THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEVOL.XXII JJNUJRY 1930 NUMBER 3FULLMEASUREINENGLISHSTUDY&F-LV A NEW APPROACH TO POETRYBy ELSA CHAPIN and RUSSELL THOMASEmancipation from the old teaching practice of telling theclass uhow the poet felt "A New Approach to Poetry gives the student the intellectual andemotional adventure of discovering and appropriating for him-self the poet's experience.Poems unalloyed by didactic comment are presented. Corningfrom the arousal of appreciation, the principles of poetic art thenemerge in their infinite charm and variety. $2.10 postpaid.STANDARD USAGE IN ENGLISHAn up-to-date manual of capitalization, punctuation, sentencestructure, symbols of correction, forms for outlines and manu-scripts, and suggestions for study. Prepared by the Departmentof English, University High School, University of Chicago.27 cents postpaid.Reductions on quantity orders.ELEMENTS OF DEBATINGBy LEVERETT S. LYONAn uncompiicated, practical text on the essentials of publicspeaking. No teacher need hesitate to undertake the goal ofefFective orai English with this clear and thorcugh text as anassistant. $1-35 postpaid.STANDARDIZATIONof AMERICANPOETRY FOR SCHOOL PDRPOSESBy L. V. CAVINSA means of determining the suitability of selections of poetryfor children in the elementary grades. The author has devisedtests for measuring the response secured by a number of poems.$1.60 post]THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 129w SPEAKERSChoica of Leoctin$ Station^RaAtos9 Tftaaéìbta ^In Acljointtig ltootn$^[ALLERTO^ HOUSE1701KORTHMICHB3ANAVHNUB'CHICAGO^ CLUB RZSIDZXC&^jTQR MENAW WaM£H~~10QOWOMSl\pmeiALcmcAao m&vobxmtms'lfor 102 CoUeges' and lltilvets'itw-> atuiZO'Hatxotiai Sororlttes*** ÀIntercollegiate HeadguartersInChicago130 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPlanning to Build?Let us teli you how you can have a house of beautiful Indiana Limestone for only 5 % to 6 % morethan if some ordinary facing material were usedTIEntrance to residence, Lake Forest, III. Anderson & Ticknor, Architects ^HERE is an opportunityJ- now to build the houseof modest sise and cost ofbeautiful Indiana Limestone.Insteadofthemoreexpensivecut stone, we supply the stonein sawed strips which isbroken to lengths on the build'ing site and laid up in thewall like brick. Stonemasonsor bricklayers do the workCut stone is used for trim ormay be omitted entirely.There is no sacrifice inbeauty involved in thismethod of use. The result isa wall of great interest. Thesoft color'tones of IndianaLimestone actually increasein attractiveness as the yearsgo by. Your house has a muchhigher resale value. And yetit costs you only 5% to 6%more. Let us send you full in'formation about the "ILCO"way of building. Fili in yourname below, clip and mail.INDIANALIMESTONECOMPANYQeneral Offices:Bedford, IndianaExecutive Offices:Tribune Tower, Chicago FILL IN, CLIP AND MAIL Box 819, Service Bureau, Bedford, Indiana:Please send literature and full information regarding Indiana Lijnestone for residences.Signed. Street ..City®f)e Sìmtoersttp of Chicago jWagajmeEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck. '04EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Associ ation— Rollin D. He-mens, '21 ; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., yi6 ; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association— Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association—Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College— Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.John P. Mentzer, '98, ChairmanI N T H I ^On this month's cover of the Magazinewe bring you the north archway of theMedicai School Court. On each side ofthe arch may be seen portions of the sealsof the University and of Rush MedicaiCollege. Those of keen vision will notethat the arch itself is significantly embel-lished by representations in stone of someof the common animals used in physiologicalresearch.» w wGeorge Edgar Vincent, Ph.D. '96, L.L.D. 'n, is one of Chicago's most illus-trious sons. Corning to the University atits opening in 1892 as a Fellow in Soci-ology, he remained for nearly twentyyears. In 191 1 he resigned as Dean of theFaculties to become President of the University of Minnesota. Six years later hewas called to the presidency of the Rocke-feller Foundation, In the words of formerPresident Judson, he is "a scholar, orator,wise counselor, true friend, able adminis-trator."THE Magazine is publisher! at 1009 SloanSt., Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from No-vember to July, inclusive, for The AlumniCouncil of the University of Chicago, 58th St.and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscriptionprice is $2.00 per year; the price of single copiesis 20 cents.Remittances should be made payable to theAlumni Council and should be in the Chicagoor New York exchange, postai or express moneyorder. If locai check is used, 10 cents must beadded for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be madewithin the month following the regular month of Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, D.B. '97,Ph.D. '98, has endeared himself to thou-sands of Chicago alumni during his serv-ice of more than thirty years on thefaculties. He has done much literarywork but to the world at large he is per-haps best knpwn for his The New Testarli ent — An American Translation, publishedin 1923 and approaching the 100,000 markin sales. A special edition of this translation is published in China and India.» «S? <?Ralph Waldo Gerard, a graduate of theColleges in 19 17, a Rush graduate in Medicine, and a doctor of philosophy, has servedin the Department of Physiology since1927. Much of his time has been devotedto research in the physiology of nerves, afield in which he has accomplished notableresults. But he is also an inspiring teacherwith a bent toward the experimental.publication. The Publishers expect to supplymissing numbers free only when they have beenlost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising maybe sent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office,Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University ofChicago.Communications for publication should be sentto the Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December 10,1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.131The Campus on a Winter's NightVOL- XXIIW$t No.®mbetóttp of CfncagoiWaga^meJANUARY, 1930The University — A Chicago Institution*By George E. Vincent, Ph.D. '96The Rockefeller FoundationTHE committee has run a serious riskin exposing you to an ageing, anec-dotal, alumnus who knew the excit-ing, adventurous early years. How vividlythey come back !The friendly jests about "Dr. Harper'sMidway Concession,,, the quarterly"Merry-go-round," the extension divisionas a "Ferris Wheel view of knowledge";The rapid incubation of traditions when"Old Haskell Door" was sung before thevarnish had dried and when "Profs. MadeStudent Customs at the U." ;The lively, often stormy, integration ofa staff recruited from every section of thecountry and from foreign lands and holdingviews almost as diverse as its geographicalorigins ;The multiplication of experimental in-novations in nomenclature, machinery,theory and spirit;Above ali, the glowing imagination, or-ganizing genius, persuasive power, tirelessenergy and contagious enthusiasm of thefirst president who always insisted that henever asked for money; he merely pointed(out opportunities.A very real risk it was, but a habit of* Address delivered at the Inaugurai Dinner, conforming to a time-table was firmly fixedunder Dr. Harper's regime and may becounted on stili to protect you.Yet reminiscence has a place this evening.A university like an individuai gets mean-ing and purpose from memory. Alongwith many other things this should not beforgotten: at the very outset citizens ofChicago and of the Middle West had asubstantial part in creating this institution.For a time this fact was bound to beobscured by the dramatic circumstances ofthe founding.For obvious reasons public attention wasfixed on Mr. Rockefeller. The Universitywas naturally enough spoken of as hiscreation and Dr. Harper represented as hisagent. Paragraphers and cartoonistspointed their jests at him and his made-to-order, magic wand institution. Withcharacteristic amiability they imputedmotives. It was to be a useful adjunct, aprotection to the oil industry in particularand the established order in general. Itwas sometimes pictured as almost a proprie-tary establishment.Yet the University was never an individuala sole responsibility. The names ofWednesday, November 20.133134 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEoriginai University buildings, many earlycontributions to endowment testify to thegenerous co-operation of Chicagoans fromthe beginning. Moreover there is ampieevidence that Mr. Rockefeller^ originaipurpose was to give the University a broadand secure foundation, then to leave toothers the elaboration of the superstructure.This intention was clearly expressedwhen in 1910 he made a definitive gift often millions to be paid a million a yearbeginning^n 191 1. At this time he with-drew his representatives from the Board ofTrustees, and gave explicit notice that heno longer regarded himself as responsiblefor either the maintenance or developmentof the institution. From then on it mustlook to citizens of Chicago and otherdonors.At the time this decision was announced,Mr. Rockefeller had given twenty-three anda quarter millions; others, chiefly men andwomen of this city, had given seven and aquarter — a by no means bad beginning forthat public which was to be depended uponfor the future.(The length to\ which the transition fromfounder to public has gone is shown strik-ingly by the following contrasti duringthe five years just passed the University hasreceived from Mr. John D. Rockefeller Sr.precisely nothing, from Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr. one and one-half millions (largelyfor the Divinity School) from Chicagoand other donors sixteen millions! Stilianother comparison will show the tendencytoward reliance qn the public. Since Mr.Rockefeller announced his final gift thetotal of contributions from ali Rockefellersources — including the Rockefeller Boardswhich will be dealt with presently — hasbeen nearly twenty-four millions while thetotal from citizens of Chicago and othershas been almost twenty-seven.Even when totals from the beginning arecompared, the ratio of the Rockefeller giftsto other contributions is only forty-sevenmillions to thirty-four. Of the twentymillions which have gone into buildings alittle less than seven millions were of Rockefeller origin. So it is clear that the University had gradually become a Chicago, a regional, a national institution with an in-ternational reputation.At this point one can imagine slightlyincredulous people saying : "This seems alivery well, but how about these RockefellerBoards that have given the University tenand a half millions during the last decade?Are they not merely replacing the founderand in reality continuing his support?"This is a fair question which deserves astraight answer. It is true that one or twotrustees thought Mr. Rockefeller's policyof withdrawal ought to bind the Boardswhich he had created. But the overwhelm-ing majority rejected this theory, first be-cause it implied that these agencies weremerely extensions of his personality whereashe had always regarded them as quite in-dependent and autonomous, and second be-cause they believe the University of Chicago, as a leading American institution, hadthe same right as any other to be consideredon its merits.Acting on this theory the Boards beganto study the University. The officersgathered information about the standing ofthe staff at home and aboard. They ana-lyzed the statistics of enrolment, payinglittle heed to grand totals. They examinedmaps which showed the number and thedistribution of Chicago doctors of philoso-phy in colleges, in universities, and in otherresearch centers. They read reports whichsummarized the facts sent in by collegepresidents about the University in whichtheir teachers and graduates preferred towork.Then the officers of the Boards took intoaccount buildings, equipment and endow-ments. They reckoned with the University^ ideals of teaching, research and socialobligations. They gave due weight to location, regional influence and prospect offuture support. In only one respect was thestudy defective. About success in competitive athletics these quaint, eccentric,people were incredibly ignorant and evenwickedly indifferent.These investigations convinced the General Education Board and the RockefellerFoundation that if they were to promotehigher education, professional training andTHE UNIVERSITY— A CHICAGO INSTITUTION 135genuine research in the United States theymust co-operate with the University of Chicago as one of the first in a very small groupof unquestionably leading institutions of thecountry. So from time to time the Boardsmade gifts, chiefly to improve advancedtraining and research. They did this notbecause Mr. Rockefeller had ceased to con-tribute but because the opportunities and theprobable results left them no choice.It is a temptation to congratulate theUniversity and the Community on what hasbeen accomplished in less than forty years.Behold an institution with resources of over$100,000,000. It owns 70 city acres, 56buildings, has an annual budget of$7,400,000, a productive endowment of$51,000,000, counts a staff of 789, givesinstruction annually to 14,000 students ofwhom 8,000 are in graduate and high standard professional schools.But there is always danger in lettingone's mind dwell too long on past achieve-ment. After ali Mr. Rockefeller did notturn over to Chicago a finished product; ithas not been finished yet; it never will becompleted. One hesitates to strike thisnote of "only a beginning has been made"but there is no avoiding it. There areforces that must be reckoned with, deplorethem h.ow we will.First of ali professors are getting moreand more grasping and sordid. It used tobe possible to pay them in fine phrasesabout the nobility of teaching and the searchfor truth, the pure Joy of leading youth upthe bill of knowledge, the sublimated satis-factions of unremunerated service to society.But ever since Dr. Harper began in 1892corrupting distinguished scholars by $7000salaries (that would mean at least $15,000today) things have been going from bad toworse. Professors are no longer contentwith, the incomes of plumbers, carpentersand locomotive engineers ; they aspire to thesalaries of commercial travelers and juniorbond salesmen ; a few even covet the emolu-ments of the twenty-seventh vice-presidentof a Consolidated bank.Probably wives and children are a gooddeal to blame. The former are losing theircraving for domestic labor and the latter associated with offspring of the well-to-dodevelop expensive habits and ambitions.Celibacy and Mrs. Sanger offer some hopebut this may be easily overestimated.No, the unpleasant truth seems to be thatfirst-class ability can be drawn into university life and kept there only by adding toexisting very real inducements an incomewhich bears a dose relation to that of equalcapacities somewhere in the upper halfof professional and business groups. University staffs of high quality are going tobe more expensive.But even when the professors have beensecured the troubles have only begun. Thebetter the men are the more they want ofspace, equipment, apparatus, books, manu-scripts, photostat copies, periodicals, tech-nicians, assistants, elencai aids. They feeìthe urge to consult distant libraries andmuseums, to attend meetings of scientists,to go on expeditions to excavate, exploreand make collections. They have an un-canny, almost malevolent, knack of learn-ing about things old and new in ali partsof the world. Then they cannot be happyuntil they have them.Nor is it easy to divert or pacify themwithout cost. They bombard you with dis-quieting phrases ; they must keep abreast ofprogress in their fields; the success of theirteaching and research is at stake; theirscholarly reputations are in jeopardy; theUniversity 's standing is involved. You findyourself a trustee for brains which ought tobe utilized to the full and then too you arehaunted by the quite unworthy fear that ifyou fail to meet the test, you may lose yourvery best men and women to more appre-ciative and alert institutions.Here, too, is another increasing item ofexpense if a true university is to maintainits position as an influential center of teaching and the advancement of knowledge.There is no waiting until the professors"have read ali the books they have now."Stili another, perhaps the worst difHcultyabout professors is their indifference topractical considerations. Instead of stick-ing to investigations which seem likely to"pan out" promptly, they go wanderingabout in an irresponsible fashion after ali136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEkinds of useless knowledge. Then they calithis pure research as if puffed cereals, auto-matic refrigerators and vacuum cleanerswere impure!To people of the "go-getter," "quick re-turns" type this is probably the most irritat-ing of the many peculiarities of professors.Moreover this pure or fundamental researchseems terribly expensive in time, equipxnent,supplies and assistance.But no real university can afford to letsuch investigations languish, to say nothingof permitting them to cease. Its duty is topush out the frontiers of knowledge. To besure every now and then one of the thingsthese practical professors have discoveredturns out to be immensely useful andprofitable — to somebody else and to societyat large. Universities are not resentfulwhen this happens, but they must go onnevertheless pursuing knowledge in the samedisinterested way.A few governments, notably the Britishand. German, think it so essential to keepprofessors at work on fundamental research,that large sums are granted to universities,institutes and National Research Councils»Even our federai government maintains de-partmental laboratories in which a certainamount of surreptitious, almost pure research goes on and a few state universitieshave funds for fundamental investigations.But