#1 JÉÉtTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEVOL.XXII DECEMBER, 1929 NUMBER 2is yours as you read whatthese men and women haveadded to knowledge and life. They may disturb some of yourfavorite theories, but they will give you new and "better ones.The Thinking MachineBy C. Judson HerrickA mechanistic theory of life — with a dif-ference. It bridges the gap between philoso-phy and science. $3-oo The Bhagavad-GitaTranslated from the Sanskritby Arthur W. RyderThe full, satisfying reason — with the forceof 2000 years and millions of people behindit — for making the best possible job ofliving. $2.00The Philosophic Way of LifeBy T. V* SmithFive philosophers — James, Dewey, Royce, Santayana, and Smith — go in search ofanother, and find him in you. $2. soThe SalesladyBy Frances R. DonovanA photographic picture of the modemsaleswoman — a participant in the dramaof buying and selling in which the managerand the customer play the supporting roles.$3.00 Childreti and MoviesBy Alice Miller Mitchell10,052 Chicago children have reported toMrs. Mitchell their actual experiences withthe movies. Check your facts with hers.$2.00Buy them at your bookstoreThe University of Chicago PressTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 65w SPEAKERSCttolcc of Leacting StaticitàVtaAxos- TnautUble -*I*t Adjoitungilooms*'(AIXKRTON NOIISK7OlWQRlHMICHt0ANAVBKtU&'CHJCAaO^ CLUB £E$mENC£^ 't FQR MENANO WOMEH~~10QOmOMSliomaALcmcA&o nzAVQUAimiis'Jpor 102 Cofteges- otiti VmwecAties-k > atuJ2Q Ncttiotiat Sovoviikas * ' 'Intercollegiate fleadUguartersInChicago66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHREE MAGIC DATESI. . . June 4, July 2, July 30On these days the great cabin linerAMERICA will sail from New York toEurope as the officiai flagship of the collegeman and college woman.Pian to sail on one of these dates . . . there'sno better place than Europe f or a vacationany way. Many from your own class undoubt-edly will be aboard . . . their wives and chil-dren, too . . . many undergraduates also, soyou can get "the latest" from the '31s and32s . . . and pleasant alumni from scoresof universities. For the United States Linesand American Merchant Lines have beenchosen by 103 college and university alum ni organizations as the Alumni transatlanticlane to Europe.Make 1930 your EUROPE year. Graduatefrom land cares to ocean bliss. Take a post-graduate course in history — but see it, don'tread it. If the AMERICA'S sailing dates areinconvenient . . . plenty of happy ones prò-vided by others of your officiai fleet:George WashingtonPreeident RooseveltLeviathan, World's Largest Liner •America • Republic . Preaident HardingAnd direct A'eto York-London Service weekly onAmerican Banker • American Shipper • American FarmerAmerican Trader • American MerchantFor rates, sailings, etc. . . . see or write your locai steamship agent or alumni secretaryUNITED STATES LINES45 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y.1 Al T H I ^~I c/^U C -BA gray day and a striped awning pre-vented our picturfng the Inaugurai Proces-sion as it filed through the wide-flung doorsof the University Chapel. Thwarted inthis desire, the cover illustration for thisissue is, frankly, a compromise. Sans action,but sans awning, we bring to you the greatsouth portai of the Chapel.w » wThis is primarily an Inauguration Num-ber of the Magazine. Unable to print alithe notable addresses delivered during twodays of speech making, we do offer you Mr.Swift's impressive Induction Address andthe Inaugurai Address of President Hutch-ins. The new president shows such a raregrasp of the needs of the University anddefines so clearly his attitude toward its future aims and the methods by which they areto be attained, that his address will be ofexceptional interest to ali alumni.It is unnecessary to introduce such oldfriends as Henry Justin Smith and FredB. Millett or William V. Morgenstern andJohn P. Howe. Through their monthlycontributions they have added much to thepleasure of our leaders, and have estab-lished themselves as vital factors in thesuccess of the Magazine.Lenox B. Grey, a member of the EnglishDepartment, learned the proper thing inceremonials while serving as Head Marshalin his undergraduate days. He supple-mented his curricular work in English bycourses on the Daily Maroon and the Capand Gown. For a year he was editor-in-chief of The Gircle — "A Magazine of theArte."Helen Sard Hughes, recipient of threedegrees from the University and a formermember of its faculty, is a contributor tomany leading magazines. RememberingIn the Wake of the Ideal that appearedin The North American Review, and,even more vividly, The Menace of theAlumni, published in The New Republic, we welcomed her Retrospections with theassurance that they would be originai,clear cut and beautifully expressed.Dexter Masters is a member of the seniorclass, a college marshal and an editor; infact, a sort of ambidextrous editor. Withhis right hand he edits The Forge — "AMidwestern Review," founded by thePoetry Club — -and, with his left, ThePhoenix, "the University of Chicago ComicMonthly." He holds ali undergraduaterecords in editorial versatility.W W «£M. Llewellyn Raney carne to Chicagoin 1927 after serving for years as Librarianat Johns Hopkins. He is revolutionizingthe administration of the UniversityLibraries, to the great Joy and relief ofthose who use them. He is a born admin-istrator, which accounts for his appoint-ment as chairman of the Committee onInaugurai Exhibitions.Alfred E. Koehler is a graduate ofWisconsin and one of her doctors ofphilosophy. Harvard made him a doctorof medicine. He carne to the Universityin 1928 from the Henry Ford Hospital atDetroit, where he had begun the researchwork in the field of endocrinology whichhe is carrying on so successfully in theUniversity Laboratories.wwwWalter Scott Kennedy, captain of "theChampions of '99," is the publisher of onenewspaper and a director of several others.He has a daughter in the undergraduateColleges at the present time, which butadds to the interest which he has alwaysshown in the University.Donald R. Richberg is one of Chicago'soutstanding attorneys. Despite a largepractice he has found time to participateactively and "progressive^" in politics,write at least four novels, contributescores of articles to the magazines, and turnout many interesting specimens of occasionai verse.Rntered as second class matter December 10, 1924, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana,under the act of March 3, 1879.67Robert Maynard Hutchins Angelica KingVol. xxn No. 2WLnibtxgitv of Cfricagoifflaga^meDECEMBER, 1929A President is InstalledBv Lennox B. Grey '23Department of EnglishROBERT MAYNARD HUTCH-INS (1899 ) was inauguratedfifth President of the University ofChicago on November 19, 1929.This much of what took place at thenew University Chapel between 11 and 1on the third Tuesday in November (whichcan be made to sound like tradition, but isnot) belongs to History. It is recordedalmost as briefly in the modest Book of theChapel on permanent paper between maroonleather covers. The rest properly belongsto Tradition and Faith, and to Vision andHope which are the enemies of tradition.For two whole days indeed Tradition andSans Tradition tilted, as recorded, in theliste of speech and ceremony.From io to 10:15 the Alice FreemanPalmer chimes in Mitchell tower rang"God Speed the Right," "Kingdom Corning," "For Chicago, Alma Mater," and"Battle Hymn of the Republic." Some whocarne on this summons, with tickets andwithout, for a proud spectacle of medievalpageantry doubtless were disappointed. Astriped awning extended, to be sure, fromIda Noyes Hall along 59th Street acrossWoodlawn Avenue to the South door of the Chapel; but the sides were down. Yetwhen it was evident, as the procession of500 was ready to march at 11:10, thatseveral hundred people were waiting alongthe curb to see, the University Marshal ledthe way out on to the pavement of 59thStreet, deserting the carpet and canopy.There was no fanfare beyond the clicking ofnewspaper cameras. Apparently no news-paper rewrite man was well enough versedin the "Alma Mater" to poetize subse-quently on the University 's turning fromthe snow-filled Western skies to the tali newPresident for its symbol of hope.The flags of the United States and theUniversity, carried by studente at ali Chapelprocessions, took the lead only at the doorof the Chapel. They were followed inorder by the University Marshal and College Aides and Marshals, by Student Repre-sentatives of Graduate and ProfessionalSchools, by Delegates from the AlumniCouncil, from Public and Private Schools,from Learned Societies, and from Uni-versities and Colleges. Next carne theFaculties of the Universities, Delegatesfrom Educational Boards and Foundations,the Trustees of the University and Special697o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGuests, and the Recorder and Assistant-Recorder. Finally carne the Candidatesfor Honorary Degrees, the Speakers, theChaplain and the Vice-President, and thePresident of the Board of Trustees andthe President of the University.When the flags carne into view, the organ,which for forty minutes had given a program of Cesar Franck ("Chorale in AMinor" and "Grande Pièce Symphon-ique"), Karg-Elert ("Fren dich sehr") ,Bach {"Fantasie in G Minor"), and Widor{"Toccata in F Major, Symphony V"),took up Guilmant's Processionai "Marchon a theme from Handel." The audienceof 1,800 rose and remained standing fortwenty minutes while the delegates andspecial guests quickly took places in thechoir and chancel, and the Faculties of theUniversity fìled into the first seven rows ofthe transept and nave.Of the delegates representing 244 Uni-versities and Colleges, 112 were Presidentsor Chancellors. Twelve foreign Univer-sities had places, the first in point of datebeing St. Andrews, represented by SirWilliam Craigie of the English Departmentof the University of Chicago, who wasknighted a year ago for his work on thegreat Oxford Dictionary.To those few in the audience whoseseats were along the aisle at the back of thenave or in the South galleries the processionalong the center aisle was in fact a showypageant of crimson, saffron, silver-gray, royal blue, purple and maroon hoods;ermine edgings; gold tassels. But for mostof the spectators looking on from side orfront it was another sort of spectacle.Black figured lines moved between marginsof dark-clothed people and wider marginsof light grey stone. It was black and brownand white and gray, like manuscript withtouches of illumination here and there.The pendant lamps gave out a light like thatwhich comes through parchment. Mostnotable of ali was the variety of tempera-ment expressed by the many faces liftedabove a common garb, symbol of dedicationto a common purpose — a purpose for whichthe contrasted spirits of Alcuin of York,John Salisbury, Roger Bacon and JohnWyclif might be seen marching also as theprocession extended back to Ida Noyes Hall,and by unbroken line back to Yale andHarvard, and thence to Cambridge, Oxford, Paris, Winchester, and York throughthirteen centuries.Dean Charles W. Gilkey of the University Chapel gave immediate translation tothis feeling in the opening prayer for theUniversity as it steadily "rises above thepassing years." President Harold H. Swiftof the Board of Trustees, presiding, claimedtribute for the University in his introductionof President James R. Angeli of Yale,pointing out that Yale had come to Chicagofor President Angeli after a distinguishedcareer including tenure as Acting Presidentat the University of Chicago.The University Marshal and College Aides and MarshalsA PRESIDENT IS INSTALLED 7'President Angeli, bringing greeting fromEastern Universities and Colleges, seizedthe opportunity to celebrate a Yale-Chicagotradition. Yale had sent the University itsfirst and fifth Presidents and many othernotable teachers and scholars, in their basictraditions of ministering to "the enduringneeds of men." Not afraid to oversteptradition, or the bounds of his writtenaddress, President Angeli expressly con-gratulated the University and PresidentHutchins on their possession of Mrs.Hutchins, who was sitting with Mrs.Harper, Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Burton, andMrs. Angeli in the nave.President David Kinley of the Universityof Illinois, introduced as spokesman for theState Universities, spoke upon the break-down of tradition — the tradition that greatUniversities must be of slow growth. TheUniversity of Chicago had proved this to befalse, a pioneer in the casting out of lettering tradition as well as in the formulationof new educational examples for ali Universities to profit by. departed from his text (though he spokewithout notes,) and welcomed Mrs.Hutchins to the company of educators andartists committed to the development ofChicago.The formai Induction of the President followed these greetings. The President of the Board of Trustees chargedPresident Hutchins to hold high the stand-ards of the University and to meet the per-plexing problems of the new day with cour-age and vision, in return for the loyal faithof the Faculty and the whole University.The "rights and responsibilities" of thePresidency were officially conferred, and intoken the Marshal, Professor Robert V.Merrill, led the new president to the chairwhere, since it was installed in 1906, William Rainey Harper, Harry Pratt Judson,Ernest DeWitt Burton and Max Masonhad presided. He did not sit. He stoodwhile President Swift said : "I announceto this assemblage that Robert MaynardHutchins is become our fifth President."The audience rose and applauded. Ap-Delegates from Learned Societies, from Universities and CollegesPresident Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern University, speaking for Chicagoinstitutions of learning, enlarged on a pointtouched by his predecessors in the Chapelpulpit — the University's mission and in-fluence in Chicago and the Middle West.He traced the progress of educational tradition in Illinois, with the expression ofregional loyalties and services in the namesof Illinois College, Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. He too plause, which greeted ali the speakers of theday, is one of the untraditional traditions ofthe new Chapel. The President ascendedthe pulpit for his inaugurai address.Since he had come to Chicago, PresidentHutchins had shown several sides of him-self to the University and the city. Atgatherings at the Chicago Club, at anAlumnae Club reception, at the FacultyDinner, he had revealed a genial good-fellowship tinctured with a dry mockery of72 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEali forms of humbug, including those inher-ent in after-luncheon, after-tea, and after-dinner speaking. At these and at his firstConvocation address in the Spring he hadrevealed also a vision and penetration whichcould leave no doubt of the force of hismind or of his will to participate and leadin great educational works. In a news-paper interview he showed himself possessedof that ability in straight and fearless speaking which won for President Harper therespect *and admiration of Chicago's mostforceful business men. Today at his In-auguration it became apparent 4:hat President Hutchins has two other significantqualities. They are power of feeling andpower of self-forgetfulness.While he had been sitting in the preach-er's seat, somewhat to one side of the emptyPresidente chair, and listened to the greet-ings and congratulations from the speakersabove, his face, at once largely and fìnelymolded, was continually responsive andmobile. He betrayed pleasure at honestcompliment to the University, to Mrs.Hutchins and to himself; serious and quickattention to the key ideas of the severalspeakers, as they touched on some of thosein his own address; flashes of appreciationat their lighter touches. He was the complete listener.When, after the brief but moving chargeand Induction, he carne now into thelight falling from the carved pulpit canopy,he carne as the receiver of a great gift, quiet,aware of great undefined expectations as tohow he should use that gift — brushing backhis hair as if to brush away thought ofhimself, gripping the reading rack to whichhe brought no manuscript, beginning aftera moment to speak in a hushed voice.There were several sentences in greet-ing. Neither as he began nor as his voicegathered force with the vital and whollyabsorbing things it had to say was there thatlifted wrinkling of the brow which warnsof approaching irony. Instead there wassomething like a crusading intentness, aneven clarity of look which matched the evenclarity of words. He spoke with a deep-chested evenness woven through with over-tones that deny the heaviness of mind often conveyed to an audience by heavy voices.As he spoke into the future, PresidentHutchins' words fixed on tangible things.He held out hope to the faculty that theirlabor should have more adequate rewardand that, with increased rewards, theirnumbers should be strengthened by the at-traction of America's best minds. He heldout hope to studente in the graduate schoolsthat the distinctive functions of the researchworker, on the one hand, and of the teacher,on the other, should be clarifìed in theinterest of creative scholarship and creativeteaching. He held out promise to the bestforces in the city that the University woulddevote as much energy as possible to theunderstanding and solution of Chicagoproblems. He assured the UndergraduateCollege that it should be developed withthat ideal of pre-eminence animating themost celebrated departments of the University, free of any threat of dismemberingor dissolution. There were two flicks athumor, strictly to the point, a manifesto inthemselves. "The layman . . has assumedthat the scholar was trying to understandthe world about him; he could not observethat he often went into it. And it is truethat universities were founded by peoplewho could read and were proud of it."What the University and the President propose to do about this is for every alumnusto read in the text of the speech which fol-lows this sketch of proceedings.When the President approached the endof his address, where perorations used to bein order, his voice dropped again. He hadgiven his message, giving himself wholly tohis facts and logie. Now he returned tohimself, to the expression and intimation ofhis own faith. Again he gripped the reading stand bare of manuscript, so repeatinghis one gesture of the address. A step back-ward rather than any; change of voicemarked the end. He acknowledged theapplause quietly and went to take his placein the Presidente chair for the first time,for the conferring of honorary degrees ofDoctor of Laws upon Martin A. Ryersonand President William James Hutchins ofBerea College.Dean Gordon J. Laing of the GraduateA PRESIDENT IS INSTALLED 73Underwood & UndcrzvoodFour Participants in the CeremoniesPresident Angeli, President Scott, President Hutchins and Mr. SiuiftSchools of Art and Literature, presentingthe first Candidate, celebrated Dr. Ryer-son's contributions to the cultural life ofChicago and his distinguished service to theUniversity as President of the Board ofTrustees from 1892 to 1922. In a clearsummary of fifty-three words, the Presidentconferred the honor, remaining seated ac-cording to custom for the awarding of de-grees.Dean Judd of the College of Education,presenting the second Candidate, sketchedPresident William Hutchins' life of serviceas an educator, éspecially in lifting BereaCollege to a level where it is "an exampleand inspiration to the institutions of theSouthern states," and touched with fittingrestraint upon the "personal as well as professional reasons" which rendered this "ahappy opportunity to acknowledge his con tributions to American education." In abrief summary of thirty-two words, notice-ably marked by the only hesitations andbreak in voice in two days of inauguraispeaking, the new President conferred thedegree upon his father, who stood beforehim.The Honorable Ray Lyman Wilbur,Secretary of the Interior and President ofLeland Stanford University, also Candidatefor the honorary degree, was absent becauseof the death of his fellow Cabinet member,The Honorable James W. Good.The I57th Convocation closed at 1:10with the singing of the first stanza of the"Alma Mater," the Benediction by DeanGilkey, and the Recessional to the "Sartie"by Ropartz. The Street was promptlyopened to traffic, and the procession re-turned by the covered way to Ida Noyes74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHall while the chimes played first theTannhàuser "Pilgrim's Chorus" and thenthe "Alma Mater."Delegates and special guests went imme-diately to the Inauguration luncheon inHutchinson Commons. In the evening theInauguration dinner was held for notablecitizens of Chicago and other special guestsat the Palmer House. Wednesday morningat n o'clock ali University classes weredismissed for the assembly for studente inthe Chapel, where President Hutchins gavehis fourth address in two days. And from4 to 6 Wednesday afternoon the Presidentand Mrs. Hutchins were greeted by alumniat the Trustees* reception and tea in IdaNoyes Hall.The luncheon Tuesday was designedfor relaxation, and brilliantly fulfilled itspurpose. Vice-President Frederic Wood-ward, presiding, urged that not enough hadbeen said, in sketching needs of the University, of the need of a fullback "not onlyiacorruptible but expeditious.,, In a jestyspeech Dean Laing fearlessly stripped theInauguration, "in our ancient historicChapel" filled with the "ridi colors ofmedieval stained glass," of any savor ofempty ambition in ritualistic directions, do-ing credit to Mr. Laird Bell, chairman ofthe committee in charge, for its well-ordered unassuming dignity. PresidentHarry W. Chase of the University of NorthCarolina, the principal speaker aside fromPresident Hutchins, brought greetings fromthe South, and spoke on the Public Respon-sibilities of Universities. His scanning ofthe educational horizon was punctuatedwith recognition of such cultural phenomenaas "the insatiable appetite [of alumni] forfootball tickets on the fifty-yard line." Heapplauded the University for its fearlessnessin inaugurating change.President Hutchins gave the shortest ofhis four speeches — four minutes —, bringingali to witness his gratitude to Vice-President Woodward cwho runs the University,an admirable circumstance permitting thePresident to accept ali the praise and theVice-President ali the blairie.'Thfoughout the luncheon subdued musicfrom an orchestra filtered down from the ministrels' gallery. Dean Laing's prophecythat "this luncheon will take its place be-side the luncheon held a few years ago whenthe Prince of Wales was our guest andwhen we drank his Royal Highness' healthin three star Lake Michigan water," wasvery near to truth.At the Inauguration dinner Tuesdaynight President Swift of the Board ofTrustees was toastmaster. The speakerswere Mr. Charles H. Hammill, distin-guished lawyer representing the citizens ofChicago, Dr. George E. Vincent, President(recently retired) of the Rockefeller Foundation, and President Hutchins, speaking toChicago for the University.Much of the lightness of the luncheoncarried over, and at the same time much ofthe earnestness of the morning. Mr. Hammill welcomed youth in the President to theyouthful, daring, laughing, hard-workingand hard-playing city of Chicago. President Vincent laughed reminiscently at theUniversity's effort to appear old in its in-fancy, and lauded the University's willing-ness to be accepted as young in this itsvigorous youth. He specifically scoutedthe notion that the University has been a petprodigy of the Rockefeller foundation, re-ceiving more help than it deserves becauseof the early Rockefeller interest. It hascommanded the Foundation's aid, he de-clared, because of marked and measuredservice in a key position in the center ofAmerica, — because of its "tradition of in-novation, experiment and demonstration."With President Hutchins he urged too thatthought be given to these professors, "get-ting more and more grasping and sordid,"originally corrupted as they were by President Harper.President Hutchins, apologizing in histhird speech for any seeming likeness toBunyan's "Mr. Talkative," interpretedChicago as he saw it. He demonstrated aknowledge of Chicago history and histo-rians. He paid tribute to the citizens ofChicago for its work for the University, no-tably to Dr. Ryerson and President Swift.He outlined specifically the return made bythe University in social service to the city,touching "ali the important organs of theA