set-to with Waseda.We played at Maebashi, four hours northof Tokyo. One of the largest crowds of theseries was gathered here for the contest. Itwas our good fortune to break even in theseries with Waseda by winning 4 to 1.The final game was played with theTomon Club at Sendai in northern Japan.The ball park is located on the top of amountain and is at least two miles from acar line. Despite this there was a crowd of10,000 people present. The Tomon teamwas ali set to get back at us for the twogames at Takarazuka. They did. In theninth inning they batted in a run to defeatus 5 to 4.After being completely smothered in thefirst five games, the boys fought their wayout from under and finished with a recordof seven victories, seven defeats, and one tiegame. We broke even with Waseda andKeio, but Meji holds two victories over us.Tomon Club won one but lost two gamesto us. We defeated Kwansai Gakuin andtied the Tokyo aggregation.(To be continued)A Sukiaki Party, with ChopsticksAn Ambassador at Home5By Lloyd LewisIF THE press of America is stili as madat Secretary of State Stimson asWilliam Hard, that sensitive corre-spondent, indicated while visiting Chicagorecently it might getbehind Bruce Dicksonfor the job. Stimson,according to the news-papermen, f a i 1 e d tocome up to their idealof diplomat while atthe London conferencewhere the Powers as-sembled to talk disarmamene There wouldbe no such complaintsabout Dickson. Thatyoung man handles themost difficult diplo-matic post in the mid-1 a n d s with urbanityand ease.As the director ofthe International Group in Chicago, heshepherds some seven hundred foreign students through the maze of American civili-zation. Ali day and most evenings, he mustbe either entertaining them or advising themon the complexities of the life into whichthey have stumbled in their desire to becomeeducated in American ways. He must knowthe whims, prejudices, taboos and the racialand religious antipathies of some sixty dif-ferent nations or dependencies ; not onlyknow them, but keep them from clashing.At social gatherings of the foreign scholarshe must be seeing to it that a Croat doesnot cali a Greek a Turk, for there is nothingquite so disturbing to a Greek as to be mis-taken for his hereditary enemy. Likewiseit makes the Persian want to spili tears — orblood — to be pointed out at a Turk. Turks,having been called everything for centuries,don't care much what you say of them.Dickson's job is to blend ali these alien,* Courtesy, The Chicagoan. and often anciently hostile races, into onesocial organization which will be so happythat the Armenian will lie down with theArab. Dickson must represent these strangevisitors, ali colors andhues, in their struggles— perhaps squabbles —with boarding housekeepers, college professors, railroad con-ductors, e 1 o t h i n gsalesmen, immigrationauthorities, and,occasionally, with mar-riage license clerks.He lives in readinessfor any situation thatmay arise.For instance, a high-caste Hindu, whoseblood is inherently aswhite as Lily Langtry'smay be ousted from arestaurant on the supposition that he is anegro. He is outraged and wants to goright back to Bombay. Dickson visits therestauranteur, explains matters, brings theHindu in to receive apologies and, beforelong, the dark Easterner with his mouthfull of appiè pie figures that America is notsuch a bad place after ali.Or a Hungarian hailing from Transyl-vania may get wrothy when some well-meaning American refers to him as aRoumanian, and Dickson must squarematters by informing the offender that Hun-garians from Transylvania don't like to bereminded that the Treaty of Versailleshanded them over to their ancient enemiesthe Roumanians.About as dangerous a thing as can happenis for an affable Armenian to step up to anOrienta^ at one of the Club sociables and askhim how his folks are getting on back inJapan this summer. As like as not theYellow Man will draw himself up and giare7576 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEat the questioner. Then it is that Dicksonmust be on hand to say, "Oh, Mr. Mangan-astrikan, you know Dr. Poo is not fromJapan; he's from Korea." AH of whichmay not mean much to Mr. Manganastrikanor you or me, but it means a lot to Dr. Poo,for ali the mean things that you can cali aKorean, nothing is so bad as to say that heis a Japanese, and vice versa. Also a Chinesehas his pride deeply hurt when some blunder-ing idiot says to him, "Ah, you Japanese area wonderful little people." And ali of them,the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese, willhave their feelings lacerated when mistakenfor a Filipino.Incidentally, it is the Filipinos, alonetipon whom Dickson's genius for detectingnationalities, may sometimes err. Our littlebrown brothers are most difficult to place,at a glance. They may have a predominanceoì white, yellow or brown blood; they maybe Spanish, Chinese, Malay or Japanese inappearance. Whereas one may pass for aMexican, his first cousin will qualify as amandarin from Pekin.In the difficult task of distinguishing Japanese from Chinese, Dickson has a rareeye. The Japs are apt to be more elaboratein the manners and to have shorter legsand longer bodies than have their racialkinsman from the Asiatic mainland.It takes a diplomat indeed, also a man ofunusual memory, to move through hundredsof persons from sixty different nationalitiesremembering names which to the averageAmerican ear are both unpronounceable andunrememberable. Aside from serving as asort of dean for foreign students at theUniversity of Chicago, Dickson must serveas pacifier and comforter to the parents ofmany of these students. The old folks, offin the native land, have seen Americanmovies and learned from that mirror of lifethat young folks over here do nothing butdrink gin and yell "Boop-boop-o-doop" attheir elders from the Windows of speedingsport cars. Every few days Dickson mustassure such parents that young Olaf, orYusouff, or Mirasaki is not going to the dogsin a Chevrolet.One of Dickson's most effective methodsof orienting these foreigners to American life is to arrange that they get to see theinside of the better Yankee homes. To thisend he has interested many wealthy andcultured (sometimes those terms are synony-mous) citizens to entertain the newcomers.The custom is rapidly growing since itusually proves mqst interesting to bothparties. The students are intellectuals, themajority being graduate students at theMidway, and prove diverting conversa-tionalists.Dickson, with Mrs. Dickson, has notonly to organize the parties so that theywill be as congenial as possible, but he hasalso to apprize the hostess of the dieteticeccentricities of her guests.For example, if a Hindu spurns turkeyat a Thanksgiving dinner, his hostess needtake no offence. His religion does not per-mit him to eat anything that has been killedin the fashion which ended the gobbler'slife. And if he gives the cold shoulder tothe biscuits, he is not indicating that he re-gards them as too hard for his stomach totackle; he is merely refraining from eatingfood prepared with lard. Dickson mustadvise the hostess before hand that she willcook with butter or oil something not de-rived from the impossible swine, if shewants to see her Hindu guests eat heartily.Also he must whisper to her that the Mo-hammedan doctor of laws will not be per-mitted by his religion to have at the porkchops with any particular gusto. Nor is itwise, Dickson has found, to let a hostessprepare a huge dish of chop suey for aChinese student. If he is fresh from Cathayhe will not know what in thunder chop sueyis and will naturally shrink from so formid-able a sight.Religions, always the tenderest of sub-jects, must be understood clearly by theman who will handle the representatives ofa round dozen faiths. For instance, it willnot please a Russian Catholic to rush himoff hospitably to a Roman Catholic Churchon Sunday. He is a follower of the GreekOrthodox faith, a very different matter tothe initiated. Likewise the followers ofBuddha, Shinto and Confucius cannot byany device be brought into the same religiousservice.AN AMBASSADOR AT HOME 77Yet, through ali this labyrinth of age-olddifferences — subjects of countless wars —Dickson threads his way with success. Hewas, by ancestry and marriage, fitted for thejob. He comes of slow-spoken, cool-headedTennessee mountain-stock, and Mrs. Dickson has entertained so many hundred foreignstudents in their home, won the confidenceof so many, foreign girls, that she has learnedthe ins and outs of strange people fully aswell as has her husband ; and in addition she,as a woman, sees social fine points thatno man could ever see. She keeps particulareye on the girl students, advising them asto what places they may properly visit inseeing Chicago's sights, how to buy clothingwithin their means and where to live.To perform such tasks without paternal-ism or officiousness obviously requires thegreatest tact, for at the slightest sign thatthey are being "managed" foreign youths,like young people nearer home, will boltfor the open. The directorship of such agroup must be conducted in the most casualof manners, a technique which the Dicksonshave perfected to the point where they seemneither like chaperones or teachers, yet areboth in truth.Dickson learned his art by experience, de-veloping it across a decade. As the son ofhard-headed mountain-folk, never a peopleto be easily stampeded, he is equal to thejob of hearing countless troubles withoutlosing poise. He was graduated fromCarson-Newman College in Tennessee andworked his way to a Master's degree at theUniversity of Arkansas, then to a similardegree in sociology at the University ofChicago. Afterwards, he was in the executive force of Chicago's Y. M. C. A. untilsent by that organization out to the Midwayto see what could be done to smooth thepath for foreign students. He began thisduty in 1920, and in 1923 was made advisorto the group. Three years later he leftthe Y. M. C. A. entirely and joined theuniversity forces, and in 1926 started Sun-day evening suppers for the foreign studentsin his home. Soon the attendance filled hishouse and the university invited him totransfer this affair to Ida Noyes Hall whereto the cali of free supper, talks from famous speakers and general sociability as many as400 at a time now gather.While this feature developed, Dicksonexpanded the group to include foreign students not only of the university but of alieducational institutions in the city, drawingfrom Northwestern, Crane, Rush, Loyola,DePaul, the Art Institute school and othercolleges. The total membership now isseven hundred, holding sixty nationalitiesthe most numerous of which are the Chinesewith Canadians next and with MiddleEuropeans, Russians, Germans, Japanese,Hindus, Austrians and Hungarians following in approximately that order. Tomake the International Club more repre-sentative, Dickson has included nativeAmericans in its body, the locai stock com-prising almost one-quarter of the total.There are National Night s held by thevarious constituencies, theater parties, organized tours of the city are held weeklywith lecturers accompanying. Dances arefrequent and New Year's and Christmascelebrations are given, ali religions sharingin the Christian holiday festivities.To consolidate further the work, Dicksonholds cabinet meetings in which the studentsare allowed to decide matters affecting themas a whole. One representative is allowedfor each seven members in a single national-ity. Many of the students while quite ableto read English, speak it indifferently whenthey arrive and thus confusion arises. Theymay have difficulty in finding food that theycan eat, or beds that they can sleep in ; theymay not be able to locate classrooms; theirAmerican professors may talk too fast forthem to understand. Many need work tofinance their studies. Ali such problemsDickson must iron out.A pair of students may wish to marry,as for instance the recent union of a Bolivianman and a Danish girl. The couple maywish to be wed according to his nationalcustoms or hers — or perhaps by plain American customs. Such questions Mrs. Dicksonsees to, as women do.So extensive has the International Clubbecome that a great club house is beingerected on the site of the old Del PradoHotel and within another year the foreign78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstudents' affairs will be centered therein. cruisers. To solve that problem would beBy the time the new structure is com- easy for the man who teaches. culturedpleted, Dickson would — if there were in- Hindus to wear their turbans in public sotelligence in the world — be sitting in the that they will not be mistaken for Senegam-League of Nations Council at Geneva, bians, and who shows coalblack Liberiansmoothing out the Montenegrin delegate Ph.D's how to get along in a nation whichwho is mad because the Swiss delegate has has incomprehensible prejudices against thehim two down in the matter of six-inch pigments in a man's hide.U. PresiDENTIF you want a recipe for that popular entity known to theworld as a U. PresiDENT,Take from Napoleon his major identity, ali the ambitions onwhich he bent,The silence of Coolidge when he was White Hous-ing it, chatterof Coolidge for magazine pay,The fierceness of Hoover (he's good at arousing it), beauty ofBarrymore (John) in a play,The science of Michelson, eminent measurer, quickness of Vincentin making a speech,The system of Mellon, United States Treasurer, sweep of PhilAlien when trying to teach,The grace of a Parmenter, partly phonetical,Fairness of Mathews to ali that's heretical,Physicist Compton and jig-hunting Baskervill,Patience of woman who knows how to mask her will,Dickson and Downing and History Dodd,Amos Alonzo and Goodspeed and God !Take of these elements ali that are mixable,Fix in solution the parts that are fixable,Throw away everything broken or bent,And what you have left is a U. PresiDENT.IF you want a recipe for this figure in History, get ali thewisdom of Craigie and Judd,(How they have room for it ali is a mystery; never a theoryturns òut a dud!)Skill of a Phemister, gaily abdominal, sweetness of Woodwardrefusing a raise,Beard of a Bullock (it's really phenomenal!), wit of O'Hara inpicking out plays,The tact of a Lyman in talks educational,Rational methods (which some folks cali ray-tional),Boldness of Boucher in training a Deanery,Splendor of Breasted tricked out in his scene ry,Northup and Jernegan, Lemon (a trace),And Frost the astronomer measuring space,Take of the elements ali that are mixable,Fix in solution ali that are fixable,Throw away everything broken or bent,And what you have left is a U. PresiDENT.