for a long time we may be sure thatCongress will not be beguiled into makingoutright appropriations for pure researcheither in departmental or non-governmentlaboratories.Perhaps this policy is in harmony with thespirit of our national life. Possibly it isjust as well that pioneering activities shouldbe left to the initiative of individuate, volun-tary groups and private institutions.Certain it is that the University of Chicagohas taken a foremost place not only incollegiate, graduate and professional education but also in the national and International task of advancing knowledge. Thecontinued discharge of this great duty willcali for ever larger capital expenditures andannual maintenance.Stili another thing should not be over-looked. The University of Chicago was never a facsimile of the conventional university type. From the very outset it intro-duced new ideas of organization, methodsand spirito It was itself an experiment ineducation. It has made notable contributions and exerted a wide influence in thisfield.This tradition of innovation, experiment,and demonstration imposes new duties andoffers boundless opportunities. The prob-lems are many and pressing. For exampiethe aims, materials, organizations andmethods of undergraduate education, thepurposes and character of graduate training,the relations of research and teaching califor re-study and readjustment to a changingsocial order. Such activities as these willinevitably cali for additional funds.How fortunate that the new Presidenttakes naturally to the very things for whichthe University has stood since its founding,for pioneering, for experimentation, forquality, for high standards in teaching andresearch, for loyalty to University ideals!One is inclined to protest against thepreoccupation with President Hutchins'youthfulness. William Rainey Harper in1892 was little older, but he was not ex-ploited as a boy wonder. Modern science,moreover, has changed our ideas about age»Character and personality are nowadays notso much questions of chronology as of en-docrinology. Think of the multitude ofsenile adolescents who will never grow up!Mere exposure to experience is no guarantceof wisdom. The vast majority registerfoggy outlines, many require a long timeexposure, others, like the new president,have quick lenses. He has been promptlytested on both sides and has won earlyrecognition for alert intelligence, resource»fui imagination, a pioneering spirit and adelightful personality.The University and the City hall him»Under his leadership the institution willmake steady advance as a vital, stimulating,productive servant of the community, thenation and mankind. Mr. Rockefellermade a definite gift. Chicago in a longfuture will make countless gifts in money,in sympathy, in loyalty, but these gifts willnever be definitive.New Manuscript Acquisitionsfor ChicagoIII. One Year's Progress in New Testament ManuscriptsBy Edgar J. GoodspeedChairman of the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Literature.AYEAR ago the University ownedone Greek manuscript of the fourGospels. Since the first of January,1929, it has acquired seven New Testamentmanuscripts in Greek and one in Armenian.A real beginning has been made of a collec-tion of materials in this fìeld worthy of theUniversity.Manuscripts are to research in the hu-manities what laboratories and laboratorymaterials are to thenaturai sciences. Theyare the indispensablematerials of research.It is unreasonable toexpect such researchwithout providing suchmaterials. When thefirst course in NewTestament manuscriptswas given at the University by Caspar RenéGregory in 1895 hesaw this so clearly thathe arranged to have theUniversity buy a Greekgospels manuscript hefound in Greek handson the north side.From its long residencein Haskell Museum,we carne to cali it theHaskell Gospels. Itwas not a thing of any distinction; it waswritten about A. D. 1500 and cost onlytwenty dollars. But it was a beginning.Bound with it were a few pages of a Greeklectionary of the epistles probably fromthe fìfteenth century.This remained our only New Testamentmanuscript for a full generation. One ortwo ancient manuscript pieces no biggerthan one's hand have found their way fromProfessor GoodspeedOxyrhynchus to the Orientai Museum.But not much experience in handling andreading Greek manuscripts can be gottenfrom them. And yet without actual experience with real manuscripts, not justphotostats, men cannot be trained for manuscript work.We met this need by borrowing manuscripts from other institutions, and collat-ing and publishing them; from Harvard,Syracuse, Toronto,Texas. Collectorslike Dr. Gruber inChicago, Mr. Bixby inSt. Louis, Mr. Scheidein Titusville, and Mr.Eames in New York,loaned us their manuscripts or gave usphotographs of them.When we could notborrow the DrewSeminary manuscripts,we sent a man toMadison, New Jersey,to work them through.For one of the projectsof the department haslong been to collateand publish the un-collated New Testament materials inAmerica.Meantime we were on the lookout formanuscripts to buy. But in the wholecourse of thirty-three years only one carneinto view, — and for that, there were nofunds. It is perhaps fortunate that thoselean years in the University's financialhistory were also lean in manuscript op-portunities.The finding of the Michael PaleologusNew Testament with its amazing wealth137xjS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof miniatures, in Paris two years ago, andits purchase by Mrs. Rockefeller McCor-mick marked the beginning of a new epodi.It drew attention to Chicago as a center ofinterest in Greek manuscripts, and whileup to that time we had been unable to learnof any Greek manuscripts for sale any-where, since then they have been turningup steadily at about the rate of one everytwo months.The first chapter in the year's progresswas Orientai, however. Our first acquisi-tion was not Greek but Armenian. OnJanuary 26, I chanced to see in a bookcatalogue from London that had justreached me, the mention of an Armeniangospels, on paper, and of the sixteenth cen-tury, at a very moderate figure. I cabledLuzac that night, and sent him a draft twodays later. The manuscript arrived onFebruary 9, and Dean Mathews generouslyassumed the oost of it from his funds. Itcontains 299 leaves, 7 ìhches by 9, with fairornaments. It is a most useful thing tohave manuscripts of the early versions ofthe New Testament for purposes of illus-tration. The Armenian for example hasthe Story of the Adulterous Woman not inJohn 7 and 8, but at the very end of thegospel. We hope in time to add to this similar manuscripts of the Latin, Syriac,Coptic and other versions, as they may comeon the market. Nothing makes the versions so real to students as showing themactual manuscript examples of them, likethis Armenian. Mr. Colwell, a fellow inNew Testament, has made a study of thewater-marks of the paper fly-leaves intro-duced into the manuscript at the beginningsof Mark, Luke, andJohn, and found thatthey belong to thesixteenth century; andas they seem to havebeen put in long afterthe manuscript wasnew, it was probablywritten in the fìfteenth.The second chapterbegan in Princeton, inNovember, 1928, whenProfessor Morey toldus of a Greek gospelsmanuscript in thehands of a scholar andtraveler in New YorkCity. In December, Imet its possessor inNew York and arranged to have the manuscript sent on to Chicago. It proved to beof great interest. It was written probably about 1300 A. D. and was originallyenriched with four fine miniatures, andthree gospel headings, beside the decoratedtables or lists of gospel sections at thebeginning. It contained 400 parchmentleaves, measuring sH °y 8 inches. In acolophon dated 1700 a monk Chrysanthusin barbarous Greek and a sprawling handrelates how he had rescued it from thehand of the Turks and repaired and em-bellished it. This enables us to date thered velvet cover now on the manuscript,and the elaborate patterned decoration ofits edges, as well as that of the three newminiatures that have been inserted in themanuscript at the beginnings of Mark,Luke, and John. These doublé miniaturesgive peculiar interest to the iconography ofthe manuscript.The richness of its miniatures made thisThe Chrysanthus GospelsA tiny figure of Zechariah zvith his censer forms the first initialNEW MANUSCRIPT ACQUISITIONS FOR CHICAGO i39an expensive manuscript to buy, but Mr.Mathews and Mr. Woodward carne to ouraid, and a group of Chicago men, — Mr.Arthur T. Galt, Mr. Stanley Rickcords,Mr. C. Lindsay Ricketts, Mr. C. T. B.Goodspeed, — with some help from the de-partment's incidental fund made up theprice. The manuscript reached Chicago onJanuary 8. The last step ensuring its pur-chase was taken on May 18 and the firstGreek New Testament manuscript acquiredin thirty-three years was at last ours. Themanuscript is aheady being collated forpublication.Two colophons in Church Slavonic re-flect the wanderings of the manuscriptabout southeastern Europe, and have en-gaged the attention of Dr. Spinka and Dr.Bobrinskoy. Altogether, with its contents,its doublé miniatures and its Greek andSlavonic colophons, the manuscript is ofmuch more than ordinary interest.The third chapter inthe story had its actual beginning in a remark ofProfessor Capps made atPrinceton in November,1928. He spoke of aGreek of his acquaintancewho had some Greekmanuscripts to sell, andoffered to send me hisaddress. Months passed 'however with no wordfrom him, and we werebeginning to think thematter just one more ofthose disappointments ofwhich a manuscript-hunter's life is full, whenon Aprii 25 there carnefrom Mr. Capps, not in-deed a letter, but a wholecrate of manuscripts. Of the six, two wereNew Testament. One, a dilapidated gospels, of about 1300, once the property ofa certain Demetrius; the other a beauti-fully written Praxapostolos, that is, amanuscript of the Acts, and the epistles, atype of which there are but three examplesknown to us in America.A letter followed, with the disquieting news that the manuscripts were open tobids, and as two or three rather opulenteastern groups had already made offers forsome of them, the prospect did not appearbright. We were also in no position to bid,as the Chrysanthus purchase had not beenconcluded, and until it was, it was hardlypossible to approach the University withso vague a proposition. Yet we could notlet the most distinguished manuscript thathad yet come within reach escape withoutan effort. Accordingly I hazarded a personal bid on the gospels and the Praxapostolos, and returned the lot to Mr. Capps.On May 17 a letter arrived from him,and I opened it with mingled emotions. Alife-long student of Greek drama, Mr.Capps imparts even to his business letterssomething of its quality. Of our severalbids, mine, it appeared, had been the high-est, — and Hope rose high. But the Hellenewhen apprised of it, declared that a man inThe PraxapostolosA manuscript of the Acts and the Epistles turitten in the I2th orIph centuryCanada had offered him that much for thePraxapostolos alone, saying he could doubléhis money by selling it off a leaf at a time ;and Hope drooped. But Mr. Capps hadprotested that such a piece of vandalismwould alienate ali reputable collectors, andthe Greek would have no customers forfurther manuscripts. (Hope revived.)The eloquence of Mr. Capps moved the im-140 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpressionable Greek to repentance and remorse, and he willingly accepted the Chicago bid. (Hope triumphant.) The nextday the fatai parcel arrived. Mr. Capps,whose help in ali this was beyond ali praise,intimated that the Greek would welcomean early remittance. Without disturbingthe University authorities this was ar-ranged, and I became, — temporarily, Ihoped, — the owner of the manuscripts.On the I5th of June I called upon Mr.Woodwari and shared with him my guiltysecret. He readily gave me officiai ab-solution, but for the The final hundred was presently providedby Mr. Stevens, and so the Demetrius Gospels and the Praxapostolos became ours,after one of the finest pieces of Universitycooperation I know of. The gospels con-sists of 205 leaves measuring 6}i by 8%inches. The Praxapostolos contains 152leaves, each 5^4 by yj4 inches, and is hand-somely bound in red velvet, with quaintbrass ornaments. It was written in thetwelfth or thirteenth century.The fourth chapter is the most dramaticpart of the story, but it must be briefly told.^^^^^^^ By the beginning oftime being had noth-ing more substantialto ofier. Yet likethe lawyer he oncewas, he did conferupon me a piece ofadvice, to which atthe moment I at-tached little im-portance, but whichproved to be posi-tively golden : headvised me to '-seeMr. Raney.Without delay Imounted to Mr.Raney's office, mymanuscripts in myhands. He receivedme hospitably, andupon hearing theirstory, undertook onethird of their cost. But he did more; hetoo gave me a piece of advice. He toldme to wire Dean Mathews for the balance.I was not unacquainted with Dean Mathews, but as he had only three weeks be-fore assumed more than a third of theChrysanthus purchase, it had not occurredto me to approach him again so soon. Butthe advice that day was proving so good,that I took it. Fortunately Mr. Mathewswas not further away than Colorado; amonth later it might have been Sweden orSwitzerland. A wire to Denver broughta reply by ten that night, undertaking alibut the last hundred dollars of the balance.The next morning I went on my vacation.Mxjéj-v t^twmi jtmfwnu" u ¦ &C*) «*«" -irò t ^-Hr fewluti ni 6pow/LvfU» • ("AV >'¦' p*P*< ••¦f • ','u» f vi ** ààrnif Um feKmà '<& Moapttu(»£4'«Wr .%. futjuytt'"'. tè**"*1oùi t» w ¦ ¦Ifìopdp finn' October, there hadcome to me from M.Stora in Paris andfrom the New Yorkscholar who hadturned the Chrysanthus Gospels ourway, f o u r moreGreek gospels manuscripts. One waspaper and supposedto be from the fif-teenth century. Theothers were parch-ment, and very attrattive. Two wereactually signed anddated by theirscribes. The fourthwas an impressivetwo-column codex,of 165 parchmentleaves, measuring 9^4 by 12-lA inches, withfine headings, which once belonged to thechurch of Exoteicho, near Trebizond.The request for an exhibit of depart-mental research projects, on the day ofthe inauguration, Nov. 19, led us toshow in one case the gospels manuscriptsecured through Gregory in 1895; in asecond, the four manuscripts acquired inthe last winter and spring; and in a thirdthe four manuscripts in our hands on approvai, which we placarded as "awaitingpurchase." Thanks to Mr. Woodward andMr. Raney, we went into the exhibit on No-vember 19 with more than one third of themoney needed for. them in sight. When Mr.The Exoteicho GospelsNEW MANUSCRIPT ACQUISITIONS FOR CHICAGO 141and Mrs. Frederick T. Haskell saw themin the exhibit, Mr. Haskell asked to lookat one of them more closely. It was a smallcodex of 190 parchment leaves, each 3% by4% inches, with a fine twelfth century miniature at the beginning, excellent gospel head-ings, and at the end the signature of thescribe Nicolausof Edessa, together with dateand place of writing, — Edessa (in Macedonia), 1 133 A.D. Mr. Haskell put a newface on our situation by saying that he wouldbuy the manuscript for the University, whichhe has since done. This gave us three-fourthsof the amount neededto secure ali four,and Dean Mathewshearing of our progress later in theafternoon, volun-tarily undertook toprovide the rest.We were thusobliged to put uponthe show-case a newlabel indicating thatsince the opening ofthe exhibit, fundshad been providedthat ensured thepurchase of the fourmanuscripts.The second datedmanuscript is signedby the scribe Hya-cinthus, with thedate 1303. It con-tains 338 parchment leaves, measuring 6%by 8^4 inches. After the exhibit Mr.Clark and Mr. Colwell, fellows in thedepartment, took up the paper manuscript,which had not been examined in detail, andby a study of its watermarks establishedits date as about 1325-50. It contains 204leaves, each 6 by 8% inches. They foundit signed by the scribe Isaac, and a late notein it showed that it once belonged to thechurch of St. John in Exoteicho.On the second of December, when theNew Testament Club assembled to rejoiceover the manuscript acquisitions of the year,it was confronted by a newly arrived manuscript of such unique distinction that every- one felt it must be added to the year's acquisitions. It is a twelfth or thirteenthcentury roll sixty-nine inches long and threeand five-eighths inches wide. It containsthe beginnings of three gospels, (Mark,Luke, John), the Lord's Prayer, the NiceneCreed and the first part of the 68th Psalm,114 lines in ali. Liturgical rolls of theperiod are not unknown, but a medievalroll containing gospel texts like these seemsto be unheard of. The second great featureof the roll is the presence in it of sevenminiatures, mostly in good condition. ' Ithas been suggestedthat the roll was acharm or amulet ofsome opulent By-zantine, perhaps ofthe imperiai family.Or it may haveserved as decora-tion for the pillarsof the aitar canopy,on feast days. Paperstrips something likethis are used in thatway in Roumanianchurches today.Mr. Shapley onseeing the manuscript later ex-pressed his feelingthat we must not letit get away. Andalready with the aidof Mr. Martin A.Ryerson and Mr. Galt, we are halfwayto success. But even without it, theseeight acquisitions in New Testamentmanuscripts have made this a great yearin the history of the department, and showwhat can be done in this direction.In a single year we have added to ourmanuscript resources more New Testament items than any American university has gathered in a like period exceptwhen Michigan secured the Baroness Bur-dett Coutts collection at a London auctionat a cost of $9,000. But those manuscriptswere ali previously known and registered,and in some cases had been thoroughlystudied, and the results published ; our pur-+RMrrt/AlONKATA)iwAWHNiyo,\Qyorr ¦ K" 'Q or TOP *^V ¦ K*** "&* rt / ' ° ^° >**- '> o. ~ , ' - L sk. e"opo^«tn>«iLrruj|oouit' >¦M-tHry f.wA**if TV>p!