"Speakingof Books-,and especially those published by ,the University ofChimgoDessci ,9(] , ��"Stranded en route"is but one' of marty perplexing situations in whichthe bewildered alien may' find himself upon his'arrival in America. Like the homeless mart, thecasual worker, or the hobo, he is, for the time atleast, ,a misfit in a busy world. His future con­cerns not only himself, but the 'welfare of thecountry to which he, is, coming. "Th� University .of Chicago Press has' published anumber of books that show most interestingly thesocial and economic considerations that concern thelives of" all Americans today. Among these booksare Edith Abbott's Immigration". Nels Anderson'sThe Hobo, Park and Burgess' Introduction to theScience 61 ', Soeiolooy, Dodd and Dodd's' Govern-'ment in Illinois, The, Negro in Chicago, Fred-" erick Detweiler's The Negro Press In the UnitedStates, and Douglas, Hitchcock and Atkins' TheWorker; {n Modern Economic Society.Complete, information about these hooks is avail­able free of charge. May we tell 'you more about.thern P 'The eighth of a series of, ,advertiumentsaddressed to fhe readers, of' Unlversity ofC hicago Press books. ',- "", ,', '".'. �: .',.' . �,."�'THE TRUE UNIVERSITY IS UOJ..�ECTION OF BOOKS"�Carlyle• ';,.' .r".'&"'.,., �.:., -., �.; � ,'�' "tEbe Ilnibersitp of (!C.bicago maga�intEditor and Business' Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. a.nd A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association--A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association--CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.­School of Education Association-LILLIAN STEVENSON, '21.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philip­pine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. UPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for. all other ceuntries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual SUbscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 8 cents (total 28 cents).URemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XVI. CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1924 No.8FRONTISPIECE:CLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS , ...........................•... 283EVENTS AND COMMENT _ ...........................•.................................. 285THE 1H24 REUNliON .......•.•.................•........ ' , 287ALUM,NI AFFAIRS-GOODSPEED-CLUB LECTURES , , 289NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES .•...•. : •................ ; 294ATHLETICS ....•.... _ , .•.............................................................. 295THE LETTER B,ox , 296UNIVERSITY NOTES ....•................................ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 298COM MERCE AND ADMINISTRATION-STUDENT PERSONNEL WORK. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . •. 301LA W SCHOOL .•...••..• _ ........•.............•.................... , ..... - . . . . . . . . . .. 303SCHOOL OF EDUCATION-THE ART MUSEUM AND THE SCHOOL.......................... 304NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS _ .•.••.......•............................... 308MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS} BIRTHS, DEATHS •.......•................... , 320281282' THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETheof the Alumni CouncilUniversity of ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. �XELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer. ADOLPH G. 'PIERROT, '07.THE COUNc.a for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1924, MRS. WARREN. GORRElL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERAWINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHNP. MENTZER, '98 j, HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, 'Cfi; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term ex­pires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT 1. MARKHAM, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosopb», HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT; PHD., '98 j MRS. MAYME LOGSDON, PH.D, '21'.From the Divinitj! Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; GUY C.CRIPPEN, '07, A. M., ''12, D. B., '12; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.Fron« the Law School Alumni Association, Roy D. KEEHN, '02, J. D., '04; CHARLES F. Mc-. ELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15 ; WALTER D. FREYBURGER, J.D., '10.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. SCOTTV. EATON, '09, A.M., '13; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, PAUL H. DAVIS, '11; WILLIAM H. LYMAN, '14; PAUL S.RUSSELL, '16. 'From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; ALICE GREEN ACRE, '08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSO�, '12.From the University, HENRY GORDON . GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, 'The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.,ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, ELIJAH HANLEY, Ex., First Baptist Church, Berkeley, Calif.Secretary BRUCE E. JACKSON, D.B., '10, 1131 Wilson Ave., Salt Lake City.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Roy D. KEEHN, '02, J.D., '04, 10 So. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., 'U6, J.D., '15, 16U� Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLET1\ PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretary, LILLIAN STEVENSON, PH.B., '21, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BPDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago., All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.. The dues for Membership in either one of the- Associations named above, including sub­scriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIES'09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1688 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 176 W. Jackson Blvd.-n, William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14, W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 66th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17, Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.- 'lB. Barbara .Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn,'20'. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel. 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Katherine Clark. 6724 KiQ1bark Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave."23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 53'12 Ellis Ave.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO,CLUBS .Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club). Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin CitiesPres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University. Club). Sec" Mrs. Dorothy Augur Siver-Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope, ling, 1822 La Salle Ave., Minneapolis.\ 702' Brumback St., Boise, .. New York; N.>Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs. Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 .Browne St., Stuars & Co., 14 Wall St.Brookline. New York Alumnae Dub, Sec., Mrs. LoisCedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). .Sec., Sutherland Spear, 2761 Sedgwick Ave,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State Teachers N.Y.C.College, Cedar Falls, Ia. Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec. Juliette Gri'f-Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Ly-_ .fin, Central High School. 'man, 5 N. La Salle St. Peoria, Ill. Sec., Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyChicago' Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. Fred ,Polytechnic Institute.'.Huebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.. ,;Philadelphia, Pa, Pres., W. Henry Elfretb,Cincinnati, O� Sec., E. L. Talbert,. Univer-. 21 S. Twelfth St. .sity of Cincinnati: " ,Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec." Rheinhardt Thiessen,Cleveland, O. Sec., Mrs. F .. C. Loweth, 3277, '. U. S. Bureau: of Mines.'DeSota Ave., Cleveland Heights. Portland, Ore., Sec., Jessie M. Short, ReedColumbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486 College.Hunter Ave. .- St. Louis, Mo. Sec., L. R. Felker, 310 NorthConnecticut. Sec., Florence McCotmick� Fourth St.Connecticut Agr, Exp. Station, New Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,Haven., 625 Kearns. Bldg.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Haminill, San Francisco; Cal. (Northern California1417 American Exchange Bank BM,g. Club.) Sec" William H. Bryan, 414 KohlDenver (Colorado Club). Pres., Frederick Bldg.Sass, 919 Foster Bldg. Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall.Des Moines, Ia. " Sec., Ida T. Jacobs, Roose- 612 Alaska Bldg .. ,'velt High School. Sioux City, lao Pres., 'David W. Stewart,Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, ,1354 Frances Bldg.. 'Broadway.,. South Dakota. Sec .• Anna Fastenau; SiouxEmporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams. Falls, S. D.' �.. ,.State Normal School. Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., R'o;ck Island andGrand Forks, N. D. -s-e.. H. C. Trimble, Moline,' Ill.). Sec" Miss Ell,�' Preston,University of North Dakota. 1322 E. 12th St., Davenport .. ,,',' .Honolulu, T. H. H. R. ]orttan., First Judi- Tucson, Arizona. See., Mr,s. Chester F. Lay,cial Circuit. '''. . University of Arizona. 'Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn, Vermont.: .Pres., E. G. Hain, Brandon, Vt.H15 Broadway. .' . ,: Virginiil' Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick,' EastIowa <:ity, la. Sec., Olive Kay Martia, "Radford, ,Va.. . . . .State' University of Iowa.. Washington D. C. Sec .. Bertha Henderson,Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Mary S. Wheeler,. .' No. :1 Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.3331 Olive Street. West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chi-Lansing, Mich .. (Central Michigan Club). cago. Alumnae", Club). CJ;1airman. Mrs.Sec., Stanley E. Crowe.. Mich. Agf. .College, V. M.·· Huntington, 233 Ashland: Ave.,Lawrence, Kan.· Sec., Earl N. Manchester,' River' Forest, Ill.' .University of Kansas. Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin TruesdellLexington, Ky. Sec., W. Lewis Roberts, 4:12 N. Emporia Ave.University of Kentucky. FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESLos Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., J. Harry Hargreaves, 707Merchants' National Bank Bldg.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St.'3.'94.'95.'96.'97.'98.'99,'00.'01,'02.'03'04,'05.'06.'07.'OB. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 20B S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4B05 Dorchester Avc� ..Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick. McDowell, .,J.440. E .. 66th. PI..Agness J. KaufiDan;"Lewis Institute. 'Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. ,54th PI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St ..Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago. 283Manila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin.Universitv of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Sec., Mrs. Eleanor Whip-ple Peter, 90 Route de Say Zoong. ,Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement. First HighSchoGlThe Shanty CeremoniesThe picture shows Adelbert ("Dell") Stewart, president of '04, "defending" the honor of his Classand their right to join the Shanties, after "indictment" by the Class of '03. Tom Hair, President oi'03, is in front at extreme left; next to him is Dr. E. V. L. Brown, '03, the "Judge"; behind Stewartis Ralph Merriam, '03, the "Prosecuting Attorney"; the '03 "jury" is in the rear. Close to 1,000 spec­tators enjoyed the Ceremonies. I\:)00>I>-�l!1c::::�........�t:r1����()'"l;�t:)�c;]()��c;]��........�t:r1University of ChicagoMagazineTheJUNE 1924 No 8VOL. XVIThe 192'-4: Reunion has now passed intoThe Reunion our alum_ni histo.ry; In thenext section of this number ofthe Magazine is told more at length concern­ing the June gathering of this year, and areading of that review reveals that themajor events on the program met witha success that is gratifying to all of us.Judged from every point of view-attend­ance, interest, expression of loyalty-all ofthe main features of the reunion week werehighly successful. .The one noticeable lack was the parade.During the last few years the class parade,winding up on Stagg Field for the specialparade ceremonies there, had developed intoa feature of much color and life, and na­turally added greatly to the enthusiasm andspirit of the entire Reunion. This year,however, because of. the use of Stagg Fieldfor the Western Conference Track Meet,the Reunion Committee, with fair judgmentin the circumstances, felt that it would per­haps be best not to attempt the paradewhich, without the field for the usual wind­up, would have had difficulty in reachingthe desired climax. The alternative was torequest Western Conference and OlympicGames officials to hold the meet elsewhere,a decision which might well have led toa lot of unfavorable opinions about boththe Alumni and the University and wouldcertainly have caused those officials greatinconvenience and considerable loss. Thesituation, it appears, was neither the faultof the Athletics Department nor of theReunion Committee. The parade was missedthis year by both Alumni and spectators,and it seems to be the general opinion thatin the future every effort should be madeto allow no outside event prevent its ap­pearance on the Alumni Day program. The anniversary classes in particular weredisappointed because the absence of theparade prevented special showings on theirpart. It should be mentioned to their creditthat some of them had been making exten­sive plans for a big parade display andthey gave up those plans with reluctance.In other ways, though, while denied a pa­rade exhibition, they rallied in their owngatherings with distinct class effectivenessand among themselves certainly held mostenjoyable and memorable class reunions.And the contributions of '99, '04, '09 and'14 to certain other feature events on theprogram were especially noteworthy anddeserving of appreciative praise. A num­ber of the other classes also made good"off year" records. Thanks is due to allthe officers and committees of these classes.A fine feature of the Reunion was thepresence of a larger number of alumni clubdelegates than ever before. Fourteen alumniclubs, from New York on the east to LosAngeles on the west, had club delegatespresent; there was a total of eighteen dele­gates, some of the clubs having severalrepresentatives at the Reunion. The gen­eral attendance, also, was by no means local;a large number of states were represented,to such a degree that the Reunion couldtruly boast a "national" representation.Year by year this attendance of alumnifrom sections near and far is noticeably in­creasing-a phase which clearly shows thatour Reunions are now not at all "localized"in interest. This is a most pleasing develop­ment.All members of the 1924 Reunion Com­mittee deserve special thanks and appre­ciation for their work. They overcamedifficulties that were unexpected-absenceof the parade, distinctly bad weather, ill-285286 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHTCAGO MAGAZINEness on the part of some members-anddespite exceptional handicaps "delivered" asuccessful June assembly. On behalf ofthe Alumni Council and the alumni in gen­eral, we gladly extend hearty thanks tothat' committee-James A. Donovan '13general chairman; Martha Nadine Hali, '17;class organizations; S. Edwin Earle '11 theSing; William H. Lyman, '14, reun'ion'sup­per; Lyndon H. Lesch, '17, class stunts;Dan H. Brown, '16, program specials; JohnE. Joseph, '2'0, publicity. Only those whoknow what these "jobs" require can. fullyappreciate the services they rendered to theAlumni. Again we extend our sincerethanks to them all for "delivering" a "BetterYet" Reunion.* * *In the University Notes of the Aprilnumber of the Magazine appeared a notewhich told briefly that, begin­Senior .Class ning this spring, arrangementsDues had been made to add theSenior class dues to the tuitioncharge for spring quarter of every senioreligible for a bachelor's degree in June.This arrangement was requested by theSeniors, and received the full endorsementof Dean Wilkins and others directly inter­ested. Dean Wilkins, who has already wonwide notice for his keen interest in develop­ing personal and class contacts, realized the particular importance of having all membersof the class directly interested in class af­fairs, during the Senior year and as alumni,and the value of having the class dues repre­sent a contribution by every member ofthe class. The dues were adjusted so thatevery Senior could easily afford to paythem, and the usual time-wasting and some­times ineffective method of a senior "cam­paign" was dispensed with, simply by hav­ing the Cashier's office serve as the col­lecting agent.This method is both practical and demo­cratic. Under the old system, senior dues,which paid for class activities, the classgift, and Alumni Association membershipfor the first year, were often paid by onlya portion of the graduating class. Thusthe class gift, for instance, sometimes didnot truly, and certainly did not fully repre­sent a gift from the class as a whole. Inthis and other ways now, all Seniors arerepresented, there is no unnecessary wasteof time on the part of class officers, and thed ues are easily paid. When to this isadded-what is most important of all-theinevitable development of class interest andclass strength, as Seniors and as Alumni,the 1924 Class, Dean Wilkins and otherUniversity authorities deserve high com­mendation f.or the inauguration of this plan.The Class of '99The 25th Anniversary Class, '99, in the Maroon tams and gowns of theShanties, in front of the Shanty and the biggest drum in the world. As a"guessing contest," we will let the "old timers" pick them out. Ninety-Ninehad several successful events on their program.THE I924 REUNION 287+'"II-IIII-nll-lllI-nll-IIII-UIl-IIN-.I-""-III-nU-UII-IIII-1in-n-IU-AA-III-IIII-IIU-ItIl-JllI-AU-UII-Nta-HII-nll-lIa-llll-11+1 1i THE 1924 REUNION ii i+11_nn_8"_n"_nn_IIII_III_IIII_IIII_IIII_nn_IIII_lln_IIII_1I1I-11-OII-IIII-.II-lin-IIII-O"-IIII-nn-llll_nu_nll_lln_"O_II"-"n,+The University BandThe band has just arrived to "start the show." They are in frontof the Old University umbrella in the center of the Circle. The classumbrellas were set around the outside of the Circle.Despite rather unfavorable weather, the1924 Reunion "crashed through" with realsuccess in all the major events on the pro­gram. The "C" Dinner opened the festivi­ties on Thursday night, June 5, with thelargest gathering of "C" men in the historyof that event. On the same night the classesof '99 and 'O\) celebrated their 25th and15th anniversaries respectively, the formerwith 35 present, the latter with 52' in at­tendance.The 'Sing, on Friday night, surpassed allprevious Sings in attendance, managementand general effect. With Hutchinson Courtand Mitchell Tower beautifully illuminated,and the Court crowded to capacity, approxi­mately 2,000 men took part in the fraternitydelegations that sang. Following the bandconcert, which started this event, the Classof 1914. coming from their class dinner inthe Cafe, entered with some 75 membersand sang 1914 songs. Then the fraternitiesfiled through in the order drawn, as usual,hy lot. Then came the "C" men, led bythe "Old Man" who, after the singing, dis­trihuted the "C" blankets and announcedthe athletics honors for the year. The event closed with the chimes, followed bythe Alma Mater sung by the entire assem­bly and a great Chicago yell.The Alumnae Breakfast in Ida Noyes Hailauspiciously opened the events on Saturday,June 7-Alumni Day. Mrs. Ernest DeWittBurton and Mrs. James Hayden Tufts werethe special guests. Alice Greenacre, '08,J.D. '11, president of the Chicago AlumnaeClub, presided. Dean Marion Talbot, GraceCoulter, '99, Shirley Farr, '04, Mary E.Courtenay, '0.9, Mrs. Helene Pollak Gans,'14, Helen Wells, '24-representing the grad­uating class-and Miss Frances Gillespie,Head of Kelly Hall, gave very interestingtalks to' a gathering of alumnae that filledIda Noyes Hall dining room. The affairwas