f£^U00UO0i ItOWNChiago^apineJUNE, 192 6VOL. XVIII. NO. 8The 1926 ReunionAlumni CampaignVictoryLarge Gift for LibrarySchoolUniversity Notes - PersonalsPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILAnother "Travel Diary"June The circus has nothing on us when it comes to "the Iureof the road" * * * When the green buds begin toappear on the lilacs and the kids commence theirmarble playing we invariably decide that there arelots of places that must be visited in person if ourbook business is to thrive during the season tocome * * *It is only fair to give next fall's books the same startin life that our now famous "Panchatantra" got * * *We must interest the distant places in "The Natureof the World and of Man" just as we did in Powell's"How to Write Business Letters" * * * The 2000copies of Morrison's "The Practice of Teaching inthe Secondary School" that are already gone must bebut the beginning of a large and continuing sale * * *Smith's "The Democratic Way of Life" must beknown from Atlanta to Minneapolis, from North-ampton to Des Moines * * *And so, while the rest of the advertising departmentis working up an attractive catalogue to describe alithe good books that we are to publish this fall, we arewandering up and down the states making our ownone-night stands, and, like the circus' "biggest show onearth" telling them about "the best list of books we'veever had" * * **Not of a philosopherWhat the advertising managerof The University of ChicagoPress might have written inhis diary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 373A Word of Thanks to those alumni who macie Hotels Win-dermere their home during the greatest reunion the University has ever had. to the classes who chose the Windermereas the logicai place to hold their classfunctions. to those who carne to Hotels Windermere once or more often for luncheon orfor dinner.The Windermere takes pride in the factthat University alumni chose the Windermere pleasure in having you as our guests.On any occasion, when you are in Chicago,come to the Windermere. A standing in-vitation is yours to make Hotels Windermere your home "for one night or a thou-sand and one."ìjotelslliìndermerel^W "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"| [ Hotel rooms $75 to $176 a month $3.50 to $8.50 a day; hotel suìtes andhousekeeping apartments, two to eight rooms, $130 to $1,055 a month.East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of verandas and terraces facing south on Jackson Park374 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE*A dvertising stimulates markets increases publicinterest creates the buying urge. In the hands ofexperts, advertising is more. It is a force for selling aswell as buying. Salesmen are spurred to greater effort.Dealers push merchandise to the front. Selling and buying are co-ordinated. This is merchandising.VANDERHOOF^^ COMPANYHENRY D. SULCER, '05, Pres.dentADVERTISINGVANDERHOOF BUILDINGONTARIO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS : CHICAGOMember: American Association of AJ-vertising Agenacs & National OutJoor Advertising BureauVOL. XVIII NO. 8Sìmbergttp of Cfncagojffllaga?tneJUNE, 1926ta<bj^8 of coy^rez^TsFrontispiece: A Reunion Gathering on Dudley FieldThe 1926 Reunion 370,The Alumni Campaign 383Gift for Graduate Library School 385Events and Comment 386Alumni Affairs 388The Letter Box 303University Notes 3 9.4News of the Quadrangles 400Athletics 4.01Rush Medicai College 403School of Education 404Law School 405Book Reviews 406News of the Classes and Associations 40^Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 422THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St.,Crawfordsville, Ind., monthly from Novemberto July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council ofthe University of Chicago, 58U1 St. and Ellis Ave.,Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 peryear; the price of single copies is 20 cents.Postage is prepaid by the publishers on ali ordersfrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico,Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, HawaiianIslands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands.Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada,18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali othercountries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annualsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postai or express money order. If loca]check is used, io cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withinthe month following the regular month of publication.The publishers expect to supply missing numbers freeonly when they have been lost in transit.Communications pertaining to advertising may besent to the Publication Office, 1009 Sloan St. Crawfordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.Communications for publication should be sent tothe Chicago Office.Entered as second class matter December io, 1914,at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, Indiana, underthe Act of March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.375THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D., '09Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. PlERROT, '07The Council for 1925-26 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the Collece Alumni Association, Terni expires 1926: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06 ; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. Charles F.Grimes, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Terni expires 1927; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01;Frank McNair, '03; Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08;Lillian Richards, '19; Terni expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W. Sills,ex-'os; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Hor-ton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98 ; W.L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09; C. A. Shull, '05, Ph.D., '09.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98 ; GuyC. Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08 ; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Francis L. Boutell, J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; William C. Reavis, A. M., 'n, Ph. D. '25; Logan M. Anderson, A. M., '23.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, 'oi, M. D.,'03 ; George H. Coleman, 'n, M. D., '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '17, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rook- minster Bldg., Chicago.ery, Chicago; Secretary, Adolph G. School of Education Alumni Associa-Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago. tion: President, W. C. Reavis, Ph.D.,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: '2/. University of Chicago \Secretary,President, W. L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09, 509 Mrs' R- W- BlxIer> A- M-> '25, Uni-S. Wabash Ave., Chicago; Secretary, versity of Chicago.Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Univer- Commerce and Administration Alumnisity of Chicago. Association: President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association : President, ',2I> 2Ì*?°- £? S?Ile St., Chicago; Secre-Elijah Hanley ex., First Baptist Church, '^Ta^cLÌ^"' "' **'Berkeley Cahf; Secretary Bruce E. Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-Jackson DJ5., to, 1131 Wilson Ave., TI0N . President> Ral h w Webst -,Salt Lake City. phD _ ,Q2> M D _ ^ 2J £ Washin' ^Law School Association : President, Al- St., Chicago ; Secretary, Charles A. Par-bert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08, C. R. I. & ker, M.D., '91, 7 W. Madison St., Chi-P. Ry., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. cago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Paculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues formembership In either one of the Associations named above, includine subscrintionto The University of Chicago Mag-azine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees frem the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equallv by theAssociations involved.376THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 377The things wedepend upor»most we appre-ciate leastThe Generai ElectricCompany has mademany contributionsto this all-importantindustry. It has builtgiant generators; ithas made the motorswhich do hard andtiresome tasks; it hasdeveloped betterMAZDAlamps to lightour factories, high-ways, and homes. What a wonderful buy is thisnickel' s worth of electricity!It will operate a washing machinefor two hours; or a sewingmachine for seven hours; or anelectric fan for ten hours; or a read-ing lamp for two long evenings.Use electricity freely. It is oneof the few necessities whose costhas stood stili while the cost ofali else soared.GENERAL ELECTRIC"Ia £¦3^&«fa'»Q1* > C=5b == |3 Ea <u^fifio~-gE >5.5tfi o>u *-fi uca obe'"^ ~"Vol. xviii No. 8Mntbers!tt|> of CineastiJfflap^neJUNE, 1926The 1926 ReunionREUNION, 1926, marked the mostsignifìcant June gathering of Chi-' cago Alumni in our general Reunion history. It was a gathering that will,indeed, be long and happily recalled byali who took part in the general and special events that made up the five-day program.The significance of this year's Reunionwas based on a number of notably impor-tant phases. The Reunion observed theThirty-fifth Anniversary of the University,and also important anniversaries of theOld University of Chicago and of RushMedicai College; the victorious completionof the Alumni Campaign on behalf of theendowment of the University, wherein,after a year of splendid effort, the Alumnihad raised the $2,000,000 quota they had setfor themselves; the conclusion of the firstyear, a most successful year, under theadministration of President Max Mason;laying of the corner-stone of the University Chapel ; inauguration of special Clinicsfor Rush Alumni; notable anniversaries of,some of our most active and strongestclasses ; and the general spirit, more strong-ly entrenched in tradition than ever before,of our annual June meeting of Alumni atthe time of the June Convocation. Theinterest of our Alumni in a varied program that, for the first time, contained eventboth of a "playful" and of a serious, educational nature, attested further Alumnappreciation of the significance of this Reunion.As in the past, the event that startecthe various meetings during Reunion weelwas the annual "C" Dinner. The dinnerheld in Bartlett Gymnasium on ThursdayJune io, and at which, as customary, Director Stagg presided, was attended by ;"large and boisterous and exuberantnumber of former Maroon athletes. President Mason and several widely-knowiformer Maroon athletes spoke ; Don Richberg presented a new song "Flag of Maroon." Every year this dinner increases iiattendance and enthusiasm, with representation from many sections of the countrythe 1926 dinner was in many ways the besof ali in the opinion of veterans at thiannual athletic feast.Friday, June 1 1 , was a busy and mosinteresting day. At 4:30 o'clock the ceremonies in connection with the laying 0the corner stone of the University Chapewere held in Mandel Hall because of raiiand stormy weather. President Mason presided and Professor James Hayden Tuftdelivered the Address. Special invitationhad been sent to Alumni to attend thes379380 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMEMBERS 0F 1916 WITH THEIR "MUSICAL AUTO"ceremonies, and a number of Alumni at-tended.Shortly after, the various anniversaryclasses began their affairs. The 40th anniversary of the Class of 1886 was observedat a dinner in Ida Noyes Hall, headed byEdgar A. Buzzell. An informai dinner,headed by Samuel MacClintock, markedthe 30th anniversary of the Class of 1896.The Class of 1901 held a 25th anniversarydinner at the Quadrangle Club, headed byHerbert P. Zimmermann, Donald Rich-berg, and Marian Fairman. The I5thanniversary of the Class of 191 1 was doub-ly celebrated first by a men's dinner at theDel Prado Hotel, in charge of Paul H.Davis, on Friday, and then by a generalClass Dinner on Saturday, June 12, atthe home of Mrs. Charles W. Gilkey(Geraldine Brown). Likewise the Classof 1916, observing its ioth anniversary,held two affairs, a dinner on Friday at theDel Prado Hotel, in charge of RalphDavis, and a luncheon, jointly with theClass of 1917, at the Quadrangle Club onAlumni Day. With Enid Townley andMarion Meanor at the head, 1921 held a5th anniversary dinner at the Hyde ParkHotel. And the Class of 1925, underthe leadership of Elsa Allison and Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, observed its ist anniversary with a dinner at Ida Noyes Hall.Ali of these special anniversary meetingswere highly successful, each with a program of its own, and each greatly enjoyedby the class members.Other classes besides the special anniversary group held class affairs. The Classof 1912, which never fails to hold a classparty at Reunions, had a progressive mid-night supper on June 12, after the Sing,and a picnic at the Dunes on June 13;these 1912 affairs were in charge of Har-riet Murphy, Isabel Jarvis, Mabel Beedle,and Charles Rademacher. At the Windermere Hotel, on Friday, June II, the Classof 1914 had a class dinner, the dinnerbeing in charge of Mr. and Mrs. JohnB. Perlee. The Class of 191 7 had a luncheon at the Quadrangle Club on AlumniDay, jointly with 1916, to soften the"enmity" between '16 and '17 which fora decade has found expression in theirannual baseball feud ; Lyndon Lesch andHarry Swanson headed the Seventeeners.On Friday, June 11, with Barbara Millerin charge, 1918 held a dinner at Ida NoyesHall. Other classes, also, held informaimeetings as opportunity afforded during theReunion events. The Class of 1906 ob-THE 1926 REUNION 381served its 20th anniversary with a classstunt at Ithe Shanty Ceremonies at theCarnival on Alumni Day. Ali of theclasses which held dinner-programs on Friday, June 11, arranged their affairs so asto attend the Breasted Lecture in MandelHall that evening and the President's Reception which followed the lecture.The Breasted Lecture, one of the no-table innovations this year, proved the bril-liant affair anticipated when first announcedby the University. An audience of overIOOO Alumni greeted Professor Breastedwith fine enthusiasm. In a wonderful il- annual Alumnae Breakfast at Ida NoyesHall. Mrs. Max Mason was the guest ofhonor. Grace A. Coulter, '99, Presidentof the Chicago Alumnae Club presided, andTrustee Albert W. Sherer, '06, was themain speaker. As in the past, the girls ofthe Senior Class were at this gathering.The Alumnae Breakfast continued its tra-dition of being one of the most successfulevents on the Reunion program.Dudley Field was the scene of the after-noon affairs, with a band concert, ' 1 6-' 1 7ball game, Shanty ceremonies, and otheistunts. The afternoon ended with a meet-President Mason Addressinclustrated lecture, Dr. Breasted revealed tothis most appreciative audience some of therecent achievements by the University andits extensive plans in its researches andexplorations in the Near East. The lecturewas followed by the Reception for Alumni,in Hutchinson Hall, by President Mason,Vice Presidents Woodward and Steere, andProfessor Breasted. This occasion on Friday evening was truly a stirring event andbrought the Alumni, at this auspicious Reunion time, in closer touch with the University and its aims.Alumni Day, June 12, opened withseveral hundred Alumnae attending the Alumni at the Shantying of the Alumni Association, presidecover by Earl D. Hostetter, Chairman o:the Alumni Council, who announced thesuccessful completion of the Alumni Campaign. Secretary A. G. Pierrot reviewedthe year's events briefly and announced theresult of the College Alumni Associatiorelection, a report on which appears elsewhere in this number. The meeting wa;addressed by President Emeritus Harr}Pratt Judson and by President Max Mason, both expressing deep appreciation 0:Alumni interest in the University and thedesire that dose co-operation between theinstitution and its Alumni be extended anceffectively developed.382 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe day closed with the greatest gathering ever attending the University Sing, inHutchinson Court. After the fraternitiesfiled through and sang, as customary, President Mason presented the Aides and Mar-shals. Then carne the "C" men, headed byDirector Stagg, who presented the "C"blankets. The Sing closed with the singingof the Alma Mater, and a great day closedwith a great cheer for Chicago.Every Reunion, no doubt, suggests eventsor arrangements that might be desired.This year, for the first time, a general Reunion dinner was not held. From inquiryamong Alumni, as occasion offered, somefelt that a general dinner need not be held,especially in view of having a UniversityLecture and the President 's Reception ;others stated that the general dinner shouldbe returned to the program. The eventsfor the afternoon of Alumni Day, it wasgenerali}" expressed, should be built upmore, but ali agreed that Dudley Field atthe rear of Ida Noyes Hall, used for thefirst time this year, was the ideal place forany afternoon outdoor affairs. And aliseemed to believe, too, that, in the main,the 1926 Reunion program was well ar-ranged. The anniversary classes in partic-ular appreciated the opportunity of onenight, Friday, that allowed class events, and these classes responded this year muchbetter than usuai.In general attendance most of the eventsregistered high success. For attendancerecords, the Sing, as usuai, was the out-standing event, with 1961 men taking part;counting Alumni alone, this meant thatsomething approaching IOOO Alumni tookpart. With attendance figures just avail-able at press-time, the various events,from the "C" Dinner on Thursday night,June io, to the Law and Rush MedicaiAlumni events on Tuesday night, June 15,show a total attendance of Alumni andAlumnae of well over 2500 during Reunionweek. In this number, of course, there aremany duplications, yet the total individuaiattendance appears to be somewhere be-tween 1500 and 2000 in ali. Many sectionsof the country were represented, from NewYork, on the east, to California on the west.The Law, Rush Medicai and Ph. D. association events, and the June Convocationtook place the next week, and will be re-ported in the July number.The 1926 Reunion fittingly celebratedthe 35th anniversary of the University andagain gave ampie evidence of the abidinginterest and loyalty to Chicago of theAlumni.Lavino the Corner Stone of the University Chapell EES 7^ ALUMNI CAMPAIGNTHE ALUMNI CAMPAIGN hasmet with fullest success! The quotaof $2,000,000 toward endowment of theUniversity in the Development fund wascompleted at the end of May, 1926, a littleover a year after the campaign was form-ally inaugurated. Close to 12,000 Alumni contributied to the fund. A specialUniversity News Letter was sent to Alumni, giving details of the campaign and thestory of its successful completion. TheHonor Roll, containing the names of aliAlumni who contributed to the fund, waspresented to President Mason