'W/IWt Ohe Ohitiasitj? efQhitago(BapinePUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI CbUNCIL y//iw«iììuDecember, 1924 ^Volume XVII. No. 2"Up and to the office"November 5th Lost myself for an hour in a swirl of plot and coun-terplot reading galley proofs of Sir Valentine Chirol's"The Occident and the Orient" - - - - Had no ideahe told such enthralling things about the war-loving,war-torn Eastern lands - - - -Forgot the Indian summer out-of-doors and jumpedahead to Christmas, seven weeks away * * * * Orderedholiday package labels, gift suggestion inserts, andadvertisements of Goodspeed's "New Testament,"Boynton's "Some Contemporary Americans," andPennell's "Graphic Arts"- " -Received the engraver's proofs of the illustrations' for "Elmer E. Ellsworth and the Zouaves of '61"* ^ * * Wish that every youngster in the land couldlook at these reproductions of drawings that appearedso many years ago in Frank Leslie's war-time weekly- - - - They couldn't help but be inspired by themand by the story of Ellsworth, not alone for hisheroic death but for his work with boys, the fore-runner, so long ago, of our Boy Scputs ' - - *Conference]' - "\-W/ial the advertising manager of theUniversityof ChicagoPress mighthavewritten in his diary if he had one.®fje Sìntoersttp of Chicago iHaga^tnevol. xvn SÌSh NO- 2DECEMBER, 1924Editor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07EDITO RIAL BOARD: Commerce and A dminis trattori Association Donald P. Bean, '17;Divinity Association A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21; Doctors' Association Henry C. Cowles,Ph.D., '98 ; Law Association Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15 ; School of Education Association Lillian Stevenson, '21 ; Rush Medicai Association Morris Fishbein, '11, M.D., '12.Frontispiece : 1924 Football Squad Western Conference Champions.Events and Comment 53The Committee on Development 55The Alumni Campaign Executive Committee 57Alumni Affairs 58News of the Quadrangles 61Athletics 63The New Field House 64A Letter to the 1924 Class (Dean Ernest H. Wilkins) 65University Notes 67Commerce and Administration 71Law School 72Rush Medicai College 73School of Education 74Book Reviews 75News of the Classes and Associations 76Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 86The Magazine is published monthly from No- made payable to the Alumni Council and shouldvember to July, inclusive, by The Alumni be in the Chicago or New York exchange,Council of The University of Chicago, 58th St. postai or express money order. If locai check isand Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription used, 10 cents must be added for collection.price is $2.00 per year; the price of single ffClaims for missing numbers should be madecopies is 20 cents. ffPostage is prepa'id by the within the month following the regular monthpublishers on ali orders from the United 0f publication. The publishers expect to sup-States, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama piy mjssing numbers free only when they haveCanal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian been iost ;n transit.Islands, Philipp'ine Islands, Guam, Samoan A]] correspondence should be addressed toIslands flPostage is charged extra as fol- The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange,lows :_ For Canada, 18 cents on annual sub- The Un;versity 0f Chicago, Chicago, 111.scriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 J °,cents (total 22 cents) ; for ali other coun- JEntered as second class matter December 10,tries in the Postai Union, 27 cents on annual 1914vat ** Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, un-subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, der the Act of March 3, 1871.3 cents (total 23 cents). flRemittances should be flMember of Alumni Magazines Associated.49so The University of Chicago MagazineThe Alumni Council?/The University of ChicagoChairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D., '09.Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1924-25 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1925, John P. Mentzer, 'US; HenrySulcer, '05; Charles F. Axelson, '07; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mrs. Dorothy 1). Cum-mings, '16; John Nuveen, Jr., '18; Term expires 1926; Elizabeth Faulkner, '85;Herbert I. Markham, '06; Helen Norris, '07; Raymond J. Daly, '12; Martha NadineHall, '17; Robert M. Cole, '22; Term expires 1927, Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01;Frank McNair, '03 ; Leo F. Wormser, '04 ; Earl D. Hostetter, '07 ; Arthur A. Goes,'08; Lillian Richards, '19.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert L. Willett, Ph.D., '96; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph.D., '98; Mrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D., '21; Clarence E. Parmenter, '10,Ph.D., '21.From the Diwmty Alumni Association, E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97, Ph.D., '98; Guy C.Crippen, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. Baker, Ph.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Roy D. Keehn, '02, J. D., '04 ; Charles F. McElroy,A. M., '06. J. D., '15 ; Walter D. Freyburger, J. D., '10.Fro-m the School of Education Alunmi Association, R. L. Lyman, Ph.D., '17; Mrs. ScottV. Eaton, '09, A. M., '13; Butler Laughlin, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14; DonaldP. Bean, '17 ; John A. Logan, '21.From the Rush Medicai College Alunmi Association, Ralph C. Brown, '01, M. D., '03; GeorgeH. Coleman, '11, M. D., '13; Dallas B. Phemister, '12, M. D., '20.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Paul H. Davis, '11 ; William H. Lyman, '14 ; Paul S.Russell, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Alice Greenacre, '08; Mrs. Helen Carter Johnson, '12;Eleanor J. Atkins, '20.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.*C* "^> 'OAssociatioits Represented in the Alumni CouncilTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresidcnt, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Mrs. Mayme Logsdon, Ph.D., '21, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Elijah Hanley, Ex., First Baptist Church, Berkeley, CalifSecretary, Bruce E. Jackson, D.B., '10, 1131 Wilson Ave., Salt Lake CityLAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIOXPresident, Roy D. Keehn. '02, J.D., '04, 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster BIdg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. Walter Willett, Ph.D., '23, Lvons Township High School La GrandeIllinois.Secretary, Lillian Stevenson, '21, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATO*President, Donald P. Bean, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, Miss Charity Budinger, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Ernest E. Irons, '00, Ph.D., '12, M. D., '13, 122 S. Michigan Ave ChicagoSecretary, Charles A. Parker, M. D., '91, 7 W. Madison St., Chicago.-^ «O ^i.Ali Communications should be seni lo the Secretary of (Ih- proper Associali, or 1 the AlumniCouncil, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named ahove, including subseriptions tohe Universi y of Chicago Magazme, are $2.00 per year. A hokler of two or more degrees ròn ti eJniyers.ty of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association in such instances the dues aretlivitled and shared et|ually by the Associations involved.Club Officers Class Secretaries 51OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University.Baltimore, Md. Sec, Lois Whitney, GoucherCollege.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec, Mrs.Francis F. Tische, 352 Riverway, Boston.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCoilege, Cedar Falls, la.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, S. A. Rotlier-mel, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec, Clara D. Severin, 2593T^artmoor Rd., Cleveland Heights.Co'umbus, O. Sec, Ward G. Reeder, 98West Lane Ave.Connecticut. Sec, Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Sec, Ida T. Jacobs, Roosevelt High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec, James M. McConnel,647 Griswold St.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D., Sec, H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec, Mrs. Floyd Mc-Naughton, lb'Q Mayfjeld Ave., N. E.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judi-cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Belle Ramey, 618 E.34th St.Iowa City, la. Pres., Prof. B. L. Ullman,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec, Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Sec, Earl N. Manchester,University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec, W. Lewis Roberts,University of Kentucky.Los Angeles, Cai. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec, J. Harry Hargreaves, 707Merchants' National Bank Bldg.Louàsville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St. Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin C i t i e sClub). Sec, Mrs. Dorothy Augur Siver-ling, 1822 La Salle Ave., Minneapolis.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec,A. H. Iiruda, 427 W. 14th St.New York Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. LoisSutherland Spear, 2761 Sedgwick Ave.,N. Y. C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, Juliette Grif-fin, Central High School.Peoria, 111. Sec, Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec, Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Sec, Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. Sec, L. R. Felker, 310 NorthFourth St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cai. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec, William H. Bryan, 414 KohlBldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandali,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Pres., David W. Stewart,Frances Bldg.South Dakota. Sec, Anna Fastenau, SiouxFalls, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Island andMoline, 111.) Sec, Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec, Mrs. Chester F. Lay,University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt.Virginia. Pres., F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington, D. C. Sec, Bertha Henderson,No. 1 Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Brandi of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs. V.M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave., RiverForest, 111.Wichita, Kan., Pres., A. F. Styles, KansasState Bank.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Sec, Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Sec, Mrs. Eleanor Whip-ple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.CLASS SECRETARIESAH addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.'93.'04.'95.'90.'97.'98.'99.'1)0.01.'02.'03.'04.'OS.'06. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St. '09.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. '10.Charlotte Foye, 5603 Kenwood Ave. '11.Harry W. Storie, 10 S. La Salle St. '12.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St. '13.John F. Hagey, First National Bank. '14.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave. '15.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave. '16.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave. '17.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI. '18.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute. '19.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI. '20.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave. '21.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg. '22.'24. Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.Bradford Gill, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.John B. Perlee, 5512 University Ave.Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 52nd St.Elizabeth Williford, Memphis, Tenn,Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.Julia Rhodus, 5635 Kenwood Ave.e/} in"ne Bcu s"d o. <urt > tu3T3 ¦Ca- rt cu -*-1r/i n ,*-] *_iu-E *-¦ E*-> a; C" "^ « E == U, +j rQi_ oj aiu > fiU D p h? S ° e ti-y2 £ ^ eu> u- ai 2o %?¦ -IT1 uè'Sjj'-"' ni"?£ '*J>i_ « <ora < "icW$t Untòergttp of Chicago Jlaga?meVOL. XVII DECEMBER, 1924 No. 2ABOUT two weeks ago a booklet en-titled "A New Epoch at the Universityof Chicago," was mailed to the Alumni. - Itset forth briefly a history ofA New the main developments in re-Epoch lation to the progress of theUniversity since its founda-tion, the aims and purposes of the Universityas outlined by the present administration,and the needs in seeking to realize thoseaims and purposes. By this time the Alumni,through the information contained in thebooklet, will have realized the situation con-fronting the University and its fair positionin seeking financial and other cooperationfrom the citizens of Chicago and the middlewest and from Alumni everywhere.As the booklet clearly points out, the University is now on the threshold of a newepoch a new epoch in the sense of muchneeded expansion and progressive develop-ment of its exceptional services in research,education, and social welfare in general.Under the leadership of President Burton,who, as third President, is stimulating theinauguration of the new epoch, the Committee on Development, composed of Trus-tees, .Faculty members, and Alumni, hasbeen laboring for months in preparation fora campaign. The year 1925, now before us,will witness ali organizations and forces inaction, with the great and single aim ofdoing everything possible to bring the de-sired program of the University to earlyrealization. We are sure we need not teli ourAlumni that the brief but inspiring historyof their Alma Mater, its Constant and dis-tinctive contribution to knowledge, education, and society, and its unique opportu-nities in meeting many special responsibili-ties, fully justify its frank request for directand constructive financial assistance. We are likewise confident that our Alumni, withdeepest appreciation of their University, itsworld-wide influence, and its service tothemselves and to others, will cooperateloyally and helpfully in fullest measure."For Chicago We Will!"Perhaps the most remarkable ' footballseason in the history of the Western Confer-ence has just recently closed. It was aseason of surprises and "up-Conference sets," with a "free for ali"Champions race for leadership that con-tinued up to the last gun ofthe last game. When the season ended, Chicago, with three victories and three ties toits credit, lead the percentage column as theonly undefeated team in the Conferenceseries. This gives Chicago the WesternConference Football Championship for 1924.It is the first championship Chicago has wonsince 1913, and we are happy to congratulateMr. Stagg and his team.Undoubtedly the Championship was not ofthe "undisputed" , kind that Chicago andother Conference teams have won in thepast. There was lacking that invincible all-around power which carries a team alongwith a rush throughout the entire seasonand succeeds in working up an impressivesuccession of victories which leaves no roomfor doubt in any quarter. But in the kind ofseason just closed when teams seemed ableto give their ali in one game, only to havenothing left to give in the next game whenteams that were thus temporarily "down"and out-of-form had to struggle with teamsthat were decidedly "set" for their particulargame when every week-end, consequently,brought its unexpected reverses on manyfields it is decidedly to the credit of any5354 The University of Chicago Magazineteam that it went through such a season un-defeated.To win a championship there must besomething in a team that distinctly marks itsstrength. For Chicago, that something wasits remarkable line. From tackle to tackle,according to most ali experts, Chicago hadthe most powerful line in the Conference,if not in the country. No team was able todrive over a touchdown through that line,despite the fact that almost every teamChicago played had real opportunities to doso but a few yards from the goal line andwith first down.To Coach Stagg must go the majorhonors for the team's acliievement. The be-ginning of the season found almost a newline to be built up, and practically a "green"back-field. No one predicted a championship of any kind for Chicago. Yet the"Old Man" succeeded in moulding a teamthat worked and played like a team. Therewas no brilliance on Chicago; no individuaiwho completely overshadowed his teammates; no single player upon whom the teamcontinually relied for victory. And through-out, especially when things were "going thewrong way," the team kept together, foughttogether, and by unstinting effort averteddefeat of any kind, together. And avertingdefeat under many circumstances is quite asmuch a part of "championship performance"as is winning games. We are proud of theTeam, and more than ever proud of the Old Man! Again and again, we congratulatethem.