Ohe CCnitiet»if£ efCfltirap (BapinePUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI GOUNCIL W/|\\uw"—And so to work again"Pay Day Last night to dinner with an old friend who sellsreal estate - - « - Found him waiting foF me at hisoffice^deeply immersed in Manly and Powell's "AManual for Writers"- ¦> - .- Said it often served himas an authority when he was uncertain about his useof the English language - - - - Had just been cor-rected by his wife on a statement he had made andwas looking it up - - - - Assured me such use of thisbook was sure proof of its-value - - - -Believe I'il send him the magnificent new editionwe are issuing of our other writer's handbook, "AManual of Style" - - - - There is much in it also forthe business man who writes - - - -Edgar J. Goodspeed, whose American Translationof the New Testament has been such a widely ac-claimed book, carne in to show me the preface of his"The Making of the English New Testament," alittle volume we are soon to publish, commemoratingthe four-hundredth anniversary of William Tyndale'stranslation of the Greek New Testament into English «• - - - Glad they don't bum earnest scholarsand their publishers any more •».».•.»W hai' the advertising manager of theUniversity of Chicago Press mighthave writlen in his diary if he hadone.GPfje Umbergttp of Cfjtcago iWaga?inemmmvoi., xvn fflgmm NO. 4FEBRUARY, 1925Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07EDITO RIAL BOARD: Commerce and Administration Association — Donald P. Bean, '17;Divinity Association — A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21 ; Doctors' Association — Henry C. Cowles,Ph.D., '98 ; Law Association — Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15 ; School of Education Association — Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association — Morris Fishbein, '11, M.D., '12.Frontispiece : Design of the Proposed Hearing Plant.Events and Comment 133Contribution of Colleges 135University of Chicago Settlement 137Alumni Affairs '. 140Athletics 142"A Maker of Men" '. 143News of the Quadrangles 144University Notes 146The Letter Box 151Commerce and Administration 152Rush Medicai College 153School of Education 1 54Law School 155Book Reviews 156News of the Classes and Associations 158Marriag'es, Births, Deaths 168The Magazine is published monthly from No- made payable to the Alumni Council and shouldvember to July, inclusive, by The Alumni be in the Chicago or New York exchange,Council of The University of Chicago, 58th St. postai or express money order. If locai check isand Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription used, 10 cents must be added for collection.price is $2.00 per year ; the_ price of single flClaims for missing numbers should be madecopies is 20 cents ffPostage is prepaid by the with;n the month f0ll0wing the regular monthpublishers on . ali orders from the United 0f publication. The publishers expect to sup-States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama piy mjssjng numbers free only when they haveCanal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawauan been lost in transitSands' EtaS is^chamed^exTra IsToT ^A" ™"espondence should be addressed toot f ^ofSi,1^^ fon'annu:! sut ?he Alumni Co^fl Box : 9, Faculty Exchange,• .• /ili »n,D\ i • „ Ine University ot Chicago, Chicago, III.scnptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 }, . -Zcents (total 22 cents); for ali other coun- P-ntered as second class matter December 10,tries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, un-subc"*"'r,t'"T,'! /'*l"f',, ar>"-'^ — -' — '- — '- der the Act of March 3, 1871.3 ce TfMember of Alumni Magazines Associated.1-9130 The University of Chicago MagazineThe Alumni Council?/The University of ChicagoChairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D., '09.Secretary-Treaswer, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1924-25 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1925, John P. Mentzer, '98; HenrySulcer, '05; Charles F. Axelson, '07; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Dorothy D. Cum-mings, '16; John Nuveen, Jr., '18; Term expires 1926; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Mrs. CharlesF. Grimes, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Term expires 1927, Herbert P. Zimmermann,'01; Frank McNair, '03; Leo F. Wormser, '04; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Arthur A.Goes, '08; Lillian Richards, '19.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert L. Willett, Ph.D., '96; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph.D., '98; Mrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D., '21; Clarence E. Parmenter, '10,Ph.D., '21.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; Guy C.Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Roy D. Keehn, '02, J. D., '04; Charles F. McElroy,A.-M., '06. J. D., '15 ; Walter D. Freyburger, J. D., '10.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. Lyman, Ph.D., '17; Mrs. ScottV. Eaton, '09, A. M., '13; Butler Laughlin, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14; DonaldP. Bean, '17 ; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medicai College Alunmi Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D., '03; GeorgeH. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13 ; Dallas B. Phemister, '12, M. D., '04.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Paul H. Davis, '11; William H. Lyman, '14; Paul SRussell, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Alice Greenacre, '08; Mrs. Helen Carter Johnson, '12;Eleanor J. Atkins, '20.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.<^ ^^ *C>-Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni CouncilTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Mrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D., '21. University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Elijah Hanley, Ex., First Baptist Church, Berkeley, Calif.Secretary, Bruce E. Jackson, D.B., '10, 1131 Wilson Ave., Salt Lake City.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Roy D. Keehn, '02, J.D., '04, 10 S. La Salle St, Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. Walter Willett, Ph.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATONPresident, Donald P. Bean, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, Miss Charity Budinger, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Ernest E. Irons, '00, Ph.D., '12, M. D., '03, 122 S. Michigan Ave ChicagoSecretary, Charles A. Parker, M. D., '91, 7 W. Madison St, Chicago."e* "^- "<0AH Communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the AlumniCouncil, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, includine subscriotions- tothe University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or more degrees from theUniversity of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association in such instances the dues aredivided and shared equally by the Associations involved.Club Officers — Class Secretaries 131OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Robert P. McLarty, Healy Building.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Lois Whitney, GoucherCollege.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P. Pope, Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin C i t i e sClub). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy Augur Siver-ling,__2910 James Ave. So., Minneapolis.Sec,Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, S. A. Rother-mel, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Clara D. Severin, 2593Dartmoor Rd., Cleveland Heìghts.Columbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, OhioState University.Connecticut. Sec, Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs, Theo-dorè Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, Mrs. Emma N. Seaton,12162 Cherrylawn Ave.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Pres., Dr. John M.Gillette, University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. Floyd Mc-Naughton, ÌS'O Mayfield Ave., N. E.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judi-cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Belle Ramey, 718 E.34th St.Iowa City, la. Pres., Prof. B. L. Ullman,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Oliver Street.Knoxville, Terni. Sec, Arthur E. Mitchell,415 Castle St.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence Kan. Sec, Earl U. Manchester,University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, W. Lewis Roberts,University of Kentucky.Los Angeles, Cai. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec, J. Harry Hargreaves, 707Merchants' National Bank Bldg.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483.So. Fourth St. New York Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. LoisSutherland Spear, 2761 Sedgwick Ave.,N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, Juliette Grif-fin, Central High School.Peoria, 111. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 5793Westminster Place.Salt Lake City, Utah. Sec, Hugo B. Anderson, 10*21 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cai. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec, L. W. Alien, 714 Hobart Bldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Sec, C. M. Corbett, 600Security Bank Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Anna Fastenaw, Principal, Emerson School, Sioux Falls, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia.; Rock Island andMoline, 111.) Sec, Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Pres., James G. Brown,University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt.Virginia. Pres., F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington, D. C. Sec, Bertha Henderson,No. 1 Hasketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs. V.M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave., RiverForest, 111.Wichita, Kan., Pres., A. F. Styles, KansasState Bank.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Conrado Benitez, PhilippineHerald.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. Eleanor Whip-ple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.CLASS SECRETARIESAli addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 6602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.TT T....1.. cnoc T — ]:. '09. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 808 S. La Salle St.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 66th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Elizabeth Williford, Memphis, Tenn.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 6312 Ellis Ave.'24. Julia Rhodus, 5535 Kenwood Ave.i t/> -r;E <S ea; O ~~Ì-'J lia! -ho o e~ .su X'3r- <L> E>-=H'K a~« £ a;O a ="V Cbo« "?e 5 ~ CJS — 5 JA >. ¦'• V— M—bo " =heG ~ ^tu tfi 5 5XSì Ci :_<u2 — "e/:¦tì ""r- ™V bO"" ua- j= i-ur> rt-r-^V* (U £ -CUV «.a ^M-. 3 P ~u O Z. <ue«1t/l '£ Q cjV0 JC ^cj ;r oj= Ec *£"x~o x ,d"° t£°= .2 o °.ti ¦" e- £¦" e^¦sc.¦"'3 cl""' £ — r «>.s|«r.r«JCr- £.0 p.»^tKfje Umbersitp of Chicago jlagajmeVOL. XVII FEBRUARY, 1925 No.IN ali the history of education in America,and perhaps in the world, probably nosingle educational institution has been sogenerously assisted and"The Rockefeller supported by an indi-Legend" vidual as has the University of Chicago. Itwas Mr. John D. Rockefeller's timely andgenerous contributions that made possiblethe starting of the University at the openingof the nineties. As the years passed, further-more, it was his munificence toward the institution that enabled the University to makesuch rapid and even starthng strides — a de-velopment that is without parallel in theannals of education. Whenever pressingconditions arose — and they arose frequently— Mr. Rockefeller promptly met the occasion,and thus, in that and other ways, he carriedthe institution along over emergency afteremergency, as well as making gifts repeat-edly to endowment and buildings.In 1910, however, he made his final con-tribution to the University, in the sum of$10,000,000, to be paid on a basis of $1,000,000a year; the final payment was made, accord-ingly, ip 1920. His letter of 1910, now madegenerally familiar to the Alumni and thepublic, expressed his genuine pleasure atbeing able to assist the University of Chicago, and rightly stated that he felt the timehad come when the institution, already ac-corded its notable headway, should be turnedover to the public for assistance in its furtherdevelopment. Other fields in education andscience, which he. had inaugurated, demandedhis attention and great financial support —fields that have long won national and inter-national admiration in their achievements.It would be needless to add here, certainly,that his truly vast contributions to the University of Chicago — contributions which ledso directly to the widely known innovations and accomplishments of the University ineducation and research — have been mostdeeply appreciated by the University, theAlumni, and the general public of the MiddleWest. The work and renown of the University, since the beginning, have beenwidely recognized as virtually deciding fac-tors in making the Middle West a center oflearning, research, and culture.Mr. Rockefeller's timely and ready financial assistance inevitably led to the growthof what might be termed "the Rockefellerlegend." For over a quarter century, now,it had been generally supposed that the University had really no monetary problems,that it required but little outside financialassistance, and that whatever problems didarise would be promptly, easily and com-pletely settled by an immediate contributionfrom "John D." In considerable measure,of course, as indicated previously, this "legend" was fairly correctly based — yet it wasnever actually true, for the University wasalways in considerable need for funds whichhad to be met in some way outside of Mr.Rockefeller's cooperation. Many of theseneeds, we are happy to point out now, werefully recognized and were met through thegenerosity of the Trustees and many friendsof the institution. A mere recital of thenames of many buildings and places — CobbHall, Bartlett Gymnasium, Ryerson Labora-tory, Ida Noyes Hall, Rosenwald Hall,Hutchinson Commons, Mandel Hall, HullCourt, Reynold= Club, Foster, Hitchcock,Kelly, and so on — tells how helpfully theUniversity has been supported through Trustees and friends.The fine examples set by contributions,large and striali, from hundreds of citizensand from many Alumni in the past, may atthis time again be welcomed as timely precedente. We trust that, through the recent133134 The University of Chicago Magazinepublicity efforts, the "Rockefeller legend"has been considerably dispelled. For thetime has come, indeed, when the Alumni andthe citizens of Chicago and likewise theMiddle West should fully realize that maìn-tenance of the University's notable standards,the continuance of its research and othercontributions, and its progress in generalnow depend directly upon financial assistancefrom them. It would be surprising, truly,if, after ali the University has accomplishedand done, for many thousands in particularand millions in general, such support werenot readily forthcoming. We believe thatthe "surprise," if any, will be decidedly theother way — that the results of this campaignwill reveal widespread and deep appreciationof the University and its achievements, in-telligent recognition of the many opportuni-ties it constantly ofìers, and that, accordingly,generous support in this emergency will berendered by citizens and Alumni.* * *A few weeks ago announcement was madeof the generous gift to the University by theGeneral Education Board. Information con-cerning this timely giftGeneral Education of $2,000,000 is presentedBoard Gift elsewhere in this num-ber. The gift, as iscustomary with such contributions from theBoard, is for endowment and conditionalupon the raising of an additional $4,000,000for endowment among the Alumni and thepublic. Aside from the many other reasonsthat justify contributions at this time, hereis a further incentive for fullest cooperationon the part of the Alumni. It lies largely inthe hands of the Alumni as to whether thisparticular gift is moved from the conditionalto the assured column. We believe ourAlumni will make every effort to bring aboutassurance of this gift. It is a deeply appre-ciated evidence of generosity on the part ofthe Board that should now be matched withequal generosity on the part of ali directlyconcerned.