mwi/^VOL. XIX NUMBER 4FEBRUARY, 1927THE NEW HASKELL MUSEUMTHE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY: IICLASSROOMS BY RADIOPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILGangs et al.Chicago onthe NorthMexico onthe South Now that we've published a book on "The Gang:"I'll probably hear from all sides, "They tell methat there are criminal gangs and gangsters in Chicago"It's not a case, however, of "carrying coals to Newcastle The newspapers certainly do let theworld know about Chicago's outlawr>', but they havenever given gang activities in the city the sort ofscrutiny that our book provides * * * Headlines inthe daily press don't begin to show what is back ofgang life * * * It takes a man like Frederic M.Thrasher, who has lived among gangs for six j'ears, todiscover why gangs are formed, what they do, and howthey might be directed into less socially-dangerous activities * ¦* *Officially "The Gang" is the first of our publicationsin 1927, but two of our other books that came out justbefore the holidays will go out with it to claim theattention of thoughtful business men ¦* * * "SomeMexican Problems" and "Aspects of Mexican Civilization" by the 1926 Harris lecturers are full of the sortof information that is needed to make intelligible thedaily dispatches from across the Rio Grande * * *JJ'hat the advertising manager of TheUniversity of Chicago Press might havewritten in his diary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE i6iTo Alumniwho return to ChicagoToday, more than ever. Hotels Windermere are your logical stoppingplace. These hotels have been selected by the Intercollegiate AlumniExtension Service as official headquarters for alumni activity on theSouth Side of Chicago.At the Windermere you are practically certain to meet friends ofyour college days. Here, too, you will find that pleasing hospitalitywhich the Windermere has always extended to university people.And at these hotels you are within easy walking distance of theUniversity itself and the fraternity section. You are in reality backat the University yet within ten minutes of the Chicago loop.Whether you come to Chicago for "one night or a thousand andone," a cordial welcome awaits you at Hotels Windermere.'VIotelslllindermere^J^ "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson Park*Ofi&cial Hotel Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Servicel62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn 0 rganization of a/most fifty people, with specialists in all branches of advertisingVANDERHOOFaP COMPANY QmeralcAdvertisivgVANDERHOOF BUILDING w)? 137 E. ONTARIO ST..CHICAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentAttuning the T ^aws of Natureto BusinessIn every business there is a very tangiblequality called character which is listed on theasset side of the balance sheet as "good will."Ina skillfully written series of advertisements, the company character of Leight,Holzer & Company, first mortgage real estate bonds, was Hkened to the inherent qualities with which Nature imbues her wonders.The series beginning with the now famousadvertisement "Sermons in Stones" has attracted national comment and createdmarked interest in Chicago bond circles.The vision and ability to create and writesuch advertising for others is found onlyin an advertising organization which hasmade much of the quality called character.Leight, Holzer & Co.Mem her: American Association of Advertising Agencies & National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XIX NO. 4®mbers(it|> of CfjicasoiHasajineFEBRUARY, 1927TA'BJ^ OF CO:^(T£:^(TSFrontispiece: Doorway of the Billings ClinicThe New Haskell Museum 167The Story of the University of Chicago: II, by Thomas W. Goodspeed 170Personal Memories of President Harper, by Frederic J.I Gurney 173Classrooms by Radio i77A Revue of College 178The University Radio Man 178Events and Comment 179Alumni Affairs 182University Notes 186Letter Box: "Observations at Budapest," a letter from Henry C. Bush, '25 188News of the Quadrangles 190Athletics i93Officers of the Alumni Clubs 195News of the Classes and AssociationsCollege 197Commerce and Administration 198Education i99Rush Medical College ¦ 200Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 206THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postal or express money order. If localto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., Clauns for missing numbers should be made withinChicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is 20 cents. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian gent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Craw-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other the Chicago Office.countries in the Postal Union 27 cenl^ on annual j. ^ ^ ^ December 10, 1914,subscriptions total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents ^^ ^^ p^^^ q^^^ ^^ Crawfordsville, Indiana, under(total 23 cents).,. ,, . the Act of March 3, 1870.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumm Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.163THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiActing Secretary, Allen Heald, '26The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo. F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'o5 ; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08 ; Harold H. Swift, '07 ; Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, 'go; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; WilliamH. Kuh, '11 ; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98 ; HerbertE. Slaught, Ph. D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09, D. B., '10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., '10; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph. D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Dean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Frederick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct., Chicago; Secretary, school of Education Alumni Associa-W._ Robert Jenkms, '24, University of 0N ; President, W. C. Reavis, Ph. D.,Chicago. .25, University of Chicago ; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: m^. R. W. Bixler, A. M. '25 Uni-Prestdent, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, versity of Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- ^bert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University Commerce and Administration Alumniof Chicago. Association: President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association: President, '^'' ^^i S. La Salle St., Chicago; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, ''"'^' ^''"^ F- Slaughter '25, QuadrangleDetroit, Mich. ; Secretary, R. B. David- ^'"''' University' of Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College .\lumni Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion : President, Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: President, Ur- D. '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles .\. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.AH commumcations should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University ot Chicag-o. The dues formernbership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptionto The University of Ohicag-o Magazine, are ?2.00 per year. A holder of two orT«,''nni»tfn.^®^^''°i^ t^"- University of Chicago may be a member oF more than one^locilS^ involved. ¦"^^^"<=«^ '^e dues are divided and shared equally by the164THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 165Millions of miles of tuireaj'e required e'very year bythe Belt System, [ny housewifecan understand-the world's bigge^ indu^rial hufingjohTDUYING telephone poles by-^ the million, or wire by theTrainhads of conduit arerequired daily to put iviressafely underground.The output of many papermills is used in insulatingcable and printing telephonedirectories. millions of miles, gets down to thesame simple terms as laying in awinter's supply of apples.Western Electric buys or makessubstantially everything in suppliesor equipment used by the BellTelephone System. The collective buying of these materials,largely standardized, brings aboutsubstantial economies for buyer andseller alike.In Western Electric thosecharged with the responsibility ofSINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEMbuying, by practicing scientificmethods, by anticipating requirements, by knowing when and howto buy are lessening the effect ofthe increase in cost of most of thetelephone plant materials.Thus are the economies ofmass purchasing likethose of mass production, representing millions of dollars annually, passedthrough the Bell System to the Americanpublic.^s-rrj-riinxJ-ii^'niCvf'5' ^^'riefciffii (Tfiiur,^¦4 .,¦¦Mm*, '^^ '"5*ft:-;"'The Billings DoorwayIn the tovjer of the Frank Billings Medical Clinic, opening on the inner court of the ne^medical group.166Vol. XIX No. 4iimtjersiitp of CijitagoiMaga^meFEBRUARY, 1927The New Haskell MuseumJ Brief Account of the Golden Calf, King Tut's Telescope,The Futurist Hippo, and Other ExhibitsBy Marion F. WilliamsnpHRONGS of students hurry past the-¦- doors of this austerely dignified building, which is open daily except Sundayfrom from eight till five. Too few ofthem turn aside to view its collections,comprehensively labeled, or realize that heremay be seen the origins of civilization asrevealed in actual survivals of ancient life.The Museum building was erected in1896, but exhibits had begun to be acquiredalready in 1894. Since 19 19, when theOriental Institute was organized by Professor Breasted, the Museum collectionshave been notably increased ; and theMuseum now serves as headquarters forthe Institute administration, besides guarding and displaying the Institute's sourcematerials. The present exhibits, occupyingboth the first and third floors of Haskell,were opened last month.Entering the north museum (see illustration), where the Egyptian exhibitsare arranged chronologically, the visitorfinds himself beside a prehistoric burial.Placed in such a shallow pit some timebefore 3400 B. C. and excavated early inthe twentieth century, this woman's bodylies as found with knees drawn up to its chin in the "embryonic" posture, surrounded by the equipment so necessary to itsowner's happiness in the hereafter. Suchprimitive graves proved inadequate toprotect the body from dissolution, so othermeans were resorted to. The mortuaryroom in the south museum shows threetypes of burial : a reconstruction of atypical royal pyramid at Abusir; an armyclerk's rectangular wooden coffin bearinginscriptions and prayers for the soul's safetyon its journey westward; the mummiformcoffin of the lady Meresamon, vi^hose bodyhas lain undisturbed since the tenth centuryB. C. in the brilliantly colored casing lacedaround it.Nanupkau's tomb has yielded the twenty-six limestone statuettes (illustrated) visible in the large central case of the northmuseum. Such portrait figures were easierto preserve than, and might by magic beas useful as, the actual body; so by leavingfour statues of himself and only two of hiswife, Nanupkau stood a proportionately better chance of possessing a body for use inthe hereafter. His granary, too, is represented ; his children and household servantsare there, with musicians, butchers, bakers.167i68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbrewers, pottery and jewelry-makers.Games, too, dispelled the ennui of thetomb.In the south museum the exhibits aretopical. As in the north room, they reconstruct the daily life of long ago; theyshow sculpture and modeling, various kindsof writing and writing materials, work instone, flowers from funeral wreaths,weights, weapons, amulets, figures ofdeities, furniture, tools, games, toiletarticles, jewelry, clothing, color, work incalcite, metal, ivory, glaze ( illustrated ) ,glass, tombs and tomb equipment. In onefloor case are found the double oboe,whose tones may still be evoked, and theportion of an astronomical instrument(illustrated) piously restored by KingTutenkhamon.On the third floor are housed the Museum^s valuable Western-Asiatic collections, a more comprehensive exhibitthan has hitherto been possible, tho* stillhampered by limited space, inadequatelighting, and old-fashioned cases. Hereare Sumerian, early Semitic, and Assyriantypes, the first showing dummy figures,oddly costumed.Too precious to remain on exhibitionin the present building, a golden pectoral(illustrated), a portion of the Museum'srich Palestinian treasure, is engraved inopenwork designs. Its front was encrustedwith semi-precious stones now lost. TheEgyptian Pharaoh Amenemhet III caressesthe sacred cow Hathor and is nourishedby her. With the above-mentioned treasure were found parts of a statue of(Continued on page 205)¦ Hr^'¦^r- -S^.'l;y ¦ ^%-"i. ] ¦ "C */!m V: clSSK^'.' ;"v";J:-^^/:¦¦- V. -4 :;.¦,,..»An Egyptian official's household as embodied in painted stone figures to be placed in his tomb. Even If thebody were destroyed, said he, the soul might at least return to its statuette. Twenty-sixth century B. C.THE NEW HASKELL MUSEUM 169A Babylonian cylinder seal (right). To seal a document, its owner rolled thiscylinder across the soft clay and left the impression shown at the left. The designshows Gilgamesh, the Babylonian Hercules, in combat.A hippopotamus. The Egyptianartists of 2000 B. C. depictedthe animal's surroundings bysketching papyrus flowers andbuds on the hippo himself. A golden pectoral showing a goddess in cow formnursing the Pharaoh Amenemhet IIL It dates fromabout 1800 B. C, the age of the Hebrew patriarchs."^^>,^%vw. ^North Museum, containing chronological Egyptian exhibits from prehistoric down to Romantimes, a range of over four thousand years.(Pictures of an Egyptian book and of King Tutenkhamon's astronomical instrument ivill befound on page 184.)The Story of The University of ChicagoBy Thomas Wakefield GoodspeedReprinted through courtesy of The University of Chicago PressTwo men met at the breakfasttable at Vassar College one Sundaymorning in the autumn of 1888.One was a young professor fromYahj in town for his semi-weeklylecture. His name was Harper.The other was John D, Rockefeller. Why was he theref Noone knew. He seemed anxious totalk to the young Yale professor.The two left together for NewYork that night.O » ASo begins the account of a greatuniversity's emergence from dreamsinto reality J in Chapter Two ofMr. Goodspeed's story.II. Mr. Rockefeller Opens The WayIN WRITING this story I have theadvantage of a knowledge of the verydetails of the founding of the University. The very earliest steps can betraced. For the most part the facts arefound in a series of letters written by thoseImmediately interested in the enterprise.These letters, several hundred in number,were carefully collected from widely separated files, copied, and the copies placed inmy hands. In my larger history there arevery liberal quotations from these letters.In this story there is room for one or twoonly.Dr. Harper, who was deeply interestedin our hopes for a new university, had leftthe Theological Seminary at Morgan Park in 1886 and became a professor in Yale,In the autumn of 1888, three monthsafter my last letter to Mr. Rockefeller onthe subject of a university for Chicago, likelightning out of a clear sky, or rather likethe dawn of a glorious day after a long,dark night, there came to me from Dr.Harper the following epoch-marking message: New Haven, Conn,October 13, 188SDr. T. n\ Goodspeed,Morgan Park, IllinoisMy Dear Friend: I spent last Sunday atVassar College. (I am to be there every otherSunday during the year.) Much to my surpriseMr. Rockefeller was there. He had reachedPoughkeepsie Saturday night. What his purpose in going to Vassar was is not quite certain.He seemed to have nothing to do there exceptto talk with me. V^^hether he knew that I was170THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 171going there before or not is not known to me.I met him at the breakfast table, and he at onceasked me for an opportunity to talk during theday. The result was that when I had finishedmy morning lecture at ten o'clock he joined meand we spent the rest of the day together. Heexpected to remain until Monday, but changedhis plans and came down to New York with meSunday night, leaving Poughkeepsie at 8:30 andreaching New York at ii:oo p.m. We weretherefore together the most of the time for thirteen hours.Other matters came up, but the chief questionwas the one of the educational problem. . . .He stands ready after the holidays to do something for Chicago. ... He showed greatinterest in the Education Society, and above alltalked for hours in reference to the scheme ofestablishing the great University at Chicago instead of in New York. This surprised me verymuch. As soon as I began to see how the matterstruck him I pushed it and I lost no opportunityof emphasizing this point. . . . He himselfmade out a list of reasons why it would be betterto go to Chicago than to remain in New York.Mr. Rockefeller left me