inC24HB7 ^fUnteitti ofCSteooVOL. XIX NUMBER 0JULY, 1927Advice to Employers, by a Graduate of '26Advice to Young Graduates, by an Employer, '02What the University is Doing About ItStatues for the New ChapelWho Wrote the Alma Mater?PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI CQUNCXI-Item: Wood, Coolidge, RooseveltWlien Leonard Wood \isited the summer White HouserecentU the reporters commented on the toll that timehas taken of him since he was rifiht-hand man to Roose-^•elt in Cuha ¦* * * That led them to review' some ofthe e\ents in which he had a hand a quarter centuryago '¦'" * * As I read their accounts of what \Voodand Roosevelt did then and in the \ears since, I wishedthat they might all have had a peep at the latest bookwe've published "' "" *"Roosevelt and the Caribbean" by Howard C. Hill isone of those books the reviewers call a "human interestdocument" * * "'¦' Here in the office, however, we thinkof it as more than just a new sidelight on one of ourmost interesting Presidents "" ¦¦' ''' We are aware thatin it are published facts, some of them previously unknown, about phases of American diplomacy that stillaffect us * * *Just as General Wood is still a cog in the machinery ofstate so are the doings of Roosevelt in the Caribbeanof interest to Americans even as late as i')2'] ¦' * *"ll'hiit the iiii'VPrlisinii miuuitjer of tlieUiiii'er.fity of C.hii lUin Press m'ttiht have•li-rilte/i ill his diary if he luul one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo Alumniwho return to ChicagoToday, more than ever, Hotels Windermere are your logical stoppingplace. These hotels have been selected by the Intercollegiate AlumniExtension Service as official headquarters for alumni activity on theSouth Side of Chicago.At the Windermere you are practically certain to meet friends ofyour college days. Here, too, you will find that pleasing hospitalitywhich the Windermere has always extended to university people.And at these hotels you are within easy walking distance of theUniversity itself and the fraternity section. You are in reality hack atthe University — yet within ten minutes of the Chicago loop.Whether you come to Chicago for "one night or a thousand and one,"a cordial welcome awaits you at Hotels Windermere.^telsIpndermere^WW "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson Park*Official Hotel Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service402 THE t;M\'ERSlTV OF CHICAGO MACJAZINEAn 0 rga/:iz.a/i07i if liunist t'ift\ peopl', with sfecialii Is iii au uriiiicnes of' iinvertiiiiigVANDERHOOF& COMPANY Qmcralc/Jdvaltsn^VANDERHOOF BUILDINO • • J^^ '^7 B. ONTAIUO ST..CHICAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentChanging Drying Habits IntoBuying HabitsAn institution as old as time — the towel— was put on trial for its life when Sani-Dri entered the court of public favor.Drying face and hands by evaporationwas a new idea — needing superlativeadvertising and unquenchable salesenthusiasm.How we applied dominant advertisingand "man power" specialty selling tocliange old drying habits to new buyinghabits is a story \\ orth hearing. Advertisers \\ ith specialty selling problemsare best served by advertising agencieswith a practical working experience inspecialty selling.Sani/D/iLMem/ iri-: Aiiie7-uuT! Atiocidiiui i.J Javerltsing Agencies is Outdoor .-icivertisino; B ureauVOL. XIX NO. 9©nibergitp of CfjicagoilagajineJULY, 1927rA'Bi^e OF co:^(Te.^TsFrontispiece: Wieboldt Toiver from the MidwayChoosing the Student's Career— and Finding liim a job: a New University Service 407New ProductsThe Dilemma of tlie Collee/e Man Starting in BusinessBy Fred Handschy, '26 ^08By Walter L. Hudson, '02 409The Origin of the Alma MaterHow a Seventeen-Year Old Boy and a Hunc/ry Eni/lishInstructor Wrote Cliicaqo's Most Revered AnthemBy Anne C. Lavine, '26 410Wanted: Students, Grade A-iBy Edgar E. Koretz, '28 413The University in SculptureSome Pictures of the Pageant of Religion, to beChiseled in Limestone on the Neiv Chapel 414The Story of the University of ChicagoI'll. Students Apply and a Faculty is SecuredBy Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed 416Events and Comment 42 1Alumni Affairs 424University Notes 426News of the QuadranglesSummer Adventures of a Fraternity House Manager 430Officers of Clubs and Classes 431News of the Classes and AssociationsCollege Alumni 433Commerce and Administration Alumni . ... 434Education Alumni 434Law .Iiumni 436Rush Medical Alumni 438Doctors of PhilosophyIn Mathematics 443Marriages, Engagements, and Births 446THE Magazine is published at loog Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New VorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postal or express money order. If localto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago. 58th St. and Ellis Ave., a^j^s fg^ missing numbers should be made withinChicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is 20 cents, xhe publishers e.tpect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico Cuba, Porto Ri,co, Commumcations pertaining to advertising mav bePanama Canal Zone. Republic of Panama, Hawaiian jej,, to the Publication Office. 1000 Sloan St., CVaw.Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville. Ind.. or to the Editorial OfEce, Box g.Postage is charged e.xtra as follows: For Canada. Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions ftotal S2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents): tor all other the Chicago Officecountries in the Postal Union, 27 cents on annual -a t a j 1 .. t^ usubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents ^^.V'"^"^ f nS; . ?^'' T j" -n^^Tj" '°' '"i^'/. . 1 „, ..^^ at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under(total 23 cents)kw .1, a, • the Act of March 3, 1870.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.403THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert p. Zimmerm.ann. 'oiActing Secretary, Allen HealD, '26The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes, '08 ; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'oj; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs Phyllis FayHorton '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01 ; Paul H. Davis, '11 ; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09 D. B., '10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., '10; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph.D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administr.i^tion Alumni Associ.wion, Donald P. Bean, '17;John A. Logan, '21; Frank H. Anderson, '22.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Assoclwion, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'04; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Frederick B, Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Harry R. Swanson, '17; Sam J\. Rothermel, '18;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Mrs. B. H. Badenoch, '12; Ellen Le Count, '25.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Associations Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct, Chicago; Secretary, School of Education Alumni Associi-W.^ Robert Jenkins, '24, University of ^lON : President. W. C. Reavis. Ph. D.,C'^"=^g°- '25 Universitv of Chicago; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: j^j^^ j^ -^y Bixler ^ "m '-¦- Uni-President, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, ..^..^y '^f Chicago. ' ' ' " "'""University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- _u ^ T- 01 1.^ DU r> > o TT ¦ ¦. Commerce and .Administration .Alumnibert E. Slaught, Ph.D., 98, University , „ ¦ ,c f,, . Association: President, John A. Logan,of Chicago. , o T £. 11 - .i. •Divinity Alumni Association: President, ''' ^'i.S. La Salle St., Chicago; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, '7^/ ^''"^ ^- Slaughter '25, QuadrangleT-i . •. A/I- u o i T3 T3 T1 -J Club, Univcrsitv of Chicago.Detroit, Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- '• v,ugu.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College .Alumni .Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion: President Nathan P. Colwell, NLLaw School Association: President, Ur- D. '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles .A. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary ot the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicag-o. The dues formembership in either one ot the Associations named above, including subscriptionto The University of Chicago MaK:i7.iiie. are $2.00 per year. A holder of t-n'o ormore degrees from the Uriivei-sity of Chicago may be a membir of more than oneAs.sociation; in auch instances the du,es are diviiU-d and shared equally hy theAssociations involved.404THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETfiQ NATION'S Building Stone 405Classics Building, UnwersUy oj Chicago. Bnilt of Gray Indiana LimestoneFUTURE BUILDINGSHow will they compare with those of other institutions?Write for illustrated brochure showing fine examples ofcollege architecture in Indiana LimestoneOXFORD, Cambridge, and other venerable institutions of learning in Europeare built of natural stone. College buildingin this country has followed the Europeantradition. Limestone, the natural stone ofwhich many of Europe's fine cathedrals anduniversity buildings are constructed, is in thiscountry likewise the building stone mostused. The vast deposit of oolitic limestone ofwhich most of the finest stone buildings inthe country are constructed is found onlyin two counties of southern Indiana.Owing to the extent and central location ofour quarries, this ideal building material may be delivered anywhere at prices which compare favorably with those of any other naturalstone and frequently with those of substitutes.Examples of fine college architecture inIndiana Limestone are shown in a brochurewhich we will gladly send you. This booklet may serve to widen your acquaintancewith the best in college building and to enable you to follow more intelligently yourinstitution's building program.For convenience, fill in your name andaddress below, tear out and mail to boxSi^Service Bureau, Indiana Limestone Company,Bedford, Indiana.Name .Address..^<^¦h \x\f^. ¦• r^.i^-ik ,. :¦>' - -, ''^Wieboldt TowerT/ie 'west portion of ihe neiv Hall of Minirm La^igiicKjes,seen from ihe Mid^vay. The i^nulted fassn{je under iheioiver leads into the (hiadniinilrs.Vol. XIX No. 9^nibergttp of CfjicagoiHaga^ineJULY, 1927Choosing the Student's Career— and Finding Him a 'Job: A New University ServiceEXPERT advice in choosing a vocation, and competent, well-equippedhelp in finding a job, is now a partof the University's service to its students andAlumni. A Board formed to provide suchservice has conferred at length, and agreedon a definite plan of action.The members of the Board occupy strategic positions in the University. The Deansof the Professional Schools, the Deans of theGraduate Schools of Arts, Literature, andScience, the Dean of the Colleges, and theRecorder can easily collect data on the capacities of students in their various jurisdictions. Other members represent six departments. The Cashier of the University, whohas had active charge of the EmploymentBureau, serves on the Board. Its rosterincludes also the Director of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Secretary, who cankeep tab, through the Alumni, on the opportunities in businesses and professionsthroughout the country. President Masonwill serve as chairman of the Board ; Vice-President Woodward will join in itscounsels.These officials will interest themselvesin the undergraduate who finds it hard toselect his life's work. They will provide advisory service for such students ; they willplan conferences with successful alumni invarious businesses and professions ; they willconsider the student's capacities for differentsorts of work. When he has entered a business or profession they will watch hisprogress.When a firm desires a University man tofill a certain job, this Board will receive therequest. Its members will consider thestudents and the alumni of their departments, consult records, instructors, and pastemployers, and recommend those studentsand alumni whom the department thinksbest suited for the position.An e.xpert, familiar with the problems ofemployment, will be employed to direct theBoard's activities.The Board will work, not as an independent unit, but as a clearing-house. It willlook out for opportunities and notify appropriate departments. "It is important," theBoard has decided, "that responsibility forplacement be shared if full use is to be madeof departmental capacity for selection andplacement of students and alumni." Theservice must "be personal and human ratherthan formal, routine, and statistical."407¥^ ^ ^ The Collegian Enters Business — A Recentr*^ ^ ^ ^ ^. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #By Fred Handsch^', '26UNTRIED, untested, possibly untrue ; sibly off-center or self-centered, and flighty.neA\', ra«', a peg cut too square for a 1'he only thing to do is to talk to thehole well worn into roundness; the recent man as if he weren't a new product or a newbachelor of philosophy, so recent, so typi- problem ; not as if he'd never been tocally and determined a bachelor too much or college, but as if there were no such place astoo little a philosopher to slip easily into college. Certainly if he'd been introduceda business groove — into a bolt which may be as president of a small railroad or chairmanso badlv threaded as to break the fine-drawn of the board of an insignificant bank, you'dthreads of the carefully created nut — sit up and take notice; you'd realize thatBe all that as it may, what to do with here was someone. \'ou'd be surprised.the just-graduated? The college man, with his baccalaureateI've been out scarcely more than a year, diploma tucked, not under his arm, but inbut already jaundiced journalism has given the bottom drawer of an old chest in theme an attitude: Undergraduates spend attic, is no new product. He's not typicalmost of their time committing suicide, ex- of an age or an epoch. Ten to one heperimenting with life, getting "experience" wouldn't know how to go about suicide,in ill-mentioned cabarets, electing prom-leaders, conducting heavy arguments, andorganizing Slow Clubs. On the whole,they are unbalanced extremists, incapableof sanity, of rationalising, of merchandising.\\'hat's to be done with them?In a short time there'll be a host of them hasn't the nerve or endurance to be a prodigious necker, and can't afford to be adrinker. Ten to one, when he comes toyou for advice or a job (he'd rather havethe job) he's been to others who are asalike with you to him as he is to you withother newly created Ph.B.'s who have been.going the rounds of advertising agencies or are about to see you; he's tired, discour-and investment houses. When they get aged and humble. If he's awkward andbeyond the switchboard operator, you'll self-conscious, it's because he's afraid ofhave to face them. When talking with appearing "cocky"; if he's egotistical andthem, gi\ing them the usual pessimistic en- too outspoken it's because he's afraid ofcoiiragement, or worse — optimistic discouragement, will you be constantly consciousthat }(ju are talking to a tliwarted suicide,an incorrigible necker or drinker, even aSlow-Clubber?Nc\\ products are bad enough but newproducts tliat are already branded as appearing "goofy." He enjoys asking forjobs or leads toward them a little less thanyou like to be asked..'