*Courtesy, The Phoenix. JAMES WEBER LlNN, '97-The Alumni Gift FundIN CONTRAST to the old universitiesof the east, with their firmly establishedalumni groups, Chicago in the past hasnot been able to rely for financial supporton its graduates. The University has beenin operation only thirty-nine years, and soour alumni have not until recent years beennumerous enough or sufficierìtly well established financially to be able to make material contributions. The generosity of theFbunder, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, thegrants of various foundations, and the giftsof public spirited citizens of Chicago, havebeen the important factors in enabling theUniversity to keep pace with its opportunities.The most valuable form of alumni givingis represented in the Alumni Gift Funds firstestablished by Yale and a few other of theolder universities. It represents a livingendowment, for the money is immediatelyavailable for the needs of today. Most giftsare in the form of endowment, and only theinterest is available for use, often only for aspecial purpose. An annual contribution toan Alumni Gift Fund, is, in effect, theequivalent of an endowment of twenty timesthe size of the gift. The alumnus of moderate financial means may, to an extent commensurate with his year by year income,make a gift that in combination with similargifts of others aggregates a total of greatbenefit to his university. The value of sucha fund is greatly increased because the moneyis unrestricted in purpose.When the Development Campaign wasinaugurated in 1924, our alumni made anotable contribution of $2,000,000 to theprogram. Practically ali of the five yearpledges expired last year, although not aliof the pledges have as yet been fully paid.Five Chicago alumni, who had paid theirfinal instalment in 1929, finding that theyhad been able to absorb their annual contribution in their budgets, decided to continue indefinitely their payments to the University, and suggested that other alumnimight also be willing to make pledges to-ward such a fund. These five, Willoughby Walling, Donald Trumbull, John Hagey,Paul Davis, and Leo Wormser, volunteeredto make an annual gift of $1,000 each. Sothe Alumni Gift Fund at Chicago had aspontaneous origin, and the idea met withsuch a response that at a meeting of someforty interested alumni, L. Brent Vaughan,'97, was asked to head a committee to develop the pian. This movement for anAlumni Gift Fund at Chicago has the complete support and cooperation of the AlumniCouncil.As members of the committee, Mr.Vaughan named fifteen active alumni, repre-sentative of the various divisions of the University and located in various sections of thecountry. The members of this group are:William Scott Bond, '97; Glenrose BellCaraway, '97 ; Frederick Sass, 'oi ; EdithShaffer Sass, '03 ; Narcissa Cox Vanderlip,'03; William A. Averill, '03; Albert W.Sherer, '06; Laird Bell, '07; Charles F.Kennedy, '06; Charlotte Thearle Sulcer,'09; Paul G. Hoffman, '12; Paul S. Russell,'16; Rudy D. Matthews, '14; LawrenceJ. MacGregor, '16, and Arthur C. Cody,'24. It is planned to appoint district chair-men and to develop a comprehensive organi-zation throughout the country. Some ofthese district chairmen have already beennamed, including Frederick Sass, Colorado ;William A. Averill, Massachusetts; Lawrence J. MacGregor, New York City andvicinity; Charles F. Kennedy, Ohio, andRudy D. Matthews, Wisconsin. Organiza-tion of classes to cover the alumni in Chicagoand the suburbs has been initiated withFrederick Hack, '98, in charge of the workwith the classes of '97, '98, and '99 ; ErnestJ. Stevens, '04, and Lauretta OctiganWhite, '04, for '04 and '05, and Paul S.Russell for the class of ' 1 6. Organization ofa Rush Medicai College Committee is nowbeing undertaken by alumni of the College.Mr. Laird Bell formed a Law School Committee which did effective work, particularlyin Chicago, with considerable attention being devoted to personal solicitation. The aimof this group was to obtain pledges for the798o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames Parker Hall Professorship. This committee has been the only one which so farhas been able to make personal calls onalumni. The committee consists of the following: Laird Bell, '07, Chairman; AliceGreenacre, '11, Vice-Chairman ; Rudolph E.Schreiber, '06, \£ice-Chairman ; Leo F.Wormser, '09, Vice-Chairman; Charles F.McElroy, '15, Secretary; Arnold R. Baar,'14; Claude A. Bennett, '07; James B.Blake, '07; Charles H. Borden, '18; Leo J.Carlin, '18; Herbert C. DeYoung, '28;Adda Eldredge, 'io; Herman L. Ellsworth,'18; Morris E. Feiwell, '15; R. C. Ful-bright, '09 ; Hymen S. Gratch, '28 ; DwightP. Green, '12; Joseph R. Harmon, '27;Charles R. Holton, 'io; Harold L. Ickes,'07 ; Dudley F. Jessopp, '25 ; Craig R. Johnson, '26; Otto T. Langbein, Jr., '23 ; DavidLevinson, '12 ; Leon P. Lewis, '05 ; Glen A.Lloyd, '23 ; Frederick C. E. Lundgren, '22 ;Harry J. Lurie, '05 ; Max Lurie, '28 ;George T. McDermott, '09 ; George B.McKibbin, '13; John R. Montgomery, Jr.,'25; Harold W. Norman, '20; Leslie M.Parker, '17; Walter W. Pearson, '25;Sydney K. Schifi, '23 ; Charles P. Schwartz,'09; Walter P. Steffen, '12; Roy D.Thatcher, '09; Roger Q. White, '29;George E. Wickens, '27; and Dudley K.Woodward, Jr., '07.The result already has been a remark-able demonstration of alumni interest andfaith in the University. In the face of ageneral industriai depression and withoutany concerted campaign, the alumni havegiven in six months the equivalent of nearlya million dollars in endowment. Therehave been 800 pledges received, totalling$41,506.00. Of these 755 are continuingpledges, subject to cancellation on notice,and the total annual income promised fromthis group is $37,155-00. The remaining45 subscribers to the Alumni Gift Fundhave pledged $4,351.00 for a year, andthough they have not promised to give in-definitely, it is probable that most of themwill do so. Actual payment on the pledgeshas been $26,489.75. The first five pay-ments on 262 pledges, amounting annually to $11,226.00, are to be devoted to theJames Parker Hall Professorship in theLaw School, and represent the initial effortsof Mr. Bell's committee.How much Chicago alumni have done isbest illustrated by comparison with the results in some of the eastern universities andcolleges which are noted for their strongalumni bodies. Dartmouth started its fundin 1914, and the total of its gifts that yearwas $6,580. Last year the Dartmouth fundreached $129,416.00, with 5,683 individuatamaking pledges. Cornell made its firsteffort in 191 3, and received $20,000. Lastyear, 10,136 contributors gave $178,508.Pennsylvania's fund, organized in 1927,brought $32,909.00 the first year. In 1929the Pennsylvania alumni gave $54,236.00.Many Chicago alumni have not yetlearned of the existence of the Fund nor ofits value to Chicago. The first response hascome largely from those who are best in-formed as to Chicago's position as a vitalforce in education and who have made theirpledges practically without solicitation.Many of these early pledges have been forconsiderable amounts, larger than the average alumnus will be able to give. Mr.Vaughan and his committee believe thatwhen they have completed their organiza-tion and begin systematically to presentthe pian to the alumni the Fund will en-list the solid support of ali Chicago men andwomen.This new effort, as was true of alumniparticipation in the Development Campaign,in addition to demonstrating a willingnessto giving substantial support to the University's program, has been valuable alsoin drawing the alumni together in therealization of their common interests asmembers of the University f amily. The totalof the Alumni Gift Fund means much morethan the actual sum added to the University's resources. It is a convincing indica-tion of confidence in the aims and programof Chicago by those who best know the University and will be a considerable factor ininfluencing large donors to give their supportto the University.M /ri v opinionBy Fred B. MillettAssist ani Professor of EnglishIT BECOMES increasingly apparentthat ali the new English books onecares to read are being written by Virginia Woolf or some member of the brilliantcoterie of which she is the shining center.*The group takes its name from Bloomsbury,a section of London, not drab and sinisteras revealed in Vaughan Williams' "LondonSymphony" but wistful and slightly melan-choly, rich in the fading classic beauty ofGeorgian houses and mansions that lookdown a little sadly on their diminutiveprivate squares and gardens. In any season,Bloomsbury by night seems autumnal : a thinfog drifts across the shabby squares, a lightrain falls, a bedraggled match-seller loitersat the curb, and golden candlelight shinesout from high ivory-ceilinged drawing-rooms. Fashion has swept westward toMayfair, but here near the British Museum,the old bookshops, and the pensions filledwith voracious American scholars and thecacophonous dialects of British colonists,Virginia and Léonard Woolf have drawnabout them the wittiest and brainiest of con-temporary coteries. From their press theysend out, not only examples of fine hand-printing already sought by collectors, butthe complete works of Mrs. Woolf andsome of the most originai and provocativeprose and verse of our day.An almost complete directory of theBloomsbury coterie Mrs. Woolf herself hasfurnished us in the parodie preface to themost fantastically beautiful of her books,Orlando. In addition to her sister, theartist, Vanessa Bell, and the latter's hus-band, Clive, it includes the economist, J. M.Keynes, and his lovely wife, the Russiandancer, Lydia Lopokova, Lytton Strachey,* Reprinted by permission from Parade. the Sitwells, and the sharp-penned RebeccaWest. It is adorned, as the dedication andillustrations of Orlando indicate, by thebeauty and high lineage of V. Sackville-West, her cousin, the Honorable EdwardSackville-West, and her husband, the Honorable Harold Nicolson.Mrs. Woolf 's only rivai in brilliance isLytton Strachey, probably the most widelyknown and influential of the group. Lan-guid and intensely disillusioned, steeped inFrench classical culture and hostile alike tothe extravagances of English style and English sentimentality, it is no wonder thatStrachey has revolutionized the art of English biography, has written in Books andCharacters some of the subtlest and mostsympathetic of English critiques of Frenchclassicism, and is the leader in the strenuousprocess of evaluation to which our age issubmitting the Victorian demi-gods anddemi-goddesses. Only once have his classical restraint and coolness threatened todesert him when, caught by the vivid Renaissance coloring of termagant Elizabethand headlong Essex, he barely escaped theglow and enthusiasm of romanticism. Onlyone sin can be charged against him, — thathe above ali other men is indirectly re-sponsible for that outpouring of jazzed,mud-slinging fictionized biography the production of which has become one of Amer-ica's most profitable major industries.To Mrs. Woolf's brother-in-law, CliveBell, we owe a book on Art which has sentmany a reader on a re-appraisal of the tra-ditional masterpieces in European galleries,an informai and personal encomium of Marcel Proust, and a diverting attempt to defineCivilization, which one suspeets finds itsperfect exemplar for him, not in Periclean8182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthens or at the court of the Grand Monarchi, but in his Bloomsbury coterie wherethe utmost freedom of thought and expres-sion rules, w^here everything unmentionableis mentioned, and no one really civilized isshocked.From Knole, one of the most beguiling ofEnglish Renaissance castles, to the dim pur-lieus of Bloomsbury comes V. Sackville-West, whose poem, The Land, won theHawthornden prize in 1927, and whose cur-rent novel, The Edwardians, has revealedto gaping yokels in England and Americawhat they dimly suspected about mannersand morals under the last of the merry monarchi. Her cousin, the Honorable Edward,has shown himself the more serious artist inhis first novel, Piano Quintet, an expressionof his passion for music and his flair forpsychological subtleties and in The Ruin,an ingenious revival of "Gothic" horrors.Incidentally, this pair of Sackville-Wests isresponsible for two of the best titles in con-temporary literature, Seducers in Ecuadorand M andrà k e Over the Water-Carrier,titles to which no book, however brilliant,could prove equal.Miss Sackville-West's husband, the Hon-'orable Harold Nicolson, has apparentlyabandoned for the life of letters the diplo-matic world of which he has given a search-ing if devoted account in his recent biography of his father, Portrait of a Diplomatisi. An early novel, Sweet Waters, whichhe himself acknowledges to be bad, was fol-lowed by a series of criticai biographies,somewhat Stracheyan in manner, and defi-nitely modem in their exposure of the arch-romanticism of Byron and the arch-senti-mentalism of Tennyson. He found perfectexpression of his gifts only with the writingof Some People, a delectable volume offictionized autobiography in which the beaumonde of Europe is mirrored with clarityand malice.But over ali this brilliance soars thetalent of Mrs, Woolf, surely the most steadily winning of the writers who areengaged in rejuvenating the English novel.For this intrepid artistic spirit, no experi-ment in the form of the novel is too daring.In Mrs. Dalloway she exploited the stream-of-consciousness technique, restricted theevents to a single day (as Joyce did inUlysses), and attempted to create, insteadof a formai plot, a maze-like pattern aroundthe human and adorable figure of hermature heroine. Even more daringly inTo the Lighthouse did she interrupt thecourse of her novel by a lyric interval, cover-ing ten years, only to weld the severed partsinextricably through the living, and laterthe dead, but persistent, power of that mostlovable of her women, Mrs. Ramsay. LikeProust, Mrs. Woolf is fascinated by Time,its insidious effects upon personality, itspower of obliterating or reviving the past,the villainous-heroic part it plays in the ma-nipulation of human puppets. She is deeplyconcerned with an attempt to adumbratethat almost mystical phase of experience thatwe cali reality, and no English author ofour time, and no French writer save Proust,has captured so completely that kaleidoscopeof sensation, feeling, idea, memory, and per-ception that the sense of reality, upon analy-sis, turns out to be. Orlando is her supremeexperiment in the treatment of Time, forit is the biography of a hero-heroine wholives, unaging, from the Renaissance to theday before yesterday, who is the creature ofeach age but in whom the past lives asvividly and as really as the present. Orlando is, to be sure, a tour de force, but itcontains passages of the most regal purple,for Mrs. Woolf, not content like Stracheywith toying ironically with the clichSs of his-torical style, scourges the trite and the con-ventional phrase from her pages, and endsby writing more f reshly and beautifully thanany Englishwoman of our time. Mrs.Woolf is rightly the queen, not only of herBloomsbury coterie, but of ali English-women writing in these days.BOOKa~/2A New Text on SpellingHow to Teach Spelling, by Frederick S. Breed. F. A. Owen Publishing Company tDanville, New York, $i.