rr*bfc£v/ wy"*%**¦*<*$».*f*% -?A . ^V v<w W.¦' «V e ]¦ - p'. 11==^^Vv%Vprv^Sfe»."S U n_THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINENUMBER 7Vrotection for SubmarineTelephone Cableu^*~, — -«ss>h l€ Iute Roving Saturatetizuiih Pine far PaperInsulatedLead Paper CopperSheath Pfr'rapper WireAn example of the care withwhich Western Electric Telephone Apparatus is made >- >You use submarine telephone cable oftenerthan you realize. For it is through this cablethat the voice travels under many rivers,bays and other bodies of water.In this service, cable must meet conditionswhich are more severe than those encoun-tered by either underground or overheadcable lines. To withstand crushing pressure,corrosion, abrasion and to keep out water—which would interrupt your conversation— the wires in the cable are encased in sixseparate layers of protective material. Butstili more important is the invisìble armor —the experience and careful workmanshipwhich are built into ali Western Electricapparatus.The greatest pains are taken in producingeven the tiny switchboard lamp whichflashes your signal to the operator — thesensitive carbon button in the transmitterof your telephone — the many thousands ofintricate parts which this Company makesas its share in good telephone service.Western Electric |MAKERS OF YOUR TELEPHONETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 345fS^S^fcS^frKfr?SPEAKERSCkoice of Leaéitiù, S tatiuotisl^aéxos- InoucUble ^[ALLERTOS HOUSl701KQRHÌMICHK3AWAVBNUB'CMICAGO'S CLUB RXSIDZNC&—pmCJALcmCAdO HBAVQUAmBRSJpor 102 CotUc^atiA. Umver^ltler» ? aralZO %U&otiat Sorovities «*$12.£? per -weeK- -u*>~Intercollegiate Head<luartersInChicagoTHE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOChairman, Walter L. Hudson, '02Secretary, Charlton T. Beck, '04The Council for 1929-30 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the College Alumni Association,, Terni expires 1930: Grace A. Coulter, '99;Frank McNair, '03 ; Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D. '09; Mrs. Margaret Haass Richards,'n; William H. Lyman, '14; Arthur C. Cody, '24; Terni expires 1931: John P. Ment-zer, '98 ; Walter L. Hudson, '02 ; Mrs. Martha Landers Thompson, '03 ; Henry D.Sulcer, '06; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, '15; Terni expires 1932:Elizabeth Faulkner, '85; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; DanielP. Trude, }oz; Mrs. Jessie Heckman Hirschl, 'io; Milton E. Robinson, '12, J.D. '14.From^the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98; D.Jerome Fisher, Ph.D. '22; Robert J. Bonner, Ph.D. '04; Arno B. Luckhardt, Ph.D.'11, M.D. '12; George K. Link, Ph.D. '16.From the Divinity Alumni Association, James B. Ostergren, A.M. '18, D.B. '23; JohnW. Hoag, D.B. '04; A. R. E. Wyant, D.B. '97.From the Law School Alumni Association, Walter P. Steffen, J.D. '12; CharlesF. McElroy, J.D. '15; Willard L. King, J.D. '17.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Wilbur Beauchamp, A.M. '23 ;Jessie M. Todd, '25; Harold A. Anderson, '24, A.M. '26.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Earle W. English,'26; Henry G. Hulbert, '23; Dwight M. Cochran, '27.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, William A. Thomas, M.D.'16; Clark W. Finnerud, M.D. '18; T. E. Blomberg, M.D. '27.From the Association of the School of Social Service Administration, Louis Evans,A.M. '29; Mrs. Edwina Meaney Lewis, '25; Mrs. Savilla Millis Simons, A.M. '26.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Arthur C. Cody, '24; Frank H. Whiting, '16;Kenneth Rouse, '28.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Charlotte Thearle Sulcer, '09; Mrs. AgnesPrentice Smith, '19; Mrs. Miriam Baldwin Shilton, '14.From the University, David H. Stevens, Ph.D. '14; Walter G. Preston.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Associations: School of Education Alumni Associa-President, Walter L. Hudson, '02, tion: Presidente Roy W. Bixler, '16,Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago ; A.M. '25, University of Chicago ; Secre-Secretary, Charlton T. Beck, '04, Uni- tary, Evangeline Colburn, '25, Univer-versity of Chicago. sity of Chicago.Association of Doctors of Philosophy: Commerce and Administration AlumniPresident, Robert J. Bonner, Ph.D. '04, Association: Presidente Earle W. Eng-University of Chicago ; Secretary, Her- lish, '26, 5240 Kenwood Avenue, Chi-bert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98, University cago; Secretary, Margaret E. Knox,of Chicago. '28, 6116^2 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Divinity Alumni Association: Presidente Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-R. B. Davidson, D.B. '97, 508 Kellogg tion: Presidente Edward S. Murphy,Avenue, Ames, Iowa; Secretary, C. T. M.D. '97, Dixon, Illinois; Secretary,Holman, D.B. '16, 7159 Eggleston Ave., Charles A. Parker, M.D. '91, 7 W.Chicago. Madison Street, Chicago.Law School Association : Presidente Walt- Association of the School of Socialer P. Steffen, J.D. '12, 3162 Pine Grove Service Administration: PresidenteAvenue, Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. Marion Schaffner, '11, 3957 Ellis Ave-McElroy, J.D. '15, 1609 Westminster nue, Chicago; Secretary, Ruth Bartlett,Building, Chicago. '24, 6850 Cornell Avenue, Chicago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the AlumniCouncil, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues for membership in any one of the Associations named above, including subscription to The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00per year. A holder of two or more degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of morethan one Association; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, 58th St. and EllisAve., Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per year; the price of single copies is25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana,under the Act of March 3, 1879.346ftye WLnibtxèity of Cimalo jWaga?meEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck '04EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association— Rollin D. He-mens, '21 ; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16 ; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association —Morris Fishbein, 'u, M.D., '12; College— Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.John P. Mentzer, '98, ChairmanI Al' T H I ^~The early years of the University werea period of tradition making. It is re-ported that in Graduate House, the firstofficiai organization of the students, it wasdetermined that any person desiring toestablish a tradition should present thesame in writing and, after lying on thetable for two weeks, it could be establishedby a two thirds vote. The young University was insistent that its traditions keeppace with its building program. It hasbeen somewhat cynically remarked thatOld Haskell Door was sung before thevarnish was dried. Its first rendition mustsurely have antedated 1897, for it was oneof the undergraduate efforts of Scott Brownand Stacy Mosser, both members of thatillustrious class.We are tempted to reprint both wordsand music — but we resist the temptationand, instead, we ofler you, on our cover, alater day reproduction of the door that in-spired the song — the West entrance toHaskell.Speaking of covers, let us register here-with our editorial apologies — and a correc-tion. On our Aprii number we showed theentrance to Albert Merritt Billings Hospital. We stili contend that we were right— so far. But in our professional andgenealogical comment we strayed from thetruth. Let us then at this time state thatAlbert Merritt Billings was not a physicianbut one of Chicago's industriai leaders andthe uncle of Dr. Frank Billings, who has been associated so long with Rush MedicaiCollege and the University.Robert Pollak is one of our literary lightswho migrated to LaSalle Street and nowdoes his writing avocationally, after thestock exchange has closed for the day. Hisdescription of the Midway will need Constant revision in this day of wrecking andbuilding. Already the old Del Prado isnothing but a memory. It will be replacedby International House in the very nearfuture.For the illustration on page 374 and forthe descriptive comment we are indebtedto Mr. J. Spencer Dickerson, to the University Record and to Mr. A. Q. Morrison,officiai photographer of the Orientai Insti-tute. This view of Chicago House atLuxor, Egypt, is a reproduction of a photo-graph taken by telephoto lens. Throughthe use of this lens the building, nearly halfa mile distant, apparently is brought nearerto the spectator. The huge figures incor-rectly called the Colossi of Memnon arethe most prominent objects on the westbank of the Nile at Luxor. They arecarved from the sandstone found in themountains some fifty miles distant. Eachis a representation" of Amenophis III, apharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, andwas placed before a mortuary tempieerected by that ruler, of which tempiealmost nothing remains. The figures aremore than sixty feet in height.347The Campus in Junetotòersittp of CfricagoJfflap^ineMAY, 1930Welcome HomeSaturday, June 7> is Alumni DayARE YOU coming back to the Campuson June 7th? We want you. The^- committee has worked hard to makepreparations worthy of your attention andattendance. Here are a few things thatyou will be glad to know about.Reunion headquarters will be in the verycenter of the campus. The famous Circlewill be the meeting place of old graduatesand new. You will find friends and class-mates in that historic spot so near the"Sleepy Hollow" that is no more. Thespirit of the "Hollow" lingers on. It maybe built upon, but its very mention bringsback many dear memories.On Reunion Day the alumnae will gatherfor their annual breakfast. Class andAssociation luncheons will follow. At 1 -.30P. M. the National Collegiate AthleticAssociation Track and Field Meet willstart on Stagg Field. At the same timethere will be a general gathering on thecampus around the Circle. The 19 16-17indoor baseball game will be played. Ahotter contest could not possibly be waged.Bill Lyman will challenge anyone to ahorseshoe pitching contest. During theearly afternoon the departments will keepopen house to the alumni and teas will be held in a dozen buildings for ali alumniwho wish to visit informally with their oldfriends on the faculty. Some mighty fineexhibits are being planned which should notbe missed.A little later you will be invited to wit-ness a tennis match on the varsity courtswhich are a stone's throw from the Circle.Under the direction of Merle Coulter ateam of alumni will do battle against the1930 University tennis team. After thematch a vaudeville show will be given inMandel Hall. Frank O'Hara has promisedsomething better than ever before. Youcan rest in comfortable seats and, regardlessof weather conditions, enjoy to the utmosta typical O'Hara ali-University revue.The indoor stage will enable us to addmany features heretofore impossible on ouroutdoor programs.The Sunset Supper will be held inHutchinson Court. Can you imagine anyspot more ideally locateci? A deliciousrepast will be served around the fountainand on the walks that bound the sunkengarden. The details of the early eveningprogram are stili to be arranged, but thereturning alumnus is promised an hour ofreal enjoyment and the opportunity of hear-349350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Chapel Viewed from the Circleing from the President of the Universityand from one or more faculty members.The University Sing, which requires nopress agenting, will start shortly after eight o'clock, and will be conductedalong its famed traditional lines.Under the direction of NedEarle nearly 3,000 men will lifttheir voices in song, while thou-sands of alumni once again linethe sides of the outdoor amphi-theatre.The Reynolds Club, IdaNoyes Hall, the Women's Dor-mitories, will ali be open toalumni throughout the day.The Chapel will be open for in-spection throughout the after-noon and guides will be on handto describe its beauties or to leadthe aspiring alumnus up thenumberless steps to the ChapelTower for an inspiring view ofthe Campus and its environs.Class headquarters will beestablished on the centrai quad-rangle, and class umbrellas willguide the returning alumnus tothe group in which he is particu-larly interested.Come out to the campus andenjoy yourself on June 7th.You will be royally entertained. Help makethe 1930 Reunion one that will be longremembered. Sincerely yours,Arthur C. Cody, Chairman.A Sing of YesteryearWELCOME HOME 35iArthur C. Cody, '24 Carl O. Defebaugh,Able Administrators — Efficient Executives '16Reunion CommitteesChairman, Arthur C Cody, '24.Vice Chairman, Carl O. Defebaugh,'16.Secretary, Charlton T. Beck, '04.Arrangements, William J. Mather,'17.Publicity, Kenath T. Sponsel, '13,Chairman; DeWitt S. Dobson, '17; William Morgenstern, '20, J.D. '22; AlienMiller, '26.Field Activities, Frank Madden, '20,J.D. '22, Chairman; Milton Robinson, '12,J.D. '14; Merle C. Coulter, '14, Ph.D. '19;William H. Lyman, '14; Joseph Duggan,'24, J.D. '26.Alumnae Breakfast, Chicago Alum-nae Club. Entertainment, Frank H. O'Hara,'15, Chairman; Henry D. Sulcer, '05; Mrs.Geraldine Brown Gilkey, '12; Mrs. Charlotte Montgomery Grey, '23 ; DonaldLockett, '25.Class Luncheons, Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15.Departmental Teas, Mrs. AgnesPrentice Smith, '19.Departmental Exhibits, Mrs. JessieHeckman Hirschl, 'io.Alumni Supper, Damaris Ames, '22,Chairman; Brower Hall, '22; Fred Lawt'25-Chapel Hour, Grace A. Coulter '99 ;Helen Norris, '07.University Sing, S. Edwin Earle, 'n.352 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEClass Secretaries'93 — Herman von Holst, 79 West Mon-roe Street'94 — Horace G. Lozier, 175 West Jackson Boulevard'95 — Charlotte Foye, 5602 KenwoodAvenue'96 — Harry W. Stone, 12 12 Lake ShoreDrive'97 — Charles R. Barrett, 58 East Washington Street'98 — John F. Hagey, First NationalBank'99 — Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorches-ter Avenue'00— '12 — Elizabeth A. Keenan, 2701 LelandAvenue'13 — James A. Donovan, 400 NorthMichigan Avenue'14 — William H. Lyman, 209 WestJackson Boulevard'15 — Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229East 5Óth Street'16 — Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 124Waldo Avenue, Piedmont, California'17 — Lyndon H. Lesch, 1307 East 6othStreet18 — Mrs. Barbara Miller Simpson, 5842Stony Island Avenue'19 — Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 103901— Manan Fairman, 4744 Kenwood £ast 4Qth gtree(.'20 — Roland Holloway, 104 16 SouthAvenue'02 — Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell,11 53 East 5Óth Street'03 — Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute'04 — Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 6031 Kim-bark Avenue Seeley Avenue'21 — Enid Townley, 5546 BlackstoneAvenue'22 — Mrs. Mina Morrison Diether, 1785, ._ n/r t? \r j u r> j Casa Grande, Pasadena, Calif05 — Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, 529 Cedar„ „Street, Winnetka, Illinois 23 — Egil Krogh (Treas.) 7924 Ingle-06— Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life slde AvenueBuilding '24 — Arthur Cody (Pres.) 6727 Merrill'07 — Helen Norris, 72 West Adams AvenueStreet '25— Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 6933'08— Wellington D. Jones, University Crandon Avenueof Chicago '26 — Mrs. Jeanette Hayward Yeatman,'09— Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 East 390 Carroll Pk. East, Long Beach, Cali-Marquette Road fornia.'io— Bradford Gill, 208 South LaSalle '27— Kathleen Stewart, 6631 WoodlawnStreet Avenue'11 — William H. Kuh, 1523 Main '29 — Ethel Brignall, 5450 CornellStreet, Marinette, Wisconsin AvenueThe MidwayBy Robert Pollar, '24A LMOST every year in Mandel HallZjk the hermaphrodite chorfnes ofX JL Blackf riars sing a song about theMidway. It is usually a waltz tune, smack-ing slightly of "Little Annie Rooney."On the first refrain the stage fìlls up withbustles, checked pants, and brown derbies,a hodge-podge of the authentic costumes ofthe mauve decade. And the alumnus,otherwise slightly weary with the peregrina-tions of the usuai musical comedy book,realizes suddenly that the traditions andthe living presence of the famous Midwayplaisance are very- closely bound up withthe life of the University.To him who dwells on the verge of thislong strip of grass and asphalt it comes asa shocking paradox that, because the Midway was, thirty-six years ago, a Street ofraucous carnival, it has bequeathed its titlefor ever and ever to the bally-hoo alley ofevery tent show since the World's Fairand outside Chicago the word suggests alittle universe of fat ladies, snake charmers,and hula dancers whose curious qualitiesare shouted to the gaping audience in thestrident tones of the barker.No vision could be in greater contrastto the quiet serenity of the long plaisancestretching from Taft's Fountain of Timeto the masonry of the Illinois Centralelevation. The gaudy makeshift of the CityWhite has fled the earth leaving behind thestately and dignified Gothic of Harper andClassics gazing at a little world held in thekindly embrace of the long thoroughfare.We travel down the north side. Hereis the Eleanor Club almost smack againstthe side of the I. C. embankment. Heredwells the far-from-down-trodden workinggirl, gazing a little wistfully maybe at theleisurely co-eds to the west, but alert andtrim enough on the express platform everymorning. Next the Hotel Del Prado,home intermittently of Michelsons, Breas-teds and Meads, friendly alike to old ladies*Courtesy The Chicagoan. sunning themselves quietly on the longporches and to the stalwart elevens, ninesand fives which annually invade the pre-cincts of Bartlett Gym. Then the worndirt and cinder of the University HighSchool track and field, alive from nine tosix with sand-lot ball games, with the littlefigures of future Eckersalls and Des Jar-diens. The dilapidated Emmons Blaine,stretching gawkily from Kenwood to Kim-bark, housing schulers of ali ages and sizes,from nursery school tots to the bustlinggraduates of the School of Education. Andin the next block the atmosphere becomesmore definitely collegiate. The Midwayoccupies itself with the problem of the snarlof traffic at Woodlawn. An occasionaiflivver, blazoned with wise-cracking leg-ends, takes a fender or a headlight from anenemy Buick. Shiny Chryslers full ofMortar-Boards, Quadranglers and even theambiguous non-club gals (God bless them)pulì up at the curb of Ida Noyes Hall.Inside, the ladies are only dimly aware ofsumptuous Tudor, fine tapestry, and themagic of old oak as they chew at a cafeterialunch. But the Midway never losesconsciousness of the dignity of neighboringQuadrangles. Although it is never stiffit is always a little proud.Across Woodlawn is the grand Good-hue Chapel, one of the fìnest produets ofAmerican architeets. It stares intently outacross the Midway and understands itsafRnity with the famous plaisance. ThePresidente House, the home of the phenom-enal Hutchinses. The worn-stones ofFoster Hall that have heard for at leasta quarter of a century the tears and gigglesof dormitory gals. Then down the line tothe new hospital, the twin towers of Harper, the Gothic buildings assigned to thespirit of Romantic and the Classic. Atthe end of the procession the modem hospital with its huge set-backs, dangerouslydose to the squalid purlieus of 58th andIngleside.353354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University wisely means to bind theMidway in a dose clasp. The cost ofproperty between Bartlett and Harper hasforever obliterated the cozy expanses on thecampus itself. Sleepy Hollow, that paradise of loafìng places, is gone but not for-gotten. The City Grey, given enough timeand money, will rear itself to the south aswell as to the north. Now the south sideof the Midway is a conglomerate mixture.A row of shops near the I. C. tracks. Theglaring" sign on the St. George askingmaybe for some friendly dragon. The littlehotel where Clarence Darrow ùsed to live.A picturesque church. A polo field whereoccasionally the mounted figures of tur-baned Indian graduates are to be seen.The long, low studio of Taft. An imi-tation Gothic apartment hotel at Drexel anda Socony station, doing its own small bitto maintain the Rockefeller fortunes thathave helped make the University,When we were a freshman reporter onThe Daily Maroon, Lorado Taft told usabout his plans for the Midway, how heproposed to fili the old lagoons again,build ornate bridges across them and linethe broad walks with the pompous statuesof America's great ones. It occurs to usnow how ghastly this decoration would havebeen. Because the Midway today hasmore of timelessness than the famous Foun-tain of Time. This row of merging figuresonly