�,_�. ilht Unibtrsitr �I�Qhicago (Dagaitnc ����!I PUBLISHED BY1H� ALUMNI CoUNCIL I�E�IBI"Speaking of Books-and especially those published bythe University of Chicago nessi' � �:Our Safety-Valvein politics, the presidential campaign, is this summerreleasing the nation's pent up energy for political self­expression. We are all thinking and talking morethese days about our rights as self-governing citizensthan we have since the campaign of four years 'ago orshall again in the four years to come. We are findinga new interest in books that tell us how to vote and thatexplain the ditties of the officers of government whomwe elect.Among the publications of the University of ChicagoPress are several that have a particular appeal at thistime. Just issued is Charles E. Merriam and HaroldF. Gosnell's Non-Voting: Causes and Methods ofC ontrol, a startling picture of the political mind of acountry where so many citizens are unmoved by thestimuli that cause others to vote. Among previouslypublished volumes that continue in demand are Gov­ernment in Illinois by Walter F. Dodd and SueHutchison Dodd, Boss Platt and His New York M a­chine by Harold F. Gosnell, Immigration by EdithAbbott, Unpopular Government ,in the United Statesby Albert M. Kales, A History of Suffrage in theUnited States by Kirk Porter, and Standards ofAmerican Legislation by Ernst Freund.You, too, will want to read these books now, Maywe send you copies?The Ninth of a Series of AdvertisementsAddressed to the Readers of Universityof Chicago Press Books"THE rRUE UNIVERSITY IS A COLLECTION OF BOOKS"-CarlyletlCbe Wnibersitp of <tbicago �aga?ineEditor and Business Manager} ADOLPH G. PIERROT} '07.Editorial BoardC. tmd A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association--A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-LILLIAN STEVENSON, '21.The Magazine is published monthly f r om November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUuiversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philip­pine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. VPostage is charged extra as follows: For' Canada, 18 cents on.annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other courrtries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).URemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month. of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be add�essed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XVI. CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1924 No.9FRONTISPIECE: BOTANY POND IN SUMMER.CLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS ......................•......................... 323EVENTS AND COMMENT .. , 32:>THE PRESIDENT'S CONVOCATION STATEMENT 327ALUMNI AFFAIHSATHLETICS 33:2335THE LETTER Box '," " '" 336UNIVERSITY NOTES-FOOTBALL TICKETS ..........••.....•....••.•.••.•••••.•.••••••••• 338TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING--DoCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION .....•.. '..•••.•.•• 341LA W SCHOOL-MECHEM PORTRAIT....................................................... 344SCHOOL OF EDUCATION-PROVIDING FOR SUPERIOR PUPILS IN HIGH SCHOOLS ........•..... 345BOOK REVIEvVS 346NEWS OF THE CLASSES A:'\1n "\SSOCIATJOl\'S 348:'IIARRTAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DJ<:ATHS ::.iG322 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheof the AlumniUniversity Councilof ChicagoChairman, EARL D. HOSTETTER, '07, J. D., '09.Secretary-Treasurer, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1922-23 is composed of the following dclegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1\.12'>, JOHN P. :;UENTZER, '98; HENRYSULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H. SWIFT, '07; MRS. DOROTHY D.CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term expires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER,'85; HERBERT 1. MARKHAM, 'oe , HELEN NORRIS, '07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHANADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22; Term expires 1927, HERBERT P. ZIMMER­MANN, '01; FRANK McNAIR, '03; LEO F. WORMSER, '04; EARL D. HOSTETTER, '07;ARTHUR A. GOES, '08; LILLIAN RICHARDS, '19.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.�LAUGHT, P�.D., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGSDO�, PH.D., '21; CLARENCE E. PARMENTER,10, PH.D., 21.From the Divinit:y Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; GUY C.CRIPPEN, '07, A. M., '12, D. B., '12; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, Roy D. KEEHN, '02, J. D., '04; CHARLES F. Mc­ELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; WALTER D. FREYBURGER, J.D., '10.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. SCOTTV. EATON, '09, A.M., '13; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the' Chicago Alumni Club; PAUL H. DAVIS, '11; WILLIAM H. LYMAN, '14; PAUL S.RUSSELL, '16.From the' Chicago Alu1Jl1/(/C' Club, ALlCE GREEN ACRE, 'U8; MRS. HELEN C.\l{TI�J{ JOHNSON, '12;ELEANOR 1. ATKINS, '20.From the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, EARL D. HOSTETTER, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, MRS. MAYME LoGSDON, PH.D., '21, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIA'fIONPresident, ELIJAH HANLEY, Ex., First Baptist Church, Berkeley, Calif.Secretary, BRUCE E. JACKSON, D.B., '10, 1131 Wilson Ave., Salt Lake City.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Roy D. KEEHN, '02, J.D., '04, 10 So. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., 'U6, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCA nON ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretary, LILLIAN STEVENSON, PH.B., '21, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including sub­scriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association illsuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIESChicago unless otherwise stated.'09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1588 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gil)t 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'l1. William H . .l.\.uh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4B80 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S, La Salle St.'14. John B. Perlee, 5512 .University Ave.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon. H. Lesch, 280 S. Clark St.PI. '18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave._'19. Mrs. Carr.oIl Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kimbark Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.'24. Julia Rhodus, 5635 Kenwood Ave.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne St.,Brookline.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, Ia.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Ly­man, 5 N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, Univer­sity of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Mrs. F. C. Loweth, 3277DeSota Ave., Cleveland Heights.Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. -Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, Ia. Sec., Ida T. Jacobs, Roose­velt High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First J udi­cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn,H15 Broadway.Iowa City, Ia. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Mary S. Wheeler,3331 Olive Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec., Stanley E. Crowe. Mich. Agr, College.Lawrence, Kan. Sec., Earl N. Manchester,University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec., W. Lewis Roberts,University of Kentucky.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., J. Harry Hargreaves, 707Merchants' National Bank Bldg.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St.'oa.'!}4.'95.'96.'97.'98.'99.'00.'01.'02.'03'04.'05.'06.'07.-os. All addresses are inHerman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4S05 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper' Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66thAgness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago. 323·Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin CitiesClub). Sec., Mrs. Dorothy Augur Siver­ling, 1822 La Salle Ave., Minneapolis.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. LoisSutherland Spear, 2761 Sedgwick Ave.N.Y.C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette Grif­fin, Central High School.Peoria, Ill. Sec., Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry El£reth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec., Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. Sec., L. R. Felker, 31,0 NorthFourth St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 414 KohlBldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Pres., David W. Stewart,Frances Bldg.South Dakota. Sec., Anna Fastenau, SiouxFalls, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport. Ia., Rock Island andMoline, Ill.). Sec., Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Mrs. Chester F. Lay,University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No. 1 Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chi­cago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.V. M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,Universitv of philippines. 'Shanghai, China. Sec., Mrs. Eleanor Whip­ple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HiS'hSchool324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBotany Pond in SummerThe view shows Botany Pond, familiar to Chicagoans, with Ryerson Laboratory inthe background. This is one of the most beautiful spots on the Quadrangles during thesummer months.University of ChicagoMagazineTheJULY 1924 No.9VOL. XVI� &, II �COMMEN�'EVENTS� . -�At the annual meeting of the Alumni As­sociation. of Rush Medical College at theAuditorium Hotel, June 11th,Rush Medical the members of that largeAssociation and long-established AlumniAssociation voted to altertheir Association constitution and to takesteps to join the Alumni Associations ofthe University that are now represented onthe Alumni Council. This notable step wastaken in view of the new relations betweenRush Medical College and the University,beginning on June 16, 1924, whereby RushMedical College, instead of being merelyaffiliated with the University, as in thepast twenty-odd years, becomes a mergedpart of the 1 lniversitv. Details of this mer­ger appear in President Burton's Convoca­tion Statement in this number of the Maga­zine. The great annual dinner of Rushalumni, on June 11th, in honor of Dr. FrankBillings, and also in the nature of recogni­tion of the new relations between Rush andthe University, was attended by over 800Rush alumni and guests.The addition of the Rush Alumni Asso­ciation to the Associations already repre­sented on the Alumni Council will bring alarge and powerful Association in coopera­tion with our present alurrini groups for theadvancement of medical and higher educa­tion as represented by the University. Itis planned to discontinue the Rush AlumniBulletin, a quarterly publication which hasheretofore been the official organ of theRush alumni, and to have, instead, a regularMedical Section in the Magazine. It ishoped by all concerned that the details willbe completed this summer and t.he alumniunion constitutionally concluded before ourNovember number which starts the newMagazine-year. It is planned, for that nurn-B25 ber, to have a large special section addedwhich will tell in detail and by illustrationof the newly-established relationship, Atthis time, however, on behalf of the AlumniCouncil, the University, and all of ouralumni, we take occasion to extend ourmost happy and cordial welcome to theRush alumni and their Association into ourgreat and ever-growing "University of Chi­cago family."* * *President Burton's Convocation Statementappearing in this number bears a messageand imparts information thatEndowment will prove of profound inter­Increase est to all of our alumni. TheRush Medical College merger,the status of Military Science at the Uni­versity, the views on the college and on re­search, the re-statement of aims of the Uni­versity, .all are of great import. And withthese comes the first definite public an­nouncement of the University's financial'needs if the institution is to measure up tothe aims and ideals set for it. Probablythe most difficult ideas in the public mind­or even in the minds of many alumni-tobe dispelled are that "the University doesnot need funds," or that "the Universitycan get all the money it wants at any time."It should be thoroughly emphasized thatthere is probably not a large universityin the country that is harder pressed forfunds or that has greater need for fundsfrom every source and for almost everypurpose than the University of Chicago.President Burton frankly states that, withinthe next few years, the endowment of theUniversity must be doubled, if it is to con­tinue in its marked educational leadershipand in its exceptional service to educationand humanity. To meet this need will re-326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEquire many millions in the immediate andnear future. It will not be long, no doubt,before a definite call comes to alumni andcitizens to assist in the realization of allnecessary funds. Weare confident that callwill not be unheeded. Chicago, judged fromevery standard, has firmly established itselfas a great University; it is a great Uni­versity in a great city of a great 'nation. Nouniversity deserves better the fullest pos­sible support, and we firmly believe suchsupport will be given.* * *The last three numbers of the Magazinehave told at some length of the successfultour among our westernalumni clubs and lectures ofDr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97,Ph.D. '98. This cooperativeservice between the University, the AlumniCouncil, and the alumni clubs marks per­haps the most important development inour alumni clubs work. A few briet sta­tistics will give some idea of the generalsuccess of the plan. During the course ofhis travels Professor Goodspeed came incontact with twenty clubs, and approxi­mately 1,000 alumni. The tour covered aterritory marked by Columbus on the east.San Francisco on the west, Minneapolison the north and Birmingham on the south,covering some thousands of miles in thetravels. Professor Goodspeed addressedconsiderably over fifty meetings and audi­ences, in one city as high as five meetingshaving been arranged for his appearanceby the local club. The audiences totaledover 20,000. And the excellent newspaperand other publicity, heartily accorded in allsections visited, certainly reached. no lessthan a million readers. Clearly the trip was"decidedly worth while" in every way, notto mention the evident strengthening of allthe clubs visited and the strengthening ofthe whole alumni organization, as well asmore closely cementing the relation betweenthe University and our more distant alumni.The "record" of this achievement wouldnot be properly closed without specific rec­ognition of three alumni, besides Dr. Good­speed. The work of Harold H. Swift, '07,in originally organizing the alumni clubs,the work of Henry D. Sulcer, '05, chairmanof the Clubs Committee, and the work ofDonald P. Bean, '17, in special charge ofpublicity, communication and other arrange­ments, deserve fullest commendation. Theirservices in this connection can not be meas­ured-their efforts were given without stint.And with these should also be mentionedthe officers of the local alumni clubs. Allof the local clubs officers rendered excep­tional service in making the plan a successthroughout; they entered upon their taskswith loyal and inspiring enthusiasm, an en­thusiastic cooperation that Dr. Goodspeed,the University and the Alumni Council mostdeeply appreciate. It was, indeed, a "greatGoodspeedLectures venture in cooperation for Chicago"-a ven­ture that distinctly marks the high pointin such endeavor in our alumni history.* * *President Burton repeatedly reveals amost happy faculty of expressing effectivelyenlightening thoughts onCont.ribution to education and society. InSocial Evolution a recent address he said:"The uneducated man mayhave to admit that the problem of socialevolution is beyond his comprehension, andthe process too intricate for him to assist;that at the best, all that he can do is to findwhere he fits into the social structure asit is and play his little part as well as hecan. But you who have begun to be edu­cated who have come as far along the roadof education as to receive your degrees, canno longer enter the plea of inability."The educated man is bound to thinkscientifically and socially. Chemistry andphysics, geology and geo.graphy, as well <l:shistory, sociology, and phtlosoph�, have theirsocial significance as well as their scien tific,and these latter subjects have their scientificas well as their social aspects. Both groupshave immense possibilities of good and ofevil to society as a whole, and none ofus can excuse ourselves from social andscientific thinking."* * *This July number of the Maga�ine �0.n�e­what officially closes our alumni activitiesfor the year 1923-1924, andUntil closes Volume XVI of ourNovember- publication. The next num-ber of the Magazine to "bringChicago to you" will be the November num­ber which will inaugurate the 1924-1925alu:nni year. We recall having stated lastNovember that "The University and thealumni have started 1923-1924 with auspi­cious activity." I t was the pleasure andprivilege of Volume XVI to record theprogress of that activity. From the pointof view of the University, the year startedwith Dr. Burton inaugurated as President;the new medical program has been workedout quite definitely and begun; new plansfor the general advancement of the Univer­sity in all departments have been formulatedand started; new personal relationships onthe Quadrangles have been established; anda distinct advance "all along the line" hasbeen made.From the point of view of the Alumni,notable advance has been made in member­ship, in alumni clubs work, and in organiza­tion of the various associations; new andhio hlv desired relationships are heing estab­lished with Rush alumni; efforts have beenmade to improve the Magazine; a success­ful Reunion was conducted; new and fullymodern equipment for getting and keepingup alumni records has been installed in thealumni office; important University pam-(Continued on page 360)THE PRESIDENTS CONVOCATION STATEMENT 327+11-1111-1111-111-11.-111-111-1111- •• -1111-1.- ... -1.-111-11.- •• - •• _ •• -lIa-II.- •• -.H-U.-UR-a.- •• - •• -a.-aa- •• -�t1 iI The President's Convocation Statement I+-.n-III-.I-IIII-I .. -III1- •• -II .. - •• -I.