* * *The success of the Alumni feature of thecampaign now being undertaken to realizethe program set forth by the Committee onDevelopment is not in theSpecial hands of a few Alumni;Thanks it lies, in fact, in thehands of literally hun-dreds of Alumni under the organization thathas been built up. General committces, dis-trict and locai committees, campaign head-quarters, alumni clubs, classes, associations,general and special workers everywhere helpto make up the "army" of Alumni who aregiving of their time, energy and funds to assure success of the Alumni part in thisgreat effort on behalf of the University.That the work of ali of these loyal workersis profoundly appreciated, goes without say-ing.There is another group of Alumni, though,whose efforts should not be forgotten at thistime. And therefore, before the campaignis fairly under way, we wish to take thisopportunity to extend again sincere thanksto ali of them. Many hundreds of Alumni, inthe past years, have worked hard for theUniversity. Through the fields opened bythe various Associations, the classes, clubs,reunions, and other phases of Alumni en-deavor, they have gladly and loyally enlistedfor some kind of service in furthering theinterests of Alma Mater as the opportunity,large or limited, offered at the time. Manyof that legion, fortunately, are stili active;some of that number are especially active inthis campaign. But others have passed on,or, for various reasons, can not now takean active part in this greatest of ali venturesundertaken by our Alumni.The incentive of a great effort alwaysbrings forth, and always should bring forth,enthusiasm and unusually active cooperation.But much of the accomplishments about tobe made by the loyal workers now in theactive field could not have its fullest successwithout the foundations that had been laidby those whose efforts were made during theprevious years. Sometimes, indeed, workrendered in the earlier years without the urgeof a definite and inspiring achievement isdeserving of special recognition and com-mendation. In the Associations, classes, andother fields of Alumni activity, activities ofvarious degrees of importance but ali tendingto the sanie great end, many useful connec-tions were established, many special contaetsnere developed, foundations were laid andthe tradition of self-sacrifice and service wasconstantly carried on. Ali of this "prelimi-nary effort," as it might be called, is nowhearing fruit in many ways that are of directcontribution to the success of this Alumnicampaign as a wliole.To ali of these loyal Chicagoans, then, nearand far, we again extend sincere thanks fortheir interest in the University and theirhclpful cooperation, through Alumni activities, in the years past. Their good work.though often rendered without the specialinspiration of an impelling purpose, has notbeen for naught. It has been of very im-portant value, and is now in considerablemeasure proving its importance and value.It has not been forgotten — it is, rather re-membered with deepening appreciation.Thanks again, loyal Alumni, good friends,wherever you are — thanks again !Contribution of Collegesn5H5ZE5ffiHffia5252525HHH5E5E5HE5ESEEEE5252^^A MOST interesting bit of reading is Records Surprisingly Complete^~V found in a recent report by Arnaud C. The figures given by some of the collegesMarts, of New York City. Mr. Marts, in are necessarily approximations, as the recali effort to appraise the value of the con- ords cover a period of 150 years and havetnbutions which the colleges of the United not always been kept with a view to pre-btates have made to the country, conducted serving the information requested in thisan investigation among 101 representative study. For the most part, however, thecolleges. The resumé of Mr. Marts' work facts have been dug out by college adminis-presents some very ìlluminating information trative officers with great care and can beregarding the occupations and professions relied upon as substantially correct. Theof the graduates of these various colleges amazing thing in this connection is not thatsince their first class. some colleges could not give the informa-The colleges from which these figures tion requested concerning the occupationshave been received represent about 16 per • of their graduates, but that so many col-cent of ali the colleges in the United States, leges could and did give it. Evidently theand the total number of years of their serv- American College is not merely a learningice represents about 16 per cent of the total factory, grinding out impersonal training fornumber of years of ali our present colleges. any who might enter the class-room, but anIt would seem safe. therefore, to assume Alma Mater indeed, keeping in touch withthat the record of ali our colleges could be her far-flung family, observing their devel-approximated by multiplying the figures of opment with anxiety, and recording theirthe 101 by 6. achievements with pride.Total Number of Graduates The recent appointment of Alumni Sec-The actual graduates of the 101 colleges retaries by many colleges has stimulated theduring ali their history total 137,579. This compilation of the records of alumni andwould lead us to believe that ali of our ™any C0'IeSes "ot now,able ftot15e.port °.npresent colleges have conferred degrees thef ""^ber and occupation of their grad-upon about 825,474 young men and women. uates wl" shortly be able so to do'This is one of the most interesting facts The Tabulationdeveloped by this study, indicatiug as it does The occupations and professions of thesea much larger number of college graduates graduates are as follows:than our colleges have been given credit Accountants 902for previously. The latest authentic esti- Architects 220mate which was published in 1914 gave the Authors 1,156probable number of college graduates up Bankers 1,803to that time as 200,000. Business Executives .' 7,335Ex-Students Also Chemists 1,294These 101 colleges report that in addition Engmeers 4,122to the men and women securing degrees armers . . i'71i400,541 others have secured a partial aca- J°urnansts 1,711demic training without graduating. This If^hant, ?SS7indicates that in ali our colleges in addition ^ercnants ¦*<°°7to the 825,474 graduates mentioned above, ^!m?ters i*.9t> i2,403,246 have partaken of the culture and Missionanes .^,114training of our colleges to a lesser degree. £ • , e S¦ A 1rToo often this group of non-graduates is TeacheK" hl'l™overlooked in appraising the service of our n ,, ' ;; ¦ : • • ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦ • • ¦ 'Tonòconeges. Many of these men and women £o ege or University Professors 4,30obtained their partial education at great College or University Presidents. .... 533sacrifice and were consequently most appre- Housewives or Managers of the Home.23,4 .elative of it. John Marshall is but one out- Miscellaneous or Unknown .25,114standing example of this group — a student ^ , . ,.„,„„but not a graduate of William and Mary iotal I37,5rjCollege. Three Groups ComparedIn addition, we must bear in mind that There are three distinct kinds of collegesmany colleges have served America which and universities in the United States, eachno longer exist. The number which they with its own traditions and ideals — the Statehave grad'uated and trained cannot be esti- or Municipal University, the Church or De-mated, but a statement in reference to the nominational College, and the Non-sectariancontribution of America's colleges would not or Independent College. In order that newbe complete without mention of these col- information may be had as to the distinctiveleges which were forced out of existence fields of these three classes of colleges, theafter noble service. The late President 101 colleges listed above have been groupedHarding was a student of one such school. in these three classes and the comparative135136 Thè University of Chicago Magazinepercentages of their graduates entering cer-tain fields of work are given herewith:Occupation State Church IndependentLawyers 04^% .05% .05 %Physicians ... .01^% .05% .02^4%Technical 12 % .02% .02 %Ministers 01 % .17% .10 %Teachers 16 % .19% .24 %Business 08 % .11% .07 %It should be noted that among the Independent Colleges are several colleges whichare historically or by dose affiliation ChurchColleges, but actually are classed as Independent, such as Oberlin, Vanderbilt, Boston, Colgate, etc.Present College EnrollmentAn interesting feature of this study liesin the fact that there are enrolled in thecolleges and Universities of the UnitedStates this year approximately 602,000 college students, or 73% as many young menand women as have graduated in the last300 years. This is but one evidence of thenew demand being put upon our collegesand an additional proof of the imperativenecessity of strengthening and enlarging oureducational facilities.The Value of Our CollegesIt is not the function of this article toattempt an evaluation of the service whichour colleges have rendered, for there is noexact measuring stick which can be used.One college dean has recently calculatedthat a college education is worth $72.000;others will estimate the value from entirelydifferent angles of appreciation. Suffice ithere to venture the belief, after studyingthe records of these 101 colleges, that theculture, intelligence and moral purpose ofour college-trained men and women havebeen America's richest asset.A Few Names on the RostersThe imagination is fairly thrilled by thenames that appear in these Alumni Rostersand by the co-ntemplation of what the training of these thousands has meant to civili-zation. Here is the name of a youth, CharlesM. Hall, the organizer of the AluminumCompany of America, who invented thecommercial process of manufacturing aluminum in his little college laboratory, andthere are such names as Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, U. S. Grant, R. E.Lee, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson,ali trained in the class-rooms of AmericanColleges for the great parts they were to becalled upon to play in the life of the world.Here one college records the fact that113 of its graduates became presidents ofcolleges and there is a university whichtrained 8 boys who later became Bishops oftheir Church.Great names appear on the alumni rolls ofsmall colleges. Colleges with less than 500students record such alumni as Elihu Root,Justice Joseph McKenna, A. B. Cummings,Champ Clark, Mrs. Stonewall Jackson,Chas. G. Dawes, Maxfield Parrish, Benjamin Harrison, Mrs. James K. Polk, and othersequally famous.Democracy the Child of EducationThere was a time, a few centuries ago,when ignorance and poverty and serfdomwere universal. Emperors could not write,priests could not read the common prayers.Then the light of modera civilization waskindled in the newly founded universities ofEngland. Learning was cultivated, scientificinquiry encouraged and the "dark ages"were slowly rolled back to make way for aperiod of cultural enlightenment and of politicai democracy.Education unlocked the gateway of ourmodem world. America is the fruition ofthat educational development and her colleges and universities are in a real sense themost powerful agencies of the better civilization stili to be. Fortunate is he or she whopartakes of the training of an AmericanCollege. Doubly fortunate are they who,by their service or their money, help tostrengthen the colleges of this land for theunparalleled task before them.| Campaign Notes j•f " l'i' l'Li un ini iiij un un ut. ii<i Il Il ou BD c*f,At a meeting held at the Quadrangle Clubon Thursday evening January 15th, University Development campaign workers weregreatly surprised to learn that the Universityhad entered the motion picture business. "AVisit With Alma Mater," a three-reel filmdepicting the return of an alumnus to theUniversity, was thrown upon the screen forits initial showing.Henry Durham Sulcer, '06. is the "hero."Some of the stellar satelites included in thecast are President Burton, Dean Wilkins,A. A. Stagg, Dr. C. H. Judd, Dean Gray, '13,Ph.D. '16, Professor Lyman, Ph.D. '18,Harold Swift, '07, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07,and the famous old campus character, JimmyTwohig.Advance Toward $17,500,000Before the motion picture was shown,short talks were made by Robert P. Lamont,Harold Swift, President Burton, H. P. Zim-merman, '01, E. L. Ryerson, Jr., Leo F.Wormser, '05, J. D. '09, T. E. Donnelley,Walker G. McLaury, '03, and Dean G. J.Laing outlining the progress made in theUniversity's campaign for $17,500,000.The speakers indicated that the efforts ofthe Campaign Development Committee,which have already resulted in pledges of$1,670,800 by the trustees and a conditionalgift of $2,000,000 by the General EducationBoard are getting under way.Among the audience were the following:Julius Rosenwald, William Scott Bond, '97,(Please turn to page 139);g5H5iHK5E5H5E5ESf5H5E5ffiH5rHS^^| University of Chicago Settlement [jjSE5H5Hffir5E5E25ErW5H5Hr^^WE of today would hardly recognize theChicago of thirty years ago. The"Southwest Side" was then but a monoton-ous prairie sparsely populated with squatfactories and grimy smokestacks, mademore vast and dreary by seemingly endless,refuse-filled fields. In this setting of ugli-ness was "Packingtown," a community in-habited, except for saloon-keepers and wardpoliticians, by the newest of America's im-migrants, the workers in the Union StockYards. This district "down back of theyards" was in spirit and almost in fact sep-arated from the rest of the city; it was adistrict to be forgotten or described as acurious foreign growth in American life.Little was known about it. The UnitedStates had not yet realized her own indus-trialization and the phrase "Americanizationof the Imimigrant" had not yet come intopublic usage. 1894 was before the day ofsocial and industriai investigations, and littlewas known of the human side of the "dismalscience," politicai economy.Yet only a year after the University wasfounded the "Christian Union," an organ-ization of Faculty members and friends, de-cided to establish in Packingtown a houseof social service similar to Hull Housewhich had been founded a short time before by Jane Addams. Mary McDowell, afriend of Miss Addams and a resident ofHull House, was chosen to work out in herown way this experiment in social service.In 1894 she moved into some rooms onGross Avenue, a Street that runs diagonallyfrom the intersection of Forty-seventhStreet and Ashland Avenue into the heartof the yards. The rooms were tenementrooms, and the tenement in which they weresituated was like hundreds of others inPackingtown — wooden, long and ramshackle,unpainted, and with no decent sanitary arrangement or construction. But it housedthe beginning of a settlement which, inthirty years, has contributed much to thewelfare of the city of Chicago and to 'cause of social neighborliness everywhere.The fundamental cause for the growth ofthe University Settlement has been thecharacter and personality of its Head Resident, Mary McDowell. Dr. Graham Taylorused to teli this story:"I visited the University Settlement whenit was very young. I didn't know its exactaddress, but I went to the corner of Forty-seventh and Ashland and asked a store-keeper there where the Settlement was. He didn't know — neither did several other menI asked. Then I mentioned the fact thatI was looking for Mary McDowell. Theimmediate answer was:"'Oh, you would go by Miss McDowell!That's her house over there.' "In a rather true sense it is her house, forit has grown up through her efforts. Aligreat social settlements have grown uparound the character of some individuai.Hull House had its Jane Addams; ToynbeeHall in London had its Canon Barnett; the"House on Henry Street" in New York hasits Lillian Wald; the University Settlement,fortunate like these others, has its MaryMcDowell.The community into which Miss McDowell moved thirty years ago was not aslum, but an industriai community peopledby bewildered immigrants. No effort hadbeen made to assimilate them; they were ahard-working, intelligent people but bewildered and frightened by the newness oftheir industriai environment, by a strangeland, strange laws and customs, and astrange tongue. Mary McDowelFs job wasto awaken in them a social consciousness;she was to Americanize them in the broad-est sense of that term; she was to becomeamong them that "new kind of neighborwho gossips in statistics and uses the factsof his neighbor's life to secure better livingconditions for him."The first activity of the new Settlementwas a kindergarten. At first it grew slowlyfor parents were suspicious of the motivesbehind it. But the children accepted iteagerly for they demanded no credentialsexcept a generous welcome and a kind heart.Following them, gradually the older peoplecarne to the rooms on Gross Avenue andthe activities of the House were widenedto meet their demands. Parties were given;art exhibits were secured; University pro-fessors volunteered to lecture on subjectsof interest to the neighbors. The Housebegan to become important in the life ofthe neighborhood; a volunteer probation of-ficer for the Juvenile Court of the districtjoined Miss McDowell. University studentsvolunteered for work as kindergarten as-sistants, supervisors of the children's playhours, teachers of History, Citizenship, andEnglish.Ali of these activities, while importantand valuable, were but expressions of theneighborly spirit which Mary McDowell andher co-workers communicated to their137138 The University of Chicago Magazineneighbors. The Settlement grew because itpossessed these activities, but more becauseits residents demonstrated in other morepersonal ways that they were the friendsof ali who needed friendliness. Many peoplewho took no part in the Settlement activities appealed to its Head Resident for aid.Appeals for help were of ali kinds and de-scriptions. One night Miss McDowell wasawakened by a neighbor who brought anappeal from a woman Miss McDowell didnot know. The woman sent word that herdrunken husband had driven her out ofthe house and that she and her childrenwere waiting in the Street hoping that the"•good woman for bad husbands" wouldcome to their aid. When Miss McDowellcarne to them she walked inside the houseand faced the husband."Look here, Mike," she said. "You'reIrish and I'm Irish. When Irish meetsIrish something's bound to happen. Putdown that poker and let your wife come inhere where it's warm."And Mike, who also had heard of the"good woman for bad husbands" and herinfluence at the police court, did what hissense of humor prompted him to do, obeyedher.In less than a year after the rooms onGross Avenue had been opened they wereinsufficient to house the activities of theSettlement. Larger quarters were securedon Ashland Avenue, but in 1899, on the fifthbirthday of the Settlement, it had sufficientfunds to erect a gymnasium almost directlyacross the