i/.AJOU/C'CSt/ \i\AJUVW121327 ¦r..^y'Ctniutrsiiii of (1ifffijjt'i ^VOL. XIX NUMBER 3JANUARY, 1927CHICAGO'S EXPERIMENT IN ORIENTATIONGIFT PROVIDES NEW CHEMISTRY BUILDINGTHE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCIL'7 Devastated, I Destroyed^'OneTwoThrOneTwoThree In Babylonia, long before the era of Caesar, thewar lords were fond of extolling their militaryprowess * * *In Assyria the royal artists created wondrous muralsfor the fortress wails, many generations before such artwas icnown in Constantinople and the great citiesof the old world * * *In the Vale of Kashmir, two thousand years beforeUncle Remus told the B'rer Rabbit stories, the oldHindus were recounting fabulous folktales, witty firstcousins of the Arabian Nights * * *And in Chicago, for over thirty years, the Uni\'ersityof Chicago Press published (and still is publishing)good books, books that contain much wisdom — amongthem, (One) Luckenbill's "Ancient Records of Assyriaand Babylonia," (Two) Breasted's "Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting," and (Three) Ryder'stranslation of "The Panchatantra." * * *THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELive them over again!Those good old "days of yore"— those wonderfulcollege days — wouldn't you like to re-live them fora day, a week, a month?Then make the Windermere your "dorm" when inChicago.The Windermere — where you are within walking distance of Cobb Hall and Hitchcock and Bartlett —where you are close to the fraternity section — where,on a clear, quiet night you can hear from your roomthe chimes on Mitchell Tower play "Alma Mater."— where you will probably meet old college friendsand talk over those unforgettable campus episodes.Hotels Windermere have grown with the University— in the same neighborhood — with the same fine traditions — serving many of the same people.For one night — or a thousand and one — you will enjoy Windermere hospitality, character and food.Come to Chicago — and stay at Hotels Windermere.Only ten minutes from the Loop"Vlotelsindermere••CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson Park* OflBcial Hotel Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service114 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn orgaiiiziitiijn of iilmost fift'^ people , with specialists in ,ill branches of advertisingVANDERHOOF^ COM.?ANY Qmerolc/IdvertisirgVANDERHOOF BUILDING • • JW? '^' E. ONTARIO ST..CH1CAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentMultiplying a Loss by anExperience to get a ProfitThe insurance business is like othersin that when you lose a customer itcosts you money. But unlike anyother business we found a way ofmaking the beneficiaries of theIllinois Life Insurance Company anasset instead of a liabilityIn Illinois Life advertising we provedagain that no advertising is so productive as that written by its satisfiedcustomers. We arranged the thankfulletters of beneficiaries in a series ofaction compelling advertisements.In the large majority of cases thisseries has outpulled the copy writtenby otherSjfiftyto one— in actual orders.Perhaps in your advertising, doingthe obvious thing might easily produce results as gratifying.IllinoisLifeInsuranceCo*«m9!»Mem _ 1 her: American Association of Advertising Agencies dg" Natitinal Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XIX NO. 3MnibersJitp of CfjicapifHagajineJANUARY, 1927TA'Bj^ OF co:N^£^rsFrontispiece: Memorial Tablet to Charles Lawrence HutchinsonChicago's Experiment in Orientation 119Reigning Queen Visits Campus 123Gift Provides Chemistry Building 124Digging into the Mound Builders' Past 125The Story of the University of Chicago — Chapter One 127Events and Comment 131Alumni Affairs 134University Notes 136News of the Quadrangles 139Athletics 140Law Notes 144Commerce and Administration 147School of Education 14^News of the Classes , 149Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 158THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postal or express money order. If localto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., Claims for missing numbers should be made withinChicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is jo cents. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian sent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Craw-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,PosUge is charged extra as follows: For Canada. Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents): for all other tlie Chicago Office^XVl'fii?. ^^,^°l',*i,V''i°„°'.;nll,"r''„n;,=° tf^^ Entered as second class matter December 10. 19.4,r^^lTr^f,t * ''' ^ ^ ' ^ »' ti" 1"°" Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Jdw(total 23 cents)., ., . the Act of March 3, i«70.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated."5THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiSecretary-Treasurer, W. RoBERT Jenkins, '24The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo. F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes, '08 ; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'o5; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oi ; Paul H. Davis, '11; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98 ; HerbertE. Slaught, Ph. D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09, D. B., '10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Laverj', J. D., '10; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph. D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni .Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Dean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Assochtion, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., 13; Frederick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace \. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- .Mcljlrov, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minister Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct., Chicago; Secretary, School of Education Alumni Associa-W.^ Robert Jenkins, '24, University of „0N ; President, W. C. Reavis, Ph. D.,*-^''"^''S0. ¦,,, University of Chicago; Secretary,.'\SS0CIATI0N OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY: ¦^[,.5 j^ ^y gixler \ M '¦•<: UnPresident, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, ^^rsity of Chicago. ' " 'University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- ,,beit E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University * ^^erce and Administration Alumniof Chicago Associ.'VTion: PrMji/cn/, John .A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Associ.^tion : President. ''' ^^V^' ^^ ^.^"^ ^t- Chicago; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, ';'''^' ^''"' ^- Slaughter '25, QuadrangleDetroit, Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- ^^"^' University of Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College .\llt.mni Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion: President, Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: President, Ur- D. 'oo, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles .\. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secret.irv of the proper 'i.ssociationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues formembership in either one of the ABSooiations named above, including subscriptionto The, University of Chieago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than o'neAssociation; m such instancua the dues are divided and shared equally bv theAssociations involved. ^ ' '116THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 117A sermonin stonesCECIL RHODES, the diamond kinghad a real idea which he passed on todiamonds in the rough."Be well-rounded men, broad in yoursympathies, " ' he caid, and he made this thebasis for selection of Rhodes scholars.Surely there's a lesson for every man —graduates alike in arts, in pure science orin applied science — to balance the studentin him with the athlete, the individualistwith the man of sociability, the specialistwith the ' 'citizen of the world. " 'For Rhodes' idea was no theory. It isshared by hard-headed business men today.^estetn EtecMc C0mp\Makers of the Nation's TelephonesOne of a series of announcements appearing instudent publications and aimed to interpret to undergraduates their present and future opportunities.|l§«f:'--i:;v:::>>l;.?,J^''^5iiM:^..'f;-: ¦ ¦. :r..-.a:ti -,3S;rc AWts^S^w^rT^atSr^jSS®^Bronze Tablet in Memory of Charles L. HutchinsonRecently Placed in Hutchinson Hall. Gift of Trustees of the UniversityDesigned by Charles A. Coolidge Executed by Fred M. Torreyii8Vol. XIX No. 3Wf)tWini\}tv^itV of CfjtcagoiHaga^ineJANUARY, 1927¦1 HChicago's Experiment in OrientationAFTER three years of experimentwith an orientation course designed^ to give the beginning student theproper perspective on the world of modernthought, sixteen members of the Universityof Chicago faculties have written a bookthat is leading the academic world in thedevelopment of orientation courses and hasat the same time seized upon the popularimagination.In Chicago and elsewhere this boolc withthe somewhat grandiose title, "The Natureof the World and of Man," has been a bestseller. Readers hitherto unsuspected of aninterest in a product of the University, havebeen observed with the book carefully hidden beneath a protecting sleeve. At thepublic library the book has been in constantdemand by that voracious reading publicwhich digests by the same process Gentlemen Prefer Blojtdes and The Story of Phil-losophy. Such is the lure of contemporaryscience. Readers who have never been ina science classroom turn to this book for aknowledge of how the earth came to be.Their imagination is stirred by the galaxiesof stars millions of miles distant, by theworld of the minute electron, by glimpsesof the monsters of distant geologic ages.Introduced to throngs of bacteria and initiated into the secret of how hormones control bodily process, they seem not to be alarmed by the fact that it is all part of aprogram of orienting the collegiate mind.E. E. Slosson neatly summed up the situation when he said that this was a book forthose who have not been to college and forthose who have.Reviewers emerge from the book withone major impression : that it has shown,once and for all, the majestic orderliness ofthe universe. The authors have made thatorderliness the basis of science and havecaused the book, in the words of the Chicago Tribune, to take on "the unity, thecoherence, the march, of one great epicpoem."Simeon Strunsky of the New YorkTimes Book Review has presented an ingenious theory of the origin of the bookand of the orientation course upon whichit is based. "Militant in the best sense,the authors," according to Mr. Strunsky,"are simply conducting a counter attackupon the anti-evolutionists of Tennesseeand elsevi'here. They are not, however,opposing the dogmatism of ignorance withthe dogmatism of science. Their methodsare more subtle. The orientation course,be it observed, is given to the superior student. Is it not, therefore, intended to trainexpert warriors for the battle betweenscience and obscurantism?"119THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEentation program is for, did not mentionwarfare with Dayton as an underlyingpurpose.Ernest Hatch Wilkins, who waslargely instrumental in organizingthe orientation courses.We shall have to refer that question tcDean Ernest Hatch Wilkins on whose in- Warder C. Allee, author of thechapter on The E'volution of theIn^vcrtehraies.It is the constant criticism of higher edu-itiative the course, or to drop the popular cation that it fails to tie together the factsview of the science course as an isolated -,^1, • j- • •,^ i ^u ^ j ^It heaps mdiscnminateiv upon the student.thing, the courses, at Chicago were or- ti u • - '• i_• 1 -nyr ttt-ii • ¦ r ^ i rerhaps it was m reaction to some such^anized. Mr. Wilkins in formulating thevery definite conceptions of what the ori- ;;.^l^iP.Harvet B. Lemon, author of thechapter on Energy: Radiation andAiomic Structure, Henry Chandler Cowles, author ofthe chapter on Interactions BetweenPlants and Their Environment.criticism that the orientation experimentbegan. Its purpose is certainly to removeCHICAGO S EXPERIMENT IN ORIENTATIONthe cause for such criticism in its attemptto give the student "well-defined concep-^: \.!;.¦¦ -^Merle C. Coulter, author of thechapter on The Evolution of thePlant Kingdom.tions of the cosmos and of his relations toit.*' The first systematic study of the entire situation was made under the direction George W. Bartelmez, author of thechapter on Man: His Developmentand Structuremendations of that committee. Two proposals in the Report of the Committee received particular emphasis: first, that apre-view of the A^orld and of man as interpreted by modern science should formthe basic materials for the entire intellectualenterprise of the student ; and second, that atext should l^e formulated to supply the necessary community of materials.The program at Chicago was thereforeCharles Hubbard Judd, author ofthe chapter on Mind in Evolution.of Mr. Wilkins, as chairman of a Committee of the American Association of University Professors. The plan at Chicago wasdeveloped in accordance with the recom- Edwin Oakes Jordan, author of thechapter on Bacteria.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto the world of modern thought. In thethird quarter, for instance, the studentstake a course in **Reflective Thinking." Inthe sophomore year, the social sciences arecovered in the course entitled ''Man in Society." Finally the student's program isrounded out with a course in "The Meaning and Value of the Arts."The orientation program at Chicago hasalso been an experiment in handling thesuperior student. These courses are givento only a select group. Orientation, itwould seem, is as necessary for all studentsAnton J. Carlson, author of thechapter on The Dynamics of LivingProcesses.initiated Avith a course called The Natureof the World and of Man. And the newbook, which to the public is an outline ofscience, was written to supply the necessarytextbook. The course is given five hoursa week for two quarters. It does not attempt to cover the entire field of knowledge, subsequent courses being given forthe completion of the student's adjustmentElliott R. Downing, author of thechapter on Human Inheritance. Alfred S. Romer, author of thechapter on The Evolution of theVertebrates*as it is for the superior student. However,the tendency to pay attention to the superior student rather than to let him aloneis commendable, and while the program isyet in an experimental stage, a small, selectgroup is more easy to control.The orientation courses, especially "TheNature of the World and of Man," are a\ aluable experiment in co-operation. Theyare a meeting-place for ideas and pointsof view. The initial course brings together sixteen members of the science faculty, Professor Horatio Hackett Ne^vmanbeing in general charge of the conduct ofthe program. Associated with ProfessorNewman are Professor J. H, Bretz and(Please turn to page 155)Reigning Queen Visits CampusDURING the past three years theUniversity has been privileged toreceive the heirs apparent to thethrones of two great European nations.The first royal visitor was the Prince ofWales who came to the campus in the fallof 1924. In the spring of 1926, CrownPrince Gustav Adolf of Sweden visited thecampus and the University conferred onhim the honorary degree of LL.D. OnMonday afternoon, November 15, theUniversity was pleased to receive her thirdvisit from royalty, this time a reigningmonarch, Queen Marie of Roumania.The reception committee was headed byPresident Max Mason, and other memberswere as follows : F. C. Woodward, vice-president; Harold H. Swift, president ofthe Board of Trustees; Dean Gordon J.Laing; Dean Henry Gale; Dean Edith Foster Flint; Major F. M. Barrows, headof the Department of Military Science ; Professor W. A. Craigie; Professor H. GideonWells; and Dr. Harry Pratt Judson, president emeritus of the University of Chicago.The royal party consisted of QueenMarie, Princess Ileana, Prince Nicholas,and their official escort. They entered thecampus at Fifty-eighth Street and University Avenue and drove directly to theentrance of Harper Library. The committee received the party in the president'soffice.Queen Marie, the princess and the Princesigned the official visitor's book of the University that bears the names of many ofthe world's notable men and women of thelast three decades. No more significantmemento of the University could have been(Please turn to page 157)President Max Mason and Queen Marie of Roumania at the entrance to HarperMemorial Library123Gift Provides New Chemistry BuildingEARLY in December the Universityannounced the receipt of a gift of$415,000 for equipment and endowment of the chemistry department. Thedonor is Mr. George Herbert Jones, afounder and director of the Inland SteelCompany, and president and treasurer ofthe Hillside Flour Spar Mines. Underthe impetus of this magnificient gift, plansare already under way for the constructionof the George Herbert Jones Chemical Research Laboratory, the first unit of a groupof laboratories devoted to fundamental investigations in chemistry and its relationto medicine and industry.Because the gift provides maintenancefor one of the basic sciences in the new$20,000,000 medical program, it has beenreceived enthusiastically by the Universityand the City of Chicago, It marks a greatforward step in the University's development program and has a direct appealto the people of Chicago in that it forwardsthe plans for making this city the medicalcapital of the nation."The staff and graduate body of the University are most happy for this release fromthe handicaps of the past and present,"declared Professor Stieglitz, head of the chemistry department. "The handicaps result from the fact that the present chemicallaboratory, a gift of the late Sydney A. Kentand erected in 1893, could not anticipatethe revolutionary progress made in chemistry and the vast increase of interest in thatstudy during the past thirty years."When the full building program hasbeen completed, Kent Chemical Laboratorywill be used wholly for undergraduate Avorkand all of the graduate work will be housed in the new buildings. Proposed extensions will also provide opportunity fordeveloping research in fields of chemistrynot now intensively cultivated at the University. Among such fields are photosynthesis ( the formation of food products inplants with the aid of sunlight), metallurgy,colloid chemistry and synthetic organicchemistry. The laboratory will be equippedwith small private rooms in which expensive and elaborate apparatus can be builtup and used AA^ithout disturbance. Otherfeatures of the construction will be laboratories for work at a constant temperature,high current electric power for special investigations, and special lighting equipmentfor carrying on continuous day and nightwork.".