$0.IMPROVING instruetion in spelling —The author states that the purpose of thebook is to select the fundamental problemswhich arise in the teaching and supervisionof spelling and to indicate the solutionswhich are provided by scientific studies.The problems are discussed in the order inwhich they appear in a constructive program : ( i ) selecting the words to be taught,(2) grading the words, (3) organizing thelesson units, (4) directing the study ac-tivities, (5) handling cases of spelling dis-ability, and (6) measuring the results ofinstruetion.Professor Breed shows how the movementfor the organization of courses of study ona more scientific basis has affected spellingso that teachers are becoming as much concerned with the vocabulary problem as withmethods of teaching. He has included in his spelling vocabulary : ( 1 ) a list of wordsof high frequency in the written discourseof both children and adults, (2) words ofunusually high frequency in usage of children, regardless of adult usage, (3 ) wordsof unusually high frequency in the usageof adults regardless of usage of children butsuch words allocated to seventh and eighthgrades. Other helpful features are the prin-ciple and the objective method of wordgradation, the psychological organizationof reviews and the variety of special ex-ercises including something new in spellers,namely, exercises on word meanings.The book is a distinct contribution to thefield of spelling and undoubtedly will bestimulating and helpful to teachers andsupervisors in finding out what words toteach and improving technique in the teaching of these words. Grace E. StormShelley as a ScientistA Newton Among Poets, by Cari Grabo, '03. The University ofNorth Carolina Press, 1930. $3.00.THOSE who have accepted the ex-quisitely expressed myth in whichShelley is described as "a beautiful butineffectual angel, beating in the void hisluminous wings in vain," may be reluctantto admit that he can have been "a Newtonamong poets." Yet in view of his longknown interest in science it is surprisingthat rubre than a hundred years shouldelapse after his death before any real studyof scientific elements in his poetry is made.Professor Grabo's study has been partic-ularly directed at Prometheus Unbound, themost puzzling but scientifically the most promising of Shelley's works. He finds init reflections of the poet's knowledge ofchemistry and physics and geology and as-tronomy, and believes that these scientificelements help greatly toward understandingof some of the most difficult passages in theplay.After an introductory chapter on Shelley'sboyhood interest in science Oueen Mab isbriefly examined as a precursor of Prometheus Unbound. Erasmus Darwin, grand-father of Charles and a curious combinationof impossible poet and really significantscientist in his anticipation of evolutionary8384 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtheory, receives two chapters in which arecited, from Darwin's poems and his elaborate notes upon them, many passages thatilluminate the Prometheus. Further topresent the scientific background of Shelley'sday there are chapters on the astronomerHerschel "and cosmic evolution," thephysicist Newton "and a metaphysical conception of matter," the chemist Davy "andan electrical theory of matter." Thoughlittle evidence of Shelley's direct knowledgeof the writings of these scientists has beenfound, his letters and his notes for OueenMab show that at least he was familiarwith scientific encyclopedias in which theviews of such men were summarized. Fourchapters specifìcally on Prometheus Unbound then develop the ideas that the Spiritof the Earth represents electricity; that anTHE CLASSICS LIBRARY hasjust received a copy of the reproduction of the famous manuscript ofVirgil owned and profusely annotated byPetrarch, purchased by means of the Rosen-wald fund. The originai is in the Am-brosian Library in Milan. The reproduction is the most faithful imitation of amanuscript that has thus far been made.Even to those who have handled hundredsof old manuscripts it gives the impression ofbeing, not a reproduction, but the realthing. Red and blue initials and paragraphmarks are in their proper colors, as is thebeautiful frontispiece. The brown ink ofthe reproduction is exactly like that of theoriginai. The parchment paper resemblesgenuine parchment. The leaves are eventorn in faithful imitation of the originai.The manuscript was written at Florencein the thirteenth century. The fly-leaf con-tains Petrarch's autograph note about theLaura of his poems, the note which provesthat she was a real person, not a figment ofthe poet's imagination. On the first andlast pages are the stamps of the BibliothèqueNationale of Paris, recalling the time when electrical theory of matter underlies andclarifies the hitherto puzzling fourth actof the poem; and that various difficultpassages contain allusions to astronomy andother sciences.Thus the book takes a new and interestingview of a great but imperfectly understoodwork. As Mr. Grabo himself recognizes,the limitation of his discussion to sciencemay result in over-emphasis, and there willbe readers who resent such treatment ofwhat is primarily poetry; yet every aid tobetter comprehension of such a masterpieceshould be gratefully received. The book isorganized with admirable clearness and un-questionably makes its main point : that thereis a marked scientific background for thePrometheus which aids in interpretation.George L. Marshthe artistic and literary treasures of Italywere removed by Napoleon, only to be re-turned after his downfall.The manuscript has another interest inthe fact that it was studied by Achille Ratti,now Pope Pius XI, when he was librarianat the Ambrosian Library and welcomed thehosts of scholars who carne to study thetreasures of that library. His notes arepublished in a pamphlet accompanying thevolume.The charging card on the end cover showsthat the first borrower of this magnificentbook was not some authority on Virgil orPetrarch but the University's carpentershop, called in to make a slight repair in thewooden binding.The facsimile is on view in Classics 45,the Classical Museum, as part of an interesting exhibit of Virgil books. Among theother books in the exhibit are early editionsof Virgil (1489, 1517, 1533, 1544, età),the first edition of Dryden's translation(1697), an early German translation(x559)> and a number of editions with unusually fine illustrations. The exhibit willdose in January.The Virgil ExhibitNEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy John P. Howe, '27THIS month the "News of the Quad-rangles" has been the news of theentire educational world.On November 20th President Hutchinsrevealed the intention of the administrationand Senate of the University to effect a stem-to-stern revision of the academic structurehere, a revision "radicai because it abolishedinstitutions and trade names long familiarto us ali; intelligent because it frees education and research from the effects of anti-quated machinery."To those familiar with the trend ofthought among educators during the pastthree decades the "news" of the drastic re-organization now in its initial stages at theUniversity is that Chicago becomes the firstmajor institution to take decisive action.To those at Chicago who have followed thereports of committees working successivelyunder Presidents Burton, Mason andHutchins, and who have watched the graduai introduction of survey courses, honorscourses and cooperative research, the newsis that the University is now ready to under-take on a sweeping scale reforms which ithas been trying on an experimental scale.Not unreasonable is the fundamental as-sumption upon which the new educationalset-up is based : that the American student— and particularly the student at Chicago —is interested in his own education. Andthat education which involves real initiativeon the part of the student is more lasting andgenuine than education which involves onlythe quarter-to-quarter fulfillment of im-posed tasks. This is the first principle, andthe rock upon which the new educationallife of the University will be built.There are other ideas inherent in the pian,ideas given excellent expression by President Hutchins in an article elsewhere in theMagazine. One is that the student shouldhave a wide acquaintance in ali the great fields of human interest before he devoteshimself intensively to a special field. Another is that the student's status in the University should change not at the moment hereceives the bachelor's degree but at the timehe is ready to move from general "cultural"studies to more advanced work in some greatfield. A third guiding principle is that thepassage of time and the accumulation ofgrade-points and course-credits is no measureof accomplishment ; and that no administra-tive obstacles to the progress of the student,in the form of regimented week-to-week requirements, should bind the exceptionalstudent to the pace of the average student,or the average student to the pace of the in-ferior student.A fourth basic principle, somewhat newer,and not closely related to the other three,is this: that scholarly and scientific investi-gations have in the last half-century pro-gressed so far toward extreme specializationthat some effort must be made to coordinatesuch work, especially insofar as each segmentof it bears on great problems common to thegeneral field of the worker. From the pointof view of the more advanced student thismeans that greater emphasis will probably beput upon familiarity with a field, rather thanupon some phase of a field. From the pointof view of the scholar and scientist it meansthat a coordinating agency in each greatfield is set up to facilitate cooperative work.* * * * *With these considerations in mind theleaders of the University have set themselvesthe task of a thoroughgoing re-examinationof the "idea of a university." They havethought in terms of a hypothetical ideal university which would preserve and enhanceali the elements which have in the past addedto the University's greatness; which woulddiscard the elements which are outworn andowe their persistence to tradition ; and which8586 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwould create not only a flexible, realisticacademic structure embodying the "new"principles but a new and vigorous spirit, astimulating climate in the University.The reorganization of the University isfully as significant — in terms of the wholepicture of higher education in America —as the very founding of the University in1892. President Harper welded into anew structure ideas and ideals which helpedto redefine the meaning of a university. Itis not improbable that educators will see inthe reorganization on the Midway stilianother instance of Chicago's courageousleadership.7j£ 7K *fc >j£ Vi*The pian of reorganization can best beunderstood in terms of what is accomplishedfact and what is projected. The Board ofTrustees, on November I3th, formally ap-proved a divisionai organization of the University which the Senate (consisting of alithe full professors) had approved unani-mously on October 22nd. The statutes ofthe University were amended in harmonytherewith. The divisionai organization pro-vides the framework upon which the entirereorganization will proceed. It supersedesand removes from the academic scene thejunior college, the senior college and thegraduate schools of arts, literature and ofscience.Briefly, the new structure of the University is this :1. The College.2. Four divisions in arts and sciences.3. The professional schools.The College will be a comparatively newentity, corresponding roughly — but onlyroughly — to the idea of a junior college,and will be separate from the four divisions,though dovetailing somewhat in the workof the divisions. The various departmentsof the University have been assigned, tenta-tively, to the four divisions in arts, as fol-lows:Biological Sciences Division: Botany,Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology, Physiologi-cal Chemistry, Hygiene and Bacteriology,Pathology, Physical Culture, and the SouthSide Clinical departments (The ClinicsGroup). Physical Sciences Division: Mathematics,Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geologyand Military Science.Social Sciences Division: Psychology,Education, Economics, Politicai Science,History, Sociology, Anthropology, HomeEconomics and Geography.Humanities Division: Philosophy, Art,Comparative Religion, Orientai Languages,New Testament, Comparative Philology,Greek, Latin, Romance Languages, Ger-manics and English.Five deans were appointed, and eachgiven unusual powers. They are:For the College: Professor C. S. Boucher.For the Biological Sciences: ProfessorRichard E. Scammon.For the Physical Sciences: ProfessorHenry G. Gale.For the Social Sciences: Vice-PresidentFrederic Woodward, temporarily.For the Humanities : Professor Gordon J.Laing.In each division the Dean is the responsive head. Ali budget recommendations, in-cluding appointments, promotions, advancesin salary, and provision for supplies and ex-penses will be made by^ the departments tothe appropriate dean. Where in the pasteach department of the University has pre-sented its own budget recommendations tothe Presidente Office, now the divisionaidean will present a Consolidated budget.In administrative work the divisionai deanwill function much as do the deans of theprofessional schools. The immediate objectsof the divisionai reorganization, as given tothe Senate, are "to improve administrationby placing greater responsibility on officerswho are familiar with the work of their re-spective divisions, to reduce the number ofindependent budgets presented to and ad-ministered by the Presidente Office, to promote cooperation in research, to coordinateteaching and to open the way to experimentsin general higher education."The implications of the divisionai reorganization are far deeper than mere budget-ary juggling. The "cooperation in research" phase is of the first importance.With emphasis placed upon the division andresponsibility placed in the hands of theNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 87RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF TWO ANNOVNCEMENTSANNOUNttWItNCUSTOMS DISCARDED. AN EFFORT TO OUSTlFYTHETJME AND MONEY SPENT IN COLLEGEWORK. MAKES LEARNING AN OPPORTUNITÀRATHER THM.A Ufi. COMPOLStONCourtesy, The Chicago Tribunedivisionai dean, work on great cooperativeprojects should be encouraged markedlywithout sacrifice to individuai specialization.Some of these projects will undoubtedly ex-tend across divisionai as well as departmental lines — such as the projected study ofthe growing child, which involves elevendepartments — but the divisionai arrangement is certainly superior in this respect tothe strict departmental set-up. The University has for several years been engaged inthis interdepartmental work. The SocialScience building, for instance, is intendedprimarily for the expedition of the various . Cwyrlffct. tM% ty Th. Oùuc Trita» f MCÙS 7Cff£&* -»projects of the Social Science ResearchCommittee, involving the joint efforts ofmany departments. The University Clinicsgroup has as one of its reasons for existencethe encouragement of cooperation betweenthe medicai, surgical and basic preclinicaldepartments of the University.Stili more important is the intention to"open the way to experiments in generalhigher education." It is at this point thatthe most radicai changes are expected, andat which the public attention has beenlargely focussed. It is at this point alsothat the greatest work is yet to be done.88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresident Hutchins, Vice-President Wood-ward, Dean Boucher and his committeeshave been at work for months on the detailsof the educational reform. Much has beendone. A tremendous amount of detail re-mains to be worked out. But the generaloutline has been laid down.