* * *Within a fortnight the Holidays will behere. The Alumni officers, the University,and the Magazine, we know, would ali liketo send you personal greet-The Season's mes- But as our larSe rnem-Greetings bership, our "family" num-bering thousands, precludessuch direct messages of good cheer andgood wishes, we take this occasion to extendto you ali the Season's Greetings. We wishfor you ali, most sincerely, a Merry Christ-mas and a Happy New Year!At this time, too, we feel assured that youwill join us most heartily in wishing ourAlma Mater a Happy New Year happy inthe knowledge that her exceptional servicesand inspiring purposes, "for decades and forcenturies," are profoundly appreciated;happy in the ready cooperation she so fullydeserves for the earliest possible realizationof her high aims; happy in the firm con-viction that, in the hour of pressing need,her sons and daughters everywhere, theAlumni, will stand by her faithfully. At thiscoming New Year, let us ali make and up-hold one great resolve that as Alumni, wewill prove wholly worthy of the trust ourUniversity places in us. Again, a HappyNew Year to you, and a great and HappyNew Year to Alma Mater!Congregational Theological SeminaryThe view shows the new Seminary buildings, on the north-west corner of 58th Streetand Woodlawn Avenue, a few months ago. The building is now completed and in fulluse. The Congregational Seminary is the largest of the several theological schools affil-iated with the University. Its imposing structure is a notable addition to the buildingsat the University.) The Committee on Development \\ . . . . lANNOUNCEMENT of the University's$17,500,000 development program for1925 has been greeted by the press, and inother quarters as well, by comments thatshow how definitely the University is nowrecognized as an institution of Chicago andthe middle west. These comments includesuggestions that the program is both far-reaching, courageous, and vital to the progress of education in the United States. Theadjectives apply even more, it may be said,to the longer perspective of development,which involves doubling the resources of theUniversity in fifteen years.A program born of vision and couragemight well be expected to issue from such agroup of men as constitute the Committeeon Development, the personnel of which wasmade public along with other details of theprogram.A man concerned with the campaign, whohas attended nearly ali the meetings of thiscommittee, said the other day:"I have seen many groups of citizens inconsultation, on business, educational andphilanthropic undertakings, but seldom haveI been in contact with a body so earnest, sodignified, and so full of vigorous optimism.in thè best sense of that word, as this Committee on Development."The nucleus of this committee really be-gan its work very early in 1924, when a consultation with President Burton, a survey ofthe needs of the University was made, andpreliminary plans were studied for meetingthese needs. Meetings were held from timeto time, throughout the summer, and thestructure of the campaign was determinedupon. With the return of President Burtonfrom England in September the committeegathered increased headway, and made im-portant additions to its membership. Soonthereafter the important question of apermanent chairman of the committee wasdecided. Mr. Albert W. Sherer had actedmost ably as acting chairman, but it was inaccordance with his own wish that anothershould occupy the chair during the campaignproper. Mr. Robert P. Lamont acceptedthis post as the unanimous choice of thecommittee, and his acceptance gave addi-tional enthusiasm to its conferences.The Committee on Development is com-posed of the following:Robert P. Lamont, chairman; President,American Steel Foundries Company, a corporation with establishments in many partsof the country; he is a man of great insightand far-reachine business connections, and profoundly interested in the progress of theUniversity.Albert W. Sherer, vice-chairman; Western Representative of the Curtis PublishingCo.; an able business man of the youngergeneration, trustee of the University andenthusiastic alumnus of the class of 1906.William Scott Bond, '97; prominent figurein the real estate world; trustee and alumnus; adviser especially on athletic questions.Ernest D. Burton, President of the University.Thomas E. Donnelley; President of thefimi of R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.; trusteeand chairman of the committee on publica-tions of the board; chairman, publicity committee of the campaign.Julius Rosenwald; chairman of the board,Sears, Roebuck & Co.; trustee and activesupporter of ali the University's efforts;donor of Rosenwald Hall.Edward L. Ryerson, Jr. ; Vice-Presidentof Joseph T. Ryerson & Son; trustee; chairman of Committee on Special Gifts, in thecampaign.Martin A. Ryerson; trustee and for manyyears President of the Board; one of theguiding geniuses and strongest supporters ofthe University since its establishment; donorof Ryerson Physical Laboratory.Robert L. Scott, of Carson, Pirie, Scott& Co.; trustee, and sterling adviser on University problems.Harold H. Swift; Vice-President of Swift& Co.; President of the University Boardof Trustees; alumnus of the class of 1907,and an energetic leader in many of its af-fairs.Miss Alice Greenacre, '08, J.D. '11^ Associate Chairman of the Alumni Committeeon the campaign; president of the ChicagoAlumnae Club; a lawyer of high standing.Mrs. Helen Sunny McKibbin, '08; Co-Chairman of Alumnae Committee on campaign, for many years prominent in alumnaeactivities.Leon C. Marshall; Chairman, Departmentof Politicai Economy of the University;representative of the Faculty on the Committee on Development.Walker G. McLaury, '03; Vice-Presidentof the National City Bank of Chicago;Chairman of Committee on Lists and Quo-tas in the campaign.Herbert Zimmerman, '01; Vice-Presidentand General Manager of R. R. Donnelley& Sons Co.; Chairman of the Committee ofAlumni in the campaign.Leo Wormser, '04, J.D. '09; prominent5556 The University of Chicago Magazineattorney; Chairman of the Lawyers Committee.John Fryer Moulds, '07, Cashier of theUniversity and Assistant Secretary of theBoard of Trustees, was appointed executivesecretary.The committee, having the continuouscounsel since September 1, of Dr. John Y.Aitchison, Assistant to the President, hasmet at least every fortnight, has heard re-ports from ali sub-committees, and has laiddown the principles of the campaign. These,as everyone knows who has followed thepress reports, rest primarily upon the con-ception expressed by President Burton inhis published statement, briefly as follows:"We aim not to create the wealthiest, northe largest, of American universities, as reports have had it. What we seek is to buildthe best possible university for service inthe region and in the particular fields whereits opportunities and responsibilities He."Commenting editorially on this statement,The Chicago Tribune of Nov. 25 said:"That is modestly and wisely said, andindicates that the University of Chicago hasreached a point at which its larger policiesare more or less determined and await adequate means to develop them. The institu-tion may be said to have passed out of itsfounding period, its adolescence, and to beready to realize its own character and special functions."President Swift, of the board of trustees,in the same public announcement, said:"It has been apparent for some time thatthe university could not carry on its work,meeting the continually growing demands ofthe region which it serves, without greatlyincreased funds. It desires to pay to mem-bers of its faculty salaries commensuratewith their services; it desires to engagésome of the world's best teachers and re-search workers. Hence its ambition to ob-tain new endowment, and then to providenew buildings to meet some of the mostserious needs as regards facilities for work."Mr. Swift emphasized the fact that JohnD. Rockefeller made his final contributionin 1910, accompanying this with a letter inwhich he consigned the University to thegenerosity of its friends in Chicago and theWest. Mr. Swift also said:"The University of Chicago is determinedto maintain its high standards; but despiteits fine educational equipment, it finds dif-ficulty in maintaining these standards. Ifthe University is to develop correspondinglywith the growth of the community, to carefor its great body of students, and to keeppace with the advances in the realm ofhigher education, it must succeed in thepresent effort." In laying out the development program,the question of endowment has been keptsteadily in the foreground. This is largelybecause of the imperative need of caring forproblems in connection with salaries of thefaculties; both in retaining and rewardingexcellent service by members of the presentfaculties, and obtaining the services of dis-tinguished men to strengthen the variousdepartments. The figure for endowment,which is the first item of the program, is$6,500,000, "for endowment of teaching andresearch," of which $500,000 is specificallyfor the work of the colleges.Following this item comes the buildingprogram, which after much deliberation hasbeen officially announced as follows:Buildings :1. Buildings needed tocarry on instructionand research effec-tively :Modem languagebuilding $1,000,000Social science building 1,000,000Chemistry 800,000Mathematics, astron-omy and physicsbuilding 800,000College of education 1,000,000$4,600,0002. Buildings for the development of thecolleges :A centrai teachingbuilding $1,000,000Residence buildings. 2,000,000$3,000,0003. Service buildings:General administra-tion building $1,000,000Gymnasium and re-fectory for Schoolof Education 400,000Heating plant 2,000,000$3,400,000Total $11,000,000Grand total buildings and endowment $17,500,000Readers of the University of ChicagoMagazine will be given news of the progressof the campaign as it develops. In themeantime the splendid project is publiclylaunched, and alumni of the University,studying the roster of men who have incharge, and have so earnestly at heart, thisgreat forward step, cannot fail to acquireincreased confidence in the success of themovement.| Alumni Campaign Executive Committee |MONTHS of consideration were devotedto the selection of an Alumni Campaign Executive Committee which ade-quately could supplement the Committee onDevelopment of the University in its mani-fold and nation-wide duties. It was neces-sary," obviously, to create a committee ex-perienced and prominent in Alumni affairs,men and women who could devote muchtime to the work required, and thus createa needed active and steadily working centraigroup. Recently the results of this studywere announced, the list appearing, amongothers, in the booklet on "A New Epoch atthe University of Chicago" mailed toAlumni about two weeks ago. We find arepresentative group of "old grads," readyand gladly willing to inaugurate the workin their respective sections of the countryand in the campaign in general.Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, heads theCommittee. "Herb" is Vice-President andgeneral manager of R. R. Donnelley & SonsCo., the nationally-known printing house inChicago. His Associate Chairmen are AliceGreenacre, '08, J.D. '11, President of theChicago Alumnae Club, a prominent Chicagolawyer, and Arthur A. ("Art") Goes, '08,Vice-President of the Goes LithographingCompany, Chicago.With the chairman and his associates,the Committee itself is generally well dis-tributed in membership both occupationallyand geographically, and as to classes. Itincludes: Grace Alien Coulter, '99, daughterof Professor John M. Coulter, and Executive Secretary of the Eleanor Club, Chicago;Edwin W. Eisendrath, '12, Treasurer, Mon-arch Leather Co., Chicago; Shirley Farr,'04, Brandon, Vermont; William S. Harmon,'00, Harmon Coal & Coke Co., Columbus,Ohio; Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D. '09, Chairman of the Alumni Council, Chicago lawyer;Frank McNair, '03, Vice-President, HarrisTrust and Savings Bank, Chicago; HaroldG. Moulton, '07, Ph.D. '15, former Professorof Economics at the University, now Director of the Institute of Economics, Washington, D. C; Mrs. Catherine GannonPhemister, '07, Chicago; Ernest E. Quan-trell, '05, Vice-President and eastern resi-dent manager of Halsey, Stuart & Co., NewYork City; Paul S. Russell, '16, Presidentof the Chicago Alumni Club, bond depart-ment, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago; Dr. Frederick A. Speik, '05, M.D. '07,phvsician, Los Angeles, Cai.; Donald S.Trumbull, '97, lawyer, Chicago; Mrs. Nar-cissa Cox Vanderlip, 'C'4, Scarborough-on-Hudson, New York; Agnes Wayman, '03,Director of Physical Education, BarnardCollege, Columbia University, New YorkCity; William E. Wrather, '07, geologist,Dallas, Texas.George E. Fuller, '09, has bèen engaged as Executive Secretary of the Alumni Committee.There is no group of our Alumni any-where who, in reading this list of names,will not recali one or more, if not ali ofthem, as familiar names in Alumni activi-ties throughout the years of our history. Aliof these Chicagoans have been active aitdprominent in their undergraduate days invarious ways; ali have served on AlumniCouncil, Reunion, Alumni Clubs, Classes,and other phases of Alumni endeavor. Theirready and loyal acceptance of the tasks andresponsibilities involved in this great move-ment on behalf of the University is butcharacteristic of their long-known attitudeand services.The campaign organization which theyare rapidly building up and which is aboutto function has effected a new kind of"alumni reunion" everywhere. There havebeen banquets, Shanty ceremonies, and"what not" in the past, steadily furtheringclass and University spirit, as well as football and other locai and club celebrations,large and small, gathering the Alumni together in the interests of the University.Now comes a great, united effort and theAlumni are responding quickly and mostencouragingly from ali sections of the country.This new cooperative enterorise bringsthe Alumni a new job: one that supplementsand promises to carry out most successfullythe suggestions of many years of class gath-erings, club meetings, officiai conferences,and Alumni reunions. Athletic "stars," former Maroon "editors," social "lights," Black-friar "ladies," "grinds," former "undergrad"and former "grad" students bachelors, mas-ters, doctors now become business menand women, husbands, housewives, lawyers,teachers, physicians, professors, financers,journalists, artists ali are joining in the onegreat, common purpose for the welfare andadvancement of the University. For backof the "get-together" ideas of the past hasalways been, in their minds and hearts, themore fundamental idea of "get-together" onbehalf of the "City Gray that ne'er shalldie" whenever the need may come.The task which this Committee, alreadyworking for many weeks past, undertakesis not only the greatest ever undertaken byour Alumni, but measures up to any similartask ever assumed by the Alumni of anyUniversity. But "task" is, indeed, a mis-nomer it is an opportunity, a rare and trulygreat constructive, educational opportunity.Under their leadership we feel assured thatour Alumni, in a profound spirit of appre-ciation and loyalty, will bring to pass therealization of many of the University's high-est aims7ALUMNI AFFAI R SMoving Pictures of the University for theAlumni ClubsDuring the last few weeks some movingpictures of the University have been takenfor use at Alumni Club meetings this year.The pictures are now being completed andwill be ready for club use after the first ofJanuary. These pictures will show both newand old buildings, exteriors and interiors,well-known members of the various faculties,the football team, the Ulinois-Chicago game,designs of new buildings, and other featuresconnected with the University. For someyears our various clubs have been requestingsuch pictures for their meetings and withina few weeks this request will be met. Thosewho have seen the film, as it was being madeup, regard it as the best film ever made ofan educational institution. We feel surethat ali of our clubs will greatly enjoy "see-ing Chicago" again through these pictures.Baltimore Alumni Club OrganizedLast Monday night, November third, theredined at the Peggy Stewart Tea Rooms atBaltimore, a group of thirty-four ChicagoAlumni, gathered together largely throughthe industry and enthusiasm of Miss MollieRay Carroll, '11, Ph.D., '21.The guests of honor of the evening wereProfessor and Mrs. Harold G. Moulton ofthe Institute of Economics at Washington, .D. C. Professor Moulton gave us welcomebits of gossip of University of Chicagoaffairs and then talked most illuminatinglyabout the Dawes pian and Germany's abilityto pay. The success of our first meetingwe attribute with ali gratitude to him.Before the evening was over we had organized ourselves informally into a Universityof Chicago Alumni Club with Miss Carroll atour head. We have had an enthusiastic andwhole-hearted response from Baltimorealumni and are looking forward to futuregatherings.Yours very sincerely,Lois Whitney, '14,Secretary-treasurer.* * *Grand Rapids Alumni Club OrganizedDue to the efforts of Miss Addie Bettesthe Grand Rapids chapter of the Universityof Chicago held its organization meeting atThe Pantlind Hotel, Friday evening, November twenty-second. There were thirtyChicago alumni present. Dr. Alfred Wishardtacted as toast master. Dr. Freeman, thespeaker of the evening, inspired us with anyambition we lacked, by giving us an outlineof the active program being carried on at the University. We heartily indulged in songs,but finally settled down long enough to electthe following officers for the coming year:Miss Mary Hefferan, Ph.D. 1903, President; Dr. Merrill Wells, M.D. 1914, Vice-President; Ella A. McNaughton, Ph.B. 1918,Secretary; R. S. McCurdy, Ph.B. 1901,Treasurer.We are looking forward to many interest-ing meetings throughout the year.Mrs. Floyd McNaughton, (Ella A. Hilde-brandt) '18.130 Mayfield Ave., N. E.,Grand Rapids, Michigan.Fourth Annual Big Ten Round-Up inWashington, D. C.Three hundred Alumni of the Universitiesof the Big Ten Football Conference who areliving in the Capitol City gathered in thebig ballroom of Hotel Raleigh on historicPennsylvania Avenue on Saturday evening,November 22d, to learn who had won thechampionship of the football Conference for1924 and hold a grand celebration.At nine o'clock the football scores wereannounced to the accompaniment of burstsof applause and cheering. As each school'sprowess on the gridiron was announced, thegroup representing that school sought aplace of prominence in the ballroom andsang the songs of the school and did somelusty cheering. Chicago, though fewer innumbers than Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota, was there with the school spirit and"pep" to celebrate Chicago's victory. Chicago having won the championship of theseason, the Chicago group, headed by ourDr. Harold G. Moulton, president of theChicago Club in Washington, and Mrs.Moulton, had the honor of leading the grandmarch which initiated the festivities of theevening. The grand march broke into thedance in which the three hundred revelleduntil the hour of midnight. Harvey's orchestra, under the direction of T. Harveyof Purdue, who was also Chairman of theRound-Up Committee for 1924, furnishedmusic quite in keeping with the spirit ofcelebration which characterized the dance.The enthusiasm which marked Washing-ton's Fourth Big Ten gathering indicatesthat the Big Ten idea in Washington hascome to stay. Each year the gathering hasgrown in interest and in numbers. A per-manent Big Ten organization for Washington is being discusseci.The Chicagoans in Washington suggestthat Chicago win the football championshipagain next year. They like to lead the grandmarch.Alumni Affairs 59Cleveland Club Meetings New OfficersThe annual meeting of the University ofChicago Alumni Club of Cleveland was heldat the Woman's Club on October 17th. Ata dinner attended by twenty-two the onlyman present was the guest of honor andspeaker of the evening, Dr. Ames of theDepartment of Philosophy at the University.The small attendance was due to the tre-mendous exodus taking place from townevery week end during the marvelous monthof October. The group though small wasmost enthusiastic and more grateful to Dr.Ames for giving his time during the greatinternational convention of the ChristianChurch then being held in this city.After an unusually delicious dinner a verybrief business meeting took place. The sec-retary's report was read followed by thereport of the nominating committee. Asthere was no opposing ticket the followingofficers were unanimously elected:President, Miss Neil Henry, '12, 20«4 East107th St., Cleveland, Ohio; Vice-President,Mr. W. H. Abbott, '96, 1849 Rosalind Ave.,Cleveland, Ohio; Secretary, Miss Clara D.Severin, '12, 2593 Dartmoor Rd., ClevelandHeights, Ohio; Treasurer, Mrs. F. A. Cook,1706 Glenmont Road, Cleveland Heights,Ohio.The remainder of the evening was givenover to Dr. Ames' delightfully informai andhumorous talk on Recent Developments atthe University of Chicago. He touchedlightly on various phases of undergraduatelife, speaking with evident amusement ofthe "new woman" and where she will relegate "mere man." This carne as a result ofthe very feminine nature of the gathering.Dr. Ames objected not at ali to being theonly man present. He thoroughly» enjoyedit. But to go back to his talk he dweltlargely on the new opportunities for researchwhich are rapidly developing in the graduateschool, pointing out the great strides inmedicine to be made possible by RushMedicai with its new equipment for research.This, he said, is more or less true of ali graduate departments in the University, wherebetter opportunities for research work areconstantly being opened.The meeting closed with a veritable ova-tion for Dr. Ames.Sincerely yours,Alice Loweth, '11,(Mrs. F. C. Loweth)* * *Pittsburgh Club Re-elects OfficersAt a recent meeting of the PittsburghAlumni Club of the University of Chicagoali of the club officers for the year justclosed were re-elected for the present year.The officers are: President, M. R. Gabbert,Ph.D. '21, University of Pittsburgh; Secretary, Rheinhardt Thiessen, 'C'3, Ph.D. '07, U.S. Bureau of Mines; Treasurer, Ralph L.Brown, Ph.D. '17, U. S. Bureau of Mines.Waldo P. Breeden, '97, Frick Building, is amember of the Executive Committee. ThePittsburgh Club has been consistently activefrom the time of its organization. Gertrude Emerson, '12, Addresses ChicagoAlumnae ClubThe Chicago Alumnae Club of the University of Chicago secured Gertrude Emersonto speak at its opening meeting of the fall,held at Auditorium number three of the ArtInstitute, Tuesday evening, December 9.Miss Emerson, a member of the class of1912, has spent a large part of the time sinceher graduation in studying conditions in theOrient, securing both material and slidesfor this lecture while on an expedition to theBuried City of Angkhor.She spent 1912-13 teaching English in theGovernment Railroad School of Japan,teaching in Miss Tsuda's school, and mak-ing a special study of Japanese poetry andculture, a study which became the basis ofnumerous magazine articles. After a secondtrip in 1915-16, which covered Japan, Chinaand Korea, she was chosen in 1920, in spiteof her youth and the fact she was a woman,to conduct a special expedition to securemotion pictures and magazine material. Thistrip covered the Orient from India to Korea.She saw India with Ghandi, and then withthe officiai British. In the Soudan she wasentertained by an Arab shiek, in Egypt, byLord Allenby. She went to Angkhor, inthe heart of Cambodia, during the dry season accompanied only by a native cook andsix Annamite Coolies, a trip taken againstthe advice of the combined foreigners ofIndo-China, and accomplished in part byaeroplane.Miss Emerson's father, Alfred Emerson,was archaeologist of the Chicago Art Institute, and in spite of her youth she was lastyear elected a Fellow of the Royal Geo-graphical Society.