^ AJ|>j>^:/-t'X^^r'v^Architect's drawing of the new George Herbert Jones Chemical Laboratory.124Digging Into the Mound Builders' PastIT IS interesting that, in spite of theworld-wide interest in pre-historicexcavations and in spite of the closeproximity of the Illinois Indian mounds,there has not until recently been a systematic and scientific study made of thesemounds. Up until 1926 the archaeologicalmaps of America were marked "unexplored" in the region of our own state.The department of Anthropology at theUniversity of Chicago, acting on its motto,"A man learns by doing," has this past yearput its graduate classes into the field andthe members of these classes are now making a thorough investigation of thesemounds.The first task of the students was toconduct a survey of three counties — JoDavies, Will, and Kankakee. All existingmounds were surveyed and mapped and locations of former mounds which had beendestroyed were carefully charted. Localcollections were studied for the light theymight reveal, photographs were taken, andall possible data was collected and organized. In September all the students Averebrought together in one place and beganthe actual work of excavating, about fourmiles northwest of the historic town ofGalena. Their physical equipment consisted of a truck fitted up with bunks, electric lights, and all the implements necessaryto the actual work of excavating. Thetruck bore the coat of arms of the University and attracted wide attention whereverit went, thus introducing the party andassuring them of a warm reception.For two weeks the party surveyed, dug,and recorded their findings. At the end ofthat period, on the invitation of the De-?/ '-¦'¦'.9-emDr. Cole and Dr. Sapir bidding good-bye to Paul Martin and John Blackburn as they areabout to embark for the field in the unique Archaeological service car.125126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpartment, representatives of several institutions assembled for a week-end conference in the field. The methods pursuedwere discussed, new methods suggested,and then students and experts worked together for three days in the development oftechnique.A typical example of the work conductedin the field was the excavation of a so-called effigy mound,or "serpent" mound,on Peter Snyder'sfarm northwest ofGalena.To the uninitiated this serpentmound would havemeant nothing morethan a long furrow,perhaps nothingmore than an extradeep furrow turnedup in the last plowing. But not so tothese more exactand experienced observers. To themit was a potentialstorehouse of historic fact.A survey of themound showed thatit was approximately two hundred andtwenty-five feetlong, undulating and waving like a snake,and the extreme width at the head of theeffigy was approximately thirty feet. Atape line was drawn at right angles to thehead, across the full width of thirty feet,and staked at either end. Another tape linewas placed parallel to this first line and fivefeet awa\'. The working territory thusmapped, they were ready to begin the actualdigging. Here again the casual observerwas lost. No matter how closely he watchedhe was able to discover no unusual signswhich would indicate more than that a ditchwas being dug. But to the students at workthe story of the mound was being slowlyrevealed.A spade was thrust deep back under theDr. Cole instructing Miss Charlotte Gower,a graduate student, as she prepares"Oswald" for his future home.side of the trench. It struck a bed of clay.A sign of satisfaction and increased interestcame from the worker."It's dead soil," he said. "All this earthhas been moved since nature put it here —and moved by some superior animal whoknew the use of fire. See?"In his hands he crumbled a bit of charcoal.Some of M r.Snyder's friends hadbeen skeptical.They had thought,just as the ordinarylayman would, that„. the mound wasnothing more thanan ordinary furrow.But the presence ofcharcoal was unde-n i a b 1 e evidence.W o o d buried atthat depth wouldhave been decayed.Charcoal is a preservative and hadremanied to tell thestory of a fire whichsome previous racehad 1 e f t. Thework progressed onthrough the day butthe secret of the"serpent" remainedhidden from theworkers. Much that they found gave proofof the artificial origin of the mound, butnothing they found gave up the secret ofthe particual form and its usage. It is certain, however, that the effigy mound is nota burial place as are the lineal and conicalmounds.It was under one of the lineal moundsthat "Oswald," alias "Chief Rain-in-the-Face," was found. "Oswald," we gather,is the name born out of pure playful affection ; "Chief Rain-in-the-Face" the nameborn out of natural conditions — stormyAveather at the immediate time of his rebirth into the light of the world At anyrate, call him what you will, he is an in-(Please turn to page 154)The Story of The University of ChicagoBy Thomas Wakefield GoodspeedReprinted through courtesy of The University of Chicago PressI. BeginningsTHE plainest record of the origin, rise,and development through its firstthird of a century of the Universityof Chicago sounds like an educationalromance. It might have come out of theArabian Nights. But, although it has allthe elements of a romance, it is a true tale.The University itself,with its faculty, itsstudents, its buildings, itsresources, and its alumniis the eloquent witnessof the truth of the story.It is not the creation ofany lamp of Aladdin ;but men of the generation preceding its birthlabored and the University entered into theirlabors. It grew out ofa soil made rich and productive by earlier institutions.Among these institutions was the first University of Chicago. Therewas such an institutionquite distinct from andantedating by thirty-fouryears the present University. It was establishedunder the same religiousauspices and bore thesame name. It originated in a grant bySenator Stephen A. Douglas, in 1856, ofabout ten acres of land "for a site for auniversity in the city of Chicago." This sitewas on the west side of Cottage GroveAvenue, a little north of Thirty-fifth Street.Dr. J. C. Burroughs was elected president ; a four-story stone building, the southwing of what was intended to be a monumental structure, was erected, and thework of instruction in the new building wasbegun in September, 1859. The centralThomas Wakefield Goodspeed, oneof the inspired group who led inthe founding of the University ofChicago, is the University Historianand author of The Story of theUniversity of Chicagopart of the building was begun in 1863-64.It was large and imposing, with a loftytower in front and the Dearborn Observatory in the rear. Before it was fullycompleted the institution had become soburdened with debt that building operationswere suspended, never to be resumed. TheUniversity suffered from a series of publiccalamities, which, combined with internal dissensions, finally broughtits useful career to anend. The panic of 1857destroyed the value of itsfirst large subscription.The Civil War of 1861-65 made financial progress impossible for anumber of years. Thegreat fire of 1 871, followed by the panic of1873 and the second bigfire of 1874, completedits financial ruin, thoughit continued its strugglefor existence twelveyears after this last disaster. Nothwithstand-i n g this unfortunatefiscal history the old University had an interestingand fruitful educationalcareer. Many of themost distinguished citizens of Chicago were members of its boardof trustees. Senator Douglas was the firstpresident of the board and was succeededby William B. Ogden. Following Dr. J.C. Burroughs in the presidency of theinstitution were Senator James R. Doolittle,Dr Lemuel Moss, Alonzo Abernethy, Dr.Galusha Anderson, and Dr. George C.Lorimer. In April, 1886, the trusteeselected to the presidency Dr. William R.Harper, later president of the present University of Chicago. Seeing no hope for the127128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfuture of the institution, Dr. Harperdeclined the position and a few monthslater, in June, 1886, the educational workof the first University of Chicago wasdiscontinued. Measured b)' present-dayuniversities it had always been a smallschool. It had medical and law departments, a preparatory school, and college,but during the entire twenty-eight years ofits educational work it did not enroll abovefive thousand students in all its departments.But it had good teachers and served itsstudents well. From its college classes 312graduates were sent out. From among themrose capitalists, bankers, editors, ministers,missionaries, lawyers, professors, judges,presidents 0 fcolleges, menand women successful, some ofthem eminent,in all the activities of lifeThe first University of Chicago was not alarge institution. It hada troubled bis-t o r y. But itproducedaprofound c o n-viction that Chicago was thepredestined seat of a great institution oflearning and the inextinguishable desireand unalterable purpose that a new university, built on more secure foundationsand offering greater and better facilities,should succeed the old one. It was this interest and this desire and this purpose that,when the time came and the call for offerings \\-as made, brought so great a response.The first University av.xs an essential factoramong the forces, the conjunction of whichprepared the way for and eventually combined to create the present University.Another of these factors, not less important than the first, \\;is the BaptistUnion Theological Seminary, which is nowthe Divinity School of the l'ni\ersity. Thisschool opened in the fall of 1867. The number of students was small for a numberof years and the financial resources veryslight. The classes were accommodated inthe University lecture-rooms. The twoinstitutions, had they consulted the state oftheir treasuries and their financial prospects,would have occupied the University buildings together for an indefinite period. Thecolossal nature of the blunder committed bythe University in erecting its main building,and thus incurring debts that finallycrushed it, had not, at this time, 1867, become apparent. It was in the full tide ofsuccess, with a magnificent new building,the confidence and generous co-operation ofChicago, and an apparently splendid future.The Baptists ofthe city wereprosperous.Their churcheswere growing.They av e r eproud of theireducational institutions andlooked forwardto a great andinfluential future. It was notto be thoughto f, therefore,that the newSeminary shouldnot have abuilding of its own. Before the work ofinstruction began, architects were employed.The trustees were prudent men, and it mustbe said for them that they fully intended tobuild so modestly that there would be noquestion about their ability to finance theenterprise. Four months after the openingof the work of instruction, plans for a building were submitted which the trustees wereassured would cost S3C-i,50o. This sum, itwas felt, could be raised. The trustees,indeed, subscribed most of it themselves,and the building Mas erected. When it wasfinished the cost Axas found to be $0o,OOO.Desperate efforts were made to raise themoney, but in the end it became necessaryto issue bonds to the amount of $30,000,bearing interest at the current rate of 8 perThe Old University of Chicago at Douglas Place. Itwas the cost of this building that eventually caused theschool to close its doors.THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 129cent! The erection of this building wasalmost as fatal to the Seminary as thebuilding of Douglas Hall was to the Uni-versit5^ The debt hung round its neck likethe old man of the sea for twenty years, allthe time threatening its life. It finally became impossible to meet the current expenses. Under these circumstances thetrustees accepted an offer of lands and abuilding at Morgan Park, which, now apart of Chicago, was then a suburb thirteenmiles southwest of the business center of thecity, and the Seminary was transferred tothe new location in 1877, just ten years afterthe beginning of its work. It was then thatmy intimate connection with this story began. I became the financial and recordingsecretary of the board of trustees. Insteadof continuing this relation for a very briefperiod, as I intended, I became more andmore involved in the developments whichfollowed and after forty-seven years am notyet entirely released. It was during thefirst ten years of this period that the permanent endowment of the Seminary,amounting to above $250,000, was secured.Two great friends and patrons appeared,E. Nelson Blake and John D. Rockefeller.Mr. Rockefeller became interested in thework of the Seminary in the early eighties.For nine years he served as vice-presidentof the Theological Union. He rivaled Mr.Blake in his contributions, continuing thesefrom 1882 until the union of the Seminarywith the new University in 1892. It wasduring these years that I became acquaintedwith him and conceived the hope thatthrough him a new university would cometo Chicago.The Theological Seminary was fortunatein having at its head during the twenty-five years of its independent existence thatgreat teacher, Dr. G. W. Northrup. Dr.William R. Harper was called to the chairof Hebrew on January i, 1879, and developed those extraordinary teaching andadministrative gifts which made him, a fewyears later, president of the new University.At Morgan Park the attendance ofstudents in the Seminary reached 190 in1891-92. During the twenty-five yearsof its history as a separate school it enrolled above 900 At the end of that period, theOld University having been succeeded bythe new University of Chicago, the Seminary became the Divinity School of theUniversity and entered on a new career.As one who knows I can assure the readerthat the Theological Seminary was notcreated and sustained and partly endowedby rubbing the lamp of Aladdin and voicingpious wishes, but by hard and sometimesheart-breaking work which culminated, atlast, happily in the new University.The entire history of the Seminaryemphasized the conviction of the importanceof Chicago as an educational center. Themen having its interests in charge realizedmore