ChicaaocHlapincFEBRUARY, 1926VOL. XVIII. NO. 4Military ScienceFuture Of IndustriaiEducationThe Russian StudentArt DepartmentPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCIL"— and pirate stories are ready too"February 3 Going to suggest to our editors tliat we add adventurcstories to our list "•'•" * * Already have one authorlined up in my mind * * * H. G. W. Woodheadcould give us a shocker * * * He has just escaped fromthe clutches of a band of Chinese pirates who boardedthe vessel on which he was returning to China aftergiving a series of lectures at our University * * *Whcn he was hcre he told us that China was not alithat it might bs * * :,:" His views of conditions there,which we have just published in "Occidental Inter-pretations of the Far Eastern Problem," seem pessi-mistic, but apparently they are not too much so * * *Whi!e we are waiting for this story that Mr. Wondheadmight write, we will devote our time to selling anumber of other good books that are already published* * * "The Panchatantra" is the most popular ofthese just now * * * The third large printing of theseKashmir Classics is just about exhausted * *" * EdgarJ. Goodspeed's essays "Things Seen and Heard" isin its second impression and Park and Burgess' "TheCity" and Charles W. Gilkey's "Jesus and Our Generation" are not far behind * * *"They're warning me in the editorial office that thereare 37 new books just as good as these coming alongin 1926, so it looks like a busy and prosperous newyear for our Press * * *H'hat the advertising managerof The University of ChicagoPress might have written inhis dìary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJ^ive them over again!Those good old "days of yore" — those wonderful college days— wouldn't you like to re-live them for a day, a week, a month?Then make Windermere your "dorm" while in Chicago.Windermere — where you are within walking distance of CobbHall and Hitchcock and Bartlett— where you are dose to the fraternity section— where, on a clear, quiet night you can hear from your roomthe chimes on Mitchell Tower play "Alma Mater"— where you will probably meet old college friends and talkover those unforgettable campus episodes.Hotels Windermere have grown with the University — in thesame neighborhood — with the same fine traditions — servingmany of the same people. Stay at Windermere when you cometo Chicago.* * * * *For one night — or a thousand and one — you will find in HotelsWindermere a hospitality and character that assure you of atruly enjoyable stay. The quiet refìnement, unusually fine ser-vice, and excellent cuisine of these hotels have long made themthe chosen home of those who appreciate good living.Only twelve mìnutes from the LoopTtfotelsWindermere^Mm "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"I T Hotel rooms $75 to $176 a month- $3.50 to $8.50 a day; hotel suites andhousekeeping apartments, two to eight rooms, $130 to $1,055 a month.56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone Fairfax 6000500 feet of veranda and terraces fronting south on Jackson Parki58 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEjgZACH. Vanderhoof client is personally served byO an experienced Advertising Executive. Toleave his mind and time free for the major workof Counseling and Planning, he is supported byan organization complete in every departmentand employing the highest type of experiencedadvertising talent. Thus individuai personalinterest is combined with organization efficiency.VANDERHOOF <<^^ COMPANYHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresideràADVERTISINGVANDERHOOF BUILDINGONTARIO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS : CHICAGOMember: American Associatìon of Advertising Agencies & National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XVIII NO. IUntbetóttp of Cijtcagoilaga?tneFEBRUARY, 1926ta<bj^ of co^re^YsFrontispiece : Kent Laboratory on a Winter's NightThe University and National Defense (Lt. C. R. Gildart) 163Future of Industriai Education (President Max Mason) 168Observations on the Russian Student (Elizabeth Bredin, '13) 170The Alumni Campaign 172Large Gift for Nile Research 173Events and Comment 174Alumni Affairs 1 76The Letter Box 178University Notes 180News of the Quadrangles 186Athletics 187Program of the Art Department (Professor Walter Sargent) 188School of Education 190Rush Medicai College 191Doctors of Philosophy 192Book Reviews 193Club Officers and Class Secretaries 194News of the Classes and Associations 196Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 206Officiai Monthly (From November to July ) Publication of theUniversity of Chicago AlumniPublishing Office, 1009 Sloan St., Crawfordsville, Ind.2OC Editorial Office $2.00A COPY The Alumni Counoil, Box 9 Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago A YEARChicago, IllinoisAli Communications forpublication and advertising should be sent to the Chicago OfficePostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali orders Clairas for missjng numbers should be madefrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, within the month following the regular month ofPanama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian publication. The publishers expect to supply miss-Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. ing numbers free only when they have been lost inPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, transit.18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.18), onsingle copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents) ; for ali other Ali correspondence should be addres9ed to Thecountries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual Alumni Counci], Box 9, Faculty Exchange, Thesubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.(total 23 cents).Remittances should be made payable to the Entered as second class matter December 10,Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or 1914, at the Post Office at Crawfordsville, IndianaNew York exchange, postai or express money order. under the Act of March 3, 1879.if locai check is used, 10 cents must be added forcollection. Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.'59THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D., '09Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. PlERROT, '07The Council for 1925-26 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the College Alumni Association, Terni expires 1926: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. Charles F.Grimes, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Term expires 1927; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01;Frank McNair, '03 ; Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08;Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W. Sills,ex-'os; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Hor-ton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; W.L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09; C. A. Shull, '05, Ph.D., '09.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98 ; GuyC. Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08 ; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Francis L. Boutell, J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; Butler Laughlin, Ex. '22; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03 ; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '17, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter, '99; Eleanor J. Atkins, '20;Mrs. V. M. Huntington, '13.From the' University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association : Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rook- minster Bldg, Chicago.ery, Chicago; Secretary, Adolph G. School of Education Alumni Associa-Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago. tion: President, Carolyn Hoefer, A.M.,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: 'i8> 84° No. Dearborn St., Chicago; Sec-President, W. L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09, 509 retary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, UniversityS. Wabash Ave., Chicago; Secretary, of Chjcago.Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Univer- Commerce and Administration Alumnisity of Chicago. Association : President, John A. Logan,„ . . D • , . '21, 231 So. La Salle St., Chicago; Secre-DiviNiTY Alumni Association: President, , Mhs Chari Bu*di %'0) 6o3IEhjah Hanley, ex. First Baptist Church, Kimbark Ave., Chicago.Berkeley, Calif.; Secretary, Bruce E. Rush Medical College Alumni Associa-Jackson, D.B., io, 1131 Wilson Ave, TI0N : President, Ralph W. Webster, '95,Salt Lake City. phD., >02> M j-,., >98> 25 E. WashingtonLaw School Association: President, Al- St, Chicago; Secretary, Charles A. Par-bert B. Enoch, '07, J.D, '08, C. R. I. & ker, M.D, '91, 7 W. Madison St, Chi-P. Ry, Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. cago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues formembership In elther one of the Associations named above, includine subscriptionto The University of Chicago Magazlne, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore deprrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by theAssociations involved.160THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 161Inspection -Inspection -Inspection!-makes good soldiersand good telephonesAt West PointandWestern Electric,the order of the day is the same — inspection, inspection, inspection.A vast army of small parts must passmuster before they can assemble intelephone formation. And any partfound unfit for duty is rejected.One part must measure up to stand-ards within a thousandth of an inch.Another must be ready to obey thecommand of a tiny electrical current.Constant watchfulness is kept over alithe apparatus which Western Electricmakes. It starts with the careful selec-tion of ravv material. It goes throughevery step of the manufacture. It givesyou, finally, a telephone that, like agood soldier, can serve on any front. Telephones linedup for inspection.Roll Cali. Checking-up on tone quality.SINCE 1869 MAKERS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTKent Chemical Laboratory — On A Winter's NightVol. xviii No. 4®mber£ttj> of CfncagoJWaga^neFEBRUARY, 1926_ 1 1—The University of Chicago and National DefenseBy Lt. C. R. Gildart, Department of Militar y Science and Tactics, University of ChicagoTHE National Defense Act of 1920gave the United States her first Mili-tary policy, her first attempt at peacetime preventive measures against the wasteof life and resources that characterized aliof our wars. An interesting estimate ofthe situation was made in the followingquotation from the 1924 Convocation statement of the late President Burton :"The government, presumably and atleast ofEcially, representing the mind of thepeople, has decided on a policy of moderatep.reparedness. This policy is neither mili-taristic nor anti-militaristic, in the sense thatit represents a determination not to go towar even for purely defensive purposes, butdistinctly precautionary. Under it thecountry is hoping to avert war, but is pre-pared not to be taken wholly at a disadvan-tage if war should come. It also takes account of the necessity for a certain amountof police duty even in time of peace."On the whole, there is much to be saidfor this attitude ,of the government. Wedo not want war ; we hope, and will do aliin our power, to avert it, even submittingto great loss if necessary, and using everyppssible effort to settle differences domesticor international without resort to force ;yet we cannot shut our eyes to the fact thatwe may sometime be forced to defend our- selves against aggression and that it is necessary for that reason to have a few men whohave knowledge enough of military affairsto be fairly quickly convertible into ofEcerscapable of training and leading others."The expression of the President whichfollowed the above, of approvai of the WarDepartment's representatives at the University — The Department of MilitaryScience and Tactics — was reached after along series of conferences between representatives of both parties. Continuai attemptby the Professor of Military Science andTactics is made toward the goal of intimateco-operation with the Universtiy Administration according to the policy resultingfrom these meetings. The process of ad-justment of military training in the University took a considerable amount of time.Now, however, the Department of Mili-tarv Science and Tactics rejoices in the as-surance of the late President that the Militar}' education offered has been Chicago-izedto the satisfaction of both parties.Playing the dual role of at once a partof the University staff and War Department representatives are the four RegularArmy officers selected by the Chief of FieldArtillery and detailed to duty at the University. The present Professor of MilitaryScience and Tactics is Major Frederick163164 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMonroe Barrows, Field Artillery, graduateHamilton College, distinguished graduateGeneral Service Schools. The other of-ficers are Captain Jewett DeWitt Matth-ews, University of Idaho 1909, Universityof Chicago 1912, graduate School of Fire;ist Lieutenant William Powell Blair, graduate U. S. M. A. West Point, graduateSchool of Fire: ist Lieutenant Charles Roland Gildart, graduate Albion College,graduate U. S. M. A. West Point. Officersare detailed for a tour of duty of four yearsat the University, the tours overlappingin order to permit continuity of methods.Since the Chicago Unit is exclusively aField Artillery Unit, ali of the officers arefrom that arm of the service.Normally the course offered in the Department ofMilitary Science covers the four undergraduate years, thefirst two years covering the Basic Course and the last twothe Advanced Course. However, special situations arisewhere students in individuai cases are permitted to complete the course before graduation from the institution.Sometimes a student is permitted to finish his military workwhile pursuing a post-graduate course. Students who havesatisfactorily completed two years of instruction in someother senior unit of the R.O.T.C, are given War Departmentcredit for the entire Basic Course of two years. It isthus poBsible for a student to enter the Advanced Courseat the beginning of his freshman year and complete thepurely military preparation for a commission in two yearsinstead of in the customary four. Proper War Departmentcredit in the BaBic Course is given those students who havehad less R.O.T.C. training in another institution than thatiDdicated above.The instruction given is both theoreticaland practical. Among the theoretical sub-jects offered are : Basic:Military HistoryTopography & Ori-entationHippology Ordnance & MaterialMotors & MotorTransportationField Fortifications &CommunicationReconnaissance andMinor TacticsGunnery & Conduct ofFireMilitary LawAdvancedOrganization andTacticsAdministration-Mil-itary policy of theU. S.Practical instruction is carried on at theUniversity and at the Advanced Camp,which every student must attend in orderto gain the commission offered him at theend of his course. At the Universtiy it isconfined to the basic course and covers thefollowing subjects:Two years of Equitation and Horseman-shipField Artillery Driving & DraftMounted Field Artillery DrillThe Battery Commander's DetailPolo, Push Ball, Jumping and otherMounted GamesMounted Field DaysCeremoniesStanding Gun Drill-Elementary GunneryUpon sa tis factory completimi of the course in MilitaryScience, and at the time of the award of his academicdeyree, the student is offered by the President of theMajor Frederick M. Barrows — At Summer CampCHICAGO AND NATIONAL DEFENSE 165United States a commission as Second Lieutenant of FieldArtillery in the Officers' Reserve Corps. The acceptance ofthis commission enforces no obligation upon him, exceptin case of a national emergency, at which time he is calledupon to serve as an officer in the grade to which he hasrisen. Promotion in the Reserve Corps depends upon hisactivity in military work, but does not require the slight-ing of his chosen business or profession.The Reserve Officer out-put of the unitis increasing yearly at a rate which is morethan satisfactory. This is a fair index ofthe prope'r economy of effort and funds ex-pended by the War Department in keepinga unit in an institution. If in return forthe resources put into the work, the government secures the acceptance of an increasingnumber of commissions culminating in ayearly out-put of approximately fifty secondlieutenants of the Field Artillery ReserveCorps, together with proportionate basic en-rollments a unit more than justifìes itsmaintenance expense. The table followingindicates the growth of this phase of theR. O. T. C. activity :'25 -'26* Probable figuresFrom the above study it is seen that whilethe numbers are small, the percentage ofgrowth is large, and that should the lattercontinue at its present rate for two yearsmore the total output would closely ap-proach the goal of fifty commissions or fu-turity commissions earned yearly in the unit.This gratifying state of affairs has beenpartly accomplished by a new policy, insti-tuted during the past school year, whichstandardized the War Department creditextended to former students of senior andjunior units of R. O. T. C. in other insti-tutions. Under this policy a student whohas had three years' service in a high schoolor preparatory school R. O. T. C. unit, or has had two years' service in a college, university or technical school unit of R. O. T.C, for which he has received satisfactorygrades, is given War Department credit forthe entire basic course (the initial twoyears) in our unit, and is given a certificateof eligibility in case he is not 21 years of agewhen he completes the advanced course orhas not received his academic degree.This step was taken out of courtesy toR. O. T. C. endeavor other than our own,and in the belief that a student who hasmanifested that much interest in R. O. T.C. work, regardless of the branch of servicein which his training was conducted isentitled to an equitable amount ofWar Department credit for the time hehas served. The decision of the Professorof Military Science and Tactics in thismatter met with instant response from thestudents, with the results indicated above.At the same time, announcement wasmade that this department would grant hourfor hour credit to students engaging inmajor sports toward satisfying the "drill"requirements for the reserve commission.Previously students had found it impossibleto take the required equitation offered inthe department and participate in baseball,football, basketball and track. This de-parture from the previous scheme of instruction enabled a number of good candi-dates to reconcile their national patriotismand love of alma mater with considerableprofit to themselves. A general understand-A Study of Production — ROTC, University of Chicagoage Advancese enrollment Commi-sioned To be commis-sioned when 21yrs.of age To be commis-sioned when graduate from U. of C. TotalOutput Per'ceincrea16 3 2 0 520 8 0 0 8 liO45 9 4 0 13 6255 12* 1* 7* 20* 53*Year Average AdvanceCourse enrollment Commi-sioned To be commis-sioned when 21yrs.of age To be commis-sioned when graduate from U. of C. TotalOutput Per'centincrease'22- '23 16 3 2 0 5'23- '24 20 8 0 0 8 fiO'24- '25 45 9 4 0 13 62i66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEing of this ruling would increase the enrollment materially among a class of studentshighly desirable to the military establishment of the country.During the past