PRESIDENT IS INSTALLED 75body politic, from its pocket book to itsheart." He claimed as the principal con-tribution to the life of the city, "the thou-sands of former studente who are now partof that life."Wednesday morning at the Assembly forStudente, Louis Engel, President of theUndergraduate Council, Marcella Koerber,Chairman of the Board of Women's Or-ganizations, Robert Tieken, representingthe Professional Schools, and W. B. Steen,President of the Graduate Student Council,were introduced by Vice-President Wood-ward and gave welcome in short speecheswhich showed purpose as well as politeness.They stressed, in turn, the hope for thewidening of the "opportunity" the University has brought to Undergraduate education ; the dedication of University women tothe highest aspirations of the Universityand its leaders; the nourishing of leadersin the University who shall bring much-needed leadership to the city; the hope forcontinued and increased freedom of enter-prise in the graduate schools, in the interestof productive scholarship.The Presidente message was pitched ina familiar key. "I am particularly glad toknow you, because of your extreme youth.The fact that I am older than you and shallcontinue to be so affords me infinite satis-faction." He discussed student interests asreflected by recent comment in the DailyMaroon, acknowledging that in the hopefor a more flexible program for individuaidevelopment, for a reform of the gradingsystem, and for improvement of personnelin both faculty and student body, he fearedhe was probably in closer agreement withthem than is healthful in view of the tradi- tional oppositions of studente and admini-straticn. "I hope to see here, and perhapseven before you ali graduate, the bestfaculty that can be obtained teaching thebest studente to be found. Only one whohas worked, as I have, at other institutionsof higher learning, can appreciate how littleneeds to be done here to turn this hope intoreality."At 6 Wednesday, after speaking individ-ually to 2800 alumni, the President wasfree — to carry on the business of the University.What was President Hutchins' privateattitude toward the ceremonies? — the firstelaborate Inauguration of a University ofChicago President. It is too early perhapsfor intimate anecdote, authentic or apocry-phal, to have been passed around — even ina University community where it is a business to learn things. But these things areto be noted.In the tilt between Tradition and Changehe declared a draw, standing firmly by "atradition of experiment."When he ran into his third or fourthambush of newspaper photographers hecould not quite suppress an exclamation ofone syllable.But to those who did him honor — greateducators, Governors of states, great citizens — he did the honor in return of speaking always in true text (previously issuedto newspapers) without notes or manuscript. Let this last small thing be recorded in recognition of his sense of thedignity of occasion where the University isrepresented, and of his powers under nosmall stress.The Induction of President HutchinsBy Harold H. SwiftPresident of the Board of TrusteesMR. HUTCHINS: The University of Chicago opened its doorson October i, 1892 — 37 yearsago. There have been four presidents ofthe institution, and while two of them havehad short terms of office, each administra-tion has been notable for progress and ac-complishment.When Dr. Harperwas called to the firstpresidency, he repliedthat he would not cometo produce merely an-other college, but if wewanted a great university, he found the opportunity challengingand would accept it.In those few words, heset the keynote of theUniversity of Chicago,and the members of theFaculties and the Boardof Trustees have con-tinually kept that pre-cept in mind.You come to the fifthpresidency of the University. We have manyperplexing problems ofour own, and difficultquestions of educational policy and admin-istration confront the whole educationalworld. But, I believe we offer you commensurate compensations — the loyalty offaculty members, students, graduates, andof a devoted Board of Trustees, ali eagerto advance the great cause of educationand research and ali believing that you havesuch an opportunity as seldom comes toany man. Mr. SwiftMuch has been done here. There is stilimuch to do. We ask from you courage andvision, united with enthusiasm for scholar-ship. We ask for zeal in the search fortruth and that our standards be held high;if there be mediocrity in our departments,that you see to it that it give way to excel-lence. We ask for inspiration of our youngmen and young womenthat they may go forthwith equipment and enthusiasm to their vari-ous fields of service.We ask for broad human sympathy, highperspective o n thevalues of human life,and helpfulness in theproblems of our civili-zation.After a thoroughsearch, extending overa period of nearly ayear, the Joint Com-mittee of Faculty andTrustees unanimouslyrecommended yourname to the Board ofTrustees for the presidency of the University. By the unanimousaction of the Board of Trustees, it is myhonor and great pleasure to confer upon youthe presidency of the University of Chicagowith ali its rights and responsibilities.In token thereof, the marshal will escortyou to the presidente chair .... [pause].... and I announce to this assemblagethat ROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINS is become our fifth president.76Inaugurai Address*By Robert Maynard HutchinsPresident of the University of ChicagoNO MAN can come to the presidencyof the University of Chicago with-out being awed by the Universityand its past. From the moment of its found-ing it took its place among the notable in-stitutions of the earth. Through fouradministrations it has held its course, striv-ing to attain the ideals established at thebeginning and coming closer toward its goaleach year. Favored at the outset by un-precedented generosity and a strategie location, it has made the most of what Godand man have given it. Ite present positionit owes even more to the devotion andability of its faculty than it does to the ad-vantages, geographical and financial, withwhich it began. The guarantee of its futureis the devotion and ability of these men andwomen, who have set their mark upon theUniversity, so that whatever changes inorganization may come, its spirit will bethe same.That spirit has been characterized byemphasis on productive scholarship, by em-phasis on men before everything else, onwork with and for Chicago, and on an ex-perimental attitude. And these four char-acteristics will, I think, be the insignia ofthe University's spirit to the end. At atime when most educators were chiefly con-cerned with undergraduate teaching President Harper assembled in the Middle Westa community of scholars. Resisting alisuggestions that the sole obligation of education was the training of the youth, heselected his faculty for its eminence orpromise in research. And so the Universityestablished itself in a decade as a significantand distinctively American achievement,giving new life to scientific investigationthroughout the country, stimulating supportand encouragement to scholars everywhere,and bringing the research worker for themoment into his own.At Chicago he carne into his own in the opportunities he received to prosecute hisinvestigations in his own way, without in-terference, with adequate compensation, andwith the sympathy of the administration.He did not so quickly secure the buildingsand equipment that would have saved hoursof toil and inconvenience. The University,administration and faculty, took the viewthat men were the first consideration, andthat facilities for them must sooner or laterappear. These Quadrangles are the justi-fication of that faith. But before one ofthem had arisen the University had madeone of the great advances in the historyof American education: it had establisheda maximum professorial salary more thandoublé that prevailing in the United States.This action demonstrated the University'semphasis on men first of ali; it announcedto the public that professors might be worthmore than a bare living wage ; and it shockedthe friends of other universities into helpingthem to provide their faculties with rea-sonable incomes. These salaries were notonly higher than any then paid in education, but they were also comparable to thosepaid in business and the professions. Theyenabled the scholar of that day to take hisplace in society with confidence and self-respect. The group that carne togetherhere under these conditions has been theglory of the University for thirty-sevenyears. The presence of that group hasdrawn other men to it. During longperiods of necessary retrenchment their spirithas kept men here. They have transmittedtheir spirit to their successors.From the beginning they hoped to maketheir work count beyond the borders of theUniversity. Through Extension and HomeStudy they attempted to affect the life ofthe people, particularly in and about Chicago. To them they brought a conscious-ness that the University wished to be theiruniversity, dedicated to the proposition that%Delìvered at the University of Chicago Chapel, Tuesday, November io, IQ2Q,7778 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEali men are entitled to whatever educationthey can effectively utilize. Through af-filiation with schools and colleges in thesurrounding territory, the University as-sisted in the improvement of education atali levels. Although this contribution wasperhaps not epoch-making, it illustratedthe University's attitude toward its environ-ment.That attitude in this and ali other par-ticulars was experimental. When, for ex-ampie, the programme of affiliation lost itsusefulness, it was abandoned. In education it is too often forgotten that. the essenceof experimentation is that final decision isreserved until the experiment is complete.Policies adopted as experiments have atendency to change into vested rights. Atthe University of Chicago, where the princi-pal tradition has been that of freedom, itwas naturai that the true experimentalattitude should flower. No one has been sosure that his work was perfect as to declinesuggestions as to its improvement. No onehas been so convinced that his work wasimportant as to refuse the co-operation ofothers. In co-operation experiment after experiment has gone forward. Where onehas succeeded the faculty has been gratifiedand sometimes surprised. Where one hasfailed they have tried something else.It is in this fashion that the Universityof Chicago has been most useful to Americaneducation. The University's value in theMiddle West has been to try out ideas, toundertake new ventures, to pioneer. Partlybecause of its geographical position andpartly because of the number of teachersit has distributed up and down the country,its pioneering has been remarkably influen-tial. In some cases the experience at Chicago has shown other universities what notto do ; in more it has opened new roads tobetter education and set new standards forthe West. And that, I venture to think, isthe chief function of the University ofChicago. That function is as importanttoday as it was in 1891.In considering the performance of thatfuntion today we think first of the workin which the University has been mosteminent, that of research. Here we findthat one thing that has bothered thelayman about research, particularly in theUnderwood & UnderwoodThe Induction Ceremony in the Chapel"The Marshal will escori you to the president' s chair"INAUGURAI! ADDRESS 79field with which I am most familiar, thatof social problems, is its remoteness fromreality. He has assumed that the scholarwas trying to understand the world abouthim ; he could not observe that he often wentinto it. And it is true that the unfortunatecircumstance that universities were foundedby people who could read and were proudof it has tended to emphasize the importanceof that exercise and to make the Library thegreat center of scientific inquiry. In thelaw, for instance, scholars have for genera-tions thought that their only material wasthe réported opinions of courts of last re-sort. And studente of the law of familyrelations who could not regulate their ownwould often reach conclusions as to theproper rules governing those of other peoplefrom an analysis of decisions handeddown by judges whose domestic situationfrequently left much to be desired. Today,on the other hand, studente of social problems have learned from studente of thenaturai sciences that only by keeping intouch with reality can real life be under-stood. Studente of government are study-ing the people who do the governing andthose they govern. Studente of business arestudying it as it works instead of speculatingabout it; and legai scholars are examiningthe actual operation and results of the legaisystem instead of confining themselvesto the history of phrases coined by judgesand legislators long since dead. In thismovement the University of Chicago hasplayed an important part and must continueto do so. And naturally enough its workhas been centered on this city and its sur-roundings. Through the co-operation of theSuperintendent of Schools the Departmentof Education is working with teachers from300 public schools and conducting studies in7 of them. The School of Commerce andAdministration is carrying on research in15 or 20 locai industries. The School ofSocial Service Administration has revolu-tionized the treatment of the orphan in thecity of Chicago. The Department of Hy-giene and Bacteriology is in co-operationwith the City Health Office. The LocaiCommunity Research Committee, represent-tng the Social Science departments, is man aging 50 studies of the community. If thefocus of research is the world about us, thefocus of research at this University shouldbe primarily that part of the world aboutus called Chicago and the Chicago area.Research so focused is bringing up-to-dateand giving a somewhat new accent to theUniversity's traditional interest in its en-vironment; it is going far toward bringing scholarship in touch with life as it isbeing lived today ; and it may eventually leadto some slight advance in the life that isto be lived here tomorrow.With research so focused the necessity ofco-operation within the University becomesincreasingly clear. We are studying andproposing to study problems that do not fitreadily into the traditional departmentalpattern of a University. The rounded studyof such a question as the family, for instance,would involve here the co-operation ofeleven departments, from art to zoology,and of seven professional schools, fromdivinity to medicine. And so much hasour attitude changed since departmentallines were laid down that a much narrowerphenomenon, like radioactivity, would re-quire a scarcely less representative attack.What co-operative research will mean to theorganization of this university is not yetclear. Much has been accomplished hereby informai committees like that on locaicommunity research ; other universities haveestablished formai institutes with the sanieaim. What is clear is that we must pro-ceed to give opportunities for co-operation tothose who have felt the need of them, with-out in any way coercing the Ione researchworker into co-operation. What is clear,too, is that we must regard the Universityas a whole, and consider the formulationof University programmes rather than departmental or school policies. We shallshortly make important appointments inEconomics, Education, Psychiatry, HomeEconomics, Pediatrics, the Graduate Library School, and the Law School. If thoseappointments are made with reference onlyto the specific needs of the specific departments, we shall doubtless secure a splendidseries of individuals. If they can be madewith reference to university projects in theSo THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstudy of human problems, in which ali thesedepartments are interested, we shall have asplendid group each of whom will contributehis special abilities to the common enter-prise. To such common enterprises thearchitectural pian of the University isadmirably adapted. And its organization,with the Medicai School on the South Sidein the Ogden Graduate School of Scienceand the Department of Education in theGraduate School of Arte and Literature,avoids some difficulties confronted else-where. We have therefore many advantages,not the least of which is the temper of thefaculty as revealed in the admirable cooperative work now under way. We shouldmake the most of them by careful and con-tinued attention to the possibilities ofextending this type of effort into otherfields.In such developments the place of the professional schools is important. They havea dual obligation, the obligation to experiment with methods of educating first rateprofessional men, and the obligation to par-ticipate with the rest of the University inresearch. At the present moment there isnothing educational upon which there is lessunanimity than the methods of professionaltraining. The Divinity Schools are so dis-turbed that they are having a survey ofthemselves conducted. The Medicai Schoolshave been in ferment for almost twentyyéars. The Law Schools for half a centuryhave been subjected to the bitter criticismof the Bar and one another. The Schoolsof Education are only now succeeding inmaking their own universities accept themas educational experts. The Schools ofBusiness are in grave doubt as to the effec-tiveness of their educational scheme. Insuch a situation it is obvious that one function of the professional schools at the University of Chicago is to experiment withmethods of instruction which shall in alithese fields contribute to the establishmentof standards of professional training.The graduate schools of arts, literatureand science are, of course, in large part professional schools. They are producingteachers. A minority of their studente be-còme research workers. Yet the training for the doctorate in this country is almostuniformly training in the acquisition of aresearch technique, terminating in the prep-aration of a so-called originai contribution toknowledge. Whether the rigors of this proc-ess exhaust the student's creative powers,or whether the teaching schedules in mostcolleges give those powers no scope, orwhether most teachers are without them isuncertain. What is certain is that mostPh.D.'s become teachers and not productivescholars as well. Their productivity endswith the dissertation. Under these cir-cumstances the University of Chicago againhas a dual obligation; to devise the bestmethods of preparing men for research andcreative scholarship and to devise the bestmethods of preparing men for teaching.Since the present work of graduate studente is arranged in the hope that they willbecome investigators, little modification init is necessary to train those who pian tobecome investigators. In the course of timeit will doubtless become less rigid and morecomprehensive, involving more independ-ence, and fewer courses. But the mainproblem is a curriculum for the futureteacher. No lowering of requirementsshould be permitted. No one should be al-lowed to be a candidate for the Ph.D. whowould not now be enrolled. In fact theselection of studente in the graduate schoolson some better basis than graduation fromcollege seems to me one of the next mattersthe University must discuss. But assumingthat this is settled, and assuming that astudent who plans to be a teacher has beengiven a sufficient chance at research to determine his interest in it, his training shouldfìt him as well as may be for his profession.This means, of course, that he must knowhis field and its relation to the whole bodyof knowledge. It means, too, that he mustbe in touch with the most recent and mostsuccessful movements in undergraduate education, of which he now learns officiallylittle or nothing. How should he learnabout them? Not in my opinion by doingpractice teaching upon the helpless undergraduate. Rather he should learn aboutthem through seeing experiments carried onin undergraduate work by the members ofINAUGURAL ADDRESS 81the department in which he is studying forhis degree, with the advice of the Department of Education, which will shortly se-cure funds to study college education.Upon the problems of undergraduate teaching his creative work should be done. Sucha system places a new responsibility uponthe Departments, that of developing ideasin college education. But it is a responsibility which I am sure they will accept inview of the history and position of the University of Chicago. Such a system means,too, that different degrees will doubtlesshave to be given to research people, thePh.D. remaining what it chiefly is today, adegree for college teachers. But howeveropinions may differ on details, I am con-vinced, as are the Deans of the GraduateSchools, the Dean of the Colleges, and theChairman of the Department of Education,that some programme recognizing the dualobjectives of graduate study: the educationof teachers and the education of researchmen, must be tried at the University ofChicago.Some such programme would help toclarify the function of the undergraduatecolleges in this University, which has re-mained uncertain through the years. Theemphasis on productive scholarship that hascharacterized the University from the beginning and must characterize it to the endhas naturally led to repeated questionas to the place and future of our colleges.They could not be regarded as traininggrounds for the graduate schools, for lessthan 20% of their students went on herein graduate work. Nor did the argumentthat we should contribute good citizens tothe Middle West make much impression ondistinguished scholars anxious to get aheadwith their own researches. They were gladto have somebody make this contribution,but saw little reason why they should beelected for the task. At times, therefore,members of the faculty have urged that wewithdraw from undergraduate work, orat least from the first two years of it. Butwe do not propose to abandon or dismemberthe Colleges. And this is not for sentimentalor financial reasons. If the University's function is to attempt solutions of difficulteducational problems, to try to illuminatedark and dubious fields, it cannot retreatfrom the field of undergraduate work, sodark and dubious today. Furthermore, retreat would make impossible the develop-ment in graduate study that I have justdescribed. Ifcthe departments are to experiment with the education of teachers,they must work out their ideas in the Colleges here. Nor does this apply to the SeniorCollege alone : for the whole question of therelation of the first two years of collegeto the high school on the one hand and thesenior college on the other is one of themost baffling that is before us. Instead ofwithdrawing from this field we should vig-orously carry forward experiments in it.In the colleges of the country there arestudents who in respect to any given sub-ject are of two types: those who wish tospecialize in it and those who simply wishto know what it is about. It does not followthat because a student takes one of theseattitudes toward one field he must take thesame attitude toward ali. Almost everystudent is interested in something. In thathe should carry on a large amount of workon his own, free from restrictions, the rou^tine of the class room, and the retardingeffect of his less able or less interested con-temporaries. In other areas of knowledge,with which he wishes to cultivate a merespeaking acquaintance, there is no reasonwhy he should not be given what he wants,information and stimulation, and the moreimportant of these is stimulation. Certainsubjects apart, there is no evidence that thiscannot best be done through large lecturecourses. Ali the evidence is the other way.The theory that the smaller the class thebetter the result, irrespective of the abilityof teacher or students, finds no support inexperience in dealing with classes where thechief aim is inspiration. Their interests willdoubtless be served best by giving them themost inspiring lecturers that can be foundand letting the size of the group take careof itself. Any such scheme of pass andhonors work should be kept so flexible thatif a student should by chance be stimulated82 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto an interest in a subject he might transferto honors in it. On this basis the pianmight meet the needs of the American undergraduate. Obviously it places our colleges definitely in the scheme of things atthis University. For the programme callsfor experiments by each department withpass work and honors work in its own