profoundly than anyone else could dothe greatness of the loss of the Old University. That institution had been thepreliminary training-school for large numbers of its students. It needed beyondmeasure such a training-school to preparestudents for its classes. A new universitywas felt by all its friends, and most of allby its officers of administration, to be indispensable to its highest usefulness. Tothem, it was a thing not to be thought ofthat there should not exist a college or university in immediate proximity to theTheological Seminary. They gave themselves, therefore, to the founding of a newuniversity with a determination that no oneelse could feel. This interest and purposewere controlling factors in forwarding themovement for the new institution. And agreat constituency ready to follow wherethey led was behind the Seminary and itsfriends.But it was not institutions alone thatwere important factors in preparing the wayfor the University. There were men whowere not merely important, but essential,factors in that preparation. It goes withoutsaying that chief among these was JohnDavison Rockefeller. He was one of thosemen who change history. It fell to himto alter for the better the future of mankind ; not through his business successes,save as these were one condition of all thatfollowed, but through his philanthropies,which extend round the world, and are soorganized that they will continue to in-I30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfluence, and, in ever widening circles, tobless the human race. To say the least thatcan be said, our race will be a healthier, amore intelligent, and therefore a happierrace because he lived. When, on November8, 1892, the board of trustees "voted unanimously that, in recognition of the fact thatthe University owes its existence and itsendowment to Mr. Rockefeller, the words'Founded by John D. Rockefeller' be printed in all official publications and letter-headsunder the name of the University, and beput upon the Seal," it expressed far less thanthe full truth. Other institutions have beenfounded by some particular man. Theymight have been founded by some other manjust as well. But there was no other manto do for the University of Chicago whatMr. Rockefeller did for it. Without himan educational institution of some kindmight have been established, but nothingresembling the University of Chicago. Forbringing that institution into existence hewas the one essential man.When the Old University of Chicagodiscontinued its work in 1886, Mr. Rockefeller was not only the wealthiest manamong American Baptists, but also theirmost liberal contributor to education. It wastherefore inevitable that people of that faithin Chicago who felt humiliated over theloss of their University and profoundly interested in the rehabilitation of their educational work should turn to him in theiradversity and entreat his assistance. Indoing this it fell to me to speak for themfor the first two and a half years. I hadbecome acquainted with Mr. Rockefeller in1882 in connection with my work for theTheological Seminary. I had met himfrequently and, as he became a generouscontributor to the Seminary, had occasionto write him many letters. I had becomedeeply concerned about the Old University,which in the spring of 1886 was staggeringto its fall. In April of that >ear I begana series of letters to Mr. Rockefeller continuing through thirty months on the subject of a new university for Chicago andsoliciting his help in founding it. Heanswered all these letters in the kindest way,never indeed making any promises, but never shutting the door of hope completely.During all this time Mr. Rockefellerwas being strongly urged by his honoredfriend President A. H. Strong, of theRochester Theological Seminary, to establish a university in the city of New York.I was writing in behalf of Chicago quiteunconscious of this very powerful contraryinfluence.While these things were going on, anevent had happened of the first importancein its relation to the future University ofChicago. The American Baptist EducationSociety — the organization through whichMr. Rockefeller was destined to act in thefounding of the Universit)' — had been organized. This Society played an essentialpart in preparing the ^vay for the comingof the University. It was organized by aconvention representing thirty-six stateswhich convened in the city of AVashington,May 16, 1888.One of the first steps of the e.xecutiveboard of the new Society was also one of themost important, in its relation to the founding and history of the Universitv of Chicago, that the board was destined ever totake. It appointed the Rev. Frederick T.Gates, then of Minneapolis, Minnesota,corresponding secretary of the Society. Mr.Gates was pastor of the Central BaptistChurch, Minneapolis. He closed a successful service in i888 to undertake to raisean endowment for Pillsbury Academy, aBaptist school in Minnesota. Having secured this in an astonishingly short time,Mr. Gates was offered, but had notaccepted, the principalship of the Academy.He was a young man, only thirty-five yearsof age. His eight years in the ministry hadbeen spent in the ^^'est. Little did thosewho now appointed him correspondingsecretary of the new Education Societyunderstand the extraordinary abilities oftheir appointee.The organization of the Education Society and the appointment of Dr. Gatesgreatly encouraged us at Chicago. We believed it to be a step toward the realizationof our hopes. At the same time manyanxieties oppressed our minds. Many(Please turn to page 156)I i;f)e ©nibergitp of Ci)icagoifHasa?ine |Editor and Business Manager, W. Robert Jenkins, '24Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association — MorrisFisHBEiN, '11, M.D., '12. — Campbell Dickson, '24, Athletics.k'';aJ''is^'ii^'«P'taP':BJ'^=P'^':aP^=P'^=P'iaP'isP^s^<^ereu^Ts &^ coMMe:hCTThe CentralThemeWE HAVE watched with great interest, in the past few months, theslow and almost stately progress of thebuilders as they carefullylay stone on stone of theUniversity's new chapel.Each stone, cut to fill its exact place in thescheme of the whole, is laid with precisionand care lest a false position render itsneighbors and all those which come afterit unsound. The proceedure is interesting,both as a purely mechanical performanceand as a bit of significant symbolism.Mr. Rockefeller, in his last great giftto the University, made the followingstatement in his letter of designationwhich accompanied the gift:It is my desire that at least the sum ofone million five hundred thousanddollars be used for the erection andfurnishing of a University Chapel. Asthe spirit of religion should penetrateand control the University, so thatbuilding which represents religionought to be the central and dominantfeature of the University group. TheChapel may appropriately embodythose architectural ideals from whichthe other buildings, now so beautifully harmonious, have taken their spirit,so that all the other buildings on thecampus will seem to have caught theirinspiration from the Chapel, and inturn seem to be contributing theirworthiest to the Chapel. In this waythe group of University buildings,with the Chapel centrally located anddominant in its architecture, may proclaim that the University, in its ideal. is dominated by the spirit of religion,all its departments are inspired by thereligious feeling, and all its work isdirected to the highest ends. . .Our new chapel will fulfill the spirit andletter of this designation. Facing on theMidway at Woodlawn Avenue, it lies almost midway between the two extremereaches of the campus. Already the beautiful design and the delicate detail is beginning to take shape. A monumental towerwill rise above it, overlooking the rest ofthe campus and forming the central pivotof the architectural scheme.We have always liked to think of thereligious ideals of the University and theUniversity's religious program as the product of the thought of such great spiritualleaders as President Harper and PresidentBurton. For a great many years Dr.Harper was the outstanding religiousteacher of the country, both in the sense ofa leading theologian and in the far moreimportant sense of being the leader ofpopularized religious study. His was theinspiration that, for a long period of years,made the study of the Bible a popular past-time, and even more significant of his religious leadership is the fact that he popularized the study of classic Hebrew. Ablyseconding Dr. Harper and carrying on inhis footsteps was President Burton. Fundamentally a scholar and yet human in a deepsense, he thoughtfully and prayerfullysought after the truth. Subject at timesto severe criticism, he stood steadfastly tothe truth as his mind and liis stern con-131132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEscience gave him to see the truth. Typicalof that steadfast adherence is the letterwhich he wrote to his father after one particularly severe attack:I am profoundly indifferent to the remarks of , and the onlymakes me laugh. So long as they letme work on and the Lord graciouslypreserves me from grevious error, Iam quite indifferent to their remarks.The only thing that I am seriouslyconcerned about is that I may honestly seek for the truth and really be enabled to find it and wisely teach it.. . . We shall have students toteach, and I for my part shall haveall that I can do to learn how to teachthem well. . . What I should do ina time of real trial I perhaps do notknow, but I think I know quite wellwhat I ought to do, now, and then,viz.: seek for truth with all mypower, teach it calmly and wisely, entirely unmoved by what the paperssay or what the effect on my personalinterests may be.Stone on stone, slowly but carefully, theUniversity, under the leadership of thesegreat teachers and others who have workedwith them, has built and is building herreligious life. The physical embodimentwill be in the great cathedral which willform the center of the physical setting ofthe University; and the spiritual embodiment will be found in ever increasing measure in the hearts of students and alumni.i. J^ ffiTT IS with a high degree of satisfaction¦*- that the Alumni Council has welcomedthe appointment of Dean Emery T. Filbeyas the LTniversit\ 's repre-Dean Filbey sentative in alumni work.Dean Filbey is a graduateof the University, Assistant Professor ofIndustrial Education, and Dean of University College which carries on the downtown educational program of the University.The outstanding success of University College and the extension program ofdowntown lectures under Dean Filbey'sleadership augurs well for the future ofAlumni work as it is related to the programof the University.The University has relieved Dean Filbeyfrom instructional duties for the period ofone year in order that he may devote hisfull time to the development of the newwork. A part of his task will be theestablishment of a vocational bureau for ex-students and graduates, a practical form ofextending assistance to alumni. It will beDean Filbey's task, also, to co-operatepersonally with the work of the AlumniCouncil and its various committees whenever their program comes into direct contactwith the University faculties or Administration.We welcome Mr. Filbey, both as a fellowalumnus and as the University's officialrepresentative among us. We are certainthat his co-operation in the solution of ourproblems will have a far reaching influence and that he will find, in all of hisundertakings, a ready and hearty responsefrom all alumni.» f^ ^TT HAS sometimes struck us as rather-*- unfortunate that the press and the so-called "funny sheets" are given each year to4 u J.J. \' the practice of ridiculingA Happy A eiu. .v New '^ ear's resolutions,i ear As a matter of fact wesuppose that they are not so much makinglight of the resolutions as they are makinglight of our ineffective efforts to keep them.No doubt they are justified in their fun-poking on the latter score. But the unfortunate part of the practice is that thefun-poking of this group is carried on without any consideration of the subtleties ofwell pointed satire. Their whole efforthas therefore tended to make resolutionsa "good joke" and nothing more.It is presumed that there is an idea ofEVENTS AND COMMENT 133value behind the establishment of anyholiday. But it is startling with whatrapidity the basic ideas have fled into thebackground and mere matters of celebration have taken their place in modern times.It is doubtful, for instance, whether thegreat mass of people have the slightest conception of the origin and meaning of someof our less important fete days such asValentine's Day and Halloween. Most ofus, on the other hand, are aware of the truesignificance of the main holidays — butmerely being aware of that significance doesnot imply any especial regard or reverencefor it. Even such days as Easter and Christmas, based as they are on the two mostsignificant days of our Christian history,have fallen to the level of a "parade-around-in-new-clothes-day" and a "better-be-good-or-Santa-won't-come-day" respectively. Notto all of us do these days have theseconnotations, but to a far too great majorityof us.And so it is with New Years. From outof the jumble of New Year's Eve parties,the blowing of whistles and making ofnoise, and the customary exchange of greetings, there strikes us as being only one trulyvaluable issue in the whole content of theday and its meaning. That value is thetendency, which naturally arises on that day,toward a thoughtful consideration of ourretrospect and prospect. Surely there isno value in merely being thankful thatanother year is over. However, there isvalue in consideration of the successes andfailures of the past year and the contemplation of the year to come in the light ofthose successes and failures.And just by way of setting an example,let us consider our Alumni work in a brieffew words. We have every reason to beproud of the past year's record. There hasbeen achievement in the finest sense of theword. The alumni share of the greatEndowment Campaign was met and oversubscribed. Partly on account of that driveand partly on account of the better organ ization of the routine work of building andholding interest, the general spirit of thealumni group has been greatly improvedThe outlook for the coming year is evenmore promising because of the organizedefforts now under way toward the holdingand upbuilding of the interest gained thispast year. As a group, we alumni have apretty clean slate that requires little erasingwhen we prepare it for the new year. Asindividuals, though we have here and therefailed, we have come through admirably.Such being the case we feel that we can, asalumni at least, look each other in the eyeand bubble over with "A Happy New Yearto you."New Books And New ImpressionsFrom The University OfChicago PressAMONG the important new books an-1. nounced by the University of ChicagoPress for early publication are the following:Some Mexican Problems (Harris Foundation Lectures); by Moises Saenz andHerbert I. Priestley; Aspects of MexicanCivilization (Harris Foundation Lectures),by Jose Vasconcelos and Manuel Gamio ;Christianity in the Modern World, byErnest DeWitt Burton ; Public M' elf areAdministration, by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge; The Development of Virgil's Art,by Henry W. Prescott ; and Studies inOptics, by A. A. Michelson.New impressions of successful books include those of English Poems, VolumesIII and IV, by Walter C. Bronson ; AncientRecords (five volumes), by James HenryBreasted; Social Control of Business, by J.Maurice Clark ; The Story of the NewTestament, by Edgar J. Goodspeed ; TheNature of the JVorld and of Man, by Sixteen Members of the Faculty of the University of Chicago; and An Introduction toSpanish Literature, by George T. Northup.ALUMNI A F F A I R SWisconsin Alumxi Meet .atConventionONE hundred enthusiastic members ofthe Wisconsin Alumni Associationof the University of Chicago attended thesecond annual meeting which was held inconnection with the Wisconsin StateTeachers' Convention at Milwaukee,Thursday, November 4. The meeting wasin the form of a noonday luncheon in theColonial Room of the Hotel Wisconsin.Mr. Oscar Granger, Principal of Shore-wood High School, as master of ceremonies, kept up a running fire of interestin the various matters brought before themeeting.The address was given by Dr. Judd, ofthe School of Education. He was warmlyreceived by the Alumni who listened attentively to his remarks concerning theirAlma Mater. Milton C. Potter, Superintendent of the Schools of Milwaukee, introduced him.One of the features of the meeting wasan offer made by the Milwaukee AlumniChapter through its president, D. F. Bradford, Research Director of the BostonStore, Milwaukee, to serve as hosts at allsucceeding annual meetings of this nature.The offer was gratefully accepted, andplans were discussed for future meetings.No small contribution to the livelinessof the meeting were the cheers and alumnisongs led by Rudy Mathews, one-timecheer-leader of the University.A large number of the educators andbusiness leaders of Wisconsin are members¦of the Chicago Alumni, and the\' are looking forward to an active association in theiuture.Eastern Alumni Football DinnerAFTER the Pennsylvania-Chicago. Game, the Eastern Alumni had thepleasure of meeting and dining A\ith Pres ident and Mrs. Mason, Mr. Stagg, Vice-President Woodward, Harold Swift, Mr.and Mrs. Scott, Charles A.xelson, and theteam. Professor Conyers Read welcomedour guests.It means a lot to the graduates in theEast for the Old Man to bring his teamhere and give us a chance to strengthenold ties of affection and friendship. Wealso welcome the opportunity of becomingbetter acquainted with President Mason,the trustees and members of the faculty.The Eastern alumni join the New Yorkclub in the hope that there will be an annual invasion of this section of the country.Why not play Columbia ne.xt year, or theyear following? Most of the alumni in theEast live in the metropolitan area ! Wehereby pledge a royal reception and a bigbanquet if the game is arranged. (Attention Mr. Stagg.)In many ways Columbia's football situation is similar to Chicago's, but we knowChicago can defeat Columbia, as OhioState did this year.The inside facts are that the alumni inthe East want to send their sons anddaughters to Chicago, but before theyounger generation can be filled with thisdesire, they have to meet and cheer for afew Maroon teams. Our provincial Eastis much in the position of the Far East.We need contacts with the great center oflearning on the Midway that will fill ouryouth A\ith the spirit of enthusiasm andaccomplishment of the Middle West. TheEastern part of our country requires anunderstanding of the Middle Western section.