UniutrBitii of (liQjoVOL.XIX NUMBER 7MAY, 1927A Chance to Inspect the UniversityDean Boucher on Educational GuidanceThe University in Politics{PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCII,This Changing CityStrolling back from the ne;tr-North side this afternoon«-:is accosted by a shabby beggar at the south approachto the Boulevard Bridge * '* "*' A wasted, dirty wreck<if a man, standing in front of the bronze sculptureof the fearless French pioneers who were the firstwhite men on this spot "' ''" * How long would hehave lasted in the face of the privations that theyknew ? * ^' ¦¦'.My meeting him turned all my thoughts to the moreserious consideration of what it means to live inChicago in l')27 * '•'' * Whereas I might have ambledon down the boulevard looking in the windows at furcoats and electric ice machines, I now thought aboutthose intelligent members of our community \\"ho havebeen stud3'ing Chicago in more than a casual wa\' inthe hope of finding practical solutions for the manyproblems like that represented in the beggar at thebridge *'' * •''I gilt a new appreciation of the value of a littleseries of volumes about Chicago that \\'e are sounto issue * * * We should all have a better understanding of our changing citv * * * \^'e should allread "The Gang" by Frederic Tlirasher, ''The Geo-L^raphic Background of Chicagd" by J. Paul Goode,"The Physiography of the Region of Chicago" bv F.Al. Fry.vell, "The Bail S\stem in Chicago" bv ArtliurL. Beeley, "I'rends of Population in the Region ofChicago" by Helen Jeter, "The Income and Standardof Living of I nskilled Laborers in Chicago" by LeilaHoughteling, and we should all stud\' the base mapof the Regional Planning Association ''¦ * *// hat the advcrtisiiii/ iiiaiuigcr of theUiiircrsi/y of Chicm/o Press mii/hthtivc icrittcii ill li:s diiiry if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 305Alumni Reunion June 9-14yoin Your Qlassmatesat Hotels H^indermereIf you are coming to Chicago for the reunion, make plans to stay atHotels Windermere.Here you will meet others from your class — because Hotels Windermere are particularly popular with University people.Here you will find a high standard of comfort and food that is unusual. Here you will be within walking distance of the Universityitself — yet only a twelve minutes' ride from the Chicago loop.The keen enjoyment of attending this greatest reunion will be allthe keener if you choose Hotels Windermere for your reunion home.'Wotelsindermere"CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Phone Fairfax 6000500 feet of verandas and terraces fronting south on Jackson ParkOFFICIAL HOTEL INTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNIEXTENSION SERVICE3o6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn 0 fganization of almost fifty people , with specialists in all branches of advertisingVANDERHOOF6P COM?Al<iY Qenera/c/I(^verhsir^VANDERHOOF BUILDINO • • J^^ '^' E.ONTAJUO ST..CHICAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentSilencing the Squeaking Bedsof a NationIt is a wonder that the WittlifF Brace wasnot invented years ago. For the squeaking, loose bed has been a national affliction since Mayflower days.WittlifF found a way to stop the squeaking bed. Our problem was to sell it to theworld on an advertising margin that admitted of no experimental errors. Howwe induced the furniture retailers of thecountry to bear a large portion of the advertising burden is a story interesting tomanufacturers who are not getting fulldealer cooperation.Our 26 years of furniture merchandisingexperience may materially help you toincite greater dealer cooperation.\brace/Mem ier: American Association of Javcrtuing Agencies k^ National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XIX NO. 7Wini\}tvi\tv of CfjicagoifWaga?ineMAY, 1927TA'Bj^ OF co:^(Te:^(rsOne of the Sights at Reunion: the New Chapel FrontispieceA Chance to Inspect the University 311Educational Guidance for UndergraduatesBy Dean C. S. Boucher 313The University in PoliticsBy a Member of the Department of Political Science 318"Plastered in Paris" 321The University's Oriental Adventures 322By Marion F. fFilliamsThe Story of the University of ChicagoV. President Harper Plans a UniversityBy Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed 327Events and CommentIntroducing the University 332Psychological Tests at The University 333Alumni Affairs 334University Notes 336News of the Quadrangles 338Athletics 339Officers of Clubs and Classes 340News of the Classes and AssociationsCollege 342Rush Medical College 343School of Education 343Divinity School 344Doctors of Philosophy in Psychology 345Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 348THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postal or express money order. If localto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., Claims for missing numbers should be made withinChicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is 20 cents. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian gent to the Publication Office. 1009 Sloan St., Craw-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other the Chicago Office.countries in the Postal Union, 27 cents on annual 17 . j > . .. T^ lsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents ,, ^hf ^lrore°lt^'cSXc£^vSe"SSfaVa!'un'le^;(total 23 cents)., ., . the Act of March 3, 1879.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.y307THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert p. Zimmerm.ann, 'oxActing Secretary, Allen Heald, '26The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, '04 ; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes, '08 ; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence 'W.Sills, ex-'oj; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs Phyllis FayHorton '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oi ; Paul H. Davis, 'n ; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09 D. B., 10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., '10; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph.D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Dean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Associ.^tion, Ralph C. Brown, 'oi, M. D.,'03; George H Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Frederick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Associations Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct, Chicago; Secretary, School of Educ.wion Alumni Associa-W._ Robert Jenkins, '24, University of ^lON ; President, W. C. Reavis, Ph. D.,Chicago. '25 Universitv of Chicago; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: jyj^g j^ ^y Bjxler A "m. '2? Uni-President, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, versity of Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- r^„,,, .. „ « a, „ -, . Tiu T-> I o TT • • Commerce and Administration .¦Alumnibert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University Association : President, John A. Logan,of Chicago. . c. r o n o ^^i . n^ A A D -J ^ -!¦ 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago; SecreDivinity Alumni Association: President, , r^i- r^ (.1 ¦ . ^ ¦ t, , , „ , i^. ^ Tj ^- .. <-iu u ("'¦;;, Lline t. Slaughter 25, Quadrang eMark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, _, ¦',_-. . , „, .¦^ .,,.,„ ^ T> T> T^ -J Club, University ot Chicago.Detroit, Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- • "son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College Alumni .^ssocia-Ames, Iowa. tion: President Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: President, Ur- D. '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles A. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary ot the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange. University ot Chicago. The dues formembership in eitlrer one of the Associations named above, including subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.308THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 309tryir i, a ]-.h I > ." 'than a Jciy. Oui! ii IJc7l<!ii/n-il>nut i-;iuI J ' h i- 1 c f !: e priceciun :, i,u. c off^ the\i-i'> k of t. •ti?ig be-:^"'.'N '¦' .'.ssure a'irthy ofcAw in the day'smarketings ^^'T^ELEPHONE poles. Lead pen--"¦ clls. Cotton. Conduit. Manyand varied are the purchases whichfind their way into the marketbasket of Western Electric. Asbuyer for the Bell Telephone System this company carries on whatis probably the biggest job of itskind in all industry.To do this task right, WesternElectric must study market conditions, past, present and future.This practice develops judgment in knowing when and where tobuy to advantage.Couple that with centralizedmass purchasing, made possiblebecause the materials and supplieshave been standardized as totype — and you have importantreasons why Western Electricpurchasing registers substantialeconomies, which contribute tomake your telephone service thecheapest in the world.SINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM« ^-^-^"^S^^'^f ¦4 ^ =^>^ "fi^.«-;i'':./v'.-.^i''41*^ ¦¦ ^-T3w-"^ u^ *^"U dj C.&- sU *J '^oj •" 5?«-< (U 3a. rt --rt ^ '^<^2;Vol. XIX No. 7®nit)ersiitj> of CfitcagoiWaga^ineMAY, 1927A Chance to Inspect the UniversityPresident Mason and His Colleagues Conduct a Survey of Progress andFlans at the Alumni Reunion^ June 9-14.EXHIBIT A, the leading attraction atthis year's Alumni Reunion at theUniversity of Chicago, will be — the University of Chicago.The half-dozen new buildings; plans forstill newer buildings ; the clinics and laboratories of the new School of Medicine; theBillings Hospital; the new Haskell Museum of two-thousand-year-old civilizations; the principal weather station for thecity of Chicago, located in Rosenwaldtower; the laboratories where Michelson'scolleagues make their striking discoveriesin physics and chemistry — these and otherparts of the University will be on display onAlumni Day. A gray-line tour of theQuadrangles, personally conducted by President Mason and the rest of the Faculty,will occupy the greater part of the afternoon.Dean Gordon Jennings Laing will commence the survey with a lecture on TheFunction of a University, to be given onFriday evening, June lO, in Mandel Hall.Dr. Laing's position as Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature qualifieshim, it is believed, to throw light on theUniversity's stand in this much-disputedquestion. The new buildings — the Medical Group,Whitman Laboratory, Swift Hall of Theology, and Bond Chapel already complete;and Wieboldt Hall and the UniversityChapel under construction — will be on exhibit the following morning, Saturday,June II.President Mason will begin the actualtour of the Quadrangles that afternoon attwo o'clock in Mandel Hall, with an Alumni Conference on Aspects of a Greater University. Three other executives of the University will collaborate. Dean Emery T.Filbey will talk on Alumni; RowlandHaynes, new Secretary of the University,will talk on Public Interest; Vice-PresidentLloyd Randol Steere will discuss FinancialStructure; and President Mason himselfwill speak concerning the Educational Program. Each of these talks will be abouttwelve minutes in length.With this general outline of the Univer-sitv's goals in mind, the Alumni will setout at three o'clock to see the University'smode of operation firsthand. The workingquarters of all departments will be openfor inspection; equipment will be in view;every member of the Faculty will be at hispost, ready to explain methods, problems.311312 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand plans. Older professors look forwardwith considerable pleasure to visits fromalumni w^ho were their friends in college.At five o'clock the Open-House will end.A parade of the Classes, starting at IdaNoyes Hall and marching west on the Midway, will reassemble the Alumni from theirsurvey of the Quadrangles and lead themto Stagg Field for the Shanty Exercises.'./^"¦•J The Billings Hospital. The Reunionof 1927 will provide the first and onlyopportunity for a general inspectionof this fortress of medical science.mony of the University Sing — with file onfile of ^'ancient orders" marching down tothe fountain of Hutchinson Court, black-robed Senior marshals and aides investingtheir successors from the Junior class, he-Mi'mInterior of Bond Chapel, now complete and connected with Swift Hallby a cloister. One of the University'slatest architectural triumphs. It willbe a popular exhibit on Alumni Day.(Stagg Field will have been the scene,earlier in the afternoon, of an AthleticCarnival for alumni desiring to participate.) The traditional class stunts, or newand clever variations upon them, Avill liventhe parade and the exercises on the Field.Reunions of clubs, fraternities, and classeswill add to the jollity; and the storied cere- The Wiebolt Hall of Modern Languages, now almost complete, connecting Harper Library and the ClassicsBuilding. Its clever carvings, rich inmedieval lore, will interest sightseersat the Reunion.roes of ''track, field, and diamond" receiving the C-blanket from the Old Man, andfinally the multitude joining to sing theAlma IVIater — will complete the Reunion.¦*»v^*'xNJ.r**' «c:^-"*w'"' '^-^ :jrr5i^-^^^^V*-:The new North Stand of Stagg Field, from which Alumniwill watch the Shanty exercises.Educational Guidance for UndergraduatesHow the University Seeks a More Intelligent Planning of the Student'sCourse in CollegeBy Dean C. S. BoucherIT F any of you who happen to read thisA statement were undergraduates twentyyears ago, as I was, and if you have been inclose touch with undergraduates continuously since that time, as I have been, inseveral universities, I think you will agreewith me in this confession of personal opinion that our undergraduates to-day arebetter prepared for col-lege, are keener and moreinquisitive and more active intellectually thanwere the undergraduatesof two decades ago.Most of the current talkabout the shiftlessnessand instability and general worthlessness of themodern college flappersand gin-hounds originated, I believe, withthe chronic dyspepticsand pessimists who always believe that theworld is going to thedamnation bow-^v o w s,and simply shift fromone prize exhibit to another to prove theircase; this time it happens that "flamingyouth" is picked for Exhibit A. As a group,but with the normal number of exceptionsof course, our undergraduates to-day area fine, attractive, likeable, interesting, versatile, capable, well-balanced, well-behavedlot, worthy of trust and confidence. Thepercentage of undergraduates interested inthings worth while and with judgmentsworthy of respectful consideration is largerto-day than twenty years ago.Since our undergraduates are keener andcome to us better prepared than ever before,they demand more on the part of officersof instruction and administration in ourEvery member of the University, — executive, instructor, orstudent — ought to be 'willingand able to participate in theUniversity's task, the advancement of knoiuledge and its application to life. The Facultiesof Arts, Literature, and Scienceaccept this as a major premise.In order that more membersof the University may so participate, the Faculties have undertaken several new projectsin teaching, advice to students,the planning of curricula, themanagement of activities, andthe encouragement of independent work.A series of articles by variousmembers of the Faculties willdescribe these enterprises. Thisarticle is the first. colleges; they are more critical and have tobe shown the value of this course or thatadministrative requirement; they will notso docilely put up with inefficient and senseless performance in the class room or administrative office. Hence the colleges anduniversities have had to accept the challengehurled at them by the modern undergraduates and study to improve their performance along many lines asnever before. The colleges and universities areimproving their standards in many directions,not in spite of the undergraduates, as some wouldclaim, but because of thedemands of the undergraduates.This is true in spiteof, and even in the faceof the fact that in recentyears there has been anincrease in the number ofstudents who go to college because — just to goto college. Such a student is not necessarilyan undesirable college citizen, provided hehas the capacity for college work, and alsoprovided the college does two importantthings for the student: first, provides forhim contact with one or more persons whowill take a real interest in helping the student plan a program of work whichpromises to be the most attractive one forhim; and, secondly, provides for him effective, stimulative and inspiring instruction.Of course the student who comes to college with a rather clearly defined plan andultimate aim, together with high capacityfor college work, is one who, from manystandpoints, seems to be of the most desirable type with the best promise of success-313314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEful performance in