year, ali Military Phys-ical Culture Courses, consisting of Equita-tion, Artillery Driving and Mounted Drill,were placed under a single ofEcer. Thisserved to standardize this work, and bet-tered the class of practical instruction given.Early in the past academic year the CadetOfficers of the R. O. T. C. unit organizedthemselves into a society fostered by theDepartment. The object of the "CrossedCannon" Society as it is càlled, is to increaseinterest in the R. O. T. C. Unit, to studythe whole matter of national defense, toprovide the advantages of group contact im-possible during the regular instruction peri-ods due to the fact that no opportunity isafforded by the schedule for the assembly ofali members of the Unit at any time. Thissociety is of material assistance in develop-ing unit of purpose and esprit. Its members were filled with an excellent manlyspirit, and gave the department a great dealof assistance. It became known on the campus through its Military Ball held at theSouth Shore Country Club during thequarter. Its meetings were quite seriouslyprofessional in the character of the subjectsdiscussed.Doubtless the feature of Polo at the University of Chicago, will appeal to the Alumni as an unusual college sport, and willtome as a surprise when these columns in-form them of its growing popularity at theUniversity of Chicago, and elsewherethroughout the country where mountedunits of R. O. T. C. are found. The en-thusiastic 1925 Polo Squad learned a greatdeal about this ancient Persian game andderived mudi healthful and beneficiai re-creation. The coaching was done by istLieutenant William P. Blair, U. S. A.Although the applications to join weremany, the squad was by necessity limited tofourteen cadets because of the small numberof ponies available.. Those candidates wereselected who excelled in horsemanship andwho had demonstrated skill in the use of the stick, gained from repeated practice inthe cage.The first game to be played was indoorswith the Dexter Park Club, and althoughthe team was defeated 13-5, the showingmade was excellent in view of the handicapin not having previously any practice in indoor polo. The next was an outdoor gamewith the same opponents. Here our teamdid splendid work in holding their older,better mounted and more experienced ad-versaries to a 5-5 score. These two werethe only games played with an outside organization. However, ali members of thesquad were enabled to play frequently ingames between our own "Red" and "Green"teams. These games were always hotlycontested and furnished much enjoyment tothe onlookers.An attractive sweater and insignia wasadopted for those players who qualified inrequirements. Through the generosity ofMajor F. M. Barrows, Professor of Military Science and Tactics, it was possible toaward sweaters and insignias to the follow-ing members of the Polo Squad :Owen S. Albert •¦ No. 1George R. Crisler No. 2\V. R. Peterson No. 3 and CaptainH. O. McDonald No. 4C. Gooneratne SubstituteC. \V. Alien SubstituteIn the fall quarter of 1925, when theSouth Park Commissioners had a beautifulPolo Field set out in the Washington Parkmeadow, it looked as though our difficultiesas to a proper playing ground had beenmost benevolently ended. However, theentire season was so occupied with wetweather that there was no opportunity touse this field. Nevertheless, there is muchhope for the spring of 1926. Fortune isbeginning to smile on us. The day may notbe distant when our polo team will be en-gaging in intercollegiate polo, and the members thereof recognized as worthy of theMinor Sport "C."Ali of the foregoing emphasizes thegrowth of the Military activity at theUniversity since its establishment in 1920.However, the graduates of the University,in an article of this kind are entitled toCHICAGO AND NATIONAL DEFENSE 167University of Chicago Polo Team • — Military Science Departmentknow the whole truth-wherein the Department falls short of the standard expectedof an integrai part of a University of thissize and character as viewed both by theUniversity and by the War Department.While the advanced enrollment is increasing with gratifying rapidity, the basic andtotal enrollments are hardly holding theirown. During the past two years the formerwent from 149 to 136, and the latter from189 to 181. Figures for the current yearindicate a stili further falling off in thebasic enrollment.This condition is partially the resultantof a rigid enforcement of the Army Regula-tion requiring a continuance for two yearsof training once begun in the basic course —a regulation more often evaded than ob-served during the past. However, other in-stitutions of the nature of the Universityof Chicago are developing their basic course,while as far as numbers are concerned, theU. of C. unit is retrograding.The R. O. T. C. units at Harvard, Yale,Princeton, Cornell and Stanford and manyother privately endowed universities, estab-lished at the same time as this, have aliprogressed rapidly enough to satisfy theWar Department. Chicago unit is listedby the Chief of Field Artillery well toward the bottom in efficiency, equipment andhousing, support and productiveness. Theofficers of the department are frank in ad-mitting this condition and have been ex-onerated from blame for its existence bytheir War Department chiefs. Duringthe period nine different officers have as-sailed the problem in an effort to lift theUniversity unit up from its "celiar position"in the eyes of the War Department. Thetwo separate staffs that have served hereduring the five year life of the unit havingbeen selected for the position, have doubtlessbeen as energetic in their work as those whohave been detailed to other more successfulunits.Active support of the Alumni of the University would go far toward obtaining anenrollment which would insure its retentionby the War Department. It is not the desire of the Professor of Military Scienceand Tactics to obtain a large enrollmentwherein the quality of the cadets has noconsideration. His policy is to build up,with the assistance of the University andits Alumni, a unit three or four hundredstrong, in which vacancies are filled by arigid process of selection, based upon character and officer-like qualities.(Please turn to page 205)Future of Industriai EducationDDRESS delìverei by PresidentMax Mason at the Second Annual Conference on Educationand Industry held at the University.The great, modem industriai system ischaracterized by the responsibility forhuman happiness which has been forcedupon the administrators of the great in-dustries.The responsibility has been met. Business consists no longer of the exploitationof public necessity for private gain, although business remains both competitiveand cooperative. The shift of emphasis toco-operation, within the industries, and withthe public, has been complete. The spiritof modem industry is service, and the greatbusiness executives of today are leaders inthe economie and social progress of therace.It is clear that the happiness and welfareof the people depend upon the degree ofefficiency with which modem business per-forms its tasks. It is equally clear that thedegree of efficiency with which modembusiness performs its tasks depends uponthe competence, training, and vision of theindividuai participants in the large cooperative undertaking of satisfying humanwants, which is the essence of modem business.It is then obvious that the subject oftraining for the industries is one of para-mount importance. The early training,through a formai apprenticeship system,was succeeded by a less formai system oftraining, hearing, however, resemblance tothe system which it supplanted. Businesstook to itself promising youths and trainedthem up in the way it would have themgo. Most of the great industriai leadersof the past received their education andtraining for business in this manner.With the shift to the modem point ofview, education and training for businessmust be upon a different basis from whatit has been in the past. Society is facedwith problems of importance and magni- tude unparalleled in the history of theworld, and possesses concentration of powerfor their solution. No one better than thebusiness leader himself realizes that theseproblems and situations cali for men ofwide training and great vision ; and that tosecure these men we must resort to moreadequate and effective methods of industriaieducation than we have in the past.The increasing ratio of population tonaturai resources demands a wider andbetter utilization of these resources. Theperiod of exploitation is passing, if it hasnot already passed. Wiser utilization ofour naturai resources calls on the one handfor a more detailed and comprehensiveappreciation of technology, and on the otherhand, for more efficient methods of organization and administration.We have within recent years witnesseda rapid concentration in control of industriai activities. Business has followed amore or less naturai tendency to combinein order to escape some of the consequencesof ruinous competition and to reap theeconomies of large-scale production.These obvious economies, arising out oflarge-scale production, may cause us tooverlook the less obvious fact that theseeconomies can be even larger when wesolve more of the problems arising in connection with the organization and internaicontrol of tremendously large businesses.Moreover, this tendency towards largebusiness and great concentration in controlof industriai activities creates a problem ofsocial control.The relation between employer and em-ployee presents problems which have not,by any means, been satisfactorily solved.The successful operation of a continued system of free contract depends upon themaintenance of co-operation and goodwillbetween these parties. The utilization ofhuman resources must be rendered moreeffective, and of ali potential human assets,willingness is perhaps the greatest.Modem science has unleashed forces and168FUTURE OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 169powers hitherto undreamed of. With thecoming in of capitalistic-machine production after the Industriai Revolution, menbegan to wonder whether we were notcreating situations which we should neverbe able to control. More recently, someoutstanding thinkers have seriously raisedthe question as to whether industriai society, pushing forward at such a tremendousgait, is not in great danger because of ourinability to control the physical forces setloose in the world. The omnious voicesare few, but they are significant They caliattention to grave problems with which society is faced.A saddened and demoralized world atthe dose of the World War stimulated thefeeling of unrest in the breast of largenumbers of people. We shall not be ableto silence the voices of those who complainbitterly of the present organization ofsociety by legislation, by suppression of freespeech, or by wholesale deportations. Curefor the evils is being and must be obtainedthrough enlightened industriai and commercial leadership.These are a few of the major problemswith which society is confronted in thisera. Many others might be cited. These,however, are sufficient to indicate that thefuture needs industriai and business leaders of wide training and great vision ; menwho have a sound and thorough apprecia-tion of the complex and delicately posedstructure of society; men who have a keenappreciation of their social responsibilities.What now of education for business inthe future? In the first place, I am con-vinced that the modem university in itsprogram of training for business must notneglect general education which must beregarded as indispensable in any programof training for business.The curriculum of the collegiate schoolof business must have sweep and scope ifthe modem university is to turn out menwho will be of assistance to society in solv-ing its problems of the future. Businessis, after ali, a pecuniarily organized schemeof gratifying human wants, and, properlyunderstood, falls little short of being as broad, as inclusive, as life itself in its mo-tives, aspirations, and social obligations. Itfalls little short of being as broad as aliscience in its technique. Training for thetask of the business administrator must havebreadth and depth comparable with thoseof the task. The tool must have breadthfor strength, and be tapered gradually tothe cutting edge of the specialist.In the second place, the task of trainingfor industriai and business leadership inthe future is one in the performance ofwhich both industry and the Universitymust assume responsibility. The university, I am convinced, cannot without co-operation from industry, perform the task.Industry without the assistance of the university will not, in my opinion, be able toperform it. It must be performed by theuniversity and industry in cooperation.Many different experiments in industriaieducation on a cooperative basis have been,and are now being conducted, with varyingsuccess. I should like to emphasize onepoint, which I feel must remain in mindif this cooperative task be successfully done.In ali our training for participation in theworld's work we are prone to lay muchemphasis on teaching a formalism of de-cision and action. We must see that inteaching the formalism we do not neglecttraining for the deeper insight — we mustbe sure that we cherish and preserve theresearch background, the quest for truth,rather than the learning of the thought ofothers.Formalism and the deeper insight — thegreater of stress is the deeper insight. Iam sure that this view point will be safeguarded through the present cooperativearrangement between the University ofChicago and the Institute of America MeatPackers. This is one of the most promis-ing experiments which has been enteredupon in this country.The packing industry deserves greatcredit for its vision in seeking the aid of auniversity in carrying out its educationalideals. The University of Chicago is to becongratulated upon having an affiliationwith a great industry.A Few ObservationsOn the Present Russian StudentBy Elizabeth Bredin, '13Miss Bredin servei over a year in Student Relief Work in RussiaAN answer and a question broughtforth by Russian students during a- visit to a dormitory a few weeksafter my arrivai in Moscow have left withme two unforgetable impressions. The answer revealed the longing of young Rus-sians for education, and the question em-phasized the wide difference in the schoollife of young people there and here.Povorskaya 22 had the reputation of being the worst example of housing condi-tions in a city completely staggered by itshousing problem. The building as a schoolfor children of navy officers had once hadsome claims to grandeur, an elaborate ball-room and a pretty chapel, but during thewar it had been stripped for a hospital andlater used as a barracks until the brokenwindows and wrecked plumbing caused itto be discarded, left a victim to neighbor-ing wood seekers. In the autumn of 1922,students arriving from the provinces to at-tend the Moscow University, fìnding them-selves forced to walk the streets or sleep indisease-infested stations, petitioned for theuse of this building. As soon as their pleawas granted a self-appointed house commit-tee assigned to each applicant a place on thefloor in one of the upper rooms. When thestudents moved in not one stick of furniturewas to be seen and very few doors.While we were observing the large roomgiven over to women students, alreadymore livable than the other rooms, a vig-orous young woman was drawn into con-versation about her trip to Moscow, herprospect of gaining entrance to the University, and her plans for making a livelihoodduring the coming winter. She told of asupply of potatoes brought in from thecountry which should last several weeks, ofher most treasured possession, a primus(small oil stove), and explained that shehad a good chance of securing a position with the Mosselprom selling cigarettes onthe Street corner. If that failed, there wasalways 'black work' which she was notafraid of because she was strong. 'Blackwork' usually meant unloading wood atthe stations."Is it worth it?" blurted out one of ourparty. "Wouldn't it be better for you toreturn to your village and leave this over-crowded city?"The girl looked at her companions andlaughed and then said quite seriously, "Iwould rather die than go back. You don'tknow these little villages. This is Moscow.Here is life and work."Visitors to Russia were so generally im-pressed by the difficuties ali classes of students meet that one carne to expect thequestion, "Why do they stick to it?" Rea-sons are numerous, many not unlike thosegiven by students in American colleges, butI have never heard one as revealing in itssimplicity as that from the representativeof the group which suffered most, the country students, "This is Moscow. Here islife and work."Russian youth has a healthy curiosity andno fear of displaying it. A visit to thisnewly organized dormitory by a party ofAmericans was interesting, probably signifi-cant ; their questions at least were entertaining. As we made our way through thebuilding each room emptied its twenty orthirty inhabitants into the corridor until,upon our arrivai at the exit, we had thewhole dormitory in tow ready to turn thetables and present the visitors with questions about America. Some of them werehumorous and we stayed to joke with therecognized wits of the house. Suddenly atali, undernourished boy whom I had no-ticed earlier in the evening propped upagainst his sack of provisions studying ahand-made geometry, turned to a corre-170OBSERVATIONS ON THE RUSSIAN STUDENT 171spondent, a Harvard graduate, and said, "Ishould like to know if American studentsare anything like us." We looked at oneanother, each visioning scenes from his college days. The correspondent said some-thing like, "Yes and no," and we left soonafter."Yes and no" was a general but rathersatisfactory answer for what seemed at firstan embarrassing question. There is un-doubtedly a similarity in ali students thatcomes from like interests and aspirations,and, if one were not so apt to judge by ex-ternals, the similarity should outweigh thedifferences, which are, after ali, only a mat-ter of a new overcoat or a shabby one,three meals a day or one, a bed in a singleroom, or a mattress on the floor withtwenty others.The automobile, almost considered a ne-cessity in America, is often used to illustrate the opulent standard of living wehave adopted. Before the First MoscowUniversity where 15,000 students are regis-tered I have never seen an automobile, norbefore the High Technical school wherethe 6,000 students are supposed to be inbetter circumstances. It is difficult to ima-gine a Moscow student driving up to hisschool in a Ford. Were he the son of aNepman it is possible that he might ownone, but, if he wished to stay in school, hewould leave it at home or park it severa!blocks away from the school building.Around the campus of one of our mid-westcolleges I have seen more cars parked thancan be found in the whole city of Moscow,which is the New York, Washington, andChicago of Russia. The parking problemis not yet one of Russia's worries.Tram fare in Moscow is about fourcents, but the majority of the studentswalk. A few are issued tickets ; others picka crowded car and ride until they see theconductor coming. A freshman at the In-stitute of Ways and Communications, theson of a well known engineer, walks fourmiles across Moscow to attend classes, onlyallowing himself the luxury of a ride onthe coldest days. The succession of prettydresses with shoes, silk stockings and hatsin