sheds its sesthetic beneficence acrossCottage Grove Avenue. The Fountain isa little too gloomy for the warm spirit ofthe plaisance.The Midway, despite the fact that it ispart and parcel of University life, extendsa welcome to ali. On winter nights theskaters cut figure-eights on its broad rink.Back to the The golden lights of Harper are dullenough to satisfy loving couples parkedsnugly in sedans along 59th Street, safefrom the intrusion of pornographic cops ofJackson Park. In summer the sweaty,cheerful mob from the two neighboringparks overflows the sward of the Midway.In the daytime they play mildly at lawntennis, or practice mashie shots. Babies,with their particular immunity from flyinggolf and tennis balls, chuckle and crow inthe arms of the Midway. A mill-workerfrom Gary spills his f amily out on the grassand mends the tire on the Ford. Lean,blonde young men in sweat shirts andtrunks, lope idly by, gazing intently into avista oi] intercollegiate track meets andVarsity letters. When sundown comesthere is no let-up of scurrying vehicles thatrace madly through the red and green lightsof the two centrai drives as if foolishlyanxious to escape a place of rest and peace.The population of the Midway dwindlesexcept for the streaming arteries of motortrafRc. In the dark we forgive the plaisance its mild sentimentality. Smart mem-bers of the class of 1932 are a little awedby the majesty of the nearby buildings.They shamefacedly hum the Alma Mater.They would sing the words if they knewthem. They are not averse to holdinghands and they prefer the soft turf undertheir feet to the macadam walks where theStreet lights twinkle the brightest. Underthe big trees in front of the Library theyhave lost, girls and boys alike, the flip-pancy that is father to "Joe College/' ClaraBow's movie universities, and the giltundergraduates of Warner Fabian. Andalthough they don't quite understand why,they like it.on June 7Research in the HumanitiesClassiceli Culture in the Middle AgesBy John Dollard, A.M. '30A NYONE who has read Juliusl\ Caesar's taut account of his cam-X J^. paigns in Gaul will realize the kindof men who, five centuries after him,fìnally crashed through the girdle of legionswhich encircled the Empire. Culturally,they were centuries behind their Romansubjects. They were rude, and proud ofit — barbarous and anxious to retain theirbarbarian hardihood. They were not heirsof Greece and they cared nothing for soft,southern ideals of civilized life. They hadnot time to learn to write, but only forfighting. When, after centuries of borderwarfare, in which tribe after tribe wascaught on the spears and javelins of swift-marching Roman legions, they finally brokethrough into the soft lands of the Empire,they carne with their women and childrenand their endless carts of grain, settledwhere it pleased them, took what theywanted, and burned the rest.These men and their descendantsswamped a civilization of books and goodroads, splendid cities and imperiai tax col-lectors, villas and aqueduets, courts andslave labor. With these things such menhad little to do, and for them they carednothing. We deal in the Middle Ageswith the Roman world as they made it —with an effete empire overrun and revital-ized by hardy barbarians. But in the mean-time, in the "Dark Ages," what happened?Somehow these men and their descendants,mixed with the old Roman populations inItaly, France, and Spain, evolved a newand brilliant civilization in WesternEurope, a civilization which a thousandyears after the fall of the Empire blossomsin the Renaissance. What happened in thisthousand years ? How did ideas get about ?How were the barbarian hordes which hadcamped and settled in the old Empirefinally integrated into a new culturalnucleus ? One of these questions is of special interest to the University of Chicago andProfessor Charles Henry Beeson. It isthis. How did ideas get about during thisperiod — through what means, by whatchannels, through what countries? It isneedless, perhaps, to say that the churchesand monasteries were the sanctuaries ofculture during these ages, that they pre-served and copied the old manuscript books,that they took these manuscripts on journeysto far countries where they were copiedagain and where they made fruitful theminds of savage men. But again we havequestions. What manuscripts traveled, andwhere, and who copied them and preservedthem for us through the darkest ages?These are questions that can be answeredby modem scholarship working with modemtools, and which, when answered, will addtheir pages to that general history ofhuman beings and their culture which isbeing written by the combined efforts ofscholars.We live in a split-second world. Ideas goround the planet through the vibrant air inless time than it takes to teli them to an-other man. In the Middle Ages it wasdifferent. They lived in a "four-mile-anhour" world. Ideas went as fast as a horseor a sailing ship could go, and no faster.It will help us to understand those times,their closeness to us, their likeness to us inspite of ali apparent diflerences, if we knowhow the learning and literature of theancient Graeco-Roman world slowly anddeviously filtered through these barbarianages, and again slowly and deviously madefertile the cultural soil out of which ourown civilization has sprung.I reland certainly figures as one of theimportant channels through which theclassical culture reached modem times.When the barbarians stormed the gates ofthe Empire in the fifth century, Ireland355356 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwas already Christian, and had herchurches, monasteries, schools, and clergy— the result of an earlier cultural implanta-tion from the continent. There were menin I reland who could write. They hadmanuscripts of the Scriptures, they hadLatin grammars, and probably some of theclassics. The tidal wave of invasion didnot reach Ireland. She remained remoteand secure, her land unpillaged, herchurches untouched, and her manuscriptssafe. If was considered the thing forAnglo-Saxon monks to go to Ireland fortheir education. It was said by writers ofthe time that in number they resembled"swarms of bees." There were, for in-stance, three thousand students in Irishmonasteries in the sixth century, living intiny huts which they built themselves, andinstructed by Irish monks in the open air.The foreign students who carne to Irelandwere supported by the Irish, and Irishmonasteries supplied them with books.Part of the answer to our question Howdid ideas get about? therefore lies in thestudy of Irish manuscripts, and manuscriptscopied by Irish monks in these darkest ages,the fifth to the eighth centuries. To thisproblem Mr. Beeson is especially addressinghis study.The Irish monks copied every thing theycould lay their hands.on. If you wanted abook in those days, you had to copy it, orhave someone else copy it for you, and sincethe monks were practically the only peoplewho were able to write, most of the copyingfell to them. First they copied Latin grammars, because Latin was a foreign languageand they needed the grammars to use thelanguage. Second, they copied the livesof the Saints and the Gospels. And finally,and well for us, they copied the classicauthors — Caesar, Vergil, Suetonius, Cicero,as well as technical works on agriculture,mathematics, medicine, and the like.The monks from Irish and Continentalmonasteries were constantly journeying —on diplomatic missions between abbeys, forstudy, on visits to the shrines of favoritesaints. With them on these journeys theyoften brought their manuscripts. Theywere curious about manuscripts and would look over the libraries of the monasteriesthey visited, and m some cases make copiesof desired books.After the final barbarian invasions of thefifth century, such of the old manuscriptsas had not been burned lay on the shelves.Occasionally they were taken down andcopied by some intelligent scribe, and theold, worn copies were thrown away. Oftenthey were copied and recopied as the manuscripts became worn. This process wenton from the fifth to the ninth century.Who copied the manuscripts, and due towhose thoughtful care were they preservedat ali?In many cases the manuscripts teli theirown stories of their owners and theirtravels. Hundreds of these old manuscriptsmust have survived until the eighth andninth centuries, when they were recopied.Of these ninth-century manuscripts aboutthree hundred on the continent bear thelabel of an insular origin, for they werewritten in the peculiar script of the Irishand Anglo-Saxon monks, the same scriptwhich is employed in writing Irish texttoday. A vastly larger number of manuscripts written in the script in the eighthand ninth centuries were lost after theyhad been copied in the more legible styleof writing used on the continent at thetime. This is the material on which Mr.Beeson is working. The manuscripts mustbe made to talk, to teli where they' ve been,who owned them, and in what country.Not ali of them will do this, even for thetrained paleographer, but many of themdo, and in particular those do which havepassed through the hands of Irish monks.In order to save time as well as space,for parchment was expensive and the Irishmonks were poor, the monks had adopted inthe sixth century from continental short-hand and legai manuscripts peculiar sym-bols which they employed in writing thesetexts. Insular script in itself was verydifficult to read and certain letters wereeasily confused. When such manuscriptswere copied the symbols were transcribed orwere wrongly interpreted, or one letter wasmistaken for another. When, therefore, alater manuscript is found to contain theseRESEARCH IN THE HUMANITIES 357symbols or errors caused by the misunder-standing of the symbols, there is a strongpresumption that the manuscript fromwhich it was copied was in an Irish monas-tery or was copied by an Irish monk in hisnative shorthand.Mr. Beeson finds evidence of this scriptin manuscripts of the period between theeighth century and the Renaissance. Hecalls these symbols as preserved in latermanuscripts "fossils" because they are ex-tinct formations representing earlier stratain the development of writing. The manuscripts therefore reveal their journey toIreland, or the presence of Irish monks onthe continent, with considerable accuracy,and serve to show the part played by Irelandin passing on the knowledge which laterresulted in the revival of learning underCharlemagne and ultimately in the Renaissance.The process itself is interesting. Firstcomes the investigation of the criticai apparatus of printed texts of the manuscripts.When a given text is printed, perhaps froma large number of copies extant, its editorprints what he considers to be the authentictext, and then at the bottom of each pagehe prints the errors, variations from thetext which he has selected as authentic. Ifthese errors are due to the confusion ofIrish symbols or letters, Mr. Beeson knowsthat the manuscript or its originai has beenthrough Irish fingers. Usually, however,the editor will have understood rather thanmisread the Irish symbols; and the foot-notes of the criticai text will give no evidence of their existence ; this brings us tothe next part of the process. The journeymust be made to the library where themanuscript is now located — usually inEurope. The pages of the manuscriptsthemselves must be examined to see whetheror not the insular script has been used.This makes the check complete. Ali manuscripts of the eighth and ninth centuriescan be made to teli at least that part oftheir story, if any, which relates to Irelandand England.The kind of problem that arises may beillustrated by three examples that have todo with the German monastery of Fulda, one of the many establishments foundedby Irish and Anglo-Saxon monks on thecontinent. We have a biography of Charlemagne written by a monk named Einhart.Einhart, evidently at a loss for material ofadequate splendor on Charlemagne, modeledhis work on The Lives of the Caesars, bythe Roman author, Suetonius. He followedthe Latin model closely, even giving toCharlemagne a crippled foot (which hedid not have), and his portrait of Charlemagne became a composite picture of thetwelve Caesars. Einhart was educated atFulda; it was there that he became ac-quainted with the work of Suetonius. Itwas thus that there carne to be written byEinhart through Latin inspiration one ofthe significant books about the most sig-nificant man of that century.A little later, Lupus, a monk at theFrench monastery of Ferrières, went toFulda to learn the German language.Upon his return to France Lupus wrotetwice to friends in Germany asking for thiscopy of Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars.Did Lupus get his Suetonius? If he did itmust have been copied in the Anglo-Saxonscript used at Fulda. Now the oldest manuscripts of Suetonius that have survived areFrench. Are they descended from themanuscript of Lupus, as he got it fromFulda? Only an actual examination of theextant French manuscript of Suetonius cananswer this question.This examination is stili to be made byMr. Beeson.As the third example of the channelsthrough which ideas and literary worksof past generations filtered through theseDark Ages, we have the case of the manuscript of the Gospels written at the directionof Bishop Victor of Capua in 547 a.d.We know that Bishop Victor did directthe copying of the Gospels in this year because the manuscript tells us so. Thismanuscript is now at the monastery ofFulda in Germany. How did it get there ?It evidently took two long journeys. Itmust have gone to England, probably withAugustine or some of his followers, becausethough the manuscript is written in theancient script of southern Italy it contains358 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmany marginai notes in the Anglo-Saxonscript. Very likely it was taken to Germanyfrom England with Boniface, who was sentto convert the German tribes. Old legend,attached to the manuscript itself, supportsmodem scholarship in this viqw.But the cultural movements betweensouthern Italy and Germany did not alwaysfollow this route via England. As Mr.Beeson has shown there was direct com-munication between Italy and Germany.This ì act is evident from study of a famouscollection of important texts contained in amanuscript now held in Paris/ This manuscript was written at Monte Cassino insouthern Italy aboujt the year 790, as the script shows. On one page the scribe hascopied along with the Latin text the German word vorbotan, which shows that theoriginai was written at a German monastery. Errors in the text show that thisoriginai was written in the Anglo-Saxonscript. There is only one center in Europewhere this combination of German andAnglo-Saxon is possible, and that center isFulda.So the paleographer works, finding hisfossils, dating his manuscripts, making themteli of their journeys and their owners.Such studies, taken in their sum total, lightup for ali of us one of the dark areas ofour knowledge of the world's culture.Great Teachers'THE executive and administrativeofHcers of the colleges affiliated withnineteen church boards of educationwere asked to co-operate in a study of twophases of college teaching.The first phase had to do with those individuate referred to on any college campusas "great teachers." It is a rare collegethat has not had or does not have some"great teachers." The second phase wasconcerned with the methods used by thecollege ofHcers in the building of theirfaculties. No effort has been made as yetto trace the possible relationships betweenthese two phases of the subject.A total of 187 colleges participated inthe investigation regarding the greatteachers, and a total of 162 in the studyof the methods of building college faculties^Probably 200 colleges were concerned inboth studies. The purpose, however, was tosecure the attitude toward the questions in-volved of those institutions which aredefinitely committed to what is calledChristian education.It is not claimed that the pictures securedare composite pictures of ali American colleges, nor ideal pictures for the collegesco-operating. The camera was pointed toportions of the field and the results se cured were the results secured. The dataassembled disclose some unexpected results. . . .There was a hypothesis that the so-called"great teacher" was largely a fabrication ofthe imagination. That the great teacherswere neither born great nor achieved great-ness, but their greatness was thrust uponthem by the administration for publicitypurposes, or by alumni in their moments ofsentimental reminiscence, and that thegreatness of the teachers increased directlyas the distance from the students' gradua-tion dates. . . .Our findings indicate that it is not safeto prejudge an investigation. A few greatteachers were reported for the decades ofthe nineteenth century — even so far backas 1841-50. But there were many morereported for the twentieth century than thenineteenth; there were more reported forthe decade 191 1-20 than for any other.The numbers for 1 901-10 exceeded thenumbers for 1 891-1900, and these in turnexceeded those for 1881-90. Of course,the results might have been different if thereporting ofEcers had been the alumnirather than the administrative officers.Perhaps the opinion of the ofEcers of administration should be more reliable than*Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors.GREAT TEACHERS 359that of the alumni. In any event, it ap-pears that not ali great teachers are deadteachers. The reports bear out the asser-tion of one of our correspondents that thegreat teachers are well distributed throughout the history of the college.Among the teachers under considerationin these colleges it was found that 142 ofthem had the Doctor's degree. Within thislist were included a few with Sc.D., Ped.D.and M.D. degrees. Also, the same numberwere reported as having the M.A. or M.S.degree. As to the universities from whichthese degrees were secured, Chicago isnamed more than any other one institution,followed very closely by Columbia, andafter that, in order, by Cornell, Harvard,Johns Hopkins, Yale, Iowa, Pennsylvania,Wisconsin, and others, to the total of forty-one difìerent institutions.More great teachers, 68, were reportedin the field of English and English Incerature than in any other field; mathematicsranks next, 57, followed by philosophy, 44;Greek, 42; Latin, 40; history, 36; biology,30; chemistry, 29; Bible, 24; science, 20;education, 1 7 ; social science, 1 3 ; German,12, and psychology, 12. If to what is reported definitely as "social science" wereadded economics, sociology, politicai science,and government, the total would equalthat of history, 36, and if history and socialscience, thus broadly conceived were com-bined, this group would take the first place.If to Bible were added religion, New Testamene theology, and other kindred subjectsthis group would be in the same rank ashistory, 36. Forty-five different subjectswere mentioned in which these teachersachieved distinction.In view of popular criticism one of thesurprises carne in the matter of research.Only 45 answers out of 158 were positivelyto the effect that their teachers were notalso carrying on research as well as teaching.There were 69 positive answers in the af-firmative, and a certain amount of airibiguityin 44. Sixty-five of our correspondents ad-vised that the research had resulted in pub-lication, though, of course, the type ofpublication was not stipulated. At leastthere was no disposition on the part of 40per cent of our correspondents to ignore re search as an important feature of success-ful teaching.A considerably larger number of replies,94, indicated that fruitful student contactswere more often to be found than publication as a result of the researches the teacherhad made. Approximately 85 per cent ofthose who engaged in research were notedfor their fruitful student contacts.As a further effort to elicit judgmentsconcerning the real teaching capacity ofthese men and women, the question wasasked: Did they teach their subjects, ordid they devote much of their time in classto a discussion of questions of philosophicalinterest, or relating to the ceproblems oflife"? Of the 161 answers, 68 reportedthe teaching of the subjects, including"mainly" and "primarily," while 62 othersreported that they taught both the subjectand general questions of philosophicalinterest. Only six answers indicated es-sential discursiveness on the part of theteachers. Practically ali the answers indicated a broad sympathy with life and withthe institutions of life on the part of theteachers. Apparently, these teachers werenot simply technicians. jA stili further effort was made to prò-voke a discriminating judgment by thequestion: Were they "great" on account oftheir personality and character regardlessof