Ohe Qnibeisity efChicago OkpiincPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI G)IINCIL ,->i'//iw«r.u July, 1925 Ti Volume XVII. No. 9 .il fi"The office, hot today"Monday;the Sixth Just received a fine photograph of "The Making ofGood Books," a windów display we recently preparedfor a downtown bank * * * * In it we showed howwe manufacture the hundreds of volumes that go outevery year from 5750 Ellis Avenue * * * * Hope alithose who were interested in this window will visitour plant and see for themselves just how we makebooks out of paper, ink, cloth and glue * * * *My work of forecasting for Fall is proving unusuallyinteresting this year * * * * Looks like a list withmany "high spots" * * * * Edgar J. Goodspeed willfollow his "American Translation of the New Testa-ment" and "The Making of the English New Testa-ment" with a volume of essays, "Things Seen andHeard" * * * * John A. Powell has written "How toWrite Business Letters," that should be valuable toali who ljked our eighth edition of "A Manual ofStyle" * * * * George T. Northup is reading the finalproofs of his eagerly awaited "An Introduction toSpanish Literature," and Charles E. Merriam is aboutto add "New Aspects of Politics" to his list ofworks * * * *And of course there is the engrossing volume of talesfrom "The Panchatantra," the famous Sanskrit "FiveBooks," that were written about 200 B. C. inKashmir and are now translated by Arthur W. Ryder* * * * It is not hard work at ali to read advanceproofs of stories that begin with verses as intriguingasOne who thinks of dice as death,Wine as poison-stings,Others' wives as statues, heIs beloved of kings.What the advertising manager of theUniversity of Chicago Press mighthave written in his diary if he had oneW$t Hmbertfttp of Chicago i!aga?meVOL. XVII fflK» NO. 9JULY, 1925Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07EDITORIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association Donald P. Bean, '17;Divinity Association C. T. Holman, D.B., '16; Doctors' Association Henry C. Cowles,Ph.D., '98 ; Law Association Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15 ; School of Education Association Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association Morris Fishbein, '11, M.D., '12.Frontispiece : A Corner in Harper CourtEvents and Comment 345The Alumni Campaign 347Alumni Affairs (Some Reunion Events) 350Photography of Atomic Collisions (Professor Harkins) 352Appreciation of Late Professor Salisbury (Addine Vaile, '24) 356News of the Quadrangles 358Athletics 359The Letter Box 360University Notes 362The University and Its Foreign Students (B. W. Dickson, '16) 364Rush Medicai College (Reunion Events) 366Law School (Reunion Events) 368School of Education Home Economics 369News of the Classes and Associations 370IVIarriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 380The Magazine is published monthly from No- made payable to the Alumni Council and shouldvember to July, inclusive, by The Alunmi be in the Chicago or New York exchange,Council of The Univers'ity of Chicago, 58th St. postai or express money order. If locai check isand Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription used, 10 cents must be added for collection.price is $2.00 per year; the price of single flQaims for missing numbers should be madecopies is 20 cents. flPostage is prepa'id by the wìthin the month following the regular monthpublishers on ali orders from_ the United 0f publication. The publishers expect to sup-States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama piy missing numbers free only when they haveCanal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Deen iost ;n transit.Islands, Philippme Islands, Guam, Samoan An correspondence should be addressed toIslands. flPostage is charged extra as tol- The A]umni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange,lows : For Canada, 18 cents on annual sub- The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.scriptions (total $2.18) on single copies ,2 a$ ^mà ^ December 10,cents_ (total 22 cents) ; for ali other coun J Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, un-tnes in the Postai Umon 27 cen ts on annual March 3 18nsubscnptions (total $2.27), on single copies, <_3 cents (total 23 cents). ffRemittances should be ffMember of Alumni Magazines Associated.3413-t2 The University of Chicago MagazineThe Alumni Council?/The University of ChicagoChainuaii, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D., '09.Sccrctary-Trcasurcr, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1025-26 is composed of the following delegatesiFront the College Alumni Association, Terni expires 1926: Elizabeth Faulkiier, 's.j ; HerbertI. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. Charles F. Grimes,'17 ; Robert M. Cole, '22 ; Term expires 1027 : Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01 ; FrankMcNair, '03; Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A. Goes, '08;Lillian Richards, '19 ; Term expires 1928 : John P. Mentzer, '98 ; Clarence W. Sills,ex-'05 ; Hugo M. Friend, '06, J. D. '08 ; Harold H. Swift, '07 ; Mrs. Phyllis Fay Hor-ton, '15; Barbara Miller, '18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert L. Willett, Ph.D., '96 ; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph.D., '98; Mrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D., '21; Clarence E. Parmenter, '10,Ph.D., 21.From the Dh'initv Ahi nini Association, E. T. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; Guy C. Crippen,'07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12 ; A. G. Bakèr, Ph D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Associatimi, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J. D., 'OS; Charles F. Mc-Elroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15 ; Francis L. Boutell, J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, '09, A. M., '13;Btitler Laughlin, Ex. '22; William C. Reavis, A. M., '11.From the Commerce and Adniinistration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weaklv, '1-1; DonaldP. Bean, '17; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medicai College Alumni Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D., '03; GeorgeH. Coleman, '11, M. D '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '17, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, William H. Lyman, '14; Sam A. Rothermel, '17; RoderickMacPherson, ex-'16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Grace A. Coulter, '99; Eleanor J. Atkins, '20; MarionStein, '21.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99."Qv -nì- "OAiutimi Associations Rcpresented in the Alluniti CouncilTHE COLLEGE ALUMXI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPrcsidcnt, W. L. Lewis, Ph.D., '09, 509 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '9S, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPrcsidcnt, Elijah Hakley, EX.. First Baptist Church. Berkeley, Calif.Secretary, Bruce E. Jackson, D.B., '10, 1131 Wilson Ave.. Salt Lake Citv.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPrcsidcnt, Albert B. Enoch, '07, J.D., '08, C, R. T. & P. Rv., ChicagoSecretary, Charles F. MiElkoy, À.M., '06, T.D., '15. 1 Olili Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Carolyn Hoefer, A.M., '18, 848 No. Dearborn St, Chicago.Secretary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONl'rcsulcut, John A. Logan, '21, 231 So. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, Miss Charity Buiunger, '20, 6031 Kimhark Ave., Chicago.RL'SH MEDICAL COLLEGE ALUMXI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Ralph W. Wep.stkr, '95, Ph.D., '02, M.D., '98, 25 E. Washington St.,Chicago.Secretary, Charles A. Parker, M.D., '91, 7 W. Madison St , Chicago.Ali Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the Alumni Council,Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions tothe University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or more degrees from theUniversity of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association; in sudi instances the dues aredivided and shared equally by the Associations involved.Officers of University ofAmes, la. Sec, Marian E. Daniels, IowaState College, Ames, la.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Austin, Texas. Pres., J. M. Kuehne, University of Texas.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Lois Whitney, GoucherCollege.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Francis F. Tische, 352 Riverway, Boston.Bowling Green, Ky. Sec, Mattie Hatcher,West Ky. State Teachers College.Cedar FaÙs and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sec, L. R. Abbott, 113First Ave. West.Charleston, 111. Sec, Miss Bianche Thomas,Eastern Illinois State Teachers College.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. H. B.Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Roderick Mac-Pherson, 105 So. La Salle St.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Clara D. Severin, 2593Dartmoor Rd., Cleveland Heights.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Connecticut. Sec, Florence McCormick,Conn. Agr. Exp. Station, New Haven.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Dayton, Ohio. Sec, Ada Rosenthal, 1034Grand Ave.Denver (Colorado Club). Sec, BeatriceGilbert, 825 Washington St.Des Moines, la. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs, Theo-dorè Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Mrs. Emma N. Seaton,12162 Cherrylawn Ave.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. Floyd Mc-Naughton, 130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.Huntington, W. Va. Sec, Charles E. Hed-rick, Marshall College.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judi-cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Indi Sec, Belle Ramey, 718 E.34th St.Iowa City, la. Sec, E. W. Hills, State University of Iowa.Kalamazoo, Mich. Sec, James B. Fleugel,Peck Building.Kansas City, Ma, Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Knoxville, Tenn. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell,415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester,University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, Mrs. Chas. A. Norton,Transylvania College.Long Beach, Cai. Pres., Herbert F. Ahls-wede, 2606 E. Second St.Los Angeles, Cai. (So. Cai. Club). Sec, Mrs.Louise A. Burtt, 303 Higgins Bldg. Chicago Alumni Clubs 343Louisville, Ky. G. T. Ragsdale, 1483 So. 4thSt.Manhattan, Kas. Sec, Mrs. E. M. C. Lynch,Kansas State Agr. College.Memphis, Tenn. Sec, Miss Elizabeth Willi-ford, 1917 Central Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin Ci t i e sClub). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy Augur Siver-ling, 2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Montana. Sec, Dr. L. G. Dunlap, Anaconda.Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sec, Miss GertrudeGill, Central Michigan Normal School.New Orleans, La. Sec, Mrs. Erna Schneider,4312 South Tonti St.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,A. H. Hruda, 427 W. 14th St.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, Ruth Ret-icker, 126 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club.) Sec, Juliette Grif-fin, Central High School.Peoria, 111. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburg, Kansas. Sec, Dr. F. Harold Rush.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B. Anderson, 1021 Kearns Bldg.San Antonio, Texas. Sec, Dr. EldridgeAdams, Moore Building.San Francisco, Cai. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec, L. W. Alien, 714 Hobart Bldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 600Security Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Anna Fastenaw, Principal, Emerson School, Sioux Falls, S. D.Springfield, 111. Sec, Miss Lucy C. Williams, 714 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.Terre Haute, Ind. Sec, Prof. Edwin M.Bruce, Indiana State Normal School.Toledo, Ohio. Sec, Miss Myra H. Hanson,Belvidere Apts.Topeka, Kan. Sec, Anna M. Hulse, To-peka High School.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Island andMoline, 111.) Sec, Bernice Le Claire, c/oLend-À-Hand Club, Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., James G. Brown,University of Arizona.Urbana, III. Sec, Gail F. Moulton, StateGeological Survey.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt.Washington, D. C. Sec, Bertha Henderson,No. 1 Hasketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Mrs. V. M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave., River Forest, 111.Wichita, Kan., Pres., A. F. Styles, KansasState Bank.Manila, P. I. C. Benitez, Philippine Herald.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. Eleanor Whip-ple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.A Corner in Harper CourtThe view shows the southeast corner of LIarper Court, with the Law Building on theleft and the East Tower of Harper Memorial Library in the center background. AliAlumni recali this interesting and attractive corner on the Quadrangles.®fje Simbergttp of Chicago ilaga?meVOL. XVII JULY, 1925 No. 9THE campaign for the Develppment Fundof the University has temporarily ceased,so far as the broad field is concerned. Theresults thus far have beenThe grati fying in many ways andCampaign certainly justify a renewalof intensive efforts in theearly autumn. Directly and indirectly, asa result of the campaign, a sum of around$8,000,000 has been gained for the University within a few months. While aconsiderable part of this sum does not ap-ply to the particular aims announced bythe Committee on Development, it hasgreatly added to the resources not only ofthe Medicai School directly, but of theUniversity at large, indirectly, and it hasèncouraged the conviction that, when thecampaign is finally completed, the Development Committee sum of $17,500,000 maywell be obtained.The response, thus far, has been grati fying not only in amounts obtained but alsoin the number of subscribers who have as-sisted, reaching into the thousands. AsVice-President Tufts stated at the JuneConyocation, never before in the history ofthe University have so many contributedto its progress and welfare. In this result,and certainly in the great numbers who sub-scribed, the Alumni have played a mostconspicuous and helpful part.The campaign is not ended. Plans arebeing made for continuing in the fall. Wehave sound hope that impressive furtherresults wiill be won, not only among theAlumni but particularly among the citizensof Chicago and the Middle West. Thestory of the University's needs has beenwell brought home; these needs are notimaginary they are large and pressing. Ifthe University is to meet its wide obliga-tions for service, if it is to keep abreast with institutions of like character and im-portance, if it is to fulfill its true destiny,these many needs must be met, and metpromptly. It is incumbent upon ali inter-ested in the University to assist in realizingits great and justified aims.# # *WE have had occasion frequently to caliattention, if, indeed, attention had tobe called, to the loyalty and service of theTrustees of the UniversityLoyal in many ways. One particu-Trustees lar angle comes to mind,however, that should benoted. Among the members of our Boardof Trustees are a number who are Alumniof other colleges and universities. It mightwell be expected that our Board memberswho have no college or university affilia-tions, and especially our own Alumni members of the Board would serve the University to their fullest ability. They are,truly, doing so. But the other memberslikewise, who are Alumni of other institutions, are serving the University withequal credit and distinction. This, in noway, indicates their disloyalty to theirown alma maters for indeed they assist their alma maters from time to timewith commendable and characteristic zeal.But the point is, that if sudi men, withaffiliations elsewhere, are steadily contribut-ing so nobly, what ought to be expectedfrom our own Alumni ? With sudi ex-amples before them, it would be strange ifour own Alumni, everywhere, did not riseto the cause to their topmost abilities. OurAlumni have done well but there is stilia great deal for them to accomplish, andwe believe that, with true Chicago spirit.they will see the job through to a success-ful conclusion ali along the line.346 The University of Chicago Magazine""THIS July number of the Magazine¦*¦ "closes the record" for the present 1924-1925 year. When next we greet you it willbe with the first number inThe Year the fall, starting the year1925-1926. At this point wehasten to say, gladly, that the assistanceand cooperation of the loyal membership ofour Alumni Associations, which have doneso much for the University and have madepossible our increased Alumni strength aswell as the publication of our Magazine has been constantly and deeply appreciated.The year now closing has been a mosteventful one. It commenced auspiciouslywith the joining of the great body of RushAlumni with the other Alumni of the University following upon the merger ofRush Medicai College with the University last summer; was early embellishedwith a Western Conference Football Cham-pionship ; led rapidly into and developed agreat Alumni Campaign on behalf of theUniversity ; suffered toward the end thesudden loss of our beloved and inspiringleader, President Burton ; and closed witha notable commemorative Reunion. It wasa year which gave tremendous impetus toward the advancement of the institution animpetus of a magnitude not experienced by Chicago in almost two decades. In sorrpwover the loss sustained and in gratificationover the exceptional progress realized, aliAlumni share in common.In a year so full of activity and event with visits by the Prince of Wales, theWorld Flyers, and other occasions thatadded color and uniqueness it was indeeda busy one for ali of us at the Quadrangles.The Alumni Office experienced, naturally,one of the busiest years of its existence.In the way of statistics, for instance, theAlumni Office handled about 600,000 piecesof mail during the year ; our Alumni Clubsgrew from 49 in November to 73 in June;the Magazine, enlarged and improved invarious ways, was reaching monthly over6,000 Alumni. Alumni were greatly activeeverywhere, not only in the interest of thecampaign but also in the variety of Alumniaffairs in general. Ali this, of course,reacted to increase the activities of theAlumni Office, not to mention the campaignitself so that, ali in ali, it was a busy,a "profitable," an exiting and inspiring year.We trust that it is but the forerunner ofan endless succession of such years of activity and achievement. But in the mean-time, take your vacation now, good friends and we look forward to greeting you aliagain early next Autumn.The 1925 Glee ClubThe University of Chicago Glee Club for 1925 was one of the best organizations of itskind that ever represented the University. In singing and entertaining abilities, in trainingand in program effectiveness it ranked very high. The club enjoyed a successful season.An article on its work appears in this number.BB THE ALUMNII «iiii Bl^H n ¦¦ ll^_ ¦ ¦ m n^ ni ni u« un un.Some Campaign StatisticsJuly 10, 1925I. Development FundTrustees $1,671,800.00Alumni 1,446,559.89General Public (includes non-alumni Faculty) 1,360,593.67General Education Board (con-ditional) 2,000,000.00Total for Development Fund. $6,478,953.56II. Gifts in TotalTotal, Development Fund $6,478,953'.56Restricted Gifts (purposes out-side Development Plans) 1,126,250.00Grand Total $7,605,203.56III. Endowment StatusNeeded to insured General Education Board Gift $4,000,000.00Amount raised to date 2,978,953.56Amount stili to be raised $1,021,046.44IV. Endowment (Alumni)(a) Chicago District Quota $1,045,000.00Amount raised 956,808.89To be raised $ 88,191.11(b) Outside Chicago Quota $ 955,000.00Amount raised 489,751.00To be raised $ 465,249.00(e) Total Alumni Quota $2,000,000.00Amount raised 1,446,559.89To be raised $ 553,440.11V. Alumni SubscribersChicago District . 