-lIn-nll--IlI1-lItI_.. _III_ ... _111_ •• _IIO_)lII_IIII_IIII_III_HII_tllI_IIU_ •• _ •• _lIn_II"'I'The outstanding fact of the Quarter whichis just closing is the incorporation of RushMedical College as an integral part of theUniversity of Chicago. The first steps inthis direction were taken in 1898. A con­tract looking directly to this consummationwas made in 1917. When in 1923 the exe­cution of this contract was recognized byboth parties to it to be impracticable, a newcontract was prepared. This contract wasagreed to in October, 1923; it was approvedby the Circuit Court January 4, 1924, andby the Supreme Court of Illinois in a deci­sion handed down April 14, 19,24. It wassigned by Rush Medical College May 7,1924, and by the University of Chicago May8, 1923. Under this contract Rush MedicalCollege will continue to exist as a corpora­tion, but, except for the administration ofsome $35,000 chiefly in scholarship funds,which could not be legally transferred toany other corporation, it will cease to func­tion as an educational institution. The classof 1924 will receive their degrees from RushMedical College June 15, but on the morn­ing of the next day its Faculty of some 220members will become members of the Fac­ulty of the University of Chicago, and itsstudent body will become members of theUniversity of Chicago in the same sense inwhich the students of the Law School or theOgden Graduate School of Science are such.On behalf of the University I extend to allthese-professors and students-a heartywelcome into our community and fellow­ship. We believe that this long-desired con­summation of the hopes of many years willbear rich fruit for the cause of medical edu­cation. In rendering its opinion in approvalof the decision of the lower court, the Su­preme Court of Illinois took occasion topraise the wisdom and broadmindedness ofthose who were responsible for thus bring­ing into the University itself a work carriedon so long and so successfully first in inde­pendence and later in affiliation with theUniversity. We confidently believe thatposterity will reaffirm this judgment, andthe University will leave no stone unturnedto see that this is in fact the case.It has always been a part of the policy ofthe University to be a path-breaker in thework of education. It has aimed not simplyto continue to impart the kind of educationthat has become traditional, not simply todo in a new place what many others aredoing in other places, but to add somethingthat needed to be added, or to introducesome new element by which education wouldhe made more effective. This attitude andambition was markedly characteristic of thefirst President of the University. By the addition to the school year of a SummerQuarter-in which the University offeredregular work, and especially advancedcourses in the Graduate School-he intro­duced into American education a factorwhich has probably done more to lift thelevel of the educational work in the westernhalf of the country than any other singlefact of the last forty years. As a conse­quence of it thousands of teachers, whowould never have dreamed, or would havedreamed hopelessly, of the possibility of ayear ·of study in a European university havebeen able to add to their college trainingsuccessive quarters of real graduate workwhich have immensely increased their valueas teachers. What was a novelty in 1893 isnow the general practice of universities bothEast and West, and the oportunities whichthe University of Chicago offers are multi­plied many fold in other institutions.The ideal of rendering the largest possibleservice, which underlay this plan for a Sum­mer Quarter, found expression also in thedevelopment of the University ExtensionDepartment and the establishment of thePress, which has had a great influence instimulating research and in extending thesphere of the University's service and in­fluence.Incidental to this extension of the Uni­versity's service beyond its own walls, andin a measure reciprocal to it, has been thecalling into the service of the University,especially in the Summer Quarter, of largenumbers of men belonging to the facultiesof other universities or engaged in variousforms of public service. The teaching stafffor the Summer Quarter which is about tobegin wilt include 116 persons who are notpermanent members of our Faculty. Ofthese 3 come from Europe, 5 from Canada,10'8 from the United States.This ambition to contribute to educationnot simply by giving a training of a tra­ditional type to a certain number of students,but by setting forward education itself, im­proving its methods or quality, or broaden­ing its outlook or scope, is still ardentlycherished by us. We like to believe alsothat, while these things are the commonduty of all universities, there is some partof the task that is peculiarly ours or forwhich we have a special responsibility, thatit is our destiny not to duplicate the workof some other institution, to make one moreinstitution of an established pattern, but toadd what otherwise might not be contrib­uted to the total educational forces of thecountrv.With this ambition and thought in ourminds, the year just closing has been one328 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof self-examination and of experimentation.We have considered anew and very care­fully the matter of military training in theUniversity. In the midst of the war, theUniversity of Chicago, in common withmany other colleges of the country, re­sponded to the call of the government andestablished a division of the Students ArmyTraining Corps. After the close of the warin 1919, in response to a request of the Wal�Department, arrangements were made toestablish at the University a Department ofMilitary Science and Tactics, conducting afield artillery unit of the Reserved OfficersTraining Corps, with a staff of four instruc­tors. The process of adjustment of such aunit, brought into the University from theoutside with somewhat different ideals andmethods of instruction fr0111 those whichprevailed in the University, naturally con­sumed some time. As a consequence of thisfact and of the agitation which has goneon. in the. country at large respecting thepolicy which the country should pursue inreference to military preparation gave riseto serious consideration of the question.What is the duty and what should he theattitude of the University in reference tothis whole matter?After much thought and many confer­ences both among the officers of the Uni­versity and between them and the repre­sentatives of the War Department of theUnited States government, the followingstatement of' the policy and attitude of theUniversity has been formulated and hasreceived the approval of officers of admin­istration and of the Committee of the Boardof Trustees on Instruction and Equipment.1. The government, presumably and at least offi­cjally, representing the mind of the people, has d-­cided on a policy of moderate preparedness. Thispolicy is neither militaristic nor anti-militaristic inthe sense that it represents a determination not togc; �o war even .for purely defensive purposes, butdistinctly precautionary. Under it the country ishoping to avert war, but is prepared not to be takenwholly at a disadvantage if war should come, Italso takes account of the necessity for a certainamount of police duty even in time of peace.2. On the whole, there is much to be said forthis attitude of the government. We do not want�ar; we hope. and will do all in our power, to avertIt,. even submitting to great loss if necessary, andusing every possible effort to settle differences 'do- .mestic or international without resort to force; yetwe c�nnot shut our eyes to the fact that we maysome!lme be forced tc; defend ourselves against ag­gressron , and that It IS necessary for that reason tohave a few men who have., knowledge enough of mili­tary affairs to be fairly quickly convertible into officerscapable of training and leading others.. 3. The government has appealed to the universi­!Ies of .the country and to the University of Chicagol;t .partIcular. to co-operate with it in raising up aIimited number of such men. This fact itself createsa. stron.g presumption in favor of our complyingWith t�IS request. Unless the policy of the govern­me?t I.S �learly wrong. so that' it is our duty tores!st It, ItS request In accordance with the policywhich has been officially and nationally adopted hasa strong claim upon us.4. If the University responds to this request, ithas a right to demand that the work shall be (a) inall resp.ects of �I.gh quah�y educationally, (b) con­ducted In the SPIrIt and WIth the aims above stated- as a means of preventing rather than encouragingwar.5. Properly conducted, such work as the MilitaryDepartment offers has real educational value, and ison that ground educationally defensible.6. If the work is put on a sound educationalbasis! and conducted in the spirit above indicated,and If on this ground and those previously stated itIS mcluded in the plans of the University, it oughtto have the unequivocal indorsement of the Universityand there should be such a declaration of the Uni­versity'S attitude as would leave the students in nodoubt that if they choose this work they have thefull approval of the University in doing so.It is very satisfactory to add that as theresult of further conferences between therepresentatives of the University and ofthe War Department, the University is nowfully �ss_ur�d that the work of the Depart­ment 1S being conducted in accordance withthe ideals hereinbefore set forth, and theWar Department gives assurance of its en­tire satisfaction with the co-operation whichit is receiving from the University.A second matter on which we have beenled to reaffirm with fresh emphasis an old­established judgment has to do with thepurposes of that portion of education whichbelongs to undergraduate days. We haverenewed our conviction that to achieve itspurpose the education of our youth must bevastly more than a process of impartationand acquisition of knowledge. It can hardlybe said too often or too emphatically thatthe college must concern itself with thedevelopment of personalities of men andwomen who to knowledge have added some­thing worthy to be called culture and toculture high ideals and strong char�cter. Itis true. that. the University is not the onlyfactor 1!1 this development. Heredity playsa prominent part. Society outside of col­lege walls is a powerful force. The churchhas its large measure of responsibility, and'most of all, the home. Yet the Universitymust take its share, and that share is notlimited to the impartation of knowledge oreven to training in methods of acquiringknowledge. It is a many-sided life that thecollege student lives even when viewedsimply as a college student. It has its com­panionships, its amusements, its activities ofvarious kinds, its perplexities, and its temp­tations. Often by reason of absence fromhome, or by the limitations of the home.there is open to the University an oppor­tunity, and there is laid upon it a respon­sibility, for guidance which under otherconditions might belong to parent or pastor.N or dare we take refuge in any narrow defin­ition or conception of education to excuseourselves from doing our utmost to meetthese :esponsibi�ities:. The task of makingfor this Republic citizens who will main­tain its best traditions and meet its newresnonsibilities and opportunities is a vastand serious one, and none of us who facethe opportunity of making a valuable con­tribution to the achievement of that taskdare shirk it.Nor can it be doubted that the University,THE PRESIDENTS CONVOCATION STATEMENT R29and especially our College Faculties, havethis opportunity. Few of us who look backon college days of our own will fail to re­call some powerful influence. exerted, notonly on mind but on heart and character, bysome personality, not only within collegeyears, but from within the college itself.In these days of classes numbered not byscores but by hundreds and even thousands,there is grave danger that these things shallbe lost sight of. I am sure I reflect theconviction of most of those who have beengiving thought to the subject when I affirmthat we must give all diligence to see thatwe do our utmost to create an atmosphereand develop relationships and influencesthat will as far as is humanly possible, in­sure the' development of strong personali­ties, not only equipped with knowledge andthe means of gaining knowledge, but withclear vision and right purposes and powersof achievement.Not a little has been accomplished in thisdirection within this year. The CollegeDeans under the direction of Deans Wilkins,Spencer, and Gray have set themselves withdiligence and devotion to establishing per­sonal relations with their students whichwill enable them not only to know whetherthose students are attaining the minimumpassing mark, but to discover the specialproblems and difficulties of these studentsand in no small measure to help them tomeet them. These efforts have met withcordial response on the part of the studentsand have already produced important re­sults.But we have in my judgment made only aheginning in the advance that must be madein this direction. We have far too manystudents living in lodgings, under conditionst.hat mean that they are gaining but a frac­tion-an important fraction. but after allonly a fraction-of what college life oughtto do for them. We must provide resi­dence halls for these students as fast aspossible, and, when we provide them. soconstruct and so conduct them that thevshall be far more than dormitories, whichmeans a place to sleep, or boarding-houses,which means a place to eat. Thev shouldhe in effect colleges, fraternities, in whichthere is a constant and healthful interchangeof thought and development of friendships.Perhaps we shall have to develop officers ofa new type to be the heads and elderbrothers of such houses-and though I usemasculine terms I am thinking of ourwomen as well as of our men. These arenot all the things that need to be done.But it must suffice for the present to men­tion these and to reiterate the general prop­osition that a University which undertakesto conduct colleges, as we do and expect to.continue to do, must take its responsibilityverv seriously. and define its. task in termsof life rather than merely in those of learn­ing. A third conviction which we have alwaysheld at the University of Chicago, and whichour study for the past year has led us toreaffirm with increased earnestness, is thatfor us at least, whatever others may decidefor themselves, the spirit of research mustpermeate all our work, and that we must inevery way encourage and prosecute thesearch for new facts and new truth, and thepressing forward of the frontier of humanknowledge. This conviction carries with ita strong emphasis upon the work of ourgraduate and professional schools. Thedays in which the task of the Universitycould be conceived to be the passing on tothe new generation of a body of acceptedand accredited knowledge have foreverpassed. The experience of the centuries, andespecially of the last half-century, has dem­onstrated the absolute boundlessness of thefieJd of knowledge that is possible to humanminds, and has shown both the tremendousexhilaration that comes in the process ofextending the boundaries of our knowledgeand the immense. advantages that come 'tothe race from the new knowledge thusgained, Not physics and chemistry only,not medicine and surgery alone, but historyand sociology and education and theologyfurnish illustrations of what I am saying.This new task of educated men is almostthe dominant note intellectually of our age.Everywhere men are seeking out new facts,'discovering new principles, inventing newmachines. Commercial corporations havetheir research staffs, and research institutesare multiplying almost from day to day.All this is desirable. In some respects nodoubt the commercial corporation can fur­ther research in its own line more effectivelvthan the endowed research institute, as thelatter has some advantages over the Uni­versity. One of our colleagues, some yearsago deceased, once remarked that the Uni­versity would be a jolly place to work inif it were not for the students and t.he neces­sity of conducting classes for them.Yet we cherish here the conviction that inthe promotion of research a University hasits own task to perform which cannot be ac­complished by either the commercial or­ganization or the special research instituteor foundation. I must not take time .tospeak of these at length. It must sufficebriefly to point out that, to an extent thatneither of these others does, the Universityrepresents the whole circle of knowledge,and therefore the interrelations of depart­rnent with department, of hiology with medi­cine and with sociology, of law with politicalscience, and of history and philosophy withtheology. It brings together in daily con­tact the workers of t.hese various fields andhelps to protect them from the narrownessof vision into which extreme specialismtends to lead. But especially by that vervinconvenience. of which our deceased. col­league made humorous complaint, it tends330 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcontinually to replenish the race of investi­gators, and guarantees that the work willgo on. It is probably safe to say that over90 per cent of the men who man, not onlyour University laboratories, but also thoseof the research institutes and the commercialorganizations, are themselves the productof the universities.To this general conviction that there is atask in the field of research which the uni­versities alone can discharge, we add thestrong conviction that the University of Chi­cago has here its great opportunity of serviceand as a consequence here also its greatestresponsibility.We are situated in the center of our greatcountry, in the midst of that Middle Westwhich is today sending more students tocollege than any other region east or west.We are in a great city which houses morepeople than the combined population of sev­eral states by no means small in area or. inpopula tion. H ere are to be found th.e repre­sentatives of almost every type of industryand of . every race and color of mankindwhich enters into the composite populationof our country. By virtue of these facts, thecity itself is adapted to become a great lab­oratory for the study of almost all the gre<!-tsubjects. which it is the business of a u.m­versity to investigate, and the very locat}onof the University in such a city both stim­ulates and facilitates research of every type ... We must indeed locate our great telescopefor the study of the problems of astronomyin the clearer air of Wisconsin. We mustindeed assemble books for the study of his­tory and languages ancient and modern fromall parts of the world. But these are inpart minor incidents, in part the necessitiesthat belong to any location, and it remainsthat we possess the very real and substan­tial advantage over many other locationsthat we are in immediate and constant touchwith a vast laboratory for the study of thephysical and the human sciences.Our freedom of action is dimited neitherby ecclesiastical nor by civil authority. Thearticles of incorporation originally drawnup by the American Baptist Education So­ciety, to which the University owes its birth,and recorded at Springfield in accordancewith the laws of the state of Illinois, ex­plicitly accord to the University that free­dom, and the principle has again and againbeen explicitly affirmed and recognized bythe University. There is no restraint ofbishop or assembly, of political autocracy ordemocracy, upon the freedom of our searchfor truth in any field of knowledge, physicalor social, philosophical or theological. Wefreely acknowledge the authority of facts,and the seriousness of the task of thescholar who searches for facts and by thestudy of them seeks to find out truth. Wedeprecate all hasty and rash judgments andpremature announcement of tentative con­clusions. But other constraint upon our freedom of research we neither· know norrecognize.Weare free also to choose the field inwhich it seems to us that we can render thelargest service. If, as is the fact, we arepractically unanimous in our opinion thatit is a part of our task to maintain our col­leges, and by rational and cautious experi­mentation to make our contribution to thebetterment of college education, and if werecognize it also as a service which we areglad to render to the city of Chicago thatwe offer to the youth of this city and vi­cinity oportunities for college education, thenwe shall certainly continue this work andshall aim to give at the University the besttype of college education which it is pos­sible for us to develop. And if, as is alsothe case, we are equally unanimous in theconviction that it is our duty to make theuniversity a center of graduate and profes­sional work, such as does not today existin the United States, then we shall give tothis part of our work, and especially to theprosecution of research in every realm, theemphasis which its importance demands.And if we are convinced that we can makeour largest contribution to education andcivilization, by giving first consideration tothe quality of our work and relying uponthis to produce its natural effect on ournumbers, then here also we are free to setourselves to attain the highest possible ex­cellence in every department of our work.But in making these decisions we havechosen a very large task and one in whichprogress is exceptionally expensive. Be­sides the colleges, we have already ourGraduate School of Arts and Literature, ourOgden Graduate School of Science, ourDivinity School, our Oriental Institute, ourYerkes