fóowviptfhioeraity ofDECEMBER, 1925VOL. XVIII. NO. 2Homecoming EventsFirst Alumnus SenatorThe CampaignProfessor Frank J. MillerUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCIL" With the Critìcs Today ~ "ThanksgivingTime Back from a business trip to fìnd that things have been mov-ing along as usuai in my absence * * * Except that thebook reviewers of late have been busier than ever on ourbooks * * * They say we have an unusually attractive listof titles thi's fall * * *Tried to collect ali the praise they have for "The Pancha-tantra," but soon found that their comments would makea good-sized book in themselves * * * Harry Hansen calledthese tales from Kashmir "singularly modem * * * AchmedAbdullah, himself a story-teller from the Orient, describedthem as "fairy tales for grownups, full of understanding,sympathy, style, and a keen sense of humor" * * * LeeWilson Dodd wrote tersely, "Remember my advice: Read'The Panchatantra' " * * *Another book they like is Northup's "An Introduction toSpanish Literature" which the Christian Science Monitorcalled "a fine introduction to an engaging fìeld" * * * Andthen Powell's "How to Write Business Letters" and Mer-riam's "New Aspects of Politics" are not far behind withtheir share of attention * * *The books are selling, too * * * Perhaps I should travelmore often * * *If'hat the advertising managerof The University of ChicagoPress might have ivritten inhis diary if he had one.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECompanions in theTradition of ServiceAt the tirae of the World's Fair a University was born.Your University! That it has grown great in size andmighty in influence is a fact which bears witness to itsbasic tradition — its tradition of Service to a community.At the very same time that the University of Chicagowas founded, another institution was having its startdose by — also built on the ideal of Service. The originaiHotel Windermere has grown with the University.Where the University has increased by the addition ofnew colleges — Windermere has developed through theaddition of a new hotel. Today we speak of HotelsWindermere.Both University and Windermere, we believe, have con-tinually lived up to their originai ideal. They have wonthe good will of their community. They have been companions in the tradition of Service.For one night — ora thousand and one — you will fìndin Hotels Windermere a hospitality and character thatassure you of a truly enjoyable stay. The quiet refine-ment, unusually fine service, and excellent cuisine of thesehotels have long made them the chosen home of thosewho know the art of living well."Motelslllindermere\PW "CHICAGO'S MOST HOMELIKE HOTELS"| | Hotel nomi $75 to $176 a month — $3.50 to $8.50 a day; hotel suites andhousekeeping apartments, two to eight rooms, $130 to $1,055 a month.56th Street at Hyde Park Boulevard — Telephone Fair fax 6000500 feet of -veranda* and terraces fronting south on Jackson Park3—54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/T SUCCESSFUL advertising campaign is the produci:si of many minds. Merchandising — research —plans — copy — these each require specialized training.Here, housed in its own building, is a well balancedadvertising organization of almost 50 people, withspecialists in ali branches of advertising.The praótical service so rendered has won a clienteleof business men who believe in capitalizing theexperience and specialized training of others.VANDERHOOF ^ ^ ^ COMPANYHENRY D. SULCER, '05, PresideràADVERTISINGVANDERHOOF BUILDINGONTARIO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS : CHICAGOMember: American Association of Advertising Agencies & National Outdoor Advertising BureauVOL. XVIII NO. 2Mntòersrttp of CijtcagoJflaaa?meDECEMBER, 1925ta<bj^£ of co^rs^rsFrontispiece : The 1925 Football TeamThe Homecoming Events 59First Alumnus U. S. Senator 62The Alumni Campaign 63Rockefeller Gift to Divinity School 64Some Statements by President Mason 65Appreciation of Professor Miller 67Events and Comment 68Alumni Affairs 70The Letter Box 74University Notes 76News of the Quadrangles 81Athletics 82Rush and West Side Y. M. C. A. Building 85School of Education 86Law School 87Book Reviews 89Club OfHcers and Class Secretaries 92News of the Classes and Associations 94Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 102THE Magazine is published monthly from Remittances should be made payable to theNovember to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago orCouncil of the University bf Chicago, 58th St. New York exchange, postai or express money order.and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription price If locai check is used, io cents must be added foris $2. 00 per year; the price of single copies is 20 collection.cents. Claims for missing numbers should be madePostage is prepaid by the publishers on ali orders within the month following the regular month offrom the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, publication. The publishers expect to supply miss-Panam a Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Ha- ing numbers free only when they have been lost inwaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan transit.Islands. Ali correspondence should be addressed to ThePostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The18 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2. 18), on University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali other Entered as second class matter December 10,countries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual 1914, at the Post Office at Ci awfords ville, Indianasubscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents under the Act of March 3, 1871.(total 23 cents). Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.55THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OFTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOChairman, Earl D. HoSTETTER, '07, J.D., '09Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. PlERROT, '07The Council for 1925-26 is composed of the following DelegatesiFrom the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1926: Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. Charles F.Grimes, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Term expires 1927; Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01;Frank McNair, '03 ; Leo F. Wormser, '04 ; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes, '08 ;Lillian Richards, '19; Term expires 1928; John P. Mentzer, '98; Clarence W. Sills,ex-'os; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Hor-ton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaugh't, Ph.D., '98 ; W.L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09 ; C. A. Shull, '05, Ph.D., '09.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98 ; GuyC. Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08 ; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Francis L. Boutell, J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M.,'13; Butler Laughlin, Ex. '22; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Donald P. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medical College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D.,'03 ; George H. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '17, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17;Roderick MacPherson, ex-'i6.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter, '99; Eleanor J. Atkins, '20;Marion Stein, '21.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: Presi- McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 West-dent, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rook- minster Bldg., Chicago.ery, Chicago; Secretary, Adolph G. School of Education Alumni Associa-Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago. tion: President, Carolyn Hoefer, A.M.,Association of Doctors of Philosophy: 'i8> 84& No. Dearborn St., Chicago; Sec-President, W. L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09, 509 retary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, UniversityS. Wabash Ave., Chicago; Secretary, of Chicago.Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, Univer- Commerce and Administration Alumnisity of Chicago. Association : President, John A. Logan,Divinity Alumni Association : President, l*'2^' ri ^ |S .Chìcag?= Sefre-T-i-- u u 1 t?- . d ,.• .. r*u u tory, '"iss Charity Budinger, '20, 6031El.jah Hanley, ex., F.rst Baptist Church, Kimbark Ave., ChicagoBerkeley, Cahf; Secretary , Bruce E. Rush Medical College Alumni AssociA-Jackson D^B, io, 1131 Wilson Ave., tion : ,Pr«n^r, Ralph W. Webster, '95,Salt Lake City._ Ph.D., -02| M.D.( >o8| 2$ E. Wash;^Law School Association : President, Al- St, Chicago ; Secretary, Charles A. Par-bert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08, C. R. I. & ker, M.D., '91, 7 W. Madison St.,' Chi-P. Ry., Chicago; Secretary, Charles F. cago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Associationor to the Alumni Council, Paculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues formembership In either one of the Associations named ahove, includine- subscriDtionto The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two ormore degrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than oneAssociation; in such instances the dues are divlded and shared equally by theAssociations involved.5«THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 57this tremendous one, used on the Mesabi Range inMinnesota. It picks up 16 tons of ore at a bite,which it deposita in a car — ali in less than a minute.A day's workat every gulpA hand shovelful of ore weighs 21pounds, and a man can handle 200shovelfuls in an hour. But here isa giant that picks up, in one gulp,more than a man can shovel in a day!And the G-E motors that animatethe giant never get tired.GENERAL ELECTRICSurgeons use a tinyG-E Mazda lampwhen they examinean ear. Miners use G-Emotored hoists to re-move tons of ore froma mine. Wherever thereis difficult work to bedone you will fìnd thatthe General ElectricCompany makes some-thing electrical that willhelp.7-24Cf- Jì at« o¦S £- e8 <•^ niW¦ « "3*sCO qj D0 §1- e ^a t «;c/3 ^u «.5 &HS^ * 즦 > £s =•SQ 6& its" aO OJ oH2BVol. xviii No. 2Umbersttp of CfncagoJflaga^meDECEMBER, 1925¦i KThe Homecoming EventsTHE First Annual Alumni Homecoming held on Saturday, November14, was a successful affair, particu-larly in view of the fact that it was ourfirst Alumni gathering of its kind everattempted in the fall. A final check-upshowed that over 500 Alumni outside ofChicago carne to this event, representingsome 52 cities and 16 states, the states in-cluding New York, Vermont, Minnesota,Florida, Texas and California as the "dis-tant" sections.The day's program began with severalinformai class and group gatherings atluncheon at various places on the campus.At one o-clock the Ground-breakingCeremonies for the new Field House, atthe corner of 56th Street and GreenwoodAvenue, with a large attendance, were held.President Mason presided. In opening theceremonies, he pointed out the growth ofathletics as a desirable part in any broadeducational scheme, and the development,within athletics itself, of the spirit of play,competition and sportsmanship in the placeof mere physical well-being. To developstudents for strength in mind, body andspirit should be the aim of the well-bal-anced educational institutions.Trustee William Scott Bond, '97, speak-ing concerning the athletic program fromthe point of view of the Trustees said : "This gathering today carries my memoryback twelve years to the day we dedicated thewest stand and the wall around Stagg Field.That wall took the place of a high woodenfence built by the Old Man and volunteers fromthe student body in 1892, and that stand thenwas a wonderful structure compared with whathad gone before. It seemed then that ourgymnasium would give us ali of the space likelyto be neeeded for indoor athletics, and thestand ali of the seats necessary for football formany years to come. But since that day wehave seen great changes."The student body has increased in numbersby 100%. There has been a great increase inparticipation in athletics of ali kinds, and thenew intercollegiate game, basketball, has becomea major sport and has won great popularity.In my day in college the students had littleinterest in basketball. They thought it an ac-ceptable way of acquiring gym credits, butrather a futile pastime."None of us then could have been convincedthat 10,000 people would gather to see an intercollegiate basketball game, and that it wouldbe necessary to provide large seating capacityfor spectators for that sport."Since those days, also, there has grown up agreat necessity for a satisfactory indoor dirttrack — a place where basketball and even tosome extent football, may be practiced andwhere various athletic activities may be carriedon in a well-lighted and well-ventilated building."Moreover, we have great need for a buildingwhere large meetings may be held. Our university community has increased in numbers somuch that we have no building large enoughto house ali of the members of the Universitywhen they meet together.596o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"It is to meet these various needs that thisfield house is designed."You will recali that when the announcementof the proposed development of our athleticequipment was made last November there weretwo parts to the pian. One — the field house,the detailed plans for which are now completedand the contractors bids for which have beentaken; and the other the increased seatingcapacity for football."After the preliminary study providing forthe erection of both a field house and a newfootball stand at Stagg Field — the outlined pianof which was sent to the alumni — it was decided,on the recommendation of Mr. Stagg, to givegreater opportunity for the development of whatseating capacity may prove to be necessary onStagg Field, to change the field house site anderect that building on the ground where westand."In regard to the other part of our program— the accomodations for football seating. Thedifficulty of providing satisfactory seats for ouralumni and the impossibilty of providing seatsfor ali our friends in the city with our present9eating capacity is fully realized, and I am gladto be able to announce to you that the trusteeshave authorized the preparation of detailedplans and the obtaining of contractors bids forthe erection of a new stand, which, added toour present stands — some of which may be used— will give a total seating capacity of from60,000 to 70,000. It is the intention to proceedwith this program just as fast as possible."Judge Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08,Captain of the 1905 Championship TrackTeam, spoke on behalf of the Alumni. Hedeclared that "those alumni who demandonly a winning team from the University"were not imbued with the proper attitudetoward athletics, and were not representa-tive of great body of the Alumni of theUniversity. Ali the Alumni desired, heassured, were teams that played hard, cleanand fair, and intelligently. Winning initself is not a sufEcient object ; it is merelyone form of expression of doing the bestone can. Judge Friend went on to saythat the step of enlargement of athleticfacilities certainly should be conclusiveproof that the University is furthering apolicy of development of the Undergradu-ate Colleges as well as the development ofthe Graduate Schools.Director Stagg, the closing speaker, toldof the history and signifìcance of the newField House, as follows:"It is always interesting to watch the development of an idea. Thirty-five years ago, when the Speaker was pondering over plansfor the hoped for gymnasium at the Universityof Chicago, the idea carne into his mind tobuild a new type of gymnasium; one whichwould combine the essential features of thenormal gymnasium of that period with that ofthe present day field house, and in workingover the plans for the temporary gymnasium ofthe Universtiy of Chicago, which was finishedin February, 1893, I arranged for the construc-tion of a prepared dirt floor, 50 by 50 feet, atthe south end of the building, upon which mightbe practiced the fielding of grounders in baseball, certain technique in football, pole vaulting,high jumping, running broad jump, shot putting,and practicing the turns in hammer throwing.This was the first experiment at a combinedgymnasium and athletic field house and thisalso was the first time in the history of PhysicalEducation that gymnastics and athletics werecombined in a program of Physical Educationunder a single department."Three or four years later, Notre Damecapitalized on the idea and improved upon itby building under one roof a complete gymnasium with a large separate room for indoorbaseball practice and for track and field athletics. Later, Northwestern and Iowa StateCollege in the West, and Dartmouth Collegein the East, built buildings with further mod-ifications and improvements of the originai idea.The massive Yost Field House at the Universityof Michigan, devoted exclusively to indoorathletic practice, is the latest evolution of theoriginai thought."The early plans of the University of Chicagocontemplated two connected buildings, one devoted to gymnastics and the other to athletics,and at the dedication of Bartlett Gymnasium,January 29, 1904, President William RaineyHarper said :" 'When this structure was first projected itwas proposed to make plans for two buildings —one of these structures was to be erected atonce, and was to be used more especially forphysical culture. The other was to be erectedlater. But the half that we planned began togrow, and when the time for signing contractscarne it was found that this half equalled thewhole so far as expense was concerned. Theold 'whole' has now been finished, but it is onlyhalf of what we are ultimately to possess.'"We are today engaged in dedicating thispiece of ground to the other half referredto in President Harper's 1904 address, which athird of a century ago had been planned for bythe Director of the department."This will be the indoor play field of theUniversity where informai, rather than formaiplay, will be stressed, and where our studentswill have freedom, with just enough direction,to make their play recreative. This, also, willTHE HOMECOMING EVENTS 61* «3S »%I*w&Design of the Field Housebe the indoor athletic field of the University,where those ambitious to make specific teamswill receive valuable training. This, further,will be the gathering place for great meetingsof our faculty and students, and alumni andfriends, whenever in years to come ten to fifteenthousand of us come together on specialoccasions."The completion of this field house will beone more step in the realization of the originaidreams and hopes of the Athletic Department,and it will immeasurably assist the work of thedepartment of Physical