\nd if anybody thinks that the "newproduct" of a university is anxious to beknown as such, or proud of his new degree,that one is off the track and all wrong —degenerate are something worse — and ac- because if there's anyone who doesn't wantcording to the current publicity fad, most to appear as the gent just out looking forof next year's products will ha\ e been gen- the eas)' pickings that the world owes him,eralh' classified as weak, degenerate, impos- it's the very recent graduate.408 ¦Graduate and a Banker Discuss His Plig-ht^ '^ ^ f^yl ^>^ ^><i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^By Walter L. Hudson, '02Bond Department Manager, Harris Trust and SavingsTHE day when the college man inbusiness was a curiosity is past. Nowhe emerges in large numbers from the furorof commencement ceremonies, is absorbedinto the business world which probes sustained effort necessary to reach it.Judging from our experience . alone weshould be led to the conclusion that thehilarious, roistering and irresponsible collegeyouth does not exist. Perhaps ^ve havethrough the veneer of college experience been particularly fortunate, but at all eventsinto the man himself, and disappears among we simply do not know the empty-headed,the crowd of other striving humans. When gin-drinking rah-rah boy rnade famous byhe shall again appear depends not on hiscollege record but upon his business record— but the justification of the time spent inthe attempt to secure an education lies inour belief that he will, given an even break,in the long pull outstrip the less fortunateman of equal native ability who did notgo to college.If we were to judge the recently graduated college man by those hundreds thatwe have interviewed in the past t^wenty orthirty 3'ears the one definite conclusion weshould formulate -^I'ould be that he is not asbad as he is painted — distinctly not the typeportrayed in the college humorous paper;and though it is true that some have arather easy-going attitude toward life andits problems that is reminiscent of thecampus and a pleasant senior year, by farthe greater number is composed of serious-minded, eager and earnest young fellowswho have few illusions as to the value of acollege degree in the business world, andwho are out to get ahead by hard work.A heav}' percentage of the applicants forpositions in our institution, especially inrecent years, have worked their way through the cartoons of John Held and by thecollege humorists themselves.It is perhaps significant that although theorganizers of our business and many of itshigh officials did not receive a college education, the emphasis in the employment ofvoung men is heavily on the college-trained— and, incidentally, increasingly so in theemployment of women. The percentage offailures is surprisingly low and in few casescould it be said that the casualty was duein anv measure to the habits or mentalattitude developed during a college course.There is probably nothing wrong withthe young college graduate except his self-consciousness. He is perhaps a little toolikely to think that the business man is asaware of his college training as he is.Possibly he does not always realize howlittle attention the business man gives to hisrecently framed diploma. He may notunderstand at first that his treatment inbusiness will not vary much from the treatment of the non-college man.He will be gauged by the same standards,hired or fired for the same causes, trained,tried and tested by experience, and in thecollege either in whole or in part, know end will reach whatever heights his abilitythat the goal lies a considerable distance and the opportunities of his business makeahead, and are ready to pay the price in possible.409The Origin of the Alma MaterHow a Seventeen Year-Old-Boy and a Hungry English InstructorJf'rote Chicago's Most Revered AnthemBy Anxe C. Lavixe, 26THE details surrounding the originand early history of Chicago's AlmaMater have become vague ^ith thepassing of the years. Even the composer hasbeen forgotten, and another man given credit in his stead. Dr. Goodspeed refers brieflyto the song's origin in his History of theUniversity of Chicago; but no completerecord has been set down.It is high time that the story should be^vritten for posterity-. Indeed, if it remainsundone in this generation it will become awell-nigh impossible task. Even with somany living who were present at the time ofits inception, collection of data has been exceedingly difficult.The Alumni Council has asked PaulMandeville, '99, to tell the story. Mr.Mandeville not only witnessed the song'sintroduction, but had a hand in arrangingthe music in its present form.Mr. Mandeville consulted various old-timers. The correspondence became voluminous. Mr. Stagg, Frederick W. Eastman'98. Horace Lozier, '94, William D. Mer-rell. '98, Wardner WiUiams, ex-'92, andmany others have contributed to the story.After assembling these data Mr. Mandevilleturned them over to the writer.In 1890 the University of Rochester needed a new song. Accordingly, Thomas S.Suinburne, Rochester '92, wrote these stanzas:Beside the river Genesee,Where crystal waters fall and flow,-And where the mills sing merrilv,.-^nd fairest trees and flowers grow,"lis here our Aln)a Mater lies.Endeared to us by many ties,Endeared to us by many ties.Our dear old Alma Matrr.She boasts no ancient corner stone,.\or founder of illustrious name,liut by her modest worth aloneShe rivals those of greater fame;.\nd oft in laurels of a sim Her meed of patient toil Is won.Her meed of patient toil is won,Our dear old Alma Mater.And when our college life is past,And we have gone our sev'ral ways,A backward glance we'll often castUpon those dear departed days,And with our classmates we will beIn fancy by the Genesee,In fancy by the Genesee,And our dear Alma Mater.Frank X. Mandeville, a seventeen-year-old boy -svhom the Club had hired as a pianist, set these words to music. So the Rochester Alma Mater was born, and with it themelody which Chicago's song of songs wasto appropriate.Mandeville later became one of the leading musical directors of the country. In thiscapacity he helped to stage such light operasas The Chocolate Soldier, The Merry U^id-ow, and Floradora. His last engagementwas as musical conductor for the MunicipalOpera Company of St. Louis He died in1921.The Glee Club of the University ofChicago had selected March 6, 1894, as thedate of its first public concert. The oldCentral Music Hall, on Randolph Streetwhere Marshall Field's store now stands,had been engaged for the affair. When theevening arrived, Alfred Williams, managerof the Glee Club, discovered that the program included no Chicago song.Edwin Herbert Lewis, now Dean ofLewis Institute, but in those days an instructor working for his Doctor's degreein English at the University, was about tosit down to dinner in his apartment at 6032Ellis Avenue. The door-bell rang. A gentleman entered and made a strange request.He was ^Villiams, of the Glee Club, he said.He wanted the words for an Alma Mater ;and he wanted them at once. Lewis protested that his supper would grow cold. "I410THE ORIGIN OF THE ALMA MATER 411will take care of that," said Williams, entering the dining-room. Lewis sat at his desk;Williams sat at the table.Lewis wrote four stanzas. Three of themare familiar to every one who has studied atChicago; the fourth, which contained aSAveetheart sentiment, has been abandoned.Dr. Lewis declares that "Of her Avho ownsus as her sons" is the worst line in the English language.''Have we finished?" asked Williams,coming out of the dining-room. He took theMSS and sat at the piano. Lewis excusedhimself. One tune seemed to fit the wordsespecially. Fred Eastman, '98, who hadtransferred from the University of Rochester the year before, had w^histled it. Williams played it over, singing the words. This,he decided, was the song. He would call on Eastman before the, club met, and tell himthe news.Williams looked up. The English instructor towered above him, with flushedface, brandishing an empty pie-plate. ''Youngman — " Lewis began, solemnly. What happened at this point is an unsettled question.One man relates that a swarm of bumblebees entered the room (though the monthwas March), and that Williams, seizingthe pretext, fled to the street. Anotherargues that the bees were but a figmentof Lewis's brain, irate at the loss of his applepie. All agree, however, on one point:Williams departed.A n ^"We were in the chapel,'' writes HoraceLozier, a member of the Glee Club, "in thenorth end of the main floor of Cobb Hall,PimiMnndemlk 99 frnfJli-m Oldberg=jiComposer and HarmonistsFrank N. Mandeville, well-known musical director, who at the age of seventeen wrote themusic to which the Alma Mater is sung; Paul Mandeville, '99, (no relation to the composer)who rearranged the music for mixed voices; and Professor Arne Oldberg, now head of theSchool of Music at Northwestern University, who helped in the rearrangement.41:: THE UXn'ERSITY OFwaiting for our leader to show up for rehearsal when Eastman burst into the roomwith the announcement: 'Chicago's got anAlma Mater!' We did not share Eastman'senthusiasm at first, but slowly «'armed upunder his fusillade of explanation: He hadappropriated the music of the RochesterAlma Mater and Professor Lewis of theEnglish Department had written somewords to it. Eastman read the poem fromthe single copy he had and then 'thumbed'the melody on the piano."The new Chicago Alma Mater, firstsung at Central Music Hall by the GleeClubs assisted by the Mandolin and BanjoClubs, was enthusiastically received andgave tone to a program which without itmust have sounded amateurish to the seasoned glee club concerters who filled thehall."Originally the song was arranged formale voices only. When Dr. Harper introduced the singing of the Alma Mater inchapel the incongruity of the use of the mu-AUTHOREilwin Herbert Lewis, Ph. 1^, '<J4. who wrotethe memorable stanzas of the Alma Mater inanswer to a huri"\'-up call from the Glee Club. CHICAGO .MAGAZINEsic mixed voices was apparent even to anunmusical Faculty.Dr. Harper was plainly distressed. Heturned to the choir and appealed for a volunteer who would rearrange the music.The work fell upon Paul Mandeville,one of the members of the choir. By astrange coincidence both he and the composer bore the same surname. Carrying out Dr.Harper's wish that the music be ready forthe next chapel service, he worked hard athis task.It was a difficult struggle with a monotonous melody and a repetition of chords.He finally produced a harmonization whichwas correct according to what ancientscalled "thorough bass;" but it was stillsadly lacking in variety.To eliminate this fault IVIandeville soughtthe aid of a former schoolmate, Arnc Oldberg, \Aho added \A'hat variety and color hecould, making a decided improvement in thetliird line. ( Mr. Oldberg is now head of theSchool of Music at Northwestern University).Copies were struck off and the song wentsurprisingly well at the next chapel service.Indeed Dr. Harper ^^•as so pleased ¦^vit!"'. thesong that he asked that it be sung regularlyat chapel. This practice was followed fora long time.To give the final com'binatio'; authoritya copyright was taken out, a plate madefor permanent record, and this plate, together with the copyright, turned overto the Uni\ersity Press. The plate bore theinscription, "Arranged to let the Co-Edssing. Music by F. N. ^Mandeville, Rochester. Copyright l8>l8, by Paul ^landeville,Chicago."Some tinkering editor, thinking the phrasing too long, substituted "Alusic by PaulMande\ille." Thus the composer was forgotten.Thus began the career of Chicago's AlmaMater. ".As I hear the song sung today."says Horace Lozier, "it sounds just as it didin 1893 except for a new note: then it wasa stirring song of sentiment and prophecy;today we add fulfilment."The Alumni Introduce the Universityto the Most Promismg High-School Students Thirjughout the Coiint7'yBy Edgar E, KorcfZj '28, Chairman, Undergraduate Extension BoardAC O R P S of alumni, deployedthroughout the United States, hasbeen at work since last winter uponthe task of strengthening the student bodyof the LTniversity. They have watched thehigh school students of their neighborhoods,selected those who promise to developinto good Chicagoans, and told theseprospective students of the University'sadvantages.The University must have the best ofmaterial to work on, if its present educational innovations are to succeed.This is the theory on which the Undergraduate Extension Board, a group ofstudent? headed last year by John Meyer,'27, has worked. IVIore than 150 alumni, at the Board's request, scanned theircommunities for likely prospects; theyrecommended about 250 promising high-school seniors. The Board has sought toacquaint these selected sub-freshmen withthe University's advantages.Every alumnus or alumna who has opportunities to meet high-school students — andthat means almost every alumnus andalumna — can help the University in thisw^ork. The Clubs can entertain suchstudents at smokers, teas, stag banquets,dances, etc. Motion pictures of the University and its life w^ill be provided by theExtension Board.The Alumni can thus help materially inthe building of a better^ Af=« OP-L.\iQ UudGi;C|rcidu(i!x? Exlx>r)siorx. Bocn*d,Number * students on fil.^ 206^:r-.-_Cicncral Map# '¦}^^^'}- ' ¦¦ " ''t t '¦¦|^''£^;: -.:¦% ^ IN1TI;:D SWTE%Some Outposts of the UniversityWhere alumni are on the look-out for desirable students. Since the map was made, thenumber of enlisted alumni has increased to 162, and the number of prospective students to 254.413Sculpture and theSome of the Symbolic Figures that will Adorn the'^¦=sv5i:S3^^;-:-T^; -, J ¦ —; ; -*1.The Philosopher, He will be stationed,with his colleagues, the Artist, the Scientist,and the Statesman, in the angles betweenthe tops of the great buttresses. ySt, h)hn, wall hi- i-ditional emblem of theEagle. Figures of thefour Evangelists willflank the great buttressesof the south front neartheir summits.St. Monica, mother of Augustine. This figure, symbolizing devotion, will standwnth that of St. Cecilia atthe spring of the arch ofthe great south \vindo'\v. St. Mark, boa ring his ancient symbol ofthe Angel.41+University ChapelButtresses of the University's Great Religious Center¦.>^'i^^^ <^-^' ¦'2si*'¦4v,:...,...r,>.i .t-^.r i-j#- ^^^. ^^.|^;^J#'" ¦'.^ "¦¦ .lf*>.- •*The Statesman The Artist.Mr. U. H. Ellerhusen of New Yorkhas modeled the figures shown onthese pages.The Chapel — looking northeast fromthe Midway, It is now complete asfar as the tops of the great window^^.The March of Religion, a frieze offree-standing figures, not yet designed,will fill the south gable. The linewill proceed from Abraham andMoses, through the Hebrew prophets,Zoroaster, and Plato, to Christ at thesummit; then it wnll continue throughthe Apostles, Fathers, Saints, and Reformers, ending 'with Luther andCaJvin.St. Luke, identified, as inancient art, by the sign ofan Ox. St. Cecilia, patrone^ '\.^ t:^' 1M%s of music415The Story of the University of ChicagoBy Thomas Wakefield GoodspeedRtprinted through the courtesyVIL Students Apply and a FacultyIS SecuredTHE men most interested in foundingthe University were enthusiasts,iheamers of dreams. But theirdreams and visions fell short of the reality.I wrote to Mr. Rockefeller in January,1887: "Of all places in the world this isthe location plainly designated by nature fora great university." Dr. Harper, then aProfessor in Yale, in indorsing this letter,wrote: "It is safe to make the predictionthat in ten years such a university wouldhave more students, if rightly conducted,than Yale or Harvard has today." At thattime, 1887, Harvard had 1,688 students inall departments, and Yale had 1,245. Dr.Harper's prophecy, had it been made publicat the time it was written, would have beenregarded as the dream of an enthusiast.The number of students in Yale and Harvard was regarded as wonderful, and quiteunapproachable by other institutions. Theyhad reached their great attendence onlyafter some two centuries of history. It isan interesting commentary on Dr. Harper'sprophecy that in its fourth year the University of Chicago enrolled 1,850 students,or 127 more than were enrolled at Harvardin 1886-87. If Dr- Harper had written:"In ten years such a university will havenearly three times as many students as Harvard now has, and nearly four times as manyas Yale now has," he would have been a trueprophet. But it is also true that if he hadmade such a prophecy he would have beenlooked upon as something worse than anirresponsible enthusiast and dreamer.No effort was made to secure the studentsfor the first year. The first students gathered themselves. For some reason the project of a new institution of learning in Chicago had made a remarkable impression onthe imagination of the public. This impression Avas as widespread as it was pronounced. 0/ the University oj Chicago PressOrdinarily the students of institutions come,for the most part, from their immediate vi-cinit^r. But the first year's students of theUniversity of Chicago, like those of everysucceeding year, came from every part of theUnited States and from many foreign countries. When the enrolment for the first yearwas made up it was found that thirty-threestates were represented and fifteen foreignstates and provinces.It is worthy of record that the first mention of inquiries from students occurs in aletter written in September, 1890, less thanfour months after the first subscription hadbeen completed, and more than two yearsbefore the University opened its doors. OnOctober 5, 1890, I wrote, "We get the nameof a new candidate for admission every dav."And this was no temporary outbreak of student correspondence. It not only continued,but began gradually to increase. In January, 1 89 1, the inquiries from possible students were two or three every day. ByJuly I, 1 89 1, the number amounted to aboutthree hundred. In the autumn of that year,W. B. Owen, then a student in the Theological Seminary at Morgan Park, afterward a member of the University Faculties,and still later principal of the ChicagoNormal School, gathered about him nearlyone hundred pupils whom he M-as preparingfor the University. Meantime, inquiringstudents continued to report to my ofKce inincreasing numbers. There were twenty onFebruary 28, 1892, the largest numberheard from in any one day up to that time.It was found in the end that two thingssaved the University from being ovenvhelm-ed by numbers the first year. These werethe high standard fixed and the requirementthat all first-year entering students mustpass an examination. Very many expectedto be admitted on certificates from highschools and academies. When they foundthey could not do this, and read the require-.