^ ours for closer bonds and many ofthem !University of Chicago Alumni Clubof New York City,James Oliver Murdock, ?,ecretary.134ALUMNI AFFAIRS 135Cleveland Alumni MeetingON Saturday, November 20, the Alumni Club of the University of Chicago was entertained at the home of Dr.C. C. Arbuthnot and his sister Anna, 2263Demington 'Road, Cleveland Heights.They have the distinction of being the firstmembers to entertain the club at their ownhome.A jolly time was had by all in dancingand bridge. Delicious refreshments wereserved at a late hour. Then the guestswere assembled for a short business meeting.The following officers were elected :President — Miss Clara SeverinVice-president — W. G. SimonsSecretary — Mrs. Alice LowethTreasurer — Mrs. Jeanette GreenstoneRespectfully,Lola Bl.\nche Lowther, Secretary. of planes by the Treasury Dept. in thecoast guard service ; in the Dept. of Agriculture for the eradication of boll weeviland in the Weather Bureau in connectionwith weather reports. The activities in hisown Department, the Dept. of Commerce,bearing on aviation include the lighting ofairways thruout the country, the supervision of planes and pilots in interstate commerce, the development of safety aids and,lastly, trade promotion with reference toaviation. He pointed out the close linkingof commercial aviation with national defence and described the prospects of federalaviation and of commercial internationalaviation.At the close of the luncheon every oneenthusiastically joined in a "Chicago"cheer, led by Mr. McCracken with all thevim and pep of his former cheer-leaderdays.Jessie N. Barber, Secretary.Washington Club Holds MonthlyLuncheonThe November luncheon of the U of CAlumni Club of Washington was held asusual at the Cosmos Club with an unusually large attendance. Kenneth Mc-Pherson announced plans for the Big TenRound-Up on the evening of Nov. 20.The President of the Club, Mr. Robertson, mentioned as indicative of the widening part which the U of C Alumni areplaying in world affairs, the presence atthe luncheon of Mr. Popovici of the Roumanian Legation and of Mr. El-Easy ofthe Egyptian Legation, both of whomstarted on a medical course at the U of Cand later changed to political science."Bill" McCracken '09, well knowncheer leader, now Asst. Sec. of Commercein charge of Civil Aviation, spoke on aviation, present and prospective.He outlined the achievements of aviationas developed in various branches of thegovernment : the remarkable record of theair mail, in the Post Office Dept. ; the use New Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels1"^HE Intercollegiate Alumni Hotelmovement is rapidly gaining momentum. The most recent hotel designationsare the Pere Marquette, Peoria, 111., andthe Neil House, Columbus, Ohio.During the football season many football teams stopped at IntercollegiateAlumni Hotels, and alumni headquarterswere also established at the designated hotels. Part of the plan is to have athleticteams stop at Intercollegiate Hotels, wherea natural headquarters can be effected, inasmuch as a register of all local alumni ison file with the clerk at the desk.Many favorable comments have been received from traveling alumni who havestopped at Intercollegiate Alumni Hotelsand have seen the array of alumni publications kept on file. Nearly ninety collegesand universities are now sending currentcopies of their alumni publications to allIntercollegiate Alumni Hotels and it isestimated that the number will be wellover a hundred by ne.xt spring.A Distinguished English ScholarTo Give Courses In The DivinitySchoolHERBERT BROOK WORKMAN,Litt. D., D. D., Principal of Westminster Training College (Methodist),Westminster, London, has accepted aninvitation to give two regular courses in theDivinity School during the coming springquarter. One of his courses will be on"Christianity and the Rise of Democracy"and the other on "Christianity in MedievalEurope."Among his best-known books are twovolumes on The Church of the West in theMiddle Ages, The Dawn of the Reformation, The Letters of John Huss, Persecution in the Early Church, and Foundationsof Modern Religion.During the present autumn quarter,courses were given in the Divinity Schoolby Professor Daniel Evans, of HarvardUniversity, and Professor H. A. Newman,of Mercer University; the former lecturingon the philosophy of religion and the latteron English church history.A Unique Honor For A BotanistIN connection with the presentation of"Wychwood," the Charles L. Hutchinson estate at Lake Geneva, to the state ofWisconsin as a permanent sanctuary fornative plants, birds, and small animal life,his widow, Mrs. Frances Kinsley Hutchinson, announced the appointment of a self-perpetuating board of three trustees, onean authority on plant life, one eminent inbird knowledge, and the third a businessman. Dr. Henry Chandler Cowles, headof the Department of Botany at the University of Chicago, has the honor of beingappointed the first chairman of the board.To the memory of Mr. Hutchinson, whofor over thirty years was Trustee and Treasurer of the University of Chicago andwas also the donor of Hutchinson Hall andthe Hutchinson fountain, his fellow-Trustees have placed a bronze tablet in the Hall,part of the inscription of which reads asfollows: "A lover of the beautiful in natureand art. A friend of his fellowmen. Hebuilt his monument in the institutions hehelped to create."Mr. Hutchinson was especially interested in flowers and bird life, and Mrs.Hutchinson was for many years presidentof the Wild Flower Preservation Society.During her presidency a fund was established at the University of Chicago for thestudy of the germination of seeds and ofwild flowers.Art Collection Gift ToL'niversityART education, heretofore regarded asa "highbro^v" pursuit, has been directly applied to practical affairs as a result of agift of $7,000 from the Carnegie corporation to the University of Chicago. Thecorporation has also given the University aunique art collection valued at $5,000 tofurther art education.Half of the cash grant is to be used forthe establishment of a course in color andcolor problems as related to industry. Contacts have already been made with industries using color in advertising, printingor architecture and these firms will be advised by the University art department asthey meet problems requiring expert attention. The rest of the fund is to carry outexperiments in composition and in thetechnique of painting and drawing.The art collection is placed at the University's disposal as part of an appropriation to be used in colleges and universitiesthroughout the country for a systematicstudy of art and the diffusion of culture.136UNIVERSTY NOTES 137The corporation has set aside a fund of$100,000 for this purpose.The first unit of the collection, it isstated, comprises about l,8oo reproductionsin architecture, sculpture and painting.These depict major currents in Occidentalart. The second unit is a set of fiftyoriginal prints, showing different processesof print making and the work of differentperiods and notable men, from the fifteenthcentury to modern times. Third is a collect-tion of thirty-five textiles dating from antiquity to our own day, chosen to illustrate design, color, geography, period and technique,from Coptic tapestry weave to our ownproducts. There are also included a workingart library and a catalogue of graphic arts.In the belief that effective instruction inart cannot be carried on without the properequipment, the Carnegie corporation madethe gift, according to an announcement.Collections of this kind, placed at the disposal of competent instructors in art atthe various institutions benefitting by theappropriation, will enable "The cannonsof art to be studied in art's objects ratherthan In the abstract — which is the only waythey can be understood, even if they can bestudied otherwise," the corporation believes.a » »Convocation OratorTHE Convocation orator at the University of Chicago, December 21, wasHon. Katherine Hancock Goode, a member of the Illinois Legislature from theCity of Chicago, whose subject was "Woman's State in Government."In her earlier life, Mrs. Goode, who Isthe wife of Professor J. Paul Goode, of theDepartment of Geography, and the motherof Kenneth Hancock Goode, S.B. '21, S.M.'23, was an Instructor in the MinnesotaState Teachers College, the Francis School,Brookline, Massachusetts, and the WilliamPenn Charter School, Philadelphia. In theUniversity of Chicago community she hasserved as president of the University of Chicago Settlement League and the Universityof Chicago High School Parents' Association. Her major Interest has been in the civiceducation of women. Working through theWoman's City Club, the Illinois League ofWomen Voters, and local civic organizations, Mrs. Goode has long been recognizedas a vital force in local political life. Shehas served as director of the Woman's CityClub, as president of the Sixth WardLeague of Women Voters, as director of theWoodlawn Community Center, and as themember of the Municipal Voters' League ofChicago.In 1924 Mrs. Goode was elected to serveas state representative In the Fifty-fourthGeneral Assembly, where she was a staunchadvocate of economy in public expenditures,of the direct primary system of nominations,and of law enforcement. She ivas electedby her colleagues In the House as one offour members of the State Council of theAmerican Legislators' Association. In November she was elected to the Illinois Legislature by a greatly increased majority.In the Colleges of Arts, Literature, andScience there were 81 candidates for theBachelor's degree ; in the School of Commerce and Administration, 14; in the Schoolof Social Service Administration, I ; and inthe College of Education, 11, a total of 107.In the Divinity School there were 6candidates for the Master's degree; in theLaw School, 2 for the Bachelor's degreeand 3 for that of Doctor of Law, a total of5 ; In Commerce and Administration, 2 forthe Master's degree ; and In Social ServiceAdministration, 2 for the same degree.The Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science had 55 candidates for thedegree of Master of Arts or Science and 24,for that of Doctor of Philosophy, a totalof 79.In Rush Medical College 16 candidatesreceived the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and 25 the four-year medical certificate, a total of 41. The total number ofdegrees and certificates conferred at thisConvocation was 242.Among the graduates were a Hollander, a Hindu, a Greek, two Japanese (onea woman with Phi Beta Kappa honors),and four Chinese.138 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERecent Appointments To TheFacultiesAMONG the new appointments an--il\. nounced by the University of ChicagoBoard of Trustees are the following:Herbert O. Crisler, of the class of 1922,Dr. Charles O. Molander, of the class of191 4, and Nelson H. Norgren, also of theclass of 1914, to be assistant professors inthe department of Physical Culture andAthletics. Dr. Ernest Pribram has beenmade an Assistant Professor of Pathologyin Rush Medical College.Among the new instructors appointed areHerman Carey Beyle In the Departmentof Political Science; Aaron J. Brumbaughin the College of Education; Philip GrantDavidson, Jr., in the Department of History; i\I. Arlyn Eilert in Home Economics;Normand L. Hoerr in Anatomy ; and LloydB. Jensen in Hygiene and Bacteriolgy.Dr. Chester Scott Keefer has been madeInstrucor in Medicine and Resident Physician in the Medical Clinic of the BillingsHospital for two years ; and Mary E.Maver has been appointed Research Instructor in the Department of Hygiene andBacteriology, under the Douglas SmithFoundation.Dr. Alice McNeal has been appointedAnesthetist in the Department of Surgeryin Rush Medical College, and Mary Reed,Dietitian and Matron of the BillingsHospital.A New Honor For A University OfChicago ScientistOFFICIAL announcement Is just madeat the University that ProfessorAnton J. Carlson, chairman of the Department of Physiology, has been elected foreignmember of the Royal Society of the NaturalSciences in Upsala, Sweden. Dr. Carlson,who has been connected with the Department of Physiology in the University ofChicago for over twenty years, is a Fellowof the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of theNational Academy of Sciences. He has also been president of the Aanerican Physiological Society, and Is widely known for hisscientific contributions to Arrierican andGerman journals of physiology, especiallyfor his researchs on the nature of hunger,gastric secretion, and metabolism. Amonghis publications Is the well-known volumeon Control Hunger in Health and Disease,published by the University of ChicagoPress.