with the understanding that he would at once communicate with Mr.Colby in reference to the matter and led me toinfer that the question would receive his carefulattention at once.Now we must not expect too much. We allknow how easy it is to make a start and thenfall back, and so I am building nothing on thismatter. I have thought I would lay the thingbefore you in all its details, in order that you.Dr. Northrup, and myself might be able to keeptrack of both ends of the line. ... I writeyou these particulars in order that you may atonce put me into possession of the facts in reference to matters at Morgan Park. It would bea great pity, if this could be done, to have something so much smaller carried out.Will you not at once write me? I remainYours truly,W. R. HarperThe reference in the closing sentences tomatters at Morgan Park is to proposalswhich had been made to establish a collegein that suburb in proximity to the Theological Seminary. These proposals were atonce laid aside in view of the greater plan.The significant thing in the letter and thematter of historical moment is this, that thesuggestion that he should assist in foundinga university in Chicago was made by Mr.Rockefeller. He himself proposed that theinstitution should be established in Chicagoinstead of New York. This greatly sur prised Dr. Harper, but after Mr. Rockefeller made the suggestion "he pushed it andlost no opportunity of emphasizing it." Indeed for the six months following this interview he lost no opportunity of encouragingMr. Rockefeller to go forward with theproject. He was so far immediately successful that on November 5, 1888, threeweeks after this first interview, I received atelegram from him, asking me, on Mr.Rockefeller's behalf, to go to New Yorkfor an interview on the subject of a newuniversity in Chicago. The following Friday I was in New York.It must be borne in mind that Dr. Harperhad never had in mind anything less than areal university, with college and graduatedepartments. He had impressed this uponme in his letters and took occasion to do thisagain in our interview together Friday evening. I, on the other hand, had been formore than two years asking Mr. Rockefeller's help in founding a college.We met Mr. Rockefeller Saturday morning at the breakfast table. His entire familywas present and interested in the discussion.I gave such information as I could. Aftera conference of an hour or more, Mr.Rockefeller turned to me and said, "Well,Dr. Goodspeed, just what would you liketo have me do? Tell me frankly what is inyour mind." Divided between the remembrance of my previous very modest demandsupon him and Dr. Harper's large expectations, I compromised, and said : "We wouldlike to have you give us $1,500,000, towhich we will undertake to add from othergivers $500,000 more, starting the institution on a $2,000,000 basis." Mr. Rockefeller replied to this that the proportion Iassigned to him was large and closed theconference by adding that he would be gladto help in founding an institution in Chicago and was disposed to make a contribution of several hundred thousand dollars forthe purpose.Before leaving New York I wrote outtwo or three propositions varying in amountsand proportions, and sent them to him. Onreaching home I received a line from him173 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEinviting me to take lunch with him. Ithad reached my hotel after I had left forChicago and had been forwarded to me.Meantime it had been borne in upon me thatI had overreached the mark and asked alarger contribution than Mr. Rockefellerwas ready, at that time, to consider. I therefore wrote him suggesting that he give$1,000,000 instead of a million and a half.Wearing months of waiting followed. Dr.Harper's letters continued, telling of interviews, more or less encouraging, but without any definite result. Early in Decembera meeting of the executive board of theEducation Society was held in the city ofWashington. Dr. Gates submitted an elaborate report, setting forth his conclusionsso convincingly that the board approved theeffort to establish a \vell-equipped institution in Chicago, and instructed the secretaryto use every means in his power to originateand encourage such a movement. Onemonth later we turned over the negotiationto Dr. Gates. He is the best historian ofwhat followed and I give the story in hiswords.The adoption, by the Executive Board of theAmerican Baptist Education Society on the evening of December 3, 1888, of the plan to establisha college, to be ultimately a university, at Chicago, was in view of Mr. Rockefeller's expressed interest, already secured by Dr. Good-speed, and nourished by Dr, Harper the decisive action which resulted in the founding ofthe University of Chicago eighteen months later.The report of this action, which I sent immediately to all the Baptist newspapers, was favorably received editorially and commanded theapproval quite evidently of the rank and fileof the Baptist denomination in all parts of theland. Dr. Harper made a full personal reportto Mr, Rockefeller, specially emphasizing the unanimity of sentiment among men widely representative of the denomination, many of whomhad prepossessions favorable to Columbian.It is quite evident from many things that Mr.Rockefeller's interest in this action was deeplyengaged. Almost immediately afterward hesent to the treasurer, of his own accord andwithout solicitation, a contribution toward thecurrent expenses of the society which somemonths before he had declined. He began todrop hints to Dr. Harper and to others that thesociety might become an authoritative agencyfor his educational giving. On a letter of introduction from Dr. Harper, he very kindly received me as secretary of the society, for a con versation covering the scope and methods ofthe society's proposed work, and invited me toaccompany him on the same train from NewYork to Cleveland for further and more detailedconversation. In these talks, the possibilities ofthe usefulness of the society to the colleges andacademies throughout the land were fully discussed. . . . On the subject of contributionto the Chicago enterprise, which I did not atthat time press, Mr. Rockefeller was reticent,beyond saying that progress was being made inhis mind. The general impression he left withme was that to his mind the plans for Chicagowere not clearly enough outlined to justify present action. His practical and cautious mindneeded, I imagined, definite and clear-cut plansfrom authoritative sources, and the first resultof the ride together to Cleveland was a determination on my part to secure, if possible, andplace before Mr. Rockefeller, a definite plan ofan institution which the denomination would bewilling to undertake to establish with his aid inChicago a plan which should have denominational authority and to which he could definitelyanswer, on careful inquiry, yes or no. Accordingly, I wrote him the letter still preserved inthe file, proposing a conference of certain leading Baptist educators and laymen of wealth andinfluence, to whom should be committed the dutyof defining with precision just what in theiropinion as representatives of the Baptist denomination should be attempted in Chicago.It should be their duty to estimate the cost, define the nature and degree of denominationalcontrol, make suggestions as to wise and properlocation of campus, and generallv answer everyfundamental question in advance, Mr. Rockefeller seized on this suggestion, as I hoped hewould, without hesitation.. Mr, Rockefeller intimated to variousfriends, in writing, among them Dr. Harper,that whatever he might do for the Universityof Chicago he would do through the agency ofthe American Baptist Education Society; andafter the report of the Committee on Plan foran Institution in Chicago had been presented toMr. Rockefeller, and he had found opportunityfor studying it, he formally invited me to visithim in New York on my way to the May Anniversaries to be held that year in Boston.I duly presented myself in New York threeor four days before the Boston meeting, so as togive time for discussing and arranging all thedetails of the important action I was now confident Mr. Rockefeller would take. My firstinterview with Mr. Rockefeller was at his home.It was disappointing. He talked only in theway of general review of the situation. Hewithheld from me for the time his intentions,quite evidently with the purpose of going overthe situation once more finally in order to seeif there were any weak spots or questions of(Continued on page 202)Personal Memories of President HarperBy Frederic(An address delivered in DiviPresident Harper would have beenseventy years old on the twenty-sixth ofJuly, 1926. People who knew him cannoteasily think of him as old or as growingold, for he was always full of youthfulvigor. If he had had three or four bodies inhabited by his one soul, he would have keptthem all busy. He died January 10, 1906,less than fifty years old, but he had livedmany lives in achievement. A long addresscould not give an adequate sense of theman. These few remarks are necessarilyinformal and disconnected. If they aresometimes too personal to myself, they aremade only as a background for certain important items about him.President Harper was the greatest manI ever met or ever expect to meet. He wasgreat along every line where circumstancescalled upon him to act, and that too whether J. Gurneynity Chapel May 12, 1926)he had had experience in that line or not:in vision a prophet, in action a man ofaffairs, in teaching an inspiration, in public address a revealer, in scholarship acomprehensive explorer of his field. Andwe must add what was said at the time ofhis death, ^'greatest of all as a man and afriend.'^Having taken his degree of Ph.D. at theage of nineteen in the field of the Indo-European Languages, he gave his life thereafter to study and teaching in the Semiticfield. He was a prince of teachers, mostinspiring to the able student, most patientwith the dull student. You could not helpbut learn under him. He worked you hard,indeed, very hard, but you always had thefeeling that he was not driving but leading.The class of which I was a member beganHebrew with him in the autumn of iS!.¦;¦¦- ¦. -I "¦¦¦, ¦'¦'=¦ ^''¦<'¦¦^X*;«..f.;;iJ%,¦ ,.,",<¦.. ¦¦ ¦^.¦¦.'m_ '**. .^.. *!M 3*-?.; .- ^wv,^***'*;.*-; ,-'.., ^ ¦'¦'.,- . .President Harper's birthplace at New Concord, Ohio.173174 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBy Christmas we had learned nearly threechapters of Genesis so that with the literaltranslation before us we could translate itaccurately back into the Hebrew and wehad learned the principal grammaticalforms and constructions. To a group ofus who were staying at the Seminary duringthe holidays, he offered to conduct a specialcourse and during that brief period we readthe whole book of Judges except the poems.Dr. Harper became great and famous asa teacher before he was famous as ascholar. It seemed almost as if it was hiseagerness in teaching that led him on intogreat scholarship. Everything that he didwas done with great energy and enthusiasmand thoroughness. He came to the BaptistUnion Theological Seminary at MorganPark, which was our Divinity Schoolprevious to 1892, in his twenty-third year.A lady who lived at Morgan Park, overhearing conversation between him andPresident Northrup as they rode out onthe suburban train, said, "Who is thatyoung man with Dr. Northrup? He lookslike a boy but he talks like a man." Yearsafterward Dr. Northrup made it a quietboast that it was he who had "discovered"Dr. Harper and brought him to MorganPark. It was soon seen that here was anunusual man. He made Hebrew almost aliving language and the study of the OldTestament in the original a real delight.The Old Testament was full of interest tooas he taught it in English. He did nottell people that the Bible is interesting;he showed them that it is.Very soon he began teaching Hebrewby correspondence and then in summerschools, first at Morgan Park and then invarious important centers elsewhere, notably at Chautauqua. Prominent ministersand teachers ¦s\ere attracted to the study,which gained in adherents year after year.In the session of 1882 a spontaneous celebration of his birthday was held and a purseof about $150 in gold was presented to him.The man who presented it said as he handedit to him, "You never again will be twenty-six years old on the 26th of July." In accepting it and expressing his appreciation, Dr. Harper added that he would not useone cent of it for himself but all for thework which he had begun. Into this work,which included a periodical, The HebrewStudent, now the American Journal ofSemitic Languages and Literatures, hedrew young men from among his students,some of whom have since become eminentscholars and teachers. It was one of hisgreatest pleasures to get hold of a youngman of promise and start him along a linein which he believed the youth could accomplish great things.In 1886, at the age of 30, Dr. Harperwas called to Yale, where a new chair inhis department was created for him. Hewas already famous and here too he quicklywon the hearts of the students At thistime also he began to deliver courses oflectures on the Old Testament, both beforestudents there and in various other collegesand to popular groups. He had formerlysaid that he could not lecture, that theteacher's desk was his one place, but as thedemand arose he met it and, through thisand other channels, he did more to popularize a scholarly knowledge of the Bible thanany other man of his time.It was in his thirty-fifth year that Dr.Harper was called to be president of theUniversity of Chicago. This was not aninstitution already in the running, wherehe could follow lines already established.It was a university to be made, made denovo, and he made it. He said to thetrustees in accepting, "I give you fairwarning, gentlemen, that I am a man whonever stops to count the cost." His idealsin the undertaking were of the highest andmeans must be found to realize them. Andmeans were found. The very loftiness ofhis ideals and the strength and wisdomwith which the work was begun, drew unsought financial support from unexpectedsources. He brought together at the verybeginning one of the strongest facultiesin America, a body of men eminent in theirdepartments, who commanded the respectof the educational world. These men, fromdifferent institutions, with widely differenteducational backgrounds and professionalPERSONAL MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT HARPER 175''^.^.i.:*"h?