|t6THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 417ments for admission in Official Bulletin No.2, they decided to go elsewhere, or to defertheir entrance until they were prepared totake the examination. Correspondence washad with nearly 3,000 young men and women who expressed a desire to enter.This is the story of the gathering of thestudents of the first year. As was said at thebeginning, they gathered themselves. Theywere not sought. They came of their ownmotion. Had they not been discouragedor absolutely shut out by the severe examination tests the attendance of the first yearwould have been doubled. It amounted to742.The gathering of the first Faculty is another story. The members of the teachingstaff had to be looked for, and by patientinquiry found. The new University hadmade such an appeal to the imagination ofteachers as well as of the public that therewere, naturally enough, many applicants forpositions, but with the exception of a fewvery desirable men these applications werenot treated seriously. President- Harperaimed high and from the outset fixed hismind on professors in the leading universities of the country. As a matter ofcourse these men were the very ones — it mayperhaps be said, the only ones — who v\'erealmost immovable. Why should such menmove ? They had positions for life, intowhich they had grown, where they had everypossible tie to hold them — homes, libraries,laboratories, friends. They were, for themost part, in old, great, famous institutions, in whose distinction they participated.Why should they change? Particularly, whvshould eminent teachers, thus situated,enter on a "hazard of new fortunes" by going to a new institution organized on a neweducational plan, "launched upon uncharted seas and with new methods of navigation," an institution whose financial basiswas wholly out of proportion to the vast-ness of the educational scheme, and whosefuture, therefore, was uncertain? It seemsstrange that many of the best men in thecountry, notwithstanding the fact that allthese things were true, were moved byPresident Harper's approaches. There was a strong power of appeal in the plan and inthe young president himself. But no soonerdid it become known that professors hadbeen approached and were thinking of Chicago than every influence was brought tobear to hold them in their places and setthem against the new institution. Chicagowas declared to be a "bubble." Its fundswere ridiculed as totally inadequate. It wasprophesied that salaries would not be paid.Under these circumstances it is not surprising that serious difficulties were encounteredin securing the men Dr. Harper wanted.But he was eminently fitted to overcomethese difficulties and secure the sort of teachers he had set his heart on. He had highideals of what a university professor shouldbe. He must be a teacher, but first and foremost he must be a scholar, in love withlearning, with a passion for research, an investigator who could produce, and, if whathe produced was worthy, would wish topublish. President Harper was endowedwith a kind of intuitive recognition of ascholar, which enabled him to select a facul-An Early RecruitProfessor A. A. Michelson, now famous forhis tests of the Einstein Theory, was one of abrilliant group of scientists from Clark University who came to Chicago at PresidentHarper's invitation.4i8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEty of scholars. He had, moreover, a singularly judicial mind, and in consideringpossible teachers he Aveighed the evidenceon both sides with insight and justice. Indealing with those he- wanted to engage forhis faculty he manifested a consideration oftheir interests, a friendliness and sympathythat disarmed opposition, a personal charm,a power to make his theme interesting, anda contagious enthusiasm, that won even thereluctant. As a result of these unusualqualities. President Harper made few mistakes in his first faculty.I cannot here even mention the names ofall its members. But there were some appointments \\'hich are of special interest andcannot well be passed over. Early in 1892Harry Pratt Judson, later President of theUniversity, but at that time a professorin the University of Minnesota, was persuaded to accept a professorship in Historyand the deanship of the Colleges and tobegin his work the first of June. He cameat that time to assist President Harper inthe tremendous task of organizing the workof the University in preparation for theopening in October.The first heads of departments, securedafter a long and hard struggle, were William Gardner Hale and J. Laurence Laugh-lin, both of Cornell. Mr. Hale becamehead professor of Latin and Mr. Laughlinof Political Economy. With these men secured, difficulties began to disappear.Under Mr. Laughlin's advice Adolf C. Miller, since distinguished in public life, also ofCornell, was almost immediately added toliis department.One of the first men approached by Dr.Harper was Dr. Albion W. Small, President of Colby University. Fourteenmonths after the negotiation began, President Small was appointed head professor ofSociology and accepted. At the same time,January 29, 1892, the first considerablenumber of other appointments was made,among them James H. Tufts, later Vice-President of the Uni\ersity, in Philosophy;William D. MacClintock, in English;George S. Goodspeed, in Comparative Religion and Ancient History; Starr W. Cut ting, later head of his department, inGerman; A. A. Stagg, director of PhysicalCulture and Athletics; Frank J. Miller,in Latin ; Carl D. Buck, later head of thedepartment, in Sanskrit and ComparativePhilology.On February 4, 1892, four notable appointments were made: Hermann E. vonHoist, head professor of History; RichardGreen Moulton, University Extension professor of English Literature ; Emil G.Hirsch, professor of Rabbinical Literatureand Philosophy; and Ezekiel G. Robinson,professor in Apologetics and ChristianEthics. Mr. von Hoist, author of a well-known constitutional history of the UnitedStates, was a professor in the University ofFreiburg in Baden, Germany, and his acquisition was regarded by the President withgreat satisfaction. Mr. Terry, professor inHistory, had aided in securing him. Mr.Hirsch was the able and popular rabbi of theSinai Congregation of Chicago and mostgenerously contributed such services as hisduties to his congregation and the public permitted. Mr. Robinson had been Presidentof the Rochester Theological Seminary andlater of Brown University, and came to givethe closing years of a distinguished career tothe new University. Mr. Moulton hadcome, in 1 890, on a temporary visit to theUnited States, to enlist interest in the University Extension movement. He met Dr.Harper in Christmas week in Washingtonand in a single conversation was induced topromise a year's work in the new University.His one year became a life-engagement.Nathaniel Butler, once a member of thefaculty of the Old University, wtis broughtfrom the University of Illinois and becameacting director of University Extension.At a meeting of the Trustees held March19. 1892, E. Hastings Moore, of Northwestern University, was elected professor ofMathematics and later became head of hisdepartment. At the same meeting the firstincident of an interesting story occured.Charles O. Whitman, of Clark tjniversity,was elected head professor of Biology.An exceptionally able group of scientific professors was gathered at Clark and it tran-THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 419spired that, owing to unsatisfactory internalconditions, they wished to leave and acceptfavorable openings elsewhere. The opportunity to make the scientific departmentsequal to those of the leading universities ofthe country was irresistible. Mr. Whitmandrove a hard bargain with President Harperin the things he required in the way ofbuildings, equipment, and running expenses.That distinguished phj'sicist A. A. Michelson, who was one of the acquisitions fromClark, with that modesty which has alwayscharacterized him, made no terms. In thisgroup of professors were Nef, Donaldson,Mall, Jacques Loeb, and others.In making these fifteen appointments thePresident was tempted beyond what he wasable to bear and beyond what his resourcescould"' bear. But, his power of resistancehaving broken down before this splendidtemptation, he was left quite helpless beforeA President Who Answered Harper's CallAfter a successful career as President of theUniversity of Wisconsin, Thomas C. Chamberlin accepted the appointment as Head of theDepartment of Geology in the new Universityof wWch immediately followed. He learned that Thomas C. Chamberlin, Presidentof the University of Wisconsin, having, during his five years at Madison, accomplishedthe task of reorganization he had set forhimself and doubled the number of students,was weary of administrative work, which,indeed he had undertaken reluctantly, andwould, perhaps, welcome a call to the headship of a Department of Geology, andthat his professor of Geology at Madison,Rollin D. Salisbury, who had already beenrecommended in the highest terms, wouldfollow his chief. George C. Walker, oneof the Trustees, had agreed to provide a museum building which might be used also asthe laboratory of Geology, and the President warmly urging action. PresidentChamberlin on May 4, 1892 was appointed, the appointment of Mr. Salisburyfollowing in June. These appointmentsfrom Clark and Wisconsin established thereputation of the scientific departments andadded greatly to the prestige of the newUniversity. They fixed its place in thepublic mind as the peer of the best institutions in the country.Professor E. D. Burton, who subsequently became President of the University, wasone of the late appointments. He was aprofessor in Newton Theological Institution. The President had long been urginghim to take the chair of New Testament,but could get no encouragement. Whatappeared to be a final refusal in March,1892, greatly discouraged him. But he hadan extraordinary gift of persistence andpersuasion. The negotiation was renewedand in the end Professor Burton wassecured.One of the happy appointments of thefirst year was that of Charles R. Hendersonin Social Science, later University Chaplain,a position in which he won all hearts.There were nine women in the first faculty. Alice Freeman Palmer, former President of Wellesley was, after long negotiation, secured as dean of women and withher was associated Marion Talbot, who became Mrs. Palmer's successor.One rather extraordinary fact about President Harper's labors in securing a facultymust be mentioned. He sought big men. Hewanted the very best and ablest, the mostdistinguished scholars and teachers he couldfind. The more eminent they were the morehe wanted them. He made every effort tosecure Remsen, of Johns Hopkins, but inthis case his own university could not let himgo and made him its next president. It was420 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbecause he believed von Hoist was a greatman and because he had an international reputation that President Harper wanted himin his Faculty. Because he wanted the besthe did not hesitate to try for the presidentsof colleges and universities. It is not knownjust how many of these he attempted tobring into the first Faculty. It is known thathe failed with some whom he made extraordinary efforts to get. As the first Facultywas finally constituted nine of its membershad been presidents of higher institutions:Ezekiel G. Robinson, Brown; George W.Northrup, Baptist Union Theological Seminary ; Galusha Anderson, the Old University of Chicago and Denison; Albion W.Small, Copy ; Thomas C. Chamberlin, Wisconsin ; Franklin Johnson, Ottawa; AliceFreeman Palmer, Wellesley; and HowardB. Grose, South Dakota. To these nameswas soon added that of John M. Coulter,Lake Forest. His friends were never ableto detect the slightest trace of jealousy inPresident Harper. He rejoiced in the growing reputation of members of the Faculty asthough it were his own. Every distinctionthey received gave him pleasure. Every bookthey published was a source of satisfaction, and the greater the book the greater was hissatisfaction. He \vas proud of the honorsthey received and he watched the development of growing scholars with joy andpride.By the first of June, 1892, we had aboutreached the limits of our resources for appointments and, understanding that veryfew more would be made, as secretary of theboard I wrote for publication :The last gift of one million dollars, made byMr. Rockefeller in February, has made it possible for the University to organize its facultiesin a somewhat complete way. In all departmentssixty instructors have now been elected. Thenumber will be increased by ten or twelve additional names, and then, so far as the faculties areconcerned, the University will be ready to receive its students.In my simplicity I thought I ^vas givingout authoritative information. I was, as itturned out, only announcing the number ofinstructors for whom financial provision hadbeen made. The President, feeling drivenby necessity, recommended, and the Trustees, under the same spur, appointed, not tenor twelve more, but sixt>'. Appointmentscontinued to be made at almost every meeting until October 2^, nearly a month after(Continued on page ¦14-6)1907 JOINS THE SHANTY IThe Shant^^ on WheelsThe twenty-year class paraded behind this float just before being admitted to the historic Shantyon the recent Alumni Day.'^(f=i(P^<p^(J==b(?=i(F=i(p=i(!=^(!=^(p=^(F=^(p=^(J==^(p=\)^l^fje Mnibersiitp of CfjicasoilaBajine |Editor and Business Manager, Allen He.^lLD. '26Advertising Manager, Ch.^vrles E. H.aves. Ex.EDITORL'VL BOARD: Commerce and Administration .Association — Donald P. Bean,'17.; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D. B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, .A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lilllan Stevenson, '21; Rush Medical .Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.)t;'<;-j)I^-y(^-gqa;P<UiJ''iaP'J^'<-j'^jj''^sP'i=iP'iaiP'!5sP^eFej\(Ts &^ COMM£J^TheAlumnusBeginsH'orkTWO ALUMNI, writing for this issue,point out various diiBculties in the taskof launching the recent graduate on hiscareer. One got his degree a yearago. He has applied for jobs,found one, and is now workingat it. He protests against apopular fallacy: that the college man is abnormal. Employers, he says,ought to free themselves from such an obsession, and treat the college man like anordinary human being.The other writer is the manager of aleading bond department. He interviewsmany late graduates in search of jobs; hewatches the progress of many who havefound jobs. He agrees that the collegeman is not a unique species ; he denies alsothat the employer treats him as a uniquespecies. Too many college men startingin business, he says, think that their em-plovers so regard them, and become self-conscious. He considers this the only serious handicap to the college man's career.Both agree, then, that the recent graduate and the employer do not know eachother well enough.» ,^ »The University has completed a planthat will help to acquaint them. Representatives of every part of the University —men and women who know thestudents — will co-operate with anexpert Director of VocationalGuidance and Placement — a manwho knows employers.They will tell the student what variousvocations will demand of him, and helpFirstAidforHim him decide which demands he is best fittedto fill. They will tell the employer whatstudents they consider best suited to hiswants. They will continue to watch thegraduate's progress after he has commencedwork. If he has difficulties, the Board willadvise him. If he seems ill-adapted to hisjob, the Board will find a new one for him.Tlie University has valuable informationabout its students — their characteristics,their special points of strength, theirmethods of work. It is going to try to placethat information at the employer's disposal.The University is in a position to gain,especially through its Alumni, valuable information about the world that is going tohire those students — the demands of thatworld, its conditions of \\-()rk, its program.The University proposes to put thatinformation at its students" disposal.Employers and their recently-graduatedemployees will then lose less time in tryingto understand each other.a & nTHE school histories tell how a prisonerof war once peered through "thedawn's early light" after a night of battle,saw his country's flag still onA Song high, and wrote a national an-and a them in his joy. They tell howUniversity the long-oppressed citizens ofanother nation, pitchfork inhand and swearing death to the Bastille,exploded with the notes of the Marseillaise.Ages of history are wrapped in these twostories. They throw their own light on thehopes, the fears, the secret wells of power,of two great nations.421422 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University of Chicago has its owntale of the birth of a song. It is a quainttale, peopled with glee-clubbers — a racenow gone, alas, and supplanted by intramural sports managers. A piece of apple-pie that wasn't left on the plate, and anEnglish instructor who was hungry, providethe atmosphere. A swarm of bumble-beesfurnishes the setting.Chicago history shines forth from thisstory. Chicago's way of doing things — tobuild swiftly, yet to build for the ages — ¦strikes us with greater force when we learnthat a man went supperless to write suchlines as "Beneath the hope-filled Westernskies." Her battlemented towers seemancient ; and we can easily fancy that thesame chimes played at six minutes after tenon the night that William the Conquerorlanded. Yet one vigorous generation hasbuilt the towers, installed the chimes, andwritten the song.A story so true to the spirit of Chicago —though it may have strayed in a detail ortwo from the letter of precision — ought tobe remembered. Paul Mandeville, '99,has made it possible for us to remember.He has exploded the legend that creditedhim with the original composition ; he hastraced his mysterious namesake, the truecomposer; he has collected each actor'sversion of the drama. His own recollections — for it was chiefly his handiwork thatgave the music its present arrangement —have enriched the data. Miss Anne Lavine,'26, has written the story that these researches reveal. Her account, with somelately-discovered facts added, appears in thisissue.So a debt to the decades and the centuriesis paid.A COMMITTEE of the Faculty reported lately that undergraduates donot participate as they should in theUniversity's work. CollegeUnwillingly students ought to be betterto School prepared and more eager,the committee said, to helpadvance knowledge and to help apply knowledge