in charge of Lois E. Higgins, '18.During the afternoon a large number ofalumni attended the Western ConferenceTrack meet on Stagg Field.At 5 p. m. the crowd gathered aroundthe Shanty and class umbrellas on the Cir­cle. The class of '99 served frappe in theShanty and had an amusing exhibition ofphotographs of. '99 days on the walls. Inthe Shanty Ceremonies, the class of '03,288 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEheaded by Torn Hair, E. V. L. Brown andRalph Merriam, and backed by an '03 "jury,"read an indictment against '04, on thegrounds of voracious appetites as students,and challenged their admission into theShanties .. Adelbert Stewart,. '04 class presi­dent, who had come on from Washington,D. C, represented '04, and honorably de­fended the good name of his class, thereby"winning" the jury's favorable decision andthe crowd's laughter. To justify theirrightful admission, the class of '04, headedby Leo F. Wormser and William Z. Nourse,presented their play, the "Passions of 1904'"in Mandel Hall, after the Reunion Supper.The play, a clever sketch by Mrs. LaurettaOctigan White, brought rounds of laughterfrom the alumni audience, in dealing withstudent tribulations under Professor Starrand other members of the faculty in '04days. Mr. Nourse as Professor Starr, andMrs. Frieda Kirchoff Brown as Miss Prim,won special distinction in their parts. Un­questionably the class of '04 carried on theShanty tradition with great success.The Alumni Supper, in Bartlett Gymna­sium, had an attendance of over 550. Im­promptu singing and Chicago yells, led byRudy Matthews, '14, "kept the noise going"during the supper. Charles F. Axelson,'07, chairman of the Alumni Council andpresident of the . College Alumni Associa­tion, presided. In his roll call of delegatesfrom alumni clubs, the following responded:Boston, Mrs. Ann Reed Harwood, '99;Boise, Idaho, Mrs. Pauline Horn Pope, '0.9;Chicago Alumnae, Helen Norris, '07; Chi­cago Alumni, Howell W. Murray, '14;Cleveland, Nell C Henry, '12; Dallas,Texas, Chester A. Hammill, '13, and Mrs.Rhoda Pfeifer Hammill, '14; Davenport,Iowa, Paul Mandeville, '99; Los Angeles,Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Speik,· '05, andJohn Vruwink, '22; Milwaukee, Rudy Mat­thews, '14; New York Alumnae, Mrs. HelenPollak Gans, '14; New York Alumni, CharlesV. Drew, '99; Sioux City, Iowa, HenryShull, '14; Sioux Falls, S. D., Iona J. Rehm,'21; Washington, D. C, Adelbert Stewart,'04.Secretary A. G. Pierrot, '07, then pre­sented a brief report on alumni activitiesand progress during the past- year, andannounced the results of the election in theCollege Alumni Association. (These resultsappear on another page in this number.)President Burton made an inspiring ad­dress of welcome, wherein he stressed theneeds of the University and urged the co-.operative interest of the alumni in solvingsome of the pressing problems now con­fr ontiug their Alma Mater. He emphasizedthe fact that the University is trainingsplendid men and women. Harold H.Swift, '07, president of the Board of Trus­tees, pointed out that in the new plans ofthe University the alumni were being lookedto, to assist in their realization. Mr. R. R. Coon, '74, and Josephine Allin, '99, spokeon behalf of the 50th and the 25 anniversaryclasses. Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97, Ph.D. '98,told of his interesting tour of the middleand far west, deiivering lectures under theauspices of alumni clubs, and thanked theAlumni Council, the Clubs Committee, andthe local clubs for their enthusiastic andever cordial co-operation, and the kindlyattentions to Mrs. Goodspeed and himselfduring the entire tour. The class umbrellawas then presented to the Seniors, who werewelcomed into the Alumni Association, and,after the class of 1914 gave a funny musicalstunt, the crowd adjourned to attend the'04 play in Mandel Hall. After the. play,the remainder of the evening was devotedto visiting and dancing in the ReynoldsClub-two floors and two orchestras beingused.While the color and life of the paradewas missed this year-it was not held be­cause of the Track Meet-the main Reunionevents were all notably successful. Theattendance showed many states in the unionwere represented, including New York,Massachusettes, Vermont, Florida, Texas,California, Washington, Idaho, Nebraska,the Dakotas, all the nearby states, andCanada. In many ways, in fact, the alumnianswered the call and recorded in 1924 a"Better Yet" Reunion.Senior Events on College DayOn Monday, June 9-Colleg-e Day-the1924 Class held their Senior Exercises onthe Quadrangles, with a large attendancepresent. The Exercises were held, as usual,on the lawn in front of Cobb Hall. TheCollege Day program, including the Ex­ercises, was as follows:11 :45 a. m.- J u�ior-Senior Baseball Game-The Circle.2 :00 p. m.-Class Exercises-SeniorBench.Address bv the President of the Class of192'4--Arthur Cochrane Cody.Presentation of the Senior Hammer tothe Class of 1925-Arthur Cochrane Cody.Response for the Class of 1925-ElsaLouise Allison.Presentation of the Cap and Gown to theClass of 1925-Dorothy Helen Mc Kinlay.Response for the Class of 1925-MarthaSmart.Presentation of the Senior Bench to theClass of 1925-Russell Edward Pettit.Class Poem-Bertha Ten Eyck James.Class History-Charles Russell Pierce.Class Oration-Robert Peace Pollak.Presentation of the Class Gift-RussellCowgill Carroll.Response on behalf of the University-President Ernest DeWitt Burton.Class Song."Alma Mater."6 :00 p. m.-Class Dinner.ALUMNI AFFAIRSALUMNIGoodspeed Meeting and ,Lecture at PeoriaThe University of Chicago Club of Peoriaheld its annual business meeting the eveningof Friday, May 2nd, at Bradley Hall, Brad­ley Polytechnic Institute. This meeting usu­ally occurs in June, but as we were fortunateenough to be one of the clubs to have theopportunity of having Dr. Goodspeed andMrs. Goodspeed as guests, we held the meet­ing upon the evening they could arrange tobe present.The meeting followed the excellent dinnerwhich was served in the Cafeteria, and wasattended by the following: Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Black, Dr.G. R. Boyer, Dr. T. C. Burgess, HerbertChurch, C. C. Dickman, Dr. and Mrs. S. H.Easton, E. K. Frye, Y. A. Heghin, and twoguests, Miss Georgia Hopper, Miss AnnaJewett Le Fevre, Miss Adelaide Mickel, Mr.and Mrs. H. Dale Morgan, Miss GeorginaLord, Miss Mollie Rabold, Miss Vera Theis,Mrs. C. T. Wyckoff.The following officers were .... elected toserve the year 1924-2'5:President: Dr. Sidney H. Easton, '10, S,M.'11.Vice-President: Miss 'Georgina Lord '20,A.M. '2'3. 'Secretary- Treasurer: Miss Anna JewettLe Fevre, ex.Directors: C. C. Dickman, '19; F. A.Stowe, ex.; H. D. Morgan, '06.After the brief business meeting, the com­pany adjourned to the Chapel in BradleyHall, where Dr. Goodspeed gave his lecture.There was a good-sized audience, despitethe fact that a hard rain came at just the'time people were coming to the hall. Tothose who have had the pleasure of hearingDr. Goodspeed talk on the subject "WhyTranslate the New Testament?" it is notnecessary to say that the hearers were morethan delighted at his masterful way of pre­senting his material, which he does in themost convincing manner. To those who havenot yet heard this lecture, and who are tohave this opportunity, we can only say thatyou have a most unusual treat in store andyou will be like the Peoria people, wi shirrgthat. the lecture might have lasted longer.This is the first open meeting which thePeoria Club has had. Having met with suchsuccess this time, we shall probably haveother meetings thrown open to the public.Our next activity is the Oratorical Con­test which is held at Bradley PolytechnicInstitute each year, and for which the Clubprovides the prizes, and conducts the con­test, with the co-operation of the Bradleyfaculty. Anna J. LeFevre, Secretary. 289AFFAI RSDr. Goodspeed "Conquers" Los AngelesLos Angeles, (alif.,June 4, 1924.Like Caesar 111 Gaul, Dr. Edgar F. Good­speed may with certitude remark of LosAngeles-"veni, vidi, vinci!"On the evening of Monday, May 19th, agoodly crowd of about 1,200 persons gath­ered at Bovard Auditorium at the Universityof Southern California to hear Dr. Good­speed deliver his well-known lecture on"Whv I Translated the New Testament."W e -of Los Angeles were glad and areproud that we could present Dr. Goodspeedwith an audience wor tlay of his message,That he appreciated this is evidenced byhis remark that this audience was one ofthe finest he had had in his lecture tour.Dr, Goodspeed's lecture was at once themost interesting and entertaining that ithas been the good fortune of Universityof Chicago alumni and friends to hear insome time. We had all, of course, knownof Dr. Goodspeed's great work, but beingso far removed from the "front," the greatbulk of newspaper criticism, both favorableand unfavorable, did not reach us. Con­sequently, the lecture proved to be, to ourdelight, one replete with humorous thrustsat Dr. Goodspeed's would-be newspapercritics, as well as being a very graphicexposition of the evolution of the New Tes­tament 'and of Dr. Goodspeed's source andmeans for his modern American translation.We wish, through the medium of theAlumni Magazine, to thank the AlumniCouncil and the University for the consid­eration and kindness shown the Southern,California Alumni Club in making possibleDr. Goodspeed's trip to the coast for thedelivery of his lecture to the alumni andUniversity friends. We can only say thatthe pleasure that we had in having Dr.Goodspeed with us ought to in part repaythe sponsors of his coming to the Coast.We also wish to emphasize that all creditfor the splendid attendance which we hadat the lecture belongs to Miss Eva M.Jessup, President of the Southern Califor­nia Alumni Club who, through her undividedattention and her generous use of time andeffort, paved the way for same. The mem­bers of the Southern Calif.ornia AlumniClub were grateful to her for having madepossible at this end successful plans for thelecture,Very truly yours,T. Harry Hargreaves, '22'Secretary, University of Chicago AI�mniClub of Southern California.290 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Goodspeed Lectures at Cedar Falls­Waterloo. IowaMay 14, 1924.As you see by the date at the head of 'thisletter, part of my "burdens" have rolledaway, and I am mighty glad to be able tosay that our dinner and the lecture lastnight were both very successful. Fifty-eightattended the dinner, counting Dr. and Mrs.Goodspeed and President and Mrs. Seerley,of Iowa State Teachers College. We felthighly gratified at the response from ourmembers. Dr. and Mrs. Goodspeed were allthat you assured us that they would be­most delightful people. It was my privilegeto sit beside Mrs. Goodspeed .at the dinnerand you may be sure that she was a verycharming and entertaining companion. Wefound that we had so many mutual friendsand acquaintances that the time passed alltoo quickly.Dr. Goodspeed spoke to us there fornearly half an hour, and Mrs. Goodspeedalso talked briefly, in a way that pleasedeveryone.We were pleased at the size of the audi­ence for the lecture. Somewhere betweeneight hundred and a thousand were there,and it was by no means an unbalanced one.I had feared that we would have the stu­dents to the exclusion of our downtownpeople. The Faculty were out en masse, andmany from downtown. Quite a numberfrom Waterloo were also there. The audi­torium could have accommodated fifteenhundred, but considering' the fact that someMusic graduates were giving a recital inanother building on the Campus, which holdssix hundred, I believe that we. did prettywell.The lecture itself was splendid, and I haveheard nothing but commendation on it. Itwas gratifying to me to have some personswho are not at all liberal in their theologicalviews say that they enjoyed the evening andthought we were to be congratulated forbringing Dr. Goodspeed to Cedar Falls. Ofcourse, we are not really entitled to verymuch credit for that, but since we are theonly representatives of the University here,we take all the credit that we dare. To giveyou an idea of the impression created by thelecture, I must tell you that one Facultymember asked me this morning if we mighthope to get Dr. Goodspeed here for a seriesof lectures for the Bible Conference that wehave here every summer. I was glad toanswer that I thought that he had recentlygiven a series of lectures at the DisciplesConference in Lexington.Thanking you heartily for your coopera­tion and with best wishes, I amYours cordially,Reno R. Reeve, '14, J.D. '16. Dr. Goodspeed at Kansas CityMay 16, 1924.On May 16, Dr. Goodspeed visited Kan­sas City and gave his lecture on "Why ITranslated the New Testament." If onehas heard Dr. Goodspeed give that lecturehe does not need any enthusiastic descrip­tion of it; if one hasn't heard that lecturehe is' indeed unfortunate, and the only rem­edy is to make the most of his very firstopportunity.The lecture is not only scholarly and con­vincing, and you may be sure it is all ofthat, but it is interesting because of its hu­manness and charm. Perhaps the last twoqualities were Dr. Goodspeed's own. Atany rate thev were there and an audienceo(six hundred in the Grand Avenue Templewere very sorry when he had finished thehour and ten minutes which he had allottedhimself.Dr .. Goodspeed presents a good clear casefor his translation, a thing that the trans­lation does for itself if one only reads it in­stead of some of the ignorant reviews whichwere published of it.\Ve are all for Dr. Goodspeed here, andwe hope he enjoyed us' as much as we didhim.Mary S. \Vheeler, ex '22,Secretary.Dr. Goodspeed at Minneapolis-St. PaulMay 23, 1924.On May twelve, forty-seven members ofthe Twin City Alumni Club of the Univer­sity of Chicago, held a six o'clock dinner inthe banquet room of the Central Y. M.C. A. Minneapolis in honor of Dr. and Mrs.Goodspeed.At the business meeting following thedinner Dr. Goodspeed gave a most inspir-·ing talk of the work being done by Univer­sity professors at home and afield, and ofthe plans for the future of the University,laying especial emphasis on the new MedicalSchool.Before the meeting adjourned Albert J.J olinson, J.D. '19, was elected president forthe coming year and Mrs. Dorothy AugurSiverling, Ph.B. '22, secretary-treasurer ..The Alumni were enthusiastic over theopportunity of again coming in contact withthe charming personality of Dr. Goodspeedand his wife, and hope that agitation will goforward so that other lectures may be ar­ranged for the clubs in the future. It isone of the most effective means of keepingthe Alumni interested in the University.At eight o'clock Dr. Goodspeed gave hislecture "Whv I Translated the New Testa­ment"_:_at tl�e Church of the Redeemer,Minneapolis.s--with great success.Yours very truly,Dorothy Augur Siverling, '22.SecretaryALUMNI AFFAIRS-GOODSPEED LECTURESProfessor Goodspeed at MilwaukeeMilwaukee, May 16, 192.oi.On Friday evening, May 9th, the Mil­waukee Alumni of the University of Chi­cago gathered for dinner in the ColonialRoom of the Wisconsin Hotel, with Dr. andMrs. Edgar Goodspeed as our guests.In spite of the advance notices and pub­licity which we gave to this occasion, therewere only about twenty-five members pres­ent at the dinner, due largely to the factthat the same evening was Public SchoolEvening at the Milwaukee Auditorium forour Annual M usic Week.However, we thoroughly enjoyed Dr.Goodspeed's presence at the dinner and hisremarks about the "Better-Yet Campaign"on the Campus, and the new constructionplans which are now under way, especiallyfor the new Medical School.The best part of the evening was Dr.Goospeed's address at the Immanuel Pres­byterian church, at which about 350 werepresent. The general public was invited,and the meeting was under the joint aus­pices of the University of Chicago Alumni­and the Men's Class of the Immanuel Pres­byterian church.Dr. Goodspeed's lecture, "Why Translatethe New Testament," was a treat for all whoheard it and was given in his characteristic,fascinating, and convincing manner.We were indeed fortunate to be includedin the lecture tour which Dr. Goodspeed ismaking, and we wish. to thank the ClubsCommittee of the Alumni Council for bring­ing this opportunity to our attention.W e appreciate your personal in ter est inthe welfare of the Alumni Associations, andI wish to convey the best wishes of ourlocal organization to you personally andto all of our old friends at the University.Very sincerely yours,K. A. Hauser, '19, Secretary.Dr. Goodspeed and Dr. Willett AddressLexington Alumni ClubMay 1, 1924.Last Tuesday evening, April 29th, theAlumni Club of Lexington, Kentucky, gavea dinner at the Lafayette Hotel in honor ofDr. Edgar J Goodspeed and Dr. Herbert L.Willett who were in Lexington in attendanceat the Congress of the Disciples of theChurches of Christ.Seventy-five were present, including mem­bers of the club, former students of the Uni­versity, and guests. All greatly enjoyedmeeting and hearing the talks given by thetwo guests of honor.Yours very truly,W. Lewis Roberts, J.D. '20,Secretary.University of Kentucky,Lexington, Kentucky. 291Dr. Goodspeed at Indianapolis. May 25, 1924.Our last-until-September meeting of theIndianapolis University of Chicago AlumniClub was a dinner given at the Spink-Armshotel, May 5, in honor of Dr. and Mrs.Goodspeed.N early everybody came early enough tobecome pretty well acquainted before goingin tu dinner, but by way of a review. thepresident of the club, Walter Gingery, calledupon each of the thirty-six present to givehis name and vocation, or chief interest inlife, When Mr. Goodspeed's turn camehe made it his business to state briefly butcomprehensively the high noints of the. progra.m for the future development of theUniversity, and outlined the plans in the"better yet" campaign for raising the stand­ards of education, and for giving studentsgreater· opportunity for developing person­ality.After the dinner and speeches were over,we went to a nearby church-the First Bap­tist-where Dr. Goodspeed gave his talk,"Why Translate the New Testament?", toan audience that· appreciated him most thor­oughly, if there was anything to be read inthe expression on the faces of those listen­ing, and from remarks made afterwards.Perhaps Dr. Goodspeed's quietly convinc­ing manner impressed his audience as muchas did what he had to say.Two practical bits of evidence of the af­ter effects of the lecture are the following:Stewart's the chief book store-reported,unofficially, that there had been many in­ouiries and sales since the talk; and theSunday following, the speaker of one of theimportant churches read his' chosen scrip­ture from Dr. Goodspeed's translation. withthe prefacing remark that he believed thatthe modernized translation gives a new­ness of thought in its presentation-helpfulalike to both preacher and layman.We thoroughly enjoyed having Dr. andMrs. Goodspeed with us, and are glad thatwe were instrumental, in bringing so worthwhile a speaker to the Indianapolis public.Yours most sincerely,. Mabel Washburn, '18.Secretary, Indianapolis Club.Dr. Goodspeed's Lectures inSan FranciscoMay 27, 1924.Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed closed on Sun­day morning a series of five lectures givenin this vicinity upon the translation of theNew Testament. Through the instrumen­tality of our University of Chicago Club, hewas invited to lecture before the Universityof California, the First Baptist Church inSan Francisco, the San Francisco Federa­tion of Churches, and the Unitarian Churchin Palo Alto. On Friday, May 23rd, theClub gave a luncheon in Dr. Goodspeed'sTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. honor at the Stewart Hotel attended byforty-four members and guests. .Weare glad that Dr. Goodspeed was ableto come and were charmed with the delight- -ful personality of himself and Mrs. Good­speed, while his discussion of the transla­tion of the New Testament was receivedwith great interest.