L ^^tprohi ofCDicafloVOL. XXI NUMBER 3JANUARY, 1929Sojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin SmithIntroduction TO the AuthorBy Harold H. SwiftA Byzantine New TestamentBy Harold R. WilloughbyEdna St. Vincent Millay Is There American Art?The Trail of the DragonMr. Millet on The English Criticsl • B L I S H E D B Y THE A L U M N I C O U N C I LBooks about theUniversity of ChicagoWILLIAM RAINEY HARPERFirst President of the University of ChicagoBy Thomas W. GoodspeedAn inspiring story of a great educator — friend of presidents, bishopskings, and capitalists, and of every freshman in the Universitywhich he made. $3.00, postpaid $3.15The University ofChicago ChapelA GuideBy Edgar J. GoodspeedThis sympathetic interpretation andguide to one of the great Gothic buildingsof this country will be as interesting tothose who have not seen the Chapel asto those who have. There are eighthalf*tone illustrations. $1.00, postpaid $1.10The University of ChicagoAn Officiai GuideBy Frank Hurburt O'HaraThis is a guide and a record not only of ali the existing Universitybuildings but of those under construction or soon to be begun. Theillustrations are unusual and emphasize the beauties of the campus.Cloth 75 cents Paper 50 cents(Postage 10 cents extra)Published ByUniversity of Chicago PressTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE m%?. •a c/>g g- 1= e-agencJwreM '„ .ho»»* " Wtt* '": Hot'1'' , > » F"50"ina '" 'Sé?**£l Thiswillintroduce !INTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELSAlbany, N- Y., HamptonAmherst. Mass., Lord JefferyAtlantic City, N. J. Colton ManorBaltimore, Md., SouthernI Berkeley, Cai., QaremontBethlehem, Pa., BethleheraBoothbay Harbòr, MaineSprucewold Lodge (summeronTy)Boston, Mass., BellevueChicago, III., Ailerton HouseChicago, III., BiadatoneChicago,» HI., WindermereCleveland, O., AUerton HouseColumbus, O., Neil HouseDetroit, Midi., Book-CadillacHizabeth, N. 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It is yours for the asking...Itassures courteous attention to your wants andan extra bit of considèration that frequentlymeans much.Your alumni association is participating inthe Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel Pian andhas a voice in its efforts and policies. At eachalumni hotel is an index of resident alumni foryour convenience in looking up friends whentraveling. Other desirable features are, in-cluded.If you wish an introduction card to the managers of Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels, writeto your Alumni Secretary or use the coupon.INTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, Inc369 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. — — _ ___— . — . — — — ,INTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, Inc., 369 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. '"Ngme viddress..Gty. Kindly send me an Introduction Card to the managers of Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels. College. -Year_..Siate..H4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOver 100 Colleges are Represented inALLERTON HOUSETo Live Here is to be at Home — When Away from Home!Officiai Residence of t he Intercollegiate Alumni Association Composed of 96 Colle«es7 Floors forWometi 14 Floors forMenALLERTON HOUSEMichigan at Huron — ChicagoBall and BanquetRoomsExtensive ComfortableLoungesCirculating LibraryResident Women'sDirectorBilliardsj ChessSpecial Women^sElevators CafeteriaFraternity Rooms Athletic ExerciseRoomsAllerton Qlee Club in Main Dining Monday at 6:30 Po M.The World's Largest Indoor Golf CourseALLERTON HOUSEWEEKLY RATES PER PERSONSingle . . $12.00 — $20.00Doublé* . $8.00 — $15.00Transient. $2.50 — $ 3.50CHICAGO Descriptive Leaflet on RequestCLEVELAND NEW YORKTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESelected by the Inter-collegiate Alumni Ex-tension Service as officiai headquarters forAlumni activity on theSouth Side of Chicago.Your next business tripto Chicago*—Make it a pleasure trip!Don't miss the chance to visit your university the next timeyou come to Chicago. New Midway sights will greet youreyes — the marvelous Medicai group; the new chapel, one ofthe finest pieces of Gothic architecture in the world ; the newWieboldt hall of modem languages. You must see them ali!Stop at Hotels Windermere. For there you are within easywalking distance of the campus, and only ten minutes f rom theloop.There the sanie old-time hospitality, the same excellent cuisine await you. In more ways than one, a stay at the Windermere will make it a pleasure trip.Whether you come for the day, or stay for the week, a cordialwelcome comes from the Hotels Windermere.Headquarters For Practically Ali Athletic TeamsCompeting With Chicago.otelsindermere'CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Phone Fairfax 6000500 feet of verandas and terraces fronting southon Jackson Parkn6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn o rganization of almost fifty people, with specialists in ali branches of advert isìngVANDERHOOF&* COMPANY Qmeralo/Idvertisir^gVANDERHOOF BUILDING • • jÈft l6? E. ONTARIO ST.CHICAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentThe Point of a Pendi . . . andthe $100,000,000 MindWords. Bleak white pages spring to lifeat their touch! Crisp, swift, rapier-words,Words that parry, thrust and lunge. Vitalwords. Costly words. Thousand dollarwords. No place here for the clumsy word ap-prentice. A word swordsman is needed. Thecry is for a De Bergerac or a D'Artagnan !Writing is a one-man job, but planningthe campaign may well be a ten-man jobor a fìfty-man job.Behind our word swordsmen stands thebusiness experience of the $100,000,000advertising mind, comprising a group of menwho have planned the successful investmentof over 100,000,000 advertising dollars.Their sound plans, plus the sword words ofour master technicians may make yours,too, a more effective advertising effortoMeme er: American Association of Advertising Agende s & National Outdoor Advertising BureauAJ T H IHenry Justin Smith,'g8, is an outstandingfigure in the newspaperfield. As Managing Editor of The Daily Newshe is known throughoutthe country. As theauthor of Deadlines,Josslyn and The OtherSide of the Wall he iswell known in the worldof letters. As the organ-izer and first Director ofthe University's Department of Public Relationshe developed an increas-ing understanding be-tween the Universityand the City.For nearly a year anda half he devoted histime to establishing afriendship between townand gown with most re-markable success. The Magazine is fortunate in having the privilege of publishinga series of sketches giving his impressionsof life on the Campus. Refreshing in con-ception and written with the artistry of amaster workman, this series will continuethroughout the year.The President of the Board of Trusteestakes time to introduce the author of theSojourn to the readers of the Magazine."Harper Assembly Hall was crowded tothe corridors with art lovers and friendsof the humanities from ali over the city.Henry Justin Smith The meeting was char-acterized by a steadilymounting enthusiasmwhich carne to a culmin-ation when beautifullycolored slides of the man-uscript illuminationswere thrown on thescreen and the manu-script itself was held upto public view."In this festival man-ner the Rockefeller-Mc-C o r m i e k Manuscriptwas brought to Chicago."The story of the dis-covery of the Manuscriptand the successful nego-tiations resulting in itspurchase is replete in interest as told by HaroldR. Willoughby.à & àThe journey in search of a liberal educa-tion leads the traveler into many side paths.Here we find one visiting with Edna St.Vincent Millay while two others in thewilds of Wyoming discover the tracks of aPennsylvanian made 200,000,000 yearsago. One tells us what he thinks of recent American art and the Editor of theForge gives us his impressions of the University.In our book section we have reviewedthe critics; — critics of the Colleges, criticsof the novel and critics of the writers ofnovels, by reviewers who speak with understanding.THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council ofthe University of Chicago, s8th St. and EUis Ave.,Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 peryear; the price of single copies is 20 cents.Fostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali ordersfrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico,Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, HawaiianIslands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands.Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada,18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali othercountries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annualsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postai or express money order. If# locacheck is used, io cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withinthe month following the regular month of publication.The Publishers expect to supply missing numbers freeonly when thejr have been lost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising may besent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.Communications for publication should be sent tothe Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December io, 1924,at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, underthe Act of March 3, 1870.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.117<{>¦¦.•jSì .Js^- -***"^..i -> ¦ mm K' 'TIP*'«¦I7\&<> sunlight mas filtering through the tree-tops and exploring every granite-laid nook118Vol.xxi No. 3Umbergttp of CfncagoJfflaga^mcJANUARY, 1929-f-- : = ; +Introducing the LowlanderBy Harold H. Swift '07Presidente the Board of Trust e esTO THOSE who have known theintimate events at the University ofChicago during the last few years,Henry Justin Smith needs no introduction.In 1924, he became the University 'sfirst Director of Publicity, and it was adifficult thing to do. We felt that theUniversity's place in the community wasnot fully understood by the community andperhaps not by the University itself. Cer-tainly, our relationship to the Press wasneither deflned nor understood. The Presstóo frequently exploited undesirable activ-ities and events and too little gave sympa-thetic hearing and publicity to worthwhilehappenings in the quadrangles. And thelack of co-operation was not ali one-sided.Many of our professors felt that the Presshad no appreciation of the academic pointof view and that it was a hopeless task totry to get across to the public a statement ofour aims, ideals, or accomplishments. Toreconcile these different viewpoints and laya basis for mutuai co-operation was a difficult task. The University's success in publicity for several years to come woulddepend upon the tact, ingenuity, and abilityof the man who planned and laid the firstfoundations.For this task, Mr. Smith had ideal qual- ifications. After graduating from the University, for 25 years he had been activelyassociated with a great metropolitan daily,— as reporter, city editor, assistant managing editor, and news editor. He knew thenewspaper game ; he knew the public. Butthis was not ali. He knew the spirit andthe aspirations of the University of Chicago; he needed only to become posted onits current problems and plans. In hisundergraduate days he was acquainted withand loved Ernest DeWitt Burton and manyothers of our great men. His father was aBaptist minister and later was editor of theBaptist publication "The Standard" — thus,there was dose contact between the University of the early days and the Smithfamily.He felt greatly honored, and a little^frightened, when President Burton chosehim as his assistant in charge of publicity.In this position he rendered invaluableservice and when, after 16 months, at thedeath of Victor Lawson, his other associatesat.the Chicago Daily News insisted that hereturn to them to become managing editor,he had laid well the foundations of a mutuai confidence and co-operation betweenthe Press of the city and the University ofChicago.1191Ai * JL,¦Such solidity and harmony120Sojourn on a SummitBy Henry Justin Smith, '98IN this series of sketches of universitylife, the author has chosen, perhapswith excess of fancy, to adopt a meta-phor picturing a university quadrangle as a"Summit" and (with less departure fromaccuracy) himself as a "lowlander" AsUniversity of Chicago readers may easilyperceive, there is an almost inextricable mix-ture of faci and fiction; and in the interestof the latter, imaginary names are given tothe characters. It is to be hoped that, if inany detail an apparent literalism tends toexpose an actual person to criticism or rìdi-cute, the reader will realize that the authorhas sought to present typical — or composite¦ — figureSj and not to ridicule subtly any person from behìnd the shield of a novelist'slicense.]I.Upon a street-car which followed theslantings of a long ugly highway, the Low-lander rode, that first morning, towardthe Summit.The sullen moods of a half-neglectedcity extended very far out, almost to thedestination sought. But at last, over theroofs of dull, stunted dwellings, stores andgarages there rose slowly into view twoimmensely tali towers, then another; thethree tracing a simple yet majestic patternagainst the morning sky. As the Lowlanderleft the car and walked eastward, it de-veloped that under these top elevationsdwelt a whole colony of minor towers andhigh sharp roofs. They proved to be theupper works of a complexity of facades,bridges and courts. On one side the quad-rangles were defended from the Street bysolid walls; on the other, they had passageways and strips of lawn, giving upon adoublé boulevard along which automobilesfled continually. Looked at from one angleand in one kind of mood, the place re-sembled a fortress; again, it seemed like acollection of monastic houses; again, it hadthe aspect of a park. But from any angle,in any mood, it was a Thing Apart ; it was on a plain, but reared itself as proudly asa plateau.2.The hour was rather early; the season,that soft autumn when a day begins in mistand ends in rose-color. The haze was nowrising from about the shoulders of these bigbuildings and blurring the edges of the tur-rets, while the sunlight, gradually gainingstrength, was filtering through tree-topsand exploring every granite-laid nook. Itsrays brightened the vines which beardedmany of the structures to the eyes andpicked out vividly the fresher stone from theolder, making some appear as glisteningas though just come from a quarry of pearl,writing upon others a legend of age. Theslopes of lawn gleamed an eager green, eventhough, here and there, there was a light fallof leaves. Birds conversed in the heavy dra-pery of vines, which clung to walls oradorned the framework of Gothic windows.Except for the bird-voices, there was silence.No footfalls echoed in the courts. Thecommunity seemed stili asleep.It was the first hour of lectures. Thebuildings had simply swallowed in theirserene depths ali the people reporting at thathour. But the Lowlander, as he penetratedthe quadrangles, saw only a place deserted,and so the more easily explored. The prin-cipal court he entered by a stone causewayunder a bridge recalling Florence or Venice.Alongside were the broad maternal flanksof that structure whose twin towers hehad seen from a distance; above, the towersthemselves seemed to swim against theclouds ; ahead, there was another long building with a spire and a great colored win-dow ; and between these two another bridge,with apertures like the loopholes in a fort.Such solidity and harmony! The Lowlander thought of the outlines of mountains,having, like these buildings, an immortaiglamor, but, compared with them, con-torted, savage ....He crossed the quadrangle. At the other122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEend, he arrived in an open space, green-swarded and with a fountain gushing whitein the center. Upon this gentle bowl oflawn and stone walks laboratory windowslooked; on another side rose an ivy-cladassembly hall (seeming very old, though itdated only from the '90's) ; and along stilianother side ran a long, low and beautifullyornamented f abric of stone with many smallspires; while above ali presided a tower soartfully built as to seem slender, thoughfirm as a crag. When the clouds floatedpast it, this edifice gave the illusion of sway-ing upon its base. Its grey body had derivedfrom the invisible impurities in the air,from; the assaults of storms, a mature look,yet it was young, and would live for ages.It fronted the dusty city streets. Peoplefar down these streets could see its crown;and in the evenings it was a beautiful thingagainst the setting sun.What did it contain? What was it do-ing here? An ornament merely?3.And then, even as the Lowlander pausedto admire, the bells housed there awoke.Nine strokes. The powerful notes filledthe court. They seemed to shake the rav-eled bird-nests growing upon the window-ledges. They went journeying into thestreets and across distant roof-tops.Below in the quadrangles, closed doorssuddenly burst open. From entrances toali the major buildings there was a releaseof pupils, who began swarming along thediagonal walks leading from this hall tothat. The plateau became covered withbobbing faces and multi-colored costumes.It was alive with Youth — laughing, chat-tering, bantering; garbed like dandies', likeathletes, like tropic birds, like irises andtiger-lilies. Some of the boys marched ingroups, others outran them. Some scurriedbareheaded, defying "keep off the grass"signs. A long-legs in huge flapping trousersleaped