to life. The report points outhow small a proportion — only seven percent of the seniors each year — choose thescholar's career and enter the GraduateSchools. It points out that "intellectualinterests rate low in student opinion ascompared with social, athletic, and 'activity'interests."The same sorry state of affairs appearsin the anonymous "Confessions of a CollegeDean," in a recent issue of The NewRepublic. The author, "a dean of men ina medium-sized American college," complains that he has no time to be a guide-philosopher-and-friend, as deans are supposed to be, but must serve altogether asa policeman. He must force the studentsto do something that they do not want todo — namely, the thing they pretend tohave come to college for. The collegeshave wished that duty on their deans, inanswer to the problem of "the presenceAvithin their purlieus of a very largenumber of nice, normal, agreeable, and'eligible' young people Avho are quiteinnocent of any active intellectual interestsand who desire to use the college forpurposes alien to those which it has alwaysprofessed."A dean at Harvard, looking over lastyear's crop of freshmen, decided that they,too, had little zeal for knowledge.The doctors agree in their diagnosis:American students do not particularly wantto study. This is a serious ailment, andperhaps difficult to cure; but it need notterrify us. Normal youth, under suchconditions as obtain today, may be expectedto have such a malady. Life in the twentiethcentury is an adventurous thing, and theyouth of the twentieth century likes adventure. Life is new to the college student ; itcaptivates him. Some parts of college life —sessions in front of the fraternity fireplace,dexterous intrigues in college politics, prolonged good-nights at the door of FosterHall — bewitch him more than the rest.Study requires greater patience before it reveals its charm ; so study remains an unexplored country. Its frontiers are dreary andforbidding; vet adventure lies behind.EVENTS AND COMMENT 4^JOnce the student sees the adventure, andgoes after it, his much-discussed ailmentwill be cured.The Faculty committee mentioned abovehas found in the University certain obstacles which discourage the student as an explorer.Many of his classmates show little promise of becoming interested in study. Thestudent who would venture into the unknown finds few companions, and manyopponents. The committee proposes thatthe question be studied, "with a view to theadmission of such students only as desire auniversity education and give promise ofacquiring it, and are adequately preparedfor university work." "Those who havea definite and commendable plan in mind,"the committee thinks, ought to be givenpreference. No one should enter the SeniorColleges without ( I ) an appropriate degreeof attainment in respect of general education, (2) the early stages of special education in some field of particular interest tohim, and (3) a demonstration of the powerof independent and intelligent thinking.Some instructors, the committee finds,lack "the university spirit" — are not ableand eager to participate in the advancementand application of knowledge. Other instructors have such a spirit, but can notconvey it to their students. The committeeurges officers in making appointments tothe teaching staff to "bear in mind both thepossession of creative power in a particularfield and the ability to teach."Faulty planning of the curriculum isseen by the committee as another hindranceto the university spirit among students. Theproposed remedy is this :For the Junior Colleges : Give abouttwo-thirds of the student's time to studiesaiming toward general education, and aboutone-third to more intensive studies in andabout some field of special interest. Makethe new General Survey courses (TheNature of the World and of Man, Man'sPlace in Society, etc.) open to all students,instead of a chosen few. Offer two sorts ofcourses in each department: one series for students wishing to prepare for advancedwork in the department, and the other forstudents desiring only an introduction or ageneral survey. Organize the courses sothat no limit need be placed on the numberof students admitted to a given course;abolish the "full-course" nuisance.For the Senior Colleges: Let capablestudents participate in the problems onwhich their instructors are engaged, or workindividually or in groups upon other approved problems.For the general curriculum : Study thequestion of the adjustment of high schooland college curricula with a view to shortening the period of preparation for businessor professional work, and bringing studentsinto earlier contact with research.For educational guidance: Provide advisers who shall help each undergraduateto select the department in which he is mostinterested, and to plan his program of studyin that department. Results of rigorousphysical and mental tests, and such evidenceas may be desirable about each student'sintellectual and social progress, would besupplied to these advisers by a PersonnelBureau.The committee has found, finally, thatstudents' living conditions often lack comfort, convenience, and attractiveness, makestudy difficult, and deny opportunity forthoughtful companionship. It recommendsresidence halls to supply this want. Students of various interests would be thro"\\ ntogether in these halls; they would have achance to exchange ideas, and to compareexperiences.The Faculties have accepted this committee's report, and started work on its proposals. Some of these will require more timeor more funds. Others have gone into effectalready.« » «Intensive study is a real experience, a partof life. The student does not knoAV thisfact ; certain clouds in the universitysystem have helped to hide it from him.The University is scattering those clouds.ALUMNIDelec.ates fro.m the Chicaco ClubTHE Chicago Alumni Club has electedthe following delegates to the AlumniCouncil for 1927-28:Harry R. Swanson, '17Roderick Macpherson, '18Sam A. Rothermel, '18AVest Suburban Alu.m.x.^e ElectOfficersTHE West Suburban Branch of theChicago Alumnae Club announces theelection for 1927-28 of these officers:Miss Katharine Paltzer, '01, PresidentAirs. A. E. Woodruff, '20, TreasurerMiss Emily R. Orcutt, '11, SecretaryOfficers of the Springfield Club^pHE Springfield Alumni Club hasA elected officers for 1927-28. G. W.Patrick, '20, will serve as President; and.Miss Lucy C. Williams, '17, ^x'ill continue her term as Secretarv.Twin City Alu.mxi Coxgratul.ateFounderOn July 8, I dispatched a telegram asiiAlows:"John D. Rockefeller, Tarrytown, New^'ork :Twin Cit\- Alumni of the LTniversity ofChicago send greetings to you on >ourbirthday."This day I am in receipt of a telegramwhich reads as follows :"Tliank you for the beautiful message ofcongratulation on m>- birthday receivedfrom the Twin Cit\' Alumni of the Uni-\ersity of Chicago. Be assured of m\ sincere appreciation. I send greetings to eaclimember of the Alumni with my kindestregards and e\cry best \\isii."Needless to say we rejoice that theFounder of our dear Alma ALatcr shouldhe permitted to again celebrate his birth- A F F A I R Sday and we hope that he will enjoy manymore.With best wishes to you and to the bestAlma Mater in the World, I am.Very truly yours,Albert J. JohnsoxLetter from ax Alumxa StudyingIX Fraxce2 Place des Etats-Unis,Chateau-Thierry.P?OR the past year, I have been study--•- ing at the University of Toulouse, inthe South of France, on a government Exchange Scholarship from Chicago. Thework was fascinating, though the weatherwas miserable. Christmas vacation meanta trip into Spain, while at Easter-time wetried to "do" Italy from Como to Pompeii.I obtained a leave of absence May i toaccept a position in the Community Houseof Chateau-Thierry, in the Marne Valley.There are but three American girls here —Mildred Anderson (Chicago in 1925, nowat the U. of Illinois), Katherine Davis fromGrinnell College, and myself. Our workincludes English classes, Scout work,library technique, and acting as guides forthe carloads of American visitors who aremotoring through the battlefields.I have been glad to have the AlumniMagazine this year. Rarely anything Chi-cago-ish blows this way, save the news lastweek that Professor Robert Lovett wasdown at the Gare !Wixifred E. Willia:\is, '26A Chicago Reunionin IndiaTHE annual reunion of the Universityof Chicago Association of South Indiawas held during the hot season vacation atKodaikanal in the Palani Hills, SouthIndia, on May 12, 1927. This is an annualALUMNI AFFAIRS 425meeting at the Kodai Hill — Station of allthose who have taken work at the University of Chicago. The purpose is to getacquainted and keep in touch as far as possible with all Chicago men and womenworking in Southern India, to have a goodsocial time together and to talk over experiences during the year, and to directpeople proceeding on furlough to Chicagofor further study. The Association hasbeen in existence now for five years, and themembers have greatly enjoyed this annualreunion ; it has been our privilege also todirect several returning missionaries to theUniversity of Chicago for furlough study.The place of meeting this year was thebeautiful and extensive grounds of Wins-ford Cottage overlooking the KodaikanalLake. The crowd, including the children,numbered more than forty. The first itemon the program was games for the children.A little before noon we all gathered underthe shade of a large tree for the picnic-breakfast, and the amount of excellent foodthat disappeared was astonishing. After eats \ve chose sides for an indoor base-ballmatch, which gave a lot of fun for everybody. Just as the match finished rain beganto fall; and we sought shelter in the houseof Mr. and Mrs. Strahler, the hosts of thepicnic part3\ It is usual before breaking upto have an informal talk about the individual experiences of the members duringthe year. Latest news from the Universityis reported, and members' literary ^^^ork andspecial interests are also outlined. This informal conference is always a pleasing andinforming part of the proceedings.Former Chicago students attending thisreunion came from such distant places asAssam in Northeastern India and Madurain South India, a distance of about 2,000miles. The last year's officers were reelected for another year: Professor A, J.Saunders, Ph.D. '25, President; and Rev.J. M. Hess, D. B. '14, Secretary. Thesinging of J Una Mater brought a verysuccessful and enjoyable Chicago Day to aclose.A. J. Saunders.^' . ¦ ¦S;;^^:%L.i^^t':. '¦sp.MPThe Alumni in South IndiaAt the Kodai Hill-Station for their reunionChicago's Growth by 1950 asPredicted by a University EconomistCHICAGO will have a population ofmore than 4,300,000 within its presentboundaries by 1950, according to HelenRankin Jeter, Assistant Professor of SocialEconomy at the University, who has completed an exhaustive study in Trends ofPopulation in the Region of Chicago, madein co-operation with the CommonwealthClub and the Chicago Regional PlanningAssociation, which has just been publishedby the University Press.The population of "the Chicago Region"will be nearly 7,000,000 by 1950, ProfessorJeter predicts. Cook County will have apopulation of 5,285,000 at the half-centurymark, compared to 3,053,000 in 1920.The remarkable growth of the city ofChicago as compared with other principalcities of the United States is pointed out.Between 1850 and 1890 Chicago had outstripped twenty-three older cities. Since1890 Chicago's rate of growth has beenfaster than that of New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimore, andPittsburgh. The other three of the tenlargest cities in the United States, however — Detroit, Cle\eland, and Los Angeles — have exceeded Chicago in rate ofgrowth since 1890. During these last threedecades the area of Chicago has changedrelatively little, increasing only 13 per centwhile the population increased 145 per cent.In the early decades of its history Chicagoreceived a large share of its increase inpopulation from interstate migration. Later,immigration from Europe contributed alarge portion until this source was largelycut off by the World War and later restricted by legislation. The increase in theforeign-born population between 1910 and1920, according to the author, constitutedbut 6 per cent of the total increase. Development of a Remarkable Pho-togr.aphic Lens at YerkesObservatoryDEVELOPMENT of a new photographic lens which will depict asmany as 100,000 stars on a plate has beencompleted by Professor Frank E. Ross, ofYerkes Observatory. With the new lensProfessor Ross has secured what is considered the best photograph of the greaterpart of the constellation of Orion.The new lens covers twenty-four degreesof the sky and the images resulting areunusually sharp, bringing out many detailsof luminous and non-luminous nebulousmatter more clearly than they have beenrevealed on any previous photographs withwhich the Yerkes observers are familiar.The picture of the Orion nebulae was takenby Dr. Ross in January of this year, withan exposure of five hours.Notable Additions to the F.acultiesNOTABLE additions to the higherranks of the University Facultiesduring the past year include ProfessorsEzra J. Kraus, of the LTniversity of Wisconsin, in botany; Leonard Bloomfield. ofOhio State University, in Germanic philology ; William F. Ogburn, of ColumbiaUniversity', in sociology; Frank H. Knight,of the State LTni^¦ersity of Iowa, in economics; M. L. Raney. of John HopkinsUni\crsity, as Director of the Libraries ;L. D. Edie, of Indiana University, infinance; George A. Works, of CornellLTni\'ersity, as Dean of the GraduateLibrary School; Major Thomas J. J.Christian, U.S. .A., Chairman of the Department of Military Science and Tactics; Dr.Joseph Miller, Dr. Joseph A. Capps, Dr.Friedrich Hiller, Dr. Paul C. Hodges, andDr. Oswald H. Robertson, in medicine;and William \\'. Sweet, of DePauw LTni-426UNIVERSITY NOTES 427versity, John T. McNeil, of Knox College,Toronto, and Henry N. Wieman, of Occidental College, in divinity.The Frank Billings MedicalClinic FlourishesTHE plans for the University Clinicshave been gaining excellent support.Subscriptions from loi contributors to theFrank Billings Clinic of Internal Medicinenow total nearly a quarter of a milliondollars, and the manner in which thesegifts have come testifies to the loyal friendship of men and women who realize deeplythe public and private services of DoctorBillings to Chicago.Contributors of larger sums to the FrankBillings Medical Clinic endowment fundare : Mr. John Bain, Mr. Lucius K. Baker,Mr. Bruce Borland, Mrs. Mason Bross,Mr. Reuben G. Chandler, Mrs. W. W.Cummer, Dearborn Chemical Company,Mr. and Mrs. Moise Dreyfus, Mr. ThomasFisher, Mrs. William O. Goodman, Mr.and Mrs. Howard G. Grey, Mr. ErnestA. Hamill, Mr. F. G. Hartwell, Mr. FrankK. Hoover, Mr. James C. Hutchins, MissGwethalyn Jones, Mr. Thomas D. Jones,Mr. George O. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs.Frank O. Lowden, Mr. August C. Magnus, Mr. Harold F. McCormick, Mrs.Frank H. Montgomery, Mrs. George R.Nichols, Sr., Mr. James A. Patten, Mr. A.B. Ruddock, Mr. Charles Ruddock, Mrs.Joseph H. Schaflner, Mr. Charles H.Swift, Mr. Harold H. Swift, Mr. CharlesTanner, Mr. A. S. Trude, and Mrs. Frederic W. Upham.A New Honor for the PresidentIN recognition of his contributions toscience and education President MaxMason has received from Dartmouth College the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.President Mason's eldest son, William,received the degree of Bachelor of Arts atDartmouth on the same day. Maxwell,the President's youngest son, has justfinished his freshman year at the Universityof Chicago. Other honorary degrees that have beenconferred on President Mason includethose of Doctor of Laws from ColumbiaUniversity, Doctor of Laws from YaleUniversity, and Doctor of Science fromhis alma mater, the University of Wisconsin. In 1903 President Mason receivedthe degree of Doctor of Philosophy fromthe University of Gottingen.The Myriad-Minded CollegianOPPORTUNITIES for summer worklisted at the Bureau of Employmentoffer the widest range since the bureau wasestablished, including everything from theselling of cemetery lots to acting in themovies. Between 70 and 80 per cent of themale students of the University workduring the summer, but not all find employment through the University.Some of the applications are for professional ballplayers, dining-car stewards,lakeboat firemen and pursers, camp counselors and guides, personnel work, accidentinvestigation, red caps, ushers, taxi drivers,and stenographers. Other applications arefor section hands, chain-gang work, brake-men, firemen, filling station attendants,golf starters, scenery painting, constructionwork, farming, sight-seeing bus lecturers,laboratory work, and saleswork.Chinese Law Student "Makes Coif"TSAN SING SU, of Hongkong, China,is one of nine students elected to theOrder of the Coif, honorary legal fraternity, at the University, (according to a recentannouncement from Dean James ParkerHall, of the Law School.) Su is the firstChinese to be so honored at Chicago. Heis at present in Hongkong, but will returnto do further work in the autumn if thepolitical situation permits. Not only didhe receive the award, but he stood third inhis class.Other law students elected to the Orderof the Coif represent the states of Illinois,South Dakota, Utah, and Pennsylvania.428 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Stonewall's" GrandsonTeaches M. S.