May, 1924Volume XVI. No. 7"Speaking of Books-and especially those published bythe Un.iversity of Chimgo ness� x �Making Literaturemust be a fascinating business if one is to judgefrom Percy H. Boynton's little volume of essayson the' men and women who are making it inAmerica today. Of those who are thus en­gaged, Robinson, Frost, Dreiser, Cabell, Cather,Mencken, Tarkington, Wharton, Masters, Sand­burg, Bradford, and O'Neill occupy most of Mr.Boynton's attention, and of them he has muchof interest to say in Some Contemporary Amer­icans: The Personal Equation in Literature.This latest of the publications of the Universityof Chicago Press is only one of many in the fieldof literature and literary 'criticism. .Others thathave a-lasting 'appeal are Richard Green Moul­ton's Modem Study of Literature, William T.Hasting's Syllabus of American Literature, Wal­ter C: Bronson's American Poems, AmericanProse, and EDglish Poems (four volumes), PercyH. Boynton's London in English Literature, andJoseph W. Beach's The Technique of ThomasHardy. And for the man who writes there areA Manual for Writers and A Manual of Style.These are books that you will like. May wetell you more about them?The Seventh of a Series of Advertise­ments addressed t!o the Readers of Uni­versity of Chicago Press B,ooks."THE TRUE UNIVERSITY IS A COLLECTION OF BOOKS"-Carlyle�bt Ilniilttsitp 0,( (bicago _aga?intEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. and A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17;Divinity Association-A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Assodation-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Associatio_CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. �Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philip­pine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. UPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents 01'1annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscrlptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 8 cents (total 28 cents).�Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing nUI�bers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 8, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XVI. CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1924 No.7FRONTISPIECE : TOWER OF THE PROPOSED CHAPELCLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS ...............................................•• 243EVENTS AND COMMENT , ...............................................• 245THE 1924 REUNION-WELCOME HOME! ...............................................• 247ALUMNI AFFAIRS-GOODSPEED-CLUB LECTURES ........................................• 249NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES .•..••.............................•.............•..... '. .• 254ATHLETICS ••.......................................................................• 2'55THE LETTER Box.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 256UNIVERSITY NOTES ...........................................................••......• 259HARPER BIRTHPLACE MUSEUM 262LAW SCHOOL •...•.................................................................... 263SCHOOL OF EDUCATION-THE HIGH SCHOOL DEAN-ELSIE M. SMITHIES ..........•..••• 264BOOK REVIEWS ••••..•....•...••.•......•.•...................•..•................•••• 266NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS •.......................... _ 268MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS � •..••.••... '......• 280241242 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumniof the University Councilof ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNeAL for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term .expires 1924, MRS. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHNP. MENTZER, "98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, 'en; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term ex­pires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT I. MARKHAM, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LoGSDON, PH.D, '21'.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.BRIGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni 'Association, EDGAR J. PHILLIPS, L. L. B., '11; CHARLES F. Me­ELROY, A.M., '-06, J.D., '15; HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. GARRETTF. LARKIN, '21; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, ',17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21;From the Chicago Alumni Club, FRANCIS F. PATTON,'l1; HOWELL W. MURRAY,"14; WILLIAMH. LYMAN, '14. 'From the ;Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A: COULTER, '99; ALlCE GREENACRE, '08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSON, '12.Prom the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '0.7, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JAMES McGEE, D.B., '08, 165 York Street, New Haven, Conn.Secretary, CLARENCE W. KEMPER, A.M., '11, D.B., '12, First Baptist Church, Charles-'.ton, W. Va.LA W SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B'., '1'3, J.D., '15, 137 So. La. Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 160.9 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretory, FLORENCE Wn..LIAMS, '16, A.M., '20, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretor», MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.AU communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty-Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including sub­scriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, aress.oo per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIESf3. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St. '09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1588 E. Marquette Rd.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. '10. Bradford Gill, 176 W. Jackson Blvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 6602, Kenwood Ave. '11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St. '12. Harriet Murphy, 4880 Grand Blvd.'97. Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St. '13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank. '14, W.· Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave. '1'5. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton; 1229 E. 66th St.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave. '16. Mrs. Dorothy D� Cummings, 7214. Yates Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave. '17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th Pl. '18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'03 Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute. '19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'Q�. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 64th PI. '20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 62nd St.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave. '21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kimbark Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg. '22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'07. Hele':1 Norris, 72 W. Adams S�. . ,. '23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis .Ave.'08. Welhngton D. Jones, University 0'£ Chicago. Alii addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).'Pres., M. H� Dewey, Emory University.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs .. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback si.,: Boise.Boston. . (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne St.,Brookline.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar FaUs, Ia.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Ly­man, 5. N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert" Univer­sity of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Mrs. F. C. Loweth, 3277DeSota Ave., Cleveland Heights.Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Sec., Ida T. Jacobs, Roose­velt High School.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,Sta te Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First J udi­cial Circuit.. Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn,H15 Broadway.Iowa City, la. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley, ,5 West 68th St. Terrace.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club),Sec., Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr, College.'Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec., W.' Lewis Roberts,University of Kentucky.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., . J. Harry Hargreaves, 707Merchants' National Bank Bldg.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., Karl A. Hauser, 425E. Water St. 248Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin CitiesClub). Sec. Charles H. Loomis, Merch­ant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New' York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. LoisSutherland Spear, 2761 Sedgwick Ave.N.Y.C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette Grif­fin, Central High School.Peoria, Ill. Sec., Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfr.eth,21 S., Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec., Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. See., L. R. Felker, 310 NorthFourth St.Salt Lake' C'ity, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 414 KohlBldg.Seattle, Wash. Pres.. Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia, Pres., David W. Stewart,Frances Bldg.South Dakota. Sec., Anna Fastenau, SiouxFalls., S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., Rock Island andMoline, Ill.). Sec., Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport. .Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Mrs. Chester F. Lay,University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt .Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va. «, 4Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No. 1 Hesketh St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chi­cago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.V. M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, . Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Sec., Victor Hanson,Shanghai College.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, Firs,t HighSchoal.2,44 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. The Tower of the Proposed ChapelAbove is a sketch of the Tower of the proposed University Chapel,one of the great buildings to be erected under the new building pro­gram. Present plans for the Chapel include a massive tower twohundred and sixteen feet in height above the crossing. "Her battle­merited towers shall rise!"The University of ChicagoMagazineVOL. XVI MAY 1924 No, 7�COMMEN��EVENTS� ,Saturday, June 7th! The official calendars from distant foreign countries-will takeof the University, for 1923-24, have regularly this opportunity to meet and to hear himannounced that date as Alumni again. Let us make his "first PresidentialWelcome Day. On that day-our Day- Reunion" a notable success!Home! and the several days immediately The anniversary classes-the other classes,preceding, also, the Quadrangles too-the special and general groups-allof our City Gray will be the scene of gath- should make' the effort for pronounced sue-ering Alumni to take part in the program of cess. We trust that our Alumni Clubsthe annual June Reunion. It will be the throughout the country will continue theThirty-third Anniversary of the University plan of holding special Reunion meetings,-and the Sixty-Eighth Anniversary of the for those who cannot be at the University,Old University. The occasion in many on or near Alumni Day. We hope to hearways will be a memorable one! from them all, by special letter or telegram.The general program appears elsewhere We urge, too, that, as was begun two yearsin this number. The regular announcements ago, each Club arrange to send a delegatewere recently mailed out to all Alumni on or accredit a representative to the J uneour records. The many gatherings-classes assembly.clubs, associations, special and general More concerning the Reunion appears ingroups-promise to be larger than ever. this number and in the traditional, mailedWhatever your position or location or dis- announcements. We seek only to empha-position we urge you to be present on these size here that extensive preparations are be-significant Reunion days and take part in ing made-for you! It is Your Reunion,one or more of the various events on the Your Alma Mater. Your Alumni and class"schedule." officers plan to welcome You! Mark yourLast year Dr. Ernest Dewitt Burton wel- calendar Now. Welcome Home!corned the returning Alumni in the capacity * * *of Acting President. This