down a flight of steps with wildshout.The Lowlander, emerging from thecourt, was engulfed in the torrent, shovedoff the walk, whirled about. But thispressure outdoors was nothing beside that in a lecture-hall where hundreds of fcetwent tramping up and down iron-cladstaircases, where two dozen classes weredischarging at once, and as many othersforming. In the crush of the lower halla little-grey-tufted darky stood making in-effectual traffic signals with his arms, andcalling: "Keep to de right, please; nocrowdin', please." The outgoing multitudemoved slowly to the main entrance, thenspread out fanwise on the walk without,forming in clusters, hurling war-whoops into the air, or lighting cigarettes, or doingdance-steps.Clack of voices:"Hello, Ted.""Hello, Beazer.""Gimme a pili.""Lord, but Strothers razzed me.""Hey, don't stop me now; got to makeEnglish 2 in — ""No, what he said was that the Plan-taganets — ""Are you out for the team?""Golly, there's the beli already."The groups, so quickly formed, were asquickly dissolving; pairs and threes weremaking off to new classes. There was reallyno time at ali for talk. Not a few ran,dropping note-books. The tali form of aprofessor was being urged along, prettyrapidly, too.And within a few minutes the crowdsso recently expelled from those doors weresucked into them again. The clatter ofheels in the long stone corridors ceased.The buildings had swallowed everythingonce more, absorbing the hundreds of fig-ures, distributing them in rooms wherethey sat in long, attentive rows, with onlya glance toward the sun-streaked windows.The speed and certainty of this movementstruck the Lowlander as astounding. Itwas accomplished much better than theemptying and re-filling of the averagetheater. Driven by invisible hands, thegreat machine had simply performed one ofits minor functions, without more ado thana scoop gathers a vast mouthful of earth,turns and discharges it.The courts, the walks, lay again almostSOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 123deserted. A few stragglers moved here andthere.The morning advanced.4-It could be felt that, as the hours passed,the life of the place gathered way, surgedtoward a noonday climax, just as in thebusiness of a city there is a forenoon crescendo before a lull. More and more peoplefìlled the walks and entrances betweenlectures. The lecturers themselves mayhave worked with greater tension. Butperhaps ali this was mere fancy on theLowlander's part. There was no centraievent to gather way, to progress visibly toa climax. It was an effort spread over agreat surface, and including, besides the"teaching of lessons," many queerer pur-suits in work-rooms placarded "no admit-tance."A lay visitor could know little of thesesecrets at first, but he could guess. Some ofthe buildings, indeed, told their storyfrankly. Although a lace-work of ivy hadovergrown the names carved in stone overdoorways, one could pick out the botanicallaboratory, through whose windows could beseen plant forms in bottles or tubes, andwhose back yard was graced by a pool fullof rushes and floating plant-mermaids ; itwas easy to know that the big structurefrom whose basement carne distressful —but meaningless — howls and yelps in doglanguage — was the physiology laboratory;and there were signs equally defining "Zoòl-ogy," "Anatomy," and so on. This groupof structures was distinguished by win-dowed arcades of stone, within which thesun made a lovely lattice-work upon thetrodden floors. Well, the whole effectwas beautiful! The architects haddreamed, and the stone-carvers had toiled,as affectionately here as elsewhere. Butone could divine that, within, the roomswere like hermits' cells, and utility, with atouch of starkness, was the mood.Evidently, too, in these laboratories,something absolutely distinct from the dab-bling of youngsters with "lesson books,"Was on foot. In the halls which welcomedthese children, there was one kind of study ; in the darksome homes of Research, another, a sort suited to adults, to thinkers,inventors, dreamers. A race apart, theselast, the Lowlander thought. He knewthat among them were men who had learnedto detect through microscopes the amazingminutiae of living matter, or who witha beam of light and a few calculations couldalmost chart the infinite, or who with redand green magic could evoke some of themost tremendous forces in nature . . .Mighty men, scornful of dress or manner,hating foggy, inaccurate notions of things(such as the Lowlander had always beensatisfied with.) . . . Splitting elements,tracing the dart of an electron, transform-ing living plants, performing feats with theorgans of lowly animai species . . . Calmlyreaching back, treading always on a plankroad of Fact, and exploring interminablecorridors in the realm of First Things; butalso straining toward stunning conceptionsof the future.To look at it ali in this way, as the Lowlander tried to do, was to form a real ideaof the amazing heights to which the Summit reached; to try a complete vision ofthe cloud-wracked, magnificent eminencesupon which these Highlanders trod so surefootedly — and to fail of it. Nobody pos-sessed that complete picture. There couldonly be glimpses.Once during his morning walk, the Lowlander ventured into a basement, walkingon a board laid through a window. It wasa twilit place, full of queer, choking odors.There was a room cluttered with devicesmore intricate than a radio set, and oneespecially composed of hundreds of smalltubes, pipe-stems, in fact. In these a liquidbubbled and spat, and a black-haired youthin a smock stood watching the boiling."May one ask what you're doing?"He merely glanced around, and repliedtonelessly, "Dividing mercury."Well, what for? And how long wouldit take? Decades, perhaps. The youngman had no more to say, and the Lowlanderbecame abashed.Abashed, not altogether because of hisignorance, but because of his humility beforeA pool full of rushes and floating plant-mermaids124SOJOURN ON A SUMMIT 125the patience, the càsualness, and, as oneDown There might say, the f utility of di-'viding mercury — just for the sake of divid-ing it-. .Should one take his cunosity with ruminto that other laboratory, where as openWindows told, men resembling surgeonsstood about, white-clad, looking down uponsome invisible object — perhaps a livingthing? Not yet . . . It seemed as thoughthe birds themselves were shy of thosewindows. A process strange and grave wassuggested there. It was possible to imaginepain, and fear, and mystery.The Lowlander passed on.Lawns, trees, delicate cornices, theflower beds in the court with the fountain those more familiar and more innocentsights drew him away from the haunts of themagicians, from the uncanny purplish lights.It was fine to see the clouds drift over-head.5-Twelve strokes from the tower. . . .So the morning had gone. Yes, the sunrode directly over-head.At the twelfth stroke, there issued fromthat same belfry the voices of newly awak-ened bells, attempting actual melodies.Sweeter and more austere, these bells;played with a slow ecstasy which drew fromthe very last drop of tone . . . Who wasthe ringer? How reverently he intonedthese hymns! .. . The bells chanted asthough a special stillness had been createdfor them; as though the world, and even"the unlettered plain," were listening andcrossing itself.But this, too, was a signal. There hadcome from every building a new cloud ofpeople. Ali the criss-cross walks werefilled once more. Hubbub rose with dust(To be . . . And now the swarms of young-sters were pressing into the leaf drapedold hall under the tower. They werefìlling it. They were hurrying in withouta thought for the solemn music driftingup to the skies.In a few minutes they had ali gone in,and there carne, half smothered and withharmonies remote from the bell-voices, thebooming of an organ. Then silence.In there, a visitor could fìnd long rowsof boys and girls, bending while someoneprayed ; and there would be black-robeddeans on the platform, and there would behymns.The fountain poured out its white beautyin the court. The bells were now hushed.In the silence outside of this chapel assemblythe vines could be heard, gently dancing.6.And this was noon on the Summit.Down There, the crowds would be swirl-ing about the city's heart; they would bepouring from skyscrapers, trains, and alleys,storming restaurants and shops ; gorgingthemselves, plunging about, fighting fordiversion, gulping in pleasures of noontime.Here, in the quadrangle, there was areligious pause, an enforced hour of tran-quillity. It was very strange to think aboutthis, at such a turn of the day.But, indeed, the Lowlander had foundmany strange things to think about. Helooked forward to other days with eager-ness, but also with the thought:"I shall never know the place ; never . . .I shall never dare to seek for its soul . . .It will be foolhardy to try to know a singleone of the wizards of the laboratories . . .It will be impossible to stay here — but itmay also prove too fascinating to leave."ontinued)A Young Man Looks atEdna St. Vincent MillayBy Horace Kiser, '31BACK-STAGE at Mandel Hall, fol-lowing a recital of her poems, EdnaSt. Vincent Millay smoked a cigar-ette and autographed many books and pro-grams. Conversation during this procedurewas distinctly cramped. "Cali me up to-morrow," the lady bade us, "Atlanta — ,"and with that she slipped away.Next morning at eleven, the appointedhour, and no answer to the telephone cali!Hélas! — we must have remembered thenumber badly, — and we've promised a storyto the University magazine, — Well, weshall write a story on "How We Did NotInterview Edna St. Vincent Millay!" Butthough we might write a darned jolly storywith that title for a starter, yet, it's abeastly shame to miss a tete-a-tete with socharming a lady. — So ran our thoughts.The happy idea to try the phone againbanished our disappointment."Can you come for a little while at three,this afternoon ?""We would be very glad to," of course.And then at three — we were waiting inthe pleasant drawing room of Mrs. W —,the poetess' hostess. We sat in a low chairby a table with an immense bouquet ofAmerican Beauty roses which effectivelyshadowed us and made it possible to watchthe door she was expected to enter. Wouldshe glide in like Mary Garden, come slowlywith weary steps like Duse, or wouldshe come gaily tripping? Presently weheard footsteps. Great shades of Sappho!what a stride; the lady must have on rid-ing boots!The footsteps, however, belonged to thepoetess' husband who carne to meet us andto conduct us to his lady. He opened adoor, bowed us in, and left.We entered. The room was filled with the shadows of afternoon which carnethrough the pastel-colored glass curtainsthat shielded many windows and fused thegreens, and mauves, and tans of the roominto a picture that invited repose. For amoment we wondered where Edna St. Vincent Millay was, — and then we saw herjust as she spoke."How do you do?" she asked, cordially.Parallel with the wall was a bed behindwhich hung a piece of soft green damask,and on the bed, leaning back against manypillows was Edna St. Vincent Millay. Shegestured us to a chair near herself, securedcigarettes from a table beside her bed, gaveus a light, and then explained : "I alwaysrest on the day following a public recitalI like to read for people, but it tires me.My appearance last night is the last forat least a couple of years.""That is too bad," we told her, "forpeople like you very much, like your books,and like to meet you in the rather intimatefashion of your recitals.""And it is that same intimacy with theaudience that appeals to me," she said."But don't you find it a bit hard to readthe more intimate of your poems; aren'tthey too fragile for you to read, especiallyin an auditorium ; don't you, at heart, blusha little?""I had never thought anything in a booktoo intimate to be talked about.""But I, as a reader of your poems andof the poems of others, feel when I readthat the poet is speaking only to me at themoment. I do not like to read in a roomwhere there are others, although I knowthat they have read the same thing I amreading.""What a queer idea," she remarked, withan appreciative smile.126A YOUNG MAN LOOKS AT EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY 127By this time, our eyes had become ac-customed to the dusk in the room, andwe could see the lady quite distinctly.She looked older than she had the nightbefore, — no, let us say she looked morewomanly. There was nothing of the girl-ish, Melisande-like character of the recital platform. Her voice and her face werein repose; the nervous excitement and thetheatrical character were gone. Her facewas lovely — very fair, with soft, little,shell-like tints, that glowed brighter asshe lighted another cigarette, and her small,characterful hands seemed like two littlebirds that had fluttered down to rest onthe coverlet.She loved the theatre and music, too?"Both of them," she said, and then sheleaned forward, rested her arms on herknees and continued : "I have never known— I do not know — whether music or poetrymeans the more to me. I consider Beethoven the greatest artist that the world hasever known. He seems to have experiencedeverything and to have expressed or sug-gested everything.""And the modernista?""I like some of them very much, partic-ularly Debussy, Ravel, Strawinsky, Hon-negger. Do you know some songs of Ravelcalled "Greek Songs," or something of thesort?""His 'Fragments from the Greeks! ' ""Yes, that is the name. I think theyare exquisite and would like to get themfor myself. I have only heard them onceor twice, but they haunt me. Oh, yes, Ising a little for myself and for my husband,but please do not teli anyone that I pre-tend to be a singer."So the conversation ran. Presently wecarne to the subject of photographs. Wewanted one to give you with this story."I have only the one which you saw on the program. I can't endure to be photo-graphed. Anything except waiting for thatlittle click! It is just like being stood upbefore a firing squad. The photos whichyou saw in Vanity Fair were enlarged fromsnapshots which my husband took when Ididn't know he was about. The magazinemade the enlargements, and I haven't any.Don't you like the photo on the programs?""It is very interesting, but it does notexpress you, at least not as I think of younow. It makes you look much too old,much too apart from the world. Do youknow the story of Duse's last meeting withD'Annunzio?""No—""As they were parting, D'Annunzio said:'Eleanora, you will never know how muchI have loved you,' and Duse replied: 'Andyou will never know how completely I haveforgotten you.' Your picture, Miss Millay,seems to say: "You will never know howmany things I have forgotten!' "The poetess slightly closed her eyes andnodded her head with the shadow of asmile. " '— Never know how many thingsI have forgotten!'" she repeated, as if toherself."And I, Miss Millay, have forgottenhow long I have been here, but it's probablytime I went so that you might rest somemore." This, we said, but we were loathto leave."Well, I shall come back again, anyway,"she said. "I like to read at Mandel Hall.The audiences there are so appreciative.Perhaps again in a couple of years."She graciously autographed a volumn of"The Buck in the Snow" for us, ehookhands and leaned back amid her pillows.Her husband had just come into the roomagain, and it was he who hospitably walkedto the door with us and bowed us out.New Manuscript AcquisitionsFor Chicagoi". The Rockefeller-McCormick TestamentBy Harold R. WilloughbyAssistant Professor of NewTestament LiteratureIN the summer of 1899 an alumnus ofthe University of Chicago, fresh fromhis doctorate in New TestamentGreek, was vacationing in France. Forseveral weeks that summer there were dis-played for sale in an obscure shop in Orleansforty-three leaves of the Gospel of Matthew, written throughout in letters of goldon pages of purple vellum, and brilliantlyilluminated with pictures illustrating scenesfrom the life of Jesus. It was a most ex-traordinary manuscript. There is onlyone other codex in exìstence that is like itand that is kept in the strong box of theArchbishop of Rossano in southern Italy.This manuscript of Matthew was found bya French naval officer, Captain de la Taille,at Sinope in northern Asia Minor. Heused it for a time as a blotter book in whichto press his wild flowers. Then he sold itfor the merest consideration to a dealer inOrleans, where it was exposed to the merci-less giare of the summer sun in a shopwindow.Our alumnus did not chance to walkdown that side Street in Orleans; but ananonymous friend of the Bibliothèque Na-tionale did. He saw the pages of purplevellum, realized their worth, and purchasedthem. And so the famous Sinope fragmentsare today in the National Library of Francerather than in Harper Memorial Libraryat the University of Chicago. Theincident, which soon became a classic, wasenough to fire the imagination of thealumnus. It convinced him that whilemanuscripts of the Greek New Testamentwere rare indeed, they might yet be found,and found in the most unexpected places.Accordingly ever since that summer preced-ing 1900 he has been searching for NewTestament manuscripts.The alumnus was Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed, now.chairman of the New Testament Department in the University ofChicago. Though in the summer vacationof 1899 he missed finding the Sinope fragments largely by chance, in the summervacation of 1927 he found an equally in>portant Byzantine manuscript almost bychance.A year ago last summer Professor andMrs. Goodspeed were