sChicaaoSllag^meJULY, 1926VOL. XVIII. NO. 9Alumni Honor RollPresentedConvocation StatementDegree Conferred onCrown Prince of SwedenUniversity School forNursesA Brief ReviewbJPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILOn the Outside, Looking inMay When I climbed down info the crowd the other daythe and started around among our customers I didn't knowTwenty just what to expect * * * Perhaps I should find thatSeventh in a year behind the megaphone I had learned to pitchmy voice too high and no one had been able to hearthe weighty messages from our Press * * *But iti didn't take long to see that when we ring upthe curtain on "The Nature of the World and of Man"there will be a big audience ready * * * The thirdthousand are already filing in to get a glimpse ofwhat Henry C. Morrison propounds in "The Practiceof Teaching in the Secondary School," and they'relining up pretty rapidly for Otto F. Bond's "AnIntroduction to the Study of French" * * *That's what I found in front of the educational tent* # * Qur press jsn't exactly a three-ring circus, butwe do have a variety of offerings for the public andI was glad to overhear also ali sorts of complimentsfor Arthur W. Ryder's translation of "The Pancha-tantra," for John Powell's "How to Write BusinessLetters," Charles W. Gilkey's "Jesus and Our Generation," John Maurice Clark's "Social Control of Business," and Percy H. Boynton's "London in EnglishLiterature" * * *I hope they keep on coming, and that they will likeour big Fall show * * *What the advertising managerof The University oj ChicagoPress might have wrìtten inhis diary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELive them over again!Those good old "days of yore" — those wonderful collegedays — wouldn't you like to re-live them for a day, a week,a month ?Then make Windermere your "dorm" while in Chicago.Windermere — where you are within walking distance ofCobb Hall and Hitchcock and Bartlett.— where you are dose to the fraternity section— where, on a clear, quiet night you can hear from yourroom the chimes on Mitchell Tower play "Alma Mater"— where you will probably meet old college friends and talkover those unforgettable campus episodes.Hotels Windermere have grown with the University — inthe same neighborhood — with the same fine traditions —serving many of the same people. Stay at Windermere whenyou come to Chicago.For one night — or a thousand and one — you will find inHotels Windermere a hospitality and character that assuresyou of a truly enjoyable stay. The quiet refinement, un-usually fine service, and excellent cuisine ofthese hotels havelong made them the chos.en home of those who appreciategood hving.On/y tur/ve minutes from the Loop"Motelsllfindermere\fW "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"| T Hotel rooms $75 to $176 a month— $3.50 to $3.50 a day; hotel suites andhousekeeping apartments, two to eight rooms, $130 to $1,055 a month,East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard— Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of verandas and terraces facing south on Jackson Park426 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEì/m£T)RIÌV1ARILY the object of advertising is to moldJ. and influence public feeling toward your product.Yet the last ounce of business building energy has notbeen pressed from your advertising until it has been madeto create an abounding enthusiasm in your sales forceand a receptive condition in the minds of vour dealers.VANDERHOOF^'COMPANYHENRY D. SULCER, 'os, Pr«>dentADVERTISINGVANDERHOOF BUILDINGONTARIO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS : CHICAGOMemher: American Assocìation of Advertising Agencics E? National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XVIII NO. 9SUmberSttp of ChicagodilagarneJULY, 1926ta^bj^s of co^cre^crsFrontispiece: Presenting Honorary Diploma to Crown Prince of SwedenAlumni Honor Roll Presented 431President Mason's Convocation Statement 433University School for Nurses 435A Brief Review (A. G. Pierrot, '07) 436Events and Comment 439Alumni Affairs 44°Helen Rose Hull, '12, Novelist 444The Letter Box 445University Notes — Honorary Degree to Swedish Crown Prince 446News of the Quadrangles 451Athletics 452Rush Medicai College 454School of Education 45«Law School 457Doctors of Philosophy— Divinity Association Officers 458Club Officers and Class Secretaries 459News of the Classes and Associations 4*'Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 472THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkrrawfordfvUle Ind monthly from November exchange, postai or express money order If loca]te Tuly inclusive "for The Alumni Council of check is used, io cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., Claims for missing numbers should be made withinChicago 111 The subscription price is $2.00 per the month following the regular month of publication.year thè price of single copies is 20 cents. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawauan sent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St., Craw-Islands Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali other the Chicago Office.countries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual Entered as second class matter December io, 1914,subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents &t th(, post offic(,- at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under(total 23 cents). the Act of March 3, 1879.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.427THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiSecret/iry-Treasurer, ADOLPH G. PlERROT, '07The Council for 1926-27 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1927: Frank McNair, '03;Leo F. Wormser, 04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08; Harry R. Swanson,17; Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928: John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W.Sills, ex-'o5; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18; Term expires 1929: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Harry N. Gottlieb, '00; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01; Paul H. Davis, '11; WilliamH. Kuh, 'n; Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, A. W. Moore, Ph.D., '98 ; HerbertE. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; D. H. Stevens, Ph.D., '14; D. J. Fisher, Ph.D., '22.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04; W. D. Whan, A. M., '09, D. B., 'io.From the Law School Alumni Association, Urban A. Lavery, J. D., 'io; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Harold W. Norman, '19, J. D., '20.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11, Ph. D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Fredrick B. Moorehead, M. D. '06.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe Coi. lece Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, 731 minster Bldg., Chicago.Plymouth Ct., Chicago; Secretary, School of Education Alumni Associa-Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, University of TI0N: p,esldent, W. C. Reavis, Ph.D.,Chicago. >2c;, University of Chicago ; Secretary,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: Mrs R w Bixler, A. M., '25, Uni-President, A W Moore, Ph.D '98, versity of Chicago.University of Chicago; Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Universtiy Commerce and Administration Alumniof Chicago. Association: President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association: President, '2I. 23r So. La Salle St., Chicago; Secre-Mark Sanborn, First Baptist Church, tary< Miss Charity Budinger, '20, 6031Detroit, Mich. ; Secretary, R. B. David- Kimbark Ave., Chicago.son, D. B., '97, First Baptist Church, Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-Ames, Iowa. tion : President, Nathan P. Colwell, M.Law School Association: President, Ur- D., '00, 535 No. Dearborn St., Chicago;ban A. Lavery, J. D., 'io, 76 W. Monroe Secretary, Charles A. Parker, M.D., '91,St., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council. Paculty Exchange. University of Chicago. The dues formembership in either one of the Associations named above, includine subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.+28THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 429To mountainclimbers aboutto cross a plateauTHIS is a thought for seniors about to set fortli011 the world's biggest climb — their careers.Educators teli us that mental growth, if di-agrammed, would show a succession of mountainsand plateaus. Progress in industry, too, has itsplateaus— the periods when you seem merely to bemarking time.But is it time lost ? Older graduates, now ex-ecutives in industry, say "No." They recali thisas really a chance to find one's self, to get one'ssecond wind for the next climb ahead.And they recali the fact that this whole journey,up the mountain and across the plain, is a greatadventure with each man blazing his own trail,working out his own individuality in the varioustechnical and commercial activities of modembusiness.Makers of the Nation's TelephonesOne of a series of mniuncements appearing instudent publications andaimed to interpret to under-graduates their present and future opportunities.Presenting Honorary Diploma to the Crown Prince of SwedenAs told elswhere in this number, the University of Chicago conferred thehonorary degree of L.L.D. on Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, of Sweden, at aspecial convocation in Mandel Hall, June 25. The picture shows, left to right,President Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson, who presented the Crown Prince,the Crown Prince, and President Max Mason presenting the diploma. A greatcrowd attended the ceremonies.Vol. xviii No. 9ÌJmbersitt|> of ChicagoJlaga^neJULY, 1926.1 ^Alumni Honor Roll PresentedTHE I4ist Convocation on June 15,1926, at which President Max Ma-son presided upon the conclusion ofhis first year as President of the University,was marked by a feature that will alwaysmake that Convocation a memorable mile-stone in the history of the University andits Alumni. Before a great crowd of Junegraduates and their thousands of relativesand friends in attendance at the Convocation, the Honor Roll, containing the namesof Alumni who had subscribed to theAlumni Endowment Fund in the campaignjust recently closed, was presented to theUniversity. The presentation not onlymarked the successful conclusion of theAlumni Campaign but was the concludingfeature of the 1926 Reunion.The Honor Roll book was presented byHerbert P. Zimmermann, '01, Chairmanof the Alumni Campaign Committee, andwas received on behalf of the University byPresident Mason. In presenting the Roll,Mr. Zimmermann read the introduction inthe book, which is presented herewith. Inaccepting the gift from the Alumni, President Mason thanked the Committee and theAlumni who made this great gift possible,and pointed out its fine expression of sacri-fice on behalf of the University and itstremendous and timely importance in mak- ing successful the University 's efforts forneeded funds and growth.Mr. Zimmermann, in prefacing his read-ing of the statement in the volume, verybriefly outlined the planning and the con-duct of the campaign by the Alumni. Heparticularly called attention to the wide-spread interest which the Alumni in ali sec-tions of the country, indeed in ali parts ofthe world, gave this first great cali fortheir co-operation on behalf of their University, and declared that, as results havewell shown, Alumni loyalty and enthusi-asm for the University were never mani-fested so keenly. He expressed the hope thatin future years further opportunities mightbe extended to the Alumni for direct assis-tance in the great aims of the University.The Honor Roll, he pointed out, was presented not merely by himself or the Campaign Committee, but by the Alumni as awhole as a record of their faith in and ap-preciation of Alma Mater.The introductory statement in the bookcontaining the Honor Roll was as follows:"June 15, 1926."The President and Trustees of the University of Chicago:"In the fall of 1924, under the inspir-ing leadership of President Burton, the'Uni-431432 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZ1NEversity of Chicago entered upon a newperiod of development. Representativealumni from ali parts of the country wereinvited by the University to attend a meeting at which President Burton told of theneeds of the University, and the Presidentof the Board outlined the program formeeting them. For the first time in thehistory of the University, the alumni asa body were asked to share in its responsi-bility and they accepted the offer as a chal-lenge, and undertook to raise $2,000,000of the total fund."Today the Executive Committee incharge of the Alumni Campaign have theprivilege of reporting to you that the quotahas been subscribed. Eleven thousand eighthundred (11,800) graduates and formerstudents from ali departments of the University have subscribed $2,020,000. Manyof the individuai subscriptions are modestin amount but ali were given with a gen-erous good will. In addition, the alumniTrustees have pledged $213,000 making thetotal amount subscribed by alumni $2,233,-000. We are happy to say that almost aliof this sum is given for permanent endow-ment of instruction and research."It is with a feeling of happiness that wepresent to you now this Honor Roll con taining the names of ali alumni subscribersto the Development Fund. We should liketo have it made a part of the permanentrecords of the University. From now on,you can feel reassured that the alumni arean integrai part of the institution and that,as they grow in numbers and wealth, theywill, if given the. opportunity, assume anincreasing share in its support."ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEOF THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENTHerbert P. Zimmermann, '01, ChairmanGrace A. Coulter, '99, Associate ChairmanArthur A. Goes, '08, Associate ChairmanAlice Greenacre, '08, Associate ChairmanEdwin W. Eisendrath, '13Shirley Farr, '04William S. Harman, '00Earl D. Hostetter, '07Frank McNair, '03John P. Mentzer, '98Katherine Gannon Phemister, '07Ernest E. Quantrell, '05Paul S. Russell, 5i6Dr. Frederic A. Speik, '05Donald S. Trumbull, '97Narcissa Cox Vanderlip, '03Agnes R. Wayman, '03William E. Wrather, '08Dr. Ralph W. Webster, '95George E. Fuller, '08, SecretaryMartha Landers Thompson, '03, Secretary"University Chapei. Design— the Corner Stone was i.aid June iiPresident Mason's Convocation StatementTHE story, in fìgures and facts, ofthe University's phenomenal growthin the last two years, a glimpse ofthe educational future in Chicago and abrief survey of education in America werefeatures of the annual convocation statement made June I5th by President MaxMason at the I4ist Convocation cere-monies.A total of over $13,000,000 has been re-ceived by the University since the inceptionof its development program less than twotwo years ago, President Mason reported.At the same time he disclosed the namesof twenty-fìve donors who have made recent contributions to the University. Fivegifts, it was announced, are to be used asdistinguished service professorships to compensate some eminent man of science orletters in the pursuit of an important in-vestigation at the University of Chicago.New contributors to the University ofChicago with gifts totaling $1,027,250 wereannounced as follows : Robert Law, Jr.,$200,000; Frank P. Hixon, $200,000; Edward F. Swift, $50,000; John S. Runnells,$10,000; Chauncey Keep, $50,000; Mr.and Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, $50,000; Se-well Lee Avery, $250,000; B. E. Sunny,$36,000; Ernest A. Hamill, $50,000; D.Mark Cummings, $10,000; H. H. Porter,$10,000; Anonymous pledges $45,000; H.H. Hitchcock, $5,000; Silas H. Strawn,$5,000; Louis E. Asher, $5,000; AngusRoy Shannon, $5,000; Clyde A. Blair,$5,000; Roy D. Keehn, $5,000; BenjaminV. Becker, $5,000; Mrs. H. E. Goodman,$5,000; James H. Douglas, $5,000; JohnA. Holabird, $6,250; Weymouth Kirkland,$5,000; Mrs. Elizabeth Rankin Crossett,$5,000; L. B. Vaughn, $5,000.The donations of Robert Law, Jr.,Andrew MacLeish (previously announced),Frank P. Hixon, Sewell Lee Avery, andCharles H. Swift (previously reported),are to be used for distinguished service professorships. Fifty thousand dollars of Mr.MacLeish's gift goes to the endowment ofa visiting professorship. President Max MasonPresident Mason lauded the Alumni fortheir generous contribution of over $2,000,-000 announced by the University, and hereferred to the vision and faith of the latePresident Ernest DeWitt Burton underwhose direction the Alumni program wasinstituted. The conditional gift of theGeneral Education Board amounting to$2,000,000 is assured, the President furtherpointed out. This gift was contingent onthe University's raising $4,000,000 for general endowment. The contributions ofAlumni and citizens have secured the fundsfrom the board, President Mason asserted.He also mentioned the recent gift of$1,385,000 from the Carnegie Corporationfor a graduate library school whose pur-pose will be to study human nature as wellas technical library subjects ; a gift of$500,000 for the contagious diseases hospital ; $600,000 from the estate of HelenCulver; $1,000,000 from John D. Rocke-feller, Jr. for the divinity school; $45,00043 3434 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom the Nursery Association; $1,000,000from Douglas Smith for medicai research ;$100,000 from Mrs. Anna L. Raymond foruse in the medicai schools ; and approxi-mately $500,000 toward establishing aschool for nurses.In the conclusion of his statement President Mason outlined the plans of the University for continued progress. "Increasedsupport has been given the University inlarge measure," he stated, "yet the demandsof the immediate future are even greater.President Burton estimated that the assetsof the University would be doubled by theyear 1940 if the challenge of the future weremet. While notable improvement in thesalary scale has been made, support ofthe faculty is stili far from adequate, andimperative building needs must be met inthe immediate future. There is immediateneed of endowment for the Graduate Schoolof Social Service Administration, an instru-ment of high value for human welfare,which must receive increased support. Thegreat program of medicai education and research before the University will demandlarge endowment funds."Great as are future needs there is everyindication that they will be met, and thatthe program of increased excellence of performance to which the University is pledgedwill find realization. No other result isconsistent with the high idealism, generos-ity, and spirit of service which pervade thelife of the Chicago community."President Mason divided the Universityinto two institutes — one of naturai scienceand one of human behavior — "co-operatingin the conscious evolution of civilization."It is the aim of the University, he said, tounify and intensify rather than to expandand enlarge. "We are forcing forward theboundaries of knowledge, and the concentra-tion of effort on essentials will be impossibleif we dissipate effort in non-essentials. Theultimate influence on happiness is the onlycriterion, difEcult though it may be in application, for the determination of values ofthe University's work."Referring to the American college, thePresident said, "We are in a period ofwholesome self-examination and experimen- tation in the search for means of vitalizingthe intellectual life of the undergraduate.The dominance of the University by thaspirit of performance gives promise for thefuture, as the emphasis is placed stili moreon opportunity, and less on compulsion.Interest thrives on responsibility and oppor-tunities for initiative in our undergraduatecolleges; with a background of creativescholarship given by the graduate schools,we may well go far in abandoning anymethods which seem to be based on the as-sumption that the undergraduate goes tocollege to resist an education."The Convocation ceremonies were marked by the presentation by Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, general chairman of theAlumni Campaign, to President Mason ofan honor roll hearing the names of 12,000Alumni who have made contributions