college. However, asbetween a student with a highly attractiveplan and a worthy aim but with a low gradeof intellectual capacity, and a student withno very definite plan nor aim, save just togo to college, but with a high degree andamount of intellectual capacity, I wouldrather work with the latter. The officersof administration and instruction in a college should accept the challenge in such acase for a reasonable length of time and dotheir best to develop in this student of highcapacity and much latent ability an interestand purpose, educationally, worthy of hisbest efforts.IIAt the present time an increasing amountof time, effort and money are being expended by officers of administration andinstruction in the University of Chicago toimprove course offerings and instruction inthe Junior College particularly, in orderto bring the work of the Junior Collegeup to a standard as high as is already maintained in the major part of our work in theSenior College and in the Graduate Schools.Junior College course offerings are beingrestudied and reorganized in a number ofdepartments as not before in several years.A'lethods of presentation and the selectionof men to give instruction in Junior Collegecourses are also receiving an ever increasingamount of attention.The purpose of this article, however, isto describe what some individuals wouldprobably designate as part of our administrative machinery, though the viewpointof those of us most actively engaged in thework is that it is so necessarily a part ofour instructional and general educationalprogram that it should not be classed asadministrative in the sense that it is something distinct and separate from our educational work — not simply a part of that vastamount of red tape and administrative formalism \\hich is likely to grow in amountand cumbersomeness in any large institution until it becomes a serioush' obstructivenuisance for both students and faculty.Administrative machinery is \\ arranted inan educational institution only to the extentthat it is absolutely necessary to promote the major aim — education. Such administrative machinery as is necessary should beas simple in character as possible, else itwill distract attention from, and fail toserve the interests of the major aim — education. Too much and too complicatedadministrative machinery in an educationalinstitution is as bad as a suit of overallson a bank president — attention is distractedfrom the main objective.The particular part of our educationalprogram under consideration in these fewpages is the part designed to offer to ourcollege students appropriate opportunitiesfor educational counsel and guidance.Many of the larger colleges and universities of the country have neglected almostentirely this important phase of educationalwork — so vitally important as to be thedeciding factor between success and failurein the educational careers of many students.There is a remarkably increasing activityon this score in many institutions at thepresent time which shows that they have atlast awakened to a responsibility neglectedall too long. The University of Chicagofor some time has been one of the leadersin this movement and we have profitedmuch by our actual experience in this fieldof educational guidance in past years.The present system is the fruit of a number of years' experience under previous administrations and the co-operative efforts ofa number of faculty members and administrative officers. Though the present writerhad a hand in designing the general program and has had to take the initiative inworking out many features and in launching the operation of the plan, he can notclaim more than a part of the credit forwhatever merit the plan mav have.IllEntering freshmen are classified m theirassignment to Deans in the Colleges on thebasis of their life aims and major academicinterests, in so far as these are clearly defined at entrance into the University. Pre-professional students will be assigned topre-professional deans as far as possible.We always have a large group of enteringfreshmen who know that they are preparingto study law or medicine later. TheseEDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE FOR UNDERGRADUATES 315students will be assigned to a Pre-LegalDean and a Pre-Medical Dean, respectively.It will be the aim of the Pre-Legal Dean,under instructions from the Law School,to see that these students get as broad aneducation as possible before beginning theirprofessional courses. The Pre-MedicalDean, under instructions from the MedicalSchool, will advise his students to take thebasic sciences necessary for his pofessionalcourses, but will also endeavor to have eachstudent get as broad an education as possiblebefore entering the Medical School.Beginning in the Autumn of 1927 theSchool of Commerce and Administrationwill register only students who have completed two years in a Junior College. Wehave secured from the School of Commerceand Administration a man to serve as Deanin the Colleges for the group of JuniorCollege students who are planning to spendtheir Senior College years in the Schoolof Commerce and Administration.We have secured similarly from theSchool of Education a man to serve as aDean in the Colleges for students whoindicate that they are preparing to teach.This Dean will help his students determinewisely the subjects which they should prepare to teach and also map their programsso that at graduation they will have metthe state requirements prescribed by law.A member of the faculty of the GraduateSchool of Social Service Administrationwill serve as Dean for undergraduate students preparing to enter this work.The list of Deans mentioned thus fartakes care of our pre-professional students.But all of our students are not pre-professional students, and we do not -^vantthem all to be such. We will have a groupof as many Deans as those already mentioned for students who are not preparingfor one of the professions listed above.These students will be classified in assignment to Deans, in so far as is possible andwise, on the basis of whether the majoracademic interest of fhe student is in thefield of the natural sciences, the socialsciences or the humanities. These Deanswill endeavor to guide each student so thatduring his first two years he may round out his general education and select wisely adepartment for specialization to the extentof a principal sequence (nine majors) inhis Senior College years.IVBefore Freshman Week opens each Deanreads very carefully all of the material abouteach of his students collected by the Examiner's office in the process of selectiveadmission. This material includes besidesthe students' academic record in each subject taken in high-school or preparatoryschool, a fairly representative life historyof the student and a photograph. Thus,before the Dean has his first interview withhis students he has studied each student'srecord and life history sufficiently to befairly well acquainted with many factorsof importance in determining the student'seducational program.During three days of Freshman Weekthe Deans devote their whole time to registration conferences with freshmen. Eachstudent is then registered for the AutumnQuarter only and is told that during thequarter he and his Dean will have anotherand longer interview when they will attemptto plan a program which seems best for thestudent for three or more quarters in advance. The effort is made to have eachstudent understand that he and his Deanhave a mutual obligation to keep the student's program planned on a sound educational basis well in advance, for, if hiscourse elections are given no careful andthoughtful consideration and are determinedby passing whims, student gossip and chance,quarter by quarter, his record sheet in ashort time will be fit for display as an educational museum curiosity, with neitherrhyme nor reason in it.Once the student's program has beenmade out for a year in advance, on thebasis of careful consideration and planning,he will be expected to follow it, quarter byquarter. If he pays no attention to it, andelects in subsequent quarters whatevertakes his fancy because of what he regardsas a more covenient hour or because hethinks that something else would be easier —if he shows an utter lack of stability orseriousness of purpose — he will be told that3i6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhe is not the type of student desired by thisUniversity. Of course if a student changeshis aim in life or his major departmentalinterest in the University he can alwaysand at an^- time secure an interview withhis Dean to make out an entirely new anddifferent program built around the new aimor interest.In the Winter quarter the Deans spendthe major part of their time with theirSophomores. During the Spring quarterthe Freshmen are again interviewed. Atthis inter\iew the Dean and the Freshmancan\ass the student's interest in his workand his record of performance in the twopre\ious quarters. They then decidewhether the tentative program previouslymade out should be altered, and again aprogram for three quarters in advance isplanned. Thus each student has three interviews ^vith his Dean during his Freshman year, and at least one interview in hisSophomore year. An important part ofthe plan, however, is provision for whateverfollow-up interviews either the Dean or thestudent may think desirable at any time.The pre-professional Deans keep theirstudents for educational guidance until theyenter the appropriate professional school.The students who are not planning to entera professional school will stay with theirDeans until toward the end of the secondyear when they will be assigned to Departmental Counselors for educational guidance during the Senior College years.Though we do not expect even a majorityof our students to enter a professionalschool, we do expect each non-pre-profes-sional student toward the end of his secondyear to have become sufficiently interestedin some department to be willing and perhaps even anxious to take a principal sequence in that department and closely related departments.\'Each department, in conference with theDean of the Colleges, appoints a member ofits instructional staff, preferably and in themajority of instances a person of some maturity and above the rank of instructor, toserve the students majoring in this department as guide, counselor and friend. In some departments the Chairman of the department is serving as Counselor. Whena student and his Dean have agreed uponthe department in which the student shouldwork out a principal sequence, normallywhen the student has credit for from twelveto eighteen majors, the Dean will send thestudent to the proper Departmental Counselor for educational guidance thereafter.During the Junior College years the studentis advised to devote two-thirds of his time togeneral education in several departmentsand not more than one-third to work in anyone department ; during the Senior Collegeyears the student is advised to spend notmore than two-thirds of his time in onefield, including the department of his principal sequence and closely related departments, and at least one-third in other departments. Breadth of education togetherwith some degree of specialization in onefield is the aim of the whole four-year plan.Under the Departmental Counselor planfor Senior College students, the opportunityis offered to the student to feel that he hasa real academic home or headquarters in theUniversity. Some departments have already seized the opportunity to developlive and active departmental clubs for theirSenior College students with an esprit decorps and a real community of interest educationally and socially comparable to thatalready developed in the Graduate Schoolcentering around departmental organizations. It is hoped that other departmentswill do the same in the near future.Another part of the plan is to have ondut\ in the academic year 1927-28 a Deanin the Colleges to devote his entire time asDean to a thorough study of the probationand dismissal problems. He will endeavorto help the students on academic probationget in good standing again and thus avoiddismissal. Howe\er, he will be much morethan a nurse-maid and a policeman, for hewill endeavor to make a causal diagnosisof each probation and dismissal case andlook for correlations between poor performance on the part of the student in college on one hand and poor preparation forcollege, living conditions, personal problems,health, amount of time spent in outsideEDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE FOR UNDERGRADUATES 317work for self-support, in travel to andfrom the campus, in student activities, improper placement, poor instruction, and agreat many other possible factors. Fromsuch a study facts can be assembled whichwill make an excellent basis for advice tostudents and action on our own part whichmay do much toward reducing the numberof probation and dismissal cases.VI.We have been grossly negligent in thepast in the field of vocational guidance.Thanks to the initiative of some of thewomen's organizations a series of vocationalguidance conferences was arranged for ourwomen students on a single day in the Winter Quarter of 1927. Ten leaders weresecured for as many groups. These leaderswere individuals of remarkable personalitywho had won enviable distinction in theirrespective professions. They took a keeninterest in the conferences and in manycases gave a considerable amount of timeto individual students who showed interestin a follow-up interview.This is the sort of thing which should begoing on continuously throughout the yearand should be open to all of our students.If the right person can be found to takecharge of this work, we plan to have a manparticularly interested in vocational guidance and placement, working in co-operationwith the staff of Deans. We do not thinkof insisting that every student definitelydecide on a profession or a vocation for hislife's work while still in college. We doknow, however, that scores of students aremost eager to talk with someone who isthoroughly familiar with the demands andopportunites of this or that profession orvocation. Whenever the Deans encountersuch students, the Deans can send them fora conference with the vocational guidanceexpert ; he in turn can arrange throughoutthe year a series of student group conferences with successful representatives of various professions or businesses. We have agreat many alumni in Chicago who havedistinguished themselves in dozens of different lines of work who would be glad to beon our call list to serve as discussion leadersfor small vocational conferences at appro priate times during the academic year. Inthis manner the student who is eager forassistance in reaching a decision as to hislife's work could have opportunities to getthe information necessary for a wise decision in what is for him a most vital question.VII.On the part of the University our viewpoint throughout this plan for educationalguidance is simply that we must recognizeand earnestly endeavor to fulfill the greatobligations which we assume when we encourage hundreds of young citizens to placethemselves at our disposal during four ofthe most critical and formative jears intheir lives. Of course an equal degree ofresponsibility rests with each of our students and we should not treat them likeboys and girls in a reform school. Weshould treat them like young men and youngwomen engaged with us in a co-operativeventure. We should put before them thefull measure of opportunities and endeavorto enlist their interest. We should endeavorto orient them first to the full meaning ofcollege life and then, during their stay incollege, orient them to the much longerperiod of life after college. Of course wecannot be successful with all of our students.But, if we let them all know the full measure of the opportunities offered, and if wehonestly live up to our promise to co-operateearnestly with each student who will meetus half way in spirit and effort, investigationwill show that the major responsibility forthe relatively few cases of failure does notrest with the University.We want you, our Alumni, to know thatwe are giving much time, thought and honest effort to the improvement of our performance with our undergraduates. Theseefforts can produce the most fruitful resultsonly if we secure each year an entering classof the best possible student material. Youcan help us materially in raising the qualityof our student body if each one of you willsend us each autumn a superior freshman —superior mentally, physically and socially.Will you make the effort to aid us in theselection of the most promising humanmaterial for us to work with ?The University in PoHticsStudies of Several Vital Questions of Government in City, State, andNation Yield Some Interesting Results.By A Member of the Department of Political ScienceTHE Department of Political Sciencehas been conducting for a period ofyears a series of research studies in government, many of which focus on governmentand public affairs in the city of Chicago.These studies are in part carried on underthe immediate direction of the Departmentand in part are a contribution to the largerseries of studies carried on under the LocalCommunity Research Committee.This Committee was organized threeyears ago to direct the use of funds grantedby the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation to the University of Chicago forresearch in the field of social sciences.Under its direction significant studies havebeen made of many phases of the social,economic and political life of Chicago.The graduate work of the Departmentof Political Science has tended to givemuch attention to the local situation, owingin part to the intimate contact which Professor Merriam has had with city affairsas well as to the significant problems whichthe city presents.JFhy We Don't VoteOne of the earliest of the studies whichthrow light on Chicago politics was a notable study of non-voting, the first of itskind ever made in the United States andperhaps in the world. This study wasunder the active direction of Dr. HaroldF. Gosnell and was published under thetitle of Non-J^oting by Professor Merriamand Professor Gosnell. In this study morethan six thousand persons were interviewedin order to discover the reasons why the\'failed to exercise this privilege. The resultswere then carefully tabulated and givenstatistical treatment. It appears from thestudy that the outstanding difficultes in theway of voting in Chicago include physicaldifficulties such as illness or absence fromthe city, legal and administrative obstacles such as insufficient legal residence, fear ofloss of business or wages, congestion at thepolls and a disbelief in women's voting,disgust with politics, disgust with one's ownparty, and general indifference. This studyhas been the forerunner of several similarstudies which have been made in other partsof the country and has opened up a newfield of investigation.Dr. Gosnell is about to publish a continuation of the non-voting study entitledThe Stimulation of Toting. This volumewill give the details of a very significant attempt to stimulate voting, together with astatistical anah'sis of the usefulness of various devices to bring the average voter toperform his ci^'ic duty. As a piece of scientific investigation this study is destined torank high.Analyzing the Political BossThe subject of Chicago's politics is beingapproached also from another point of viewby the gradual completion of a series of^ ^^.