by HerbertP. Zimmermann, '01, Chairman of theAlumni Campaign, at Convocation.The amount obtained for the Delevop-ment Fund, up to June ist, totaled $7,-548,000. The total amount of gifts, in<-cluding restricted contributions fromAlumni and the public, not to be consideredas part of the Development program, dur-ing the last campaign year, is $11,133,644.In the Alumni Campaign, the Chicagodistrict, under the chairmanship of JohnP. Mentzer, '98, exceeded its originai quotaand gave $1,232,000. New York CityAlumni also over-subscribed their quota of$200,000. Southern California contributed $44,660, and Cleveland completed itsquota of $19,880. In many cities everyAlumnus subscribed. In thirty foreigncountries 153 Alumni, many of them mis-sionaries, subscribed $11,410.Recounting the building progress of theUniversity during the last year, more than$9,000,000 worth of building projects wereeither under contract or completed. Theseinclude the School of Medicine, $4,500,-OOO, the University Chapel, $1,700,000,the Theology building, $600,000, the Joseph Bond Chapel, $150,000, the RawsonLaboratory of medicine and surgery,$500,000, the Wieboldt Hall for the study of modem languages, $500,000, and theWhitman Laboratory for investigations inthe science of zoology.The conclusion of the campaign recallsits inauguration on March 24, 1925, whenPresident Ernest DeWitt Burton, shortlybefore his death, set forth the purposes andideals of what was to be the Greater University a University which is now ma-terializing in buildings and resources.President Burton's speech, one of the moststirring he had ever delivered, was madeto over 1200 Alumni meeting at the Furn-iture Mart on March 24th and was broadcast to thousands of Alumni throughoutthe country.Dramatic and inspiring in its auguration,the campaign likewise had a dramatic andinspiring conclusion. During the first weekin May the University was looking for$80,000 to complete its $2,000,000 quotafrom Alumni, to be added to the funds forgeneral endowment. Just two weeks hadpassed, when Robert Law, Jr., '97, NewYork business man and prominent sports-man in the East, heard of the needs. Hewas shown the importance of completingthe Alumni quota before Convocation, byPresident Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson.A day after the first anniversary of thedeath of President Burton, who set theplans for a greater University in motion,a check for $80,000 arrived from RobertLaw, Jr., with the hearty endorsement ofthe University's work and an expressionof enthusiastic interest in the ability of hisAlma Mater to continue its astoundingachievements. The gift was a "goal," atthe last minute, made by a sportsman, inthe most important game the Universityand its Alumni have played thus far.Despite the youth of our Alumni body,and the fact that, during undergraduatedays, ninety percent of it was earning ali3833»4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEor part of the way through college, theAlumni contributed $2,000,000 to the Development fund, an unusually large contri-bution under the circumstances. In manycases, as President Max Mason pointedout in a statement which accompanied an-nouncement of the achievement, the Alumni effort was carried to the point of realsacrifice.Expressing the gratitude felt by the University for the Alumni contributions, President Mason said : "By the addition of twomillion dollars to the endowment, theAlumni have made a great step in the program of increased excellence of performance at the University of Chicago.Those who knovy the University best haveshown their faith in its ideals by a gener-osity carried in many cases to the point ofreal sacrifice. Their action is an inspir-ation to ali of us in our effort to meet theresponsibilities and opportunities whichconfront the University." DlSTINCUISHED SERVICE PrOFESSORSHIPin Memory of President BurtonTHE sum of $12,000 has been subscribedby two hundred fifty Seniors of theUniversity of Chicago toward a $20,000contribution which will be added to a fundfor a memorial to the late President ErnestDeWitt Burton.The fund will be increased each year bycontributions from graduating classes untilit reaches $200,000, when it will be usedto endow a Distinguished Service Professor-ship. It already totals more than $27,000,having been started by subscriptionsamounting to $15,000 from the class of19-25-The first Distinguished Service Profes-sorship was conferred on Professor AlbertA. Michelson, former head of the depart-ment of physics, who is now conductingresearches in light at the Mount WilsonObservatory in California.Design of Complete Group of Medical BuildingsThe Billings Memorial Hospital unit in the center, with the towers, and thePhysiology and Physiological Chemistry Laboratory unit in the rear center, on58th Street, are now nearing completion.Gift for Graduate Library SchoolAGift of $1,385,000 has been madeto the University of Chicago by theCarnegie Corporation for the establishment of a graduate library school on theUniversity quadrangles.According to an announcement by President Max Mason the funds have been pro-vided to meet an urgent need which hasbeen disclosed in a recent study of the library situation in America conducted bythe American Library Association andCarnegie Corporation. There will be es-tablished, as a result of the grant, a schoolof library science of new character and pur-pose which will emphasize the broad prin-ciples of library work and its relation tosociety, as well as technical fundamentals.That Chicago offers exceptional advan-tages for a graduate library school is shownin a report submitted to the corporation bythe University."Chicago is centrally located," the reportpoints out. "It is the headquarters of theAmerican Library Association and the meeting place of the Council and various sec-tjons of that association."Chicago is a very important library center with ali types of libraries represented,including the Chicago Public, the JohnCrerar, the Newberry, the libraries of theArt Institute, the Chicago Historical Society, and the Field Museum, two greatuniversity libraries, several large theologi-cal libraries, the libraries of the AmericanMedicai Association, the Chicago Law Institute, the Western Society of Engineers,a number of club libraries, several banklibraries and many scores of special businesslibraries. These libraries offer opportunityfor study of many phases of library work."Chicago offers exceptional opportunitiesfor adult education and for the many othersocializing activities of a public library. Itis a great social laboratory for the study ofthe relation of books and libraries to peopleof various classes and racial types."The report further shows that the University of Chicago affords certain advan- tages for a graduate library school: Itgraduate and professional schools are 0high standards. The four quarter systenenables great freedom as to periods of attendance. The University Press offerunique facilities for the dissemination othe results of investigations carried on b;the graduate library school.It is planned to provide in the new graduate library school the same opportunitie:for study and research, leading to advancecdegrees, now open to advanced students iiother fìelds. Opportunities will be giveifor study on a part-time basis to experienceclibrarians employed in the vicinity of thischool. The school will supervise researclin library problems in Chicago and elsewhere, utilizing the facilities of the American Library Association and other librar;organizations as opportunities for fielework.Professional and general cultural course:will be included in the curriculum, according to a tentative outline of coursesThe school will emphasize the broad principles of library work and its relation to society as well as technical fundamentals.It is planned to offer courses in librararchitecture and building problems, filin;methods, library administration, relation olibrary to city or town, book acquisitionadvanced classification, advanced cataloging, advanced reference work, copyrighlegislation.Under the division of professional cuiturai courses will be courses in paleographyarrangement of manuscripts, diplomaticand archives, history of great libraries, history of the printed book, history of papeand paper making, history of printing, boolcollections, binding, illustration and decoration, modem fine printing and care obooks.In addition, survey courses have beeiplanned to include studies of language, psychology, history, philosophy, governmenteconomics and anthropology.3«55eF^eF^<P^(^<^<?^(J^<^iPi(Pi<5^<^e!^<f^<f^e^<5^$ ®()e Umberéttp of CfucagoiMaga^ne \P Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07e Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex. %P EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association Donald P. Bean,C'17; Divinity Association C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association D. J. Fisher, »'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; School 3P of Education Association Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association Morris ^)5? FlSHBEIN, 'il, M.D., '12. SjSFe^TS &> C0MM6WTTHE Reunion which was held thismonth, in observance of the 35thAnniversary of the University, the first yearof President Mason's ad-The Reunion ministration, and the successof the Alumni Campaign,was in many ways the most interesting andsuccessful Reunion we have held thus far.The detailed story of our June gatheringsappears elsewhere in this number of theMagazine. The new features on the program were a distinct addition and advancein the general significance and importanceof Chicago reunions. Some changes in theprogram, no doubt, will appear from timeto time, but in the main our efforts aredecidedly on the right track. The entireprogram was successful and sincere thanksare again due to ali members of the ReunionCommittee, to the Class and Associationworkers, and to ali others who contributedtoward the success of the various events.The 35th Anniversary celebration andmeetings will be long and happily re-membered by ali who took part.AT THE end of May the AlumniCampaign reached its quota of$2,000,000 for the Development Fund ofthe University. The quota,Campaign jn fact> was over.subscribed.ictory. Tht campaign was completedabout fourteen months after it was inaug-urated by President Burton at a greatAlumni meeting on March 24, 1925. Acondensed statement appears in this num ber of the Magazine, and a complete an-nouncement was sent to ali Alumni by aspecial News Letter. Statistics and otherinformation on this splendid Alumniachievement will appear in other issues ofthe Magazine. A formai announcementand presentation was made at the JuneConvocation, at which time, also, theHonor Roll, containing the names of aliAlumni who had subscribed, approaching12,000 in number, was presented to President Max Mason by Herbert P. Zimmer-mann, '01, Chairman of the Alumni Campaign Committee.This is indeed a time for congratulations !Congratulation to the University on theloyalty and high-minded co-operation of itsAlumni congratulation to the Alumni onthe success of their first great achievementon behalf of Alma Mater!It is a time, too, for deepest thanks toali Alumni and Alumnae who worked soenthusiastically and so steadily for thisachievement, and to ali who contributed tothe Fund raised. The workers, at homeand in the field, entered the task with de-termination that, once having fixed a quotafor the Alumni body, the quota must beraised. The subscribers, ali of whom gavehelpfully, included many hundreds whomade a real sacrifice in making their subscriptions. The whole adventure revealedthe co-operative power of our Alumni,their deep and abiding appreciation of theUniversity and its aims, and their sincere,widespread and constructive loyalty to theirUniversity. The Campaign outranks any386EVENTS AND COMMENT 3«7similar effort by alumni of western institu-tions.In undertaking this effort the Alumniwere assuming one of the most difficulttasks at a criticai period in the University'shistory. The successful projection of theDevelopment Program as a whole de-pended very largely upon the successfulachievement of an Alumni financial effortas a basis. To the University it is a sourceof greatest satisfaction and gratitude that,in the hour of need, the Alumni could berelied upon and that they rallied so quicklyand so effectively to solid support of theUniversity and its aims. To the Alumniit is a scource of true pride and satisfactionthat they were not found wanting whenthe cali carne from Alma Mater.PERHAPS the most significant innova-tion in the Reunion assemblies this yearwas the series of special Clinics for Rush_ Alumni that were held at Rush.. . Medicai College from June 14to 18, inclusive. It need scarce-ly be added that the offer of these clinicswas widely appreciated by the Alumni ofRush and that those who attended foundthem, as might easily be expected, ofexceptional interest and of scientific andprofessional assistance. Given, as they were,by a number of leaders in the Rush faculty men of national and even internationalreputation in the subjects they presented they afforded the Rush Alumni a rareopportunity to observe the latest and bestpractice in medicine and surgery, as well asa unique opportunity to meet again theirformer teachers under circumstancesstrongly reminiscent of their student days.Much is being said these days, here andthere, about the possible "services" whicheducational institutions can render theirAlumni. The Rush Clinics were a notabledemonstration of a type of service of amost practical and helpful nature. Alongsomewhat similar lines, indeed, thoughnecessarily of a more general character, theBreasted Lecture given for the Alumni atthe Reunion was a form of service whichdid much to acquaint Alumni with theprogress in the field of exploration-study inthe ancient peoples of the Near East ; thus was presented, most effectively, one im-portant phase of the many activities of theUniversity as a leading educational andresearch institution. We are sure that ourAlumni most heartily endorse ali suchservices on their behalf, and we look to seethem become tradftional and distinctivefeatures of our Alumni reunions.MANY and varied opinions on Alumniand on Alumni Associations find ex-pression from time to time. It is well to., . set forth, occasionally, the o-Alumni ¦ . , iL ,. . . pinions of those who are in aAssociation ¦¦ ¦ ,position to estimate more clear-ly the value of Alumni organization and co-operation. The Alumni of Ohio StateUniversity built the first great stadium inthe West; and it has been said that therapid progress of that institution in newbuildings in very recent years practicallymarks its beginning from the time of thestrengthened organization and expansion ofits Alumni Association. President WilliamOxley Thompson, after many years of notable service, retired as President of OhioState University last November. In hisfarewell Message to the Alumni, appearingin The Ohio State University Monthly,Dr. Thompson says:"The serious phase of alumni activity con-cerns itself with the maintenance of a strongand numerous body in active membership asthe basis of organized alumni activity. Theaverage alumnus probably fails to appreciatethe necessity of co-operative efforts on the partof ali alumni in order to accomplish the resultsdesired by ali acquainted with the universitylife."There is no other organization that can quitetake the place of an Alumni Association. Theimportance of their concerted plans and services cannot easily be overstated. The task liesin securing in the consciousness of more than17,000 living 'alumni that they are a living partof a growing university to which they mavmake some contribution of thought or idealism.The tendency is to think in terms of moneyand materials. These have their place in ahigh degree of importance. The chief concern,however, is to carry in the minds of the alumnia true conception of what a university reallyis and to arouse in these alumni from year toyear an appropriate enthusiasm for such ideals."A thousand alumni united on important university ideals would be underestimated at amillion dollars a year."ALUMNI AFFAI R SACollege Association ElectionS announced at the June Reunion, theannual election of the CollegeAlumni Association, conducted as usuaiby post-card ballot, resulted as follows:President (2 years)Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01Second Vice-President ( 2 years)Shirley Farr, '04Executive Committee (2 years)Frank M. McKey, '04M. Elizabeth Walker, '20Delegates to Alumni Council (3 years)Elizabeth Faulkner, '85Harry N. Gottlieb, '00Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01Paul H. Davis, '11William H. Kuh, '11Mrs. Marguerite H. MacDaniel, '17Harry R. Swanson, '17Ali of the candidates received a sub-stantial number of votes. The new candidates enter upon their duties at a timewhen, with most important developmentsalready achieved, many new opportunitiesfor Alumni Association progress and co-operation with the University appear. Weknow they will continue their services loyal-ly and with success.Chicago Alumnae Club-Reviewof Years' ActivitiesTHE Chicago Alumnae Club closed itsyear's work with the annual meetingand a luncheon at the Cordon Club,Aprii 24, at which reports were made ofthe work as well as the social activities ofthe past year. Any one of the organizedactivities or philanthropies of the Clubwould make an interesting story in itselfand each one of them requires faithful andintelligent work on the part of its chair-man, but unfortunately there is only spaceenough here to give a brief glimpse of thework as a whole.While the work done by the club is aliprimarily for the University, it takes variousforms, from our own self-indulgence in theuse of the wonderful tank at Ida Noyes, to active participation in the philanthropicwork of the University at the Settlement.Miss Ruth Hess has taken charge of theathletic work this year and the enrolmentin swimming and other athletic classes hasbeen larger than ever, with the result thatthe members of the swimming class werebold enough to contest against the University honor team in a swimming meet andwere defeated only by one point.Miss Gladys Campbell has been in chargeof our Library Scholarship and announcedthat the scholarship had been held by threedifferent young women this year, since eachone proved to be so worthy that she earnedan honor scholarship ali of her own duringthe quarter in which she held ours. Thisscholarship student cares for our librarywhich provides text-books at a nominairental charge to students who find the ex-penses of University life too heavy forcomfort and which is used by several hun-dred students during the year. Since theUniversity has increased the tuition fee andand since our scholarship is a four quarterone we will have to appropriate $360 fromour treasury to meet this need next year.Our expenses are going to be increasedalong other lines, too, for Mrs. Ruth AlienDickinson, who has been our representativeon the Board of the University of