3,593Outside Chicago 3,627Total Alumni Subscribers 7,220VI. Ernest D. Burton MemorialSenior Class (228) $11,505.00Graduate Students (66) 3,570.00Total, June Graduates (294) $15,075.00* * #Campaign ResultsThe Campaign statistics show clearly thatgreat results have thus far been obtained.With a few months of intensive effort theresources of the University have been mate-rially increased and some heavily pressingneeds can now be met. The work is notcompleted, however there is stili a greatdeal to be accomplished. The final goalcan be reached it must be reached. Withour combined efforts it will be brought toa most successful conclusion. Professor Charles C. ColbyProfessor Charles C. Colby, '09, Ph. D. '17, of theGeology Department, was one of the Faculty speakersduring the Alumni Campaign. He is well known toa large number of Alumni.Rush Alumni Boosting CampaignThe Alumni of Rush Medicai College aresteadily developing their organization towardsuccessful completion of their efforts in thecampaign for the University. Since theycomprise about one-fourth of the Alumni ofthe University, they have set a goal of$500,000, or one-fourth of the $2,000,000Alumni quota, for their subscriptions.^ Theirsubscriptions to date are approaching the$250,000 mark. It has been arranged thatthe Rush Alumni subscriptions will applyto medicai phases of the University work.At a recent dinner at the BlackstoneHotel, with some twenty-five Rush Alumnipresent, pledges of dose to $67,000 weremade. Of this amount Dr. Frank Billingscontributed $30,000.In addressing the gathering, Dr. Billingseulogized William Rainey Harper, first President of the University, and the late President Ernest DeWitt Burton, whom hedescribed as two laymen who had donephenomenal things for the advancement ofmedicai education. Rush Medicai College,Dr. Billings said, has turned out more re-search scholars since 1900, at the time of itsaffiliation with the University, than anyother medicai institution in the country.The Rush Alumni campaign officers areconfident that the Rush Alumni will loyallysupport the efforts for a greater Rush anda greater University.347348 The University of Chicago MagazineA Reel SubscriberMilton Sills, '03, a member of the Dramatic Clubin his college days and now, after years of successon the stage, a famous "Movie" star. "Milt" (wecarne near calling him the Sea Hawk) loyally sup-ported the Campaign. He is not only a "reel" subscriber but also a "real" one, for at the opening ofthe Campaign he promptly wired from "location" asubscription for $5,000. He cherisbes his Universitydays and friendships.Alumnus Radium Expert Dies Martyrto Science(The following article appeared on June 8 in aNew York City newspaper. Dr. Leman, '13, Ph. D.'15, was actively engaged in the Alumni Campaign inthe New York District.)A martyr to the advancement of sdentineknowledge, Dr. Edwin D. Leman, radiumexpert, died Sunday afternoon in his homeat No. 22 South Munn Avenue, East Orange,N. J. The rays of the minerai, to the studyof which he had devoted himself thirteenyears, had slowly but relentlessly destroyedthe corpuscles of his blood.Since 1911, when he was a senior chem-istry student in the University of Chicago,Dr. Leman had been interested in penetrat-ing the secrets of radium. He knew thedanger of working with a minerai, the raysof which are so powerful that it always iskept inclosed in lead tubes except for briefmoments when it is being used for experi-ments.For a year he had suffered periods ofweakness. Three weeks ago he collapsed.Two blood transfusions failed to restorevitality to the blood which radium slowlyhad destroyed.Dr. Leman was considered without a pcerin the field of recovering pure radium fromthe ore. Campaign Among Summer StudentsA campaign among the Summer studentsat the University, particularly among thosewho will receive degrees at this and at thenext Summer Quarter, is being organized.A Workers Committee, to include promi-nent and active members of the variousschools and departments at the Universityis being formed, and judging from the interest thus far manifested on the Quadranglesgood results are expected on behalf of theDevelopment Committee Fund. A MaroonWeekly is being published on the campusthis year, distributed free to ali Summer students, and a Campaign Extra will probablybe distributed late in July. Community mov-ing pictures, on behalf of the Fund, are being shown at weekly programs on StaggField. Many of our Summer students, sin-cerely appreciative and loyal to Chicago, willdo much to help the Fund.* * *The Campaign Should Go OnSt. F'aul, Minn.May 26, 1925.I have just read the afternoon paper andmuch to my surprise and absolute sorrowfind that President Burton passed away thismorning. I have known many fine men inthe University, but I always regarded himas the finest man I had ever had the oppor-tunity to come in actual and working contact with. My real sorrow is relativelyshared by a great many others such as your-self who knew him so much better than Idid.I sincerely hope that such a sad happeningwill not hinder the campaign in any mannerand that it shall be brought to a safe con-clusion very shortly. That would have beenDr. Burton's wish I ani sure.Sincerely yours,Russell Pettit, '24.* * *Dr. Burton's Charming PersonalityToledo Club,June 8th, 1925.These closing days of the year are greatlysaddened for us ali; I sat at Dr. Burton'sright at the dinner at the Secor Hotel nere,and felt the charm of his personalitvMost cordiali}- yours,Myra H. Hanson, '99* * *A Letter from NewfoundlandSt. Anthony, Nfìd., May 17, 1925.University of Chicago,Development Fund.Dear Sirs:Enclosed find my pledge card for the Development Fund for one hundred dollars,also check for fifty dollars for the first pay-ment.This will be late reaching Chicago, fornow that the snow is gone mail service bydogteam is impossible, and the first steamerin four months carne yesterday.With best wishes for a successful drive,I am,Sincerely yours,Elizabeth Vilas, '22.The AluAlumni Campaign Officials Alumni Campaign ChairmenHerbert P. Zimmermann, '01, Chairman, Chicago, 111.Alice Greenacre, '08, J. D. '11, Associate Chairman,Chicago, 111.Arthur A. Goes, '08, Associate Chairman, Chicago,111.Alumni Executive CommitteeGrace Alien Coulter, '99, Chicago, 111.Edwin W. Eisendrath, '13, Chicago, 111.Shirley Farr, '04, Brandon, Vermont.William S. Harman, '00, Columbus, Ohio.Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D. '09, Chicago, 111.Frank McNair, '03, Chicago, 111.John P. Mentzer, '98, Chicago, 111.Harold G. Moulton, '07, Ph.D. '15, Washington, D. C.Katherine Gannon Phemister, '07, Chicago, 111.Earnest E. Quantrell, Ex. '06, New York City.Paul Snowden Russell, '16, Chicago, 111.Dr. Frederick A. Speik, '05, M. D. '07, Los Angeles,Calif.Donald S. Trumbull, '97, Chicago, 111.Narcissa Cox Vanderlip, Ex. 'OS, Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. Y.Agnes R. Wayman, '03, New York City.Dr. Ralph W. Webster, '95, Ph.D. '03, Chicago, 111.William E. Wrather, '08, Dallas, Texas.District ChairmenCalifornia (Southern District)Dr. Frederick A. Speik, '05, Los Angeles.California (Northern District)Oliver B. Wyman, '04, San Francisco.ColoradoFrederick Sass, '01, Denver.District of Columbia, Baltimore, Md., andRichmond, Va.Harold G. Moulton, '07, Ph.D. '15, Washington.FloridaM. Morganthau, Jr., '99, West Palm Beach.Idaho (Central District)Julius L. Eberle, '12, J. D. '14, Boise.Illinois (Cook County)John P. Mentzer, '98, Chicago.Illinois (Outside Chicago and Gary-Ham-mond, Ind., District)Paul S. Russell, '16, Chicago.Massachusetts (Ali New England exceptComi.)John Slifer, '17, Boston.Michigan (Except Peninsula)Charlton Beck, Ex. '05, Detroit.MissouriJohn S. Wright, '06, Kansas City.J. Sydney Salkey, '11, St. Louis.MontanaLawrence G. Dunlap, '13, M. D. '15, Anaconda.NebraskaWayland F. Magee, '05, Benington.New MexicoCharles M. Barber, '82, Albuquerque. ni Campaign 349The First TouchdownHugo F. Bezdek, '08, Chairman of the AlumniCampaign in the State College, Pa., district, imme-diately ran his district over its quota when the campaign started, thus making again one of his famous"touchdowns." Hugo, or "Buzzy," Chicago's greatfullback some twenty years ago, has for some yearsbeen Director of Athletics at Pennsylvania State College.* * *New York (Conn., Metropolitan N. Y. andN. J.)Earnest E. Quantrell, Ex. '05, New York City.OhioWilliam S. Harman, '00, Columbus.Oregon-Virgil A. Crum, J. D. '08, Portland.Pennsylvania (East of Altoona, N. J., So.from Trenton, and Del.)Renslow P. Sherer, '09, Philadelphia.Pennsylvania (Western District IncludingAltoona, and W. Va.)Maynard E. Simond, '12, Pittsburg.TennesseeC. Arthur Bruce, '06, J. D. '08, Memphis.Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, andKansas except East. partWilliam E. Wrather, '08, Dallas.Utah and Southern IdahoGeorge D. Parkinson, '15, J. D. '15, Salt Lake City.Washington (Eastern District, and IdahoPanhandle)C. J. Webb, '06, Spokane.Washington (Western District)Robert F. Sandali, '16, Seattle.Wisconsin and Upper MichiganRudy D. Matthews, '14, Milwaukee.ALUMNIAlumni Council Fourth Quarterly MeetingThe fourth quarterly Alumni Councilmeeting for 1924-25 was held in the AlumniOffice, Cobb Hall, on Wednesday, July 8,1925Ì Present: Earl D. Hostetter, chairman,Charles F. Axelson, Donald P. Bean, GeorgeH. Coleman, Grace A. Coulter, John A. Logan, William H. Lyman, Roderick Mac-Pherson, Charles F. McElroy, Barbara Miller, Helen Norris, William C. Reavis, LillianRichards, Frank E. Weakly, and A. G.Pierfot, secretary-treasurer.Financial statements for the past threeQuarters were reviewed, approved and or-dered filed.The Council passed Resolutions of sorrowon the loss of President Ernest DeWitt Burton, recognizing his great services to theUniversity, to be inscribed on the Minutesof the Council.Alumni Fund Directors, for a term of 4years, were elected as follows: SubscribersMember, Winston P. Henry, '10, Tulsa,Oklahoma; Council Member, Helen Norris,[07, Chicago. Chairmen of the Council standing committees for the coming year werealso elected.After reyiewing the Campaign and theJune Reunion, a committee was appointedwith a view to inauguratiug a Home-ComingDay next fall, probably at the DartmouthGame, November 14th. Tentative steps weretaken, also, for further developing theAlumni-University relationships.^ =N h<Class of '05 Twentieth AnniversaryThat "Naught-Five" has plenty of spiritat the end of twenty years was proved whensixteen attended the dinner given Fridayevening, June 12, at the Quadrangle Club,although some had not had even twenty-four hours' notice. On account of thechanges in the program for Alumni Day, aquickly arranged dinner was the only courseleft to the committee. Next year the Classesof 1904, 1905 and 1906 will partake jointlyin the Shanty exercises.Happy reminiscences, earnest discussionof the University Development Fund and agood dinner left nothing to be desiredexcept the friendly faces of those who couldnot come on short notice. The dinner wasfollowed by the singing of Alma Mater, inwhich the Class of 1900, in the main diningroom, joined.Then carne an impromptu program of songsby Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sulcer and by Mr.and Mrs. Albert Hopkins, and a piano soloby Lillian Stevenson Kennedy. At a shortbusiness meeting Clarence Si'lls was chosenpresident for the next year.Those present were Frederick Speik,Ernest Quantrell, Clarence Sills, Mr. andMrs. David R. Kennicott, Mr. and Mrs.Henry D. Sulcer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W.Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hopkins, AFFAI R SMr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kennedy, Mr. andMrs. Herbert I. Markham, and Miss ClaraH. Taylor.* * *Club Organized at Long Beach, CaliforniaLong Beach, Calif.May 29, 1925.I know that you and the magazine willbe interested in knowing that an Alumni Association has been organized in Long Beach.I am writing you an account of it and youcan write it up to suit yourself.With kindest regards to yourself and thecrowd, I am,Most sincerely yours,Norman Barker, '08.For several years there has been in LongBeach a number of alumni both from theUniversity and Rush Medicai College, andboth groups have been members of their re-spective associations in Los Angeles. Theneed of one strong organization has beenfelt and especially recently. Mr. HerbertF. Ahlswede, guard on the famous '99 cham-pionship football team, now prominent business man and civic worker, undertook thejob of reviving the old enthusiasm and at-tempting to make the Rush men understandthat they were actually a part of us. Wefound that we had twenty-two doctors, sixteen school teachers, two clergymen, andeleven others engaged in various occupationsin our midst.Mr._ and Mrs. Ahlswede invited ali thealumni to a very delightful dinner partygiven at the Virginia Country Club onThursday night, May 14th. Over thirty re-sponded to the cali and a very pleasantevening was spent. After dinner a musicalprogram was presented by an orchestracomposed of advanced students at the LongBeach High School, after which those present made short talks which were followedby speeches from Miss Eva Jessup, Dr. andMrs. Speik, of the Los Angeles AlumniClub, were the guests of honor. Dr. JohnSexton Mabie, A. D. 1862 and A. M. 1865,one of the oldest living alumni, also gave avery interesting address.Before adjourning, a motion was carriedto forni a permanent organization, a nom-inating committee was appointed, and Mr.Ahlswede was unanimously elected president, and an Executive Committee as follows: Dr. Robert L. Sweet, M.D. '02, chairman, Mr. Bert Alien Stagner, Ph.D. '14,Miss Mabel Lewis Roe, Ph.D. '15, Dr. FrankEverett Stanton, M.D. '10 and Dr. W. L.Dickerson, M.D. '93. It is hoped that in avery short time we will have a very strongorganization in Long Beach, and we willofiìcially welcome any Chicago people whocome this wayMail should be addressed to Herbert F.Ahlswede, 2606 East Second Street, LongBeach C?,;f.350Alumni Affairs Ph.D. Association 351Alumnae Breakfast Tribute to Miss TalbotTwo hundred and fifty women attendedthe Alumnae breakfast which was held onSaturday, June thirteenth in Ida Noyes Hall.Miss Marion Talbot was the guest of honorand the program consisted of speeches whichpaid tribute to her various achievements.Miss Frances Louise Walshe spoke forthe class of 1900, telling of Miss Talbot'ssympathetic help twenty-five years ago. MissElizabeth Barrett of the 1925 class showedthat this interest of Miss Talbot's had in-creased through the years. Miss AliceGreenacre, for the Alumnae in general,stressed the personal quality of Miss Talbot's help. Mrs. James Westfall Thompsonportrayed Miss Talbot as the gracious hostess and home-maker of Green Hall; MissElizabeth Wallace spoke for the faculty, telling of Miss Talbot's keen understanding ofand remedies for ali difficulties. Mrs. GeorgeGoodspeed paid her tribute of gratitude forMiss Talbot's counsel in her work at IdaNoyes. Mrs. Rosenberry, former Dean olwomen at Wisconsin, spoke of Miss Talbot'sdose connection with every new worldmovement for the greater education and op-portunity for women. She emphasized themain characteristic of Miss Talbot's value tothe world personal integrity.Miss Grace Coulter, president of theAlumnae Club, presented to Miss Talbotan engrossed and illuminated appreciationbound in maroon morocco. This appreciation was signed by ali those present, whilemany alumnae unable to attend the breakfast sent letters which will be embodied inthe completed portfolio.Miss Talbot expressed her thanks for themany tributes and her intention to continue-to be of any service possible to the University and its Alumnae. At Miss Greenacre'ssuggestion Miss Talbot was unanimouslyelected an honorary member of the ChicagoAlumnae Club.