MAY, 192 6VOL. XVIII. NO. 735th Anniversary ReunionWELCOME HOME!An InternationalInstitutionA Tribute To ScientistsGift For New HospitalPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILDiscovering a Five~Foot ShelfAprii 3snowedin Never realized till today that the little row of ourown books on my desk could do as much for me asthose miraculous "5-foot shelves" that fortify oneagainst ali social crises in 15 minutes' daily reading* * * The next time I'm snowed in by one of Chi-cago's blizzards I '11 only have to reach across mydesk to get a hook that will satisfy most any intellectualcraving * * *If it's a short story I want there's Ryder's "The Pan-chatantra" with its glamorous tales from India * * *If I want to know about the Orient of today thereare three volumes of the Harris lectures by men whoare Orientai either by birth or adoption * * " liit's modem business John Maurice Clark's "TheSocial Control of Business" is new and worth anysnowbound reader's time * * *If my mood is religious I may browse in the NewTestament as Edgar J. Goodspeed has translated it,read Dr. Gilkey's sermons, "Jesus and Our Generation," or let Kenneth Saunders teli me about "Epochsin Buddhist History" * * *What's what in art is available for me in Pennell's"The Graphic Arts" and Taft's "Modem Tendenciesin Sculpture" * * * I can brush up my knowledge ofpresent day literature with Boynton's "Some Con-temporary Americans" * * * I can travel to Europewith Beach's "Meek Americans" or go back to thecave man with Newman's "Evolution, Genetics, andEugenics" * * *Or if I'd like to write a book of my own I may useto advantage our "A Manual of Style" * * *What the advertising managerof The University of ChicagoPress might have written inhis diary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn Invitation— and a"Hunch"for those who attendthe ReunionTo alumnae who bring their husbands — and to alumniwho bring their wives —— also, to f raternity men who do not find a f raternityhouse bed as restful as it seemed in the good old daysas an undergrad —— we suggest that Hotels Windermere will be found justa few blocks' walk straight east on 56th St.A new Windermere, perhaps, from the one you re-member — a Windermere as fine as any metropolitanhotel. And yet, with the same hospitality — the samequiet welcome — the same delicious food.It is going to be the biggest re-union the University everhad. By ali means, come to it — and feel assured thatyour visit will be made more delightful by HotelsWindermere.^jotelsTÉÌndermere^Mw "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"j I Hotel rooms $75 to $176 a month— $3.50 to $8.50 a day; hotel suites andhousekeeping apartments, two to eight rooms, $130 to $1,055 a month.East 56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard— Telephone: Fairfax 6000500 feet of verandas and terraces facing south on Jackson Park3i8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEQHE world calls this organization an advertisingagency. Yet the cognomen is not entirely apt.We are really a merchandising influence. We linkadvertising, promotion, dealer work and sales effòrtinto that satisfying thing our clients cali profits.VANDERHOOF^^COMPANYHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresidentADVERTISINGVANDERHOOF BUILDINGONTARIO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS : CHICAGOMember: American Association of Advertising Agenda & National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XVIII NO. 7Untòergttp of Chicagojfólaga?meMAY, 1926TA<BJ^e OF CO^{Te^(TSFrontispiece: Beside the Law SchoolThe 1926 Reunion — Welcome Home ! 323The University as an International Institution 326A Tribute to Scientists and the University 332Events and Comment 335Alumni Affairs — College Association Election 336The Letter Box 341University Notes 342Gift for Contagious Diseases Hospital 347News of the Quadrangles 348Athletics 349Rush Medicai College — Alumni Clinics 350School of Education 352Law School — Class Reunions — Vice-President Woodward 353Doctors of Philosophy 354News of the Classes and Associations 357Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 370THE Magazine is published at 1009 Sloan St., Council and should be in the Chicago or New YorkCrawfordsville, Ind., monthly from November exchange, postai or express money order. If locaito July, inclusive, for The Alumni Council of check is used, io cents must be added for collection.the University of Chicago, s8th St. and Ellis Ave., claims for missing numbers should be made withinChicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per the month f0nowing the regular month of publication.year; the price of single copies is 20 cents. The publisher expect to supply missing numbers freePostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali orders only when they have been lost in transit.from the United States, Mexico Cuba, Porto Rico, Communications pertaining to advertising may bePanama Canal Zone Republic of Panama, Hawanan sent t0 the puWication Office, ioog Sloan St., Craw-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. fordsville, Ind., or to the Editorial Office, Box 9,Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18) on Communications for publication should be sent tosingle copies, 2 cents (total^ 22 cents); for ali other tne Chicago Officecountries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual _. , '. ^ tsubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents .EJ?teI£d js second class matter December io, 1914,(total 21 cents) at "le Fost 0mce at Crawfordsville, Indiana, under_ .f, , ... . ,, . .. ., . the Act of March 3, 1879.Remittances should be made payable to the Alumni Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.319THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D., '09Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. PlERROT, '07The Council for 1925-26 is composed of the following Delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Terni expires 1926: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. Charles F.Grimes, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Terni expires 1927; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01;Frank McNair, '03; Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08;Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W. Sills,ex-'os; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Hor-ton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; W.L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09; C. A. Shull, '05, Ph.D., '09.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; GuyC. Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Francis L. Boutell, J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; Butler Laughlin, Ex. '22; William C. Reavis, A. M., 'n.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03 ; George H. Coleman, 'n, M. D., '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '17, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter '99; Helen Canfield Wells, '24;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rook- minster Bldg., Chicago.ery, Chicago; Secretary, Adolph G. School of Education Alumni Associa-Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago. tion : President, Carolyn Hoefer, A.M.,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: 'i8> 848 No. Dearborn St., Chicago; Sec-President, W. L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09, 509 retary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, UniversityS. Wabash Ave., Chicago; Secretary, of Chicago.Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Univer- Commerce and Administration Alumnisity of Chicago. Association: President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association : President, '"' 23' Sa £? SaIIe St, Chicago; Seert-E.ij.h Hanley e,, First Baptist Church, ^^j^^^' ^ ***Berkeley, Cahf ; Secretary Bruce E. Rush Medical College Alumni Associasi hlVr/' X°' "3I WllS°n Ave" TI0N ¦¦ President, Ralph W. Webster, '95,sait LaKe City. ph D ^ ,Q^ M Q ^ ,gg> ^ £ WashingtonLaw School Association: President, Al- St, Chicago; Secretary, Charles A. Par-bert B. Enoch, '07, J.D, '08, C. R. I. & ker, M.D., '91, 7 W. Madison St, Chi-P. Ry, Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. cago.. A"c°mmun.lcations should be sent to the Secretary ot the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues forrnembership in elther one of the Associations named above, includine subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared eauallv bv theAssociations involved.320THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 321CloseharmonyDon't think that a college sing" is the onlyplace for close harmony. The electrical communica-tion industry, too, has applied the big idea.Four men put their heads together in the researchlaboratory — and there evolves a new and scientificallyaccurate basis for the measurement of speech andhearing.Construction engineers, whose pole lines strideacross country, work hand in hand with purchasingengineers who look forty years ahead for the polesupply of the future.In the factory, engineers and craftsmen togetherdevelop new processes and almost-human machinesto increase production and effect economies.Combined ability — that s the thing ! In the wordsof the song, a long pulì, a strong pulì, and we'llali pulì together."Makers of the Nation's TelephonesOne of a series of announcements appearing instudent publications and aimed to interpret to undergraduates their presenl and future opportunities rBeside the Law School »One of the familiar, inviting spots within the "City Gray" that beckon you back for ReunionVol. xvin No. 7Umbersrttp of Cfjtcago4ftaga?tneMAY, 1926+ — _ 1-The 1926 ReunionWelcome Home!"Let's Get Together!"THE Reunion of 1926 is one of themost signifìcant occasions in the historyof our Alumni and our University. It ob-serves the 35th Anniversary of the University and is the first Reunion forPresident Mason. There is, too, the greatEndowment Fund achievement of theAlumni that deserves a noteworthy cele-bration.We ali recali the deep shadow that fellupon us last year and how many Reunionfeatures were properly abandoned. It hasbeen two years, consequently, since we haveheld a real "Let's Go!" Chicago Reunion.Ali of you Alumni ought to have a gooddeal of energy and vitality stored up by thistime. It is the aim and purpose of the1926 Reunion Committee to give you everychance to let out your accumulated enthusi-asm, for your Class, for your School, andfor your University.The Reunion Committee has worked formany weeks on a Program that they hopewill appeal to you, and one that they knowwill interest, amuse, entertain and enthuseevery Alumnus and Alumna who returnsthis year to the "City Gray." We lookwith confidence to your loyal attendance and hearty support. Just come back — andlet us show how we have tried to deserveit ! Everybody out for Chicago ! Let's gettogether ! Let's Go !1926 Reunion Committee,Harry R. Swanson, '17,General Chairman.£> À> ÀThe Reunion CommitteeAGLANCE over the list of members ofthe 1926 Reunion Committee will im-mediately reveal the fact that the Reunionis in the hands of a committee of "experts."Any one who has ever had charge of working up a large Reunion realizes that sucha job is no easy task. It involves a largeamount of preliminary planning, the crea-tion of a working organization, and theConstant attention to many details. It isalways of real advantage, therefore, in as-suring general Reunion success, to have ex-perienced "performers" at the head ofaffairs. Ali of the members of this year'sCommittee have had Reunion experienceof one kind or another, and some of themare really famous "old timers" at the business. The Committee members are widely323324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEknown among Alumni. The 1926 ReunionCommittee is as follows:General Chairman, Harry R. Swanson,'17Alumnae Breakfast, Mrs. Phyllis FayHorton, '15Arrangements, William H. Lyman, '14Carnival, Ralph W. Davis, '16Lyndon H. Lesch, '17John Nuveen, Jr., '18Classes, Lillian Richards, '19Publicity, C. Russell Pierce, '24Shantv Ceremonies, Clarence W. Sills,'05William G. Matthews, '06Herbert I. Markham, '06Marie Ortmayer, '06University Sing, S. Edwin Eaile, '11Frank F. Selfridge, '15These "real Chicago folks" are planningto give you a Reunion that you will thor-oughly enjoy and long remember. Theyfully deserve your enthusiastic support.The Alumni should pian to get behind them— help them make the June gathering thebest we have ever held — a real "prize win-ner." Their efforts are not for themselves,but for the Alumni, for you and for theUniversity. Answer their cali — "Every-body out, for Chicago!"» à «The ProgramThe Reunion Program for 1926 pre-sents the traditional events that have al-ways been successful in. past years and addsseveral new features. The program in out-line, as drawn up at present, is presented onanother page in the Magazine. A moredetailed announcement, of course, reachesthe Alumni through the mails. The announcement, as customary, is sent to alithe thousands of our Alumni on the re-cords, carrying the invitation to Chicagoansin ali parts of the world. The leadingCollege events will again be concentratedon Alumni Day — Saturday, June 12 — butthe entire program covers a week of annualReunion events and activities, opening withthe Annual "C" Dinner on Thursday, June10. Anniversary Class CelebrationsSome of our strongest classes celebratetheir anniversaries this year, hence class activities will be very prominent throughoutthe Reunion. In fact the Reunion Committee was persuaded to have the Sing comeas the closing feature on Saturday, AlumniDay, as was tried last year, so as to allowFriday evening for the celebrating anniversary classes. Plans are being made bythe various class officers for importantaffairs observing anniversaries running fromthe 40th to the ist. Ali members of theseclasses are urged to get and keep in touchwith their class representatives.Breasted Lecture for Alumniand Presidente ReceptionAsignificent and most interesting addi-. to the Reunion program this year willbe a special lecture for Alumni by oneof the noted faculty members. ProfessorJames H. Breasted, just recently returnedfrom his famous work in Egypt, will deliverthis notable lecture. The lecture, entitled"The University of Chicago in the NearEast," will be of the kind that gained suchwide attention in the series of lectures presented by the University. at Orchestra Hall.It will be given in Mandel Hall, Fridayevening, June nth. In connection with itthere will be an informai reception forAlumni by President Mason, Vice-Presi-dents Woodward and Steere, and ProfessorBreasted. Ali Alumni are most cordiali}'invited to attend. It is the aim to havesuch distinguished University representationas a traditional feature of our June Re-unions.Alumnae BreakfastThe leading features of Alumni Day be-gin, as usuai, with the Alumnae Breakfast,Ida Noyes Hall, 11:30 A. M. Mrs.Phyllis Fay Horton, '15, 1229 E. 5Óth St.,is in charge of the Breakfast this year. Mrs.Max Mason will be the honor guest, andthe largest gathering of Alumnae in thehistory of this event is anticipated. Dur-ing the morning of Alumni Day ali return-ing Alumni are most cordially invited tovisit and inspect the new buildings in andaround the Quadrangles.1926 REUNION— WELCOME HOME! 32SThe Alumni CarnivalFor the afternoon of Alumni Day theCommittee has planned a "sure-enough"Alumni Carnival. Band Concert — BallGame — Circus Parade — Midway Derby —Amusement Booths — stunts of various kindshave been lined up for a regular carnivalprogram. In several of the events therewill be competition between the anniversaryclasses, and fitting prizes will be fìtted tothe winners.The Shanty Ceremonies will be the clos-ing feature of the stunts phase. This yearthe Class of 1906, observing its TwentiethAnniversary, will give the show and willbe initiated, by the Class of 1905, some-what "assisted" by 1904, into the Shantygroup. A real show has been threatened.The afternoon will be closed with abrief Alumni meeting, on the grounds. Atthis time President Max Mason will bepresented and will address the Alumni onthis, his first Reunion. For this reasonalone, if for no other, we want to see IdaNoyes Field crowded with Alumni onAlumni Day.The SingFollowing the Carnival there will beseveral informai dinners by the fraternities,classes, University Aides and other organi-zations. Cafeteria services will also beavailable for the women at Ida Noyes Halland for the men at Hutchinson Commons.The Sing, which requires no "press agent-ing," will start at 8:00 P. M. and will beconducted along its long famed traditionallines. Everything points to the biggest andbest Sing we have ever held.There are, no doubt, important objec-tions to holding the Sing on Alumni Day,instead of on the previous evening as inpast years. But the Committee, after someinvestigation, and consultation with anniversary class ofHcers, decided to give thisarrangement a full "try-out" this year. Itwas first attempted last year, but undercircumstances, the Committee felt, that didnot fully test out the desirability of such anarrangement. Many class ofHcers, also, inpast years have declared that class affairs(Please lurn to page 340) Reunion ProgramThirty-fifth AnniversaryThursday, June 106:00 p. m. "C" Dinner — Bartlett GymnasiumFriday, June 11 — Class DayClass Anniversaries, as arranged —1876 — 50th Anniversary1886 — 40th Anniversary1896— 30th Anniversary1901— 25th Anniversary1906 — 20th Anniversary1911 — 15th Anniversary1916 — lOth Anniversary1921— 5th Anniversary1925 — lst AnniversarySenior Class Dinner8:30 p. m. BREASTED LECTURE for Alumniand President 's Reception, MandelHallSaturday, June 12 — Alumni Day10:00 A. M. Inspection of New Buildinga11 :30 a. m. ALUMNAE BREAKFAST— IdaHall Noyea1:30 P. M. ALUMNI CARNIVAL— IdaField Noyes5:005:305:306:00 Band ConcertAmusement BoothsClown Ball GameMidway DerbyShanty CeremoniesAlumni MeetingAddress by President MasonUniversity Aides Dinner — Ida NoyeaHallHall and Group Meetings, as arrangedFraternity, Class and special dinners,as arrangedUNIVERSITY SING — HutchinsonSunday, June 1310:45 a. m. Convocation Religious Service — MandelHall4:00 p. m. Teas, as arrangedMonday, June 14 — College Day10:00 a. m. — 4 p. m. Senior Class Day Events —Quadrangles12:30 p. m. Ph.D. Association Annual LuncheonRUSH ALUMNI CLINICS Weekstarts — Rawson Building, 9:00 a. m.Rush Anniversary Class Affairs, asarrangedTuesday, June 15 — Convocation Day3:30 p. m. 141st Convocation — Quadrangles6:30 p. m. Law Association Annual Dinner —Chicago Bar AssociationLaw Class Anniversaries, as arranged7:00 r. M. Rush Alumni Annual Dinner — Auditorium HotelRush Class Anniversaries, as arrangedWelcome Home!The University of Chicago as ariInternational InstitutionBy Charles W. GilkeyAddress delivered on the occasion of the One Hundred Thirty-ninth Convocation of the University, December 22, 1925.IN THE diplomatic world one under-stands that ministers who are return-ing from foreign coasts or from specialmissions abroad make their reports privatelyto the secretary of state or to the presidenthimself. In the world of the mind and ofthe spirit, however, there is, or at leastought to be, no secret diplomacy. Duringthe last year, I have had the high honor ofserving as a kind of academic ambassadorto the university centers of India, upon theBarrows Foundation that was intrusted,thirty years ago, to the University of Chicago to promote international understand-ing in things religious, and so I welcomethis opportunity to make a report to myhome government in this public assembly.I value my privilege the more because itcomes on the auspicious occasion of President Mason's first Convocation. He willbe among the first to understand, however,that for me personally there is one tragicIack in this situation. My appointment asBarrows Lecturer carne from Ernest D.Burton, and my lectures in India werecounseled by his wisdom and inspired by hisspirit. There was opportunity, between myreturn last Aprii and his sudden illness, foronly a brief personal statement : he neverreceived even so inadequate a report as thatwhich I shall make to you today. As Ispeak to you, therefore, I cannot help think-ing of him.My subject is not so much a propositionto be argued, or even a thesis to be main-tained, as an experience to be reported. Ishould like to teli you quite simply some-thing of the process by which the eyes of arepresentative of this University, who hap-pened already to be one of its Trustees,were gradually opened to the present actualfact that it is already in some degree aninternational institution. I should like alsoto share with you the evidence that I keptpicking up until hands and mind and heart were alike full of it, that this Universityhas an opportunity, and I believe a destiny,to become even more largely and truly aninternational institution.When we took ship at Port Said forIndia in November, 1924, I found awaitingme on board a brief personal note from thewell-known Indian who had consented toserve as chairman of the national committeeto make ali the locai arrangements for thelectures. Dr. S. K. Datta is perhaps themost eminent of Indian Christians. Heholds his medicai degree from Edinburghafter ten years of study in Great Britain;he has visited America at least once; he hasbeen from its beginning a member of theIndian Legislative Assembly, which corre-sponds to our national Congress. My notefrom Dr. Datta was brief and to the point.He said that when I landed in India I waslikely