m4l92ì ( /^ MAVOL. XIX NUMBEB 6APRIL, 1927Harry Pratt Judson, 1849-1927Nathaniel Butler, 1853-1927IVBLI8HED BY THE ALUMNI CQUNCILThe Voice of a UniversityThe other day a carton of books left our offices ad-dressed to the American Institute of Graphic Arts* * *It contained our entries for the Institute's annualexhibit of the best-made American books * * *The same week Marshall Field and Company andBrentano's displayed an important selection of ourbooks in a collection labeled "The Voice of a University" * * *We can point with pride to these two occurrences, forthey represent public recognition of what we are at-tempting to do : publish in good looking books someof the important educational, scientific, and literaryachievements of the time * * * For three years now«e have achieved the Institute's awards, and thecountry over is hearing our "voice" * * *Like a parent we cannot have favorites among ouroffspring, but this spring, as in most seasons, we fìndthat we have one or two new books that attract moreattention than the others do * * * "The Nature ofthe World and of Man" is stili our lustiest * * * Itis now in its third large printing and is making its bowto the public along with Thrasher's "The Gang,"Gosnell's "Getting Out the Vote," Beach's "The Outlook for American Prose," and Roberts' "XutritionWork With Children" * * *If'liat the advertising manager of T/ieUniversity of Chicago Press might /lave•uri Ite n in his Jiary if Zie liad one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELive them over again!Those good old "days of yore" — those wonderfulcollege days — wouldn't you like to re-live them fora day, a week, a month?Then make the Windermere your "dorm" when inChicago.The Windermere — where you are within walking dis-tance of Cobb Hall and Hitchcock and Bartlett —where you are dose to the fraternity section — where,on a clear, quiet night you can hear from your roomthe chimes on Mitchell Tower play "Alma Mater."— where you will probably meet old college friendsand talk over those unforgettable campus episodes.Hotels Windermere have grown with the University— in the same neighborhood — with the same fine tra-ditions — serving many of the same people.For one night- — or a thousand and one — you will en-joy Windermere hospitality, character and food.Come to Chicago — and stay at Hotels Windermere.Only ten minutes from the Loop^jotelsijlindermereTWm "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson Park* Officiai Hotel Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service258 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn o rganìzation of almost fifty people , -with specialists in ali branche! of advertisingVANDERHOOFSP COMPANY Qmeralc/ìdverHsiTigVANDERHOOF BUILDING •" • «R • 67 B. ONTARIO ST..CHI CACOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresideràPutting Over the Plus IdeaIt is singularly true of the hotel businessthat a little success is no success at ali.The capacity house of tonight is no as-surance of next month's dividend. It's thelong pulì with the house well "dressed"that puts the black ink on the ledger.It's the "plus" services and the homevhospitality of the Hotel La Salle thatkeeps this famous hostelry "playing tocapacity houses" year in and year out.We weave subtly into Hotel La Salle copvthe welcoming spirit of its warm hospitality. The registry recordsof Hotel LaSalleprove how completely its advertisingrepresents "Chicago's Finest Hotel."«flsNUfcSailcMemi ber: American Associano?: of Advertising Agencies fa' National Outdoor Advertising h ureauVOL. XIX NO. 6Untòersrttp of CfncagojfRaga?meAPRIL, 1927TA<BJ^£ of co^crs^crsFrontispiece: Harry Pratt JudsonDraivn by Leopold SeyffertPrèsident JudsonBy Theodor e Gerald Soares 263By Shailer Matheivs (In The Baptist) 265Messages from friends and colleagues 266Tributes from the press 268By James Weber Linn (in The Herald & Examiner) 270By "Cobb Hall" 271Account of the funeral 272Dr. Nathaniel ButlerBy Shailer Matheivs (at the funeral) 273By James Spencer Dickerson (in The Baptist) 274The Story of the University of ChicagoIV: The First PrèsidentBy Thomas Wakejield Goodspeed 275The Spring Program of Lectures for Business Men 277Events and Corament 279Alurani Affairs 281University Notes 283News of the Quadrangles 285Athletics 287Officers of the Alumni Clubs 289News of the Classes and AssociationsCollege 291School of Education 292Lazv School ' 293Rush Medicai College . 293Doctors of Philosophy in Chemistry 294Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 300In Memoriara : Wallace Heckman 301THE Magazine is published at ioog Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postai or express money order. If loca]to July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, io cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., Claims for missing numbers should be made withinChicago, IH. The subscription pnce is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is 20 cents. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone, Repubhc of Panama, Hawanan sent t0 tne Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Craw-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali other the Chicago Office.countries in the Posta 1 Union n cents on annual £ntered as secmd ^ matter Decembersubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents aJ [he post Qffice ^ Crawfordsviu Indiana/under(total 23 cents). the Act of March 3, 1870.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.259THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiActing Secretary, Allen Heald, '26The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes, '08 ; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Liilian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-05; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs Phyllis FayHorton '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, 11; WilliamH. Kuh, 'n; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. JStackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09 D. B., 'io.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., 'io; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., 'n, Ph.D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Dean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical Collece Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,03; George H Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Frederick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe Collece Alumni Associations Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., ChicagoPlymouth Ct. Chicago; Secretary ScH00L 0F Education. Aujmm Assqcia.VY. Robert Jenk.ns, 2+, Umversity of TI0N . Presìdl,nt> yy c ReavJs ph DChicago. •„ tt ¦ -^ sl *-ii • r!, *_ „ 25 University of Chicago; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: \f,.0 D ^ Tì. , . \r , __ v¦ . iViis. K. \\ . £>ixler A M ~> e Tini-Prendent, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98. versity 0f Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- _bert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University CoMMERCE AN° Administration Alumniof Chicago. Association : Prèsident, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association: Prèsident, 2I' *3I.S- La SalIe St-> Chicago; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, tary' Chne F' SlauSh^r '25, QuadranteDetroit, Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- Club' Univ"sity of Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion: Prèsident Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: Prèsident, Ur- . D. '00, 535 No. Dearborn St, Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., 'io, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles A. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.AH Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Paculty Exchange. University ot Chicago The dues formembership in either one of the Associations namerl àbove. includine subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazine. are $2.00 per vrur. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared eauallv bv theAssociations involved. J '260THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 261»rc;e^me younger brotherofthe telephoneTHERE'S reason a-plenty for family re-semblance between the telephone andthe microphone, familiar symbol of radio.Each is a gateway of sound. Throughthe telephone transmitter, your voice startson its narrow path. So a radio voice firstenters the microphone, later to spread farand wide to every tuned-in receiver. Orthe orator's voice, in a Public Address System, passes through the microphone to avast auditorium' s remote corners. But the "speakinglikeness" doesn't endthere. Back, of microphone and telephoneis the same engineering stili, the same carein making, the same great factory — theWestern Electric telephone works.It is quite naturai, then, that you andcountless millions should have come to de-pend for Information and entertainment onthe telephone' s younger brother, the WesternElectric microphone.SINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS rFOR THE BELL SYSTEMAHarry' Pratt Judson(From a drawing by Leopold Seyffert in the Art Institute of Chicago)V O L . XIX No. 6^tttoergttp of Cfncagoifflaga^neAPRIL, 1927Prèsident JudsonBy Theodore Gerald SoaresTHE undergraduates of Chicago didnot know Mr. Judson in one of hismost marked abilities. He was agreat teacher of younger students. WhenDr. Harper was in Minneapolis in theearly days of the University organizations,he asked, "Who is the best teacher at theUniversity of Minnesota?" The replycarne immediately and without qualification.We had able men in the State University,among them a few excellent teachers, butwe put Professor Judson at the head.In the first place, we ali liked him. Thecares and high responsibilities in later lifedeveloped a kind of protective reserve, butin the days of his college teaching he wasuniversally liked. Of course, he had anaffectionate nickname, and, of course, itwas Juddy.He was an exacting teacher, but thestudents seemed to enjoy the severe de-mands of his course. He was one of theearliest to develop simple methods of re-search in a sophomore class. It remained astanding joke that the able but lazy son ofa very wealthy man, who had spent threeyears as a sophomore (there were no gradepoints or probations in those days), wasfound in the library surrounded by books, working out a report on English CommonLaw for the history class. He was lookingforward to meeting satisfactorily the de-mands of that keen master of facts and oflogie.Mr. Judson was also one of the firstAmerican teachers to use current magazinesand the daily newspapers in the study ofcontemporary history. I recali an incidentthat refleets his ready humor. An eageryoung woman who had been following afew weeks previously the strange career ofBoulanger, but had missed any recent ref-erence to him inasmuch as he had com-mitted suicide, asked, "Professor, where isBoulanger now?" "That," said Judson,"would have to be referred to a theologian."He was ever a genial, kindly man. Itwas his rather difficult lot to be called tothe guidance of the University of Chicagowhen every department needed additionalfunds, and yet retrenchment was absolutelynecessary. Dr. Harper, whose exuberantfaith had so often been justified, might en-courage an applicant to have patience andali would be well. Dr. Judson, determinednot to hold out hopes that might not berealized, would very coldly state the facts.There was a most interesting difference263264 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbetween his officiai and his friendly manner.Those who only knew him in the formernever really knew him at ali. It grew uponhim as the necessity for exact decision grew.He was so determined to do what he feltto be right that his naturai urbanity dis-appeared in a somewhat formai administra-tive attitude. But when his gracioushospitality left him free to be himself, whenthe camaraderie of an after-dinner chatcalled out his fund of anecdote and permit-ted his delicious humor, when a game ofgolf gave the opportunity for carefree play,he was not only genial but jovial.He carried the great administrativeduties with ease and without friction, butthey weighed heavily upon him. Whatmany thought was a mellowing that carneto him after his retirement was really theshining forth of a very loving nature freedfrom the necessity of grave decisions. Hesaid himself that he was conscious of adifferent feeling toward the University andali its interests — an added tenderness andlove, a happiness in its program, somewhatthe feeling of a father who rejoices in thesuccess of his independent son.Dr. Judson was distinguished for hissound, practical judgment. His nature wasmost definitely conservative. He preferredassured ways to experiment. He had littleconfidence in democracy. He believed in astrong government, politically, industrially,educationally. He hated tyranny, abhorredfavoritism, privilege, self seeking ; but hehoped for the development of justice andgenerosity in the ruling classes rather thanfor the attainment of satisfactory socialrelations through democratic control. Hehad no personal love of power, no self-display, no arrogance of office, no sense ofsuperiority; but he did have a very firm con-viction that the authorities should rule. Hewas, therefore, unfavorable to movementsof criticism, of protest, and particularly ofradicai experimentation. "Loose thinking,"in which he included more careful theoriesof social betterment as well as the vagariesof utopians, was his bete noir. He dis-approved of the investigation of the steelstrike by a commission of ministers. Hewas very skeptical of what has been called "the social gospel." It was characteristicof him that he never really accepted Socio-logy as a science. And yet he was in a verytrue sense progressive. He was ardentlydevoted to research in the fields of knowl-edge. He was constantly seeking improve-ment in ali human endeavor. But he didnot want adventurous improveirient. Hewould not risk anything that had beenproved to be fairly successful for anythingelse that was merely promising. In thedifficult years through which the Universitypassed from the death of Dr. Harper to theoutbreak of the Great War, the careful,tactful, conservative progressivism of Dr.Judson was of incalculable value.His religious faith was in keeping withthe current of his life and the temper ofhis mind. He was a modernist, of course.As a Sunday school teacher forty years ago,v hen the criticai views of the Bible weregaining popular currency, he was teachingreligion in the sane, practical, simple fashionthat he did everything else. For meta-physical speculations he had neither interestnor patience. The reality of God, the moralglory of Jesus, the personal relationship ofthe human spirit with the divine, thesupreme obligation of truth and goodness,the significance of simple worship, the con-fident hope of immortality — these were thearticles of his creed ; and he believed themvery deeply.The moral life of the University was aprofound concern to the Prèsident. A fewyears ago there occurred one of those out-breaks of evil conduct which come at timesin any institution of learning. Dr. Judsonwas greatly troubled. His inner sense ofspiritual values spoke as he said, "I don tknow what we are to do. We need an old-fashioned revival of religion." Then headded, "Of course, it cannot be old-fash-ioned." His keen judgment recognized thatwe could not go back and copy the past,but he did mean to state his conviction thatthe great spiritual sanctions that have controlied men must be found anew. He hasbeen criticized for his sternness at certainmoral crises that arose during his administration. Enlightened people who regard(Contìnued on page 296)Harry Pratt JudsonBy Shailer MathewsONE needed to knowJudson intimately in order reallyto know him. His courtesy wasnever failing, but it sometimes protectedhis heart. There was never a more loyalfriend or one whose power of affection waspurer.Few men have had so influential a life.His great administrativeability, if it had been de-voted to business, mighteasily have made him anoutstanding figure infinancial circles. It isequally true that hemight easily have been astatesman. Indeed, hemore than once touchedpolitics and helped bringabout reforms which stilipersist. For fifty-sevenyears a teacher, he couldalso be the Chairman ofthe China Medicai Com-mission, Chairman of theAppeal Board in theFirst Draft of theNorthern District of Illinois, and Director ofthe Relief Commissionin Persia. He was thefirst man appointed afterPrèsident Harper to theFaculty of the University of Chicago, and be-fore the University opened he, in 1892shared in its organization. For fifteenyears he was the foremost Dean in the University and for sixteen years he was thePrèsident. In almost any direction theinfluence of his steady judgment, broadsympathy and tireless hands was felt. Hewas a writer of books, but he was essentiallya maker of institutions.His modesty was almost self-effacing andin his brief autobiography in Wìw's Jf'ho(From The Baptist, March 19, 1927)Harry Pratt he has omitted many things which in othermen would have given distinction. Whena success had been won, he ali but dis-appeared.For nearly thirty-three years I knew himnot only as colleague, but as friend. Irank him with those other great men —William Rainey Harper, and Ernest D.Burton. Unlike either,he supplemented both.The Baptist denomination owes a great debtto him, for it was hiscairn judgment which,with that of the excep-tional body of men whichformed the first executive committee of theNorthern Baptist Convention, went into theoriginai constitution ofthat body. Those of uswho were immediatelyassociated with the convention in those earlydays need not be toldhow important were hiscontribution of pian, hisadministrative imagina-tion and his determina-tion to prevent anyover-lordship in the denomination. No one whoattended the first threeconventions over whichDr. Harry Pratt JudsonBarn at Jamestovon, New York, December 20, 1849; died at ChicagoMarch 4, 1927.he presided can ever forget his dignity andcharm as a presiding officer. He was amaster of ceremonies, but never a tyrant.There was a time in his early life whenPrèsident Judson thought that he might bea minister. Unless I am mistaken, he wasat one time licensed as a Baptist preacher.But, however that may be, he was a deeplyreligious man throughout his life. Hisability to combine a cool estimate of human(Continued on page 297)265The Nation Pays TributeA Few of the Messages of Sympathy Sent to the University Upon theDeath of Prèsident Judson.Tribute of the Founder and His SonJOHN D. ROCKEFELLER sent thefollowing message from Ormond Beach,Florida :I have just learned with great sorrow ofthe sudden passing of our friend of the longyears. He was a most valiant represent-ative of ali that was for the best and highergood of his fellow men. His memorywill be cherished by multitudes for his goodwork and the beautiful example of hisnoble life.John D. Rockefeller, Jr. wired: Hislife was extraordinarily full of service tomankind.