(Please note an error in the name of ourpresident. It should be John Walter Cole­berd, and in the name of our Vice-President,Roselina Rosenblatt, appearing in the Maynumber of the Magazine.)It is our earnest hope that some otherdistinguished member of our faculty canvisit San Francisco in the late autumn, andso enable us to have another gathering ofour club.Very truly yours,William H. Bryan, '04.Secretary.Dr. Goodspeed at Lawrence, KansasMay 21, 1924.At the last meeting of our club new of­ficers were elected as follows:President, Professor Walter S. Hunter,Ph.D. '12; secretary, Mr. Earl N. Manches­ter, ex, Librarian at the University of Kan­sas.I shall immediately turn over to Pro­fessor Hunter your letter of May 20 aboutour representation in the reunion festivities.We were all very much pleased with Dr.Goodspeed's lecture on May 16 and withhis talk to the alumni.Very sincerely,Arthur T. Walker, Ph.D. '99.University of Kansas, .Lawrence, Kansas.Dr. Goodspeed in CincinnatiThe University of Chicago Club of Cin­cinnati gave a dinner in honor of Dr. andMrs. Edgar Goodspeed on May 6 in theWoman's Building of the University of Cin­cinnati. The thirty-six members enjoyedDr. Goodspeed's serious and humorous com­ments on the University of Chicago as it ex­ists today. Following the dinner came thecelebrated lecture on the New Testamenttranslations. It was universally agreed thatnot for a long time has there been such anenthusiastic response to a lecturer. A repre­sentative and interested audience were car­ried along in the current of Professor Good­speed's scholarly argument and insight. Itwas an occasion well worth while.E. L. Talbert, '02! Ph.D. '10.Reunion Greetings From CincinnatiCincinnati, Ohio.The University of Chicago Club of Cin­cinnati says good luck to President Burton,to the Alumni body assembled on the cam­pus, and to the wonderful University ofwhich we are proud to be members.E. L. Talbert, '02, Ph.D. '10. Shanghai Club Meeting-New OfficersApril 29, 1924.My dear �Mr. Pierrot:. You will be interested to know that theUniversity of Chicago Club of Shanghaihad the pleasure of meeting with Dr. andMrs. O. \\T. Caldwell on April 24, 1924.Twenty-four members of the club' met forluncheon at the Navy Y. M. C. A. andlistened with delight to Dr. Caldwell'sstories of the University under its threepresidents.After "tiffin," a short business meetingwas held at which the following officerswere elected for the coming year:President-Dr. John Y. Lee, S.B. '07,Ph.D. '15.Vice President-Mr. Milton M. Bowen,'21.Secretary-treasurer-E I e a nor WhipplePeter, '07 (Mrs. W. W.).Additional members on the Executivecommittee:Mr. S. D. Ren, '17, Dr. S. M. Woo, ex '15.The following were present: Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Robertson, Dr. John Y. Lee, Dr. andMrs. Alfred H. Swan, Dr. Fred Wampler,Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hanson, Mr. and Mrs.M. M. Bowen, 11r. E. Kelhofer, Mr. S. D.Ren, Rev. T. C. Wu, Dr. and Mrs. Mam­men, Dr. P. H. Lo, Mrs. Beatty of Manila,Mr. Y. Y. Lo, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Kennard,Mr. Maurice Price, Dr. and Mrs. S. M.Woo, Mrs. W. W. Peter.The Club will be glad to know of Uni­versity of Chicago people passing throughShanghai.Dr. John Y. Lee is at 20 Museum Road,National Committee, Y. M. C. A., Tele­phone Central 5287.Mrs. W. W. Peter is at 90 Route de SayZoong, telephone West 4089.Yours very sincerely,Mrs. Eleanor Whipple Peter, '07.Secretary."Teddy" Linn Addresses St.. Louis ClubMay 26, 1924.The University of Chicago Alumni livingin St. Louis woke up from a year oflethargy with a bang and had a verysuccessful dinner at' the Gatesworth HotelSaturday "nite," May 24th. Sixty-seven en­thusiastic alumni were on hand to make it agala event. Inasmuch as this number rep­resents better than fifty percent of ourmembership list, we feel particularly elatedover the interest shown.We credit. "Teddy" Linn's popularitywith the success of our dinner. As youknow, he tore himself away from his multi­farious duties in Chicago at our very urgentand insistent request to come down and tellus about the University. He did this I in hisown inimitable fashion to the complete en­joyment of us all. I wished I had a work­ing knowledge of shorthand in order thatI might have kept definitely in mind theALUMNI AFFAIRSmany interesting things he brought out.His talk about the University was withparticular reference to the problem of en­trance requirements and the method of se­lecting student applicants.He pointed out that the old method of ac­cepting any student who came from anaccredited school with the required numberof credits and allowed to remain until heflunked out was found to be inadequate andunsatisfactory in face of the changed condi­tions that have existed since the war. Hesaid this proved a waste of time to the stu­dent and a waste of time to the instructors,and the two wastes put together made aconsiderable economic loss. He was of theopinion that some selective method was nec­essary whereby a heterogeneous studentbody could be obtained which would rep­resent both the brilliant and the near-bril­liant. For this reason he found the entranceexamination an incomplete criterion of astudent's qualifications-also the methodused by some universities of acceptingstudents only from the top ten of their classin school. The objection to this last method,as applied to a co-educational school, wasthat, inasmuch as girls in the high schoolyears are more industrious and make bet­ter grades, they would constitute a consid­erable majority of the top ten. With alldue deference to the women, he insisted thatit would not be good for any university tohave the predominance of women that thisrule would bring' about because it wouldtend to monotonize the university life andmoreover, in the university years men reachtheir development and make as good stud­ents as the women.. Mr. Linn then described the method nowbeing used by the University -of Chicagoin arriving at the applicant's qualification.He said the plan was still in the develop­ing stage but he felt would work out withgood results. A series of documents 'is sentto each applicant; three of the papers goto three of the applicant's teachers who giveon them their judgment of the student'squalities. The fourth paper is for the appli­cant's use. He states all his activities inschool, his inclinations, the kind of bookshe reads, etc. In' addition he must write atwo hundred and fifty word theme as con­cisely as possible. These papers. togetherwith a medical certificate testifying to theapplicant's ability to carryon his studiesand' his credits. in high school, are sent into the 'Univer sity. If they are passed onfavorably the applicant is written a let­ter and is cordially invited to matriculate inthe University.Mr. Linn said that their purpose at theUniversity was,. of course, to discipline themind 'but not just to feed learning to thestudent and dull his initiative and creativein telligence.Mr. Linn ended his talk with a runningaccount of the accomplishments of the var- 293ious departments of the University and thenew building program of the medical de­partment. It was interesting to hear fromhim that the University of Chicago facultyhad furnished more college presidents atthe present time than any other universityin the country. He said that the Universitywas, at the present, in a healthy condition.I t had many things to be proud of and greathopes for the future.These are only a few of the very interest­ing things Professor Linn had to say andI am sorry that I can't write' more fully.It is needless to say that "Teddy" mixedin his own interesting brand of humorwhich gave an additional kick to an excep­tionally interesting talk.Our dinner was interspersed with theusual yells and songs and they were all en­tered into with enthusiasm. The singingof the "Alma Mater" brought to an end amighty happy gathering.Very sincerely,L. R. Felker, '20.Secretary, University of ChicagoClub of St. Louis.Dean Wilkins Addresses Chicago AlumniClub Annual MeetingThe annual meeting of the ChicagoAlumni Club was held in College Hall atthe University Club on Thursday, May 8th,with the largest attendance ever recorded ata spring meeting of the Club. Dean ErnestH. Wilkins was the main speaker. Withhim, as guests of honor, were the followingUndergraduate Deans: James A. Field, J.W. E. Glattfeld, Ph.D. '14, Wellington D.Jones, '08, Ph.D. '14, and John F. Norton,Ph.D. '12. As guests of honor, also, wereCharles F. Axelson,. '07, William ScottBond, '97, Albert W. Sherer, '06, and HaroldH. Swift, '07, Alumni Trustees. Howell W.Murray, '14, nresident of the Club, presided.President Murray welcomed the guests ofthe evening. He then briefly reviewed thegrowth of the Club within ·the past yearand announced that the Club now had 655members; he predicted that the Club willhave a thousand members by 1925, if con­tinuity in office was secured and the samealumni cooperation obtained during the com­ing year.Dean Wilkins delivered a most interestingaddress on "Humanizing the College," point­ing out the fundamental objects of a collegeeducation and explaining how the Univer­sity is now aiming to achieve those objectsbest. He outlined plans for bringing thestudent' in closer contact and more personaland helpful relationship with the instructorsand the deans, pausing a moment to intro­duce the deans who were present at thedinner. Dean Wilkins stated that the ath­letic activities at the University were beingproperly handled under Professor Stagg, but,that the non-athletic activities needed a di-(Continued on Page 306)294 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENE-WS OF TH-EQUADRANGLESAfter staging the best show in years,Blackfriar's have effected a new organiza­tion which will make the offices of Abbotand the Superiors competitive positions.This plan went into operation with the ap­pointment of Donald Irwin as Abbot for1925 and the selection of Robbins, Pringle,Kirk, and Hillman as Superiors. Under theplan two Junior managers were appointed,one to take charge of the actual productionand the other t,o superintend the financialend. The two managers for next year areGeorge Bates and Paul Cullom. The Supe­riors will also have special duties. TheJunior managers will compete for the posi­tion of Abbot in the Senior year. The un­successful candidate will automatically ac­quire the office of Prior.At the last initiation of Blackfriar's sev­enty-two men were introduced into theOrder. Everyone of the participants inthe show, "So Long Susan", was voted intothe organization. Immediately after theinitiation the members and alumni of Friarsentertained the neophytes at a sumptuousbanquet at the U niver sity Club. ProfessorJames Weber Linn, '97, was toastmasterand treated the boys to fine samples of hiskeen wit. Professor Percy Boynton thenfollowed with a helpful talk on eliminationof extravagance in productions, The ban­quet was followed by a delightful trip tothe Harris Theater where "No, No, Nan­ette" was viewed. The presence of GraceBennett, an alumna of the University, madethe show a great success in the eyes of theFriars as well as the chorus.Official "Dad's" Day was held at the Uni­versity on May 16, under the auspices ofthe Y. M. C. A. Six states were repre­sented by the fathers, One parent came adistance of 2000 miles. This first "Dad's"Day was a pronounced success in every way.The annual spring formal of the Univer­sity, the Interclass Hop, was held in IdaNoyes on June 4, with an attendance ofthree hundred couples. Decorations for theaffair were quite elaborate. Dark blue col­ored canvas covering the entire ceiling con­verted the ball room into an artificial bluesky and open-air pavilion. Stars dotted theindigo skylight. Numerous Japanese lan­terns were strewn above the dancers' heads.Ferns banked the courtways and loungingplaces. The orchestra which furnished themusic. w;;s the Terrace Garden ten pieceorganiza tiori.Under the new organization of the HonorCommission whereby the Faculty and stu­dents are both represented, six commission­ers were chosen from the Sophomore' and Junior classes as their representatives forthe coming year. Elections in chapel re­sulted in the selection of Bruce MacFarlane,J oh n Merriam, Florence Cook and GladysWalker of the Juniors, and Seward Covertand Aimee Graham of the Sophomores, asmembers.The University chapter of Phi BetaKappa recently initiated thirty-one newmembers into the society. Twenty-one werewomen. Among the initiates were KennethLaird president of next year's Undergradu­ate Council and also Head Marshal, andJoe Duggan of basketball fame.The President's office recently announcednext year's marshals and aids. KennethLaird was appointed Head Marshal. Theother marshals are: Amick; Barnes, DeYoung, Downing, Fuqua, Irwin, Kerr, Mer­riam, Oppenheim, and Wilson. The aidsare: Allison, Bachrach, Barrett, Forrester,Kincheloe, Maclay, Mallory, Rawson, G.Walker and M. Walker.A new publication which appeared in Mayat the University under the title of TheForge, is a journal of verse published by a. successful organization of students, the Poe­try Club of the University, which believes�hat t?e recent revival ?f interest in poetry111 this country, especially in the MiddleWest, justifies a new publication. Oldermembers of the club, now living in all partsof the country, have had contributions innumerous magazines of distinction such asthe Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Dial, etc.,and. the club has recently issued a highlycreditable anthology by its members.The editor-in-chief of the new journal isGladys Campbell, Instructor in English inthe University High School, and the asso­ciate editors are Bertha Ten Eyck James.twice wm ner ?f the Fiske Poetry Prize, andGeorge H. DIllo? Among the contributingedIt<?rs are Maurice Leseman, Yvor Winters,Jessica Nelson North, Marian Manly Eliza­beth Madox Roberts, Will Ghere, an'd Rob­ert Redfield.By the time this June number of theMagazine reaches the Alumni, the- strenuouswork on exams will be over and a mostinteresting year of student activities willhave passed into history. A year of manysuccessful events in all phases of studentactivities, and of a number of importantchanges and innovations, was fittingly endedby the big Alumni .Reunion and the I SeniorClass Day ceremonies. We are now look­ing forward-after summer "jobs"-to aneven bigger year in 1924-25.A. L. Cooper, '27.ATHLETICS 295Tennis ChampionshipsTennis, wherein Capt. Eddie Wilson ofthe Varsity, won the Big Ten singles title,was the one bright rift in an otherwisecloudy sport quarter this spring. Whilethe baseball team went through one of themost dismal failures in its history, the en­tire Maroon net team had the best seasonin years, ending up by Wilson's brilliantwork in the conference meet. The Varsitymen won five of their seven dual meets,tieing one and losing to Illinois af Urbana.In all the matches played they demonstratedsuperior form throughout.The loss of Captain Frankenstein andA. A. Stagg, Jr., of last season's team, leftthe Maroons without an efficient doublesteam that could stand up under the "gaff" ofthe Big Ten meet, but in dual meets thedoubles team Valentine and Hunt made acreditable showing and promises much fornext season. Because of the lack of a com­petent partner, Coach Read withdrew Wil­son for the doubles in the conference tour­ney, permitting him to confine his efforts tothe singles division.To win the singles championship Wilson,after winning several easy matches in thepreliminary rounds, was forced to defeatDonavon of Notre Dame and Sagalowskyof Butler, two of the leading collegiate play­ers in the middle west, which he did onlyafter the most hectic of matches in bothcases.In addition to the conference victory, theMaroons' record in the Big Ten gives themthe league title, which counts separatelyfrom the conference title.Baseball, Track and GolfThe showing of the baseball team thisseasons has been such that even a confirmedoptimist would have difficulty in thinkingup nice things to say about it. Shortlyafter the start of the season Coach N or­gren's men showed their tenth place form,and, after getting a hold on the Big Ten cel­lar, kept a firm clutch thereon for the re­mainder of the season, going through theyear without a conference victory.The Varsity lost all games both away andat home, many of them by heartbreakingone run margins. In every case the lack ofan efficient pitcher was the chief cause of_defeat. Neither of the two Varsity hurlershad the staying qualities to go. an entiregame, and an opponent's rally in the fifthor sixth inning after the Maroons appar­ently had a safe lead, grew to be a regularocc-urence. Plans are being made, neverthe­less, to have the Maroon team go to Japannext fall.With such strong track teams as Iowa and Illinois in the conference. this season,the Varsity had little success in. track, al­though individual stars showed up well.Harry Frieda, star field athlete, won con­sistently in field events throughout the sea­son. Next season, with the present starfreshmen trackmen eligible for Varsity com­petition, better success is predicted for theMaroon cinder athletes.The golf team, which has yet to play inthe conference meet at Northwestern, wentthrough a fairly successful season, duemainly to the stellar playing of KennethHisert. . The only bad defeat which theChicago team suffered was at Illinois wherethe Orange and Blue triumphed by a 20-1'score. The Varsity staged a comeback afterthis match, and managed to defeat OhioState by the same score as they had lost byat Illinois. Iowa also was a victim of Cap­tain Miller's golfers, . by a 13-2 score.Following the conclusion of athletic ac­tivities for the year, twenty-five seniors,members of various Varsity teams wereawarded "C" blankets for their service invarious lines of sport. At the annual "C"banquet, fifty members of ten varsity teamsreceived major letters, but as blankets goonly to senior members many will not re­ceive the Maroon quilt until another yearor two.Those who received the blankets, andtheir service records are as follows.:W. H. Adler, gym team', two years. R.W. Atwood, swimming team, one year.Clarence Brickman, track team, three years,captain. Howard Byler, football, one year;swimming, one year. Arthur Cody, base­ball team, one year. Card Collins, Gym­nastic team, one year. Campbell Dickson,track team, one year; football team, twoyears; basketball team, three years, captain.Joseph Duggan, basketball team, two years.C. B. Elliot, gymnastic team, three years,captain. Edwin Forkel, baseball team, threeyears, captain. Harry Frieda, track team,three years. Michael Greenebaum, waterbasketball team, two years, captain, foot-·ball, one year. Frank Gregor, gymnasticteam, one year. Alexander Jones, trackteam, three years. Ralph King, footballteam, three years. ]. L. Lyons, swimmingteam, 011le year, captain. John McGuire,baseball team, one year. Daniel Protheroe,swimming team, two years. James Pyott,track team, two years; football team, threeyears, captain. Lloyd Rhorke, footballteam, two years. Karl Sarpalius, wrestlingteam, two years, captain. John Thomas,football team, three years. George Tsoulos,wrestling team, one year, captain. PhilipVan Deventer, swimming team, one year.Willis Zorn, football team, three years.290 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE-'lIlIlIlIIlImIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II111111111111111111111UlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ'�I Q The Lette� Box Q. I�n1lllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili11111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110'Praises Humanization Movement 1914 Class Undergraduate Loan FundSheffield, Illinois. Tenth Annual ReportThe year ending April 30, 192'4, has been arecord breaker in three respects. The num-:ber of loans, twenty-seven, exceeds the nextbest year, 1920, by six. The amount. of theloans, $1,730, exceeds the next best year,1922, by $556.50. The average of the loans,$64.07, is higher than the 1922 average.At the present time, there is an overdraftof approximately $100 because the demandhas exceeded the amount of money availablefor student use. Assistance during the yearhas been limited to $75 per person; no suretyor collateral being required and interestbeing charged at the rate of 4%.But one request for dues was made duringthe year, the time of solicitation chosen b�­ing April 1. This change was made expert­mentally in an effort to determine the mostproductive period of the year for such aneffort. Even after ten years new contribu­tors are sending in their share, people whohave never given before. The total numberof subscribers is now 253 ..Loans were made during the year to threeof our best athletes. Loans were alsogranted to men and women of Phi BetaKappa grade. Seniors were given preferencewhere there was a shortage of funds, andwomen over men. Sickness, large families,ex '22 poor prices for crops, and a desire to be self­supporting explain the large majority of re-quests for aid this year.One of a Number of Similar Generous Offers Dean Gale, Miss Ott, and the Cashier'sOffice are entitled to the hearty thanks ofMay 19, 1924. the class for their work at the Universityin completing the loans. The future of thisventure will depend on the will of the classexpressed at the tenth reunion, in June, 1924.Classification of 192'3-24 LoansClass Men WomenSenior 9 2Junior 3 3Sophomore 3 4Freshman 3 0Dear Mr. Pierret:Inclosed please find draft for annual duesof the Alumni Association. To me, thISsum yields an ever-growing dividend ingenuine pleasure. My magazine reaches meon the eighteenth of the month and that hasbecome a red-letter day on my calendar, ninemonths of the year. There is somethingdistinctively Chicagoesque about the pub­lication' the same "something within It thatreaches' and towers," that characterizes allChicago activities.. I believe that were President Burton andDean Wilkins t� turn aside from their chosenwork today, each must stand out preem­inently among educators, for his part in fur­thering the Humanization movem.ent on theMidway campus. Such a broadening .of p�r­sonalities is bound to keep the U niver sityof Chicago clear of the smug channels ofcrystalization into which so many anotherschool has unwittingly become engrooved ...Now let the author of "Grey Towers" readthe article by Dean Wilkins and find thereinher logical panacea I should be glad tolook over one of the questionnaires whenthey are completed.Yours very truly,Evan· M. Klock,My dear Mr. Pierrot:I have just found the notice of my fifth.instalhnenj of $10.00 to the Alumni Fund,for which I attach my check.I hope that the Alumni Council will con­tinue to call em the Alumni for funds forone purpose or another. I've established t�ehabit of an annual payment (even If I didcome late this time I) and I'd like to keepit up.A few dollars a year is little enough forwhat the University gave us.Sincerely yours,James H. MacMillan, ex-'ll.Santa FIe,New Mexico.Reunion Greetings from Twin CitiesAlumni Council,University of Chicago.Warm greetings from a cold climate.Sorry we can not all be hack for Reunion.Best Wishes!Twin Citv Alumni Club,Minneapolis-St. Paul. Total 18 9Comparative Loan StatementYear Loans Am 1.19]5 19 $ 765.0019]'6 , ,...... 