skill in teaching? Seventy-three correspondents felt that their personality, character, etc, largely carried them through todistinction, and 29 believed that both wereessential factors in the case. Only 26answered in the negative. Very few caredto estimate the teacher purely on the basisof skill in teaching alone. . . .One hundred and thirty-three institutionswere named as sources of "best teachers."As several of those specified are not graduateschools, there are no doubt a number of"best teachers" who did no graduate work.On the basis of the frequency with whichthey were named the leading universitiesrank: University of Chicago 93, Columbia70, Harvard 44, Johns Hopkins 29, Cornell25, Illinois 25, Yale 25, Iowa 23, Wisconsin 20, Michigan 18, Princeton 16,Pennsylvania 14, Northwestern 13, OhioState io.Hutchinson CourtThe beautiful setting for the 1930 Sunset Supper and the traditional location for theUniversity Sing.Sojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin Smith, '98XVWHAT the Lowlander said aboutthe great valley swarms and theirindifference to university ambitionswas possibly only an echo after ali. Hehad heard faculty men say something likeit. Yes; had not Hastings declared: "Theoutside world, as it is called, can neverunderstand what we're after."It was a wistful saying, rather than anarrogant one. Its note was not: "Thoseignorant dolts are too far below us everto appreciate us," but "Oh, that they mightknow what we could do for them if we hada chance!" It was hard for some elementsin the quadrangle to understand that itspeaks stili loomed distantly, like mirages,in the imaginations of the multitude hardpressed to keep alive. It was hard for menthrilled with the importance of what theywere doing to realize that, in the greatwelter of the metropolis, few saw any importance in the work of scholars.That winter was a period of trying tofind the right path to success. It was atime of groping, of suggestions made andquickly discarded, even of disagreementsand suspicions. It was not uncommon tohear a professor say, "If we have to sellour principles for this money, I hope weshall never get a cent."They need not have worried. Theuniversity had its traditions, the Presidenthad his own idea of dignity. Behind thePresident stóod the trustees, and thetrustees stood together.They were gathered in a gilt-friezedparlor in a hotel. A long luncheon tablewas set with many places, and besides dishesand glasses there were pictures ; pictures ofwhite buildings, with many windows andtowers. These were the dreams of the trustees, reàlized so far as an architect'sbrush could do it.It was everybody's vision, this array ofstructures, which some day should presentalong the vivacious boulevard a solid andsplendid rampart. Among the buildingsgrey-tinted by city smoke and with ivydrapings there should rise, untarnished,glistening white, great stones f resh from theearth. And these should be so shaped asto be not merely buildings, but molds ofmen tal yearnings. They would standamong the greenery, while clouds circledover them; and they would unfold theirquiet beauty to the eyes of the boulevard.But these dreams, these symbols, re-mained imprisoned on paper because therewas no one ready to release them. Thetrustees longed for the key. They hadwaited a long time. They knew they hadan appeal, if they could "get it across."But they would not be solicitors. Theywould not stage scenes. There were somany things they would not — in fact,could not — do.They sat around the table, a group ofdose friends, who called each other "Albert" or "John," and although the meetingwas parliamentary it was also very easy-mannered and placid. No one seemedanxious. These were men who, for themost part, ruled or helped to rule large"interests." Having such experience, theyknew that the larger projects were, themore difficult it was to propel them throughthe maze of objections, and hazards, andlegalisms which confront anything plannedand offered for approvai. Thus they con-fronted very coolly the impressive figuresfurnished them by the university auditor;they talked in millions, both millions inhand and millions to be acquired; theydealt gently but finally with administrativetangles. Heavens, their lives were nothingbut administrative tangles!361362 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYounger than most of the others, thechief of this trustee body sat with his armsfolded, his dark head slightly drooped,listening. At the other end of the table,among sheafs of documents spilling fromhis brief-case, sat the President.There were, in a sense, two heads of theuniversity, one at each end of the conferenceboard. The younger, who might withoutmuch straining of terms be called the em-ployer of the elder, would never assumethat ròje, nor think it. He would divinewhat the President needed in the way ofsuggestion, aid, or perhaps just>friendship,and — be on the spot. At cali, he wouldcome rushing across acres of the city in hiscar, for consultation. * He wrote letters tothe President, endorsed "personal," abasketful of letters. They were full ofwisdom, and also full of affection.When the President spoke in conference,the younger man's face would light up withalertness, with something both deferentialand keen. There was almost the relationof father and son between those two.3."We'll come to order, if you please."The trustees push back their coffee-cups."Last time, we had before us this proposai for a public demonstration . . . Webarely touched upon it. We will discussit now, if you please .... John, kindlyread the outline."John reads.Faint smiles appear around the table ashe rattles off the points: A parade offaculty and students down the principalboulevard ; a children's parade, the children,costumed in little caps and gowns, carryingplacards ; a sixty-piece band ; a window display downtown, with a richly costumedman in the window, writing down thenames of contributors in a book . . .The smiles broaden."Who in the world invented that?"inquires a member."It was suggested by a friend in the advertising business," explains John. "In hiscovering letters he says : 'What the university needs is to use methods known to beeffective with the average man. The uni versity is too far away from the masses.It should sell itself (underscored) ; getdown to the common level . . . No chargefor drafting this pian.* "The trustees are silent. One murmursto another: "I can see Professor X -'sface if we ever do that. He wouldscalp us.""What is your pleasure, gentlemen?"The President: "There should be acourteous answer made. Our friend meanswell. He is giving us the best idea he has,from his viewpoint . . . . Of course thescheme is preposterous.""Idiotici" blurts an outspoken trustee.A more pensive one remarks: "There'sjust a grain of truth in the man's suggestion. We have to impress ourselves on theaverage person, somehow. A little of thespectacular might not "They ali look toward the chairman. Heis studying his coffee-cup. Smoothly, butconclusively, he says:"It won't do."That point is settled. The advertisingman shall be politely written to; the proposai shall be filed. And now there is thatquestion of hiring a large city auditoriumand inviting some hundreds of leadingcitizens to hear a lecture on scientific dis-covery.That sounds like a real idea; a dignifiedidea."How much will it cost?" demands amember.Costs are presented. The figures makethe trustees a little rueful. But they arespenders — in a good cause. Who shallgive the lecture?"Can X be persuaded?""He abhors popular lecturing about hiswork.""Stili, I think, Mr. Chairman ""How about Hastings?" (They some-times forget to address the chairman only.)"Hastings? He doesn't make a goodpopular appearance.""Or B ?""He would hit someone's prejudices.He's always getting off on the wrong foot.I understand that the other day in class — "The chairman checks this speech with aSOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 363look. Trustees have their own angles onthings, their own dislikes, but seldom, theLowlander has found, do these result in aprofessor being chided for what he says. . Only, B- will not do."It must be X ."The President speaks again."I will try to persuade him."General approvai. You know that X —will be persuaded. There remain questionsof slides, of ushers, of invitations. A sub-committee shall see to these. Most for-mally, a subcommittee is named, while asoft-footed waiter passes around the table,gathering up dishes.The able and urbane trustees sit aboutthe cleared board, thinking of their weightyundertaking. They are, every one of them,aware that last year the budget was barelyadequate ; in some year soon to come, enter-prise may have to be curtailed. They arelobked to by an immense family, a restlessand even temperamental family — thefaculty, in short — to bring something goodto pass. They have before them the dream-pictures. Beautiful, are they not? Atrustee lifts one, and peers at it. He mur-murs, "If only my friend Prospar— — hecould give it so easily ..." but shakes hishead.Has the President any thing to report?Ali look toward the agile old man withthe square chin and the lustrous eyes. Heseems tired today. But he brightens."I think I have made progress with Mr.Q . He seems almost, if not quite,willing to finance the Science Building.""That's good news," exclaims a trustee."I am to see him directly after this meeting. He has asked me a number of questions, which I shall answer in writing.""It sounds like business," remarks theblunt trustee. "Best news Fve heard inmonths."A silence.The young chairman sits thoughtful.He glances once at the President. He isneither cheered nor downcast."Do I hear a motion to adjourn?"4.Once a year, if not more than once, the trustees "banqueted" the faculty. Thistime, the Lowlander received a card.The feast was held in a long room fin-nished in beautiful dark woods and havinga ceiling of cathedral-like height. On thewalls hung portraits of the founder, offormer presidents, of others who by serviceor f riendship had won places in the gallery.Crammed into every foot of space weretables for twenty or more, at which, in informai clothes, the faculty men and womentouched elbows; while waiters in whitejackets,— brainy looking waiters whom atanother time you might meet in laboratoryhallways, scurried between tables andpantry.Raised on a platform was the row ofspeakers, and in the middle of this longboard sat the inseparables, the Presidentand the chief of the trustees. They lookeddown over the vast "family," never at anyother time so well represented or so inter-mingled. Department lines were rubbedout. Groups socially solid on other oc-casions were dissolved. Leaders of thefaculty found themselves distributed amongthe younger and less renowned; thetrustees, too, had casual places about theroom.The chief faculty humorist could beseen telling stories to a tableful of peoplewhose smiles carne hard; people who"never went anywhere." Hastings, cham-pion recluse, had for once come out intosociety, and was entertaining a pair ofphilologists .... The Great Man madehimself agreeable to a lame lady whoseordinary companions were captive bacteria.There was a great clatter of knives andforks and china, but no jazz band squawkedacross the room; no song books lay besideplates. There was no "He's a jolly goodfellow" to accompaniment of silver beatenagainst tumblers. But a chaos of talk roseto the rafters together with the smoke ofthe professorial cigars. And once a quartetsang.Over the great company, the Presidentlooked out, with afrection, with sympathy,with a heightened pulse. He had criticsin the room, possibly. He was confront-ing, at any rate, men whom he himself had364 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtaught to think in terms of a university fargreater than their own visions of it. Therewere individuate to whom he had appealed:"Stay with us; see what we shall do." Hewas their prophet as Well às their chief.His shirt bosom lifting a little rapidly,his face slightly flushed, he sat glancingabout while the earlier speeches were made.The Dean introduced new members of thefaculty with soft gibes. (The Lowlanderhad heard him say, only a few hours before :"What in heaven's name am I going to sayabout these people? I don't know half ofthem.") The new members rose to theirnames amid applause. There were morespeeches, and good stories. A trustee washeard from ; he made a mild hit Amid a creak of chairs and whispersfrom here and there, the President rose.He thanked the trustees, hosts of thisfaculty body. He ventured a reminiscenceabout the number of these huge reunionshe had attended. Then he drew a breath."Our developments effort progresses.Thè alumni are being appealed to . . . ."The Lowlander half heard him mentiona sum of money — "a quota." The guestslooked at each other, and nodded satisfac-tion."But I have also the pleasure of announc-ing — r" and he took a slip of paper, whichslightly trembled in his hand — "that thetrustees have subscribed their share, whichis -"Well, these professors could applaudiWaiting for the noises to die down, thePresident stood looking at the excited faces.An aged professor shook the nearest trusteeby the hand. The applause ceased, andthere was a buzzing at ali the tables, aslowly diminishing murmur of surpriseand pleasure.The Lowlander thought: "So much like children after ali, with their present. . . Ah, but this means more than moneyto them. It means bringing nearer thosestone shapes which now exist only on paper.It will help beat off an assault of troublesand anxieties. And it suggests success,which is welcome anywhere."Money, "mere money."There was no super-idealist to sneer atit, coming from these hands.The President had more to say; verymuch more. But as he was about to gatherhimself for another sentence, there carnefrom somewhere aloft, from the veryshadows under the arched ceiling, itseemed, the booming of the curfew bells.The chimer, regardless of banquets, hadbegun at his regular hour the universityhymn.The President paused, turned, and facedtoward the sound. He stood there, withhead bowed, while every banqueter got tohis feet.Slowly, heavily, dimly, like organbourdons heard through strata of earth,carne the notes. The crowd stood motion-less, looking as reverent as at prayer. Thatcompany of men, some of them skeptics,some hard of head and caustic of tongue,yielded to a sentiment, vague but subduing,like any city crowd on Armistice Day.They heard the heart of the university beat,and its inner voice speak.The President stood speechless, bowed,an extra moment after the bells ceased.The diners were settling into the chairs.As he faced them again, his voice rangstronger than before.Many a man, months later, rememberedthat hour, when the will, the authority,the radiant hope of the President seemedto permeate his body. It was remarked:"He never looked so well in his life."iti mv opinionBy Fred B. Millett,Assistant Professor of EnglishTHE embattled stand of the self-named American Humanists is significai chiefly because it will revealthe intellectual poverty of their creed andits inadequacy for the modem world.Their gallant enterprise will turn out tobe, not a first successful raid into theenemy's territory but a forlorn hope, anenfeebled gesture, a galvanic gasp in favorof a cause lost at least two hundred yearsago.The creed of the so-called Humanists isan imperfect amalgam of singularly dis-cordant elements; it attempts to blend ad-herence to prudently selected ideas from thePlatonic tradition, a literary creed mostsystemaitically formulated in seventeenthcentury France, and a view of human natureand conduct peculiarly characteristic of dis-senting Protestantism in America. Of thesebasic ingredients, the first is the most sus-pect, the second, the most coherent, and thelast, the most inadequate in the face ofthe modem world.The American Humanists' admirationfor classical antiquity is notably eclectic;it cherishes the more staid and heroic ex-amples of ancient literature; it abjures themore sportive and violent and romantic:Petronius, Euripides, Martial, Seneca, andApuleius. Plato under the severe pen ofPaul Elmer More becomes an austeremoralist in a frock coat and side-whiskers ;the impudence, the quaint mores, themockery, the intellectual freedom of thegarrulous Athenian are cast carefully intothe shadow.For the literary-critical creed of seventeenth century classicism there is muchmore to be said than one usually hears inAmerica, and perhaps the most importantresult of the current controversy (aside from the inevitable massacre of the Humanists themselves) will be the remindingreaders and critics that there are otherconceptions of art and life than the romanticone which most of us derive unconsciouslyfrom the groggy thinking of Shelley andWordsworth. The major shortcoming ofthe literary creed of classicism is that itcompels the immediate exclusion of whatis commonly held to be the greatest literature of ali time, and crowns with rapidlyfading honors the decorous and orderly anddecidedly second rate. If the Humanistswere as self-critical as they pretend to be,they would suspect that a creed that con-demns most of what has happened in artand life in the last century or more, ispartially, if not completely blind. If Mr.Babbitt were not the victim of an emotionalmonomania, his acute intelligence wouldhave shown him that no individuai, not evenRousseau, could be responsible for ali theevils of the modem world.It is, however, in the cruciai matter ofits views of human nature and modemsociety that the Humanistic creed is mostshockingly inadequate. The Humanists'elementary conception of human naturedoes little credit to their powers of self-analysis. To Messrs. Babbitt, More, andG. R. Elliott, man is a battleground ofgood and evil impulses, and the duty ofthe good man is to inhibit the bad impulsesby the aid of conscience, absurdly designatedas the "inner check." This infant-schoolview of complex human personality wouldnot pass muster outside the classroom of aprofessor of physical science, and hardlythere. In the first place, even the wisestof men have found it difficult to makemore than the most elementary distinctionsbetween good and bad. In the second place,365366 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Humanists' identification of bad impulses with expansive feelings, international-ism, and humanitarianism, sufEciently dem-onstrates the cloistered parochialism of thisnoisy and presumptuous sect. Humanismis an excellent creed for academic bachelorsinhabiting ivory towers; it has little or norelevance to complex human beings adriftin an inordinately complicated world. Thecrowning objection to Humanism, then, isnot, as some one recently observed, thatit is ali too human, but that it is utterlyinhuman. American Humanism is Humanism with the human left out. *The absurd pretensions and the hollowdogmas of American Humanism may be ofsome service, however, in indicating thedesperate need of our time for a synthesisto which persons of intelligence may givetheir emotional and ethical allegiance.Particularly in America is this need felt,since here abundant, though rapidlydiminishing, naturai resources and exorbi-tant returns from industriai enterprise haveraised millions of the uncultivated abovethe fear of pressing want and the necessityof thought concerning the future. Perhapsnever before in the history of the world haveso many millions been able to live in veryconsiderable, though noisy, comfort andleisure. To the enhancement of this leisureand comfort, the operation of modem industriai society is more or less consciouslydirected, and consequently it is not surpris-ing that most of our compatriots identifythe good life with the possession of biggerautomobiles, pinker bath-tubs, and moreelegantly scented toothpastes. Under theirdelicate feet a new Humanistic synthesiswould be pearls indeed.But it is undeniable that a new view ofman and his relation to the universe isdesperately needed, and is being passionatelysought. Probably only a few of the moreforesighted individuata of this generationwill attain such a view, but I am convincedthat, within a hundred years, the philosophical and ethical chaos of our time willhave been superseded by a Weltanschauungof which it is possible to forecast some of the basic features. At any rate, it may notbe unprofitable to sketch the features of aHumanism, a trine less inadequate than thatof Messrs. Babbitt, More, Eliot, Elliott,and Foerster.First of ali, the Humanism of the futuremust come to terms with the two mostpowerful influences in the current order:industrialism and science. With the first,it will come to terms only by rejeoting al-most ali those values of materialism thatare motivated by a mad desire for profitsand stimulated by the most dangerous ofman's crafts, advertising. In