\ New York cartoonist's conceptionof Boss Piatt — whose career Dr. Gosnell recounts in a recent book. Similarbooks about other famous bosses — including some in Chicago^will be written by political scientists at thel^niversitv.THE UNIVERSITY IN POLITICS 319studies on leadership under the directionof Professor Merriam. The first volume inthis series deals with Boss Piatt in NewYork and was written by Dr. Gosnell. Theseries includes both local and other leaders.Soon to be published is a study of theelder Carter Harrison by Professor C. O.Johnson, now of Chattanooga University.The Primary Campaign of 1926 was thesubject of an illuminating study by Dr.Carroll Hill Wooddy. This volume ispublished by the University of ChicagoPress under the title, The Chicago Primaryof 1926: A Study in Election Methods.It is one of the most interesting studies ofelectioneering which has ever been writtenand is a mine of information for Chicagovoters who are anxious to know how thewheels go 'round. Dr. Wooddy initiateshis study with a preliminary chapter onThe Game, The Stakes, and The Players.He then traces the formation of the primaryslates and discusses the issues of the primary election. Here is found reference toall the outstanding leaders of Chicago politics, together with the striking features ofthe election.The Dever-Thompson CampaignThis study has as a logical successor afurther investigation now being carried onby Miss Mary E. Pidgeon which undertakes to do for the mayoralty election ofthis year what Dr. Wooddy did for theprimary election of last year. It is the hopeof the Department that each major politicalengagement will be the subject of such acareful objective and illuminating study.The recent elections are also furnishingthe material for a study of the Techniqueof Campaigning. This study is being carried on under Professor Merriam's direction by Mr. Harry Ziegler.For a period of three years Dr. JeromeG. Kerwin has been making very carefulobservations of the conduct of elections onelection day. He has been able to stationseveral hundred University students at thepolling places in various parts of the cityat each election and has written a carefulreport on election conditions as they havebeen observed by these men and women. These reports have not been published, butare on file at The University.Another series of studies which relatessomewhat less directly to Chicago politicsdeals with the Measurement and Contentof Public Opinion. One of the fundamental studies in this field is being carriedon by Dr. L. L. Thurstone of the Department of Psychology, who is developing theProfessor Charles E. Merriam, Chairman of the Department of PoliticalScience, whose intimate contact withthe affairs of the city of Chicago fitshim especially to conduct studies of thecity's politics.technique of measuring opinion, using public attitudes on the Eighteenth Amendmentas his material. Mr. Cowley is engagedin a scientific analysis of the DifferentialCharacteristics of Leaders and Non-Leaders. This study falls midway betweenthe fields of psychology and political scienceand is being jointly supervised by ProfessorThurstone and Professor Merriam. Athird study in this same field is being conducted by Professor L. D. White who isattempting to determine the Prestige Valueof Public Employment. This is essentiallyan investigation of the content of publicopinion with regard to public employment;but the major interest of the study is not.in the technique of measurement of opinion,but in the status of the opinion.Views on Public OfficeProfessor White hopes to be able to giveat the conclusion of his study the exact320 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstate of public opinion with regard to publicas compared with private employment.Some three thousand people have alreadybeen interviewed on this subject and otherthousands will be interviewed in the immediate future. These results will begiven statistical treatment in order to bringout differences in feeling toward publicoffice which may exist within racial groups,economic groups and other groups.Dr. Gosnell is also sounding Chicagoopinion by a study of the referendum votesin Chicago in recent years. This studyis not yet complete, but will reveal significant results with regard to mass opinionin Chicago and also with regard to atleast its more important components.Dr. Harold D. Lasswell has recentlyfinished an illuminating study of the Technique of Propaganda during the WarPeriod. Dr. Lasswell has been on leavefor two quarters in order to pursue far-reaching studies in psychology and psychiatry under the direction of Dr. EltonAlayo at Harvard Universit}-. It is hopedthat these studies will throw light uponthe psychological basis of political behavior.Dr. Lasswell will develop his studies nextyear at the University in connection witha course on Irrational Political Behavior.In connection with the Regional Planning Association of Chicago the Department of Political Science is carrying onstudies of the government and administration of the Chicago region. These havebeen devoted primarily to a general analysis of the complex governmental situationand to preliminary studies in the administration of public health in the Chicagoregion. Later studies will survey otheraspects of the government of this region.Government by City ManagerOther studies being carried on by theDepartment reach outside the field of Chicago's public affairs. Thus ProfessorWhite is just completing a nation-widesurvey of the city-manager form of government. This study is intended to presentan objective statement of the achievementsof this modern form of city government,together with an analysis of whatever weaknesses may have developed in thecourse of the last twenty years. ProfessorWhite has visited over forty city-managercities in various parts of the country andexpects to publish his book on the CityManager in the near future.Professor Quincy Wright was on leaveof absence recently in order to make anintensive study of the Operation of theMandate System in the Near East. Inconnection with this study ProfessorWright travelled extensively with the aidof a Guggenheim Fellowship and expectsto publish his findings in the near future.Professor Wright is now initiating a verylarge study of the Causes of War. Thisstudy reaches deep into the historical, economic, political, racial, psychological andanthropological roots of international conflict. The first units of the study are to beinitiated in the immediate future.How to Train CitizensFinally, mention must be made of thelargest research project which has occupiedthe attention of members of the department,the study of comparative civic educationwhich Professor Merriam has been directing for a period of two years, andwhich will begin to appear in printed formin the near future. This is a co-operativestudy, intended to disco\er how the educational systems of the chief countries ofthe word approach the problem of instillingcivic ideals in the mind of each generation.Professor John M. Gaus has made a studyof Great Britain, Professor Samuel N.Harper of Russia, Professor Robert C.Brooks of Switzerland, Professor E. C.Hays of France, Professor Robert Michelsof Italy, Dr. Kosak of Germany. A studyof the United States is being made in partby Dr. Bessie Pierce, and in the same serieswill appear a study on Induction intoCitizenship, by Dr. Elizabeth Weber. Professor Merriam \^•ill write the introductoryvolume.(The University takes an active part notonly in the nation's politics, but in its economic,social, and religious activities. Other articlesivill describe these extensions of the University'sinfluence. — Editor)'Tlastered in Paris"An Alumnus Studies fof^ a Year in Paris; Blackfriars Accept his Master'sThesis, and Present it on May 20, 21, 27, and 28.AMERICANS do strange things in¦ Paris. Some of them stand in theLouvre and admire the Venus de Milo;some prowl about the Latin Quarter.Not many Americo-Parisians, howxver, dowhat Nelson Fuqua, '25, has done.Fuqua has written a Blackfriars show.He studied Paris in all its details. Heexplored its narrowest streets. He madefriends with its humblest citizens. Armenian pearl-vendors, Italian organ-grinders,even Parisian grisettes — had no secrets fromhim. Nor did he neglect the Americantourist. He observed the weary husbandemerging from the art galleries, and theboys from Ohio Wesleyan out for a bigtime. Students and alumni of his own University came in for their share of observation. *'Why,'* they would ask each otherafterwards, **did Fuqua entertain us so lavishly? Why was he at such pains to showus the town? Why did he take us to dinner^}^:^'\Marvin Hintz, '29, as Bingo, anotherChicagoan, who goes to Paris in acattle-boat and rescues Joan fronci herculture-seeking parents. Clyde Keutzer, '27, as Joan, fair visitor from the University to perilousParee, in the recent Friars show.at his favorite cafe? Now they know. Hewas taking careful notes on their reactions,their virtues, their weaknesses.All these studies have contributed toFuqua's Friars shoAv. The Armenian pearl-peddler appears in it; so do the grisette andthe organ-grinder. The American tourist— a toothpick magnate from Oskaloosa, tobe exact — appears in a prominent role. Heis in Paris, looking for culture. His wifeand daughter — the latter in a still moreprominent role — are with him. Even theAmerican college students, w4iom Fuquaso painstakingly studied, are reproduced forus. The toothpick manufacturer's lovelydaughter, the program tells us, is not onlya college student, but a Quadrangler fromthe University of Chicago. Bingo, hersuitor, is a Psi Big from the same University.True to the habit of research acquiredat his Alma Mater, Fuqua has made evenhis Friars show the result of scholarly investigation,321Light from the EastSome of the Adventures Met by the University's Explorers inJourney Back through the Ages.By Marion F. Williams theirW HERE, if not to the East, shall weturn for light upon the origins ofci\'ilization ? How otherwise can we traceman's story further back than the "merely"prehistoric period? For one can no longerbe content with the designation prehistoric.One must seek traces of the man of thegeological ages and follow his progressthrough the advent of civilization to theearlier stages of written history. It mustbe remembered that civilizations long lostand but now being recovered have influenced our own. For the Egyptian, theHebrew, the Assyrian, the Babylonian, andeven the Hittite are among those who havecontributed to our heritage.The Battle-Ground of the AgesDuring the World War the BritishGeneral Lord Allenby won a decisivevictory against the Turks at Armageddon.Many have hoped that this, the greatest,would be the last battle at that historic spot,the battlefield of the ages. Palestine'sposition between Egypt on the one hand,and Assyria and Babylonia on the other,had long made her a meeting-ground forrival po\\-ers. The great fortress-city ofArmageddon, or Megiddo, the older He brew form of the same word, must havelooked do^^¦n upon many scenes of conflicttaking place on the plain below. Todaythe great fortress-city is a vast mound, itsstores of historical evidence practicallyintact. When unearthed, its records maypoint to much earlier warfare than the conflicts between the Canaanites and theEgyptian army of Thutmose III in thefifteenth century B. C. Rich treasure maybe unearthed from the mound or fromtombs in the neighboring hills, where undoubtedly Asiatic kings were buried.We echo the hope that Armageddon willview no more sanguinary battles. It isbeing excavated today by an Oriental Institute expedition ; the picture below showspart of this work in progress. A tense racewith the elements marked the autumn of1925 before the headquarters house, shownat the top of the opposite page, was finallycompleted at Megiddo. Here the staffmay li\e in comparative comfort all theyear round. The long, flat-roofed structureincludes the field director's personal library,together with drafting rooms, photographicdark rooms, workshops, and storerooms forthe objects found.A corner of the exca\ations in the higheststrata of the Mound of Armageddon.322LIGHT FROM THE EAST 323'-iiS^ili iifiii^^"''ng and working quarters of the Arraaged-expedition, the Asiatic headquarters of theOriental Institute of the University.Mounds that Contain CitiesTo offset the discomfort and possibledanger of field work, explorers have distinct compensations. They gain their experience first-hand. Actual participationis better far than the printed tale of theirundertakings and results. They know thatsurprising discoveries may follow the uncovering of an innocent-looking grassymound like the one pictured below. In theHittite country a whole city, long forgotten,may lie beneath one great heap of earth.To excavate there, to bring to light thoselong-hidden remains of civilization, is a most important field of research. TheOriental Institute's preliminary survey inthe summer of 1926, with Mr. H. H. vonder Osten as field director, resulted in startling discoveries. Fifty-five new sites wereidentified as ancient "Hittite" settlements.Means of defense were apparent in a wholeseries of observation posts and in posternpassages cut as long inclined galleries inthe rocks for the rapid debouchment oftroops. It is hoped that Mr. von der Ostenmay return to the field this spring forfurther investigations.'