year he will wel- As announced recently in the Magazine,come them as President. June, 192'4, will President Burton plans to mail to thewitness his first "Presidential Reunion"-- Alumni from time to time pam-and surely this should result in the greatest Alumni phlets concerning the University,Alumni attendance in our history. In his Pamphlets departmental achievements, andbrief year of leadership President Burton, in other material of educational in-accordance with his announced policies, has terest. The Letter to Alumni by Professoralready established, personally and by James Weber ("Teddy") Linn, mailed outprinted word, a remarkably close contact last February, served as a "general introduc-with our thousands of Alumni everywhere. tion.". Several weeks ago the first of thea contact that all of our graduates and Alumni Pamphlets was mailed to someformer students assuredly appreciate. The 20,000 Alumni. The President's enclosedReunion, it should be emphasized, gives us leaflet stated:one distinctly important opportunity to "The University of Chicago Alumni Pam-show our appreciation of his hearty and cor- phlets, of which this is the first of a series,dial interest. Our Alumni, coming from are published for the purpose of keeping theevery section of the countrv=-some, .indeed, Alumni of the. University informed, not only2452'46 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin respect to things already accomplished atthe University, but also in reference to poli­cies and plans under consideration for futurefulfillment. They are mailed to the Alumniwith the compliments of the President."Pamphlet Number 1 comprised two re­cent addresses by President Burton, on "TheBusiness of a University" and on "TheBusiness of a College." The President'ssound analysis and clear presentation of theessential functions of a university and of acollege unquestionably proved of profoundinterest to our Alumni, as they did to hishearers on the occasion of the addresses.While he dwelt especially on the "discov­ery" phase of a university's business, he­cause of time limitations, Dr. Burtonsummed up with effective comprehensivenessthe fundamental purpose of a university, asfollows:. "The. bu�iness of a university is discovery,dlssem111�tlOn of knowledge, training of menf?r ser:vIce, and development of personali­ties ; discovery of new facts and, by the col­lection and interpretation of them of newtruth; the dissemination of k�owledgethrough ?ral speech and printed page,but especially of the results of the dis­coveries which t.he scholars of the uni­versity have made; the training of men tomake practical use of their knowledge in theservice �f. mankind; and the development ofpersonalities capable of large participation inlife and of large contribution to life.". Conc.erning. the college, he points out whatIts main business must be: "But after allthe main things that I want to �ay and t��mphasize is that the business of the collegeIS to develop personalities, personalities thatare capable of large participation in life andof large contribution to life. If we recognizeth�s to be th.e business of the college, every­thing else WIll in time take care of itself."For some years past there has been agrowing confusion in the understanding ofthe chief business of a university and of acollege. President Burton's addresses haveserved well to clear the atmosphere and tobring us back to certain fundamental con­siderations. Our Alumni, we know, feel in­debted to him for this service, coming at atime when some such clarification is needed,not only in their own minds but in the mindsof all who are thoughtfully interested inhigher education. '* * *Dr. Joseph H. White, Swimming Coach,died April 14th, after an illness of ten days.An article concerning his deathDeath of appears in the UniversityCoach White Notes. In the passing of CoachWhite the University has lost.a man who for fifteen years has exerted amar�ed influence on the life of the students,particularly of those who were fortunate tocome under his special tutelage, for manli- ness, right living, and sportsmanship. Hewas a man of upright sincerity, high cour­age, and uncompromising ideals-the kind ofman and coach who by nature and practicemet up fully with every ideal that DirectorStagg desired and has so repeatedly em­phasized.One fact concerning Mr. White's courageand abilities as a swimmer might here bementioned: During his life as a swimmer,to the writer's knowledge, Coach Whitesaved the lives of many people, and on oneoccasion, single handed, he saved the livesof three drowning women. A record of hislife will show it to have been a life of realservice. 'How his high character impressed the stu­dents is attested by the following editorialfrom the Daily Maroon:"The significant loss to the world of ath­letics and to the University through thedeath of Dr. J. H. White, for many yearscoach and leader of the varsity swimmingsquads, cannot be expressed. Dr. Reedcharacterized him as a 'gentleman and thehighest type of man.' No greater tributecould be paid him than, in a retrospect ofhis career in athletics, to find that he stoodfor the, ideals of a gentleman in fitting menfor competition and in competitive games.In the meets, for which Dr. White trainedand coached his men, he is said often tohave sacrificed victory for the cause of good,sportsmanship. Thus he made an ideal thegoal of his endeavor; the ideal of fair play .Ideals never can be expressed in words.'Dr. White has left his, beloved sport.But the ideals for which he stood will guidethe Maroon teams as long as the Universityexists."The 1924 Swimming Team headed a briefcampaign and quickly raised funds for abeautiful memorial tablet in his honor, tobe placed in Bartlett Gymnasium. CoachWhite has left us-but his loyal servicehas added to, and has left a permanentimpression upon the traditions and spiritof the University, the spirit of manly cour­age, high service, true sportsmanship.* * *On page 2'70 of this number of the Maga­zine appears a list of the candidatesCollege in the election in the College Asso­Election ciation being held this month. Thevotes, as usual, are cast by post­card ballot, the ballots having been distrib­uted, as customary, in the Reunion mails.The list presented in the Magazine is merelyfor the further guidance of the voters. Allmembers of the College Alumni Associationare eligible and are strongly urged to vote.Every member of the Association should takea direct interest in this important electionand should mark and send in his or herbaI!ot before the closing date mentioned.Please be sure to vote!THE 1924 REUNION-WELCOME HOME! 247+ ... n-HJI_hH_IIII_M._tllI_nll_t:lll_ •• _nll_HII_an_ •• _ln_UII_II_IIH- .. .,-I1 .. -.II'-"II-III:I-IIII- .. U-III1-118_1I11_111I_111I_IIU_II+I THE 1924 REUNION : II WELCOME HOME! I+"_IIII_III_8"_lIn_IIH_""_IIH_ll"_h .. _IIII_"n_11n_ .. "_ .. "_II_""_""- .. II-n.-nO-II .. - .. I-I1"-IIII_HII_lIn_IIII_Un_III_IIII+Welcome Home!Well, folks, everything is getting set fora great-a Better Yet-Reunion in June.Alumni Day-Saturday June 7-will see theculmination of a large program, a programthat has been in preparation for severalmonths. Since the January meeting ofthe Alumni Council, at which time James1916 at Reunion Last JuneA. ("Jimmie") Donovan, '13, became theChairman of the 1924 Reunion Committee,things have been decidedly "on the move".With "Jimmie-the- Thirteener" acting as of­ficial driver, the good old machine has beenmaking marked headway; in the next fewweeks the accelerator will be brought intoplay-and when the Committee "steps onher" there will be a great burst of speedwhich will carry the· Reunion to unques­tioned victory with a grand-stand finish andflourish! But all this, remember, please, isnot for the Committee itself, or for theClass or other officers who are working fora grand Alumni Day finish. It is solely for3,ou-it is for your Reunion, your participa­tion· and enjoyment, your Welcome Home.!The Reunion Committee that is workingfor you and your Chicago is announced asfollows:General Chairman, James A. Donovan, '13.Class Organizations, Martha NadineHall, '17.Sing, S. Edwin Earle, '11.Reunion Supper, William H. Lyman, '14.Class Stunts, Lyndon H. Lesch, '17. Program Specials, Dan H. Brown, ''OS.Publicity, John E. Joseph, '20.This is not a "novice" Committee. Prac­tically all of them are tried-and-true veter­ans at the "Reunion business". You willnote, for instance, that the Sing, as fromtime immemorial, is in charge of "Ned"Earle-the champion singster of the Uni­verse. "Bill" Lyman, catering at the Sup­per, knows more about menus and averagealumna and alumnus appetites than anysupper-server on the Globe. "Lyn" Lesch,as Stunt starter, rivals anybody that Bar­num, the Ringlings, Sells-Floro, or anyone,two or three-ringer ever saw. Nadine Hallis distinctly a classy Class classifier,"Danny" Brown recently rolled in all theway from Los Angeles, deserting a climaticCalifornian career to again specialize onProgram Specials. "J ohnny" J oseph-no­table as a movie critic-is making consider­able motion in the publicity field. This is aBetter Yet Reunion Committee, and theyrightfully request-nay, command that youanswer "Present!" and enjoy' a real BetterYet Reunion!The ProgramThe Program appears herein, and themore detailed announcements are beingmailed out this month. Essentially, it fol­lows the traditional Chicago Reunion pro-1922 First Anniversary Last Junegram-with events that Chicago' has created,events that are now uniformly and increas­ingly successful, events that give "one andall" a fine chance to take part during thethree-days festivities. The Prograrn.: how-ever, has been "sharpened up" with even248 THE UNIVERSITY 'OF Cl-i.TCAGO MAG..::IZINEl\eunton mIeeh JlrogramTHURSDAY, JUNE 56:00 P. M. "C" Dinner­Hutchinson Cafe6:30 P. M. 1899 25th Anniversary Din­ner-Quadrangle Club7:00 P. M. 1909 15th AnniversaryDinner-Ida Noyes HaUFRIDAY, JUNE 65 :30 P. M. University Aides Dinner­Ida Noyes Hall5 :30 P. M. Cafeteria Supper-c-�da Noyes Hall (Forwomen attending the Sing)6:00 P. M. 1914 10th Anniversary Din­ner-Hutchinson Cafe6:00 P. M. Fraternity Reunions­Chapter Houses8:30 P. M. University Sing­Hutchinson CourtSATURDAY, JUNE 7-Alumni DayII :30 A. M. Alumnae Breakfast-Ida Noyes Hall2 :00 P. M. Western Conference TrackMeet-Stagg Field3: 00 P. M. Hall and Group Reunions5 :00 P. M. Shanty Ceremonies-In the Circle5 :30 P. M. Anniversary Class Stunts­In the Circle6:30 P. M. General Reunion Supper­Bartlett Gymnasium8:30 P. M. Garden Party, Vaudeville andDance-Hutchinson C 0 u r t-Rey­nolds ClubSUNDAY, JUNE 810:45 A. M. Convocation ReligiousService-c-Mandel Hall4:00 P. M. Special Class Reunions andTeasMONDAY, JUNE 9-Class· Day10: 00 A. M. to 4 P. M. Senior Class DayEvents-Quadrangles9:0·0 P. M. Convocation Reception'-­Hutchinson CourtTUESDAY, JUNE 10-ConvocationD:ay12:30 ·P. M. Ph. D. Association AnnualLuncheon-Quadrangle Club4:00 P. M. 133rd Convocation­Hutchinson Court6:3:0 P. M. Law Association Annual'Dinner-Downtown.CLASS ANNIVERSARYREUNIONSKeep in touch with your class officersand other classmates for these special annt­versaries:Fiftieth Anniversary Class of Ii 8 74Thirtieth Anniversary Class of 1894Twenty-fifth Anniversary Class of 1899Fifteenth Anniversary Class of 1909Tenth Anniversary Class of 1914Fifth Anniversary .. " Class of 1919First Anniversary Class of 1923 better stunts than ever. Y ou'll enjoy cit allthe way through!The Anniversary ClassesThe anniversary classes have gladly ac­cepted the challenge of all preceding classanniversary celebrations and aim to gothem all more than one better. Mr. R. R.Coon, '74, of Grand Island, Nebraska, iscorning in to take charge of the Fiftieth An­niversary of the Class of 1874. The Twenty­fifth Anniversary of 1899 will be duly ob­served by a dinner and a midnight supperat \Vinnetka-a program of feasting inmemory of Shanty days. The Class of 1904will, of course, be duly and properly initiatedinto the Shanties, on the occasion of theirTwentieth Anniversary; but in addition theyare going to put on the "Passions of 1904"at the Reunion Supper; inside informationadvises. that it will make Ziegfield, the Ter­race Gardeners, and all the other cabaretand stage specialists gasp in amazement.The newspapers have already arranged theheadlines. And '04, furthermore, is sendingits announcement over the -radio, throughthe courtesy of the La Salle Hotel. TheClass of 1909 will observe its Fifteenth An­niversary with a big dinner, followed by abus-ride through the parks, "moonlight ortwheels". The Tenth Anniversary of 1914-;­one of our great and irrepressible classes-l­will be observed with a men's Field