* * *Remarkable Record of Class of '86The class of '86, the last to graduate fromthe old University of Chicago, has a remarkable record. In thirty-nine years ithas never failed to hold an annual reunionof its members on or about the date ofcommencement, usually with everyone present who lives in Chicago and vicinity. Itheld its annual reunion and dinner thisyear at one of the down town hotels, wherepreparations were made for a full attend-ance at the fortieth anniversary of its gradu-ation in 1926. Doctors of Philosophy AnnualLuncheon "The Annual Luncheon and meeting of theDoctors of Philosophy was held on Tuesday,June 16th, at the Quadrangle Club, withMrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D. '21, the President of the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, presiding. There were one hundred and thirty doctors in attendance, in-cluding some forty from out of the city ofChicago. It was a most interesting gather-ing and loyalty to the University was expressed in various ways. At the opening ofthe dinner a special tribute was paid toPresident Ernest DeWitt Burton.The principal address of the occasion wasdelivered by Professor Paul Shorey, headof the Greek Department. Dr. Shorey, inhis initimable way, talked of the relation ofthe Doctorate to the Humanities. (It isplanned to print this address in a laternumber of the Magazine.)In the business session the NominatingCommittee, headed by Herman I. Schlesin-ger, '03, Ph.D. '05, Professor of Chemistryin the University, did not complete its pres-entation of ali the officers of the Association.These will be announced later. ProfessorW. L. Lewis, Ph.D. '09, formerly Professorof Chemistry at Northwestern Universityand now with the Institute of .AmericanMeat Packers, Chicago, was nominated andelected President of the Association for thecoming year. A new office was crèated, thatof Assistant Secretary, to which Daniel J.Fisher, '17, Ph. D. '22, of the Department ofGeology at the University, was elected. It isthe purpose of this office to collect newsnotes of the Doctors in more thorough forni,and to have them presented regularly inthe Alumni Magazine. At present, the piancontemplates, in addition to general notes,presenting one Department of the University in each issue.The report on the Alumni Campaignshowed that the Doctors' proportion of subscriptions was almost exactly thè same asthe proportion among the whole body ofAlumni. This is especially favorable sincea very large number of Doctors havetheir college affiliations elsewhere. Includ-ing two or three large subscriptions, the total amount subscribed by the Doctors todate ran well over $150,000.This annual meeting was one of the mostsuccessful in the history of the Association. n n n n u u n o ¦¦*{¦i Photography of Atomic Collisions(Researches on Atomic Structure Kent Chemical Laboratory)Professor William D. HarkinsATOMS constitute the alphabet of natureand those who wish to understand nature should know the alphabet. An atom isexceedingly minute, since it has a diameter athousand times too small to allow one to beseen under an ordinary high-power microscope. If placed together along a line in asingle row, it requires about one hundredmillion atoms to reach one inch. In spiteof their invisibility, atoms have been studiedfor a century. During the last two and ahalf decades methods have been developedwhich make it possible to determine the sizesof these minute bodies, and even to studytheir structure. It has been found that anatom, whose name indicates it to be indivisi-ble, actually is a minute replica of a solarsystem, in that it consists of a centrai sun,called the nucleus, around which from oneto ninety-two planets, called negative elec-trons, move in orbits, similar to those of theplanets.Although the atom is small, its nucleus,which is charged with positive electricity, isso much smal.ler that there is enough spacein an atom to give room for about eight bil-lion or more nuclei. However, no atom con- tains more than one nucleus. Although thenucleus of an atom is so exceedingly small,its track through a gas, such as air, is easilymade visible as a brilliant line of light. Thesteps in the development of the method areof interest since they are also the funda-mental steps in the as yet slightly developedscience of "rain-making." In 1870 Aitkenfound that he was not able easily to producea cloud, which consists of minute waterdrops, by suddenly expanding and thus cool-ing very clean, moist air. However, if dustis present, a cloud is immediately formed,since each dust particle serves as a nucleusfor the formation of small water drops.Many years later, C. T. R. Wilson, an in-vestigator at Cambridge, England, found thatwater would also deposit upon el.ectricallycharged particles, such as electrons, orcharged atoms. In a rain cloud, practicallyevery water drop has grown about an elec-trically charged particle so that each dropcarries a charge of negative or positive electricity. Only a few months ago it wasfound by Professor Bancroft, of Cornell University, that a rain cloud or a fog can bequickly dispersed by dropping through itFIG. 1. Sharp collision of atom nuclei (on left)352Photography of Atomic Coilisions 353FIG. 2. Sharpest atomic collision. Exhibits the characteristics of anatomic disintegrationfrom an airplane sand charged with elec-tricity of a sign opposite to that carried bythe cloud.Stili other simple discoveries are utilizedin making atom tracks visible. Atoms ofradium and certain other radio-active sub-stances disintegrate naturally by shooting offthe nuclei of helium atoms at speeds as highas 32,000 times that of the swiftest riffe bul-let. They produce in the air a straight andnarrow line, strewn with atomic wreckage,which consists of negative electrons and ofatoms of air from which the electrons havebeen torn. Such atoms are called positiveions, since unlike normal atoms, they arecharged with positive electricity. If a heliumnucleus, technically known as an alpha particle, shoots thus at high speed throughmoist air, which has just been cooled by asudden expansion, a minute water drop col-lects upon each of the severàl hundredthousand electrically charged particles thusformed from the atoms lying directly in itspath. Here use is made of a principle madeprominent by the ultra-microscope: that aminute particle when brilliantly ill.uminated,seems much larger than its actual size, sowhen illuminated by powerful electrjc arcs,the atom track appears as a brilliant, narrow,and slightly beaded, but continuous line oflight. This is usually straight except nearthe end of the track where the speed of theparticle slows down to only a few thousandmiles a secónd. The atom tracks producedare easily photogràphed by' the use of anordinary camera, or by the use of a mpvingpicture machine, When we began the work upon the photo-graphing of atom tracks, this method, firstdevised by Wilson and later improved byShimizu, had been utilized only slightly,since Wilson's method was very slow, andShimizu's modification, while rapid, did notgive sufficiently bright tracks. The appa-ratus at Kent Laboratory, as constructed byR. W. Ryan, Swift Fellow, 1922-23, givesvery brilliant tracks and is synchronized witha moving picture camera, so 3,000 distinctphotographs, each of which gives two viewsat right angles for each set of tracks, maybe obtained in an hour. This rapid methodseems to give promise as a means of study-ing one of the most fundamental problemsof nature, that of the stability of atoms.This problem had already been the sub-ject of study in this Laboratory for a decade, and the most fundamental principlesof atomic stability had already been discov-ered by other means, but it was consideredthat this method offered an excellent oppor-tunity for stili further expanding the boundsof knowledge in this direction.When an atom is torn apart, in such away as to lose one or more of its outer ornon-nuclear electrons, it is not said to bedisintegrated, since it easily picks up electrons from the air and becomes a normalatom again. However, if the nucleus is dis-rupted, no human being knows how to restare it to its originai state, and a disintegration is said to have occurred. Thus thestability or instability of an atom is attributedentirely to its nucleus.In the year 1915, the first definite theory354 The University of Chicago Magazineof the composition and structure of the nucleiof atoms, as intra-atomic compounds of hy-drogen and helium, was published in con-tributions from this Laboratory. The theorymade the interesting prediction that an atomis in general less stable when the positivecharge on its nucleus is an odd number thanwhen it is an even number. This theorywas very quickly substantiated by two linesof evidence. First, it was found that in themeteorites, and on earth, most of the atomsare those of even numbered elements, andelements of odd numbers are relatively rare.Second, in 1919 Sir Ernest Rutherford wasable to disintegrate the elements of oddnumbers, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, to give hydro-gen, by bombarding atoms with high-speedalpha particles, but he did not succeed indisintegrating any el.ement of even number.This confirmed the theory. not only 'withrespect to the type of atom disintegrated, butit also was in accord with the definite prediction that the disintegration of atoms ofodd numbers would give hydrogen.It does not seem improbable that helium,which is produced by the naturai disintegration of atoms, may also be obtained by arti-ficial disintegration. Now it happens thatthe methods used by Rutherford are suchthat a disintegration to give helium wouldprobably remain undetected. The photographyof atom tracks, on the other hand, is certainto reveal disintegrations of this type, pro-vided they occur with sufficient freqnency.In order to disintegrate an atom, it is neces-sary to hit the nucleus, and in our experi- ments, high speed alpha particles have beenshot through twenty billion atoms, with theremarkable result that only five very sharphits have been secured; that is, these arethe only cases in which the alpha particleshave rebounded backwards. Figure 1 (PiateI) shows the first sharp atomic collision everobtained, though Shimizu had previously secured a photograph of one glancing blow.The alpha particle (nucleus of a heliumatom) shoots upward {from the bottom ofthe figure) at a speed of ten thousand milesper second, hits the nucleus of an atom ofnitrogen, and rebounds in a downward direction. The nitrogen nucleus, which is . hit,shoots upward after the collision, and leavesa visible track. It will be seen that at thepoint of collision three lines converge: (l)the track of the oncoming alpha partirle, (2)the track of the same particle after the collision, and (3) the track of the nucleus whichis bombarded. That this nucleus is verystable is shown by the fact that it does notbreak up, although it is hit by a particle ofnearly one-third its own mass, traveling withmany ' thousand times the speed of a riflebulle:.If the bombarded nucleus should be hit bya faster particle and at a stili sharper angle,the conditions for disintegration would bemore favorable. If the nucleus should breakup, a fourth track would emerge from thepoint of collision, and this would be due toa fragment, probably either a hydrogen ora helium particle torn off in the disintegration of a nitrogen nucleus. Figure 2 re-FIG. 3. Electrons shooting downward from alpha ray tracks at topof figure. A new type of rayPhotography of Atomic Coilisions 355FIG. 4.- A more frequent type of collisionproduces a photograph of the sharpest atomiccollision ever observed, and here, remarkablyenough, the fourth track, characteristic ofartificial atomic disintegration, makes its ap-pearance, but one photograph gives scarcelyenough evidence to prove definitel.y that adisintegration has occurred. The discussionof this photograph will be given soon in oneof the scientific journals. Figure 3 gives thetracks of two electrons which seem to- bethrown out in a backward direction fromatoms in the track of an alpha particle. Raysof this type have not been observed previ-ously, since they are exceedingly rare. Figure 4 shows an interesting and more commontype of atomic collision.About eight years ago it was suggestedindependently by Rutherford, and in a pub-lication from this Laboratory, that the ele-ment helium is formed from hydrogen by aprocess in which weight is lost, so it is saidthat there is a "packing-effect." One of thesuggestions of our paper has now been developed into an astronomical theory which isexciting much interest. It was shown thatif one pound of hydrogen, which costs onecent or less, were to be converted into helium,the amount of energy given off should be,according to the theory of relativity, equalto that given by the burning of ten thousandtons of coal, enough energy to drive a bat-tleship around the world or to heat a houseof six rooms for a thousand years. Thisreaction would probably be most likely tooccur where the pressure and temperatureare very high, as deep down in the sun. Itseems not improbable that this may be themost important source of the sun's heat. One of the most important phases of ourearlier work has been the discovery of ahalf dozen of the most fundamental relationswhich determine the stability of atoms, andthese have been used to predict the existenceof a considerable number of unknown atomicspecies, twenty of which have already beenfound. It may be of interest to state thatthese relations show that in the building ofatoms, nature greatly prefers even numbersto odd numbers. Thus in most atoms thenumbers of negative electrons, or positiveelectrons, the atomic weight, and the elec-trical charge of the nucleus, are ali even.Of the even numbers, one which is divisibleby four is given the preference over onewhich is divisible by two, but not by four.One of the most important of the atomicrelations discovered in the Laboratory isthe now well-known "Whole Number Rule,"according to which the atomic weight of anyatom, except hydrogen, is very nearly awhole number. On the basis of this rule,it was predicted that ali of the elements ofeven numbers higher than 28 would consistof a mixture of several, different types ofatoms, technically known as isotopes. Thishas since been verified by experiment: Itwas also predicted that a number of thelight elements would also be found to bemixtures, and particular attention was calledto the element chlorine, one of the consti-tuents of common salt.In 1916, we attempted to separate thesupposed element chlorine into differentatomic substances or isotopes, by diffusingthe gas through the stems of church-warden(Please turn to page 376)5rSr5r5ffir5fiEr5r5r5aHHH5KrSH2bBffiIb^^Appreciation of the Late ProfessorRollin D. SalisburyAdeline E. Vaile, '24SSSSSSiSSSS}SSiSSiSSiSiSSSSSSS5SS}S5SS^THE quarter opened with beautifulweather, clear, sunny, chilly enough totaste, exactly suited to stille any leanings to-ward energetic interest in classes whichmight be springing in the undergraduatebreast. An unusual number of people seemedto have elected eight o'clock classes, tojudge from the groups wandering leisurelyacross the campus. The beli rang finally.Graduali}', unobtrusively, the campus emp-tied.A girl walked into the first-floor class-room of Rosenwald Hall a few minutes aftereight, thus prepared to look over the classfor a while and, incidentally, to discover thename of the text-book to be used.She stopped at the door just an instantwith an inward gasp of surprise, then stum-bled to a seat in the back row as quietly asmight be."How many oceans are there?" The oddlittle man behind the desk threw the ques-tion vigorously at some one sitting in thethird row, thereby rendering the victim'smind an absolute blank and his tongue in-capable of action."Next." "Next" had had a few secondsfor thought and he managed to stammer outthe answer."How large are they?" "Next" had noidea, nor did any one else in the third row."How deep are they?""What is the average elevation of the con-tinents?""How high is the tallest mountain?""What are the main relief features of theearth?"Sharp, insistent, without waiting morethan a second for any answer, he hurled thequestions at the dumbfounded class in cease-less variety."How high is Illinois Cook County Chicago above sea-level?" How on earthcould she be expected to know that? Thiswas the first day of the quarter. She calledupon the few faint traces of knowledge leftby high-school physiography, taken no oneknows how long ago, and made a franticguess to her complete astonishment, sur-prisingly near the truth. At last the hourwas up and she stepped out more or lessblindly into the atmoBphere of carelcssleisure of the untouched campus. For her,it had lost its charms. Some way or otherthe day no longer seemed cairn and lazy with no tasks or responsibilities to oft'er, butinsistent and clamorous. She hurried to hernext class.When she carne to Rosenwald again thenext morning, strictly on time, she foundthat she had no impression of the appear-ance of this startling man. She remem-bered ruothing but the dry, husky voiceceaselessly hurling questions that every oneshould have known the answers to but thatno one did know. Stili, she was a littlesurprised to find him, not tiny and shrivelled,but rather tali and fine looking, with a leath-ery face wrinkled and lined and a bushyiron-gray beard. His eyes dominated hisface. Deep-set beneath thick overhangingeyebrows, they gave no impression of colorat ali, only one of brilliant intensity. Hisshoulders were a little stooped, and heseemed curiously fascinated by his own men-tal world.Some one in the class had just made afine recitation, cleverly avoiding the pointof the question. "Perfectly general, per-fectly true, perfectly meaningless. Answerthe question." The man behind the deskrefused to be persuaded to leave the point.Some one else admitted that his conten-tion would not hold water "ali of the time.""Not ali of the time?" was snapped back."Say on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,but not on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Beexplicit, Mr. Smith, be explicit. Say whatyou mean and mean what you say."There was never any lack of interest inthe class. There was no time for pleasantmeditation to be caught napping by thatman was no fun. He taught invariably bythe question and answer method. An accurate answer, in as few words as possible,to the question he asked and to no otherwas required, and he repeated the questionuntil he elicited the proper response. Hisspeech was sharp and incisive; it seemed toillustrate his habits of thought. He seemedto have a passion for accuracy and for econ-omy in the use of words.Because he believed that to get an exact,thorough grounding in the foundations ofany sciencc is absolutely necessary, he him-self took one class in beginning geologyevery quarter. His work was the supremething in his life. He knew geology ex-haustively and he loved it, in ali its aspects.It is because of this absolute devotion to356Appreciation of Late Professor Salisbury 357his "work and his' vitàl" interest in it; thatthe first day in one of his classes was sowidely different from the first day in manyothers. It was inconceivable that he shouldwaste one minute of his own time or permitany one else to waste time that might