harmonious colors worn by our college girls would astonish a Russian woman student. One winter outfit, one summer out-fit, perhaps a simple party dress are ampiefor her needs. She would say, "What morecan a student want ; only actresses mustwear finery." The loss of an overcoat froma limited wardrobe, however, becomes atragedy, and many a plea has come to theStudent Relief office, "My coat has beenstolen and I am forced to miss my classes.Can you help me?"Russian students expect hardships whenthey take up their studies; the great majority have never known even a moderatedegree of luxury. Their willingness to ac-cept the conditions of student life is dueas much to habit as to volition. Before thewar $25 was the minimum monthly budgetfor a university student and 90 per centlived very dose to it. In 1922 a studentestimated his living costs at $7.50 and in1924 at $10.00. Benefit concerts for students have always been as regular as settle-ment dances here.The present economie difficulties inflictupon the student another hardship — inadequate equipment for learning. He is fullyaware that the increased registration inuniversities aggravates the shorteomings oflecture rooms, laboratories, and libraries,and he knows that he is being taught byprofessors who even now are having tre-mendous difficulties to keep abreast of theirsubjects. The fact that he must waitmonths for his turn at the laboratory whilethe theoretical part of his work has beenlong completed and the continuai interrup-tions caused by reorganization, administra-tive experimentation and politicai differences are irritating evidence of thedisadvantageous educational conditionsthrust upon him. The true student keepshis mind fixed on the essentials. If his workis hampered by the lack of a microscope ora recent book, he joins his professor andother serious students in persistent effortsto secure it, thus unconsciously making hisschool career a more real and precious partof himself.Of course there are compensations forthe hard life of the Russian student found(Please ttiTTi to page 179)The ALUMNI CAMPAIGN ™51 3>/fi^<^<^c^^<^^t^<^t^c^r^t^<^(^<^<^f^ .NOW that the Alumni Campaign isapproaching a state of completeness,it is interesting to cast around anddiscover "where ali the money has comefrom." Just seven per cent of the $2,000,-ooo sought from the Alumni is stili to beraised, and an analysis of the sources of the$1,870,732 already pledged by the MaroonAlumni will show to a, certain extent howthe Chicago Alumni responded to the caliin various parts of the country.Of course the major part of the subscriptions has come from the city of Chicago, forthe simple reason that there are moreAlumni in that city than elsewhere, and, nodoubt, better organized. The amountpledged by Alumni in Chicago is $1,080,-510, while the total for ali other cities is$653,971. Chicago, therefore, has exceededthe quota originally set for that metropolitandistrict, the quota having since been in-creased.As might be expected, the city of NewYork, which claims large groups of alumnifrom ali universities, has claimed a goodlynumber of Midway graduates and formerstudents, and as a result that city leads aliothers, with the exception of the city ofChicago district, in number and amount ofpledges to the campaign. As this is written,on February i, the Gothamites are justturning the $175,000 mark in their locaicampaign for the University. This is quitea strong showing, and shows New Yorkersare workers.And next to New York, comes SouthernCalifornia and the district of Los Angeles,including Pasadena, Hollywood and thenumerous other residental towns which surround the southern California metropolis.This is another strong "Chicago" section ofthe country.Except for these two Continental ex-tremes, midwestern cities hold the lead innumber of subscriptions. Among the most prominent of these are the cities of Cleveland, St. Louis, Kansas City and Detroit,while many other towns in the same regionhave made excellent showings in proportionto their populations in terms of ChicagoAlumni.Considering the campaign by States, eightof the 48 are far in the van of ali others.These eight are Illinois, California, NewYork, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio andWisconsin. After these eight, Pennsylvaniashould be named as one of those high on thelist. Then come many states closelybunched together.Florida, the state where millionaires aresupposed to bloom into being "over night,"has not called any disproportinate numberof University of Chicago men and women,and the showing of the penninsula, althoughcreditable considering the number of A-lumni there, is far behind many of the otherstates.Although communication with thoseAlumni of the University whose workcarries them into foreign countries is oftenboth scanty and irregular, the campaign hasreceived considerable support from thisgroup. Canada leads in the foreign division, but is followed closely by China, andamong the subscribers in this latter countryare many native Chinese who received theireducation at the University of Chicago.Next to China comes Japan, and then thePhilippine Islands. Scattering subscriptionshave been received from Alumni in almostali other nations in the world.This preliminary review gives a generalidea of the results to date. No attempt atcomplete, definite fìgures, of course, is madeat this time. The campaign is stili goingforward, and subscriptions are coming infrom ali sections. There is now every pros-pect of fullest success by spring, thanks tothe steady loyalty and assistance of Alumnievervwhere.172Large Gift for Nile ResearchGeneral Education Board Appropriates $200,000 for Systematic Surveyunder Professor BreastedA N APPROPRIATION of $200,000/-* for excavating in the Nile valleyJ- JL has been made to the OrientaiInstitute of the University of Chicago bythe General Education Board. This sumwill be devoted toward determining thechronological sequence of prehistoric occu-pation in that part of the world, and towardlinking up the Nile valley with prehistoricEurope, and the preceding geological ages.Part of the funds will be used to enlargethe staff already at work on the epigraphicexpedition in Luxor, and part to aid in thecompletion of the archives now being ex-amined at the University.Prof. James H. Breasted, noted Egypto-logist, will direct the entire project.Outlining the possibilities of such an expedition and pointing out that no systematicsurvey of the Nile river terraces and cavernshearing traces of ancient man has ever beenmade, Prof. Breasted in a recent statementdeclared : "An examination of our pro-jected plans and work for the last sixyears, will, I hope, make it clear that thedesired support of the Orientai Institute offers a unique opportunity for the firsteffective occupation of a new era of in-vestigation from which we are assemblingfor the first time ali the recovered factsregarding human origins, and out of whichis growing a new conception of man basedupon this newly available knowledge of thehitherto lost chapter of the human career."Two scientists will be added to the Uni-versity's staff as a result of the appropria-tion : a paleontologist who will examine thevarious skeletal pieces discovered in thefield ; and a surf ace geologist who will survey the territory and determine the variousgeological epochs through which the newlydiscovered ancient man must have passedin the course of their evolution.Prof. Breasted decided upon his newarcheological venture about a year ago whenhe carne upon a mass of rubbish in a cavernwhose location he described as "about aday's journey above Luxor." He saw thatnatives were picking up the various piecesof flint and other specimens that gave evi-dences of the life of prehistoric man. These(Please turn to page 185)In Haskell Oriental Museum173^<Pi(Pi<^(f^(Pi(J^(J^(?^<^<^<?^(J^<Pìee W$t ììntbetóttp of Chicago iRaga?me \Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association — MorrisFishbein, '11, M.D., '12.>^!i=^<ii^<U^«l=^,:i=^t«^<l=^CU^<i=^^^<i=^<i=^ere^cjs & coMMe:ACTIN THE University Notes section ofthis number appears the notice of theresignation of Dr. James H. Tufts as Vice-. President of the Univer-Vice-President . iL. ¦ ..• .. 1sity, this resignation to tateTufts Restgns ^^ ^ AprU ^ At fhattime Professor Frederic C. Woodward ofthe Law School will assume the office ofVice-President, to which he was elected bythe Board of Trustees.Dr. Tufts is merely withdrawing fromheavy administration duties. He will continue as Head of the Department of Philosophy, and devote himself, as he now desires,to the completion of certain literary work.During his administration as Vice-President he contributed greatly to the progressof the University in the last three years,always co-operating most effectively underthe energetic leadership of President Bur-ton. During the Alumni Campaign he wasa very active figure, and did much towardadvancing its general success. His extendedtour among our Alumni Clubs, which heundertook jointly with Director Stagg lastyear, brought Dr. Tufts in direct touchwith hundreds of Alumni, a journey heremembers and speaks of with real pleasure.Everywhere, the Alumni were happy tomeet him, and were proud on every oc-casion, as opportunity afforded, to presenthim in informai talks and more formai ad-dresses to their communities. At this timeof his retirement from Vice-Presidential ser vice, the Alumni join with the Universitycommunity in extending him sincere thanksfor his ever willing and constructive con-tribution. It is deeply and widely appre-ciated, he may be sure. His long years ofservice and devotion to the University invarious capacities have amply earned relieffrom arduous administrative work. TheAlumni wish him good health and full reali-zation in the literary endeavors to whichhe desires to devote himself.Concerning his own appreciation of Dr.Tufts' assistance, President Mason stated:"Dean Tufts has devoted his great abilitywhole-heartedly to the administrative work ofthe University during the last three years. Heabandoned his work in philosophy at the cali ofDr. Burton when Dr. Burton's time was ab-sorbed by the development program, and carriedon the work of the President's office after Dr.Burton's death. Although desirous of returningto his work in philosophy, he generously con-tinued his administrative activities during thepresent year, to aid me in the period of orienta-tion. The appreciation of his services is um-versal. It has meant everything to me to havehad the support of his unfailing soundness ofjudgment, kindliness, and tact."The election of Professor Woodward tothe office of Vice-President is a happy one.For years he has been justly popular withthe students and Alumni of the Law School,and he is well known to many other Alumniof the University. He has undertakenvarious administrative tasks for the University in recent years, in every case withpronounced success. He is eminently fitted174EVENTS AND COMMENT 175to continue forcefully the work thus farcarried on by Dr. Tufts. During the campaign and at other times Professor Woodward met and addressed groups of Alumni,an activity which he enjoyed and in whichhe unfailingly'won the appreciative admira-tion of his hearers. Happily we extend himcongratulations on his election, and bestwishes for a most successful administration.A « «IT IS not too soon to cali attention atthis time to the coming annual JuneReunion. The Reunion of 1926 will pos-sess unusual significance thisReunion year in various ways. It willbe the 35th anniversary of theUniversity, the 70th anniversary of the OldUniversity, and the 89th anniversary ofRush Medicai College. It will be ourfirst Reunion under the administration ofour new leader, President Mason. It willmark the class anniversaries of a numberof our largest and best organized classes.It will be, also, in the nature of a celebra-tion of the first great Alumni Campaigneffort on behalf of the University, and domuch, in the way of proper publicity, toward advancing the success of the generalpublic campaign. Many incentives, there-fore, are present, in addition to the tradi-tional interest in our Juné gathering, toward making the Reunion of June, 1926, atruly memorable occasion.It is not too soon to suggest, and we bothsuggest and urge that ali class and association officers and others in charge of Reunionevents begin now to pian for the "Biggestand Best" Reunion we have ever held.» » «THE signifiance of research work, aslaying the ground-work or basis forthe advancement of society in practicallyali lines of worth-while hu-Research , •t 1man endeavor, is not alwaysP nce clearjy comprehended orthoroughly appreciated. The Ione workerin some remote and unnoticed corner of auniversity laboratory, striving on withseemingly tireless energy and inspired de- termination, often working under most dis-couraging conditions, frequently makesfundamental discoveries or discloses definiteprinciples that later become the basis onwhich entire industries are built up. Inthe light of the subsequent successful business or other enterprise the originai andbasic contribution of the university research worker is many times overlooked oreven forgotten. It is hardly too much tosay that there are very few advances in thegeneral living conditions, welfare and progress of the race which can not be tracedback somewhere in their beginnings to afundamental contribution in a college oruniversity laboratory or library.It is well, therefore, that the signficanceof research, as exemplified in our univer-sities, of which institutions the Universityof Chicago is one of the outstandingleaders, be brought to the attention of thepublic from time to time. President Mason, in a recent address before the Commercial Club of Chicago, has done thismost effectively. In that address he illus-trated the importance of research work asfollows :"Suppose that we think of an imaginarycountry in which it might be discovered thatthere existed an enormously extensive and compiei system of entirely automatic undergroundrailways; trains rushing back and forth without human direction. If such a system as thatwere discovered, the first duty of man wouldbe to fìnd out about it, to learn where the trainswent, and to prepare a timetable. The systemwould be quite useless without such knowledge,and the first duty of society in that imaginaryworld would be to set a body of men at thetask of studying this automatic railway systemto the end that it would become of real use."We are somewhat in a condition of this kindin regard to the forces of nature. The researchworkers in universities are the men studyingthe forces of nature, preparing the timetablesfor the railroads. The underground system be-comes of greater and greater value as the lawsgoverning its operation aie known. It is thefunction of the research workers in universitiesto form an ever increasing and definitely knownbody of facts; to establish general laws whichmay be safely used for producing results neverbefore contemplated."ALUMNI AFFAI R SSecond Quarterly Alumni CouncilMeetingTHE second regular quarterly meeting ofthe Alumni Council, for 1925-26, was heldon January 27 in the Alumni Office. Present: Earl D. Hostetter, Chairman ; Eleanor J.Atkins, A. G. Baker, Donald P. Bean, GeorgeH. Coleman, Grace A. Coulter, Mrs. Scott V.Eaton, Elizabeth Faulkner, Henry G. Gale,Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, John A. Logan, W.H. Lyman, John P. Mentzer, Barbara Miller,C. F. McElroy, Roderick MacPherson, LillianRichards, C. A. Shull, H. E. Slaught, Harry R.Swanson, Harold H. Swift, Herbert P. Zimmer-mann, and A. G. Pierrot, Secretary-Treasurer.Reports of the Treasurer and of the AuditingCommittee, W. H. Lyman, chairman, were re-viewed, adopted and ordered filed. The annualaudit showed the books of the Council to bewell kept and in good condition.There were special reports and discussions onthe Homecoming, the Alumni Campaign, andon University-Alumni Relations. Harry R.Swansùn, '17, was introduced as the 1926 Reunion Chairman, and a discussion of tentativeReunion plans was held, with the general aimof a large Reunion this year. Considerableroutine and other business of the Council wastransacted at this two-hour meeting.Tare: Tucson Club ActivitiesHE present officers of the Universityof Chicago Club of Tucson, Arizona,President: J. W. Clarson, A. M. '22;Vice-President: J. G. Brown, '16,S. M. '17, Ph. D. '25;Secretary: Mrs. L. E. Roberts (OlgaRose De Vries), '17.The Tucson Club is contemplating thepian of developing a state-wide organization, to be known as the Arizona AlumniClub of the University of Chicago. President Clarson, of the Club, is Professor ofSecondary Education at the University ofArizona, Tucson. South Dakota Club Meeting —New OfficersSIXTEEN former students and Alumniof the University of Chicago met atthe A. & F. Cafe at Mitchell, at a seveno'clock breakfast Wednesday, November25th. Earl K. Hillbrand, ex '22, Dean ofthe Dakota Wesleyan, made ali arrange-ments for the breakfast. Ralph V. Hun-kins, A. M. '21, Superintendent of Schoolsat Lead, South Dakota, presided. Eachperson was asked to teli who and what hewas and when he was at Chicago.Preston P. Bruce, Ph. D. '02, of Meck-ling, South Dakota, then told us of theearly days of the University. Ali weregreatly interested and many questions wereasked. Following Mr. Bruce's talk, E. K.Hillbrand gave a report on the developmentof the University of Chicago Club in SouthDakota. He stated that the organizationis due to Dr. Arleigh C. Griffith's (A. M.'20) untiring efforts.The officers elected for the coming yearare :President: Miss Anna Fastenau, '22,Sioux Falls.Vice President : R. V. Hunkins, A. M.'21, Lead.Secretary: Miss Lida Williams, '24,A. M. '25, Aberdeen.It was the wish of ali to have a University of Chicago man as one of the lead-ing speakers of the S. D. E. A. in November, 1926. It was stated that SouthDakota is influenced by the great number ofUniversity people working in the state, butno direct credit has been given theUniversity of Chicago. R. V. Hunkins,E. K. Hillbrand, and P. P. Bruce werenamed as a committee to confer with theexecutive council of the S. D. E. A. in theselection of a Chicago man.Respectfully,Anna Fastenau, '22,Retiring Secretary.176ALUMNI AFFAIRS 177Stated Alumni Club MeetingsIndianapolis:Noon Luncheon, Columbia Club,2nd Saturday each month.Washington, D. C:Monthly Luncheon, Cosmos Club.West Suburban Alumnae:Monthly Program, Members' Homes,2nd Wednesday each month.Vìsìting Alumni cordìally invited.