Uniraiii of OIC9J0(hmwVOL. XIX NUMBEE 8JUNE. 1927President Burton as His Unpublished MSS Reveal HimTeaching Originality in CollegeAccount of the ReunionA Rhyme for Rush: ^y the Author of the Alma Materp U B L Tcwyn RY T HE ALUMNI COUNCII,After HoursA late afternoon drizzle spoiled m)' hopes for a fewholes of golf * * * Just as well perhaps, as my mentalcondition was not right for the best brand of play, whatwith a morning spent in dickering with advertising solicitors and puzzling over proof sheets of a voluminousgeneral catalogue * * *Publishing is not just sitting in a soft chair and readingmanuscripts of entrancing new books * * * If we areto get out an important series such as those little bookson the changing city that is Chicago, we must strugglewith catalogues and arrange for advertising, and ingeneral earn our wages * * *"But sometimes, like tonight, when our golf game hasgone glimmering and we've an extra hour in the quietoffice, we can sit back and think about the joys of thisbusiness and be glad that we really do bring good booksand good looking ones, books like Beach's "Outlookfor American Prose" which was a fine enough exampleof the book making art to be in the American Instituteof Graphic Arts' a\\ard of "The Fifty Books of iq^b."If'/ial tlie adverlhing manager oj theUniversity of Cli'uago Press miglit haveii'ritten in his diary if he liad one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELive them over again!Those good old "days of yore" — those wonderfulcollege days — wouldn't you like to re-live them fora day, a week, a month?Then make the Windermere your "dorm" when inChicago.The Windermere — where you are within walking distance of Cobh Hall and Hitchcock and Bartlett —where you are close to the fraternity section — where,on a clear, quiet night you can hear from your roomthe chimes on Mitchell Tower play "Alma Mater."— where you will prohably meet old college friendsand talk over those unforgettahle campus episodes.Hotels Windermere have grown with the University— in the same neighborhood — with the same fine traditions — serving many of the same people.For one night — or a thousand and one — you will enjoy Windermere hospitality, character and food.Come to Chicago — and stay at Hotels Windermere.Only ten minutes from the Loop"Vlotelsindermere"CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson Park* Official Hotel Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service3 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn organization of almost fifty people, with specialists in all branches of advertisingVANDERHOOF& COMPANY Qmeralc/IdvertisivgVANDERHOOF BUILDINO 167 E.ONTAJUO ST.. CHICAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentHow a SellingTune "Stepped Up"Salt SalesTwo thousand years ago the Romans coined thephrase "cum grano saltis" — "with a grain ofsalt." Probably as far back as man has knownsalt it has been in the form of a grain.But salt's mission in life is to dissolve — in orderto flavor, to preserve. We found that the tinv,soft particles of Colonial Special Farmers' Saltwere not grains but flakes — not compressed andhard but porous, lacelike. They dissolve instantly,while grain salt dissolves slowly. Here was a freshangle of approach — news for the salt consumingworld. About the instant solubilitv of our product we built our story and aroused an entirelynew interest in a product old as time.Years of experience serve to strengthen our beliefthat there are new and proiitable selling appealsto be uncovered in the most commonplace product, if we dig persistently enough.Colanial^special jRirmeri ^ Al^Member: American Association of Advertising Agr unci is K.itioiial Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XIX NO. 8Mnibergitp of CfjicagoilagajineJUNE, 1927TA'Bjre OF co^\Te:A(rsFrontispiece; President Ernest DeWitt BurtonImpressions of President Burton,By Harold R. IVilloughhy, Ph.D. '24 359Teaching Originality in College,By Professor Robert J. Bonner 362The Alumni Inspect the University,An Account of the Reunion 364Light from the East: Some Adventures in Pre-History,By Marion F. IVilliams 366A Snapshot of the Settlement 370The Story of the University of Chicago,VI. The College Becomes A University,By Thomas IVakefield Goodspeed 372A Rhyme for Rush,By Edwin Herbert Lewis, Ph.D. '94 378Events and Comment 381Spirit ¦ A New KindCan iVe Afford College ?Alumni Affairs 384University Notes 386News of the Quadrangles 387Athletics 389Officers of Clubs and Classes 390News of the Classes and AssociationsCollege 392Rush Medical College 392Lain School 393Doctors of Philosophy 394In Education 395Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 398THE Magazine is published at tooq Sloan St..Crawfordsville, Ind.. monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council ofthe University of ChicaRo. sSth St. and Ellis Ave.,Chicago, 111. The subscription price is S2.00 peryear; the price of single copies is 20 cents.Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all ordersfrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico,Panama Canal Zone. Republic of Panama, HawaiianIslands, Philippine Islands, Guam. Samoan Islands.Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada.18 cents on annual subscriptions ftotal S2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents): for all othercountries in the Postal Union, 27 cents on annualsubscriptions (total S2.27), on single copies, 3 cents(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If localcheck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withinthe month following the regular month of publication.The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freeonly when they have been lost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising may besent to the Publication 0£Bce. 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville. Ind.. or to the Editorial Office, Box g,Faculty E.xchange. The University of Chicago.Communications for publication should be sent tothe Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1924,at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, undertile .^ct of March 3. 1870.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.355THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiActing Secretary, Allen Heald, '26The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'os; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs Phyllis FayHorton '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09 D. B., '10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., '10; Charles F.ivIcElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph.D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Ad.ministration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Dean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03; George H Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Frederick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumn.^e Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. ^L Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Associations Presi- McElrov, ,\.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., Chicao-o.Plymouth Ct., Chicago; Secretary. School of Education Alumvi \ssocia-W. Robert Jenkins, '24, University of ^.,0^. . President, W. C. Reavis, Ph. D.,'^'^"^^^°- '25 Universitv of Chicaso; Secretary,Associ.^tion of Doctors of Philosophy: m^s, r \y Bixler -y M s, Uni-President. A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, ,,,,,;(,. „f Chicago. 'Uni\ersity of Chicago; Secretary, Her- „hert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Universitv ^""^'^^^E and Adm.nistr.ation Alumniof Chicago. " Ai&ociATio^: President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association: President, '"'' ^J,',.^' ^^ ^.""'^ ^'^ •^'''"g°; ^"'^'¦Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, ["f^; ^''"^ F. Slaughter '25, QuadrangleDetroit, .Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- ^ '"'^' University of Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College Alumni .^ssocia-Ames, Iowa. tion: President Nathan P. Colwell, M.L,\w School Association: President, Ur- IX '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles .\. Parker, NLD., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.AIX communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange. University of Chicag-o, The dues formembership in either one ot the Associations named above, including subscrintionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation: in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.356THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 357TfiQ NATION'S Building StoneClassics Building, University of Chicago. Built of Gray Indiana LimestoneHow will they compare with those of other institutions?Write for illustrated brochure showing fine examples ofcollege architecture in Indiana LimestoneOXFORD, Cambridge, and other venerable institutions of learning in Europeare built of natural stone. College buildingin this country has followed the Europeantradition. Limestone, the natural stone ofwhich many of Europe*s fine cathedrals anduniversity buildings are constructed, is in thiscountry likewise the building stone mostused. The vast deposit of oolitic limestone ofwhich most of the finest stone buildings inthe country are constructed is found onlyin two counties of southern Indiana.Owing to the extent and central location ofour quarries, this ideal building material may be delivered anywhere at prices which compare favorably with those of any other naturalstone and frequently with those of substitutes.Examples of fine college architecture inIndiana Limestone are shown in a brochurewhich we will gladly send you. This booklet may serve to widen your acquaintancewith the best in college building and to enable you to follow more intelligently yourinstitution's building program.For convenience, fill in your name andaddress below, tear out and mail to box 8ig.Service Bureau, Indiana Limestone Company,Bedford, Indiana.Name. .Address.Ernest DeWitt BurtoxScholar arid Lcadrr of Sc/iolarsVol. XIX No. 8^nibersiiti' ot Cijitagoilaga^ineJUNE, 1927_,. . -I—Impressions of President BurtonBy Harold R. Willoughby, Ph.D., '24(Articles on President Harper and President Judson, appearing lately in the University of Chicago Magazine, have appealed to the memories of many readers.One man has written Mr. Gurney, author of the article. Personal Memories of President Harper, "Your revelation of the tender and great-hearted man was touching. Icould add a personal reminiscence concerning his self-forgetfulness, which I will relateto you when we next meet." Another regrets that the students now at the Universityknows so little of President Harper. He urges the publication of a biography.An article about the third President is now in order. Dr. IVilloughby, who was associated with President Burton in the Department of New Testament Literature, is particularly fitted to lurite such an article. He has been engaged for more than a year in thetask of preparing some of the late President's luritings for publication. He has editeda group of lectures on religious questions, a monograph showing a radical change in Dr.Burton's theory on a certain question of New-Testament authorship, the beginnings ofthe New Testament Dictionary, in which Dr. Burton proposed to present all availableinformation on the meaning of every significant luord in the English translations of theNew Testament, and other pieces of Burtoniana.In the article below, based on a talk given before the Divinity School in the spring of1926, Dr. IVilloughby records some of the impressions he has gained through this closeacquaintance with President Burton's work. — Editor)Among the universities of America, Chi- presidencies to take subordinate positions incago has always been rich in that essential an institution that as yet did not e.xist.personal element represented by great That great first generation of Chicagoteachers on the one side and eager students teachers has all but passed away. Presidenton the other. That was characteristic of Burton and Professor Small are no longerChicago from the start. Before a single with us. There remain Professor Coulter,building was erected on the University Professor Michelson and the "Old Man"campus President Harper began to assemble Stagg. But these names alone, barring allhis Faculty. And what a Faculty it was! others, are enough to suggest what theAmong them were nine college or uni- personal tradition of the University ofversity presidents who had resigned their Chicago is. To those who know this phase3 59360 THE U.NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof Chicago life it is unintelligible thatChicago should have the reputation shedoes have in certain quarters, of being animpersonal, mechanical sort of an institution. To us the glory of Chicago is thegreat men who have put their lives into thelife of the University.During the past few months it has beenmy privilege to study quite closely a singlechapter in this personal story of the makersof Chicago. The task has been to gothrough the unpublished manuscripts of thelate President Burton and prepare forpublication as quickly as possible such materials as possessed general interest andpermanent value. This close work overthe Burton manuscripts produced on themind of the editor certain very distinctiveimpressions of Dr. Burton himself, and ofhis methods of work.The first impression was that of orderliness and systematization. President Burton had the remarkable capacity of organizing his materials in such a way that hehad them all at his command at a moment'snotice. One could not engage in evencasual conversation with him without beingimpressed by the way in which he couldsummarize in a few compact sentences theentire case pro or con relative to a givenissue. That was the way his mind worked.His manuscript case now in the New Testament Seminar Room is a more concreteillustration of Dr. Burton's capacity forsystemization. There, arranged in neatshelf-boxes, each one properly labelled, arehis class notes, the records of his research,the manuscripts of his books and lecturesand sermons, etc. One group of boxes contains the grammatical notes that went intothe making of his Moods and Tenses. Another group includes his lexicographicalstudies. Another, his studies in New Testament introduction. These are the records ofa lifetime of research filed away in perfectorder in a black wall case that stands perhaps six feet high. Those who have readmuch after President Burton have beenstruck by the mathematical, enumerativccharacter of his literary style. His thoughtadvanced by clear-cut steps and each stephe accentuated by a numeral Arabic or Roman. In his summaries he had recourseto letters sometimes. Thus in print hislectures and addresses appeared like acombination of outline and essay. Proofreaders sometimes objected to these mathematical peculiarities because they marredthe appearance of the page. But it wasPresident Burton's way, — another expression of the orderliness of his thoughtprocesses.My second impression of Dr. Burton'swork was of its thoroughness. His Commentary on Galatians will remain his greatmonument in the field of technical scholarship. That commentary was practicallycomplete in 1 908. It was not publisheduntil 1920. What happened in the interim? There remained in 1908 only fouror five verses that were not commented onbecause the underlying word studies hadnot yet been made. He plunged into thatlexicographical investigation himself andafter a decade of work produced his seriesof word studies that are the wonderment ofpresent day students. After that he gavethe commentary a complete revision beforeallowing it to come to publication — and atthe end of the process he recei^-ed altogetherone thousand dollars for twenty-five yearsof work ! A somewhat similar story mightbe told of the Greek Harmony he executedin collaboration with Professor Goodspeed.Working according to their original planthey had the Harmony in complete manuscript ready for the printer, when a betterplan was evolved and the manuscript waslaid aside. Likewise a second plan and asecond manuscript were discarded and itwas not until two decades after the workwas first undertaken that the third andfinal manuscript went to the printer. Dr.Burton never allowed anything to appearin print without revising it again and again,not only in manuscript but in galley proofand page proof as well.Another eminent characteristic of President Burton was his open-mindedness. Heheld his con\ictions stronglv, but alwayssubject to re\ision. His method of research was first of all to assemble all thedata bearing on the case. Then he formulated all the hypotheses he could think ofIMPRESSIONS OF PRESIDENT BURTON 361to account for the phenomena in question.From these he selected the theory that bestexplained all the facts as his working hypothesis. This he criticized in every possible way and if it stood the test he stillheld it as a working hypothesis, subject torevision in response to the presentation offurther evidence. What made the revisionof his Short Introduction to the Gospelsa particularly difficult task was the simplefact that at points his final views regardingthe fourth gospel were the