field,in the hope of devising the best methodsof dealing with both types of studentsBut experiments in education presupposemenjto carry them out. It cannot too oftenbe répeated that it is men and nothing butmen that make education. . If the firstfaculty of the University of Chicago had metin a tent, this would stili have been a greatuniversity. Since the time when that facultygathered student numbers have swollen toan unprecedented extent; tremendous gif tehave been made for special projects; and therewards in business and the professions havemounted to heights never before dreamed of .The increase in student numbers, coupledwith the desire to deal with them in smallclasses, has inevitably led to the expansionof the faculty. Gifts representing thespecial interests of the donors have requiredadditional appointments. The Universityhas received $53,000,000 in cash or pledgessince 19 19. But only $7,000,000 of thissum was free to be used for general salarypurposes, in spite of the noble efforts of mypredecessors to carry on the University'straditional preference for giving first-raterewards to first-rate men. As a result theprófessorial maximum, which is more important than the prófessorial average, hasincreased $3,000 in 37 years. Meanwhilemore and more of our best college graduateshave been dissuaded from a scholarly careerby the characteristic American feeling thatthere must be some connection between com-pensation and ability. It is hopeless to tryto combat that feeling. What we must dois to meet it by paying salaries in educationthat will attract the best men in competitionwith business and the professions. Com-parisons of salaries among universities areirrelevant and harmful. For the questionis : can we now get the kind of men we wantto go into education? Since no universitycan answer this question in the afflrmative, it can derive little satisfaction from thethought that its salaries are as low as thoseof neighboring institutions. And the expres-sion of satisfaction does positive damage inleading the public to think that this matterhas been settled. It will never be settleduntil America is willing to pay enough toinduce its best brains to go into the education of its offspring and stay there. It willnever be settled until prófessorial salariesare such as to make scholarship respected inthe United States. This object will not beattained as long as professors must carry onoutside work or teach every summer to keepalive. Nor will it be attained if they mustlive in conditions that scarcely provide themwith the decencies of life. Nor shall wecome much closer to it as long as our peoplefeel that the scholar receives a substantialshare of his compensation in the permanenceof his tenure. I do not mean that salariesin education must be identical with those inbusiness. Nor do I want men to go intoeducation to make money. But on the otherhand no man should be kept out of education by the certainty that he will have tolive in fear of his creditors ali his days, orby the feeling that the profession is a refugefor mediocrity. The only method by whichwe shall approach our goal is by payingsalaries that will enable the universities tocompete with the business world for thebest men. And this policy I believe theBoard of Trustees of the University ofChicago will put into effect as rapidly asits funds permit.It is a policy about which there is nothingrevolutionary. It is simply what was donehere in 1891. To carry it out we musthusband our existing resources, making surethat we are spending them on first-rate menfor first-rate work; we must perhaps askthe student in some schools to make a largercontribution toward the cost of his education; and we must focus the attention ofthe public upon the fact that only throughgeneral funds for salaries can a universityhope to retain its outstanding men and bringin others to join them. In this way we maycarry on the greatest tradition of the University of Chicago. In this way, too, perhaps, we may give strength to its other tra-INAUGURAI. ADDRESS 83ditions of experiment and productivescholarship centered upon the problems ofour city. So may we make the future worthyof the past. So may we continue to pioneerand set new standards for the West. So may we justify the faith of the Founder,the confldence of the community, and theaspirations of the men and women who havelabored here to build the greatness of thisUniversity.Underwood & UnderwoodPresident Hutchins and the Recipients of Honorary DegreesOre the Ufi, William James Hutchins; on the righi, Martin Anioine RyersonInaugurai RetrospectionsBy Helen Sard Hughes, 'io, Ph.D. 'ij.Associate Professor of English, W ellesley College.SENT as a delegate to the inauguration by the college in which I havethe honor to teach, I was privilegedto march proudly in the procession. Theexperience stirred me to emotions such asthe pre-war Chicago to which I belongwould;have viewed — if at ali — with amuse-ment. ~ But since of late the alumni havebeen discovered, — a bit suddenly, perhaps,and at a moment quaintly coincidental withan endowment campaign, — but since thealumni, discovered/ are now made theastonished recipiente of chatty departmentalCommunications and presidential mono-graphs on thick paper and in such lovelytype, I venture to parade my alumni senti-ments with a confidence bold, if incomplete,in the tenderness of alma mater.The beauty of the new chapel doubtlesscontributed heavily to my state of mind. Itcontributed sheer visual beauty to thepageant, as the long academic procession,sober, straight-lined, black with splotchesof vivid color and the sheen of velvet andsilk, moved through the gray day along theMidway, through the great "west portai" —unfortunately fronting south — up the longcentre aisle of the nave between quietcrowds which filled the pews and lookeddown from the arches of the clere-story andthe broad transept balconies, and finallyspread itself through the choir and carne torest in the oaken stalls, — while with ex-quisite restraint the organ discoursed atheme from Handel.But the chapel contributed somethingmore than visible beauty, something to thespirit and decorum of the occasion whichin part accounted for my impression thatthe University of Chicago had grown up, —grown in stature, not merely in wealth andin extent. Ite hobbledehoy days are past;it has entered upon the ministries of matu-rity.To the graduate returned, the first impression is of the architectural beauty ofthe campus: the external magnificence of the long f acade on the Midway; the appar-ent perfection of appointments within; theluxury of the paneled offices in which atlast scholarship is respectfully ensconced;the amplitude of the graduate reading roomin Wieboldt Hall, and the elegance of thesociable apartment above it, where a widehearth, a Chickering grand, and chairs ofincredible softness contribute to the enjoy-ment of tea daily dispensed to a companion-able group of graduate students and urbaneprofessors. The two rooms now ministerto those intellectual and social aspects ofthe doctorate which for many formerlyfound authentic but cramped expression in"Harper W. 41 ". Surely here is "Beautytouched with strangeness."Wandering further about the quad-rangles, I missed, now and then, the im-maculateness and trimness of an easterncampus, yet found my compensation in thatsense of activity and growth which defìesthe meticulousness of the housekeeper. In-deed the sense of productive life animatingthe noble structures stirred me profoundly.Discoveries ranging from earth to heaven,and taking in man, in transit, in most of hisrelations to time and space, seemed exudingfrom every laboratory and seminar roomwhere exhibits were displayed. Great en-terprises in collective research gave re-spectable validity to the painstaking laborsof candidates for the Ph.D., at the sametime bringing the novice into incomparablyuseful coòperation with the ripe scholar.This development in itself seemed to me ofimmense educational value.The undergraduate life seen at doserange appeared vigorous and self-respecting.An evening spent with one group of under-graduates, and sympathetic attention totheir speakers at the student assembly whichformed part of the inaugurai program, discovered, it pleased me to believe, coeduca-tion at its best. The University seems tobe demonstrating that the education of boysand girls together, under intelligently84INAUGURAL RETROSPECTIONS 85planned conditions of life and work, mayminimize the traditional difficulties in thesocial situation, and to a maximum degreedevelop that naturai respect for humanpower and personality in man or woman,that kind of comradeship and understandingwhich is a necessity in the modem world.If there is admittedly some sacrifìce in theprocess, yet to one accustomed to observethe feverish week-ends, and nocturnal ad-ventures of the separate colleges for menand women, there is satisfaction in thethought of intercourse based on commoninterests in a common life. In such ademonstration Chicago can succeed wherestate universities often seem to fail, byvirtue of her power to control the conditionsof what some persons stili consider an experiment.Signs of one vigorous difference of opinionupon the campus I discovered. Amongfaculty, students, and friends of the University the supporters of the colleges andthe supporters of the graduate schools seemto fall somewhat apart in mildly suspiciousgroups. Talk with a research professor,with a young instructor, with a dean here,and with an undergraduate there, revealedon every side an attitude of vigilant concern for one division or another of the universitywhole. Public and private utterances ofthe new president were subjected to theacid test. Will he encourage the researchesof the graduate schools? Does he intendto develop — or abolish — the colleges? Attea a friend expounded to my willing earthe need of higher salaries to secure greatscholars to direct investigations. In theevening a recent graduate inveighed againstthe "rotten teaching" which had led him toabandon his scholastic aspirations and turnto selling bonds. Such a debacle moved mealso to scrutinize the new presidente pro-nouncements; and to admire the couragewith which he seemed to be marching rightup to the cannon's mouth. It was my tenta-tive conclusion that he regarded — as a Yaleman should — the undergraduate collegesand the graduate schools as important partsof a healthy university. In his inauguraiaddress to the student-body I heard himpledge himself to specific developments inundergraduate instruction ; to changes inentrance requirements looking to an improvement in the type of student admitted ;in the curriculum, to secure greater adjust-ment to individuai needs; and in theteaching staff through the selection ofThe Chapel contributed something more than visible beauty86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmen — and, may one hope, of an occasionaiwoman? — gifted in the art of undergraduate instruction. At the same time I notedthat he stood for the much needed increasein the maximum salary to hold and secureeminent scholars ; for the recognition of thevalue of research to the life of the community; and for the study of the curricula andinstruction in the graduate schools in thelight of the studente' future vocations.As a person whose own great debt to theUniversity is to its graduate school, and asone somewhat responsible for the conductof graduate work in a primanly undergraduate college, I found myself neverthe-less happy in what I judged to be the Presidente policy. For if for no other motivethan sordid considerations of cash, it seemedto me that the undergraduate colleges shouldbe conserved. Surely an observation ofHarvard, and Yale and Princeton, forexample, would indicate that the fundswhich come for the sustaining of research,for the endowment of departments andprofessorships, come in large part from menholding the universities' bachelors degrees.But the cash value of the alumni is not anennobling consideration unless back of itthere lies a sense on the alumni's part ofvalue received, not merely value in creditsand in degrees, but also in experiences moredeeply rooted in mind and character informative years.That the new president comes from Yalewill seem to some of us a happy omen. Andnot only because of those historic personalconnections between Chicago and Yale towhich Convocation orators allude. For inspite of those associations the methods andideals of Chicago have hitherto been built. it would seem, on the Harvard tradition.That noble and austere tradition I wouldbe the last to disparage. By virtue of herdevotion to the extension of knowledgethrough exacting standards of research, because of her disdain of dilletantism and afutile aesthetic, because of her very imper-sonality, Chicago has set her mark upon ahost of men and women who are making intheir turn a characteristic contribution toeducation in the schools and collegesthroughout the country.Yet those of us who have wanderedafield, who have compared the heritage ofcharacter and learning which various colleges and universities pass on to those whomthey have nurtured, have been struck attimes by certain qualities of spirit andimagination which distinguish men andwomen emerging from many a sequesteredcampus. That to the "mighty learning" ofour university the future will add something of those intangible graces which lenddistinction to personality and richness tothe business of living is suggested by signsand portents.Crescat scientia; vita excolatur.The two great aims of a great universityon every hand are graven on wood andstone, embossed on parchment and silk.May not our new president, bringing toChicago that humaneness and urbanitywhich have sometimes seemed peculiar to thescholarly fellowship at New Haven, helpus to add to our learning that "somethingmore than lore" to which from the beginning we have aspired? If so, the happyomens of his inauguration will have beenfulfilled.The Grand Entry: President Hutchins'InaugurationTHE trustees took their time in put-ting the University on a presidentedbasis after Dr. Mason resigned hischair, but they presented a good drama indoing it. They picked a thirty year oldmiracle man to be president, which wasstartling; and they inducted him into officewith a pomp and circumstance ceremonythat was nothing short of papal. The in-duction was ali too sophisticated to be abovesuspicion that the University was holding ashow-off. But that's not to its discredit,for it showed off very well, beautifully, infact, and as a most important institution.And when, after it was ali over, PresidentHutchins could say "I have become president," he could add, correctly, "and I havedone it in the grand manner."For the inauguration festival, howeveryou look at it, was the grand manner sortof thing from start to finish. There was amultitude of ceremonies conceived not outof necessity but out of picturesqueness ;and appurtenances like that, I take it, arewhat make up grand manner affairs. Therewas, for instance, the very impressive, theextraordinarily dignified, procession ofBy Dexter Masters '30Editor, The Forgelearned and officiai men and women fromali over the world. It condescended its wayfrom Ida Noyes to the Chapel, and manywere the common-folk who formed its shoresas it moved through the Street and the greataisle, and impressed were their faces.There are words to describe this procession,written some time ago by William SchwenckGilbert :Loudly let the trumpet bray —Tantantara !Gayly bang the sounding brasses —Tzing !As upon its lordly wayThis unique procession passes!Tantantara! tzing! boom!Bow, ye lower middle classes !Bow, ye tradesmen ! bow, ye masses !Blow the trumpets, bang the brasses !Tantantara! tzing! boom!It makes no difference that there were notrumpets nor sounding brasses. That's thechange in the times. The important thingis that the procession was an excessivelyimportant procession, and could have stoodup under any number of trumpets andAs upon its lordly nrayThis unique procession passes!8788 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbrasses, had the trustees been minded to include such un-subtle instruments.The procession, though, was by no meansthe whole performance. It was to the inauguration what the grand entry is to arodeo, what cocktails are to a smart dinner,what the parade is to a big circus. I do notmean by that that the inauguratory happen-ings are to be likened to a rodeo, or a dinner,or a circus. They were much more signifi-cant than any of these. They were, in amicrocosm, cosmic.Mrst, after the procession, and, of course,the prayer, were the greetings from educational dignitaries. President Angeli ofYale briefly sketched what Yale had donefor Chicago; President Kinley of Illinoismentioned the amicable relations betweenChicago and Illinois; President Scott ofNorthwestern enumerated some of thereasons that led him to place Chicago secondin the list of Universities of the Chicago(city) area. These were gracious disem-boguings, and mind-settling, if we may havefaith in their implications. They shpwed anamity and kindly disposition on the part ofthe University's contemporaries. And,mirabile àìctu, despite the intimacy whichexpressions of such feelings were bound tocreate, this particular section of the inauguration proceedings was in no way in-ferior, impressively, to what had gonebefore, namely, the procession. There werefrank and engaging comments on the charmand uncommon ableness of Mrs. Hutchins;and these were comments of an almost con-versational or drawing-room sort. Therewere affectionate reminiscences by PresidentKinley; and this was talking of a tea-timekind. But the formality which had beensounded by the procession maintained itself.Later, when President Robert MaynardHutchins conferred the Doctor of Laws degree on his father, President William JamesHutchins, the formality did not lessen; itsimply stepped aside to allow the occurrence of an act in which it could participate onlyas a background. This it did and, the actover, it resumed its course and its sway.It had been decreed that the inaugurationwas to be impressive, and so, of course,it was.It was, that is, except for the inaugurationspeech, wherein President Hutchins dis-carded not only his well-known, much-talked-about, and often-considered boyish-ness, but the impressive tone as well, and gotdown to certain commercial topics. It was,perhaps, better thus ; there would have beena discernable discrepancy in pulpit boyish-ness, and the statement of policy whichneeded expression at this moment was not ofa nature, being practical, to be cloaked informality. But this was the only interlude,and since it was really a self-sufficient partof the program, it did not so much jar withthe rest as stand apart. Whatever it did,it was compatible with, say, the high dignityof the procession, etc, etc. To expand on anearlier allusion, it was like an announce-ment, in the midst of a three ring circusperformance, that the next show is to goon at such-and-such a time and is to consistof this thing and that. Here again, I donot wish my figure to be thought applica-tory in other than an illustrative sense.I do not think that anyone on either sideof the aisle during the inauguration wasunobserving enough to consider the happen-ings as simply the induction of the University's fifth president. For they were veryfrankly, although far from bluntly, ingrediente of a University testament andprospectus. They formed an impression-istic survey of the University's modusoperandi, and they did that with a charm-ing ingenuousness that was none the lessimpressive for being so. An inaugurationlike this one cannot be expected to official-ize every University president ; nor, indeed,should it.The Inaugurai ExhibitionsBy M. Llewellyn RaneyDirector of the University LibrariesFOR two days the Faculty turnedshowman, and what a show it was.Practically overnight there sprangup in a half dozen places on the quadranglesan exhibition so interesting as almost tostartle, and then, the Inauguration over, itvanished as quietly as it had come. StaidPoliticai Science broke out in a riot ofEnglish election posters, with a phonographroaring out appeals from the leading candi-dates, the while rotating mirrors weretrapping the speed of light and ultravioletradiation was being made visible by a trans-parent fluorescent screen. One saw aBalzac novel built up in the proof of aslender text, at the same time that anotherfascinated crowd watched the Orientai In-stitute's seven Near East expeditions, bymaps, photographs, relics, and orai demon-stration, uncover the ancient civilizationsfrom the Black Sea to the Upper Nile — a2,000 mile frontier. A series of twenty-fiveplates traced the development of Latinscript from the rustie capitals of the firstcentury A. D. till the leap to print wasmade in the fifteenth. Four dictionarieswere shown in the making, and a monumentai edition of Chaucer. You surveyedIndian village sites, burial mounds, andtrails in northern Illinois, while the skele-tons disclosed by the economiste' twentytables and charts of the Illinois tax system,General Assembly coste, state revenues andexpenditures were quite as realistic as any-thing the anthropologists had dug up. Thebest American collection of Geiler, theGerman Savonarola of 1500, faced an arrayof Goethe, with a wealth of Walt Whitmanand early English newspapers between.Swift Hall bristled with Projects, runningali the way from religious education to theediting of the Rockefeller-McCormickmanuscript. Vividness was the rulingquality of the entire exhibition, whether inthe demonstration of speech pitch and in-tonation by the oscillograph, the display ofan English manor house roll thirty feet long, lantern slides of life in the past and rub-bings of monumentai brasses, sociologi-cai maps of Chicago, Nobel Prize diplomasand medals, or balopticon and transparencyportrayals of the heavens. It was a demonstration of power with processes sloweddown to the point of observation. Andthere were rich treasures, too, of books,manuscripts and beautiful facsimiles, butthis reminds me that I must drop enthusiasmand get systematic.There were six formai exhibits which,perhaps, a hundred collaborated to prepare,and besides, ali the laboratories kept openhouse for two hours each day, and eighthalf-hour tours were conducted thru theSouth Side School of Medicine and itsClinics.The Classical and Modem Language Departments united in Wieboldt Hall, theDivinity School and the Orientai Institutein Swift Hall, the Social Sciences in theirnew building, while the School of Educationthrew the class-rooms and new gymnasiumof the Laboratory Schools open to in-spection, and the Press displayed in IdaNoyes Hall.Language ExhibitionThe Language Exhibition, whichstretched thru six rooms, fell into two parte— present projects, and examples of ourresources in books and apparatus. TheChaucer and the American Dictionaryrooms where seen in operation. TheChaucer apparatus on display includedmanuscripts, 25,000 collation cards, chartsshowing relations of manuscripts, and studies of their early owners. For the Balzacproject were shown rare editions, manyphotographed specimens of his work in proc-ess, and especially a set of originai proofcorrections. The intensive cultivation ofthe Arthurian romances here was evidencedby a half dozen editions of that cycle andperiod, the typical evolution of a text beingshown in the "High History of the Holy8990 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGrail" from the photostat of the first re-daction in manuscript to the finished text.The Celtic exhibit included facsimiles of thethree oldest Irish literary documents, and amanuscript of Keating's "History of Ire-land" (i7th century).In the Phonetics Laboratory, the use ofX-rays to determine tongue position inspeech production, of the oscillograph torecord pitch and intonation, and of otherinstruments in phonetic studies — laryngo-scopes^kymographs, etc. — was interestinglydemonstrated.Work on the Dictionary of Synonyms,which aims to list and interpret ali thewords in the Indo-European languages forleading concepts, like "mankind", "father","mountain", etc, was shown by a chartcarrying the word for "world" in thirtylanguages, and then the first four pages ofthe synthetic study of this raw material.A Latin project contributing to the studyof certain classical authors and at the sametime adding to our knowledge of the intel-lectual standards and interests of the Middle Ages by publishing the classical manuscripts which bear the comments of ServatusLupus, an extraordinary medieval scholar,was exhibited in photographs of