Observatory at Williams Bay, Wis­consin, our School of Education, our LawSchool, our School of. Commerce and Ad­ministration, our School of Social ServiceAdministration. All of these require theirlaboratories and their libraries, their staffof scholars expert in research and in teach­ing the art of research. In almost everydepartment there is a dearth of first-ratemen to fill the various positions in the Uni­versity and in others, and this fact and thehigh cost of living make the maintenanceof a competent faculty a matter of heavyexpense. Single departments cost todaywhat not long ago we should have thoughtample to support .a whole institution. Butother things than men cost money. Ourbuildings are crowded almost beyond beliefor endurance. Our great Harper MemorialLibrary was opened twelve years ago, andClassics and Rosenwald, each with largespace devoted to library, in 1915. Yet todaywe are desperately pressed for space forbooks and readers, and our work of researchis seriously hampered by these conditions.Physics and chemistry, the social sciencegroup, education, theology, and the col­leges are all calling loudly for increasedTHE PRESIDENTS CONVOCATION STATEMENTspace, and their need is real and urgent. Assoon as our new buildings for the MedicalSchool are completed, and indeed beforethey are finished, we shall need a large sumfor the endowment of the research and in­struction which will be undertaken in con­nection with our several schools of medi­cine.In view of all these considerations, andothers that there is not time to set forth,the University recognizes that it faces anurgent demand for a great development ofits work of education and research, and thatthis in turn calls for a large increase of fi­nancial resources. Thanks to the generousgifts of our eastern friends and of the citi­zens of Chicago, the University's total re­sources today amount to about $54,000,000.The studies of the last year make it unmis­takably clear that to enable the Universityof Chicago to make its contribution to thework of research and education which theuniversities of the country must undertake,to the resources which we now possess thereought to be .added within the next ten orfifteen years at least an equal amount, andthat no small fraction of it should come tous within the next two years.For this great sum we must look largelyto Chicago. When in December, 1910, Mr.John D. Rockefeller promised a certain sumof money to be paid in ten annual payments,he accompanied this pledge with a state­ment that this was his final gift to the Uni­versity, and commended the· University tothe friendly citizens of Chicago as those towhom it should look for the means withwhich to insure its future development. Inpursuance of this statement and policy, Mr.Rockefeller discontinued his' gifts with thefinal installment in 1920 of the sum promisedin 1910. In respect to the great founda­tions created bv Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Carne­gie, and others, th.e University of Chicagois on the same footing as all other Americanuniversities, but it has no claim on themother than that which is based on the' char­acter of its work and its plans for the futureand it has no right of approach to thefounders as ·individuals. There is, more­over, the less reason for the University ofChicago to make such approach to Mr.Rockefeller because he has already given tothe University, and· through· it to Chicago,$35,000,000, a sum' almost or quite withoutparallel in the whole history of education.It is but reasonable that he should feel thatthe city whose name it bears and whosecitizens have already shown their interestin it by many generous gifts, both of build­ings and endowments, should adopt the Uni­versity as their own, and make it in fact aswell as in name the University of Chicago.No one who has even an imperfect knowl­edge of the wealth of Chicago can doubt theability of its citizens to add to the nearly$16,000,000 which they have given in past 331years a sum sufficient to put the Universityof Chicago in the very front rank of theuniversities of the world.If the sum which I have named seems toany of you a large one, may I remind· youthat the universities of Illinois and Michiganand doubtless others also, each has an an­nual budget of $6,000,000 and that this sumis nearly twice that which the Universityof Chicago is spending, and represents theincome on a capitalization considerablylarger than I have set as the goal' whichwe hope to reach in ten or fifteen years. Imust remind you also that the extent towhich the University of Chicago plans tocarryon graduate and research work in­volves its undertaking the most expensivepart of the whole educational task. Thecost of education rises with startling rap­idity as one passes upward from school tocollege, and from college to graduate andprofessional school. If I owe Chicago anyapology it is not for putting the figures toohigh, but for underestimating its ability and'generosity by setting them too low.To his honor the Mayor, I am very grate­ful for his large-hearted and broad-mindedappreciation of the achievements and theplans of the University, and for his indorse­ment in advance of the statements whichI have been making. We can but hope andbelieve that other citizens of Chicago willshare his views, and that when we come tothem, as we shall be coming soon, to pre­sen t our needs and to offer them the op­portunity for investment in an enterprisewhich will contribute as very few otherspossibly can to the future greatness of Chi­cago and the future welfare of mankind, weshall meet a generous response to our pro­posals.Degrees Conferred by the University ofChicago During the Last Academic YearOver seven hundred degrees were con­ferred by the University at its recent JuneConvocation, which included 480 Bachelor'sdegrees in the Colleges of Arts, Literature,and Science, Commerce and Administration,and Education; 21 degrees in the DivinitySchool; 60 in the Law School; and 146 inthe Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature,and Science.At the four Convocations of the academicyear 1923-2"4 the degree of Bachelor of Arts,Philosophy, or Science was conferred on901 graduates; that of Bachelor of Laws on24' that of Master of Arts or Science on342. Six received the degree of Bachelor ofDivinity; 58 that of Doctor of Law (J.D.);and 124 that of Doctor of Philosophy.The total number of degrees conferred forthe year 1923-24 was 1,455; and the totalnumber during the thirty-three years of theUniversity's history is 19,080.332 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNIReunion Address by Josephine T. AllinRepresenting the Class of 1899To represent the Alumni of the greatestUniversity of our country is a privilegewhich I fully appreciate. To be the spokes­man of the greatest class of all time in thisUniversity-the class of '99-is an honorfar beyond my deserts. Yet such are myprivilege and honor this evening and I havegaily accepted them. But it occurs to methat this privilege and honor carry someobligation, that I must convey some mes­sage in the brief moment that is allowedto me.I recall that it has been said the final testof a' University is its alumni, a flatteringand staggering thought to all of us. OnThursday evening some thirty representa­tives of the class of '99-the. greatest classin history!-gathered about a festal boardfor their 25th anniversary reunion, an expe­rience ever to be remembered, and out ofwhich several facts were borne in upon us.One of these is t.he message I shall attemptto interpret,As we looked us over-some of us whohad not met for 25 years, and some whowere frequently companions, - strangelyenough we saw little change in ourselves,looking through the eyes of old acquaint­anceship-just the same old friends. Wefound some, an unusually large number itseemed to us, who had achieved what in theways of the world is deemed success, andwe were proud of them, for friendship sake,yes, and-yes-for what they reflected onour Alma Mater.It has also been said that the greatestthing one gets from college is friendship.I am wondering about our experience. Wewere here in the making of the University.There were 13 buildings when we enteredas Freshmen, not the 52 which are on thearchitectural map of the campus today. Mr.Burton has just told us that the Universityis on the eve of a marvelous building' pro­gram, one of progress and expansion. Itis adding to its house today, but in our daywe were building the house itself. Thebody of undergraduates numbered about onethousand. The faculty were all young. Theinstitution was new. There was the enthusi­asm that comes with all new movements.We had our wonderful president, in' our day,too, Mr. Harper, whom many of you-alas!-never knew. We all knew each other,everybody knew everybody. For these andfor many other reasons our love and ourloyalty to our Alma Mater were intense. A F FA I RSWe were a part of all we beheld=-it wasour University. We did not suppose thatloyalty could ever be greater, and you areprobably saying to yourselves that no one'sloyalty, not even your own, could ever begreater than your own is today. But wewho have reached the pinnacle of a 25thReunion know better. We learned Thurs­day evening that our friendships, our affec­tions . had grown and developed in the 25years. The current had not been turned offwith a twist of the thumb to await a turningon again on Alumni Day, but had been liv­ing and growing throughout the quarter­century. The consciousness we had thatevening was that back of, and under, andthroughout our pride in each other, and ourlove for old friends, ran the pride in ourUniversity, the love for our University. Itwas that pride, love, loyalty, which had ce­mented and supported our personal friend­ships, that our friendships and our Univer­sity were one and the same thing, and thatwith everyone of the 25 years they had .grown greater and deeper than they werethe vear before.That is the message that the representa­tive of '99 brings as a promise and a pros­pect to the younger alumni, an acknowledg­merit to the older alumni who have livedthis same experience-that this is what ourAl-na Mater has done for us,' has given usthis opportunitv and cause to feel andexpress constantly in our lives a living loyalty.Our Alma Mater, we salute thee!Reunion Welcome to theBy Chairman Charles F. SeniorsAxelson"The Class of 1924 is the largest grouo ofnew p-raduates that have come as membersinto the alumni associations at one time.As a Class you have won distinction on thecampus by the many and varied activitiesof your men and women. The variousalumni associations through the AlumniCouncil extend you a hearty welcome intothe great and ever-growing bodv of alumni.We earnestly hope that you will join in ouractivities and demonstrate your loyalty toour common alma mater to the end thattogether we may assist her to continue inher greatness.c=ves. evert to surpass thegl(Wv she has alreadv achieved."It is my pleasure on behalf of the AlumniCouncil to present you with this class urn­brella, We hone you will preserve it andrnav it be the annual rallying olace for manyof your members at the reunions during theyears to come."ALUMNI AFFAIRSInvitation From Pittsburgh Big Ten ClubGraduation time will soon be here andthere will perhaps be a number of graduatesfrom University of Chicago coming to Pitts­burg.h. The Western Conference U niver­sity Club will be glad to have you tell anymen who are coming to Pittsburgh-throughany medium you may have at your disposal-that the Western Conference Club wishesto be of any service they can to these men,and we heartily indorse the invitation andundertaking and most earnestly urge yoursupport. Or, they will go further and say,if it will not inconvenience you any to sup­ply them with the names of the men comingto Pittsburgh, they will make an effort toget in touch with these men.This is in line with the policy of theClub, greeting the men upon their arrivala� the station. There is no obligation onhIS part. We know from experience thelonesomeness of a strange town and. newsurroundings and this is an effort to meetthe condition through help of the Club.. T.he Club since its start over a year ago,IS progressmg nicely, A daily noon lunchtable is established, general meetings areheld every Saturday, smokers, dances andpicnics occasionally. Prominent speakershave appeared before the Club. It is similarto Western Conference Clubs in Cleveland. Buffalo and other cities. It has served tostrengthen the individual Alumni Associa­tions locallv and provides a general hub forAlumni activities. Sincerely yoursReinh�rdt .Thiessen. '03, Ph.D. '07: Sec'v.University of 'Chicago Pittsburgh Club.Western Conference University ClubH. R. Brady, (Michigan), President:Ralph L. Brown, (Chicago, Ph.D. '18), Sec'yDr. Goodspeed at Minneapolis-St. PaulDr. and Mrs. Goodspeed have come andgone and we have to thank you for helpingus to arrange a very delightful evening.There were forty-six of us present at thealumni dinner which we held in the Minne­apolis Y. M. C. A. at six o'clock last evening,and three hundred or more attended thelecture at the Church of the Redeemer,where Dr. Marion D. Shutter is Pastor. Dr.Goodspeed gave us a very thrilling accountof University people and plans at our dinner,and the audience at his lecture was exceed­ingly attentive and entirely responsive to hismasterly treatment of his subject.Mr. C. N. Patterson and myself met Dr.and Mrs. Goodspeed at the train and tookthem to the hotel. They went to lunch withMr. and Mrs. Washington Gale. Mrs. Galebeing ;1l1 old-time friend of Mrs. Good­speed's. In the afternoon Mr. Loomis, ourSecretary from St. Paul, Mr. Patterson andI took them to the Church of the Redeemerand helped arrange the book display, andafter giving them about an hour and a halffor rest at the hotel, Mr. Loomis and I tookthem to the Y. M. C. A. for dinner; Mrs. Merriam and I took them to the churchand after the lecture was over and the booksre-packed, Mrs. Merriam and I took themagain to the hotel. In fact, Mrs. Goodspeedvery charmingly remarked that it almostseemed as if she owned my car-she hadridden' in it so much yesterday.Incidentally, the officers of the Twin CityAlumni Club .seized the occasion to shift thereins of government into new hands. Mr.Albert J. Johnson, J.D. '19, 410 AndrusBuilding, Minneapolis, was elected Presidentand Mrs. M. T. Siverling, nee Dorothy Au­gur, '22, was elected Secretary-Treasurer.Mrs. Siverling lives at 1822 LaSalle Avenue,Minneapolis. NoVice-President was elected,as it seems advisable for the new Presidentand Secretary to work out a better form ofassociation, with possibly a subsidiary set ofofficers in St. Paul, who will be responsiblefor gathering St. Paul people occasionally,so that instead of waiting for joint meetingsas we have been, there may be a chance formore frequent gatherings if each city is leftmore to its own devices. Undoubtedly, Mr.Johnson and Mrs. Siverling will keep youinformed of further developments.It seems almost impossible to keep an up­to-date address list even of our alumni in theTwin Cities and there are a great many ex­students who should rightfully be on ourlist and be included in our invitations if weonly knew where to find them. Last even­ing Mr. Lars Carlson, '23; Mr. L. B. Grey,'23; Mrs. J. E. Replinger, '17, and Mrs.Charles A. Hobbs (Barbara Mansfield thatwas) were among those who came to lightbut who were not on any address list in ourpossession. We hope that your list of ex­students will be available for our use in thenear future, but until that time we believeit would be postage well spent if secretaries. of alumni clubs were kept posted on indi­viduals as fast as they moved to the variouscities.Our publicity for Dr. Goodspeed's lecturecould have been better done, had it not beenfor the fact that Mr. Loomis in St. Paulwas snowed under by a great volume ofbusiness resulting from the absorption of alarge St. Paul bank" by the organization withwhich he works, early last week, and theunexpected appearance of several very im­portant. association matters which kept thewriter unusually busy during the same time.We had, however, some newspaper spaceduring the week and a good story with pic­tures in the Sunday editions in Minneapolis,and we sent notices to approximately a hun­dred and fifty Minneapolis Pastors in timefor insertion in the weekly church bulletinsand both pulpit and Bible class announce­ments. We also had notices read over thetwo principal radio broadcasting stations inthis city, and that these notices reached quitea few people was evidenced by the fact thatseveral reservations for the alumni dinnercame in yesterday morning.Yours sincerely, David S. Merriam, '13.334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAsheville, N. C., Club OrganizedJuly 7, 1924.Dear (Sirs:At the Asheville Normal School, on June27, a University of Chicago Club was organ­ized with seventeen of the Normal SchoolSu�mer faculty as its charter members.Mrs. Mary Cowper, ex, was elected presi­dent and Marion Van Campen, '12, secre­tary: A picnic was planned for J uly 2, a? itsinitial festivity. The fact that It ramedthroughout in no way dampened the ardorof those attending it-and many incidents inUniversity of Chicago life were laughedover as well as the more serious discussionsover' the strides Chicago has made, whichwere carried on.Those present at the picnic were: Dr.John E. Calfee, President of the NormalSchoo], and Mrs. Calfee, Dr. William A.Cook and Mrs. Cook, Dr. Frederick A. G.Cowper and Mrs. Cowper, Dr. Elizabeth S.Peck, Dr. Henry C. Davis, Miss Olive K.N orris, Miss Gertrude M. Edgar, Miss MaryLeeper, and Marion Van Campen.Future meetings are being planned towork out a stronger organization.Very sincerely,Marion Van Campen, '12,Secretary.Asheville, North Carolina.Alumni Council Fourth Quarterly MeetingThe fourth quarterly (annual) meeting ?fthe Alumni Council for 192'3-24 was held IIIthe Alumni Office July 9th. Present:Charles F. Axelson, chairman; A. G. Baker, Grace A. Coulter, Mrs. Dorothy D.' Cum­mings, R. ]. Daly, Mrs. Edith O. Eaton,Walter L Freyburger, Henry G. Gale, AliceGreenacre, Butler Laughlin, John A. Logan,Rollo L. Lyman, William H. Lyman,Charles F. McElroy, Frank McNair, HelenNorris, John N uveen, J r., Herbert E.Slaught, and A. G. Pierrot, secretary-treas­urer.After the financial statements and Asso­ciation and committee reports were pre­sented, reviewed and adopted, the annualCouncil elections were held, upon report ofthe Nominating Committee composed ofHenry G. Gale, Helen Norris, and RaymondJ. Daly. As reported by this committee, thefollowing were unanimously elected: AlumniCouncil Chairman, Earl D. Hostetter, '07,J.D. '09. Chairman of Standing Committees:Athletics, Robert M. Cole, '22'; Class Organ­izations, Eleanor Atkins, '20; Clubs, HenryD. Sulcer, '05; Finance, Herbert E. Slaught,Ph.D. '98; Funds, Frank McNair, '03; Pub­lications, William H. Lyman, '14. �orAlumni Fund Directors, Harold H. SWIft,'07, representing the Council; Shirley Farr,'04 representing the Subscribers.lIpon vote of the Council, a re-investmentof Alumni Fund bonds, at present all IIILiberty bonds, into bonds that are legalunder the trust fund laws of Illinois, wasrecommended to the Fund Directors at theirdiscretion. A sum of $1,200 from Fund in­come was voted for special Alumni Officepurposes to assist the University in the com­ing campaign for additional endowment.This meeting, in session .two hours, closedthe Council activities for the year.Class of '05 at ReunionThe class of '05 began special .organizat ion at the June Reunion in preparation fortheir 20th Anniversary Celebration next JuneATHLETICS 335Golf Team Big Ten ChampionshipCaptain "Solly" Miller and his Maroongolfers won the Western Conference golfchampionship, for team play, at the Briar­gate Country Club on June 18th. The Chi­cago team showed an equality of play thatthe other conference teams lacked, so thattheir play resulted in a better average andbrought back the team championship toChicago. The Midway players finished witha total of 663. Michigan took second with669, and Illinois, which was a strong favor­ite because of the clean sweep it had madein the dual matches this year, was third,with 675.In the team matches, scoring honors wentto Kenneth Hisert, '27, of the Maroons,Hisert's cards" showing 78-80--158, for thethirty-six holes. George Dawson, the youngIllinois giant, was second, with 161, hisafternoon round of 76 being the best of theday. This was five shots over par of the6,700 yard course, but an excellent perform­ance for the condition of the course due tothe backward season.Chicago practically clinched the title inthe morning rounds when the Maroons ledwith a total of 329, Michigan having 338,and Illinois 346. Illinois had low score of329 in the afternoon but was too far behindto retrieve its position, and so the team titlewas transferred from Urbana to Chicago.in the individual championships Michigan,Illinois and Chicago each placed three men.In the individual finals, Holdsworth of Mich­igan won the individual trophy, defeatingHumphreys of Illinois in 'a close and inter­esting match; In the Chicago electionswhich followed the meet, "Chuck" Windette,'25, was elected captain for next year. Theteam scores, for' the Big Ten team cham­pionship, were' as follows:CHICAGO WISCONSINBisert ;. - 158 "Dorsey 16'7Windette 167Miller 171Total 663MICHIGANQuirk 163Holdsworth 165Smith 169Broderick 172' "Total 669ILLINOISDawson 161Humphreys .. ; .. 