the case ofscience, it will not concern itself with thosefindings that have no human relevance orimplications, although it will not discourageharmless men of a scientific turn of mindfrom pursuing in private, problems of anon-human variety. It will accept coura-geously ali that science can teli it as tohuman nature and the universe in whichman's destiny plays itself out. It willfollow out relentlessly the implications forthought and conduct of that depersonaliza-tion of the universe which modem sciencehas initiated. It will abandon without amurmur the comforting but unjustifiableassumption of man's exalted place in thescheme of things; it will reconcile itself toa much humbler conception of man's individuai and collective significance.In the sphere of conduct, the Humanismof the future will acknowledge the declinein holding power of the obsolescent Hebraic-Christian synthesis. It will attempt towork out an ethical system broad enoughfor ali mankind but applicable to thevarieties of human nature and experience.It will stress everywhere and constantly thecreative rather than the destructive, thepositive rather than the negative, the pro-ductive of good rather than the consumptiveof goods. It will encourage the individuatethat pay allegiance to it to achieve integration on the highest possible level.At any rate, the Humanism of the futurewill aim at the creation of a living faith,and not at the revival of one alreadymoribund.Student Literary VenturesBy EdwinManaging Editor,IT HAS been conceded that the University student finds little intrinsic meritin conventional activities. He turnseither to intensive research in his studiesor to off-campus "culture" centers; and, asa result, whatever creative artistry eman-ates from the Quadrangles is born apartfrom locai extra-curricular stimuli.Turning more particularly to writerswe find that the names that are famousin the literary world do not number amongthem many former editors of The DailyMaroon or of the Phoenix. Of course,there are those who have graduated to theranks of metropolitan newspapers such asMilton Mayer, George Morgenstern, JohnGunther, Charles Collins, or MeyerLevin. But a Glenway Wescott or anElizabeth Madox Roberts comes to thefore as a result of influences outside thegeneral run of student life.There has existed a small group, du-biously affiliated with the University, thePoetry Club, now only nominally a studentorganization. From this body the greatnumber of writers has arisen ; in this group,so little attended by the general run ofundergraduates, is fostered the only realstimulus to creative writing that can besaid, at ali, to be fostered at the University.From this group some six years ago aproject was inaugurated which has resultedin the sole medium for broadcasting under-graduate literary talent outside the Quadrangles: The Forge, now having growninto a Midwestern Re view.In 19 17, just before the War, sevenundergraduates, finding a pedantic analysisof literature unsatisfactory, organizedthemselves into a group through which theymight reach a freer perspective of apprecia-tion, an uninhibited clearing-house for theirown ideas on English letters. They formedthe Poetry Club. Their meetings wereheld surreptitiously at odd hours in anyvacant room about campus. There wasno faculty "advisor." Then the war took Levin, '30The Daily Maroonali seven of these undergraduates. Threeof them returned; and, on the crest of thatgreat wave of cynicism and unsteadiness,they sought to continue that fragmentaryattempt at literary freedom.Slowly they took on new enthusiasts.The story of their growth is romantic toone who hardly appreciates the furtivenesswith which they clung to that nucleus.They continued to meet, when they could,in Classics, in Cobb, in Harper. Thenthey began to meet in the evenings, stiliin University quarters; after nine o'clock,when Ida Noyes had to be closed, theygathered on the steps to finish a suspendedargument till very late.Gradually the unresponsiveness of theUniversity forced this group to shift offcampus. There was never an attempt toinvite any of the faculty except as membersof the growing group ; and Poetry Club f eltitself, as any sincere creative effort, clearlyisolated from the pedantry of the University.They began to meet at the homes of themembers. As the group became distantfrom the Quadrangles it felt itself stronger.Elizabeth Madox Roberts was recog-nized as the leader of the organizationwhich included Glenway Wescott, JessicaNelson North, Gladys Campbell, GeorgeDillon and Bertha Ten Eyck James. MissRoberts was a tyrant and was feared aswas the most ferocious of pedagogues inthe English department. Poetry and fictionsoon made these writers famous amongAmerican letters. Younger writers, Ster-ling North and Stanley Newman latermade their mark with Poetry Club.Poetry Club began The Forge as aMonthly Journal of Verse for the con-tributions of its members and those outside who had been stimulated by theiractivity. The leaders of Poetry Club,George Dillon and Gladys Campbell became the editors. This was in May, 1924.Robert Morss Lovett supervised the publi-368 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcation. By May of the following year itwas attracting contributions from writersin ali parts of the country. With the firstissue of the second year the editors changedthe monthly journal into a quarterly, thebetter to handle the steadily increasingamount of material and the consequentdemands of publication. It has appearedas a quarterly since then.In 1927, under the editorship of SterlingNorth and Stanley Newman The Forgewasvenlarged in size and scope. It hadgrown so that it was a separate functionfrom Poetry Club which cohtinued hazilyunder the regulations of the University.Prose, woodcuts, and drawings, and moreextensive reviews were added to the usuaiamount of poetry ; a number of prizes weresecured ; and the magazine assumed a com-prehensiveness and vitality that had beenquite unforeseen by its founders.In 1928 Frances Stevens and DexterMasters took over the magazine fromNorth and , Newman. The material con-tinued to increase in amount and in quality,and the reputation of the magazine as aquarterly òf high distinction continued togrow. Among the various contributors toThe Forge, now a Midwestern Review ofprose and poetry, were Padraic Colum,William Closson Emery, Howard Mum-ford Jones, Alfred Kreymborg, VachelLindsay, Robert Morss Lovett, EuniceTietjens, and Yvor Winters.So The Forge became a separate èntityand continued to build itself as an organof expression, hardly finding any responsein the University as it vacillated betweenaffiliation and independence. From its firstyear it has had the one purpose of providinga discriminating medium of publication forthe young writers of America. Its increasedcirculation has been financed throughlectures, yet another of the literary ventureswhich have acknowledgedly brought benefit to the campus. Edna St. Vincent Millay,Vachel Lindsay, Bertrand Russell, ElinorWylie, Robert Frost, and Carl Sandburg were introduced to the Campus by TheForge.In the start of its seventh year TheForge is attempting an expansion whichshould enable it to take care of the increasing amount of contributed material,meet the demands of the growing subscription list, and successfully enter upon thelarger field of activity which these twodevelopments have opened to it. The newForge will be larger, at least sixty-fourpages each issue, it will offer a greatly increased list of prizes, and through criticaireviews and discussions it will endeavor tosupplement the contributed material withcomment on happenings in contemporarywriting.The first enlarged issue is the currentnumber. It includes several criticai arti-cles: among them Professor Percy HolmesBoynton's analysis of Malcolm Cowley'sBlue Juniata. Two poems by EdwardDavison, conductor of the Wit's Weeklycolumn of the Saturday Review of Litera-ture, author of Harvest of Youth, and oneof the most sparkling of young Englishcritics now in America; and an unpublishedshort poem of Vachel Lindsay are found inthis number.The late Henry Blake Fuller once saidof The Forge that it was the most beautifulpoetry magazine in the country from thestandpoint of format and makeup. Asis typical of most creative enterprises whichhave arisen in one way or another from theQuadrangles, The Forge, which grew outof Poetry Club, had to struggle along withthe faith of a few amidst an unresponsivestudent body, which found its ultimatelocus in literary circles outside of school;which was forced to associate with theUniversity to use Mandel hall in order tofinance its publication, and which is nowfaced with the prospect of withdrawingagain, to secure sponsors and guarantors outside, because there is no support, because theexpansion program necessitates response ona larger scale and of a more tangible nature.Getting Acquainted with the Faculty —by DegreesEACH yeàr the University publishes asomewhat ponderous tome entitledAnnual Register of the University ofChicago. More than five hundred pagesare required to cover the territory boundedby Organization and. Government on theone hand and Summaries of Attendance onthe other. Truly a compendium of University information, it might well be studiedby interested alumni as well as by pros-pective students.Through the years the growth and progress of the University are chronicled inthese annual publications. Too bulky intheir proportions to tempt the reviewer theyoffer many opportunities for the amateurresearch worker whose curiosity is whettedby the diversity of reports — the multiplicityof figures.One such student of statistics spent aninteresting day in a survey of that section ofthe current Register that catalogs the ofEcers of instruction and administration. Hediscovered nothing new. He simply tabu-lated the information so frankly given in theRegister, but his findings were so interesting to him as an alumnus that it seemedvery probable that other alumni might beinterested in the results of his survey. Sothese predigested statistics are herewithoffered to the alumnus who wishes to knowmore about the faculty but lacks the timeor inclination for studying the catalog.In the first place, it might be well to preface this report by announcing that theAnnual Register for the last academic yearshows 803 members of the faculty above thegrade of assistarit. Among this numberare several professors emeriti whose activityin the field of instruction is decidedlylimited, but who constitute a small but veryimportant group that would add luster anddegrees to any galaxy of great teachers. Itis, then, of these 803 members of the facultywith their titles of professor emeritus, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor and research associate thatwe would report. We find that members of the Chicagofaculty have attended nearly two hundredand fifty colleges and universities. Manyof them know Oxford and Cambridge bet-ter than they know Harvard or Yale,Gòttingen and Vienna, Glasgow and Leipzig, Berlin and Calcutta, Paris and Tokyoand a score more of the foreign universitieshave helped to educate Chicago teachers.In America alone more than two hundredcolleges are represented on the locai teaching force.Space does not permit a complete tabula-tion of the collegiate brands of learningsported by the faculty members but a par-tial résumé may be welcomed.It has been claimed that there is noparticular significance in one's choice of acollege for his undergraduate work. Atleast, it may be admitted that many factorsoutside the intrinsic merit of the institutionmay enter into such a choice. So, withoutclaims of significance, we may simply statethat of the 803 members of the facultymore than one half, 432 to be exact, havegivén the names of the institutions fromwhich they have received their bachelors'degrees. These 432 bachelors' degrees aregranted by 193 colleges or universities. Asmight be expected, the University of Chicago is the Alma Mater of the greatest number of these bachelors— 186 being of thèhome grown variety, eligible for member-ship in the Chicago Alumni Association towhich, we regretfully add, less than half ofthem belong. Other institutions that haveprovided five or more bachelors to the Chicago teaching staff are Harvard, Michiganand Illinois with 20 each, Northwestern 18,Wisconsin 16, Yale 14, Minnesota 13, Iowaand Toronto 11, Cornell and Indiana 9,Columbia, Dartmouth, Denison and Ober-lin 8, California 7, Amherst, Missouri,Nebraska, Vassar, Wesleyan and Williams6, Beloit and McGill 5.Among the ofHcers of instruction during1928-9 we find 114 men with the master 'sdegree. These 114 degrees were obtained36937Q THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom 44 institutions of learning. Amongthese 114 master s we find Chicago again inthe lead with 29. Next comes Columbiawith 9; then Michigan 8, Harvard 7, Oxford, Minnesota and Ohio State with 4each, and Wisconsin, Northwestern andIowa with 3.Of the 803 members of the faculty 361possess the doctor's degree, about 99% ofthem in philosophy and 1% in science. Ofthis total of 361 doctors, more than 60%or 221^ are doctors of the University of Chicago. Harvard follows with 20, Columbiaand Yale with 13 each, Johns Hopkins 11,Wisconsin 8, California 7, Cornell, Pennsylvania and Berlin with 6 each, Leipzig,Michigan and Stanford with 4, Clark andPrinceton with 3.There are 275 doctors of medicine on thefaculties of Rush and the University ofChicago. These men are the products offorty medicai schools, of which "Good oldRush" is far in the lead with 161 graduateson the combined faculties. The University of Chicago Graduate School is nextwith 20. Then come Illinois with 15,Northwestern with 12, Harvard io, JohnsThe death of Karl Pietsch, emeritus professor of Romance Philology, ends adistinguished career. Born in Stettin, Germany, Jan. 4, 1860, his education was begunin the schools and gymnasium of his nativecity, where his chief, interest was in thecourses pertaining to language and litera-ture. Later he specialized in RomancePhilology at the University of Berlin,under the famous Adolf Tobler. Thesestudies were interrupted by a year ofmilitary service which took him to the cityof Halle, and in that university, working Hopkins 6, Vienna, Michigan and Iowawith 3 each.Nineteen members of the faculty holddegrees in law. Of this number 9 are Chicago graduates, 2 are from Cornell andthe following law schools are representedby a single delegate: Harvard, Yale,Michigan, Columbia, Heidelberg, Stanford,Missouri and Arkansas.When it comes to honorary degrees Chicago has on its faculty 76 individuate whohave been made doctors in law, in literature,in science, in divinity or some other lineof culture and endeavor. They have beenhonored in this way 158 times by 86 institutions. This might appear a case of ineffi-cient duplication or in some cases sextupli-cation, were it not for the fact that, theo-retically speaking, an institution honorsitself as well as the donee when it grants anhonorary degree. The institutions that haveso honored themselves four times or more bybestowing honorary doctorates on Chicagomen are Wisconsin with 8, Cincinnati,Oberlin, Toronto and Yale with 6, Brown,Denison, Michigan and Northwestern with5, Beloit, Cambridge and Harvard with 4.under Hermann Suchier, he earned hisdoctorate.During these years he had partially paidhis way by private tutoring. One of hispatrons was Mr. Enos M. Barton, president of the Western Electric Co., who wasso pleased with Dr. Pietsch's teaching abilitythat he persuaded him to come to Chicago 'to open a private school. On arriving,however, he decided to take a position inthe Newberry Library, where he servedsix years (1890-1896). Citizens of ChicagoKarl PietschJan. 4, 1860 — Aprii 1, 1930KARL PIETSCH 371little appreciate how much Dr. Pietschcontributed to the early development of oneóf its finest cultural institutions.In 1896 he was called, as instructor, tothe Romance Language Department of thenewly opened University of Chicago, wherehe continued to serve, advancing throughali the grades, until his retirement in 1925.Dr. Pietsch was an out-standing figure inthat remarkable group ofscholars who gave theyoung university its in-ternational reputation.The first outside recogni-tion which carne to theChicago Romance Department was due to theexcellent theses d o n eunder h i s supervision.During his brief term asacting head of the Romance Department h ecalled Professor T. A.Jenkins, and j u s 1 1 yprided himself with hav-ing laid the foundationfor that department'ssplendid development oflater years.Dr. Pietsch was emi-nent as bibliographer,syntactician, and editorof texts. His publica-tions were chiefly shortmonographs on points ofsyntax, worked outmeticulously to the lastdetail. His two longerWorks are an Old Spanish version of the Dis-tichs of Cato (one of the , — ««*./ 1 <„_,_., x.<^i/ ti *.%/.. t~ ff-~t amJ. Ititi» t Um '.-y ..«¦'. U~.'yt- Vrtl/. Vl/jié— X'/. Uf*mr.... U»f* .... - / bi«iM4 Amwtato. 4rtinim..fa ¦ vtHÌttrtlAl f/,,l,*K>ll/ flt/4i*//. *.i ...... ti » AttTW~4 Kfcj.IAl Ut,-¦Vi* «.*«I4afn« .if!ÌU*~U)fai. .Testimonial Presented toProfessor Pietsch onHis 70TH BirthbayDecenniel Publications), and his SpanishGrail Fragments, 2 vols., Chicago, 1924—5.Both have been highly praised by Europeanand American critics.As a graduate teacher Dr. Pietsch was un-surpassed. His students learned methodicalinvestigation, patience, industry, intellectual integrity, devotion to the truth for itsown sake. The bestof his instruction wasgiven out of class, in hisown hospitable home, inlong walks in Washington and Jackson Parks.No teacher ever gave sofreely of his time or wascloser to his students.The result was that, asthe Rev. Charles W.Gilkey so truly said ofhim: "Dr. Pietsch's students became his dis-ciples." He had thelargest and most devotedpersonal following of aliwho have ever taught inthe Chicago RomanceLanguage Department.His modesty, sincerity,never-failing sympathy,and warm-heartedloyalty attracted ali.His very oddities ofcharacter endeared. Inhis last stricken years hestili had the capacity toform new friendships.The man is mournedeven more than thescholar.G. T. Northup.4L fiM"*XJ *•****)?V-l *-?un alt .,tlt4 .<(.*~ Al ....Vìe*. ¦%-TranslationOn the occasion of his seventieth birthday, the Romance Seminar of the Universityof Halle sends to their honorable former member, Professor Karl Pietsch of theUniversity of Chicago, — distinguished scholar in the field of Spanish language unaliterature, and generous benefactor of the library of the Seminar, — their deep andsincere <wishes for his health and happiness, in the hope that his scholarly activitymay bring continued Joy to himself, his family, and his friends.