Street from the first quarters onGross Avenue. Not a gymnasium such aswe build nowadays, for it was hardly morethan "four walls and a stove," but it wasa boon to the growing Settlement. Itafforded a better place for the dances andparties which took place every night; gymclasses were organized and directed byvolunteer workers.These gym classes were a part of theSettlement's program for aiding the youthof Packingtown. Early in her life thereMiss McDowell had recognized the enor-mous waste in the lives of its boys andgirls. "In a region where the leading in-dustry has been so organized as to save aliits by-products, it is fitting to know aboutthe wastes in boys - and girls — wastes frombad health, from ignorance, from lack oftraining, from wretched surroundings," shewrote. Another part of her program wasthe development of playgrounds. On avacant lot by the Settlement she establishedswings, slides, sandpiles, and thereby placedthe University Settlement in the fore of theplayground movement. Immediately theplayground demonstrated its value in keep- ing the child away from the demoralizinginfluences of the city streets, and from thisand other experiments like it grew thepresent playground and recreation programof the nation.The work of the Settlement has been complicateti by the fact that Packingtown"doubles its population every ten years andchanges its nationality every fifteen years."In the early years of its growth, the neighbors of the Settlement were German andIrish, but these long ago served their ap-prenticeship in Americanization and movedto other sections of the country. In theirplaces have been Bohemians, Poles, Lithu-anians, Slovaks, and Russians, and now theMexicans are coming in in great numbers.So the Settlement task is never done; itmust do the same task for each nationalityas it appears. Part of this task is education for citizenship. The Settlement haslong been an outpost in the Americanizationmovement; as far back as 1897 a part of itsactivity was a course in Citizenship whichprepared men for naturalization. But theSettlement has not stopped with teachingmen how to become citizens; it has alsotaught them the responsibilities of citizenship. Not long ago a man carne to theSettlement to thank its residents for theiraid in his prepara tion for the naturalizationexamination. "I want to thank you not onlyfor that," he said, "but also because I havelearned democracy here too."The outstanding service of the Settlementto Packingtown and to Chicago has beenin the matter of health. Miss McDowellearly wrote, "A democracy cannot be builton anaemic and undernourished children."It was due to the Settlement that the deathrate of babies "back of the yards" waslowered from one in three to one in five. Apart of the campaign for health which didthat, consisted of classes teaching mothershow to care for their babies. Part was inproviding a tent in the Settlement yardwhere sick babies could be brought duringthe summer months to receive expert care.Part was in encouraging the movement tohave the city provide visiting nurses. Butmost of it was in bringing to the attentionof the whole city the unsanitary and re-volting conditions resulting from dumpinggarbage from every ward in Chicago ingreat, open, day pits in Packingtown. Forfifteen years Mary McDowell campaignedfor the abolition of the "dumps" and at lasther efforts rcsulted in the city's approachingits garbage-disposal problem in a moresdentine fraine of mind.In 1905 an additional building was addedto the Settlement plant providing rooms foreighteen permanent residents. A manualtraining room, kitchens for domestic science,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENT 139a room for sewing classes, one for musiclessons, club rooms, and an increased kindergarten were provided. A few years latera summer camp was established to provide aweek or two of recreation in the country forchildren each summer. A friend gave theSettlement an automobile bus which the boysand girls immediately christened the "JoyBus" in honor of the picnics and rides itmade possible. Recently, on the thirtiethanniversary of the Settlement a new "Boys'Building" was constructed.But more than ali these varied activitiesthe fundamental service of the house hasbeen the spreading of the doctrine of neigh-borliness. The Settlement has been avehicle for industriai and social investigations undertaken by the University andother agencies, but Miss McDowell hasnever allowed them to become objectionableto her neighbors. She "taught the im-migrant people of her neighborhood therights they had as American citizens;" noless did she teach them their duties. Andin working out the philosophy of the newneighborliness Mary McDowell and theUniversity Settlement have helped definethe purpose of the whole settlement movement. In attempting to define the aimsof the Settlement, Miss McDowell wrote:"Jane Addams says a social settlement isan effort toward social democracy. RobertWoods calls it an attitude of mind. DeanHodges calls it a level bridge over a socialchasm, perfectly level, not tipped at one endfor the well-to-do and the learned to comedown to the poor, but a level bridge wherethe ignorant rich and the ignorant poor, thelearned and the unlearned, can meet andknow each other, each having something togive and something to receive. It is objec-tive Christianity. Ali of these definitions areunsatisfactory because they are trying to define life, friendship, and human sympathy.. . . Any settlement is glad to have fruit tooffer those who think its philisophy vagueand idealistic, but it is not the works of thesettlement that define it; it is the attitudeof mind, the spirit of teachableness, en-thusiasm for humanity, for democracy, thattells in the living with, not for, people. . . .""We ourselves are working out a newdefinition of charity. It has a higher andbroader meaning than it had a few yearsago. It has undergone a change at thehands of science and philanthropy. . . __.In the process science is becoming morescientific while philanthropy, the sym-pathetic side of charity, is growing morescientific. And working together, scienceand sympathy, we see the evolution of thefriendly neighbor of today."Howard E. Wilson, 23.George T. Snider, Ex. '24. Campaign Notes(Continued from page 136)A. W. Sherer, '06, Martin A. Ryerson, MissAlice Greenacre, '08, J. D., '11, Mrs. HelenSunny McKibben, '08, Robert L. Scott, Dr.Morris Fishbein, '11, G. R. Schaeffer, '00,H. I. Markham, Ex '05, John P. Mentzer,'98, Bruce Mac Leish, '03, Judge Walter P.Steffen, '10, J. D. '12, William Laird Bell,J. D. '07, Henry P. Chandler, J. D. '06,J. Dwight Dickerson, '06, J. D. '08, DonaldS. Trumbull, '97, Clay Judson, J. D. '17,Harry N. Gottlieb, '00, Scott Brown, '97,Frank McNair, '03, Willoughby Walling, '99,Clarence Sills, ex '05, Miss Helen Norris, '07,Albert Pick, Jr., '17, and Ralph J. Rosenthal,ex '12.* * *Alumnus Receives Important Appointmentin the University's DevelopmentCampaignEarl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D., '09, has recently been appointed director of activitiesamong foreign alumni for the University's$17,500,000 development campaign.In speaking of the University's foreignalumni Mr. Hostetter says that it has ap-proximately 700, including 176 in Canada,143 in China, 58 in Japan, 53 in the Philip-pines, 53 in India, and 27 in Hawaii.England, France, and Germany have considerable groups of Chicago alumni; Mexicoand the South American republics are wellrepresented, while the others are scatteredover the world. Mr. Hostetter will have theselection of locai chairmen in the capitals ofthe countries where considerable bodies ofthe Alumni live.Half a Year of ChessBy winning the summer tournament, H.Holck, '21, was first to get his name on theY. M. C. A. Chess-cup. H. Schwede, '27,followed him by taking first honors in theautumn. This quarter S. Broyde, '25, cap-tain of the chess-team, is leading a field oftwelve. A. E. Elo, '25, is again president ofthe club.The University Chess Circle is entered inthe Chicago City Chess League inter-clubtournament, has scored 18.5 to 5.5 in threematches, and is now number three out often. The following matches are scheduledto take place in the Mitchell Tower at 8:30p. m., and visitors are welcome :March 10: Opponent, Automatic ElectricCo.March 26: Opponent, Illinois Bell Tele-phone Co.Aprii 8: Opponent, Englewood, a strongcontender.Aprii 28: Opponent, Federai Reserve.On February 24th the Central Y. M. C.A. is host.ALUMNISecond Quarterly Alumni Council MeetingThe second quarterly meeting of theAlumni Council for 1924-25 was held in theAlumni Office, Wednesday, January 21,1925. The meeting was called to order at8:10 P. M.Present: Chairman Earl D. Hostetter, El-eanor Atkins, C. F. Axelson, Dr. Ralph C.Brown, Dr. George H. Coleman, R. J. Daly,Mrs. Scott V. Eaton, Elizabeth Faulkner,Alice Greenacre, Arthur A. Goes, Mrs. Chas.Grimes, Mrs. Helen Carter Johnson, JohnA. Logan, Mrs. Mayme I. Logsdon, Wm.H. Lyman, C. F. McElroy, John Mentzer,Helen Norris, John Nuveen, Jr., Dr. DallasB. Phemister, Lillian Richards, Harold H.Swift, Frank H. Weakly, Leo F. Wormserand A. G. Pierrot, secretary.After the usuai reports of the Treasurer,William H. Lyman, chairman of the Auditing Committee, reported on the books ofthe Alumni Council for the preceding year.The report stated that the books were cor-rect and in good condition.Raymond J. Daly, '12, who had been ap-pointed Chairman of the 1925 Reunion, reported on a tentative program for the reunion. The program indicated the changeof the Alumni Sing from the Friday eveningpreceding Alumni Day, to the night of Alumni Day, thus having the Sing be the lastfeature on the reunion program. This andother features were considered and referredto the Reunion Committee for further con-sideration.Arthur A. Goes and John P. Mentzer reported on the organization work in connection with the Alumni Campaign, and out-lined in some detail the methods of develop-ing Alumni cooperation throughout thecountry.The matter of organizing a Masters Alumni Association was presented and dis-cuss'ed, in the light of letters received thereonrecently. A committee was formed to ex-amine into this matter and report at a latermeeting of the Alumni Council.The Secretary reported on the conditionof the alumni records, as tested by the recent mailing tests, which report showed thatthe mailing files of the Alumni Office werein commendable condition.* # *Report of Detroit Alumni ClubThe University of Chicago Club of Detroitheld its annual midwinter meeting in theprivate dining room of the Women's CityClub, on Friday evening, January lOth. AFFAI R SThe Club was fortunate in having DeanErnest H. Wilkins as its guest of honor andlistened with great interest to his recitalof, the recent developments at the University. The members were peculiarly in-terested in the steps that are being takento effect a closer contact between teacherand pupil and the general program ofhumanizing the University.The Club also had as its guest andspeaker, Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, formerpresident of Northwestern University, whohas served for two weeks of each of therecent years as University Preacher. Dr.Hough talked to the Club on the spirit ofthe University of Chicago as seen by anoutsider. He stated that the spirit of Chicago as he viewed it was preeminently "TheSpirit of Intellectual Comaraderie," and thatit existed there as in no other University ofhis acquaintance.At the annual election of officers followingthe dinner, the following were elected forthe coming year:President: Wm. P. Lovett, '99.First Vice President: Miss Vina G.Knowles, '16.Second Vice President: Frederic L.Schwass, '20.Secretary: Mrs. Emma N. Seaton, '15.Treasurer: A. R. Gilpin, '09.Representative to the National Association of University Women, Miss Harriet G.Abbott, '15.* * *Washington Club January LuncheonIn spite of snow blockaded streets andsidewalks covered with a giare of ice,twenty-nine members of the Washington,D. C, University of Chicago Alumni Clubgathered on January 12th, at the CosmosClub for the regular January luncheon.Dr. Moulton, president of the club, reada letter from President Burton, written forthe occasion of the luncheon. Dr. Slossontalked a few minutes about the relation ofDr. Michelson's experiments and discoveries,to the Einstein theory.Dr. Moulton then talked about the newbuildings proposed for the University andshowed views of them. The Club voted anannual membership fee of $1.00 in order tocreate a fund to pay the running expenses ofthe Club.Dr. Moulton appointed the following committee to assist in the drive for the development fund:Le Roy Vernon, A. B. '01.HOAlumni Affairs 141Grace Abbott, Ph. B. '09.Gertrude Morris Hoesen, Ph. B. '13.George Morris, J. D. '15.A. T. Stewart, Ph. B. '04.Molly Ray Carroll, Ph. B. '11, A. M. '15.Edwin E. Slosson, Ph. D. '02.Bertha Henderson, S. B. '10,Secretary.* * *Dr. Willett Guest of Shanghai Club90 Route de Say ZoongShanghai, China,Dee, 26, 1924.The Shanghai Chicago Club wishes tothank you for the News Letters which comeregularly and are keeping us in touch withChicago affairs. We have, too, Mr. Stagg'sstatement of the program for Athletic Development at the University and are thrilledwith the possibilities for the near future.Our autumn "get-together" was in theform of a supper with Dr. and Mrs. HerbertL. Willett as guests of honor. We met atour home and I hope everyone else had asgood a time as the host and hostess did!Dr. Willett gave us an informai talk aboutthe plans of the University in his usuai de-lightful manner, speaking especially on theGraduate School of Medicine across theMidway, Dr. Burton's plans for a series ofJunior Colleges, the new blood in the Boardof Trustees and the retirement of some ofour best-known faculty members.Twenty of us enjoyed meeting Dr. andMrs. Willett, and were warmed anew bythe glow of our loyalty to our University.With best wishes,Sincerely yours,Eleanor Whipple Peter, '07,Secretary.* * *Suggests Club at Charleston, IllinoisEastern Illinois State Teachers College,Charleston, 111., Jan. 3, 1925.Secretary, The Alumni Council,The University of Chicago.Dear Sir: — May I suggest that, in viewof the plans now under way by the Committee on Development, that it might beworth while to consider the establishmentof a University of Chicago Club withCharleston, Illinois, as its center?This is my first year in the College, having arrived in September fresh with enthu-siasm from the University. There are anumber of people in the Faculty and thetown that have attended the University, andin conversation with some of them I amled to the opinion that the establishment ofa Club would be desirable. We are alianxious to back the University to the limit.If you care to act upon this suggestion inany manner, you may feel at liberty to useme in any way you feel I can be of assistance. Very truly,Orvil F. Myers, A. M., '22. Cleveland Club ActivitiesThe fourth meeting of the University ofChicago Alumni Club of Cleveland was heldSaturday, January 10, at luncheon at theHotel Cleveland. After a delicious repast,Miss Henry, the president, called the meeting to order and announced that the nextmeeting will be held February 11, at whichtime Mr. Tufts and Mr. Stagg will speak. Amessage from Mr. Harman of the Committeeon Development was read and pictures ofthe proposed buildings on the campus weredisplayed.Professor H. E. Bourne, of the HistoryDepartment of Western Reserve Universitydelivered an interesting address on "Politicsand Politicians in Paris." Professor Bournewas wel! informed on his subject through arecent stay in Paris, and well fitted for hisaudience on account of several summersspent at the University of Chicago as ex-change professor., Very sincerely yours,Julia C. Rhodus, '24,Recording Secretary.