motoring through themonastic centers and cathedral towns ofsouth western Europe. Their route tookthem through Paris, where Byzantinemanuscripts are most likely to be found;Madrid, where the Escurial Library is lo-cated; Milan with its Ambrosian Library,Florence with its Laurentian Library, andVenice with its Library of San Marco.Wherever they went in large cities and incountry towns, in bookstores and in antique shops, they asked for manuscripts.The more unlikely the place the more likeli-hood there seemed to be of finding some-thing, just because the improbable placeshad not yet been ransacked. But alwaysthe reply to their queries was the same:there were no Greek manuscripts on themarket.It was the middle of September whenthe Goodspeed party arrived back in Parisagain, empty handed and ready for the return to America. There a chance inquiryin an antique shop on Boulevard Hauss-mann near the Opera brought to light anamazing object: a complete Byzantine NewTestament written in a superior cursivehand and bound in splendid silver giltcovers. What chiefly impressed ProfessorGoodspeed about the manuscript was thenumber of its miniatures. It seemed as ifevery page, almost, had an illumination,and there were some folios with three miniatures to the doublé page. The dealer said128NEW MANUSCRIPT ACQUISITIONS FOR CHICAGO 129DlSCOVERER AND NECOTIATORProfessor Edgar J. Goodspeed and AssistantProfessor Harold R. JVilloughbythere were seventy-two illuminations in thecodex. Actual count later showed thatthere were ninety-eight altogether. Todiscover such a manuscript was a staggeringexperience.The preliminary investigation of themanuscript, for the purpose of determiningits uniqueness and value, was carried on inthe New Testament Department of theUniversity during the winter months of lastyear. Two dozen photographs of illumi-nated pages were forwardedby the dealer,M. Stora, from Paris. These were studiedin relation to manuscript facsimiles at theUniversity, the Art Institute, and New-berry Library. Authorities on manuscriptsand illuminations were consulted : ProfessorBeeson, the University paleographer ; Mr.E. F. Rothschild of the Art Department;Mr. C. Lindsay Ricketts, the well-knownChicago illuminator ; and Professor CharlesR. Morey of Princeton, the great academicauthority on manuscript illumination. Thecentrai fact that emerged from ali thisinvestigation was that there was not knownto exist a Byzantine New Testament withanything like the number of illuminations«mtained in this codex. This fact was so impressive that in a report on the numberand merit of the miniatures sent to Professor Goodspeed in mid-January of lastyear the writer urged "that every effort bemade to purchase the manuscript at areasonable price."Immediately after this occurred an eventwhich convinced ali concerned that the codex must be secured at any price whatso-ever. One morning between classes a mem-ber of the Department, who should havebeen preparing his lecture for the nexthour, was studying instead the facsimilesin M. Ebersolt's "La Miniature Byzantine."Suddenly his eye caught the resemblance inscript and decoration between the codexunder consideration and a Bibliothèquemanuscript hearing the catalog numberCoislin 200. The latter was a very famousmanuscript of the Greek Testament sentin 1269 as a gift book to Louis IX ofFrance from his admirer Michael Vili,Emperor of Byzantium. The resemblanceamounted to identity of script and decorative motif, and at once it became apparentthat M. Stora's manuscript was a productof the imperiai scriptorium of Constanti-nople just after the recapture of that cityfrom the Latins in 1261. This made thecodex an historical document of prime im-portance, associated with the founder ofthe Paleologus dynasty, and a monument ofthe last great renaissance of Byzantine culture before its eclipse in the fìfteenthcentury.With the manuscript defìnitely dated andits unique importance established ProfessorGoodspeed did not hestitate to urge its purchase very strongly. He acquainted Mrs.Edith Rockefeller McCormick with thefacts regarding the Paleologus codex andshe at once authorized its acquisition forher own manuscript collection. She furtherdesignated that the New Testament Department of the University should be re-sponsible for the investigation and publication of the codex.The negotiation of the actual purchaseand the bringing of the manuscript to America were the privilege of the writer, theEaster vacation of last year being utilizedfor the completion of the transaction.130 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDean Shailer Mathews of the DivinitySchool generously provided funds for aflying trip to Europe. In order to save aday or two the outward and return voyageswere made on the same ship, the fastestat that season of the year. In order to savea few hours we flew by airplane from London to Paris and back again. Incidentallyit may be of interest to note that it costno more to send a representative to Europefor the manuscript than it would have costto have had it sent to America insured atAmerican Express Company rates.The dealer himself was so kind as tobring the manuscript to London in person,where we met at the American UniversityUnion on the forenoon of March seven-teenth. Difficulties developed which wereimmediately embarrassing and threatenedto become acute. Through a previous mis-understanding the antìquer carne to London expecting to receive a larger sum forthe codex than Mrs. McCormick hadauthorized to be paid for it ; and he wouldnot sell it at a lower figure. On receipt ofthis information Mrs. McCormick promp-tly cabled the additional amount. Witha dilatoriness that was inexcusable Lloydsin London neglected for three days to trans-mit the funds that she had cabled. Thisdelay was too much for the antiquer. Hethreatened to break off negotiations andtake the manuscript back to Paris. Onlythe fortunate arrivai of another special cablefrom Mrs. McCormick saved the situationand secured the codex.While the illuminations of the manuscript were being photographed in Londonthere was time for nearly a week of manuscript study in the British Museum. It wasa most agreeable and rewarding experience.There was no Museum manuscript, how-ever precious, that could not be had andhandled and studied for the asking. Sincethe Museum possesses certain outstandingexemplars of East Christian Art at its verybest, this was a timely opportunity.A study of the miniatures of the evange-lists in the Byzantine manuscripts of theMuseum brought out the fact that the por-trait headings of the Paleologus codex wereorthodox enough in their iconography, but very unusual in their square shape and theirenframement with broad decorative borders.The Museum copy of Simeon Metaphrastessuggested the hypothesis that the Paleologusportrait headings were a combination ofearlier frontispiece portraits with the tradi-tional decorative portals which are usuai asgospel headings in Byzantine manuscripts.Two other Museum codices, the HarleyGospels and the Melissenda Psalter, gaveexempliflcations of the standard iconographyof the gospels during the prolific MiddleByzantine period which preceded the Paleologus revival. With this characteristicphase of Byzantine art freshly in mind,and with the Rockefeller-McCormickmanuscript itself safely reposing in a vaultof the British Museum, we flew to Paristo spend Holy Week in manuscript studyat the Bibliothèque.The first and most important task in theBibliothèque was to test the fundamentalhypothesis that the Rockefeller-McCormickmanuscript and the St. Louis codex were theproducts of the same scriptorium. A day'swork with Coislin 200, using photographsof the Rockefeller-McCormick manuscriptfor detailed comparison, furnished ampieconfirmation for the hypothesis and securedthe foundation for further investigations.The great discovery of the week in Pariswas the isolation of another Bibliothèquemanuscript that had obvious and doseaffinities with the Rockefeller-McCormickcodex. M. Omont, the Conservateur desManuscrits in the Bibliothèque, was responsive for this discovery. When he sawthe photographs of the Rockefeller-McCormick Testament he exclaimed that it wascuriously like a recent acquisition of hisdepartment, catalogued as Suppl. Gr. 1335and he suggested that the latter also mightwell have come from the same scriptorium.Detailed examination of this manuscript,a combined New Testament and Psalter,made this suggestion seem highly probable.Iconographically the two manuscriptsstand very dose together, with illuminationskeyed to the same color pitch and with com-positions exhibiting identical features of design. Apart from the textual significancethat it, may have, it is already clear thatNEW MANUSCRIPT ACQUISITIONS FOR CHICAGO 131Frontispiece: Moses recewing the lata (on purple vellum)Suppl. Gr. 1335 will prove very useful forthe reconstruction of certain important illuminations that have been removed fromthe Rockefeller-McCormick codex. Itfurther suggests the interesting possibilitythat the latter manuscript at one time in-cluded a Psalter; for the last miniature onthe very last page of Mrs. McCormick'smanuscript shows King David at his harp-ing, and this composition appears in Suppl.Gr. 1335 and in other Byzantine manuscripts, as a frontispiece to the Psalms. Forits confirmation of the Paleologus hypothesis and for its addition of another ex-emplar to the group of Paleologus codices,the week in Paris was productive of important results.Even before its arrivai in America, As sociated Press dispatches heralded the com-ing of the manuscript. Since then it hashad the most varied experiences and hasbecome a very famous object indeed. Mrs.McCormick gave it a private reception ather Lake Shore Drive home and the NewTestament Club of the University held apublic celebration in its honor in HarperAssembly Room. It has been introducedto art classes and seminars on paleographyand learned societies in various parts of thecountry. It has been radio-photologued andarticles about it have appeared not only inEnglish but in Arabie, even. No Greekmanuscript that has ever come to Americahas created quite the sensation that theRockefeller-McCormick codex has made.The publication plans of the New Tes-132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtament Department are maturing rapidly.As soon as a publishing house can be foundequal to the complicated task of reproduc-ing its multicolored miniatures, a facsimileedition will be issued. This will be fol-lowed by a collation of the text. A volumeon the iconography of the illuminations willconclude the series.In the study of the Rockefeller-McCormick Testament it has been most impressiveto observe how the manuscript has steadilyadvanced in textual and aesthetic signifi-cance as research has proceeded. At firstfew readings of textual importance wereexpected from the manuscript and its valueswere anticipated in other directions. Nowhowever, D. Donald W. Riddle, who hasjust completed the collation of the text, re-ports it to have an interest and importancefar above the usuai cursive standard. Forexample, Romans in the Rockefeller-McCormick codex ends at 16: 24 with theshort Pauline benediction. The familiarlong doxology usuai at the conclusion ofRomans appears instead at the end of thefourteenth chapter, thus adding an im-portant bit of evidence for the existence ofa short recension of Paul's letter to theRomans. At the present time Dr. Riddleinclines to the view that the originai homeof the text represented in the Rockefeller-McCormick manuscript was at Caesarea inthe famous library of Pamphilius. Shouldthis prove to be the case the codex wouldtake its place as an exemplar of one of themost important types of locai texts whichare engaging scholarly attention at thepresent time.The need in America for such textualmaterials as the Paleologus codex is so acutethat it cannot be overemphasized. Onlytwo Greek New Testaments are known tobe in the United States at the present time.Of partial New Testaments in Greek thereare perhaps sixty, most of them being gos-pel manuscripts. The larger part of theseare quite lacking in distinction. The FreerGospels alone have sufficient textual importance to rank with Bezae and Ephrem,and only the Rockefeller-McCormick Testament, among them ali, has real icono-graphic distinction. It is probable that there is no civilized country on earth todaywhere manuscripts of the Greek New Tes-tament are more valued and useful than inthe United States at the present time. Ourdepartments are equipped to utilize suchdocuments in a thoroughly scientific mannerand our students are eager to have access tothem as indispensable materials for research.The alumni of the University of Chicagohave already shown a gratifying interest inproviding manuscript materials for the useof research students. Miss Shirley Farr ofthe class of 1904 has given to the University Libraries a memorial fund in honorof her father, Mr. Albert George Farr, theprincipal of which is being used exclusivelyfor the purchase of manuscripts. Alreadytwenty-fìve important items have been secured with this fund. At the One HundredTwenty-eighth Convocation Mr. CharlesF. Axelson, at that time chairman of theAlumni Council, presented to the University fìve valuable manuscripts purchasedby alumni funds. They included a fourteenth century copy of the "MagnaCharta," a very rare eleventh century manuscript of the "Miracles of the Virgin," anda finely illuminated thirteenth century copyof Justinian's "Novellae Constitutiones."Those who were present at President Bur-ton's first convocation cannot forget the dig-nity of the occasion as the university mar-shals carried the manuscripts to the platformand presented them to Mr. Axelson who, inturn, gave them to the President.Alumni who desire to purchase manuscripts for their own collections or forpresentation to the University should knowof certain important New Testament manuscripts that are on the market at the presenttime. While the writer was in Paris lastEaster he located, in as many differentshops, three Greek gospel manuscripts; oneof them a great church book exhibiting fourdifferent uncial hands, another a tenthcentury cursive with miniatures of classicquality, and the third a small octavo withmost interesting and problematic portraitsof the four evangelists. In New York Cityat present there are in private hands twogospel codices that are waiting for a pur-chaser. Recently the attention of the NewNEW MANUSCRIPT ACQUISITIONS FOR CHICAGO '33Testament Department was called to a verybeautiful Armenian gospels manuscriptwith unusual textual features and withmarginai vignettes that are in a wonderfulstate of preservation. This singular manuscript carne to light right here in Chicagoon the North Side. These half dozen NewTestament manuscripts should be made available for student use. Alumni who areinterested in supplying materials for research in the humanities have here a profit-able fìeld for investment. The New Testament Department of the University willbe glad to assist in securing and investiga-ting and publishing important textualmaterials of this kind.r.'