ChicagoSettlement, has brought us such interestingreports of the work done there that the clubhas included a larger gift to the Settlementin its budget for next year. It is to behoped that both memberships and specialgifts will increase to cover at least some ofour increased desires for next year.Mrs. Howell gave a most interesting report of the work done by the Bureau ofCollegiate Occupations, both in placementand in vocational advice, giving informationwhich it might be well for every graduatingwoman to have before she looks for her"job." Then there was a report from ourWest Suburban Branch which holds veryenthusiastic monthly meetings in Oak Parkand vicinity. We are getting such a numerous group of alumnae in the North Shore388ALUMNI AFFAIRS 3»9suburbs that we are hoping they may followthe example of their western sisters one ofthese days.An uncompleted work of the year is thatof our High School Teas, which this yearhave been managed by Miss Mary Marye.This series of six teas brings out to IdaNoyes and the University grounds on sixSunday afternoons each spring, somethinglike two thousand High School girls whoare considering a college course or who areinterested in the University as a matter ofcivic pride. We speak of this work asincompleted since half of the teas are heldafter our annual meeting.In addition to the regular work of theclub, a committee, headed by Mrs. PortiaCarnes Lane, has been making an effort toraise $2000 to pay for the furnishing of theChicago Alumnae Dining Room at theCollege Club. The committee was able toreport that over fifteen hundred dollars ofthis fund was already in the bank.At this Annual Meeting the election ofofficers resulted as follows:Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas J. Hair,ex-'o4Treasurer, Agnes Prentice, '19Delegate to Alumni Council, Helen Can-field Wells, '24The Club has had five social or semisocial meetings during the year, beginningwith the June Breakfast given at Ida Noyesin honor of Miss Talbot. The autumnseason was opened by a dinner given jointlywith the Alumni Club at the La SalleHotel as a welcome to President Mason ;in December the Club was entertained atMr. Swift's home, in order that they mightmeet President and Mrs. Mason more in-formally; in March there was a meetingat the College Club at which ProfessorHarry Bigelow told of his hunting trip inAfrica; and the program at our annualmeeting was given by two talented mem-bers of our own club, Miss Ethel Preston,pianist, and Mrs. Howard Willett, whogave us a very lovely program from thewomen poets. And so ended a year thathas been full of interest at least to ali ofthose who have been active in the work ofthe club. Chicago Alumni ClubAnnual MeetingONE of the most interesting meetingsever held by the Chicago Alumni Clubtook place at the Club's annual meetingand "Round-Up" on Thursday, May 20th,in the Red Room of the Hotel LaSalle.Over one hundred and seventy-five Alumnisat down at the dinner which started themeeting and over which William H.Lyman, '14, President, presided.The guests of honor were PresidentMason, Vice-President Woodward, Director Stagg, Coach Norgren and the baseballteam, and Lyman R. Flook, Superintendentof Buildings and Grounds. PresidentMason and Vice-President Woodward toldof the developments in the University'scampaign for funds and the building progress. Coach Norgren told of the prospectsof the baseball team and introduced theplayers, who were heartily cheered. Director Stagg and Mr. Flook explained theprogress in the construction of the newstadium, and illustrated the construction ofthe stadium with slides. A letter fromVice-President Steere, who was in NewYork, was read, regretting his necessaryabsence from the meeting and stating thathe was plunging into his new work for thedevelopment of the University with eager-ness.An indoor putting contest was held, inwhich a large number of entries competed.As an indication of golfing skill of theAlumni present, even President Mason,widely known for his golfing abilities,failed to "make the finals." The contestwas won by James A. Donovan, '13. PaulCullom brought down the prima donnasfrom the Blackfriars show and three ex-cellent song-and-dance numbers were given.Another amusing entertainment featureconsisted of a series of slot machines, forweights, bag punching, etc, which testedthe skill and athletic ability of the Alumni.In the business session, a new consti-tution and by-laws was adopted. Theofficers elected were as follows:President:Sam A. Rothermel, '1739° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVice-President :Roderick Macpherson, ex '16Secretary-Treasurer :Harry R. Swanson, '17Executive Committee :Thomas R. Weddell, '86Ernest J. Stevens, '05Wilber E. Post, '01, M. D. '03Merrill C. Meigs, ex '08Albert Pick, Jr., '17Arthur C. Cody, '24Loan Fund Committee :Heny G. Gale, '96, Ph. D. '99William J. Mather, '17Delegates to Alumni Council:William H. Lyman, '14Sam A. Rothermel, '17Roderick Macpherson, ex '16The reports of the officers showed greatprogress in the affairs of the Club, withprospects for even larger development nextyear. A vote of thanks to William H.Lyman, the retiring president, for hissplendid work in building up the Club, wasextended. It is now generally recognizedthat the Chicago Alumni Club is effectivelyassuming its large serviceable function asa special organization of Alumni inChicago.» « »President Mason MeetsDetroit AlumniPRESIDENT MAX MASON visited"Dynamic Detroit" May 4, and com-pletely won ali members of the DetroitAlumni Club who were fortunate enoughto attend the meeting. Fifty-one personswere present. Mr. Uriah M. Chaille, '73,who loyally attends ali of our club meetings,sat at President Mason's right.Naturally, chief interest centered in thepersonality of our new president. He madeeverybody feel absolutely at home. Hisfriendly spirit radiated an atmospherethroughout the gathering, though it cannotbe denied that the members present weredelighted to manifest the same friendlywelcome to the guest and speaker of theevening.During the business session, officers forthe new year were elected as follows : President: Charles Boyer, '00Vice-President: Mrs. Ralph McLain(Ruth Prosser), '16, A. M. '18Secretary: Clara L. Small, '15Treasurer: Albert A. Graham, '23President Mason discussed informallysuch items in University affairs as were ofinterest to the graduates and formerstudents. He stressed a few essential pointsin his educational program, paying tributeto his predecessors and inviting co-operationfrom Alumni in the great developmentplans now under way. He used a portablemotion picture projector to show a film ofUniversity pictures, which added interest tothe occasion. With a warm social atmosphere and cultivation of informaiacquaintance, the evening included singingof college songs led by W. P. Harms, '12,closing with the Alma Mater and a rousingChicago yell, plus "Mason! Mason!Mason!" William P. Lovett, '99Retiring President.À à «Washington, D. C,Luncheon MeetingsTHE University of Chicago AlumniClub of Washington, D. C, has heldits luncheon each month at the CosmosClub.On Aprii fifth Dr. Edwin E. Slosson,Ph. D. '02, of Science Service, gave one ofhis highly instructive talks full of the de-Iightful humor which is characteristicallyhis and which always adds a light touch toeven the most serious subjects. He spokeon the present day anti-scientific movementsin the United States, especially in respectto the teaching of science. He showed textbooks as originally written by their respect-ive authors and the same books modified bycommittees on text books for certain southern universities, with the deletion of wholepages of tables, illustrations, etc. Hedescribed also the very definite and com-paratively wide-spread propaganda againstthe "theory" that the earth is round, andcited numerous cases in which teachers havebeen directed to teach that the earth is fiat.The speaker displayed a map of the world,which a map company is putting out andwhich is ingeniously arranged so that itALUMNI AFFAIRS 39imay be used either by the round-earth or theflat-earth advocates.At the luncheon on May third MissEloise B. Crani, '18, told of her researchwork on the parasitical diseases of animals.Miss Cram is assistant zoologist in theBureau of Animai Industry of the Department of Agriculture and recently took herPh. D. at the George Washington University. Jessie N. Barber, '97,Secretary.à À dLansing Club New OfficersAprii 20, 1926.THIS is to inform you that at a meeting of the University of ChicagoAlumni Club of Lansing, Michigan, thefollowing officers for the coming year wereelected :President: Rev. Donald T. Grey, '11,A. M. '13, D. B. '14Vice-President: Julia E. Brekke, A.M. '24Secretary: Lucy Dell Henry, '22Yours very truly,Ruth M. Cowan, '18, S. M. '22Retiring Secretary.«s A «Indianapolis Dinner-Dance MeetingJune 5, 1926The Indianapolis Alumni Club of theUniversity of Chicago closed its successfulyear of club activities last month with ameeting and dinner-dance at which thirty-nine Alumni were present. Ali enjoyedthe social time, the interesting talks, and theChicago songs.New officers for the Club will be electednext fall when the Club will again resuméits activities. During the year, as reported,the Club held regular monthly meetings,ali of which were reasonably well attendedand very interesting. Best wishes !Mary E. McPheeters, '22,Secretary-Treasurer.À « AOther Club MeetingsA number of our Alumni Clubs heldmeetings during the year, and conducted club gatherings at the end of May andearly in June in the general spirit of Reunion. Reports of these meetings have notyet reached us; they will appear in theMagazine, as received, in the July number.Atlanta, Urbana, Peoria, Toledo, Boston,Topeka, Manhattan, and other club centershave had plans for meetings.¦X « «Thirteenth Annual Conference ofAssociation of Alumni SecretariesTHE thirteenth annual conference ofthe Association of Alumni Secretaries,and the annual conference of Alumni Maga-zines Associated, was held at Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, Aprii i5th to I7th.Close to 100 universities and colleges wererepresented, with 135 delegates and repre-sentatives in attendance.The conference was welcomed to Ohioby President George W. Rightmite, recently elected president of the Universityand an alumnus of Ohio State, who pointedout the rapidly growing importance of thecooperation of Alumni with their institu-tions.The conference was addressed on thesubject of "The Alumni and the University" by Professor William J. Newlin, ofAmherst College, Dr. Harry A. Garfield,President of Williams College, and Dr.Clarence Cook Little, President of the University of Michigan. These speakers againemphasized the growing relations and theproper development of alumni contacts, pay-ing special attention to the cultivation ofgreatly desired intellectual relationships be-tween the institutions and their alumni.For the first time in some years, the conference held discussions on the subject of"Alumni and Athletics." Various phasesof this general subject were presented by thefollowing athletics authorities: E. K. Hall(Dartmouth), Chairman of the NationalFootball Rules Committee; Professor C.W. Savage, Director of Athletics at Ober-lin College ; Professor C. W. Kennedy,Chairman of the Princeton Board of Athletic Control; Major John L. Griffith,392 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWestern Conference Athletic Commis-sioner; J. T. Blossom, Graduate Director ofAthletics at Yale; Romeyn Berry, Graduate Manager of Athletics at Cornell; L.W. St. John, Ohio State University Athletic Director; Dr. John W. Wilce, Football Coach, Ohio State University; andHugo Bezdek, Football Coach, Pennsylvania State College. Ali of the speakersnoted the general advance of athletics ineducational institutions, pointed out someof the problems confronting those in chargeof athletics, and urged the steady supportof alumni toward the best development ofathletics and its proper conduct at ali times.Besides these most interesting meetings,the conference heard and discussed, as cus-tomary, special papers on magazine, alumni .office, and alumni organization subjects.There were papers on "Magazine Coversand Cover Designs," "Advertising Develop-ments," "The Locai Club," "Recording ofBiographical Data," and similar detailedphases of alumni work. There were ex-hibits of alumni office equipment and time-saving methods employed in various alumnioffices. One afternoon was devoted to sectionalmeetings, with discussion of subjects relat-ing to large endowed universities, women'scolleges, small endowed colleges, and stateuniversities.In the elections which closed the conference, Mr. Walter R. Okeson (Lehigh)was re-elected president of Alumni Maga-zines Associated, and Mr. Daniel Grant(University of North Carolina) was elected president of the Association of AlumniSecretaries. Mr. J. L. Morrill (OhioState University) was the retiring president of this latter association. On theafternoon of the closing day the delegatesattended the Ohio Relays as the guests ofthe Ohio Athletics Association.This conference was in many ways themost successful of such meetings ever held.The social program included special lunch-eons, dinners, and teas at the Faculty Club,the women's building, and the Ohio Union.The Constant attention and service renderedby the host institution did much to advance the general success of the gatheringand was deeply appreciated by ali in attendance.32pss£-1*1' mm¦4Alumni and Alumnae Secretaries Convention at Ohio State UniversityC THE LETTER BOX ?C ìA Fiftieth Class AnniversaryPoemChicago Illinois,May 8, 1926.IAM one of the very few remainingAlumni of what was known as the "Cen-tennial Class" the Class of '76 of theUniversity of Chicago. We held our lastReunion meeting at the University at our45th Class Anniversary in 1921, under theleadership of Dr. John E. Rhodes, '76, nowdeceased. Our Fiftieth Anniversary comesthis year.The few of us stili living are so widelyscattered that a Class Meeting can not wellbe held this year. However, I am en-closing a "graduation anniversary poem,"in commemoration of our 50th Anniversary,which may find a place in the June numberof the Alumni Magazine which reviewsthe 1926 Reunion.With best wishes to the University fromour Class, I am Very sincerely yours,Albert Judson Fisher, '76.As A Tale That Is ToldAn ancient time-piece rests on my wall,A quaint and curious one withal,A curious clock in more ways than one,Since it likes to know what is going onIn this galloping world besides itself,That has gone half a century on its shelf,And, unlike some garrulous ones grown old,Must have heard a lot it has never told.It talks to me often when we are alone,Of the friends of lang syne and of days thathave down;Reminds me of much I would never recaliWere it not for my time-keeper there on thewall.It seems to remember names, places and dates,And many a prankful tale relates.As the new years come and the old years go,It asks of me much that I do not know:Asks now, with many inquisitive ticks,"Where, where are the comrades of Seventy-sixWho tarried with you in the Tudor walls And wandered with you through their classichallsThe boys of the old Centennial Year,Whom you bade farewell with a song of cheer,When each fared forth in his separate path,To meet in this golden aftermath?Where are they now?" the old clock ticks,"Where are the fellows of Seventy-six?My clock has set me a difficult task.With yearning spirits we fervently ask,"Where are the comrades we meet no more,Where are the boys who have gone before?Whither the port for which they sailedWhen the lights of the nearer harbor failed,Whose devious ways had led them far,To the going down of the evening star?"Not dead, those boys who have gone before,But living their lives on a leeward shore.But what of the comrades who stili remainTo meet in this golden year again?Hold-overs there be a favored few,Whose rule of the game is, "Follow through!"Their silvering locks no excuse to shirkWhile yet Life's Calendar calls for work.For the world needs men who do not repine,To blaze new trails and to hold the line,Of the ripened years and of broadened mind,To leaven the mass of the human kind,Who will carry on and do their bit,Nor watch the clock for the time to quit.For men like these is no set of sunTill the light of the fading day is done;Then at last, when their sailing orders come,They pack their kits and they journey home."God bless them ali," the old clock ticks,."God bless the fellows of Seventy-six!"Proud of the MagazineCongratulations on the excellent qualityof the Magazine! I always thoroughlyenjoy it, and I am proud of it as a productof the Alumni of my Alma Mater.Catherine Lois Haymaker, '17,Adelphi College,Brooklyn, N. Y.393Professor Chauncey S. Boucher Ap-pointed Dean of the CollegesCHAUNCEY SAMUEL BOUCHERrecently accepted the appointment asDean of the Colleges of Arts, Literatureand Science for the school year 1926-27.Although anxious to further his researchwork in American history, Dean Boucherbelieves it his duty to the University tocontinue the work which he took up uponthe resignation of Dean Ernest HatchWilkins."Probably no one could really fili thevacancy caused by the resignation of DeanWilkin," said Dean Boucher. "I certainlyhave no delusions on that score. Since President Mason and Vice-President Woodwardthink I can serve the University best during the coming year as Dean of the Colleges,it would be poor sportsmanship on my partnot to make the effort. I am thoroughlyconvinced that the University will makegreat strides forward in the near futureunder the leadership of Mr. Mason andMr. Woodward."Although a young man, Mr. Bouchercarne here in 1923 with a wide and soundexperience in both his academic work,American History, and in campus problems.Work in five Universities, in widely sepa-rated parts of the country, had enabled himto gain a comprehensive viewpoint on theundergraduate bodies of American colleges,and had proved him a capable and brilliantman in his special field of history.A graduate of the University of Michigan with an A. B. degree in 1909, Mr.Boucher took his M. A. degree there in1910, served as instructor for a year, thenwent to Harvard for further work. During the next year he carried on historicalresearch in numerous historical collectionsin the south and east and in 191 4returned to Michigan as an instructor, taking his Ph.D. the same year. After further work as instructor in history, he be-came an assistant professor of his subjectat Washington University, where he stayeduntil 1919. He was appointed AssociateProfessor of American history at Ohio StateUniversity, where he taught until 1920,when he became a full professor of American history and taught at the Universityof Texas for three years. In 1923, aftertwo semesters at the University of Wisconsin, he carne to the University of Chicago,as Professor of American history.Professor Boucher's merit in his field hasbeen recognized by the American Historical Association, of which he is a member,and by the Mississippi Valley History