\ NEW appointment at the University,.i ^ to be effective June 20, is that of agrandson of "Stonewall" Jackson, MajorThomas Jackson Christian, to be head ofthe Department of Military Science andTactics.Major Christian succeeds Major Frederick Al. Barrows, 'who has been promotedto an instructorship in the General StaffSchool at Fort Leaven\vorth, Kansas, whereMajor Christian is now studying. Thelatter, a graduate of West Point in theclass of 1911 and a former student at theVirginia Military Institute, has had a variedmilitary record.In 1914 he was in service in the Philippines; in 1915, on the. Mexican border;1916-17, professor of military science,Colorado State Agricultural College; 1917,assistant commandant, firing center. CampMcClellan; 1918, Lieutenant Colonel,Camp Jackson; 1919-23, commanding officer, field artillery, Cornell University;1925, brigade executive. Fort Hoyle, Maryland ; and 1926, member advance class. FortSill, Oklahoma.A Unique Balzac Acquisition ForThe University LibrariesAL'.NIQUE treasure has just been acquired bv the University Libraries. TheUniversity has purchased from Mr. Gabriel^Vells of New York a volume containingfifty-two manuscript pages intermingledwith proofs of one of Balzac's earlieststories, Le Secret des Ruggieri. The proofs,of which there are seven sets, are coveredwith corrections and additions in Balzac'sown handwriting. It was his expensivehabit to do much of his actual writing onproof-sheets, using the manuscript mainlyas a point of departure. Thus one-third ofthe story of the Ruggieri is to be found onthe margin of these proofs. The volume isof interest not only to the collector, but itoffers an unrivaled opportunit\' for thestudent. Here he may study Balzac'smethod of composition in its earliest stages. A similar opportunity is aliforded by anotherrecent acquisition of the University of Chicago Libraries, namely, the first edition ofBalzac's Scenes de la Vie Privee. Both ofthese treasures come to enrich the originalCroue collection of Balzac, which has beenmaintained at the University since 1923,and forms the most remarkable collectionof such material in this country.The chief donor of the Balzac manuscript is Miss Shirley Farr, '04, formerlyconnected with the Department of History.Professor William A. Nitze, head of theDepartment of Romance Languages andLiteratures, and Professor John M. Manly,head of the Department of English, werechiefly active in arranging the purchase.Researches in connection with Balzac atthe University are under the guidance ofDr. E. Preston Dargan, Professor ofFrench literature, who is joint author of aHistory of French Literature.University in GuggenheimFellowshipsFOLTR members of the Faculty of theUniversity have received fellowshipsunder the Joseph Simon Guggenheim Foundation, for study during 1927-28. Thisis a larger representation than that apportioned to any of the twenty-eight other educational institutions from whom fellowswere selected.Dr. Frank C. Hoyt, Research Associatein Physics at the University, will investigate, under the sponsorship of this Foundation, the quantum theory and its meaningfor radiation and atomic structure. Hewill work at Gottingen, Germany; Copen-liagen, Denmark ; and Zurich, Switzerland.Professor Bernadotte E. Schmitt of the Department of History has been awarded afellowship for research into the origins andresponsibility for the World AN'ar. Professor Archer Taylor of the GermanicsDepartment will study methods used inFinland for tracing the history of thepopular ballad. Professor Leonard D.^^'hite of the Department of PoliticalScience will \'isit Great Britain under afellowship for the study of trade unions.October i^Oklahoma at ChicagoOctober 8 — Indiana at ChicagoOctober i5 — Purdue at ChicagoOctober 22 — Pennsylvania at ChicagoOctober 29 — Chicago at Ohio StateNovember 5 — Michigan at ChicagoNovember 12 — Chicago at IllinoisNovember 19 — Wisconsin at Chicago|\/I R. STAGG considers this the hardest-'-'-* schedule in his career. He faces itwith a squad that promises to be materiallybetter than last year's, but still presentsproblems.He expects about forty men to report forthe opening of practice on September 15.Ten of this group are "C" men ; fourteenare subs from last season, and the rest arefreshmen and ineligibles. The letter menreturning are : Captain Kenneth Rouse,center ; Robert Wolf and Ben Greenebaum,guards ; Sol Weislo'w^ and Paul Lewis,tackles ; Robert Spence and LawrenceApitz, ends; John McDonough, quarterback; Kyle Anderson, half, and RudolphLeyers, fullback.The subs from last >'ear are DwightCochran, C. W. Clarke, Wilfred Heitman,guards; Joseph Caren, Malcolm Proudfoot, tackles; Kaare Krogh and CharlesHoerger, ends; Elliot Fulton, GeorgeDygert, quarter backs; Marvin Libby,Warren Klein, fullbacks; Phelps Pratt,George Reed, and Anatol Raysson, halfbacks.Among the most promising new men forthe team are Charles Weaver, an Arkansasboy who is one of the biggest men everout for a Chicago team, weighing 240pounds and 6 feet, 4 inches tall; M. E.Sonderby, and M. Froberg, of Lindblomhigh. These three are tackles; W. C.Hagens of St. Louis and Cassle of TerreHaute are guard prospects; H. Jersild andF. Daniels are ends; J. J. Bluhm is a quarterback; Mendenhall, Burgess, VinLibby, and Wattenberg are halfbacks fromthe freshman team. Pat Kelly, halfb.ack,and Priess, end, are ineligibles of 1926 whoshould be prominent contenders for theteam.The way the squad shaped up in Springpractice, a stronger offensive team is lookedfor than the 1926 outfit. Stagg will haveto put in a new set of halfbacks, for KyleAnderson is the only veteran returning.Mendenhall, Bloom, Burgess, Kelly andGleason are regarded as the best of theadditions. Mendenhall is the best punteron the team, and a good forward passer,as is Bloom. McDonough is the only otherpunter on the squad, and either he orMendenhall will have to do the kicking.Indications are that Stagg's offense thisseason will be more interesting than inseveral seasons. The backs are all goodball carriers who should improve as theseason advances. Their defensive ability,however, is still a matter of doubt.New stands on three sides of Stagg Fieldare now under construction which willprovide several thousand additional improved seats for the Maroon games thisAutumn. The new construction will notonly bring the total capacity of Stagg Fieldup to 56, 000, but will put a larger part ofthe seating between the end lines on thesouth side of the field.The new stands are of steel and woodconstruction, and will replace the antiquated wooden bleachers which have beenused for a score of years. The plan providesfifty rows of seats on the south side of thefield, forty rows on the east, and twentyrows in front of the old concrete stand onthe west. The "rise" between the rowsAvill give all spectators a clear view of theentire playing field.429NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESAdventures at SmnmerSchoolBy Andrew Johnson, '28Summer House Manager forBeta Theta PiTHE more usual run of Chicago menand women, who attended school fromOctober to June, have a pretty firmlyfixed opinion of summer school. Spendingtheir summers as bright industrious j'oungaluminum-ware salesmen, or at one ofthe other jobs where hard work and adesire to work would make them wealthyin three months, they think of summerschool as a rather sordid place. Summerschool, they will tell you, just a bit boredat the subject, is a place where pedantswork on interminable theses proving justwhat the governor of North Carolina didsay to the governor of South Carolina;where spindle-shanked spinsters, tired ofteaching high school, smile graciously onthe unmarried young principal from PoncaCity, Oklahoma; and where undergraduates who faltered and fell under the springquarter's campaigning rehabilitate theireligibility. Perhaps they are right.Nevertheless summer school is somethingmore. The throwing together of so miscellaneous a collection of teachers, flunk-outs, preachers, et al., from all over thecountry, in classroom, dormitory and fraternity house must result in jarring eachloose from his own little rut. A betterunderstanding of his fellowman, a clearerperception of life in cross-section, is theresult. And if the great student of Englishliterature finds that the cauliflower ears ofhis roommate, the wrestling coach, jar hisaesthetic sensibilities and seriously hamperhis work, he is well compensated for hisloss by a more varied wealth of experiencethan he might otherwise obtain. Summer school abounds in little incidents that carry a chuckle with them,but pass unnoticed in the scuffle of theregular year. There was the very timidlittle man who teaches algebra and conducts the assembly singing somewhere downin Pennsylvania; he moved into a fraternityhouse "to get the college atmosphere."On his second night there, one of thefraternity members, going to play golf atfour-thirty in the morning, recollectedhaving left his knickers in the corner underthe little man's bed. And then there wasthe unfortunate fellow, unversed in fraternity house ethics, who left a package ofcigarettes on his desk while he went to aclass. The wrapper was still there whenhe returned.Oh, he got angry and swore. Possiblyhe quoted from the Bill of Rights. Likewise the timid little man lost his temperwhen he was bumped in the middle of theback at four-thirty in the morning. Butthey soon forgot the matter, or learned tosmile about it. They are very unfortunateindividuals indeed if they didn't. A senseof humor sav-es the day in summer schoolas elsewhere.And it works both ways. The Chicagostudents forced to spend a summer oncampus collecting grade points at first shiesfrom this peculiar breed that seem to taketheir studies seriously and each e\'ening lughuge armfulls of books up to their rooms.But through forced contact he learns that aman may be a ^valking compendium ofAncient History and still nurture an appreciation of good soda pop. Also, whatis more important, he falls in sympathy withthe individual and comes to understandjust how one's view of life may becomeso distorted that Ancient History willbecome a subject of interest. The reactionwill not injure his own scholastic standing.430OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBS.¦\mes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Lyman E. Lehrberger, 15 Euston St.,Brookline, Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ist St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,1885 E. 75th StColumbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Sue HamiltonYeaton, 3340 N. Meridian St.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. State Department of Health.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kan. Sec, Mrs. Daniel E.Lynch, 1528 Prairie St.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District Atty.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush.431Oflncers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies- Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Tosen, U. S. Bureau of Mines. peka High School.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wake Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandfield, 1419 — 31st Ave., S.E. and Moline. 111.). Sec, Bernice LeRapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft, Claire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Daven928 Kansas City St. portSt. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793 Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Westminster Place. Jr., University of Arizona.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B. Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateAnderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg. Geological Survey.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. Eldridge Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield.Adams, Moore Building. Vt.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern California Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie NelClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325 son Barber, 3000 Connecticut Ave.Octavia Sl West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofSeattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall, Chicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy612 Alaska Bldg. ler, Oak Park High School.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509 Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, KanSecond Bank Bldg. sas State Bank.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams, Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.Aberdeen, S. D. of the P. I.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Wil South India. A. J. Saunders, Americanliams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. College, Madura, S. I.Terre Haute, Inb. Sec, Prof. Edwin M. Shanghai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School. 20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Han Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, Firstson, Belvidere Apts. Higher School.CLASS SECRETARIES'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St. '12 Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54th'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Place.Blvd. '13. James A. Donovan, 400 N. Michigan'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave. Avenue.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St. '14. John B. Perlee, 232 S. Clark St.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St '15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank. 56th St.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester '16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Ave. Yates Ave.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 '17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. MadisonKimbark Ave. '18. Mrs. Barbara Miller Simpson, 584201. Marian Fairman,4744 Kenwood Ave. Stony Island Ave.02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 '19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 66th PI. E. 49th Sl'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute. '20. Roland Holloway, University of Chi04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th cago.PI. '21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone .-Vve.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave. '22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester .¦\ve.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg. '23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 1116 E. 54th'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St. Place.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University of '24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thChicago. Sl'09, Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar '25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, S159quette Rd. Cornell .-^ve.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. LaSalle St. '26 Jeannette M. Hayward, 201 S. Stone'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. .¦\ve., LaGrange, 111.432NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCLATIONSCollege Alumni'03 — Elizabeth S. Weirick is Director ofthe Technical Laboratories of Sears, Roebuck 5c Company, Chicago. Her homeaddress is 5143 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.'06 — AL D. Rose, ex, has accepted theposition of Assistant General Manager ofSales for the American Radiator Company.His new address is 40 West 40th Street,Ne\v York City.'07 — W. F. Rothenburger, formerly ofthe First Christian Church at Springfield,Illinois, is pastor of the Third ChristianChurch of Indianapolis, Indiana.'11— Mollie Ray Carroll, A. M. '15,Ph.D. '20, Professor of Economics and Sociology at Goucher College, is teaching in theSocial Service Department of the Universityof Chicago during the Summer Quarter.'13 — L. Eggertsen Cluff ex, is an attorney and counselor, located in the WalkerBank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.'13 — Kenneth T. Wenger, ex, formerlyof Kansas City, Missouri, is AssistantManager of the Standard Oil Company ofIndiana, with offices at South Bend.'13 — John C. Werner is Director ofTraining at the State Normal School, Albion, Idaho.'14 — Mabel L. Roe, S. M., teacher ofBotany in Polytechnic High School LongBeach, California, has been appointed instructor in Botany at the new Junior College in Long Beach, and will assume herduties in the Fall.'16 — Dan Matthaei, Director of Physical Education at Jones Junior HighSchool, Toledo, becomes Supervisor of Physical Education at Bronxville, New York,in September.'17 — Frank P. McWhorter is plant pathologist at the Virginia Truck ExperimentStation, Diamond Springs, Virginia.'17 — Elizabeth M. Blish is Principal of the Oliver Wendell Holmes School, Chicago. Her home address is 6935 ChappelAvenue, Chicago.'17— Joseph C. Carroll, A.M. '18, D.B.'19, is Professor of History at Wilber-force University, Xenia, Ohio.'18— James M. L. Cooley, A.M., is aninstructor in French and Head of the Publicity Department at Shattuck School, Faribault, Minnesota.'18 — Robert B. McKnight is Director ofHinkamp & Company, Real Estate, 100 W.Monroe Street, Chicago.'19 — Earle M. Wagner heads the EnglishDepartment at Shattuck School, Faribault,Minnesota.'19— Sybil Woodruff, Associate Professor of Home Economics, has been appointedacting Head of the Department of HomeEconomics, at the University of Kansas,Lawrence, Kansas, for 1927-1928.'20 — Sara E. Branham, Ph.D. '23, whohas been doing research under a grant fromthe Douglas Smith Foundation, has accepted a position in the Department of Bacteriology in the University of Rochester Schoolof Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NewYork, for the coming year.'20 — E. D. Ries is in charge of ChemicalEngineering at Pennsylvania State College,State College, Pa.'21 — K. H. Goode is teaching in