*****It would perhaps be simpler to indicatethe path of a hypothetical student throughthe new University — indicating thàt whichis definite and that which is stili to be de-cided — than it would be to itemize the factsof the program.The student enters the College of theUniversity from high school (or possiblywith some advanced standing) in much thesame way as he does now. The College isthe seat of general "cultural" teaching, agap-bridging period between high school andthe divisions of the University proper. Thepurpose of the College is to make himfamiliar with the great fields of knowledge,to whet the naturai intellectual interestswith which he comes to the University, toaid him in choosing his especial field of interest by showing him the complete picture.The faculty of the College will be chosenon the basis of teaching ability. Under-graduate teaching in the past has beenlargely a departmental matter, and departmental appointment and advance has beenchiefly a matter of research and scholarlyreputation. Under the new pian the University will have for the first time a budgetdevoted exclusively to the teaching of itsbeginning students. This budget, to beadministered through Dean Boucher, willbe made up by funds previously allocated todepartments which have been used forjunior college work. Members of the College faculty will also be members of divisionai faculties, and will be encouraged tocarry on research work. In many instancesa member of the faculties will be teaching,at the same time, in both the college and anupper division, his salary being divided pro-portionately between the two budgets. No.distinction of rank will be made betweenthe divisionai and the College faculties.Promotion in the College faculty will be based upon teaching ability and upon studiesof teaching techniques within each field.The actual work in the College will prob-ably require the attention of the averagestudent for two years. Its course of studywill be extremely flexible, but will probablycenter upon four major survey-lecturecourses, one in each of the four divisionsof learning, aimed to cover a two-yearstretch. The survey-lectures will be givenbefore large groups by teachers picked fortheir ability to stimulate interest and fortheir knowledge of the field. Fields, ratherthan courses, will be emphasized. Duringthe past two years University appointmentshave been made in several instances withteaching ability as the first consideration,and recognition has been given faculty members of longer standing on that basis.With the technique of the survey coursethe University is already familiar. The"Nature of the World and Man," whichcalls upon ten departments for its lectures,has been a decided success.This year Uve survey courses are offered,including that handled personally by President Hutchins.Co-extensive with the four major survey-lecture courses will be a series of pro-seminarcourses, small intimate conference-teachingunits, for such College students as are ableand interested enough to profit from them.It is probable that a large number of electivecourses in the divisions will also be madeavailable to College students.Within the College our hypothetical student will thus find ali the materials of ageneral education — lectures, library, advice,the encouragement of his particular interests, the companionship of his fellows atleast to the extent that the new South-of-the-Midway dormitories will center the informai life of the College.Beyond these factors his progress will belargely in his own hands. No emphasis Vilibe placed upon class-room attendance, uponcurrent examinations, or upon incidentalwritten papers. It is probable that such de-vices will be used, but their purpose will bemerely that of "stock-taking," to keep boththe student and the University informed asto their respective progress, and possiblyNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 89to serve as an index of athletic eligibility orof transfer credit.This then, is the revolutionary angle ofthe reorganization. In its examination offactors liable to hamper the processes ofeducation, the University has decided thatgrade-points, course-credits and other arti-ficial stimulants to study are hindrancesrather than helps when their accumulationis merely a mechanical process, the install-ment buying of a degree.The new method will be nothing if notflexible. Students will come to the College,as they always have, with varied back-grounds of information, and varied ability,energy, and temperament. PresidentHutchins points out that a genius may passthrough the College into a division in afew months. Some students may remainlonger than two years. Others, interestedonly in general culture, or even in collegelife, as such, may choose to stay longer."The first duty of the college faculty,"says President Hutchins, "is to attempt toformulate a somewhat more adequate andsatisfactory definition of a general education.What the College course of study will be,we do not know. Ali we know is that itwill probably be very different from whatit is today. My personal view is that sooneror later it will be simple in the extreme. Ishould like to see four general lecturecourses, planned to last through two years,in the humanities, in the social, physical, andbiological sciences. These should be open toanybody, but required of nobody. From thelecture courses those particularly interestedand qualified should be chosen for seminarwork in one or more fields, continuing toattend such lectures in other fields as mightappeal to them. In this way those whowished merely to learn about the variousdivisions of knowledge might do so in thelecture courses. Those who wished a morespecific orientation and could show that theydeserved it might prepare for the upperdivisions and the professional schools inthe seminars. If I had my way (whichwould doubtless be very unfortunate) Ishould give tool courses only to those students who might be reasonably expected toneed the tools, and these would be the col lege students in the various seminars. Students in the lecture courses would not dolaboratory work and would not be taughtsuch things as statistics and the languages."Thought is being given to a differentia-tion in the non-professional doctor's degree,For evidence of research or scholarlyability, as marked by the completion of asubstantial piece of investigation in any ofthe four divisions, the award of a doctoratein science or in literature, as the case maybe, has been suggested. For evidence ofknowledge of a field, plus knowledge ofmodem teaching methods in that field, thedoctorate of philosophy may be reserved.First among the advantages inherent inthe new College, as Mr. Hutchins sees them,is that "it will compel us to think what weare doing." The second is that "we havean opportunity to adjust the institution tothe individuai." And finally, that "we may,if we have the intelligence, work out a soundbasis for advanced study, professional ornon-professional. If a good general education can be developed, professional schoolsand those awarding research degrees maywell consider that this is an adequate foun-dation for their work, and may well admitthe student who had it without inquiring asto the years he spent in getting it or thedegrees he accumulated on the way."£2& ik. i3£. 2&L £3£.^» 7pf ^T vff Tf?The end of the College period for ourhypothetical student will be marked by hissuccessful meeting and passing of a compre-hensive examination covering the four fieldsof knowledge. He may take the examination at any time he and his advisers feelthat he is ready. And it is in these com-prehensive examinations that one key to thesuccess of the reorganization — so far astesting is valuable in education — will rest.The reorganization is fraught with problems of detail, some of which will be vexa-tious. Chief among these will be the vastlyimportant tasks of framing courses of studyand general examinations. But examinations of this nature are not a new thing inthe world. They have been used for yearsin our graduate schools and in the under-graduate schools at Harvard and in Europe.Dean Boucher has already prepared sample90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtests in various divisions. He predicts thatthe Chicago examinations will probablyutilize the multiple question and short an-swer method, the essay, and the problem, inwhich the student is given ali the materialsof work and allowed to spend a half-day oreven an entire day in preparing his findings.The examinations will be prepared notexclusively by the college instructors but bythe faculties of the University divisions,or possibly by some outside agency. In thisDean Boucher sees the development of ahealthier relationship between the teachersand the students of the College, in that itwill break down the traditional game inwhich they are opponents in the battlefor grades, and will foster a spirit of cooperation in their mutuai effort to preparethe student for the examination. DeanBoucher believes that copies of samplegeneral examinations — as well as syl-labi and bibliographies of the courses —should be made available in the Bookstoreand the library to give the student a clearidea of what will be expected of him.Passing the examination will not meanfor our student the direct attainment of thebachelor's degree. Passing with a satisfac-tory degree of excellence will mean admis-sion to one of the four upper divisions of theUniversity and may eventually mean admis-sion to one of the professional schools.Passing with a lower degree of excellencewill probably mean either an honorable exitor more work in the College.*****The four upper divisions will take overwhat is now the advanced work of theundergraduate college and the work of thegraduate schools of arts, literature andscience, and will recommend the grants ofali non-professional degrees from the bac-calaureate to the doctorate. While it isprobable that the present work of the upperdivisions of the University will be lesssharply affected by the reorganization pian,the basic principles of the pian will eventually obtain here also.No criticai emphasis will be placed upontime or credit requirements, upon grades orclass attendance. Degrees will be grantedupon the recommendation of an entire division, and not by a department. Com-prehensive examinations, given by the faculty of the entire division, will providethe chief index of eligibility for any non-professional degree. Real meaning willbe given the bachelor's degree, DeanBoucher believes, in that the recipient willhave been given by the new set-up the abilitybetter to understand the materials andmethods of an entire field of human interest,as represented in a division of the University, and the ability to correlate the materialfor himself and to use it in an intelligent andpurposeful fashion. The more advanceddegrees will signify these same abilities athigher levels.The University's professional schools, in-cluding the Schools of Law, Divinity, Education, Commerce and Administration,Social Service Administration and LibraryScience, and the Orientai Institute, are notvitally affected by the reorganization, except insofar as part of their work is handledthrough non-professional departments.They may, however, adopt some of the con-templated reforms.The University Clinics, through whichthe M.D. degree may be obtained, willadopt the reorganization pian. Its officerssee in the new system a machinery for fur-thering the principles upon which the Clinicsgroup is founded. The South Side Clinicswere organized with a view toward greateremphasis on research work and the trainingof research workers; and under the convic-tion that medicai practitioners could be better trained in such an atmosphere. Researchwork in medicine, surgery and related disci-plines must be done at the University level,it is here believed, and in cooperation withali the biological sciences. The departmentsof the University Clinics, therefore, willcome in under the Division of BiologicalSciences. Ali degrees, including the M.D.,will be granted upon the basis of compre-hensive examinations framed by the division.One factor will modify the purpose of theUniversity Clinics to recommend the awardof the M.D. upon the demonstration ofaccomplishment rather than upon the basisof time served and courses taken: the Illinois state law requires that 45 months mustNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 9ipass between the start of medicai trainingand the award of the degree.* * * * *There is of course this question, amongothers, concerning the entire reorganization :how long will it take ? No one at the University can say definitely. The first stepshave been taken. The University Senatehas adopted the scheme, in principle, withenthusiasm. Committees are already hardat work. Details will be voluminous. It isprobable that elements of the new pian willbe introduced gradually, so far as that ispossible. It is possible that the present organization and the new pian will overlapfor a considerable time. It is almost certainthat some details of the pian will be tried,discarded, revised. The newspapers havespoken of it as a "five-year pian." Vice-President Woodward has mentioned twoyears as the possible time when the principalfeatures of the reorganization will be effec-tive. The framework, upon which the plas-tic elements of the pian will rest, becameeffective November I7th.*****Another question is that of student life.Officers of the University are convincedthat the reorganization will materially en-rich the non-academic life of the University,partly by making the academic life morezestful. They see no reason that athletics and other extracurricular activities cannothave as real a life as they have had hereto-fore. Some modifying action will re-sult, of course, in such traditional groupsas the class organizations. Nothing whichhas a perennially active interest for students will be hampered. And the prospectof minor changes in the student way oflife should certainly not impede the progress of so important an educational development.The completion of the dormitories southof the Midway will provide the students ofthe College with a type of communal lifewhich the University has never had before.President Hutchins has emphasized thefact that the reorganized University willmake no cruel or unusual demands uponthe student. Rather its effect should be tomake vivid those elements of his life whichbefore have been deadening routine. TheUniversity believes that it has already in itsstudent ranks an unusually high type ofyoung man and woman. For these theUniversity believes it will be able to providea better life while they are here and a bettereducation which will persist beyond its pre-cincts. The changes, in the final analysis,are changes of spirit and emphasis whichwill bring the University closer to the idealenunciated by President Mason as "Oppor-tunity and not compulsion."By William V. Morgenstern, 20, J.D. '22The Season's ScoresChicago Opponent19 Ripon O7 Lake Forest 60 Wisconsin 340 Florida 190 Mississippi 00 Princeton 07 Purdue 260 Illinois 280 Michigan 16SUBSEQUENT events have convinc-ingly demonstrated that the predic-tion last month, to the effect thatthe 1930 Chicago football team would notbe as weak as that 1926 eleven of melancholymemory, was nothing but optimism runningwild. This year's team, like that of 1926,failed to win a conference game, or anyother game of importance at the moment.As values in this particular field of activitygo-, the current team on at least one Satur-day afternoon, when Illinois happened to bepresent, reached a lower level than any pre-vious Chicago team. Except for this onegame, when the team was numb and hope-less, there was no appearance of despair orf utility about the players. On the contrary,they showed in the face of a discouragingseries of defeats a gameness and perseveranceof spirit that won admiration and respect.The in jury to Capt. Errett Van Nice wasa considerable factor in the poor showing ofthe team, for it deprived the team of its onlybrilliant back and had a disastrous effect onmorale. Without him the "flanker" passingattack, which Coach Stagg had intended tobe the heart of Chicago's offensive game, wasworthless. The team had no real threatwithout the captain and the knowledge tookali the confidence out of the attack. VanNice's mechanical contribution would haveturned at least two of the games ; his value to the morale of the men would have beeneven more important.There were two men who carried theteam Saturday after Saturday. Those twowere Sam Horwitz, as fine a guard as thereis in the Big Ten, and Walter Knudson,fullback, who literally exhausted himselfin each game in a vain effort to turn the tide.Horwitz is one of those linemen who knifesthrough to spili plays behind the line. Hespoiled plenty of marches by the oppositionby his individuai work. Few Chicago backshave ever given an exhibition comparable toKnudson's in ali around play. He made mostof the gains, most of the tackles by the sec-ondary defense, and did a beautiful job ofpunting, especially in the last two games, ac-complishing ali this without any play to thestands or assumption of heroic attitude. Thespirit of these two was superb ; some sort ofa citation ought to accompany their "C's."The season brought the usuai changes inpersonnel of the regular lineup, as some menfailed to live up to expectations and othersshowed unexpected development. KeithParsons, a sophomore center, carne throughwith a rush in the Mississippi game and tookover that position. He will be a star beforehe finishes. Reiwitch was an increasinglyeffective tackle; Hamberg was a consistente good guard, considerably improvedover last season. Tempie was harassed aliseason by injuries, first