à » «Max Mason Praises His PredecessorFROM Pasadena, California, where heis passing his vacation, Prèsident MaxMason sent this tribute to the University'sformer Prèsident:Each week through the year I havegained a new appreciation of Dr. Judson'swisdom and courage which have madepossible the great University which wehave today. the country as a whole as well as to theuniversity world. He carved his namepermanently in the history of our time in amanner that causes pride in his achieve-ments to mingle with deep sorrow.Two Educators Extend TheirSympathyFROM Dr. Abraham Flexner, Secretaryof the General Education Board,Mrs. Judson received this expression ofsympathy :American education has lost a greatleader and these Boards one of their wisestand most far-seeing councilors.Wickliffe Rose, also a member of thisboard, wired: Ali members of the GeneralEducation Board feel a profound personaland officiai loss.Tribute of a GovernorT^ORMER Govmessage read :useful life. Frank O. Lowden'sHis was a fine andFor the Board of TrusteesHAROLD SWIFT issued the following statement to the press:Prèsident Harry Pratt Judson built forhimself a great monument in the accom-plishments of the University of Chicagounder his administration. The Universityand the city are his everlasting debtors.The members of the Board of Trustees areshocked and grieved at his sudden deathand shall miss his wise counsel.i « «Tribute of a Labor LeaderVICTOR ORLANDER, Secretary ofthe Illinois Federation of Labor, said:Dr. Judson rendered great services to From The Former Alumni SecretaryEditor,University of Chicago Magazine.Dear Sir: —The recent news of the death of Prèsident Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson and ofDr. Nathaniel Butler carne as a real shockto me. During my years as Alumni Secretary and as Editor of the Magazine I hadoccasion to meet with both of these leadersin the affairs of the University a number oftimes, and especially during the recent En-dowment Campaign, so that their departurebrings to me a considerable sense of personalloss.It would be needless for me here to attempi to cali attention to their many great2l,t,THE NATION PAYS TRIBUTE 267services to the University and their interestin the Alumni organizations. Ali membersof the University know of their invaluablecontributions, and, indeed, as Editor of theMagazine I was afforded the pleasure ofpointing out their services to the institutionand to the Alumni from time to time.Their interest in the progress of Alumniaffairs, as I had Constant reason to know,was not a mere passing interest, but tookthe form of definite co-operation at everyopportunity. To both of these Universityleaders the Alumni "represented the University in the world at large." They werealways keenly interested in the progress ofthe Alumni, as individuate or as groups,and clearly recognized the importance ofAlumni loyalty and assistance toward theadvancement of the University.The recent death of Mr. Wallace Heck-man likewise took away a University leaderto whom the Alumni always meant a realsource of strength for the institution. Withhim, too, I had occasion to work on specialmatters during my term as Alumni Secretary and Editor, and I knew from firsthand his real conviction of the value to anyinstitution of a large body of loyal alumni.So that, almost at the same moment, theUniversity and its Alumni lost three greatfriends. I am sure that I voice the profound re-gret and sorrow of thousands of Alumniover their departure. Many hundreds ofAlumni, like myself, knew them personallyand so have a feeling of personal loss. Iam sure, too, that their names and memorieswill always hold high place not only inthe history of the University itself but alsoin the history of Alumni activity andachievement.Sincerely yours,A. G. PlERROT, '07À À »Sioux City Alumni Send CondolencesTHE Sioux City Alumni Club extendsits sympathies in the followingmessage :Members of the locai University of Chicago Club have learned through the pressof the death of Prèsident Emeritus PrattJudson, and take this means of condolingwith the University, and the other alumni,on the passing of a great and good man. Inhis memory they wish again to testify tothe great esteem and afrection which healways inspired in them.Sincerely,Vail E. PurdyPrèsidentPrèsident Judson and John D. Rockefeller, Jr., at the University's Quarter-Centennial Cele-bration in 1916. This picture was taken at a Iuncheon given by the Senior Class of that year.268 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETribute of the Alumni CouncilTHE ALUMNI COUNCIL sent thefollowing letter to Mrs. Judson: TheAlumni Council extends its deepest sympathy to you in your bereavement. Everyone of us joins you in mourning the lossof one who was very dear to us. Weshall always remember Prèsident Judson asa kindly companion, and a wise, braveleader.His ideals and his work will continueto inspire us to greater achievement for theUniversity, and to better lives.» « «From the PressDeath of Dr. JudsonFrom The Chicago Daily News, March 5DR. HARRY PRATT JUDSON,Prèsident Emeritus of the Universityof Chicago, who died suddenly and un-expectedly yesterday, was one of the fore-most educators in the United States and ascholar in the true sense of the word.Virtually ali his life was devoted to educational work and to scholarly research andinvestigation. Nevertheless he always hadtime to exercise a genuine interest in publicaffairs, an interest that extended even tolocai politics.Dr. Judson carne to the University ofChicago on the opening of that great institution and was familiar with its every ad-vancement. In addition to carrying on hiswork as Head of the Department of Politicai Science, he shared to a considerableextent the administrative burden of the institution in its formative days. No othermember of the faculty helped more in¦developing the scheme of the Universitv'smanagement.On the death of Prèsident WilliamRainey Harper, the great organizer, Dr.Judson succeeded him. During the sixteenyears of his presidency he directed the University's development as probably no oneelse could have done.Meanwhile he devoted mucli time to research and authorship. During the worldwar he demonstrated his patriotism in many practical ways. His interest in Europe'sreconstruction and the relief work that hadto be done in the old world took him toPersia as the representative of the American Committec for Armenian and SyrianRelief.Dr. Judson's personal qualities endearedhim to the Faculty and the students of theUniversity. Throughout his long careerhe afforded a conspicuous example of goodcitizenship.Harry Pratt JudsonA Practical Scholar and a Great AmericanFrom The Chicago Evening American, March 7FUNERAL services are being held atthe University of Chicago today forHarry Pratt Judson, second Prèsident ofthe University and one of the real educators of the century.Dr. Judson was a great scholar, rankinghigh in the science of government and inhis particular field of international law.But it was as an executive and as a builderTHE NATION PAYS TRIBUTE 269that Dr. Judson made his greatest contri-bution to the University and to the city.His was no easy task. He was calledupon to replace William Rainey Harper,the first Prèsident of the University, whenthe latter was stricken in his prime. Dr.Harper was the idol of the new campuson the Midway, a personal embodiment ofthe young University, and every one feltthat none could take his place.That, Dr. Judson did not attempt. Buthe gave to the University a broad, inspiredleadership that developed ali sides of theUniversity life.Dr. Judson was a politicai scientist andhe sensed the public duty of educated men.He gave freely of his time to the counselsof his government and of the party of hischoice. There, as everywhere, he was conservative, kindly, a ready friend and anunwilling foe.Tributes may be paid here and elsewhereto Harry Pratt Judson today, but thegreatest monument to him will live forlong in the "battlemented towers" of the"City Gray," in whose building he hadso great a part.« » «Harry Pratt JudsonFrom The Chicago Evening Post, March 5ONE of the kindliest of men was Dr.Harry Pratt Judson Prèsident Emer-itus of the University of Chicago, who diedyesterday after a long life devoted to educational activities and other service of hisfellowmen.Chicago had known him for twentyyears, during the greater part of which timehe was the administrator of the Universityon the Midway. A man of wide cultureand scholarship, he was also an able executive, and discharged the manifold dutiesof a university prèsident with great effi-ciency. The institution thrived under hisdirection, which was no less careful of itshuman interests than of its business affairs.He was held in high regard on thecampus. Many a student found in him afriend, sympathetic, helpful, with a patientear for confidences. He had a fine senseof justice tempered by his knowledge of men and his appreciation of their limi-tations.Dr. Judson took a special interest ininternational affairs. He was the firstPrèsident of the Chicago Branch of theEnglish Speaking Union, and a firm sup-porter of ali wise measures designed topromote amicable relations with our worldneighbors.When he retired from the active dutiesof University Prèsident it was with theintention of devoting himself to writing.He was already the author of many bookson educational and other public questions.His wide circle of friends and acquaint-ances in Chicago and throughout thecountry will miss his gracious and interest-ing personality.« À ÀTwo Lives(From The Daily Maroon, March S)HARRY PRATT JUDSON andNathaniel Butler, two of the menM'ho carne to the embryonic University of Chicago in 1892 when it was one-7° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbuilding and a contractor's shack, and wholived in and for the University, during thethirty-four years of its life, shaping it,giving it life and purpose and causing it togrow, have come to the cessation of theirlives.No word or ceremony can ever adequate!}- symbolize the tragic nature ofdeath. The death of any man is a sorrow- ful thing. The death of a great man issomething more than sorrowful, because itmeans the end of his active conditioning ofthe world. But the good things of his lifewere and are existent, out of no-where.By ali the standards of greatness whichwe take for true Harry Pratt Judson andNathaniel Butler were great men. It isgood that these men lived.A Stern Fighter for the RightBy James Weber Linn(From the Chicago Herald and Examiner, March 5)FEW, if any, Chicagoans are morewidely known, nationally and interna-tionally, than Harry Pratt Judson, whodied yesterday.Born in Jamestown, N. Y., December20, 1849, a ministeri son, he was graduatedfrom Williams College in 1870, taughtand administered the Troy (N. Y.) highschool for fifteen years, went to the University of Minnesota as Professor of History in 1885, and in 1892 carne to the newUniversity of Chicago as Head of theDepartment of Politicai Science.In 1894 he was made Dean of the Faculty and in 1907 he succeeded WilliamRainey Harper as Prèsident of the University. Resigning in 1923, against the de-mand of the Board of Trustees (althoughhe was then 73 years of age) he continuedas President-Emeritus his life's work ofactive thought.Less than two months ago in an elaborateinterview in The Herald and Examiner hecarefully analyzed and supported the prop-ostion of W. R. Hearst for a "world-understanding" between English speakingpeoples.HOLDER of nine honorary degreesfrom universities in the United Statesand Canada, author of eleven volumes onhistory and politicai science, member of theRockefeller Foundation, chairman of theMedicai Commission to China in 191 4 andthe American Relief Commission to Persia in 19 18, he was equally scholar and ad-ministrator.When this country entered the greatwar, Prèsident Judson was made Chairmanof the Draft District Board No. I for thenorthern district of Illinois, and throughoutthe war was a stern fighter for what he consistenti}- regarded as the duty and honorof America's participation in the war.From the time of his coming to Chicagoto the day of his death, Dr. Judson was anactive, uncompromising citizen. He puthis theories of politicai science into activepractice, discussing and voting on locaiissues as well as national.He never hid behind his scholarship, orfeared, because he was an "educator," tosay what he thought.AS AN administrator, he was primarily£~\ business-like. When he became Prèsident of the University of Chicago, he re-organized its budget summarily, and fromthat day to the present the University hasnever showed a deficit at the dose of anyyear, although under his guidance it grewenormously.It was under his administration that thebeginning of the great medicai school program was made, when a total of $5,300,000was contributed for that project, which isnow nearing completion.His business methods of administrationaroused the contìdence of the Founder ofthe University as well as of Chicagoans ingeneral, and that confidence Dr. JudsonTHE NATION PAYS TRIBUTE 271never dreamed of betraying. He alwaysknew the situation at the University in de-tail as well as in general, and, soft-spokenas he was, he was always in command.à à ÀBUT, devoted administrator as he was,he never abandoned his teaching. Hiscourses in constitutional law remain land-marks in the memory of the students whoreceived admission to them. Analysis, sub-tle but firm, was his passion.As a teacher he was not a hair-splitter,however ! He was not af raid of bold in-ferences, if they were solidly based. Formere theory, opinion based on speculationand not on fact, he had a curiously coldcontempt. He wanted "how" and "why"always brought dose together, and if pos-sible, united. Few teachers were less afraidof being right, and none more determinednot to be wrong.He was fundamentally for morals ineducation. "If a boy or girl is morallysound," he said once, "the rest is easy. Itis more important that a boy or girl shouldgrow up with right principles than it isthat they should be intellectually bright.""More stress should be laid on a studente moral education than on his intel-lectual education." By morals he meantintegrity. Honesty, whether intellectualor financial or spiritual, was his primarydemand.His popularity among students, facultyand citizens in general largely dependedon this fact. He was for many years toobusy for casual acquaintance, but as a maneverybody always knew where he was tobe found, standing squarely on his ownconvictions.Dryly humorous, always friendly, peace-ful and cheerful in manner, he could bebitter and sharp enough with anything thatseemed to him not straightforward. Ofbis downrightness when he chose it waseasv to be afraid. Interlaken(A former student at the University,now zuell-known to every reader of the Linein The Chicago Tribune, contributes thiscommentary on Prèsident Judson's life.)I"... Dr. Harry Pratt Judson,born in Jamestown, New York . . . "The statement gave me added pause : myown birthplace! Then he, too, had knownthe boyhood delights of roaming the rocky,wooded hills of western York state, thatprecipitate themselves into the valley ofthe Conewongo. He had watched the sun-set glories pastel the lovely Lake Chau-tauqua. . .The loved haunts of JacobRiis and of Elbert Hubbard I.IIBy the Waters of Minnetonka, we findyoung Judson with ali the enthusiasm ofyouth giving his best, his ali, in what musthave been then a pioneer school of higherlearning. For the young instructor it musthave served as a thorough post-graduatecourse in the Lessons of Life ; and yet hedelved on, living the motto which he did somuch to broadcast to the world — CrescatScientia, Vita Excolatur! . . . Thevoice in the wilderness was heardand heeded.IliAnd so today we mourn the passing ofDr. Judson. He typifies for us the periodof transition from the old to the new University of Chicago. At the request of Prèsident Harper he entered the City Greyon the shores of a vaster and more majesticlake. His has been a life of arduous building, watching joyfully as each sandy prairiewas converted into towered quadrangle :as each school struck root . . . Andso, a peaceful sleep in that other City Grey. . . and good-night.