**p tpeu^YThe Hyacinthus Gospels143 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEchases are unknown to the published listsof such manuscripts and are new materialfor study and publication. We shall thushave the satisfaction of working them overand reporting their readings to the men atLondon who are now at work upon a newcriticai apparatus of readings of the GreekNew Testament.We have moreover opened channels of the utmost promise for further acquisitions.Three groups of manuscript hunters inEurope and the Levant are now on thelookout for further manuscripts to submitto us. The University has given us gener-ous support, and the city has begun to takean active interest.We hope to have further results to re-port to the alumni before long.The Edessa Gospels, A. D. 1133The gift of-Mr. Frederick T. HaskellAs We Go to PressThe Alumni Council, with the co-operation of the Chicago Alumnas Club and theChicago Alumni Club, is making arrangements for the First Annual Alumni Assemblyto be held in late February or early March to which ali alumni, former students andfaculty members, together with husbands and wives, are invited.The Assembly will be held at one of Chicago 's downtown hotels with an informaireception at 6 o'clock, a dinner at 7.0'clock followed by addresses from leading membersof the University, faculty who will teli of the discoveries and accomplishments of the pastyear.This will be a wonderful opportunity for meeting old friends and learning of the recent accomplishments and future plans at the University.Experiment in Education — An AdventureBy Ralph W. GerardAssistant Professor of PhysiologyIFIFTY years ago Louis Agassiz said,"Question Nature, not Books," andcalled into being the modem labora-tory courses of science. Now youth learnschemistry with the Bunsen burner and bi-ology with the scalpel and scientists arehaughty to philosophers.The method of teaching by doing is cer-tainly an improvement over that by exposi-tion, but how grotesquely has the meaningof Agassiz's dictum been warped ! For ex-ampie, a class is learning how to test forarsenic. Before commencing the experi-ments the students are expected to haveread (and often have) about the variousreactions of this substance. In the labora-tory they slavishly follow careful directicnsfor proceeding. "Take io ce. of arsenictrichloride solution, add io ce of concen-trated hydrochloric acid and warm to 700 C.Pass in hydrogen sulphide gas for io min-utes. Observe the formation of a yellowprecipitate' of arsenic sulphide." Miss Y.obtains no yellow precipitate; she used adilute instead of a concentrated acid, butdoesn't know this. Nature, as interrogatedby Miss Y., says that arsenic does not havean insoluble yellow sulphide, the book saysit does. And what does Miss Y. say ? "Oh,there must have been something wrong withthe experiment." ( Miss Y. would probablynot remember arsenic sulphide very longeven if her experiment had succeeded, butshe will never forget that iron sulphide isblack, for during the arsenic experiment sheput her head into the hydrogen sulphidegas and when she withdrew it her artisticallyrouged cheeks and lips had become quiteblack. That was a real discovery.)So common is this experience that students régularly distrust their own observa-tions and experiments, and when they passon and perhaps become instructors the stateof mind persists/ A friend teaching at Cambridge University told me of a particularexperiment, a test of the action of some drug, that had been demonstrated to everyclass of medicai students for a quarter of acentury. For years he, as his predecessors,had failed in test experiments to obtain theexpected effect and had always put acrossthe actual "demonstration by silently addinga different drug that did produce the re-sults. Finally, he became sufEciently ex-asperated to seriously study this drug action,and proved that the drug had no such effect.The often "demó,nstrated" test was an"error that had crept into the literature ofthe subject," but the books had overpoweredthe observations for^ generation.The actual observation of certain strikingphenomena is an invaluable experience. Nodescription can convey the reality of anaurora borealis. The flashes of single dis-rupted atoms seen in a spinthariscope givea tangibility to atomic theory never to behad from discourse. The movements of theheart seen with X-rays are unforgettable.Ammonia must be sniffed and quinine tastedfor full appreciation. Such laboratory ad-ventures are striking and enduring and canstand by themselves with no understandingor explanations.The great majority of the studente timein the laboratory, however, is spent in a verydifferent manner. He repeats in varyingcombinations procedures that he has beenthrough many times, and obtains resultswith which he has been made familiar.Mixing two solutions in a test tube and òb-serving a white precipitate becomes tiresomeafter the first hundred times.A further evil has crept into laboratoryteaching, and teaching in general, which isperhaps a * reverberation from the presentcentury lapping about our island universities. The period is filled to dverflow withthings to be done. Dozens of separate, oftenunrelated, experiments are packed into oneafternoon period so that the mere manualexecution of them requires some dispatch.Active thought about them, even if encour-aged, is then pretty much out of the ques-143144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion and the actual doing is degraded tolittle more than drudgery. As an aid toteaching such laboratory -work is yieldingmeagre returns on the time and capital in-vested in it.I have painted, perhaps, an extreme pie-ture of laboratory teaching today, but certain valid conclusions, I believe, remain.The spontaneous interest of normal beingsis stamped out, almost methodically, byhaving everything labelled and docketedbef orehand ; the student knows what to ex-pect. If it happens, what of it? He knewit would and there is no time to think aboutitnow. If it doesn't, what of it? It shouldhave, something must have been wrong butthere isn't time to do it over. In truth weteach our students to question Nature, notbooks — to question what she tells us.Criticism of our "higher education" hasbecome such a lay and professional pastime,and is so familiar to readers of this magazine, that I may have been merely beatinga dead man. The laboratory phase of theproblem, however, has been little discussedby the leading experimentors on education.McConn, in his "College or Kindergarten,"discusses the subject on one page. Grantedthat students should be helped to teachthemselves rather than be inflated, to graspconcepts rather than learn faets; should betaught a continuum, not a potpourri ; inten-sively, not fitfully. Is the laboratory to beutilized in this program. And how?Surely in the sciences the laboratory isthe key to the whole situation. Even in thehumanities an analogous type of activity hasproved most effective. The students inMeiklejohn's "Experimental College" vivi-fied their studies of Greek civilization bymaking Greek properties, giving Greekplays, and in some ways living Greek lives.The laboratory must be the studente mainsource of knowledge if he is to evolve ithimself. He must make his own discover-ies, test his own theories, experience for himself the power and drudgery, the strikingsuccesses and the Constant failures of experimental investigation. There he can givethe so needed motor expression to accumu- lating sensations and ideas, rather thanbottling them up for "some time," can knowglorious and petty science as a devoteè ratherthan as a spectator. To learn a subject"from within" is to live it, to live scienceis to do research — in a laboratory. By research I mean the positing of hypotheses andtheir experimental testing; and long estab-lished faets and experiments may ofler asgenuine matter for research to one whodoesn't know them as to the person who firstproduced them.This sounds very idyllic, but how are wegoing to achieve it? And, after ali, sciencestudents must learn a modicum of the ac-cumulated faets and techniques of the subject. It may be interesting to teli somethingof a course in physiology given during thelast year, and based on this viewpoint.There has been given for many years atthe University of Chicago a year's course inphysiology, listed in the Junior Colleges,but attended by a very heterogeneous groupof students. This year two dozen students— freshmen, premedics, a graduate studentin psychology, art students, drifters, welldistributed in age and sex — registered asusuai for the course. At the opening meeting I suggested the following program tothem and they agreed (after a hot discussion) to try it as an experiment.i. No lectures; the three hours a weekso scheduled to be devoted to discussion bythe class — I being merely a rudder. Shortformai talks were to be given by the students at times. 2. No text book and noreading assignments: questions raised andinterests stimulated in the discussion to befollowed up as desired with books andoriginai articles in the library and in thelaboratory. (During the first week of thecourse the medicai librarian gave the classan hour's talk and demonstration on theuse of the library.) 3. No assigned experiments : during the four hours a week allotedto these the instructor and the assistant tobe in the laboratory and the special supplyroom open, but the laboratory itself to bekept open at ali times and the students freeto work. They would presumably test forII IIIEXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION— AN ADVENTURE 145themselves ideas and statements advancedduring discussions, but the only conditionsplaced were that the project must be discusseci with the instructor before begun (toavoid dangerous or destructive experimentsand insure the presence of needed equip-ment) and must be carried to successful con-clusion, in the sense of eliminating errorsand uncertainties, before being dropped. 4.No formai attendance taken nor examina-tions given : an achievement equivalent tothe university requirements to be expected.We started the discussion with the as-sumption that no one knew anything aboutbiology. I asked what life is, and withinthe week the discussion led two students tofind out that a frog's heart could beatfor hours when cut from the body. Moststudents had assorted bits of informationwhich at first they proudly contributed.Later they became more cautious since theirfellows were quick to pick flaws or demandevidence. Some periods I said no word forthe entire hour. From the arguments carnetheories and plans of experiments to testthem. Within three weeks ali were busyon research problems, alone or in smallgroups. Some of these occupied the entire quarter, others were very quickly completed.Of course there were troubles. One ortwo students tried to be autocrats of theclassroom and had to be restrained. Onewell meaning chap just could not be proddedinto developing something of his own in thelaboratory and required Constant nursing.A girl was frankly antagonistic to the wholescheme from the start and would not cooperate. It was difficult to supply thevariety of equipment needed and to keepthe building open evenings and Sundays.Ali the students found it difficult at first todo their own planning, and my time waseaten into for a month most unmercifully.Much of the students' time was "lost"through inexperience, at least they did nothear or do so much as in the usuai course.They certainly acquired, even temporarily,fewer faets.How shall one judge the results? Thegroup was absolutely unselected and mightbe compared with previous classes. Thestudents could compare their reactions tothis method and to regular classes. Theirfuture behavior might be observed. Butwhat are the criticai tests to be applied?And did the mere novelty of a new experi-(•: Jl• _¦^%'•• ^A^BuQB^^^^BB^k 11 ' Hi ^WDoctor Gerard in his Laboratory146 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEment give an added advantage to the course ?Unquestionably it has been the most in-teresting and, I believe, interested class Ihave taught. Far more than the one-fourthof "real students" allowed by McConn tookan active part in the discussions, presenteddata gleaned from originai articles (inGerman and French, too), and asked mefor evidence if I made categorical state-ments. For the first time in ten years ofteaching have I heard an "authoritative,,statement met by a student with the wither-ing % etort that his experiments showed itwas wrong.After one month the students voted nearlyunanimously to continue the course as itwas going rather than to return to the usuaimethod, as I offered to do. A number ofnew students asked to be admitted to thesecond quarter's class. In a questionnairefilled out, I think honestly since very frankcriticisms were made, at the end ofthe first quarter, the average report wasthat twice as much outside time had beenspent on this work as on other courses. Theopinion was also expressed that the classhad learned few faets but had a real appre-ciation of vital processes, and a new idea ofscience. Many felt that the most valuablething gotten from the course was the train-IAST year in the March number of theMagazine a summary of certain faets-•about the freshman class was given.Similar information has been prepared forthe current year's class and is presented inthe following paragraphs.There were this year 764 new freshmen,i.e. students who entered the University ing in working on their own responsibility.In the laboratory they began with simpleexperiments and worked to more difficultones. At first many had never touched af rog and few had seen kymographs or musclelevers. Before finishing several were doingexperiments done in graduate courses or notattempted by students. Several took upphases of problems that have never beenworked out, and at least one — a freshman atcollege, from a small-town high school, bythe way — did research of such high calibrethat it will be published in a physiologicaljournal. Perhaps even more significantwere the experiences of those students whohad trouble with their experiments andworked through them. One did an experiment performed regularly by the medics,but never properly. After a dozen trials,each taking an afternoon, he demonstratedit perfectly. Probably the month spent onthat one undertaking taught him more thancould any number of laboratory manuals.The laboratory was occupied at ali hours,mysterious piles of apparatus rose anddwindled, enthusiasm and discouragementwere there but not boredom. I think theylearned something very real about physiology and scientific method, and I think theyenjoyed it. Certainly I did.with less than nine majors of advancedstanding.These were selected from approximately1,250 applications. Fifty-nine per cent ofthe freshmen were boys, and forty-one percent were girls.The following tables present the sum-marized data.The Freshmen of 1929-1930By George R. Moon, A.M. '26Assistant to the University ExaminerTHE FRESHMEN OF 1929-1930 i47TABLE IPERCENTAGE , OF STUDENTS WHO REPORTED THAT THEIRFATHERS WERE ENGAGED IN INDICATED VOCATIONVocation Per CentMerchant 16.6Skilled Trades 9.4Salesmanship 7.8Executive Work 7.8Manufacturing 5.7Law . 5-2Engineering 4.94Medicine 4.04Clerking 3.7Civil Service & Trans 3.6Insurance , 3-3Farming 2.7Real Estate Business 2.7 Vocation Per CentEducation 2.54Ministry . . 2.4Contracting 2.4Adver. & Journalism 2.1Labor 2.1Banking 1.5Brokerage Business 1.5Dentistry 1.5Business (general) 1.35Fine Arts 0.9Accounting 0.45Science 0*45TABLE IIPERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS WHO REPORTED THAT AFTERGRADUATION THEY PLANNED TO ENTER CERTAINOCCUPATIONSPer CentOccupation Choice of ClassEducation 20.7Law .... ^14.4Business 12.2Medicine 9.5Science 6.3Journalism 5.2Engineering 3.6Art .... *. 