tothe University's Development Fund, as toldin this number of the Magazine. Degreeswere awarded to 767 students. The serv-ices ended the academic year during which1,769 students have been graduated, thelargest number in the history of the University.A Unique GiftA prominent Chicago business man, whoasked that his name be withheld, has giventhe University of Chicago compensation of$4,000 which he received from the UnitedStates government for service during theGreat War. The anonymous donor servedas a major in France.Because the donor felt that he should notaccept money for his services to the government, he gave the voucher, which he hadnever cashed, to the University of Chicago,where, he said, it would be used for theadvancement of education.He asked that the gift be distributed asfollows: $1,000 for books on India andIndian civilization; $1,000 for the purchaseof the George E. Hooker Library of 2,000books on city planning, transportation, andhousing ; and the remainder to be expendedat the discretion of the Board of Librariesat the University.To Establish University School For NursesAN AGREEMENT between the Boardof Directors of the Illinois TrainingSchool for Nurses and the University of Chicago by which the assets of theschool will be transferred to the University,was made public in a statement by PresidentMax Mason at the Convocation ceremonieson June I5th. The transfer involves ap-proximately $500,000 and will make pos-sible a school for nurses to be establishedin connection with the University of Chi-cago's medicai program on the Midway.Under the terms of the agreement, ampietime will be given the Cook County Com-missioners to make satisfactory arrange-ments for the efficient care of Cook Countyhospital patients who have been served forabout forty-five years by nurses from Illinois Training School. When such arrange-ments have been completed the propertiesand resources of the school will be turnedover to the University of Chicago, it isannounced.It is intended, through utilization of thegift, to develop a superior type of graduatewho will tend to raise the standard of nursing education. It is understood, accordingto the announcement, that graduates, afterfulfilling the regular requirements of University work, will receive the degree ofBachelor of Science. The school, itself, apermanent part of the University of Chicago, will seek to develop the art and scienceof nursing and! to prepare its graduates andother qualified graduate nurses for posi-tions of standing and leadership in the pro-fession, at the same time taking advantageof a broad education in the sciences whichgeneral University courses can offer.It is pointed out by the University thata large sum, not less than $1,000,000, willbe required for endowment of the under-taking. These funds, it is further shown,must come from benefactors who see thesignificance of the new project. "The Illinois Training School for Nurseshas stood preeminently for unselfish serviceto the community," it is asserted by Mrs.Harry F. Williams, Chairman of the Boardof Directors, in a statement accompanyingthe public announcement at the University."Its history has followed closely the strug-gles and brilliant achievement of nursingin the west. In its present capacity in fur-nishing nursing services to the Cook CountyHospital, it provides more than 500 nursesdaily for some 2,000 patients. Its pastrecord has been associated with that ofmedicai staff members in the Cook Countyhospital who have won international rec-ognition. It is with a view toward increased service to the community, enrichedby the educational background offered bythe University of Chicago and its medicaiprogram, that we have sought to makeavailable our resources toward the creationof a school for nursing as contemplated bythe University."The following Chicago women comprisethe board of Directors of The TrainingSchool :Mrs. Harry F. Williams, Pres., Mrs.Bruce MacLeish, ist Vice-Pres., Mrs.Thomas Lamping, 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs.John MacMahon, 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs.Charles H. Wacker, Rec-Sec, Mrs. CharlesT. Mordock, Corr-Secy., Mrs. ThomasTaylor, Jr., Treas., Mrs. Darrell S. Boyd,Miss Jessie Breeze, Mrs. Ralph. C. Brown,Mrs. Schuyler M. Coe, Miss Lydia Coon-ley, Mrs. Henry Faurot, Miss AugustaFenger, Mrs. Cari M. Gottfried, Mrs. W.Dow Harvey, Mrs. August C. Magnus,Mrs. Rudolph Matz, Mrs. Ernest Salmon,Mrs. Solomon A. Smith, Mrs. TheodoreTieken, Mrs. Thomas Walker, Mrs. Bert-ram Sippy, Mrs. Stephen A. Foster, Mrs.James Schryver, Miss Nettie Baumann.435A Brief ReviewSINCE this is the last number of theMagazine in our charge, before re-tirement as Alumni Secretary andEditor, it is incumbent upon us, perhaps, togive at least a brief account of Alumniaffairs during the term of our steward-ship. No one can retire from this field ofwork, after nine years' connection there-with, without a deep feeling of gratitude toali who have loyally co-operated and as-sisted, in one way or another, toward theprogress of that work. And so, at theoutset, without attempting to present whatwould be indeed a very long list of ChicagoAlumni and others, we take this oppor-tunity to thank again, most sincerely, aliwho have assisted us during these nine yearsfor the advancement of the Universitythrough our Alumni organizations and ac-tivities.Upon entering the work in 191 7 wefound a paying membership of around 1700,with $1.50 dues, and an organization justbarely emerging from debt and stili sub-sidized by the University. There were fourAssociations represented on the AlumniCouncil — College, Divinity, Doctors ofPhilosophy, and Law. Most ali of the 30Alumni Clubs that had been organized haddisappeared, largely because of war condi-tions. Class organizations were notablyweak. Reunions were seldom imprcssive.The Magazine was following a somewhatroutine form and too frequently failed toappear on schedule. The immediate prob-lems, (problems which continued for severalyears because of war conditions), were notthose of expansion but to prevent possibledisintegration, build somewhat new founda-tions, and attempt to establish a sound, in-dependent financial condition.Nine years later, in 1926, we are pleasedto record a considerably sounder situation.It should be noted that, during this period,no exceptionally important financial assist-ance was available and that, for variousreasons, no campaigns were conducted forannual memberships. The period was one43 of steady and solid growth, as conditionspermitted. In 1926 there is a payingmembership of some 6000, with dues at$2.00, no subsidy is received from the University, and this year closes with a net cashoperating surplus approaching $5000 inamount. Three Associations were added inrecent years — Education, Commerce andAdministration, and Rush Medicai, makingseven Associations now represented on theCouncil. Seventy-five Alumni Clubs arenow listed, a large percentage of them rea-sonably active, and a considerable numbervery active ; closer and more f requent contact between the clubs and University rep-resentatives has been established. Classorganizations have been strengthened. Reunions have improved in eff ectiveness ; afall Homecoming has been inaugurated.The Magazine, we are told, has beengreatly improved, and for seven years it hasnot failed to appear on schedule. (Becauseof Reunion, the June and July issues appear later than the usuai schedule). Disintegration is now hardly a remote possi-bility, while, on the contrary, our Alumniorganizations are in a splendid position tomake a remarkable advance.These nine years have seen the AlumniOffice force grow from three employees in1917-18 to nine employees in 1926; in"rush" periods employees number as manyas eighteen or more. With the aid of theUniversity, which properly maintains theAlumni Records, much modem recordsequipment has been installed and the records have almost tripled in number. TheOffice has added, aside from records equipment, hundreds of dollars in special equipment for association purposes. Where theannual Alumni mail and correspondencewas formerly numbered by several thou-sands, it now runs between 100,000 and200,000 pieces of mail annually.In addition to steady growth, increasedand more effective organization, financialstrengthening, and other distinct gains, anumber of outstanding accomplishments oc-A BRIEF REVIEW 437curred during this period. The AlumniFund was created and firmly established ;a special Manuscript campaign was con-ducted, focusing timely attention on thegreat need for such research material andbringing to the University some notablemedieval and other manuscripts ; the Good-speed Lecture Tour to our Alumni Clubsthroughout a large section of the countrywas conducted in co-operation with the University; one general and several minorAlumni directories were made up and dis-tributed ; several of our Associations anddepartmental groups contributed facultyportraits to the schools or departments ;other special contributions to Universityand associated purposes were made byAlumni Clubs, Associations, particulargroups, and individuals; and both directand indirect assistance was rendered, byAlumni organizations, by Alumni officersof the Council, clubs, classes, and associations, and by the Alumni Office, towardthe inauguration and conduct of the greatAlumni Endowment Campaign just recent-ly completed with marked success. Ali inali, it was a period of ceaseless activity, inboth major and minor endeavors, steadyachievement, and ever-widening and Constant effort toward advancing the interestsof the University.The most important achievement, fromthe point of view of Alumni organizationpurpose, was the establishment of theAlumni Fund. As a result there are now914 life members, with a total of $114,840subscribed and with $103,400 paid in andinvested in this special Fund. It is interest-ing to note that, with the 222 life membersin the Rush Medicai Association, there arenow 1,136 life members in ali; our membership alone is almost as large as the totalmembership of a little over a decade ago.And it was, incidentally, the AlumniFund effort which in considerable measure"paved the way" for the $2,000,000 Alumniachievement for endowment of the University.One general Alumni feature that waslargely developed during this period shouldbe mentioned. Since the war the Association of Alumni Secretaries has taken great strides in numbers, organization and program effectiveness. Practically ali important men and women's colleges and uni-versities of the country and of Canada arenow represented in that Association. Inaddition a special organization has beencreated, the Alumni Magazines Associated,with representation from most Alumni andAlumnae magazines of the nation. Throughthe mutuai interchange of ideas and co-operation effected by the earnest men andwomen of these two associations, alumniwork on behalf of higher education inAmerica has been appreciably extended andstrengthened. It is gratifying to be toldthat in this development the University ofChicago Alumni Office has been of someservice.Whatever our Alumni achievements orour position today, however, it should berecognized that many desirable things werenot accomplished in the last decade. Thereremains, and there probably always shouldremain as a challenge to further effort, agreat deal to be done. We have reached apoint where, for some time, special attention should be given toward materially in-creasing our memberships. The variousorganizations can be considerably strengthened. The Magazine always offers anever present fìeld for improvement. As abasic and ever-active unit for Alumni contact and service to the University, theAlumni organizations and office require increased equipment and assistance. It willbe impossible, of course, for such an officeto fully satisfy in its various functions alithe great body of Alumni who have widelydiff ering interests; but an attempt to do soshould always be on the program, with thecommon ground of interest in and further-ance of the entire University constantly inthe foreground.It is significant that, in recent months,a special study has been begun on the prob-lem of University-Alumni relations, a studythat, it is hoped, will be productive of veryimportant results. Taking the past as it is,however, and considering the rather strongAlumni position and the prospects at present, the situation confronting those whowill now take charge is, we are happy to43S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpoint out, vastly improved over that whichfaced the Alumni office of 191 7. It isour desire, our belief and best wish that,with the impetus now available, the nextdecade will witness by far the greatest ad-vance in Alumni organization and serviceto the University. We have, in the main,worked successfully through the "founda-tion period"; our Alumni work is nowabout to enter upon the task of erecting afitting and impressive superstructure fullyworthy of our Alumni.Nothing, however, happens "automatic-ally." Difficulties and disappointments are,no doubt, inherent in any field of work.Whatever progress is made will require,as always, the constantly reliable and loyalattention, co-operative efforts and assistance of our Alumni and Alumnaeeverywhere. Such efforts, we are cer-tain, will ever be forthcoming ; but with itali the task is, to say the least, a large one.The deeper compensations come in the association with hearts and minds that arelarge and loyal, in the satisfaction that important constructive work is being done,and that, in some measure at least, a con-tribution is being made toward the welfareand progress of the University.As measured by the past, the task ofan Alumni Secretary-Editor is of a variednature. It involves business, editorial, cor-respondence, organization, records, financial,advertising, reunions, social and incidentalfeatures. During the course of the yearali of these phases require some attention,and frequently time must be given, especial-ly where scheduled events or the Magazinedemand it, to the disadvantage of other,yet very important, matters. As thus farconducted, at least, it has not been possibleto properly develop ali phases of Alumniactivity that center in or have some connection with the Alumni Office. Until suchtime as fìnances permit more intense development of the various phases through a prop-er division of labor, it should be rememberedthat many aims, however desirable to anyindividuai or group of Alumni, can be at-tempted only incidentally, and sometimesmust be postponed entirely. Any one who undertakes such a task mustrely upon broad-minded appreciation of thissituation by ali who are interested. And,while helpful ideas and suggestions are always welcome, he at ali times needs andshould receive, as we have often received,heartiest co-operation in the several funda-mental or general aims he is seeking toadvance.In conclusion, once again we expressdeepest thanks to ali — Alumni officers,Alumni and Alumnae everywhere, membersof the Faculty and University administra-tive forces — to ali who have responded sofrequently and so helpfully to our requestsfor co-operation and assistance. These will-ing co-workers could well be numbered inthe hundreds, and those who have con-tributed in smaller degree, by thousands.Long ago we set for ourselves a motto:"A great University deserves a greatAlumni Association." Our experience hasbeen such as to convince us many timesthat, as measured by response, our University truly has such an organization ; a greatAlumni Association, ever watchful, zealousand active in her interests. It has beenthe experience of ali educational institu-tions that, without the fundamental strengthof such basic, continuing organization nolarge co-operative returns from the Alumnias a whole can be obtained, and certainlynot so surely or so quickly as is commonlythe case. Chicago's active Alumni, in moreways than one, have fully justified the valueand usefulness of our Alumni organizations.The future, we believe, with proper attention and vigorous efforts, will bring forthan Alumni Association far stronger, secondto none; a powerful, closely associated"army" of broad-minded and loyal menand women, — sons and daughters of AlmaMater, whose united efforts will increas-ingly strengthen and sustain her, and whoserecord of achievements will add a speciallustre to the renown of the University ofChicago.A. G. PlERROT, '07.W$t SJntòerSttp of Chicago iHap?ine jEditor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex. %EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce ànd Administration Association — Donald P. Bean, %'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J. Fisher, a.'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; School 3of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association — Morris %p FlSHBEIN, 'il, M.D., '12. Q.cere^crs &> comm€^(TLAST November the first Homecomingof our Alumni was held. While suchalumni gatherings during the football seasonhave been held for some yearsHomecoming at many universities and col-leges, particularly those ofthe middle west, such an event was a newventure for our Alumni organization. Itwas, nevertheless, sufficiently successful toindicate that such fall gatherings can takea prominent and helpful place on our annual program,, and that the holding ofHomecomings each fall should be continuedand developed as circumstances permit.At the July meeting of the AlumniCouncil some tentative plans for the gath-ering next fall were made. William H.Lyman, '14, was appointed Chairman of the1926 Homecoming Committee — an ap-pointment which in itself assures an effectivemanagement of the event. In due time,after plans have been completed, announce-ments will be sent out. The date selectedfor this year's Homecoming is November 6,at the time of the Illinois game.We suggest now that, as soon as youreturn from your vacation, you begin mak-ing plans to be back at the University forthe Homecoming. The committee, we aresure, will prepare a most interesting program and you will have a fine opportunityto meet again many of your Chicago f riendsat the game and on the Quadrangles. Markyour calendar now — "Home again!" THIS July number of the Magazinesomewhat officially closes the "Alumniyear" for 1925-26. The summer months willThe Yen Pass an<^ autumn will be here~, before the Magazine againCloses , ^n,reacnes you. 1 ne new year,for 1926-27, will start officially with theOctober meeting of the Alumni Council,followed soon after by the November number of the Magazine as the opening numberfor the new year. The Alumni Office, wehasten to point out, however, does not"leave the premises" during the summermonths, but employes the time partly inclosing up details of the year now endingand partly in preparation for the new year.The year now closing has been one ofsome progress, with improvements in severaldepartments of our activity and with afurther strengthening of our organization.While some minor changes have been madein the Magazine in recent years, our publication was. considerably changed this yearand, we have been frequently advised, toits advantage. At ali events, we hope thatits endeavors, carried on as in the past, havesucceeded reasonably in bringing to you.through its more than 500 pages, a fairlyrounded story of events at the Universityand of Alumni affairs.Again we take the opportunity to thankyou for your loyal interest and helpfulness.Be sure it has been deeply appreciated.To you ali, good Chicagoans, kindest re-gards and best wishes !439ALUMNIAlumni Council Quarterly MeetingThe fourth regular quarterly meeting ofthe Alumni Council, for 1925-26, was heldin the Alumni Office, July 9th. Present:Earl D. Hostetter, chairman; Logan M.Anderson, Grace A. Coulter, Mrs. E. O.Eaton, Henry G. Gale, Harry N. Gottlieb,Barbara Miller, Helen Norris, LillianRichards, Sam A. Rothermel, Charles A.Shull, Herbert E. Slaught, Helen CanfieldWells, Leo F. Wormser, Herbert P. Zimmermann, and A. G. Pierrot, secretary-treasurer. Letters were received from anumber of members unable to attend.After the usuai financial and committeereports, which were approved, there wasdiscussion with Director Stagg on plans forHomecoming. William H. Lyman was ap-pointed Homecoming Chairman, and theIllinois game, November 6, was selected asthe time for Homecoming, with recom-mendations that some event be held on thenight preceding the game.Upon report of a Nominating Committeethe following Council officers were elected :Council Chairman, Herbert P. Zimmermann ; for chairmen of standing committees,Athletics, Hugo M. Friend ; Classes, LillianRichards; Clubs, Paul H. Davis; Finance,Herbert E. Slaught; Funds, Frank Mc-Nair; Publications, William H. Lyman.Alumni Fund Directors, for the Council,Harry N. Gottlieb; for Subscribers group,John F. Hagey. Resolutions were passedthanking Mr. Hostetter for his excellentservices during his term as Council Chairman.The special committee for the position ofAlumni Secretary-Editor reported that several candidates were being considered andit was hoped an appointment would be madebefore October. Until assured definitelythat Mr. Pierrot was retiring, the committee had taken no decided steps toward hissuccessor.Other matters were discussed in prepara-tion for the coming vear. AFFAI R SSouthern California AlumniClub AffairsThe University of Chicago Alumni Association of Southern California sends aspecial greeting at this time to those fortunate Alumni who can be present at theUniversity on Alumni Day, and to thoseother members of our Alumni Association,who like us can be there only in spirit.We of Southern California have met to-gether some half dozen times since last fall.On three Saturdays during the footballseason we had luncheons at the UniversityClub with private wire to give us the scoreof the Chicago game, one occasion being thePennsylvania game, one the Dartmouthgame, and one the Illinois game.In December we had a most delightfulevening at the home of Mrs. Mabel WingCastle in Hollywood, for the benefit of theAlumni fund. Our largest meeting of theseason was the banquet at the UniversityClub in March with Dr. Max Mason andMrs Mason as our honored guests. Aboutone hundred members of our Associationwere present to give our new President andhis wife a most enthusiastic welcome toSouthern California. We hope we mayhave them as our guests soon again.Sincerely yours.Louise Avery Burtt, '15,Secretary.