167Rolfe 170Hunt 177Total 675 Spear 162Bock 166Porter . r •••••••• 172Stegemann 1'79Total 679'NORTHWESTERNHeppes 16.9,Skaer ' 171Larson ' 180,Alsterlund 188Total 708,IOWABarton .. ; 167Lehmkuhl ".. 172Behman ; .. 182Bergendorf 192Total 713 At the Olympic GamesIn the tryouts in the Middle-West and inthe finals at the Harvard Stadium, HarryFrieda, '25, placed in both the pentathlonand decathlon events for the AmericanOlympic Team. Firieda has been a very con­sistent Maroon performer in these track­and-field events during the last two years,establishing a conference record at a meetat Ohio State University this season. Heleft for Paris with the American track andfield Olympic Team late in June. DirectorA. A. Stagg also went with the OlympicTeam as one of the coaches. For some yearsefforts have been made to have Mr. Staggwith the American team at the games inEurope, various positions having been of­fered him. Mr. Stagg plans to return to theUniversity some time in August.Baseball Team to JapanDespite a most unsuccessful Big Ten sea­son, due primarily to a lack of effective andconsistent pitchers, the University of Chi­cago baseball team will leave in Septemberfor a trip to Japan, upon special invitation,to play a series of college games in theOrient. For this trip the Freshman playerswill be eligible, with the result that the teamthat goes to Japan will be considerablystronger than the team that played this sea­son, as a number of first class college base­ball players are on the Freshman squad.Coach Nelson H. ("Nels") Norgren, '14, whowill go with the team as Coach and FacultyRepresentative, plans to work out an effec­tive nine from the combination of the twosquads, together with h�rd practice duringthe summer months. The team, will returnin January. Chicago, teams have alwaysmade excellent records on their Fat-Easttrips and have been royally welcomed onevery visit. Heretofore the trips have beenmade every five years, but the plan now isto .have such trips made ever four years,thus giving every Chicago baseball playera chance to make the trip. The followingyear, as usual, there will be a "return en­gagement" in, America by" some representa­tive Japanese university team.Marc'on Alumni Defeat BadgersOn June 21, at the Wisconsin Alumni Re­union at Madison, a baseball team composedof U niversity of Chicago alumni defeated aWisconsin aluinni team in: an eleven inninggame, by a score of 11 to 9. The feature ofthe contest' was the base running of Herbert("Fritz") Crisler, '22, for Chicago.' For Wis­consin the 'batteries' were' Christian, Wileyand Barry; for Chicago, "Pat" Page, '10,pitched, and Fred Steinbrecher, '13, caught.(Continued on page 356)336 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEr"'·"Q·"","""·'·",·","··'··""'�'�:""��::::�UI"';::"lIIm".".""·"··"·""·�'"""··I;;,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIllIIlllllnulIIlIIlIlIlIlIHIIlI.'A Suggestion to Alumni Ex-SoldiersJersey City, N. J.,June 11, 1924.Dear Mr. Pierrot:Mr. S. H. McDitty of the class of 1902 ofPrinceton University makes a suggestion inthe Princeton Alumni Weekly ot June 4which I believe might work out well for theUniversity of Chicago. I am both a Prince­ton man and a Chicago man, having attendedPrinceton during Freshmen and Sophomoreyears and having graduated in Chicago. Inmany things, to my way of thinking, Chi­cago far excels Princeton; but for the per­fection of alumni organization and for thedegr-ee of alumni loyalty Princeton sets allof our western universities an example hardto equal.Here is McDitty's suggestion:"Since the passage of the bonus bill, it hasoccurred to me that a number of ex-servicePrinceton men would like to pool their pol­icies for the benefit of some lasting memo­rial in behalf of Princeton men who losttheir lives during the war. The purpose ofthis letter is to open a discussion throughyour columns as to the merit of the idea."Personally I am thoroughly opposed tothe bonus; but if by accepting my share 1could help my Alma Mater, I should cer­tainly do so. There are probably- more thanfive thousand alumni of Chicago, many ofwhom believe in the bonus and many of.whom do not, but all of whom would bewilling to contribute their share of the bonustoward some suitable memorial to the greatbody of University of Chicago men whogave their best and all for their country inthe World War.Sincerely yours,J. Albert Dear, Jr., '20.Honors to Robert L. Henry, Jr., '02, J.D. '05June 7, 1924.Dr. Ernest D. Burton.The University of Chicago.My dear Dr. Burton:I know it will be of interest to you, andin fact to everyone connected with the U ni­versity to learn of the recent success of mybrother, Robert L. Henry, Jr., who wasgraduated from Chicago in 1902, and alsosecured a law degree from the University in1905. On July 5th, 1924, he is to be giventhe honorary degree of D. C. L. by OxfordUniversity, England, in recognition of thequality of his new book, which I believe isentitled "The History of International Law."If I understand correctly the significance ofthis recognition it must mean that the Ox- ford authorities believe this book will have afar-reaching effect.You may recall that my brother was thefirst Rhodes Scholar from Illinois, and dur­ing his sojourn at Oxford secured a lawdegree there and has been lecturing at theUniversity for the past two years, which ex­plains why he submitted his manuscript tothe Oxford Committee. His book is now inthe hands of a London publisher.If my information is correct this degreeof D.C.L. is rarely given, and is one ofespecial honor, having been given to veryfew Americans, among whom were Taft andRoosevelt.The presentation of course will take placeat Oxford.Very respectfully yours,Winston P. Henry, '10.Tulsa, Oklahoma.Congratulations to Mr. RockefellerJuly 11, 1924.Alumni Secretary,The University of Chicago.Dear Fellow Alumnus:On the Sth, I sent Mr. John D. Rockefellera telegram as follows:"Best Wishes on your birthday."Today, I received the following in return:"Tarrytown NY JuliO 1924 3pAlbert J. JohnsonPres Twin City Alumni Club of University ofChicago.Minneapolis Minn (912 Andrus Bldg)Thank you for your kind message of con­gratulations on the occasion of my birthday Isend kindest regards and every best wish foryou and each member of the Twin City AlumniClubJohn D Rockefeller"We are happy to receive his greetings and Ithought I would let you know about them.With kindest regards to you and all alumni,I am Sincerely yours,Albert }. Johnson, '19.Old University Anecdotes'Dear Mr. Pierrot:Here are two anecdotes that may be worthpreserving. It was my privilege, when astudent, to have for roommates two menwho later distinguished themselves. Onewas the late Dr. Henderson and the otherwas the late George C. Ingham.When Dr. Henderson of '70 was a Junior,Prof. Stearns. gave out an English exerciseto be translated into Latin. The exercisewas itself a translation from a rare Latinauthor, whose name was not made knownto the class. There was a very brilliant fel-THE LETTER BOXlow in the class, who is long since dead. Hesuspected that the exercise was a translationand set himself about finding out the orig­inal. He succeeded and took the class intohis confidence. Prof. Stearns was greatlysurprised to receive from every member ofthe class an absolutely perfect translation.Henderson entered into the fun, with theunderstanding that he was to have the priv­ilege of handing in his own translation aswell as the copy. Prof. Stearns accepted theresult of his effort as a bit of college fun.The next week he gave out another exercise,a translation from a still more rare author.If my memory is not at fault, that time hetold the class that the trick could not beplayed that time. The same man securedthat author and again the class put in fault­less translations. Henderson again did hiswork, but put the correct translation withthe others. He inherited a love for a littlefun from his father. He cared too muchfor the development he was getting out ofhis university work, to neglect to do hisbest in making his own translation.Here is the other: It was the custom, inthe old University days, to have a jointimpromptu debate with the NorthwesternUniversity at Evanston. It was managed onthis wise: Two men were selected by theUniversity to represent our institution andtwo by Evanston. I think the men wereselected by the student body. The meetingswere held alternately in Chicago and Evans­ton. A gentleman was selected to preside.He selected someone, known only to him­self, to select a subject for debate. On theappointed evening, when the debate wasready to begin, the president prepared twoballots, one bearing the word "Affirmative"and the other "Negative." One man fromeach institution drew a ballot and that de­termined which institution took the affirma­tive and which the negative. Which manhad the first place on the affirmative andwhich had the second was likewise decidedby ballot. The same practice decided firstand second places on the negative. Thenthe gentleman who had prepared the ques­tion was asked to announce it. Then theman who was first on the affirmative walkedup on the platform and began. .It happened, on the evening that I amwriting about, that Ingham had the secondplace on the University side. The man whohad the first place broke down at the endof a few sentences and sat down. The spiritsof the University men went down to aboutzero. When Ingham came on the platformhe turned to the presiding officer and askedif he could have the time his colleage hadnot used. It was given. He started forwardto the very edge of the platform and as hewent he caught first one sleeve and thenthe other and pulled each up a little.He took the whole burden of the debatefor his side and carried off the laurels thatnight. 337In after life he was probably the ablestman of his age at the Chicago bar. He wasthe leading counsel for the State in the fa­mous Anarchist Case of 1882'. Later he ledin the celebrated Cronin, or Clan-Na-GaelCase, both of them for murder. He led forthe State in the Councilman Case, whichattracted nation-wide attention, for the vio­lation of the Inter-State Commerce Act, bya leading grain speculator.Frank H. Levering, '72.Leffrick, Kotagiri,India.Concerning Opportunities in ChinaThe International Hospital,Chung King, Szechuan, China.Dear Mr. Pierrot:The enclosed write-up may be of interestto the readers of the University of ChicagoMagazine, as some of them might care togo out to China on such a proposition or tofollow its progress.I am an alumnus of Chicago, and gradu­acted from Rush Medical College June, lU23.If any of the alumni wish to correspond withme concerning the project I will be glad tohear from them.With best regards, I amYours very truly,J. L. McCartney, '22."Did you ever think of the Orient, andChina in particular as a place where thereis plenty of room for professional advance­merit? Or have you always thought ofthose Far Eastern countries only as a fieldfor missionary evangelistic enterprises?You likely have thought of China as beingthe end of the Earth, and a 'heathen,' dan­gerous lot of people. They are not danger­ous, even though the papers may say soand China is really not very far away, fo;ac.cording to a commercial flyer the tripwill soon be made from New York to Chinain less than four days. But that is besidethe question. China needs medical men."Several very interesting American medi­cal projects are already in progress through­out China, such as the Rockefeller Founda­tion's Pekin Union Medical College, theYale-in-China, the Syracuse Unit, and theInternational Hospital and Clinic in Chung­king. The last named institution is beingpatterned after the Mayo Clinic of thiscountry, and as yet is a private enterprise,although it is hoped that it will soon beendowed."The International Hospital was builtfour years ago (1920) and has been underthe charge of Dr. J. H. McCartney, whograduated from Western Reserve MedicalSchool in 189'(), and has been practicingmedicine for over thirty years. It is plan­ned to reorganize into a combine, as offeredby the above physician, and to take over(Continued on page 360)338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHenry J. Smith, '98, Appointed in Chargeof University Public RelationsThe appointment of Henry J. Smith, newseditor of the Chicago Daily News, as Assist­ant to the President in charge of publicrelations, was announced recently by Presi­den t Burton.In announcing Mr. Smith's appointmentPresident Burton stated that the tremendousgrowth of the University, the branching outof its educational and research activities, sothat they affect vitally every. phase of dailylife, both social and economic, and increasedpopular interest in the University have madeit not only desirable but .actually a respon­sibility of the U niversity. to inform the pub­lic and its alumni of 'its work and .services.Mr. 'Smith is a graduate of the University,class of 1898, and a .member of. the BetaTheta Pi .fraternity. His entire newspapercareer of twenty-five years has been withthe Chicago Daily News. Mr. Smith has at­tained distinction also as an author of fourbooks, the latest of which is "J osslyn,"which was published this spring and hasbeen most favorably received. Mr. Smithassumed his new position on July 1.Translators of the Old Testament to BePublished by University PressIn co-operation with Professor J. M.Powis Smith, of the University of Chicago,who is the editor in charge of the Americantranslation of the Old Testament to bepublished by the University Press, will bethree other widely known scholars-Pro­fessor Alexander R. Gordon, of McGillUniversity, Montreal, Canada, ProfessorTheophile J. Meek, of the University ofToronto, and Professor Leroy Waterman,of the University of Michigan.Professor Smith was formerly associatedwith President William Rainey Harper inthe preparation of the latter's great com­mentary on Amos and Hosea in the "Inter­national Critical Series" and later contrib­uted four commentaries of his own to thesame series. For ten years he has beeneditor of the American Journal of SemiticLanquaqes and Literatures.Professor Gordon, of McGill University,is well known to Bible students through hisTraditions of Genesis, his Poets of the OldTestament, and his Prophets of the Old Testa­ment, in which he has published a large num­ber of new translations that demonstrate hisability and fitness for the present undertak­ing.Professor Meek, of the University of To­ronto, is one of the younger scholars of America, who has published several articlesin the American Journal of Semitic Lan­gur;ges and Literatures which show him tobe a scholar of outstanding ability and ofgreat promise. The same thing may be saidof Professor Waterman, of the University ofMichigan, who is about to print a translationof the Assyrian letters so excellently pub­lished by the late Robert Francis Harper,of the University of Chicago.University Preachers for the SummerQuarterOfficial announcement is made of theUniversity Preachers for the Summer Quar­ter beginning June 16.On June 22 Professor Theodore G. Soares,Head of the Department of Practical The­ology, was the preacher, and on June 29,Dr. Ivan Lee Holt, of St. John's MethodistChurch, S1. Louis, Missouri.Dr. Herbert Lockwood Willett, of theDepartment of Semitics, University of Chi­cago, preached on July 6; Dean ShailerMathews, of the Divinity School, July .13;President Allan Hoben, of Kalamazoo Col­lege, Michigan, will preach July 20; and Rev.Miles C. Krumbine, of the First LutheranChurch, Dayton, Ohio, July 27.In August the University preachers willbe Rev. J. L. Craig, of Queen's Park Church,Glasgow, Scotland, and Dr. A. W. Fortune,of the Central Christian Church, Lexington,Kentucky. Convocation Sunday will occuron August 24.Municipal Service Survey in ChicagoThe best managed industries have devel­oped in the last ten or fifteen years well­thought-out plans for stimulating the in­terest and co-operation of their employees.Along with this has grown a feeling that thehuman element in industry is of first im­portance and that it is desirable to do every­thing possible to provide conditions whichwill lead to general satisfaction on the partof employees and to the greatest opportunityfor them.Government, which is the largest singleemployer, has been slow to realize this newattitude. A notable example of progress,however, is to be found in recent efforts tohumanize the service in the postoffice. Withthe support of Mayor William E. Dever,of Chicago, a study is now under way underthe general direction of Associate ProfessorLeonard D. White, of the Political ScienceDepartment at the University, to determinehow far and along what lines the conditionsof work in the broad sense of the 'wordUNIVERSITY NOTES-MR. HECKMAN RETIREScan be made more attractive to the perma­nent city employee. Such conditions it isbelieved will tend to create interest in thework, stimulate loyalty, and lead to import­ant constructive suggestions from the rankand file.The investigation, contrary to most effi­ciency investigations, starts from the pointof view of the employee .and will proceedwith close co-operation of employees at thevarious stages of study.Seven Hundred Courses and Three HundredMembers of Faculty for SummerQuarterOn June 16 the Summer Quarter of theUniversity, with more than seven hundredcourses offered in Arts, Literature, Science,Divinity, Law, Medicine, Education, Com­merce and Administration, and Social Serv­ice Administration. The Summer QuarterFaculty, of more than three hundred mem­bers, will have representatives from over onehundred other institutions, including Har­vard, Yale, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Penn­sylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,Minnesota, Texas, Leland Stanford, andOxford.The First Term ends July 23, and theSecond Term August 29, and students mayenter for either term or for both.There has been a remarkable increase inthe attendance of graduate students duringthe summer, the attendance in the last Sum­mer Quarter in the' Graduate Schools ofArts, Literature, and Science being morethan twice that of a decade ago. The totalattendance for the last Summer Quarter was6,375.The University of Chicago MottoIn his final chapel address to the SeniorClass, President Burton discussed the sig­nificance of the University motto, CrescaiScientia, Vita Excolciur, "May knowledgeincrease, may life be enriched." Of the con­nection between increase of knowledge andthe enrichment of life he said:"Whatever the thought of the scholarwho co.ued the motto may have been, thefact is that on the one hand these two thingsare not independent, and on the other thatenrichment of life does not necessarily fol­low from increase of knowledge."In a nation, in a community, in an indi­vidual, there may be any measure of acute­ness of intellect and store of knowledge, andlife be not enriched but impoverished anddegraded. Without knowledge life can neverbe in the broadest and highest sense en­riched, but with it may still fall so far shortof enrichment as to be in the very depthsof poverty and degradation. I am sayingthis in the recognition of recent history ona world scale, and with a still keener senseof recent events affecting our own Univer­sity community." 