(Officers of Alumni Clubs are requested to notifythe Alumni Office of any regular weekly or monthlymeetings, formai or informai, that are held or plan-ned. Kindly state time and place, whenever possible.The Magazine will list, as above, ali such meetings.)Campaign Function at HollywoodTHE Alumni Office has received a clip-ping from the Hollywood Daily Citizen, telling of a recent Chicago social eventin furtherance of the Alumni Campaign inthe Los Angeles district. The clippingstates :"A Russian costume recital given at thehome of Mrs. Henry Northrup Castle onVista Del Mar Avenue Wednesday even-ing, December 16, was a delightful reunionand largely attended."Before the musical program, the guestsenjoyed the outlook on the lights of Hollywood afforded from Mrs. Castle's hillsidehome. Dr. F. A. Speik furthered the causeof the University of Chicago Fund, forwhich the evening was arranged, in a wittyand highly appreciated interlude."George Shkultetsky's varied program,entirely in Russian, was supplemented by hispoetic spoken prelude to each number. Hisbrilliant costume sequence with the gaygreen satin worn by his accompanist, apartfrom the music, made a song wthout words."Conversation and dancing rounded outthe pleasant Chicago evening."» À ÀBotany Alumni at Kansas CityJanuary 6, 1926.IAM glad to report briefly concerningthe meeting of the Botany Alumni atKansas City on Tuesday, December 2gth.We had a luncheon at the UniversityClub, which was arranged for by the KansasCity Alumni Club of the University ofChicago. Seventy-two Alumni sat down atthe tables. Of the number present abouta dozen represented the Kansas CityAlumni. The rest of the group was madeup of men and women from ali over thecountry, who were attending the botanymeetings at Kansas City during the holi-days. A very enthusiastic session was heldand addresses were given by Dr. Otis W.Caldwell, Ph. D. '98, Director LincolnSchool, of Columbia University, Dr.William Cracker, Ph. D. '06, Director ofthe Boyce Thompson Institute for PlantResearch at Yonkers, Dr. Charles A. Shull,Ph. D. '15, of the University of Chicago,Dr. P. W. Zimmerman, Ph. D. '25, Pro fessor of Botany at the University of Maryland, and the undersigned.This is the fif th gathering of this sort thatthe Doctors and other Alumni of our department have had. These luncheon gatheringshave come to be one of the chief featuresof the annual scientific meetings for ourBotany group. Sincerely yours,Henry C. Cowles, Ph. D. '98.« » «Washington, D. C, MonthlyMeetingTHE Chicago Alumni Club of Washington, D. C, held its regular monthlyluncheon January 4th, at the Cosmos Club.We had a large attendance, among thenumber present being Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin. Dr. Harold G. Moulton, '07,Ph. D. '14, announced that there would bea University of Chicago dinner on February24th. We had hoped to have Senator Robinson, '14, with us but he was out of town andsent his regrets and expressed the hope thathe might meet with us often in the future.Mr. David Robertson, '02, Assistant Director of the American Council on Education,gave' an interesting account of his trip toEurope last summer. He told of his visitsto the universities and of the advantages forstudy in each one.As the Secretary was out of town, noreport was made of the December luncheon,which was held as usuai at the CosmosClub on the seventh of the month.Jessie Nelson Barber, '97,Secretary.€ THE LETTER BOX ìC 3A Protest Against "All-American"SelectionsAlumni Office, Lehigh University,Bethlehem, Pa.,January 14, 1926To the Editors of Alumni MagazinesGentlemen : —I am sending you herewith a copy of theaddress made by E. K. Hall, Chairman ofthe Football Rules Committee, at thedinner given by the New York Sun to theso-called "Ali American Team" which theirstaff selected. I think you will agree withme that a dinner of this kind, attended asit was by the entire sporting fraternity ofNew York, was far from a good thing forintercollegiate football. I certainly feel thatMr. Hall did a very manly and courageousthing to make the speech that he did atthis dinner. Mr. Hall made a vigorousprotest against "All-American" selections,emphasizing football as essentially a teamgame and not an exhibition of individuaiu . yystars.In this connection, I might say thatThe Sun has gotten out a pamphlet entitled"College Football— What Do You Thinkof It?" .in which they reproduced Mr.Hall's address, together with a letter dis-agreeing with his remarks, and they aresending a copy of this pamphlet to ali thecollege presidents in America asking fortheir opinions. If the college presidents,after thoroughly understanding the situa-tion, come back strongly giving as theiropinion that there is an over-emphasis of theindividuai and that "Ali American" teamsand especially the banqueting and exhibit-ing of them is very bad for the game, thiswould help a lot towards preventing TheSun from building up a foundation onwhich to justify the continuation of theirdinner next year.Of course, I don't know how you feelabout it, but personally I am a strong be- liever in college football, and believe thatthe present tendency of college players tojump right into the professional game ishaving the effect of discrediting the gamein the eyes of the public. What the professional team promoters are doing is tocapitalize on the newspaper publicity givenindividuai players. A dinner such as TheSun gave tends to exploit a few players atthe expense of the game as a whole. Any-thing that we men interested in alumniwork can do towards preventing the over-emphasis of the individuai will benefitgreatly college football. It is primarily,as you know, a team game, and the individuai only shines through the efforts ofhis teammates. "Ali American" teams arereally nothing but scattered opinions. College and professional football must be keptapart and bringing a bunch of youngstersinto such an atmosphere as existed at TheSun Dinner tends to promote the professional spirit among our college players.I feel that we will ali be doing a goodjob if we help Mr. Hall in his efforts tokeep football where it belongs — a team gameand a college game.Sincerely yours,W. R. Okeson,President,Alumni Magazines Associated.(Editor's Note: Mr. Okeson has been a prominent footballofficiai in the East for years; he officiateci in the Chicago-Dartmouth game.)A Typical Response from Alumniin Foreign LandsBeirut, Syria.December 6, 1925.Mr. Herbert P. Zimmermann,Chairman, Alumni Committee.Dear Sir:In reply to your letter of November 3rd,I should like to add my subscription to thelist of Alumni who have given something.I shall have to make my subscription for178THE LETTER BOX 179fifty dollars payable in two installments,one on January 1, 1929, and the other onAprii ist of the same year.I am very sorry that I cannot make apromise now of a larger subscription but Iam leaving here at the end of the presentacademic year to return to America andfinish two more years of training in medicine. With a family to support and the ex-penses of these two years ahead, it meansthat every penny must count.After the medicai training is completedand I get back here on the job, the subscription will be paid, and, if I can makeit more then, I'il do so gladly.By the way, this subscription is from bothMrs. Turner (nee Katherine Ensminger)and myself, for she is also a Chicagoite,though not a graduate. We both wish theUniversity of Chicago the best of successalways.Very sincerely yours,Edward L. Turner, '22, S. M. '23.Concerning the Old UniversityJanuary 5, 1926Dr. T. W. Goodspeed,University of Chicago.Dear Dr. Goodspeed :Do you know where I can see a pictureof the small building which housed the in-struments at the Old University of Chicagowith which the time for the CentralWest was calculated? The building waslocated at the N. E. corner of RhodesAvenue and 34th Street. I note that thehuge dimension stones of this building arestili protruding out of the ground where thebuilding once stood ; in fact, one can see theoutline of the entire foundation.It may interest you to know that there isa Church building on the South Side whichis built entirely from stone taken from theOld University. Indeed, the main door-way of the Church, with its massive col-umns together with the great oak doors,is to be seen there just as it was at the oldCollege.I must teli you that the day the corner-stone of the Old University was laid was amighty day for the City of Chicago. But that same evening thieves used the derrickand raised the cover, took out the corner-stone box, stole everything of value in it,and threw the box, together with papersthey did not want, in a nearby field. Myfather found it together with ali loosepapers and turned the box over to SenatorStephen A. Douglas who was staying, Ithink, at the Tremont House. That is thereason no one seemed to be able to locatethe box. It was never replaced.Through this meeting Senator Douglasand my father became very good friends.I think it to be a good idea for some ofthe retiring classes, or other interestedgroup, to have this great dimension stoneplaced on the campus of the present University of Chicago. They could have thenames of ali the presidents, trustees andfaculty members of the Old Universitycarved on the stone. I will be very glad tolocate this great stone for them if theydesire.For your information my son attendedMichigan and finished at the present University of Chicago. Yours very truly,C. H. Koenitzer.525 So. Wabash Ave.,Chicago, Illinois.Observations on the Russian Student(Continued front page 171)in the joy of learning, the association withother knowledge seekers, the discussions be-gun outside some class room and continuedfar into the night in a dormitory corner, thevarious hopes for the future, and finally theMoscow life. These great Russians, WhiteRussians, Ukrainians, Caucasians, Geor-gians, Armenians are like the thirty thou-sand students who gathered from ali partsof Europe into Paris to listen to Abelard,students who carried their bags on theirbacks and walked from Padua to Paris, beg-ging their way along the road. They arenot to be too much pitied by the Americanstudent. Their path to knowledge may bemore dangerous, but it is less cluttered ;they travel with less ease but with moreenthusiasm; and, to an observer, they seemto find the goal infinitely more desirable.Dr. Tufts Resigns as Vice-President—Professor Woodward Elected tothat OfficeDESIRING to devote more time toteaching and literary work, Prof.James H. Tufts will resign his duties asVice-President and Dean of Faculties of theUniversity on Aprii I. He will, however,retain the post of professor and Head ofthe Department of Philosophy.Prof. Frederic C. Woodward of the LawSchool has been elected Vice-President bythe Board of Trustees, it was also an-nounced. He has already been relieved ofa part of his teaching duties in order tobecome of immediate assistance to the President, but his term will not begin officiallyuntil Aprii I."It has been a busy three years," Prof.Tufts stated. "Three years ago when I wasasked by President Burton to be Vice President, I planned to devote half my time toteaching and half to the duties of administration, but the administration work soondeveloped into a full time job."When the great campaign drive began,Dean Tufts' duties increased as PresidentBurton found it necessary to devote muchof his time to the drive. "I found that thework of administration had to be one bythe job, and not by the hour."He is now going to do some of the things<on which he has had his heart set for manyyears — the writing of several books. Onewill be a "History of American Thought."He will also begin immediately on a revision of his part of the "Dewey and Tufts"text on Ethics, which was published in1908."Though the vice presidency carries withit mudi work and worry, I have also hadmany plcasant experiences. I shall alwaysremember the day Prof. Lillie walked office and said that he and Mrs. Lillie would like to donate a building to the University for purposes of biological research."On receiving announcement of his electron to take Dean Tufts' position as VicePresident, Prof. Woodward said : "I con-sider it a great honor and a great responsibility to succeed a man so distinguished inscholarship and so beloved by the Universitycommunity as Dr. Tufts."The duty of the Vice President, asstated in the University by-laws, is to 'cooperate with the President'. I look forward with the keenest pleasure to theopportunity of co-operating with such aleader as President Mason in his plans forthe development and betterment of ourUniversity."Prof. Woodward will continue part ofhis teaching in the Law School. He wasgraduated in 1894 from Cornell University.With the exception of three years when hepracticed law in New York city, he hastaught law. He taught at NorthwesternUniversity for five years and then at Stanford University for nine years. During hislast eight years there he was Dean of theLaw school.Since 1916 Mr. Woodward has beenProfessor of Law at the University. Fortwo years during the World War he was inWashington where he worked in the foodadministration and later was appointedMajor Judge Advocate, assigned to dutyin the office of the Provost MarshalGeneral.Prof. Tufts has been a member of thefaculty of the University since its first year.He obtained his degree of Ph. D. from theUniversity of Freiburg in 1892, and carneto Chicago in that same year. In 1905 hewas made head of the Department of Philosophy, and in 1923 Dean of Faculties. In1924 he was elected Vice President in ad-dition to his other duties.1S0UNIVERSITY NOTES 181RADIO PROGRAMThree stations now broadcast University programfeatures. Their wave lengths in meters are: WMAQ.447-5; WLS.344; KYW, S3S-4-Lectures and Campus FeaturesFeb. 16 — "What is Modernism?"Dean Shailer Mathews. WMAQ9:40 P.M.Feb. 17 — Campus Programby the University Y.M.C.A. WLS8:15 P.M.Feb. 18 — "Negro Race Consciousness" .Prof. Robert E. Park. WMAQ9:00 P.M.Feb. 19 — "Law and Administration" '.Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.Feb. 23 — "World Affairs"Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.Feb. 25 — "The Disappearance of Free Land"Prof. Chester Wright. WMAQ9:00 P.M.Campus Programby the University Y.M.C.A. KYW10.00 P.M.Feb. 26 — "Marketing and the Consumer"Prof. Mary F. McAuley. WLS3:00P.M."Prices and Social Values"Prof . J. M. Clark. WMAQ, 9:00 P.M.March 1 — "Analysisof the Business Situation"Prof. Garfield V. Cox. WLS12:15 P.M.March 2 — "World Affairs"Speaker to be announced. WMAQ9:00 P.M.March 4 — "Research in Folklore"Prof. Archer Taylor. WMAQ9:00 P.M.March 5 — "International Relations"Prof. Quincy Wright. WMAQ9:00 P.M.March 9 — "Bibles"Prof. Ira M. Price. WMAQ, 9:00 P.M.March 11 — "American Literature'*Prof.NapierWilt. WMAQ, 9:00 P.M.CHIMESDuring the Winter quarter mghtly selections fromthe Alice Freeman Palmer chimes in Mitchell Tower,will be played from 9:55 to 10 every evening exceptSunday and Monday, as the closing number of theWMAQ program.Alumni may ' receive monthly programs free bymailing their names and addresses to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.Winter Quarter AttendanceOFFICIAL announcement is made ofthe Winter Quarter attendance atthe University, up to January 16. Astriking feature of the attendance is thatgraduate students number just half of theunder graduate.In the Graduate School of Arts and Literature there are 668 students enrolled andin the Ogden Graduate School of Science552, a total of 1,220. In the Senior Collages there are 1,121, and in the Junior Col-leges (including the unclassified ) , 1,390, atotal of 2,511.In the Professional Schools there are 213Divini ty students, 212 in the MedicaiCourses, 272 in Rush Medicai College, 324Law students, 138 in Education, 459 inCommerce and Administration, and 75 inSocial Service Administration, a total of1,693. University College (downtown)has an enrollment of 2,359.The total for the University (exclusiveof duplications) is 7,385, of which number2,494 are graduate students and 4,891 under graduate.A New Portrait of ProfessorMcLaughlinA NEW portrait of the Head ofthe Department of History at theUniversity, Professor Andrew Cunning-ham McLaughlin, was recently unveiled atthe Quadrangle Club to mark the twenti-eth year of his service to the University.The portrait, a gift of students and col-leagues, will later be hung in the HarperMemorial Library.Professor McLaughlin, who was formany years professor of American historyat the University of Michigan and directorof the bureau of historical research of theCarnegie Institution at Washington, hasbeen managing editor of the American Historical Review and president of the American Historical Association. Among hispublications are A History of the AmericanNation, The Confederation and the Con-stitution, and The Courts, the Constitution,and Parties.Wide Scope of Correspondence StudyMORE than 7,000 students in thiscountry and in twenty-one foreign countries were registered for correspondencecourses given by the University of Chicagoduring 1924-25, according to a recent report to President Max Mason. Ninety-three per cent of those who fìnished coursesgained credit for them by passing a finalexamination, thus making a new record forthe department.Tables showing registration by subjectsfor each of the last ten years record a largedemand for instruction in English, mathe-matics, history, and Romance languages, anda steadily increasing one for courses in education and German.Of the 7,000 students, 1,893 had not beenconnected previously with the University,and constituted 29 per cent of the wholenumber who first entered into student relations with the University during 1924-25.182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVice-President Tufts' Address atChapel Ground-BreakingON AUGUST 28 ground was brokenfor the University Chapel, as pre-viously announced in the Magazine. Thegreat structure is to stand in the squarebounded by 59th Street, Woodlawn Ave-nue, 58th Street, and University Avenue.The commencement of this work, which isto result in a building of cathedral designseating about 2,000 people and crownedby a tali tower, was attended by a simpleceremony in which religious feeling wasmanifest. An invocation was pronouncedby Professor J. M. P. Smith, followingwhich a brief address was delivered byVice-President James H. Tufts.Vice-President Tufts spoke as follows:"This life were brutish did we not sometimesHave intimation clear of wider scope,Hints of occasion infinite, to keepThe soul alert with noble discontent.