— Cobb HallA Builder Goes to His RestAccount of the Funeral of President-Emeritus Harry Pratt JudsonMORE than once in recent years,Prèsident Judson had asked that hisfuneral services be simple and brief, with-out singing or speaking. His wish wascarried out.The first pian was to hold the servicesin Bond Chapel, a less pretentious placethan Mandel Hall; and Mandel was agreedon only because the two hundred seats inBond Chapel would be far from enoughfor the multitudes of friends who wouldattend.The multitudes carne, and filled the hall.Other multitudes too far to come had sentmessages of sympathy ; flowers covered thestage and hung from boxes and walls. Thebadge of Delta Kappa Epsilon, made offlowers and ferns, stood near the casket.There were many other testimonial to aninfluenzai life. But the services, never-theless, were simple, as the unwritten aca-demic law prescribes, and as PrèsidentJudson had desired. A college marshal anda college aide stood at attention at the headand the foot of the casket while the hallfilled. Then learned men and leaders inthe activities of the world marched downthe aisle in processionai ; and the organplayed two of Doctor Judson's favoritehymns, The Strife is O'er, the J'ictoryìì7on, and Ten Thousand Times TenThousand. There was no music but thatof the organ.Neither sermon nor eulogy was pro-nounced. The Reverend Hugh Black ofTheological Seminary, New York City,rtad a section of the Psalms and offeredprayer. The Reverend Charles W. Gilkey,Trustee of the University and pastor of theHyde Park Baptist Church, read from theScriptures again, and in his prayer asked for strength to follow Doctor Judson in"the balance, firmness and judgment withwhich he held the steady course." He paidtribute, too, to Doctor Judson's modesty,to his courtesy, and to his quiet dignity.When the brief service was over, theorgan played once more, and eight men,who had been very dose colleagues of Prèsident Judson, took up the casket. Theywere Professor Harry A. Bigelow of theLaw School ; Professor Cari Darling Buck,Head of the Philology Department; DeanHenry Gordon Gale of the Ogden Graduate School of Science; Professor EdgarJohnson Goodspeed, Chairman of the Department of New Testament Literature;Professor Samuel N. Harper of the Department of History, son of Prèsident WilliamRainey Harper; Professor Charles HubbardJudd, Director of the School of Education;Harold H. Swift, Prèsident of the Boardof Trustees ; and Vice Prèsident FredericCampbell Woodward.Those selected as honorary pallbearerswere: Trevor Arnett, Herbert E. Bradlcy,William M. Burton, J. Spencer Dickerson,Thomas E. Donnelley, Tracy Drake, ErnstFreund, John J. Glessner, W. O. Goodman,Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed, JamesParker Hall, Clarence Hough, PrestonKyes, Sherwood Larned, Frank O. Low-den, Dean Shailer Mathews, George Mead,Floyd Russell Mechem, E. H. Moore, IraNelson Morris, Cyrus McCormick, HaroldMcCormiek, Haddon McLean, HoraceOakley, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., MartinA. Ryerson, Julius Rosenwald, Paul Shorey,Col. T. A. Siqucland, Amos Alonzo Stagg,and James Hayden Tufts.Interment was at Oakwoods Cemetery.272Nathaniel ButlerBy Shailer Mathews(An address delivered at Dr. Butler's funeral)IT is a strange coincidence that two ofthe three men who with PrèsidentHarper constituted the first faculty ofthe University of Chicago, should have diedat the same time. Harry Pratt Judson andNathaniel Butler have built themselvesinto the future in many ways, but mostlythrough their relation to the same institution. Yet at thismoment I find myselfthinking most of the twomen personally. For ageneration I shared intheir friendship andcarne to know the fine,loyal personality that laybeneath the officiai de-meanor of both.Nathaniel Butler liveda singularly useful andsymmetrical life. Hewas a teacher and anadministrator, a preacherand a lecturer; but hewas also a man amongmen, a friend of associations of commerce andan ideal speaker at ban-quets. He could makean admirable address ata Commencement andcould teli a story as canfew men. He lived inthe world of ideals but he could manage thedetails of the office of a college prèsident.It seems almost sacrilege to speak of thissymmetry as versatility — for that word toooften covers a multitude of superficialities,but versatile he was in the sense of touchinglife in many of its divergent interests.I think most of us who knew him thesemany years were struck by his perennialyouth. In a way he was as we wished tobe. When during the last few months heseemed about to capitulate with time, itDr. Nathaniel ButlerIJorn at Eastport, Maine, May 22,1S5S; died at Chicago, March 3, 1927.was as if one of the guaranties of our ownvictory over the years was threatened. Yetthere was no undevelopment in his char-acter, and there was maturity in his spirit.Some men affect youthfulness by imitatingthe habits of their juniors, pathetically en-deavoring to camouflage their years byboyish indiscretions. Nathaniel Butler notonly was a favorite ofnature in his physicalvigor and appearance,but he possessed his ownfountain of perennialyouth in his devotion tothat which is becomingrather than that whichhas become. His memorywas stored with the an-nals of half a centuryof teaching, but he neverstrayed into the quick-sands of reminiscence.He lived always ina productive present.Strike his interests atany point and theregushed forth the enthusi-asm and hopefulness ofthose who were to livelong enough to enjoy thefulfìlment of their hopes.An old man he neverbecame.He had a delightful sense of humor.Perhaps that was one reason he so defied thepassing years. He could be serious with-out taking himself too seriously. For thatreason, if for no other, he could be progressive without being radicai. For radicalsseem incapable of humor. Among us alithere was no more charming table com-panion. As a conversationalist he had fewequals. But in ali the years I knew him Icannot recali ever having heard him say abitter or a cutting word. He could be in-273274 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtense in his opposition to what he did notbelieve to be fair and wise, but his shaftsof criticism were never feathered withridicule. He respected even good peoplewho seemed to him to lack good sense.This fineness of spirit was rooted in asincere religious faith. He was not a pro-tagonist of any dogma. He sympathizedwith those who by stress of circumstancehave been forced into theological contro-versy that truth may set men free, but hewas not a controversialist. Religion to himDoctor ButlerAt about the beginning of the century.was simple and final — an attitude of soul,an idealism which he desired to have institu-tionalized but the elements of which hewould not enforce upon others.1 believe the basai quality of his lifewas loyalty to family, to friends, to institu-tions, to God and kindliness. He lived ina world which he hoped to see and in somemeasure helped to make better. Thushoping and loyal he was faithful to themultitude of great and small duties whichresulted from his many contacts in life.He died as he lived, mature in his youth-fulness, many-sided in his interests, un-assuming in his loyalties, Christian in hishope and service. Dr. Nathaniel ButlerBy James Spencer Dickerson(From The Baptist, March 19)THE originai members of ImmanuelChurch, Chicago, will recali thehelpfulness of Dr. Nathaniel Butler,whose admiration for Doctor Lorimer, thepastor, and whose co-operation with thechurch in its early efforts, were of realservice. At that time Doctor Butler wasteaching in schools on the North Shore, although he was soon after ordained to theBaptist ministry. Admirably fitted as hewas by qualifications of heart and brain andsoul for the work of a minister, he neverserved as pastor of a church and in lateryears seldom preached. His life was asermon ; his addresses were always on a highmoral piane. He was Professor of Latinand later of English in the Old Universityof Chicago, and after its collapse becameProfessor of Latin and of English Lan-guage and Literature at the University ofIllinois. Upon the founding of the University of Chicago, he was appointed to itsstaff of teachers and remained on its facultyor in administration until his death, March3, 1927, save during the years 1895-1901,when he was prèsident of Colby College,Wxaterville, Maine.Doctor Butler's versatility, his ability toadapt himself to any task to which he wascalled, his aptitude for teaching as well asadministration, were exemplified by theseveral positions which he ably filled at theUniversity of Chicago. He was Directorof University Extension, Professor of Education, Dean of University College andDean of the College of Education. Hesomehow found time to give to other insti-tutions the benefit of his knowledge andexperience, and served as a trustee of Mon-ticello Seminary, Godfrey, Illinois, and ofFrances Shimer school, Mt. Carroll, Illinois, being repeatedly elected as prèsidentof the board of trustees of the latter institution. One outstanding reason for hissuccess in the various departments in whichhe labored was his delightful personality,(Conlinued on page 296)The Story of The University of Chicago5y Thomas Wakefield GoodspeedIV. The First PrèsidentTHE first prèsident of the Universitywas William Rainey Harper. Hewas born at New Concord, Ohio,July 26, 1856, and was of sturdy Scotch-Irish stock. A student from early boy-hood, he entered the Freshman Class ofMuskingum College, New Concord, at tenyears of age. Although one of the youngeststudents ever per-mitted to pursue acollege course, itwas characteristic ofhim that he habit-ually took more thanthe required amountof work. He grad-uated at fourteenwith the honor ofthe Hebrew oration.Although on hisgraduation his fatherwisely made the boya clerk in his store,it cannot be doubtedthat he himself re-garded the clerkshipas incidental to hisreal work, for hisstudies stili wentforward with suchzeal that at seven-teen he went to Yaleas a graduate student in philology.Before his nine-teenth birthday he received from Yalethe degree of Doctor of Philosophy.The same year, 1875, he married EllaPaul, daughter of Piesident Paul of Muskingum College. In the autumn of thesame year, 1875, he became principal ofMasonic College, Macon, Tennessee. Thefollowing year he went to Granville, Ohio,as tutor in the preparatory department ofDenison University. Here his unusualDr. Harper at about twenty-six, as Professorof Hebrew at the Theological Seminary atMorgan Park. It was during his term there,from 1879 to 1886, that his colleagues con-ceived the idea of a new University of Chicago,with Harper as its Prèsident.qualities were soon divined by Prèsident E.Benjamin Andrews and the preparatory department was made the Granville Academywith the youthful tutor as Principal. Let itnot be thought that young Harper wasmerely a bookworm, who knew none of thejoys of youth. He early developed a loveof music which greatly enriched his life. Hewas a member of a band and played thecornet, and playingon this instrumentwas one of his rec-reations when prèsident of a great university.Prèsident Andrews soon carne tosee that the Principal of his Academywas an altogetherexceptional man —that he could not beconfined to academywork and ought notto be. Much, there-fore, as he dislikedto lose Dr. Harper,he put selfish con-siderations aside andrecommended him tothe Theological Seminary atMorgan Park for itsvacant chair of Hebrew. I first metDr. Harper in thestudy of Dr. Northrup, Prèsident of theSeminary at Morgan Park. We weremembers of a committee appointed withpower to engagé him as instructor inHebrew. Dr. Harper was stockily built,five feet seven inches tali, smoothfacedand spectacled, and looked very young.He was twenty-two — younger than themen he would be called upon to teach.He was too young to be made a professor,275276 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbut, with some misgiving, was made an in-structor, with a salary of $1,000, and beganwork January 1, 1879. The next year hewas made a full professor. In Aprii, 1881,"The use of the Seminary building wasgranted to Professor Harper for a summerschool for the study of Hebrew." Thiswas the first of his Hebrew summer schools.Dr. E. B. Hulbert, Dean of the DivinitySchool, wrote of the Morgan Park period:. . . At the end of two years Dr. Harperfound that his super-abounding zeal could notwork itself off in regular classes in term time.The impulse seized him to utilize the vacationperiods. In 1881, in the Seminary lecture rooms,he opened the first of his famous summer schools.One summer a second school was conducted atWorcester, Massachusetts, to meet New Eng-land needs, and the following summer a secondschool at New Haven, and yet a third in Phila-delphia appealed to a stili wider constituency.. The awakened interest creating thedemand for better study helps, the Elements ofHebrew appeared in 1881 ; Hebrew V ocabulariesin 1882; A Hebrew Manual and Lessons of theElementary Course in 1883; Lessons of the Intermediate Course and Lessons of the ProgressiveCourse in 1884; lntroductory Hebrew Methodand Manual in 1885.The business of promoting Hebrew, so aus-piciously begun and so rapidly extending, couldnot get on without an organ. The new journalwas christened The Hebrew Student. . . TheHebrew Student was popular in character; tomeet the more technical linguistic needs, He-hraica was launched.It did not take many years for Dr.Harper to grow too great for Morgan Park.The authorities became aware that theycould not permanenti}- hold him there. Itwas therefore no surprise to them when in1885 and the winter and spring of 1886 hewas invited to Yale. It goes without sayingthat we did everything possible to keep himfrom leaving us. Although Mr. Rocke-feller was not then acquainted with Dr.Harper, on Aprii 5, 1886, he wrote me aletter, telling me that someone representingYale had called on him in reference to aneffort then being made to take ProfessorHarper from Morgan Park to New Haven.It was the interest he manifested in helpingus to hold Dr. Harper that inspired myfirst letter to him in reference to a newuniversity. I said to him in the course ofthis letter: We have proposed to Dr. Harper to assumethe presidency of our wrecked and ruined University and to re-establish it here at MorganPark, retaining the oversight of the departmentof Hebrew in the Seminary. The suggestionhas taken a strong hold on him and if he hadsome assurance of help he would not hesitateto do it.This same suggestion was welcomed withenthusiasm by the trustees of the then exist-ing University and he was at once electedprèsident. But Mr. Rockefeller not thenseeing his way to encourage so large a project, Dr. Harper declined the presidencyand accepted the position at Yale. It wasduring these negotiations that, on Aprii 26,1886, these two remarkable men first became acquainted.It was in the early eighties, while Dr.Harper was stili at Morgan Park that Dr.John H. Vincent, always on the lookoutfor efficient teachers for Chautauqua, heardof this young teacher of Hebrew and in thesummer of 1883 added him to his corps ofinstructors. Here, as everywhere, Dr.Harper soon made a great impression. Itwas not long before he was principal of theCollege of Liberal Arts. His influence andpower in the affairs of Chautauqua constanti}' increased until its whole educationalwork was in his hands.In the autumn of 1886 Dr. Harper wentto Yale as professor of Semitic Languagesin the Graduate Department. He was alsomade instructor in the Divinity School. Hewas teaching Hebrew, Assyrian, Arabie,Aramaic, and Syriac. He had taken theAmerican Institute of Hebrew with him toNew Haven with his summer schools,journals, and correspondence school, his as-sistants, and printing office.Soon he made a new departure. He began to give courses of lectures on the Bibleto popular audiences and proved as attrac-tive and inspiring on the lecture platformas in the classroom.The value placed on Dr. Harper's workat ^ ale may be measured by the establishment in 1889, especially for him, of theWoolsey Professorship of Biblical Litera-ture in the Undergraduate Department.Thus within three years he carne to oc-cupy three separate chairs of instruction, inTHE UNIVERSITY AND THE BUSINESS MAN ^77the College, the Graduate Department, andthe Divinity School. After so short a timehe was already filling a great place at Yale,and not at Yale only. He had developedsuch gifts for public address that his servicesas a lecturer on the Bible were sought farand wide, in universities, in theologicalschools, in women's colleges, and inchurches. On December io, 1889, he waselected prèsident of the University of SouthDakota, but declined. He had developedsuch extraordinary gifts in so many direc-tions that Dr. A. H. Strong had sought andobtained his co-operation in the plans fororganizing the proposed graduate universityin New York City. Dr. Strong said of him:Pedagogies were naturai to him. How toget the most out of a teacher and out of an hourwere vital problems to him. And this pedagogieinstinct qualified him to launch a new universityupon uncharted seas and with new methods ofnavigation . . . His executive powers wereequal to his ambitions. He could organize amachine to run the federai government.Is it to be wondered at that ali who wereintimately connected with the founding ofthe University of Chicago thought of Dr.Harper and of him only as its Prèsident?They never wavered in their choice of himnor in their expectation that he would takethe place. They regarded his presidency asGOVERNMENT and health aretwo new subjects which authoritiesfrom the University will discussthis spring, in non-technical talks plannedespecially for business men. In