15 670.001917 .. , ,... 9 355.G'01918 18 880.001919 3 150.00'192'0 ,...... 23 1,105.001921 .. ,......... 18 865.001922 19 1,173.501923 .. , ,... 21 1,095.5G'1924 2'7 1,730.00Total 172 $8,789.00 Total1167327Aver.$40.2644.6739.4448.8850.0048�0448.0661.7652.1764.07$51.10THE LETTER BOXOlympic Games AppealMay 19, 192'4.A. G. Pierret, Esquire,Editor, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.Dear Sir:The United States of America is sendingto the Olympic Games a team of over fourhundred which will participate in the con­tests in track and field athletics, swimming,diving, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics fenc­ing, shooting, football, tennis, r�wing,cycling, and the equestrian events', includingpolo.As in the past, this team will be largelymade up of undergraduates or alumni of ouruniversities. This intercollegiate unit by itsexample of performance and behavior is notonly the greatest stimulant to the participa­tion in amateur athletics by the youth ofAmerica, but also in the promotion of inter­national goodwill.In the past, college men have done all toolittle to lead in giving financial support tothese games. This year, an earnest effort isbeing made by the undergraduates of variousuniversities and the alumni clubs through­out the country to have the university mendo their part in raising the more than $400,-000 needed to defray the expenses of theteam.The American Olympic Committee hasappointed chairmen in various sections ofthe country and assigned thereto, quotas tobe collected from and around their districts.The. treasurer of the American OlympicCommittee is J ulius Barnes, president of theUnited States Chamber of Commerce. Hisaddress is 305 Broadway, New York' City.For the Olympic Games, Congress doesnot appropriate nor provide. The volunteerorganization referred to-the AmericanOlympic Committee-is the sole means ofmaking possible another A. E. F. whosebattles shall be, however, no longer on thebloody field of war but to continue the ath­letic supremacy of the United States on thestrenuous but peace-promoting field of sport-The Olympic Games.While we all agree that our athletes shouldneither be pampered nor provided for beyondtheir necessities, it is also agreed that forthese four hundred young men and womento represent our country worthily, theymust have those comforts and conveniencesso necessary for proper training and suc­cessful competition, and $400,000 is an alto­gether modest amount for such purpose.The support of and interest in the Ameri­can team should be by ALL AMERICA.The ideal plan to raise $400,000 would be tohave 400,000 one-dollar subscriptions, Therewill be many one-dollar subscriptions, butthose who can afford to, must give more.Specifically, the New York' Committee hasone subscription of $5,000 on .condition thatfour more of as great an amount are secured. 297There should certainly be among the manyof financial means in our country, more than'four who could and should duplicate thisgenerous gift. 'The appropriation for the expense to eachathlete is approximately $1,000. To under­write the expenses of one or more of theseathletes is a privilege and should be availedof by individuals, organizations, includingclubs, fraternities and the like, for' in that, way. theX become the patron of, and have aspecial interest in some one particular ath­lete or athletes, or even a team as had youngMr. Hitchcock, who underwrote the entireexpenses of the Polo Team.To �a_ve ALL AME�ICA participate inthe pnvlle�e of supporting their team, themessage of the games must be distributedand this work is that of voluriteer's-e-nodraftees. All should join forces and exercisethe privilege of participating in this patrioticundertaking.The games will be held in and aroundParis during June, July and August of thisyear, and those who are planning to be pres­ent should get in touch with Frederick W.Rubien, Secretary of the American OlympicCommittee, 305 Broadway, to the end thatt��y may receive particulars as to the possi­bility of booking on the S. S. Americawhich sails on June 16th, carrying the large;part of the American team. If it is that tick­ets for the contests themselves are desiredhere again Mr. Rubien can and will be ofservice, for blocks of tickets for Americanvisitors have been set aside and can be pur­chased at the office of the Committee.Above all, the American Olympic Com­mittee endeavors to inspire in its team thehigh principle, "To meet defeat courage­ously and accept victory modestly-that isthe test of true sportsmanship." ,Won't you as the editor of your AlumniMagazine have printed therein this letter orthe substance thereof, and won't you urgeall of your readers to exercise the privilegeof subscribing to the Olympic Fund and tosend such subscriptions to Julius H. Barnes,Treasur�r, 305 Broadway, New York City;the Chairman of the Committee of the dis­trict in which he lives; the IntercollegiateAssociation of Amateur Athletes of Amer­ica, at 57 East 56�h Street, New York City;or to you as Editor of your magazine forfo_rwardingto Mr. Barnes. Such cooperationWIll not only be appreciated, but will be apatriotic, proper service and an inspirationto those .of us who earnestly and diligentlyare seeking to extend the benefits whichcome from opportunities of this kind..Trust�ng that you will be able to complyWIth this. request, believe me to remain inall sincerity,Faithfully yours,Gustavus T. Kirby,Chairman.New York Committee ofAmerican Olympic Committee.298 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe President's Convocation StatementGreat' Endowment Increase RequestedPresident Burton's Convocation State-m�nt, presented at the June Convocation,pointed out the great needs of the Univer­sity if the institution is to continue in thefront rank of American universities. Toaccomplish the aims and. ideals of the Uni­versity, he stated, the present endowmentof about $54,000,000 will have to be doubledwithin the next ten .or fifteen years.His statement also dwelt upon the incor­poration of Rush Medical College as an.integral part of the University of Chicago,briefly sketching the history of the relationsof the' two institutions, and announcing thaton June 16, 1924, the 220 members of theFaculty of Rush Medical College will be­come members of the Faculty of the Univer­sity of Chicago, and its student body -willbecome students of the University in thesame sense in which the students of theLaw School or the Ogden Graduate Schoolof Science are such.President Burton again reviewed the aimsof the U niversi ty as to the College and theGraduate schools, stating that the past yearin the University had been one of self­examination, with a view toward fixing uponpolicies which would develop the severalcolleges and the graduate work along thehighest lines, giving Chicago first rank insuch development. The realization of allthese ideals, he emphasized, made necessarythe request for the great increase in endow­ment now being sought within the nearfuture.At the time the Convocation Statementwas presented, this June number of theMagazine, as required by schedule hadbeen practically completed. Because �f thegreat importance of the Statement how­ever, it will be presented at length' in theJuly number.Mayor of Chicago Convocation OratorThe. Honorab�e William E.. Dever, Mayorof Chicago, dehvered the Convocation Ad­dress on June 10 at the University of Chi­cago, his subject being "The Problems ofa Great City." As a former leader in thecity council, a former judge of the superiorand appellate courts, and mayor of Chi­cago, with many difficult problems in lawenforcement, civil service, sanitation, andthe permanent settlement of traction inter­ests: Mayor Dever proved especially wellequipped to disuss the administrative dif­ficulties involved in the government of agreat city. Seven Hundred Degrees at 133d ConvocationOver seven hundred degrees were con­ferred at. the One Hundred Thirty-ThirdCO�1VocatJOn of the Univer sity on June 10.ThIS �as the thirty-third anniversary ofthe U nlver�lty arid the first anniversary ofDr. Burton s presidency.In the Colleges of Arts Literature andScience, Commerce and' Administr�tionand Education there were 480 candidate�for the Bachelor's degree; in the DivinitySchool, a total of 21 candidates for alldegrees; in the Law School, 60; and in theGraduate Schools of Arts Literature andScience, 146-a grand total' of 708. 'Among the graduates were nine Chinesethree T apanese, two Filipinos, one Armenian:one F1l1n, one Czecho-Slovakian and oneEast Indian-s-a total of eighteen from othercountries.Consolidation of Rush Medical CollegeWith the University.The recent consolidation of Rush Medi­cal College w,ith the University of Chicagomakes It possible for the University to takethe fullest .advan tage of recent progress inmedical SCIence, according to a statementJust Issued by President Burton. The en­larged medical work will be organized un­der three schools:(n The Rush Medical College of theU niver sity, which will continue to preparestudents for the M.D. degree on its old siteon the West Side, until the Graduate Schoolof Medicine of the University is fully or­ganized on the quadrangles on .. the Mid-.way; (2) The Rush Post-Graduate Schoolof Medicine, to be housed with the RushMedical College in the new Rawson Lab­oratory on the West Side, which will trainpersons. already holding t.he M.D. degree111 medical research and the various fieldso.f medical practice; and (3) The Univer­srty School of Medicine, to be housed inthe new Medical Buildings at the Univer­sity of Chicago, and to prepare students forthe M. D. degree, which is now being or­ganized by Dr. Franklin C. McLean· Pro­fessor of Medicine, and Dr. Dean D. Lewis,Professor of Surgery, in conterence withother medical authorities. When this?ch�ol is in full operation, it is expected thatIt WIll absorb the work of t.he Rush Medi­cal College described above, and the twopermanent institutions will be the RushPost-Graduate School of Medicine on theWest Side and the Graduate School of Med­icine at the University.The University will proceed at once withthe erection of the necessary buildings.UNIVERSITY NOTESThe New Theology BuildingThe University will proceed immediatelywith the erection of the Theology Building,for which plans have been preparing andfunds accumulating _from a gift of $300,000made some time ago for this purpose. TheBoard of Trustees recently authorized thisaction as a result of an additional gift to thefund, which with the funds in hand makespossible the erection of the building at a costof more than $400,000.The new building, designed by Coolidgeand Hodgdon of Chicago, will stand directlynorth of Haskell M US1>um, facing Kent Labo­ratory across the main quadrangle. It willcomplete the Harper Quadrangle and thesouth side of the main quadrangle. It willhave a' front of 130 feet on the main quad­rangle, and its longest depth north and southwill be 120 feet., It will contain classrooms,editorial and administrative offices, and alarge reading room, 72x32 feet, which will beconnected with Haskell Museum by a bridgeon the third-floor level. The building willprovide ample facilities for the work of theDivinity School, which under the leadershipof Dean Shailer Mathews now has an en­rolment annually of about 50'0 students, buthas never had adequate facilities for its work,nor a building devoted entirely to its pur­poses.The step just taken by the Board in au­thorizing the immediate erection of thisbuilding terminates a long period of buildinginactivity at the University and marks thebeginning of rapid expansion in' materialequipment.New Appointments and PromotionsNew appointments and promotions by theBoard of Trustees include the foHowing:Professor Roswell Parker Angier, directorof the Psychological Laboratory at YaleUniversity, to be professorial lecturer in psy­chology; Professor Bernadotte Schmidt, ofWestern Reserve University, to be profes­sorial lecturer in history; Dr. William Talia­ferro, of Johns Hopkins University, to beassociate professor in the department ofhygiene and bacteriology; Dr. G. K K. Link,to be associate professor of plant pathologyin the department of botany; Dr. Fay-CooperCole. assistant professor of anthropology;and Dr. Harold R. Willoughby, instructor inthe department of New Testament and earlyChristian literature.Recent promotions to professorships in­clude those of William D. MacMillan, 'in as­tronomy, and George Van Biesbroeck, inpractical astronomy at the Yerkes Observa­tory; to associate professorships, J. FredRippy, in history; A. C. N oe, in paleobotany(department of geology and botany); andArthur L. Tatum, in pharmacology (depart­ment of physiological chemistry); to assist­ant professorships. Edwin Arthur Burtt andThomas Vernor Smith, in philosophy, andBenjamin Harrison Willier, in zoology. 299Award of Howard Taylor 'Ricketts Pr.izeThe annual award of the Howard TaylorRicketts Prize for research work by studentsin the Department of Pathology and Hygieneand Bacteriology has been made to MissSara Elizabeth Branham. This prize, estab­lished by a gift from Mrs. Ricketts, isawarded each year on May 3, the anniversaryof Dr. Ricketts' death from typhus fever, in­curred while he was investigating the diseasein Mexico City in 1910.Dr. Ricketts, who for eight years was amember of the University of Chicago Fac­ulty, had succeeded in demonstrating beforehis death the method of transmission of thedisease in both Rocky Mountain spotted feverand in typhus fever.As a memorial to Dr. Ricketts, the Uni­versity has erected the Howard Taylor Rick­etts Laboratory, consisting of north andsouth wings, which are fully equipped withlecture rooms, animal houses, research roomsand general laboratories. The director ofthe north wing is Professor H. Gideon Wells,of the Department of Pathology; and the di­rector of the south wing is Professor EdwinOakes Jordan, Chairman of the Departmentof Hygiene and Bacteriology.The American Translation of the Old Testa­mentThe American translation of the Old Test­ament, to be made by a distinguished groupof scholars representing the University ofChicago, McGill University, Montreal, theUniversity of Toronto, and the Universityof Michigan, will not follow in all its detailsthe pattern set by the Goodspeed translationof the New Testament. The Old Testamentliterature belongs to a different order fromthat of the New Testament. The Old Testa­ment prophetic writings, as well as the OldTestament poetry, belong to the class ofgreat literature; so that the translation ofthis material must carryover into Englishsomething of the stately dignity and beautyof the original. In the Hebrew scripturesthe language is not that of every-day lifeso much as that of great oratory and loftypoetry.There will be no effort to change thestandard translations merely for the sake ofchange. 