à À xPeoria Club Annual Meetingand Oratorical ContestThe University of Chicago Club ofPeoria had the annual meeting the eveningof June ist, at Bradley Polytechnic Insature. The dinner was served in the dininghall and the business meeting was held inBradley Hall, followed by the annual Oratorical Contest, which is sponsored bv theClub and which is open to college studentsin Bradley Institute.The contestants and their instructor,Miss Dorothea Fry, were the guests of44°ALUMNI AFFAIRS 44ihonor at the dinner, which was well attend-ed and was a most enjoyable affair.The first prize ($35.00 in gold) waswon by Chester L. Anderson, with his ora-tion "A Living Lie"; the second prize($15.00) went to Miss Bertha Bermanwhose oration was "Children of Bondage."Honorable mention was won by TheodoreC. Baer, "Shall Success Become Failure?"The Club was much pleased by the orationsas a whole and by the interest which the students take in this. The winner of firstplace automatically becomes Bradley's rep-resentative in the State Oratorical Association.The officers elected for the year of 1926-27 are:President, Mrs. Mary Blossom Huston,'09, Ph. M. '17.Vice-President, Miss Vera Theis, ex-'2Ó.Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Anna JewettLe Fevre.Directors, Miss Lucilie Waltmire, '21,Miss Mollie Rabold, '15, and Mr.Charles C. Dickman, '19.With best wishes to the organizationwhich keeps us so well informed concerningUniversity affairs, our Club wishes to thankyou for so many courtesies. Sincerely yours,Anna Jewett Le Fevre, Secretar}7.& À ÀAlumni at Asheville, N. C, MeetThe University of Chicago was represented at the Asheville Normal and Associated Schools, Asheville, N. O, on theevening of June 24th, when an informaidinner was given by the School to twentyChicago Alumni and former students con-nected with the School during the SummerSession. President and Mrs. John E. Calfeewere guests of honor.A Chicago cheer given at the beginningof the dinner evoked hearty applause fromstudents and faculty members present inthe dining-hall. Among Chicago Alumniin attendance at the festivities were : Theo-dorè Lindquist, Ph. D. '11, who was electedChairman of the meeting; F. A. G. Cow-per, Ph. D. '20, Viviene R. McClatchy,Ph. D. '24, C. H. Dwight, S. M. '25, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01Chairman of Alumni CouncilMartha D. Fink, S. B. '19, Daisy HoweKilgore, Ph. B. '23. Ali Alumni joinin sending best wishes to Chicago for con-tinued success. C. H. Dwight, S. M. '25.Urbana Club MeetingThe annual spring meeting of the Urbana,Illinois, Alumni Club was held on June 1,at Wesley Foundation, with President J.G. Randall, 'A. M. '04, Ph. D. '11, pre-siding. The twenty Alumni present metfor dinner, which was followed by somereminiscences by Professor E. C. Hayes ofthe early days on the Chicago campus. Alipresent enjoyed the reel of "movies" of recent University of Chicago scenes providedby the University.The following officers were elected forthe coming year :President, Professor E. C. Hayes, Ph. D.'02.Vice-President, Professor A. O. Craven,Ph. D. '24.Secretary-Treasurer, Gail F. Moulton,'20, S. M. '22.The meeting was held in the spirit ofReunion time, and the Club members enjoyed this continued contact with Chicago.Secretary. Gail F. Moulton,442 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETelegram Greetings to PresidentMasonBaltimore, Md.The University of Chicago AlumniCouncil, Baltimore, Maryland, sends greetings and best wishes upon this occasion.Helen L. Lewis, ex '25, Secretary.MassachusettsThe University of Chicago Alumni Clubof Boston and vicinity sends hearty con-gratulations and wishes you the best of success as President of the University.Pearl McCoy, '18,Secretary.New YorkSincere greetings and good wishes fromthe New York Alumnae Club.¦ Florence Spencer, ex '03,President.Shanghai, ChinaBest wishes.Alumni.Southern CaliforniaGreetings from Southern CaliforniaAlumni Association of University of Chicago.Louise Avery Burtt, '15,Secretary.Tri-City AlumniThe Tri-City Alumni of the U. of C.congratulate you on a very successful yearand send to you their very best wishes.Bernice Le Claire, '11,Secretary.Washington, D. C.The University of Chicago Alumni Clubof Washington, D. C, sends greetings fromthe Nation's Capital to President Masonon his first Chicago Alumni Day.Jessie N. Barber, '98,Secretary.Class of 191 4 Loan FundTHE twelfth annual report of the Classof 1914 Undergraduate Loan Fundwas mailed to members of the class lastmonth. The report states: "The currentyear has been the best since the estab lishment of the class gift in 1914. Thirtyundergraduates made use of its facilitiesthis year as compared with an average ofseventeen for the previous eleven years andwith the former high marks of twenty-seven in 1924, twenty-three in 1920, andtwenty-one in 1923."The report calls attention to the graduaiincrease in tuition at the University, andannounces that, accordingly, the maximumamount to be loaned to one student in onequarter has been increased to one hundreddollars.In giving assistance to undergraduates inneed, the report points out that "Calls forhelp originated in six cases because ofunusually large families ; in fìve because oflow return to farmers; in three becausethe head of the house was out of work;"and cites similar reasons for the need ofhelp.The total of the fund now in operatimiis $2,105.54. In the twelve years of itsoperation 217 loans have been made, for anaverage of $53.31, and for a total of$11,569.00. During the year 1925-26, theclassification of loans was as follows :Class Men Women TotalSenior 6 2 8Junior 6 1 7Sophomore 5 2 7Freshman 7 1 8Total 24 6 30This fund, which was established as theClass Gift, has steadily increased in timelyusefulness. William H. Lyman, '14, isSecretary of the Fund.« A «Robertson, 02, Addressesat CommencementsDavid A. Robertson, A.B. '02, AssistantDirector of the American Council on Education at Washington, D.C., and Presidentof the University of Chicago Alumni Clubof Washington, delivered a number of com-mencement addresses in June. Six thous-and people attended the convocation ofGeorge Washington University at whichhe was commencement orator and at whichan honorary degree was conferred on SirEsme Howard, the British Ambassador.ALUMNI AFFAIRS 443Robertson was the speaker at the com-mencement of Wilson College, Chambers-burg, Pa., one of the oldest colleges forwomen. He also delivered the address atthe 8oth commencement of Mount UnionCollege, Alliance, Ohio. It was at MountUnion College that Lewis Miller, asso-ciated with Bishop Vincent in the founda-tion of Chautauqua, worked out the firstpian for a four quarter system, later adoptedby President Harper for the University ofChicago, and now being adopted by a number of universities.In his annual report as Assistant Director of the American Council of Education, Mr. Robertson announces plans fora one thousand page volume descriptive ofAmerican higher education, "AmericanUniversities and Colleges," to be pulishedby Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.Publication has been assured through agrant by one of the educational foundations.The volume will be to American educationwhat the "British Universities Yearbook"is to those of the empire and "Les Universities et les Ecoles Francaises" is to those ofFrance. Will D. Howe, also a Chicagoalumnus, represented Scribners in the publication arrangements.» À ÀThe Chicago College ClubTHE Chicago College Club, a club forcollege women in the city of Chicago,has now been in its new, permanent quarters, 196 East Delaware Place, for sometime, with a consequent enlargement of itsactivities. The club was founded in 1907,with a membership of 300. Its firstrooms were in the Fine Arts Building, andlater it moved to the Stevens Building.It soon outgrew the space available there,however, and in 19 19 located in the La-mont Building on the corner of Randolphand Michigan. With a membership, in recent years, of well over IOOO, it has alwaysbeen the aim of the College Club to pur-chase and occupy a suitable, permanent clubhouse. The new quarters at East Delaware Place, modified for club purposes, fitexcellently into the needs of the club.The location is admirable for club uses. The Chicago College ClubIt is one block south of the Drake Hoteland one block east of Michigan Boulevard.In a club neighborhood, the building isacross the Street from the Casino Club,not far from the Opera, the Army andNavy, and the Fortnightly clubs, and doseto the new down-town campus of Northwestern University.This building, which was erected in 1914from designs by the late William ErnestWalker, is of steel and brick constructionand absolutely fire-proof. It is beautifullyfinished, and equipped with an electric ele-vator and other modem conveniences. Inaddition to the three ten-room apartments,each a full floor, there is an English base-ment containing service rooms. On the rearof the lots are three steam-heated garages.The Chicago College Club, formerly apurely social group, has become a residenceclub and center of alumnae activities ona scale not possible in its several formerquarters. As a residence club, it is nowsimilar to the Women's University Clubsof Boston, Buffalo, New York and St.Louis. University of Chicago Alumnae,as officers and members, have long been active in the club's affairs and advancement.Our Chicago Alumnae Club has raisedalmost $2,000 to furnish a Chicago Alumnae Dining Room at the Club.444 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHelen Rose Hull, '12, NovelistHelen Rose Hull, '12, who in recentyears has written a number of literaryarticles and short stories in various leadingmagazines, is now winning success as anovelist. Her latest novel, "The SurryFamily," has added notably to her literaryachievements and has been widely praisedby the critics.Helen Rose Hull, '12Miss Hull was born in Albion, Michigan, where her father was superintendentof schools. She lived in Flint, Michigan,for a time, and then went to Lansing whereshe entered the high school and was grad-uated in 1905. For the next two yearsshe attended Michigan Agricultural College at East Lansing, and then for threeyears taught in the public schools of Dewittand East Lansing. She then entered theUniversity of Chicago where she took herPh.B. degree in 191 2. The next threeyears she spent at Wellesley College as aninstructor in the English Department. Sheis now Associate Professor in the ExtensionEnglish Department in Columbia University. Miss Hull usually spends four months of the summer season at an old farm houseon the coast of Maine which she and afriend bought together several years ago,and have since rescued from its state ofdelapidation. At her farmhouse work-shopshe enjoys gardening, swimming, a motor-boat, and drives a car. The house stands ina fifteen-acre triangle on the shore of BlueHill Bay, with a view across to the Mt.Desert hills, for good measure. Miss Hullsays: "Behind the house is a small building,originally a poultry house, which is nowknown as my work-house, or the Nut Shell.It is a fine place to work, with no traceof ancient occupants. The one disadvan-tages is that bees like the raspberry busheswhich grow around the building, and toooften come booming in at the windows.Perhaps they think my Corona is a newkind of woodpecker!"We work usually only in the morning.After that comes a swim, then luncheon.In the early part of the summer the twogardens furnish plenty of demand for thehonest physical exercise an author needswhen he's through with a morning of work."Miss Hull's first stories began to appearin Harper's Magazine while she was ateacher at Wellesley. Since then numer-ous articles on literary subjects and manyshort stories by her have appeared in theCentury Magazine, Dial, Collier s IVeekly,Touchstone, and other publications. Herfirst novel, "Quest," at once won distinc-tion for her as a novelist, which distinctionwas enhanced by her second novel, "Laby-rinth."Of her latest novel, "The Surry Family," the Xeiv York Herald-Tribune says:"It is always a pleasure to come upon anovel by an author who has shown promise,and fìnd that progress has been made toward a finer technique and a larger senseof life. Happily, this is true of the latestnovel by Helen Hull, who, using a narrow-er canvas than she did in 'Labyrinth,' because she has refrained from bending hercharacters to a theme, has given them adceper intensity. It is a finely wrought study,rounded, true. Above ali, it is sincere."Her three novels were published by theMacmillan Company.THE LETTER BOX^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'ì^'*A Man of VisionDetroit, Michigan,You have already received a report fromMr. Lovett on the recent meeting of ourDetroit Alumni Club at which PresidentMason was our honored guest and speaker.The meeting was most successful. Dr.Mason has, it seems to me, much of Dr.Harper's vision. And his sense of humorand "humanness" will make him loved bythe active students as well as those of usscattered over the world. Chicago is verylucky, I believe, and the many men whowill miss their personal contact in hisclasses are unlucky. Very truly yours,Louise Small, '15"For Chicago — We Will!"Inclosed is a check for my dues in theAssociation. The Magazine is highly satis-factory in every particular. It not onlyfurnishes information concerning the University and the Alumni, but also affords usinspiration to re-determine that "For Chicago — we will!"rowena longmire, '24Appreciates Reunion InvitationMercy Hospital, ChicagoThank you for the invitation to theThirty-fifth Anniversary Reunion. Beinga patient at Mercy Hospital, where I havebeen ili during the past six months, I shallnot be able to enjoy any part of the program. May God continue to bless theUniversity with success in its work and theAlumni with a rollicking good time.Sincerely and gratefully,Sister Mary Callista, '25Peoria Greetings to President MasonThe University of Chicago Club ofPeoria sends most cordial greetings to youand to the University for the occasion ofAlumni Day, June nth. We wish to as- sure you of our hearty support and ourloyal interest, both as individuai and as aClub. We wish it were possible to be present as a Club, but we can only do thisin spirit for the most part. We did, however, at our meeting June ist, elect Mr.Y. A. Heghin as our representative, whowill attend the functions of Alumni Dayfor us. Most sincerely yours,Anna Jewett LeFevre,Secretary-Treasurer.Class of '16 Fund GiftMay 17, 1926.Dear President Mason:It is with a great deal of pleasure, that,as the President of the Class of 19 16, Iam authorized to present to the Development Fund the sum of Thirteen HundredSixty-six Dollars and Fifty-six Cents($1,366.56) as a fitting memorial to thoseof our Class who have not lived to seethe realization of our Greater University.As a word of explanation, these fundsare now held by the University as the1916 Scholarship Fund, and will be trans-ferred to the Development Fund upon yourauthorization.I would appreciate your acceptance ofthis memorial so that I, in turn, can report back to the members of the Classof 1916.Yours very truly, J. Craig Redmon.May 24, 1926.My dear Mr. Redmon:I wish to thank you and through youthe Class of 191 6 for the authority totransfer the Class of 19 16 ScholarshipFund, amounting to $1,366.56, to the Development Fund.The University is honored in acceptingthis allocation of the Scholarship Fundas a memorial to the memebers of theClass of 1916 who are no longer living.Cordially yours, Max Mason, President.445Crown Prince of Sweden ReceivesHonorary Degree from theUniversityIN RECOGNITION of his ability asa scholar and of his contributions to thescience of archaeology the Crown Prince ofSweden, Gustav Adolf, received from theUniversity of Chicago on June 25 the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. It wasconferred by President Max Mason at aspecial Convocation, the I42nd Convocation,at which the Crown Prince made a briefaddress.President Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson,who is also president of the Chicago chapterof the American Scandinavian Foundation,in presenting the Crown Prince to the University, stated that great encouragement andsupport have been given by the CrownPrince to Swedish archaeological research inhis own country and in the south of Europe.He organized Swedish excavations inGreece and founded a Swedish archaeological institute in Rome ; and as chairman ofthe China committee directed researches inorientai art and archaeology."The policy of the University of Chicago in awarding honorary degrees has beenextremely conservative," stated Dr. Judson."The purpose has been solely to recognizedistinction in science, letters and statesman-ship * * *' On behalf of the University senate I present for the honorary degreeof doctor of laws, on the ground of fruit-ful devotion to the addition of scientificknowledge in an important field of learn-ing, and of zealous interest in human wel-fare, the coming ruler of a great nationbound to us by many ties of blood and social ideals, his rovai highness Gustaf Adolf,Crown Prince of Sweden."President Mason, in conferring the degree, stressed the fact that the Prince ina life busy with affairs of state and thepreparation for leadership of a progressive nation "has found time for productivescholarship.""Through your efforts Sweden has con-tributed largely to the work of archaeological study on classical grounds. Swedisharchaeological expeditions in Greece havemade rich and important fìnds and youyourself have taken an important part indiscovery and interpretation."President Mason pointed out other important archaeological work in which GustavAdolf has engaged and concluded :"The University of Chicago to-day givesformai recognition of your ability and ac-complishments. Pursuant to the recom-mendation of the senate and the votes ofthe trustees I, by the authority vested in me,hereby confer upon you the degree of doctorof laws and in token thereof I hand youthis diploma."The Crown Prince in reply, modestlytermed himself but an amateur in the fieldof archaeology, and expressed the hope thatAmerican and Swedish scientists would cooperate in solving the problems of the pastand future. He expressed his appreciationof the honor, saying :"I look upon this distinction as somethinggiven not only, and not chiefly, to myself,but rather to my country. I venture toregard it as a recognition of the high standard of Swedish archaeological research, represented by such a brilliant name as that ofOscar Montelius. It is a real privilege tohave known such an eminent scientist. Hismuch lamented death a few years ago was,I believe, not only a great loss to Swedenbut also to the international world of scientific research."Alas, I am only an amateur in therealm of science, and as such I must con-fess that I feel rather diffident at speakingamong this great gathering of learned men.My consolation must be that even a pooramateur like myself can, nevertheless, bea real enthusiast."446UNIVERSITY NOTES 447After luncheon, served in HutchinsonCommons, attended by some 200 leadingcitizens of Chicago, the Prince presenteda collection of 300 volumes of Swedishliterature to the library."In gratitude and in friendship to ourUniversity," he said, "I wish to present tothe new department of Scandinavian Lan-guages a collection of books dealing withthe language, literature, and history ofSweden in order to further scholarship inthis branch of learning."A great crowd attended the ceremoniesin Leon Mandel Hall, and the streets werecrowded with hundreds of spectators whojoined enthusiastically in the hearty welcome extended to the Crown Prince andPrincess at the University and everywhereon their visit to Chicago. Trevor Arnett, '98, Elected ATrusteeAt the Convocation on June I5th President Mason announced that Mr. TrevorArnett, '98, had been elected a Trustee ofthe University at the Aprii meeting of theBoard. Mr. Arnett resigned recently asBusiness Manager and Vice-President ofthe University to return to his work withthe General Education Board, as a memberand Secretary, in New York City. For 20years, it will be recalled, he was Auditorof the University. His election as a Trustee is a fitting tribute to his many servicesto the University and assures his continuedassistance in its advancement. With hiselection there are now seven Alumni onthe Board of Trustees. His many friendscongratulate both him and the Universityon his election.;... ... . ;.