*** »/ ¦ t»M — «yr*-*^*' —fi/m»*V£Ìrt*~-ùx** &f «<^ ••,*¦«*•£*§ ftp*irfcFrontispiece to the Petrine epìstlesThe BuilderBy Ivan G. Grimshaw, A.M. '27A workman stands beside a block of stone —A victim of gnawing discontent Before him, a huge building rears its towers,Like a giant sensing unknown powersIt stretches, tali and silent, heavenward bent,While by motley sounds the air is rent.Soon within this building, row on row,White cots shall stand, and daily theyShall learn the facts of life. Many a pillow,Snow white, and starched, and smoothed at morn,Shall know of sorrow, sin and false delay —Of happiness reborn.Here sleep shall come like a peaceful sea,A gift of Him who never sleeps. DefenseAgainst dread pain whose sharpened clawFastens with bite intenseUpon frail bodies struggling fearlessly.And here in aweShall men partake of life once more;Again go forth in strength as when in days of yore,Stalwart and strong, they faced life in youth's bloom.And may those others, who soon this fair earthMust leave to greet the tomb,Find here both kindly heart, and well-trained mind,Ever striving to do the Master's will,That they may prove their worth.Here many babies shall comfort findOn loving breasts, of life to drink their fili.Here depart strange delirium and dreams,Weird phantasies; for lo! varicolored beamsSent by the Lord, enter the windows wide,To cairn the pale sufferer on his cot,To put new courage and new peaceWhere cairn and peace are not;But where rich life should evermore abide.Within these walls dwell hope, release,Ruled o'er by mercy, gentle as a dove When at lastAli life's fitful slumber is past,May there come great rewardTo him who planned and wrought these halls of love —Reward bestowed by Him who reigns above.Ali this the workman knows as there he stands —A victim of gnawing discontent .....On the block of stone he rests his hands,Toil hardened, and with voice malevolentHe speaks: "Aw, no! This ain't no sort o' trade;I wish I had a job where money 's made!"134Is there AmericanArt?A Glance at the Jnstitute's Forty-First Annual ExhiòitionBy Daniel Catton Rich, '26IS the work of the best artists in America American ? Do their products havean expression typical of the country andthe people, collective form which wouldhave arisen nowhere else?" With thesewords Julius Meier-Graefe, the Germancritic who recently toured the United Statesexamining our art, both high and low,through his discerning monocle, opens anarticle in the current number of VanityFair. As is often the case with distin-guished visitors, Herr Meier-Graefe's ques-tions are more interestirfg than his answers,and here he is striking at the very heart ofa problem which has embarrassed our artistssince the beginning. Answer affirmativelyand the ghosts of Copley, Inness, and Chaserise to dismay you by their eclecticism ;answer "no" and you at once deny the bestin Gilbert Stuart, Albert Ryder and Wins-low Homer.But the question that interests every- one today is not whether we have hadan American art, but whether we are goingto have one. In the past there have beenvarious recipes. "Paint American subjects,"the critics stili say, "and we shall haveAmerican art." But ever since RalphEarle drew the first New England perspec-tive after the English manner, our artistshave proved that it takes more than a nativesubject to make a native art. "Well then,"the critics continue to advise, "go to schoolabroad." But the students who have mi-grated for over a century, first to London,then to Munich and Paris, have foundthemselves almost hopelessly beset with dif-ficulties. In Europe they have become"permanent pupils," and have spent most oftheir lives in being someone else. Ali thesuggestions are useless unless the typicalAmerican attitude is also involved. Thisattitude, hard to define, is more apparent inour literature ; since the days of Emerson,The Mountain135136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwe have been producing occasionai master-pieces in that field which by their veryscrupulousness of mind and method aredistinctively American.Such a problem has particular hearing onmodem art in America. During the fallseason, three of our most important officiaiexhibitions have been liberalized. TheCarnegie International at Pittsburgh rec-ognized two little-known Americanpainters; the Corcoran Exhibition gave itsfirst prize to a painter who is not a memberof the National Academy, and now theArt Institute of Chicago, in its forty-firstannual exhibition has given wall-space andprizes to the independents. It is time toexamine this newer art ; to take stock ofits importance for the future ; to ask our-selves if the non-conformists are any nearerthe solution than their predecessors.Certainly, some of the radicals are not. Inthe Institute exhibition there are a numberof painters who are content to repeat foreignformulas, and whether they are the cast-offmethods of the Impressionists or the morefashionable distortions of the Post-Impres-sionists, is besiJe the point. Cézanne, whorepresents to our century what Michelangelo represented to the sixteenth century,has been too much for some of these men ; they have remained what Clive Bell calls his"grand-children." But there are others inthe exhibition who begin to exhibit morenative accomplishments. Three of an oldergroup stand out, John Sloan, Guy Péne DuBois, and Rockwell Kent. Sloan continue!to paint New York inimitably; Du Boblooks at Paris and stili remains American-and Kent, now famous for his illustrationjand wood-blocks, continues to express therhythms of our country-side with architeoturai dignity.Other younger painters, cheered no doubtby the success of the former group, arebeginning to show elements of what maylater be an important movement. GlennColeman, who has been working for yearspainting Street scenes of New York, nowhas grasped their essential quality. His can-vases, low in tone and strangely designed,present a dead, wind-swept city, which inspite of tremendous power and urge, is atbase lonely. Ross Moffett finds in thedreary winter shores of Provincetown and inthe fisherman who tramp along them material for interesting patterns. Georgina Klit-gaard, in her "Mountain," paints upperNew York with exuberance and grace,Ernest Fiene, Edward Hopper, KarlKnaths, Arnold Bianche, Fiske Boyd, JameiA^M&ÙÉKKThe Shores of ProvincetownON THE DRAGON'S TRAIL 137Chapin, Mildred Williams, Anthony An-garola, Holmead Phillips and Stefan Hirschare among others whose special vision makesthem important. There are perhaps tenor twelve more who belong to the sameloosely separated group.Certainly the American painter of todayhas his troubles. He graduates from an artschool and finds himself in a world whichis curiously devoid of standards, a worldwithout definite faith or symbols. He isconfused by different styles and schools ofpainting; he longs to be originai and yetnot to cast himself entirely off from theORE than 200,000,000 years ago astrange amphibian reptile, of a typenow long extinct, walked up the inclinedbeach from his native lake in westernWyoming, leaving the imprint of his four-toed foot in the wet sand. The tracks,being uphill, were soon covered by wind-driven sand, and disappeared from sight, tobe fossilized into sandstone.Last summer two geology students fromthe University, prospecting for fossils inthe desolate country 35 miles southeast ofLandor, Wyoming, camped two miles fromthe site of this incident, which occurrednearly a quarter of a billion years beforethe rise of man.Late in August the two seniors, DonaldH. Bell, 21, and Richard Lunn, 22, sonof Professor Arthur C. Lunn of the Mathe-matics Department, observed tracks aboutfour inches long on the surface of a slab ofexposed rock at the foot of Sheep mountain.For seven feet the animai tracks werepressed into the out-cropping strata of sandstone, laid down in the "Pennsylvanian" orcoal-forming age and later exposed by somegreat earthquake centuries later.Last month Professor Alfred S. Romer,vertebrate paleontologist at the University°f Chicago, reported his finding on photo- great painting of the past. If he has realcourage, he may attempt to express his pur-pose, but the way is long. It means, evenin our age of quick recognition, years oflabor and experiment. As long as the present feud between society and the artistcontinues, the future development of art lieswith these isolated independents. Onlywhen America has found a certain numberof experimenters, can we hope to achievean art, equal to the best of our literatureand our architecture. That is why an exhibition like the Art Institute's has morethan a passing importance.graphs brought back by the two students,verifìed their conclusions and placed the ageof the incident at more than 200,000,000years.He described the creature as one whichwas developed early in the evolutionary pro-cess by which animai life crawled out of thewater and began evolving into land forms.It closely resembled the salamander of today, except that its legs were longer and itwalked with a twisting motion. Due to thefact that only four toes show in the tracksProfessor Romer said that it could not beconsidered as being ancestral to man, but a.member of some family which branched offa few million years before."I regard these tracks as being probablythe finest specimens of Pennsylvania foot-prints ever found," Prof. Romer reported.."They are undoubtedly the only specimensof their general type ever to be found westof the Allegheny mountains. The foot-prints of reptiles of a later age have beenfound in the Grand Canyon region."The slab containing the tracks will bebrought to the University after the springthaws, to be placed in Walker Museum.Closer examination will reveal the probablesize and species of the creature. Prof. Romerbelieves that the amphibian will prove toOn the Dragon's TrailTivo Geology Students UnearthSome Ancieìit Footprintsi38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJiave been slightly heavier than a sala-mander, with more sprawling legs for carry-ing its greater weight.The two students were engaged in astratigraphic survey at the time of the discovery. Five miles from the nearest ranch,they did their cooking over a sage-brushfire, with sage-hens and rabbits as the prin-cipal items of menu. Walking twenty milesa day, they covered over a hundred squaremiles in the survey. Rattlesnakes are abundant in this region and the two killed33 in the course of the summer. Since Windriver is the only stream in the district, theywere forced to travel to springs for water.During the "Pennsylvanian" period theregion which is now the Rocky Mountain»was covered by water, while the plains district was above water. It was at thejuncture of these two regions that wateranimals began moving toward land. Themountains were later pushed up.Leasing the Imprint of His Four-Taed Foot in the Wet SandImpressions of the UniversityBy Dexter Wright Masters, '30Editor of the ForgeCRITICISM of a thing, as Mr. W.D. Howells, for one, has said,should not be made in terms of itsstanding in regard to similar things, but interms of its standing in regard to nature,the naturai, the norm, or something remoteand unassailable like that. Or, to becomeless academic and, therefore, more at homewith myself, my impressions (criticism) ofthe University of Chicago (a thing) shouldnot hinge on my impressions of other Uni-versities (similar things) but on what isback of the ideal University (the norm,etc.) So much for the preamble. I will doas I should.The ideal University, I would say, pur-ports, first, to educate its inhabitants (educate: to develop and cultivate mentally ormorally. See Webster) and, second, to provide an attractive environment for such edu-cation. As to the first, speaking of my im-pression of the University of Chicago, Iwill content myself with saying only that aneducation may be got here ; that the f acilitiesfor getting one are admirable; that a stu-dent at the University of Chicago is givenevery opportunity of "getting educated";that he may graduate after four, or five,or six years without an education if hewants to. He is given the chance, but hemay, with comparative ease, not only over-look it but elude it. And I say this with thefull knowledge that neither I nor you canadequately define education, As to the second, I think that the physical side of theUniversity of Chicago is supremely fine.From an architectural standpoint, it is ex-hilarating. Its situation, once the studentacclimates himself to it, is an ideal one.But, there is more to the environment thanthe purely physical: the students themselvesprovide a large part of it and, the otherpoints being as praise-worthy as they are,it is in terms of the students that theUniversity must ultimately be judged.And now, faced by the obvious necessityof telling what my impressions of the stu dents are, I find that I have reached animpasse. For the University of Chicagostudent is entirely too variegated to permitanalysis; he will admit certain generaliza-tions but he will brook no dissection ; indeed,being such as he is, he cannot do otherwise.If I say that he is an intelligent, sincere,high-minded person, another part of himcries representation; and if I say that he isa jovial, friendly sort of soul, why, protestfrom another portion. The students hereare a mixed lot, I think, partly because theUniversity is so much a day school — Irealize that I am not being iconoclastie insaying this — and partly because the situation of the University in a large city, pro-viding its abnormal amount of outlets andinlets, brings out every major and minorcharacteristic within them. Whatever thereason, the fact remains immutable thatthey are not, to put it mildly, of one pattern.That being so — and it is so — where doesmy impression of them come in? Well,just where you would expect; through thisvery dissimilarity. The students are a kalei-doscopic lot; my impression of them is justthat. I think that I have come into contact,at one time or another during my twoyears here, with almost every type of personconceived by whoever first moulded humantypes. The insane, the genius, the brilliant,the intelligent, the smart, the clever, thesane, the sensible, the mediocre, the dull,the stupid, and ali the variations, physicaland mental. I can think of no one sort thatpredominates. At the eastern schools toleave Mr. Howells' side for a moment—there seems to be usually one type thatstands out above the rest; superficially,perhaps, but inasmuch as I can know, orhave been able to know, that preponderancedoes exist. Here, diff erence, hence, a moreinteresting contour. And that, I think, isthe thing I have been struggling to say."Interesting contour." Lift it up a notchfrom the students to the University ofChicago in toto. That's my impression.139BOOKI73Two Books on CollegesNO ONE comes into more intimatecontact with the personalities -thatmake up a college community thandoes the dean ; no one is compelled to observethe interplay of these personalities so muchas is the dean. When a dean writes his ex-periences and publishes a book on collegeproblems, the reader can be assured thatthere is the authority of experience back ofthe printed statements. When a dean tellshow the college should be remade, the readeris tempted to ask why the dean has not beenmore effective in carrying out the programwhich he advocates and what gifts of pro-phetic vision a dean has beyond those ofordinary men.Two books on colleges,* one by a formerdean, now a president, and one by an activedean illustrate very strikingly the contrastbetween the temperament which dwells onfacts and the temperament which is notcontent to hold to realities but strives toforecast and direct by speculation whatshould be. President Wilkins describes inthe book which he has written many of theprogressive movements which he inaugu-rated when he was dean of the colleges atthe University of Chicago. He tells howhe organized orientation courses, how hebrought faculty and students together in his"Better Yet Campaign," how he conductedFreshman Week, how he received and ad-mitted to college a blind student. DeanMcConn gives some glimpses in his bookinto the machinery of administration whichhe operates as dean of Lehigh University,but in the main his book is a program forthe future and a statement of views. The*The Changing College. Wilkins, ErnestHatch. Chicago: The University of ChicagoPress, 1927.College or Kindergarten? McConn, Max.New York: New Republic, Inc., 1928. reader of Dean McConn's book finds muchless by way of fact than one finds in President Wilkins' book. Often an unconvincedreader feels that Dean McConn has lefthim without concrete information on whichto base his judgments. The prophetic dis-cussion runs on offering pronouncementsand dogmatic views on many phases of college life. There are chapters on what pro-fessors are and should be, on the abolitionof lay boards of trustees, on athletics, onlectures and recitations, on coeducation andselection of students.President Wilkins has taken the collegeas it is and has indicated how it can beimproved by wise administration. Heshows that the college is evolving, that it isgradually leaving behind the elementarycourses and is learning to select seriousstudents who exhibit purpose and ability.He tells how the college over which hepresided set up definite plans and put theseplans in operation. He makes a plea for alithose young people who have the power tobecome leaders and describes the kind of acurriculum by which these potential leaderscan be trained.Dean McConn finds the present "mixedcollege" in need of division into two totallydistinct institutions. One of the institu-tions which is to result from the cleavageis to be a gentleman 's college, a college forwhat he calls "superkindergartners." Thisgentleman's college is to be the home of student activities, popular lectures, and polic-ing recitations. It is to be a small countryclub. The other college which is the "real"college is to accept only serious-minded in-tellectuals. Here intercollegiate athleticswill be taboo. Professors will specialize onlecturing, conducting seminars, and givingscientific demonstrations, each according to140BOOKS 141his special ability The government willbe in the hands of a board including seniorhonor students, alumni, and members ofthe faculty. The institution will be ruralbut near a great city. It will enroll abouttwo thousand students. Research as suchwill not be demanded of the instructorsthough possibly it will not be discouraged.Like ali educational reformers who pre-¦fer their dreams to hard and uninvitingfacts, Dean McConn is troubled to forseewhat the junior college may do to his "realcollege." He cannot refrain, like manyanother collegian, from breathing out hiswrath against ali institutions other thanthat which he has set up in his imagination.He writes as follows:— the junior college cannot hope to give itsstudents a training as rigorous and fine as someof the better colleges now give some of theirstudents, and as any Real College would giveto ali its highly selected clientele.Why not? Because the typical junior college, which will set the standard for ali, isgoing to be the public junior college, an ad-junct of the public high school, supported bytaxation, and open by law to ali the young menand women who can achieve graduation fromthe mother high school or from other highschools in the vicinity. In other words, itsstudent body will be relatively unselected, and itwill inevitably, therefore, dilute its courses,slacken its pace, and lower its standards ofachievement, just as the public high school hasbeen forced to do, to meet the needs and capaci-ties of its unselected group. Moreover, this isexactly what it ought to do. It is explicitly de-signed for the great majority, and its dutywill be to serve the majority. But that means that it cannot serve well the young men andwomen of really superior intellectual ability.For such it can only be, as the public high schoolis now, a place of boredom, of languid waitingwhile self-evident propositions are laboriouslyexplained to the intellectually