several suchmanuscripts.This Language Exhibit held rich treas-ures of manuscripts, books, and facsimiles,one room being filled with the Ryerson-Bacon collection of 3,000 manor documentsand the Rickert-Croxton collection of nearlya thousand lantern slides. There is notspace to list these rarities, but the University's possession of some 40,000 volumes ofAmerican literature, biography, criticism,histories of journalism and the theatre, andperiodicals of many sorte, signalized by astrong array of Whitman, and Hearn, and260 American plays published before 1830,must be mentioned.A wall display of materials illustratingthe backgrounds of literature, such as medieval views of Carcassonne, Constantinople,Rome, London, Canterbury, and even acollection of children's toys, completed thisexhibit, save that, as elsewhere, the departments' own publications and dissertationsformed a centrai feature. Divinity SchoolThis exhibit was headed by a display ofeight early printings of the English Bibleand six of the Greek Testament. Theformer were: Coverdale 1535 — firstprinted; Thomas Mathew 1537 — first li-censed; Rychard Taverner 1539; GreatBible 1539 — first authorized; Geneva 1560— first versified; Bishops' Bible '1568 —second authorized ; Rheims New Testament1582 — first Catholic translation; KingJames 161 1 — third authorized. The fifth,sixth, and seventh of these are first editions.The Greek Testaments shown were theComplutensian 15 14 (the first printed),and the Erasmus editions, first to fifth,dated respectively 15 16, 15 19, 1522, 1527,and 1535 (1541).The rest of the exhibit consisted of sixprojects in Church History, fi ve in the NewTestament Department, and five in Re-ligious Education. Four of the ChurchHistory projects are concerned with the recovery of the documentation and writingthe history of the Canadian churches and ofReligion on the American Frontier, 1783-1840 — Baptists, Presbyterians and Con-gregationalists, Methodists. A fifth projectaims to supplement the existing literarysources of information for the history ofearly Christianity by data from archeologi-cai sources. Under the final one, rare booksand manuscripts in the field of EuropeanChurch History are gathered. Ali six projects were illustrated by documents, the lastby a manuscript series of sermons of the I4thcentury, and the Opera Varia of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (end of I2th century).The New Testament Department's fiveprojects are: three volumes on the Rockefeller-McCormick manuscript — reproduction of the miniatures, a volume dealingwith the text, and one with the miniatures;a corpus of ali the New Testament illus-trations in Byzantine manuscripts ; collationof New Testament manuscripts in America ;acquisition of manuscripts; concprdancesand indexes. Illustrations under ali theseheadings appeared in the exhibition, in-cluding four manuscripts acquired in 1929,and as many during the exhibition. ThereTHE INAUGURAL EXHIBITIONS 9iwere three concordances, the latest beingone of the Discourses of Epictetus.The five projects of the Religious Education exhibit were; (1) The constructionof a curriculum for character and religiouseducation thru creative experience, basedupon the situations faced by the learner inthe normal experiences of everyday living;(2) the creation of a scale for measuringattitudes — in this instance, attitude towardthe church; (3) projection of long andshort term programs in the administrationand supervision of religious education; (4)the procedure of the Practicum in thesetting and execution of practical projectsin religious education under rigid self andgroup criticism; (5) the creation of religiousdramas.Oriental InstituteThis display was three-ply — field ex-peditions, activities at Chicago headquarters,and publications. The gravels of a pre-historic Nile bottom now dry disclosed theoldest known implements of man ever foundin the Ancient Near East. The perishingrecords which cover the walls of ancientEgyptian buildings are being saved andgiven sumptuous publication. Sargon'sAssyrian palace a few miles from Ninevehwas shown in excavation. The stables ofSolomon at famous Armageddon were disclosed in the photographs of the PalestineExpedition. Another has uncovered 300hitherto unknown Ancient Hittite cities,towns, settlements, etc, including the largestPre-Greek city ever found in Ancient AsiaMinor. Eighty bodies have been taken out,and a collection of cuneiform tablets, thethird to be found in Asia Minor. The religious texts written on the insides of thecedar coffins of aristocratic Egyptians arebeing copied. The lid of such a cofHn 4,000years old, with writing clearly legible, wasshown. With the Egypt Exploration Society, the Institute has an expedition at themagnificent Tempie of Abydos, the walls ofwhich bear the most beautiful colored reliefscenes to be found anywhere in the AncientWorld. These will be published in color.These field expeditions send their reportsand discoveries to Chicago, where, converg- ing on the Institute's archives, they furnishthe basis of study and publication by thehome staff, the most extensive of which atpresent is the new Assyrian Dictionary —the fourth dictionary being produced ?tChicago.An array of publications and the plansfor the new building, which will house aunique institution and form a researchlaboratory of which there is no duplicateanywhere, concluded this spectacular exhibit.Social SciencesHistory showed publications and dis-sertations — "these are my jewels".The display of recent English electionposters has already been mentioned. Politicai Science showed specimen sample ballote,also, charts and maps indicating the extentof participation in European elections from1884 to 1928, charts analyzing locai optionvotes on the saloon question in Massachusetts from 1882 to 19 16, police administration material, such as a spot map of trafficaccidente, finger prints, pictures showingthe lie detector in operation, etc, a chartshowing the organization of Chicago andCook County governmental unite, evidenceof irregular polling in Chicago, and statistica! apparatus including a Powers sorterand counter and a Monroe calculator.The economists had charts showing a lotof things about Illinois — e very tax imposed,the present reassessment, number of auto-mobiles assessed in comparison with licenses(3.9% in Cook County, 80% in threeothers), assessment inequalities amongcounties (29% to 60% of true value),township assessment inequalities (39% to60%), composition of assessments (realestate burden rising, personal property fall-ing), receipts and disbursements of the state1 821 -1929 (rapidly increasing), a statedebt of $201,000,000 amassed since the war,legislative coste from 1869 to 1929, showing, for example, 370 janitors in 1897 t015 in 1929, and 3 policemen in 1867, 93in 1901, 1 in the last five sessions.The striking feature in the Sociology exhibit was a series of over fifty large scalemaps of Chicago, among which may be92 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmentioned Distribution of nationalitygroups, Shift of Negro population 1910-1920, Distribution of Italians, of 2,000 de-linquent boys, of homicides 1918-1921, ofmotion picture theaters, of family disorgani-zation, of Protestant churches. Anotherdisplay consisted of the studies in the socialbackgrounds of Chicago's 80 locai com-munities and 300 neighborhoods.The relatively young School of SocialService Administration had maps of Chicagohousing coSditions, a collection of schedulesused in various family investigations, a seriesof studies made by former students whoafterwards became members of the researchstaff of the U. S. Children's Bureau, and,as everywhere, the School's rich file ofpublications and dissertations.Anthropology, starting anew in 1924,starts like a whirlwind, with 33 projects onhand already, in ali continente except SouthAmerica, from the Gobi Desert to NewSouth Wales. The list includes sevenethnological, six linguistic, and sixteenarchaeological projects, and four studies in-volving the use o;f native informants on thecampus. An intensive archaeological sur-vey of the northern counties of Illinois inprogress has mapped 900 Indian mounds(50 excavated), 25 village sites, and 20major trail systems. More than 50,000objects of stone, bone, shell, horn, and clayhave been classified and photographed.The exhibit showed excavation methods,restoration tec.hnique, and representativepieces of Indian work and skeletal material.Six portraits of distinguished members ofthe Social Science Departments hung in theroom, and the entire exhibition was in a newbuilding that has no counterpart the worldover. PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMYIn the surprise Physics and the Astron-omy displays, mention has already beenmade of the rotating mirrors to measurethe velocity of light, invisible light madevisible, the Yerkes Observatory trans-parencies and balopticon views. Therewere two forms of interferometer shown, alarge diffraction grating and the rulingengine in operation. Artificial sunlight ofcommercial lamps, the photo-electric cellsused in television, modem methods ofspectra study by controlied electron impactexcitation, diffusion pumps and othermethods of producing high vacua, photo-graphs of many types of band spectra,spectra of neon and helium with a Michel-son diffraction grating, interference fringesin radiations from mercury light, methods ofpurifying helium gas, the cathodic deposi-tion of platinum and silver on large mirrors,and a demonstration of the relation betweenX-rays and light, formed together a displaythat charmed those who saw it.The PressFinally, the Press, exhibiting centrally atIda Noyes and diffusedly with various departments, captured attention by ite illumi-nated display of our three Nobel Prizediplomas and medals, with their supportingpublications — Michelson, Millikan, andCompton.The library ran like a red thread thru aliexhibits.And then, the show over, the happy show-men struck tents and unaffectedly took upthe trails pursuing knowledge to the world'srim, and beyond. It could have happenedonly at Chicago.The Alumni ReceptionTHE reception for the alumni in IdaNoyes Hall on Wednesday afternoonbrought the inauguration festivities to aclose. The alumni invited were those inChicago and suburbs and those who werehere as delegates from other cities. Al-though the day was cold and blusteringthis was a gala occasion. The enthusiasmover President and Mrs. Hutchins broughtout the record breaking crowd of more thanthree thousand alumni.The receiving line, consisting of PresidentHutchins, Mrs. Hutchins, Vice-PresidentWoodward, Mrs. Woodward, Mr. Swift,President tìf the Board of Trustees, Mr.Hudson, Chairman of The Alumni Council,stood in the Library. Mrs. Sulcer, President of the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mr.Beck, Secretary of the Alumni Council, andMr. Cody, President of the locai AlumniClub, alternated in introducing the alumnito President Hutchins. The ReceptionCommittee, consisting of the alumni members of the Board of Trustees, the CitizensCommittee and the Affiliated Boards; re-lieved the tedium of waiting while the longline moved slowly forward through thelobby and the lounge. An air of gaietyand good humor pervaded the home comingalumni, who ranged in classes from the class of 1874 to the recent graduates of theSummer of 1929.Refreshments were served in the Refec-tory, which was beautiful with its massesof chrysanthemums in autumn hues andits wax tapers. Mrs. Lloyd Steere, wife ofthe Vice-President, was assisted by Mrs.Wilber Post in acting as hostess in thisroom. In the center of the room a roundtable was massed with flowers and in eachcorner of the room was a tea table presidedover by the wives of the members of theReception Committee. Miss JosephineAllin, Miss Alice Greenacre, Mrs. Benjamin Badenoch, Miss Helen Norris, andMrs. Edith Foster Flint, ali former presi-dents of the Alumnae Club, assisted in thisroom.In the library and lounge were MissGrace Coulter, Mrs. Lennox Grey, Mrs.Marcus Hirschl, Mrs. Henry Gordon Gale,Mrs. Dallas Phemister, Mrs. James West-fall Thompson, and Mr. Merrill, theHead Marshall of the University, MissGertrude Dudley and Mrs. George Good-speed.The beauty of Ida Noyes Hall, adornedwith chrysanthemums and talisman rosesmade a fìtting setting and spaciousness ofthe rooms made the movement of such aInterior of Ida Noyes HallThe Scene of the Reception9394 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEvast crowd possible without congestion.The splendid co-operation of the severalheads of the Hall, Miss Smith in the Refec-tory, Mrs. Goodspeed in the Club Roomsand Miss Dudley in the Gymnasium gaveus the use of the entire first floor and fromthe moment of entering the Gymnasium,where checking was speedily done, throughthe serving of refreshments, where largegroups were cared for so hospitably, therewas an atmosphere of cordiality and welcome which made the alumni feel that thiswas a family jparty.Those assistili g were: Mr. and Mrs.Charles F. Axelson, Mr. and Mrs. Harri-son B. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Eli B.Felsenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Huntington B.Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Hirschl,Mr. and Mrs. Walker G. McLaury, Mr.and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mr. and Mrs.Thurlow G. Essington, Mr. and Mrs. LeoF. Wormser, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ment-zer, Mr. Donald Trumbull, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Sulcer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steere,Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell, Mr. and Mrs.THE annual Football Dinner of theChicago Alumni Club was given atthe Stevens Hotel on Wednesday evening,November 13. Nearly five hundred of thelocai alumni gathered to do honor to Chi-cago's fighting team of '29 and to the GrandOld Man who taught them their stufi.Art Cody, as president of the Club andali-round arranger for the dinner, presidedover the gathering long enough to introduceRoy Maddigan as master of ceremonies.Roy, in his usuai good form, introducedthe speakers of the evening with many William Scott Bond, Dr. and Mrs. RalphBrown, Mrs. Edward R. Ferris, Mrs.Albert L. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. HaydenB. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby G.Walling, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hagey,Mr. and Mrs. George B. McKibbin, Mr.and Mrs. John F. Moulds, Mrs. EdithFoster Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cody,Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Mr. FrankMcNair, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkey,Dr. and Mrs. Wilber E. Post, Mr. andMrs. Clarence W. Sills, Mr. Robert Merrill, Miss Alice Greenacre, Miss JosephineAllin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon Gale,Miss Coulter, Dr. and Mrs. Dallas Phemi-ster, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Sherer, Mr.Herbert Zimmermann, Mr. and Mrs.Lennox Grey, Mrs. Benjamin Badenoch,Miss Helen Norris, Mr. Charlton T. Beck,Mr. and Mrs. James Westfall Thompson.Alumni Committee: Mrs. Henry Gordon Gale, Mrs. Marcus Hirschl, Mrs.Dallas B. Phemister, Mrs. Lennox B. Grey,Mrs. James Westfall Thompson, Chairman.a gay quip and subtle sally. PresidentHutchins, Major Griffith, Lawrence Whit-ing, Merrill Meigs, and finally AmosAlonzo Stagg, ali addressed the appreciativeaudience. There was music by the University Male Quartette and the UniversityConcert Band. Then the members of theteam were introduced to the men who havebeen watching them from the stands, andwith nine rahs for old Chicago and herteam, the meeting was adjourned until thefollowing Saturday afternoon, to reconveneat the Illinois stadium.Annual Football DinnerSojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin Smith, '981.THE Lowlander had, by late autumn,invaded so many work-shops, seen somany men, garbed for toil, immuredin dark places, searching dusty tomesor fishing among dark objects in cellars,that he was in danger of a generalization,to the effect : The Summit has no pomp, theSummit has no holidays.But soon arrived a day which upset thismisconception, which prorved how easilyroutine, how easily profound simplicities,could give way to the impulse, no less humanhere than elsewhere, to "dress up" a bit.There was a prince who was makinga good will tour of the country. His nameshould not be mentioned, because he wastraveling incognito. This saved him fromspeeches, while it did not prevent him fromleaving a streaked trail of publicity, of lit-tered luncheon tables, and of treasureddance programs. It burst suddenly upon theUniversity that he was to give it a fewhours, somewhat like the halt of a monarchwhen, journeying through a harsh land, hehears of a cooling spring. There was excite-ment in the quadrangles. There was sub-dued Joy. Yes, it was opportune. Justwhen things were brightening up, just whenalumni were beginning to think of AlmaMater again, and the world of lower levelswas taking a little notice as well, these peakswere to take on a radiance no one couldignore.A prince!2.University hospitality must be magnifi-cent. University ceremonies must be perfect.Preparations have to be refined in the great-est detail, the adherence to program exact,the role of each participant defined andlearned. In this, there might be thought tobe something inconsistent with the easy,casual spirit of such a place at ordinarytimes; yet no. On dress parade it is thata University shall prove its aesthetic su- periority, its "class." Standing above theconfusions and crudities of the lower level^it must be a pattern of how things are done.It must have its processions and its demon-strations, and should these falter the dis-grace would be as great as though a white-robed choir were to turn up the wrongaisle, or an organist burst into a recessionalduring the sermon.The Lowlander had observed that merecalendared events, like graduations orcorner-stone layings, followed a well established pian. But, confronted with anunexpected and special affair, there had tobe improvised an appropriate structure.This must be chiseled and polished by com-mittees and subcommittees ; and, in the lastanalysis, it must be proved by testing uponthe expert mind of an officiai for whoseknowledge of form and whose tactful firm-ness in settling small points the Lowlander— he from the land of shirt-sleeves — hadenormous respect: The University Marshal.An autocrat, that man — at certain times*He said the President should stand here,and the trustees there, and no one disputedhim. He would declare that the academicprocession must start at, say, 2:30 o'clock,and it would start, even if some emeritusprofessor of homiletics had lost his gown.The marshal had the combined offices andqualities of train-dispatcher, beadle, majordomo and social arbiter. And he had agold-tasseled cap.Ordinarily, he shone as an instructor inco-operative marketing.3.The committee on entertainment of theprince was meeting. Ite members werelearned in subjects as remote from royaltyas Mediterranean dialects, plant mor-phology, and industriai relations, but theywere also people versed in social usages andceremonial tradition; people who, it wassaid, "had a head for such things." As for9596 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe chairman, he was an archeologist. Hemight have been an equally great railroadsuperintendent or motion picture director.Looking down the long table, with its ex-pectant faces, he may have felt moved to aspeech, but he forebore. What he said —midway between salad and coffee — was:"Well, this looks like a considerable job.Let's get at it."He drew from his pocket a document ofeight typewritten pages, being the (tenta-tive) order of the day."I wilfcread," said he, adjusting a pairof spectacles. He read :"The prince and his entourage ^will passcast on the boulevard, turn north, entercampus, proceed into the south court, anddrive directly to the presidente office. Thepresident will be warned of their approach,and will descend the steps at (these hoursare not certain just yet) to welcome theprince at the threshold, together with members of the board of trustees and — ""A point there," from an attentive member. . "More democratic if the Presidentshall wait in his office and the prince go in,like anybody else."Nods from some members; dissent byothers. The chairman smiles encouraginglyat the latter."I pass on: 'Having signed the Presidente guest book, (being incognito, I won-der just how he'll sign it) and having beenbriefly — briefly — greeted by trustees, ali ofwhom shall be in academic costume, theprince and party — ' ""How many in the party?""Lord knows. One of the things we'llfind out later. . . . Don't interrupt somuch. 'The prince and party shall proceedon foot, past the orientai museum, and bythe east walk of the circle, into the ' ""Pardon the interruption, but it's important," breaks in a white-haired member,like a retired diplomat. "Did you say'on foot'?""It's so written in the scenario.""Well, really, should we force our royalguest to walW"Oh, pshaw! A prince can walk, can'the?"