to find some prejudice against myfellow-countrymen, and against myself asan American ; that because he did not wantme to be too much surprised or hurt by ithe was giving me this warning in advance;and that when we met in India we wouldconsider how best to meet the situation.You will understand how seriously onewho found himself for the first time east ofSuez in the enigmatic Orient, and on themost important mission of his life, wouldtake so frank a warning. When Dr. Datta,with characteristic Indian courtesy and hos-pitality, carne ali the way to Bombay toconfer with me, I asked him early in ourconversation what lay behind his note. Hisreply was most illuminating. For the lasttwenty years he had been hearing it oftensaid in conversation with educated Indians,and during the last five years often statedupon the floor of the Legislative Assembly,that America has somehow "changed." Thedifferential elements between America andother Western Nations had once seemed toIndia to lie in such qualities as these: a real326THE UNIVERSITY AS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION 327love of freedom of thought and speech,leading directly to the spirit of toleranceand broad-mindedness ; an attitude of re-spect and good will toward other nationsand races. He went on to say that edu-cated Indians have the impression that theseformerly distinctive qualities of Americanlife are now somehow fading out. Ofcourse Americans themselves are not con-scious of this, and would no doubt indig-nantly deny it. But so Americans andAmerica have of late impressed India. Heconcluded by saying that if I would take itfor granted, as I spoke in Indian universitycenters, that this impression of my countrywas in the back of the heads of my educatedhearers, I could render a very real servicein India at just this time ; but that if I wereignorant of this impression, or ignored it,there would be real question as to howmuch I could accomplish. On this accounthe had made bold to teli me as a friend, andvery frankly, what it seemed to him mostimportant that I should know.Realizing that I had much food forthought in his frank and entirely friendlywords, I then asked him whether he hadany suggestion in so important a matter.His very signifìcant reply is my main rea-son for reporting this incident at suchlength. He said that if he were in my placehe would put, into the first fifteen minutesof the first lecture in every universitycenter, a special paragraph about the University of Chicago. He knew enough, hewent on, about America already to realizethat this University, which had sent me toIndia, is itself a living answer to the dis-torted impression of present-day Americathat is so widely abroad and so deeply feltin India. The University of Chicago stoodin his mind for the very things that educated India fears that America has ceasedto care very much about. If, therefore, Iwould teli my first audience in every centersomething about the University of Chicago,it would be worth an hour's argument, bothto me and to my mission.Following this wise counsel I wrote thatnew paragraph into the opening section ofmy first lecture. In this way I had thechance to teli many thousands of educated Rev. and Mrs. Gilkey (Geraldine Brown, '12)Embarking from Rangoon for Madras, February,1925.Indians something of the various ties whichhave linked this University with theOrient : of the Barrows lectures as a multi-plying bond, now of six strands, that hasfor thirty years been drawing us ever closerto India; of President Judson's connectionswith the Near East, and President Burton'slong and intimate acquaintance with China,which made him one of the conspicuousfriends and interpreters of China to theAmerican people ; of the introduction ofbaseball to Japan by a present member ofthe Chicago Faculty, and of the repeatedvisits of our baseball teams to Japan — inwhich I found the Indian students wereespecially interested. I always mentionedthe fact that in one recent year more thanfour hundred of our students proved to havebeen born outside the United States, comingto us from more than thirty countries.Meanwhile, the lecturer, no less than hisaudience, was being rapidly educated as tothe reality and the importance of the international relationships of this University. Ifound myself reflecting often on the curiousfact that a Chicagoan, who had gone to theOrient feeling himself a citizen of no meancity, should there be informed by an emin-ent Indian that the greatest asset Chicago328 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpossesses in the Far East is not so much itsbusiness organizations, or even its big sta-tistics, as its University. The light thatshines brighest half-way round the worldthese days is the light of the mind and thespirit, streaming forth across troubledwaters from such an international beaconas the University of Chicago has alreadybecome.The influence of the University as aninternational institution comes not onlyfrom its general reputation and prestige eastof Suez, but from the number and import-ance of the positions which its former students hold in the Orient. It has been saidthat there are several well-nigh infalliblesigns by which one can always teli a Harvard man (even though, as the ancient gibegoes on, one cannot teli him much). A-mong these is, doubtless, his complacentconsciousness of the fact that across theAtlantic or the Pacific his own alma materis supposed to possess a pre-eminent, if not,indeed, an almost exclusive, prestige amongAmerican universities. Speaking for themoment as a Harvard man, however, Imust honestly report that east of Suez Iheard more, and saw more, of the influenceof the University of Chicago than of aliother American universities put together.The Madras Christian College, with itsnearly two thousand students (the largemajority of them non-Christian), its highScotch standards, and its long-establishedprestige, has for more than a generation setthe educational pace for ali South India.Among its prominent graduates is the pres-ent George V professor of philosophy atCalcutta University, Dr. Radhakrishnan,one of the thoroughly first-class minds thatit was my privilege to meet in India. Theonly American representative on the facultvof this strategie institution, at least as in-fluential in its councils and among its students as any of his colleagues, holds hisdoctor's degree from the University of Chicago, and was pleading to me for morefellowships to bring their best students herefor advanced work. Among the most in-fluential educational institutions in the progressive Punjab is Forman College, atLahore ; the new president of the Punjab Legislative Council (the most impressiveMuslim we met in India) is a graduate ofForman College. Among its youngerfaculty, of whose spirit and standing anycollege in the world might well be proud,two men had recently studied at the University of Chicago, and a third was working here while we were in India. At JudsonCollege, in Rangoon, a pioneer in highereducation for ali Burma, at least four ofthe faculty are Chicago men. When Ioffered to teli one of them about our De-velopment Campaign, his quick answer wasthat they had ali the literature already, andwere as keen about it as the Alumni athome.There are so many of us here at theUniversity, and we are ali so pre-occupiedwith our special tasks, that we hardly real-ize the international significance of the factthat so many missionaries, and especially somany missionary teachers, are coming herefor further training — more, perhaps, thanto any other American institution of learn-ing. But when one goes to the Orient, andfinds these same men and women holdinghigh the intellectual and spiritual torch forwhole provinces, and sometimes for entirenations, one returns with the convictionthat this University, even beyond its ownpresent realization, has become a beacon forthe whole world.Nor is this international influence andprestige limited to missionary education.In many ways the most interesting and pro-phetic institution we visited was the newMuslim university at Aligarh, unique inIndia by reason of its residential character,and therefore much more like our Americancolleges. Though of recent foundation, ithas already brought nearly 2,000 studentsunder the continuous influence of an atmos-phere far more progressive and broadlyaggressive than that of such Muslim institutions as the university in Cairo, whichsome of you may have visited. I had thehonor of speaking at a convocation there toan audience of faculty and students thatappeared, from the platform, like an archi-pelago of red fezzes. On a later tour ofthe buildings I was introduced to the Indianprofessor of physics, and asked him whetherTHE UNIVERSITY AS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION 329he knew the name of my neighbor, Professor Michelson. "Why," he replied, witha stirile for my provinciality, "we have oneof his interferometers right here in our ownlaboratory, and it is working finely." Attea that same afternoon, the pro-vice-chan-cellor — by general consent one of the ablesteducators in the Muslim world— told methat one of his fondest hopes was thearrangement of an exchange by which someman trained in our physics and chemistrymight come to Aligarh for two or threeyears to teach, while one of their best mencomes to us to interpret Muslim civilizationand religion — about which, as a matter offact, we know much less than they knowabout our science. The fortunate man whogoes on that exchange would have one ofthe best opportunities in the world today,not only to teach and himself to learn, butto shape the international future.With this international influence of theUniversity of Chicago there go inevitablycertain international responsibilities. Per-haps I might equally well describe them asdifficulties. There, too, my own experi-ences may serve as evidence of the problemswe face in seeking to be an internationalinstitution under the present circumstancesof the world and the present state of mindof our own country.While I was giving the lectures in Madras last winter, the secretary of the YoungMen's Christian Association there asked meif I wanted to know what Indians in America were up against. He then went on tosay that while he was taking his Master'sdegree recently at the University of Chicago, an Indian student here carne to himto report that he could not get his hair cutin this neighborhood. When the secretaryexpressed his surprise and incredulity, theIndian student promptly asked for his help.They went together to several barber shopsand were refused at every one. The ex-perience finally became so humiliating toboth alike that they gave it up as a bad job,and the secretary told me that the onlything he could do as they separated was totry to apologize for his own country. Sincemy own return from India I have foundthat one of the best-poised and most patient Indian students who ever carne here forgraduate work sat in one of our locairestaurants unserved until it became ali tooplain that they would never give him foodthere. Worse yet, an Indian young woman¦who carne here to prepare herself for medicai missionary work in South India (her an-cestors there were Syrian Christians whileour Nordic forebears were stili pagans inthe European forests) was not even ac-corded the doubtful courtesy of silence andinattention. She told me herself that whenshe went to one of our locai restaurantslast spring she was unceremoniously told toget out. It need not surprise us, therefore,that a third Indian student, who has beendoing advanced work in another Chicagoinstitution for two or three years, told mesoon after my return that he hoped I hadadvised students in India who wanted tocome to America for further study not todo so "unless their skins were so white thatno American could teli the difference." Tosay the very least, these are real difficultiesfor a university that wants to be an international institution.If these facts seem difficult to us whenwe learn of them, can we, perhaps, guesshow they seem when one finds, in talkingwith educated Indians, that they are farmore generally known and deeply felt there,where they are widely reported, than here,where they happen ? An Oxford man whohas taught for fifteen years in Madras toldme always to remember in speaking to Indian students that they tend to think of America chiefly as "a country where they lynchNegroes and insult Indians." We Americans take our race problem for granted, asdifficult facts that are simply here; havingno panacea and ali too little program fordealing with them — as I, certainly, havenone — we find it convenient to forget orignore them, and go our ways with littleconcern about them. But an Americanwho stays long enough in India these daysto find what the Orient is really thinkingabout comes home unable any longer to takethese matters lightly. The sensitivenessand pride of the Indians who have come tostudy or to visit here are like a mirror heldup to our American race problems and33° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEprejudices for ali the rest of the world, andespecially for the Orient, to look into.That mirror is doubly sensitive and reveal-ing: not only because the Indian finds outin his own person how America treats thedark races in her midst, but also becausemost Indian visitors to our shores aremembers of our own Aryan stock and race— a fact which probably 95 per cent ofAmericans do not know. Their experi-ences among us are therefore doubly bitter,because they spring not only from Americanrace prejudice, but from American ignor-ance. Those of us who have been muchwith India students have discovered thatthe turban, which they usually wear in thiscountry, is not worn from choice or habit,but in self-protection. Their hope, toooften vain, is that it will identify them. asIndians. And much too often it becomesnot simply a badge of nationality, but ascar of wounded pride.But even these are not the only difficulties of an American university that wouldlike to be an international institution.When I found, in scores of conversations inIndia, how true and timely were the warn-ings of Dr. Datta and the Oxford man inMadras ; when I found, too, what ourrecent immigration legislation — of whichI have not time to speak today, nor you,perhaps, the heart to hear — has done to ourmoral prestige in India as well as in Japan,I prepared a new address on "The Idealsof the Younger Generations in America."I have smiled often to myself, as you doubt-less will, at the presumption of that title.Who can speak confidently or with author-ity on that theme? But it did seem important to try to answer the question I meteverywhere among Indian students: "Whatare American students chiefly thinking orcaring about these days?" And I becameincreasingly sure in India that our own besthope as we face these great problems liesin the frankness and the courage withwhich our younger generation is facing thefacts of life. I gave that address in perhapsa dozen Indian colleges, to some 15,000students and teachers. Shortly after I hadgiven it at the Islamia College, in Lahore, adeputation of its students in red fezzes called on me at my room. One of theirteachers, they said, had studied for threeyears in a Chicago professional school, andtold them after the address that what I hadsaid was not typical of American studentsas he had seen them. He had thought them"self-centered and immoral." I wonderwhat answer you would have made to thatdeputation under those circumstances!There are about 10,000 foreign studentsin America ; some hundreds of them in Chicago ; many scores of them on our owncampus. Most of them come from theOrient. The relations between the Occi-dent and the Orient are certainly not theleast of the world's great unsolved problemsof the future ; possibly they may even proveits most criticai problem. Among thecrowding thousands in our larger Americanuniversities, these foreign students seem sofew that most of us hardly notice them ;that, indeed, is in itself part of the problem,for any institution that would be trulyinternational. But neither do you or Inotice particularly that little radio dischanging yonder in this hall. If wewere broadcasting today, however, and ifpeople outside were interested in this occasion, much the most important part of theaudience would be the invisible listenerswhose inconspicuous link with us is thatlittle disc. The foreign students among usare very much like that disc — inconspicuous, but very sensitive and responsive. Thepeoples of the Far East are much moreinterested than we realize in their reportof their experiences among us. And thoseof us who have been recently in the university centers of the Orient have discoveredwith our own ears that there is a loudspeaker at the receiving end !Ali this makes it plain that the Universityof Chicago as an international institution,as in ali other phases of its life, has beforeit a task, or rather an ideal, stili to beachieved. In this presence it is hardlynecessary to point out that a true universityis much more than a collection of buildings,or even a company of people. Its distinc-tive inner bond, as our own university sealwell indicates, is a common attitude thatseeks the enlargement of knowledge and theTHE UNIVERSITY AS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION 33tenrichment of life. A university can onlybe truly international, therefore, in propor-tion as it maintains and promotes an international outlook and attitude. The truesttest of its internationalism will lie not onlyin the wide diffusion of its students andgraduates, but also in the comprehensive-ness of its own attitudes. dents, for instance, and the comparativeindifference of our American students to alithese things. I carried to the Orient mes-sages of greeting intrusted to me by twoAmerican student conferences for theirfellow-students of other countries, andquickly discovered, east of Suez, that thesegreetings were more valuable to me, andAt Hindu Temple, Conjeevaram, IndiaMr. and Mrs. Gillcey, decorated with leis, in the center. A. S. Woodburne,D. B. '17, Ph.D. '18, at right center. Note the Indian band on the left,and the fakir (holy man) sitting in front of Mrs. Gilkey. The Gilkeys werewelcomed here, as elsewhere in India, with special ceremonies.One of the most striking coritrasts between the students of America and thoseof other lands arises at just this point. Amember of an Oxford debating team thathas recently visited widely among Americancolleges remarked on his return that publicaffaire and problems were a main subject ofinterest and discussion among British students, but that he found them hardly men-tioned among American students. Thiscontrast is equally marked when one goesfrom an American university to the studentcenters of the Near and Far East, wherethe students bring into intense focus thenational and international interests and attitudes of their country and generation.One feels keenly the difference between thestrong nationalism and marked international curiosity of Egyptian or Indian stu more eagerly welcomed by my audiences,than almost anything else I brought. Inever began an address of any sort toIndian students without referring to thesemessages in my first sentence ; for I foundthem more valuable than any other pointof contact with my audience — so eager isthe younger generation in the Orient forunderstanding and co-operation with itscontemporaries in the West.There must be many contributory causesfor our American indifference in thesematters. I have often wondered, however,whether there is possibly a wider referencein Dr. Datta's remark to me when I re-ported to him my impression that the students of Ceylon were less interested inpublic questions than those of India: "Oh,(Please tinn to page 346)A Tribute to Scientists and the UniversityFrom the address of Frederick H. Rawson, donor of The Rawson Laboratory, delivered at thededication of the Laboratory, December 17, 1925.IN MY business, that of banking, oneis constantly impressed with the neces-sity of commercial organizations main-taining a skilled staff of research workersin order that they may have the benefitof new discoveries and inventions, for other-wise they run a good chance of findingthemselves surpassed by some competitorwho has had more foresight. There is nota line of commercial endeavor that has notbeen vastly benefited by scientific investiga-tion. Scarcely a day or a week goes by thatthe press does not advise us of the discoveryof some new synthetic or substitute fornaturai materials. This is true of food-stuffs, rubber, cement, the making of silk,that new substitute for silk called Rayon,and the marvelous dyes made from coal-tarproducts which are far superior to thenaturai dyes our grandfathers used.From this wonderful band of men carnethe telegraph, the telephone as we used toknow it for short distances, and then long-distance telephony due to the invention ofthe marvelous vacuum tube through thegenius of DeForest, Pupin, and others.Then Marconi and others applied the samevacuum tube to the wireless telegraph ; thiswas ancestor of the radio, without whichno home is now complete.Possibly no field of research work hasdone more for civilization than has chem-istry. In the late war the chemist playeda very important part not only in devisingmarvelous explosives, but also in sustaininglife through the substitution of syntheticfertilization, which had to be used in somecountries by reason of their inability to procure the naturai fertilizer.The wonderful research laboratoriesof the General Electric, the AmericanTelephone and