Day atOlympia Fields, a women's tea and musi­cale, a rousing delightful dinner, and astartling stunt on Alumni Day. The Classof 1919 is keeping its activities secret-oneof· the first "class secret societies" in thehilarious history of higher education. And'23 promises to live up to its fine showingmade as seniors at the Reunion . last June.Other classes, which have naturally andcorrectly formed the "happy annual habit",110t to be outdone, or outdid, or outdooded,are planning "their ·own stuff", as they say ..Among them, '05, '07, '12, '16, '17, '18, and'20, have something of their people, by theirpeople, and mainly for their people. Andof course, as to. two of them-'16 and '17-Sleepy Hollow will again he the scene oftheir annual indoor baseball feud. And theShanties-ewell, they are now inevitable!The Class of '03 will initiate the Class of'04. The Mills of the Shanties grind slowly-but they grind exceedingly comically!, Let's Go-c-Chicago-s-Let's Go!The program and this notice merely out­line, sketch, indicate and suggest some ofthe. obvious offerings of the Reunion. Themain point is-they're all set for you, forus. for everybody! Mark your calender now-Make your plans now-Arrange now toattend! Respond to the announcementsfrom your class officers and from theAlumni office. This is all for you! Comeback to the City Gray in June-WelcomeHomel'ALUMNI AFFAIRSA"LUMNIThree Alumni Trustees Address SouthernCalifornia Alumni ClubDear Mr. Pierrot:N 0, I am not secretary of theAssociation of Southern California.have not business to write you.HOWEVER AlumniNo, Tduring the two years in which I have servedas secretary, I have written you so manytimes immediately after the meeting that"I've got the habit," and can't stop. Youwill. no doubt, hear in the very near futurefrom our new secretary, Mr. J. Harry Har­greaves, whose address is 707 Merchants'National Bank Building, Los Angeles.We had a great meeting last night, March24. Somebody said it was "corking" yetneither "corking" nor "great" fully expressesit. Seventy-five of us met at dinner at theUniversity Club. To have three trustees ofthe University as our guests was unusualin itself, and they gave us talks that wereinformational, inspirational, and absolutelythrilling. "Mr. Harold Swift, '07, went back to thebeginnings of the University, and showed ushow unique it was in the history of educa­tion for such a great university to springfull blown into being, with a super-man aspresident, great men on the faculty, and amillion dollar endowment, when it openedits doors and waited for students to come.He said it "caught the imagination of peo­ple." He certainly captured our imazina­tious and interest as he told of the darinz,stimulating. reckless fifteen years of Presi­dent Harper's administration. As he spokeof the work of President Judson, and thatof President Burton, we were all thrilledwith pride and enthusiasm for our AlmaMater.Dr. Wilber Post, '01, spoke on develop­ments in medical school affairs.: He pic­tured the way in which the medical depart­ment was being brought into close touchwith the academic department.Mr. Albert Sherer, '06, spoke on the wavin which alumni and alumni associationscan be of service to the University.We all felt that it was a great challengewhich these gentlemen gave us.Then followed the election of officers,which resulted as follows:President, Miss Eva M. Jessup, '07.Vice-president, Dr. John Vruwink, '22.Secretary, Mr. J. Harry Hargreaves, '22.Treasurer, Mr. James Sheldon Riley, '05.Right now I want to pay tribute to ourformer president, Dan Ferguson. When itcomes to pep, energy, love for his Alma Ma­ter, and a charming friendliness which took 249AFFAIRS�SOME�ICI'lIC.1On the Trail on Class Picnicsin all the members of the Association Dancan't be beaten. He ought to be pre�identagain, but when a man won't, he won't.We were greatly interested in a letter fromMr. Sulcer telling of the possibility that wemay have Dr. Goodspeed here during Aprilor May to give his lecture on his translationof the New Testament. Everyone was de­lighted at the prospect. Plans are on footfor making it a notable occasion.Yours very truly,Eva M. Jessup, '07.Dean Tufts and Mr. Stagg AddressWashington Alumni ClubThe University of Chicago Alumni Clubof Washington, D. C; had its annual banqueton March 24, 19'23, in the gold room at theLa Fayette Hotel. Amos Alonzo Stagg ancJ ames Hayden Tufts were honor guests.Le Roy T. Vernon, '01. Donald R. Rich­burg, '01, George A. Garrett, ex-'10, WalterS. Rogers, '02, Harold G. Moulton, '07, Ph.D. '15, all "C" men were "exhibit A," tan­gible evidence that the University plusathletics can do what Professor Staggclaimed for it in an inspiring talk. VicePresident Tufts carried us back to thecampus with friendly gossip about the oldfamiliar personalities and aroused our en­thusiasm over the present achievements ofthe University and the immediate plans tobe carried out.Dr. Harold G. Moulton, president of theclub, presided. "Don" Richberg lead thesinging, with G. A. Garrett at the piano. Canyou imagine a better combination than Rich­burg and Garrett leading a group of 54 peoplein the songs they themselves had written,with Stagg and Moulton at the head tablesnapping everybody into line? We all sangwhether we could or not. We couldn't helpourselves. It was great!Dr. Moulton announced that beginningwith April, the members of the club wouldmeet informally for luncheon at the Men'sCity Club on the first Monday of each monthat one o'clock. Bertha Henderson, '10,Secretary.250 -THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Goodspeed Lectures at ColumbusMarch 25, 1924.Dear PierretDr. and Mrs. Goodspeed were with usyesterday. It is a delight to know them.The fact that such people live, is the bestevidence that the world is advancing, Colum­bus .hopes to welcome them again.The campus at Ohio State University isringing with praises today of the masterful,scholarly address which Dr. Goodspeed gavelast evening in University Hal1. Not aword of dissent. not a word of criticism; onlypraise and admiration for a 'monumentalpiece of work in literature, executed in ahighly scientific and scholarly manner.This, lecture reflects and has reflected inColumbus, in central Ohio, and at the OhioState University, the highest' credit on theLJ niversity of Chicago. The University ofChicago Alumni Association of Central Ohiohas accomplished something new in invitingthe public to share with us an evening whenwe were entertaining one of our own facultymembers. And certainly the high class ofwork which is being done at the Universityof Chicago was brought home anew last eve­ning to many students and thinkers in centralOhio. .The audience was good. Practically allwe could accommodate. Never have I seenmore careful or earnest attention given to aspeaker.Our experience here can and should be re­peated in every locality where an alumniclub has been organized. It would also makea good setting for the organization of newclubs. We thank you most heartily for giv­ing' us the privilege of entertaining the Good­speeds. 'Cordially yours,William S. Harman, '00.Professor Goodspeed's Lecture inBirminghamWhen Dr. and Mrs; Edgar Goodspeed re­cently visited Birmingham, a committee com­posed of Dr. J. c. Stivender, Dr. W. R. Hen­drix, Dr. S. A. I ves, Professor H. C. Smith,Mr. D, B. Lightner and Dean L. M. Spiveymet the train and escorted them to the Tut­wiler Hotel, where a dinner was given intheir honor by the alumni of the U niversitvof Chicago in the city. About forty alumniwere present. Each person was called uponto state at what time and what departmenthe attended in the University, after whichDr. Frank Wiflis Barnett introduced Dr.Goodspeed who spoke most interestingly of. his recent experiences as a lecturer, and ofthe encouraging conditions in Chicago.The alumni then accompanied Dr. and Mrs.Goodspeed to the Phillips High School audi­torium where fifteen hundred people weregathered to hear the Iecture of the evening.Dr. Goodsped proved, conclusively that thehistory of, the New Testament not only is in- teresting to the scholar, but can be made in­teresting to the people.The Birmi-ngham News gave wide publi­city to Dr, Goodspeed's visit and a largeportion of this speech, as well as an interest­ing interview which was reported' the follow­ing day,Before leaving Birmingham, Dr. Good­speed delivered short addresses at the chapelexercises of Birmingham-Southern andHoward colleges, where he was mostenthusiastically received by the studentbodies.We are always glad to have faculty andfellow alumni VIsit us and we hope that, inthe near future, you are going to sendanother representative.With very best wishes to you, I amCordially yours,Ludd M. Spivey, '21.Birmingham-Southern College,Birmingham, Alabama.Goodspeed Lecture at ClevelandMy dear Mr. Pierrot:The Cleveland Club held its annual dinnerand business meeting at the Big Ten ClubRooms, Wednesday evening, March 13, withthe usual good attendance-thirty-five mem­bers and nine guests. Our guests of honorwere Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed.Ours is surely a prompt crowd. By sixo'clock nearly everyone had arrived; so thatall were able to meet our guests before din-ner was called..Business was transacted informally be­tween courses during the. dinner. W. P.Dickerson presided.After the reports of the activities of thepast year. there was a short discussion as tothe organization of our clubs in the future.I t was finally decided to merge the two clubsunder the officers of the present Alumnaeclub. The women will continue theirmonthly- luncheons as before, calling them­selves the Women's Division of the Alumniclub. Evening meetings, when Chicagofaculty members are in town, will be open tomen and women as before. The only changeis that all are working under one organiza­lion. 'Only one set of officers will be atwork, and dues will be paid only once, where­as the women paid to both organizationsbefore.In view of thi-s change the directory inthe M'agazine should now have the name ofthe new secretary, Mrs. F. C. Loweth, :;'277De Sota Avenue, Cleveland Heights.At the close of the dinner, Dr. Goodspeedspoke briefly giving us a few glimpses of thelatest happenings on the campus, and bring­ing from President Burton a message full ofcheerful prophecy as to the future of theUniversity, and of warm, personal greetingto Chi-cago's alumni. 'Of course we sang the Alma Mater, be­fore .hurrying away to attend Dr. Good-ALUMNI AFFAIRS-GOODSPEED LECTURESspeed's public lecture in the Winton HotelBall Room. The Magazine has alreadydescribed Dr. Goodspeed's lecture, "WhyTranslate the New Testament," so we shouldhave known what to expect. Yet we werefairly carried away by his infectious enthus­iasm, his well aimed thrusts at newspaperdiscussions of New Testament translations,and his marvelous ability to impart knowl­edge without being pedantic.We hope that other clubs will be able tohave Dr. Goodspeed as you suggest in theMagazine. vVe give his lecture our unquali­fied endorsement.Sincerely yours,Nell C. Henry, '12.Indianapolis Alumni Club Meetings1415 Broadway, Indianapolis.My dear Mr. Pier rot :Coming together for luncheon once amonth is becoming a habit with the Univer- -sity of Chicago people of Indianapolis, foramong the twenty-five who met Saturday,March 29, at the Spink Arms, a good ma­jority had been to at least two other ofsuch gettings together since our fall open­ing. Of the new members acquired-all ofwhom seem interesting-are Stanley Roth, -1918, and Dr. Julius Gauss (Rush) 1898.The wild March winds which romped out­side were no match for the breeziness withinand there was something of interest underdiscussion from soup to "Go Chicago" withwhich we wound up our meeting in no meanfashion.As part of the program, Ruth Bozell dida little friendly advertising by exhibitingpictures of Wisconsin stars who will appearin town soon in "Twinkle. Twinkle," theUniversity of Wisconsin production.Then Florence Morrison gave us such avivid account of her summer of 192.3 spentin Spain that everybody felt an urge to packmantilla and sombrero and sail for the sunnypart of Southwestern Europe on the nextboat. Miss Morrison assured us that be­cause of natural.. environmental conditions,Spain will undoubtedly long retain many ofher old customs and provincial charm inspite of political changes.The chief business under discussion was aplan to persuade Dr. Goodspeed to come tous during the next month, if possible. Ifthis plan materializes we believe we - shallaccomplish three things: put ourselves onthe map of Indianapolis as a group thatreally functions in the life of the city; givethe thinking public opportunity to hear whatDr. Goodspeed has to tell; and, what per­haps we will concede is of greatest import­ance - give some of the right kind of"advertising" to our own strongly-believed-inUniversity of Chicago.Most sincerely yours,Mabel Washburn,Secy., Indianapolis U. of C. Club. 251+111-1I.