«But " "Well, well, we'll consider that pointlater. It's only one of six thousand details.I beg to proceed: 'The prince and party(no, I was past that) into the northcourt, where there shall be assembled theentire student body, and also a limited repre-sentation of the public '(Smiles from some members.)"And especially trained groups of studentsshall deliver in unison a selection of theUniversity yells.""Oh, I protest," says a professor withthick eyeglasses."Why?" demands the chairman. "We'vegot to show him what's called college spirit.""I quite agree," from several committee-men."It's undignified nonsense," says the firstspeaker."Do you wish to vote?"Numerous objections to voting. Thechairman, with a grin, proceeds to finishhis "scenario." The details grow more re-fined. At a certain place in the studentclub — adjoining the banquet hall — guestsshall check their hats; at a certain point inthe corridor, under the Union Jack ("I havethat queried in the MS.," interjects thereader) the prince shall stand and shakehands with all-comers; at a certain moment, admittance to the hall; at a certainother moment, music; and so on."You see, there are many things to besettled," observes the chairman, removinghis glasses. "There are the decorations,seating arrangements, menu ""Must have a subcommittee on menu,"prompts a member."And flowers? Who's going to pickthem out?"They look at each other in some dismay."And how about speeches?" demands heof the thick glasses.They discuss for some time the effect uponoratory of traveling incognito."The President may say a few words,"declares a well-posted professor. "Theprince cannot reply.""Why not?""It isn't done," the well-posted one insiste. "I remember, when I was at thereception to "SOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 97"Teli us that another time, George . . .Now let's get these subcommittees picked."Another half-hour is spent on this."Well," says the chairman, at last,"We've made a start. A motion to adjourn"But how about newspaper photographersand movie men?""Do we have to let them in?""Is this a public or a private ""Pshaw! Might as well let 'em in firstas last.""I object- — "In the midst of this flurry, the chairmandeclares the session closed; and, jerking athis watch, he is off.There will be other meetings; many,many more.4.The Lowlander well remembers thegreat occasion itself. He had seen not onlythe able chairman, but others of the schol-arly committee, become daily more horrified,more tense, sometimes almost irritable.Police arrangements, changes in the schedule(due to messages from the approaching entourage) bright but impracticable ideasoffered by noncommittee persons — ali contributed to the difficulties.The Lowlander had seen the President,in a very private committee meeting of hisown, going over the little speech he was tomake at the luncheon.There had been repeated coaching of thestudent leader who was to direct the "pep."There were impossible requests fromnewspapers, film companies, and radiomanagers. That other world insisted uponparticipating. It was a wonder that aca-demic dignity and urbanity did not whollycollapse.But it held. And so did the nerves ofthe committee on entertainment. As theDay arrived, as the very hour struck whenthe royal party was to make its glad entry,there carne to the aid of everybody responsive, a poise, an adequacy, due to verylong experience with ali sorte of ceremonies.The University rose to its duty like thepersonnel of a grand opera company, nerv-ous in rehearsal, but the more competentin performance. Such a moment as it was, when the automobile cavalcade, hearing His Highness anda few long-legged f riends, and preceded onlyby a pair of red-faced motorcycle police,rumbled into the quadrangle, and aroundthe graveled drive!What a picture, when the white-hairedPresident stepped out to the curb, bare-headed, and thrust out his hand to the slimand smiling young visitor — who might havebeen one of the Presidente own secretaries.A score of cameras registered. A crowd, adecorous little throng of students, janitors,and townsfolk, gazed from behind ropes,and barely cheered, so great was their awe.The time-schedule created by that ad-mirable committee now went into effect.At ten minutes past the hour, the waitingtrustees must release the prince, whetherhe had finished signing his name or not. Attwenty minutes past, the reception mustbegin. Fourteen minutes later, guests mustbe seated in the great luncheon hall — andmust have given up their tickets. (Tickets ?They were engraved cards, the size of teanapkins.) One hour and three minutesafter that, the prince must be rushing to hisnext engagement."Can it be done?" the Lowlander askedof a committeeman, who stood by theorientai museum, eyeing his watch."Can it? Just watch us. A universityis geared up to this very thing."The Lowlander did not pause to reflectupon this aspect of universities. Indeed,the august party were just emerging fromthe tali doublé portai. The President wasgesticulating ; the prince, hall a head shorter,listening. After them poured out a flushedgroup of miscéllaneous welcomers.More battalions of camera men — "stili"and "movie" — had wheeled into position.They rushed forward. For a moment thePresident looked stern. Janitors cleared aplace. And the procession moved forwardacross the quadrangle — afoot. Could aprince walk ? He proved it by a brisk pace,which, however, the President easily main-tained. Professors and deans, some of themnot so agile, fell in breathlessly behind.Stili after, there streamed an airmy ofphotographers, reporters, "members of the98 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEuniversity," and others, pursuing theyscarcely knew what. They trotted on thewalk, in the drive-way, even on the lawns.Dust rose behind this eager and over-taxedmultitude. A kind of frenzy, foreign tothese reverend courts, had for the momentseized their inhabitants.And in the spacious bowl, where ordi-narily the fountain played among the labor-atories, the student body, and the "limitedrepresentation of the public" formed a vastand tense layer of souls, spread out over thelawns, ancfc*up the sides of the terraces.These souls were swollen with a single pas-sion, no different from that which' fìres acity crowd in a presidential campaign — to"see him." The crowd flowed up onto thesteps and balconies and window spaces ofthe laboratories, in which ali work was sus-pended (unless Hastings, the odd chap!held on with his) and the entire flock ofinvestigators gathered at viewing-places.A pathway had been left, down the walkthrough the court, and the prince, a littlepale, passed with quick step between thewalls of staring faces.Suddenly carne a terrific outburst fromthe trained cheerérs, echoed by the crowdin general. The prince looked astonished,then recovered with a blush, marched aheadwithout more than an inclination of thehead, and presently found refuge within oneof the ivy-bordered doors. It remained open long enough to admit the receptioncommittee, then clanged shut.5.While the populace roamed and gazedwithout, the prince stood at the foot of aflight of velvet-carpeted stairs, in the cooland dim light of a hallway, and before himpassed a long doublé file of men. They wereabout equally faculty and citizenry. Ex-cept that the faculty wore gowns and thecitizenry very well tailored afternooncostume, they looked not very different.Well, yes; the invited city men, largelyfrom the financial world, were the stouterand the greyer.To the prince they seemed to be a merepassing blur of faces. Faces — faces, faces,smiling and curious faces so the worldof men presented itself to him. He mustsmile at each ; he must press a hand everyfive seconds. He must hear a murmur ofnames, and remember none.He was weary with the heaped up andlong-drawn kindnesses of his hosts for dayspast. He was incognito, but that did himno good. He could hardly stand on his feet,yet he smiled.And when — ah, when ? — would there passhim a familiar face, or a name be spokenwith which he could connect an idea?The long queue slid by with obsequious-ness and dispatch. The prince's arm pump-handled. The guests, with théir "prop"<*WThe prince, a little pale, passed with quick step between the walls of staringfacesSOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 99smiles fading off, made for the luncheon-room door. And now, at the very end ofthe line, there marched up quietly a figurein a gorgeous crimson gown. He trailedit as though born to it — though he conf essedlater it was years since he had worn it — andhe clutched his velvet cap under an arm,statuesquely. Who was this? What could it be the Great Man ?"And," said the officiai who was introduc-ing, "this is Professor X "The prince's eyes brightened. He shotout his hand. He held that of the GreatMan for a second beyond the committee'sschedule. And he looked into the face, thatunique face of genius, with earnestness, perhaps with envy.No one heard what he said, but everyonenoted the pause. A man who occupied onedazzling height had greeted him whoadorned another.6.After it was ali over, the reception, thelong, almost reverentially silent feast, thePresidente graceful little speech, and theprince's bow ; after the entourage had drivenaway with a flashing of glossy tonneaus,and a blare of horns ; after the last files andgroups of people had passed down thestreets, homeward, professors, in ali sorteof best clothes, and looking keenly in needof self-expression, swarmed into The Club.A heavy strain was off. The thing hadbeen done. The time schedule had won, byfour minutes and a half. Seated in alcoves,in the billiard room, members of the reception committee received glad hands.The archeologist-chairman was glum."I don't think it'was half the show itought to have been," he muttered."For heavene sake, why?" demandedanother."I don't know .... Didn't you notice :The cheers in the court went off too late.""That's nothing, my boy ""And everyone, especially those bankers, were expecting a speech by the prince. Atmost luncheons everybody makes a speech.""I feel pretty blue, myself. Think of mytroubles," put in he who had been chairmanof the sub-committee on invitations.The circle of professors who had notbeen chairmen sought to comfort thesemourners. They said that everything hadbeen magnificent, imperiai. They pointedout that the prince must have enjoyed hisquiet hour, there in the half-light of thelong hall, with no blaring music, or militaryregalia, or tedious addresses by heavy offi-cials."Compare ali this with what he's beenthrough," said one of, these comforters."Think of going around the world yourself,riding an everything from elephants tojinrickshas, eating gold leaf and drinkingvintage champagne, dancing with awe-stricken damsels — and having them teliabout it af terward — and the parades ! Oh,my stars, the parades ! The din of bands,the shrieks of crowds Then hecomes to this place: an hour of quiet, ofgentlemanly, discreet diners, of swiftly mov-ing Ph. D's in white jackets, serving viandsperfectly ...""You think so?" and the crushed ex-chairman began to brighten. And in a lowertone: "Someone said the invited gueststotaled a billion of wealth.""I told you," put in a wag. "The partywas a tremendous success."The ex-chairman rose."I'd rather dig for ruins, five miles thisside of Agadar," he proclaimed. "I'drather ride in a Moorish streetcar. Giveme a cue, sòmebody. I'm going to try toshoot a string, though I'm too nervous tomake a single carom. I'U never, neveragain be chairman of a royal entertainmentcommittee. I'd rather go to a divinity tea.""And I," from the chairman of invitations, "would rather attend ten presidentereceptions within a single fortnight."The Endocrine Field in Medicai ResearchBy Alfred E. Koehler, M.D.Department of MedicineTHE new University of ChicagoMedicai School with the incor-porated Lasker Foundation presentsideal facilities for medicai research. Everyeffort is being made to take the utmostadvantage of these opportunities and variousenterprises are being undertaken. It is ourintention fè present a part of the programrelated to endocrine studies. It is inter-esting first to recali briefly the trend thatmodem medicine has taken together withsome of the outstanding scientific accom-plishments in the endocrine field.The experimental method in the past fiftyyears has tended to transform medicinefrom an art utilizing empirical knowledgeor fancy to a science based upon observedand correlated facts. Real progress hasbeen made in ali branches of medicine butthe information stili to be gained dwarfsour meager knowledge. Although thepractice of medicine is one of the oldest ofthe arte, the scientific knowledge has nearlyali been accumulated within the memory ofphysicians and scientists stili living.One of the newer fields that is playingan important part in the development of theknowledge of medicine is that of the ròleplayed by the endocrine system. The wordendocrine is derived from the Greek mean-ing to separate from within. An endocrineorgan or gland is one that secretes a specificsubstance or substances into the blood whichinfluences other tissues or organs. Thus thethyroid gland secretes a substance whichpossesses among its properties the ability toaffect the rate and force of the heart beat.The early investigators agreed that iforgans of such functions existed, it waslogicai to assume that their failure to supplysuch a secretion in the proper quantity orquality might result in general dysfunctionand disease. Accordingly, partial or wholeremoval of a gland in a normal animaimight result in the production of symptomsand changes similar to those of the disease.This hypothesis was verified by subsequent experimentation. The possibility also pre-sented itself that the symptoms of a diseasecaused by over-activity of a gland, as inthe case of the thyroid gland, could besimulated by the excessive administration tonormal animals of the active principle ofthat gland. After the nature of these dis-eases was successfully demonstrated to becharacterized by glandular deficiency, itnaturally followed that attempts were madeto correct these dysfunctions by administration of normal glandular material or prod-ucts derived from it. Such substitutiontherapy was for the first time successfullyused less than forty years ago by the Englishphysician Murray. In his classical case thedistress of a patient suffering from markedthyroid gland deficiency was relieved fortwenty-eight years by the daily administration of sheep thyroid gland. The scienceof endocrinology, if such we may cali it,is exceedingly young. Its youth has alsocontributed to its very rapid growth.In the development of this field Americanscientists have played an important ròle.The separation and isolation in crystallineform of epinephrin, also known as adrenalin,from the inner portion of the suprarenalgland, the medulla, by Abel, Takamine andAlrich in 1901 was an epoch-making dis-covery. This contribution was of particularsignificance in establishing that such a gov-ernor, obscurely secreted, mysteriously regu-lating a distant tissue was in reality adefinite chemical compound of known mo-lecular structure. The vitalistic nature ofthese substances was further discounted bytheir synthesis in the laboratory by thechemist.The next outstanding contribution by anAmerican was the separation of the activeprinciple of the thyroid gland by Kendallin 19 15. This substance, known as thy-roxin, was obtained as a white crystallinepowder, a few milligrams of which had definite physiological activity. Recently,Harington in England identified and pre-100THE ENDOCRINE FIELD IN MEDICAL RESEARCH IOIpared thyroxin in the laboratory by synthe-sis. Dramatic indeed is the transformationwrought in a mentally and physicallystunted, thyroid deficient child by the dailyadministration of a few tiny white crystalsof thyroxin artificially prepared in the laboratory from coal tar products.The discove ry of insulin by Banting,Collip, and Best in 1922 is well known.The preparation of this active principle ofthe pancreas, the gland which controls theutilization of sugar in the organism, hasbeen of world wide benefit in the control ofdiabetes and is recognized as one of thegreat contributions to the practice of medicine. By diligent application these workersovercame the obstacles that had discouragedmany previous investigators in this field andthereby brought health and happiness to un-counted sufferers. The recent preparationby Abel of insulin in a highly activecrystalline form reveals the Constant progress that is being made towards ite identi-fication.The preparation by Collip in 1924 of anactive principle of the parathyroid gland,regulating bone metabolism and efficaciousin the treatment of tetany, marked anotherimportant contribution to the alleviation ofsuffering. The preparation in a very highdegree of purity of an active ovarian hor-mone by Doisy in the last few years hasadded to the list of valuable scientificstudies in endocrinology. The recent workof Evans in obtaining a growth-promotinghormone from the pituitary gland is a stepin the development of a therapeutic aid formetabolic disorders arising from pituitarydisease.Unfortunately the newness of the endocrine field coupled with its rapid growthand therapeutic promise has led to manyerrors and misconceptions. On the onehand these have been propagated by the overzealous investigator drawing conclusionsfrom too meager data or poorly controliedexperiments and, on the other hand, by themercenary charlatan who ignorantly plieshis trade of so-called glandular treatments.In reality, endocrine diagnosis, treatmentand research can hardly be practical in ahighly specialized way. So closely is the endocrine system and the f unctions of otherorgans such as the heart, kidneys, and thenervous system interrelated that a thoroughknowledge of internai medicine is necessaryfor clinical work in this field. There isreason to view with distrust the "specialistin glandular treatments."It is but naturai that the medicai group ofthe University of Chicago should have anactive interest and hand in this new fieldof endocrine research. The preclinical departments have for years been keenly activeand have added important contributions.The new clinical facilities with the incor-porated laboratories should be instrumentaiin greatly increasing the accomplishmentsin this field. Few institutions have the ad-vantage of the proximal and co-operativerelationship of the clinical branches of medicine and the fundamental and preclinicalsciences. Research in medicine and particu-larly in endocrinology necessitates the Constant co-operation of highly trained spécialiste. On the other hand, it needs individuaicreative imagination, intuition and responsi-bility that are rarely obtained in over-organized group research. These principlesare in effect at the University of ChicagoMedicai School in practice as well as intheory.An example of such a program is found inthe project dealing with the pituitarystudies now in progress. The preparation ofthe various active fractions of the pituitarygland and their standardization on animalsis carried out in the Department of Phar-macology. These products are furthertested and studied in the metabolic divisionof the Department of Medicine. The effectof these preparations is studied on patientssuffering from pituitary disorders with par-ticular reference to the various metabolicprocesses. In these studies exact objectivemeasurements are stressed and less attentionis paid to the more variable and less reliablesymptomatic responses. Thus several departments are deriving the mutuai benefit ofequipment, advice and information withoutthe compulsion and standardization so fre-quently seen in group research.Such co-operation is also carried out between the Department of Physiological102 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChemistry and the Department of Medicine. The former group have for sometime in co-operation with the Department ofZoology directed their attention and effortstoward studies concerning the testicularhormone. As in ali such studies, the firstrequisite was a reliable method of testingtesticular activity. They found that thegrowth of the comb in the capon when certain extracts were administered could bequite well standardized. Other methods oftesting weré% also studied with the resultthat a substance has been obtained from thetesticle, minute amounts of which havedefinite physiological activity in certainanimals. With true scientific conservatismthese workers have refrained from any pre-diction as to its clinical value. Thesestudies will be undertaken as progress intheir work permits.Another endocrine research project inprogress in the Department of Medicineand the Lasker Foundation deals withstudies concerning a new active principleobtained from the suprarenal cortex. Thesestudies had their origin in the desire to helpa group of patientsVwhose outstanding com-plaints were weakness, abnormal fatigua-bility, and subnormal energy production.The similarity of these symptoms to thoseof Addison's disease which is caused by adestruction or degeneration of the suprarenal glands suggested the investigation.The suprarenal glands are relativelysmall and are situated in the abdominalcavity directly above each kidney. Theseglands are composed of two parte, the innerportion contains the well known blood pressure raising principle, epinephrin, alsocalled adrenalin. The outer portion isknown as the cortex. It has long beenknown that complete removal of the suprarenal glands from animals is followed bymarked weakness and rapidly ensuing death. Physiologists have for sometime f elt that thecortex was really the important part of thegland responsible for the maintenance oflife and strength.After it was shown that epinephrin, themeduallary section, proved ineffective in thetreatment in these cases of abnormal fa-tiguability the studies were directed towardextracts of the cortex. It was fortunatethat a certain f raction of the cortex was obtained which was able to greatly increasethe heat production of a dog when givenby mouth. This property has permitted theconcentration and standardization of thissubstance.The clinical usefulness of this substanceis now being studied with special referenceto Addison's disease, myasthenia gravis (acondition of marked muscular weakness andfatiguability without demonstrable organicdisease) and the large, indefinite, undefinedgroup of general asthenia. In these studiesemphasis is placed on objective measure-ments of clinical changes.It is impossible at present to place anyreal evaluation on the results obtained todate. Due conservatism is particularlynecessary because of the spontaneous varia-tions in these diseases.For the study of rare diseases and alsofor the purpose of independent collaborationit is at times very valuable to obtain thehelp of distant physicians and clinics. Suchan organization was splendidly exemplifiedin the Insulin Committee organized by theUniversity of Toronto workers upon theirdiscovery of insulin. This group was composed of outstanding internists in variousclinics of the country. This represents atype of coòperation that extends far beyondthe limite of a single group or clinic. Theprecedente established in this direction willexpedite research and minimize errors.BOOK.<~/2A New Attack on an Old ProblemaTHE theories, experiments and clinicaltrials discussed in this monographconstitute a significant attack on theold problem, popularly known as "the restcure." When a person or an animai isseriously indisposed, the impairment itself,through pain, decreased strength, or de-creased interest, frequently compels inac-tivity. On the other hand, some disturb-ances of health are of such character thatthey lead to excessive activity, at least insome of the systems in the animai body.An example of this, known to everybody, isthe insomnia that frequently accompaniesmental work, worry or other types ofchronic strain leading to so-called nervousexhaustion. In this condition rest in theform of deep sleep may not come in theusuai way.Dr. Jacobson has started an objectiveanalysis of the changes or improvementsactually induced by such general rest. Heis also trying to answer the question whetherby repeated efforts or training a greater degree of rest or neuro-muscular relaxationmay be attained. In other words, can thisnaturai order of events (rest after work,inactivity in disease) be clarified by experiment and intensified by training so as tobecome a more useful guide in normal liv-ing, and a more effective therapeutic agentin our hypertensive age?The advance in our knowledge of thenervous system during the last generationindicates clearly that marked activity in onepart of the system, such as voluntary move-ments or other conscious processes, usuallyleads to an unconscious or subconsciousoverflow of nervous energy into almostevery system in the body. We have manyindications that such overflow of nervousenergies from the brain and spinai cord, if intense and chronic, may lead to disturbancesof normal functions in the heart, the bloodvessels, the alimentary canal, the digestiveglands, possibly of some of the endocrineglands, and, indirectly, of the nervoussystem itself. This lóoks like poor biologieengineering; but it is so. At the same timethe stream of sensory nervous impulses fromthese same internai organs, and particularlyfrom the skeletal muscles, tendons andjoints, appear to play a significant part inkeeping up the very centrai nervous processes which are involved in this nervous"overflow." On the basis of these faets itseems likely that if a high degree of muscu-lar relaxation can be produced by training,such relaxation will decrease the sensorycomponents which maintain centrai nervousactivity, and thus indirectly lead to furtherdecrease in the rate of destructive bodyprocesses. If this is so we have in relaxationa measure of voluntary control of the subconscious. Dr. Jacobson's thesis is an application of Professor Pavlov's principle ofconditioned reflexes, but in the reverse. Bytraining Dr. Pavlov establishes new con-nections or positive neural processes. Bytraining Dr. Jacobson seeks to weaken ordisconnect similar processes.Dr. Jacobson has obtained significantevidence in favor of his theory in some of thebody processes such as the knee jerk, spasmsof the esophagus, high blood pressure, etc.Conclusive evidence of greater degree ofskeletal muscle relaxation by prolongedtraining has not yet been obtained, but mostsubjects seem to be able to develop an in-creased sensitiveness to or recognition of thesensations from the skeletal muscles, andsubjectively they report a diminution orabsence of this muscle sensation in relaxation after prolonged practice. There are^Progressive Relaxation, by Edmund Jacobson; University of Chicago Press, $5.00.103104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEindications that the mere thinking of orimagining specific body movements leadsto or is accompanied by increased tensionsin the muscle system included in thisthought process. It is too early to evaluatethe therapeutic scope of relaxation, but theexperimental approach started by Dr. Jacobson gives promise of yielding significant in- sights to obstruse aspects of human physi-ology both in health and disease.The book is written primarily for physi-cians and biological investigators, but it canbe read with profit and without serious diffi-culties (in the matter of terminology) byevery educated layman.A. J. CarlsonHer Kingdom Round the CornerEilley Orrum, by Swift Paine.Bobbs, Merrill & Company, Indianapolis.OUT OF the yellowed newspapersof old Nevada and the firesidestories of hopeless miners, SwiftPaine, a University of Chicago graduate,has garnered the colorful story of EilleyOrrum, Queen of the Comstock.Seventh daughter of a seventh daughter,the Washoe seeress began her yearning,blunted life on the Scottish moors. Hereearly on dew-frosted mornings, she per-formed mystic rites and whispered her long-ings for wealth and many children to theswaying heather. Then carne