¦;:'^«<:An unidentified Hittite city discovered by Mr.H. H. von der Osten of the University.324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE^97^-^'mi9tr~~¥iw::,^jSfesi-j^^"Chicago House" at Luxor, rear view. Rosenwald Library is the domed building at the left.Re-writing the H filing on the WallThe earliest representation of an Egyptian war fleet in action is shown in thetemple of Medinet Habu at ancient Thebes.In the twelfth century B. C. Ramses IIIcovered his temple from end to end withreliefs and inscriptions, from some of whichwe may reconstruct the story of the engagement. The civilized Aegeans, fleeing before the oncoming Greeks, endeavored tosettle in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, butwere driven back by the intrepid king.Unfortunately, two generations ago, muchof the temple ^-las demolished and the stoneblocks thus obtained were used in buildinga sugar factory ! This is only one instanceof the many which prove that no suchrecord is safe until it has been published.The field methods used by the OrientalInstitute in saving the temple inscriptionsof Eg\'pt are very exacting. It is firstThe draftsman on the scaffolding before thetemple wall. necessary to take many hundreds of moderate-sized photographs — not an easy taskunder Oriental conditions. These are thenenlarged to the size of an artist's portabledrawing board. The epigrapher, who canread the inscription, adds penciled notes toguide the draftsman. (See picture below).Thus equipped, the draftsman in his turnmounts the scaffolding erected before thetemple wall, inspects the original inscription, and makes his own penciled notesdirectly on the enlarged photographlater inking them in. The epigrapher thenclimbs again (see picture on opposite page)and stands in the blazing sun comparingthe draftsman's work sign by sign with theoriginal inscription. This painstaking repeated proofreading is of the utmost importance in eliminating mistakes.Besides being covered with written andpictured records, the Aledinet HabuTemple is structurally an outstanding workof architecture. To deal with it adequately, then, the personnel must includeable photographers, draftsmen, architectswith special training, and of course epi-graphers — scholars who can read the inscriptions.The records of the Medinet Habutemple alone, when assembled in this manner, will fill about fi\e ^-olumes. Such isthe mass of largely unstudied buildings inancient Thebes that they should affordstudy and research for generations. Furthermore, here >oung orientalists cancontinue tlieir professional studies in thefield, thanks to the Rosenwald Library,the first scientific library of Upper Egypt."Chicago House," the commodiousdomed building shown above, has beenerected opposite modern Luxor, on the¦\\estern plain which once formed likewiseLIGHT FROM THE EAST 325a part of ancient Thebes. Two enormousseated statues, the "Memnon Colossi,"stand in the field before the house. Theyalone remain of Amenhotep Ill's splendidtemple, which King Merneptah two centuries later demolished for building material. The right-hand figure used to uttera mysterious cry every morning whentouched by the first rays of the rising sun.Should any doubt be felt concerning thisstatement, the skeptic is advised to read forhimself a few of the numerous inscriptionsAvhich cover the figure's legs. They recordancient visitors' pleased reactions to thiseerie cry.Four ^Minutes to PlayIn antiquity carvings and inscriptionsare the most usual types of records. Thereis one instance, however, where ^vallpaintings yielded conclusive evidence inestablishing ancestral claims. I have inmind a most eventful day, May 4, 1920.The scene took place at the ruins of a largefortress on the Middle Euphrates, somethree hundred miles from Baghdad. Britishmilitary digging during the excavation of amachine gun position had discovered therea small temple with a holy of holies containing a shrine and wall paintings. A hasty ;^The epigrapher proofreading and correctingthe draftsman's India-ink tracing being madein the picture opposite.trip across the desert brought Dr. Breastedand his Oriental Institute party to the spot.Only one day was available in which tostudy the paintings. Imagine the scene ofordered activity. Indian troops lent bythe British piled sandbags to lift thecameras to a proper level, or dug busily so.J^Bogged in the land of the ancient Hittites. Anincident in the summer of 1926.3^6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat by further excavation the ground planof the building would be visible. Dr.Luckenbill took many photographs of thepaintings and of the sanctuary containingthem; Dr. Breasted made full notes on thepaintings and inscriptions — each one working against time and darkness, the archaeologist's enemies. In another day Britishprotection would be removed and no whiteman would be safe from Arab interference.Regretfully the paintings were abandoned and covered with rubbish to protectthem from destruction. Yet today they areno more. They look out at us solely in themany illustrations, most of them in color,in Oriental Forerunners of ByzantinePainting by J. H. Breasted. A comparisonof the mosaics from the Church of SanVitale at Ravenna with the largest of theseDura paintings will show that these important frescoes establish the orientalancestory of Byzantine painting, forminga cultural link between the Orient and laterEurope.De?nocracy in Ancient EgyptBefore 2000 B. C. a growing sense ofindividual importance, more venturesomein death than in life, had begun to utilizefor the ordinary mortal such spells as hadtheretofore been used to secure for the Pharaoh alone a blessed hereafter. It wasmost convenient to inscribe such texts uponthe inner surface of the wooden coffin itself,using pen and ink for the purpose. In fact,coffin-makers regularly covered the planksof their stock in trade with hastily writtencopies of spells furnished by the priests,the object being to fill up the space asspeedily as possible. Sometimes one spellwould be copied several times in the samecoffin, with many errors. Yet these CoffinTexts furnish the clue to man's belief,slowly dawning, that his own actions in thisworld will somehow^ condition his happinessin the next. They also throw light uponthe Pyramid Texts and the Book of theDead.A most important project has been thecopying and editing of all known occurrences of the Coffin Texts. Many museumshave co-operated generously in placing theirmaterial at the Oriental Institute's disposal.This work was begun in 1922 by Dr.Breasted and Dr. A. H. Gardiner at thegreat Cairo Museum, which contains byfar the larger part of the coffins involved.(Continued in the next issue, iiit/i a brief accountof the University's Assyrian dictionary, the origin of the Uncle Remus stories, the re-transla-tion of the Old Testament, and medical scienceamong the Egyptians.)Gallery in the Cairo Museum, show^ing thepainted planks of the ancient coffins, sometimesover 4000 years old, dismounted and set up forthe work of making the hand copies.The Story of the University of ChicagoBy Thomas Wakefield GoodspeedV. President HarpRt-printed through courtesy ojTHE first million-dollar fund wascontributed to the new institution tofound a college. For many monthsbefore his formal election to the presidencyDr. Harper had been considering, more orless seriously, the plan on which the institution should be organized. The friends ofthe enterprise had urged the consideration ofthis problem. They had reminded him thathe was the only educational expert amongthe Trustees, that on the educational planthe Trustees would look to him for guidance and they had urged him to have sucha plan ready for the September, 1890, meeting. But for the first and only time in hislife his prolific mind seemed to be barren ofideas. It refused to function. He cudgeledhis brains in vain to strike out a plan of organization. The truth was that from thebeginning his mind and heart had beenfixed on a university, while a college onlyhad been founded. He had appeared toyield to the necessity of beginning with acollege. As a matter of fact he had neveryielded. The idea of a university remainedfixed in his mind and he found himself unable to think in terms of a college — forundergraduate students only. No sooner,however, had Mr. Rockefeller added amillion dollars to the funds for the purposeof making the college a true university thanDr. Harper's mind became very busy. Hiscreative instinct at once awoke. He couldthink fast and effectively in terms of a university. Within two weeks after this secondmillion had been promised his mind hadgrappled with the question with all thatextraordinary concentration and fecunditywhich were so characteristic.The months of brooding over the question, now that the way was open for planning the university of his dreams, came tosudden fruition. While returning to NewHaven after his election in September, 1890,he began to work on the plan, and before ER Plans A UniversityThe I' niz'iTs'tty al Cli'uago Pressthe end of the journey the broad outlinesof it had been fully drawn up. Accordingto his own statements, quoted elsewhere, itflashed upon him, suddenly assumed shape,and gave him immense satisfaction. Thefirst presentation of it was made to theTrustees at their fourth meeting, in December, 1890, adopted by them, and givento the public in what was called OfficialBulletin No. 1. This was followed at briefintervals by five other official bulletins, filling out and elaborating the plan under thefollowing heads: "The College," "TheAcademies," "The Graduate Schools,""The Divinity School," "The UniversityExtension Division."No attempt will here be made to presentthe educational plan in its details. Dr.Harper, while he grasped large plans inoutline, had a remarkable gift for workingthese plans out into the minutest details.It fell to the writer to be in intimateofficial relations with him. At their businessconferences the president would frequentlybegin by saying, "I have forty points to bediscussed this morning." He kept a "redbook" in which he wrote out the points tobe worked out by himself or discussed Avithhis subordinates. There are a dozen ormore of these red books in the Universityarchives. Under every general subject thereare written, in his hand, from ten to a hundred and fifty points for consideration ordiscussion. An officer would often carryaway from a conference twenty questionsto work out, on which he was expected toreport. In the same way the plan was elaborated into great detail. In OfficialBulletiti No. 1, there were a hundred andfifty divisions and subdivisions; in the second, on The Colleges, two hundred andtwenty-five or more; and in the six bulletinsmore than a thousand, filling a hundredprinted pages.When the plan assumed its final form,327328 THE U.NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe general organization of the Universityincluded these five divisions:The University ProperThe University ExtensionThe University PressThe University Libraries, Laboratoiies,and MuseumsThe University AffiliationsIt may be said of three of the generaldivisions that they were new features inthe organization of an American university.In these three — University Extension, theUniversity Press, and University Affiliations — President Harper was deeply interested. The other divisions were common,in one form or another, to all universities.These three \^-ere his own conception, andhe confident!)' believed that they promised,if wisely and successfully administered, toincrease immensely the University's scopeand usefulness and power. Hitherto American universities had concentrated and confined their work within their own precincts.It was President Harper's purpose to extend college and university instruction tothe public at large, to make the Universityuseful to other institutions, and to e.xpandits influence and usefulness, through itspress, as widely as possible. He believedthere were large numbers of people whocould spend little or no time at the Univer sity itself who would welcome and profitby the instruction of its professors in genuine college and university courses, if thatinstruction could be sent to them throughlectures, afternoon and evening classes, correspondence lessons, and books loaned tothem from the libraries. He had learnedof the success of the extension movementconducted in England by the Universityof Cambridge, and expected wide usefulness for the enlarged and varied work inthe university extension he contemplated.It was because he believed so fully in itsvalue and its permanency that in his educational plan he made it one of the fi\e greatdi\isions of the University. The basicprinciple on which he would build a university -was service — service not merely to thestudents within its walls, but also to thepublic, to mankind.This was the end he had in view in allthe three new and novel divisions of theorganization. He was a profound believerin the power of the printed page. Throughthe Press he believed the usefulness of theUni\-ersity would be immensely enlargedand carried to the ends of the earth. Itwas on this account that his heart was seton building the University Press into theS3'stem, making it not an incident, an attachment, but one of the great divisions of theThe University Press, established by President H.nrper as an Integralpart ot the Uni\'crsity — a new feature in .American universitvurbanization.THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITV 329University, an organic part of the institution.The same thing was true as to Affiliation.President Harper did not wish to found auniversity that would through its rivalryweaken and injure the smaller institutionsof the Middle West. He conceived theplan of entering into relations of affiliationwith them, not primarily to increase thepower of Chicago, but rather to assist themin raising their standards, to add to theirprestige, and in every way to strengthenand upbuild them. This principle of largeand wide service was, indeed, the fundamental principle of the educational plan ofthe University.These five general divisions may perhaps be regarded as the foundation uponwhich the University was to be built. Themost important element of the superstructure would, of course, be the students,and the institution was to be co-educational.Men and women were to be admitted toall its privileges on equal terms. Thishad been decided before the educationalplan had been considered.There remain to be considered two ofthe most important and most interestingfeatures of President Harper's educationalplan. These two features were amongthose which he termed educational experiments. It may probably be truthfully saidthat he regarded them as the central andessential features of the new University.He believed in them with his whole heartand should be permitted to present themin his own words.I quote from a statement written by hima few months before the University openedand intended to be his first annual report tothe Board, but which because he was overwhelmed v,-ith the other duties of those busymonths, he could not find time to finish.He wrote most fully on the two featuresof his plan now to be considered. Thesewere the Academic Year and the Classification of Courses."The work of the University has beenarranged to continue throughout the year.It is divided into four quarters of twelveweeks each, with a recess of one week aftereach quarter. Each quarter is further divided into two terms of six weeks each,while instruction ^A-ill thus be offeredduring forty-eight weeks of the year, a professor or teacher will be expected to lectureonly thirty-six weeks. He may take as hisvacation any one of the four quarters,according as it may be arranged, or hemay take two vacations of six weeks eachat different periods of the year. All vacations, whether extra or regular, shall beadjusted to the demands of the situation,in order that there may always be on hand aworking force."The student may take as his vacation anyone of the four quarters, or, if he desire,two terms of si.x weeks each in differentparts of the year. There seems to be nogood reason why, during a large portion ofthe year, the University buildings shouldbe empty and the advantages which it offersdenied to many who desire them."The small numbers of hours required ofprofessors (eight to ten hours a week)makes it possible for investigation to becarried on all the time, and in the climateof Chicago there is no season which, uponthe whole, is more suitable for work thanthe summer."This plan of a continuous session securescertain advantages which are denied in institutions open only three-fourths of theyear."It will permit the admission of studentsto the University at several times duringthe course of the year, rather than at onetime only, the arrangement of courses having already been made with this object inview. It will enable students who havelost time because of illness to make up thelost work without further injury to theirhealth or detriment to the subjects studied.It will make it possible for the summermonths to be employed in study by thosewho are physically able to carry on intellectual work throughout the year, and whomay thus take the full college course inthree years. It will permit students to beabsent from the University during thoseportions of the year in which they can tobest advantage occupy themselves in procuring means with which to continue thecourse. It will make it possible for the33° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity to use, beside its own corps ofteachers, the best men of other institutionsboth in this country and in Europe. Itwill permit greater freedom on the partof both students and instructors in thematter of vacations. It will provide anopportunity for professors in smaller institutions, teachers in academies and highschools, ministers and others, who, underthe existing system, cannot attend a collegeor university, to avail themselves of theopportunity of university residence."On the Classification of Courses he said :"Majors and Minors. — It is concededby many instructors and students that theplan which prevails in many institutionsof