to a knee and thento an ankle, winding up by cracking two ribsin the Illinois game. Cowley was anotherhandicapped by persistent in jury, and neverreached his 1929 level. Paul Stagg, a sureand cairn handler of punts last year, waserratic this season, seemingly never surewhether he wanted to catch the ball or let itroll. Pompeo Toigo, a fiery little playerdemonstrated that he has the making of agood end. Kenneth Mackenzie became aspecialist in backing up the line and was92ATHLETICS 93very effective. Kanne a 1929 reserve, wasof considerable value in the backfield,notably for alert and certain defensive play.There is not much profit in reviewing thegames in detail. Chicago had several fineearly opportunities to break up the Floridagame, but a sluggish offense could not ac-complish anything. The individuai workof Capt. Bethea, a neat open field runner,defeated Chicago. The last play of thegame found Chicago stili trying, withStagg's pass to Wien gaining 55 yards andjust falling short of a touchdown. Mississippi, a team that hadn't accomplishedanything, carne to Chicago the next week toplay over its collective heads and Jook justas good as the Maroons. There were twofine stands on the i-yard line by Chicago tostave off touchdowns. Knudson almostturned the game into victory in the finalminute when he ran 75 yards with an inter-cepted pass, but stupid interference failed toprotect him.The Princeton game was a stubborn andexciting contest between two evenly matchedteams that had no greatness but werespurred by the tradition of a traditionalseries. Both teams had fine opportunities,especially in the last quarter. A blockedpunt put Princeton in position to score butthe Chicago defense rose brilliantly. A littlelater the Maroons were threatening, and adeflected pass that unexpectedly bouncedinto Kanne's hands would have meant avictory if the surprised Chicago man couldhave held it. The tie left Chicago winnerof the series, with two victories and onedefeat.Though beaten by Purdue, Chicago 'splay against the Boilermakers was the mostinspired of the season. Stagg's men battledto a touchdown against Purdue's secondteam, and then held off the first string untilthe final play of the half. A pass over thegoal line was knocked down, but a Chicagoman was offside, and on the extra playPurdue scored. The psychological effect ofthat touchdown turned the game around.Although Purdue's backs made consistentgains, the game never looked like a rout,because Chicago fought with courage andintelligence. The Illinois game was depres sing to watch; the Maroon team was backon its heels after an intercepted pass gaveIllinois the opportunity for its first touchdown. It was the only game of the seasonwhen it seemed from the stand that the teamwasn't trying its best. Against the com-petent Michigan team, out to get a sharein the conference championship, Chicagowas again a tenacious and intelligent defensive combination making a hopeless fightbecause it lacked the ability to make itsoffense function.Eight previous letter winners wereawarded the major "C" and eight men received the award for the first time. The old"C" men were Andrew Brislen, and SamHorwitz guards; Tom Cowley, end;Walter Trude, tackle; Capt. Errett VanNice, Walter Knudson, Paul Stagg and JoeTempie, backs. The men who won theirfirst letter were: Arthur Abbott andBernard Wien, ends, for two years of service; Stanley Hamberg, guard, two years ofservice; Robert MacNeille, and Alvin Rei-witch, tackles, three years' service; KeithParsons, center, one year of service; LouisKanne, and Kenneth MacKenzie, backs, fortwo years of service.In actual loss from this year's effectivemen, graduation is not important. The letter men who have completed their years ofcompetition in football are Brislen, Cowley,Knudson, Van Nice, MacNeille, and Rei-witch. Van Nice was not a factor becauseof his in jury, and Cowley likewise sawbut little competition this season. Of themen who meant most this year, Knudson iseasily the biggest loss.The freshman team was not a greatgroup, but it will provide some importantindividuai next year. H. O. Page's sonwill be an outstanding addition to the backfield ; Bill Pyott, brother of the former cap-tain, is another promising man, and Offen-spring, a fullback, looked good ali season.Zimmer, a halfback who could not partici-pate in practice because he had to work, andSahlin, who battled his way back into theUniversity after a poor scholastic start, alsoare important prospects. Berg, a hard hit-ting blocker and defensive man, is rated highby the coaches. In the line, two ends,94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChangnon and Johnson; Cummings, a bigtackle; Decker, a guard, and Sibley andRenecker, centers, are possibilities for nextyear. Spring practice will afford the decisive test for the f reshmen.Next season's football schedule is anotherone that puts heavy demands on a smallsquad. After the opening practice game, yetto be scheduled, Mr. Stagg's young men facethis: Oct. io — Michigan; Oct. 17 — Yale;Oct. 24 — Indiana ; Oct. 3 1 — Purdue ; Nov.7 — Arkansas; Nov. 14 — Illinois there;Nov. 21 — Wisconsin. Incidentally, Wisconsin has agreed to play at Chicago for thenext six seasons, and one of the traditionalgames of the Maroon season will again be ina traditional spot.Basketball practice has been under waysince Coach Norgren returned from Japanwith the ball team the first of November.The prospects are for a fairly satisfactoryseason, because outstanding individuals onother teams, such as "Stretch" Murphy ofPurdue, who spelt ruin to a team of ordi-nary height, are now out of the picture.Norgren's team will have fair height in com-parison with the rest of the Big Ten. Parsons, the football center, also is the best pros-pect for center on the basketball team ; Capt.Marshall Fish, outstanding man of the Chicago group last year, Tempie, and Ashley,give Norgren three strong guards; Wien,ineligible last season should make a forwardposition; Yates, out in 1929 with a brokenwrist, looks like a sharpshooting forward.Other members of the 1929 squad availableinclude Hoagland, Rexinger, Stephenson,forwards ; Schlifka, Fraider, and Anderson,guards, and Canili, center. In addition toParsons, last year's freshman squad will provide Porter, a guard, and Dzuibanik, forward. The pre-conference schedule : Dee.13 — Cornell College; Dee. 27 — Bradley;Dee. 30 — Brigham Young University; Jan.3 — Ohio Wesleyan; Jan. 6 — Marquette atMilwaukee.Three men were awarded major "C's" inbaseball, following the showing of the play ers in Japan. Harold Bluhm, Arthur Canili, and John Gray won the letters.w w »DETAILS of the new $700,000 FieldHouse were announced for the firsttime at the annual Chicago Alumni Clubdinner at the LaSalle Hotel on November12. The Field House will provide facilitiesfor practically ali intercollegiate teams, free-ing Bartlett Gymnasium for the big intra-mural program which has taxed the olderbuilding to the limit from early morninguntil 10 o'clock at night.The Field House is to be located on thenorth side of Fifty-sixth Street, extendingfrom University Avenue to GreenwoodAvenue. The building will be 354 feetalong Fifty-sixth Street and 165 feet widealong University avenue. Two main en-trances will be located on the Universityavenue side, with auxiliary entrances andexits on Fifty-sixth Street. There also willbe openings directly on the practice field tothe north. The exterior will be of Bedfordlimestone.Temporary bleachers erected below thebalcony, and other removable bleachers onthe west side of the court and at the endswill provide a total seating capacity of 7,000.Even with the basketball floor and thetemporary side bleachers in position, therewill be no interference with the runningtrack. The east end of the track will rununder the "head house" balcony. The track,which is eight laps to the mile, will be 15feet wide, providing space for a big field ofrunners. With the basketball court re-moved, there will be space for a 75 yardstraightaway. As the west end of the trackdoes not extend to the end wall, there willbe a space of more than 25 feet in that sec-tion for weight events and jumps. A maximum of 7,000 spectators can be accommo-dated with seats at a track meet.The arena of the Field House will be 160feet wide and 300 feet long, with a dirtfloor. The height from the dirt floor to thetrusses at the center line will be 50 feet.Even with the basketball court in place,there will be plenty of room for footballpractice.ALUMNI AFFAI R SChicago Alumni ClubThe annual dinner of the Chicago AlumniClub in honor of Coach Stagg and the 1930football team was held in the ballroom ofthe Hotel LaSalle on November 12.Nearly three hundred Chicago mengathered to do honor to the "Old Man" andhis boys. Frank Whiting, president of thelocai club, introduced Roy D. Maddigan,ex 'io, as toastmaster, and he, in his inimit-able way, introduced the galaxy of speakers.A. A. Stagg, Jr., told of the plans for thenew Field House. Nelson Norgren re-counted the Japanese adventures of thebaseball team. Jimmie Pyott gave his opinionof the freshman team. Colonel H. B.Hackett spoke on the ups and downs of afootball officiai, Judge Walter Steffen con-tributed a sterling address on ways andmeans of winning football games, and theprogram was completed with a short talkby Coach Stagg on the team of 1930, andthe introduction of its members to thealumni. From every angle this was a mostinteresting and enjoyable affair.Southern CaliforniaOn Monday evening, October 20, at theUniversity Club in Los Angeles, the AlumniAssociation of Southern California held itssecond meeting of the year. About fiftywere present — a good crowd inasmuch asonly a week's notice was given. DeanHenry Gale gave a very fine talk on theUniversity. Everyone felt well repaid forhis effort — and it is an effort, for ourassociation draws from ali the towns ad-j acent to Los Angeles.New officers were elected for the comingyear. They are as follows :President, Dr. Norman C. Paine.Vice-President, Eva Jessup.Secretary-Treasurer, Edith Kraeft.(Mrs.) Edith L. Speik, Secretary WashingtonThe University of Chicago Club ofWashington, D. C, held its first monthlyluncheon at the Cosmos Club on Saturday,November 8. The meeting was presidedover by the new President, James OliverMurdock, ' 1 6. Thirty-two alumni attendedthe meeting.A club constitution and by-laws wereproposed and adopted. Provision was madefor the creation of a club scholarship fundto send a student to the University of Chicago. The following officers were electedpursuant to the provisions of the new constitution :Two Vice-Presidents, Dr. Louise Cramand Geo. M. Morris.Two members were appointed to theExecutive Committee, Dr. Moulton andMiss Martha May Hunter.The speaker at the annual dinner of theclub in January will be Dr. Moulton, whohas recently returned from an extended tripin the Far East.Dr. Eloise B. Cram spoke on the recentInternational Poultry Congress which sheattended last summer in London. She discusseci some of the problems confrontingscientists the world over regarding diseasesof poultry and game.AmesThe first meeting of the year of theChicago club of Ames was held at theMemorial Union, Wednesday, October29th, following a luncheon. The followingofficers were elected for the coming year :William Kunerth, President.Esther L. Cooper, Vice-President.Mable Russell, Secretary and Treas-urer.Mable Russell, Secretary9596 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESalt Lake CityWhen our alumni heard that Dr. Wm.S. Gray, Dean of the School of Education,was coming to address the Utah EducationAssociation they decided to give a luncheon and reception in his honor.Although far removed from our AlmaMater — by lapse of years and distance —memories of old rekindled our enthusiasm,loyalty and love for the institution thatmade us what we are to-day. When itwas suggested to the committee that DeanGray speak on a certain topic they replied :"Let him talk about the University IJJA preliminary canvass showed that 105persons would attend the luncheon. Buton account of unexpected business and professional engagements only 66 carne to greetDean Gray.The luncheon and reception was held onthe I7th of October in the main diningroom of the beautiful Hotel Utah.At the speakers' table were Dr. GeorgeThomas, President of the University ofUtah, Judge Elias Hansen of the SupremeCourt, Prof. Arthur L. Beeley, Dean Gray,Supt. Calvin S. Smith and B. B. Burg.Mr. Burg introduced Prof. Beeley as theChairman of the meeting, who in turnintroduced the guest of honor.Although Dean Gray had less than halfan hour he delivered a very interesting andthrilling address. First he sketched thehistory of the university administrationunder the past presidents and the part theyplayed in the development of the university.Then he paid a high tribute to Pres.Hutchins as a true representative of theyoung generation embodying the spirit,ideals and aspirations of our modem age,and facing a new environment and new de-mands upon the university. Then he vividlypictured the new policy for careful selectionof students, higher entrance requirements,methods adopted for training the studentsfor leadership and the welding of coursesand departments for the solution of lifeproblems. Dean Gray's address was illus-trated with the latest photographs of the Campus and buildings, which were enjoyedby ali of us. The audience was spell-boundby his message and his charming personality.We had a fine reunion and a delightfultime. We send our best wishes to the university and alumni in other cities and States.Bernard B. BurgNorthern CaliforniaDean H. G. Gale gave us a splendid"family report" on our Alma Mater onThursday, October 23 rd. Twenty wereat the luncheon and were richly rewarded bythe remarkably interesting talk Dean Galegave. It may not have been actually betterthan a personal visit to the campus, butwe probably learned more of the actualstatus of the University. Pride and loyaltywere given a better perspective, I'm sure.The coverage of ali angles was remarkable,and the talk far from dry. Witness the gleeover Dean Gale's "direct evidence" story ofthe telephone men, etc.At this meeting, Max Ferber (businessaddress: Neville Book Company) waselected president of the "Alumni Club ofNorthern California," and Ed Hughes assecretary, for the twelve months beginningwith November, 1930.Ken MatherMilwaukeeUnder the sponsorship of the MilwaukeeAlumni Club a Chicago luncheon was heldin the Grand Ballroom of the HotelSchroeder on October 31. Upon the in-vitation of Vice-president Maas of the locaiclub nearly one hundred alumni from theBadger state gathered to hear Dean GordonJ. Laing teli of recent developments at theUniversity. In his usuai happy style hetold of new buildings and new policies andnew men until his audience felt that it hadalmost enjoyed a visit to the quadrangles.Other brief talks were given by Rudy D.Matthews, '14, state chairman for theAlumni Gifts Fund, and by Charlton T.Beck, general secretary of the AlumniCouncil.NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege1878James Summers is living at 683 EastMadison Street, Portland, Oregon. He hasbeen retired for some years.1880Charles H. Forward has been practicinglaw in Oshkosh since 1886. Since 1898he has held the office of referee in bankruptcyin the eastern district of Wisconsin.1892D. C. Henshaw handles damages tofreight for the Kalamazoo office of theMichigan Central railroad.I897Colonel Harry D. Abells, '97, and Hay-den E. Jones, Ph.D. '98, are stili at theMorgan Park Academy, Chicago, and re-main fast friends of the University and of"Old Man" Stagg. *** William O. Wilsonis attorney general of the state of Wyoming.His headquarters are at Cheyenne.1899Elizabeth Avery has returned from asabbatical year in Europe to her position atLake View High School, Chicago. She isliving at the Del Prado. *** M. Morgen-thau, Jr., has returned to New York fromFlorida, and has become vice-president andmanager of the mortgage loan departmentof Léonard S. Gans Company, real estatebrokers. *** Mrs. Pearl L. Weber (PearlHunter) '99, A.M. '21, is head of thephilosophy department at the University ofOmaha.I9OIPaul G. W. Keller is superintendent ofschools at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 1903Mrs. George T. Honaker (JosephineStone) makes her home at 510 Glen Court,San Leandro, California. *** Jacob Billi-kopf was recently appointed a member ofthe national executive committee of theAmerican Association for Old Age Security.1904W. W. Martin, '04, A.M. '22, is professor of psychology at North CarolinaCollege for Women, Greensboro, NorthCarolina. *** Henry D. Calhoun is withthe Arthur D. Jones Company in Spokane.1906Teresa Patterson, '06, S.M. '07, is teaching botany at Lindblom High School, Chicago. *** Inghram D. Hook, who haspracticed law in Kansas City for manyyears, was unanimously elected president ofthe Kansas City Bar Association in October.