* # *Activities of Chicago Alumnae ClubDuring the autumn quarter the club hadan evening meeting at the Art Institute.The announced program was an illustratedlecture by Gertrude Emerson, 1912, nowAssociate Editor of Asia, on "The BuriedCity of Angkhor in Cambodia." There wasan audience of about three hundred menand women and we have sirice found outthat some people who carne to hear thePrairie Club talk in an adjoining room man-aged to sneak in to our lecture.President Burton made a statement con-cerning the Development Program of theUniversity, which was very favorably re-ceived.The Holiday meeting for out of townalumnae was an afternoon tea also in theArt Institute, but this time in the club room.Dean Vincent wàs announced as the guestof honor, but was not announced to speak.The fact that he was not announced tospeak probably accounts for the fact thatthere were only about fifty women present.In spite of that Dean Vincent spoke for aboutan hour, and discussed University educationand educational policies ali over the world,but particularly the University of Chicago.It was interesting, however, to note that thewomen present were among the strongestalumnae we have, and included such womenas Mollie Ray Carroll and Elizabeth Bredin,and others from out of town.For the winter quarter, the Alumnae Clubis making one innovation, in connection withits Athletic classes. There is bowling and(Please turn to page 162)A RUMOR circulating about the campusto the effect that Raynor Timme, plung-ing fullback on the 1920 and 1921 footballteams, may return to school, remains unveri-fied. Timme left school with one more yearof competition left. He was the senior mem-ber of the Timme-Thomas-Zorn combina-tion which had ali opponents frightened. Heis the last member eligible for competitionnow of the great team which included Milton Romney, Chas. McGuire, "Red" Jackson, "Fritz" Crisler, "Lefty" Cole, OttoStrohmeier, Ralph Kine, and "Far." Redmon.The return of Timme would give CoachStagg the greatest line-crushing backfield inthe country, with McCarty, Marks, Timme,and Francis. The man in question was atone time All-Cook County quarterback fromOak Park.In spite of the fact that only about adozen men of promise are out for the wres-tling team, Coach Vorres' grapplers havebeen putting up a good tight throughout theseason. The scarcity of material has putthem in a rather poor competing position,when they meet such institutions as OhioState, where over two-hundred men reportfor the mat work every year. A number ofthe men have had to wrestle out of theirclasses, the most notable instance being thatof Wolff, a 175-pound man, who went untilthe last six seconds of a match with a man30 pounds heavier than himself. Wisconsintrimmed the Maroons by one fall in thismeet. Ohio State won a meet from them,and Illinois beat them 27-2, the worst lick-ing the Chicago wrestling team has ever re-ceived.The swimmers have been working hard,and are looking forward to an increasinglybetter season. The varsity watermen werebeaten in a trial meet by a team composedof ineligibles, freshmen, and alumni, 37-31.But decided improvement has been shown,according to Coach McGillivary, and in spiteof a certain scarcity of material the squadwill be in shape to put any conference teamto a reasonable amount of trouble.Basketball, as usuai, is receiving the major attention from campus sport fans in spiteof the fact that the University cage squadis not doing so well. About 75 ambitiousfreshmen, many of them former high schoolstars, have reported for basketball practice to Coach Crisler. George Lott, tennis flashand a three-sport man from University High,is among the best-looking aspirants. PaulLewis, brother of Hai Lewis, is out, as isJohn McDonnough, captain of the Yankton,South Dakota high school team last yearwhich was runner-up for the national titlein last year's Interscholastic. McDonnoughwas unanimous choice for All-Interscholas-tic, although a serious injury prevented himfrom playing in the final game.The ups and downs of the Varsity basket-ballers have been fraught with unhappy cir-cumstances. During the course of the seasonso far passed, nearly every man has beenout of the game for some reason or other.Alyea, fiashy center, and one of the most-depended-upon men this year, has not playedthus far because of ineligibility. At thiswriting he is expected to be on the floor ina few weeks. Howell, Laverty, and Mack-lind have ali been out for some time. BillWeiss has an ailing ankle which handicapsthe whole team. The unfortunate conditionof the men on the squad this year has beenan enormous hindrance in the developmentof a winning team. Material exists for ascrappy aggregation which would give anylive in the Conference a run, but no possi-bilities have been discovered for keeping alithe men in shape. Consequently Coach Nor-gren has experienced considerable difficultyin getting together a final quintet which hecan depend upon to enter the ring at a certain game, and which he can train ali seasonwith an ève to the thousand and one smallthings which add to the polish and efficiencyof a team. Unless he can be sure that acertain group of men are to play ali the season, or nearly ali, he cannot do his best inthe training of a Chicago quintet. Last-min-ute shifts, macie necessary by injuries andin-eligibilit.ies have been the rule so far thisseason, and this has placed obstacles in theway of victory which the teams have beenunable to overcome.Since the last issue of the Magazine, Illinois has had her chance at the team, andalthough the Illini started the season witha poorly-rated team, they were, by greateffort, able to trini the Maroons 34-27. Minnesota also carne out on top of the dealwhen she met the locai five, and trouncedthem.(Please turn to page 157)142"A Maker of Meri"Editorial from Chicago Evening AmericanStagg Made Football History at YaleWhere He was a Famous PlayerIf you saw the Illinois-Chicago game atStagg Field last fall you probably are stilitalking about it.You can feel again, perhaps, the goosefleshrise and the thrills chase up and down yourspine at the memory of Chicago's charging,plunging, bounding backs tearing into Illinois' line and driving before them for thaifirst surprising touchdown the great elevenwith the mighty "Red" Grange, which before the kick-off was presumed completelyto outclass our home team.But did you notice the little man on theside line — the master coach of this country,whose ingenuity, knowledge and force con-verted those eleven individuai maroon-cladyoungsters into a powerful team?Did you see Stagg?For more than a quarter of a centuryStagg has been turning out at the University of Chicago young athletes who are alsogentlemen.Don't misinterpret that last word. It sim-ply denotes male human beings who havelearned the finest truth that life can teachand who put that truth into practice:Nothing in the world is zvorth getling ifyou have to takè an unfair advantage to gelit.That is the gist of Athletic DirectorStagg's teaching.He would never stand for rowdyism, dirtyplaying or foul tactics.Not only has he always insisted uponclean, honest sportsmanship in the athletesunder his direction, but also in western ath-letics as a whole. He has done more for football than anyother man in the United States.When Stagg carne to the new Universityof Chicago, he could hardly scrape elevenmen together for a team. But with them hebegan to develop the game.Not many years later he worked out suc-cessfully, using Gordon Clarke and Hersch-berger, the place-kick; and it was Chicagothat first tried it in a big game. The Ma-rooms won with it, 7 to 6 against Michiganmore than twenty-five years ago, playingindoors in the old Coliseum in Stony IslandAv., near Sixty-first St.Many other as important, if less spectacu-lar, plays have been invented or made prac-ticable by Stagg.When he graduated from Yale UniversityStagg was the most famous college athleteof his time. Many avenues of endeavor lead-ing to wealth were open to him. He hadintellect, ability, popularity — every ingredientthat goes into the making of a fortune. Buthe wanted to help, rather than to get.He cared less about amassing wealth forhimself than building up in young mencharacter.His life is an example of that highest success which is won only by persistent unsel-fishness, unflagging courage and a fine pa-tience.He has turned out winning teams; he haspointed the right way to young minds; he isrich in the affection of thousands.Let us join the students and the Alumniof the University of Chicago in taking offour hats to the "Old Man," A. A. Stagg,athlete, gentleman, and maker of men.Going to Bat for Yale in 1885 WhenStagg Was a Baseball Star143NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESJosephine McClay, '25, CollegeAide, who is to lead the right wingof the Washington Prom withBruce McFarlane.THE first month of winter quarter on thecampus has been crowded with activity.According to Howard Amick, president ofthe Interfraternity Council, the Councilproposes to give the various systems ofrushing a thorough survey before drawingup a final set of rules to govern next fall'scampaign. Any new system adopted by thecourcil, said Amick, will be incorporateciinto the by-laws of the organization, and thiswitl. the rest of the constitution will beissued in booklet form with a preface. Thesebooklets will be distributed during the com-ing summer to members of the several frater-nities and to prospective rushees. Dean Wil-kins plans to outline a scheme of his ownat the next meeting of the Winter Quarter.On Thursday, January 8th, the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra commenced its annualWinter Quarter series of concerts in MandelHall.At the fifth annual installation banquet ofthe Y. M. C. A., held January 16th in Hutch-inson cafe, the newly clecled officers weresworn into their respective positions. Themen who will administer the affairs of the"Y" for the coming year are: Ralph Martin, President; Gifford Hitz, Vice-President, and Tom Paul, Secretary. In his inauguraiaddress the president named his new cabinet, consisting of the numerous committeeheads. Professor Compton of the Physicaldepartment administered the oath of office tothe newly-elected organization heads, re-minding them of the opportunities and re-sponsibilities of their offices. After Dr.Street, representative for the Episcopal students invoked the blessing, Josef Hektoen,retiring president, tendered his report of hiswork for the past year.Thirty-two freshmen were selected fromthe largest group ever assembled, to serveupon the Cap & Gown staff for 1925. Theeditorial staff of the University's annualBruce MacFarlane, '25, Captainof the Track Team, who waschosen to lead the right wing ofthe Washington Prom.yearbook was achieved after a field of sixty-five aspirants had been considered.William Abbott, Jr., a University Quarter-back, was selected to serve as student chairman of the Interscolastic Basketball Tournament to be held at the beginning of theSpring quarter. Abbott, who will serve under "Fritz" Crisler, has appointed ali hiscommittees.Setting an example, which it is expectedother campus fraternities will follow, Psi144News of the Quadrangles 145Upsilon took the matter of paying the stateproperty tax to court, and won its case. Thecase was entered by the alumni of the Chicago chapter, and was won on the statementof the fact that it was "an educational andElsa Allison, '25, College Aide,who will lead left wing of Washington Prom with Harry Thomas.charitable institution, and as such is ex-empt from the payment of taxes in the Stateof Illinois." The judge added further thatthe objector "is a corporation not for profit,organized and existing for charitable andeducational purposes." The case has beenof interest to ali fraternities on campus, andit is expected that most of them will followin the refusai to pay taxes.Blackfriar activities are beginning tothrust their heads above ground, although itwill be several months before the warmthof Spring will make it legitimate for themto assume the limelight upon campus. Se-lection has been made of five tentative playsfrom which the final choice of plot will bemade. The final verdict will be announcedin the near future, and the first meeting ofthe production board will begin work uponthe development of the forthcoming show.Miss Emily Taft, famed for her work indramatic fields, particularly "The Cat andthe Canary," was guest of honor at the Dramatic Club tea given January 20th. She re-lated her experiences in the organizationwhen she was in the University, and tookthe listeners with her through her professional career. Miss Taft is the daughter ofLorado Taft, the famous sculptor. The social events of the Winter quarterwhich have received the most attention arethe Freshman-Sophomore Prom, and thethirty-'first annual Washington Prom. Theformer was held January 30th at the HydePark H,otel. Husk O'Hare's Casino Cluborchestra furnished the music for dancingwhich lasted from 9 until 2. Two hundredtickets were allotted for the dance andevery one was taken. Money for the refresh-ments and favors was diverted from the dec-oration end of the affair, as it was felt thatthe naturai beauty of the ballroom was suffi-cient. The names of the couples' presentwere issued in the miniature Soph News,which was edited by the Sophomores of theCap and.Gown and Daily Maroon.The Washington Prom, which is set forFebruary 20th, is to.be held again this yearin the South Shore Country Club. Thisprom, the biggest on campus every year, isfi "f :4liW'f^k, ^^^^^^^^^^fe. ; : : *'^j^^^^^^^^^^^^E^^ bHHk : T$SkHarry Thomas, '25, FamousHalf-back, who was chosen to leadthe left wing of. the WashingtonProm.predicted to be the best ever. Allotment oftickets has already taken place, and indica-tions point to a capacity crowd. Dancingwill start at 9, it was announced, and continue until 2, interrupted by the midnightsupper. The music for this event will besupplied by Husk O'Hare's Music Makers.The Prom Maroon will appear as usuai, anoLeslie River, editor of the Daily Maroon,promises something out of the ordinary indance papers.The Support of a Modem University"A modem university cannot be supportedby taking money out of one pocket andputting it into another," said PresidentBurton in a recent Convocation address."Nor can science flourish if left to be con-ducted by commercial corporations. Val-uable work has been done in this way,surpassing in some respects that of the university. But it needs to be supplementedby the university type of work, with thatbreadth of horizon, and idealism, and con-tinuity which are essential conditions of themost successful research."It is no reflection on commercial researchto say that the university has proved to bean indispensable factor in the nourishmentand conduct of scientific research. But university work can never be self-supportingin the sense that it will yield to the institu-tions that conduct it the income that isnecessary for its support and expansion. Itis profitable enough to the community tojustify it many times over, but the profitinures to the community, not to the university."For the advancement of science, the cooperation of patrons of science with thescientific investigator is indispensably necessary."* * *Professor Chamberlin Is Awarded PenroseGold Medal in GeologyDespite an unfortunate accident to Professor Emeritus Thomas C. Chamberlin, whosuffered a slight bone fracture from a fallat Cornell University while attending , therecent meeting of the Geological Society ofAmerica, he received in his absence thePenrose Gold Medal for distinguished re-searches in geology. Dr. Stuart Weller re-cepted the medal in behalf of ProfessorChamberlin.Professor Chamberlin, for twenty-sevenyears Head of the Department of Geologyand Director of Walker Museum at theUniversity, was formerly president of theUniversity of Wisconsin. He has also beenpresident of the Chicago Academy ofSciences, the Illinois Academy of Sciences,and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.Professor Chamberlin, who is the dean ofAmerican geologists and regarded as one ofthe foremost geologists of the world, is theauthor of the generally accepted planitesimaltheory set forth in his now famous book on"The Origin of the Earth." Einstein "Ether Drift" Theory Confirmedby Professor MichelsonProfessor Albert A. Michelson, Head ofthe Department of Physics at the University, had a pleasant surprise in store for theselected audience who gathered in Orchestra Hall on the night of January 8th, at theinvitatimi of President Burton, to hear himdeliver his lecture on "Light Waves asMeasuring-Rods for the Infinite and Infini-tesimal." The unexpected carne in the con-firmation of Professor Einstein's generaltheory of relativity, which gives a new con-ception of the universe and which has beenthe subject of scientific controversy for someyears past.Results Rather TimelyIt was only a few hours before his lecturethat Professor Michelson, while workingwith his colleague, Professor Henry G Gale,96, Ph.D. '99, Dean of the Graduate Schoolof Science, in their improvised laboratory atClearing, Illinois, got the readings whichmade his provisionai announcement pos-sible. This was a displacement of one-quar-ter of a fringe in the instruments which hadbeen set up to measure the speed of tworays of light. A fringe is one fifty-thou-sandth of an ìnch. The apparatus used inthe experiment consists chiefly of 7,800 feetof city water pipe a foot in diameter. Thisis arranged on the ground in a rectangularform 1,800 feet wide by 2,100 feet long, andis carefully calked to shut out ali light andair. At one corner of the rectangle are twosmall shacks containing strong are lights.measuring instruments, and a vacuum pumpwhich exhausts 95 per cent of the air fromthe pipe circuit.By racing two light beams around thecircuit in opposite directions, relayed at thecorners of the rectangle by mirrors set at anangle of 45 degrees, and then judging thefinish of the race with the interferometer,the famous instrument invented by ProfessorMichelson, they were able to detect theslight difference in the time required for thetwo beams to travel the distance. Had therebeen no displacement of fringe, the experiment would have meant nothing.One Always Arrives FirstProfessor Michelson said that in none ofthe tests so far had the beams come hometogether. By means of slides and curtain heshowed various readings or observations. In140University Notes 147Professor Albert A. Michelson in His Laboratoryeach there was a displacement, a fringeshowing that one beam reached home first."There is no question," said the professor,looking at the screen, "but that the testsfurnished another striking confirmation ofEinstein's brilliant work."During the course of the lecture, Professor Michelson showed pictures of theCalifornia mountains where he had first setup mirrors and sent out light rays on theirrace with and against the rotation of theearth two years ago. This experiment failed.He also showed pictures of the mile longpipe line rectangle out at Clearing. Thesnow was thick around the pipes, and theshack was shown where the observationswere made.Research Work StressedIn introducing Professor Michelson, President Burton told of the progress in researchwork that had been made since the late President Harper emphasized this as thespecial field of the University of Chicago.and searched the world for extraordinarymen.Nations rise or sink, he said, on the basisof their curiosity, their sheer desire to knowsomething more. Professor Michelson, hesaid, was curious to know how rapidly