— James Russell Lowell"The University from the beginning hashad some place for public worship as partof its regular activity. On the first day,students gathered in Cobb Hall for thefirst chapel exercises. For several years thenorth end of Cobb Hall was used for regularchapel service and Sunday vespers. I shallalways remember a sermon by EdwardEverett Hale, delivered there, on the oldPuritan question and answer: 'What is thechief end of Man? Man's chief end is toglorify God.'"Next, Kent was used for religious serv-ices and finally in Mandel Hall, dedicatedin 1903, the University was able to establishthe Sunday morning service."I do not know how early the thoughtcarne for a great chapel as a beautiful anddignified place of worship. A letter fromMr. John D. Rockefeller written in 1910expressed the Founder's desire that such achapel be constructed to dominate the University group and to express the spirit ofreligion which should ever guide the University."The chapel project was not undertakenat once. Just before the world-war, planswere prepared by the eminent architectBertram Gosvenor Goodhue, but their exe-cution was prevented by the war. When Mr. Burton became president, one of hisforemost objects was to develop the chapelplans. He held that the chapel, the onlybuilding which the Founder had given en-tirely, should be built, if possible, withinhis lifetime, and that it should be used assoon as possible."Conferences with Mr. Goodhue, andafter his lamented death with his successors,have led to the completion of plans for thestructure for which we are to break groundtoday."The earliest religious building was thetempie; not a church but a shrine for thegod. The thought in the minds of men wasthat of a dwelling-place for the Deity. Suchwas the Parthenon or the Tempie of MountZion. When in place of a dwelling-placefor the Deity alone, there was substituteda meeting place for worship, the builderslifted dome, roof, and tower until the verystructure of the building symbolized thepresence of Deity, and a building thatshould lift men's minds and unite theirhearts. From the various university build-ings as they serve their various purposes,men may learn to heal the sick, to main-tain justice, to advance knowledge, to en-joy association with their fellows; fromthe chapel the}' may learn to recognize acommon humanity, to have glimpses of alarger life, suggestions of the informingspirit which we as yet dimly understand.It shall serve to give a meaning and a pur-pose to life; in its sorrows a hope; a guid-ance of divine inspiration for the tasksbefore us."Meeting of Moderx LanguageAssociation at University|PHE Modem Language Association ofA America, meeting at the University ofChicago from December 29 to 31, was wel-comed to the University by President MaxMason in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall,Tuesday, December 29, when PresidentHermann Collitz of the Modem LanguageAssociation delivered the presidential address on "World-Languages." At noon ofthe same day a joint luncheon was given atthe Del Prado Hotel for the members ofthe Association and of the American Association of University Professors.UNIVERSITY NOTES 183Some Members of the Board of TrusteesAbove, left to right: William Scott Bond, '97, Charles E. Hughes, Edward L. Ryerson, Jr.,Deloss C. Shull, Harold F. McCormick.Below, left to right: Julius Rosenwald, Albert W. Sherer, '06, Samuel C. Jennings, MartinA. Ryerson, J. Spencer Dickerson, Secretary.Among the papers presented by representatives of the University of Chicago were"Some Remarks on an Institute of Arthur-ian Studies," by Tom Peete Cross; "TwoPhases of Goethe's Conception of Personal-ity in Wilhelm Meister" by MartinSchutze; "Sociology and Literature," byJohn M. Manly; and "Studies in theCanzoniere of Petrarch," by Ernest H.Wilkins.A report on the activities of the Committee on Modem Language Instructionwas given by Algernon Coleman ; an invita-tion address, "Some Requirements for theHistorical Study of English," by WilliamA. Craigie ; and a paper on "Voltaire'sPrimacy in Establishing the English In-fluence," by E. Preston Dargan.For the evening of December 30 a subscription dinner and smoker was arranged at the Midway Masonic Tempie, the smoketalk being given by Professor Percy H.Boynton, of the Department of English.University Sociologists at New YorkMeeting of American SociologicalSocietyEIGHT University of Chicago sociologists were on the program of theAmerican Sociological Society which metat Columbia University, New York, fromDecember 28 to 31. They discussed various phases of the centrai topic, "The City."The president of the Society, ProfessorRobert E. Park, of Chicago, spoke on "TheConcept of Position in Sociology" ; ProfessorEllsworth Faris, on "Human Nature andSocial Psychology" ; and Associate Professor Ernest W. Burgess, secretary of theSociety, on "The Study of the Family asa Unity of Interacting Personalities."184 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEProfessor Frederic Thrasher, of IllinoisWesleyan University, who recently madean accurate survey of the gang situation inChicago under the direction of the University of Chicago, reported to the Societyon the sociology of the gang and naturaicommunity groups — a study of 1,313 gangsin Chicago."Some Jewish Types of Personality" waspresented by Louis Wirth, of the Universityof Chicago; and "The Status of Researchon International Propaganda and Opinion"was discussed by Harold Lasswell, of theDepartment of Politicai Science. ArthurHolt, of the Chicago Theological Seminary,reported on "What Is Being Done in Theological Education" in the field of sociology,and Walter Reckless, who has recentlygained recognition for his study of Chicagovice areas, spoke on "A Study in the Pro-cess of Segregation."Twentieth Anniversary of PresidentHarper's DeathTWENTY years ago in January thefirst president of the University ofChicago, Dr. William Rainey Harper, diedat the age of fifty, after fifteen years ofheroic and highly successful effort in or-ganizing and developing the University.In his reputation as "a money-getter," theworld knew little or nothing of his criticaiwork as a great Hebrew scholar. His com-mentary on two books of the Old Testa-ment, Amos and Hosea, published in theInternational Criticai Series, he sent to afriend, with this message :"This book represents more hours ofwork than I have spent altogether on theadministrative work of the University ofChicago in fourteen years. In other words,I have given more time to the writing ofthis book than to raising money for theUniversity and its organization. The volume has been received favorably in Eng-land, Scotland, and the Continent. Thereviews in this country have been through-out favorable, but it is a volume so tech-nical in its character that the friends ofof the University do not even know of itsexistence."His ambition to be known as a great scholar was almost pathetically shown inanother part of the letter: "I seem to standin the West for something which I do notreally represent, and the thing which Irepresent is not appreciated or understoodor even known by the great majority ofpeople who are familiar with the work ofthe University. I do not suppose that thissituation can be remedied."Henry Justin Smith, '98, PublicityDirector, Resigns — Returns to News-paper Field.HENRY JUSTIN SMITH, assistantto the president, and Director ofPublic Relations for the University, hasresigned to accept an editorial position onthe Chicago Daily News. Mr. Smith'sresignation became effective Saturday, January 30.Mr. Smith was formerly city editor, andlater news editor of the Daily News. Hecarne to the University in Jury, 1924. Atthat time it was felt that the Universityhad reached a point where there was aneed of interpreting itself to the publicmore fully. It was thought that an experienced newspaper man of sound opinionsand good methods could accomplish thispurpose. Accordingly Mr. Smith was se-cured for the task. In addition to his workin connection with the University itself,he has been in charge of publicity for theDevelopment Fund drive.Aside from his long journalistic career,Mr. Smith is well known for his books,among which "Deadlines" is one of thebest known. As indicated by the title, thisis a book with a newspaper background.Other works of Mr. Smith are "The OtherSide of the Wall," "It's the Way It's Writ-ten," and "Josslyn."Mr. Smith, an alumnus of the University, was graduated in the class of 1898.From 1901 to 1913 he was city editor ofthe Chicago Daily News, and after that,until he took charge of the Universitypublic relations, he was news editor of TheNews. The department of public relationswill be continued, it is stated, but no an-nouncement of a successor to Mr. Smithhas been made.UNIVERSITY NOTES 185New Appointments and PromotionsAPPOINTMENTS to assistant pro-¦ fessorships at the University havebeen made as follows: Dr. Nathaniel Kleit-man in Physiology, Fred B. Plummer inGeology, Helen Rankin Jeter in SocialService Administration and Douglas Wa-ples in Education. Dr. Charles Philip Miller has been made an Assistant Professor inMedicine on the Douglas Smith Foundation to do research work abroad.Appointments to instructorships includethe following: Alice Hall Farnsworth inAstromony, Theodore Koppanyi in Physiology, Helen Lowes in Physical Education,Mary S. Shepherd in Pathology, BeulahMorgan Smith and Mae Horton Langdonin Institution Economies.Among the promotions are those ofJoseph M. Artman to a professorship in theDivinity School; Archibald G. Baker to anassociate professorship in the same school ;and Fay-Cooper Cole to an associate professorship in Anthropology. The followinghave been made assistant professors : EvelynMay Albright in English, Arthur LawtonBeeley in Social Service Administration,Paul R. Cannon in Pathology, and SidneyK. Schifi in Law.Gift for Nile Research(Continued from page 173)passed into the hands of tourists. In hiscomment later he pointed to a discoveryof a Neanderthal man in a cave overlook-ing the Sea of Galilee as indicating the vastpossibilities in the Nile region.The epigraphic expedition is concernedwith the career of man after he had startedto build great temples and after he haddeveloped a society. This was started ayear ago with the construction of a modemhouse at Luxor where headquarters wereset up. Its purpose is to recover the greatbody of inscriptions on the walls of templesand tombs which are slowly being effacedby sand storms and vandals. The work iscarried on with the aid of cameras and pens,the idea being to photograph the variousinscriptions and then copy them in waterproof ink. It is intended to increase thestaff of this department by an architect,epigraphers and draftsmen. Alumnus Engaged As TrainerFor the MaroonsMR. SIMON BENSON, S. B. '25,was chosen last month as trainer forthe University of Chicago athletic teams,succeeding the late N. B. ("Johnny")Johnson in this important position. Mr.Benson has made some study and had someexperience in surgery and medicine, but heis also very well acquainted with the athletic side of his new job, due to severalcoaching contraets which he has fulfilledfor various nearby high schools and colleges.Added to this is the valuable fact that heis a graduate of the University of Chicago,which further qualifies him for his presentprofession and helps to make him an idealman for the position.Since 1909, when he served as medical-gymnast and surgeon for the Central Y. M.C. A. of Chicago, he has been actively engaged in work similar to his present profession. In 191 1 he went to Milwaukee,where he continued his Y. M. C. A. work,until offered a similar position in the SacredHeart Sanitarium of that city, where healso taught swimming. He then studied atValparaiso, securing his Pharmacy degree,and coaching wrestling, his favorite sport,at the University Y. M. C. A. Mr. Bensonworked in the hospital while there and ob-tained a varied but valuable experience inthis manner.His next position was at the North ShoreHealth Resort where he administered Ther-apy treatments and massaging. He thenturned to teaching, and held successivepositions at Toulon, 111., and Palamyra,Wis., where he was a science instructor, andcoach of football, basketball, and track.An offer from Vincennes University tookhim there to teach chemistry, and coachfootball and basketball.Following this varied experience, the newMaroon Trainer, returned to the University of Chicago to complete the study whichhe had started there in the summer of 1921for his bachelor of science degree, whichdegree he obtained last summer. His recordas a trainer has been very successful andhe was held in high esteem at the institutionswith which he has been connected.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESFirst Annual Mirror ProductionAN approaching event that will be of¦LI- special interest to Alumni is the initialproduction of Mirror, the newly organizedwomen's branch of the Dramatic Association. The First Annual Mirror Show isin the process of production preparatory toits presentation in Mandel Hall, March 5and 6.Because of the decision to select the choiceportions of the ten manuscripts submittedin the contest for sketches, Mirror has announced a fantasy for their initial performance. Parts of the following plays arebeing combined :"Cashou," by Elizabeth Frank and Elizabeth Reimers."Chiffon," by Mary Fasset and MarieLewis."Chinatown," by Margaret Carr."Her Cinderella Prince," by John VanSant."Old Cute," by Elizabeth Hord."Polar June," by Judith Strohm."The Golden Rope," by Laura NovakKerr."The Lady of Larcheta," by MiriamWalker."Where Are We Going," by ElizabethGordon.Eleanor Metzel has been chosen to directthe cast, under the supervision of Mr.Frank H. O'Hara, Director of Student Activities. As director of dancing, MissMarianne Durbrow, recently of the BohmBallet, Chicago, has been selected. AltaCundy, general manager of Mirror, ex-presses optimistic views for the success ofthe production under two such capabledirectors.The staff is headed by Helen Liggett —President; Alta Cundy — General Manager; Catherine Campbell — Business Manager. Tickets may be procured by mail orat the box office in Mandel Cloister, 57thand University Avenue, daily from 1 1 to4 p.m., starting February I5th. Prices areas follows: Main floor seats $1.50, bal- cony $1.00 and $.75, and boxes $10.00.The support of the Alumni in helping thewomen's first big stage enterprise to be asuccess is solicited by the organization.Fourth Annual Glee Club ContestTHE Fourth Annual Contest of GleeClubs in the Middle West will be held,as in the past, at Orchestra Hall. This veryinteresting and entertaining event takesplace this year on the evening of Monday,February 22. Besides the Chicago GleeClub, there will be represented the following universities and colleges; Northwestern,Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Purdue,Iowa, Grinnell, Belloit, James Milliken,Wabash, Knox and Lake Forest.Each Club will sing a college song andanother song of its own selection, in the contest, and the whole 350 men will join inensemble singing. Arrangements are madeto seat Alumni of each school in a body.Chicago Alumni are cordially urged to support our Glee Club and take part in thisenthusiastic college event. Tickets may beprocured at the Orchestra Hall Box Office.Undergraduate Wins Two Prizesin PoetryA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOundergraduate, George Hill Dillon,not only won the John Billings Fiske PoetryPrize for 1925 at the University of Chicagowith his group of poems entitled "WhiteSpring," but with some of the same groupof poems and others published in the maga-zine Poetry won a hundred-dollar prize forthe most promising work submitted duringthe year by a young Chicago poet. In therecent undergraduate contest conducted bythe Poetry Society of America, Dillon received first honorable mention in connection with the award of the Witter Bynnerprize. There were seventeen other honorable mentions among the six hundredentries.186STARTI NG with possibly the poorestoutlook in Chicago's basket ball history, Coach Nelson Norgren in six weekshas built up a team whose floor work anddefensive powers are not surpassed by anyteam in the Big Ten. The team was handi-capped by a late start, for Coach Norgrenand several of the players did not return toChicago until early in December, havingbeen on the 24000 mile tour of the Orientwith the baseball team. Added to this,several of the candidates were not eligibleuntil after the dose of the Fall Quarter, sothat they could not be used in the prelim-inary games and so lost much practice-gameexperience. The loss of George Lott,promising forward who became ineligible,was another factor. Lott was a superbshooter and his accurate eye was badlyneeded by the team. The critics noddedtheir heads and said "Chicago won't win agame." But not so with Coach Norgren.Fresh from his trip in Japan, he set about toteach his team a scientific floor game.Only four men were back from last year.They were Captain Harold Alyea, '26,center, William Abbott, '26, forward,Henry R. Sackett, '27, forward, andWalter Marks, '27, guard. The newcandidates include Theodore Zimmerman,'28, forward, William R. Macklind, Jr.,'28, forward, Albert B. McConnell, '28,forward, Charles W. Hoerger, Jr., '28,guard, John McDonough, '28, guard,James T. Farwell, '28, guard.Almost immediately it was apparent thatSackett was vastly improved over last yearand would win a regular berth on the newteam. Zimmerman, captain of the freshmanteam last year, a stocky little player, becamefavored for the other forward position,while Abbott played part time. "Wallie"Marks, the only guard from last season,waged a desperate fight to hold his positionfor running guard, and has been alternatingwith Hoerger, a sophomore of unusual ability. John McDonough, star and captain of the Yankton, S. D., five, which wonsecond place in the National InterscholasticBasketball Tournament two years ago, wonthe position of back guard. Hoerger andMcDonough, as guards, immediatelyshowed that they possessed both size and ex-ceptional defensive ability, and were alsoespecially clever at working the ball towardthe basket and shooting. Never in Chicagobasket ball history has there been such afine pair of sophomore guards, and withMarks as a third, Chicago is now as wellfortified as any team in the country so faras defense is concerned.Coach Norgren early realized that theteam was without good shooters and setabout to build a defense so strong that eventhough Chicago should be unable to makemany baskets, her opponents would havemuch difficulty in running up high scores.In this he has achieved unusual success,fewer scores having been made against Chicago than against any Big Ten team so far.On January 9, the Iowa game provedboth Chicago's strength and weakness, forthe score at the half was 8 to 4 in favor ofthe Maroons. Toward the end of thegame, however, Iowa, through long shots,was able to get ahead, and Chicago wasnosed out from a victory by an 18 to 13score.The following Saturday, Chicago jour-neyed to Madison and defeated CoachMeanwell's highly rated basketeers, by a 17to 15 score. It was a wonderful victory forChicago, and for a green team to defeatthe high scoring Badger team on their ownfloor merits no end of praise to Coach Norgren and his fighting Maroons. The fea-ture of the game was the desperate defenseput up. Not once was the famous Mean-well offense able to get started and Wiscon-sin's only baskets were from long shots madefrom near the middle of the floor.