-'II_."-NII-UH-.U_ •• _NN_gll_IIII_HII_.II_IIII�Il"1 . ii Goodspeed-Club Lectures iII '. s+1I_IIJI_IIII_ •• _IIU_IIII-tIII_lln_IIU_IIII_III_OII_IIA_MII_111 ...Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97, Ph.D. '98Dr. Goodspeed's series of public lectures on hisNew Testament Translation, now being given through­out the west under the auspices of our Alumni Clubsis meeting with great success. Details on his tau;and lecture will appear in this and following numbersof the Magazine. -The plan of sending Dr. Edgar J. Good­speed to various alumni club. centersthroughout the country, to give his lecture"Why Translate the New Testament" underthe auspices of the local clubs, has met withgreat success. When the announcement onthe plan was first made, through the Maga­zine and by letters to the clubs, the responsewas most gratifying. Many of the clubs,east and west, north and south, immediatelyexpressed a desire to have the lecture. Lim­itations of time, however, and some geo­graphical and traveling considerations, com­pelled limiting the Goodspeed lecture tourto clubs in the near south, the middle-west,and the Pacific coast districts. The - successof the lectures in the first places visited-e­Birmingham, Cleveland, and Columbus-isset forth by letters in this May number.I n addition to the foregoing three, -ar­rangements have been made for public clublectures, as follows: Louisville, April .27;Lexington, Ky., April 29-30; Peoria, May 2;Indianapolis, May 5; Cincinnati, May ,6;Milwaukee, May 9'; Minneapolis-St.' Paul,May 12; Cedar Falls-Waterloo, Iowa, May13; Des Moines, May 14; Kansas City, May252 THE' UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE15; Lawrence, Kas., May 16; Los Angeles,May 19-20; San Francisco, May 23-24; Den­ver, May 28-2'9; and Wichita, May 31. It ispossible that one or two places may beadded later. This itinerary, however, covers18 clubs in all, and occupies the time of Dr.Goodspeed for the entire Spring Quarter,as allowed by the University. Furthermore,it should be added, some .stop-over lectureswere delivered, as traveling schedules per­mitted, in such cities as Grand R.apids, Gales­burg, Jacksonville, Joliet, where the localalumni, though not organized as clubs, en­thusiastically assisted. Reports from theselecture-meetings and other features 'on thelecture and tour will appear in forthcomingnumbers of the Magazine.As an interesting "side-light", one of theSouth's best feature writer-s, in an inter­view with Dr. Goodspeed printed in theBirmingham News, says of him: "I hadthought 'of an older man, a man much morestern and sedate-Professor of Greek with­out a sense of humor-only to find a veryhuman person. curiously winning of man­ner and cordiality." The publicity receivedby the University, incidentally, on this tourhas been exceptionally wide, uniformly en­thusiastic, and of the highest and most desir­able type:Among other desirable results of the tourhas been the strengthening of all of ouralumni clubs where the lecture-event wasconducted. In a report to the Alumni Coun­cia I at the April meeting, by ChairmanHenry D. Sulcer of the Clubs Committee,the belief was expressed that the obviousand general success of the plan justifiedsimilar lecture plans in the future.Alumni Council Third Quarterly MeetingThe third regular quarterly meeting ofthe Alumni Council, for 1923-1924, was heldin the Alumni Office on April 28th. Present-Charles F. Axelson, chairman; A. G.Baker, Grace A. Coulter, James A. Dono­van, Martha N. Hall, Mrs. Helen C. John­son, John A. Logan, Mrs. Mayme I.Logsdon, WiIIiam H. Lyman, Mrs. Marga­ret M. Macpherson, Herbert I. Markham,John P. Mentzer, Helen Norris, JohnNuveen, Jr., Paul S. Russell, Frank E.Weakly, and A. G. Pierrot, secretary­treasurer.Financial statements and the regular re­ports of the standing committees were sub­mitted, as usual, and also reports from theAssociations. Mostof the time was occupied,however, with the report on the Goodspeed­Club Lecture Series, with which report theCouncil was greatly pleased, and with re­ports on the coming June Reunion, theprogram and plans of which were discussedand referred for final action to the ReunionCommittee. On both of these matters thisnumber of the Magazine presents more de­tailed information elsewhere. This Aprilmeeting was in session two hours. Northern California. Club Annual MeetingDear Mr. Pierrot:On Friday evening, March 28, the alumniand ex-students of the University of Chicagogathered at a dinner held at the StewartHotel. Fifty-five alumni and ex-students,wives, husbands and friends were present.Dr. Blanchard, formerly of the University ofChicago, and now of the University of 'Cali­fornia. entertained us with tales of the daysof old Chicago, from 1895 down to thetime of his departure. Dr. Robert E. Park,of the Department of Sociology, followingMr. Blanchard, gave, a very interesting talkupon "Recent Progress and Research in theSocial Sciences."Many of those present expressed thethought that the meeting was, the most en­joyable that we had yet had, and the desirethat' at least two similar meetings be heldeach year.Th� officers elected for the coming yearare as foIIows:President, John Walter Coleberg, ]. D. '10,Bank of South San Francisco, South SanFrancisco, Calif. .Vice President, Miss Rosalina Rosenblatt,Ph. B. '22, 499 37th Avenue, San Francisco.Secretary, William H. Bryan, Ph. B. '0.,1,414 Kohl Building, San Francisco."Teddy" Linn's letter was read and theappreciation of the audience to him directedby vote to be expressed in a letter to him.To carry out the plan of having two meet­ings a year, we must be able to secure someprominent representative of the University,say in October or November, whose namewill draw, and we desire to be kept in veryclose touch with such men who may be inSan Francisco about that time. It requirestwo weeks or more to arrange for such agathering, since our alumni are so scattered,and we-will very much appreciate your assis­tance in putting us in touch with suchvisitors.Wiliam H. Bryan, '04,Secretary.Des Moines Alumni Club New OfficersAt the meeting of the Des Moines AlumniClub held on April 7, at which a number ofgraduates and former students of the Uni­versity gathered for a short business session,the following new officers of the Des MoinesClub were elected: President, Dr. J. W.Million, ex, Des Moines, Iowa; secretary,Ida T. Jacobs, '13, Theodore Roosevelt HighSchool. Des Moines, Iowa.The club is planning several meetings inthe spring, information concerning whichwill reach you through our new secretary.The new organization, we believe, will beeven more successful than the old.Sincerely yours,Hazelle S. Moore, A.M. '16,Retiring Secretary.ALUMNI AFFAIRSNational Conference of Alumni SecretariesThe eleventh annual conference of theAssociation of Alumni Secretaries and theAlumni Magazines Associated was held inCharlottesville, Virginia; upon the invitationof the University of Virginia, April 10, 11.and 12. Eleven years ago, when the firstassociation was organized, only about adozen alumni secretaries attended. Thisyear, after a decade of alumni developments,close to 150 alumni secretaries and editorsattended the Virginia conference, all sectionsof the United States, and parts of Canadabeing represented at this gathering-the larg­est and most successful in the history of thetwo associations.The three-day program included papersand discussions on magazine matters-forms,styles, circulation, mailing, etc.-and on theproblems of Alumni organization and work,such as methods of organization, alumniclubs, alumni publicity, alumni purposes,etc. It was an extensive program, withspecial papers by Minott A. Osborn (Yale),Lansing Collins (Princeton), Levering Ty­son (Columbia). Foster M. Coffin (Cornell),Walter R. Okeson (Lehigh), Wilfred B.Shaw (Michigan), and A. G. Pierrot (Chi­cago). Mr. Levering Tyson presided at themeetings of the Alumni Magazines Associ­ated, and Mr. F. S. Allis - (Amherst) pre­sided at the meetings of the Association ofAlumni Secretaries.The social program included a generaldinner. a reception by President Aldermanof the University of Virginia, and a visit toMonticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.Mr. McLane Tilton, Alumni Secretary atVirginia, had charge of the convention, andproved a most cordial and helpful leader inthe expression of true southern hospitalityshown throughout the week-end gathering.Of the Association of Alumni Secretaries,Minott A. Osborn (Yale) wa-s elected presi­dent, and Carl Stephens (Illinois), secretary;of Alumni Magazines Associated, Wilfred B.Shaw (Michigan), was elected President, andE. N. Sullivan (Penn State), secretary;] ohn O. Baxendale (Vermont) and R. VV.Sailor (Cornell) were re-elected treasurerand editor respectively of both associations.Many invitations were received for thenext convention, but the selection was leftwith the Executive Committee. These C011-veritions are becoming an increasingly help­ful force in developing alumni work every­where.Dean Wilkins Addresses Chicago AlumniClubOn May 8th Dean Ernest H. Wilkins ad­dressed a large gathering of Chicago alumnion "Humanizing the College" -at the annualmeeting of the Chicago Alumni Club. heldat an informal dinner at the University Club.All of the College deans and the AlumniTrustees were guests of honor at this excep­tionally interesting meeting. A full reportof this event will appear in the June issue. 253New York Alumni .Luncheon for Vice­President ArnettDear Adolph:On Wednesday, April 23, the Universityof Chicago Alumni Club of New York helda luncheon at the Chamber of Commercein honor of Mr. Trevor Arnett, who is leav­ing New York City to take up his newduties at the University.During the luncheon there was a generaldiscussion of the University developmentprogram and comments on the general sit­uation from various men who have been inChicago recently. Mr. Arnett gave a shorttalk outlining the general circumstancesleading to the creation of the position he isto occupy, and gave those present a veryinteresting account of certain phases of hiswork on the General Education Board.Those present were: Mr. Arnett, OscarRi'ddle, H. G. Kopald, E. L. McBride, E. H.Ahrens, E. C. Sage, G. A. Young, CecilPage, C. M. Steele, George Leisure, RoyCampbell, Max Rohde, C. V. Drew, Benw.n, Floyd Harper,- L. J. Bevan, E. E.Quantrell, L. J. Mac Gregor, E. B. Bab­cock, Dr. F. L. Gates and H. J. Kennet'.Yours very truly,Lawrence MacGregor, '16.New York Alumnae Monthly MeetingsThe New York Alumnae Club announcesthat a regular monthly meeting is held bythe Club on the first Saturday of each month,at the Allerton House for Women, cornerof Lexington Avenue and 57th Street, atlunch time, from 12 :30 to 2 :00. The meet­ing is held in the restaurant on. the secondfloor. All alumnae visiting in New YorkCity are cordially invited to attend any ofthese monthly meetings.M�s. Lois Sutherland Spear, '15,Secretary.[Ed. Note: A number of our clubs are workingout stated weekly. hi-monthly or monthly meetings inaddition to the regular large meetings held during theyear. We are now collecting information from ourclubs on such meetings and plan to run a fixed col­umn in the Magazine giving the time and place ofsuch club meetings. We urge all of our clubs to co­operate in this announcement.]Washington, D. C., First Monthly LuncheonThe University of Chicago Alumni Clubof \i\f ashington, D. c., had the first of itsmonthly luncheons April 7; at one o'clock,at the Men's City club. Twelve memberswere present and it was unanimously agreedto keep up the luncheons regularly and thateach one present would bring a new one nexttime. Visiting alumni are always cordiallywelcome to our monthly and other meetings.Cordially yours,Bertha Henderson, '10.Secretary.