lightmoves and has spent his life in this search.Professor Michelson, with eagerness andenthusiasm, showed his beloved instrumentsto the audience and told them of some of"the wonderful and extraordinary things bywhich we are surrounded."The striking properties of wave motions.shown visually, was the main theme of theaddress. He showed interference in twotrains of sound waves by means of big tun-ing forks, and light waves were shown onthe screen with ali the colors of soap bub-bles.148 The University of Chicago MagazineAirplane View of the University of CThis recent airplane view of the University, looking north from the Midway, notonly shows many of the present buildingsbut also shows the sites of most of thebuildings that the University is now planning to erect or is aiming to have erectedas soon as possible.At the center of the far left the site ofthe new Billings Memorial Hospital andMedicai School, to extend from Ellis toIngleside avenues along the Midway, isshown. Immediately north of Cobb Hall,directly across from the Press Building,which our readers will recognize, is thesite of the Administration Building. Immediately north of that, directly west ofKent Chemical Laboratory, is the site ofthe new Chemical Laboratory. Farther west, behind the Press Building, is the oldPower Plant; a new Power Plant, one ofthe University's most urgent building needs,is to be erected.Fronting the Midway, the Modem Lan-guages Building is to be built betweenClassics and the west tower of HarperMemorial Library, while the space betweenthe east tower of Harper and Foster Hallis the site of the Social Science Building,thus making a solid front along the Midway between Ellis and University avenues.Just north of Haskell, as seen right abovethe west Harper tower, the constructionwork on the new Theology Building can benoted. In the northeastern part of the picture, on the plot directly east of RyersonPhysical Laboratory and just this side ofUniversity Notes 149-ooking North from the MidwayMandel Hall, the building for Mathematics,Physics and Astronomy is to be erected.And in the northeast corner of Stagg Field,near the top of the view, adjoining BartlettGymnasium, is the site of the Field House.The athletics field, now running north andsouth, is to be turned so as to run east andwest, and the new stadium, to be erectedunder that arrangement, will add many thou-sands to the seating capacity at the footballgames."Returning to the Midway," the block onthe lower right of the picture, just east ofthe Women's dormitories, is the site of theUniversity Chapel. A building not familiarto many of our Alumni, shown just abovethis site, is the first half of the new Con-gregational Theological Seminary, just re- cently constructed.Unfortunately this view does not showIda Noyes Hall, the University High Schooland the Education buildings farther east.The new College of Education building is tobe erected in that section of the University,on Kimbark avenue between EmmonsBlaine and Belfield Halls.This view of the Midway, also, does notshow the blocks fronting on the south sideof the Midway. It is along this south sidethat the new College buildings — a CentralTeaching Building and residence hallsflanking it on each side — are to be constructed. Thus the Midway itself will become, as it were, a long campus drive,fronted on each side by University of Chicago buildings.150 The University of Chicago MagazineGeneral Education Board Gives $2,000,000The General Education Board has con-tributed $2,000,000 to the endowment of theUniversity on condition that the Universityraise $4,000,000 additional for the same pur-pose. The University in formulating itsdevelopment program of 1925, made its firstobjective the raising of $6,500,000 for endowment of instructions and research. Thesecond objective is the raising of $11,000,000for new buildings.If the University succeeds in raising the$4,000,000 for endowment to meet the con-ditions of the General Education Board'sgift, it will need to raise only $500,000more to meet its first objective Robert P.Lamont, chairman of the committee on development, says:"The support of our cause by the General Education Board is most gratifying."It should be made clear that this conditional contribution' by the General Education Board does not in any way imply areversai of John D. Rockefeller's decision in1910 to cease his contributions to the University of Chicago."The Board, as is known, was. foundedby Mr. Rockefeller for the purpose of pro-moting the cause of education in the UnitedStates. Since its foundation in 1902 it hasmade conditional gifts to privately endowedcolleges and universities for endowmentsaggregating many millions of dollars."The General Education Board receivesa great many requests for financial aid toeducational institutions. Since 1919 it hasmade contributions of nearly $50,000,000for endowments for increase of teachers'salaries to approximately 200 colleges anduniversities. The conditional gift to the University of Chicago is a part of that effortand in line with the policy which the Boardhas been following.% H= *Return of Assyrian Scholar to UniversityWith the return to the University of Chicago of Professor Daniel D. Luckenbill, ofthe Department of Orientai Languages andLiterature, who has been spending the pastquarter in special work on the Assyrian in-scriptions in the British Museum, there willbe renewed activity in the preparation of thenew Assyrian Dictionary which is now wellunder way. Professor Luckenbill himselfnow has in hand translations of practicallyali of the historical inscriptions from Assiria, the originai texts of which he has justconsulted in the Museum, where he has hadthe fullest co-operation of the British au-thorities. Dr. Luckenbill's new volume whencompleted will be published in the new sc-ries of "Ancient Records of Babylonia andAssyria" by the University of Chicago PressMore than 400,000 cards with the mean-ings of Assyrian words have already been prepared under the direction of Dr. Luckenbill at the Orientai Institute of the University for the new Assyrian Dictionary. Everyexample of every word found in Assyrian orBabylonian literature has been recorded.Many of the texts have come from the pal-ace libraries of Ashurbanipal, an Assyrianking that lived about 650 B. C.The work, which will require some tenyears to complete, will include about a hun-dred thousand different words. It was begunin 1921, in view of the necessity for a newand complete Assyrian dictionary whichshould include the discoveries of the lasttwo decades, in which notable excavationshave been made.* * *Unique Course for Freshmen at theUniversityFor the sixty Freshmen who gave themost promise of success the University isproviding a special two-quarter course called"The Nature of the World and of Man,"which is intended to give them a well-pro-portioned background for ali their laterthinking and studying. The subjects treatedinclude the Nature and Structure of Matter,The Nature of Chemical Processes, TheOrigin of the Earth, The Earth's ChangingContours and Climate, The Earth as theHome of Life, and The Nature and Originof Life.Other subjects are The Evolution ofPlants, The Evolution of the Lower Ani-mais, The Evolution of the Higher Animalsand of Man, The Factors of Organic Evolution, The Human Body (Anatomy andPhysiology), The Evolution of the NervousSystem, The Evolution of the Intelligence,Human Races, Social Origins, and Race[mprovement.Each of these subjects is treated in lec-tures and discussions by the men in theUniversity best qualified to present that sub-ject to Freshmen. Some of the men in theFaculty who are co-operating are ProfessorsHarvey B. Lemon, Julius Stieglitz, ForestR. Moulton, R. T. Chamberlin, John M.Coulter, and Henry C. Cowles. ProfessorH. Hackett Newman, of the Department ofZoology, and Associated Professor J. Har-len Bretz, of the Department of Geology,are in general charge of the course, which isarousing great interest among the studentstaking it. * * *Psi Upsilon Wins Exemption from StateLand LevyAs a result of a . trial case, whereby PsiUpsilon fraternity won exemption from alistate property taxes, investigations havebeen started whereby ali Chicago fraterni-ties expect to protest state taxation on theirreal estate and houses.The case was entered by the alumni ofthe_ Chicago chapter of Psi Upsilon, con-testing the payment of taxes by the fraternity, upon the statement that "it was "aneducational and charitable institution, and assudi is exempt from payment of taxes inthe state of Illinois."(Flease tuvn to page 166)THE LETTER BOX^QeaHQQHQQe2QQEaQHf2E2HQQQaQe^f3QQE2f2EaQaQQQE2EaE2EaE2E2e2e3?aKaeag2e2E3e2eaf2eaEaeaeae2eaaeAppreciation of Two PresidentsJan. 14, 1925.My dear Mr. Pierrot:Your cordial wishes for the New Year areappreciated. Will you please receive ashearty good wishes and accept them fromone of the "Ancients" as Past-PresidenlJudson called those of our number who werein the first classes of the then New University.It was my privilege to have been assignedto duty (student help) in our revered firstPresidente office and Dr. Harper grantedme even greater privileges in his confidenceand friendship. He not only counselled memost wisely but in the beginnings of somany features of a new University therewere questions which arose from a student'sstandpoint and viewpoint and that noble mantalked over, these questions with me as wellas with others who had similar assignmentsto his office, and so endeared himself to usthat the value of such association as he gaveus will ever enrich our lives.My profession does not give me the timeI would like to give to alumni matters andoften I have had to forego pleasure of alumnireunions.The present able President Dr. Burton isendearing himself to us greatly and solidify-ing alumni sentiment for the University bythe graciousness of the invitations he hassent to us, — first to the lecture by Dr. Bres-tead, and more recently the lecture by Dr.Michelson.To have heard these men, eminent in theirparticular fields, both in the early years ofthe University — to have studied under them— and now when the University is thirty-twoyears of age, to again sit under their keenminds and receive such contributions tohuman knowledge is a great privilege andblessing.Very truly yours,Reuben G. Stowell, '98.Good Word from FranceToulouse, France,Jan. 6th, 1925.I have just returned from a holiday jauntin Provence and found a most inviting pileof Christmas mail with the Alumni Magazineon top. This is truly an issue full of "gladtidings," and of needed inspiration to a Chi-cagoan in a foreign university who gets veryhomesick for her beloved Alma Mater. Lifeis indeed attractive in this delightful old town where every stone seems to be a reminderof some historic or legendary tale. Butnothing can overcome the hold that Chicagohas on the hearts that she has won.Sincerely yours,Florence Edler, '20, A. M. '23.Favors Masters' AssociationJanuary 17, 1925.The Alumni Council,University of Chicago.My dear Sirs:I have read with much interest the letterof Maurice H. Krout, A. M. '24, in theAlumni Magazine, regarding the founding ofa Masters' Association. I too, would like tosee such an organization established.The points set forth by Mr. Krout are verygood arguments for the need of such an Association. Many of the Masters alreadybelong to the alumni association of the college where they obtained their first degree,and hence do not take the interest in thepresent University of Chicago Alumni Association that they would if a Masters' Association was organized.I know that most of the Masters will beinterested in this new organization, and Ihope that they will express themselves suffi-ciently in order that the committee concernedmay see fit to push the matter.Cordially and sincerely yours,J. Edwin Pasek, A. M. '22.Report of American Intercollegiate FootballRules CommitteeDear Editor:The changes in the playing rules for theseason of 1924 were not in any sense fun-damental. The rule abolishing the teeswas designed to assist the officials in speed-ing up the game. Other changes were: Oneto prevent the screening of the forwardpass, and one to check the tendency of usingprotective equipment for an individuaiplayer which might prove to be dangerousto other players.On the whole the results have beengratifying and have tended to justify thechanges.Every year since the rules have been insubstantially their present form, the gamehas increased in pópularity and in its pos-sibilities. Each year it seems as if the in-(Please turn to page 163)COMMERCE ANDDevelopment of Courses inTransportationBy L. C. Sorrell, Assistant Professor ofCommercial OrganizationTRANSPORTATION unquestionablymeans quite different things to differentindividuals. To the commuter it means hur-ried breakfasts, and possibly a later appear-ance at the office, — if he takes the 8:03. Tothe student with an eight o'clock, it meanstrafile jams, crowded cars and general cus-sedness. To some three million Americansit means a job, or a position, and ali theyimply. To millions of others it means aFord, a Cadillac, or Rolls Royce, automobileshows, and the like. To the stranded mo-torist with an empty tank, and ten miles tothe nearest filling station it means, whatdoesn't ordinarily appear in print. To theglobe trotter it means Pullmans and lux-urious liners; intercourse with adventurers,diplomats and the world's social elite. Tothe seasick traveler, it means a horrid effortto keep a good thing down — probably theonly case where this form of activity is sodifficult to achieve, and attended with beneficiai results. To the freshman it means per-haps just another course he might take; tothe alumnus another course he didn't take.To the poet, romanticist, and historian, itmeans the romance of travel, adventure, con-quest of man and nature; pages filled withwanderings, piratical-commerce, buccaneers,discoveries, inventions applied to widen con-tinually the area of communication, and toannihilate time and space. In sober truthprobably few of us realize how utterly de-pendent we are today upon transportationfor our daily bread, and milk; nor how largea portion of the world's capital and laborpower are devoted to this form of industriaiactivity.Without engaging in controversial matterregarding the proper ends of collegiate training, it would seem that a fair understandingof the world in which he lives, is an integraipart of such work. Since transportation activities are so vital a part of ali activities,an understanding of the industriai organization of the world necessitates some understanding of transportation as an organizingforce. In keeping with this viewpoint mostcolleges and universities have incorporatedin their curriculum one or more courses intransportation. These courses have beenof widely varying aims and methods. Some ADMINISTRATIONhave been content mainly with explainingthe problems and methods of governmentalcontrol or regulation of railroads and ship-ping; this because there was a railroad problemi, or a merchant marine problem beforethe public. Others have attempted to in-struct the student in the purchase of transportation, so that he would become a moreintelligent buyer of freight or passenger service. Stili others have attempted to leadstudents into the problems of organizingand administering the transportation agentsthemselves. Ali would agree that a studentshould know enough about the subject toavoid the error of a college graduate friendof mine, who, having some household goodsto ship, approached the station agent withthe naive inquiry, "Say, Fred, how much isfreight a car?"The University of Chicago has similarlymaintained several courses in transportationover a series of years. In the past thesecourses have been offered mainly in the Department of Politicai Economy, and havebeen pretty much the traditional offerings.An introductory course in transportationwould be offered to students on an electivebasis; it would deal somewhat with the his-tory of American railroad transportation,and more with the history of governmentalregulation. This would be followed by arather looseb' organized "advanced" course,probably labeled "Railroad Problems." Oflate, however, an attempt has been made toorganize such instruction along sounderlines, and to provide for an expansion ofcourses to meet the needs of graduatestudents. The first step in this process hasbeen taken with the organization of a reallygeneral course in transportation, in whichali of the transportation agencies, i. e., railroads, steamships, and highways, arebrought before the student in a comprehen-sive way. The second step has been takenin organizing a course, mainly for studentsin the School of Commerce, and graduatestudents in Liberal Arts, in the purchase oftransportation for mercantile and manufacturing establishments; this course beingcalled "Industriai Traffic Management." Theformer advanced course in railroad problems is stili offered by the Department ofPoliticai Economy; and, since the war, acourse in Oceari Trade and Transportationhas been organized and offered by the Geog-raphy Department.While the foregoing courses offer more(Please turn to page 165)RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEÌ!ìi!IiMJiiyEI3!iMI3lG^^Dr. Norman Bridge Dies After ShortIllnessPERHAPS no figure was so well knownto the Alumni of Rush Medicai Collegeas Dr. Norman Bridge, professor emeritusof medicine, who died in Los Angeles January 10. Not long ago, Rush Alumnimet at an annual gathering in honor of Dr.Bridge, and a special number of the Bulletinwas devoted to his career and to his serviceto American medicine, and particularly toRush Medicai College.Mr. Bridge was borii at Windsor, Vt.,Dee. 30, 1844. When he was 12, his familymoved to DeKalk, 111. Between 1866 and1867 he attended the University of Michigan.He was graduated from the Chicago Medicai College in 1868 and from Rush MedicaiCollege in 1878.Almost immediately after graduation fromRush Medicai College in 1878, Dr. Bridgebecame a member of the faculty at the Chicago Medicai College, and a few years laterentered the faculty of Rush. He was instrumentai in building the Cook County Hospital and later the Presbyterian Hospital.He served the City of Chicago as a memberof the board of education and as a memberof the board of election commissioners. In1892, Dr. Bridge moved to Los Angeles be cause of ili health. While there, he becameassociated with interests which were vital tothe building of California's industries, andat the same time held public offices and con-tinued his medicai work.Dr. Bridge was also well known for hiscontributions to literature. He contributedlargely to medicai literature, and besidesmany papers and essays was the author of abook on tuberculosis. Other books whichcarne from his pen were "T/«? Penalties ofToste," "The Rewards of Taster," "HouseHealth," "Fragments and Addresses," and anautobiographical volume called "The MarchingYears." He held memberships in mostof the important scientific and medicaiorganizations to the time of his death. Thename of Dr. Norman Bridge will be com-memorated in the laboratory devoted topathology in the Rawson Memorial Buildingnow being erected as part of the Rush PostGraduate School of medicine ou the westside. Dr. Bridge made many large gifts toRush Medicai College during his life, as wellas to other educational charitable institu-tions. He founded and endowed the Norman Bridge Laboratory of the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology. By his death,American medicine and scientific educationloses a finn friend and a warm-hearted sup-porter.The Frank Billings MedalThis medal, in honor of Dr. Frank Billings, was distributed to many on the occasionof the great Rush Alumni Banquet in his honor, last June.153SCHOOL OFUniversity of Chicago DinnerCincinnati, OhioSinton Hotel, February 25Continuation School InvestigationThe Chicago Association of Commerce, incooperation with the Chicago Board of Education and the University of Chicago, hasundertaken a systematic study of continuation schools in Chicago. For this purposethe Committee on Education of the Association has provided a fellowship in the Department of Education of the University.This fellowship carries a grant of $1,800 tocover the cost of the investigation, and it isexpected that the study will be completedwithin the present academic year. Mr. Lay-ton Hawkins, formerly director of the Federai Board of Vocational Education, andwho is this year pursuing graduate work inthe Department of Education, has been re-tained for this study.Home Economics ScholarshipThe Elizabeth Vilas Scholarship has beenawarded to Mary McClintock Stofer of Lexington, Kentucky, who is a senior in the College of Education and President of theHome Economics Club. This scholarshipgoes to a student majoring in the food andnutrition division of home economics whowill "keep herself physically fit."Arithmetic in 1804Mr. Breslich has made a study of two ci-phcr books used by pupils in Illinois schoolsin 1804. The study yields some very interesting comparisons between the arithmeticof that time and presentTday arithmetic. Itbrings out the fact that tremendous progress has been made in the development ofthe subject and that this progress has comeabout largely in the last seventy-five orcighty years. A report on the study will appear in one óf the spring numbers of theElementary School Journal.PublicationsA series of readers by Mr. Lyman and Mr.Hill entitled Literature and Living, Books One,Two, and Three, for Junior High Schools, isbeing published by Charles Scribner's Sons.Books One and Two are now available andBook Three will soon be off the press. Thisseries supplements the earlier series calledRcading and Living, Books One and Two.These readers are laboratory manuals stressingsilent reading. Their purpose is to correlate EDUCATIONliterature with social studies, science, and voca-tions as an aid to effective living.Junior Mathcmatics, Book One, Part Two,the second of Mr. Breslich's series of threebooks on junior mathematics, has just beenpublished by Macmillan Company.Practice Teaching ReportA committee, consisting of E. R. Breslich, W. C. Reavis, W. S. Gray, and C. J.Pieper, has formulated a report on theadministration of practice teaching in theUniversity High School. The report isavailable through the University BookStore.A Home Economics Alumnae ClubOn the invitation of Frances Swain, ChiChe Wang, Helen Spensley Hoinville, andAlta Nelson Sentz, a group of about fortyhome economics alumnae in Chicago and vi-cinity had luncheon together at Ida NoyesHall on January 24. Following the luncheonMiss Greenacre, President of the ChicagoAlumnae Club, spoke on the Universitycampaign, and Miss Blunt discussed theHome Economics Department and its relation to the alumnae. The group hopes toform a permanent organization and has ai-ready planned for quarterly meetings eitherat the University or in town.Faculty PersonalsMr. Downing, Mr. Lyman, and Mr. Beau-champ have been asked to act as advisersin the reorganization of the curriculum ofthe schools of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Downingspent the second week in February in Toledo observing the classwork in biology andholding conferences with the teachers inthe junior and senior high schools. Air.Lyman and Mr. Beauchamp will be in Toledo March 16-20 doing a similar service inthe English and general science courses.This is a continuation of the advisory workbegun by Mr. Bobbitt in September, 1923.Mr. Buswell gave two lectures on childpsychology before the Wayne CountyTeachers Association at Richmond, Indiana,on February 14.Miss Martin talked to the Parent-TeachersAssociation of Wheaton, Illinois, on February 6, on the modem school.Two members of the University HighSchool faculty are giving courses at DePaulUniversity, Chicago, this year. A course inthe teaching of junior high-school mathematics is being given by Mr. Charles A.Stone and one in the teaching of the socialstudies in the junior high school by W. G.Rimmel.154LAW SCHOOL 0Reunion of Five-Year Classesat Annual DinnerFollowing the example of the Universityat the June Convocation, the Law SchoolAssociation is making an appeal to the five-year classes to hold anniversary reunions atthe time of the Annual Dinner of the Association. As this is usually held on the evening of Convocation Day, it fits in with theUniversity program. The classes in questionthis year are '05, '10, '15, and '20.George M. Morris, President of the Classof '15 (who figures rather heavily in thesecolumns), has taken the lead by issuing acali to his class. The idea was suggested toMorris by Wendell M. Levi, J.D. '15, sometime ago. Morris sent out a letter to theclass members as a feeler, and receivedenough favorable responses to cause him tosend out a formai cali. The proposed program is as follows:Monday, June i$th, 1925, 6 P.M., dinnerof the Class of 1915 at a down townclub in Chicago. Members of the facultyat the University who were there duringthe days of our "internment" are ex-pected to be present.Tuesday, June ióth, 1925, 12:30 P.M.,luncheon at some suburban club in Chicago, followed by golf, tennis, etc.Tuesday, June i6th, 1925, 6:30 P.M., dinner of the alumni association of the LawSchool.Harry J. Lurie, Vice-President of theClass of '05, is working on his class.The officers of the classes of '10 and '2(1are hereby requested to communicate witheither Roy D. Keehn, President of the Law-School Association, 10 South LaSalle Street,Chicago, or Charles F. McElroy, Secretary,110 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. Alimembers of those classes are requested toreserve the dates June 15 and 16, 1925, andto assume a receptive attitude toward a personal appeal which will reach them later.Law School Association LuncheonHIRTY-TWO men attended a luncheonof the Law School Association at noonon January 14, at the new dining room ofthe Chicago Bar Association, 160 NorthLaSalle Street.As there is no private room there, themembers were grouped by putting tables to-gether in one corner. Being a part of thelarge dining room, with conversation goingon at ali the other tables, it was not pos- 10E 3 EIE 3 EIE E] EIE El E1Csible to have speech-making; so the meetingwas just a get-together.As many of the members eat frequentlyat the Bar Association, a number are sureto be there on any day. Hence, if no speakeris slated, it will be comparatively easy toget a fair attendance at any time just forfellowship.The steward says that by next fall mov-able partitions will probably be installed,making it possible to shut off a portion ofthe space into a private room, where speech-making and the transaction of business willbe possible.Those in attendance were:Simon H. Alster Harry J. LurieHerbert Bebb A. F. MecklenburgerArbold R. Baar Bernard NathFrank B. Black Harold W. NormanRoger S. Bloch Paul M. O'DonnellMilton A. Brown L. L. RichmondD. Francis Bustin Theodore RubovitsJohn W. Chapman C. L. SentzHenry L. Chatroop Forest D. SiefkinHorace Dawson Roy K. ThomasT. P. Dudley, Jr. Oswell G. TreadwayJoseph Fisher James H. TurnerW. D. Freyburger W. D. WollesenPaul H. Hansen Horace A. YoungC. O. Hornbaker Chas. F. McElroy,V. C. Johnson Sec.Clav JudsonAmerican Law Institute CouncilDean James P. Hall and Prof. Floyd R.Mechem attended the meeting of the Council of the American Law Institute on De-cember 5, 6 and 7, 1924, in the Trial Roomof the Association of the Bar of the Cityof New York. Twenty-two members of theCouncil were present.Seventy-three sections of the draft of there-statement of the Law on Contracts, cov-ering definitions and formation of contractsdown to the subject "Consideration," werediscussed section by section. A similar dis-cussion was had of the restatement of Con-flict of Laws dealing with "Domicil"; alsoof that part of the law of Torts dealing with"Assault, Battery, and False Imprisonment."The three drafts will be submitted to thenext annual meeting of the Institute, on May1 and 2, 1925, at Washington, D. C. Copieswill be sent to the members, who numberabout five hundred and fifty, three weeksbefore the meeting for criticai examination.-55ri " '" BOOK REVIEWSfeH5H525r5E5H5H5H5H5r5H5E5E555E5H5S5H5E5ttE5E5E5S^^T. W. Goodspeed, '62The Story of the University ofChicagoBy T. W. Goodspeed(The University of Chicago Press)This faithful storyof the University,given an artist, couldbe turned into a first-rate novel. It wouldportray a creativeactivity, which, toexaggerate a littlewas titanic. Therewould be amazingcharacters in it —Rockefeller, Goodspeed, Yerkes, and asa centrai figure, themost amazing of ali,William Rainey Harper. Our artist couldfind things to beironical about; but sometimes he would beforced to the edge of sentiment. Unless hewere a most determined realistic reducer ofmen and actions, the impression his novelwould finally create would really be titanic.As a matter of fact, part of the University's story has been put to artistic use byTheodore Dreaser. It would perhaps be ma-licious to say that T. W. Goodspeed is noDreiser; he doesn't in the least try to benovelistic. Satisfied to record the facts, toteli what he has seen of the development ofthe University, he has found it impossibleto be dull, because his facts are so interesting. Mr. Goodspeed has always had an inside connection with the financial affairs ofthe University. He was the spokesman ofthose who first looked to John D. Rockefeller as a possible founder. He knows thedetails of ali the negotiations between Rockefeller, William Rainey Harper, and theBoard of the American Baptist EducationSociety. He saw the gray towers spring upmagically. But for him there was littleenough magic in it, for he knew just howeach new building had been made possible.He took part in many a campaign for raising funds, and particularly in that dramatic"Million-dollars-in-Ninety-Days" campaign.Those who are now starting upon a newcampaign will have much to learn from T.W. Goodspeed.He has seen generatioos of students comeand go, and the life of the campus graduallychange. In giving the atmosphere of theearly University, he is rather successful.Nothing literary, athletic, social, or educational seems to have escaped him. Somefeatures of the athletics of those days seemodd to us now.Then Stagg was catcher, pitcher, coach,shortstop, and halfback too.* We played the same football opponenttwice in a single season. Then there was aUniversity Cycling Club. Literary periodi-cals were born and shortly died. Fraterni-ties carne into being to be flattered andcursed. Events crowded upon each other,while the World's Fair was a continuousside-show which threatened to engulf themain attraction:Oh, there were more Profs than students,but then we didn't care,They spent their days in research work, theirevenings at the fair,And life upon the Campus was one continuai swing,We watched the Ferris wheel go round, anddidn't do a thing.*It is common for undergraduates to believe that ours is the richest university inthe world, and that it always has been therichest. Mr. Goodspeed will surprise themwith his story of the University's early strug-gles. Until 1908 there was a large yearly deficit; many of the first professors spent theirearliest days here "in the garrets and kit-chens of a tenement house." Of course, thatwasn't entirely due to poverty; much of itwas the sheer physical difficulty of providing buildings in so short a time. Everythingin those early days was in a chaotic state,with William Rainey Harper's genius takingtitanic strides toward — not the makeshift ofan imitative organization, but toward radi-cally new forms.Not the least of Harpers' abilities was thatof interesting men of wealth in the causeof the new university, and in this T. W.Goodspeed, in spite of the modesty withwhich he treats his own part, appears tohave been about as able. Dr. Gates said ofMr. Goodspeed in 1890, "It is to his clearstatement of fact, his candid, courteous, forc-ible presentations, and his gracious, tactful,sincere, persuasive appeals in public, in private, and through the press that we owe inchief part our present measure of success."This estimate does not appear to havebeen less true in the subsequent development of the University. Mr. Goodspeed andHarper carne in contact with a host of interesting men. They had the persistence, thefaith in their own cause, and the subtlety tointerest nearly every Chicagoan of wealth ofthe day. They attracted Yerkes as much asthey did Martin A. Ryerson.Mr. Goodspeed makes no pretense at artistic treatment of the many interesting characters he has come in contact with, but hisconnection with William Rainey Harper hasbeen* so^ intimate, his impressions of thatpersonality so strong that he has unavoid-ably made him stand out as the titan in thestory of the University. No one reading*Steigmeyer's "1893," quoted in The Story of theUniversity oj ^v-^c'^j.156Book Reviews 157this account could fail to see Harper's essen-tial characteristics. From the bare recital ofhis accomplishments, he appears as a manof daring and forceful intellect. The financial development of the University waslargely due to his persistent habit of planning far beyond the resources on hand. Ifhe had a million, Harper went ahead on afive million basis, and while keeping theUniversity constantly in debt, he as constantly forced it to rise to a larger scale.Harper secured a faculty that made theUniversity great from the day its doorsopened. Harper was a radicai innovator inactual organization. How startlingly newin American education his quarter system,his system of majors and minors, his pianfor the University Press, and his emphasison the graduate school were, is difficult nowto conceive. He was a courageous man inhis private life too. Goodspeed saw himwork eighteen months under virtual sen-tence of death; and even when the timecarne to die, he was planning — the details ofhis own funeral.The Story of the University of Chicagocarries on with the administration of President Judson, and discusses President Bur-ton's plans for the future. Let every student and alumnus read this chronicle of theUniversity and the men who created it, foruntil someone puts this material into theform of art, there will be nothing more interesting to those who know the campus. Athletics(Continued from page 142)Intramural athletics are constantly receiv-ing more and more support and enthusiasmamong the men students of the University.The Winter Quarter has not only revealedan unprecedented participation and interestin the within-the-walls sports, but the number of men competing in this work has sofar overshadowed any previous records thatfacilities for handling this enormous turn-out are not at ali adequate.Intramural athletics for this quarter, under the new program as developed by Dr.Molander, received its initial impetus Tuesday evening, January 13th, when the basket-ball tournament was opened. About 700men, playing on 66 teams, are expected toparticipate in this one sport this winter.This is doublé the size of the drawing lastwinter: heretofore the most successful yearin this sport. In addition to basketball, theintramural department has launched an indoor track and field schedule with a largenumber interested. One meet, a preliminaryand unit affair has been staged, and the win-ners of events therein will have credit giventhem on the total which will be assembledfrom several such events. Two hundred menparticipated in this first