Culture and Athleticsin looking after the students' welfare, physically,and mentally, and morally. The building to beerected here will be a lasting monument to ourUniversity's regard for the all-around development of its students."At the conclusion of his address, DirectorStagg took up the Maroon-decorated shoveland turned the first sod," for the FieldHouse, cheered on by the crowd. Theceremonies were ended with the playing ofthe Alma Mater by the University Band.Before a capacity crowd, Dartmouthdefeated Chicago 33-7 in the HomecomingGame on Stagg Field. Details of the gameappear in the Athletics section of theMagazine. It should be added here, how-ever, that despite the score, the game wasa thrilling one throughout, the Maroonteam making a gallant stand against "oneof the great teams of ali time." Betweenthe halves the Dartmouth Band gave anexcellent performance, fully justifying theexpense of the Dartmouth Alumni in Chicago in bringing the band so far west forthe game. After this performance, the Chicago freshman Green Cap Club tookthe field and amused the spectators withstrange and hilarious exhibitions of "bullfighting," "spring dancing," and "what-have-you."After the game, hundreds of Alumni fol-lowed the Chicago Band to Bartlett Gymnasium, where coffee, cider, sandwiches anddoughnuts were served, the Alumni beingarranged and served by class groups. EarlD. Hostetter, '07, J. D. '09, Alumni Council Chairman, presided at this gathering.President Mason, welcoming the Alumni,Harold G. Moulton, '07, Ph.D. '14, ofWashington, D. C, representing the Alumni outside of Chicago, and Mr. Staggspoke briefly, ali emphasizing among otherthings, the value and significance of suchevents as the Homecoming. Throughoutthe informai program the speakers werecheered, with Rudy Matthews, '14, of Milwaukee, leading the cheering, and the Bandleading the singing.The remainder of the day the Alumnispent in visiting and attending various even-ing affairs at the fraternity houses, whichwere attractively decorated for the occasion,the Reynolds Club, and at private parties.Chairman Donald P. Bean, '17, and theseveral memfeérs of his "Homecoming Com-mittee, as announced in the Novembernumbér, deserve special recognition fortheir plans and successful handling of theentire affair. They succeeded in setting ahigh precedent for the Homecomings ofthe future.Arthur R. Robinson, '14, First AlumnusU. S. SenatorSenator Arthur R. Robinson, '14ARTHUR R. ROBINSON, recent-f-\ ly appointed United States Senator-^- -*- from Indiana to succeed the lateSenator Samuel M. Ralston, carries thehonor of being the first University of Chicago graduate to achieve this high politicaidistinction. His appointment was made byGovernor Jackson and received the cordialendorsement of President Coolidge.Senator Robinson's career has been re-markable ; one beset with many difficultiesand great responsibility, but woven throughit at ali times there has been a dominantdesire and aim for greater educationalequipment, the acquisition of which haswell fìtted him for the greater work thatis now before him.He was born on March 12, 1881, atPickerington, Ohio. Here, when a boy ofnine years of age, he sold newspapers tohelp in meeting the expenses at home.Later, he was graduated from the locaihigh school, having secured a position dur-ing his high school days in one of the stores at Pickerington. His earnings fromthis work were likewise used to assist indefraying the family expenses while he wasgetting an education.Upon completing his studies at Pickerington, he taught school for one year andthen entered the Ohio Northern University at Ada, Ohio, where he took a shortbusiness course and was graduated with adegree as Bachelor of Commercial Science.It was at this school that Frank B. Willisand Simeon D. Fess, both of whom are atpresent United States Senators from Ohio,were professors. Immediately after gradu-ating, Mr. Robinson, then twenty years ofage, was married to Miss Frieda Elfers, ofKelley's Island, Ohio, who was also a student at that University.Although becoming a man of family, hewas determined to study law, which hadbeen his ambition since a boy. His immediate problem, therefore, was to supporthis family and obtain the legai educationhe desired. He accepted a position withthe International Textbook Company andwent to Indianapolis to take charge of thesales department of this concern. Thisenabled him later to attend the Law Schoolat Indiana University where he receivedhis Law degree in 1910. Robinson wasValedictorian of his class. During thisperiod of his career he also attended theUniversity of Chicago, where he specializedin the study of modem languages in connection with the futherance of his generaleducation. He received the degree ofBachelor of Philosophy at Chicago in 1914.For the past sixteen years Mr. Robinsonhas been practicing law in Indianapolis, being head of the well-known law firm ofRobinson, Symmes & Melson. Mr. FrankSymmes, his law partner, was president ofthe senior class of which Robinson was amember at the Indiana Law School.(Pleasc turn to page SS)62C ^B The ALUMNI C A M P A I G N SEm \RENEWED efforts to bring the$2,000,000 alumni quota to a suc-'cessful conclusion added another$90,000 to the Development war chest lastmonth, leaving $325,000 stili to be sub-scribed before the windup of this section ofthe drive. The total raised to November24 was $1,625,763, of which $1,053,156had been subscribed by Alumni and ex-stu-dents living in the Chicago area, and $572,-607 by those located elsewhere.The total for the entire campaign, in-cluding the $2,000,000 granted condition-ally by the General Education Board, was$6,702,776, at the time this statement wasprepared for the Magazine.With the resumption of the alumni campaign in full force this autumn, an elaborate organization for putting the $2,000,000quota over the top has been perfected bythe Chicago graduates in charge of thework, involving four smaller campaignswithin the alumni campaign. Two of theseorganizations, a committee of 40 underFrank McNair, '03, and the committee onClass Organizations, under Mrs. JamesWestfall Thompson (Martha Landers,'02) are working in Chicago, while a third,the Rush Medicai committee under the direction of Dr. Wilber E. Post, '01, is ob-taining subscriptions from the Medicaigraduates ali over the nation. The generalfield drive, which is the fourth "campaignwithin a campaign," is under the directionof George E. Fuller, '08. In addition thealumni of the Old University of Chicago,which went out of existence in 1886, areorganizing a campaign under the directionof Edgar A. Buzzell, '86, a member of thelast class graduated by the institution.The committee working under FrankMcNair reported a total of $60,000 inpledges obtained by its members since itstarted functioning this fall. The reportwas made at a meeting of the body on Nov. 25 when President Mason addressed thegroup. One hundred thousand by De-cember 15 is the immediate objective ofthis group. Among the larger subscriptionsreceived by the McNair division recentlywas one of $5,000 from Clyde Blair, President of the class of 1905.The Committee on Class Organizations,under Mrs. Thompson, started its workabout the first of November and in theinitial three weeks of its functioning hasreceived pledges amounting to $1,000 aweek. The committee includes one manand one woman from each class graduatedby the University since 1900. Each man isto seek subscriptions from the men in hisclass who have not subscribed, while thewomen will solicit the women. To datethe leading committee workers are HerbertFleming of the class of '02 and DorothyHolingsworth, '13.In the general field campaign, the out-standing developments of the month wasthe Pasadena, Calif. campaign. TheAlumni living in the prosperous Los Angeles suburb brought their total number ofsubscriptions up to 58 and the total amountpledged to $11,900, passing their quota of$8,800 by more than $3,000.The Cleveland Committee also renewedits efforts, and among the subscriptionsreceived by it was one of $3,000 fromVictor Sincere, '97. At Indianapolis, thewomen alumni of the University have or-ganized a committee to canvas the womengraduates in the Hoosier capitol under thedirection of Helen Hare Ritchey, '15.New York and Los Angeles stili lead sofar as the total number of subscriptions inany city is concerned, the Gothamites hav-ing just hit the 400 mark, while Los Angeles has 107. New York's total in thealumni campaign is $117,960 to date, whilethat of Los Angeles is $24,408.(Please turn to page 66)«3$1,000,000 GrantTo Aid Divinity School ProgramPLANS are under way for a generalexpansion and development of the ac-tivities of the University DivinitySchool according to a statement by DeanShailer Mathews, and the $1,000,000 giftmade to the school recently by John D.Rockefeller, Jr., will be employed in theseprojects."We can hardly make a definite announce-ment as yet," Dean Mathews stated. "Ourplans are not complete, and we can onlyteli of new activities as they are inaugur-ated." It is certain, however, that additionsto the Divinity faculty are contemplated,and an extension of the work already beingdone in the school.The Rockefeller gift was made as anendowment of the Divinity School, and isindependent of the $17,500,000 Development Fund program. The School does itswork in some degree apart from the othereducational efforts at the University. Itwas established by the transfer from Morgan Park of the Seminary of the BaptistTheological Union. The board of trusteesof the Union cooperates in the administration of the Divinity School and devotes theincome from its endowment funds to themaintenance of the School.Dean Mathews, in making announce-ment of Mr. Rockefeller's gift said, "Thisgenerous contribution constitutes anotherevidence of the great interest in religiouseducation which the donor has so oftenshown. It will enable the Divinity Schoolto make valuable progress in fields alreadyentered, and to enter upon new enterprises.Our plans have comprehended not only im-proving the situation of present membersof the divinity faculty but the addition ofnew members to the staff. We have beenambitious to carry the spirit and pursuit ofresearch into the field of religious education, to improve the work that we do intraining men for practical service, to cooperate more effectively in missionary activities, to create new fellowships, and give our64 students the advantages of studying undereminent scholars brought here from Europe."The Divinity School is, we believe, per-forming a great service to organized Christi-anity. Hundreds of our former studentsare teaching in theological seminaries andcolleges. Our graduates are filling usefuland important positions in the pastoratesand as the ofEcials of many denominations.This service will receive enormous encour-agement and impetus from the present gift,which supplements the large sums given fornew buildings."As an instance of the type of work car-ried on by the School, Dean Mathewscited the research in the missionary fieldwhich is going forward under the directionof A. G. Baker of the divinity faculty. Ac-tive missionaries, in a dozen foreign coun-tries, are making surveys of conditions. Thiswork is correlated and directed by the Divinity School here."A spirit of unrest, of resentment againstdomination by the white races, is evidentthroughout the East," said Mr. Baker."The studies which are being carried outwith the help of this school may throwmuch light on the question of culturalfusion."Missionaries are encouraged to attacktheir problems in a thoroughly scientificmanner, narrowing the field and collectingunbiased data. The attempt is to put religious research on the same basis as sociolog-ical investigations.According to Mr. Baker, the work oftenshades over into the sociological. In observ-ing the religious and ethical standards offoreign peoples, missionaries are gatheringmuch data of interest to the social workerand the anthropologist.Korea, India, Japan, China, Burma,West Africa, the Belgian Congo, Mexico,and the Argentine are some of the countriesin which research workers are cooperatingwith the University in an attempt to place(Please turn to page 80)Some Statements by President MasonSINCE his election, some of PresidentMason's opinions and points of viewon the University, education and re-lated subjects have appeared in Chicagonewspàpers in connection with a number ofinterviews. We believe that our Alumnireaders, particularly those residing faraway from the city, will be keenly inter-ested in Dr. Mason's statements. Theyindicate both his breadth of view and hisappreciation and grasp of various phases ofuniversity work and activity.Concerning education and learning ingeneral, President Mason said:"The greatest problem that humanityhas, is the conscious evolution of intelligence. We've been learning how to think.The greatest and most sacred duty any or-ganized body of society has is to teach peoplehow to think."We speak of this as the great age ofscience. Isn't the essential phase, though, amatter of rational process, the growth ofreasoning power? Isn't the great thing theapplication of the scientific method to otherthan technical, scientific problems? Threehundred years ago carne the New Learning.Before that men used to say, 'What doesAristotle or Socrates say?' Now men askwhat are the facts, so that we may reach arational judgment without prejudice, with-out bent or bias."On the relations between the Universityand the City, he stated :"The great destiny of the University liesin this direction, in the serving of the community. Leaders in Chicago 's great industriai force have demonstrated their will todevote a portion of their fortunes and ener-gies to that end. It means that the University of Chicago, as the center of highereducation of the middle west, will keep itsgrowth in pace with the growth of the city."In a smaller college town, the characterof the community is affected to a startlingdegree by the university environment. In agreat metropolis like Chicago, the influence is less perceptible but no less certain. Thelines of contact are always there and theintangible spread of ideas means the accom-plishment of much good."Certainly it is a source of great prideto its citizens that Chicago is keenly in questof the higher things — look at the magnifi-cent buildings where beauty is no longersacrificed to efficiency. It means Chicago isdevoting a portion of its wealth to culturalideas."Never before was there such a concen-tration of wealth and energy, brains andpower, in the history of the world. Thedetermination of Chicago is evident to re-flect its own greatness in the greatness of itsUniversity."Nothing can keep it from becoming themost potent force the world has ever known."To my mind, one great thing is the development of contact and the closer meshingof city and university. With the prodigiouswealth, resources, spirit and industries ofChicago and the specialized brains and in-tellectual power of the University in doseco-opération, Chicago can become the mostdominant power in the civilized world."In commenting on the University's world-wide service, and some of its pressing needswhich have resulted, he pointed out asf ollows :"When I have visited on the Midway, Isometimes dropped into the classrooms.There I saw men and women assembledfrom ali quarters of the globe. No placeever saw anything to equal it."The builders have wrought so success-fully that the University is now sufreringfrom its own success. From ali parts, students are pouring in in such numbers thatthe quarters must be increased and the faculty expanded, or some of the students mustbe turned away. Either we've got to givesome of them a cold shoulder or we've got toincrease the faculty and erect new buildings.Hence the campaign for endowment.6566 THE UNIVERSITY OF"And by these studen.ts, the inspiration inthe classrooms and the Chicago type ofspirit is being carried back to ali parts ofthe world, until the influence of Chicagoupon the civilized world is immeasurable."President Mason spoke of athletics, re-calling an interesting personal experiencethat is characteristic of Director Stagg:"I was a member of the track team," hesaid, "and I have never lost interest in competitive sports. Ali of us feel the realityand naturalness of that outlet of surplusenergy and the physical pleasure in athleticcontest. My idea is that intercollegiateathletics should become more thoroughlythe climax of a more general participationwithin the student body. Have more ofthem engaged. As a character builder meneverywhere speak of their appreciation ofDirector Stagg."Dr. Mason said, referring to his experi-ences at Wisconsin, in relation to establish-ing closer contact between the students andthe faculty :"We've been trying to break down thebarrier between the undergraduate and thefaculty. The student seems to think of thefaculty as an opponent, or at least as areferee. I know of students who have beenin college two or three years and feel theyhave no friend on the faculty. My interestis heartfelt in humanizing the whole establishment of education. The University ofChicago has done a great work towardsbreaking down these barriers — they haveno place in a brotherhood of learning."Of course, one outstanding glory ofChicago is that it is the great intellectualcenter for research and post-graduate work."He welcomed this year's Freshmen as fol-lows:"I wish to extend to the class of 1929 acordial welcome to the life of the Universityof Chicago. You and I are entering thisgreat family at the same time. You willfind, as I have found, that the spirit ofChicago is that of deep friendliness. Youand I are meeting, this year, greater re- CHICAGO MAGAZINEsponsibilities than we have ever met before.Let us meet them with courage and highhopes."These various statements and points ofview well re ve al to our Alumni the fine,clear-thinking, broad-minded leader who isnow President of the University.» « «The Alumni Campaign(Continued from page 63)The alumni of the Old University areout to raise $200,000 to be used for theendowment of a Distinguished Service Pro-fessorship in memory of Prof. Edwin Olsen,who taught Greek in the old institution.Prof. Olsen was one of the best liked ofthe faculty and the old alumni, at theirorganization meeting, decided that it wouldbe fitting to have the pledges secured fromtheir number devoted to perpetuating hismemory.The initial meeting of the Old University alumni resulted in pledges totaling$13,100, and among the early subscriberswas President Max Mason who pledged$500 in memory of Mrs. Mason's father,Professor Freeman, who was a member ofthe faculty of the University until it ceasedoperations. Edgar A. Buzzell, leader ofthis campaign, himself pledged $1,000 tostart off the drive, and in addition pledgedanother $1,000 for the class of '86 ofwhich he was a member.In the new Rush Medicai