* * *Portland Alumni Club MeetingA reunion of alumni and former studentsof the University of Chicago who are livingin Portland, Oregon, was held on the evening of October 22'd, at the home of the President of the Chicago club, Dr. Frank LoxleyGriffin, '03, Professor of Mathematics atReed College. Between thirty and fortyguests were present, some of whom had notattended any of the previous meetings of theclub. The program of the evening wasreminiscent of the life of the University.Stunts portraying characteristics of the lifein various of the University buildings wereespecially clever, and a "rogues gallery" onthe walls composed of pictures of the University faculty revived old memories.The Club is planning to hold a dinner inPortland during the holiday season, at whichtime it is expected that a considerable number will be present from other parts of thestate. The secretary of the Club will begiaci to receive the names of any formerstudents of the University who have notreceived previous Communications from theClub.Yours very trulyJessie M. Short, ex '11Secretary.60 The University of Chicago MagatineDean Wilkins Addresses New YorkAlumnae and AlumniOn Thursday evening, November thir-teenth, the University of Chicago Alumnaeand Alumni Club of New York had an informai dinner at the Hotel Brevoort and hadas their guest of honor, Dean Wilkins.A very enthusiastic turn-out of seventy-two members heard Mr. Sherer give a firsthand account of the memorable Illinois 21-21 game and then attentively followed theDean in his detailed account of the wonder-ful progress that has been made at the University both in selection of new students andin the dose contact retained between thestudent and his dean throughout the for-mer's stay at college.Perhaps the most gratifying result of themeeting was hearing an old grad say -"Well,I was figuring on sending my boy to Princeton, but after hearing this, he goes to Chicago."Very truly yours,A. H. Hruda, Ex. '11Secretary, New York Alumni Club.* * *News from Detroit Alumni ClubDetroit, Michigan.Enclosed find check for two dollars($2.00) for my membership in the AlumniAssociation.I am no longer the secretary of the Detroit Club. James M. McConnel, '15, 647Griswold Street, is the secretary. Dr. Em-mett E. Troxell, '12, 1313 David WhitneyBuilding, was chosen president last year.There has been no election of officers forthis year.The Inter-Collegiate Association of Detroit has formed a bowling league whichmeets every Wednesday evening in the General Motors Building. The University ofChicago has a team, although to date it haswon only six games out of twenty-one. Wewon two games out of three from Harvardlast Wednesday night so we feel that ourstock is going up. Bowling, it seems, is nota "major sport" with University of Chicagomen. I have succeeded in finding only eightmen in Detroit who ever bowl. The othereleven Universities which have teams en-tered seem to have from twelve to twenty-five men from which to select a five-manteam. Under these conditions, it seems tome, we are possibly doing pretty well in notlosing more games than we have up to date.Yours truly,Lester H. Rich, '19* * *The Annual Football DinnerThe Annual Football Dinner for membersof the Chicago Alumni Club, givcn in honorof Director Stagg and the football team, washeld, as announced in the November numberof the Magazine, on Thursdav, November6th, just prior to the Chicago-Illinois game,at the Hotel La Salle. When "Pete" Russell, who presided,started the program of the evening therewere dose to 600 alumni and guests inthe Grand Ball Room.Don Richberg, '01, read a "Prophecy"which he claimed to have compiled after anexperience with a famous medium, who wentinto several trances for his benefit, at $5 pertrance wherein he found a warning to theChicago team against something "Red."After a number of red-eyed "harrowing"experiences, however, he showed that "when-ever a Chicago team is 'licked' before thegame even starts it is almost sure to win."Then "Babe" Meigs, ex-'08, "Teddy" Linn,'97, France Anderson, '99, and JimmyTuohig, 1898-1998, proceeded to teli the teamwhat its thousands of followers and well-wishers expected of them in the cominggreat game.The Old Man wound up the program, withan announcement of the plans for a newField House on Stagg Field and the enlarge-ment of the field's seating capacity. Mr.Stagg was cheered and cheered, and the announcement of the new program in athleticsmet with great enthusiasm. President Burton, who was unable to attend, sent a letter,read by "Pete" Russell, wherein he com-mended the new program and the splendidwork and influence of Mr. Stagg. The OldMan then introduced each member of theteam, as customary on these occasions, everyplayer receiving a round of cheers and yellsin his honor.The officers of the Club, Paul S. Russell,'16, President, William H. Lyman, '14, Vice-President, and Secretary Sam A. Rothermel,'17 deserve great credit for this big meeting.This gathering was without question thelargest, most enthusiastic and generally mostsuccessful alumni gathering ever held underthe auspices of the Chicago Alumni Club.* * *Dean Wilkins Meets Massachusets ClubThe Massachusetts Club of University ofChicago Alumni began its season's activitieswith a dinner at the Westminster Hotel inBoston, the evening of November thetwelfth. Though the attendance was notlarge, owing to the unavoidably short noticegiven, we had a very pleasant meeting andlistened with great interest to Dean Wilkins'account of the kindly and intelligent methodsby which our Alma Mater is establishing acooperation between faculty and studentsthat was not dreamed of at an earlier day.We ali felt that under such wise management the University is bound to make agreater contribution than ever before towardthe solution of the world's problems.Our Club is growing (though perhaps alittle slowly, as we are so far from Chicago)and we were glad to greet some new face?at our opening meeting.Respectfully,Myrtle A. Tische, (Mrs. Francis F.) '01,.Secretary.NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESTHE corner stone of the new DivinityBuilding, which occupies the spot for-merly known as Sleepy Hollow, was laidThursday, November 4th, by Dean ShailerMathews as the consummation of a veryimpressive ceremony conducted by President Ernest DeWitt Burton. "The stone isproperly and truly laid," were the words ofthe Dean, as the stone mason completed theleveling of the work. President Burton ad-dressed the members of the faculties andstudent councils, after which J. SpencerDickerson, secretary of the Board of Trustees announced the contents of the box de-posited in the cornerstone. The most note-worthy of the documents placed therein wasthe sealed photograph of the "unnamed donor" of funds with which to construct theedifice.Shortly after the ceremony incident_ tothe construction of the Divinity Building,officiai announcement was made to thestudent body through The Daily Maroopof the program for extension which the^ University is inaugurating, including details ofthe building and financial program.Early in November Dean Ernest HatchWilkins made announcement to the campusfraternities of a new ruling_ to take effectthis quarter, under the provisions of whichsuch organizations must maintain a schol-arship average of C or higher in order toretain ali their privileges. In case a frater-nity's average should sink to C or lower,a severe penalty is to be imposed upon it,to be determined after study of the individuai case in band. The general average ofthe entire student body in a given quarteris B and according to Dean Wilkins thepotential ability of the fraternity man is atleast that high. "A fraternity average ofC is nothing less than disgraceful," saidthe Dean, "and the University can no longerpermit as low a fraternity average to passwithout clear and effective reprimand."The Undergraduate Council has takensteps to make the formai installatimi of classofficers, which was tried this year for thefirst time, a yearly custom which it is hopedwill become an institution and tradition. Theoath of office which is given the respectiveofficers-elect in their chapel assemblies _in-cludes an explanation to the person takingthe oath of his duties and responsibilities,and is administered by Dr. Soares.Class officers in almost every case wontheir contests by substantial majorities andthe Hare system of balloting, which hasbeen the cause for considerabk discussionrecently, was vindicated and will continueto be used. The officers selected were:Freshman: President, Seymour Borden,Vice-President, Margaret Hitt, Secretary,Genre-er Daerert, Treasurer, Sally McClas- The Oxford Debating TeamLeft to right: J. D. Woodruff, M. C. Hollis, andM. J. MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald is the son ofRamsay MacDonald, former Premier of England, andwas himself a candidate for Parliament in the recentEnglish elections. This team, which is engaging indebates at various American universities, made a mostfavorable impressioni at Chicago last month when theywon a debate against the Chicago team on the Pro-hibition question The debate was conducted underthe English system, with the audience voting as thejudges. President Burton presided.ker. Sophomore: president, Walter Marks,Vice-President, Esther Cooke, Secretary,James Bly, Treasurer, Harriet Keeney.Junior: President, Graham Hagey, Vice-President, Adelaide Ames, Secretary, Elea-nor Rice, Treasurer, Russel Cunningham.Senior: President, Harrison Barnes, Vice-President, Gladys Walker, Secretary, RuthStagg, Treasurer, Fred Law.The most salient social event during thepast month was the first InterfraternityBall, held Wednesday evening, November26, in the Crystal Room of the BlackstoneHotel. Campus fraternities decorated thescene of the festivities with their bannersand regalia, and approximately 500 studentsattended the affair which was a sufficientsuccess to warrant the annual staging ofsuch an Autumn formai. Frank Westphaland his Columbians provided the music, andElsie Janis dropped in late in the eveningto contribute a bit to the occasion.A step towards the annual WashingtonProm was taken when the Undergraduate(Please turn to page 84)SI1924 Western Conference ChampionsBottoni row (left to right) : Rolleston, Goodman, Barnes, CaptainGowdy, Curley, Hibben, Emerich.Second row: Long, Kerwein, Thomas, Marks, Francis, Hobscheid,Barto.Third row: Pokrass, Drain, Pondelik, Henderson, Law, FriedaMcCarthy, Caruso.Top row: Johnson, trainer, Coaches Jackson, Stagg, Norgren, Dr.Molander.CHAMPIONS of the Western Conference! The goal of ali Big Ten coaches,this title is now attached to Coach A. A.Stagg and his grid warriors after havingtaken a major part in one of the strangestfootball seasons the fans have ever wit-nessed.It really ali started when the Maroonsgot thoroughly "keyed up" for the affraywith Illinois, and, starting with the ball intheir possession, pounded the Mini line timeafter time with crushing, resistless playsthat ended up shortly with the ball restingover the downstaters' goal line. That wasthe first touchdown, and while the Chicagostands went wild, the Illinois rooters wereexperiencing the most utter bewilderment oftheir lives. Never had such a thing hap-pened. But just to show that it really hadhappened, the Staggmen again took the ballfrom the kickoff and repeated their bone-crushing performance with the result thatthe score read 14-0, in favor of the Maroons.Ali in the first quarter. Then things slowed up for Chicago. Grange, the most spectac-ular and most-feared player in the countrybegan to perform for Illinois.Chicago's warriors had been well-schooled.The "Old Man" had trained his men; heknew what to have them do and how toget them to do it. The Maroons immedi-ately put the entire burden of the work onGrange's_ shoulders by completely ruiningthe beautiful interference which Zuppke hadset up for him. And Grange carne through.He it was who made the three touchdownsthat enabled the Illini to come back and ticup things with the Maroons, the final scorereading 21-21, indicating another tally fromChicago. What Grange did, he did almostsingle-handcd, proving himself the mostdangerous opponent whom the Maroonsfaced this year.With the Illinois tie, Chicago began tohave more definite visions of a share in theConference title. But with the surprisethat was to occur the following week, shedecided it was up to her to annex the wholeaffair.62Athletics 63The game with Northwestern certainly didnot resemble the Illinois battle. Severaltimes the Purple threatened the Maroongoal line, and only the last-minute stiffeningwhich the Stagg lines seem to possess to anunusual degree was what prevented Northwestern from scoring. As for the Staggmen,they seemed to play hard, but were entirelyineffectual. Time after time they wouldobtain the pigskin, and start a march downthe field, only to have something interfere.Finally, in the last few minutes of play, thefans began to remember the Ohio Stategame. And again in a few seconds, theretrotted out onto the gridiron the slightfigure of Bob Curley, who had tied the Ohioscore with a dropkick. He generaled theteam to where he wanted it, dropped back.and booted the ball between the posts,making the first and last score of the game,which ended 3-0 for Chicago.The following week everything possiblewas done to "key" the men for the Wisconsin game, as they had been for the tilt withIllinois. Appearances indicated that theywould be, too. But when the day carneWisconsin, up until that time one of themost salient lame ducks of the Conference,brought to Stagg field a team that had spiritand power and tight, and they played theinsufficiently inspired Maroons to a scorelesstie, threatening the Stagg goal posts threetimes by getting down within a minute number of yards, only to have the breaks goChicago's way.Following the season's end, the team metand was awarded "C's" and a new captainelected. Frederick "Bub" Henderson wasthe choice for 1925's leader, finding competi-tion from Austin McCarty and ElmerLampe.The new captain is from Butte, Montana,and has an excellent record behind him.having played on the St. John's team atDelafield, Wisconsin in 1919 when he wasbut 15 years old, with an eleven that wasconsidered one of the best in the country atthat time. Henderson entered the University in 1922, and formed a powerful factorin the freshman line. He became a Varsityman in 1923, but was not recognized asthe fine player he is until he got into theIllinois game at Urbana-Champaign. Thisyear "Bub" has been hindered considerablyby a game knee, but when allowed to playhe has come through in great style. Sincethe Indiana battle he has been in ali thegames except the Northwestern battle, atsome time or other.Henderson is a protege of Chuck McGuire,captain of the team which defeated Princeton in 1921 and All-American tackle onWalter Camp's eleven that year. He is sixfeet two in height, weighs two hundred andfive pounds, and has gained in the aggres-siveness which some critics said he lackedlast year.Twenty-two men were awarded "C's", twelveof them for the first time. Coach Staggannounced that gold footballs emblematic ofthe championship, would be_ awarded the"C" men. The men who received the mono Fred Henderson, '26, TackleCaptain-elect for 1925 Football Teamgrams are: Fred Hobscheid, Martin Pokrass,Aubrey Goodman, Harry Frieda, RussellEmrich, Sam Hibben, Eugene Francis, Walter Marks, Thorpe Drain, John Long, Frederick Law, Graham Kernwein, and FeliceCaruso, for the first time: Captain FranklinGowdy, Harry Thomas, Robert Curley, JoePondelik, Harrison Barnes, Phil Barto, Ros-well Rolleston, Fred Henderson, AustinMcCarty, and Bill Abbott, veterans.At the dose of the season, Chicago wasthe only undefeated eleven in the Big Ten.The schedule and scores for the entireseason follow: Chicago-Missouri, 0-3; Chi-cago-Brown, 19-7; Chicago-Indiana, 23-0;Chicago-Ohio State, 3-3; Chicago-Purdue,19-6; Chicago-Illinois, 21-21; Chicago-North-western, 3-0; Chicago-Wisconsin, 0-0.The total attendance at the games onStagg Field was approximately 180,000, over30,000 being out-of-town spectators. Thelargest delegation of the latter carne fromthe University of Wisconsin, 10,300; with9,600 representing Illinois.BasketballForty aspirants to positions on the cagesquad are hard at work, as the basketballpractice season opens. The Michigan Ag-gies, December 20, and the Navy, December30, are the first pair of formidable opponentson the Maroon schedule, and with three veterans on the floor, Coach Norgren visualizesone of the best teams in years. HarrisonBarnes, twice All-Conference forward, center "Babe" Alyea, and Captain "Bill" Weissat guard, form the nucleus for a promisingfive. Other likely candidates include Marks,Howell, Stevens, Sackett, and Barta. Heilmann Weaver, '27.