Telegraph, and the Eastman Kodak companies probably havedone more for the advancement of applied science than ali other industries com-bined. Most of the gentlemen here aremore familiar than I am with what the General Electric workers have done forsurgery and medicine in their invention ofX-ray devices, their perfection of the quartzlamp, and other medicai appliances.In other fields research workers arespending their lives, patiently and tirelessly,striving to discover the causes of disease andthe serums and other antidotes with whichto combat them.It frequently happens that the workersengaged in industriai laboratories discoversomething of immense value to the medicaiprofession, and the opposite is equally true,that those working along the lines of puremedicine stumble on to something of equalvalue to the industriai world. So it doesnot make much difference whether thesemen are working in colleges or hospitalsor in the great industriai laboratories, forwhatever any of them discover, it is placedat the disposai of the world as soon as it isperfected.It has been estimated by Dr. ArthurLyttle that this band of expounders, workers, experimenters, and analysts, whom hecalls the Fifth Estate, does not exceed ahundred or one hundred and twenty-five-thousand people. It is to this group ofquiet, self-sacrificing men and women, working often in cramped quarters and withoutproper facilities, without expectancy offame or great financial reward, that theworld owes its advancement step by stepfrom the time of Newton, on down throughHuxley, Pasteur, the Curies, Faraday,Edison, Marconi, Jenner, Behren, Ehrlich,Widal, and Banting, to the splendid menof our own University, whose staff includessuch as Michelson, Millikan, Luckhardt,Dick, and countless others.The discoveries and inventions of thesemen and their co-workers have brought usthe comforts of home, lessened disease, andreduced the cost of production so that hun-dreds of articles which a few years ago wereregarded as priceless luxuries are now with-in the reach of evervone. They have in-332A TRIBUTE TO SCIENTISTSAt Dedication of Rawson LaboratoryLeft: to right: Dr. Hektoen, Dean Irons, Dr. Carlson, Rev. Soares, Mr.Rawson, Mr. Swift, Mr. Billings, President Mason, President Scott, Northwestern, Dr. Shaw, Presbyterian Hospital.creased the yield of crops, discovered thebenefit and use of vitamines, and given usan insight into scientific food yalues.In making a donation, I think the donoris faced with much the same problem asin making a financial investment. Myexperience has taught me that it is farsafer to invest in the securities of a largecorporation which has been in existence asufficient length of time to prove its abilitythan in a smaller one recently organized.The reasons for this are obvious. Thelarger organization, if it has succeeded atali, has developed its physical equipment toa high point of perfection, and what is farmore important than the physical side, thecharacter and ability of the management.The large manufacturing companies, thelarge railroads, and the large banks alwayshave sufficient prestige to command menof the highest ability to manage them. Thechanges in their directorates are not fre-quent or radicai, and the new blood comingin from time to time is carefully and wiselyselected. It is readily seen that suchagencies have a much easier time in gettingthe proper kind of men to manage themthan the smaller and unknown companies.To my mind the same thing is equallytrue, if not more so, of colleges, hospitals,and ali other human welfare agencies. An invitation to become a trustee of a greatfoundation or university is considered amark of distinction and would not .be re-fused without most careful considerationand urgent reasons. There is some honorattached to being a director of one of ourlarge corporations, railroads, or banks, butfar more in being chosen on the Board ofsuch institutions as I have just mentioned,organized and maintained without profitand solely for the advancement of civiliza-tion, the alleviation of suffering, and pro-longation of life.It is estimated that it takes about $500,-000 to equip even one research workerproperly. Such a sum is beyond the meansof most of us. For this and other reasons,it seems to me far wiser for the averageperson to make his contribution to the bestagency of the kind desired already in existence, with every expectancy that themoney so given will be wisely and judicious-ly expended for the uses and purposes in-tended.When one of our captains of industrypasses away, he cannot take his wealth withhim ; and, in a large number of cases, avery considerable part of his wealth is con-sequently devoted to the benefit of futuregenerations. It is becoming more and moregenerally recognized that the possession of334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa large fortune is in reality a great responsi-bility, and the owner of it is only a trustee.If Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Carnegie hadbeen compelled to divide their wealthequally with everyone it would have donelittle good and their great foundations, thebenefits of which have already extendedeverywhere, would never have existed.Almost ten years have elapsed since theerection of this laboratory was decided upon.Immediately thereafter, we were involvedin the world-war, which, of course, compelled the postponement of the medicai uniton the Midway as well as this laboratoryuntil the present time. It is a source ofgreat satisfaction for us to find here todaythat the same reasons which prompted Dr.Billings to suggest this research laboratoryare even more compelling and obvious thanthey were at that time, and that this laboratory is destined to be even more usefulthan it was first supposed it would be.My father carne here to Chicago a poorboy from a Massachusetts farm and livedhere ali his business life. I was born hereand likewise have always made this myhome. I received from my father the price-less heritage of a good education and a finebusiness training. Both my father and Ihave received many advantages from Chicago and it is only right that we should do,as best we can, something in return for theblessings received. I have seen Chicagogrow from a provincial town to a greatcosmopolitan city. Chicago is consideredby thoughtful New Yorkers and others asthe great listening post of the United States,where one is able to get better than any-where else the pulse of the nation.I have in my short life seen this University grow as if by magic. I remember itsinception, and have seen ali of its buildingsas they were erected. A few evenings ago,at a meeting of some of us interested in itsdevelopment, I sat spellbound listening tothe story of the University 's past as told byMr. Swift, Chairman of the Board ofTrustees; and of its future aims and pur-poses as told by your President, Mr. Mason.I have known ali the presidents of thisUniversity, and remember as, if it wereyesterday the wonderful inspiration of Dr. Harper. I have seen the University roundout, come into early maturity, and squareits budget under the direction of the carefulDr. Judson. I held many conferences aboutthis laboratory with the beloved and far-visioned Dr. Burton, and learned to admireand respect him. When he passed away Ifelt a keen sense of isolation and regret inthe thought that I should probably neveragain know another of the University'spresidents as well as I had known those whohad gone before. But even during President Mason's short incumbency, I have beenfortunate in having the opportunity ofknowing him and of thus realizing how wisethe Trustees were in the selection of thisman whom ali Chicago has learned to trust.I am confident that under your new Presidente guidance, this University is going tomeasure up to its finest traditions, and thatit will continue to be truly representative ofChicago and the great Middle West. TheUniversity will continue under his leadership to point the way and light the pathto moral, intellectual, and civic advancement, and will rightly continue to be fondlyknown as the brilliant and favorite daughterof her cosmopolitan mother, Chicago.Now I have tried to give you briefly someof the reasons which prompted this gift. Icongratulate the Presbyterian Hospital onhaving this laboratory adjacent to it andworking in co-operation with it for ali timeunder the management and direction ofthe University. I congratulate the Alumniand staff of Rush Medicai College for theirsplendid vision and judgment in embracingthe opportunity to be a part of the University. I know it must be a source ofgenuine satisfaction to them to realize thatthey are now a very important part of thisgreat University which will for ali time beable to afford them means and facilities,second to none, for the advancement of theirendeavors. I congratulate the Universityupon having acquired Rush Medicai College and the Presbyterian Hospital as working partners. Mrs. Rawson and I rejoicewith you today in the completion of thisbuilding, and have every hope and confi-dence that it will fulfil a hundred times overevery wish and prediction made for it.Itye Untòergttp of Chicago 4lap?me iììEditor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21; Rush Medicai Association — MorrisFishbein, 'ii, M.D., '12.erewj's cp commeu^tHello, Chicago ! Everything is set fora great Reunion in June. The 35th Anniversary of the University, notable classanniversaries, the first ReunionWelcomeHome! for President Mason, celebra-tion of a great Alumni achieve-ment — ali will be duly observed duringReunion Week, from June io to June 15.The program, as at present planned,and some details appear in this num-ber. Detailed announcements will reachyou by mail. The Reunion Committee, anniversary class officers, and othershave been putting forth high efforts foryour welcome and enjoyment. They fullydeserve your heartiest cooperation — andyour presence ! The University invites you— calls you ! Everything is set, we repeat,for a "real celebration," for you. Comeback ! Welcome Home !ALUMNI associations, as we know them,>¦ are peculiarly characteristic of American institutions, and particularly of uni-„ versities and colleges in theP United States. They are, inlarge measure, an outgrowth ofour democratic system of education, and arefostered by a spirit of appreciation of special advantages obtained through highereducation. This spirit has long been mani-fest, not only in extensive organization, reunion and similar activities, and the custom-ary maintenance of an officiai Alumnipublication, but in various forms of con-structive contribution toward the upbuild-ing and advancement of the institutionsthemselves. Whatever minor difficulties may have been encountered, occasionally,under this national characteristic, the "system" on the whole has proven of manydecided and timely advantages to the colleges and universities of America.Because of somewhat different origin,background and conditions, the graduatesand former students of European universities have never organized as have Alumniin this country. It is somewhat typicallyAmerican that, at Oxford, the only association of graduates comparable in organization and purpose is that of Americans whowere Rhoades scholars at Oxford. Invery recent years, however, some of theEuropean institutions, finding themselvesnow in unusually difficult circum-stances, have been inquiring concerning theAmerican form and method of Alumniassociation, and there is a prospect, perhaps,that such activity may be adopted in somecases in Europe.At the University of Edinburgh an Alumni Association has just recently been estab-lished, to some extent on the Americanpian. The University of Edinburgh Journal is its officiai publication, having, as itspurpose, quite the same material and func-tion as our own Magazine and the similarpublications of American alumni assocations.We wish these newcomers in the field thebest of success. It is interesting for us torealize, however, that this movement isbeing studied and is even now beginningin Europe. It is in some degree an impar-tial justification, if justification wereneeded, of the methods, efforts and generalaims of our American alumni activities.335ALUMNIMOVING PlCTURES FOR ALUMNI ClUBSThe University has now acquired a special moving picture machine which can beconveniently sent around to our AlumniClubs for use at their meetings. The machine is compact and simple in operation,almost any one being able to run it proper-ly. It merely requires to be set up in aroom, small or large, having an electricalconnection, and the pictures can be showneither on a sheet or any reasonably sizedwhite wall. A small film is used with thismachine, and pictures of more recent University events have already been taken andare available for use. The machine wasfirst used at a meeting of our SpringfieldAlumni Club, where it worked successfullyand where the Alumni greatly enjoyed theUniversity scenes. It is the pian to havethese special University films made eachyear and sent to the Alumni Clubs onsome arranged schedule. Officers of ourAlumni Clubs can learn details and ar-range dates for Club showings through theAlumni Office.« » «Cleveland Club Hears Dr. GoodeOn March 16, 1926, the ClevelandAlumni Association held a dinner in honorof Dr. Goode, our warm friend from theUniversity. His visits are always antici-pated with great pleasure.He not only flattered us by telling aboutthe possibilities of our great city, but alsocalled to our minds the naturai and archi-tectural beauty of the University of Chicago.Later he lectured on "Japanese Industries and Art," illustrating his lecture withexquisitely tinted slides. While he madeus appreciate what the Japanese have donewith such limited space, he caused us tofeel the need of reclaiming the abandonedland in our own country.The meeting closed in wishing Dr. Goodemany more visits to our city.Lola Blaxche Lowther, '15, AFFAI R SPresident and Mrs. Mason withLos Angeles AlumniTHE meeting of Los Angeles Alumniof the University of Chicago withPresident and Mrs. Max Mason, on March9, was a most successful and happy occasion for ali of us. Eighty-six Alumni werepresent. Dr. Olds presided and called onDr. McCann, new President of the RushAlumni Association, Don Riley, and Dr.E. C. Moore of the University of California, Southern Branch.When President Mason was introducedevery one arose and the applause lastedseveral minutes. He seemed quite affectedwith this enthusiastic reception. Ali listen-ed intently at his message, which seemed tous the best we have had yet — perhaps heappealed to our emotions a little more thanany other speaker has. He made us seeand feel the immensity of the work the University is doing and plans to do, and justwhy she should be looked upon with prideby ali of her sons and daughters.Ali of the Alumni were charmed and de-lighted with President and Mrs. Mason,and with the Presidente corking good talkeverybody went home happy in the knowl-edge that the University of Chicago hasa wonderful man at the helm.With best wishes, Fred Speik.« « ÀManhattan Alumni MeetDean MathewsOn Monday evening Aprii 12, a dinnerwas given by the Manhattan, Kansas,Alumni Club of the University of Chicago,in honor of Dean Shailer Mathews of theDivinity School, who was in Manhattanto give a lecture. Thirty-six were presentand renewed ties with our Alma Mater onthis most interesting occasion. The Clubgreatly enjoyed meeting and hearing DeanMathews.Effie Carp Lynch, A. M. '21,Secretary.336ALUMNI AFFAIRS 337Grand Rapids Club MeetingThe University of Chicago Club ofGrand Rapids, Michigan, held a dinner-meeting at the Woman's City Club, Friday,March 26. The invitations for ithis meeting we thought were very unique and attrattive. They consisted of a stencil draw-ing taken from the cover of last year'sUniversity of Chicago Magazine. Mr.Paul Rohns, conceived the idea and provedhimself very efficient as chairman of thecommittee on arrangements.In spite of the fact that the PublicSchools started' their Spring vacation andmost the teachers were taking, the first trainout of town, the ministers were holdingLenten Services, and some of the rest wereunfortunate enough to be ili with influenza,we had about| thirty people present.The dinner was good, the singing wasbetter, but the informai talk given by Dr.William E. Dodd of the History Department of the University was the best. Weenjoyed hearing about Woodrow Wilsonand felt very fortunate to have Dr. Doddas our guest that evening.Mrs. Ella McNaughton, '18,SecretaryÀ & àPortland Alumni Annual MeetingNew Club OfficersPortland, Oregon,Aprii 5, 1926.The annual dinner-meeting of University of Chicago Alumni of Portland, includ-ing Rush Medicai Alumni, was held onThursday, March 25, at the MultnomahHotel. We were most fortunate in having Miss Ava B. Milam, '10, who is Deanof the department of Home Economics atOregon Agricultural College, present toteli us of her two years' experience in China,where she was the pioneer in introducingHome Economics into the Chinese colleges.Dr. B. O. Woods, M. D. '23, just re-cently returned from Rush Medicai College, told us of the changes taking place atRush and the University. The new fìlms,on recent University activities, which wereshown later helped us ali to realize thegreatness of the developments now beingmade. After dinner, the election of officers tookplace. The following were elected:President, Dr. Richard H. Wellington,M. D. '06;Vice-President, Mr. J. H. Stockman, J.D. 'n;Secretary, Mrs. John H. Wakefield(Mary C. Palmer, '07) ;Treasurer, Mr. W. L. Verry, '02;Members of Executive Committee, Dr.B. O. Woods, M. D. '23, Mr. C. A.Rice, ex, and Dr. R. K. Strong, Ph. D.We are sorry President Mason could notcome to Portland on his recent trip west,and we greatly regretted that Dr. Willettwas not able to be with us at the dinneras we had hoped. We trust the news ofour marvelous winter and spring will induce some one from Chicago to attendour next dinner. Very sincerely,Mrs. John H. Wakefield, Secretary.& A ÀIndianapolis Club MeetingAprii 13, 1926.The Indianapolis Alumni Club met lastSaturday, Aprii IO, at their monthly lunch-eon. Mr. Harry E. Jordan, head of thechemical department of the IndianapolisWater Works, was the speaker. Mr.Jordan gave us a most interesting talk onwater purification.We have decided to end the Club's activities for the year by a big social eventin May. Yours truly,Mary E. McPheeters, '22, Secretary.à & «Muskegon Club OrganizedMuskegon, Michigan,Aprii 3, 1926.The Alumni Council,The University of Chicago.At a dinner meeting of the Universityof Chicago alumni in Muskegon, on March24, 1926, a University of Chicago AlumniClub of Muskegon was formed. The following officers were elected:President: John G. Guerin, '19.Vice-President : Dr. Frank W. Hannum'12, M. D. '14.Secretary : Margaret Port Wollaston,'20.338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWe will be glad to receive any sugges-tions you have for increasing our activitiesand usefulness. Very truly yours,Margaret P. Wollaston, '20,« » »Alumni Council Quarterly MeetingTHE third regular quarterly meetingof the Alumni Council, for 1925-26,was held in the Alumni Office, Aprii 28th.Present: Earl D. Hostetter, chairman ;Eleanor J. Atkins, Donald P. Bean, RalphC. Brown, Grace A. Coulter, Raymond J.Daly, Henry G. Gale, Arthur A. Goes,W. L. Lewis, William H. Lyman, Rode-rick MacPherson, Frank McNair, BarbaraMiller, Lillian Richards, Charles A. Shull,Harry R. Swanson, Harold H. Swift, Herbert P. Zimmermann; and A. G. Pierrot,secretary-treasurer.After the minutes of the previous meeting were approved, and several Communications were read, the usuai financial state-ments were presented and approved. Inconnection with the Alumni Fund, afterconsiderable favorable discussion, a motionwas passed authorizing the Alumni Funddirectors to reinvest such Fund amountsas are now invested in U. S. Liberty bondsin other bonds yielding a somewhat largerincome and legai under the Trust Fundlaws of Illinois, in accordance with theArticles governing the Alumni Fund.Ernest E. Quantrell, '05, New York City,was elected to fili a vacancy on the Boardof Directors of the Fund.In connection with Alumni Associationmembership, it was the opinion of the Council that an extensive effort should be madein the near future for increasing our mem-berships. According to recent records Chicago now ranks about I2th, among some62 alumni associations throughout thecountry, in number of members. TheCouncil felt that the time was near inwhich Chicago should seek to reach firstrank in membership strength. Advertisingpolicy was again discussed at some length,but no new action was taken.The Council heartily approved the 1926Reunion program, as presented by Reunion Chairman Harry R. Swanson, '17, and asprepared accordingly for the regular an-nouncements. As to our Reunions, it wasgenerally felt that some University feature,such as a notable lecture to be given spe-cially for returning Alumni, should beadded to our traditional program, and aresolution to that effect was passed. Mrs.Schuyler B. Terry (Phoebe Bell, '08) presented a pian for having Alumni prize-playcontests as an annual reunion feature. Thispian contemplated having plays written andacted by Alumni, with awarding of theprize according to the vote of the Alumniaudience. The pian was taken up by theCouncil, to be considered in connection withfuture Reunions.Chairman Hostetter told of the progressbeing made in the matter of developmentof University-Alumni relations, a reporton which is now approaching comple-tion. A letter from Mr. J. Spencer Dicker-son, Secretary of the Board of Trustees,advised that a special committee of theTrustees had been appointed to considersuch relationships with the special committee of the Council.Chairman Herbert P. Zimmermann re-ported on the Alumni Campaign, indicatingthat the Alumni quota of $2,000,000 wouldvery probably be raised by the time of theJune Convocation.The resignation of A. G. Pierrot asAlumni Secretary and Editor, to take effectat the end of the present year, was presented. Mr. Pierrot particularly desiredthat the entire matter of University-Alumnirelations and the Secretaryship as connectedtherewith should be approached withoutany personal element of any kind being in-volved in the deliberations and plans adopt-ed. A special committee was appointed toconsider the secretary phase of this development.Chairman Hostetter was empowered toappoint a Fall Home coming chairman be-fore the July meeting of the Council. Secretary Pierrot then reviewed the conferenceof Alumni Secretaries, held at Ohio StateUniversity on Aprii 15-17, a condensed report of which conference will appear inthe Magazine.COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ELECTIONHerbert P. Zimmermann, 'oiCandidates for President ofCollege Alumni AssociationAnnual ElectionTHE annual election of officers of theCollege Alumni Association is regular-ly held in the latter part of May and thefirst week in June, by post-card ballot. Theballot is sent out, as usuai, with the firstReunion announcement. Ali members ofthe College Association are entitled andare urged to vote. If, by some chance, aballot does not reach you the Alumni Officewill mail one to you upon request. Ballotsmust be returned on or before Thursday,June io. The election results will be an-nounced, as customary, on Alumni Dayand in the Magazine.The candidates, regularly selected by aNominating Committee, as stated in theAprii number of the Magazine, are alwayspresented in the order of class seniority;if in the same class, then alphabetically.This year a President, Second Vice-President, two members of the Executive Committee, and six Delegates to the AlumniCouncil are to be elected.Ali candidates have been active andprominent in college, class, and generalAlumni affairs, and in Campaign work.Particularly in view of the developing Uni- Paul H. Davis, 'iiCollege Alumni Associationversity-Alumni relations, as well as inthe general progress and welfare of Alumnimatters, these elections are most important.Please review the list of candidates, andsend in your ballot. Be sure to vote!» « «CandidatesPresident (2 years)Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oi. Vice-PresidentR. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago. PsiUpsilon, Owl & Serpent, Chicago Alumni Club,member of several clubs, Chairman of AlumniEndowment Campaign.Paul H. Davis, 'n. President, Paul H. Davis& Co., investments, Chicago. Delta Upsilon,Owl & Serpent, Chicago Alumni Club, memberof several clubs, Campaign committee work.Second J'ice-President (2 years)Shirley Farr, '04. Chicago Alumnae Club,Chicago College Club.Mrs. Virginia Folkes Lewis, '15. West Su-burban Alumnae Club.Executive Committee (2 years)Frank M. McKey, '04. Receiver. Delta TauDelta, Chicago Alumni Club, member of severalclubs.Mrs. Lois Hostetter Huebenthal, '18. Esoteric,Chicago Alumnae Club, Chicago College Club.M. Elizabeth Walker, '20. Mortar Board,Chicago Alumnae Club.Delegates to Alumni Council (3 years)Elizabeth Faulkner, '85. Head of FaulknerSchool, Chicago Alumnae Club, Chicago College Club. (For re-election).34° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHarry N. Gottlieb, 'oo. Lawyer — Gottlieb,Schwartz & Markham, Chicago. Phi BetaKappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Owl & Serpent, Chicago Alumni Club, member of several clubs.Herbert P. Zimmermann, 'oi. (See above)(For re-election)Paul H. Davis, 'n. (See above)William H. Kuh, 'n. Supt., Eisendrath GioveCo., Chicago. Washington House, Class Secretary, Chicago Alumni Club.Mrs. Margaret Hewitt McDaniel, '17. PhiBeta Delta, Chicago Alumnae Club, ChicagoCollege Club.Harry R. Swanson, '17. Federai SecuritiesCorporation, investments, Chicago. Phi GammaDelta, Sigma Delta Chi, Owl & Serpent, Chicago Alumni Club, Reunion Chairman.Arthur A. Baer, '18. Mgr., Baer DepartmentStore, Chicago. Delta Sigma Phi, Owl & Serpent, Chicago Alumni Club.Mrs. Virginia Hibben Becker, '22. Wyvern,Chicago Alumnae Club.Ruth C. Hess, '23. Pi Delta Phi, ChicagoAlumnae Club.» « «Springfield Club Annual MeetingTHE University of Chicago AlumniClub of Springfield, Illinois, held itsAnnual Meeting on the evening of Aprii26th, starting with a dinner at the St.Nicholas Hotel. There were thirty-fourAlumni in attendance. President HarveyM. Solenberger, '02, presided, and MissLucy Williams, '17, Secretary, managedthe details of the meeting.Alumni Secretary A. G. Pierrot was thespeaker of the occasion and told of President Mason, of the building constructionnow in progress at the University, of theprogress of the Development Campaign,and emphasized the growing importanceof the co-operating relationships betweenthe Alumni and the University. He fol-lowed his talk with an exhibition ofmoving pictures of the University, in whichthe new machine which had been obtainedfor club uses, was used for the first time.The pictures were greatly enjoyed by theClub and a rising vote of thanks was givento Mr. Pierrot for his appearance at themeeting and the presentation of the pictures.In the business session of the meeting,the officers of the Club were unanimouslyre-elected. The Club voted to purchasetwo 1926 Cap and Gowns to be presented(Please turn to page 369) The 1926 Reunion(Conlinued from page 325)at our Reunions could not be well developedbecause there was no time on the programwhich permitted any important class func-tions to be planned and carried out. Theclasses now have Friday night entirely forclass functions, under the program as an-nounced, while the general Alumni eventswill be concentrated on the one "Big Day,"Alumni Day, culminating with the alwaysimpressive Sing.Association ReunionsThe Law School, Doctors of Philosophyand Rush Medicai associations will holdtheir annual Reunion events as announcedon the Alumni Week program. The annual Luncheon of Doctors of Philosophywill be held on Monday, June 14, whilethe Law and Rush Medicai associationswill hold their big events on Tuesday, June15, following Convocation. In connectionwith the Rush and the Law gatherings anumber of class anniversary meetings willtake place.Rush Alumni ClinicsOne of the most interesting features ofthe general Reunion is the Rush AlumniClinics started this year. Details on theseClinics have appeared in the Rush sectionof the Magazine. No finer way of bring-ing the Rush Alumni in direct touch withthe latest work and progress in medicineand surgery as developed at the Universitycould have been adopted, and this feature,the forerunner of many somewhat similarcontacts between the University and theAlumni in future, gives promise of notablesuccess. Ali Rush Alumni are most cordial-ly invited to attend any or ali of these special Clinics.Welcome Home!This is your Reunion. The Universityinvites you to return. The program hasbeen prepared for you. The Committee,the class and association officers, and othersin charge of events have done their share —yes, more than their share — to enable youto renew ties with the "City Gray." Makeplans now to attend this 35th AnniversaryReunion. Welcome Home!C THE LETTER BOX 1An Interesting NoteThe University of Chicago,Office of the Recorder.Editor,Alumni Magazine.I find among my miscellaneous items thefollowing memorandum which I made inJune, 1925. It may be of interest for thecolumns of the Magazine :"At the time when President Burtonentered upon the work of the President'soffice, (in 1923), there were on thefaculty thirteen persons who had been students in the University during the firstyear, 1892-93. Besides these, thirty suchstudents had been on the faculty in previousyears. This totals forty-three, of the students during the first year, who becamemembers of the faculty of the University."Yours sincerely,Frederic J. Gurney., '83,Assistant Recorder.A « «Praises U. of C. Press AdvertisingAprii 17, 1926.I suppose that anyone who ever hadanything to do with advertising is inherent-ly a student and critic of the other fellow'sstuff. I have heroically resisted for eight-een years the temptation to burst into printin comment on advertising, regardless ofthe provocation, but I cannot refrain fromwriting you personally to say how much Ienjoy the monthly page in the U. of C.Magazine from the anonymous "advertisingmanager of the University of ChicagoPress."The whole conception of this series, andits delightful change of pace, makes itunique among the book advertising I haveseen, and it is the first thing I turn to ineach issue. Sincerely yours,W. A. McDermid, ex '08. Portland Alumni EnjoyUniversity FilmReed College,Portland, Oregon,March 29, 1926.The University of Chicago Alumni herein Portland had a fine meeting last Thurs-day evening, March 25th. The successand interest of this gathering was due inconsiderable measure to the new film onrecent University events which you kindlyarranged to send us. A more detailed account of the meeting will doubtless reachyou from the new secretary.Ali of us wish that President Masoncould have made his California trip viaPortland one way. Better luck next time!Cordially yours,Frank L. Griffin, '03, Ph. D. '06.À « ÀStudent Comment on the TuitionIncreaseAS STATED in the Magazine, the Uni-•• versity has been compelled by economie circumstances to again increase therates of tuition. The increase is to takeeffect on July ist. This announcement wasrecently made on the Quadrangles. Weprint below the opinion of an undergradu-ate in a letter to the Daily Maroon :"As an undergraduate, I feel that the author-ities are entirely justified in raising the tuition,although it raises a serious problem for mepersonally, as one of the many students whowork their way through. The Chicago studentnever has paid, and will not, even with theincreased tuition, pay more than 50 per centof the cost of his college education. Further-more, how great a per cent of the sum, varyingfrom $900 to $1,500 and more, which is spentby an undergraduate during the year, is the$45 extra, which will mean so much to theUniversity in increasing its facilities to takecare of the ever-increasing demand for highereducation?"34'Recent Notable Library AcquisitionsAMONG the many notable acquisitions-i*.of books and manuscripts recently received by the University Library the fol-lowing may be mentioned :i. An important work on ComparativeAnatomy, being the second part of "TheElephant's Head," Copenhagen, 1925, presented by the authors, Professor J. E. V.Boas and Professor S. Poulli, who in 1922presented the first part of the same work.2. An unusually fine copy of the greatGerman Bible printed at Zurich by DavidGessner, in 1690 and 1691. It is a largefolio, the Old Testament covering 848pages, being printed in 1691, the Apo-crypha, 199 pages, and the New Testament,268 pages, in 1690. The book was presented to the Library by Miss Lillie Ober-man Hoerr of Chicago in January, 1926.3. Two other famous Bibles, the Bishop'sBible of 1568, and the first Danish Bible of1550, are also to be added to the large col-lection of Bibles already in the possession ofthe University, some of the choicest speci-Ynens of which are here as a result of theAmerican Bible Union and PengstenbergCollections which with the Berlin Purchaseconstituted the chief book resources of theUniversity when it opened its doors in1892.4. The Wandel Collection of 68 vol-umes containing specimens of early writingon vellum, some of them dating back tothe eleventh century, forms a part of themanuscripts now being purchased on thefund presented to the University by MissShirley Farr of the Class of 1904.5. Another recent acquisition of greatimportance for students of Modem His-tory and Politics are the 255 volumes ofthe German Reichstag Verhandlungen, covering the period 1869-19 18. The Libraryhopes to supplement this valuable acquisition by extensive additions to its files of the Legislative Debates and Proceedings,particularly of southern and western States.With the opening of the new TheologyBuilding and the additional space for booksto be provided in the New Medicai Build-ings, and in Wieboldt Hall, the next yearor two should witness considerable improve-ment in the housing facilities for the manyimportant collections of books and manuscripts now being added to the University.« » «Dean Albion W. S.mall's BequestTo The UniversityOFFICIAL announcement is made thatthe University of Chicago" is the re-siduary legatee in the will of the late Professor Albion W. Small, former Head ofthe Deparment of Sociology and Dean ofthe Graduate School of Arts and Literature.What will eventually amount to $25,000has been left in a fund to be known as theAlbion W. Small Publication Fund to beused for support of publication within thefield of social science.Noting in the document that he intend-ed to establish a permanent memorial of hisinterest in the subject which had occupiedhis professional life, Professor Small wrote :"The longer I have studied human experi-ence, the more convinced I have becomethat people can live together with satisfaction and reciprocai advantage only in thedegree in which they learn to maintain aconsistent Christian attitude toward oneanother, and it is my hope that this fundwill have a part in converting the worldto the same belief."The University is also given a specificlegacy consisting of ali the books, pam-phlets, and papers of the testator which atthe time of his death were located in HarperMemorial Library, and permission to editand publish any manuscript found amonghis papers.342UNIVERSITY NOTES 343A Group of DeansAbove, left to right: Dean Gordon J. Laing, (Graduate, Arts and Literature) ; DeanJames P. Hall, (Law) ; Dean Henry G. Gale, (Graduate, Science). Below, left toright: Dean Thomas V. Smith, (College) ; Dean William S. Gray, (Education) ; DeanShailer Mathews, (Divinity).New Appointment to the FacultiesRECENT appointments to the Faculties of the University include thoseof Dr. A. Baird Hastings as Professor ofPhysiological Chemistry; Gustav Krueger,of the University of Giessen, as VisitingProfessor in the Department of ChurchHistory for the Spring Quarter, 1926;William C. Graham, as Associate Professorof Old Testament Languages and Litera-tures; and Dr. Louis Leiter, as AssistantProfessor in the Department of Medicine.Dr. Chauncey S. Boucher, of the Department of History, has been appointedDean of the Colleges of Arts, Literature,and Science for the Spring Quarter, 1926;and Professor Harvey A. Carr has beenmade Chairman of the Department of Psy-chology. Spring Quarter RegistrationIN THE Graduate School of Arts andLiterature there are 674 students en-rolled, and in the Ogden Graduate Schoolof Science 536, a total of 1,210. In theSenior Colleges there are 1,159 students,and in the Junior Colleges (including theunclassified) 1,242, a total of 2,401.In the Professional Schools there are 218Divinity students, 188 in the MedicaiCourses, 254 in Rush Medicai College, 296Law students, 133 in Education, 439 inCommerce and Administration, and 88 inSocial Service Administration, a total of1,616. University College (downtown)has an enrolment of 1,843.The total for the University, exclusiveof duplications, is 3,565 men and 3,150women, a grand total of 6,715, of whom2,331 are graduate students and 4,384 undergraduate.344 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBequest for Research in CancerCANCER research at the University,which has been conducted with important results for many years by MissMaude Slye, will be enhanced by the income from a fund of $100,000, a bequestof the late Edwin Francis Holmes. Thegift is announced in a letter to PresidentMax Mason by Miss Harriet F. Holmes,daughter of the donor, who has been as-sociated with Miss Slye in her cancer research for about sixteen years. MissHolmes is a resident of Batavia, 111.The four children of the donor will havea life interest in the fund, and when thatinterest ceases the $100,000 will revert tothe University for the establishment of theEdwin F. Holmes Fund for Medicai Research, the letter states.Miss Slye states that Miss HarrietHolmes has for sixteen years made a gen-erous and valuable gift of her time andtalent as a technician in such importantwork as preparing slides of tissues formicroscopie study. Miss Slye recently announced the results of these tests, madeupon 16,000 cancerous mice, stating thatsusceptibility to cancer in mice is inherit-able, that it affeets these animals in muchthe same manner as men, and that theexperiments tend to discount the germtheory of cancer. She concluded that twofactors which produce cancer are congenitalsusceptibility and irritation of the rightkind ih the susceptible tissues, and thatavoiding chronic irritation in these tissueswill do much to prevent cancer.Miss Slye indicated that the Holmes giftwill greatly facilitate the cancer researchwork of the University, and expressedgratitude to the donor, and to his daughterfor her services.» & àFirst Fruits of University of ChicagoExcavations at ArmageddonTHE accidental finding of the fragmentof an important stone monument in theMound of Megiddo (Armageddon), Palestine, by Egyptian workmen in search ofbuilding stone, is thus described by Di rector James H. Breasted, who has recentlyvisited the excavations:"While searching for ordinary buildingstone the native foreman noticed Egyptianhieroglyphics on one side of a certain piece.The piece was put aside, and when I ar-rived and we were able to decipher the al-most illegible signs we found that fortunehad favored us by preserving just that par-ticular little section of King Shishak'smonument which bore his name."The whole monument must have beenten feet high, nearly five wide, and t'wentyinches thick, according to Director Breasted,and commemorates the capture by the Egyptian king, Shishak, in the tenth centurybefore Christ of Armageddon as well asJerusalem. Although Armageddon ap-pears in the list of conquered cities placedby King Shishak on the walls of the tempieof Karnak at Luxor, Egypt, this is the firstactual proof of his having captured it."Should the entire monument be found,piece meal," Director Breasted said, "itmaybe that we shall recover the Egyptian ver-sion of the capture of Jerusalem in thetenth century, b.c., as narrated in the OldTestamerit."The University of Chicago expeditionheadquarters at Megiddo have been com-pleted, and on Aprii 15 three hundred Arablaborers under the direction of Dr. ClarenceFisher began active digging on the mound,which comprises some thirteen acres.« À «One Hundred Fellowships AwardedOFFICI AL announcement is made ofthe award of more than one hundredfellowships in thirty-one departments at theUniversity of Chicago for the year 1926-27.Over sixty different institutions are rep-resented in the award, including, outsideof the United States, the universities ofManitoba, Toronto, British Columbia,Queen's University, and McMaster University in Canada ; the University of Prague,the University of Wien, Austria, and Oxford University, England.Of those appointed to fellowships, morethan half have already received the Mas-ter's degree.UNIVERSITY NOTES— RADIO PROGRAM 34New Business ManagerMR. LLOYD R. STEERE, Vice-President and Treasurer of theMiami Corporation, has been appointedVice-President and Business Manager ofthe University of Chicago to succeed Mr.Trevor Arnett, the Board of Trustees an-nounced in Aprii. Mr. Arnett, an author-ity on college finance, resigned to return toNew York, where he will participate in thephilanthropic work sponsored by John D.Rockefeller, Jr.The new Business Manager of the University received an A. B. degree from Harvard in 1903 and an LL. B. in 1905. In1905 he was admitted to the Illinois Barand has been identified with the legai pro-fession in Chicago since that time. From1912 to 1922, when he went to the MiamiCorporation, he was secretary and estateofficer of the Central Trust Company ofIllinois. He has also been a member ofthe law firm of Montgomery, Hart, Smithand Steere.He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and the American Bar Association,of the Harvard -Yale-Princeton Club andof the University Club. He is forty-sixyears old.Mr. Arnett 's resignation took effect MayI. For 20 years he was Auditor of theUniversity, but left the University in 1920to become a member and secretary of theGeneral Education Board. He returnedin 1924 to the office of Vice-President andBusiness Manager.« » «Sing to be BroadcastArrangements are being made to havethe Sing broadcast over two radio stations.The two stations for which the broadcasting plans are being made are : WMAQ,wave length 447.5, and WLS, wave length344. We suggest, because of the nationalsignificance of the Sing through the fra-ternity connections, that Alumni Clubs seekto arrange with their locai stations for chain-broadcasting through WMAQ or WLS.Requests for such chain connections shouldreach the Radio Editor, University of Chicago, at least two weeks before June 12,the day of the Sing. RADIO PROGRAMThree stations now broadcast University programfeatures. Their wave lengtha in meters are: WMAQ.447.5; WLS, 344; KYW, 535.4.Lectures and Campus FeaturesMay 16 — "University Religious Service"Dean Willard L. Sperry, WLSHarvard Theological School.10:50 A. M.May 18 — "World-Affairs"Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.May 20 — "Books of the Season"Professor P. H. Boynton, WMAQ9:00 P.M.May 21 — "Care of the Eyes"Dr. W. H. Wilder, WMAQ9:00 P.M.