Association of which he was president. Heserved three years as Associate editor ofthe Mississippi Valley Historical Review,and is a fellow in the Royal Historical Society, author of "The Nullification Con-troversy in South Carolina," and six mono-graphs on ante-bellum history of SouthCarolina and the South.Mr. Boucher was appointed a Dean inColleges in the Winter quarter, 1925, andin the Summer and Winter quarters of1925-26 was acting Dean of the Collegesof Arts, Literature and Science. He became full Dean of this post in the Springquarter of 1926, on the resignation of DeanWilkins.In announcing the appointment, President Mason said : "I am greatly pleasedthat Dean Boucher has consented to acceptthe position as dean of the colleges for theyear 1926-27. This action on the part ofDean Boucher is very generous since heis desirous of pursuing his historical investi-gation with freedom from administrativeduties as soon as possible, and indicates hisgreat interest in the work of the colleges."394UNIVERSITY NOTES 395Members of the FacultyAbove, left to right: Assoc. Prof. John F. Norton, Dean( Colleges) ; Assoc. Prof. ForrestA. Kinsbury, Dean (Colleges) ; Prof. Ernest H. Wilkins, former Dean of the Colleges.Below, left to right: Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin ; Assoc. Prof. Emery T. Filbey, Deanof University College.Receives Honor in the Field ofLettersDR. WILLIAM A. CRAIGIE, Professor of English at the University,formerly a professor in Oxford Universityand editor of the Oxford Dictionary, whois now in charge of compiling the dictionaryof American English at Chicago, has re-cently been elected foreign member of theRoyal Bohemian Society of Science andLetters. Dr. Craigie's election carne "inconsideration of the eminent service he hasrendered to science."Dr. Craigie recently lectured on theEnglish language at the University ofPrague and the University of Brno, wherehe met leading Czechoslovakian scholars.He has already received the honorary de-grees of Doctor of Laws and Doctor ofLetters. Summer Quarter FacultyOF the regular staff of the Universityof Chicago Faculties, over two hundred will give instruction during thecoming Summer Quarter. Of this numberabout one hundred and seventy are of pro-fessorial rank.Among American universities repre-sented on the Summer Quarter Faculty atChicago will be Harvard, Yale, Princeton,Columbia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio,Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas,Stanford, Washington, and California.Educational institutions in other coun-tries represented on the summer Facultywill be St. Andrews University, Scotland ;the University of Utrecht, Holland; theUniveristy of Lund, Sweden ; McGill University, and the universities of Torontoand Manitoba, Canada.396 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDedication of Whitman LaboratoryTHE exercises in dedication of theWhitman Laboratory of ExperimentalZoology were held in the Assembly Hallof Harper Memorial Library at 2 130 P.M.on Friday, June 4th. These dedicationexercises, under the auspices and invitationof the President and Trustees of the University, marked the opening of this Laboratory which is located on the south sideof 57th Street between Ellis and Inglesideavenues. Herbert Spencer Jennings,Henry Walters Professor and Director ofthe Zoological Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University, gave the address, his subject being "Biology and Experimentation."The exercises were attended by many members of the University, in addition to members and students of the Department ofZoology. The Laboratory is the gift tothe University by Professor and Mrs.Frank R. Lillie; Professor Lillie is Chairman of the Department of Zoology.è a aExercises In Memory of Dean SmallEXERCISES in memory of the lateDean Albion Woodbury Small, former head of the Department and ProfessorEmeritus of Sociology, who died March24, were held by the University in LeonMandel Assembly Hall at four-thirtyo'clock on Tuesday, June 8th.The addresses given at the MemorialExercises were: "The Scholar and Scient-ist," by Franklin Henry Giddings, Professor and Head of the Department ofSociology at Columbia University; "TheTeacher," by Edward Cary Hayes, Professor and Head of the Department ofSociology at the University of Illinois ; and"The Colleague," by Robert Ezra Park,Professor of Sociology at the Universityof Chicago.The services were attended by relativesof Dr. Small, members of the faculty, students, representatives from other universities, and members of the University community. The Exercises were a fitting andbeautiful tribute to the life, character andwork of Professor Small. Degrees Conferred At 141STConvocationNOTABLE features of the One Hundred Forty-first Convocation of theUniversity in Hutchinson Court on June15 were the large number of degrees conferred in the Graduate Schools and the factthat this was the first June Convocationat which President Max Mason presided.He conferred the degrees and gave theConvocation Statement.In the Colleges of Arts, Literature, andScience, the School of Commerce and Administration, the School of Social ServiceAdministration, and the College of Education, 483 Bachelor's degrees were conferred.In the Divinity School there were elevencandidates for the Master's degree, twofor the Bachelor's, and three for the Doc-tor's, a total of sixteen. In the Law Schoolthere were nine candidates for the degreeof Bachelor of Laws, thirty-six for that ofDoctor of Law (J.D.), and two for thatof Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.S.D.), atotal of forty-seven. In the School ofCommerce and Administration nine re-ceived the Master's degree, and two theDoctor's, a total of eleven, and in theSchool of Social Service Administrationthree received the Master's degree and onethe Doctor's, a total of four.One hundred forty-six candidates received the degree of Master of Arts orScience in the Graduate Schools of Arts,Literature, and Science, and fifty-nine thatof Doctor of Philosophy, a total of twohundred five.Rush Medicai College had fifty-threecandidates for the degree of Doctor ofMedicine, and fortj'-one for the four-yearcertificate. The total degrees conferred atthis Convocation are eight hundred nine-teen.Among the graduates were two Filipinos,nine Chinese, one Porto Rican, two Greeks,one Japanese, and one Hindu.At this notable Convocation the HonorRoll of Alumni who subscribed to theAlumni Campaign was presented.UNIVERSITY NOTES RADIO PROGRAM 397RADIO PROGRAMThree stations now broadcast University programt eatures. Their wave lengtha in meters are: WMAQ,447-5; WLS, 344; KYW, 535.4.The summer radio program from Station WMAQ(447.5 meters) and Station WLS (344 meters) willcon-sist largely of public lectures broadcast from MandelHai] and Harper Library. At the time of going to pressthe following dates are stili subject to cnange.June 23 "Judas Iseanot in Tradition'*Professor Archer TaylorWMAQ, 4:30 P. M.June 25 "Where East Meets West"Professor Fay-Cooper Cole,WMAQ, 4:30 P. M.June 27 "University Religious Service"Dean Shailer Mathews,WLS, 10:50 A. M.JULYJuly 4 "University Religious Service"Dr. Theodore G. Soares,WLS, 10:50 A. M.July 6 "Possible Contributions of Mexico toNorth American Culture"Professor H. I. Priestley,WMAQ, 4:30 P. M.July 8 "Social and Educational Reforms inMexico"Hon. Manuel Gamio,WMAQ, 4:30 P. M.July 11" University Religious Service"Professor Herbert L. Willett,WLS, 10:50 A. M.July \6"Ben/amin Franklin: Citizen, Scien-tist and Philanthropist"Professor Marcus W. Jernegan,WMAQ, 4:30 P. M.Arrangements are being made to broadcast otherpublic lectures from Station WLS. A complete radioschedule will be mailed f ree on application to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange. Weekly features wUlbe readings from modem literature by Professor EdgarG.Frazier, Exchange Professor from Indiana University,and comment on current events.WLS will broadcast Professor Frazier's readings,probably at 7:15 each Tuesday evening; WMAQ willbroadcast current comment at g:oo P. M. Tuesday.Alumni may receive monthly programs free bymailing their names and addresses to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.Discover Action of Digestive GlandUNIVERSITY of Chicago investiga-tors have discovered what makes themost powerful digestive gland in the bodywork and how it can be stimulated. Theexperiments, successfully completed afterabout ten years of trial and error, solvewhat is considered one of the most per-plexing problems in the field, and look topossible treatment of conditions due todeficiency in secretion of pancreatic juice,which will improve various disorders ofdigestion.Mr. Myron Weaver working in collab-oration with Prof. Arno Luckhardt, dis-coverer of the new anaesthetic, ethylene,has succeeded in isolating the active fiorinone or "chemical messenger" of themucous membrane of the small intestinewhich goes into the blood stream and givesa powerful stimulation to the pancreas.The pancreas furnishes the body with themost important of ali digestive fluids.The theory of a very highly technicalprocedure by which the investigators ar-rived at a pure product which may event-ually be injected into the body when thepancreas refuses to work, is described byDr. Luckhardt as follows:"The pancreas is presumably thrown into activity to secrete this ali importantdigestive juice as a result of a 'chemicalmessenger' liberated from the intestinalmucous membrane when the hydrochloricacid of the gastric juice acts upon it. Ex-tracts of the mucous membrane, preparedin the laboratory, yield a product whichcauses secretion of the pancreas but whichcauses such marked lowering of the bloodpressure when injected in laboratory ani-mais that the animai often succumbs."One group of physiologists believed thatthe secretion was the result of a large dropin blood pressure which inevitably accom-panied the administering of the product.Various research students in the depart-ment of physiology have been able to de-stroy the substance producing the secretionwithout effecting any change in the bloodpressure reducing action of the extract. "Mr. Weaver continuing with the latterresults separated and isolated the substanceresponsible for the secretion in so pure aform that it is now impossible to say thatthe secretion results from the drop in bloodpressure. This is an important contribu-tion toward the final purification of theactive principle or constituent which mayin the future be of service in the treatmentof conditions due to inadequate secretionof pancreatic juice."398 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBronze Relief of President EmeritusJudson Presented by Class of 1923A BRONZE relief of President Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson, presented bythe Class of 1923, will be placed in thecorridor of Leon Mandel Assembly Hallby the Board of Trustees to commemoratehis eminent services. It will occupy a placebetween the marble tablet to Martin A.Ryerson, former president of the Board ofTrustees, and the bronze relief of StephenA. Douglas, founder of the old Universityof Chicago.The sculptor of the relief, which is aparticularly fortunate piece of work, isLéonard Crunelle, who did the importantmonumentai statues of Governor RichardJ. Oglesby in Lincoln Park, Chicago, andGovernor John M. Palmer in Springfield,Illinois.Harry Pratt Judson, second presidentof the University of Chicago, who has beenconnected with the University since itsfounding in 1892, succeeded President William Rainey Harper in 1907 and served aspresident till 1923, when he was succeededby the late Ernest DeWitt Burton. From1894 Dr. Judson was Head of the Department of Politicai Science and Dean of theFaculties, and in 1906 was Acting President of the University.In 1914 he was chairman of the ChinaMedicai Commission and in 19 18 directorof the American Relief Commission inPersia, and for many years has been anactive member of the general EducationBoard and the Rockefeller Foundation.Nine universities have conferred on himthe honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.À « AMeasure Germ Killing PowerMETHODS for measuring with elec-trical instruments the virulence orkilling power of pneumonia germs, fromwhich it is possible to calculate how muchchance the patient has of recovery and howmuch of death, have been discovered at theUniversity. It is hoped that the experi- ments will be useful in developing a serumfor the cure and prevention of pneumoniaand to determine how such a serum works,the investigators say.The discovery is the result of experimentswhich have been in progress for nearlysix years. The investigations were con-ducted by Dr. I. S. Falk, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, who is also Directorof Surveys of the Chicago Health Department, and his colleagues, M. A. Jacobson,and H. A. Gussin. They were startedby Dr. Falk at Yale University and con-cluded at Chicago.Having obtained a fresh supply of pneumonia germs from patients in the Cookcounty hospital, Dr. Falk and his assistantsproceeded to develop a method of measuring the killing power of the germs. Asubstitute for man had.to be found. Froma large number of experiments it was finallydiscovered that if the germs were grown ina certain specified way they would killwhite mice in much the same manner inwhich they cause the death of human beings.The next step was to measure how muchkilling power was required in each cultureto kill white mice and then to measure thereadiness with which the germs were clottedtogether or agglutinated by a serum. Itwas found that the most potent germs re-sist clotting the most easily. On the basisof previous knowledge that clotting is de-termined by electrical voltage betweengerms and the solution in which they aresuspended, the investigators built an ap-paratus for measuring this voltage.Then they demonstrated by parallel experiments that the measurement of voltageon the germs is more rapid and simplerthan measurement with animals thus mak-ing a discovery and improving on it at al-most the same time.The Universtiy workers have developed,in addition, methods of changing the virulence of pneumonia germs, increasing ordecreasing it at will. The changes in thegerms can be kept Constant or can be wipedout again, depending on the purposes of theexperiment.UNIVERSITY NOTES 399Nine Comets Observed This YearOF THE nine comets observed so farthis year by University of Chicagoastronomers, one was discovered by Professor George Van Biesbroeck, of the University staff at the Yerkes Observatory, andwill be identified in laboratories throughoutthe world as the Van Biesbroeck comet, ac-cording to a recent statement by DirectorE. B. Frost. While looking for a cometfirst seen by an amateur astronomer namedPeltier in Ohio, Professor Van Biesbroecksaw another comet crossing the orbit ofthe Peltier comet and it was immediatelypicked up through a powerful refractingtelescope. Photographs have been taken atthe Observatory of both the Van Biesbroeck and the Peltier comets, to be filedwith prints previously made of famouscomets like Halley's and Brooks's.Although our solar system contains from100,000 to 1,000,000 comets, according toan estimate made by Director Frost, thegreater part of these never get within therange of human vision, and there is littlelikelihood that the earth and a wanderingcomet will ever collide.& A «A Study of Metropolitan AreasHOW cities, countries, park districts,town, drainage districts, and othertypes of locai politicai units can co-operatein matters of locai improvement will bedetermined in a new study outlined by Professor Charles E. Merriam, head of theDepartment of Politicai Science. Thestudy will scrutinize the government ofmetropolitan areas and will be undertakenby a committee on locai community research. Careful consideration will be givento the many scores of locai governments inthe Chicago region with a view to observingto what extent and in what way they areable to co-operate in construction of high-ways, sewers, water works, and the organization of park systems and the developmentof regional planning.An attempt will be made to make certainconstructive suggestions as to the possibil-ities of greater co-operation and co-ordina-tion among these various governmental agencies with a view to reducing expense,minimizing friction, and making possiblethe more effective organization of government of the area.Another section of the study will dealwith the government of other metropolitan areas, showing how other large citiessuch as New York, Boston, London, andBerlin are dealing with the government ofthe areas around them. Many of thesesituations are widely different from thosein Chicago, but the purpose is to bringtogether the experience and best judgmentof metropolitan centers in handling similarcases.The study will include governing unitswithin the Chicago regional planning area,which is fifty miles in every direction fromState and Madison streets. An incidentalpart of the research will be a considerationof the whole problem of Chicago's relationsto downstate as to Chicago areas lying inIndiana and Wisconsin.& À £3Four Professors Receive Awardsin Aid of ResearchFOUR University of Chicago scholarsare to receive awards in aid of researchduring the year 1926, according to a recentannouncement by the American Council ofLearned Societies. The awards are madethrough a special committee representingfive universities Minnesota, Harvard,John Hopkins, Chicago, and Columbia, therepresentative from Chicago being DeanGordon J. Laing, of the Graduate Schoolof Arts and Literature.The following Chicago professors areamong those receiving the awards:Professor Charles R. Baskervill, to aidin the completion of his history of songdrama in England in the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries; Professor CharlesH. Beeson, to aid in the completion ofmanuscripts of the medieval humanist,Lupus of Ferrieres; Professor William A.Nitze, to aid in collating the Brusselsmanuscript of the Perlesvaus Romance ; andProfessor David H. Stevens, to aid in thecompletion of a bibliography of Miltonfrom 1800 to the present time.