^^5'outlooks, he united into a harmonious, devoted, enthusiastic group undertaking agreat cause. An incidental but very important result was that as he caused themto catch the vision, to see the ideals and thegreatness of the opportunity, he, withoutaiming to do so, bound them to himselfwith an intensity of affection seldom seenamong strong men. Of this company, Professors Burton,Judson, Small,Henderson andHulbert wereparticularlyclose to him, now, alas, allgone but Judson. Only twoor three yearsago. DeanSmall, speakinginformally before the Mead-ville Club on"P r es i ;dentHarper's Religion," had topause in themidst of his remarks to command his emotions. You whohave come tothe Universityin these lateryears cannotimagine theromance, thepoetry, the inspiration whichwere the spiritual atmosphere of those earlydays. It all centered in the personality ofPresident Harper, and yet that fact did notobscure the worth of others.President Harper remained a teacher tothe very end. He said at the outset thathe would not accept any position in whichhe could not himself teach, and teach theBible. He always taught. He was alwaysspurring himself up to greater tasks. Hisenergy never flagged, and he heartily en-¦: r'-'r: "¦¦.; -^^^^ SI^-? ^4^0^^:^ ^Mr. Gurney considers this the best of all photographsof President Harper. "This," he says, "is WilliamRainey Harper, the President. This is the portraitof a great man, a lover of people."joyed all his work. One Saturday eveningI happened into the street car in which hewas going to the Memorial Baptist Churchto lecture in a course he was giving on theEarly Stories of Genesis. He was tiredand wanted to rest during the few minutesof the ride. I said, **Now tomorrow youmust sleep till ten o'clock and get a goodrest." He straightened up instantly andexclaimed, "Ibreakfast at aquarter beforeseven." "What,on Sundaym o r n i n g?"''Every morning. Oh, we'reall lazy fellows.I have to fightagainst it all thetime." Physically he wasslightly belowmedium height,of sturdy buildAV i t h wellrounded limbsand hard muscles, althoughhe took comparatively littleexercise. Hewas a heartyeater ; good foodand plenty of itwas needed tokeep his enginesupplied. Andno man evertransmutedfoodstuffs into intellectual and spiritualproducts with a greater percentage of value.Energetic as he was, he was not impulsive.Whenever he spoke on any subject it wasevident, either that he had studied itthrough and was presenting all sides of thecase and submitting the facts to thejudgment of those with whom he was conferring, or that he was setting it forthas a problem which he wished others tostudy with him, and was indicating the176 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElines of investigation concerning it.He was a man of strong domestic affections. He said one time when speakingof traveling hither and yon to teach orlecture, that he could do best when Mrs.Harper was with him. He was a greatlover of music and might have been a bril-lant musician if he had so directed hisefforts. He played the cornet and organizedand led a band when he was fifteen yearsold. A man also of strong and ready sympathy. If you went to him for guidanceor help, your cause was his cause at once.In the winter of 1885-6 I had a seriousbreakdown, in consequence of which I wentto Buffalo where I remained between sevenand eight years. Dr. Harper kept track ofme. If I delayed writing, he would sendword, "I haven't heard from you for along time ; write and tell me how you aregetting along." It was in 1886 that hewent to Yale and following that came thebeginnings of the University of Chicago, sothat he frequently passed through Buffalo.Again and again he either stopped off tosee me or sent word to have me see himat the station as he passed through. Andone time he said, "I believe that you aregoing to get back into real work again andthat it will be something in connection withthe new University." When I did return,in the summer of 1893, he found a placefor me. In a conversation at that time hesaid, "You have no idea how many mencome to me \\ith their troubles." Thenhe told me of a young man who graduatedat Yale while he was there. He had goneto Colorado and invested a large amount ofmoney in a promising enterprize, but hewas inexperienced and the men with whomhe was dealinji ^\ere dishonest. In a shorttime they had fleeced him of his moneyand he was going home broken hearted.Dr. Harper asked him whether he wasmarried and with tears in his eyes he saidthat the young lady to whom he -^i-as engaged had died a few months before. "Well,do )'ou kn()\\-," said Dr. Harper in tellingabout it, "I wanted to put my head di)\\non the table and cry with that man." Hewas also the friend of the bad boy. I had occasion one day to go into his ofHce anddiscovered that he was just ending a conference with a college student who hadbeen "called on the carpet." I knew himas a corrupt and depraved young man. Iwould have dismissed him from the University in short order. But PresidentHarper had him by the hand and was looking into his face with earnest kindness andsaying, "Now I want to see you make good,and I believe you can."In the winter of 1904-5 it became evidentthat President Harper was in a serious condition physically. In February he wentto the Presbyterian Hospital for an operation from which we all hoped for help butwhich only revealed the hopelessness of hiscase, internal cancer. He had a sad foreboding about it before he went, and yeton the preceding evening he held a quietreception at his house to which he invitedthe members of the faculties and of theoffices. He passed about amid the guestsshowing no sign of his suffering, chattingpleasantly, about things of general interest.The presence of his friends was much tohim and his interest was in the work. Whenthe doctors told him how long they thoughthe had to live, he planned what work hewould do during that time and proceededto do it. He had said that he was prepared to die but he was not prepared for along lingering period of agony. Yet it wasprecisely this which he was called upon toendure. And he endured it with a strengthand a nobility of spirit which won the admiration of the world. He continued towork. During the summer of 1905, withinsix months of his death, he taught fourcourses, three of them majors, one of whichwas a seminar, and the other a Sunday-morning course. At a faculty meetingcalled to consider plans for the developmentof undergraduate work, which I attendedas recording officer, he sat through thesession, with no indication of what he wassuft'ering, and discussed the plans withcustomary interest and clearness of vision.He presided at the Autuinn ConvocationSeptember ist, 1905, and conferred thedegrees. (Continued on page 204)Dean Shailer Mathews and Prof. Percy¦Holmes Boynton, two of the lecturers in thecourse on American life.March thebroadcast:February following lectures will beClassrooms By RadioThe University Puts A Nine-O'Clock Class on The AirTo provide for those luho can not attendin its classrooms is a legitimate and necessary part of the work of every university. William Rainey HarperTHE University has always tried especially to share its culture and training with the public off campus. Forthe man or woman in business, it maintainsevening and late afternoon classes in theUniversity College. For persons who cannot make their residence in Chicago, theHome-Study Department gives courses bymail. Last fall an extension program ofwider interest than these courses wasundertaken in two courses of lectures givenin Fullerton Hall at the Art Institute. Thesubjects were Creative Personalities Homer, by Paul Shorey; Paul, by ShailerMathews ; Goethe, by Philip SchuylerAllen; Dante, by Ernest Hatch Wilkins,etc. and Problems of the Average Investor in which lecturers from the C. andA. School alternated with men from theIllinois Merchants Bank, the Union TrustCompany, the Harris Trust and SavingsBank, and Halsey, Stuart and Company.A third course, called The Nature of theWorld and of Man, with lectures by theUniversity's authorities on astronomy,geology, physics, chemistry, biology, andanthropology, continues the plan this winter.And now the University, by its latestmovement of extension, enables the publicto hear its classrooms in their homes.Programs have been broadcast from theUniversity studio in Mitchell Tower fortwo years. They have included such diversesubject matter as sermons in Mandel Hall,football games on Stagg Field, and bookreviews by Prof. Robert Morss Lovett.This quarter, lectures from the actual classroom are included on the program.English 370 a course in Aspects ofAmerican Life is the course from whichlectures are broadcast. Several professors,all authorities on various phases of American life, collaborate. In February and 9 Tradition and Revolt in the NewEngland Poets. Percy HolmesBoynton, Department of English.February 15 The Parties and Political Equilibrium, Jerome G. Kerwin, Department of Political Science.February 17 The American City. ErnestWatson Burgess, Department ofSociology.February 24 The Rise of Public Administration in the United States.Leonard D. White, Departmentof Science.February 25 The American Newspaper.Robert E. Park, Department ofSociology.1 Scientific Education and its Consequences. I. N. Freeman, Schoolof Education.3 Science and the Modern World.G. H. Mead, Department ofPhilosophy.8 Religion and the Life of Today.Shailer Mathews, DivinitySchool.II Indigenous Quality of AmericanLiterature. Percy HolmesBoynton.15 Nationalism and Internationalism. Quincy Wright, Department of Political Science.The course is being broadcast by the University Studio over station WMAQ, the ChicagoDaily News, from 9 to 9:50 A. M.MarchMarchMarchMarchMarch177A Revue of CollegeMirror, the Women s DramaticOrganization, Announces ItsSecond Annual ShowDear Alumni :^The Mirror announces its second annualproduction '*Here We Are" to be stagedin Mandel Hall the eleventh and twelfthof February. For those who are unfamiliarwith the name, Ave wish to make it knownas the women's annual production. TheMirror of the University of Chicago is fastbecoming an important part of every Chi-cagoan's winter repertoire.To quote the editor of the Phoenix, itis the most "typically Chicago affair oncampus." '*The girls," he explained, "arenatural, true to type, and tactfully (or tactlessly?) represent life at the University."Mirror, in a word, reflects college life asit is, overflowing with dormitory and "activity" life. It is, in truth, a revue of thepleasures and dissappointments of college.Among other attractions, the show includes good choruses, costumes, songs, andexcellent classic ballets. The productionhas a fourfold coaching staff three of whomare Chicago Alumni. Mr. Frank O'Hara,'15, is general director; Mr. Frank Parker,'12, former dancing partner of Mme. Pav-lowa, is dancing director; George Downing, '25, assistant to Mr. Sargent of the Art17 Miss Ruth Burtis, '27, Business Managerof MirrorDepartment, is in charge of the scenery;Mr. Mack Evans, music director of theUniversity, is the music critic for Mirror.In our revue "Here We Are" we extendto you an invitation to see the second annualreflections of Mirror.Yours,The ]\Iirror.The University Radio ManAllen Miller, President of the Class of 1926, has had charge of the University radio programs since his graduation. He has continued the work begunthe year before by John Van Zant, '24. His present broadcasting schedule,which includes a program almost every day of the year, comprises concerts,by University musical organizations, lectures by University authorities, anoccasional "Whistle Night" conducted by the columnist of The Daily Maroonand his contributors, book and dramatic reviews by University critics, religiousservices, athletic contests, and (finally) classroom lectures.In his college days Miller was president of the Undergraduate Phi BetaKappa, a college marshal, secretary of the department of intramural sports,and in his senior year president of his class. He is now engaged in graduatework on a scholarship in chemistry.178><;^=^<r^(!^(r^(p^<p^<Px)(pi(pi{p^<p^(F^(p=i(p^(f=^(p^(i^c tlfje Mnibergitp of CfjicagoiHasajineEditor and Business Manager, Allen Heald, '26Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association MorrisFishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.sre^Ts &^ coMMe:NrOUTSIDERS sometimes accuse theUniversity of becoming, or trying tobecome, wholly a graduate school. Alumni,too, sometimes fear thisThe Graduate outcome. They hear"^"°°' stories of far-reachingplans for research, of expeditions to theland of the Hittites, of the founding of newlaboratories for refined experiments, of collections of manuscripts that only learnedmen can read; and they wonder if a university busy with these affairs has any timeleft for its undergraduates. What about theaverage college student, the man whocomes not to prepare himself for advancedscholarship, but to learn in four years asmuch as he can of the technique of living?Is he forgotten in the enthusiasm for research ?A paragraph from president Mason'sspeech at Columbus last month throws lighton this question: "The two great functionsof a university teaching and research areclosely correlated. Teaching which consists merely of imparting information is notuniversity teaching. The vital spark necessary for a true university is given by itsresearch activities. It is not necessary thatevery member of the faculty be primarilyengaged in research, but a sufficient numbermust be interested to insure that the spiritof productive scholarship permeates each department. Students must be trained in college to independence of thought, to the exercise of intelligence in a scientific manner inorder that society may benefit." That is the University's theory. To learnto think independently and scientifically isthe best training for life. The world needsmore men so trained. "Let the philosopherbe king," said Plato. Let careful, systematic thought, the scientific method, be thegovernor of life. The University's plan isto teach the scientific method by throwingits students in contact with men who are experts in that method. Scholars, trained insolving the problems of research, are thebest teachers for the college student. Onlyfrom such men can the lesson of patient,orderly thought be learned. Such men, according to the University's plan, will benot only the undergraduate's teachers, buthis companions. The student who intendsto be a business executive or a lawyer goesto school side by side with the man workingfor his Ph.D. in ancient history. These students live together, compare notes, and learnto look at life in the same way. Each isbetter trained than if he went to a collegewhere he talked only to men in his own lineof study. Each learns that life is a richerthing, and each acquires a better techniqueof living. The graduate school, instead ofcrowding out the college student, helps totrain him."We look upon an educated man," saidPresident Mason, "as one who is trained inthe ability of substituting rational thoughtfor experience ; one who can use the knowledge of the past to meet his problems of thepresent, without passing through the costlyperiod of trial and error."179i8o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEE VEN an alumni secretary, we toldourselves, must have something yet tolearn. Some strip of unknown country muststill remain for even him toThe Editor g.^piore. Accordingly, twoExplores ^j. j.j^ j^yg ^ijgj. ^^g ]^^jassumed this position, we set out to learnwhat there was to be learned.The first thing that struck our eyes aswe started from the north entrance of CobbHall was the Press Building, "Good," weexclaimed. "A place to begin." To tellthe truth, we were a little abashed to findThe Unknown so early in our journey,so near our very office window ; but thatwas all the more reason to investigate. Weentered.Of course, the building was not wholly amystery to us. We remembered visiting alarge room with barred windows, at aboutthe middle of each quarter of our collegecareer, to pay our tuition. We remembereddepositing late term papers in a sort of postoffice in the room opposite. But both ofthese had been on the first floor. What wasupstairs? Something, surely. A few minutes spent in finding out would doubtlessrepay us; then we could continue ourjourney.A gentleman on the second floor receivedus very kindly. "He's the publishingmanager," one of the stenographers whispered to us. He offered to show us theplant. "All right," we said, "if there isone."From that moment on, we saw strangethings. We saw printing-presses of themost elaborate sort. We saw typesettingmachines capable of much finer work thanthe newspaper linotypes to ivhich our experience had been confined. We sawsquadrons of keen-eyed proofreaders, daringthe typesetter to put one comma where asemicolon ought to be. We saw conferencerooms where learned editorial boards decidewhat manuscripts are worth being madeinto books, and what must be returned witha note of thanks to their authors. Wemeditated. There was little else that wecould do. Had we asked questions, we should only have thrown ourselves open tofresh surprises.We did ask one or two ; and were dulyhumiliated. "Your books must be awfullydeep," we ventured. "Most people couldn'tunderstand the things you print here, couldthey?" Our friend walked to a shelf andhanded us four books. "Our best sellersthis season," he said. We looked them overfor a while. One was a study of the wayin which we ought to live in order to makethe American nation a success. One was abook in which internationally-known authorities in every science have collaboratedto try to explain how the universe is puttogether and how man fits into it. Onewas a criticism of Cabell, Mencken, VanVechten, and other present-day Americanwriters, and an attempt to diagnose the stateof American prose writing today. The otherwas an explanation of late discoveries whichthrow a great deal of light on the question.What is the mind? These books are notonly readable ; they compel the reader, oncehe has begun, to finish them. Yet theirinformation is scholarly.An odd state of affairs. A great publishing house, a maker of books known throughout the world, and even read throughoutthe world, had sprung up in the very shadowof Cobb Hall, and we had not heard of it."How long has this been here?" weasked."Ever since the University was founded,"said our friend.We walked back to our office veryhumbly. Hereafter we shall stay there.A FAVORITE charge against alumniof American colleges is that theyhave too little interest in alma mater asr,., . ,, .an intellectual place.// liat IS .iiumni ,.t^, , r ,1Interest? 7.'^^'' ^°.