3.6Music 3.45Social Service 2.16Advertising 1.87Nursing 1.7Ministry 0.9Accounting 0.6Theater 0.6Architecture 0.4It is, of course, possible and quite prob-able that a large number of these studentswill change their plans while in college.No study has yet been made to determinehow many have the same hopes or planswhen they graduate as when they enter.Last year our freshmen carne from 36 Per CentOccupation Choice of ClassBrokerage • • • °-4Library Work 0.4Real Estate 0.4Banking °-3Army aiAthletic Coach 0.1Dentist aiDietetics °-1Diplomatic Service O-1Foreign Trade °-1Home Economics 0.1Insurance °*1Personal Service G-1Radio • o-iSalesmanship °-1None 12.4different states and the District of Columbia. The following figures show that themembers of this year's class carne from 37different states, from the District of Columbia, and one from Japan. The statesare listed in the order of the number ofstudents from each state.148 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETABLE IIIPERCENTAGES OF THE CLASS WHO CAME FROM HIGH SCHOOLSLOCATED IN THE PLACES INDICATEDPer CentLocation of High School of ClassChicago , 59.7Suburban Area 7.8111. outside Chgo. Area 7.3Indiana 6.0Wisconsin 2.94Iowa 1.7Michigan 1.54Minnesota 1.1Ohio 0.98Oklahoma 0.98Pennsylvania 0.98Montana 0.84California 0.7Missouri 0.7New York 0.7Kansas 0.6Kentucky 0.4Massachusetts 0.4Nebraska 0.4Utah 0.4Sixty-seven per cent stated that they expected to live at home while attending theUniversity.One hundred twenty-two members of theclass held full or partial scholarships a-warded because of accomplishment in highschool or on competitive examinations.These were distributed as f ollows : 50 heldfull or partial Honor Entrance Scholarships; 35 held the Two-Year Junior College Scholarships; 36 held full or partial Per CentLocation of High School of ClassConnecticut 0.3Florida 0.3New Jersey 0.3South Dakota 0.3Washington, D. C 0.3Washington 0.3Alabama 0.14Canada 0.14Colorado 0.14Georgia 0.14Louisiana O.14Maryland 0.14Mexico 0.14New Hampshire 0.14New Mexico 0.14North Dakota 0.14Tennessee 0.14Virginia 0.14West Virginia 0.14Texas 0.14scholarships won in the Competitive Examinations; 3 held special honor scholarships awarded anonymously through theChicago schools for promise of civic leadership; one held the Joseph Triner Scholar-ship.The Scholarship Committee reports thatvarious alumni organizations gave valuableassistance in a large number of cases inlocating and interviewing prospective can-didates for the awards.TABLE IVAMOUNT OF EDUCATION REPORTED FOR THE FATHERS OF THESTUDENTS INCLUDED IN THE STUDYAmount of Education per CentNone above the eighth grade 45.6Attended high school but not graduated 1.5Graduated from high school 1 7.9Attended college but not graduated 9.9Graduated from college 25.6Of the 35.5 per cent who attended or while 1.2 per cent attended the Universitygraduated from college, 3.5 per cent have for a time.degrees from the University of Chicago,Sojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin Smith, '98XIWHAT is so terrible about a presidente reception ? In f act, nothing.It is a winter afternoon, withdarkness already come, and motor lampsbulging through a whirl of snow.The big brown house is thoroughly lit.Upstairs and downstairs, its Windows glow.The old house, that usually presents towardpassers-by so forbidding a face, now wearsan aspect of invitation. Snow leading toits porch is well trampled. There is a longrank of automobiles in front.The Presidente annual reception to thefaculty is on — that is, half of it. Thereare two halves because the roster of facultyand ofEcials is so long that to swallow themin one gulp would choke the place. Sotoday the people "from A to M" are re-ceived. Later there will be a welcome tothe folk "from N to Z."No one in the fat little address book willbe overlooked. It contains the names notonly of prominent "donors" accustomed tomuch more lavish social affairs than this,but also of many persons who hardly "goout" at ali. Nearly everybody who teachesor lectures is included, and so are a lot ofpeople who look after the University ma-chinery, who keep its books, or buy its sup-plies, or boss its janitors.And along with Everyman, there isEveryman's wife.This is the occasion when Mrs. Hast-ings wears her remodeled afternoon costume.2.If anyone were to ask what a Presidentereception was "for," he might get a hesitantresponse. Customs are hard to explain. Butthe Lowlander, prowling around The Summit and trying to understand it, f ramed hisown idea of why, on two days in the busiestseason, the Presidente house was filled withpeople, its staff taxed to the limit, and thePresident and his wife doomed to shake three hundred hands. The Lowlanderthought it was done largely to keep "facultywives" happy.Now being a faculty wife was unlikebeing another kind of a wife. It is onething to be married to a "genius" who isalso a "headliner"; it is another thing tohave a brilliant husband, who, thoughfamous in a way, gathers little social glory,and perhaps will not "go anywhere" at ali.The Lowlander was prone to compare withthose women who, at a luncheon party, wereable to boast "My husband wrote the bestseller of the season," those who were forcedto an admission such as "My husband is azoòlogist. He studies mainly entozoons."And then, it must have been true thatmany faculty wives remained forever ig-norant of what their preoccupied andlearned husbands were really driving at.What if onee husband is working on "theequilibrium of rotating fluid bodies," or on"the morphology of thallophytes," or evenon so mild a subject as dialects, vedic oravestan? What then becomes of the prin-ciple that "a wife should be conversant withher husbande work" ? Well, obviously, theaverage faculty wife cannot do it. She mustwatch the growth of her spoùsee charts, hishorrendous manuscripts, the litter in hishome laboratory, and be enthusiastic ; shemust sit and look pleasant while he and hisdinner guests bat technicalities back andforth. She must gaze admiringly from afront seat while he reads a paper on "SomePhases of Stereoisomerism."Now, the Lowlander not only perceived— or imagined — the secondary róle of thefaculty wife, but he thought he discernedthe way the husbands met the situation. Itwas by being very nice to their wives. Whathappened in this home or that was not ap-parent in detail, but it could be deducedfrom the way the wives were treated inpublic. The latter were never left out;they got asked to The Club to dinner ; theirhusbands sat beside them at functions.149150 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAnd it was the custom, the practicallyimpregnable custom, for Professor So-and-So to take Mrs. So-and-So to the Presidentereception. Yet there were exceptions. . .3-These husbands and wives formed adoublé line, ascending and descending thebroad staircase. They nodded gaily to eachother, but they did not pause. The reception had to move rapidly. Even so, it tooksome hours for those "from A to M" topassa given point.Not in the drawing-room (built for asmaller faculty) did the President and hiswife take up their stand, but in the com-fortable reception hallway, from whichopened, in turn, the dining-room, the study,and the "parlor." There was no "line."There was no secretarial introduction, orother formality. The President simplyshook any hand that was extended ; and thenhis wife shook it. Everything was as thoughali these people had simply "dropped in."The professors were dressed that way, too.The crowd moved swiftly by. Ali thePresident «would say, as he gave his quickand friendly smile, was :"How d'ye do?""Good afternoon; glad to see you."Or this:"Ah! How is everything with you bythis time?"To men whom he constantly met — somehe had already seen three or four times thatday — he would often give just a quickpressure of the hand, and a glance suggest-ing, "We talk enough at other times."Sometimes, though, he would greet a professor who had been ili, or who had justreturned from a long absence; these hewould hold for two seconds longer, withan added touch of interest or, it might be,a searching question.When it carne to greeting the wives, hemanaged an increase of cordiality, (and astretch of memory), which was not merelyan expression of his naturai good-humor,but a recognition of the fact that they werethe faculty wives. Oh, yes, the Presidentknew about them and how important theywere. He was the last man to ignore the fact that they formed a sort of auxiliarycorps whose harmony and happiness wasvitally related to the mental health of thewhole place. So he bent to them, as itwere; though his actual attitude was thatof a simple, almost boyish affability, un-embroidered by pretty speeches, thoughoften pointed by his quick laugh."And how are the children?" he mightsay, as he let go of a hand.( He never was known to make the errorof putting the question to a childless wife.)Passing on to Mrs. President, the facultyhelpmates found someone who knew themand their ways in detail, whereas the President may have known them only in mass.The lady of the executive mansion neveracted as though she were "giving a reception" ; she might have been at a small dinner-party. If she chose to hold someone beyondthe prescribed three seconds, she did it.She knew when the So-and-Soe had gotback from Europe. She knew about thedaughter who had been sent to a sanitarium,about the son who was going to coach football next year, about the aged mother-in-law shut in with rheumatism, about the petproject for a nursery to take care of graduate students' children — ali that sort ofthing.She had been a professore wife herself."And Fm so glad to see you, Mrs. Hast-ings. So sorry the professor could not come. . . Now, teli me, are you really thinkingof selling your house — such a nice place,too — and where shall you go?"And then the wives of the young professors; new faces, some of them. The"first lady" could not pretend to know themali; but those who were new to her shemanaged to make feel that they were reallyin the family now . . . And would theynot come to see her, some time, when therewasn't such a crowd ?Such a crowd, indeed ; and such a small,frail, elderly lady to stand there and speakto them ali !4.There is, meantime, a continuous move-ment into the dining-room, where, standingaround a table heaped with sandwiches,little cakes, and tea urns managed by ladiesSOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 151endowed with that sort of skill, the guestsperform their final devoir of the occasion.Behold, now, how amiably a daring ex-plorer of jungles, or a mathematician witha Fijian pompadour, or a sociologist justback from the slums, can procure a cup oftea for his wife, and hand it to her withoutspilling. Behold, also, how there are somefaculty men who conduct themselves as toreceptions born, who chat this way and thatway most gracefully; while others — bache-lors, maybe! — tend to flatten themselvesagainst the wall, or retire into corners. Butthese are not ali bachelors. Here is T ,a great anecdoter at The Club, whose wifehas given him up for the moment, and is offtalking to Mrs. Hastings, while he drainshis cup in solitude, and probably wishes hecould smoke. Here is V , famous forbis study of ethnical blends, who stares atthe ceiling, and blushes when a tea-poureraddresses him.And here and there are people who in-quire "Where is the Great Man," and whoask in vain. . . . The Great Man has adispensation to shirk receptions Oh, well, it is the wives who have themost fun. Aside from departmental parties,they don't see each other much ; and perhapsthey get tired of talking to the same department wives. Now they are cheered up,seeing "the family" ali on parade, and feeling themselves of it. And they chatter :"Our coal bill is something terrine.""We're trying coke, and it works fairly a"Yes, Teddy had his operation. The poorlittle fellow is awfully brave.""As Mrs. McCormick said to me, theright way to handle the shut-in problemis- ""He brought some wonderful specimens,he says; but hee utterly worn out.""Now I think that a complete survey ofthis ward is the only way. The committeeereport ""Some place for the neighborhood boys toplay »"Have you heard that Mr. Doane is tobe made chairman of the department?""Excuse me, Mrs. Hastings; I mistookyou for someone else." Look at them: They are "serious"women, largely, who, living in the shadowof effective husbands, are full of vague am-bitions to "accomplish something" themselves. If they cannot shine in art or litera-ture, it becomes naturai for them to go infor politics or welfare work. The University has its strong altruistic side, anyhow ;charity flourishes on the Summit. Thesewomen keep the ball rolling in many aLeague and Guild. Give one a committee-ship, and she will work hard at it. Someeven make better speeches than the womenof Down There. This, too, is naturai.5.Nevertheless, when some notable eventarose above the level normal sweep of theUniversitye activities, the faculty wives became absorbed in it to the exclusion ofeverything outside.The Presidente reception during theLowlandere sojourn was better attendedthan ever, and the gossip over the tea-cupswas concentrated and intense.A tremendous rumor had been born. Itwas said that someone had given the University a million !The story flew up and down stairs alongwith arrivals passing to and from the cloak-rooms. It sped among the groups waitingto present themselves to the President andhis wife. It buzzed directly behind thebacks of that busy pair. In the dining-room, it was conveyed from ear to ear,whisperingly, and with facial disclosuresof delight.Now there had been millions given to theUniversity ere this. Funds had rained uponit now and then ; buildings had risen rapidly.But for quite a while there had been missingthat thrill which runs through the quad-rangles when a cornucopia is emptiedtherein. Here it was at last. A gloriousrumor, like a Brazilian butterfly, hadalighted in the quadrangles like an augurand like a confirmation.Whence did the news come? In thedining-room, amid the clink of the Presidente tea-cups, it was said that high au-thority (not specified) had released thisnews.152 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"I heard it at The Club," said onescientist to another. "Ite a fact, they telime.""But whoe the donor?""Oh, they're keeping that to themselves.Most likely announce it at the end of theterm."A faculty wife to another faculty wife:"Ite not for salaries, they say. Fm toldit'll go into the building fund.""Do you think so?" ruefully; then, en-thusiastically : "But what a great thing,anyhow^-just at this time."The President was surrounded by guestswho yearned to ask him about the beautiful legend, who studied his benign face fora symptom of unusual joy. Nothing to beread there. No one with hardihood enoughto ask him.In a lull, toward the dose of the reception, the chief of the board of trustees wasseen to whisper in the Presidente ear. Theywere dose together for a moment, the darkhead and the gray one. It seemed verysignificant. The rumor acquired a newpair of boots . . . Indeed, there might be asecond million.But the stronger the tendency to speedTwo buildings were dedicated on De-cember lóth and I7th, the Social Sciencebuilding and the George Herbert JonesChemistry Laboratory. The concomitantcelebrations, quite thoroughly complete inthemselves, preceded the I58th Convocationon December i8th, at which seven honorarydegrees and 278 academic degrees wereconferred.m President Hutchins announced that theUniversity had received gifts during thefall quarter totalling $3,920,000. Of thosenot described at the time of acceptance bythe Board of Trustees, the following four the wings of rumor, the more discreet mustbe those who control the information. Indeed, to make announcement of great newsto such a family, to release it at just theright time and place, is an art in itself.Let a mistake be made, and golden freighton the way toward a University has beenknown to run down a side track. Perhapsit was even a reminder of this that thetrustees* chairman was whispering to thePresident.6.But what a night!Never, thought the faculty men andwomen, had the great house glowed withsuch rich warmth; never had the newf aliensnow so sparkled under the electric arcswithout. Never had the sparse twinklinglights in the laboratories so implied content,or the mighty grey buildings reared themselves so nobly.From the student club house, comingthrough Gothic windows aflame, the shud-dering rhythms of a jazz band were borne,half smothered, into the bosom of evening.A young "faculty wife" made dance stepsin the snow.are outstanding : $50,000 from a donor whopreferred to remain anonymous, the incomeof the fund to be used toward increasingthe salaries of especially competent teachersin the undergraduate colleges; $50,000from John D. Rockefeller to the endow-ment of the Ernest DeWitt Burton Me-morial Professorship ; $50,000 from theRockefeller Foundation to support work incomparative philology under the direction ofProfessor Buck; and $50,000 from anotheranonymous donor to start the building of afund for a purpose to be decided upon byhim at a later date.The December ConvocationBOOKc/jOne of Our BlessingscHow to Be a Hermit!' by Will Guppy, '07, A.M.Horace Liveright, New York City, $2.00. '14.ONCE in a while a really funnybook happens, one that pleaseseven those who don't like funnybooks. "How to Be a Hermit," is thisyeare blessing. It is the story of WillCuppye Ione life on Jonese (pronouncedJonesez) island. The home life of one ofNew Yorke most amusing reviewers andquipsters was characterized by a grandiose lack of what the world at large callscomfort and a grand collection of reci-pes for living from can to mouth, offriendships with the fauna of the island(there being a remarkable lack of flora ac-cording to the hermit) and general joy inthe business of living hiding under a good,sarcastic pen.There are two earnest discussions be-tween the author and Isabel Paterson about spinach prò and con, and reflections on theimportance of being furnaced. "The her-mite life's the life for me" is the theme songof the book, and it probably will scattermany homes to the winds when men realizethat home work is a good deal easier on anisland by oneself than working violently atan office ali day in order to be able to havea home where, even if he doesn't have tofuel the furnace or fix the bathroom radi-ator, the only good his resting does is tomake it possible for him to go back to theoffice where he can work violently ali dayin order to have a home, etc, ad lib. Avail-able islands probably will ali go into thehands of the realtors, and be staked out inhermit lots.Fanny Butcher, 'ioCourtesy of the Chicago Tribune.A Useful Book for the Business Man'volume for the business mane library. Itis almost encyclopedic in character, a pon-derous book of 1116 pages. The materialspresented in the text are certainly not of thetraditional type which one finds in ordinarytexts on business law. The general organi-zation of the book follows the functionalorganization of the school of Commerce andAdministration of the University of Chicago and evidences the type of curriculummaterial which is being offered in one basicfield in that School.Law is one of those pervasive elements*A Textbook on Law and Business by William H. Spencer, Dean of the College of Commerce andAdministration: University of Chicago Press, $6.00.THE BUSINESS man is frequentlyconce rned about educating himself.Extension courses of various sortsare available in many instances, but perhapsa more hopeful avenue is that of text material which holds in convenient compassand is prepared in readable form so that thelay business man with relatively little professional training may get a backgroundin those fields which his previous formai-education has overlooked. Such is DeanSpencere "A Textbook of Law and Business." This book ought to prove a useful153154 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhich underlie the whole business structurein ali its phases. Hence, this book is con-cerned with law in relation to finance, inrelation to the business unit, in relation tomarketing, and other phases such as regula-tion of Utilities, the relationship of govern-ment to business, control of trusts andmonopolies. A textbook of this type lackssome of the detailed content which is foundin extensive legai treatises and case-booksand yet has avoided the oversimplification which is so characteristic of secondary schooltexts and a few junior college law manuals.In view of the paucity of case material andlegai reasoning so characteristic of secondary school texts, this volume should proveuseful as a survey of law for the businessman as well as for students in schools ofcommerce, at the University of Chicago,and elsewhere.Harold G. Shields.