direct antithesisof his earlier views on the same subject.In 1904 he held to the apostolic authorshipof the Fourth Gospel and worked out animpressively complete argument for it.Within a decade he had swung to theradical position and within another halfdecade he had evolved his own uniquetheory regarding the literary origins of theGospel. That is only one instance ; but itis a typical case, and it shows where hisopen-mindedness sometimes led him.Because President Burton was open-minded he was also broad-minded. Indeedthe breadth of interest manifested by hiswork is simply astounding. At the beginningof his teaching career his interest was concentrated in the narrow and rigorouschannels of grammar and philology. There,perhaps, he did his best work. But duringthe last two decades of his life his interestsso enlarged as to include, at the end,literally the whole world. The Burtonbibliography has recently been published.To one who knew President Burton personally this list of publications has an interestthat is altogether exceptional. It includesover a hundred separate titles, and yet itdoes not make a pretense at completeness.What is most suggestive about that bibliography is the steady enlargement of outlook that is exhibited from beginning toend in the very formulation of the titles.Around igoo Dr. Burton was writingabout Jesus and Paul. In 1904 he produced his study of synoptic origins. In1908 he was engrossed in biblical theology.In 1914 it was the theological educationand the place of the New Testament inthe curriculum. In 1918 under the stim ulus of the war he raised the question, "Isthe golden rule workable between nations?"In 1922 he published his report on Christian Education in China. In 1925 it ¦wasThe University of Chicago in 1940; andso President Burton ended his career in themidst of plans for University developmentthat extended far into the future. Howcould a single life effectively embrace within itself all that amazing range of interest?To us it is simply a physical miracle. Wemerely know that, however he did it, heactually succeeded in accomplishing a prodigious amount of work in the most variedfields of activity.We have said all this without mentioningwhat, after all, was basic in Dr. Burton'sthought and life. Back of his orderlinessand thoroughness, his open-mindedness andbroad-mindedness, was the Burton conscience, fearless and uncompromising. Hewas what he was and he did what he didbecause fundamentally he was a conscientious religionist. On more than one occasionduring his busy career he took time toformulate, compactly and clearly, his religious philosophy of life. The Biographical Sketch of President Burton by Dr.T. W. Goodspeed reproduces certain ofthese declarations of conviction very effectively in their appropriate settings. Amongthem all there is none that quite equals indirectness and simplicity the followingstatement, found among Dr. Burton'scasual notes in his own distinctive handwriting :"God is always in the world, and alivaysat work in the world, tiow as truly as at anytime in any period of history ;JJ'ith infinite variety in his ivays of working, and with infinite patience, but ivithone purpose:To enlarge men's vision, to deepen theirinsight, to broaden their experience , to purify and enrich their lives.Therefore it is our business to ivork withhim at tliis task, aliuays in progress neverfinished, always moving tcnvard its distantgoal of perfect felloiuship of men withGod."Teaching Originality In CollegeBy Professor Robert J. BonnerOne general complaint against the colleges of today is that they are mechanical.They provide the same mental diet for students of widely different characteristics. Thestudent who is unusually apt in a given study must listen to the same lectures, and gothrough the same routine, that are provided for his slower classmates. The collegesare trying to find ivays of avoiding this danger, and of adapting each student's courseto his own needs and abilities. In this article Professor Bonner, chairman of a Facultycommittee on honors courses, discusses the problem and tells how the University isattacking it.DEGREES with honors of one kind cational system or method can be transferredor another have long been conferred bodily from one country to another. Itby American colleges and universities, must be changed and modified in manyThere are three well-defined types of particulars.honors: (a) general or departmental The admirable tutorial system of Oxfordhonors based on grades in courses; (b) is its most distinctive feature. It is at itshonors based on additional work in certain best in the department of Litterae Huma-specified courses; (c) honors courses — more niores. In other departments the law ofexacting courses that supersede the regular diminishing returns affects the results. In"pass" courses. In some institutions any the newer English universities such asstudent who can meet certain scholastic Bristol, Birmingham and Manchester itrequirements is admitted to these special was found impossible to reproduce thecourses ; in others only those who are re- Oxford tutorial system on account of thegarded as superior students are admitted. expense, but the methods of instructionDuring the past five years there has been aim to reproduce its best features. Thea notable revival of interest in the matter, needs of the individual are consulted as tarand special honors courses are being intro- as possible. In America, Harvard andduced into a constantly increasing number Princeton have introduced a tutorial system.of institutions. The main cause of this re- But it is a luxury which only the wealthiestnewed interest is the enthusiasm of Rhodes institutions can afford. Already there areScholars who have been impressed by the indications that smaller institutions in at-Oxford system. Chief among them is tempting to gi\e their honor students thePresident Aydelotte of Swarthmore Col- benefits of individual or small grouplege, whose report to the National Research instruction without increasing their in-Council entitled "Honors Courses in Amer- structional forces are putting an intolerableican Colleges and Universities" is the most burden upon their faculties which inevitablycomplete treatment of the subject available. decreases their efficiency as teachers andThe report of Professor L. B. Richardson scholars. If honors courses are to succeedto the President of Dartmouth College faculties must be increased or the numberentitled "A Study of the Liberal College" of general courses must be decreased. ]\Ieth-includes a thorough discussion of honors ods less expensive in time can easily becourses in English, Scottish and Canadian devised. Canadian universities have nothinguniversities. even remotely resembling a tutorial system.* "^ " The diyision of students into pass andOxford is the model of the recent in- honor groups is the established practice ofnovations. Canadian experience in adapting all British universities. Honors courses arethe British system to an .American environ- much more popular than pass courses. Inment affords many useful hints. No edu- 192.^^4 honor students in Oxford consti-362TEACHING ORIGINALITY IN COLLEGE 363tuted 86% of the student body, in Toronto55%. This situation is largely due toconditions which do not exist in the UnitedStates. In British universities medals,prizes, scholarships and fellowships areopen only to honor students. Institutionsand organizations that employ universitygraduates, through long familiarity with thesystem quite understand the great differencebetween the pass and the honor men andgenerally prefer the latter. The moredesirable positions in the secondary schoolsare open only to honor men.AAAOne may very well inquire just whatadvantage may be expected from an honordegree in the United States. British honorcourses involve early and narrow specialization. They encourage independence andinitiative in that the student is left tohimself to fill in the gaps not covered inlectures ; but they do not seem to developoriginality. It is just in this respect thatAmerican institutions, equipped with instructors trained in research, are in aposition to improve honors courses. Thehonor student will be well prepared topursue graduate work, but it would be amistake to organize honors courses solely aspropaedeutic for graduate work. It is hopedby those who are interested in these coursesthat they will appeal to a considerable number of juniors and seniors and will help toraise scholarship in the estimation of thestudent body and improve the scholastictone of the whole institution. It is not tobe expected that the honor degree will havethe same professional value in the UnitedStates as it has in the British Empire wheregraduate work has as yet received littleattention. It cannot compete with the A.M. and the Ph. D., though it will makethe road to these degrees easier.Greater originality is an important advantage that the American student may beexpected to gain from the right use ofhonors courses. With well-equipped laboratories, complete libraries, and instructorsskilled in investigation, he can learn to mapout his own program of study, and to depend less and less on textbooks and dailyassignments.Ihe University of Chicago has set outto achieve this end. Certain students,under the new plan, may take extra work,largely on their own initiative. They maybe aided "by honors courses, lectures, individual conferences, or group discussions;but since the purpose of the honors systemis to encourage initiative and independencein the student, the help given should bereduced to a minimum."The students will take a comprehensiveexamination in this extra work, and receivehonors at graduation according to the mastery of the subject thus shown.The following paragraphs from the University Register contain some of the regulations governing honors courses in theUniversity of Chicago.Honors on the basis of comprehensive examinations. — Honors are awarded on the basis ofa final comprehensive examination in the fieldof the principal sequence.A student whose general academic record iscreditable and who has completed at least fivemajors, including prerequisites, in his principalsequence with an average grade not lower thanB, may, upon application to his major department, be permitted to register for honors if, inthe opinion of the department, he is capable ofdoing honors work. No student may registerfor honors later than the beginning of the fourthquarter before graduation.Honor students should register for the coursesnecessary to complete their sequence as a minimum requirement for honors, but they may beexcused wholly or partly from class attendanceand course examinations at the option of thedepartment. Provisional grades shall be reported in the courses, but credit shall be deferreduntil the final comprehensive examination ispassed. The supplementary work required ofhonor students shall yield no ext-a credit inmajors.These regulations may be supplementedby departments to meet their particularneeds and methods of instruction. Thedetails will appear in the departmentalcirculars.Membership in Phi Beta Kappa will beawarded to juniors and seniors on the samebasis as heretofore. It is reasonable to expectthat a large proportion of honor studentswill obtain this coveted distinction.The Alumni Inspect The UniversityThe Keiinion of 1927 Proves that Alumni like Tea icith the Facultyas icell as ParadesTHE "New Kind of Alumni Reunion," so far as its first trial indicates,is a tiood kind. Returning Alumniwelcomed the new opportunity given themon June lO and ii, to become acquaintedwith the University. They seemed willingto devote a considerable share of their timeat Reunion to this survey of the University'sprogress. The Alumni Lecture by DeanLaing, the Alumni Conference conductedby President Alason and three other executives of the University, and the Open Housein the Departments all had good-sized andenthusiastic audiences.Nor did these serious events dampen thegaiety of Reunion, Classes vied in floatsfor the Parade; the dance floor at the Reynolds Club was filled to a late hour; theClass of '07 qualified for admission to theShant)' \\\Xk\ a rollicking play ; the biggestcrowd in history attended the Sing.^ & »The Alumni Dinner In the garden justnorth of Ida Noyes Hall began the generalReunion. The evening was Ideal; the station in Rosenwald tower, with all its influence as the Chicago Office of the WeatherBureau, could not have adjusted the temperature more nicely, or selected a richerblue for the sky. The garden was obviously planned at the very founding of the Universit}' as The Place for the AlumniDinner.Dean Gordon Jennings Laing, of theGraduate School of Arts and Literature,lectured that evening in Mandel Hall onThe Function of a University. For weapons to attack his subject, he brought a witw^orthy of so devout a student of Horace,and common sense that Ca.^sar would haverespected. The Function of a University,said the jovial classicist. Is more easily statedthan performed. Ergo, he proceeded topoint the way to its true performance.The student ought to learn firsthand, hesaid, from original sources. He denouncedthe large lecture class, where the student,Instead of studying the subject direct, studies what the professor and other eminentauthorities think about the subject. Herecommended that graduate and college students be placed in different classes, andeach group assigned a comprehensive program of original work, adapted to its ownneeds and powers. About five hundredAlumni heard this lecture, applauded itswit, and appeared to meditate deeply onits common sense.Al Lehmas and his eight-piece orchestra,one of the famous Harvey Orchestras,played for the Alumni Dance in the Rey-ij4ijy"^> --^l«^^s^^' -ii^The Class of 12 aboard its historic Midnight Special in the Parade of the Classes, headedfor Stagg Field and the Shanty exercises.364THE ALUMNI INSPECT THE UNIVERSITY 365nolds Club after the lecture. The entirefirst floor was drafted into use; one cornereven became the scene of a crap-game between delegates of the Classes of '12 and'13. A number of graduating seniors attended the dance.^ Ji, <^A survey of the University itself was onthe program for Saturday, Alumni Day.An Alumni Conference at 2 In MandelHall — conducted by President Mason —sought to explain some of the steps in theUniversity's progress; the Open House inthe Departments from 3 to 5 displayedsome visible evidences of that progress.About five hundred Alumni attended theConference and visited the various departments. The medical buildings, on displayfor the first time, and the new HaskellAluseum were the most popular affairs.About 350 visited the medical group. Professor Breasted conducted 163 alumnithrough the collections from which he isreconstructing *'pre-historIc" history; he repeated his explanatory talk three times tocapacity houses. The questions asked byAlumni, he says, show a remarkable interestand a scholarly attitude toward the subject.Teas given by such departments as English,Mathematics, Romance, Germanics, andHistory, the Divinity School, and the Schoolof Education, had attendances of from fiftyto seventy each. Fifty visitors viewed themanuscripts presented to the Universityin 1923 by the Alumni, and on display inHarper Memorial Library. Smaller groups,made up of Alumni in certain professions,inspected the technical work in progress intheir particular field.^ — geology, physiology. zoology, and sociology — and conferred withFaculty members on late advances.Alumni who visited the Open House,w^hether to talk shop w^ith investigators intheir own fields or to learn about the University's general progress, report that theconferences and exhibits of Alumni Dayinterested them, instructed them, and Impressed them with the usefulness of theUniversity.» (^ ^The Alumni reassembled, on the stroke ofdve^ and donned their class costumes forthe Parade of the Classes. Special anniversary classes had floats: three representatives of '02 rode in a gig that antedatedeven that early year; the twent}-year class,'07, marched behind a great Shanty onwheels; the Midnight Special, that historictrain In which the Class of '12 has riddenthrough fifteen years of alumnl-hood, appeared in modern form, Its locomotiveequipped with the last word in whistles,oil-cans, and smoke-stacks. Skipper William JVIather operated the steering-wheeland gear-shift of the Good Ship '17. TheClass of '22 followed a float that representedthe Botany Bridge presented by that classto the University.A & »The Class of '07, having finished Itstwentieth year since graduation, sought admission to the Shanty. Charles Axelson,Arthur G. Bovee, Earl D. Hostetter, HelenNorris, Mrs. Katherine Gannon Phemister,and Adolph G. Pierrot appeared on thestage in Stagg Field, and presented '07's.claims. We're the greatest class that ever(Continued on page 397 )Pictures of other floats in this notable Parade will appear in our next issue.Light from the EastFurther Adventures of Professor Breasted's PioneersBy Marion F. Willi.amsSeveral hundred thousand years of StoneAge savagery must have preceded the longperiod of Egyptian civilization. TheSahara Desert was once covered withfertile forests. Land bridges at Gibraltarand through Sicily connected North Africawith Europe. Here the Stone Age huntersroamed at will, leaving flint chippingswhich betray their ancient workshops.Their traces are found- from North Africato Sinai, Palestine, Syria, and the EuphratesValley. Little did they think that in thetwentieth century men would seek to tracetheir movements. But as recently asDecember, 1926, Dr. K. S. Sandford beganthe task of collecting evidences of StoneAge life by undertaking a prehistoric surveyin Egypt and Western Asia. An accountof his findings will be published eventuallyby the Oriental Institute of the Universityof Chicago, which is now sponsoring thisamong other important researches.'» » »A Hospital for RelicsThe varied data from all Oriental Institute expeditions are sent to Haskell Oriental Museum, on the Quadrangles. Thisclearing house receives and classifies thematerial sent in from the field. Todaymany thousands of original objects exca-The Sahara Desert, once a dense forest and the home of Stone .