^'' profoundlytheir university, saysone observer. "They interest themselves inits prosperity, and sustain it materially witha mighty generosity, but in the memoriesof youth which attach them to it the intellectual side plays but a minor part. . .It is the joyous, sporting, and wordly sideof college life whose traditions the alumniEVENTS AND COMMENT i8iare anxious to maintain." Another regretsthat "the graduate . . . never comesback to visit a classroom, but he does comeback to be a boy again."The evidence convinces us that Chicagoalumni, at least, are not guilty of thesecharges. Their interests, as shown inanswers to questionnaires, are primarily inthe University's policies of teaching and re- search. They want to know what discoveries are being made in the laboratories.They want to hear about new teachingsystems that are taking form in our leaders'minds, whereby teachers will associate veryintimately with their students, perhapsliving with them or joining them at theirmeals, and so make learning a more intimate part of the student's life. They wantto hear something of the strange manuscripts that Professor Sprengling has collected in obscure bookshops of Cairo. Whenalumni clubs in cities throughout the country ask for speakers from the University,they specify such men as Lovett, Breasted,and Michelson. "Not organizers or highpressure men," says one such request, "butthe best of our specialists."The Chicago alumnus is interested, asalumni ought to be, in athletics, the progressof his fraternity, etc. ; but we do not believethat he overemphasizes these things. Heusually recognizes them for what they are a means toward the ideal of a completelyserviceable University. He recognizes atsomething like its true value the vastlymore important means to the same end the University's intellectual activity.Both the University and the Alumni canprofit by an interest of this sort. Alumniso inspired can help to enlist promisingstudents from their home towns ; they canuse their influence, through such means asfraternities, to keep up the undergraduatestandards of scholarship ; they can helpundergraduates, through the same means, tosolve many problems of life ; they can help,through contacts with the faculty, to keep the University in touch with the affairs ofthe world which is its laboratory. TheUniversity, in turn, can give its alumniexpert aid and advice in many of the technical problems of their work; it can stimulate and satisfy their interest in books andart, and their questionings about the meaning of life, and it can make life a richerthing for them.Many ways may be found to encouragethis interest among alumni. Many of theseplans have been adopted already. Articlesin this magazine can be employed to tellthe Alumni what the University is doing.The various departments, when they makea startling discovery, can send bulletins toalumni who majored in their work. Professors can stop on their frequent trips toconventions, etc., to address alumni clubsin other cities on the work in which theyare now engaged. At the homecomings andthe reunions, a serious program of demonstration could supplement the social program, and show the Alumni the University'swork first-hand. The University can giveits graduates the benefit of its laboratoriesand its staffs of experts. Departments canmaintain service bureaus for alumni whoencounter difficulties in their businesses orprofessions. Professors and alumni mightprofit by conference together on theircommon problems. Alumni might formbook clubs, as the Amherst graduates havedone, perhaps under the guidance of theEnglish department.To give the Alumni the information thatthey are so eager for, encourage the healthful interest in the University which promptsthese inquiries, is an important duty of theAlumni Council. We have named only afew possible means of performing this duty.Many others, some doubtless more efficient,will occur to you ; we hope that you willcommunicate them to us.Convocation Day ought not to sever ourconnections with any phase of the University's doings.ALUMNI A F F A I R SPresident Mason at ColumbusPRESIDENT MAX MASON spent-^ Friday, December 17 in Columbus, O.At noon he addressed the Chamber of Commerce Forum of Columbus on the subject,"Substitutes for Experience." Approximately 500 of the leaders in the educational,social, and business life of the city heard thisaddress. The address was broadcast by station W E A O. Like many of the physicists of history, who developed a richphilosophy of life, so Max Mason, erstwhilephysicist, has acquired a rich philosophy;in his address, some of this philosophy wasdispensed, and it was dispensed in such away that it got across in an interesting fashion to his hearers. Wm. S. Harman, president of the local alumni club of the University of Chicago, had charge of the arrangements for this meeting.In the evening. Doctor Mason was theguest of honor at a reception and dinnerof the Chicago Alumni in the Faculty Clubof Ohio State University. At this meeting,attended by 50 alumni. Doctor Masonspoke. His talk here was more personaland dealt primarily with the present doingsof the University and plans and hopes forthe future.Officers of the club, as follows, were elected for the ensuing year: Ward G. Reeder,A. M. '19, Ph. D. '21, President; MissJessica Foster, '07, Vice President; andRobt. E. Mathews, J. D. '20, Secretary-Treasurer.Ward G. Reeder,Retiring SecretarySome extracts from President Mason'stalk at Columbus follow:"We look upon an educated man as onewho is trained in the ability of substitutingrational thought for experience; one whocan use the knowledge of the past to meet his problems of the present . . . without passing through the costly period of trialand error.""Quietly and without publicity, theboundary lines of human knowledge arebeing forced forward by the co-operativeactivity of the thousands in the scientificarmy. A discovery at Chicago today produces another in California tomorrow atheory is proved today, and later perhapsweeks, months or years men are madehealthier and crops more abundant becauseof this theorem. The research institutionsof the country are partners in a great enterprise and stand shoulder to shoulder in thecommon work of advancing human knowledge and productive scholarship.""The two great functions of a university teaching and research are closely correlated. Teaching which consists merely ofimparting information is not universityteaching. The vital spark necessary for atrue university is given by its research activities. It is not necessary that every member of the faculty be primarily engaged inresearch, but a sufliicient number must beinterested to insure that the spirit of productive scholarship permeates each department."Students must be trained in college toindependence of thought, to the e.xercise ofintelligence in a scientific manner in orderthat society may benefit."An editorial in The Columbus Dispatch,after quoting and commenting on PresidentMason's talk, concludes thus:President Mason emphasized the valueof pure science, and many of his hearersdoubtless recalled that the value of purescience was equally stressed in a luncheonaddress delivered before the forum by a manof widely different training and specialscholarly interests, his predecessor in hisALUMNI AFFAIRS 183present official position, the late Dr. ErnestD. Burton. Under President Mason, itmay be taken for granted that the University of Chicago will not fall into theshallow error, too common in America, ofover-emphasizing the practical applicationsof science especially when there is readymoney in them in comparison with thatscholarly and often self-sacrificing researchinto the fundamental principles out of whichall practical applications must grow."Woodward Addresses Peoria ClubFREDERICK CAMPBELL WOODWARD, Professor of Law, and VicePresident of the University, spoke on theevening of January 29th before the ChicagoAlumni Club of Peoria, 111.Chicago Dinner at Dallas,Texas, March 2THE annual University of Chicagodinner given in connection with the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, which is always largely attended, will be held this yearat the University Club, Dallas, Texas, onthe evening of March 2. All alumni andfriends of the University are cordially invited to attend. The members of the DallasUniversity of Chicago Club will serve ashosts and hostesses for the occasion.¦ Among the speakers at the dinner willbe Mr. T. H. Harris, State Superintendentof Public Instruction in Louisiana; DeanWilliam S. Gray, College of Education,Chicago; and Director Charles HubbardJudd, of the School of Education, Chicago. University Botanist Visits TwinCity ClubPROF. HENRY C. COWLES, authority on botany and author of a chapter in The Nature of the World and Man,will meet members of the Twin CitiesAlumni Club after a lecture at the University of Minnesota on the afternoon ofFebruary 4.o a aCleveland Club Gives PartyTHE Cleveland Alumni Club held aninformal party on the evening of January 15, in the Big Ten clubrooms of thenew Allerton Club of Cleveland. Dancingand bridge were the entertainments.» A »The Chapel on The MidwayTHE great new chapel of the Universityof Chicago now rising on the Midwaybetween University and Woodlawn avenueshas a central site among the groups of University buildings, and is itself sufficientlyhigh and massive to hold its own amongthem. Its tower is to be carried high abovetheir pinnacles to a point 207 feet abovethe Midway.The building is 265 feet long and 73 feetwide across the nave and aisle. There is a41-foot span between the piers of the nave,this great width being necessary to the accommodation of nearly 1,750 people, exclusive of the sanctuary, choir, and choir gallery, so that all members of the audiencemay be within hearing distance of thespeaker. The crown of the vaulted ceilingis 79 feet above the floor, while the ridgeof the copper roof is 102 feet above thesidewalk.Owing to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. W. Robert Jenkins, Secretaryof the Alumni Council, has found it necessary to resign as of January i, 1927.The Council has appointed Mr. Allen Heald of the class of 1926, as actingSecretary for the period from January ist to July 31st, 1927.A committee of the Council has been appointed to select a permanentSecretary-Treasurer and Editor of the magazine. Of this committee, Mr.Frank McNair, Vice President of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 115West Monroe Street, Chicago, is Chairman.I'HE llNIVERSrrY OF CFIICAGU MAGAZINE¦"If An Eeviitian liook, Its \rrtical lines of \s ritiiiir, side bv siiie, make a total**' NOiUf h»rtv fcff. \'imieftes nt .ureal (lrlir:n-\ aiiJ beautx. thou,iih nut in colors,the teM. lliose ^isibt(: uii ihe tinrullcil end ^lnn^ the funeral procession. ^on a boat-shaped hearse, the stem and stern of which are shaped like papyrurests on a sledge drawn bv a yoke of oxen. In front of the bier walks a priesI'atf hI .lit asi 1 ntionucal instninu-nl rcstnred bv Km^hamon about 1350 B. C. When complete with plummet,and plumb line, it served as a kind of stellar clock. It vTHE NEW HASKELL MUSEUM 185%1^ #.¦'^S^ .^- -----! r.. ¦1 ^- rv ''rv^-. »'^ /¦¦"' \ .. ; ¦ ''¦'-"r !^^&L....^-':.- '^ ^1^%* -^^...fSsriESi^zi6i.9SU1.-'-- '1 in fV-; ;:::., /'s ¦ ,' ' i¦'~v i.^''' -'"f - >^¦¦'-.M i i. '''^1 ;;'";! ill ''> 1 i J; < ] ;:.. * .¦ i ¦- ;_; ; j;'£ cs. A- ¦J- * s~. : -;|-^^: ^' ' ' ¦"""' ' ^ ,¦ i ¦¦" ;" "C. -^f» - ^ 0 ... 1 r/c' ^ e {.- ! '! ,; I : i__ ; _i 1 , ... ^.^ 1 ..¦ X : . ;^0I' ^fr 1-i -'1.L .1¦'.i\.- .>:-j>-:-- ; ¦¦'cV t»' Tf! 4- r. ^>VV.- v^. --- ''' - C-.. 1 --rt¦ A "'¦¦:¦. 1* "'¦/¦¦ };! '".1 ' '¦¦¦'.i i- 1 (j .\. ¦¦¦ i '0' ?fli'i 6: %S I.. .¦» ¦' : .."i. -I.' '.t-.-' * '<¦¦¦> 1¦¦¦¦¦ {¦' t &4I1 i;IIT .¦* ^5 9 Xr:-"i.. vx "^ ¦*- V,'j "-F 1 -'/.. ^*..r-. -..¦¦.' '¦ 2- ;:--: [ ; 'V" (!¦' - -'bi"> 7' J: .'.':" i \ 0 iV3 I. -.JT iiji 'C|i'0^. .xL. 4 ¦ f'-H ' Es.i. ; "1 't" -1'¦1 -' '^\ ¦?r ^1 :f[rf- .(¦_" ¦V^ "{ M in /'-'- j7-^ ¦ c =v':- i'T' .(. ;..::.- '*-¦*¦c ''"l r-^'r :^ .^" «iV f iVA '-ia'* ft ¦S¦v- :^'. >w s..-*-^'^*K '"'r' i <.^ v. ..5- \l ^/t ;V :,I-i -A iL\ \ ¦' w» 1 '-u « ¦¦'¦> V i^-/i-^- r +u ¦¦ .J- ',.-^".tfi: f.1 ', >¦. ¦U.- 0^'^^ L". r .0 ....illV,J.Vv. ..rVjT ..-.v. ^ .J.1. ' '¦'¦.i i 0 i..¦'-; ^-¦i." 1 V'fi:TK-j;--. '1.¦ y '¦ -^.¦'.-.'iif«*<- ..>>-*. .... -»»'" .'.1,,:- ^^:.^' ¦-^''¦¦' -^ ^....hation vase and censer; behind tollnw ser\'ants drawing sledi^es with boxes that h(ddlodel images of the deceased and his actual viscera. The figures at the end arelourners. The writing over them reads: "The beginning of the 'spells for Goingorth by Day' ..." This is the actual Egyptian title for the collection of spellshirh we moderns rail the Hnok ol" the Dead.light to determine the instant when a given star passed theirver's meridian. Apparently the Pharaoh required it as at of his equipment in his tomb. (See article on page 168)MORGENSTERN IS NeW PUBLICITY MaNWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN,'20 J.D. '22, has been appointedDirector of Public Relations for the University. He took charge of the publicityoffice in Harper, and began the work ofkeeping the public informed about the University's work, the first of the year.Although trained in the Law School,where he was admitted to the Order of theCoif, Mr. Morgenstern has devoted histime wholly to newspaper work. As afreshman in college, he served as campuscorrespondent for several dailies. The following year, 19 17, he joined the stafE ofTlie Herald and Examiner as a writer ofamateur sports. For a long time he contributed regularly to the athletic section ofThe University of Chicago Magazine. Hewas still connected with the Herald at thetime of his appointment at the University.The Department of Public Relations wascreated in 1 924; Henry Justin Smith, '98,left his position as Managing Editor of TheDaily News for two years to organize itswork. On Mr. Smith's return to TheNews, Russell Pierce, '24, became director,and continued the task of connecting theUniversity with the outside world. Mr.Pierce resigned in December to enter theadvertising business with the firm of J.Walter Thompson. Mr. Morgenstern nowsucceeds to the position.» A »Buy Valuable Medical LibraryPURCHASE of a valuable library onobstetrics and gynecology which will bepresented to the University of Chicagomedical schools has just been completed bycable by the donor. Dr. Lester Frankenthal,a prominent Chicago physician. Thelibrary was owned by Prof. Fehling of theUniversity of Strassburg, and consists of1500 volumes, in German, French and English. The books have been shipped fromStrassburg, where a dealer with whom thenegotiations were conducted had them.AAARowland Haynes Is New SecretaryROWLAND HAYNES, well-knownsocial worker of Cleveland, willassume the post of Secretary of the University on February I.To accept his new position Mr. Hayneshas resigned the post he has held for fiveyears as Director of the Cleveland WelfareAssociation. In the course of his letter ofresignation, addressed to the trustees of theCleveland Association, he said :"I do not feel that I am jumping out ofsocial work so much as getting into anotherphase of it. I thought fifteen years ago thatmuch of the work of universities was futile,but since that time a big evolution has beenbrought about, largely as a result of thewar. The university has now swung intothe field of practical life as never before."a A »Wisconsin Botanist Comes to ChicagoDR. EZRA JACOB KRAUS, Professor of Applied Botany at the University of Wisconsin, was appointed to theFaculty of the University of Chicago lastmonth, and assumes his new duties the firstof February.Dr. Kraus's researches have been of greatvalue, especially to the apple-growing industry. He is a graduate of Michigan StateCollege, and was for a time dean of theOregon State Agricultural College.