(Plcase turn to page 204)I»7Program of the Art DepartmentBy Protessor Walter Sargent, Chairman of the DepartmentTHE Art Department of the University of Chicago is comparativelyyoung. There has been a Department of Art Education in the School ofEducation and a Department of History ofArt in the School of Arts, Liteiature andScience. In 1924, President Burton de-cided to form a Department of Art. To dothis he united some of the courses in artwhich were being given in the School ofEducation with the courses in the Historyof Art. Professor Sargent was appointedChairman of the newlj orgamzed Art Department, which became one of the unitsof the School of Arts, Literature andScience.The faculty has been increased and nowincludes: Professor Walter Sargent, Associate Professor Emerson H. Swift, Mr.Edward F. Rothschild, and Miss Elisabeth Haseltine who are giving their fulltime to the Department; Assistant Professor William G. Whitford and MissFlorence Williams who are devotingpart time; and Mr. Howard K. Morseand Miss Laura van Pappelendam fromthe Art Institute who give one quartera year to classes at the University.Associate Professor Swift is just beginninghis vacation of nine months. He plans tosail for Europe the first of this month andwill carry on advanced study there. Mr.Rothschild has recently come to the Department from Columbia University. He is giving courses in Christian Art and NorthernRenaissance painting this current quarter.Miss Haseltine, who gives courses in model-ing and drawing and painting, has recentlywon the William M. R. French TravellingScholarship at the Art Institute. She willgo to Europe and remain during the majorpart of the year 1926-27. Miss EmilyWagner, one of our own students, who hasbeen taking advanced work at the Art In-situte, will fili Miss Haseltine's place dur ing her absence. Mr. Morse and Miss vanPappelendam are with the Departmentduring the Summer and Winter quartersrespectively. Miss van Pappelendam is apainter of some note. She spends hersummers painting and sketching in theSouthwest. The graduating class of theUniversity high school has recently pur-chased one of her paintings to be hungpermanently in the high school building.The Art Department is laying out acomprehensive pian in order to meet themany oportunities opening out before it.Its general aims are shaped in order tomeet what seem to be the most outstandingneeds in art in the Middle West today.These aims are as follows :First, to offer to ali students the kind ofacquaintance with the arts which everyoneshould possess and to develop an intelligentenjoyment of the world's artistic inheritance,as a part of general culture.Second, to help students who show specialabilities in art to develop these abilities, andto find the best ways of putting them to use.It has been particularly unfortunate that thosewho pian to take up art professionally haveseldom been able in the past to carry on anylaboratory work in art in connection with acollege course. They have been compelledeither to postpone systematic studio work untilafter graduation or go earlier than is wise toa professional school with its special interests.Third, to build up a graduate departmentfitted to train students to be teachers and leadersin the field of art. There is an urgent demandfor teachers of art in high schools and colleges.The attitude of the majority of people to-wards art is determined in the high school.With a few exceptions, the teachers inhigh schools have, in past, been trained onlyin traditional studio or art school methods.The classes are attended mainly by thosewho are strongly predisposed towards art.Little is done to interpret art for the generalstudent. The Department hopes to offerin co-operation with the School of Education a sequence leading to the Master sPROGRAM OF THE ART DEPARTMENT 189degree, which will train teachers particularly for this field. It calls for courses inwhich historical and technical or laboratory study are closely related. Circum-stances invite us to take a position of definiteleadership in meeting this need for highschool teachers in the Middle West.Each institution which develops a strongArt Department finds that because of itslocation, the personal interest of its facultyand the conditions of its development, ithas opportunities to make certain character-istic contributions. The Department feelsthat, in connection with the general aimsjust enumerated, it can make its particularcontributions by experimenting along theIines of preparation of instructors for theparticular type of art teaching needed inhigh schools, as well as for college positions,the presentation of courses so as to developappreciation as well as historical knowledge,and the organization of a series of laboratorycourses appropriate for college students.In planning the program the Departmenthas kept in mind the fact that art should beregarded not only as a series of productions,of value for historical research, but also andprimarily as an expression in material formof artistic visions and ideals. Without neg-lecting the historical side, it feels that atpresent we can render a service by em-phasizing intelligent enjoyment of art andby regarding it as a thing of the present aswell as of the past — an expression of thelife and thought of today. Courses areplanned, therefore, which deal with theforms of art, in the different periods ofhuman history, as sources of both knowledgeand delight.The Department feels also that in studying art, as in studying any other language,a certain intimate insight and interpretationis gained if the student has some practicein actual use of the language. Thereforecourses have been planned in drawing, mod-eling, color and composition. The principalpurpose of these courses is not to developtechnical proficiency, but to furnish somedirect experience in the use of typical formsof art expression.While these courses are planned to fur nish a practical experience with art whichis of general value to ali students, they willalso be of direct value to those who willlater devote special attention to art as aprofession, because, although non-professional in character, they will give to thesestudents the type of experience which laboratory courses in chemistry and physics, andthe courses in English composition, offer tostudents who will later specialize in thosefields. The students with special creativeaptitudes in art will be helped to discovertheir capabilities, and if later they go toa professional art school they will go withbetter general cultural preparation and anearlier awakened interest than if they hadno acquaintance with laboratory phases ofthe subject before being graduated. Because of this belief in the need of practicalexperience in art during pre-specializationperiods of study, the Department is espe-cially interested in developing types oflaboratory courses in art suitable for collegestudents. It is experimenting and keepingrecords of results in order to contributesomething towards the solution of thisproblem.In carrying out this program, based onthe general aims of the Department, to givethe general student an acquaintance withthe arts, to discover and develop naturaitalent, and to equip the Department to takea place in the leadership of art education,the Department feels that it is beginning tomeet concretely some of the many opportunities for service which it now sees open-ing up before it and which it hopes to meetmore fully as time goes on. The questionof adequate equipment to carry on the activities of the Department offers a seriousdrawback. At present the Department hasno building. It holds its classes in buildingsof other departments. It has its head-quarters in Classics 16, where the facultymembers have their desks, and matters ofcurrent art interest receive attention. Therehas been a steadily growing interest in thework of the Department. Later it hopes tohave the equipment to take care of alithose students who wish to work in thefield of art.C SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ì€ 3University of Chicago DinnerALL Alumni and friends of the University will be welcomed to the University of Chicago Dinner on February 24at 6 P. M., at Rauscher's Restaurant,Washington, D. C. Tickets at $3.00 perpiate may be secured from Dean W. S.Gray, or Alumni in the East may securetickets from Director Harold G. Moulton,Institute of Economies, 26 Jackson Place,Washington, D. C.Summer Quarter — 1926A SERIES of very attractive coursescovering most phases of elementary,secondary, and higher education will beoffered during the coming summer by regular members of the staff of the School ofEducation assisted by more than forty visit-ing instructors. Among the notable visitorswill be : Chancellor Samuel P. Capen of theUniversity of Buffalo ; George AlonzoMirick, Lecturer in Elementary Education, Harvard University; Thomas R. Cole,Superintendent of Schools, Seattle, Washington ; Paul R. Spencer, Superintendent ofSchools, Superior, Wisconsin ; Sidney Ban-croft Mitchell, Associate Professor of Library Science, University of California.A special feature of the program for thesummer quarter is a group of more thantwenty courses relating to curriculum problems. Professors Bobbitt and Charters willgive the general survey and research courses.Chancellor Capen will discuss curriculumproblems in colleges and universities, Professor Counts in four-year high schools,Principal Ryan of St. Louis in junior highschools, Professor Mirick in the first sixgrades, and Miss Alice Tempie in thekindergarten and primary grades. In ad-dition, curriculum courses will be offeredin each school subject such as history,English, geography and science. Thesecourses have been provided in recognitionof the fact that curriculum problems are among the most urgent ones which public-school administrators face at the presenttime.Another feature of the summer programwill be courses for college administrators.The following titles suggest the characterand scope of the courses which have beenorganized : The Nature, Organization, andControl of Higher Education; The Administration and Supervision of AcademicWork in Colleges and Universities; TheFinancial Administration of Higher Insti-tutions ; Professional Duties of Registrarsand Deans ; Purchasing with Special Refer-ence to Institutions. During the week ofJuly 19 there will be a program of speciallectures and conferences to which collegeand university administrators are mostcordially invited. Arrangements are beingmade for these visitors to attend classes,lectures, and conferences during the weekwithout fees.During the second term courses will beoffered for librarians. These courses will beunder the immediate supervision of SydneyB. Mitchell, Associate Professor of LibraryScience and Chairman of the Department,University of California. He will be assisted by William F. Russell, Professor ofEducation, Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity, and Educational Supervisor ofthe American Library Association; GilesM. Ruch, Associate Professor of Psychol-ogy and Education, State University ofIowa ; and Professor W. W. Charters of theUniversity of Chicago who is director ofthe curriculum study for the AmericanLibrary Association. The courses whichhave been planned are designed to meet theneeds of four groups of students, namely,teachers in library schools; teachers oflibrary training classes; teachers of libraryscience courses in colleges and universities,in teachers' colleges and normal schools, inhigh schools, and in summer sessions; andinexperienced teachers under appointmentfor similar positions.190C RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ìC 3Thirtieth Anniversary Rush ClassReunion — China and IndiaRepresentedTHE Rush Medicai College Class of1896 is preparing for a large classreunion in June, 1926, at the general JuneAlumni gatherings, in observation of the30th anniversary of the Class. Themembers of the Class residing in or nearChicago have already held two meetings tomake plans for this event. The second wasat a dinner given by the Class President,Dr. Daniel A. Orth, at the Chicago Ath-letic Club, January I3th; a third meetingwas held on February nth. Dr. ElmerL. Kenyon, the Class Secretary, Dr. ElmerE. Henderson, and Dr. A. S. Wilson areacting as an Executive Committee for thisClass affair.Dr. J. E. Skinner, who has been inChina and Dr. Wilson who has been inIndia, since their graduation at Rush, arenow in Chicago and pian to be present atthis '96 Reunion. Judging from the prepa-rations and the response, this promises tobe one of the most interesting and successful Rush gatherings of its kind ever held.Honorary Elections at RushTHE following Rush students, byreason of high scholarship and otherqualifications, have been elected to AlphaOmega Alpha, the honorary medicai scholarship society. From the Junior Class atRush those elected were: Alexander E.Brunschwig, Charles B. S. Evans, Helen C.Hayden, Barclay E. Noble, Elizabeth K.Straus, Harold B. Hogue, John J. Bianchi(deceased), Frederick Lieberthal, FredericM. Nicholson, Edward F. Kotershall, FredHenry Decker.The Senior elections included : EsmondRay Long, George F. O'Brien, James C.Ellis, Eustace L. Benjamin, John C. T. Rogers, Annette Howell, Mabel G. Masten,Elma M. Fry, Charles E. Shannon, FrankK. Power.The annual initiation and dinner will beheld early in the Winter Quarter, 1926, atthe Quadrangle Club.Howard Wakefield, M. D. '24,Secretary-TreasurerBeta of Illinois Chapter A. O. A.Tells of Old Rush DaysPark Ridge, Illinois1AM 77 years old, and have retired fromactive practice ; stili some of my formerpatients cali on me for advice or get mewith their auto to see them or their family.I have practiced in Chicago and Park Ridgeever since 1869.I was graduated from Rush MedicaiCollege in February, 1869. The collegethen was on the corner of Dearborn andIndiana Streets. An addition was justcompleted and it was dedicated in the year1865 when I commenced to study medicine.Dr. G. Taoli was my preceptor. Thefaculty consisted of Dr. Brainard, Surgery;Alien, Practice of Medicine ; Blaney, Chem-istry; Ingalls, Materia Medica; Ross, Dis-eases of the Chest ; Freer, Physiology ; Rea,Anatomy; Holmes, Lecturer on Eye andEar. We had only a winter course of fourmonths, from October to February. A fewyears latter a spring course was added.Medicine has so changed since I wasgraduated. There were but few specialiststhen. I have followed the modest life of acountry doctor, and have practiced fifty-three years. In my prime of life I had tobe physician, surgeon, obstetrician, oculist,dentist, età, without the conveniences of atrained nurse or a hospital. I had to relyupon my own resources. I have greatly en-joyed my years of practice of over half acentury. Respectfully yours,G. H. Fricke, M.D. '69.191€ ì£ DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION ì^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^àaP^New Doctors' RegisterA NEW Register of Doctors of Philosophy of the University of Chicago,prepared under the supervision of Dr. Herbert E. Slaught, Secretary of the Associationof Doctors of Philosophy, was mailed out inJanuary. It contains about 1800 names,giving the name, year of degree, title ofthesis or dissertation, and present positionof ali Chicago Doctors according to presentrecords. This Register, incidentally, givessome impression of the importance and in-fluence of doctorate work at the University.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION DOCTORS'23 — Andrews, William H. Professor ofEducation since 1918 at Kansas State Agri-cultural College, Manhattan, Kansas. Is ActingDean of the Summer School of that institution.'15 — Ayer, Fred C. Professor of Education,University of Washington and Director ofResearch, Seattle Public Schools. Author ofStudies in Administrative Research, BulletinNo. 2, Department of Research, Seattle PublicSchools, August 1925.'25— Bennett, Henry Eastman, A.M. '22, A.B.'07. Formerly Professor of Education atWilliam and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va.During 1925 accepted the position of ResearchAdvisor and Consulting Expert of the AmericanSeating Company, 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.'23 — Blauch, Lloyd E., A.M. '17. Professor ofEducation, North Carolina College for Women,Greensboro, N. C, has been a member of thefaculty of the University of Maryland for thepast four summers.'21 — Brooks, Thomas D., A.M. '20. Chairmanof School of Education and Dean of SummerSchools, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.During spring, summer, and fall of 1925 hasbeen giving full time to the duties of executivesecretary, Central Committee of the BaylorUniversity Endowment and EnlargementProgram.'25 — Edmonson, James Bartlett. Professor ofSecondary Education, University of Michigan,and University Inspector of High Schools. IsSecretary of the North Central Association ofColleges and Secondary Schools. Is author ofProblems of a High School Teaching Staff, 1924,Public School Publishing Co. ; The Daily Schedule in the High School, 1924, U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 15; Policies and Cur-ricula of Schools of Education in State Universities, 1925, U. S. Bureau of Education,Bulletin No. 30.'22 — Gilliland, Adam R. Professor of Psy-chology at Northwestern University, Evanston,III. Is President of the Chicago PsychologicalClub.'25 — Good, Carter V. Professor of Education,Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.'23 — Henry, Nelson B., Jr. Secretary of theCommittee on Finance of the Board of Education,Chicago, Illinois.'23— Johnson, Roy Ivan, A.M. '17. FormerlyProfessor of English, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, recently accepted the position ofAssistant in Research, Division of Testa andMeasurements, Public Schools, St. Louis,Missouri.'23— Nutt, Hubert W., A.M. '16, Ph.B. '14.Acting Head of the Department of Education,Ohio Wesleyan University for 1925-26 duringthe Ieave of absence of Dr. A. R. Mead.'21 — Pendleton, Charles S. Professor of theTeaching of English, George Peabody Collegefor Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., and Editor ofthe Peabody Journal of Education.'16 — Pittenger, Benjamin F. Associate Professor of Education, Universtiy of Texas, Austin, Texas. Author of An Introduction to PublicSchool Finance, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.,1925.'24 — Rainey, Homer P., A.M. '23. AssociateProfessor of Education, University of Oregon.Has been making a study of school finance inOregon. The results of th» study were published in August by The Commonwealth Reviewof the University of Oregon.'21 — Uhi, Willis L. Professor of Education,University of Wisconsin. Spent the secondsemester of 1924-25 as Acting Associate Professor of education at Yale University duringProfessor Count's absence in the Philippines.He is the author of Principles of SecondaryEducation, Silver Burdett & Co., 1925.'22 — Wager, Ralph E. Head of the Department of Education, Emory University, Georgia.Has published through the State Departmentof Education of Georgia A Criticai Study ofSome Educational Problems of Georgia. Mr.Wager will be a member of the 1926 summerfaculty of the School of Education, University ofChicago.'22 — West, Paul V. Assistant Professor ofEducational Psychology, New York University.