her chanceto escape parental bondage, and Eilley nedto America with a new-formed Mormoricolony.Married at fifteen to a Mormon elderwho soon counted her one among manywives, her life became an oblivion for fiveyears. Then childless and forsaken, shemarried again only to obtain a seconddivorce. Always, as these first hopelessyears unfolded, Eilley Orrum believed thather dream kingdom was just around thecorner. At last, after a third marriage,it seemed that fortune had smiled on her.Possessed of a magic crystal in whichher seventh daughter prowess glimpsedmore or less true prophecies, she foretoldthe Comstock silver lode. Wealth un-believable poured in from her mine. And then, fired by a desire to bring thegreater, better things to the sodden miners,she journeyed abroad. With the latestParisian dictates in furniture, statuary, andchina, Eilley Orrum returned proudly toWashoe Valley, broadcasting invitations todinners, teas, and concerts. But the miners,sated in ignorance, preferred her wines toher culture and remembered Eilley, not asa benefactor of society, but as a keeperof a good wine-cellar.Then suddenly, wrecked years crashedover the golden era, and Eilley, her mansionmortgaged, her Parisian baubles auctionedaway, dragged herself alone through thespirithaunted days. At last, almost forgottenby the people she had hoped to rule, EilleyOrrum died in poverty.Swift Paine has portrayed her life fromScotland to Nevada with accuracy. Cus-toms, traditiorfs, and even fashions arehandled in minute detail. Here is historylivened by humor and careful characteriza-tion.For the real merit of the book lies inthe character study of Eilley Orrum. SwiftPaine has treated her with sympathy. Hehas touched her with pathos and farce,and from near oblivion has made^of her awoman whose tragic story will never beforgotten. Eloise Tasher Moore.in my opinionBy Fred B. Millett,Assistant Professor of English.ON THE urgent question of WalterLippman's Preface to Morals,honesty compels me to submit aminority report. The book, like FlorenceBarclay's The Rosary or Major Wren'sBeau Geste, is significant, not because it isworth reading, but because people read it.The doctrine of the book is unimpeachable ;what is objectionable is the form and finishof the doctrine. The book is ethicallysound, but aesthetically distressing.In the first place, although the design ofthe book is lucid, the proportions are un-reasonable. More than a third of the bookis given up to demonstrating that the foun-dations of traditional religion anc|. authori-tarian morality have been eaten away by"the acids of modernity." The devotion ofover a hundred pages to illustrating theobvious apparently arises from a singularlymorbid delight in kicking around a per-fectly dead dog. Less than a quarter of thePreface is devoted to its essence, the statement of Lippman's creed ; the rest illustratesthe operation of his ideal in the fields ofreligion, business, and love.Not only is the emphasis of the bookcuriously unbalanced, but the style of thebook is inexcusably dull. Since most talkabout style is too mystical to be intelligible,let me specify that A Preface to Morals iswritten in the wrong sort of words. Hiswords never cut or bruise ; they run throughone's fingers like pebbles rounded by infinite swashing in a linguistic sea. Forthose irritations of the nerves of which eventhe most uneventful day is full, one looksin vain in this book. I had thought thatmorality concerned creatiires with bloodin their veins, in a universe of mud and stars. Lippman's style almost convincesone that morality is a matter of disembodiedintellects floating disparate in a colorlessether. He should have left the treasure ofabstract dullness to the philosophers whohave always made supremely good use ofit. The suspicion grows that years of dailyand conscientious vulgarizing of his thoughtfor newspaper readers have staled his dic-tion, and made ponderous his phrases.It is a pity, for there never was a time (toadopt the tone of a conservative essayist inthe Atlantic) when people so grievouslyneeded sound doctrine and vigorous pro-nouncement on the score of morality. Cer-tainly, one of the most striking features ofthis unhappy age is its passionate search foreven a tiny Rock of Ages, for even a tem-porary shelter in a weary land. I am not,of course, thinking of the great and Constant masses whose conduct must always bean almost utterly behavioristic response tothe stimuli of their oppressive environment.Nor need one concerà oneself particularlywith those American millions whose handto mouth morality is that of the child,naive and self-seeking. Only the collapse ofthe stock market or the depletion of ournaturai resources will develop any inward-ness in their sensation-hunting lives. It isthose who are unf ortunately driven to thinking or attempting to think .who are in asparlous state as any saving remnant in athreatening world. The ship they sail onis awash with tremendous seas; it bearsthem away amid the wreckage of shatteredcreeds, through increasing gloom and dark-ness to inevitable destruction.The modem pessimistic temper, graph-ically if too unrelievedly described by Joseph105io6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWood Krutch, is induced, I feel sure, bythe sense of the extraordinary difficultieswhich modem conscious man faces: on theone hand, incredibly intricate personalities,on the other, an unbelievably complicatedenvironment. The machine age which hasrevolutionized our ways of living, if notof thinking, has brought us innumerable dis-comforts along with its electric lights andits open plumbing. With the railroad comesthe modem city, and with the modem citycome a devitalizing separation from nature,the banishment of leisure and solitude andopportunity for meditation, the horrifyingspectacle of undifferentiated millions in hun-dreds of thousands of standardized apart-ments, and that painful abrasion of decencyand self-respect and integrity which is theconsequence of unremitting human contacts.The single fact of the automobile is sostupendous in its implications that I wonderthat any of us who walk dare attempt tocross the Street.And the subjective complexity is no moreencouraging. Psychology, whatever formit takes, has revealed, not only the adapt-ability and the recuperative powers of thehuman organism, but its delicacy andfragility. For the highly individualizedpersonality, the problem of satisfactoryadjustment is almost always conditioned bythe handicaps of feelings of inferiority, andirrational attractions and revulsions of be-wildering ingenuity. It is not much to bewondered that an increasing number col-lapse under the strain between personalityand environment, and revert to an infantilefaith or a neurotic cult, or take refuge inthe asylum or the schoolroom.The cruelest blow the twentieth centuryintellectual has yet suffered is his disillu-sionment with science. Science, which, ac-cording to the nineteenth century prophets,was to save the world, and the scientificmethod, which we go on naively applying tofield after field where it can not function,produce what ? Not a new heaven on a newearth, but tables of statistics and charts toocomplex to bring balm to the sore heart. Science and the scientific method, whenproperly controlied and properly regarded,are our sharpest weapons in carving out newfacts and the relations between facts. Theyhave nothing legitimate to say about values,matters of feeling and emotion, which canbe measured, but unprofitably, in the modem laboratory. Science, as a panacea, isman's latest exploded nostrum, and the re-suite of the explosion have been so dire thata lost generation cries out for "A moralist.A moralist."Lippman's opportunity was a magnificentone; that he went a considerable way tomeet it, is greatly to his credit. He wouldbe the first to acknowledge that what hehas to proffer is a part óf the wisdom of theages. The weapons that Lippman puts intoour hands (in the clumsy sheaths of hiswords) are the virtues of disinterestednessand of contemplation. As a disciple ofJames, he would defend the former virtueon the ground that it works when narrowself-interest defeats itself. Disinterestedness comes, then, from taking the long view,from considering the remote consequencesrather than the immediate results of ouracts. Disinterestedness grows out of a ma-tured sense of reality, tends towards theminimizing of desire and hope; its preach-ment places Lippman in the goodly butslightly chilly company of the stoics. For,finally, the disinterested observer achievesa position where, "whether he sees the thingas comedy, as high tragedy, or as plain farce,he will affimi that it is what it is, and thatthe wise man can enjoy it." The objectionthat man can not enjoy high tragedy inwhich he himself is involved is pointless.The stoic does not seek pain, but he acceptsit as a part of "the firm foundation of un-yielding despair" on which he has to build.To many readers, the good life accordingto Lippman will seem austere and gray anddepersonalized. It is more inspiriting thanKrutch's, if less hopeful than Russell's. Itgives out a steady flame in the circumambi-ent darkness.Editor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck. '04EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Rollin D. He-mens, '21; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College— Roland F. Holloway, '20; Allen Heald,'26; Wm. V. Morgenstern '20, J.D., '22; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department ofEnglish.John P. Mentzer, '98, Chairmanere^crs & qommsnjALUMNI were much in evidence at theInauguration of President Hutchins.In the Convocation procession twelve members of the Alumni Council resurrected capsand gowns, and appeared in everything fromthe modest garb of the bachelor to the re-splendent robes of the member who re-quires ali the digits of one hand on whichto record his degrees.The alumni clubs were represented bythe following delegates, some of whom hadjourneyed thousands of miles to be presentat the ceremony:Chicago Alumnae — Charlotte ThearleSulcer, Louise Norton Swain, WinifredVerNooy.Chicago Alumni— Arthur CochraneCody, Frank Simpson Whiting, KennethAllan Rouse.Ames — John Nathan Martin.California, Northern — Bernard Benjamin Burg.California, Southern — Herbert FrederickAhlswede.Cedar Falls — Marguerite Uttley.Cleveland — Anna Harriet Blake.Dayton- — Charles Lee Sullivan, Jr.Denver — Reuben Gilbert Gustavson.Detroit — -Lena Harris Doty. Grand Rapids — Sumner Merrill Wells,Jr.Lansing and East Lansing — Marie Dye.Massachusetts — Helen Sard Hughes.Minneapolis and St. Paul — Glen MyersWaters.New Orleans — Mildred Gayler Christian.Omaha — Wayland Wells Magee.Peoria — Anna Jewett LeFevre.Philadelphia — William Henry Elfreth.Pittsburgh — Waldo Preston Breeden.Portland — Virgil A. Crum.South Dakota — Miriam Cressey.Springfield—Lucy Coleman Williams.St. Louis — Ernest Forrest Bush.Tampa — Edwin Earl Mahannah.Toledo — Cletus Verne Wolfe.Washington — David Lawrence Wickens.Wichita — Earl Kansas Hillbrand.Among the representatives of the publicand private schools were recognized Elizabeth Faulkner, '85, principal of the Faulk-ner School, Harry D. Abells, '97, principalof the Morgan Park Military Academy,Florence Holbrook, '79, principal of Wen-dell Phillips Junior High School, and' Joseph F. Gonnelly, district superintendentof schools at Chicago.107ALUMNI AFFAI R SMilwaukeeTHE annual University of ChicagoAlumni luncheon was held at theMilwaukee City Club at noon of November 7. fÀbout sixty guests from variousparte of Wisconsin, who were in Milwaukee for the Wisconsin State TeachersConvention, were present.Miss Delia Kibbe, Wisconsin State Department of Education, Madison, as chairman of the luncheon committee, introducedthe speakers and other committee members.Miss Pickett, Superintendent of CitySchools of Superior, and Mr. Lehmer of theLa Crosse High School responded briefly.Dr. W. C. Reavis of the University ofChicago presented a very interesting account of the University's extensive buildingprogram, describing the buildings whichhave already bèen completed and others forwhich ground will soon be broken. Heemphasized the f act that the University wasstriving for quality rather than expansionin size, and while these large additionalbuildings will of course accommodate morestudents, the real purpose is to further thegrowth of scientific study and research thatwill result in increasing value to its students. The numerous scholarships offeredare an inducement to students of highscholastic calibre who are serious in theirdesire to get ali they can from their college.While much graduate work is done at theUniversity of Chicago, the undergraduatework will retain its importance in the in-stitution.Dr. Reavis also mentioned variouschanges that have occurred in the personnelof the faculty, and gave a brief account ofthe work of several of the new members.The success of this meeting was due to theefforts of individuai in different sections ofthe state, who notified the schools in theirdistricts. The arrangements were in charge of Miss Delia Kibbe, Chairman of the committee, Mr. J. C. Lazenby of the StateTeachers College, Milwaukee, and Mr. O.Granger, Principal of Shorewood HighSchool. Recognition is due Principal O.L. Nixon of East High School, Green Bay ;Miss Lulu Pickett; Mr. E. F. Riley, Piatte-ville State Teachers College; Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Superintendent of the Training School of the Oshkosh Normal ; Mr. P.W. Keller, Superintendent of Eau ClaireHigh School; Mr. C. H. Walter of theKenosha High School.The Chicago Alumni luncheon has become increasingly popular each year as afeature of the convention. The committeeplans to work with the Alumni office atChicago in notifying members throughoutthe state the coming year.DetroitTHE first meeting of the University ofChicago Club of Detroit, for the yearI929-30 was held at the Book CadillacHotel on Saturday noon, Nov. 23. Aboutfifty members, and a number of guests, werepresent; among them, Dr. Burk, Superintendent of Schools, Boston; Dr. Shank-land, Secretary of the Department ofSuperintendents, N. E. A. ; Mr. and Mrs.Norton of the Research Department, N.E. A.; Mr. Frank Cody, Superintendentof Schools, Detroit. The guest of honorwas Dr. Chas. Judd of "our Alma Mater."Miss Claudia Crumpton, the president,first introduced Mrs. W. P. Doty, whogave a report of the Inaugurai Ceremonyfor President Hutchins. Her graphic de-scription of that momentous and inspiringoccasion gave a clear-cut picture to thosewho had not been fortunate enough toattend. The ceremony at the beautifulChapel, the luncheon, and the reception,were ali made vivid.108ALUMNI AFFAIRS 109After this report, the speaker of the day,£)r# Judd, was introduced. In his inimita-ble way, he told us of the material changestaking place at Chicago — of buildingscompleted, or about to be built; such as theMedicai buildings, Jones Laboratory, theFine Arte, and even, as Dr. Judd said,hopes of a new Education Building. NextWe were told more about PresidentHutchins, the "fastest learner," as Vice-President Woodward calls him; of thestimulation of his intellectual performance ;of his dynamic dreams for co-operative research in education; and so on; of howwhile 35 years of administration may be"imminent," the faculty could cheerfullysee it lengthened into 50 or 70.The Detroit Alumni feel a better ac-quaintance with each other; a closer bondwith the University; and, after so inspiringa meeting, a Joy together with ali the great"Chicago family" in accepting the newPresident.AmesThe University of Chicago Club ofAmes, Iowa, has had two very pleasantgatherings recently. At their luncheon onOctober 22, held in Memorial Union Hallat Iowa State College, the following officerswere elected: President, Dr. J. S. Turner;Vice-President, Dr. Kunerth ; Secretary andTreasurer, Mabel Russell. At a luncheonheld on November 2, Dr. E. J. Kraus of theBotany Department of the University ofChicago, who was the guest of honor, out-lined recent developments at the University.It was announced that Mr. J. N. Martinwould represent both the club and IowaState College at the inauguration of President Hutchins.MassachusettsThe University of Chicago Club ofMassachusetts met at dinner at The Com-mander Hotel, -Cambridge, on November12, with Professor Theodore G. Soares ofthe Department of Practical Theology ofthe University as guest of honor and speakerof the evening. The Massachusetts Clubis formulating plans for several other events this season, which, judging by their meetingof November 12, will be very much en-joyed by Chicago alumni in Boston andvicinity.An Alumna Is HonoredTHE National Commission on Law Ob-servance and Enforcement announcedthat the University of Chicago would con-duct for the Commission a study on thesubject of criminal justice and the foreignborn, one of the topics to be surveyed in theorganization's crime analysis.The University will perform this workthrough Prof. Edith Abbott, dean of itegraduate school of social service administration. Dean Abbott will select a staffof research people to assist her in the work.Dean Abbott has had a broad experiencein the field of both crime and immigration.Her first important work with respect tocriminals was that of statistician for theChicago City Council committee. on crimein 1914; subsequently, in 1921, she wrotea statistical report for the jail survey ofCook County, Illinois; she is a past chairman of the committee on probation of theAmerican Institute of Criminal Law andCriminology and is at present chairman ofthe committee on crime of the Illinois StateConference and vice chairman of the divisionon correction of the national conference ofsocial work; in 1925 Dean Abbott was adelegate to the international penitentiarycongress held in London.In the field of immigration and theforeign born Dean Abbott has also hadexperience over a period of many years.For three years she was chairman of thecommittee on scientific aspects of humanmigration for the social science researchcouncil; she is at present a member of theexecutive committee of the internationalconference of associations for the protectionof migrante with headquarters in Switzer-land.Dean Abbott has written a number ofbooks and monographs dealing with crimeand the problems of immigration.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy John P. Howe, '27The Department of PublicityIT IS suggested that the signals reading"School — Slow Down" which nowwarn the heedless motorists on the streetsanct, driveways in the University area bealtered to read "Don't Kill a College President — Please." This statistician and theamiable alumni-man, Mr. Charlton Beck,in their odder moments recently compileda list of former students of the Universitywho are now college presidente. That listnow shows the staggering total of no, morethan half the names being tagged withChicago degrees. If the ratio stili holdsthen at least one dozen future college presidente now tread the academic precincts asstudents, ali unknowing.w w «•At the recent salute of twenty-one gunsfor President Hutchins on November I9tn,which marked the start of the fifth era inUniversity history, an estimated 112 collegepresidente marched in the processionai. For14 of that number the event was in thenature of a triumphal return. They were(and are) Presidente George Milton Potter, A.M. '12, Shurtleff College; WalterGillian Clippinger, Otterbein College;Frederick William Shipley, Ph.D. '01,Washington University; Vivian BiancheSmall, A.M. '05, Lake Erie College;Mathew Lyle Spencer, Ph.D. 'io, University of Washington; Edward D. Dimnent,Hope College; Charles Frederick Wishart,College of Wooster; Harry MorehouseGage, Coe College ; Elmer George Peterson,Utah State Agricultural College; JamesRoss McCain, A.M. 'n, Agnes Scott College; Wallace Walter Atwood, Ph.D. '03,Clark University; Kenneth Gordon Math-eson, Drexel Institute; David Martin Key,Ph.D. '16, Millsaps College; and DiceRobins Anderson, Ph.D. '13, Ràndolph-Macon Women's College. Ali are formerstudents at the University. Other marchers who followed the gleamin Marshal Merrill's baton and who clas-sify as scholastic natives — returning were:Professor George David Birkhoff, represent-ing Harvard University; Vice-PresidentAlbert Davis Mead, for Brown University;Dean Thomas Wearing, for Colgate-Rochester Divinity School; Dean SelatieEdgar Stout, for Indiana University; Vice-President Henry B. Longden, for DePauwUniversity; Professor James PersonsSimonds, for Baylor University; ProfessorAlbert Augustus Trever, for LawrenceCollege; Dean Warren Palmer Behan, forOttawa College; Professor Nevin Mel-ancthon Fenniman, for the University ofCincinnati; Professor George PuterbaughBachman, for the George Peabody Collegefor Teachers ; Dean Cari Conrad Guise, forParsons College; Professor Helen SardHughes, for Wellesley College; and DeanEarl Kansas Hillbrand, for the Universityof Wichita.« « »Harold Swift, presiding with his im-peccable rhetoric over the quietly spectac-ular banquetboards on Inaugurai Evening,reported in his prelude the best absent-minded-professor story of the year. Oneof our most eminent scientists, it seems,walked out of the Quadrangle Club on anevening this year wearing a coat whichcovered him like a toga. The sleeves fellto his fingertips. The hem swept the pave-ment. The ganuient sagged and billowedlike Skippy's. Meanwhile the owner of thecoat was searching diligently among theclubhouse racks. After a time, back carnethe scientist. "I am afraid," he said to theattendant in his well-known dulcet voice,"that you have put these gloves in mypocket by mistake."The yards and yards of newspaper spacewhich meant "complete coverage" on theNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESHutchins inaugurai would, if laid end toend, reach from the River Jordan to St.Agnes Ève. Here are a few random linescut unfairly from their contexts:"— In the presence of the world's mostlearned men, assembled in numbers seldomequaled at a single time and place — ";"— most imposing pageant in the University's history — " ; "- — Ali the circumstancesof the inaugurationseemed loaded withhappy augury — ";"— the community,the state and theWest generally welcome the new president, and expectmuch of him. Hailand good wishes tothe new, young, de-termined president— "; "—few ad-dresses by heads ofuniversities have putthe case for education and public sup-port of fruitfuleducational effortsas effectively as hasPresident Hutchinsin his trenchant address—" ; "—Chicago has reason tobe proud — " ; "— hasalready establishedhimself in the esteemof the communitynot only for his likable personal traits butfor his clear grasp of — •" ; "— the solidaristocracy of the town assembled in suchnumbers as never before — •" ; "— every tableboasted men and women noted for individuai achievement — ."Mr. James O'Donnell Bennett's fourstories in the "Tribune" caused the widestcomment.W <f wOf the making of new buildings thereis no end. During the month since the lastpublication of this magazine the followingevents have transpired :Corner-stone laying for the $1,800,000Among the Special GuestsFormer Governar Lowden of Illinois andGovernar Kohler of WisconsinAnnouncementChicago Lying-In Hospital and Dispensaryand for the Mothers' Aid Pavilion whichare rising along the Midway betweenDrexel and Maryland avenues.Breaking of ground for the $140,000Botany Laboratory on Ingleside avenue between 56th and 57th streets.Completion and occupation of the $650,-000 Social Sciences Building betweenHarper Library andFoster Hall.Dedication of the$400,000 BernardE. Sunny Gymnasium for the laboratory schools onKenwood avenuenear the Midway.Announcement byPresident Hutchinsthat a $600,000Field House will bestarted as soon asplans are fìnishedand approved.Announcementthat Mr. John D.Rockefeller Jr. willprovide funds for anInternational House,to be devoted pri-marily to the use offoreign students, andto cost more than$1,000,000. Thesite of the Del PradoHotel is favored.of a gift of $1,500,000from the General Education Board "for thefurther development of the Department ofEducation," which insures the erection ofa graduate building for that Departmentadjoining Emmons Blaine Hall.In recapitulation, the new buildings com-pleted and occupied this year are the Black-stone Avenue Power House, the SocialSciences Building, Bernard E. SunnyGymnasium, George Herbert Jones Chem-istry Laboratory and the Botany green-houses. Those under way at present arethe Chicago Lying-In Hospital, Bernard A.Eckhart Hall for Mathematics, Physics and112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAstronomy, Bobs Roberts Memorial Hospital and the Botany Laboratory. Thosedefinitely to be started in 1930 are theSouth-of-the-Midway dormitories, theField House, the Orientai Institute, the ArtBuilding, the Gertrude Dunn Hicks Ortho-pedics Hospital, the Nancy Adele McElweeMemorial Hospital and the GraduateBuilding for the School of Education. International House may not be started in1930.Walter Kennedy, captain of the 1899Championship team, can stili kick a football. He booted one forty-five yards for the benefit of the newspaper photographerson the occasion of the reunion of his teamfor the Wisconsin game. Practically in-tact, though a dozen of the boys had tocome from far out of town to establish thatintactness, the 1899 Championship teampresented a solid and rather formidablefront at two banquets in their honor. Thefootball was not kicked at either of thetwo banquets but on Stagg Field beforethe game.» w wIncluding the 47 "Honor Scholarships,") Freshmen who entered the University thisautumn hold 126 scholarships, the largestr in University history.Forty police chiefs from all-over-the-country attended a two-day conference inthe Reynolds Club theater November 11and 12 at the invitation of Professor AugustVollmer, Chief of Police of Berkeley, California, who is now teaching at the University. Steps toward more complete andstandardized recording of crime were taken.Last month Professor Vollmer received awire from Seattle asking for advice on abaffling murder case in which the "corpusdelieti" could not be established. ProfessorVollmer sent out his "lie-detector" and anexperienced operator. At this writing thecrime seems to have been solved. By aprocess of elimination in the questioning ofthe suspect, one Decasto Earl Mayer, thepolice found the lie-response on the questionof the murder, on the manner of the murderand the disposition of the murdered man'sbody. By going over the list of ali possibleways in which a body might be hidden, theexaminer got the lie-response to the sug-gestion "cemetery." Then by going overthe list of Seattle cemeteries he was able todetermine from the answers which cemeterycontained the hidden body. At this pointthe suspect confessed the crime but laterrepudiated the confession. Police are nowdigging in the vicinity determined from thesuspect's reactions and expect to have thecrime solved within a few days. News: Mr. Cyrus Stephen Eaton,Cleveland capitalist, has been elected to theUniversity's Board of Trustees. Dr. Joseph B. DeLee has been appointed Chairman of the newly created Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology and Dr. FredLyman Adair of Minneapolis is the firststaff appointment in the department. Dr.Edwin Bidwell Wilson of Harvard University will be the Orator at the I58thConvocation on December I7th.