*** ]y/[rs# Justus Egbert (Irene Engle) ispresident of the Buffalo branch of the American Association of University Women.She is bringing up her six children at 91Jewett Parkway, Buffalo. *** Mrs. Edward W. Milligan (Ella R. Metsker)president of the Denver branch of the American Association of University Women, isthe author of a leaflet entitled Gossip in aGarden, which describes the work of theA. A. U. W. and is a tribute to DeanMarion Talbot, the founder of the organization. *** D. A. Scribner, A.M., is professor of English at Fisk University. ***Helen E. Purcell is director of elementaryand kindergarten education in the StateDepartment of Public Instruetion at Har-risburg, Pennsylvania.I9IOEdna May Feltges is instructor in mathe-matics at Crane Junior College, Chicago.9798 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE*** Abigail Lazelle has resumed her teaching at Cedar Crest College, Allentown,Pennsylvania. *** Mattie L. Hatcher, 'io,A.M. '20, is teaching at the State NormalSchool, Paterson, New Jersey. *** AlienSayles is cashier of the El Paso branch ofthe Federai Reserve Bank. *** Stanley K.Fave, ex, resides in Aurora, Illinois, wherehe is engaged in writing and research.New address: Irene Warren, 613 FirstNational Building, Chicago.I914Eleanor A. Meyer is assistant professorof history at the Kent, Ohio, State College.*** Lelia S. Nelson is teaching at Northwestern high school, Detroit. *** LouiseRobertson is principal of the FranklinSchool, Louisville, Kentucky. *** LillianA. Wells is living at 912 North RidgelàndAvenue, Oak Park.New address: Melva Latham, Box1121, Laguna Beach, California.1918Ruth Falkenau is writing advertisingcopy for Sears-Roebuck national retailstores. *** Margaret A. Hayes is directorof physical education at Crane Junior College, Chicago. *** Alvin Covert, '18, A.M.*2i, is principal of the high school at Bran-ford, Florida. *** Marjorie E. Mathewsis teaching at the Ogontz School for Girls,Ogontz, Pennsylvania. *** Harriet A. Lee,A.M., is teaching at the Mary Lyon School,Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. *** Mary C.Rhodus is living at 5535 Kenwood Avenue,Chicago. *** Gertrude Hosey, '18, A.M.*2I, is teaching at Central Missouri StateTeachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri.I92IHerman Mossberg is living at 1010 Oak-side Street, South Bend, Indiana. *** EliseH. Moore, A.M., is teaching at the Mississippi State College for Women at Columbus. *** Lillian C. W. Baker, A.M, isteaching at the agricultural college at Manhattan, Kansas. *** Arthur C. Kelley,A.M., is associate professor of accounting atSan Jose State Teachers College, California.*** Antti Lepisto has accepted a position as pastor of the Finnish Evangelical LutheranChurch at Ely, Minnesota. *** Lou EvaLongan is superintendent of St. Christo-pher's School at Dobbs Ferry, New York.*** Mrs james M> Osborn (Ida W.Bond) is teaching English and dramatics atMcKinley high school, Chicago.I923Lucy May Coplin is head of the socialstudies department in West Virginia University demonstration high school at Mor-gantown. *** James D. Craig, A.M, isgeneral manager of the edible products division of Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Ine, ofBuffalo, New York. *** D. E. Zook, A.M,has recently been appointed to a position inthe Office of Education at Washington.*** Leia B. Carr is social science directorat Muscoda Mines, Bessemer, Alabama.*** G. A. Hillier, '23, A.M. '24, is teachinghistory in the State Teachers College atEau Claire, Wisconsin. *** Wilber Em-mert, A.M, is teaching science at the StateTeachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania.*** Bryan Emmert is director of physicaleducation in the Paw Paw, Michigan, public schools, a teacher training unit of Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo,Michigan. *** Ruth Bedford is teachingFrench at the Oak Park and River ForestTownship high school, Oak Park, Illinois.*** Margaret Briscoe, A.M, is professor ofmethods and supervisor of student teachingat Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, South Dakota. *** P. J. Benrimo,A.M, is teaching at Marion Institute,Marion, Alabama. *** Irvin B. Cross isprincipal of the Lajolla Elementary School,San Diego, California. *** Anne C. Longis teaching in Woodward high school, Cincinnati, Ohio. *** Bertha B. Hayes, S.M.,is teaching at Mississippi State College forWomen at Columbus. *** Sidney Leven-berg is advertising manager of Famous-State store, Chicago. *** H. G. Hieronimusa broker in the Chicago curb exchange, iswith the Bills Corporation in the individuaiaccumulative trust department. *** ClaraL. Doerr may be addressed as Mrs. OliverS. Springer, 245 West 6oth Street, Chicago.*** mii Blackett is treasurer of Blackett-NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 99Sample-Hummer, Inc., advertising agents,in Chicago. *** Ruth Schmalhausen is athome in Robinson, Illinois, this year. ***Harold I. Meyer is practicing surgery andis a member of the staff of St. Luke's andthe Research and Educational hospitals,Chicago.New addresses: Burton Lawrence, 611North 2nd Avenue, Maywood, Illinois;Arthur W. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson(Hazel K. Piper) 1444 East 66th Place,Chicago.I926Alice L. Pearson is teaching English insenior high school, Stambaugh, Michigan.***Isaiah S. Sanders, A.M., is head of thedepartment of English and foreign languages and acting dean at Alcorn College,Alcorn, Mississippi. *** Louis E. Steinman,ex, is factory representative of Excel Manufacturing Company and Mechanics Fur-niture Company of Rockford, Illinois. Hisoffices are in the American Furniture MartBuilding in Chicago. *** Milton Hruby isemployed as geologist for Rio Bravo OilCompany and Southern Pacific lines atHouston, Texas. *** Mrs. C. E. John(Louise Wietzer) gives as her address 212North Lincoln Avenue, Grand Island,Nebraska. *** Lulu Leigh Pickett, A.M, issuperintendent of schools at Superior, Wisconsin. *** F. A. Maas is secretary of theAmerican Vocational Association at Milwaukee. *** N. W. Levin is comptrollerof the Julius Rosenwald Fund. *** AdelaideAmes is with the Institute for Juvenile Research in Chicago. *** Milton W. Brown,A.M, is superintendent of schools at Knox-ville, Illinois. *** Mary M. Avery, A.M,is teaching at the Milwaukee State TeachersCollege. *** Frances L. Beckwith is assist-ing in the library at the State AgriculturalCollege of Colorado at Fort Collins, Colorado. *** Florence E. Sdraiale, A.M,writes "I am an exchange teacher for Berlinthis year. This is the first time Germanyand America have had an exchange of highschool teachers. I am teaching in the LuiseHenriette Realgymnasium and Lyceum herewhile Miss Johanna Willich is taking myplace in the Senior High School at East St. Louis, Illinois. I am, of course, teachingEnglish here while she is teaching Germanin the American school." *** Arthur P.Hudson, A.M, is associate professor ofEnglish at the University of North Carolina. *** Earl F. Zeigler, A.M, is dean ofthe Presbyterian Graduate School, Chicago.*** Cecelia Schoenfeld is teaching Englishat Calumet high school, Chicago. *** DelsieM. Holmquist, A.M, is teaching in Moor-head, Minnesota. *** Bianche G. Hannafinis teaching in the Junior High School atIron Mountain, Michigan. *** Harry D.Baird, '26, A.M, '28, is high school super-visor and head of the English departmentin the Manitowoc, Wisconsin, publicschools. *** John C. McMillan, A.M, ishead of the Junior College of the StateSchool of Science at Wahpeton, North Dakota. *** Mrs. Mason Phelps (MargaretMiller) and her son Mason, Jr, and tenmonths old daughter, Patricia, have returned to their home at 5315 GreenwoodAvenue, Chicago, after spending some timein Brookfield, Massachusetts. *** Edna R.Stewart is teaching zoology in Flint, Michigan, Junior College. *** Maude Smith isteaching English in Laurei high school,Laurei, Mississippi. *** Samuel Itkin, ex,writes us that he is in the retail drug businessat 237 West 75th Street, Chicago. ***Gladys E. Hamlin is normal training criticteacher at Manning, Iowa. *** MurielBowler is children's librarian in the Venicebranch of the Los Angeles public library.***Leora Larson is case supervisor with theAssociated Charities in Memphis. ***Harry E. Merritt has been superintendentof schools at Columbus, Wisconsin, sinceJanuary, 1930. *** Alvin E. Nuli, A.M,is chairman of the department of socialsciences at the College of Mines, El Paso,Texas. *** Bertha A. Oxner, A.M, hasbeen appointed director of women's extension work in the province of Saskatchewan,Canada.I928James E. A. Hopkins is chemist withthe Miller Rubber Company, a subsidiaryof the Goodrich Company, in Akron, Ohio.*** Qoldena Farnsworth, S.M, is professorIOO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof physics at Hollins College, Hollins, Virginia. *** Emmet C. Stopher, A.M, is director of teacher placement and extra muraiactivities at Kent, Ohio, State College. ***Miriam Clarke is teaching English at Has-mer Hall, St. Louis. *** Ruth M. Tapperteaches Latin and English in the Cuba,Illinois, high school. *** Gertrude Holmesis teaching in the history department atJacksonville Women's College, Jacksonville,Illinois. *** John H. Garland, '28, S.M.'29, is instructor in economie geography atWashington State College, Pullman, Washington. *** Jessica B. Pickett is assistantsecretary of the Sunday Evening Club ofChicago. *** Beatrice B. White, '28, andAmeda Metcalf, '30, have returned fromabroad. They were members of the partyconducted by Herbert W. Hines, D.B. '11,Ph.D. '22. *** Hester I. Rogers, A.M,head of the art department at State Teachers College, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, hasjust returned from three months of studyand travel in Europe. *** Oscar Z. Fasmanis a rabbi in Tulsa, Oklahoma. *** EleanorWilkins is teaching at Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York. *** Evan S.Evans, A.M, is principal of the high schoolat Winfield, Kansas. *** Lillian A. Engel-sen is first grade critic at Central StateTeachers College, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.*** Charles D. Flory, A.M, is teachingat Park College this year. *** WillieMcLees is instructor in English and teachertraining at Christian Middle School, Kiung-chon, China. *** Avis Hamilton is teaching .at Ashley, Illinois. *** Mark Fawcett,A.M, is teaching mathematics at Sidney,Montana. *** Lee Glover, A.M, is teaching at the University of Alabama. ***Rosalie C. Burns is teaching library curriculum work in the Cleveland publicschools. *** Welker Bechtel, S.M, is teaching in the Junior College in Boone, Iowa.*** William H. Bernhardt is professorof Christian theology and ethics at the IliffSchool of Theology in Denver. *** WilliamT. Harrison is a member of the staff of theJulius Rosenwald Fund. *** Herman J.Offer is salesman for the United StatesDuplicator Company. ¦ *** Helen Cunning-ham, A.M, 'is teaching English at Wau- kegan Township high school. *** Oscar A.Akerlund is teaching in Austin high school,Chicago. *** Knox M. Broom, A.M, isstate supervisor of agricultural high schoolsand public junior colleges in Jackson, Mississippi. *** Cari H. Henrikson has resignedfrom the brokerage firm of Norris andKinly to work for his doctor's degree incommerce and administration at the University. His new address is 1153 East 54thStreet, Chicago. *** Marie D. Weis, '28,A.M. '29, is teaching history and social science in the Abraham Lincoln Junior highschool at Rockford, Illinois. *** CharlotteR. Taylor is teaching literature in the juniorhigh school at Michigan City, Indiana. ***Frieda L. Stein is living at 5452 CornellAvenue, Chicago. *** Edna E. Eisen, '28,S.M. '29, is teaching geography at Steubenjunior high school, Milwaukee. *** La-Verne K. Cooke is teaching at Culver Mili-tary Academy, Culver, Indiana. *** MerlinG. Miller, A.M, is teaching at the Collegeof Emporia, Kansas. *** Maurice Miller isteaching at the Milwaukee VocationalSchool. *** R. B. Coe is teaching physics inthe Bloom Township high school, ChicagoHeights, Illinois. *** Robert H. Lysle isdistrict news manager of the Chicago areafor the Dodge reports division of the F. W.Dodge Corporation. *** Mrs. Barnard E.Lieberman (Mary Dulkin) is teaching inthe Detroit public schools. *** Leon H.Lewis is associate member of Cruttenden &Eger, advertising agents of 64 East LakeStreet, Chicago. *** Caroline T. Nivlingis studying at the Nitchie School of LipReading in New York City. *** EstelleRochells is case worker, for the Jewish Social Service Bureau of Chicago. *** William R. McGehee, A.M, is superintendentof schools at Whitwell, Tennessee. *** William H. Perkins is assistant manager of thebeef department of the Evansville, Indiana,Packing Company.New addresses: Armin F. Schick, 7020South Michigan Avenue, Chicago; H. H.Baker, A.M, Cimar ron, Kansas ; Ruth M.Tapper, Cuba, Illinois ; Olga J. Johnson,422 West 24A Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa;W. Francis Swift, 7 West 65th Street, NewYork City.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 101SPODE GRAYCHICAGO PLATESMade by Copeland y Sons, Stoke-on-Trent, Staff ordshire , EnglandSold bysubscriptionin sets oftwelve Deliverypromisedfor earlyspringEach Piate Bears a Different Chicago ViewHarper LibraryRyerson LaboratoryHull CourtSwift and Bond ChapelIda Noyes HallBillings Hospital University ChapelMitchell TowerCobb HallHarper CourtHitchcoclc and SnellEckhart HallOur Large Order Makes Possible the Low PriceAlumni subscriptions on December i totaled 1075 setsr THE ALUMNI COUNCILUniversity of Chicago.Please reserve for me set (s) of twelve Spode Plates at #15.00per set. I understand that notice will be sent to me as soon asthey are readyfor distribution. 1Name. .AddressL No charge for delivery anywhere in the U. S. JTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERush1881V. J. Hawkins is engaged in generalpractice at 428 South Wabasha Street, St.Paul, Minnesota. *** Thomas C. Clarkgives as his address Soldier's Home, Minneapolis.1883J. L. Ambrose of Bay City, Michigan,who was county physician of Van Burencounty for twenty-hVe years, continuouslyfrom 1897 ro 1922, in now engaged ingeneral practice. *** J. P. McMahan is inactive practice in Peoria, where he makeshis headquarters at 105 North SheridanRoad.1889W. E. Owen gives Cedar Rapids, Iowa,as his address. *** Ivan D. Mishoff ispracticing medicine, mostly physical therapy,in Milwaukee.1890A. Carson is practicing medicine in DesMoines, Iowa. *** Gustav Fletwood, a"Rush boy of 1890" has retired after fortyyears of practice. He is settling down inhis new home at 1254 Palmer Blvd., Mus-kegon, Michigan. *** Charles W. Gillinis president of the Hollywood BeautyLaboratories, Inc., and of the New YorkElectric Display Company, as well as beingcosmetic consultant for the Forever Youngline of cosmetics and perfumes.1900G. F. Zerzan is practicing medicine,specializing in physical therapy, in Holy-rood, Kansas. *** G. O. Spiers is practicingmedicine in Spearville, Kansas. *** John C.Major is practicing medicine and surgery inJoliet, Illinois.I902B. A. Warren is specialist in tubercu-losis at U. S. Veterans' Hospital, No. 51,at Tucson, Arizona. *** George B. Lakeis editor of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, a member of the lecturing staff of IllinoisState Medicai Association and a colonelin the Medicai Reserve of the U. S. Army.His headquarters are in North Chicago.