'If the idea has already been ex­pressed in some well known phraseology ina perfectly satisfactory form, the translatorsbelieve it would be unfortunate to seek tosubstitute some inferior form of expressionfor it. Their desire is rather to makechanges only where an adequate expressionof the idea of the original writer will be morenearly attained by the new rendering.The general style of the Goodspeed trans­lation of the New Testament will be followed'in the matter of paragraphing and of thenumbering of verses and chapters. An at­tempt also will be made to indicate to someextent the poetic forms of the poetic andprophetic books.300 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThirty-Sixth 'Educational ConferenceThe thirty-sixth Educational Conferenceof the Academies and High Schools in co­operation with the University of Chicagowas held at the University on May 8 and 9.On May 10 also was held the Mid-west Con­ference on Supervision.Among the speakers from the Universityat the first general session on May 8 wereVice-President James Hayden Tufts, Deanof the Faculties, who discussed "Co-ordina­tion between College and High School." Atthe second session, devoted to "The Problemof Citizenship in the High School," Prin­cipal William C. Reavis, of the UniversityHigh School, gave a summary of studies inthe field. At the third session "The Questfor Criteria of Citizenship" was discussedby Charles E. Merriam, Chairman of theDepartment of Political Science, and "Citi­zens in the Making," by Henry PorterChandler, J.D., 1906, president of the CityDub, Chicago. Among the speakers at thefourth session were Frank N. Freeman, Pro­fessor of Educational Psychology, and Ed­ward A. Duddy, Assistant Professor of Com­mercial Organization.At the Departmental Conferences, May 9,in Art, Biology and Agriculture, CommercialEducation, English, Geography, Greek andLatin, History and Civics, Home Econorn­ics, Manual Arts, Mathematics, Physics andChemistry, and' Romance, representativesfrom the University of Chicago includedArno B. Luckhardt> Professor of Physiol­ogy; Henry C. Cowles, Professor of Botany;Leon C. Marshall, Chairman of the Depart­ment of Political Economy; Harlan H. Bar­rows, Chairman of the Department of Geog­raphy; Frank J. Miller, Professor of Latin;Ferdinand Schevill, Professor of ModernEuropean History; Herbert E. Slaught,Professor of Mathematics; Arthur H. Comp­ton, Professor of Physics; and Carlos Cas­tillo, Assistant Professor of Spanish.President Emeritus Judson Visits Scandina­vian CountriesPresident Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson,of the University of Chicago, who was re­cently elected president of the Chicagobranch of the American Scandinavian Foun­dation, 'sailed May 3 on the "Leviathan" withMrs. Judson, to visit Norway, Sweden, andDenmark in the interest of the Foundationand to do some lecturing in. these universi­ties .. The purpose of the Foundation is topromote the exchange of scholars betweenScandinavian and American universities.While in France President and Mrs. Jud­son will visit Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, formerpresident of the University of Chicago Boardof Trustees, and Mrs. Ryerson, and willthen go north via the Channel Islands. Theywill probably be gone several months. Chicago Scientist Presided at Dedication of. National Science Building, WashingtonProfessor A. .A. Michelson, Head of theDepartment of Physics, who is president ofthe National Academy of Sciences, presidedat the dedication of the National ScienceBuilding in Washington, D. c., on April 28.President Calvin Coolidge was one of thespeakers on the occasion; Dr. John C. Mer­riam, 'president of the Carnegie Institutionof Washington, spoke for the National Acad­emy, and Dr. Vernon Kellogg, secretaryof the National Research Council, spokefor the Council. The building, costing$1,500,000, is of general public interest -be­cause of its artistic design and its continu­ous illustration of striking natural phenom­ena and recent discoveries in science.Among other apparatus on exhibition andin actual operation are four remarkahlemeasuring instruments devised by Profes­sor Michelson, president of the Academy ofSciences, who received the Nobel Prize forhis researches in light. The visitor mayhimself manipulate the interferometerswhich made possible the measurement ofthe wave-length of light and the diameterof such distant stars as Betelgeuse. And hecan twist with his own hands a bar of steelof more than an inch in diameter, and meas­ure ,the torsion by the interferometer.Why Translate the Old Testament?Considerations calling for a new transla­tion of the Old Testament, as given by thedistinguished sckolar s in charge of the un­dertaking for the University of ChicagoPress, are, first, that our own language iscontinually changing and expanding orgrowing. Old words lose their formermeanings and take on new connotations.New words arise which supplant old wordsand cause a narrowing of the meaning oftheir predecessors. The language of theElizabethan age is not intelligible today tothe man on the street. It is necessary,therefore, to bring this translation up to datefrom the point of view of the progress ofour own speech.The second reason lies in the new lightthat has. been thrown on the Hebrew lan­guage itself in the last half-century, duringwhich a large number of Assyrian andBabylonian texts have been discovered andtranslated. These texts, written in a Semi­tic language, have added much to ourknowledge of the Hebrew vocabulary, andconsequently today Hebrew scholarship isvery much farther advanced than it was ahaH-century ago'.' Similar enrichment of theknowledge of the Hebrew vocabulary hascome from. other quarters, such as the dis­coveries of Aramaic inscriptions .. and thecloser acquaintance with Arabic. From allthese Semitic languages a great amount ofinterpretative material has been furnished forthe elucidation of hitherto unknown Hebrewterms and idioms.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION 301T-nn-ItM-IIII-MII-JlII-UM-IIII-llu- •• -nu_aa_nU_IJII_IIII_I_11n-Hn-.II-lln_.II-�III-lin-DII_IIR_JlII_nn_n._.U_U1I_IIII_h+I . Some Phases of Student Personnel Work I1 in the School of Commerce and Administration II A. W. Karnhauser .'to"-"n-HH-""-."-H.-II.-HII-nll-IIH-lIn- •• -III-IIH-n._II. __ •• _ •• -UU- •• _IIII_ •• _"._.'_ •• _.'_'._ •• _ •• _ •• _'!Over a period of some years the Schoolof Commerce and Administration has beentrying out a variety of personnel proceduresand devices aimed to make the school ofgreater service to students. A considerableamount of research has been devoted tosome particular phases of the work. A fewillustrative activities and research studiesare to be described in the following para­graphs. It will obviously be impossible toenter into detail or to make any pretenseof completeness. Nothing more than asuggestive sketch of a few points is intended.First to be considered is the research sideof the nrob lern of selective admissions. At­tempts "have been made, more or less con­tinuously over the past ten years, to ascer­tain the predictive value of high schoolgrades and of psychological tests, and toobtain as much useful information as pos­sible about students by means of personalhistory records and reference reports. Alittle work has been recently begun to learnsomething as to the value of interviews,application forms, and reference reports asin dica tors of college success.Average high school grades have beenstudied in relation to' success in the workof the first year in college. This has beendone both in order to find the general de­gree of correlation and also in order tolearn whether : or not the minimum highschcol grade requirement could be advan­tageously set at a higher point than thepresent one. Tabulations for the past threeyears have indicated, on this last issue, thatthe present requirement is probably betterthan a higher standard. As to the agree­ment between high school grades and thosefor the first year in college, the correla­tion coefficients have been in the neighbor­hood of 50. (The coefficient of correlationis a decimal number calculated in such away as to indicate the extent of agreementbetween any two sets of paired numbers,­such as high school grades and collegegrades. The coefficient is always· betweenzero and plus 1.0 zero and minus LO. Thehigher it is in the positive direction, thecloser the agreement). It is impossible here. to enter into further interesting detailswhich appear in analyses of the scatter dia­grams used in obtaining the correlation fig­ures. The same is true of the other cor­relations to be mentioned.Psychological tests of several kinds havebeen compared with first year college grades.The tests are conducted during the firstweek of each academic year. On the whole, the agreement has been about the same asin the case of high school grades thoughthere appears to be considerable variationfrom year to year. Two years ago theArmy Alpha intelligence test gave a cor­relation of .59 and last year the Otis testof mental ability gave a much lower cor­relation of about .30. A specially devisedReading Examination used in the sameyears correlated .55 and about .3,0· withaverage grades. Combined scores give some­what higher correlations.During the current year, additional testscores are available. The tests used and thecorrelations of scores with grades for thefirst quarter are as follows:Otis Test of Mental Ability .47Terman Group Test of Mental Ability 60Reading Examination 55Iowa High School Content Examination .,57The Downey Will-Temperament Testand a quantitative questionnaire on likes anddislikes were also used, but correlations arenot yet available concerning these.Brief interviews were had with all thepresent freshman class during the first twoweeks of school, partly for the purpose ofascertaining how successfully interviewerscould judge the probable work of thestudents. Each student was interviewed forfour or five minutes by three individuals­an assistant dean, an instructor in psychol­ogy, and a representative of the student. council. The ratings given by the inter­viewers agreed very poorly with one an­other (the highest coefficient of. correlationwas .40). The correlations between theseratings and grades for the first quarter werevery low, indeed. The average .18.I n order to see how much predictivevalue the application forms and referencereports have, we conducted a preliminaryinvestigation in which ten advanced studentsestimated the abilities of the freshmen fromthe forms. Most of the data from thisstudy have not been evaluated. Examplesof some average correlations which havebeen worked out are these:Between estimates based on applicationblanks and grades of the first quarter incollege 15·Between estimates based on applicationblanks plus reference reports, and gradesof the first quarter .........•.......... 33.In this last case, the estimates by cer­tain of the judges correlated as high as .55and ,65 with grades. In such figures asthe foregoing indication. is secured of the302 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEusefulness of reference reports. Many sim­ilar comparisons are yet to be made.It is evident that there are unlimited re­search possibilities in connection with thevarious selective and predictive devices. Wehave already begun inquiring into a num­ber of points besides those mentioned-suchmatters as the grades in different highschool subjects, the information secured inphysical examinations, the quantitative rat­ings of characteristics. by former teachers,friends and employers, the separate itemson the application blank (age, sex, national­i ty, religion, etc.).A second class of personnel activities isthat dealing with records of progress andthe basing of administrative decisions anddisciplinary action upon these. The usualrecords are kept in the dean's office, ofcourses, grades, absences, and special ad­ministrative action concerning each student,together with a select set of personal items.In all dealings with students, the deansmake use of these record cards. On cer­tain occasions they also consult thestudent's folder in which are filed his appli­cation form (including an autobiographicsketch), reference reports concerning him,from friends, high school teachers and pre­vious employers, and other miscellaneousmaterial.In addition to the foregoing, estimatesare on file of the abilities and characteristicsof .students given by their instructors. Arating scale system is being used, more orless experimentally, which secures judg­ments from instructors at the' close of eachschool quarter. Ratings are given on sevencharacter traits, and in addition the instruc­tor may indicate that a student is especiallywell fitted for any of six classes of businesscareer, and that he is markedly excellent ordeficient in expression ability. Personalcomments are also called fo.r, concerningsignificant accomplishments or interests ofthe student, his special abilities and disa­bilities, and so on. These ratings and re­marks are freely talked over with the indi­vidual concerned.A word only as to special research inthis field. The forms and procedures men­tioned have all had an experimental orprobationary period-in some cases datingback five or ten years. Frequent revisionshave been made in the light of experienceand tryout. The most important of our re­cent investigations has been an analysis ofthe rating scale results. There are otherproblems of equal or greater significance,however, to which some attention has beengiven, such as the success of the gradingsystem, the predictive value of grades, andthe developing of objective tests and stand­ards of accomplishment in courses.Our study of the rating scale has triedto do two things: first, to. find out how re­liable or dependable the estimates are, and second, to arrive at some of the factorswhich explain the discrepancies and inac­curacies. .Iri general it may be said thatthe agreement between instructors has beenfound to be poor though by no means ab­sent. The average correlation between thesets of ratings by pairs of instructors hasbeen about .40. Instructors agree withthemselves from quarter to quarter only tothe extent of about a .60 correlation.N ever-the-less, when the ratings of astudent by several instructors are averaged,this average is found to differ significantlyfrom similarly obtained averages of greatnumbers of other students. When, how­ever, the averages are thus taken by setsof three ratings, the coefficients are disap­pointingly small-usually about 040. With aseries of ratings where the students werebetter known, the correlations between setsof three ratings averaged about .70.Inquiries into the cause of unreliabilityand inconsistency of ratings show, in gen­eral, that poor use of the rating scale andthe presence of differing standards or rat­ing tendencies are only minor contributingfactors. The outstanding cause is that the in­structors disagree markedly in their opin­ions as to the relative standing of individualstudents. In large measure this is due toinadequate acquaintanceship. We are con­vinced that important improvement in rat­ings can come only with far-reaching devel­opments in the direction of individualizedand de-formalized instructional methods.The remaining classes of personnel activ­ities will be only lightly touched upon.In regard to educational and personaladvice to students, there is little that isdistinctive. An effort is made to base alldecisions and counsel on all the informationavailable concerning the student-his per­sonal history, his high school and collegerecords, his test scores, the reference re­ports concerning him, his interests and de­sires, his health, and his presen t activities.Personal contact with the student is main­tained by an assistant dean (one for fresh­men and one for other undergraduates). Allpersonal information concerning students ismade available for the deans' use as soonas possible. In the case of entering students,the application blanks are in the hands ofthe dean when the student arrives.On the side of research, we have doneonly a little in this connection. One set ofproblems has to do with the advice andguidance which may properly be extendedto entering students. Experimentally wehave tried such things as having upper­class advisers appointed by the student coun­cil to help individual freshmen, having seriesof lectures on topics supposedly helpful tofreshmen, issuing of pamphlets on methodsof study, and so on. This year we attemptedto ascertain whether or 110t the printed ad­vice on "How to Study" produced any meas-(Continued on Page 315)THE LAW SCHOOL 303IJ __W__L_a_w_S_c_ho_o_l_W__Law Association Reunion DinnerJ:-resentation of Mechem PortraitA lite size portrait of Professor Floyd R.Mechem was presented to the University ofChicago Tuesday evening, June 10, 1924, atthe Annual Dinner of the Law School Asso­ciation held at the City Club. The presen­tation was made on behalf of the alumniby President Henry F. Tenney of the LawSchool Association, and was accepted onbehalf of the Board of Trustees of the Uni­versity of Chicago by Dean James P. Hallof the Law School,_ who had been delegatedby the trustees for that purpose.A keen disappointment to all present wasthe fact that Professor Mechem was notpresent. In spite of repeated urging byother members of the faculty and by theof-ficers of the Association and Alumni, hismodesty could not be overcome. In hisstead the Association had as guests his wite,Mrs. Mechem, and his son and daughter-in­law, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mechem.Mr. Tenney stressed the attachment ofall Mr. Mechem's former students to himpersonally because of his warmth of sympa­thy and his faculty for making each studentfeel that Mr. Mechem was taking a personalinterest in his progress.In accepting the picture Dean Hall saidthat when the Law School was founded in1902, Mr. Mechem was the first member ofthe new faculty to be chosen by PresidentHarper. It was impossible for Mr. Mechemto sever his relations with the University ofMichigan Law School for another year, buthe came to our school in the fall of 1903,and has continued to be the best loved manon the faculty through all the interveningperiod. As a writer, Mechem's work on"Agency" is the outstanding authority onthat subject the world over, and is the onlybook which can be called a successor toStory's work on Agency in the early part ofthe nineteenth century. This book was firstissued in 1889 and was supplanted by a two­volume revision of 1914. At the presenttime Mr. Mechem is preparing a further re­vision of it for the American Law Institutewhich will require another year or two forcompletion. Dean Hall spoke also of . thehuman side of Mr. Mechem, and the per­sonal traits which made him forever admiredand loved.M'r. Lowell Wadmond, J.D. '24, Presidentof this year's senior class, spoke for the stu­dents of the present day, and sang a para­phrase of a current popular song as follows:Sure we love the dear silverThat shines in your hair,Though you skip half the casesYour students prepare;Your book upon Agency'sReally not bad. o God bless you and keep youMechem dear dad.The words were written by "Johnny"Campbell, J.D. '21, for the Law Schoolsmoker of the preceding fall.The portrait was painted by Mr. LeopoldSeyffert, who painted the picture of DeanHall which was presented at last year'sAnnual Dinner. Unfortunately Mr. Seyffertwas unable to be present. The picture wasconsidered almost perfect as a likeness, andthe artist probably has a chance to repeathis triumph of last year when he secureda prize of $1000.00 in the Exhibition ofAmerican Artists for the portrait of DeanHall.Appreciatiot1 is here made of the servicesof Mr. Rudolph E. Schreiber in promotingthe campaign among the alumni for raisingthe funds for the portrait. Mr. Walter D.Freyburger was Chairman of the Entertain­ment Committee for the Annual Dinner.Mr. Roy D. Keehn and Mr. John R. Coch­ran called a reunion of the class of 1904 inhonor of the occasion. During the daythey had a luncheon attended by eight ofthe sixteen members of the class, and sevenof them occupied the table of honor at thedinner in the evening. Mr. Stephen L. Rich­ards of Salt Lake City, Utah, now one ofthe twelve apostles of the Mormon Church,spoke in behalf of the class. ""Officers for the coming year were electedas follows: President-Roy D. Keehn, '02,J.D. '04. Vice President-Albert B. Enoch,'07, J.D . .'08. Secretary- Treasurer-CharlesF. McElroy, A.M. '06, J.D. '15. Dele­gates to Alumni Council-Roy D. Keehn,C. McElroy and Walter D. Fr eyburger.]. D.,'10.Mr. Mechem's letter, which was read atthe meeting, is here published as an expres­sion of his thanks to all who had a part inthe Mechem Portrait Fund:My dear Mr. McElroy: June 7, 1924.Will you do me the favor to express tothe Law School Association my' very greatappreciation of the honor they have doneme, but, most of all, my sincere gratitudefor the kind and friendly spirit which hasprompted it.During all my service at the Law School,I have received from the students nothingbut courtesy and consideration; and I feeltoward them a g en uine affection and esteem.If ;;1.11y efforts of mine have been of serviceto them, I am glad; but I have learned asmuch from them as they have from me.As to this last mark of their good will, Ihave feelings which I can not fully expressin writing, but which I could not trust my­self to- attempt to exoress in soeech I cannever tel l how much their friendship andzood will have meant to me,Very sincerely yours, Floyd R. Mechem.304 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+lI�all.�.U-II.-HII�I�n�IIII-,_UU-_IIII-HII-IIII�nn-U.-""-1111_111I�_ •• _IIH_ •• _nn_ • .,....nll""'".""'.II H ..... It._.It_HN_NII_II._.