(^ m &Sewell L. Avery Joins TrusteesCE^VELL LEE AVERY, for the past^ twenty years President of the UnitedStates Gypsum Company, was elected lastmonth to the Board of Trustees of the University. In accepting his election Mr. Avery186UNIVERSITY NOTES 187said: "I am glad to be associated with themen who compose this Board. The opportunities before the University for serviceto the community and for expanding knowledge in the arts and sciences are enormous."He attended the meeting following hiselection.Mr. Avery is a graduate of the Universityof Michigan, where he received the degreeof Bachelor of Laws in 1894. He now livesin Evanston. He was born in Saginaw,Michigan.Besides his connections with the gypsumindustry, Mr. Avery is a director of theNorthern Trust Company and a member ofthe Illinois Manufacturers Association."The University is to be congratulatedupon the addition of Mr. Avery to its boardof trustees," said Harold H. Swift, President of the Board. "Mr. Avery is not onlywell known in the business world, but hasbeen identified for many years with important civic and welfare matters whichfurther qualify him for dealing with theproblems of the University."AAAReal Estate Board FinancesUniversity-Made BookPROF. J. PAUL GOODE'S recent andtimely book, The Geographic Background of Chicago, to which The University of Chicago Magazine referred in itsDecember issue, was printed by the University Press in an edition of ten thousandcopies at the expense of the Chicago RealEstate Board. It was therefore through theaid of this board that the book made itsappearance at this time. This informationwas omitted from the article in the December issue.AAANew Chaplain Succeeds SoaresDR. CARL SAFFORD PATTON,Professor of Practical Theology inthe Chicago Theological Seminary, has beenappointed Acting Chaplain of the University. Dr. Patton succeeds Rev. TheodoreG. Soares, who recently resigned as Chaplain, though retaining his professorship inthe Divinity School. Dr. Patton is a graduate of OberlinCollege and pursued advanced studies atAndover and the University of Michigan.He was ordained in the CongregationalMinistry in 1892. He is author of a numberof volumes and articles on Religion.Pastorates held by Dr. Patton are theFirst Church of Columbus, O., the FirstChurch of Los Angeles, Calif., andchurches in Auburn, Maine, and AnnHarbor, Mich. He is a native of Greenville, Mich.AAAGifts For The Promotionof ArchaeologyAMONG the recent announcements by- President Max Mason, was that of avery generous gift from the General Education Board of $250,000 to be added to thegeneral endowment of the University forthe purpose of training graduate students inthe science of archjeology.President Mason also announced an additional gift from the General EducationBoard of $30,000 for the improvement andbetter equipment of the Haskell OrientalMuseum at the University.The Director of the Museum, ProfessorJames Henry Breasted, is now on a sixmonths' leave of absence for work at Luxor,Egypt, and Armageddon, Palestine, whereUniversity of Chicago expeditions are engaged in important researches.Allen Miller, '26, in chargeof the University's broadcasting studio.THE LETTER BOXObservations at BudapestJ Letter from Henry Clarence Bush, '25,Now a Resident of the Hungarian CapitalI HAVE been in Budapest now almosttwo months and begin to feel a bit acclimated. This city isn't as familiar toAmericans as the more western capitals ofEurope. It is really a pity that such shouldbe the case, since Budapest has the mostunique and attractive situation with relation to a large river of probably any city inthe entire -world. I find the Danube herewith its magnificent bridges to be exceedingly more beautiful than the Seine in Paris.The Parliamenr building, with its innumerable, high, slender Gothic spires, is located right on the water's edge. Almostopposite, on the Buda side of the river,built on a high bluff, is the old Hapsburgcastle, now occupied by the HungarianGovernor, which is by far the most pretentious and magnificent structure of itskind I have seen in Europe.The streets in Budapest are wide as inVienna and Paris and many cf them havegrass lanes with trees and flower beds inthe center. Traffic moves to the left as inmost other central European cities and tobe sure isn't as swift moving or congestedas in the States. The Hungarian pedestrians are very slow and leisurely and I'msure would all be killed in less than twenty-four hours if suddenly transplanted in Chicago.The Hungarians as a people are a cleanlooking lot. The majority of the women,both young and old, are "good dressers";they have very pretty smiles and unusuallyanimated eyes. Both men and women arevery amiable and pleasant enough ^xhenthey understand you, but certainly those^^'ho speak only Hungarian arc not successful in this respect with me. However,the so-called best families speak, in addi tion to their "Mutter Sprache," at leastGerman and quite often French. All theHungarians are very eager to learn English as well as to come to America, and ifit were not for my Legation duties I'msure I could do a big business teachingEnglish. The two most frequent questionsto which I have become accustomed are:"Will you teach me English?" and "Canyou help me get a passport to go to America?" Since the enactment of the restrictedimmigration laws the quota of Hungariansallowed to come to the United States is always filled for many months in advance. Iam teaching one Hungarian English and inturn getting German lessons through themedium of French which we both know.This chap is so eager to learn that he amusesme, and if I'm half as bad in my Germanpronunciation as he is in his English, wellthen I'm terrible enough. (Possibly I'meven worse ! )Since I have digressed to the homelysubject of my personal edification, I shouldmention that I'm going three nights a weekto a French school in connection with theFrench Legation here. The training isexcellent and the fee for instruction onlya nominal one.The American Legation here is in a veryexclusive residential section of the city surrounded by beautiful homes which lookmore like palaces than residences. Thehome of Count Szechenyi, the HungarianMinister to the United States, whosewife was American born (Gladys Vander-built), is only a block away. Mr. Bren-tano, the American Minister, also livesonly a few doors away. I was fortunate ingetting located directly across the streetfrom the Legation, in the apartment inwhich the American Military Attache, recently transferred to Vienna, had lived.The lad\- to whom the apartment belongs,is a middle-aged Hungarian woman, ex-THE LETTER BOX 189tremely cultured and the widow of an armyofficer who died shortly after the war. Itis almost amusing how poor this womanfeels herself to be as a result of the warand at the same time to see her magnificently furnished apartment. She complainsthat she can now only afford three servantswhereas before the war she had five. Thechief loss she sustained was that of a largefarm confiscated by Rumania, I believe.1 am the only lodger and get service to thepoint of being annoyed. My "Hausfrau"professes to know English but insists thatI speak French inasmuch as it is easier forher to understand than my English accentwhich she finds very difficult. I regardit as quite a joke, but naturally enoughhave to conform to the lady's wishes. Shealways places herself, her apartment andher servants at my disposal when I wishto entertain American friends and my feelings aren't in the least hurt by this goodsportsmanship.As for the cost of living in Europe Ihave found it, with the exception of Paris,to be much higher than in the States. Iwas greatly disappointed to find that theenthusiastic, glowing accounts of the inordinate possibilities of 70,000 crowns the exchange value in Hungarian moneyof an American dollar were altogetherwithout foundation. In this instance theciphers mean zero even when preceded bya figure and one can do scarcely as muchwith 70,000 crowns here as he can with adollar in America.The coffee houses are rather much thecenters of social intercourse. Queer, isn'tit, in a country where, they have things todrink stronger than coffee? But then alittle glass of very potent cordial is alwaysserved with the coffee, cela va sans dire;the patron's wishes do not affect the caseone way or the other. Gypsy bands, whichin reality constitute the national music,furnish Hungarian folk songs and otherstirring selections. To these tunes theHungarians sitting around the tables oftenlend an extra finish in the form of an accompaniment of "goolash" jargon. I havevisited the coffee houses several times, gen erally in company with American friends.At the outset some waiter usually insiststhat I must read a Hungarian newspapereven though I know I can't. However,with the exception of such minor troubles,my trips to these places with their discordant and heterogenious medley of English,German and Hungarian conversation, together with the "chanting" of nationalsongs which I have mentioned, have provedquite fascinating and enjoyable.I have been playing quite a bit of tennissince I arrived in Budapest. Even theHungarians count the score in English andof course I never argue over a little thinglike the score anyway it would certainlybe a futile argument with a Hungarian.One thing I like about the game here isthe caddy system they have. You play withfrom eight to twelve halls which a littleboy, from six to twelve years old, constantly chases for you and deposits in an easilyaccessible box which one finds installed ateither end of the tennis court. This system saves all your energy for the gameitself and necessitates an outlay of thetrifling sum of about five cents an hour inAmerican money.Last month after a very delightful weekend in Vienna with a party of thirty American friends who have been touring Europe by auto, I came back to Budapest bythe air route. I have had aeroplane ridesin Washington, but this was my first experience in a regular passenger plane andI therefore found it quite novel. Theplane followed the course of the Danubeand afforded a delightful panorama of thesurrounding country. It was an extremelywindy day, however, and the plane gavesome dreadful lurches in keeping adjusted,the first ones of which I'll have to admitmade me white at the gills. The otherpassengers, five in number, were Germansonly one of whom could speak English. Ofcourse you either know or have heard howcomfortably these passenger planes areequipped. We all stretched out in bigleather chairs and on the whole reactedrather nonchalantly to the trip, though(Continued on page 206)NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESBy B. J. Green, '29'I" HE DAILY MAROON with asixty page Christmas edition which appeared December 17 easily captured firstplace in news interest for December. Oldgrads will recall the days when Les Rivercreated a sensation by editing a forty-eightpage edition of the Maroon, while oldergrads will remember a twenty-four pagepaper several years ago, and the coup thatJohn Ashenhurst pulled in the older daysof Maroon history with an eight page number. Ashenhurst, by the way, is with theChicago Evening American now.Twenty pages of the holiday number werebound in magazine form. The table of contents carried such names as "Babe" Meigs,Lawrence H. Selz, Nelson Fuqua, EddieCantor, Fred Handschy, Frank HurburtO'Hara, Artie Scott, Jerome C. Kerwin,C. S. Boucher and a string of other contributors whom we are omitting becauselists have a habit of becoming tedious.The news was the knockout feature ofthe paper. Every story that possibly couldbe held was saved for the Christmas edition, and as a result the Washington Promleaders, the Military Ball leaders. Black-friar authorship, interscholastic appointments, and the results of the Settlementdrive were announced in one big lump.WITH Walter Williamson and Harriet Keeney leading the left wing andGifford Hitz and Esther Cook leading theright wing, the twenty-third annual promwill swing into action in accordance withUniversity tradition on February 21. Thefour are probably the most active of activesin campus life. Williamson is Editor of theMaroon, and is a member of Owl and Serpent, Iron Mask, Senior Class Council, Undergraduate Council and of Phi GammaDelta. His partner, Harriet Keeney, is chairmanof the Board of Women's Organizations,women's editor of Cap and Gown, anda member of Nu Pi Sigma, along with theusual class councils and other committees,and is a Quadrangler.The other man, Gifford Hitz, is a trackcaptain, was a Managing Editor of the Capand Gown last year, is Prior of Blackfriars,active in the Interfraternity council, and isa member of Alpha Sigma Phi. EstherCook who will lead the right wing withhim is a member of Nu Pi Sigma, managedthis years Settlement drive, has been a classcouncil member for four years, led theFreshman-Sophomore Prom in her day, andis a member of Sigma.Then there is the Military Ball lead byGerald Bench, Delta Chi, Madge Child,Mortar Board, Eldred Neubauer, AlphaSigma Phi, and Ruth Burtis, Quadrangler.The South Shore Country Club is again theplace of this affair.1^ ELSON FUQUA, who since his grad--^ ^ nation has been trotting across thewater and around Paris, is responsible forthis 3'ear's Blackfriar production. Nelsonhas been places and has seen things, andthey are all in his manuscript. The sceneis laid in Paris and the story describes theactivities of four American university students in the French capital. With an oldmaid teacher in the group and with one manposing as a count, comedy situations arefrequent. Fuqua's title "Plastered in Paris"has gone over big on campus. Fuqua isamong other things a Phi Bete and memberof Beta Theta Pi.$4,749-That is the amount that Esther Cookand Parker Hall, with twenty teams assisting them, raised for the UniversitySettlement. The top teams this year190NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 191brought in over $500. Herberta Van Peltand John Marshall headed them. The driveended December 11, after the annual seriesof tea dances, the tag day and the sale ofballoons at football games. On Settlementnight, we were hooked by the same devicesas the old timers used : flowers, programs,tickets, and food.AAAMEN who were once pledges on campuswill smile when they hear that cigarettes are at last being sold in the ReynoldsClub. They will smile and recall the dayswhen they traipsed down to Fiftj'-fifthStreet for a pack.The Coffee Shop operating in HutchinsonCafe, is now open until 10:30 p. m. Lastnight the boys gathered around its candle-lighted tables, and discussed the possibilitiesof opening up the Quadrangle, installingtables and awnings and German waiterswith white aprons and closely-cropped hair,and serving good old-fashioned beer. Andthen they ordered malted milks as usual.Physically the Campus is engaged in thelong-hoped-for expansion. At one end ofthe Midway sky-line, there is the giganticMedical group and the new BillingsHospital. Both are almost complete, theoutside being raised toward the sky. Ofcourse they are not finished inside yet. Thenbetween Harper and Classics they arebeginning to lay the stones for the newmodern languages building, to be known asWieboldt Hall. The first floor is almostcomplete. On the far east the ugly skeletonof the new University Chapel stretches sixstories into the air. The white stones arerapidly covering the black skeleton and contractors announce that the roof will be onby next April. The new Theological Seminary, which is affiliated with the University, has gone through a dedicationservice, and builders are halfway up the firststory. Two great chimneys tower on thewest side of campus and presage a newheating plant. The temporary buildings,Ellis Hall and Lexington Hall, erectedduring the War, are to be razed; and weare told that a new Administration Buildingwill rise on the site of Lexington Hall. All in all, things look well for the University. Freshman classes become increasingly large, enthusiastic, and promising.AAAEMULATING their older brethren,the Sophomores have adopted a classinsignia. Ten-inch feathers of a brilliantred are worn by both men and womenevery Tuesday. Most of the men clip a bitof the length from the plume and wearonly a sprig, but the idea is getting overand the boys seem to like it. The Juniorsremain the only group without an officialdistinction now. The Frosh have theirgreen caps, the Seniors their canes, and theSophs their feathers.The Freshmen have attracted considerable notice by the activities of their Forum,an organization that discusses, at regularmeetings, all kinds of problems relating tocampus life. Their arguments have shownindependence of thought coupled with surprising soundness of judgment. Cribbing,drinking, and the recent charges of indecency among American college students, aresome of the subjects they have considered.The Green Cap, the two-year-old successor to the Three-Quarters Club, initiateda large group of yearlings who faithfullydashed across campus every day, keeping thestreamers attached to their green caps,parallel to the ground as per schedule.Even the Seniors have been meeting withsocial success and the Senior Dinner thisyear was supposed to be one of the firstthat actually became interesting. WalterSteffen, Carnegie Tech Football Coach, andCook County Circuit Court Judge, also anex-Maroon captain, addressed the 150Seniors present and merited the favorabledescription the campus had of him. He wasgood.Even though most alumni will not knowthem, we can't help mentioning the weddingof Peter Pan and Atlas, two contributorsto the Whistle. Peter Pan of Line O'Typefame, is Virginia Weiss and Atlas is aSigma Nu, William Solenberger. Theyeloped to Milwaukee and kept the Campusstirring while Solenberger's fraternitybrothers looked all over the city for him.192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOR the first time in history and probably for the last time in history, treasures from the only royal tomb ever foundin Palestine were placed on exhibit whenthe Oriental Institute reopened HaskellMuseum December 9, after being closed foralmost a year for the purpose of enlargingand reorganizing the exhibits.When the Divinity School moved fromthe Museum to its new home last fall, theInstitute under the direction of ProfessorJames Henry Breasted, began to bring tolight treasures, some of which had beenstored away in cellars since 1890.Adding to these their more recent purchases, the Palestine Exhibit, being acquiredbut a few months ago, the directors finallyarranged the present display, Avhich includespriceless treasures of Egypt, Arabia, Western Asia, Mesopotamia and other lessknown countries.The dramatic production for last quarter,''The Youngest," it played against a new$800 set, and in addition used for scenerythe best known faces on campus. FrankO'Hara exerted his influence and secured,for **the mob," prominent people in allactivities. The comedy placed to a fullhouse on December 10. RESIGNATIONS filled the last monthof 1926. Theodore G. Soares, forten years University Chaplain, resigned hispost as did J. Spencer Dickerson, Secretaryof the Board of Trustees for more thanthirteen years. Russell Pierce resigned hisposition as Director of Public Relationsduring the month also. He has been succeeded by W V. Morgenstern, formerly asport writer for the Chicago Herald andExaminer.Future Blackfriars stars have been givenan opportunity to train in Joe Barron'sWinter Quarter dancing class, with gymcredit. Selection of the Blackfriar choruswill be made largely from this class, it isannounced. Barron, soft-shoe dancer inseveral past Friars shows, plans to give thecourse each year during the Winter Quarter.Immediately following Christmas Day,Professor James Henry Breasted returnedto the Orient to continue his Archaeologicalresearches. His \vork will take him toEgypt and then to Palestine. During themonths that Professor Breasted has been inAmerica, expeditions have been workingunder his orders, and it is to inspect theirwork and gi\'e them further directions thathe is making the trip.