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy John P. Howe, '27FOR ali his unspoken pride in the cairnand castellated dignity of the place,the sojourner in these quadranglescannot help but feel that the University,as a physical entity, is a bit out-at-ends.There is gray unity and a coherence of de-tail to spare. What is needed, thinks theDepartment of Buildings and Groundsaptly enough, is a little quiet emphasis.Newcomers, looking for something complete, are disturbed by occasionai blind-spots in the vista, three-sided quadrangles,blank walls, temporary buildings, exca-vator's dunes, unstrategic apartment houses.Ali that, inevitable concomitant of growth,will be remedied as the University's aston-ishing and almost geologie process of physi-cal^ accretion continues in its orderly way.Meanwhile, the B & G Department, see-ing in prospect a completion of the wholeGothic scene which will match the maturityof the individuai units, has embarked upona long-time program of beautification.Using a growing Improvement Fund, whichcalls for the expenditure of a good manythousands of dollars within the next tenyears, Mr. Lester Ries, the Superintendent,is co-ordinating ali the planting, seeking towork out an artistic balance for trees,shrubs, flowering plants and grassy plots.Walks will be relocated, and except forthe heavy-traffic lanes, laid with flagstones.Inside driveways will be eliminated (thatleading toward Classics and that whichpassed Kent are already out), except suchas may be required by the flre department,and replaced with grass and shrubs. It ispossible that even the Circle, as such, willgo. Wrought-iron lampposts will growwhere only poles grew before.Mrs. Beatrix Farrand, landscape gar-dener of New York, Bar Harbor and LosAngeles, who scaped Princeton and theHarkness group at Yale, has been retainedas consultane The Yale nursery has contributed a carload of forsythea. Trees will be planted. The four complete quadrangles,Divinity, Hull, Harper and Hutchinson,will be among the first attended.Mr. L. R. Flook, whose name is familiarin the University elevators as cautioningpassengers not to meddle with the works,saw to it in his capacity of Superintendentof Construction that one of the old green-house units from near the Bookstore (of thegroup demolished to make way for Mc-Elwee and; Hicks hospitals, now under way)was rescued and placed behind the newgreenhouses and botany laboratory on Ingle-side at 57th, to be used as a nursery fordecorative plants.Believing that ivy should point-up ratherthan envelope the ornamentai detail of thelocai walls, the B & G men have alreadyshaved off a good portion of the clingingfoliage. Up to now the University's sereneaspect has affected the bustling sojourneronly by osmosis. Henceforward the effectwill be more precisely handsome.W W «One conspicuous spot now being done itsjustice in an architectural way is the south-east corner of 58th and University, whereground was broken Aprii 28th for the newOrientai Institute. The site is that of theold Quadrangle Club — later the CommerceSchool — which has been moved across theMain Quadrangle to Ingleside.In its own appropriate way the new Institute will easily be one of the best-lookingbuildings in sight, which is saying something. Since the structure, a quadranglein itself, is to grace the Chapel Block,Architects Mayers, Murray and Phillips,who completed the Chapel design after theirassociate Bertram Goodhue died, havedrawn it to set off the Chapel.Its four wings will end^se an open court,which will be depressed and coverted intoan Orientai garden with ancient sculptures.The south wing, facing the Chapel, will bebut one floor, the east wing, oblique to the372NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 373Chapel, two floors and the north and westwings, rising away from the Chapel, threefloors. The arched south window of theInstitute Library will carry out the themeof the Chapel clerestories, the texture ofthe Bedford-stone finish emulating the vari-hued stone of the Chapel exterior.The rectangle covered by the Institutewill be 2 io ft. on 58 th, 160 on University.Roughly, its cubie content will be twice thatof Rosenwald hall. Its architectural modeis described as "Elizabethan Gothic.,,Few members of the University, studentor faculty, are aware of the Institute'sachievements and ambitions. Yet in thefield of humanistic studies it is one of theworld's notable centers. It is the firstlaboratory in the world for the study of theactual origin and development of civilization. Much of what the western worldnow regards as its special culture had itsorigin in the Nile Valley five thousandyears ago, when China, India, Greece andRome were barbarous hinterlands. Dr.Breasted has that demonstrated through thework of his Institute. Out of the ancientNear East come the first records of com-munal life, the story of the emergence of theindividuai and then of his growing moralsense; the first records of language, litera-ture, philosophy, art, science. It remainedfor a midwest American University to makethe first large scale and systematic effort tosalvage and piece together the story and itsmeaning.Thirty-five years ago, when Dr. Breastedcarne to the University, the Department ofOrientai Languages was a teaching unit.How to lift it into a research unit when thesource materials lay buried and scatteredacross the entire eastern half of the Medi-terranean region? That was his problem,and he had a $500-a-year research fund tosolve it. In 19 19 John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,became interested. The research fund wasswelled to $10,000 a year, and the Institutewas organized. So promising were the earlyresults of that investment, so remarkablethe publications arising from it, that theendowment of the Institute has leaped tomillions, its tenure has been made perma-nent. Its budget for this year is $700,000. Seven expeditions are now in the field,employing a total of 65 staff experts andover one thousand native diggers. Fourof the expeditions are in Egypt, and one eachin Palestine, Iraq and Anatolia. The Epi-graphic Survey, near Luxor on the Nile, iscopying the inscriptions on the importanttempie of Medinet Habu, and the firstvolume of facsimile records will be pub-lished shortly. The Architectural surveyis reconstructing the design of the tempieof Rameses III and other structures. Bothsurveys are quartered in Chicago House onthe Nile, which will soon be replaced by amore adequate plant.The Coffin Texts project for copying theinscriptions on the collection of ancientcofEns in Cairo is nearing the completion ofits task. The Prehistoric Survey is tracingthe geological development of the Nile Valley, and in its effort to discover vestiges ofthe earliest human habitation of the valley,has pushed the date of occupancy backseveral hundred thousand years.The Megiddo expedition, which in 1927reported the discovery of the Stables ofSolomon, is excavating the mound whichcovers a stratified series of cities at thebattle-site of Armageddon in Palestine. TheAnatolian party is surveying the country ofthe ancient Hittites in Asia Minor, whichis rich in stratified city-sites, and has com-pleted one district. The Iraq expedition,which last year excavated the palace ofSargon II and discovered the palace ofSennacherib near Khorsabad, north of Bagdad, is devoted to the early Assyrian andBabylonian civilizations.Stili three more expeditions will startthis year, since the Institute is now in aposition to cali leading Orientalists to itsservice and to train young men for thework.So the ground-breaking on Aprii 28thwas a richly meaningful event. Funds forthe new building, which will cost, with itsendowment for physical maintenance, oneand one-half million dollars, were providedmore than a year ago by the InternationalEducation Board. The first floor will beexclusively devoted to museum space, exceptfor a panelled lecture hall on the west.374 TUR UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEl0WIs<uhSBNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 375Though the Institute is no glorified relic-hunting organization, and it is seekingexhaustive records rather than curious arti-facts, many of its museum pieces are price-less and beautiful things. Offices andclassrooms will occupy the second floor, to-gether with a library which will extendthrough two levels. The third floor is tobe used for offices and workrooms for suchprojects as the Assyrian Dictionary, theediting of the Kalila and Dimna texts,animai fable stories (the forerunners ofUncle Remus and Br'er Rabbit), for thePeshitta texts of the Old Testament andfor the archives and the offices of fellowsand returning expedition men.Ali scholars dream of seeing their projects pursued on a grand scale. Few live tothe day. But Dr. Breasted, thanks largelyto his own effort, will be able to sit in hisoffice on the Midway, and not unlikeMarshal Foch commanding the Alliedarmies, will be able to direct activities alonga 2000 mile front, ranging from the ^geanto the Upper Nile, in the first organizedattack on the problem of how human beingsgot themselves organized. "It's a big gamewe're playing," says Dr. Breasted.The Orientai Institute was this month'sground-breaking. Next month's probably,will be the $3,000,000 residence halls southof the Midway. Since the column thismonth seems to be turning into notes onthe state of the building trades it might notbe amiss to recount the general condition ofthe new construction.Opened for patients on May ist: theBobs Roberts Memorial Hospital, adjoin-ing the University Clinics on the west,with Dr. Frederic Schlutz, lately of theUniversity of Minnesota, its head, as Chairman of the Pediatrics Division of the Medicai School. Hospitals under way: NancyAdele McElwee Memorial and GertrudeDunn Hicks Memorial, east of the Clinics,and Chicago Lying-In, west of Roberts.Other buildings under way, in addition tothe Orientai Institute : the Botany Labora-tory, on Ingleside near 57th; and BernardA. Eckhart Hall for Physics, Mathematicsand Mathematica! Astronomy (by the way, Professor W. D. MacMillan and his asso-ciates are pretty sure that "Planet X" isreally a comet, not a planet), adjoiningRyerson. Buildings in the planning stage:the dormitories; International House, onthe site of the Del Prado, which now lookslike the last of the Alamo ; the Art Building; the Graduate Building for the Schoolof Education; and the new Field House.It is probable that a Nurse's Home, to bebuilt on the Medicai Quadrangle, will beannounced before the year is out.Since the Blackstone Avenue PowerPlant has now taken over the full task ofsupplying the University with heat, thetwo tali stacks which added so little to thewestern skies will come down within twomonths. The power-houses will be used aslong-needed service buildings for the B & GDepartment.www•at Professor Michelson is thisIVeWS year>s recjpient 0f the DuddellMedal given by the London Physical Society "for the advancement of knowledgethrough the invention or design of scientificinstruments" . . . Professor Karl Pietsch,professor emeritus of romance philology,died at 71 on Aprii ist. . . . ThorntonWilder will probably be back at the University this fall to continue this spring'steaching program. ... 138 fellowships,averaging $700 a year, the largest numberand the highest average in the University'shistory, were announced in Aprii for thecoming academic year. . . . Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole, Chairman of Anthropology,received the gold medal of the GeographicSociety of Chicago on Aprii 22nd. . . .Professor Edith Rickert has had a novelpublished, "Severn Wood" ... the SixthAnnual Military Ball, and the springproduction of the Dramatic Association,William Gillette's "Secret Service," werereally pretty successful. ... A piececalled "The Time, the Place and the Girl,"written by Will Hough and Frank Adams,authors of the first Blackfriars show 26years ago, is running in a downtown theater,with Fayette Woods Miller, hero of Blackfriars' "Kàiti from Haiti" half a dozenyears ago, as its juvenile lead.By William V. Morgenstern, '20, J.D. '22Results of the Month :BaseballMichigan State, 12 Chicago, 4Indiana, 7 ; Chicago, 1Chicago, 6;Western State Normal, 6Chicago, 7; Lake Forest, 5Wisconsin, 4; Chicago, OMichigan, 4; Chicago, 3TennisChicago, 8; Purdue, 1This would appear to be as good a timeas any to pause for consideration of thefreshman material in track and football.The process may be one of deflation, forsome of the notions that are in circulationare slightly extravagant. Oh, well, dis-illusionment had to come sooner or later,and when a fair appraisal has been madethe result indicates that conditions are im-proving.Football practice has been proceedingquietly since the first of Aprii. The workis bringing results, though it lacks the spec-tacular features of scrimmage and ballyhoo.The Old Man, in talking about develop-ments, expresses a quiet sort of satisfactionwith the progress, although some of themen he speaks of will be of no value untila later year. The aim is to build up football players out of raw material, and thereare the usuai number of potential Watten-bergs being taught the fundamentals. Fewof the varsity men are in the group, theattention going to the freshman and the un-knowns of last season's squad.One of the problems is at center, butKeith Parsons, a 180 pound freshman fromDavenport, la., has been developing nicely,although he knows very little about thegame. He is aggressive and passes well, andright now is the leading candidate. Ray mond Zenner, from Brookfield, 111., is apretty fair football player, but he weighsonly 172. Sam Hassam, who was an "ali-city" choice at center in the Marshall highschool team, weighs 160, which clearlywon't do at that job. Hassam also is beingtried at end. Robert Vander Noor, fromAustin, who weighs 176, and Byron Lip-man, who weighs 202, are other candidates.Vander Noor is experimenting with a backposition ; Lipman is one of those who needsanother year. If none of these can fili theplace, Andrew Brislin will be put in chargeof the ball, but he is rather urgently neededat tackle.There are two good varsity guards re-turning, San Horwitz, who was excellentin his first season, and Stanley Hamberg,who was developed in a rush. PompesToigo, cousin of the fiery 140 pound guardof two years ago, is a freshman prospect.He weighs about 155. Forrest Froberg,who was playing great football at tackleat the end of last season, has decided to takeextra work and graduate. At last reportsanother varsity tackle, Walter Trude, wasineligible and hastily getting more so.Bunge, the savior of the line last year, alsohas graduated. Alvin Reiwitch, who beganto show possibilities last season; RobertMacNeille, a sophomore who was used;Walter Maneikis, from Lindblom high,A. E. Jacobson, from Missoula; and per-haps Brislin will have to hold these impor-tant positions. Maneikis looks very good;he is rough and sturdy, and was probablythe best lineman among the freshmen lastautumn.Tom Cowley, who is as good àn end asanyone could ask, though he weighs only164; Bernard Wien, who had some ex-perience last year and displayed an aggressive attitude and skill in pass catching ; Art376ATHLETICS 377Abbott, out last year because of illness, anda freshman, Charles Thompson, are thehopes for the wings. Thompson won onlya reserve numerai in the autumn, but he hasprogressed in encouraging fashion.Don Birnèy, who comes from GrandIsland, Nebraska, is showing all-aroundability in the backfield. He has a nice buildfor a half back; weighs about 160, and canpass, kick, and carry the ball. He probablywill be a regular next fall. Bob Wallace,a speedy ball carrier, injured a leg early inthe month, and has just returned to prac-tice. He lacks Birney's all-around skill,but when he starts with the ball he pickshis hole and drives. These two appear to bethe best of the f reshmen backs at this stage.Capt. Errett Van Nice; Paul Stagg, JoeTempie, and Walter Knudson of the varsity squad will be back, and possibly "Rab-bit" Heywood wTill return at quarter. VanNice's passing is cheering; he has a highaverage of completed throws. He canthrow as far as the astonishing Wattenbergcould, and as accurately but the playerssay his pitches are harder to catch. "Van"is also developing as a punter, and there isno question but that he will be the mostversatile and dangerous man in the backfield.The freshman track team is better bal-anced than those of recent years, but thereare few unusual individuals to replace suchmen as Norman Root, Harold Haydon, andCharles Weaver. The ioo yard dash menare just fair; the 220 and 440 group isstrong. George Cameron, who ran thequarter in 0:51 in high school at Toronto,makes comparable time in the furlong;Jerome Johntry, from Louisville, has done0:23 this Spring, and made 0:52 3/10 inthe 440 in high school; Robert Bibb, fromMemphis via Culver Academy, who wonthe freshman indoor all-around, ran the220 in 0:23 and the quarter in 0:53 4/5 inquarter; Robert Wallace, the Morgan ParkMilitary Academy freshman, who is out forfootball, has done 0:23 1/10. Dan Stock,of Belle Plaine, la., has made 0:52 3/10 inthe 440. Dan OfEl of Chicago is the best hurdler; his time in the 50 yard highs is0:07 2/10.Allan Rudy, of Canton, Ohio, who wona Stagg Interscholastic 880 race in 1 :58, isthe leading half miler, and a first classprospect. In the mile and two mile thematerial is just the usuai run. WalterHerrick of Oak Park has done 4:43 2/10in the mile, but he is a transfer student andmay not improve greatly. Maurice Kadin,who has had no previous experience, has thebest time in the two mile, 10:23. Bibb hasbettered 22 feet in the broad jump; AlvinJackson, from Froebel high of Gary, whostands 6 feet, 43/2 inches and weighs 195,has done 22 feet, io inches in the event.Jackson was a great high jumper as a prep,and a hurdler as well, but he is getting toobig for these events and probably will bemost valuable as a shot putter, in whichhe has made 39 feet, and as a discus thrower,where he can better 1 io feet. Birney, whois engaged in football, has found time tovault 11 feet, 3 inches, and is capable of12 feet with training. He can throw thejavelin about 150 feet. Truman Gibson,of Toledo, Ohio, has spun the discus out112 feet this Spring.No decision as to the future of the na-tional basketball and track interscholasticswas arrived at in the Aprii meeting of theBoard of Physical Culture and Athletics.Vice-President Frederic Woodward wasauthorized to appoint a committee to investigate and report back.wwwChicago's sprint relay teams did noblyat Penn, the mile medley team of Root,East, Haydon and Letts winning that eventfrom the best in the east, and the 440 teamof Root, East, Haydon and Ramsay de-feating the redoubtable George Simpson andthree other Buckeyes in a runoff after theyhad tied in time. In the 880, the Ohio teamnipped the Maroons in a record breakingrace. At Drake, Harold Boesel took thirdin the hammer, with a throw of 138 feet,6*4 inches.378 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBill Dyer, conference 145 pound cham-pion, has been elected captain of the wrest-ling team.Eighteen major "C's," awarded by theBoard of Physical Culture and Athletics,were announced by Director Stagg.The major letter was given Capt. HarryE. Changnon, Chicago, Marshall Fish, EastChicago, Ind., Harold Boesel, New Bre-men, O. ; and Harry Ashley, Frankfort,Ind., in basketball ; to Capt. WendellStephenson, Pittsburgh, Pa., of the swim-ming team, third place winner in the con ference backstroke; Ralph J. Bartoli, captain of the championship water polo team,Blair Plimpton, John McNeil, and JuliusSilverstein, ali of Chicago.Five members of the championship gym-nastic team, John Menzies, Chicago, captain; Werner Bromund, Chicago, AlienKolb, Little Rock, Ark., Everett Olson,Hinsdale, 111., and Herbert Phillips, Chicago, received the emblem. Four wrestlers,Capt. Archie P. Winning, Chicago, William Dyer, Chicago Heights, 111., conference 145 pound champion; Charles Himan,Chicago, and Max Sonderby, Chicago, wonletters.Du Page County AlumniDuPage County alumni will hold a din-ner and organization meeting at the Lom-bard Home Club, Lombard, Illinois, onSaturday evening, May 24. There will bean informai reception at 6:30 and dinnerpromptly at 7. Since the Home Club din-ing rooms will afford accommodations foronly 75 — and there are upwards of 225alumni in the county — graduates and for-mer Chicago students planning to attend are urged to make reservations early. Thecost will be $1.50 per piate.Mr. Samuel Mitchell, '25, J.D. '27, ofWheaton, is preparing a constitution forthe locai alumni club, which it is expectedwill be adopted at this meeting. OfHcerswill be elected for the coming year.Alumni expecting to attend are asked tonotify Mr. W. G. Moffett, '29, 103 S.Charlotte St., Lombard, Illinois.ALUMNI AFFAI R SNew YorkWe in New York have had a soul-stirring experience this evening — one thatWe do not expect to have duplicated soon.President Hutchins was the bait thatbrought two hundred and flfty more or lessbusy New Yorkers to the Town Hall Clubto a dinner given by the Alumni andAlumnae Clubs. Dr. Vincent was thetoastmaster. Those of you who have heardhim speak know what that means. Let meteli the others that it would have been worththeir while to take the thousand mile trainride just for the privilege. One of thehigh points carne when he mentioned thatMr. Jesse D. Burks, the first person toreceive a degree, Ph.B. '93, from the University of Chicago, was present at thedinner. That provoked the anecdote aboutthe Harvard professor who said "The S.B.does not mean that the student has anyknowledge of science ; it just guarantees anignorance of Latin."Dr. Vincent introduced Mr. BrentVaughan with a few personal remarks thatwould have reduced almost anyone else toincoherence — but which didn't seem toaffect Mr. Vaughan in the least. He spokeabout the new alumni fund, outlining verybriefly its beginnings, the need for it, andemphasizing the fact that there would beno drive in the ordinary sense of the word.President Hutchins then took the floorand gave a comprehensive talk about thenew projects of the University, particularlythose which relate to undergraduate work.You are ali more or less familiar with theseplans, but to us living in New York andout of touch with the University it was as ifinspiration has touched us for a moment.The belief in education as a living force —the substitution of experiment for traditionin teaching — the bringing of art and musicand literature to the University in suchform that creative work must be the re sult — ali these things President Hutchinspresented in such a way that his audiencewas spell-bound. He warned us that hewasn't going to amuse us — that there wouldbe no vaudeville tricks to entertain — thathis talk would be of a serious nature. Andit was. But it was so vital, so