\i'Arm.'-,-'¦. 'jp**,,,.. « - F " fi W? 2 jy mJ= è(L O" ijE "° Siho & d O =ni '"r/5 rt¦ m_ 1- OD « -aorner lumn min buil m -DJ Ph"<¦- 5 &j0 OJh-eas nttoin1 livers -Aa |Dtj CJco -eJi " £ «^ OJ ù So i-° u :. s co 60CUco§ teerected ìcturcwasifChicagoniandothhallandtriceforlarIs.E ° i -S o 9* -,> X ^TI - co y; ^-*u » ~; CO "O£ O *¦ > >, cj^& K bOc'O ug;2 eld rnii eL Ictt prac long niAr r~> ~ "4-'X " JiH « eH Soffi rt u^o " s -O o .2 co ojD.S ~ p >£ .fasignoft Informa Developn larmony l-CConlyfoports,aancede¦° E'.^.S ^ cn eo <e¦cri «j tu -o¦M cfi " .£co C E =w l. J£o£ u .E "^ --* e eItw oping ings.r0~ t-.w co o material. ilydevelngatherboveiingBhePrlisfie<;.shho -¦d n-aa e e co e| A Letter to the 1924 Class jt Dean Ernest H. Wilkins ]November 28, 1924:TO MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 1924Dear Friends, Acquaintances, and UnknownFaces in Last Year's Thursday Chapel-Sea:Several things have come through thisautumn which are I think distinctly to thegood, and some of them are the result ofplans or movements which you initiated ortook active part in, so you may perhaps liketo hear a little about them.We started off this fall with a "FreshmanWeek." College opened on a Wednesday,and we had ali the Freshmen come the pre-ceding Thursday. We got the registrationdone on Thursday and Friday, had the phys-ical examinations very nearly finished beforecollege opened, and gave the Freshmenorientation talks, miscellaneous information,English tests, and intelligence tests. Theywere welcomed by a considerable series ofentertainments sponsored by various organi-zations including evening parties, a generalreception, a football game, a mixer, sight-seeing tours of the University, etc. The fraternities did practically ali their rushing during this same period. By the time collegeopened, the Freshmen were well settled,wisely (we hope) advised, cordially welcomed, and ali ready to start right in withthe real work of the college.For the sixty Freshmen who gave mostpromise of success, we are giving a newspecial two-Quarter course called "The Nature of the World and of Man," which is in-tended to give them a well proportionedbackground for ali their later thinking andstudying. The subjects treated are: The Nature and Structure of Matter, The Nature ofChemical Processes, The Origin of theEarth, The Earth's Changing Contours andClimate, The Earth as the Home of Life,The Nature and Origin of Life, The Evolu-tion of Plants, The Evolution of the LowerAnimals, The Evolution of the Higher Ani-mais and of Man, The Factors of OrganicEvolution, The Human Body (Anatomy andPhysiology), The Evolution of the NervousSystem, The Evolution of the Intelligence,Human Races, Social Origins, and Race Im-provement. Each of these subjects is treatedin lectures and discussions by the men oncampus best qualified to present that sub-ject to Freshmen. Some of the men co-operating are Professors Lemon, Stieglitz,Moulton, Chamberlin, Coulter and Cowles.F'rofessor Newman and Bretz are in generalcharge of the course, which is arousing greatinterest among the students taking it.We have at last a Director of Activities Frank O'Hara, of the class of 1915. Hisappointment is in large part a direct out-come of the work of Better Yet Committee No. 8, on The Direction of Student Activities, and of the petition circulated by thatcommittee and signed by many studentsMr. O'Hara was the man suggested by namein the report of that committee. He is giving half his time to the work of directingand advising the publications and dramaticorganizations, and is teaching one coursethis Quarter a practical course in play-writing. The University has authorized theuse of the Reynolds Club Theatre for re-hearsals and dramatic experiments by bothmen and women, under Mr. O'Hara's direction. The Dramatic Club's program is start-ing splendidly. About one hundred and fiftypeople turned out to try for parts in the castor management of the first play.We are simplifying the eligibility ruleswith regard to intramural student activities(publications; etc.) by waiving the old "12month 9 major 14 gradepoint or 2 Quarter6 major 9 gradepoint" rule which has ledto so much trouble in the past, and havesubstituted for it the practical rule that aman is ineligible if his record as a wholeis below the standard required for gradua-tion, that is, if his average is below C.Almost everybody was dissatisfied withthe debating situation last year, partly be-cause the debates were of such a narrow andformai type, partly because so few peoplewere interested in them, and partly becausethe award of scholarships to debaters seemedto professionalize the whole pian. Following suggestions coming from members ofBetter Yet Committees No. 3 and 4, we aregoing to try experiments this year in debating of a less formai type. We hope todevelop a type of gathering in which notjust a few, but many speakers will partici-pate, and in which the speaking will be morefree and easy and flexible. We have there-fore withdrawn from the Triangular Leaguefor this year. We are also discontinuing theaward of scholarships to debaters. HaroldLasswell, of the class of 1922, has been ap-pointed as Director of Debating.Class elections are on a much better andmore democratic basis than before, thanksto the abolition of class tickets. This wasone of the recommendations of Better YetCommittee No. 12. In the Freshman elections over 800 students voted, and in theupper class elections the percentage of vot-ing was very high.The work of Better Yet Committee No15 has borne excellent fruit in the appointment by the President, on nomination bythe several fraternities, of a complete set offaculty fraternity counsellors. In accordancewith one of the particular recommendationsof that committee, the whole group of counsellors has started meeting at regular times6566 The University of Chicago Magazineto discuss fraternity problems, and has ap-pointed committees which, acting with student committees of the Interfraternity Council, will study special problems of fraternitylife. I think the establishment of the bodyof fraternity counsellors as a working organization will be a very good thing for aliconcerned.Phi Kappa Psi has taken a very notableprogressive step in the appointment of ahouse mother, who will live in the chapterhouse and take the many sorts of care andresponsibility that a mother takes in a home.The men will certainly live more economi-cally, more healthily, more comfortablymore normally, and in general more happilyunder this arrangement. This pian hasworked well in other universities in which ithas been tried; and with the right woman incharge and it is clear that Phi Kappa Psihas found a woman excellently qualified forjust this work it should prove to be a greatthing. for the fraternity.As a measure intended to raise fraternityscholarship, and after conference with agroup of students representing the Interfraternity Council, I have ruled that anyfraternity which hereafter sinks to a C level for a given Quarter will be severelypenalized, probably by the withholding ofsocial privileges or of the right to initiatefor the following Quarter.Intramural athletics are booming under anew, elaborate, and excellent organizationThe work of Better Yet Committee No. 24was of value in this connection. Touch football is the great sport this autumn, and isvery popular indeed. Horseshoe pitching isa strong second.You will have read elsewhere of the plansfor a field house and stadium, so I will notstop to speak of those here.The new faculty-student Honor Commis-sion recommended by Better Yet CommitteeNo. 11 is organized and at work. ProfessorF. C. Woodward, of the Law School, is itsChairman.Believing that there should be adequatestudent representation in the discussion ofali disciplinary questions, I have asked theUndergraduate Council to appoint a standing committee to help me in reaching a justdecision in any disciplinary cases that maycome up. There will, I think, be very fewsuch cases, but I know that if they do occur,this committee will be a source of strengthto me in every way.Last, but not least, the University hasestablished the long-desired Publicity Bureau. This Bureau has now been functioningsuccessfully for several months. The Director of the Bureau is Henry Justin Smith, ofthe class of 1898, formerly city editor ofThe Chicago Daily News. His first associateand right-hand man is none other than Russell Pierce, your '24 classmate, ci-dcvant editor of the Maroon.We miss you. Don't forget us.Merry Christmas!Very truly yours,Dean Ernest H. Wilkins. Prophesies Great Year for UniversityLos Angeles, California.Enclosed please find my check for Association dues and the Alumni Magazine. Sometime I hope to take out a Life Membership.I must feel I'm in touch with "Chicago"interests. So please remember I am alwaysready to stand by the Association which isdoing such splendid work in holding itsAlumni together.Our locai Alumni Club, with Eva Jessup,'07, as President, is a help and inspiration tous who are so far from our own dearQuadrangles.I am sure this is to be one of the greatestyears in the history of the University ofChicago. The presence of our own President Burton assures that success.Most sincerely,Lenerl Morehouse Howard, '07* * .*On the Cost of EducationDear Editor:I enclose a clipping which I took from theBoston Herald. It proved very interestingto me and I believe that other Alumni willbe likewise interested. It certainly presentsa point of view that many of us uninten-tionally overlook. I hope you will let otherreaders of the Magazine see it. Here it is:"H. S. Ford, bursar of the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, received a checkfor $1052.50 yesterday from a member of thesenior class, who figured that this sum repre-sented the difference between the actual costof his education to the institute and histuition fee."In a note accompanying the remittance,the student, who asked that his name bewithheld, said that he realized the moralobligation of every undergraduate to theinstitution and asked that the money be in-vested and at the 25th anniversary of hisclass be added to the class endowment fund,which already has reached a total of about1108,000."A few months ago, Gerard Swope, '95,president of the General Electric Company,suggested that the tuition of the Institutehe raised to cover the full cost of traininggiven the students. He presented statisticsto show that the undergraduate's tuitionfee is only slightly more than half of theactual cost of his education."* * *Chicago and Liberal EducationDetroit, Michigan,November 18, 1924.I enclose two dollars to keep me on theroll during 1925.What a surge of pride a Chicago man haswhen a Harvard professor tells him "Thesalvation of liberal education in the MiddleWest lies in your school." One recalls "Herfaith that Truth shall make men free."Very truly yours,È. S. Hoglund, '21The New Theology Building CornerstoneLaidConstruction on the main building of theTheology Group for the University is pro-gressing rapidly, the foundation being com-pleted, the stone setting started, and the steelframework largely in place for the first story.It marks the beginning of a new constructiveperiod in the development of the University.This building, located just north of Has-kell Orientai Museum and connected with it,will complete the north portion of HarperCourt. Designed by the architects, Coolidgeand Hodgdon, it will be in the sanie style ofcollegiate Gothic as the other buildings ofthe University and will be of Bedford lime-stone.The subjects for the decorative carvingson the exterior and interior have been drawnfrom examples of religious buildings, andevents of common interest will also be in-corporated in the symbolic treatment of itsdecorations.The first fìoor will contain the administra-tive offices of the Dean, a large lecture room,and offices of the Faculty. One of the in-teresting features of the first floor is thelarge common room to be used by thestudents and the Faculty for a lounge andfor social gatherings. Finished with oak-paneled walls and decorated ceilings, itstracery, windows of leaded glass, and carvedstone fireplace will give it the atmosphere ofan artistic and attractive meeting place.There will also be a common room, espe-cially designed for women, on the secondfloor and class and seminar rooms on boththe second and third floors.The library on the third floor, will havethe height of two stories and will be roofedwith open timber work and carved oaktrusses, and be lighted from three sides.The cost of construction is approximately$500,000, and the date of completion is set atAugust 1, 1925.The cornerstone was laid with appropriateceremonies on Thursday, November 6th, atwhich President Burton, Dean ShailerMathews, and Dr. J. Spencer Dickerson,Secretary of the Board of Trustees, officiated."The new Theology Building at the University of Chicago," in the words of President Ernest DeWitt Burton at the laying_ ofthe corner stone, "testifies to the convictionthat society stili needs the spiritual andsocial leader. The man who not only hasa message to utter from the pulpit, but isable every day in the week to take a leadingpart with his fellows in the endeavor tomake this a better world for children to beborn into and to live in, a better world forali of us to spend our days in. "For religion is not only a creed or anaspiration or an emotion. It is also a life,and a social force."In the corner stone of the new building,which is to be one of the most beautiful onthe quadrangles, were placed portraits of theanonymous donor, President Ernest DeWittBurton, and Dean Shailer Mathews, of theDivinity School.* * *Largest Attendance in History of UniversityThe largest registration of students in itshistory is officially reported from the University.In the Graduate School of Arts and Litera-ture there are 634 students enrolled, and inthe Ogden Graduate School of Science 497,a total of 1,131.In the Senior Colleges there are 1,020students, and in the Junior Colleges (includ-ing the Unclassified) 1,577, a total of 2,597.The total in Arts, Literature, and Scienceis 3,728.In the Professional Schools there are 191Divinity students, 219 in the Medicai Courses,320 Law students, 225 in Education, 495 inCommerce and Administration, and 57 inSocial Service Administration, a total of 1,-507. University College has an enrollmentof 2,288.The total for the University, exclusive ofduplications, is 3,517 men and 3,677 women,a grand total of 7,194, of which number1,967 are graduate students and 5,227 undergraduate.* * *A Unique Puiblication at the UniversityThe only magazine of verse affiliated witha university is The Forge, the first numberof which for the year 1924-25 has just ap-peared. It is sponsored by the University ofChicago Poetry Club, its editors beingGladys Campbell, George H. Dillon, andBertha Ten Eyck James, and its advisorycommittee being made up of Robert MorssLovett, Edith Foster Flint, James WeberLinn, and Mrs. William Vaughn Moody.Among the notable contributions in theNovember number are "Thais" by NanMoulton; "The Hermit's Song" (after theIrish, eighth century), by Howard MumfordJones, A.M. '15, Associate Professor ofEnglish in the University of Texas; a groupof poems in the Chinese manner, by BerthaTen Eyck James, twice winner of the JohnBillings Fiske Poetry Prize; and "Verse andRythm," the first of a criticai series on pros-ody, by Llewellyn Jones, literàry editor ofthe Chicago Evening Post,6768 The University of Chicago MagazineRyerson Gift of Famous Bacon Documents-A remarkable gift of two thousand histor-ical documents, once the property of thefamous Bacon family of England, has re-cently been made to the University by theformer President of the Board of Trustees,Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, of Chicago. Fewof the libraries of England possess a collec-tion of equal extent and continuity, accord-ing to University authorities in Englishliterature and history.In the middle of the sixteenth centurySir Nicholas Bacon, afterward lord keeperof the great seal under Queen , Elizabeth,acquired a large estate surrounding the hunt-ing lodge of the Abbot of Bury St. Ed-munds, which had been in the possession ofthe monastery since before the Conquest.He received the deeds, charters, manor rollsand other documents connected with theproperty. Through his eldest son, Nicholas,who was a half-brother of Lord FrancisBacon, the properties and documents werefurther increased, until at the end of theseventeenth century they had passed intothe hands of Sir Thomas Holt, father ofLord Chief Justice Holt.The collection, covering more than fivecenturies and throwing new light on social,economie, and industriai conditions, includesover a thousand deeds, of which 400 are onvellum. There are also 741 court and com-putus rolls of nineteen manors in Norfolkand Suffolk, from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries, and also 143 family lettersof the Bacon family.Among historical personages who eithersigned or both wrote and signed some ofthese letters are Sir Edward Coke, the greatlawyer; Lord Chief Justice Holt, FrancisRussell, Thomas Sackville, and Sir FrancisWalsingham, secretary of state to QueenElizabeth.* * *Recent Gifts to the UniversityThe class of 1924 as its class gift haspresented to the University of Chicago anornamentai clock to be erected over thecast door of Cobb Lecture Hall. The gift,as a decorative outdoor feature, will be designed by the officiai architeets of the University, Coolidge and Hodgdon.The Law School alumni have presentedto the University a portrait of Prof. FloydRussell Mechem, of the law faculty, paintedby Leopold Seyffert, who also painted thenotable portrait of Dean James Parker Hall,of the Law School.The building and grounds at 5750 Woodlawn avenue, Chicago, valued at $45,000,have been given to the University by theCo-operative Nursery Association for useas a nursery.An anonymous donor has given to theUniversity funds for the maintenance of aresearch fellowship in Preventive Medicinefor two yearsValuable Javanese manuscripts are a recent gift from Mr. W. S. Richardson, secretary of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Among the, recent gifts to the Universityis the renewal fqr the year 1924-25 of theJoseph Triner Scholarship in Chemistry bya contribution from the Joseph Triner Company, manufacturing chemists. A gift hasalso been received from the Pease Laboratories, of New York, to be used for a studyof the action of aluminum compounds on theblood. Dr. Florence Seibert has been ap-pointed to carry on this study.A gift has been received from Miss Shir-ley Farr, '04, formerly of the Departmentof History, for the purchase of manuscriptsunder the direction of a committee consist-ing of Professor John M. Manly, Head ofthe English Department; Professor WilliamA. Nitze, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures; and Professor James Westfall Thompson, of theDepartment of History.Another gift has been received from Mr.Frank G. Logan, of Chicago, to be addedto the Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Research Fellowship Fund.The stone from the entrance arch of theold University of Chicago building, whichstood near Cottage Grove Avenue andThirty-fourth Street, has been imbedded inthe pavement in front of the "C" bench nearCobb Hall. The stone was given by Mr. E.A. Buzzell, '86, an alumnus of the old University of Chicago.* * *Headquarters of Orientai Institute Com-pleted at LuxorAccording to a cablegram received byDirector James Henry Breasted, of theOrientai Institute of the University, theheadquarters for the Institute have just beencompleted at Luxor, Egypt. This building,orientai in architecture, with its east frontoverlooking the Nile, has been erected at acost of $15,000' and equipped with completeapparatus for photographic work and sdentine research connected with the making ofa permanent record of thousands of ancientinscriptions on tempie walls near the tombof Tutenkhamon. In charge of the buildingwill be a Doctor from the Department ofEgyptology, Professor Harold H. Nelson,head of the department of history in theAmerican University at Beirut, Syria.After lectures at Amherst College, Cornell University, and before the National Geo-graphic Society at Washington, DirectorBreasted will sail early in January for Egypt,where he will go into the ancient Thebancemetery near the Valley of the Kings toinaugurate the work of the University's newexpedition.He will make his home in the new headquarters of the Institute, and will have withhim a staff of three or four Europeansand Americans and fifteen workmen andservants. The house, built in a single storywith a dome over the main living-room forventilation, has a 140-foot front with a 65-foot arcade porch, and overlooks the Thebanplain and colossi of Meninoli, erected by anEgyptian king some fourteen hundred yearsbefore Christ.University Notes 69New Research Professor in EgyptologyThe leading Egyptologist of Great Britain,Dr. Alan H. Gardiner, has recently beenappointed by the board of trustees, ResearchProfessor of Egyptology in the Orientai Institute of the University. He has alreadybeen connected with the work of the Institute at Cairo ih the editing of the CoffinTexts and in the future will largely havecharge of this enterprise. Dr. Gardiner wil)also share in the work of the EpigraphicExpedition at Luxor, where he will laterjoin the staff in the new Luxor House ofthe Institute.In this connection it is of interest tonote that the University of Chicago has se-cured permanence for its headquarters atLuxor by not building on land controliedby the Egyptian Department of Antiquities,but has bought a site which will remain theproperty of the University.New Appointments to the FacultiesOfficiai announcement is made of the following ne-w appointments to the facultieso'f the University of Chicago:Ralph H. Keniston, Professor of Romance;Ronald S. Crane, Associate Professor ofEnglish; R. W. Stone, Associate F'rofessor inthe School of Commerce and Administration;Lewis Leon Thurstone, Associate Professorof Psychology; Ira Madison Alien, Assistant Professor of Education, in the Schoolof Education; and David Edwards, Assistant Professor of Public Speaking in the Divinity School.New instructors appointed include JuliusBlumenstock, in physiology, and ChesterWilliam Darrow, in psychology.Other appointments include those ofHenry C. Cowles to be Secretary of theDepartment of Botany; Kathleen Harring-ton, to be Medicai Adviser for Women; andJohanne Vindenas to be Librarian of theOrientai Institute.Among the leaves of absence granted isthat to Prof. Albert A. Michelson, of theDepartment of Physics, to enable him to ac-cept appointment from the United StatesDepartment of State as delegate to the Pan-American Sdentine Congress at Lima, F'eru.December 20, 192'4, to January 6, 1925.* * *Chicago Economist Chairman of a Committee on Financing State HighwaysDr. Jacob Viner, associate professor olPoliticai Economy, has been appointedchairman of a committee, under the direction of the National Tax Association, torecommend proper methods of financingstate highways, according to an announcement recently made. The association ismade up of state tax officials, tax expertsand representatives of automobile and rail-road industries.Professor Viner, who has been a specialexpert for the United States Tariff Commis-sion and the United States Shipping Board,is the author of a valuable volume recentlyissued by the University of Chicago Pressunder the title of Dumping; A problem inInternational Trade. Dr. Nathaniel ButlerDr. Nathaniel Butler, formerly Director of the University Extension Division, Professor of English Lit-erature, Dean of the College of Education, and, then,Dean of University College, is now serving the University as Secretary to the President. Dr. Butler iswell known to many Alumni throughout the country,having in recent years addressed a large number ofour Alumni Clubs. He is on the Speakers Committee'in connection with the present University Development campaign.Portrait of Professor Hale| Former students of Professor WilliamGardner Hale, who for twenty-seven yearswas Head of the Department of the LatinLanguage and Literature at the University,are carrying out plans to present to the University a portrait of Professor Hale, paintedby his daughter, Miss Virginia Hale, ofStamford, Connecticut.More than a hundred have already con-tributed to the fund for the portrait, whichrepresents the distinguished Latin scholar inthe brilliant academic gown of St. Andrews,with the hood of Aberdeen, both Universitieshaving conferred on him the honorary de-gree of Doctor of Laws.It is hoped that by Christmas the portraitmay be hung in the Classics Building, in theplanning of which Professor Hale had alarge part. The chairman of the portraitcommittee is Professor B. L. Ullman, Ph.D.'08, of the State University of Iowa, and thesecretary is Alice F. Braunlich, Ph.D. '14, ofGoucher College, Baltimore.* * *Walter de la Mare, of England, WilliamVaughn Moody LecturerThe famous English author and poet,Walter de la Mare, author of Peacock Pieand Memoirs of a Midget, gave the WilliamVaughn Moody Lecture in Leon MandellAssembly Hall at the University on Satur-day evening, November 22. His subject was"Character in Fiction,"70 The University of Chicago MagazineTHE PROGRAM FOR ATHLETICDEVELOPMENTEndorsement by Director StaggOct. 17, 1924.To the Alumni:This announcement marks the realizationof our hopes for the development of athleticfacilities at the University. I have givencareful study to the preparation of this pianfor a field-house and increased permanentseating capacity for football which has nowbeen adopted by the Trustees. In my opinion it is an adequate and satisfactory solution of our difficulties and I commenti it toyou ali. We may now look forward to acomplete development of the field of whichwe ali may well be proud.Sincerely, A. A. Stagg.* 4 *The President and Trustees of The University of Chicago, after a thorough studyof questions involved in the development ofathletics, are now able to announce to thealumni and friends of the University impor-tant plans for building on Stagg Field.On account of the increasing demand forseats at athletic events the University twoyears ago adopted the policy of givingalumni and students priority in the selectionand purchase of seats.The alumni have had the best seats avail-able, but during these two years there hasbecome evident a rapidly growing need forseating capacity. Consequently, the President and Trustees of the University, throughtheir committee on Football Seating and inconsultation with Director A. A. Stagg andwith alumni, have been working toward asolution of the several problems involved.The University must have a baseball field,a running track, a new field-house, and muchIarger seating capacity for football. The dif-ficulty of adequately increasing the permanent seating capacity and stili retaining therunning-track and baseball field has been avery real one, but the Trustees believe thatthe pian adopted satisfactorily solves thisproblem.After conferences cxtending over a periodof many months, recommendations for im-proved facilities for indoor sports and increased seating capacity for the athletic fieldwere drawn up and these were adopted bythe Board of Trustees at their meeting heldOctober 16, 1924. There are two main divi-sions of the pian decided upon:1 Erection of a Field House north of theFrank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium.2 Tncrease in the seating capacity of StaggField.The Field HouseCareful study has convinced DirectorStagg and others cnncerned that the firstundertaking should be the erection of thefield-house. This building is an immediateneed in order that indoor sports and intra-mural athletics may continue to develop.The capacity of Bartlett Gymnasium hasbeen repeatedly overtaxed. Interest in intra-mural athletics is growing at the University,and the encouragement of them is consid- ered essential to the better development otthe colleges. This building, too, will provideampie seating capacity for basketball gamesand a mudi needed assembly hall for general University purposes. Director Stagghas for a long time urged the erection of afield-house. The plans for it will be foundedupon a personal inspection he recently madeof the best structures of the kind in thecountry.Many details remain to be worked out,but the decision has been reached that thefield-house shall stand between BartlettGymnasium and 56th Street, practically fill-ing the space there available. By vote of theTrustees, immediate steps are to be takenlooking toward the erection of this building.Increase in Seating CapacityIn dealing with this question, the Committee on Football Seating, Director Staggand others have examined various proposalswith a view to caring for the present andthe future. Projects involving removal ofthe field to an entirely new location havebeen among suggestions offered. The decision reached is that further development ofathletics shall be on and about Stagg Field.Reasons for this decision are:1 Desirability of having the athletic field indose proximity to the educational andresidence buildings.2 Necessity of reserving for educationalneeds of the University other land ownedby the University which otherwise mightbe available.The definite pian adopted for improve-ment is that the football field shall beturned about so that the length of the grid-iron will extend from east to west, insteadof from north to south.A large permanent grandstand will beerected along 56th Street. The present tem-porary stands along the east and south sidesof the field may continue in use, but theformer will eventually be replaced by permanent stands in front of Bartlett Gymnasiumand extending partially over the roof of thefield-house.When the present west stand is linked upwith those on the north and east sides ofthe field, there will result a U-shaped stand,which will have a total seating capacity esti-mated at 51,490 seats..Temporary or permanent stands may beemployed at the south end of the field. increasing the total capacity by 12,000 to17,000, depending upon the height of thesestands. Whatever the forni of this construction along 57th Street, it is considered thatit should be low enough to leave open aview to the south.Thus the total seating capacity to whichthose interested in athletics at the Universitymay look forward is estimated at between60,000 and 70,000. The seating capacitv atpresent is about 32,000.Financing, both of the field-house and ofthe improvements on Stagg Field, is to bemet frc" i*T-»i^+»^ furarleCOMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATIONFall Quarter Activities of the C. and A.Student AssociationO. Paul DeckerDURING the current quarter the StudentAssociation of the School of Commerceand Administration has instituted severalchanges of worth while character in its activities.The most significant change of policy hasbeen in connection with its system of outsidelecturers. In the past it was the custom toinaugurate discussion groups during the fallquarter, each group meeting twice a quarterto hear an outside lecturer in his field, anoafterwards to discuss the subject matter otthe lecture. At least that was the theory al-though perhaps it was not worked out com-pletely in practice.During the present quarter the Councildecided to institute a series of vocationallectures intended primarily for freshmen.The fundamental purpose has been to givethe entering students an appreciation of theproblems and possibilities in the differentfields of business at the time they enter college with the hope that they may havematerial upon which to be thinking in theirendeavor to decide upon the activity whichthey wish to follow after graduation. Makingthis selection rather early in their careergreatly simplifies the problem of concentra-tion and specialization in the last two yearsof their collegiate work.Outside LecturesOctober 9 William H. Spencer, Deanof the School of Commerce and Administration, The University of Chicago: "ThePurposes of a Collegiate School of Business."October 13 Charles E. Frazier, Frazierand Torbet: "Opportunities for the CollegeGraduate in Accounting."October 20 Sterling B. Cramer, Vice-President of the Illinois Merchant's TrustCompany: "The Training Needed for Banking Profession."October 28 Earle Dean Howard, Per-sonnel Manager of Hart, Schaffner andMarx: "The Function and Position of aPersonnel Manager."November 3 Leon C. Marshall, Chairmanof the Department of Politicai Economy, TheUniversity of Chicago: "Business Teachingas a Vocation."November 17 E. W. Skinner, GeneralManager of Wilson Brothers: "Merchandising and Its Opportunities." November 24 Lewis C. Sorrell, AssociateProfessor in the School of Commerce andAdministration, The University of Chicago:"The Field of Traffic and TransportationManagement."December 1 L. D. H. Weld, Chief of theCommercial Research Department, Swiftand Company: "Educating Public Opinion.'December 8 Phillip D. Armour, Vice-President of Armour and Company: "TheMeat Packing Industry."* # *C. and A. Association Quarterly AlumniMeetingThe SONS AND SISTERS OF THESILVER SAMOLEON (graduates of theSchool of Commerce and Administration)held their annual fall quarter meeting in theCollege Room of the Hamilton Club on December 2nd. The guests were Dean Spencer,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Justin Smith and Mr.Rudolph Clemen.After dinner President Donald Bean, '17,introduced the speakers. Mr. Clemen, Econ-omist and Editor of "The I. M. B."_ discusseci "The Present Business Situation."He compared the relative conditions of various leading industries stressing particularlythe optimistic outlook in grain and livestock.Mr. Smith, Assistant to President Burton,chose as his topic "Making the UniversityKnown." He explained how the Universitygives out information concerning its activities which are of value to alumni and thepublic, using as examples news of scientificdiscoveries and the Institute of Meat Packing. The University uses newspapers, maga-zines and radio as means of "publicity."This meeting, the first for the currentyear, was well attended. The programproved very interesting to ali present.Charity Budinger, '20, Secretary.* * *The University Journal of BusinessThis autumn marked the end of the secondand the beginning of the third year of theUniversity Journal of Business. As thesecond year was equally successful with thefirst, a word of commendation for the enter-prise is in order.The student body of the School of Commerce and the Administration stands aloneamong schools of commerce in publishingand managing a really scientific journal thatranks well with the standard economiejournals of the country. The UniversityJournal of Business is entirely different fromthe usuai School of Commerce Magazine inmake-up, size, and quality of its articles. It(Please turn to page 78)71L 3E1E 3BE SHE 3QE 3BE 3EE 3HE 3B0LAW SCHOOLPresident Burton Addresses ChicagoBar AssociationPresident Burton was the guest of theChicago Bar Association on the evening ofOctober 29, 1924, at a dinner given in thenew dining hall of the Association in theBurnham Building. The attendance waslarge, and it was noticeable that practicallyali of the prominent law firms of the cityhad one or more representatives present. Inthis way our President was brought beforethe leaders of the bar in Chicago, and en-abled to get his message to those who countfor most in the legai field in the city.His subject was "A Great Need in American Life," and in his talk the developmentprogram of the University was outlined.The Law School Association, in lieu ofa monthly luncheon, concentrated on thismeeting, and sent out a special letter to aliits members urging their attendance, withgratifying results.Law Men on Chicago Bar AssociationCommitteesAmendment of the Law Sidney Lyon,J.D. '07, Paul M. O'Donnell, '08, J.D. '09,Willard L. King, '16, J.D. '17.Entertainment Irwin T. Gilruth, J.D. '17,Roy D. Keehn, '02, J.D. '04.Grievances Howard Ellis, J.D. '15, HenryF. Tenny, '13, J. D. '15, Lloyd Heth, ex.Judiciary Frederic A. Fischel, '03, J.D.'05.Legai Education Vice Chairman, UrbanA. Lavery, J.D. '10; Alice Greenacre, '08.J.D. '11.Municipal Courts Francis L. Boutell,J.D. '15.Professional Ethics Alfred F. Mecklen-burger, J.D. '10, Norman H. Pritchard, J.D.'09.Rules of Court William P. McCracken,Jr., '09, J. D. '12.Legai Aid Herbert Bebb, J.D. '13, Jerome N. Frank, '12, J.D. '13.Administration of Bankruptcy Law George B. McKibbin, J.D. '13.Defense of Prisoners Ota P. Lightfoot,'03, J.D. '05, Walter A. Rooney, ex.Programs and Lectures Leo F. Worm-ser, '04, J.D. '09.Prosecutions Roy Massena, J.D. '18."A Pioneer Court of Last Resort"Willard L. King '16, J. D. '17 read a paperwith the above title on October 27, 1924,before the Chicago Literary Club.The theme was the first Supreme Courtof Illinois which was elected by the legislature in 1918. The court consisted ofJoseph Phillips, Chief Justice, and John 1JReynolds, Thomas C. Browne and WilliamP. Foster, Associate Justices.The writer pointed out that while President Monroe was formulating the MonroeDoctrine and Chief Justice Marshall waspreparing his decision in the DartmouthCollege case, the Supreme Court of Illinoiswas holding that a criminal indictmentwhich stated the year without stating it tobe the year Anno Domini was void for lackof certainty. The paper concluded:"These judges lived and wrought theirwork on a piane of civilization severalstages below ours. Let us hope that ahundred years from now many of thedecisions of our present courts will thenseem as irrational as these early decisions seem to us. For, while it dragsthe anchor of rigid adherence to prece-dent, the law does progress. The deadhand of these pioneer judges stili guidesto some extent the decisions of