halt and lame, andhence presently a place of loafing and bluffingand getting by.For this selected few — selected, not, ofcourse, according to economie or social status,but on the basis of superior aptitude for thethings of the mind — there should remain aReal College with a four-year curriculum —where they can be put in competition with theirpeers, given scope for their abilities and powers,carried forward for two years beyond thehigh-water mark of the majority, and sent forthequipped with something like adequacy to dothe larger and finer work of a civilized society.One who is seriously interested in educational reform can hardly be patient withthe effort to substitute for real argumentthe use of smart names. Of what availis it to cali college students superkinder-gartners? What does it profit a collegedean to describe the American high school invituperative terms? Why write a book inthe twentieth century when college organi-zation has made great strides and is in pro-cess of effecting a wholesome articulationwith the schools above and below and devotethat book to setting up an unrelated seriesof instructions ? Perhaps the answer is thata dean gets into the habit of deaning andfails to realize that in other modem activ-ities men of the highest intelligence areguided by scientific research, by objectivefacts, by obvious trends.Charles Hubbard JuddCritics of the NovelBy Simon O. Lesser, '28Aesthetics of the Novel, by Fan Meter Ames. The University of Chicago Press. $2.50.Aspects of the Novel, by E. M. Forster. Harcourt, Brace and Co. $2.50.The Latter Realism, a Study of Characterization in the British Novel, by Walter T.Meyers. The University of Chicago Press. $2.00.The American Novel Today, by Regis Michaud Little, Brown and Co. $2.50.These four criticai works, two by Amer-icans, one by an Englishman, and one by aFrenchman now living and teaching inAmerica, were published at very dose inter-vals. They evince a serious interest in what« undoubtedly the most effective and char- acteristic literary expression of our age —the novel.I prefer to consider first Van MeterAmes* Aesthetics of the Novel, although inseveral respeets it is inferior to Aspects ofthe Novel by Forester. Mr. Ames' ap-142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEproach is an originai and productive one.First he places the novel in its properaesthetic background. He distinguishes between sensuous art which represents thevalues answering to the pfoblems of thephysical self and literary art which is chieflyconcerned with social values. Then withsound psychological and ethical argumentMr. Ames shows how the modem novelministers to our personality. Like the nov-elists themselves he has much to say aboutour age. But while his criticism is vital andwould please Matthew Arnold it suffersin that its literary judgment is sometimes in-ferior to the more impeccable philosophicalbackground. And although he is young,Mr. Ames already writes like a philosopher,that is to say, not very well. Despite this,Aesthetics of the Novel is significant criticism. Too many books written about thenovel since 1902 have failed to transcendBliss Perry. Mr. Ames has a fresh ap-proach.E. M. Forster's Aspects of the Novelconsists of some lectures given at Cambridgeduring the Spring of 1927. Forster writesin the best English-essay tradition, quietly,but stimulating his reader at every turn.Under the brilliant flow of his prose, hispersonality emerges, a suave and subtlething. His specific literary estimates areimpeccable, even where one disagrees withhim. The quotations in Aspects of theNovel speak of his good taste. Yet Forster's leisurely charm is his weakness aswell as his strength : his book doesn't seemto have tried very hard. He eschews tooreadily the possibility of scientific criticism,accepting essentially the same criticai framethat others have used before him. Thereare the usuai chapters on characterizationand plot. Forster, however, makes a distinction between story and plot. The kingdied, and then the queen died. That, hesays, is a story. But, the king died and thenthe queen died of grief, is a plot. A charm-ing chapter on "Fantasy" discusses NormanMatson, Max Beerbohm, and James Joyce.Under "Prophecy" Forster ably discussesDostoevsky and Melville. A chapter on"Pattern and Rhythm," whose best example is Thais, is too thin to fulfill its promise.To a certain extent Aspects of the Novel is.not a book, but a series of individuai criti-cisms ali of them brilliant.However, Forster does negate theimportance of chronology in literarycriticisms. He is skeptical of alipseudo-scholarly classifications, whatsoever.Shrewd, he yet makes no eifect to hunt athread on which to string his beads oftheory. Aspects of the Novel is not a bravebook.The Later Realism by Walter T. Meyersis a book of more limited scope than theother three here considered. It is a studvof characterization in the British realisticnovel. "In contrast with the late Victoriannovel," Meyers writes, "recent Britishrealism shows a wider conception of nor-malcy and a greater intensity and amplitudeof actuality." He discusses this thesis inreference to characterization in specificbooks. He traces the causes which havecontributed to this tendency. Mr. Meyersis handicapped, as he seems to be aware, inthat some of his classifications seem arbi-trary. His style is rather colorless and hisHegelian tendency towards grouping thingsin threes distressing. Yet his book, withinits scope, is quite solid and is distinguishedby sharpness of definition.Regis Michaud writes about The American Novel Today and he has a thesis. InAmerica society dominates the individuai,whose puny war against it is foredoomedto failure. Yet this rebellion of the individuai, says Michaud, is the most significantmotif of American, life and letters. Thisthesis is the guide for a brilliant discus-sion of Hawthorne. It is largely forgottenin the rest of the volume, and I doubt ifMichaud could have established it, even ifhe had tried harder. No one has yet provedto the satisfaction, say, of E. M. Forster,that there is any good reason for treatingcontemporary American novels as an entity.Michaud has stimulating discussions ofDreiser, Lewis, Anderson and Cabell. Butthe chapters as well as the book as a wholeare untrustworthy — smeared by haste. Justas Michaud's theme does not permeate theBOOKS 143entire book, his chapter on Dreiser waversfoolishly and unawares between two con-tradictory interpretations.Ames, Forster, Meyers, and Michaudhave written books easily equal to theaverage of the art form they appraise. Yetbeyond doubt there are a dozen novelistsHOW many young housewives haveresented the necessity of wastinglong hours and expensive materialsin learning to turn out good products in thekitchen. The intelligent young woman oftoday wants to produce, or to have pro-duced, in her kitchen, food which is pal-atable, pleasing in appearance, and rich innutrients. Furthermore she wants to ac-complish this without serving a long, tediousapprenticeship. But where, she asks, areto be found directions which the inexperi-enced can follow and be confident to herresults.Ho ws and Whys of C 00 king answersthis long felt need in the field of cookery.It represents the findings of several yearsof experimental work at the University ofChicago home economics laboratories and isa distinctly new kind of cook book. Theauthors state in the foreword that their pur-pose throughout has been to find how toprepare really good food and to put intowords the essentials of each cooking processdown to the smallest details. The ex-plicit directions given in the book make itpossible for the most inexperienced cook toachieve uniformly good results. And theolder cook will learn from its pages thewhys of cooking processes she has not pre-viously understood and will be helped toeliminate the element of "luck" in thequality of her results.Perhaps Hows and Whys of Cookingmakes its most valuable contribution in veg-etable cookery. For how often is a beautiful, fresh vegetable so cooked as to lose writing today with a more enduring vita-lity. Of course, the critics are outnum-bered, but is not this in itself efTect notcause? Is our age unsuited to the highesttype of criticism ? Or is a first-rate criticaiwork more difricult of attainment at alitimes than a first-rate novel?every vestige of its originai attractiveness.Hows and Whys of Cooking tells how toprepare vegetables in such a way that theyretain their naturai color and flavor and arehigh in nutritive value. The young motherespecially will welcome these directions, forin her zeal to preserve the nutrients shefrequently ruins the color and flavor, thusobtaining products which are so unattrac-tive that they may well be responsible forthe common belief that children innatelydislike vegetables.The sections on muffins, cakes, and pieswill also appeal strongly to the young house-wife who does her own cooking, or what ismore difficult, must teach an inexperiencedmaid to do it. Even that delectable product,a light, feathery cake, which has long beenconsidered a difEcult achievement, possibleonly after many failures, is here made aneasy accomplishment for any one who- iswilling to make an honest efìort to followdirections.For those interested, the chemical changestaking place in cooking processes are ex-plained. (Examples, color of vegetablesand action of baking powder.) But letit be understood that the book does notpresuppose a knowledge of chemistry or anytraining in home economics. Indeed, theauthors state that it has been their expresspurpose to make the book usable to anyintelligent woman, no matter how little herprevious experience in cooking.The photographs, showing good and badfood products, proper and improper utensilsand equipment, are both interesting andA New Kind of Cook BookHows and Whys of Cooking. By Evelyn G. Halliday and Isabel T. Noble. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, IQ28, pp. I7Q, $2.00.144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEilluminating. Often what the cook needsmost is a picture, establishing a standardto be worked for.Hows and Whys of Cooking provides asolid foundation for those who would knowTo see ourselves as others see us is an ex-perience as alluring as it is philosophicallyimpossible. An approximation of this elusivedesire is furnished by the criticai essays,culled by Mr. J. C. Squire from the pagesof his London Mercury, and presented toAmerican readers by Holt and Co., underthe title, Contemporary American Authors(1928, $2.) Here Mr. Squire and hischosen few exhibit shiny, British portraitsof such thoroughly American figures asWilla Cather, Robert Frost, and TheodoreDreiser.In this particular gallery, one is rathermore interested in what the painters havefailed to catch than in what they havecaught, of their subjects' natures. It isinevitable that the vague knowledge ofAmerica, characteristic of English journal-ists, should condition their responses to aliterature which represents a country theyfind preposterous if not quite barbarie.For instance, one might wish that Mr. Os-bert Burdett had read somewhat morewidely in the works of Mrs. Wharton, buthe writes eloquently, as other critics do, ofwhat he knows very slightly. In the main,however, ignorance, if it exists, is adroitlyconcealed, and is suggested only occasionallyby a certain factual meagerness. Of down-right errors, there seem to be few. It iscertainly erroneous to state, as Mr. Alexander Porterfield does, that "At first, Miss correct and efficient methods in cookery.To borrow from Bernard Shaw, it mightbe called "The Intelligent Woman's Guideto Cooking."Ella Ross, '23Cather was distinctly influenced by Mrs.Wharton." Even his indication of certainqualities common to O Pioneers and EthanFrome does not demonstrate the operationof an influence between these disparate figures. Other errors are, perhaps, those oftaste rather than of fact. In Mr. MiltonWaldman's statement that "Many of his(Dreiser's) disciples, notably Mr. Sher-wood Anderson, share his deafness to therhythm and flow of prose," the implicationas to Anderson seems unjust. In the firstplace, Anderson's prose and Dreiser's havefew conspicuously common qualities, and inthe second place, to these ears, at least,Anderson's prose brings new and movingrhythms, though they are not, to be sure,the rhythms of Joseph Addison or MatthewArnold. The absurdity of Mr. Waldman'ssuggestion that "When American books areset up in England, the monetary terms betranslated," is sufficiently demonstrated bythe recent English edition of a biographywherein Mr. William Randolph Hearst (ofali people!) bandies English pounds aboutin conversation otherwise aggressivelyAmerican. Surely it is not too much to askthe English reader to keep in mind the valueof an American dollar. This slight effortwould be only a fair return for the bewild-erment of generations of American trav-ellers in their first encounter with pounds,shillings, and pence.in my opinionBy Fred B. Millett,Assistant Professor of EnglishBOOKS 145A more subtle evidence of unfamiliaritywith the American scene is apparent in theattempt of Mr. John Freeman and Mr. Edward Davison to picture New England andthe relation of Messrs. Robinson and Frostto it. The latter, to be sure, minimizes hisdilemma by asserting that Frost "can only besuperficially regarded as 'The Interpreter ofNew England.' Like Mr. Robinson hetakes comparatively little from his environment, which, in kind, is equally availableoutside America." It may be a broad, butit is certainly not a deep, view of Frostwhich separates him violently from thesource of his material, his style, and, what ismore important, his view of man and nature. It is equally superficial not to realizethat Mr. Robinson's glowing pessimism isinfinitely more comprehensible and significant against the economie and intellectualbackground of a moribund province. Butit is Mr. Freeman who achieves the climaxof the uncomprehending when he sets downwhat he imagines New England to be. "Mr.Frost's country," he writes, "is as if aliCumberland — every romantic associationtorn from it — were turned into sparseallotments, peopled mainly by transitoryfolk who confront something stark and ex-orbitant — poverty, toil, disappointment andsorrow." This is probably the first timein history that New Englanders have beendescribed as "transitory."Despite misapprehensions due to ignor-ance or superficial knowledge, despite astyle which is so academically correct that itis almost completely lacking in individuality,glitter, or wit, this gallery ofrers portraitswhich are technically competent and reasón-ably revealing, (To be sure, Mr. Squire's"pregnancy of aposiopesis" is hardly aca- demic ; I shall never know the truth aboutit, but I suspect the worst.) The best of theportraits are Mr. Freeman's and Mr.Priestley 's. Mr. Freeman, as poet in hisown right, brings both technical experienceand personal sympathy to the interpretationof Robert Frost. When he writes, "Hislanguage is the language of common lifemade lightly rhythmical and faintly musical," the observation may not be startlingbut it is authoritative and apt. And hecomes dose to the secret of Frost's powerin his remark that "His subjects may bemean and common, but they are not meanlybeheld." Mr. Priestley is the only one ofthese writers who realizes that a critic maybe entertaining as well as instructive orjudicial. His just and illuminating estimateshows Hergesheimer, "exploiting the pic-turesque possibilities of America, doweringthe past life of his own and neighboringStates with a romantic charm and a glamour —. Thanks to Hergesheimer she(America) has achieved an aesthetic —romantic past in fiction." Mr. Priestley,however, does not forego the inclusion ofsuch delightful sketches as that of "Hergesheimer in a wig and satin breeches, dream-ing in an Adams room," or "a fatuouslittle man solemnly fussing about gilt clocksand shimmering underclothes."For American readers, these studies errperhaps in their exposition of the relativelyfamiliar. For its English audience, the col-lection is an amiable and generally accurateintroduction to a f ew conspicuous Americanwriters. The success makes one wish for asimilar series of portraits of English celeb-rities by American artists in criticism. Itwould probably contain fewer errors in factand more errors in taste.Qtfje Uuibetóttp of Cfncago Jfólaga?tneEditor and Business Manager, Charlton T. Beck '04Advertising Manager, Brockway D. Roberts '25EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Rollin D. He-mens, '21; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association— Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association—Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12; College — Roland F. Holloway, 20; Alle.m Heaid,'26; Faculty — Fred B. Millett, Department of English.Donald P. Bean., '17, Chairmanere^crs &> qommsu^tDURING the late autumn the campuswas saddened by the loss of three out-standing and revered University leaders.Within a single month were chronicled thedeaths of Thomas C. Chamberlin, Alexander A. Maximow, and Floyd R. Mechem.These men were not only intellectual leaders and beloved teachers, but they havecontributed in large measure to the spiritand pattern of the University. As mem-bers of the University and of the Worldof Letters the work that they have donewill live for decades and for centuries.PROFESSOR Thomas ChrowderChamberlin, distinguished geologistof the University of Chicago andauthor of the "Planetesimal Theory" ofthe earth's origin, died November 15in Chicago at the age of eighty-five. Hislast