^„, ¦¦¦Physiology and Physiological Chemistry LaboratoriesThese Laboratories, now nearing completion, are located on 58th Street between Ellisand Ingleside avenues. One corner of the Billings Memorial Hospital can be seenat the right.448 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGraduate Student Working on a ChemistryProblemFirst Graduates from Institute ofMeat PackingEighteen men, the first group to have theadvantages of full-time college study ofmeat-packing subjects, completed the courseoffered by the Institute of Meat Packingat the University of Chicago with the termi-nation of the Spring Quarter. The Institute of Meat Packing is conducted by theUniversity and the Institute of AmericanMeat Packers in co-operation. Oscar G.Mayer is president of the latter, and PhilipD. Armour is chairman of the packing in-dustry's education committee. W. H.Spencer, Dean of the School of Commerceand Administration at the University, isDirector of the Institute of Meat Packing.The first graduates of the Institute carnefrom the Iowa State Agricultural College,the universities of Illinois, Chicago, Montana, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Minnesota, andMissouri, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and the Kansas State AgriculturalCollege."The University of Chicago regards thisas a significant event," said President Mason in referring to the first graduation fromthe Institute, "since it shows the tangible re-sults of an experiment in co-operation be tween education and industry in trainingyoung men who intend to enter the packingindustry."Dedication of Whitman LaboratoryWith a brilliant address on "Biologyand Experimentation" by Director Herbert Spencer Jennings, of the ZoologicalLaboratory at Johns Hopkins University,the new $100,000 Whitman Laboratory ofExperimental Zoology at the Universitywas dedicated on June 4. An introductoryappreciation of Charles Otis Whitman, thedistinguished Zoologist in whose memorythe building is named, was given by Professor Frank R. Lillie, chairman of the University's Department of Zoology. Vice-President Frederic C. Woodward presidedat the dedicatory exercises.The new laboratory, the very timely andgenerous gift of Professor and Mrs. Lillie,has been erected at the corner of Fifty-seventh Street and Ingleside Avenue, notfar from the buildings of the University'snew medicai group. It is a two-story building of brick and stone, with a remarkableequipment, including a greenhouse to beused as a vivarium for certain aquatic ani-mais, animai houses for birds and smallmammals, rooms capable of being kept atConstant temperatures, enabling the establishment of any combination of light ordarkness, humidity or dryness, etc.Professor Frank R. Lillie, the presentchairman of the Department of Zoology,has been connected with the University ofChicago since 1900, and with the MarineBiological Laboratory at Woods Hole,Massachusetts, since 1893. As director ofthe latter institution for the last eighteenyears he has had a wide influence on sci-entific research, more than three hundredbiologists being in attendance at the MarineLaboratory last summer.Professor Lillie, who is managing editorof the Biological Bulletin and author ofProblems of Fertilization in the "University of Chicago Science Series," has beenpresident of the American Society of Zoo-logists and the American Society of Natur-alists, as well as chairman of the biologydivision in the National Research Council.UNIVERSITY NOTES 449More Than a Million Volumesin the University LibrariesASURVEY of the University of ChicagoLibraries just completed shows thatthere are now more than a million volumesin the stacks, and that more than 4,000periodicals are regularly received. Thereis also a vast number of pamphlets whichsupplement the store of book and magazineknowledge.The stock of books is being increased atthe rate of approximately 40,000 volumes ayear, and about 9,000 pamphlets are addedannually. The number of periodicalsgiven does not include regular governmentreports or publications of learned societies.Mr. J. C. M. Hanson, Associate Director of the Libraries, in announcing thesefigures said that "for real research andscientific value the books, periodicals, andtreatises of learned societies count" andthat some of the most valuable books todayfor content as well as rarity are hundredsof years old.« à APresident Mason Honored byColumbia UniversityIn recognition of his distinguished ac-complishments in the field of mathematicsand in university administration the honorary degree of Doctor of Science was con-ferred on President Max Mason, byColumbia University on June 1. In con-ferring the degree Dr. Nicholas MurrayButler, president of Columbia, thus char-acterized President Mason:"Max Mason: a native of Wisconsin;graduate from its state university with theclass of 1898, trained in advanced studiesat the University of Gottingen, choosing themeeting point of mathematics and physicsas a field of special intellectual interest andinvestigation and gaining marked achievement by it; called to high administrativeoffice as President of the University of Chicago; member of the National Academy ofSciences, I gladly admit you to the degreeof Doctor of Science in this university."President Mason received the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy from the Universityof Gottingen in 1903- Honors Announced at ConvocationThree hundred and forty-nine citationsfor special achievement or general scholarship were announcd at the One Hundredand Forty-first Convocation by PresidentMason.Among the eight hundred who receiveddegrees or four year certificates, nineteenwere awarded scholarships in the graduateschools for excellence in the senior colleges.Honorable mention for excellence of workin the senior colleges was given to 160seniors. The Bachelor's degree was awardedwith honors to 136.Announcement of election of sixty-fivestudents of the University to Phi BetaKappa, was made. Eighteen were electedmembers, and eleven associate members ofSigma Xi, a recognition of excellence in scientific study and research. Eleven RushMedicai College students have been namedto Alpha Omega Alpha, for noteworthywork in their junior and senior years. Ninewere named to the order of Coif, an honorfor outstanding work in the Law School.Scholarships in the senior colleges wereawarded to sixty-one students for excellenceof work in the junior colleges, and seven-teen received scholarships for high gradework over a three year period. Announcement was made at Convocation of the awardof eighteen special prizes and recognitions,won in open competition or in the work ofa special department.Fifteen students were awarded certificates of commission in the field artillery,Officers' Reserve Corps, and nine weregiven certificates of eligibility, entitlingthem to commissions as they became of age,for satsfactory completion of the require-ments of the Department of MilitaryScience and Tactics.Degrees and Honors AfterLong StudyAmong those receiving degrees at the recent Convocation, with the distinction ofelection to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary society for those of highest scholastic standing, was Mrs. Kate Wood Ray, fìfty-oneyears old. Mrs. Ray, who is assistant chiefof the public relations department of the450 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPublic Health Institute, Chicago, did mostof her academic work at University College,the University's down town branch, whichholds evening and late afternoon classes.Forty-two of the men and women re-ceiving degrees at the June Convocationcompleted ali or part of their work at University College, five of them receiving PhiBeta Kappa honors. Their ages range fromtwenty to fifty-three years, and the averageage is thirty-four and five-tenths years.Two of the graduates enrolled six years be-fore the youngest was born.Dr. Burton as Director of theLibrariesIN THE death of Dr. Burton, the University has lost not only its President,but its Director of Libraries. The adminis-trative problems of the University Libraryhad not occupied much of Dr. Burton'stime prior to 1910. Even after his appoint-ment to the directorship of the Libraries,July 1, 1910, his main work continued tobe in the department to which he had de-voted so much of his time, new TestamentTheology. Especially after 1914, withthe reorganization of the Library well underway, the constantly increasing demands onhis time and strength, due to his accept-ance of the chairmanship of importanteducational commissions, his active membership in a number of committees, hiswork as educator, writer, lecturer, and in-structor, and for the last two years as President, naturally left him little time forparticipation in the actual detail of librarymanagement.In spite of the manyburdens and respon-sibilities which he was thus obliged tocarry, the fourteen years of his directorship of the Libraries will always be lookedupon as a period of distinct progress. Theaccomplishments of his administrationmay best be shown through a brief comparative statement of the library situationin 1910 and 1924.In June 1910, the University had aGeneral Library with some 70,000 volumes and 19 departmental libraries witli219,000 volumes. In June, 1924, the General Library had been increased to500,000 volumes; the departmental libraries, reduced through consolidation to 9,had also 500,000 volumes. During thefiscal year 1909-10 the General Librarycirculated a little over 20,000 volumes.In the year 1923-24 the circulation hadincreased to 414,500 volumes. In 1909-10nearly 300 volumes were lent to other libraries. In 1923-24 the number had increased to over 2,000 volumes. In 19 iothe library staff numbered 23 persons. In1924 this number had increased to over100. In June, 19 IO, the salary budget ofthe Libraries amounted to $21,710.00. In1924-25 the salary budget had been increased to $140,321.00. In 1909-10 theexpenditures for books amounted to a littleover $28,000. In 1923-24 expenditures forbooks had been increased to $67,470.A unified system of cataloguing andclassification had also been introduced,collections of reference books and bibli-ographies developed, the library systemof the University harmonized and co-ordi-nated, and the administration centralized ona system which should compare favorablywith that of any other university.The librarians and assistants who wereprivileged to work under Dr. Burton'sdirectorship, will always remember himas an inspiring and energetic leader. Someof his colleagues were impressed with thefact that there were certain angles of library administration which he keenly en-joyed and others which were to him moreor less irksome. To the former belongedpre-eminently ali problems which had to dowith building plans and equipment. Hisability to visualize and grasp quickly detailsof a building pian, the furnishing of a roomor a book-stack, was almost uncanny.This gift, which, had he chosen a differentprofession, might have made him eminentas an architect or engineer, will be greatlymissed in the planning of the differentbuildings to be constructed during thenext few years, some of which, at anyrate, are to contain provisions for booksand libraries.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESSenior Exercises on College DayTHE Annual Senior College Day exercises were held this year on MondayJune 14. The events opened with a Junior-Senior baseball game in Dudley Field. Afterthis event the assembly turned to Ida NoyesCloister for the Senior Class Breakfast.One of the features of the breakfast wasthe community singing of songs from "TheSenior Bugie." Early in the afternoon theClass adjourned to Mandel Hall for theClass exercises which were as f ollows : Ad-dress by Senior Class President, Hugh AlienMiller; Presentation of the Senior Ham-mer to the Class of 1927 by PresidentMiller; Response for the Class of 1927,John Patrick Howe; Presentation of theCap and Gown to the Class of 1927, Cath-rine Francis Campbell; Response for theClass of 1927, Ellen Elizabeth McCracken;Presentation of the Senior Bench to theClass of 1927, Thomas Robert Mulroy;Class Poem, Daniel Cotton Rich; ClassHistory, Lucy Elizabeth Lamon; ClassOration, Stuart Bruce Lytle; Presentationof Class Gift, Aimee Mayronne Graham;Response in behalf of the University, President Max Mason; Class Song; AlmaMater.Summer Quarter Campus FeaturesAs the Magazine is going to press theSummer Quarter is in full swing. Amongthe thousands of students who are in residence this quarter are many Alumni whoare working for higher degrees or takingspecial courses in their respective fields.Among the features of special interest inpast Summer Quarters at the Universityhave been the public lectures, concerts, andplays given in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall.This year they promise to be of unusualinterest. More than fìfty lecturers willtake part in the summer program.On the first Friday evening of the Summer Quarter, June 25, the popular comedy Walter G. Williamson, '27Managing Editor of The Daily MaroonMr. Pim Passes By, by A. A. Milne, waspresented in Leon Mandel Assembly Hallby the University Dramatic Association ;and in the same place on the evening ofJune 28 Director James Henry Breastedof the Orientai Institute, who has just re-turned from Luxor and Armageddon, gavean illustrated lecture on "The Recoveryof the Lost Chapters of the Human Story,"for the benefit of the University Settlement.On June 29 began the third season oflectures on the Harris Foundation for theStudy of International Relations, the firstlecturer being Herbert Ingram Priestley,of the University of California, who presented "The Basic Features of MexicanProblems," with illustrations. The secondlecture on the Foundation was given June30 by the Hon. José Vasconcelos, formerSecretary of Education in Mexico, on"Mexican Civilization as Compared withThat of the United States and Other Latin-American Countries."45iThe new Stadium in May-The New StadiumSIMULTANEOUSLY with the erec-tion of the new grandstand structure acrew of men is at work on the new play-ing field, which will run east and westinstead of north and south as was formerlythe case. The entire field will be soddedand underlaid with drains, so that the newgridiron will fall heir to the title which theold one has held for many years, as being"the best playing field in America."The effect of the new stand, which willbe opened at the Florida game, October 2,will be to increase the seating capacity ofStagg Field from 32,000 to 47,000. Morethan this, however, it will make ali seatsmore comfortable. Everyone will be givenan extra inch of space, which will meanthat the crowding in the rows which wasprevalent in former years will be eliminat-ed. The new stand will allow eighteeninches for each seat instead of seventeeninches, which was the rule in the east andwest stands in former years. In additionboth the east and west stands, which willbe the end stands this fall, are being re-spaced on the eighteen inch basis. The west stand under the new arrangement will be the same as formerly, exceptthat several hundred seats in front at thenorth end will be unusuable due to obstruc-tion from the new structure. The eaststand, at the other end of the new playingfield, will consist of five sections of woodenstands instead of seven as formerly, whilethe south stand, which will be removable,will seat 7,500 in portable chairs. Ali seatsin ali parts of the field will be better thanformerly. The ground boxes, which gavebut a poor view of the game, have been com-pletely abolished in the new field layout.The new stand will have 69 rows, the lastone being the press box. Although onlyone deck of the stand is being built at present, the steel and concrete foundations areso constructed that a second deck seatingan additional 14,000 can be added wheneverit is deemed necessary. When this is constructed, the ramps leading to the balconyseats will be at the end of the stand, sothat persons going to balcony seats will enterat different points than those going on thelower floor. This, it is expected, will avoidconfusion in seating the crowd.45^ATHLETICS 453Chicago Wins Big Ten GolfChampionshipKenneth Hisert, Captain of the University Golf Team, successfully defended histitle and won the Big Ten links championship at the difficult Knollwood course inLake Forest June 12 for a second time.Hisert didn't say a word ali day, but heovercame the previous day's lead of RalphKunstadter, Illinois, and finished 6 strokesahead on the 72 holes.Hisert, who had led the Maroons tothe team championship on June 11, had atotal of 312 strokes for the four rounds.Kunstadter finished with 322.Kunstadter was ahead at the end of the18, again at the 36 holes he was out infront, and at the 54th hole he had a leadof 3 strokes. And at the third tee of theafternoon round Kundstadter was 4 strokesup and the popular pick for victory.The fourth at Knollwood is a difficultshort hole and it gave Hisert a chance toshow his iron skill. He missed the teeshot, put the second on the green and sanka 25 foot putt. And from the fourth tothe ninth hole Hisert took only one putt toa green. He finished the round in evenfours and was 4 up at the afternoon turn.From there to the finish both players workedevenly, except on two holes, where Hisertpicked up a stroke on each.Hisert's rounds are as follows: Friday morning, 82; Friday afternoon, 79; Satur-day morning, 80; Saturday afternoon, 75.The final round 75 was the best score ofthe tourney.The cards follow :Hisert-— Out 545 344 344—36In 644 444 544—39—75Kunstadter — Out .354 457 455 — 42In 654 554 444—41—83Football TicketsApplication forms for football ticketswill be mailed out around September ist.The closing date, for season tickets, willbe September 20th. For individuai games,closing dates will vary with the dates of thegames, as set forth on the