campaignwhich started in October, 225 subscriptions,totalling more than $26,000 have beenreceived, making the amount subscribed bythe University's medicai alumni about$164,000 in the entire campaign.The subscriptions received in the alumnicampaign during November cut down theamount necessary to insure the conditional$2,000,000 granted the University by theGeneral Education Board, to $797,223.The Board's grant was made on conditionthat the University itself raise $4,000,000for unrestricted endowment ; approximately$3,200,000 of this has been subscribed.Appreciation of Professor Frank J. Miller,Retired< ¦ > empora mutantur, nos et mutamurt in illis." Alumni often recali-*- that line as they see the changesin their Alma Mater. With pride theywatch the new buildings appear and somedisfiguring land-marks vanish. With sor-row they hear of the departure from theUniversity of those whose age has reachedthe required limit for retirement, oftenwondering that from this number somewhose life spirit is apparently vigorous withthe strength of youth are not urged to stay.Many of the Alumni and of the under-graduates had such a feeling at the newslast summer that Professor Frank J. Millerwas retiring October the first. It seemedincredible that he had reached the retiringage. One of his undergraduates exclaimed"Why, in his feelings, he's the youngestprofessor I have!"His long useful life in the Universitydeserves a little review in the chronicles ofthe Alumni. Here are some of the factsabout him. He was born in Clinton,Tenn., November 26, 1858, and was graduated from Dennison University, A.B. 1879,A.M. 1882. After teaching for severalyears he began graduate study at Yale, re-ceiving his Ph.D. there in 1892. He wasamong the first group of men appointed tothe faculty of the University of Chicago byPresident Harper. For the thirty-threeyears since that eventful opening year he hasgiven his time devotedly to the University.In addition to his work as Professor inthe Latin Department, he held many ad-ministrative offices in the University; heserved as assistant examiner, examiner ofaffiliations, examiner for secondary schoolsand dean in the colleges. He is stili working in his chosen field of the classics asvice-president of The American ClassicalLeague of whose special committee of fif-teen he was a working member during therecent important Classical Survey. He stilicontinues, after eighteen years, his work asmanaging editor of The Classical Journal,the organ of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South with a circula-tion of over 5000 subscribers. He waspresident (1924-1925) of the ChicagoClassical Club composed of teachers of theclassics in the colleges and schools of Chicago and vicinity. It was interesting tonotice at the meetings of this Club howmany of the high school teachers claimedhim as not merely a former instructor buta well-loved friend.During the war, Dr. Miller proved anefficient aid. He was chairman of a committee from the private schools and collegesof Chicago and Cook County, for the sell-ing of Liberty Bonds. Under his leadership bonds for more than $1,000,000 weresold. For this service he received the dis-tinguished service medal. He was a member of the advisory committee assistingdrafted men in their declaration papers.He was chairman of the University of Chicago War Committee and President of theMen's War Auxiliary of the Hyde ParkBaptist Church.It is impossible for so useful a memberof the University and of the city to giveup his activities. We have been glad tohear that Dr. Miller is to continue hiseditorial duties on the Classical Journal,and that as President of the great ClassicalAssociation which it represents he will ar-range the program and preside at the nextannual meeting to be held in Aprii at theUniversity of Illinois. After a vacationthis Autumn quarter, Dr. Miller will resumé his professional activities in the University of Iowa, where he has beenappointed a visiting professor during thesecond semester and summer of 1926.Dr. Miller has been a genial, kindly,helpful friend on the campus and in theneighborhood of the University. The gra-cious hospitality and good cheer which heand Mrs. Miller radiated from their homewill not be forgotten. The memories andtraditions of the University are the richerfor many of the Alumni because they haveknown Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Miller.67c ftye ©ntòersrttp of Cfncago Jflaga?me \Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07Advertising Manager, Charles E. Hayes, Ex.EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean,'17; Divinity Association — C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association — D. J. Fisher,'17, Ph.D., '22; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; Schoolof Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association — MorrisFishbein, '11, M.D., '12.kr^^^^^^^^^<^^^^<^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<*^j<ere^cfs & coMMe:ACrTHE Alumni Campaign is continuing toshow definite progress. While thisprogress at this stage of the Campaign may_ . appear slow, in comparison withCampaign ^ krge and immediate resultsrogress 0Damecj during the rush of theearly days of the endeavor — a situation ex-perienced generally in ali similar campaigns— it is nevertheless steady and gives groundfor the belief that the full Alumni quotaof $2,000,000 can and will be obtained.As has been many times presented to ourAlumni, there is every reason why thatquota should be subscribed, and pavé theway, furthermore, for a successful prosecu-tion of the phase of the Campaign relatingto the general public.At every institution where calls to Alumni have been issued, it is always somethingof a mystery why every alumnus and alum-na on the rolls does not contribute at leastsomething, however small, to the success ofthe effort. Among our own Alumni, like-wise, there are many hundreds, indeed somethousands who can well afford and cer-tainly ought to contribute something to thisgreat purpose. And especially at this timewhen, with the necessary goal quite withinreach, their combined assistance will bringthe Alumni aim to fullest realization. Wehope they will see the light, as thousands ofothers have so clearly seen it, and respondas loyally and as helpfully. Here is a rareopportunity for a "Christmas present" toChicago. No amount is too small; it is byno means "too late" to give; and every re- sponse helps. At this criticai stage everyone of our Alumni should contribute. Wecan only urge, again and again, stand by us,stand by the University, now !£> » «AS announced in the November number. of the Magazine, the University hasinnaugurated a radio broadcasting program.„ ,. From Mitchell Tower Studio,p" 10 through station WMAQ of theChicago Daily News, will bebroadcast lectures and comments on timelytopics by members of the faculty, presentingthe latest thought and developments in awide variety of subjects. From time totime there will be features from some ofthe student entertainments. The programs,as they are made up, will appear in theMagazine and may also be obtained bysending name and address to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange, University ofChicago.This is an important step in the Univer-sity's Constant endeavor to serve the publicas broadly as possible in educational andother ways. It offers to the Alumni in alisections of the country a new and frequentopportunity to "attend classes," to hearagain their "favorite" and the well-knownprofessors, to be kept directly informed onmost interesting subjects through their University. No registration, no tuition fees, noattendance records, yet — Chicago right atyour hearth! Watch the program — andtune in !68EVENTS AND COMMENT 69OurAdvertisersWE ARE glad to cali attention tothose patrons who favor the Magazine with their advertising. It is the policyof the Magazine, of course, toseek and accept only advertising of the highest character,so that we can the more easily and readilyrecommend ali of our advertisers to ourreaders. We seek, furthermore, only suchadvertising of wares and services as couldbe presented through our Alumni publica-tion on a legitimate business basis, waresand services which we know our Alumnireaders are interested in and will be gladto take advantage of and purchase as opportunity and circumstances afford. In ouradvertising columns, consequently, there isalways some definite appeal or some definitematter of interest to ali, or at least to alarge group of our Association members.The high class and attractiveness of theadvertising we present have been com-mented upon a number of times by ourAlumni. It should be added, however, thatali of our advertisers, by favoring ourMagazine, contribute very materially to itsentire appearance, quality and general success. We are sure that our readers joinus in sincere appreciation of this helpfulcontribution and that, as some measure ofsuch appreciation, will continue to favorour advertising friends with their businessand patronage as fully as possible. Withsuch appreciative and continued co-opera-tion we advance steadily together — moreand better business for our advertisers, andmore improvements and progress for theMagazine and the Alumni organization.» « ÀAT THE Annual Football Dinner of*- *the Chicago Alumni Club last month,one or two of the Alumni on the programàl . spoke rather warmly andAlumni . „ . , . , .S t pomtedly in their desire to urgethe team to strongest efforts.Unfortunately their remarks were not onlysomewhat misinterpreted, but the publicpress took up the affair and it was notlong before a general impression wascreated that the Alumni were unfairlycriticising the team, were even disloyal to them, and were openly usurping the func-tions of the football coach. The situationhas since been "straightened out" withgeneral satisfaction, after a series of protesta and explanations. It has ali servedto show, however, that in matters of thissort, possessing as they do the substance ofwide public interest, reasonable cautionshould be employed in what is expressedat our Alumni "family gatherings."Any idea that our Alumni are disloyalto our teams scarcely deserves comment.We believe that no body of alumni any-where are more loyal, more willing to sup-port their team, than are Chicago Alumni.Even if the remarks made at the Dinnerwere as represented, it was certainly unfairand decidedly erroneous to attribute suchopinions or such an attitude to our vastbody of Alumni. With the ampie evidenceof over 30 years — if evidence be needed —we have always regarded Alumni supportfor Chicago teams, at ali times, win orlose, as axiomatic.Chicago was represented this fall, as inthe past, by a football team that wouldreflect credit to any institution. They werea fine group of loyal, sincere, capable, willing and eager young sportsmen. Theyfully deserved, and the "records" will provethat they always received, the unwaiveringand hearty support of Chicago Alumni.» « «THIS December number of the Magazine reaches you not long before theholiday season arrives. We take advan-„ ... tage, consequently, of the onlyn . opportunity available to extendto ali of you the greetings ofthe season. In this the University joins usmost heartily, with deepest appreciationand thankful realization of what theAlumni, ali of you, have d'one for its progress and welfare. On our part, we greetyou with sincere appreciation of your helpful part in maintaining and helping to buildup our Alumni organization. On behalfof the University, on behalf of the AlumniOfficers, we extend to you our very bestwishes for a Merry Christmas and a HappyNew Year!ALUMNITHE Annual Football Dinner con-ducted by the Chicago Alumni Clubwas held in the main dining room of theUniversity Club on Wednesday, November4th, with an attendance of dose to fivehundred Alumni, in honor of DirectorStagg and the 1925 football team. Thiswas one of the most enthusiastic and inspir-ing football meetings ever held by the Club,and great credit is due to the Club officersfor their excellent work.William H. Lyman, '14, President of theClub, presided most ably. He announcedthat the Chicago Alumni Club now hasover nine hundred members, with prospectsof having over one thousand members verysoon.President Mason, the first speaker, wasgreeted by an ovation. He made one ofhis usuai frank, personal talks, which wonfrom the Alumni bursts of cheers in appreciation. He said that, having been amember of the University of Wisconsin forso many years, he had naturally come tolook upon the color of maroon as a kindof "dull cardinal"; but that now he hadfully realized that maroon was a distinctand most remarkable color of its own. Hesaid that he had always admired the wayStagg's football players ran, but for yearshad regretted that they were running thewrong way. He recalled a recent visitwith President Angeli of Yale, and notedthat on that occasion Angeli was wearing ablue tie and then realized that he himselfwas wearing a maroon tie. In closing,President Mason said, "To me football ismore important than studies, research, University achievements, education, or any-thing else every Saturday afternoon between 2 and 4 P. M." In the words ofone old Alumnus, "Max is certainly goingbigger and bigger." AFFAI R SJohn Schommer, '09, an old Chicagofootball player and one of the leading Con-ference officials, spoke on the differentgames in which he officiated and indicatedthe prospects of the Chicago team for therest of the season. Professor "Teddy"Linn, '97, spoke to the team, urging thatthey put forth their best efforts in the greatgames which were confronting them for theremainder of the season. Albon Holden,ex '19, editor of the Big Ten Weekly, re-viewed the Chicago games of the season,presenting the "case" of the Chicago teambefore the various "football courts" of theschedule."Bubbles" Hill, '08, "Dan" Boone, '07,"Hitchy" Hitchcock, '06, and "Babe"Meigs, '08, members of the 1905 champion-ship football team, were special guests onthe occasion of the twentieth anniversaryof their championship season. "Babe"Meigs represented this team in speaking tothe 1925 squad and made an excellentappeal to the squad to uphold the goodname of the University honorably at alitimes.Coach Stagg was then presented and wasgreeted by the Alumni with the cheers andapplause that always honors the "OldMan." Mr. Stagg reviewed the person-alities of the members of the team, pointingout their strength and their weaknesses,and gave the Alumni the "inside dope" onthe team's possibilities for the remainderof the season. He then presented, as cus-tomary, each member of the team, andevery player was greeted with yells andapplause by the big gathering.Members of the band, in the new maroon uniforms, were on hand, and with theassistance of the student cheer-leader, theAlumni went through ali the Chicagosongs and yells during the evening. It was,indeed, a "peppy" and enthusiastic affair.70ALUMNI AFFAIRS 7'Cleveland Alumni Meeting — NewOfficersTHIRTY members of the ClevelandAlumni Club gathered at the Wo-man's Club, 3535 Euclid Avenue, for theAnnual Meeting of the club on Wednes-day, October 2ist.Preceding the dinner hour the time wasspent in renewing acquaintances and wel-coming new members into our inner circle— an inner circle it seemed for, after thedinner, we heard the report on the Development Campaign, given by Miss NeilC. Henry, '12.Miss Henry then introduced the speakerof the evening, Mr. George E. Fuller, '08,of the Campaign Committee, whose speechwas, indeed, an inspiration for continuingthe Development Campaign. Moreover,he supplied interebting bits of informationabout the new president who has beenchosen to proceed with the project plannedby the late President Burton.In the election of officers at this meeting,the following were chosen: President, C.C. Arbuthnot, '03; ist Vice President,Helen Olson, '17; 2nd Vice President,Marilla Waite Freeman, '97; RecordingSecretary, Lola B. Lowther, '15; Corres-ponding Secretary, Erna B. Hahn, '15;Treasurer, Edith Braselton, '23.Yours truly,Lola B. Lowther, '15,Recording Secretary.Rapid City, S. D., Alumni MeetTWELVE former students of the University of Chicago met at a ReunionBanquet at the home of Miss Della Haftat Rapid City, South Dakota, on Fridayevening, November 6th. There were twoinvited guests in addition to the Alumni.A Rapid City Alumni Club was formed,with the purpose of holding annual meet-ings each fall. The following were electedofficers for the year: President, John Mc-Learie, '06; Vice-President, Mrs. Crabb;Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Della Haft, '96.The evening was pleasantly spent in re-calling school experiences. Dean Gray Addresses Wichita ClubNovember 7, 1925.DEAN GRAY has been here and gone.He spoke two or three times at theState Teachers Association. Last nightwe had a fine time with him at our dinnerfor University of Chicago people at theBroadview Hotel. This was given by theUniversity of Chicago Club.Dean Gray spoke to us for an hour andwe enjoyed every minute of it. He hassuch a charming personality that he addsgreatly to a social function.We made good use of the Alumni Favorite Songs. About fifteen of us took lunchwith Dr. Gray at noon yesterday, so thatwe had a doublé treat during the day.Truly,A. F. Styles, '16,President.191 2 Hallowe'en Party — NewClass SecretaryTHE Class of 1912, with their usuaiold time "pep," staged a Hallowe'enparty, Friday evening, October 30, at thehome of Mabel A. Beedle, 6203 KimbarkAvenue. The crowd was greeted by agrinning pumpkin head, a Gloom Dispeller,which seemed to say,"Park your Blues in the vestibule,Forget your age, and act the fool!"Soon an Army of Cats had invaded theroom during the absence of the hostess andhad concealed themselves in every corner.A hurried "cali to arms" started the Classon a Black Cat Hunt. The number of catsthat could hide in one room was appalling!There were big cats, little cats, fat cats,bony cats, long cats, short cats, cats leanand lank — but ali wild cats and black cats.They were under rugs, behind lamps andpictures, under chairs and tables, incushions, in the piano — everywhere. Theywere lurking, creeping, crawling, standing,climbing, sitting, running, jumping. Mrs.Menaul proved the winning huntress; shehad some thirty notehes to her cat-gunhandle.A Fortune-teller dropped in during theevening, but no one dares divulge the se-72 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcrets revealed to some well-known Twel-vers. Then, a game, "The Cat's Meow",provoked much laughter as each playerattempted his or her trick. Next, ClydeJoice won the "appiè biting" contest. Nowonder — have you ever seen his teeth?The party throughout was a great success.A short business meeting was held, atwhich Elizabeth A. Keenan was electedClass Secretary. She has always been ac-tive in class affairs and will make a goodleader.Three years