theChemistry Department of PennsylvaniaState College, State College, Pa.'21 — Edith Switzer is an assistant in theLogansport Public Library, Logansport,Indiana.'22 — Lyman Chalkley, Ph.D. '22, isconnected with the Division of IndustrialResearch at Pennsylvania State College,State College, Pa.'22 — Elizabeth M. Fisher, who recentlyreturned from France, is an assistant in thelantern slide department of the Art Institute, Chicago.433434 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'22— Miles M. Fisher, A.M., Professor of Church History at Virginia UnionUniversity, Richmond, Virginia, is the author of a new book, entitled "The History ofNegro Baptists," which is to be publishedby The Associated Publishers, Washington,D.C.'22— Richard F. Flint, Ph.D. '25, whoteaches Physiography in the Yale UniversityGraduate School, is a member of the Connecticut Geological Survey, which is makinga two year study of the glacial deposits ofConnecticut.'22 — Jack Rose is Assistant GeneralManager of the Boston Booking Circuit,Inc., 910 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'22 — Grace E. Steger is Office Managerin the law offices of Senator Wa3'bright atJacksonville, Florida.'23 — Mack B. Swearingen, A.M., whois returning from three years at Oxford as aRhodes Scholar, will be instructor in History at Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi.'24 — Evelyn E. Alverson teaches Englishin the Proviso Township High School atMaywood, Illinois.'24 — Mary Bowser teaches Geographyand History in the Warren Schools, atWarren, Ohio. Her home address is 34Haymaker Street.'24 — Earle L. Rauber is resigning fromhis position as instructor in Economics andHistory at Capital University, Columbus,Ohio, to resume graduate work at the University of Chicago.'25 — Arthur C. Gernand, instructor inGerman at the University of Michigan, hasbeen appointed instructor in Economics atCapital University, Columbus, Ohio.'25 — William E. Kuebler directs theBoys Work for the Young Men's ChristianAssociation of Louisville, Kentucky. Hisaddress is 1223 East Breckinridge, Louisville.'26 — Henry M. Geisman is in the Advertising Department of Libby, McNeill& Libby, Union Stock Yards, Ciiicago. '26— H. N. Massey, A.M., teaches Bibleand Social Sciences at Limestone College,and is Pastor of Providence Church atGaffney, . South Carolina.'26— Elsa E. Schilling, A.M., is Professor of Modern Languages at Central College, Pella, Iowa.'26 — Lucy H. Whitney, formerly of DesMoines, Iowa, is Registrar of the Women'sProtective Association at Cleveland, Ohio.Her address is 8510 Euclid, Cleveland.'26 — Milo L. Wood is instructor in English at Pomona College, Claremont, California.Old University's Youngest ClassRe-UnitesTHE class of 1886, the last class graduated from the Old University of Chicago, held its annual meeting on the eveningof June 3 at the Palmer House. Thisclass has held a reunion every year sinceits graduation.Dr. F. L. Anderson, of Newton Theological Seminary, and Professor J. D. S.Riggs of Ottawa University, both members of the Faculty of the Old University,were the guests of the class.Commerce andAdministration AlumniTHE Commerce and AdministrationAssociation has elected the followingofficers for the present year:President, Frank H. Anderson, '22.Vice President, Andrew W. Wigeland,'18.Secretary and Treasurer, HortenseFriedman, '22.Delegates to Alumni Council : DonaldP. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21; FrankH. Anderson, '22.Executive Committee : Frank Weakly,'14; Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan,'21; Charity Budinger, '20; Marian Stein,'21 ; O. Paul Decker, '24; F. H. Anderson,'22; Andrew Wigeland, '18; HortenseFriedman, '22.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 43 5Education Alumni HoldReunion1"^HE Annual Alumni Reunion and- Dinner of the School of Education tookplace on the evening of Thursday, July21, 1927, at 6 o'clock in Hutchinson Hall,following an informal reception in Hutchinson Court. Addresses were made byPresident Frank Aydelotte of SwarthmoreCollege, by Vice-President Frederic C.Woodward of the University of Chicago,and by Director Charles H. Judd of theSchool of Education.PublicationsA new speller by F. S. Breed and W. C.French, A. M. '24, is just being put on themarket by Lyons & Carnahan of Chicago.It is a three-volume edition — one for primary departments, another for the upperelementary grades, and a third for juniorhigh schools.The authors have developed the wordlist of the book, consisting of 3,818 words,after an exhaustive critical study of thethirty-odd vocabulary investigations nowavailable. The book aims, however, to bemuch more than a mere word list. It contains picture-dictation exercises, multiple-response tests on the knowledge of meaningof words, letter-dictation exercises fortraining in contextual spelling, and lessonsin dictionary practice. In addition, directions for the guidance of study, addressed tothe pupil, appear at the point where theyare to be employed. The book is plannedprimarily for the use of the pretest method,but is so organized that it will easily lenditself to use by the class-instruction anddaily-assignment procedure, if the teacherprefers the latter. Standards of achievementon the pretest accompany each lesson.The Second and Third Grade Manualof The Child's Own Way Series by Marjorie Hardy has been published by theWheeler Publishing Company of Chicago.Mr. Howard C. Hill and Mr. DamonH. Sellers are authors of My Community:A Pupil's Manual for the Study of Community Life. It is published by Ginn &Company of Boston. Geography : Europe and Asia by HarlanH. Barrows, Edith Putnam Parker andMargaret Terrell Parker has been issued bySilver Burdett and Company, Newark, X.J. This is the third in the series of geographies written by Professor Barrows andAssistant Professor Parker.Two recent publications by Mr. Juddare the Psychology of Secondary Education,Ginn & Company, and PsychologicalAnalysis of the Fundamentals of Arithmetic,Supplementary Educational MonographNo. 32, Department of Education, University of Chicago.In 1915 Mr. Judd published a textbookentitled Psychology of High School Subjects. Since that time much new materialhas been accumulated through scientificinvestigations in the field of high schooleducation. Mr. Judd's new book takesadvantage of this fact and incorporates theresults of experimental material which werenot available in 1915. The Psychology ofSecondary Education opens with a discussion of the different types of maturity exhibited by high school pupils — physical maturity, social maturity, mental maturity,and maturity of behavior and emotionalreactions. This is followed by a detailedanalysis of the psychology of the high schoolsubjects including especially the results ofexperimental investigations of reading andof the methods of learning mathematics anda foreign language. The later chapters ofthe book discuss the psychology of teaching,of school administration and of the laws oflearning.The monograph. Psychological Analysisof the Fu}idamentals of Arithmetic, embodies the results of an investigation inarithmetic which Mr. Judd has been carrying on during the last three years as apart of a series of studies of arithmetic madepossible by a grant from the Commonwealth Fund.The first half of the monograph reportslaboratory studies in which the individualdifferences of adults and children in variousgrades are reported with regard to theirability to use numbers. It is shown that436 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe use of numbers is a process involvingdefinite physical reactions on the part of alltypes of individuals. The physical reactionsare, however, very different in characterand go far to explain the differences exhibited in later mathematical studies on thepart of the individuals investigated. Thesecond part of the monograph is an analysisof arithmetic textbooks and shows the abstract character of the processes of combination which are taught in the verbalproblems.Throughout the monograph stress is laidupon the social psycholog}^ of the numbersystem. It is pointed out that the Arabicnumeral system which was imported intoEurope in the Sixteenth Century is a highlyabstract system of symbols which pupils findit extremely difficult to master and for themastery of which the methods of teachingnow employed in the schools are inadequateto such an extent that arithmetic is thesource of more failures in the elementaryschool than is any other subject.School of Education Notes'i8 — Georgie E. Baillie, Cert., is Demonstration Teacher in the State NormalSchool, Montclair, New Jersey.21 — Ellen Meador, Ph.B., is Instructorin Home Economics in the North DallasHigh School, Dallas, Texas.'22— Millie E. Whalen, Ph.B., is teaching Latin in the High School at Calumet,Michigan.'23 — Herbert F. Church, Ph.B., teachesshorthand in the Roosevelt Branch Vocational School, St. Louis, Missouri.'24 — Mary Poison, A. M., is AssociateProfessor of Home Economics in the NorthTexas State Teachers College, Denton,Texas.'25 — Gladys Curtain, Ph.B., is Instructor in Home Economics in the PublicSchools of Evanston, Illinois.'25 — Hazel H. Davis, Ph.B., is connectedwith the State Normal School at Ypsilanti,Michigan, as third-grade critic in theWoodruff School.'25 — Charles G. Kaiser, A.M., teaches History and Business Relations in the HighSchool, Mooseheart, Illinois.'26 — Edna A. Ballenger, Ph.B., is aprimary teacher in the West PullmanSchool, Chicago, Illinois.'26 — Nila Banton Smith, Ph.B., underthe direction of Stuart A. Courtis, is authorof Picture-Story Reading Lessons, SeriesII: J\Iy Story Book; Dictionary; Teacher'sManual; JFord Cards. World Book Co.,Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York.Annual Dinner of theLaw AlumnitUDGE EDMUND J. JARECKI,3 County Judge of Cook County, Avasthe principal speaker at the Annual Dinnerof the Law School Association on June 14,1927, at the Palmer House. Without oratory, he talked facts as to election conditionsin Cook County and warned the members ofthe Bar, as well as the citizens of theCounty, that conditions are so serious thatthe right of self-government is in danger.The Magna Charta, the Constitution of theL^nited States, and all other phases oflodging governmental control in the peoplehave had for their fundamental object thesecuring of means to make changes in government peaceably, instead of by force. Theelections and primaries in Cook County inrecent years, and particularly in the lasttwo years, have indicated that conditionsare reverting to a semblance of absolutismin the respect that results are being obtainedand controlled by force. Mr. Urban A.La\'ery, J.D. '10, President of the Association during the last year, is also attorneyfor the Board of Election Commissioners,which furnishes an element of hopefulnessin the situation. (Chicago Law School menfeel that it is the most hopeful element ofall.) Mr. Lavery presided at the dinner,while George B. McKibbin, J.D. '13, wasChairman of the Committee on Arrangements.Dean Hall made his annual address onthe condition of the Law School with are\'iew of the records of the five-year classeswho were holding reunions. The class ofNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 4371907 is the banner class of the Law School,thirty-six per cent of whom graduated cumlaude. The average of honor men in theother classes is only about 25%. The Deancompared the record of 1907 with some ofthe other five-year classes, which resulted instrenuous defences of the other classes bytheir respective spokesmen, who apparentlyregarded the comparisons as invidious ifnot odious. Alibis seemed to be abundantand highly diversified.Professor George G. Bogert, who cameto the Law School two years ago after beingDean at the Law School at Cornell, saidthat the function of the law school teacheris changing. He is not so exclusively ateacher of the law per se as formerly, butfinds it possible to relate the study of lawto the economic and welfare problems ofsociety. In that way the law is made moreof an active agenc}? for the improvement ofsocial conditions than it formerly was.Miss Ruth Bradley, who has been Secretary of the Law School since its beginning,and is, therefore, a Big Sister to all of uswho attended the Law School, made whatPresident Lavery called the prize speech ofthe evening, speaking of the interest she feltin the careers of the students and the pleasure she had found in the friendships formedin the course of her work.The Class of 1907 was represented byLaird Bell, Harold L. Ickes and WilliamH. Jackson of Chicago; James B. Blake ofMilwaukee, Wis.; Robert M. Gibboney ofRockford, Illinois; D. C. Webb of Knoxville, Tenn. ; and Robert M. Davis, Deanof the Law School of Idaho. Mr. Davismade the response for the class.Responses were made for the other five-year classes, as follows; Class of 1912 byDwight P. Green, President of the Class ;Class of 19 1 7 by Clay Judson; Class of1922 by George D. Mills.Letters of regret were read from Professor W. S. Holsworth, Vinerian Professorat Oxford, England; Dean John H. Wig-more of Northwestern; and Arnold B.Hall, J.D. '07, President of the Universityof Oregon.Rudolph E. Schreiber, J.D. '08, chair man of the committee on the Law SchoolDirectory, said that the directory is nearlyready to go to the printer and will bedistributed in the fall.Officers for the coming year were electedas follows :President, Wm. J. Matthews, J.D. '08.Vice-President, Thurlow G. Essington, J.D. '08.Secretarv-Treasurer, Charles F. Mc-Elroy^ J.D. '15.Delegates to the Alumni Council :Wm. J. Matthews, Charles F. Mc-Elro5', John W. Chapman, '15,J.D." '17.FRANK N. RICH MAN, Ex— '08,now a member of the law firm of Baker& Richman, at Columbus, Indiana, hasthe unusual and (no doubt) proud distinction of being a defendant in a suit for$1,000,000.00 damages. It seems that Mr.Richman, who was considered conservativein his law school days, has suddenly decidedto upheave the State of Indiana and particularly to overthrow and subvert its constitution, at least so far as same pertains tothe subject of admission to the bar. Theconstitution of Indiana, which was goodenough for the great-grandfathers of thepresent generation of lawyers in Indiana,and therefore ought to be good enough (asalleged) for their progeny, reads as follows:"Every person of good moral character,being a voter, shall be entitled to practice law in all courts of justice."Delving into ancient history, it is worthnoting, just as a coincidence, that this identical requirement was formerly made of candidates for service at the bar of saloons.They must be of "good moral character.""What," argued the fathers, "has education to do with the men on either side of abar?"Some energetic efforts were made toamend the constitution by providing forexamination of the applicant, but the amendment failed each time because of a lack ofinterest. Indiana courts have held that theamendment must receive a majority of all'^otes cast at the election at which it is submitted, and while it has always received a43S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElarge majority of the votes cast upon theamendment itself, the average voter is notinterested enough to vote yes or no on theamendment, and so it has been lost.In some of the larger cities, the local barassociations have been insisting upon an examination, and in almost every instance,the applicant is perfectly willing to be examined. Occasionally, however, some manwill insist upon what he deems to be hisconstitutional rights. About a year ago,the committee on Legal Education of theIndiana State Bar Association of which Mr.Richman is a member, worked out auniform set of rules. These were alreadyin force in Indianapolis and have beenadopted in probably half of the counties ofthe state.As a result of trying to enforce these rulesat Indianapolis, a suit was recently filedin the Federal Court by Harrison Whiteagainst The Indiana State Bar Associationas such. The Indianapolis Bar Associationas such, George O. Dix, Terre Haute, Ind.,James M. Ogden, Indianapolis, Ind., DeanPaul B. McNutt, Bloomington, Ind., BertBeasley, Terre Haute, Ind., James A. Collins, Indianapolis, Ind., Frank N. Richman,Columbus, Ind., Richard L. Ewbank,Indianapolis, Ind., Theophilus J. Moll,Indianapolis, Ind., Harry O. Chamberlain, Indianapolis, Ind., Remster Bingham,Indianapolis, Ind., John W. Kern Indianapolis, Ind.Mr. Dix was President of the State BarAssociation last year; Mr. Ogden, President of the Indianapolis Bar Associationlast year; Paul McNutt, Dean of theIndiana University Law School; Mr. Beasley, on the Legal Education Committee ofthe State Bar Association; Judge Collinsis Judge of the Criminal Court at Indianapolis and on the same committee; Messrs.Ewbank, Bingham and Kern are the examining committee of the Indianapolis BarAssociation. Judge Moll was on the committee on Legal Education above referredto, and Judge Chamberlain is Judge of the.Marion Circuit Court at Indianapolis.Mr. Richman supplies the following factsas to the origin of the suit:"It seems that Harrison White has been a law clerk in some western statefor several years and has moved to Indianapolis. When he applied to JudgeChamberlain for admission to the bar,the Judge referred him to the Committee of the Indianapolis Bar Association and they, in accordance with theirrules, requested payment of the $10.00fee before they would give him theexamination. He refused and appliedagain to Judge Chamberlain who saidthat he would not admit him to thebar except in accordance with the BarAssociation rules. He then sued inthe Federal Court for damages alleging conspiracy on the part of the defendants