forms. That is,the same general system of applications, al-lotments, and distribution will be in effectas in the past. In the new stadium thenorth stand will be the large side-line stand.Even with increased capacity, please re-member, fullest co-operation of Alumni inobtaining and using tickets will be neededfor the best interest of ali.1926 Football ScheduleOctober 2 FloridaOctober 9 MarylandOctober 16 at PennsylvaniaOctober 23 PurdueOctober 30 Ohio StateNovember 6 IllinoisNovember 13 at NorthwesternNovember 20 WisconsinThe new Stadium early in JuneC RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE JRush Alumni Association AnnualMeetingTHE Annual Meeting of the AlumniAssociation of Rush Medicai College of the University of Chicago was heldat the Auditorium Hotel, June 15, 1926.In the absence of the President, the meeting was called to order by Third Vice-President, J. S. Kauffman.The report of the annual meeting of1925 was then read and adopted. At thistime the President, Dr. Ralph Webster,arrived and took the chair. The secretarypresented his annual report which was ac-cepted.The Necrologist's report did not arrivein time to be presented to the meeting. Itwas received later but too late for actionto be taken upon it. We hope it will appear in the Alumni Magazine as it givesa very interesting summary of the greatlyincreasing life span throughout the years,particularly the later ones, where the in-fluence of modem methods of living hasmost been felt. (The report is printed inthis issue).The treasurer's report was presented byDr. Cari O. Rinder and accepted.No new business coming up, the President appointed a committee of five to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Whilethey were preparing their list the Presidentgave a brief informai talk on the part RushAlumni had taken in the campaign forfunds for medicai advancement at the University. Up to date over $234,000 havebeen raised by the Alumni and faculty.The nominating committee then reportedthe following nominees for election for theensuing college year, who were electedunanimously:President, Nathan P. Colwell, '00, Chicago.First Vice President, William R. Parkes,'93, Evanston, 111. Second Vice President, Herbert A. Robinson, '89, Kenosha, Wis.Third Vice President, Thomas E.Roberts, '97, Oak Park, 111.Necrologist, Walter H Meents, '07,Chicago.Treasurer (3 years), Cari O. Rinder,'13, Chicago.Secretary (3 years), Charles A. Parker,'91, Chicago.Directors for three years, Kellogg Speed,'04, Chicago., Leroy Sloan, '17, Chicago.Directors for one year, To fili vacancyleft by John Edwin Rhodes, CliffordP. McCullough, '14, Lake Forest, 111.Delegates to Alumni Council, Ralph C.Brown, '04, Chicago, Frederick B.Moorehead, '06, Chicago, George H.Coleman, '13, Chicago.The meeting then adjourned, to attendthe annual dinner of Rush Medicai CollegeAlumni and Faculty.Charles A Parker, '91,Secretary.» £ àAnnual Rush Reunion DinnerTHE joint dinner of the Faculty andAlumni of Rush Medicai College ofthe University was held on the eveningof Convocation Day, June I5th. As inyears past the dinner was held at the Auditorium Hotel, following the annual meeting of the Rush Alumni Association. Thedinner, with 366 in attendance, was anenthusiastic gathering of Rush Alumni andmost successfully carried on the traditionof this notable yearly event.Dr. Ralph W. Webster, '95, M. D. '98,Ph.D. '02, President of the Rush AlumniAssociation, presided. The invocation wasgiven by Dr. Edward Scribner Ames, Pastorof the University Church of Disciples.454RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE 455Two of the anniversary classes and theSenior Class were represented on the program of speakers. Dr. Harry E. Mockspoke for the Class of 1906, observing itstwentieth anniversary; Dr. Herman A.Brennecke spoke for the Class of 1896,observing its thirtieth anniversary. The1926 Senior Class was represented by Edward L. Compere. Ali of the speakersspoke of the deep and loyal interest in Rushof the members of their classes, of thedesire to see Rush advance under its mergedrelations with the University, and pledgedcontinued loyalty and co-operation of theirclasses.President Max Mason was the guestof honor and principal speaker, talking onthe subject of "Old and New Rush." President Mason expressed again the pride andhappiness of the University in having RushMedicai College a merged part of the University. He emphasized the point thatthere is no difference between the "WestSide" and the "South Side," but that aliare now one institution, striving togetherfor progress in research and advancedachievements in the field of medicine andsurgery. President Mason called attentionto the special Clinics for Rush Alumni being inaugurated that week, extended a mostcordial invitation to ali Rush Alumni toattend the clinics, and expressed the hopethat such service to Alumni might be fur-ther developed. He noted the loyalty ofthe graduates of Rush and their high professional attainments. The large gatheringgave him a great welcome.Several informai talks were given. DeanEmeritus Frank Billings spoke of the ad-vancement of Rush and of some of its no-table scientific achievements; ToastmasterWebster pointed out the successful effortsmade by Rush men in the Alumni Campaign; and a brief report on the AlumniAnnual Meeting that preceded the dinnerwas made. The dinner, as in years past,was again ably conducted by James H.Harper, Registrar of Rush Medicai College. Alumni Clinics SuccessfulTHE week of special clinics for Alumniat Rush Medicai College, extendingfrom June i4th to June i8th inclusive, wasone of the most interesting and successfulfeatures of the 1926 Alumni Reunion.Every clinic as announced on the specialschedule sent to ali Rush Alumni, someforty clinics in number, was given and waswell attended. At times the attendance atthe clinics reached well over one hundredAlumni, with representation from Chicagoand various sections of the country.In addition to the clinics as announcedon the program, a number of special clinicsin Surgery were held at the PresbyterianHospital. The whole series of clinics wasin charge of a committee of the Rushfaculty, of which committee Dr. Wilber E.Post, '01, M. D. '03, was chairman.Many Alumni who attended the clinicssuggested that it might be a good pian foreach department — such as General Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Dermatology,etc. — to hold a full week of clinics nextyear. This would give opportunity forthose who are now interested in specialsubjects to spend the entire week in clinicalstudies in those fields. This request will begiven full consideration, and it is probablethat such an extended pian will be carriedout next year.« « «Rush Association Secretary's ReportRead before and adopted by the Alumni Association ofRush Medicai College, June 15, 1926.THE college year for 1925-26, nowdrawing to a dose, has been one ofgreat development in Rush affairs. It willbe remembered by the many loyal Alumnias the year of the "big dig." Nor will thisbe an unpleasant memory to those who in aspirit of gratitude and hope have contribut-ed so liberally of their too often meagrefunds to insure the perpetuation of the op-portunities they themselves have enjoyed.The amount contributed by Rush Alumniand friends closely approaches a quarter ofa million dollars as their quota in the general Alumni proportionment for endowmentof the University. If any of you have(Please turn to page 470)C SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONcReunion and DinnerTHE Executive Committee of theSchool of Education Alumni Association has issued invitations to a reunion anddinner for School of Education Alumni atsix o'clock on the evening of Thursday,July 22. The dinner will be preceded byan informai reception in Hutchinson Court.Those attending the dinner will have thepleasure of greeting President and Mrs.Mason who have accepted the Committee'sinvitation to be present. Chancellor Capenof the University of Buffalo will be oneof the after-dinner speakers. Dr. Juddand Dr. Gray will have messages of interestfor the Alumni.The Committee feels that there is nobetter time than this during the year forSchool of Education alumni to get togetherand it urges not only those who are on thecampus but the much larger number whoare "out of residence" to take this opportunity to set a new record for Alumni re-unions at the University of Chicago. Thissummer is an especially appropriate time toinaugurate the custom of summer meetingsof the alumni because it marks the doseof the first quarter of a century of formairecognition by the University of the Schoolof Education as a distinct division of theinstitution.PublicationsA monograph by G. T. Buswell andLenore John entitled Diagnostic Studies inArithmetic has just been published by theDepartment of Education. The study re-ports a detailed analysis of the mental pro-cesses involved in the four fundamentaloperations in arithmetic. These methodswere used in securing data: (i) a photo-graphic study of eye-movements in columnaddition, (2) a time-analysis, by means ofdictaphone and amplifier, of the individuaioperations involved in the four fundament- als, and (3) a classroom experiment indiagnosis and remediai teaching. A totalof 584 subjects were used in the investi-gation.A volume entitled, Pupil Adjustment inJunior and Senior High Schools by W. C.Reavis has recently come from the press ofD. C. Heath and Company. The work isdivided into two parts. In the first partthe author discusses the problems and themethods of educational counseling and guid-ance as a means of reducing pupil failuresand of effecting a better adjustment between pupils and school. In the secondpart he presents nine detailed histories of individuai cases to show the technique of educational diagnosis and remediai treatment.The book should prove helpful to teachers,counselors and administrative officers.Curriculum Investigations by F. Bobbitt,with the co-operation of Paul L. Palmer,John A. Nietz, Irl H. Dulebohn, GenevieveK. Bixler, Clara H. Lorenzen, Sarah A.Bobbitt, Robert C. Scarf, Harvey C. Lehman, Clara A. Dyer, Harriet M. Mott,and Harold H. Postel. SupplementaryEducational Monograph, No. 31, publishedby the Department of Education of theUniversity of Chicago.The major portion of this monographis devoted to a presentation of the moresignificant findings of eight dissertations ofcandidates for advanced degrees which reported investigations relating to special as-pects of the curriculum.Faculty NotesWilliam Henry Burton, Ph. D. '24, willbecome a member of the faculty of theSchool of Education in October, 1926.He will give courses in the methods ofteaching and in the supervision of teaching.Professor Burton has been in charge of(Please turn to page 465)456C LAW SCHOOL ìC 3Annual Law Reunion DinnerPRESIDENT MAX MASON and"Old Man" A. A. Staggwere speakersat the twenty-fourth Annual Dinner of theLaw School Association held on the evening of Convocation Day, Tuesday, June 15,1926, at the new Union League Club atChicago. Professor Harry A. Bigelowtold of killing wild buffalo in Africa, andDean Hall gave his annual address, whichis a feature of every such occasion.The attendance was 144, which is nextto the largest attendance on record, beingsurpassed only by the 1925 assembly. Inthe absence from the city of PresidentAlbert B. Enoch and Vice-President UrbanA. Lavery the duty of presiding fell uponthe Secretary, Charles F. McElroy. President Enoch invited as his substitutes theentire graduating class of 1926, of whom27 were present as his personal guests.The five-year classes, 1906, 191 1, 19 16and 1921, held reunions, each at its owntable.Dean Hall, with some pride, called oneach of the reunion classes in turn to standup and be exhibited, and then he mentionedvarious members of the classes in otherparts of the country who were not present,and spoke of their accomplishments. Hesaid that the Law School is now in aboutits best condition since the war.To greet Mr. Stagg five "C" men of theAlumni were present including JudgeWalter P. Steffen, All-American quarter-back in 1908, and Judge Hugo M. Friend,captain of the track team in 1905, champ-ions of the Conference. Mr. Stagg ad-dressed himself particularly to the newgraduates and told of the qualities he haddiscovered in his athletes which he believedwould count for success in the careers ofmen in any profession.The killing of the Buffalo as related byProfessor Bigelow was a hair-raising, terri- fying experience, whose details became sovivid that at one point Mr. Bigelow feltconstrained to pause and inquire if any ofthe ladies in the audience were about tofaint. Fortunately, ali were able to survivethe gory recital. There was one chargingbuffalo bull which Mr. Bigelow broughtdown when it was only five steps away.If he had not brought it down, the per-centage of flunking freshmen this last yearwould probably have been greatly reduced.President Mason had first attended theRush Medicai dinner at the Auditorium,but was able to come to the Law Schooldinner for the last half of the evening.He was introduced by Dean Hall. Hesaid getting acquainted with the depart-ments of the University was somewhat anal-agous to becoming acquainted with one'sautomobile. The troubles arising first inone part and then in another part of anautomobile soon make the owner well acquainted with his car. So far the LawSchool had been running so smoolhly thathe had not had occasion to get as wellacquainted with it as with some other de-partments of the University. The President made it plain that his interest in theLaw School is genuine, and left everyonefeeling that the Law School is to receiveits due share of attention in the development of the University.On behalf of the committee appointed foithat purpose, Clay Judson, J. D. '17, reported that the portrait of Professor ErnstFreund is now being painted, but unfor-tunately it was not far enough along to b«formally presented to the University althe dinner. He spoke of the affection fellby the students for Mr. Freund, and thesatisfaction it gives the Alumni to be abltto express their appreciation in this formMr. Judson said that the portrait is arexcellent piece of work, and is a true like(Please turn to page 466)457C DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION ìC 3Twenty-Second Annual MeetingAssociation of Doctors of PhilosophyTHE twenty-second annual meeting ofthe Association of Doctors of Philosophy of the University of Chicago was heldat the Quadrangle Club on Monday, June14, 1926, in connection with the AnnualComplimentary luncheon tendered by theUniversity to the Doctors.There were present 152 members, in-cluding the candidates who were about totake the degree on the following day andhonorary members consisting of those on theUniversity of Chicago faculty who haveat any time conducted Doctors' theses.The occasion was especially notable onaccount of the fact that it was the firstmeeting of President Max Mason with theAssociation of Doctors of Philosophy. Al-though he has not conducted Doctors' thesesat the University of Chicago, though ofcourse he has done so at the University ofWisconsin, he was unanimously and heart-ily elected to honorary membership in ourAssociation. He gave a stimulating andthoughtful address on matters of vital interest to the Graduate School and especially to the Doctors who represent the highestoutput of the University.The Secretane in his annual report, re-ferred to the originai cali for the first meeting of Doctors of Philosophy issued by Dr.Harper in 1905. It was the desire then,as it is now, to cement into dose relation-ship the University and its Alumni. It isbelieved that this organization of Doctorsis unique in this country and that they haveshown a remarkable loyalty to the University in spite of the fact that the largemajority of Doctors have taken theirBachelors' degrees at other institutions andare therefore under responsibility to those.institutions to which they owe primary al-legiance. It is certain that the Doctors'Association shows as high percentage of active co-operation in the Alumni affairsof the University as is true of any other ofthe Alumni organizations.As is customary, the incoming Doctorswere welcomed into the membership of theAssociation and on this occasion the wel-coming words were most fitly given by Vice-President of the Association, Dr. E. S.Robinson, Ph. D. '20, of the Departmentof Psychology, the President, Dr. W. L.Lewis, Ph. D. '09, being necessarily out ofthe city at the time of the meeting.On nomination by the Chairman of theNominating Committee, Dr. Henry Chand-ler Cowles, Ph. D. '98, the followingofficers for 1926-27 were elected:President, Dr. Addison Webster Moore,Ph. D. '98.Vice-President, Dr. Ethel Terry McCoy,Ph. D. '14.Secretary, Dr. Herbert EllsworthSlaught, Ph. D. '98.Additional members of the ExecutiveCommittee :Dr. Daniel Jerome Fisher, Ph. D. '22.Dr. David Harrison Stevens, Ph. D. '14.The following were appointed delegatesto the Alumni Council :A. W. Moore, Ph. D. '98, H. E. Slaught,Ph. D. 98, D. J. Fisher, Ph. D. '22, andD. H. Stevens, Ph. D. '14.H. E. Slaught, Secretar}'.Divinity Association OfficersThe annual meeting of the Divinity Association was held at Washigton, D. C,May, 28, with 148 Alumni and friendspresent. Dean Shailer Mathews gave theaddress. Association officers elected were:President, Mark Sanborn, '06, D. B., '09,Detroit ; Secretary, R. B. Davidson, D. B.,'97, Ames, la; Council delegates, P. J.Stackhouse, D. B., '04, Chicago, W. D.Whan, A. M., '09, D. B., 'io Waukegan,Illinois.458OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4.014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St, Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State NormU School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ISt St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Lola B. Lowther, 1910E. 93rd St.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitch-ell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. Agr. Col.lege.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walk-er, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. 14A St.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. I5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HaroldRush.1 — -!459Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Mrs. John H. Wake-field, 1419 — 3ist Ave., S. E.Rapid City, S. D. Sec, Della M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone,1325 Octavia St.Seattle, VVash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, III.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th & IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy-ler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, PhilippineHerald.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.CLASS SECRETARIES93-'94-'95-'96.'97-'98.'99-01.'02.'03.'04.•05.'06.'07.'08.'09. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 173 W. JacksonBlvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54thPI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar-quette Rd. 'io. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21 Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.460NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'15 — John P. McGallaway, J. D. '15, has open-ed an office of his own in the Commercial National Bank Building in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.'16 — Helen Deuss Hill (Mrs. J. Ben) is serv-ing as chairman of the locai chapter of theRed Cross and doing graduate work in Psy-chology and Botany, at State College, Pennsylvania.'17 — Charles F. Alien, Principal of West SideJunior High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, haswritten, in collaboration with Dr. Joseph Roe-mer, of the University of Florida, "Extra-Cur-ricular Activities: Organization and Administration," a book published by D. C. Heath andCompany.'17 — George VanderVeen is chief chemist ofthe Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, Mus-kegon, Michigan.'18 — Mary L. Hahn, S. M. '19, is AssistantSupervisor of Health Education in the Ele-mentary Schools, Cleveland, Ohio.For Vacation DaysA diverting novel is apleasant relaxation after thestrenuous swim, golf or tennisgame.From Our Tables ofSUMMER FICTIONESSAYS and POETRYWe will gladly send you by mailwhatever book you may desireU. of C. BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVE. '18 — Margaret K. Roberts, ex, Supervisor ofGrades at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, attender!the meeting of the World's Federation of National Education Associations at Edinburgh lastsummer, took the summer course at OxfordUniversity, England, and visited Egypt, Greece,Palestine and Syria.'19 — Kenneth A. Mather has returned to thiscountry after an absence of two years. Hisduties as trade representative for Brown andBigelow, of St. Paul, involved extensive travel-ling which took him around the World, thoughmuch of his time was spent in Australia andNew Zealand.'19 — F. W. Mulsow, M. D. '20, is Pathologistand Director of the Clinical Laboratory of St.Luke's Hospital, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.'20 — Dwight H. Green, J. D. '22, is SpecialAttorney in the Office of the Solicitor of InternaiRevenue, Washington, D. C.'22 — Robert C. Matlock, Jr., is a chemicalengineer for the Westinghouse Lamp Company,Bloomfield, New Jersey.CHICAGO ALUMNI —have a unique chance forService and Loyalty. Teliyour ambitious friends whocan not attend classes aboutthe 450which your Alma Mater offers. Throughthem sheisreachingthousandsin ali partsofthe country and in distant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(box s) chicago, illinois461462 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE•« 8-•8 »¦•S »•;| Doctors of Philosophy £« ALUMNI NOTES S•3 !>¦•1 leThe Divinity SchoolHerbert W. Hines, Ph.D. '22, gave the handof fellowship to 32 new members, February7th in the Central Baptist Church, Springfield,Illinois.Rolvix Harlan, Ph.D., '06, has recently published A New Day for the Country Church(Cokesbury Press). The book reveals an accurate knowledge of the conditions under whichrural churches work and discusses in detail problems of administration, organization, finance,evangelism and the objectives and the programof the country church.A. C. Watson, Ph.D., '15, has organized theMarietta Apparatus Company which has placedon the market several pieces of apparatus foruse in psychological laboratories which Dr.Watson has invented. The apparatus is meeting a real need and having a very considerablesale.D. C. Macintosh, Ph.D., '09, professor of sys-tematic theology in the Divinity School of YaleUniversity, has just published The Reasonahle-ness of C hristianity . These lectures were givena year ago at Yale Divinity School and laterwere awarded the Bross prize for 1925. Thebook promises to have a very wide sale.Elam J. Anderson, Ph.D., '24, is directorof music in Shanghai College, China. Dr.Anderson has recently published English Teaching Efficiency in China. The Glee Club ofShanghai College under Dr. Anderson's direction recently gave a concert over the radio,singing Gounod's "Sanctus" in Chinese.H. B. Robison, Ph.D. '07, returned to wit-ness the recent dedication service of the newTheology Building. He has been head of theSchool of Religion at Culver-Stockton since 1910.William Holt Smith, Ph.D., '25, has resignedthe pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Bill-ings, Montana, to accept the cali of the FirstBaptist Church of Duluth, Minnesota. Dr.Smith has been in Billings only about a yearbut during that time his church has increased20% in resident membership, gained 75% inthe regular contributors to the church budget,and 100% in the department of religious education.Richard R. Perkins, Ph.D., '05, is GeneralSecretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of San Francisco, California. The SanFrancisco Y. M. C. A. are erecting five buildingswithin a three year period. Two have beencompleted and the third is within two monthsof completion. W. C. Keirstead, Ph.D., '03, is pastor of theFirst Baptist Church, Frederickton, New Bruns.wick.Church History DepartmentD. C. Holtom, '19, who is professor of ChurchHistory in the Japan Baptist Theological Semi-nary, has been on furlough during the presentschool year and has taught in the DivinitySchool of the University of Chicago during thewinter and spring quarters.John T. McNeill, '20, will give two coursesin the Divinity School of the University ofChicago during the second term of the comingsummer quarter.At the meeting of the American Society ofChurch History held at St. Louis during thefirst week in Aprii, four doctors of the Department of Church History of the University ofChicago were present:Professor W. E. Garrison, '97, the first doctor in the department and now Dean of theDisciple's Divinity House, read a paper onThe Restoration of Papal Sovereignty ; MatthewSpinka, '23, read, Russian Progressive ReligiousThought; J. S. Cornett, '25, read, The Attitudeof Early Christians Toward Paganism; O. A.Marti, '24, was present but did not participatein the program.New Testament'98 — Edgar J. Goodspeed published a volumeof essays, Things Seen and Heard, in October.An edition of his New Testament; an AmericanTranslation, has just appeared from the Commercial Press of Shanghai, and another is nowappearing from the Christian Literature Society, of Madras. Mr. Goodspeed published anarticle on "Buying Happiness" in the Septembernumber of the Atlantic ilonthly, which hassince appeared in Inter-America in a Spanishtranslation. He is also contributing a chapterto the fourth volume of The Outline of Chris-tianity.'01 — Allan Hoben, President of KalamazooCollege, made the main address at the dedication of the Theology Building at the Universityof Chicago on Aprii 5th. It was a memorabletiibute to the makers of the Divinity School.President Hoben has just completed a highlysuccessful financial campaign for his college.04 — Benjamin W. Robinson, Professor of NewTestament Interpretation in Chicago Theological Seminaiy, is the author of a new book onThe Gospel of John. It is at present one of themost popular of Macmillan's handbooks on religion.'16 — Arthur Wakefield Slaten, recently Professor of New Testament in Pacific Seminary,Berkeley, California, has been installed as Pastor of the West Side Cnitarian Church, NewYork City.'17 — Thomas Wearing is now Dean of Colgate Theological Seminary, Hamilton, N. Y.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 463'18 — Alfred Morris Perry, Assistant Professorof New Testament in Bangor Theological Seminary, is lecturing on the Synoptic Problem andthe Corinthian letters in the Divinity School ofthe University of Chicago this summer.'18 — Charles James Richey is head of theHistory Department in Macallister College, St.Paul, Minn.'21 — -Joseph Nicholas Reagan has recently re-turned to Chicago from developing a mahoganyconcession in Honduras. At present he is en-gaging in research in the libraries of the University of Chicago.'24 — Mary Redington Ely and Professor Eu-gene William Lyman of Union TheologicalSeminary were united in marriage on February13, 1926. Mrs. Lyman recently published throughMacmillan's a study entitled Knowledge of Godin Johannine Thought.'24 — Harold R. Willoughby has just publisheda revision of President Burton's well known ShortIntroduction to the Gospels. At the presenttime Dr. Willoughby is engaged in editing theaddresses and essays of President Burton forfall publication by the University Press. Thefirst volume will appear under the title Christi-anity and the Modem World.Department of Botany''11 — Grace Lucretia Clapp. Assistant Professor of Botany, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has resigned to accept aposition as Professor of Plant Physiology atVassar College.'n — William S. Cooper, Assistant Professorof Plant Physiology and Ecology at the University of Minnesota, lectured before the Chicago Academy of Sciences on Aprii 18 andbefore the Botany Club of the University ofChicago on Aprii 19. His subject at the formerwas "The Glacier Bay National Monument"and at the latter, "Eight Days in the Desert,"which was illustrated by moving pictures.'12 — Lester Whyland Sharp, Professor of Botany, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, hasrecently issued a second and much enlarged edi-tion of his book "Introduction to Cytology."'13 — George Damon Fuller, Assistant Professor of Plant Ecology, University of Chicago, has been appointed editor of the sec-tion of Plant Ecology in the Biological Abstracts,a new journal that is beginning publication inJune, 1926.'15— Charles Albert Shull, Professor of PlantPhysiology of Chicago, is editor of the newJournal "Plant Physiology," the officiai organ ofthe American Society of Plant Physiologists.The first number of this journal appeared inMarch, 1926.'16 Frank Earl Denny has become PlantPhysiologist at the Boyce Thompson Instituteof Plant Research, Yonkers, New York.>!6 George K. K. Link, Associate Professorof Plant Pathology at the University of Chicago Are YouA Craftsman?Skilled craftsmen with an education are in demand asteachers in vocational schools.Are you anArchitectural DraftsmanBakerBarberBricklayer & PlastererCarpenterElectricianFoundrymanMachinistPainter 85 DecoratorPlumber & Steam FitterPrinterSheet Metal WorkerStationary EngineerPositions in the above craftsand others are open now andin September. Write givingfull particulars with referenceto age, experience, educationand salary expected.Address -State Board of VocationalEducation, Madison, Wis.464 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwas recently elected to represent Phytopathologyon the editorial board of the American Journalof Botany.'17 — John Theodore Buckholz, Professor andHead of the Department of Botany, Universityof Arkansas, has resigned to accept a similarposition at the University of Texas.'17 — Henry Reist Kraybill, Biochemist, BoyceThompson Institute of Plant Research, Yonkers,New York, has accepted a similar position atPurdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.'22 — Sumner Albert Ives, Professor of Botanyand Dean of the School of Science, HowardCollege, Birmingham, Alabama, has resigned toaccept a professorship in the Firman University, North Carolina.'22 — Herman Kurz, Associate Professor ofBotany, State College of Women, Tallahassee,Florida, is assisting in Plant Morphology andHistology at the University of Chicago duringthe coming summer quarter.'22 — Eduardo Quisumbing, Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology, University of the Philip-pines, has been granted a National ResearchCouncil Fellowship and intends to devote thecoming year to a study of the flora of thePhilippines. Much of this time will be spentwith Professor E. D. Merrill, of the Universityof California.'25 — Walter Loehwing has become AssistantProfessor of Plant Physiology at the Universityof Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.Charlotte Easton, a candidate for the degreeof Ph. D. in Botany, who expects to take herexamination during the coming summer quarter,has been appointed Assistant Professor of Botany at Milwaukee-Downer College, a positionleft vacant by the resignation of Giace L. Clapp,Ph. D. 11.Practical Astronomy and Astrophysics'13 — Oliver J. Lee, Assistant Professor ofPractical Astronomy at the Yerkes Observatory,is the author of Part 4 of Volume IV of thePublications of the Yerkes Observatory whichhas just been issued. It is a study of theparallaxes and proper motions of 1041 stars in24 of the selected areas of Kapteyn within thezone of declination -|— 4.5 °. This involved 350,-000 settings on the stellar images on 310 plates,taken with the 40-inch refractor, which hadbeen accumulated for this purpose at the YerkesObservatory during the past 20 years. This isthe first zone of Kapteyn's program to be completed.'13 — Curvin H. Gingrich, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Carleton College, hasrecently been engaged in the photographic ob-servation of certain asteroids in conjunctionwith Professor H. C. Wilson, Director of theGoodsell Observatory. He has also given con-siderable time to teaching in the Department ofMathematics.'14 — Frank C. Jordan, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh, continues hisinvestigations on the brightness of stars, usingthe 30-inch Thaw telescope of the AlleghenyObservatory. During the recent absence of Director H. D. Curtis in Sumatra for the purposeof observing the total solar eclipse, Mr. Jordanwas in charge of the administration of theAllegheny Observatory. He taught the astronomica! courses in the Columbia University summer school in 1925.'15 — Harlan T. Stetson, Assistant Professorof Astronomy at Harvard University, had leaveof absence to go to Sumatra to observe the totalsolar eclipse of Jan. 14, 1926. The weatherwas not entirely favorable for the delicate ob-servations of the solar radiation which he wasendeavoring to make in continuation of thosewhich he successfully carried out at the eclipseof Jan. 24, 1925 in Connecticut.'17 — Edwin Hubble, Astronomer at the MountWilson Observatory, made a trip to Europe during the summer of 1924, with his bride. Hubblehas made notable contributions to the study ofthe great spirai nebulae in Andromeda and inTriangulum and has established the fact thattheir distance is of the order of 900,000 light-years. He has also investigated the faint nebulaknown as N. G. C. 6822, for which he founda distance of 700,000 light-years. These papersare appearing in the Astrophysical Journal.'19 — Hannah Steele Pettit (Mrs. Edison Pettit)has been living at 963 East Villa Street, Pasadena, since 1920. Her two daughters are agedsix and four respectivelv.'20 — Alice H. Farnsworth, Assistant Professorof Astronomy at Mt. Holyoke College, is spend-ing the academic year 1925-26 at the YerkesObservatory as Instructor in Practical Astronomy. She has been giving considerabletime to the preparation for publication of important papers by the late Professor'John A. Park-hurst. She had participated in some of theobservational work of these researches duringprevious years. Her thesis, entitled "Compar-ison of the Photometric Fields of the 6-inchDoublet, 24-inch Reflector, and 40-inch Refractor,with some Investigation of the Astrometric Fieldof the Reflector," is appearing as Part 5 ofVoi. IV of the Publications of the Yerkes Observatory from the University of Chicago Press.'20 — Edison Pettit, Astronomer at the MountWilson Observatory, has specialized in the studyof the variation of the stars and in conjunctionwith S. B. Nicholson has constructed thermo-piles of an extraordinary degree of sensitivenessfor use with the great reflectors at Mount Wilson.In fact, these instruments are theoretically ableto detect the heat of a candle at a distance of150 miles. His thesis, entitled "The Forms andMotions of the Solar Prominences," appeared in1925 as Part 4 of Voi. Ili of the Publicationsof the Yerkes Observatory. He successfully ob-served the eclipse of Jan. 24, 1925 in Connecticut.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 465'21 — Harriet McW. Parsons, resigned as Associate Professor of Astronomy at Smith Collegein 1923 and was married to Mr. Henry T. Hallof the New York Bar. Their daughter Harrietwas born in September 1925. Mrs. Hall lectureson astronomy before college clubs in the vicinityof New York. Her address is 316 GlensideRoad, South Orange, New Jersey.'23 — Otto Struve married Miss Mary M. Lan-ning at Muskegon on May 21, 1925. His mother,Madame Ludwig Struve, widow of the lateDirector of the Observatory at Kharkov, wasable to join her son in this country in January1925. Mr. Struve has recently published severalpapers in the Astrophysìcal Journal, MonthlyNotices, Popular Astronomy, and AstronomischeNachrichten.School of Education(Continued from page 456)the teacher training work in the Department of Education of the University ofCincinnati for the past two years.Professor Ralph Wager, Ph. D. '22, isgiving the courses in educational psychologythis summer usually given by Dr. Freeman.Dr. Freeman is on leave for the summerand is a member of the summer facultyof Harvard University. Professor Wageris Head of the Department of Educationand Director of the Summer School ofEmory University, Georgia, where he hasserved since 192 1.The following alumni of the School of Education are members tf the faculty of the Schoolof Education this summer:Winifred Bain, Ph. B. '24, Mary L. Dough-erty, Ph. B. 16, A. M. '17, Bonnie Mellinger,Ph. B. '21, Olive Paine, Ph. B. '13, are con-nected with the Kindergarten-Primary Department. Marion Towne Spach, Ph. B. '20, is Director of the Nursery for the summer.Harry Cunningham, A. M. '20, is givingcourses in naturai science.Roy I. Johnson, A. M. '17, Ph. D. '23, is meeting Mr. Lyman's classes in the teaching ofEnglish during the first term.James W. Clarson, Jr., A. M. '22, James Mc-Cal'.ster, A. M. '22, Floyd W. Reeves, A. M.'21, Ph. D. "25, Clara Schmitt, Ph. D. '14, O.W. Snarr, A. M. '19, and Ralph Wager, Ph. D.'22, are in charge of courses on various phasesof education. The FirstNational Bankof ChicagoAND ITSAFFILIATED INSTITUTION, THEFirst Trustand Savings Bankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfac-tory financial serviceinCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate MortgagesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentForeign Travel BureauThe stock of both banks is ownedby the same stockholdersCombined resources exceed#440,000,000DEARBORN,MONROE AND CLARK STREETSCHICAGO466 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELaw Reunion Dinner(Continued from page 457)ness of Mr. Freund. Dean Hall and Mr.Stagg in their talks referred to the portrait, and paid their tributes to Mr.Freund.For the classes, responses were made byMr. Henry P. Chandler, '06; Mr. Wm.P. MacCracken, Jr., '11; Mr. Louis S.Hardin, '21 ; and Craig Johnson, Presidentof the class of '26.The arrangements for the dinner wereunder the general charge of Roy Massena,J. D. '17, general chairman, with a committee of about 30. The reunion arrangements were in charge of the following members of the respective classes : Henry P.Chandler, '06; Dewitt Lightner, '11; Milton A. Brown, '16; Louis S. Hardin, '21;Richard Austin and Craig Johnson, '26.The report of the nominating committeewas adopted providing for the election ofthe following officers for the coming year:President: Urban A. Lavery, J. D. '10.Vice-President: William J. Matthews,J. D. !o8.Secretary-Treasurer : Charles F. McElroy, J. D. '10.Delegates to the Alumni Council :UrbanA. Lavery, J. D. 