^ (^ AResignation Of The Secretary OfThe University Of Chicago BoardOf TrusteesOFFICIAL announcement Is just madethat the resignation of the Secretaryof the Board of Trustees, Mr. J. SpencerDickerson, has been regretfully accepted.Secretary Dickerson resigned after a serviceof more than thirteen years. He still continues his service as member of the Board ofTrustees, of which he has been a member atvarious times since 1909, and he will alsohave editorial charge of the University Record for which his long and successful experience as editor of The Standardpeculiarly fits him.In the letter announcing the acceptanceof Mr. Dickerson's resignation, the Trustees speak particularly of the difficulty ofsucceeding so able and experienced a Secretary of the Board as Dr. T. W. Good-speed, who had held the position from thebeginning of the University. "But youshowed yourself at once equal to the task,"the letter continues, "you introduced valuable new methods and through your effortsthe Secretary's work was thoroughly systematized, and the work was constantlymaintained up to the highest degree of efficiency. In all of your contacts you displayed a fine knowledge and capacity forwork and a spirit of sympathetic and broad-minded Interest and co-operation."In addition to his work as Secretary ofthe University Board of Trustees, Mr.Dickerson has also served as secretary ofthe Board of Trustees of the BaptistTheological Union and the Board of Trus-(Please turn to page 15S)NE^VS OF THEQUADRANGLESUndergraduates Take PartIn Army-Navy AffairUNDERGRADUATES from the University took a rather prominent placeIn lending their assistance to the smoothconduct of the recent Army and Navy functions in Chicago. Eighty-five of the fairestco-eds on the campus were Invited to be"dates" for the service boys at the Army-Navy Ball held at the Drake Hotel thenight prior to the game. It is rumoredthat there were some broken dates and perhaps broken hearts from among the hometalent on campus, but for the most part weunderstand that the sacrifice was madecheerfully. Fifteen of the undergraduatemen were fortunate enough to be Invited asescorts and it is rumored that they spent agoodly part of their evening checking upfor the less fortunate brothers or perhaps"beating their time."After making a thorough investigation ofthe ushering systems In all of the Big Tenschools, the South Park Board chose Mr.Stagg's ushers to supervise the gates at thegreat stadium in Grant Park. The efficiency with which crowds are handled atStagg Field is a source of constant satisfaction to the football public. The orderliness with which the vast crowd at SoldiersField was seated gained additional praisefor the Chicago boys and Mr. Stagg'ssystem.Apply Scholastic Ruling ToWomen's ClubsWOMEN'S clubs will be, beginningthe winter quarter, under the samescholastic average system as now applies tofraternities on the University campus, according to the decision announced recentlyby the Inter-club council.Adopting the suggestion of Dean Chaun-cey Boucher, the twelve women's organizations on campus will be forced to maintain"C" averages to be able to initiate and toretain social privileges.As in the case of fraternities, the averagemust be retained by the actives alone asa group, and by the pledges and activestogether as a group.Dean Boucher commended the women forvoluntarily placing themselves under therestrictive measures and remarked that thecomparison between men and women wouldbe Interesting. At Big Ten schools wheresororities exist, they consistently top fraternities in scholastic averages.Home Lot Ushers Win Fame AgainstOne-Eyed Connelly/^ NE-EYED Connelly believes "it pays^^ to advertise." At the Wisconsin gamehe favored Blair Plimpton, a freshman andspecial messenger of Head Gateman Shafer,with his calling card. The modest Irishman has had his official title, "One-eyedConnelly, World's Champion Gate Crasher," delicately engraved in 24 point typeon a brilliant pink card. On the oppositeside one finds sundry Information as to whyan Irishman resembles a monkey, a parrot,a whiskey keg, and a cow yard.One-eyed Connelley has crashed his wayinto world's champion boxing matches, baseball matches and what not, but he failed tothrow the efficient Chicago gate system fora loss. However, he made the Orientalthat night by fair means or foul. Battingaverage for the day, 500.139Fritz Crisler Now Baseball CoachDIRECTOR STAGG has announcedthe appointment of Herbert "Fritz"Orin Crisler as head baseball coach.This was not unexpected as It was rumored two years ago that Nels Norgren hadasked Director Stagg to relieve him ofbaseball so that he could devote all of histime to the development of his basketballteams. It appears that the "Old Man"asked Norgren to remain as baseball coachuntil after the contemplated trip to Japan.When Norgren repeated his request thisfall, it was granted.Crisler's brilliant athletic career at theUniversity as a three sport man is wellknown to all alumni. Since graduation hehas been a member of the coaching staffas the "Old Man's" first assistant in footballand as freshman basketball and baseballcoach. He has also been In charge ofStagg's National Interscholastic Track andBasketball Championships. Under hisguidance these annual classics have grownto rank among the leading athletic spectacles staged in this country.During the last few years Fritz has received numerous coaching offers from colleges located literally In all corners of thecountry. He has turned them all down because he enjoys working under the "OldMan" and because, interested in collegeathletics as an educational problem, he hasdesired to continue at a university whichconsiders athletics a part of, and not divorced from, the general academic program.A « &Ke.nt Rouse 1927 Football CaptainKENNETH ROUSE, varsity centerduring the last two seasons, has beenelected to lead next year's football team.Rouse was a versatile performer on theLindblom High School teams before enter- "Ken" Rouse, Varsity center andCaptain of the 1927 football team.ing the University, playing both In the lineand in the backfield. The additional weightand strength which he acquired during hisfreshman j^ear led Coach Stagg to placehim at center when he reported in his, sophomore year. Rouse made good at oncein a position which was new to him. Hewas, without question, the outstanding consistent performer on this year's team.Besides his athletic work, which Includesbasketball as well as football. Rouse hasmaintained a Phi Beta Kappa average. Heis a member of Iron Mask and Sigma Nu..^ « ^The 1927 FooTB.^LL Schedule"^^EXT season's football schedule, as-^ ^ drafted by Coach Stagg at the Conference meeting late In November, is bothbrilliant and difficult.October i Oklahoma at Chicago8 Indiana at Chicago140ATHLETICS 141October 15 Purdue at Chicago22 Pennsylvania at Chicago29 Chicago at OhioNovember 5 Michigan at Chicago12 Chicago at Illinois19 Wisconsin at ChicagoThe resumption of football relations withMichigan should meet with the universalapproval of the alumni. The '*01d Man"undoubtedly scheduled the game because hefelt that the University of Chicago alumnidesired a meeting between the traditionalrivals.AAAThe So-Called "Minor" WinterSportsFOOTBALL and basketball, and, in alesser degree, baseball and track, appealso strongly to followers of sports and are sothoroughly advertised that the other activities of the Athletic Department are obscured.During the winter quarter the intercollegiate athletic program includes, besidesbasketball and track, four important sports :gymnastics, fencing, swimming, and wrestling. In these four combined, approximately 150 athletes participate on thefreshman or varsity teams. The coach ineach sport, prior to his appointment on theUniversity staff, was a nationally knownexpert performer in his particular event. men with any previous experience have reported for the gymnastic team. Duringthat period Chicago has placed lower thansecond in the Conference meet but once.Since 19 1 5 Chicago has won seven Conference and two National Championships.Twice in Conference Championship meets,the Maroons have scored over 1200 pointsonly to narrowly lose the title, once by onepoint and once by twelve. Hoffer has produced four National Champions, threerunners-up, and one all-around NationalChampion.Each fall Hoffer begins to develop a groupGymnasticsDAN HOFFER came to the University 14 years ago with a splendidreputation as a basketball player and agymnast. Since then he has continuouslycoached the gymnastic team, has helped todevelop basketball at the University, andhas practically been in charge of the required physical culture classes.A coach is judged on two bases : his abilityto develop green material and his successin building winning teams. Probably nocoach in any branch of college athletics canequal Holler's record in these two respects.This is not an opinion. Facts speak truly. *'Hank" Sackett, Captain of the1927 basket ball team.of freshman, most of whom do not knoAva horizontal bar from a parallel bar. A longperiod of monotonous practice is necessaryIn Holder's 14 years at Chicago only four to develop the intricate movements required142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor conference competition. The gymnastspractice throughout the entire school year.The grind does not appeal to many studentsand the squad is rarely larger than fifteen.The mainstays of this year's team will beCaptain Davidson, Quinn, Nelson, McRoy,Weaver, Benson, Neubauer, and Collins.Meets have been scheduled with MilwaukeeY. M. C. A., Ohio, Ohio Wesleyan, Illinoisand Wisconsin. Intersectional meets maybe arranged with the University of Penn-sjdvania, and Annapolis. The season isclimaxed by the Conference Meet on March12 and the National Meet a few weeks later.& & ^FencingPROFESSOR Robert V. Merrill of theRomance Department has been volunteer coach of the fencing team since 1 916.Professor Merrill was a member of theUniversity fencing teams during his threeyears of undergraduate residence. He competed at Oxford during the term of hisRhodes Scholarship, where he acquired notonly unusual skill, but, more important, athorough admiration for the gentlemanlyart of fencing.Professor Merrill is in a great measureresponsible for the success of fencing in theConference. When he returned to Chicagoin 191 6 to begin his graduate work, hefound that only three or four schools wereactively interested in fencing and thatChicago was about to drop it. ProfessorMerrill volunteered to coach the Chicagosquad and the entrance of his expertly coached team in the Conference meets proved tobe the necessary stimulus for putting thesport over. This winter, nine Conferenceschools will be represented at Bartlett Gymnasium, March 12, for the championshipcontests.Professor Merrill has been instrumentalin the formation of the Illinois FencingLeague, an organization formed to promotefencing in the Chicago district. Eachwinter he conducts invitation meets inBartlett Gym for men, women, and boys.He is especially interested in the development of fencing in the high schools.Under Professor Merrill's tutelage. Chicago has won numerous individual event,and two team. Conference Championships.Usually about 40 work out daily in thefencing room, although only 12 or 15 arecompeting for places on the freshman orvarsity team.This winter Chicago will engage Ohio,Illinois, Wisconsin, Purdue and Northwestern, besides participating in the ConferenceMeet and In many general local meets. Inall of the contests the results are based onthe showing of the teams in three types offencing: foil, dueling sword, and sabre.^ » «SwimmingCOACH McGILLIVRAY, now in histhird season at Chicago, has long beenactive in western swimming circles. Hereceived his aquatic training at the WestSide Y. M. C. A. and it was while representing that organization that he firstcame into prominence by defeating Handy,the then champion of champions. ^IcGill-ivraj' preceded his equally famous brother.Perry, on the I. A. C. teams.McGillivray has had mediocre materialto work with since he signed up at Chicago.He has put his charges through a persistentdeveloping process and this year he willhave several splendid mechanical performerson his team : Captain Ed Noyes, JerryGreenberg, and Harry Rittenhouse in thedashes; Cornelius Oker, a coming star, Inthe back stroke ; Mygdahl, Baumrucker, andMarpley in the breast stroke; and Fellingerand Wilder in the fancy diving.During the entire school year ]\IcGill-ivray Is actively coaching approximately 75candidates for the varsity and freshmenteams. Each quarter his various requiredphysical culture classes include almost 250students. These classes, plus the coaching ofthe water polo team, keep him fairly busy.The Conference swimming coaches lastseason Instituted water polo as a branch ofaquatic competition. Chicago lost the BigTen Championship by one game last season.This year's team with Captain Parker Hallat goal, Howe, Greenberg, and Rittenhouseat forwards, and White, Gordon and Kroghat backs is expected to be a strong one.ATHLETICS 143Chicago engages six strong Conferenceopponents this winter: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue, Iowa and Illinois.All of the meets will draw capacity crowds.It Is an interesting fact that swimming Isthe only sport other than basketball andfootball which pays for Itself.M ^ AWrestlingTHE fourth "minor" sport coach whoseteam competes during the winter quarter is Spyro Vorres, who joined the coachingstaff five years ago.Like the other three, Vorres remained a"lily pure" amateur throughout his competitive career. He took up wrestling In 1909while still a youngster and during the nexteight years annexed most of the amateurtitles in his weight. Prior to coming to theUniversity, Vorres had charge of physicaleducation work for the Western ElectricCompany.Besides coaching the thirty or morecandidates for the freshman and varsitywrestling teams, he conducts physical culture classes In wrestling and boxing.Throughout the year he acts as assistantto Stagg, Jr., In the handling of all athleticequipment.This year Vorres has a promising squadwith which to work. Five veterans havereported : Captain Kaare Krogh, ConferenceChampion at 175 pounds, Giles Penstone,C. Kurtz, E. Stoer, and Sternfield. Amongthe promising newcomers are : WoosterGreen, P. Sachar, Jimmy Bly, Levine,Semmerling and Toigo. Vorres has neverhad satisfactory material for the heavyweight division. This winter he hopes toenlist Weislow, Lewis and Proudfoot fromthe football squad.Michigan State, Northwestern, Iowa,Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin havebeen booked for dual meets. The Conference Championship will be decided March12 In Bartlett Gymnasium. In order toassure a crowd for the dual meets, Vorresplans on holding them immediately following important home basketball games. SportstuffIF Anton Burg, the Maroon's championhigh-jumper, had chosen football Insteadof track, he would have eclipsed all the Icemen, firemen, and cow-boys in the universeas a story maker for the sport writers.For Anton's meteoric rise from a dub toone of the world's greatest high-jumpersresulted not only from his persistent application of the principles set forth in HoratioAlger's "Bound to Win" but also from hisability to harness abstract formulae ofmathematics and physics.When Anton was a sophomore he was unable to jump higher than 5' 8". Anton, likePresident Mason, Is one of those personswho tak«6 his diversion seriously. (Reference: the President's game of golf,billiards or bridge). He decided that hewas going to be a great high jumper. Toaccomplish that, he realized that he mustdevelop spring In his legs and perfectionin his jumping form.The next summer Anton, who lives onthe far south side, got a job in a steel mill,located three miles along the lake from hishome. Along the stretch of beach betweenhis home and the mill ran a continuousfence about three feet high. Anton jumpedto work and back, for he walked both to andfrom work and every thirty yards he wouldjump the fence, walk thirty yards and jumpback, and so on.The first afternoon Anton reported forwinter track practice he sailed over six feeteasily. He then knew he had developed hisspring. Half the battle was won.Anton is a student — in the continentalsense. His special interests are mathematics and physics. He is also gifted with a"scientific" mind. Now, the fundamentalist school of high jumpers figures that a person has a certain Inherent amount of spring,leaves the ground at what is about the righttake-off, reaches maximum height somewhere near the bar, and probably clears.Not Anton. He had already developed anacquired spring characteristic. He set himself to the task of doping out a scientificjump. He got out pencil, ruler, and a sheet(Please turn to page 153)>^ <P^ (T^ (P^ (5^ (P^ (?^ <P^ (?*^ (J^ (5^ (P^ (P^ (f^ <p^ ^^C€C LAW NOTES"v,^*;Arvold Bennett Hall, Presidentof the University of Oregon.Law Alumnus Heads UniversityOF OregonPROFESSOR Arnold Bennett Hall,J. D. '07, was inaugurated on October18, 1926, as President of the University ofOregon located at Eugene, Oregon. Dr.Hall spent three years in the La^^' School,and was a member of the debating teamof 1904, which defeated Minnesota in theCentral Debating League. He was a brilliant student and graduated with the Cum-Laude contingent. He remained at theL niversit)' for two more years studying inthe Political Science Department, havingdecided to teach rather than practice law.He first went to Northwestern, where heremained for about two years and thenbecame a member of the Political Science Department of the University of Wisconsin, where he remained until his election tothe presidency of the University of Oregon.Dr. Hall is the fifth president of the University of Oregon. His inauguration tookplace in the presence of four thousand persons, including the Governor of the Stateof Washington, 25 college presidents, and170 authorized representatives of other institutions of higher learning. An addresswas delivered by President C. C. Little ofthe University of Michigan.In his inaugural address, Dr, Hall stressed mental tests and measurements, his desire for a larger teaching staff, his wish toinstitute extensive research, his advocacyof economy but never parismony in education and his interest in social problems.What may be termed his keynote is foundin the following paragraph."The first great task of the universityis giving the best possible education to thesons and daughters of Oregon. Real education should produce men with the genuine humility that comes from reverencefor truth," Dr. Hall said. "It should givethem courage that springs from intelligentconviction, and the absence of ulterior motives. It should develop ^visdom and judgment in determining truth from error. Itshould lay deep the foundations of character and morality. Above all it shouldnourish and conserve the normal altruisticand generous impulses of life to the endthat our trained leadership should serve,not rule mankind."A M MUniversity of Chicago Law Men onCommittees of Chicago Bar Assn.THE following University of ChicagoLaw School alumni ha\'e been recently appointed to membership on the respective committees of the Chicago Bar Association.