to set at naught the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Ihaven't seen the complaint so cannotsay how he figures out that there is afederal question involved. Mr. Ogdenwrote me the other day that theIndianapolis defendants were expecting to take care of the matter and thathe thought Judge Baltzell would dismiss the suit for lack of jurisdiction."We have come to the conclusion thatif it is worth $1,000,000.00 to practice law in the State of Indiana, Mr.White might well have afforded to invest $10.00 to reap that return. Hewould have had left $999,990.00."We also are driven to the conclusionthat a man who would sue a bunch oflawyers for a million dollars is ofdoubtful mentality."Charles F. McElroy.Annual Meeting of theRush Alumni AssociationIN the absence of the President themeeting was called to order by Dr.John Ritter, '80.The report of the Annual Meeting of1926, and the Secretary's annual reportwere read and accepted.At this time the President, Dr. Colwell,'00, arrived and took the chair.The Treasurer's report was then readand adopted. The Treasurer presented aform prepared by the University forTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 439adoption by the association delegating to theUniversity authorities the same poweroriginally delegated to the Trustees of RushMedical College, the official right and dutyto have charge of the investing of the Endowment Fund according to the conditionsand for the purposes for which it wasoriginally established. Dr. Rudolph Holmes,'93, moved that this transfer of authoritybe authorized ; seconded, and passed.The necrologist's report was then presented and accepted. It appears in thisissue. Following some very interestingremarks by the President, the nominatingcommittee presented the following nomineesfor election for the ensuing college year.They were unanimously elected.President, Dallas B. Phemister, '04,Chicago ; First Vice-President, John Ritter,'80, Chicago; Second Vice-President, J. F.Waugh, '04, Chicago; Third Vice-President, Carl Henry Davis, '09, Milwaukee;Necrologist, Walter H. Meents, '07, Chicago; Treasurer, Carl O. Rinder, '13,Chicago (elected for three years in 1926) ;Secretary, Charles A. Parker, '91, Chicago(elected for three years in 1926) ; Directorsfor three years, Nathan P. Colwell, '00,Chicago; Josiah J. Moore, '12, Chicago;Delegates to Alumni Council, Ralph C.Brown, '04, Chicago; Frederick B. Moorehead, '06, Chicago; George E. Coleman,'13, Chicago. Meeting adjourned.Charles A. Parker, SecretaryMORE than fifty members of the RushMedical Class of 1897 held a reunion in Chicago on June 11. A largenumber of these alumni remained in thecity for the Rush Dinner and the Clinicsthe following week.The Rush Alumni:Longest-Lived of PhysiciansReport of the Rush Medical College Necrologist for the Fiscal Year June 1, 1926 —June 1, 1927By Walter H. Meents, '07IF the old adage "the good die young"remains true, then the medical professionis gradually becoming a race of moral der elicts. The M. D.'s are slowly but surelyincreasing their life span along with thatof their patients, so that today they can notonly predict a longer life period for thoseunder their care, but they may expect thatmuch desired consummation for themselvesalso.In 1800 the average length of life was33 years, in 1855 it was 40 years, and in1920 it was 58 years. At the present timethe average life span is about 59 years. Itis generally considered that the larger partof the world's burdens is borne by men aboveforty years of age. Thus, in 1800 theaverage man died seven years before hereached the age of his greatest usefulness.In 1927 the average man lives nineteenyears beyond this age.The total number of deaths in the medicalprofession in the United States for the pastyear was 2850, the youngest being 27 yearsof age. The oldest age attained was 92years, and that by a graduate from RushMedical College. The average life spanfor physicians throughout the U. S. A. is60.5 years, or slightly more than that forthe general public. The difference is notso favorable for the medical profession asit at first appears, for the high infant mortality keeps down the average age for thegeneral public, whereas in computing theage attained by physicians, one is consideringa group of individuals after they havereached maturity.One-third of the deaths in the medicalprofession during the past year were dueto some form of heart involvement. Cerebral hemorrhage ranks next as a cause fordeath among physicians; then follow inorder pneumonia, nephritis and variousforms of carcinoma. Automobile accidentsrank ahead of many acute diseases as acause of death. In the past year morephysicians lost their lives from automobileaccidents than from diphtheria, typhoidfever, scarlet fever, influenza, gall-stonesand diabetes combined.The total number of Rush Medical College graduates to pass out of this earthlyexistence during the past year was 78, ofwhich the oldest was 92 and the youngest440 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M.\G.'\ZINE45 years of age. By far the greater numberpassed away during the decades 50-60 and60-70 years of age. Only five of the 78deaths were below fifty 5'ears of age. Theclasses of 1885, 1886, 1889, 1895 and 1900were the heaviest losers, four members fromeach having "shuffled off this mortal coil."The average age at death of physiciansin Chicago for the past year was 60.5 years,or the same as that for physicians throughout the United States. In the past year asin the preceding one, figures showed thatgraduates from Rush Medical College livedto a riper age than did alumni from othermedical schools. While the general averagemortality age for physicians throughout thecountry was 60.5 years, that for Rush Medical was 64.9 years. It would seem fromthese figures that Rush graduates are moresuccessful at combating disease and deaththan are their rivals, and that the businessof increasing the life span is more effectivelydone by the products from Rush MedicalCollege than by those from other medicalschools.Every alumnus may therefore wish witha comparative degree of certainty. Longlive Rush Medical College aiid Long livethe graduates of Rush Medical College!Deaths1865 — Theodore Wild, Chicago; member of the Illinois State Medical Association ; Civil War veteran ; age 92 ; died, Dec.13, 1926, at the Alexian Brothers Hospital,of hernia.1868 — James Pankhurst, Grand Detour,111.; aged 81; died, January 8, following along illness.Samuel P. McCrea, Shelbyville, Ind.;president of the Farmers National Bank ofShelbyville; also a druggist; aged 82; died,Januai')' 17.1869 — Justin J. Leavitt, Portland, Ore.;aged 84; died in November, i<)26.1870 — Perry M. Evans, Hoopeston, 111.;Civil War veteran; aged 84; died, .March7-1872 — John Hall Gernon, Kankakee,111.; member of the Illinois State .MedicalSociety; aged 75; died, June i(), of heartdisease. 1873 — Godfrey Frederick Shimonek,Yonkers, N. Y. ; formerly professor of surgery at the Milwaukee (Wis.) MedicalCollege; aged 74; died June 27.1874 — Zenas H. Going, Chicago; member of the Illinois State Medical Society;aged 77; died, July 2, of angina pectoris.Frank Howard Lord, Piano, 111.; president of the First Bank of Piano; for eightyears county coroner and for forty 5'earsmember of the school board; aged 74; died,December 4, of pyelonephritis.William H. Franks, New Carlisle, Ohio;aged 85 ; died, February 4, of paralysis.Spencer C. Wernham, Marengo, 111.;aged 80; died, November 24, at St. Joseph'sHospital, Elgin, of lobar pneumonia.1875 — Francis John Pope, Racine, Wis.;aged 73 ; died suddenly in January, of cerebral hemorrhage.1876 — William M. Larrabee, Waupun,Wis.; aged 73; died, ]\Iarch 7, at Biloxi,of cerebral hemorrhage.Brodie Watson Parks, Bourbon, Ind. ;aged 74; died. October 31, of chronicnephritis and uremia.1877 — Freeman C. ]\Iason, Hillsdale,Alich. ; aged 75 ; died, Dec. 12, 192b, at theKalamazoo (Mich.) Hospital.W. J. Conan, Milwaukee : aged 82 ; died,Xo\'. 26, 1926, of heart disease.1878 — Edward Quinn, Lac du Flambeau,AVis. ; formerly physician in the IndianService ; aged 70 ; died recently in Iowa.1880 — Johnson Armstrong, Tacoma,^Vash. ; member of the Washington StateMedical Association; aged 74; died, August1 1.James Coolidge, Charles City, Iowa ;member of the Iowa State Medical Society;aged 67; died in December, 1926, of cerebral liemorrhage.Albert John AVoodcock, Byron, Hi. ; aged70; died; February 19, of a self-inflictedbullet 'wound.I 88 1 — Alfred Dahlberg, Chicago; form-erh' a druggist; aged 79; died, October b.of arteriosclerosis.E. I. Hook, died, May 25, 1926, atMobile, Ala., of arteriosclerosis.1882— Harry B. Sears, Oshkosh, Wis.;formerh' deputy state health officer; agedNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 44168 ; died, Dec. 14, 1926, of angina pectoris.1883 — James M. Lewis, Bloomington,Wis.; aged 70; died, Dec. 3, 1926, atMinneapolis, of pernicious anemia.Henry W. Dornbusch, Chicago; a Fellow, A. M. A.; aged 66; died September 3,of cerebral hemorrhage.Charles Edwin Bowers, Wichita, Kan. ;member of the Western Surgical Association : on the staff of St. Francis Hospital;aged 71 ; died, ^larch 23.Alfred Leroy Brooks, Audubon, Iowa;formerly proprietor of a hospital bearing hisname; aged 68; died, January 5, of peritonitis.Theodore J. Peterson, Chicago; Dearborn Medical College, Chicago, 1905; aFellow A. M. A.; aged 69; died July i, ofchronic myocarditis and endocarditis.1884 — James Wiley Pettit, Ottawa, 111.;Louisville (Ky.) Medical College, 1873;a Fellow A. M. A. ; founder and medicaldirector of the Ottawa Tuberculosis Sanatorium ; past president of the Illinois StateMedical Society ; for several years presidentof the Illinois Tuberculosis Association, anda director of the National TuberculosisAssociation ; member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association,1909, serving on the Reference Committeeon Reports of Officers ; Civil War veteran ;aged 78; died, September 3, at the IllinoisValley Hospital, of cerebral hemorrhage.Frederick W. Shaley, Terre Haute, Ind. ;member of the Indiana State Medical Association ; on the staff of St. Anthony's Hospital ; aged 68; died Dec. 27, 1926, of bronchopneumonia.1885 — Tilford Lynn Putnam, Shenandoah, Iowa; president of the staff of Henryand Catherine Hand Hospital; aged 67;died, August 26, of acute dilatation of theheart.Wilbur Fiske Hanson, Los Angeles; aged81 ; died, August 2, of injuries received inan automobile accident.1886 — James P. Prestley, Newton, 111.;president and formerly secretary of theJasper County Medical Society; aged 65;died, June 20, of uremia.Norman Tott Hale, Fort Wayne, Ind.; served in the World War ; on the staff of theIndiana School for Feebleminded Youths;aged 62 ; died, March 25, of acute nephritis.Josiah M. Cody, Vero Beach, Fla. ; member of the Florida Medical Association;aged 65 ; died, January 8, at the VictoriaHospital, Miami, of pneumonia.Frederick P. O. Roemheld, Milwaukee;aged 74; died, 'Oct. 24, 1926, of heartdisease.1887 — William Kindol Farley, Fulton,111. ; past president of the Whiteside CountyMedical Society; aged 70; died, February12, of pernicious anemia.Frank A Greedy, Denver; aged 63 ; died,Nov. 28, 1926, of heart disease.1889 — William Ryan T5'ler, Exeter,Calif. ; aged 67 ; died, February 10, in asanatorium at Los Angeles.Elisha I. Hook, Chicago; aged 67; died.May 25, at Mobile, Ala., of arteriosclerosis., Frank G. Crowell, Rochelle, 111. ; aFellow A. M. A.; aged 62; died, August 7,of heart disease.Chester Isaac Pease, Calumet, Okla. ;aged 60; died. May 18, of angina pectoris.1890 — Henry Williams Howard, LosAngeles; superintendent of the PresbyterianHospital, Chicago, 1903-1906; on the staffof the Angelus Hospital ; aged 60 ; died,February 23.Laurel Elmer Youmans, Mukwonago,AVis. ; formerly member of the state legislature ; director and at one time president ofthe Citizens' Bank of Mukwonago ; servedduring the World War; aged 63; died,July 7, at Milwaukee, of carcinoma.William E. Widener, Tippecanoe City,Ohio; aged 62; died, November 25, of toxemia following ulcers of legs.1891 — C. Fremont Cronk, Wichita,Kan.; member of the Kansas Medical Society; aged 65; died in October, of chronicnephritis.Harry Douglas Hull, Crystal Lake, 111.;member of the Illinois State Medical Society; formerly city ph5'sician and mayor;served during the World War; aged 59;died, August 2, of heart disease.Alpha Eugene Rockey, Portland, Ore. ;Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital,442 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChicago, 1878; clinician in surgery. University of Oregon State Medical School;Portland; past president of the OregonState Medical Association ; on the staffsof the Good Samaritan and Multnomahhospitals; served during the World War;aged 69; died, March 28, of cerebral hemorrhage.1892 — John Herbert Franklin, Spring-valley, 111. ; member of the Western Surgical Association ; on the staff of St. Margaret's Hospital ; aged 58 ; died suddenly,August 27.Samuel Breck Ackley, Oconomowoc,Wis. ; secretary of the Waukesha CountyMedical Society; proprietor of the Oconomowoc Sanatorium, and formerly on thestaff of the Waukesha (Wis.) Sanatorium;aged 59 ; died, June 22, at the Summit Hospital, of intestinal obstruction.Leonard C. Weeks, Detroit Lakes,Minn. ; formerly assistant in anatomy athis alma mater; at one time county physicianand coroner; aged 57; died, Dec. ig, 1926,of cerebral hemorrhage.1893 — John A Stroburg, Austin, Texas;aged 68 ; died, October 22.Lubin Winfred Sayles, Baraboo, Wis. ;member of the State Medical Association ofWisconsin; aged 57; died, April 11, at theWisconsin General Hospital, Madison, ofepidemic (lethargic) encephalitis.1894 — Moritz Schultze, Chicago; aged66; died, January 29, of cerebral hemorrhage.Charles R. Moore, River Forest, 111. ;on the staff of the Norwegian-AmericanHospital, Chicago; aged 57; died, January6, following an operation for carcinoma ofthe sigmoid.William Stokes Sterrett, Marseilles, 111.;member of the Illinois State MedicalSociety; aged 59; died, July 28, followinga long illness.1895 — Thomas Raymond Welch, Rhine-lander, Wis.; aged 57; died in January, ofpneumonia.Thomas Myers Jewell, Mindora, Wis. ;aged 65; died, March 27, at the LutheranHospital, La Crosse, of cerebral hemorrhage. Louis J. Ma5'wit, Chicago; aged 64; died,March 5, of carcinoma of the colon.E. Joseph McEntire, Erie, 111.; aged 52;died, November 24, of cerebral hemorrhage.1896 — Franklin Emmett Wallace, Pueblo, Colo. ; member of the AmericanAcademy of Ophthalmology and Oto-lar5'ngology, the Colorado Ophthalmolog-ical Society and the Colorado Oto-Laryngo-logical Society; Spanish-American Warveteran ; formerly city ph5'sician of Monmouth, 111., and coroner of Warren County,111.; aged 58; died. May 23.Edwin Sydney Wood, Colorado Springs,Colo.; aged 54; died, February 18, at Kansas City, Mo., of heart disease.1897 — John Goldsbrough ^Vleachem,Racine, Wis.; on the staffs of St. Clary'sand St. Luke's hospitals; aged 53; died,September 27, of arteriosclerosis.William R. ^lurray, ^linneapolis ; professor of ophthalmology and otolar5'ngolog5'and chief of the department. University ofMinnesota Medical School and the University of Minnesota Graduate MedicalSchool ; member of the American Academyof Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngolog5';formerly on the staffs of the Swedish, Cityand Asbur)' hospitals; aged 57; died, Dec.27, 1926, of septicemia, following an infection received while performing an operation.1899 — Elmo Patton Porterfield. St.Louis; member of the IMissouri State Aled-ical Association ; member of the cit^' hoardof health; aged 52; died, March 4, atLegion, Texas.George A. Pugh, Kenosha, "Wis.; member of the State IMedical Society of AA'is-consin; aged 53; died, Nov. 2^, 192O. ofheart disease.1900 — William Rose Hynes, New York;aged 54; died, Dec. 13, 192O, of chronicnephritis.John N. Shaff, Alton, 111.; on the staffof St. Joseph's Hospital; aged 59; died,Januar5' 22.David Fiske, Chicago; as.sistant clinicalprofessor of laryngology and otology at hisalma mater; aged 54; died, March 31, atE\'anston, of heart disease.Fred C. Ko\'ats, Milwaukee; aged 50;NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND .\SSOCI.'