book, The Two Solar Families —The Suns Ghildren, presenting an explan-ation of ali parts of the solar system,was published by the University of ChicagoPress six weeks before his death.Resigning the presidency of the University of Wisconsin in 1892 to become Chairman of Geology and Paleontology at thenewly organized University of Chicago,Professor Chamberlin was one of the distinguished band of scholars with whomWilliam Rainey Harper, first President at Chicago, surrounded himself. Having become interested in the problem of the earth'sformation, from a study of the rock form-ation of Southern Wisconsin, he advancedthe famous "Planetesimal Theory," nowaccepted as supplanting the La Placiannebular hypothesis, in 1896. For this hewas awarded the Penrose Medal, mostcoveted honor in geology, last year.His book The Origin of the Earth ex-plains the birth of the planets as the resultof interaction between the sun and a passingstar which swerved past it three to h\t bil-lion years ago. The peculiar concurrentand swirling motion given to the materialdrawn from the sun enabled the swarms ofseed-like accretions which he calls "plane-tesimals" to gather into solid planets, ofwhich the earth is one. In his last bookThe Two Solar Families, Professor Chamberlin presented his "chondrulitic hypothesis," a corollary to the "PlanetesimalTheory," explaining the origin and growthof satellites, planetoids, comets, and meteor-ites. Satellites and planetoids are explainedas the result of secondary and minor erup-tions at the time of the passing star; andmeteorites as the constantly changing resultof interaction between eruptions and radia-tion on the sun and the attraction of theneighboring stars.Professor Chamberlin received the146uvììjms AINU (JUMMENT 147Thomas Chrowder ChamberlinBachelor's degree from Beloit College anddid his graduate study in the universkiesof Wisconsin and Michigan. He taught atColumbia and Beloit and was President ofthe University of Wisconsin between 1887and 1892. He was at various times StateGeologist of Wisconsin, Geologist of thePeary Expedition, President of the Chicagoand Illinois Academies of Science, ResearchAssociate of the Carnegie Foundation, andeditor of the Journal of Geology.Burial was in Beloit, Wisconsin.FLOYD R. Mechem, professor of law atthe University since 1903 and an inter-national authority on the law of agency,sales, and public officers, died early Tuesdaymorning December 11, following a briefillness. He had been confìned to his suiteat the Del Prado for several days by abronchial cold, which overtaxed his heart.Prof. Mechem carne to the UniversityUw School the year following its organiza-•¦on, from the University of Michigan,where he had been Tappan professor of«w for eleven years. He was one of the¦Oost beloved members of the Chicago faculty, his kindly and gentle attitude andhis brilliance as a teacher endearing him tohis students, many of whom are now amongthe leaders of the Chicago bar.He was born May 9, 1858, in Nunda,New York, and though his legai education was gained largely by study in a BattleCreek law office, his scholarship has beeninternationally recognized. The Universityof Michigan granted him an honorary degree in 1894. It is said that he was one oftwo American legai authorities ever to bequoted in Parliament. Before joining theMichigan faculty, he had practiced law inBattle Creek and Detroit. During the lastfive years he had devoted himself largely tothe restatement of the law of agency, part ofthe general restatement of the law under-taken by the American Law Institute.Acting-President Frederic Woodwardsaid, "Professor Mechem's death is a ter-rible loss. He was one of America's out-standing scholars and the work which wasto crown his distinguished and fruitfulcareer — the restatement of the Law ofAgency under the auspices of the AmericanInstitute of Law — is left unfìnished.148 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"More than that he was a teacher ofunique qualities, a philosopher in the class-room. But most of ali he was a wonderfulman. It is literally true that everyonewho knew him loved him. In his naturethere was a fusion of strength and tender-ness, of integrity and generosity, of braveryand pity. He left an indelible impressupon the character of thousands of students,who will mourn him as a father."Professor Mechem was the author ofstandard text-books on "Agency" and "Public officers," and also of "Mechem's Hut-chinson on Carriers," "Elements of Partnership," "Sales of Personal Property," and ofcase books on agency, partnership anddamages.He married Jessie P. Collier of BattleCreek in 1884, and his widow and two sons,John Collier, a vice-president of the FirstTrust and Savings Bank, and Phillip Russell, professor of law at the University ofKansas, survive.DEATH of Professor Alexander A.Maximow, University of Chicagoanatomist, on December 4, closed oneof the most spectacular of scientificcareers. Though he was a world-authorityon the nature of blood and connective tissue,it was only a dramatic escape from bolshe-vist Russia that enabled him to continue hisresearches unhampered in the United States.Dr. Maximow was teaching histologyand embryology at the Imperiai MilitaryAcademy of Medicine in St. Petersburg atthe time of the Czar's overthrow. Thoughhe was a member of the old aristocracy, Dr.Maximow was a moderate liberal and hebecame a maj or-general in the army ofPresident Kerensky. After the SovietRevolution of 1919, which he opposed, hetried to leave Russia but was detained bythe bolshevists along with other scientists.He was able in 1922, however, to makea perilous flight across the ice of the Gulfof Finland during a heavy fog. With himon a sleigh pulled by smugglers were hissister, who later became his laboratory tech-nician, and his wife, former leader of theImperiai ballet. The remainder of the load consisted of his 60-pound microtomefor slicing laboratory specimens, the lensesof his microscopes, the records of his ex-periments, and some spare clothes.Though he had been wealthy enough tosupport his own laboratory in St. Petersburg he arrived in Sweden practically pen-niless. He had been offered a post at theUniversity of Chicago but the censorship ofhis mail left him without assurance. Withthe help of the American ambassador toSweden, Ira Nelson Morris, passage to theUnited States was financed by the University.Dr. Maximow was one of the first scientists to emphasize the functional approachto anatomy rather than the structural anddescriptive approach. Many of his mosteffective researches were done on living tissue, which he preserved alive and growingin blood plasma. One of his achievementswas the production of ali types of blood cellsfrom one single type. He was the authorof more than seventy articles and booksdealing chiefly with histology and embryology, written in English, Russian, andGerman. The pathology of respiratory dis-eases, of malignant diseases, and of inflam-mation were among his particular fields ofwork and he had recently discovered thatthe tubercle bacillus, the germ of tuber-culosis, can live and grow in body cellswithout discommoding the individuai cells*Dr. Maximow was born in St. Petersburg in 1874. In 1899 ne received theM.D. degree from the Imperiai MilitaryAcademy of Medicine, and was given aD.Sc. degree, honoris causa, by TrinityCollege, Dublin, in 19 12. He held therank of Actual State Councillor in the Imperiai Russian Army from 1896 to 19 17.From 1903 to 1922 he was professor at theImperiai Academy and from 19 18 to 1922he was also a member of the faculty at theUniversity of St. Petersburg. His deathwas caused by coronary sclerosis.Funèral services were conducted in theUniversity's new Gothic Chapel by priestsof the Russian Orthodox Church, with thefamous Russian Kedroff Quartet singingthe responses.Yale Eleven Will Visit Chicago asTribute to StaggBy Walter Eckersall, '09YALE, through President Angeli, itsathletic board and alumni, paid CoachA. A. Stagg of Chicago as great a tribute as ever has been extended a man con-nected with American intercollegiate athletics, when public announcement was madethat the football elevens of Yale and Chicago will meet on Stagg fìeld on Oct. 17,1931-The announcement was made at thefathers and sons luncheon of the Yale Clubof Chicago at the Hotel La Salle December27 when Henry A. Gardner, former president of the Yale Club of Chicago, read theletter sent to Coach Stagg by George H.Nettleton, chairman of the Yale Athleticassociation.The letter read as follows:"I am glad to inforni you that the boardof control of the Yale University Athleticassociation has approved the proposai madethrough representatives of the Yale Club ofChicago for a game between the Universityof Chicago and Yale football teams, to beplayed at Chicago in 193 1. Our board,which counts in its membership PresidentAngeli, naturally recognizes with especialsatisfaction the dose connections, academicand personal, between Chicago and Yale, which were inaugurated with PresidentHarper and which have since been main-tained and confirmed."It recognizes also the widespread desireof Yale graduates living in or near Chicagoboth for the proposed game itself and for thecommemoration thereby, in 1931, of thefortieth anniversary of your first connectionwith the athletic interests of Chicago. Ourboard recognizes that your significant serv-ice to the best interests of college athleticsis national rather than locai in its influence,and the college of which you are a graduateis especially glad to share in honoring yourname and work. The exceptional circum-stances of the proposed game have thus ledour board to give it consideration which isexceptional in view of our regular policyand practice."Coach Stagg as a student at Yale in thelate eighties was one of Yale's greatest ath-letes. The desire to honor Stagg was thechief factor in granting permission to theYale team in 1931 to make the trip toChicago.Tad Jones, one of the greatest footballplayers who ever attended Yale and whohas coached Ol'd Eli elevens for a numberof years, lauded the decision of the YaleRespected at Yale — revered at Chicago149150 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEboard to permit the team to come west.Jones believes the decision will benefit Yalein inter-collegiate athletics.It will be the third time that Yale hasdeviated from a course of athletic procedurewhich has been traditional at New Haven.In most years Yale has left its own gridironto meet only Harvard and Princeton. Twoyears ago Yale met Brown at Providence todedicate the stadium and next fall it willjourney into the southland to take part inthe dedicatory exercises of the Universityof Georgia stadium at Athens.Yale is the last of the Big Three tocome west. Princeton has met Chicago andOhio State. Harvard will play Michiganat Ann Arbor next fall. In other years Cornell, Brown, Dartmouth, Pennsylvania,Carlisle Indians, Pittsburgh and Syracusehave met middle western elevens on the latterà gridirons. The football classic betweenIN CONNECTION with the Wintermeeting of the Department of Superin-tendence of the National Education Association to be held in Cleveland the latter partof February, the University of ChicagoClub of Cleveland, and the School of Education of the University of Chicago are ar-ranging a dinner meeting. The dinner willbe given at the University Club, 3813 Euc-lid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednes-day, February 27, at 6 o'clock, price $2.00.Mr. Charles H. Judd, Director of theSchool of Education at the University ofChicago, will act as Toastmaster, and MaryHill, Ph.B. '22, Director of Nursery andKindergarten-Primary Training, WesternReserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Wil- the Army and Navy was played in Chicagoin 1926. Last year the Navy met NotreDame in Chicago and next fall the Armywill clash with Illinois at Champaign. Of-ficials believe Stagg field will not begin tohold the crowd which will be eager to wit-ness the first appearance of Yale in western territory.Efforts to bring a Yale-Chicago game toChicago were launched by Henry A. Gard-ner, last year's president of the Yale clubof Chicago. He was assisted by RobertGardner, former Yale pole vaulter andprominent golfer. The 193 1 game will bethe occasion for a mammoth Yale reunionin Chicago.Coach Stagg was not present at theluncheon. He was attending the annualconvention of the National Collegiate A. A.in New Orleans.liam J. Cooper, State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, Sacramento, California,Léonard P. Ayres, Vice-President, Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio,and David P. Barrows Ph.D. '97, Professorof Politicai Science, University of California, Berkeley, California, will bespeakers.Dean William S. Gray of the School ofEducation at the University of Chicago isworking with the Cleveland Club in making arrangements for the dinner.Tickets may be secured from Dean William S. Gray, School of Education, University of Chicago, or from Miss AnnaBlake, 2215 Delaware Road, ClevelandHeights, Ohio.ALUMNI AFFAI R SALUMNI AFFAIRS 151DURING the past year hundreds ofalumni bave given generously tothe University in time and service.During the same period many havecontributed in a material way. We pub-lish this month a list of alumni gifts asreported to the Board of Trustees during1928.Mr. Willoughby Walling, Ph.B. '99,has given to the Department of Historya valuable collection of originai records ofterritorial Indiana. This is to be known asthe William E. English Collection.Dr. Rudolph Wieser Holmes, Rush, '93,has given to the University, for the RushMedicai College Library, his library of500 volumes, many of them rare and valuable books.The Chicago Alumni Club has given tothe University of Chicago a bronze bustof Amos Alonzo Stagg. It has been placedin the entrance hall of Bartlett Gymnasium.Dr. E. V. L. Brown, S.B. '02, M.D.'98, has given to the University his libraryof Ophthalmology.Anna L. Van Benschoten, S. M. 'oo, de-ceased, bequeathed to the University thesum of $2,000 to apply toward its endow-ment fund.Mr. Robert Law, Jr., ex-'gj, has in-creased his subscription to the DevelopmentFund from $80,000 to $200,000, the totalto be used as endowment of a DistinguishedService Professorship.Dr. Charles H. Viol, Ph.D. '12, de-ceased, made the University the beneficiaryof a $5,000 life insurance policy with theexpressed desire that this be used to estab-lish a graduate scholarship in Chemistry.The Phi Beta Delta Alumnae of theUniversity of Chicago have contnibuted$1,844.02 for the purpose of establishing ascholarship fund, the income of which isto be applied toward the tuition of one ormore women students.The Law School Association of the Uni versity of Chicago has presented to theUniversity a portrait of Professor HarryA. Bigelow.An anonymous alumnus has given to theUniversity the sum of $10,000 for sixteenHonor Scholarships to cover full tuitionfor two years for sixteen freshmen entering;the University in September 1928.Mr. Harold H. Swift, Ph.B. '07, haspurchased for the University a painting byWalter Sargent.Mr. Lawrence H. Whiting, ex-' 13, hasgiven to the University the funds to provide an immense electric football scoreboard to be known as the "Lawrence H.Whiting Score Board." This score boardwas in operation during the entire pastseason.Mr. Paul E. Gardner, Ph.B. '13, gave tothe University $500 toward the $2,500"Paul E. Gardner Medicai Book Fund."Mr. Gardner has undertaken to establishthe fund by yearly contributions of $500until the sum of $2,500 has been accumu-lated.Dr. Sydney Walker, Jr., S.B. '09, M.D.'n, S.M.. '22, by his gift of $250 has re-newed the Sydney Walker III Scholarship for 1928-9. Dr. Walker has been pro-viding this scholarship since 1922.The Chicago Alumnae Club has given tothe University the sum of $300 to coveran honor scholarship to be given to afreshmen woman living in the city ofChicago.Miss Helen C. Gunsaulus, Ph.B. '08,has presented to the University four f ramedengravings by Burne- Jones.Nearly 250 alumni of the Department ofBotany at the University have pledged morethan $25,000 for the endowment of the"John M. Coulter Research Fello wshipFund" which was presented to the University at the time of the annual meeting ofthe Chicago Botany Alumni, December 27,1928.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Walter L. Hudson, '02Secretary, Charlton T. Beck, '04The Council for 1928-29 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the College Alumni Associations, Terni expires 1929: Elizabeth Faulkner,'85; Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11;William H. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17; Terni expires 1930:Grace A. Coulter, '99 ; Frank McNair, '03 ; Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D. '09 ; Mrs.Margaret Haas Richards, '11; William H. Lyman, '14; Arthur C. Cody, '24; Termexpires 1931: John P. Mentzer, '98; Walter L. Hudson, '02; Mrs. Martha LandersThompson, '03; Henry D. Sulcer, '06 ; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, W. H. Osgood, Ph.D. '18; Wm. S.Gray, '13, Ph.D. '16; Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98; D. Jerome Fisher, '17, S.M.'20, Ph.D. '22; T. V. Smith, Ph.D. '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Rev. W. D. Whan, A.M. '09, D.B. 'io;James B. Ostergren, A.M. '18, D.B. '23; Charles T. Holman, D.B. '16.From the Law School Alumni Association, Thurlow G. Essington, J.D. '08 ; WalterP. Steffen, 'io, J.D. '12; Charles F. McElroy, A. M. '06, J. D. '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Logan M. Anderson, A.M. '23 ;Wilbur Beauchamp, A.M. '23 ; Jessie M. Todd, '25.