^¦'^^^^t^z's.- ^^imm^m^m^m'^m^m.ts^A^^^^^^Haskell Museum, one of the oldest buildings of the University, now occupiedexclusively by the Oriental InstituteBy George MorgensternThe Basketball Season to DateWITH five games played, NelsNorgren's basketball team has notfound itself, as did last year's team, whichpulled together immediately after the Conference season started and launched a strongearly drive. Although the games so farare really not an adequate basis for estimate,the team hardly seems to have the defenseof a year ago, which was so outstanding afactor in the first half of the Big Ten race,upsetting favorites when least expected todo so. From the scoring angle, the 1927Maroons seem to have better prospects thanwas the case a year ago, although so farthe five has not come up to its potentialitiesalong this line.Norgren has been playing Zimmermanand Kaplan at forwards, Capt. Sackett atcenter, and McDonough and Hoerger atguards. Only Kaplan was not in the regularlineup a year ago. Zimmerman's eyes havebeen bothering him, and in the openingConference game with Iowa Jan. 8 he tookthe floor wearing glasses and a mask. Hisshooting has been badly off at times, and itis uncertain yet whether he will be as stronga scoring asset to Norgren's machine as hewas a year back, when he led the team.Kaplan has played well, but has not comethrough as the consistent scorer that isneeded to pull the team up from being justan outfit that is rated "dangerous." He isfast, however, and has fitted nicely into thefloor game.Sackett is playing much as he did lastyear. He has never been a scorer, but hehas been playing a strong part in the defense in the games so far. McDonoughand Hoerger have not developed into thebrilliant pair that it was thought they mightbe, but they have been playing competentball. Neither has been the scorer he was "^ ,Ted Zimmerman (left) and C.apt.^in- HenrySacketta year ago, when each had a habit of comingthrough with the baskets when they weremost needed in the pinches. Gist, a sophomore center or forward, may fit into thecombination before the season progressesmuch more, but as he did not become eligible until after the first four games wereplayed, he has so far not had much opportunity to be tested. All around, in theopening contests, the Maroons have shownas a sound but unbrilliant team, lacking inscoring strength, and lacking, too, the defense that made the team of a year agosomething better than ordinary.The first game was Dec. 1 1 with theOak Park Y. M. C. A., last year's statechampion in the "Y" league. Popken,former Illinois guard, Birks, the old Michigan captain, and several former high schoolstars were on the team which faced theMaroons in the opener. A good first halflead was all that saved the game for Norgren's team, for Oak Park came strongafter Sackett and Hoerger went out on193194 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfouls, and the gun found the Maroonsholding onto a slim 37 to 36 margin.Steady basketball gave Chicago the nextgame, 35-24, over Michigan State a weeklater. The Maroons had little difficulty indisposing of State and were out in frontall the way. Kaplan's six baskets were thehighlight of the fray. On the twenty-eighththe team made it three in a row by knockingoff Marc Catlin's Lawrence College fiveby a safe 32 to 19 count. Zimmerman hitthe hoop five times and Kaplan four, andwith a half lead of 18-8, Norgren ran inhis substitutes. Breise, Lawrence floorguard, gave the Maroons lots of trouble,but he wasn't enough.The Maroons struck a snag in AmesJan. 3, and playing poorly at all times, werestopped by a 28 to 18 score. The teamplayed loosely all the way, and the shootingwas badly off range. Then came the Conference opener with Iowa, and againChicago was pelted down to defeat, 19 to13. It was pretty close all the game, witha half deadlock at 9-all. Iowa pulled awayin the second period, however, and Capt.Hogan made things safe with a long basketjust before the gun. Hogan and McConnell, the veteran Iowa guards, stoppedChicago with but four baskets, and themargin would have been much larger hadthe Hawks been able to sink more thanthe three free throws out of si.xteen triesthat they made.» » ASwimmers in Relay and FortyTHE swimming team, in a triangularmeet Jan. 7 with the alumni and freshmen, showed only ordinary strength. The160-yard relay team was the only contributor of anything markedly interesting during the evening, but its performance helpedto make up for the dullness in the otherevents. The Maroon quartet of Capt.Noyes, Oker, Rittenhouse and Greenburgwent the eight lengths in 1:17 3-5, four-fifths of a second under the Conferencerecord. Oker swam a good 0:19 1-5 race inthe forty. DATES for the Ninth Annual Basketball Interscholastic have been announced by Chairman John McDonoughand Fritz Crisler, who are handling themeet. March 30 and 31 and April i and2 are the days named for the great scholasticteams of the country to make their yearlyappearance at the Midway. It is expectedforty-two teams, state and sectional champions, will again be invited to compete.Fitchburg, Mass., won the tournament lastyear, with Zanesville, Ohio, the consolationmeet victor.Dickson Leaves Coaching For LawCAMPBELL DICKSON, assistantfootball and track coach, has resignedfrom the Chicago coaching staff, and aftergraduating from the Law School springquarter will take up practice. HarryFrieda, holder of the University record inthe javelin, will take Dickson's place incoaching the track field events this winter.Captain Bert McKinney (left) and CaptainEd NoyesWITH the opening of the track seasononly a little while off, prospects havebeen dimmed considerably by the fact thatCapt. Bert McKinney, sprinter and lowhurdler, may not be able to compete.McKinney suffered internal injuries during the past football season, and recentlywent to the hospital to be under observation.It is not sure at present whether he willbe in condition to run during the indoormeets.OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmeSj Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1 102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids^ Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 21St St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,1885 E. 75th St.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. Alice Loweth,1885 E 75th St., Cleveland, Ohio.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pees., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Sue HamiltonYeaton, 3340 N. Meridian St.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel. Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegan, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District Atty.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush.195Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wakefield, 1419 31st Ave., S.E.Rapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second B nk Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Hanson, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. LaSalle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54thPI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana \\e.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, Universitv ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. KLir-quette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. LaSalle St.'11. William H, Kuh, 2001 Elston Axe. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Topeka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la.. Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeolugical Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th &: Irving St., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuyler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.of the P. LSouth India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu,20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Tokyo, Japax. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.'12 Elizabeth .-V. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13- James .\. Donovan, 400 N. MichiganAvenue.'14- John B. Perlee, 232 S. Clark St.'15- Mrs. Phvllis Fav Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs, Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates .\ve.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. Madison'18. Mrs. Geo. N. Simpson, ^842 StonyIsland .\\e.19- Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester .\ve.'^i- Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis A\t.'2+- Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'^5- Mrs, Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell .\ve.'26. Jennette .M. Havward, 201 S. StoneAvt., LaGrange. III.CLASS SECRETARIES196NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCLAFIONSCollege Notes'79 Samuel J. Winegar, D. B. '82, is DistrictAgent for the Bankers Life Insurance Company,with offices at 208 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.'97 William O. Wilson has been appointedattorney general for the State of Wyoming. Hehas been a practicing attorney in Casper, Wyoming, for the past nineteen years and has heldseveral public offices during that time.'99 Ainsworth W. Clark and Mrs. Clarksailed on January 22d for a Mediterraneancruise. They expect to visit London, Brussels,Paris, Rome and other cities on the continentbefore returning early in April.'99 Alfred O. Shaklee is Associate Professorof Pharmacology at St. Louis University, St.Louis, Missouri.'oi Joseph C. Ewing, J. D. '03, has resumedthe practice of law after a six months triparound the world. He has offices at 200-201Park Place Building, Greeley, Colorado.'04 Don R. Joseph is Professor and Directorof the Department of Physiology at St. LouisUniversity, St. Louis, Missouri.'05 Riley H. Allen, Editor of the HonoluluStar-Bulletin, was the official representative ofthe University of Chicago at the Pan-PacificConference.'05 Frederick D. Hatfield has been appointedAdvertising Manager of the Industrial Institute, publishers of many well-known publications, with offices at 584-589 I. Hellman Building,Los Angeles.'06 Raymond Binford, S. M., is President ofGuilford College, North Carolina, which hasrecently been admitted to the Association ofColleges and Secondary Schools of the SouthernStates.'to Elizabeth C. Meguiar is Assistant Professor of Home Economics at the University ofKansas, Lawrence, Kansas.'10 Margaret Tibbetts teaches Mathematicsat Harrison Technical High School, Chicago,Her home address is 245 E. Division Street,Kewanee, Illinois.'11 Ralph H. Kuhns, M. D. '13, Director ofthe Department of Infants and Children at theIllinois Post-Graduate Medical School, Chicago,is lecturing in different parts of Illinois underthe auspices of the Lay Education Committeeof the Illinois State Medical Society.'11 Samuel Quigley is President of the Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado.'12 Charles W. Saunders, S. M., Ph. D. '26, heads the Department of Chemistry at ThielCollege, Greenville, Pennsylvania.'13 Olive Gray is Assistant Superintendentof City Schools at Hutchinson, Kansas.'13 Louise C. Robb is Principal of GlendaleHigh School, Glendale, Ohio.'14 George S. Leisure has recently been appointed Chief Assistant United States DistrictAttorney for the Southern District of NewYork, and head of the Commercial FraudsBureau.'i6 J. P. Carey is Assistant Professor ofGeography at the Central Michigan NormalCollege, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.'16 Marion Davidson is an architechuralsuperintendent and engineer for Hegeman-Har-ris Company, Inc., 360 Madison Avenue, NewYork City.'16 M, D. Sutton heads the Business Department of Denfield High School, Duluth, Minnesota.'18 Frances R. Donovan teaches English atCalumet High School, Chicago.'18 Phillip Rounsevelle, ex, formerly of NewOrleans, is now located in Pinehurst, NorthCarolina in care of The Archers Company.'19 Sylvia M. Griswold is teaching Botanyand Bacteriology at the Pennsylvania Collegefor Women, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.'20 Marguerite Newmeyer is District Supervisor for the Hebrew Benevolent Society ofBaltimore, Maryland.'20 Mary E. Owen is one of the editorsof F. A. Owen Publishing Company, Rochester,New York, Her address is 405 CanterburyRoad, Rochester.'21 George W. Adams, J. D. '22, is engagedin the general practice of law at 640 TitleInsurance Building, Los Angeles, California,'21 Drusilla Keller teaches Mathematics atTilden Technical High School, Chicago.'22 George J. Fedor, ex, is a classified advertising salesman for the Chicago Herald-Examiner, Chicago.'23 Ruth Bedford is head of the French Department of the Central High School, Lansing, Michigan.'23 Leo J. Connelly is Assistant Credit Manager for the Chicago Tribune, Chicago.'23 Wallace E. Bates is in the Business Survey Department of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago.'23 Paul A. Whitney is Superintendent ofCore Drilling for the Mid-Continent PetroleumCorporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma,197I9S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'24 Dewey M. Beck is New Business Representative for the Union Trust Company, 7 S.Dearborn Street, Chicago.'24 Catherine F. Morgan is Dean of Girlsand Instructor in Chemistry at the JanesvilleHigh School, Janesville, Wisconsin.'24 David McKeith, Jr., is Assistant Business Manager of the Chicago Theological Seminary, 5757 University Avenue, Chicago.'24 Margaret McKinney, S. M. '26, is ser-ologist at the Nelson Memorial Institute, MichaelReese Hospital, Chicago.'24 William I. Newman, ex, is Pastor of theCongregational Church at Ocean Beach, California.'24 Loeva Pierce is teaching Mathematics inKewanee, Illinois. Her address is 304 S. Tre-mont Street, Kewanee.'24 Jennie G. Ramp is Fourth Grade Training Teacher in the Lincoln School, Ypsilanti,Michigan.'24 B. F. Shafer, A. M., is Superintendentof Schools at Jacksonville, Illinois.'24 Kwen I. Tai, Ph. D. '25, is ExecutiveSecretary of the Ling Tong Baptist Council,Swatow, China.'25 Elsa Allison is attending business schoolin Seattle, Washington. Her address is c/o Y.W. C. A. Hotel, Seattle.'25 Gertrude Burns heads the NurserySchool Department of Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.'25 Stella Campbell, A. M., is Head of theEnglish and History Departments of the Collegiate Institute, Smith's Falls, Ontario, Canada.'25 Helen Battin teaches first grade in Sussex School, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio.'25 Florence Gabriel is Principal of MalvernSchool, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio.'25 Felix Caruso is General Manager ofAugust Caruso & Sons, Wholesale, at 52 SouthWater Street, Chicago.'25 Mrs. Ada J. Davis is Assistant Professor of Sociology at North Carolina Collegefor Women, Greensboro, North Carolina.'25 Charles H. Dwight, S. M., is Instructorin Physics in the College of Engineering andCommerce, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,Ohio.'25 Rose Hogue heads the Department ofHome Economics at the Central Michigan Normal School, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Her newhome address is 715 S, Kinney, Mt. Pleasant.'25 Franz K. Mohr, A. M., formerly of theUniversity of Illinois, has joined the facultyof the University of Virginia, Charlotteville, asInstructor in German.'25 Amy I. Moore is continuing in her position of Mathematics Instructor in the SeniorHigh School, Leavenworth, Kansas, where shehas been for the past six years,'25 Edith Nelson teaches in the Home Econ omics Department of the State High SchoolChisholm, Minnesota.'25 Alice E. Paine is Librarian at the SeniorHigh School, Grand Island, Nebraska.'25 John F. Putman is spending his secondyear at the University of Porto Rico, Rio Pied-ras, Porto Rico, where he teaches History.'25 Mabel Rutan, A. M., is Head of theSocial Science Department of the Kankakee HighSchool, Kankakee, Illinois.'25 George A. Salser, A. M., is Principalof the Park Elementary School, Wichita, Kansas.'25 Virgie Seffens teaches Mathematics inthe Central High School, Memphis, Tennessee.'25 Nina L. Wheeler, S. M. '26, is Instructorof Geography in the Hathaway Brown School,1945 East 97th Street, Cleveland, Ohio.'25 David L. Wickens, A. M., is AssociateEconomist with the Finance Division of theUnited States Bureau of Agricultural Economics.His address is 1724 Eye Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.'26 Edward L, Carr is Head of the Department of Mathematics at Union University,Jackson, Tennessee.'26 J. M. Hutchinson, A. M,, is Instructor ofEducation at Drake University, Des Moines,Iowa.'26 Anna M. Stokes teaches in the DouglasSchool, Chicago. Her address is 5812 AddisonStreet, Chicago.Commerce and AdministrationA banquet was given by the Alumni ofthe School of Commerce and Administration on December 9 at the Traffic Club.The Committee on Entertainment arranged a program which differed from thoseusually given, in that no business topic wasintroduced during the entire evening.They were fortunate in securing JudgeVictor P. Arnold, Head of the ChicagoJuvenile Court and a nationally knownfigure, as the after-dinner speaker, and MissFlorence Brinkman, a well known pianist,to furnish the music during the dinner hour.Judge Arnold discussed the morals ofthe youth of today and explained the organization and workings of the Juvenile Court.Miss Brinkman entertained her listenerswith some classical dance music.