(Please turn to page 15S)144officers OF the UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1 102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ist St.Charleston^ III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumna Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Mrs. Alice Loweth,1885 E 75th St., Cleveland, Ohio.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.DaytoN; Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pees., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel. Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. .¦\gr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahlswede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn*. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy .\ugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, .Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Mi^s Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegan, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District .Atty.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York Alumna Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont .A^e., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HowardRush.145~— 1Officers of The University of Ch icago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburg, Pa. Sec, Reinhardt Thies- TopEKA, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Tosen, U. S. Bureau of Mines. peka High School.Portland, Ore., Sec, Mrs John H. Wake Tri Cities (Davenport, la.. Rock Islandfield, 1419 — 31st Ave., S.E. and Moline, 111.). Sec, Bernice LeRapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft, Claire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Daven928 Kansas City St. port.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793 Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Westminster Place. Jr., University of Arizona.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B. Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateAnderson, 1021 Kearn Bldg. Geological Survey.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. Eldridge Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Adams, Moore Building. Vt.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern California Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie NelClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone, 1325 son Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th & IrvOctavia St. ing St., N. W.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall, West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of612 Alaska Bldg. Chicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa SchuySioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509 ler, Oak Park High School.Second B.nk Bldg. Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, KanSouth Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams, sas State Bank.Aberdeen, S. D. Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.of the P. I.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Wil South India. A. J. Saunders, Americanliams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. College, Madura, S. I.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M. Shanghai, China. Sec, Daniel Chih Fu,Bruce, Indiana State Normal School. 20 Museum Rd., Shanghai, China.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Han Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, Firstson, Belvidere Apts. Higher School.CLASS SECRETARIES'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St. '12 Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54th'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Place.Blvd. '13. James A. Donovan, 400 N. Michigan'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave. Avenue.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St. '14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St. '15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank. 56th St.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester '16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Ave. Yates Ave.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 '17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. MadisonKimbark Ave. '18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.01. Marian Fairman,4744 Kenwood Ave. i "K tr y^ 11 ^ r ^^.^ 1 1'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI. '19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute. '20. Roland Holloway, University of Chi'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th cago.PI. '21. Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave. '22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St. '23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University of '24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thChicago. St.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar '25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159quette Rd. Cornell Ave.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. LaSalle St. '26. Jennette M. Hayward, 201 S. Stone'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. Ave., LaGrange, 111.146C COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION 3i(rSaP'iaP^=P<«P'LsP'taJ''iaP^=^';aP'taP<«P<UiP^aP'taP'aaP^aP'^School of Commerce andDepartiment of Economics formCloser Co-operationA STUDY of the development of schoolsof commerce in America disclosesthe interesting fact that in practically everyinstitution the school of commerce w^as inthe beginning an offspring of the department of political economy. This was a moreor less natural development in view of theclose relationship between economics andbusiness. Indeed, some have thought thatthere is no difference between economicsand business courses. However this maybe, the fact remains that the school ofbusiness bears its closest relationship to thedepartment of economics.The development referred to in theprevious paragraph characterizes the development of the School of Commerce andAdministration at the University of Chicago. For many years Mr Marshall wasboth Chairman of the Department of Political Economy and the Dean of the Schoolof Commerce and Administration. In 1923,he resigned from the deanship and Mr.Spencer became the Dean. The School ofCommerce and Administration and theDepartment of Political Economy were formally separated. Actually, however, because of the close relationship between thework of the two departments Mr. Marshalland Mr. Spencer were compelled to workvery closely together in the administrationof the work in economics and business.In view of this general situation theFaculty of the School of Commerce andAdministration on May 14 voted to enterinto a more or less formal co-operation withthe Department of Political Economy. Theproposal of the School has been approvedby the Department of Economics and theUniversity Senate.Under this co-operation the program ofstudents in economics and business will be the same in the junior college. Differentiated programs for students in economicsand business will be presented in the seniorcollege. Differentiated programs will bepresented for students seeking the Master'sdegree. The School of Commerce and theDepartment of Political Economy will cooperate in offering one Doctor's degree.Mr. Marshall has been appointed as theDirector of the work of economics and business. Mr. Spencer continues as Dean of theSchool of Commerce and Administration.A A (^School Surrenders Jurisdiction ofJunior College Curriculum/^N October 15 the Faculty of the^^^ School of Commerce and Aministra-tion voted to discontinue the administrationof a junior college curriculum beginningwith the Autumn Quarter, 1927. Thisaction means that thereafter the School ofCommerce and Administration will conduct only senior college and graduate work.In the beginning, the School offered afour year program for students desiringtraining in business. At no time, however,did this mean that a student spent his entirefour years in technical courses. It merelymeant that the School supervised the wholeundergraduate program, requiring that hespend something less than one-half of histime in economics and business courses.The four year program as administratedwas entirely justifiable during a period ofdeveloping teaching materials and experimenting with a business curriculum. Nowthat the School has developed a wellrounded business curriculum and has madeconsiderable progress in the preparation ofeffective teaching materials, the surrenderof the junior college curriculum seems verydesirable. The action is also in keepingwith the present tendency in education todifferentiate sharply between the work ofthe junior and senior colleges.147CSCHOOL OF EDUCATION IC • ]lThe Chicago DinnerTHE University of Chicago Dinnerwill be held at the University Club,Dallas, Texas, on the evening of March 2,1927. All alumni and friends of the University are most cordially invited to attend. The members of the Dallas University of Chicago Club will serve as hostsand hostesses on this occasion. Ticketsmay be secured from William S. Gray, theUniversity of Chicago. The price percover is $2.50.Curriculum ReorganizationTHE University is rendering a valuableservice to the Chicago Public SchoolSystem in the reorganization of the curriculum now going forward in the juniorand senior high schools under the directionof Assistant Superintendent Bogan. In thiswork several of the professors of the Schoolof Education are being used as consultantsby the committees of teachers who are carrying on the work. George C. Phipps,A.M. '24, who is an instructor in the Chicago Normal College, has been releasedfrom his duties for the year to act as coordinating secretary for the committees. Heis devoting full time to the administrationof the project as Mr. Bogan's assistant.PublicationsMR. Gray co-operated with CarletonWashburn and Mabel Vogel in astudy of certain aspects of individual instruction as given in the Winnetka PublicSchools. The results have been published,under the title of A Survey of the fVin-netka Public Schools, as one of the Supplementary Educational Monographs of theJournal of Educational Research, PublicSchool Publishing Co., Bloomington,Illinois.Colette et ses Freres by Josette E. Spinkand Violet Millis, Ginn and Company, is a reader composed of simple storiesin French, designed to help the Americanchild to learn to read French as he readsEnglish. The stories are close to the experience and understanding of children andsufficiently easy for a child to read from thebeginning. Their brevity and dramaticquality make them adaptable for retellingand for spontaneous dramatization.The third book in "The Child's OwnWay Series" by Marjorie Hardy has beenpublished by the Wheeler Publishing Company. It is entitled New Stories (Community Life) ; A Second Reader.Educatiox ClubTHE Education Club started the present school year with a series of fourmeetings devoted to the consideration ofprofessional opportunities in education.Dean Filbey was the first speaker on thetopic, "Vocational Guidance in the University." At the next meeting Superintendent McAndrew of the Chicago PublicSchools spoke on "Professional Opportunities in the Field of Education." He wasfollowed by Dr. Judd who addressed theClub on "How to Make One's EffortsCount in Preparing for a Professional Career." and by Dr. Freeman who spoke on"Professional Opportunities and Qualifications for Positions in Education."After this series the Club's attention hasbeen turned to purely academic subjects.Dr. Counts spoke to the members on "ThePlace of Educational Sociolog)' in theStudy of Education," and Dr. Burton on"What Children Know about Their Community and How They Get Their Information."The Club is looking forward to helpfulsuggestions from Dr. Buswell on the preparation of theses. Professor Morrison willtalk on "Teaching Graduate StudentsHow to Study."148NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Notes'98 — Robert V. Meigs, D.B., is pastor ofImmanuel Baptist Church, Chicago, incolabors with Dr. Johnston Myers.'03 — Orville E. Atwood is state senatorfrom Newaygo County, Michigan.'04 — Frank R. Adams writes motion pictures for C. B. DeMille, in addition tocontributing short stories to Liberty andother magazines.'04 — Elizabeth Ware is Dean of Womenat Albion State Normal, Albion, Idaho.'06— Jacob W. Heyd Ph.M., is Professor of Modern Languages at StateTeachers College, Kirksville, Mo.'06 — Helen Purcell, formerly Directorof the Training School in the East Strouds-burg State Teachers College, has recentlybecome Director of Elemetary and Kindergarten Education with the State Department of Education, Harrisburg,Pennsylvania.'07 — Mildred H. Bryan is Vice-presidentof the Sheboygan Branch of the AmericanAssociation of University Women.'07— W. J. Puffer of 39 Marshall Place,Webster Groves, Missouri, is EducationalDirector of the St. Louis Council of theBoy Scouts of America.'10 — Mrs. Susan K. Vaughn is head ofthe History Department at the State Normal School, Florence, Alabama.'11 — Milton E. Robinson was electedfirst Vice-President of the National RetailCoal Merchants Association at their Convention in Washington, in May.'12 — Frank C. Hecht has recently movedto 6204 Broadway, Chicago, where he isengaged in the real estate business.'12 — H. E. Whiteside is spending the year1926-1927 at the Harvard Law School, onan Ezra Ripley Thayer Teaching Fellowship.'13 — Chester Bell, J.D. '16, since Mayfirst has been financial secretary to Ira Nelson Morris, former Minister to Sweden.His office is at 193 1 Illinois MerchantsBank Building, Chicago.'14— Ethel Young, A.M. '24, is assistant Professor of French at Lake Erie College, Painesville, Ohio.'15 — A. K. S^'kes, of 10420 S. LeavittStreet, Chicago, is Director of Advertising,Trustees System Service, Chicago.'16 — Paul H. Beck is Principal of theFoster Public School, Chicago.'16 — E. D. Cavin, Jr., is located withLallier Steamship Company, United StatesNational Building, Galveston, Texas.'16 — Elsie B. Johns is on the staff ofHarper's Bazar as Associate Editor. Heraddress is 119 West 40th Street, New YorkCity.'16— Gertrude Smith, Ph.D. '21, isAssistant Professor of Greek at the University of Chicago.'16 — Claude L. Williams has been Principal of Drake Public School, Chicago, sinceJanuary 1926.'17 — Lee Byrne, A.M., heads the Department of Urban Education at the Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen,South Dakota.'17— Newton H. Carman, A.M., D. B.'18, has recently accepted the position ofProfessor of Religious Education at Lombard College, Galesburg, Illinois.'17 — Eleanor J. Pellet, A.M., '19, is continuing in her position as Head of the Department of Romance Languages at LakeErie College, Painesville, Ohio.'18— Mrs. Frank L. Eidmann (Ethel I.Fischbeck) has recently been elected President of the College Women's Club ofPrinceton, New Jersey.'18 — Inez G. Kilton is Principal of theJohn G. Whittier School at Long Beach,California.'18 — Rhey B. Parsons, formerly on thefaculty of Baylor College, Belton, Texas,149ISO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhas accepted a position at the Universityof Tennessee, Knoxville, as Associate Professor in the College of Education.'i8 — Minna Ullrich is a critic teacher onthe faculty of the College of Education atOhio University, Athens, Ohio.'19 — Leah P. Libman is connected withthe Juvenile Court of Cook County as aprobation officer. Her new home addressis 81 17 Drexel Avenue, Chicago.'19 — Charles B. Schrepel, who taughtEducation in the Northern Arizona StateTeachers College, Flagstaff, Arizona, in thesummer of 1926, is Principal of the Juniorand Senior High School at Jerome, Arizona.'20 — Miriam Blakeslee, A. M., teachesJournalism in the High School at RedwoodCity, California.'20- — Olga Davies, Certif., is Principalof Longfellow and Lincoln Schools, GreatFalls, Montana.'20 — Hamer H. Jamieson has recentlyopened an office for the general practiceof law at 2301 East Vernon Avenue, LosAngeles, California.'20 — Mrs. Edna R. Meyers has recentlybeen appointed Principal of the Riis School,Chicago.'20 — Helen F. Walker teaches Englishat the Ishpeming High School, Ishpeming,Michigan.'20— Milbourne O. Wilson, A.M., Ph.D. '25, is continuing in his position asAssistant Professor of Psychology, at theUniversity of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.'21 — Samuel K. Allison, Ph.D. '23, ison the faculty of the Southern Branch ofthe University of California, in the PhysicsDepartment.'21 — George H. Daugherty, Jr., is Assistant Professor of English at Drake University, DesMoines, Iowa.'21 — Helen E. Elcock, A.M., is AssociateProfessor of English at Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas.'21 — Emma Opfer teaches NormalTraining subjects at Atlantic, Iowa.'21 — W. A. Willibrand, A.M., is teaching Modern Languages at the Universityof Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.'22 — Donald F. Bond is on the faculty of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, as an instructor in the English department.'22 — Francis E. Fenner, Jr., is on thestaff of the Chicago Tribune in the DisplayAdvertising Department.'22 — Margery Griffith is teaching in theLake School for Girls at Milwaukee,Wisconsin.'22 — Walter B. Herrick is spending histhird year at the West Junior High School,Lansing, Michigan.'22— R. C. T. Jacobs, A.M. '26, is Principal of the Oran M. Roberts School,Dallas, Te.xas.'22 — Harry O. Lathrop, S.