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank H. Anderson,'22; Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Frederick B. Moorehead,M. D. '06; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D. '13; Ralph C Brown, '01, M. D. '03.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Harry R. Swanson, '17; Arthur C. Cody, '24;Frank H. Whiting, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Nena Wilson Badenoch, '12; Mrs. Geo. W.Swain, '09, A.M. '16; Mrs. C. Muller Koeper, '25.From the University, David H. Stevens, Ph. D. '14.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Associations: Pres- F. McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15, 1609ident, Walter L. Hudson, '02, Harris Westminster Bldg, Chicago.Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago; School of Education Alumni ASSOCIALO-^ Charlton T. Beck, '04 Uni- mv. president R. L L n phJX,versity of Chicago. , TT . •._«•,-„. «J 17, University of Chicago; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: Mrs. R. W. Bixler, A. M. '25, Uni-President, Henry Gale, '96. Ph.D. '99, versity of Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- * ¦bert E. Slaught, Ph.D. '98, University Commerce and Administration Alumniof Chicago. Association: President, Frank H.n . , Anderson, '22, Hamilton Bond & Mtge.Divinity Alumni ^Association: President, c So Dearborn St, Chicago;J. W Hoag D. B., 04, 24 Winder, Secretary, Hortense Friedman, '22, 230Detroit Mich; Secretary, R. B. David- So G,afk g Chison, D. B. '97, 508 Kellogg Ave., Ames, ' &Iowa Rush Medical College Alumni Association: President, Samuel R. Slay-Law School Association: President, maker, M.D. '92, 517 W. Adams St.,Thurlow G. Essington, J.D., '08, 231 So. Chicago; Secretary, Charles A. Parker,LaSalle St., Chicago; Secretary Charles M. D., '91, 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the AlumniCouncil, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues for membership in any one of theAssociations named above, including subscription to The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00per year. A holder of two or more degrees from the University of Chicago may be a memberof more than one Association; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.152NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege'95 — Emery Yundt is engaged in industriai banking in Los Angeles, and helpingto make that city a greater manufacturingcenter.'04 — Walter B. Fulghum is district manager of the Air-Way Electric AppliancesCorporation with offices at 509- 11 BurtBuilding, Dallas, Texas.'05— Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Drummond,(Elise Meyer), spent three and a halfmonths motoring through France, Italy,Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgiumand the British Isles.'06 — Ethel M. Clark is Dean of Womenand instructor in history at the StateTeachers College, Superior, Wisconsin.'06— Jacob W. Heyd, Ph.M., Professorof Modem Languages and head of the division of Extension Service in Northeast Missouri State Teacher's College at Kirksville,has just had published a beginning Germantext "Anfanger Deutsch."'04 — Jacob Billikopf who is with theFederation of Jewish Charities in Philadel-phia received the degree of LL.D. from theUniversity of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia in June. He was also elected trusteeof Howard University, Washington, D. C.'06— Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell (Florence Bush) of 1009 Oakwood Ave., Wil-mette, 111. had an interesting story "AGarden in Arcadia" in the September number of the Wilmette Woman's Club Bul-letin.Ex-'o9 — Tracy W. Simpson is nowlocated at 130 N. Wells St., Chicago, wherehe is assistant to the president of the ClintonCarpet Company.09 — Lee J. Levinger is director of theHillel Foundation at Ohio State University.He is also lecturer in philosophy and president of the University Churches' Association. '19 — Mrs. Edna R. Meyers former prin-cipal of the Jacob Riis School, Chicago, isnow principal of the West Pullman School.'17 — Joseph L. Samuels is now VicePresident of the Douglas Lumber Company, 2726 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago.'19 — Cecil L. Rew is instructor inFrench in Williams College, Williams-town, Mass.'20 — Florence Edler, A.M. '23, is assistant professor of European History in AgnesScott College, Decatur, Georgia.'20 — Helen S. Harris is teaching at theFaulkner School for Girls in Chicago.y2i— Mrs. Charles F. Bassett, (GladysHawley), is living in an oil camp on LakeMaracaibo, and spending her spare mo-ments in the geology office of the LagoPetroleum Corporation at Maracaibo,Venezuela.'22— Martha Bloch, A.M. '24, of theEast End Park Hotel spent the summer inEurope. She is teaching Italian at the University of Chicago, and the University College.'24 — Laura P. McCune is general secretary of the Rock Island, 111., Welfare Association with offices in the State BankBuilding.'24— Mrs. Clark M. Shaw (JeannetteHash) writes she is located on a SilverFox Ranch about three miles from FallRiver, Wisconsin. She thinks Wisconsinis a great state and a good place to reallyenjoy ali the geology she learned at theUniversity of Chicago.'24 — Georgia Borger, 2604^ HighlandAve., Tampa, Florida, is head of the Department of Biology, Hillsboro HighSchool, Tampa.153154 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'25 — Joseph P. Woodlock is now SalesExecutive of the B. F. Goodrich RubberCompany, Akron, Ohio.'25 — Ethel J. Bouffleur was given a Fel-lowship from the American Association ofUniversity Women, and spent the lastseven months in Europe studying CreativeMethod in Child-Art. She is now carry-ing out experimental problems in children'sart in Saturday morning art classes at theMuseum and Training School of Oshhkosh,Wisconsin.'25 — Amy Irene Moore took a courselast summer in field and museum biologywith the Omnibus College of Winfield,Kansas, a traveling University, cousin tothe University Afloat. She enjoyed a sevenweeks trip through twenty-six states andtwo provinces of Canada.'25 — Hazel Floyd is now attending theUniversity of Southern California whereshe is teaching as well as studying.'25 — Robert S. Campbell is stili withthe U. S. Forest Service, Las Cruces, NewMexico, but will return this month tothe University of Chicago for graduatework.Ex-'24 — Alfred H. P. Sàyers is nowconnected with the Fisher and SpauldingTravel Bureau at 842 North MichiganAve., Chicago.'25 — Isabel M. Kincheloe, 7725 EastEnd Ave., Chicago, is teaching in Engle-wood High School.'25 — Lillian Robbins is Director ofGirls' Work at the University Settlement,184 Eldridge St., New York City, N. Y.'25 — Edwin J. Kunst was recently ap-pointed manager of the Indianapolis Division of Indiana University Bureau of Business Research, located in the Chamber ofCommerce Building, Indianapolis.'25 — Brooks D. Drain is teaching inMassachusetts Agricultural College, Ara-herst, Mass.'25 — Edith Nelson recently changed herposition from the Junior High School, Chis-holm, Minn., to the Horace Mann School,Gary, Indiana.'26— Alice L. Pearson is teaching English in the High School at Stambaugh,^Michigan. '26 — Richard A. Martin has returnedfrom Asia Minor for a short visit beforegoing to Berlin to study for a year, in connection with the work of the Orientai Institute.Ex-'2Ó — Frank E. Boughton is em-ployed as Sales Promotion Manager by theAmerican Multigraph Sales Company, 225N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.'26— Frank Gregor, Jr., 4945 NorthKeeler Avenue, Chicago, is Assistant Advertising Manager with the Ditto, Incor-porated, manufacturers of duplicating ma-chines.'26 — George M. Johnson is an AssistantChemical Engineer for the Underwriters'Laboratories 207 East Ohio Street,Chicago.'27 — Allan C. Williams, Jr., 6505 Harvard Avenue, Chicago, is doing graduatework in geography at the University ofChicago, and is secretary to J. Paul Goode.'27 — Inez F. Humphrey is head of theDepartment of College English in More-head State Normal School and TeachersCollege, Morehead, Kentucky.'27 — Dorothy Marlowe is TrainingSchool Supervisor in the North CarolinaCollege for Women in Greensboro, NorthCarolina.'27 — M. Pearl Porterfield is teaching artin the Hirsch Junior High School, Chicago, and living at the Southmoor Hotel.'27 — Julia M. Arnold is teaching atFordson, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.She is chairman of the mathematics depart-ment of the Salina School.'27 — David A. Morgan, A.M., is prin-cipal of the Shawnee-Mission High School,Merriam, Kansas.'27 — Laura W. Durgin is teaching inthe High School at Sheffield, 111.'27— Helen L. Alien, A.M., attendedHarvard University summer school. She isteaching art in the Department of RelatedArt at the University of Wisconsin.'27— Charlotte Swanson, A.M., whoteaches at Albion College, Albion, Michigan, spent the summer in Europe andattended the International Art Conventionat Prague.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 155Back to the small townIndustry follows the path of power"Where power is," says industry, "there is myhome.11Tcday, the boy who starts out to seek his fortune inthe great city is likely to meet his job traveling theother way.To'day, power — electric power — is pretty nearlyevery where. Every year, the long stride of the gianttransmission line opens fresh territory. Manufacturersare finding new opportunities outside our congestedindustriai centers. The job is marching to the man.Decentralisation of our industriai system is trans-forming America.To the small town, these humming wires bring anew industriai importance; to the manufacturer, theyspeli efficiency, as well as relief from high taxes andcramped quarters; to the worker, decentralizationmeans a home of his own and a higher standard ofliving for his family. And it is the electric generator,the electric transmission line, and the electric motorwhich have made decentralization possible.GENERAL ELECTRICMore and more G-E motors areused every year to turn thewheels of our changing anddeveloping industriai system.The same company which makesthe huge turbines that generatepower, also makes the Mazdalamps, fans, and householdappliances with which you arefamiliar through daily use. Onal! these products, the G'Emonogram constitutes the samedependable assurance of quality,95-554E156 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'27 — Mary A. Walsh is teaching mathe-matics in the John Marshall High School,Minneapolis, Minn.'27 — Helen M. Gowdy is teaching social1907 — George D. Birkoff has been ap-pointed to a research professorship at Harvard University, and represented thatinstitution at the International Mathe-matical Congress held in Bologna inSeptember, 1928.'15 — Heber M. Hays and his wife spentthe past summer in Europe touring England, Germany, Switzerland and France.19 15 — Mary E. Wells, who is AssociateProfessor of Mathematics at Vassar College, is on a leave of absence for the comingyear and is devoting herself to study abroad.Chester H. Yeaton has been promoted toa full professorship of mathematics at Ober-lin College. He is Assistant Secretary ofthe Mathematical Association of America,having had full responsibility of this officeduring the absence of the Secretary on sab-batical leave during the past year.1916 — Arthur M. Harding, Professor ofMathematics and Astronomy at the University of Arkansas, is the author of a newtextbook in trigonometry which has justcome from the McGraw-Hill PublishingCompany.Archibald S. Merrill, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Montana is co-author with Professor N. J. Lennes (Ph.D.1907) of a series of textbooks for colleges.William L. Hart, who is Professor andChairman of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, isthe author of a very successful college algebra, and also of a textbook on the mathematics of flnance.Pauline Sperry, Assistant Professor ofMathematics at the University of California, is co-author of a textbook on spher-ical trigonometry recently issued by theJohnson Publishing Company, Richmond,Virginia. studies in Roosevelt Junior High SchoolCleveland Heights, Ohio.'27— Madeline S. Koll of Owensboro,Kentucky, studied art, interior decorationand antiques in Europe this summer.William P. Ott, formerly of NashvilleUniversity, is now Professor and Head ofthe Department of Mathematics at theUniversity of Alabama.19 18 — George H. Cresse is on sabbaticalleave from the University of Arizona, andis spending the time in study at the University of Gòttingen.Ernest P. Lane, Associate Professor ofMathematics at the University of Chicago,who was on leave of absence as a Guggen-heim Fellow in 1926-27, participated in asymposium on Projective DifferentialGeometry at the recent meeting of theAmerican Mathematical Society in Chicago.Webster G. Simon is now Professor ofMathematics and Head of the Departmentat Adelbert College, Western ReserveUniversity.1919 — Cyril A. Nelson, formerly atJohns Hopkins University, is now AssociateProfessor of Mathematics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.1920 — Frank E. Wood, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at NorthwesternUniversity, has been on leave of absence forthe study of geometry in Italy.Gladys E. Gibbens is Assistant Professorof Mathematics at the University of Minnesota.1922 — J. D. Eshleman is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University ofPennsylvania.H. S. Everett, formerly of BucknellUniversity, Pennsylvania, is now ExtensionProfessor of Mathematics at the Universityof Chicago.1923 — H. L. Olson, Assistant Professorof Mathematics at Michigan AgriculturalCollege, is associate editor of the AmericanMathematical Monthly.Doctors of PhilosophyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE '57JUST PLAIN LOVE OF THE GAMETHE storm brolce early in the day, and bynight our lines were in a state of chaos. Isat in the distributioo office ali through thatnight and watched the battle fought out. Whatkept those linemen on the job without food orsleep? It wasn't wages — you can't pay men forsuch losses— it was just plain love of the game—just fighting spirit— Stone &. Webster Spirit— that kept them at it. They sensed the romancein it. Why, they stormed in there, beaten fromthe towers by a 75 mile gale of sleet, soakingwet or frozen stiff, grousing like soldiers in afront-line trench, damning the cars, the tools,the wind, damning everything, till the cars werereplenished with gas and oil and they were off again. There was trouble to spare that night—everyone knew where to find it, and went outto get their share. Swearing? Sure— Mad ? Cleanthrough — who but a moron or fool giggles at a ¦blizzard — but happy? Every last one of them,,and fighting with ali they had."—A Manager'* ReportStone &. Webster men are recognized for the part theyplay not only on the job but in the community. Wher-ever there is a Stone &. Webster company, there you'Ufind a group of men, bound together by a common fel-lowship, taking an active part in locai affaire; workingfor civic betterment, helping to develop locai industrie».The Stone ci. Webster training fits its men for publicservice.Stone & WebsterINCORPORATEDi58 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1924 — Marguerite D. Darkow, who waslast year Instructor at State College, Pennsylvania, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Hunter College,New York City.L. M. Graves, formerly National Research Fellow in Mathematics, is nowAssistant Professor at the University ofChicago.Jewell C. Hughes has been promoted toan assistant professorship of Mathematicsat the University of Arkansas. She isspending the summer abroad and willattend the International MathematicalCongress at Bologna.Mark H. Ingraham, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, hasbeen made Assistant Secretary of the American Mathematical Society.C. J. Latimer, formerly at Tulane University, is now Professor of Mathematics atthe University of Kentucky.1925 — Echo D. Pepper, who was an Instructor in Mathematics at Bryn MawrCollege, has been appointed to an instruct-orship at the University of Illinois.1926 — R. W. Barnard, formerly National Research Fellow, is now Assistant.Professor of Mathematics at the Universityof Chicago.'28 — Watt Stewart is now professor ofhistory at Oklahoma Agricultural and Me-chanical College, Stillwater, Oklahoma.'21 — Willis L. Uhi began his duties asDean of the School of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,this Fall.'24 — Howard R. Moore is working onthe electrochemistry of chromium and theluminescence of solids at the Bureau ofStandards, Washington, D. C.'25 — John B. Appleton is now AssistantProfessor of Geography at the Universityof Illinois, 'Urbana, Illinois. He wasLecturer ' in Geography for the 1928Summer Session in the University of British Columbia at Vancouver. Rush'64 — Charles F. Little of Manhattan,Kansas, who has retired from active practiceis vice-president and director in the FirstNational Bank of Manhattan, president ofthe Manhattan Building Loan and SavingAssociation, and the Carnegie Free PublicLibrary of Manhattan.'72 — Cyrus M. Easton who is livingin Davenport, Nebraska has retired afterfifty-four years of active practice.'84 — Albert L. Britten of Athens, Illinois, devotes his entire time to the generalpractice of medicine. He is a charter member of Sangamon County Medicai Society.'86 — C. H. Churchill is surgeon for Al-buquerque and Cerillos Coal Company, andlives at Madrid, New Mexico.'91 — Byron M. Caples is medicai director of the Waukesha Springs Sanitarium,Waukesha, Wisconsin.'93 — Melchoir Whise is practicing medicine at 4301 North Kedzie Ave., Chicago.'94 — M. S. McCreight has been practicing medicine at Oskaloosa, Kansas, sincehis graduation from Medicai School.'96 — Alex S. Wilson is engaged in general practice of medicine at 2709 CaliforniaAve., Seattle, Washington, having movedfrom Colorado last January.'97 — Fletcher L. Strauss of 5107 Black-stone Ave., Chicago, has retired temporarilydue to illness.'97— William H. Maley of 44 N. CherryStreet, Galesburg, Illinois, writes that hehopes to have a son in the medicai depart-ment by 1930.'99 — John D. Manchester is Captain inthe Medicai Corps U. S. N. at the AirStation, San Diego, California. He trans-ferred from the Surgeon General's officein Washington a year ago.'99 — Arthur L. Hagler practices inSpringfield, Illinois, specializing in eye, ear,nose, and throat.'00 — William H. Walker who is practicing in Willows, California, was in Washington D. C. during the summer session ofCongress helping on Boulder Dam Leg.'sla-tion.