'io, Charles F. McElroy, J. D. '15, and Harold W., Norman, J. D. '20.Law NotesHomer Hoyt, J.D. '18, who was AssociateProfessor of Economics at the University ofMissouri in 1924-5, is now engaged in the realestate business in Chicago.Albert Stump, J.D. '17, was nominated onJune 3d by the Democratic state convention ofIndiana as a candidate for United States Sen-ator for the long term to oppose Senator JamesE. Watson. He was nominated on the thirdballot, after a contest in the primaries betweensix candidates none of whom received a majority. Mr. Stump is now practicing law inIndianapolis.Leo Klein, J.D. '06, was almost nominatedon the Republican ticket for Municipal Judgein the Aprii primaries in Chicago. There weretwelve to be nominated, and Mr. Klein landedin fourteenth place. He was strongly indorsedby the Chicago Bar Association, and he maybe able to gain some comfort from the fact thatmost of the men who were so indorsed failedof nomination. Praises Mr. Stagg's TestimonyDURING the United States SenateCommittee hearing on the Prohibi-tion question, in the middle of Aprii, Director Stagg was called to Washington totestify as to results under his observation.Most of our Alumni, no doubt, have readof his testimony in the public press. Weprint here editorial comment, which appeared in the Chicago Evening Post:VOICES WHICH COMMAND RESPECTTwo figures, nationally known and com-manding everywhere the respect of good citi-zens and thinking citizens, took the stand onSaturday at Washington to testify to the valueof prohibition.Each spoke from a different standpoint, buteach as an authority in his field. Each utteredviews which cannot by any process of argumentbe credited to selfish personal interest.Alonzo A. Stagg, the most famous footballcoach in America, and a man everywhere be-loved for his high character; a hero among theboys and young men of the country; a friendand careful student of youth, holding a singular-Iy advantageous position from which to ob-serve its tendencies and to become familiar withits problems, told the Senate committee that farfrom being a menace to the young life of America, prohibition had proved a bulwark andsource of greatest helpfulness.Stagg, who is a better sociologist than anywet who has been heard from, holds that thefling of youth in the larger liberty which marksour time would have gone to much more peril-ous lengths had not the restraint of the drylaw existed. "It is my conviction," he declares,"that it is the greatest blessing that prohibitionhas been a law during this unstable periodwhen the youth of today have such vastfreedom."The Chicago coach is not alone in his beliefthat such excesses of youthful behavior as wehave witnessed in recent years are due to othercauses than prohibition. "Irresponsibility ofparents toward their children creates the problemi, and not the Volstead act," he asserts,which is merely to say that our adult generation has permitted the abandonment of formerstandards and relinquished a control it onceexercised ; that it has left youth largely to itsown devices, and to the finding of its fun andthrills outside the family circle, and under otherauspices than the home ; that it has shifted theburden of caring for the needs of youth to theshoulders of others— paying the bilia and providing a lodging, but, often doing little more.Parenthood has been having its fling in a largerliberty— why not youth? And Stagg is right thatprohibition has lessened and not increased theUNIVERSITY NOTES 467perils which this new era has brought. Heknows. He is in a position to know fromobservation.Remarkable Variety in StudentEmployment at the UniversityNINETY per cent of the undergraduates at the University of Chicagoare doing eighty-fìve different kinds of worlcin the city of Chicago, earning ali or partof their way through college. Public attention was first drawn to the employmentbureau at the University when it reporteda year ago that one student commuted fromCleveland, Ohio, to the University on amail piane.This year a Chicago baking company hasemployed fìfteen students on a Friday nightshift to fili Saturday's extraordinary de-mands for bread. These men start at twoin the morning, work for eight hours, andturn about 2,000 extra loaves. Privatedetective agencies have hired a number ofmen as night watchmen and as extra "shad-ow workers"; and during the winter several students served at fashionable parties asguards against "second-story" thieves.The Federai Reserve Bank in Chicagoemploys a number of men to do clericalwork at night, preparing for the next day'sbusiness. One student has been appointedmanager of a rooming house, operated bya real estate firm. He advertises rooms,collects the rent, and pays the help. An-other, hearing that the sale of a locai hotelwas pending, bought the building and re-sold it at a profit of $2,500. A womanstudent from Mexico, pressed by financialneeds, entertains at neighborhood socialfunctions with native dances in costume.Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino studentsare regularly hired as translators by advertising companies. Athletes are employedby express companies to guard the trans-portation of cash, and other men with strongvoices are hired by sightseeing bus companies. An expert in chemical analysis has beenadded to the staff of a famous restaurant,and takes time out from his studies to direct the preparation of canned food prod-ucts. A PhilosophicProfessioniThe Law? No; although likethe law it requires a grasp ofaffairs, economics, and tenden-cies.Medicine? No; although likemedicine its practice requires in-sight into human character.The Ministry? No; althoughthere is in it much of that interest in the welfare of otherswhich distinguishes the minister.This profession is the under-writing of life insurance.What we are saying, and havebeen saying in these pages, isthat we, as a strong and estab-lished company, have to offer toan educated man not only adequate financial return for abilityshown, not only f reedom for andencouragement in the exerciseofingenuityandoriginality,bwtalsoaconnectionwith abusinesswhichcan and does feed, as few can ordo, your immeasurably strongand important hunger for philosophic satisfaction in daily work.You can obtain complete and con-fidential information by calling onone of our Qeneral Agents or byivriting to the Inquiry Bureau,John Hancock Life Insurance Co.,igy Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.Life Insurance Company"of Boston. MassachusettsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.468 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHow to "Make" and "Break" ClubsNOT along ago one Alumni publication published a letter from the officers of one of its alumni clubs, settingforth, from their experience, how to "make"or "break" an alumni club. The letter hasbeen reprinted in a number of alumni publications. In view of the occasionai diffi-culties of some of our own Alumni clubsand their officers, that particular lettermight prove of interest to our own Alumni :"The success of an alumni club depends,in the long run, upon the proper attitudeand interest of each and every locai alum-nus. From our experience, the followingthings are guaranteed to break up any locaialumni club anywhere :i. Don't advise of your address.2. Don't go to the meetings.3. If you do go, come late.4. If you are not put on a committee,find fault.5. If you are put on a committee, don'tdo anything.6. Let a few members do ali the work.7. Then complain that the club is runby a clique.8. Forget your dues.9. Never bring an interested friend.10. Don't say anything.II. Expect everything for nothing.12. Never enter into the spirit of theoccasion."On the other hand, we will guaranteea most successful meeting and a continous-Iy successful club if every locai alumnuswill do the following:1. Advise of his Address.2. Go to the meetings.3. Be on time.4. Encourage officers and committees.5. If on a committee, do a fair share.6. Offer to help in the work.7. Give helpful, constructive sugges-tions.8. Pay your dues and fair expenses.9. Bring yourself and an interestedfriend.IO. Take part in the discussions.n. Do not expect or demand too much. 12. Always enter into the spirit of everyoccassion."This is hardly too much to ask of everyreally interested alumnus. If even' onewill cut out the complaining and properlyco-operate as suggested, then we will havea big and worthy influence in our community for the enhancement and the prestigeof Alma Mater."ii £> «The Dean of the Divinity SchoolTHE presentation of the portrait ofDean Shailer Mathews to the University of Chicago by colleagues and students, in connection with the dedication ofthe new Theology Building, recalls his longand successful service as Dean of the Divinity School. The recent gift of a milliondollars as endowment of the School, thecompletion of the Theology Building at acost of $500,000, and the early completionof the beautiful Joseph Bond Chapel markin a striking way the development of theDivinity School under Dean Mathews'direction.Called to the University of Chicago fromColby College, Maina, where he was professor of rhetoric and later of history andpoliticai economy, Mr. Mathews becamesuccessively Professor of New TestamentHistory and Interpretation, SystematicTheology, and Historical and ComparativeTheology. Serving as Junior Dean of theDivinity School from 1899 to 1908, Professor Mathews has been Dean of theSchool for the past eighteen years.Dean Mathews, who had a wide editorialinfluence for many years through the ìf'orldToday, and the Biblica! JVorld, has heldmany positions of honor and importance,among them the presidency of the WesternEconomie Society, the Federai Council ofthe Churches of Christ in America, and theNorthern Baptist Convention.He has delivered the Earle Lectures atBerkeley, California, and the WilliamBelden Noble Lectures at Harvard University ; and among his many publicationsare The Church and the Changing Order,The Gospel and the Modem Man, andThe Spiritual Interpretation of History.UNIVERSITY NOTES 469Studies Work of City ManagersDR. LÉONARD D. WHITE, professor of politicai science in the University, recently made a tour of twenty-eight cities in the United States for the purpose of studying the achievements of citymanagers. How city managers in variousmunicipalities handle typical problems ofadministration, their relation to the com-mission and budget-making, the part theyplay in locai politics, and how far theylead the community, are among the thingsconsidered in the inquiry.The city manager, Professor Whitepoints out, has become one of the mostimportant technical and professional posi-tions in the country, and efficient citymanagers are making notable contributionsto scientific administration. The office hasproved to be well adapted to smaller cities.Whether it can be put into practical usein the largest centers of population willbe one of the purposes of Dr. White's sur-vey, which is the first of its kind attemptedby an educational institution.Since 1910, the city manager system hasbeen found successful in 258 towns havingpopulations of 40,000 or more, includinggreat urban centers like Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Kansas City.Professor White's first itinerary of studyincluded Wichita, Kansas, Ft. Worth,Waco, and Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Pasadena, Long Beach, Stockton,Alameda, and Berkeley, California; Colorado Springs, Colorado ; and Dubuque,Iowa. Larger cities will be studied later.Prize in Anthropological researchAwarded to University StudentTHE Morris L. Chaim Prize of $250 forthe best piece of- originai research ina contest conducted by the First DistrictDentai Society of New York has recentlybeen awarded to Wilton M. Krogman, aUniversity of Chicago student in anthro-pology, who has been working his waythrough college as head waiter in the University commons.From his study, under the direction of Professor Fay-Cooper Cole, of over threehundred Melanesian skulls in the FieldMuseum from groups in New Guinea, NewBritain, and New Hebrides, it was foundthat among the children of these peoples,who nurse their offspring for about threeyears and are not familiar with methodsof artificial feeding, there were consider-ably more cases of normal occlusion ornormally developed teeth and mouths thanamong American children, many of whomare artificially fed in infancy. On the basisof previous records the investigator foundless abnormality among the Melanesianskulls than among American subjects.A recent examination of 350 Americanchildren, both boys and girls, showed thatin the bottle-fed group normal occlusionexisted to the extent of only 3 per cent,while 90 per cent had various forms ofmalnutrition or malformation of the teeth.Eighty-three cases of the Melanesian typerevealed nearly 80 per cent normal occlusion, according to the University of Chicagoinvestigator.THEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-FIRST year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEWYORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE470 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumnus Wins Piano RecitalDistinctionGEORGE MULFINGER, '23, hasbeen winning distinction on the Ger-man concert stage in the piano recitals hehas been giving there during recent months.While he was a student at the University,Mulfinger studied in Chicago with AdolphBrune and then went abroad for furtherstudy with Emil von Sauer of Vienna. Heis now going on with his work in compo-sition and preparing repertoires for American recitals with Professor Sauer.A report of his recent Pforzheimer recital, Germany, which won wide praiseamong the critics there, appeared in a recentnumber of the Music News. While at theUniversity, Mulfinger won distinction inUniversity circles in a recital given to thefaculty at the Quadrangle Club. His father,Professor George A. Mulfinger, of Heidel-burg University, Tiffin, Ohio, received hisPh.D. at the University of Chicago in1902.Rush Alumni Association(Continued from page 455)not participated in the "grand and gloriousfeeling" of contributing substantially to thefurtherance of your science and art throughthis fund it is not the fault of the solicitingcommittee, I am sure.The new building on the west side hasgone into full commission since our lastmeeting and you who have seen it willreadily agree that it is a fitting successorto our former Rush of hallowed memory.Those of you who have not inspected thebuilding should do so at your first opportunity. A visit to the new library with itsvvealth of medicai literature and classicfurnishings will repay you for making aspecial trip. The new laboratories andclinical facilities will compel your admira-tion and stimulate your gratitude to thebenefactors, Frederick W. Rawson and Dr.Norman Bridge, M. D. '78, whose mag-nificent generosity made the building pos-sible. It is this same spirit throughout thefriends of Rush that has placed its futureupon such an enduring basis The year has not been without its sad-ness, and among the absent ones none ismissed more generally than our staunchfriend and counsellor John Edwin Rhodes,'76, M. D. '86. Dr. Rhodes gave muchtime and effective service to the AlumniAssociation. For many years he was thesecretary and treasurer. Our lives have alibeen enriched by his influence. It is therare good fortune of Rush Alumni to en-joy the good fellowship of such men in thepast and in the future.Through its medicai department the University comes into closer contact with thepublic than it does through any other department, and it is freely predicted thatwith the initial impulse and the subsequentirresistible urge of this vast body of Alumniin the not too distant future the Universitywill be better known for the influence ofits medicai department than for ali theother departments combined. And thatwill not be to the disparagement of any ofthe other departments, either, for they mustali share in this great contribution to thewelfare and happiness of mankind by animproved standard of health and enjoymentof life.Lives there an Alumnus with soul sodead, who ne'er to himself hath said, Thisis my own, my Alma Mater Rush !Charles A. Parker, M. D. '91,SecretaryRush Necrologist Report for FiscalYear June 1925 — June 1926.AN average infant born in the year1926 has a prospect of living twelveyears longer than one born in the timeof the Civil War, t%venty years longer thanone first seeing the light of day during thetime of Washington and just twice as longas the sons or daughters of the Pilgrimfathers who landed in this country in 1620.Thanks to the efforts of science in com-batting the ravages of disease the averagespan of life is increasing every year. Surgery, sanitation and education have loweredthe death rate by one third in the lastthirty years. From 1910 to 1920 the in-crease in the life span was four years.RUSH NECROLOGISTWhen Columbus discovered America theaverage European could expect to live onlytwenty years. At the time of the Civil Warhe could hope for little more than fortyyears. The average man of today can expect to live 58 years.In the last twenty years deaths fromsmall-pox have decreased 60%, deaths frommeasles 50%> from scarlet fever 33%>from diphtheria 60%, from typhoid fevermore than 80%, from pneumonia over 60%and from consumption 55%- A few yearsago infectious diseases were responsible for97% of ali deaths. Dr. Flemming reportsdeaths in Great Britain as being also onthe decrease. There was no small-pox atali in England in 1924 and many physiciansin both England and America have neverseen a case of small-pox. Many other diseases are also on a fast downward grade.Chlorosis is fast disappearing. Gout andacute inflammatory rheumatism, once veryprevalent in Great Britain, are now onthe wane.If the age of twenty-one years is takenas the time man reaches the productiveperiod, we see that in the year 1600 theaverage man had but nine years of productive life ahead of him, in 1800 he hadtwelve years ahead of him, but in 1926 hehas 37 years of splendid usefulness beforehim. These figures are for the UnitedStates. In Switzerland, England, France,Germany and Italy the life expectancy issomewhat less than in the United States.There are six countries ahead of the UnitedStates in life expectancy. New Zealand hasa life expectancy of sixty years. Australia,Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Hollandare from one to six years in advance of theUnited States in the average of life expectancy. India has the lowest rate of anyrecorded country, with a life expectancy of22^ years.While physicians have been gradually in-creasing the average life span for others,it is very much a question whether theyhave been doing as well for themselves.Statistics of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York show thatafter the age of forty-five there is a higherdeath-rate for physicians than for persons Largest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management — Direction ofE.E.Olp, 28 E.Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. For manyyears a leader. Recently doubled its spaceto meet increasing demands.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universitiesand operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.Affiliated offices in several cities.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.Public school work including teaching andadministrative positions; also, positions forcollege graduates outside of the teachingfield. A general educational informationbureau and a clearing house for schoolsand teachers.See us for First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HYDEPARK property paying6% and 6V2%INTERESTThe notes and bonds 'are certified toby the Chicago Title & Trust Co.trustee and title guaranteed.UNIVERSITYSTATE BANKA Clearing House Bank1354 E. 55th St., Cor. Ridgewood+72 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof any other occupation. As to the causesof death the medicai profession follows thesame general trend as the rest of the popu-lation. Although the death-rate in the lastyear for the general population of the UnitedStates was li per thousand, that for physicians was over 17 per thousand. Of the2448 deaths among the 147,010 physiciansin the United States for the last year, 21were under 30 years of age, 119 between 31and 40, 368 between 41 and 50, 560 between 51 and 60, 665 between 61 and 70,489 between 71 and 80, 207 between 81and 90, and 18 between 91 and 100. Onedeath was reported at 107 years of age.As to the causes of death, diseases of thecirculatory system hold first place with 872deaths, respiratory system 278, genito-urinary system 227, cancer 118, digestivesystem 108.The total number of Rush Medicai College graduates to depart this earthly exist-ence during the past year was 86. Of thisnumer ten were Chicago residents. Theoldest age attained was 93, while the young-est was 26 years of age. The class to losethe largest number was the class of 1884with six deaths.Among these apparently gloomy figuresis a ray of hope for graduates of RushMedicai College. Statistics for the lastyear show that graduates from our medicaischool attained a slightly older age thanthose from other medicai schools. Whilethe average death age for ali physicians inthe United States was 57 years, that forRush Medicai College graduates was 63years.Shall we say that fate was especially kindto our graduates? Do Rush graduates leadless dissipated lives or perhaps drive theirautomobiles more carefully than M.Ds. fromother schools? Are we more prosperousand have more vacations or are our methods of combatting disease and death moresuccessful than those of our "rivals?"Whatever the explanation is, the moralseems to be : if you want to be an M. D. andlive long, be a Rush Medicai College graduate ; if you are a patient and want to livelong consult only a Rush graduate.Walter H. Meents, M. D. '07. t-| MARRIAGES l.« .