•\ge hunters,whose traces the Oriental Institute is collecting.366vated during past decades are on exhibitionin the museum. These objects vary in sizefrom tiny beads to large tomb stelae. Eachpiece presents its own problem in the matterof preservation and installation. Its advanced age carries with it a flavor ofdelicate antiquity' which assures a needfullyrespectful handling. The preparator'swork, therefore, is most important. Mr.H. P. Burtch's military hospital takes careof extreme cases of bronze disease, the"leprosy" of metal. He detects and renders innocuous the insect life in ancientwood. He "treats" the salts whose chemical action plays havoc with limestoneobjects. He built up the prehistoric gravenow on exhibition in the north museum andreunited the many fragments of Yetet'simposing tomb facade with its proud boastof writing that can never be effaced. Lookat some heavy relief installed in a lightwooden case and see if you can ascertainjust how it is kept in place.Objects received in a broken or fragmentary condition receive special treatment.They must not defy the law of gravity,i,et museum etiquette forbids them to assume the position of the leaning tower ofPisa. Hence there are some cripples whosecrutches are well-nigh invisible.The delicate and time-consuming operations necessary for successful exhibitionLIGHT FROM THE EAST 367Dram, py DCNQrERSePPlitr CO . Oi'Ca^o 'iThe figures (1-6) indicate the situation orthe range of the six University expeditionslisted below.I. Egyptian headquarters at Luxor, housingthe Epigraphic Expedition and the PrehistoricSurvey.2. The Coffin Text Project. Chiefly thecopying of texts in the National Museum atCairo.are rarely guessed at by the public whenthey see the objects in place.Many objects, too, must be recordedphotographically. It is evident, therefore,that the preparator must be versatile, aman of parts, with a knowledge of manythings which at first glance seem scarcelyrelevant to his craft.» A »Playing Webster to the AssyriansWhile e.xcavators are busy reconstructing for us the life of the past by rediscovering forgotten cities and unearthingrelics of other ages, several Oriental Institute projects are nearing completion athome. From the literary side, documentaryevidence is sought. For instance, a diminutive clay tablet records an ancient transaction : Elmeshum has borrowed five gurof grain from Sin-eresh. Time passes andhe can only pay back one of the five gur. 3. Asiatic headquarters in Palestine housingthe Megiddo (Armageddon) Expedition and thePrehistoric Survey.4. The Prehistoric Survey Expedition tracingthe implements of Stone-Age man in Egypt andWestern Asia.5. The Mesopotamian Expedition of 1910-20.Its route is marked by a broken line.6. The Hittite Expedition. The region explored is shaded.fin-eresh, however, demands complete set-.nt, since he needs the grain at onceLor the sowing. The chances for a speedyreply were somewhat lessened by the factthat Assyria is a land where you wroteyour letter on a small clay tablet — and thenbaked it ! Such tablets, used for businessdocuments, receipts, assignments of incomeand the like, give us much of our knowledge of everyday life in Western Asia.But they must first be translated.Here a modern scholar, studying the greatmass of cuneiform documents, is faced withmany difficulties. He meets new wordscontinually, words which no existing dictionary contains, and out of such cases hemust build up a supplementary dictionaryof his own. To perform this task once forall, a complete Assyrian dictionary is planned by the Oriental Institute under Dr.D. D. Luckenbill's direction, with a staff368 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmade up chiefly of former students. '^ Some600,000 cards are now in the files, and itIs planned ultimately to file every knownexample of a word with the entire passagecontaining it. The dictionary cannot reachcompletion for some years yet, but whenfinished its Importance to the scientificworld will be Inestimable.The Original Uncle RemusThe adventures of Brer Rabbit seem,on the surface, onl\^ a funn)' collection ofanimal tales. "^ et they are more than that.They picture the psychological phase ofhistory. In them wt have passed out of theperiod of tomb Inscriptions and writingswhere the noble glorifies himself or hisprowess, and we learn a little about humbler folk. At last we are seeing the peoplethemselves through the people's own eyes.For folk tales turn a mirror upon ever>"da>'life, reflecting men's foibles, Introducingcaricature, It may be, and often using anl-*As we go to press, ne\vs comes of the great'oss sustained by the Oriental Institute and theUniversity of Chicago in the tragic death ofDr. D. D. Luckenbill in London, mals as mouthpieces for the writers' moralizing. Such tales are of great antiquity.No other block of them has lived through asmany changes and vicissitudes for an equallylong time. They have appeared in countryafter country, and In translation and paraphrase, until after many ramifications onetrail has brought them from African slavemarkets to stmthern plantations to reappearin our familiar L'^ncle Remus tales.Kalila.and Dimna are two talking jackalswho have given the title to the Arabicversion, for which Dr. Martin Sprenglinghas undertaken to collect and study alla\ ailable manuscript material In the preparation of a final Arabic text and translation. The Oriental Institute has alreadyfurnished him photographs of many thousands of manuscript pages, and his journeylast summer to Europe and the Orientresulted in adding much valuable materialto his resources.Undoubtedly these delightfully humantales will more than repay the scholarlystudy given them, and they will form amost \'aluable addition to Oriental literature as they now form a problem of international literary relationships of AvideInterest and Importance.¦¦«v1- ',/m*»^"Bimeby Brer Lion git so mad he jump in de spring headforemos'." How"Brer Rabbit" tricked the lion, as illustrated in an Arabic manuscript of thethirteenth century of our era.LIGHT FROM THE EAST 369Re-Translating the Old TestamentRecent translations of the New Testament have been variously received. Tosome they represent a forward step, whilethe more conservative mind views themwith unconcealed apprehension. But anyhonest, scholarly effort to correct error,whether in copying or in translation, deserves cordial reception. It has long beenevident that the Old Testament offers afruitful field for such effort. The Hebrewmanuscripts upon which our English translations are based contain ancient errors inscribal copying. To discover and eliminatesuch errors it is necessary to study theancient translations of the Hebrew, e.g.,into Greek or Syriac. There existed anearly Syriac version, the Peshitta. ASyriac commentary on it, Barhebraeus'Storehouse of Mysteries, was written in thethirteenth century A. D. A study of thiscommentary is necessary in establishing thetext of the Peshitta. Some twenty manuscripts of this work of Barhebraeus exist,widely scattered. Two are in America,the others in Europe and Asia. However,photographs of the needed manuscripts arebeing furnished by the Oriental Instituteto Dr. W. C. Graham for his studies, andwe are confident that his work will, resultin a more correct Hebrew text of the OldTestament.« i^ «Medicine in 1700 B. C.In a land where stone maces and heavybattle-axes flourished, the Egyptian "University of Hard Knocks" was largely attended. Broken heads were frequent, whileclimatic conditions induced disease. TheEgyptian Aesculapius was more outspokenin his verdict and more direct in his methods than some of his modern colleagues,for he framed his verdict in one of three^vays :An ailment I will treat (favorable) ;An ailment I will contend with (doubt-ful);An ailment I will not treat (unfavorable)These and other curious wordings are found in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, a surgical treatise the existing copy of which belongs to the seventeenth century B. C. TheNew York Historical Society has entrustedthis treasure to Dr. Breasted to translateand to include in the Oriental Institute'spublications. This document contains byfar the most important body of medicalknowledge that has survived from ancientEgypt. It is now a roll some fifteen feetlong. Its original length was probablyover sixteen feet. The original treatisebegan its discussions at the top of the headand proceeded systematically downward.The surviving copy stops abruptly, however, in the midst of the first case devotedto the spine. Each of the forty-eight casespreserved is methodically arranged : title,examination, diagnosis, verdict, treatment,explanations.Lack of space forbids mention of otherOriental Institute projects, and likewiseof the many splendid men, women, andorganizations whose interest and whosemoney have enabled Dr. Breasted, its director, to increase his great contributions toour own and succeeding generations. Butthey have the satisfaction of being definitelyco-workers with him.First page of a beautifully engrossed Gottingenmanuscript of Barhebraeus' commentary on theOld Testament, entitled "Storehouse ofMysteries."A Snapshot of the SettlementThe work done throughout the year by the University Settlement is illustrated moststrikingly, perhaps, by the Settlement's Christmas activities. A report by Mrs.Thompson, Acting Head Resident, upon the program for last Christmas,therefore ought to convey a good idea of the way in which the Universitynow operates its outpost back of the yards.THE regular routine of the workduring December was broken by aseries of Christmas parties and entertainments. The usual policy of severalmass parties was abandoned this year andthe group plan substituted. Every groupor club in the House organization, both1,'oung and old, in most cases had its ownparty entirely separate and distinct. Someof the same age groups, whose numberswere small, were combined, however.This plan worked out very satisfactorily. The numbers were not too great tohandle and the games could be played byall, Many of the groups had rehearsedtheir programs before Christmas and wereable to grasp something of the spirit ofChristmas beyond the mere getting of a"stocking." The usual din and confusionso noticeable at this time was entirely lacking and the repeating grafter was checked.They all had a tree and their presents weredelivered at the close of their program bySanta Claus and his assistant.The significance of Christmas seemed toreach more this year than ever before andthis spirit of helpfulness was present in alarge degree, especially among the oldergirls. They gave valuable aid in fillingstockings and assisting with the youngergirls' parties.A Nativity play for the children andtheir parents given by the girls, and MissMcDowell's annual Christmas ceremonyattended by young and old helped verymuch to convey the meaning of the season.We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Bradleyand Miss MacFarland for the music at thisprogram.The parties were 35 in number and thetotal attendance was 1474- The agesranged from 3 to 80 and every individualroll in the House was cared for. Fifty families were given baskets through cooperation with other agencies and everymember of the Coffee Club ^vas given aturkey.It is impossible in a report as brief asthis to go into detail about e\ery party butseveral of them are well worth a few words.No party of the entire Christmas seasonwas looked forward to with more eagernessthan was the Grandmothers' Party onThursday afternoon. Miss McDowell hasbeen entertaining the grandmothers atChristmas time for a number of years; andwhen inviting them for this year's party,from all sides were heard such remarksas: — "I thought it was about time for us tobe invited to the Christmas party" "I canhardly wait for my party day to come!""Faith and that's a wonderful club wehave; it's a swell party that grand ladygives us each year;" "I was just a-sittin'here a-wonderin' if there ain't to be a partyfor us old folks this year, when along comesthe ticket. Holy Mother, what a blessedlady is Mary McDowell — She never forgets the old people."About fifty elderly people were present,and two of this number had already passedtheir eightieth birthdays. A bright, cheerful fire burned in the open grate and gavetiiem a warm welcome upon entering theliving room. After a short visit there. MissMcDowell invited them to go into theg>mnasium. Here they were greeted by alarge, beautifully lighted tree, togetherwith festive Christmas greens throughoutthe room. The grandmothers sat in a circleabout the gj'm and were entertained witha delightful program of music, dancing andsingmg. The games and songs of the weekindergarten children and the Russiandances of five little Settlement girls were enjoyed particularly. After the program, the370A SNAPSHOT OF THE SETTLEMENT 371guests returned to the living room and wereserved coffee, cake and candy by the Women's Club. Upon leiaving each one received a bright Christmas stocking filledwith goodies grandmothers like best, furnished by the University High School Social Service Committee.Games and Christmas carols were included in the program of the SlovakMothers' Party and the mothers and children joined in singing one of the beautifulSlovak songs.About 65 children, including the JuniorDramatic Club, gave two plays, MotherGoose's Visit to Santa Claus and the Nativity before an audience of 250 composedmostly of families of those in the play.The Inter-Racial Party given by MissMcDowell to leaders of both the Whiteand Negro Races was a great success, over100 attending.The Senior Party for Boys and Girlswas well attended and was one of the mostinteresting and orderly parties this grouphas ever had. It was free from drinkingand the Christmas spirit was very much inevidence.Phi Gamma Delta gave a group of boysa dinner party in their fraternity house, and it is hard to say which group derived thegreater benefit and pleasure.The University Y. W. C. A. entertainedJ7 boys and 37 girls at Ida Noyes Hallwith a games, refreshments and gifts.The Hyde Park Scouts were hosts to ourtroop. They furnished the refreshmentswhile we furnished the entertainment.This was another party of mutual benefit.The First Club which was given presentsby the University Elementary School,thoroughly enjoyed their program andseemed to enter into the spirit.The Coffee Club, a group composed ofmothers of delinquent children, was entertained by the Girl Scouts of St. PaulsEpiscopal Church.Several individuals entertained childrenin their homes, for the holidays.Groups were taken to the Tivoli, JacksonPark and Peoples Theatres during the holidays. We are grateful to Mr. Bastin forarranging the transportation.Many groups and individuals helpedmake this season the one of joy and gladnessthat it was, and to these we make gratefulacknowledgment.Respectfully submitted,May p. ThompsonThe University Settlement with a part of its public. The addition on the right is thenew gymnasium.The Story of the University of ChicagoBy Thomas Wakefield GooDSPEEnReprinted ttirougli courtesy of The University of Chicago PrettVI. The College Becomes AUniversity' I ''HE University, in its inception, wasA not a university but a college. Mr.Rockefeller's original subscription was fora college. The Education Society undertook only to found a well-equipped college.There were few, however, who supposedthat the new institution would long remaina college only. A million dollars lookedlike an immense amount of money. Almostanything could be done with that tremendous sum. At the time the new institutionwas founded there were ten colleges underBaptist auspices between Ohio and theRocky Mountains, and all together theydid not have endowments aggregating morethan half a million dollars. The promotersof Chicago felt that with twice that sum,more than half of it endowment, the newinstitution was rich to begin with. Theirhopes and expectations were large. Theyincorporated, therefore, under the title ofThe University of Chicago.Not only was the new college, in thisspirit of large expectation, named University, but the articles of incorporation, whichmight be called the charter, contemplatedfar more than a college. A college couldhave been conducted under its provisions.But it was framed for a university and fora university of the most comprehensivecharacter. It said