*? <? <?Discovered — a 5,000 year old village inAnatolia, containing valuable relics, byProfessor Martin A. Sprengling of theUniversity's Department of Orientai Languages and Literatures.The University's Board of VocationalGuidance and Placement found employ-ment, during the past academic year fornearly one-half of the undergraduates.Taking into consideration those who foundwork without the aid of the bureau, onecan safely say that more than fifty percent of the men and one-fourth of thewomen are earning part or ali their waythrough school. Over $300,000 was earnedby students, undergraduate and graduate,during the past academic year.wwwBy William V. Morgenstern, '20, J.D., '22The Season's Record:27 Beloit o9 Lake Forest 713 Indiana 7io Ripon oO Purdue 2615 Princeton 76 Wisconsin 206 Illinois 2026 Washington 6THE current football season has leftbut one regret — that Mr. Stagg'syoung men can not be out there startingthe season at the point where they left off.When the Maroon team ended its scheduleagainst Washington with the most brilliantdisplay of aerial fireworks that the Middle-West has seen in years, Chicago had a football team that was just beginning to click.So long as material here is such as it is, theOld Man will have to work and scheme aliseason to get his team to function at itsbest.But there in nothing in the 1929 recordthat requires apology. Chicago lost threegames to conference teams that had in-finitely better material. Purdue won theBig Ten championship; Illinois finishedsecond; Wisconsin, though it won its onlyconference game from Chicago, had enoughat the start of the season to be rated as astrong contender. There were two finevictories over Princeton and the Universityof Washington, as well as those overIndiana and the three non-conference op-ponents. When it is considered that onSeptember 15 the outlook was bleaker thanit was last year, that record is somethingto point to with pride.The season is largely a personal triumphfor Coach Stagg. The "ali" teams are beginning to make their appearance, and youwill find no Chicago man on them, for the simple reason that Chicago had no greatindividuate. There were men who playedconsistently good football, but they were notstars. Most of these men were Staggmanufactured — the backfield that routedPrinceton's array of prep school productsconsisted of four men who never playedhigh school football. In fact, ten men onthe squad, seven of whom saw steady service,never played football until they carne toChicago. Ben Wattenberg, the most sen-sational forward passer in the conferencesince Benny Friedman, was near sighted,and at twenty yards had to pick out his re-ceiver by the direction in which he wasmoving and the spot at which he wassupposed to be.The myth that Stagg knew nothing aboutthe "open" game finally went up witha loud bang this year. Lacking the drivingbacks of the Thomas type, and with a linenone too great, Stagg developed his"flanker" pass play into a bewildering attackthat went down the field on Princeton,Wisconsin, Illinois, and finally, reachingperfection against Washington, producedtouchdowns in a hail of passes. It wasa great oflense, entirely Stagg devised.Like so many other of Stagg's ideas, it isalready being paid the tribute of imitation,and will be broadly copied next season.Various of his rivai coaches have alreadysaid they intended taking it over. It isentirely too good to be unappropriated.As to the individuai games: Purdue out-classed the Chicago team, as it did the restof the conference, but even so, the issuemight have been closer were it not that fiveregulars were hurt and out of the gamebefore the half was over. They took theoffense with them, and Purdue, which wasbacked up to its own goal in the firstquarter, swept through with runs and1x3ii4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpasses. A special defense constructed tomeet the Boilermakers failed because twomen could not meet their responsibilities.The victory over Princeton was clearcut. Coach Roper started a substitute teamagainst Chicago, because the day was hotand muggy, and Chicago had no reservestrength. The Maroons backed that secondteam down the field, and when the regularscarne in, blocked a kick for a safety. ThenPrinceton scored, and Chicago carne back tomake two touchdowns, one of them a bril-liant 8dt-yard run by Van Nice, aided byfine interference. For sheer excitement thisgame was the biggest thriller sincè the 21-21tie with Illinois in 1924, the background ofthe two games with Princeton in 1921-22heightening the tensity.The showing against Wisconsin was theone unsatisfactory game turned in, becauseit was one that Chicago let slip away.Two blocked kicks early in the game settledthe issue, and Wisconsin, heartened by thelead that resulted, played an entirely dif-ferent game than it would had Chicagoscored first. With the score 20 to o, theteam fought its way down the field in thelast few minutes for a touchdown, usingthe "flanker" play.The strong Illinois running game wasstopped, but Illinois passes produced twotouchdowns. Then, with Wattenbergthrowing the ball, Chicago went nearly 80yards for a touchdown. With a chance totie, Chicago fumbled and Illinois recoveredin position for another touchdown.Washington, with a big and powerfulteam, was next. The Huskies, torn bydissension early in the season, rallied tohold the two strong teams of the Coast,Stanford and California, to one-touchdownvictories, outgaining these two decisively.There was no chance to match strengthwith Washington, so the Maroon team tookto the air, throwing passes to make threetouchdowns in the first half. There werelong ones and short ones : lateral passes anddoublé and triple passes and passes thatstarted as bucks and runs, with Wattenbergaiming most of them, and Bluhm throwingwhen Wattenberg was out. It was a re-markable demonstration of deceptive offense, and the sports writers since have unani-mously agreed that this fellow Stagg is agreat coach, and always has been.Twenty "C's" were awarded at the doseof the season. Men who had previouslyreceived the award were : Capt. Pat Kellyand Howard Jersild, ends; Forrest Fro-berg, tackle ; Wayne Cassie, guard ; CharlesWeaver, center; Walter Burgess, fullback.AH of these but Froberg graduate. Thenew winners were: Paul Stagg, quarter-back ; Joe Tempie, fullback ; Sam Horwitz,guard, and Walter Trude, tackle, alisophomores; Andrew Brislen, guard; TomCowley, end; Walter Knudson, fullback,and Errett Van Nice, half back, juniors.The seniors to receive their first letterswere Glenn Heywood, quarter; HaroldBluhm, half; Ben Wattenberg, fullback;Jonathan Bunge and Max Sonderby,tackles; Leon Carroll Marshall, Jr., center.Nine of this group return next year, andwill be supplemented by the minor letterwinners and the freshmen. The freshmenteam is the best in many seasons, but it isnot going to provide enough men to winany conference championships. The era ofdevelopment stili remains, and will, for atleast two more years. The backs in thesquad are better than the linemen, but theimprovement generally is heartening.Don Birney, from Grand Island, Neb.,is a good "triple threat" man, and incident-ally, is a 12 foot, 6 inch pole vaulter.Wallace, from Morgan Park MilitaryAcademy, is a good free-running back whoought to be very helpf ul ; Alien Rudy, fromCanton, O., who won an 880 race in theStagg Interscholastic, is promising as a ballcarrier. Sahlin, an ali-city man fromSchurz, is probably the best of the lot; aclever runner, and hard blocker and tackler,but, alas, the young man is down four gradepoints after two quarters here. Mahoney,from Parker, is another possibility. Inthe line, there is Warren Bellstrom, a165 pound end from Tilden, who ought tobe in there next season; Sam Hassen, whowas ali-city center at Marshall, but whohas been shifted to end because of lack ofweight; Maneikis, a Chicago product, is agood tackle prospect, heavy, and aggressive ;ATHLETICS "5Alfred Jacobsen, from Missoula, also hasability. The guards are mediocre ; at centeris Zenner, who knows football, and will bevery useful, if not at center, perhaps as aback; Keith Parsons, 170 pounder fromDavenport, and Howard Gowdy, 160pounds, brother of the tackle and captainof several years ago. Alvin Jackson, fromGary, Ind., an end who weighs 194, is agood player who was unable to practicebecause of work. He is also a first ratehigh and broad jumper. It will require spring practice to determine just how help-ful the freshman squad is to be.Errett Van Nice, junior, who was themost dangerous of the backs this year, waselected captain for 1930. Van Nice is oneof those who never played high school football but was developed by Stagg, and isthe first man without prep experience to winthe captaincy. He weighs 196, is fast forhis size, and ought to be very successful asthe passer next year.Reunion of the Champions of '99By Walter Scott KennedyELEVEN of the twelve regulars of the1899 championship football team wereback for the reunion at the University onNovember 9. The twelfth man, Fred Feil,left tackle, was unable to come. Thosewho were there are: Dr. Kellogg Speed,center, Chicago; Herbert F. Ahlswede,right guard, Long Beach, California;Charles G. Flanagan, left guard, Forks,Washington; Jonathan E. Webb, righttackle, Berkeley, California; Bert J. Cas-sels, right end, Chicago; William F. Eld-ridge, right end, Corona, California ; JamesM. Sheldon, left end, Chicago ; Dr. RalphC. Hamill, right half, Chicago; James R.Henry, left half, Chicago ; Frank L. Slaker,full back, San Francisco, California; andWalter S. Kennedy, quarter back, Albion,Michigan. Only two men besides the aboveare listed in the Chicago records as substi-tutes. They were Charles Irwin, half, andAugust Holste, quarter. Both got theirletters. Irwin died in 1924 and Holstecould not be reached for the reunion.Those who were carried on the squadand ate at the training table in 1899 wereDr. Alvin B. Snyder, Blue Island; AlfredW. Place, Detroit; Edson B. Cook, de-ceased; James G. McNabb, Chicago; Edward P. Rich, Chicago; Frank O. Horton,Buffalo, Wyoming; Charles J. Webb,Spokane, Washington; and Phillip Wellington, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Ali ofthese were at the reunion except Cook, Horton and Webb. The two latter plannedto come but wired at the last minute tocancel their reservations.Headquarters for the team were at theChicago Beach Hotel, where Ralph Hamilland the writer were hosts at a small dinnerFriday evening, at which the "Old Man"and several old timers were the guests ofhonor along with the '99 squad. The bigaffair was the dinner given by the AthleticDepartment at Ida Noyes Hall Saturdayevening.A noticeable thing was the physical con-dition of the first string men, most of whomcould have gotten into their football togsof thirty years ago, and none of whomweighed more than ten pounds over their1899 playing weight.One of the "kicks" the squad got out ofthe reunion was in going over the presentfacilities for taking care of the teams andcomparing thenij with what we had in 1899,in the old gym which stood about whereMandel Hall now stands. We hung ourwet togs in wooden lockers, hoping theywould be dry the next day, but they neverwere; wet shoes usually dried enough to behard and stifì, but the jerseys and pantsrarely lost their aromatic dampness duringthe season. Bruises were taken care of byHiram Conniber, about the best trainer ateam ever had, in an inside room lighted,and sometimes ventilated, through a sky-light. A bottle of liniment, some bandages,n6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand a wooden door laid across two saw-horses were Con's equipment and he didwonders with it.The games thirty years ago were forty-five minute halves with a ten minute inter-mission. A crowd of ten thousand wassomething to put in the headlines. Cheerleaders and bands were yet undeveloped.It was just plain raw football, five yardsto go, three downs to do it in, and fix yourown teeth after the game.We played eighteen games in the seasonfrom September 9 to December 9, winning sixteen and tying two. Five games straight,against Cornell, Oberlin, Pennsylvania,Purdue and Northwestern, were playedwithout time being taken out for a Chicagoman. In the last game against Wisconsin,December 9, no substitutions were made,and this was true of many of the games.As Dr. George Vincent once said in amass meeting thirty years ago, probably re-ferring to Andy Wyant's crew of which weread in last month's Magazine, "Therewere giants in those days."m "¦ iThe Champions of '99Upper row: Flanagan; Feil; Ervin; Cassels ; Conniber. Second row: Gale, Assistant Coach;Slaker; Speed; Henry; Ahlswede ; Herschberger, Assistant Coach. Bottom row: Stagg, Coach;Eldridge; Hamill; Kennedy; Webb; Sheldon; Holste.A Lay of Ancient ChicagoDedicated to the University of Chicago Football Team of 1899.Pile logs upon the fire — draw up an easychair —Take out the old black briar and purifythe air —Tonight we fly to yesterday, across themisty years —We leave behind the autumn gray, andbrown youth reappears. Old goal posts rise before us, against acloud-hung sky,Forgotten thrills sweep o'er us — some thingswill never die!Here dashes through the gridiron gates —the team of Ninety-Nine !When Stagg made backs of heavyweightsand put Speed in the Line.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 117just published:Entirely New-74^ editionEncyclopaedia BritannicaTHERE has never been any-thing like it — never anythingeven remotely approachingthis magnificent new FourteenthEdition of the EncyclopaediaBritannica. Cast asidé your old ideasof reference works and encyclopae-dias, for here is something new, dif-ferent, tremendously vital, alive."An unprecedented achievement,"is the verdict of foremost critics, averdict that is sweepingthe country."The most exciting book of 1929,"says Henry Seidel Canby. "The lastword in encyclopaedia perfection,"says a well-known librarian.And so it goes, without a ,/dissenting voice! This hand some bookcase table, made ofgenuine Brown Mahogany, is includedwith every set of the new Britannica.3,500 ContributorsThe roster of contributorsis a roll-call of the greatand famous from the wholeworld— 3,500 from fìfty dif-ferent countries.No university could pos-sess such a faculty, no whereelse can you fìnd so complete a survey of the entirerecord of human thoughtand achievement.Unique in Human Interestand Practical ValueThe new Britannica is not onlyunique in scholarship. Itis uniquein human interest and sheerpractical value.The amazing richness of illus-tration alone makes every subjecteasier and simpler to grasp, andat the same time ten times moreinteresting than ever before. AN AMAZING WORK35,000,000 WordsNew from Cover to CoverCost More Than$2,000,00015,000 lllustrationsNearly 500,000Index ReferencesRemember — this is a newwork! Only a small amount oftext — material which couldnot be improved in any way —has been retained from pre-vious editions.This new Britannica brings toevery American homethe limitless possibili-ties of modem knowledge.AstonishinglyLow PriceTHE price of the newBritannica has beenfixed so low that you will marvel at this new evidenceof modem printing efnciency.In addition, you may own andenjoy it immediately on one of theeasiest time payment plans everde vised. A deposit of only $5 bringsthe complete set with its bookcase table direct to your home.Send For FREE BookletLearn about the new Britannicawhile it is stili possible to get aset from the first printing at thelow price that now prevails. Sendfor our handsome new 56-pagebooklet containing rìumerous colorplates, maps, etc, from the newedition.A free copy of this book isyours without the slightest obligation. Use the handy couponbelow.MAIL This Coupon TODAY ¦ ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC- I¦ 342 Madison Avenue, New York City UCM9-B2 ¦Please send me by return mail, without anyobligation on my part, your 56-page illustratecibooklet describing the new Fourteenth Editionof the Britannica together with full informa-tion concerning bindings, low price offer, etc.Name City_ -State-nS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThere was a team unbeaten — that, for apractice gameOn Wednesday, just to sweeten its score,played Notre Dame.They roared on through "Cornell I yell" —and did up Brown for fair,While Pennsylvania did well to tie them bya Hare.They thought Northwestern funny — theydid not fear Purdue —Took Minnesota's money — and cleanedWisconsin too.If football games are played above, andangel coaches dreamAbout the team that they would love, they'redreaming of that team.There was a guard ali Irish, another wasAhlswede,The whole line was perspirish, especiallyKel Speed,Opponents just wore out who tried to polishoff our Feil,But when they plunged the other side, aWebb would stop the pile.Twelve weeks the team played weekly, butat the end was strong,For Sheldon played uniquely and Casselsrang the gong,And there was Billy Eldridge too, he'dtackle anything,Ralph Hamill and Jim Henry who meantdeath on either wing.Behind the line was Slaker, "human 13-inch shell,"And as the team pace-maker, Cap. Kennedy— oh, well — ¦There never was a team like that — itcouldn't happen twice —Postage is prepaid by the publishers on ali ordersfrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico,Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, HawaiianIslands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands.Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada,18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali othercountries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annualsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the AlumniCouncil and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange. poste,! or express money order. If locai Each sub. was an aristocrat, a noble sacrifice.Now after thirty years had passed that teamcarne back one dayTo their old field, and Stagg announcedthey were prepared to playAny team, east or west or north, thirtyyears out of school,But every college answered Stagg:" 'Twould be against the rule,"Rule twenty-seven-forty-nine provides noteam shall play"Ten minutes without substitutes. Butthese men old and gray"Would try to play the whole gamethrough, as in the days of yore,"Although they might be short of breathand find their muscles sore."We can not let this ancient team upsetour new tradition,"Besides our team of Ninety-Nine is in nosuch condition!"We cannot guess upon what meat thisteam of yours was fed,"But there's a song about a hunk of grizzlybear," they said.Then, with that gentle courtesy that nowperfumes the game,Each college president wrote this, before hesigned his name :"Some thirty years ago these men beat boththe East and West,"And now theyVe beaten time itself, whichproves them best of best,"So we'll concede, in answer to the challengeyou have hurled,"This team of Ninety-Nine is now theChampion of the world."Donald Richberg — 'oi.check is used, io cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withinthe month following the regular month of publication.The Publishers expect to supply missing numbers freeonly when they have been lost in transit.^Communications pertaining to advertising may besent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Craw-fordsville, Ind , or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.Communications for publication should be sent tothe Chicago Office.