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 159AMERICAN SSA JL. Exceptional Teachers and ExecutivesPlaced in Colleges ExclusivelyC. E. GOODELL, Pres., Rm. 1639 Straus Bldg. 310 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPermanent Teaching Positions at Better PayWe help you to more lasting tenure, Iarger opportunities and better pay. The years of ©xpe-rience of our personnel^ as_ teachers and executives in public schools and colleges adds to the rtecognizedefficiency of this organization an understanding of the needs of both teachers and officials. The resultis better qualified teachers in positions of more_ opportunity — greater efficiency and fewer changes.Our more than forty_ years of nation wide experience in placing college teachers and executives, superintendents, principals and secondary teachers promotes the satisfaction and progress of bothindividuals and schools. Write for InformationC. E. GOODELL, President and General ManagerSjH!^ §f TEACHERS^^ 28 éast Jackson dlvd.t<l§l\— UHICAGOCIsrk-Brewer TeachersAgencyEstablished 1882Thousands of teachers have found their preferred. positions increased their salaries found moredesirable locations- - -in short- - -SATISFACTIONthrough our effioient and effective help.The past season saw a tremendousincrease in ouralready big college business. Our six offices, ali mem-bers of the National Association of Teachers Agen-cies, blanket the country.CHICAGO, XLL.Lyon & Healy Bldg„MINNEAPOLIS,MINN.Globe Bldg.PITTSBURGH, PA„433 Jenkins Arcade KANSAS CITY, MO.New York Life Bldg.NEW YORK, N. Y.Flatiron Bldg.SPOKANE, WASH.Chamber of CommerceBldg.Only one enrollment is required for permanent en-rollment in ali six officesAt the N. E. A. Convention in Cleveland visitTHE CLARK-BREWERTEACHERS AGENCYBooth 257— maintained by the National Association of Teachers Agencies. The general manager,H. D. Hughes, will be glad to see you there. Albert Teachers1 AgencyCollege Division25 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago535 Fifth Ave., New York CityFor forty-four years at the headof College and State Teachers'College placement service. Pro-fessors and Instructors sent byus to every State University. Menand women with advanced degreeswill find here what they want.Send for College booklet andCollege blank. Better stili, caliat our office.BEGINNING WITH THE FEBRUARY ISSUEA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY FORALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTSoixty-seven hundred Alumni and Ex-Students will welcome the opportunity to give yc&u their business. Get inouch with them by carrying your business or professional card in the Magazine. The cost of this service is nominaiand you will be gratified by the results. Cali or write us for rates.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE J. M. HAHNTEACHERS AGENCYA Western Placement BureauElementary, Secondary, CollegeAlways in quest of outstanding educatorefor important positions. Teachers with high-er degrees in demand. Doctors of Philosophy urgently needed for college anduniversity positions now listed.J. M. Hahn and Bianche TuckerManagers2161 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CaliforniaTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished iooóPaul Yates, Manager6l6-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOThe NewU. of C. GUIDE BOOKby Frank O'HaraIs Now ReadyPaper 50& Cloth 75^CHAPEL GUIDEby E. J. Goodspeed$1.00Ali Books of AHPublishers for Sale attheU. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.Phone Midway 0800; Locai 267 'oo — J. H. McHenry is surgeon for theBrooklyn Manhattan Transit Corporation,45 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.'03 — Joseph H. Vogel who is a surgeonin New Ulm, Minnesota, was in Europeduring the summer with the Inter-StatePost Graduate Association of America.'04 — R. M. Ritchey is medicai superin-tendent of the Pacific Colony, Spadra,California.'04 — Henry E. Clay is assistant in theGynecology section of the medicai depart-ment Stanford University, California. Hisresidence is at 1900 Broadway, San Francisco.'04 — George Koch practices internaimedicine in Sioux City, Iowa. He has ason Gilbert who is doing preparatory workfor medicine at the University of SouthDakota.'06 — Charles A. Katherman is practicingsurgery in Sioux City, Iowa.'06 — C. L. Hoy, '00, is registrar at theLetterman General Hospital Presidio ofSan Francisco.'07 — James A. Britton is supervisor ofthe medicai service of the InternationalHarvester Company, Chicago.'io— Alfred M. Shaw is a physician andsurgeon with offices at 5610 West Ó3rd St,Chicago.'n — Elmer V. Eyman is senior assistantphysician for mental and nervous diseases atthe Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphiaand psychiatrist for the Juvenile Court,Wilmington, Delaware.'n — Lee C. Gatewood is associate clini-cai professor of medicine in Rush MedicaiCollege. His offices are located at 30 N.Michigan Ave., Chicago.'n — C. R. Stanley after two years graduate training is limiting his practice tothe special senses. He is associated withthe Worthington Clinic, Worthington,Minn.'12— Irving S. Stein, 310 South MichiganAve., Chicago, returned in September fromtwo and one-half months spent in the lead-ing gynecological clinics of Europe.NEWS OF CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 161Stephens CollegeColumbia, MissouriA Junior College forWomenFully Accredited by theUniversity of ChicagoLet Us Teli You About theFour Year Junior CollegeCourse for Your DaughterJAMES M. WOODPresident'13 — Edwin P. McLane, '12, is practic-jng medicine in Decatur, Illinois, withoffices at 617 Standard Life Building.'14 — Robert O. Brown, '13, is practic-ing medicine in Santa Fé, New Mexico,where he is medicai director of St. VincenteSanatorium.'15 — Lawrence G. Dunlap, '13, is eyeand ear surgeon to the Anaconda CopperMining Company, at Montana State Tu-berculosis Hospital at Galen, and the Bar-rett Hospital at Dillon. His home is inAnaconda, Montana.'15 — Ludwig Emge '12 is connected withStanford University and is one of San Francisco 's leading gynecologists.'i5 — Hillier L. Baker '14, is practicingsurgery with offices at 1536 W. Ó3rd St.,Chicago.'14 — Otto A. Thomle is practicing medicine and surgery in Everett, Washington.'14— Merrill Wells, '12, is a physicianat the Grand Rapids Clinic, Grand Rapids,Michigan and is Chairman of the PublicHealth Education Committee, of KentCounty Medicai Society, which sponsoreda health examination week program inGrand Rapids and Western Michigan inMay 1928, with the slogan "A physical examination for every individuai once a year."Ex-' 16 — O. M. Rest is practicing medicine and surgery in Chicago, and living at8215 Merrill Ave.'16 — W. W. Stevenson, who has been ingeneral practice in Flint, Michigan, is at theUniversity of Pennsylvania at present tak-ing work in Otolaryngology and Ophthal-mology. He will return to Flint in thelater part of 1929 to begin practice in thatspecialty.^ ^ 16 — Joseph K. Calvin is practicing medicine in Chicago, specializing in diseasesof children. His home is at Sin KimbarkAve.17 — Hugh M. Fogo was exchange assistant in the Chirurgische UniversitatsKlinik, Jena, Germany. He resumed thePractice of medicine in Madison, Wiscon-SIn, January first. Abbot Academy1828-19X9For a century one • of New England'sleading Schools for Girls.National PatronageAdvanced Courses for High Schoolgraduates. College Preparation. Ex-ceptional opportunities in Art andMusic. Outdoor Sports.Address: Bertha Bailey, PrincipalBox P, Andover, MassachusettsMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school <oj distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoIÓ2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE• JOHN HANCOCK SERIES -"It's easier to liverwithin an Income thanwithout one"/Budget your income andbuy Income InsuranceEXPERIMENT with our HomeBudget Sheet. Records alifamily Expenses. Shows you howto save and how to have more tospend.Good for your personal happinessand for the welfare of your family.Inquiry BureauLife Insurance Company^*of Boston. Massachusetts197 Clarendon Street, Boston, Mass.Please send me FREE copy of the JohnHancock Home Budget Sheet. (I enclose2c. to cover postage.)Name Address — OVER SIXTY-F1VE YEARS IN BUSINESS—Paul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I. Markham, Ex. 'o6Ralph W. Davis, 'i6 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavls &<90.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOWOODWORTH'SBOOKS"As Near As Your Mail Box"Evenings Till Nine1311 E. 57th St. H. P. 1690WOODWORTH'S '17 — Franklin Farman is practicing uro-logicai surgery in Los Angeles, CaliforniaHis address is 1401 South Hope St.'19 — Virgil S. Counseller '18, is at theMayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.Law'Allin H. Pierce, J.D. '23, received ap-pointment as Special U. S. Attorney in theoffice of the General Counsel for the Bureau of Internai Revenue at WashingtonD. C.Guy Van Schaick, J.D. '09, has latelybecome associated with the firm of Gann,Secord & Stead located at 120 South LaSalle St., Chicago.George W. Wickens, J.D. '27, has beenassociated for the past year with the lawfirm of Zane, Morse & Norman, 1 1 1 WestMonroe St., Chicago.Roderick D. Hathaway, J.D. '23, formerly with Kirkland, Patterson and Fleming, Chicago, is now practicing law withO'Connor and Findlay, Arcade Building,Colton, California.DivinityWilliam S. Hockman, A.M., '24, has re-signed his positior as director of religiouseducation with the Calvary MethodistChurch, Washington, to accept the sameposition with the Lakewood PresbyterianChurch, Lakewood, Ohio.Clair Boyd Gahagen, 'ex, has beenelected associate secretary of the Board ofChristian Education for the Central Dis-trict of the Presyterian Church, U. S. A.Mr. Gahagen will have his headquartersin Chicago.M. M. McGorrill, after fìve very success-ful years as pastor of the Normal ParkBaptist Church, Chicago, has accepted thecali of the First Baptist Church, Boulder,Colorado, where he succeeds ReverentiJohn H. Skeen.NEWS OF CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 165MARRIAGESBIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTSDEATHSMarriagesDr. John Kremer, M.D. '02, to LauraPangratz, June 30, 1928. At home GrandRapids, Michigan.Dr. E. B. Woolfan '18, M.D. '21, toPriscilla Bonner Sept. 1, 1928. At homeHollywood, California.Dorothy E. VanPelt, '20, S.M. '27, toGeorge C. Phipps, '23, A.M. '24, July 3,1928. At home 8241 Ingleside Ave., Chicago, IH.Dr. Louis P. River ?22, M.D. '25, toElizabeth Lambert Sept. 18, 1928. At home119 Home Ave., Oak Park, 111.Joseph F. Smidl '24, A.M. '26, to SylviaT. Sekera June 27, 1928. At home 1857S. 59th Court, Cicero, 111.Frank E. Boughton, ex-'2Ó, to HelenMaynard Nov. 22, 1927. At home 728Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.Roy G. Fischer, '27, to Ethel SademanDee. 24, 1928. At home 373 MamaroneckAve. White Plains, N. Y.Stella M. Millan, '27, A.M. '28, toFrancis M. Pagan, '27, S.M. '28. Athome Rio Piedras, Porto Rico.Lillian Mae Haas, '27, to Ralph B. Als-paugh Nov. 28, 1928, in the University ofChicago Chapel. At home Columbus,Ohio.J. H. Benefiel, A.M. '27, to WinifredRush July 1, 1928. At home 804 W. gthSt., Cofleyville, Kansas.BirthsTo Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Dole (AnitaSturges) '09, a daughter, Louise. Nov.27, 1927 at Fryeburg, Maine.To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hickox(Emma Low) '15 a son, John CharlesMar. 22, 1927, at home 1523 Lincoln St.,Evanston, 111.To Mr. and Mrs. Cari Pfanstiehl (CarylCody) '15, a daughter, Grace, Jan. 26,*928, at Highland Park, 111. ?4l7 n°un'929 nc'nathe *aP *nd ,Off, •oVfì',c'*a/ vUniv. ear6 °°k ofersit y of Chi4Cr Ca§o4» C!?* *-<e of^a/ priV*Pnl F.irstBusiness ManagerCap and Gown, 1929Box 280, Faculty ExchangeUniversity of ChicagoEnclosed please find j ^e^ \for copies of 1929 CAP fi?GOWN to be sent to me upon publication May 15th.NAME_ ADDRESS.THE UNIVERSITY OFFrom the bottomof the ladderTHERE'S a good old Americantradition that gives everyfather the right to regard his in-fant son as a future president.Part of our heritage is the be-lief that in this country any mancan go as far as his abilities willcarry him.There are the cynics, to be sure,but the records of almost anylarge American business refutethem.Swift & Company, for example,operates with efficiency and econ-omy largely because of the manyemployes who have "worked up"to posts of major responsibility,with resulting continuity of management and accumulation of ex-perience.An examination has been madeof the records of 158 men whohold the most important positionswith the company.Neàrly ali of them started at thebottom of the ladder — as officeboys, clerks, plant workers, etc.More than 80 of these key menhave been with Swift & Companyfor more than 25 years. Onlyabout 20 have been with the company less than 15 years.G. F. Swift, the founder of thebusiness, used to say, "I can raisebetter men than I can hire."Swift & Company stili believes indeveloping executives from itsown ranks.Adherence to this policy hasenabled Swift & Company to perforai with signal efBciency andeconomy a nation-wide service inthe preparation and marketing ofmeat and other farm products.Swift & CompanyVisitors are welcome at Swift & Company plants CHICAGO MAGAZINETo Mr. and Mrs. Guilford R. Windes(Marion S. Vodges) '20, a daughter,Nancy Elizabeth, January 6, 1928, at 456Drexel Ave., Glencoe, 111.To David W. Heusinkveld, '21, M.D;'24, and Mrs. Heusinkveld a son, DavidW. Jr., December 22, 1927, at Cincinnati,Ohio.To Jack Rose, '22, and Mrs. Rose a son,Murray Lee, June 8, 1928, at Chicago.To Donald F. Bond, '22, A.M. '23,and Mrs. Bond (Judith Strohm) '23, ason, James Frederic, September 23, 1928, atChicago.To Robert E. Evans '23, and Mrs. Evans(Frances Twells) '26, a son, RobertTwells, September 5, 1928, at 1057 MainSt., Stevens Point, Wis.To Marcus Bates, '24, and Mrs. Bates(Lenore Coiman) '26, a son, AdelmarMarcus 2nd, October 12, 1928, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. J. Alton Lauren(Ruth Stagg) '25, a daughter, Lucile,December 11, 1928, at Chicago.DeathsAshbel Henry Morse '78, recently inBabcock, Wisconsin.George E. Newcomb '86, June 28, 1928,in Chicago from a heart attack. Members ofhis class, who have held a reunion each yearsince graduation, were pali bearers at hisfuneral.Esther Eidmann '15, August 9, 1927, inChicago.June Carothers Ph.D. '27, in June, 1928,in Fayetteville, Arkansas, of diphtheria.Laura M. Valentine '27, in August,1928, at Colonial Hotel, Chicago.UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesPublic LecturesDowntown at Art Institute, 6:45 to 7:45 P. M.For Information, AddressThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Here,Gentlemen ofthe Commi ttee,is the answerof one industryNo. 7 o/a series inspired by the report of the Secretaryof Commerce" s Committee on Elimination of WasteA ONE-WAY STREET PRODUCTION POLICYIN TELEPHONE making, production schedules movein one direction — forward. The machinery seldomneeds to be thrown into reverse.Cancellations in this industry are rare.There is consequently little lost effort involving men,material and machines.There is a minimum of waste in scrapping or storingpartially fabricated parts.How is this possible ?Because of the dose relation between Western Electricas purchasers, manufacturers and distributors and the operatine telephone companies of the Bell System served by it.Here is another striking economy which contributes tothe low cost of your telephone service.Western ElectricYurchasers . . Manufacturers . . DistributorsChapel, University of Chicago. Bertram Q. Qoodhue Associates, Architects.Léonard Construction Co., Builders.Beauty that only NaturaiStone can giveFOR such a building as the new Chapel, A vast deposit and improved productiononly naturai stone could do full justice methods make Indiana Limestone practi-to the architect's design. Indiana Limestone cable for every building purpose at moderatewas chosen because it was ideal for the cost. Let us send you an illustrated book-purpose. It is a fact that the limestone of let showing college buildings built of thiswhich the great cathedrals of Europe are wonderful stone. Or a booklet showing*built are not of so fine and durable a quality residences. Address Dept. 819, Serviceas this limestone from southern Indiana. Bureau, Bedford, Indiana.INDIANA LIMESTONE COMPANYQeneral Offices : Bedford, Indiana Executive Offices : Tribune Tower, Chicago