meet, which wasstaged Wednesday, the 14th.Development ProgramBanquetGoing to have onein your town or city?If you see banners, pictures, view-books, song-books,or other articles that you would like to have, wehave exact duplicates, and can supply youfrom theUniversity of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.Chicago, IllinoisNEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'03 — Agnes R. Wayman has recently senta book to Lea & Febriger, Philadelphia andNew York publishers. The title is "Education Through Physical Education." The book,which will be bound in maroon, will be outearly in March.'04 — Frederick R. Darling is Superintend-ent of Schools in Dunkirk, New York.'05 — Zonia Baber is in Perù, South America attending the Scientific Congress, asEducational Delegate from the United States.She also expects to attend meetings in someof the other South American Countries.'06 — Elizabeth Munger is Secretary ofCare and Training of Delinquent Womenand Girls of the National Committee onPrison and Prison Labor. Her address is 27West 74th Street, New York City.'08 — George F. Cassell is Principal of theCorkery Public School, Chicago.'13— Dr. Harold Lee Alden, S.M., hasaccepted an offer from Yale University togo to South Africa as director of an obser-vatory to be established there.Chicago Alumni —have a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Teli your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou-sands in ali parts of the country and indistant lands.Por Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, Illinois '13 — Jay B. Alien is a member of the firmof McKinney and Alien, Inc., Sioux Falls,South Dakota, dealers in mortgage loansand insurance. He has recently been electedSecretary of the Board of Trustees of theInternational Council of Religious Education.'14 — Mary Louise Porter is Associate Professor of modera languages at MeridithCollege, Raleigh, S. C.'14 — Olive Gray, A.M. '20, is AssistantSuperintendent of City Schools, Hutchinson,Kansas.'15 — J. D. Coon, J.D., has been electedStates Attorney for Minnehaha County,South Dakota.'15 — Mildred Peabody is Director ofPhysical Education in the Greenwich Academy. Her home address is 160 MilbankAve., Greenwich, Conn.'15 — J. F. Wellemeyer, A.M., is Principalof the Central High School of Kansas City,Missouri.'16 — Mrs. C. A. Glover (Annie Gardner)entered a one-act play, entitled "TheShadow," in state-wide contest conducted bythe Iowa Federation of Woman's Clubs, andUNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins March 30Fot Cìrcular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago. Chicago, 111.158The University of Chicago Magazine 159To the Fmanout qfcollege ten yearsTWO MEN stood on thesteps of a fraternityhouse on the Sunday eveningbefore Commencement. Saidone of them:"A college man ought toearn as many thousand dol-lars a year as the number ofyears he has been out ofcollege."Said the other: "Thatsounds fair enough. Let'skeep in touch with each otherand see how it works out."At the end of the second yearone of them was earning 340 a week,while the other was earning 335.At the end of their fifth year onewas earning 36,000 a year, theother 24,000.At the end of their tenth yearone was earning 312,500, the other35,000.Why did one man stop ìSomething happened in that fiveyear period; what was it?The same tfiing which happensto many thousands. The 35,000man got into a department ofa business (it happened to be theengineering department; but itmight as easily have been sales, oraccounting, or advertising, factoryor office management, traffic, or anyof the others). He became pro-ficient in the work of that depart ment — so proficient that he builta wall around himself. He knowstoo much about that one department, and too little about theothers,ever to get out.The other man realized that largesuccess demands a capacity for usingand directing the work of othermen. He will never know as muchabout any department as his friendknows about engineering. But heknows enough about ali depart-ments to employ others and toprofit by their work.This case is not exceptional. Takethe statistics of a typical class ofa great university.What the Princeton menof 1913 are earningMembership of the class 373Earning 310,000 or more 24Earning 35,000 to 310,000 47Earning between 32,000 and35,000 116Less than 32,000 186You who read this page — do youwonder why the Alexander Hamilton Institute shouldpass by hundreds of S^Otereaders of this maga- délkzine and address itselfto you?The answer is sim-ple: You are the typicalInstitute man. You arein your thirties; theaverage age at whichmen enrol with theInstitute is 37. AIE1'0 You are married. A majority ofthe men who enrol with the Institute are married.You are a college man. Fortyper cent of the men who enrol withthe Institute are college men.In other words, this training isspecifically designed for you. Therecord of the 250,000 men whomthe Institute has trained (whoseaverage situation was so nearlyparallel to yours) is the best possible guarantee that it is worth yourwhile at least to get the facts.What will the next tenyears mean to you ?The facts about the Institute areali in a book called " Forging Aheadin Business."It can be read in a single evening,but it contains the proved resultsof sixteen years' experience in training men for larger earning power —ali sorts of men in ali sorts of posi-tions. There is a copy of this bookfor every thoughtful reader of thismagazine — and in particularfor the man who has been tenyears out of college. It willcome to you by mail immedi-ately upon receipt of your nameand address. Send for it now.Alexander Hamilton Institute248 Astor Place New York CitySend me at once the booklet, "Forging Ahead inBusiness," which I may keep without obligation.Alexander Hamilton InstituteExecutive Training for Business MenIn Australia:tic Cutlireagh Su, Sydney I| Signature| Business¦ Address . . Please wrUe plairilyIn Canada:C. P. R. Building, Toronto uBusinessPosition .160 The University of Chicago Magazinewas awarded second prize. The firm ofSamuel French is bringing out the play inbooklet form in their International Edition.'16— Dr. H. C. Trimble, S.M., Ph.D. '18, isAssistant Professor of Bio-chemistry at theHarvard Medicai School, Cambridge, Mass.'16 — Joseph B. Shine, A.M. '20, a memberof the faculty of the Chicago Normal College, has been giving a series of stereopticonlectures on the career of the late TheodoreRoosevelt. These lectures are part of theChicago Daily News program of free lectures.'18 — Louise Green is teaching in the Education Department of the Iowa State Teachers College — giving courses in PrimaryMethods. Her home address is 1104 West22d St., Cedar Falls, Iowa.'20 — Merle E. Irwin is teaching seniorEnglish in a high school at Morris, Illinois.'22 — Marguerite C. McBride has been ap-pointed Primary Supervisor at State Teachers College, St. Cloud, Minnesota.'24 — Harriet Bradford, J.D., is practicinglaw with Fisher, Boyden, Kales and Bell, at134 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.'24 — Alfred H. Wetzel, A.M., is Principalof the Junior High School at Mount Vernon,Indiana.'24 — Mrs. Christine K. Simmons, A.M., isPrincipal of Experimental School No. 7,Dunkirk, New York.The Albert Teacher's Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.Fortieth year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excel-lent positions in hundreds of Colleges,Universities, Normal Schools, HighSchool and Private Schools, who werehappily located by The Albert Teach-er's Agency.This Agency has long been in thefront rank of placement bureaus. It isunquestionably the largest and bestknown Agency. Forty-eight per centof positions filled by us are in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal andeffective. Our cliente stay with us —come to us every year. They appre-ciate good service. Graduates andstudents of the University of Chicagoare always welcome in our office. Ifnot near enough for an interview,make your wants known by mail. Weare here to help you get well located.We have busy offices inNew York, Denver and Spokane Law School Association jI „ .. „4,Thomas O. Abbott, J. D. '21, is practicingin Eldorado, Arkansas.John H. Bass, J. D. '20, is Attorney andExaminer for the Federai Trade Commis-sion, 14 West Washington St., Chicago.C. J. Collingsworth, L.L. B., '18, may beaddressed at 112 South Hudson Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Samuel G. Clawson, J. D. '24, has beenappointed Assistant District Attorney ofthe Third Judicial District in Utah, 404Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.Ehlers English, J. D. '21, has moved hisoffices to 1215 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines,Iowa.Arthur Goldblatt, ex '26, resides at 2141Pierce Avenue, Chicago.Harold S. Goldsmith, '22, may be addressed at 5557 Everett Ave., Chicago.A. A. Klapman, J. D. '22, has moved hisoffices to Suite 949-50, 140 South- DearbornSt., Chicago.Thomas E. McCollough, J. D. '20, is amember of the firm of McCollough andSlaughter, Birmingham, Ala.Cari J. Meyer, J. D. '24, is practicing withMoran, Paltzer and O'Donnell, 112 WestAdams St., Chicago.Dale A. Nelson, J. D. '24, lives at 5634Blackstone Ave., Chicago.Fred Rosser, J. D. '24, has opened officesin Suite 1410-12 Pacific Southwest Bldg.,Fresno, California.Andrew C. Scott, J. D. '23, is AssistantUnited States District Attorney, 316 Federa!Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska.Emmett D. Slyder, J, D. '24, is practicingat 303 Transportation Bldg., Chicago.Clifford E. Smith, LL.B. '23, has offices inthe Gaylord Bldg., Ashland, Kentucky.H. E. Soble, J. D. '15, is a member ofthe finn of Moses, Kennedy, Stein & Bach-rach, 108 South LaSalle St., Chicago.Lee Soltow, J. D. '24, is practicing at 529Trimble Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa.Thane Swartz, J. D. '24, is with Brown,Fox & Blumberg, .2059 Illinois MerchantsBank Bldg., Chicago.O'iaf H. Thormodsgard, J. D. '24, is aProfessor of Commerce this year in St. OlafCollege, Northfield, Minnesota.J. Howard Wilcox has opened offices inthe First National Bank Bldg., Anthony,Kansas.Montgomery S. Winning, J. D. '17, hasbeen appointed First Assistant AttorneyCenerai of Illinois, with offices in Springfield, Illinois,News of the Classes and Associations'07 — Garfield S. Canright, LL.B., is Director of the Securities Division of the RailroadCommission of Wisconsin with headquartersat Madison, Wisconsin.i1 School of Education Personals j! t* — .. „_,._.._„_.._.._._,. +'10 — Harriet Hartford, Ph.B., is teachingEnglish in the Joint Union High School atReedley, California.'11 — Florence Ames, S.B., is supervisinghead of the Home Economics Departmentof the Hibbing, Minnesota, Public Schools.She spent the summer of 1924 in Europe.'13— Since 1922 Hazel K. Alien, Ph.B.,has been Camp Secretary for the NationalBoard of the Y. W. C. A., New York City.'14— Frederick L. Whitney, A. M., Ed.B.,'06, is Director of Research, State TeachersCollege, Greeley, Colorado.'15— Fred C. Ayer, Ph.D., through the Department of Research of the Seattle PublicSchools, has published a book entitledStudies in Administrative Research.'16 — Emma E. Sparks, Ph.B., is AssistantState Leader, Home Economics ExtensionDivision, University of Illinois.'17 — Mrs. O. W. Barton's (Maud L.Thomas, Ph.B.) present address is Olustee,Oklahoma.'18 — Marjorie Pratt, Ph.B., is fourth-gradecritic in the North Carolina College forWomen at Greensboro, N. C.'19— Bessie W. Hoyt, Ph.B., is fourth-grade critic at the Southern Brandi of theUniversity of California, Los Angeles.'20 — Martin J. Stormzand, Ph.D., Professor of Education, University of SouthernCalifornia is the author of Progressive Methods of Teaching, Houghton Mifflin Co.'21 — Jessie Mable Cline, Ph.B., teachesmathematics in the High School at Bloom-ington, Illinois.'22 — Morgan L. Combs, A. M. StateSupervisor of Secondary Education, Richmond, Virginia, has published through theState Department of Education some statecourses of study for high schools in severalsubjects and a Manual of Administration forHigh Schools of Virginia.'23— Amy Woller, Ph.B., A. M. '24, isInstructor in Fine and Applied Arts at JamesMillikin University, Decatur, Illinois.'24 — Enock C. Dyrness, A.M., is Principalof the Practice School and Assistant in Education at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.'24 — Dickie Yerington, A. M., is Instructor in History at Cottey College, Nevada,Missouri. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago162 The University of Chicago MacazineAlumni Affairs(Continued from page 141)swimming just for the Alumnae; but withMr. Wellington Jones and Miss Dudleybacking the project we are working out anexperiment in neighborhood activities. Atseven-thirty on Thursday evening, we have aclass in folk dancing for men and women,and Mr. Jones is allowed, in his discretion,to admit friends of the University or neigh-bors of the University, who may not bealumni.The matter bf the Alumnae Club scholarship mentioned last quarter, is beingsmoothly worked out through Miss Schaff-ner, the Chairman of our Scholarship Committee, and Dean Wilkins.Other general activities of the club aregoing along in the routine way, includingsuch things as supplying a vacuum cleanerto Drexel House; but there seems no particular occasion for reporting these detailsto the Alumni Council.The next meeting of the Chicago Alumnae Club will be its regular annual businessmeeting. The time and place of that meeting will be determined at the meeting ofthe Alumnae Club Executive Committee.Alice Greenacre, '08, J. D., '11. Sioux City Club Hears Professor LinnOn Friday, the 23rd of January, the alumniand ex-students of the University of Chicagoresiding in Sioux City had the extreme pleas-ure of having as their guest for luncheonProf. James Weber Linn. He was in SiouxCity for the purpose of addressing a dinnerclub in the evening, the club being kindenough to loan the Chicago Alumni his pres-ence at noon. He gave us but "a short talk,but as our President, Vail Purdy, J. D. '08,commented, we learned more concerning theUniversity of Chicago in those few minutesthan in ali the time we were attending theUniversity.Of our membership of about ninety we hadpresent about twenty-five or thirty, hurriedlybrought together on a few minutes' noticewhen we learned of our good fortune insecuring him. We hope that in the future,Professors will give us warning that we maylie able to get out two or three times asmany.Respectfullv,C. M. Corbett, J. D. '24,Sec. Sioux City Club ofTo Head Alumni in Cook and Lake CountiesJohn P. Mentzer, '98, president of Mentzer, Bush & Company, Chicago publishers,has been made chairman' of the alumni committee for Cook and Lake counties. Notonly will the campaign for needed funds besuccessful, in Mr. Mentzer's judgment, butit will also result in the citizens of Chicagobecoming better acquainted with the greatwork that is being done by President Burton and the men responsible for the University's progress.Largest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management — Direction ofE. E. Olp, 2& E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY, 28 E.Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Affiliatedoffices in principal cities.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU,Chicago Tempie, 77 W. WashingtonSt., Chicago; 1254 Amsterdam Ave.,New York. College and universitywork only.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY,Security Bldg., Evanston, 111.; Southern Bldg., Washington.EDUCATION SERVICE, 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; 1254 AmsterdamAve., New York. Makes a specialtyof public school work, includingteaching and administrative positions ; also, positions for collegegraduates outside of the teachingfield. Offers various forms of service to schools and teachers. Recent GraduatesThis is for the attention of the graduate in engineering;, commerce or chem-istry who has been out of college ayear or two and who desires a pernia -nent connection with au aggressive,grmving organization. We can employseveral men of more than average abil-ity and ambition in our various piantawhere they will be given every opportunity to learn the business. Ad v ance -ment will be slow, but there is a splen-ilid future ahead for the right man. Weare only interested in the man who hasL'onfidence in his ability and who con-siders opportunity ahead of mìtialsalary.Apfrly by Icttcr toCERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTSCORPORATION100 East 42nd Street, New York CityThe Letter Box 163The Letter BoxCContinued from page 151)terest in the game had reached a maximumand the next year shows even greater interest than before.I ani satisfied that the reason for this isfound in the fact that the game containspractically every element essential to thehighest type of sport. It is played out-doors. It offers rare opportunity not onlyfor physical strength, agility and speed butfor mental alertness, resource and initiative.It calls for and develops confìdence, courageand nerve. It affords opportunity for theexercise of ali these qualities in every vari-ation with kaleidoscopic suddenness. Itscontinuai flashes of physical contact testthe temper as almost no other game andafford continued and invaluable experiencein developing its control. It develops afine quality of sportmanship. It teachesthe value of painstaking preparation and ofattention to details. And above ali, it isoutstandingly a team game with ali of theopportunities of and rewards for team play.Up to the present time it is distinctly agame of amateurs and carries the hallmarkof being the only distinctive academic sport.Let us not be disturbed by the criticismthat in its match games it attracts too largeaudiences, and that the receipts roll up intolarge figures. Let us on the contrary beproud of a game which is so wholesomeand so rare a sport that the friends of thecolleges and of the game are anxious todeposit at the gates of the stadiums throughtheir small contributions, seldom exceeding$2.00 each, an amount of money whichliterally is supporting practically every otherbranch of athletic activity in the colleges.This means that through the financial back-ing which football in its present form hasmade possible we are approaching a condition that we have been so universally hopingfor, namely, a time when the burden offinding facilities and equipment for everybranch of college sport has been lifted fromthose who wish to participate and opportunity opens to ali. As it stands today, thereceipts for football in an increasing numberof colleges are carrying the expense notonly of the equipment and training for football itself but for hockey, rowing, tennis,golf, swimming, soccer, basketball and baseball to the extent which these sportsinadequately fail to provide revenue. If thedream of general participation of entirestudent bodies in intermural athletic sportsever becomes an actuality it will be due REALESTATEBONDS REALESTATEBONDSRESOURCES over $3,000,000.00The NEW YEAR is a starting pointfor Prosperity and Happiness. Savefrom your earnings. Whether youmake the savings large or small, makethem regularly. Remember the UNIVERSITY STATE BANK is yourfriend and will help you to financialindependence.See our 1925 list of FIRST MORT-GAGE GOLD BONDS on HYDEPARK property paying 6]/2% and 6J4%interest.