ago, the Twelvers heldtheir first Christmas Party; it proved sosuccessful that it has been an annual 1912Class affair ever since. It is hoped the"Hallowe'en Get-Together" will likewisebecome traditional on the program of 19 12.Harriet E. Murphy, '12,Retiring Secretary.President Mason Meets New YorkAlumniON OCTOBER 27th President MaxMason was the guest of honor at ajoint dinner of the New York Alumniand New York Alumnae clubs, held at theTown Hall Club. At the speakers' table,with President Mason, were former DeanDavid A. Robertson, '02, Professor JohnM. Coulter, Florence Spencer, ex '03,president of the New York Alumnae Club,Lawrence J. MacGregor, '16, president ofthe New York Alumni Club, and Dr.George E. Vincent, Ph. D. '96, presidentof the Rockefeller Foundation.Dr. Vincent introduced President Masonto the New York Alumni. In his addressPresident Mason said: "The University isgoing through what may be described asthe evolution of intelligence. It has itsfingers upon the delicate springs governingthe future of learning, a development ofthe unity of ali things."We are attempting a great work in education at the University of Chicago, em-phasizing the value of productive scholar-ship rather than the value of merely learning the thought of the world, of that whichhas gone on before. Yet in no major respecthas it ever been necessary to change the policies of the University, as originally laiddown by President Harper."It is a very valid criticism of a manif it is true that he is so far removed fromreality as to be called pedantic. Modemeducation now holds that learning thethought of the world is secondary to productive learning. That is our object atthe University of Chicago."The college must never be separatedfrom the graduate schools because it is tooAmercian, too much alive, too fine a thingto experiment with in isolation. The college could not get too dose to reality andthe fundamentals of progress. Your loyaltyand support should always be pledged tothe University of Chicago. Mine, frommy mind and my heart, is always pledgedto you."This meeting was the largest assembly ofChicago Alumni ever held in New Yorkand was a hearty and enthusiastic endorse-ment of President Mason and his views onthe University.Indianapolis Club Meeting — NewOfficersTHE CHICAGO CLUB of Indianapolis held the first meeting of the yearSaturday, November 7. It was a luncheonat the Columbia Club. The Rev. ClarenceBaker, A. M. '14, gave an inspiring talkon "The University Alan and a greaterIndianapolis." His message to the collegeman or woman was to get behind civicmovements and not to be satisfied with justhaving a degree and criticizing those incharge of affairs. There should be a help-ful attitude toward office holders, he felt.An election of officers took place. Dr.Julius H. P. Gauss, S. B. '99, M. D. '03,was elected president, Miss Martha Aller-dice, '02, vice-president, and Miss MaryE. McPheeters, '22, secretary-treasurer.These new officers are ali enthusiasticworkers and I feel sure that the club willgrow, under their leadership.Belle Ramey, ex '24,Retiring Secretary.ALUMNI AFFAIRS 73Lexington, Ky. Club PlansOctober 3, 1925.I thank you for your letter of greeting toour University of Chicago Club of Lexington. We are pleased to have encourag-ing reports of the work of our new President, and of the progress of the buildingcampaign for a greater University.Our meetings for the fall have not yetstarted, but I can assure you of our loyaltyand of our wish to cooperate in ali alumniinterests.Mrs. Charles F. Norton, '18,Transylvania College, Secretary.Lexington, Ky.Big Ten Alumni Affairs atCharleston, W. Va.H^HE Charleston, West Virginia, BigA Ten Club, which was organized andhad a successful season last year, held its firstmeeting of the ensuing year September I7th,at which new club officers were elected.Lorin H. Talbot was elected President, andR. H. K. Foster, Secretary-Treasurer, bothfrom Ohio State University. A dinner andbridge party was held under the auspices ofthe club on October 29th. Other meetingsare in prospect. Any Big Ten alumni oralumnae who happen to be in Charlestonare welcome to attend any of the club func-tions, and should communicate with Secretary Foster at 303 Jefferson Avenue,Charleston, W. Va. Great enthusiasm inthe club is being displayed by Big TenAlumni.West Suburban Alumnae Club-Program and New Club OfficersAS PRESIDENT of the West Subur--tV ban Branch of the Chicago AlumnaeClub, I hasten to assure you that we areloyally interested in everything that con-cerns the University.The new club officers are :Mrs. Paul Parks (Margery Rohan)'16, President, 928 Mapleton Ave., OakPark, 111.Miss Clarissa Schuyler '16, Secretary,Oak Park High School. Miss Olive Adams, Treasurer, OakPark Arms Hotel.We have had a rather good record sinceour organization in 1921; we have giveneach year a one quarter's scholarship tosome worthy student. This year we areincreasing our scholarship to two quarters,hopirig in the near future to be able to raisefunds for a year's tuition.We also try to interest the coming generation in our Alma Mater by means of anAnnual Tea for the Junior girls of OakPark High School, very possibly decidingthem in favor of Chicago for their collegework.Most of our members, I'm sure, havemade contributions to the University 's drivefor funds.If we can be of any service to the University or the Alumni, please let us know.Very loyally yours,Margery Rohan Parks, '16.Program of West Suburban Alumnae ClubOctober 14, 1925 — Business Meeting.Mrs. A. T. Snow, 232 S. Euclid, Miss Stanley,Miss Paltzer.November n, 1925 — A Trip to Alaska.Mrs. Arthur Brown, Miss Schuyler, Mrs.Galey.November 13, 1925 (For Scholarship Fund) —Evening Concert.River Forest Women's Club, Mrs. DuClos,Chairman.December 9, 1925 — Dramatic Reading.Mrs. Claude Royston, 179 N Elmwood, MissChamberlin, Miss LaVenture.January 13, 1926 — Miss Grace Coulter, Mrs.Geraldine Brown Gilkey, Mrs. R. I. Lewis,229 N. Cuyler, Mrs. Wanner, Miss Riggs.February io, 1926 — Valentine Party.Mrs. P. B. Parks, 339 Ashland Ave., Mrs.Bumsted, Mrs. Gilbert.March io, 1926 — Guest Day, Book Review.Miss Wright, Mrs. S. C. Spitzer, 546 N. East,Mrs. Morgan, Miss Williston, Miss Longwell,Miss Turner.Aprii 14, 1926 — Business Meeting.Mrs. A. J. DuClos, 55 Quick Ave., Mrs. Barr,Miss Bocher.Aprii 24, 1926 — High School Tea.Ida Noyes Hall, Miss Anthony, Chairman.May 12, 1926 — Annual Meeting.Mrs. Badenoch, 347 Bonnie Brae, Mrs. V. M.Huntington, Miss Connelly.C THE LETTER BOX 3C ìAppreciation by President MasonIWAS very much pleased to receive thecongratulations of the Alumni Counciland pledge of support, which you were sogood as to transmit for me. I thank youfor the offer of cooperation on behalf ofthe Alumni Organization. As you are wellaware, it is inevitable that the alumni of aninstitution are to a considerable extent re-sponsible for its future.Yours very sincerely,Max Mason,President.Resents Reflection on Chicago TeamSheffield, 111.,November io, 1925.THAVE allowed the matter to stand for-1 several days and I have made the proverbiai century count several times and stiliI feel moved to unload my feelings. I referto the recent lamentable rumor relative tothe University 's football squad's cowardice.If it were so that the team had slipped,perhaps, into an indifferent attitude of offensive football, then it remained for Mr.Stagg — and him alone — to prescribe theremedy ... I don't think that any-one could stay on his team, one — not tomention three — years who didn't play thegame.I watched the Maroons a couple of daysago at the Memorial Stadium outplay,though not out-score, the fighting Illini onthe worst conditioned field that I have everseen . . . Yard by yard, they earnedtheir touchdown in spite of slithering mud,a driving north wind and a worthy foe. . . LADIES? ... The beingwho addressed them as such is unworthy ofhis school and is devoid of a spark of loyaltyHis is the disgrace: not theteam's. Fellows like McCarty, Curly, Kernwein, Francis, Timme, Lampe and therest, who have won laurels for CHICAGO, of course, are far above any suchreproach.This episode was given unsavory pub-licity in the dailies; in ali fairness, then,to the players, I should be happy if youwill give this article space in the AlumniMagazine, for I believe it voices the senti-ment of men who have given seriousthought to the incident.Very truly yours,E. M. Klock, ex '22.suggests opixions on footballSeason Tickets and ScheduleChicago, IllinoisNov. 21, 1925.Editor, Alumni Magazine,University of Chicago.Dear Sir:I am a Season ticket supporter of theUniversity of Chicago Football team. Iam writing to give you some ideas that Ihave formulated in the past few years,especially since football tickets have beenallotted.1. I feel that Alumni who year afteryear, ask for season tickets should be givensome preference over those who only occas-ionally, or who have recently, become season ticket subscribers.2. I feel that we should have the privil-ege of seeing contests scheduled with theUniversity of Michigan and the Universityof Minnesota. In this I am not alone,because many alumni have expressed thesame opinion.Might it not be wise to mention thesenotes in the Alumni Magazine, asking foran expression of opinion?Very truly yours,Edward L. Cornell, '07, M.D. 'io.74THE LETTER BOX 75A Chicago Citizen on our FootballTickets SystemTHE FOLLOWING interesting let-ter, on the football tickets system atChicago, written by a Chicago citizen, ap-peared in the Chicago Tribune:Chicago, Oct. 3. — As far as the Universityof Chicago is concerned, I am a fair represent-ative of the public, having no friends or in-fluence among the faculty, student body, alumni,or football tickets committee. I have purchaseda season passbook for the last three years fromthe above committee, and also single seats forcertain important games, and at no time have Ibeen accorded anything but the most courteoustreatment and the utmost consideration.It is my belief that there can be no better,fairer, or more efficient method of handlingtickets for football games under the conditionsobtaining at the present time. Tickets for individuai games and season books are mailedpromptly upon the dates scheduled for theirissuance, and in ali cases my seats have beenbetter each year than they were the year before.Ushers are courteous and accommodating, andthe entire management of the games seems tome to leave nothing to be desired, except, ofcourse, more available seats.The same sort of individuai who supports andmakes possible scalping of theater tickets is theone from whom comes the wail that onlystudents and alumni and their friends can getseats for the football games. This is the sameindividuai who makes up his mind at 12:30that he wants to see a 2 o'clock football gamefrom the 45 yard line. His efforts to get theseats, of course, result in failure, even if he iswilling to pay more, because, while there issome scalping of football tickets, it is not anorganized business like it is in the theaters,and ali the seats are occupied by fans who havehad the foresight to acquaint themselves withthe proper method of securing tickets and havebought them ahead of time. Then comes the"squawk" no one but the students and alumniand their friends can gain admittance to thegames.Thomas F. Mills.From the Chicago TribuneIt's a Maroon Custom"Dear Wake: Saw the Ohio-Chicago gameSaturday. After the game I noticed Mr. Staggget the ball that was in play during the after-noon, put it under his arm, walk over to theOhio captain, shake hands with him, and present him with the ball. To my mind that wasa commendable thing, and won't you pleasemention it in The Wake? F. G. B."The winning team, of course, is entitled tothe ball for its gymnasium trophy room. Di rector Stagg has made it a practice in tie gameson Stagg field to present the ovai to the opposingteam. We, too, think it good sportsmanship."Ghere for Benefit PlayAugust 2, 1925.I've but just returned from middle weststock and am priming myself up here atHolbrook Blinn's country home. GraceGeorge, Irwin Cobb and Marion Daviesdrift in and out to make it quite interestingfor this young neophyte.In connection with the University ofChicago drive, I'm stili confident that wecan make a deal from these New Yorkerswith the aid of a popular matinee or so.It seems impossible to get a good professional cast of U. of C. people as they areperpetually getting irresistible engagementswith everybody from Al Woods on.Would you be good enough to get someecstatic Dramatic associate to send on theaddresses of any New York folks that couldbe of any help to us in our fanfare? Youand Mr. O'Hara could get together withhim for tips. The best of the year to you.Sincerely, Will A. Ghere, '24.An Orientalized Application(Bona fide copy written by a Chinese, in applying for a position, to a member of the University Community.)S. S. Tenyo Maru.Dr— :I am Wong. It is for my personal benefit that I write to you to ask for a positionin your honorable firm. I have a flexiblebrain that will adapt itself to your business,and in consequence bring good efforts toyour honorable selves. My education wasimpress upon me in the Peking Universityin which place I graduated number one. Ican drive a typewriter with great noise,and my English is great.My references are of the good and shouldyou hope to see me they will be read byyou with great pleasure. My last job hasleft itself from me for the good reason thatthe large man has dead. It was on accountof no fault of mine. So honorable Sir,what about it.If I can be of big use to you, I willarrive on some date that you should guess.Ground-Breaking for Wieboldt HallEXERCISES in connection with thebreaking of ground for WieboldtHall, the new Modem Languages Buildingat the University took place November 6in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall and laterat the site of the new building on the Mid-way between Harper Memorial Libraryand the Classics Building.President Mason presided and addresseswere given on the "Significance of ModemLanguages," by Professor John M. Manly,Head of the Department of English; on"The AfEliated Germanie Organization —Its Significance and Ideals," by Dr. OttoL. Schmidt, president of the Chicago His-torical Society and the Illinois State His-torical Society; and "A Citizen's View ofthe University of Chicago." by Charles S.Peterson. The addresses were followed bythe introduction of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Wieboldt, who represented the donors.The procession to the site of the newbuilding was headed by the UniversityBand, and included the President andTrustees of the University, donors of Wieboldt Hall, members of the Central Committee of the AfEliated Germanie Groups(including Danish, Flemish, German, Ice-landic, Netherlandic, Norwegian, andSwedish), the members of the ModemLanguage Faculty and other Faculties ofthe University, and the Chicago Singverein.At the ceremony of breaking groundPresident Mason represented the Trusteesand Faculty, Charles Anderson the student body, and Mr. William A. Wieboldtthe donors. A reception for Mr. and Mrs.Wieboldt in Ida Noyes Hall followed theceremony.Wieboldt Hall, for which $500,000 wasrecently given by Henry Wieboldt, will beerected between Harper Memorial Libraryand the Classics Building, thus helping tocomplete the "Harper group" of buildings facing the Midway and extending fromEllis Avenue on the West to UniversityAvenue on the east.The new building, four stories high, willhave a basement deep enough for two tiersof book stacks, thus relieving the congestedcondition of Harper Library. The firstfloor will contain more book stacks, class-rooms, seminar rooms, cubicles for researchstudents, and professors' offices. The sec-ond floor will have, in addition to the class-rooms, a photograph room; and a reading-room, accommodating 200 students, willoccupy the third floor.A dictionary room, the workroom forthe new American dictionary to be com-piled under the general direction of Professor William A. Craigie, formerly of Oxford University, will be provided on thefourth floor, and will be occupied as soonas completed by Professor Craigie and hisstaff, who are now beginning their work ofcataloguing the American language inWoodlawn House.The fourth floor of Wieboldt Hall willcontain also a large common room, 20 by30 feet, with a kitchenette, and a "ChaucerRoom" of the same size.Departments to be housed in WieboldtHall include those of Germanie Languagesand Literature, English, Romance Languages and Literatures (French, Italian,Spanish, and Provincial), and GeneralLiterature.Largest Attexdanxe at University inits HistoryANNOUNCEMENT is made at theUniversity of the largest registrationin its history. In the Graduate School ofArts and Literature there are 697 studentsregistered, and in the Ogden GraduateSchool of Science 533, a total of 1,230. Inthe Senior Colleges there are 1,066 and inthe Junior Colleges, including the unclassi-fied, 1,671 a total of 2,737.7«UNIVERSITY NOTES 77RADIO PROGRAMDecember 15 to December 26For the remainder of December, the Universityradio lectures will be broadcast from Mitehell Towerstudio, through the Chicago Daily News station,WMAQ, Wave length — 447.5 meters. Unless other-wise announced, the University programs are on theair at 9:00 P. M.DECEMBER PROGRAMTuea. Dee. 15"Prevention of Tuberculosis"DR. E. R. LONGThurs. Dee. 17"World Affairs"Fri., Dee. 18"Education and Personality"PROF. W. W. CHARTERSThurs. Dee. 24Christmas SelectionsFROM MITCHELL TOWER CHIMESSat., Dee., 26, 8:30 P. M."The Holy Land"k Radio Pholologue. DEAN SHAILER MATHEWSBeginning January 1 broadcasting activities willbe greatly increased. Plans are being made to putUniversity speakers on the programs of a numberof stations.Among the new features are to be music by theGleeSClub, the Choir, male quartets, and studenttalent. University public lectures of general interest on drama, literature, home economics, relig-ion, and other subjects will be broadcast during theafternoon.Complete programs will appear in the Magazine.Alumni may also receive monthly programs free bymailing their names and addresses to the RadioEditor, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.In the Professional Schools there are 212Divinity students, 189 in the MedicaiCourses, 281 in Rush Medicai College,311 Law students, 158 in Education, 491in Commerce and Administration, 87 inSocial Service Administration, a total of1,729. University College (the downtown department) has 2,389 enrolled. Ex-elusive of duplications, the net total in theUniversity is 7,766, of which 2,530 aregraduate students and 5,236 under-gradu-ate. This is the largest quarterly attend-ance in the history of the University.The University and Human ProgressIN INTRODUCING Dr. Edwin E.Slosson, director of Science Service atWashington, D. C, as the lecturer on "TheScience of Chemistry" at Orchestra Hall,Professor