(Notes continued on page 200)192C BOOK REVIEWS ìC ìThe City: Human Behavior in the UrbanEnvironmentBy Robert E. Park, E. W. Burgess, R. D. McKenzie,and Louis Wirth. (University of Chicago Press) .WHAT does the city suggest? A numberof characteristic phenomena. Think ofthe city and you think of newspapers,Great White Ways, and dance halls, or perhapsof particular areas — a Harlem, a Gold Coast, or 'a Greenwich Village. The city is above ali thenaturai milieu of civilized man — though manyof its manifestations do not remotely suggestit. It is in the city alone that man's full rangeof complexities and oddities of character arebrought out.The great city, where nearly everything ofwhich human nature is capable happens daily,has long been the workshop of the water offiction. In novels, stories, and poems have thusfar appeared the most intimate interpretationsof urban life. But now, with the publicationof this book, appear the findings of a group ofsociologists, who, turning to the fiction writer'schbsen province, study it as a social entity.They bring to the task a technique which in-sures a more searching and disinterested anal-ysis than has previously been attained.These sociologists are pioneers; they arejust now concerned primarily with outlining aprogram for future investigation of humannature and social life under modem urban conditions. They are making a beginning in theapplication to the beliefs and customs of thedenizen of the modem city of the same patientmethods of observation which anthropologistslike Boas and Lowie have applied to the lifeand manners of primitive peoples.The authors do not pretend to have carriedthe investigation much farther than outlininga program; but aheady one fact stands out:The city is not an artificial mechanism. It isa product of nature and particluarly of humannature. Each of its characteristic phenomenacan be explained in terms of human nature,and this book makes a distinct advance in suchexplanation.Professor Park's contribution forms the largerportion of the book. As those who are familiarwith Professor Park's work will have antici-pated, it is he who discusses the metropolitandaily newspaper. Newspapers throughout thecountry quoted his conclusions about the con-temporary daily: "Humanly speaking the presentnewspapers are about as good as they can be.If the newspapers are to be improved, it will come through the education of the people andthe organization of politicai intelligence . . .The real reason that the ordinary newspaperaccounts of the incidents of ordinary life areso sensational is because we know so little ofhuman life that we are not able to interpretthe events of life when we read them. It issafe to say that when anything shocks us, we donot understand it."Professor Park analyzes the Iure of the city;the development of segregated areas; and that"romantic temper" which finds expression inthe dance halls. The chapter to which he givesthe title "Magic, Mentality, and City Life"was suggested by his observation of negromagic during a recent visit to the EnglishIslands of the Carribean. It is a study of"obeah" the magic of the Black man. ProfessorPark finds numerous traces of magic in Westerncivilization, but concludes that the reason"modera man is a more rational animai thanmore primitive ancestor is because he lives ina city."Professor McKenzie's contribution is evidenceof the fact that the conceptions and methods ofstudy of plant and animai ecology may profit-ably be applied to the analysis and descriptionof certain aspects of human society. He analyzes the spadai and temporal relations of human beings as affected by the selective, distributive, and accomodative forces of environment.The outstanding fact about the modem cityis its rapid growth. Professor Burgess treatsthis aspect of the subject, going into those lessknown processes of metabolism and mobilitywhich are closely related to growth. Hismethod is that which the department of sociology of the University of Chicago employs inits study of the subject: that is, to study urbanexpansion in terms of extension, succession, andconcentration; to determine how expansion dis-turbs metabolism, and finally to define mobilityand to use it as literally the "pulse of thecommunity."Included in the book is a valuable and ex-tensive bibliography of the urban communityby Louis Wirth. It is an index to those aspectsof the city which promise most in results fromresearch.This book is the searching study of the physi-cal organization, the occupations, and the cul-tures of the city for which those who have rec-ognized in the great city the most interestingof laboratories for the study of man's nature,have been waiting.193OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. See, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. See, Lois Whitney,Goucher College.Boise Valley, Idaho. See, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). See, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Pres., Ella Jeffries,West, Ky. State Teachers College.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). See,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See, L. R. Abbott,113 First Ave. West.Charleston, III. See, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. See, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. See, RoderickMacPherson, 105 So. La Salle St.Cincinnati, O. See, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. See, Erna B. Hahn, 1925East io5th St.Columbus, O. See, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Dallas, Tex. See, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. See, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). See, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. See, Ida T. Jacobs, The-odore Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. See, Mrs. Emma N. Sea-ton, 12162 Cherrylawn Ave.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. See, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. See, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College. Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. See, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. See, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. See, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. See, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. See, Arthur E. Mitchell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).See, Ruth M. Cowan, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. See, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. See, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-vvede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). See,Mrs. Louise A. Bum, 303 Higgins BIdg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 1483 So.4th St.Manhattan, Kas. See, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. See, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. See, Harold C. Walk-er, 407 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). See, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. See, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. See, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.New Orleans, La. See, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). See,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. i4th St.New York Alumnae Club. See, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). See, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. See, Anna J. LeFevre, Brad-Iey Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. See, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. i5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. See, Dr. F. HaroldRush.194Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. See, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. See, Jessie M. Short,Reed College.Rapid City, S. D. See, Della M. Haft,928 Kansas City St.St. Louis, Mo. See, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. See, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Tex. See, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). See, L. W. Alien, 714 HobartBldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. See, C. M. Corbett, 600Security Bank Bldg.South Dakota. See, Lida Williams,Aberdeen, S. D.Springfield, III. See, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. See, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. See, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.'97. Stacy Mosser, 29 S. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 11 64 E. 54thPI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago. Topeka, Kan. See, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, III.). See, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., J. W. Clarson,Jr., University of Arizona.Urbana, III. See, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. See, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th & IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuy-ler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, PhilippineHerald.Shanghai, China. See, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar-quette Rd.'io. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202Woodlawn Ave.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Elizabeth Williford, Memphis, Tenn.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Julia Rhodus, 5535 Kenwood Ave.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 8159Cornell Ave.CLASS SECRETARIES195NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'04 — Louise C. Brown is health advisor andnurse at the Sprague Home, the School ofNursing of the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago.'06 — George E. Young is pastor of the Trin-ity Episcopal Church of Lawrenceburg, Indiana.'io — Helen S. Hughes, Ph.D. '17, is associateprofessor of English in Wellesley College,Wellesley, Massachusetts.>IO_william C. Moore, Ph.D., of the UnitedStates Industriai Alcohol Company, Baltimore,Maryland, has been appointed a member of the"Senate" of the Division of Chemical Education,American Chemical Society.'io — E. L. Hendricks, ex-President of CentralMissouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg,Missouri, was recently elected President ofthe Missouri State Teachers Association.'12— Mrs. R. A. Conkling (Winifred K.Winne), S. M. '14, is doing Social Service workin a Community House in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma.'14 — John F. Wellemeyer, A. M., is principalof the Central High School and Dean of theJunior College at Kansas City, Kansas.CHICAGO ALUMNI —have a unique chance forService and Loyalty. Teliyour ambitious friends whocan not attend classes aboutthe 450which your Alma Mater offers. Throughthem sheisreachingthousandsin ali partsofthe country and in distant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(box s) - chicago, illinois '16 — Leona E. Ruppel has returned to hihome in Webster City, Iowa, after havirspent five years in missionary service in Bonbay, India.'16 — James H. Smith is Superintendent <Schools at Aurora, Illinois.'17— Lloyd E. Blauch, A. M., Ph.D. '23,teaching courses in education at the North Car<lina College for Women, Greensboro, NortCarolina.'18 — Emmanuel B. Woolfan, M. D. '21, :a physician in Hollywood, California.'20 — Myron E. Jolidon is superintendent eService Stations for the Standard Oil Compan;at Quincy, Illinois.'20 — Walter E. Kramer is in charge of pròduction for the Pullman Couch CompanjChicago.'21 — Helen E. Elcock, A. M., is teaching English in the Kansas State Agricultural CollegeManhattan, Kansas.'21 — Belle C. Scofield is supervisor of ArWork in the public schools of IndianapolisIndiana.From Your U. of C. StoreFor Your U. of C. FriendsView BookWall ShieldCalendar Song BookPillowBook EndsAs for BOOKS, whether one of theclassics or the latest volumes of psy-chology, science, essays or fiction isdesired, your order will be promptlyand satisfactorily filled at theUNIVERSITY of CHICAGO B00KST0RE5802 Ellis Ave.Chicago196THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 197Chesterfield has earned itspresent position among theworld's cigarettes on taste aloneSUCCESS MUST BE BUILT ON SCXMETHING REALLiogett & Myers Tobacco Co.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOLD TIMER!Remember Way'Back When —You carne here foryour books, yourstationery, yourathletic goods, andtypewriters? Well !we're stili here atthe old address andready to supplyyour needs as inthe good old days.WOODWORTHSBOOK STORE1311 E. 57th STREETUNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown departmentof The University ofChicago, 116 S. MichiganAvenue, wishes the Alumniof the University and theirfriends to know that it nowoffersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Spring Quarter begins March 2QFor Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ih. DI VINITYALUMNI NOTESA. A. Hobson, Ph.D., '03 recently resignedthe pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to become pastor of theCollege Baptist Church, Alton, Illinois. Altonis the site of Shurtleff College, a Baptist institution and the oldest college in the MississippiValley.Perry J. Stackhouse, D. B., '04 is now inhis fifth year as pastor of First Baptist Church,Chicago. During the past year fifty-seven per-sons have united with his church.John H. McLean, D. B., '12, has accepted thecali of the Old Cambridge Baptist Church,located almost under the eaves of HarvardUniversity and has begun his work there. Mr.McLean resigned the pastorate of the CalvaryBaptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota to ac-cept this cali.Amy Bianche Greene, A. M., '14, has beenappointed Secretary of the Fellowship for aChristian Social Order of which Kirby Pageis the organizer.James M. Lively, A. M., D. B., '14, is pastorof the First Baptist Church of Mattoon, Illinoiswhich recently dedicated a new $75,000 churchedifice.Edith Mae Bell, A. M., '16, recently acceptedthe position of Director of Religious Educationin the Methodist Episcopal Church at Westfield,New York.Stanley Scott, D. B., '17, has been appointedProfessor of Philosophy and Religious Educationin the Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Edwin E. Aubrey, A. M., '21, D. B., '22, willbecome Associate Professor and Chairman ofthe Department of Biblical Literature at VassarCollege in February.Ludd M. Spivey, A. M., D. B., '22, wasrecently elected President of Southern College,Lakeland, Florida.Elmer Guy Cutshall, Ph.D., '22, has beenelected President of the Iliff School of Theology,Denver, Colorado, and has already enteredupon his work there.William F. Edgerton, Ph.D., '22, has resignedhis Professorship of History in the Universityof Louisville to accept an appointment as Professor of Ancient History in Vassar College.Ray B. Buker, who is known the country overas a sprinter and who was a member of theAmerican Olympic team in 1923, has acceptedthe pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Sab-batus, Maine.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 199^ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀAÀÀÀÀÀAÀÀÀàÀ»ÀÀ^ÀÀ&À/{LAWALUMNI NOTES.3 ¦ »•Voyle C. Johnson, J.D. '18, has offices at ioSouth LaSalle Street, Chicago.Nathan Kaplan, J.D. '25, is with Finkleston,Lovejoy and Chilson, 1732 Buhl Building, Detroit, Michigan.Clarence D. Klàtt, J.D. '25, is located at Rad-cliflFe, Iowa.Cari S. Lloyd, LL.B. '20, is associated withMcCormick, Kirkland, Patterson and Fleming,Union Trust Building, Chicago.Thomas H. Long, J.D. '25, is a member of theLegai Department of Swift and Company, UnionStock Yards, Chicago.J. Arthur Miller, J. D. '13, has offices at 105South LaSalle Street, Chicago.J. J. Michael, and Grant W. Nordstedt, J.D.'24, have formed a partnership with offices at617-127 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago.Theodore P. Nutt, J.D. '22, is associated withthe Gilman-Wetherby Company, 413 Main•Street, Daytona Beach, Florida.Lee I. Parks, LL.B. '21, John W. Fisher, J.D.'16, Thomas P. Dudley, J.D. '21, and VincentHefferman, J.D. '22, are in the office of theSolicitor of Internai Revenue, Interior Building,Washington, D. C.W. W. Pearson, LL.B. '25, is with McElroyand Huddleston, 1609-110 South DearbornStreet, Chicago.Adolph A. Radosta, J.D. '25, is with Knappand Campbell, 208 South LaSalle Street.Horace G. Reed, J.D. '08, is practicing at 49Wall Street, New York City.Joseph R. Rose, J.D. '23, may be addressed at1505 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Richard C. Stevenson, J.D. '25, is with Knappand Campbell, 1768-208 South LaSalle Street,Chicago.Maurice Turner, J.D. '25, is a member of thefìrm of Turner and Turner, 1718 Tempie Building, Chicago.Harold C. Warner, J.D. '25, is with Elder,Lawler, Berry and McKercher, 614-7 SouthDearborn Street, Chicago.Ivan D. Wright, J.D. '25, may be adressed at720 Pabst Street, Ironwood, Michigan.David Ziskind, J.D. '25, is with Gottlieb,Schwartz and Markheim, 310 South MichiganAvenue, Chicago.Albert H. Robbins, J.D. '23, and M. R.Sturman, J.D. '23, are in partnership at 1738-11South LaSalle Street, Chicago. Abba Abra-mowsky, J.D. '25, is associated with them. Browning King & Co.Ali the Clothing sold by usis manufactured by us104 Years ExperienceAfter -InventoryClearance SaleSuitsandOvercoats$22-50$29= $39-12FormerìValues Up to$40, $50, and $60The suits mostly with extra trousersor knickers. Ali standardized, de-pendable merchandise from our regular lines — ? sharply reduced forimmediate clearance.Men's Fine Hats *C.85Former Values to $10 - $12 & $15 $5:Early SelectiorTHs AdvisableAs These Values 'Are Unusual !Two Convenienù StoresPersonal Management, Edwin E. Parry-'0612 W. Wash. St. 526 Davis St.Chicago EvanstonTwenty-four Stores I?,Twenty-two Cities [nTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe FirstNational Bankof ChicagoAND ITSAFFILIATED INSTITUTION, THEFirst Trustand Savings Bankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfactory financial serviceinCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers CheojjesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is ownedby the same stockholdersCombined resources exceed$2 50,00x2,000DEARBORN,MONROE AND CLARK STREETSCHICAGO •aDoctors of PhilosophyALUMNI NOTES 8-POLITICAL SCIENCEDr. Augustus R. Hatton, 1907, was recentlyre-elected to the Cleveland City Council. Dr.Hatton was the leader in the Cleveland fightfor its recent city manager charter and hastaken an active part in the affairs of the citysince its adoption. Dr. Hatton is to teach inthe Politicai Science Department of the University during the second term of the summerquarter.Dr. Harold Foote Gosnell, 1922, is spendingthe year in Europe as a research fellow of theSocial Science Research Council, making acomparative study of the methods of electionin important European countries. Dr. Gosnellis well known in the field of politicai scienceby reason of his two recent publications, "BossPlatt and His New York Machine," and, inconjunction with Professor Merriam, "NonVoting in Chicago."Dr. Joseph P. Harris, 1923, is also on leave ofabsence for the year from the University ofWisconsin as a fellow of the Social ScienceResearch Council. Dr. Harris is making anation-wide survey of the systems of regis-tration for voting.Dr. Martin L. Faust recently published animportant monograph entitled "The Custody ofPublic Funds." Dr. Faust Presented an evalu-ation of the New York Conference on theScience of Politics before the annual meeting ofthe American Politicai Science Association heldin New York, December 28-30, 1925.Dr. Louise Overacker, 1924, formerly instruct-or of Politicai Science in Wilson College, tookup her duties as Assistant Professor of politicaiScience at Wellesley College in September 1925.Dr. Overacker has just published an importantstudy entitled, "The Presidential Primary." Atthe annual meeting of the American PoliticaiScience Association in December, 1925, MissOveracker was elected a member of the Executive Council of the Association. She is the firstwoman to hold a place on this Council.At the same meeting Dr. Léonard D. White,1921, was also elected a member of the ExecutiveCouncil.NEWS OF THE CLASSES 201GEOGRAPHY'20. Robert S. Platt, Assistant Professor ofGeography, University of Chicago, has con-tributed the chapter on Mexico and CentralAmerica in the ioth edition of Chisholm's Hand-book of Commercial Geography.'21. Helen M. Strong, Geographic Expert,Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce,Washington, D. C, is the author of two government bulletins published within the last fewmonths. Distribution of Agricultural Exportsfrom the United States, and Relation BetweenValue and Volume of A gricultural Exports.'22. William H. Haas, Associate Professor ofGeography, Northwestern University, who isoffering a course on South America at the Uni versity of Chicago this autumn, has a book onSouth America now in press.Kenneth C. McMurry, Assistant Professor andChairman of the Department of Geography, University of Michigan, has recently put out withR. B. Hall a preliminary edition of a Source Bookin the Geography of Commercial Production.'23. Clarence F. Jones, Assistant Professor ofGeography, Clark University, has recently re-turned from field work in South America. Dr.Jones is one of the editors of Economie Geography, a quarterly published at Clark University.'24. Richard Hartshorne, Instructor in Geography, University of Minnesota, spent the summertravelling in Europe.Mary J. Lanier is Associate Professor of Geography at Wellesley College.A prominent business leader has askedus to find a man to share the directionand administration of his varied interestsin America and abroad.WantedExecutive Associate — $25,000This is an unusual opportunity. The man to filithis position probably now holds an important executive position. He must be a leader — a "big " man,liberal in views, progressive in temperament, withgeneral business knowledge and experience and aparticularly intelligent interest in the problems ofdistribution.A man who knows one or two foreign languagesmight have an advantage; the post may r equi re anoccasionai trip abroad and will certainly demand aknowledge of European conditions. Wide acquaintance with American business methods is very important. Tact and poise, ability to meet business menand to conduct delicate negotiations are required.This position demands primarily administrativeand executive ability, but the right man will be anorganizer as well. A major part of his work will bethe development of a chain store organization of anew type.Salary $20,000— $25,000 first year; later increaseassured through participation. Àge 36 — 44. Head-quarters in Boston.In behalf of our client we invite applications bymail only, giving full particulars as to experience,ability and earnings.REIMERS & OsbORN,Inc. Advertising285 Madison A verme, New YorkTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-FIRST year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEW YORK, DENVER AND SPOKANENavajoIndian RugsHand Made of Pure Wool byWomen of Navajo Tribe. Dur-able, Distinctive, DecorativeFor living rooms, dens., lodgesReversible, no two alikePRICES3by5 ft. . . .