(Alumni Affairs continued orrpage 276)254 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEW"S OF THEQUADRANGLESjack Stambaugh, '27, as Susan Smith"So Long Susan," the twentieth anniver­sary Blackfriar 3 Show, was both producedand' broadcasted on its first night, Friday,May 2'. Thirty men on the staff and in theproduction departments headed by DonIrwin, manager, and Bester Price, Abbot,and fifty men in the chorus and cast underthe tutelage of Hamilton Coleman, producer,had been working night and day for a monthprevious to the opening to insure the successof the show, which for their satisfaction was'acclaimed heartilv by everyone present.As was expected by the Friars, severalparts of the show were superior to others."The Temple of Mah Jongg" song anddance, . the music of which was written byRobert Pollak, also co-author of the show,and which was staged by Hamilton Coleman,received more applause than any othernumber ever offered by the Order. TheRomeo number by Gordon Smith also was'well appreciated. Two of the pseudo girlsseemed so genuine that it was hard forpersons in the audience to believe that theywere boys. The dancing here was veryclever.The third number which satisfied thespectators especially was John Longwell'sDiogenes act with the song, "Looking forthe Truth," written by William Tilden.Longwell appeared on the stage in a barrelholding up a .lan ter n in his search for anhonest man. Besides singing the song andastounding Plato, Seward Covert. with hisrepartee, he did an eccentric dance in hisbarrel. Leland Neff, an elevator boy of the Parthenon Hotel in Athens, and WilburFiindlay, captain of the bell hops, assistedLongwell in his act.The sets, designed by George Downing,were of special interest to college people.In the Shakespere scene, an exact reproduc­tion of "The Mermaid Tavern," the loungingplace of Shakespere and his friends was con­structed and every effort was made topreserve the Elizabethan atmosphere by theactors in this scene. The Parthenon Hotelof Athens, which was the place of action inthe second act, was to n ed to produce anote of burlesque as it was conceived by theauthors, Pollak and Oppenheim in the book.Memories of Green hall were rejuvenated bythe Prologue of the show. There the heromourned and drank the "fatal potion" beforedeparting for the London of Shakespere.The scenery was built under the direction of.T ack Kirk, who was assisted by JamesWines and a gang of freshmen. The paint­ing was done by the Cox studios.For the second time parts of the showwere broadcasted from "KYW," premierradio station of the middle west. All ofthe principal songs were sung before themicrophone, and the show was explained tothe unseen audience by Wilson Wetherbee,'19, who manages the station. This newfunction of Friars was handled this year byLeslie River, Press manager for the Order,who was also instrumental in arranging thefirst broadcasting of "Filming of Friars" in1923.After two years of a student orchestras'playing the music, Bester Price, Abbot,switched back to professionals and hired theState-Lake theatre orchestra to provide themusic.Few activities besides the Blackfriars havemonopolized the interest of the campusduring the last month. Final details of theInterclass Hop have been decided upon; Re­union and the Inter-fraternity Sing are re­ceiving increased attention.For the first time in its history the Inter­class Hop will be held on a weekday,Wednesday , June 4. This departure wasnecessitated by a conflict with a Commerceand Administration School annual banquetand dance which had been registered alreadyfor May 23, the date desired by the Hopleaders. For the senior class, Russell Carrellwas substituted in place of Russell Pierce,'who had to resign because of illness. Thefinal list of leaders will be: Russell Carrelland Helen Wells for the seniors; MauriceKirk and Catherine Rawson for the juniors;T. Mulroy and Zoe May Sutherland for theSophomores; and "Bud" Jolly and JoyVeazey for the Ereshmen.(Continued on page 255)ATHLETICS 255National Interscholastic Track MeetOn the heels of the departure of the fivehundred high school basketball stars, whoattended the National cage Interscholasticlast month, a committee of more than 100undergraduates is making extensive prepar­ations for the reception of the 700 highschool and 300 academy track stars whowill visit the University May 30-31, to takepart in the twentieth annual "edition" ofStagg's National Interscholastic track andfield meet on Stagg Field.Under the chairmanship of Bruce Mac Far­lane, Varsity track star, and "Fritz" Crisler,who is handling the faculty end of the meet;the Interscholastic Commission comprisingseven committees and about 150 persons,is working daily on the advance preparationsfor the meet.Following the custom of the past tenyears the meet will be run off in two divi­sions, one for high schools and one foracademies, with duplicate prizes in eachmeet. Preliminaries in both meets arescheduled for Friday, May 30, with the finalsstarting at 1 :30 on Saturday, May 31, andrunning until darkness.While the high school men are at theUniversity they will, as usual, be the guestsof the thirty campus fraternities, who, to­gether with a number of alumni who areto be in Chicago for the meet, will havecharge of the entertainment of the men.Baseball ,Baseball at the University this year hasnot been marked by any great amount ofsuccess, despite the fact that the team isprobably stronger than any that has playedin the Chicago uniform for the last fouryears. The Varsity has been unsuccessful in .all of its conference encounters to date, buton three occasions the defeat was by thenarrowest of margins, and on foreign'diamonds, where the unfamiliar surround­ings may have hampered the Varsity mensomewhat. Coach Norgren's team is show­ing steady improvement as the seasonprogresses, however, and still has anextensive schedule before it, so that thereremains considerable possibility of the teamfinishing in first division.TrackThe track team has not got under way,hut has. been hit hard by the ineligibility otRussel who was counted on for a sure firstin the. high jump in both dual and conferencemeets.. Harry Frieda, who took a closesecond in the Pentathlon at the Penn relays,is one of the ,men who are sure to shine inthe field events. Frieda also starred in thefield events at the relays at Ohio StateUniversity. TennisIn forming this season's tennis team CoachDudley B. Reed is faced with the problemof scaring up some good men for thedoubles play. With Merkle, former Michi­gan star, graduated out of conference circles,Captain Eddie Wilson seems the class ofthe conference so far as singles play isconcerned, and Kimball Valentine seems theprobable choice for the other singles job.Th,e Maroon coac�, however, is loath to playWilson 111 both singles and doubles, and inany event, it is doubtful if a partner couldbe found who is anywhere near equal to the·captain in speed of play.In addition to the regular Varsity sports,the new Intramural program, which wasinaugurated by the Athletic departmentduring the winter quarter, is going strongerthan ever this spring. The Athletic depart­ment has taken the Inter-fraternity baseballunder its wing and has provided specialdiamonds for the Greeks to play on. Thetournament will last until the end of themonth when the winners of each of the sixleagues engaged in the tourney will playofffor the championship of the University.The men, however, are not the- only oneswho have intra-mural sports this year. Inthe Womans Physical Department an Inter­hall swimming tournament is under way,with Beecher Hall in the lead, and an Inter­class indoor league is in the process of'formation. In addition, inter-class competi­tion is being run off both in volley ball andbowling. .From the point of view of wide-spreadcampus interest, number of participantsamong both the men and the women, andgeneral activity, enthusiasm and success, theintra-mural sports this year have definitelywon a permanent place on the campuscalendar. C. M. Utley, '2'5.News of the Quadrangles(Continued from page 254)Under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. a"Dad's Day" will be' held at the Universityon Friday, May 16. Following an afternoonof sightseeing, entertainment and receptions,there will be a banquet for the students'"Dads." President Burton will speak forthe University, Kenneth Laird, President­elect of the Undergraduate Council willspeak for the sons, and Mr. Allen D. Albert,former President of the International RotaryClubs, for the fathers. This new event, inmany ways, will be one of the' most interest­ing on the student-activity program.P. S. Hope to see you all at the, JuneReunion! Welcome home!C. V. Wisner, Jr., '26.256 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErM�I.IU'�HI.""_""I .. "';�:m"'�":I�:::."";::"" .. �"".,��I"1U.lUlm"�.".mll;::;1"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllnllllllllllllHIIIIII�Endorsement of Dr. Goodspeed's LectureMy dear Mr. Pierrot:Doctor Goodspeed gave his lecture en­titled, "Why I Translated the New Testa­ment," before the Central Ohio (Columbus)Club of the University of Chicago last night.Needless to say he got it across in greatstyle. "It was one of the greatest lecturesI have ever heard," was a very commoncommentary on it. "Inspiring," "scholarly,""convincing" were other descriptives applied.The full grown ovation which Doctor _Good­speed received at the close of his lectureproves how he was received.I hope'that it is possible for many othercommunities to hear Doctor Goodspeed onthis subject. If any guarantee is neededthat he will more than make good, I herebymake it. Congratulations to Professor Good­speed and to the University of Chicago!We're proud of both.Ward G. Reeder, Ph.D., '21.Ohio State University.Suggests Association f01" Graduate School ofSocial AdministrationMy dear Mr. Pierrot:As a former graduate student in S. S. A.,I am very anxious to see our departmentrepresented in the Magazine. Since ourschool is no longer identified with theSchool of Commerce. it is more of a dis­tinct unit than ever. Though the school issmall at the present time. I believe thereare enough interested alumni to warrant theorganization of a separate association for theGraduate School of Social Service Admin­istration or at least recognition as a sep­arate entity in the Magazine. The recentwriteup about Miss, Edith Abbott, our dean,was gratefully received.I am sure that my former fellow studentsjoin me in my request for more completerepresentation for S. S. A.Sincerely yours,Elsie P. Wolcott, A.M., '23.Pla-n Fiftieth Anniversary Class GatheringDear Friends:May I ask the favor that you will sendme any announcements of the UniversityConvocation Week. Our class of 1874 be­comes fifty years old next June. Some ofus will be there in remembrance of it. Dr.Sutherland, long president of Grand- IslandCollege, Nebraska. is also a member of thatclass. Sincerely,Reune R. Coon, '74, D.B., '77.Nebraska Baptist Convention,Grand Island, Nebraska. Big Ten Alumni Appreciate Mr. StaggDear Pierrot: March 22, 1924.We had a very interesting luncheon forMr. Stagg yesterday and he made a wonder­ful speech at the Western Conference Ban­quet at the Astor Hotel last night. Themore we see of Mr. Stagg the more reasonall University of Chicago Alumni have tobe proud of him and what he stands for.The Alumni of the other Conference Col­leges could not have received their owncoaches with more enthusiasm and spon­taneous admiration than they did Mr. Stagg.Yours very truly,Ernest E. Quantrell, ex '05.Coach Stagg a True SportsmanDear Adolph:Every Chicago man will get a little thrillout of this item from Walter Camp's sportpage in Collier's-and everyone who knowsthe Old Man will know how deserved It IS.Sincerely, W. A. McDermid, '08.Appreciation and sympathy for a gallant enemy isa common mark of the true sportsman. Alonzo A.Stagg, the great Chicago coach, illustrated this oncewhen he was complimented on a defense that hadstopped Elmer Oliphant, then playing for Purdue."I had to do it," Stagg said with almost an air ofapology. "I felt sorry for the boy, because he's sucha wonderful fighter."After that game Oliphant's eyes filled with tearsas he spoke briefly to a group of Purdue students whohad waited for him outside the dressing quarters.Perhaps the hurt in his boyish heart might have beenhelped if he had known how much his chief opponentadmired him. It is telling no secret to say that hedid know it soon afterward. Every boy who meetsStagg, be he a Chicago man or Chicago's opponent, isa little better for the contact.Good Cheer From VenezuelaCaracas, Venezuela.My dear Pierrot:Greetings! Enclosed please find my sub­scription and payment for a Life Member­ship. You are doing a splendid piece ofwork with the Magazine, and it is up to allof us to help.Had a short visit with Huntington Henryin Caracas, this February. Henry Hindsis here as representative of an oil company.I am now General Manager of the Venezu­elan Sun Limited and affiliated companies,subsidiary of the Sun Oil Company of Phil­adelphia. And by the way-my wife's namewas Vivian Woodcock of Washington, D. C.I am certainly pleased to get the Maga­zine. If the University has grown in thesame ratio as the