moving inits visionary quality, that the quiet wasalmost intense, and the burst of applausethat followed the conclusion really shookthe room.Mr. Nichols started us off on the AlmaMater and we sang one verse with greatgusto. The meeting was over at about teno'clock which the commuters — and manyothers — considered a victory.Leroy Campbell, president of the men'sorganization, and Ernest Quantrell didmost of the work of the meeting and deserve the thanks of the Alumni andAlumnae Clubs for giving them such a goodevening.Helene Pollar GansSecretary, New York Alumnae ClubGrand RapidsGrand Rapids alumni met at a six o'clockdinner at the Merton Hotel Friday, March7th. The presence of Professor Percy H.Boynton as guest of honor brought out alarge number of alumni, and the dinnerwas a huge success.MinneapolisPresident Hutchins was the guest-speakerat the annual dinner of the MinneapolisAlumni Club, held on the evening of March20th. More than a hundred alumni werepresent to listen to President Hutchins.Ames, IowaProfessor Percy H. Boynton was theguest speaker at a meeting of the AmesAlumni Club early in Aprii.37938o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChicago Alumnae ClubFOR the past several years the ChicagoAlumnae Club of the University of Chicago has sponsored a series of teas eachSpring in Ida Noyes Hall for the thirdyear girls in the city high schools. Theseteas have become increasingly popular andhave even taken the form of traditions inthe schools invited. Miss Mary E. Court-enay, dean of girls at Lindblom and one ofour alumnae, writes in response to ourinvitaìion, "We are always happy to be theguests of the Alumnae Association at IdaNoyes Hall." Miss Ethel Stratton, deanof girls at Parker High School and chairman of the Association of High SchoolDeans of Girls in the city schools, writes,"Ali our Deans speak very highly of thisinvitation which you extend every year toour Junior year and say that it is one of thenicest things they attend." Another schoolwrites that there is such interest among theteachers who assist at these teas that morethan the usuai number have asked to beallowed to come.The schools are divided into geographicgroups, i.e. south side, west side, north side,and private and suburban. Each group in-cludes on the average seven or eight schools.At the first tea, held for the south siders,{{ve hundred girls responded to the invitation, arriving at the Hall at two o'clock,half an hour early in their enthusiasm.They were told briefly of the social lifeofTered in the opportunities at Ida Noyes,were shown over the building, served teaand chocolate cookies, and were then takenon a tour of the campus, thru some of thebuildings. There are moments when wefeel a little panicky over the prospect of theacceptance of ali of the 1356 girls (in theupper junior classes alone!) who might re-spond. But even if they did ali come atonce, their enthusiasm and romantic glamorthey create for themselves, assisted by thegenial Sunday watchman in Harper, thefriendly hospitality of Ida Noyes and thealumnae who are instrumentai in encourag- ing a deep interest thru first hand contactwith the University, ali this will hold overand stand out thru the confusion of theirnumbers.I am sure that alumni and alumnae willbe interested and encouraged to learn ofthis phase of the activities of the ChicagoAlumnae Club. We're awfully proud ofourselves !Damaris AmesDenverAn informai gathering of Denver alumnion the evening of March 25th was wellattended. Professor Rollo Lyman of theUniversity was the guest of honor, and histalk about recent developments at the University was very much enjoyed.Cedar FallsSome sixty members of the Cedar FallsAlumni Club and their friends attendedthe dinner given by the Club on March28th. Professor H. C. Morrison of theUniversity was the speaker of the evening.Washington, D. C.The Washington alumni have enjoyeda varied program at their monthly luncheonsthis winter. At the October meeting Dr.E. B. Brossard, chairman of the TariffCommission, discussed high lights of thepresent tariff situation. In November Dr.Frank Thone spoke on the personal char-acteristics of Dr. Slosson, member of theClub, recently deceased. At the Januarymeeting Mr. D. L. Wickens gave his reportof the inauguration of President Hutchins,to which he was a delegate. In FebruaryDr. Fay-Cooper Cole's subject was the workin anthropology at the University. At theMarch meeting Dr. William A. White discussed some phases of his work as superintendent of St. Elizabeth's Hospital.These luncheons have been very well attended and the Club hopes to develop asimilar program next year.NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollegePresidential Nominees as they look to the PhotographerHenry D. Sulcer, '061862John S. Mabie, A.M. '65, is living inLong Beach, California and is in goodhealth at the age of ninety-three. Mr.Mabie is the oldest living graduate of theUniversity, his name having been at thehead of the list when the University openedin 1856.1893L. B. Joralmon is vice-president of theCampbell-Joralmon Company of Los Angeles.1894Frederick G. Davies gives as his new ad-dress 21 11 Camden Avenue, Los Angeles.1899Charles Klauber, '99, and Mrs. Klauber(Eleanor Freund), ex 'il, and their two John A. Logan, '21children will sail for Europe on May 31, toremain a year or more. Mr. and Mrs.Klauber are manufacturers of games andnovelties, and operate as the KlauberNovelty Company, Chicago.To the class of '99 and especially tothree of its members we offer our editorialapologies. In our Aprii issue appeared butone news note of the class of '99, and stiliwe are debited with three errors, in a singletime at bat. We announced that EthelPardee Beardslee was teaching in SennHigh School, Chicago, after a year of travel.This statement is incorrect as it is MaryB. Pardee, sister of Ethel Pardee Beardslee,who circled the globe and now teaches atSenn. The Beardslee family lives at 510Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis, wherethey moved from Winnetka. The three381382 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBeardslee children are college students atSmith, Wells and Williams.Our third error was a sin of transmission.We credited Elizabeth F. Avery, living at75 Heathdale Road, Toronto, to the classof '89, thus anticipating the date of hergraduation by just a decade.I9OOMrs. George M. Potter (Vashti Chand-ler) of Alton, Illinois, writes us that herfather,v Charles Chandler, who was professor of Latin at the University for twenty-three years, recently celebrated his eightiethbirthday, and that her son was graduatedfrom Rush in December, 1929.I9OIR. A. McBroom is practicing law in SaltLake City.I903Mrs. E. N. Mohl (Sophia Berger) isliving at 189 Nablus Road, Jerusalem,Palestine.1904Margaret McCoy teaches at LindblomHigh School, Chicago, but is spending thisyear in study and travel.I908Arthus Bovée has found time to writeseveral books aside from his duties as Assist-ant Professor of French at the University.*** Rev. Walter S. Pond gave the Wash-ington's Birthday sermon in Christ's Epis-copal Church, Philadelphia. This churchis the one which George Washington attended during his first term as presidentand is the second oldest building in Philadelphia.I909Mrs. John J. R. Lawrence (Orna M.Moody) writes us that "being a mother tothree decided individualists, aged fifteen,fourteen and six, keeps me active in mindand body." *** Mrs. B. H. Skidmore(Florence Tyley), A.M. '12, is teacher ofLatin and acting dean at Harrison HighSchool, Chicago. *** D. J. Blocker, A.M.'li, D.B. '12, is resigning as Professor ofPhilosophy at Furman University to becomeProfessor of Sociology at William and Mary. *** Mrs. F. J. Scott (Doris Morgan) is with the Mother's Pension Bureauof Cook County. *** Mrs. Charles L.Brown (Lillian Cushman) is a member ofthe lecture staff of the Child Study Association of America in New York City.***Katherine B. Cole's new address is 381East 22nd Street, Chicago.I9IOJames Nieuwdorp is teaching Mathe-matics at Calvin College, Grand Rapids,Michigan.1912Martha M. Merz gives 549 North PineAvenue, Chicago, as her new address.1913James Donovan is vice-president in chargeof the Bond Department of the BoulevardBridge Bank, Chicago. *** Agnes E. Kraft,ex, gives us 543 East 87th Street, NewYork City, as her new address.1914Le Roy F. Pape, ex, is with the RealEstate Loan Department of the ContinentalIllinois Bank. *** Jay B. Alien is secretaryof McKinney & Alien Incorporated, in-surors and counselors, Sioux Falls, SouthDakota *** Alfred Livingston, A.M. '16,is teaching Mathematics in the WesternCollege of Aeronautics, Los Angeles, California. *** John C. Morrison is associatedwith Hornblower & Weeks at 39 South La-Salle Street, Chicago. *** G. B. Claycomb,S.M., is head of the Department of Biologyat Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafay-ette, and W. S. Dearmont, A.M. '22, isProfessor of Psychology at the same institu-tion.1915Andrew R. Juhl is teaching at Washington Union High School, Fresno, California.***Harriet E. McCoy is head of the Chil-dren's Department, Flagler Memorial Library, Miami, Florida. *** R. BourkeCorcoran is with the J. Walter ThompsonCompany at 420 Lexington Avenue, NewYork City. *** The cali of duty has car-ried Stanwood F. Baumgartner, ex, of thestaff of the Philadelphia Enquirer, toWinter Haven, Florida, where he isNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 3^3chronicling the doings of the PhiladelphiaBall Club.1916Lucius O. McAfee, A.M. '21, is Professor of Education and Dean at Albany College.1917John J. Frisch is teaching English andJournalism and supervising the school news-paper at Polytechnic High School, LongBeach, California. *** Mary L. Strong ishead of the Department of English at WestVirginia State College, Institute, WestVirginia. *** Bess Potter, S.M. '24, isteaching Mathematics in the Girls' HighSchool, Atlanta, Georgia.I918Stanley Roth is vice-president and generalmanager of Gimbel Brothers, Milwaukee.***Judson Tyley is secretary of E. H. Nard& Company, consulting engineers, Chicago.*** Mrs. G. J. Gentleman (FlorenceLamb) gives as her new address 7559 EssexAvenue, Chicago. *** Mrs. J. EdwardReplinger (Ellen Phillips) is living at14290 Meyers Road, Detroit, Michigan.***Myrtle A. Petersen is teaching Mathematics at the Mamaroneck (New York)High School.I919Walter C. Bihler, A.M. '20, was recentlycalled to the rectorship of Christ EpiscopalChurch, Chicago. *** Ephraim F. Gottliebis in the insurance business. His ofHce is at175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. ***Elizabeth J. Hart of Omaha is Spanishtranslator for the Woodmen of the World.*** Sara Pollock, A.M., is social directorfor the Spruce River Goal Company, Ram-age, West Virginia, in charge of the socialwelfare of the employees and the town.I920Harold E. Stansbury, '20, and Mrs.Stansbury (Helen W. McMullen) '23, arespending a month in the United States.Mr. Stansbury has been with the J. WalterThompson Company in London for sixyears. *** Mrs. Carrick Castle (MarianJohnson) is to be congratulated on her veryreadable short story "The Lady Sins" in a recent issue of Liberty Magazine. Mrs.Castle's stories have been appearing in printfor some three years or more. *** Made-leine Cohn is head of the Latin Department of North High School, Omaha, andeditor of the Forum Quarterly, officiaiteachers' magazine. *** Emily Rice Hunts-man is spending a year's leave of absencefrom the Burroughs Junior High School ofLos Angeles in studying Spanish at the University of Madrid. *** Homer J. Walker,ex, has been practicing dentistry in LosAngeles but ili health compelled him togivc up his work recently and retire to aRiverside, California, ranch to recuperate.1921William M. Potts is instructing in Inor-ganic Chemistry at Texas A. & M. College.1922George W. A. Rutter, A.M. '26, givesas his new address 11 14 Maple Avenue,Evanston, Illinois. *** William W. Wardis statistician and customer's man withLamson Brothers Company at 166 WestJackson Boulevard, Chicago. *** J. HarryHargreaves is assistant cashier with theTravelers Insurance Company in LosAngeles. *** William H. Pitner, formerlyin New York City, is back in Chicago wherehe is associated with G. L. Ohstrum andCompany at 231 South LaSalle Street. ***Douglas C. Ridgley, S.M., is Professor ofGeography in Education, Director of thesummer school and Home Study Department at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.I923Raymond W. Simonson, ex, is Brazilsales manager for the U. S. Rubber ExportCompany, Ltd. *** Francis K. Zimmermanis teaching English in the Manual ArtsHigh School, Los Angeles. *** Amy R.Woller, A.M. '24, who is Assistant Professor of Art at the University of SouthernCalifornia, is a member of the DecorationsCommittee of the Semi-Centennial celebra-tion of the U. S. C. *** Edna M. Burhansis Director of Home Economics in the public schools of Burlington, Iowa. *** MarthaF. Christ is teaching English at CraneJunior College, Chicago. *** Pearl L.384 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERobertson, A.M. '25, is writing — and sell-ing — children's stories, besides teachingEnglish at Montana State College, Boze-man, Montana. *** Helena M. Gamergives as her new address 4822 North Winchester Avenue, Chicago.1924Bester P. Price gives as his new address7244 Coles Avenue, Chicago.1925Mrs.*; C. Colin (Alta Roberts), A.M.,is living at 6122 Ingleside Avenue, Chicago.*** J. Harley Waldrow, A.M:, is super-visor of the Junior High School at Portsmouth, Ohio.1926Mrs. Martin F. Kouri (Ruth H. Norris)A.M., is living at 4475 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis. *** Chester P. Freeman,S.M., is Assistant Professor of Botany atOklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater.***May C. Alien is Assistant Principal ofthe* Hirsch Junior High School, Chicago.*** Arthur H. Hert holds the title ofMarket Research Specialist, Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas. ***Ruberta M. Olds took her master's degreeat Columbia in 1929 and is now living at13 12 Holly Street, N.W., Washington,D. C. *** Henry L. Seidner has been study-ing at the Harvard University Law Schoolfor the past three years. He is now practic-ing in Chicago. *** Mrs. James V. Carne(Ruth Freeman) is living at 7615 NormalAvenue, Chicago.1927Nellie C. Clevenger, A.M., is teachingMathematics at Lane Technical HighSchool, Chicago. *** Elva W. Seideman isvice-principal of the Lincoln School, She-boygan, Wisconsin. *** O. F. Revercomb,A.M., superintendent of schools at Hunt-ley, Illinois, has opened, as a side line, theRevercomb Tea Room at 6315 KenwoodAvenue, Chicago. *** Vera Lighthall,A.M., is Associate Professor of English inState Teachers College, Aberdeen, SouthDakota. *** William L. Rambo, A.M., hasmoved from Arma to Paola, Kansas, wherehe is superintendent of the public schools. *** Inez Ely Keepers teaches ancient history in Calumet High School, Chicago.1928Cecelia M. Galvin is principal of Elementary School No. 3 in Indianapolis. ***Dan Heninger's duties as geologist withthe Mid-Kansas Oil & Gas Company tàkehim at present to the Southwestern Texasdistrict. His headquarters are at 1934 EastHouston Street, San Antonio. *** Plinydel Valle is land man with the Texas Pro-ducing Division of the Pure Oil Companyat Houston, Texas. *** W. Francis Swiftis assistant leader of the Ethical Society ofSt. Louis. His address is 3648 WashingtonBoulevard, St. Louis. *** Allie Boyd,A.M., after eight years as principal of thehigh school, has been appointed Superintendent of Schools at Lamar, Colorado.He is succeeded as principal by Paul L.Moore, A.M. '26. *** Alpha J. Cochran isteaching history and coaching the debatersin the high school at Portsmouth, Ohio. ***John R. Russell is in the University ofMichigan Libraries, Ann Arbor. *** La-Verne Cooke is an instructor in English atthe Culver Military Academy, Culver,Indiana. *** John H. Barnes has recentlymoved to Kansas City where he may bereached at 217 North Mersington Avenue.*** Elizabeth Bray, after a year at High-land Park, Michigan, has accepted a posi-tion in home economics in the Quincy,Illinois, High School. *** KatherineCrewdson is teaching in the CommercialHigh School, Detroit. *** Hugh Tate,A.M., is principal of the high school atPetroleum, Ind,*929...Margaret Hills Eastman is living inScàrsdale, New York. *** Harriet Harris'snew address is 1301 Highland, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. *** Melba Schumacher isteaching in the high school at Barnesville,Ohio. *** Otto Richiardi is teaching Science and Mathematics at Loyola Academy,Chicago. *** Lisette D. Kruse is teachingHousehold Arts at the Ryerson School, Chicago. *** John McBrady writes that he is"wildcatting" for oil in Montana andAlberta. His headquarters are with theCalgary Brokers, Calgary, Alberta.Rush HomecomingJune 9 and 10, 1930Special clinics have been arranged by alidepartments of the College for Mondayand Tuesday, June g and io, to which aliRush alumni and their friends in the medicai profession are invited. A list of theseclinics is given below.The Convocation exercises will be heldon Tuesday, June io, at il A. M., in theChapel at the University of Chicago.The Rush Alumni Association will holdits annual meeting Tuesday, June io, at5 o'clock at the Congress Hotel, precedingthe Annual Dinner of the Faculty andAlumni at 6:30 P.M. Announcements ofspecial interest to the Rush alumni will bemade at this dinner.MEDICAL CLINICSmonday and tuesday mornings9 to 11 — June 9 and ioDisorders of the Heart. .Dr. J. B. HerrickCardiac Arrhythmias as Shown in the Elec-trocardiograph Dr. C. J. LundyDiffuse Symmetrical Lipomatosis.Demonstration andDiscussion Dr. R. T. WoodyattClinic — Gastro-intestinalDiseases Dr. R. C. BrownNEUROLOGICAL CLINICSMonday — June 9Neurological Clinics Dr. James GUIPhysical Basis of So-calledFunctional Disease. . .Dr. T. RothsteinDermatology and Syphilis. . . .Drs. Ormsby, Oliver and FinnerudLaryngology Dr. G. E. ShambaughOphthalmology Dr. W. H. WilderSURGERYJune 9 and 10, 1930North Amphitheatre — Rush Medicai College 1 1 : 00 A.M. to 1 : 00 P.M.Operations — Presbyterian Hospital 9 : 00 A. M. to 12 : 00 NoonDr. Arthur Dean Bevan1. Surgery of the Breast 2. Surgery of the Stomach3. Surgery of the Bile TractsDr. Carl B. Davis1. Cholecystectomy2. Herniotomy3. Cancer of the Large BowelDr. Frederick B. Moorehead1. Ear Plastic2. Cleft Lip.3. Cartilage Transplant to NoseDr. Herman L. KretschmerUrological Diagnostic and SurgicalClinicDr. Kellogg SpeedSurgery of JointsDr. Robert H. HerbstUrological Diagnostic and SurgicalClinicDr. GatewoodSurgery of Peptic UlcerDr. E. M. MillerGoiter in ChildrenSplenectomy (Purpura Hemorrhagica)Dr. A. H. MontgomeryTannic Acid Treatment of BurnsDr. Harry OberhelmanOsteomyelitisDr. Isabella C. HerbAnaesthesiaDr. Cassie B. RoseX-Ray Interpretation of Bone TumorsDr. G. McWhorterObstruction of Common Bile DuctDr. C. A. ParkerOrthopedic SurgeryDr. Hillier BakerFracturesDr. W. J. PottsModera Treatment of Varicose VeinsDr. Francis StrausTreatment of EmpyemaDr. Fari McCarthyParotid TumorsDr. G. Jackson, Jr.Clinical CasesDr. Frank TheisBlood Vessel Surgery (Experimental)385386 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGYNECOLOGYDr. N. Sproat Heaneyi. Vaginal Hysterectomy2. Perineal Repair (New operation)Dr. Aaron KànterGynecological OperationsDr. Edward AlienEndometriomasDr. Carl BauerThymophysisAli Rush alumni of South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska are invited tobe present at the annual "Rush Lunch"during the combined meeting of the SouthDakota State Medicai Association and theSioux Valley Medicai "Association, at SiouxFalls.The "Rush Lunch" will be held at noonon Thursday, May 22, 1930. The facultyguest will be Dean Ernest E. Irons.1877Leslie C. Lane of Minneapolis is spending the winter in Los Angeles with hisfamily.1879Henry P. Johnson is in active practicein Fairmount, Minnesota, doing generalmedicai work and considerable surgery.1883William W. Hall reports from Mc-Leansboro, Illinois, "Am stili in the har-ness, practicing every day. Have neverchanged location." *** William L. Rossis practicing at 736 City National BankBuilding, Omaha, Nebraska. *** GarrettVan Zandt, who lives at 63 io MagnoliaAvenue, Chicago, has been in ili healthfor two years.1884Henry B. Weiper writes us that he isnow eighty-two years old and is at presentrecovering from a siege of pneumonia. Dr.Weiper has practiced at Lower Lake, California, for several years.1887Amos L. Baker is located at Kasson,Minnesota, but retired from practice three years ago because of poor health. *** FredEwing gives as his new address 411 Thir-tieth Street, Oakland, California.1889A. P. Meriwether is in general practice at St. Jacob, Illinois. *** Robert L.Nourse, Boise, Idaho, is practicing medicine and surgery, confining himself to workwith eye, ear, nose and throat. *** J. R.Minahan, Green Bay, Wisconsin, is activein the practice of surgery, averaging fromsix to eight operations a day. The classof which he was president held its annualdinner at the Palmer House, February 19,1930, and expects to meet every FebruaryI9th until there is but one man left in theClass of '89.1894G. C. Skinner is assistant medicai director of the United States Veteran'sBureau at Washington, D. C.1895C. S. Hayman is practicing medicine andsurgery at Boscobel, Wisconsin, home townof Wisconsin's junior senator, where helocated immediately after graduation. ***E. S. Alien, who has been in general practice at Arcola, Illinois, for thirty-fouryears, reports that he is getting his sonready for the 1932 class at Rush. *** William T. Moffett was recently promotedto the rank of major in the Medicai Reserve, U. S. Army. His headquarters areat Loami, Illinois. *** Clinton L. Montgomery is in general practice at BlueMound, Illinois.1899Adrian B. Parkey writes from Altadena,California, that he retired seven years agoon account of ili health.I90OMorton W. Bland wears the title ofHealth Commissioner of Logan, Ohio. ***D. S. Hagar is specializing in eye, ear, noseand throat and children's diseases in LosAngeles. *** Lewis A. Moore is in generalpractice at Monroe, Wisconsin.