(University Notes continued on page 417)NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESA S Convocation approaches, the Campus is awhir with the many last-minute activities which always characterizethe closing of the Spring Quarter. TheSeniors in cap and gown are busily engagedin collecting the remaining $8,000 of theirsubscription of $20,000 which will beturned over to the Board of Trustees tobe held as a foundation for the EarnestDeWitt Burton Memorial Fund. Thisfund, which will eventually amount to$200,000, will be set aside and the interestfrom it will endow a Distinguished ServiceProfessorship.From the recesses of Mandel Cloistercomes an announcement of the Blackfriar'selection in which the following werenamed for 1926-27: Superiors PhillipWatrous, Abbot; Gifford L. Hitz, Prior;Charles Cowan, Scribe; Ben Goble, Prae-centor; and the Staff Charles Harris,Business Manager ; Derwood Lockhard,Production Manager. Eighty-three neo-phytes were inducted into the order at theAnnual "Friar" Banquet.Many of the Alumni will welcome thegood news which comes in the form of anannouncement by the University to theeffect that the Dramatic Association willrepeat "Mr. Pim Passes By" in Leon Man-dei Hall on the evening of June 25 as apart of the series of lectures conducted bythe University each summer. This occasionis particularly significant in that it is thefirst time that students have participated inany of these affairs.University Marshals and Aides who willserve during the next academic year are :Henry R. Sackett, Head Marshall, Lawrence Apitz, Wendell Bennett, Anton Burg,J. P. Hall, Jr., John P.Howe, Reese Price,Jeremiah Quin, Cecil M. Smith, JamesWebster; Catherine Boettcher, RuthBurtis, Esther Cook, Majorie Cooper, AllisGraham, Elizabeth Graham, Frances Law-ton, Irma Stadtler, Miriam Walker, EdnaWilson. The Fellows ClubTHE Fellows' Club of the Universityof Chicago is one of the latest organi-zations to find its place in the life of thecampus. The need for social intercourseamong graduate students is one which isfelt by almost every person engaged ingraduate work in the institution. But thevery circumstances which give rise to thatneed, the specialization characteristic of advanced study, the pressure of routine re-quirements, the challenge of the vastness ofknowledge under the limitations of time andenergy, and the absence of a common meeting place, tend to keep the students withinthe intellectual and social confines of theirown or closely related departments.The Fellows' Club is a first step towardcreating the means for a broader fellowshipand a more cosmopolitan intellectual lifeamong graduate students. The Club hasa brief history as befits its youth. Its immediate forbears were a group of men andwomen who, in the winter of 1924- 1925,got together to discuss the situation and totry to work out a remedy. The remedywhich they finally proposed was a clubhouse for graduate students, equipped witha dining room, lounges, and smaller roomswhere groups might meet for discussion andentertainment. Such a common meetingplace, they thought, would be the mosteffective antidote to the virus of specialization and the consequent isolation. A peti-tion setting forth this proposai, signed byover 750 graduate students, representingevery department and school in the University, was sent to the President and Board ofTrustees. Several plans for providing tem-porary club rooms until more permanentquarters could be found were discussed byrepresentatives of the University and thestudents' committee, but none of them carneto maturity.(Please turn to page 420)400Architect's Sketch of new Stagg Field StadiumDIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS A.A. Stagg announced the awarding ofsixteen major "C's" in five sports. Thisis about the usuai number that has beenawarded Maroon athletes in past years.Track and gymnastics led the list with fiveawards apiece. Cusack, Burg, McKinney,Hobschied, and Beali were given a majorletter, Burg and Beali receiving theirs forthe first time. Old English "C's" were givento Dugan, two miler, Hegovic, half miler,Mickleberry, Morrison, Olwin, StanRouse, Schabinger, and L. E. Smith. MinorEnglish "C's" with T. T. attached weregiven to Armstrong, Cody, Brill, Dystrup,Fouche, Gerhart, Hitz, Kaus, Metzenburg,Salamowitz and Wolf.Only two of Coach McGillvary's swimming team earned a major award. Themen are Capt. Noyes and Lane. Minorawards were won by Diamond, Fellinger,Greenberg, Mygdal, Rittenhouse, andWilder. Sweaters with S. T. were given to Jelinek and Redfield. Capt. Petrolowitzand Gilchrist received the coveted letter inwater basketball with minor awards toHall, Howe, Krogh, White, Gordon, andJelinek.Because of their remarkable showing inwinning the Big Ten title and the NationalIntercollegiate, Coach Dan Hoffer's gym-nasts were rewarded with five big "C's."The lucky ones were Quinn, Connor,Davidson, Flexner and Nelson. Old English "C's" went to McRoy, Paisley andBenson.Coach Spiros K. Vorre's wrestling teambenefited by two major awards these goingto Capt. Graham who was undefeated untilthe Conference meet, and Kaare Krogh,Big Ten champion in the light heavy weightdivision. Old English "C's" were givenJohnson, Kurtz, Shapinsky, Davis, Pen-stone, Schier, Stoehr, and Sterrfield.No major awards were given in fencingfor the first time in years. Minor awards401402 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwent to Scarry, Daugherty, Hopkins andKerr. The basket-ball major awards havealready been announced while the tennisletter winners will be announced later,Coach Stagg is waiting for the conclusion ofthe Conference meet before announcing hisdecision. The golf letter winners will alsobe announced later.» è ÀTrainer Tom Eck DeadTOM ECK, for over a decade trainerof University of Chicago cross countryand long distance track runners, died onJune 5, at the Cook County Hospital, afterap illness of several months.Tom Eck was born Aprii io, 1856, atPrince Albert, Ontario, Canada. Alwaysathletically inclined, he started out when,a boy as a rider of running horses. Horseraces, both running and trotting, trackevents, roller skating, bicycle riding, includ-ing ali distances from the short dashes tothe six-day race, and other athletic events,drew his attention. After establishing anumber of records as an athlete, he becamea trainer in various branches of athletics,and his runners, skaters and riders won along list of national and international records and honors.Eck was "first" in other ways, also. Heoriginated ball-bearing roller skates, thebike-wheel sulky, the loop-the-loop, theboard-banked bicycle track, and the rubbingboard for massaging athletes; he took thefirst American bicycle team to Europe,brought the first group of European racersto America, and managed the first six-daybicycle race, held at Madison SquareGarden, New York. His record, as atrainer, was unique and unsurpassed in cer-tain sports.In his fifty-ninth year, he called on Mr.Stagg and told him he wanted to learntrack athletics as conducted in colleges. Mr.Stagg, attracted by Eck's genial and father-ly personality, and knowing of his record,invited him to come to Stagg Field andlearn the game. After starting as assistantto Trainer "Johnny" Johnson, he becameexperienced enough to assist in coachinglong distance runners and the Cross Country teams. Tom became the "Oracle"of the training quarters, always offeringgood advice to the boys, always willing tohelp, never caustic in his criticism, andfamous for his amusing anecdotes.Funeral services were held at the University Church of Disciples. Professor FredMerrifield, '98, D. B. '01, former memberof the University of Chicago baseball team,preached the sermon. Among the pall-bearers were Director A. A. Stagg, CoachNelson Norgren, '14, James Cusack, '26,track team captain, Walter Marks, '27,captain-elect of the football team, andothers prominent in athletics at the University and elsewhere. Burial was in Oak-woods cemetery.The departure of Tom Eck has causeda deep and widely-felt loss in Chicago'straining quarters. Many Maroon athleteswill long remember Tom with sincere af-fection.À » «Memorial to Walter CampCOLLEGE men, undergraduates andalumni alike, have been enthusiasticin their endorsement of the plans just announced for the erection of a suitablenational memorial to the late Walter Camp,whose fame as the "Father of AmericanFootball" is secure on every campus in theUnited States. Under arrangements completed by the National Collegiate AthleticAssociation, working in dose co-operationwith Yale University, the Walter CampMemorial is to be a tribute not from Yalealumni alone, but from every university,college and preparatory school where football is now played. The memorial is totake the form of a monumentai gateway atthe entrance to the Yale Athletic Fields atNew Haven, which are to be renamedWalter Camp Fields in his honor by theYale Corporation. Plans for this uniqueundertaking, which will be the first timein history that ali American colleges havebeen combined in a joint campaign, califor the participation of 458 colleges. Scoresof "prep" schools will also have a part inraising the money for the memorial. Upon(Please turn to page 420)C RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ìRush Alumni ReunionA review of the Rush Alumni Reunionand Clinics will appear in the July numberof the Magazine.South Dakota Rush Alumni MeetingTHE Rush Alumni of South Dakotaheld a special Rush meeting at thetime of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting ofthe South Dakota State Medicai Association at Aberdeen, May 19-20. On Wednes-day evening, May 19, the Rush fellows satdown to a fine supper that Douglas Alway,'23, had arranged for us. There were fortyRush Alumni in attendance, and twenty-six cities and towns of South Dakota wererepresented.Our faculty guest, Professor Rollin T.Woodyatt, '02, gave us a very interestingtalk about Rush in its new Rawson Building, and about the development of the Medicai Buildings on the Midway. These mag-nificent Medicai Buildings, he stated, arebeing rushed to completion, and the facultyfor the school on the Midway is beingquiétly selected from the best men in eachspecial line of work. In another year the"best medicai school" will be found at theUniversity of Chicago on the Midway.Most interesting talks and stories werethen given by F. E. Clough, '02, W. R.Ball, '02, J. E. Kutnewsky, '82, the earliestRush graduate present, J. Douglas Alway,'23, the latest graduate present, and O.R. Wright, '93. Other stories of "thegood old days" were told by G. J. Long,'09, O. A. Kimble, '08, M. C. Johnston,'96, and L. N. Grosvenor, '02.Dr. T. F. Riggs, the new President ofthe State Medicai Society, was a specialguest at this dinner.Rush graduates certainly did their bestto make the State Meeting a success andwere very prominent in the program. W.R. Ball, '02, was President of the Associa tion ; of the nine papers and clinics pro-vided for the program, four were by Rushmen, as follows: Frederick Tice, '94, ofChicago, Chest Diseases; William R. Murray, '97, of Minneapolis, Eye Diseases; M.M. Myers, '18, of Des Moines, Heart Diseases; and R. T. Woodyatt, '02, of Chicago, Diabetes.The supper and meeting was a most en-thusiastic gathering of Rush men and aliwere deeply interested and pleased to learnof the great medicai developments at theUniversity. "Signing off,"L. N. Grosvenor, '02,Huron, South Dakota.» « «Rush Alumnus Honored byTestimonial BanquetDR. J. D. Smith, Rush '70, who hasbeen practicing in Shelbina, Missouri,for over fifty years, was honored by a testimonial banquet by the citizens of his community on January 25. The banquet wasattended by over 200 citizens, among whomwere leading physicians and other prominent leaders of that section of the state.While the occasion was in observance ofDr. Smith's 77th birthday, it was a generalrecognition of his services as a physicianand citizen of the community extendingover a half century. Appreciative lettersfrom his former patients, sent from alisections of the country, were read, andaddresses were given on his helpful life andservices.Dr. Smith has been practicing in Shelbinasince 1873. He was married in that year,and has six children. For 35 years, in addi-tion to his general practice, he has been locaisurgeon for the Burlington railroad. Atthe time of his studying at Rush, he was aprivate pupil of Dr. R. L. Rea, Professorof Anatomy on the Rush faculty. Dr.Smith is stili active in his practice.403C SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ìC ìAlumni LuncheonAT a luncheon on May 8 in Emmons^Blaine Hall the School of EducationAlumni Association celebrated its annualreunion. In previous years the Alumnihave met at dinner but a change in the program of the Conference of SecondarySchools, which sets the date for the reunion,made it nesessary to change somewhat thecharacter of the meeting. While the timebetween the morning and afternoonsessions of the Conference was limited itwas sufficient for the group of about onehundred Alumni and faculty to enjoy asocial half hour preceding the luncheon.The only speaker at the luncheon wasDean Gray who talked for about fifteenminutes on matters of interest to the Schooland its Alumni and faculty. Dr. Judd,who had planned to be at the luncheon,found it necessary to be out of town.Miss Carolyn Hoefer, President of theAssociation, presided during the businesssession at which the following officers wereelected: Principal W. C. Reavis, A. M. 'n,Ph. D. '25, of the University High School,president for one year to fili the unexpiredterm of Miss Hoefer; Robert Woellner,A .M. '24, of the University High SchoolFaculty, first vice-president ; Logan M.Anderson, A. M. '23, Assistant Directorof the Training Department of the Lake-side Press, Chicago, representative to theAlumni Council during 1926-29. Thosewhose terms do not expire at this time are :Miss Olga Adams, '24, University Ele-mentary School, second vice-president;Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, and Mr. Reavis,representatives to the Council. The sec-retary-Treasurer is Mrs. R. W. Bixler, A.M. '25, Faculty Exchange, University ofChicago.The question of a School of Educationalumni gathering during the summer in addition to the May reunion was broughtbefore the meeting for its consideration butfinal decision of future plans was left tothe new executive committee.It is a matter of deep regret to membersof the Association that Miss Hoefer's healthdoes not permit her to continue her workas president during the coming year. Agreat deal of praise is due her for the timeand thought she has given to the welfare ofthe Association and it is hoped that she willbe able, at some future date, to put intoeffect some of the plans she has formulated.» » ÀFaculty NotesMR. LYMAN, who has been unable togive his courses during the SpringQuarter on account of a serious illness, ismaking a very satisfactory recovery.A tea was given by the Faculty of theUniversity Elementary School on May 20,in the Cloisters of Ida Noyes Hall, inhonor of Miss Katherine Stilwell and Mrs.Mary Root Kern, who retire from activeservice in the University Elementary Schoolat the dose of the present school year.They have both been connected with theSchool of Education since its beginning andhave contributed in many ways to thesplendid work which is done in the University Elementary School. Miss Stilwellis in charge of the Print Shop and of theteaching of printing. The special songbooks which are so often used at Schoolof Education Alumni meetings and othersocial functions were supplied through thecourtesy of Miss Stilwell and her pupils.Mrs. Kern's special interest is in the fieldof elementary-school music and she hasmade valuable studies of the monotoneproblem as presented by the childfen in thegrades.404C LAW SCHOOL ìC 2»Law Alumni ReunionThe story of the Law Alumni Reunionaffairs, with details on the Annual Dinner,will be printed in the July number of theMagazine.« « »Alumni Luncheon at A. B. A.ON THURSDAY, July 15, 1926, theAlumni of the Law School in attendance at the meeting of the American BarAssociation will meet at luncheon in Room2 of the Brown Palace at Denver, Colorado.The arrangements have been made by noless a person than William P. MacCracken,Jr., J.D., '11, who is now Secretary of theAmerican Bar Association. These lunch-eons have been growing each year, and im-proving in quality as well as quantity. Whyshouldn't 50 of our graduates get togetherat this year's gathering?» « «Political Activities InformationTHE Magazine this month notes thecandidacy of several of our graduates.There must be more of them in variousparts of the country.The Secretary will be grateful for lettersand particularly clippings relating to thepoliticai activities of any of our men orwomen. Please write in about yourself, orabout anyone of whom you know. AddressCharles F. McElroy, no South DearbornStreet, Chicago.À » »Political Activities of Law AlumniIn the Cook County Primary on Aprii 13,Francis L. Boutell, J.D. '15, was nominatecion the Republican ticket for President of theBoard of County Commissioners. A year agoMr. Boutell was elected Alderman from the48th ward, defeating a former State Senatorby almost two to one. During his year in theCity Council of Chicago, he was responsible forinitiating the $2,000,000 bond issue for moreadequate Street lighting, which was approved by the voters at the recent primary. He alsoinaugurated a city-wide movement for Streetand passenger loading and unloading zones byinstalling three distinct types of such zones inhis home ward, the 48th, and by introducingan order in the City Council authorizing theCommissioner of Public Works to erect elevatedloading and unloading platforms throughoutthe city. He installed drinking fountains andadditional "stop" and "go" lights in his ward,made Wilson Avenue a through Street, and putmachinery in operation for the widening ofcertain thoroughfares. He also launched amovement recently for adequate transportationto the Forest Preserve District.Elmer J. Schnackenberg, L.L.B., '12, was re-nominated as a candidate on the Republicanticket for the Legislature from the ThirteenthDistrict which includes South Chicago. Mr.Schnackenberg has already served one term inthe Legislature.Sidney Lyon J.D., '07, was re-nominated on theRepublican ticket for the Illinois Legislaturefrom the Fifth District, which includes theUniversity of Chicago. Mr Lyon has alreadyserved ten years in the House."A WHIRLWIND POLITICIAN"CARL E. ROBINSON. J.D. '15. of Jacksonville, Illinois, was nominated at the Republican primaries on Aprii 13, 1926, asa candidate for the Illinois legislature from theForty-fifth District, consisting of Morgan andSangamon counties. Although living in Morgancounty, he polled the highest vote in Sangamon,as well as in his home county. He led his near-est opponent nearly 4,000 votes, receiving 33,424to his rival's 29,482.Robinson has been a whirlwind politician.The next year after his graduation, he wentinto the campaign of 1916, and in a Demo-cratic county was elected State's Attorney onthe Republican ticket by the largest majoritygiven anyone on the ticket. He was re-electedin 1920. His record was that of an able, fear-less law-enforcer who was bone-dry. That thepeople of Morgan county believe in that kindof an officiai is demonstrated in his recent over-whelming victory for the legislature. One ofthe Jacksonville papers says of him:"For a Morgan county man to step over intoSangamon and get the highest vote as well ashere in Morgan, his home county, is some political accomplishment. Mr. Robinson is of thetype to ably represent this district in the lowerhouse."405c BOOK REVIEWS ì^r<^^'^^^=^^^,^^<^^tì=^<^=P':^^c^^':^^<^^The Social Control of BusinessBy John Maurice ClarkTHE most comprehensive and system-atic of books on the many-sided subject of the social control of business is thenew volume by John Maurice Clark. Theauthor has previously demonstrated hisability to attack and organize an