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. Corner RidgewoodPaul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex. '06Ralph W. Davis, '16Paal RDavis & CkxMEMBERSNEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGECHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE39 SOUTH LA SALLE STREETTELEPHONE STATE 6860CHICAGOCharles R. Gilbert. 'IO Bradford Gii], '10Gilbert & GillGeneral InsurancePersonal and Bus iness208 South La Salle StreetWabash94ll CHICAGO164 The University of Chicago Magazinein part to the stimulus and support of inter-collegiate football.A score of men participate in athletics inthe colleges today where one participatedtwenty years ago, and I take it that noone will deny that the result is an infinitelymore wholesome morale in the colleges today or that the results will be found mag-nificently worth while in the coming generation.The report for the year 1924 would beincomplete without calling attention to thefact that the game as now played does notbegin to put the strain on pljyers whichthe old game did. One needs only to lookat the schedules of 1924, which would havebeen deemed unthinkable a few years ago,and then note the fact that some of theteams which played the hardest schedulescarne up to their final games in the pinkof condition.Considerations like these are responsiblefor the feeling on the part of your Committee that the Committee's task is to en-deavor to hold the game as it is and toexperiment with proposed changes only withextreme conservatism.E. K. Hall,Chairman. Need for Masters' AssociationKent, Ohio,Jan. 27, 1925.The Alumni Council,University of Chicago.Dear Sirs:I was interested in the suggestion madeby Mr. Krout which you published thismonth in the University or Chicago Magazine, relative to the organization of a Masters' Association. I am very heartily in favoreven though I do not expect to be in Chicago permanently. In my opinion there isreal need for such a group. As the matteris now, there seems to be no real classifica-tion for those who hold Masters' degreesfrom the Graduate Schools of Art and Literature, but, as Mr. Krout suggests I believethere would be enough of common interestto hold such an association together. Itwould serve, too, to further connect themembers of the alumni to their Alma Mater,none the less honored because we may oweearlier allegiance to another institution.May I express my appreciation for theMagazine? This is the first year I havebeen eligible to receive it, and in spite ofthe fact that my acquaintance with fellowalumni is necessarily recent, I find much ofinterest in each issue.Yours truly,Miss Mona Fletcher, A.M. '24.Carboni Monoxide QasWe know that CARBON MO-NOXffiE GAS is a frequentcause of motor fatalities. Weare especìally reminded of ìt atthis time of the year.This gas is a product of combus-tion from either stationary orautomotive gasoline engines. Itis invisible, odorless, tasteless,and non-irritating. To inhale aseemingly negligible quantityOver Sixty Years inBusiness. Now insuringover Two BilUon Doltarsin Policies on3,500,000 Lives means almost immediate loss oflife.Knowing this, it is clearly ourduty to warn the owners of carsnot to run their engines when garage doors or Windows are closed.Join us in this work of safe-guarding life. The only sureprotection against CARBONMONOXIDE GAS is fresh airand ampie ventilation.or Boston, MassachusettsCommerce and AdmCommerce and Administration(Continued from page 152)than many universities attempt to give, theyare stili behind the comprehensive coursesgiven at some other universities. With theincreased, emphasis that is being placedupon graduate work, it is particularly feltthat more advanced work must be offered inthis field, — and that of true graduate calibre.A step in this direction will be taken nextyear, by the incorporatimi of two new transportation courses, one to deal with the organization and operation of steam railroads,and the other to deal with the legai relationsbetween shippers and carriers. Thesecourses are intended primarily for graduatestudents, although some undergraduates maybe admitted from the senior colleges. Thesecourses are somewhat experimental; butthey represent an attempt to take advantageof the wonderful location of Chicago in thetransportation world. Situated in the midstof the greatest railroad net in the world, andoffering almost unparalleled opportunitiesfor research into rail, highway, and locaitransportation, it would seem that the University has an excellent opportunity to de-velop research along these lines, thus per-forming a service both of locai and nationalsignificance.And it may also be noted that some success has already been achieved in the direction of securing the cooperation of railroadofficials themselves. The results as yet aresmall; but they are very encouraging. In-structors and students have been welcomed,and encouraged in their efforts. As indicative of their attitude, it may be mentionedthat one of the prominent Belt Line Railroads of this city last fall ran a special trailithrough the Chicago Railway Terminal, forthe benefit of transportation students, andinstructors in the University. The offer ofthis service was quite unsolicited. It maystili be a question how many of our graduates will be able to find in transportation,particularly in railroading, the opportunityfor a career; this problem itself will requiremuch patient research and educational effort.But there can be no question at ali con-cerning the number and importance of transportation problems pressing for a solution;they constitute a distinct challenge to theeducated man or woman. And if one of theaccepted ideals of this University is the fur-therance of research, here at least is a mostfruitful field right at our very gates. C. F. Axelson, '07special agentNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephony Waba.h 1800Sam A. Rothermel ' 1 7InsurancewithMOORE, CASE. LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick *20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities231 S. LaSalle St. State 3400Kenwood: Hyde Park: Woodlawn:South Shore: Chatham Fields: Flossmoor:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22Midway 0620 5435 Kimbark Ave.Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpectaliztng onPlans for Building EslatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICERAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederai Securities CorporationCHICAGOState 1414John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity 85 Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCURTIS FITZHUGH LEE.M.A. (ED.)'19THE CLARK TEACHERS AGENCY5024 Jenkins ArcadePittsburgh. Pa.Our Field: Penna., W. Va.. Ohio.166 The University of Chicago MagazineMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bullelin on Requat.PAUL MOSER, J. D. Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.554 W. Adame St., Chicago, ni.ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub- let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AHBooks University Notes(Continued from page 150)The judge in the case, upon due consideratici., admitted the claims of the frater-nity's attorneys, and handed down thedecision as follows:2. "That the objector is a corporationnot for profit, organized and existing for acharitable and educational use and purposeand that it is therefore exempt from taxa-tion under and by virtue of the laws of theState of Illinois."This case is of interest to ali fraternitieson campus, as it involves the considerationof ali fraternities in Illinois being exemptfrom state taxation. Does this case meanthat ali fraternities are automatically freedfrom taxation, or must each fraternity bringa separate case before the law, and have ajudgment upon it? That is a question whichseveral fraternities are investigating throughtheir alumni advisers at the present time.The case was entered in the county courtof Cook County, representing the State ofIllinois, Sept. 30, 1924, and the decision wasreached during December. Psi Upsilonstarted their case by refusing to pay thetaxes as assessed by Patrick J. Carr, countytax collector at that time, and now countytreasurer. He thereupon entered the casein court, in the matter of default of taxes.Leave was given to Omega chapter of PsiUpsilon to file its claim as follows:"On motion of said Omega chapter ofPsi Upsilon fraternity, it is hereby orderedthat the default and judgment heretoforeentered herein against the following de-scribed property, to wit, . . . be and thesanie hereby are set aside and vacated andleave is hereby given to said Omega chapter of Psi Upsilon to file its objections."The court decision was against Mr. Carr,and for the fraternity, which relieves thefinancial strain to the extent of over $1,500,according to Kenneth Laird, member ofPsi Upsilon fraternity. If this decision relieves ali the fraternities from state taxes,it will no doubt be contested by a greatmany fraternities on the campus in the nearfuture, if necessary.A case of a similar nature occurred twoyears ago, in the case of the Chicago chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, which contested thepayment of taxes upon the grounds that thefraternity was a charitable institution, inas-much as it gave two student scholarshipseach school year to certain students in theUniversity. This case was decided in theirfavor, and the fraternity has paid no taxessince then. This case, however, would notbe of any benefit to the other fraternitieson campus, or in the state, as very few ofthem have such scholarship clainìs. Thepresent case, though, takes in ali fraternitiesin the state, and also those in several sur-rounding states, for many states have lawsto the cffect of exempting educational insti-tutions from taxation. Chicago fraternitieswill doubtless await the results of the investigation now being carried through withno little interest.We Print gEfre .MmtietA<iti> of Ctlicago jBaga?tneo„a"Pi"dtk°Xp- Make a Printing Connectionto-date facllitiee witn a Specialist and a responsiblePrinting HouseCATALOGUEand DDIWTEDCPUBLICATION nuli 1 LA OPrinting and AdvertisingAdvisersOne of the lare- and the Cooperatine and Clearing Housefor Publicalions ani CataloguesStates Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFormerly Roger s <fe Hall CompanyPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones — Locai and Long Distance — Wabash 3380est __ _complete Print-inff pianta :- "¦The University of Chicago Magazine 167y ~\.-and even electrical engineersare needed in theelectrical industryNowadays the electrical industry needs so manytypes of men that it ma}' be well to point out itstili needs engineers, good engineers — but with adifference.Vision, initiative, technical skill are neededqualities, now as always. But here's another. Canyou work on the team ? Will you be able to backup the other members in the manufacturing andcommercial ends of the business ?The engineer today should be no recluse in alaboratory. He can make his work more effectiveonce he sees how it relates to the work of menaround him.In your studies and college activities, you havethe chance now to develop this point of view. inthe broader activities of the electrical industry, youmay have the chance later on to carry it further.nThis advertisement is one of a series in studentpublications. It may retnind alumni of their opportunity to help the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to get more out of his four years. /168 The University of Chicago MagazineSwiftA vital nation-wide service©S&Co.No villagetoo smallIn Swift & Company's code of service, FlagCenter ,111., is quite as important as Boston,Mass.Refrigerator cars carrying the finestmeats,Premium Hams and Bacon, Brook-fìeld Butter and Eggs, etc, make sched-uled stops at thousands of small towns,once or twice or even three times eachweek.Retail meat dealers simply give theirorders to our salesmen. Orders are trans-mitted to our plants where cars are loadedpromptly and sent out on regular trains.When goods are unloaded at locai sta-tions, draymen deliver them to retailers.Swift & Company has arranged that inadvance.This direct distribution to retailers isperformed byour"car route"organization.It widens the market for farmers' livestock and makes it possible for the small-est towns andvillages to get the same vari-etyand quality of products that are sup-plied to the largest cities.Wherever the rails reach, Swift serviceextends.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868Owned by more than 46,000 shareholders +. ¦ - ¦¦ ......Marriages, Births, Deaths.Jfflarriaae*Eugene A. Giard, '16, to Beatrice G.Lambrecht, June 7, 1924. At home, 39Claremont Avenue, Verona, N. J.Faith Prentice, '21, to Edwin D. Hale,November 15, 1924. At home, 1124 RandolphStreet, Oak Park, 111.Julia Goff, '22, to Leslie A. Tevebaugh,October 14, 1924. At home, Mt. Carmel,Illinois.Ruth Rumsey, '23, to William A. Cole-man, September 5, 1924. At home, 6617Ingleside Avenue, Chicago.Winifred King, '24, to Harold Fletcher,'23, August 30, 1924. At home, 2313 Maple-wood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.Katharine Roberts, '23, to Roy Barr, '23,September 9, 1924. At home, 638 X. Cuy-ler Avenue, Oak Park, 111.$trtf)$sTo Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Arnold (HelenRudd) '10, a son, Hugh Hudson, November17, 1924, at Galesburg, 111.To James F. Groves, S.M. '12, Ph.D. '15,and Mrs. Groves, a son, David Hiram, October 24, 1924, at Ripon, Wisconsin.To Paul N. Leech, Ph.D. '13, and Mrs.Leech (Esther Birch) '15, a daughter,Esther Doris, October 6, 1924, at Chicago.To Donald L. Colwell, '16, and Mrs. Col-well, a daughter, Marjorie Cecelia, May 19,1924, at Chicago.To Ralph AI. Hogan, '16, A.M. '17, andMrs. Hogan, a son,. Douglas LeRoy, Decem-ber 14, 1924, at Tsinan, Shantung, China.Beati)*Harley B. Mitchell, '76. for many year-<active in Cook county politics, at his homein La Grange, Dee. 20th, 1924. He was president of the village of La Grange in 1905,Editor of the American Miller and connectedwith various banks.Mrs. William R. Rummler (Sue Harding),'98, at her home in Beverly Hills, Jan. 3rd,1925. Mrs. Rummler was the author of abook devoted to mothers and child life whichwas published in 1919.Marie Alysia Dunne, '12, at her home 6547Greenview Ave., August 7th, 1924. MissDunne was principal of the Nobel PublicSchool in Chicago.Joseph Fishman, '16, Oct. lOth, 1924, atGrand Rapids, Mich.Experiments like these areparticularly thrilling and important to young men andwomen, who will live in an agewhen electricity will performmost of life's hardest tasks.Know what the research lab-oratories of the General ElectricCompany are doing; they are atelescope through which youcan see the future !If you are interested to learnmore about what electricity isdoing, write for Reprint No.AR391 còntaining a completeset of these advertisements. Artificial lightning was first publicly demonstrated on June 5, 1923, in the laboratory ofthe General Electric Company at Pittsfield,Mass., when a two-million-volt sfiark crashedinto this miniature village.What's the use ofartificial lightning?It is mainly experimental, aidingGeneral Electric scientists tosolve high power transmissionproblems. Many such experiments y ield no immediate return.But in the long run this work ispractical and important. It ispart of the study which must goon unceasingly if this powerfulforce, Electricity, is to be fullytamed and enlisted in yourservice.5I.3FB1GENERAL ELECTRICGENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK" America 's FinestMen's Wear Stores"ImpressiveReductionsin Men'sSUITS ANDOVERCOATSare in effect at ourClearance SaleTHESE perfect qualities shouldnot be confuseci with the mer-chandise offered at the averageclearance.Would you not prefer a Capper & Cappergarment — when it costs no more?Our General Sale of Men's Furnishìngscontinues through ali departmentsTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Street and HOTEL SHERMANThis sale is in progress at both stores