bass drum, I am sure theeffect would overwhelm me as did the pic­ture of the hand and drum in a recentnumber. My best wishes for success!Cordially, Fred H. Kay, '07.THE LETTER BOXEleven Boasts a Princely EntertainerRemember Fred A. Bate, some time can­didate for freshman, class president of '11,and crony of "Dick" Myers in the verdantdays of 1907-8? Well, Fred gets himselfattached unofficially to the ReparationsCommission at Paris, and then his wife takes. the Prince of Wales "jazzing" in the Mont­marte cabarets. All's wen till the ChicagoTribune gets hold of the news, and thenFred gets his picture in the paper and hiswife gets an article, all of this last April 17th.The Bates are referred to as "prominent inthe American colony," at Paris. The papersays that the Prince danced "fancy stepswith Mrs. Bate" for 25 minutes. Also that"Mrs. Bate, wife of the American officialwho with her husband have been almostconstant companions of the prince duringhis Paris visit, was Miss Vera Arkwright,daughter of the late Capt. E.. W. Arkwrightof the Coldstream Guards."All right, Fred, when the Prince of Walesruns for President of the United States we'llrun you for Vice President!A Letter to Nineteen-FourtsenersDear Classmate:Our friendly enemies, the Class of 1911(the outfit that tried to make us toe themark when we were Freshmen) recently re­ceived wide and favorable comment by- giv­ing the University some manuscripts. Thiswas their method of recording their tenthreunion. It was stated that 191.1 was thefirst class to materially remember AlmaMater after graduation.On the other hand, a good many mem­bers of the class of 1914 have been donatingto a University cause, not once but ten timesby their contributions to the 1914 Loan, Fund.This money is being intensively used bymen and women in the undergraduateschools to permit them to complete courseswhich might otherwise be nipped in the bud.If it were not for this and similar funds,1911 manuscripts might never be studied orappreciated, for the people granted loansrate high as students and endeavor earn­estly to make the most of their time at theUniversity.The loan fund has been used once everytwenty-two days for ten years. Lately, re­quests have been granted every twenty days.With increasing numbers of students flock­ing to the campus, the demands will be 'evengreater as there has been no permanentsolution for the "submerged tenth."Our reunion group in 1919 voted an an­nual . per capita assessment of $2.00 to in­crease .the ·fund with a 3 per cent allowancefor class incidentals. Transportation foryour check is enclosed.The tenth reunion committee is consider­ing plans for June 6, 7, and 8. Everyone isexpected, of course. Will you not in the 257next ten days, also include with your check,your permanent address, suggestions for thereunion and a word to the effect that youwill be there? .Sincerely yours,William H. Lyman, '14.Secretary.Concerning Pledging by the Women's ClubsEditor University of Chicago Magazine:April 18, 1924.I not in the April number of the Maga­zine, page 212, the following statement: "Inpostponing the pledging one quarter, theclubs followed a suggestion made by DeanTalbot last Spring that the two weeks rush- .ing be changed, and three quarter rushingwith preferential bidding be substituted."This is not quite in accord with the factsand I beg the courtesy of the Magazine inorder to give a correct version.The suggestion that I made was to theeffect that the upper class members ofClubs should unite with other upper class. women in the University in making the firstcollege year for incoming students a periodof general adjustment to University condi­tions and therefore that the Clubs shouldfollow a suggestion urged in November, 1922,by Mrs. Flint and Mrs. Gale and postponepledging to membership in their Clubs untilthe second year.On April 3, 1923, the Clubs voted asfollows:Entering women of less than nine majors stand­ing shall not be rushed and pledged until theirsecond year, or fourth quarter in college, this ruleto go into effect at the beginning of the Fall. Quarter, 1923.During the Winter Quarter the Clubs re­scinded their action and proceeded to pledgemembers. Yours "truly,Marian Talbot,Dean of Women.Progress in Shanghai College, ChinaShanghai, China.We wish to write our many friends of theopportunities for work and service that havecome 'to us here. Our enrolment this fallhas completely broken all former records.We have a total of 660 students on the cam­pus, 300 of whom are students in the acad­emy department and sixty are students inthe sub-freshman class, a class opened toacademy graduates who for some reason orother are unable as yet to carryon collegework. Of the 300 college students, thirty­fi ve are young women. We became a co­educational institution about three years ago.These students come from all parts of China,the majority of them from the nearby prov­inces. Perhaps the larger number comefrom' mission schools but we also receivemany from Chinese government and privateschools:We are very happy because of the newteachers we have this fall. Dr. and Mrs. H.S. Bucklin of Brown University are here258 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor one year in the interests of Brown inChina. Dr. C. S. Miao, (Chicago-A.M. '21,D.D. '21, Ph.D. '23), one of our own grad­uates, has returned to his Alma Mater totake a leading part in the Christian work ofthe institution. Mr, George B. Cressey andMr. L. Trevor Helfrich of the NorthernBoard will be studying the language this'year, . but we are looking forward to theirhelp next year.During the past year our academy planthas been enlarged and we began the yearwith the academy as a unit distinct fromthe college department. The two build­ings are already full to capacity, as alsothe college dormitories, and tl.e opportuni­ties for work in this department are prac­tically limitless. The Woman's Hall is com­pleted and in use and is a source of great joyto the young women. Located as it is, along­side of the college campus, the girls enjoytheir own grounds overlooking the riverwhere- there is room for an their outdooractivities-tennis, walking and games. Inthe course of time it will be beautiful withtrees and shrubs and flowers, as the old cam­pus now is.We wish you could all have been here atchapel the morning that school was opened.Our chapel is a part of the oldest buildingon the campus___, Yates Hall. It seats about400 students. Over 600 students were pres­ent and of co irse not even "standing room"was left. WI en we looked about the roomthere was an iir of newness in the place, forthe woman's auxiliary during the summerhad undertak. n the decoration of the wallsand woodwor c. It is a beautiful chapel andwe all love it, but it is far from adequate forour needs.Let me tell you about the opportunitiesthat lie ahead. We have not yet had timeto take a religious census, but from previousfigures we know that the large majority ofcollege students are Christians. Our aims inShanghai College are for high collegiatestanding and we believe we are gaining thoseaims; but they would not be worth our whileif we did not have as our highest aim thesending out of young men and women withthe best Christian training that can be giventhem. And 'Ire believe that even in this highgoal we have cause for rejoicing. Duringthe years 1913 to 1922 we have graduatedninety-seven young men. Of the ninety-fourwho are living, sixty-four are in active Chris­tian service, six are in government or pri­vate schools, nine are in business; the re­maining four have been in Christian workat some time since graduation. All the grad­uates in our class of 1923 were Christiansand we have high hopes of the good thatcan be accomplished by these young men.In our academy department, the majorityare non-Christian .. Here lies the largest op­portunity for evangelization. These youngboys come from all parts of the country anda great many of them have never yet comein contact with the presentation of Christ. We are planning to put great emphasis uponevangelism in our academy this year, forwith the many years that lie ahead of thosehere, the students may receive a great dealof training for a life of Christian service.The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. havealready taken steps to do their share in theChristian activities of the institution. Weare glad of these groups of students who sowillingly put their shoulders under the bur­den of caring for the welfare of their fellow­students.Our needs for buildings and equipmentare many, but we feel our greatest needs arefor your prayers and interest and a deeperrealization of our own dependence upon Godin this gigantic task of bringing the King­dom into China.Yours in His service,Victor Hanson, '13, A.M. '14,Acting President.Successful Lectures in the Orient byChicago ScientistWord has been received from an alumnuswho is a member of the faculty of WasedaUniversity, Tokyo, Japan. that ProfessorJohn Merle Coulter, Head of the Depart­ment of Botany in the University, had lec­tured at the Japanese university. The letteris as follows:"Yesterday we had Professor Coulterwith us at Waseda. In the morning hespoke at Scott Hall with splendid results 011'The Religion of a Scientist.' Later we hadthe exceptional opportunity of having bothhim and his family with us for luncheon.It was a great day for us all."I sincerely hope that the University canspare other of her constructive thinkers andworkers to make similar contributions tothe Orient. I have been greatly gratifiedto learn that Dr. Gilkey will give the Bar­rows Lectures next year. I hope his tripwill include a good stay in Japan. Yourstruly, H. B. Benninghoff, Ed.B. 1906, A.M,1908."Professor Coulter lectured at the collegesand universities of China and Japan, on theinvitation of a committee of Oriental edu­cators, his subjects pertaining to his ownspecial field of botany, science in general.and the relations of science to religion andcivilization.Loyalty in Time of TrialMy dear Mr. Pierrot:In response to notice sent to Miss AnnaM. Lewis, A. M. '19, Sioux City NormalSchool, I shall say that Miss Lewis is crit­ically ill, but before becoming so ill sheexpressed a desire to finish paying thispledge. I am enclosing a check for thesame. This I understand completes pay­ment on her Iife ' membership.Respectfully,Lora Lewis.UNIVERSITY NOTES. A Large Program for Future Developmentof the UniversityPresident Burton has announced a largeprogram of future development for the Uni­versity. The President, Deans, and Trus­tees have been engaged for months in astudy of the directions of its future growthand have determined upon several greatforward steps.The first of these to be carried into effectis the organization of its new Medical Schooland the erection of its Hospital and Labora­tories. In order to bring these into closerelation with the Science Buildings of theUniversity, it has been decided to erectthem, not across the Midway, as was for­merly intended, but on the north side of it,occupying the two blocks from Ellis toDrexel avenues and from Fifty-eighth toFifty-ninth streets. The alleys in the blocksand the street between them have been va­cated by the city for this purpose and en­tirely new plans adapted to this locationare well on toward completion.The extensive plans for the expansion ofthe Libraries made twenty years ago havebeen restudied, and it is expected in the nearfuture to begin the erection of new buildingsproviding greatly enlarged space for books,readers, and departmental Iibraries.:An equally thoroughgoing study has beenmade with a view to developing a distinctlybetter type of college education than is nowcommon in the United States, and of pro­viding better residential conditions for col­lege students.Strengthening of the Faculty, especiallythrough the securing of men eminent inresearch, will be a leading feature of theadvance program. These and other plansfor the educational development of the Uni­versity will call for large additions to theendowment and for the erection of severalnew buildings, notably the AdministrationBuilding and additional buildings for theSchool of Education and the housing ofstudents. ,The plans of the University are alreadywell advanced but 110 public campaign forfunds will be undertaken immediately.The Cover on Alumni PamphletsSecretary Edgar J. Goodspeed advises thatthe drawing of Mitchell Tower from Hutch­inson Court, which appears on the cover ofthe Alumni pamphlets being mailed out, isthe work of Harry Dodge .T enkins, a noted. Chicago artist. His son, Hilger Perry J en­kins, received the S. B. degree at the De­cember. 1923, Convocation. 