Julius Stieglitz, chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry at the University, said: "The University is proud toclaim Dr. Slosson as an Alumnus, and Iam especially proud to claim him as one ofmy star pupils — one of those highly trainedspecialists and experts in their chosen fields,who through their own talents and geniusreturn to the world many times what theycarry from the University, but who never-theless hearten us in the feeling that thegreatest mission of the University is to de-velop leaders in every field of effort."We are giving this introduction to themain address of the evening, because ali ofthe great achievements of chemistry in everyfield would have been utterly impossible ifthe guiding light of pure science, fostered inthe research laboratories of universities andresearch institutes, had not led the way andshown the path to be followed."The brilliant lecture by Dr. Slosson onthe contributions of chemistry to civiliza-tion was the second in the series providedfor citizens of Chicago by the Universityof Chicago. Other lectures by members ofthe University Faculty will be given on December 7 and January 11. Recent Gifts to the UniversityAMONG recent gifts to the Universityare the following :The Wyvern Club of the University ofChicago has presented to the University$2,500 for the continuation of the scholarship known as "the Wyvern Scholarship."The scholarships are preferably for the aidof members of the Wyvern Club.A gift of $150 has been received fromProfessor Delzie Demaree, of Hendrix College, to be used as a loan fund for worthystudents, either graduate or undergraduate,in the Department of Botany.The Carnegie Corporation has placedat the disposai of the University the sumof $3,500 for experimentation in art education.7« THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Hundred Thousand DollarsToward Endowment of theMedical SchoolsOFFICIAL announcement is made atthe University that a gift of $100,000toward the endowment of the work of itsSchool of Medicine has been made by Mrs.Anna Raymond, widow of James NelsonRaymond, a Chicago manufacturer. Thegift is intended specifically to establish theJames Nelson and Anna Louise RaymondProfessorship. The exact nature of theinstruction and research to which the fundis to be applied is left to the discretion ofthe President and Board of Trustees of theUniversity.Although Mrs. Raymond's contributiondoes not apply to the $17,500,000 development fund which the University is seekingto raise this year, it is especially importantin the development of the pian of medicaieducation which the University is rapidlypushing forward. The Rawson Laboratoryof Medicine and Surgery, nearing comple-tion on the West Side, and the new buildingsfor which an excavation covering severalcity blocks has been made on the Midway,are expressions of the University's determi-nation to create a great center of teachingand investigation in the basic medicaisciences and in preventive medicine, as wellas in clinical medicine. Public interest inthis pian, as well as understanding of thefact that it requires a large endowment,have been shown by the gifts of DouglasSmith and others during recent months.New Chairmen of DepartmentsANNOUNCEMENT is made of the.appointments to chairmanships ofthree departments, owing to the desire ofmen who have been their heads to be re-lieved of administrative responsibilities,while retaining their connection with theFaculty in a teaching capacity. Thoseappointed are Professor Henry G. Gale asChairman of the Department of Physics ;Professor H. Gideon Wells as Chairman ofthe Department of Pathology; and Professor Ellsworth Faris as Chairman of theDepartment of Sociology and Anthropol- ogy. Ali of the new chairmen receivedtheir Doctor's degree from the University.Professor A. A. Michelson has beenHead of the Department of Physics sincethe founding of the University; Dr. Ludwig Hektoen, Head of the Department ofPathology since 1901; and Dean AlbionW. Small, Head of the Department ofSociology and Anthropology since 1892.À « i.A New Marking System\ CCORDING to a circular sent to ali/Ythe members of the faculty by Mr.Walter A. Payne, the University Recorder,the marking system which was introducedduring the summer quarter will continuein effect indefinitely. This means the aboli-tion of the conditional grade E, and theelimination of minus signs after gradeletters.Students are given some consolation forsuch action by the introduction of a set of"special terms." Half credit will be givenhereafter to students who do inadequatework during the quarter and who take thefinal examination. A provisionai grade willbe given to those who do not take the finalexamination, and a permanent grade setlater. Those who have not completed acourse will be told so hereafter, and theywill be told just what they lack on thereport. If a student has dropped a course,this also is to be stated on the report,whether or no he has obtained permission.A comparison between the old and thenew grading systems shows that most of theold A minuses will be A's, that most of theold B minuses will be C's, and that ali Cminuses will hereafter be D's. Ali E's, willof course, be F's.In spite of these special terms, the newsystem makes for an increase in the difE-culty of getting through school withoutstudying, according to Mr. Payne. Students will, he thinks, find it necessary tostudy harder in order to procure the samemarks as they were in the habit of securingunder the old system.UNIVERSITY NOTES 79Chaucer Copies Collectedfor ResearchTWENTY-ONE photostatic copies ofChaucer manuscripts, the first of a$10,000 collection, have been received bythe English department, according to anannouncement recently by Associate Professor Edith Rickert, who is assisting Professor John Matthews Manly in editing theCanterbury Tales. With 62 additionalcopies, the University will have photostaticreproductions of ali the known manuscriptsof the Canterbury Tales, forming the onlycomplete collection in the world.Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, the famousNew York book dealer, has recently pur-chased four originai manuscripts from thecollection of Lord Thomas Phillipps olChetonham, England. Inasmuch as noAmerican university possesses a Chaucermanuscript these manuscripts would makea desirable addition to the Universitylibraries.Mr. Manly and Miss Rickert, realizingthe impossibility of securing the originals,decided that the next best thing to do wouldbe to get a complete collection of photostaticcopies of ali the known manuscripts of theCanterbury Tales. The originai manuscripts are scattered far and wide over England, with a few in other countries. Mostof them are in the British Museum, with afairly large number at Oxford and Cambridge. Two are in cathedral libraries, atLichfield and Lincoln. A number are infamous private libraries: the Duke ofNorthumberland's, the Duke of Devon-shire's, the Marquis of Bath's, the Earl ofLester's, and others.Outside of England there is one in Paris,one in Naples, and eight are in America.A few years ago there were none in America, but now the Elmsmere, commonly rec-ognized as the most beautiful and bestmanuscript, is owned by the HuntingtonLibrary of Los Angeles.With the help of Sir William McCor-mick, Chairman of the University GrantsCommittee, and Sir Frederick Kenyon, Director of the British Museum, permissionto reproduce almost ali the manuscripts in Professor John M. ManlyEngland has been received. In no casehas permission been refused.The photostatic copies are being assem-bled at the University for the purpose ofestablishing a criticai text of the CanterburyTales, based upon the comparative studyof ali the evidence. The work will beunder the direction of Mr. Manly, MissRickert, and Associate Professor James R.Hulbert. It is hoped that when the text ofthe Canterbury Tales is completed they willbe able to continue and make criticai textsof the minor poems, about 50 manuscriptsof which are extant.» » «Institute of Agricultural Commercefor the Summer Quarter at theUniversityA NEW and valuable feature of the Summer Quarter at the University wasthe lecture and field trips held in connectionwith specialized courses in the Institute ofAgricultural Commerce recently estab-lished. The purpose of these courses was togive graduates of agricultural colleges andother scientific schools a broad business education such as executives in food-handlingindustries should have.8o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe city of Chicago, as the metropolis ofthe Mississippi Valley and the agriculturalcenter of the country, is the greatest agricultural market place of the nation, thepoint of interchange between the food-pro-ducing and consuming areas. It is also thetransportation center and the second largestfinancial center of the country. Almostevery marketing problem, therefore, can bestudied at first hand within the limits of theChicago area.Dr. L. D. H. Weld, Director of Commercial Research, Swift and Company, andauthor of Marketing of Farm Products,and Professor O. B. Jesness, of the University of Kentucky, author of CooperativeMarketing, gave courses during the SummerQuarter, in addition to courses given by theregular Faculty.Lectures in the Institute for the firstweek and the field trips centered about theChicago Freight Terminal; for the secondweek, marketing of grain ; the third week,marketing live stock and meats; the fourthweek, marketing of butter, eggs, cheese, andpoultry; the fifth week, marketing fruitsand vegetables ; and the sixth week, advertising and selling foods.« f bNew Anthropologist atthe UniversityDR. EDWARD SAPIR, a widelyknown student of the language andliterature of the North American Indian,became a member of the Faculty of theUniversity October i. Dr. Sapir comesfrom Canada, where he has been for fifteenyears Director of Anthropological Researchand in charge of the Victoria Museum atOttawa. He becomes associate professor ofanthropology in the University.Having traveled widely and studied thelanguages of primitive peoples, not only theAmerican Indians but dwellers in the FarEast and elsewhere, Dr. Sapir has devel-oped important conclusions concerning language as a symbol, and the psychology of thehuman race as revealed through language.He is expected to organize important newstudies at the University, together withProfessor Fay-Cooper Cole. Alfred Noyes and Willa Cather,William Vaughn Moody LecturersTHE ENGLISH poet, Alfred Noyes,and the Amercian novelist, WillaCather, were the first lecturers on theWilliam Vaughn Moody Foundation thisfall at the University. Mr. Noyes, at onetime professor of modem English literatureat Princeton University and author ofDrake and The Torchbearers, the lattercelebrating the achievements of great scien-tists and discoverers, gave the first WilliamVaughn Moody lecture at the Universityeight years ago. His lecture this year, on"Some Aspects of Modem Poetry," wasgiven before a great audience in LeonMandel Assembly Hall on November li.Following the lecture Mr. Noyes read someof his own poems with fine effect.On November 17 Willa Cather, authorof My Antonia, One of Ours, and TheProfessor's House, discussed the "Ten-dencies of the Modem Novel" before adeeply interested audience that filled Man-dei Hall.The William Vaughn Moody lectureshipis bringing to students and other membersof the University the valuable privilege ofseeing and hearing leading creators of modem literature.Gift to Divinity School(Continued from page 64)religion and religious investigation on ascientific basis. Many of these missionariescome to the University to study when theyare on furlough, and others maintain theircontact by mail.The Divinity School outlines methods ofinvestigation, suggests topics for study, andgives advice as to individuai problems. Oneimportant result, according to Mr. Baker,has been to extend the influence and theprestige of the University to practicallyevery out-of-the-way corner of the globe.The new Theology Building, which willbe one of the most beautiful on the quad-rangles, is nearing completion and will beoccupied soon by the Divinity School. Thenew Joseph Bond Chapel, adjoining it, issaid to be one of the best examples of English collegiate Gothic in America.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESTHE usuai rush of the fall quarterstarted out this year with unusualbriskness. The Class and other organization activities have, ali in ali, pro-vided a full program for the socially am-bitious. Not unlike other years, a few newattractions in the form of camouflaged Fordtouring cars and a wide variety of slickers,in as many colors, coyly decorated withsubjects of varying importance from AndyGump to Plato, appeared to give an airof exhuberance to the setting.By the third week in the quarter, classelections were well under way. The Seniorcontest, which was characterized by one ofthe most interesting contests of recent years,attracted very wide attention on thecampus. Alien Miller, a non-fraternityman, was elected President by a substantialmajority. Other officers elected by theSenior Class are : Catherine Campbell,Vice-President ; Jeanette Hayward, Secretary; Seward Covert, Treasurer.On Wednesday, October 28, The GreenCap Club, a new Freshman society, wasorganized. Dean Ernest Hatch Wilkinsmade the opening address. The clubactivities are being carried forward underthe direction of a series of Day Directorswho arrange a daily program in which aliFreshman members of the club participate.In addition to providing side-splittingamusement for the student body, someclever ability has been discovered amongthe new initiates in cheering, horsebacking,football playing, and various other sportsto which the wearers of the Green Caphave been introduced without ceremony.According to one of the directors, "One ofthe principal features of the Club is itsintolerance of poor scholarship; ali flunk-ing candidates are dropped at once from theroster. The aims of the Club are for the betterment of the school, and it is a goodthing to adapt the Freshmen to them. An-other feature of the Club is that the wholeschool will be backing it instead of justthe Sophomores as was the case in the oldThree Quarters Club."On Friday, October 23, The UnitedStates Marine Band, under the directionof Captain William H. Santelmann, gavetwo concerts in Bartlett Gymnasium. Thevisit of this band to the University wasmade possible by President Coolidge, who,like his predecessors, believes that suchvisits not only promote patriotic pride, butcarry an educational value as well. Theproceeds of both the afternoon and eveningperformances were used to provide newuniforms for the University band. Thelarge attendance at both concerts wassignificant of the appreciation by the University.Those who were present at the Cambridge-Chicago Debate, on Monday evening, November 23, had the opportunity ofhearing our guests from England upholdthe tradition of their University by force-ful, brilliant, and clever oratory. The sub-ject chosen for the occasion, "Resolved:That the future of the human race dependsmore upon the sciences than the arts andhumanities," furnished ampie material fordiscussion, and in fact was an extremelydifficult one for the short time allotted eachspeaker.Michael Ramsey, Geoffrey Lloyd, andPatrick Devlin took the negative for Cambridge University, while B. C. Cyrus, J.W. Errant, and David Wollins representedthe University of Chicago on the affirma-tive. A ballot by the eleven hundred peoplewho filled Mandel Hall, gave Cambridgethe victory. The ballot was 546 to 184.The debate was similar in form to theone held with Oxford last year.81IN A game of thrills Purdue was de-feated 6 to 0, on October 31. Thirty-four thousand people, the largest crowdthat ever witnessed a Purdue game,watched the conflict. The game openedwith both teams displaying a strong defense.Early in the second quarter, after the injuryof Drain, Curley was sent in at quarter-back. The team, which up to this time hadplayed ordinary football, got together and,for five minutes, played inspired football.With the ball on the 30 yard line, Kern-wein skirted end for 25 yards. A buck byMcCarty and a run by Kernwein broughtthe ball to Purdue's 26 yard line. McCarty was then given the ball and foughtand dodged his way for Chicago's touch-down. Curley failed to kick a goal.With a lead of 6 points the Maroonsagain settled back to playing listless ball.Chicago held the edge but was unable toscore again. Early in the fourth quarterPurdue opened up with a brilliant forwardpassing attack and brought the ball downto Chicago's 3 yard line and first down.With their backs to the wall the Maroon line made a desperate stand. Three playsnetted Purdue a loss of 13 yards. Withthe ball on the 16 yard line, the Purduefourth down, a pass from Taube, wasgrounded over the goal line by McCarty.The game ended with Chicago in possessionof the ball.During the following week the teamworked desperately in preparation forIllinois. Playing under the worst possibleconditions in rain and mud, Chicago wasdefeated by Illinois, 13 to 6. The Chicagoteam was highly keyed up for the gameand so fierce were they in their defensethat the Illinois attack was almost helpless.Harold ("Red") Grange, who the weekbefore ran through Penn for four touch-downs, was completely stopped. Fromscrimmage Grange actually lost 26 yardsmore than he gained.The game opened with a brilliant driv-ing offense by Chicago, with AlcCarty tear-ing through the Illinois defense for longgains. Chicago scored early in the secondquarter and the game looked ali Chicago's.Shortly after, however, McCarty was hurt"Touchdown!" Chicaco-Illinois Game82ATHLETICS 83and he had to be taken from the game.By this time the players were so coveredwith mud and slime that good offense wasimpossible. Near the end of the half aseries of three fumbles by Kernwein in suc-cession gave Illinois the ball on the Chicago2 yard line and Illinois was able to score.By throwing away a 6 point advantage thegame became anybody's game. Chicagocontinued to fumble horribly. Late in thethird quarter a penalty brought the ballback to Chicago's one yard line and Rouse'spunt was blocked and recovered by Illinoisback of the goal line for a touchdown.Dartmouth, undisputed champions of theEast, was met the following week. TheGreen, fresh from a 54 to 13 victory overCornell the week before, proved to be toostrong for the Maroons. The Chicagoline, which played so brilliantly againstIllinois the week before, held the powerfulDartmouth backs in check, but the Chicagobacks did not cover the well aimed passesof Oberlander. Chicago offensively playedthe best game it had played ali season, andon straight football outplayed Dartmouth.Kernwein, whose fumbles the week beforecaused Chicago's downfall, was an out-standing star. He ran repeatedly off tackleand around ends for long gains of 25 yardsor more. But