(Postponed from Aprii 16)May 23 — ''University Religious Service"Dean WillardIL. Sperry, WLSHarvard Theological School,10:50 A. M.May 25 — " World- Affai™"Speakertobe announced. WMAO9:00 P.M.May 27 — "Books of the Season"Professor Cari H. Grabo. WMAQ9:00 P.M.May 28 — "The Menace of Narcotics"Dr. Charles E. Sceleth. WMAQ9:00 P.M.May 30 — "University Religious Service"Reverend Harold C. Phillips, WLSMt. Vernon, New York10:50 A. M.JUNEJune 1 — "World Affairs"Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.June 6 — "University Religious Service"Rev. Ralph W. Sockman, WLSMadison Avenue MethodistEpiscopal Church. New York10:50 A. M.June 8 — "World- Affairs"Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.June 11 —"Learning to Keep Well"Dr. J. M. Dodson. WMAQ9:00 P.M.June 13 — "University Religious Service"Convocation Sunday. WLSSpeaker to be announced.10:50 A. M.June 15 — "World Affairs"Speaker to be announcedAWMAQ9:00 P. M. ^Alumni may receive monthly programs free bymailing their names and addresses to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago1886 Will Hold Its FortiethConsecutive ReunionThe Class of 1886 will hold its 40thannual reunion at a class dinner on theevening of Class Day, June nth. OuiClass has not failed to get together in Juneof each year during the 40 years sincegraduating. You can always count on '86!Edgar A. Buzzell, '86,Secretary.346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERecent Gifts to the UniversityTHE Board of Trustees announces thatMr. Julius Rosenwald, a Trustee ofthe University and one of its most generousfriends in the past, has donated $30,000to be used by Director James H. Breasted,of the University's Orientai Institute inphotographing and translating the rapidlydisappearing inscriptions on the tombs andtemples of the Egyptian kings.Mr. Charles Coit has given to the University of Chicago the sum of $500 to beknown as "The Clara M. Coit Loan Fundfor Medicai Students," in memory of hismother.The Delta Sigma Alumnae Associationhas given to the University $700 to estab-lish the Delta Sigma Alumnae EducationalFund, as a "perpetuai loan fund to assistworthy young women in acquiring an education at the University of Chicago"; andthe Esoteric Alumnae Association has givenapproximately $4,700 as a fund to beknown as "The Esoteric Alumnae Sholar-ship," the income from the fund to applyupon the tuition of one or more womenstudents of the University.Mr. Walter G. Zoller has given to theUniversity the sum of $5,000 to be used bythe University "for the relief of the poorfrom diseases of the teeth," with the under-standing that it be applied in defraying theexpenses of professional services, teaching,or research.Professor A. A. Michelson has reportedto the Board of Trustees the important ser-vice of Mr. Elmer A. Sperry, of the SperryGyroscope Company. He attributes "alarge measure of the success of last year'swork on Mount Wilson to the magnificentarc-light which Mr. Sperry loaned forthe purpose." Mr. Sperry has also donatedtwo special revolving mirrors.» « «The University as an InternationalInstitution(Continued from page 331)they are too prosperous over there tothink!"In any case, it is plain that in international affairs, as elsewhere, educationconsists not only in the discovery and dis- semination of facts, but in the cultivation ofattitudes. A truly international institution— as our own Harris Foundation wiselyrecognizes — will not only investigate factsabout other countries, but will seek to promote the international mind and the attitudes that best express it. An Indian nowresident in London, for many years hasknown intimately hundreds of the Indianstudents who gather there, remarked to me,on my way home through London, that wehave by no means yet solved the problemsinvolved in the increasing movement of students to other lands for study abroad. Ifthey return to their own country morecriticai of other nations and cultures andless disposed to co-operate with them, because of their own experience abroad, theyhave become an international liability,rather than an asset, in a world so smallas our world has suddenly come to be. Inali frankness and friendliness, let us aliremember that both those who come fromother lands to study among us, and we, noless, who know so little about them andtheir background, have alike to learn thatinternationalism of attitude and spiritwhich is so easy to recognize and so hardto achieve. It is that attitude and spiritwhich alone can make any university in-wardly international.Therein lay the sharp point of the mes-sage to America given me the day before Ileft India by one of the most eminent ofliving Indians, Mr. K. Natarajan, the far-seeing editor of the Indian Social Reformer.You have brought us greetings and a mes-sage from America. We have been interestedand grateful for them, and you have had anunusual hearing in our country. I should likenow, if I may, to give you, as you return, amessage to your fellow-countrymen. Please telithem if they would like to do something tomake the relations between America and Indiarelations of better understanding and warmercordiality, they don't need to come out here toIndia to do anything at ali, if only they willshow more of the spirit of Jesus at home.The barb in that message is that it wasgiven by a liberal Hindu to a Christian min-ister, who had been sent out by the University of Chicago to interpret the Christianreligion to the scholarly and thoughtfulpeople of India.Gift For Contagious Diseases HospitalTHE University of Chicago will re-ceive $500,000 for the construction ofa hospital for the treatment of contagiousdiseases as the result of an agreement between officials of the University and trustees, Mr. Clarence A. Burley and Mr.Laird Bell, under the will of the lateMrs. Harriet G. Smith. According to theterms of the will the trustees are author-ized to hold the fund in trust until itshall equal in value the sum of $500,000,at which time a suitable site and buildingshall be secured and a hospital to be knownas the Charles Gilman Smith Hospital es-tablished in the city of Chicago.An agreement was drawn up with theUniversity of Chicago by the terms ofwhich the University is to provide, in connection with its work in medicai instruc-tion and research, a suitable site andbuilding for the hospital. The agreementalso provides that the construction of thebuilding is to start on or before the datewhen the trust fund and property equalin value the sum of $500,000, and the income from any balance over and above thecost of construction and equipment maybe used and applied to the support of thehospital as the University directs. TheUniversity of Chicago is given the rightto use the facilities of the hospital in connection with its work in medicai instructionand research.Authorities at the University see a realstrengthening of the Medicai Schools andHospitals on the Midway in the oppor-tunities provided by the gift. The establish-lishment of a hospital for the treatmentof contagious diseases will materially widenthe scope of the hospitals which are beingbuilt and will enlarge the facilities forpublic service by the University of Chicago.It is pointed out, however, that additionalfunds are needed for endowment of thehospital to carry on in the building, nowprovide for, the work of combating contagious diseases which are recognized as aserious problem in this city. The need forexpansion of this type of medicai work isexplained by Dr. I. S. Falk, assistant pro fessor of hygiene and bacteriology and staffmember of the Public Health Departmentin charge of public surveys."It is generally recognized that the exist-ing hospitals of Chicago are inadequate tomeet the increasing demands which arebeing made upon them by the community,"Dr. Falk asserts. "This is especially truein regard to facilities for the treatment ofpatients afflicted with contagious diseases.Many hospitals will not even admit contagious cases. The gift to the Universitywill contribute towards relieving this situation."It is considered on the Midway that thegift has also a larger meaning. The University of Chicago has definitely embarkedon a program of medicai school and hospitaldevelopment in which research takes aprominent part. The establishment of acontagious disease hospital will provide thefacilities and the clinical material which isessential for research."The reeent discovery of the germ ofscarlet fever and the preparation of anantitoxin by Dr. George F. Dick and hiswife, Dr. Gladys Dick of the McCormickInstitute affiliated with the University ofChicago, provides an illustration of howpatient research paves the way for newadvances in medicine. The contagious orcommunicable diseases are only partly undercontrol. For some of these diseases thegerm has not been discovered. For others¦ — even though the germ is known — noantitoxin or other preventive or curativeserum has been prepared. Pneumonia andtuberculosis, for example, continue to killabout 6000 persons each year in Chicagoalone. When the city is visited by an epidemie of influenza like that which sweptthrough it last month, medicai science isstili comparatively helpless. There is greatneed and great opportunity for funds tofinance research."The development of hospital, teachingand research facilities which is now goingsteadily forward at the University of Chicago reflects a distinctly hopeful sign forthe future."347NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESDean Wilkins Resigns asDean of the CollegesFOLLOWING a protracted illnesswhich was accentuated by a nervousbreakdown during the Winter Quarter,Dean Ernest Hatch Wilkins was forced toleave his work and enter the PresbyterianHospital. After several weeks of conva-lescing, he has recovered sufficiently to resumé his work as Professor of RomanceLanguages. He felt it necessary to resign,however, as a result of his illness, from hisposition as Dean of the Colleges. Earlylast Spring Quarter, Dean Wilkins, underthe pressure of work and frequent attacksof ili health, asked to resign, but his administration work was so constructive thatthe University would not accept his resig-nation and prevailed upon him to serveanother year.On Wednesday evening, Aprii 14, students and members of the faculty gatheredat a banquet in his honor at Ida Noyes Hall.On this occasion Dean Wilkins heard oneafter another of his colleagues and students,whose lives had been enriched by their contact with him, pour out their praise andappreciation for his service to the University and the undergraduate body.During his term as Dean, as the Alumniknow, he inaugurated many notable plansfor bringing the students into closer contact with the faculty and with each other,and his record of achievement in this position is an outstanding accomplishment withfew, if any, parallels.ò ò »DON McGINNIS, '26, star of the1925 Blackfriar production, "Kaitifrom Haiti," is taking the leading femalerole in the new Blackfriar show, "WallieWatch Out," to be presented in MandelHall May 14, 15, 21, and 22.As Prudence Chapel, he shares the honorswith Clyde Keutzer, '26, another favorite of last year's performance. Keutzer is play-ing the other female lead, Louise.Seward Covert, '26, head cheerleader ofthe University and star of many campusproductions, is taking the leading male partas Jefferson. The title role of Wallie isbeing played by a Freshman, Marvin Hintz,for whom Blackfriars predict a brilliantcareer.One of the features of the show is theGlee Club, which lends collegiate atmos-phere to what has been characterized as thepeppiest college play in years. The Blackfriar jazz orchestra that toured the MiddleWestern vaudeville circuits after a sen-sational success in Chicago theatres, is another headliner.The play is a tale of financial and emo-tional difficulties in a mythical kingdom inFlorida and of life at the University, withmuch clever satirizing of college life.THE South Shore Country Club wasthe scene on the night of Aprii 23rdof the Second Annual Military Ball, spon-sored by the Cadet Officers of the University Unit of R. O. T. C. About threehundred couples were present to enjoy thecolorful aspects that characterized thisoccasion.At ten o'clock assembly was sounded forthe Grand March, led by Cadet Major Herbert Mayer on the right and Cadet CaptainHugh Wilson on the left, with Miss AltaCundy and Miss EUen McCracken respect-ively as partners. An arch of sabres androses was formed by the Cadet Officers, inuniform, and their ladies through whichthe three hundred couples passed to flank theball room floor.The credit for the success of the MilitaryBall is due to the members of the com-mittees selected from membership of theCrossed Cannon, the honorary militarysociety of the University.348HOPES for a championship baseballteam were high in March when overthirty candidates, including six veteransfrom last year's team which placed secondin the conference, reported to Coach Nor-gren. Following the regular conferenceseason the team remained intact playinggames throughout the summer and touringthe Orient in the fall; hence, everythingpointed to a promising season this spring.Three veteran pitchers were back including Joe Gubbins, "Wally" Marks, andBill Macklind, while Webster, catcher,Brignall, third baseman, and McConnellshort stop were back in their regular posi-tions. The team took advantage of thegood weather during vacation and it seemed as if Chicago was designed to have awinning team. Immediately following thebeginning of spring quarter, snow and coldset in, and the weather was so bad that itwas not until the middle of Aprii thatthe team was again able to go outside ofBartlett Gymnasium. This undoubtedlyhurt Chicago 's chances for a winning team,for with only a few days of practice out-doors, Chicago met Northwestern and wasdefeated 5-12, and has also since lost toPurdue 2-6. However, the team is nowfast rounding into form, and is expectedto give a much better account of itself.Coach Norgren is now using Gubbins andMarks as pitchers, Webster catcher, Macklind at first base, Kyle Anderson, a promising sophomore at second base, McConnellat short stop, and Brignall at third base.In the field Charles Hoeger is playingregular center field, while Gubbins orMarks, when not pitching, play right. Theleft field is in doubt with a dozen candidatestrying out of which Farwell, John Mc-Donough, and Zimmerman are the mostpromising.Nearly forty men are out for spring football working under the direction of CoachStagg, and assistant coaches Crisler, Dick- JAMES CUSACK, '27Track Team Captainson, and Stagg, Jr. With the loss of 16"C" men and the probable ineligibility ofseveral other men who are now on probationunusual emphasis is being placed on springpractice.Among the promising line men who areout regularly include Olwin, '28, 190 lbs.and Lippy, '29, 172 lbs., centers; Fox, '29,178 lbs., and Proudfoot, '29, 188 lbs.,guards; Paul Lewis, '28, 189 lbs., Cockran,'28, 194 lbs., Wiselow, '29, 185 lbs., andCameron, '27, 178 lbs., tackles; Apitz, '28,167 lbs., Spence, '29, 174 lbs., and Stickney,'29, 167 lbs., at end. Other linemen whoare out, but who as yet have had but littleexperience include Garon, '29, 167 lbs.,Mudge, '29, 183 lbs., McEwen, '29, 174lbs., and Johnson, '29, 175 lbs.In the backfield there are no promisingquarterbacks, while at halfback Stan Rouse,'27, 173 lbs. is the only halfback of anyexperience. There are two promising full-backs — Leyers, '29, 180 lbs., and Libby, '29,(Please tura to page 368)349€ RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ìRush Alumni ClinicsJune 14A to i8th InclusiveIT HAS been arranged that regular Col-. lege class work at Rush will be sus-pended during Alumni Week, in order thatthe attention of the Faculty may be de-voted entirely to the Alumni. If the weekof intensive clinics proves to be an eventmuch desired by a considerable number ofAlumni, it is planned to make such a courseof clinics a regular affair in the programof the Postgraduate School. Possibly another week of clinics in mid-winter mightalso be established at some future time.Constructive suggestions from 'theAlumni, addressed to the Office of RushMedicai College, Harrison and WoodStreets, will be appreciated. Come thistime anyway, and if you will drop us acard or note telling us you are coming andin what feature of the clinics you are interested, you will help us to make properarrangements.The program of clinics remains essential-ly as published in the Aprii number of thisMagazine. Dr. Billings will take part inthe Clinics on diseases of the kidneys andwill give an illustrated discussion of th%available simple methods of making an ap-proximate estimation of renai function inchronic nephritis.Dr. Shambaugh cannot be in the cityduring Alumni Week and has asked Dr.Hagens to give an illustrated talk, givingthe results of the school survey of the deafchildren in Chicago.¦ Otherwise the program stands as pre-viously presented in Aprii.The interest already indicated by Alumniof Rush promises a strong attendance atthese special Clinics. To the offer of theseClinics ali members of the Rush facultyresponded most heartily.You and your friends will be cordiallywelcomed.Rush Alumni Clinics Committee. Annual Rush Alumni DinnerAs announced in the Magazine and theregular Reunion mail, the Annual Faculty-Rush Alumni Dinner will be held at theAuditorium Hotel, Tuesday, June 15, at7:00 P. M. This Dinner, with Class reunions, will be the best yet ! Welcome Ali !« « »Rush '97 Class ReunionMembers of the Class of '97 are againreminded that the annual '97 class reunionwill be held as usuai during ConvocationWeek in June. The Committee in chargeof the arrangements will mail detailed no-tices to ali members in ampie time beforethe occasion. On this 29th anniversary ofthe class the Committee expects the great-est turnout of the membership since thememorable reunion of 191 7. Pian tenta-tively now — watch for the announcements— then arrange to be on hand. A real turnout — '97 !Ernest L. McEwen, '97, Chairman.1916 Rush Class ReunionPlans for the Tenth Anniversary Reunionof Rush 191 6 are progressing with greatpromise. Over half the class have responded to the questionnaire sent out in Aprii,and replies are coming in steadily. Alimembers are urged to send in answers im-mediately. The "Big Event" will be atthe Annual Rush Banquet, Tuesday, JuneI5th. The committee aims to presentAnderson, Broman, Brown, Carpenter,Cibelius, Cox, E. F. and E. W. Hirsch,Hardinger, King, Kispert, Larkin, Meyer,Mitchell, Mertz, Munger, Ramser, Roos,Rose, Rabens, Roberts, Rosenbaum, Semer-ak, Stulik, Swickard, Thomsen, and a largenumber of "late entries," Reminder cardswill be sent those unheard from to ticklethe memory — "lest they forget." Don'tmiss this Tenth Anniversary, you Six-teeners! It will be the best yet. Be there!Charles K. Stulik, '16, Chairman.350RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE 35iDr. C. F. Little, Rush, '63DR. C. F. LITTLE, Rush MedicaiSchool, 1863, became 90 years of ageon January 27, last. Dr. Little beganpractising in 1861, under a preceptor, aswas the rule in those days. Upon gradu-ating from Rush Medicai College, in 1863,he spent one and a half years as assistantsurgeon in the igth Illinois Infantry, andwas in some of the worst battles of theCivil War. He carne to Manhattan, Kansas, in 1866, and practised there continu-ously till 19 17 when his daughter, Dr.Belle Little, took over his active practice.He was thus in vigorous service fifty-sixyears. Considering that he has been activein the Medicai Society and various ca-pacities, and much consulted since 19 17,especially by old patients, he may be said tohave served, up to the present time, duringa period of sixty-five years.He and his daughter maintain a modemhospital in Manhattan which they are soonto increase to sixty-five bed capacity, andfrom which they derive no profit, as onlynominai charges are made. Dr. Little stilitakes a leading part in the affairs of thetown. He is active vice-president of, anddirector in the First National Bank, andPresident of the Manhattan Building andLoan Association.Dr. Little has vivid recollections of hisdays at Rush Medicai College, and partic-ularly of Surgeon "Dan" Brainard, one ofthe chief professors of the time, concerningwhom he relates a number of anecdotes.At one time Dr. Brainard had a humanskeleton in a box anchored out in the shal-low water of the lake as part of the proc-ess of preparing it for use in the classroom.Such paraphernalia had to be preparedby the professors themselves in thosedays. Word carne up to the Doctor oneday while he was in class that somebodyhad discovered the box with the skeletonin it and had pulled it up on the beach, andthat a curious crowd was gathering, andit was thought a murder had been uncov-ered. Dr. Brainard ran out from the classroom, got into a carriage and hurried to the Dr. C. F. Little, Rush, '63beach, slammed and nailed the lid of thebox back on and said to the crowd, "Thisis mine, get away and let it alone," andimmersed it in the lake again. And soan incipient "murder story" was promptlyand properly drowned.Chloroform as an anesthetic was justcoming into use at that time (1863). Dr.Brainard had a bad tooth. The dentistwas afraid to administer the chloroformwhich Dr. Brainard desired, but was wil-ling to let the doctor use it on himself.So Dr. Brainard was to hold his hand upin such a way that it would fall