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 387In Caracas one purchases his chewing tabaccoby the lineai yard, so to speak. In the abovephotograph lue see Dr. J. M. Nicholson, '00,negotiating with a V enezuelan tabacco vendorin an attempt to buy a foot and a half of thetweed at the yard rate.1902Lorenzo N. Grosvenor is limiting hispractice to eye, ear, nose and throat. Address: 366 Dakota Avenue, S., Huron,South Dakota.1903William J. Anderson, after fìfteen yearsof practice in Iron Mountain, Michigan,where he was majority ownèr of WesterlinHospital, returned to Chicago in 1928 andis practicing medicine at 1103 BelmontAvenue. *** R. O. Brown writes fromMount Morris, Illinois, "Am practicingdaily and some at night. On the go mostof the time."I904Evarts V. DePew, S. B. '01, is specializ-ing in gastro-intestinal diseases in San Antonio. *** J. J. Laird has been practicingat Black Creek, Wisconsin, ever since hisgraduation.I907F. C. Walker, practicing gynecology andabdominal surgery in Indianapolis, is Chairman and Head of the Department of Gynecology at Indiana University. *** S. W. Ransom, Ph.B. '02, S.M. '03, Ph.D. '05, isProfessor of Neurology and Director ofNeurological Institute, Northwestern University Medicai School.I908B. J. O'Neill is specializing in surgeryat San Diego, California.1913Albion H. Hudner, who is in generalpractice of medicine and surgery at WestBend, Wisconsin, has been elected presidentof the locai hospital association. *** JamesHerbert Mitchell, 25 E. Washington St.,Chicago, is an excellent caricaturist andcarries a sketch book around with him, tothe delight of his friends — the dismay ofhis enemies. *** V. R. Abraham has leftthe U. S. Veterans' Hospital at Palo Altoand is located in Long Beach, California.He specializes in general surgery and hasoffices in the Professional Building. ***James G. Ware is specializing in roent-genology at the Santa Barbara Countyand St. Francis Hospitals. His office isat 15 13 State Street, Santa Barbara.1914Peters A. Nestos has been doing generalsurgery at Bristol, Connecticut, since July,1928. *** Arthur G. Beyer, S.B. '12, hashas been practicing eye, ear, nose and throatin the Doctors Building, Cincinnati. Heis on the staff of the Good Samaritan,General and Children's hospitals. *** Edmund C. Roos is doing general surgery inDecatur, Illinois. Dr. and Mrs. Rooshave two sons, two and four years old.1916Burt H. Hardinger, S.B. '14, and hisbrother Dr. Paul M. Hardinger, ex, arepracticing in Mattoon, Illinois. Anotherbrother, Ralph Hardinger, M.D. '15, ispracticing at East Moline, Illinois. ***W. L. Ross Jr. is urologist with the BridgeClinic at Tacoma, Washington. *** Be-sides conducting a private practice as radium specialist, James A. Larkin is medicai director of the Radium ServiceCorporation of America, instructor inradium dermatology at Northwestern Uni-388 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversity Medicai School, editor of theRadium Digest and author of Radium inGeneral Practice. His office is at 25 EastWashington Street, Chicago. *** H. Cur-tis Johnson, S.B. '15, is located at 1 SouthPinckney Street, Madison, Wisconsin,where he is practicing pediatrics.1917David J. Margolis is practicing medicineat 1126 Granville Avenue, Chicago. ***Oscar W. Tulisalo is in the general practice of medicine and surgery with officesin the Mead Building, Rockford, Illinois.*** Eva Frazer Johnson is in getterai practice at Madison, Wisconsin.I919Waltman Waiters has been a surgeon atthe Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,since 1924. *** Fuller B. Bailey, who spe-cializes in internai medicine at Salt LakeCity, sailed in early Aprii for six monthsof study abroad. *** Henry Profant, A.B.'17, is with the Santa Barbara Clinic. ***H. F. Freidell specializes in gastro-enter-ology at 15 19 State Street, Santa Barbara,besides being County Physician and chiefof staff at the County Hospital. *** ArthurW. Meyer, S.B. '18, gives as his new address 3721 North Kildare Avenue, Chicago.I920Irving Wills, S.B. '18, and W. R. Huntare with the Santa Barbara Clinic. ***After being associated with Joseph E.Smith, M.D. '00, for eight years, Verne E.Eastman, M.D. '20, has set up an independ-ent office at Wausau, Wisconsin. *** L.P. Guttman is specializing in surgery at816 Medicai and Professional Building, SanAntonio.1922Oliver M. Moore is in general practiceat Bell, California. *** Emmett B. Bay,S.B. '20, is director of health at the University of Chicago. *** Gordon L. Rosene,who specializes in obstetrics and gynecologyat 4753 Broadway, Chicago, is instructorin obstetrics at Northwestern UniversityMedicai School and attending obstetricianat the Lutheran Deaconess and Swedish Covenant hospitals. *** Robert V. Bakeris practicing at 8701 Santa Monica Blvd.,West Hollywood.1923Samuel A. Machlis in engaged in thepractice of ophthalmology in Washington,D. C. *** Harold A. Quint reports thathe has moved from Des Moines and is nowlocated at 636 Church Street, Evanston,Illinois. *** Irwin Krohn is associated withhis father in general practice at BlackRiver Falls, Wisconsin. *** Frank V.Theis, S.B. '20, has returned from a year'sstudy in Vienna, Berlin and Prague, andon January 1 opened offices at 55 EastWashington Street, Chicago.1925Ethel F. Cooper, S.B. '16, is practicingobstetrics and gynecology at 3028 SouthAdams Street, Peoria, Illinois. *** H. D.Lillibridge is now located in the SecurityBank Building, Olympia, Washington. ***A. E. Gillis is specializing in pediatrics at5256 Irving Park Boulevard, Chicago. ***Nelson P. Anderson, S.B. '23, has jumpedfrom New York to Los Angeles in onemove, and is now specializing in skin dis-eases at 315 Westlake Professional Building, Los Angeles. *** Paul M. Ellwood,S.B. '22, is practicing at 1624 FranklinStreet, Oakland, California. *** W. T.Partch is with the Welborn Hospital Clinic,Evansville, Indiana. *** P. Arthur De-laney is pathologist at the Englewood Hospital and Fellow in Pathology at the University of Chicago.1926Abraham A. Brouer, S.B. '23, M.D. '26,and Benjamin Goldberg, S. B. '19, M.D.'25, are sharing offices at 3952 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. *** Frank R.Guido, who has been instructor in surgery at Northwestern for the past twoyears, has gone to Visalia, California, wherehe will be associated with C. M. White,M. D. 'oi. *** Burr C. Boston is in general practice at Waterloo, Iowa.I928A. L. Lindberg, after a year as assistantNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 389director of the State Public Health Laboratories, University of North Dakota, is nowat the Mayo Clinics on a fellowship inPathology. *** Susie Thompson, S.B. '24,school physician of Gary, Indiana, is tospend the summer in Europe, conducting asmall party of tourists. *** S. L. Goldberg,S.B. '24, is Fellow in Surgery at the MayoClinic, Rochester, Minnesota. *** ArthurH. Klawans, S.B. '24, has offices at 310South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, wherehe specializes in obstetrics and gynecology.*** Otis O. Benson, Jr., whose father wasa member of the class of '02, has just com-pleted his internship at the PresbyterianHospital. *** Ralph H. Seuil is spendinga year as resident in dermatology underDr. Paul Stookey at the General Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. *** WilliamG. McLane, M.D. '28, and Evelyn G.McLane, M.D. '30, are practicing inSleepy Eye, Minnesota. *** S. R. Ban-field has moved from Edgar, Wisconsin, toHighland Park, Illinois. *** John R.Evans, S.B. '24, left Sunrise, Wyoming,in May, 1929, and after two months ofpost graduate work at Washington University is now specializing in obstetrics andgynecology at 620 Republic Building, Denver. *** Bert Van Ark is practicing inEaton Rapids, Michigan. *** Reuben Rat-ner is in general practice at 490 Post Street,San Francisco. He is visiting physician forthe Mount Zion Hospital and in charge ofthe San Bruno Clinic. *** Gilbert J. Rich,who is assistant physician at the BostonPsycopathic Hospital, has been appointedFellow in Psychiatry at the Institute forChild Guidance, New York City, begin-ning Septetnber 1, 1930. *** Phyllis S. K.Bogart, S.B. '24, is on the staff of the PostGraduate Hospital in New York City, andis also assistant to Dr. Fred Wise.I929Victor Levine, S.B. '25, has finishedhis internship at Cook County Hospital andis taking extra work in pathology there. ***Roy Kegerreis is limiting his practice toroentgenology. His office is at 307 NorthMichigan Avenue, Chicago. *** Milton P. Ream is interning at Fairmont Hospital,San Leandro, California.The Library of Rush Medicai Collegehas recently been enriched by two mostinteresting volumes entitled Dr. Boerhaave'sAcademical Lectures on the Theory ofPhysic, published by W. Innys of PaterNoster Row, London, in 1743. These oldtime, but well preserved, volumes have beenpresented by Mariella Bradway Payne ofHartford, Connecticut, as a memorial toher father, Dr. Joseph R. Bradway of theRush class of 1847.Joseph Richard Bradway was one of thatchoice company of pioneer physicians whowon the eternai gratitude of thousandsthrough their unselfish ministrations in anage when well nigh impassable trails neverkept the family physician from answeringthe calls of his patients, even though theynecessitated days and nights of travel onhorseback.Born in Scoharie County, New York, in18 18, a graduate of Troy Polytechnic in1841, Joseph Bradway migrated to the newterritory of Wisconsin and in 1845 matric-ulated in Rush Medicai College. Afterhis graduation from Rush he became thefirst superintendent of the newly organizedWisconsin Asylum for the Deaf and Dumbat Delavan, and while located there hemarried Elvira Irish, the attractive daughterof one of Wisconsin's pioneers.He left Delavan after five years and go-ing to St. Joseph, Missouri, joined a fleet ofcovered wagons and carried out the longventuresome journey across the plains untilthey "reached Tehama, California, aboutfour o'clock on Saturday, Sept. 17, 1853,"to quote from his interesting old diary.Dr. Bradway settled at Red Bluff on theupper waters of the Sacramento and hispractice during the pioneer years took himon many a Good Samaritan trip throughthe sparsely settled region of TehamaCounty. He owned the only drug storein Red Bluff, served as postmaster and wasa member of Governor Bidwell's staff during the Civil War.After the Civil War he practiced first inSan Francisco and later in Oakland, where39Q THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhe was city health officer and deacon andtreasurer of the First Baptist Church. HeDoctors of1895C. H. Gordon has retired from the chair-manship of the Department of Geologyat the University of Tennessee, aftertwenty-two years of service. He stili re-tains his position as Professor of Geology,but will spend the winter months of eachyear in Florida.1905William H. Allison, who now holds thetitle of Professor Emeritus of ChurchHistory at the Colgate-Rochester DivinitySchool, is engaged in literary and researchwork at Cambridge, Massachusetts.1909Samuel Kroesch is Professor and Headof the Department of German at the University of Minnesota.I9IOIra Derby is director of research at theRiley Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana.I9IIRobert K. Nabours, Ed. B. '05, who ison sabbatical leave from the Kansas Agri-cultural College, is serving as Associate inGenetics at Carnegie Institution, LongIsland, New York.1912Dean R. Wickes, Ph. B. '05, is teachingin the Ellis Christian Training School atLintsing, Shantung, China.1915Allan W. Cooke, Ph. B. '14, A.M. '15,is now living at 565 Howell Avenue,Cincinnati. *** Oscar Burkhard is Professor of German at the University ofMinnesota.I916Earle Eubank of the University of Cin- died at Oakland in 1902, after fifty-fiveyears of active practice.Philosophycinnati is making a study of the interrelations of the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A.in the United States. *** Agnes R. Riddell,Professor of Romance Languages at Whea-ton College, Norton, Massachusetts, isgoing abroad in June to spend a sabbaticalyear in France and Italy.1917Charles E. Decker, A.M. '08, is Professor of Paleontology at the University ofOklahoma and a special geologist for theOklahoma Geological Survey. He hasrecently been made national president ofSigma Gamma Epsilon.1919When the Indianapolis State TeachersCollege becomes officially the College ofEducation of Butler University next Sept-ember, W. L. Richardson will be dean ofthe new college, with a staff of sometwenty-five instructors.I920William DeMoss, Ph.B. '12, A.M. '13,is head of the Department of English atOklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater.1922C. E. Lee is director of boy's work inthe Y. M. C. A. at Cincinnati, Ohio. ***William Diamond is Assistant Professor ofGerman at the University of Californiaat Los Angeles.1924J. G. W. Lewis is head of the Department of History and Politicai Science atState Teachers College, Wayne, Nebraska.*** Peter Hagboldt, Ph.D. '16, will givecourses at the University of Berlin thissummer.I92SMrs. M. J. Karpf (Fay Berger) isteaching in New York City and living atTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELast Call!Book now for theseAlumni Sailings to Europe!When the AMERICA points her prow eastward . . . June4, July 2 and July 30, you're going to regret it if you'remot aboard. College men and women from every fa-imous campus . ... jolly alumni from your own school , . »alumni of your traditional rivai ... college band...college spirit . . . college color . . . will enliven and illuminate its decks. Could you cross in a moredelightful environment? Ever since the United States Lines and the American Merchant Lines were«chosen as the officiai fleet of 103 Alumni organizations, and the AMERICA designated as theofficiai flagship, personnel has concentrated on making these gala sailings. To aid you in locatingoldtime friends ... a card index of alumni residents in Europe will be found in the London, Parisend Berlin offices of the United States Lines. Register! Write your alumni secretary today or filiout coupon below and mail to the United States Lines office nearest you.UNITED STATES LINESMAIL THIS COUPON TODAY TOTHE NEAREST OFFICE LISTED BELOWUNITED STATES LINES, 45 Broadway, New York61-63 W. Jackson lilvd., Chicago 691 Market Si.. Sali FranciscoI am interested in making a trip to Europe this summeiron the officiai alumni fleet. Please give me information»without obligation on my part, on sailings, accommocla.-tions and rates.Same „. ,„Address City „.Alumni Association .. imOFFICIAL ALUMNI FLEETLEVIATHAN, World's Largest SbipGEORCE WASHINGTON AMERICAREPUBLIC PRESIDENT HARDINGPRESIDENT ROOSEVELT.?"> -** .?"*And direct New York-London serviceweekly onAMERICAN BANKER AMERICAN SHIPPERAMEIUCAN FARMER AMEHICtN TRADERAMERICAN MERCHANT392 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE467 Central Park West. *** Vergil B.Heltzel is Associate Professor of Englishat Northwestern University.1927Joseph C. Ireland, S.M. '22, is Professor and Plant Breeder in Field Crops andSoils at Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stili-water. *** William J. Reilly is director ofresearch with the Erickson Company ofNew York City. *** Earl R. Beckner isAssociate Professor of Economics at ButlerUniversity, Indianapolis. *** Williams C.Young, Ph.D. '27, and William A. Castle,Ph.D. '28, are instructing in Botany atBrown University, Providence, RhodeIsland.1928Isabel K. Wallace is vocational counselorat the University of Rochester Women'sCollege. *** Frank P. Goeder is AssociateProfessor of Physics at the State Agricul- tural College of Colorado, Fort Collins,Colorado. *** Clarence H. Millis is headof the Department of Foreign Languages,Crispus Attucks High School, Indianapolis.1929Sidney Bloomenthal, S.B. '26, S.M. '27,reports that he is engaged in supplying theRCA Patent Department with new ideasfor television light valves and radio loudspeakers. He is with the RCA VictorCompany, Camden, New Jersey. *** JohnB. Fuller is instructing in German at Am-herst College.I93OCharles F. Arrowood, who is Professor of History and Philosophy of Education at the University of Texas, is theauithor of Thomas Jefferson and Education in a Re public which will be publishedby the McGraw-Hill Company of NewYork in the near future.LawThe Annual dinner of the Law SchoolAssociation will be held on the evening ofConvocation Day, June io, 1930. Theplace will be announced later.The meeting will feature "The NewAdministration." Dean Harry A. Bigelowis rounding out his first year as head ofthe Law School, and by a curious coinci-dence President Robert M. Hutchins isdoing likewise as head of the University.Hence "The New Administration" hasramifications.To do justice to this unique situationChairman Harold Swift of the Board ofTrustees, President Hutchins, Vice-Presi-dent Woodward, Vice-President Steere,Dean Bigelow, and ali the faculty of theLaw School will be guests of the Association.The classes of 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920and 1925 will have reunions. Ali membersof those classes are hereby summoned toappear, on pain of divers penalties. TheClass of 1930 will be formally initiated.Charles F. McElroy 1912J. Wilbur Hicks is practicing law inGreenville, South Carolina.1914Hugo B. Anderson practices law in SaltLake City, where he is managing directorand executive secretary of the Salt LakeCity Community Chest.I918Alfred J. Link, Ph.B. '16, J.D. '18, andMrs. Link (Helen Hickes) S.B. '16, andtheir four children, are living in La Porte,Indiana, where Mr. Link has been electedJudge of the Circuit Court for a period ofsix years.1921Arthur Van Meter Bishop, Ph.B. '18,is with Abbott, Abbott and Bishop, in Chicago Heights, Illinois.1926John E. Johnston, Ph.B. '25, is prac-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 393THE YATES- FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished iqoóPaul Yates, Manager6l6-Ó20 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOTHE J. M. HAHNTEACHERS AGENCYA Western Placement BureauElementary, Secondary, CollegeAlways in quest of outstanding educatorefor important positions. Teachers with high-er degrees in demand. Doctors of Philosophy urgently needed for college anduniversity positions now listed.J. M. Hahn and Bianche TuckerManagers2161 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, California Albert Teachers' Agency25 £. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoLast June a Dean of a large College spent three days in Chicago withnine positions to fili— one Head ofDepartment and eight Instructors.Seven of these, including the Headof the Department, were filled bythis office. He is only one of themany College Heads that cali hereevery year for assistance. Our regu-lar clients from year to year are thebest Colleges, Universities, Teachers'Colleges, City and Suburban HighSchools, Private Schools, — the bestschools from ali parts of the country.The alertness of our Managers andthe efficiency of our service play alarge part in securing and holdingour patronage. University of Chicago students who want to get welllocated are invited to cali at ouroffice or send for free booklet.Other Offices: New York, Spokane, WichitaCHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU of OCCUPATIONSA non-profit organization sponsored by University Alumnae Clubs in Chicago.Vocational Information and PlacementSocial Service — Scientific — Home EconomicsBusinessWell qualified women, with and without ex-perience come to us from ali over the countryfor new positions.Service to Employer and EmployeeMrs. Marguerite Hewitt McDanielManaging Director5 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois Clark-Brewer Teachers AgencyEstablished 1882College Department for Masters and Doctors.Large suburban clientele. Attractive opportunitiesin the best secondary schools. Grade supervisionand critics for city system s and normal colleges.Each member registered in ali six offices per-manently. Get Brewer's Nat. Ed. Directory —10,000 namesfor $1.00.Chicago, 64 E. Jackson Blvd.; New York, Flat-iron BIdg.; Pittsburgh, Jenkins Arcade; Minneapolis, Globe BIdg.; Kansas City, N. Y. LifeBIdg.; Spokane, Chamber of Commerce BIdg.AH members National Association of Teachers'Agencies.MTT+ M TEACMFRS^^ 28 éast Jackson blvd.1<isKWChicagoOur service is nation-wide in its scope and our connections include many of the largestand best institutions throughout the United States. Our college department is mannedby university trained appointment heads who have had years of experience in collegeand university work. Because of our connections, we are in a position to rendervaluable service to you, no matter what type of position you are seeking. We wouldappreciate a personal cali at our office before registering, but if this is not feasible, wesuggest you write now for our registration material,Address: G. E. Goodell, President and General Manager 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago394 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEticing law at Greenville, South Carolina.1927Samuel M. Kane, Ph.B. '25, is practicing law at io North Clark Street, Chicago. ***Samuel M. Mitchell, Ph.B. '25,is the Democratic candidate for CountyJudge of DuPage County Illinois.I928Sidney D. Podolsky, Ph.B. 525, is prac-1870Jabez T. Sunderland, A.B. '67, D.B.'70, of Poughkeepsie, New York, is theauthor of India in Bondage: Her Righito Freedom and a Place Among the GreatNations (Lewis Copeland, New York).Mr. Sunderland is president of the IndiaSociety of America.1885' William M. Corkery, A.B. '83, D.B.'85, writes that he is greatly enjoying histwentieth year as pastor of the KensingtonAvenue Baptist ' Church, Hamilton, Ontario.1890Enos L. Scruggs is Dean of the CentralBaptist Theological Seminary, Topeka,Kansas. *** Herman J. Powell is engagedin citrus growing near Santa Ana, California, and is also assistant pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of Santa Ana.1893Edwin M. Griffin is living in Eden Valley, New York. *** Willard C. MacNaulis with R. E. Wilsey & Company, stock andbond merchants of Chicago.1894Henry Dickin, A.M., has been pastor ofthe United Church at Elora, Ontario, sinceJuly, 1929.1895Joseph C. Dent is pastor of the JudsonMemorial Church, Oak Park, Illinois,which dedicated a beautiful new building ticing law in Aurora, Illinois, where he hasoffices in the Old Second National BankBuilding.1929Victor Theis, Ph.B. '27, is doing graduate work at the Harvard Law School,following which he will spend a year study-ing international law abroad.on March 2nd. The church is only eightyears old but has a membership of 411.1897Bower R. Patrick is a chaplain in theU. S. Navy with the rank of captain. Hisheadquarters are at the Naval Base,Hampton Roads, Virginia. *** W. P. Me-Kee, after thirty-three years of service aspresident of Frances Shimer School, has of-fered his resignation and plans to retire.Under President McKee's leadership theschool has had a remarkable growth and anunusually sound financial record.1899D. I. Coon is pastor of the First BaptistChurch, Kearney, Nebraska.I90OGeorge H. Waid, A.M., closed his workas pastor of the Baptist Church, Marshall,Michigan, on February ist, just six yearsafter beginning it. *** J. E. Yates was ap-pointed Chief of Chaplains, U. S. Army,with the rank of colonel, in December, 1929.Colonel Yates has offices in the War Department, Washington, D. C.I903Joseph E. Hicks has been pastor of theFirst Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, since 1920. *** George C. White,A.B. '98, D.B. '03, A.M. J04, is associatesecretary of the Ministers and MissionariesBenefit Board of the Northern Baptist Convention. His headquarters are in NewYork City.1904Herbert F. Rudd, B.D. '04, A.B. '14,DivinityNEWS OF THE CLASSESPh.D. '14, is Professor of Psychology andphilosophy at the University of New Hampshire.I907A. E. Bigelow is head of the TheologyDepartment, Central Philippine College,Iloilo, P. L, and is in charge of Baptistevangelistic work in the provinces.I9IIE. LeRoy Dakin, A.M. 'io, D.B. '11,fs conducting a very successful pastorate atthe First Baptist Church of Milwaukee.The church has taken in 375 new membersduring Dr. Dakin's pastorate which beganin Aprii, 1927. *** Diradour A. Dikijian,A.M., is executive secretary of the Arme-nian Educational Foundation, 331 FourthAvenue, New York City. The Foundationhas departments of Students' Aid, Period-icals, Publications and Religious and SocialService.1913Clyde R. Terry, A.M., is president ofthe Illinois Military School at Aledo, Illinois. Mr. Terry writes that since theschool was established in 1924 it has beennecessary to expand greatly to take care ofthe rapidly increasing number of students.*** Charles M. Sharpe, Ph.D., for yearsDirector of Religious Education for theDetroit Y. M. C. A., has accepted the pastorate of the Community Church at Orono,Maine, the seat of the state university.Many of the university faculty and most ofthe townspeople are members of the church.1915Upon his return last summer from a yearof study in England and Germany, ArcherB. Bass, A.M., became pastor of the CourtStreet Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia. He is the author of Protestantismin the United States published by theCrowell Company of New York City in1929.1917A. S. Woodburne, D.B. '17, Ph.D. '18,Professor of Philosophy in Madras Christian College, India, has been elected Professor of Systematic Theology in Crozer SpendingmillionslocallyT^HE nation-wide business ofSwift & Company should notbe allowed to obscure its locaicharacter.For example, in the state ofIowa alone, Swift produce plantspay about $20,000,000 a year tofarmers for butterfat, eggs andpoultry.Similarly, Swift packingplants, cotton oil mills and re-fineries, and other units figurelargely in the economie life oftheir communities. They bringmillions of dollars into the stateswhere they are locatedeSwift & Company plants buyraw materials in quantity, andthe money so spent remains inthe community. These plantspurchase many other goods andservicés locally, just as otherhome industries do.Moreover, these units employthousands of locai citizens. Theseemployes spend their moneylocally and many of them owntheir homes. They are workingto encourage good citizenship,and to develop their locai communities into better places inwhich to live.Swift & Company396 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheological Seminary at Chester, Pennsylvania. Dr. Woodburne is the author ofHuman Nature and Education publishedby the Oxford University Press in 1926 andThe Religious Attitude published by Mac-Millan in 1927.1919Robert W. Brooks, A.M. '18, D.B. '19,is pastor of the Lincoln CongregationalTempie, Washington, D. C, and teachesSystematic Theology at Howard University.-*** Joseph Carroll, Ph.B. '17, A.M.'18, D.B. '19, is associate pastor at OlivetBaptist Church, Indianapolis, and teachesLatin at Attucks High School. *** O. E.Lovell is in charge of the Day School Department of the American Board Missionin Natal, South Africa, where he has control of seventy day schools and six nightschools. There are about 150 teachers, alinative, and about 4500 pupils, also alinative, in these schools, which are scatteredover a field about 100 miles long and fiftymiles wide.1920E. Norfleet Gardner, D.B. '20, formerlyof Thomasville, North Carolina, is nowlocated at Dunn, North Carolina, wherehe is pastor of the First Baptist Church.I92IWilliam A. Phillips, A.M. '20, D.B. '21,formerly a missionary to India, has re-signed from his work at Hardin College toaccept the position as field missionary forthe Western Washington Baptist Convention, beginning March ist.1922A. Willard Jones, A.M., has been secretary of the American Friends Mission atRamallah, Palestine, since 1922. Mr.Jones expects to leave in July for an ex-tended furlough in England and the UnitedStates.I923Paul F. Betchtold, A.M., is doing graduate work at Kansas University this year.1925H. O. Lloyd is preaching in Ormond,Ontario, and though far from the Quad rangles he stili looks to the University forguidance in his intellectual and spiritualdevelopment. *** A. D. Beittel, B.D. '25,Ph.D. '29, is Professor of Religion at Earl-ham College, Richmond, Indiana.1926George P. Snyder, A.M., is now servingas pastor of the Christian (Disciples)Church of Monmouth, Illinois.I927Alfred W. Hurst, A.M., has been college pastor at Elon College, North Carolina,since September, 1929, and also teaches inthe School of Religious Education. ***Ivan G. Grimshaw has an article "An Interesting Experiment in Week-Day Religious Education" in the Crozer Quarterlyfor January. *** Herbert N. Blakeway,A.M. '28, has resigned the pastorate ofAuburn Park Federated Church, Chicago,to become minister of the Union Church,Brimfield, Illinois.1928Marmaduke Dodswórth, A.M., reportsa very successful year at Malacca, StraitsSettlements. *** Frank B. Herzel, A.M.,is serving the United Lutheran Church ofWesternport, Maryland, as pastor. He hasalso recently been elected editor of the WestVirginia Young Lutheran, the officiai paperof the synod. *** Robert W. Kingdon,A.M., is pastor in charge of Kahului UnionChurch, Maui, Hawaii, and also a generalmissionary under the Hawaiian Board forcontiguous territory. He is responsible foryoung people's and religious educationalwork, most of which is done with Japaneseyoung people. *** Thomasine Alien, A.M.,is in charge of ali women's and children'swork in the Baptist churches of northernJapan. *** Edmund G. Kaufman, Ph.D.,is Professor of Education at Bluffton College, Bluffton, Ohio. He has also been ap-pointed Acting Dean of the college fornext year.1929Paul A. Sornberger is teaching in Central Philippine College, Iloilo, P. I., one ofthe three Protestant mission schools ofNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 397higher education in the Islands. *** MartinSchmidt is now pastor of the German Baptist Church in Riga, the capital of Latvia.In the autumn the Baptist TheologicalSeminary in Esthonia will open its doorsand Mr. Schmidt will probably return tohis former work as Professor of Theologyand Biblical Languages. *** C. B. Jensen,A.M. '28, D.B. '29, is pastor of the CentralBaptist Church, Hartford, Connecticut.Social Service Administration1928A new publication in the series of Social Service Monographs which has justbeen published is "Public Welfare Administration in Canada" by MargaretStrong, Ph.D. Miss Strong is helpingwith the International Survey which theY. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. aremaking and is now working in the LatinAmerican area.I929Dorothy Williams Burke, Ph.D., is theauthor of "Youth and Crime" recently published by the United States Children'sBureau, Washington, D. C. This study isa report on the prevalence and treatmentof delinquency among boys over juvenile-court age in Chicago. It includes a studyof 972 boys of the Boys' Court of Chicagowith recommendations which the Children'sBureau supports for improving the presentmethods of treatment.I93OCatherine Dunn, A.M., has returned toher position as visiting teacher in Phoenix,Arizona. *** Evangeline Rasmuson, A. M.,has taken a case work position in the Children's Service League at Springfield, Illinois. The director of the League is MildredArnold, S.B. '24. *** Marion BarnettSmith, A.M., has gone to the Bureau ofJuvenile Research at Whittier, California,as a psychiatric social worker.Miss Ethel Verry, instructor in SocialEconomy, who has been giving a course onChildren in Institutions, and who is also To Faculty Membersand AlumniHotelShorelan dextends a cordial in-vitation to make useof our unusual fa-cilities for dinners,dances, luncheons . . .social gatherings ofali kinds. Menu sug-gestions and pricesgladly furnished onrequest.Hotel Skoreland55th Street at the LakeTelephone Plaza 1000ADULT EDUCATIONPOSTGRADUATETRAVELAfter College should come thoughtful travelpegging down the results of undergraduatestudies — not desultory wandering.Most discriminating trayelersrecognizetheneed of expert assistance in the mechanics oftravel. Intellectual leadership is equally importane A tour of Europe intelligentlyplanned and under the guidance of spe-calists will crystallize and supplement yourentire college course.The Bureau of University Travel, incorpor-ated as an educational institution withoutstock, dividends or commercial profit, offerssuch an opportunity.The leaders are scholars and gentlemen whohold or have held important academicpositions.Sendfor AnnouncementsBUREAU OF UNIVERSITYTRAVEL86 BOYD ST. NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS398 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE\y^¦» A Successor to"Whither Mankind"Is Beard's" Toward Civilization' 'A symposium of opinion from men in theworld of science and power concerning thetrends of modem life.$3.15 postpaidSend For Your Copy Todayfrom theU. of C. BOOK STORE5802 Ellis Ave.• JOHN HANCOCK SER1ES ¦PROVIDE TIMEfor travel or your hobbye/ OU are not theonly one who dreams of laying asidebusiness or professional duties in duecourse and enjoying a long, carefreetrip or indulging your favorite hobby.Thousands are actually assuringthemselves of extended carefree timebefore the sunset of life, by means ofJohn Hancock life insurance policies.Life Insurance Company*of Boston. MassachusettsInquìry Bureau, 197 Clarendon StreetBoston, Mass.Please send your booklet, "This Matter ofSuccess."Name Address OVER S1XTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS — I Head of the Chicago Orphan Asylum, hastaken a leave of absence for six months.Miss Verry is to attend some Child Welfaremeetings abroad and will spend a good dealof time in Germany studying Child Welfarework.Miss Dorothy Puttee has taken a posi*tion as social worker at the Chicago DayNursery and Half Orphanage and MissBessie Hand has taken a position as superintendent of the Protestant Children'sHome. Both of these organizations areworking with the Joint Service Bureau ofChildren's Institutions in charge of BerthaHosford Butler, A.M. 1927.Mary Ruth Colby, who is holding theSchool of Civics and Philanthropy Fellow-ship this year has been appointed Secretaryof the Governor's Commission on ChildWelfare in Illinois. By special permissionMiss Colby will be allowed to hold herFellowship while carrying on work for theCommission. Miss Colby was head of theChild Welfare work for the State of Minnesota before she carne to Chicago.^ w wProfessor Sophonisba P. Breckinridge,Ph.D. '01, is chairman of the Committee onState Organization for the White HouseConference on Child Welfare. Four sub-committees working under the direction ofMiss Breckinridge include Supervision ofChildren's Agencies, Publicity, Direct Careand Interstate Problems.EngagementsMamie S. Katz, Ph.B. '27, to Dr. LeoF. Miller of Chicago.Esther Cook, Ph.B. '27, to Robert H.Pease of Baraboo, Wisconsin.Melvin G. Barker, Ph.B. '28, to JaneDewes of Chicago.Jean Mary Scott, Ph.B. '28, to FrankW. Barron of Niles, Michigan.Kathryn Sandmeyer, Ph.B. '29, to PrattR. Loveland of Washington, D. C.MarriagesLouise D. Wagner, S.B. '17, M.D. '20,to Dr. Joseph P. Szukalski, September 23,1929. At home, Pasadena, California.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSHelen Lee Ford, Ph.B. '23, to Edgar A.Williams, February 22, 1930. At home,Springfield, Illinois.Elizabeth LeMay, Ph.B. '26, to GilbertHayes, August 25, 1929, at Chicago. Athome, 5427 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.Austin McCarty, Ph.B. '26, to DorisShafer, March 29, 1930. At home, 7614South Shore Drive, Chicago.Roger Q. White, J.D. '29, to CarolynEverett, March 22^ 1930, at Chicago. Athome, 5314 University Avenue, Chicago.BirthsTo Warren Thompson, S.B. '14, M.D.'14, and Mrs. Thompson, a son, Februaryio, 1930, at Omaha.To E. K. MacDonald, ex '14, and Mrs.MacDonald, a son, James Daniel, February 13, 1930, at Chicago.To Jay B. Alien, Ph.B. '14, and Mrs.Alien, a daughter, Elizabeth Stone, Oc-tober 23, 1929, at Sioux Falls, SouthDakota.To Walter E. Léonard, S. B. '15, M.D.'16, and Mrs. Léonard a daughter, BarbaraJoan, February 2, 1930, at Chicago.To Stanley Roth, Ph.B. '18, and Mrs.Roth , a son, Robert Merle, March 6, 1928,at Milwaukee.To P. Arthur Delaney, S.B. '21, Ph.D.'25, M.D. '28, and Mrs. Delaney (InezPerley) A.M. '24, a son, Johnel Raymond,February 16, 1930, at Chicago.To Gordon L. Rosene, M.D. '22, andMrs. Rosene, a son, Gordon Lester Jr.,January 1, 1930, at Chicago.To Osborne R. Roberts, S. B. '23, andMrs. Roberts, a son, Samuel Ranken, Feb.ruary 22, 1930, at Ardmore, Pennsylvania.To Abraham A. Brouer, S. B. '23, M.D.'26, and Mrs. Brouer, a son, Hugh Donald,November 29, 1929, at Chicago.To Jacob Alschuler, J.D. '26, and Mrs.Alschuler (Caroline Straus) Ph.B. '26, adaughter, Rosalie Corinne, in February,1930, at Aurora, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson(Ruth A. Sherer) Ph.B. '26, a daughter,July 15, 1929, at Western Springs, Illinois. Stephens CollegeColumbia, MissouriA Junior College forWomenFully Accredited by theUniversity of ChicagoLet Us Teli You About theFour Year Junior CollegeCourse for Your DaughterJAMES M. WOODPresidentPaul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I. Markham, Ex. *o6Ralph W. Davis, *i6 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavls &<9<xMembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesAutumn, Winter and Spring QuartersThe Autumn Quarter begins October 1, 1930For Information, AddressDean, C. F. Huth, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, HI.4-OQ THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDeathsColumbus L. Myers, M.D. '73, March18, 1930, at his home in Covington, Indiana, death being caused by hypostaticpneumonia. Dr. Myers had practiced inCovington for thirty-seven years and wasone of the best known physicians of westernIndiana.L. C. Statler, M.D. '80, March 18, 1930,at his home at Ouray, Colorado.George L. Wittet, D.B. '91, May 1,1929, at his home in Detroit, Michigan.Charles A. Hobbs, D.B. '96, August 15,1929.Horace B. Sheets, M.D. '02, October25, 1929, at his home in Oregon, Illinois.Frank A. Wilder, Ph.D. '02, March 7,1930, at his home at Abingdon, Virginia.Dr. Wilder had been president of theSouthern Gypsum Company for more thantwenty years, and it was under his guidanceJ. Alton Lauren, '19J. Alton Lauren and Co.139 N. Clark St. Randolph 2068 that it became one of the large gypsum prò-ducers of the country.James Finch Royster, Ph.D. '07, March21, 1930, at his home in Chapel Hill, NorthCarolina. Up to the time of his death Mr.Royster was head of the English Department and Dean of the Graduate Schoolat the University of North Carolina.Heinrich H. Maurer, Ph.D. '13, March28, 1930, at Chicago. At the time of hisdeath Mr. Maurer was head of the Department of Social Sciences at Lewis Institute,Chicago.Gertrude Lippelt, A.M. '15, December20, 1929, Miss Lippelt's death was theresult of an accident.Paul R. Neal, M.D. '17, in November,1929, at Chicago.Daniel Franklin Higgins, Jr., March 21,1930, at Harrogate, Tennessee. Mr.Higgins was a Fellow in the Departmentof Geology at the University in 1922-24 andAssistant in 1924-25. At the time of hisdeath he was Professor of Geology in Lincoln Memorial University at Harrogate,Tennessee.Claude E. Siebenthal, Fellow in theGeology Department at the University in1898-99 and 1900-01, March 1, 1930, atDaytona, Beach, Florida. Mr. Siebenthalhad been for twenty-eight years with theU. S. Geological Survey and was the fore-most authority on the lead and zinc depositsof the Mississippi Valley region.John J. Cleary, Jr., '14175 W. Jackson Blvd., Wabash 1240Eldredge, Carolan, Graham Sl ClearyMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months* IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoTHE FAULKNER SCHOOL FOR GIRLSA DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF ALL AGESCo-operative with the University of ChicagoThe school prepares its graduates for ali colleges and universities admitting women.The College Board examinations are given at the school.4746 Dorchester Avenue MISS ELIZABETH FAULKNER, PrincipalTel. Oakland 1423 MISS GEORGENE FAULKNER, Director of KindergartenALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYReal Estate Insurance