that the corporation wasorganized to establish and maintain a university, in -ivhich may be taught all branchesof higher learning, and which may compriseand embrace separate departments for literature, la^v, medicine, music, technology, thevarious branches of science, both abstractand applied, the cultivation of the fine arts,and all other branches of professional education which may properly be included within the purposes and objects of a university.While therefore the American BaptistEducation Society and Mr. Rockefellerestablished a college, they at the same time opened the door for any possible enlargement and expansion.And enlargement and expansion were notslow in coming. Indeed the story of theexpansion of the college founded in 1890into the University of Chicago of 1892 andthereafter reads like a creation of the imagination of some educational dreamer. Ifit had been prophesied in advance it wouldhave been laughed at as an impossible dream.Its rapidly succeeding events surprised theactors in them not less than they astonishedthe public. The Board of Trustees hadheld but one meeting, the articles of incorporation had hardly been approved bythe Secretary of State at Springfield, whenthe first great step in expansion was taken.In September, 1890, John D. Rockefellermade his first million-dollar contribution,the purpose of which was to make the college a university with Dr. Harper as itspresident. It took the following form:$800,000 for non-professional graduate instruction ; $100,000 for theological instruction in the Divinity School, and $100,000for the construction of buildings for thatSchool, which was to be made a part of theUniversity and transferred from ^MorganPark to its grounds in the city. A well-equipped academy was to be established inthe buildings of the Divinity School in Morgan Park.Thus many months before a building wasplanned, more than two years before the\vork of instruction began, the first greatstep in expansion was taken, and the nameof the new institution recei\-ed its justification. It became the University of Ch'cago.That the Theologica'l Seminary shouldbe made a part of the new University hadbeen the desire and hope of the Seminarypeople from the beginning. The funds being now Dro\ided to bring about such aunion and the trustees of both institutionsli-ing of the same mind, in April, 1 89 1, theTheological Seminarv was made the Divin-372THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 373ity School of the University. It broughtto the University during that institution'sfirst year 204 students, assets amounting tonearly half a million dollars, and gave itits first professional school.To one who considers it attentively theplan of organization of the University willbe seen to have been of itself a great stepin expansion. It was an imposing scheme.It was indeed the greatest forward step theUniversity ever took. The genius of President Harper never shone more brilliantlythan in this great piece of constructive work.What Frederick Scott Oliver said of Alexander Hamilton might with equal truth bewritten of Dr. Harper: "It was his policyand habit to overshoot the mark, to compelthe weaker brethren to consider plans thatwere too heroic for their natural timidity,confident that the diminished fabric wouldstill be of an ampler proportion than ifit had risen from mean foundations."The enthusiasm of the chosen leader andhis recent achievement in securing from theFounder the million dollars had excitedamong the Trustees the highest expectations. They began to get a vision of a reallygreat University. And the first feelingthis vision awakened among them was adoubt about the site. They began to feelthat three blocks made too small a campus.They wanted at least another block whichwould not only increase the size of the sitebut greatly improve its shape, making it asolid square of four blocks. Mr. Hutchinson urged the purchase of the fourth block,saying that in all the public institutionsof Chicago the mistake had been committedof making the plans on too small a scale andthus hampering future development. Theblock in question fronted south on the Midway Plaisance and east on University Avenue. Mr. Field wanted $150,000 for thisfourth block, but offered to contribute$5,000 and after the payment of $40,000down to give the University ten years' timeon the balance. The Trustees hated to goin*-o debt, but, Mr. Ryerson offering to contribute $25,000 toward the first payment,the block was bought. In September, 1 891,the City Council vacated the streets andalleys running through the new campus. giving the University a compact site offour blocks, extending two blocks each waywith a south front on the Midway Plaisance of eight hundred feet.This fourth step in expansion was one ofgreat importance. While the Trustees hesitated over it little could be done in anydirection. The buildings could not beplanned. Money could not be asked for,since no definite plans could be presented.The enlarging of the site changed everything. For the first time it became possibleto make a general scheme for covering thesite with buildings. The architect submitted such a scheme which excited greatinterest and admiration. It was looked upon by many as a dream of a far distant future. A hundred years might see it realized !As a matter of fact one-third of that timesaw the dream practically transmuted intoenduring structures of stone. Energy wasat once released in effective appeals forfunds, and all the wheels of progress werespeedily set in motion. Looking back aftera third of a century on the growth of theUniversity, one wonders that there shouldhave been any difference of opinion aboutthe necessity of enlarging the site to twenty-four acres — a site which in twenty yearsbecame a hundred acres. But it must beremembered that the question arose nearlytwo years before the institution opened. Ithad no president, no professors, no students.It had no funds with which to buy additional acres. The original site was not paidfor, and no one knew where to begin in asking for money to enlarge it. It was feltthat perhaps too great expectations werecherished. There might not be the extraordinary growth and development expected.It is clear enough, long after the event, that,though the Trustees hesitated, they decidedthe question with great wisdom. It wasnot so clear at the moment. The wholetransaction illustrates the fact that the interests of the new institution were in the handsof careful, conservative, and at the sametime farsighted men.These movements toward enlargementcame so fast that before one was completedanother was under way. Sometimes threeimportant steps in expansion were trying374 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto get themselves taken at the same time.Thus while the taking over of the DivinitySchool was going forward, the enlargementof the site was being considered. And inJanuary, 1 891, before either of these important movements was concluded anothergreat advance had been initiated. This wasthe movement, which, in a very few months,resulted in the Ogden Graduate School ofScience. Dr. Harper was still in NewHaven, and had not yet accepted the presidency. Indeed he was hesitating as towhether he could accept or must decline.At this very critical moment he receiveda letter from Rev. Leighton Williams ofNew York which asked him to appoint atime to meet in that city a gentleman whowished to confer with him "in reference tothe possibility of an endowment for scientificstudies."Dr. Harper named so early a date thatin less than a week the conference was held.The man who wished the interview wasAndrew H. Green, one of the executorsand trustees under the will of William B.Ogden. It will be recalled that Mr. Ogdenhad been for many years a Trustee of thefirst University of Chicago. He had beenone of Chicago's leading citizens in theearly history of the city and was its firstmayor. He succeeded Stephen A. Douglasas chairman of the Board of Trustees ofthe Old University and held that positionuntil his death after a service of sixteenyears. Mr. Ogden was much interestedin the first University and was believed tocherish generous intentions toward it. Itwas, therefore, peculiarly fitting that hisexecutors, Mr. Green and Mrs. Ogden,should interest themselves in his name inthe new University which had taken thename of the former one, had adopted itsAlumni, and, commanding public confidenceand giving every promise of permanenceand growth as the old one had not, invitedgreat endowments. Dr. Harper's first conference with Mr. Green was held onJanuary 10, 1 89 1. It resulted so favorablythat two days later Mr. Green wrote to Dr.Harper asking if the trustees would acceptan endo\vmcnt of $300,000 to $500,000 for a scientific school "to be named by thedonors."On January 19, Dr. Harper assured Mr.Green that his proposal would be "mostgladly and heartily accepted by the boardof trustees," and that it had "been one ofthe cherished plans of those most intimatelyconnected with the organization to devotespecial attention to the encouragement ofscientific research." In an elaborate discussion of the scope and conduct of theschool, he proposed that it should be agraduate school of science, that fellowshipsfor advanced students be provided for aswell as the support of professors, that provision be made for scientific investigationas well as instruction, more emphasis tobe put on the ability of professors to investigate than on their ability to teach, thatthe school should include "at least the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Geology and Mineralogy, and Astronomy,"that the professors be given every encouragement to publish the results of their investigations, and that "the entire graduatework of the L-^niversity in the subjects mentioned be done in connection Avith thisschool of science." These suggestions wereentirely acceptable to the executors of IMr.Ogden's estate, and the negotiation resultedin the designation to the LTniversity of 70per cent of the moneys to be devoted tobenevolences under the terms of Mr. Ogden's will. This endoAvment became thebasis of the Ogden (Graduate) School ofScience, and in the end added nearly $600,-000 to the funds of the University. Suchwas the third movement toward expansion,inaugurated many months before the institution opened its doors to students, before, indeed, a professor was appointed ora student enrolled.In the summer and autumn of 1 89 1President Harper spent three monthsabroad. He returned in October with twoimportant things calling for attention. Ithad been determined that the Universityshould begin the work of instruction October I, 1892. The erection of buildingshad not yet begun. Not only must the neces-sar\' buildings be made ready, but a large first Mayor of the City of Chicago, and successor to Stephen A. Douglas asChairman of the Board of Trustees of the Old University. The Ogden GraduateSchool of Science in the present University was founded under his will.375376 THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOsum of money must be raised for their construction and equipment. When in September, 1890, Mr. Rockefeller gave a million dollars to make the college a universityhe had been assured that Chicago wouldquickly respond to his liberal gifts for theendowment of instruction by large contributions for buildings and equipment. Morethan eight months passed and very littlewas done in Chicago in the way of raisingthe additional funds which the Founder hadbeen assured would be contributed.As the months passed. President Harperproceeded with his plans to so organize theUniversity and man its various departmentswith professors that from the day it openedit should take its place in the first rank ofAmerican universities. It was a most ambitious program for a new institution, anddemanded much larger funds than were inhand or in prospect. To meet this demandMr. Rockefeller again came forward andwith rare magnanimity gave another milliondollars "to remain forever a further endowment for the University, the income to beused only for the current expenses." Itwas like him to give the million in bondsbearing accrued interest from December I,i8gi, three months of interest prior to thedate of the contribution. This again wasa new and long step in advance taken sevenmonths before the University was to open.The feeling in Chicago over this greatcontribution was one of universal gratification. Marshall Field said : "Now Chicagomust put a million dollars into the buildingsof the University." The newspapers agreedwith Mr. Field, the Post printing an editorial, "Chicago's Turn Next," to the effectthat Chicago must now erect the buildings.This was precisely the feeling the Trusteesdesired to see. For a year they had beenlooking for the right time and the right wayto begin a movement to raise a large fundfor buildings and other necessities. It wasnot, however, until February, 1892, that areal beginning was made by the offer of achemical laboratory by Sidney A. Kent. OnApril 7 Marshall Field agreed to give $100,000, on condition that a million "i\'as secured in sixty days. Two days later heextended the time to ninety days. With this extension the undertaking was felt tobe well-nigh impossible of accomplishment.But even the impossible had to be attemptedand we went about it with all the couragewe could muster.When Mr. Field made his subscription,conditioned on the securing of a full million dollars by July 10, 1892, the subscription of Sidney A. Kent for the ChemicalLaboratory, already made, was to becounted as a part of this sum. Mr. Kentgenerously increased his pledge to $235,000.Much quiet work was done during May,and $50,000 was given by Mrs. ElizabethKelly and $18,000 by other women forhalls for women students. Early in Junecame a great subscription of $150,000 fromSilas B. Cobb, and immediately after acablegram from Martin A. Ryerson, whowas abroad, for a similar amount. Thesegreat pledges were quickly followed by $50,-000 from Mrs. Nancy A. Foster and hoperan high in all hearts. George C. Walkergave $130,000. On June 30, with ten daysto go, we had $860,000. During the nexttwo days some small subscriptions werefound, and at the end of the week, on July2, the workers were sitting in the LTniversityoffice in a somewhat subdued frame of mind.It was about four o'clock and we were saying that, as Sunday ^vas the next day andMonday the Fourth of July we had onlyfive working days left. At that momenta messenger from Mrs. Jerome Beechercame in and said that she had sent him tosay that she might be depended on for $50,-000. Seldom ha\e men been so uplifted.Tliey were inspired with new hope and newpurpose. President Harper went at onceand called on Mrs. A. J. Snell, and threedays later received from her $50,000. Thelast day of the canvass was Saturday, July9, and when on that day the trustees met,the president was able to announce that alittle over a million dollars had been subscribed. To crown the work Mr. Hutchinson read a paper signed by twenty of theleading business men of the city, pledgingthemselves pro rata, for any deficiency up toone hundred thousand dollars. The following were the names attached to thisguaranty: H. N. Higinbotham, Charles L.THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 377Hutchinson, H. H. Kohlsaat, Henry H.Getty, Ferdinand W. Peck, Clarence LPeck, Charles Counselman, E. Buckingham,Henry Botsford, Ernest A. Hamill, ByronL. Smith, Edwin G. Foreman, WilliamT. Baker, T. J. Lefens, John J. Mitchell,A. A. Sprague, O. S. A. Sprague, A. C.Bartlett, John R. Walsh, Henry A. Rust.This paper had been prepared and circulatedwithout the knowledge of President Harperand the secretary. It came to the President's knowledge a few days before theend, but only spurred him to more energeticeffort. And thus was this unprecedentedundertaking accomplished and the milliondollars raised In ninety days. This fundprovided the material expansion corresponding to the educational enlargement made possible by the Rockefeller endowments andthe Ogden designation.These steps in expansion were not successive and orderly steps. They came so fastthat they crowded upon and overlapped eachother. They were all taken within twenty-one months. In that brief space of time,and before the doors were opened for students, the college with seventeen acres as asite, $1,000,000, and provision for onebuilding, had developed into the Universityof Chicago with an enlarged and muchimproved site, $4,000,000, and provision forten buildings, with a faculty of one hundredand twenty teachers and with an Academy,a College, two Graduate Schools, and aDivinity School.