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 119BIG AND LITTLE, RICH AND POOR, CAN PROJECT THEIR PERSONALITIES OVER THE WIDE NETWORK OF ITS WIRESIn the service of ali the peopleAn Advertisement of theAmerican Telephone and Telegraph CompanyThe Bell System is owned by450,000 stockholders and oper-ated by more than 400,000workers for the service of the people ofthe nation.It is a democratic instrument of ademocracy. Big and little, rich andpoor, can project their personalitiesover the wide network of its wires. Forfriendship or business, pleasure or profit,the telephone is indispensable to ourmodem civilization.This year the Bell System is erectingnew telephone buildings in more than aoo cities. It is putting in thou-sands of miles of cable, thousandsof sections of switchboard andhundreds of thousands of new telephones.Its expenditure for plant and improve-ments in service in 1929 will be morethan 550 millions of dollars — half againas much as it cost to build the PanamaCanal.This program is part of the telephoneideal that anyone, anywhere, shall beable to talk quickly and at reasonablecost with anyone, anywhere else. Thereis no standing stili in the Bell System.NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege'99 — Mrs. William J. Weber (PearlLouise Hunter) recently was made head ofthe Department of Philosophy, Universityof Omajia. Her address: 4219 Daven-port Street, Omaha, Nebraska.'oi— J. Frank Goodenow, who used towin many a bicycle race when such thingshad a place on track and field programs, isnow vice-president of Goodenow Textiles,Inc., Kansas City, Missouri.'03 — Edward Marsh Williams, father offour Chicago graduates and one undergraduate, is a member of the Iowa StateBoard of Health, in addition to beingHealth Officer of his home city, Oskaloosa.'04 — William J. Waterman, formerly ofBills Realty Company, is now sales manager of the Hasse Bond and MortgageCompany, Chicago.'06— Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell (Florence Bush) is editor and manager of theWomen's Club Bulletin of the WilmetteWoman's Club.'io — Mattie Louise Hatcher is a special-ist in Supervising the Teaching of Reading,State Normal School, Patterson, NewJersey.'n — Conrado Benitez is the newlyelected president of the Philippine ChicagoClub.'n — Edna M. Feltges is teaching math-ematics at Crane College, and may be ad-dressed at 6437 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.'12 — F. W. Whiteside is Superintendentof Schools at Camden, Arkansas.'12 — Earnest C. Brooks has just com-pleted a beautiful home in Holland, Michigan, where he is a partner in the Visscher-Brooks Insurance Agency, and mayor ofthe city.'12 — Donald S. Stophlet is president ofDonald S. Stophlet, Inc., distributors ofGeneral Electric refrigerators, at Madison,Wisconsin. '13— Mrs. John Maurice Clark (Wini-fred F. Miller) lives at 41 Wright Street,Westport, Connecticut.'15 — Edith Mae Bell now lives at 79Newton Avenue, Jamestown, New York,where she is director of Religious Education for Chautauqua County (Methodist).'16— Mrs. Harold D. Wile (AdelleFrankel) has opened a costume jewelry andhandkerchief business in her home, 5139Ellis Avenue, Chicago. Her motto: "Smartthings for smart people."'17 — Earl A. Trager, chief geologist forthe Skelly Oil Company, attended the BlackHills Conference of the Kansas GeologicalSociety this summer.'17 — -F. R. Gay is head of the Greek de-partment and chairman of the Departmentof Comparative Literature, Bethany College.'19 — Ethel Stilz is house director in FineArts, Swarthmore College. She was recently elected chairman of the InternationalCommittee, American Home EconomicsAssociation.'19— Mrs. Milo F. Day (Ethel Somers)is food editor of Liberty weekly, and livesat 346 West 6oth Place, Chicago.'19 — Bessie Twining, 6853 Parnell Avenue, Chicago, is teaching in Phillips JuniorHigh School.'20 — Mary L. Deming is teaching in theEast Side Continuation School, New YorkCity, where the weekly register is 10,000.'20 — Mary L. Patrick is principal of theVanderpoel School, Chicago.'20 — Edna Richardson Meyers is principal of the West Pullman School, Chicago,and secretary of the Chicago Principals'Club.'21 — Margaret Elizabeth Shook is super-visor of civilian rehabilitation, State Department of Education, Montgomery, Alabama.120THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 131front Elba. . . Lined across the road in a narrow defilé nearLaffray, stood a nervous* detachment of Bourbontroops. Nervous, because they knew that comingnearer every moment down the winding road fromDigne walked a small dark man who had once beenmaster of Europe, more recently exile-Emperor ofElba. For this man they had seen their comrades dieat Austerlitz and Zena For him they had bled andsuffered. And for him they had again gone into battle,not once, ©ut many times. But now their omcersspoke of him as "the enemy" and he carne suddenlywith a handful of veterans to reconquer his lostFrance. Their duty: to head him off before hereached the discontented city of Grenoble Theirorders: to shoot him the moment he should appear.Theii obedience: doubtful. for 'the first time, Mus-kets charged, faces inscrutable. they waitedBehind them, their officerà were discussing a_ re*treat. when the Little Corporal carne in view, paun*chier than before but dressed as every soldier inFrance had known him, in the old gray surtout,cocked hat, tri-color cockade. The soldiers paled,hesitated. Napoleon paused, ordered his followers tolower their guns."There he is! Firef", cried a Royalist captain. Intense silence the click of muskets being cockedstartled even grizzled veterans of Austerlitz. Napoleon advanced within pistol shoi. walking slowly,alone. Throwing open his coat. he displayed the fa-miliar uniform. In a strong, cairn voice he called:"Soldiers of the Fifth, recognize me f If there be one soldier among you who would shoot his Emperor,let him do it. I am here . . ."Bcwildered Royalist omcers saw their ranks meltinto a mob of sobbing, cheering men, throwing them-selves at the Emperor's feet . . .Within a few hours towns-folk, peasants and soldier* were hilariously battering down the lockedgates of Grenoble so their Emperor might enterLater a delegation brought him pieces of splinteredwood and bronze. "Since we have no key te the citywe have brought Your Majesty the gate itself . . "... So in part, had TIME been publishedin March, 1815, would it have chronicled Napoleone firs* bloodless victory of the HundredDays, three months before Waterloo, So, too,would TIME have told how Napoleon leftGrenoble thirty-six hours later with seventhousand men; how Louis XVIII despatchedregiment after regiment to stop him and how,almost to a man, the armies sent to stop the"Usurper" joined Napoleone army in its marchtowards Paris ; how, less than ten days later, ajplacard was found on the Vendome column inParis: "Napoleon to Louis XVIII. My goodbrother, it is useless to sen^ me any moretroops. I have enough."Gultivated Americans, impatient with cheap sensationalism and windy bias,turn increasingly to publications edited in the historical spirit. These publications, fair-dealing, vigorously imparti al, devote themselves to the public wealin the sense that they report what they see, serve no masters, fear no groups.TIMEThe Weekly Newsmagazine122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERush'78 — Herbert H. Hurd of ChippewaFalls, Wisconsin, is back in active practiceafter a six months lay-off for medicai andsurgical treatment.'88 — H. J. Defrees writes us that he iskept busy with his general practice at Nap-panee, Indiana.'94 — Frank E. Shaykett has been practic-ing medicine at Brandon, Wisconsin, forthirty-five years. He plans to spend a longwinter vacation in Florida.'96 — D. W. Relihan sends greetings fromSmith Center, Kansas, and hopes to hearfrom the "boys of '96."'98 — E. V. L. Brown, in company withMrs. Brown, spent the summer in Europe,chiefly at Vienna. Dr. Brown is chairmanof the Department of Ophthalmology at theUniversity of Chicago Medicai School.'03 — Charles E. Shawin is practicingmedicine and surgery at Dayton, Ohio, with*an office in the Fidelity Building.'03 — W. H. Livermore is building atwenty-six bed addition to the Chickasha(Oklahoma) Hospital.'04— Elsie P. Miller (Mrs. Oscar D.Dike) writes us from West Nyack, NewYork, that she is spending her time lookingafter her family.'05 — G. E. Goodrich is practicing surgery in Phoenix, Arizona, with headquartersin the Goodrich Building.'07 — E. W. Bodman of Pasadena, California, reports a change of address. He isnow at 12 15 Shenandoah Road.'09 — Jesse R. Girstley has his office at104 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago,where he specializes in diseases of children.*I2 — Maude Hall Winnett is practicingin Chicago, with offices in the MarshallField Annex.'14 — Walter H. Stephan of Dillon,Montana, is the 1929 golf champion of theDillon Country Club. Mrs. Stephan wonthe woman's championship and two silvercups are reposing on the Stephan mantle.'15 — L. G. Dunlap is eye, ear, nose andthroat specialist to the Anaconda CopperMining Company, to St. Anne's Hospital in Anaconda and to the Barrett Hospital inDillon, Montana.'19 — Otto Van der Velde writes fromHolland, Michigan, that he is practicing —mostly — and golfing occasionally.'20 — William D. McNally in privatepractice is devoting his time to medico-lega!work. He is also consultant in toxicologyfor the Chicago Department of Health.'21 — Alfred H. Hallmann is in generalpractice at 2804 Belmont Avenue, Chicago.'23 — Chester C. Guy is practicing surgery at the Hyde Park-Kenwood NationalBank Building, 53rd and Lake ParkAvenue, Chicago.'23 — Esther S. Nelson is practicing medicine at 8 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'23 — Lucilie McConnell, together withher husband, Dr. R. J. Striegel, is practicing medicine in their own new offices, 161 5East 7th Street, Long Beach, California.'23 — Frances Giles is specializing in ob-stetrics at 3200 West 6th Street, LosAngeles.'23 — Roy L. Grogan is located in theMedicai Arts Building, Fort Worth,Texas. His practice is limited to obstetrics.'24 — Daniel G. Lai is physician inShanghai College, Shanghai, China.'25 — E. E. Partridge is in general practice at Emporia, Kansas. Mrs. Partridgewas formerly Mary Ethel Cross, A.M. '25.'25 — Sol Milton Wolffson is practicingat 4100 West Madison Street, Chicago,specializing in surgery. He is associate at-tending surgeon at Lutheran MemorialHospital.'26 — James C. Ellis, specializing in obstetrics, is now located at 25 East Washington Street, Chicago.'27 — George W. Koivun is practicingindustriai medicine and surgery at Moline,Illinois. He reports the arrivai of adaughter, Dorothy Louise, on October 28.'28 — Chester A. Perrodin is medicai ex-aminer for the International HarvesterCompany, and clinical assistant in surgeryat Rush. His office is at 192 North ClarkStreet.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 123UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesThe Winter Quarter begins Thurs., Jan. 2, 1930Registration Period, December 21 to 31, 1929For Information, AddressDean, C. F. Huth University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.THE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished iqoóPaul Yates, Manager6l6-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOTHE J. M. HAHNTEACHERS AGENCYA Western Placement BureauElementary, Secondàry, CollegeAlways in quest of outstanding ediicatorsfor important positions. Teachers with high-er degrees in demand. Doctors of Phi-losophy urgently needed for college anduniversity positions now listed.J. M. Hahn and Bianche TuckerManagers2161 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, California MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months* IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletih on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoLast June a Dean of a large College spent three days in Chicago withnine positions to fili — one Head ofDepartment and eight Instructors.Seven of these, including the Headof the Department, were fìlled bythis onice. He is only one of themany College Heads that cali hereevery year for assistance. Our regu-lar clients from year to year are thebest Colleges, Universities, Teachers*Colleges, City and Suburban HighSchools, Private Schools, — the bestschools from ali parts of the country.The alertness of our Managers andthe efficiency of our service play alarge part in securing and holdingour patronage. University of Chicago students who want to get welllocated are invited to cali at ouroffice or send for free booklet.Other Offices: New York, Spokane, WichitaPermanent Teaching Positions at Better PayWe help you to more lasting tenure, larger opportunities and better pay. The years of experienceof our personnel as teachers and executives in public schools and colleges adds to the recognized efficiencyof this organization an understanding of the needs of both teachers and officials. The result is betterqualified teachers in positions of more opportunity— greater efficiency and fewer changes.Our more than forty years of nation wide experience in placing college teachers and executives, superin-tendents, principals and secondàry teachers promotes the satisfaction and progress of both individuateand schools. Write for InformationC. E. GOODELL, President and General ManagerJ|^L M TEACHERS 28 east Jackson blvd.Jtisfir7^ Chicago124 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESocial Service AdministrationTHE following Leila Houghteling Fel-lows and Scholars have been appointedfor 1929-30: Frank Glick, A.B. University of Kansas, '27, and Martha Martin,Ph.B. '28, who are both to give field workservice to the Bureau of the Aged whichis being organized by the Council of SocialAgencies. Phyllis Zamboni, A.B. University of Minnesota '28, and Emma L. Hod-gin, R.N., are assigned to the Joint ServiceBureau for Children's Institutions. GlennaAlien, A.B. University of Iowa '23, willwork at the Juvenile Court, and AlicePaine, A.B. Smith College '25, will workat the Chicago Orphan Asylum.In the June, 1928, number of the SocialService Review there was published anarticle on the Development of Social Wel-fare Activities in Greece. This was writtenby Mr. H. C. Jaquith, who was for manyyears the Director-General of the AmericanNear East Relief. This article has beenpublished in full in Le Messager d'Athènes,a daily paper published in French in Athens.It appeared on the first of September andwas given two full columns. In the intro-ductory statement the editor does not caliattention to the fact that the Social ServiceReview is published by the University ofChicago Press, but the review calls the attention of Greek readers to the fact that thedevelopment of social work in their midst isa matter of interest to American students.The National Committee on VisitingTeachers has awarded six fellowships to beused at the School of Social Service Administration in preparation for Visiting Teacherwork in different parts of the country. Thefollowing f ellows are in residence :Catherine Dunn from Arizona, DorothyDeane from Washington, Harriet Moorefrom Texas, Frances Kilbride from Connecticut, Bess Adams from Alabama, andEulah Orr from Kansas.Edna Bell Buehler and Maude D.Twitty have both gone into the Red Crossservice, under the Midwestern B ranch.Mrs. Buehler will be doing roll cali workand Mrs. Twitty will be the executive sec-retary at Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Thelma Pires, formerly the case workerin the Home for Destitute Crippled Chil-dren, has joined the social service staff ofthe Central Free Dispensary in Chicago.Harry Laurence Lurie, Lecturer in CaseWork and Superintendent of the JewishSocial Service Bureau, has been appointeda member of the Public Welfare Commission of the State of Illinois. The chairmanof this important commission is WilloughbyWalling, Ph.B. '99.'03 — Professor Sophonisba P. Breckin-ridge, Ph.D., has been appointed a memberof the recently organized Governor's Commission on Child Welfare in Illinois. Mr.Jacob Kepecs, Lecturer in Child WelfareWork, has been appointed on the same commission. Miss Breckinridge has also beenappointed a member of one of the workingcommittees of President Hoover's Committee on Child Welfare.'24 — Mildred Arnold, a graduate studentin the School 1924-26, has given up herposition as secretary of the Child WelfareDivision of the Chicago Council of SocialAgencies in -order to become the Directorof the Children's Service League at Springfield, Illinois. Ruth Powell, Miss Dixon'sfield work assistant last year, has takenMiss Arnold's place at the Council.'24 — Assistant Professor Helen R. Jeter,Ph.C, has taken a leave of absence fromthe School for a year's study abroad.'26 — Elizabeth Wade, A.M., has beenappointed assistant supervisor of field work.Miss Wade will also give some time to anew field work centre in psychiatric socialwork which the School is organizing underthe Illinois State Hospital Service.Dorothy de la Pole, a Leila HoughtelingFellow in the spring 1929, has gone to theNew York office of the Travellers' AidSociety.Lida Garrett, who has been assisting withthe work that the School has done for theChicago Schools for Crippled Childrenwith the help of the Chicago Rotarians, hasreceived an appointment as a visitingteacher in the Chicago Public Schools.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 125The Commonwealth Fund Fellows, whowere in the School as students preparing forvisiting teacher work during 1928-29, haveali taken positions as visiting teachers thisyear. Mae Donavan is in Louisville, Kentucky, Louise Hartford is in Pennsylvania,Grace McCaig is in Portland, Oregon,Marian Wiard and Mrs. Beulah T. Wild,A.M., '29, have gone to Houston, Texas.MARRIAGESBIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTSDEATHSMarriagesMildred Faville, '05, to A. A. Laun, inMarch, 1929. At home, 1086 ShepardAvenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Eleanor L. Hall, '08, to the Right Rev-erend Frank E. Wilson, D.D., Bishop ofEau Claire, November 16, 1929. At home,145 Marston Avenue, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.Alexander H. Schutz, '15, Ph.D. '22,to Deborah Libauer, September 22, 1929.At home, 121 3 West Fifth Avenue,Columbus, Ohio.David M. Blum, '21, to Ethel Patterson,Aprii 23, 1929. At home, 2806 HighStreet, Des Moines, Iowa.Cari J. Warden, Ph.D. '22, to LulaNelson Snyder, October 2, 1929. At home,*88 Morningside Drive, New York City.Alice Maxwell Snyder, '25, to SamuelMorton Creswell, '23, M.D. '25, August19, 1929. At home, Hotel Winthrop,Tacoma, Washington.Alexandra J. McNicol, '23, to PaulVictor Ford, December 2, 1928. At home,Grand Rapids, Michigan.Margaret S. Drueck, '24, A.M. '27, toDonald Cheney Thayer, October 5, 1929.At home, 7717 South- Shore Drive, Chicago.Virginia F. Bastable, ex-'25 to Milling-ton E. Stair, ex-'2i, July 11, 1929. Athome, 313 Gremps St., Paw Paw, Michigan.Arthur John Frentz '25, to Frances -JOHN HANCOCK SERIES-BUILDINGan ESTATEWhat Can BeDone WithLife InsuranceTO pian and build an estate of substantial size isa serious and often a life-long problem.Is the estate you will leavesufficient to do for your familyali you would like to havedone? If not, do you knowhow you can increase it im-mediately? How you canmake sure of leavingadequatefinancial means for them?Through Life Insurance,with a comparatively smallannual premium, you canbuild an estate of substantialsize and effectiveness, — theproceeds payable at whatevertime and in whatever manneryou designate.If interested, cut this out, writeyour name and address across it, mailto Inquiry Bureau, 197 ClarendonStreet, Boston, Mass., and receiveour booklet, "This Matter of Suc-ife Insurance Company*of Boston, Massachusetts-OVER SIXTY-FIVE YEARS IN BUSINESS-136 THE UNIVERSITY OFTo carry yourCHRISTMASgreetings - -a graciousgift, and^unusualHERE is a sùggestionthat may solve someof your holiday problems:why not, this year, give awhole Premium Ham in itsgay Christmas wrapper?It's an originai gift, oneto be enjoyed by every member of the family.And how your gift willadd to the hospitable goodcheer of Christmas time!How faces will beam whenthey see it, glossy brownand lordly on its platter!Through ali these days offeasting, Premium's raredelicacy, its rich seductiveflavor, will play a leadingpart.Your dealer has Swift'sPremium Hams, readywrapped in special, holiday parchment, waiting tobe sent to any or ali the ad-dresses on your list. Andwhy not give yourself aChristmas present, too?Swift &b Company CHICAGO MAGAZINELawton, '27, Aprii 12, 1929. At home,6917 Dante Avenue, Chicago.Edwin J. Kunst, '25, to Mary A. Sak-raida, ex-^8, July 22, 1929. At home,1129 N. Alabama Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.John R. Montgomery, J.D. '25, to HelenFyke, February 9, 1929. At home, 8 EastElm Street, Chicago.Howard J. Hartman, '25, M.D. '29, toHelen Heineke, August 9, 1929. At home,623 Mulberry Street, Waterloo, Iowa.Willard Van Hazel, M.D. '25, to GraceMersen recently. They will reside in Chicago.William Sze Hsin Chow, '26, M.D. '29,to Violet Kwai Fong Wong, '27, October4, 1929. At home, Mukden, Manchuria.Ruth Mills, '27, to Gavion Nelson El-wood, ex-^7, October 12, 1929. At home,714^2 McDonough Street, Joliet, Illinojs.loia Donneila, '27, to Arthur Brodie inJanuary, 1929. At home, 8009 VernonAvenue, Chicago.Edith M. Fisher, A.M. '27, to LewisWaller Webber, November 2, 1929, in theThorndike-Hilton Chapel, Chicago.Marion Hetherington, '27, to Fay Wel-don, '27, August 17, 1929. At home, Mt.Vernon, New York.Cari B. Geiger, M.D. '28, to MildredSteiner, August 3, 1929. At home, Hol-gate, Ohio.Evelyn I. Pixley, '28, to David P. Ans-chicks, August 22, 1929. At home, 7015Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Wilhelmina Ewen, '28, to Thomas Nor-rell, September io, 1929. At home, 135Pleasant Street, Arlington, Massachusetts.EngagementsDr. Benjamin B. Kopstein, '24, to VitaN. Walpert, '28.Dr. Roy E. Brackin, '25, M.D. '29, toHelen Little of Kenilworth, Illinois.Peter J. Troy, LL.B. '28, to DorothyNorton of Joliet, Illinois.Richard C. Rugen, '26, to Edith Tupper.Robert M. Jones, M.D. '28, to Edith D.Fowler of Chicago.Maturin B. Bay, '28, to Helen Whit-marsh, '29.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 127BlRTHSTo Lawrence G. Dunlap, '13, M.D. '15,and Mrs. Dunlap, a son, Lawrence Irwin,October 4, 1929, at Dillon, Montana.Kraetsch, a daughter, Joan, October 27,> To Ralph B. Kraetsch, ex-' 17, and Mrs.1929, at Winnetka, Illinois.To Bernard Portis, '18, M.D. '20, Ph.D.'23, and Mrs. Portis, a daughter, JeanCarol, Aprii 29, 1929, at Chicago.To Bryan S. Stoffer, A.M. '20, D.B. '22,and Mrs. Stoffer, a son, Thomas Frederick,September 26, 1929, at Pasumalai, SouthIndia.To Chester C. Guy, '21, M.D. '23, andMrs. Guy (Helen Smith) '27, a son,Chester C. Jr., October 6, 1929, at Chicago.To Merrick R. Breck, '21, M.D. '24,and Mrs. Breck (Elizabeth Sparks) '24, adaughter, Eleanor Frances, July io, 1929,at Chicago.To Edward W. Griffey, '22, M.D. '24,and Mrs. Griffey, a daughter, Gwyri, December 9, 1928, at Houston, Texas.To Floyd O. Yarbrough, J.D. '23, andMrs. Yarbrough, a son, John Floyd, March24, 1929* at Pawhuska, Oklahoma.To Felix M. Janovsky, '24, M.D. '29,and Mrs. Janovsky, a daughter, BerthanRose, at Chicago.To Lawrence M. Graves, Ph.D. '24, andMrs. Graves (Josephine M. Wells) '20, ason, John Lowell, December 15, 1928.To Donald J. Grubb, '25, M.D. '28, andMrs. Grubb, a daughter, Carol Roberta,December 25, 1928, at the PresbyterianHospital, Chicago.To Harold A. Logan, Ph.D. '25, andMrs. Logan, a daughter, Jane Elizabeth,December 29, 1928, at London, Canada.To William L. Spencer, M.D. '26, andMrs. Spencer, a daughter, Ann, in August1929, at Spokane, Washington.To Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Brown (Har-riet Kreeger^ '26, a son, Maynard Phillip,September 4, 1929, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Lester T. Beali(Dorothy W. Miller) '27, a son, Lester,Jr., October 26, 1929, at Chicago. BOOKSYour Best Bet for 1929 Gifts% %Charming Books for ChildrenAttractive Gift EditionsIllustrated BooksArt Books— PrintsEtchings of ChapelIL of C. Greeting CardsChapel Guides% HShop With Comfort andSatisfaction at theU. of C. BOOK STORE5802 Ellis Ave.Stephens CollegeColumbia, MissouriA Junior College forWomenFully Accredited by theUniversity of ChicagoLet Us Teli You About theFour Year Junior CollegeCourse for Your DaughterJAMES M. WOODPresident128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGive Books This ChristmasHundreds of titles to choose fromBuy Your Christmas Cards NowBefore the crowds come and thestock is depleted.Woodworths Book Store1311 E. 57th St., near Kimbark Ave.Telephones Hyde Park 1690, 7737Plenty of Parking SpaceOpen EveningsPaul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, 'io Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavls &<9<xMembersNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Franklin 8622CHICAGO DeathsLily Gray, '76, November 6, 1929, at4724 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago. MissGray was the first graduate student of theold Chicago University.Frank M. Johnson, M.D. '82, March 3,1929, at Springfield, Missouri. Dr. Johnson was 74 years of age and practiced medicine until a short time before his death froman automobile accident.L. Andreas Larsen, M.D. '96, May 17,1929, at his home in Colfax, Wisconsin.Mrs. Ozro C. Gould, (Evelyn Cornel-ius) '07, June 14, 1929, at her home 5825Margarido Drive, Oakland, California.Mrs. Charles J. Darlington (MarieBender) A.M. '16, May 12, 1929, at herhome in Woodstown, New Jersey. Mrs.Darlington died from an infection whichfollowed an operation for the removal ofher tonsils.Justin E. Russell, '25, November 18,1929, in an aeroplane crash near Bourne,Texas. He was a flying cadet at KellyField, and was trying to make a forced land-ing in an observation piane. His home wasat 61 15 Drexel Avenue, Chicago. In theUniversity he was a member of the trackteam for three years and was awarded theWilliam Scott Bond honor medal forproficiency in athletics and scholarship in1925. After graduation he served as aninstructor at Culver Military Academy andlater enlisted in army aviation.Dr. Cari Frithiof Larson, M.D. '87,November 16, 1929, at his home in CrystalFalls, Michigan.ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYReal Estate InsuranceJ. Alton Lauren, '19J. Alton. Lauren and Co.139 N. Clark St. Randolph 2068 John J. Cleary, Jr., '14175 W. Jackson Blvd., Wabash 1240Eldredge, Carolan, Graham &. ClearyTHE FAULKNER SCHOOL FOR GIRLSA DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF ALL AGESThe school prepares its graduates for ali collegesand universities admitting women. The CollegeBoard examinations are given at the school.4746 Dorchester Avenue MISS ELIZABETH FAULKNER, PrincipalTel. 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