339Wallace HeckmanMr. Wallace Heckman RetiresAs announced by the Magazine earlier inthe year, Mr. Wallace Heckman, for twen­ty-one years Counsel and Business Managerof the University, retires this year. His re­tirement went into effect on July 1st, whichdate terminated a long period of exceptionalservice to the University.Mr. Heckman was born in MorganCounty, Ohio, in 1851. He attended Hills­dale College, Michigan, from which collegehe was graduated, M.S., in 1874. The fol­lowing year he entered the practice of lawin Chicago, and for many years was seniormember of the well-known Chicago lawfirm of Heckman, Elsden & Shaw. As alawyer he became prominent in a numberof widely noted cases, and his services havebeen often enlisted in the arbitration of la­bor controversies, in municipal and, espe­cially,. traction affairs. He was appointedBusiness Manager of the University of Chi­cago in February, 1903, which position, in. addition to that of Counsel, he has mostsuccessfully occupied ever since. A bio­graphical sketch of Mr. Heckman appearedin the July, 1920, number of the Magazine.Mr. Heckman has been an active figurein many civic matters of importance, andserved as a trustee of Hillsdale College,' hisalma mater, and of Frances Shimer Acad­emy. At the June Reunion. on the occasionof his retirement, the executive officers ofthe University, including a large number ofalumni, tendered a farewell banquet in hishonor at the Quadrangle Club, at whichrecognition of his high service to the Uni­versity and to the city was expressed. Mr.Heckman plans to devote much of his time040 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto his large farm located at Oregon, Illinois,and other interests.With his retirement the duties of BusinessManager will be taken over by Mr. TrevorArnett, '98, recently elected Vice-Presidentof the University, as announced in the Mag­azine and the public press.Harris Foundation LecturesAs part of the first work of the HarrisMemorial Foundation at the University,which has been established to promote a bet­ter understanding of international relations,the following lectures were given in June:On June 24, "Present Conditions in Ger­many and Central Europe," by HerbertKraus, professor of Constitutional Law inthe University of Konigsberg; June 25, "Re­actions of the Near East upon Europe," bySir Valentine Chirol, formerly of the BritishForeign Office; June 26, "InternationalProblems of France, Belgium, and WesternEurope," by Charles de Visscher, professorof International Law in the University ofGhent.Professor Kraus lectured also on June 27and Sir Valentine Chirol on June 30 on thesame subjects.Chemistry and Re'cent Progress in MedicineProfessor Julius Stieglitz, Chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry, recently gave atJohns Hopkins University a series of lec­tures on the Charles E. Dohme MemorialFoundation, his general subject being"Chemistry and Recent Progress in Medi­cine." The lectureship was founded by Mrs.Dohme in memory of .her husband, a promi­nent manufacturer of pharmaceuticals inBaltimore. The first lecturer on the Founda­tion was the late Dr. H. G. Hamburger,professor of Physiology in the University ofGroningen, Holland. The purpose of thelectureship is to promote the advancementand spread of science, and in particular theservice of science to the cause of medicine.Professor Stieglitz, who was recentlyawarded the Willard Gibbs Medal for im­portant researches in chemistry, has beenpresident of the American Chemical Societyand is regarded as one of the leading chem­ists in the country.Rabbi of Sinai Congregation AppointedProfessorial LecturerThe appointment of Dr. Louis L. Mann,rabbi of the Sinai Congregation, Chicago,as Professorial Lecturer in the Departmentof Oriental Languages and Literatures, todate from July 1, 1924, has recently beenmade by the Board of Trustees of the Uni­versity. 'Dr. Mann's predecessor, Dr. EmilG. Hirsch, was for thirty years an honoredmember of the University of Chicago Fac­ulty in the Department of Semitic Lan­guages.Dr. Mann was for several years a lectureron Jewish ethics at Yale University, wherehe received his Doctor's degree in Semi tics. +1I�U"_nlt_nll_""_'UI_"W_""_Rn_nn�"n_'"_RR_HII_n+I FOOTBALL TICKETS II I+.I_IIII_""_"II.;....IIII_IIII_n .. _.II_II"_.,I_.II_UU_III1_UIl_II ...The pian for the distribution of footballtickets for the coming 1924 season will fol­low substantially the plan of last year. Re­ports received by the special Alumni Sug­gestions Committee, appointed last fall byMr. Wallace Heckman, counsel and busi­ness manager of the University, with Mr.Wifliam Scott Bond, Jr., '97, as chairman,indicate that the method of distribution inoperation last year was generally satisfac­tory.The Season Coupon Book, which assignedthe same seat to the holder for the entireseason, will be continued. Special prefer­ence, as formerly, will be given to applica­tions from "C" men up to the extent oftwo seats.Season orders will be limited, as previ­ously, to four tickets per application, firstconsideration in the assignment being givento one and two-seat orders. Non-season or­ders will be limited to four tickets for allgames, except Illinois and Wisconsin games,lor which the limit will be two tickets.Application forms together with completeinformation regarding the distribution planwill be mailed September 1st. Any changesof address since last season should be sentat once to the Football Tickets Committee.5625 Ellis Avenue. It is requested that allorders be withheld until the receipt of theapplication forms mailed on September Ist.The time when an application is filed, pro­vided it is filed before the closing date an­nounced on the forms for each game, hasno bearing whatever on the assignment ofseats; a!I assignments are made entirelyby lot within each classification.The ScheduleThe schedule this year presents an unusualprogram of interesting contests. It includestwo important inter-sectional games-Mis­souri, representing the Missouri Valley Con­ference" and Brown, which has defeatedHarvard for the past two years, representingthe East. The out-of-town game tYiis yearis with Ohio State at Columbus. Specialtrains will be engaged and reduced rateswill be in effect.Schedule:October 4 , MissouriOctober 11 ' BrownOctober 18 IndianaOctober 25- .. - Ohio State at ColumbusNovember 1 'PurdueN ovem ber 8 IllinoisNovember 15 NorthwesternN ovem ber 22 WisconsinAlumni are again urged not to circum­vent the priority plan by permitting them­selves to be mere agents in applying fortickets for those not entitled to alumni pri-(Continued on page 356)DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION+"_III1_Rtl_III1_IU[_"n_nH_'III_nn_1ill_llII_nn_IIII_IIlI_nll_I_IIH-'"I-IIII-011-11II_lIn_IIII_IIII_UII_HII_IIII_IUI_III1_IIII_'.IK_taII Twentieth Annual Meeting iCIt Association of Doctors of Philosophy i+- .. "-""-"II-IIII- .. II-IIII-IIII-NII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-1111_NII_I_III1_IIII_IIII_IIII_IiIl_IIII_IIII_IIII_HII_IIII_IUI_IIII_HIt-IIII-II�The twentieth annual meeting of the As­sociation of Doctors of Philosophy of TheUniversity of Chicago was held at theOuadrangle Club on Monday, June 9, 1924,i�mediately following the Annual Compli­mentary luncheon tendered by the Univer­. sity to the Doctors. There were 164 memberspresent in the various groups, including thenew candidates and the new honorary mem­bers.Of the twenty-six members celebratingthe twenty-fifth anniversary of their doctor­ate only two were present, namely, D. P.M�cMil1an and Dean H. G. Gale.Five members died during the past yearas follows:Delonzo Tate Wilson, '05, October 5, 1923,at Cleveland, Ohio. Associate Professor. ofMathematics, Case' School of Applied Sci­ence.Frederick O. Norton, '06, February 29,1\)24, at Chester, Pennsylvania; Dean ofLiberal Arts, Drake University, more re­cently at Crozer Theological Scninary.Arthur D. Pitcher, '10, October 5, 1923,at Cleveland, Ohio, Professor of Mathe­matics, Adelbert College, Western ReserveUniversity.Harry Hanes Wylie, '18, June 10, 1023,at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Professorof Education, Geneva College, Beaver Col-lege, Pa... Robert E. Wilson, '23, December 20, 1923at Evanston, Illinois. Professor of Mathe­matics, Northwestern University, and justappointed Dean of Man.The total number of doctors is now 1,634of whom 61 are deceased. The total num­ber added during the year 1923-24 is 124of whom 44 are candidates at this JuneConvocation. The number of doctorates inthe Sciences leads those in Arts in aboutthe ratio 77 to 62. The number of womendoctors is now about one in seven of thetotal number, but is one in four of thosereceiving the degree at this convocation.There are at present 120 of our doctors whoare members of the University of ChicagoFaculty.The chief guest of honor was ProfessorJohn M. Coulter, Head of the _Departmentof Botany for the past 28 years. He de­livered a stirring and timely address on"The significance of the Chicago Doctorate,"an outline of which is printed in the Julynumber of the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGA­ZINE.At the annual business meeting, important:fmendments to the Constitution were voted as follows: (In each article the completeamended form irs given)Article IV. Membership and DuesSection 1. De facto 111. etnbership, Any per­son who has been awarded the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy by the University ofChicago thereby becomes a de facto memberof the Association of Doctors of Philosophyand is entitled to receive general notices ofthe Association and such official documentsas the University may from time to timesend to this special group of its alumni.Section 2. Contributing Membership. A defacto member of the Association who paysthe annual dues of two dollars thereby be­comes a contributing member and is entitledto receive, in addition to the above, theofficial publication of the Alumni Council,and all special announcements of the Asso­ciation such as committee reports, publishedaddresses, etc.Section 3. Life M embership, A memberwho pays at one time, or in five equal an­nual instalments, the sum of fifty dollarsthereby becomes a life member and is en­titled to all the privileges of a contributingmember for life without the .payrnent of anyfurther dues.Section 4. Sustai1lillg.1lI embership, A mem­ber who pays at one time, or in five 'equalannual instalments, one hundred dollars (orover) thereby becomes a sustaining memberand a direct contributor, on behalf of theAssociation, to the University of ChicagoAlumni Fund.Sectior. 5. Endowment Membership. Amember who pays at one time, or in fiveequal annual installments, one thousand dol-.lars (or over) thereby becomes an endow­ment member and a direct contributor, onbehalf of the Association, to the Universityof Chicago Alumni Fund.Section 6. H onorary Membership. Anypast or present member of the University ofChicago faculty (not one of its doctors) whohas at any time supervised a Chicago Ph.D.thesis is thereby entitled to become an hon­orarv rr ernber of the Association of Doctorsof Philosophy. Honorary members shaltbe entitled to all the privileges of other mem­bers of the association except voting. Theyshall not be obliged to pay any dues, butthey-shall have the privilege of contributing,011 behalf of the association, to the Univer­sity of Chicago Alumni Fund in anyoneof the foregoing classes.Section 7. All dues shall be paid directlyto the Alumni Council, the expenses ·of theassociation being met by a budget appropri­ation from the council from year to year.342 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEArticle V. Sections of the AssociationSection 1. The members of the associa­tion belonging to anyone department or toany group of related departments may or­ganize a section of the association to beknown as "The ---- Section of the as­sociation of Doctors of Philosophy of theUniversity of Chicago."Section 2. The members of a section shallbe quite free to adopt such a constitutionas they may desire, provided its spirit shallnot: be in conflict with that of the associationas a whole. The purposes of a section maywell include the following: (1) to promotemore effectively the professional interests ofits members, (2) to keep them informedfrom time to time of the progress of theirdepartment or group of departments at theUniversity, (3) to keep its members informedof the activities of their fellow members, and(4) to promote the interests of the U niver­sity and the Chicago esprit de corps.Article VI. Election of OfficersSection 1. Nominating Committee. Atleast one week previous to the annual meet­ing of the association, the executive commit­tee shall appoint a nominating committeewhose duty it shall be to select one candi­date for each office to be filled and to re­port this slate at the annual meeting.Section '2. Election of Officers. At theannual meeting opportunity shall be givenfor nominations from the floor in additionto those proposed by the nominating. com­mittee. The election shall be by ballotin case more than one candidate is pro­posed for any office, otherwise the electionshall be by instruction of the secretary tocast the ballot.(The article on "AUditing Committee" isto be omitted since all funds are nowhandled through the Alumni Council.)In accordance with Article V, one sectionhas already been organized, namely, in thedepartment of Psycnology which holds ameeting annually in connection with' themeeting of the American Psychological As­sociation.In accordance with Article IV, it is to benoted that the total number of de factomembers is 1,634; of contributing members185; of life members 87; of sustaining mem­bers 4; and of endowment members none asyet. The percentage of doctors who arelife members, is 5.4% which Ts greater thanthe proportion throughout the alumni bodyas a whole, namely 5.1 %.On motion of the secretary, it was votedto admit into honorary membership all thosewho .are eligible according to the terms ofArticle IV, Section 6,The election of officers under the termsof the revised by-laws resulted as follows:For President, Dr. Mayme 1.' Logsdon. '21.For Vice-President, Dr. Clarence EdwardParmenter, '21. For Secretary, Dr. Herbert E. Slaught,'98.For additional members of the ExecutiveCommittee: Evelyn May Albright, '15, RollaM. Tryon, '15.The officers represent the association asdelegates to the Alumni Council.Significance of the Chicago Doctorate(Resume of talk at Doctors Luncheon, June9, 1924, by Professor John M. Coulter).This University, in its development uponthe present campus, emphasized the grad­uate school. President Harper repeatedlystressed this, saying that undergraduate op­portunities were abundant in the middlewest, especially in connection with the stateuniversities. For this reason, the presentUniversity of Chicago was planned to meetthe greatest need, that of graduate instruc­tion, other work and especially undergrad­uate work being subsidiary. We all realizethat the "other work" has swollen enor­mously, too often at the expense of grad­uate work:The "significance" of anything is indi­cated by its product. Two illustrations maybe given to show the significance of theChicago doctorate by means of its product.The two departments used are merely illus­trative of what most of the departmentsshow. They are used simply because thedata happened to be available to the speaker.The doctors in Botany now number nearly150. Out of this number, 6 are chancellorsor deans, 15 are department heads, 96 areprofessors, 15 are investigators, and thefew remaining ones are in responsible schoolpositions.The doctors in Mathematics. according todata compiled in 1920, were 95 in number.Out of this number, 20 were departmentheads, 58 were professors, and 12 were in­structors. It is important to note also, thatthe 40 full professors in this group were in35 different institutions. (The total numberof doctors in Mathematics is now 117, withcorresponding increase in the various classi­fica tions given above.)Another perspective of the doctorate maybe obtained from the following situation:While lecturing recently in the NationalSoutheastern University at Nanking, China,the speaker discovered that in the agricul­tural college of that university, there are 31heads of departments (all Chinese). andthat of these, 26 were doctors trained inforeign countries, 22 of them trained. in theUnited States. Furthermore, this group oftrained scientific men were engaged verysuccessfullv in develo oing the natural re­sources of Central China, a veritable un­worked mine of resources.All of this means that through our doc­torate work we have not only been extend­ing knowledge and multiplying investigationin our own country, but also in other COW1"SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CHICAGO DOCTORATEtries, notably in the development of theOrient. J Ii :lhlWhile this University, with its strongstart in graduate work, was in a certainsense a pioneer, since that start certain otheruniversities have been coming along veryrapidly. A recent survey has shown thatthese other universities are developing ingraduate equipment much more rapidly thanna s tins Unrver sity. In fact, we have notkept pace in space and equipment for grad­uate work. Not only have other univer­sities been "coming along," but problemshave been "coming along" that call for ad­ditional space and equipment. Every ad­vance into new territory extends the hor­izon. Space and equipment once sufficientare so no longer. We are not keeping pace,either with certain universities, or with themultiplying problems. This fD:eans that. weare living on our past reputation, sustainedby the loyalty of our doctors, rather thanupon an adequate equipment for. the presentneed. This cannot last indefinitely, and adimmisluug mo.i.eritum wu l mev irao ly readto ultimate stagnation. Instead of beinga main stream, we are in danger of becom­ing an eddy.The great need now is to increase ourpace, in an expansion in building and equip­ment for we are badly overcrowded, andwith�ut equipment for the multiplying callsfor research.. I wish to use a figure from my own sub­ject to illustrate the situation. Graduatesfrom high schools may be regarded as seed­lings, having burst through the seed coat,and in a condition to develop further. Un­dergraduates mav be regarded as foliage­bearing plants, t-he next stage in advance,but still a preparation stage. The graduategroup represents the stage of flower andtruit. It IS trus last stage tnat secures prop­agation into the future, providing for theseasons that are to come; not only prop­agation, but also multiplication. Emphasison the second stage, that of foliage-bearing,and not on the third stage, secures resultsfor a season only, and does not insure prop-agation into the future. .Our doctors stand for two things conspic­uously: (1) The development of their sub­jects, carrying forward the exploration ofthe unknown, and really advancing what wecall civilization; and (2) our missionaryarmy for the University, and it is their loy­alty that has filled us with graduate stud­ents.I t is a most critical time. Weare facingthe vision of a wonderful expansion of theUniversity, for which we must thank ourpresident, who is a man of vision, concernedmore with growing into the future than inmerely conserving the past. For the grad­uate school, however, it is a question of im­mediate expansion, rather than merely arecognized need that is continually pushedinto the future. In other words, for us 343the vision must become a reality promptly.This means that the graduate school, withits splendid army of loyal alumni, mustwake up and get into the program for im­mediate and large development. You shouldorganize what might be called, in politicalterminology, a graduate school "bloc." Weare naturally centripetal in our varied inter­ests, and