(To he continued)•'•rfSv^l^Sidney A. Kent's donation of the Chemical Laboratory that bears his namebegan a movement among the citizens of Chicago to produce a large fundfor buildings to house the new University.A Rhyme For RushBy Edwin Herbert Lewis, Ph.D. '94(Dr. Lewis wrote this poem for the recent Reunion of Rush Alumni, and read itbefore that body at its annual dinner.)1Earth, they say, is a sky, too starry for eyes to explore.Denser with stars than the midnight, from rim to the crystalline core.Not the intense radiations that keep stellar hydrogen thin.But radiance massed into metal, the force of the lightning shut in.Infinitesimal planets, immune to the lightning that kills.Spinning so fast that they seem and they arc the immutable hills.It is exquisite ultimate order, electric, ethereal, sane.And why should it fashion the eye of a man to behold it as pain?2But on the uttermost curve is a mist of impassioned escape.Life, that is thin on the earth as the powdery bloom on a grape.Life, that releases the lightning, life unaware of its plan.Flashing in fangs of a cobra, crashing in crimes of a man ;Life, with its lightning of sperm and of spindle and quick chromosome.And life that ravens invisible, mellowing life into loam ;Life that leaps up from the planet, a fountain, an ebb and a flow.Till it learns to lift the calcium and let it fall like snow.3O planet impearled with bones, and misty with failing breath.And etched with graveyard traceries, and damascened with death.Red with the rust of the eaten iron, and eaten and gnawed away.How could a living man escape the teeth of yesterday?Up through the hungers comes he, sprung from a single cell.Precarious as a petal, proud as a citadel.In love with gentle pity, impelled to pitiless war.He is a constellation of which he knows no star.4Where the ebb-tide leaves him fishes, or where the silva bringsLargess of fruit to his fingers, or up by the mountain springs.Fiercely he swarms and possesses. His young may flatten to earth,But the survivor breeds again, with rhythm of riot and mirth.He spreads like shimmering oil. He feeds as the panther feeds.Over the smooth savanna he courses the thing that bleeds.He fingers the tips of the grasses, and lingers to gather the grain,And pitching his camp for a century, he peoples the opulent plain.5He wears a halo of life and death, invisible berries and rods.Friendlier far than his family, deadlier far than his gods.He wears them as flowers. He exults. He breathes the poisonous bloom.The innocent inquilin malice, the source of his children's doom.It cannot harm the survivor, resistant, reserved for the dart.Only the flint of his fellow can open the tides of his heart.At last he goes to thicken the loam, a mist again, and dim,Granting the pallid little rods the right to shepherd him.378A RHYME FOR RUSH 3796But few survive. Few mortal men have faded scar by scar,Or lasted like a winter night and faded star by star.Most of the bones are little. The atmosphere is breath,Made of the faint word "Mother," whispered in vain in death.Made of the moans of mothers, made of rebellious cries.Silenced at last into summer, merged in the summer that sighs.God did not stop the dying, God did not raise the dead,But mothers trust because they must, and some were comforted.7Not so the man. What attacked him he fought with impetuous brain.Reckoned with devils that racked him, plotted the end of his pain ;Swallowed the toad that should end it, gashed him to end it with scars.And when no torture could mend it, flashed to the magic of stars.Hematist dreaming oracular dreams, sent him to cure his disease,Pneumatist dreaming that arteries were filled with ethereal breeze.Ah, vanity beyond laughter! Ah, starry and sterile pretense!No planet stayed the hemorrhage, no star the pestilence.8At last the heavy centuries declined the stubborn glanceFrom empyrean pageantry to meanest circumstance.From Venus unto vermin, and yet no loss of heaven.They found the amaranth in weeds, the asphodel in leaven.They found in myrrh and myrtle some dear delay of doom.In poppies plenitude of peace, heaven in a little room.Say, muse of memory, who resigned the portent and the spell,To bend the proud pathetic eye from star to starry cell.9Hippocrates, reading the body with critical clinical care;Galen, who found in the arteries something far richer than air;Harvey, revealer of rhythm, the pulsing of azure and red.At every beat the blue dying and the quickening of the dead ;Malpighi, who found where they join, in thoroughfares little and dim,Where the erythrocyte faints and fails till the oxygen kisses him ;Sydenham, scorned by his colleagues for giving great nature a chance ;Boerhaave beside the bed, teaching his own vigilance ;lOAuenbrugger, alert to the resonant sound and the dense ;Laennec, listening intently to rhythms rendered intense;Jenner, retriever of roses, when roses faded too soon.And half of the race were pitted, like the pitted face of the moon :•Rush, the humane educator, with militant courage aglow;Morton, easing the anguish with Lethe's compassionate flow ;Virchow, reaching the unit cell, that suffers and yet withstands ;Holmes, who saved our mothers by the cleansing of operant hands ;IIPasteur, who sorted the crystals that answering faces bear.Till he found the host of the hateful in the criminal crystalline air ;Koch, with his gelatin islands where death and deliverance grow;Lister, giving us back our dead with only a scar to show;Ehrlich, matching his mind with the passion of men defiled.Till he saved the immaculate mother and the exquisite unborn child ;LoefBer and Kitazato and Behring, melting the deathThat strangled our little children and giving them back their breath.38o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE12The muse of memory fails. Too many the names to bless.The names of the great physicians God gave us in our distress.Gave them to us to die for us, scourged by the unseen rod,As Reed and Ricketts died for us, and that right merry in God.Into the tomb they went, with vermin but not with doubt,And lightly swung the massy door to keep their brothers out.Oh, holy high humility! Oh, Christlike cleansing flame!For up the foulest path of all the healing angel came.13Mortal is man, and Cassandra warns him in vain of his fate.He will end like his arrogant fathers, acid and etiolate.When Esculapius raised the dead, Zeus had enough of the leech.And struck him down with the lightning, the stuff of precipitant speech.Precipitant ever is man, sudden and surging and rash,Devising new triumphs of trauma, new wings to crumple and crash.You salvage a million infants, for what? For the infantry,To redden the flowers of Flanders, or fade in the foam of the sea.14You can cancel a proliferation, and cut it again and again.But can you loosen the grip on the heart, and the anguish of Heberden?You have lessened the fever that wasted great Bichat and great Laennec,But the cancer that wasted great Haller is not so easy to check.You deal with the human body, but where does the body end ?It is fashioned of pencils of starlight, and these forever extend.Can you dissever the eye from the light that enters the brain.Or sever our animal pattern from heaven's electrical grain?15But enough of Cassandra. Come, lads, let us dare the derision, and praiseThese whom you love as your masters, these who have lengthened our days.Come, my laureate lassies and lads, reckoned physicians tonight,And sing the glory of heroes who girded you for the fight:Billings, who builds for the ages a school and a clinic in one ;Herrick, whose balance and measure and judgment are clear as the sun ;Hektoen, the master of cellular man, and inspirer of men;Bevan and Phemister, heirs to the fingers of Fenger and Senn ;16Wells, in the dawn where he watches, with sensiti\e sentinel eye.Where a single atom of iron can redden the protein sky;Woodyatt, who husbands the honey stored up by the cellular bees ;Irons, who finds the hid focus of diffused and defiant disease;Jordan, \\ho numbers the viewless invaders with \ision exact ;Carlson, who fathoms the hunger by hunger for nothing but fact ;Le Count, the tracker of trauma; Slaymaker, dear to his men;And the Lovers, who rout the red fe\ er and gi\ c us our darlings again.17In our hearts we treasure them all, lads, these and the names of the rest,Names that are golden to us the beholden whose lives the>- have blest.And all of them long for your youth. They fain would linger and lastTill you focus the light of the ages on the blight that baflled the past.Lift up your hearts, young physicians! Lift them with grateful breath!Lift up \our hearts and war \\ith time against untimely death!c i;!)e ^nibersitp of Cfjicago ilapjine |Editor and Business Manager, Allen Heald^ '26Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D. B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '33; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association — ¦Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.ere:^CTs &^ coMMe:h(Tspirit: ANew KindCHARLEY McTINCUP, who gothis degree at Chicago back in Ought-Nought, sometimes mystifies his friendsfrom other colleges. He seldom makes much noise orwaxes very eloquent, in thepraise of his Alma Mater."No college spirit at all," says Charley'spartner, a loudly loyal graduate of Bingle-thorpe.Charley's friends are more amazed thanever. They have just learned of a curiousAlumni Reunion at Charley's Alma Mater— a Reunion which consisted not merely ofback-slapping and general Cain-raising, butalso of a thoughtful lecture, a conferencewith the University's executives, and a dozen gatherings in Faculty headquarters todiscuss the program of research and teaching. These more serious features of theReunion, it appears, were especially popularwith Charley and his fellow-alumni. "Anodd crowd," says Charley's partner.A A «IN AN article entitled The Revolt of aMiddle-Aged Father, appearing in TheAtlantic Monthly for May, Dr. I. M.Rubinow, economist, statistician.Can We author, the holder of three degrees.Afford and the father of three childrenCollege? now in college, recommends aradical change in our method ofhigher education. He condemns the presentfour-year college course as involving needless expense to society, and giving in returnvery little of general education and culture.The cost to the student's parents. Dr. Rubinow points out, is about $1500 a year;and this must come out of a parental incomeseldom higher than $6000 a year. Thecost to society of educating of the 600,000American college students includes boththe parents' outlay and the expendituresof the colleges over and above receipts fromtuition: a total of nearly $2,000,000,000.To this cost Dr. Rubinow adds the losscaused by the enforced idleness (as far aseconomic productivity is concerned) of 600,-000 young men and women for four years.He compares this loss to the drain upon theresources of European nations through themaintenance of standing armies.What, Dr. Rubinow asks, does thecountry, the paying father, or the studentget in return? The degree of A. B., theone thing the student obviously gets, "maymean nothing at all beyond some formalcompliance with the minimum (quantitative) requirements and some luck and dexterity at the final examinations." Underthe elective system many a scrambled schedule of unrelated courses passes muster andwins a diploma. "No unified plan for arounded-out general educational program"has been created. "The idea that anythingapproaching a general education can becrammed down in four years of college,certified by an A. B., and enjoyed everafter without further effort, is the greatestimpediment to the growth of American culture." But granting that the chance combination of incongruous courses may lay thefoundation for culture, "Why, even then,"he asks, "is the cumbersome, complicated,and expensive machinery of a modern col-381382 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElege necessary? Why is it necessary to forcethe partaking of this mental pabulum into aperiod of four years? Why does this educational process call for four years of so-calledcollege life?""Books, lecture courses, libraries, are, orought to be suflScient. The more the processis diluted, the more enjoyable and profitablewill it be. The study of literature, art,history or politics should come in small dosesas a relief from the humdrum duties of making a living or learning a profession or atrade." This is the gist of Dr. Rubinow'sremedy. He points out experiments tendingto show that education should not be parasitic; that it requires some leisure, i. e.,reasonable restriction of the hours of labor;but that it does not need the artificial encouragement of academic paraphernalia.He recommends that we abolish the bachelor's degree, and with it our "veneration foridleness masquerading as intellectual leisure ;" and that working men and womenof all ages become part-time students.Dr. Rubinow is unfair in some of hisgeneralizations about the present-day college. The serious, intelligent student — andmost students are intelligent and serious— ^does not often choose the "mechanicalagglomeration" of courses that Dr. Rubinow cites as a typical program of study.Such a student uses considerable care toselect subjects that interest him and thatseem significant to him. He often likes asubject well enough to take advanced workin it.College men and women have much sparetime, as Dr. Rubinow says, for "amateurdramatics, amateur journalism, amateurpolitics, clubs, fraternities, social life, andat least the normal amount of amateur andserious love-making." They have time, also,for amateur disputations in philosophy.These adventures make college life richer;and many of them help to make collegetraining effective.An intelligently conducted college, including in its course of training all thesestudies and activities in their just proportions, helps the intelligent student materiallytoward that "understanding of the ego'srelationship to the universe, the earth, the human race, society, and himself," whichDr. Rubinow prescribes as essential to culture.The student can not pursue such a planof study, and achieve such a result, withoutconsiderable leisure, considerable economicidleness. He must have time to think overthe things he reads, to wonder about theproblems that his books and lectures suggest,and to discuss these questions with his comrades. His mind must be free from heavyresponsibility. If he were beginning hiscareer in business, or studying a profession,modern competition would demand mostof his interest and energy. He would beeither a failure in his vocation or (muchmore than he is today) a dilettante in hisstudies.He requires an expensive equipment. Heneeds books, — whole libraries of them, —laboratory equipment, classrooms, reading-rooms, and comfortable living quarters.He needs professors, whose talents theworld is beginning to recognize as beingworth mone)'. He does not, of course, needa roadster, or a luxurious fraternit3--house,or unreasonably expensive clothes; insofaras his money goes for these things, educationis wasteful. But such expenditures are byno means the rule at most colleges.The cost, though enormous, is largelynecessary to the present result. The presentresult is a valuable training, tending towardricher and better-disciplined lives. Whether the result is worth the cost, is a questionthat neither an economist nor a sociologist,neither an educator nor a business man, candecide alone.Nevertheless, we can do certain specificthings.We can eliminate any parts of the costthat seem needless, and seize any opportunity to get more for our money. In performing this duty, we can profit by several ofDr. Rubinow's suggestions.A certain number of students fail to gainanything worth \\-hile from their work atcollege. Some of them do not belong atcollege; they are fitted only for the trades,or the army, or landscape painting. Everypossible means should be used to excludethem from college. The examiners mustEVENTS AND COMMENT 3?3judge applicants with keen discretion. Thosemanifestly unadapted to college must bediscouraged from applying. Dr. Rubinow'saim — to abolish the false value of the bachelor's degree — would serve this purpose substantially. Let the public know a collegeeducation for what it is — not a magicprocess that makes the black-robed candidatesuperior to his fellows, but a certain training which helps a certain sort of student tounderstand better what life means and whathe ought to do about it. Thus disillusioned,fewer ill-adapted boys and girls will applyfor admission ; and those who are fitted forcollege training will enter with their eyesopen. We might well simplify the ritualconnected with the award of degrees, if wecould thus make more clear to the worldthe meaning of those degrees.Some of the students who now fail toget their money's worth — or society'smoney's worth — from college, need thecareful guidance of deans and instructors.Dean Boucher's article in our last issuediscusses this problem and describes a promising plan for its solution. Honors courses,the subject of an article appearing thismonth by Professor Robert J. Bonner, willadd a training in independent thought thatmany students need.The college term may delay the student'sentrance into business or a professionalschool needlessly. It seems likely that acareful reorganization of both college andhigh-school curricula would enable the student to get the same amount of culture andgeneral training in a somewhat shorter period. Such a study is in progress at the University. The Faculties of the Colleges ofArts, Literature, and Science have appointeda committee, with Dean Boucher as chairman, "to study the question of the adjustment of high school and college curriculawith a view to shortening the period ofpreparation for business or professionalwork and bringing students into contactwith research at an earlier period." Thecommittee is now at work. It hopes to develop a plan whereby the better student canget his bachelor's degree from one to threequarters earlier. Not every college man, ofcourse, decides on a vocation before gradua tion day; but in most cases he could decideearlier, if necessary, and just as intelligently.Time, an important part of the price of college education, should be spent sparingly;and enforced idleness should be minimized.Part-time education could extend someof the benefits of college training, at comparatively little extra cost to society, tomany who can not afford four years of college life. Even those who have attendedcollege could enrich their later lives by continued study in their spare time. Convincing experiments — those cited by Dr. Rubinow, for example, or those commenced byPresident Harper and still continued in theHome-Study Department, the public lectures, and University College — show thatsuch extension is practicable. The task isnot easy. College courses would fail tointerest many whose attention is absorbedin business, the trades, or the professions.The movies and the World Series are formidable competition. The universities mustoffer genuine news to their part-time students. They must present the most interesting, up-to-date, and significant resultsof their scholarship. They must present itin the most attractive form, and the formmost convenient for their public. Lectureslike those now being given by authoritiesfrom the University at the Art Institute,conferences between business and professional men and investigators in kindred fieldsat the Universities, and popular magazinesof scholarly news are needed, if part-timestudy is to help the culture of the nation.Whether America can afford to send600,000 of its youth to college, is a questionthat the economists, the sociologists, andthe philosophers may argue at their leisure.Meanwhile, the 600,000 are there, and thecolleges are teaching them many things thatwill help them to live and to work. Thecolleges are giving society a considerablereturn for its investment. By carrying outcertain improvements suggested by Dr.Rubinow's article — by attracting promisingstudents and discouraging unpromising ones,by planning the student's use of his timemore carefully, and by giving part-time students the best of instruction — they can increase the return.ALUMNICole and Schmitt AddressNew YorkersIN behalf of the New York AlumniClub I wish to thank you for securingMr. Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor of Anthropology and Mr. Bernadotte Schmitt, Professor of History, to address our outingpicnic group at the country estate of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Reat Caraway at Carmel,New York.Some thirty-four alumnae and alumniattended the outing on Saturday, June 4.After a picnic lunch, a hard-fought contestof horse-shoe pitching resulted in Bill Mc-Dermid and Ole Murdock \\'inning fromErnie Quantrell and Harry Cara\\ay bythe close score of 21 to 20. Further gameswere called off on account of rain.After adjourning to a large sun parlor,we were addressed by Professors Schmittand Cole on recent developments at theUniversity. They also told us in a mostinteresting fashion something about theirown work. We enjoyed reviewing ourcontact with the University in this personalwav. We were delighted to meet Messrs.Cole and Schmitt.If you can supply us with members of thefaculty in the future as you have in thepast, we will be able to keep up a closepersonal contact with our Alma Mater.Most sincerely,James Olh'er MaRoocK,Sccrct/iryX ^ f..DeAX FlLBIiV AT AVlC'HITAWE had a \er\- enj(i\able meeting ofour Club xvith Mr. and i\Irs. Filbeyas our guests. We made full use of th?Chicago song sheets. Dean Filb?y said weseemed to be the only Club that could sinu,so far as his travels revealed. There ar-more than on? hundred Uni\'ersity pc-npleresident here. A F F A I R SAfter dinner Mr. Filbey addressed theClub for an hour, and "we were not readyfor him to quit. He gave a remarkablyfine discussion of the LTniversity's development and program. Such talks keep theAlumni informed and greatly increase theirinterest in the University.A. F. Styles, PresidentT Ames Alumxi OrganizeHE Alumni Club of Ames, Iowa, hasorganized formally, adopted a constitution, and elected the following officers:Dr. Cornelius Gouwens, '24, President.Rev. R. B. Davidson, '97, Vice President.Marian E. Daniells, 'o'j. Secretary-treasurer.These members, together with Aliss DoraTompkins and Miss Ruth Bozell, will serveas e.xecutive committee.& & i.Election Returns from MemphisTHE Memphis Alumni Club has electedthe following ofliicers:C. Arthur Bruce, '06, J. D. '08, President.dent.Auvergne Williams, '11. Vice President.Aliss Dorothy Sohn Metz, '24, Secretary-treasurer.» » »A New Chicago SoxgI HAD hoped to be at the Reunion. Thiswould ha\e been my thirtieth anniversary. Mosser, Billy Bond, Gilbert Bliss,Brent \'^aughan, Oswald .Arnold, etc.,could handle it all right : but 1 am sorry notto be there.1 enclose my contribution.^Ve have used my "Of all the schools ase'er you knoA\-" etc., written in 1922, inour Alumni meetings here.'"I'ours faithfully,Waldo Prkstox Brekden, '973S4ALUMNI AFFAIRS 385Mr. Breeden's contribution follows:Dedicated to the Class of '97. JVrittenfor the 1927 Reunion. Tune of "Taxi."IChicago, Chicago, Your light is always shining;Chicago, Chicago, A mother to us all ;Chicago, Chicago, Your love our hearts entwining ;Chicago, Chicago, We answer when youcall.ChorusChicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo ;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo ;We are out for fun. We will get that run ;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo ;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo;If you want to see us when we're goingstrong.You will have to bring your telescope along.IIChicago, Chicago, Your ranks are evergrowing ;Chicago, Chicago, You love us small andgreat ;Chicago, Chicago, Our hearts are overflowing;Chicago, Chicago, To you is joined our late.ChorusChicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo;Now it's time to cheer, — That goal lineis near;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo;Chicago, Chicago, Chicagogogogo;Once we were a shed, a field and a "dorm,"But now we have taken everyone by storm.•^ » ^Rush Graduates at the South¦ Dakota State MedicalAssociation MeetingAT NOON of the first day of the forty-l\. sixth annual meeting of the South Dakota State Medical Association held atHuron, May 4 and 5, forty-two of theRush Alumni practicing in South Dakotasat down to a fine lunch at the Parish House.Our Faculty guest was our well belovedProfessor John M. Dodson, '82. After our repast Dr. Dodson told ussomething of the history of Rush in recentyears, of the affiliation and the final taking-over of Rush by the University of Chicago.Pictures were shown of the new Medicalbuildings now about complete on the Alid-way.He told also of Dr. DeLee and his Obstetric Hospital to be added to the westernend of the long, imposing frontage of theUniversity on the Midway, and of therecent announcement of the Children's Hospital to be added to this.Letters were read from Drs. N. P. Colwell, '00, president of the Rush AlumniAssociation, and Dean E. E. Irons, '03.The oldest class represented was that of'82.Dr. J. K. Kutnewsky of Redfield, a classmate of Dr. Dodson, made a few remarks.On the program of the State meet werefour Rush men : Drs. J. C. Ohlmacher ofVermillion, A. L. Sever of Webster, D. M.Berkman of Rochester, Minnesota, and Dr.Dodson of Chicago. Of the list ol officerstwelve are Rush men, led by Dr. L. ,\.Grosvenor, '02, who is Second Vice-President for the coming year.The following Rush grads were presentfor the Lunch and the meeting: John ]\I.Dodson, '82, Chicago; J. K. Kutnewsky,'82, Redfield; F. H. Staley, '86. Vienna;F. M. Grain, '91, Redfield; O. R. Wright,'93, Huron; A. A. Wipf, 94, Freeman;Chas. Flett, '95, Milbank; F. W. Frey-berg, '95, Aberdeen; C. L. ^Vendt, '95,Canton; J. J. Ahern, '97, Oldham; J.O. Duguid, '97, Springfield; A. J. Moe,'97, Sioux Falls; T. J. Wood, '97, Huron;F. L. Class, '99, Huron; A. S. Rider,'00, Flandreau; J. C. Ohlmacher, '01,Vermillion; G. W. Potter, '01, Red-field; W. R. Ball, '02, Mitchell; F. E.Clough, '02, Lead ; L. N. Grosvenor, '02,Huron; D. S. Kalayjian, '02, Parker; C. E.McCauley, '02, Aberdeen ; J. E. Schwen-dener, '02, Bryant; A. A. Heineman, Ex-'02, Wasta; J. F. Adams, '06. Aberdeen;W. S. Chapman, '06, Redfield; O. A. Kim-{Continued at foot of next page.)Motion Pictures in the Michelson-Morley ExperimentMOTION pictures that will constitutea permanent and unbiased record willbe taken of the "interference fringes" inthe repetition of the Michelson-Morley experiment now under way at the Universityunder the direction of Professor Albert A.Michelson, head of the Department of Physics. The experiment is of great interestto scientists because it will either confirmor cast serious doubts on the famous theoryof relativity.Professor Michelson will soon be readyto make observations, as the apparatus isnow being put in place. His intention tomake moving pictures of the fringes is notfor the purpose of enabling greater accuracy of observation, but to make apermanent record which interested physicistscan study.Another experiment of the same sort isbeing carried on in a slightly different wayat Alount Wilson Observatory, California,under Professor Michelson's direction andwith his apparatus.The principle involved in the experimentis the problem of measuring the speed ofthe earth and with it the whole solar systemthrough space. If the experiment showsthat there is a difference in the speed oflight in the direction of the motion of thesolar system and light moving at right angles to this solar s\stem motion, the Einsteintheorv will be practically impossible to substantiate.t^ « »A Comprehensive History of ChicagoA COMPREHENSIVE and completehistory of Chicago is to be the University's contribution to the centennialprogram of I933. according to a recentannouncement by the Local CommunityResearch Committee, of which Professor Charles E. Merriam is acting chairman.The history, in several volumes, will tellthe story of Chicago from its founding in1833, covering every phase of its political,social, religious, economic, intellectual, andcultural growth, including the contributionsof racial groups, and biographical sketchesof leaders in every phase of life.The history will be written on the cooperative plan, with men of national reputation, who have already studied the cityin many of its aspects, directing the workand contributing to it. Among these willbe Professor Merriam, chairman of theDepartment of Political Science and anauthority on city government, who haspublished a volume on The Municipal Revenues of Chicago; Professor Marcus W.Jernegan, of the Department of History,a specialist in the period of early colonialhistory; Professor Chester W. Wright, ofthe Department of Economics, an authority in industrial history; and Professor William E. Dodd, author of numerous volumeson American history.Rush Graduates at MedicalASSOCI.ATION Meetixg(Continued from preceding page.)ble, '08, Murdo; G. J. Long, "09, Ramona;J. F. McKie, '10, Wessington; A. A. Mc-Laurin, '11, Pierre; E. M. Young, '12,Mitchell; G. V. Jamieson, '13, DeSmet ;J. R. Westaby, '13, Madison; C. G. Lund-quist, '18, Leola; G. W. Mills, '18, Wall;E. A. Pittenger, "19, Aberdeen ; A. Severide,'19, Webster; B. H. Unruh, '19, Emery;J. L. Calene, '20, Aberdeen ; D. R. Jones,'20, Waubay ; W. J. Matousek, '20, Gregory ; R. A. Buchanan, Ex., '20, Wessington;F. H. Cooley, "24, Redfield.Yours sincerely,L. N. Grosvenor. '02,Huron, South Dakota386NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESHie Daily Maroon has published agreat deal of news in the last month or so.Its columns have recounted grave happenings in the world that begins in front ofCobb Hall and ends at Fraternity Row.That larger world, whose boundaries areLaSalle Street and the Illinois CentralStation, may find news in some of thesecolumns.» » AMORE than two dozen men and womenwell known in the affairs of the country and of the world contributed theirviews on college life in one phase or another,to a Celebrities Number of The DailyMaroon. This issue, a striking exampleof expert college journalism, included articles by Ellis Parker Butler, Zona Gale,Cecil B. DeMille, Clarence Darrow, EdgarRice Burroughs, Frank R. Adams, FrankSwinnerton, Oswald Garrison Villard, Dr.Frank Crane, Bebe Daniels, William AllenWhite, and Percy Marks.In general, these authorities characterized college as a healthy place and thecollege student as a normal person.Walter G. Williamson, Managing Editor, and Milton H. Kreines, Business Manager, have maintained a uniformly highstandard for The Maroon throughout theyear.A & &THE usual spring election headlineshave announced who will rule nextyear's undergraduate republic. John McDonough, basketball captain and memberof Delta Kappa Epsilon, will be HeadCollege Marshal. Arnold Johnson, manager of intramural sports and member ofKappa Sigma, will be President of theUndergraduate Council. Derwood Lock-ard, member of Beta Theta Pi, will beAbbot of Blackfriars. Al Widdifield, member of Sigma Nu, will be Managing Editor of The Daily Maroon. Other seniors,their merits established by election or appointment, will hold other positions of note.» A ATHE Faculties are finding better waysof educating the college student. Theyare giving him an opportunity to select hiscourses more wisely, and to study moreindependently. Several extracts from theeditorial column of the Maroon, ably conducted during the past year by John P.Howe, '27, show very clearly what theFaculties are doing and how the studentfeels about it.Reforming the CollegesTHE UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION, and Dean Boucher inparticular, has come to a series of decisionsabout the undergraduate curriculum whichaugur well for the future of the Universityand for the welfare of its students. Thereformation of the colleges into a more effective educational opportunity has beenunder consideration by a faculty committeefor over a year. The results of its workshow that the committee has been composedof men who are essentially practical intheir approach to the problem, who areaware of what the latest and the best educational practice is, who are careful and far-sighted organizers and who are courageousenough to lead the field in putting theirconvictions into operation.The plan itself is distinctly an expressionof the spirit which characterizes the University of Chicago. It is an attempt toinfuse into the undergraduate schools theoriginal, self-accelerating, adventuring spiritof the graduate schools.Freshmen who matriculate next fall willhave the advantage of a really effectivehalf-hour consultation with their deans.By means of an expanded, survey course387388 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsystem the\- will be enabled to get a broadview of the whole field of human knowledge. They will be taught by the best menin the University. During their first twoyears they will get an orientation and abackground in as many departments asthey choose to survey. Then, in order thatthey will not be completely diffused, knowing a little of everything and not muchabout anything, they will be required todeclare themselves members of some department in the same sense that graduatestudents are members of some department.They will be encouraged to take the reinsinto their own hands.The Daily Maroon is convinced that thecommittee has reasoned soundly.GymnasiumDEAN BOUCHER, speaking at theIntramural banquet, deplored theineffectiveness of the required gymnasiumwork, and advocated a complete abandonment of the present system, with an extension of Intramural work as a substitute.Anvone who has had to plug throughthe six quarters of required work, and ^\•hoknows that appearance in gymnasium togsabout twice a week for the roll call is themaximum accomplishment of the classes forabout half the members will s\mpathizewith Dean Boucher's attitude. The smartmen in each class usually hit upon some oneof the man\' means of evading the requirement. Those who are cornered into registering by a threat from the dean's officego through whh business in a perfunctoryfashion.The gvmnasium requirements could beverv well dispensed with, except for thosewho are physicall\' defecti\e, in favor ofvoluntary participation in the constantlydeveloping Intramural Department. Thisis what a liberal university should do —interest its students, not force them.RequiescatIN ACCORDANCE with a nation-\\ide sentiment, and as a result of avear of in\'estigation into the effectivenessof the present plan, compulsory chapel hasbeen abolished by the administration. The news will be received by many as a longoverdue recognition of the principle thatthe chapel idea should stand on its ownmetaphorical feet, that it will live if it hasa deep-seated appeal and that it will andshould die if it has no interest or satisfactionfor the student body.The Board of Trustees has recommendedthat the noon services in Bond Chapel bethrown open to any members of the studentbody who desire to attend. Such voluntaryattendance will probably be slight. Forclass purposes, Mandel Hall will be