other-wise be spent in learning more of earthhistory.This keen enthusiasm for geology neverdegenerated into an obsession. He was anundisputed authority on most aspects of hisown work, but at the same time he knew asmuch about a number of related subjects asa good many specialists. This wide collat-eral knowledge of botany, geography, history, economics, was one of the most sur-prising things about him.The campus stili tells as many tales about"Doc Sai" as it can think up, and thecampus has a versatile imagination. Hispersonal idiosyncrasies have given the gos-sips an excellent opportunity, though thefacts are few and simple. The stories areremarkably constructed, considering theirslender footing. One fact is that DoctorSalisbury was a bachelor, apparently a "con-firmed bachelor," with no particular respectfor either the charm or the ability of women.Nothing could be more delightful as a basisfor a score of interesting tales. One par-ticularly popular one, handed down with im-provements from class to class, has it thatin his youth he was once enamored of acertain fair lady but failed in his suit forher hand. Upon this cruel rebuff he be-came a virtual recluse, hating ali women andscorning both their taste- and their judg-ment. What improvement upon this mythcould be desired? To add to the scores ofodd turns in his character the charm of a,'disappointment in love! To explain hissingular concentration on his work and hiscontempt for the college flapper by the ab-surdity of a disappointmént in love! It isby no means the least thing to be said forDr. Salisbury that his slightly eccentric nature provided the undergraduates with sucha wealth of harmless fun.Outside of the class-room his whimsicallyhuman characteristics showed themselves ina hundred little ways. If you happened tobe walking on Fifty-seventh Street when hecarne by on his way to his apartment, youmight see him stop by the drugstore topoke his finger at a baby waiting outside,who was certain to laugh gleefully and crowfor more. He often stopped in the alley fora minute or two to feed the pigeons withthe dried corn he carried in his pocket. Once,two little urchins were experimenting withthe chewing-gum machine outside the doorof the drugstore when he happened along.He stopped to find out their difficulty andstayed to talk and "fool" with them for fully five minutes. When he went on hewas chuckling heartily and audibly and thetwo youngsters were so thoroughly amusedthat they had to sit down on the sidewalktò laugh it out. His sense of humor waspowerful and active, always ready to bestirred. Good advice to those planning toenter his cours'es without the prospect "oflearning . much was: "Be laughable notsmart, but funny. You will get no bettergrades, but you will have a much moreenjoyable time."It is hard to say exactly where the greatattraction of His personality lay. Outwardlyhe was a "bear." Grufi, impatient, impos-sible to bluff", sarcastic, sometimes almostunkind, he was enough to frighten anyfreshman. He was in school for businessand his classes covered a surprising amountof ground. Sometimes, nevertheless, whena topic carne up in which he was especiallyinterested, he would arrest the progress ofthe class for a minute or so to teli the storyof some one of his experiences in his travelsover most of the globe. He gave the impression of a man who knew what hetaught, not from books, but from the originai earth materials from glaciers in Green-land, cloudbursts in the desert, naturailevees in Patagonia. He was a fascinatingtalker; his telling a story was to be lookedon as a reward of merit. There are fewmen in the University today with personali-ties so powerful and withal so attractive.I have never had a course from a more interesting or more able man and I know ofno one whom I would rather have had fora grandfather, had I the privilege of choos-ing one.* * *Dean Shailer Mathews HonoredDr. Shailer Mathews, Dean of the Di-vinity School at the University, has had fur-ther honors added to his long array, it waslearned today when news arrived from Dub-lin that he has been granted an honorarydegree of Doctor of Divinity from GlasgowUniversity.Dean Mathews was voted the degree alongwith Provost Bernard of Divinity College,Dublin. At the University it was learnedthat Dean Mathews had received a cable-gram from the Scotland university tellinghim of the award and explaining that a let-ter with full data is on its way.The degree adds to a list already ownedby Dean Mathews and which includes honorsfrom Colby College, Oberlin College, BrownUniversity, Pennsylvania College, and MiamiUniversity. He has attended other institu-tions here and abroad. Besides rankinghigh in the world of theological schools,Dean Mathews has written and has publishednumerous books, most of which are consid-ered authorities on their subjects.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESELECTIONS to the Board of Superiors ofBlackfriars were announced at the twen-ty-first initiation banquet held Wednesday,June 3, at the University Club.Paul Cullom was elected Abbot; GeorgeBates, Prior; Archie Trebow, Scribe; Robert Tieken, Hospitaller; Donald McGinnis,Praecenter. The sophomore officials are:George Wiemer, production manager, andPhilip Watrous, business manager.In the afternoon forty-seven novitiateswent through the rites which admitted themto the Order, and ali of these, besides theolder Friars, attended the banquet.At the banquet three members of the University faculty and one retiring member ofthe Order spoke. Frank H. O'Hara intro-duced Prof. Percy Holmes Boynton, andDean Ernest Hatch Wilkins. Jack Kirk,prominent in the cast of this year's production, was the only student to speak.Members of the new Board of Superiorswere installed at the banquet. The remain-ing positions in the Order will be filled atelections to be held next fall.* * *Senior College Day ProgramThe traditional events of College Daywere held on June 15, with the followingSenior Class Exercises: Address, PresidentHarrison E. Barnes, followed by SeniorHammer Presentation; Response for 1926,Russell G. Hagey; Cap and Gown Presentation, Gladys M. Walker; Response for 1926,Adelaide Ames; Senior Bench Presentation,Don S. Irwin; Class Poem, Edith Heal;Class History, J. Kenneth Laird; Class Ora-tion, Charles M. Koeper; Class Gift Presentation, Marie L. Taylor; Response for theUniversity, Vice-President James H. Tufts;Class Song and "Alma Mater." The Junior-Senior Baseball Game and Senior Breakfastadded much to a successful and interestingprogram.* * *Change Woodlawn to Dudley FieldWomen's sports finished up with a finalgathering of ali women athletes at the annual banquet held by the Women's AthleticAssociation, Thursday evening, June 11, inIda Noyes Hall. It is at this banquet thatMiss Dudley's cup for which the class teamscompete throughout the year is presented tothe winning class, and letters, numerals, andpins are awarded to individuai sportswomen.This year's dinner, however, brought asurprise event in the announcement that thename of Woodlawn Field had been changedto Dudley Field in honor of Miss Gertrude Dudley, head of women's sports and physicaleducation. Word carne from the Board ofTrustees sanctioning this proposai on thevery ève of the banquet, and the whole thingwas a complete surprise to Miss Dudley.* * *Reorgarrized Glee Club Has Successful YearIn line with Dean Wilkin's policy for thebetterment of student activities, plans wereformulated this year for a bigger and betterGlee Club, one which would rank on a parwith, if not above, any Glee Club in theMiddle West. Although the Glee Club gota late start this year, the cali for candidatesbrought out more than sixty men, most ofwhom had never heard of a University ofChicago Glee Club before. From this largenumber of candidates, a regular organizationof forty singers was formed, comprising theactive members of the club.The first of January was the beginning ofan intensive preparation for the Annual In-terscholastic Glee Club Contest in whichfourteen Glee Clubs from Middle West Uni-versities competed for first honors at Orchestra Hall February 23. Handicapped bya late start the U. of C. Glee Club did notplace among the winners but received a rating of sixth, finishing ahead of every GleeClub from Illinois, except Millikan. Wisconsin took first honors in this contest.A trip was planned for this year to takcplace during Spring vacation, but it wasthought advisable to postpone this untilnext year when the Alumni will be in a better position to back a project of this kind.In place of the trip this year, the Glee Clubhad a week's engagement at the Tivoli The-atre, a hard job which required a greatdeal of work, singing three times every dayand attending school at the same time, butthe advertising, experience, and financial re-turns made it decidedly worth the effort.A concert was also given at the SouthShore Country Club. Music was furnishedbv the Club at several campus and alumniaffairs, and the first Annual Glee Club Concert was given at Mandel Hall.The final appearance of the Club wasmade at the Alumni Supper at the June Reunion, where a number of peppy and interesting songs were rendered in a ereditatileand popular manner.Much credit for the success of the clubthis year is due to Mr. Vail, the director,who was able to take a group of inexpe-rienced singers and form them into a realmusical organization. The work of the of-ficers, Mr. Larson president, and Mr. Bar-nard, manager, and the loyalty of the members contributed largely to the success óf.the club.358KENNETH HISERT, captain of the University golf team, won the Big Tenconference championship title June 27th atthe Sunset Ridge Country club.Hisert vanquished Mode Holdsworth ofMichigan, who was defending the title, 3 and2, in the thirty-six hole final. The matchwas Hisert's almost ali the way. His gamewas steady throughout the match except fora brief period near the final turn, where hedropped three holes in a row, enabling theWolverine player to pulì up within one holeof even. But Hisert swung back into hisgame and the deciding shot carne on thethirty-third hole when he got a birdie 2.The next hole was halved and Hisert tookthe crown to the Midway.In the medal play Hisert also led, the Ma-roon player having a total of 146 strokes,while Holdsworth had 151.The cards follow:Forenoon RoundHisert Out 445 435 54539Holdsworth Out 454 535 545 40Hisert In 444 453 5443776Holdsworth In 543 454 545 3979Afternoon RoundHisert Out 455 435 645 41Holdsworth Out 554 534 535 39Hisert In 445 542 5Holdsworth In 544 553 5Northwestern University won the teamchampionship.Justine Russell of the University, jumping6 feet, 6 inches at the Conference TrackMeet at Ohio State on. June 6, broke the highjump record held for over four years byHarold Osborne of Illinois and Murphy ofNotre Dame, who were tied at 6 feet, 5j£inches.He is the third man ever to jump six feet,six inches or over for ali time.Russell has been jumping well over sixfeet this year, but inconsistency has ruinedhis chances to go into the hall of fame forjumpers. This leap establishes him as oneof the world's greatest athletes and if he doesnot slump greatly, ought to star at Amsterdam with the next Olympic team.Good news, especially of interest to Ma-roon Tennis fans, was received from EddieWilson, wide-famed tennis champ. In a let-ter to some of his friends at the University,the former Maroon tennis star and captain,tells of his intentions to reenter school herenext spring to complete the remaining onequarter's work required for his graduation. Herbert O. Crisler, '22Herbert O. ("Fritz") Crisler, Assistant Coach, wasrecently offered the position of Football Coach atMinnesota. We are glad to add, however, that hedecided to remain at Chicago as Assistant to DirectorStagg.Chicago's hopes for the Big Ten baseballchampionship went glimmering when Indiana put them out of the running by a scoreof 3-1. Just at the time Norgren's protegesgot into form and began piling up the scores,the elements stepped in and a deluge of rainon Greenwood Field prevented a game withIowa. During the week of President Burton's death the game that was scheduledwith Illinois was cancelled According to therules of the Big Ten, neither of these gamescould be rescheduled, but in spite of the lossof these two games the team placed third ina field of keen competition. As Norgren willonly lose three of this year's team throughgraduation, the hopes for next year are exceedingly bright.Football Schedule1925October 3 KentuckyOctober 10 Ohio StateOctober 17 NorthwesternOctober 24 at PennsylvaniaOctober 31 PurdueNovember 7 at IllinoisNovember 14 DartmouthNovember 21 Wisconsin359^QEaeaE^E^QEaE^QE2E2SQQE2E2E2E^QE2aEaQQQQKaE2QHE2KaEaQEae2EaQE3E3QQE2QEaEaK3E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2HKTHE LETTER BOX2eaE2Qe2KaE2eaQQE2e2EaeaQEae2K3QQQQEaE2Eae3aE3eaQQE2KaaEaaQeaHQaeanQE2QaaHBaEaaESConcerning Customs and Educationin IndiaAmerican Baptist Foreign Mission SocietyLeffric, Kotagiri, Nilgiri District, India.Although I am not in active service mymission has made me chairman of its Pub-licity Committee. One of my duties is tosend what I think is interesting matter tothe publications at home of various" kinds,matter that may be interesting to thereaders that these publications serve.Incidentally, Miss Olive Sarber, A.M. '10,is one of the two American representativeson the faculty at the Women's Christian College at Madras.What is a Native State? Without goinginto particulars, it is a state whose territoryand people have not been taken over by theBritish, and whose rulers have large powersto do almost what they please, except tomake war, etc. Some of them are largeand populous. The Hyderabad State ter-ritorially is about 83,000 square miles in ex-tent and in point of population runs wellinto the millions, with its own coinage,courts, and customs duties. Others are tinylittle affairs scarcely larger than an American county, and with a correspondinglysmall population. How did Coorg, a tiny inland state, come to depart from the almostuniversal Indian custom of child marriage,and adopt compulsory education? This lat-ter is one of the problems now being pressedin India but it is not by any means likely tobe widely adopted, in the near future. Whathas happened in Coorg is one of the ana-molies that one finds on every hand in thiswonderful land. Modem ideas adopted andcustoms centuries old, and which cannot becorrelated to our Western mode of think-ing, left aside.Unless polyandry has been lately abolishedin Coorg, it is stili practiced by some of thepeople. The Brahman influence in that stateis very strong.The University of Madras, of which MissSarber writes, is the head of the educationalsystem of the Madras Presidency. It is amanaging and examining body only. Alicolleges in the Presidency which educatepupils up to the A. B. degree must be af-filiated with the University. There are four-teen such colleges, scattered ali over thePresidency. It establishes the educationalrules for ali schools and colleges in thatjurisdiction. Amongst other duties it fixesthe examination papers for ali examinations for degrees in the fourteen colleges. Theyoung ladies educated in the Women's Chrisrtian College will do ali their work on thecampus of the college, under the faculty ofthat institution, but they will receive the degree of the Madras University, if they pass.Do you see. how that system unifies thevalue of the college degrees in the Presidency?I have written more than I intended to,but when one writes home about matterspeculiar to India it is necessary to explainmuch, in order that one may be understood.Yours very sincerely,Frank H. Levering, '72'.* * *The Magazine Pleases in PolandTorun, Poland, Aprii 20, 1925.Inclosed please find $2.13 in Liberty Bondcoupons for one years subscription to theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.I am very sorry that I delayed so long inrenewing my subscription, as it is a greattreat to read the magazine in Poland withnews of the alumni as well as the studentbody.When one is so far away from the University the sight of some literature fromAlma Mater brings back to mind the dayswhen one studied on the campus.With heartiest wishes for a succesful yearfor you and your work, I remainSincerely yours,Radjia Jankowska, '21.* * *Word from Hongkong, ChinaThe Bank of Canton, Ltd.,Hongkong, China,March 28, 1925.Dear Sir: I shall be pleased if you will kindly for-ward me a general catalogue of the Schoolof Arts, Literature and Science, and also aLaw School catalogue.Kindly have the Chicago Alumni Association change my address to that given here-with.I am very much interested in the recentdevelopment plans of my Alma Mater andI desire to receive ali the literature aboutthe development without delay.Yours very truly,Wa Chuen Liu,Chicago, '17.360The Letter Box 361Some Reunion TelegramsThe New York Alumnae Club of theUniversity of Chicago sends greetings toAlumnae and Alumni gathered àt the 1925reunion. We heartily wish we could bepresent, but even at this -distance we joinwith you in loyal affection for our AlmaMater. Florence Spencer, Chairman,Ruth Reticker, Secretary,New York Alumnae Club.Those of us who are unable to attend Reunion exercises in persoli have you in mind,and are pleased to know that ali functionsplanned, as well as the greater movementwhich our beloved President. set on footwill be carried out in the same spirit whichhe inaugurated. New York Alumni are asone in pledging to carry on.A. H. Hruda, SecretaryNew York Alumni Club.The University Alumni Club of CentralOhio sends greetings this Alumni Day. Werejoice that it has been our privilege tb givesome small practical expressions these lastfew months to our love for Alma Mater.The wórk we have started we propose tofinish. Our hearts are saddened at the lossof our great leader and president, DoctorBurton. We have great confidence in Harold Swift, our Board of Trustees, and Faculty, and hope for the speedy selection ofthe right man for president, to lead ourAlma Mater and help her achieve her mani-fest destiny. Bill Harman, President,Columbus Alumni Club.Greetings from the University of ChicagoClub of Grand Rapids, Michigan: We areunable to be present, but send good wishcsfor a great Alumni Day and for a great future for the University.Mary Jefferan, President,Grand Rapids Alumni Club.May every University birthdav mean anadded year of progressive service.Charleston Alumni Club.To the class of '07: Greetings, bestwishes, and regrets I am not there.Helen Norris.