ourcourts, but its grip is loosening. ALawrence, a Scholfield, and a Cart-wright have since sat upon that benchand gone far to purge it of its earlyhistory."At the Law SchoolRegistration in the Law School showslittle change. During the^ summer quarterit amounted to 190 students. The currentfigure is approximately 325, or about fiveless than a year ago. A much larger dropmight have been expected as the admissionrequirements for candidates for the LL.Bdegree now include at least two years ofcollege work, while hitherto, only one yearwas necessary.The Law School commenced in November, the issuing of the new Illinois Law Re-view, in_ conjunction with the Universityof Illinois and Northwestern University.Our faculty editors are Mr. E. W. Hintonand Mr. Frederic Woodward, who is chairman of the board of editors.There have been no permanent changes inthe faculty, but the absence on leave of Mr.Bigelow has made a temporary appointmentnecessary. Mr. Rundell, of the Universityof Wisconsin, is to be at the school untilFebruary and will teach those subjects ofMr. Bigelow's which ordinarily are givenbetween Oct. 1 and the end of March.A new course this year is Trade Regu-lation. It deals with agreements . not tocompete, combinations, and monopolies(both at common law and under anti-trustacts) and unfair competition. Mr. Putt-kammer is giving it.In the recent debate between Oxford andthe University of Chicago the universityteam of three included two law students,Raymond T. Johnson and Nathan Harrison72RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGERush Medicai College Alumni Association Financial ReportTHE purpose of the following report isto give a brief review of the financialcondition of the Alumni Association of RushMedicai College. The Association's pian wasto publish a quarterly bulletin which wassent to practically every graduate of RushMedicai College, and to provide funds whichwould be of help to the College and in keep-ing up a cordial spirit of fellowship amongthe alumni.At the time the Alumni of Rush MedicaiCollege became a part of the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago it was necessary to arrange for a financial transfer, asthe Alunmi Association of Rush MedicaiCollege had 218 living members belongingto the Endowment or Life MembershipGroup and approximately 708 members having paid dues in advance on the annual basispian.The Alumni of Rush have collected andinvested funds for definite purposes. Theincome from the Walter S. Haines Fund isto be used for library purposes; the incomefrom the John M. Dodson Fund is to provide for special lectures, and recently a fundwas started as a memorial to James AlienAdams, one of the many noted teachers inthe early days of Rush Medicai College.The following report of the treasurer isa resumé of the finances at the time thetransfer was made:Endowment FundSecurities at the Corn ExchangeNational Bank, Par Value $11,650.00In Savings Account 470.63Total $12,120.63John M. Dodson Testimonial FundThe income derived from the fund is tobe used for a lectureship and totals $1,376.17.Walter S. Haines FundThe income from this fund is to provideperiodicals for the library at Rush Collegeand totals $1,082.96.The recent James Alien Adams Fund hasa subscription of approximately $2,500.00.AH of these special funds remain in thecontrol of the Rush Alumni Association.Advanced payments of annual dues aredeposited in a separate savings account andtotal $2,769.35. The balance in the checkingaccount used to defray current expenses is$1,386.00.The total assets of the Rush Alumni As sociation, after outstanding accounts havebeen deducted, are approximately $18,087.00.The Alumni of Rush have responded andcooperated in the past to keep the Association on a sound financial basis and we knowthey will respond as well in the newer andgreater pian which results from our unionwith the Alumni of the University of Chicago.Cari O. Rinder, '11, M.D. '13,Treasurer,Rush Medicai College AlumniAssociation.* * *Special Meeting Rush Medicai AssociationMeeting of the Alumni Association ofRush Medicai College in the College Libraryat 12:15 p. m., November 7, 1924, to ratifythe recently proposed Amendment to theConstitution to bring it into accord with therequirements of the Alumni Council of theUniversity of Chicago.President Irons occupied the chair.Dr. Rhodes moved that the new constitution as prepared by the constitution committee and properly published in a generalletter dated October 15, 1924, be adopted asa whole. Seconded by Dr. Rinder. Carried.Dr. Rinder suggested that a committee beappointed to administer the James AdamsAlien Fund. Dr. Irons requested theDirectors to administer this Fund until aregular meeting is held.Dr. Rhodes moved that the members con-cur in the action of the Directors at theprevious meeting in turning the addresso-graph over for the use of the AlumniCouncil. Seconded, Carried.AdjournedCharles A. Parker, Secretary.* * *From An Old Rush AlumnusGenoa City, Wis.October 23, 1924.I see by the proposed new constitutionthat it is proposed to take care of Life Members of the Rush Medicai College Association. I have held a life membership since1915. I proposed to the Association lastJune that ali life members waive their lifemembership and pay the new associationdues, for the reason that we are being ac-corded a great honor in being admitted asalumni of the University of Chicago.Sincerely yours,Dr. B. J. Bill, '79.73SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONThe University of Chicago DinnerAt the University of Chicago Dinner inCincinnati on February 25, 1925, some timewill be devoted to a discussion of the program of development which has just beenannounced by the University and of the sig-nificance of this program to the School ofEducation. The University of ChicagoClub of Cincinnati, under the leadership ofE. L. Talbert of the University of Cincinnati, is taking an active part in the arrange-ments for the dinner. Readers of the Magazine living in the vicinity of Cincinnatishould communicate with Mr. Talbert.Tickets for the dinner are $3.00 each. Theyshould be secured in advance from WilliamS. Gray, School of Education, University ofChicago.ResearchThe Commonwealth Fund has made agrant of $15,000 for a study of foster chil-dren. The sum is to be divided equally between Dr. L. M. Terman of Stanford University and Dr. Freeman of the Universityof Chicago. Dr. Terman will compare foster children and their foster parents and Dr.Freeman will make a comparison betweenfoster children and their brothers and sis-ters. The purpose of both studies is todetermine whether the training and advan-tages which foster children receive enablethem to make a higher score on mentaltests than they presumably would bavemade otherwise. The study therefore is onephase of the general problem of the relationbetween heredity and environment in thedetermination of mental traits. Dr. Freeman will be assisted in his work by Dr.Holzinger.Faculty PersonalsMr. Gray is cooperating with the IllinoisValley Section of the Illinois StateTeachers' Association in organizing readingtests and practice exercises for use in theschools of five counties of the district. Thepian at present is to give these tests during the remainder of the year for the purpose of discussing the accomplishments andneeds of the pupils in reading in the fourth,fifth, and sixth grades. It is hoped at theend of the year to formulate a more com-prehensive program for the following year.A general meeting will be held in Ottawaearly in January at which time the generalprogram for the winter and spring will beoutlined to principals, superintendents, andsupervisors.Three College of Education students of1923-24 have received appointments in theKindergarten-Primary Department. MissMarguerite Nelson, Ph.B. '24, has been madeassistant in the kindergarten, Miss Ada Pol- kinghorne has charge of Grade 2A, andMiss Laura Oftendal of Grade 3B.PublicationsA monograph, entitled "Curriculum Prac-tices in the Junior High School and Grades5 and 6," by James M. Glass, has just beenpublished by the Department of Education.The Committee on Reorganization of Ad-ministrative Units of the CommonwealthFupd secured Mr. Glass to visit fourteenof the leading school systems of the country and to ascertain in detail the variationsin practice. The monograph reports thefaets in full.How to Make a Curriculum is Mr. Bobbitt'slatest book. It is based on his work inthe Los Angeles Public Schools and is published by Houghton Mifflin Company.Mr. Breslich's book, Junior Mathematics,Book One, Part I, from the Macmillan press,is the first of three books on junior mathematics. These books cover, in terms oftraditional units, a year and a half of algebra, a great deal of intuitive geometry, andarithmetic, and are designed for use in theseventh, eighth, and ninth grades.Mr. Downing's latest book, Our PhysicalWorld, adds another to his already numerousand widely known publications in the fieldof nature study. It is published by theUniversity of Chicago Press. A new editionof a companion volume, Our Living World,has also been published.Reading and Living: Books One and Two,by Howard Copeland Hill and Rollo LaVerne Lyman, present to seventh and eight-grade pupils a new type of reading instruc-tion, stressing first the correlation of litera-ture with social science; second, systematictraining in silent reading habits; and third,extending the reading experiences of individuai, in a variety of ways, beyond thesingle textbook.Miss Hanna Logasa and Miss WinifredVerNooy have compiled a very complete listof one-act plays published since 1900 intheir book, An Index lo One-Act Plays, published by F. W. Faxon Company of Boston.Mr. Lyman's recent book, The Mind atWork in Studying, Thinking and Reading,Scott, Foresman and Company, is a sourcebook, containing many selections from standard authors on the subjects named in thetitle. It is also a discussion manual, intendedfor senior high-school classes, and forspecial "orientation" courses of college freshman rank.The Financing of Public Schools in theState of Illinois by Henry C. Morrison hasbeen published by Macmillan Company asVolume IX in the Report of the Educational Finance Inquiry Commission.74Gy525HSH5rjj25H5r5rH5E5H5H5r5Krj^^ féBOOK REVIEWSM5E5E5a5EEEES252H5BZ5HffiE5EE5^^THE OCCIDENT AND THEORIENTBy Sir Valentine Chirol(The University of Chicago Press)We who live far from the lands of theEast tend to think them forever destinedto be subject to the superior nations of theWest, and to forget that on more than oneoccasion the Orientai tide has threatenedto overwhelm Western civilization. Whilethe denizeh of the West remains complacent-ly sure of the superiority of his civilization,the Orientai, having seen the seamy side ofthat civilization, is finding himself unable toaccept the Occidental claim to superiority.In India Gandhi proclaims everything western to be pernicious, and M!ustapha Kemalin Turkey has given the West an exhibitionof military prowess. Today Islam looksupon the non-Mohammedan world as theworld of war "Dar-el-Harb" and believesin the ultimate triumph of Mohammedanarms.To watch the revolt or awakening of theOrient at dose quarters has been the expe-rience of Sir Valentine Chirol, who for fiftyyears has been a traveler in Turkey, Egypt,Persia, India, China, and Japan. From 1872to 1876 he was connected with the BritishForeign Office; in 1912 wasa member of theRoyal Commission in India; and was at-tached to the British Delegation at the ParisPeace Conference. Those who heard himpresent these lectures on the Harris Foundation at the University this summer, will re-member the vivid personal impressions hehas been able to give of the momentouschanges taking place in the Orient.Chirol covers the relations of the Occidentwith the three peoples of the Orient whosehistory has most intimately been interlockedfor centuries with the history of Westerncivilization : the Turks, Arabs, and Indians.The Turk appears most menacingin military strength, the Arab most admirable inhistoric intellectual development; and theIndian most striking in his reaction to theintroduction of Western education. Chirolhas greatly clarified the tangled story ofthe "Sick-Man" of Europe. It is the Arabhowever who appears as the genuinely at-tractive figure of the Orient .Chirol empha-sizes the debt of Western civilization to thegreat Arab, Averroes, through whom Aris-totle was reborn, and learning kept alive dus-ing a criticai period when the West wouldhave allowed it to perish.That the Arabs of Iraq were not grantedindependence is part of what Chirol calls"the great failure of European statesmanshipduring the five years following the war".The tale of post-war intrigue and jealousiesis not altogether to the credit of Occidental claims of superiority. America herself doesnot entirely escape censure. Chirol says:"Things might have been different hadAmerica with her line record of educationaland cultural activities in Turkey been willingto undertake mandatory responsibilitiy inArmenia."America was free from the heritage ofrivalries which was the great obstacle to thesuccess of the mandatory system as it actuallyworked out in Turkey, Egypt, Mesopotamiaand Syria. But America did not want toaccept mandatory responsibilities, and therivalries of the European powers allowedMustapha Kemal an opportunity to revivethe power of Turkey, while the oppresseciminorities were shamelessly abandoned.Chirol points out another factor that workedagainst the mandatory system's success: theOrientai "Old Adam" the rule of the Orientai rake and despot, which particularly inTurkey and Egypt was a Constant source oftrouble. In the mandatory system itself,however, in spite of its defects, Chirol seesan advance in that:"For the first time, at the end of a greatwar in which enemy territories had beenconquered, the conquerors agreed not onlyto forego the right of sovereignty whichthey would formerly have claimed as a mat-ter of course, but to assume for them responsibilities of trusteeship under the super-vision of an independent authority."It is this new note of responsibility towardthe dominated peoples of the East that Chirolemphasizes in his discussion of the Britishexperiment in India. Yet he avoids thesuperciliousness of those who talk aboutthe "white man's burden" by dwelling lessupon -racial superiority than upon the practical necessities of the situation. The Britishexperiment in bringing Western education toIndia has passed into the stage of inevita-bility, ali Gandhi's efforts to bring about areturn to the old order of things, notwith-standing. Chirol tells of a conversation hehad with Gandhi, in which the latter wasunable to give him even a vague intimationof what India would be like if the longed-for "Swaraj" were to be attained.In concluding Chirol says: "Western education has been for the Orient the tree ofthe knowledge of good and evil". Certainlyit has created a situation of vast import tethe human race, and one in which the partof the West must be played between a veryreal menace and an equally real responsibility. "The Occident and the Orient", treatingthe situation clearly, with sympathetic analy-sis, and scholarly examination of the histor-ical factor. should contribute to a betterunderstanding of the great world problemsinvolved.Harry Bingham.75NEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'18 Bianche Hanna is teaching in theModem Language Department of Short-ridge High School, Indianapolis, Indiana.'19 Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Allin-Smith(Corinne Allin) have returned from England and are living at 1368 East 57th Street,Chicago. Mr. Allin-Smith is making a'20 Gail F. Moulton, S. M. '22, has re-signed his position as Assistant Professor otGeology at the University of South Dakotato join the staff of the Illinois GeologicalSurvey, Urbana, Illinois.'20 James M. Nicely is with the J. W.Davis law office in New York City.'20 Charles Breasted is doing graduatework in History at the University of California in Berkeley.'21 James L. McCartney, M.D. '23, is su-perintendent of the International Hospitalat Chungking, China.'21 Harold E. Nicely was ordained tothe Presbyterian ministry in June and sailedin September for a year at WestminsterCollege, Cambridge, England, on a fellowship awarded him at Princeton.'21 Walter C. Reckless is Assistant Pro-Chicago Alumni have a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Teli your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offera.Through them she is reaching thou-sands in ali parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogne AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) - Chicago, Illinois fessor in Sociology at Vanderbilt University,Nashville, Tennessee.'22 Ruth Teuscher is supervisor of English in the junior high schools of Racine,Wisconsin.'22 Elizabeth Vilas, who recently donateda scholarship to the woman in the Schoolof Education who kept herself physicallyfit throughout the year, is doing nutritionwork at Dr. Grenfall's Mission in St. Anthony, Newfoundland.'22 Léonard D. Weil has left for Europe for an indefinite stay to study Incerature and art.'22 Susannah Riker and Frances Andrews, '23, took a three weeks' campingtrip through the East in a flivver duringAugust.'23 Charles F, Webb, A.M., is repre-senting the Franklin Life Insurance Company in Fort Worth, Texas.'23 Walker Kennedy is working in aBlast Furnace in Salt Lake City where"Red" Jackson, '17, is Assistant Manager.'23 Wallace E. Bates is with the Chicago Tribune in the advertising depart-ment.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins March 30For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The Univtnity of Chicago, Chicago. 111.76The University of Chicago Magazine 77jwjwjta/iwji^^wjmmwwjwi^1i CHICAGO GIFTSof distinctionfor yourU. of C. FriendsWall licitePoofe CitteBegfe Hamps!STetoelrp&eeb CttfttnggofHarper, Ryerson, and Mitchell Towers and Harper BridgesJAPANESE PRINTS ofMitchell Tower and the GargoylesUNIVERSITY CALENDAR6 or 12 pagesCREST STATIONERY IWrite today for styles and prices from the®mber£ttp of Cjjtcago JBoottsitore5802 ELLIS AVENUE78 The University of,£,___,. ¦¦_¦¦ ¦.¦¦ H ¦¦ ¦¦¦..¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦<{¦1 C. and A. Notes i4,. .. ,. ,. .. ., ., .. ¦ .. .. ¦> ¦¦ » ¦+'15 R. D. Kellogg, Ph.B., who is vicepresident of Baker, Kellogg and Company,Incorporated, New York, London, has forthe past few years been stationed in BuenosAires, carrying on the business of the firmin that locality.'19 Henry R. English, A. M., has beenappointed Assistant Professor of BusinessAdministration in the University ExtensionDivision of the University of Wisconsin.'19 May R. Freedman, Ph.B., has been inthe statistical department of the PullmanCouch Company since March, 1924.'21 Grace Gishwiller, Ph.B., is head ofthe Joliet Continuation School, Joliet, Illinois, where she is also instructing classes inretail selling and occupations.'21 Morton A. Livingston, Ph.B., has as-sumed responsibility for managing a chainof millinery departments for Ackerman andRosenthal of Chicago.'22 George Schneidenbach, Ph.B., is nowhead of the Department of Commerce andAdministration at North Western College,Naperville, Illinois.'22 Henry D. Brohm, Ph.B., teaches ac-counting at the University of Minnesota.Largest Teacher PlacementWork in the United StatesUnder One Management Direction ofE. E. Olp, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY, 28 E.Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Affiliatedoffices in principal cities.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU,Chicago Tempie, 77 W. WashingtonSt., Chicago; 1254 Amsterdam Ave.,New York. College and universitywork only.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY,Security Bldg., Evanston, 111.; Southern Bldg., Washington.EDUCATION SERVICE, 19 S. LaSalle St., Chicago; 1254 AmsterdamAve., New York. Makes a specialtyof public school work, includingteaching and administrative posi-tions ; also, positions for collegegraduates outside of the teachingfield. Offers various forms of service to schools and teachers. Chicago Magazine'23 Henry G. Hulbert, Ph.B., who as-sisted in Woodworth's Bookstore while get-ting his college training, is now assistantmanager of the 57th Street store.'24 Frederich Amos, Ph.B., has beenhead accountant for the Board of Educationof Chicago since July of this year.'24 Eugene Breyer, Ph.B., is now managing the Breyer Hat Company in Chicago.'24 Ralph G. Graham, Ph.B., has beenwith Frederick H. Bartlett Realty Company since he was graduated in June.'24 L. B. Krick, Ph.B., is now assistantsales manager of the Citrus Products Company, Chicago.The University Journal of Business(Continued from page 71)is difficult to conceive of the magazine ofthe usuai type publishing such articles asthese which will appear in the next issue:"The Problem of the Basic Wage" Paul H. Douglas"The Problems of National Bank Liquidityin the Crisis and Depression of 1920-21'' W. F. Mitchell"Grower Crop Control". . .Mathew Tobriner"Collection Agencies". . . .W. C. Krumbein"Chicago Livestock Transportation" J. G. Knapp"Identifying Features of the Retail SalesPlace" J. F. Pyle"Expansion of Fixed Capital by Selling Re-ceivables" . . v S. P. MeechIt is significant that ali of the book re-views, notes, and several of the articles ineach issue are written by students in theSchool of Commerce and Administration.Contributions are frequently received fromgraduate students, faculty men, businessmen, and students and faculty men of otheruniversities. That the magazine is not thework of a small group, but of the entireSchool, is evidenced by the one-day campaign which was recently waged for studentsubscriptions. Without any prior publicityand with only three solicitors working,over fifty per cent of the entire studentbody subscribed. The campaign is stili being waged to bring the total subscriptionsamong the students as nearly as possible toone hundred per cent.The sale of the Journal off the campuscontinues to grow, and a number of mostsuccessful business men of the country aresubscribers. The School is proud of itsJournal and feels certain of its continuedsuccess.News of the Classes and Associations 79| Law School Association jGeorge W. Adams, J. D. '22, can be ad-dressed c/o Auto Club, 26th and FigueroaStreets, Los Angeles, California.Worth Alien, J. D. '12, has practiced inGreeley, Colorado, since 1918, and this fallwas the Democratic candidate for DistrictAttorney in the 8th Judicial District of Colorado.Guy C. Baltz, J. D. '18, is practicing withChittick and Blankenship, 5 North LaSalleStreet, Chicago.William M. Bardens, J. D. '2'3, is practicing with Hardy and Hardy, 74 South CherryStreet, Galesburg, Illinois.George Z. Barnes, LL. B. '24, is withTichenor, Todd, Wilson and Barnett, 319Central National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Illinois.Cari O. Bue, J. D. '24, is practicing withVoyle C. Johnson, J. D. '18, 105 South LaSalle Street, Chicago. His home address is1024 East 62nd Street.Etcyl R. Campbell, LL. B. '23, is withKnight, Stetson and Lester, 130 East Colorado Street, Pasadena, California.LeRoy Campbell, J. D. '19, is practicingat 55 Liberty Street, New York City c/oJohn Kirkland Clark.Sidney Casner may be addressed at 1406East 62nd Street, Chicago.Harry F. Chaveriat, LL. B. '19, is Assist ant States Attorney for Cook County, Illinois, and is living at 657 West NorthAvenue, Chicago.Rufus E. Christian, J. D. '20, is AssociateProfessor of Law in the University of Alabama, University, Alabama.Chester E. Cleveland, LL. B. '21, is practicing at 605 Bartlett Bldg., 7th Street andBroadway, Los Angeles, California.Clifford J. Collingsworth, LL. B. '18, is at2711 Bales Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri.James I. Dolliver, J. D. '21, is practicingwith Helsel and Helsel, Fort Dodge, Iowa.Newman A. DuMont, J. D. '21, is withLeo S. LeBosky, 160 North LaSalle Street,Chicago.Isaac E. Ferguson, J. D. '12, is located at108 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.William T. Fox, J. D. '20, is Professor ofLaw in the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.Tom Garrard is States Attorney in Austin,F. L. Graybill, J. D. '17, and Leo C. Gray-bill, J. D. '20, have offices at 403 Ford Bldg.,Great Falls, Montana.John P. Haley, J. D. '24, is practicing withhis father at 706 Heggie Bldg., Joliet, Illinois.Léonard A. Hammes, J. D. '21, is a member of the firm of Saxton, Waldron andHammes, 950 Omaha National Bank Bldg.,Omaha, Nebraska.Paul H. Hanson, J. D. '24, is living at6037 Ellis Avenue, Chicago.11&PiIS*vfi UNCLE SAMand PRESIDENT COOLIDGEKeep BudgetsWhy Not You?Vice-President-Elect Charles G.Dawes earned national acclaiir. byworking out a budget for the UnitedStates Government. This was adoptedas the only practical pian of reducingunnecessary Federai expenditures andof knowing the financial status of thenation.President Calvin Coolidge says thathe keeps a personal budget and runahis home on that basis. He believes init for himself and for others.Business men and practical women(of large as well as of small income)OverSixty Years in Business.Now Insuring Over TwoBillion Dollars in Policìes on3,500,000 LtVes have put their homes on the budgetbasis or believe it a good thing to do so.If you have found the budget systemeasy to operate at home, we believe acopy of the JOHN HANCOCK BUDGET SHEETS would interest you par-ticularly. If, like some others, youbelieve a budget is too much troublethen we want you to see how simpleis the John Hancock Budget.This would help you to start 1925along the right lines. Without chargeor obligation a copy will be sent onrequest.Life Insurance Company^or Boston, Massachusetts '/ti80 The University of Chicago MagazineHarold H. Hart, LL. B. '24, is practicingwith his father, Charles H. Hart, Salt LakeCity, Utah.Lisette F. Henderson, LL. B. '23, is lo-cated at 42 Broadway, Newtonville, Massachusetts.Robert L. Henry, J. D. '07, has just beenappointed a judge of the InternationalCourt at Alexandria, Egypt, having beennominated thereto by Secretary Hughes onbehalf of the United States Government andconfirmed by the Egyptian Government.Harold Huls, J. D. '21, has offices at 1002Black Bldg., 4th and Hill Streets, Los Angeles, California.Milton T. Hunt, Jr., J. D. '24, can be ad-dressed c/o Dr. W. R. Winnard, 948 SouthFigueroa Street, Los Angeles, California.Pearl H. Jacobson, LL. B. '19, is withJacobson, Merrick and Latter, 1601 ConwayBldg., Chicago.Morgan P. Jones, J. D. '22, has offices inthe Union Savings Bldg., Sioux Falls, SouthDakota.Seth C. Keasey, LL. B. '24, may be ad-dressed at 6070 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago c/o J. L. Churchill.Clay Judson, J. D. '17, is a member of thefirm Elting and Judson, 134 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago.Victor H. Kulp, J. D. '08, Professor ofLaw, University of Oklahoma, Norman,Oklahoma, has just published a casebook onOil and Gas which is a pioneer in this field.Leslie F. Kimmell is in the office of RoyThe Albert Teacher's Agency25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.Fortieth year. University of Chicago graduates are today filling excel-lent positions in hundreds of Colleges,Universities, Normal Schools, HighSchool and Private Schools, who werehappily located by The Albert Teacher's Agency.This Agency has long been in thefront rank of placement bureaus. It isunquestionably the largest and bestknown Agency. Forty-eight per centof positions filled by us are in Colleges and Universities.Our service is direct, personal andeffective. Our clients stay with us come to us every year. They appre-ciate good service. Graduates andstudents of the University of Chicagoare always welcome in our office. Ifnot near enough for an interview,make your wants known by mail. Weare here to help you get well locateci.We have busy offices inNew York, Denver and Spokane M. Harmon, J. D. '13, Calvin M. George,J. D. '13, and A. T. Gilbert, 155 North ClarkStreet, Chicago.John Ladner, LL. B. '21, is a member ofthe firm Biddison and Ladner, 606 MayoBldg., Tulsa, Oklahoma.Victor M. Langsett, LL. B. '22, has officesat 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.Joseph L. Lewinsohn, J. D. '07, is practicing at 1003 Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles,California.John T. Lawton, LL. B. '24, is with F. L.Holt, 330 North Broadway, Los Angeles,California.John A. Leitch, J. D. '19, has offices withStedman, Kesler and Frank E. Dingle, J. D.'16.Roy B. Lucas, J. D. '15, is practicing inBenton, Missouri.Frederick C. Lusk, J. D. '22, is a memberof the Faculty of the University of NorthDakota Law School, Grand Forks, NorthDakota.Blayney F. Matthews and Loren H.Myers, LL. B. '24, are practicing with Vergeand Cooney, 827 Black Bldg., Los Angeles,California.Edwin B. Mayer, J. D. '12, is a memberof the firm of Altheimer and Mayer, 10South LaSalle Street, Chicago.Frank L. Mechem, LL. B. '24, is practicingat Centerville, Iowa.Victor C. Milliken, J. D. '24, is with Montgomery, Hart and Smith, 959 The Rookery,Chicago.Howard H. Moore, J. D. '22, is one of theattorneys for the Standard Oil Company ofIndiana, 910 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. He lives at 6109 Kenwood Avenue.Paul H. Moore, J. D. '23, is living at 1535East 60th Street, Chicago.Dale A. Nelson, J. D. '24, is with the LaSalle Extension University, Chicago, andlives at 5634 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago.John Noli, J. D. '23, is practicing at 418South Jackson Street, Waukegan, Illinois.LeRoy Owens, J. D. '23, is located at 1305First National Bank Bldg., Chicago.Margaret W. Perkins, J. D. '24, is withKirkham, Cooper, Hungerford and Camp,New Britain, Connecticut.Corwin D. Querrey, J. D. '24, is with Zane,Morse and Norman, 709 Harris Trust Bldg.,Chicago.Theodore G. Reiser, LL. B. '21, is livingat 632'8 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.Bruce Scott has been elected GeneralCounsel of the Burlington Railway Companywith offices at 547 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago.Dana R. Simpson, J. D. '23, is located atsuite 1828, 20 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.Bettin E. Stalling, LL. B. '23, is practicingwith A. S. Langille, 127 North DearbornStreet, Chicago.Steadman G. Smith, LL. B. '23, is practicing at 625 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California.News of the Classes and Associations 81School of Education Personalsf» ¦¦ "¦ au id ~ub ali nn nu -an aa au ¦¦ cu uafi'04 Jenny Snow, Ed.B., Supervisor ofHousehold Arts for the Chicago PublicSchools, was elected president of the IllinoisHome Economics Association at the October meeting.'07 Florence Rie Scott, Ed.B., is givingcourses in English at the University ofSouthern California and is completing thework for her Master's degree.'10 Claude A. Phillips, A. M, is Professor of Education at Missouri State University, Columbia, Mo.'11 Mrs. Harold A. Armstrong (Elizabeth Campbell, -Ph.B.), formerly art directorof the Washington School of New YorkCity, is now making her home in Dorset,Vermont.'13 Leslie A. Butler, Ph.B., formerlysuperintendent of schools at Ann Arbor,Michigan, in July assumed the duties ofSuperintendent at Grand Rapids, Michigan.'14 Lewis B. Muli, A. M., Professor ofEducation at the University of Dubuque,spent the latter half of 1923-24 at IndianaUniversity working toward his Ph.D.'15 Omar Edwin Lowman, A. M., isgraduate assistant in chemistry at IowaState College, Ames, Iowa.'16 Miles D. Sutton, Ph.B., was a delegate to the N. E. A. at Washington last sum-mer from the Duluth Teachers' Association.He made the trip by automobile via Bostonand Birmingham, Alabama.'17 Edna B. Stolt, Cert., is primarysupervisor and is doing mental testing inthe school system of Sheridan, Wyoming.'18 Florence E. Blazier, Ph.B., Assoc.Professor of Vocational Education at Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon,is author of "Investigation of Nursing as aProfessional Opportunity for Girls," Voi. 1,No. 2, Bulletin of School of Education, University of Indiana, 1924.'20 Helen S. Harris, Ph.B., is kinder-garten-primary instructor at the StateNormal University, Normal, Illinois.'21 M. E. Herriott, Ph.B., is associate,Bureau of Educational Research, Universityof Illinois.'21 Clarence R. Stone, A. M. is editing aseries of silent readers and is doing speciallecture work at the State Teachers College,San Diego, California. In May, 1924, throughHoughton, Mifflin Co., he published Stone'sSilent Reading, Book I.'22 Nellie Evers, Ph.B., is teacher ofSpanish in the Austin High School, Chicago, Illinois. She spent the summer of1924 at the University of Mexico.'23 Mary H. Burris, Ph.B., is workingfor the degree of Ed.M. at Harvard University.'24 Horace W. Adams, A.M., is Principalof the Senior High School at Marshall,Michigan. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con-venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago82 The University of Chicago Magazine'24 Celia Regnier, Ph.B., who has justreturned from a trip around the world, vis-ited the Art Department on November 21.Mr. Judd will be in Washington, D. C,during holiday week attending the meetingsof the American Psychological Associationand the American Association for the Ad-vancement of Science. Mr. Freeman is secretary of Section Q of the American Association for the Advancement of Science andMr. Downing is a member of the Committeeon the Place of Science in Education.Miss Martin addressed the primary section of the Wisconsin State Teachers Association meeting in Milwaukee, November6, on the curriculum. Miss Delia Kibbe, formerly of the School of Education facultyand now a member of the State Departmentof Education of Wisconsin, gave an addresson reading before the same group.On November 28 Mr. Tryon addressed theSouthwestern Indiana Teachers' Association at Evansville on the subject. "Organ-izing High School History for TeachingPurposes."Miss Olga Adams, kindergarten teacherin the Elementary School, has been addedto the College staff to give the course, Phy-sical Education: Plays and Games, for theregular school year.piiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiDuiiiii(YOUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONlH and its j1 MAGAZINE II are made stronger, more service- §| able to the University and Alumni, I| and increasingly successful |1 . 1¦ First, by memberships, and sec- 11 ond, by prompt payment of dues. i| If not now a Life Member and || we trust in good time you will be 1| you will assist your Association and I| Magazine very materially by || promptly co-operating on notice || from your Alumni Office.| Every loyal membership is deeply 1| appreciated. Urge your Chicago 1| friends to joinl We should ali work 11 together for Chicago. |IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii^ «lan^ un hu^ ¦¦ un »ù^ nq un nu M^ 1«^ ¦¦ ¦¦ ia-~i||.= School of Social Service Administration jJan un no ». m « uu ui ni in ,_,,_...¦>£Miss Marcella Roach, A.M., August, 1924,is employed as Vocational Adviser by theVocational Guidance Bureau of the ChicagoBoard of Education.Miss Mary L. Zahrobsky, A.M., August,1924, has recently been appointed by theFederai Children's Bureau, to a position associal investigator, New Haven, Connecticut.Miss Amy Mason, Ph.B., August, 1924, isemployed as social worker by the InfantWelfare Society of Chicago.Miss Henrietta Estelle Rosenthal, Ph.B.,August, 1924, was appointed by the White-Williams Foundation, Philadelphia, to ascholarship in that organization for the year1924-1925.Miss Anna Zaloha, Ph.B., August, 1924,is employed by the Recreation TrainingSchool of Chicago, Hull-House, as Assistantto the Director.The first Case Book in the field of socialwelfare, by Associate Professor Breckin-ridge, (Ph.D., 1901; J.D., 1904) has beenannounced for publication December 14, bythe University of Chicago Press. The titleof the volume is "Family Welfare Work ina Metropolitan Community; Selected CaseRecords." This is the second volume in anew social service series which is being ed-ited by the Faculty of the School.The Program for AthleticDevelopment(Continued from page 70)No appeal to the alumni for the financingof either project is contemplated.The question of athletic development hasbeen studied in its relation to the generaldevelopment program of the University, andhas been recognized as an important featureof that program. The two-fold pian ex-plained above meets with the approvai ofDirector Stagg. It is offered to the alumniin the confidence that it will receive theirapprovai also.Trustees Committeeon Athletic Development.William Scott Bond, '97, Chairman.November 1, 1924.Proposed Residence Halls at the UniversityIn discussing before the student body theurgent need of new buildings at the University, President Burton made special mentionof new residence halls for students:"We need new buildings for the residenceof students. Far too many of you live inlodgings round about the University whereyou inevitably miss many of the real benefitsof university life. We hope before long tobegin to meet this real need by buildingsacross the Midway. I hope we shall notcali them dormitories because we want themto be more than places to sleep. We hopeUniversity Notesthey will be so built and organized and conducted as to be powerful factors in theprocess of education. Perhaps we shall incorporate into them some of the best fea-tures of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. We may even cali them colleges, forit is our ambition to develop at the University of Chicago a better type of undergraduate life and education than is nowprovided here or anywhere in America."New Professor from University of OxfordDr. William A. Craigie, Rawlinson andBosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in theUniversity of Oxford, has been appointedProfessor of the English Language in theUniversity of Chicago, according to a recentannouncement. Professor Craigie, who iseditor of the Oxford Dictionary and one ofthe greatest living authorities on the Englishlanguage, is expected to begin his new workwith the Autumn Quarter of 1925.With the coming of Professor Craigie is tobegin at the University a comprehensivestudy of the English language in America,the result to be the first "Dictionary ofAmerican English." Preliminary plans havebeen made by Professor John MatthewsManly, Head of the Department of English,and Associate Professor James Root Hul-bert, of the same department, by which theywill work in co-operation with Dr. Craigie,who gave special courses at the Universitythis summer in early northern English and"Methods of Making a Dictionary."Professor Manly explained the proposedresearch as including a study of Americandialects and their sources, and the effect ofimmigration upon the language. "There willbe an important historical value in the work,"he said, "since the character of the settlementof various parts of America is stili obscure,and the study of language sources is expected to throw light on many doubtfulpoints." The dictionary, which involves vastresearch by a large staff, will require at leastten years for completion.