259Death of Coach WhiteCoach Joseph H. White, for more than15 years director of Varsity swimmers, diedat the Illinois Central hospital April 14,following a ten days' illness, during the lasttwo of which he had been unconscious. Itwas unofficially reported that heart poison­ing was the cause of death.Coach White died with his wife at thebedside. Mrs. White had arrived froni Hay­ward, Wisconsin, where she had been visit­ing, a scant hour before he passed away ..The swimming coach is survived by sixchildren, three men and three women. Theyare: James B. 'White, W. D. White, LesterB. White, Mrs. Margaret Hazelhurst, Mrs.Lillian' Boch and Mildred White."Doc" White, as he was affectionatelycalled, has been known in conference circlesfor the last fifteen vears as one of the lead­ing water coaches �f the west, having pro­duced championship swimming teams in1909, 1916, 1919, 192'0. In addition hecoached winning water basketball teams inthe three last seasons.Among the stars Dr. White has producedare Walter Earl, J. F. Meagher, Craig Red­mond, Edward Blinks, Red Crawford, Willi-son and Nebb. -Dr. White was born in Spring Valley,N. Y., in 1867, being 57 years old whenhe died.The funeral services, which were attendedby the Athletic Department officially, wereheld Thursday afternoon, April 17, at theHyde Park Baptist church. Floral tributescovered the altar. The Rev. Charles W.Gilkey officiated, and Director A. A. Staggand Professor William D. Harkins, of theChemistry Department, also spoke in hightribute to the character and services of Mr.White.The members of the swimming team werehonorary pallbearers.President Angell Lectures at the UniversityJ ames Rowland Angell, former professorof psychology and dean of the colleges atthe University, was welcomed back in hiscapacity as President of Yale University byhis former colleagues on the faculty whocrowded Mandel hall April 3 to bear hisobservations on "The Place of Education ina Democracy."After being presented by President Burton,President, Angell analysed the workings ofthe modern democracy, showing its imper­fections and offering a searching educationalprogram as the remedy.260 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"The government considers a man quali­fied to take 'his part in politics if he canpass a litera-cy test," he said. "But abilityto read is by no means adequate protection'against the moral and narrow political lim­itations of democracy. For the averagenewspaper is actively partisan. People are,however, accustomed to believe as gospeltruth whatever they see in 'print, so that themodern voter, guided by his party news­paper, is no better off than his grandfatherwho cast his vote as the landlord or per­haps the priest dictated. Reading is insuffi­cient; we must learn to reflect, to judge."Education as we see it is itself faulty.People claim that America is being over­educated, and there is no doubt that insti­tutions are overcrowded and inadequatelyequipped, and that there is tremendouswastage in misapplied education,"The ideal education held out by PresidentAngell as the cure for these ills is basedupon better selection of students in respectto their abilities as determined by nature andnurture, to the training of the same and toits proper location in the structure of so­ciety. "Such a system," he said, "may wellsave us from some of the political pitfallsinto which we have recently been lookingwith such humiliation."Social Science Research in the City ofChicagoThe group of Social Science Departmentsof the University has this year been en­gaged in a large piece of co-operative re­search with a view to determining the feasi­bility of using the city of Chicago as alaboratory for social and political research.The results have been so gratifying that anadditional grant has recently been made forthe prosecution of this work for a furtherthree-year period. The development of thisresearch places the University in a whollyexceptional position as to facilities for thistype of investigation, and affords an unsur­passed opportunity for pioneer work in thedevelopment of research in the field of socialsciences.World-Wide Activities of University ofChicago ScholarsThe influence of the University of Chicagojust now is extending far beyond its ownquadrangles. Professor James Henry Breas­ted, the Director of the Oriental Institute,is just leaving Egypt. Professor Carl D.Buck, Professor of Comparative Phililogy,is the Annual Professor at the AmericanSchool for Classical Studies at Athens. Al­gernon Coleman, Professor of French, isdirector of the American University Unionin Paris. Paul Shorey, Professor and headof the department of Greek, is lecturing asan exchange professor in the four univer­sities of Belgiurri-Louvain, Ghent, Utrecht,"lnd Brussels. John M. Coulter, Professor and head of the department of botany, hasjust returned from a six-months visit in theOrient, where he lectured on every singleday of his tour, before universities, colleges,and schools. John M. Manly, Professor andhead of the department of English, has re­cently delivered the Lowell lectures in thecity of Boston. In the latter part of thesummer, Charles W. Gilkey, a Trustee ofthe University, will sail for India to deliverfor the University the Barrows lectures onreligion.Phi Beta Kappa Honors for Eight StudentsFor especial distinction in general scholar­ship eight students, six men and two womenwere elected to Phi Beta Kappa at the Uni­versity of Chicago at the One HundredThirty-second Convocation on March 18.The list includes William Russell Frederick­son, Ira Freeman, John' Hobart Hoskins,Victor Levine, Amy Claire Root, HelenJosephine Steinhauser, Joseph Taymor, andHarold R. Willoughby.Mr. Hoskins and Mr. Willoughby wereelected to the Chicago chapter in recognitionof their receiving the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy summa cum laude. The latter,who was also awarded a traveling scholar­ship for $1,500, has sailed for Palestine andGreece. Dr. Willoughby will return to theUniversity in September to become an in­structor in the New Testament Department.No Award of Fiske Poetry PrizeAnnouncement is made from the Presi­dent's Office that the Committee of Awardfor t?e. John Billit;gs Fiske Prize in Poetry,consisting of EdWIn Arlington Robinson thedistinguished American poet, Bliss P�rrvProfessor of English Literature in HarvardUniversity, and John Matthews Manly, Headof the Department of English at the Uni­versity of Chicago, are of the unanimousopinion that none of the poems submittedthis year is worthy of the prize. In thereport of the Committee of Award, ProfessorManly, the chairman, said: "I do not recallany other year' since the foundation of theprize in which, if the winning poem had notheen submitted. the Committee would nothave felt justified in assigning the prize toone of the others. I suppose we must becontent to realize that poetic inspiration doesnot flow in a steady stream and to hope thatin the future its flow will not be too inter­mittent."Four awards of the prize have alreadybeen made, and most of the successful poemshave appeared in book form. Former judgesinclude Robert Frost, Edgar Lee Masters,Louis Untermeyer, Robert Morss Lovett,and John Livingston Lowes- of HarvardU niversity.UNIVERSITY NOTESAn American Translation of the Old Testa­ment Authorized by UniversityAn American translation of the Old Tes­tament, to be published by the Universityat Chicago Press, has been authorized bythe University Board of Trustees. The edi­torship of this translation has been intrustedto Dr. J. M. Powis Smith, Professor of OldTestament Language and Literature in theUniversity of Chicago, who has secured theco-operation in the work of translation ofthree other scholars, viz., Professor Alex­ander R. Gordon of McGill University, Mon­treal, Canada; Professor Theophile J. Meek,of the University of Toronto; and ProfessorLeroy Waterman of the University ofMichigan. .Professor Smith, who has been connectedwith the Department of Semitic Languagesand Literatures since 1899, assisted Presi­dent William Rainey Harper, the head ofthe department, during the closing years ofhis life, in the preparation of his great com­mentary on Amos and Hosea in the "Inter­national Critical Series;" and since PresidentHarper's death, Professor Smith has addedto his own credit commentaries in the sameseries on Micah) Nahum) Zephaniah) and Ma­lachi. He has also written several books, in­cluding The Prophet and His Problems) TheReligion of the Psalms) and The Moral Lifeof the Hebrews) and for the last ten years hasbeen editor of the American Journal of Semi­tic Languages and Literatures) the only scien­tific journal in the English language devotedto this exclusive field.The scholars associated with' ProfessorSmith in this great undertaking are widelyknown for their outstanding ability andgenuine accomplishment in their specialfields of study.European Applicants for PostdoctorateWork in ChemistryTwo inquiries from Doctors of Philosophyabroad have come for postgraduate workin chemistry at the University of Chicagounder the direction of Professor Julius Stieg­litz, Chairman of the Department. One ofthe applicants is Dr. Raymond Breckpot,who received .his Doctorate of Science atthe University of Louvain and has publishedtwo research papers. The second applicantis Dr. Ram Prasad, a Doctor of Philosophyfrom the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­nology, who is spending the current year atthe University of Berlin. Both applicantsas Doctors of Philosophy have been grantedthe privileges of guests of the University.Such applications are regarded as signifi­cant of the high standing the ChemistryDepartment at Chicago has achieved. Dr.Stieglitz, its head, has been president of theAmerican Chemical Society and vice-chair­man of .the division of chemistry in the Na­tional Research Council, and was' recentlyawarded the Willard Gibbs Medal for nota­'rle r esear che s in chemistry. 261Spring Quarter RegistrationOfficial announcement is made of theSpring Quarter registration at the Univer­sity of Chicago up to April 12.In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Litera­ture, and Science there are 977 studentsregistered, and in the Senior and JuniorColleges (including the unclassified), 2,281,a total in Arts, Literature, and Science of3,2'58.In the Professional Schools. there are 166Divinity students,' Hi8 in .the MedicalCourses, 276 Law' students, 255 in Educa­tion, 414 in Commerce and Administration,and 39 in Social Service Administration, atotal of 1,348. In University' College 1,687students are enrolled.The total for the University', exclusive ofduplications, is 3,10'2 men and; 2,848 women,a grand total of 5,980, of which number1,674 are graduate students and 4,306 under­graduate.New Appointments at the 'UniversityAmong the new appointments announcedby the Board of Trustees are. the following:Frances Gillespie of the Department ofHistory, to be Dean in the Colleges for theSpring Quarter, 1924, in place of ProfessorElizabeth Wallace, on leave of absence; Ar­thur G. Bovee, Assistant Professor of theTeaching of French; and Dr. Louis Leiter,Instructor in the Department of Pathology.The following appointments have alsobeen made: Arthur F. Reith, to be ArthurLowenstein Research Fellow in scientific in­vestigations related to the packing industry;Dr. Hamilton Montgomery, Research Fellowin Dermatology under the James NevinsHyde Memorial Fund; and Arthur PrestonLocke, Research Fel low in the field of chem­istry applied to medicine under the SeymourComan Research Fund.Enlarged Summer Faculty for DivinityIn addition to the regular staff of theDivinity School at the University, therewill be representatives on the SummerQuarter, Faculty from seven other institu­tions. The Divinity Faculty will include'the following well-known scholars:Clayton Raymond Bowen, Professor ofNew Testament Interpretation, MeadvilleTheological School; George Cross, Pro­fessor of Systematic Theology, RochesterTheological Seminary; Herbert FrancisEvans, Professor of Religious Education,Pacific School of Religion; Robert J. Hut­cheon, Professor of Sociology, Ethics, andthe Philosophy of Religion, Meadville The­ological School; John Thomas McNeill, Pro­fessor of Church History, K1'loX Colleg e..Toronto; Theophile Jan zs Meek, Professorof Semitic Languages c. lid Literature, Uni- >ver sity of Toronto; Jeff rson D. Ray, Pro­fessor of Homiletics, So ithwestern BaptistTheological Seminary; and Ernest FindlayScott,. Union Theological Seminary.262 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+-I .. -."