£15 to £204 by 7 ft. . . . 25 to 355 by 8 ft. . . . 40 to 50Sent Postage Prepaid AnywhereReturn if not SatisfactoryOrder direct fromEVON Z. VOGT, ex-06VOGT RANCHRAMAH VIA GALLUP, NEW MEXICO '25. John B. Appleton is Assistant Professorof Geography at the University of Illinois.Earl C. Case, Assistant Professor of Geography,University of Cincinnati, is working on the industriai survey of Cincinnati supervised by Professor Fenneman.Lewis F. Thomas, Associate Professor ofGeography, Washington University, St. Louisis making special studies of the St. Louis urbandistrict.Clifford M. Zierer is Assistant Professor ofGeography at the Southern Branch of the University of California, Los Angeles.MISCELLANEOUS'09 — Aaron Arkin, M.D. '12, Ph.D. '13, hasresigned as Professor of Pathology and Bacteri-ology in West Virginia University to take upwork on Internai medicine. He has been in thisline of study in Vienna and Berlin for the pasttwo years.'09— Stephen S. Visher, S.M. 'io, Ph.D. '14,is the author of "Economie Geography ofIndiana" published in 1923, and "ClimaticLaws" 1924, and "Tropical Cyclones of thePacific" published in 1925.'io — Maurice Price, A.M. '15, Ph.D. '24, ishead of the Publication Department of theEdward Evans & Sons, Ltd., in China. He hasjust published a book entitled "ChristianMissions and Orientai Civilizations — a Studyin Culture-contract."'li— Wesley M. Gewehr, A.M. '12, Ph.D. '22,Professor of History at Denison University, isExchange Professor of History at TsinghuaCollege, Peking, China.'15 — Alexander H. Schutz, A.M. '20, Ph.D.'22, has been promoted to an assistant professorship of Romance Language at the University ofMissouri.'16— William A. Tarr, Ph.D., Professor ofGeology and Mineralogy, University of Missouri, is now spending a sabbatical year inEurope.17 — Adeline D. Link, Ph.D., has been appointed Dean in the Colleges for the year 1925-26during the absence of Dr. Logsdon.'17— Frank L. Owsley, A.M., Ph.D. '24, Professor of History at the Vanderbilt University,is publishing a book on "State Rights and theDownfall of the Confederacy" in the late spring.'18— Bernard Portis, M.D. '20, Ph.D. '23,spent the past year in post graduate medicaistudy in Europe.'19 — Matthew Spinka, A.M., Ph.D. '23, is Professor of Church History at Central TheologicalSeminary, Dayton, Ohio.'20— Frederick D. McClusky, A.M., Ph.D. '22is preparing a book on "The Administration 01Visual Education, A National Survev."NEWS OF THE CLASSES 203¦ zi— -.Helen Strong, Ph.D., has been appointedby President Coolidge to serve as ,a represent-ative of the Department of Commerce on theUnited States Geographical Board.'22— David M. Trout, A.M., D.B. '22, Ph.D.'24, has just been appointed Professor of Psy-chology and Philosophy at Hillsdale, Michigan.'23 — Walter S. Guiler, Ph.D., Professor ofEducation at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio,has published a book on the "Teaching of Arith-metic through Games and Other Pupil Activities."'24 — Elam J. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor ofEducation at Shanghai College, Shanghai,China, has a book in press on "English TeachingEfficiency in China."'24 — Donald R. Stevens, Ph.D., is now Research Chemist at the Mellon Institute of Industriai Research, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.'25 — William W. Merrymon, Ph.D., is nowconnected with the Research Laboratory of theWestinghouse Lamp Co., at Bloomfield, N. J.¦«, »¦EDUCATIONALUMNI NOTES•« ¦ »¦'12 — Placentia B. Walker, Ph.B., is studyingat the Chicago Normal College preparatory toteaching the household arts in Chicago PublicSchools.'14 — Lilian R. Gray, Ph.B., is teacher ofEnglish in the Harrison Technical High School,Chicago, IH.'16— J. Will Pierce, A. M., State High SchoolInspector, Southeast District of Missouri, hasmade a general survey of the educational needsof the schools in the twenty-six counties inhis territory.'18 — Harvey G. McComb, Ph.B., is AssociateProfessor of Industriai Education in PurdueUniversity, Lafayette, Indiana.'20 — Emma M. McCredie, Ph.B., is author ofthe McCredie Primer of Munson Shorthand(Direct Method), Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago. She teaches shorthand and typewritingin Parker Senior High School, Chicago, 111.'21 — LeRoy Hyder, Ph.B., is teacher of man-ual arts in -the High School at Morristown,Tennessee.'22— May Hill, Ph.B., Principal of the Cleveland Kindergarten-Primary Training School, ispresident of the Department of Kindergarten-Primary Education of the N. E. A. and chairman of the Curriculum Committee for the International Kindergarten Union.'22 — Emily M. Wagner, Ph.B., is a studentat the Art Institute of Chicago and is teachingin the Saturday School of the Institute. What IsThe MatterWithYourJob?Are there too many menahead of you? Is your sal-ary equal to your efforts?Does the timcclocksystem of life get onyour nerves?There are many reasonsfor discontent in theminds of those who desire a decent moneyreturn for their time.It is worth while to recon-sider your job before cir-cumstances or habit makeit too late.And when you do recon-sider, remember that sellinglife insurance for a company like the John HancockMutual is a most suitableprofession for anyone whocares for freedom of initia-tive, returns instantly com-mensurable with the qualityof work done, and a connection with a business whichis not only financially soundbut philosophically reason-able.You can obtain complete infor-mation, confidentìally, and withno obligation, by calling on oneof our Qeneral Agents or bywriting to the "Inquiry Bureau", John Hancock MutualLife Insurance Company, 197Clarendon Street, Boston, Mass.or Boston, MassachusettsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELargest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management — Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd ., Chicago. For manyyears a leader. Recently doubled its spaceto meet increasing demands.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulimiting its field to colleges and universitiesand operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.Affili ated offices in several cities.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger Bldg., Chicago.Public school work including teaching andadministrative positions; also, positions forcollege graduates outside of the teachingfield. A general educational informationbureau and a clearing house for schoolsand teachers.$10020Opens aCheckingAccount *fl Start aSavingsAccountA friendly institutionwhere the spirit isdemocratic and it isa pleasure to do business.UNIVERSITYSTATE BANKA Clearing House Bank1354 E. 55th St., Cor. Ridgewood '23 — Glenn A. Evans, A. M., is instructorin the social sciences at the Township HighSchool, Joliet, III.'23 — Anna M. Kreimeier, Ph.B., teaches English in the high school at Muskegon Heights,Mich.'24 — Priscilla Kinsman, Ph.B. '22, EstherCaseley, Ph.B. '24, and Bianche Wold, Ph.B. '24,are ali members of the Kindergarten-PrimaryDepartment of the State Teachers College,Bellingham, Wash.'25— Jean Hess, Ph.B., and Clare Lyden, Ph.B.,are in charge of two kindergarten groups ofa North Side school in Chicago. They makethe trip from the South Side each day in MissHess's new Ford.'25 — William J. Breit, A. M., is State Super-visor, Civilian Vocational Rehabilitation, LittleRock, Ark.'25 — J. Harley Waldron, A. M., is AssistantPrincipal of the High School, Ft. Smith, Ark.Faculty NotesMr. Bobbitt, as a member of the committeewhich surveyed the public schools of Mississippi,investigated elementary education in the townsand cities. A report of the survey has beenprinted by the State Printer for the use ofthe current session of the legislature and forschool men of the state in formulating stateplans.Mr. Tryon gave two addresses on socialstudies before a conference of superintendentsat the University of Missouri on February 4.Mr. Hill spoke at the Sixth Annual Conference of High School and College Teachersof History at the University of Iowa onFebruary 5.Athletics(Continued from page 187)On the following Wednesday, Purduedefeated Chicago 24 to 17, after Chicagohad held them 7 to 3 for the first half Inthe second half, Purdue, through the phe-nomenal work of Spradling, who alonescored six baskets, was able to score 21points, Hoerger being too inexperienced tostop the speedy dribbling of Spradling.Illinois, with probably its entire teamintact from last year, was defeated 19 to 14on Saturday, January 23. The Maroonssimply outclassed the Illini, out-fightingthem at every stage of the game. Thestellar defense which the Maroons havedisplayed ali season, reached superb heightsand only the utter inability of Norgren'smen to shoot kept the score down.On Wednesday, January 27, ChicagoCHICAGO AND NATIONAL DEFENSE 205met Minnesota at Minneapolis. The teamwas again unable to find the basket. Although Norgren's men made a desperaterally near the end of the game, Minnesotawas able to win, 26 to 24.On Saturday, January 30, Ohio Statewas met at Bartlett Gymnasium with prac-tically the same team as last year when theywon the championship. The Buckeyes werea top-heavy favorite. In one of the greatestgames which has been played in recentyears, Chicago was able to nose them out, 2 1to 20. The powerful Ohio scoring machine,lead by Cunningham, was completelystopped by the superior guarding of theChicago team. Chicago simply out foughtthe giant Ohio forwards, guarding themwith a tenacity which Ohio could not break.Chicago and National Defense(Continued from page 167)Because of the unproductiveness in thepast of the locai unit, the War Departmenthas seriously considered its withdrawal.Should this take place it would be an indi-cation that the government did not believethat the University of Chicago was doingits full duty toward the country in carryingout the declared national policy for defensein this respect.The Department of Military Science andTactics differs from other departments inthe purely patriotic nature of its work.This fact properly borne in mind, shouldcreate an attitude of Constant helpfulnessin the Quadrangles toward this form ofnational service. The needs of the Military Department should not be neglectedas they are now in the present vast develop-ment program of the University. The department should be more suitably housed.Great encouragement should be offeredparticipation in its work to undergraduatestudents. Assistance in obtaining a uniformto replace the present war time issue, shouldbe given.In these and many other respects the department must look for help from outsideitself. A careful consideration of them anda definite program would make the department a greater credit to the University inthe eyes of its government,, the students andthe faculty. I!8lììì To men who are"looking around"His first year out of college, the man who has nottrained for a special callingis usually attraeteci by thefirst job that yields an income. But once he beginsto feel at home in business,he frequently looks aroundfor something better — morestable returns, perhaps, moreresponsibility, a strongerhold on his interest.There is something better in this oldest Americanfire and marine insurancecompany, whose organization extends around theworld.This refers, not to oppor-tunities for selling insurance, but to departmentalpositions in the home andbranch offices.Any North America office,including the branch officein Chicago, will welcomeinquiries. Or writeInsurance Company ofNorth AmericaSixteenth Street at the ParkwavPHILADELPHIA206 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished igoóPaul Yates, Manager6l6-Ó20 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOBuildingOther Office; Qii-12 BtPortland, OregonIVIOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16Paal RDavis & <9(xMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE39 South LaSalle StreetTelephone State 6860CHICAGOlòuristthirdcabìnfto EUROPEOn famous "O " steamers ofThe Royal Mail LineA college vacation trip oflifelong benefit.Write for Illustrateci Booklet.School oEForeign Travet, Inc.X 112 College St., New Haven, Corni,V •aw•i MARRIAGES« ENGAGEMENT^•3•a BIRTHS, DEATHS^ÀÀÀÀ»ÀàÀÀÀ»«ÀÀÀAÀÀÀÒÀÀ«àAÀÀ&/{1(J jj.MARRIAGESRoy A. Wilson, Ph.D. '21, to Elizabeth Baker,September 1925. At home, Norman, Oklahoma.Helen Hubbell, '22, to Mr. Brackett, of Joliet,June 6, 1925. At home, Joliet, Illinois.Catherine Tunison, '22, to John J. Schwab, '22,September 19, 1922. At home, 2210 E. 7othStreet, Chicago.Constance E. Hasenstab, '22, to Millard R.Elmes, ex '21, September 3, 1924. At home,5340 Ellis Avenue, Chicago.Virginia Kendall, '22, to Charles M. Upham,June 22, 1925. At home, 2214 E. 7oth Street,Chicago.Gwendolyn LIewellyn, ex '23 to Frank Foss,September 24, 1925. At home, 5443 East ViewPark, Chicago.Ola Day, '23 to Lee D. Rush, June 30, 1925.At home, 3520 Connecticut Avenue, Washington,D. C.Gertrude A. Vogdes,Ham, June 16, 1925.Mich.Thomas H. Long, '23, J.D. '25Anderson, '21, September 19, 1925.6031 Harper Avenue, Chicago.Edward C. Basselman, A.M. '23, to LucilieLandis, '24, August 5, 1925. At home, 223Franklin Street, Middletown, Ohio.Martha C. Bennett, '24, to William B. King.At home, 5313 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Glenna Frances Mode, '24, to Herbert A. Ball,'25, June 29, 1925. At home, 413 E. WashingtonAvenue, Wheaton, Illinois.Helen M. Harpel, '25, to Howard H. Byler,ex '24, October 3, 1925. At home, 7137 BennettAvenue, Chicago. '23, to Alexander R.At home, Ishpeming,to Helen J.At home,BIRTHSTo Virgil Wippern, '22, M.D. '23, and Mrs.Wippern (Florence Webster,) '20, a daughter,Charlotte LaVerne, October 2, 1925, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Florius D. Meacham, Jr.(Virginia Foster,) '22, a daughter, July 21, J925iat Chicago.To Charles A. Messner, A.M. '22, and Mrs.Messner (Ethelyn Faye Mullarky,) '16, a son,October 18, 1925, at Cambridge, Massachusetts.To Harold A. Fletcher, '23, and Mrs. Fletcher(Winifred King,) '24, a son, Harold King, June30, 1925, at Toledo, Ohio.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 207You must look closely to see the mostimportant part of this picture— thecables on the ground which bringpower from a substation operateci fromgenerators 90 miles away.Digging coal by wireTo help industry and therailroads do their workmore economically is animportant service, out tosave human energy iseven more important.The General ElectricCompany designs andmanufactures the equipment by which elec-tricity does both. The Northern Pacific Railwaymines coal for its own transcon-tinental trains.At Colstrip, Montana, was a sur-face deposit that engineers hadnever found it practicable to work.Now electric shovels dig the coaland giant Storage battery loco-motives haul it away to the mainline.Electricity has performed a likeservice for many industries wherenaturai resources, without electricity, might have lain dormant foranother hundred years.GENERAL ELECTRIC208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFTIARD used to be bought from barrels.J Today "Silverleaf" comes in handypails or sanitarycartons that save even thetrouble of measuring with cup or spoon.THE SWIFT IDEA of afood service is not only toimprove the quality of foodproducts, but also to bring themto you in a perfected package.The search for more efBcient waysto package and safeguard foods is illus-trated by the development of thesanitary "Silverleaf" carton.Many important contributions tohealth, sanitation, and convenience havebeen made by Swift & Company throughadvanced methods of packaging.Large volume, created by the pub-lic's appreciation of finer quality andbetter packaging, makes this servicepossible.Swift & Company's profit, from alisources, averages only a fraction of acent per pound.Swift & CompanyFoundedì868Owned by more than 47,000 shareholders To Jean Seass, '24, and Mrs. Seass, a son,October 3, 1925, at Elgin, Illinois.DEATHSJ. Archy Smith, Professor of Mathematics atJohn B. Stetson University, June 18, 1925, athis home, 415 N. Clara Avenue, De Land, Florida. Prof. Smith was a fellow in mathematics inthe University of Chicago from 1892 to 1895, andlater taught for about ten years in this University. He was a recognized authority onmathematics, and was one of the best knowneducators in the state of Florida.Dr. Henrik Gunderson, Dean of the NorthernBaptist Seminary, December 20, 1925, at theEnglewood Hospital, Chicago. Dr. Gundersonwas a professor in the Danish-NorwegianTheological Seminary of the University ofChicago from 1895 to 1913, and of the Nor-wegian Baptist Divinity House of the Universityfrom 1913 to 1921.Cardinal Mercier, LL. D. '19, DiesTHE entire world was grieved uponannouncement of the death of Cardinal Désiré Mercier, of Belgium, which oc-cured on January 23, 1926. CardinalMercier was one of the great heroes of theWorld War, achieving world-wide fame forhis heroism and good works under mostdifficult conditions.On October 22, 1919, at the time Cardinal Mercier visited the United States, hevisited the University and the degree ofDoctor of Laws was conferred upon him ata special convocation for that purpose. Theconvocation was held in Mandel Hall andattended by a great throng.In conferring the degree, President Jud-son said :"Your Eminence, Désiré Mercier, Cardinalof the Holy Roman Church, Professor of Philosophy, Archbishop of Malines, lofty in charac-ter, eminent in scholarship, learned and acutecritic of philosophical systems, profound thinkerupon ultimate problems of truth and reality,cairn and fearless witness to the majesty of right,undaunted leader of a harassed flock, who stead-fast in will and unti ring in effort nobly strength-ened the hearts of a suffering people, exemplify-ing and vindicating in its fulness the dignityof the function of Christian pastor, on nomination of the University Senate, by authorityof the Board of Trustees, I confer upon youthe honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in thisUniversity, with ali the rights and privilegestheieto appertaining."AT THE CENTER OF EVERYTHINGThe hospitableWelcome ofJfoTEL J^A^ALLECHICAGO'S FINEST HOTEL/* IKE a home-coming, is youral visit at Hotel La Salle. 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A corps of experts is con-stantly seeking new, longer-wearing materials; newstyles; new ways of making good clothes better.That is why the Capper Label on a suit or overcoathas come to mean so much. Would you not preferit, if you knew it cost no more?MICHIGANAVENUE ATMONROE