one ofthese groups of lectures, such men as Professor Dodd and Professor Merriam willconsider democracy and the other forms ofgovernment that rivai it, and the outstand-ing men who have stood for these variousdoctrines of government. In the othergroup, medicai authorities connected withthe University, including Dr. Bundesen,Dr. Anton Carlson, and Miss Maude Slye, manifest destiny, as a duty imposed whichhe could not escape. Their object was tobring him to this view and make him willingto undertake the duty. The movementlooking toward Dr. Harper's presidency be-gan very early. On July 17, 1886, threevveeks after the Old University closed itsdoors, I wrote: "Hold yourself ready to return here some time as Prèsident of a newUniversity." When, after the Vassar con-ference in October, 1888, he informed hisfriends in Chicago of the new prospeetsopening before them for an institution oflearning, without a moment's hesitation theybegan to teli him that he must be its prèsident. To ali these suggestions, however,he turned a deaf ear. He would listen tonone of them and we would listen to noneof his objections. Ali this continued withsome interesting developments till January,1889. There is a humorous side to thematter of these serious discussions as topresidency of an institution that did notexist and the future existence of which wasstili wholly problematical. Mr. Rockefellerhimself was engaged in them although itwas not till four months later that he madehis first subscription.From this date, January, 1889, the ques-(Continued on page 297)whose study of the causes of cancer has at-tracted wide attention, will present certainimportant questions of health. A continua-tion of the lectures on The Nature of theWorld and of Man, begun last October,will accompany the two new series.The University first offered informai discussions of this sort last fall. The purposewas to share the benefits of the research andteaching on the Quadrangles with men andwomen who have no time to attend regularclasses. The hours and the place werechosen with a view to the convenience ofthis group.The University Continues to ServeThe Business ManAnnouncing Discussions of Democracy, Health, and The World and Man278 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe program prospered. The attendanceat the three lectures given each week aver-aged about eight hundred. The University,therefore, continues the discussions.TUESDAYS, 6:45 p. m— 7:45 p- m.Fullerton Hall, Art InstituteDEMOCRACY AND SOME OF ITSCOMPETITORSMarch 29-April 5-Aprìl 12—Aprii 19-April 26-May 3—May 10-May 17-May 24-May 31- -Thomas Jefferson as Prèsident. Set-ting the Thought Patterns for Halfa CenturyWilliam E. Dodd, Department ofHistory-Abraham Lincoln. A Great Demo-cratic Union and a War Unpre-cedentedProfessor DoddWoodrow Wilson. A Campaign ofRestoration and a World-War forAncient American IdealsProfessor Dodd•William Jennings Bryan. AnAnalysis of a Unique Type of Un-official LeadershipCharles E. Merriam, Departmentof Politicai Science-James Ramsey MacDonald. Inter-preter of the Ideals of British LaborFrances E. Gillespie, Departmentof HistoryNicholas the Second, the Last of theRomanovsSamuel N. Harper, Department ofHistory¦Lenin, the Founder of BolshevismProfessor HarperStalin, Secretary of the CommunistPartyProfessor HarperTheodore Roosevelt, a New American TypeProfessor MerriamThe Traits of Politicai Leaders: anAnalysis and InterpretationProfessor MerriamTHURSDAYS, 6:45 p. m— 7:45 p. M.The Club Room, Art InstituteHEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCEMarch 31 — Chicago's HealthDr. Herman N. Bundesen, Com-missioner of Health, City of ChicagoAprii 7 — Nutrition and DietDr. Frederick C. Koch, Department of Physiological ChemistryAprii 14 — The Physiology of ExerciseDr. A. Baird Hastings, Departmentof Physinlogical Chemistry Freeman Snow,Hygiene Associa-April 21 — The Physiology of Growth and ReproductionDr. Anton J. Carlson, Departmentof PhysiologyAprii 28 — Heart DiseaseDr. Harold A. Bachmann, Secretary, Chicago Pediatrical Society;Chicago Heart Association — Executive and School CommitteesMay 5 — CancerMiss Maude Slye, Department ofPathologyMay 12 — TuberculosisDr. Esmond R. Long, Department ofPathologyMay 19 — Social HygieneDr. WilliamAmerican SociationMay 26— Child WelfareDr. Walter H. O. Hoffmanx, Director of Infant Welfare, Department of Health, City of Chicagolune 2— Pre-natal CareDr. Joseph L. Baer, Rush MedicaiCollege; Associate Medicai Director, Infant Welfare Societylune 9 — Mental HygieneDr. Ralph C. Hamill, Northwestern University Medicai School;Prèsident, Illinois Society' for Mental HygieneFRIDAYS, 645 p. m— 7:45 P. M.Fullerton HallTHE NATURE OF THE WORLDAND OF MAN(An Interpretation of Modem Science)Aprii 1 — The Modem RacesFay-Cooper Cole, Department ofAnthropologyAprii S, 15 — The Factors of Organic Evolution(Illustrated)Horatio Hackett Newman, Department of ZoòlogyApril 22 — How to Prevent the Increase ofLTndesirables (Illustrated)Elliot R. Downing, Department ofEducationAprii 29— Man from the Point of View of HisDevelopment and Structure (Illustrated)Georce W. Bartelmetz, Department of AnatomyMay 6 — Same (continued)May 13,20 — The Dynamics of Living Processes(Illustrated)Anton J. Carlson, Department ofPhysiologyMay 27 — Mind in EvolutionCharles H. Judd, Department ofEducationlune 3 — Same (continued)®f)e ©mbersrttp of Chicago Jfflap?inee Editor and Business Manager, Allen Heald, '26Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D. B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J.Fisher, '17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J. D., '15;School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21; Rush Medicai Association —Morris Fishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.k'^<^<^'^<^^'^<^<^^^l^<^^<^^ere^ers cp coMMS:KJA MAN who has served the Universitysince its founding, and who guided itscourse for sixteen years as its Prèsident,has died. He leaves for us, as his* wo monument, not only the University™en that he helped to build; not only thestudents whom he trained in constitutionallaw ; not only eleven valuable books of lawand history; not only constructive workthat will long continue in politicai reform,the organization of his church, relief workin Persia, and medicai service in China. Heleaves us, besides these things, the memoryof a life of steady judgment, of broad sympathy, of industry, of loyalty.Another man who carne to the Universityat its founding, and who built himself intoits future, died almost on the same day.Doctor Nathaniel Butler served the University in many positions: as Director ofthe Extension Division, as Professor ofEnglish and of Education, as Dean of theCollege of Education and of the University College, as Assistant to the Prèsident,as a heroic worker for the DevelopmentCampaign. Yet his monument, like hiscolleague's, is not limited to the institutionshe helped to build. He, too, has left us anexample to follow : a life both vigorous andkind, both cultured and whole-hearted.From such lives we can learn to judgecarefully, to insist upon the truth, to adhereto the right as we see it, and to work hard.But we can learn also to be humane, and totreat our fellow-men as friends. Howevergreat their trials, these two minds never grew bitter. They were kind to ali men,for they knew that ali men were theircomrades-in-arms against man's commonenemies. And such kindness helped to bringthem victory. They proved the truth ofLeopardi's lines,Noble indeed is heWho dares to lift his mortai eyes and gazeFull at our common fate,And with unfettered tongue,Concealing naught of truth,Admits the evil given as our lot,Our low and frail estate;Who ever proves himself,In suffering, great and strong,Nor sets on man the blame for human grief.Upon the foundation of such lives theUniversity of Chicago is built.» À «TOO many business men, we are told,neglect their mental growth. Theyare so busy with the affairs of the world. that they become back-T he University , . A rr ¦numbers in the artairsvs. Babbittry L ., ¦ j ,~i tuy of the mind. Or rather,they neglect the world at large for that smallsector of it with which their business deals.They are penny-wise, but lack the wisdomof greater values. Sinclair Lewis portrayedthis fault in one of his earlier best-sellers ;and Babbittry remains the most convementword for the malady.Lewis and his followers have probablyexaggerated the evil that they denounce.Few business men — and fewer good ones —are completely dead to the world beyondtheir office Windows. But many of them,2792«0 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEby their own admissions, would be betterbusiness men and better citizens if theywere more alive to that world. Financeand industry are worlds in themselves ; theyleave too little time for culture.But perhaps finance and industry are notwholly to blame. Perhaps the colleges,whose business it is to teach this culture,this world-citizen's point of view, ought toadapt their machinery to the needs of thislarge part of the public. The business manhas no time to go to college. Perhaps hehas gone there already; and we can not ex-pect him to return for graduate work, tolearn what advances learning has made sincehe got his diploma. The colleges must findnew ways of imparting their culture to him.The University has undertaken just thistask. Leaders in its program of researchhave collaborated since last fall in lecturesthat present in simple form the latest re-sults of careful scholarship. They havetalked about the great creators of history,the men who have contributed to theworld's culture. They have discussed thesort of world we live in and the place weoccupy in it. A place — the Art Institute —and a time — 6:45 to 7:45 p. m. — were se-lected as being most convenient to the majority of business men.The program met an enthusiastic re-sponse. Each week eight hundred persons,mosti}- business men and women, attendedthe three lectures.This spring the program continues, withtwo new groups of lectures and the ten thatremain on The Sature of the II orld andof Man. The new lectures comprise astudy of democracy in comparison with someother forms of government that seek to takeits place, and a consideration of some ofthe problems of health. The men who offerthese lectures are competont scholars andinspiring teachers ; their audiences, thus far,have been eager and understanding. Theprogram promises a victory for the University over Babbittry. MUSEUMS, as we usually think ofthem, are dead places. They consistof endless aisles lined with glass cases, eachA Live with its skeleton or stuffed skin,„ , neatlv labeled and forgotten.Museum T ". .. . ..Last winter, in ivy-coveredHaskell, a museum of a different sort wasopened. Its exhibits follow the story ofman's adventures through four thousandyears of struggle and advance, and makemany chapters of that story as real as ourgrandfathers' stories of their boyhood toldby the fìreside. There was the golden breast-plate that Professor Breasted found in thePalestinian king's tomb, with its picture ofthe pharaoh being suckled by the cow god-dess, and its story of the worship of a pas-toral people for the cattle that nourishedthem. There is the series of burials, eachmore elaborate than the one before, show-ing man's overwhelming fear of death, andhis devices to cheat the grim reaper andescape final destruction. There is the as-tronomical instrument that King Tut madewith his own hands, the better to under-stand and appease the mysterious gods of theheavens. There is the carved cylinder withwhich the more business-like Babylonianssealed their deeds and mortgages. Almostevery piece of stone or bronze has its owntale of some episode in the human experi-ment. Ages that we once despised and calledbenighted, appear to be ages of brilliantprogress. If we look at these exhibits, weshall realize how many generations of toiland combat have been the cost of our present civilization. We shall understand thatour own age is not alone in its problems,its obstacles to progress, or its determinationto overcome those obstacles. This reali-zation ".ought to make our age moreardent and more steadfast in doing itstask and lifting higher the torch ofcivilization."The Orientai Museum is a monument toproductive scholarship. It testifies, and asit grows will continue to testify, to the service of men who have devoted themselves tothe task of ranking the remote past signifi-cant to the present.ALUMNIMax Mason Talks to the Los AngelesAlumniON Wednesday, February 16, 1927, theUniversity of Chicago Alumni ofLos Angeles and Southern California helda dinner at the University Club in honorof Prèsident and Mrs. Max Mason.One hundred loyal Chicago Alumniwere present and listened to a most inter-esting and instructive address by PrèsidentMason, in which he embodied some newthoughts for the instruction of modemundergraduates, which he hopes some dayto put into practice at the University,whereby the undergraduate would be working for the pleasure and enjoyment ofsolving problems rather than for credits orbecause of requirements.Dr. W. H. Olds, Prèsident of theAlumni Association, presided. The Po-mona College Glee Club furnished severalentertaining numbers and the election ofofficers for the ensuing year took place.Those elected were: Prèsident, John Burt,'15 S.B.; Vice Prèsident, J. Harry Har-greaves, '22 Ph. B. ; Secretary and Treas.,Harold P. Huls, '17 Ph.B. '21 J.D.Very truly yours,Harold P. Huls, Secretary AFFAI R Sferences with Alumni groups in Toledo andin Grand Rapids. He mèt the ToledoClub March 17, and the Grand RapidsClub March 28. His meetings with theAlumni at Cleveland and at Indianapoliswere reported in last month's issue. Ineach of these cities, he has conferred notonly with the whole group on Universityproblems in general, but with individuaiinterested in particular parts of the University. He discussed certain questions ofcollege administration, for instance, withhalf a dozen Alumni on the faculty of theUniversity of Toledo. Alumni, he reports,are interested in the University primarily asa place where valuable work is being donein their professional fields. Lawyers askfirst of ali about late developments in theLaw School. Physicians ask about theprogress of the new medicai school, andthe results of research like that of MissMaude Slye into the causes of cancer. College administrators want to know whatDean Boucher's committee is doing to improve the organization of courses of study.This professional interest in the University,Dean Filbey believes, usually distinguishesthe Alumni of the University from those ofother institutions.Dean Filbey Confers With WesternAlumniIN ORDER to confer with Alumnigroups on problems confronting theUniversity, Dean Emery T. Filbey hasundertaken a trip to the Pacific Coast. Heleft Chicago Aprii 8. He spent the following Monday, Aprii 11, in conferences withAlumni in Denver. He will meet AlumniClubs in other cities as he proceeds ; hisschedule includes:San Francisco, May 3 ; Portland, May 6 ;Seattle, May 9 ; Salt Lake City, May 1 2 ;Wichita, May 17.Dean Filbev has already held such con- Account of a Professore Hardshipson His Way to an Alumni MeetingONE wheel knocked off his Hudson,and what would have been, but fora friendly mudbank, the overturning of theHudson itself, was the cost to Bertram G.Nelson, Professor of Public Speaking, ofhis visit to the Alumni Club at Springfield,Illinois, on March 21.It was Spring Vacation, and exam paperswere ali corrected ; so Professor Nelson,Mrs. Nelson, and their son and daughteragreed that the meeting in Springfield, towhich the Alumni there had invited Mr.Nelson, should be the occasion of a short281282 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEouting for the family. They embarked inthe family Hudson on a rainy Sunday morn-ing, trusting the hard-surfaced roads thatthe map promised. The hard-surfacedroads were there; but a soft slime, washeddown from an embankment, had coveredthe road at a certain sharp curve. The carskidded, struck a rock that knocked a wheeloff, and continued to skid straight towarda large ditch. A thicker layer of mud layalong the edge of the ditch, luckily, andcaught the car in the nick of time.A garage-keeper in a certain Illinois vil-lage had decided to go out of business. Hisstock was almost sold out; in fact, onlyone article, the wheel of a certain modelof Hudson, remained. "I reckon I can'tdose up till I've sold that darned thing," hesighed. The door opened, and ProfessorNelson entered. The two men talkedearnestly for a few minutes. When theyparted, each looked much happier. The onehad sold his stock ; the other had restoredhis Hudson.Professor Nelson continued the journeyby train. At the meeting in Springfieldthe following evening he reported, accord-ing to schedule, on late activities at theUniversity, and entertained with a reading.His accident, his hearers advise us, lefthim unimpaired.The Presidente Henchman MeetsSome Southern AlumniALUMNI in Memphis and AtlantaLheard the latest news of the Develop-ment Program direct from the President'sOffice, when Professor David H. Stevens,Secretary to the Prèsident, met with theClubs in these two cities on Aprii 1 1 and12. The Alumni had learned through theBoard of Alumni Relations that ProfessorStevens would represent the University ina conference at Atlanta, and immediatelyplanned meetings to hear him.Kansans Hear Burton's FormerAssociateTHE Alumni Club in Manhattan, Kansas, held a dinner and meeting March30. Joseph M. Artman, formerly Professor of Religious Education at the University,and now connected with the Religious Educational Association, told the Alumni ofsome of the University's recent advances.During his term at the University, Professor Artman was associated with a com-mittee of educators from ali parts of thecountry, of whom Prèsident Burton waschairman, in a survey of the moral condi-tions of undergraduate life in America.» « «Rush Men in Southern CaliforniaBanquet BevanTHE Rush Alumni of Southern California had a banquet March 11 inhonor of Dr. Arthur D. Bevan.It was attended by about eighty Alumniof this part of the country. Dr. Bevan gavea very fine talk on the condition of oldRush and the University of Chicago, inwhich we were very much interested. Hethen gave a very good lecture on surgicalconditions of the spleen. We enjoyed verymuch having him here.I will consider it a great favor if any-body contemplating a visit to this part ofthe country will let me know so that wecan arrange some entertainment for them.The following officers were elected :Dr. C. A. Johnson, Prèsident; Dr. R.W. Langley, Vice Prèsident; Dr. W. H.Olds, Secretary and Treasurer.Yours verv trulv,W. H. Olds» « «Professor Judd Talks to BaltimoreAlumniPROFESSOR Charles Hubbard Judd,Director of the School of Education,talked before the Baltimore Alumni Clubon the evening of Aprii lì. Further de-tails of this meeting will be given nextmonth.