available throughout the week.The Minor Sequence GoesBOLITION of the minor sequence^supports the indication that the University's educational program is broadeningin pace with the extensive building programthat has been developed on this campusw ithin the last few years.The decision helps to effect a liberaleducational plan, that has been in the mindsof the educators at this L'niversity forseveral years and which is being fatheredby President Max Mason and his remarkable committee on education.The plan eliminates the necessity ofselecting two wholly unrelated sequences asan emergency measure in order to utilize afew credits already gleaned in earlier years.Coming as it does, upon the heels of thechange in registration and the abolition ofcompulsory chapel, it makes clear the policyof the University and is encouraging totliose undergraduates who prefer an intelligent plan of education to a factory-madecatalogue of courses. at a time v:\\en se\eralscore of Universities and colleges thruouttlie country are passing thru heated arguments on the part of the students, andnarrow-minded actions or re-actions on thepart of the school, it is intensely gratifyingto see and be one of the benefiters of acomparati\ely drastic action which removesan institution ob\iously unwanted by thestudent body but against which the studentbnd\- hadn't raised a childish outcry. Itbespeaks an understanding and intelligentattitude.By Robert Stern, '29AS THE school year neared its end, Chi-Lcago's athletes as one man seemed todraw their belts a notch tighter; and bothof the teams still in the field sailed intotheir schedules with a victory-winning vigor.Coach Fritz Crisler's baseball team, aftera whole season of surprising changes ofpace, suddenly hit into its proper stridetowards the end of its schedule and wonfour out of five games played in the lastthree weeks of competition. Northwesternand Wisconsin, together with Waseda University, of Japan, were the teams whichtasted the proverbially bitter defeat at thehands of the Alaroons, though Waseda relieved her supporters a bit by handing theMaroons their one defeat of the last threeweeks.The series of games with the invadingWaseda team brought out the interest ofthe whole school. The three-game tourneywith the tiny team from the far east was apart of the international athletic agreementinto which Chicago and Waseda, one ofthe most modern of the Japanese universities, entered some years ago. The agreement stipulated that every five years shouldsee a revival of the baseball competitionbetween the two universities. Last yearmarked the end of a five-year period and theMaroon team, led by Nels Norgen, traveledto Japan and won seventeen out of thetwenty-two games played with Japan's bestteams. This year the Wasedans returnedthe tour and were the guests of the University of Chicago during their trip throughthe United States.Crisler's men, with Macklind pitchingfine ball, won the first of the games fromthe visitors by an 8-to-5 score after an orgyof slugging. Captain Bo McConnel, ChuckHoerger and Macklind all liked the hurling of Haguranimi, the Japanese mound ace, so well that they pounded three of hisoffers out into the field for home runs.The rest of the home team contented themselves with a number of paltry triples anddoubles.Just about at that time, though, severalof the alumni baseball stars turned up withthe avowed intention of taking the youngsters down a few pegs. Nine of them,led by Pat Page, Tony Hinkle, and FritzCrisler, actually did get out on the field,and much to the astonishment ol everyone,including themselves, succeeded in submerging the varsity team. Page was themain factor in the tripping up of theundergrads.The track team finished up its season ingood shape, showing well in the WesternConference Meet at Madison and at theNational Intercollegiate Meet held inGrant Park.Two first places in the Conference anda tie for a first in the National meet werethe best performances of the Old Man'steam. Captain Anton Burg took his usualfirst in the high jump at the Big Ten meetwith his usual ease, and when the Intercollegiate came around the next week hewent out to repeat but had to be contentwith a tie with Shepherd of Texas for firsthonors. Both cleared the bar at 6 feet 5^4inches. At the conference meet, Buck Olwin, he of the perfect physique, pulled oneof the biggest upsets of the day and camethrough to win the discus throw over astellar field. Buck pitched the plattersome inches over 137 feet. Virgil Gist,stellar sophomore, gave indications of developing championship ability in the distanceruns when he placed third in the 880-yardrun at both the Conference and the Intercollegiate meets. In the national affairGist ran one of the prettiest races of theday, doing about i :55 to win his third place.389OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBS."^MES, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Lyman E. Lehrberger, 15 Euston St.,Brookline, Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ISt St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnas Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago .Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,18S5 E. 7Sth St.CoLUMDUs, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club), Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, X. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 M.Tyfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Sue HamiltonYeaton, 3340 N. Meridian St.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kala.mazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel. Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. State Department of Health.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahlswede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kan. Sec, Mrs. Daniel E.Lynch, 1528 Prairie St.Memphis, Tenn, Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis, Sec, Harold C, Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn, iTwinCities Club), Sec, .Mrs. Dorothy .AugurSiverling, 2910 James .Ave. So., .Minneapolis,Montana, Sec, Dr, L, G, Dunlap, .Anaconda,Mount Pleasant, Mich, Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.MusKEcnx, .Mich, Sec, Mrs, MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, NIrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N, V. (.\lumni Club), Sec,J, O, Murdock, c/o U, S, District .Atty,,Post Office Bldg,, New York City,New York .Mumnte Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont .A\e., NewYork City,O.MAHA (Nebraska Club), Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School,Peoria. III. Sec, .Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush,3 90Officers of The Universitv of Chicaeo Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wakefield, 1419 — 31st Ave., S.E.Rapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City', Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Hanson, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve,'00, Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman,4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54thPI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. LaSalle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Topeka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la.. Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona, Pres,, J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, 3000 Connecticut Ave.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuyler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. Augustin S, Alonzo, Univ.of the P. I.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu,20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.'12 Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13- James A. Donovan, 400 N. MichiganAvenue.'14. John B. Perlee, 232 S. Clark St,'15- Mrs, Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17- Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. Madison'18. Mrs. Barbara Miller Simpson, 5842Stony Island Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23- Egil Krogh (Treas.), 1116 E. 54thPlace.'24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'2=,. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.'26 Jeannette M. Hayward, 201 S, StoneAve., LaGrange, III.CLASS SECRETARIES391NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCLATIONSCollege Alumni'89 — Fred P. Haggard is Director of theDepartment of Promotion at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota. He also editsThe Carleton Circle, the Carleton alumnimagazine.'02 — Herbert E. Fleming is Vice-President and General Manager of The Con-over Company, 1436 Marquette Building,140 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago.'08 — George H. Hunt heads his ownsales company with offices at 2-244 GeneralMotors Building, Detroit, Michigan.'11— MoUie Ray Carroll, A.iM. '15, Ph.D. '20, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Sociology atGoucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, hasbeen granted a John Simon GuggenheimMemorial Fello-wship for a study of thepresent-day system of unemployment insurance in Germany.'14 — Herbert L. Lawrence, e.x, is Director of Religious Education of the Episcopal Church for the Diocese of Marquette,Michigan, and Priest in Charge of theChurch of the Ascension, Ontonagon,Michigan, where he lives.'15 — Helen A. Carnes is Assistant to theManaging Director of the Taylor Society,29 \Vest 39th Street, New Vork City.'17 — Mrs. Louise B. Jordan, AssistantProfe-;sor of Home Economics at TexasState College for Women, Denton, Texas,is the author of Clothing: J'\indainentall-'rohleiiis, a text of about four hundredpages -with more than iwu hundred illustrations,'19 — James M. l'".\ans is Manager ofSales for the .Albert \V, Swayne Company,410 -\ . .Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'20 — Louis E. Kahn, ex, has recentlybeen elected Vice-President of the Parisian.Novelty Cnmpany located at 'l\\enty-sec-ond and LaSalle Streets, Chicago. '20 — Laura Wolcott Wildish is proprietor of The Little Women Shop, specializing in children's clothes, located at 271 1West 7th Street, Los Angeles, California.'22 — May L. Stewart is supervising student teaching at the Oshkosh State NormalSchool, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.'25 — Louisa L. Clark, who held a fellowship in History of Art at the Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, during the year1 926-1927, will be an assistant in the Department of Art next Autumn Quarter.'26 — Mrs. Caroline D. Wildrick is acritic teacher at Indiana University. Herhome address is 312 S. Grant Street, Bloomington, Indiana.AAARush Medical College'98 — William G. Willard, formerly of132 North Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park,Illinois, has retired from active medicalpractice. His new address is Benzonia,Michigan.'09 — Arrie Bamberger is practicing Surgery at 30 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'11 — Gatewood Gatewood and Lee C.Gatewood left early in April for a summerabroad.'13 — Ralph H. Kuhns has been requestedto deli\er a series of lectures this springbefore the Illinois Children's Home and .A.idSociety, on the subject of "Diseases of Children and Infant Feeding. "'16 — A\'alter J. Spencer, formerly of theWoodland Clinic, AVoodland, California,is no\\- located at Emigrant Gap, California.'18 — Sidne>- A. Portis recently returnedfrom a three months' tour of Europe. Hisaddress is 672!) Oglcsby .¦\\enue, Chicago.'19 — E. Eric Larson is specializing insurgery at the \\c)odland Clinic, ^^^)odland,California.'20 — Mary G. Schroeder, formerly owner of Winfield Farms Sanitarium, has392NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 3accepted the position of attending physicianat the Marquette Fresh Air Sanitarium,3741 West 66th Place, Chicago.'21 — Florence Ames has opened an office at 17 East Front Street, Monroe,Michigan, for the practice of medicine withspecial attention to children.'23 — James L. McCartney, formerly ofShanghai, China, has been appointed Government psychiatrist and is now located atSt. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D. C.'24 — Edward W. Griffey is an eye-ear-nose-and-throat specialist at the HoustonClinic, Houston, Texas.'24 — Carolyn N. Macdonald has locatedpermanently at 25 E. Washington Street,Chicago.'25 — Edward W. Griffey is an eye, ear,nose and throat specialist in the HoustonClinic, at Houston, Texas.'25 — C. O. Heimdal on April first begana fellowship in Surgery at the Mayo Clinic,Rochester, Minnesota.'25 — Wallace Partch started a medicalfellowship at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester,on April first.'26 — Clyde N. Baker, formerly at theLos Angles General Hospital will begin aninternship at St. Vincent's Hospital in NewYork City on June first.'26 — Stephen A. Parowski, formerly ofChicago, is now located at the United StatesNaval Hospital at Chelsea, Massachusettswhere he is a Lieutenant in the MedicalCorps of the Navy.Law SchoolDaddy Mechem in ActionTHE American Law Institute met inWashington, D.C. on May 12, 13, and14, 1927. Dean Hall and Professor Mechem attended, and on May 13 the latterhad the job of defending his re-statementof the law of agency.George M. Morris, J. D. '15, who isalleged to be practicing law or somethingsimilar at Washington, D. C, but whosetime is seldom entirely taken up by devotionto his profession, or whatever he calls it,took time off to attend the session at which I Am BusyTVTHY do you sayW that when a lifeinsurance agent calls onyou?It may be true, but¦why are you busy? Itis largely because youwish to make the futuresecure for yourself andyour family.But the John Hancockagent wishes to do thesame thing for you. Hedoes not come to add toyour troubles but to lessenthem. He has for hiscommodity the securityof your future.Perhaps the next JohnHancock agent who callson you can answer someof your problems. Hehas the training and dealsin policies to fit the needsof yourself and your business.Why Not See Him?^Fc Insurance Company^or Boston. MassachusettsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.394 THE UNIVERSITY OFProfessor Mechem appeared, and describesthe scene in a manner which every alumnuswill read with delight, as follows :"^'ou will remember that the Reporterreads the proposed restatement of the lawand then from the floor come the comments,criticisms and suggestions of the practicingmembers of the bar, teachers and others whopresumably are informed on the subject."There was 'Daddy' standing at the desk(under the aegis of George W. Wicker-sham) looking no older than he did whenI first saw him, and disposing of suggested¦criticisms and objections in just about asrapid fashion as he used to polish us off inAgency and Sales when we were in lawschool."His old phrase, 'Yes, yes, >'es, grantthat, grant all of that: A\'hat of it?' wasstill doing service, and on one occasion inthe face of a particularly violent outburstfrom the floor he raised his hands in mockdismay, saying, 'Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!'In reply to one particularly erudite harangue his comment was: 'Yes, I haveYOUCan Still SecureMany NewBOOKSAt Radically ReducedPRICESCatalog on RequestUniversity of ChicagoBookstore5802 ELLIS AVENUEMAIL ORDERS GIVENPROMPT ATTENTION CHICAGO MAGAZINEthought of all that; there is nothing in it.'"The resemblance to the Law School procedure was much greater than I thoughtpossible. The objector usually managedto last through the first exchange of ideasbut on the second he was either completelycollapsed, or so badly crippled that whenthe proceedings reached the 'rejoinder' and'sur-rejoinder' stage, the man on the floorwent down with a gasp, and 'Daddy' justas he used to do to us, fourteen and fifteenyears ago, turned his lance to meet the nextman on the list."It was all done with that charm, gra-ciousness and good humor, with an occasional flash of the old smile which provedagain why this man has won the affection ofthe hundreds of us who have sat under himand demonstrated what a glorious thingit is to be in the fullest sense a gentleman,a scholar and a lawyer."Charles F. McElroy.i.. ^ ^Doctors of PhilosophyFrance Honors Chicago Studentof BalzacETHEL PRESTON'S (Ph.D. '20)doctor's thesis entitled Balzac's Reappearing Characters has been translatedinto French and published by Les PressesFrancaises, 10 Bis Rue Chateaudun, Paris.It appeared in France on February 12,1927 under the title Recherches Sur LaTechnique De Balzac with a preface byMarcel Bouteron.Marcel Bouteron is the librarian of theInstitut de France and "conservateur" ofthe Lo\'enjoul Balzac collection at Chan-tilly. He is a leader in Balzacian studiesand the editor of the Cahiers Balzaciensand co-editor with M. Lognon of the Con-ard Edition of Balzac. Miss Preston metMarcel Bouteron through Helen Barnes,who like herself had been inspired andguided in her Balzacian studies by Professor Edwin Preston Dargan of the Uni-\ersit\' of Chicago. M. Bouteron ¦was soimpressed h\ Miss Barnes' master's thesison Les Chouans that he asked her collaboration on other Balzacian studies.