+! =I The School of Education �I i.1".. The Art Museum and the, School =11 William G. Whitford :.. I+"-an_NQ_IIII_tlU_UlI_AII_MII_tllI_MII_MII un_nU_UI_UII __ 111l_nn_lIll_nn_HII_IIII_HII_IIII_nll_IIII_IIII_MII_NII_HU_1111-lltl'One of the most attractive fields of themodern school is the newly initiated sub­ject of visual education. In this connectionmotion pictures come first to our mindsand too often crowd out the other equallyimportant but less spectacular devices ofthis type of education. The scope of themotion picture as a factor in visual edu­cation has been investigated very thoroughlyand reported on by Dr. Frank N. Freemanand a group of educators in the volumeentitled "Visual Education" recently pub­lished by the University of Chicago Press.Another important factor in the work ofvisual education, and the one with whichthis article is concerned, is to be found in. the activities of the leading museums ofthe country. Their great wealth of infor­mation material is being made available foruse in all subjects of the school and effec­tive cooperation between these two institu­tions is rapidly bec-oming a significanteducational factor in many localities. Allstudents of education, and students of arteducation in particular, should become fa­miliar with the great possibilities of the fur­ther development of this work. They shouldhelp the public to realize that the influenceof the museum is riot confined to its imme­diate territory but reaches out as far as asympathetic attitude on the part of theeducators of the country will permit.One of the chief functions of the artmuseum is the teaching of art appreciationthrough visual instruction. This kind of in­struction. can easily be accomplished bymaking direct use of the excellent collec­tions of art material. In art education themost satisfactory results and the most last­ing impressions are to be obtained throughthe study of original objects of fine quality.In this sense the museum is restricted quitegenerally to its own particular locality.However, the medium of the lantern slide,the photograph, the print, and the travellingloan exhibition, permits the museum to ex­tend its activities throughout a very wideterritory and to a great multitude of people.Most museums today are equipped to meetthe needs of schools desiring cooperation.This is .done by assisting teachers in pre­paring courses of study to be used in con­nection with "the museum collections. Fre­quently classrooms are provided which areequipped with stereopticon lanterns. Theserooms are turned over to the. public-schoolteachers, who may he supplied with lanternslides, books, photographs, and collectionsof objects, if desired, for use with their classes. In many cases the museum willsupply an instructor from its staff to giveillustrated talks upon various topics of artto visiting pupils from public or privateschools. Members of the staff are also sentto the public schools to give illustratedlectures when desired. Museum materialfor' distribution includes not only slides, butmounted photographs, postcards, charts,facsimiles of prints, electrotype reproduc­tions, mounted examples of textiles andlaces, duplicate casts, special exhibitions ofpaintings, and many other types of mate­rials.The collections of the museums offer. arich store of illustrative material adapted foruse not only in the classes in art and in­dustrial art but in such courses as history,English, geography, civics, natural science,household art, and other subjects. Certainlythese courses can be enriched and new in­terest created in them by the use of thevaluable objective material at the teacher'sdisposal. The Metropolitan Museum of Artin N ew York City illustrates this point inits circular, 1923, "The Metropolitan Museumof Art and What It Is Doing" when itsays, "From the kindergarten to the college,every class can find some point of contactbetween school work and the Museum col­lections. Take English, for example. Aclass studying Tennyson's Idylls of theKing, Scott's Marmion, or Ivanhoe, willappreciate and understand the accounts ofbattles and jousts better after seeing themailed figures on horseback in the Hall ofArmor. One scene from Ivanhoe is thesubject of Delacroix' L'Enlevement de Re­becca. To illustrate the Merchant of Ven­ice, photographs of Venetian canals andbuildings may be looked at in the Photo­graph Collection of the Library; paintingsby Canaletto, Guardi, Rico, and Turner maybe studied; Millais' picture of Ellen Terryas Portia may be enjoyed. Art and liter­ature alike are permeated with Greek andRoman mythology, and so each may helpin the study of the other. The pupil whohas learned the story of Cupid and Psychein connection with Milton's Comus, willremember it better for standing before Ro­din's conceptron of the characters at themoment of Cupid's flight."Museum material makes an especiallystrong appeal to children, and if used toproperly supplement class work may be­come a means of greatly enlarging thelesson taught, and may assist greatly in theretention of facts concerning the lesson.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MAY REUNIONOften a children's room is maintained in themuseum where objects of special interestto children are exhibited, and where chil­dren may come to draw and read at theirown pleasure and in their own way. Thecity of Brooklyn, New York, boasts thefirst independent children's museum in theworld. It is maintained solely for childrenand over 200,000 visit it annually. Beinglocated in the heart of a great city whereopportunity to see and study the beauties ofnature are meager, it is in reality an opendoor to a wonder world.In the past the museum has not beena part of the public-school system, or asso­ciated to any great extent with the localboard of education. There is a tendency atthe present time for these two organizationsto come under a more mutual arrangement.In some instances the funds for mainte­nance of the educational work of the mus­eum is supplied through the city board ofeducation. There is certainly a growingtendency on the part of superintendents andprincipals of schools to cooperate with themuseums in developing this phase of edu­cational work. The educational work of themuseum is offered, not to compete with orsupplant the work of the public school butto supplement it by offering additional op­portunities for the study of fine and' beauti­ful things not available in the schools.A committee working under the auspicesof the Western Arts Association. publisheda report in 1922 setting' forth in detailthe kind of material which may be securedfrom various museums and other institu­tions. This report, which is the most com­plete published to date, will be found veryhelpful to teachers in the average school notfortunate enough to have a museum nearat hand. The report, made by Mary J.Brison, is entitled "Available Help in ArtAppreciation for the. Smaller City Removedfrom Art Museums." The Bulletin of theWestern Arts Association, L. R. Abbott,Secretary, 234 Division Ave., North, GrandRapids, Michigan.I SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. NOTESThe May ReunionAlumni of the School of Education re­turn to the campus in May for the SpringConference of Secondary Schools in greaternumbers than at any other time of theyear with the possible exception of the sum­mer quarter. It is for this reason that theSchool of Education Alumni Reunion pre­cedes the regular alumni activities by justa month. The conference Friday has nowbecome our official reunion day.This year, on the evening of May 9, onehundred and seventy loyal and enthusiasticstudents and alumni carne together at Ida 305Noyes Hall for the annual reunion anddinner. Some of the students assisted thecommittee at the informal reception whichbegan at five-thirty. The group singingthroughout the dinner, which has becomean established custom, was ably managedby Mr. Rainey and Mr. H. Y. McClusky.George W. Willett, Ph.D., 1923, Presidentof the Association, in his introductory re­marks took occasion to emphasize. the im­portance of notifying the Department ofEducation of vacancies in the field and alsothe advisability of directing desirable stu­dents to the graduate department of theSchool of Education.H. A. Perrin, Ph.B., 1912, A.M., 1922',Superintendent of Schools at Joliet, Illinois,spoke for the alumni in the field. He ex­pressed his appreciation of the stimulatinginfluence exerted by the University and es­pecially the influence of the School of Edu­cation in inciting its students and those inthe field to study the scientific contributonswhich have already been made and to con­tribute through research to the existingbody of knowledge. He commented on thespirit of cooperation which characterizes thefaculty and on the allegiance which thealumni owe to them and to the institu­tion.The second speaker, L. V. Cavins, Pro­fessor of Education at West Virginia Uni­versity, who takes his doctorate at theSpring Convocation, represented the studentbody. He said he had been requested by theprogram committee to discuss the averagestudent of the School of Education. Afterexhausting all sources of information, men­tal, physical and psychological,· he charac­terized the average student in educationthus-thoughtful in his attitude toward hiswork, having a definite professional purposeand a keen interest in everything pertainingto it, with a vision of the possibilities ofteaching as a profession, democratic in spirit,desirous of advancing through demonstratedpersonal work.Dr. Judd reported on the progress whichthe University as a whole is making in itsplans for enlargement. He spoke. of theplans for the new chapel which are nowbeing pushed forward vigorously, of thedecision to locate the Medical School onthe north side of the Midway, and he dis­cussed briefly the work of the library com­mission and the committee on undergrad­uate colleges both of which have beendescribed in previous issues of the Magazine.In conclusion he drew attention to the factthat since Europe has' been drained duringthe last ten years of both the means andenergy to carryon the productive researchwork for whch it was responsible in thepast, the universities of America must carrythe intellectual load of the world for thenext two decades and that the University ofChicago must contribute largely to futureintellectual progress.(Continued on Page 313)306 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni Affairs(Continued from Page 293)rector likewise. He announced that fresh­men were to report a week earlier next yearso as to give the deans more time to be­come acquainted with them and to start themproperly on their work. The whole plan,he stated, was to enable the College to guidethe student along fundamental lines that willmake for the leadership of college men inindustry and society. His address was re­ceived with keen interest by 'the alumni andat the close he was accorded what mightwell be called an "ovation."Harold H. Swift,' '07, President of theBoard of Trustees, announced plans for thenew Medical School, pointin« out that Cam­bridge University, England, and the Univer­sity of Chicago were the two educationalinstitutions best equipped to carryon cer­tain lines of medical research. Ground forthe new Hospital on the Midway will bebroken this coming Fall. Four years in med­icine will be given at the University-whichnecessitates a Hospital there for the work ofthe last two years. Rush Medical School,on the West Side, will be a post-graduateschool, with some research workers at bothplaces. Mr. Swift also spoke on the achieve­ment of securing Mr. Trevor Arnett, '98, asBusiness Manager of the University, to suc­ceed Mr. Wallace .Heckrnan who retires onJuly 1st, this year.WiUiam H. Lyman, '14, secretary-treas­urer, read a report on the Club's affairs;John F. Moulds, '07� reported on, and toldof the great benefits of the Club's studentLoan Fund; and A. G. Pierrot, '0'7, an­nounced plans for the coming June Reunion.A Nominating Committee reported on thefollowing, who were unanimously elected asClub officers for 1924-1925: President, PaulS. Russe11, '16; Vice-President, Wi11iam H.Lyman,. '14; Secretary-Treasurer, Sam A.Rothermel, '17; Secretary, Alumni LoanFund, John Fl. Moulds, '07 (re-elected),Delegates to Alumni Council, Paul H. Davis,'11, Paul S. Russell, '16, and Wi11iam H.Lyman, '14. The Executive Committee isto be composed of Howe11 W. Murray, '14,Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, Frank H.Templeton, '09, Roderick MacPherson, ex­'16, and Harry H. McCosh, '19. Three nom­inees to the Board of Athletic Control werealso named.The Club extended a hearty vote of thanksto Howe11 W. ("Howie") Murray for hisgreat work as president during the, past year.As announced by President Murray, it isnow the plan of the Club, in order to obtaincontinuity in office, of having the vice-presi­dent elected to presidency each year. Thismeeting, which ended the Alumni Club's ac­tivities for this year, activities which in-,eluded five ,large meetings, was a fittingending to the most successful year in thehistory of the Club. "Teddy" ',Linn Addresses Kansas CityAlumniA tip to Alumni 'Clubs: Book "Teddy"Linn to talk at your next dinner.This alumni pulmotor resuscitated theKansas City Club recently with the livest,most entertaining visit we have had. Aftera newsy, up-to-the-minute account of Uni­versity activities and plans, "Teddy" invitedquestions about the faculty, athletics andUniversity affairs generally, with strikingresponse. The Annual Dinner quickly de­veloped into an intimate discussion of cam­pus affairs, flavored with reminiscence' andcolored with personal interest to grads ofevery generation.A request to the Alumni Council: Insti­tute some system to notify Alumni Clubs ofapproaching visits to their cities, of well­known faculty members of alumni. Thiswould give opportunity to arrange for theLinn brand of talks.Sincerely yours,John S. Wright, 'C'6.The MeetingTwenty-five members of the Kansas CityUniversity of Chicago Club attended the an­nual dinner of the Club held at the Univer­sity Club on the evening of April 26th. Pro­fessor James Weber Linn of the Universitywas the guest of honor and the speaker ofthe evening. In a most enjoyable and in­formal way he told, of the activities and de­velopment of the University at the presenttime, of its hopes for the future, and of thepart we might have in that future. Surely,he brought the University to us as no' onebut "Teddy" Linn could!At the business meeting which followedthe dinner, Mr. John S. Wright, '06, waselected President of the Club for the comingyear and I was elected Secretary-Treasurer.At present the Club is anticipating Dr.Goodspeed's visit with us and lecture on theevening of May 15th, and also looking for­ward to our annual picnic at Dr. John G.Hayden's ('02, M.D. '04) suburban home inthe near future.Mary S. Wheeler, EX-'2'2,Secretary.3331 Olive Street,Kansas City,' Missouri.Cleveland Alumnae Club MeetingsThe Cleveland Alumnae Club holds itsmonthly luncheon and meeting on the sec­ond Saturday of each month at the Women'sCity Club, at 12':30. The luncheon is alwaysfollowed by a talk. A11 local and visitingChicago alumnae are cordially welcome toattend these meetings.At the meeting of the Club on April 12tha "book talk" was given by Mrs. Weaver, agraduate of the University of Kansas, con­nected with one of the Cleveland libraries.Mrs. Weaver gave a delightful review ofALUMNI AFFAIRS-'09 REUNIONMargaret Wilson's novel, "The Able Me­Laughlins."The meeting held on May LOth "strayedfrom the beaten path a little," and instead ofbeing held at the Women's City Club washeld at the home of Nell Henry, '12, S.M.'15, former Club secretary. It was held inthe afternoon, tea was served, and a happyinformal time was enjoyed.For the present club-year there will prob­ably be only one more meeting.Mrs. F .. C. Loweth, '11,Secretary.Fifteenth Reunion of Class 0'£ 1909"The best ever!" That was the unani­mous vote of the O'Niners, who celebratedtheir fifteenth anniversary at a class dinnerin the Del Prado Hotel on Thursday eve­ning, June 5th. Fifty-two members an­swered roll call in person, and almost asmany more sent letters and telegrams as­suring those present that they were "listen­ing in" from the far corners of the land.Fifteenth anniversaries, like golden wed­dings, are sufficiently rare and significant towarrant a real "blow-out," and there wasnothing lacking to make the celebration amemorable one. Quantities of lilacs annpink roses lent a wealth of color and fra­grance to the room. The center piece wasa huge birthday cake-a gorgeous specta­cle to behold. with its pink and white trimmings, and its fifteen tall pink candles,and a delicious confection to devour, aswas discovered later. It did not take longfor the old friends to recover from theshock of the outward evidences that markedthe passing of time. Enthusiasm rosequickly to a high point, and the fun wasfast and Fur io us every minute. Finally,Pres. John Schommer calmed the exuberantspirits sufficiently to call the class meetingto order. "Cousin Kate" Slaught, to whoseuntiring efforts the splendid success of theevening was largely due, read the "minutesof the intervening years," which recalledcherished memories, amusing incidents, andembarrassing moments. Her records showedtoo, that fifteen years had proved longenough to permit significant changes­long enough to raise up some to positionsof more or less distinction, long enough forsome to raise up families of more or lessnotable proportions. Nineteen-nine is proudto include in its number a judge; severalaggressive-and we believe achieving-law­yers: a few distinguished journalists; somebusiness men of portly and prosperous mien;several school principals; a cohort of earnestteachers: and many devoted mothers. Sheis proud, too, to claim at least twelve "C"men. who are still playing the game ascleanly and courageously as they once didon track, gridiron. and diamond.(Continued on Page 309) 307308 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association ElectionThe College Alumni Association election,conducted as usual by post-card ballot atReunion time, resulted in considerably over500 votes cast. In several cases the countswere very close, only about ten votes de­ciding the election for some offices. Thoseelected, as announced by the Secretary atthe Annual Reunion Supper on June 7th,are:President, Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D.'09; Second Vice-President, Clara H. Tay­lor, '05; Executive Committee, Margaret E.Haass, '11, William H. Kuh, '11, S.M., '14.Delegates to Alumni Council: HerbertP. Zimmerman, '01, Frank McNair, 'OS',Leo F. Wormser, '04, J.D. '09, Earl D.Hostetter, '07, J.D. '09, Arthur A. Goes, '08,and Lillian Richards, '19.All have been prominently active in col-·lege and as alumni. We are confident theywill render able service to the Universityand the Alumni Association in the largeopportunities to come.Chicago Alumni­have a unique chance. for Serv­ice and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou­sands in all parts of the country and indistant lands. .For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicalo, Illinois College Association Notes'78-Frank A. Helmer is senior member ofthe law firm of Helmer, Moulton, Whitman& Colton, 110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago.'97-Ida M. MacLean is Dean of Girls,Waller High School, Chicago.'98-Ralph L. Peck, ex, is a lawyer, withoffices in the Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago.'OO-Alice E. Radford is Assistant Pro­fessor of Romance Languages in Wells Col­lege, Aurora, New York.'Ol-F.rank C. Cleveland has been attorneyfor the Quaker Oats Company for 15 years;he practices law in Chicago.'Ol-Ray L. Alexander, ex, is general man­ager of the Alexander Advertising Agency,Inc., 327 So. La Salle St., Chicago.'02-Arthur C. Jacobus is in the printingbusiness at 1627 W. Madison St., Chicago.'04-M. K. Moorhead is American Consulat Stuttgart, Germany. This consulate col­lected over $200,000 in fees in 1923.'05-H. G. Provines is Principal of theIrving High School, Chicago.'Gt6-EHa May Jones teaches English atLindblom High School, Chicago.