unex-ploited subject in his Economics of Over-head Costs. (University of Chicago Press1923) In The Social Control of BusinessMr. Clark is not pioneering in details, buthe is probably the first to cover the entirefield in a systematic way, and to certainphases of the subject he brings new ideas.Others have written singly of the menaceof the machine, or of individualism, or ofpublic ownership of public Utilities; Mr.Clark has brought unity into the wholevast field in this weighty volume.. Are we slaves or masters of machines?Samuel Butler, observing the developingmechanisms about him, asked this questionfìfty years ago. Just now it is in the mindsof many writers, including Mr. Clark.Whether like the author of Ouroboros theydecide that the machines are terrifyingFrankensteins, and that we consume to produce rather than produce to consume, orlike the author of Hephaestus they see inthe machine a liberating force, the thought-ful begin weighing values and calculatingends as soon as the machine becomes a topicof discussion. Mr. Clark does not confinehimself to those paradoxes which mostwriters on the subject cannot resist. Hesees that man is, in many respects, at themercy of machines and that we cannotabolish them; but he also observes that themachines are man's servants. To say thatman is the slave of the machine is at bestno more than a significant paradox.What is social control? In the past ithas been identified largely with legislativecontrol, and business has been looked uponas something apart from control, something which exists first and is then controlled.Mr. Clark, taking a broader view, dis-tinguishes and analyzes in addition to theorthodox form of control, two other kinds:the type which business develops for itselfout of its own needs and customs, and thetype which the courts develop in settlingdisputed cases. He treats common andstatute law, and enters into a more comprehensive discussion of codes of economieethics than has appeared in any other workin the field.Individualism is customarily taken tomean absence of control, but to Mr. Clark,individualism is itself a system of control.He analyzes it thoroughly and comparesit with socialism, syndicalism (and itsAmerican equivalent, the I. W. W.) revo-lutionary communism, and anarchism. Isindividuai enterprise a sufficient safeguardfor the interests of the public? Mr. Clarkwould answer that it is not. But he isopposed to sudden change, and believes itbetter to let individualism hold the fieldthan to have government meddling in business.Part II of the volume concentrates upona group of concrete problems, especiallythose common to trusts, railroads, and public utilities. Mr. Clark does not favorpublic ownership of public utilities. Thelower rates, more elaborate service, andhigher wages for employes, promised bypublic ownership, are in Mr. Clark's opinion, too likely to be fictitious gains comingultimately out of the pockets of the tax-payers.Other actual problems discussed areprice control and protecting the consumeragainst exploitation. A large and significant section of the entire field of economicsis covered. In the classroom this may profit-ably be supplemented by the comprehensivetreatment of concrete problems in Hamil-ton's Current Economie Problems (Uni-', Pii'ase turn to page 421)406OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec. Mrs. J. P.Pope, 1102 N. 9th St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Charlotte Day,West. Ky. State Normal School.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott,374 S. 2ist St.Charleston, III. Sec, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harry R.Swanson, 1383 Illinois Merchants BankBldg.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Lola B. Lowther, 1910E. 93rd St.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs,West High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Clara L. Small, 1404Taylor Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington. W. Va. Sec, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. Sec, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitch-ell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Lucy Dell Henry, Mich. Agr. Col.Iege.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). Sec,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 2000 S.3rd St.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Harold C. Walk-er, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. Sec, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. 14* St.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, Brad-ley Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Sec, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. i5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. HaroldRush.407Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Mrs. John H. Wake-field, 1419 3ist Ave., S. E.Rapid City, S. D. Sec, Della M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). Sec, Dr. Fred B. Firestone,1325 Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 509Second Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'I Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts. Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, III.). Sec, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th Se IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy-ler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, PhilippineHerald.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, FirstHigher School.CLASS SECRETARIES01.02.o3.'09. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54thPI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marmette Rd. 'io. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21 Enid Townley, 5546 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.408NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'95 Harry Eugene Kelly, ex, has been electedPresident of the Union League Club. He is alecturer on Medicai Jurisprudence at RushMedicai College, and the author of "Regulationof Physicians by Law."'00 William James Pringle, ex, of the lawfirm of Pringle, Terwilliger, and Pieruccini,is now located at 7 South Dearborn Street,Chicago.'00 Helen Thompson Woolley (Mrs. PaulG.) is Director of the Institute of Child Wel-fare Research, Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity, New York City.'01 Mary Dewhurst Miles is turning hercountry home at Mt. Carroll, Illinois, into asummer place for children. She has nurses, akindergartner and a domestic science expert toassist her, and plans to keep her home open,from June first to September first, for childrenbetween the ages of three and six years, whoseparents wish to leave them during ali or partof the summer. '03 Lorena King Fairbank (Mrs. A. B.), ofSioux Falls, South Dakota, was elected President of the South Dakota division of the American Association of University Women at thesectTonal conference held in Sioux Falls, Aprii30-May 1.'06 J. B. Craig is National Secretary of theBible School Department of the United Presby-terian Church.'06 Ella M. Jones is teaching English inLindblom High School, Chicago.'06 Mrs. Ella R. Metsker Milligan, Instructorin History of Fine Arts at the University ofDenver, has been giving a series of lectureson Architecture. She plans to travel with anArchitects' Group through Europe, this summer.'07 Margaret E. Burton is Executive of Education and Research Division of the NationalBoard of the Y. W. C. A., in New York City.'08 Edgar R. Born, ex, is President of M.Born and Company, Wholesale Tailors, Chicago.l^eep zAIive ThatREUNION SPIRITWith a reminder of the U. of C.AWall ShieldSong BookBook EndsPennantBannerPillowMay be obtained promptlythrough mail service or direct from your campus store.The University of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave. CHICAGO ALUMNI have a unique chance forService and Loyalty. Teliyour ambitious friends whocan not attend classes aboutthe 450which your Alma Mater offers. Throughthem sheisreachingthousandsin ali partsof the country and in distant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(box s) chicago, illinois4094io THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'08 Wilbur Rogers is with the New YorkLife Insurance Company, 39 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago.'09 Harry Hansen is Literary Editor of theNew York World.'io I. N. Warner is teaching Mathematics inthe State Normal School at Platteville, Wisconsin.'io Ernest Carlyle Freemark is an instructorin History in J. S. Morton High School, Cicero,Illinois.'n H. R. Baukhage is Business Manager ofthe Consolidated Press Association, with head-quarters in the Evening Star Building, Washington, D. C. He has the supervision of CurrentNews Features, Inc.'11 Mollie Ray Carroll, A. M. '15, Ph. D.'20, has been elected one of the vice-presidentsof the National League of Women Voters.'11 Ralph H. Kuhns, M. D. '13, Professor ofthe Diseases of Children at the Illinois Post-Graduate Medicai School, Chicago, has beenlecturing this winter in different parts of thestate, under the auspices of the Illinois StateMedicai Society.'11 Nona McQuilkin is teaching in the StateNormal School at Superior, Wisconsin.'11 Margaret M. Sleezer has been promotedto the principalship of Andersen School, Chicago.'n Mrs. Harriette Taylor Treadwell andMary Leist, '25, pian an extended trip thissummer through Norway, Sweden, Denmark,Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and Swit-zerland.'12 L. E. Koehne is teaching Geography andHistory at Parker High School, Chicago.'12 A. Boyd Pixley, ex, is Vice-President ofPixley and Ehlers, Restaurateurs, and Treasur-er of the Chicago Association of Restaurateurs.'12 John E. Thomas, Jr., has discontinuedhis Consulting practice as a petroleum geologistto engagé in oil producing on his own behalf.He has opened an office at 602 Fort WorthClubBuilding, Fort Worth, Texas.'13 Alfred Livingston, A. M. '15, is Director of Educational and Vocational Guidance,Alhambra High School, Alhambra, California.'13 Ina Perego is Director of Speech, Rock-ford High School, Rockford, Illinois.'13 William S. Turner, A. M., is Professorof Social Science and Dean of Shaw University,Raleigh, North Carolina.'14 Eleanor M. Mahany is Assistant Principal at A. O. Sexton School, Chicago.'14 Mary E. Marye is organizing a six-weeks ranch and vacation tour for girls oversixteen. She has bought a ranch in Wyoming,to which she will take her party and from whichthey will make daily trips horseback into themountains, ending with a tour of YellowstonePark. aaa¦a¦aaaa DIVINITYALUMNI NOTES »¦8'11-»¦»»»»¦Chester H. Howe, D. B., '04, has been devel-oping an important experiment in connectionwith the young people's work of the First Baptist Church, New London, Connecticut, of whichhe is pastor. Two groups of young people havebeen organized with their own councils andofficers who take ali responsibility and initiativefor ali work of the two groups. They conducttheir own departments during the church schoolhour, hold a devotional meeting at the eveninghour, carry on social work, service activities,etc The state director for religious educationgives this church credit for the best developedyoung people's work in the state.A. J. Marsh, D. B., '97, has recently beenelected President of Boston University. Dr.Marsh studied in the Divinity School in 1897.Elisha M. Lake, D. B., '97, is now pastor ofthe First Baptist Church, Portsmouth, NewHampshire.Mrs. Glen Kelly. A. M., '19, Houghton, Michigan, nee Regina Helm, is the happy mother ofa little daughter who recently arrived in herhome. Congratulations !George Davis, D. B., '25, of the South BaptistChurch, Milwaukee, attended the dedication ofthe Theology Building Aprii 5th. He reportsa growing work in his community.Robert Lincoln Kelley, D. B., '08, spent themonths of March and Aprii with the churchesof West Virginia as Field Representative of theBoard of Missionary Co-operation of the Northern Baptist Convention.William E. Chalmers, D. B., '97, was a prom-inent participant in the program of the International Council of Religious Education held inBirmingham, Alabama, Aprii 17-19.Roy J. Snell, A. M., '17, described by theChicago Daily News as "author of books about .strange corners of the earth and lecturer on un-usual places where men perform queer deeds inevery day life," recently gave two series oftalks to children in the suburban schools of Chicago. Most of Mr. Snell's stories and lectureshave dealt with the Eskimos in the Arctic zonewhere he has travelled extensively, but hisstories this time deal largely with the Indiansin British Honduras and other countries border-ing the Caribbean where he has recentlytravelled.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 411aaaaa«¦8 Doctors of PhilosophyALUMNI NOTES »»¦»»»»»»¦¦a »Department of PathologyDavid J. Davis, 1905, is now acting as theDean of the University of Illinois College ofMedicine in Chicago. He has been active indeveloping the splendid new group of researchlaboratories and hospitals recently built by theState University adjacent to the Cook CountyHospital.Liborio Gomez, 1908, who is now Professor ofPathology in the University of the Philippines,recently visited the University of Chicago onhis way back to Manila after a sabbatica! yearspent in study and research in Europe.Harry J. Corper, 191 1, is this year Chairmanof the section on Pathology and Physiology ofthe American Medicai Association, and pre-sided at its meeting held recently in Dallas.Doctor Corper has organized an active research institute for the investigation of tuber-culosis at the National Jewish Hospital forConsumptives in Denver, Colorado, and hasmade many valuable contributions to the literature of tuberculosis. He is a member of theeditorial staff of the American Review ofTuberculosis.Russell Morse Wilder, 191 1, is the Chiefof the Diabetic Clinic of the Mayo Clinic inRochester, Minnesota, and has been publishingnumerous articles on the chemical features andclinical manifestations of diabetes.Aaron Arkin, 1913, has made his residencein Vienna for several years, where he is attachedto the clinic of Doctor Wenckebach.Edwin F. Hirsch, 19 14, has recently organized the research and clinical laboratories ofthe new St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago. Heand his associates are carrying out importantstudies on the physical chemistry of immuno-logical reactions.Julian H. Lewis, 1915, has recently beenawarded a Guggenheim Fellowship whichcarries with it a year for research work andtravel in Europe. Doctor Lewis plans to continue his investigations on immunological problems under the direction of Professor Doerrin Switzerland.Harry L. Huber, 1917, is doing investigativework on hay fever and asthma at the McCor-mick Institute for Infectious Diseases in Chicago. He has recently received a grant fromthe American Medicai Association to financehis investigative work.Gleason C. Lake, 1918, has been doing investigative work in the Hygienic Laboratory at Are YouA Craftsman?Skilled craftsmen with an education are in demand asteachers in vocational schools.Are you anArchitectural DraftsmanBakerBarberBricklayer 85 PlastererCarpenterElectricianFoundrymanMachinistPainter 85 DecoratorPlumber 85 Steam FitterPrinterSheetjMetal WorkerStationary EngineerPositions in the above craftsand others are open now andin September. Write givingfull particulars with referenceto age, experience, educationand salary expected.Address-State Board of VocationalEducation, Madison, Wis.412 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWashington, especially on Malta Fever andTularemia. During his work he has been in-fected with each of these diseases, from which,fortunately, he has now recovered after a longillness.Esmond R. Long, 1919, has for several yearsreceived annual grants from the Committee onResearch of the National Tuberculosis Association to finance his investigative work carriedon at the University of Chicago. Doctor Longhas been studying especially the metabolism ofthe tubercle bacillus and the chemical composi-tion of tuberculin, having made numerous important contributions on these topics. Last yearhe was Chairman of the Section on Pathologyof the National Tuberculosis Association.Elizabeth Pauline Wolf (Mrs. N. L. Blitz-sten), 1922, after a period of study in Europehas taken charge of the electrocardiograph station in the clinic on heart disease at the MichaelReese Hospital, Chicago.Bernard Portis, 1923, after a year's study inEurope, has returned to do practice and research on the Surgical Staff of the Michael ReeseHospital. His research work at present con-cerns the influence of surgical procedures onthe functions of the stomach and intestines.Louis H. Braafladt, 1923, has returned toTsinan, China, to resumé his duties as Professor and Head of the Department of Pathology at the Shantung Christian University.Louis Leiter, 1924, has been on the staff ofthe Rockefeller Institute in New York, for thepast year. The coming year he will spend instudy and research work in Europe.H. Gideon Wells, 1903, was recently electedto membership in the National Academy ofSciences. His Iatest book, Chemical Aspects ofImmunity, is now being translated into Germanand French. A fifth edition of his book onChemical Pathology has recently appeared.Department of PhysiologyWalter Eugene Garry, 1900, Professor electof Physiology in the new medicai school atVanderbilt University is spending a year inresearch and study in Europe.Walter Joseph Meek, 1909, Head of the Department of Physiology, University of Wisconsin, has been a member of the Council of theAmerican Physiological Society for a number ofyears and Secretary of the Society for the lasttwo years.Arno Benedict Luckhardt, 1911, who discovered the new anesthetic, ethylene, three yearsago, spent last year in Europe. He is backin the University as Professor of Physiologyand is pursuing his investigations of tetanyand epilepsy.Arthur Lawrie Tatum, 1913, Associate Professor of Pharmacology in the University, hasrecently published important investigations onthe causes and control of drug addiction, par-ticularly morphine and cocaine. His researchis stili in progress. Charles Edwin King, 1914, Associate Professor of Physiology in Vanderbilt University, spentsix months in Europe in study and investigations, returning to his duties in Vanderbilt University in January of this year.Walter Lee Gaines, 1915, Professor of MilkProduction in the University of Illinois, hasrecently completed an investigation for theAmerican Medicai Association on the allegedgalactagogue action of edestin, a protein fromcotton seed.Franklin Chambers McLean, 1915, Professorof Medicine in the University of Chicago, isspending a year in the medicai clinics inEurope. He returned to the University campusin March for a brief visit in connection withthe budget for the new medicai school, but isnow on his way back tò Europe. He expectsto be back on the campus permanently inOctober.Fred Terry Rogers, 1916, Professor of Physiology, Baylor University Medicai School, willbe on the staff in Physiology in the Universityduring the coming summer quarter.Andrew Conway Ivy, 1918, for several yearsAssociate Professor of Physiology in the University, accepted the Professorship of Physiologyin Northwestern University Medicai School lastOctober. He has recently published epoch-making researches on gastric and pancreaticfunctions.Lester Raymond Dragstedt, 1920, formerlyProfessor of Physiology in the NorthwesternUniversity Medicai School, and recently ap-pointed Associate Professor in Surgery in theUniversity of Chicago, is spending the year instudy and investigation in Vienna.Ralph Waldo Gerard, 1921, has gone toLondon as Fellow in Physiology of the National Research Council. He will spend a yearin London working with the eminent physi-ologist, Professor Hill.Cari Albert Dragstedt, 1923, has returnedfrom Kenmare, North Dakota, where he fora time was engaged in the practice of surgery,and has accepted the position of Professor ofPharmacology in Northwestern UniversityMedicai School.Nathaniel Kleitman, 1923, has returned tothe University as Assistant Professor ofPhysiology, after spending two years in theUniversities of Utrecht, and Paris on an appointment as Fellow in Physiology of the National Research Council. Dr. Kleitman recenti)published important investigations on the Physiology of Sleep.Nelles Boyd Laughton, 1924, Assistant Professor of Physiology in the University of Western Ontario, is engaged with a group in in-vestigating a substance found in the liver thatpromises to be of value in the cure of highblood pressure.