*** F. C. Schurmeier is practicing medicineand surgery in Elgin, Illinois. *** F. E.Clough is no longer an industriai surgeonin Lead, South Dakota, but is practicingsurgery in San Bernardino, California.He writes, "Out here they say 'An orangea day keeps the doctor away/ but that isali bunk. If it weren't, fewer good doctorswould be coming here every year." ***Ralph H. Buckland is engaged in generalpractice at Fairwater, Wisconsin. ***William Spaulding specializes in pediatricsat Greeley, Colorado. *** A. E. Bessetteis starting a practice in Albuquerque, beginning ali over again after practicingtwenty-five years at San Marciai, NewMexico. San Marciai was entirely de-stroyed by floods in the autumn of 1929.1904Charles M. Pearson is practicing internaimedicine and minor surgery in Tacoma,Washington. *** Nels Werner, F. A. C. S.,is practicing surgery in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. *** H. J. Willard is practicinggeneral surgery in Tacoma, Washington.*** Martin J. Ivec has been practicingmedicine and surgery in Joliet, Illinois, fortwenty-five years, except for two years,1922-24, spent in study in London andVienna.New address: R. M. Ritchey, MendocinoState Hospital, Almage, California.1908B. J. O'Neill is practicing surgery in SanDiego. *** Olin A. Kimble is in generalpractice at Murdo, South Dakota.1914Robert O. Brown, '12, M.D. '14, ispracticing medicine at io Sena Plaza, SantaFé, New Mexico. *** Fred M. Smith, '13,M.D. '14, is professor and head of the department of internai medicine at the StateUniversity of Iowa. *** E. G. BerkheiserNEWS OF THE CLASSESis assistant clinical professor of surgery atRush. *** Eldridge Adams is practicingotolaryngology in San Antonio and teachingin the School of Aviation Medicine atBrooks Field, U. S. Army training center.I919Sidney R. Kalisk, '17, M.D. '19, is practicing pediatrics in San Antonio, Texas. ***Mary L. Hahn, '18, M.D. '19, is teachinghealth education methods at Michigan StateNormal College at Ypsilanti. *** ClarenceFischer is practicing internai medicine inPeoria, Illinois. *** William R. Meeker,'16, M.D. '19, is practicing medicine andsurgery at Mobile, Alabama.1920K. M. Nelson is practicing medicine andsurgery in Princeton, Illinois. *** O. P.Diederich is specializing in dermatology inFresno, California. *** Frank Ratty ispracticing in San Diego.1921B. P. Mullen is practicing surgery inSeattle. *** H. A. Collis; M.D. '21, andMrs. Callis (Myra Colson) A.M. '28, areliving in Washington, D. C, where Dr.Callis is with the School of Medicine ofHoward University. *** Francis L.Lederer, '19, M.D. '21, was recéntly ap-pointed professor of otolaryngology at theUniversity of Illinois. Dr. Lederer hasbeen executive head of this departmentsince 1925. *** Raymond Householder,'19, M.D. '21, is assistant to the chief sur-geon of the C. M. St. P. railroad, who isA. R. Metz, M.D. 'il. *** Samuel Lerner,'19, M.D. '21, is assistant staff surgeon atLutheran Memorial Hospital, Chicago.I923Frances Johnson is practicing medicine inMilwaukee, where she is physician for theWisconsin Industriai School for Girls, andhas charge of five infant welfare stations.*** L. O. Simenstad of Osceola, Wisconsin,is president of a district medicai societycomprising Barrow, Polk, Washburn, Saw-yer and Burnette counties, Wisconsin. This ad is only for theALUMNIWHO READAmong the thousands andthousands of books published every yearWHICH SHALL I READ?This list gives some of the titleswhich have been moving bestduring the fall months,Barnes: Years of GraceCanfleld: Deepening StreamDewey: IndividualismRussell: Conquest of HappinessMunthe: Story of San Michele*Fishbein: Doctors and SpecialistsSmith: Coming of the War 1914Garland: Roadside MeetingsShort Stories of SakiGalsworthy: On Forsyte 'ChangeMaugham: Cakes and AleJames: Lone CowboyLasswell: Psychopathology and Pol-iticsGandhi: His Own StoryMather: Sons of EarthKrutch: Five MastersJeans: The Mysterious UniverseCoruna: Orpheus$1.00 EDITIONS:This Believing WorldWhy WE Behave Like HumanBeingsMother IndiaDimnet: Art of ThinkingThese books and other s youare interested in can beobtained by mail or in per-son at theUniversity of ChicagoBookstore5802 Ellis AvenueChicago IllinoisOpen until 6, including Saturday104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENew address: Esther S. Nelson (Mrs.Ward C. Alden) 7301 Sheridan Road,Chicago.1925Anthony Reymont is conducting a generalpractice at 1574 Milwaukee Avenue, and isclinical assistant in medicine at Northwestern Medicai School. *** Hugh C.Graham is associate professor of zoology atthe University of Tulsa.New addresses: Stanley M. Crowe,Glockner Sanitorium, Colorado Springs,Colorado; Arthur T. G. Remmert, 1425Insurance Exchange Building, Chicago.1928Robert J. Mason, '25, M.D. '28, wasrecently appointed to the staff of the department of pediatrics of the Henry Fordhospital, Detroit. *** B. W. Breister isconducting a general practice, specializingin obstetrics, at 3242 North CrawfordAvenue, Chicago. *** Roy R. Kracke wasrecently appointed professor of pathologyand bacteriology at Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. ***Dr. William J. Frederick and Dr. AnitaGelber (Mrs. Frederick) have offices at4003 West Madison Street, Chicago. ***Paul H. Reed is practicing medicine inTexhoma, Oklahoma. *** Ronald P. Carterhas been practicing general medicine inSeattle since last December.1929William Fairbrother is practicing medicine in Madison, Kansas. *** Robert K.Hilton, '26, M.D. '29, is assistant surgeonwith the U. V. X. Mining Company atClemenceau, Arizona. *** H. I. Burtnessis practicing with the W. D. Sansum Clinicin Santa Barbara. *** Gilbert J. Rich ispracticing in Jackson Heights, Long Island,New York. *** W. R. Abbott is practicingmedicine and surgery in Pirie, Idaho. ***Alien S. Pearl, Jr., is interning at Washington Boulevard Hospital, Chicago. ***Harry Brandman, '25, M.D. '29, is interning at Billings Hospital. *** Theodore G.Braun is in New Guinea where he is the only physician in the field outside of twogovernment doctors. About one hundredwhite people and 150,000 natives are de-pendent upon his service. *** Cari B. Geigeris practicing in Holgate, Ohio. *** J. AlienWilson has moved to St. Paul, Minnesota,and is in the department of internai medicine of the Earl clinic. *** Thomas D. Jonesis practicing at 5634 Diversey, Chicago.New address: Paul J. Patchen, 8254Buffalo Avenue, Chicago.I930-Frank Kowals is senior interne in surgeryat Harper hospital, Detroit. *** H. H.Boyle, S.M. '26,- M.D. '30, is residentphysician at Municipal Contagious Diseasehospital, Chicago. *** H. B. Gaston isresident in obstetrics at Florence Crittentonhospital, Detroit. *** J. S. Rozen is resident physician at Herman Kiefer Contagious Disease hospital, Detroit. ***George L. Perusse, '25, S.M. '27, M.D.'30, and Mrs. Perusse are honeymooning inEurope. Dr. Perusse did some interestingwork with the Drinker respirator at St.Luke's hospital, Chicago, in September. ***Maurice E. Cooper, '25, M. D. '30, ismedicai resident at St. Luke's hospital, St.Louis. *** Rudolf Osgood is residentpathologist at the Children's hospital inBoston. *** Earl C. Henrikson is teachingfellow in surgery at the Minneapolis General hospital, Minneapolis. *** Ralph A.Ferguson is practicing medicine and surgeryat 1137 South Westlake Avenue, Los Angeles California. *** L. E. Beeuwkes istaking a second year in medicine at Harperhospital, Detroit. *** Herbert B. Gaston isassistant resident in obstetrics and gynecol-ogy at Florence Crittenton hospital, Detroit.*** Ivan Sippy, '21, M.D., '30, is interning,at Washington Boulevard hospital, Chicago.*** Frank Spencer is practicing obstetricsand gynecology in Honolulu. *** James H.Teusink is practicing in Belding, Michigan.*** O. N. Andersen is a member of theCouncil of Medicai Education and Hospital of the American Medicai Association,and is located at the A. M. A. headquartersat 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 105LawOver fifty persons attended the firstluncheon of the season given by the LawSchool Association at 12:30 o'clock onWednesday, November 12, 1930, at theMorrison Hotel, Chicago.Judge Evan A. Evans of the UnitedStates Circuit Court of Appeals spoke on"Practical Problems of Lawyers in theFederai Courts." In particular he dis-cussed the constitutional provision that inCriminal cases a person cannot be calledupon to give evidence against himself. Inmany States there is a further statutory provision that the failure of the accused to takethe stand in his own defense shall not becommented on by the prosecution beforethe jury. Judge Evans is of the opinionthat this latter statutory provision shouldbe repealed, and has brought the matterbefore the legislatures of several States. Sofar no State has actually repealed the provision, but in several the reception given bythe legislature seems to promise that suchwill result in time.Judge Evans makes the broad statementthat the privilege of not taking the stand isavailed of only by the guilty. An innocentdefendant is usually not only willing butanxious to take the stand in his own defense and give his version of the affair, hop-ing to explain away the damaging circum-stantial features of the case. The origin ofthe rule goes back to the EcclesiasticalCourt in the middle ages, where ministerswere haled before the Court and askedwhether they believed certain religious doc-trines. As a truthful answer indicatedheresy, of course the prisoner simply con-victed himself. The Crown also made useof the power of forcing prisoners to indictthemselves out of their own mouths, andthe abuses became so obvious that the limi-tation was imposed that a prisoner shouldnot be forced thus to condemn himself.The reasons for the rule have long sinceceased.Judge Evans appealed to the lawyerspresent to help bring about the repeal oflaws prohibiting the prosecution from com- QhristmasQ'Jtthat's unusual, attractive,sure to please ! That is whatyou are giving when yousend a whole Premium Ham,specially wrapped in gayholiday parchment. Stop aminute to think how youyourself would appreciatesuch a gift — then you canmeasure your friends' sur-prise and pleasure. Yourdealer will be glad to sendSwift's Premium Hams infestive Christmas wrappingsto any or ali the addresseson your list. And why notgive yourself a Christmaspresent, too ?Swift & Companyio6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmenting on the failure of the accused to of no harm to the innocent, but would betestify, believing that such repeal would be valuable in securing conviction of the guilty.Divinity1889Richmond A. Smith has closed his workas pastor of the Baptist Church of Tama,Iowa, and is living at 711 West BooneStreet, Marshalltown, Iowa. *** Fred P.Haggard is business manager and treasurerof Rio Grande College, Rio Grande, Ohio.1891James H. Davis of Denver is pastor-at-large for the Baptist State Convention.1892New address: Henry Topping, 30Kouncho, Mita, Shiba, Tokyo, Japan.1899P. S. Calvin is located at 296 MadisonAvenue, Akron, Ohio.1904Benjamin W. Robinson, Ph.D. has a newbook, The Sayings of Jesus, published byHarper Brothers of New York this summer.1906G. Clifford Cress is now associate secretary of the Ministers and MissionariesBenefit Board of the Northern Baptist Convention. His new address is 152 MadisonAvenue, New York City.I907G. I. Hoover, D.B. '07, A.M. '08, general secretary of the Indiana ChristianMissionary Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, delivered the commencement addressat Spokane University and preached the1930 baccalaureato sermon at Butler University. Spokane University conferredupon him the honorary degree of Doctorof Divinity. *** Edward A. Henry wentto the University of Cincinnati two yearsago as director of libraries. In June hemoved his department into a new librarybuilding, costing $900,000 which is a modelof convenient and efHcient planning. *** William F. Rothenburger, pastor of theThird Christian Church of Indianapolis, isthe author of a new book entitled The Crossin Symbol, Spirit and Worship, publishedby the Stratford Company of Boston thisfall.I9IIDonald T. Grey, 'n, A.M. '13, D.B.'14, has been pastor of the Olivet Baptistchurch of Lansing, Michigan, for ten years.1913Orvis F. Jordan, pastor of the ParkRidge, Illinois, Community church, wasrecently elected president of CommunityChurch Workers, national organizationpromoting community church movement,and is editor of the Community Churchman,national journal of the movement.I914Earl A. Riney, after a successful eightyears pastorate with the First BaptistChurch, Coffeyville, Kansas, has acceptedthe cali to the First Baptist Church, Waterloo, Iowa, and began his work there November ist. During his pastorate atCoffeyville more than 900 persons werereceived into membership of the church, anew modem educational plant was builtand the parsonage was moved and com-pletely remodelled. Mr. Riney held severaldenominational offices in Kansas, amongthem being membership on the State Convention Board and a trusteeship of OttawaUniversity.1917Stanley Scott has been professor of philos-ophy and religious education at Pennsylvania College for Women since 1924. ***Newton H. Carman, A.M. '17, D.B. '18,has been appointed director of ReligiousEducation for the Iowa Baptist State Convention with headquarters at Des Moines.Since returning from China, where he wasNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 107engaged in missionary education work, Mr.Carman has served on the faculty of Lom-bard College and more recently served theFirst Baptist Church, Princeton, Illinois,as pastor while continuing graduate work inthe Divinity School.192122,C. A. Dawson, D.B. '21, Ph.D.professor of sociology at McGill University,ìs one of the directors of study of pioneerbelts in Canada, under the auspices of theNational Council for Social Research. ***Clifford Manshardt, A.M. '21, Ph.D. '24,is director of the Nagpada NeighborhoodHouse, Bombay, India, the 1930 reportof which institution shows that 519,000people have taken advantage of the Housefacilities during the past three years. Eighthundred people use the building every day.The activities of the House cover a widerange including education, medicai care,infant welfare, various forms of social service and athletics.1923Robert C. Stanger, A. M., is professorof religion and Biblical literature at Elm-hurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois.I924Mrs. Clara E. Powell, A.M. '24, Ph.D'26, began work as assistant professor ofreligious education at the Chicago Theologi-cal Seminary this fall.I926A. T. Hoffert, A.M., is serving as pastorof the Church of the Brethren at Osceola,Iowa, this year.1927Rayborn L. Zerby, A.M. '27, Ph.D. '30,is teaching at Bates College this year. ***P. J. Rutledge is professor of religious education at Birmingham Southern College,Birmingham, Alabama.1928T. M. Brumfield, A. M., is professor ofreligious education at Fisk University.1929Edmund J. Thompson is pastor of St. UNIVERSITYTRAVELCarried on for forty years by UniversityProfessors of high standing.The Bureau of University Travel is in-corporated as an educational institution.Since there are no dividends, surplus goesinto better tours.We especially recommend to the graduatesof American Colleges and Universities theClassical Cruise of 1931.Send for AnnouncementsBUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL86 Boyd Street Newton, Massachusetts-JOHN HANCOCK SERIES -Your Business andYour Familylou don't have tobe an egotist to wonder what wouldhappen to your business withoutyour guiding hand at its helm, oryour constructive energy pushing itforward. Man power is admittedlythe mainspring of business, and lossof man power usually means loss ofcapital or earning power.You can replace that loss in theevent of your death, or the death ofa partner, through Business LifeInsurance.Life Insurance Company^of Boston. MassachusettsInquiry Bureau, 197 Clarendon StreetBoston, Mass.Please send booklet, "This Matter of Success."NameAddressA. G.