providing courses of instruction of one,two, and three hours a Aveek, thus compelling the student to pursue six, seven,and even eight different subjects at onetime, is a mistake. In order to becomedeeply interested in the subject the studentmust concentrate his attention upon thatsubject. Concentration on a single subjectis impossible, if at the same time the studentis held responsible for work in five or moreadditional subjects."The plan of majors and minors, announced in our bulletins and calendars,has been arranged in order to meet thisdifficulty. The terms do not indicate thatthe subject taken as a major is more important than the subject taken as a minor.It is entirely possible that the most important subjects should never be taken asmajors. The terms mean simply, that,for a certain period of six weeks or twelveweeks. Mathematics, for example, is themajor, that is, the subject to which specialattention is given, and that during anothersix or twelve weeks History is the major.A subject taken as a major requires eightor ten hours' classroom work or lecturework a week. This is sufficient to leadthe student to become intensely interestedin the subject and to accomplish resultsso clear and definite as to encourage himA\'ith the progress of his work. It permitsthe carrying along of another subject entirely different as a minor, or, for the timebeing, less important subject. This givesthe needed variety, and the change from the one to the other furnishes what is alwaysconceded to be necessary, a relaxation ofthe mind.". . . . By the plan proposed, the student,when he first takes hold of a subject, givesthat amount of time and attention to itwhich will enable him to grasp it and tobecome acquainted with it in its details.When the end of the course has beenreached he has acquired an interest in thesubject, a knowledge of the subject, and,what is of still more value, he has learnedhow to take hold of a subject in the way inwhich, during his entire future life, he willbe able to take hold of things which fromtime to time present themselves "It is proposed that the plan shall be lessrigid in higher ^vork than in lower work.It has been the practice to give the studentin his younger years the largest possiblenumber of subjects, gradually reducing thenumber until, when he has become strongin mind and mature in age, he is allowed todevote his entire attention to work in asingle department. The particular agewhich needed most protection has receivedleast. It is proposed, therefore, to adopt theplan rigidly in the academies of the University and likewise in the Academic College ;but in the University College and graduatework, where students already begin tospecialize and to concentrate every effortavithout restriction or requirement, andwhere different courses may be taken inthe same department, to require a less rigidapplication of the plan."Such was President Harper's conceptionof continuous sessions, the Summer Quarter,and the classification of courses as majorsand minors.It is very clear from all this that he wascontemplating a great university. On thissubject he went on to speak as follows inthe unfinished report :"It is expected by all who are interestedthat the university idea is to be emphasized.It is proposed to establish, not a college,but a university. . . .A large number of theprofessors have been selected with the understanding that their work is to be exclusively in the Graduate Schools. Theorganization, as it has been perfected, wouldTHE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 331be from the college point of view entirelya mistake. It has been the desire to establishan institution which should not be a rivalwith the many colleges already in existence,but an institution which should help thesecolleges .... To assist these numerous colleges, to furnish them instructors who shallbe able to do work of the highest order ; toaccomplish this purpose, the main energiesof the institution have been directed towardgraduate work.... The chief purpose ofgraduate work is, not to stock the student'smind with knowledge of what has alreadybeen accomplished in a given field, butrather so to train him that he himself maybe able to push out along new lines of investigation. Such work is, of course, ofthe most expensive character. Laboratoriesand libraries and apparatus must be lavishlyprovided in order to offer the necessary opportunities. . . .Here also is to be foundthe question of the effort to secure the bestavailable men in the country as the headsand directors of departments. It is onlythe man who has made investigation whomay teach others to investigate. Withoutthis spirit in the instructor and withouthis example students will never be ledto undertake the work. Moreover, ifthe instructor is loaded down with lectureshe will have neither time nor strength topursue his investigations. Freedom fromcare, time for work, and liberty ofthought are prime requisites in all suchwork. An essential element, moreover, isthe opportunity of publishing results obtained in investigation. To this end it isprovided that in each department thereshall be published either a Journal or aseries of separate studies which shall in eachdepartment embody the results of the workof the instructors in that department. Itis expected that professors and other instructors will, at intervals, be e.xcused entirely for a period from lecture work, inorder that they may thus be able to givetheir entire time to the work of investigation. Promotion of younger men in thedepartments will depend more largely uponthe results of their work as investigatorsthan upon the efficiency of their teaching,although the latter will by no means be overlooked. In other words, it is proposedin this institution to make the work of investigation primary, the work of giving instruction secondary."Such, then, were the plans on which President Harper organized the University ofChicago. They were made not for a college but for a university. The emphasis wasto be placed on advanced graduate work.Professors were to be encouraged in pursuing orginal investigation. Students inadvanced courses were to be disciplinedand encouraged in research work. It washoped that the University would be useful in extending the boundaries of knowledge. On this part of the plan a professor writes:"Nowhere in this part of the country wereresearch interests at all well represented,and the tremendous momentum given tothe entire movement throughout the countryby the emphasis of this work at the University of Chicago can hardly be exaggerated."President Harper was a man of largeviews. He planned the University forindefinite expansion. He believed in thefuture of Chicago, as one of the greatestcities on the globe, and he planned andorganized a university that should growwith, and be worthy of, the city whosename it bore. At the end of the first thirdof a century of its history his general planscontinued to shape the growth of the institution. The educational plan, novel, radical, a great educational experiment, modified in some particulars, but essentially thesame, remained and promised to continueto remain the University's fundamentallaw.(To be continued)c ^i}t Mnibersitp of Cfjicago iflap?ineEditor and Business Manager, Allen Heald, '26Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.ti EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,C'ly; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D. B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;r School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association —ip Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.ere^^Ts &^ c^^^^^KTIntroducingtheUniversityMA.NY alumni have expressed a wish tolearn more about the University'spresent program of growth. They know thatbuildings are being erected,that equipment is being improved, that the strength of theFaculties is being maintainedand increased when opportunityoffers, in order that the most useful possibleLTniversity may be built. But they wouldlike to understand these things in greaterdetail. They would like to inspect the newbuildings, and the improved laboratories,museums, and libraries; talk with officialswho know the University's specific problems,and who are trying to solve them. Facultymembers, visiting Alumni Clubs throughout the country, have been bombarded withquestions about the University's policy.Letters received at the Alumni Office bearwitness to the same desire for close acquaintance.The University itself is anxious to meetits Alumni face to face. "You who todayhave finished your studies," said PresidentMason to a recent graduating class, "arenot lost to the University. You have butchanged your status within the University."The Faculty and the administrative officersare anxious to share their problems andplans with people thus directly concerned.The Reunion presents itself as a splendidopportunity for the Alumni to acquaintthemselves '\'\ith the University'. Manyalumni have protested that the Reunionought to provide more than parades andstunts: that hilarity, though it fills an important place and should be encouraged, should be supplemented by a certain amountof serious business, if the most interestingReunion program is to be obtained.The Alumni Council, therefore, has decided to introduce two new events into theprogram of the Reunion next month : a discussion of University affairs, and an inspection of the University's buildings and equipment. President Mason and three of hiscolleagues will conduct the discussion.Each will talk for about twelve minutes onhis own branch of the University's activity,and will be prepared to answer questions.Then every department 'will open its offices,laboratories, museums, and other ¦workshopsfor inspection. Bulletins, posted conspicuously, 'will tell '\vhere the various exhibitsmay be found. Every member of the Faculty will be on hand, to discuss his own fieldof work, to answer questions, and to revivefriendships of former college days. Alumniin a particular profession will discuss theproblems of that profession with e.xpertsin the proper schools and departments.Teachers will talk shop at the School ofEducation, lawyers at the Law School,doctors at the new medical group. Investigator and practitioner will thus exchangeideas. The University will profit by thereal experience of its Alumni ; the Alumniwill profit by the studies, calculations, andexperiments — just as real — of their University.The idea of acquainting the Alumni atReunion with the LTniversity's work is notnew. Previous Reunions have made effortsin this direction. Notable among thesewas Professor Breasted's lecture at the Reunion of 1926. This year a lecture by Dean332EVENTS AND COMMENT 333Gordon Jennings Laing of the GraduateSchool of Arts and Literature on The Function of a University will serve the same purpose.This survey of the University will notdisplace the fun that has rightly prevailedat Reunion. Class dinners, a dance at theReynolds Club, an Alumni Athletic Carnival in Stagg Field, a Parade of the Classes,the Shanty Exercises, and the UniversitySing will liven the occasion as much as ever,or more. The survey of the gi eater University, added to these events, will make forthe most interesting possible Reunion.Important New Books AnnouncedBy The University PressAMONG the important new books an-. nounced by the University of ChicagoPress are Public Welfare Administration,by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge ; Lawyersand Litigants of Ancient Athens, by RobertJ. Bonner; The Physiography of the Regionof Chicago, by F. M. Fryxell ; Out of Doorswith Youth, by J. W. F. Davies; and TheModernity of Milton, by Martin A. Larson.New impressions include those of GiacosaTristi Amori, edited by Rudolph Altrocchi;Ancient Records (five volumes), by JamesHenry Breasted; The Outlook for American Prose, by Joseph Warren Beach ;Religious Education in the Family, byHenry F. Cope ; The Story of the NeivTestament, by Edgar J. Goodspeed; HoivTo Study, by A. W. Kornhauser ; Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics, by H. HackettNewman; and The Electron, by Robert A.Millikan.Getting Out the Vote, by Harold F.Gosnell, just published, has proved to beof especial value and timeliness.Psychological Tests at theUnive;rsityPSYCHOLOGICAL tests predict atleast as well as high-school grades whata student will do in college, according toProfessor L. L. Thurstone, of the Department of Psychology, who has just completed a correlation of college marks at the University with the grades made in psychological tests given to entering freshmen.Professor Thurstone has also given outthe list of twenty-five members of the 1926entering class who rated highest in the tests.The University has participated, underProfessor Thurstone as director, in thecomparative psychological test programbeing carried out by the American Councilon Education and the National ResearchCouncil. In the Autumn of 1926 the examination was given to about 50,000students in 166 colleges. Professor Thurstone, who is chairman of the NationalResearch Committee on Personnel Research,received his Doctor's degree from theUniversity.Changes in the FacultyDR. WILLIAM FIELDING OG-BURN, who for eight years has beenProfessor of Sociology in Columbia University, has been appointed to a similarposition in the University of Chicago, according to a recent announcement of theBoard of Trustees. After receiving hisDoctor's degree at Columbia in 1912, hebecame an instructor in economics and politics at Princeton, and later Professor ofSociology in Reed College, Oregon, and inthe University of Washington. In 1919 hewas called to Columbia.During the war Professor Ogburn wasexaminer and head of the Cost of LivingDepartment of the National Labor Board.He has been editor of the Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association and is theauthor of Progress and Uniformity in ChildLabor Legislation and of Social Change.Professor Ogburn will assume his newduties at Chicago on July I.The Board of Trustees also announcesthe resignation of Ferdinand Schevill, Professor of Modern History at the University,in order that he may carry on studies inwhich he is especially interested. He will.however, become Non-Resident Professorat the University when his resignation becomes effective, October i.ALUMNIFloridans Form Alumni ClubA UNIVERSITY of Chicago Club forFlorida was formed on Tuesdaynight, April l'^, at the Floridan Hotel.We were fortunate in having with us Mr.and ^Irs. Roy B. Nelson, St. Petersburg;Mr. Bernard B. Bailey, Lake Wales; andMr. Samuel C. Johnston, who acted as thechairman of the organization.It was a get-together meeting simply, anda successful one.The following officers were elected; Dr.Samuel C. Johnston, President. Mr. E. E.Mahannah, Vice President. Miss GeorgiaBorger, Secretary-Treasurer. The officers,with Misses Bernice Byrum and FloraIngalls constitute the Executive Committee.The next meeting will be held Tuesday,May 17th.Georgia BorgerSecretary-TreasurerLetter Concerning Dean Mathews'Address To The New York Alumni|\ N March 22nd a most interesting joint^^ meeting of the New York Alumnaeand Alumni Clubs was held at the TownHall Club in New York City. The meeting was attended by o\er eighty members.We were most fortunate in having DeanShailer Mathews address us on "The Present Conflict Between Science and Religion."I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for advising us of the fact that DeanMathews planned to be in the East duringMarch. It is a real service for the AlumniSecretary to advise the Alumni Clubs overthe country of the availabilit\' of facult\'members for addresses.Dean A[atheA\'s' address proved so interesting and persuasive that he left us 'witha feeling that religion embraced scienceinsofar as it was possible for the lu\' mind A F F A I R Sto follow the intricate theories of the presentday scientist. Although Dr. Mathews wasthe only speaker, he was most fair to ascientific point of view. He presented bothsides of the question most ably, leaving uswith the thought that it is largely the limitation of words and the adjustment of ideasrather than the substance ¦^^¦hich is involvedin the present conflict.Please keep us advised in the future whenwe will have another opportunity to haveone of the members of the faculty with us.The strongest bond that holds the Alumnitogether is an intellectual one. When wecan hear such speakers as Dr. Mathews,that bond is strengthened and given newlife. Cordially Yours,James Oliver AIurdock& ,^ aWestern Alumni Hear News fromthe UniversityTAEAN EMERY T. FILBEY has re--L/ ported late activities at the LTniversity to Alumni in seven Western cities:Denver on April 1 1, San Diego on April 21,San Francisco on May 3, Portland on May6, Seattle on May 9, Salt Lake City onMay 12, and Wichita on May 17. TheDenver meeting is reported in detail below.Accounts of the other meetings will appearnext month.A » »Woodward is Guest of DetroitAlumniVICE PRESIDENT FREDERIC C.WOODWARD spoke before the Detroit Alumni Club at a dinner May 20. Afurther account of the meeting will appearnext month.» .