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 4i3Record * br eakingFor sustained rate of inereaseyear after year, Chesterfield'ssales record is unparalleled.A convincing proof of quality.ChesterfieldCIGARETTES414 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECarlos I. Reed, 1925, is Associate Professorat Baylor University Medicai School, Texas.He has recently published a series of importantpapers on the physiological action of Iight.Frederick T. Jung, 1925, has accepted an In-structorship in Physiology at NorthwesternUniversity Medicai School.» & «HYGIENE AND BACTERIOLOGYWilliam E. Cary, '16, is again associated withthe University. He is doing investigation workon food poisoning and on measles as AssistantProfessor on the Douglas Smith Foundation.John E. Gordon, '21, has completed his workfor an M. D. degree fro Rush Medicai College, and has accepted the position of AssistantSuperintendent of the Municipal ContagiousHospital.Ivan C. Hall, '21, is head of the Departmentof Bacteriology and Public Health at the Medicai School of the University of Colorado inDenver.Allan F. Reith, '25, is doing research on humanfocal infections, in line with the subject ofhis thesis, in the Department of PreventiveMedicine of the A. O. Smith Steel ProductsCorporation of Milwaukee.» A «MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICALASTRONOMYThe Departments of Mathematics andMathematical Astronomy have turned out 155Doctors, of whom ali but eight are in theteaching profession and for the most part incolleges and universities.Of this number two are presidents, 15 areheads or chairmen of departments in universities, sixty-seven are full professors in universities or colleges, twenty-five are associateprofessors, thirty are assistant professors, andsix are instructors. Six of these Doctors arefull professors in the University of Chicagoand three of these are members of the National Academy of Science, namely, ProfessorsBliss, Dickson, and Moulton.The book entitled "Algebras and TheirArithmetics" by Professor L. E. Dickson, '96,which was published two years ago by theUniversity of Chicago Press, is now beingtranslated into German and will soon be published at Zurich, Switzerland.A new book entitled "A Survey Course inMathematics," which is intended for use ina freshman course, has just been published byHarper & Brothers under the editorship of Professor H. E. Slaught, '98. The author of thetext is Professor N. J. Lennes, '07, Professorof Mathematics at the University of Montana.The New Algebra for first year high school bySlaught & Lennes is in press for publicationthis spring. Professor John A. Miller, '99, of the Department of Astronomy at Swarthmore College, wasin charge of one of the expeditions for viewingand studying the last eclipse of the sun. He hasrecently returned to Swarthmore after an ex-tended trip in this connection.Professor G. A. Bliss, '00, is the author of thefirst of a series of Monographs on mathematicaltopics intended for non-specialists in mathematics. These Monographs are published by theOpen Court Publishing Company of Chicagothrough funds provided by Mrs. Mary H.Carus, under the auspices of the MathematicalAssociation of America.Professor Oswald Veblen, '03, has just beenappointed to a research professorship in mathematics at Princeton University on a specialfoundation provided by a Princeton alumnuswho is a resident of Chicago.R. L. Moore, '05, has recently been promotedto a full professorship at the University ofTexas. He will be in residence at the summersession of the University of Texas, 1926.Professor Buzz Walker, '06, has for manyyears been at the head of the Department ofMathematics in the Mississippi Agricultural andMechanical College, and has recently been madePresident of that institution.Professor G. D. Birkhoff, '07, has just been appointed to a research professorship at HarvardUniversity, where he has been a full professorfor a number of years.N. J. Lennes, '07, professor and head of theDepartment of Mathematics at the Universityof Montana, has written a volume of 486 pageson the "Teaching of Arithmetic," published bythe Macmillan Company. He has also justissued a textbook for freshmen entitled "ASurvey of Mathematics," published by Harper& Bros.Mary E. Sinclair, '08, professor of mathematics at Oberlin College, is spending the yearin advanced study of Geometry in Rome, Italy.Arnold Dresden, '09, associate professor ofmathematics at the University of Wisconsin,was the symposium speaker at the recent meetings of the American Mathematical Society heldat the University of Chicago.W. D. MacMillan, who was promoted lastyear to a full professorship in mathematical astronomy at the University of Chicago, is to takepart in a debate on the question of EinsteinRelativity at the May meeting of Sigma Xi atthe University of Indiana. The other debateron this occasion is Professor R. D. Carmichaelof the University of Illinois.T. H. Hildebrandt, 'io, has recently been promoted to a full professorship at the Universityof Michigan and is now travelling and studyingin Europe.Anna J. Peli, 'io, professor and head of theDepartment of Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College, was recently married to Professor WheelerNEWS OF THE CLASSES 415of Princeton University. Professor Pell-Wheel-er has been selected as one of the Colloquiumlecturers for the summer meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Madison, Wisconsin in 1927.E. W. Chittenden, '12, full professor of mathematics at Iowa State University, is to be amember of the staff of the University of Texasduring the coming summer quarter.Olive Hazlett, '15, formerly of Mt. HolyokeCollege, is now assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Illinois.A. L. Nelson, '15, formerly at the Universityof Michigan, is now professor of mathematicsat the University of Detroit.E. D. Grant, '16, professor and head of thedepartment of mathematics at Earlham College, Indiana, is registrar of that institution andan active member of the American Associationof University Registrata.W. L. Hart, '16, was recently promoted toa full professorship of mathematics at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of acollege algebra published by D. C. Heath &Company in 1925.A. R. Schweitzer, '16, is continuing his research at home in Chicago and at the sametime engaging in important civic activities inthat part of the city.W. P. Ott, '17, formerly of Vanderbilt University, is now professor and head of the Department of Mathematics at the University ofAlabama.W. G. Simon, '18, who is an associate professor at Western Reserve University, has beenacting head of the Department of Mathematicssince the death of the former head, Dr. A. D.Pitcher, 'io.E. H. Carus, '21, is president of the CarusChemical Company located at LaSalle, Illinois.He, in connection with his mother, Mrs. MaryH. Carus, has been very active in promotingthe interests of mathematics in this country,especially through the important gift by Mrs.Carus to the Mathematical Association of America which has rendered possible a series ofMonographs for non-technical readers.Mrs. M. I. Logsdon, '21, was promoted lastyear to an assistant professorship at the University of Chicago, and she is spending the presentyear on a Rockefeller International fellowshipin advanced study of Geometry under distinguished professors at the University of Rome,Italy.C. C. MacDuffee, '21, formerly at PrincetonUniversity, is now an assistant professor ofmathematics at Ohio State University.J. D. Eshleman, '22, has recently been promoted to an assistant professorship of mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania.W. S. Kimball, '22, formerly instructor at theUniversity of Michigan, is now assistant prò- A PhilosophicProfessionThe Law? No; although likethe law it requires a grasp ofaffairs, economics, and tenden-cies.Medicine? No; although likemedicine its practice requires in-sight into human character.The Ministry? No; althoughthere is in it much of that interest in the welfare of otherswhich distinguishes the minister.This profession is the under-writing of life insurance.What we are saying, and havebeen saying in these pages, isthat we, as a strong and estab-lished company, have to offer toan educated man not only adequate financial return for abilitysho wn, not only f reedom for andencouragement in the exerciseofingenuity and originality, butalsoaconnectionwith abusinesswhichcan and does feed, as few can or 'do, your immeasurably strongand important hunger for philosophic satisfaction in daily work.Yot* can obtain complete and con-fidential information by calling onone of our Qeneral Agents or byivriting to the Inquiry Bureau,John Hancock Life Insurance Co.,197 Ciarendon St., Boston, Mass.JRANCE COMPANY'of Boston, MassachusettsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Saie and Secure in Every Way.416 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfessor of mathematics at Michigan State College, Lansing, Michigan.Major N. B. MacLean, '22, is professor andhead of the Department of Mathematics at theUniversity of Manitoba.G. E. F. Sherwood, '23, professor of mathematics at the University of California, Southern Branch, is spending the present year inEurope, mostly in England studying under Professor Hobson and others.C. E. Van Horn, '23, is senior lecturer andhead of the Department of Mathematics ofJudson College, Rangoon, Burma.Marguerite Darkow, '24, who spent the year1924-25 in study abroad, is now instructor inmathematics at the University of Indiana.L. M. Graves, '24, who for two years hasbeen a Research Fellow in mathematics underappointment of the National Research Counciland located at Harvard University, has beenappointed to an assistant professorship of mathematics at the University of Chicago and willtake up his duties during the coming summerquarter.Mark H. Ingraham, '24, who is now assistantprofessor of mathematics at the University ofWisconsin, has been appointed to an associateprofessorship at Brown University.Miss Echo D. Pepper, '25. is spending the present academic year on a Rockefeller InternationalFellowship in England studying at Oxford underProfessor Hardy. On her return she is to beinstructor for the coming year at Bryn MawrCollege.D. L. Holl, '25, who was formerly at OhioWesleyan University, is now assistant professorof mathematics at Iowa State College, Ames,Iowa.P. G. Robinson '25, who for a number ofyea'rs was instructor of mathematics at the University of Chicago High School, is now instructor at Iowa State College.V. A. Tan, '25, who took his Doctor's degreeat the University of Chicago after a numberof years of study in America, is now professorof mathematics at the University of the Phil-ippines.E. P. Lane, '18, has just been promoted to anassociate professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago. Announcement has beenmade of the fellowship appointments under theGuggenheim Foundation and in this list Professor Lane is included as one of the thirty-eightappointees out of some sixteen hundred appli-cants. He will spend the coming academicyear in Italy, making a comparative study ofmethods of investigation in the field of pro-jective differential geometry used by Americanand Italian geometers. He will study under Professor Bompiani in Bologna and ProfessorFubini at the University of Turin. Among the announcements of summer termsin various American universities, we find inthe Departments of Mathematics that Doctorsof the University of Chicago are liberally rep-resented. For example, at the University ofWisconsin, Arnold Dresden, E. B. Skinner; atthe University of Texas, R. L. Moore, E. W.Chittenden; at the University of Pennsylvania,J. D. Eshleman; at the University of Oklahoma,J. O. Hassler, E. D. Meachem ; at the University of Minnesota, W. L. Hart, A. L. Under-hill; at the University of Michigan, L. A. Hopkins; at the University of Iowa, R. P. Baker,E. W. Chittenden (ist term) ; at the Universityof Chicago, H. E. Slaught, L. E. Dickson, W. D.MacMillan, E. P. Lane, A. C. Lunn, W. L. G.Williams, and F. S. Nowlan.S , . tfEDUCATIONALUMNI NOTES'12 Mrs. F. A. Vickland (Leonora Montague,Cert.) is Kindergarten Assistant in the JapaneseChristian Institute at Los Angeles.'14 Shirley F. Stewart, A.. M., is Professorof Education at Earlham College, Richmond,Ind.'16 Elmer B. Brown, A. M has been Associate Professor of Education at the State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Mo., since 1924.17 Elizabeth Mary Blish, Ph. B., is Principal of the Oliver Wendell Holmes School inChicago.'20 Emery W. Leamer, A. M., is Director ofthe Training School, State Normal School, La-Crosse, Wis. He is author of "Diagnostic Practice Sentences in Handwriting."?2i Bonnie E. Mellinger, Ph. B., has been astudent at Teachers College, Columbia University, during the past year.'22 Lucy A. Thomas, Ph. B., teaches Englishat the Bowen High School in Chicago.'23 Forrest M. Bullock, A. M.. Ph. B. '19,is Professor of Education at the State TeachersCollege, Kearney, Nebraska.'24 Frank R. Stephenson, Ph. B., is principalof the Indiana Masonic Home High School atFranklin, Indiana.'25 Helen Battin, Ph. B., is in charge of thefirst grade in the Sussex School, Shaker Heights,Cleveland, Ohio.'25 Katherine Barrett, Ph. B., is in chargeof the first grade in the Onaway School, ShakerHeights, Cleveland, Ohio.UNIVERSITY NOTESUniversity Notes(Continued from page 399)Six Hundred Courses for the SummerQuarterOFFICIAL announcements for the coming Summer Quarter at the University,which begins June 21 and ends September3, include over six hundred courses to begiven in Arts, Literature, Science, Divinity,Law, Medicine, Education, Commerce andAdministration, and Social Service Administration. The student may registerfor the First Term (June 21 July 28)or the Second Term (July 29 September3), or for the entire quarter.The last Summer Quarter's attendancewas the largest in the history of the University, 6,595. The chief gain was in theGraduate Schools of Arts, Literature, andScience, the attendance in these schoolsbeing 3,137. Including students in theProfessional Schools with a Bachelor'sdegree, the total number of graduate students was 3,837.There will be completed for the Summer Quarter the fine new buildings for theDivinity School, the Whitman Laboratoryof Experimental Biology, and the RawsonLaboratory of Medicine and Surgery atRush Medicai College ; and the newPhysiology Building may be available forSummer Quarter use.The Greek Peasant in ChicagoWE CANNOT deal adequately withforeign groups in Chicago until weunderstand their life and customs," saidProfessor Fay-Cooper Cole, the Universityof Chicago anthropologist, in announcinga new anthropological study of the Greekpeasant in Chicago similar to one madelast year of the Italian peasant. Groups ofstudents will devote particular study to thephysical type that has been developedthrough race admixture and heredity, whileothers will record his folk-lore, his religion,and his magic. A part of the study coursewill be devoted to an outline by ProfessorCole of the methods used in studying a so-called primitive people, with emphasis onthe procedure used in the study of theItalian. Largest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. For manyyears a leader. Recently doubled its spaceto meet increasing demands.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universitiesand operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.Affiliated offices in several cities.