à « &The West Suburban AlumnaeTHE West Suburban B ranch of theChicago Alumnae Club was organizedin Oak Park in 1921 and has grown to amembership of nearly fifty. The purpose(Continued on page 296)Mason Sees Closer Union of Human-ist and ScientistIN HIS presentation of a drawing of thenew modem language building, Wie-boldt Hall, to the donor, Prèsident MaxMason says in the current University Record that some years ago he looked up thedefinition of the word "humanist" andfound the following in a rather old editionof Webster's Dictionary: "Humanist: onewho is versed in polite literature." Hequoted it at the cornerstone laying of Wie-boldt Hall, he said, to indicate how rapidlythe temper of mind has changed in regardto the activity of the humanist."Today unity pervades ali the activitiesof a great research institution like theUniversity of Chicago," Prèsident Masoncontinued. "We may separate men intogroups as humanists or as scientists, but theyare closer than ever before in spirit of performance. They are making steps toward acommon goal, the understanding of manand his place in the universe. The humanist today studies the works of man to ob-tain deeper insight into his mentality andevolution of his culture. The humaniststudies by the aid of a technique that isthoroughly scientific."The University of Chicago is dedicatedto a program of the understanding of manand nature. It is the hope of ali connectedwith it that it be stimulated in ali of itsdepartments, undergraduate as well as graduate, by the spirit of investigation in the scientific manner, and that increasingly, yearby year, its students may receive an education which is vitalized by opportunity toparticipate in the program of productivescholarship of the University."Nursery Children Have Last Wordin RaysTHROUGH the courtesy of Dr.Walter Hoffman, the Victor RayCorporation has given the University Co operative Nursery School the use of a violet-ray machine. The children are now receiv-ing "sunshine" daily or three times eachweek, according to their need. During thelate afternoon hours, various mothers andassociate members of the Nursery Schoolare also taking advantage of the opportunityfor treatments.The machine has been installed in asmall room on the second floor of theNursery. Throughout the morning, onemay observe a group of two or three children going through their prescribed methodof procedure. Each youngster is undressed.He then sits quietly on the edge of the cotuntil the student or mother in attendancecan pin a black mask over his eyes, to pro-tect them from the rays. The childrennext arrange themselves on the cot to receive the light, first on their chests, then ontheir backs. It is remarkable to see howthoroughly they relax, and how much theyenjoy their "sunshine." Each child wasbaked for thirty seconds at first ; the timeis increased a half-minute each week. Mostof the groups get five to eight minutes atpresent.The violet ray forms an important itemin the Nursery's strenuous program againstcolds and infections. Reports from themothers would indicate that the vitalityand resistance of the children have beenconsiderably increased during this WinterQuarter since the machine has been installed. The universal comment is that theyoungsters are livelier than they have everbeen before.à À »The Summer Quarter FacultyOF THE regular staff of the UniversityFaculties, over two hundred willgive instruction during the coming SummerQuarter. Of this number about one hundred and fifty are of professorial rank.More than ninetv will come from other283284 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEinstitutions to give courses during the summer, and of these seventy-five are of pro-fessorial rank.Among American universities repre-sented on the Summer Quarter Faculty atChicago will be Harvard, Yale, Columbia,Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas, Stanford,Washington, and California.Educational institutions in other coun-tries represented on the Summer Facultywill be the University of Grenoble,France; Brandon College, Manitoba; FreeChurch College, Glasgow, Scotland ; University of Baisle, Switzerland ; Berlin Han-delshochschule, Germany; and Queen'sUniversity, Canada.« « «Merriam Opposes Four-Year TermFor City CouncilIN DISCUSSING the proposed four-year term for members of the Chicagocity council, Professor Charles E. Merriam,chairman of the Department of PoliticaiScience, who was for six years a memberof the council and was also chairman of theCommission on City Expenditures, ex-pressed the opinion that four years is a longtime in the life of a great city and experiencehas shown that it is desirable for the votersto have an opportunity to express themselveson municipal questions at least every twoyears. This is particularly true, he said,when large problems like traction are likelyto be decided."The term of members of the lower houseof Congress is two years and that of themembers of the Illinois House is the same,so that in those bodies there is an opportunity for popular action every two years.Just why the city council should be given alonger term than our state and nationallegislative bodies does not appear in therecord."Professor Merriam also thinks that ifChicago is to be given, as is proposed, alarger measure of home rule, it is ali themore important that the council should notbe too far away from the people. Mr. Merriam, who in 191 i was the Republicancandidate for mayor of Chicago, is the au- thor of a book on Municipal Revenues ofChicago.« £. «New AppointmentsNEW appointments just announced bythe Board of Trustees include thefollowing :Mr. M. Llewellyn Raney, now librarianof the Johns Hopkins University, as Director of the University Libraries with the rankof Professor, from October 1, 1927; Mr.Léonard Bloomfield, now of Ohio StateUniversity, as Professor of Germanie Phil-ology from October 1, 1927; Miss Gertrude L. Banfield, as Instructor in ClinicalNursing and Supervisor of the Max EpsteinClinic; Miss Nellie X. Hawkinson, ofWestern Reserve University, as AssociateProfessor in the Department of Nursing;and Mr. J. C. M. Hanson, now AssociateDirector of the University Libraries, asActing Director of the University Librariesfor the year 1927-28.Among other appointments announcedare those of Daniel Evans, of HarvardUniversity, as Professor in the DivinitySchool for one quarter; Arthur E. Holt,as Professor of Social Ethics in the DivinitySchool ; Frances E. Gillespie, Instructor inHistory, and Mr. W. A. Noyres, AssistantProfessor of Chemistry, as Deans in theColleges for one quarter.J* .i «An Achievemext in PltblishingJ^HE difficulties of getting into theA hands of the general public signifìcantbooks published by university presses arewell known, but now and then there is anoiitstanding success that almost puts thebook into the class of that much abusedterm "best sellers." Starting with an un-usually large first impression, which wassold as soon as printed, and followed witha much larger second impression whichquickly disappeared, The Nature of theIf orici and of Man, by sixteen members ofthe Faculties of the University, has justgone to a third impression of fifteen thousand copies. Some eighteen tons of paperwill be required for this printing.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy B. J. Green, '29THIS month's column strikes a sombernote. The queer twist of fate that tookwithin twenty-four hours of each other twoassociates, who had come to the Universityat the same time and worked side by sideever since, left the University mourning twoof its greatest teachers, Harry Pratt Judson,Prèsident Emeritus, and Nathaniel Butler,who was until his retirement Dean of theUniversity College and director of the ex-tension movement, and who was active upto the very day of his death in the Develop-ment Program.Dr. Butler died on March 3, and Dr.Judson followed him the next morning. OnMarch 7 Wallace Heckman, former Business Administrator and Counsel of the University, left his name on the roll of greatmen who have spent their lives in the serviceof this institution. His death followed alingering illness at his home in Chicago.Professor Arthur P. Scott breaks into thenews again. Last month we announced thathe was to leave the University for an Orientai trip. Change signals. ProfessorArthur P. Scott was married March 19 toMiss Katherine E. Otis of Barrington,Illinois. The Professor and his wife willspend the spring quarter on the Otisestate at Barrington and will then go tothe Orient for the summer and autumnquarters. Professor Scott will return ashe had planned before his marriage, toresidence in the University in the winterquarter of 1928.» « »The honor system of examinations seemsabout to take its place on campus as an institution. During the winter quarter examinations, three classes tried the systemunder a new pian, and it seems to haveworked admirably. The pian proposes that ninety per cent of the class interested in hav-ing its exam conducted on the honor pian,submit a petition to the instructor indicat-ing that at the end of the examination theywill sign a pledge that they have neitherasked nor given assistance during the hour.If the petition is accepted by the HonorCommission, the Dean of the Colleges andthe Vice-President of the University, theclass in question will then be permitted tobe examined under the honor system.The idea appears to be cumbersome andtoo much trouble, but it is a beginning to-wards the abolition of the proctor system ;and if it is successful for a year or so, amore liberal pian should be submitted whichwill permit every class in the Universityto work under the honor system, withoutbeing required to unravel yards of red tape.À « »We haven't mentioned The Phoenixvery often this year, but the Old Bird isstili wisecracking and the humor magazinehas turned out some of its best numbersthis year. The True Story Number in Feb-ruary and the Literary Number last monthwere works of art. Phil Allen's portraitwas the cover of the Literary Number. Itwas accompanied by characteristic posesketches done by Theodore Yung. If thelast two numbers of the year sdì as quicklyas the preceding ones have, John Allisonand William Stephenson, Editor and Business Manager, will make their trip toEurope without mishap next summer.« » <àNow that everybody of any importancehas blossomed out in his new topcoat andspring suit, the social swirl, which usuallylapses during the last part of the winterquarter and the first part of the springquarter, will return. Outstanding eventsfor May include the Interclass Hop. Theleaders have been selected already. Theyare a representative crowd.285286 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFor the Seniors Clyde Keutzer and RuthBurtis will march ; for the Juniors there areCharles Harris and Frances Kendall; theSophs have Robert Spence and Ellen H art-man; and the Frosh will be represented byDexter Masters and Muriel Parker.Keutzer is Beta, Harris a Phi Psi, Spencean Alpha Delt, and Masters a Deke. MissBurtis is a Quadrangler, Miss Kendall amember of Wyvern, and Miss Hartman oneof the ancient order of Esoteric. We can'tremember or find anyone around who knowsMiss Parker's affiliation ; but she is a mem ber of the Freshman Class Council andPrèsident of the Freshman Women's club.À « «HAROLD N. ROWE, who has duringthe past year been working at theUniversity of Chicago under the CharlesA. Coffin Foundation, has been granted acontinuation of his fellowship for anotheryear. Mr. Rowe was graduated from Union College in 1923 with a degree of B. S.in E. E., and remained there as an instructorfor the year following, after which he wentto Chicago.An Appeal For InformationIN YOUR community, no doubt, thereare young people who pian to enter college soon, and who have qualities thatwould make Chicagoans of the best type.The Undergraduate Extension Board, as ex-plained in the preceding issue in the articleNew Blood in the Undergradute Body, isanxious to communicate with as many suchprospects as possible, and describe to them the advantages of the University as an almamater. This Board would be very gratefulfor your help in finding, through yourfriends, neighbors, high school teachers,età, the names and addresses of boys andgirls who have the qualities referred toabove. You may fili out the coupon be-low, and send it to the Prèsident of theSenior Class, University of Chicago.The young men and women whose names I submit below intend to entercollege in the next year or two. Each of them, in my opinion, would con-tribute something worth while to undergraduate life at the University. Iwould recommend that you describe the University to them by means ofbooklets, copies of The Cap and Gown, special issues of The Daily Maroon,etc. You may refer them to me for further information.(Natne) (Address)(Signature)(Address)By Victor Roterus, '29WITH 43 teams representing 38 statescompeting, the annual Interscho-lastic Basketball Tournament which beganon Tuesday, March 29, culminated the following Saturday when Morton High ofCicero wrenched a bitter 18-16 victoryfrom Batesville, Arkansas, in the final gamefor the championship of the United States.It was a hectic game, well befitting thehectic tournament which has taken placeannually in Bartlett Gym for the last nineyears.The ancient gymnasium which has stoodits ground well for years proved hopelesslyinadequate to house the hundreds of fanswho clamored for admittance throughoutthe week. Hordes of people which increased as the tournament progressed wereturned away; and the last few nights a playby play bulletin of the games was relayedto the crowd who flooded the entrance andthe avenue in front of Bartlett.The teams flocked in from here, thereand everywhere. Bothell, Washington, trav-ersed 2400 miles. In Arizona Saffordbeat Gilbert by one point for the state title.Where was the justice in that — what to do?So both teams were tendered invitationsand they both carne — even though it tookthem two days and three nights. Alpine,Tennessee- — a tiny hillside village five milesfrom a railroad and boasting a total popula-tion of 75 — sent six boys to represent Tennessee. The expenses of these boys — whobuilt their own gymnasium from logs —were carried by donations from the students,church and townspeople.Cheyenne carne with broad-rimmed, high-crowned sombreros. The confessed cow-puncher and hat salesman, Putnam, followed the Huron (South Dakota) entrydown, and scattered literature proclaiming the merits of the old home state. FortFairfield, Maine, carne on the floor withplacards pinned to the backs of their jersiesreading "Use Maine Potatoes."The crowd that watched goggle-eyed during the tourney was as picturesque as theteams. Students cutting classes, drawlingwesterners, newsboys, mothers who traveledto see their sons play, bankers, and Cicerobootleggers were there.« « ^The visiting teams were received andtreated royally. Under the supervision ofFritz Crisler, Faculty Manager, and JohnMcDonough, Student Manager, the University extended a cordial hand to theirguests, who will never forget the week.The neighboring moving picture and vaudeville houses were thrown open ; a banquetand get-together mixer were tendered them ;they were made acquainted with the campus; automobile tours of the city wereconducted.« « iNot since the first meet back in 1917,when Evanston Academy pulled through,has a Chicago high school won the tourney.In 1920 Wingate, Indiana, remained un-defeated; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, won in1921 ; Lexington, Kentucky, in 1922; Kansas City, Kansas, in 1923; Windsor, Colorado, in 1924; Witchita, Kansas, in 1925,and Fitchburg, Mass., last year.This year Batesville, Ark., was runner-up to the Morton team; Florence, Miss.,took third place ; and Huron, S. D., placedfourth. In the consolation tournament, inwhich teams eliminated in their first gameplayed, Kansas City, Ma, emerged winner;Athens, Texas, runner-up ; Gilbert, Arizona, third, and Durham, N. G, fourth.Appropriate team and individuai prizeswere presented to ali these teams by Mr.287288 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEStagg at the conclusion of the tournament.Morton drew Durant, Oklahoma, forits first game, and leaped this barrier with a29-17 score. The entire student body ofMorton was there, and for that game andevery succeeding one that Morton playedrocked the gym with its cheers. In theirnext game the Morton team barely scrapedthrough for a 22-20 victory over Fairmont,West Virginia. Two Chicago high schoolsmet when Morton battled Englewood, thecity champions. The game was compara-tively easy for Morton, who won 23-10.