*VAn Outstanding Business Book*Ghosen by the Business Book LeagueLEVERETT S. LYON, 'io, Ph.D. '21,a takes the business phrase of hand-to-mouth buying, interprets it in terms of itsbroader implications, and presents for thefirst time an extensive examination of thetrade statistics which bear on the problemsimplied in that phase. The data of govern-ment agencies and trade associations havebeen supplemented by the records of outstanding individuai businesses.Without assuming that common beliefsconcerning trade practices are sound orotherwise, extensive evidence on advanceorder ing is examined. Conclusions aremade as to the extent to which Americanmanufacturers and merchants can pre-plantheir production programs on the basis oforders received in advance.The changing size of orders and ship-ments in American trade is considered andestimates, as to the probable changed costsresulting from changed sizes, are made forcertain industries. The methods used bybusiness men in meeting added costs resulting from small orders are set out in detailand the incidence of small order costs considered.That in certain industries, at least, thepast few years have constituted a large orderas well as a small order era is one conclu- sion quite out of line with general notions.The relationship of stocks and inven-tories to hand-to-mouth buying is next considered and the ratio of stocks to businessdone by manufacturers, wholesalers, andretailers for a long series of years is clearlypresented by means of charts as well as bydiscussion.Are orders tending to flow in more uni-formly through the year? Are shipmentsbecoming less or more seasonal, or is nochange occurring? Do the stocks of rawmaterials and finished goods held fluctuatemore or less than has been the case inearlier years? Extensive data hearing onthese questions have been analyzed and theresults of the study presented in a seriesof simple charts.A final section of the book considers theprobable trends of so called hand-to-mouthbuying. The buying and selling practicesof certain industries are examined for aperiod extending back to the Civil War andthat record used to throw light on thefuture. In considering current forces atwork the significance of buyers* attitudes,price movements, fashion changes, simplifi-cation and the advances of communicationand transportation ali come up for con-sideration and appraisal.*Hand-to-Mouth Buying, By Leverett S. Lyon; The Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C; $ in v opinionBy Fred B. Millett,Assistant Professor of English.IT IS an honored precept of criticai procedure that one should try to discoverwhat an author is attempting to doand how he proposes to do it. Such a proc-ess when applied to Ernest HemingwayeFarewell to Arms brings results illuminative of his gifts and limitations and helpfulin gauging the significance of his achieve-ments.Hemingwaye dominant purpose in alihis work seems to be the telling of his storywith the strongest possible effects of im-mediacy and actuality. He aims to bringthe reader into the closest contact with whathappened, to render the story through anassault upon ali the senses. His ideal isbare and unadorned objectivity. In A Farewell to Arms he attempts to secure thiseffect of objectivity through the subjectivemethod of orai narration.Of the style of orai narration, Hemingway is an absolute master. He is in complete control of the resources of colloquiaiAmerican. In the most elaborate descrip-tive and narrative passages in this novel,there is hardly a departure from the level ofuncultivated American speech. Hitherto,Hemingway has demonstrated his powersin setting down the unabashedly coarse ordiffident talk of men without women; inthis novel, he shows an equal dexterity inthe talk of man and woman, of a man anda woman in love. Implicit in his use oforai narration is his skilful suggestion ofthe personalities who speak and of theirsensory and affective interactions. By it heis also able to create very strong effects ofchaotic incident, whether it be the confusedand wavering reality of a drunken brawl orthe panorama of the immeasurable andhopeless confusions of the Caporetto retreat,surely an even more powerful piece of nar rative than the Spanish passages in The SunAlso Rises.But the method of orai narration aspractised by Hemingway has both intrinsicand extrinsic limitations. Its major intrinsic limitation is the necessity.of preserv-ing the quality of the colloquiai. In AFarewell to Arms, the repeated linking ofassertions by the elementary connective andfrequently reminds one of unskilful under-graduate accounts of My Summer Holidayor the Most Exciting Experience of MyLife. "It carne very fast and then everything went gray and the sky was coveredand the cloud carne down the mountain andsuddenly we were in it and it was snow."Except for a freshness of phrasing deniedmost undergraduates, this sentence is horri-fyingly fiat and tedious. Moreover, experience is always more uneven, more shaded,that the dead level of this sentence wouldsuggest.The method of orai narration does notstand Hemingway in very good stead inthe depiction of setting, for which not onlysharpness of detail but lucidity of designis necessary. The telling details whichHemingway furnishes, the reader mustpiece together. The comparative ineffec-tiveness of this procedure may be illustratedby the following passage :"The road was crowded and there werescreens of corn-stalk and Straw matting onboth sides so that it was like the entranceat a circus or a native village. We droveslowly in this matting-covered tunnel andcarne out onto a bare cleared space wherethe railway station had been. The roadhere was below the level of the river bankand ali along the side of the sunken roadthere were holes in the bank with infantryin them. The sun was going down and155i56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElooking up along the bank as we drove Isaw the Austrian observation balloons abovethe hills on the other side dark against thesunset. We parked the cars beyond a brick-yard. The ovens and some deep holes hadbeen equipped as dressing stations."A more important restriction upon theeffectiveness of orai narration arises fromHemingwaye choice of his narrator. Conrad has shown that it is possible to achievegreat subtlety by allowing a narrator likeMarlow ta-embroider the basic narrativewith a profusion of reminiscence, analysis,and reflection. But Hemingway, to preserve the precious quality of immediacy,has chosen as his narrator (and incidentallyhis hero) what a London reviewer hascalled "an extravert of extraverts." Thelife of the American lieutenant, FredericHenry, is a life of the senses and unana-lyzed feelings, a life almost entirely devoidof rich or complex emotions, of thoughtfulanalysis or synthesis. The deliberate ex-clusion of these elements has the mostserious consequences for Hemingwayeartistry and its significance. For the sakeof immediacy and actuality, he has sacri-ficed even the unconscious and inevitablesyntheses which the simplest personalityachieves of the individuals nearest it. Thissacrifice deprives his characters of theirpasts; it reduces their representation to themore elementary acts and speeches; itthrows upon the reader the entire burden ofcomposing the character out of the meagerobjective materials Hemingway tendershim.The not unimportant consequence is thatwe are not interested in Hemingwayecharacters as human beings. As LieutenantHenry talks on and on, and we get to know him better and better, we discover thatthere is nothing in him worth knowing. Heis a burnished shell without a kernel. Thecharacterization is strictly two-dimensional,and a character with no depth is not asignificant character. That the characterization of the heroine, Catherine Bark-ley, is an even completer failure, is almostinevitable. Hemingway refuses to permithis hero to think about her, to analyze her,to synthesize his impressions of her. Theonly persistent notes in his characterizationof her are her beautiful hair and her totallack of inhibitions. The result is perhapsan engrossing animai; it is certainly not ahuman being.This wilful refusai to characterize pre-vents the book from having its legitimateand intended tragic effect. Even trivialpersonalities crushed by an overwhelmingforce may evoke a genuinely tragic emotion.But the effect of Hemingwaye brilliantnarrative of Catherinee death in childbedis merely a shock to the nerves ; it does nottouch the emotions. It is shocking becausethe victim is something alive, not becauseshe is human and a woman. It cannottouch the emotions because Hemingway refuses his creatures their human right toemotions except on the sensory level, to anyvalues above the most primitive.The most talented young writer in America has been beguiled by the current vogueof the hard-boiled, for it is absurd to con-tend that Hemingway is as hard-boiled ashis writing. He is a gentleman from OakPark putting up an awful struggle to seemcallous. If only he will drop this adoles-cent pose, he will write fiction that is morethan brilliant, fiction that represents humanlife and destiny significantly.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLES.By John P. Howe, '27The Department of PublicityALBERT A. MICHELSON, whosename, without academic prefixing andwith titles appendectomized, means"science" to every literate person in thecountry, will retire from the University atthe end of the school year with thirty-eightyears of service to his credit, his life animportant part of the University^ historyfrom the beginning.Having undergone two operations and anintervening attack of pneumonia during thepast few months, and having reached his77th birthday on December I9th, ProfessorMichelson felt that he was no longer ableto continue in full service as Chairman ofthe Physics Department. He plans to leavefor Bermuda as soon as the state of hisconvalescence warrants.Retirement to him means anything butthe end of experimenting. He timed thespeed of light more accurately than it hadever been timed before while he was afledgling instructor at Annapolis, and forf orty years he has harried the difficult figureuntil it has been revealed as 186,284 milesa second, accurate to within a fraction ofa mile, and believed to be the maximumvelocity attainable in our universe. Thatfigure represents the docking of a beamracing eighty miles between two mountain-tops.Might atmospheric conditions have in-fluenced the experiment ever so slightly be-yond the calculations ? Might the geodeticmeasurements have been a few feet off? Amild and speculative perhaps. Lete checkit again. Last summer Professor Michelson superintended the laying of an exactly-one-mile-long pipe-line on a ranch nearSanta Ana, California. The air will beexhausted from that pipe, the mirrors andinterf erometer set up at each end ; and thissummer Dr. Michelson will reflect a beamon a ten-mile journey through the vacuum. He doesn't expect any revision of his formerconclusion will be necessary. But ite acheck.If honors formally conferred mean muchMichelson has set some sort of mark.Copley, Cresson, Rumford, Mattenci,Draper, and Franklin medals, Grand Prix,Nobel Prize, nine honorary degrees, Fellowof the Royal Society, first DistinguishedProfessor at the University, member oftwenty-four learned societies. Achieve-ments in the field of optics which willmake his name memorable as long as menare interested in the exact world aroundthem. Thirty-eight years as head of one ofthe most fruitful University departmentsin the land. Another sort of record inversatility, as artist, violinist, chess and bil-liard and tennis player. And stili anotherrecord in quiet graciousness.When Michelson becomes emeritus, theranks of those pioneer faculty members whocarne in 1892 and are stili teaching willhave been reduced to eight."What has Dempster done?" OutsideRyerson, no one quite knows. Inside Ryer-son, Professor Arthur H. Dempster hasrocked the environment with an experimentwhich Dean Gale describes tersely as"beautiful.",At its barest, the result of Dempsterework is this: hydrogen protons have waveproperties.The "things" in the material universecan be reduced to three, Professor Comptonsaid recently: the electron, forming the armsof the atom; the photon, a bundle of radi-ation, the life of the atom ; and the proton,the heart or nucleus of the atom. Ascientific Trinity, so to speak.Physicists three decades ago were in-clined to think that light (which is made157158 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEup of photons) is simply a wave-form, asindicated by the phenomena of interferenceand diffraction. They thought of electronsand protons differently, as having mass andmomentum.Ali very true as far as it goes, thesenewer findings admit. The quantumtheory, however, rising out of one of Ein-steine postulations, would indicate thatlight photons have quantity as well asvibration, that they are in the usuai sense"materia^." Compton clinches that withhis demòhstration of the rebounding electron, for which he receives the Nobel Prize.Then comes the discovery, by a pair ofresearchers at the Bell Laboratories, Davis-son and Germer, that electrons vibrate intheir planet-like circling of the atomnucleus. Compton shot X-Ray photonsthrough his apparatus and showed that the"waves" were also "corpuscles" or particles.The Bell men shot electron "corpuscles"through crystals and found that they werealso "waves," that they vibrate.Now comes Dempster showing that theproton, the nucleus itself, which has nearlyali the mass of the atom and around whichthe electrons revolve, also has wave prop-erties. Thus it appears that everything inthe physical cosmos is at once matter andvibration. The way in which these twoanomalous factors are to be harmonized isas yet very dark. But Dempster has givena certain unity to the darkness.So far his announced results have had todo only with hydrogen atoms, comparativelysimple mechanisms in which one electroncirculates around one proton. Now he isapplying the method to helium, the nextmost simple and universal in the long andcomplex array of the elements.Bacteriologists have been trying for along time to find the germ responsible forinfluenza. No need to say why. DecemberI2th Professor Isidore S. Falk, on the èveof his departure to assume the associate di-rectorate of the Committee on the Cost ofMedicai care at Washington, reported, inthe cold polysyllables of science, a series ofobservations and experiments made inRicketts Laboratory on the etiology of colds and influenza. The BacteriologyClub listened pretty raptly, though somefifteen of them had assisted in the work.The micro-organism which caused theinfluenza epidemie of 1928 had been dis-covered and isolated, it appeared. Therewas every reason to suspect that the germwas "the" germ of influenza. Of coursethe experiments would have to be repeatedby other investigators before the discoverycould be finally verified. Attempts werebeing made to prepare a vaccine of deadmicrobes for inoculation against the disease.So went the report.If, as and when verified, the discoverypromises to be one of the most imposing inthe Universitye history. At the height ofthe 1928 epidemie — December I2th — Dr.Falk mobilized his resources for an effortto search out the bug before the disease ranits course. Exactly one year later the an-nouncement was made. In that time 3,800germs were isolated, 125 monkeys wereused and eighteen people engaged in theeffort, ali of whom contracted the diseaseat one time or another.The germ finally indicted and convictedon a strong outlay of evidence, was takenfrom the blood of Miss Ruth McKinney,one of the assistants, on a midnight late inDecember of 1928, as she began to complainof illness after a hard day in the laboratory.At that time the germ was labelled simply"42x", germ "x" in culture 42. But now"42x" is a legend in Ricketts.With it Dr. Falk and his assistants havebeen able to reproduce influenza in healthymonkeys at will — or at least a disease re-sembling human influenza in practicallyevery symptom. They have further dis-covered that "42x", a form of pleomorphicstreptococcus, is virulent only when itscolonies have a rough, porous surface; andthat when its colonies become less rough,they can produce the common cold, in atleast one form; and that the very-smooth-surfaced forms of the germ can be presentwithout harm in the normal throat. Theworkers are now able to change a strain ofthe coccus from virulent to non-virulentform and back again at will, by selectivebreeding in the laboratory.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 159There is no space here to present theconfirmatory evidence to the general testi-mony of "reproducing the disease." Scien-tists are hesitant about proclaiming so greata "find" until it has been repeated else-where. But if the discovery is verified, andif further work follows the precedent setin other disease isolations, then much morethan half the battle to check the ravages ofinfluenza has been won at the University ofChicago.» w wWhat does a holiday mean to a scholar?Nothing but a chance to talk scholarship.Well over one hundred members of thefaculty spent the Christmas vacation repre-senting the University and themselves atthe various academic congresses through-out the country. Chicago men presidedover three of the most important meetings:Professor Ogburn (who with Dr. Merriamis on Mr. H 00 ver e new five-man com-mittee for a social survey of the States) aspresident of the American SociologicalAssociation, meeting at Washington; Professor William A. Nitze as president of theModem Languages Association in session atColumbus, Ohio ; and Dean Henry G. Galeas president of the American Physical Society, convening at Des Moines.Some fifty attended the big meeting ofthe American Association for the Advance-ment of Science at Des Moines, amongthem Dr. Frank Lillie and Dr. Warder C.Allee of the Zoòlogy Department, theformer as the general secretary of the Association and the latter as the president ofthe Ecological Society. Dr. Fay-CooperCole addressed the anthropologists thereassembled, as their retiring head.With the fossil remains of several hundred reptilian creatures which had diedbogged in the mud of South Africa, astrophies of research in strata more thanone hundred million years old, ProfessorAlfred S. Romer and Paul C. Miller,curators of Walker Museum, returned fromthe Karroo semi-desert in time for the bliz- zard and Christmas. Five tons of pre-mammalian fossils, some of them typeswhich have never been mounted in theUnited States, was the fruit of nine monthsof expeditionary fervor in what the two-man party discovered to be one of therichest deposits of Permians anywhere.Miller, regarded as the "best scientificdigger" anywhere, has spent twenty-onesummers combing the Permian strata of theUnited States. When the South Africanmaterial is dissevered tenderly from its sur-rounding stone, the University will haveundisputed claim to the most extensive col-lection of permian fossils in the whole wideworld. The pre-mammalian chapter isnow the sketchiest in the whole story ofanimai evolution.Two of the prizes are complete pareias-auri, which looked like horned toads butweighed a ton when they lived. "We discovered another set of bones," says Professor Romer, "in the Gouph — which is ahottentot word meaning 'desolate country' ;giant headed reptiles. Above their eyes theskull is usually swollen in very highbrowfashion. But despite their intellectual ap-pearance it must be said that the swellingconsists entirely of bone and their brainswere probably no làrger than a manethumb."