when hebecame unconscious. When the hand drop-ped the dentist extracted the tooth. Theanesthetic had not been fully effective ; thedoctor had suffered pain, but was so faigone that he thought the pain was "in some-body else's mouth."Dr. Little is probably the oldest livingRush alumnus — certainly the oldest who isstili, to some extent, at least, in practiceHis remarkable record as a physician ancsurgeon, as well as his many years of activity as a prominent citizen, have made hinone of the notable figures of his section 0the country.CSCHOOL OF EDUCATION IC ìReading InvestigationDURING the last few years a numberof investigations in different elemen-tary-school subjects have been carried onunder subsidies from the CommonwealthFund. The recent monographs publishedby the Department of Education on reading and arithmetic illustrate the types ofstudies which have been made. At a meetingof the Research Committee of the Commonwealth Fund it was decided to organize aninvestigation the purpose of which should beto determine methods which can be usedby supervisory officers in improving instruc-tion. Accordingly A. B. Meredith, StateCommissioner of Education in Connecticutand Will C. Wood, State Superintendentof Public Instruction in California wererequested to secure someone to carry on aninvestigation in either arithmetic or reading.William S. Gray was asked to make a studyin the field of reading.The purpose of the investigation, as out-lined by Mr. Gray, is twofold: First, todetermine ways and means to improve theteaching of reading through the use of theresults of scientific studies of reading problems and, second, to measure the effect ofthe steps adopted on the progress of thepupils.The study as planned will continue fortwo years. It began in the fall of 1925and will close in the spring of 1927. Thepurpose of the work during the current yearhas been to determine the present status ofreading in the schools, investigating theamount and character of the reading doneby the pupils and the accomplishments ofthe pupils at the end of the school year.The purpose of the work during the schoolyear 1926-27 will be to improve the teaching of reading through the application ofthe results of scientific studies.The co-operation of thirty-four schoolsin northern Illinois has been secured. Two general types of studies have been planned.In one of these the city school systems ofRock Island and Wilmette will work asunits during the coming year in an effortto reorganize and improve their instructionin reading as far as time permits. In theother, several types of schools have beenselected in which controlied experimentswill be conducted. These include ruralschools, village schools, and four types ofhighly organized city schools, namely, thosewhich are attended primarily by (a) foreign children, (b) negro children, (e) chil-dren of wealthy parents and, (d) childrenrepresenting various nationalities and economie levels.Although the immediate purpose of theexperiment is to improve instruction in reading the broader aim is to develop a supervisory technique of reorganizing and improving instruction in any field. Mr. Graywill be out of residence during the autumnquarter and will devote himself exclusivelyto the problem of supervising the work inthe various co-operating centers. The results of the investigation will be publishedlater as one of the Supplementary Educational Monographs.» « »Elementary EducationThe Commission on the Length of Elementary Education, of which Mr. Judd ischairman, met on Aprii 30 and May 1.They took up for consideration materialwhich has been collected on typical schoolsystems in the various states during the lastsix months. This material has been tabu-lated at the University of Chicago andcovers various items such as the age of ad-mission in the various states, the rate ofprogress of the pupils, the courses in theschool curriculum, and the success achievedin the various types of schools in the different states.(Please turn to page 366)352€ LAW SCHOOL ?C ìReunion of Five-Year Law ClassesThis will be a great "Law year" ! Thefive-year Law classes of 1906, 1911, 191 6,and 1921 will hold special reunions inconnection with the Annual Dinner of theLaw School Association on the evening ofConvocation Day — Tuesday, June I5th.Watch the regular announcements for thisannual affair!You men of those classes — please beginnow to make your arrangements according-ly. Last year the Class of 1915 had halfof its members here. Which class willbeat that record this year?We claim a rightful Equity on yourtime and cooperation. To stay away isat least a Tort — indeed, it's Criminal Neg-Iigence! Let there be no Evidence againstyou. This demand is both Real and Personal. Be present to take care of yourWater Rights or suffer the Damages. Theclass officers place their Trusts in you.This is not just Common Law Pleading —it is an enforcement of Rights and concernsyour Future Interests. Live up to yourContracts! The Judge is Hinton he willenforce the Law! Be with us at the Hallof fame ! Real stunts — come and see theseChose in Action. Above ali else, on June15, the Law!« » «Frederic Campbell WoodwardWHAT sort of a man is the new vicepresident of the University? Thatis the question that many graduates willask, and ali that they will get in answeris an account of the things he has done,a rather unsatisfactory method of learningwhat he is. Of course it helps to knowthat he was formerly the dean of the lawschool at Stanford University, that he help-ed select President Mason, that almost everyorganization to which he belongs gives himsome officiai title and then makes him workfor it, whether it is the Association of Amer ican University Professors or the Association of American Law Schools, the Inter-collegiate Conference or the faculty-studenthonor commission, the Illinois Law Re-view or one of the dozen other groups towhich he belongs. AH that helps but it stilileaves us vague as to what he is and why somany things come sooner or later to depend,maybe more, maybe less, on him.Woodward is not tali; medium heightwould about describe him. His head ismassive, and the strong lines of his face,especially about the jaws indicate a forceof character which would be rendered rather formidable by the extremely aquiline nose,if it were not for the friendly lines aboutthe eyes, which have fortunately followedyears of readiness to laugh whenever laugh-ter could be called for. And that bringsup one of the first things that his friendswill teli you about him ; it is impossible tobe in his company more than a few minuteswithout discovering that under his guidancemany subjects of conversation have possi-bilities for humor and amusement, whichpreviously seemed as spritely and entertaining as the census report. It is not for noth-ing that he has come to be regarded as oneof the wittiest members of the faculty. Theresult of course can be taken for granted,he is a prime favorite among ali his asso-ciates not only in their working hours, butalso, if possible even more, in their leisuretime. Thus in the Quadrangle Club, thatorganization which plays such a big partin the life of the average faculty member,"Fritz" Woodward is an extremely important figure. If he isn't its president alithe time (he was, of course, during thecriticai year when the new clubhouse wasgoing up) he is at least almost a sort ofColonel House to successive generations ofpresidents, with only this exception, that aliadministrations seem to be democratic tothis particular Colonel House.(Please turn to page 368)353C 3C DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION ìKr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'*English DepartmentDURING the twenty-eight years that JohnMatthews Manly has been Head of theDepartment of English and during thefour years preceding this period, the Department has sent out eighty doctors cf philosophy.Thus far the group has lost few through death,and with the exception of those retired fromactive teaching nearly ali are continuing research studies in their special fields. Duringthe last year we have lost two of our most dis-tinguished scholars, both widely known forwork in Elizabethan literature. Thornton S.Graves ('12), made notable contributions tothe history of Elizabethan drama during hisyears at the University of North Carolina.Frederic Ives Carpenter ('95), long a memberof the Department, ended his studies shortlybefore his death with the publication of aSpenser bibliography that is exceedingly usefulto ali scholars. Among the gifts of his booksto the University Library is the rare 1596 editionof the Fairie Queene, and from the family hascome a gift of ten thousand dollars to be spentunder advice of the Department for similaracquisitions.Those most active in linguistics are James R.Hulbert ('12), professor in the University ofChicago; Thomas A. Knott ('12), newly appointed general editor of the Merriam Company,Worcester, Massachusetts; William F. Bryan(13), professor at Northwestern University;John M. Steadman (16), professor and headat Emory University; Kemp Malone ('19),professor at Johns Hopkins University; andJ. F. Royster ('07), professor and headin the University of North Carolina. Addi-tion to the staff of Professor William A.Craigie, formerly editor of the Oxford EnglishDictionary, is drawing increasing numbers intothe field of linguistics. The plans of the newModem Language Building, Wieboldt Hall,allow amply for laboratory investigations inlanguage. At present work is going on towardan American dialect dictionary, a new textof the Canterbury Tales, and a general American dictionary on the lines of the Oxford pian.In medieval studies Professor Manly hasstarted several important projects. He was instrumentai in promotion of the new MedievalAcademy of America, in which several Chicago men are active. George R. Coffman ('13),professor at Boston University, was among theoriginai enthusiasts and is on the Council. At the University, Professor Manly has a stronggroup working on masses of photostats fromnearly ali the existing Chaucer manuscripts,with the aim of creating a criticai text of theCanterbury Tales. A year ago Edith Rickert('99), associate professor in the University ofChicago, spent several months in England col-lecting the materials and is now abroad againfor the same purpose. Professor Hulbert isassisting in the laboratory. Others active inthe general field are Eleanor P. Hammond ('98) ;Dudley D. Griffith (16), professor in the University of Washington ; Annette B. Hopkins('12), professor at Goucher College; and IreneP. McKeehan (23), associate professor in theUniversity of Colorado.Charles R. Baskervill ('n), professor in theUniversity of Chicago, is directing graduatestudies during the six months period whenProfessor Manly is regularly out of residence.His important studies of afterpieces and jigson the Elizabethan stage are nearly ready forpublication. During the coming summer he willteach at the University of Washington afterremaining here for the first term. BaldwinMaxwell ('21), formerly of the Departmenthere, has accepted a professorship at the University of Iowa. The six months before takingup his new work Professor Maxwell spent inLondon, where he did research work on Elizabethan drama. Lily Bess Campbell ('21), as-sistant professor in the University of California,South, has lately published her important studiesof Elizabethan stagecraft that began in herdoctoral thesis. She will teach at the University during the second term of the SummerQuarter. Evelyn May Albright ('15), assistantprofessor in the University of Chicago, isabout to publish her investigations of authors'rights and publishing conditions in the six-teenth century; this will be issued soon asone of two monographs selected by the ModemLanguage Association in instituting a new seriesof books to be published by the society. Another book based on a dissertation will be issuedsoon by Ola E. Winslow ('22), associate professor at Goucher College; it will treat thetopic of low comedy in English drama before1642. The history of the Chicago theatres before the Civil War is the theme of a bookshortly to be issued by a Chicago house forNapier Wilt ('23), an instructor in the Department of English.(Please turn to page 360)3 54OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. See, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. See, Helen L. Lewis,4014 Penhurst Ave.Boise Valley, Idaho. See, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). See, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Pres., Ella Jeffries,West, Ky. State Teachers College.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). See,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See, L. R. Abbott,113 First Ave. West.Charleston, III. See, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. See, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. See, RoderickMacPherson, 105 So. La Salle St.Cincinnati, O. See, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. See, Lola B. Lowther, 1910E. 93rd St.Columbus, O. See, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. See, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. See, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). See, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. See, Ida T. Jacobs, The-odore Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. See, Mrs. Emma N. Sea-ton, 12162 Cherrylawn Ave.Emporia, Kan. L. A. Lowther, 617 Exchange St.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. See, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington. W. Va. See, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit. Indianapolis, Ind. See, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. See, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. See, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. See, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. See, Arthur E. Mitch-ell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).See, Ruth M. Cowan, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. See, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. See, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). See,Mrs. Louise A. Bum, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 1483 So.4th St.Manhattan, Kas. See, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. See, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. See, Harold C. Walk-er, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). See, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. See, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. See, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.Muskegon, Mich. See, Mrs. MargaretPort Wollaston, 1299 Jefferson St.New Orleans, La. See, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). See,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. 14* St.New York Alumnae Club. See, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). See, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. See, Anna J. LeFevre, Brad-ley Polytechnic Instittite.Philadelphia, Pa. See, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. i5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. See, Dr. F. HaroldRush.Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. See, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. See, Mrs. John H. Wake-field, 1419 — 3ist Ave., S. E.Rapid City, S. D. See, Della M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. See, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. See, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. See, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). See, Dr. Fred B. Firestone,1325 Octavia St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. See, C M. Corbett, 600Security Bank Bldg.South Dakota. See, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. See, Miss Lucy C Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. See, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. See, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts. Topeka, Kan. See, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). See, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. See, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. See, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th k IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy-ler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, PhilippineHerald.South India. A. J. Saunders, AmericanCollege, Madura, S. I.Shanghai, China. See, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.CLASS SECRETARIES93-94-95-96.97-98.99-'09. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.Donald Trumbull, 231 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, n 64 E. 54U1PI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar-quette Rd. 22.23-'25. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 1039E. 49th St.Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.John Fulton (Treas.), 520 Mc-Cormick Bldg.Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.EgiI Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.Arthur Cody (Pres.), 1149 E. 56thSt.Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.356NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'96 — James P. Whyte, A. M. '03, is Professor of Orai English, and Director of University Extension and Summer Session atBucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.'97 — Waldo P. Breeden is practicing lawin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.'99 — Mrs. O. F. Braims (Minnie Lester) isnow living at 2 Trinity Place, Ambler, Pennsylvania.'99 — Mrs. Alice Knight Pryor is teachingAmerican History at Annapolis High School inorder to be near her sons, who are midshipmenat the United States Naval Academy.'01 — Joseph C. Ewing, J. D. '03, is an at-torney and counselor at law in Greeley, Colorado.'05 — Commodore Hollis E. Potter, M. D. '08,of the Chicago Yacht Club, is sponsoring a newtype of sloop in the racing schedule for 1926.'09 — Harry Hansen, Literary Editor of TheDaily News, recently gave a Radio Photo-logue, on "Old Fort Chartres."Graduation Time isNearing!What better gift than areminder of campus days.U. of C. SongbookWall ShieldBook EndsJewelryBannerPillowWhat better place to buythat gift than the store onthe campus.University of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave. '09 — Frank J. O'Brien is Vice President ofMcKey and Poague, Inc., Chicago.'io — H. O. "Pat" Page has been named football coach of Indiana University, at Blooming-ton, Indiana.'n— Mollie Ray Carroll, A. M. '15, Ph. D.'20, Professor of Economics at Goucher College, gave an address on "The Right of theWorker to Education," at the Women's Industriai Conference, held in Washington, D. C.'n — Herbert L. Willett, Jr., has gone to NewOrleans to act as Regional Director of NearEast Relief for Louisiana, Mississippi andTexas.'15— Andrew P. JuhI, A. M., is teaching atWashington Union High School, Fresno, California.'16— J. S. Rex Cole, A. M. '19, is Vice President and General Manager of the EquitableInvestment Corporation, in Los Angeles,California.'18 — Robert McKnight is Director of Pub-licity for Hinkamp and Company, Real EstateSubdividers, Chicago.CHICAGO ALUMNI —have a unique chance forService and Loyalty. Teliyour ambitious friends whocan not attend classes aboutthe 450which your Alma Mater offers. Throughthem sheisreachingthousandsin ali partsofthe country and in distant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(box s) chicago, illinois357358 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'20 — J. Anthony Humphreys is Dean of theSchool of Commerce of the Central Y. M. C.A. Schools, Chicago.'21 — Phyllis Baker is teaching English inWausau High School, Wausau, Wisconsin.'21 — James Vincent Sheean, ex, has writtena book called "An American Among the Riffi,"a story of his adventures in "the forbiddenland of the Riff."'22 — George Lusk, A. M. '23, has been award-ed a fellowship in Psychology of Aesthetics, bythe Society for American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities.'22 — Myrtle Moore is assistant to the Registrar, Stanford University, California.'22 — Mildred Osmundson is teaching in thehigh school in Hilo, Hawaii.'22 — Louis P. River, M. D. '25, is practicingmedicine and surgery in Oak Park, Illinois.'23 — Harry G. Atkinson is Divisionai Secretary of the National Association of Real EstateBoards, Chicago.'23 — Helen I. Budde is Camp Director andRecreation Secretary in Louisville, Kentucky.'23 — Mrs. Jennie N. Phelps is principal of theYale School, Chicago.'24 — Russell E. Pettit is with the Chamber ofCommerce at San Jose, California.'25 — Adah Peirce is an instructor in Englishin Stephens Junior College, Columbia, Missouri.'25 — W. Leslie River is chief yeoman on S.S. "American Banker," of the American Merchant Lines. '22 — Earl Emendorfer is a geologist in theColombian oil fields of International PetroleumCompany at Barranca, Bermeja.'23 — Anoria Marie Butler is assisting Lever-ett S. Lyon in the preparation of textbook andbook of supplementary readings.DIVINITYALUMNI NOTES•3 " i>E. A. E. Palmquist, D. B., '01, is ExecutiveSecretary for the Federation of Churches, Phila-delphia, Pennsylvania.Wade Crawford Barclay, D. B., '06, for thepast eleven years associate editor of Sunday-school publications for the Methodist EpiscopalChurch, was elected to an important position inconnection with the educational service for theforeign field by the Board of Education of theMethodist Episcopal Church at a recent held in Chicago. Already several of Dr.Barclay's textbooks in religious education havebeen translated into Spanish, German, Italian,Chinese and Japanese and have been widelyused by missionaries in the training of nativeIeaders and teachers.TRAVEL- COMFORTPeople who travel a good deal attach much importance to the matter oftravel comfort, the elements of which are —Smooth Road BedFine Pullman EquipmentRegulated SpeedSkillful Operationìviaintenance of ScheduleCourteous EmployeesFaultless Dining Car ServicePeople who travel a good deal,rather commonly use the Burlington to ChicagoOmahaLincolnDenverKansas CitySt. JosephSt. PaulMinneapolisThe Pacific NorthwestFromBurlington J. R. Van Dyke, General Agent179 West Jackson Street — Phone Wabash 4600ChicagoNEWS OF THE CLASSES 359Susan Wealthy Orvis, A. M., '15, has ac-cepted an appointment as Professor and Headof the Department in Religious Education, TaborCollege, Tabor, Iowa.Jesse J. Kolmos, A. M., '16, and Mrs. Kolmoswho have had extensive experience in Europeantravel are planning to take a small party offriends with them this summer. They pianto travel as far south as Naples and Rome.McGruder Ellis Sadler, '22, has been Super-intendent of Religious Education for the Dis-ciples of Christ in Virginia since 1922.Helen R. Burr is educational director of theFourth Baptist Church, Providence, Rhode Is-land. She is in charge of a week day schoolwhich is now in its second year and is holdingthe loyal interest of a large group of childrenafter public school hours.B. T. Kimbrough, has been elected Presidentof Clarke University, Louisville, Kentucky. Heis also President of the Baptist Medicai Missionary Society.P. G. VanSant is President of the OptimistClub, a business organization in the west endof St. Louis. He is also Vice-President of theCommercial Club. His church is now erectinga religious education plant which will accommo-date one thousand persons.