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago,116 So. Michigan A venuewishes the Alumni of the Univer­sity and their friends to know thatit now offers,Evening, late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The Univcnity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSClass of 1909 Reunion(Continued from Page 307)When the class meeting had been ad­journed, Mary E. Courtenay, as toast mis­tress, took charge of the program, and dealtin reminiscences that brought many a re­laxing smile and a hearty laugh. HarryHansen responded with a sparkling speechto the toast "A Scoop"; and "Wallie" Stef­fens,-called upon to explain the "Voice ofthe Law,"-gave an earnest and very in­teresting reflection on the outlook of today,colored by his work in the courts of Chi­cago. The toast mistress proposed, in abit of verse, a toast to absent friends; andthe group closed the evening's celebrationby singing "Alma. Mater."It was voted that a record of the Reunionbe sent to absent members, together withthe attractive programs which were the sou­venirs of the evening.C. and A. Association Annual MeetingANew Secret OrderThe Spring session of the School of Com­merce and Administration Alumni .Associa­tion was held at Hutchinson Commons andthe Reynolds Clubhouse Friday evening,May 23. The annual business meeting washeld at 6 o'clock at the Reynolds Club The­atre, at which the officers of the Associationwere re-elected. We then joined the Stu­dents Association of the School of Corn.merce and Administration in their annualhanuuer in the main diningroom of Hutch­inson Commons. The after-dinner speakers were Dean Spencer, Professor Marshall,and President Burton.The entire company adjourned to theReynolds Club following the dinner for theevening's lighter festivity. The Alumniprovided some variety by snatching theshivering seniors as they left HutchinsonCommons and marching them to the Thea­tre at the Reynolds Club, secretly, initiatedthem into the sacred order C'J the Sons andSisters of the Silver Simoleon, Kneelingbefore the sacred shrine the shivering seni­ors presented the following petition:"Mighty superiors, we, thy unworthy ser­vants, shrinking, shivering before thy sacredshrine, signify our secret longing to sharewith thee, oh shining masters, portions smallwe pray thee of thy shining wisdom."We have suffered serious torturesthrough four years of studies, we havebluffed instructors, missed our classes, pur­sued snap courses, but though, oh, cele­brated superiors, grant us forgiveness, saveus we pray thee, grant us the secret of thystrength and we shall serve alway."The shining superiors in the sacred orderby special dispensation: granted solace fortheir sufferings and the oath whereby theseniors swore to serve alway the sacred signof the silver simoleon and then instructedthem in the secret distress signal and thesecret yell of the sacred order. It is plan­ned to repeat at successive Spring meetingsof the combined Alumni Students Associa­tion these public appearances and initiationsof the shrouded order.Cornelius Teninga, '12, J 0 Do, '15 Edward B, Caron, '13ROSELAND DISTRICT OF CHICAGO(West of the Illinois Central, South of 87th Street, and beyond city limits)FIRST MORTGAGESNot even a foreclosure in 28 yearsMaximum interest rates with maximum security. Wood­lawn security increased as that district grew: Thisexperience is' repeating itself in the rapidly-growingRoseland District. Send for our descriptive booklet.TENINGA BROS. & COMPANY11324 Michigan Avenue"The House of Service"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, 310$1.00Opens aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts aChecking: AccountA SOUND COMMODITYFOR A SOUND DOLLARWe own and offer for sale 6J4 %and 7% First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HydePark Property.The notes and bonds are certifiedto by the Chicago Title and TrustCo. trustee, and the title guaranteedfor the full amount of the loan.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. "Corner Ridgewood"ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY39th Year25 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago.. In many hundreds of Colleges, Uni­versities, Normals, Secondary Schoolsof all kinds, there are today Univer­sity of Chicago graduates, many withadvanced degrees, who secured theirpositions through Albert Teachers'Agency.For years this Agency has been inthe front rank of teacher placementbureaus, especially in College and Uni­versity positions, and good positionsin other high class institutions.University of Chicago students arealways welcome in our office. If notnear enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mai1. We arehere to serve you .We have busy oflices also inNew York, Denver and Spokane +11_UU-M __ U.-It.-tlll-n,.-IIII_M._Kn_lilt_MH_NM_"H_M+i ii Divinity Association I+1l-UR-IIII-IIR_IIII_IIU_IIU_UII_IIII_.U_IIII_IIIf_ •• _UII_11+Divinity Alumni Association AnnualBanquetOn the occasion of the meeting of theNorthern Baptist Convention at Milwaukee,the Divinity Alumni Association held itsannual banquet and business meeting inthe rooms of the Y. M. C. A. of that city,Friday evening, May 30. The president,"Jim" McGee, '08, acted as toast master andchairman. About one hundred graduatesand their friends were present to greet oneanother and to renew acquaintances aftermonths and years of separation.Interspersed in the midst of the prover­bial jocularity of college men, brief speecheswere made by Professor Holman, Dr. G. B.Smith, G. C. Cress of Montana, and others.In the absence of Dr. Ira M. Price, alumnihistorian, Professor Baker read the briefobituary notices of the alumni who had diedduring the last year, after which a11 stoodin silent tribute to their memory. The com- \mittee charged with the raising of fund \for the �Jtnlp portrait reported that 'sub- f'stantial sums had been given by outsidedonors, and that if the alumni respondedwfth similar readiness and liberality theportrait of the former dean would be readyto adorn the walls of the new divinity build­ing on the day of its opening.The two guests of the evening were Pres­ident Burton, who briefly outlined the planswhich had been approved for the expansionof the University;,., the near future, andDean Mathews, who voiced his hope anddream as to what the Divinity Schoolshould mean to the religious life of Amer­ica. Men who heard these two addressesfelt prouder than ever that they were alumniof Chicago.Rev. Elijah Hanley, ex, First BaptistChurch, Berkeley, Cal., was elected presi­dent for the coming year, and Rev. BruceF. Jackson, D.B. '10, 1131 Wilson Ave.,Salt Lake City, was ch-osen as secretary.Guy C. Crippen, '07, D.B. '12, 3907 KosterA ve., Chicago, was appointed as the repre­sentative of the Divinity Association on theAlumni Council of the University, to fillthe place left vacant through the death ofOscar D. Briggs. The Association ad­iourned to meet again in connection withthe next gathering of the Northern BaptistConvention, which is slated for Seattle, inMay, 1925.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS+e------ . .-.a-.-----------.----.-- .. - TI Doctors' Association I• ' ,rof. - •• - •• - •• - •• _.- •• - •• -:- •• _._.- •• - •• _-.+'oo-Dr. Annie M, MacLean resides at 253East Bellevue Drive, Pasadena, California.'04-Dr. R. C Flickinger, Professor ofClassical Languages at Northwestern Uni­versity and author of The Greek Theatre andIts Drama, has been one of the lecturers thisvear at the American School of ClassicalStudies at Athens, Greece.'(J'4-Dr. Warren S. Gordis is in his elev­enth year as Professor of English in J Oh11R Stetson University; he will also teachEnglish Literature in the Asheville, N. c.,Summer Normal School.'04-Dr. Arthur E. Holt, social servicesecretary of the Congregational Churches ofAmerica, will become Professor of SocialEthics at the Chicago Theological Seminaryin October; he takes the chair which hasbeen occupied for 32 years by Dr. GrahamTaylor, veteran head of the Chicago Com­mons.'05-Dr. Mary B. Harris is Superintendentof the State Home for Girls at Trenton,New Jersey.'07-Dr. A. R. Hatton was elected lastfaU to the city council of Cleveland, underthe new city charter there; out of 2'5 mem­bers elected, he was one of the four "firstchoice" members, Dr: Hatton has becomean authority on city charters and was in­strumental in getting the new city charterin Cleveland and other American cities.'08-Dr. Charles S. Shattuck is secretaryand treasurer of the Eastern Idaho Loan &Trust Co" and secretary and manager of theMountain States Building & Loan Associa­tion, located at Idaho Falls.'08-Dr. B. L. Ullman is co-author withNorman E. Henry of a new ElementaryLatin recently published by the MacmillanCompany.'ll-Dr. William F. Luebke is Professorof English Composition in the University ofDenver. He resides at 2080 So, MilwaukeeSt., University Park, Denver; his two daugh­ters are now in the High School.'13-Dr. W. C. Krathwohl is AssociateProfessor of Mathematics at Armour Insti­tute of Technology, Chicago.'16-Dr. Emery R. Hayhurst teachesPublic Health in the Medical School at OhioState University, Columbus, and does con­sulting work in Industrial Hygiene andOccupational·Disea·ses.'16-Dr. Morris M. Leighton, recently ofthe Department of Geology, University ofIllinois, is Director of the Illinois Geologi­cal Survey; he succeeds Frank W. DeW olf,S.B. '03, who . resigned to become ChiefGeologist of the Humphreys-Foho Oil Co.,Dallas, Texas. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution. theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con­venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000.000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark Streets.Chicago 311312 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS WANTED!If you are available for an educationalposition of any kind, you are invited to callat the offices named below. The work isnational in scope, and comprises the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU1610 Chicago Temple77 W. Washington St.(Exclusively for college and univer­sity teachers.)FISK TEACHERS AGENCY814 Steger Bldg.028 E. Jackson Blvd.EDUCA nON SERVICE1210 Association Bldg.19 S. La Sane St.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., Evanstoni1l1l11ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1lUJll1l1l1l1ln1ll1l1ll11l11ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll11ll1ll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiYOUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONand itsMAGAZINEare made stronger, more service­able to the University and Alumni,and increasingly successful-First, by memberships, and sec­ond, by prompt payment of dues.If not now a Life Member-andwe trust in good time you will be­you will assist your Association andMagazine very materially bypromptly co-operating on noticefrom your Alumni Office.Every loyal membership is deeplyappreciated. Urge your Chicagofriends to join! We should all worktogether-for Chicago. �ch�:i �s::-a:o;·l+.11-"-"-,,-,,-,.-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"+Law School °Alumni Notice!Special July MeetingIn connection with the meeting of theAmerican Bar Association in Philadelphiathis coming July, there will be a specialmeeting of all Law School Alumni in Phila­delphia at the time.Time: Thursday, July 10, 1924.Place: Bellevue-Stratford Hotel.Hour: Luncheon, 12:30 P. M.In charge: George M. Norris, J.D. '15.Who: The Who's Who of the LawSchool-including You! Welcome!James R. Bryant, J.D. '200, has been madea member of the firm Goodwin, Smietankaand Rickard, with offices at 7 South Dear­born Street, Chicago, and in the MillsBuilding, Washington, D. C.Mr. Carlton H. Casjens, J.D. '21, is nowlocated at 311 Warnock Building, Sioux City,Iowa.Clay Judson, J.D. '17, has recently formeda partnership with Mr. Victor Elting for thegeneral practice of law; the firm name isElting and Judson, with offices at 134 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. Judson was an in­structor in the Law School in 1919-20, andwas President of the Law School Associa­tion in 19123.Charles E. Lyon, J.D. '2Z, is practicing inElkhorn, Wisconsin.Allin H. Pierce, J.D. '23, resides at 5630Blackstone Avenue, Chicago.Albert H. Robbins, J.D. '23, and Mayer R.Sturman, J.D. '23, have formed a partner­ship with offices in Suite 916, 77 WashingtonStreet, Chicago.Professor Mechem to Give CommencementAddress at Detroit CollegeProfessor Floyd Russell Mechem of theLaw School has accepted the invitation of 0the Detroit College' of Law to deliver thecommencement address at the graduationexercises of the College on June 19. Profes­sor Mechem, who is widely known becauseof his authorship of numerous authoritativetextbooks in law, was the founder of theDetroit College of Law and its first dean.Before coming to the University of Chi­cago Law School, where he has been a pro­fessor for twenty-one years, he was TappanProfessor of Law in the University of Mich­igan, from which he received the honorarydegree of Doctor of Laws in 1912. His spe­cial teaching of the law has been in agency,partnership, and damages. The students andalumni of the University of Chicago LawSchool are planning to present to the Uni­versity a portrait of Professor Mechem, be­cause of his rare qualities as a law teacherand a man.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS+n_UII_'n._uu_ua_tlU�Utl_NII_IIII_UU_UIl_IIII_all_UIl_II+I School of Education i"11_lnl_IIII_lIa_IIII_I�U_IIII_IIII_UII_IIII_lIn_llII_nll_IIII_II+'ll-Ralph E. Carter, A.M., who is nowconnected with the Extension Division ofthe University of Indi-ana, will give coursesin education during the summer at the Uni­versity of Pittsburgh.'14- John F. WeUemeyer, A.M., Quincy,Illinois, has been elected Peincipal of Cen­tral High School, Kansas City, Kansas.'15-E. E. Oberholtzer, A.M., is the newlyelected superintendent of schools at Hous­ton, Texas.'2o-0scar Granger, Ph.B., has been agraduate student in education during thepast year and will be principal of the J u­nior-Senior High School at Shorewood,Wisconsin, next year.'20-Leslie Quant, A.M., will be on thesummer faculty of the South Dakota StateCollege at Brookings.'Zoo-Paul W. Terry, Ph.D., will givecourses in education at Ohio State Uni­versity during the coming summer quarter., 22____.."A. R. Gilliland, Ph.D." will be -inBrookings, S. D., this summer as a memberof the faculty of South Dakota State Col­lege.'22- John R. Rowe, A.M., Principal ofthe High School at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,has accepted the superintendency of schools'at Western Springs, Illinois.'2s'-Harold B. Lamport, A.M., of theDetroit Public Schools, will return to theUniversity of Virginia this summer to givecourses in education.'23-May L Stewart, A.M., Supervisor ofSchools in Garrett County, Maryland, willbe an instructor at the State Normal School,Kalamazoo, Michigan, this summer.'23-George W. Willett, Ph.D., will givecourses in education at the University ofMichigan this summer.'24-Mabel Noel, Ph.B., Cert., 1918, isto be supervisor of grades three and four'next year at the State Teachers College,Madison, South Dakota.School of Education Notes(Continued from Page 30'5)The officers of the Association for 1924-25 are: President-George W. Willett; 1stVice-President-Nelson B. Henry, Jr.; 2dVice-President-Laura Lucas; Secretary­Treasurer-Lillian Stevenson; Representa­tives to the Council-R. L. Lyman, ButlerLaughlin, and Mrs. Scott V. Eaton.The recent decision of the Board ofEducation of Chicago to establish juniorhigh schools within the system was the The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENT .J: EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDElIiTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHARLES L. HUTCHINS'<')NCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND JOHN J. MITCHELLEDWARD B. BUTLER MARTIN A. RYERSONBENJAMIN CARP'ENTEB J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWELL �OBEBT J. T�o ....ERNEST A. HAMILL CHARLES H. WACKERForeign Exchange Letter. of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. CalhouD, Mil'.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 313314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames M.Sheldon,'03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H. Davis & G)'ompanyMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis. 'II Herbert I. Markham, Ex-'06Ralph W. Davis,'16 Byron C. Howes, Ex; 13N. Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA bustness school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print �be llniber�it!' of �bi(a:go ma:ga�ineCall and lnsnect°J�ta�:f����:�ate facilities. Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Abso­lutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTE.R. SPUBLICA TIONPrinting and Adoerlising Adoiser«anJ the Cooperative and Clearing Housefor Catalogues and Puhlicalions�sr ��h'ir!�":i�=�s1�ir:;Uiiited Statea, Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS Be HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOIS_p_�o_n�s-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381 occasion of a series of conferences fromMay 26 to June 6 for the benefit of Chicagoschool principals. The Board of Educationand the Superintendent of Schools invitedDean Packer of the University of Iowa,Principal Gonnelly of the Chicago schoolsystem, and eight members of the Schoolof Education faculty to lecture on the vari­ous aspects of the junior high school move­ment and to lead the general discussion. following each lecture. The lectures in theseries were:1. The Development of the Junior HighSchool Movement and the Various Forms ofthis Movement in Different Parts of theCountry-Charles H. Judd.2. Principles Underlying the Reorganiza­tion of the Curriculum with Special Refer­ence to the New English Program-R. L.Lyman.3. Various Types of Mathematics Pro­posed and in Use in Junior High Schoo1s­E. R. Bres1ich.4. The Place of Vocational Educationand the Practical Arts in the Junior HighSchool-E. T. Fi1bey.5. The Special Importance of Social Stu _dies in the Junior High School Program­R. M. Tryon.6. The Location, Planning, Construction,and Equipment of Junior High SchoolBuildings-Dean Packer, University of Iowa.7. Natural Science Adapted to the Needsof Adolescent Pupils-C. ]. Pieper.8. Educational Guidance and Counselingin the Junior High Schoo1-W. C. Reavis.9. Testing and Classification of Pupi1s­J. F. Connelly, Principal, Chicago PublicSchool.10. The Relation of the Junior HighSchool to Other Divisions of the PublicSchool System-H. C. Morrison.At the School of Educationai AlumniDinner on May 9 Miss Delia Kibbe, repre­senting the local chapter of Pi LambdaTheta, presented the School of Educationwith eight hundred and fifty dollars as thenucleus of a research fund in education.This sum includes a previous gift to thechapter of two hundred and fifty dollarsfrom Mis-s Carolyn Hoefer, and six hundreddollars from the chapter as a whole. Thefund was given for the purpose of en­couraging research, the income to be underthe supervision of the Department of Edu­cation. It is expected that the fund willbe increased in subsequent years by similargifts from other alumni of the GraduateDepartment of Education.SOME PHASES OF STUDENT PERSONNEL WORK ,315Phases of Student Personnel Work(Continued from Page 302)urable effects on scholastic work. A seriesof specially prepared lessons were issuedduring the autumn quarter to one half thefreshman class, the other half serving asa control group. Check-ups of grades, de­linquency reports, and the like have yieldedno very positive findings. Almost withoutexception the students who received thelessons stated that they found them helpful-but the results did not appear in theirgrades.Along the lines of vocational guidanceactivities, we have nothing new to report.We recognize the need for more work inthis field, both administrative and research,than we have yet done. There are, 'however,certain features of the School of Commerceand Administration which makes the voca­tional guidance problem a little less acutethan it is in most colleges. Almost all our'students plan to enter the business world.A great part of their training in the schoolis a process of opening up to them in somedetail the functions and relationships of theseveral parts of business organization. Ourvocational guidance, that is, consists mainlyin enabling the students to gain some fa­miliarity with various lines of business andclasses of business careers, through theirregular courses and the outside contacts in­volved in many of the advanced courses.Instructors and deans, of course, supple­ment this knowledge in personal confer­ences whenever students desire.The class of personnel activities involvedin arousing serious interests on the part ofstudents, and in improving instruction, isso large that one is at a' loss what particu­lar points to. mention. In the School ofCommerce and Administration, a vigorousand continued effort has been made formany years to develop a professional spiriton the part of students, to make them seethe larger bearings of present studies, andto break down the artificial barrier betweenclass-room work and "outside activities."The curriculum of the school is perhaps itsmost important personnel device-linkingall the studies together as parts of a broadpreparation for business and thus givingpoint, and direction to the student's work.Considerable emphasis has been placed,moreover, on teaching methods and on ef­fective class organization. Experimentshave been carried on in the sectioning ofclasses according to ability and in the useof special plans of instruction.A number of' extra-curricular projectshave been encouraged which are operatingto stimulate interest and serious effort onthe part of at least a small group of moreable students. These activities include astudent council (representatives of whichsit in all faculty meetings), groups organ­ized under the council for the study ofspecial fields, a publication-"The Univer- Contract andSecurityTHE LIFE INSURANCEPOLICY is a CONTRACTor BOND between the IN ..SURED and the Company­it is the Agreement of theparties and the basis of theirmutual obligations. 