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 199School of EducationThe Chicago DinnerThe University ClubDallas, Texason the evening of March 2, 1927Tickets $2.50 eachFaculty NotesAt the close of the present academic yearProfessor George S. Counts, who came asprofessor of education to the University ofChicago in July, 1926, will become the assistant director of the International Institute of Teachers College, Columbia University. This position gives Professor Countsan opportunity to study the foreign schoolsystem and to deal with students from othercountries who come to the United Statesfor the purpose of becoming acquaintedwith the organization of American schools.Professor Counts will spend the autumn inRussia where a number of experiments arebeing tried in modification of the courseof study and of the training of teachers.Mr. Reavis will speak before the SouthCarolina State Teachers Association at itsmeeting on March 24 and 25 at Greenville,South Carolina. He will also give a seriesof addresses to the faculty of the HighSchool at Columbia, South Carolina, priorto the meeting in Greenville.Mr. Tryon addressed the teachers ofsocial studies of the Grand Rapids, Michigan, schools in December and spent twodays in conference with the Committee onthe Social Studies in Junior and SeniorHigh Schools. In February he attended theSeventh Annual History Conference at theState University of Iowa, making two addresses before the conference.AAACourses for LibrariansCourses for librarians will be given during the coming Summer Quarter, similarto the series that was organized and con ducted during the Summer Quarter of1926. Pending the organization of theGraduate Library School these courses arebeing arranged by Dean Gray of the College of Education.^ A d,University High SchoolOn December 7 thirty-four high-schoolprincipals of Chicago and suburban townsspent the day visiting classes at the University of Chicago High School. At theclose of the day a conference was heldfor the discussion of problems pertaining tothe technique of instruction employed in thedifferent subjects taught in the UniversityHigh School.School of Education Notes'ii Mrs. Margaret Gordon Arnold, Cert., ofAudubon, Iowa, is co-author of Folk Tales Retold published by Bruce Publishing Co., of Milwaukee.'13 George A. Beers, A. M., A. B. '00, inFebruary 1926 was made Principal of the JohnMarshall High School of Chicago.'14 Miss Clara Schmitt, Ph. D., is Supervisorof the Psychological Clinic of the Public Schoolsof Los Angeles, Calif.'14 Miriam Maud Taylor, Ph. B,, is connected with the Normal Department of Valparaiso University as Training Teacher inEnglish.'15 Harry E. Carlson, A. M., Ph. B. '14,is Professor of European History at CraneCollege, Chicago, Illinois.'16 Myrtle D. Bartholomew, Ph. B., is Manager of the Community Tea Room at Batavia,Illinois.'17 Grace Vollintine, Ph. B., who is a member of the faculty of the Francis W. ParkerSchool, Chicago, is the author of a historytextbook, Tlie Making of America, published byGinn & Co.'18 Helene Sliffe, Ph. B., gives her addressat Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is AssistantState Supervisor of Elementary Education inLouisiana.'20 Joseph Sudweeks, A. M., is AssistantProfessor of Educational Administration inBrigham Young University, Provo, Utah.'22 Nellie Evers, Ph.B., has spent the summers of 1924 and 1926 as a student at theUniversity of Mexico. She is teacher of Spanish and English at the Calumet High School,Chicago, during the rest of the year.'24 Howard J. McGinnis, A. M,, resignedhis posisiton as president of the State NormalSchool, West Liberty, Virginia, to pursue courses200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtoward the Ph. D. degree at Peabody College,Nashville, Tennessee.'24 Edena E. Smith, Ph. B., is Principal ofthe Laura Coffee Memorial School at DesMoines, Iowa.'24 Alfred H. Webster, A. M., is AssociateProfessor of Rural Education at the Universityof Georgia, Athens, Georgia.'25 Mary R. Barnette, Ph. B,, teaches political economy at Hughes High School, Cincinnati, Ohio, and edits the Official Bulletin ofthe Cincinnati Teachers Association.'25 Eleanor M. Johnson, Ph. B., is Supervisor of the Elementary Grades at York, Pennsylvania. She is the author of Ctiild LifeReaders, published by Lyons and Carnahan,Chicago,26 William A. Brownell, Ph. D,, A. M. '23,is Assistant Professor of Rural Education atCornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.'26 Helen S. Liggett, Ph. B., is second-gradeteacher at the Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore,Maryland.'26 Lois E. Obenshain, Ph. B., is teaching inthe primary department of the Public Schoolsat Freeport, Illinois.'26 M. Grace Tripp, A. M,, is seventh andeighth grade critic at the State Normal School,LaCrosse, Wisconsin.Rush Medical CollegeAlpha Omega Alpha InitiatesThe following students were elected fromthe Junior Class at Rush to Alpha OmegaAlpha, the national honorary medical society.Philip F. ShapiroArthur SterinErnest B. ZeislerSamuel L. GoldbergWilliam J. FrederickMargaret L. DavisPeter A. RosiRussell C. CarrellMaurice L. CohenClarence L. LyonFrom the Senior Class the followingstudents :Leo K. CampbellAnton P. HessPercival A. GrayArthur H. KlawansLucia HazzardArnold L. LiebermanRobert C. HetheringtonGladys M. Kindred Wilfred E. NewmanMeyer A. PerlsteinThomas P. Findley Jr.The annual initiation and dinner wereheld at the Quadrangle Club on Tuesdayevening, December 7, 1926.Dr. B. C. H. Harvey addressed thesociety on "Vesalius, His Life and Times."One of the original editions of Vesalius'swork was exhibited, having been publishedin 1542.'94 J- F- Shelley has been practicing medicine at Elmdale, Kansas, since 1894.'96 D. A. Angus is practicing at Rosalia,Washington.'96 Michael R. Miley is continuing his practice of medicine at Beecher, Illinois, where hehas been located for over 28 years.'97 J. E. Luckey has been practicing atVinton, Iowa, since 1897.'01 Ralph Emerson Weible is connected withthe Dakota Clinic, at Fargo, North Dakota,as surgeon.'01 Francis M. Link has been specializing inUrology at Paris, Illinois, since 1904.'01 D. D. Monroe is Superintendent of theMadison County Sanitarium at Edwardsville,Illinois.'04 Mabel Elliott recently passed the Japanese government examination and is in privatepractice in Tokyo as well as in St, Luke'sHospital, Tokyo, Japan.04 Grace Papot practices general medicineat 509 Guaranty Building, West Palm Beach,Florida.'04 Daniel M, Schoemaker is Professor ofAnatomy at St, Louis University, St. Louis,Missouri..'05 Charles H. Neilson is Professor of Internal Medicine at St. Louis University, St,Louis, Missouri,'06 Frederick B, Moorhead was recentlyelected President of The .American Associationof Oral and Plastic Surgeons, He is located atSuite i8i2 Peoples Trust &: Savings Bank Building, Chicago,'17 David J. Margolis is practicing medicineat 1126 Granville Avenue, Chicago.'21 Henry .A, Callis is located at 3736 S.Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'21 H. J. Shelley is practicing at 1148 FifthAvenue, New York, City,'24 Nelson W. Barker is associated with theMayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota. Hisaddress is 227 - 4th Avenue, S. W., Rochester.'24 Robert L. Johnston is spending his second year on the medical service of the FordHospital, Detroit, Michigan. His address is1381 Seward, Detroit.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 201'24 Waldo N. Graves is practicing surgeryin Webster, South Dakota.'25 E. W. Rawson practices medicine at 250722d, North, Seattle, Washington.'25 Reuben Hurwitz is interning at theMichael Reese Hospital, Chicago.'25 Daniel G. Lai is head of Hopo Hospital,Hopo, via Swatow, China. He was formerly onthe staff of the Peking Union Medical CollegeHospital, Peking, China.Doctors of Philosophy1903 Florence Nightingale Jones and hersister Jessie Louise Jones (Ph. D. in German,1897) have retired from Lewis Institute andare living in Orlando, Florida.1905 G. F. McKibben, now at the SeminarioBautista at Saltillo, Mexico, is preparing forpress a translation into Spanish of A. B. D.Alexander's Christianity and Ethics to be entitled El Christianismo y la Etica.1913 Francis W. Kracher is Professor ofModern Languages in the University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa.1914 J. O. Lofberg is Head of the Department of Classics at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia.1918 Joseph E. A. Alexis is Professor ofRomance Languages at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.1920 Ethel Preston's thesis is now appearingin Paris, translated into French, under thefollowing title: Recherches sur la Technique deBalzac1921 C. E. Parmenter is now Associate Professor of Romance Languages in the Universityof Chicago, where he is devoting most of hisenergies to the increasing work in Romancephonetics.1922 L. Allen is now Associate Professor ofFrench in the University of Toronto, Toronto,Ontario, Canada.1922 Irving Garwood is Head of the Department of English at Western Illinois StateTeachers College, Macomb, Illinois.1922 A. H. Schutz, now Assistant Professorof Romance Languages in the University ofMissouri, contributed a paper to the group meeting on the Renaissance at the Modern LanguageAssociation meeting at Cambridge.1923 N. H. Clement's thesis has been published with modifications by the University ofCalifornia Press under the title The Influenceof the Arthurian Romances on the Five Booksof Rabelais.I923^P. G. Moorhead is Professor of Latin at the College of Charleston, Charleston, SouthCarolina.1923 W. D. Trautman, formerly AssociateProfessor of Modern Languages at the CaseSchool of Applied Science, has accepted theposition of Associate Professor of German atWestern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.1924 Ruth Shepard Phelps has been promoted to a professorship in Romance Languagesat the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.1924 P. F. Smith, Jr., Assistant Professor ofSpanish in the University of Chicago, was outof residence during the Autumn Quarter undermedical care, but returned for the WinterQuarter.1925 Edwin R. Hunter is Professor of English at Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee.New Year's Statement by PresidentMax MasonIN HIS recent New Year's statementPresident Max Mason said that the firstconstruction project of the University's vastmedical program is nearing completion, andone building was occupied during the pastyear. In the course of 1927 the AlbertMerritt Billings Hospital, Epstein Dispensary, Pathology Building, Medical Administration Building, and the building forphysiology, physiological chemistry, andpharmacology, all representing the initialproject in the medical program of the University, will be completed and in use.The new modern languages building,Wieboldt Hall, for which the cornerstonewas recently laid, is rapidly rising on theMidway and will be occupied during 1927.Another building, the first unit of the projected chemical group, was made possibleduring the past year by a gift from GeorgeHerbert Jones, and construction will bestarted and perhaps completed in 1927.Work has gone forward throughout theyear on the University Chapel, the beautifulstructure whose gothic tower wall rise 200feet above the Midway, to dominate theUniversity group."Taken all together, the actual workcompleted, commenced, or carried forwardduring 1926," President Mason said, "constitutes a composite building program of$10,000,000 which reaches back into 1925."202 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Story of the University ofChicago(Continued from page 172)doubt. On parting, he reassured me somewhatby inviting me to breakfast next morning, andafter breakfast we stepped out on the streetand walked to and fro on the sidewalk in frontof his house. No. 4 West Fifty-fourth Street. Itwas a delicious May morning. It was agreedthat the least possible sum on which we couldstart, the least sum which could or ought to command confidence of permanence, would be $1,-000,000. Of this he said he thought he mightgive as much as $400,000, if it should be absolutely necessary. I explained to him that itwould be impossible for the society to raise$600,000 to his $400,000, or even $500,000 to his$500,000; that nothing less than $600,000 fromhim to $400,000 from the denomination gave anypromise of success. For success we should haveto go before the people of Chicago and the Westwith the thing more than half done at the start.Such a proposition they would not, they couldnot, allow to fail. Anything less than that wouldnever even get started. It would be doomed tohopelessness and to failure at the outset. "Give$600,000 of the $1,000,000, and everybody wouldsay at the outset: 'This will not, cannot, mustnot fail ; every adverse interest must and willefface itself. The whole denomination, west andeast, will rise as one man to do this whetherThe Home oft J ewe ry*'C" Pennants"C" Book Ends"C" View Books and other things dearto the lovers ofThe Old MaroonShop by Mail at theUniversity of Ciiicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Avenue other things are done or not.' " At last, at acertain point near Fifth Avenue, Mr. Rockefellerstopped, faced me, and yielded the point. Nevershall I forget the thrill of that moment. I havesince then been intimately associated with him.I have seen him give $10,000,000, $30,000,000-000, $100,000,000, but no gift of his has everthrilled me as did that first great gift of $600,-000, on that May morning after those months ofanxious suspense.After the decisive words, Mr. Rockefeller invited me down to his office to work out thepledge and all the details. I wrote the firstdrafts of the pledge, and we together worked itover again and again, trying various forms ofwords until it took the shape in which it stands.The report of the Committee in April, definingthe institution to be founded, was put by me inthe shape of a series of brief, pointed resolutions. Mr. Rockefeller required that I keep hispledge absolutely confidential until the societyshould have adopted the resolutions without material change. If the society should fail toadopt the resolutions, committing it and theBaptist denomination to the Chicago enterpriseas there outlined, and doing so 'without anyknowledge lohate'ver of his pledge, doing so inadvance of any assurance ivhatever from him,tlien the pledge ivas to be returned to him undelivered.I went to Boston and duly presented theresolutions, first to the board which adoptedthem without change and then to the societyitself; and on the adoption of the resolutions,Mr. Rockefeller's pledge was announced andreceived with wild enthusiasm.Mr. Rockefeller's pledge of $600,000 toward$1,000,000 required the society to raise $400,000more within the period of one year. Theresolutions fixed the character of the institution. It was to be at the first a college, thoughit might grow into a university. There mightbe an academy in connection therewith. Theinstitution should be located within the cityand not without it in a suburb. The siteshould be not less than ten acres. Thepresident and two-thirds of the trustees wereto be Baptists, Both sexes were to be affordedequal opportunities.The proposition of Mr. Rockefellerwhich was read at the meeting of the Education Society in Boston, May 18, 1889, inconnection with the action pledging theSociety to take immediate steps toward thefounding of a well-equipped college in thecity of Chicago, was as follows :May 15, 1889Rev. Fred T. Gates. Corresponding Secretary,.tmerican Baptist Education Society:Mv Dear Sir: I will contribute six hundredthousand dollars ($600,000) toward an endow-THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 203ment fund for a college to be established atChicago, the income only of which may be usedfor current expenses, but not for land, buildings,or repairs, providing four hundred thousanddollars ($400,000) more is pledged by good andresponsible parties, satisfactory to the Board ofthe American Baptist Education Society and myself, on or before June i, 1890, said four hundredthousand dollars, or as much of it as shall berequired, to be used for the purpose of purchasing land and erecting buildings, the remainder of the same to be added to the abovesix hundred thousand dollars, as endowment.I will pay the same to the American BaptistEducation Society in five years, beginning within ninety days after completion of the subscription as above and pay 5 per cent eachninety days thereafter until all is paid; providing not less than a proportionate amount isso paid by the other subscribers to the fourhundred thousand dollars; otherwise thispledge to be null and void.Yours very truly,Jno. D. RockefellerThe reading of this proposal and theaction resolving to enter at once on thework of founding the new institution wasgreeted with tumultuous applause. Enthusiastic speeches of indorsement weremade and the whole assembly united insinging: "Praise God from Whom allblessings flow."Such then was the happy outcome of theanxieties of those most interested, of themany letters, interviews, and consultationsof the seven preceding months, and of manyhopes and fears. All had ended in enthusiasm, shouting, and songs of praise. Iwas the only man who was depressed. Ihad earnestly pressed for an unconditionalpledge. But here was the great sum of$600,000 conditioned on our raising $400,-000 in a single year. I knew that I wouldbe called on to help raise that, as it thenseemed, enormous amount of money. Ithought I knew, as few others did, whatwe were up against. While others, therefore, were enthusiastic and confident, I returned home from the great meetingdepressed and ((oubtful. The final event,happily, showed how foolish I had been andhow truly and wisely Mr. Rockefeller hadopened the way.