this is apt to dissociate us fromgeneral movements. Let us become centrif­ugal, and influence our environment enoughto get results.Summer Quarter AttendanceOfficial announcement is made at the Uni­versity of the Summer Quarter attendanceup to June 27. The most striking featureof the statement is the fact that over halfthe numbers enrolled are graduate students.In the Graduate School of Arts and Lit­erature there are 847 men and 814 women,a total of 1,661; and in the Ogden GraduateSchool of Science, 539 men and 248 women,a total of 787, making a total in the Grad­uate Schools of 2,448.In the Senior Colleges there are 505 stu­dents registered, and in the Junior Colleges(including the unclassified), 568, a total of1,073. .In the Professional Schools there are en­rolled 250 Divinity students, 146 in the Med­ical Courses, 185 Law students, 1,047 inEducation, 198 in Commerce and Adminis­tration, and 34 in Social Service Adminis­tration, a total of 1,860.The total for the University, exclusive ofduplications, is 2,541 men and 2,666 women,a grand total of 5,207, of which number 2,-853 are graduate students and 2,354 under­graduate.Summer Announcements from UniversityPressAmong the new volumes announced forpublication during the summer by the Univer­sity of Chicago Press are: Origins of Sociol­ogy, by Albion Woodbury Small; SpanishGrail Fragments, Vol. I, by Karl Pietsch;Chamberlain's Japanese Grammar, by JamesGarfield McIlroy; Principles of Preaching, byOzora S. Davis, and Annals of Sennacherib("Oriental Institute Publications"), by DanielD. Luckenbill.New impressions include those of L'I talia("University of Chicago Italian Series"), byErnest Hatch Wilkins; Individuality in Organ­isms ("University of Chicago Science Series"),by Charles M. Child; The Life of Paul("Handbooks of Ethics and Religion"), byBenjamin W. Robinson; and The New Testa­ment: An American Translation, by Edgar J.Goodspeed.:144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEII Law SchoolLaw Alumni to Meet in ParisFor the benefit -of those who go to theLondon meeting, and of those alreadyabroad, George M. Morris, J.D. '15, hascalled a reunion meeting for Monday, Aug­ust 11th, at Paris, at the office of Hon. Ste­phen Osusky, '14, J.D. '16, now representingCheckoslovakia on the Reparations Commis­sion. His office is at the Legation de laRepublique Tchecoslovaque, Paris.The following exchange of letters betweenOsusky and Morris will be of interest. .Paris, May 6, 1924.Mr. George M. Morris,717 Union Trust Bldg.,Washington, D. C.Dear George:Many thanks for your letter of March 21.Although, according to my plans, I was tobe absent from Paris in the month of Aug­ust, should you be able to call a meeting ofour class, and to come to Paris for August11th, I will return to Paris for that date.It would give me a real pleasure to see youagain and to spend a few days with you inParis.Sincerely yours,Stephen Osusky.May 21, 1924.Hon. Stephen Osusky,Legation de La Republique,Tchecoslovaque A Paris,15 Avenue Charles Floquet,Paris.Dear "Steve":Your letter of May 6th stating your will­ingness to return to Paris for a meeting ofthe Law School Class of 1915 even thoughyou are out of the city, is certainly one ofthe most courteous evidences of loyalty tothe class that I have yet encountered. Iam writing now to our other classmate res­ident in Europe, Mrs. Florian Znaniecki,nee Eileen Markley, who is with her hus­band at the University of Posen. As soon asI hear from her I will advise you more defi­nitely the date set and will endeavor to pickup any other 1915 men who are going toLondon with the American Bar Associationon July 12th. I will advise you sufficientlyin advance of the exact day of our gettogether so as to inconvenience you as littleas possible.I appreciate very much your saying itwill be a real pleasure for you to see meagain.Sincerely Yours,George. Trustees Extend Thanks for MechemPortraitJune 20, 1924.Mr. Henry F. Tenney,President, Law School AlumniAssociation,Dear Mr. Tenney:At the recent meeting of the Board ofTrustees, President Burton reported thegift of the Law School Alumni of theportrait of Mr. Mechem.The Trustees voted unanimously to ac­cept the gift and the Secretary was instructedto can vey to tile Aru.unr tue hearty thanksfor this new evidence of the interest ofthe association in the University and in themembers of the Law School Faculty.The Secretary took the occasion at adinner of the Trustees on June 12, 1924,to remove the covering from the portrait,and thus to permit the members presentto see the work Mr. Seyffert has done inproducing this painting.Please accept the thanks of the Trustees,which message I trust will be communicatedto all the members of the association.Will you be kind enough to extend toMr. C. F. McElroy and Mr. R. E. Schreiberthe thanks of the 1 rustees for their erricien �part in this enterprise.Yours very truly,J. S. Dickerson,Secretary.A Generous Bequest RecordedUniversity of ChicagoLaw School,June 17, 1924.Professor Nathaniel Butler,Assistant to the President.Dear Mr. Butler:At the request of Mr. Goodspeed I amwriting you the following account' of theincident referred to in a recent letter writ­ten by President Swift of the Board ofTrustees to Mr. Goodspeed.Hans Heyder, a graduate of the Univer­sity of Berlin, 1906, and a practicing Germanlawyer, entered the University of ChicagoLaw School in the Autumn, 1912, with theintention of obtaining our law degree as thebest means of familiarizing himself withAmerican methods of legal education andthe system of the common law. He remainedin the School two years, until the outbreakof the Great War, when he made his wayback to Germany through Norway and vol­unteered as a private soldier, his small stat­ure and rather frail physique having ex­empted him from compulsory military(Continued on page 352)SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 345,tU-HH-".-HtI�HM-II"-IIU-IIM-Hn-U.-DII-'IN-'I'-".-Nn-I-'11'-I'.-IIII-OII-UII_II._IIO_IIH_"O_IIII_"O_II .. _II._UO_II .. -+1 iI School of Education It Providing for Superior Pupils in High Schools Ii William Claude Reavis I+_"II_III'_I'III_IIII_tlll_IIII_llh_"" __ II_tl"_1I8_HII_IIU_II .. _ .. U-I-Ull- .... -.,I_ .. II_llll_UN_ .... _.n_IIII_HII_NQ_II ....... _AII_II'I"The demand within recent years forgreater economy in the process of educa­tion is resulting in many changes in thetheory and practice of administration espe­cially in secondary schools. Among thechanges which are being made none is moredeserving of comment than the abandon­ment, at least in theory, of the commonpractice of organizing the school to meetthe needs of the "so-called" average child,and the acceptance of a new theory ofpupil administration based on the principleof individual differences. The individualpupil instead of the class thus becomes theunit of administration and instruction, andthe school must accept the responsibility ofascertaining his educational status and ofproviding as fully as possible opportunitiesfor his proper education.In the case of the student of superiorability who in the past has had to moveat the pace of the average, or travel aloneand unassisted by the school, a new day ofopportunity is dawning. The school can nolonger permit the known potential powersof its individual pupils to lie dormant or toatrophy from disuse because of its own in­ability to make adjustments. It must pro­vide the necessary differentiation and mustdevelop the administrative technique re­quired to administer the problems whichconfront it.Some high schools have attempted to meetthe needs of the varying capacities and in­terests of their student personnel and thevarying stages of maturity by a method ofhomogeneous sectioning of classes at thetime of entrance, based on the mental ageor index of brightness as determined by thereaction of the pupils to mental tests, or• by their previous pedagogical records inelementary schools. The proponents of theplan believe that it enables the school prop­erly to account for individual differencesand they claim as a result of its operationthat the failure rate in the first year of thehigh school, which is usually high, is low­ered; that the pupils develop greater in­terest in the work of the school; and thatthey profit more from' their contact withthe school because they are carried forwardat a rate relatively commensurate with theirrespective abilities. For the pupils of su­perior powers an earlier graduation is thusmade possible, or if that is not desiredgraduation with excess credit and an en­riched high-school course.The University High School has attemptedto provide for its students of demonstrated superior ability in one or more of the fol- .lowing ways:1. In departments such as English andforeign languages, in which ability group­ing is desired and in which homogeneousclassification has been shown to be highlysuccessful, special highly selected sectionsare organized from time to time and thecontent of the course and rate of progressdetermined by the ability of the class. Inso doing it is not the intention of the ad­ministration to race pupils through thecourse, nor to give them tasks which re­quire more than the usual amount of time,but to encourage the pupils to work at thelevel of efficiency which they are capableof attaining. Pupils with special ability notonly find great stimulation in homogeneousclasses but often intellectual interests of apermanent character.2. In class groups of heterogeneouscharacter, instead of attempting to maintainlock-step, the work is organized in units orblocks with minimal essentials and supple­mentary projects so that the individual ofsuperior powers, after completing the essen­tials, may engage in supplementary under­takings. The superior pupil is therefore notcompelled to mark time or review, whilehis slower associates acquire mastery ofessentials, if his rate of work is rapid. Heis given the privilege of selecting projectsfrom the supplementary list provided by theinstructor or of undertaking tasks of hisown selection. In either case the aim ofthe instructor is to develop in each of hispupils the right attitude toward the fulluse of the powers possessed.As a means of encouraging the develop­ment of intellectual interests through volun­tary tasks, commendation in the form ofspecial reports to the principal and parentsis given when a project has been worthilycompleted, and the project, if in writtenform may be accessioned and placed in thehigh school library. The commendatory re­port adds nothing: in the way of excess'credit. Through timely recognition and ap­proval it acts as an incentive to the pupilto make the fullest use of his powers. In sodoing he not only learns to work at his levelof efficiency but also. develop's a sense of re­sponsibility regarding the proper use of hisown time. His gain is an enriched educa­tion and the right conception of the meth­ods by which it is attained.3. Individuals who acquire power in sub­jects such as foreign languages or English(Continued on page 354)346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBook Reviews [Professor Percy H. BoyntonSome Contemporary 'AmericansBiy Percy Holmes Boynton(University of Chicago Press)The contemporary Americans who appearin these essays. are certain of the new crea­tive writers who are giving America an in­digenous literature. They are the poetsRobinson, Frost, Sandburg, Masters, andAmy Lowell; the novelists Wharton, Tark­ington, Dreiser, Cabell, and Cather;. thecritics Mencken and Huneker, and the biog­raphers (it is only in this aspect that theyare considered) Van Wyck Brooks andGamaliel Bradford. Mr. Boynton himself isthe professor-the unfortunate professor­assailed by the conservatives for being dan­gerously liberal and by Mr. M'encken andhis disciples of the younger set for beingtamely conservative.The appearance of this new series of esti­mates of contemporary American literatureis something of an advent in the criticalworld. The book is interesting less becauseit will tell much that is new about con­temporary Americans than because it iswritten by a professor, reared in the tra­dition of cultured New England, who has been assailed by hostile new ideas, modes,and tendencies, and who is giving his per­sonal reactions to them. As a matter offact the hero of the tale is Mr. Boyntonhimself. He is a man in an interesting situ­ation, and his attitude toward the disturb­ing "elements, the record of their influenceupon him, and the present state of his out­look upon life and literature have a morethan personal significance.The book is all the more significant be­cause the professor seldom sets forth hiscritical ideals, discusses his views of currentliterary tendencies, or answers his assail­ants. This is as unfortunate as it is incom­prehensible. One can read critical literaturewidely and long without even suspectingthat there are two sides to the question,or that the professor is ever anything but apretentious, unrelieved, and dull pedant. Thatmerely adds spice to Boynton's abrogationof the academic aloofness.In ridicule and analysis of an undeniablysound sort, Boynton has adopted an effectivemode of. attack upon his assailants. Tohim Mr. Mencken and his followers of theyounger set appear to be "a recrudescenceof the New York Bohemians of seventyyears ago": that js, as naughty boys. Thisis admirable; moral indignation would beonly a subtle form of flattery to the erst­while Smart Set scaramouche. Boyntontraps him in lapses in knowledge of Whit­man and Emerson, and he treats theyounger set with a mixture of ridicule andincisive analysis. He says:"The younger set are amiable incarnationsof the paradox they piously pursue. 'Itis precisely because' they say, 'as they utterChestertonic platitudes that are of all thingsunprecise because they are sweeping expres­sions of temperament whose sale charm liesin their reckless unprecision. They preachthe gospel of joy, frowning the while asdesperately as the fiercest of boy banditsor the grimmest of Puritans at whom theyinveigh .... They cannot enjoy the circusfor the thought of those who have stayedat home."Besides being the professor scorned by themoderns, Boynton is also the individual whofinds himself "neither a pessimist nor alto­gether a nincompoop; who has been suc­cessively abashed, ruffled, and bewilderedby the cheerful chorus of despair." It ishis evenness and balance, his humor thatsave him in this situation. Pessimism a lamode is to him a little sophomoric. Inhis reaction to the treatment of sex inmodern literature, he is somewhat lesshappy. Here he is too much the professorof "moderate" views, who doesn't quiteSOME CONTEMPORARY AMERICANSapprove of having "glands regulate person­ality on every printed page," but who saysthat "the' end of his opposition is thathe is not interested in it." His humor heredeserts him to be replaced by a too greatreticence.Boynton interprets the drama, the shortstory, the novel and the poets' art fromhis background of American life and tradi­tion. He writes of Amy Lowell, RobertFrost, and Bostonia as a New Englander,and of Masters, Sandburg, and Dreiser asa Chicagoan. His knowledge of our liter­ary history is equal to that of any Americancritic of today. That knowledge is fullin detail about the lesser authors as wellas the greater: about Henry M. Clapp aswell, as Walt Whitman. His historical back­ground gives his work perspective, and itadds interest although it does not have theattraction of a fund of gossip in the mannerof Huneker.Dealing with the drama, Boynton showsthe progression toward independent manage­ment, fresh technique, and the use of nativematerial. He reaches Eugene O'Neill byway of modern stage settings and the non­commercial theatre. He writes entertain­ingly of the commercial short story, thatmore or less absurd concoction the publicdemands.Boynton is at his best when he is giving 347his personal reactions to antagonistic forces.He has a feeling for humor, not the broadhumor of calling the dignified by scurrilousnames, but humor of an easy and interpre­tive kind. He is not pretentious; neitheris he pedantic, dull or ponderous, and hisobservations are expressed in nicely modeledsentences. But the quality that is missingfrom his critical make-up is zest. He istoo moderate and lukewarm in his judg­ments, and it is hard to discover whathis tastes really are. He appears to indorseall, to make not too impolite digs at all,but to be even slightly carried away bynone. As a result,' he falls short of theH unekerian ability to make literature morealluring for his having written.Harry Bingham.Summer Quarter ConcertsThe Summer Quarter concerts on Fridayevenings in June and July:Florence Macbeth, coloratura soprano, ofthe Chicago Opera Company, gave a con­cert on June 20; Sophie Braslau, contralto,of the Metropolitan Opera Company, NewYork, on June 2'7; Fannie Bloomfield Zeis­ler, pianist, a recital on July 11. LoradoTaft, the Chicago sculptor, will- give an il­lustrated lecture on "An Evening in aSculptor's Studio," July 25.""""",,""""""'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1.:ORDER BY MAILBOOKSSTATIONERY SUPPLIESSPECIAL NEEDSfor Summer or FallORDER NOWfromtheUNIVERSITY 0/ CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVE.348 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'70- William R. Breckenridge is in thegrain business at Kankakee, Illinois.'89-The Rev. Daniel Hoyt Leland is Bap­tist Pastor-at-Large at Denver, Colorado;his address is 1005 So. High Street, Denver.He has three brothers and two sons who aregraduates of the University of Chicago.'94- Warren Palmer Behan is head of theBible and Religious Education Departmentof Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas.'97-Frederick D. Nichols is president ofa company which is publishing "Monthly,"a new and unique illustrated monthly re­view of the musical world; the offices areat 512 Fifth Avenue, New York City.'98-Mrs. Lolabel Hall (Lolabel House,M.A.) is head of the Economics and CivicsDepartment of Bay Ridge High School,Brooklyn, N. Y.'02'-Mrs. Jessie H. Shreve (Edith J en­kins) is State Vice-Regent of the SouthernCalifornia District of the Daughters of theAmerican Revolution; her work centers inLos Angeles.Chicago AIumni­have a unique chance for Serv­ice and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou­sands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Bol S) Chicago, Illinois '04-William J. Waterman is treasurer ofthe Mid-West Food Products Co., 179 W.Washington St., Chicago.'04-Halle D. Woods is doing social workin New York City; her home is at MountainLakes, New Jersey.'07-Marguerite K. Sylla is secretary, CityDepartment, of the National Board of theYoung Women's Christian Association, Chi­cago, with offices at 308 N. Michigan Ave.;her home is at 162 Villa St., Elgin, Ill.'07-Edgar L. Born is president of M.Born & Co., wholesale tailers, 540 So. WellsSt., Chicago.'07-R. R. Williams, S.M. '09, is researchchemist with the Western Electric Com­pany, New York City; he is also conductingresearch on vitamines as a private enterprisein collaboration with Professor W. H. Eddyof Columbia University.'08-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henning Willis(I vy H. Dodge, '08) and son have movedinto their new home at 742:') Jeffrey Ave.,Chicago. .'08-Frank O. Koepke is a real estate andmortgage banker at 814 W. North Ave.,Chicago.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe Universityof Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the Univer.­sity and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS'08-Loretta Smith is head of the Depart­ment of English at Proviso High School,Maywood, Illinois.'Og-Mattie L. Hatcher, A.M. '20, will givecourses in the University of North Carolinaduring the coming summer.'Og-De Witt B. Lightner, J.D. '11, is vice­president of the Interstate Casualty Co., 1200Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.. 