'In life insurance two thingsare essential - the Contractand the Security. The former,if rightly drawn, safeguardsthe Insured; the latter pro ..vides for carrying out theterms of the Contract.The Policies issued by thisCompany are ideal examplesof liberal, sound and rightlyprogressive Life InsuranceContracts.There is no insurance in themarket today more worthy thename of insurance than thatembodied in these Contracts.These policies have beendeveloped out of experienceand study to a high degree ofperfection. The Equities andOptions are clearly set forthso that the Policyholder isable to determine just wherehe stands when he becomes aMember of this Company.Everything embodied in thecontract has been tested bytime, and the rights of thepolicyholders carefully con ..served 'on every point.By the terms of the ContractALL]OHN HANCOCKPoli­cyholders are entitled to par ..ticipate in such Distributionsof Surplus as may be declaredannually.Policies of the Company aremade secure by reserves main ..tained on the highest standard,with ample additional contin ..gent reserves providingprotec ..tion against all emergencies.Sixey.one years in business. Nowinsuring One Billion Seven HundredMillion dolllL'I's in policies on3,250,000 lives.S16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsity Journal of Business"-managed bystudents, and a variety of social affairs.A final set of personnel relations has todo with activities of the students in frater­nities, athletics, and so on. These mattershave played a small part in the actual per­sonnel work of the School of Commerce.They are, however, being actively studiedand dealt with by other divisions of theUniversity.In a final word, our general attitude to­ward collegiate personnel work may bethus summarized: A clear distinction isneeded between personnel administrationand personnel planning and research. Per­sonnel administration has been, and maywell continue to' be, a primary task of thedean and his assistants. A splitting of theadministration of personnel relations be­tween deans and special personnel officersis probably unwise. There is, however,need for a great deal of special investigationand planning 'all along the line of person­nel activities-with older and broader prob­lems as well as with newer and more tech­nical ones.-One Hundred Fellowships AwardedOver one hundred fellowships have beenawarded at the University for the year 1.924-25. Of the whole number awarded, twenty­six are assigned to women.Sixty different educational institutions arerepresented by the recipients of the fellow-. ships, including the University of London,Oxford and] Cambridge universities, Queen'sUniversity, Canada, Manchester College, theuniversities of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, andToronto, the American University of Beirut,and the University of the Philippines.Of the whole number of successful appli­cants, forty-two have already received theMaster's degree.Appropriations are made annually fromthe general funds of the University for themaintenance of fellowships in the GraduateSchools of Arts, Literature, and Science, andthere are in addition endowed and annualfellowships as well as research fellowships,including those established for the NationalResearch Council in physics, chemistry,medicine, and the biological sciences.The Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.554 W. Ada.ms se., Chica.go, m,ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We. Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AllBooks Chicagoans Win Coffin FoundationFellowshipEight university men of high scholasticattainment and exceptional promise havebeen awarded university fellowships for re­search work during the year 1924-25 by theCharles A. Coffin Foundation, which was es­tablished by the General Electric Companyin 1922.THs year's awards, which have justbeen announced, have been made to thefollowing: Ralph D. Bennett, Union Col­lege and the University of Chicago;Ulric Bray, Emory University and YaleUniversity; G. Howard Carragan, Rens­selaer Polytechnic Institute and Uni­versity of Chicago; Elliott W. Cheney,Dartmouth College, and Brown University;R. Carvel Hensen, Baltimore PolytechnicInstitute and Johns Hopkins University;Clarence T. Hesselmeyer, Leland StanfordJunior University; Alfred L. Dixon, Uni­versity of Illinois; William L. Fink, Univer­sity of Michigan. Fellowships were awardedto the two last named, last year, and are re­newed for the coming one.The research problems in which they willengage include the X-ray-quantum theory;equilibrium in the system alkali-carbon di­oxide-water; the Zeeman effect on fluorine;insulation, with special reference to absorp­tion; high. voltage phenomena: electronicand thermodynamic effects at high tempera­ture; structure of steel with effect of carbonconcen tra ted.The terms of the Charles A. Coffin Foun­dation, established by the General ElectricCompany, make provision for the annuala ward of the income from a sum set apartfor that purpose for fellowships to gradu­ates of universities, colleges and technicalschools of the United States who haveshown, by the character of their work, thatthey could with advantage undertake orcontinue research work in educational in­stitutions either in this country or abroad.The Iellowships are given in the fields ofelectricity, physics and physical chemistry,and the committee having charge of thea wards desires to give them to men who,without financial assistance, would be un­able to devote themselves to research work.They carry a minimum allowance of $500,which allowance may be increased to meetthe special needs of the applicants to whomthey are a warded. The committee for thepresent year consists of Dr. John C. Mer­riam, representing the National Academyof Sciences; Harris J. Ryan, representingthe American Institute of Electrical Engin­eers; Dr. Charles F. Scott, representing theSociety for the Promotion of EngineeringEducation. W. W. Trench, Schenectady,N. Y., is secretary of the Foundation.UNIVERSITY NOTESAttitude Toward War of President BurtonIn response to a recent inquiry regardinghis view on war, President Burton madethis statement:"I am strongly opposed to war; absolutelyopposed to any war of aggression, and whollyconvinced that the American people shouldplan in every way possible to avoid the necessity of taking up arms even against a nationwhich may be doing or threatening to do usan injustice. I believe that all of us in Amer­ica should set ourselves to cultivate thatfriendly interest in other people and thatreadiness to endure rather than to inflictwrong which will tend to exterminate thewar spirit. But to the proposal made by.some that we should pledge ourselves neverunder any circumstances nor in the face ofany danger to ourselves or to others, or tocivilization, to resist aggression with force,I am quite unable to give assent. I earnestlyhope that the time may never come whenwe shall have to use force against any or­ganized body of our own citizens or anyother nation, but I believe we must stil� bya policy of moderate preparedness hold our­selves in readiness to take UP arms, if despiteour best endeavors to avoid it this is never­theless necessary."The University has always stood! f01" free­dom of thought and inquiry. It deprecatesthe creation of organized partisan groups,especially on the ground that this is unfavor­able to that calmness of thinking and discus­sion which is requisite to rational decision."ANew Department hf ArtWith the change of the Department of theHistory of Art into the Department of Artat the University, Walter Sargent, Professorof Art Education in the College of Educa­tion, has been appointed Professor of Art,according to a recent announcement from theUniversity. In the Autumn Quarter twolecture courses, one on "Appreciation ofPainting" and one on "The History of Amer­ican Art," will be offered to undergraduates,as well as courses in designing, modeling,eornposition, and color.Professor Sargent, whose paintings wererecently on exhibition in Ida Noyes Hall,Chicago, and also at the Pratt Institute inBrooklyn, has published a new volume onThe Enjoyment and Use of Color. He is amember of the Association of CollegeTeachers of Art, Chicago Society of Artists.and the American Art Association of Paris.Associated with Professor Sargent in thenew Department of Art will be Dr. EmersonH. Swift, Assistant Professor of the Historyof Art, who will offer during the comingSummer Quarter courses on "The Architec­ture of the Renaissance" and "Renaissanceand Modern Sculpture." 317RALPH C. MANNING, '00REALTORChicago West SuburbanTown and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. ILL.Sam A. Rothermel '1 7InsurancewithMOORE, CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment SecurUies208 S. LaSalle St. Wabash 0820Kenwood:Sou th Shore! Hyde Park: Woodlawn:Chatham Fields: Flossmore:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22MidwayOS20 5435, Kimbark Ave.Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans [or Building EstatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERV!ICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RA TE.:S. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOTHE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway Building'Portland, Oregon318 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEc. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800CHARLES R. GI'LBERT, '10 BR.6<DFORD GIL!.", '10GILBERT Be GILLALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph- H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACfORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment Securities,WITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGOState 1414John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius T eninga, '12REAL ESTATE,I Teninga Bros. & Co., U324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21Investment Securitieswith'H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Sane St. Wabash 0820 Conferring of Gold Medal on Discovererof Insulin by the UniversityPresident Burton reports that the Com­mittee on the Award of the RosenbergerMedal unanimously recommends as recip­ient of the medal, to be given at the JuneConvocation this year, Dr. F. C. Banting, ofthe University' of Toronto. The membersof the Committee, after considering a greatmany names, are convinced that no one elsehas in so striking a way the qualificationswhich Mr. Rosenberger had in mind. Thetwo points that Mr. Rosenberger seems tohave emphasized are: first, bene nt to hu­mani tv: and, second, that the conferring ofthe medal should be contemporaneous withthe interest aroused by the achievement.By his discovery of insulin, and the enor­mous relief that it has afforded in diabetes,Dr. Banting is probably the most talked-ofman in the world .of medicine today. TheNobel Prize was recently conferred on hirr,and his' associate in this discovery.Phi Beta Kappa Address By Dean LaingAt the twenty-fourth annual dinner of theBeta' of Illinois Chapter of the Phi BetaKappa Society, held at the Quadrangle Cl.rbon June 4, Dean Gordon Jennings Laing,of the Graduate School of Arts and Liter­ature gave the address.Dean Laing, who was recently electedvice-president of the American PhilologicalAssociation and is vice-president of the Ar­chaeclogical T nstitute of America, has beenpresident of the Classical Association of theMiddle \Vest and South, chairman of theDepartment of Latin at the University ofChicago, and, head of the. Department ofClassics and dean of the Faculty of Artsat McGill University. Last year Dean La­ing received from the University of Torontothe honorary degree of Doctor of Letters.About thirty .new members were receivedinto the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at themeeting preceding the dinner and address.American Students in EuropeThe Paris office of the American Univer­sity Union at 173 Boulevard St. Germainreports that during the academic year nowclosing there were over three thousandAmerican students in France, 429 of whomwere enrolled at the University of Paris and1,348 at other Parisian institutions of' learn­ing; there are 46 American candidates nowapplying for the doctorate at French uni­versities; American students at Frenchprovincial universities number 434, and 791students are engaged in independent studyor research. Students going over to Franceto study will find their progress facilitated byinquiry at the above address. The Londonoffice of the Union is at 50 Russell Square,W. C. 1. where similar information' may beobtained and Readers' tickets for research inthe British Museum Library applied for.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 319Published inthe interest 0/ Elec­trical Developmenf byan Institution that willhe helped hy what­ever helps theIndustry. That's how you spell"electrical industry"The electrical industry must have trainedengineers, but its needs have broadened outbeyond one group. Today this industry offersopportunity to men of virtually all professions.Whatever the course you are now pursuing,whatever the d�gree you take and whether yougo on to graduate study, you will find a marketfor your training in this field with its vast manu­facturing and commercial activities.But what will impress you even more thanthis diversity of opportunity is the goldenpromise for the future of electricity. Great now,it will be greater tomorrow_:'" as great as youmen choose to make it.Think of this as still an industry for youngmen.. with much of its potential developmentuncharted. If you like to build; electricity is yourfield. "From now till graduation we suggest it willbe worth your while to in vestigate its possibilities.'eSTern Electric CompanyThis advertisement' is one 0/ a series in studentpublications. It may remind alumni of their oppor­tunity to help the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to get more out 0/ his four years.320 THE UNIVERSiTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEe S.&Co.The Passing of theWestern Range'. An ominous note crept into: the wild, romanticUfe of the Old West during the seventies andeighties.The cowboy of the open ranges came face tolace with a strange, quiet figure- the man withlit plow. Bettlers began to swarm in on the new·failroads. The great ranches began to break up-nto smaller farms. Some were left, to be sure,and still exist. But the days of the old open graz­�ng were numbered. Fences cut off waterholes.At first this seemed to threaten the nation'srneat supply.For the chief source of beef at that time wasthe vast herds of half-wild cattle that grazed thewestern plains, and this source, it now appeared,'!!Vas being destroyed.But the problem, as problems.so often have a way... r doing. provided its own solution.Ranchers soon found that,by raising crops and turn­ing at least a part ofthem into meat, their land wouldpay them more than when the animals ran over it in4.he old free way.Farmers in the corn belt learned they could makemore money by selling part of their grain "on thehoof" and also could thereby maintain the fertility ofthe soil.And the amaller farmer saw that, even with only afew animals, he could now compete with the largerstock raisers.So what happened was that the vast herds of beefcattle were merely broken up into smaller but bettercared-for herds. .A more profitable use was made of the land.* * *Swift & Company has developed. with the changing'condittons, and has provided stock raisers everywherewith conveniently located cash markets. Hundreds ofbranch houses and thousands of refrigerator cars makeit possible to carry the farmers' meat economicallyfrom the packing plants to every large city in the'country and to every small town and hamlet in thecountrv side,Swift& Company's service also goes beyond the seas,vvh er e foreign branches furnish a world market.This service is performed at an average profit fromall sources of only a fraction of a cent a pound.Swift & CompanyFounded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by more than, 46,000 shareholders It. Marriages, Engagements,_ ��' .Deaths. IIImarriage�Fred H. Kay, '07. to Vivian Woodcockof Washington, D. C. At home, Carcacas,Venezuela, South America. .Myrogene Mead, '16, to H. Erwin Cope,'16, December �n, 1923. At home, 7352'Greenfield avenue, Detroit,' Michigan.Beatrice Weil, '18. to Winfred WeedenHawkins, July 19, 1923. At home, 735 Ful­lerton avenue, Chicago.Idalia Maxson, '18, to Frank HillmanMacy, March 11, 19:24, at Marshall, Texas.At home, 2027 Melrose street, Rockford,Illinois .Murray Smith, LL.B. '18, to Jane Kather­ine M'c Clay, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,February 16, 1924.Earl R. McCarthy, '19, S.M. '21, to Eliza­beth McEwen of Winnetka, Illinois,N ovemher 20, 1'923 .. At home, 413 Wright­wood avenue, Chicago.Helen Moyer, '20', to Calmon RolandGolder, LL.B. '2'2.George A. Novak, '20, J.D. '21, toBernice M. Jelinek of Chicago, May 16,1923. At home, 431:3 W. 22nd street, Chi­cago.Katherine Elizabeth Clark, '21, to RoscoeEmerson Stewart, '23, March 21, 1924, atSouth Pasadena, California. At home, 2117Redondo boulevard, Torrance, California.Jean Pickett, '2'1, to Stewart Cochrane ofChicago, February 12, 1924.18�irtb�To Thaddeus E. Allen, '15, and Mrs.Allen, a son, at LaGrange, Illinois.To Mr .. and Mrs. Joseph Piatt (HelenCampbell) Cert. '16, a daughter, MildredJ ean, June 18, 19:23, at Chicago Heights,Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Marlin (Hat­tie H. Goldstein) '19, a son, Alfred William,February 29, 1924, at Louisville, Kentucky.To David H. Annan, '19, and Mrs. Annan(Miriam Ormsby) '22, a son, OliverOrmsby, February 14, 1924, at Chicago.To Frank Simon Newcomb, '19, and Mrs.Newcomb, a son, Norman Bridge, February26, 192'4, at Los Angeles, California.mtatb�Richard L. Halsey, D.B. '83, at Honolulu.Hawaii, March 14, 1924. He was Chiefof the Immigration station at Honolulusince 1903.Dr. Charles B. Dirks, '99, of Eagle RockCity, California, suddenly, February, 1924.In the circle at the left is one of the electric locomo-.uves that will replace the steam engines.10 locomotives, will ,�.takethe place of 25; '."""f)Electric lOcomotiv�draw long trains 65'0miles over the RockyMountains on the'Chicago, Milwaukeeand St. Paul. Eventu�ally most of the r�l­roads in Amertca, wtllbe eleetrified-v-engi­neers estithate thattbis will save morethan a hundred mil­lion tons of coal a year. ).�;� , The General Electric Com­pany is electrifyin.g theMexican Railway between,Orizaba and Esperanza. Onthe firatsection-vwith manycurves and heavy grades-10 eiectric locomotives willtake th� place of 25 steamlocomotives. ,\ 'Economies resulting from.electrification will' repay thecost of the improvement. within five or .six years.;',;' .GENERAL ELECTRIC, "America's FinntMen's Wear S'ores', 'UNSEEN CAUSES.-. of premier quality inclothes tor menTHE perfect "set" of a sho,uId,er orlap,el-the graceful effect of a faultless "drape"-:wins outspoken praise from j udges ofrare quality in clothes. But only thosewho have witnes'sed every' operation canhave more than a faint conception of thetime and effort-s-the marvelous' craftsman­ship and accuracy 'of detail-that producethe masterpieces tailored under our "NewOrder of Thtngs, ,,'.You will be better dressed wearing a Capper Suitmade ullder our" New Ordel', oj Things'"Suits, $50 to $125Topcoats, $50 to $125LONDONCJHICA'GOST. PAULD E'T R 0 ITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOL,ISTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand tIOTEL SHERMAN •