the Dartmouth passinggame, the greatest displayed in years, wastoo powerful, and Dartmouth won 33 to 7.During the week of the Wisconsin game,five Chicago players, including three regu-lars, were made ineligible through studies.Despite this loss it was hoped that the teamcould win. The day of the Wisconsingame was bright and clear with almostideal conditions for play, a condition notexperienced practically ali season.Chicago opened up with an end-runningattack similiar to that used against Dartmouth the week before. McCarty carriedthe ball over for the first touchdown earlyin the second quarter. Drain kicked goal.Wisconsin by a series of skillfull passes,mixed with excellent off-tackle runs, scorednear the end of the half but did not kickgoal.The score at the half was Chicago 7,Wisconsin 6. With the opening of the BrTTfPiiwwiTiMiiriifT ¦"—"Walter E. ("Wallie") Marks, '27,Captain, 1926 Football Teamthird quarter Chicago marched down to theone yard line. With four downs to go itseemed as if the game was won. But onthe first play McCarty fumbled and Wisconsin recovered. Throughout the thirdquarter both sides tried desperately to scorebut at no time was Chicago in danger.Early. in the fourth quarter two fumbledpunts, by little "Bob" Curley, who has wona number of games for Chicago in the lasttwo seasons, proved the Maroons' undoing,for after the second one, which Wisconsinrecovered on Chicago's 20 yard line, Wisconsin was able to score. Coach Staggrushed in substitutes but to no avail, andChicago lost, 20 to 7, the first game lost toWisconsin since 1920.As Chicago played in good fortune in1924 so has Chicago played in misfortunethis season. The 1925 Chicago team, asa team, is one of the finest that has everworn the maroon, but has lacked the individuai star that makes long gaining easy.The team had unusual power but was per-haps a trifle slow and not constantly alert.Fumbling and lack of ability to take advantage of the breaks, not a usuai char-acteristic of Chicago teams, was a cause oftheir defeat.84 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAdditional equipment used by the IllinoisCentral in this movement consisted of 161Pullmans and parlor cars, 132 coaches,twenty-four dining cars and nine baggagecars. If coupled together, this extra equipment would have been four miles long. Inaddition to its own reserve equipment, theIllinois Central obtained ali available diningcars from the Sante Fé, Burlington, RockIsland, Alton, St. Paul and North Westernrailroads. Large passenger locomotiveswere brought to Chicago from other pointson the I. C. system. Ali the equipment forthis special traffic was assembled withoutinterfering with the regular train service.Twelve of the special trains were madeup entirely of Pullmans and parlor cars,and each of them was designated by a color.There was a Gray train, a Brown train,a Green train, and so on. Placards in theWindows of each train identified it, and thetickets sold corresponded to the color ofthe train. Two diners were in each ofthese color trains. Nine of the specialtrains were composed of coaches only, andin each one was a baggage car equipped toserve light lunches.Ali of the specials as well as the regularthrough trains were bandled with a minimum of confusion and delay. The averagetime each way was a little over 3 hours.Every train made the trip without a hitch.This exceptional travel to a football gameon one railroad, as well as the great amountof equipment and service required, estab-lished a record for American railroads.The "Line-up" — Some Chicago Trains at the Illinois GameThe schedule was the most difficult Chicago has attempted in years, perhaps toodifficult, not allowing a "let up" duringthe entire season. And the weather condi-tions, making footfall quite impossible at anumber of the games, prevented the teamfrom ever really polishing and performingmost of its special plays. Despite thegeneral results, however, and in view ofthe powerful teams that faced Chicagoeach week, the Maroons usually played finebootball and made a much more impressiveshowing than the scores might indicate.From the point of view of losses, the seasonwas Chicago's most unsuccessful one insome years; but for hard, clean playing itwas in many ways a successful season.» » ÀTravel for Chicago-Illinois GameBreaks Railroad RecordsTHE TRAVEL on the Illinois CentralSystem between Chicago and Cham-paign, 111., a distance of 126.4 rniles, forthe Illinois-Chicago football game November 7 at Champaign, was the largest of itskind, in point of distance involved and ac-commodations furnished, ever handled byan American railroad. Approximately 18,-500 persons were carried on twenty-fourspecials in each direction, in addition to extra coaches and Pullmans on ali regulartrains, as well as four extra sections of thesetrains; well over 20,000 were carried toand from the game in this way.New West Side Y. M. C. A. Building —Rush Men and Women ContributeIT IS a long time since Drs. Bevan,Bridge, and Brophy were students inthe old Rush Medicai College. Thenthe course consisted of two terms of sixmonths each. Now it is sixteen quartersapproximately two and one half monthseach including the two first years on theMidway. A beautiful new building hasthis year taken the place of the Rush Medicai building of 1875. Many of the room-ing houses stili in use in the neighborhoodgive evidence of having been built aboutthat time.Dr. Truman W. Brophy of the class of1880 has long been much interested in betterroom accommodations and in facilities forrecreation for students not only of Rush,but of the other colleges in the neighborhood. Therefore he bought and presentedto the Young Men's Christian Associationa lot 12.6' by 146' at a cost of $50,000, oncondition that the funds would be securedand an adequate building erected thereonby the Association. The lot is on thenorthwest corner of Wood and Congressstreets diagonally o p p o s i t e PresbyterianHospital. The Association accepted Dr.Brophy's magnificent offer providing thatthe students of the six schools in the WestSide Medicai Center would manifest theirinterest by pledging $50,000, and thealumni and faculty $100,000.A committee was organized among thefaculty and alumni, Dr. Ernest E. Irons,Dean of the College and one of his formerclassmates, Dr. Frederick B. Moorehead,having secured Dr. Samuel R. Slaymakeras general chairman to serve from Februaryuntil December, 1924. Thirty-one othermembers of the Rush Alumni participatedin the work of the campaign, Dr. GeorgeH. Coleman being the highest point gainer.Two hundred and fourteen alumni membersmade personal contributions as did alsoseventeen members of the faculty who werenot graduates of the college. The totalamount subscribed was $27,525 by the alumni, while other faculty members to-gether gave $1705. Dr. Moorehead waschairman of the joint alumni-faculty intensive campaign for the completion of the$100,000 quota, December to February inclusive. Dr. Joseph E. Schaefer securedabout $3500 in subscriptions by telephonealone. Many of the workers in otherschools are Rush graduates who are now inpositions of responsibility in their faculties.A little over $100,000 was pledged byFebruary 28th, 1925.The joint student campaign was put onsuccessfully last November. Of the student quota, $50,000, $7216 was subscribedby 104 students on the Midway and by 98Rush students in the West Side Medicaicenter. The senior captain was George B.Callahan, the junior, Charles B. S. Evans.While it is not expected that many of theRush undergraduates will care to reside inthe building, so great a number now livein Fraternity houses, it is believed that thegymnasium with its competitive games ofbasket ball, handball and other sports willinterest a great majority and that manygraduates and some of the faculty memberswill avail themselves of such advantages.Rush men, and women too (for Dr.Josephine Young was captain of theWomen's Division), have shown great spiritand generosity in thus assuring the successof this project.The old buildings on the property areabout to be wrecked and plans are com-pleted for the new building to be begunthis autumn. The Y.M.C.A. has assumedthe responsibility for the balance of $550,-000. It will front on Congress Street,with gymnasium, dining rooms and officespace extending north. No other city inthe world has such a building for students'welfare only. Chicago thus shows her appreciation of the men in training for theprofessions known as the healing arts.L. C. Hollister, Executive Secretary,Y. M. C. A. West Side Student Dept.«5K&^ì (f^b <Pà (Pb if^b (f^b (pb (Pi (Pb ipb tf^i (f^b (Pb (pb <P^o^(J^ó^(P^iP^(J^<J^(S^iì^(P^iS^6^!^<^^CSCHOOL OF EDUCATION 1University of Chicago DinnerTHE University of Chicago Dinner, whichoccurs annually during the week of themeeting of the Department of Superin-tender.ce, will be held on Wednesday, February24, at 6 P.M., at Rauscher's Restaurant, inWashington, D. C. Tickets may be securedfrom Dean W. S. Gray at $3.00 per piate.A Study of the Reading of ForeignLanguagesA S A part of the research program of theAA Modem Foreign Language Study which¦*¦ -*- is being financed by the Carnegie Corporation, an investigation is being made by G.T. Buswell of the reading of French and Ger-man. This investigation involves a photo-graphic study of eye-movements in reading theselanguages. Groups of students have beenselected from the University Eiemer.lary School,the University High School, and the University,and comparisons are being made of theirprogress during a year's time in the readingof French. Since French is begun at threedifferent levels, namely, the fourth grade,the freshman year in high school, and the freshman year in college, it is hoped that the resultsof this part of the investigation will indicatethe relative advantages of starting a languageat these three levels. The study of Germanis being confined to students in the JuniorCollege. Eye-movement records will also betaken of the reading of foreign languages byadults, one group being composed of those whoare American students but are expert readersof a foreign language, and another group composed of those for whom the foreign languageis their native tongue. The experiment will beextended to include a study of the reading ofLatin in order that a comparison with a language of this type may throw some light uponthe difficulties encountered in reading modemlanguages.The technique of photographing eye-movements has been widely used in studying the reading of English, and consequently there are ampiedata from these sources with which to comparethe results secured from a foreign language.The experiment involves the photographingof approximately one-hundred students at in-tervals of six weeks during an academic year,and the photographing of approximatelyseventy-five additional individuate once ortwice during the year.As a re ult of the investigation, it will be possible to plot the growth curves for certainfundamental reading habits during two consecutive years studying a foreign language. Inaddition to studying the differences in thesegrowth curves for groups which begin a language at the three levels mentioned, a study isbeing made of the effect of different methods ofteaching upon learning to read. For example,a comparison is being made of the resultssecured from two classes in German in theJunior College taught by two different methods,and a comparison will be made also betweenFrench students taught by the direct methodand those taught by the indirect translationmethod. Various kinds of reading materials arebeing used in order to determine the progressof students in dealing with easy and difficultselections. Records are being taken of the oraireading of French.The experiment as outlined will be completedin June and a report will be available inOctober.Milwaukee Meeting* SCHOOL of Education breakfast was held/-A in Milwaukee on November 6 at theJ. \- time of the meeting of the WisconsinState Teachers' Association. Under the leadership of Miss Delia Kibbe and Mr. OscarGranger, a group of about thirty-five carne to-gether at the Hotel Wisconsin. Professor Free-man was an invited guest and spoke about theSchool of Education, particularly about theproposed graduate building and the enlargementand rounding out of the graduate faculty. Mr.Rudy D. Matthews, President of the MilwaukeeAlumni Club, made some remarks concerningthe activities of the general alumni organizationin the state and in the city. Mr. Granger wasasked to be responsible for a similar meetingnext year.Faculty NotesMr. Lyman and Mr. Gray are carrying onstudies in the Evanston Public Schools. Mr.Lyman is working in the grades below the seniorhigh school. He is inspecting and evaluatingthe English instruction and is suggestingchanges. This year Mr. Gray is giving somelectures on reading and plans to make an intensive study of the subject next year.On December 27 Mr. Downing will give anaddress on evolution and heredity at CarletonCollege, Northfield, Minn. He will be in KansasCity, Missouri, on December 30 where he willspeak before the meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science.86K(Fì <Pi <Pb (Pi Gr*ò Pi <Pi (Pi (Pi Pi Pi (Pb <Pà (Pi (Pi (Pi Pi<Pi<Pi(Pi(PiPiPiPiPiPiPi<Pi(Piv.j<LAW SCHOOL^<^<^^<^^^<^^^^^^^<^^^^^<^<^^<^MacCracken, '09, Elected AmericanBar Association SecretaryOUR LAW SCHOOL has beenhonored by the election of William P. MacCracken, Jr., '09, J.D.'11, as secretary of the American Bar Association, at its annual meeting in Detroit,September 4, 1925."Bill" is probably personally known tomore alumni than any other Law Schoolman. He has always been a "doer," in college, Law School, and in practice. Hiscollege and alumni honors have almostexhausted the list. His activities in civicand public life have been signalized by stilimore honors. And now one of the mostnotable honors in the gift of the lawyersof the whole country has come to our"Bill."He is the son of Doctors William P.MacCracken and Mary Elizabeth AveryMacCracken. He was married September14, 1918, to Miss Sally Lucile Lewis ofWaco, Texas, and lives in Winnetka.He is a University of Chicago product,having been graduated from the University High School in 1905, College in1909, and Law School in 191 1. He wasPresident of his Senior class in college andwas written up repeatedly in the Chicagopapérs as a cheer leader. He was a member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Delta Phifraternities. He was President of theLaw School Association in 1915-16, andhas also served on the Alumni Council.MacCracken was legislative secretaryto Morton D. Hull, representative in theIllinois legislature, in 191 1. He was appointed special assistant to the AttorneyGeneral of Illinois in 1923 for the prose-cution of the Chicago City Hall graftcases. Later he was appointed AssistantState's Attorney of Cook County and wasassigned to the trial of graft cases. Sinceearly in 19 14 he has been a member of the William P. MacCracken, '09, J. D. '12film of Montgomery, Hart & Smith, withoffices in the Rookery Building, ChicagoHe was in the army during the war fromJury, 1917, to January, 1919. He wentto the second Fort Sheridan TrainingCamp, and attended the School of Mili-tary Aeronautics at the University of Illinois. He was at Rich Field, at Waco,Texas, first as a flying cadet and then asan officer. He next became flying instruc-tor at Ellington Field, at Houston,Texas.His aviation experience opened up afield of usefulness after the war in whichthe whole country is concerned. He wasChairman of the Second AeronauticalCongress in 1922, at which the NationalAeronautical Association was organized.He was Governor-at-Large and Chairmanof the Legislative Committee of that Association from 1922 to 1925. He wasappointed on a special committee on thelaw of aeronautics of the American BarAssociation in 1921, and served as Chair-87THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEman of that Committee from 1922 to 1925-The special work of this Committee hasbeen in connection with the Winslow Billnow before Congress for the creation of aDepartment of aeronautics.He is also a member of the Chicago BarAssociation and of the Illinois State BarAssociation. In the Chicago Bar Association he is a member of the Admissions Committee, and is Chairman of the Committeeon Rules of Court. He is Chairman of theAviation Committee of the Hamilton Club,Chicago, and is Chairman of the Lawyers'Division of the Chicago Association ofCommerce. He was Commander of theAviation Post of the American Legion ofChicago in 1925, and a member of the Chicago Air Board.An important result of Mr. MacCrack-en's Election is that the headquarters of theAmerican Bar Association are being movedto Chicago, and will be located in theRookery Building, 209 South LaSalleStreet.Want a Job?THE Secretary is informed that thereare several openings for lawyers whohave practiced three years, at a salary of$3000.00 to $3800.00 a year. If any Chicago law men are interested, address CharlesF. McElroy, no South Dearborn Street,Chicago. George K. Bowden, J.D. '22, is ChiefCounsel for the Committee on Public Landsand Surveys of the United States Senate,of which Senator Stanfield of Oregon isChairman. Bowden was appointed to thisposition last Aprii. Prior to that he hadbeen Special Attorney in the Office of theSolicitor of Internai Revenue for about ayear.First Alumnus U. S. Senator(Continued from page 62)Though but forty-four years old, ourfellow Alumnus has had a wide experience.He served as a state senator in the IndianaLegislature from 1914 to 191 8. Duringthe World War he became Captain of the334th United States Infantry in France,and he rose in the over-seas military serviceto the rank of Major. He has been veryactive in American Legion affairs and hastwice served as delegate from his home postto the national Legion conventions. Mr.Robinson was Judge of the Marion CountySuperior Court of Indiana at one time, andwas a republican candidate for the UnitedStates Senate in 1916. His education, experience and high character eminently fithim for the national Senate.The University and the Alumni congratulate Senator Robinson on his deservedappointment, and we ali wish him successin his new and broader field of activity andnational service.Cambridge University Debating TeamPatrick Devlin Michael Ramsey Geoffrey LloybBOOK REVIEWS»•t-S>»•»•BOOK REVIEWS•3•«•«•a•<s•«•8<$•S " " »•The PanchatantraTranslated From the Sanskrit by Arthur W.Ryder (The University of Chicago Press)"One Vìshnusharman, shrewdly gleaningAli wordly wisdorn s inner meaning,In these five books the charm compressesOf ali such books the world possesses."And these books, The Panchatantra, com-prising one of the world's best collectionsof tales, first gathered together over flfteenhundred years ago in the Vale of Kashmir,are now presented for the first time in English, without footnotesand glossaries, simplyas