* * *Appreciative Word from KoreaAndong, Korea, Aprii 18, 1925.Dear Mr. Gurney:I was certainly more than pleased to receive your good letter of March 19, 1925,relative to my having received my Ph. D.Thank you very much for that information.Thank you also for the certificate as thatwill come in handy next month when I goto Tokyo for my Imperiai license examina-tions. Out here those things coùnt forsomewhat more than they do at home._I am very happy to know of your friend-ship with Mr. Bond. He, too; is one of _myvery best and a man well worth knowing.I do not know when I have enjoyed workas rniich as when I used to go over to the Home for Incurables with Mr. Bond andsing for those folks there.I am glad to be able to say that I amgetting settled a little bit here and hope itwill not be long before I actually begin mymedicai work here. Of course, at the presenttime it is a matter of language study for themost part. But that comes also with livinghere and hearing the people talk and alsohaving to talk entirely in their language ifyou are to get anything done.However, it is surely a good feeling tohave friends at home to back one up andespecially my friends at the University ofChicago, who have done so much for me.I certainly appreciate ali.Thanking you again for your kindness, Iam, Very sincerely yours,Z. Bercovitz, M. D. '25.Word from Soochow, ChinaAlmost every mail from U. S. A. bringsme some interesting Communications fromthe University of Chicago telling me of itsgrowth and great plans for the future. Itdelights me to hear of the marvelous exten-sion of buildings so soon to come, for it willcome with its Alumni backing it.My magazine issues have been so interesting, I've been passing them on to otherAlumni here in Soochow. Miss Helen Dryertaught here in Soochow University last yearbut she is spending this year in Manila. Dr.Marion Frank, '19, Ph.S. '23, is teaching inthe Science Department of the Universityof Soochow for the second year.I have been here for four years teachingin our mission school. I love the work, as Ifind the Chinese girls earnest pupils andeager to learn. The Chinese people as anation, despite the wars and rumors of wars,are interesting people and just now duringthe renaissance and reconstruction, throughwhich they are going, they need the helpand the sympathy of ali the world. I amdelighted that I can live here now.I wish great success to the Magazine andto my Alma Mater. Very sincerely,Alma L. Hill, '10.George Graham, Varsity wrestler of the137 pound class, was unanimously elected tocaptain the 1926 wrestling team at the finalbanquet of the 1925 squad. Graham has beena member of the mat team for two yearsand has been a consistent place getter forthe locals since he carne on the team. Thisyear he won third place in. his class at theconference meet at Minnesota.Coach Vorees presided at the dinner forthe team and speeches were delivered by theVarsity members and Freshman CaptainElliot Johnson,Professor Albert A. MichelsonFirst Appointment to a DistinguishedService ProfessorshipAt the One Hundred Thirty-seventh Con-vocation of the University, held in Hutchin-son Court on June 16, Professor Albert A.Michelson, the noted physicist, was appointed to the first of the Distinguished Service Professorships established as a result ofthe present $17,500,000 program of development.In raising new endowment of $6,000,000,the University has sought to obtain specialfunds in sums of $200,000, the income fromwhich could be applied to the salaries ofscholars of high rank, either already members of the University of Chicago Facultyor men called from other institutions. Thiswould establish virtually on a ten-thousand-dollars-a-year salary basis such Distinguished Service Professorships, and wouldconfer a special distinction upon those appointed, in addition to the increased income. The pian is considered also to be arecognition of scholarship which will en-courage young men to enter the teachingprofession."It was considered fitting by the University Trustees," said Vice-President James H.Tufts, "that the first of these professorshipsshould be awarded to a member of the present Faculty, and that the choice should fallupon Professor Michelson, who has not onlygaincd world-renown by his studics of thevelocity of light and other problems ofphysics, but for years has been an inspilr-ation to students and men with the spirit ofdiscovery. "This Distinguished Service Professorshipcomes about as another instance of the gen-erosity of Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, of Chicago, formerly president of the Board ofTrustees, donor of Ryerson Physical Laboratory, and consistent friend of the University."The presentation of this honor to Professor Michelson, Head of the Department ofPhysics and winner of the Nobel Prize, theCopley Medal, and other distinctions, comeon the ève of his departure for Californiawhere he will continue his remarkable inves-tigations of the velocity of light.# ^ *Committee on Selecting PresidentA month ago eight Faculty members andseven Trustees of the University were namedto a joint Committee which will seek a suc-cessor to the late President Burton. Thechoice will be made as rapidly as possible,it was announced.The Trustees on this special Committeeare: William Scott Bond, Thomas E. Donnelley, Rev. Charles W. Gilkey, Martin A.Ryerson, Robert L. Scott, Albert W. Sherer,and Harold H. Swift, President of the Board.The Faculty members are: Dr. FrankBillings, Professor John M. Coulter, DeanHenry G. Gale, Dean Gordon J. Laing, Professor John M. Manly, Professor CharlesE. Merriam, Vice-President James H. Tufts,and Professor Frederick A. Woodward.* * *Alumni Elected Rush College TrusteesAt the recent annual meeting of the Boardof Trustees of Rush Medicai College, Mr.C. F. Axelson, '07, Mr. Walker G. McLaury,'.03, and Mr. Frank McNair, '03, were electedTrustees of Rush Medicai College. Whilethe educational activities of the college arenow carried on entirely by the University,there are certain important trust funds whichare under the charge of "The Trustees ofRush Medicai College" which is the nameof the corporation.These three Alumni have long been prom-inent in various Alumni activities on behalfof the University.* * *Nearly 800 Degrees Conferred atConvocationNearly eight hundred degrees were conferred at the last Convocation of the University on June 16. Striking features ofthe Convocation were the large number ofcandidates for higher degrees and the largenumber graduating from Rush Medicai College, now a part of the University. The Convocation Orator was President Charles H.Markham of the Illinois Central Railroad362University Notes 363Company, whose subject was "Transportation in Modem Life." Because of the deathof President Ernest DeWitt Burton, Vice-President James Hayden Tufts presided andconferred the degrees.In the Colleges of Arts, Literature, andScience 358 Bachelor's degrees were conferred; in the School of Commerce and Ad-ministration, 45; in the School of Social Service Administration, 3; and in the Collegeof Education, 53, a total of 459.In the Divinity School there were 11 candidates for the Master's degree, 4 for theBachelor's, and 4 for the Doctor's, a totalof 19. In the Law School 17 candidatesreceived the degree of Bachelor of Laws and49 that of Doctor of Law (J.D.), a total of66. In the Graduate School of Commerceand Administration 6 students received theMaster's degree, and in the Graduate Schoolof Social Service Administration, 5, a totalof 11.In Rush Medicai College, now an integrai part of the University, there were 47candidates for the degree of M.D. and 42for the four-year certificate, a total of 89.In the Graduate Schools of^Arts, Literature, and Science 108 candidates receivedthe Master's degree and 40 the Doctor's degree, a total of 148. The total number ofdegrees conferred at this Convocation was792.Among the graduates were a Greek, aJapanese, and a Filipino, two Armenians, andnine Chinese, six of the last-mentioned re-ceiving a Master's degree, one the degreeof Doctor of Philosophy, and two that ofDoctor of Law (J.D.).* * *President Charles H. Markham of the Illinois Central Railroad Appeals forLeadershipUrging that the youth of American educational institutions consider modem prob-lems seriously and thoughtfully, PresidentCharles H. Markham, of the Illinois CentralRailroad, appealed to University of Chicagograduates for leadership on public questions in his address at the One HundredThirty-seventh Convocation, June 16."The problems of modem life are certainlythe problems of the university, whose func-tion it is to fit its students for a fuller par-ticipation in life," said President Markham."The University of Chicago is a recog-nized leader among the ereat educationalinstitutions of the country in co-ordinatingits activities with the demands of modemlife. It endeavors to equip its students notonly with a knowledge of the past but alsowith a viewpoint and an understanding thatwill enablé them to cope with the problemsof their own generation."Under the leadership of that able scholarand far-seeing executive, Doctor Burton,who has so lately passed from among you,the University of Chicago attained an en- Dean Paul MacClintock, '12, Ph.D., '20Assistant Professor Paul MacClintock, of the Department of Geology, was recently appointed one ofthe deans in the colleges.viable position by reason of its ability toperform a highly useful service to the community, state, and nation."* * *Three Portraits Presented to the UniversityThree portraits of members of the Facul-ties have just been presented to theUniversity of Chicago. The portrait of Professor Stuart Weller of the Department ofGeology, painted by Roy H. Collins, is givenby former students and associates in theDepartment in commemoration of ProfessorWeller's completion of twenty-five years of"distinguished accomplishment in his chosenfield of invertebrate paleontology." Theportrait will be hung in Walker Museumnear that of Professor S. W. Williston.The portrait of Albion W. Small, retiringHead of the Department of Sociology andDean of the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature, painted by Ralph Clarkson andpresented by Mrs. Lina Small Harris, Professor Small's daughter, is a replica of thatexhibited at the Chicago Art Institute sev-eral years ago. It is expected that it will beplaced temporarily in the Harper Libraryreading-room where portraits of ProfessorsA. A. Michelson and John M. Coulter andof Former Dean James R. Angeli now hangupon the walls.The portrait of Professor Emeritus William Gardner Hale, Head of the Departmentof the Latin Language and Literture from,1892 until his retirement in 1919, is the workof his dughter, Miss Virginia Hale, and ispresented by former students of ProfessorHale. It is the wish of the donors that thepainting may be hung in the Classics Building.| The University and Its Foreign Students jjjH Bruce Wesley Dickson, M. A. '16 BR] Advisor of Foreign Students ffl|a2EE525a52525Ha52525ES2S25ffiaE525H5ES25252^^THE University of Chicago is now oneof the three largest centers for foreignstudents in the United States, and is, con-sequently a greàt laboratory for the foster-ing of international acquaintances and thecultivation of cordial international relation-ships. There is now, and has been forseveral years a Constant stream of thesestudents coming and going to practically aliparts of the world. It is of the greatest im-portance that these students be sent backto their native lands as ambassadors of goodwill and international confidence.The University records show that duringthe four quarters that have just passed therehave been 436 foreign students representing43 different nationalities. About 40 of themhave been given degrees during this sameperiod. No appreciable decrease has beennoticed in the attendance on account of thenew immigration law, though some restric-tions have been placed on which had nothitherto been required.Statistics recently e o m p i 1 e d from therecords in the Alumni office show that thereare 722 Alumni and former students in 49different foreign countries. Of this number271 are Americans who have gone abroad tolive and work as teachers, missionaries, gov-ernment officials, business entreprenuers, etc. ;218 are from English-speaking countries;leaving 233 foreign speaking Alumni andformer students who have returned to theirnative lands. This fact makes the University of very great international significance.The countries represented are: Abyssinia,Africa, Albania, Alaska, Arabia, Asia Minor,Australia, Austria, Btitish West Indies, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia,Denmark, Dutch West Indies, Egypt, Eng-land, France, Germany, Hawaii, Holland,Iceland, India, Indo-China, Japan, Java,Korea, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, NewZealand, Norway, Palestine, PhilippineIslands, Poland, Porto Rico, Portugal, Scot-land, South America, Sweden, Switzcrland,Syria, Turkey and the Virgin Islands. Whilesome of the countries mentioned are depend-encies of the United States, they are stiliforeign countries in so far as the people areconcerned.These foreign Alumni are engaged invarious kinds of work, such as public service, educational work, doctors, lawyers, railroad officials, religious leaders and business.Many of them outstanding leaders in their field of work. Whatever their situation inlife may be, they are ali interpreters to theirconstituency of our American life and ideals.The attitude of the University towardthese students is one of cordiality, as is ex-pressed in a statement of welcome by President Burton in the Circular of Informationfor Foreign Students "which was publishedat the beginning of last Autumn Quarter.The statement in part is as follows: "Imost cordially welcome those for whom thisbulletin is especially prepared to full par^ticipation, along with students from America;in the effort to make this community amicrocosm of the better' world" of universalfriendship .that must surely come."A further indication of the friendly attitude of the University Administration isshown by the appointment two years ago,of an administrative officer, known as theAdviser of Foreign Students, who with thecooperation of the President's committeeand foreign students, gives his full timeworking with and for these students in orderthat their stay may be made profitable andpleasant. Briefly, his work includes the fol-lo'wing general activities:1. Personal interviews. This type of ac-tivity requires more time than any other onephase of the work, and includes such mat-ters as securing admission to the University,registratiòn, change of registration, employ-ment and financial problems, securing roomand board, personal problems, securing medicai treatment, receiving reporters and visi-tors, interviews with club officers and committee members, etc.2. Clerical work and correspondence,which includes compiling hsts of students atthe beginning of each quarter, and furnishingthem to the various organizations and individuai to whom they should go, cooperationwith the examiners in securing informationfor the immigration officials, and the correspondence which is necessary to carry onthe work.3. Conducting a foreign language bureauwhich endeavors to secure competent per-sons to translate letters and documents fromforeign languages into English.4. Cooperation with the various foreignstudent clubs and organizations in arrang-ing programs, social affairs, outings, athletictournaments, etc.5. Entertaining individuai and groups inhis home. In this as in many other activi-364The University and Its Foreign Students 365The Foreign Students ClubSeveral races, every continent, and many nationalities are represented here.ties he has the hearty cooperation and assist-ance of his wife. Sirice last October, morethan 300 students have been thus entertainedat a meal with a few American guests. Inaddition there have been numerous partiesand informai gatherings for the students.6. Assisting outside organizations in making contacts with foreign students, such aswomen's clubs, religious organizations, theAssociation of Commerce and other men'sclubs, schools, social settlements, etc.7. Making social, business and professional contacts between students and Amer-icans. Introducing them into homes andother American institutions.8. Miscellaneous, such as looking afterthe sick, entertaining visitors, meetingstudents at trains, locating people, forward-ing mail, etc.The place which the foreign student takesin the University life is shown by theirscholastic standing, their activity in studentorganizations and the impressions they aremaking in the community life.. As to their scholastic standing, it may besaid that they have a very good average inspite of the language handicaps. Most ofthem are men and women of exceptionalintelligence and courage, or they would notbe here. The fact that of the 40 who received degrees during the last four quarters,9 were elected to Sigma Xi and one to PhiBeta Kappa, indicates that the scholarshipstanding is quite good.Many of them take part in student ac tivities whenever the opportunity is given.They have taken part in athletics, literarywork, debating, dramatics, the UniversityBand, the Christian Associations, the na-tional clubs, and the International Students'Association.The impressions which the foreign studentsare making on American life have beensummarized in the "Foreign Student inAmerica," published by the Committee onFriendly Relations Among Foreign Students,New York, as follows: "They spread in-formation about their countries, they createan international outlook, they stimulatewider reading and travel, they reveal traitsof sacrifice, patience and persistence, theyafford examples of courtesy and apprecia-tion and they deepen spiritual life and ideals."In answer to the question, "How are theysupported?" I will just say that more thanhalf of them are partly, or entirely, selfsupporting. About 50 of them have gov-ernment support of one kind or another andsome of them are supported by their fam-ilies, or friends or institutions.Some of us feel that in order for us tomore adequately serve the needs of thestudents, we must have a house similar tothe new International House, in New York,which Mr. John D. Rockefeller gave andwhich, according to the director, is a greatsuccess. This would provide living accom-modations, social life, athletic activity, _op-portunities for acquaintance, iopportunitiesfor international fellowship and understand-ing.