* * *Attend Inauguration of New President ofAmherstSeveral faculty members of the Universityof Chicago who are graduates of AmherstCollege attended the inauguration of President George D. Olds at Amherst on November 14. The ceremony was made the occa-sion of a gathering of Amherst graduatesengaged in teaching in ali parts of the country.Those attending from the University ofChicago were: Vice-President James HaydenTufts, Head of the Department of Philos-ophy; Dean Ernest Hatch Wilkins, Professor of Romance Languages; Percy H.Boynton, Professor of English; J. MauriceClark, Professor of Politicai Economy;George C. Howland, Associate Professor ofthe History of Literature; and Alfred S.Romer, Associate Professor in the Department of Geology. $1.00Opens aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts aCheckingAccountYou Work For Your Money,So Money Should Be KeptWorking For You.We own and recommend to our cus-tomers 6}4% and 6^4% FIRST MORT-GAGES and FIRST MORTGAGEGOLD BONDS on HYDE PARKPROPERTY.The notes and bonds are certified to bythe CHICAGO TITLE and TRUSTCO., and the title guaranteed for the fullamount of the loan.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. Corner RidgewoodPaul H. Davis & GomparaijMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWe are anxìous to serve you inyour selection of high grade investment!!- We specialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, ' 1 1 Herbert I. Markham, Ex-'06Ralph W. Davis,' 16 Byron C. Howes, Ex-' 13N.Y. Life Bldg. CHICAGO State 6860Charles R. Gilbert. '10 Bradford G ili. '10Gilbert & GillGeneral InsurancePersonal and Business208 South La Salle StreetWabash 941 1 CHICAGO84 The University of Chicago MagazineNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES(Continued from page 61)Council selected the four leaders for theright and left wings, in the persons of BruceMacFarlane, Harry Thomas, JosephineMaclay, and Elsa Allison. The men andwomen chosen were selected on a basis ofactivities in varied lines of endeavor."A Night in the North," with Eskimos,reindeer, snow, ice, and igloos, was presented by the Settlement Night staff December 6th in the corridors and rooms of theReynolds club. The big night, which cul-minates the fund drive for the Settlements"Back of the Yards," was pronounced thebest ever, and with the atmosphere createdso definitely, the committees assert satisfac-tion.The amalgamation of the Tower Playersand Gargoyles into one body, a more com-prehensive and facile whole than had here-tofore been possible, to be known as theUniversity of Chicago Dramatic Association, was achieved during the past month.The consolidation was stated to have arisenfrom the realization by Mr. Frank O'Hara,director of student activities, of the need oncampus for a clearing house for those whopossess dramatic ideas and ability.¦iiiiiiiiiiiiin!I ASTRONOMERS I| AND CHEMISTS \a are not needed to pick a logicai ad- 1jj vertising medium. Your own good 1J sense probably suggests that your §j1 advertising be run in this magazine 11 alongside personal news notes to ¦1 be read by a picked list of substan- 11 tial men. I1 Forty-four alumni publications 1§ have a combined circulation of [¦ 160,000 college trained men. Adver- 1| tising space may be bought individ- I¦ ually or collectively in any wayde- 11 sired. Twopagesizes onlytwoplates |I necessary group advertising rates. 1| The management of your alumni |1 magazine suggests an inquiry toI ALUMNI MAGAZINES I| ASSOCIATEDB ROY BARNHILL, Inc. 1H oAdvertising Representatives mM NEW YORK CHICAGO1 23 E. 26th St. 230 E. Ohio St. 1lllllllllllilillllllllllllllìllllllllllll Alumni Attending Illinois GameOn information furnished by the FootballTickets Office, alumni traveled from manysections of the country, east, west, northand south, to attend the Chicago-Illinoisfootball game on November 8th. Sometwenty-one states of the Union were repre-sented, as follows: Colorado, Georgia,Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont,West Virginia, Wisconsin, and, of course,from many parts of Illinois. There wasalso a "delegation" from the District of Columbia, and from Canada. Some of thelarger cities represented were: Atlanta, Boston, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Detroit, Denver, Des Moines,Indianapolis, Kansas City, Memphis, Minneapolis, New York, Omaha, Philadelphia,Pittsburgh, Rochester, N. Y., St. Louis, St.Paul, Springfield, IH., Toledo, and Washington, D. C. No detailed statistics have beencompiled, but the records indicate that addi-tional states and cities were represented atthe Wisconsin game. It is probable that forthe entire football season alumni visited theUniversity and attended the games from almost every large city and state in the Union.Dean Wilkins Addresses Alumni ClubsDuring the last month Dean Ernest H.Wilkins of the Colleges of Arts, Literatureand Science made a ten days' trip throughthe East. in the course of which he met withand addressed a number of the AlumniClubs. He met with the Boston alumnion November 12, the New York alumni onNovember 13, the Philadelphia alumni onNovember 17, the Pittsburgh alumni onNovember 18, and the Cleveland alumni onNovember 19. On November 14 and 15 hewas in Amherst, attending the inaugurationof President George D. Olds at AmherstCollege, his Alma Mater. On his visits withour various alumni clubs he spoke on de-velopments at the University, particularly inconnection with the College. Ali the meetings were well attended and the address ofDean Wilkins was received with keen interest and appreciation.* * *New Alumni Clubs PlannedOn the opening of the year the Alumni Officehas received welcome notification of plansto organize Chicago Alumni Clubs in Baltimore, Md., Grand Rapids, Mich., and Kala-mazoo, Mich. The office has mailed locaialumni lists and other information for startingclubs to the committees interested hi thesecities. Carrying on a movement that was be-gun several years ago, new Big Ten clubs arebeing organized in Charleston, W. Va., Cincinnati, O., Washington, D. C, and other places.In ali of these plans Chicago alumni are interested and active.New Law School Journal 85Law School Will Share in Editing NewLaw JournalA letter was recently sent out by DeanHall to alumni and former students of theLaw School, from which we quote:"Our alumni have sometimes asked whythe University of Chicago did not publish alaw journal. There have been several reas-ons for this. During its early years the LawFaculty was small, and the task of organiz-ing the School, mastering the curriculum,and creating good traditions of work leftscant time for such an enterprise. Up to thetime of the war the number of our alumniwas small to support such a journal, andwe were reluctant to ask the University toadd another to its already heavy burden ofsubsidized publications."Since 1906 Northwestern University haspublished the Illinois Law Review( monthly),and more recently the University of Illinoishas published the Illinois Law Bulletin(quarterly), both principally devoted toIllinois law. The two existing law journàlsare to be consolidateci and the law schoolsof Illinois, Northwestern, and Chicago areto unite in publishing a legai periodical tobe called Illinois Law Review (New Series),issued monthly from November to June, inclusive."The Review will be edited by the lawfaculties of Chicago, Illinois, and Northwestern, assisted in the manner common amongAmerican law school magazines by a number of student editors chosen from the senior law classes of each school. It will con-tain leading articles upon important legaitopics, comments upon current legislation ofgeneral interest, a monthly index of andnotes upon notable recent cases throughoutthe English-speaking world, reviews of newlaw books, and criticai discussions of proposed legai reforms. It will give, as haveits predecessors, an intensive review of thelaw of Illinois, and will continue the IllinoisAppellate Court digest. It will also publishthe more important items of news about theediting schools. The subscription price willbe $3.00 a year."John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY23 1 So. La Salle St. State 3400PLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES, ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL ACENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookerySam A. Rothermel ' I 7InsurancewithMOORE. CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities231 S. LaSalle St. State 3400Kenwood: Hyde Park: Woodlawn:South Shore: Chatham Fields: Flossmore:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22MidwayOS20 5435 Kimbark Ave.Mail. 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpeciali zi ng onPlans JOT Building EsialesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICERAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederai Securities CorporationCHICAGOState 1414John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 Chicagose The University of Chicago MagazineMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bullelin on Requcsl.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print 1&\)t tHmberiiitp of Chicago JWaga?tiuMake a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist and a responsiblePrinting HouseCATAL0GUEantPRINTERSCali and inspeetour plant and up-to-date facilitiesPUBLICATIONIPrinting and Advertising Adviser sand the Cooperative and Clearing Housefor Publications and CataloguesLet us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFormerly Rogers & Hall CompanyPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Locai and Long Distance Wabash 3380One of the largest and mostcomplete Print-inir pianta in theUnited StatesTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland. OregonThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.554 w. Adams St., Chicago, ni.ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AUBooks Marriages, Engagements,Births, Deaths.ifflamageaFred Burky, '16, M.D. '18, to Marian K.Smith, University of Illinois, November 6,1924, at the Church of Our Savior, .532 Full-erton Parkway; at home, 2122 Harrison St.,Evanston, 111.Katheryn Llewellyn, '20, to Downer Mc-Cord, February 9, 1924. At home, Winder-mere Hotel, Chicago.Marian F. Johnson, '20, to Edward C.Castle, May 24, 1924. At home, 809 EastSixteenth Avenue, Denver, Colorado.Eloise Smith, '20, to Maurice M. Car-penter, May 15, 1924. At home, Aberdeen,South Dakota.James R. McBride, LLB. '20, to Anna M.Booth, June 1, 1924. At home, Topeka,Kansas.Léonard A. Hammes, '20, J.D. '21, to CleoNickols. August 21, 1924. At home, O.naha,Nebraska.Josephine M. Wells, '20, to Laurence M.Graves, A.M. '20, Ph.D. '24, August 27,1924. At home, Cambridge, Massachusetts.Margaret Tunison, '21, to William J.Bradford, '22, in September, 1924. At home,7214 South Shore Drive, Chicago.William H. Grant, '21, to Elizabeth E.Cossum. At home, Linden, New York.Julian P. Anderson, '21, to MildredDennis, September 6, 1924, at Evanston.Katharine L. McCluskey, Ph.D. '21, toClifford D. Lambird, '21. At home, 1.U7East 79th Street, Chicago.John D. Werkman, '21, to Marv Reichel-derfer, A.M. '23, July 19. 1924. "At home.R16 E. 50th Place, Chicago.Minnie K. Kline, '21, to Orville Clifford,June 24, 1924. At home, Pittsfield, Illinois.Anita Huntington, '21, to Milan B. Mann.At home, Buenos Aires, South America.Helen Condron, '22, to Charles E. Me-Guire. At home, 212 South Scoville Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois.Helen Israel. '22, to William H. McClive.August 9, 1924. At home, Chicago, Illinois.Signe YVennerblad, '23, to Luther W.Tatge, '22, June 27, 1924. At home, Chicago, Illinois.Warren A. Culp, '22, to Leola AI. Rilev,May 25, 1924. At home, Savonburg, Kansas.Gwendolinc Gurnett, '22, to Arthur E.Gault, S.M. '21. At home, 123 SummitBoulevard, Peorià, Illinois.Lillie Katz, '22, to Alan DeWitt, July 30,1924. At home, 2400 Walton Avenue,Bronx, New York.Kenneth N. Parke, '22, A.M. '24, toFlorence Fraser, June 7, 1924. At home,Wayne, Nebraska.The University of Chicago Magazine 87Good news for alilovers of graphic pieGraphic pie enough to satisfy the ritinger of a life-time ; no end of graphic mountains to scale and tobog-gan down. That's what the man who loves to analyzegraphs and statistical symbols can look forward towhen he comes with the electrical industry.Economie study is one of many branches in thisbroad field. If you have thought of electricity as limitedto engineers, this other side of the picture will interest you.The commercial organization with its problems ofdistributing, selling, advertising ; the manufacturingend with its opportunity for trained technical men ; thelegai and accounting branches ali this and more totalselectrical industry.It may pay you to keep this in mind against graduation.This advertisement is one of a series in studentpublications. It may remind alumni of their opportunity to help the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to gel more out of his four years. ^A)Published inthe interest of Electrical Development byan Institution that willbe helped by what-ever helps theIndustry.\88 The University of Chicago Magazine©S&OEighteen dollars cash!Seventy years ago a New Kngland farm boyborrowed eighteen dollars from his father andwith the money bought a heifer.He killed and dressed the animai himself.Then, from an old covered wagon, he sold themeat through the streets and vicinity of the quiet,quaint village of Barnstable, Massachusetts.Evening found him with an empty wagon.His business venture had netted him ten dollarsprofìt.The heifer was the first of millions of animalsthat have since been bought, turned into beefand sold, not at the backdoors of a village, butin the markets of the world.For the boy was Gustavus F. Sv ìft, founderof Swift & Company.For his heifer l'Stave" Swift paid cash. To this dajSwift & Company stili pays cash for the animals itbuys. Throughout the year, at convenient places, thefarmer is furnished a Constant cash market.Thus a business prlnciple.established by a boy, stiliobtains, not only with Swift & Company but with theentire meat packing industry.In other respects, however, the fresh meat businessof today offers sharp contrasts with this transactionof seventy years ago. The latter, purely locai in char-acter, was typical of the times.Out of such one-man, one-town business has grownthe nation-wide industry of today. Cattle are nowbought in practically ali parts of the country and themeat sold almost everywhere. And the naturai resultis nation-wide competition.The modem large packer is forced to compete inevery community, not only with other large packers,but with small packers and locai butchers as well.It is partly due to this wlde and sharp competitionthat people in non-producing regions now pay less formeat grown on distant ranges than they would formeat raised near their homes. And it is partly due topacking house efficiency, which turns every part of ananimai intosomething of commercial value.Under the conditions formerly prevailing G. F. Swiftearneda ten doli arprofiton his investment of eighteendollars. Contrast this, if you will, with Swift & Company 's average profit of only a fraction of a cent a poundfrom ali sources, amounting to about six per cent peryear on the total stockholders' Investment.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by morethan 46,000 shareholders Maxine Davis, ex '22, to Frank E. Getty,August 22, 1924. At home, Washington,D. C.Helen Spensley, '23, to John Homville,lune 28, 1924. At home, Western Springs,Illinois.Margaret Eulass, '23, to James E. MacklinII, September 2, 1924. At home, CampMeade, Maryland.Lewis McMasters, '23, to Margaret Mc-Clenahan, '23, March 1, 1924. At home, St.Petersburg, Florida.Salene E. Marks, '23, to Maxwell J.Lyons, September 17, 1924. At home, 4722Prospect Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas.Thomas H. Bissonnette, Ph.D. '23, toJulia I. Powers, March 1, 1924. At home,Cedar Rapids, Iowa.James L. Palmer, A.M. '23, to EleanorOlson, '22, August 25, 1924. At home,6236 South Park Avenue.Harry C. Winslow, '.2:;. to Helen M.Kemp, '24, July 7, 1924. At home, 1326^7th Avenue, Fort Dodge, Iowa.n gagementgOlga Law, '20, to Franz Plunder of NewYork City.Robert Adler, '22, to Helen Loewenstein,ex '23.PtrnjsTo Mr. and Mrs. ' Harry R. O'Brien(Margaret Kingery) '17, a son, DonaldKingery, at Columbus, Ohio.To William B. Calkins, '18, and Mrs.Calkins (Ruth C. Morse) '14, a daughter,Janet Elizabeth, September 29, 1924, atChicago.To Earle Ludgin, ex '20, and Mrs. Ludgin(Mary MacDonald) '15, a daughter, MaryBarbara, August 15, 1924, at Chicago.To Ernest B. Harper, Ph.D. '22, and Mrs.Harper (Lyssa Chalkley) '20, a son, ErnestBouldin, Jr., August 7, 1924, at Kalamazoo,Michigan.To Harold H. Sheldon, Ph.D. '20, andMrs. Sheldon (Marion E. Cobb) '20, a son,Samuel Harold, August 16, 1924, at NewYork Citv.To R. W. Goodloe, ex '22, and Mrs. LolaC. Goodloe, A.M. '22, a daughter, MarthaBlake, December 1, 1923, at Dallas. Texas.To William Diamond, Ph.D., '22, andMrs. Diamond (Elizabeth Weizhausen) '22,a son, Richard Martin, January 7, 1924, atLos Angeles, California.To Irving Garwood, Ph.D. '22, and Mrs.Garwood, ex, a daughter, Ruth Elizabeth,September 14, 1923, at Macomb, Illinois.BeanjgFerdinand Pcck, '08, at the time of hisdeath one of our oldest living Alumni, November 4, 1924, at his home in Chicago. Mr.Peck was a member of the first Board ofTrustees of the University, was president ofthe Chicago World's Fair, and for manyyears was one of Chicago's most prominentcitizens.If father did the washingjust oncelIf every father did the familywashing next Monday therewould be an electric washingmachine in every home before next Saturday night.For fathers are used to figur-ing costs. Théy'd say: "Theelectricityfor a week's washing costs less than a cakeof soap. Human time andstrength are too precious forwork which a machine cando so cheaply and well."GENERAL ELECTRICYou Will find thismonogram of theGeneral ElectricCompany on manydevices that take thedrudgery out ofhouse work. Look atitclosely and rememberthe letters G-E. Theyare a symbol of service the initials of afriend." 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