stories. One of thegreat books of theworld, akin to TheArabian Night s andAesop's Fables, ThePanchatantra has theglamorous atmosphereof the one and the wisdorn of the other. Thetales have been translated from the Sanskritby Arthur W. Ryder ; this is, in f act, one ofthe most important pieces of translationthat has been made in the history of Sanskrit studies.Epigrammatic, philosophical, witty, andwise, these racy tales and shrewd bits ofverse take on new life in Arthur Ryder'stranslation. What Sir Richard Burton didfor The Arabian Nights, Ryder has donefor The Panchatantra. In his translationthe full orientai flavor has been retained ;the translator has carried over complete into English the spirit and form of the originai, rendering into English prose and versethe rare beauty of this Eastern masterpiece.As pure narrative, these tales are charm-ing, and even better than the tales are theverses with their mellow philosophy, wit,and captivating rhythm :Arthur W. Ryder GiftPerplexities Can BeHappily Solved WithBooksFictionEssaysPoetryTravelBiographyGift EditionsChildren's BooksStationeryWhether gayly lined en-velopes with deckle-edgedsheets, heavy linen orcrisp organdie is desired,it will be found in ourselection.Roycroft WareBowlsVasesBook EndsDesk SetsWill be an attrac-tive addition toany room.And of courseGREETING 'CARDSA host of them, of an assort-ment wide enough to suit everytaste and each one brimmingwith the Christmas Spirit.Simplify your Xmas Shopping byvisiting or mailing an order to theUniversity of Chicago Book Store5802 Ellis Ave.Chicago9o THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"For men of sense, good poetryAnd science will suffice :The time of dunderheads is spentIn squabbling, sleep, and vice."The Panchatantra is the artistic repre-sentation of a view of life, shrewd, tolerant,and f ree of ali sentimentality ; a view thatpierces the humbug of every false ideal, re-vealing with incomparable wit the sourcesof lasting gratification. These sophisti-cated and worldly wise tales have but onepurpose, which has been brought out forthe first time in Arthur Ryder's translation— to teach men how to attain true happi-ness. The translation opens to the modemoccidental reader a magic Eastern realm inwhich imagination and wit hold full sway.According to the legendary explanation ofThe Panchatantra' s origin, this is how ithappened :"In a city called Maiden's Delight, liveda king named Immortal-Power. He hadthree sons, and they were supreme block-heads. So the king summoned a wiseBrahman, one Vishnusharman, and said 'Holy Sir, as a favor to me you must makethese princes incomparable masters of theart of practical life.'"And Vishnusharman answered, 'If I donot in six months' time make the boysacquainted with the art of intelligent living, I will give up my name.' Then he tookthe princes home, made them learn the fivebooks which he had composed, and in sixmonths the boys answered the prescrip-tion. Since that day this work on the artof intelligent living, The Panchatantra, hastraveled the world. . .It is a matter of historical fact, however,that these tales originated in India andwere told by Buddhist monks nearly twothousand years ago. In the sixth centurythey were translated into Pehlevi byBarzuyeh, the physician of Nushirvan,King of Persia. In the middle of the eighthcentury, they reached Bagdad in the Kali-lah and Dimnah of Abdullah ibn Almo-kaffa, later foully murdered by the greatKhalif Almansur, just before the reign ofHaroun al Raschid of The Arabian Nightsfame.This question is easily answered atWoodworth's where you may choosefrom the latest books in standardand fine bindings; distinctivestationery; fountain pens andwriting equipment; book endsand other gift items hearing the Uof C. Coat of Arms ; as well as largeand portable typewriters of alimakes.New Books at M to K> Publishers Price.Our latest catalog of Book Bargainsincluding a special supplement ofChildren's Books — mailed free onrequest.Woodworth's Book Store1309 E. 57th St., ChicagoBOOK REVIEWS 91From the Kalilah and Dimnah the taleswere variously translated into Greek, Latin, Hebrew, German, French, and ulti-mately into the language of practicallyevery European country from Iceland toItaly, from Spain to Constantinople. Asseparate folk-tales, they become widelyknown throughout Europe. La Fontainerelied upon them extensively as a sourcefor his fables.Curiously enough, however, The Panchatantra as an entity was never in ali thesecenturies put into adequate English formmerely for its intrinsic value. It is truethat there were scholarly texts : but in thesethe wonderful charm of the tales simply astales was obscured.And now Arthur Ryder, working from atext written about 11 99 A. D., has broughtto American readers the complete collection of tales in a translation that preservesthe originai beauty of these stories andverses which represented the first, mostimportant lessons of wordly wisdom to thepeople of the lonely little villages of Indiacenturies ago. The quintessence of The Panchatantra —its wisdom and its charm — is represented inGold's Gloom, a smaller volume of talesfrom the larger collection which are thehigh points in its search for what consti-tutes true happiness. In essence, the talesoffer this philosophy: granted security andfreedom from degrading worry, then happiness results from three occupations — fromresolute yet circumspect use of the activepowers ; from intercourse with like-mindedfriends ; and above ali from worthy exerciseof the intelligence :"There is no toyCalled easy JoyBut man must strainTo body's pain."This, however, is a philosophic under-current which need not even be taken intoaccount for the enjoyment of the tales; theyare unexcelled in world-literature simplyas tales. Younger readers will find inGold's Gloom the stories that they will likebest of ali The Panchatantra tales.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^¦^^.^¦^j^,<lA Qhristtnas ThoughtRobert Louis Stevenson, in attractive green library binding, with decorative end papers, two-color title-page — the most complete, the onlycomplete, edition ever offered at a popular price. This edition is known asThe South Seas edition of 0^STEVENSON I )QO^ any volumeTake any title — or ali. Choose several voi- letters, there is a Christmas suggestion forumes to make up one gift. In the variety of ali who enjoy good reading. You can buy anyStevenson's work — his stories of adventure or ali of the Stevenson titles for 90 centsand romance, poems, plays, and personal each. Complete in 32 volumes, only $28.80.zAt any place where books are soldCharles Scribner's Sons • Fifth Avenue • New YorkP.S. These books meet every scholarly or criticai requirement. They are definitive intext. They contain much new material. They have bibliographical notes, Mrs. Stevenson's prefaces, and special introductions by Lloyd Osbourne, Stevenson's stepson.OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBSAmes, Ia. See, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (GeorgiaClub). Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. See, Lois Whitney,Goucher College.Boise Valley, Idaho. See, Mrs. J. P.Pope, 702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). See, PearlMcCoy, 70 Chase St., Newton Center,Mass.Bowling Green, Ky. Pres., Ella Jeffries,West, Ky. State Teachers College.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). See,E. Grace Rait, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See, L. R. Abbott,113 First Ave. West.Charleston, III. See, Miss BiancheThomas, Eastern Illinois State TeachersCollege.Chicago Alumnae Club. See, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. See, RodericlcMacPherson, 105 So. La Salle St.Cincinnati, O. See, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. See, Erna B. Hahn, 1925East iÓ5th St.Columbus, O. See, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Connecticut. See, Florence McCormick,Conn. Agr. Exp. Station, New Haven.Dallas, Tex. See, Rachel Foote, 725 Ex-position Ave.Dayton, Ohio. See, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). See, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, Ia. See, Ida T. Jacobs, The-odore Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. See, Mrs. Emma N. Sea-ton, 12162 Cherrylawn Ave.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. See, Mrs. FloydMcNaughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. See, Charles E.Hedrick, Marshall College. Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, FirstJudicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. See, Mary E. Mc-Pheeters, 52 N. Audubon Rd.Iowa City, Ia. See, E. W. Hills, StateUniversity of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. See, James B. Fleu-gel, Peck Building.Kansas City, Mo. See, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. See, Arthur E. Mitch-ell, 415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).See, Ruth M. Cowan, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. See, Earl U. Manchester, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. See, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton, Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cal. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cal. (So. Cal. Club). See,Mrs. Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg.Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 1483 So.4th St.Manhattan, Kas. See, Mrs. E. M. C.Lynch, Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. See, Miss ElizabethWilliford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. See, Karl A. Hauser,425 E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (TwinCities Club). See, Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. See, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. See, Miss Gertrude Gill, Central Michigan NormalSchool.New Orleans, La. See, Mrs. Erna Schnei-der, 4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). See,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. 14A St.New York Alumnae Club. See, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). See, JulietteGriffin, Central High School.Peoria, III. See, Anna J. LeFevre, Brad-Iey Polytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. See, Renslow P. Sherer,20 So. i5th St.Pittsburg, Kansas. See, Dr. F. HaroldRush.92Officers of The University of Chicago Alumni Clubs — ContinuedPittsburgh, Pa. See, Rheinhardt Thies-sen, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. See, Jessie M. Short,Reed College.St. Louis, Mo. See, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. See, Hugo B.Anderson, 1021 Kearns BIdg.San Antonio, Tex. See, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub). See, L. W. Alien, 714 HobartBIdg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska BIdg.Sioux City, Ia. See, C. M. Corbett, 600Security Bank BIdg.South Dakota. See, Anna Fastenaw,Principal, Emerson School, Sioux Falls,S. D.Springfield, III. See, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank BIdg.Terre Haute, Ind. See, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. See, Miss Myra H. Han-son, Belvidere Apts.'93. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, io S. La Salle St.'97. Stacy Mosser, 29 S. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744Kimbark Ave.'or. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 11 64 E. 54r.l1PI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life BIdg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago. Topeka, Kan. See, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Isìandand Moline, 111.). See, Bernice LeClaire, c/o Lend-A-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., James G. Brown,University of Arizona.Urbana, III. See, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Springfield,Vt.Washington, D. C. See, Mrs. Jessie Nelson Barber, The Kenesaw, i6th & IrvingSt., N. W.West Suburban Alumnae (Brandi ofChicago Alumnae Club). Clarissa Schuyler, Oak Park High School.Wichita, Kan. Pres., A. F. Styles, Kansas State Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, PhilippineHerald.Shanghai, China. See, Mrs. EleanorWhipple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Mar-quette Rd.'io. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.'il. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Elizabeth A. Keenan, 739 W. 54thPlace.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E.56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202Woodlawn Ave.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Elizabeth Williford, Memphis, Tenn.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. EgiI Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Julia Rhodus, 5535 Kenwood Ave.'25. Mrs. Ruth Stagg Lauren, 5539 Kenwood Ave.CLASS SECRETARIES93br inUH NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION NOTES'05 — Clara H. Taylor, who teaches at Engle-wood High School, Chicago, was elected president of the Illinois State Association ofTeachers of Journalism at a meeting at Urbana,last month.'06 — Judge Hugo M. Friend, J.D. '08, of theCircuit Court of Cook County, has been electedby his judicial colleagues to the post of ChiefJustice of that court; he became Chief Justiceat the September term.'12 — Neil C. Henry, S.M. '15, formerly secretary and then president of our ClevelandAlumni Club, and head of the Alumni Campaignin Cleveland, was recently made Secretary ofthe Cleveland Teachers Federation.'13 — W. B. Bizzell is President of the University of Oklahoma, at Norman, Okla.'17 — Emma W. Bock is Chicago manager ofthe Tours Department of the Burlington Railroad.'22 — Dorothy V. Sugden is teaching Frenchand Latin in the Edgewood School, Greenwich,Conn. '23 — Charles H. Pishny is engaged in Petroeum Economics and Geological Scouting wilMarland Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla.'23 — Ruth Agnes Waits is secretary to the di;trict Sales Manager of David Lupton's Sons CeSteger BIdg., Chicago.'24 — "Bill" Zorn is head coach at Waite HigSchool, Toledo, Ohio, and Director of AthleticLast year Waite was national high school charrpion.'24 — Catherine F. Margan, A.M., is Dean egirls and Chemistry teacher in Janesville HigSchool, Janesville, Wis.'24 — Jessica Bartlett is teacher of history inprivate school in Miami, Florida.'24 — Monroe B. Felsenthal is City Sales Adveitising representative for G. Felsenthal & Sons1407 Hudson Avenue, Chicago, Manufacturers 0Celluloid advertising specialties and signs.'25 — Esther McCoy is teaching commercial aniEnglish work at the Detroit High School of Commerce.'25 — Bessie McCoy, A.M., is English teacher aNorthern High School, Detroit, Mich.m^z^^z^t&j&mg^^m^,VA" Warning to MotoristsDon't Start Your Engine UNLESSQarage Windows or Doors are openAli gasoline engines, when operating, generateCARBON MONOXIDE GAS. This gas is aninsidious and fatai poison. It is invisibile, odorless,tasteless and non-irritant. A small quantity, breathedinto the lungs, means almost immediate death.Fresh air only will avert this danger— fresh airthrough open doors and open Windows.Be warned yourself— and warn othersagainst this dangerfrom CARBONMONOXIDE GAS. V^fi>%fri§mmsmsjtm^m&cmgE&smmm94THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 95Appropriate Holiday Giftsof Distinction and MeritSilk Square Mufflers Genuine Pigskin Glovesin unusual color effects — regimentaland club stripes, figure and patterndesigns. Unusual quality of silk andgenerous in size. Smart essentialsto any complete wardrobe.$4 Choice imported leather — handsewn with harness stitching — wash-able and durable — thoroughly smart,mannish and serviceable.$5Hand- Tailored Neckwearof Imported SilksDistinctive in pattern and design and scientific-ally constructed to insure durability and per-fection of drape.' $3Others at $1.50 to $4Mail orders from the Alumni given special attentionBROWNING, KING & CO.Established 103 years. Two convenient StoresPersonal Management Edwin E. Parry, '0612 W. Washington St.Chicago 525 Davis St.Evanston96 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe FirstNational Bankof ChicagoAND ITSAFFILIATED INSTITUTION, THEFirst Trustand Savings Bankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfac-tory financial serviceinCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand certificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is ownedby the same stockholdersCombined resources exceed$3 50,000,000DEARBORN,MONROE AND CLARK STREETSCHICAGO »•»¦»•;« Doctors of Philosophy »3 ALUMNI NOTES ìDEPARTMENT OF GREEK1903 — Geneva Misener is now full Professorof Greek at the University of Alberta,Edmonton, Canada.1904 — Roy Caston Flickinger has been calledfrom Northwestern University to the headshipof the department of Classics in the Universityof Iowa.David Moore Robinson, Professor of ClassicalArchaeology in Johns Hopkins University, hascontributed a volume on Sappho to the series"Our Debt to Greece and Rome" of which he isone of the editors. In collaboration with Dr.Marion Mills Miller he has published a hand-some edition of the Songs of Sappho.LaRue Van Hook, Professor of ClassicalPhilology in Columbia University, is the authorof a volume entitled Greek Life and Thought.1911 — George Miller Calhoun, Associate Professor of Greek in the University of California,will give courses in the public orations ofDemosthenes and in Homer's Iliad at the University of Chicago in the summer quarter, 1926.1916 — Eliza Gregory Wilkins, Assistant Professor of Classics in the University of Colorado,spent last academic year studying at HarvardUniversity. She is publishing the results of herwork in a series of articles on Greek proverbs.1921 — Gertrude Elizabeth Smith has beenpromoted to an assistant professorship in thedepartment of Greek at the University ofChicago.1923 — Alfred Paul Dorjahn has been calledfrom Washington University to an instructor-ship in Greek in the University of Chicago.1924 — Hermann Lloyd Tracy has been promoted to an associate professorship in Classicsin the University of Manitoba.DEPARTMENT OF LATINF. W. Shipley, Ph.D. 1901, received honorarydegrees from the University of Toronto andfrom the University of Colorado last June.Tenney Frank, Ph.D. 1903, has returned froma year's absence in the American School ofClassical Studies at Rome to his work at JohnsHopkins University.B. L. Ullman, Ph.D. 1908, is absent this yearas annual director of the American School ofClassical Studies at Rome. He has resigned hisprofessorship at the University of Iowa andaccepted a cali to the University of Chicago,where he will begin work October ist, 1926.