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 395Miss Ethel Preston, Ph.D. '20, whosebook on Balzac's characters has beenwelcomed by French readers. (Photograph by the Reick Studio, Evanston,Illinois.)THEAlbert Teachers* Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECOND year.University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestionably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and efifective. Our clients stay with u.s — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEWYORK., DENVER AND SPOKANE It was M. Bouteron's enthusiasm forMiss Preston's work on the ReappearingCharacters which lead to its translation andpublication in France.On February i, 1927, Emile Henriot inle Temps of Paris paid special tribute tothe interest shown by American Scholars inFrench authors, and devoted a column anda half to a careful analysis of this contribution of the University of Chicago to theliterature of Balzac.AAAIn 'Education'14 — Clara Schmitt is Supervisor of thePsychological Clinic, Los Angeles PublicSchools, engaged in the work of educationaland behavior adjustment of problem schoolchildren.'15 — Carleton Ayer has resigned hisposition at the University of Washingtonto become Professor of Education at theUniversity of Texas, Austin, Texas.'16 — George Sylvester Counts, now Professor of Education at the University ofChicago, will assume the position ofTheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economic,and political order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis Hall396 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAssociate Director of the International Institute of Teachers College, Columbia University, at the close of this academic year.'i6 — Clarence Truman Gray has beenmade Chairman of the Department of Philosophy of Education at the Universityof Texas.'l8 — John Elbert Stout is Dean of theSchool of Education of Northwestern Uni-\'ersity.'20 — Paul W. Terry, who is Professor ofEducation, University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill, North Carolina, is authorof E.xtra-Curricular Activities in JuniorHigh School which is published by Warwick <S: York.'21— Ward G. Reeder, Ph. D., A. M.'18, and Ethan A. Paisley, are co-authorsof Trends of School Costs in Ohio, contributions in School Administration, No. 3,Columbus, Ohio: — Ohio State UniversityPress, 1926.'21 — Willis Lemon Uhl is Professor ofEducation and Acting Director of theTEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The aliove organiz.ntions, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. School of Education, University of Wisconsin.'22 — Paul V. West, Assistant Professorof Educational Psychology, New YorkUniversity, is author of the following:Handwriting Bulletin No. I, Diagnosis;Handwriting Bulletin No. 2, RemedialTreatment; Public School Publishing Co.,1926. He also collaborated with Benson,Lough & Skinner in Psychology forTeachers, published by Ginn & Co. in 1926.'23 — Walter Scribner Guiler is authorof Objectives and Activities in Arithmetic,Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1926.'2i — Roy Ivan Johnson, Professor ofEnglish, Harris Teachers College, St.Louis, Mo., has recently had published thefollowng books: — English Expressions: AStudy in Curriculum Building, PublicSchool Publishing Co., Bloomington, 111;Clear, Correct English, Allyn and Bacon.'23 — Tenjes Henry Schutte is Head ofthe Department of Education, ^Vomen'sCollege of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama.Zipp-O-GripThe bag of many uses-such asGolfing, Motoring, Fishing, infact a most convenient bagfor any trip.Light weight, compact, roomyand easy to carry. Priced from$7.00 to S3 2.00.Specials in Wardrobe Trunksand Hat Boxes.NEWYORH EST 1859 CHICA&ONEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 397'24 — Elam Jonathan Anderson, Principal of the Shanghai American School,Shanghai, China, is author of EnglishTeaching Efficiency in China, Shanghai,China: Commercial Press, Ltd., 1925-'24 — William Henry Burton, AssociateProfessor of Education at the University,is joint author with A. S. Barr of TheSupervision of Instruction, D. Appleton& Co.'24 — Lorimer Victor Cavins is on leavefrom the University of West Virginia andis serving as Director of Research for theState Department of Education, Charleston, West Virginia.Alumni Inspect the University(Continued from page 365)graduated, they said. But the argumentfailed to convince Paul O'Donnell, sternrepresentative of '06. Somebody suggestedthat Mrs. Ingham, who kept the originalShanty in the old days, and who presided benignly over the generations of students thatsat at her lunch-counter, could settle thequestion at once. "Yes," sighed the Classof '07, "if Airs. Ingham were only here."The door opened, and begosh,Mrs. Ingham was there. At any rate, hershade was there, enacted by Ann Davis, '07.She added her praises; she cited a long listof members of '07 now famous ; but '06 wasstill uncon\inced. Then she introduceda more telling argument. She fell upon thestubborn 'o5-er with her frying-pan. Heyielded ; and William Mather, '06, conferred the Shanty cap and gown upon Harold H. Swift, President of the Class of '07.The L'niversity Sing broke all records.A total of 2134 men sang; seven fraternitieshad delegations of more than a hundred meneach ; and no fraternity had fewer thanforty. Sigma Chi won the cup for this yearwith 144 men around the fountain; PhiKappa Psi, with 143, almost tied the winners. Beta Theta Pi's 139 voices won thirdplace. After the award of C-blankets, Mer-ril C. Meigs, ex-'o8, representing the Chicago Alumni Club, presented the Universitywith a bronze bust of Mr. Stagg. More of the consumer'sdollar goes to the farmerh&cause. of our Economical MarketingSystem, our Large Volume andLow Marketing CostsIt is sometimes said that the farmergets only 35 cents out of the dollar paidby the consumer for all farm products.This is not true of livestock, butter,cheese, eggs and other farm productsmarketed by us.The farmer gets for his livestock nearly60 per cent of the price paid by the consumer for meat.We pay the farmer for his creamnearly 70 per cent of the retail price ofthe butter made from it. Farmers whoproduce the products we handle get moreof the average consumer's dollar. Theamount required to pay the expenses ofhandling livestock and dairy productsthrough the packers' plants and distributing system is less than 15 per cent of theprice paid by the consumer.Because our volume is large and ourmarketing expense is low, the consumer isenabled to get more for his dollar, andmore of the consumer's dollar goes to thefarmer. Our profit is alsolow — avera^iingonly a fraction of a cent a pound.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Ownad by more than 46,000 shareholders398 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE— —THE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished igo6Paul Yates, Manager616-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOther Office; C)ii-I2 Broadway BuildingPortland, Oregon JMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on Request 1 1Paul Moser, J. D. , Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paeci H.Davis &^o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE3 7 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The LTniversity OF Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturdav ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Autumn Quarter begins October 1For Circular of Information AddressThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSjMarriagesElla Burghardt, '15, to Herbert Burlc-hart, March i, 1927. At home, 9820 Winchester Avenue, Chicago.Edna L. Storrs, '18, to Austin D. Bates,M.D. "21, Maj- 7, 1927. At home, 115Sherman Drive, Denton, Texas.Emily L. Caldwell, '24, to H. C. Peterson, May 9, 1927. At home, 7241 Constance Avenue, Chicago.Helen F. Cook, '25, to Gordon Mirick,June II, 1927. At home, after September21,21 Claremont A^¦enue, New "^ ork City.Helen O. Aseman, '26, to Lysle W.Cooper, Ph.D. '25, June 11, 1927. Athome, 314 Cambridge Avenue, Milwaukee,Wisconsin.Carolyn M. Pratt, '26, to George D.McConnell, '26, May 7, 1927. At home,325 Kedzie Street, Evanston, Illinois.Kathryn Longwell, '2^, to H. GrenvilleDavis, '23, on June 25, at Oak Park, Illinois. At home, 301 N. Scoville Avenue,Oak Park.BirthsTo Melvin J. Adams, '09, and ^Irs.Adams (Jean Blach, '22), a son, MelvinJ. Adams, Jr., March 24, 1027, at Chicago.To Golder McWhorter, '11, M.D., '13,and Mrs. McWhorter (Mary LouiseEtten, '11), a daughter, Dorothy, April19, 1927, at Chicago.To ^Ir and Mrs. Philetus S. Dickinson(Ruth Allen, '15), a daughter, Ellen Scott,December 24, 102b, at Hinsdale, Illinois.To Mr. and Airs. Louis H. Nichols(Katharine Co\ert, 15), a daughter,Cynthia Ann, December 11, 1926, at Wal-pole, Massachusetts.To Fred H. Stangl, 'ib, M.D. '18, andMrs. Stangl, a daughter, Alarch 6, 1927,at St. Cloud, Minnesota.To Donald P. Bean, '17, and Mrs. Bean,NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 399a son, Donald F., May i6, 1927, at Chicago.To Albert H. Miller, '17, and Mrs. Miller, a son, Albert, December 18, 1926, atLaGrange, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Elden G. Gieske (Ad-elheid A. Steiner, '18), a daughter, JoanSteiner, April 4, 1927, at Barrington, 111.To Mr. and Mrs. John B. Tetlow(Lucile Wisner, '22), a daughter, LucileGenevieve, March 20, 1927, at Peoria,Illinois.To Sobisca S. Hall, M. D. '25, and Mrs.Hall, twin daughters, Barbara Jane andPhyllis Jean, February 18, 1927, at Buck-hannon, West Virginia.a a ADe.athsAnderson W. King, M.D. '54, April 10,1927, four months and eleven days prior tohis one hundred and second birthdayanniversary. Death came to this veteranin civic and professional affairs at his homein Redlands, California, as the result of asevere attack of influenza. A narrative ofDr. King's professional career was publishedin last December's issue of The Universityof Chicago Magazine. He was the oldestliving alumnus of Rush Medical College.Simon C. Keller, M.D. '03, at SaukCity, Wisconsin, March 21, 1927.James R. Robertson, A.M. '06, April 10,1927, at River Forest, Illinois.Daniel D. Luckenbill, Ph.D. '07, Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatureat the University of Chicago, June 5, 1927,in London.The Daily Maroon published the following editorial tribute to Professor Luckenbill.a » »A Man and His WorkPROFESSOR DAVID DANIELLUCKENBILL has joined the rapidlygrowing list of great men who have diedin the midst of their work at the Universityof Chicago.His entire life has been spent in research work in the ruins of Assyria, and his contributions to the history of that period haveprobably been as significant as any thathave been made in the last half century.Still a young man, as men go (he wasonly forty-six) Professor Luckenbill evidently planned years and years of workahead of him, for his dictionary alone isnot a work which can be completed interms of months.At the University, Professor Luckenbilladopted the classroom policy that University students are men and women, andhelped to create an intellectual rather thana professorial or school-teacherish atmosphere on this campus. We have writtenmore than one eulogy this quarter for theUniversity's dead men . . . for eachone we have written of the man and hiswork . . . that is the thing to writeabout.Professor Luckenbill's eulogy should bearall that those before his have carried. Ascholar seldom astounds the world ; ateacher sometimes becomes famous, but ineither case their glory is more the kindthat lies in the execution of their work.Professor Luckenbill was more than just aman ... he was a man and his work.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThese Hotels Offer You Unusual Service-Use Them!Alumni from the institutions listed below are urged touse Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels when travelling, andwhen arranging for luncheons, banquets and get-togethersof various sorts.You will find at each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel anindex of the resident Alumni of the participating colleges.Think what this means when you are in a strange cityand wish to look up a classmate or friend.You will find at these hotels a current copy of yourAlumni publication.You will also find a spirit of co-operation and a keendesire to see you comfortably housed and adequately provided for. Reservations may be made from one Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel to another as a convenience to you.Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are a new and vital forcein assisting your Alumni Secretary. He urges you to. support them whenever and wherever possible. He will be gladto supply you with an introduction card to the managersof all Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels, if you so request.THE PARTICIPATING COLLEGESThe alumni organizations of the following colleges and universitiesin the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement: are participantsAkronAlabama ColumbiaAmherst CornellBates CumberlandBeloit EmoryBrown GeorgiaBryn Mawr GoucherBucknell HarvardCalifornia IllinoisCarnegie Institute IndianaCase School Iowa State CollegeChicago James MillikenCity College KansasNew York Teachers' Coll.O-luatc; KansasColurado Lake ErieSchool Mines LehighColorado Louisiana Maine Ohio WesleyanM. I. T. OklahomaMichigan State OregonMichigan Oregon StateMills Perui StateMinnesota PennsylvaniaMissouri PurdueMontana RadcliffeMount Holyoke ¦ RollinsNebraska RutgersNew York University SmithNorth Carolina South DakotaNorth Dakota Southern CaliforniaNorthwestern StanfordOberlin Stevens InstituteOccidental Texas A. and M.Ohio State Texas UnionVanderbiltVassarVermontVirginiaWashing;ton and LeeWashington StateWashing:tonWellesleyWesleyan CollegeWesleyan UniversityWestern ReserveWhitmati,WilliamsWisconsinWoosterWorcester Poly. Inst.YalePALACEFrancisco. Calif.GEORGE VANDERBILT ST. JAMESAshcvilk-, N. C. San Ditgo7Calif. WALDORF-ASTORIA ONONDAGANew York. N. V. Syracuse, N. Y. BILTMORE BENJAMIN FRAN^a.I^JLos Angslci. Calif. Philsdelphij, Pa.Intercollegiate Alumni HotelsEvery Dot Marks an Intercollegiate Alumni HotelAsheville, N. C, Qeorge VandirrbikBaltimore, Md., SouthernBerkeley, Cal., ClaremontBethlehem, Pa., BecfilefiemBirmingham, Ala., BankheadBoston, Mass., Copley-PlazaCharleston, S. C, Francis MarionCharlotte, N. C, CharlotteChicago, HI., BlackstoneChicago, III., WindermereCincinnati, Ohio, SintonColumbus, Ohio, Neii HouseDanville, III., WolfordDetroit, Mich., WolverineFresno, Cal., Californian Greensboro, N. C, O'HcnryHigh Point, N.C., SheratonKansas City, Mo., MuehlehachLincoln, Nebr., LincolnLos Angeles, Calif., BiltmorcMadison. Wis., ParleMiami, Fl'a., Ponce de LeonMinneapolis, Minn., RadissonMontreal. Canada, Moimf RoyalNew York. N.Y., Roosei'eltNew York, N.Y., Waldorf-AstoriaNorthampton, Mass., NoTrhampconOakland, Cal.. OaklandPeoria, HI., Pere MarquettePhiladelphia, Pa. , Benjamin Franl^Iin Pittsburgh. Pa., SchenleyPortland, Oreg., MultnomahRochester, N.Y., SenecaSacramento, Cal., SacramentoSt. Louis, Mo., CoronadoSt. Paul, Minn., Saint PaulSan Diego, Cal., St. JamesSan Francisco, Cal., PalaceSavannah, Ga., SavannahSeattle, Wash., OlympicSyracuse, N.Y., OnondagaToronto, Canada, King EdttarJUrbana, 111., Urbana-LincolnWashington, D.CWiIfardWilliamsport, Pa,, L>comingThe Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement is sponsored by the Alumni Secretariesand Editors of the participating colleges and directed byINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, 18 E.41st St.,NewYork,N.Y.DIRECTORSJ. O. BAXENDALEAlumni SecretaryUniversity of VcimoncA. C. BUSCHAiumni SecretaryRutgers CollegeDANIEL L. GRANTAlMTTini SecretaryUniveriity o/N. Carotin MARION E. GRAVESSmith Alumnae QuarterlySmith CollegeR. W. HARWOODHarvard Aiiimni Bn/fctinHarvard VniversityJOHN'd. McKEEbooster Alumni BulletinWooster College HELEN F. McMILLINU7cl/cs(e> Alumnae MagazineWfl/es/c> CollegeJ. L. MORRILLAdimni SecretaryOhio State UniversityW. R. OKESONTreasurer ofLehigh University R. \V. SAILORCornel/ Alumni Ncv-SCornell UnivcrsnyW. B. SHAWAiumni SecretaryUniversuy oj MichiganROBERT SIBLEYAlumm SecretaryUniversitj of CahforniaE, N. SULLIVANAiumni SecretaryPenn State College LEVERING TYSONAiumni FederationColumbia University E. T. T. WILLIAMSBroun Unii'crsiryNORTHAMPTON. Notlhampron, Mass.3iw,ys'i,,r;_6^=^s-'^/rule of thumbIS over. . .KjNCn HL'.MIUulcsnonioR-. The ruleM^' thunih, wifh all lrsc'>sti\' t^nics.swurk,has ri'* place in Wrstern l^lcnTnc tck-phonrm akin 'JHt.Tc exact nieasnniiir .standards are iherule, f)rt-cisi- in nian\' cases to tin- ten-thou-sandtli part of an mch, i\nd this habit ofbeing: ex.act controls every hictory atTi\ it\in the s\ steniatic planniiiL'' < d the LTeat task oftelephone proti'iction, ni nunudactunnLT toknov n standards (d tiuahr\, in constanrlyimproxiDij: method.s ot work not m h.ii^-hazard <-\periment lutr f)\' scacntihc attack hva group of skilled industrial eno:ineers.At the same time, as makers of the nation'stelephones, Western Electric is meeting itsresponsibility by holding down the cost oftelephone apparatus to a figure well belowthe increased cost of general commodities. Looks like a /)07»6, but really alittU' ^'dai'lc roo))i" %vhich permitsthe inspector to know exactlywhether a tiny stcitchboard lampcomes up to the mark.'^0t^m ElecrrtcSINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM