r&'vloijlod Bj-c ¦ ^Ctniratii of (JfcjoVOL. XIX NUMBER 2DECEMBER, 1926CHICAGO'S NOTABLE MEDICAL PROGRAMTHE UNIVERSITY AND A PUBLIC SERVICECHICAGO'S OLDEST LIVING ALUMNUSWhat the World is LikeE\'er since 1 read the life story of two white rats inHarper's Magazine several months ajjo I have had adifferent feeling for scientists * * * Their Ii\es arenot after all devoid of romance '¦' "' "'¦' And if theyciioose, tiieir long hours of researcli may be productiseof inspiring books * '* *The book part of it is strikingh' true just now, for ourpress has just issued a fine science book that has sixteenscientists for authors * * " E\er)' Alonday night lastspring they met in one of our conference rooms to readto each other the chapters they had written * '* * Onenight fifteen of them would listen while Forest RayMoulton read his story of Astronomy "¦'¦' * * The nextweek Julius Stieglitz, or Horatio Hackett Newman, orFay-Cooper Cole might be the author * '' * Afterfour months of writing, conferring, and rewriting theytold us that "The Nature of the World and ofMan" was complete * * * And now it is on the bnokcounters * * *This book ^-ins interesting in the making and now in itsfinal form it is, in the opinion of the Chicago DailyNews, "a tool for the work and play of a work-and-play world * * * a work of art no less tlian a workof science".If'liat tlie nd'vertisinff maiuujerof Tlie Utiiversity of C/iirntroPress, jiiiglil liave written inhis diary if tie liad one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 49To Alumniwho return to ChicagoToday, more than ever, Hotels Windermere are your logicalstopping place. These hotels have been selected by the Intercollegiate Alumni Extension Service as official headquartersfor alumni activity on the South Side of Chicago.At the Windermere you are practically certain to meetfriends of your college days. Here, too, you will find thatpleasing hospitality which the Windermere has always extendedto university people.And at these hotels you are within easy walking distance ofthe University itself and the fraternity section. You are inreality back at the University yet within ten minutes of theChicago loop.Whether you come to Chicago for "one night or a thousandand one," a cordial welcome awaits you at Hotels Windermere.*J|otelslllinderiiiere\pW "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of Verandas and Terraces Fronting South on Jackson ParkOfficial Hotel IntercollegiateAlumni Extension Service50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn cj ¦gii/nz.atian (,f al most fifty people, with specialists in all branches of aJi'ertising/¦ ''^1VANDERHOOFS" QOMVN^::^ QmeraMdvertisivgVANDERHOOF BUILDING ?Sw? IS' E.ONTARIO ST..CH1CAGOHENRY D. SULCER, '05, Presi dentConverting Pubhc OpinionInto Carload OrdersNot long ago the public awoke to thefact that pretty coverings and shinyfinishes did not make fine furniture.The furniture made by the Karges-Wemyss Factories, which had alwaysbeen "honor built" suffered with thetrue culprits that is, until we called it"Veritas" (the Latin for truth) and advertised nationally the tag on each piecewhich stated exactly how it was made.On following trips the Veritas salesmen took carload orders instead ofturndowns.In your product there may be anidea you can convert into carloadorders. This agency offers expertassistance in finding and capitalizingyour "carload" idea.yeritasMemt her: American Association of Advertising Agencies & National Uii/.n.or Aa't'crtisi/ii: -S ureauvol.. XIX NO.MniberSitp of CfjicagoifHaga?ineDECEMBER, 1926TJ'Bj^f OF CO^S^TSFrontispiece: Interior of Joseph Bond Memorial ChapelChicago's Notable Medical Program 5 5The University and a Public Service 60Chicago's Oldest Living Alumnus 62Industrial Leaders Speak at Conference 65Chicago Encamped 68Events and Comment 7'Alumni Affairs 74University Notes '('The Letter Box SoNews of the Quadrangles 82Athletics 83News of the Classes and Associations 88THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council ofthe University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave.,Chicago, 111. The subscription price is I2.00 peryear; the price of single copies is 20 cents.Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all ordersfrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico,Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, HawaiianIslands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands.Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all othercountries in the Postal Union, 27 cents on annualsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If localcheck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withinthe month following the regular month of publication.The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freeonly when they have been lost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising may besent to the Publication Office, loog Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the_ Editorial Odice, Box g.Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.Communications for publication should be sent tothe Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December 10, 1014,at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, underthe .Act of March 3, 1870.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.51THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert p. Zimmermann, 'oiSecretary-Treasurer, W. ROBERT Jenkins, '24The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08; Harry R. Swanson,'17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'o5; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Assocjation of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98 ; HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09, D. B., '10.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., '10; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph. D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Fredrick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. v. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minster Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct, Chicago; Secretary, School of Education Alumni Associa-W. Robert Jenkins, '24, University of ^ion: President, W. C. Reavis, Ph.D.,Chicago. '25, University of Chicago; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: Mrs. R. W. Bixler, A. M., '25, Uni-President, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98, versity of Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Her- . abert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Universtiy Commerce and Administration Alumni, , . '' ' 7 , Association: President, John A. Logan,Di°vinity a!umni Association : President, '/'- ^31 So. La Salle St. Chicago ; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, ^f^^iss Charity Budinger, 20, 6031Detroit, Mich.; Secretary, R. B. David- Kimbark Ave., Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion: President, Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: President, Ur- D., '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., '10, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles A. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchang-e, University of Chicago. The dues formembership In either one of the AaBoclatlons named above. Including subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; In such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.52THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 53Q QHeadquarters for U. of C. AffairsAnnounces Another Musical TriumphGus C. EdwardsandHis Recording OrchestraWinners of Atlantic City First Prize PageantNow Playing in theBlue Fountain RoomEvery Evening from 6:30 to OneFeature Dancing by Helen NafeDine and Dance to the Rhythm of theBest Playing and Singing Organization in ChicagoBlue Fountain Room'^^^^ , '^-eifc?*,^',. > -^ \ i"Interior of the newly completed Joseph Bond Memorial Chapel The Chapel,architectural gem, adjoins the new divinity building, Swift Hall.54Vol. XIX No. 2?inib£rsiit|> of Cfjitagoilasa^meDECEMBER , 1926Chicago To Have Notable Medical EducationAnd Hospital BuildingsBy Coolidge and Hodgdon, Architects, and Ralph B. Seem, M.D.,Director, Albert Merritt Billings Hospital of the University of Chicago.Reprinted by courtesy of The Modern HospitalTHE Albert Merritt Billings Hospital,the Epstein Clinic, and the MedicalBuildings of the University of Chicago willoccupy that part of the university campusbounded by Drexel Avenue, Fifty-eighthStreet, Ellis Avenue, and the Midway Plais-ance. It comprises two city blocks.Across the street are the laboratories forthe pre-medical sciences and for the underlying sciences in medicine that are not included in the proposed group of buildings.This proximity will make it easily possibleto maintain an intimate relationship between these departments.The buildings were designed with theidea of meeting the requirements for research and education in medicine and providing the best facilities for the care andtreatment of patients. After a study ofhospital conditions in this country andabroad, and seeking the advice of medicaleducators and research workers, it was feltthat the requirements might best be metby adopting a plan that would provide accommodations for the different laboratorybranches and the two main clinical divisions of medicine medicine and surgery in separate buildings that would be more or lesscomplete in themselves, so that they mightoperate as units with a certain degree ofautonomy.While it was recognized that physicalunity of departments was desirable it wasfelt that they should not be too widelyseparated in order to secure correlation andco-ordination in their work, for the purposes of relationship with the public in thecare of patients, and for economy and efficiency in operation to avoid duplication ofservices that might be used in common. Itwas also an essential part of the plan to provide for expansion of these units without thenecessity of making changes in the arrangement of the buildings to be constructed atpresent.In this group there will be five buildings,one for physiology, pharmacology and physiological chemistry, one for pathology, onefor the medical clinic, one for the surgicalclinic and the administration building, inwhich will be placed many services that willbe used in common.The building for physiology, pharma-5556 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENorth-Center Entrance to Medical Group through the Physiology Building.cology and physiological chemistry will bebuilt along Fifty-eighth Street and will notbe directly connected with the other buildings of the group until intervening buildingshave been erected. The buildings for themedical clinic and for the surgical clinicwill be placed in the central portion of theplot so that additions may be made to eitherof them, not only for expansion of these departments, but to provide accommodationsfor related subjects. That is, adjacent tothe medical clinic, space is available for theerection of the buildings for pediatrics, contagious diseases and psychiatry, and next tothe surgical clinic buildings may be erectedfor departments related to it, as a women'sclinic, ophthalmology and otolaryngology.In the medical building and surgical building, the space at the northern end will beused for laboratories and teaching purposes,while that toward the south will be used forpatients.The buildings will be grouped aboutcourts. Across the northern end of the plotwill be the medical school court, from whichentrance will be gained to the differentlaboratory buildings and to the laboratory sections of the medical and surgical clinics.This court will be largely used by membersof the staff and students, those who willbe more directly concerned in the educational features of the work. The buildingfor pathology will be placed between thenorthern end of the medical building andthe surgical building which are joined toward the south by the administration building, thus forming a large central court. Themain entrance for the general public to thehospital and to the clinic for out-patientswfll be through the south central courtwhich faces the Midway.The buildings will be six stories in heightwith a basement and sub-basement underneath the entire buildings, in which willbe piping, ventilating ducts and machineryequipment. All stories above the basementwill be eleven feet high.l^he basement, which Is nine feet, sixInches high, Is five feet below grade. Byexcavating the ground In the Inner courtsand In other places by building areas, all ofthe principal rooms in the basement willhave full sized windows, so that good lighting and ventilation will be secured. TheCHICAGO MEDICAL BUILDINGS 57entrance for undertakers through the basement adjacent to the morgue will be wellprotected from public view. The autopsyamphitheater and the main assembly hallfor the entire group of buildings will extend from the basement through the firstfloor on which will be the principal entrances to these rooms. The kitchen andIts subsidiary departments will be centrallyplaced with respect to service for the presentand future buildings, and will be close tothe service elevators leading to the wardserving rooms on the floors above, and alsoto the different dining rooms for nurses,staff, petty officers and employees which willbe stationed on this level. The entrancefor the help will be close to their lockerand rest rooms.A large waiting room for visitors to wardpatients is on the first floor, as well assmaller reception rooms, all of which may besupervised from the information desk.Patients will be admitted to the out-patientor dispensary department, which for themost part Is on the second floor, through thefirst floor where will be located the pharmacy, the social service department, the record room and the admission offices.These departments are placed so that theywill conveniently serve both hospital andclinic patients.A common record room will permit theestablishment of a unit record system. Therecord room will be connected with the different departments of the out-patient, andalso with the wards throughout the hospital, by a pneumatic tube system for carrying patients' histories. The pharmacy,kitchen and other departments of the hospital will also be equipped with this system.The ambulance entrance will be immediately adjacent to the admission department and to the elevators on which patientswill be carried to the admission ward andto the emergency operating room, which areon the fourth floor.The department of illustration and photography and the Frank Billings Library forcurrent medical literature will be on thesecond floor of the pathology building. Theliving quarters for the resident surgical staffwill be In the surgical building.The hospital will have 216 beds distributed among nine wards which will beLooking southeast towards the main Medical Group.58 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon the third, fourth and fifth floors. Onthe third floor will be twenty-two roomsfor private patients, to be used by both themedical and surgical services. There willbe ten additional rooms in the medical wing,equipped with Individual service for eachpatient, and this will be used for an Isolation ward. On the surgical side will be award of twenty-four beds in one-bed andtwo-bed rooms' for the surgical specialties.It was felt that this type of ward wouldprovide the greatest amount of flexibilityin the segregation of different kinds of patients that fall into this group. The corresponding space In the medical buildingwill be used as a pediatric ward.Typical ward units will be In the medicalwing and the surgical wing on the fourthand fifth floors. Between them on the fourthfloor will be the admission ward and on thefifth floor will be the x-ray department. ItIs intended that all patients except privatepatients will be admitted to the hospitalthrough the admission ward. Emergencycases will be received here and also patientsrecovering from minor operation*^ or theeffects of special treatment given In the dis pensary, whom It might be desirable to keepunder observation for a limited period.This ward will consist of eight single bedrooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms formen and for women, a room for the storageof patients' clothes and an emergency operating room In addition to the usual wardservice rooms needed for this size of hospital.The typical ward unit will have accommodations for thirty-two patients, sixteenof whom will be in a large ward which isdivided Into four cubicles of four beds each.These cubicles permit a certain degree ofsegregation of patients and give them a privacy which they do not have In the largeopen ward. The beds will be placed atright angles to the long axis of the ward sothat patients will not face the windows asthey lie In bed. Beyond this ward will bea large solarium and also a balcony or terrace to which patients may be moved whenIt is desirable for them to be in the openair. The remaining sixteen patients will becared for in one-bed and two-bed rooms.These accommodations will provide ampleopportunity for the isolation and separationof as many different kinds of diseases andLooking northwest in a corner of the Midway Court.CHICAGO MEDICAL BUILDINGS 59Main entrance to the Medical Group from the Midway court -with a smaller entranceto an adjoining building.conditions as are likely to arise in the treatment and study of the various types of casesthat will be admitted to the hospital.The service rooms and utilities for theward unit will be centrally located. Nextto the open ward v\^ill be the nurse's office.Immediately across from the entrance to theelevators, so that visitors and patients coming to the ward will find themselves immediately at the nurse's office. Just outside the nurse's office will be a small balconyand porch for patients whom It might bedesirable to keep under observation, v/herithey are out of their rooms.Of the two elevators to the ward, onewill be reserved for passengers and the otherwill be used for service. This service elevator will open directly Into the ward serving room.At the distal end of the ward and connected w^Ith it will be a room where patientsmay be moved for demonstration to studentsand for special treatments and proceduresthat are always more or less disturbing toother patients when given In the largewards. It Is expected that prepared tra>'s for these procedures will be kept in a cabinetin this room so that these procedures may beundertaken without any delay beyond moving the patient to this room. The wardmay also be entered from this end, whichwill connect it directly with the laboratoriesand other teaching activities. This approach will be largely used by students andmembers of the staff.While some of the laboratories will be arranged and equipped to meet special needs,there will be a considerable number ofrooms planned to accommodate four workers, and these will be arranged and equippedfor doing any type of laboratory work.Some of these laboratories that will be Immediately adjacent to the wards will beused by students assigned for work in- thewards, so that the student will have a placealmost in the hospital ward that he mayregard as his own, in which he may carryon many of the duties in connection withhis ward work.On the sixth floor living quarters for themedical staff will be In the medical build-(Please turn to page 96)The University and a Public ServiceNo individual phase of the University's tremendous development program of the past two years has agreater significance or a greater promiseof benefit than the program of public education which is being conducted under theauspices of University College. The threeseries of lectures being offered for the fallquarter are unique in the field of publiclecture and University Extension work.They are informal and non-technical intheir presentation but are at the same timetruly scientific and are delivered by recognized authorities in their respective fields.The keynote of the lecture program isbest expressed by a quotation from President Harper whose farsighted vision manyyears ago sensed the unique position thatChicago must take, centered as it is in theheart of a great community of several million people. The lecture announcementsbear this injunction from Dr. Harper:"To provide for those who cannot attend in its classrooms is a legitimate andnecessary part of the work of every university. . . . This work, while it mustbe in a good sense popular, must also besystematic in form and scientific in spirit ;and to be such it must be done under thedirection of a university by men who havehad scientific training."The courses now in progress and thoseunder contemplation are indeed in recognition of and in obedience to the spirit andletter of that injunction. One need butglance at the titles of the courses and lectures to catch the popular appeal, and thenames of the lecturers, almost without exception, are nationally and internationallyknown men in their respective fields. It isa great program being presented in a greatway.Creative Personalities. Problems of the.iverage Investor, and The Nature of theIf'orld and of Man are the courses for thecurrent quarter. For the Winter Quarterthe course on Creative Personalities will berepeated for the benefit of the several hun dred persons who were turned away fromthe current series after all standing roomhad been sold. A continuation course under the same title will be offered for thosewho have finished the first group of lectures. The complete courses for the WinterQuarter on Creative Personalities are asfollows : Mondays, 6:45 P. M.-7:45 P. M.Fullerton Hall, Art Institute.January lo Homer and What They Sayabout Homer. PAUL SHOREY,Department of Greeli Languageand LiteratureJanuary 17 Caesar: the Statesman and theCrisis. CARL F. HUTH, Jr., Department of HistoryJanuary 24 Virgil and the National Epic.HENRY W. PRESCOTT, Department of Latin Language andLiteratureJanuary 31 Paul and the Life of the Spirit.SHAILER MATHEWS, Department of Systematic TheologyFebruary 7 The Originality of Chaucer.WILLIAM A. CRAIGIE, Department of EnglishFebruary 14 Shakespere as an ElizabethanIdealist. CHARLES R. BASKER-VILL, Department of EnglishFebruary 21 The Beloved Failure: Don Quixote. HAYWARD KENISTON,Department of Romance Languages and LiteraturesFebruary 28 Goethe and Modern Thought.PHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN,Department of Germanic Languages and LiteraturesMarch 7 Sir Walter Scott and the RomanticHighlands. TOM PEETE CROSS,Department of General LiteratureMarch 14 Milton: Poet of a Cljanging Age.DAVID H. STEVENS, Department of EnglishMarch 21 Dante: Poet and .Apostle.ERNEST H.\TCH WILKINS,Department of Romance Languages and LiteraturesTuesdays, 6:4i^-7:4S P. M.Fullerton HallJanuary 11 John Marshall. ANDREW C.Mclaughlin, Department ofHistoryJanuary 18 Franklin. MARCUS W. JERNE-G.'VN, Department of History60A PUBLIC SERVICE 6iJanuary 25 Andrew Jackson. CHAUNCEYS. BOUCHER, Department ofHistoryFebruary i Charlemagne.JAMES W. THOMPSON, Department of HistoryFebruary 8 Michel Angelo. FERDINANDSCHEVILL, Department ofHistoryFebruary 11 Richelieu. WALTER L. DORN,Department of HistoryFebruary 22 Prince Henry the Navigator.ARTHUR P. SCOTT, Department of HistoryMarch r Pericles. CARL F. HUTH, Department of HistoryMarch 8 OpenMarch 15 OpenMarch 22 OpenThe course on Problems of the AverageInvestor which was given on Thursdayevenings during the Fall Quarter also drewan overflow crowd. Many banking andinvestment houses in the city indorsed theprogram and some of them even went sofar as to practically require attendance ofthe men in their training groups. The outline of the course follows : The Average Investor's Problems Stated,Stuart P. Meech, School of Commerce andAdministration.Planning Investment, Chester WhitneyWright, Department of Economics.Sources and Uses of Investment Information,Stuart P. Meech, School of Commerce andAdministration.Government and Municipal Obligations, JohnW. Dennison, Manager, Municipal Division,Illinois Merchants Banks.Real Estate Investments, Melvin Thies, UnionTrust Company.Railroad and Steamship Investments, Speakerfrom Harris Trust and Savings Banks.Public Utility Investments, David F. Jordan,Halsey, Stuart and Company.Industrial Investments, Stuart P. Meech,School of Commerce and Administration.Building and Loan and Miscellaneous Investments.Lloyd W. Mints, Department of Economics.Life Insurance as an Investment. SamuelHenry Nerlove, School of Commerce and Ad-minstration.Analysis of Typical Investment Accounts,Francis Knight, Assistant Manager, Bond Department, Illinois Merchants Banks.The third course. The Nature of theWorld and of Man, was begun in the FallQuarter and a continuation course will be given during the Winter Quarter. Theattendance at this group also has exceededthe capacity of the hall. Public interest,as expressed in the press, was most arousedby this group. Fortunately the series beganjust after the publication of the volumebearing the same name, and several of theauthors are also on the program of speakers.The outline of the course on The Natureof the World and of Man is as follows :Fridays, 6:45 P. M.-7:45 P. M.Fullerton HallOctober 8 Astronomy. William DuncanOctober 15 MacMillan, Department of AstronomyOctober 22 The Origin and Early Stages ofOctober 29 the Earth. Rollin T. Chamberlain, Department of GeologyNovember 5 Geological Problems of theNovember 12 Earth's History. J. HarlanBretz, Department of GeologyNovember 19 The Message of a Beam of Light.Harvey Brace Lemon, Department of PhysicsDecember 3 The Dance of Molecules andFlight of Electrons. ProfessorLemonDecember 10 The Nature of Chemical Pro-December 17 cesses. Julius Stieglitz, De-paitment of ChemistryWinter QuarterJanuary 7 The Nature and Origin of Life.HORATIO HACKETT NEWMAN, Department of ZoologyJanuary 14 The Bacteria. EDWIN O.JORDAN, Department of BacteriologyJanuary 21 Evolution of the Plant Kingdom.January 28 MERLE C. COULTER, Department of BotanyFebruary 4 The Nature of Plant EnvironmentHENRY CHANDLER COWLES,Department of BotanyFebruary 11 The Reaction of Plants to theirEnvironment. PROFESSORCOWLESFebruary 18 The Evolution of the Inverte-February 25 brates I and II. W. C. ALLEE,Department of MedicineMarch 4 ALFRED S. ROMER, Depart-March 11 ment of GeologyMarch 18 The Coming of Man. FAY-COOPER COLE, Department ofAnthropologyMarch 25 The Modern Race. PROFESSORCOLEHeretofore, the public lecture series havebeen of a more technical and specialized(Please turn to page 97)Chicago's Oldest Living AlumnusA narrative of the professional career of Anderson If . King, M. D., ofRedlands, California, written by him a few weeks prior tohis one hundred and first birthday anniversary.MY DEFINITE decision to enterthe medical profession was madein 1849, whilst on a ten-milehorseback ride at midnight with Dr.Samuel Reid, a pioneer and beloved physician, of Salem, Indiana, and a special friendof Dr. Charles Hay, father of Sir JohnHay, the distinguished Secretary of State,Ambassador and diplomat. I had for atime served an apprenticeship at the print- But he advised me to make choice ofthe medical profession as opening a largerfield of usefulness than any other and moreopportunities for contributing to the happiness and welfare of mankind. His arguments in favor of this selection were soreasonable and unanswerable that I thenand there decided that my life's workshould be that of a physician and I havenever regretted the decision. As soon as(>. ,......,(.......x:j.,.\x..^^,....j^^ I spent^ -cC^ w,.^ ,^xC (Kvui-^- a,i^^..~.v«,, Vr ^r^ M.-^.*.^ years under his in-^»i»~*^ v-»~^j.y,. »w-( .^ (wvi^^ru... ^..^ ^ V1.V., 'X-k^t^ struction, and in the"N^-^ing trade, beginning in the office of the I could arrange matters, I moved to Ply-"Indiana Monitor," published in Salem, mouth, Illinois, the home of my brother,Indiana, by Dr. Charles Hay, who was my and entered the office of Dr. Thomas P.lifelong friend. Montgomery, a brightDr. Reid asked me ^, ^j^ ^_ -^^..^v-v ^"^ successful IVI.D.,if I had made choice ,,, ^ A^-a v, .. ^ .¦..,i_.. , .... ^..-7.... ., where I spent twoof a calling for myfuture life. I repliedthat I had canvasseda number of professions and occupationswithout any positiveselection. He spokeof the three learnedprofessions la w,medicine, and divinity and several businessvocations, with thearguments pro andcon, saying that if theaccumulation of mon- '^^ey with facility and --^'-^--^^ S^^-'-t '^':±i^.:CC±^:^ '^"^ ^^little sacrifice of phys- a Letter from Dr. King to a friend. Dr. Maical comfort appealed jor, written shortly after his loist birthdayto me there were autumn of 1852 entered Rush MedicalCollege, the buildinglocated on the cornerof Indiana and Wol-cott Streets. Chicagowas then a city of25,000 inhabitants,Avith the main streetspaved with three-inchplanks.The Faculty ofRush Medical College at that time,October, 1852, wascomposed of DavidBrainard, Professormany departments of business that offered of Surgery: James Van Zandt BlanevChemistry; William B. Herrick, Anatomyand Physiology; John McLean, MateriaMedica and Theraceutics ; John Evans,Obstetrics; Nathan S. Davis, Pathologyand Practice ; Joseph W. Freer, Demonstrator of Anatomy. These were all goodcapable men and wise instructors. Wegreat inducements to ambitious young men.If I was ambitious to lead a public life,an official life, a political life, law held outthe greatest promise. If I -wished to administer to the spiritual needs and eternalinterests of mankind, divinity called me andI should respond.62CHICAGO'S OLDEST LIVING ALUMNUS 6:iwere favored during this session withthe presence of a young lady student MissEmily Blackwell, sister of the somewhatfamous Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell. Of herI shall have more to say later. On myreturn to Illinois, I resumed my studieswith Dr. T. P. Montgomery and Dr. M.M. Horton, his new partner.In October, 1853, I returned to Chicago,and soon found boarding in Indiana Streetclose to the college.Some of my fellow-boarders were Dr. C.C. Cornett, whoafterwards accumulated a fortune in abusiness enterprise inMadison, Indiana; jRobert McArthur ofOttawa, Illinois, abright fellow for several terms Presidentof the Illinois Medical Society, and Dr.Thomas D. Fitch,later member of theFaculty of Rush.During this session 1853 and 1854--Dr. Brainard was inEurope and Dr. Herrick was his subsituteas President of theFaculty and Professorof Surgery. Dr. Hos-mer A. Johnson, anAlumnus of Rush,filled his chair ofPhysiology- Anatomy.On my return to the college I foundquite a commotion among those in authority. Miss Emily Blackwell, a last year'sstudent, returned to complete her course notwithstanding the trustees had notifiedher that in consequence of strenuous opposition on the part of a few wealthy andinfluential students, to female physicians,they had decided that hereafter no womanstudents would be admitted. Miss Black-well contended and with a show of rea-Anderson W. King, Rush '54son that as she had regularly matriculatedat a previous session, she was legally entitled to complete her course at this term.The opposing students threatened to goelsewhere If she was admitted and theauthorities resisted her appeals. At last sheretired and harmony was restored.If I remember correctly, our graduatingclass that ytar numbered thirty-three, a fewof whom gainedprominence in laterlife, Robert McArthur as chairmanof the Illinois Medical Society, ThomasD. Fitch as memberof the Faculty ofRush Medical CoLlege, Isaac Riis aspolitician and speakerof the Illinois Houseof Representatives.After my graduation, I returned toPlymouth, Illinois,and, at the urgent solicitation of Drs.Montgomery andHorton, I entered into partnership withthem for a stipulatedsum for the first year.However, before theexpiration of theyear, the doctors disagreed, the firm dissolved and I was leftfree. Each of thedoctors urged me toally myself with him,but my short experience of partnership lifesufficed, and I decided to "paddle my owncanoe." So I hung out my shingle andawaited developments. Of course, thecompetition betw^een the older physicianswas sharp. Their respective friends ralliedto their support and there seemed little leftfor me. One thing favored me. The C.B. & Q. Railroad was being built throughour place, calling for a large number of employees and their families. As Is always the64 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcase, owing to their manner of life, therewas a good deal of sickness and I had myfull share of the practice. The fees weremostly cash in hand. This income tided meover until I could secure a lucrativepractice among the permanent citizens.This came about sooner than I anticipated.Personally, I had the good will of the entirecommunity, and a reasonable degree of success in practice gradually inspired confidence in my ability and skill as a physician.The rivalry between the other doctors,amounting frequently to unseemly quarrels,did me no harm.Patience, gentleness, and gentlemanlycourtesy at all times, and prompt, vigorousaction in emergency won for me a far morethan ordinary success in the practice of obstetrics. I can count legions of cases oftwins and one case of triplets three bouncing boys, weighing twenty-five and a halfpounds named Thomas Jefferson, AndrewJackson, and Stephen A. Douglas, indicating the politics of the parents. Oneof the interesting features of my recentbirthday anniversary was the presence ofsix persons, at whose advent into the worldI was chairman of the reception committeethat bid them welcome.It was my fortune to practice throughsix epidemics of smallpox, besides consultingin many cases in the practice of near byphysicians, amounting in all to far aboveone hundred cases modified and virulent thus affording me an opportunity to estimate the merits and demerits of vaccination, and my conviction is that if thehorrible disease is ever eradicated, whollyfrom earth, it will be through the operationof this potent, God-given agency.I love Rush Medical College. My reverence and affection for her her historyand traditions has known no abatement.She has stood and still stands for the mostlofty ideals in men and things in principlesand institutions. Her teachers have everbeen men of the highest standard of excellence in intelligence, moral character,and equipment for their work. As thepioneer medical school of the state, she haslargely determined the ethics and the procedure of the profession throughout the West. She has sent out an army of brave,courageous men, to fight against and conquer disease in all its forms and bringhealth and prosperity to all the communitiesof our land.Rush has been in the forefront of alladvanced ideas and methods in medicationand practice and, with the aid of Homeopathy, has revolutionized these methods tothe welfare of the public and the honor ofthe profession. Very different from thepalatial home of Rush today, was the modest and meagerly equipped building inWolcott Street, with its faculty of butseven professors, but it has grown like theplant by the rivers of waters until today itis one of the leading, most influential andpopular medical institutions of America, ofwhich I, in common with thousands of disciples, am justly proud.When we review the wonderful progress of the medical profession within thelast century, we are moved to exclaimwith Uncle Remus, "The world do move."At the beginning of the last century themethods of medical practice were simplybarbarous. Mammoth doses of the vilestand most nauseous and drastic vegetablesubstances were administered in the formof powders or decoctions, substances thatare now given in the form of concentratedextracts or pellets that are tasteless andpalatable. To a patient burning with araging fever, a sup of cold water or a coldlotion to the head was denied. All this ispast. A more rational and successfulsystem of medication is employed, and themedical profession may rejoice that it hasentered upon an era of reason and commonsense that, with less medicine and a firmreliance on the assistance and guidance ofthe Divine Healer, will make the professionwhat it ought to be, one of the most powerful agencies for promoting the welfare andhappiness of humanity.I know nothing of the later life of MissEmily Blackwell. If she is living, she hasmy most hearty and cordial good wishes,inspired by her faultless deportment whilea member of the class of 1852 and 1853 inRush Medical College.Industrial Leaders Speak at ConferenceTHE Third Annual Conference onEducation and Industry convened atthe University on October twenty-seventh. An excellent program of speakersaddressed an audience that filled MandelHall in both the morning and afternoon sessions. The speakers for the day were asfollows.: -President Max Mason of the University ;W. S. Farish, President of the PetroleumInstitute of America; Ernest R. Graham,prominent architect and designer of theColumbian World Exposition ; Edwin S.Jordan, President of the Jordan Motor CarCompany; Vice-President of the UnitedStates, Charles G.Dawes; Dwight E.Morrow of the J. P.Morgan Company ;and Fred W. Sargent, President ofthe Chicago andNorthwestern Railway System.President Masonopened the conference with a briefaddress as to thenature and aims ofthe meeting."Speaking fromthe viewpoint ofeducation," he declared, "we in theuniversities conceive,as you in the industries conceive, ofhuman effort as divided into its outletfor today and fortomorrow. Peculiarly in America, ourminds are fixed on evolution and progress.We have, in accordance with the specialization necessary in the complexity of modernlife, divided these problems to a certainextent, divided in emphasis rather than inreality, and out of that unit of performanceand study which makes up modern life, themen in the industries of necessity have placed emphasis upon the daily performance, but they are far from forgetting thetomorrow ; while we in the educational andresearch institute are definitely obligated tokeep our view primarily at longer range tothink of tomorrows, but together with thatwe must not forget the todays." * * * If that be so, it is necessary thatthe media of communication be constantlyopen between he who is performing in thedaily work and he who is contemplatingfor the future, that we may arrive at a clearunit of endeavor, neither of us forgettingthe other's tasks, the unit program being thething we are interested in."Mr. Farish reada scholarly and interesting paper onthe outlook in thepetroleum industry.After tracing therapid and somewhaterratic developmentof the oil industries,Mr. Farish discussed the possibilities ofa petroleum shortagein the immediatefuture. His surveywas largely reassuring; being confidentthat no imminentdanger of shortagewas at hand andthat the cost of fuelwould not exceedthe present ratio ofapproximately fifteen per cent ofmotor cost. Mr.Farrish predicted that the occurance of anyshortage due to present overproduction andwaste would eventually be gradually offsetover a period of years by the introductionof substitutes equally as cheap and equallyas efficient.Mr. Graham briefly sketched the historyof architecture and the building industriesand then predicted the future of the build-DwiGHT E. Morrow of the J. P. MorganCompany, who spoke at the Conferenceon Education and Industry.6566 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEing program of America directed by civiccontrol bodies toward a more uniform segregation and a more beautiful and practicalwhole.The future of the automotive industrywas presented by Mr. Jordan. In a clearand concise way he pointed out the valuesof the whole problem of individual transportation and discussed the possibilities ofthe industry's reaching a saturation pointin the immediate future."The saturation point in the business ofindividual transportation will be reachedwhen every civilized individual on the faceof the earth has some means of individualtransportation and none ever wears out,"he declared. " * * * The industry is stillin swaddling clothes, and the principalreason for that is that while we have20,000,000 automobiles in this countrythere are only about 5,000,000 in all theworld beside; and one of the most important facts about the business today is thefact that the industry shipped over 700,000automobiles to foreign countries last year.Perhaps I can better explain its significanceto me by a remark which I think is fundamental even though it is a little facetious."I have always maintained that thesolution for the European problem does notlie in a group of men sitting around thetable figuring out what somebody owes ; itlies in the introduction of 2,000,000 Fordsand 2,000,000 telephones to cut down thecost of transportation, break down thebarriers of language, religion, custom andprejudice transportation and communication."That is perhaps a facetious comment butit is as fundamental as it is facetious.The afternoon session was presided overby Thomas E. Wilson, Chairman of theInstitute of American Meat Packers.Charles G. Dawes, in his inimitable way,introduced Mr. Dwight Morrow of the J.P. Morgan Company, who spoke on theoutlook for finance."Since the Dawes plan was put intooperation," he declared, "Germany has beenpractically upon a gold basis. A short timebefore that, Austria and Hungary were puton a gold basis. This week Belgium has gone on a gold basis. By a decree of theKing, in whom the power was vested whenparliament adjourned last spring, Belgiumhas constituted a new value for her franc,has made a new coin to consist of five francsof the new gold value of the franc, and hasbuttressed her position by ample funds andarnple credits to enable her to maintain thefranc at that position."Looking ahead during the next 5'ear, Ishould think we might look with confidenceto having France and Italy during thatyear following the example of Belgium. Ishould expect that before the end of 1927,probably well before the end of 1927,France would be out of the nightmare of afluctuating and depreciating paper money.That is going to mean a great deal to Western Europe."'T^ HE outlook for the railroads was out--I- lined by Mr. Sargent. The immediatefuture of our railway systems, particularlyin the west and middlewest, is largely dependent, as Mr. Sargent pointed out, on theproper control and organization of twogreat competing forces : the motor bus linesand the internal waterway development. Inan unbiased and scholarly paper he analysedthe comparative value to and burden on thepublic of these two competing forces, bringing to light numerous examples of the evilsof those competitive forces as they exist incertain localities today. He pointed outthat the railways are not only privatelycapitalized but that they pay taxes to thepublic, whereas the motorbus lines usepublic roads built by taxes and bond asses-ments, and the canals are built and maintained at a great public expense.One of the highlights of the day'sprogram was the tribute payed to the University and to the Institute by Mr.Morrow, on the nature of their mutualundertaking. Coming as it did from aninternationally known financier it is worthyof complete quotation here."I would like to say something about thisaudience and about this meeting. I wouldlike to say something about the past, andafter all, reconstructing the past is not avery different process from constructing theINDUSTRIAL LEADERS SPEAK byfuture. Both depend upon the process ofan analysis and inference and generalization, and we know very, very little aboutthe past. That is why a great Universitylike this is an invaluable thing to industry,to meat packers, to an audience of this kindwho are trying to prepare for the future."It is a very remarkable partnership thatyou have here ; it is a very remarkablepartnership that you are celebrating in theThird Annual Conference of the University of Chicago and the meat packers.Think of it ! You couldn't have had a meeting like that a few centuries ago, say in theeleventh or twelfth or the thirteenth or thefourteenth centuries. The university, thespiritual progenitor of the University ofChicago, was a good deal of an aristocrat.You heard something of the university andthe church and the state or the universityand the church and the empire before themodern state came, but you did not hearver)- much about the university and industry."Industry was a very important part inmaking the world go onward, but thechurch and the university and the staterepresented by the soldiers or the politicianssat at the first table and industry providedthe kitchen and ate in the kitchen."It is a very remarkable thing that youhave been promoted and allowed to comedown here and associate with college professors. I don't say that to make yourbusiness any less dignified than mine, because I am just about to say that in the olden times if there was any group in the community that had a lower status than thepeople who dealt in cattle it was the peoplewho dealt in interest, the financiers. They,of course, were of no use except when theyloaned the money, and when it came to paythem back they generally had somethingdone with them because they were usurers."By this very catholic taste of your uni-ersity they have not only permitted you tocome, but they have permitted me to come,and I am grateful to them, and I want toexpress to the University on your behalfyour gratitude as well as my own."Seriously, it is a very fine partnershipbecause you are all engaged in the same work, although perhaps you are approaching it from somewhat different angles."The world has got to go on, somebodyhas got to do its rough work. Civilizationas well as an army must largely travel onits belly; it must be fed. Civilization cannot wait always for those who know howthings ought to be done; somebody has gotto scratch the earth and put the grain in theground and harvest it and take care of thecattle and get the food to market in orderthat life shall go on. The planting, theharvesting, the tending of cattle, and all ofthose things that seem and may be sordid,somebody has to do. But the thing thatmakes all that worth-while is to know whatit is all about, what it is done for, what weare aiming at in this complex and troublouscivilization where man stays here but alittle while, using the work of all those whohave gone before him, the silent slumberersin the churchyard, and doing the best he canwith the problems that press upon him inthis complicated life."Some men who are not required, -whocan be spared because of their vision, because of their intellectual power, are somewhat withdrawn from those ¦\\ho have tokeep civilization going, and their functionis to find out what it is all about, to tell uswhat it is all for, to find out what they canfrom us and to point the way, and that iswhat every university is required to do.That is what this great university is doing."President Mason spoke this morningabout the Greek astronomer who measuredthe earth more than a millennium, 1700 or1800 years, before Columbus used thatpractical fact. That is what Chicago University is today, with its great laboratories,with its able scientists, trying to find out not only those natural laws which you allare using, but those social laws and socialpurposes that are going to enable the vastnumber of people that now li\e on this continent and the vaster number that are goingto live here fifty or a hundred years fromnow^to live together charitably and happilyand with a high purpose."It is a fine thing that this university hasseen the need of calling in the meat packers(Please turn to page 9S)Chicago EncampedBy Lt. C. R. Gildart, Department of Military Science and Tactics. University of Chicago.MAKING their pilgrimages in thelaborious manner necessitated bythe employment of ancient Fords,begging rides from indulgent itinerants orwantonl}' spending on railroad tickets themileage afforded by the Government,t\\'enty nine University of Chicago studentsof the Reserve Officers' Training Corpsreported to Camp Sparta, Wisconsin, June1 8th, for the six weeks of field trainingconstituting a complement of their classroom studies at the University.The Camp Sparta Military Reservationcomprises a tract of sandy land about tenmiles long and three miles wide, situatedabout thirty miles east of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Travelers through that part ofWisconsin are usually surprised at the altitude of the hills or mountains, for theyare almost that. Camp Sparta contains arange of these hills, winding and sprawling about the reservation, forming ravinesand pockets, parallel ridges and draws,knolls and plateaus. Its varied terrain isparticularly adapted to artillery instruction,through the paradoxical combination ofgood observation and deceptive groundforms. All of the hills are forested withscrub oak and pine. Transportation aboutthe reservation is impossible except by horseback, narrow guage railroad or tractor. officers and non-commissioned officers werefilled by roster, the personnel of whichchanged daily. The instructional staff consisted of regular army officers detailed fromthose on duty at the various universitiesrepresented, with Capt. Sidney G. Bradyof the University of Illinois as Camp Commander. The latter, who is a son of thelate Cyrus Townsend Brady, militaryauthor and historian, through his combinedsympathetic and soldierly qualities provedto be eminently well qualified for hisposition. Early in the camp, he outlinedto the new battery his policy of administering a rigid but just discipline, after themanner of that which obtains at the UnitedStates Military Academy. This met witha reaction from the students, which failedto substantiate the popular conception ofthe unamenability to discipline of youngpeople from thii present generation.Drills and instruction covered the multifarious duties of enlisted and commissionedpersonnel in a regular field artillery battery,taking place from 7:30 to 11:30 duringthe forenoon and from i :30 to 3 :30 in theafternoon. Reveille was held at six o'clockand taps at eleven. Instruction in Equitation, Reconnaissance, Tactical Employmentof Field Artillery, and Elementary Gunnery consumed much of the first month.because of the more than ordinarily deep Toward the latter part of the camp periodthe field artillery firing on the target rangeusing service ammunition, with the teamwork and leadership that this sort of workimposes as its primary requisites, was giventhe major portion of the time. The courseImmediately after the issue of uniforms culminated in a three day march, involvingsand found everywhere. The view fromthe ROTC camp sweeps across a broadvalle)' and embraces a wide panorama ofwell elevated hills, dotted with farm buildings set in a mosaic of cultivated fields.and equipment, the ninety-nine cadets wereorganized into a field artillery battery. Assignment to tents by the alphabetical method, kneaded them homogeneously into thegroups from the University of Illinois andWisconsin, broadening their collegiate outlook and fostering among them new friendships and associations. Cadet rank at theuniversities was disregarded, and posts as all phases of artillery activity in the field,including night-firing of shrapnel underconditions simulating action as nearly aspossible.The Uni\-ersity of Chicago representation at Camp Sparta w.as more than creditable. Officers from other institutions onduty at the camp expressed themselves asbeing favorably impressed with the Chicago68CHICAGO ENCAMPED 69product, and with the type of instructionreflected in the conduct of her students.The University of Chicago was particularly fortunate in extra-curricular activities, partially because of the presence ofseveral very fine Maroon athletes in ranks.Marks, 1926 football captain ; Hob-scheid, 1925 star lineman and Brignall, a"C^ man in baseball, assisted by severalothers made Chicago an easy winner inathletics. With a battery composed ofMarks as pitcher and Hobscheid as catcher,Chicago won the baseball championshipwithout the loss of a game. In the boxingmatches, Hobscheid tied with McConnellof Illinois in the heavyweight class ; Markswon the light heavyweight bout; Garenwon the middleweight championship ; Bellesgained the lightweight championship andBassie the featherweight, a string of victories that gave Chicago a long lead onIllinois, the closest contender.A record of the pistol firing disclosedthe fact that Chicago men came out withthe highest percentage, and that a Chicagocadet, J. Burton Smith shot the highestindividual score. In the extemporaneousgames that formed a part of the half-hourdaily devoted to physical training, the elanof Chicago's students usually gave them the victory over the other two groups. Inthe reconnaissance problem, solved by acadet battery commander from each of thethree institutions, assisted by a battery com-mander^s detail selected from his mates,Chicago was nosed out of first place byWisconsin, whose time was shorter by several minutes. Chicago's battery com^-mander for this problem was Cadet HenryK. Webster, Jr. In practically all departments of the problem other than thematter of time, Chicago's record was thebest of the three.The officers from the University of Chicago were gratified to learn that in theopinion of the camp commander the potentialities as to reserve officer qualities ofthe cadets from the Midway were considerably superior to those of last year's group.Should this be a fact, and the unprejudicednature of the opinion makes it believable,it, together with the fact that Chicago'srepresentation at the camp was larger numerically than ever before, makes the progress of the University of Chicago unit ofROTC during the past year more satisfactory than in any previous period. In theFebruary 1926 number of the UniversityOF Chicago Magazine a forecast wasmade placing the probable total output ofRange practice, a part of the daily routine at Camp Sparta.70 THE UNIVERSITV OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEReserve Officers from the unit at twentyfor the school year 1925-26. Twenty-four actually received commissions (oreligibility certificates in the case of minors)giving the department an. Increase of 84%in output over the previous >ear. Startingwith the year 1923-24, this percentage ofincrease has been 60%, 62% and finally84%^ a record which shows that while thenumbers enrolled In the Department havebeen small, the percentage of Increase inoutput has been quite large, and now keepspace in a general way with the reserveofficer output in many other Institutionswhere Field Artillery units are maintained.And yet the officers of the Instructionalstaff are unsatisfied with the general condition of the Chicago unit of ROTC.Much of the production outlined In thepreceding paragraph is a realization uponwork expended on the ROTC project inother institutions. Eighteen of the twenty-four commissioned received all or part oftheir basic instruction elsewhere than In thelocal basic course. Alaior F. M. Barrows,Professor of Military Science and Tactics,aims at an annual output of 50 ReserveOfficers, most of whom have received allof their military instruction both basic (first two years) and advanced (final twoyears) at the University of Chicago. Thiswill give the average student four yearsof field artillery, Instead of two or moreof Infantry or cavalry for camps, and twoof field artillery, making the sum total ofspecialized technical knowledge at the disposal of the newl)' commissioned reserveofficer from this unit considerably greaterand better, than at present. In this respectthe Chicago unit is not now self-supporting,but does reclaim from other Institutions aconsiderable amount of partialh' trainedmaterial, A\'hlch otherwise might be irretrievably lost to the cadre of the reserveestablishment.In this project, the betterment of theUnlverslt> 's contribution to sensible national defense, the Department of MilitaryScience and Tactics desires to appeal tothe conception of economy and general goodsense of the Uni\'ersity of Chicago alumnus.The Reserve Officers' Training Corps InIts very nature is one which must dependupon the good will of the community In^vhich It strives for existence, for the instruction given therein leads to proficiencyin an avocation rather than to a \'Ocational(Please turn to tage 9S)Morning inspection at Camp Sparta, Summer Camp of the Reserve OfficeTraining Corps.$ ^fjt Mnifaersitp of Ci)icagoiilaga?ine |Editor and Business Manager, W. Robert Jenkins^ '24Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medical Association MorrisFiSHBEIN, '11, M.D., '12,ere:ACTs e^ coMMe:A(TTHE Holiday Season is with us thismonth. Perhaps it is better that webring our greeting early in the month beforeforce of the Christmas seasonA Seasonal ^, ¦.. j »u f 11the excitement and the fullLireeting j^ upon us. Perhaps we maythereby be able to contribute a little moresignificance to the whole thought of Christmas and thereby enrich its happiness for you.That is the purpose of every such greeting.On Christmas Eve the Chimes in Mitchell Tower will peal their carols. Onlythose of us who are fortunate enough to bewithin a short radius of the University willbe able to actually hear those Chimes, andyet we are sure that their message of joyand peace will echo in the heart of all of uswho have heard them in former days. Tomany the Chimes have become, above allother things, the voice of the Universitycalling to mind the sweeter and finer thingsof our life here and the nobler things forwhich our Alma Mater stands.We hope that among the carols we shallhear, no matter where we be on ChristmasEve, will be this song of joy:"Then peal the bells more loud and deep,God is not dead, nor doth he sleep ;The wrong shall fail, the right prevailWith Peace on Earth, Good Will TowardMen."We hope that you shall hear it becausewe find a true and significant echo of itsChristmas thought in the familiar words ofour Alma Mater:"We praise her breadth of charity,Her faith that truth shall make men free,That right shall live eternally "May the Chimes send their echo to you. JUDGING from the multitude of marked copies, clippings, quotations, and thelike which have flooded our desk theselast three weeks, the countrvThe Press ^^^ ^^^^^ college" with aAgain vengeance. No sooner had weunburdened our minds a month ago thanthere came a new flood of material clamoring to be praised or picked to pieces. Saving the dessert for the last, we are forcedto mention a most untasty morsel that appeared in "The New Student" of someweeks ago. It was written by a student,a sophomore at the University of Chicago,and concerned the activities of a friend whowas eventually dismissed by the authorities.And the article was no better than such asetting would give promise of.After coining a few catchy platitudesabout his Alma Mater, young Mr. Northenters into a long dissertation and relationof the trials and tribulations of his erringfriend. When he is not twisting and perverting the attitude of students and facultyhe is deliberately falsifying. When he falsifies he has no regard for the niceties ofturning a pretty falsehood, but he fabricates out of whole cloth. It is thereforeimpossible to enter into any serious discussion or criticism of Mr. North's article.Suffice it to say that he has made publicand voluntary apology, frankly admittingthe atrocities committed against truth, andattributing all to his imagination which hesays has a passion for a "well-roundedpicture."7172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn direct contrast to this sophomoric outburst and of a decidedly fine and thoughtfultone, are two recent articles that stand outin pleasing relief from the drab field ofcurrent collegiate criticism. Rita S. Halleis the authoress of the first of these, a saneand thoughtful article appearing in a recent issue of McCall's Magazine and titled"Is Your Son or Daughter Going to College?" The content of the article mightwell be called a layman's consideration ofthe problem of mass education. Far fromplacing the blame of educational failureson the shoulders of higher educational institutions, she approaches the problem fromthe standpoint of the adaptability of theindividual to higher education in general,and to the college or university selected inparticular. We are heartily in accord withthe thought of Mrs. Halle's article and wecommend her and McCalls for a refreshingrelief from the general run of their contemporaries.The second article to which we referis a very able summary of the problems ofadjustment between the college graduateand the world of Big Business. Hereagain we must give our mete of praise toan authoress, Anne W. Armstrong, an employment manager of some years experiencein a firm employing some seventy-fivehundred workers. The gulf between thecollege graduate and the method and personnel of Big Business is a recognized pitfall in the progress of both. Miss Armstrong ably points out the differences andmisunderstandings which occasion the gulf.From the standpoint of Big Business, theex-collegian is overambitious and, due toyouth and the training toward independence, unmannerly. Youth's criticisms ofBig Business are far more numerous, buton the whole they are the antipatheticalreactions to the attitude assumed by BigBusiness in squelching the collegian's faults.Miss Armstrong's discussion is enlightening and her wealth of illustrations takenfrom her practical experience are both interesting and entertaining. The article appeared in the July issue ofthe Atlantic Monthly.HORIZONS and skylines always havea distinct appeal for all of us. Justwhat is the particular fascination of that. sort of scenic affect we do notA Classic ]^^^^^^ Perhaps it is the prox-imity of the earthly to theheavens, perhaps it is the cleancut contrastof foreground and background, or perhapsa suggestion of majesty in the scope of anhorizon view. The probability is that theappeal arises through a combination of allof these, and whatever vantage point givesto us the richest combination of the threeis sure to rest within our minds as one ofthe cherished and even hallowed spots ofthe world.All of us are familiar with Manhattanskyline, or at least with the picture postcards showing the Statute of Liberty inthe foreground and the Woolworth towerdominating the punctured sky in the background. It carries a distinct appeal topower, to pride in these monuments toman's ingenuity. So it is with the ]\Iichi-gan Avenue skyline and with the outlookacross the San Francisco Bay. Correlatedwith these are the famous skylines ofbeauty: the Rockies or the Sierras, theHudson with West Point and the StormKing to the north, the Capitol with hersurrounding buildings and monumentsfrom Arlington Heights, and the cathedrallike vista of the Garden of the Gods.We have all of us been privileged at sometime or other to see one or more of thesefamous sights. They have moved us and delighted us. But no individual vista has impressed us or inspired us more than does thenew Uni\'ersity of Chicago vista whichis taking form along the Midway. The newMedical group with its two towers, delicateand yet powerful, blends quietly in spite ofits white newness, into the Midway skyline.E\'en the skeleton cranes which mark thesight of the great chapel under constructionseem to take on beauty in the promise of theEVENTS AND COMMENT 73imposing central tower which will rise intheir place. Another year and the new University vista will have unfolded. Here on aworld famous boulevard will be anotherworld famous vista, unsurpassed in beautyor power, and m.ade richer and more beloved through the afiEection of thousandsfor their Alma Mater.WE are always interested in any statement of the nature of those sentiments and ties which bind students and, alumni to Alma Mater. WeA C olden . , , , ,o^ ^ , are interested because we feelotatement i_ ¦, . , ,that if we might once lay ourfinger on the essence of that sentiment orthe common denominator of all those sentiments, we should eventually accomplish theultimate in alumni work. The Ohio StateUniversity Monthly for October prints astatement from their alumnus-President,Dr. George W. Rightmire, which we feelis an unusually fine analysis of that relationship. All alumni everywhere may wellread and consider his beautiful thought:"A university h.as been said to be the result of all the thoughts and deeds and livesof its faculty and students from the beginning. This is our heritage which we enjoy today and derive from the inspiringlives of our great presidents, our teachersof the past and present, and the manygraduates who have carved their niche inthe world of actualities, in one kind oftemple or another."I like to think of this campus as thescene of all their scholastic activities, of allthe various manifestarions of their lives,and the permanent abiding place of theirfiner social and spiritual aspirations andaccomplishments; and out of these impalpable but eternally actuating impulses arisesthe true University of the present."We who live and move and have ourbeing here become forever a part of thisinstitution which the future will in similarmanner transmit. * * * Herodotus, thetraveler and writer of antiquity, the Tather of History,' expressed this thoughtbeautifully when he said 'I am a part ofall I have seen.' "It is peculiarly fitting that the honorarysociety of Phi Beta Kappa, in commemoration of its 150th anniversary, should undertake a nation-wide campaign to restore respect for scholarship and to promote moreinspirational teaching. The Society seeksto establish an endowment fund providingannual awards for distinction in teachingas well as attainment in scholarship, andis now asking her 50,000 members to reachthe goal of $1,000,000 by her birthday December 5th. It is a call which everywearer of the golden Key should be promptto heed.To her fifty founders the Society willdedicate the new Memorial Hall at theCollege of William and Mary, and has appropriated one hundred thousand dollarsfor this part of the program. Interestingmemorabilia will be preserved in the hall,which is to be a charming and much-neededcenter where members can gather from allparts of the country in that same fraternityspirit which characterized the first delightful meetings at old Raleigh Tavern, inWilliamsburg.Answering the need voiced by nearly ahundred college presidents recently formore inspirational teachers, the Society isoffering a Grand Prize of $10,000 a yearfor distinction in teaching, as well as numerous smaller awards and grants. Thisseems like a big step in the right direction,for not only will this program stimulateinterest among students and faculties butit will tend to focus public attention uponteaching ideals. In proportion as the public comes to regard teaching as a high artwill it be possible to draw to the professionmen and women possessing that "contagiousintellectuality" so much sought for by college heads. And with the addition of moresuch teachers to our faculties the problemof scholarship will solve itself.ALUMNISecoxd Axxu.\l Homeco.mi.vgCHICAGO'S second Annual Homecoming was held November 5th and6th and proved to be a most decided success. This year's program was an innovation in that it was the first attempt to extend the Homecoming over two days, andthe interest and enthusiasm shown for theFriday events well warrants the repetitionof the two day program in future years.The annual "Harvard-Yale" game between two picked freshman teams on Friday afternoon, resulted in a 7 to o victoryfor Yale.Friday evening's program was repletewith a full array of entertaining and interesting features. President Mason gave abrief address of welcome to the three hundred alumni present at the banquet in Hutchinson Commons. Alumni from many different states were in attendance, some ofthem coming from long distances to bepresent at the celebration. An interestingfact concerning the attendance was thenumber of early alumni present. Over fiftyreservations ^vere made for members of theclasses prior to 1 900, the farthest back being the class of '86. The mass meetingwas presided over by "Pete Russell" offormer Maroon football fame and "Art"Cody, Cheerleader of '24 put spirit andvoice galore into the occasion. It was thesecond time in the history of the Universit\that a pep session o\'erfio\\ed the capacityof Mandel Hall.Alumni and students mingled for a pleasant hour or more at the dance which followed the mass meeting. The entire mainfloor of the Reynolds Club \\as thrown opento the dancers and a ten piece orchestrasupplied the "spirit of the dance." A styleshow, cleverly arranged and staged by Hamilton Coleman, director of Blackfriars, w asthe undergraduate contribution to the evening's entertainment. It was indeed a gay7+ A F F A I R S(and perhaps shocking to some) sight tosee once more the girls of the old "naughtynineties" brought back to real life."Bill" Lyman is to be heartily congratulated on the completeness of the arrangements and on the entire success of theHomecoming.Alu.mxi Couxcil ;\IeetsTHE first regular quarterlv meeting ofThe Alumni Council for 1926-27 washeld in the Alumni Office, Alondav evening, October 11, 1926. President HerbertP. Zimmermann called the meeting toorder at 8:30 P. M.Those present were A. G. Pierrot, PerryJ. Stackhouse, J. P. [Mentzer, RoderickMacPherson, Paul H. Davis, H. E.Slaught, AVm. H. Lyman, Harry R. Swanson, Elizabeth Faulkner, Marguerite H.McDaniel, Barbara :\Iiller, Eari D. Hostetter, Helen C. Wells, Phyllis Fay Horton, S. A. Rothermel, David H. Stevens,Charles McElroy, John A. Logan, 'W.Robert Jenkins.Mr. Pierrot read a summary report ofthe nine years of his service to the AlumniCouncil, together with a number of possible suggestions in regard to the programof the future. The report showed mostclearly the effectiveness of Mr. Pierrot'sstewardship. Earl D. Hostetter, Presidentof the Council for the last two years ofMr. Pierrot's incumbency, spoke in praiseand appreciation of Mr. Pierrot's work.The Council in meeting extended a unanimous -^ote of appreciation, and Air. Hostetter prepared a resolution which wasunanimously adopted by the Council andpresented to Mr. Pierrot.President Zimmermann opened the discussion with a few remarks upon pastReunions, and indicated the general dissatisfaction of Alumni with the present pro-ALUMNI AFFAIRS 75gram. He then requested that every memberpresent state briefly his ideas concerning possible improvements. The generalconsensus of opinion seemed to favor acomplete revision. Ever^-one presentstressed the desirability of standardizingthe program for future years, in order thatAlumni might acquaint themselves thoroughly with the procedure of Reunion.At the close of the discussion, the Presidentappointed John P. Mentzer chairman ofa committee to revise and investigate theReunion program. Mr. Mentzer was permitted free reign in the selection of hisown committee and was also empowered toappoint the Reunion Chairman for 1927.President Zimmermann spoke briefly ofthe importance of the club organizationsin the program of University-Alumni Relations which was outlined last year. Hepointed out that the University interest inthis matter was already an established fact,since Dean Filbey had been appointed fromthe ETniversity administration to aid Alumni work. He also reaffirmed the appointment of Paul Davis to the Chairmanshipof the Clubs Committee and gave Mr.Davis free reign in selecting his committeeand inaugurating a definite program in conjunction with Dean Filbey.Mrs. Horton broached the matter of theAlumni distribution of football tickets.The discussion brought out the fact thata large number of the Alumni were assigned seats in the temporary part of thenew concrete stand where the gradualpitch makes it almost impossible to see thegame. The consensus of opinion seemedto favor an investigation by the Committeeon Athletics and the submission of recommendations for changes at the close of thepresent season.» A ^Resolution Presented to Mr. PierrotA T the quarterly meeting of The-^^- Alumni Council held October 11, 1926, it was unanimously voted that thefollowing resolution be prepared, adoptedand presented to Mr. Adolph G. Pierrot:WHEREAS, since the year 1017Adolph G. Pierrot has held the officeand creditably performed the duties ofAlumni Secretary and has for a number of years ably served as Editor ofThe LTniversity of Chicago Magazine,andWHEREAS, on October i, 1926,Mr. Pierrot retired from those positions leaving a record of faithful andconstructive service in a vital periodof Alumni development,NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the long devoted efforts ofAdolph G. Pierrot on behalf of theAlumni organizations and for theadvancement of Alumni interests arefully recognized and appreciated, thathis retirement is viewed with sincereregret, and that he has the gratitudeand continued good ^vishes of TheAlumni Council.AAAnpHE U. of C. Alumni Club of Wash--*¦ ington, D. C, held their first luncheon of the season at the Cosmos Club onOctober 4 with our new President, Mr.David. A. Robertson, presiding. Amongour guests was Mrs. Laura Graves Neb-lett of Memphis, Tenn. We welcomed asa new member Mr. Ahmed El-Eisy ofthe Egyptian Legation.Our Club expects to be ¦well representedat the Chicago-Penn game as even theweather last year could not keep some ofour loyal rooters away.As Washington has become a great Convention City there are probably a numberof Alumni here during the year; so if youare in town on the first Monday in themonth come to the Cosmos Club and makeyourself known.Jessie N. Barber, '97Secretary.A LE.4.DING English Scholar to StudyChaucer Manuscripts at theUniversity of ChicagoDUE to the fact that the Universityof Chicago has the only nearly complete collection of photostatic copies ofmanuscript versions of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, a leading English scholar. SirWilliam McCormick, permanent chairmanof the Board of University Grants in England, has come to the University to supplement his previous Chaucer studies with anintensive examination of the Chicago collection.The material contained in scores of hand-painted vellum volumes of almost pricelessvalue, scattered throughout the world, hasbeen brought together by the English Department in one room at the University a task that called for a great deal of timeand money and no little diplomacy in obtaining the consent of owners to photographvaluable manuscripts. In this work ourdistinguished visitor was most helpful, andfrom this service at home developed his desire to visit the University of Chicago.Autumn Quarter Attendance atthe University of ChicagoTHE Recorder's Office reports theofficial registration for the AutumnQuarter as follows:In the Graduate School of Arts and Literature there are 753 students registered,and in the Ogden Graduate School ofScience, 571, a total of 1,324.In the Senior Colleges there are 1,151students, and in the Junior Colleges (including the unclassified) 1,643, a total of2,794-In the Professional Schools there are244 Divinity students enrolled, 198 in theGraduate School of Medicine, 308 in Rush Medical College, 412 Law students, 134in Education, 470 in Commerce and Administration, and 83 in Social Service Administration, a total of 1,849. UniversityCollege (do^^'ntown) has an enrolment of2,140.The total for the University, exclusiveof duplications, is 4,039 men and 3,712women, a grand total of 7,751 of whom2,753 are graduate students and 4,998 undergraduate.Swift Hall Officially NamedEVER since the 3'ear 191 6 the nameof the donor of the beautiful new Theology Building at the University of Chicago has remained unknown ; and since thattime the original gift for the building hasbeen increased to approximately $600,000.Not even at the dedication in the spring ofthis 3ear was the name of the donor madeknown. But now by the chisel of thestonecutter at work above the entrance ofthe building, the structure is revealed as"Swift Hall." And within the main corridor has also been erected a stone tabletbearing the inscription: "This building,dedicated to the study of religion, waserected by Mrs. Ann Higgins Swift in1925."Mrs. Swift was the mother of HaroldHiggins Swift, president of the Board ofTrustees, who was graduated from the University of Chicago in 1907 and has withremarkable generosity and ability devotedmuch of his time to the advancement ofthe University. He has been a Trustee ofthe University since 19 14 and president ofits Board of Trustees since 1922, when, atthe age of thirty-seven, he succeeded MartinA. Ryerson, who had held the position formore than thirty years.Swift Hall, one of the most harmoniousand carefully planned buildings on the quad-76UNIVERSITY NOTES 77rangles, has four stories and fifty-eightrooms, with a frontage of 130 feet on themain quadrangle. Designed in EnglishGothic, it has steel sash and leaded glasswindows, and the carving and detail havebeen carried out in patterns similar tothose in the Oxford colleges. On the firstfloor are the administrative offices and thecommon room, wainscoted in oak, with alarge fireplace at the south end. The spacious reading-room, two stories in height,has a massive, richly carved oaken roof andabundant light, with windows on threesides; and the library facilities provide formore than 100,000 volumes.AAAA Great Gift for the New MedicalSchoolIN MAKING the announcement of arecent gift of $3,385,000 from theGeneral Education Board for the newMedical School at the University of Chicago, President Max Mason called attention to the magnitude of the medical program which the University is about toto inaugurate with the opening of its beautiful Gothic medical buildings covering twosquare blocks on the Midway. The newMedical School, one of the most modernand complete in America, will provide hospital and clinic as well as facilities for medical study on a large scale in close proximityto the established scientific departments ofthe University.The recent gift, conditioned on the raising of $2,000,000 more for endowment,makes possible one of the most significantprograms of medical education and researchever attempted in the United States. Thisprogram will be partially supported byassets brought up to $20,000,000 by thepresent gift."Perhaps the most striking feature of thewhole program," said President Mason, "isthe establishment on the campus of the University of clinical departments which are tofunction in the Graduate School of Science.This makes the medical science a definiteand integral part of the University, tyingthem up in a very effective way with pre- medical sciences which have been highly developed in University of Chicago laboratories."Buildings rapidly nearing completion willprovide laboratories for physiology, physiological chemistry and pharmacology, medicine, surgery, and pathology, the AlbertMerritt Billings Hospital, and the MaxEpstein clinic. These units, according toDr. Franklin McLean, head of the Department of Medicine, will give the Universityof Chicago facilities for teaching and research in these subjects second to none inAmerica.As an integral part of the medical program will be conducted the work of theDouglas Smith Foundation for Medical Research, supported from the income of this$1,000,000 fund.AAANew Administr.'vtive AppointmentsTWO administrative appointments haverecently been announced by the LTniversity of Chicago Board of Trustees. Mr.John F. Moulds, a graduate of the University in the class of 1907, who has beenthe University cashier and assistant secretary of the Board of Trustees, has beenmade assistant business manager at the quadrangles. Mr. Moulds has served the LTniversity in many ways since his graduation,having been assistant registrar. Universitycashier, alumni secretary, assistant secretaryof the Board of Trustees, and executivesecretary of the Committee on Development.Mr. William J. Mather, who has beenmade the University cashier to succeed Mr.Moulds, is a graduate of the University inthe class of 1917, and has been managerof the Employment Bureau for ten yearsand assistant cashier for six. In the latterposition he has had general supervision alsoof the Information Office, the Faculty Exchange, and the Housing Bureau.Mr. Moulds and Mr. Mather are bothwell known for their efficient and loyalservice to the University.78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELong and Important Service GivenBY Chicago ScientistAS DIRECTOR for eighteen years ofthe Marine Biological Laboratory atWoods Hole, Massachusetts, ProfessorFrank R. Lillie, chairman of the Department of Zoology at the University of Chicago, has rendered a remarkable service tothe biologists of the country, several hundred of whom have each summer conductedresearch work there either independentlyor under the supervision of specialists. Professor Lillie, who recently resigned the directorship of the Laboratory, remains aspresident of the board of trustees.The Marine Biological Laboratory atWoods Hole, representing some two milliondollars in plant and investments, has hadonly two directors in the thirty-eight yearsof its history: Charles Otis Whitman, adistinguished biologist and former head ofthe Department of Zoology at the University of Chicago, and Professor Frank R.Lillie, the present chairman of the Department.In memory of Professor Whitman, thenew $100,000 zoological laboratory at theUniversity, the gift of Professor and Mrs.Lillie, was given the name of the CharlesOtis Whitman Laboratory of ExperimentalZoology.AAAFrank Swinnerton, Author-Critic,Tells of Early Literary CareerFRANK SWINNERTON, author andcritic, who lectured at the UniversityOctober 28th on "Authors, Their Friendsand Their Critics," doesn't like interviewers.Nor do we wonder much at his discrimination after hearing how they treatedhim on his first tour of the country. It wasthe day after Thanksgiving and the authorwas feeling slightly indisposed, when a"go-get-him" reporter phoned him for aninterview. "But I'm sick in bed," Mr. Swinnerton protested. "Oh, that's quite allright with me, I'll be right up.""Then there was that arch-notion," saidthe author, "that Rose Macauley and Iwere engaged. I had written a favorablereview of her 'Potterism' for one Chicagopaper, and immediately another decided thatwas cause enough for betrothal. It wasn't.I had met her only twice.""However," he remarked, "I, myself,once wanted to be a journalist. At the ageof ten I published in our family circle apaper called "The Family World." It hada small and exclusive circulation. When Iwas fourteen I entered a publishing house as office boy."Mr. Swinnerton subsequently rosethrough the position of proof reader toeditor, which position he held until lastyear. His career as an author began whenhe was eighteen, with the writing of "TheReal Way." This novel was based on thequotation from Browming's "Sordella.""The real way seemed made up of all theways." The book was not published.On the eve of his twenty-fourth birthday,Mr. Swinnerton's first book was published,"The Merry Heart," which, though it hadonly a small sale, was well received by thecritics. "My critics said that it was abright, cheery, unpretentious book," remarked the author. "At this time I readthe 'Clayhanger' and became very enthusiastic over it. It inspired me to write 'TheYoung Idea,' a copy of which I sent to theauthor. He so encouraged me that I considered this the turning point of my career,and from this time on I turned my attentionto the writing of novels.""Nevertheless I had published six booksbefore the appearance of 'Nocturn,' myfirst successful work," he continued. "Iconsider this the albatross around my neckbecause the critics insist upon calling it mybest work. I hope that I have done something better since then. I wrote 'SummerStorm' to correct the impression I couldwrite only tragedy."UNIVERSITY NOTES 79Si.x Hundred Arabic ManuscriptsPurch.ased For The UniversitySIX HUNDRED Arabic manuscriptspurchased in obscure bookshops of Cairofor the University of Chicago have justbeen brought to the University by AssociateProfessor Martin Sprengling, of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures, who spent the summer abroad inquest of old manuscripts under the auspicesof the University and Sinai Temple, Chicago. The manuscripts, which will betranslated at the University and eventuallypublished, will make the Arabic library ofthe University's Oriental Institute one ofthe three largest collections in the world,and one that is likely to attract scholarsfrom other countries. The papers themselves, while only about 150 years old, contain material as old as the Christian era,and are exceedingly rare.The Arabian manuscripts contain storiesof the "One Hundred and One Nights" and"Fifty and One Nights," of the same seriesas the "One Thousand and One Nights"or Arabian Nights.AAATwo Timely Books ox ChicagoIN CONNECTION with a larger studyof regional planning in Chicago, whichhas been undertaken by the University ofChicago's Committee on Local CommunityResearch in co-operation with the ChicagoCommonwealth Club and the ChicagoRegional Planning Association, an analysisof the economic background of Chicago hasjust been issued by the University of Chicago Press under the title of The Geographic Background of Chicago, the authorbeing Professor J. Paul Goode, of- the Department of Geography at the University.Among the striking chapter headings inthis peculiarly timely book are "ThePhilosophy of a Great City," "The Foundations of This City Laid in the Very Making of the Continent," "The GeographicElements of the City's Greatness," "InlandWater Transportation Provided For,""The Present Site of Chicago," "The Inexhaustible Wealth of the Farms," "The Livestock Industries Focus on Chicago,"and "A Tale of Three Cities." The bookhas thirty-one illustrations in the way of¦ maps and graphs.Another timely book on Chicago is thatannounced by the University of ChicagoPress for immediate publication. The Chicago Primary of 1926, by Carroll H.Wooddy. It is a realistic story of Chicagopolitics as evidenced in the primary of 1926,told by a disinterested observer, a politicalscientist concerned with bringing to lightactual election methods. It is based uponextensive first-hand investigation, goingback of the shifting tides of political warfare to an understanding of what makesChicago politics what it is.AAAThe M.aking of Good Citizensat Home and AbroadON HIS recent return from an extensive tour Professor Charles E. Merriam, chairman of the Department ofPolitical Science, reported that satisfactoryprogress is being made in an extensive studywhich will compare "Americanization"work in the United States with the methodsused by seven European nations in theirefforts to produce "good citizens." Thestudy is being conducted by the University of Chicago, with a large number ofwell-qualified men co-operating in the fieldwork. Professor Merriam, who has beenconsulting and advising with the field menduring the summer, reports that the studieswill probably be printed during 1927.The publications will consist of individual studies of France, England, Italy,Russia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria,and a comparison of all by ProfessorMerriam, in addition to special studies onvarious phases of the subject.At the recent Homecoming Facultydinner in Hutchinson Hall, ProfessorMerriam gave a vivid description of thefour most striking sights witnessed duringhis summer in Europe, one of them beingthe funeral of Djerjinski, a prominentRussian leader and head of the Cheka.(Please turn to page 98))<^ (F=b (?^ (P^ <!^ (f^ (I^ <f^ (!^ <!^ (!^ ii°^ (!^ <5^ <!^ <!^ <P^C 3C THE LETTER BOXi<:^sg<asy';sJ''U=g^aJ'':^'UsP'i^'U;g'UJ'gaP'taP';BsP<iaP'^Geological Pioneering in ChinaA Letter to Professor Bastin from GeorgeB. Cressey, Ph. D. '23.Shanghai College July 29, 1926.Shanghai, ChinaLast fall when the department sent outthe news letter, I was among those missing.Inasmuch as I have greatly enjoyed theannual letter I want to at least show myappreciation by answering the roll call asan active member of the Rosenwald family.My work at Shanghai College continuesto be very interesting. So far I am the onlyone in geology, but I have gotten one floorin a fine science building nicely equippedwith laboratories and work rooms and ourcollections are rapidly growing. Last yearI had nearly a hundred students in my various courses and while most of them aremerely electing geology on the side, a feware quite interested. Chinese students areof many varieties ; I find that those we haveare unusually conscientious and faithful.The college has a beautiful location alongthe river just below the city, and my officeoverlooks the busy harbor. Shanghai is agreat cosmopolitan city almost as large asChicago, and is now the second port in theworld in tonnage cleared. Nearly 4000Americans live in Shanghai, and one scarcely knows that he is in China at times.While I am enjoying teaching and lifein the Orient generally, the greatest fascination is naturally the opportunity for research. The Geological Survey of Chinais doing very good work, but even so mostof the map is still white and there are unsolved problems on every hand. Fortunately I have been able to get in a considerableamount of field work, and have seen a large part of north China. I am working on anumber of problems, big and little, from agreat low angle overthrust out in Mongolia to an igneous intrusion near Shanghaiand sedimentation problems in the Yangtzedelta.Geology is very quiet in China thesedays, at least outside of the Survey. Theconstant fighting of the rival militarists hasalmost stopped transportation and has closedmany mines. No prospecting is going on,and commercial openings are nil. Onlythree or four colleges have a full time foreigner teaching geology-, and I happen to bethe only American. The National University in Peking offers quite a list of courses,but like all government colleges is eighteenmonths or more behind in their salaries.The Geological Survey in Peking is probably the best of the government bureausbut they, too, are way behind. Dr. Grabau,who is proving to be the organizing geniusof Chinese geology, has just received hisApril 1925 salary so you. see how it goes.Fortunately Shanghai College and the otherAmerican supported institutions are in asolid position.To come back myself. You may knowthat two years ago I took a big trip outthru the northwest and into Tibet and backthru Mongolia. This summer I plannedon more work in Inner Mongolia but thefighting made it impossible to get there. Ichanged my plans therefore to a surveyof the Lwan River north of Tientsin. Thisgives a nice section from the tablelands ofMongolia to the Plain of North China.All was going nicely until one night abouttwo weeks ago when I was suddenly attacked by a gang of half dozen brigandswho rather severely beat me up and made80THE LETTER BOX 8iway with my valuables. It was too suddento use my guns, and as their loot of moneyand instruments cost me about a thousanddollars, it finished all field work for thissummer. Fortunately they did not carryme off for ransom. Such is pioneer geology!Thrills aplenty, and a constant successionof unexpected discoveries."AAAWonssn Beach, Korea,Aug. 13, 1926.I meant to drop you a few lines long before this, but like all missionaries I havethe excuse of overwork. I appreciatedyour sending me word about the reunionwhich the class of '01 held last June. HowI wish I could have been with you. Whenthe announcement first came, I thought Iwould send a word of greeting to let youknow that even tho I was so far away, Iwas with you in heart and spirit. But itwas soon too late to send any message.Now I want to thank you for your thought-fulness. I know you who were presentenjoyed the reunion to the utmost and Ihope that when the next one comes, Ishall be able to be with you.I am teaching Math, and Eng. in theUniversity of Nanking but have come overto Korea to spend a few weeks this summer. I always feel the need of getting awayin vacation, for the duties are heavy duringthe year, and I have too little time for anything except my regular work. Last yearwas particularly difficult inasmuch as therewas so much anti-foreign and anti-Christian agitation. Although we are a Christianuniversity, this extended to our own ranksand made the work of the first semesterpeculiarly trying. After Christmas wasover Christmas week was set apart especially as anti-Christian week and attemptswere made to break up the services whichwere being held on that day the agitationin the university passed and the last semest er was peaceful. About forty of the students left to go to the government university, but others filled their places so thatthe school went on without interruption.Korea is wonderfully picturesque. Themen in their long kimonos so differentfrom the Japanese, the women with theheavy water jars or other burden balancedso perfectly on their heads, all seem tohave stepped right out of story books. Iwish you could have seen the woman wesaw the other day as she tried to catchhold of a refractory child, all the whilekeeping in perfect balance on her head ahuge basket. I don't see how she managedit at all. One never sees the men carryingin this way, only the girls and women.The men have a contrivance which looksmuch like a Y which they set on the groundto fill and then hoist up onto their backs.The contrivance is called a jiggie and thesejiggie men carry the heaviest burdens inthis peculiar fashion.I didn't set out to write a letter, onlya note to thank you for your remembranceof me.Sincerely yours,Lillie F. Abbott, A. B. '01,University of Nanking,Nanking, ChinaAAASo SAY WE ALL OF USLong Beach, CaliforniaI paid my first vist to Chicago in July the first since 191 1. The Great Universitynow centered about the Midway is worthyof the support of us all. It is an inspirationjust to walk through the grounds, weavingin and out among the buildings. It isindeed a far cry back to September 1898; Icertainly longed to be a Freshie once more a "C" man on campus. I hope to returnagain soon ; the "Magnate" draws us all.W. N. Garlick. '03N EW^S OF THEQUADRANGLESCuRTAix Rises ox LxiviiRSiTvSocial SeasonCAMPUS society took its first fling ofthe year October 29th, when four hundred couples danced at the ballroom of theShoreland hotel in honor of the club pledges.Score Club and Skull and Crescent, sophomore honor organizations, sponsored thisannual affair in the best fashion ever.The new Shoreland Hotel reserved anentire floor for the dance furnishing theguests of the evening with every possibleconvenience. The ballroom was decoratedby the Clubs with large club pins aroundwhich were arran^zed the colors of the clubs.Each dance was dedicated to one of theclubs and was started by the pledges of thatclub.The dance was the first the sophomore societies have given together on terms otherthan rivalry.Debating Team Retains EightAS a result of the second tryouts forL the debating team, eight students wereretained for the final selection of the University squad. They are': Marjorie Carroll,Martha McLendon, George Gentry, Horace Smith, Mayer Goldberg, MarvinShafer, Ala.x Swiren and Harry Ruskin."Resolved, that the results of the GreatWar have tended toward the peace of theworld," will be the subject for the Uni-\xrsity of Sydney debate. The rest of thesquad will continue working together withthe debates of the winter and spring in\ ieu'.(Please turn to page 93)M-V^¦¦¦iilfc;. ¦¦¦¦¦ ):- . ;* 'Kr% ¦ '"'. ¦'¦"' .'¦ ¦ .¦'''*''¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ : .'$t-- '¦- ¦¦ ¦ '¦ : V^, ¦ :' ^-v-The University of Sydne\', Australia, Debating Team, Left to right, S. H. Heathwood,J. R. Godsali, and Noel D. Mcintosh. They are Chicago's first oponents of this vear.The F00TB.A.LL SeasonIT WAS unfortunate that opponents hadto be met early in the season and thatPurdue and Northwestern should finallystruggle out of the practice-game class, justwhen Chicago's football cycle reached a"building-up" season.These circumstances do not particularlyexcuse the Maroon's mediocre record thisseason. They do explain it. To most Chicago followers the season was disappointing ;to the coaches and campus "experts" theshowing of the team was highly discouraging in certain particulars, though all in allit was about what was expected.When practice opened on September 15thonly four fully seasoned players reported :Capt. Marks, Stan Rouse, Wolff, and KenRouse. Several men who had been usedirregularly in 1925 were back. Amongthem were McKinney, Neff, Apitz, Anderson, McDonough, Borden and Lewis.There were but three first rate sophomores :Leyers, Spence and Weislow. The otherscould be classified merely as unknownquantities.The material could not fairly be calleddownright poor. Out of a squad of 45there were about 30 players who looked asthough they might be able to play presentable football. Just who would be the onesto come through and just where to placethem were the major problems confrontingthe coaches. Some sort of a first string combination is essential to the development ofa football team. Stagg could not possiblystrike that combination early in the season.It was really a unique situation.Therefore it was from a hopeless jumblethat the "Old Man" began to carve histeam. The most apparent needs were a pair oftackles and a quarter back. To meet thefirst, Lewis and Borden were shifted overfrom guard to compete with WeislowGeron and Cameron, sophomores. JohnMcDonough was moved from end toquarter and made good at once.The situation was the same at guard andend as at tackle. A half dozen candidateswere putting up a lively scrap for each ofthe two assignments. Some were superioroffensively, some defensively. No two, orthree, or even four could be picked out asdecidedly outstanding. The problem inthe line was to choose the regulars and drillthem as a unit.In the back-field the situation was justreversed. Stan Rouse and McKinney orAnderson were unquestionably the regularhalf backs. Capt. Marks was a fixture atfull back ; John McDonough at quarter.The problem was to find substitutes.When Coach Stagg went into the dressing room before the opening game withFlorida to give out final instructions, hefound that the green squad had keyed itself to an unusually high pitch. The menwere in a fine frame of mind to meet animportant mid-season foe, but not to enteran opening game. The "Old Man" triedto calm them by talking to them, but couldnot. As a last resort he lined the squadup and sent the players on the field, singing.The psychology worked and the boys playeda normal practice game.In the Florida game several line menstood out distinctly. Apitz and Spencelooked the best of the ends ; Weislow's performance at tackle was creditable ; and KenRouse came through as expected at center.However, at guard and left tackle the situation was unchanged.H84 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECaptain Marks of Chicago tearing off a t-vvelve-yard gain against Maryland,October 9th.Against Maryland, a week later, theplayers demonstrated that they had mastered the fundamental plays and won handily.As in the Florida game, about 30 playerswere used. Few really outshone the competitors for their positions. Libby, Gleasonand Raysson, substitute backs, show^edflashes of ball carrying ability. Paul Lewislooked best among the left tackles. Theguards performed unsatisfactorily. ThatChicago was to have a mediocre line seemedcertain.On the follo^ving Saturday the Pennsylvania disaster occurred. Defensively it wassimply a green line thoroughly outplayedand outsmarted. Offensively it was simplya new team unable to master the executionof Its plays. Coach Stagg had perfected hisfundamental plays by the Florida game,then gradually began to build his completedofiense. Against Maryland the offensivesystem seemed w^ell along. Apparently theteam had acquired a certain co-ordination. The Big Penn line outcharged the Maroonforwards and the Chicago players had notthe mastery of their timing and blocking toget under way.The real development of the team datesfrom the Purdue game. Though Purduewon its first victory over Chicago in a goodmany years, the Maroons displayed the firstdefinite improvement of the season. Except for a momentary case of flat-footednessduring the first quarter, the line stopped thestrong Purdue running attack. Minor mis-blocking on but one Chicago play kept theteam from scoring at least once.Though Chicago played but average football against Purdue, for the first time during the season the Maroons were really ateam. Greenebaum and Wolff camethrough at the guards, and Anderson foundhimself at right-half.No sooner had the team ^'arrived" thaninjuries to Anderson and McKinney necessitated the formation of a new backfield.ATHLETICS 85Marks was shifted to half, and "Ruddy"Leyers went in at full-back. This combination, with the new regular line in front,gave the favorite Ohio team a harder battlethan was expected.Defeated thrice in a row, Chicago hadcome back stronger each time, until finallythe "Old Man" was able to place a regularteam on the field. Apitz and Krogh werethe ends, Lewis and Weislow the tackles,Greenebaum and Wolff the guards, andKen Rouse, center. Marks, S. Rouse, Anderson and McDonough composed the backfield.It was, therefore, not until the seasonwas half gone that the team came into itsown. During the last three games Chicagoplayed as well as the quality of the materialpermitted. Coach Stagg had capitalized onall of the potential strength of the squad.He had developed a team which playedas a unit. Its shortcomings were "hereditary," not "environmental."After an unsuccessful season it is customary even if unconvincing, to speak of thefine spirit of the team and the bright prospects for the next year. However, it wouldbe decidedly untruthful not to make thesetwo statements regarding the ChicagoTeam. The "Old Man" has never had sofine a group of young fellows to work with.Eager to play, undaunted by defeat orvictory, the squad will carry over a finespirit next season. Only four regulars,Marks, Neff, Stan Rouse and McKinneywill graduate. The line next season willbe all-veteran. From this year's freshmanteam a half dozen experienced men willreport.As a guess, and not a prediction, it maybe said that the Chicago football team willbe formidable in 1927 and powerful in1928.AAABasketballNELS NORGREN '14 begins hissixth season as basketball mentorwith unusually good prospects. "Babe"Alyea, 1926 captain, is the only regular lostby graduation.Last season it was apparent at the out set that Norgren could not possibly construct a successful offense. There was nota natural basket shooter on the squad.Alyea was a fine "feeder"; Zimmermanwas an average out shot but lacked experience; Sackett had "follow-up" ability butwas poor trying from the floor. No onehad that combination of finger-tip technique, a practiced eye for the basket, andthe "sense" to maneuver into position for ashot, essential to a successful scorer. Theseattributes come through experience, notteaching. Norgren concentrated on defenseand won games by introducing an innovation into conference basketball. He broughtboth guards up into scoring position.This year the Maroons begin with astrong defense. Chuck Hoerger and JohnMcDonough are the greatest pair of guardsChicago has boasted since the Hinkle-Crislercombination of 1920. Both are capable ofwatching any type of forward and theywork well together. Capt. Hank Sackettenjoys the unique distinction of being adefensive forward. He can garner his shareof baskets, yet he is primarily a defensiveplayer.The most encouraging factor in the earlypractice has been the showing of two formerChicago High School stars: Bob Kaplanand Virgil Gist. Maroon basket-ball teamshave generally been built around playersdeveloped in the city high schools. Severalyears ago the Board of Education ruledthat an athlete must elect to play eitherfootball or basketball. Lately, sturdy players from the city have been scarce on theMidway. However, Gist and Kaplan areboth remarkable scorers and strong enoughto stand up under the strain of a Big Tenseason. Gist hails from Hyde Park, Kaplanfrom Englewood.Ted Zimmerman, regular forward lastseason, has been troubled with his eyes anda special protector for his glasses has beenordered. He should be considerably moreeffective this season. Other forward candidates are "Bo" McConnell, baseball captain. Bill Maclind, George Lott and StanYoung. Two likely guards. Bill Black andLeon Farwell, have been working out all86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfall. Ken Rouse, varsity football center,reported after the grid season.Norgren will probably use either Gist orSackett at center and alternate the otherwith Zimmerman and Kaplan at the forwards.The first game is scheduled for December1 8th against Michigan Aggies.» » (^The Indoor Track SeasonTRACK, like basketball, is on the upgrade. One of the best freshmen trackteams in the history of the University entered last year and every member is eligiblethis winter.True to tradition the Maroons will be especially strong in the middle distances. JimCusack had a poor season in 1926 but isdetermined to wind up his athletic careerwith a win in the conference meet. DickWilliams, Wakefield Burke, Virgil Gist,and John Jackson are a quartet of middledistance men who should write a new pagein the track history of the University. Hitzand Hegovic are average two milers.In the dashes Coach Stagg has Capt. BertMcKinney, Gleason, and "Peanut" Reed.Gleason is the only one who is an exceptional sprinter. Morrison, Bob Spence, andStickney, together with McKinney andSmith should win points in the hurdles.Armstrong and Boynton are the onlyquarter milers who can clip 52 seconds.Anton Berg, Frey, and Bennett are thegreatest trio of high jumpers in the West.Berg has cleared 6' 6", Frey 6' yf andBennett 5' 10". All three may place in theconference meet. Berg and Webster are11' 9" pole vaulters. Kline with a recordof about 41' is the outstanding shot-putter.Training facilities may prevent Chicago'smaking a good showing. Chicago is theonly major university in the West which hasnot an indoor cinder track. Until the fieldhouse is built Chicago cannot compete suc cessfully with Michigan, Illinois, Iowa andMinnesota.» A (^Intramural SportsTHE tremendous interest in intramuralathletics manifested by the students thisfall indicates that Dr. Molander has definitely established his intramural program.The Intramural Department has achievedremarkable results in the three years it hasbeen organized.About 700 students representing morethan 40 organizations participated in thetouchball tournament this autumn. Therewere but two forfeits in the first 50 gamesscheduled. Close to 80 ran in the crosscountry championships and about that number competed for the golf trophy. Horseshoe pitching attracted 150 of the lesssophisticated fraternity brothers. Theannual swimming carnival drew almost 300contestants.The Intramural office in Bartlett iscrowded with workers almost every afternoon. The entire organization is handledby students under the supervision of DocMolander. The competitive system for thesenior positions fills a definite need in theUniversity's extra-curriculum program. Anover supply of freshmen workers appliedthis fall.The department is boosting graduate in-tramurals this year. Allen Miller, lastyear's General jManager, volunteered towork on a graduate organization this fall.He has succeeded in interesting the professional fraternities.» i) ASportstuffCOMPETITION for the 1928 conference medal, awarded to the seniorwho ranks highest in athletics and scholarship, will be unusually keen. Four membersATHLETICS 87i'.fe.^- ,itJ*' ISS^^s^^^fe'^-i ^'^^f ^'^1?| .r0'IfAn exciting moment in the Chicago-Pennsylvania game on Franklin Field, October i6th.of this year's junior class Apitz, KenRouse, McDonough and Zimmerman havePhi Beta averages besides substantial athletic careers.Seven members of the football squadwere ^'legacies": Stan Rouse is the brotherof Gene, star half back in 1917 ; Paul Lewiswas preceded by Harold, captain of football in 1922; Red Krogh's brother, Egil,was track captain in 1923; Greenebaum isa cousin of Mike, grid center in 1923 ; BobSpence is the third in his family to competefor Chicago ; Proudfoot, sub-guard, follows Alex who played guard in 1921 ; andTogo Dygert is the second Dygert midgetto work under Stagg.The football training and equipmentquarters were splendidly managed. Dr.Charles Molander '14 was team physicianand Simon Benson, trainer, had charge ofa battery of electric machines guaranteed tocure any ailment. (Nels Norgren speaksenthusiastically of the hair restorative power of a certain electric spark device). Stagg,Jr. assisted by Vories, wrestling coach,handled equipment.The football team played before approximately 340,000 persons this fall: 250,000watching the games on Stagg Field and90,000 on foreign gridirons.Lonnie Stagg reports that more footballsuits were issued this fall than e\er beforein the history of the University.There is a rumor that Crisler Field, onthe corner of 56th and Greenwood wherethe freshmen play football, derived its namein a most peculiar manner, Fritz Crisler,varsity coach, lives just across the alley fromthe field. The freshman kicked the ballinto the Crisler back yard, onto the Crislerporch, and through the Crisler windowswith discouraging regularity. In order tocompensate Fritz and his wife for the inconvenience, the freshmen decided to nametheir field after them.NEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCLATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'96 Arthur Stocks, ex, formerly of Peoria,Illinois, has moved to 1225 East 47th Street,Chicago, where he is engaged in the real estatebusiness.'99 E. A. E. Palmquist, D. B. '04, ExecutiveSecretary of the Philadelphia Federation ofChurches, received the honorary degree ofDoctor of Divinity from Bucknell University,June 9, 1926.'03 Elizabeth Weirick is Director of theTextile Testing Laboratory of Sears, Roebuck& Company, Chicago.'07 J. Anderson Fitzgerald, A. M., Ph. D.'25, on September 15, 1926, became dean of theSchool of Business Adminstration of the University of Texas.'10 Ernest C. Freemark is instructor inHistory at the J. Sterling Morton High School,Cicero, Illinois. His new home address isGardner, Illinois.'10 Leverett S. Lyon, A. M. 19, Ph. D. '21,Professor of Economics at the Robert BrookingsGraduate School of Economics and Governmenthas recently written two books "Making aLiving: The Individual in Society" and "Salesmen in Marketing Strategy," published by theMacmillan Company.'10 Charlotte Merrill has recently becomeassociated with the World Acquaintance Tourswith headquarters at 51 West 49th Street,New York City.'10 Marie G. Merrill, ex, is continuing herwork as first supervisor of Community Centersin Public Schools in Chicago, with offices at 460S. State Street, Chicago.'11 Ali B. Mostrom is Production Engineeron Advisory Staff of the Sherman Corporation,Engineers, First National Bank Building,Detroit, Michigan.'13 Eleanor Ahem has charge of the Experimental Kitchen of Proctor and Gamble inCincinnati, Ohio.'13 James A. Donovan, formerly of Halsey,Stuart & Company has become associated withthe sales department of Whiting & Company,Wrigley Building, Chicago.'13 Elsie Mae Willsey has been appointedAssistant Professor of Education and Head ofthe Department of Home Economics of the University of Porto Rico.'14 Lewis B. Mull, A. M., is Professor ofEducation in the University of Dubuque,Dubuque, Iowa. '15 Marjorie Fay is teaching Latin in theUniversity of Chicago High School, Chicago.'15 Mrs. Carl Pfanstiehl (Caryl Cody)writes "Keeping house and being the bestmother I know how to three kiddies, studyingbiology and chemistry at Lake Forest University and generally enjoying living."'16 Juanita H. Floyd has recently completedher second volume on Honore de Balzac, to beentitled "Le Cure de Tours", which will soonbe published.'17 Mrs. H. C. Burke, Jr., (Barbara Sells)is one of two women members on the cityBoard of Park Commissioners at Fort Worth,Texas. Her home address is 3146 CollegeAvenue, Fort Worth.'18 A. O. Brungardt is managing the Bostonworks of Walworth Company, Boston, Massachusetts.'20 Orin C. Rogers is engaged in the realestate business with offices at 1522 HannaBuilding, Cleveland, Ohio.'20 M. Elizabeth Walker is doing newspaperand magazine syndicate reporting in the Orient.'21 Adah Hess, ex, is State Supervisor ofHome Economics Education for Illinois, withheadquarters in Springfield, Illinois.'21 Mrs. Gerald Leuck (Miriam Simons) isthe author of a book entitled "Fields of Workfor Women," which will be published by D.Appleton and Company.'21 Lou-Eva Longan has accepted the position of Superintendent of the Chicago OrphanAsylum at 5120 South Parkway, Chicago.'21 Towner B. Root is teaching Geology atColgate University, Hamilton, New York.'21 Alice C. Stewart has been promoted tothe principalship of the Sullivan School,Chicago.'21 Lucy H. Sturges is psychologist for theState Bureau of Child Welfare, Santa Fe, NewMexico. Her home address is 647 CollegeStreet, Santa Fe.'22 Miles M. Fisher, A. M., Is Professor ofChurch History at Virginia Union University,Richmond, Virginia.'22 John Gunther is the author of "The RedPavilion," which was published in London recently and has received very favorable comment.'22 George \\'. A. Rutter is teaching Eng-list at Mount Carmel High School for Boys,Chicago.'22 E. Elizabeth Vickland is engaged inmissionary work at Nowgong, Assam, India.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 89'23 Lela B. Carr is Director of Social Servicein the Social Science Department of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company atFairfield, Alabama.'23 Henry G. Hieronimus is a salesman forthe Calumet Millwork Company, Gary, Indiana.'23 J. S. Masek is Executive Secretary ofthe Orlando Realty Board, Orlando, Florida.'23 Louis Smith teaches in the High Schoolat Hollywood, California.'25 J. Louise Barrett is Registrar of VirginiaState College, Petersburg, Virginia.'25 Carolyn Campbell teaches advancedFrench in the Charleston High School, Charleston, West Virginia.'25 Mary E. Davis is teaching English andSocial Science in the Roosevelt Junior HighSchool, Charleston, West Virginia.'25 Vera M. Hartwell is an instructor inthe Art Department of the Milwaukee StateNormal School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.'25 Helen Hoffman is engaged in geologicalwork for the W. C. McBride Oil Company, Incorporated, 704 Shell Building, St. Louis, Mo.'25 Winifred Johnson is professor of Historyat the State Teachers' College, Cape Girardeau,Missouri.'25 Bessie P. Knight is teaching Sociologyand acting Athletic Manager at South HighSchool, Minneapolis, Minnesota.'25 Daniel A. Podoll, A. M., is continuinghis work as an instructor in Education in theWestern State Teachers' College, Macomb,Illinois.'25 John W. Sargent is at present locatedin Hazard, Kentucky, as mining engineer forthe South Chicago Coal and Dock Company.'25 Watt Stewart, A. M., Head of theHistory Department of Fairmont State NormalSchool, Fairmont, West Virginia, is on leave ofabsence for 1926-1927 wih a Teaching Fellowship in George Washington University, Washington, D. C.'25 Horace S. Strong is connected with theProduction Department of the Nash MotorsCompany, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.'25 T. H. Baker, S. M. '26, is ResearchChemist for the Universal Oil Products Company, Riverside, Illinois.'25 J. P. Woodlock is employed by the B. F.Goodrich Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio.'26 Herman W. Smith, S. M., has accepteda position as Instructor in Mathematics at theOklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. }^..b & & & a & ii a il & a & it A A & a & & & a & & & a a a a i^I SOCIAL SERVICE I^ ALUMNI NOTES ?<! »a »Arthur L. Beeley, A. M. '18, Ph. D. '25, ison leave of absence until the spring quarter, '27.While on leave Dr. Beeley is acting as headof the Department of Applied Sociology in theUniversity of Utah. Since his return to Utah,Dr. Beeley has organized the Utah Society forMental Hygiene.Mildred E. Buck, '20 A. M. '26, has resignedher position with the Cook County PsychopathicHospital to take a position with the Northwestern University Psychopathic Clinic. MissBuck will also organize the visting teacher workin the public schools of Evanston.Elizabeth C. Davis, '24, A. M. '26, has beenappointed psychiatric social worker for theHyde Park Child Guidance Clinic under theauspices of a joint committee of the Sociologydepartment of the University of Chicago andof the Chicago Woman's Club.Mary Harms, '24, for two years a graduatestudent in Social Service Administration, hasbeen employed since last June as ExecutiveSecretary of the American Red Cross atLaramie, Wyoming.Savilla Millis, '24, A. M. '26, is in charge ofan inquiry of the Federal Childrens' Bureaudealing with the care of the feeble minded inIllinois. Among the graduate students whohave been working on this study are JuneRobion, Saville McReynolds, and W. A. May-nard, graduate students in Social Service Administration.Fern O. Boan, A. M. '26, has been appointedvisiting teacher for the public schools of SiouxCity, Iowa.Alice Channing, A. M. '26, has returned toher work as Assistant Director of the ChildLabor Division of the U. S. Children's Bureau,Washington, D. C.Helen I. Clarke, A. M. '26, is now employedas social worker for the Wisconsin State Schoolfor Dependent Children, Sparta, Wisconsin.Leila Houghteling, Ph. D. '26, who was appointed to an instructorship in Social Economyin the Graduate School of Social Service Administration began her duties at the openingof the autumn quarter.Elinor Nims, Ph. D. '26, who was appointedto an instructorship in Social Service courses atthe University of Kentucky, Lexington, beganher work in September. Dr. Niras is also acting90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEas Executive Secretary of the Welfare Leagueof that city.Leora Larson, '26, Emma Luthin andGenevieve Thornton have recently taken positions as family caseworkers with the UnitedCharities of Chicago.Alma Laabs, graduate student 1925-26, beganher work in September as visiting teacher inthe public schools of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Ethel E. Verry, graduate assistant 1925-26,is acting as social worker for the ChicagoOrphan Asylum. Miss Verry is also giving thecourse in Child Welfare Problems in the Schoolduring the autumn quarter.Pauline Miller, '26, and S. Rebecca April,'26, are employed by the Jewish Charities ofChicago, Miss Miller with the Jewish SocialService Bureau and Miss April with the JewishHome-Finding Society.Jane M. Higgins, graduate student 1925-26,is now employed by the Evanston, Illinois,Hospital Association as medical social worker.Professor Sophonisba Breckinridge was oneof the speakers at the recent meeting of theMichigan State Conference of Social Work.Wiley Britton Sanders, Assistant in SocialService Administration, 1924-26, has been appointed to an Assistant Professorship in theSchool of Public Welfare, University of NorthCarolina.Mary Lee Gunter resigned her position withthe Illinois Children's Home and Aid Societyto accept the position. Assistant to the Dean ofWomen, University of Wisconsin.Gladys McIIveen has been employed for thelast four months as Family Case Work Secretary, by the Central Bureau of Social Agencies,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.Grace Tucker and Mary Stanton have givenup their work for the autumn quarter to go toFlorida to assist in disaster relief.J*, ti, i ft, i.a'JJ¦a-11 i¦ i¦1 ^^^WA^^Mt-.-v><.{^RUSH MEDICALALUMNI NOTES^i,i.i.&i.i.XA:^?«W"-5WWWWW«^W?^WWW(yW''_^'82 G. C. Iliiyer is Medical Director of TheAid Association for Lutherans at Appleton, \\'is-consin,'94 F. E. Shaykctt is continuing the practiceof medicine at Brandon, Wisconsin, where hehas been located for thiity-tvvo years.'98 Oliver P. Judkins writes "Practicingmedicine haul anil furious as possible and tothe best of my ability" in indianola, Iowa. '00 G. F. Zerzan is practicing medicine atHolyrood, Kansas,'02 Joseph B. Sonnenschein is connected withthe Chicago Department of Health in additionto practicing medicine at 25 E. WashingtonStreet, Chicago.'15 W. C. Becker who recently returned fromfour months' study abroad, is practicing Obstetrics and Abdominal Surgery in Lincoln, Nebraska.'17 Y. Joranson, member of the staff of theSouth Shore Hospital and Assistant in the Department of Anatomy at the University of Chicago, has opened an office at 7502 Cottage GroveAvenue, Chicago.'17 B. S. Kennedy is practicing medicine andspecializing in surgery in addition to being attending surgeon at the United Hospital, PortChester, New York.'17 F. A. Nause is practicing medicine at 925North 8th Street, Sheboygan, Wisconsin.'19 Irving R. Browning, formerly on thestaff of the Washington Boulevard Hospital,Chicago, is practicing at Iron Mountain, Michigan.'19 J. J. Theobald has moved his office from22 E. Washington Street to the Garland Building, 58 E. Washington Street, Chicago.'20 Josephine E. Piatt is practicing medicineand surgery at 310 Professional Building, 65 NMadison, Pasadena, California.'20 Frank B. Kelly has an office at 122 S.Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'20 Mary G. Schroeder, who is medical director of Winfield Farms Sanitarium, a smallsanitarium for nervous and mental patients, atWinfield, Illinois, was elected President of theIllinois Society of Occupational Therapists inMay, 1926.'21 Florence Ames is located in Monroe,Michigan, specializing in pediatrics at the Monroe Clinic.'21 Julius G. Levy has been appointed fellow in the Departments of Gynecology andSurger}' at the Michael Reese Dispensary. Chicago.'22 F. S. Newcomb is associated with Dr.A. T. Newcomb in the practice of medicine atPasadena, California.'24 O. H. Homme is resident specialist inOtolaryngology in the Los .Angeles CountyHospital for the year 1926-27.'24 Lyndle W. Peterson is now located atTomahawk, Wisconsin, where he is practicingmedicine.'25 Thomas D. Keckich is spending his termof internship at Cook County Hospital, Chicago.'25 William F. Kroener is associated withRaymond C. Thompson, M. D. '19, in the practice of medicine at Whittier, California.OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSA.MES, I.\. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2 1 St St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BlancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Lola B. Lowther, 1910E. 93rd St.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Exposition Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel. Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. Agr. Col.lege.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walker, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.J. O. Murdock, c/o U. S. District Atty.,Post Office Bldg., New York City.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, RuthReticker, 126 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. 15th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HaroldRush.qiOfficers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Mrs. John H. Wakefield, 1419 31st Ave., S. E.Rapid City, S.D. Sec, Delia M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone,1325 Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Hanson, Belvidere Apts. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, Topeka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la.. Rock Islandand Moline, III.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th & IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuyler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. Augustin S. Alonzo, Univ.of the P. I.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.CLASS SECRETARIES93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.97. Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St.98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 11 64 E. 54thPI.05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.II. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. '12. Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 400 N. MichiganAvenue.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 189 W. Madison'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21 Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone .\ve.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.'26 Jennette M. Hayward, 201 S. StoneAve., LaGrange, III.92CSCHOOL OF EDUCATION^c nA Study of HeredityThe study of the intellectual ability offoster children, which was described onthis page sometime ago, has been completedand the report is now being formulated.Many comparisons and correlations weremade in order to determine whether or notthe children had greater ability as a resultof the superior homes in which they weresituated than they would otherwise havehad. While it would not be desirable toanticipate the technical report it may besaid that in general the study gives groundfor an optimistic attitude concerning thebenefits of good home training. The complete report will be published as one of theforthcoming j'earbooks of the National Society for the Study of Education.In order to attack the general problemof the relation of nature and nurture fromanother angle, a study is now being madeof the mental abilities of twins. It is wellknown that there are two types of twins,so-called identical and fraternal twins. Thefraternal twins are not more closely related than brothers and sisters in general.The plan is to compare the degree of resemblance between identical twins on theone hand and fraternal twins on the other.Both types of twins are subject to verysimilar training and environmental influences. If identical twins are of more nearly equal mental ability than fraternal twins,then the greater resemblance in mentaltraits between identical twins may be ascribed to their inheritance.This study is being carried on jointly byProfessor Newman of the Department ofZoology, who has specialized in the studyof twins, and Professors Freeman and Holzinger of the Department of Education.These investigators will be glad to receivethe names and addresses of twins, in Chicago or the vicinity, who are within theages of ten and eighteen and who would be willing to co-operate in the study. Onlytwins who are of the same sex, either boysor girls, are to be included in the study.The identity of the co-operating personswill not be revealed and nothing will bedone that will be embarrassing or particularly onerousAnaPublicationsD. Appleton and Company have announced the publication of The Supervisionof Instruction by A. S. Barr and W. H.Burton. The book is designed for use inclasses in supervision and also for use bysuperintendents, supervisors and teachers.It summarizes current thinking in the fieldand presents a large amount of new research hitherto unpublished. It is the thirdvolume to be published in the "AppletonSeries on Supervision and Teaching" whichis edited by the authors of this volume.Professor Burton became a member of theSchool of Education faculty in October.AAAStudent ActivitiesPi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta Kappaare making a particular effort this year tohelp all the students in the School of Education to get acquainted. The women'sorganization sponsored a dinner for womenon Friday, October 29, at Ida Noyes Hall.Phi Delta Kappa held a mixer for men onFriday, November 5. These meetings arepreliminary to a joint meeting later in thequarter.n A »F.aculty NotesDue to illness Miss Storm is out of residence for the present quarter. She expectsto be able to return to her classes duringthe Winter and Spring Quarters.Miss Temple will be in New York Cityduring the holiday week attending the meet-9iTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG.4.ZINEing of the executive board of the International Kindergarten Union of which sheis president.ii i. i.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES09 Herbert Kimmell, Ph. M., is assistantProfessor of Education and Supervisor of theTeaching of Secondary Mathematics in theNorth Carolina College for \yomen, Greensboro, N. C.¦17 J. Herbert Blackhurst, .A. M., Ph. B. '16,is Professor of Education at Drake University,Des Moines, Iowa.'19 Martha D. Fink, Ph. B., is Fellow inChild Welfare Research at Teachers College,Columbia University, New York City.'20 Lillian Cherniss is Supervisor of the Elementary Grades in the Public Schools of Dubuque, Iowa.'21 Karl Hesley, Ph. B., has returned to New-York City as Director of the Henry Street StreetSettlement.'23 Lura M. Dean, Ph. B,, is Head of theKindergarten Department of the State TeachersCollege, Chico, California.'23 Elizabeth Kaasa, Ph. B., is Principal ofthe Cyrus Northrup and the Nathan 'HaleSchools in Minneapolis, Minn.'23 T. H. Schutte, Ph. D., who is Head ofthe Department of Education, Woman's Collegeof .'Alabama at Montgomery, will be Director ofthe first summer session of the institution inthe summer of 1927.'24 Mata Bear, Ph. B., is .Assistant in theDivision of Tests and Measurements of thePublic Schools of St. Louis, Missouri.'26 Octa French, Ph. B., is a primary teacherin the Moraine Park School, Dayton, Ohio.'26 Lulu Pickett, A. M., is Grade Supervisor, Public Schools, Superior, Wisconsin.'26 Robert B. Sparks, A. M., is Principal ofthe High School at Marshall, Texas,Doctors of PhilosophyALUMNI NOTESEARTH SCIENCE GROUPGEOLOGY1896 E. C. Case is shortly to publish a work!i foreign Permian deposits.1903 W. C. Alden spent the past field season on physiographic work in the Great Plains andRocky Mountains regions.1907 R. T. Chamberlain, in collaborationwith others, has just finished revising the firsthalf of College Geology which will shortly bepublished.1909 E. S. Bastin has been making an investigation of the fluorspar deposits of Illinoisfor the State Geological Survey.1910 J. B. Umpleby is studying the problemof oil recovery from the abandoned Pennsylvan-ian fields.1911 A. C. Trowbridge is engaged inpetroleum work in the Near East.1913 J. H. Bretz recently found twelve volcanic vents of Quaternary Age in BritishColumbia.1915 T. T. Quirke attended the recent International Geologic Congress in Spain.1915 E. A. Stephenson is now engaged inprivate consulting work with headquarters atPittsburg.1916 W. A. Tarr spent the past year inEurope.1917 G. H. Cady is now with the IllinoisGeological Survey in charge of coal investigations.1919 R. W. Chaney was a member of therecent Asiatic Expedition of the American.Museum of Natural History and returned lastMay.1920 Paul MacClintock is substituting forProfessor Blackwelder at Stanford Universitj'during the Fall Quarter.1922 .\. E. Fath is engaged in geologicalwork in the Balkans.1922 D. J. Fisher and party this past summercompleted the study of the Book Cliffs region inUtah for the LT. S. Geological Survev.1922 A. W. Giles is now head of the Department of Geology at the University of .¦\rkansas.1922 E. P. Rothrock is head of the GeologicalDepartment at the University of South Dakota.1922 F. P, Shepard has been continuing hisstudies in the Rocky .Mountain Trench.1923 George B. Cressey, in charge ofGeology at Shanghai College, spent the pastsummer surveying the Lwan River North ofTientsin. Late in the season he was attackedand severely beaten by a gang of brigands,but escaped with loss of equipment. He isexpecting to attend the Pan-Pacific GeologicConference in Japan.1923 J. F. M'right spent the past summerin the Rice Lake District of Manitoba.1924 J. H. Bradley visited Alaska duringthe early part of last summer.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 951924 John R. Evans conducted the summercourses in geology at the University of Chicago.1924 Margaret Fuller led a party throughGlacier National Park this past season.1924 F. A. Melton is now on the faculty atLehigh University.1925 C. H. Behre, Jr. was in Idaho forthe U. S. Geological Survey the past season.1925 R. F. Flint, whose engagement has recently been announced, spent the past summerin Europe.1925 C. L. Fenton is now on the faculty ofthe University of Cincinnati.GeographyAT the Sum.mer Convocation the doctorate in geography was conferredupon William T. Chambers, John W.Coulter, Stanley D. Dodge, and LambertG. Polspoel. Their dissertations dealrespectively with "A Great GeographicStudy of Joliet, Illinois, an Urban CenterDominated by Manufacturing," "TheGeography of the Santa Lucia MountainRegion," "Bureau and the PrincetonCommunity," and "The Trade in Porkand Pork Products from the United Statesto Northwest Europe." Air. Chambers isprofessor of geography in the State Teachers College, Nacogdoches, Texas, Mr.Coulter is preparing for government service, and Mr. Dodge is instructor of geography in the University of Michigan.Before coming to the University of Chicago, Father Polspoel had taken the degreeof L. S. C. C. at the University of Louvain.While here he was a fellow of the C. R. B.Educational Foundation. After completinghis work for the degree, he traveled andstudied in western United States, principally in the Pacific Northwest and inCalifornia. He now is teaching in Antwerp.John B. Appleton (Ph. D., 1925)spent the past summer in Great Britaingathering material for a forthcoming bookon Europe. His dissertation on "The Ironand Steel Industry of the Calumet District" is in press.The Annals of the National Association of Reed Estate Boards, Industrial Property,Vol. VI, 1926, contains an article byRichard Hartshorne (1924) entitled "TheEconomic Geography of Plant Location."His study of "The Significance of LakeTransportation to the Grain Traffic ofChicago" appeared in a recent issue ofEconomic Geography."The Geography of the St. FrancisBasin," the dissertation of Samuel T.Bratton, (1925) recently was publishedin the research series at the University ofMissouri.Clarence F. Jones, (1923) has beenelected to membership in the Associationof American Geographers. Articles on"The Character and Distribution of SouthAmerican Trade," "Argentine TradeDevelopments," and "The E\olution ofBrazilian Commerce" from his pen appeared in recent issues of Economic Geography.Earl C. Case (1925) is taking an activepart in the resources survey of Cincinnatibeing made at the University of Cincinnati.Kenneth C. McMurray (1922) has beenmade chairman of the Department of Geography at the University of Michigan. Hisstudy of "Soil Mapping in GeographicField Studies" appeared in the June, 1926,issue of the Annals of the Association ofAmerican Geographers.Robert S. Piatt (1920) with a partyof graduate students made an intensivesurvey of the Ellison Bay, Wisconsin,during July. His study of "Central American Railways and the Pan-AmericanRoute " appeared in a recent issue of theAnnals of the Association of AmericanGeographers.Carl O. Sauer (1915) accompanied bya number of assistants initiated a programof field studies in Lower California duringthe past summer. His "Morphology ofthe Landscape" probably has been the mostdiscussed geographic publication during thepast year.During the past summer Stephen S.Visher (191 4) taught at Cornell University.96 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE7X«««««««««««««««««i»«««'^««^'^^LAWALUMNI NOTESa34«as3aaKS ¦ ¦ ^Dean Hall Visits Los AngelesDEAN HALL met, at the UniversityClub of Los Angeles, Septembersecond, with twenty-four of his former students.This unique gathering deserves mentionfor two reasons. With it came to pass thefulfillment of one of the dreams of DeanHall's early teaching days; that at sometime in the future he might, when travelingover our great United States, be able toenjoy a social hour with a group of menwhom he had trained in law school.The second reason is that action wastaken by this group of Pacific Coast Alumniwhich marks an important step. A University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association was formed. Fred E. Lindley 'iiwas elected the association's president andCarl J. Meyer '24 its secretary and treasurer. The objects of the association are tofoster a closer union of our alumni, to assist wherever possible those, who come toCalifornia to practice law, to seek out andencourage to attend our law school uprightyoung men of character whose past recordsgive reason to believe that they are diligent,serious minded, aggressive and resourcefulin the degrees which insure their being menwho will be a credit to the Law Schoolwhile students and in after life.After dinner. Dean Hall, in his pleasingway, told of the University and the Law-School and our professors and answered themany queries of those present concerningthe whereabouts and accomplishments ofthe men with whom they had studied yearsago.For the lack of space I cannot name all^vho were present but some of those attending were Joseph L. Lewinson '07, the oldest "grad," who displayed a bit of the carewhich has made him a successful lawyer byintroducing Dean Hall. There was David Ziskind, '25, the youngest alumnus, andfrom distant cities came Harrison Ryan, ofSanta Barbara, and Robert Hamilton andFred E. Lindley, of San Diego, who havebeen partners since their graduation in 191 1.Carl J. Meyer^ Secretary.AAAChicago to Have Notable MedicalEducation and Hospital Buildings(Continued from page 59)ing, the operating rooms will be in the connecting wing between the medical buildingand the surgical building, -and quarters fordependent activities to the operating roomand laboratories will be in the surgicalbuilding. The operating rooms, of whichthere will be three, and a surgical amphitheater, will face the north. It should benoted that it will not be necessary for students to enter the operating rooms by themain service corridor but that they willreach the viewing stands from the landingof the east stairway between the sixth andthe mezzanine floors, or by special stairway from the mezzanine floor on whichwill be the entrance for students and observers to the surgical amphitheater.The equipment of the buildings and theplans for the laboratory will be describedin a later article.The new buildings are being constructedof Bedford limestone, designed in modernGothic, which is adapted to the functionsand organization of the group. There hasbeen a desire to rely mainly on compositionof wall and void to bring about a decidedarchitectural effect of graceful utility. Enrichment is confined entirely to carving symbolic of the history and attainments of thescience of medicine. Decorative letteringhas been made to serve its part in the enrichment at points of vantage and interest.The length of the main building fromnorth to south will be 579 feet, and fromeast to west, 254 feet.The cubic contents of the building willbe as follows:Main Group of Buildings 5,434,395Laboratory Building 1,226,2056,660,600Pathology Building 886,800CHICAGO MEDICAL BUILDINGS 97Relative Size of DepartmentsThe figures given below show the areasof departments, inclusive of interior partitions, corridors, stairs and other services.I. Main Group of Buildings. . .401,5632. Administration 33,972Includes lobby, administration officers, staff livingquarters, admitting offices,record room, pharmacy, social service.3. Service (throughout) 69,812Includes main kitchen, bakery, diet kitchen and adjuncts, main hospital storage, including pharmacy,food, linen, books, mattresses, patients' clothes,help's locker rooms anddining rooms.4. Out-patient Department.... 28,308Includes all the regular dispensary departments, including hydrotherapy, occupational therapy.5. Wards 7i,357Include all public, privateand isolation ward units,solarisms, connecting corridors and open wards.6. X-Ray Department 7,6787. Operating Suite 10,7248. Surgical Laboratories 28,5489. Medical LaboratoriesIncludes all laboratories situated inthe main group of buildings devotedto surgery.Includes those situated inthe main group that are devoted to medicine.10. Pathology Building 56,400II. Laboratory Building 97,070AAAThe University and a Public Service(Continued from page 61)nature and have drawn a far more restricted group of followers. The response tothe newly inaugurated program has beenfar beyond the expectation of those whohad the program in charge. The large attendance has made the problem of a suitable hall an acute one and has already necessitated the repetition of one of thecourses. Letters of inquiry flooded theoffice after the first announcement, practically every one of them expressing somespecial word of appreciation and interest.It was the writer's privilege to meet Dr.C. H. Robinson, a personal friend and admirer of President Harper and a worldfamous lecturer for a number of years. Dr.Robinson, recalling the key statement thatDr. Harper made and knowing the intentthat he had in mind, was most enthusiasticover the program as undertaken during theAutumn Quarter."It is my opinion," said Dr. Robinson,"that this is the most unique lecture program of its kind ever undertaken. It fulfills to a large measure the thought thatDr. Harper had in mind when he madethat significant statement, and to my mindit more nearly approaches the ideal lectureseries than any like project that has beentried in this country."The Chicago newspapers were enthusiastic in their comment and devoted considerable space to the announcements. Typical of their reaction is the editorial whichappeared in the Chicago Tribune, a partof which we quote here :"The University of Chicago and itsfaculty are singularly active in makingthemselves a part of and of benefit to thecommunity. Such a volume ( The Natureof the World and of Man) accurate withthe accurateness of men who deal inmillions of light years and in millicrons,yet written so that the layman can enjoy it such a popular lecture course, are distinct contributions to Chicago.""The University of Chicago and itsfaculty are also singularly willing to sendout their discoveries through the mediumof the daily press. The result : They areable to reach millions where formerly theirmessage went to thousands. And the press,we believe, is striving earnestly to reciprocate their willingness with an endeavor tobe accurate and to respect the ethics of theprofessional man. There is never need to(Please turn to next page)98 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsensationalize ; scientific messages carrytheir own sensation.""This era will be remarked on in thefuture as one of a great growing popularinterest in the truths and achievements ofscience. From the standpoint of the peopleof Chicago, themselves, they are fortunatein having as leaders of scientific thoughtamong them such persons as the scholarsof the University of Chicago faculty."It is a remarkable newspaper tribute.Dean Emery T. Filbey, of UniversityCollege, has had charge of arranging thelecture program and details. He is to bemost truly congratulated on the success ofhis efforts as are the members of the facultywho have given of their time and knowledge in making the series the unusual success that it is.AAAIndustrial Leaders Speak .\tConference(Continued from page 67)and that the meat packers are here withtheir friends and associates, the chamber ofcommerce, the industrial men, telling abouttheir problems of today in the presence ofthe University, and perhaps getting fromthe University some of the spirit w-hich willenable us all to understand a little betternot 1927 but the long future for which theLTniversity is working."« « AChicago Enca.mped(Continued from page 70)degree and a means of living. No reserveofficer has ever in time of peace made aliving from his commission. It is truethat the average student preparing himselfin the University of Chicago for the ministry, or for a professorship, for example, isimbued with a spirit of service to humanity,but his endeavors nevertheless imply a hopeof sufficient reward to maintain himself andhis family. The work pursued in the Department of Military Science and Tacticshas virtually no monetary reward, its economy lies in the wide realm of national service and the saving of lives. Robbed ofthe appeal of pecuniary reward the ReserveOfficers' Training Corps must depend uponthe whole-hearted suppoit of farseeing men in the faculties, trustees and alumni wherever a unit is found.The head of the department believes thatthere is on the campus an awakening of anattitude of helpfulness to this new sisterDepartment. It is also believed, however,that the Department should be more suitably housed and that a more adequate drillfield should be provided. The Departmentdesires the support of friends of the institution who have interested themselves in thedefense policy of their country.AAAUniversity Notes(Continued from page 79)The funeral, held at the tomb of Lenin,was attended by 100,000 people, includingnearly all of the Russian leaders.Other sights of especial significance werethe observance of Constitution Day in Germany, when Marks, former presidentialcandidate, spoke in the Reichstag and President von Hindenburg, in civilian clothes,reviewed a huge demonstration in front ; theroll call in the League of Nations on theadmittance of Germany ; and a session ofthe International Town Planning Congressat Vienna with more than a thousand delegates present..^ .^ ANews of the Quadrangles(Continued from page 32}Settlement Drive St.artedTHE annual Settlement drive of theUniversity will end Saturday, Dec. 4,the night designated as "Settlement Night."Five thousand dollars has been set as thegoal in the drive b\- Parker Hall, who isco-chairman with Esther Cook of the hugecharity drive. This sum represents an increase of $400 over last year's net proceeds.Appoint ChairmenThe two general chairmen have appointed the follow'ing committees to assist themin puttmg the drive across: vaudeville,Clyde Keutzer and Margaret Carr; booths,John Meyer and Barbara Cooke ; donations,Chas. Cowan and Betsy Farwell; decorations, John Gerhart and Isabel Bates; tagday, John McDonough and Virginia Gart-UNIVERSITY NOTES 99side; tea dances, Jack Stambaugh andCatherine Fitzgerald; music, James Webster and Allis Graham; program, WilliamHeitman and Charles Warner; publicity,Deemer Lee; finance. Holmes Boynton andFrances Kendall. Twenty team captains,ten men and ten women, working with 200persons, will be announced later.Settlement Night includes sixteen acts ofvaudeville, staged in two shifts of eight actseach, a dance in Hutchinson Commons, andthe booths in the Mandel hall corridor.Mandel hall, the Reynolds club, the Quadrangle and the Commons will all be thrownopen to close the thirty day drive with agrand program of entertainment and dancing.Adults and children of the West side aregiven recreation in the form of reading,playing, class work, and outings by theSettlement House which depends in part forits support upon the annual drive conductedat the University for its benefits.University Officials Welcome RulerOF Roumania Monday1\ /T ARIE, queen of Roumania, visited thei-^^ University Monday, November 15.At 3 :45 p. m., this small section of thecountry that doesn't recognize royalty wason its toes to welcome the first foreignerbearing the title of sovereign to visit thecampus. European royalty in the form ofthe Crown Prince of England and theCrown Prince of Sweden the latter receiving an honorary doctorate has visited thecampus before, but the only supreme rulers,by hereditary or political right, entertainedin the annals of the University are the lateWilliam McKinley and the late TheodoreRoosevelt, presidents of the United States.President Max Mason headed the committee of welcome for Marie's visit. Othermembers were: F. C. Woodward, vice-president; Harold H. Swift, president ofthe Board of Trustees; Dean Gordon J.Laing, Dean Henry Gale, Dean EdithFoster Flint, Major F. M. Barrows, headof the military science department. Prof.W. A. Craigie, Prof. H. Gideon Wells andDr. Harry P. Judson, President emeritusof the University.lOO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEnroute from the South Shore CountryClub the royal party turned north from theMidway on Woodlawn avenue, and thenwest on Fifty-eighth street, passing directlyinto the University grounds and proceedingto the west tower entrance of the HarperMemorial Library. Cars discharged passengers who entered the president's office tobe met by the committee.Queen Marie signed the visitor's bookof the University. The party then motoredthrough the University quadrangles leavingthrough Hull Gate at Fifty-seventh streetacross from Stagg Field.AAAHow Do They Get That W.ayAN alumnus came into the office the othertday. Had lived within a hundredmiles but hadn't been back in ten years.There is a local association in his town buthe hadn't been out to their meetings. Weknow for we'd have caught him in theirroster if he had. Had never been a memberof the association. Had never written us aletter. Not even a postal card.Said he thought we had a "lame" alumniassociation not to know where he was.Well, we have. We're lame on his foot.We admitted we were in the wrong. Saidwe would try to do better next time. Andwe will.Comither faithful weegee. M. A. C. Record.& A ASenior Canes Add to Wardrobel^OVEMBER nth was "swingout"-L ^ day for the Seniors and their canes.The cane is a recent addition to theUniversity senior's wardrobe and has takenits place as a result of a movement set onfoot early in the quarter. The new stylehas the approval of the Undergraduate andInterfraternity councils.This year is the first time that any officialmark of distinction has been given the seniors. It is believed by those who sponsoredthe movement that the canes will aid tobuild up class spirit.The canes are very plain, being entirelyundecorated and unornamented. Ph. D. Holders Believed not to beScholars Professor JerneganA QUESTIONNAIRE attempting toascertain why the holders of higherdegrees from universities fail to becomescholars has been sent to all holding thedegree of Doctor of Philosophy throughoutthe country by a committee acting underProf. Marcus W. Jernegan of the University.The work of investigation is being carried on through the American HistoricalAssociation, of which Prof. Jernegan is anactive member. The survey will embraceschools, colleges and universities all overthe country. It gained its initial impetuswhen the question of why graduate work inhistory led to so little productive researchon the part of holders of the Ph.D. degreewas brought up at one of the associationmeetings.Ten questions covering economic, socialand moral factors entering into the question are included in the questionnaire, aprogress report on which will be made Nov.29 and 30 to the council of the associationat its meeting in New York.AAAUni\'ERsity Sends Fifteen Studentsto "Y" MeetingTHREE thousand students gather at anational student conference, Milwaukee, December 28 to January i. There areto be representatives from all the collegesand universities in the L^nited States. TheUniversity of Chicago will be permitted tohave a delegation of ten undergraduates andfive graduates. These are to be chosenthrough the two Christian Associations andthe denominational groups. A number ofapplications have been made already.A pamphlet entitled "Students and Life"is to be used for a series of discussion groupsby the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C . A.Outstanding leaders in University andreligious circles have been obtained. Dr.Charles Gilkey, Studdert Kennedy, HenrySloane Coffin, Kirby Page, Harrison Elhott,Rheinhold Neibuhr are among these scheduled.UNIVERSITY NOTESVon der Osten Discovers Lost AsiaticDynastyTHREE thousand years of ashes anddust have grudgingly revealed the history of the Hittites one time masters ofWestern Asia to H. H. Von der Osten ofthe Oriental Institute of the University,who recently returned from a three months'expedition in Asia Minor. Mr. Von derOsten made public his discoveries for thefirst time at a University lecture, Novembergth.Where modern civilization knew of onlythree lost settlements of the ancient tribe ofrulers, Mr. Von der Osten found fifty-fiveburied or ruined "cities" on his expeditionand countless nuggets of evidence that sheda brilliant light on archseology's hazyknowledge of the ancients."Contrary to the popular theory that theHittites sprung from Armenia, documentary evidence that I have gathered indicatessouthern Russia as their original home.These same Hittites were allied with Troyin the Trojan wars of the Iliad, and theythemselves anticipating the Biblical storyof ten centuries overthrew the turbulentdynasty of Babylon."Mr. Von der Osten's party, composed ofhimself and his wife, covered three thousand miles of Asia Minor, travelling in aFord and living for the most part on bakedeggs, sour milk, and melons. Except forthe occasional assistance of native guides,the Egyptologist and his wife enjoyed theirmomentous adventures alone."The Turks have done incredibly moreto further discovery than have any otherpeople," declared Mr. Von der Osten."Their courtesy, scientific endeavor including the building of roads and railroads, theestablishment of schools and hospitals,and whole-hearted welcome to foreignershave made archseological research possible."Countless documents and ancient artistrygathered by the party have been shippedfrom Constantinople. The NewChicago Song"Our Chicago" is evidently here to stay, judgingfrom the way the footballcrowds received it. Copieswill be supplied for 18f<postpaid.OtherChicago GiftsGreeting CardsCalendars and ViewbooksStationeryBook EndsJewelryPillows and BlanketsandBooksShop by mail from theUniversity of ChicagoBookstore5802 Ellis AvenueChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OFTheHome-Study Coursesgiven byYour Alma Materwill help you in the life-longprocess of adjustment to thechanging social, economic,and political order.Are You Using Them?Are You RecommendingThem?Write for the circularThe University of ChicagoRoom 1, Ellis Hall CHICAGO MAGAZINEFormer Wisconsin Man to Serve .^sMax Mason's aidPRESIDENT MAX MASON is tohave a Badger assistant. John Dollardof the University of Wisconsin has announced his resignation of his position assecretary of the Memorial building committee at the University of Wisconsin andhis acceptance of the position offered him bythe University as President Mason's personal assistant.Mr. Dollard was graduated from theUniversity of Wisconsin in 1922 and hasbeen employed at that institution until lastweek when he announced his resignation.ii i) i.Fresh Arabian News Mailed to Campus DailyWHAT'S on in Arabia is better knownat the University than at any otherplace in the United States. The Universityhas gained this distinction by being the onlyAmerican subscriber to Umm al-Kura, official gazette of the government at JMecca.Learning of the existence of the paperfrom Viscount de Tarazi and Ameen Ri-hani, noted authorities on the Orient, ]\Iar-tin A. Sprengling, professor of Arabic languages and literature at the University,subscribed. The name of the paper means"The Mother of Towns," he explained.This paper is the official mouthpiece ofthe newly organized government of IbnSaud. The news consists largely of his decrees and his doings. During the last Pilgrimage, he made a road across Arabia passable for automobiles so that his aged father,too old to travel by camel, could make thetrip to Mecca.Supposedly to consult an oculist, but inreality to smooth o\'er trouble with theEgyptians, a Prince of Hedjaz, Kingdom ofIbn Saud, made a trip into Egypt. Thetrouble arose during the last Pilgrimage.These trips are taken by Moslems from allo\er the East. During the one in this July,there was considerable unpleasantness between the Arabians and the Egyptians.Another prince is now in England, wherehe will spend considerable time. This visitUNIVERSITY NOTES 103is of great importance, because of England'spower in the Orient.The members of the royal family of Her-jaz are constantly traveling about Arabia.They go by automobile and keep in touchwith each other by telephone and telegraph.The paper which has just reached theUniversity also contains an account of therecent trouble between Hedjaz and Turkeyover the Mosul. The arrival of a newTurkish counsel and a quarrel betweensome Arabian nobles over their utterancesabout each other are also discussed. An accident which befell the deposed king, namely the absconding of his secretary with twohundred and fifty pounds in gold, is writtenabout at length.A large section of the paper is taken bya decree of Ibn Saud. This decree dealswith citizenship and naturalization. Theregulations of Hedjaz are similar to thoseof the United States, but there are severalnovel exceptions.il il ilNo Politics in India Asserts SirWhyteLACK of political parties, the basis for^popular government in nearly everynation where democracy has succeeded, is aserious obstacle to the present experimentin democracy in India," Sir FrederickWhyte, first president of the Legislative Assembly of India asserted in a public lectureat the University, November loth. "This isdue partly to the background of the Indiansand partly to the system established by England," continued the speaker.The lecture was the third of a series offour being delivered at the University bySir Frederick Whyte on the political situa-tin in Asia, and particularly India.Recent Gifts to the UniversityPRESIDENT MAX MASON has reported to the Board of Trustees thatup to September 7, 1926, the total gifts tothe credit of the Development Fund hadamounted to $9,253,654.The Medical School has recently received two collections of special interest : I Am Busy"YY/HY do you sayW that when a lifeinsurance agent calls onyou?It may be true, butwhy are you busy? Itis largely because youwish to make the futuresecure for yourself andyour family.But the John Hancockagent wishes to do thesame thing for you. Hedoes not come to add toyour troubles but to lessenthem. He has for hiscommodity the securityof your future.Perhaps the next JohnHancock agent who callson you can answer someof your problems. Hehas the training and dealsin policies to fit the needsof yourself and your business.Why Not See Him ?Life Insurance Company^OF Boston. MASSACHusfiTTSA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHER PLACEMENTSERVICEFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.For many years a leader among teachersagencies. Our service is nation wide.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universities and operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.A general teacher placement bureau withaffiliated offices widely scattered.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.Public school work including teachingand administrative positions; also, positions for college graduates outside of theteaching field.The above organizalions, comprising thelargest teacher placement work in the UnitedStates under one management, are under thedirection of E. E. Olp, «8 E. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. one the gift of Mr. Charles B. Pike, andthe other that of Dr. Frank Webster Jay.Mr. Pike's gift comprises a collection of277 prints of medical interest, mainlyportrait prints, steel engravings, and lithographs ; and Dr. Jay's gift is a collectionof 558 prints of medical interest, a collection of autographs and autogr.aphed letters,and a terracotta statuette of Boerhaave,the great Dutch physician. Many rare andvaluable items are included in these collections.The University has received from Hon.Moises Saenz, on behalf of the MexicanDepartment of Education, a collection of235 photographic reproductions of Mexican architecture, largely ecclesiastical.The Crown Prince and Princess ofSweden have given to the University acollection of a approximately 180 bookspertaining to the Scandinavian languages,literature, and history; and the SwedishAcademy has promised certain volumes ofspecial interest in its future publications.Mr. Charles F. Grey and Mr. NewtonF. Grey have placed at the disposal of thePresident of the University the sum of$1,000 to be given to needy students inthe University during the remainder of theyear 1926.The Commonwealth Fund has made agrant of $15,000 for continuation of thestudy of the teaching profession which isbeing made by Professor W. W. Chartersof the College of Education ; and the sumof $1,500 has been received from the International Association of Fairs and Expositions to cover certain work being doneunder the direction of the Dean of theSchool of Commerce and Administration.The Speed of Light Announced byA Univerist\- of Chicago ScientistAT THE recent meeting of the National Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia the result of years of patientscientific experiment by one of the world'sleading physicists and a staff of assistantswas summed up in the announcement byProfessor A. A. Michelson, former headUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 105--yqA Paul Revere Signal every time you telephone^ The sivitchhuardlatup, delicate yetri'ij'j-A Wi/h ajilani.nt <nu- sixthOH Jiiii' as It hutnanhair, iiu.^ lamp is,so ivrll made thatit (.s (jotnl fur ah u ?i d r e d yt a rs 'The signal lamp in Old North Churchflashed its message to Paul Revere. Sothe lamp in a telephone switchboardsignals the operator when you lift thereceiver off the hook.This tiny switchboard lamp, with overten million like it, is a vital part of thenation's telephone system a little thing,but carrying a big responsibility. Asyour representative at the telephone exchange, it instantly summons the ever-alert operator to answer your call.Making these lamps, millions of themevery year, is one of the many WesternElectric functions. From lamp to switchboard, everyone of the 110,000 individualparts must be carefully made and fittedtogether to do its share in the vast telephone plant a manufacturing job un-equaled in diversity and intricacy.SINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEMio6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUN I V E R S I T YCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University OF Chicago, ii6 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Winter Quarter begins Jan. 3Spring Quarter begins March 28For Circular of Inforniation AddressThe Dean, University College, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on Request \\Paul Moser, J. D. , Ph. B.Ii6 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, 'ii Herbert I. Markham, Ei. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal H.Davi^ &i ^o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37South LaSalleStreetTelephone Rand. 6280CHICAGOTHE YATES -FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished igo6Paul Yates, Manager616-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOther Office; gii-l2 Broadway BuildingPortland^ Oregon_ of the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago, that his most recentinvestigations show light travels at the rateof 299,796 kilometers per second. Theold rate, as used in close scientific research,had been established at 299,860 kilometersa second, or 64 kilometers more than thatdetermined by Dr. Michelson in his latestexperiment.The speed of light, it has been found inthe Michelson experiments in Chicago andCalifornia, is constant and is a most important scientific standard of measurementwhich has been made more exact than theold statement that light speeds throughspace at the rate of 186,000 miles persecond. Through the past summer Professor Michelson has worked from threein the morning till dawn with his revolvingmirrors, flashing a beam of light fromMount Wilson to Blount San Antonio andback again, a total distance of forty-fourmiles, and recording its speed with a precision never before attained. In makingannouncement of his experiment before theAcademy of Sciences Professor Michelsonstated that the results with five differentsets of revolving mirrors shoAved a remarkably close agreement.New Appointments to the F.aculties"^[EW appointments announced by the^ ^ Board of Trustees include thefollowing:Dr. James Bryan Herrick, ProfessorEmeritus in the Department of Medicinein Rush ^ledical College; William C.Bower, Professor of Religious Educationin the Divinity School; and Rev. CharlesW. Gilke\-, Professor of Preaching in theDivinity School.Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, Commissioner of Health, City of Chicago, has beenmade Professorial Lecturer on PublicHealth Administration in the Departmentof Hygiene and Bacteriology; Dr. Mel-chior Palyi, of Handels-Hochschule, Berlin, Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Economics for the academic yearMARRIAGES 1071926-27; Henry Schulz, of the UnitedStates Tariff Commission, ProfessorialLecturer in the Department of Economics ;and Henry Justin Smith, of the ChicagoDaily News staff, Professorial Lecturer inthe School of Commerce and Administration.Dr. Franklin C. McLean has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Faculty ofthe Graduate School of Medicine of theOgden Graduate School of Science, andLeon C. Marshall has been made Directorof Economics and Business.Three new associate professors have alsobeen recently appointed : William HenryBurton and William C. Reavis in theSchool of Education, and Anna DrydenWolff, Superintendent of Nurses in theAlbert Merritt Billings Hospital.a , D-v-»»»»v-»MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSJessie E. Sherman, '02, to Frank Hall Tuthill,September 7, 1926. At home, 1903 OrringtonAvenue, Evanston, Illinois.Mildred E. Clark, '17, to Ralph Baier, June30, 1926. At home, 1716 Jonquil Terrace,Chicago.Henrietta C. E. Miller, '19, to Rev. James W.Davis, September 9, 1926. At home, 15 S.Wright Street, Naperville, Illinois.Leiand B. Morgan, '19, to Isabelle W. Jones,June 22, 1926. At home, Los Angeles, California.Donald A. Piatt, '19, Ph. D. '25, to CamillePorter, September 2, 1926. At home, 2207Nueces Street, Austin, Texas.Helen Thomson, '19, to Horace Love, Jr.,June 5, 1926. At home, 2538 East 76th Street,Chicago.Elizabeth Stone, ex. '21, to Julian M. Bruner,'22, M. D. '27, June 25, 1926. At home, 1143Mission Road, Los Angeles, California.Julius Blumenstock, '22, S. M. '23, to MaryUllrich, '25, September, 1926. At home, 1900"H" Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The ConstructiveFunction ofInvestment "bankingWEALTH is being accumulated inthis country at an amazing rate.It is now estimated in excess of 350billions an increase of about 50% inthe last ten years. Meanwhile, savingsdeposits have increased in even greaterproportion, and now exceed 23 billionsof dollars.The constructive function of investment banking is constantly to direct theflow of surplus wealth back into productive channels where it will be safeguarded for the investor while it is usedto finance business and industry, andcreate more wealth.There is a satisfying and profitablecareer in the Investment Banking fieldfor college menwho have sound economictraining, combined with personal qualifications and the energy to master a business that is as technical and, at the sametime, as humanly interesting, as otherpopular professions.If you are interested in more completeinformation about Investment Bankingas avocation its possibilities, its advantages, its requirements -we shall be gladto send you informative liters^ture uponrequest. Write for pamphle. AV-Z6CHICAGO NEWYORK PHILADELPHIA201 S. La Salle St. 14 Wail St III South isthSt.DETROIT CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS BOSTON601 Griswold St. 92, Euclid Ave. J19 North 4th St 85 Devonshire St.MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS425 East Water St 6loSecond Ave., S.HALSEY, STUART&CO.INCORPORATEDloS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFT a food serviceMAKING good sausage is a science. Swift & Company hasadded to human skill the advantages of scientific knowledge andmodernequipment,with thefamousresult Brookfield Pork Sau?age.THE manufacture of BrookfieldPork Sausage is a combinationof farm lore and science.Swift & Company has brought to theaid of the craftsman all the resourcesof a nation-wide organization.Spotless tile-walled kitchens areequipped with the most modernproducts of engineering skill.Yet, the handicraft traditionremains. The electrically driven meatgrinders, for example, are an evolution of mother's old chopping knife.This bringing together of craftsmanship and science is one of theessential functions of the Swift FoodService.The result is a delicacy of flavorand uniform fineness of quality neverequalled in the past.These are distinguishing characteristics of all products bearing the name Swift.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868 Alice C. Hull, '22, to Cloyd McDowell,."August 14, 1926. At home, Chicago.Mata Roman, '22, to Robert O. Friend, July29, 1926. At home, 658 East 8ist Street, Chicago.George H. Hartman '23, to Martha Smart,'25, October 6, 1926. At home, 7545 KingstonAvenue, Chicago.Frances Jefferies, '23, to Joseph A. Durren-berger, June 21, 1926. At home. New YorkCity, N. Y.Helen S. Huber, '25, to Allen J. Stevens, June19, 1926. At home, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.Frances Weir Mallory, '25, to John W.Harris, June 10, 1926. At home, 1330 GoodbarPlace, Memphis, Tennessee.Howard M. Sloan, ex '24, to Margot L.Dawes, November 10, 1926. At home, 233 EastWalton Place, Chicago, after February i, 1927.Henry M. Tall, '25, to Belva Sorenson, January I, 1926. .¦\t home, Munising, Michigan.ExN'GAGEMENTSMargaret Cecil Haggott, '20, to RichardFoster Flint, '22.BIRTHSTo Morris M. Leighton, Ph. D. '16, and Mrs.Leighton, a son, recently, at Urbana, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Benet (Rosemary Carr, '18), a son, Thomas Carr, September 28, 1926, at Paris, France.To Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marlin (Hattie H.Goldstein, 19), a daughter, Betty Lee, February26, 1926, at Louisville, Kentucky.To Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Whitcomb(Frances Creekmur '18), a daughter, Ann Cyrus,August II, 1926, at Hamilton, Ohio.To Dr. Emmet B. Bay '20, and Mrs. Bay(Margaret Seymour, '21, S. M. '25), a daughter,Margaret Nancy, .August 14, 1926, at Chicago.To William W. Ward, '22, and Mrs. Ward(Ruth Metcalfe, '23), a son (Dudley Metcalfe,August 31, 1926, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Freshley (DorothyMorse, '24), a daughter, Louise Ann, recently.DEATHSMargaret Isabel Norton, '15, February 27,1926, at Chicago.Mrs. Leo A. Klemperer (Frances Jane Morgenthau, '23), July 30, 1926, at Chicago. Aninitial gift toward a memorial fund to be entitled the "Jane Morgenthau Fund" has beenmade by Sidney Loewenstein to the Universityof Chicago.Mrs. Florence S. Mueller, '25, in August, 1926,in .Austria, while on a tour of Europe.George A. Graham, ex '24, a student in theLaw School of the University, October 25, 1926,Oconomoc, Wisconsin.Owned by more than 46,(100 shareholdersTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELSIntroducing an international effort sponsored by the alumni organizations or magazines of more than eighty colleges and universities tocoordinate alumni interests and activities in a selected group of hotels,each of which is specifically prepared to cooperate with alumniorganizations and the individual alumnus.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMAIN FEATURES OF THE INTERCOLLEGIATEALUMNI HOTEL MOVEMENTInterested alumni can secure from a clerk at the desk of each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel an information leaflet which describes indetail the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement.At each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel there will be maintained a cardindex of the names of all the resident alumni of all the participatinginstitutions. This will be of especial benefit to traveling alumni inlocating classmates and friends.The current issues of the alumni publications of all the participatinr;institutions will be on file at each Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel.Reservation cards will be available at the clerk's desk in each des ¦ignated hotel and at the alumni office in each college or university.These reservation cards will serve as a great convenience to travellers in securing advance accommodations.The managers of all Intercollegiate Alumni Hotels are prepared tocooperate with individual alumni to the fullest extent and are alsoprepared to assist in the creation of new local alumni associationsand in the development and extension of the activities of those alreadyformed.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWaldorf-Astoria Los Angeles- BiLTMORBThe alumni organizations or magazines of the following colleges anduniversities are participants in the Intercollegiate Alumni Hotelmovement:*AkronAlabamaAmherstBatesBdoJtBrownBucknellBryn MawrCaliforniaCarnegie InstituteCase SchoolChicagoCity College of New YorkColgateColorado School of MinesColoradoColumbiaCornellCumberlandDukeEmoryGeorgiaGoucherHarvardIllinoisIndianaIowa State CollegeJames Millikcn Kansas Teachers' CollegeKansasLake EricLehighLouisianaMaineM, I. T.Michigan StateMichiganMillsMinnesotaMissouriMontanaMount HolyokeNebraskaNew York UniversityNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthwesternOberlinOccidentalOhio StateOhio WesleyanOklahomaOregonOregon A.Penn StatePennsyJvania RadcliffeRollinsRuteersPurdueSmithSouth DakotaSouthern CaliforniaStanfordStevens InstituteTexas A. and M. CollegeTexasUnionVandcrbiltVassarVermontVirginiaWashington and LeeWashington State CollegeWashingtonWellesleyWesleyanWestern ReserveWhitmanWilliamsWisconsinWoosterYale*^n most instances both the alumni organization and the alumni magazine are participating as a unitINTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELS:Roosevelt, New York CityWaldorf-Astoria, New YorkCityUniversity Center*, New YorkCityCopley Plaza, BostonUniversity Center*, BostonBlackstone, ChicagoWindermere, ChicagoUniversity Center*, ChicagoBenjamin Franklin, PhiladelphiaWillard, WashingtonRadisson, Minneapolis*To be built in 1516-17 Los Angeles Biltmorc, LosAngelesPalace, San FranciscoOlympic, SeattleSeneca, RochesterClaremont, BerkeleyOnondaga, SyracuseSinton, CincinnatiWolverine, DetroitMultnomah, Portland, Ore.Sacramento, SacramentoCalifornian, Fresno Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebr.Oakland, Oakland, Cal.Lycoming, Williamsport, PaMount Royal, MontrealKing Edward, TorontoCoronado, St. LouisBethlehem, Bethlehem, Pa,Urbana-Lincoln, Urbana-Champaign, 111.Saint Paul, St. PaulSavannah, Savannah, Ga.Schenley, PittsburghTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement is the result of a year'seffort on the part of a Committee, the members of which have longbeen identified with alumni work.The funds necessary to insure the success of the Intercollegiate AlumniHotel movement are being advanced by the designated hotels, all ofwhich have been selected after a careful study of their fitness forparticipation.The committee on organization, the activiries of which are controlledby a special group of the members of the Alumni Magazines Associated,has incorporated a non-profit corporation known as the IntercollegiateAlumni Extension Service, Inc. which will direct the polices of theIntercollegiate Alumni Hotel movement and serve as a coordinatingunit between the alumni organizations and the designated hotelsOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE INTERCOLLEGIATEALUMNI EXTENSION SERVICE, INC.18 East 41st StreetNew York CityLevering Tyson, Pru'dtrif W R, Okesqn, Dirictnr ar Lur^eR W S.1ILOR, Vicr PrruJinl E N SULEIVA JO B., Secrttary} O BaxendaleAlumni SecretaryUniversity of VermontDaniel L. GrantAlumni SecretaryUnivcrsicy of North CarolinaMarion E. GravesActing Alumni SecretarySmith CollegeR. W. HarwoodHarvard Alumni BulletinHarvard UniversityE. N. SullivanAlumni SecretsPenn State Col DIRECTORSEkic F Hozhdin^The Technolo^v ReviewMassachusetts Institute ofTechnologyJohn D McKehWooster Alumni BulletinWooster CollegeHelen F. McMillinWclleslev Alumni MagazineWellesley CollegeJ. L. MorrillAlumni SecretaryOhio State UniversityLevering TysonAlumni FederationW R OkesonTreasurer ofLehigh UniversityR, W, SailorCornell Alumni NewsCornell UniversityW B. Sh^wAlumni SecretaryUniversity of MichiganRobert SibleyAlumni AssociationUniversity ot California;rylege Columbia UniversityaNTERCOLLEGIATE ALUMNI HOTELS%r^^tiPeople expect more from Crane ble and lasting service of the hiddenpknnliingand hc.uingmaterials. And Crane \'al\'cs, rirrings, and piping.righdw N(.)t because Craneproducts That is \\'h\",wiLhout atlding a pen-arc liigherin price fitrt]ii-\dre not! ny toyourc.xpcnditure h 'r I'lLini; -ingBut because r he Crane reputation tor and heating matcrivils, a cniTjp'.-rehigh cjualit\' i;^ sevent\'-une years old. Crane insta.llati< in trom dr.cjiage :ee^-Geiei!n\'incingl\-apparentis thesturdy to vent st.ick increa.^cs rcn:al retLirnqualit\' ot Crane h.xtures, that it is and advances selling price. Ct.m.^ultH' t strange that t!ie general impres- anxTesponsibleplLiinbingojntract ^r,sion prevails that Crane materials and write i<.ir ''New ideas in r>a^h-cost more than .substitutes. This rooms," an inspiring booljft <.it ar-opinion is ti)rtihed b)' the dependa- rangement and color schemes.CRAN EAddrcii all in.mirics to Cruu^ C*., Ch.c.i.-nGENERAL OFFICES: CRANE Bu'lLDlNG, 836 S. MICHIGAN AVE-, CHICAGOBr.ini:h,s an i S.d^s Ojfic.s in Due Hun.ired ai^.l tt' v-_Pi'r t ^..'V.(Naiional K.xhihi: R ovi^: Chica^^-, N.-ii' Tor i^ A::.in! tc Ctr ^, Sa n I' r.nut c .. .; '! / ,Vonf r.-.j .li"or).: (,¦;;;,.!..., Br,J,',i',.r;,Bt"n,nfh.un,Ch.itraT^o.^a^-T\-,7U:T!^ .U nir,aL;K.! .Si. J. nr.s^ :^ic.CR.v:. . ' ¦¦.COM r riH-iroi.; \Tn 1-, : m.-v V' >i-.K, > \ '7 i r \:. i ¦¦ ( '. %!!¦¦'-. ico ( irv, iia\'an.\ck.\:;l LiMrrri': ». k wr ht-m i"'- -, "^-rt r- 1 \'."i ". i! \n, ¦¦ ':\ wi:, >.u.':;treal^. K \\"l: t'.\.Ri ^, i.;r,r -. -.r.i"The fad is, thai civilization requires slaves.Human slavery ia wrong,insecure, and demoralizing. On mechanicalslavery, on the slaveryof the machine, thefuture of the worlddepends. " Oscar WildeSlavesYou will find this mono-gram on all kinds ofelectrical machinery. Toinsure quality, ask for iton the equipment youbuy for your factory,office, or home In a quarter century the General Electric Company has produced electricmotors having a total of more than 350,-000,000 man-power. Electric light, heat,and transportation have also contributedtheir part to the freeing of men. Theseare America's slaves. Through their service American workers do more, earnmore, and produce quality goods at lowercost than anywhere else in the world.GENERAL ELECTRIC201.31E