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.Public school work including teaching andadministrative positions; also, positions forcollege graduates outside of the teachingfield. A general educational informationbureau and a clearing house for schoolsand teachers.See us for First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HYDEPARK property paying6% and 6V2%INTERESTThe notes and bonds lare certified toby the Chicago Title & Trust Co.trustee and title guaranteed.UNIVERSITYSTATE BANKA Clearing House Bank1354 E. 55th St., Cor. Ridgewood41S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Anthropology can administer first aidto the other social sciences on a study ofthis kind," Professor Cole points out, "byfurnishing them with fìrst-hand informa-tion which will help them in their effortto control human conduct. Trying to control an alien group w-ithout the fìrst-handinformation is like trying to mix one chemical which is known with another unknownand fìnding out the identity of the secondby the precipitate which results. The mostsatisfactory method is to identify the secondbefore an attempt is made to mix the two."Significant Curriculum StudiesTHREE important curriculum studiesare under way in the University ofChicago School of Education under thedirection of Professor W. W. Charters.Ali three studies use variations of the sametechnique. The curriculum is determined,first, by making an analysis of the dutiesand traits involved in a profession ; second,by collecting the methods utilized in per-forming the duties; and third, by derivingfrom the two foregoing steps the funda-mental information necessary to perform theduties intelligently.The study of the curriculum of collegesof pharmacy which has been made for theCommonwealth Fund has been in progressfor nearly three years, and the results arenow ready for publication. In this studythe raw materal for the pharmacy curriculum has been collected and presented tofaculties of the colleges of pharmacy in theform of specifications of the minimumessentials for courses in such colleges.For the Carnegie Corporation and theAmerican Library Association a curriculum for library schools is being developed,and for the Committee on AdministrativeUnits of the Commonwealth Fund ateacher-training curriculum. For the lat-ter purpose, during the summer of 1925,rough analyses of teachers' duties weresecured from 10,000 teachers in residencein summer schools and representing theforty-eight states. Lectures on ElizabethanPersonalitiesDR. CONYERS READ, formerlyProfessor of History at the University, and since 1920 Non-Resident Professor, recently gave a most interestingseries of lectures at the University on somenotable figures during the reign of QueenElizabeth in England."A college boy trying to play a girl'spart in a dramatic production" was thegist of Dr. Read's opinion of Queen Elizabeth, as expressed in his lecture. "Shewas entirely lacking in feminine modesty,feminine charm, and her personal meritshave been greatly overrated by subsequenthistorians," according to Dr. Read. "Onthe other hand, she excelled in intelligence,force of character, and an extraordinaryability to achieve what she set out to do."What feminine charm she might have as-sumed was blotted out by her violent tem-per, and extreme pride. Her popularitylay outside of those who know her in-timately.Lord Cecil Burghley, secretary to "GoodQueen Bess" and famed in English historyas one of the greatest personalities of theElizabethan reign, was second in greatnessonly to the Elizabeth. That Lord Burghley was not a prig Dr. Read pointed outby the fact that while Burghley was anundergraduate on the Cambridge campushe married a wineshop keeper's daughter;but, Dr. Read hastened to add, she was cer-tainly an unusual wineshop keeper's daughter. Dr. Read proved the Nationalist'seccentricity by the fact that Lord Burghleynever used arabic numerals but Roman nu-merals always.Among the other individuai character-istics of the great statesman were : that hedid not care for travel, that his learning wasconfined to books and letters chiefly, andthat he arranged his family tree to his ownsatisfaction. That Lord Burghley's was notan authentic family tree has been proven byrecent historians.Dr. Read, who is well known in thehistorical world for his articles in the "English and American Historical Reviews,"and the "Bardon Papers" edited for theUNIVERSITY NOTES 4-Royal Historical Society of London, has re-ceived much favorable comment from crit-ics in both countries on his recently published work, Mr. Secretary W alsinghamand the Policy of Queen Elizabeth. Thiswork, of three volumes, which the WeeklyLondon Times calls a learned and ableoutcome, was spread over twenty years.Professors from Other Institutionson Summer Quarter FacultyAMONG instructors from other institu-xVtions on the Summer Quarter Facultyof Arts, Literature, and Science at the University of Chicago will be over forty of fullprofessorial rank, including the following :Edward Cooke Armstrong, professor ofthe French language, Princeton University; Eugene Campbell Barker, professor ofAmerican history, University of Texas;Eric Tempie Bell, professor of mathematics, University of Washington; John Bur-net, professor of Greek, St. Andrews University, Scotland; Samuel Paul Capen,chancellor of the University of Buffalo;Ernst Cohen, professor of physical chemis-try, University of Utrecht, Holland ; Marion GrifEn Dana, professor of public healthand director of commons, Yale University;Monroe Emanuel Deutsch, professor ofLatin, University of California; and OscarPelham Edgar, professor of English, Victoria College, University of Toronto.Other professors on the summer Facul-ties at Chicago are Frank Albert Fetter,political economy, Princeton University;John Robert Charles Evans, geology, Bran-don College, Manitoba, Canada; WilliamC. Graham, Old Testament language andliterature, Wesleyan Theological College,Montreal; Arnold Bennett Hall, politicaiscience, University of Wisconsin; GeorgeRemington Havens, Romance languages,Ohio State University; William Howard,German, Harvard University, GroverGerhardt Huebner, commerce and administration, University of Pennsylvania; The-ophile James Meek, Semitic languagesand literatures, University of Toronto;Raymond Morley, politicai science, Columbia University; and Helge Nelson, geog-raphy, Universtiy of Lund, Sweden. theAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-FIRST year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEW YORK, DENVER AND SPOKANE+20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Fellows Club(Continued from page 400)Recently a more successful effort has beenmade to bring graduate students together.The Fellows' Club dates from Aprii, 1926,when Dean Laing invited the Fellows tomeet President Mason at dinner in Hut-chinson Commons. Subsequent meetingshave produced a full-fledged organization,with a constitution, by-laws, and officers asfollows :President, David L. Wickens, PoliticaiEconomyFirst Vice-President, Helen Fisher Hoh-man, Political EconomySecond Vice-President, E. C. Scott,ChemistrySecretary-Treasurer, Savilla Millis, Social Service AdministrationCouncillors, H. Gamer, Latin, L. Magee,Physiological Chemistry, Edward N.Johnson, HistoryAli fellows and assistants in the University, now about 300 in number, are eligibleto membership.The Club held its first officiai meeting ata dinner in Ida Noyes Hall on June 4th,with Professor William E. Dodd as thespeaker. The plans for the coming yearprovide for similar dinner meetings, to beheld once a month, at which representativesof the various faculties in the Universitywill address the members on the subjectsof their special research. The Club is alsoco-operating in the efforts which are beingmade to realize the originai purpose, ofproviding a Graduate Students' Club Houseat the University.» « «Problem CasesIn connection with Mr. Morrison's University College course, "Pedagogica! CaseWork," a special study is being made thisyear of problem cases in the LaboratorySchools. Principal Reavis of the UniversityHigh School and Principal Gillet of theUniversity Elementary School have collab-orated in this study with the special workerswho are Miss Louise Putzke, Mr. H. B.Lamport, Mr. William Kimmel, and Mr.J. M. McCallister. Athletics(Continued from page 402)bronze tablets set into the walls Rankingthe gateway will appear, grouped by states,the names of ali universities, colleges, andschools which have contributed to thememorial.In commenting on the significance ofthe proposed memorial, President James R.Angeli of Yale said : "Walter Camp was anoutstanding figure at Yale and in thenation. He was a strong factor in buildingup our athletic policy, and through hispersonal character exerted a splendid in-fluence in developing a spirit of soundsportsmanship among young men here andelsewhere. Yale had planned to erect amemorial to Walter Camp, but was morethan gratified when other institutionsmanifested a desire to participate in atribute to his memory. The present pianwill provide a national memorial to a national figure."The committee appointed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association hasundertaken to raise one half of the amountestimated to be required to erect theWalter Camp Memorial. Yale Alumniwill subscribe one-half the estimatedamount. The campaign will afford anopportunity to every university and collegein the country to participate in the memo-rial to the memory of the man who did somuch to make American Football what itis today. This committee, which was appointed by Gen. Palmer E. Pierce, President of the National Collegiate AthleticAssociation, is headed by E. K. Hall ofDartmouth, for many years chairman ofthe football rules committee. In additionto six members at large, the committee hason it the chairman of each of the districtcommittees which have assumed responsi-bility for raising the money from the individuai institutions in their respectivesections. University of Chicago men on thecommittee are: Director A. A. Stagg,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. ; Prof.Joseph E. Raycroft, Princeton, Chairman,Second District; Dr. S. V. Sanford,University of Chicago, Chairman, ThirdDistrict.BOOK REVIEWSBook Reviews(Continued from page 406)versity of Chicago Press. Revised Edition1925).The author has outlined a system ofsocial control. He gives the outline thetitle "If I Were a Dictator." Althoughthe system is a benevolent despotism, thedictator's essential characteristic is that hedoesn't find it necessary to dictate. Hisauthority is delegated to industriai councils"charged with the duty of industriai states-manship" and to national boards. Alongwith this would go the development of research and of education. The whole thingsounds effìcient, perfect, and unlikely to beworked out.It is impossible to do more than suggesta few of the many topics included in thisvast work. They are ali discussed withsanity and breadth, and out of the maze ofdisparate problems comes order and unity.This is a text for collegiate schools ofbusiness, and is designed for the surveycourse in the social control of economieactivity, whether it introduces advancedcourses in special problems or follows them,tying together what might otherwise re-main isolated bodies of material. It notonly brings to the student the theoreticalaspeets of the subject but also gives hima realistic and intensely interesting viewof the underlying faets.Harry Bingham« « «Announcements From University ofChicago PressAMONG the spring announcements of-the University of Chicago Press areSocial Control of Business by J. MauriceClark; Historical Aspeets of the Immigra-tion Problem, by Edith Abbott; Proceed-ings of the American Sociological Society(Problems of Urban Society), Voi. XX;and The Consumers' Co-operative Movement, by Colston E. Warne.New impressions of successful books include London in English Literature, byPercy H. Boynton ; Things Seen and Heard,by Edgar J. Goodspeed. The FirstNational Bankof ChicagoAND ITSAFFILIATED INSTITUTION, THEFirst Trustand Savings Bankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfac-tory financial serviceinCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers CheojjesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate MortgagesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentForeign Travel BureauThe stock of both banks is ownedby the same stockholdersCombined resources exceed$440,000,000dearborn,monroe and clark streetsCHICAGO422 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1006Paul Yates, Manager6l6-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOther Office; 011-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11Ralph W. Davis, '16 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Walter M. Giblin, '23Paal PLDavis & CkxMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Ranci. 6280CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it offersEvening, Late Afternoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCourses also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Autumn Quarter begins October 1For Circular of Information AddresaDean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, IH. 3 , »MARRIAGESENGAGEMENTSBIRTHS, DEATHSa33a«3¦3333,3 ¦ ' j.MARRIAGESGeorge Raymond Schaeffer, '06, to AlmaAnderson, Aprii 28, 1926. At home, The Marl-borough, 400 Deming Place, Chicago.George Lindsay, 'n, to Florence Burrell Le-Valley, March 20, 1926. At home, 1425 ElmdaleAvenue, Chicago.George Franklin Farman, M. D. '17, to MaryInslee Franklin, March 16, 1926. At home,515 Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, California.Ella Cyrene Bakke, '19, to J. Albert Dear, Jr.,'20, May 15, 1926. At home, No. 165 ClintonAvenue, Jersey City, New Jersey.Homer J. Schlamer, '20, to Elsie A. Shaw-bold, August 15, 1925. At home, 1419 Grace Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio.Forrest Leland Martz, '22, to Elsa Baalack,'25, February 16, 1926. At home, 1135 WestCraig Place, San Antonio, Texas.Frances Jane Morgenthau, '22, to Leo A.Klemperer. At home, Hotel Windermere, Chicago.Adolph Radosta, Jr., '23, J. D. '25, to LillianMachacek, August 1, 1925. At home, 6334 W.Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, Illinois.Gertrude K. Epstein, '24, to Benjamin R.Harris, February 17, 1926. At home, 6236Harper Avenue, Chicago.BIRTHSTo Cornelius Teninga, '12, J. D. '15, and Mrs.Teninga, a son, Herman Cornelius, May 18,1926, at Chicago.To Charles I. Madison, '15, and Mrs. Madison, a son, Ralph Lewis, August 17, 1925, atColorado Springs, Colorado.To Dr. Edwin D. Abraham, '16, M. D. '18,and Mrs. Abraham, a daughter, at Gibson, NewMexico.To Guy T. Buswell, A. M. '16, Ph. D. '20,and Mrs. Buswell, a son, John Thomas, February 26, 1926, at Chicago.To Jay M. Garner, '16, M. D. '21, and Mrs.Garner (Katherine Rogers, '19, S. M. '20), adaughter, Barbara, March 26, 1925, at Win-netka, Illinois.To A. L. Gleason, '16, M. D. '18, and Mrs.Gleason, a son, in March, 1926, at Great Falls,Montana.To Roderick Macpherson, ex '16, and Mrs.Macpherson (Margaret Monroe, '17), a son,Roderick John, Jr., March 7, 1926, at Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAnother wonderland for AliceIn search of new adventures Alicestepped through the magnifying glassand found herself in the wonderland oftelephone making.Here at the great telephone factorythings were coming to life. Littlethings that she never could see before.Little distances like one one-thousandthpart of an inch, that she didn't know were worth bothering about, now became immensely big and proud andimportant.And why not? These little bits ofthings are treated with such great re spectand care at the telephone factory.And that is why your WesternElectric telephone is made so welland lasts so long.Western Electnc5INCE 1869 MAKERS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT424 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFTBY MARKETING direct from producer to retailer, Swift & Companyis able to reduce distributing costs andmaintain unusual quality standards.BROOKFIELD BUTTER illustratesthe many benefits of the direct lineof marketing which Swift & Company hasestablished between the producer of farmproducts and the retail dealer.Swift Creameries furnish the far mer witha Constant near-by market for his cream.They acquaint him with the dairyingpractices which will help him to secure abetter grade and a larger output of creamfrom his herd.This work is a benefit to the producer,and establishes the quality fundamentalswhich result in a superior finished product. By direct refrigerator car shipmentto its own Branch Houses Swift &Company is able to safeguard this qualityin every step of its journey from the farmto your retailer.The direct contact of this single organization with the source of supply and thefinal consumingmarkets results in reduceddistributing costs, assured quality,a stabilized market for the producer, anda Constant supply for the consumer.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 46,000 shareholders To D. Jerome Fisher, '17, S. M. '20, Ph. D. '22,and Mrs. Fisher (Dorothy Dorsett, '19), a son,Jerome, Jr., at Chicago.To Stanley H. Roth, '18, and Mrs. Roth, ason, Stanley, Jr., January 7, 1926, at Indianapolis, Indiana.To Mr. and Mrs. Hans D. Gaebler (HelenBeebe, '19), a son, Ralph Dixon, at Watertown,Wisconsin.To Lester E. Garrison, '19, M. D. '21, andMrs. Garrison, a son, February 2, 1926, atChicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lovett (PhoebeMiller, '19), a daughter, Martha Clara, June 20,1925, at Lynn, Massachusetts.To Harry F. Gee, Jr., ex '25, and Mrs. Gee(Agnes Long, '20), a daughter, Joanna, Aprii4, 1926, at Michigan City, Indiana.To Frank P. McWhorter, M. S. '20, and Mrs.McWhorter (Margaret F. Myers, ex '18), ason, Malcolm Desmond, January 8, 1926, atVirginia Beach, Virginia.To Samuel J. Hachtman, ex '21, and Mrs.Hachtman (Rose Cohn, '21), a daughter, Har-riet Edith, January 2, 1926, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Hale (FaithPrentice, '21), a daughter, Virginia, October 6,1925, at Oak Park, Illinois.To Calmon R. Golder, '22, and Mrs. Golder(Helen Moyer, '20), a daughter, MarjorieLouise, December 31, 1925, at Chicago.To Herbert W. Hansen, '22, A. M. '23, D. B.'24, and Mrs. Hansen, a son, Chadwick Clarke,February 15, 1926, at Benton Harbor, Michigan.To Karl John Holzinger, Ph. D. '22, andMrs. Holzinger, a daughter, Ruth, February 23,1926, at Chicago.To Reed Zimmerman, '22, and Mrs. Zimmer-man (Ruby M. Haskett, ex '24), a daughter,Gloria Lee, March 15, 1926, at Omaha, Neb.» & òDEATHS'62 James Goodman, D.B. '75, Aprii 29, 1926.Dr. Goodman was for many years AssistantPastor of The Immanuel Baptist Church at 2320Michigan Avenue, Chicago.'85 Dirk R. Meengs, M. D., at his home, 103Paddock Avenue, S. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan, December 4, 1925. Dr. Meengs was inactive practice in Grand Rapids for thirty-twoyears.'12 Sloane M. Wallace, at his home, 602Prospect Blvd., Waterloo, Iowa, May 1, 1926.During twenty years as an executive in theschools of Waterloo, Mr. Wallace was known asa sincere and earnest worker, always eager fotthe betterment of the schools and the pupils.He was an active and loyal member of theWaterloo and Cedar Falls Alumni Club.'21 Charles W. Bond, M. D. '24, Aprii 25,1926, in Chicago.'24 Alfred Wetzel, A. M., Aprii 17, 1926, inMt. Vernon, Indiana.**/=**=La Salle at Madison StreetChicago, li Un ohERNEST J. STEVENSPresidentHOTEL LA SALLE *An ideal place to bring your familyIT is a point of pride with us that so many families makeHotel La Salle their home when in Chicago. Parentsfind Hotel La Salle particularly hospitable to children. Nosdditional charge is made for those twelve years old or under.A service desk on every floor appeals to the women of theparty. This assures those little added refinements of service so essential to real comfort.Bring your family to Hotel La Salle, where the atmosphereis homelike, the accommodations are comfortable and theprices are fixed and reasonable. Rates for RoomsNumberof Rooms162TiiS247189141175IO Price -per DayI Person g Parsons$2.50 S4.OO3.00 4.503.50 5.5O4.004.505.OOÒ.OO7.COI02Ò Guest Rooms Ò.OO7. CO7-509.OOIO.OOFixed-Price MealsBreakfast, 6oc and 7rcLuncheon - - - 8 50Dinner - - - $1.25Sunday Dinner, 1.50A. la carte seri/ice atìensible pricesCHICAGO'S FINEST HOTELYoung Men's 4-PieceCombination SuitsSingle- and double-breasted models inFine Blue Flannels, with an extra pair ofwhite Flannel Trousers. Ali sizes. SpecialFriday and Saturday.GOLF KNICKERSIn Plain Linen$5 and $7.50Woolen MaterialsIn a Wide Variety ofAttractive Patterns$9, $10 and $12.50For Convenience in Shopping Open a Charge AccountTwenty-seven Stores in Twenty-four Cities12-14 West Washington St 524-26 Davis St., EvanstonJust West ot State St. Personal Management Elmer E. ManieriElmer E. Marden, Manager40BROWNING KINGGOLF BALLSMesh or Dimple MarkingThey cost you what they cost us,$6 per dozen. A hole-in-one entitlesyou to a gift of a half dozen Browning King balls and membership inthe Browning King Hole-in-OneClub. Send card attested by Clubprofessional.