^I., heads theDepartment of Geography at the StateTeachers College at Whitewater, Wisconsin.'22 — Mary Newlin, A.M. '26, is dean ofgirls at the Township High School, Robinson, Illinois.'22 — Robert H. Unseld is connected withthe First National Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu, T. H.'23 — C. B. Althaus, A.M., is AssistantProfessor of Education at the Universityof Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.'23— Frances E. Andrews teaches Mathematics at Lane Technical High School,Chicago.'23 — Elva Barrow, S.M., is AssociateProfessor of Chemistry at North CarolinaCollege for Women, Greensboro, N. Carolina.'23 — Ellis E. Beals, of the Morton Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan, teaches SocialScience in the Grand Rapids TechnicalHigh School.'23 — Rachel A. Braucher is spending herfourth year as instructor in Interpretativeor Rhythmic Dancing in the Y. W. C. A.at Tulsa, Oklahoma.'23 — Arthur Brogue, ex, is director ofeducational research in the J. SterlingMorton High School, Cicero, IHinois.'23 — Robert J. Deal heads the Commercial Department of the High School atGilbert, Minnesota.'23 — Albert J. Glusker is now engagedby the Jewish Social Service Buerau of Chi-NEWS OF THE CLASSES 151cago as supervisor of the Self-SupportDepartment.'23 — John A. Larson, Principal of theSenior High School, Little Rock, Arkansas,is an instructor in the Extension Divisionof the University of Arkansas.'23 — Irma Langford and Gladys Lyons,'23, are on the faculty of the MilwaukeeVocational School, in the Household ArtsDepartment.'23 — Mrs. Jennie N. Phelps is Principalof the Yale School, 7010 Yale Avenue, Chicago.'23 — Charles H. Pishny is a statisticianfor the Carter Oil Company of Tulsa,Oklahoma.'23 — -Jennie Rovner is a district supervisor for the Jewish Social Service Bureauof Chicago.'23 — Ruth Schmalhausen is Director ofHome Economics Department at EarlhamCollege, Richmond, Indiana.'24 — Earl E. Hoff is a Mathematics instructor at the Fond du Lac High School,Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.'24 — Floy Mildred Horrocks teachesMathematics and Physics at Camp Point,Illinois.'24 — Ralph W. Johnson is Superintendent of Schools at Royal Centre, Indiana.'24 — Dena F. Lange, A.M., assists in theCurriculum Division of the St. Louis Public Schools, St. Louis, Missouri.Rush Alumni Notes'76 — Eugene Smith continues in generalpractice of medicine at 718 Kentucky Street,Lawrence, Kansas.'81 — T. J. Dunn writes "Practicing alittle — just 'rusting out' at 81 years."'91 — William G. Morgan is a staff member of the Iowa State Hospital at Woodward, Iowa.'93 — ^William A. Fulton is practicingmedicine at Burlington, Wisconsin.'94 — A. A. Wipf is still in practice atFreeman, South Dakota, where he has beenlocated since his graduation.'94 — E. Windmueller has his office at607 Nicolaus Building, Sacramento, California. '95 — Thomas Z. Ball is located in theBen Hur Building, at Crawfordsville, Indiana.'97 — W. Albert Cook is specializing indiseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Heis located at 506 Palace Building, Tulsa,Oklahoma.'97 — Sophus G. Petersen continues inpractice at Rutland, Illinois.'00— W. H. Walker practices at Willows, California. He was the organizerand first president of California Farm Bureau Federation. He held office for threeterms when he was elected Vice-Presidentof the National American Farm BureauFederation. He was assigned to Washington, D. C, for two 5'ears investigatinglegislative matters and the following yearwas sent to Europe. He returned to practicein 1925.'01 — Fred L. Adair is located at 2500Blaisdell Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.'02 — George B. Lake is ManagingEditor of "Clinical Medicine," with officesat 14th and Sheridan Road, North Chicago,Illinois.'02 — A. C. Yoder is a practicing physician and surgeon at Goshen, Indiana.'02 — Charles F. Eikinbary, formerly ofSpokane, has moved to Seattle, Washington,where he has taken charge of the SeattleHospital for Cripple Children.'04— Mrs. Oscar D. Dike (Elsie P.Miller) writes "Living on a farm (wherewe specialize in roses) and bringing up agirl and a boy to be good and true futureChicagoans." Her address is West Nyack,New York.'05 — ^William J. Marvel is Professor ofClinical Surgery and Anatomy at the Post-Graduate Medical College and Hospital,in addition to being attending surgeon atthe German Deaconess and St. Paul Hospitals, Chicago.'05 — H. D. Murdock is practicing surgery at Laboratory Building, 3d andCheyenne, Tulsa, Oklahoma.'10 — W. W. Peter is spending the year1926-27 in New Haven, where he is studying in the Department of Public Health ofYale University.'11 — Court R. Stanley is spending the152 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEyear 1926-27 in study of diseases of theeye, ear, nose, and throat, at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.'12 — Aaron Arkin returned from severalyears of research and study in Vienna andBerlin to specialize in the practice of internal medicine and x-ray diagnosis inChicago.'15 — Wesley E. Gatewood is AssociateProfessor of Internal Medicine at the StateUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.'15 — John B. MacLaren, who specializesin surgery at Appleton, Wisconsin, has beenelected to the American College of Surgeryand received his F. A. C. S. in Toronto.'17 — Arthur M. Washburn, formerly ofGamerco, New Mexico, is now located inGallup, New Mexico, where he is CountyHealth Officer.'18 — Charles C. Bell has a rapidly growing surgical practice at Lowry Building, St.Paul, Minnesota.'18 — Russell J. Callander practices atno S. Scott Street, Tucson, Arizona.'18 — Ray A. West specializes in obstetrics. His office is in the Beacon Building, Wichita, Kansas.'20 — Emanuel M. Kaplan and SamuelLerner, i\I.D. '21, are associated in thepractice of medicine and surgery at 3528Ogden Avenue, Chicago.'21 — Francis L. Lederer has been appointed part time executive head of Ear,Nose and Throat Department of the University of Illinois, Chicago.'22 — Dorothy Grey is physician forWomen at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.22 — Harry C. Olmsted specializes indiseases of infants and children. His officeis located in the Medical and Dental Building, Seattle, ^Vashington.'22 — Orrin V. Overton is engaged in thepractice of medicine at 103 East MilwaukeeStreet, Janesville, Wisconsin.'22 — Cyril V. Lundvick is connectedwith St. Helen's Clinic, Tacoma, Washington.22 — R. T. VanTuyl is practicing at4959 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago.'23 — Elton R. Clarke, formerly of Bur-bank, California, is engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery at 4003^ NorthMain Street, Kokomo, Indiana.'24 — Lester E. Frankenthal is planningto continue his study of hospitals and clinicsof Vienna, Budapest, Paris, and London.He has been in Europe since January 1926.'25 — Ralph V. Landis is associated in thepractice of surgery with John B. MacLaren,M.D. '15, at Appleton, Wisconsin.'25 — Sol Litt is on the resident staff ofthe Cook County Hospital, Chicago.'25 — Mabel G. Masten has received appointment for 1926-27 to the position ofresident physician in Neuropsychiatry inthe University of Wisconsin Medical Schoolat Madison.'26 — Hugh C. Graham has recently become associated with the Garabedian Clinicfor Children at 615 South Cheyenne, Tulsa,Oklahoma. The Clinic is owned andheaded by Garabed Garabedian, M.D. '13.Doctors of Philosophy Notes1900 — George Norlin, President of theUniversity of Colorado, has in the press avolume of his papers and addresses.1904 — Robert J. Bonner, Professor ofGreek at the University of Chicago, spentthe summer abroad mainly visiting the sitesof the principal Greek colonies in Sicily andstudying the museum collections at Syracuse and Palermo.1904 — Roy C. Flickinger, Professor andHead of the Department of Classics, University of Iowa, has just published the thirdedition of the Greek Theatre and ItsDrama.1904 — David M. Robinson, Professor ofClassical Archaeology in Johns HopkinsUniversity has just published in collaboration with Marion Mills Miller an editionof Theocritus. Dr. Robinson is one of thelecturers this year for the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America.191 1 — George Miller Calhoun, Professorof Greek at the University of California,gave courses in the Greek Department atthe University of Chicago during thesummer quarter 1926. He published during the year in the Barbara WeinstockLectures on the Morals of Trade, his lecture on "The Ancient Greeks and theNEWS OF THE CLASSES 153Evolution of Standards in Business." His"Business Life of Ancient Athens" has justbeen issued by the University of ChicagoPress.1913 — Roger Miller Jones has been promoted to an associate professorship in Greekat the University of California. He is theauthor of two articles on Greek philosophyin the 1926 volumes of Classical Philology.1913 — Robert Christian Kissling hasjoined the classical staff at the Universityof Colorado.1914 — John Oscar Lofberg, Professor ofClassics in Washington and Lee University,has recently been elected president of theSouthern Classical Association. He gavecourses at the University of Pittsburgh during the summer, 1926.19 1 6 — Eliza Gregory Wilkins has accepted a professorship of classics at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland. She wasformerly assistant professor of classics atthe University of Colorado. She is theauthor of an article on "Mr/Sec ""A7ai' inGreek and Latin Literature" in the April1926 number of Classical Philology.1919— John Wilson Taylor, formerly onthe staff of the Encyclopaedia Britannica,has accepted a position with the FrontierPress Publishing Company in Buffalo. Hisarticle on Theodore Gaza appears in theOctober number of Classical Philology.1921 — Hartley Grant Robertson is lecturer in Greek in Victoria College, University of Toronto.1 92 1 — Gertrude Elizabeth Smith, Assistant Professor of Greek in the University ofChicago, spent the summer abroad chieflyin southern France, Italy and Sicily, visiting museums and archaeological sites. During the year she published "HomericOrators and Auditors" in the ClassicalJournal.1923 — -Ronald Bartlett Levinson hasaccepted a position in the Department ofPhilosophy at the University of Maine.1923 — Floyd Albert Spencer, Professorof Greek at Ohio Wesleyan University,spent the summer studying abroad.1924 — ^Alfred Paul Dorjahn, Instructorin Greek in the University of Chicago, haspublished an article on "Aldus' Use of Codex Parisinus." The abstract of Mr.Dorjahn's thesis on The Athenian Amnestyof 403 B. C. has recently been published.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES'08 — Mrs. John H. Crura (Penelope H. Bowman, Ed. B.) has moved from Elmira to Mt.Vernon, New York.'11 — James T. Gaffney, Ph. B., has been madePrincipal of the Hibbard High School, Chicago,Illinois.'15 — Fred C. Ayer, Ph. D., Professor of Education at the University of Washington, beginning January, 1927, will hold for nine monthsa graduate professorship in the University ofTexas.'17 — Cora A. Anthony, Ph. B., is manager ofthe Alice Foote MacDonald Coffee Shop in NewYork City.'19 — Harriet F. Glendon, Ph. B., is Presidentof the Pittsburgh Branch of the American Association of University Women. Miss Glendon isHead of the Department of Home Economics inthe Carnegie Institute of Technology.'20 — Mary Olive Gray, A. M., Ph. B. '13, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Hutchinson,Kansas, has been a member of the summerteaching staff of the Western State College atGunnison, Colorado, for the past four summers.'21 — Mrs. E. C. Fuller (Audra Lois Foreman'21) has moved to 630 Bergen Ave., Jersey City,New Jersey.'23 — Anna E. Falls, Ph. B., is Principal of theMenaul School, a boarding school for Spanish-American boys, at Albuquerque, N. M.'24 — Edna J. Gregg, Ph. B., has been madePrincipal of the Fairmount, Indiana, HighSchool with which she has been connected forseveral years.Sportstuff(Continued from page 143)of squared paper. If a jumper took so manysteps in his approach, thought Anton, tookoff at point x, rose toward the bar at anangle y, kicked back for his layout at pointz, he should clear six feet. It was nothard to compute with logarithms. If thejump was to be 6' 2" the points and anglewould change slightly. Anton tested hisresults in the gym, and found them sound.(It is rumored that he took the rotation ofthe earth into account in his computations,but this is not generally believed.)In the National Championships Antonleaped 6' 6". He stands about 5' 9" in hisstocking feet. The battle had been whollywon. Science had conquered.154- THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDigging Into the Mound Builders'Past(Continued from page 126)teresting character. He is only a skeletonnow, but he Is one of the few complete andauthentic representatives of the moundbuilders' race. He reached the heighthof his career and the peek of eminencewhen he M^as transported via truck to Chicago and duly entered into the silent community of the Field Museum.An interesting fact in regard to themounds is their location. Almost withoutexception they are located on high landoverlooking the countryside and the Mississippi River, indicating that the moundbuilders were appreciative of scenic beauty."The purpose of this research," explainsDr. Fay-Cooper Cole, head of the Department, "is to work in order that we maylearn by doing. The University has givenus a fairly good appropriation and the research work is open to graduate students only. We have long believed that this partof the Mississippi Valley was one of thegreatest fields for the mound builders andour expeditions are proA'ing that we wereright. Near Hanover, sixteen miles eastand south of Galena, there are one hundredand forty-two mounds, the most of themnever explored. We hope to get into manyof them next year. And although they aredoubtless merely earthworks of the earlyAmerican Indians, we hope to make discoveries that will be invaluable in our piecing together of the story of the early American inhabitants who lived here before theadvent of the white man. \Vhy and how,if they do, do these mounds differ from thelarger mounds in Ohio? ^^^hat caused thedifferent Indian races to vary the extent andthe nature of their mound building? Thereare many questions to ask and to answerif we are to add to our now too meagrerecords of early American history.''The "heavy work" falls to the lot of the men on the expedition while Miss Gower carefully uncovers the secrets of the mound with a small broom.