^ AKentucky Alumni Assemble to HearReavis'T^HE Louis^¦ille Alumni Club met at^ luncheon on Thursday, April 21, at theBrown Hotel. Twenty-two Alumni,334AN APPEAL FOR-INFORMATION 335brought together from all parts of the stateby the annual session of the Kentucky Education Association, attended the affair.Professor W. C. Reavis, Principal ofthe University High School, was our guestand speaker. By his kindly interest in ourassociation and his inspiring talk on plansin progress at the university. Dr. Reavisbrought our club together for an hour ofjoy and reunion. Leon P. Lewis, '02, J. D.'05, presided.At the conclusion of the meeting it wasunanimously agreed that we arrange aluncheon each year during the K. E. A.session, to include all Alumni members ofour state. Sincerely yours,Gertrude Kohnhorst, Secretary^ J^ aReport Of Dean Filbey's ConferenceWith The Colorado AlumniTHE Colorado Alumni Club had thepleasure of hearing Dean Emery T.Filbey, who talked to the members assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sass, Monday evening, April 11.There were only sixteen members present towelcome Dean and Mrs. Filbey, due to asnow storm raging outdoors and severalcounter attractions, but those of us fortunate to be able to attend gained much inspiration and knowledge from Dean Filbey's talk, and I'm sure everyone went homewith a new feeling of pride, almost amount ing to awe, in the achievements of our beloved Alma Mater, and the monumentaltasks planned for the future.Following the talk. Dean Filbey wasbombarded with questions as the Alumnigathered around the coffee table and partook of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs.Sass.The hour was late when all departed,but the meeting was a most happy and interesting one. Beatrice Gilbert,SecretaryBaltimore Club Hears Judd And NewDirector of Libr.ariesON APRIL II, the Baltimore AlumniClub held its annual meeting, at whichtime officers for the year were elected, asfollows :President, William Cabler Moore, Ph.D. 1910.Secretary-Treasurer, Helen WescottBarbre, Ph. B. 1918.(Mrs. Clarence)The speakers for the evening were Dr.Charles H. Judd, Director of the Schoolof Education and Dr. M. Llewellyn Raney,who goes to the University next fall as thehead of the libraries. Twenty-five werepresent at the dinner and meeting. Everyone had a good time. Sincerely,Helen Wescott Barbre,Secretary-TreasurerAn Appeal For InformationIN YOUR community, no doubt, thereare young people who plan to enter college soon, and '^vho have qualities thatwould make Chicagoans of the best type.The Undergraduate Extension Board, as explained in a preceding issue in the articleNew Blood in the Undergraduate Body, isanxious to communicate with as many suchprospects as possible, and describe to themthe advantages of the University as an alma mater. This Board would be very gratefulfor your help in finding, through 5'ourfriends, neighbors, high school teachers,etc., the names and addresses of boys andgirls who have the qualities referred toabove.Such information, sent to The Presidentof the Senior Class, University of Chicago,will aid materially in the building of agreater University.HI UNIVERSITYNew Medical Buildings To BeCompleted In JulyTHE massive group of new structuresin the modern Gothic style, whichMessrs. Coolidge and Hodgdon have designed for the University Medical Schoolon the Mid^^'ay Plaisance and which haverequired three years and five million dollarsto build, will be open for occupancy in July.Dr. Franklin C. McLean, Professor ofMedicine and Chairman of the University'sDepartment of Medicine, who has been aguiding observer of construction, was recently asked 'what is the significance of the'ivhole vast project of medical education andresearch. He said: "To create a medicalschool conducted on a university basis; andto create such an atmosphere that if astudent has any talent — genius if you like— it will come out."To breed thinkers. Not to stuff a manwith knowledge but to teach him to useknowledge; not alone to educate a studentin certain facts of medicine but in facts ofthe patient ; to teach him to do things withhis own head and hands instead of traveling on reports and being lectured to all day.The whole idea is to incorporate him withthe whole University as a seat of researchand a means to the individual's developmentinstead of setting him apart from the wholeUniversity."In no other unixersity in this countryhas this unification idea been so thoroughly carried out, for that is the central ideato v\hich we have built."Lectures on the New CathedralChapelUNDER the ausjiiccs of the RenaissanceSociety of the University a series ofillustrated lectures on the architecture andsculptural decorations of the new cathedralChapel is being given in the theatre of Ida NOTES ^.^^^MNoyes Hall. One lecture, on "TheChapel," was given April 19 by Rev. VonOgden Vogt, the president of the society.This lecture connected the Chapel buildingwith certain historic prototypes in Europeand with other current work, and was illustrated by a model of the Chapel, plans, andthe completed design.On May 5 Professor Edgar J. Good-speed spoke on "The Decorative Plastics ofthe Chapel." Actual plaster models andsome finished works in carved stone were onhand for inspection. The symbolism of thesculptured figures selected by the Universitywas explained.The Chapel was designed by one of themost gifted architects the United States hasproduced — the late Bertram GrosvenorGoodhue, an artist of great scholarship andoriginality. He was one of the leaders inthe e.xtensive movement which has been reviving and developing the art of buildingon a Gothic base, and the new Chapel ofthe University is one of the outstandingachievements of Air. Goodhue and his associates.In its central site among the groups ofUni\'ersity buildings the Chapel will besufficiently high and massi\'e to hold its ownamong them. Its tower is to be carriedhigh abo^'c their pinnacles to a point 207feet above the ^Midway. The building is265 feet long and 73 feet across the naveand aisle. There is a 41 -loot span betweenthe piers of the na^'e, this great width being necessary to the accommodation ofnearly 1,750 people, exclusive of the sanc-tuar\', choir, and choir gallery, so that allmembers of the audience may be within hearing distance of the speaker. The crown oftlie vaulted ceiling is 79 feet abn\'e the floor,while the ridge of the copper roof is 102feet above the sidewalk.Special attention has been given to thecolor decoration of the ceiling vaults, whichare of glazed acoustic tile. In the sculp-336UNIVERSITY NOTES 337tural decoration many of the statues are tobe over life-size, and much thought has beengiven to the subjects.» & AA Million-Dollar MemorialHospital For Children AtThe UniversityANOTHER important addition to the.i^ V-University Clinics is assured by the giftof one million dollars from Colonel andMrs. John Roberts, of Chicago, through themedium of the Bobs Roberts MemorialHospital for Children. The hospital is onewhich Colonel and Mrs. Roberts createdand endowed exclusively for charitable purposes in 1923 in memory of their son, BobsRoberts, who died in 191 7 at the age offive. Since its founding, the hospital hasbeen devoted to an intensive study of themost progressive methods for the cure ofinfantile diseases.In accepting the gift President MaxMason said that the University recognizedthe primary purpose of the hospital as aninstitution for the most modern treatmentof sick children, adding that "the gift makesavailable to the University, as a part of itsmedical program, facilities not only for thispurpose but also for intensive research intothe cause, prevention, and treatment ofdiseases peculiar to children. A modernUniversity Clinic will be established similarto those in the great medical centers ofVienna and Berlin, where the training ofspecialists will go hand in hand with theadvancement of knowledge."President Mason also announced thatthe hospital will be intimately associatedwith the care of children born in the Chicago Lying-in Hospital, which will adjoin it,and both hospitals will have free access toall of the facilities and physicians in thegroup of University Clinics.About half of the gift, according to thepresent plans, will be used to build andequip a hospital of about one hundred beds;the remainder being used for endowment.Plans for the hospital will be drawn immediately, and it is hoped that building willbegin before the end of the year on a siteat Fifty-ninth Street and Drexel Avenue. The hospital will have a memorial room inwhich an appropriate memorial to the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will be maintained.With the Roberts Memorial Hospitalfor Children, the Chicago Lying-in Hospital, and the Albert Merritt Billings Hospital, the LTniversity will have three greathospitals, each costing approximately amillion dollars, standing side by side andoverlooking the Midway Plaisance betweenEllis Avenue on the east and Cottage GroveAvenue on the west.» » »The University As A Center OfArtistic InfluencePLANS to establish the University as acenter of artistic influence comparable tothat of leading universities of the east wererecently presented by Professor Walter Sargent, Chairman of the Department of Art,before two Avomen's organizations whichhave been leaders in furthering an appreciation of the fine arts — the Public SchoolArt Society, and the Conference of ClubPresidents. More than a thousand members of the two societies were guests of theUniversity at an all-day program on April21.Professor Sargent, who has achieved greatsuccess with limited facilities, outlined fourmain objectives in his program: To offerall students an opportunity to develop anintelligent enjoyment of the world's artisticinheritance; to reach a much wider constituency by training teachers in the history,theory, and practice of the arts who will beable to present art in such a way that it willenter into the daily life of students ; to offersome experience with the materials of art ;and to forward appreciation of industrialart and co-operate with the rapidly growinginterest in giving to possessions and surroundings greater charm and distinction.President Max Mason gave the addressof welcome in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall,Secretary of the University Rowland Haynes made brief introductory remarks, andProfessor Sargent presented his plans witha short illustrated talk.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy B. J. Green, '29BLACKFRIARS are all set to put ontheir annual "best show in years" onMay 20, 21, 27 and 28. Clyde Keutzer(Beta Theta Pi) and Marvin Hintz, (PhiKappa Psi) old hands in the Friars game,are playing the leads in this year's show,Plastered in Paris. Nelson Fuqua, '25,Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, and several other things, wrote the script for theshow, while he was in Paris last year. Hiscomedy won out in one of the best bunchesof manuscripts that the Abbots have seenfor years. We have read parts of it, andit is genuinely well done. . .better thanmost Friar shows.Besides the musical comedy show, thereis Interscholastic, that great rushing institution, which causes so much grief and somuch joy each year in June. This yearJohn Meyer, Psi Upsilon and President ofthe Senior Class is managing the Twenty-third Annual Interscholastic Track andField Meet to be sponsored by the University of Chicago. Meyer has several trickideas up his sleeve and hopes to bring severaldozen of the prep stars to the L'niversityto study. More than a thousand boys willcompete for the two hundred prizes beingawarded to the \i'inners.^ J~ «MAINTAINING a strong majoritydespite protests and a revote, ArnoldJohnson, '28, has been elected Presidentof the Undergraduate Council for thecoming year. Johnson is Manager-elect ofIntramural Sports, one of the chairmen incharge of the Track Interscholastic, and amember of Kappa Sigma. Eloise Kresse,'28, of W. A. A., Federation, and Esoteric,will serve as Secretary-Treasurer.At first, Johnson, Fred von Ammon (PhiGamma Delta), Helen King (Quadrangler), and Dorothy Low (Chi Rho Sigma) were elected as delegates from theClass of '28 to the Council. But CarlHenriksen (Independent) , a defeated candidate, protested on the ground that a mistakein the announcement of hours of the electionand in the spelling of a name on the ballothad operated against him. A second election was held. Johnson and Miss Kingremained in the lead; but Henriksen tookvon Ammon's place, and Miss Kresse displaced Miss Low. A second protest, filedby von Ammon, was denied..^ » ^FRATERNITY and club grades are outonce more. This time Tau Sigma Omi-cron leads the men with Alpha Delt againin second place and Deltho heads thewomen's clubs. The ratings for the fraternities were: (l) Tau Sigma Omicron,(2) Alpha Delta Phi, (3) Tau Delta Phi,(4) Alpha Epsilon Pi, (5) Phi Beta Delta,(6) Pi Lambda Phi, (7) Phi Sigma Delta,(8) Acacia, (9) Delta Sigma Phi. (10)Zeta Beta Tau, (11) Tau Kappa Epsilon,(12) Sigma Alpha Epsilon, (13) Phi PiPhi, (14) Delta Upsilon, (15) Psi Upsilon,(16) Beta Theta Pi, (17) Kappa AlphaPsi, (18) Alpha Tau Omega, (19) SigmaNu, (20) Kappa Sigma, (21) Alpha PhiAlpha, (22) Alpha Sigma Phi, (23) DeltaKappa Epsilon, (24) Lambda Chi Alpha,{2^) Phi Kappa Psi, (2b) Chi Psi, (27)Phi G:imma Delta, (28) Delta Chi, (29)Phi Delta Theta, (30) Phi Kappa Sigma,(31) Sigma Chi, {:-,2) Kappa Nu, (33)Delta Tau Delta.Women's Clubs: (i) Deltho, (2) Astra-tro, (3) Phi Delta Upsilon, (4) Sigma,(5) Quadrangler, (6) Wyvern, (7) ChiRho Sigma, (8) Pi Delta Phi, (9) PhiBeta Delta, (10) Delta Sigma, (11) Esoteric, (12) Achoth, (13) Mortar Board.338By Victor Roterus, '29 ern and Chicago — who finished in the ordernamed — Burg captured first in the jumpTHE Maroon teams in the four spring by crossing over the bar at six feet twosports have all engaged in Conference inches. He was pressed for honors by Mc-competition. Indications are that the golfers Ginnis of Wisconsin who has been fightingwill march to another Conference title, the it out with Burg in the high jump for thetrack team will enjoy a fairly successful last two years. Olwin won the hammerseason, and the baseball and tennis teams, throw for Chicago with a toss of 135 feetjudging by their poor starts, should finish ly^ inches.their seasons with quite a few more re- While Burg was winning in Philadelphia,verses than victories. the two-mile relay team headed by WilliamsThe showing of the ball nine has been and Burke ran second at the Drake gamesrather disappointing. They have won but in the time of 7 :52.2. This team wasone game and lost seven. This is Fritz picked as the third best in the country byCrisler's first year as a Conference baseball Albon Holden, editor of The Big Tencoach; but he cannot be blamed for the JFeekly.poor performance of his team. Robbed of In their only outdoor dual meet thus farthe only dependable hurler he had by Wally Chicago, by taking eleven out of fifteen firstMarks' ineligibility, Crisler has been forced places, defeated Purdue 83 1/3 to 51 2/3to use Macklind, an outfielder, and Kaplan, at Lafayette. Smith, who won both hurdlean inexperienced sophomore, in all the races. Burg in the high jump, Klein in thegames. Neither of these men is in the same shot put, and Burke in the 440 did nobleclass with Stewart of Illinois, Miller of work. Williams, to make the afternoonMichigan, Stoll of Wisconsin, Maxton of complete, beat out Captain Little of PurduePurdue, Redding of Minnesota, Mills of in the mile, after nearly every one hadNorthwestern, and Ames of Ohio State, conceded the race to the latter.Zimmerman, basketball forward and anoth- The conference track meet will be helder pitching possibility, has also fallen under in Madison Saturday, May 28.the ineligibility ban. The tennis team has won a match fromWith Macklind pitching, the Maroons Northwestern, lost one to the same school,nosed out Indiana 6-5 for their first and, and lost to Illinois and Minnesota.so far, their lone victory. The story goes The golfers have had only one matchthat after Indiana had scored four times to date, and in that they beat Purdue, con-in their half of the opening inning Coach querors of Northwestern, 18^ to 5j4.Crisler assembled his team and said, "I On the spring football squad is Princeknow we're all jolly good fellows together, Schmuel Khaninia, who says he is morebut hell, let's go out and win this game." interested in getting a "C" than the kinglyBurg, champion in high jumping and robes of his family's 3000-year old dynastyhigher mathematics, can always be counted in Assyria.on for a first place at any meet. On a Football has not been much of a successmuddy field at the Penn relays, he leaped here this spring. Very few regulars havesix feet four inches to win first place ; Lar- turned out. Some of them are busy withsen of Yale, who placed second, dropped their track and baseball work, while othersout at five feet eleven. are busy keeping or getting eligible. CoachAt the quadrangular meet in Evanston Stagg has for the most part been experi-between Ohio State, Wisconsin, Northwest- menting with the new rules.339OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1 102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Lyman E. Lehrberger, 15 Euston St.,Brookline, Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ISt St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumna; Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,1885 E. 75th St.