(To be continued) HowlsYourCREDIT?YESTERDAYlife insurance agentswere considered a bore, atime consuming nuisance.That prejudice has disappeared now.Today, if you ask abanker about your credit,he asks you about yourlife insurance.But, though you mayhave enough insuranceto satisfy your banker,you may not have exactlythe right arrangement ofpolicies to secure you andyour dependents the maximum of future security.A John Hancock agentis a specialist in securityfor the future, the foundation of mental serenity.Ask him to come in..or Boston, MassachusettsA Strong Company, Over Sixty YearsIn Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.204 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economic,and poUtical order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis HallTHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECOND year.University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestionably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effective. Our clients stay with us come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.PFe have busy offices inNEWYORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE Personal Memories of PresidentHarper(Continued from page J76)Through the last months it was a triumphal march to the end. It seemed as ifnot only the University and the city ofChicago but the country at large was watching beside his bed. It was not merely endurance of constant and increasing suffering.There was a calmness and confidence ofspirit, there was the searching look of agreat soul into life and its meaning, therewas the challenge of a strong man concerning the great beyond, and an assuranceof the eternal worth of life, which revealedin all its grandeur a great personality. Hislast prayer, in company with a few of hisclosest friends beside him, was that in thelife to come there might be more work todo and greater things to accomplish. Hewas strong to the end. His last words, soI was told, were: "God helps, God alwayshelps." At his death, flags were at halfmast all over the city. Memorial addresseswere delivered not only here but also atother universities in various parts of thecountry. For myself, as I watched thefuneral procession and saw it disappeartoward the cemetery, it seemed as if theentire heavens had settled down in gloom.Yet the greatness of that sense of loss tendsto emphasize the greatness of the privilegeof having known him and studied andworked under him and enjoyed the friendship of such a man. My personal debt tohim is beyond estimation.It is very much to be regretted that nobiography of President Harper has beenwritten. The memorial addresses, however, portray him truly as far as they go.They are found in the University Recordfor March, 1906, the memorial number.It is also to be regretted that there is nogood painting of him. The one whichhangs in Hutchinson Hall is but a caricature. The artist did not sense his subject.I knew him intimately for many years andI never saw him look like t.iat. Long afterwards I learned what was the trouble, astold to me by one of his secretalies whoknew him best. It was so irksome tohin*THE NEW HASKELL MUSEUM 205to stand to be looked at that he could notlook natural. It was because of his modesty.To have attention directed toward himselfwas always distasteful to him. The lastfew times when he went to the studio hetook her with him and dictated to her whilehe posed, in order to take his mind off fromhimself. Every photograph of him that Iever saw is excellent for the time when itwas taken. Several of them are printed inthe memorial Record. Best of theseis the one at page 50. Best of all is theenlarged copy of this in the Dean's office.There is one like it at the head of the stairsin the Law Building. This is WilliamRainey Harper, the President. This is theportrait of a great man, a lover of people.The New Haskell Museum(Continued from page 16S)Hathor in cow form, a veritable "goldencalf" as in the Mosaic story.Differing greatly from the hieroglyphicand hieratic writing on the splendidPapyri Milbank (illustrated) and Ryerson,are the cuneiform characters on our muchprized six-sided clay prism of Sennacherib (705-681 B.C.). On this the Assyrianemperor recorded to his own satisfaction hisgreat campaigns, some of which are ratherdifferently described in the Old Testament !Early business documents are exhibited,also letters (in the form of clay tablets),brick stamps, bricks bearing ancient kings'names, lamps, pottery, jewelry, and somecurious objects, among them a Jewish incantation bowl such as was placed upsidedown in the grave to imprison the demonsit was exorcising.Herodotus assures us that every Babylonian gentleman carried "a seal and awalking-stick." Evidently the cylinderseal (illustrated) was the earliest identification disk, worn on a cord around theneck or suspended from the wrist. It wasmost useful in business deals, for theseal's impression on the wet clay servedto authenticate documents and to establishproperty rights. The Museum's splendidcollection of cylinder seals, including manyof semi-precious stones, is now being Booksof AllPublishersTelephone MailOrdersReceive Prompt AttentionBest Selection ofCollegeReference Booksin theMiddle W^estWoodworth's Book Store1311 East 57th StreetPhone Hyde Park 1690 Near Kimball Ave.Open EveningsTEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The above organizations, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.206 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFTMore of the consumer'sdollar goes to the farmer\)e.caus,e. of our Economical MarketingSystem, our Large Volume andLow Marketing CostsIt is sometimes said that the farmergets only 35 cents out of the dollar paidby the consumer for all farm products.This is not true of livestock, butter,cheese, eggs and other farm productsmarketed by us.The farmer gets for his livestock nearly60 per cent of the price paid by the consumer for meat.We pay the farmer for his creamnearly 70 per cent of the retail price ofthe butter made from it. Farmers whoproduce the products we handle get moreof the average consumer's dollar. Theamount required to pay the expenses ofhandling livestock and dairy productsthrough the packers' plants and distributing system is less than 15 per cent of theprice paid by the consumer.Because our volume is large and ourmarketing expense is low, the consumer isenabled to get more for his dollar, andmore of the consumer's dollar goes to thefarmer. Our profit is also low averagingonly a fraction of a cent a pound.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 46,000 shareholders assembled in a specially prepared case.Impressions made from the seals will beadded to make clearer the beauty anddelicacy of their carving.This brief and partial introduction tothe Museum will be followed in asubsequent issue by a more detailed accountof its nature and history and of its aspirations for the future.We hope that alumni and students alikew^ll need no further invitation to visitus, and feel safe in assuring them thattheir investment of time and interest willbe amply repaid.A Chicago AN at Budapest(Continued from page 189)everyone found it necessary to grab a strapoccasionally. One man worked a crossword puzzle, one of the ladies read amagazine and the rest of us smoked andenjoyed the scenery. We reached Budapest in an hour and ten minutes, the distance covered being approximately 500miles.MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSMARRIAGESGeorge P. Jackson, 04, Ph. D. '11, to DianthaMills Barnes, December 8, 1926. .-^.t home, loiWoodmont .Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.Philip E. Kearney, '14. to .\lma Duenow,September 12, 1926. .'^t home, 7427 South ShoreDrive, Chicago.Emil F. Bohne, '23, to Helen Voegeli, Augu^st16, 1926. At home, Chicago.Hester Weber, '23, to Laurence A. Isermann,September 28, 1926. .Xt home, Plaisance Hotel,Chicago.Dorothy M. Chilton, '25, to Edward L. Johnson, November 26, 1926. At home, Vircqua, .Wisconsin.Margaret Frances Culver, '25, to Albert H.Sutphen, August 19, 1926. At home, 131S E^*'Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio.Jacob E. Alschuler, J. D. '26, to Carolyn A.MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS 207Strauss, '26, January 11, 1927. At home, 618Garfield Avenue, Aurora, Illinois.Mary McClun, '26, to Robert Hansen, JanuaryI, 1927. At home, 1807 East 72d Street, Chicago.Josephine Pearson, 26, to Rudolph E. Strawn,June 26, 1926. At home, 7153 University Avenue, Chicago.A. Kathryn Pollock, '26, to John H. Bartlett,December 25, 1926. At home, Paris, France.Gertrude C. Wright, '26, to Duane Griffith,June 19, 1926. At home, 3434 Wenonah Avenue,Berwyn, Illinois.ENGAGEMENTSSamuel S. Caplan, '22, to Dorothy J. Shapera.Arthur J. Goldberg, '24, to Beady Edelstein.BIRTHSTo W. S. Hefleran, Jr., '13, J. D. '15, andMrs. Hefferan, a daughter, Marie Catherine,December 19, 1926, at Chicago.To Reginald L. Jones and Mrs. Jones (MarionE. Babcock, '14), a son, Reginald Lamont, Jr.,December 22, 1926 at New York City.To Mr. and Mrs. William F. Tuttle (GraciaAiling, '15), a daughter, Grachen Ailing, November 27, 1926, at Chicago.To Dr. and' Mrs. W. L. Maccani (EdnaM. Bonfield, '16), a daughter, Jane Ann, November 13, 1926, at Ironwood, Michigan.To Harry B. Bogg, Jr., '17, and Mrs. Bogg, ason, Harry Barton III, November 30, 1926, atChicago.To Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Desser (Rose Nath,'17), a son, June 16, 1926, at Los Angeles,California.To William J. Mather, '17, and Mrs. Mather,a daughter, Marjory Evans, November 20, 1926,at Chicago.To Sisenando R. Redondo, '23, and Mrs.Redondo, a son, Virgilio Sisenando, March 28,1926, at San Esteban, Ilocos Sur, P. I.DEATHSWilliam E. Widener, M. D. '90, at TippecanoeCity, Ohio, November 25, 1926.Edwin G. Kirk, '02, Ph. D. '07, M. D. '09,January i, 1927, at Chicago.Bertha L. Knight, '18, at Barnstable, Massachusetts, September 28, 1926.Delia C. Briggs, '21, A. M. '26, December 11,1926, at Madison, S. D.Leila Houghteling, Ph. D. '26, January i, 1927,at Chicago. MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaulMoser,J. D., Ph.B.1 16 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11Ralph W. Davis, '16 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Walter M. Giblin, '23Pa^ilRDavi^&^o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTele-phone Rand. 6280CHICAGOUN I V E R S I T YCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University OF Chicago, ii6 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Winter Quarter begins Jan. 3Spring Quarter begins March 28For Circular of Information AddressThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111."~nTHE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager6i6-6ao SOUTH Michigan avenueCHICAGOOther Office; ()II-I2 Broadway BuildingPortland, Oregon1THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMount RoyalMoDtrci) BlackstoneChicagoMAIN FEATURES OF THE INTERCOLLEGIATEALUMNI HOTEL MOVEMENTInterested alumni can secure from a clerk at the desk of each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel an information leaflet which describes indetail the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement.At each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel there will be maintained a cardindex of the names of all the resident alumni of all the participatinginstitutions. This will be of especial benefit to traveling alumni inlocating classmates and friends.The current issues of the alumni publications of all the participatinginstitutions will be on file at each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel.Reservation cards will be available at the clerk's desk in each designated hotel and at the alumni office in each college or university.These reservation cards will serve as a great convenience to travellers in securing advance accommodations.The managers of all Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are prepared tocooperate with individual alumni to the fullest extent and are alsoprepared to assist in the creation of new local alumni associationsand in the development and extension of the activities of those alreadyformed.PalaceSan FrajiciscoWaldorf-AstoriaNew York Benjamin Frank ui*PhiladelphiaTHE PARTICIPATING COLLEGES:The alumni organizations or magazines of the following colleges anduniversities are participants in the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotelmovement;*AkronAlabamaAmherstBatesBeloitBrownBuckncUBryn MawrCaliforniaCarnegie InstituteCase SchoolChicagoCity College New YorkColgateColorado School MinesColoradoColumbiaCornellCumberlandDukeEmoryGeorgia GouchcrHarvardIllinoisIndianaIowa State CollegeJames MillikenKansas Teachers' CollegeKansasLake EricLehighLouisianaMaineM l.TMichigaii StateMichigacMillsMinnesotaMissouriMontanaMount HolyokeNebraskaNew York University North CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthwesternOberlinOccidentalOhio StateOhio WesleyanOklahomaOregonOregon A.Penn StatePennsylvaniaPurdueRadchfffRollinsRutgersSmith.South Dakota-Southern CaliforniaStanfordStevens InstituteTexas A. and M TexasUnionVanderbiliVassarVermontVirginiaWashington and LeeWashington StateWashingtonWellesleyWesleyan CollegeWesleyanWestern ReserveWhitmanWilliamsWisconsinWoosterWorcester P I,Yale*Ja most instances both the alumni organization and the alumni magazine are participating; as a unit.INTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELS:Roosevelt, New YorkWaldorf-Astoria, New YorkUniversity Center,* New YorkCopley Plaza, BostonUniversity Center,* BostonBlackstone, ChicagoWindermere, ChicagoUniversity Center,* ChicagoBenjamin Franklin, PhiladelphiaWillard, WashingtonRadisson, MinneapolisBilrmore, Los AngelesTo be built in 1916-17 Palace, San FranciscoOlympic, SeattleSeneca, RochesterClaremont, BerkeleyOnondaga, SyracuseSinton, CincinnatiWolverine, DetroitMultnomah, Portland, Ore.Sacramento, SacramentoCalifornian, FresnoLincoln, Lincoln, Nebr. Oakland, Oakland, Cal.Lycoming, Williamsport, Pa,Mount Royal, MontrealKing Edward, TorontoCoronado, St. LouisBethlehem, Bethlehem, Pa.Urbana-Lincoln, Urbana, IlLSaint Paul, St PaulSavannah, Savannah, Ga.Schenley, PittsburghWolford. Danville. 111.Kino EdwardTorontQ BethlehemBethlehem, Pa LycomingWilliarasport, PaHis faith unconquerable, his passion forwork irresistible, his accomplishment not surpassed in the annals of invention, Thomas AlvaEdison has achieved far more than mankind canever appreciate. February eleventh is theeightieth anniversary of his birth.Wherever electricity is used in homies, in business, in industry there are hearts that are consciously grateful, that humbly pay him homage.GENERAL ELECTRIC95-255E