'Og-Elmore W. Phelps is general managerof the Swift & Company plant at Cleveland,Ohio.'lO-Albert D. Henderson, ex, is managerof the Securities Department of Henry L.Doherty & Co., Z08 SO. La Salle St., Chi­cago.'lO-Elmer McClain is practicing law atLima, Ohio; he is also raising registeredHolstein cattle on his Runnymede Farmnear there.'ll-Mary R. Parkman is head of the De­partment of English at Normal School,Washington, D. C.'12-James D. Lightbody is in charge ofthe Bond Department of Toombs & Dailey,204� Continental & Commercial Bank Bldg.,Chicago. -'14-Jay B. Allen is secretary of McKin­ney & Allen, Inc., the largest general insur­ance agency in South Dakota; the offices areat Sioux Falls, S. D.. '15-Agnes T. Murphy is teaching primarywork at Hibbing, Minn. '16�Denton H. Sparks is sales managerfor A. C. McClurg & Co., books, 330 E.Ohio St., Chicago.'16- Y. T. Wang- is Associate Professorand Dean of the College of Commerce in theUniversity of Amoy, Amoy, China.'17-Fred B. Huebenthal, formerly of theChicago Trust Company, is now associatedwith J. N. Hostetter in the business of realestate, mortgage loans and insurance, at 137No. Kedzie Ave., Chicago.'Is-D. B. Eisenberg is advertising man­ager of the Ben Franklin and Western Print­ing Co., Chicago.'lg-Mrs. M. C. Asher (Pearl Henderson)is practicing dietetics, at 30 No. MichiganAve., Chicago. She specializes in dieteticservices and instruction in communities.'2·o-Dr. C. S. Wu (M.D., Washington) isassistant director of the University HealthService at the University of Arnoy, Amoy,Fukien, China.'20�Ivy Lidman is JUvenile Editor atHenry Holt & Co., 15 West 47th St., NewYork City.'21-William M. Potts teaches Chemistryin the High School at Hannibal, Missouri.'22'-Robert C. Matlock, Jr., is in thechemical department of the WestinghouseLamp Co., Bloomfield, New Jersey.'23-Edna Brinkerhoff is director of thekindergarten at the Lincoln School, Evans­ton, Illinois. 349ROSELAND DISTRICT OF CHICAGO(West of the Illinois Central, South of 87th Street, and beyond city limits)FIRST MORTGAGESNot even a foreclosure in 28 yearsMaximum interest rates with maximum security. Wood-­lawn security increased as that district grew. Thisexperience is repeating itself in the rapidly-growingRoseland District. Send for our descriptive booklet.TENINGA BROS. & COMPANY11324 Michigan Avenue"The House of Service"Cornelius Teninga, '12, J. D., '15 Edward B. Caron, '13350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE$1.00Opens aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts aChecking,. : AccountA SOUND COMMODITYFOR A SOUND DOLLARWe own and offer for sale 694 %and 7% First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HydePark Property.The notes and bonds are certifiedto by the Chicago Title and TrustCo. trustee, and the title guaranteedfor the full amount of the loan.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. "Corner Ridgewood"ALBERTTEACHERS'AGENCY39th Year25 East Jackson Blvd.', ChicagoIn many hundreds of Colleges, Uni­versities, Normals, Secondary Schoolsof all kinds, there are today Univer­sity of Chicago graduates, many withadvanced degrees, who secured theirpositions through Albert Tea-chers'Agency.For years this Agency has been inthe front rank of teacher placementbureaus, especially in College and Uni­versity positions, and good positionsin other high class institutions.University of Chicago students arealways welcome in our office. If notnear enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mai1. We arehere to serve you.We have busy offices also inNew York, Denver and Spokane +'-"-"-"-"-'--It-: •• - .. - .. - .• - .. - .. - .• -.+t C. and A. Notes II .. ,+--"-',-"-"-"-1.-"-',-,,,-,,,-,,-,,-"--+'20-Lillian Barquist, Ph.B., is doing casework with the United Charities.'22-Ralph B. Harris, A. M., has beenteaching during the past year at the U ni­versity of Richmond.'22-J. Edwin Pasek, A.M., has been em­ployed by Huron College, Huron, SouthDakota, as Fdeld Agent during the recentsuccessful $500,000 Endowment and BuildingCampaign. Mr. Pasek is now with theGeneral Board of Christian Education ofNew York City, and is at Des Moines, Iowa,helping in a $2,000,00'0 campaign.'2'3- John Dinges, Ph.B., is in a bank atBedford, Iowa.'23-Bert 1. Hindmarsh, Ph.B., has re­cently accepted a position with Bird & Son,Chicago.'23-Marjorie Porritt, A.M., has been ap­pointed a special agent for the Children'sBureau, Department of Labor in Washing­ton, and is now engaged on a study inRochester, N ew York, of the work historyof children of sub-normal mentality.'24-William H. Adler, Ph.B., is with theFox Film Corporation.'24-Berenice Davis, A.M., is with the Re­search Bureau of the ] ewish Charities ofChicago.+11_UII_n._al_all_llll_nll_au_un_nn_UII_UU_ •• _ •• _.+t D'··· A .. li tvimty ssocianon i+"_III':_U .. _UII_ ... _UH_na_HII_IO_ •• _IIt_I._ •• _I._II+A. Z. Mann, A.M., '11, is professor ofsociology and director of community exten­sion service in Hamline University, St.Paul, Minnesota. He has recently beenelected secretary of the National RuralLeadership Council of the Board of HomeMissions and Church Extension of theMethodist Episcopal Church-a council ofextension workers of thirty-five colleges anduniversities doing religious extension work.]. O. Leath, D.B., '15, dean and professorof Christian literature in Kidd-Key College,Sherman, Texas, has recently published sev­eral articles in professional magazines ofnational scope.C. S. Rennison, D.B., '15, was recently ap­pointed conference superintendent of Sun­day School work at the Fayette, Missouri,Conference.O. F. Diersen, A.M., '13, is teacher ofancient history in Central High School, Kan­sas City, Missouri.Herbert F. Rudd, Ph.D., '14, has been as­sociate professor of education and psychol­ogy in the New Hampshire State Collegesince September, 1922.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Amy Blanche Greene, A.M., '14, is execu­tive secretary of the Bureau of Informationof the Joint Committee of Foreign LanguagePublications of the Home Missions Councilof the International Sunday School Councilof Religious Education. Miss Greene has inmanuscript a Handbook Bibliography of For­eign Language Groups in United States andCanada, which will soon be published.Rev. Harvey C. Travis, A.M., '17, has re­signed the pastorate of Charter Oak, Iowa,Methodist Church to become pastor of thechurch in Sibley, Iowa.r;:::�-lJ -tI. __ • __ ._ •• __ ._ •• � •• __ • __ • __ • __ ._ •• .+'17-Dr. Harry Huber, S.B. '13, S.M.' '16,is now practicing medicine with offices at122 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago.'17-Dr. W. D. Turner, S.B. '09, is withthe Missouri School of Mines at Rolla, Mis­souri.'1S-Dr. John E. Stout and James V.Thompson are authors of "The Daily Va­cation Church School: How to Organizeand Conduct It," published by the AbingtonPress, N. Y.'19-Dr. John T. Lister, Ph.B. '13, A.M.'17, Professor of Spanish in the College ofWooster, and for several years Dean of theCollege of Wooster Summer Session, willconduct several courses in Spanish duringthe coming summer quarter at Ohio Univer­sity, Athens, Ohio.'21-Dr. Clarence J. Monroe, S.B. '17, hascharge of Physical Chemistry in the' De­partment of Chemistry of the MissouriSchool of Mines at Rolla.'22-Dr. Frederick G. Detweiler teachesat Dennison University, Granville, Ohio.'22-Dr. W. M. Gewehr, Ph.B. '11, A.M.'lZ, is Professor of History at DennisonUniversity; he goes to Tsing Hua College,Peking, China, as Exchange Professor ofHistory during 1924-25.'2'2-Dr. Grace Stewart is the paleontolo­gist of the Geology Department at OhioState University. It is said, "She is thesmallest living paleontologist and has to usea step ladder to dust off the pet mammoth."'23-Dr.· James' E. Shrader is head of theDepartment of Physics at Drexel Institute,Philadelphia.'23-Dr. B. F. Yanney is completing histhirteenth year as Johnson Professor ofMathematics in the College of Wooster,Wooster, Ohio. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con­venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago 3M'352 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS WANTED!If you are available for an educationalposition of any kind, you are invited to callat the offices named below. The work isnational in scope, and comprises the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU1610 Chicago Temple77 W. Washington St.(Exclusively for college and univer­sity teachers.)FISK TEACHERS AGENCY814 Steger Bldg.28 E. Jackson Blvd.EDUCATION SERVICE1210 Association Bldg.19 S. La Salle St.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston�lIllIIlIlIlIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllijJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II1111111111111111111l1ll1l1l1l1ll1l11ll1ll1l1ll1ll�� �I YOUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Iand its- MAGAZINE.are made stronger. more service­able to the University and Alumni,and increasingly successful-First, by memberships, and sec-�!__-=-= ::���: ;:;:��\�:;��I �; �=_---==you will assist your Association and_----=-_=--=1-=== �o:�7. ���::��;:��: ll:ot?:':;_---=---=_=_-===Every loyal membership 'is deeplyappreciated. Urge your Chicago§ friends to join! We should all work �I together-for Chicago. iI =1.iilllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllUIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIHIIIIIIlIIWIIIIIIlIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111I11II111111I11I1HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHlUlllii Charles V. Clark, J.D. '04, and J. ArthurMiller, J.D. '13, are members of the newlyformed partnership of Jeffery, Townley,Wild, Campbell and Clark with offices at105 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.Arnold Bennett Hall, J.D. '07, of theUniversity of Wisconsin Political ScienceDepartment, delivered the commencementaddress, May 28, at his alma mater, Frank­lin College, Franklin, Indiana.Albrecht C. R. Kipp, J.D. '08, and Wal­ther Lieber, J.D. '19, are members of thefirm Rappaport, Kipp and Lieber, FletcherSavings and Trust Building, Indianapolis,Indiana.Walter A. Lybrand, J.D. '06, 609- TerminalBuilding, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is thepresident of the Oklahoma State Bar Asso-ciation. _Julian C. Risk, J.D. '14, and Melvin L.Griffith, J.D. '20, have become members ofthe firm of Winters, Stevens, Risk and Grif­fith, 1053 Conway Building, Chicago.Archie Schirnberg, J.D. '22, is a memberof the firm of Dulski, Friedman, Schimbergand Komie, 29 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.Frank Seydel, J.D. '20, has been appointedspecial assistant to the United States Attor­ney for the District of Colorado, in chargeof the enforcement of federal prohibitionlaws, with offices at 1226 Foster Building,Denver, Colorado.Thane Swartz, J.D. '24, is with Brown,Fox and Blumberg, 2059 Illinois MerchantsBank Building, Chicago.Lowell C. Wadmond, J.D. '24, is with Tol­man, Sexton and Chandler, 1309 Stock Ex­change Building, Chicago.Max Wester, J.D. '2'4, is with Newman,Poppenhusen, Stern and Johnston, 11 SouthLa Salle St., Chicago.A Generous Bequest Recorded(Continued from page 344)service. After a few months of intensivetraining he was sent to the Russian frontwhere he was wounded. After his woundwas healed so that he could return to thefrent, he' rejoined the German forces in theCarpathians, where he was killed in battleon March 15, 1915. His father, Dr. E. Hey­der, West Augsburger Str. 22, Berlin, Ger­many, wrote me on June 23, 1915, that in thewill of his son $200 had been left to me tobe invested so that the interest- might beused for the purchase of German law booksfor the Library of our Law School. The boyalso left a letter directed to me which hisfather wished to 'retain until it could be sentout of Germany in a sealed envelope, whichwas done in April. 192"0, when I received itfrom his father with the statement that atNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSthe then low rate of exchange for the Ger­man mark the bequest would be so smallthat he suggested awaiting a return to morenormal times. To this we of course assented.The letter I have in both the original and anEnglish translation made by Mr. Freund.One clause from it I quote as follows:"To yourself and to all professors andstudents my heartiest thanks for the kind­ness, goodness and good comradeship whichhave been brought to me. My heartiest wishwas to contribute to a better understandingbetween America and Germany. Hardly twonations can learn from one another as thesetwo."The facts regarding this bequest and ourcorrespondence with his father were com­municated to President Judson, and the giftto the Law School was publicly announcedby the President at one of the Convocationsof the period; and this fact, in an appropriateletter of sympathy, was transmitted to thefather, Dr. E. Heyder.In the present disturbed condition of Ger­many and the wreck of its currency system,we have not thought it gracious to com­municate with Dr. Heyder further about thebequest; but the value we have all placedupon his son's spirit and intentions are ofcourse not measured "by the pecuniary valueof the gift.We have carefully preserved the file of,the correspondence for future use.Very sincerely yours.J. P. Hall, Dean .• 1I_1I1I_IIK_IIR_"H_IIH_lln_lln_UII_IIU_IIII_"n_tlll_lIll_t+I School of Education Personals I"' __ ... _DU_olI_ .... _a .. _.III_IIII_IIU_tlll_IlII_III1_IIII_IIII_"+The following alumni are in residence atthe School of Education this summer:'ll-Lucile Shaw, Cert.'12-Alwine W. Luers, Cert.'15-Irma Gross, S. B.'1()-Mae T. Kilcullen, Cert.'17-Mary L. Dougherty, A. M., Ph. B.1916: Grace H. Woolworth, Cert.'18-May Gleason, Ph. B.: Henrietta C.E. Miller, Ph. B.; Nellie L. Walker, Ph. B.;Florence Wickersham, Cert.; Florence J.Morgan, A. M.'19-Lotta Day, Ph. B.; Cordelia Enos,Ph. B.; Louise Kirkham, Ph. B.; CharlesO. Ziering, A. M.'20-M. Ethel Brown, Ph. B.; Leslie Ken­dall, Ph. B.; Gladys Titsworth, Ph. B.'21-Helen Joan Anderson, Cert.; GeorgeJ. Drossos, Ph. B.; Floyd E. Farquear, A.M.; Martha L. Lewis, Ph. B.; Moses E.Ligon, A. M.; Florida Wenzel, Ph. B.'22-John L. Bracken, A. M.; Violet M.Couchman, Ph. B.; Alice A. .Doner, Ph. B.;Harriet, F. Dougherty, Ph. B.; GertrudeLeone lHalloy, Ph. B.: Elizabeth C. MiJIer,Cert.; Mary Newlin, Ph. B.; Estle F. Orr,Ph. B.; Kenneth N. Parke, Ph. B.; Harry The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-'PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDE1'lTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHffiRLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAM�S A. WALKER. ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONCHAUNCE'! D. BORLANDJOHN J. MITCHELLEDWARD B. BUTLER MARTIN A. RVERSON.BENJAMIN CARPENTER J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWELL RO;BKRT J. THORNBERNEST A. HAMILL CHARLES H. WACKERForeign Exchange Lettera of Credit'Cable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun. Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 353354 THE UNIVERSITY UF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W, Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H. Davis & G)'ompangMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, 'II Herbert I. Markham, Ex:06Ralph W. Davis,'.16 Byron C. Howes, Ex:13N, f.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J .. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print �bt Wnjbtr�it!' of �lJicago maga?intCall and' Insnect;o I:::t a�'K����:Sate facilities. Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Abso­lutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTJ:'RSPUBLICATION . r.Printing and Advertising Advisersand the Cooperative and Clearing Housefor Catalogues and Publications�Hr ��h':r!�r:-i����i�;Uiiited States. Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationF'ORMERL Y ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381 A. Perrin, A. M., Ph. B., 1912; Laura RoseThomure, Ph. B.; Anne M. Titterington,Ph. B.'23-Vernon Bowyer, A. M., S. B., 1921;William A. Brownell, A. M.; Benjamin F.Shafer, A. M .. : Robert E. Strickler, A. M.;Henry Van Zyl, Jr., Ph. B.Providing for Superior Pupils in. High Schools(Continued from page 345)usage at a rate more rapid than that of thegroup with which they have been classifiedmay be encouraged to undertake the workwith an advanced section also, and to at­tempt to cover the work intervening be­tween the two sections independently. Whenthe pupil is able to demonstrate that he hasacquired a skill approximately that of theupper group, membership in the former sec­tion mav be discontinued on the conditionthat satisfactory standing in the advancedclass is maintained.While not many students are able to meeta test as difficult as the one described, somepupils can meet it and their interests anddevelopment require that the opportunity atleast be provided.4. The greatest individual differences ap­pear in the mastery of routine processesin the classroom regardless of how wellthe class groups may have been selected.It is not unusual for a superior pupil tomaster with relative ease a routine require­ment which other students master withdifficulty. To require such pupils to con­tinue practice after mastery has been dem­onstrated often results in loss of interestand the encouragement of inferior habitsof work and study.Instructors in the University High Schoolare therefore authorized to permit studentsof the type described in the foregoing para­graph to substitute voluntary projects forroutine requirements when in the judgmentof the instructor concerned the pupil's timecan be more profitably spent on work ofhis own selection. The plan enables theinstructor to deal wisely and effectivelywith a type of learner who if compelledto continue routine beyond the interest pointmight either become a problem for disciplineor suffer loss in intellectual morale.5. Few students of superior ability aresatisfied merely to carry the load of theaverage which neither fully taxes theirenervv nor consumes their classroom time.To them the election of a heavier scheduleoffers opportunities of a richer high-schooleducation through additional courses or anearlier graduation if gain in time is pre­ferred.The University High School through anagreement with the University of Chicagohas been able to offer the opportunity toSCHOOL OF EDUCATION-ALUMNI AFFAIRSsuperior pupils to receive college credit atthe rate of two majors for each high-schoolunit completed in excess of the fifteen unitsrequired for college admission. This pro­vision makes it possible for a superior in­dividual to undertake the load he is capableof carrying, receive the proper credit forit, and at the same time retain the congenialassociations with students of his own socialmaturity both in the later high-school andearly college years.6. For several years the University HighSchool has offered courses at the juniorcollege level in English, mathematics, his­tory, geography, French, and business ad­ministration for superior students in thesenior class, and in some instances thejunior class, for which the U niversi ty ofChicago has allowed full college credit. Theplan was originally undertaken as an ex­periment, but the results have proved sosatisfactory that the plan has become adefinite part of the school's policy. It pro­vides a distinct economy in the process ofeducation for those pupils who mature rap­idly intellectually during the high-schoolperiods, in that they are permitted to re­ceive intellectual experience at the collegelevel without sacrificing social contacts withpupus OJ relatively the same cnr onorogicalage.High Schools in general are coming to ap­preciate more and more the need of somespecial provisions of the types described fortheir deviates of the highest order. Theyrealize that their obligations to 'Such pupilsshould certainly be no less than they havefor a long time accepted with respect tonormal and retarded pupils. If we takeinto consideration the relative worth tosociety of the respective groups, there Heedbe no doubt regarding the justification otspecial provisions designed to reclaim, de­velop, or conserve the brain power of oursuperior pupils.To Make an Educational Survey in Penn­sylvaniaDirector Charles Hubbard Judd, of theSchool of Education, will direct a survey ofthe high schools of Pennsylvania, by ap­pointment of the State Commissioner ofEducation. Director Judd, who has recentlybeen engaged in an educational survey ofTexas with reference to junior high