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Sue HamiltonYeaton, 3340 N. Meridian St.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel. Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. State Department of Health.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kan. Sec, Mrs. Daniel E.Lynch, 1528 Prairie St.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District AtQ-.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York .¦Mumna: Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush.340Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wakefield, 1419 — 31st Ave., S.E.Rapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft,'928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Hanson, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle Sl'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman,4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54thPI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. LaSalle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Topeka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la.. Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, 3000 Connecticut Ave.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuyler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.of the P. I.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu,20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.'12 Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace'13- James A. Donovan, 400 N. MichiganAvenue.'14- John B. Perlee, 232 S. Clark St.'15- Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17- Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. Madison'18. Mrs. Barbara Miller Simpson, 5842Stony Island Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), ni6 E. 54thPlace.'24- Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.'26 Jeannette M. Hayward, 201 S. StoneAve., LaGrange, 111.CLASS SECRETARIES3+1NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCLATIONSCollege Alumni'98 — Henry Justin Smith is the authorof "Innocents Aloft," a volume of fictionalsketches, mainly about France, which hasjust been published.'00 — Henry R. Corbett is an actuary,specializing upon pension funds and employees benefits, with offices at 175 W. JacksonBlvd., Chicago.'01 — Ralph H. Rice is a member of theBoard of Supervising Engineers located at231 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.'02 — Milton Pettit has recently beenmade a Vice-President of the Nash Company at Kenosha, Wisconsin.'06 — Burton P. Gale is associated withBabcock, Rushton & Company, 137 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.'08 — Loretta Smith heads the Department of English at Proviso Township HighSchool, Maywood, Illinois.'10 — Isaac Ne^vton Warner teacherMathematics in the State Normal School atPlatteville, Wisconsin.'12 — Helen Hull, Professor in the Department of English at Columbia University, is the author of "Islanders," whichhas recently been published by The Macmillan Company.'12 — Uriah L. Light is Superintendentof Schools at Barberton, Ohio.'12 — A. Boyd Pixley, ex, is Vice-presidentof Pixley & Ehlers, Restaurateurs, 716W. Madison Street, Chicago.'15 — Grace W. Landrum is Professorof English at Westhampton College of theUniversity of Richmond, Virginia.'15 — John P. McGalloway practices lawat Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.'17 — Joseph L. Samuels is Vice-presidentof the DougLis Lumber Companv withoffices at 2726 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago.'17 — Yu Tai ^'ao is teaching Physics inNankai Universitv, China. '18 — William B. Holton, ex, recentlybecame associated with Bacon, Whipple &Company, Investment Securities, at 105 S.LaSalle Street, Chicago.'19 — Elizabeth J. Hart is a Spanish translator for the home office of Woodmen of theAVorld at Omaha, Nebraska.'20 — Madeleine I. Cohn is a Latin instructor in North High School, Omaha,Nebraska.'20 — May A. Klipple, teacher of Englishin the Indiana State Normal School, Mun-cie, Indiana, is planning to attend the Summer Session at O.xford University, England.'20 — Wen Kai Tang, A. M., teachesEconomics in Nankai University, China.'21 — Antti Lepisto of Duluth, Minnesota, will assume his duties as President ofSuomi College and Theological Seminaryat Hancock, Michigan, on August i.'22 — James W. Clarson, Jr., has recentlybeen made Dean of the College of Education at the University of Arizona, Tucson.'22 — Yu Sheng Huang teaches Education and Psychology in Nankai University,China.'22 — Alan B. LeMay is the author of"Painted Ponies," a story of the old-timewestern plains, published by George H.Doran Company.'23 — Yung Chih Chen is Vice-presidentof the Hong Kong National Savings Bank,Hong Kong, China.'23 — Mrs. Ucal Stevens Lewis is Associate Professor of English at Alabama College, Montevallo, Alabama.'24 — Hugh S. Bonar has recently beenelected to the city superintendency ofschools at ManitoAvoc, AVisconsin.'24 — Tsung Hsiang Sung, A. M. '26, is\'ice-president of the Sino ScandinavianBank at Hong Kong, China.'27 — AValter H. Ritsher, ex, is AdjunctPiofesscn- of Economics at the AmericanUni\ersity of Beirut, Beirut, Syria.342NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 343Rush Medical College'i6 — Clinton D. Swickard is located at840 loth Street, Charleston, Illinois, wherehe is practicing medicine and surgery.'23 — M. Herbert Barker is doing research work in internal medicine at Harvard University. He is also on the staffof the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital atBoston.'23 — Winfred W. Hawkins and Mrs.Beatrice Weil Hawkins, M. D. '23, areengaged in the practice of medicine at Wil-mette, Illinois. Dr. Beatrice Hawkinsspecializes in pediatrics.'25 — Frank R. Guido is practicing general medicine and surgery at 1 1 60 W.Taylor Street, Chicago.'26 — Roy A. Crossman practices at 2 N.Sheridan Road, Highland Park, Illinois.A » .^School of EducationAdministrative Conference ProgramFor The SummerREFERENCE was made in an earlierissue of the Magazine to the Institute for the Administrative Officersof Higher Institutions which will be held atthe University during the week of July 18.The program for the morning sessionsfollows :Monday morning, July 18: "WhoShould Go to College?" President FrankLeRond McVey, University of Kentucky ;"The Antioch Plan of Admission, Guidance, and Personnel Work," PresidentArthur E. Morgan, Antioch College.Tuesday morning, July 19: "FreshmanWeek and Orientation Courses," PresidentWalter G. Clippinger, Otterbein College ;"Junior College Curricula," Professor L.V. Koos, University of Minnesota.Wednesday morning, July 20: "TheCo-ordination of the Senior College withGraduate and Professional Schools," Chancellor Capen, University of Buffalo; "TheImprovement of College Teaching," President Max Mason, University of Chicago.Thursday morning, July 21: "TheRollins Plan of College Instruction," Dean George E. Carrothers, Rollins College;"Honors Courses," President Frank Ayde-lotte, Swarthmore College.Friday morning, July 22 : "InstructionalResearch," Dean F. J. Kelly, Universityof Minnesota; "Standards in HigherEducation," Professor F. W. Reeves, University of Kentucky.During the afternoon sessions membersof the conference will meet in small groupsto consider the problems of specific typesof school officers, such as presidents, businessmanagers, deans, registrars, etc.A most cordial invitation is extended bythe University to administrative officers ininstitutions throughout the country toattend the Institute. Special folders announcing the Institute may be secured byaddressing Dean Gray.» A AMidwest Conference on SupervisionThe fourth annual meeting of the Midwest Conference on Supervision was heldin Mandel Hall on Saturday, May 7. ThisConference, which is held under the auspices of the School of Education of theUniversity of Chicago, started four yearsago as a small classroom gathering and hasbecome a large meeting attracting attendance from six midwestern states.Those included on the program this j-earwere Mr. E. E. Keener, Director of Instructional Research, Public Schools ofChicago; Superintendent H. E. Hall ofWood County, Ohio; A. S. Barr, University of Wisconsin; H. S. Gillet,Principal o^ the University of ChicagoElementary School; and Dean W. S. Grayof the College of Education.The chairman of the Conference for thisyear was Dean Gray and the secretary wasProfessor W. H. Burton of the Universityof Chicago.The University of Chicago Elementaryand High Schools have recently purchasedfor classroom use, a collection of fourteenwood-block prints by Gustave Bauman,representing in many cases scenes from thepicturesque southwest. These prints arestrong in color and composition and areparticularly appropriate for science classrooms.344 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni Notes -v'i6 — Dorothy Knights, Cert., is living inHoUvwood, California, and is writing shortstories for a new magazine called "Zest."She writes under the pen name of JanFoster, the Foster being for Foster Hall.'17— Mrs. Howland Bottler (Lucile M. ^Lewis, Ph. B.) lives at 715 Clark Ave.,Webster Groves, Missouri.'19— Mrs. Milton C. Asher (Pearl I. fHenderson, Ph. B.) lives at 854 Grove St., ^Glencoe, Illinois.'20 — Eleanor J. Carman, Ph. B., has Ibeen a kindergarten teacher with the Baptist IMissionary Training School in Chicago, '¦since 1921. c'22 — Harold L. Klug, Ph. B., is con- ">nected with the International Correspond- ^ence Schools at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as ^salesman. c'23— William W. McCune, A. M., was tpromoted in September, 1926, to the position 1of Assistant Superintendent of Schools of ^Savannah, Georgia.'24— Frederik C. N. Hedebol, A. M., Iteaches general science in the McKinleySchool, Schenectady, N. Y.'24— Ferol E. Potter, Ph. B., is teacherof home economics in the Winchell Continuation School, Chicago, Illinois.'25— May B. Clark, Ph. B., is teachingEnglish in the Lincoln High School, Manitowoc, Wisconsin.'25 — James B. Sellers, A. M., is CountySuperintendent of Education in Tuscaloosa,Alabama.'25 — Ellen Jane Teare, Ph. B., is Deanof Girls and Instructor in Home Economicsin the High School, Bedford, Indiana.'26— John C. McMillan, A. M., is Deanof the Junior College, State School ofScience, Wahpeton, N. D.'26— Harriett E. Mehaffie, Ph. B. issaleswoman for the New Student's Reference Work published by Weedon Co.,Cleveland, Ohio.w « J-Divinity SchoolH. W. Blashfield, Ph. B. '20, has beenappointed Secretary of the Chicago Council of Religious Education. The Council, which is affiliated with the Chicago ChurchFederation and is one of the most efficientcity councils in the country, has its headquarters in the Chicago Temple Building,77 West Washington Street, Chicago.Eugene G. Mintz has accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church, NiagaraFalls, New York, and has already begunhis work there. Mr. Mintz was recentlypastor of the Grace Baptist Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Arthur C. Wickenden, A. M. '20, D.B. '21, has accepted an invitation to becomeDirector of Religious Activities at MiamaUniversity, Oxford, Ohio. Mr. Wickenden will have charge of a voluntary weeklyvesper service where he will preach regularly and will also stand in an advisorycapacity to all the religious activities of thecampus. He will also teach one course inthe field of religion. Mr. Wickenden hasbeen the successful pastor of First BaptistChurch, Mason City, Iowa.Hal. E. Norton, Ex — '16, is pastor ofFirst Baptist Church, Winfield, Kansas,.¦¦¦ . . — ¦ ...I- ,- „Bargain SaleofMany New Booksof The Best Publishersat 4 0 - 75 DiscountWrite for CatalogueShop by Mailfrom theU. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 345which plans to dedicate the Sunday Schoolunit of its new plant about July 15. Thisunit is to cost $50,000. After this is completed the church plans to proceed as soonas possible to the erection of a complete newplant.Pauline Jeffery, M. D., A. M. '17, is atthe Missionary Medical School for Womenin Vellore, India. She reports that thenationalist spirit in India is studying a recurrence to the Ayurvedic, the native Indiansystem of medical treatment.E. W. Mecum, D. B. '98, reports a recent meeting of about a hundred Universityof Chicago students in Los Angeles, atwhich President and Mrs. Mason were thehonored guests. "They won our hearts andmade us all proud of our Alma Mater.President Mason gave a fine report of theUniversity and its work." Mr. Mecum isProbation Officer for the County of LosAngeles, California.R. A. MacMullen, Ex — '11, after a verysuccessful four-year pastorate with the FirstBaptist Church, Janesville, Wisconsin, hasaccepted a call to Grace Baptist Church,Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He began hiswork April first.Clarence W. Kemper, A. M. '11, D. B.'12, recently celebrated the fourth anniversary of his pastorate in the Baptist Temple,Charleston, West Virginia. During thisperiod the church erected one of the bestchurch buildings in the country, received600 new members, raised $300,000 andadded to the staff a minister of educationand a minister of music.& A ADoctors of Philosophy//^ In Psychology'05 — H. A. Carr is now Chairman of theDepartment of Psychology at the University. He was President of the AmericanPsychological Association in 1926 and gavehis presidential address on "The Interpretation of the Animal Mind" at the annualbanquet of the Association.'03 — John B. Watson, the first graduateof the Department, was the guest of honorat a Psychology party at Ida Noyes Hall, TheFACULTYProblemTHE most important angleof this problem is pay. Ifthe college teacher mustmake less money than his equalin business, how is he to provide.adequately for his years of retirement? And for his family incase of death or disability?The Massachusetts Instituteof Technology has recently takenan interesting step in regard tothese questions.In addition to the retirementfeatures, the Tech plan providesfor a death and disability benefit.It is a special application ofGroup Insurance as written bythe John Hancock.Alumni, Faculties, Secretaries,Deans, Trustees — all those whohave felt the pressure of thefaculty problem — will be interested to know more about this.We shall be glad to furnishany information desired withoutany obligation. Write to Inquiry Bureau,Ufe Insurance Company^or Boston. MassachuscttsSixty-Four years in businessInsurance in force, $2,500,000,000Safe and Secure in every wayElxcellent openings for ambitiousmen and women of goodcharacter and ability346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE^ow theBond BusinessIs (growingIN 1926, new bond issues amounting tomore than six billions of dollars wereoffered by investment bankers in theUnited States. This makes a new recordfor volume and compares with otherrecent years as follows:1922 . . . $4,611,870,4971923192419251926 4>253, 786,6025,486,194,2235'8 1 5,053,0426,078,796,301Halsey, Stuart & Co. participated asoriginal underwriters, in more than I500,-000,000 of bonds brought out during1926. These issues were broadly diversified and widely distributed throughconservative investment channels. Theyrepresent a substantial contribution tothe advancement of industry, commerceand public works at home and abroad.If you are interested in knowing more about thebond business as a vocation for college men.We shall be glad to send you a pamphlet thatgives unbiased and dependable information.Write for pamphlet AU-57CHICAGO201 So. LaSalle St. NEWYORK14 Wall St. PHILADELPHIA111 South 16th St.DETROIT CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS BOSTON601 GriBwold St. 925 Euclid Ave. 319 North 4th St. 86 Devonshire St.MILWAUKEE425 East Water St. MINNEAPOLIS608 Second Ave. S.HALSEY. STUART&CO. March 5. About ninety people werepresent including alumni, graduate students,and undergraduates majoring in psychology.At the annual dinner of the Alumni heldat the Normandie Hotel in Philadelphiaforty-one graduates and guests were present.'00 — Mrs. Helen T. Woolley has resigned her position at the Merrill-PalmerSchool in Detroit to become a Professorof Education in Teacher's College.'07 — Miss June Downey is away fromthe University of Wyoming on leave ofabsence this \ear. She is travelling inEurope.'07 — Joseph Peterson was elected a member of the Council of the American Psychology Association for the three-yearperiod 1927-29.'08 — Walter Van Dyke Bingham is theDirector of the Personnel