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChesterfield's popularìtyis securely founded onthe bed rock of qualitySUCH - POPULAMTY * MUST - BE * DESEKVEDLIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO Co.98 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.FORTY-FIRST year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excellentpositions in hundreds of Colleges, Uni-versities, Normal Schools, High Schools andPrivate Schools, who were happily locatedby The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in the frontrank of placement bureaus. It is unquestion-ably the largest and best known Agency.Forty-eight per cent of positions filled by usare in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal and effec-tive. Our clients stay with us — come to usevery year. They appreciate good service.Graduates and students of the University ofChicago are always welcome in our office.If not near enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We are here tohelp you get well located.We have busy offices inNEWYORK,DENVERAND SPOKANE& Cijrtètmag iimggesttonNavajoIndian RugsHand Made of Pure Wool byWomen of Navajo Tribe. Dur-able, Distinctive, DecorativeFor living rooms, dens, lodgesReversible, no two alikePRICES3by5 ft. . . .£15 to £204 by 7 ft. . . . 25 to 355 by 8 ft. . . .40 to 50Sent Postage Prepaid AnywhereReturn if not SatisfactoryOrder direct fromEVON Z. VOGT, ex-06VOGT RANCHRAMAH VIA GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Miss Bianche Brotherton, Ph.D. 1921, haibeen promoted to an associate professorship oiClassics in Mt. Holyoke College.F. Russell Hamblin, Ph.D. 1922, has beercalled from Colorado College to an assistamprofessorship of Classics in the University oiVermont.Mrs. Dorothea Clinton Woodworth, Ph.D.1924, has accepted an instructorship in Latinat Willamette College, Salem, Oregon.»'»¦!)¦8-»¦8'LAWALUMNI NOTES¦<i•'!•3•3•3¦3•3•3¦a ' ' — »¦X«BBBBB«BMB»MBBBBBMBBMMB»«»BBXFrank T. Northrop, J.D. '12, is County Attorneyof Pottawattamie County, Iowa, with his office atCouncil Bluffs.Gordon M. Lawson, '15, is a member of thefirm of Kelby & Lawson with offices in the StoryBuilding at Los Angeles, California.Yorick D. Mathes, LL.B. '17, is a member ofthe firm of Baker, Botts, Parker & Garwood withoffices in the Commercial Bank Building at Houston, Texas. Raymond E. Draper, J.D. '22, is as-sociated with the same firm at its Kansas Cityoffice in the R. A. Long Building.Henry Moran, Paul M. O'DonnelI, '08, J.D.'09, and Charles W. Paltzer, '06, J.D. '09, an-nounce that the firm of Moran, Paltzer & O'DonnelI was dissolved by mutuai consent on July i,1925. Ali of the persons named will continue topractice law individuali}' at the same address.Paul H. Hanson, '22, J.D. '24, will continue tobe associated with them.Deloss P. Shull, '11, J.D. '12, Henry C. Shull,'14, J.D. '16, and Sylvester F. Wadden, J.D. '16,are members of the firm of Shull, Stilwell, Shull& Wadden in the Davidson Building at SiouxCity, Iowa.•3¦ l¦l¦iì¦il»!¦3•3•'<•3 . Jì Jb Jb ij Ì3 à » Ji à À ài à à et £*AC. and A.ALUMNI NOTES*5)M^M^(*MMMyM(.^MM(,aByBBBB^'21 — Leverett S. Lyon, Ph. D., has gone to theRobert Brookings Graduate School of Economicsand Government, Washington, D. C, to continue his teaching in that institution.'21 — Marion Stein, Ph. B., and sister havegone to Miami, Florida, where they expect toenter the real estate business.'22— Edna Clark, A. M., is with the Bureauof Home Economics, Washington, D. C, whereNEWS OF THE CLASSES 99she will supervise some of the surveys madeby that department.'22 — Richard N. Owens, A. M., has left Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, to beAssociate Professor at Emory University,Georgia.'22 — Frank Anderson, Ph. B., has recentlybeen made managing partner of the HamiltonBond and Mortgage Company, Chicago.'22 Harold Goebel, Ph. B., who has been inMiami, Florida, in the real estate business forthe last eight months is planning to return toChicago some time during this month.'23 — Arthur Goldberg, Ph. B., returned toChicago during the summer and is now engagedin public accounting work.'23 — Bert I. Hindmarsh, Ph. B., is AssistantSales Manager of one of the Divisions of Birdand Son, Chicago.'23 — Clyde Rogers, Ph. B., has recently ac-cepted a position in the Sales Department ofYawman and Erbe Manufacturing Company,Chicago.'25 — James W. Cooksey, Ph. B., is now in theAccounting Department of the Illinois BellTelephone Company, Chicago.'25 — E. J. Kunst, Ph.B., began working inthe Personnel Department of the Real SilkHosiery Mills, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, sometime during the month of August.UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEThe downtown departmentof The University ofChicago, 116 S. MichiganAvenue, wishes the Alumniof the University and theirfriends to know that it nowoffers rEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 4Spring Quarter begins March 2QFor Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Deanj University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Come and see for yourselfthe distinctive appearanceof theTaylor TrunksYour protection, whenbuying Luggage, is as-sured when that LuggageisTaylor-MadeBrief Cases, Hand Bags,and Gifts of Leather atmoderate prices.<z/au/&Cò28 E.^RANDOLPHST.NEW YORK . EST. 1859 CHICAGOCHICAGO ALUMNI —have a unique chance forService and Loyalty. Teliyour ambitious friends whocan not attend classes aboutthe 450which your Alma Mater offers. Throughthem she is reaching thousands in ali partsof the country and in distant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(box s) - chicago, illinoisIOO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELargest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management — Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. For manyyears a leader. Recently doubled its spaceto meet increasing demands.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., Chicago.1256 Amsterdam Ave., New York.A professional teacher placement bureaulirniting its field to colleges and universitiesand operating on a cost basis.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCYSouthern Building, Washington.Affiliated offices in several cities.EDUCATION SERVICE811-823 Steger BIdg., Chicago.Public school work including teaching andadministrative positions; also, positions forcollege graduates outside of the teachingfield. A general educational informationbureau and a clearing house for schoolsand teachers.«10059Opens a ICheckingAccountA friendly institutionwhere the spirit isdemocratic and it isa pleasure to do business.UNIVERSITYSTATE BANKA Clearing House Bank1354 E. 55th St., Cor. Ridgewood 8'»•»¦8'»•»•8'EDUCATIONALUMNI NOTES•3•s•3•3•8•a•3•(5•3 — " 8-'16— Charles O. Todd, A.M., has been Professor of Education at the State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, Iowa, since 1922.'20 — Everett A. Hidey, Ph.B., has been madeDirector of Vocational Counseling in the PublicSchools of St. Louis, Missouri.'21 — Clarence R. Stone, A.M., has publishedwith Houghton Mifflin Co. Book Two and BookThree of Stone's Silent Reading'22 — Grace E. Morse, Ph.B., is teaching English in the Harrison Technical High School ofChicago.'23 — Alegra Nesbit, Ph.B., is teacher of socialscience in the Franklin School, Gary, Indiana.'24 — Archibald Lauder, Ph.B., is a memberof the faculty of Lake View High School,Chicago. He teaches geography and civics.'24 — Catherine F. Morgan, A.M., has beenmade Dean of Girls in the High School at Janesville, Wisconsin.'24 — Bertha C. Nelson, Ph.B., is giving homeeconomics work in the Faulkner School, Chicago,111.'24 — Edward F. Potthoff, A.M., is Instructorin Education at the University of Illinois,Urbana, 111.'24 — Pearl E. Yost, Ph.B., is giving courses inhistory and English in the Township HighSchool, Olney, Illinois.'25 — Alexander Monto, A.M., S.B. '21, isteacher of botany in South High School, GrandRapids, Mich.DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICSThe Department of Home Economics hasadded a new member to its staff. Miss HazelKyrk, formerly Professor of Home Economics,Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, is now Associate Professor of Home Economics at the University of Chicago. Miss Kyrk received herdoctorate in Politicai Economy at the Universityof Chicago in 1920. She has always been inter-ested in the economics of consumption and theeconomie problems of the household.Miss Florence Imlay who did graduate workin the Department of Home Economics last yearis now director of the University Co-operativeNursery School. There are forty-five childrenregistered this quarter. Miss Lydia Robertsagain has charge of the nutritional aspeets ofthe nursery. A limited number of Universitystudents have been permitted to register for ob-servation of nursery school methods under MissRoberts' direction.NEWS OF THE CLASSES IOIMiss Elizabeth Vilas, '22, who was with theDr. Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland last yearhas returned to the University to take up workin the Medicai School.Miss Lita Bane, A.M. '19, formerly ExecutiveSecretary of the American Home EconomicsAssociation and present holder of the Ellen H.Richards Fellowship of the American HomeEconomics Association is doing graduate workin the Department of Home Economics. She alsoholds a University of Chicago Fellowship.Some of the positions now held by formerstudents of the Department are as follows:Marietta Eichelberger, Ph.D. '25, is Directorof Nutrition for the Central Division of theAmerican Red Cross with Headquarters at St.Louis, Mo.Margaret Chaney, '14, Ph.D. '25, Departmentof Home Economics, University of Minnesota, St.Paul, Minn.Rebecca Sholley, M.S. '25, Department ofHome Economics, University of Missouri.Rama Bennett, A.M. '25, Department of HomeEconomics, University of Colorado, Boulder,Colorado.Frances Starin, S.M. '24, Department of HomeEconomics, Colorado State Agricultural College,Ft. Collins, Colorado.Wilkie Leggett Hines, A.M. in HouseholdAdministration '22, Director of Research inHome Management under the Purnell Act atRhode Island State College, Kingston, R. I.SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIONMiss Marie Bell, M.A. 1922, formerly withthe Juvenile Court of Cook County, has beencalled to Philadelphia to assist in a survey ofthe probation work of the Philadelphia JuvenileCourt. Her headquarters will be at 311 SouthJuniper Street.Miss Frances Ellis, M.A. September 1925, hasaccepted a position with the Children's Bureauof Philadelphia.Miss Henrietta Rogers, a graduate assistant,during the winter and spring quarters, 1925, isemployed by Greenwich House, New York City,as Director of the Women's department in thatsettlement.Mr. Thomas Hoben Robinson, M.A. 1925, hasbeen appointed Rhodes Scholar from Canadaand he has already begun his work at OxfordUniversity,Miss Estelle Geismar, Ph. B. 1925, has accepted a position with the Jewish Home FindingSociety of Chicago.Miss Gladys Hall, Ph.B. September 1925, hasbeen appointed by the Board of Education ofPortland, Oregon, to the position of visitingteacher in the public schools of that city.Mr. J. Samuel Perry, M.A., September 1925,is continuing his work in the University thisyear as a student in the Law School. \To men who are"looking around"His first year out of college, the man who has nottrained for a special callingis usually attraeteci by thefirst job that yields an income. But once he beginsto feel at home in business,he frequently looks aroundfor something better — morestable returns, perhaps, moreresponsibility, a strongerhold on his interest.There is something better in this oldest Americanfire and marine insurancecompany, whose organization extends around theworld.This refers, not to oppor-tunities for selling insurance, but to departmentalpositions in the home andbranch offices.Any North America office,including the branch officein Chicago, will welcomeinquiries. Or writeInsurance Company ofNorth AmericaSixteenth Street at the ParkwayPHILADELPHIA *!£102 THE UNIVERSITY OFTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1006Paul Yates, Manager6l6-620 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOOther Office; 011-12 Broadzoay BuildingPortland, OregonMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates givenquarterlyBulletin on RequestPaul Moser, J. D., Ph.B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoPaul H. Davis, 'n Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W.-Davis, '16Paal RDavis & <9<xMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE39 South LaSalle StreetTelephone State 6860CHICAGOJohn A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY231 S. La Salle St. State 3400CURTIS FlTZHUGH Lee, M.A. (ED.) '19The Clark TeachersAgency5024 Jenkins Arcade Pittsburgh, Pa.Our Field: Penna., ÌV . Va., Ohio CHICAGO MAGAZINE•3 : . ,¦aI MARRIAGES| ENGAGEMENTS2 BIRTHS, DEATHS•3 '•3•3 MARRIAGESRuth J. Browne, '21, A.M. '22, to Kenneth ^MacFarland, '23, May 2, 1925. At home, 163Chase Avenue, Chicago.Frederic Taylor Gurney, '21, to Henrietta /Pritchard, September 16, 1925. At home, 112East 56A St., Chicago.E. Hastings Moore, '21, to Ruth Easley, Jun28, 1925. At home, Shawnee, Oklahoma.Martha J. McCoy, '21, to Emory H. WrightJune 20, 1925. At home, Carlton Hotel, KansaCity, Missouri.Herbert W. Hansen, '22, A.M. '23, D.B. '24to Louise C. Clark, August 12, 1924. At home300 Brunson Avenue, Benton Harbor, MichiganMarion L. Lydon, '22, to Aaron Colnon, Apri!25, 1925. At home, 6838 South Shore DriveChicago.Richard J. Walther, ex '22, to Erma Brautigam,September 2, 1925. At home, 7439 Paxton Avenue, Chicago.L. Meredith Ackley, '23, to Marion Léonard,August, 1925. At home, 2520 E. 77th Street,Chicago.Cari P. Fales, '23, to Constance Hunter, September 24, 1925. At home, 6618 Parnell Avenue,Chicago.Ethel M. Henderson, '23, to Merwin M. Peake,June 25, 1925. At home, New York City.Max R. McClure, ex '23, to Alice R. Wills,June 23, 1925. At home, Muehlebach Hotel,Kansas City, Missouri.Emilyn Anderson, '24, to Rodney Roberts, December 30, 1924. At home, Maxwell, Nebraska.Lida S. McCarty, A.M. '24, to Ellis H. Ed-wards, M.D. '25, June 8, 1925.C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual LifeInsurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Raymond J. Daly, '12Investment SecuritieswithFederai. Securities CorporationChicagoState 1 4 1 4THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 103Not so simple as it looksYour telephone is made up of 201 parts,every one of which had to be planned, pro-duced and assembled with an unusual degreeof accuracy.Such multiplicity of detail is unavoidable inthe work of manufacturing telephone appara-tus. The number of separate parts enteringinto ali these products is 110,000; the number of separate parts in a certain well-known automobile is 3,000.To see that each of these many parts fitsinto its proper place calls for Constant watch-fulness and skill in the men and women whoselifework it is. This ability is just one of thethings Western Electric has developed in fifty-five years of experience.SINCE 1869 MAKERS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESWIFTMEAT animals supply manycom-modities besides meat.Wool is oneof the most important of the by-products.Millions of pounds are prepared formarket annually by Swift & Company.Perhaps you have never associateci fleecy white blanketsand fine woolen textiles withSwift & Company.Wool is one of thè important by-products of the meat business.Sheep and lambs come to marketwith the wool on. The wool is pulledfrom the pelts, without injuring thefibres. "Pulled wool" is an importantpart of the nation's wool supply.The sheep-skins are sold to tan-ners, who make leather that goesinto shoe linings, coats, novelties,book bindings, etc.The mostefficient preparation andgrading of these by-products canbe achieved only by a large-scale, specialized organization, likeSwift & Company, and means alower "spread" between live animaiprices and meat prices.Swift & CompanyFoundcd 1868Owned by more than 47,000 shareholders Miriam P. Wardlaw, '24, to Robert Orr. Alhome, Como, Mississippi.Harrison E. Barnes, '25, to Mildred E. Cherry,August 15, 1925. At home, Fayetteville, Arkansas.'Harry Thomas, ex '25, to Florence Thompson,September 5, 1925. At home, Chicago, III.To Mr. and Mrs. John Hoinville (Helen Spens-ley), '23, a daughter, Jean, July 8, 1925, atGalien, Michigan.To Arthur Cody, '24, and Mrs. Cody (Margaret A. Monilaw), '24, a daughter, MargeryAnne, September 1, 1925, at Chicago.To Chester M. Coulter, '24, and Mrs. Coulter,a son, Frederic Kennedy, March 3, 1925, at Chicago.To Maurice H. Krout, A.M. '25, and Mrs.Krout, a daughter, Johanna, August 8, 1925, atChicago.DEATHS'15 — Edwin Daniel Leman, Ph.D., June 7, 1925,in East Orange, N. J. He was chief chemist ofthe United States Radium Corporation, locatedin Orange, New Jersey.'17— George F. Sutherland, Ph.D., MD. '19,August 16, 1925, at the Presbyterian Hospital,Chicago. Dr. Sutherland was a member of thefaculty of Rush Medicai College.'20 — Mrs. Harry Jay (Mary Brent Hale), June8, 1925, in Chicago.Ex-'2o — Esther Viola Leamer, Sept. 13, 1925,at Sioux City, Iowa.'21 — B. Lee Brink, August 28, 1925, at hishome, 1404 E. 57th St.,'22 — Mrs. James I. Dolliver (Margaret Elizabeth Morgan), Oct. 9, 1925, at Fort Dodge, Iowa.Helen Culver, at her home in Lake Forest,August 19, 1925. Miss Culver established andendowed the Hull Court Laboratories at theUniversity of Chicago.Broadcast HealthFight Tubèirulosis- J)Faultless Accommodations for Manand Motor at Fìxed Prices/DIK.E taverna of old, where accommodations were pro-C?*m* vided for man and horse, today Hotel La Salle pro-vides luxurious fixed price service for you — and your motor.Just around the corner from this luxurious hotel is the HotelLa Salle Garage — the largest and finest in the city. Anyservice is available night or day, at fixed prices. One thou-sand cars can be accommodated.Ali roads lead to Hotel La Salle. Register here with fullassurance of a hearty welcome — efficient service to yourmotor and luxurious accommodations for yourselt and party. La Salle at MadisonChicago^ HiìiiLhern::st j. stevknsPresidentggss^Rates for RoomsNumber Price per Dayof Rooms i Perso?! 2 Pei sons73 $M° #4-°°129 3-°o 4-5°VA 33 4-°° 5-5°141 4.00 6.0078 4.50 6.50268 5.00 7.00146 6.00 8.00158 7.00 9.001026 guest roomsFixed-Price MealsBreakfast, 50C and 70CLuncheon - - 8^cDinner - gì. 25Sunday Dinner, 1.50A la carte service atsensihle pricesCHICAGO'S FINEST HOTELFiner Hatsfor WomenUpon the new Women s MezzanineNever has such material beenfound in women's headware.Never such fine workmanship.And coupled with this newquality is style service, fromParis itself, that is availablenowhere else in America, evenin New York.Everything you have soughtin hats is here — richness offabric, color such as can be pro-duced only in such elegant materiate, obviously superior workmanship — and in ali headsizes, with an especially fineassortment of the larger sizes,even in the most youthfulmodels.We want you to see and inspectthe most magnificent exhibitof women's sport and town hatsever presented any where in theworld.