___ . . _ »••a•3•u•a.3 ' »¦a »¦MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHS.s ¦ j>-MARRIAGESJay B. Alien, '14, to Lucy May Stone, May7, 1926. At home, 801 S. Duluth Ave, SiouxFalls, South Dakota.Wilson Stegeman, '19, M. D. '24, to Margaret Osborne, of Santa Barbara, California,September 1, 1925.Erma Robertson, '22, to George G. Erskine,May 28, 1926. At home, 10625 Longwood Drive,Chicago.Margaret Post Miller, ex '24, to Mason M.Phelps, June 2, 1926. At home, Aripine, Arizona.Nellie Ruckelshausen, '24, to G. Donald Hudson, '25, in March, 1926. At home, 5558 University Avenue, Chicago.Virginia Shafer, '24, to Henry J. Brown,July 11, 1925. At home, Hotel Westlake, Cleveland, Ohio.Alfreda M. Barnett, '25, to Benjamin C.Duster, in July, 1925. At home, 6601 EberhartAvenue, Chicago.Jeanne BirkhofF, '25, to Cari A. Clippinger,'25, March 17, 1926. At home, 4619 GlenshadeAvenue, Cincinnati, Ohio.Dorothy Rodick Willis, '25, to Felice Caruso,'25, Aprii 3, 1926. At home, 5472 Harper Avenue, Chicago.BIRTHSTo Frederick Denison Bramhall, '02, and Mrs.Bramhall, a son, David Frederick, June 4, 1926,at Boulder, Colorado.To Jacob Billikopf, '03, and Mrs. Billikopf,a son, David, June 9, 1926, at Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.To Dr. Frank A. Chapman, M. D. '13, andMrs. Chapman (Katherine Howe, '22), a son,Warren Howe, October 30, 1925.To Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Huntington(Kathryn Williams, '13), a son, Peter Mac-phail, November 7, 1925, at River Forest, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoefner (PattyThum Newbold, '14), a daughter, PatriciaAnn, May 31, 1926, at Richmond Hill, N. Y.To Katherine Biggins Magill, '15 J. D. '20,and Roswell Magill, J. D. '20, a daughterJuly 17, 1925, in New York City.To Elizabeth Brunig Ferguson, '20, and Dr. E.H. Ferguson, '21, M. D. '25, a daughter, Patricia Ann, Februaiy 1, 1926, at Kansas City,Missouri.MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHSTo Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Brown (Elizabeth Mc-Pike, Ph. D. '23), a son, February 17, 1926, atSan Diego, California.To Paul Willett, '19, J. D. '22, and Mrs.Willett (Edith Doan, '19), a daughter, FlorenceWoodford, December 11, 1925, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman (RoseLovenhart, '21), a son, Eugene Lester, Aprii 6,1926, at Chicago.To Percival Taylor Gates, '22, and Mrs.Gates (Frances Crozier, '22), a son, GregoryCrozier, Aprii 28, 1926, at Montclair, NewJersey.To Dr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Ross (Lucy E.Baker, '25), a daughter, Margaret Claire, Aprii26, 1926, at Portland, Oregon.To T. Hume Bissonnette, Ph. D. '23, andMrs. Bissonnette, a son, Julien Hume, February27, 1926, at Hartford, Connecticut.To Edward L. Turner, '23, S. M. '23, andMrs. Turner (Katherine Ensminger, ex '23),a son, Edward Lewis, Jr., March 8, 1926, inBeirut, Syria.To Robert H. Distelhorst, '25, and Mrs. Distel-horst, a daughter, Claire, March 6, 1926, atChicago.DEATHS'03 — John P. Myers, November 22, 1925, inLantana, Florida. For more than thirty yearsMr. Myers was a minister of the ChristianChurch.'12 — Mary Gertrude Rud, September 3, 1925,at Poplar, Montana.Elizabeth Port, in Chicago recently. MissPort was a teacher in the University of Chicago Laboratory School with Dr. John Dewey,and later taught in the University ElementarySchool.Mrs. Susan Kendall Blanchard, March 5,1926, at her home in Berkeley, California. Mrs.Blanchard was the wife of Professor Fredric M.Blanchard, who was a member of the Department of Public Speaking at the University ofChicago from 1897 to 1922.Deaths of Rush Medical CollegeGraduates June 1925 — June 1926Joseph W. Edwards, Mehdota, ni.; Rush, 1854; CivilWar veteran; aged 93; died, September 8.Melvin P. Parrish, Decatur, 111.; Rush, 1859; a Fel-low A. M. A. ; recently elected Councilor of the SeventhDistriet; on the staff of the Wabash Employees' Hospital, where he died, May 28, of pneumonia, aged 56.Edward Loftus Hope Barry, Jerseyville, 111.; Rush,1860; Civil War veteran; formerly mayor of Jersey-ville, county coroner, county physician and member ofthe board of education; aged 88; died, February 4,of bronchitiB.John W. Groesbeck, Harvard, 111.; Rush, 1866; CivilWar veteran; also a druggist; aged 87; died, February8.Charles A. McCollum, Pasadena, Calif. ; Rush, 1868;formerly connected with the Medicai Department Ham-line University, Minneapolis; at one time on the staffof St. Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis; aged 78; died,January 22. THE YATES- FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablishtd 1006Paul Yates, Manager616-620 south Michigan avenuechicacoOther Office; 011-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given «quarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D. , Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I. Markham. Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16 Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal RDavis & @<xMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTele-phone Ranci. 6280CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Autumn Quarter begins October 1For Circular of Information AddressDean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, IH.474 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECassidy Chenoweth, Decatur, 111.; Rush, 1869; aged77; died, August 22, at the Decatur and Macon CountyHospital, of carcinoma of the throat.Lafayette Wallace Case, Colorado Springs, Colo.;Rush, 1870; formerly lecturer in chemistry and derma-tology at his alma mater; at one time on the staff ofSt. Joseph's Hospital, Chicago; aged '80; died, March26, at Pasadena, Calif., of heart disease.Joseph C. Lincoln, Bowling Green, Ohio; Rush, 1871;Civil War veteran; formerly probate judge; at one timea druggist, member of the board of education, andcouncilman; aged 81; died, March 24, of injuries received in a fall.Edward V. Anderson, Woodstock, 111.; Rush, 1871;aged 77; died, October 31, at Riverside, Calif.Homer H. Pratt, Brookfield, Mo. ; Rush, 1872; aged77; died, October 15.Hamilton Rush Rlddle, Mechanicsburg, 111.; Rush,1873; Civil War veteran; aged 84; died, Aprii 17, ofbronchopneumonia.Frederick Andrew Hess, Chicago; Rush, 1873; aged74; died, Dee. 25, 1925, of angina pectoris.George H. Chapman, Chicago; Rush, 1874; memberof the Illinois State Medicai Society; locai surgeon tothe Illinois Raihvay; aged 74; died, November 1, ofpneumonia.Gershom Hyde Hill, Des Moines; Rush, 1874; lectureron insanitv, State University of Iowa College of Medicine, 1890-1906; professor of mental diseases, DrakeUniversity College of Medicines, Des Moines, 1903-1913;member of the American Psychiatric Association; assistant physician, 1874-1881, superintendent, 1881-1902,Independence (Iowa) Hospital for Insane; formerly onthe staffa of the Congregational, Mercy and Methodisthospitals, where he died, November 24, aged 79.Gustavus Frank Schreiber, Chicago Heights, 111.;Rush, 1875; member of the Illinois State Medicai Society; aged 76; died, July 2, at the Masonic Home,Sullivan.David Alexander Drennan, Springfield, 111.; Rush,1875; aged 74; died, June 20.Marshall Cassingham, Wilmington, II].; Rush, 1875;Civil War veteran; aged 84; died, October 29.Johann H. William Meyer, La Porte, Ind. ; Rush,1876; formerly a druggist ; aged 72; died, October 21.Charles W. Hardman, Laton, Calif.; Rush, 187 8;aged 71; died, at Riverdale, Dee. 13, 1925.John F. O'Keefe, Mount Clemens, Mich.; Rush, 1879;aged 67; died, June 26.Carroll E. Miller, Cadillac, Mich.; Rush, 1879; aged75; died, January 27, following a long illness.Francis R. Woodard, Minneapolis; Rush, 1879; aged77; died, March 29, at St. Augustine, Fla., of cerebralhemorrhage.Ephriam Waldo Love, Fayetteville, Ohio; Rush, 1881;member of the Ohio State Medicai Association; aged68; died, March 23, of carcinoma of the liver.Franklin Cady Vandervort, Bloomington, IH.; Rush,1881; for three years president of the McLean CountyMedicai Society; formerly county physician and cityhealth officer; member and at one time president ofthe board of education; aged 67 ; died, August 29, asa result of a streptococcus infection.William G. Wheeler, Racine, Wis. ; Rush, 1881; forAve years member of the board of education; aged 68;died, January 17.William A. Synon, Platteville, Wis.; Rush, 1882;aged 69; died, July 14.Marcel lus Clinton Carpenter, Fairfleld, Iowa; Rush,1882; member of the Iowa State Medicai Society;aged 68; died suddenly in October.Thomas Jefferson Andre, Schaller, Iowa; Rush, 1882;aged 68; died suddenly, July 1, of angina pectoris.John F. Snyder, Rockford, 111.; Rush, 1882; memberof the Illinois State Medicai Association; aged 65;died, October 6.August Ferdinand Schoen, Mayville, Wis.; Rush, 1883;aged 75; died, March 2, at the Beaver Dam (Wis.)Hospital, of Benility.William H. F. Smith, Chicago; Rush, 1884; aged79; died, May 25, of myocarditis.Thaddeus Burritt Kent, Marion, Iowa; Rush, 1884;aged 76; died recently, following a long illness.Charles Wlllls Henry, Coon Rapids, Iowa; Rush, 1884;aged 70; died, May 10.William Turner Patterson, West Plains, Mo. ; Rush,1884; aged 61; died, Sept. 13, 1925, at the LincolnHospital, Rochelle, 111., of injuries received when theautomobile in which he was driving was struck by atrain. James Reed Lytle, Tillamook, Ore.; Rush, 1884;member of the Ohio State Medicai Association; aged 74;died suddenly, June 15, of myocarditis.Charles F. Lusk, Lebo, Kan.; Rush, 1884; aged 69;died, August 24.Francis R. Horel, Arcata, Calif.; Rush, 1885; aged74; died, Aprii 4, of carcinoma.Staley N. Chapin, Chicago; Rush, 1885; aged 77;died, March 28, of carcinoma of the tonsil and parotidgland.Dirk R. Meengs, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Rush, 1885;aged 75; died, Dee. 4, 1925, of heart disease.William A. Hutchins, Orangeville, 111.; Rush, 1885;aged 65; died, September 22.John Shibley, Gentry, Ark.; Rush, 1886; aged 77;died recently, of hemorrhage, due to gastric ulcer.Frederick Wallace Wilcox, Minonk, 111.; Ru6h, 1886;aged 61; died, November 7, of cerebral hemorrhage.Albert John Ochsner, one of the most eminent sur-geons in the United States, died at his home inChicago, July 25, of angina pectoris. He was born inBaraboo, Wis., Aprii 3, 1858, and received his degree of B.Sc. from the University of Wisconsin in 1884and the M.D. from Rush Medicai College in 1886. Dr.Ochsner then studied in the clinics of Vienna andBerlin for two years, and returned to this country in1888. Turning gradually to a special interest insurgery, he became the chief surgeon of AugustanaHospital and St. Mary's Hospital in 1896. In 1900he was made professor of clinical surgery in the medica]department of the University of Illinois, which positionhe held continuously until his death. In 1900 hiBprogress in surgery was recognized by his election tothe chairmanship of the Section on Surgery of theAmerican Medicai Association. In 1910 he was president of the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of NorthAmerica; in 1923, president of the American Collegeof Surgeons, and in 1924, president of the AmericanSurgical Association. He was also a member of theSouthern Surgical and Gynecological Society and anhonorary fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons oflreland and the Royal Microscopical Society of England.John Edwin Rhodes, Chicago, professor emeritus oflaryngology and otology at Rush Medicai College, diedat his home in Chicago September 2, aged 74, ofangina pectoris and pernicious anemia. Dr. Rhodesgraduated from the old University of Chicago in 1876,and for a time engaged in business in California. Hethen took up the study of medicine, graduatine atRush in 1886, and almost at once became connectedwith the faculty. He was for many years professor ofotology and laryngology and college historian, collaborat-ing with the late Dr. Norman Bridge in writing ahistory of Rush Medicai College. He was formerly onthe staff of the Presbyterian, St. Mary's and Nazarethhospitals, and the Home for Destitute Cripples.George Asa Birdsall, Fairburv, Neb. ; Rush, 1887;aged 60; died, Dee. 17, 1925.Barney Welty, Chicago; Rush, 1887; aged 63; died,May 12, of carcinoma.George Earl McCorkle, Keysville, Va; Rush, 1888;aged 67; died. February 21.Hayden Suffield Barnard, Chicago; Rush, 1S89; aged58; died, August 2, of myocarditis.Elisha I. Hook M.D., Mobile, Alabama; Rush, 1889;age 68; died, May 24, arteriosclerosis.Ferdinand Martin Schulz, Pasadena, Calif.; Rush,1890; for eight years commissioner of health of Milwaukee, and for fourteen years superintendent of theMilwaukee County Hospital; aged 65; died, January 30,at the Pasadena Hospital.Edward Alexander Taylor, Racine, Wis.; Rush, 1890;aged 61; died, July 3, following a long illness.George Homer MoCallister, Avoca, Wis. ; Rush, 1891;aged 55; died, May 28, at Los Angeles.William Alien Barr, Paris, 111.; Rush, 1892; aged67; died, July 18.Frank E. Morley, Viroqua, Wis; Rush, 1898; aged68; died, November 21, of cerebral hemorrhage.William Stewart McClellan, Long Beach, Calif.;Rush, 1894; formerly a practitioner of Iowa; aged 58;died, June 30, of angina pectoris.William Thomas Sutcliff, Los Angeles; Rush, 1894;aged 58; died, October 29, of cerebral hemorrhage.Isaiah E. Hamilton, Lawton, Mich.; Bennett Collegeof Eelectic Medicine and Surgery, Chicago, 1887; Rush,1894; aged 62; died, May 12, of heart trouble.Ernest William Baum, Phoenix, Ariz. ; Rush, 1895;aged 53; died, Aprii 20, at a hospital in Hollywood,Calif., of uremia and chronic nephritìs.Edward Hiram Abbott, Elgin, 111.; Rush, 1895;THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 475GOOD ROADS—FARM BUILDINGS—WAREHOUSESSKYSCRAPBRSAH out of theMagic Sack of CementiThe completely electrified cementindustry has given us not only farmbuildings, factories, warehouses, andskyscrapers, but 30,000 miles ofpermanent hard roads.With only five times the labor, butwith fifteen times as much electricity,cement production has increasedthirty-fold in 25 years.A magnificent example to otherAmerican industries that, by electri-fying, they could do a great deal morework with only a few more workers.GENERAL ELECTRIC7-48-KHousewives are learn-ing — as business menhave already learned —that electricity is thecheapest servant; andthat where it is usedmost freely, more workand better work is doneat the lowest cost inmoney and in humanstrength as well.476 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFTBY MARKETING direct from producer to retailer, Swift & Companyis able to reduce distributing costs andmaintain unusual quality standards.BROOKFIELD BUTTER illustratesthe many benefits of the direct lineof marketing which Swift & Company hasestablished between the producer of farmproducts and the retail dealer.SwiftCreameriesfurnish the farmer witha Constant near-by market for his cream.They acquaint him with the dairyingpractices which will help him to secure abetter grade and a larger output of creamfrom his herd.This work is a benefit to the producer,and establishes the quality fundamentalswhich result in a superior finished prod-uct. By direct refrigerator car shipmentto its own Branch Houses Swift &Company is able to safeguard this qualityin every step of its journey from the farmto your retailer.The direct contact of this single organization with the source of supply and thefinal consumingmarkets results in reduceddistributing costs, assured quality,a stabilized market for the producer, anda Constant supply for the consumer.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 46,000 shareholders Spanigli- American "War veteran; l'or many years memberand at one time president of the board of education;on the staffa of the Sherman and St. Joseph's hospitals;aged 59; died, Aprii 12, following- a long- illness.Irwfn Willard Blake, Buffalo, Wyo.; Rush, 1806;aged 54; died, January G, at Kansas City, Mo.Patrick O'Neill Convery, Waterloo, Iowa; Rush, 1896;aged 53; died, July 31, at the Mercy Hospital, Dubu-que.Emtl C. Becker, Deerfield, 111.; Rush, 1897; aged 63;died, July fi.Max J. Friedel, Chicago, Rush, 1897; aged 76; died,January 23, of cerebral hemorrhage and arteriosclerosis.George L. Crocker, Maroa, 111.; Rush, 1897; aged 69;died, October 1 , of pneumonia.Gustavus Frederick Berger, Chicago; Rush, 1897;aged 58; died, August 4, of angina pectoris.Frank Eugene Baldwin, Peoria, HI. ; Rush, 1897 ;aged 51 ; died, May 16, of pneumonia.Herman John Betten, Spokane, Wash. ; Rush, 1900;aged 5 4 ; died, May 21, at St. Luke's Hospital, following a long illness.Duncan Fraser Stewart, Galva, 111. ; Rush, 1900 ;county coroner; aged 5.'), died, January 10, followinga long illness.Lee Masten Francis, Buffalo; Rush, 1901; member ofthe House of Delegates of the American Medicai Association, 1920 and 1921; the American Academy of Oph-thalmology and Oto- Laryngology (secretary, 1911-1918,president,* 1919-1920), the American OphthalmologicalSociety, and the Buffalo Ophthalmologic Club; assistantprofessor of ophthalmology, University of Buffalo Department of Medicine; on the staff of the BuffaloGeneral Hospital; served during the World War; aged4 8 ; died suddenly, of cerebral hemorrhage, Aprii 2 2 ,.it Dallas, Texas, while attending the annual sessionof the American Medicai Association.David 0- Storie, Jr., Chariton, Iowa; Rush, 1901;member of the Iowa State Medicai Society; aged 50 ;was instantly kill ed, June 21, in an automobile acci-dent.John M. Lavin, Sarasota, Fla. ; Rush, 1901; formerlyon the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, Chicago; servedduring the World War; aged 50; died, Dee. 7, 1925.John H. Crowe, Virginia, Minn. ; Rush, 1901 ; fortwelve years city health officer; aged 58; died, Aprii17, at Minneapolis.Ralph Ludwig Larsen, San Francisco; Rush, 1902 ;ugrrl 4 8; died, October 31.George Philip Miller, Oak Park, 111.; Rush, 1903;formerly on the staff of the Robert Burns Hospital;aged 46; died, Dee. 28, 1925, of chronic myocarditis,chronic nephritis and liypertension.Thomas Weston Thompson, Knoxville, 111.; Rush,1903; aged 52; died, Oct. 5, 1925, at Los Angeles,of endocarditis.Hugh Smith Maxwell, Lisbon, Ohio; Rush, 1904;served in the M. C, U. s. Anny, during the WorldWar; aged 46; dierl, October 31.William Robert Peters, Stanton, Neh. ; Rush, 1904;aged 49 ; died. Aprii 16, of pneumonia.Wiibur G. Melaas, Beloit, Wis.; Rush, 1905; aged4 2 ; died. Aprii 17, at the Emerg-ency Hospital, ofshock and hemorrhage following a choìecystectomy.David Jones Hale, Terre Haute, Ind. ; Rush, 1905;member of the Indiana St ate Medicai Society ; aged49; died, January 6, at the Union Hospital, of perniciousanemia.William Henry Hudson Moore, Lafayotte, Ind.; Rush,1906; aged 45; died, February 6, of pneumonia.Augustine Ben Childs, Keitlìsburg, 111.; Rush, 1908;aged 44 ; died recently.Charles Clancy Grandy, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Rush.1911; member of the American Roentgen Ray Societyand the Radiological Society of North America; onDie staffa of Indiana School for Feebleminded Youthsand the Lutheran Hospital ; aged 40; died, February 12,«>f chronic nephritis.George Fred Sutherland, Chicago; Rush, 1920; clinicalassociate in pediutrics al his alma mater; memberof the Chicago Pediatrie Society; on the staffs of theChicago Memorial Hospital and the Presbyterian Hospital, where he died, August 16, of ulcerative pharyn-gitis, phlegmon of the neck, and bronchopneumonia;ngcil 33.Paul Leo Hefty, New Glarus, Wis.; Rush, 1921;aged 33; died suddenly, June 15, of heart. disease.Charles Wesley Bond, Chicago, Rush, 1925; aged 26;died. Aprii 25, of pneumonia.August Henry Madsen, Scenic, Wash.; Rush, 1925;nged 29; died. March 16, at Leavenworth uf pneumonia,following influenza.THE ROOF GARDENX&él X^SaaieIS NOW OPENEVERY EVENING SIX O'CLOCK UNTIL ONEThe Roof Garden is the most delightful place inChicago to dine, dance and enjoy a summerevening.High above the Street where the cool eveningbreezes blow.Entertainment features byHelen NafeCarpenter and IngraniThe Harmony GirlsGladys AndesPublic Dancing continuous • to the wonderfulmusic ofJack Chapman and his OrchestraRestaurant service a la carte and table d'hote.Roof Garden Special Dinner at $2.50 per piate.28 Stores in 24 CitiesHot Weather ClothesThat DiscriminateGood TasteTROPICAL WORSTEDS,PALM BEACHS,MOHAIR, GARBARDINE andFLANNEL SUITS1 7=22 to 40=22'Designed and Manufaduredh12-14 West Washington St.524-26 Davis St., EvanstonElmer E. Marden, ManagerFor Your Convenience in ShoppingOpen a Charge Account