-Over Sixty -Seven Years in Buio8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDavid's United Church of Leduc, Alberta,Canada.1930James J. Raun, Ph.D., has been appointed dean of Western TheologicalSeminary, Fremont, Nebraska, which is oneof the important seminaries of the UnitedLutheran Church. On September 28 adaughter, Kathryn Ann, was born to Mr.and Mrs. Raun. *** Robert L. Sutherland,Ph.D., is on the faculty of Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.Asa Q. Burns, ex, formerly president ofCrescent College, Eureka Springs, Arkansas,has become president of Dodd College,1914Lewis M. Nortonis member of a firm ofpublic accountants in South Orange, NewJersey. He has been with the firm since1917. *** William H. Lyman, buildingmanager, recently spoke on "Purchasing"before the Real Estate convention inToronto.1920Edward T. Soukup is auditor of theNational Theatre Supply Company, a sub-sidiary of the General Theatres Equipment,Inc.1921Irving C. Reynolds is president of theFranklin Creamery Company at Toledo,Ohio. *** Paul A. Weber became salesmanager for the Home Insulation Companyat Sioux Falls last month.1922John D. Werkman is promotion managerof the Central Y. M. C. A. Schools. ***J. Edwin Pasek, A.M., has been with theChicago Central College of Commerce ofthe Y. M. C. A. in Chicago since 1928.1923Lars Carlson is secretary and treasurer ofthe Montana Mines Corporation, Helena, Shreveport, Louisiana. *** Coe Hayne, ex,has been appointed to a full secretaryshipwith the American Baptist Home MissionSociety in the Department of Literature andPublicity. *** Richard I. Hoiland, ex, whoheld the position of director of evangelism ofthe Baptist Young People's Union of America, while studying in the Divinity School,has been appointed director of young people'swork for the American Baptist PublicationSociety with headquarters in Philadelphia.*** Donald D. Parker, ex, is principal ofthe Union High School, Manila, P. I.,which is the largest Protestant high schoolin the Philippines. A daughter was born toMr. and Mrs. Parker on Jury 14.Montana. *** J. B. Heckert, A.M., isacting chairman of the department of ac-counting at Ohio State University and anofficer in several Columbus corporations.*** R. J. Deal is teaching commercial sub-jects in J. Sterling Morton Junior College,Cicero, Illinois. *** James Booth is a filmbooker with the Essaness Film Corporation.*** Cari P. Fales is director of the In-vestor's Service division of the NorthernTrust Company of Chicago. *** RaymondR. Gregg, A.M., became business managerand treasurer of Dakota Wesleyan University at the beginning of the present schoolyear. *** O. D. Hassinger was appointedwestern advertising manager for True Detective Mysteries on March 1, 1930.1925S. B. Kohn is advertising manager withKlein Brothers, Chicago. *** Frances B.Manor is teaching commercial subjects inWest High School, Cleveland, Ohio. ***Arthur C. Droegemuller is a travellingauditor for the First National Bank of Chicago. *** Charles V. Dinges, Jr., is chiefclerk in the treasury department of theMiddle West Utilities Company, Chicago.I926Hendy M. Geisman is with R. Cooper,Jr., distributor of General Electric refriger-Commerce and AdministrationNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSators, at 7924 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago. *** Walter Fainman is in the whole-sale division of Carson Pirie Scott & Company, Chicago. *** Arthur Henry Hert isassistant marketing specialist at the Bureauof Business Research of the University ofTexas. *** Fred R. Tuerk became a partnerin Fuller, Cruttendon & Company, invest-ments, last month.1927Dwight M. Cochran is with the Chicagobranch of the First National-Old ColonyCorporation, 11 1 West Monroe Street. ***A. B. Nettleton is with Nettleton Motors,Inc., a Ford automobile agency establishedin Cleveland last summer. *** Charles S.Hirsch is a member of the law firm of Alsterand Hirsch of Chicago, organized last June.I 928Hyla Snider, A.M., is teaching businesslaw at Connecticut College. *** S. M. Kur-rie is assistant manager of the contract department of Armour & Company of Chicago. *** William T. Harrison is assistantsecretary-treasurer of the Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments Building Corporation, Chicago. *** Robert B. Stevens became part owner of the Rickelman DrugCompany, Chicago, last spring.I929James T. Alien, A.M., is assistant professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute,Blacksburg, Virginia. *** W. C. Crow,A.M., is teaching at Alabama PolytechnicInstitute, Auburn, Alabama. *** Carlos C.Crawford, A.M., is on the faculty of StateTeachers College, Valley City, N.D. Heis working for his C.P.A. degree. *** JosephPickoritz is office manager for the PeoplesIron & Metal Company of Chicago. ***W. L. Brand is employed in the comptrol-ler's office at the University. *** Bert C.Goss, A.M., is assistant to the dean of theSchool of Business at New York University. *** Julius W. Rubin is a departmenthead with the Wextark Radio Stores ofChicago. *** J. K.Wexman is collectionsupervisor for the Pictorial Review Company in Chicago. The Faculty . . .The Alumni . . .The Student Bodyof the University of ChicagoWill find here unusual facilitiesfor dinners, dances, luncheons,business meetings — plus acordial welcome that evidencesour wish to cooperate with aliUniversity of Chicago socialfunctions — large or small —formai or informai.HOTELSHORELAND55th Street at the LakeTelephone Plaza 1000Stephens CollegeColumbia, MissouriA Junior College forWomenFully Accredited by theUniversity of ChicagoLet Us Teli You About theFour Year Junior CollegeCourse for Your DaughterJAMES M. WOODPresidentno THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEi93oKenneth Alwood is in the sales promotiondepartment of Butler Brothers. *** HerbertBeardsley is in the wholesale market divisionof Swift and Company. Lester B. Nord-berg is also with Swift's in the provisiondepartment. *** Dwight Brown and E. A.D. Smith are with J. O. McKinsey andCompany. *** Wayne F. Caskey is with theWestern Clock Company in LaSalle, Illinois. *** Helen Clark is working at theFirst National Bank. *** Austin Gardner iswith the Utilities Power and Light Corporation. *** Lloyd L. Harlacher is with theMutual Benefit Life Insurance Company.*** Hubert Hoffert is with the Cutler ShoeCompany. *** Cyril C. Johnson is a play-ground instructor. *** Charles E. Kallaland J. L. Munday are with Sears Roebuck.*** Joseph Mayer is employed by the FredUhlman Grain Company and Hazel Merrywith the library of the new museum ofI90IProfessor Sophonisba Breckinridge,Ph.D., was appointed by President Hooveras one of the American delegates to theSixth Pan-American Child Congress heldin Lima, Perù, in Jury. Almost immediately upon her return from South AmericaMiss Breckinridge left for Europe as adelegate to the International Prison Congress held in Prague in August, to which shehad been appointed as an Illinois representa-tive by Governor Emerson. Miss Breckinridge was also present during some of thesessions of the International Committee onTrafile in Women and Children of theLeague of Nations, and she attended inSeptember the meeting of the InternationalConference of private societies for the pro-testion of migrants in Geneva.1905Dean Edith Abbott, Ph.D., delivered theconvocation address in August on "TheUniversity and Social Welfare." Science and Industry. *** Leslie G. Moreyis with the Chicago Technical College. ***Elizabeth White is employed by Connellyand Company. *** Daniel Hammond isteaching at Ohio Wesleyan University. ***Charles Rovetta is assistant secretary of thebureau of business research at the Universityof Colorado. *** Einar Bjorklund, MengLing Chang, Julius Ratner, Ernst W.Swanson, Sam Teitelman and BernardUrist are graduate assistants in the C. & A.department at the University. *** M. B.Dilley, A.M., is teaching accounting atDrake University. *** John B. Schneider,A.M., is teaching at Marshall College,Huntington, West Virginia. *** CharlesL. Jamison, Ph.D., is professor of businesspolicy at the University of Michigan. ***W. E. Payne, A.M., is on the faculty ofLehigh University. *** Hung-Sung Ho,A.M., is a lecturer in the college of Commerce, National Central University, Ki-angsu, China.I926Miss Breckinridge and Savilla MillisSimons, A.M., are the joint authors of a"Survey of the Legai Status of Women inthe Forty-eight States," published by theNational League of Women Voters.1928Margaret K. Strong, Ph.D., has finishedher work with the International Survey ofthe Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. andhas been appointed professor of socialeconomy at the University of Louisville. ***Esther L. Ladewick, A.M., has resignedher work with the Jewish ScholarshipAssociation to accept a position as fieldsecretary with the Vocational Guidance andPlacement Bureau of the National Councilof Jewish Women in New York. *** DorisMode has resigned her position with theUnited Charities and will be connectedwith the Board of Education in Rochester,New York, as social worker.Social Service AdministrationNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS in1929Elizabeth Wisner, Ph.D., is the author of"Public Welfare Administration in Louisiana" just published by the University ofChicago Press. *** Alma Laabs, A.M., hasleft her position as visiting teacher in SiouxFalls, South Dakota, to accept a similarposition in Cincinnati.1930Ruth Gronberg Mayos is chief probationofficer at Rock Island, Illinois.Helen Hardy has been made assistantextension secretary of the Children's Welfare department of the state of Alabama.*** Helen Wallis has gone to the Children's Home and Aid Society of Wisconsin.*** Violet E. Thorpe has gone to theIllinois Children's Home and Aid Society.*** Elizabeth Graham has gone from ruralsocial work in Marion County, Iowa, tothe Family Welfare Association, Springfield, Illinois.Miss Ethel Verry, instructor in childwelfare, has just returned from six monthsin Europe, spent largely in an examinationof the child welfare developments in Austriaand Germany. Miss Verry attended themeeting at Liege in Belgium as an American delegate to the International ChildWelfare Congress.EngagementsEmmorette Dawson, '29, to Albert B.Mojonnier of Oak Park.John J. Chapin, '30, to Marion Hardingof Grand Rapids, Michigan.MarriagesG. Irving Thunander, '24, to FrancesJ. Anderson, June 28, 1930, at Chicago. Athome, 7805 Saginaw Avenue, Chicago.George L. Perusse, Jr., '25, S.M. '27,M.D. '30, to Henrietta Bird, September 30,1930.Nicholas T. Bobrovnikoff, Ph.D. '27, toMildred G. Sharrer, June 25, 1930, atBerkeley, California. At home, Delaware,Ohio.Virginia Myers, '27, to George L. Pil- Paul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Baal RDavls & @o.MembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 18 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir freinds to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesAutumn, Winter and Spring QuartersThe Winter Quarter begins January 5, 1931For Information, AddressDean, C. F. Huth, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.ALUMNIPROFESSIONALDIRECTORYReal EstateJ. Alton Laurei!, '19J. Alton Lauren and Co.139 N. Clark St. Randolph 2068Clark-Brewer Teachers AgencyEstablished 1882College Department for Masters and Doctors.Large suburban clientele. Attractive opportunitiesin the best secondary schools. Grade supervisionand critics for city system s and normal colleges.Each member registered in ali six offices per-manently. Get Brewer's Nat. Ed. Directory —10,000 namesfor $1.00.Chicago, 64 E. Jackson Blvd.; New York, Flat-iron Bldg.; Pittsburgh, Jenkins Arcade; Minneapolis, Globe Bldg.; Kansas City, N. Y. LifeBldg.; Spokane, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.AH members National Association of Teachers'Agencies.112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElow, June 14, 1930. At home, 312 WestMonroe Street, Carbondale, Illinois.Emily R. Klein, '27, A.M. '29, to JosephGidwitz, '28, September 11, 1930, at Chicago. At home, 2345 East 70th Street,Chicago.Gilbert P. Tunstell, '28, to Naomi L.Revere, October io, 1930. At home, St.Louis, Missouri.Paul H. Reed, M.D. '28, to Grace M.Good, October 25, 1930, at River Forest,Illinois. At home, Texhoma, Oklahoma.Margaret H. Eastman, '29, to DavidSortor, October 25, 1930, in London. Athome, Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale, NewYork.Robert M. Jones, M.D. '29, to ElizabethD. Fowler, June 28, 1930. At home, 901 1Knox Avenue, Niles Center, Illinois.Joseph N. Epstein, M.D. '29, to JeanetteStein, October 12, 1930, at Philadelphia.At home, 215 East Washington Lane,Philadelphia.Helen E. Whitmarsh, '29, to MaturinKallou Bay, '28, October 4, 1930, at Chicago. At home, 2517 East 77th Street,Chicago.J. Alien Wilson, M.D. '29, to GraceBabka, October 11, 1930. At home, St.Paul, Minnesota.Eunice M. Woods, '30, to Richard E.Vollertsen, '30, October 25, 1930, at Chicago. At home, 7604 Essex Avenue, Chicago.Kathryn Moore, '30, to Ralph J. Silver-wood, '28, September 4, 1930, at Chicago.At home, 2419 East 77th Street, Chicago.BirthsTo Merlin M. Paine, '16, and Mrs.Paine, a, son, Donald M., October 22, 1930,at Highland Park, New Jersey.To Cecil L. Rew, '19, and Mrs. Rew(Winifred Ridgley) '23, a daughter, EdithPaula, June 5, 1930.To Mr. and Mrs. Milo Day (EthelSomers) '19, a son, Stuart Wyman, Febru-ary 25, 1930, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clanahan (RuthJohnson) '22, a son, Charles Henry III,August 29, 1930, at Glen Ellyn, Illinois. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Friedman(Fannie J. Deutelbaum) '24, a daughter,Johanna Kay, September 15, 1930, at Chicago.To Charles Danielson, 525, and Mrs.Danielson (Elizabeth Lengnick) '24, a sorJuly 14, 1930, at Jackson Heights, NewYork.To Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ragie (GraceLindquist) '27, a daughter, Ann, March 31,1930, at Chicago.To Raymond A. Kinzie, 527, J.D. '29,and Mrs. Kinzie (Florence Wyant) '21, ason, Raymond Wyant, October 20, 1930, atChicago.To Harry Shlaes, '27, and Mrs. Shlaes,a son, Jared Brill, July 7, 1930, at Chicago.To J. Alvis Lynch, Ph.D. '28, and Mrs.Lynch (Mary Ann Svoboda) '27, adaughter, Benita, July 28, 1930, at Berwyn,Illinois.DeathsGarrett Van Zandt, M.D. '83, October24, 1930, at his home in Chicago. Dr. VanZandt had practiced medicine in Chicagofor forty-five years.Ernest L. McEwen, M.D. 597> October31, 1930, at his home in Evanston, Illinois.Dr. McEwen was a former professor atRush.Elizabeth W. Cleveland, '02, July 24,1930, in Oslo, Norway.Annie K. Stock, Jo8, September 12, 1930,at her home in Sheridan, Illinois.Morris Miller Wells, JI2, August 19,1930, at Beverly Hills, California. Dr.Wells had been a member of the staff of thedepartment of zoology at the Universityfrom 19 15 to 1919, and was known for hisresearch in animai behavior5 ecology andphysiology.John A. Montgomery, A.M. '14, earlyin August, at his home in Fresno, California.Alice Lund, A.M. '19, June 16, 1930, atSt. Joseph's hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.Bob Lee, who for many years has actedas janitor of Goodspeed Hall and as spiritual and physical advisor to its inmates, diedon November 4.