•8 S>»¦»¦fi'£•£•»•»•»•^B»»B»«««MM»«B««B8«BBBB9BB^BBV('16 — James R. Elliott is doing OrthopedicSurgery, is a member of the faculty of the University of Kansas School of Medicine, and isMajor of the Medicai Officers Reserve Corps.'16 — Harold A. Ramser is specializing in Eye,Ear, Nose, and Throat work at 25 E. Washington Street, Chicago.'20 — C. J. deBere has an office at 25 E. Washington Street, Chicago.'20 — Bruce H. Douglas is Superintendent ofDetroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium,Northville, Michigan.'21 — R. J. Harrington is practicing in SiouxCity, Iowa.'21 — Floyd E. Keir, S. B. '17, is a physicianand surgeon in La Junta, Colorado.'25 — Rebecca H. Mason is medicai directorat Oklahoma College for Women, Chickasha,Oklahoma.•a¦a¦a•a RUSH MEDICAL¦a•8•a•a ALUMNI NOTES Are YouA Craftsman?Skilled craftsmen with an education are in demand asteachers in vocational schools .Are you anArchitectural DraftsmanBakerBarberBricklayer & PlastererCarpenterElectricianFoundrymanMachinistPainter & DecoratorPlumber 85 Steam FitterPrinterSheet Metal WorkerStationary EngineerPositions in the above craftsand others are open now andin September. Write givingfull particulars with referenceto age, experience, educationand salary expected.Address-State Board of VocationalEducation, Madison, Wis.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEZipp'O-GripThe bag of many uses-such asGolfing, Motoring, Fishing, infact a most convenient bagfor any trip.Light weight, compact, roomyand easy to carry. Priced from$7.00 to $32.00.Summer specials in WardrobeTrunks and Hat Boxes.28 E.CT7ANDOLPHST.NEW YORK . EST. 1859 CHICAGO"The Sunshine Belt to tbe Orient'Chinese Garden, Hangkow$1137 per dayRound the Worldin luxurious, first cabinaccommodationsPalatial President Liners, sailing every Saturdayfrom San Francisco (every fortnight from Bostonand New York). Commodious outside rooms.A world-famous cuisine. A service praised bythe most experienced travelers.Round the World at a fare that is about whatyou spend at home. Includes meals, accommodations and travel. 1 10 glorious days. 22 ports in 14countries. Optionalstopovers. Get details today.Dollar SteamshipLine604 Fifth Avenue, New York CityRobert Dollar Building, San Francisco, Calif. •a , *•»•»•»•»•»•»•^Doctors of PhilosophyALUMNI NOTES•a•a¦a¦a•a•a•a•a __^_•a — 'v-(Continued from page 354)New work in the seventeehth century is beingdone by David H. Stevens ('14), professor inthe University of Chicago, particularly on thelife and work of Milton. He discovered severaldeeds to London property of the family whileworking in the Record Office this past summer,and is also completing his bibliography ofnineteenth-century Milton scholarship for thefortheoming Columbia University edition ofMilton's complete works. Arthur H. Nethercot('22), assistant professor at Northwestern University, is carrying on his studies in the vogueof various seventeenth-century poets and haspublished several monographs giving his results.In the eighteenth century important work isbeing done by George W. Sherburn ('15), associate professor in the University of Chicago.After several months in London last year he hascompleted a study of the dramatic work ofJohn Gay and has carried forward his ex-tensive studies of the work of Pope. Duringthe coming summer he will teach at the University of Texas and will work with the Wrenncollection of Pope materials. R. H. Griffith('05), professor in the University of Texas,is working on the second volume of his Popebibliography; the first was issued recently andforms the basis of new investigations regard-ing Pope being carried on by several otherscholars. The retirement from work here ofMyra Reynolds ('95), has given opportunity forprivate studies in the eighteenth-century fieldthat doubtless will bring additions to her notable publications of other years. Among herformer students Helen S. Hughes ('17), assistant professor at Wellesley College, is particularly active in the study of eighteenth-century prose fiction.George L. Marsh (03), extension professor inthe University of Chicago, has been doing research work on the nineteenth-century critic,John Hamilton Reynolds. After three monthsof study in London he is preparing for publication an edition of the writings of Reynolds,some of the material being of special interestas hearing on the work of Keats.Of special interest is the development of theEnglish staff at the University of NorthCarolina under J. F. Royster ('07). Two otherdoctors of philosophy from here are with him— William F. Thrall ('20) and Gregory L.Paine ('2+). The service to scholarship ren-dered through Studies in Philology is one ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 361UN FAILINGMen have learned that they can dependon Chesterfield for the same fine tobac-cos, the same untiring good taste, alwaysChesterfieldSuch popular ity must be d e s er v edCHESTERFIELDS ARE MADE BY TT & MYERS TOBACCO COMPANY362 THE UNIVERSITY OFLargest Teacher PlacementWork in the United States; Under One Management — Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. For manyyears a leader. Recently doubled its spaceto meet increasing demands.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universitiesand operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.Affiliated offices in several cities.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.Public school work including teaching andadministrative positions; also, positions forcollege graduates outside of the teachingfield. A general educational informationbureau and a clearing house for schoolsand teachers.See us for First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HYDEPARK property paying6% and 6V2%INTERESTThe notes and bonds are certified toby the Chicago Title & Trust Co.trustee and title guaranteed.UNIVERSITYSTATE BANKA Clearing House Bank1354 E. 55th St., Cor. Ridgewood CHICAGO MAGAZINEtheir major activities. A similar project, theissue of the Philological Quarterly at the University of Iowa, has been forwarded by twoof our doctors, Thomas A. Knott ('12) and morerecently by Baldwin Maxwell ('21). Similargeneral services in direction of English studiesare being given by Matthew L. Spencer ('io),director of the School of Journalism, Universityof Washington; by Walter K Smart ('n), professor in the Northwestern University School ofCommerce; and by Frank C. Brown ('09), headof the Department of English in the newlyfounded Duke University at Durham, NorthCarolina. A signal honor carne to the Department during 1925 in the election to one of thefirst Guggenheim Fellowships of Clark H. Slover('24). He is continuing research work begununder Professor Cross by spending a year in Ire-land for investigation of Irish-English relation-ships.» » ÀPSYCHOLOGYNews items concerning our doctors are asfollows:Helen T. Woolley, '00, has gone to TeachersCollege, Columbia as Professor of Education.Jessie Blount Alien, '04, (Mrs. W. W.Charters) is now living in Chicago at 1428 EastFifty-Seventh Street.W. S. Hunter, '12, is the G. Stanley HallProfessor of Psychology at Clark University.F. A. C. Perrin, '12, has been promoted to afull professorship in the University of Texas.H. D. Kitson, '15, has gone to Teacher's College, Columbia, as Professor of Education.L. D. Pechstein, '16, delivered the address asretiring vice-president of section Q, A.A.A.S.,at the meeting in Kansas City.Sarah M. Ritter, '16, is head of the department of Philosophy and Education at WesleyanCollege, Macon, Georgia.Ada H. Arlitt, '17, has been appointed Professor and Head of the Department of ChildCare and Training, University of Cincinnati.E. S. Jones, '17, is now Professor of Psychologyand Director of Personnel Work at the University of Buffalo.Margaret Wooster, '20, is now Mrs. Merle E.Curti of Northampton, Massachusetts. Mr. Curtiis also on the staff of Smith College and Mrs.Curti is continuing her teaching there.Helen L. Koch, '20, is on leave of absencefrom the University of Texas and is spendingthe winter at Berkeley, California.Katherine E. Ludgate, '21, and HerbertWoodrow, Professor of Psychology in the University of Minnesota, were married in June,1925.Chiao Tsai, '24, is Professor of Psychology inFuh Tau University, Kiaugwau, Shanghai,China.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 3^3Margaret Miller, '25, is giving a course oflectures to nurses at St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.A number of books have been put out byour alumni during 1925. Among them are thefollowing:Watson: Behavìorìsm, Peoples Institute Pub-lishing Co., New York.Kitson: The Psychology of Vocational Ad-justment, J. B. Lippincott.Joseph Peterson : Early. Conceptions and Testsof Intelligence, World Book Co.H. A. Peterson: Experiments and Exercisesin Educational Psychology, Public SchoolPublishing Co., Bloomfield, 111.Carr: Psychology, Longmans, Green and Co.Thurstone: The Fundamentals of Staiistics,Macmillan.Adams: The Way of the Mind, Scribners.Perrin and D. B. Klein have put out a text-book in general psychology in mimeographedform through Edwards Brothers. E. S. Robinson has an elementary test, Practical Psychology,in the Macmillan Press.J. B. Watson has resigned as editor of theJournal of Experimental Psychology. He willedit the psychological Review during ProfessorWarren's absence in Europe. W. S. Hunterhas been made editor of the Psychological Indexand is chairman of the committee on an AbstractJournal. Joseph Peterson has been added to theco-operating board of the American Journalof Psychology. E. S. Robinson has been appointed co-operating editor of the PsychologicalBulletin to have charge of the fields of attention,memory and thought.ROMANCE DEPARTMENT1896 — Theodore Lee Neff, who retired lastsummer as Associate Professor of French at theUniversity, has been spending some months atElkhart, Texas.1900 — Isabelle Bronk, head of the RomanceDepartment at Swarthmore College, records theaddition to her departmental library of the collections of work on Romance philology andliterature accumulated by the celebrated Professor A. Stimming, late of the University ofGottingen.1906 — Milton Alexander Buchanan, head ofthe Department of Italian and Spanish at theUniversity of Toronto, is Chairman for Canadaof the Modem Foreign Language Study nowbeing conducted by the Carnegie Corporation,under the auspices for Canada, the Council ofCanadian Universities, and for the UnitedStates of the American Council on Education.George Tyler Northup, Professor of SpanishLiterature at the University of Chicago, published during the year a History of SpanishLiterature (University of Chicago Press). Heis out of residence during the spring, but isto teach in the Summer Quarter. Does YourHat Fit?In college you wore thegoing style of hat, dentedand pulled according toyour era.And then, perhaps, youwent into business on thesame principle, for thereare also distinct fashionsin businesses for collegemen.You have recovered fromthe college hat. How aboutyour job? Does it fit you —is it suitable to your char-acter, your purposes, yourpocketbook, your idea ofa life which is worth living?Many college men are wiseenough to change theirjobs when they realize theimportance of personalsuitability.And many of those menhave gone into life insur-ance, and in a short timehave found places on thelists of high-ranking insur-ance producers, in addition to the comfort of asatisfactory hat.You can obtain complete infor-mation, confidentially, and withno obligation, by calling on oneofour Qeneral Agents or by umt'mg to the "Inquiry Bureau",John Hancock Mutual Life In»surance Company, ig7 Ciaren-don St., Boston, Mass.Life Insurance Company*ar Boston. MassachusettsAStrong Company, Over Sìxty Yearsin Business. Liberal as to Contract,Safe and Secure in Every Way.3«+ THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1915 — Earle Brownell Babcock, Dean of theGraduate School in New York University, isa member of the Committee on Direction andControl of the Modem Foreign Language Studyunder the Carnegie Corporation, and Directorof the Dotation Carnegie pour la paix Internationale, succeeding Baron d' Estournelles deConstant. He is now on leave from New YorkUniversity for a year, with the prospect of de-voting a second year to his national and international duties.1919 — Alexander Haggerty Krappe, AssistantProfessor of Romance Languages at the University of Minnesota, is to lecture at the Summer Session of Columbia University.THEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-FIRST year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEW YORK.DENVER AND SPOKANETòuristthird cabin'^EUROPEOn famous "O" steamers ofThe Royal Mail LineA college vacation trip oflifelong benefit.University Tours with College Credit:ORCA, June 19 ORDUNA, June 26ORBITA, July 3Writtfor illuitratadbooUstTHEROYALMAILSTEAMPACKETCO.%. 26 Broadway, New York 1921 — Clarence Edward Parmenter, AssistantProfessor of Romance Languages at the University of Chicago, is on his usuai Spring vacation in France and Spain, in preparation for astrenuous summer with phonetics in the SummerQuarter.1922 — Louis Alien is Assistant Professor ofFrench at the University of Toronto, is high inthe councils of Esperantists, and is engaged withW. D. Trautman (Ph. D., 1923) in editing anOld French text for the Société des ancienstextes francais.1923 — Elizabeth McPike (Mrs. Leslie ParkerBrown) is carrying concurrently the duties ofwife, mother and extension instructor at SanDiego, California.1924 — Ruth Shepard Phelps, Associate Professor of Romance Languages at the Universityof Minnesota, is to be a visiting member ofChicago's summer faculty this year. Her bookon the Earlier and Later Forms of Petrarch's"Canzoniere" has been published by the University Press.1925 — Hermann Hervey Thornton is to combine pleasure with profit this summer by escort-ing abroad, under the aegis of a celebrated tour-ist agency, a group of souls thirsting for culturein a six-week dose.à i £DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY'12 — Edmund Vincent Cowdry, of the Rocke-feller Institute in New York City, is editor ofa book on "General Cytology," written by thir-teen specialists connected with the Marine Bi-ology Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and published by the University of ChicagoPress. Dr. Cowdry is now at work getting outa Special Cytology.'17 — Marion Hines (Mrs. Léonard Loeb),until recently Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy at the University of Chicago, is now Associate in the Department ofAnatomy at Johns Hopkins Medicai School,Baltimore, Maryland. She is continuing her research on the faebain, and on the SympatheticSystem.'22 — Clark Owen Melick has left his posi-tion as Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at the University of Chicago, to become apracticing physician in the city.'2+ — Jeannette Brown Obenchain recently re-signed as Research Assistant in the Departmentof Anatomy and is now living in Miami,Florida.'25 — Daniel Lytle Stormont is an instructorin Anatomy at Yale University, New Haven,Connecticut.PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRYAND PHARMACOLOGY1912 — Fred Koch, Professor of PhysiologicalChemistry and Acting Chairman of the Department, University of Chicago, was electedNEWS OF THE CLASSES 365secretary of the American Society of BiologicalChemists and also secretary of the Federationof American Societies for Experimental Biologyat the Christmas meetings.1918 — Lloyd K. Riggs, Research Chemist withSquibb and Sons, has been conducting studieson the relative anesthetic values of variousunsaturated hydrocarbons and finds that pro-pylene may possibly be of commercial value.1919 — Esther Maud Greisheimer, AssistantProfessor of Physiology, University of Minnesota, has received the M. D. degree. She spentthe greater part of last summer quarter in theDepartment of Physiological Chemistry here.1919 — Karl Koessler, Associate Professor ofExperimental Medicine, Otho S. A. SpragueMemorial Institute, is President of the ChicagoSociety of Internai Medicine, and also President of the American Association for the Studyof Allergy. He is associated with Dr. MiltonHanke and Dr. S. Maurer in studies on bac-terial amines and on pernicious anemia.1919 — Howard Martin Sheaff is practicingmedicine and is associated with the McCormickInstitute in studies on high pressure.1921 — Harry Benjamin Van Dyke is at present in Freiburg as National Research Fellow.He spent practically ali of last year withCushny at the University of Edinburgh.1923 — William Clardy Austin, Professor ofPhysiological Chemistry and Head of the Department, Loyola University, has carried onimportant researches on glycosuria.1923 — Eloise Parsons has received the M. from Rush Medicai College and is nowa Fellow in the Mayo Laboratories at Rochester.1924 — Dr. Ida Kraus Ragins is now Instructorin Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago, and is continuing her studies on proteinchemistry.1925 — R. G. Gustavson, Professor of Chemistry, University of Denver, has published andis continuing important studies on the ovarianhormone.1925 — T. L. McMeekin, Assistant Professorof Physiological Chemistry, Emory University,since last autumn is continuing his studies onpepsin.1925 — H. C. Goldthorpe has accepted the posi-tion of Biochemist in the Presbyterian Hospital,Chicago.1925 — Charles W. Saunders is in charge ofChemistry in Thiel College, Greenville, Pa.à £) àGEOGRAPHYProfessor Charles C. Colby, of the Department of Geography, was re-electedsecretary of the Association of AmericanGeographers at its last meeting, and Professor Wellington D. Jones was made amember of the council. Opportunity toMake YourCollege Training PayIARGE, modem investment institution-* require a high average of ability itheir personnel. Customers expect frorthem the most complete, well-informeservice in every detail.Organizations equipped to give th:kind of service afford broad opportunitfor the exercise of ability that shoulnaturally develop from college trainin— especially if it has been undertakewith a business career in view.The primary requirement is a wetrained, straight-thinking mind. Withoithat, a man could not depend upon hpersonality or his friends, to sell bondNor without it could he go far in the moitechnical branches of the bond businesEach year, Halsey, Stuart & Co. seleca limited number of men for its varioioffices, from among college-trained appicants. Before being assigned to actu;work, these men are given several monthtraining, with pay, in the fundamentals (the bond business — to give them addefoundation for development beyond ttiwork they may immediately undertalin the organization.We shall be glad to send youfurther Information if you are interested.Write for leaflet AU-56CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIAJOI South La Salle St. 14 Wall St. Ili South Ijth St.DETROIT CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS BOSTON601 GriswoldSt. 