\TIOXS 443died, February 17, of peritonitis and intestinal obstruction.1901 — Michael Thomas Heffernan, Decatur, III.; aged 55; died, February 12, ofabscess of the liver.Abel William Johnson, San Francisco ;aged 47 ; died, January 6, at the StanfordHospital, of cerebral tumor and acutedilatation of the heart.1902 — Charles D. Hulbert, Westerlo,N. Y.; aged 56; died suddenh', June 7, oflobar pneumonia.1903 — Francis E. Dent, Seattle; aged 50;died, Dec. 31, 1926, at the ProvidenceHospital of bronchopneumonia.Simon C. Keller, Sauk City, Wis. ; aged47; died, March 21, of cerebral hemorrhage.1904 — Jessie Margaret Horton Koessler,Chicago; aged 47; died recently.1906 — Charles Frederick Rehling, Fremont, Wis. ; served during the World War ;aged 53 ; died, January 19, of coronary embolism.1909 — Edwin Garvey Kirk, Chicago;formerly professor of pathology and bacteriology, Bennett Medical College, Chicago,and Loyola University School of Medicine,Chicago; aged 48; died, January i, ofchronic nephritis.1918 — James Clyde Elder, Chicago;aged 45; died, April 17, at the WesleyMemorial Hospital, of glioma and cerebralhemorrhage.Total number of deaths of Rush graduates during past year — 78.Youngest death at 45 years.Oldest age attained — 92 years.Average age attained — 64.9 years.Rush Medical College Notes'03 — Roger T. Vaughn, Night Superintendent and Surgeon, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, writes "have rented U. S.Government Lighthouse at Copper Harbor,^Michigan, for five years for a summer camp.Classmates kindly call."'04 — Thomas F. Doyle has moved to hisnew office at 7901 Cottage Grove Avenue,Chicago. '12 — Ir\'ing F. Stein, whose practice islimited to Obstetrics and Gynecology, islocated at 310 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'17 — H. M. Fogo, who is at present resident in General Surgery at the State ofWisconsin General Hospital at Madison,expects to be in Jena, Germany after September 15, 1927 for a year's residency inSurgery in the University hospital there.'20 — Leon C. Bosch is practicing inGrand Rapids, Michigan. His address isMetz Building, Grand Rapids.'20 — George M. Curtis, who has returned from two years spent mainly in S^vitzer-land, where he was Assistant in the Surgical Clinic of the University of Berne, isAssociate Professor of Surgery in the Billings Memorial Hospital of the Universityof Chicago.'22 — A. Howard Shanberg is practicingMedicine and Surgery at lOOO ArgyleStreet, Chicago.'22 — Earl R. McCarthy, who is specializing in Surgery at the University of Vienna, where he will remain for eight monthslonger, expects to visit for study clinics inRome, Bologna, Berne, Zurich, Munich,Berlin and London, before returning to theUnited States.'25 — Arthur E. Lund, who is Pathologistat the Roosevelt Hospital and Assistant inSurgery at the Wilder Dispensary, St.Paul, Minnesota, is in general practice at622 Hamm Building, St. Paul.'25 — Anthony E. Reymont has opened anoffice for the practice of medicine at 1574MihA'aukee Avenue, Chicago.'26 — Jessie M. Bierman, who has completed her term of internship at the Children's Hospital, San Francisco, is located at26 Commonwealth Avenue, San Francisco,where she is specializing in Pediatrics.'26 — Elma M. Fry has been appointedHouse Surgeon at Baylor Hospital, Dallas,Texas, for the year 1927-1928.'26 — Carl J. E. Helgeson is practicingAledicine at 1605 East 67th Street,Chicago.444 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECOND ye,-ir.University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestionably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effective. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good .service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEW YORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE Doctors of PhilosophyIn Mathematics'98— H. E. Slaught, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Chicago,recently made an extended speaking tour inthe South, especially to a meeting of theNational Council of Mathematics Teachers(a federation of secondary organizations)held at Dallas, Texas, and to a meeting ofthe Louisiana-Mississippi section of theMathematical Association of America. Thislatter organization was founded chieflythrough the influence and activity of Dr.Slaught, and has just completed its firstdecade of history. The organization hasover 2000 members, and has 17 sectionswidely distributed over the United States.This organization is chiefly devoted to theinterests of mathematics in the collegiateinstitutions of the country.'00 — F. R. Moulton, Professor ofMathematical Astronomy at the Universityof Chicago, has recently resigned to go intobusiness in Chicago.RECENTLY PUBLISHEDCONTRACTS IN THE LOCAL COURTSOF MEDIEVAL ENGLANDBy ROBERT L. HENRY, J. D. (Chicago), D. C. L. (O.xon)Judge in the Mixed Courts, Alexandria, Egypt: Formerly Professor of Law atthe Universities of Louisiana, Illinois. North Dakota and loiia.THE book is a study based upon a selection of original material from the county, seig-noral, borough and merchant courts of the 12th to 1.5th centuries 'vvith correlativepassage from the Anglo-Saxon la'ivs, intended to show the essential elements of the contract with commercial law and procedure as developed locally over a period of some ninehundred years.The work serves as a reminder that the supplanting of the local by the king's courts inthe middle of the I8th century and the suppression of the former in the carlv I9th centur)-,should not be allowed to obscure the relative importance of the two sets of iurisdictionsduring their concurrent service for some seven centuries, and commercial cases were disposed of locally; and more especially should not warrant the neglect of the earlv historyof contract law in England, which can only be found in the medieval local records."Dr. Henry has produced a learned and fascinating volume." Laic Journal."This valuable piece of research in local medieval law by Dr. Henry will add to thesubstantial reputation of American jurists in theof common law. Il is a picL 0 N G55 Fifth Avemie detailed iiuestigationof work that needed doing." The Times8vo. f 6.00A N .S. GREEN & C 0 M P A N Y if the historyLondon.NEvy YorkNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 4-15'oi — T. M. Putnam, Professor ofMathematics at the University of California, has been appointed Dean of theUndergraduate Division.'03 — Oswald Veblen, Professor ofMathematics at Princeton University, hasbeen appointed to a Research Professorshipwhich was recently founded in honor ofProfessor Fine, and is to be known as theHenry Burton Fine Research Professorship.'04 — W. H. Bussey, Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean at the Universityof Minnesota, has recently become Editor-in-Chief of the American MathematicalMonthly.'06 F. L. Griflin, Professor ofMathematics at Reed College, Oregon, isthe author of a text book for Freshmen onMathematical Analysis, which has had anunusually successful reception in all partsof the country. He has just put out asecond volume for Sophomores, making acomplete two years' course.'06 — W. R. Longley has been appointedto a full Professorship of Mathematics atthe University of Chicago.'06 — B. M. Walker, who was formerlyProfessor of Mathematics at the Mississippi Agriculture and Mechanical Collegehas been made President of that College.'07 — G. D. Birkofi, Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University has recentlybeen appointed to a Research Professorship.'07 — N. J. Lennes, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Montana, is theHead of the Department, and is the authorof a series of text books for schools andcolleges.'07 — F. W. Owens, formerly of CornellUniversity, is now Professor of Mathematics at Pennsylvania State College.'08 — W. D. MacMillan, Professor ofMathematical Astronomy at the Universityof Chicago, recently engaged in a debatewith Professor R. D. Carmichael of theUniversity of Illinois on the subject ofRelativity. The debate took place beforethe society of Sigma Xi at Indiana Universitv. The complete te.xt of this debate,including two secondary addresses, is aboutto be issued in book form. What isSERENITYWorth ?BUDDHA, who wasborn a prince, gaveup his name, succession,and his heritage to attainserenity.But we are no Buddhas ;for us the serenity of mindis the happiness of humanbeings who are secure inthe enjoyment of whatthey possess, whether it ismuch or little.We do not have to giveup the world; we haveonly to see a life insurance.agent, who can sell ussecurity for the future,the most direct step toserenity of mind.The next John Hancockagent who calls on youmay be able to put youon the road to serenity.Isn't it worth while tosee liim?or Boston. MassacnusittsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.I'llE I'NU'ERSITY OF CHICACJO MACiAZINE—THE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished IQ06Paul Yates, Manager616-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOthtr Office; gii-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, Oregon_MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGE |A business school oj d istinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on Request \\Paul Moser, J. D. , Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23PaalRDavi^&^OAMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE3 7 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOUN I V E R S I T YCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University OF Chicago, ii6 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Autumn Quarter begins October 1For Circular of Information AddressThe Dean, University College.University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. The Story of the University ofChicago(Continued from page 420)the University opened. Instead of theseventy-two I had stated would complete theFaculty of the first year, when the appointments were ended, the number, includingall ranks, was found to be 120. It was agreat venture of faith. It was probably thelargest facult}' i\'ith which a university everbegan its work. It was certainly one of thebest. His first faculty gave the presidentgreat satisfaction. It was a body of scholars,teachers, and investigators. As September,1892, drew to a close its members came together in Chicago. On October I, its firstmeeting was held and a general policy ofwork outlined. Thus the good ship wasmanned, passengers were on board, and it^^'as under way. May it have a prosperousvoyage !I Tn he i ontiniied.jMARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHSMarri.'^gesMorris H. Briggs, '12, to Leonie Rous-sin, June 28, 1927. At home, Chicago.Jordan Cavan, ex '16, to Ruth Shonle,'21, A.M., '23, Ph.D. '26, June 11, 1927.At home, Hull House, Chicago.John Nuveen, Jr., "19, to Grace Bennet,June 28, 1927. At home, Chicago.Gerald H. AVestby, '21, to Elaine Carlson, June 4, 1027. At home, Bartlesville.Oklahoma.Robert Lee Johnson, S.M. '22, M.D. '26,to Emily E. Ray, June 9, 1927. At home,1 38 1 Seward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.Catharine Gault, '24, to Edward Harrison, June 2'), i<)27. At home, 1610 West77th Street, Chicago.Frances M. Reinken, '25, to David F.Jordan, May 24, 1927. At home. NewYork City.Cathleen H. Hayhurst, A.M. '25, to S.MARRlAt;ES, ENCiAGEMENTS & BIRTHS 447D. Wheat. At home, Rolette, North Dakota.Catherine Campbell, '26, to Samuel E.Hibben, '26, June 2, 1927. At home,Chicago.Winifred Jones, '26, to Edward Hamilton Randell, June 9, 1927. At home, afterOctober i, Shreveport, Louisiana.EngagementsMyron N. Fisher, ex '20, to Alberta Hy-man, '24.William W. Watson, '21, S.M. '22,Ph.D. '24, to Elizabeth P. Wells, '26.Earl F. Meyer, '22, to Hazel M. Wolff.Mary R. Hess, '23, to Harris G. Pett.Clarence J. Brickman, '24, to CarrollFrancis, ex '27.Anthony E. Reymont, M.D. '25, toEthel Tyrrell.Edmund L. Schlaeger, '27, to StellaFollmer.BirthsTo Charles P. Schwartz, '08, J.D. '09,and Mrs. Schwartz, a son, Charles P. Jr.,April 23, 1927, at Chicago.To Sterling A. Lewis, '17, and Mrs.Lewis, a daughter, Helen, June 7, 1927, atSt. Louis, Missouri.To William Reid, '17, and Mrs. Reid, ason, Thompson Reid, January 17, 1927, atPhiladelpfiia.To Jasper King, '20, and Mrs. King(Julia Ricketts, '18), a son, Lindsay Ricketts, May 14, 1927, at Evanston, Illinois.To Gail F. Moulton, '20, S.M. '22, andMrs. Moulton (Esther Barnard, ex '25),a son, Willis Ray, November 21, 1926, atUrbana, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Haedtler(Marion E. Baum, ex '21), a daughter,Joan Barbara, Feburary 28, 1927, atChicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Avery A. Morton(2^1ma Owen, '21), a daughter, Mary,March 2, 1927, at Boston, Massachusetts.To Eugene F. Rouse, '21, and Mrs. Rouse (Arline Falkenau, '19), a daughter, Janet Farrington, May 4, 1 927, at Chicago.To Robert E. Collins, '22, and Mrs. Collins, a daughter. May IJ., 1927, at Chicago. TEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The above organizations, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.Midsummer Special!A Surprise Package of FictionFive Books - $2.00by such Authors asDos Passos D. H. LawrencePio Baroja Irving BachellerMaurice Baring A. S. CoppardBooth TarkingtonAlsoCAMPUS VIEWSA Complete SelectionPurchase a Set and AcquaintYour Friends ¦with YourUNIVERSITYWrite or Call UsUniversity of ChicagoBookstore5802 Ellis AvenueTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBLACKSTONE O'HENRY ' PERE MARQUETTEMonirtJJ.Can. Minneapolis, Minn. Rochciitr. N.Y. Chicogo, III. Ctccnaboro. N. C Peoria, IILThese Hotels Offer You Unusual Service-Use Them!Alumni from the institutions listed below are urged touse Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels when travelling, andwhen arranging for luncheons, banquets and get-togethersof various sorts.You will find at each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel anindex of the resident Alumni of the participating colleges.Think what this means when 'you are in a strange cit-yand wish to look up a classmate or friend.You will find at these hotels a current copy of 'yourAlumni publication.You will also find a spirit of co-operation and a keendesire to see -you comfortably housed and adequately provided for. Reservations ma'y be made from one Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel to another as a convenience to you.Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are a new and vital forcein assisting your Alumni Secretary. He urges you to support them whenever and wherever possible. He will be gladto supply you with an introduction card to the managersof all Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels, if you so request.THE PARTICIPATING COLLEGESThe alumni organizations of the followng colleges andAkronAlabama Columhia MaineAmherst Cornell M. L T.Bates Cumberland Michigan StateBeloit Emory MichiganBrown Gcorpia MillsBtyn Mawr Goucher MinnesotaBucknell Harvard MissouriCalifornia Illinois MontanaCarnenie Institute Indiana Mount Holyoke ¦Case School Iowa State College NebraskaChicaRO James Milliken New York UniversityCity Collcj^c Kansas North CarolinaNew York Teachers' Coll. North DakotaColi^atc Kansas' NorthwesternColorado Lake Erie OberlinSchool Mines Lehigh OccidentalColorado Louisiana Ohio State s and universities arc participantsotel movement:UnionOhio Wesleyan VanderbiltOklahoma VassarOregon VermontOregon State VirginiaPenn State Washing^ton and LeePennsylvania Washington StatePurdue WashingtonRadcliffe WellesleyRollins Wesleyan CollegeRutgers Wesleyan UniversitySmith Western Reser\'eSouth Dakota WhitmanSouthern California WiUiamsStanford WisconsinStevens Institute WoosterTexas A. and M. Worcester Poly. Insr.Texas YalePONCE DE LEON FRANCIS MARIONCharlcstori, S CGEORGE VANDEROILTAshcvilk, N. C. ONONDAGASyracuse, N. Y. BILTMORE BENJAMIN FRANkLINLos Angtfles, Calif. Phibdelphia. Pa.Intercollegiate Alumni HotelsEvery Dot Marks an Intercollegiate Alumni HotelAsheville, N.C., Qeorge VanderbiltBaltitnore, Md., SouthernBerkeley, Cal., ClaremontBethlehem, Pa., BethlehemBirmingham, Ala., BankheadBoston, Mass., Copley-PlazaCharleston, S. C, Francis MarionCharlotte, N. C, CharlotteChicago, 111., B/ocJcstoneChicago, III., WindermereCincinnati. Ohio, SintonColumbus, Ohio, Neil HouseDanville, 111., WolfordDetroit, Mich., WolnerineFresno, Cal., Cali/ornian Greensboro, N. C, O'HcnryHigh Point, N. C, SheratonKansas City, Mo., MuehlebachLincoln, Nebr., LincoinLos Angeles, Calif., BiicnioreMadison, Wis., ParfcMiami, Fla., Ponce de LeonMinneapolis, Minn., RadissonMontreal, Canada, Mount RoyalNew York. N.Y.,Roosei'e/tNew York, N. Y., WaIdor/-AstoriaNorthampton, Mass., NorthamptonOakland, Cal., OafciandPeoria, 111., Pere MarquettePhiladelphia, Pa. , Benjamin Fran/;Im Pittsburgh, Pa., ScfienieyPortland, Oreg., MultnomahRochester, N.Y., SenecaSacramento, Cal., SacramentoSt. Louis, Mo., CoronadoSt. Paul, Minn., Saint PaulSan Diego, Cal., St. JamesSan Francisco, Cal., Pa/aceSavannah, Ga., SavannahSeattle, Wash., OlympicSyracuse, N.Y., OnondagaToronto, Canada, Kmg EdwardUrbana, ill., Urbana-Linco/nWashington, D.C.,Wii[ariWilliamsport, Pa., LycomingThe Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement is sponsored by the Alumni Secretariesand Editors of the participating colleges and directed byINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, 18 E.41st St., New York, N.Y.DIRECTORSJ. O. BAXENDALEAlumni SecretaryUniversity of VermontA. C. BUSCHA(t(mni SecretaryRutgers CollegeDANIEL L. GRANTAlumni SecretaryUniversity ofN. Carolin, MARION E. GRAVESSmicK Alumnae QuarterlySmith CollegeR. W. HARWOODHarvard Alumni BulletinHarvard UniversityJOHN'd. McKEEWooster Alumni BulletinWooster College HELEN F. McMILLINWellesley Alumnae MagazineWellesley CollegeJ, L MORRILLAlumm SecretaryOho State UniversityW. R. OKESONTreasurer ofLehigh University R. W. SAILORCornell Alumni NeusCornell UniversityW. B. SHAWAiumni SecretaryL'niversity o} MichiganROBERT SIBLEYAlumni SecretaryUniveriity of CaliforniaE. N. SULLIVANAlumni SecretaryPenn Stale College LEVERING TYSONAlumni FederacionColumbia UmVersity E. T, T. WILLIAMSBrown Unii'LTsity WINDERMERECKicago. IIL-filiii^&M!-SHERATONHijii Point, N. C- BETHLEHEM LYCOMINGBcttilehem, Pa. 'WiiUamsporc, Pa. MUEHLEBACHs Ciiy, Mo..#»74.»- J7J.3— hall-marka uii an ISth cciiUiry cup.Western Eiectnc— a inotk-ru rraft^s iiuirk on tlir trU'|'!u*iie.Both worthy to be signedA SILVER CUP BY LAMERIE — DATED 1742A TELEPHONE BY WESTERN ELECTRIC. 1927Each a masterpiece in its art. Theone a thing of beauty — the other, ofutility — both living up to craft standards that warrant their makers* signing them.The proverbially high standards ofold-time craftsmen find their counter part in the standards of modern craftsmen at the Western Electric telephonev^orks. Here every item of apparatusmust measure up to the mark ofgreatest efficiency and durability.And so, byproducing reliable equipment, Western Electric furnishes theBell Telephone System v^ath the vervfoundations of reliable service.fer/v/w EHcrricSINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM%NNEBS«, OF CHICAGO., i27 811 232\