« à. £It was not till then that the Cicero teamwas regarded in a serious vein. They hadnot been doped to go through the firstround ; and their survival, even thus far,was a surprise. Frida}- night they met thetournament favorites, the smooth-passingcombination from Vienna, Georgia. Withinterest at a fever pitch throughout thegame, Morton, led by the stellar Kawalski,the brunt of both the offense and defense,snatched a tear-rending 27-26 win from thefighting Georgians. When the gun wentoff the ball had left a Vienna player's hands,and this try which would have meantVienna instead of Morton, went in andout of the basket. The Georgia team failedto make good on four free throws near theend of the game, and this resulted in theirdefeat. When the game was over the Morton contingent went wild, snake-dancingover the floor, and howling like madmen.In the semi-finals Saturday afternoonMorton, trading at half-time, over-came alead and finali}' defeated Florence, Mississippi, 28 to 20, using again with greatsuccess their stalling game. In the eveningthe\- beat Batesville, a town of 4000 inNorthern Arkansas, 18 to 16, before a fren-zied mob that packed the gym to theuttermost indi. Harland Rohm wrote inThe Tribune: "The game, transcendingbasketball, rose to the dignity of war. Itwas a fighting, tearing crew of boys whofought from the first tipoff with a fury of fanatics. Neither team was ever more thanfour points ahead and that for only a fewseconds. . .Time and again, one, two orthree boys sprawled at full length on thefloor or crashed into the crowd, so furiouswere their drives at the ball."« « ~The five players composing the Mortonteam were of five different nationalities.One sport writer called them "a juniorleague of nations." They were Kawalski,Polish ; Rezabek, Bohemian ; Rondinalla,Italian; Nystrom, Swedish ; and Fencl,Austrian.At the conclusion of the tournament thesports writers of the various papers com-bined and selected a team which will prob-ably be recognized as officiai. On it wereplaced W. Carpenter, Batesville, Arkansas,and Campbell, Vienna, forwards; Rogers,Florence, Mississippi, center; Kawalski,Morton, and Murphy, Batesville, guards.Kawalski of Morton was judged the manof most worth to his team.» « «Massachusetts Alumni Hear ThreeSpeakersTHE University of Chicago Club ofMassachusetts has had three meet-ings in Boston to date this year.On December 10 twenty-five of us metfor dinner, and Professor Kirtley Mather,Ph. D. '15, now of Harvard, was speaker.Among the many interesting points in hisdiscussion of "Fundamentalism" was thenarrative of his experiences at the ScopesTrial. On February 1 1 at another dinner,Dean Charles H. Judd brought us welcomenews of growth on the Chicago campus.On March 25 Dean Shailer Mathews wasour guest.The ofHcers of the Massachusetts Clubare: Prèsident, Professor Harlan T. Stet-son, Ph. D. '15 ; Vice Prèsident, LivingstonHall, '2} ; Secretary, Mrs. Lyman E.Lehrburger, '17; Treasurer, Roberts B.Owen, '11.Pauline Levi Lehrburger, '17,Secretary.OFFICERSOFTHEUNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St, Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Lyman E. Lehrberger, 15 Euston St.,Brookline, Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ISt St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,1885 E. 75A St.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. Alice Loweth,1885 E 75th St., Cleveland, Ohio.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pees., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Sue HamiltonYeaton, 3340 N. Meridian St.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitch-ell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. State Department of Health.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahh-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kan. Sec, Mrs. Daniel E.Lynch, 1528 Prairie St.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walk-er, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegan, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District Atty.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York Alumna; Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Brad-ley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. I5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush.289Ofncers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wake-field, 1419 — 3ist Ave., S.E.Rapid City, S.D. Sec, Della M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second B nk Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54API.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar-quette Rd.'io. Bradford Gii], 208 S. LaSalle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, 3000 Connecticut Ave.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy-ler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.of the P. I.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanchai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu,20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.'12 Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 400 N. MichiganAvenue.'14. John B. Perlee, 232 S. Clark St.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. Madison'18. Mrs. Barbara Miller Simpson, 5842Stony Island Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 1116 E. 54thPlace.'24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56H1St.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.'26 Jeanette M. Hayward, 201 S. StoneAve., LaGrange, 111.CLASS SECRETARIES290NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Notes'01 — Frederick Sass was elected Secretary andTreasurer of the Big Ten Conference Club re-cently organized in Denver, Colorado.'02 — Milton Pettit has recently been made aVice-President of the Nash Company atKenosha,Wisconsin.'06 — Burton P. Gale, prèsident of his class,is associated with the bond house of Babcock,Rushton & Company, at 137 South LaSalleStreet.'07 — Mrs. C. E. Lowe (Mary Compton, '07)recently spoke before a group of English teachersat a convention in Philadelphia.'08 — David S. Eisendrath, J. D. '09, is associated in the practice of law with Irving J.Solomon, '07, J. D. '09, Charles H. Borden, '18,J. D. '19, and Jerome L. Abrahams, J. D. '26,under the firm name of Eisendrath, Solomon &Borden, at 100 W. Monroe Street, Chicago.'08 — A. Evelyn Newman, Ph. M. '09, Deanof Women at the Colorado Teachers College,Greeley, was elected chairman of the teacherscollege and normal school section at the convention of the National Association of Deans ofWomen, at Dallas, Texas.'08 — George F. Cassell is Principal of theWilliam Penn School, Chicago.'io — Antonia McHugh is Prèsident of the College of St. Catherine at St. Paul, Minnesota.'io — Frank M. Orchard, formerly connectedwith the Butterick Publishing Company, is nowVice-President of the Gardner AdvertisingCompany, 1627 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri.'13 — William S. Turner, A. M., is Dean andProfessor of Social Science at Shaw University,Raleigh, North Carolina.'14 — Charles W. Brittan, A. M. '26, is Principal of the John Farren School, 5030 WabashAvenue, Chicago.'16 — Mary G. Stallworth, A. M. '25, is Director of the Department of Art in AlabamaCollege, Monrevallo, Alabama.'20 — John W. Harbeson (ex) was recentlyappointed to the position of Principal of theHigh School and Junior College at Pasadena,California.'21 — R. V. Hunkins is writing a series ofarticles on T echnique of School Administrationfor Smaller Schools for The School BoardJournal.'21 — John D. Morrison is a partner in the firm of McGinley and Morrison, Certified Public Accountants, Savings Bank Building, Marchette, Michigan.'21 — Edwin J. Nunn, J. D. '23, is engagedin the general practice of law at 105 W. MonroeStreet, Chicago.'21 — William M. Potts is an Instructor inChemistry at the Texas A. and M. College,College Station, Texas.'21 — Albert H. Robbins, J. D. '23, is doingresearch work in law towards his Ph. D. atOxford. His address is 12 Leckford Road, Oxford, England.'22 — Frederic G. Garrison is now in Spainwith the International Telephone & TelegraphCompany. His address is c/o Compania Telefonica Nacional de Espana, Bilbao, Spain.'22 — Edward L. Moyer is Principal of theMarquette High School at Marquette, Michigan.'23 — Howard Grenville Davis, has been appointed as the representative in Chicago andCook County of the publishing house of Hough-ton, Mifflin & Company. "Memph" Davis willlong be remembered at the University as theman who conducted the orchestra known as theMaroon Five on its cruise to Japan and back,in the summer of 1923.'23 — Marie A. Prucha teaches in the CalumetHigh School, Chicago.'23 — Clara Rathfon is teaching English in theLogansport High School, Logansport, Indiana.'25 — Adelia Boynton teaches in the NurserySchool, Institute of Child Welfare, Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis.'25 — C. Elsie Downs is teaching DomesticScience in the Riley Junior High School inLogansport, Indiana.'25 — Helen W. Henderson is an Instructor inHome Economics at the State Normal College,Bowling Green, Ohio.'25 — H. O. Lloyd, A. M., is Men's and Boys'Worker at the Weirton Christian Center, Weir-ton, West Virginia.'26 — William E. Britt is Assistant EducationalDirector of the Hartford, Connecticut, Y. M.C. A. His address is 315 Pearl Street, Hartford.'26 — George H. Hubert is connected with theKeokuk, Iowa, branch of the Phoenix LifeInsurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut.'26 — Nan Nelson teaches English in the LincolnJunior High School, Logansport, Indiana.'26 — Elinor D. Ross teaches Art at the Roosevelt High School, Chicago.291292 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPierce Teaches at NorthwesternRUSSELL PIERCE, '24, former Director of Public Relations and Assistantto the Prèsident of the University, has beenappointed to conduct a course in PublicRelations in the present semester at theMedili School of Journalism of Northwestern University.Mr. Pierce, who resigned his post at theUniversity in January, is at present withthe J. Walter Thompson Company.While an undergraduate, Pierce waseditor of The Daily Maroon, a CollegeMarshal.He belongs to Owl and Serpent, IronMask, and Chi Psi.» « ÀMemphis Citizens Honor Bruce, '06THE following extract from the Cham-ber of Commerce News Bulletin ofMemphis, Tennessee, gives evidence ofnotable service to that city by an alumnusof the University..the board swept aside prece-dents, and, for the first time in the historyof the Chamber of Commerce, enthusi-astically and unanimously re-elected C.Arthur Bruce ['06] as prèsident for asecond term."The honor is the more striking in viewof the fact that Mr. Bruce has lived inMemphis only a few years, having residedin Kansas City, Missouri, most of his life.During the Development Campaign Mr.Bruce contributed very generously andserved with distinction as district chairmanfor Memphis and vicinity.School of EducationCorrelated HandwritingIN THE last few years Mr. Freemanhas been applying the results of sur-veys and experimental studies of handwrit-ing in the development of a course in hand-writing for the schools. His first attemptwas represented in the manual entitled,Hoiv to Teach Handwriting , which was written in collaboration with Miss MaryL. Dougherty.After this book had been published anumber of requests carne in for books to putin the hands of the pupils. As the publishers of the Manual, Houghton MifflinCompany, do not deal in this special type oftextbook, Mr. Freeman accepted an invita-tion from the Zaner Bloser Company, oneof the largest publishers of handwritingbooks in the United States, to write a seriesof books for them. This series, under thetitle Correlated Handwriting, is now complete and includes a so-called Compendiumfor the pupils and a Teachers' Manual foreach of the first six grades. There is alsoone book for either the seventh, eighth,and ninth grades, or the Junior high school,which serves both as a pupil's book and as amanual.The course emphasizes two outstandingprinciples — correlation and grading. Cor-relation is secured by introducing into thecopies a large amount of material which thepupils have to write in' such subjects asspelling, arithmetic, and English. Thepurpose is to give the pupil practice, not inabstract, formai exercises, but in actualwriting.An effort also has been made to adaptthe books for the various grades to thepupils' capacity and interest in respect tothe vocabulary, the subject matter, the materiata, the type of movement, the standards,and the method of practice.» à «The Chicago Dinner at DallasEACH year during the last days ofFebruary the educators of the countrymake a pilgrimage to the meetings of theDepartment of Superintendence of the National Education Association and its alliedorganizations. This year the meetings wereheld in Dallas, Texas. According to acustom of long standing, Chicago Alumnimake this convention the occasion for abig gathering of the college clan, and onWednesday, March 2, they assembled tothe number of nearly two hundred to raisetheir loyal voices and otherwise celebratethe name of Alma Mater.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 293Law SchoolJames Wylie Huffman, LL. B. '23,formerly Secretary to the Governor ofthe State of Ohio, who has been ap-pointed to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Ohio.Dean Gray then spoke of the growth ofattendance in the School of Education, toldof additions to the Faculty, and describedsome of the outstanding contributions toeducation made by the members of theFaculty during the past year.Great credit for the success of this dinneris due to Mr. W. E. Wrather, Prèsidentof the Chicago Alumni Club of Dallas,Miss Rachel Foote, Secretary of the Club,and Dean W. S. Gray, of the Collegeof Education.NotesLoomer, Ed. B., teaches scienceHigh School at Sacramento,Ph. B., is part-time instruc-in education at Yale Uni-'09 — Archie S.in the SeniorCalifornia.'13 — Olive Paine,tor and a studentversity.'17 — John H. Rusterholtz, B. S., is head of theDepartment of Science and Psychology at theState Normal School, Plattsburg, N. Y.'19 — Ethel Stilz, Ph.B., is in Constantinople,Turkey, where she is Professor of HomeEconomics in Constantinople Women's College.'21 — Payson Miller, A.M., is studying at Harvard University and serving as ministerto a Unitarian church in Belmont, Mass.'2I— Harry R. Shepherd, Ph.B., is Vice-Principal of the Pasco High School, KansasCity, Missouri.'22— John P. Ingle, A.M., is Instructor inEducation and Psychology in the State Collegeof Washington, Pullman, Washington.'23— Byran Emmert, Ph.B., is Instructor inPhysical Training and Coach of Athletics inthe Training School, Paw Paw, Michigan.'23— Vera McClelland, Ph.B., is Instructor inthe Kindergarten Department of the StateNormal University at Normal, Illinois.'24— Mary Isabel Schell, Ph.B., is Instructorin Art and Design at the University of Illinois.'24— William H. Wheeler, A.M., is Principalof the High School at Taylorville, Illinois.'25 — Clifford Maddox, A.M., is pedagogicalcase worker at the Thornton Township HighSchool, Harvey, Illinois.'25— Mary Ola McCluskey, A.M., is Assistantin Education at Morningside College, Sioux City,Iowa.'26 — G. Donald Hudson, A.M., Ph.B. '25, andMrs. Hudson (Nellie Ruckelshausen, '24) arein Beirut, Syria, where Mr. Hudson is AdjunctProfessor of Education in the American University.'26 — Adda Tobias, Ph.B., is primary trainingteacher in the State Teachers College, StevensPoint, Wisconsin.« » ÀRush Medicai College38TH Annual Reunion of the Classof 1889, Rush Medical CollegeUPON Saturday, February I9th, thegraduates of Rush Medicai Collegeof 1889 met at the beautiful home of Dr.H. A. Robinson in Kenosha, Wisconsin,for their 38th annual reunion. They wereroyally entertained by the host.They were first taken to the DaytonHotel where a beautiful luncheon wasserved, after which they were whisked toKenosha Hospital where the doctor demon-strated his radicai operation for bunion.Then back to the home where the "boys"were photographed before being rushed tothe Elk Club rooms. There a magnifìcantbanquet was served.Just like the boys of '89, just like H. A.,and just like Rush. Something doing everyminute.Be it said that ali were favorably im-pressed with Robinson's radicai operation294 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor the removal of bunion. Notwithstand-ing the fact that it has been criticized byeminent surgeons as too radicai, the nowsedate doctor — he of the fìaming hair of'89 — continues to operate them by the score.The crowd dispersed at a late hour afteraccepting the invitation of Dr. Greenspahnto assemble at his house in Chicago nextyear for the 39th reunion.E. B. COOLLEY« « «Doctors of Philosophy///. /;/ Chemistry'97 — Lauder W. Jones, Professor of theDepartment of Chemistry, Princeton Universityspent several months last Spring and Summervisiting the chemistry laboratories in Europe,as a representative of the International Education Board of New York. His travels covered ali of Europe, including Bulgaria, Roumania,Finland, Sweden, Italy, Spain and many othercountries.'09 — Herman A. Spoehr, Director of Research,Botanical Laboratory, the Carnegie Institution,Carmel, California, has returned from a tripto Europe where he visited the laboratoriesinterested in photochemical and photosyntheticwork. Dr. Spoehr is one of the leaders in thisfield in the United States.'io — Elbert E. Chandler, has completed hiswork as government expert on the standard-ization of textiles in Washington, D. C, andhas returned to his work as Head of the Department of Chemistry at Occidental College, LosAngeles. As government expert, Dr. Chandlerwas able to invent sensitive methods of standard-izing cotton by the application of physics to theproblem. In particular, light effects and strainswere used.'11 — Leroy Weatherby, Professor of Chemistryat the University of Southern California, LosAngeles, was exchange Professor of Chemistry/ ' ¦¦¦¦"'¦¦- '"¦,. :The Class of '89, Rush, at its recent Reunion at the home of Dr. H. A. Robinson, Kenosha,Wisconsin.Left to right: front row — S. Greenspahn, Chicago; J. A. Freeborn, Fergus Falls, Minnesota;W. E. Owen, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; H. A. Robinson, Kenosha, Wisconsin; E. P. Rice, Chicago;II. A. Vardon, Chicago; Eumene Krohn, Black River Falls, Wisconsin.Back row — J. R. Minahan, Green Bay, Wisconsin; A. G. Wernick, Chicago; J. H. Fenelon,Bloomington, Illinois; J. R. Spears, Washburn, Wisconsin ; E. B. Coolley, Danville, Illinois ;I. D. Mishoff, Milwaukee; J. F. Boyd, Paducah, Kentucky.