Research Federation, 40 West Fortieth Street, New York.He is editor of the Journal of PersonnelResearch. He published, jointly with MaxFreyd, Procedures in Employment Psychology, a manual of research methods invocational selection (A. W. Shaw, Chicago). He was recently elected President ofPsychological Corporation.'09 — A. H. Sutherland is Director ofScarborough School, Scarborough, X. Y.He describes his new job as follows: "Todevise and extend techniques and classroomorganizations which will enable schools toincrease their efSciency of instruction. Thisinvohes 'placing' tests, analysis of curricularsubject matter into mental complexes,scaling of subject matter, classroom organization for individual learning progress,together with devices which make theorganization possible."'12 — W. S. Hunter, Professor of Psychology, Clark University, was in Europein the fall of 1020 to organize the international editorial board of the Psychological Abstracts. Professor Hunter is theeditor of Psychological Abstracts. Hetaught in the summer of 1926 at the Uni-\ersity of California, Southern Branch, andin the summer of 1927 will teach at Northwestern University-.'13— F. A. C. Perrin and D. B. Kleinof the University of Texas are the authorsI NCORP ORATEDNEWS OF THE CLASSES 347of a book on Psychology : Its Methods andPrinciples, Henry Holt and Co., 1926.'15 — H. D. Kitson is Professor of Education, Teacher's College, Columbia University.'16 — Sarah M. Ritter is in charge of theDepartment of Psychology at WesleyanCollege, Macon, Georgia. The college isat present engaged in an extensive buildingprogram.'17 — Curt Rosenow is leaving the University of Kansas to take a position asPsychologist with the Child GuidanceInstitute in New York City.'17 — Mrs. Ada Hart Arlitt is Professorand Head of the Department of Child Careand Training at the University of Cincinnati.'17 — Edward S. Jones is Professor ofPsychology and Director of the Office ofPersonnel Research, University of Buffalo.'17 — L. L. Thurstone attended the Dartmouth Conference on the Social Sciences atHanover in August, 1926.'20 — F. A. Kingsbur}' is supervising the Introductory Psychology courses at theUniversity.'20 — -E. S. Robinson was a VisitingAssociate Professor at Yale during the firstsemester of this year. During the secondsemester he will be a Lecturer at Harvard.His book. Practical Psychology was published by MacMillan in September.'21 — Helen Koch is going to teach inthe School of Education at the Universityin the summer of 1927.'22 — C. J. Warden received a grant of$2000 from the Council for Research in theSocial Sciences at Columbia University, forresearch on "animal drives." The finalreport will be published as a monograph bythe Council in the fall.'24 — W. T. Heron is now AssistantProfessor of Psychology at the Universityof Minnesota.'25 — Mr. Chester Darrow and MissRuth Renter were married in September,1926. Mr. Darrow is a research Psychologist at the Institute for Juvenile Research,Chicago.THEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECOND year.University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestionably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effective. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEWYORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE TheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economic,and political order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis Hall348 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'25 — Miss Margaret Miller is an Instructor in the Department of Psychology,at the University.'26 — M. C. Barlow is Associate Professor of Psvchologv, at the University ofUtah.'26 — A. G. Bills is Assistant Professorof Psychology, the University of Minnesota.'26 — John A. McGeoch is AssociateProfessor of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.'26 — Shuh Pan is doing further work inthe Department of Zoology at the University.'26 — W. H. Sheldon is Assistant Professor of Psychology at NorthwesternUniversity.'26 — Ernst Thelin is in charge of thePsychological Laboratory at the Universityof Cincinnati. He has accepted a positionat Hanover College for next year.'26 — Osborne Williams is head of theDepartment of Psychology and Educationat Southern College, Lakeland, Florida.TEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field,The above organizations, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSMarriagesMarguerite DeCelles, '19, to FrancisJ. McNabney, September i, 1926. Athome, Gibson City, Illinois.Dorothy J. Murphy, ex '23, to RobertW. Bartle, May 7, 1927. At home, 6810Cornell Avenue, Chicago.Hazel K. Piper, '23, to Arthur W. Jackson, May 7, 1927. At home, 5845 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago.Rosalind Han, '25, to Dr. Chang HsinHai. At home, Nanking, China.Dorothy E. Sage, '24, to James C. Ellis,'23, M. D. '26, April 23, 1927. At home,7315 Princeton Avenue, Chicago.Harman S. Treese, '25, to Alma M.Washington, April 27, 1927. At home,4823 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago.MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, ETC. 349Margaret Fox, ex '25, to Robert E.Curley, '25, May 7, 1927. At home, 414Diversey Parkway, Chicago.Marion E. Muncaster, '25, to CharlesE. Waterman, April 18, 1927. At home,7238 Harvard Avenue, Chicago.EngagementsAbraham A. Brauer, '23, M. D. '25, toRuby Ginsburg.Natalie M. Combs, '26, to Eugene K.Lydon, '26.Kathryn Longwell, '23, to Howard Grenville Davis, '23.BirthsTo Charles W. Brittan, '14, A. M. '27,and Mrs. Brittan, a son, Charles Wilder,Jr., March 26, 1927, at Chicago.To John P. McGalloway, '15, and Mrs.McGalloway, a son, William Donovan,August 18, 1926, at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.To Joseph L. Samuels, '17, and Mrs.Samuels, a son, Edward Arthur, September30, 1926, at Chicago.To Albert J. Johnson, J. D. '19, andMrs. Johnson, a daughter, Celeste Anne,January 11, 1927, at Minneapolis, Minnesota.To Samuel J. Hatchman, ex '21, andMrs. Hachtman (Rose Cohn, '21), adaughter, Harriet Edith, January 2, 1927,at Chicago.To John A. Logan, '21, and Mrs. Logan(Dorothea Halsted, '22), a son, JeromeHalsted, March 8, 1927, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Greenebaum (Eleanor Block, '22), a daughter,Margery Eleanor, December 11, 1926, atChicago.To Raymond A. Smith, '23, Ph. D. '26,and Mrs. Smith, a son, Eugene Taft, January 13, 1927, at Chicago.To Wilmer C. Edwards, M. D. '24,and Mrs. Edwards, a daughter, LouiseAnn, March 12, 1927, at Richland Center,Wisconsin.To Donald M. Lockett, '25, and Mrs.Lockett (Florence E. Holman, ex '25), adaughter, Sallie Joan, April 22, 1927, atChicago. SWIFT— a low costmarketing service\^OSTSare the important pointsof attack for any study lookingtoward a more efficient marketing system.' ' These cos tsare grea tly affec tedby the efficiency of methodsemployed, by the econorhic environment in which the particular business operates, size ofbusiness, and adequacy of thefacilities."From the report of theChief of the Bureau ofAgricultural Economics — 1924Efficient marketing hasnarrowed the gap between farmprices and prices at the store.Swift & Company is doing its full share in thework of lowering the marketing costs of the farmproducts it handles.We already have low costs of marketing meat,butter, eggs, cheese and other farm products.Committee IV of the National Distribution Conference made a special study of wholesaling costs.It found that the cost of operating packerbranch houses is the lowest of seventeen tradesinvestigated.It costs less than 5 per cent of sales to pay theexpenses of these wholesale branch houses.Compared to this, most wholesale businesseshave operating costs ranging from 10 per cent to20 per cent of sales; some run over 20 per cent.Our costs of dressing and manufacturing arealso very low.The total marketing cost between the farmerand consumer is lower for the products we handlethan it is for farm products in general.Swift & CompanyFounded 1 8680\A^ned by more than 46,000 shareholders35° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished IQ06Paul Yates, Manager616-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUEOther Office; gii-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul MoserJ. D., Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11Ralph W. Davis, '16 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Walter M. Giblin, '23PaalRDavi«&^o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOUN I V E R S I T YCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University OF Chicago, ii6 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Autumn Quarter begins October IFor Circular of Information AddressThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, lU. To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schmidt(Helene Addicks, '17), a son, Harry J. Jr.,April 13, 1926, at New York City.To Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Bay (JuneKing, '20) , a son, Kenneth Mansfield, July17, 1926, at St. Louis, Mo.To Lawrence M. Graves, A.M. '20,PTi.D. '24, and Mrs. Graves (JosephineWells, '20), a son, Robert Lawrence,September I, 1926, at Chicago.To Russell C. Emrich, '25, and Mrs.Emrich (Helen L. Funk, '26), a son,Russell Clarence, Jr., September 26, 1926,at Chicago.To Lewis A. Woodworth, '25, and Mrs.Woodworth (Dorothea Clinton, A.M. '22,Ph.D. '24), a son, Lewis Crandall, June15, 1926, at Portland, Oregon.DeathsGeorge W. Thomas, A. B. '62, at Chicago, April I, 1927. Mr. Thomas was theoldest living graduate of the University.Clarence A. Beverly, A. B. '72, at Sin-clairville, New York, March 3, 1927.Herbert A. Howe, A. B. '76, at Denver,Colorado, November 2, 1926.Freeman C. Mason, M. D. '77, at Hillsdale, Michigan, December 12, 1926.Franklin E. Wallace, '96, at Pueblo,Colorado, recently.Nels Anderson, M. D. '99, at Chicago,March 24, 1927.Emma Dolfinger, '03, at New YorkCity, January 19, 1927. Miss Dolfingerwas, for several years, Director of theAmerican Child Health Association of NewYork City.Mrs. Dee H. Norton (Ruth Paine, ex'11), at Princeton, Illinois, April 19, 1927.Chester H. Elliott, S. M. '14, at Denver,Colorado, December 8, 1926.William T. Patchell, ex '17, at El Paso,Texas, April 6, 1927.D. Agnes Carpenter,February 22, 1927,Tung Mei Liu, A. M.1926.Emmett DeWitt Slyder, J.D. '24, November 15, 1926, at Chicago.'19, at Chicago,'22, August 30,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 351Tfie NATION'S BXJILDING STONEClassics Building. University of Chicago. Built of Gray Indiana LimestoneFUTURE BUILDINGSHow will they compare with those of other institutions?Write for illustrated brochure showing fine examples ofcollege architecture in Indiana LimestoneOXFORD, Cambridge, and other venerable institutions of learning in Europeare built of natural stone. College buildingin this country has followed the Europeantradition. Limestone, the natural stone ofwhich many of Europe's fine cathedrals anduniversity buildings are constructed, is in thiscountry likewise the building stone mostused. The vast deposit of oolitic limestone ofwhich most of the finest stone buildings inthe country are constructed is found onlyin two counties of southern Indiana.Owing to the extent and central location ofour quarries, this ideal building material may be delivered anywhere at prices which com-, pare favorably with those of any other naturalstone and frequently with those of substitutes.Examples of fine college architecture inIndiana Limestone are shown in a brochurewhich we will gladly send you. This booklet may serve to widen your acquaintancewith the best in college building and to enable you to follow more intelligently yourinstitution's building program.For convenience, fill in your name andaddress below, tear out and mail to box 819,Service Bureau, Indiana Limestone Company,Bedford, Indiana.] StiftMj SOBlffliSKName. .Address.352 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE-#>-i'^'ha.CLAREMONTBerkeley, Calif.-^, \ These Hotels Offer You Unusual Service-Use Them!Alumni from the institutions listed below are urged touse Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels when travelling, andwhen arranging for luncheons, banquets £ind get-togethersof various sorts.You will find at each IntercQllegiate Alumni Hotel anindex of the resident Alumni of the participating colleges.Think what this means when you are in a strange cityand wish to look up a classmate or friend.You will find at these hotels a current copy of yourAlumni publication.You will also find a spirit of co-operation and a keendesire to see you comfortably housed and adequately provided for. Reservations may be made from one Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel to another as a convenience to you.Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are a new and vital forcein assisting your Alumni Secretary. He urges you to support them whenever and wherever possible. He will be gladto supply you with an introduction card to the managersof all Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels, if you so request.THE PARTICIPATING COLLEGESThe alumni organizations of the following colleges and universities are participantsin the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement:AkronAlabamaAmherstBatesBeloitBrownBryn MawrBucknell' CaliforniaCarnegie InstituteCase SchoolChicagoCity CollegeNew YorkColgateColoradoSchool MinesColorado ColumbiaCornellCumberlandEmoryGeorgiaGoucherHarvardIllinoisIndianaIowa State CollegeJames MillikenKansasTeachers' Coll.KansasLake ErieLehighLouisiana MaineM. I. T.Michigan StateMichiganMillsMinnesotaMissouriMontanaMount Holyoke ¦NebraskaNew York UniversityNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthwesternOberlinOccidentalOhio State Ohio WesleyanOklahomaOregonOregon StatePenn StatePennsylvaniaPurdueRadcliffeRollinsRutgersSmithSouth DakotaSouthern CaliforniaStanfordStevens InstituteTexas A. and M.Texas UnionVanderbiltVassarVermontVirginiaWashing;ton and LeeWashington StateWashingtonWellesleyWesleyan CollegeWesleyan UniversityWestern ReserveWhitman,WilliamsWisconsinWoosterWorcester Poly. Inst.YaleONONDACA BILTMORELo, Angdei, Calif.Intercollegiate Alumni HotelsEvery Dot Marks an Intercollegiate Alumni HotelAsheville, N. C, Qeorge VanderbiltBaltimore, Md., SouthernBerkeley, Cal., ClaremontBethlehem, Pa., BethlehemBirmingham, Ala.. BankheadBoston, Mass., Copley-PlataCharleston, S. C, Francis MarionCharlotte, N. C, CharlotteChicago, 111., BlackstoneChicago, 111., WindermereCincinnati, Ohio, SintonColumbus, Ohio, hJdl HouseDanville, 111., WolfordDetroit, Mich., WolverineFresno, Cal., Cali/ornian Greensboro, N. C, O'HcnryHigh Point, N. C, SheratonKansas City, Mo., MuehlehachLincoln, Nebr., LincolnLos Angeles, Calif., BdtmoreMadison, Wis., ParkMiami, Fl'a., Ponce de LeonMinneapolis, Minn., RadissonMontreal, Canada, Mount RoyalNew York, N.Y., Rooset'citNew York. N.Y., Waldorf- AstonaNorthampton, Mass., NorthamptonOakland, Cal., OaklandPeoria, 111., Pere MarquettePhiladelphia, Pa,, Benjamin Franklin Pittsburgh, Pa., Sc/ienfcyPortland, Oreg., MuimoniaHRochester, N.Y., SenecaSacramento, Cal., SocrameTitoSt. Louis, Mo.. CoronadoSt. Paul, Minn., Samt PaitlSan Diego, Cal., St. JamesSan Francisco, Cal., PalaceSavannah, Ga., SavannahSeattle, Wash., 0/\mpicSyracuse, N.Y., OnondagaToronto, Canada, King Eduai\Urbana, III., Urbana-LincolnWashington, D.C.WillarJWilliamsport, Pa., LycomingThe Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement is sponsored by the Alumni Secretariesand Editors of the participating colleges and directed byINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, 18E.41stSt.,NewYork,N.Y.DIRECTORSJ. O. BAXENDALEAluvmi Si:aiHaTyUniversity of Vt'imontA. C. Bb'SCHAluinni SecretaryRutgers CollegeDANIEL L. GRANTAiumni SecretaryVniversity o/_N. Carolim MARION E. GRAVESSmith Ahimnae QuarterlySmith CollegeK. W. HARWOODHarvard Aliimni BulletinHarvard UniversityJOHn'd. McKEEWooster AhtmrM BulletinWooster College HELEN F. McMILLINWellesley Alumnae MagazineWellesley CollegeJ. L. MORRILLAiumnt SecretajyOhio State VmvcjsityW. R. OKESONTreasurer ofLehigh University R. W. SAILORCoT7iL'(l Aluvim NewCornell UniversityW. B. SHAWAlumm SecretaryUniversity oj MiehigaROBERT SIBLEYA/.<Tjmi Sucrei.irvUmi'tTsirj of Cuii/uiiE. N. SULLIVANAfHmni SecretaryPenn State College LEVERING TYSONAlumni Fciii^rauonColumbia University E. T. T. WILLIAMSBroun Umversity ~^^ifeii^^i|/^Jsysl^KING EDWARD BETHLEHEM LYCOMINGTutonto, Can. B hi hen P \\ II n pu Pa K|;f';iip!-You will find thismonogram on allkinds of electricequipment. It is asymbol of qualityand a mark ofservice. More than 60% of the mechanical power usedby American industry is applied through electricmotors. But the electrification of the tasks performed by man power has hardly begun. Electricpower not only saves dollars; it conserves humanenergy for better purposes and raises standardsof living. We could all use more electricity toadvantage — in our factories and stores, on ourfarms, and in our homes.GENERAL ELECTMG201-37E