^ « «Professor James Henry Breasted, Director of the Orientai Institute and Chair-man of the Department of Orientai Languages and Literature at the University ofChicago, has been elected a member of theEgyptian Dictionary Commission. He isthe first foreign scholar so honored. Thirty-three years ago the German Emperor pro-vided funds for a commission of the fourscientific academies of Germany for thecompilation of a great Egyptian JDictionary.The work has been completed, and the firstthree volumes and half of the fourth arealready off the press. It will require severalyears to complete publication, which is beingfinanced by Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr.Professor Breasted collaborated on the workon the Dictionary for some years.ALUMNI AFFAI R SAtlantic CityThe University of Chicago Dinner whichis given each year at the time of the meeting of the JDepartment of Superintendenceof the National Education Association willbe held at the Dennis Hotel, Atlantic City,New Jersey, at six o'clock on the eveningof Wednesday, February 26, 1930. Theprice will be $3.00 per piate and tickets maybe secured from Dean William S. Gray.Grand RapidsPAUL P. ROHNS, '09, the vice-presi-dent of the University of Chicago Clubof Grand Rapids, writes us, under date ofDecember 6: " 'The Old Man' proved tobe a wonderful drawing card for ourluncheon last Saturday. Twenty-two menwere out to greet Mr. Stagg and several ofthem told me afterwards that it was themost interesting get-together they had attended of the U. of C. men here. Mr.Stagg was in a wonderful mood and toldus very informally many interesting thingsabout recent and ancient happenings at theuniversity. He even led off in singing someof the old and new songs, some of whichwere familiar but most of which were notso well known to those of us who have nothad the opportunity of recent contact withthe quadrangles. This luncheon for Mr.Stagg was in the nature of an experimentbecause it had to be arranged on such shortnotice. However, it is an experiment worthrepeating."ClevelandAT their annual meeting in NovemberXjLthe University of Chicago Club ofCleveland re-elected the following officers :President, Dr. W. G. Trautman; Vice-President, May Hill; Treasurer, ArthurW. Howard; Secretary, Anna H. Blake. Los AngelesOn Friday, December I3th, Dr. FredSpeik, '05 gave a dinner at the UniversityClub in Los Angeles in honor of JudgeWalter Steffen, '09 ; Coach of the CarnegieTech Football Team which played the University of Southern California the next day.There were present the following Chicagomen, most of whom are renowned for theirfootball prowess in past days at the University :Dr. Fred Speik, '05; Judge WalterSteffen, '09; Art Badenock, '08; HerbertAhlswede, '99 ; Billy Eldredge, '05 ; Dr.Harry Schott, '09; Dan Ferguson, '09;Norman Barker, '08; Dr. Norman Paine,'13; Dr. John Vruwink, '14; Dr. EricLarson, '17; Harold P. Huls, 17; andMessrs. Radford, Harwood and Brown.Reminiscences of famous old footballgames and plays were indulged in by themembers of by-gone teams, after whichJudge Steffen was guest of honor at asmoker at the University of Southern California.The Band Will PlayAli alumni who have enjoyed the fallfootball band will be more than casuallyinterested in the announcement of the firstconcert of the University of Chicago Concert Band. This band of thirty-five piecesis the cream of the hundred-piece band ofthe football season, which will explain theversatility of this musical organization inconcert appearance. From jazz to classicand back while you wait; from four-partmale chorus singing to the latest collegepatter just for fun and harmony.The date — February 14A (St. Valentinein person) at 8 P. M. The place — Man-dei Hall on the campus.160e^jtBy William V. Morgenstern, '20, J.D. '22SOME correspondence that recentlypassed between an alumnus in Oklahoma and Dr. Jerome Fisher, of both thedepartments of geology and athletics, wouldseem to indicate that when the alumni become vocal about the athletic situation atalma mater, they reveal a distressing lackof information. The list of questions pro-pounded by the locai committee of alumnilast Spring, a list compiled as representa-tive of the sort of questions ali athleticallyinterested alumni wanted answered, in-volved many assumptions completely wrong.Apparently, the Presidente News Letter,the various other special bulletins, theAlumni Magazine, and even the sportssheets of the newspapers go unread.But to get back to the alumnus in Oklahoma. Why, he wanted to know, didloyal graduates have to be in the positionof apologizing constantly for Chicagoteams? He cited Harvard, Princeton, andJohns Hopkins, as institutions of highereducation which not only had excellentscholastic standing, but equally excellentfootball and general athletic prestige. Thisletter was written two days after theMaroon team had demonstrated a ratherconvincing superiority over Princeton infootball. The statement that Johns Hopkins is renowned for athletic achievementis somewhat curious, but waiving that, aswell as debate as to the relative athleticrating of Harvard and Chicago, lete makea brief survey of the situation at Chicago.The statement made last year that thecycle would not turn definitely upward forthree years stili holds good. Football pros-pects for next year are better than they.were for the past season; the track team will be a serious contender in the champion-ship meets, and will continue to improvebecause of the excellent freshman material.The basketball team is stili outclassed ; theswimming team, losing two of its best men,one through an in jury received this summer,and another because of the offer of an un-usual position, will be weak. So despite theimprovement in football and track, there isno immediate athletic renaissance probable.But everything indicates that the graduaiimprovement which started last year iscontinuing. There is now no reason formisapprehension as to the future of thecolleges; it has been forcibly and definitelydeclared by President Hutchins and othersthat the undergraduate colleges here are tohave the best teachers obtainable for thebest students to be found, and a curriculumintelligently adjusted to the needs of theindividuai. Work will be under way soonon the new $3,000,000 dormi tories. Thatmeans a larger group of students living onthe Quadrangles, and more actively interested in the life of the University, includingathletics. A modem field house has beenpromised for the near future. The lack ofa field house has not only handicapped theactivities of ali teams, but has kept manya high school athlete, with somewhat ex-travagant notions of the setting proper forhis display, from entering the University.Further, the emphasis which alumni andothers not so disinterested have been puttingon those "scholastic standards," is producinga beneficent repercussion. Parents and evenprospective students are entertaining thebelief that after ali it might be well to at-tend a college which has such a distinction.There has been little difficulty with in-eligibility lately; a student and an athlete161i6a THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgood enough to meet the entrance require-ments is usually good enough to stay eligible.Incidentally, nimble wit is as valuable insport these days as nimble feet.The position in which Iowa found it-self in relation to the conference is likelyto act as a deterrent to the overenthusiasticpersuasion of high school athletes by someof the institutions which Chicago has on ilsschedules. Choice of colleges, it may behoped, will be influenced less by pressuresto whicrrChicago has not resorted. TheUniversity has suffered from such com-petition, and the more completely suchmethods are suppressed the more our position will be improved.The fact remains that Chicago at its bestcannot consistently win championships in aleague as tough as is the conference. Nu-merically the student body from which itdraws teams will be outnumbered and thelaw of percentages operates there. But itwill* not require very much addition to thepresent material to make Chicago teamsformidable. A very few individuai madethe difference last season between the badfootball record that was expected, and therather satisfactory one that was produced.Six more run-of-the-mine football playerswould have made the Maroon team anastounding success. When the margin is asdose as that, there is no reason to be de-spondent.Within recent weeks there has been testi-mony of the most convincing kind thatChicago athletic prestige is not quite as pooras some of the alumni fear. Mr. Staggwas* offered numerous football games withprominent teams, including a home-and-home series with one of the major universities of the Pacific Coast. It might beargued that there was guile in ali this, andthat the prospective opponents were lookingfor a victim, except that the dates tenderedwere not those ordinarily given a trialhorse. Theree stili hope in these westernskies. CHICAGO'S basketball team does notlook like a serious threat in the BigTen. So far, it has beaten Lake Forestand Carleton and lost to Oberlin andButler. At forward, Capt. Harry Chang-non, the only letterman ; Sidney Yates, andPaul Stephenson, are the best. Yates andStephenson are almost too small for theconference. Jonathan Bunge and HaroldBoesel are the center candidates ; so far theyhave not been very effective. Changnon,despite lack of height, may be shifted to theposition. The guards include Joe Tempie,Marshall Fish, Kenneth Fraider, andHarry Ashley. Ashley, added at the endof the quarter, has made a noticeable difference in the floor game.« W «fThe track team is not numerically large,a handicap in dual competition, but itpromises to be stronger in the big meetsthan last year. Root and East are goodsprinters; Haydon, indoor champion andrecord holder, and Black, a sophomore, arefine hurdlers; Schulz and Hathaway aregood enough quarter milers to be in themoney; Letts is a brilliant half miler andmiler; Brainerd and Kelly are useful twomilers. Cowley in the pole vault will don feet, place performance in dual meets;Cassie might make 6 feet in the high jump ;Weaver is as good as any shot putter in thecountry, if his hands, sprained in football,can bé healed, and Reiwitch promises tocome through handsomely in the same event.« W »The 1930 football schedule is an attrac-tive, as well as ' difficult, arrangement.There are three interesting intersectionalgames, with Princetone appearance here asthe leading item. Michigan and Chicagoresumé an old rivalry, closing the seasonat Ann ' Arbor. The dates and games :Oct. 4 — Doubleheader ; Hillsdale andRipon at Chicago; Oct. 11 — Wisconsin atMadison; Oct. 18 — Florida at Chicago;Oct. 25 — Mississippi at Chicago ; Nov. 1 —Princeton at Chicago; Nov. 8 — Purdue atChicago; Nov. 15 — Illinois at Chicago;Nov. 22 — Chicago at Michigan.NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege'04 — James W. Lawrie, Ph.D. '07,former chief chemist for the InternationalHarvester Company, the Pullman Company, and more recently in charge of or-ganic and bacteriological research for thedu Ponts, has established his own laboratoiyin Memphis, Tennessee, where among otherthings he conducts ali laboratory researchfor the E. L. Bruce Lumber Company, ofwhich C. Arthur Bruce, '06, is ExecutiveVice-President.ex '04 — Lumen H. Macomber is locatedin Washington, D. C, where he is Attor-ney-Examiner for the Interstate CommerceCommission, with offices in the I. C. C.Building.'05 — Lee W. Maxwell has been president of the Crowell Publishing Companyfor the past six years. His office is in NewYork City, his home in Greenwich, Connecticut.'05 — Fred A. Speik practices medicine inLos Angeles, with offices in the AuditoriumBuilding.'06 — C. Arthur Bruce, vice-president ofthe E. L. Bruce Company, Memphis, Tennessee, was one of the two hundred industriai leaders invited by the National Cham-ber of Commerce to attend the general industriai conference in Washington early inDecember.'06 — Charles J. Webb, J.D. '07, is apracticing attorney of Spokane, and is ac-tive in locai civic and politicai affairs.'06 — Margaret Young Jones is teachinghistory and Latin at Howe School, Howe,Indiana.'06 — In December forty-seven students,one from each high school in Chicago, wereawarded the Julius Rosènwald medal forexceptional ability in leadership. From thisgroup the three leaders — chosen by competitive examination — were awarded schol arships at the University of Chicago.Among the three who were awarded schol-arship honors was Slava Sara Doseff ofAustin High School, a daughter of Dr.Dosu Doseff, S.B. '06, M.D. '09, and aniece of Ivan Doseff, '07. Slavae motheris a graduate of the Illinois Training Schoolfor nurses recently affiliated by the University.'io — Margaretta M. Brown has returnedto her home, 1521 East Ó5th Street, Chicago, after a prolonged trip around theworld.'12 — Milton E. Robinson Jr., of theMilton E. Robinson Goal Company, Chicago, and a member of the Alumni Council,is at the same time president of the NationalRetail Coal Merchants' Association and inthat capacity was a representative at theDecember gathering of industriai leadersin Washington, called by the NationalBoard of Commerce.'13 — W. Varner Bowers is now con-nected with the Butterick Publishing Company, Graybar Building, New York City.For the information of interested alumnaewe would announce that he is not responsive for the far-famed Butterick patterns.He is in charge of "Food Products" advertising in The Delineator,'14— Julius V. Kuhinka, A.M. '16, isProfessor of English at Loyola University,and heads the Department of English inthe Chicago College of Dentai Surgery.5i5 — Helen L. Drew, A.M., is head ofthe Department of English at RockfordCollege, Rockford, Illinois.'16 — Claude L. Williams, A.M., is prin-cipal of the Hookway Public School, Chicago.'16 — Dr. Jay McKinley Garner andMrs. Garner (Katherine Rogers) '16, arespending the winter abroad.163164 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'19 — Mrs. L. C. Monroe (ConstanceBruce) is living at 6921 Crandon Avenue,Chicago.'20— H. Councill Trenholm, A.M. '25,is president of the State Teachers College,Montgomery, Alabama. He was marriedduring the past summer to Miss Portia LeeEvans.'20— Mrs. A. O. Wiese (MildredJanowsky) has recently moved to 144 Ron-bury Road, Garden City, Long Island.'20 — Chester E. McKittrick is managerof the Eastern advertising office of the Chicago Tribune, New York City.'21 — Howard K. Beale is Assistant Professor of History at Bowdoin College —home address, 17 Cleaveland Street, Brunswick, Maine.'21 — Merle Emorette Irwin is now voca-tional adviser at the Lindbloom HighSchool, Chicago. Address: 403 NorthRidgeland Avenue.'21- — F. Taylor Gurney is Professor ofChemistry and head of the department,American College, Teheran, Persia.'22 — Elinor R. Deutsch is studying psy-chology at the University of Vienna.'23 — Charlotte K. Fusold teaches English in the Cari Schurz High School,Chicago.'23 — Frances E. Andrews was marriedon October 1 1 to Urban J. Mullen. Theyare living at 5442 Harper Avenue, Chicago.'23 — Doris M. Strail is spending the falland winter abroad. At last report she wasin Paris.'23— Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Batesare living at 19 West lóth Street, NewYork City. Mr. Bates is with the Easternadvertising office of the Chicago Tribune.Edward A. Tanner, '23, is also connectedwith this office.'23 — William R. Mandelcorn has beenappointed executive secretary, Orlando(Florida) Realty Board. He is also business manager of the Florida Realty Journal.'23 — Madeleine Sparkes is head of theEnglish department, Riverside (NewYork) High School.'23 — Doris Strail is doing research workat Pasteur Institute, Paris.'23 — Soren K. Ostergaard has returned to Winnetka, Illinois, after five years inOregon. He is special agent for the NewYork Life Insurance Company.'24— Mrs. Y. S. Huang (Lillian Mei)is teaching in Nankai Girls Middle School,Nankai University, Tientsin, China.'24 — Loeva Pierce is teaching mathe-matics in the Senior High School of SanAngelo, Texas.'24 — G. Gordon Martin was appointedmanager of the Altoona, Pennsylvania,branch of the Goodyear Tire and RubberCompany. He accepted the position inspite of the fact that the Chicago Club ofDetroit had elected him treasurer.'24 — Michael Greenebaum is superin-tendent of J. Gaskin and Sons, fur dressersand dyers of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.'24 — Mona Fletcher, A.M., is assistantprofessor of history and social science inthe Kent State Normal College, Kent,Ohio.'24 — Leslie F. Kimmell has moved fromChicago to Laguna Beach, California,where he expects to take up the practice oflaw.24 — Arthur C. Cody, secretary of theCody Trust Company and president of theChicago Alumni Club, has recently beenmade executive secretary of the ChicagoMortgage Bankers Association.'24 — Edward P. Westphal, A.M., onDecember 1 became director of Adult Re-ligious Education for the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church.His headquarters are in the WitherpsoonBuilding, Philadelphia.'25 — Mary R. Barnette is teaching eco-nomics and English in Hughes HighSchool, Cincinnati, and writing for themagazines. Recent articles by her havebeen accepted by School Review and Schooland Society.'25 — Henry C. Witherington has returned to Jackson, Tennessee, after a summer in graduate work at Peabody College.He holds the position of associate professorof Education at Union University.'25 — Malvern R. Nettleton lives at 1746Euclid Street, Washington, D. C. He issecretary to Senator Walcott of Connecticut.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 165*25 — Lillian Robbins is head worker atthe Hamilton Settlement House, New YorkCity.'25 — Winifred Johnson is professor ofHistory in the State Teachers College, CapeGirardeau, Missouri.'25 — Alexander Monto reports that theCebu High School (Philippine Islands) ofwhich he is principal has enrolled 4,390 students.'25 — Frances J. Carter, for the lastthree years with the Readere Bureau of theChicago Public Library, is àttending thegraduate school of^ Library Service atColumbia University.'25 — Gertrude Burns is conducting theBirmingham School of Childhood, Birmingham, Michigan. She may be addressed at511 South Bates Street, Birmingham.'26 — Ercel L. Falkins is girls' counselorand Mathematics teacher, Pekin Community High School, Pekin, Illinois.'26 — Arlee Nuser is supervisor of Ele-mentary Science, Fresno (California) HighSchool.'26— M. Evelyn Turner teaches Frenchat the Princeton (Illinois) High School.'26 — William A. Richards teachesMathematics in Morton Junior College,Cicero, Illinois.'26 — Charles R. Norris is head of theDepartment of English and librarian ofHowe Military Academy, Howe, Indiana.'26 — David Voss is assistant professor ofLatin and Greek, Ohio Wesleyan University.'26 — Leu Mei Woo is teaching at theNational High Normal University in Peip-ing, China.'27 — The Field Museum of Naturai History is exhibiting the collections resultingfrom the Crane Pacific Expedition. In-cluded in this exhibit is a remarkable seriesof sketches and paintings of land and marineanimals as sketched from life in the manyfar places touched by the expedition duringits voyage of 25,000 miles. The paintingsare the work of Walter A. Weber, who ac-companied the expedition as artist and orni-thologist.'27 — John Marshall has returned to Chicago after devoting two years to a de luxe vagabond tour of the world, without ex-penditure for transportation. John had ad-ventures galore, ali of which will be re-counted in the book that he will write thecoming winter.'27 — Barbara Jean MacMillan is in-structpr in Spanish, Milwaukee-DownerCollege, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.'27 — Laura W. Dargin teaches Englishin the Iron Mountain (Michigan) HighSchool.'27 — Allan C. Williams of the Univer-sitye Geography department is writing abook on the Geography of a Suit of Clothes.At present he is not in residence.5 27 — Mrs. Beulah Tempie Wild is headof the Visiting Teacher department inHouston, Texas, public schools.'28 — Donald L. Simon is Superintendentof Schools, Griffith, Indiana.'28 — Charles A. Werner is principal ofthe new Eia Township High School atLake Zurich, Illinois.'28 — Fred Von Ammon is with theChicago Herald and Examiner in the RealEstate Display Advertising department.'28 — Ruth A. Moore is teaching in thehigh school of Box Elder, Montana.'28 — Ben A. Svila is now principal of theWashington Intermediate School, ChicagoHeights, Illinois.'28 — Maxine Robinson is studying harpin Berlin.'28 — Nicholas M. Lattof is assistantgeneral secretary at the Y.M.C.A. ofJerusalem, Palestine.'28 — Thomas C. Potter has left for atwo years' training course at the U. S. ArmyAir School, Riverside, California.'28 — Bernice Boyd has sailed for Spain,where she will attend the University ofMadrid for a year and complete her workin Spanish.'29 — Clarence A. Bacote is head of theHistory department and director of theCorrespondence Division of the FloridaAgricultural and Mechanical College.'29 — Marjorie H. Thurston is at presentan instructor on the farm campus of theUniversity of Minnesota.'29 — Dorothy B. Smith teaches in theCentral High School of Tulsa, Oklahoma.i66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERush'92 — S. C. Beach has resigned as HealthOfficer for the Illinois Central Railroadand has become Chief Industriai Physicianfor the State of Illinois and City of Chicago.'oo — E. B. McDaniel has been in chargeof a leper clinic in Scritamarat, Siam, since1922. This clinic, supplemented by a"home^ which was opened in 1927, hastreated nearly five hundred lepers, of whom,according to Dr. McDaniel, there are some20,000 cases in Siam. Up to the presenttime no cures can be reported, but in a largeper cent of cases a marked improvement isnoted and some cases are about ready forparole. Members of the Class of 1900 arecontributing to a fund for the purchase of anew Ford ear to replace the old Ford (vin-tage of 1920) which has been used, withtrailer attached, to transport hundreds oflepers, many of whom have lost part or aliof their toes, to and from the clinic. Shouldany members of the 1900 class or that ofany year be desirous of contributing to thisworthy cause they may forward their re-mittances in care of this Magazine.'16 — Leslie E. Luehrs is a practicingpsychiatrist of New York City and Directorof the Mental Hygiene Clinic, 105 East22nd Street.'16 — E. K. Hallock specializes as anoculist with offices at 142 Joralemon Street,Brooklyn, New York.Ji6 — Phyllis Greenacre is Psychiatrist inthe Department of Child Welfare, WhitePlains, New York.'17 — Raymond E. Davies has becomeassociated with the Kirby Clinic at SpringValley, Illinois.'18 — Florence Olive Austin is lecturingin Anatomy and studying for her Ph.D. inEducation and Zoòlogy at the Universityof California.'19 — Harry J. Isaacs is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rush and attendingphysician at the Cook County and NorthChicago Hospitals.'21 — Guy T. Hogt is in general practiceat Roseville, Illinois. '21 — Walter H. Spoeneman is practicingin St. Louis, Missouri, office at 5031 NorthKings Highway.'21 — The following members of the Classof 1921 are noted as faculty members of theMedicai Department of the University ofIllinois : Abraham F. Lash, Harry Singer,Edward Foley, Francis Lederer.,23— After a yeare residence in thePresbyterian Hospital of Chicago as resi-dent ophthalmologist there and assistant inthe eye clinic at Rush Medicai College,Elmer A. Vorisek, '23, and Mrs. Vorisek(Matilda A. Pekny) '22, left Chicago inAugust, 1929, for their European trip.As they toured England, France, Switzer-land, Germany, Czechoslavakia and AustriaDr. Vorisek visited the important Europeaneye clinics. He is now in Vienna where heis studying under the world famous opthal-mologist, Professor Adelbert Fuchs. Hiscourse there will continue for severalmonths. Dr. Vorisek also plans to studyin the clinics in Prague.'23 — Clarence E. Kjos has opened newoffices in the Cobb Building, Seattle. Hispractice is limited to eye, ear, nose andthroat.'23 — Ray M. Bowles is engaged ingenitó-urinary surgery in Brooklyn, NewYork, where he is attending urologist atConey Island Hospital and assistant atLong Island College Hospital.'24 — Joseph C. Stephenson is head of theDepartment of Anatomy in the School ofMedicine of the University of Oklahoma,which has been moved from Norman toOklahoma City. Mrs. Stephenson is theauthor of a new novel, "The French Doli,a Fantasy," published by Badger of Boston.'25 — Douglas B. Bell has moved fromMoscow, Idaho, to Honolulu, T. H., wherehe is practicing medicine and surgery. Hereports that L. G. Phillips, '24, is practicing in Honolulu, that Howard Crawford,'24, is located at Kohala, Hawaii, andM. L. Madsen, '25, is in practice at Hana,Maui.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 167Now First Published/A Completely NewEncyclopaedia BritannicaNEW in pian and purppse — entirelyrecast from cover to cover — the newFourteenth Edition of the Encyclo-paedia Britannica is ready.This is the superb"humanized" Britannica whìch has capturedthe attention of the whole civilized world.Three years of intensive effort — the co-operation of 3,500 of the world's foremostauthorities — the expenditure of more than$2,000,000 before a single volume wasprinted — these are merely a few high lightsin the preparation of the new Edition.Last Word in Encyclopaedia Perf ectionThis new Britannica immediately takes itsplace as the one pre-eminent j American work of reference —the last word in encyclopaediaperf ection.Never has there been assem-bled together in one enterprisesuch a wealth of learning. AHthe universities, ali the learnedprofessions, ali the great industries, ali the pastimes havecontributed to the mighty sum.Knowledge For AliIt is a law library for thela wyer, a medicai digest for thedoctor, a universal history forthehistorian, a commercial university for the business man—and a compendium of ali thearts and sciences for the aver-age reader. Here is "the cos-mos between covers."Nothing is too profound tobaffle it, and nothing too famil-iar to escape its informingtouch. And on every subject itspeaks with the same finalityand authority.Ali the World's TreasuresoS Art and IllustrationAmong the many new features thatwill astonish and delight everyone Note these faetsCost More Than$2,000,000Over 15,000Superb lllustrationsGreatest KnowledgeBook Ever ProducedWritten by 3,500 ofthe World's MostEminent AuthoritiesRemember — this is a newbook. Only a small amount oftext — material which couldnot be improved in any way —has been retained from pre-vious editions. rwho turns these pages is the wealthand beauty of the lllustrations.This feature alone marks a tre-mendous advance. Ali the world'streasures of art and photographyhave been laid undertribute to adorn andilluminate the text."The most excit-ing book of the year,"asserts a leading crit-ic, and the wholeworld is echoing thatverdict. This is a Britannica year! Here isyour opportunity to join the thou-sands who will buy this new edition,now, while it is new — fresh fromthe presses. You owe it to yourselfto learn further details regardingthis magnificent series of volumes.Extremely Low PriceAnd due to the economies of massproduction, the price is extremelylow. Easy payments, if desired —a deposit of only $5 brings the complete set with bookease table toyour home.Send for FREE BookletWe have just prepared a handsomenew 56- page booklet containingnumerous color-plates, maps, etc,from the new edition and givingfull information about it. We wantyou to have a copy free.The demand is great — you shouldact promptly if you are interested inowning a set of the first printing on thepresent favorable terms. Just fili in thehandy coupon and mail it today.P¦ 31 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC I342 Madison Avenue. New York City UOM3-X1 'Please send me by return mail, without anyobligation on my part, your 56-page illustrated |booklet describing the new Fourteenth Edition iof the Britannica together -with full informa- |tion concerning bindings, low price offer andeasy terms of payment.Name— IIMAIL this Coupon TODAY Lfe— — — — — iLaf^^riJi68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'26 — William M. Swickard is practicingmedicine and surgery at Charleston, Illinois.'28 — A.. L. Williams is practicing medicine at 3225 Lawrence Avenue, Chicago.He is on the staff of the Ravenswood Hospital and an instructor at Loyola MedicaiCollege.'28— Curtis Nelson is doing work inVienna. He is accompanied by Mrs. Nelson.'28 — R. C. Hetherington is in practiceat GenevS, Illinois, with offices in the UnityBuilding.'28— Herschel V. Soper has recentlyopened offices at 1770 North Vermont Avenue, Hollywood, California, where he is ingeneral practice.In the late summer the Commerce building was moved from its familiar positionon the Chapel block to a new site just inthe *rear of the University Press building,and opposite the Physiology building.Professor Lionel D.'Edie is on a year'sleave of absence, working for the InvestmentResearch Corporation of Detroit as businesseconomist.Assistant Dean C. Rufus Rorem has re-signed to take charge of an accounting sur-vey for the National Committee on theCost of Medicai Care. Chester F. Lay ofthe University of Texas has taken over Mr.Rorem's work in accounting. H. G. Shieldshas been appointed Assistant Dean.T. O. Yntema is on a year's leave of absence, teaching in the graduate school ofbusiness at Stanford University. He isexpected to return to the School at the beginning of the next school year.The School has started publication of anew series, "Studies in Business Administration." The first of these, "Capital, TheMoney Market, and Gold," by L. D. Edie,has met with considerable comment in fi-nancial and economie journals. The second,"An Appraisal of American ForecastingAgencies," by Garfield V. Cox, is now atpress.Among recent business publications are '28 — J. Frank Pearcy, formerly with theRockefeller Institute, has opened offices at70 East 77th Street, New York City.'28 — I. M. Felsher is practicing medicinein Chicago. His office is at 2756 WestDivision Street.'29 — Robert J. Mason has a residency inpediatrics at the Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit.'29 — Stuyvesant Butler is assistant resi-dent in Medicine at Peter Bent BrighamHospital, Boston.'29— H. D. Moor has been made head ofthe Department of Bacteriology at the University of Oklahoma Medicai School, Oklahoma City.'29 — Richard L. Jenkins is instructor inPhysiology at the University of Chicago."Marketing Investigations" and "WhatPlace has the Advertising Agency in MarketResearch?" by William J. Reilly, associateprofessor of business administration in theUniversity of Texas.'14 — Tomàs Confesor, Manila, is nowserving his third term as a member of theHouse of Representatives of the Philip-pines. He is chairman of the Committee onthe City of Manila, and is a member ofsix other important committees, includingthose on commerce and industry, banks andcorporations, and public works.'17 — Guy R. Charlesworth is now auditor and office manager for the MolochFoundry and Machine Company, Kau-kana, Wisconsin.'20 — H. B. Allinsmith is now assistantexport manager for Electric Research Products, Inc., Maplewood, New Jersey.'21 — Joseph B. Hall was appointed executive secretary of the Chicago MortgageBankers Association this year.'21 — Elis S. Hoglund is general factorymanager of General Motors Nordiska,Stockholm, Sweden.'21 — H. J. McCarty recently becamesales and advertising manager for theAmerican Cereal Coffee Company, Chicago'23 — Cari D. Benson recently becamea partner in the Ford agency of C. E.Commerce and AdministrationTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 169FORTUNETIME, Inc. PublishersNOW, after two years of investigation and preparation, Time, Inc., announcesthe publication on January 25th of a de luxe monthly magazine. Its subject isBusiness. Its purpose is to reflect Industriai Life in ink and paper and wordand picture as the finest skyscraper reflects it in stone and steel and architecture.The magazines name is Fortune, since it deals with the factors which control thefortunes of every man. Its price is $10 the year.Business takes Fortune to the tip of the wing of the airplane and through thedepths of the ocean along be-barnacled cables. It forces Fortune to peer into dazzlingfurnaces and into the f aces of bankers. Fortune must follow the chemist to the brink ofworlds newer than Columbus found and it must jog with freight cars across Nevada'sdesert. Fortune is involved in the fashions of flappers and in glass made from sand.It is packed in millions of cans and saluted by Boards of Directors on the pinnacles ofskyscrapers. Mountains diminish, rivers change their course, and thirty million peopleassemble nightly at the cinema.Into ali these matters Fortune will inquire with unbridled curiosity. And, above ali,Fortune will make its discoveries clear, coherent, vivid, so that the reading of it maybe one of the keenest pleasures in the life of every subscriber.The first number of Fortune will be sent only to Originai Subscribers in the order ofapplication. Subscription orders ($10 the year) should be sent to Time, Inc., SubscriptionDepartment, 350 East 22nd Street, Chicago, Illinois. Mailed promptly, the order formbelow will enroll you as an Originai Subscriber.TIME, Inc., Subscription Dept., 350 East 22nd Street, Chicago, 111.Gentlemen:You may enroll me as an Originai Subscriber to Fortune, and send me a bill for $10 with thefirst issue.Name 170 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMalone & Company, Apache, Oklahoma.'25 — Ernest J. Thuesen is auditor andcredit manager in the Kansas City Office ofthe Consolidated Cement Corporation.92S — Arthur J. Frentz is sales managerfor the Credit Alliance Corporation.'25 — Theodore Koester is city secretaryof the City of Corpus Christi, Texas.'27 — Sui-Hung Liu, A.M., is manager ofthe leather department of S. D. Ren & Co.,Shanghai, China.'&9 — W. G. Bennett, A.M., has been appointed associate professor in commercialsubjects at the University cf Toronto.'97— A. R. E. Wyant, D.B., M.D., hasbeen a highly successful practicing physicianin Chicago for many years. For ten yearsafter graduation he was pastor of the Morgan Park Baptist Church. He has now setaside a fund equal to the total salary hereceived as pastor as a memorial to his sonwho died in infancy, to be known as the EriHulbert Wyant Memorial Fund, the interest to be used for philanthropic and religiouspurposes.'02 — Alva J. Brasted, D.B., formerlymajor chaplain, department of the Philip-pines, has been transferred to Fort Logan,Colorado. Major Brasted was rankingchaplain in the Philippine Department.The transfer to Colorado was a promotion.'05 — John Ray Ewers, D.B., D.D., hascompleted twenty years as pastor of theEast End Christian Church in Pittsburgh.During his pastorate the church has in-creased four-fold in size and a half milliondollar building has been erected.'09 — Roy H. Barrett, D.B., secretary ofthe Nevada Sierra Baptist Convention, wasgranted the honorary D.D. degree by hisalma mater, Ottawa University, at theJune, 1929, Convocation.'lì— Herbert Waldo Hines, D.B., Ph.D.J22, is the author of Clough — KingdomBuilder in South India, recently publishedby the Judson Press, Philadelphia. Thebook is prepared especially to meet theneeds of study groups of young people. '29 — John P. Chole is an accountantwith Frazer & Torbet, Chicago.'29 — Walter T. Lillie is staff assistant tothe controller, the Walgreen Company, Chicago.'29 — L. C. Shephard is now advertisingmanager for the Monthly Journal of theInternational City Managers' Association.'29 — Joseph H. Bramson is credit manager of the Rosenthal Lumber Company,Chicago.'29 — Albert F. Bridgman, A.M., is assistant supervisor with the Walgreen DrugCompany, Chicago.'13 — T. Torrance Phelps, D.B., is pastorof the First Congregational Church, Kala-mazoo, Michigan, which has just completedthe erection of a beautiful Gothic building.The church has published a beautifulvolume telling in detail the story of thechurch.'20— Byron S. Stoffer, A.M., D.B. '22, isnow principal of the American College atMadura, South India.'23 — Robert C. Stanger, A.M., is pastorof Grace Evangelical Church of Chicago,which has just completed the first unit of anew church plant. The part completed isthe church auditorium and Sunday Schoolassembly hall. The building is in TudorGothic architecture. Mr. Stagner has beenat work in this field since June, 1923, andhas seen it grow from a small mission chargeto a strong church of over four hundredmembers. Dedication of the new churchwas held on November 4.'25— Roy H. Johnson, A.M., Ph.D. '29,has accepted appointment as professor andhead of the Department of History, ThielCollege, Greenville, Pennsylvania. ThielCollege is a Lutheran college of liberalarts with an enrollment of about three hundred.'26 — Marion H. Dunsmore, Ph.D., formerly Professor of Bible and Religious Education in Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, hasaccepted a position as Professor of BiblicalLiterature and Religious Education inDivinityTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 171Permanent Teaching Positions at Better PayWe help you to more lasting tenure, larger opportunities and better pay. The years of experienceof our personnel as teachers and executives in public schools and colleges add tothe recognized efficiencyof this organization an understanding of the needsof both teachers and officiate. The result is betterqualified teachers in positions of more opportunity — greater efficiency and fewer changes.Our more than forty years of nation wide experience in placing college teachers and executives, superin-tendents, principals and secondary teachers promotes the satisfaction and progress of both individuaiand schools. Write for InformationC. E. GOODELL, President and General ManagerTEACHERS 28 È A$T JACKSON BLVD.AGENCYAddressDept. S VhìcagoTHE YATES- FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished igoóPaul Yates, Manager6l6-62o SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOTHE J. M. HAHNTEACHERS AGENCYA Western Placement BureauElementary, Secondary, CollegeAlways in quest of outstanding educatorsfor important positions. Teachers with high-er degrees in demand. Doctors of Phi-losophy urgently needed for college anduniversity positions now listed.J. M. Hahn and Bianche TuckerManagers2161 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, California Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoLast June a Dean of a large College spent three days in Chicago withnine positions to fili — one Head ofDepartment and eight Instructors.Seven of these, including the Headof the Department, were filled bythis office. He is only one of themany College Heads that cali hereevery year for assistance. Our regu-lar clients from year to year are thebest Colleges, Universities, Teachers*Colleges, City and Suburban HighSchools, Private Schools, — the bestschools from ali parts of the country.The alertness of our Managers andthe efficiency of our service play alarge part in securing and holdingour patronage. University of Chicago students who want to get welllocated are invited to cali at ouroffice or send for free booklet.Other Offices: New York, Spokane, WichitaCHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU of OCCUPATIONSA non-profit organization sponsored by University Alumnae Clubs in Chicago.Vocational Information and PlacementSocial Service — Scientific — Home EconomicsBusinessWell qualified women, with and without experience come to us from ali over the countryfor new positions.Service to Employer and EmployeeMrs. Marguerite Hewitt McDanielManaging Director5 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois Clark -Brewer Teachers AgencyEstablished 1882Six Offices Cover the Country— Registra-tion in any one means Permanent Registrationin ali without extra charge. Big High Schooland College business.Chicago, 64 E. Jackson Blvd.; Pittsburgh,Jenkins Arcade; New York, Flatiron Building;Minneapolis, Globe Building; Kansas City,New York Life Building; Spokane, Chamberof Commerce Building.Ali members of National Association ofTeachers Agencies. Publishers of BrewersNational Educational Directory and TheTeacher and the Teachers Agency.172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEKalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan.'27 — Eric W. Grimshaw, A.M., has accepted a position as director of religious education in the Central CongregationalChurch, Worcester, Massachusetts.'28 — Elva M. Westbrook, A.M., is nowresearch assistant in the Research Bureau ofthe International Council of Religious Education.'29— Merrill E. Gaddis, Ph.D., andBernard E. Meland, Ph.D., have acceptedprofessojrships in Central College, Fayette,Missouri, where they are now teaching.'29— Henry E. Alien, A.M., will spendElinor Nims, Ph.D., '26, has resignedher position at the University of Kentuckyand has taken a position as Instructor ofChild Welfare in the School of AppliedSocial Science in Western Reserve University.Arlien Johnson, Fellow 1927-28 and Instructor in thè School for the last year, hasgone to an associate professorship at theUniversity of Oregon and will act as Assistant Director of The School of SocialWork at Portland.H. C. Chang, A.M., '29, who has beenin Chicago for two years, has returned tohis position on the faculty of Yenching University at Peking. China.William W. Burke, formerly a Fellowand later Assistant Professor in the School,has taken a position as Associate Professorof Child Welfare at Washington University, St. Louis, in the Departmentof Social Work. Louis Evans, A.M., '29,has taken Mr. Burke's place as head of thedepartment of the placement of dependentcolored children of the Joint Service Bureau of Children's Institutions in Chicago.Julia K. Drew, A.M., '29, has returnedto her position as superintendent of visitingteachers and attendance ofEcers in Minneapolis. Miss Drew has had a year's leaveof absence with the fall quarter in Italy andthe winter, spring, and summer quarters atthe University. the ensuing year in Constantinople, Turkey,where he will study the religious attitudesof the people. Mr. Alien holds a fellowshipof the National Council on Religion inHigher Education.Hai E. Norton, Vice President of OttawaUniversity, Ottawa, Kansas, was honoredwith the D.D. degree by his alma mater,Central College, Pella, Iowa.E. A. Hanley, D.D., who for severalyears has been pastor of the First BaptistChurch, Berkeley, California, has acceptedthe cali of the Park Baptist Church, St.Paul.Merle Irwin, A.M., '29, and FranceliaStuenkel, A.M., '24, have received appoint-ments as vocational advisers of the Bureauof Vocational Guidance of the ChicagoBoard of Education.Lucilie Proser, Ph.B., '29, is a caseworker with the Jewish Home FindingSociety of Chicago.David Dressler, Ph.B., '28, is the Executive Director of the Jewish CommunityCenter of Fulton County, Gloversville,New York.John Glendenning, who held a Fellowship during the past year, is now a districtsupervisor in the Family Service Organization of Louisville, Kentucky.Lou-Eva Longan, formerly AssistantHead Resident of the University of ChicagoSettlement and Graduate Assistant in theSchool of Social Service Administration, isnow Supervisor of St. Christopher's atDobbs-Ferry-on-Hudson, New York.Associate Professor Harrison A. Dobbshas undertaken the supervision of a Studyof Reformatories for Juvenile Dependentsin various parts of the United States. Thefield work in California will be done underthe supervision of Mr. Dobbs by WilliamMaynard, A.M. 1929, and Donald Hart-zell, who was a Leila Houghteling Fellowin 1928-29.The Graduate School of Social Service AdministrationNEWS OF THE CLASSESDoctors of PhilosophyDavid H. Stevens, Ph.D. '14, AssociateDean of the Faculties and the officiai University representative to the Alumni Council, has been granted a six-months' leaveof absence from January 1 , in order to assistthe General Education Boards in studiesrelating to college education and to schoolsof education. Dave's ad interim title isDirector of College Education of the General Education Board.Delbert E. Wobbe, Ph.D. '26, resignedhis appointment as Professor of Chemistry,State Teachers' College, New Mexico, totake charge of the Department of Chemistryof Iowa Wesleyan College at Mt. Pleasant,Iowa.John D. Xan, Ph.D. '26, is Professor ofChemistry at Battle Creek College, Michigan.James B. Culbertson, Ph. D. 27, resignedhis position as Professor of Chemistry, IowaWesleyan College, to accept a Chair inChemistry at Cornell College in Iowa.Willis C. Pierce, Ph.D. 1928, has resigned his appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of South Dakota toaccept a position as Instructor and Curatorin the Department of Chemistry at theUniversity of Chicago.Law'12 — William P. McCracken Jr., formerAssistant Secretary of Commerce for Aero-nautics has accepted the chairmanship of theboard of directors of the New York-Rio-Janeiro-Buenos Aires Air Line. He is alsospecial counsel for the Western Air Express and the Goodyear Zeppelin Corporation. Bill will continue in the practice pflaw with offices in New York and Washington.'18 — Charles A. Logan is now living onhis "Homestead Ranch" on the Silver BellRoad, thirteen miles northwest of Tucson,Arizona, in the foothills of the TucsonMountains*22 — William C. Bausch is a member ofthe Legai Department of the Illinois LifeInsurance Company, 12 12 Lake ShoreDrive, Chicago. The Swingof thePendulumFROM meatless to sweetlessdiets and back again!Swinging through periods of over-emphasis on this kind of food orthat kind of food, the pendulumcomes to rest on the common-sense principle of a balanced diet.We advocate a mixed and balanced diet including meat. Milk,butter, cheese, cereals, bread-stuffs, sweets, fresh fruits, andvegetables ali contribute valuableand necessary elements. But forappetizing meals, it is commonexperience that these other foodsmust be centered around meat.True, the swing of the pendulum is spectacular. Fads in foodattract wide attention. But thegreater the are of the swing, thestronger become those forceswhich compel a return tocommon-sense balance.Meat then remains a staplearticle of diet. Praised by thoseof us who like a well turned chopor juicy steak. Recommended byscientists, who realize that thestability of normal meals isbasic ... in spite of pendulumswings to one new fad or another.Not only is meat good for you,but equally important, it is alsogood to eat.If you are one of the greatmajority who eat for pleasure aswell as for health, you will findSwift's food produets particularlyappetizing. Moreover, specialcare in their preparation preservesand develops body-building elements to the highest degree.Swift & Company174 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJanuary SaleBOOKSMany splendid items now atspecial prices. These consist ofsoiled or damaged copies, newremainder bargains, overstocks,and lines that are being dis-continued.// you likeReal Bargainspian a trip now to theU. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.- JOHN HANCOCK SERIES -A PROBLEM forHOME MAKERSIs the management ofThe Family Income.OUR HOME BUDGET SHEET isdesigned to cover one month'srecord of income and outgo.It is an Account Sheet for both theBeginner and the Budget-wise.Sent FREE on request.Inquiry BureauLife Insurance Company^of Boston. Massachusetts197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.Please send me FREE copy of the JohnHancock Home Budget Sheet. (I enclose2c. to cover postage.)Name Address — OVER SIXTY-SIX YEARS IN BUSINESS '26 — George F. Sammons is living inKentland, Indiana, where he is practicinglaw with the firm of Sammons & Sammons.'29 — Leland Larsen is practicing law inSalt Lake City.'29 — Leroy W. Dahlberg, after passingthe State Bar Examination in November,sailed in January for Japan as the firststopping place on a round-the- world trip.He combines business and pleasure on thetrip as he represents the Kelvinator Corporation, which is about to organize abranch in the Orient.MARRIAGESBIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTSDEATHSMarriagesMaxwell P. Barovsky, '17, M.D. '19, toEsther Stein, October 17, 1929. At home,2842 Sheridan Road, Chicago.Marshal W. Meyer, '23, M.D. '27, toIsabel Scribner, in June, 1929. At home,4788 Elston Avenue, Chicago.Elizabeth C. Lengnick, '24, to CharlesR. Danielson, '25, September 14, 1929. Athome, 3730 Eighty-first Street, JacksonHeights, Long Island, New York.Marie Louise Prentice, '25, to HaroldG. Hatchard, October 12, 1929. At home,Hingham, Massachusetts.Bertha Tepper, '27, to Milton Mayer,ex '29, September 13, 1929. At home,5514 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago.EngagementsWilliam M. McMillan, '22, M.D. '25,to Elizabeth Griffith of St. Joseph, Missouri.William A. F. Stephenson, '27, to MaryFrances Bowen, '28.Kenneth A. Rouse, '28, to Helen King,'28.BlRTHSTo William C. Craver, 'n, and Mrs.Craver, a daughter, Nadina Louise, Aprii14, 1929, at Raleigh, North Carolina.To Lawrence Whiting, ex '13, and Mrs.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 175Whiting, a daughter, December 5, 1929»at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schroeder(Marian Cole) '16, M.D. '18, a daughter,Elizabeth, November 12, 1929, at Chicago.To Roy W. Johns, '24, J.D. '25, andMrs. Johns, a son, Comet Cornwall, November 26, 1929, at Chicago.To Willis L. Zorn, '24, and Mrs. Zorn,a daughter, in July, 1929, at Eau Claire,Wisconsin.To Captain and Mrs. C. F. Sutherland(Eleanor Troeger), ex '26, a daughter,Margaret Carlisle, at Stillwater, Oklahoma.DeathsAlfred E. Barr, '80, March 19, 1929,at his home in Chicago. Mr. Barr was amember of the firm Barr, Barr & Corcoranwith offices at io South LaSalle Street.Ernest A. Balch, Ph.D. '98, June 26,1928, at Kalamazoo, Michigan. At thetime of his death he was head of the History Department of Kalamazoo College,and mayor of Kalamazoo.David H. Boyd, M.D. 'oi, August 25,1929, at his home in Wichita, Kansas.William F. Tibbetts, Ph.D. 'oi, March11, 1929, at 155 Carroll Place, NewBrighton, Staten Island, New York.Edward E. Slosson, Ph.D. '02, October15, 1929, in Washington, D. C, after anillness of several months with heart disease.Dr. Slosson was successively professor ofchemistry at the University of Wyoming,chemist of the Wyoming agricultural experiment station, literary editor of TheIndependent and associate professor at theColumbia school of journalism until 1920,when he went to Washington as directorof science service.Fred G. Frink, S.M. '02, September 30,1929, at Kankakee, Illinois. Mr. Frinkwas a retired civil engineer, and formerlyconnected with the Universities of Oregonand Idaho as Professor of Railway and CivilEngineering.Robert Smith, M.D. '03, December 15,1929, at the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Dr. Smith had practiced medicine inChicago for twenty-five years. During the Stephens CollegeColumbia, MissouriA Junior College forWomenFully Accredited by theUniversity of ChicagoLet Us Teli You About theFour Year Junior CollegeCourse for Your DaughterJAMES M. WOODPresidentUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesThe Spring Quarter begins Mon., Mar. 31, 1930Registration Period, March 22 to 30For Information, AddressDean, C. F. Huth# University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Abbot Academy1828-1930For a Century One of New England'sLeading Schools for Girls.National PatronageAdvanced Courses for High SchoolGraduates. College Preparation. Ex*ceptional Opportunities in Art andMusic. Outdoor Sports.Address: Bertha Bailey, PrincipalBox P, Andover, MassachusettsOF CHICAGO MAGAZINE176 THE UNIVERSITYWOODWORTH'SforBOOKSThe largest stock ofbooks on the South Side1311 East 57th StreetNear Kimbark AvenueTelephones Hyde Park 1690, 7737Paul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavìs &60.MembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGOJ. Alton Lauren, '19J. Alton Lauren and Co.139 N. Clark St. Randolph 2068 war he served as a captain in the MedicaiCorps.Newell H. Bullock, M.D. 'o8, Novem-ber 13, 1929, in San Francisco, California.For twenty-five years Dr. Bullock hadpracticed medicine and surgery in San Jose,California. He was president of the SantaClara County Tuberculosis Association andhad been city school physician for manyyears.Joshua Stevenson Jr., '15, December 24,1929, when struck on the head by the sharppoint of a heavy icicle. He was a memberof the basketball squad fifteen years agoand was captain in his senior year.Frances H. Baker, '16, October 12, 1929,at her home, 1651 Greenfield Avenue, LosAngeles. For a number of years she was ateacher in the English Department at EastHigh School, Cleveland, Ohio.Bessie Smart, A.M. '28, Aprii 14, 1929,at her home, Council Hill, Illinois. Shewas teaching at the John Sneed Seminary,Boaz, Alabama, a home mission school,until just before her death.MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletìn on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoJohn J. Cleary, Jr., '14175 W. Jackson Blvd., Wabash 1240Eldredge, Carolan, Graham &. ClearyTHE FAULKNER SCHOOL FOR GIRLSA DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF ALL AGESCo-operative with the University of ChicagoThe school prepares its graduates for ali colleges and universities admitting women.The College Board examinations are given at the school.4746 Dorchester Avenue MISS ELIZABETH FAULKNER, PrincipalTel. Oakland 1423 MISS GEORGENE FAULKNER, Director of KindergartenALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYReal Estate Insurance