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 295at Northwestern University in the SummerQuarter, 1924, and will be exchange Professorat the University of Washington in Seattle inthe coming Summer Quarter.'13 — George O. Curme, Jr., Research Chemistfor the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation, Charlestown, W. Va., has risensteadily in the company and spends most of histime now in the main office of the company inNew York City, rather than in the laboratoryat Charleston.'14 — Harold S. Adams, has joined the staffof the Upjohn Chemical Company as Directorof Research at a very large salary. The progress of Dr. Adams since his graduation in 1914has been in many respects remarkable. Startingas research chemist for Squibb and Sons, hesolved one of their difficult problems in the firstfew months and was made a superintendent.Two or three years later he was called to theResearch Laboratory of the United StatesRubber Company and finally became Directorof Research covering the various factories ofthe company in the different states. His careerin industriai research has been an outstandingone among our Ph. D.'s.'16 — Stanley D. Wilson, after spending anumber of years as Assistant Professor ofChemistry and Dean of the Premedicai Studentsat the Peking Union Medicai College is nowProfessor and Head of the Department ofChemistry at Yenching University, Peking.'16 — Ralph Edwin Hall, who has beenresearch chemist for the Bureau of Mines.Pittsburgh, has opened his own laboratory asConsulting chemist in Pittsburgh, specializingin the application of chemistry to boiler problems, etc.'17 — William D. Turner is Head of theDepartment of Chemistry of the School of Minesof the University of Missouri. Dr. Turnerwill have a year's leave of absence and withMrs. Turner will spend part of the year inEurope studying research problems in appliedchemistry.'18 — George L. Clarke is Assistant Profesorof Applied Chemical Research in charge of theX-Ray Research Laboratory of Appjied Chemistry in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Clark received this appoint-ment after serving as National Research Fellowand he has been particularly successful in theapplication of the X-Ray to commercial problems. He is the author of a volume, AppliedX-Rays, which has just been issued by theMcGraw-Hill Book Company.'18 — Dr. Edward N. Roberts, after a numberof years of successful work as research chemistfor the U. S. Industriai Alcohol Company, hasaccepted an appointment as research chemistfor the Standard Oil Company of Indiana intheir laboratory located at Casper, Wyoming.'19 — Morris S. Kharasch is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Maryland. Dr. Kharasch has been very active inresearch along fundamental lines of organicchemistry and was given charge of the collectionof data on the heats of combustion of organiccompounds for the International Criticai Tables,which are being edited in Washington, D. C.'21 — Alfred E. Jurist, research chemist forSquibb and Sons, has been transferred fromNew Brunswick to the main research laboratoryin Brooklyn, New York.'21 — Robert S. Mulliken is Assistant Professorof Physics at New York University. Dr.Mulliken received this appointment in physicsafter working two years as National ResearchFellow in Chemistry on band spectra. He haspublished papers in the Proceedings of theNational Association of Sciences and is alreadyone of the most noted workers in that field.'21 — James H. C. Smith is Professor ofChemistry at Pomona College, California. Dr.Smith spent part of the year in research in thephotochemical studies with Dr. H. A. Spoehr inthe laboratory of the Carnegie Institution atCarmel, California.'22 — Dr. Arthur P. Locke is Seymour ComanFellow in Chemistry at the University, workingin St. Luke's Hospital with Dr. Edwin F.Hirsch on problems of the purification ofantitoxins and related substances. Dr. Locke'straining in organic chemistry and physicalchemistry has been an excellent foundation forthis work in the application of chemistry tomedicine.'22 — Albert J. Salathe has been called fromthe Headship of the Department of Science ofCentenary College of Louisiana to a professor-ship of Applied Chemistry at the Universityof Syracuse.'22 — Julian F. Smith is acting as technicallibrarian for the research department of theB. F. Goodrich Company in Akron, Ohio. Dr.Smith had experience in library work beforetaking his Ph. D. in chemistry and is findingthe combination a most useful one. The largerresearch departments of big industriai corpora-tions are feeling more and more the need ofhighly trained chemists acting as technicallibrarians to follow the literature and newproblems in their respective fields.'23 — Samuel K. Allison, after serving asNational Research Fellow in Chemistry andresearch chemist of the Geophysical Laboratory,Washington, D. C, is now Assistant Professorof Physics at the University of California. Heis already prominent in his field of research,the study of X-Ray spectra.'23 — Marion G. Frank, after serving threeyears in China, part of the time as acting Headof the Department of Chemistry of the University of Soochow, is now a research chemist forthe Beechnut Packing Company.'23 — Archibald T. McPherson, and his wife,2<)b THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMargaret Willcox McPherson, Ph. D. 1924,have announced the birth of a daughter, whohas been enrolled as a prospective candidatefor the Ph. D. in chemistry.« « tì.The West Suburban Alumnae(Continued from page 282)of the club is to maintain a scholarship fundtoward which are directed the annual duesand the proceeds from a yearly benefit.Meetings are held in various homes on thesecond Wednesday of each month, the timebeing devoted to a program and tea.Under the direction of Mrs. Paul B.Parks of Oak Park, assisted by Mrs. A. J.DuClos of River Forest, secretary, andAIrs A. E. Woodruff of Oak Park, treas-urer, the current year has been a progressiveone. A committee has been at work tointerest in membership ali West-Suburbanwomen who have at any time attended theUniversity of Chicago.The program committee has arrangedthe following program for the year 1926-1927: a talk on the season's books by MissEsther Gould, book reviewer for W H T;a talk by Mrs. J. Paul Goode, State Repre-sentative ; a travel talk by Miss RuthWilliston of the Oak Park High Schoolfaculty ; a play as feature of the annualguest day; and a book review by MissMignon Wright, of Oak Park HighSchool. A business meeting opened theyear and was followed by a benefit bridgeparty at the Colonial Club. A ValentineParty was a feature of the winter program.The spring event is a tea given annuallyfor high school girls at Ida Noyes Hall atthe University of Chicago. The year regu-larly ends with the school year.Dr. Nathaniel ButlerBy J. Spencer Dickerson(Continued from page 274)a personality charming by reason of his tact-fulness, his humor, his inexhaustible fundof anecdote. He was a model after-dinnerspeaker whether it was at University func-tions, at church affairs, or before audienceswhich were interested neither in educationnor religion. His commencement addresseswere effeetive. He won friends for the University in his inspiring talks to formerstudents scattered across the continent. Asa delegate of the Chicago Association ofCommerce to widely-scattered commercialcenters he was a popular speaker for the cityin which he spent so many useful years.He held almost every different office inthe Hyde Park Church.Doctor Butler was born in Eastport,Maine, in the parsonage of his father, Rev.Nathaniel Butler, a Baptist minister, onMay 22, 1853. He was graduated fromColby College in 1873. His alma materawarded him his A. M. and later conferredon him the honorary degrees of D.D. andLL. D. He was twice married. He leavesa widow, five sons and a daughter.Funeral services were held in the HydePark Church, Chicago, March 5, at whichRev. Norris L. Tibbets presided, and Vice-President F. C Woodward, Dean ShailerMathews and Dr. C W . Gilkey spoke withtruth and tenderness of Doctor Butler's lifeof usefulness in the University, in the community and in the church.Prèsident JudsonBy T. G. Soares(Continued from page 264)conventional mcrality as obsolete were verycynical about his puritanism. It was partof his simple, naturai honesty. He wasundoubtedly conventional and conservativein moral matters. Of course, he was notprudish. He was not in any sense puritan-ical. But he was clean-souled, honorable,essentially virtuous. If he hated "loosethinking" anywhere it was in the sphere ofmoral obligation.Among the really great traits of humannature is sincerity. So many men are actors,assuming ròles, playing parts, speaking thelanguage of others, pretending to be some-thing they are not. Sincerity is a noblevirtue. It is the dignity of rectitude. Itis the willingness to be one's self withoutassumption, or pretence, or affectation. Ifone looks for a unifying principle in the lifeof Dr. Judson as teacher, scholar, adminis-trator, publicist, friend, citizen, it will befound in his fine sinceritv.THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 297Harry Pratt JudsonBy Shailer Mathews(Continued from page 265)nature with generous idealism was extra-ordinary. No man was ever keener to helpother people, yet no man could be less senti-mental. He was never quite the same mag-netic figure as his predecessor, but those ofus who know the University of Chicagofrom the inside, know that to him, quiteas truly as to Prèsident Harper, is due thegrowth of that institution. The Universityhas lost three great men within a week :Nathaniel Butler, Wallace Heckman andPresident-Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson.They differed in many ways, but one thingthey ali possessed — a profound faith inChristianity and a determination to embodyit in the creative forces of today..^ « 'XThe Story of The University ofChicago(Continued from page 277)tion of the presidency was wholly in abey-ance for many months. The question was,should there be any institution at ali. Butno sooner was the money raised for thefoundation of the new University than thatquestion carne again, at once, to the front.It was now a live question.When Dr. Harper was again approachedon the subject, as he was at once, to ourimmense gratification he acknowledged thathe "was much more inclined to consider theChicago question" than ever before.Dr. Harper was not elected Prèsident atthe first meeting of the Trustees of the University because the board was not thenlegally incorporated, but it had been madeplain to him that as soon as the incorporation was effected the trustees would electhim by a unanimous vote and fully expectedhim to become Prèsident of the University.This very quickly became common knowl-edge throughout the country, in New Yorkand New Haven, as well as in Chicago.Naturally enough the first difficulty arosein New Haven. Dr. Harper lost no timein acquainting Prèsident Dwight with thecondition of affairs, confessing that the pulìof the Chicago opportunity and duty was felt by him very strongly. PrèsidentDwight objected strenuously. He thoughthe had done so much for Dr. Harper thatthe latter was bound to remain at Yale in-definitely. But he was a hard man to driveand insisted that he was free to go whereand when duty called him.Information of what was in the wind be-coming thus generally diffused, in a sur-prisingly short time letters began to pourin on Dr. Harper from every quarter. HisYale f riends strongly advised him to remainat New Haven. Many things which, in thelight of the subsequent attraction of theUniversity of Chicago for graduate studentsand students of ali kinds, seem very amus-ing, were urged, e.g., the following by aYale professor: "While you are in yourprime, few men will care for a Ph.D. oreven a B.A. from your University who canmanage to get a similar degree from an institution like this."But even stronger arguments were urgedin a flood of letters from ali parts of thecountry in the effort to convince him thathe must go to Chicago. Presidents and pro-fessors of universities, colleges, and theo-logical seminaries, pastors of churches,Trustees of the new University, and othersenforced the claims of Chicago by every sortof consideration. With the question im-mediately and practically before him Dr.Harper found himself greatly perplexed anddisturbed. He wrote to Dr. Gates, July30, as follows :The great question and the question which Iam trying to settle in my own mind is, Whetheror not I can continue my life work as a biblica!specialist, and do this work which the University of Chicago will demand ; and if not, whetherI am justified in giving up the life work. . .You may be sure I am thinking, and dreaming,and doing nothing really but this Chicagomatter.On the next day he wrote to me as follows :It does not seem possible to do what ought tobe done, what the denomination will expect,what the world will expect, with the moneywe have in hand. There must in some waybe an assurance of an additional million. Howthis is to be obtained, or where, is the question.If Mr. R. is in dead earnest, possibly the casewill not be so difficult as we may think.298 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHe heard from Mr. Rockefeller withina week after writing this letter and themessage must have helped him farther ontoward a decision. The letter was writtenAugust 5, 1890.I agree with the Board of Trustees of theChicago University that you are the man forPrèsident, and if you will take it I shall expectgreat results. I cannot conceive of a positionwhere you can do the world more good ; andI confidently expect we will add funds, fromtime to time, to those already pledged, to placeit upon the most favored basis financially. I donot forget that the effort to establish the University grew out of your suggestion to me atVassar.In this letter Dr. Harper had been invitedto visit Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller at Cleveland and in answering the letter and accept-ing the invitation he said, after speaking ofhis reluctance to make the great change inhis life-work which the acceptance of thepresidency would require:There is one other difficulty which I thinkhas hardly been appreciated. The denomination, and, indeed, the whole country, are expect-ing the University of Chicago to be from the"How far that little canalethrows its beams!"From thiscenter of radiationgo books and otherthings ali over theworld.Are You On Our List?If Not, Why Not?U. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave. very beginning an institution of the highestrank and character. Already it is talked ofin connection with Yale, Harvard, Princeton,Johns Hopkins, the University of Michigan, andCornell. No one expects that it will be in anyrespect lower in grade and equipment than theaverage of the institutions to which I have re-ferred, and yet, with the money pledged, Icannot understand how the expectations can befulfilled. Naturally we ought to be willing tobegin small and grow, but in these days whenthings are done so rapidly, and with the exampleof Johns Hopkins before our eyes, it seems agreat pity to wait for growth when we mightbe born full-fledged.About this and other matters I shall hope totalk with you when we meet.The next moment of great interest in thestory was a conference between Dr. Harperand Dr. Gates at Morgan Park, on August17, 1890. The two men spent the day to-gether, as Mr. Gates writes of it,a day of crisis and decision, happily fateful forthe new institution. The fundamental questionwas how could he become Prèsident of a University in Chicago and at the same time notpractically renounce his chosen life work ofOld Testament research, criticism, and instruc-tion.Gradually the following pian unfolded itself:1. The Theological Seminary to be removedto the campus of the University.2. The Seminary to become an organic partof the University.3. The Seminary buildings at Morgan Parkto be used for a University Academy.4. Equivalent or better buildings for the Seminary to be erected on the University campus.5. Instruction in Hebrew and Old Testamentcriticism to be transferred to University chairs.6. Dr. Harper to be head professor withsalary and full authority over the department.7. Mr. Rockefeller to give one million dollarsas a new, unconditional gift, a part of whichwould go for aid to the Seminary in carryingout the program.8. Dr. Harper to -visit Mr. Rockefeller andagree to accept the presidency on this program.The visit to Cleveland was made onSeptember 4 and 5. Dr. Gates had alreadylaid the program before Mr. Rockefellerand he was therefore prepared to discussthe whole question. Nearly one entire daywas given to the consideration of details,Mr. Rockefeller having apparenti}' imme-diately decided to give the million dollarsas soon as he was assured that Dr. Harperwould, if he did so, accept the presidency.On receiving the assurance of this giftTHE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 299Dr. Harper began at once to act on thetheory that he was committed to the presidency. The day after the interview hewrote to me, asking me to do six things,indicating that he wished to see thingspushed and saying he would assume theresponsibility. The second meeting of theBoard of Trustees of the new Universitywas held September 18, 1890, and Dr.Harper was elected Prèsident by a unani-mous and rising vote. He asked and wasgiven six months in which to communicatehis decision, but it was understood by thetrustees that his acceptance was assured.And indeed he began at once to perform apresident's duties.Our troubles, however, were by no meansover. Dr. Harper was very conscientiousand he became doubtful whether he wouldbe regarded as sufficiently orthodox to oc-cupy the presidency of the leading University of his denomination. I have told thestory of our struggle with him elsewhere.In the end we satisfìed him or at least wonhim over to our view. His acceptance ofthe presidency was conveyed to the trusteesin the following letter :New Haven, Conn.February 16, 1891To the Trustees of the University of Chicago :Gentlemen: After having considered theproffer of the presidency of the University ofChicago with which you honored me in September, 1890, I beg herewith to indicate myacceptance of the same. With your permissionI will not enter upon the work of the positionuntil July 1, 1891.I believe that, under your wise and liberalmanagement and with the co-operation of thecitizens of Chicago, the institution will fulfil thegenerous hopes of its friends and founders.It is with this conviction that I unreservedlyplace myself at your service.Trusting that the same divine Providencewhich has guided this undertaking in the pastwill continue to foster it through ali the future,I remainYours sincerely,William R. HarperThis letter was laid before the Board ofTrustees on Aprii 11. Dr. Harper's salarywas thereupon fixed at $6,000 per year.He was also appointed head of the SemiticDepartment with a salary of $4,000, andwas granted leave of absence during such SERENITYWhat is itisoorth ?IF you have known se-renity of the mind, evenonce for a short time only,you will know that it ispriceless.But there are those whocan sell you for a smallpart of your income oneof the most direct stepsto this serenity — theycan sell you security,material security for thefuture.They are life insuranceagents.They sell a pricelesscommodity at low cost.When a John HancockAgent calls on you, re-member this. It is worthwhile seeing him. Betterstili, it is worth yourwhile to send for him andset your mind at rest onthis score at once."Life Insurance Company^of Boston, MassachusettsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way,300 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economie,and politicai order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis HallTHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECONDyear.Universityof Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Uni-versities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per Cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEW YORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE part of the time between July I, 1891, andthe date of the opening of the Universityas he could spend abroad profitably for theUniversity.Dr. Harper's acceptance of the presidencywas hailed with deep and wide satisfaction.Dr. Wallace Buttrick voiced the generalfeeling when he wrote to the new prèsidenton hearing of his acceptance: "I thank youand congratulate the Universe." The relief of those most intimately related to theenterprise was unspeakable. For them along period of anxiety and struggle wasover. The first Prèsident was secured.(To be continued)MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSMarriagesEverett L. Jones, '14, to Ruth Dunn, January8, 1927. At home, Los Angeles, California.Howard E. Crawford, '22, M. D. '24, to EulaRobey, January 4, 1927. At home, Pahala, Kau,Hawaii.Elsie P. Wolcott, A. M. '22, to TremayneHayden, February 19, 1927. At home, 8214Ingleside Avenue, Chicago.Arthur N. Wilson, M. D. '24, to DagmarNelson, ex-'25, October 16, 1926. At home,Warroad, Minnesota.Priscilla G. Ferry, '25, to Alexander W.Proudfoot, '23, February 14, 1927. At home,929 Forest Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.Harriet Kreeger, '26, to Abe H. Brown,January 16, 1927. At home, 5513 EverettAvenue, Chicago.ExcagementsDorothy Sugden, '22, to Robert Kinast.Agnes \1111 Montgomerie, '23, to WilliamGentle.Clifford Templeton, ex-'26, to HildegardSchmidt.BirthsTo James P. Whyte, '96, and Mrs. Whyte,a sdii, Stuart Savage, January 3, 1927, at Lewis-burg, Pennsylvania.To Mr. and Mrs. Glidden J. Barstow, (MabelA. West, '12) a daughter, Ruth Elizabeth,February 22, 1927, at Tampa, Florida.To Raymond E. Davies. M. D. '17, and Mrs.Davies, a son, William Dean, March 24, 1927,at Ladd, Illinois.IN MEMORIAM: WALLACE HECKMAN 301To Benjamin Harris, ex-'2i, and Mrs. Harris(Gertrude K. Epstein, '24), a son, Elihu Mendel-son, March 22, 1927, at Chicago.To Richard J. Humel, 21, M. D. '24, and Mrs.Humel, a daughter, Joyce Barbara, March 26,1927, at Berwyn, Illinois.To Donald A. Palmer, '21, M. D. '23, andMrs. Palmer (Helen A. Onserud, '23), adaughter, Elizabeth Ann, February n, 1927, atDenver, Colorado.DeathsAngeline A. Bergey, '00, A. M. '04, at Chicago, March 12, 1927.David Fiske, M. D. 'oo, Assistant ClinicalProfessor of Laryngology and Otology at RushMedicai College, March 31, 1927, at Evanston,Illinois.John N. Shaff, M. D. '00, at Alton, Illinois,January 22, 1927.Mrs. Karl K. Koessler (Jessie Horton, M. D.'04), at Chicago, January 29, 1927.Victor. J. West, '05, at Palo Alto, California,February 26, 1927.Geo. C. Notley, '09, January 21, 1927.Addie G. Wardle, D. B. '09, Ph. D. '15, atChicago, February 25, 1927. Miss Wardle washead of the Department of Psychology andmatron of Lorraine Hall at Simpson College,Indianola, Iowa.Mrs. Wilson A. Jaicks (Ruth Agar, '14), atChicago, March 9, 1927.Henry R. Curme, ex-'i7, in an explosion atthe factory of Savelle, Sayre & Company,Niagara Falls, New York, March 16, 1927. Hewas a major owner and chief chemist of thecompany.In MemoriamWallace HeckmanWALLACE HECKMAN, vice-presi-dent of the Chicago Railways Company and former Counsel and BusinessManager of the University, died on March7, at his residence, 4505 Ellis avenue.Funeral services were held at Bond Chapel.The services were conducted by theRev. Charles W. Gilkey, pastor of HydePark Baptist Church. Interment was inOakwood Cemetery.Twenty-four distinguished lawyers at-tended the service as a committee from theChicago Bar Association. Prèsident William C. Boyden appointed the followingcommittee :United States Senator Charles S. De-neen, Judge Adam C. Cliffe, Ex-Gov. Frank Zipp-O-GripThe bag of many uses-such asGolfing, Motoring, Fishing, infact a most convenient bagfor any trip.Light weight, compact, roomyand easy to carry. Priced from$7.00 to $32.00.Specials in Wardrobe Trunksand Hat Boxes.28 ETEACHER PLAGEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and univer-sities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The above organizations, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.302 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFT— a low costmarketing servicePV^/OSTSare the important pointsof attack for any study lookingtoward a more efficient marketing system.' ' These cost s are gre a tly affectedby the efficiency of methodsemployed, by the economie en-vironment in which the partic-ular business operates, size ofbusiness, and adequacy of thefacilities."From the report of theChief of the Bureau ofAgrìcultural Economìcs — 1924¦*Efficient marketing hasnarrowed the gap between farmprices and prices at the store.Swift & Company is doing its full share in thework of lowering the marketing costs of the farmproduets it handles.We already have low costs of marketing meat,butter, eggs, cheese and other farm produets.Committee IV of the National Distribution Con-ference made a special study of wholesaling costs.It found that the cost of operating packerbranch houses is the lowest of seventeen tradesinvestigated.It costs less than 5 per cent of sales to pay theexpenses of these wholesale branch houses.Compared to this, most wholesale businesseshave operating costs ranging from 10 per cent to20 per cent of sales; some run over 20 per cent.Our costs of dressing and manufacturing arealso very low.The total marketing cost between the farmerand consumer is lower for the produets we handlethan it is for farm produets in general.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 46,000 shareholders O. Lowden, Horace Kent Tenney, FrankJ. Loesch, Joseph H. Defrees, Charles S.Cutting, Henry W. Magree, Clarence A.Burley, Frank H. Scott, Charles F. Harding, Horace S. Oakley, William P. Sidney,Lessing Rosenthal, James G. Elsdon, EnosW. Shaw, Marcus A. Hirschl, John H.Coulter, Carlos P. Sawyer, Charles CenterCase, J. Dwight Dickerson, Angus RoyShannon, George B. McKibbin and PaulV. Harper.Mr. Heckman was born in MorganCounty, Ohio, May 22, 1851, and wasgraduated from Hillsdale (Mich.) Collegein 1874. He married Miss Tillie C. Howeof Schenectady, New York, in 188 1 , who,with one' child, Mrs. Marcus Hirschl,survives him. He was admitted to theIllinois Bar in June, 1876, and to practicebefore the Supreme Court in 1896.From 1885 to 1908 Mr. Heckman wassenior member of the law firm of Heckman,Elsdon & Shaw. Since 1908 he haspracticed alone. In 1903 he was madeCounsel and Business Manager of the University of Chicago, which position he helduntil 1924.Mr. Heckman was a member of theOperating Board of the Chicago SurfaceLines, and was an arbitrator in several laborcontroversies invoìving the street-car com-panies. He had served as prèsident ofthe Illinois Civil Service Reform Association, member of the Executive Committeeof the Municipal Voters' League, and asa trustee of Hillsdale College and theFrances Shimer Academy at Mount Carroll, Illinois.Mr. Heckman was a member of theIllinois and Chicago Bar Associations andthe Chicago Law Club. He was a Re-publican and a member of the BaptistChurch. His clubs were the UnionLeague of which he served as prèsident in1904 and 1905; the University, Quad-rangle, Cliff Dwellers and City Club.In 1921, Mr Heckman created consider-able interest in scientifìc and educationalcircles by recommending, in his annual report as Business Manager of the Universityconsideration of a pian to market discoveriesIN MEMORIAM: WALLACE HECKMANby university scientists instead of givingthem to the world free."It is well known that the reports, ad-dresses and talks of advanced scientific menare closely attended to by those who areacquainted with the value of what is beingdone and discovered, and these discoveriesare actually patented and realized upon bythose having no relations to the work andnot entitled to such returns," he said atthat time."This laboratory work is conducted uponhigh ethical principles and the individuaiconducting these researches disdain to derivethe personal benefits from them which thelaw would sanction. It would not seemto detract from dignity of the work in purescience to participate in those advantageswhich the federai government provides asa recognition of the benefits to the public."At the funeral service Dr. Gilkey spokeof the influence of Chicago on young menwho come to her, as did Mr. Heckman,fresh from the country and from college, tobegin their careers."Wallace Heckman," he said, "was acountry boy fresh from a Michigan college,who carne here to 'read law' ; and soondisplayed those qualities that marked himfor conspicious success. These were notsimply his gifts as a business administrator;but as a hard and loyal bearer of respon-sibilities, whether his client were a negro orthe University. So the city shared withhim her success."And then she shared with him hereducation. It is a tribute both to PrèsidentHarper and to Wallace Heckman that oneshould have located him and that the othershould have come. He gave the best ofhis life to an institution — and an educational institution. He was always clearingvistas."And then her elect shared with himtheir love of beauty" — a reference to theartists colony at Eagle's Nest Camp, nearOregon, Illinois, that for twenty-fìve yearshas spent its summers on the great bluffabove the Rock River, which is a part ofMr. Heckman's estate and which he gaveto the artists and authors as a site for theirsummer homes. UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late AJternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Spring Quarter begins March 28Registration - March 18 to 26For Circuì ar of Information AddressThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.THE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1006Paul Yates, Manager6l6-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOther Office; 011-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D. , Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, 'il Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paai RDavis & <90*MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Ranci. 6280CHICAGOTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.W'vtRoyal Radiìiow Sth-u* Bi^.oro-.E O'Henfv Pbm MahquMontreal Minneapolis Rot-hurer ChiLigo Grccmboro, N C. Peoni.MAIN FEATURES OF THE INTERCOLLEGIATEALUMNI HOTEL MOVEMENTInterested alumni can secure from a clerk at the desk of each Inter-collegiate Alumni Hotel an information leaflet which describes indetail the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement.At each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel there will be maintained a cardindex of the names of ali the resident alumni of ali the participatinginstitutions. This will be of especial benefit to traveling alumni inlocating classmates and friends.The current issues of the alumni publications of ali the participatinginstitutions will be on file at each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel.Reservation cards will be available at the clerk's desk in each des^ignated hotel and at the alumni office in each college or university.These reservation cards will serve as a great convenience to travetlers in securing advance accommodations.The managers of ali Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are prepared tocooperate with individuai alumni to the fullest extent and are alsoprepared to assist in the creation of new locai alumni associationsand in the development and extcnsion of the activities of those alreadyformed.THE PARTICIPATING COLLEGES:The alumni organizations of the following colleges and universities areparticipants in the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement:AkronAlabamaAmherstBatesBeloitBrownBucknellBryn MawrCaliforniaCarnegie InstituteCase SchoolChicagoCity College New YorkColgateColorado School MinesColoradoColumbiaCornellCumberlandEmoryGeorgia GoucherHarvardIllinoisIndianaIowa State CollegeJames MtllìkenKansas Teachers' Coli.KansasLake EricLchighLouisianaMaineM. I. T.Michigan StateMichiganMillsMinnesotaMissouriMontanaMount HolyokeNebraska New York UniversityNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthwesternOberi inOccidentalOhio StateOhio WesleyanOklahomaOregonOregon StaicPcnn StatePennsylvaniaPurdueRadchffeRollinsRutgersSmithSouth DakotaSouthern CaliforniaStanford Stevens InstituteTexas A. and M.TexasUnionVanderbilrVassarVermontVirginiaWashington and LeeWashington StateWashingtonWdlesleyWesleyan CollegeWesleyan UniversityWestern ReserveWhitmanWilliamsWisconsinWoostcrWorcester Poly. Insr.YaleINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELS:Roosevelt, New YorkWaldorf-Astoria, New YorkUniversity Center,* New YorkCopley-PIaza, BostonUniversity Center,* BostonBlackstone, ChicagoWindermere, ChicagoUniversity Center,* ChicagoBenjamin Franklin, PhiladclphiaWillard, WashingtonRadisson, MinneapolisBiltmore, Los AngelesPalace, San FranciscoOlympic, SeattleSeneca, RochesterClaremont, Berkeley'To be built in 1916-17 Onondaga, SyracuseSinton, CincinnatiWolverine, DetroitMultnomah, Portland, Ore-Sacramento, SacramentoCalifornian, FresnoLincoln, Lincoln, Nebr.Oakland, Oakland, Cal.Lycoming, Williamsporr, PaMount Royal, MontrealKing Edward, TorontoCoronado, St. LouisBcthlchcm, Bethlehem, Pa.Urbana-Lincoln, Urbana, III,Saint Paul, St. PaulSavannah, Savannah, Ga Schenley, PittsburghWolford, Danville, III.Neil House, ColumbusPere Marquette, PeoriaSouthern, BaltimoreSt. James, San DiegoPark, MadisonO'Henry, Greensboro, N. CSheraton, High Point, N. C.Charlotte, Charlotte, N. C.George Vanderbilt, AshevìllcN. C.Francis Marion, Charleston,S.C.Ponce de Leon, Miamirr^Cfuiìuiic. N C. High Pomi, N C.EleptiantsTwo million elephants couldnot do the work now beingdone by General ElectricCompany motors. Whateverthe work tobe done, whetherit needs the power of anelephant or the force of aman's arm, there is a General Electric motor that willdo it faithfully for a lifetimeat a cost of a few cents anhour. The elephant is man's most intelli-gent helper. But— consider this:The elephant is huge comparedwith the electric motor that runs alogging machine. Yet that motorhas the power of twenty elephants.Some day museums will exhibit,along with elephants, old-fashionedirons,wash-tubs,andall other toolswhose work can be done by motors,so much better and at so little cost.201-30EGENERAL ELECTRIC