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 155Chicago^s Experiment in Orientation(Continued from page 122)Professor Merle Coulter. These threemen stay with the course throughout theperiod it is given, lead some of the discussions, take care of the written work, andadminister the course. Lectures m individual topics are given by Forest Ray Moulton, Rollin T. Chamberlin, Harvey B.Lemon, Julius Stieglitz, Edwin OakesJordan, Henry C. Cowles, Wardner C.Allee, Alfred S. Romer, Fay-Cooper Cole,Elliot R. Downing, George W. Bartelmez, Anton J. Carlson, and Charles Hubbard Judd.It was these men who set up a remarkable example of co-operation in the preparation of the textbook. During a period offour months, they spent one evening a weekin conference, pouring over their completedmanuscripts. Each chapter was subjectedto the combined critical intelligence of thesixteen authors.The orientation program of the University of Chicago is leading the way for thedevelopment of similar programs elsewhere.The University of Chicago Press, sincepublishing the text, has made an extensivestudy of orientation courses elsewhere,carrying on their investigation by personalvisits and correspondance. Letters receivedfrom the Presidents, Deans, and membersof the Science faculties in all the outstanding universities and colleges of the countryhave shown interest in the Chicago experiment to be nation-wide. Since the textbook appeared, a number of institutionshave adopted it. Among these are the University of Buffalo; State University ofIowa; George Washington University;State Normal School, Bellingham, Washington; and Drake University.The educational world awaits with interest the outcome of the orientation experiment. With due deference to otherplans in other institutions, we are inclinedto believe that the University of Chicagoorientation program offers the fewest administrative difficulties and the most definitely successful results of all the educa- YourAfter-ChristmasBOOK NEEDSBooksthat you need in your WorkBooksthat you have have been intending to readBooksfor those Birthdays that insiston coming after ChristmasWe Can Supplyany or all of those needsat theUniversity of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis AvenueTHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-SECOND year.University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestionably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effective. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good .service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEWYORK, DENVER AND SPOKANETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economic,and political order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis Hall tional experiments designed to increase thegenuine value of the college and universitvto the student.The Story of the University ofChicago(Continued from page 130)questions occurred to us. What would thenew Society do? What attitude would Dr.Gates assume toward Chicago? Would hesee the situation as we saw it and give ushis powerful help? I give the answer tothese questions in the following quotationfrom the introduction Dr. Gates wrote in1916 to my History of the University ofChicago :"The writer was made secretary of thenew society on its organization in Washington. I knew nothing of any movementto found a college or university at Chicago.I did not know that Dr. Goodspeed hadbeen in correspondence with Mr. Rockefeller ; I did not know that Mr. Rockefellerhad made up his mind that the founding ofa college or university at Chicago was important, and that he would assist in theenterprise. I knew only that the old University at Chicago had come to its death inspite of every effort to keep it alive, and thatthe friends of education in the West wereprofoundly discouraged. With no prepossessions in favor of Chicago and consulting with no one, I immediately began acareful, independent study of Baptist educational interests, north and south, east andwest, and covering all the Baptist academies,colleges, and theological seminaries in theUnited States, their location, equipment,endowment, attendance. I sought to ascer-tin the laws governing the growth of educational institutions; I examined particularlythe question of location, in its relation topatronage, financial stability, wise management. This study involved correspondencewith all Baptist institutions in the UnitedStates, and it was pursued with very closeapplication daily for many months beforeI had reached conclusions which I thoughtsecure."I speak of these studies because it wasthese that disclosed to me with overwhelming evidential power that the first great educational need of Baptists was to found apowerful institution of learning, not in NewYork nor in Washington, but in the city ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 157Chicago, and not in a suburb outside thecity, but within the city itself and as nearits center as might be conveniently possible.When I had reached these conclusions Iwrote a paper stating the grounds of them,and read this paper to the Baptist ministersof Chicago, on their invitation, on October15, 1888."By the kindness of Drs. Goodspeed andHarper this paper, somewhat revised andimproved, was placed in Mr. Rockefeller'shands and by him, as I later learned, readwith approval. I find it in his files. Mr.Rockefeller began to make inquiries aboutthe Education Society and to disclose aninterest in its organization and prospects.He saw at that time in the infant societya possible means of breaking the deadlockin which he found the conflicting denominational interests."When Dr. Gates reached this momentousdecision the battle for Chicago was practically won. The way was open to advance.(To be continued)Reigning Queen Visits Campus(Continued from page 123)found than the book bearing the simpleinscription which was given to the Queen.President Mason made the presentation ofthe volume of The Nature of the Worldand of Man. In the flyfleaf was letteredthe following inscription :This book is the basis of thelastest educational experiment atthe University of Chicago.As a symbol of the unity of theworld of letters and science, it ispresented to her Majesty, QueenMarie of Roumania, on the occasion of her visit to the University.A crowd of several hundred personsgathered about the quadrangle in front ofHarper Library during the reception. Thecustomary obeisance of the subject was notpresent but a murmur of appreciation,occasionally breaking into a cheer, gaveevidence of the admiration for the strikingpersonality of the members in the royalparty. We are glad to have had theopportunity of welcoming to the campusthe reigning Queen of a great people. Booksof AllPublishersTelephone — MailOrdersReceive Prompt AttentionBest Selection ofCollegeReference Booksin theMiddle WestWcodworlh's Book Store1311 East 57lh StreetPhone Hyde Park 1690 Near Kimball Ave.Open EveningsTEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.'NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The above organizations, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.158 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJVhat isSERENITYWorth?BUDDHA, who wasborn a prince, gaveup his name, succession,and his heritage to attainserenity.But we are no Buddhas ;for us the serenity of mindis the happiness of humanbeings who are secure inthe enjoyment of whatthey possess, whether it ismuch or little.We do not have to giveup the world; we haveonly to see a life insuranceagent, who can sell ussecurity for the future,the most direct step toserenity of mind.The next John Hancockagent who calls on youmay be able to put youon the road to serenity.Isn't it worth while tosee him?Life Insurance Company^or tOtTON. MAStACHUSftTTSA Strong Company, Over Sixty YearjIn Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Securt in Ev(try Way. University Notes(Continued from page 138)tees of Rush Medical College. In igiiDenison University conferred on Mr.Dickerson the honorary degree of Doctorof Letters.L.S.Law School Notes(Continued from page 144)Amendment of the Law: WillardKing ; Vice-Chairman ; LouisHardin, Paul O'DonnellEntertainment: Ir^vin T. GilruthGrievances : Henry F. TenneyJudiciary : Frederic A. FischelLegal Education : Urban A. Lavery,Chairman ; Leo W. HoffmanMemorials : Charles V. Clark, NormanH. PritchardMunicipal Courts: Albert H. VeederProfessional Ethics: Charles W. PaltzerPublic Service : John L. Hopkins,Harold L. IckesL'nauthorized Practice : Roy M. HarmonLegal Aid : Arnold R. Baar, HerbertBebb, John R. Cochran, FrederickDickinsonRelations of the Press to Judicial Proceedings : Howard EllisAdministration of the Bankruptcy Law:George B. McKibbin, Vice-ChairmanIndustrial Commisson: Charles R. HoltonLectures: Laird Bell, Vice-Chairman;Henry P. Chandler, Leo F. WormserWar Wterans: D. Francis Bustin,Harold W. NormanMembership: George D. Mills, John R.Montgomery, Jr., Allin H. PierceProsecutions: Harry J. LurieAmerican Law Institute: James ParkerHall, Roy D. Keehn, Willard L.KingThe Daily Maroon, campus news publication published the largest edition of itshistory on December lyth. The issuewas a special Christmas edition and ranto forty-eight pages in lengthTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 159r^& a a & a » i> & a » A a a & & & A & & it & & & & i^ & & A ^^^^!>•»•»•MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHS¦1•i¦i•3¦«¦«•11•4¦il•«.« ^MarriagesGeorge N. Simpson, '10, to BarbaraMiller, '18, October 30, 1926. At home,5842 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago.Archie Schimberg, '17, J. D. '22, toHelen R. Isay, August 22, 1926. At home,6930 South Shore Drive, Chicago.Martha B. Martin, '20, to Hugo Eswin,August II, 1926. At home, 3927 MafEttAvenue, St. Louis, Mo.Ruth Plimpton, '21, to B. C. Barker,June 12, 1926. At home, Victoria Hotel,DesMoines, Iowa.Pauline H. Pollard, '21, to Henry F.Becker, '24, S. M. '25, September 16,1926. At home, 6320 Kenwood Avenue,Chicago.Hartley G. Robertson, '21, to BessieChant, June, 1926. At home, Toronto,Ontario, Canada.Frances E. Giles, M.D. '22, to MariusMannik, May 16, 1926. At home, 416South Union, Los Angeles, California.I. Morris Levine, '22, Ph.D. '25, toVirginia E. Clarke, September 4, 1926. Athome, Riverside, Illinois.Donnie Wahlgren, '22, to R. T.Hedfield, June 12, 1926. At home, 6905N. Ashland, Chicago.George H. Hartman, '23, to MarthaSmart, '25, October 6, 1926. At home,7545 Kingston Avenue, Chicago.Henry D. Hirsch, '23, to Margaret C.Joseph, '26, November 25, 1926. At home,4544 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago.Louise H. Meyer, '23, to William Lee,June 30, 1926. At home, 7312 BennettAvenue, Chicago.Meta Louise Schroeder, Ph.D. '23, toEarl R, Beckner, A.M. '24, June 9, 1926.At home, 5740 Stony Island Avenue,Chicago. — ~jTHE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager6i6-6ao SOUTH Michigan avenueCHICAGOOther Office; gil-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, Oregon_MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaulMoserJ. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, 'iiRalph W. Davis, 'i6 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Walter M. Giblin, '23Pas[l HADavi« & %o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOUN I V E R S I T YCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University OF Chicago, ii6 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadran^es.Winter Quarter begina Jan, 3Spring Quarter begina March 28For Circular of Information AddrefisThe Dean, University College,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.i6o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEn^o youBELONG m theBond Business?THE bond business has its share ofsquare pegs in round holes, the sameas other lines. If they don't succeed, whois to blame ?We don't think the man is entirely arfault. He probably knows less beforehandabout his fitness for the bond businessthan the house that employs him — because he naturally knows less about therequirements.Halsey, Stuart & Co. make a sincereeffort to help college men who are considering the bond business, base their decision on a sound analysis of their qualifications. That reduces the number of misfits.It cuts down the period of low earnings.It accelerates personal development, because the man who is well adapted to hiswork gets inspiration from it.Moreover, we support the qualificationsa man has in him, with effeftive trainingin the fundamentals of the bond business,before we look for results. This trainingconsists of three months' intensive studyof well direftcd courses in our own bondschools — and the student is on salar\'while attending.We shall be glad to send yon literature aboutihi bond business which will help you give thisliild of business your intelligent consideration.Write fot pamphle, Au-x6CHICAGO NEWYORK PH 1 T .\ DELP H [ Alol £outh La Salle St. 14 Wall St. Ill South 15th St.DETROIT CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS BOSTONfiol Griswold St. 915 Euclid Ave. J19 North 4th St. 85 Devonshire Si.MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS425 East Water St 610 Second Ave., S.HALSEY,STUART &, CO.INCORPORATED Marjorie Blair, '24, to Alvin R. Krapp,'24, A.M. '25, June 30, 1926. At home,Decatur, Illinois.Laura L. Eubanks, ex '24, to Theron W.Morgan, October 20, 1926. At home, 908East 56th Street, Chicago.Marion B. Gilchrist, ex '24, to Philip A.Ingwersen, September 8, 1926. At home,6218 Wayne, Germantown, Philadelphia,Pa.Savilla Millis, '24, A.M. '26, to VenningD. Simons, Jr., '25, October 16, 1926. Athome, 6225 University Avenue, Chicago.G. Gordon Martin, '24, to Fay L. Hut-son, June 17, 1926. At home, 3301 WellsStreet, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Filip C. Forsbeck, M.D. '25, to FrancesAnderson, October 23, 1926. At home,Boston, Massachusetts.Katherine L. Prescott, '25, to James P.Middlemas, Jr., March 27, 1926, Athome, 5530 Cornell Avenue, Chicago.Isabel J. Atwell, '26, to Ralph Martin,ex '26, October 16, 1926. At home, 5400Greenwood Avenue, Chicago.Vivian Hamilton, '26, to Dr. Joel B.Peterson, August 21, 1926. At home,n6i8 Irving Avenue, Chicago.BirthsTo Captain and Mrs. James D. Brovi^n(Hilda MacClintock, '15), a daughter.Lucia Lander, September 30. 1926, at FortCasey, Washington.To John G. Burtt, '15, and Mrs. Burtt(Sophia Louise A\ery, '13), a daughter,Julia Ann, November 8, 1926, at Chicago.To John P. McGalloway, J.D. '15, andMrs. McGalloway, a son, William Donovan, August 18, 1926, at Fond du Lac,Wisconsin.To Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bartram(Gracia Webster, '16), a daughter, Marjorie Grace, May 18, 1926, at Casper,Wyoming.To Thomas A. Goodwin, 'i6, A.M. '22,and Mrs. Goodwin, twins, Paul Newcomband Muriel Louise, November 4, 1926, atWinnetka, Illinois.To Captain and Mrs. Frederick Gowen-lock (Ruth L. Bribach, A.M. '16), a son,George James, October 22, 1926, at Portsmouth, Rhode Island.''Shake Hands With Joe BlowrJoe Blow is a graduate of dear old Siwash. He doesn'tseem to cut much ice socially and the college he graduated from is an obscure one. But I met Joe Blow theother day and he started to tell me about dear oldSiwash. What he didn't know about his Alma Mater,what it was doing, and what its graduates were doingcould be handily jotted down on the head of a pin.He had a lot more to tell me about little Siwash Collegethan I had to tell him about my great University.Guess I better load my guns for the next time I meetJoe Blow, by renewing my magazine subscription. Alife membership would be a good investment if I couldbeat all the Joe Blows at their own game.Renew Your Subscription Promptly ForThe University of Chicago MagazineThe Alumni Council spends a large sum annually In sending outnotices for membership and subscription renewals. Sometimes it isnecessary to send as many as five notices. Renew promptly or, betterstill, take out a life tnembership instead.Onlyto therailroadsfor thetelephoneOnlylioofor gas g^.r ¦" '^Ml^ ¦OnlylOOfor waterOnlyforstreet carsOnlyforelectricity and out of thefamily dollarall these co^Cheap electricity is essential tothe low cost of these public services.For a quarter of a century the G-Emonogram has been on the apparatus developed to make electricityand turn it into useful light, heat,and power. It is on the big motorsthat run trolleys and trains, thatpump gas and water — on MAZDAlamps and on the little motors thatdo the work of the home. Look forit when you buy electrical equipment.GENERAL ELECTRIC95-258E