schoolsand the state adoption of textbooks, has alsomade a survey of the public schools ofGrand Rapids and St. Louis, and was amember of the staff of the New York RuralSchool Survey.Professor Judd, who is head of the Depart­ments of Education and Psychology at theUniversity of Chicago, is the author of numer­ous volumes, including The Psychology ofHigh-School Subjects, and The Evolution ofa Democratic School S,}'stem. 355The Goodspeed Milwaukee Lecture1 have just put Dr. and Mrs. Goodspeed011 the train for Chicago after a very suc­cessful visit with us. We had twenty-riveat the club dinner last night in the COlonialRoom at the Hotel Wisconsin, and besidesDr. and Mrs. Goodspeed we had as ourguests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsey. Mr.Lindsey, you know, is now a Trustee ofthe University of Chicago and is a resident·of Milwaukee. For twenty minutes after thedinner Dr. Goodspeed entertained us withthe current news of the University and abird's-eye view of the building plans for thefuture.We adjourned to the Immanuel Presby­terian Church at eight o'clock, where Dr.Goodspeed addressed an audience of ap­proximately three hundred and fifty, on thereasons for his recent translation of the NewTestament. It was an excellent talk, and itwas hard to break the crowd up afterward.The half dozen rare old Bibles, dating backfour hundred years attracted their attentionand they had numerous questions to ask Dr.Goodspeed.Mrs. Goodspeed came with her husband,and we enjoyed very much having her here.Carl Hauser, '19, who is our club secretary,did a great deal of work in arranging forthe program. .Thank you very much for your coopera-tion. Rudy D. Matthews, '14.An OpportunityWE want to open negotiations with a fewmen now employed but looking for theopportunities for personal development andincreased earnings offered by a dignified sell­ing connection. The kind of man we wantis at least twenty-eight years of age and hasbeen out of college four or five years. He hashad some selling experience or feels that,with the right training and cooperation, hecan develop selling ability. He must be will­ing to work hard and enthusiastically. He willhave an opportunity to earn at least $.5,000the first year and to broaden his contact withbusiness men.You need not necessarily be desirous ofmaking an immediate change. We want to. get thoroly acquainted with you and yourqualifications, give you full information con­cerning our work, and arrange for a personalinterview before concluding final arrange­ments. Our idea is to have you available totake over a vacancy when it occurs on thirtydays' notice to your present organization:Write fully toAlexander Hamilton Institute13 Astor Place New York, N. Y.356 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthletics(Continued from page 335)Wisconsin made 11 hits and 4 errors, whileChicago made 14 hits and 2 errors. Ap­parently both the Cardinal and the Maroonalumni, on the diamond, are "still there."For anum ber of years a baseball team com­posed of Chicago alumni has played a Wis­consin alumni team as an annual feature atthe Wisconsin Reunions, the Chicago play­ers being the special guests of the Wisconsinalumni. The "series" thus far has been quiteevenly divided, and a number of very tightand interesting games have been played.These annual games have been a' very im­portant factor in the steady development offine sportsmanship between Wisconsin andChicago.Football Tickets(Continued from page 340)ority privileges. Such violations, of course,subject such applicants to permanent with­drawal from the alumni priority list. In re­sponse to a number of urgent requests tothe Committee it is possible that a specialcheck-up of seat occupants will be made atthe games. The hearty cooperation ofalumni in the operation of the priority planhas heel} gratifying, and the Committee feelsconfident that this cordial and helpful co­operation will be continued.Successful Year of ChessDuring the spring quarter the UniversityChess Circle conducted a well.attended chesstournament. The players were divided intotwo classes; competition in each was un­usually keen. With seven players par­ticipating in the first class there was atriple tie for first place: S. Broyde, '25,L. E. Tindall; '25, and L. Blumenthal, '23,each secured 8 out of a possible 12 points.In the second class, with 11 players com­peting, N. Silvermann, '26, and E. Wilson,'24, were tied for first honors with 7 pointseach out of a possible 10; M. Mooney, '23,however, was only half a point behind, andM. S. Spear, '24, had 6 to his credit.As to the result of the Intercity ClubTournament the. final awards have as yetnot been made; but whether the forfeitedmatches of one of the eleven participatingclubs be counted or not, the University teamis certain of second place; first place, aswas to be expected, went to the ChicagoChess and Checker Club.The Y. M. C. A. plans to offer a silverloving cup to the player who wins threequarterly tournaments in succession, or fivetimes not in succession. The first match. for this cup started July 2. Competition1S open both to students and to membersof the faculty and administration. Twelveplayers have thus far entered. 1+ Marri�:'--;n�a�e:e�t:. = 1Births, Deaths.._...;...... ._________ II • • • • ...mattiage�Rev. Guy C. Crippen, '07, D. B. '12, to RoseMathilda Lind, July 7, 1924, at Estes Park,Colorado. At home, 3907 N. Kastner Ave ..Chicaoo.Helen Dorcas Magee, '13, to WilliamSeba Marshall, May 10, 1924, at Chicago.At home, 4929 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago.George S. Leisure, '14, to Lucille E.Pelouze of New York City, October 27,1923.Marie C. von Duisburg, '14, to CharlesWilson, April, 1922. At horne, Sepandjang,Java, Dutch East Indies.Dunlap C. Clark, '17, to Elizabeth Mc­Falls, . ex '21, October 29, 1923, at Gouver­neur, New York.Katherine M. Howe, '17, to Philip H.J ones. At horne, Box 482, Redondo Beach,California. .Nancy McNeal, '17, to Dr. FrederickWilliam Roman, June 6, 1924, at Ithaca,New York.L. C. Rogers, ex '20, to Mary Lyell Swett,June 28, 19:�4, at Chicago.Robert Leslie Willett, '21, to KatherineMehlhop, '21, May 3, 1924, at Chicago. Athome, 4624 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago.Catherine C. N ellegar, '22, to K. 1. Fos­dick, March 12, 1924. At home 2347' E.70th Place, Chicago. 'Reed Zimmerman, '22, to Ruby May Has­. kett, ex '24, of Omaha, Nebraska, April 10,19�24. At home, 1522 N. 33rd Street, Omaha,Nebraska.Herman H. Core, '23, to Jean Farley, ex'22.Marion Teresa Durante, '23, to FrankSchneberger, Jr., '21, J. D. '23, June 25,1924,. at Chicago.Wilmer Atkinson Jenkins, '23, to Ger­trude Elmore, ex '22, April .12, 1924, atChicago. At home, Ann Arbor, Michigan.Ann Katz, '23, to Robert H. Agulnick ofChicago, May 27, 1924. At horne, 5100Sheridan Road, Chicago.Paul Rowland Updyke, '23, to MargaretMary Lee, June 28, 1924, at Chicago.Mary Alice Sinn, '23, to Joseph RichardHall, April 5, 1924, at Jacksonville, Florida.At home, 1219 Main Street, Jacksonville,Florida.Philip McKay Fisher, '24, to Miriam Kim­hall Gibson, ex '24, April 5, 1924, at Chicago.At horne, 442'2 S. Mic-higan Avenue, St .Louis, Missouri.. Lloyd E. Rohrke, '24, to Helen Bullard,June 11, 1£)24, at Chicago. At home, 5529University Avenue, Chicago.MARRIAGES) ENGAGEMENTS) BIRTHS) DEATHS�ngagement�Gladys Irene Scharfenstein, '15, to Clar­ence 1. Hendrickson.William D. Dalgety, '17, to Alice M.Holden, ex '19.Martha Nadine Hall, '17, to Charles F.Grimes, '16, J.D. '19.Leonard A. Hammes, '18, ]. D .. '21, toCleo Nickols.Florence V. Lamb, '18, to Gregor ].Gentleman.Arline M. Falkenau, '19, to Eugene F.Rouse,· '21.Chancellor Dougall, ex. '20, to VirginiaTrude.Rose Lovenhart, '21, to Samuel Friedmanof New York City.Letitia Knight, ex-Div. '22, to Rev. Eu­gene Mintz of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.Carmel Hayes, ex '24, to Frederick PainePurdum of Butler, Pennsylvania.rsirtb�To Evon Z. Vogt. '00, and Mrs. Vogt, adaughter, Joan, February, 192::, at Ramah,New Mexico.To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Needham (Flor­ence L. Manning) '09, a daughter, EleanorLouise, February 17, 19:'24, at LaGrange,Illinois.To Guy W. Whitcomb, ex. '09, and Mrs.Whitcomb, a son, David Guy, April 22, 1924,at Chicago.To S. Edwin Earle, '11, and Mrs. Earle,a son, Samuel Williams, April 22, 1924,at Winnetka, Illinois.To \Villiam P. Harms, '12, and Mrs.Harms (Nina Yount) ex '16, a daughter,Willa Mae, March 11, 1924, at Detroit, Michi­gan.To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rahill (ClaraAllen) '12, a son, John Grant, January 1,JO:24, at Caldwell, New Jersey.To Leon Unger, '13, and Mrs. Unger,a son, July, 1923, at Chicago.To Layton L. Northrup, '14, and Mrs.Northrup (Mildred G. Gordon) '19, a son,Gordon Ellis, December 6, 1923, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Copmann(Elizabeth Dickey) '14, a son, at Sea Gate,New York.To vVilliam H. Wiser, '15, and Mrs.Wiser (Charlotte Viall) '14, a son, AlfredRoswell, May 19, 1924, at India.To Mr. and Mrs. Marston Cummings(Dorothy Dorsett) '16, a son, Marston, Jr.,May 4, 1924, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Solomon (Bere­nice Ladewick) '16, a daughter, Rita Louise,December 29, 1923.To G. M. Hoyt, '16, A. M. '21, and Mrs.Hoyt (Gladys Ireland) ex '17, a daughter,Helen Elizabeth, March 29, 1924, at Chicago. RALPH C. MANNING, '00REALTORChicago West SuburbanTown and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. 'ILL.Sam A. Rothermel t 1 7InsurancewithMOORE. CASE. LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities208 S. LaSalle St. Wabash 0820 .. Kenwood:South Shore: Hyde Park: Woodlawn:Chatham Fields: Flossmore:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22Midway 0620 5435 Kimbark Ave.Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans for BUilJing EstatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES. ADDR£SSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland. Oregon 357358 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEc. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800CHARLES R. GILBERT, '10 BRADFORD GILL, '10GILBERT & GILLALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONEWABASH.9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART &: OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND J. DALY, '12I nveslmenl SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGO.State 1414John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTeL Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius T eninga, '12REAL ESTATETeninga Bros. & Co., 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 To' Roderick Macpherson, ex-Ta, and Mrs.Macpherson (Margaret Monroe) '17, a daugh­ter, Anne Margaret, June 6, 1924, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kadlec (Anna K.Koutecky) '17, a daughter, Bonnie JeanneAnne, July 26, 1023, at Chicago.To Robert H. Dunlap, '17, and Mrs. Dun­lap (Dorothy Miller) '19, a daughter, Eliza­beth Hungerford, April 2, 1924, at Denver,Colorado. .To Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Helfrich(Elsa Freeman) '17, a son, Howard Nele,Januarv ]0, H):2'-!, at Wheaton. Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ensey (MabelOkeberg) ex '18, a son, John Linn, Jr.,February 13, 1924, at Geneseo, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Engle (FairieMallory) '17, a son, Robert Henry, Jr.,April, 1924, at Donnellson, Iowa.To Abba Lipman, '19, and Mrs. Lipman,a daughter, Izetta Dorothy, October 25,1923, at Chicago.To Melvin L. Griffith, '20, and Mrs. Grif­fith, a son, George Fenton, March 19, 1924,at Chicago.To Harold C. Walker, '20, and Mrs,.Walker (Phyllis Palmer) '20, a son, JohnDavid, March 14, 1924, at Oshkosh, Wis­consin.To George W. Barbour, '20, and Mrs.Barbour (Lena L. Dulaney) '20, a son,George Willis, Ir., February 10, 1924, atCleveland, Ohio.To Oswald D. Blackwood, Ph. D. '20, andMrs. Blackwood. a daughter, Gertrude Clark,April, 1924, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.To J. A. Wiley, ex Grad. '21, and Mrs.Wiley, a son, Wilbur Wilson, January 27,1924, at Cedar Falls, Iowa.To Harold A. Innis, Ph. D. '21, and Mrs.Innis (Mary E. Quayle) '20, a son, April21, 1924, at Toronto, Canada.To John G. Stutz, '20, and Mrs. Stutz(Gertrude E. Griffin) '21, a son, Alan Griffin,February 12, 1924, at Lawrence, Kansas.To James H. Turner, J. D. '22, and Mrs.Turner (Louise Hulley) ex '25, a son, JamesHa�cw, Jr., May 26, 1924, at Chicago.:meatb�John L. Jackson, '72, D. B. '76, at Bloom­ington, Illinois, January 18, 1924.Edmund Godwin, '74, D. B. '77, PastorBaptist Churches in Wisconsin, Illinois, andSouth Dakota, May 20, 1923, at Topeka,Kansas.Rinaldo L. OIds, '76, D. B. '80, PastorBaptist Churches in Illinois, Michigan, NewHampshire and. Vermont, February 12, 1924,at Dexter, Maine.Cyrus B. Allen, '78, D. B. '83, November22, 1923, Berkeley, California.William B. Woods, '94, president of theLucas County (Ohio) Board of Education,March, 1924.Newell M. Fair, '99, Cashier of The FirstNational Bank of Mankato, Kansas, March,31, 1924.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo you capitalists--the class of '24Your college training is in truth a capita1. Its valueis not fixed, but depends on the way you invest it.Some men demand a quick return -a high per­centage of profit. Others look more to the solidityof the investment. 'The man of speculative mind may stake all onthe lure of a high shirting salary, without a thoughtto the company which gives it or where this maylead him in ten years. True, his opportunism mayreap exceptional profit; or else a loss.The man who knows that great things developslowly will be content with six months' progress insix months' time-provided he is investing that timein a company which offers him a future.You who are about to invest, satisfy yourself thatthe security you are getting is gilt-edged.the interest of Elec­trical Development /;,Jan Institution that willbe helped by what­ever helps theIndustry.estern Electric CompanyThis advertisement is one of a series in studentpuhlications. It may remind alumnI' of their oppor­tunity to help the undergraduate, hy suggestion andadvice. to get more out of his four years. 359THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC S.&Co.The Passing of theWestern RangeAn ominous note crept into the wild, romanticlife of the Old West during the seventies andeighties.The cowboy of the open ranges came face tolace with a strange, quiet figure- the man with" plow. Settlers began to swarm in on the new�ailroads. The great ranches began to break up.. nto smaller farms. Some were left, to be sure,IIlnd still exist. But the days of the old open graz­ing were numbered. Fences cut off waterholes.At first this seemed to threaten the nation'smeat supply.Fot the chief source of beef at that time wasthe vast herds of half-wild cattle that grazed thewestern plains, and this source, it now appeared,tvas being destroyed.But the problem, as problems so often have a way�f doing, provided its own solution;Ranchers soon found that,by raising crops and turn­ing at least a part of them into meat, their land wouldpay them more than when the animals ran over it inthe old free way.Farmers in the corn belt learned they could makemore money by selling part of their grain "on thehoof" and also could thereby maintain the fertility ofthe soil.And the smaller farmer saw that, even with only afew animals, he could now compete with the largerstock raisers.So what happened was that the vast herds of beefcattle were merely broken up into smaller but bettercared-for herds.A more profitable use was made of the land.* * *Swift & Company has developed with the changingconditions, and has provided stock raisers everywherewith conveniently located cash markets. Hundreds ofbranch houses and thousands of refrigerator cars makeit possible to carry the farmers' meat economicallyfrom the packing plants to every large city in thecountry and to every small town and hamlet in thecountryside.Swift & Company's service also goes beyond the seas,where foreign branches furnish a world market.This service is performed at an average profit fromall sources of only a fraction of a cent a pound.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by more than46,000 shareholders Frank H. Wescott, '97, June 8, 1924, atCheyenne, Wyoming.William R. Jayne, 'o:� J. D. '04, June 5,1924, in an automobile accident. He was aprominent lawyer in Muscatine, Iowa..Frcderick O. Norton, Ph. D. '07, Febru­ary 29, 1924.Oscar D. Briggs, ex '09, Pastor Parks ideBaptist Church, at Chicago, January 18,1921.Charles L. Gotham, '09, at his home inSt. Paul, Minnesota, April 28, 1924.Mrs. Mattie Winne, '1�2, April :�4, 1924, atChicago.Earl Randall, '21, May 24, 192'4, at NewYork City.Mary E. Craney, '21, October 27, 1923,at Chicago.Florence Clare Corkery, '23, April 2, 1924,at Chicago.John Ralph Stewart, ex-Law '25" May 8,1924, at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.Thorndike Hilton, ex-Law '26, April 30,1924.The Letter Box(Continued from page 3:l7)the physical plant and enlarge it. The presenthospital is modern in every respect, and inconjunction with this hospital it is plannedto conduct an elaborate system of dispen­saries throughout the city when the com­bine staff warrants. The management andfinancing of the combine will be under thecontrol of a non-medical husiness man, whowill have charge of assessment and collec­tion of fees. It is hoped to make up thecombine with specialists, and to be com­plete in every department. Dr.]. H. Me­Cartney will act as advisory consultant. Asystem will be worked out whereby the in­stitution will be open for visiting physicianswho desire to take advantage of volumin­ous clinical material. Short term interne­ships will also be offered, with the oppor­turuty for membership on staff if mutuallyagreeable. By such an arrangement, aperson interested in the Orient could try itfor a year or two, and thus determine ifhe or she could adjust to such an environ­ment, before signing up to stay tor a longerperiod."Events and Comment(Continued from page 32())phlets have been sent out to the alumni bythe University; and plans have been begunfor fullest cooperation with University inthe zreat advance immediately hefore us.This has, indeed, been an "auspicious" year.Throughout we have always sincerely ap­preciated your loyal interest and support.We have tried to merit its continuance.Without your interest, without your sup­port, nothing could be accomplished. Wethank you most heartily for your coopera­tion! Enjoy your vacation! We look for­ward to greeting you again next November.And in the meantime-kindest regards andbest wishes! .The whole worldin your handsGeneral Electric motors en­able one great mill to producepaper enough in a day to covera 13-foot road from NewYork to Chlcago.Dther G-Emotors run the huge presseswhich can print as many as300,000 newspapers an hour.Rivers that now fur­nish power for greatmills once ran waste­fully away. Not in theUnited States alone.but all over the world.equipment made bythe General ElectricCompany is trans­forming idle riversinto hard-workingservants. So, served by electricity, youbreakfast Iike a king-an elec­tric percolator and an electrictoaster on your table, and theworld's news in your hands!GENERAL ELECTRICA Clearance, SaleUnder Our"New Order of Things"RIGHT now, a series of very substantial price. reductions gives extreme significance to ourindividual principle of merchandising known as the"New Order of Things." All offerings at this salerepresent the present season's regular standard,and should not be confused' with the ordinarytype of sale merchandise.The following economies. in Suits and Topcoatsare typical of the opportunities now offered in alllines of Capper merchandise:Business Suits & TopcoatsFoNo:�� .����. �.� .�� .��� , $42.50FON�:-�:. ����. ��.��. �:� $52.50Fo�:-�:. ����. �� .��. ��� $62.50Corresponding reductions have been made in all lines ofmen's furnishings. There are also exceptional opportuni­ties in our Sports Shop.LONDONCHICAGOST. PAULDE'TROITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand HOTEL SHERMANThis sale is in progress at both stores