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEAnnual Rush Medicai Alumni FacultyDinnerThe Annual Dinner of the Faculty andAlumni of Rush Medicai College of the University of Chicago was held at the Auditorium Hotel on Tuesday, June 16th. Overthree hundred were in attendance at thisdinner, including the Rush graduating classwhich, as customary, were guests on the occasioni.Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan was Toastmaster.After the Invocation, by the Rev. CharlesW. Gilkey, Dean Gordon J. Laing, of thegraduate school of the University, delivereda most humorous and interesting talk onLatin as it is used and ab-used in the medicaiprofession. On behalf of the class of 19:25,Douglas B. Bell made a presentation of abronze portrait of Dr. Bertram W. Sippy toRush Medicai College. Dean Ernest E.Irons of Rush paid a splendid tribute toPresident Burton and his work for RushCollege and medicai education. The gather-ing stood in silent tribute to President Burton, as requested by Dean Irons.Dr. Ralph W. Webster delivered an interesting address on "What the UniversityHas Done for Rush and What Rush CanDo for the University." (It is planned topresent this address in a later issue of theMagazine).On behalf of the class of 1900, Dr. E. O.Benson told of the class's 25th anniversaryand of its continued interest and loyalty toRush and to the University. Dr. G. F. Dickresponded likewise for the class of 1905. Theassembly paid a special tribute to Dr. Dickin acknowledgment of his outstanding con-tribution to medicai science by his discoveryof the cause, prevention and cure of scarletfever.Former Dean Lewis, who happened tobe in Chicago, was a guest at the speakers'table. He told of his new relationship asDean at Johns Hopkins University. At thespeakers' table also were Dean EmeritusFrank Billings and other members of theFaculty and the University. At the con-clusion of the dinner a number of contribu-tions to the Development Fund of the University were made.This Annual Dinner carried on most suc-cessfully the traditions of the Alumni Association of Rush Medicai College.* * *Rush Alumni Association Annual MeetingThe Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association of Rush Medicai College of the University of Chicago was held on June 16,1925, at the Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, witha good attendance. Dr. Frederick A. Speik,'05, M.D. '07, of Los Angeles, Second Vice-President, was in the chair. The report of the Annual Meeting of 1924by the secretary, and the treasurer's report,by Dr. Cari O. Rinder, were read and ac-cepted. The report of the necrologist wasread and acknowledged.Dr. Morris Fishbein reported orally on theDodson Fund and Dr. McEwen spokebriefly on the work of the EntertainmentCommittee. Brief informai reports weremade by Dr. A. A. Hayden for the Committee on Permanent Class Organization,and Dr. Ralph C. Brown for the Delegatesto the Alumni Council. These reports wereformally accepted. Dr. Cari Rinder reportedbriefly for the committee on the HaynesLibrary Fund; accepted.On the report of the Nominating Committee the following officers were nominatedand elected to office for the year 1925-26:President, Ralph W. Webster, '98, Chicago.First Vice-President, Cari B. Davis, '03,Chicago.Second Vice-Fresident, B. J. Bill, '79,Genoa City, Wis.Third Vice-President, J. S. Kauffman, '75,Blue Island, 111.Necrologist, Walter H. Meents, '07, Chicago.Treasurer, Cari O. Rinder, '13, Chicago,(Elected for three years in 1923).Secretary, Charles A. Parker, '91, Chicago,(Elected for three years in 1923).Directors for three years:S. R. Slaymaker, '92, Chicago.A. A. Hayden, '04, Chicago.Delegates to Alumni Council:Ralph C. Brown, '04, Chicago.George H. Coleman, '13, Chicago.D. B. Phemister, '04, Chicago.On motion of Dr. Cari B. Davis the meeting passed a resolutìon that the Secretar?expresses to the families of Dr. NormanBridge, Dr. Bertram W. Sippy, Dr. DavidW. Graham, and President Ernest D. Burton, the sympathy of the Rush Alumni Association for the loss of the members oftheir families.Upon motion by Dr. Irons, which was sec-onded and carried, Dr. Irving Stein and DrMorris Fishbein were constituted a committee to arrange for the Rush Banquet at themeetings of the American Medicai Association.The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer showed progress in the Association.The meeting adjourned to attend the annualbanquet of the Association.Charles A. Parker, '91, Secretary.* * *Rush Alumni Secretary's ReportWith the adoption of the new constitutionon November 7th, the year 1924 witnessed366Rush Medical College Association 367the clqsing of a glorious epoch and the open-ing of a prophetic new era in the historyof our Alumni Association. On.that date thealumni of Rush were received into full fel-lowship with those of the University withthe significant title of the Alumni Association of Rush Medicai College of the University of Chicago.While we congratulate ourselves and express our profound appreciation for ourwhole-hearted reception into the fellowshipof so distinguished a company as the alumniof a great university, we are ever consciousof the beneficent influence this body ofmedicai men and women, many of whosediplomas antedate the birth of the Universityitself, may have on their new Alma Mater.The possibilities of such a union for medicaiadvancement are unlimited and incalculable.Plans are already definitely under way toutilize to the fullest extent the potentialitiesof our great professional body in this newhigh-powered combination and much has already been accomplished so recently thatthe rank and file have not yet heard of it.With the momentum thus gained continuaiprogress is inevitable. "The Rush MedicaiCollege of the University of Chicago" is theslogan that fulfills our dreams and aspira-tions of years. On the west side out of the hal-lowed dust of our old Rush home has arisenthe beautiful new edifice that we will learnto love with a fervor no less filial becauseof its youth and lack of tradition. We knowits ancestry and have faith in the posterity.Two tragic events have been impresseciupon us within the year; the sudden death ofDr. B. W. Sippy, whose brilliant wit andcharming good humor were never more elo-quent than at our last banquet, and the morerecent demise of President Burton. Onlythose in dose touch with recent conditionscan begin to appreciate the positive influencePresident Burton exerted in affairs pertain-ing to the University and its related institu-tion. Witness the epochal program of theUniversity his genius and energy preparedand carried well toward certain fruition inthe short term he was spared to serve us.It was his initiative and intent thatbrought about the final action making Rushan integrai part of the University, and it wasas much through his influence as any thatour alumni were received on the presentterms of complete equality. It is our mis-fortune that more of us did not know him.However, as for the cause of medicai education there can be no turning back, and wemay be sure that the name of Rush willever be the beacon and unerring guide tostudents far in the future as it has been solong in the past.Of no less moment, if not so tragic inthat he had rounded out the usuai span ofyears grudgingly allotted man, was the lossof Dr. Norman Bridge, physician, humani-tarium, loyal and bountiful supporter ofRush. We miss him and shall revere hismemory.The old year closes only that a new onemay begin. With it will probably come newsorrows, but certainly it will open to us op- portunities for service of which in formeryears we did not dare even to dream. Thealumni of Rush rejoice in their strengthand ardor to meet these new opportunities asobligations. It is the golden dawning of aportentous future for our Association.Charles A. Parker, '91, Secretary.* * *1900 Rush Class Celebrates AnniversaryThe 15th of June, the day of our SilverAnniversary, began with the Stars andStripes waving from the housetops. I amstili undecided whether it was for our reunion or because it was Flag Day at anyrate, the banners waved welcome and goodcheer to the boys of 1900.Thirty-one responded to roll-call and cn-tered their names in the souvenir addressbook. Rogers arrived two days previouslyto be here on time; Healy and Foley wereearly visitors to Old Rush (which now isNew Rush) and the County Hospital.Rider ali the way from South Dakota calledup early, asking for a rendezvous place.The reunion took place at the Rose room,Sherman Hotel. Arrivals carne in as earlyas 6; and by 7 everybody was ready to sitat the table and partake of a well-serveddinner. Music was furnished by the Ben-son Orchestra. For old time's sake, some ofthe songs of 1900 were rendered and everybody joined in. If harmony from a musicalstandpoint did not prevail, harmony of spiritsurely did. We did not have a speaker ofthe evening, but one after another was askedto make a short talk a story or two some-thing about their home and professional life,etc.Foley, apparently, was the one most en-vied. He is the proud father of eight chil-dren; well able to care for them, and looksthe part. Davie Fiske was there with his1900 souvenir hat. Yes, he has had many ahat since, but none more valued. Most ofthe evening was passed in a jovial manner,but subjects of a serious character were alsodiscussed by The Big Minute Men of theevening Loeb, Colwell and Herbst. Colwellhas kept tab on good, bad and indifferentcolleges for some time now; his talk wasof that line and very interesting. Of course,we are ali boosting Good Old Rush to helpkeep it in the Class A column. Loeb talkedof the great difference in teaching methodsand expense of our time and the. present.Herbst put stress on the advantage of theunion of Rush and the University of Chicago. When he finished we felt that theUniversity was certainly fortunate to seiectthe best Medicai College in the country, andthat we joined the greatest University inthe world. The spirit of Good Old Rush willhelp make it so!È. O. Benson, our Valedictorian in 1900,was asked to represent us at the regularRush Banquet the following evening.V. Bachelle suggested a new address bookfor the class of 1900; this will be publishedand sent to our men soon.For long distance, McDaniel of Siam, and(Please turn to page 375)rL EIHE SIDE SHE 3HE EIBE 3EE EJQCLAW SCHOOL °1Annual Law School DinnerThe largest crowd on record made notablethe annual dinner of the Law School Association on Tuesday evening, June 16, 1925,when 158 persons gathered at the ChicagoBar Association under the leadership ofPresident Roy D. Keehn.Senator Charles S. Deneen was the priu-cipal speaker. He told of his early expe-rience in the trial of criminal cases in Chicago which laid the foundation for his latersuccess as State's Attorney of Cook Countyfor eight years. He considers that in criminal cases the preparation should be chieflyon the facts, rather than on the law, but thepreparation should be thorough. He paidtribute to the late former Vice-President,Thomas R. Marshall, who was governor ofIndiana when Mr. Deneen was governor ofIllinois.Professor Frederic C. Woodward, repre-senting the faculty, talked of the responsi-bility of law schools both for instruction andfor service to the profession by intensivestudy of legai problems. The latter is con-cretely illustrated by the work of the American Law Institute in the restatement of thelaw, now well advanced. In addition he ad-vocates a year of graduate study by a se-lected group of scholarly students inseminars.The attendance was aided by the fact thatthe fifth year classes were holding reunions.Leon P. Lewis of Louisville, Ky., spokefor the class of 1905, which was the firstclass to take ali its work in the present LawSchool. As the school started in the fall of1902, the former graduates had entered withadvanced standing from other schools.J. C. Pryor of Burlington, Iowa, was thespeaker for the class of 1910. He relatedsome experience as a railroad lawyer, butsaid the thing that constituted the real bondwith his class was that like most of them heis married and has two children.George M. Morris of Washington, D. C,speaking for the class of 1915, said the timehas come for nationalizing the Law SchoolAssociation. He and William P. Mac-Cracken, Jr., have already established athree-year precedent of having a dinner ofthe Chicago Law School men at the meet-ings of the American Bar Association. Thenumbers attending have been small com-pared with Harvard, Yale, Michigan, andothers, but should keep growing as moregraduates are turned out. Morris has someother ideas too, which will probably findtheir way into print later.George McDonough of Chicago, respondedfor the class of 1920, making the usuai mod-est claims of fìve-year olds.The class of 1925 had been invited to bepresent as guests of the Association, and about thirty accepted. Their spokesman wasthe president of the class, Gerald E. Welsh,who voiced their ambition to get past thestarving period among other equallyworthy objects in life.Professor Floyd R. Mechem was calledon, and responded briefly. No gathering ofChicago Law students will ever let Mr.Mechem sit silent through its proceedings.As a sort of climax, Dean James P. Hallwound up the program with a resumé of theyear's work at the Law School, and some-thing of the plans for the future. The present year has found the school back again toits highest pre-war status, both in quantityand quality of students. The class of 192jranks as one of the best classes in scholar-ship and caliber, while the Freshman classis ahead of ali to date.President Keehn gave special credit forthe success of the meeting to the work ofAlderman Francis L. Boutell, J.D. '15, chairman of the Committee on Àrrangements;"Almost-Alderman" John W. Chapman,J.D. '17; Harry J. Lurie, J.D. '05; Leo W.Hoffman, J.D. '10 and Marcus A. Hirschl,J.D. '10; Harold W. Norman, '20; and Gerald E. Welsh, J.D. '25.The newly elected officers are:President Albert B. Enoch, J.D. '08.First Vice President Urban A. Lavery,J.D., '10.Second Vice President George M. Morris, J.D. '15, Washington, D. C.Secretary & Treasurer Charles F. Mc-Elroy, J.D. '1.5.Delegates to the Alumni Council are:Albert B. Enoch, J.D. '08.Charles F. McElroy, J.D. '15.Francis L. Boutell, J.D. '15.When it is further mentioned that BillMacCracken, '09, J.D. '12, led the yells andalso the singing (yes Bill the singing),enough has been said as to this being a(roaring) success.Charles F. McElroy, Secretary.* * *Reunion of Law Class of 1915Twenty-seven graduates of the LawSchool of the University for the vear 1915met in the Grey Room of the "ShermanHouse at seven o'clock June 15, 1925 for areunion to commemorate the tenth anniversary of their graduation.They carne ali the way from Washington,D. C, on the east, southeast Missouri nearMemphis, Tenn., on the south, and fromFond Du Lac, Wis., on the northwest.It was a happy -reunion of men who hadsucceeded in the practice of law, and a fewin other lines. Our active President, GeorgeM. Morris, announced that in spite of the(Please tum to page 376)303«S8S8SS8SS&!SS88SSSS88S88SSS88SSSSS8SSS8®8®SS8S88®88S^?S®®S88S1 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION |8!8g®8S88SS88888SS8S888SS®8S888S888S88S8SS888gS8SS««88SS88g«®«Rosenberger Educational PrizeThe Susan Culver Rosenberger Educational Prize, which is awarded every otheryear to a student of the Department ofEducation for the best thesis on some sub-ject relating to elementary education, hasbeen awarded this year to Dr. William H.Burton, Professor of Education in theUniversity of Cincinnati. Professor Burtonreceived his Doctor's degree in September,1924. His thesis was an investigation of"The Nature and Amount of Civic Information Possessed by Chicago Children ofSixth-Grade Level." It consisted, first, ina careful examination of the technique ofconstructing a test for measuring this infor-mation. It then gave a detailed comparisonof the information possessed by differentgroups of children. Comparisons were madebetween boys and girls, and between groupsin different parts of the city who lived invaried types of neighborhoods. The information which was gathered in the investigation gives important data to use in constructing curricula of study in the socialsciences.PublicationsReadings in Literature, by Ernest Hanes andMartha Jane McCoy, has just been publishedby the Macmillan Company. It is accom-panied by a Manual to Readings in Literaturewhich describes very concretely methodsemployed in the University High School inpresenting the material in the anthologies.The publications taken together comprisea content and method for the study ofliterature as worked out in the LaboratorySchools of the University in accordance withapproved theories and practices.FacultyMiss_ Tempie has accepted the nominationto the presidency of the International Kindergarten Union for the year 1925-26.Miss Katherine Martin is co-author of theField-Martin Primer published in June, 1925,by Ginn and Company.Superintendent Henry C. Morrison of theLaboratory Schools addressed the NationalCouncil for the -Social Studies at the Indianapolis meeting on July 3 on the theme,"What Training Teachers of the SocialStudies Should Have." Mr. Howard C. Hill,Head of the Department of Social Sciencein the University High School, who isPresident of the National Council for thecurre'nt year, presided at the Indianapolismeeting on July 2 and 3.Mr. Reavis will spend the month of September in Seattle, Washington, conductingconferences and giving professional coursesfor the principals and teachers of the SeattlePublic Schools. He will give three coursesof lectures one on the Junior High School,one on the Administration of a High SchoolDepartment, and one on the Principalship and will conduct two conferences for each of the five academic departments of the highschools.Mr. Freeman will be in Columbus, Ohio,on July 27 and 28. He will talk on theproblems of instruction in handwriting atthe Summer School in the Supervision ofPenmanship conducted by Zaner and Bloser.HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENTAmerican Child Health AssociationConferenceAt the invitation of the University of Chicago, the fourth annual conference of theAmerican Child Health Association was heldin Ida Noyes Hall during the week of June22 to 26. Specialists of repute in the variousphases of health education general educa-tors, nurses, physicians, leaders in mentaland social hygiene, in home economics,physical education, and the biological sciences were in attendance from ali over theUnited States, on invitation of the staff ofthe Association. The conference was uniquein being a "working" conference, attendanceat the daily sessions being limited to invitedmembers, who worked in groups on certainproblems of health education assigned tothem. The discussions of each group weresummarized by a committee at the dose ofthe session, these summaries being presentedand discussed each evening at a generalmeeting which was open to ali interested inhealth education.A considerable number of former studentsof the University of Chicago were presentas delegates at the conference and many ofthe students at the summer session availedthemselves of the opportunity to attend theevening meetings.Vice-President Tufts welcomed the conference and other members of the Universityfaculty contributed by serving as a locaicommittee on arrangements and by contribu-tions to the discussions. Among these were:Professors Jordan and Norton (Bacteriol-ogy), Gray and Bobbit (Education), Dudleyand Monilaw (Physical education of University women and of the laboratory schoolsrespectively), Blunt and Roberts (HomeEconomics), Carlson and Ivy (Physiology).That the conference was truly a workingconference and accomplished definite resultswas generally acknowledged. Much of thecredit for accomplishing this was due to theskilful guidance of Miss Emma Dolfinger,Director of the Health Education Divisionof the Association, and to her associates inthe division, as well as to the able chairmenof the sessions, Dr. Thomas D. Wood ofColumbia University, A. S. Barr of the University of Wisconsin, Mr. Shepherd of theChicago Normal School, Mary E. Murphyof the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund,Chicago, and C. E. Turner of MassachusettsInstitute of Technology.369NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSClass Secretaries'93. Herman voti Holst, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 6602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Stacy Mosser, 29 So. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI.'03. Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Ed.'10. Bradford Gill, 208 S. La Salle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 66th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Roland Holloway, University of Chicago.'21. Elizabeth Williford, Memphis, Tenn.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 6312 Ellis Ave.'24. Julia Rhodus, 6535 Kenwood Ave.'25. Ruth Stagg, 5539 Kenwood Ave. College Association Notes ilIChicago Alumni have a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Teli your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou-sands in ali parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) - Chicago, Illinois ii*._.. , . . . *'83 Frederic J. Gurney, D.B., AssistantRecorder of the University, sailed from NewYork, July 4th, on the "Leviathan" to meethis son, Taylor Gurney, '21, in Paris. TaylorGurney has finished his third year of teaching in the American High School, Teheran,Persia, and is returning this summer. Hewill come via Baghdad, Damascus, andBeirut and will probably spend a short timein Palestine and then touch at Athens, Rome,Florence, etc, on the way to Paris. Aftersome days in France the two will tour Eng-land and Scotland and return to America atthe end of the summer.'96 Charles S. Pike, president of theDramatic Club in his college days, wrotetwo one-act plays, "A String of Pearls" and"A Great Martyr," produced by The Play-ers Club of Detroit. Mr. Pike is Detroitrepresentative of the Harris Trust & Sav-ings Bank.'97 Zelma Clark is director of the MarthaCook Building, the model women's dormi-tory at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar-bor.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Autumn Quarter begins Oct. 1Registration : September 19 to 30For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, Univer«ity College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.370News of the Classes and Associations 371'98 William Lee Richer is principal ofthe new Fremont High School, a vocatioualinstitution, in Los Angeles.- '98 David M. Robinson, Ph.D. '05, professor of Archaeology and Epigraphy at JohnsHopkins University, is Director of Excava-tions at Pisidian Antioch; a full-page, illustrateti article on some of his rare discoveriesappeared in the Baltimore Sun.'99 Dr. Robert Lincoln Kelly, Ph.M., delivered a course of lectures at the Sorbonnea year ago, as Exchange Professor in theKahn Foundation. Dr. Kelly was thefounder and is the permanent executive offi-cer of the Association of American Colleges,New York City.'99 Anna Lockwood Petersen, who hasbeen teaching for some years at HughesHigh School, Cincinnati, has been appointedfor a second term of three years on the Committee on Teacher Training Institutions, oneof the two most important committees of.the Ohio Educational Council. She wasone of the speakers at the meeting of theN. E. A.- at Indianapolis this June. MissPeterson has long been prominent in educational movements in Ohio.'00 Mrs. Vashti Chandler Potter is vicc-president of the Women's Baptist MissionSociety of Illinois. Mr. Potter, A.M. '12,is president of Shurtleff College at Alton,Illinois. Mrs. F'otter's father, Dr. CharlesChandler, who teaches the classics at Shurtleff, was Professor of Latin at Chicago from1892 to 1916, a period of 24 years. '01 John Mills, personnel director of theBell Telephone Laboratories, New YorkCity, recently wrote a pamphlet for this cpm-pany on "Selecting and Flacing Graduatesin Business." The pamphlet will be sup-plied by the company to anyone interested.'04 Frank R. Adams has been engagedto write scenarios for Douglas MacLeanin the new Paramount moving-picture series.'06 C. Arthur Bruce, J.D. '08, first vice-president of the E. L. Bruce Lumber Co.,Memphis, Tenn., was recently elected president of the Chamber of Commerce of thatcity, though a resident of Memphis for onlyfour years. He rapidly won distinction therein business, industriai and civic activities.Under Bruce's leadership, Memphis was oneof the cities which immediately over-sub-scribed its quota in our Alumni Campaign.'06 Mrs. Grace Vaili Gray was recentlyappointed director of the Homemakers Hourof the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation Radio Station WLS, Chicago. Sinceher graduation Mrs. Gray has been prominent in the middle-west as a teacher, lec-turer and writer in the Home Economicsfield, particularly for farmers.'07 Jessie I. Solomon owns and managesthe Jesse Art Studio, specializing in giftand society novelties, ih Elgin, 111. MissSolomon heads our Alumni Campaign in Elgin.09 H. W. Nichols, M.S., Ph. D. '18, isco-author of a paper on the "Propogation ofP -««¦! «« "" K8C "« «""BOOKSb y e o r r e s pondenceFrequently teachers and other folk wish acertain book, but do not know just whereto obtain it, and do not have access topublishers' complete catalogues. We cantake care of this for you in a minimumtime, with no charge for service. :: ::Send Us Your OrdersThe University of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Avenue il372 The University of Chicago MagazinelIII!8 To men who are"looking around"His first year out ofcollege, the man who hasnot trained for a specialcalling is usually attraeteci by the first job that -yields an income. Butonce he begins to feel athome in business, he fre-quently looks around forsomething better morestable returns, perhaps,more responsibility, astronger hold on his interest.There is something better in this oldest American fire and marine in-surance company, whoseorganization e x t e n d saround the world.This refers, not to op-portunities for selling in-surance, but to depart-mental positions in thehome and branch offices.Any North Americaoffice, i n e 1 u d i n g thebranch office in Chicago,will welcome inquiries.Or writeInsurance CompanyNorth America3rd and Walnut StreetsPHILADELPHIA of Electric Waves over the Earth" which ap-peared in a recent issue of the Bell SystemTechnical Journal; he has been connectedwith the Bell Laboratories in New Yorksince 1914.'11 Morris Fishbein, M.D. .'12, was thisyear made Editor of the Journal of theAmerican Medicai Association, 535 No.Dearborn St., Chicago. Dr. Fishbein hasbeen with that Journal for some years, asAssistant Editor.'11 Francis F. Patton, ex, was elected avice-president of A. G. Becker & Co., investment bankers, Chicago.'12 Orpha L. App teaches geology atWeidner Institute, Mulberry, Indiana.'12 Benjamin F. Bills, J.D. '15, hasopened offices in suite 2052, Continental andCommercial Bank Bldg., Chicago, as sales,advertising and organization counsel forbank, bond and real estate organizations.For some years he was sales director forthe American Bond & Mortgage Company.'12 Margaret V. Sullivan, after sufferingilìness over a period of eight years, hasopened a type-writing office for work ontheses, lectures, articles, etc, at 2256 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. For several years aftergraduation, Miss Sullivan was secretary tothe University Recorder.'13 Maxwell P. Miller, manager of Bur-ley & Co., china and glassware, 7. No. Wa-bash Ave., Chicago, was sent to Europe inthe interest of his company.'14 Howell W. Murray was elected avice-president of A. G. Becker & Co., investment bankers, Chicago.'15 Alison Aitchison, S.M., and Marguerite Uttley, S.M. '21, are authors of"Across Seven Seas to Seven Continents," ageographic reader for fourth grade; thebook was published in May by Bobbs-Mer-rill Company.'15 Harriet Abbot, ex, is probation offi-cer, Domestic Relations Division, Recorder'sCourt, in Detroit, Mich.'17 Dunlap C. Clark was this year elected'assistant cashier of the Continental andCommercial Bank, Chicago.'20 Arthur H. Steinhaus is head of thedepartment and instructor in Biological Sciences, Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago._'22 E. H. Hildebrandt is principal of thehigh school at Stevens Point, Wisconsin.H. E. Wilson, '2.3, is instructor in SocialSciences in the same school.sC. and A. Notes'18 A. Madeline McManus, Ph.B., isworking toward her Master degree this year.She is also at the present time in the Per_-sonel Department of The Fair. Next yearshe will again be at the University of Oregon where she will take charge of the coursein secretarial work.News of the Classes and Associations'21 L. S. Lyon, Ph.D., who for the pasttwo years has been Dean of the School ofCommerce and Finance, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, will go to theCharles Brookings Graduate School ofEconomics and Politics, Washington, D. C,as research professor, at the end of this aca-demic year.'22 Waldo F. Mitchell, Ph.D., is leavingEvansville College, Evansville, Indiana, atthe end of this year to be Professor of Business Administration in Lawrence College,Appleton, Wisconsin.'22 Perry B. Montgomery, Ph.B., is inthe Tax Department of Armour and Company, Chicago.'24. William R. Lemm, Ph.B., has beenselling Chicago real estate since last August.DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYASSOCIATION'96 Dr. Howard S. Brode, for 25 yearshead of the Biology Department at Whit-man College, is President of the WashingtonState Tuberculosis Association. He washonored by special exercises at the last convocation at Whitman College for his longand exceptional services in the northwest.'04 Dr. W. W. Charters, professor ofeducation and dean of the graduate school atthe University of Pittsburgh, has been appointed Professor of Education at the University of Chicago. He has been dean ofthe school of Education at the universitiesof Missouri and Illinois.'04 Dr. W. S. Gerdis teaches English atStetson University, DeLand, Florida; duringthe summer he gives lectures in literature atthe Asheville Summer Normal School, Ashe-ville, N. C.'OS Dr. W. V. Bingham, formerly withthe Carnegie Institute of Technology atPittsburgh, is now director of the PersonnelResearch Federation, 29 West 39th St., NewYork City.'09 Dr. Douglas Clyde Macintosh, nowat Yale University, was recently awardedthe $6,000 Bross Prize by Lake Forest College for his book entitled "The Reasonable-ness of Christianity."'10 Dr. Harvey Fletcher, one of the fore-most engineers of the Research Laboratoriesof the American Telephone and TelegraphCompany and the Western Electric Company, New York City, has been signallyhonored by the Franklin Institute.'13 Dr. George R. Coffman is professorof English in Boston University. Mrs. Coffman (Bertha Reed, F'h.D. '13) is lecturer inthe extension division of the MassachusettsState Department of Education.'13 Dr. J. Ben Hill teaches Botany andGenetics at Pennsylvania State College. Mrs. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago374 The University of Chicago MagazineHill (Helen Deuss, '16) holds the record forlong attendance of college classes at StateCollege.'16 Dr. Earle E. Eubank, head of thedepartment of Sociology, and director of theprogram of Education for Social Work atthe University of Cincinnati, took a sociology trip last summer that covered fourcontinents.'16 Dr. M. M. Leighton, chief of the Illinois State Geological Survey Division, hasbeen elected chairman of the St. Louis sec-tion of the American Institute of miningand metallurgical engineers.'17 Dr. Elizabeth Dyer is to directclasses in Household Administration in thenew school to be established at Cincinnatifor the vocational training of women. Dr.Dyer has been prominent in this field inBoston, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.'18 Dr. James H. Hance, 708 W. Washington Blvd., Urbana, 111., recently returnedfrom examination of minerai properties inIdaho and Utah. *'20 Dr. Hope Sherman teaches at theJohns Hopkins Medicai School.'21 Dr. George A. Talbert goes from theUniversity of Nebraska this year to the University of North Dakota as head of the department of Physiology.'22 Dr. H. L. Gosnell has been appointed one of the National Social ScienceResearch Fellows; he is now in Europe fora fifteen months' study on the topic, "Fac-The Albert Teacher's Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IH.Fortieth year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excel-lent positions in hundreds of Colleges,Universities, Normal Schools, HighSchool and Private Schools, who werehappily located by The Albert Teach-er's Agency.This Agency has long been in thefront rank of placement bureaus. It isunquestionably the largest and bestknown Agency. Forty-eight per centof positions rilied by us are in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal andeffective. Our clients stay with us come to us every year. They appre-ciate good service. Graduates andstudents of the University of Chicagoare always welcome in our office. Ifnot near enough for an interview,make your wants known by mail. Weare here to help you get well located.We have busy offices inNew York, Denver and Spokane tors Determining the Extent of PopularParticipation in Elections in Typical Euro-pean States."'22 Dr. F. D. McClusky leaves the University of Illinois this year, to go to Pur-due University as associate professor incharge of educational research.'22 Dr. Mary Louise Sawyer, assistantprofessor of Botany at Wellesley College,published a research article in the Botanica!Gazette for March.'22 Dr. Paul V. West is professor andhead of the deoartment of Education at theUniversity of Chattanooga, Tennessee.'23 Dr. L. Foster Wood is professor ofReligious Education at Bucknell University.'25 Dr. Richard Foster Flint, S.B. '22,will become a member of Yale Universityfaculty, Geology department, next October.RUSH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION'90 Dr. J. Alien Patten is Medicai Director for the Prudential Insurance Companyof North America, at the home office, New-ark, New Jersey. He writes: "I sincerelyhope the completed union of the Universityand Rush Medicai college will bring forththe results that have been so earnestlystriven for since the plans started so manyyears ago."'11 Dr. Frederic A. Bisdom now has hisSAFETY AND GENEROUS YIELDare characteristics of the FIRSTMORTGAGE GOLD BONDS weown and offer for investment onHYDE PARK property paying6}^% interest.The bonds are certified to andtitle guaranteed for the fullamount of the loan by the Chicago Title & Trust Co.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St Corner RidgewoodNews of the Classes and Associations 375office at 104 So. Michigan Ave., suite 930,Chicago; he was formerly at 5 No. La SalleSt.'11 Dr. Ralph H. Kuhns is at 135 Stock-ton St., San Francisco. He is with the department of Pediatrics, University of California, and has been giving a number oflectures on various phases of his subjectbefore medicai and other associations. Dr.Kuhns heads the Rush Alumni campaign inSan Francisco for the University's Development Fund.'14 Dr. Edson A. Freeman, of Akron,Ohio, has been taking a post graduate coursethis year in the Medicai School of the University of Pennsylvania.'16 Louis H. Braafladt, S.M. '14, Ph.D.'23, is professor of Pathology and head ofthat department in the Medicai School,Shantung Christian University, Tsinan,China.'16 Dr. Oscar W. Rest is practicing industriai surgery, with offices at 4157 So. Hal-sted St., Chicago.'19 Dr. Hedwig S. Kuhn has opened heroffice, with practice restricted to women andchildren, at 686 Hohman St., Hammond,Ind.'20 Dr. Emmet Blackburn Bay is assistant to Dr. James B. Herrick, Peoples GasBldg., Chicago.'21 Dr. Daniel W. Wheeler has openedan office, for the practice of internai medicine, at 314 Fidelity Bldg., Duluth, Minn.'22 Dr. Marshall Field has his address at1969 Montrose Ave., Chicago.PaulH. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex.'06Ralph W. Davis, '16Paai RDavis & @o.MEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE39 SOUTH LA SALLE STREETTELEPHONE STATE 6860CHICAGOCharles R. Gilbert. '10 Bradford Gii!. °10Gilbert & GillGeneral InsurancePersonal and Business208 South La Salle StreetWabash 941 1 CHICAGO '22 Dr. Harold I. Meyer is with theMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston,Mass.'22 Dr. Harry B. Van Dyke, S.B. '18,Ph.D. '21, formerly of Chicago, is with thedepartment of Pharmacology, University ofEdinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.'23 Beatrice W. Hawkins, 1137 CentralAve., W'ilmette, 111., is practicing Medicine.1900 Rush Class Anniversary(Continued from page 867)Barclay of Washington, take the lead. Theonly thing that kept McDaniel from attend-ing was sudden illness when within 200miles of Chicago.E. F. Stewart of Galva, 111., sent a letterof regret. This is his third year fightingT. B., "but expects to make the grade to bepresent in 1930."The 1930 reunion is going to be a bigevent. When you come, we shall show youthe wonderful buildings at the Universitygrounds, and the rebuilt Rush Building onthe West Side. (Maybe by airplane whocan teli?)Among those present, and not previouslymentioned, were McNaughton, Grosvenor,Langhorst, McDonald, Timerman, Léonard,Stoll, Lenz, Aylward, Dearholt, Dodd, Sha-fer, Goldstine, Major, Foster, Dorsey, Boone,E. N. Scott, Kleinpell.Henry H. Kleinpell, '00.Largest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY, 28 E.Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Affiliatecioffices in principal cities.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU,Chicago Tempie, 77 W. WashingtonSt., Chicago; 1254 Amsterdam Ave.,New York. College and universitywork only.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY,Security Bldg., Evanston, IH.; Southern Bldg., Washington.EDUCATION SERVICE, 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; 1254 AmsterdamAve., New York. Makes a specialtyof public school work, includingteaching and administrative positions ; also, positions for collegegraduates outside of the teachingfield. Offers various forms of service to schools and teachers.370 The University of Chicago Magazine1915 Law Class Reunion' (Continued from page 368)ten years ali of the members of the classwere accounted for except one who seemsto have been swallowed up in the vastnessof China.Ali but two of the members are marriedand most of those present were proud to an-nounce that they were fathers. Amongthose present were three fathers of twins.Dean Hall and Professor Mechem of theFaculty were present and they made theoccasion a perfect one. The Dean made aninteresting talk about the new type of a lawschool that he predicted for the near future.Mr. Mechem was kept busy denying chargesmade by George Morris and replying inkind.Those present other than those alreadymentioned included 18 from Chicago andthe following from out of town: John M.Flynn, Milwaukee, Ray B. Lucas, Benton,Mo., John P. McGalloway, Fond du Lac,Wis., Howard B. McLane, LaPorte, Ind.,Cari E. Robinson, Jacksonville, IH., HowardP. Roe, Chicago Heights, Kenneth C. Sears,Columbia, Mo., and Walter H. Smith, Whit-ing, Ind. Letters were received from Wen-dell M. Levi, Sumter, S. C, Jesse D. Coon,Sioux Falls, S. D., and John J. Eshelman,Washington, D. C, and Howard Ellis, Chicago.WANTEDOld Editions of Cap and GownThe undersigned Alumnus istrying to complete a collectionof ali editions of the Cap &Gown, and needs the editionsof the following years :1895 1909 19171896 1911 19181897 1912 19201898 1913 19221899 1914Anyone willing to disposeof sanie, please communicatewithERNEST E. QUANTRELL14 WALL STREETNEW YORK CITY Photography of Atomic Collisions(Co'ntìnued frorri page 355)smoking pipes (clay pipes). This work wasstopped by the war, but in January, 1920,definite evidence was obtained that for thefirst time an element had been separatedinto visible and weighable parts of different.atomic weights. Since then the element mer-cury has been split apart in the same way.Experiments are now being conducted uponzinc and cadmium.In connection with the general work uponthe structure of the atom, there has beendeveloped a new periodic system, which playsthe same part in connection with the atomicspecies, as the periodic system of Mendeleefffor the elements.A number of able workers, most of whomobtained the Ph.D. degree, have taken partin this work. The early theory was developed in collaboration with Dr. E. D. Wilson.Three distinct separations of the elementchlorine into isotopes were obtained, re-spectively, by C. E. Broeker, Anson Hayes,and T. H. Liggett, and similar separationsof the element mercury by R. S. Mullikenand S. L. Madorsky. Dr. Mulliken alsogreatly advanced our knowledge of the theory of diffusion of gases. The atomic tracksgiven in the present paper were photo-graphed by R. W. Ryan, and studies of thestability of atoms under powerful electricaldischarges at temperatures of 20,000 degreescentigrade or more have been carried out byS. K. Allison. The present work on isotopesis being carried on with the assistance ofMessrs. Buckner, Mann, Sunier, and Morti-mer, and plans have been partly drawn upfor co-operative work in this connection withthe Bureau of Standards, since isotopes are offundamental importance in connection withthe establishment of the international standards of electrical resistance and electromotiveforces.Mention should also be made of the important discovery of Dr. Lester Aronberg*who received the Ph.D. degree in this Department in 1917. He found that isotopieelements have slightly different spectra, whilea number of noted investigators had previ-ously reached the conclusion that they wereidentica! Dr. Aronberg's discovery has sincebeen confirmed by a noted English spec-troscopist. This particular work was theoutgrowth of our ideas in connection withthe study of atomic structure outlined inthe present paper, and its successful conclusion was due very largely to the adviceof Professor H. G. Gale in regard to thespectroscopic work.Three of the men who have taken part inthis work will be National Research Fel-lows in the Department of Physics at Har-Photography of Atomicvard University next year. In continuingwork upon complex salts begun here, Dr.George L. Clark (Ph.D., 1918), working atHarvard, has discovered the best method yetfound for the determination of the positionsof atoms in crystals. This is a noteworthydiscovery.As an outgrowth of our work on the structure of atoms, and on the size and shapeof molecules a new theory of emulsions waspublished in 1917. In some emulsions, suchas milk, oil occurs in drops inside water;in others, water is emulsified in oil. Bothtypes of emulsions occur in the animai body,so a theory which would explain the mechan-ism of their formation would be of fundamental importance to physiology. It wasfound that the molecules of substances mostefficient as emulsifying agents act as thoughthey are shaped like wedges. The bestemulsifying agents are soaps, and the mole-cule of a soap has oxygen and a metal atone end, and an oil-like chain of carbon andhydrogen at the other. Now the soap molecules gO into the boundary between an oiland water, the "oil-like" end turning towardthe oil, and the "water-like" end, which con-tains the metal and oxygen, turning towardthe water. So, if the broader end of eachwedge-shaped molecule is "water-like," thiswill curve the surface so that water will Heoutside and drops of oil, inside. If, on theother hand, the oil-like end is broader, theoil will lie outside, and the water inside.The wedge-like soap molecules fit into thecurvature of the drop like the stones in anarch. There is how considerable evidencein support of the theory, which is now knownas the "Orientation Theory of Emulsions."Since the above was written a secondphotograph somewhat similar to that shownin Figure 2 has been secured. This alsoshows the characteristics of a photographof an atomic disintegration. However, thereis stili about one chance in ten thousand thatit is due to a multiple collision.James Stephens, Poet and Novelist, Speaksat University James Stephens, the famous poet and novelist, author of The Crack of Gold and othersuccessful books, whose lectures and readings are attracting wide interest in this country, spoke in Leon Mandel Assembly Hallon the evening of Aprii 10. His reading ofhis own poetry and prose was given underthe auspices of the Poetry Club of the University, which has done so much to stimulatean active interest among students in thestudy and writing of English verse. C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephony Wabash 1800John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY23 1 So. La Salle St. State 3400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities231 S. LaSalIe St. State 3400Kenwood: Hyde Park: Woodlawn:South Shore: Chatham Fields: Floasmoor:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22Midway 0620 5435 Kimbark Ave.Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpeeializing onPlans for Building EslaltsLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICERAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederai Securities CorporationCHICAGOState 1414CURTIS FITZHUGH LEE.M.A. (ED.)'19THE CLARK TEACHERS AGENCY5024 Jenkins ArcadePittsburgh, Pa.Our Field: Penna.. W. Va.. Ohio.PLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE. UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOThe University of Chicago MagazineMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoCali and inspectour plant and up-to-date faciliticiWe Print Wfyt 3Hmuergitp of Cbitago j$laga?tneMake a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist and a responsiblePrinting HouseCATALOGUE and DDIW1TDCPUBLICATION rixili 1 Lift 0Printing and AdvertisingAdvisersand the Cooperative and Clearing Housefor Publications and CatalognaLet us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFormerly Roger s & Hall CompanyPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Locai and Long Distane? Wabash 3380One of the lare-est and mostcomplete Prìnt-inj? pianta in theUnited StatesTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.817 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111.ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Platea or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AliBooks School of Social ServiceAdministration! i* +At the National Conference of SocialWork held recently in Denver, Colorado,Dean Abbott was chairman of the Divisionon Immigration which was continued an-other year with Professor Breckinridgesucceeding Dean Abbott as chairman. MissBreckinridge read a paper on the Lazo andthe Family before the family division ofthe Conference. Mr. William W. Burkeand Miss Leila Houghteling and MissDorothy Williams ali of whom are about totake their Doctor's degrees in the Schoolattended the Conference. Mr. Burke andMiss Houghteling took part particularly^ inthe discussions of the American Associationof Social Workers which is one of the af-filiated groups meeting every year at thesame time and place with the NationalConference.Dean Abbott and Professor Breckinridgeare sailing shortly for the InternationalPenitentiary Congress which meets in London. This Congress has not held a meetingsince the War. Professor Breckinridge goesas one of the officiai delegates from Kentucky. They will both late in August readpapers before the Child Welfare Congress,at Geneva.Helen Rankin Jeter, Ph.D. '24, who hasbeen teaching at the University of California,has joined the faculty of the School. Dr.Jeter will give some of her time to a studyof regional planning in co-operation withthe Regional Planning Association, Chicago.Country Home for Convalescent ChildrenAfnliates with UniversityAn agreement for affiliation between theUniversity and the Country Home for Can-valescent Children has been executed. Thetrustees of the Home agree to increase itsendowment to $1,000,000. It will maintain itscorporate existence, but will be intimatelyrelated to the University. For a period offifteen years the present residence and schoolbuildings at Prince Crossing, near Aurora,Illinois, will be used exclusively for childrenof whom not less than Tò per cent shall beorthopedic cases. Buildings may be erectedfor convalescents other than children as thefunds are provided. Three-fifths of thetrustees of the Home are to be nominated bythe Trustees of the University, or the President of the University's Board of Trustees.The University will administer the propertyand funds of the Home as trustee; lay outits educational program; nominate its teachers and nurses.The University of Chicago Magazine 379y vTo the Marco Polos of 1925DID the world hold more to be conquered in thedays of courtly adventurers than it does for daringknights of ' 25 ? Does no far-off Cathay, no passage toIndia, beckon today?Perhaps not ; but that's no reason for disappointment.Graduates of 1925 can look about them without sighingfor worlds to conquer.There's high adventure in the lanes of business.Hidden riches underfoot. The very hugeness of modem business demands bigger vision than ever before.Thinking must be on a. scale so large and utifettered byprecedent as to try any man's mental equipment.Here's where college graduates have proven theirmettle. Here's where they have justified their training.And here they may indulge their fancy for exploringnew fields.This advertisement is one of a series in student publications. It may remind alumni of theiropportunity to help the undergraduate, by sugges-tion and advice, to get more out of his four years.380 The University of Chicago Magazines w I'-"iSit&siL ,F T'-*&£r f ]_. 5 ~>3*?%r l/rs< ;*-:*-. J ¦ te \M «§al(© S. &Co.Meat whirls to market!Day in and day out, fresh meat travelsacross the country, from the livestock pro-ducing sections, where the packing housesare located, to the heavily peopled con-suming centers.The hot sun of summer, the bitter coldof winter, rain, hail, snow, sleet, have noeffect. Regardless of the weather, meatleaves the packing plant in perfect con-dition and arrives at its destination sweet,clean, and wholesome.In the United States and Canada, forinstance, cars are loaded at more than 80points at 29 packing plants and at morethan 50 butter, egg, and poultry plants.Shipments are made to more than 400branch houses and to many thousands ofsmall towns on over 500 "car routes."This means Swift & Company's fleet ofrefrigerator cars must be constantly distributed in proper number to the 80 pointswhere shipments originate. They must besent to thousands of destinations by thequickest and shortest routes. They mustbe kept spick-and-span. They must be icedbefore leaving, and re-iced daily enroute.We must have our own traffic experts;o handle this work. Constant check is kepton every car on the rails. So efficiently andsmoothly is the problem taken care of thatno plant is without cars for shipment, nocity or town is under-supplied.The Swift refrigerator car is the symbol of a service that never fails.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 47,000 shareholders ». - - - - ¦¦ ¦ . - ...Marriages, Engagements,Births, Deaths.'¦¦¦¦.,.... ¦+Vallee Orville Appel, '11, J. D. '15, to EvaMae Howells, june 23, 1925, at Streator,Illinois. At home, The Ambassador Hotel,Chicago.Elizabeth Wallace, '23, to T. RussellBaker, '23, June 5, 1925, at Christ ChurchCathedral, Mexico City. At home, 5722Kenwood Ave., Chicago.Pitti)*To Mr. and Mrs. Karl John Bishop(Fedora Addicks), '17, a daughter, BarbaraJane, March 24, 1925, at Chicago.To Dr. Frank S. Newcomb, '19, M.D. '22,and Mrs. Newcomb, a daughter, Mae Man-ford, May 5, 1925, at Los Angeles, Calif.To Harry Bird, Jr., '22, and Mrs. Bird(Evelyn Pooler), ex. '26, a boy, RobertBarrett, March 17, 1925, at Chicago.©eatfjgThornton Shirley Graves, '07, Ph.D. '12,professor of English at the University ofNorth Carolina, March 6, 1925, at his homein Raleigh, North Carolina.Frederick Sisson, '08, February 27, 1925,at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. He was formerprincipal of Chicago Public Schools, andresided at 6123 Kenwood Avenue.Conrad R. Borchardt, '09, March 11, 1925.at his home 6263 Winthrop Avenue, Chicago.Air. Borchardt was president of the Standard Mosaic Tile Company until his death.Katherine E. MacMahon, '17, November10, 1924, in New York City. Miss MacMahon was founder of the present course injournalism at Mt. Holyoke College and instructor in the Pulitzer School of ColumbiaUniversity until her death.Howard David Rhea, J.D. '22, July 24,1924, at his home in Bloomington, 111.Annie Lydia Fucik, '24, January 9, 1925,at her home in Chicago.John Adelbert Parkhurst, Professor ofPractical Astronomy at the Yerkes Observa-tory, March 1, 1925, at Williams Bay, Wisconsin.Martha Fleming, former head of the Department of Dramatic Expression andAssociate Professor in the School of Education of the University of Chicago, recentlyat her home, 5445 University Avenue, Chicago. Miss Fleming was associated with theCook County Normal School and the Francis W. Parker School on the north side fora number of years. For the last two yearsshe had retired from active work.These power plantsalmost thinkEach Saturday afternoon, the demandfor electric current diminishes. Imme-diately this plant, at the head of thestream, shuts down, and a Storagereservoir begins to fili with water.On Monday morning, the plant startsitself and sends water down to alithe others.No human touch. Just G-E auto-matic control.GENERAL ELECTRICWhether electric power isgenerateci from water, coalor oil, there is automaticequipment that will doeverything but think. General Electric Company hasled in the development ofthis equipment and theexperience of its engineers isat the service of everybodywho wants to develop electric power."America's FinestMen's Wear Stores"¦ ~ - r ',Facts AboutCapper's Clothing Sale1 2500 fine suits and topcoats to selectfrom.2 Every garment hand tailored throughout "America's Finest Clothes."3 Reduced because we do not carry ourclothes from season to season.4 These garments are not a manufacturer'ssurplus stock; every one made under ourNew Order of Things.5 Reductions as follows :Ali $50 Suits and Topcoats, now. ; . . . $39.50Ali $55 Suits and Topcoats, now. $43.50.Ali $60 Suits and Topcoats, now. $47.50Ali $65 Suits and Topcoats, now $51.50Ali $70 Suits and Topcoats, now. .... .$55.50Ali $75 Suits and Topcoats, how':. . . . .$59.50Other Suits and Topcoats that sold up to $110reduced In like proportionTropical weight summer suits, staple blues and.dress garments are not in-cluded in this sale. A small charge will be mode for necessary alterationsTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand HOTEL SHERMANThis sale is in progress at both stores