9Z5 Euelid Ave. 319 North 4th St. 85 DevonshireMILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS425 East Water St. 613 Second Ave, S.HALSEY,STUART &, CO.INCORPORATED366 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEÌiìisiìi To men who are"looking around"His first year out of college, the man who has nottrai ned for a special calli ngis usually attracted by thefirst job that yields an income. But once he beginsto feel at home in business,he frequently looks aroundfor something better — morestablereturns,perhaps,moreresponsi bili ty, a strongerhold on his interest.There is something better in this oldest Americanfire and marine insurancecompany, whose organization extends around theworld.This refers, not to opportuni ti es for selling insurance, but to departmentalpositions in the home andbranch offices.Any North America office,including the branch officein Chicago, will welcomeinquiries. Or writeInsurance Company ofNorth AmericaSixteenth Street at the ParkwavPHILADELPHIA EDUCATIONALUMNI NOTES.3 »¦'13 — Mrs. Leota Wintin Goodson, Ph. B., ischairman of the Social Science Department ofthe Washburn High School, Minneapolis, Minn.,and edits the Children's Page of the Parent-Teachers Broadcaster of Minneapolis.15 — John S. Noffsinger, A. M., is a researchworker with the Carnegie Corporation of NewYork City.'17 — Mrs. E. L. Downs, Cert., (Gertrude M.Powers) is spending the year in England.'19 — Bianche Herman, Ph. B., is fourth-gradeteacher in the Brooklyn Ethical Culture Schoolof New York.20 — Paul E. Klein, Ph. B., is Vice-Principalof Memorial Junior High School, San Diego,California.'21 — Herman D. Byrne, A. M., is Head ofthe History and Social Science Department ofthe State Normal School, Kent, Ohio.'22 — Mrs. R. W. Goodloe, A. M., is instructor in English, Miss Hockaday School for Girls,Dallas, Texas.'23 — Everett Davis, A. M., is Principal ofthe Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, DeaMoines, Iowa.'24 — S. Edward Scott, A. M., is Principal ofthe Franklin School, Quincy, Illinois.'24 — Harman S. Treese, Ph. B. is teachingmathematics in the Lane Technical HighSchool, Chicago, Illinois»'25 — Amy Byrne, Ph. B., is spending the yearat the Chicago Normal College preparatory toteaching in the Chicago Public Schools.'25 — Mary Adelia Boynton, Ph. B., is teachingin the Nursery School, Institute of Child Welfare,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.Faculty NotesMr. Judd spent several weeks in Utahduring the latter part of March as one ofthe advisers on the state survey of theschools of Utah conducted by the UnitedStates Bureau of Education. Mr. Juddmade a study of the teacher training workat the State University and at the StateAgricultural College and also studied cer-tain phases of secondary education.Dr. E. R. Downing gave an address on"The Preparation of Teachers for Biolog-ical Instruction" before the Biological Sec-tion' of the Ohio State Educational Conference at Columbus, Ohio, on Aprii 9.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 367¦a , , »••a ».3 SOCIAL SERVICE %2 ALUMNI NOTES »¦a »¦¦a t-¦d »¦K_ W WWW W W W W W W C? W W W W W W W W W W W C? W W- C? W W \jMiss Lelia Houghteling, Ph. D., 1926, formerly Fellow in Social Service Administrationand President of the Graduate Women's Clubis enjoying a vacation in Southern France andSwitzerland.Professor Sophonisba P. Breckinridge de-livered the annual Phi Beta Kappa address atVassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, onthe evening of Aprii 15. Miss Breckinridge'ssubject was "The Public Profession of SocialWork."Miss Edith Stein, A. M., 1922, was marriedSaturday evening, Aprii 24, at the BlackstoneHotel, to Mr. Melville Keim of Chicago.Miss Edwina Meaney, Ph. B., 1925, has ac-cepted a position with the United Charities ofChicago and is now working in the centrai dis-trict of that organization.Miss Isabelle Graves, Ph. B., 1923, graduatestudent, 1924-25, has recently been appointedto a position as county worker in New York,by the New York State Charities Aid Association.Fern O. Boan who will receive her A. M., inSocial Service Administration at the dose ofthis quarter is now employed by the VocationalGuidance Bureau of the Chicago Board ofEducation.Miss Elizabeth Davis, Ph. B., 1924, has beenappointed research assistant in the Mental Hy-giene department of the Michael Reese Dis-pensary.The following graduate students of the Schoolhave just been called to appointments for research work with the U. S. Children's Bureau,Washington, D. C. These appointments aremade on the basis of a competitive civil serviceexamination: Two students, Miss Lillian Car-michael, and Miss Vivian Ratcliffe have beenassigned to work in Washington; Miss BerthaHosford and Miss Olive Stone have gone toKentucky for work investigating the conditionof prisoners' families; three other students, MissDorothy Williams, Seville McReynolds, andEsther Ladewick, are working on a study ofthe Boys' Court in Chicago, and two students,Miss Savilla Millis and Miss June Robion, havebeen assigned to a study of the Lincoln StateSchool for the Feebleminded, at Lincoln, Illinois.Miss Elizabeth Wade, A. M., March 1926, isnow employed as family case worker with theEvanston, Illinois, Association of Charities. WHAT'SAT THE END OFTHE ROAD?jHEN 87,133 college graduates titraveled the same road voluntathere must be something at the enithat road to make the journey worthwhileMore and more widely accepted every the outstanding post-graduate trainingpractical business, is the Alexander HamilInstitute.Composed partly of university teachers, and paof men who have won noteworthy success in erespective lines of business, the Course and Scris arranged and conducced in accordance with unisity practice and ideals.• • ? ?V/e don't take credit for the fine records made bygraduates any more than Yale or Princeton or Har\take credit for the success of theirs. We prò vide no tformulas for success; we simply give men the facts tneed. If they are big enough to use these facts, tsucceed. If they aren't, they would have failcd anywYou will never find us claiming that every man \enrols in the Institute becomes a president. (But ofmen who have enrolled, 32,000 are presidents.)You unii never fini us claiming that every man \enrols increases his earning power. (Bue a quest;naire sent to 1 ,000 enrolled men showed thataverage increase in earning power since enrolrrhad been 80 per cent.)You udii never fini us claiming that this Couna substitute for hard work, or common sense. (Weclaitn that it contains the best brains and methodthe leaders in business; and that you can put tibrains to work for you as your personal servanLike the university, the Institute urges no maraccept its training; but, secking the widest poss:field of service, it offers information freely and wout obligation.Ali the facts about the Modem Business CourseService are gathered into an 80-page book printeddistribution among business and professional rrThis little book answers questions which have doiless been in your mind; it itidicates definitely just fthis training can be useful to you in the particiwork you are doing and would like to do. Ifwould care to receive a copy, don't hesitate to ask foALEXANDER HAMILTONINSTITUTEI48 Astor Place Jlew York <¦368 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrederic Campbell Woodward(Continued from page 353)AH that shows what his friends think ofWoodward. If you have any desire to seeand judge for yourself the best time to comeout to the campus is any occasion on whichamateur dramatics are being staged by thecampus folk, whether for the UniversitySettlement House, or for the savages ofTimbuctoo, or just for fun. You will notneed to look at your program — just lookat the leading man, whoever or whatevercharacter he may be, that will be Woodward. Watch him for a few minutes, andyou will know more about him than youwill by listening to any number of peopletelling you that "reorganizer of the Stanford Law School, he served for many yearsas its dean" etc, etc. And if by any chanceyou are not yet wholly convinced of thekindliness hiding behind those square jaws,just ask how he happened to make that holein one on the Jackson Park links — the re-sulting beam will carry conviction toanybody. E. W. Puttkammer, J.D. '17. Athletics(Continued from page 349)167 lbs. Other backfield men who Jackexperience are Reed, '29, 133 lbs., Dattle-baum, '29, 134 lbs., Klein, '29, 187 lbs., andWilcox, '29, 158 lbs.» « »The Interscholastic BasketballtournamentThe eighth annual National Interscholastic Basketball Tournament, held in Bart-lett Gymnasium during the week of March30 to Aprii 3rd, was the most interestingand successful tournament of its kind everheld. Over 30 states of the Union were rep-resented by their state or sectional cham-pions, with some 38 teams competing forthe national championship. The calibreof the teams was of a distinctly top-notchclass, with a result that "up-sets" occuredevery day, "favorites" were pushed asidein many unexpectedly close games — some ofthe games going over-time and being wonby one-point margins in most excitingfìnishes — and the struggle became more andmore intense as the tournament advancedtoward the championship fìnals.For the first time in the history of thetournament an eastern team won the championship. Fitchburg, Massachusetts, cham-pions of New England, defeated Fargo,North Dakota, 25 to 14, in the championship final. Salem, South Dakota, won thirdplace, with Pueblo, Colorado, fourth. Inthe Consolation tournament Zanesville,Ohio, won first, Salt Lake City, Utah,second, Oak Ridge, Louisiana, third, andCanton, Illinois, fourth place.That the high school teams of the countryare rapidly developing in basketball skilland team-work was never more in evidencethan this year. And throughout the con-tests a fine spirit of sportsmanship was al-ways in evidence. About 25,000 spectatorswitnessed the tournament during the week,with great, "capacity" crowds attending theclosing games. Coach Herbert O.("Fritz") Crisler, '22, who managed thetournament, deserves special commendationfor the general success in evidence duringthe entire week.NavajoIndian RugsHand Made of Pure Wool byWomen of Navajo Tri be. Dur-able, Distinctive, DecorativeFor living rooms, dens, lodgesReversi ble, no two alikePRICES3by5 ft. . . .£15 to £204 by 7 ft. . . . 25 to 355 by 8 ft. . . . 40 to 50Sent Postage Prepaid AnywhereReturn if not SatisfactoryOrder direct from.EVON Z. VOGT, ex-'o6VOGT RANCHRAMAH VIA GALLUP, NEW MEXICOALUMNI AFFAIRSAlumni Affairs(Continued from page 340)to the Springfield High School, and alsovoted dues to enable the affairs of the Clubto be conducted more easily. The Clubalso expressed the desire to have otherspeakers from the University appear inSpringfield from time to time as circum-stances might permit. It was an interestedand enthusiastic gathering.Peoria Club Enjoys MoviesON THE evening of February 2Óth,The University of Chicago Club ofPeoria had a most interesting meeting àtwhich about forty were present. This washeld at the University Club and took theusuai form of a dinner followed by thesemi-annual business meeting and the program, Miss Mollie Rabold, President, pre-siding.In tribute to Dr. Theodore C. Burgess,President of Bradley Polytechnic Institute,and a former member of this Club, whosesudden death occurred just one year before,on February 26, 1925, the company aroseand stood in silence a few moments.Our guest of honor, Mr. John. F.Moulds, who had brought with him thefilms showing the progress of the Universityin these latter days, and the proposed plansfor stili larger growth, then gave us a mostdelightful program consisting of the pictures and his comments thereon. Ali whohave had the opportunity of seeing thesepictures and hearing Mr. Moulds teliabout them, will know what a treat we had,and those who have not yet had this opportunity, should arrange to have this program brought to their own clubs.The Illini Club of Peoria were invitedto attend this meeting, in return for similarcourtesies which they have extended to us.Peoria has some members from some ofthe surrounding towns, and would welcomeany others who are former students at theUniversity, who may be living in com-munities near Peoria, in which there maynot be a sufficiently large number to warrant forming a separate club. The Secretary will be glad to hear from any whomay be so situated. Sincerely yours,Anna Jewett LeFevre, Secretary. The FirstNational Bankof ChicagoAND ITSAFFILIATED INSTITUTION, THEFirst Trustand Savings Bankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfac-tory financial serviceinCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand certificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is ownedby the same stockholdersCombined resources exceed$350,000,000DEARBORN,MONROE AND CLARK STREETSCHICAGOTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1006Paul Yates, Manager616-620 south Michigan avenueCHICAGOOther Office; 011-12 Broadtuay BuildingPortland, Oregon }\& à & & à & £> t> £> & à à & & & à £> à & &> & & & & & & & & XMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequisìPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16Paal RDavis & <9<xMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE37 South LaSalle StreetTelephone Ranci. 6280CHICAGOUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown department of The University of Chicago, 116 S. Michigan Avenue,wishes the Alumni of the University andtheir friends to know that it now offeisEvening, Late Aflernoon and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesCouraes also offered in the evening on theUniversity Quadrangles.Spring Quarter begins March 29For Circular of Information AddressDean, University College, The University of Chicago, Chicago, III. ¦a•a¦a•a•a¦a•a•a•a•a•a•a MARRIAGESE N G A G E M E N T SBIRTHS, DEATHS itti-»•i>»•Sili-•a »¦j/ <f <? <f 9 ? <j> e? « <? f tf <f <? <y <? tf <f <? t <? <f <? <? <? •? <? V <? XMARRIAGESJohn S. Wright, '06, J. D. '07, to Mary AliceQuarles, January 23, 1926. At home, 1445 West50th Street Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri.Emma Clark, '15, to Walter O'Halloran,Aprii io, 1926. At home, 1828 East 72nd Street,Chicago.John W. Long, '18, to Bernice Taylor, Oc-tober 21, 1925. At home, Huntington, WestVirginia.Roland Holloway, '20, to Helen Touzalin,'22, February 3, 1926. At home, 7536 EssexAvenue, Chicago.Gladys Titsworth, '20, A. M. '26, to JamesF. Pearcy, '22, Ph. D. '24, February 4, 1926. Athome Morgantown, West Virginia.Marilouise Beiderbecke, '21, to TheodoreShoemaker, November 8, 1924. At home, 16Dartmouth Place, Charlotte, North Carolina.Margaret Elizabeth Seymour, '21, S. M. '25,to Dr. E. B. Bay, '20, M. D. '22, October 23,1925. At home, 7126 Euclid Avenue, Chicago.Paula Rosenak, '22, to Vincent Lynagh, July8, 1925. At home, Apt. 19, 555 Van Buren Street,Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Malcolm C. Sewell, Ph. D. '22, to FlorenceClark, in August, 1925. At home, Manhattan,Kansas.Helen Elizabeth Keen, '23, to Fred N. Williams, February n, 1926. At home, 5430 HarperAvenue, Chicago.Helen Louise Schulze, '23, to Edgar F. Burch,Jr., December 6, 1924. At home, 2305 Commonwealth Avenue, Chicago.Florence Bassini, '24, to Walter H. Steel,March 27, 1926. At home, 7045 Bennett AvenueChicago.P. C. Chu, '24, J. D. '25, to May Toy, ex '26,March 25, 1926. At home, Canton, China.Wilmer C. Edwards, M. D. '24, to Lucile B.Postel, February 19, 1926. At home, RichlandCenter, Wisconsin.Kathryn Winifred McElroy, '24, to WalterF. Rockwell, in September, 1925. At home, 100Otter Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin..-s ^ «ENGAGEMENTSMargaret Ellen Haass, 'n, to George D.Richards.Ella Cyrene Bakke, '19, to J. Albert Dear, Jr.,'20.Jerome P. Neff, '22, to Charlotte Cragin.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 37i"The Song of the Shirt"WlTH FINOERS weary and worn,With eyelids heavy and red.A woman sat, in unwomanly rags,Plying her needle and thread,Stitch— stitch — stitch,In poverty, hunger, and dirt;And stili with ayoice or dolorous pitchShe eang the Song of the Shirt. "O men with sisters dearlO men with mothers and wiveslIt is not linen you're wearing out,But human crcatures" liveslStitch— stitch— stitch IIn poverty, hunger, and dirt —Sewing at once, with adouble thread,A shroud as well as a shirt!"— Thotr.Electricity— the great emancipatorMore than half thehomes of the nationnow have electricity .But hardly any homeis yet allowing thischeapest servant todo ali that it can do.Wherever electricityis generated or usedyou will find electri-cal machinery hearingthe initials G-E —make them yourguide. 'XSdm HOOD'S poem swept the world,¦*¦ a powerful influence for humanelaws to govern women' s labor.But a force stili greater than laws is atwork. Electricity is the great emancipator.With service so cheap and accessible,no wise husband or factory managernow leaves to any woman any taskwhich a motor will do for a few centsan hour.GENERAL ELECTRIC372 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINES W I F TYOU DO NOT have to live in a largecity to enjoy daily, fine fresh meats,dairy, and poultry products, Swift'sRefrigerator Car Service delivers thesefoods in perfect condition to thousands ofsmall towns throughout the country.CWIFT & COMPANY sells quality^ meats, dairy and poultry productsdirect to retail dealers.In the case of small towns this isaccomplished through a system of directrefrigerator car deliveries. In larger citiesretailers secure their supplies from SwiftBranch Houses.This form of marketing is used becauseour products are perishable and we mustsee that they reach the retailers in perfect condition.By this method we can parallel theshifts in demand, and eliminate the wasteof over-supply and the inconvenience ofscarcities.Direct selling to retailers has provedto be the quickest and most economicalmethod of assuring a Constant supply ofwholesome foods.Large volume makes possible such alow unit profit that it has no appreciableeffect on the prices paid by the consumeror to the livestock producer.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 47,000 shareholders BIRTHSTo Albert Dudley Brokaw, '08, Ph. D. '13, andMrs. Brokaw (Clara Spohn, '09), a daughter,Adelaide Dorothea, Jahuary 26, 1926, at Maple-wood, New Jersey.To William S. Hefferan, Jr., '13, and Mrs.Hefferan, a son, William S. Hefferan, III, Sep-tember 20, 1925, at Evanston, Illinois.To Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Young (Jessie HelenConsor, '15), a daughter, Dorothy Jean, February 21 1925, at Caldwell, Idaho.To Dr. Aaron E. Kanter, '15, S. M. '17, M.D. '17, and Mrs. Kanter (Eleanor H. Lackritz,ex '27), a son, Julian Paul, December 26, 1925,at Chicago.To Dr. G. A. Gray, '15, M. D. '17, and Mrs.Gray, a son, George Alexander, Jr., October20, 1924, at San Jose, California.C-. w «DEATHS'70 — Dr. Lafayette Wallace Case, in Pasadena, California, recently. Dr. Case was onthe faculty of Rush Medicai College for fifteenyears and is said to have organized the Reliefand Aid Society at the time of the Chicago fire.'85 — Dr. Staley N. Chapin, March 28, 1926,at his home, 2317 West noth Street, Chicago.'97 — Dr. Max J. Friedel, January 23, 1926, athis home, 2951 N. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago.99 — Joseph Edwin Freeman, March 29, 1926,at his home, 84 Hillcrest Avenue, Yonkers, NewYork. Although incapacitated for some time,Mr. Freeman had been a most energetic andenthusiastic worker on the University of Chicago Development Campaign until four or fivemonths before his death. He was a memberof the Special Gifts Committee in the East andspent a great deal of his time soliciting pledgesfrom Alumni and making suggestions for possible subscriptions from other sources.J^ » «Laureston ("Dolly") Gray DiesLaureston W. Gray, '15, familiarly known as"Dolly," died at the Fitzsimmons Hospital,Denver, Colorado, Aprii 22. Gray was one ofChicago's great half-backs, winning both Western Conference and all-American honors in1913 and 1914. His famous long runs did muchto win the championship for Chicago in 1913.He captained the Chicago baseball team thatwent to Japan in 191+. He died of tuberculosis,contracted while in army service in the WorldWar, in which service he was a Lieutenant withthe 33 5th U. S. Infantry. Reports of G'ray'scondition appeared in the Magazine from timeto time, but in recent weeks hope of his recovery was abandoned. In his cheerful strugglefor health he won the admiration of ali whocarne in contact with him during his years atthe hospital. Gray was buried at his home atWhitewater, Wisconsin, a number of his formerChicago team-mates attending the funeral.La Salle at Madison StreetClucapu, IllinoisERNEST J. STEVENSPresidentRates for RoomsHOTEL LA SALLE *An ideal place to bring your familyIT is a point of pride with us that so many families makeHotel La Salle their home when in Chicago. Parentsfind Hotel La Salle particularly hospitable to children. Noadditional charge is made for those twelve years old or under.A service desk on every floor appeals to the women of theparty. This assures those little added refinements of service so essential to real comfort.Bring your family to Hotel La Salle, where the atmosphereis homelike, the accommodations are comfortable and theprices are fixed and reasonable. Numberof Rooms162Ti1824718914217520 Price per Day1 Peraon S Persona$2.50 $4.003.00 4.503.50 5.504.004.505.006.007.OO Ò.OO7.00750Q.OOIO.OO1020 Guest RoomsFixed-Price MealsBreakfast, 50C and 70CLuncheon - - - 85CDinner - - - $1.25Sunday Dinner, 1.50A. ta carte service atsensìble pricesCHICAGO'S FINEST HOTELftrouraragKtag&fà;Young Men'sOne and Two TrouserSUITSDesigned and Tailoredin Our Own ShopsSINGLE and doublé breasted; smart, Englishmodels, broad of shoulder, narrow in hip -astriking selectionof newpatterns and shadesin both imported and domestic fabrics. Popularblues, grays, tans, mixtures, priced to please thepurse of every man.$25 z $75TOPCOATSWe feature the "Cornell" and an exceptionalline of Spring and Summer Topcoats shown innew and attractive quality fabrics.$25 and upto $50Your charge account is earnestly solicited12-14 W. Washington StreetJust West of State StreetIn Evanston — 524-26 Davis StreetPersonal Management — E^MER E. MARDEN