-III1-ln_ •• _HII_III_lIn_In_UII_IfIt_lltI_III_Hn_IIIf_IIU_tIU-UII-lIu---ttll-llu-Un-IIII-UU-Un_JlII_UII_UJI_al_nn_I'+I � Harper Birthplace Museum � !i 1+1I_1I11_ •• _ •• _I._ •• _.I_"II_IIII_"._IIII_IIU_IIII_IIU_ ... _IIII_IIII-111I-III-a .. -IlII-IIII-IIII-lln-lIll-nll_llll_nll_nll_lIn_IO_+:::'111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111111[111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[111111111111111111111111[111111111111111111111[1111111111111111"'IIIIIJ!I I! iI=lIIIIlIIIlIlIIlIlIlITlUIII';'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111[1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIll111111111111111111l11l111111111111111111111111l1l11lUlllliliiThe birthplace of William Rainey Harper,first president of the University of Chicago,as shown by the picture above, has beenmade into a museum in memory of Dr.Harper, one of the great scholars, educa­tors and administrators of modern times.The Harper birthplace is located on Mainstreet in the little town of New Concord.Ohio. In the May, 1919, number of theMagazine, views of both the exterior andthe interior of the birthplace were shown,at which time the project for convertingthe home into a memorial museum was be­gun. The project for the museum was in­augurated and carried out by the authoritiesof M uskingum College. located at New Con­cord, from which college President Harperwas graduated. His father, a local mer­chant, was treasurer of M uskingum Collegefor thirty years; his father-in-law, Dr. DavidPaul. was its president for fourteen years.The photographs published in the 1919May magazine were kindly supplied by Mr.J. Knox Montgomery, President of Muskin­gum College. - In supplying the photographs,President Montgomery wrote us: "Severalof the warm friends of his boyhood daysstill live here and cherish his memory, andat least one member of the band, which Dr. Harper led while here, still lives here." TheAlumni Office supplied copies of the Maga­zine, photographs of University buildings, acopy of Goodspeed's History of the Univer­sity of Chicago, and other material for themuseum.The photograph presented herewith, show­ing the birthplace as now a museum, wastaken by Mr. Roland F. Holloway, '20, ad­vertising director of the University of Chi­cago Press, while on- an auto tour throughOhio.This picture of the Harper birthplace willagain prove of great interest to our alumni,particularly to those who were at the Uni­versity during President Harper's lifetime.The rugged simplicity of the building, withits solid. sturdy appearance, reflects sorne-.what the character. of the. strong and ableleader whose birthplace it was, as well asthe sturdy character of his Scotch-Irishparents. It possesses a pioneer atmosphere,suggesting the source of "valiant strength,""sagacious energy," and "vigorous idealism"which many have commented upon as socharacteristic of Dr. Harper.As the years pass, no doubt, many Alumni,touring through this section of the country,will visit this simple shrine; ever memorableto all Chicago men and women.THE LAW SCHOOL 263Law SchoolLaw Association March LuncheonProf. E. W. Hinton was the speaker at theluncheon of the Law School Association helelMarch 27, 1924, at the Morrison Hotel. Hediscussed practice and procedure in AmericanCourts, and his remarks could hardly becalled complimentary. He stated that if acommittee should be appointed to devise theworst possible system, he suspected that thecommittee's report would be as follows:"We, the committee, recommend that nochange be made in the present system, butthat it be adopted in toto."Mr. Hinton illustrated his talk from hisown experience both as a practitioner andas a Judge, and as usual kept his hearershighly entertained. It should be added thathe does not consider conditions hopeless, butthinks Chicago Law men should grapple withthe problem of improvement.The following were present: Henry F.Tenney, president, Arthur Abraham, ArchieBlumstein, Maurice Yates Cohen,' Harry F.Chaveriat, Harry X. Cole, M. Cunat, John C.Gekas, John P. Gavaris, Fleming D. Hedges,Benjamine E. Jaffe, Roy P. Kelly, HerbertH. Kennedy, Geoffrey Levinson, Edwin J.N unn, William R. Peacock, Howard P. Roe.Thomas F. Ryan. Earl K. Schick, H. E.Soble, Weightstill Woods Charles F. Mc­Elroy, secretary.Alumni to Meet at Philadelphia, July 10thGeo. Maurice Morris, J. D., '15, Presidentof the Law Class of '15, has issued a call toall alumni of the Law School to meet forluncheon at 12':30 p. m., on Thursday, July10, 1924, at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel atPhiladelphia, in connection with the meetingof the American Bar Association. Mr. M'orrishas already reserved a dining room for theoccasion. showing that he is a man of faithas well as works.Last summer, Morris issued a call for areunion of the Class of '15 at Minneapolis,Minnesota, at the time of the meeting of theAmerican Bar Association there. So manyother Chicago Law men appeared. that hewas instructed to issue the call this year toall the Law alumni.Mr. Morris hopes to issue a similar callfor a meeting in either London or Paris, forthose who take the trip to the joint meetingwith the English Bar Association, but de­tails are lacking at present.Magill Discusses Annuities as Income"The Income Tax Liabilitv of Annuitiesand Similar Periodical Payments" is dis­cussed in an article by Roswell F. Magill.J. D. '20, in the Yale Law Journal forJanuary, 1924. Mr. Magill was for two years a member of the Law School faculty.In the first part of his article. Mr. Magillconsiders- the meaning of the term "income"as used in the. Sixteenth amendment and therevenue acts; particularly whether an annuitvis included within the conception of incom-eaccepted by the Federal courts. The English,continental, and state statutes are briefly dis­cussed, .as throwing light upon the com­monly understood meaning of income. Hisconclusion is that annuities are ordinarilyconsidered to be income, and consequentlymight properly be taxed by Congress underthe Sixteenth amendment.The body of the article consists of a de­tailed analysis of the provisions of the re­venue acts particularly applicable to the typi­cal cases of annuities and similar periodicalpayments: commercial annuity contracts, non­commercial annuity transactions, terminablerights to the income of property held 111trust, and terminable charges on property,created by will.Franklin D. Jones, J. D. '12, member ofthe varsity debating team in 1912, is theauthor of a new book entitled "Trade Asso­ciation Activities and the Law," publishedby McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York.For several years Mr. Jones was associatedwith Mr. Joseph E. Davies while the latterwas Chairman of the Federal Trade Com­mission. When Mr. Davies retired from theCommission, the two formed a partnershipunder the name Davies & Jones and areengaged in law practice in Washington, D. C.The book was reviewed r ecerrtly both inthe Harvard Law Review and in the Annalsof the American Academy of Political andSocial Science. The latter says:"The author's purpose is first, to aid offi­cers and members of trade associations byinforming them as to the legality of pro­posed acts and plans; second, to present tothe public at large the vast extent of legiti­ma te association activities and show theirvalue and importance. The work has beendone· with such extraordinary thoroughnessand clarity that the author might wen havestated a third purpose for his book: that ofserving as a text for advanced universitycourses in commerce and government."The plan of the work is admirable. Afteropening chapters on the general legal rulesgoverning competition and a summary oftheir protective purposes, the author takesup the chief activities of trade associations."The Harvard Law Review says of it:."This is by far the best book that has yetbeen written concerning trade associations­the best not only from 1he legal, but alsofrom the practical and the economic stand­point."264 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtu-un_ul-uli-UII-UII";"'HII_UII-UII-lIn-uu-un-IIU-IIU-IIU-UII-n-Un-UII-Un-IIU-IIU-UU-nR-UII-UI-lln-UU-UII-HH-UI-+i . . The.School of Education I! :. The High School Dean I·1 Elsie M. Smithies. I+,,_MtI_In_nll_III1_la_IIU_'UII_MII_un_IU_UU_IIII_IIU_IIII __ UII-UU-IIII-IIII_IIII_IIII_UU_IIII_UII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_un_1111_11+Within the memory of most of us, thenumber of women holding administrativeoffices in the high schools throughout thecountry has' been very small. There havebeen the occasional small town woman prin­cipal who has grown up with the system andthe very rare and wide-visioned woman whogained a temporary footing in the largersystems by the temporary defeat of thepolitical machine. But it has not been untilrecent years that there has been felt acrying need for vital, well-equipped and cul­tured women in the administration of thegirls of every high school in the country.As one looks back over the history of thecollege or university dean, it is most sur­.prising that the office of adviser of young-wornen should have originated in the collegeinstead of in the secondary school where thegirl in the adolescent period is more flexible,more .perplexing, and more in need of guid­ance and help.Within the past five years the increase inthe number of deans of girls in high schoolsin an parts of the United States has beenvery marked. The growth, while rapid, hasnot been too rapid to be permanent. Theincrease in the membership in both nationaland state organizations of deans points notonly to the growing interest but also tothe definite recognition on the part of edu­cators. For a time school administratorseverywhere asked these questions: "What isthis position of dean of girls? How does itfunction in the system? Why should an­other expensive officer be added to the payroll?" ..The dean's energies lie in the study of theadolescent girl. All wide-awake people arebeginning to realize that it is the duty andbusiness of women educators to study, toanalyze, and to help to adjust and remedythe difficulties, peculiarities, and emotionaltangles of hundreds of young' girls in thehigh schools of this country. No longercan the mere success or lack of the same inacademic subjects be our only measure ofthese young people. Too vital have becomethe matters of social adjustment, worthy useof leisure, health and the acquiring of afine sense of how to live with one's neigh­bor, for administrators to be content tobrand a girl a success or failure on scholasticstanding alone.The dean of girls must become the per­sonnel worker, interested in every girl andher development. It is her duty not only to.wqrk. on scholastic problem cases, but also on the social problem cases. By the socialproblem is meant the under socially devel­oped girls as well as that much-talked-ofproblem, the over socially mature pupil.Naturally, under her jurisdiction is the studyof the adolescent emotions involving sexproblems, the misdirected energies and theinstability of youth. These must all bedirected into the most effective channels. Inthe few years that the dean has been func­tioning, most thinking people have realizedthat the position is not only justifiable,' buta real necessity.In the incipient stage of the dean's work,the greatest emphasis and demand on hertime was the making and carrying out of asocial program. Today there is no onewho does not acknowledge that social con­trol is part of the dean's program, but thereis a steady growth toward a more scientificattitude toward the position. Those withthe far-reaching vision realize that this typeof work branches out into and has itsfundamental basis in medicine, social service,ethics, and psychology. Scarcely has thesurface of its possibilities been scratched.The University High School has for manyyears carried out an extensive personnelprogram for the supervision of the individualgirl, In brief, it has had as its aims: (1)The supervision of the academic work; (2)the study of the failing and the gifted girl;(3) the establishment of home cooperation;(4) supervision of health and physical ac­tivity; (5) social adjustments; (6) thedevelopment of habits of responsibility andservice.By an adequate system of cards and files,the dean is kept in constant touch with theacademic accomplishment of the individualgirl. A great deal of time is given to thestudy of the failures and very close contactwith parents is encouraged and demanded.Out of this type of work starts the casehistory method of administration of girls.If it is discovered that failure is not due tovpluntary inattention or lack of effort, thegirl is then studied with a view to findingthe cause and eventually the remedy.For the sake of example, H. A. is re­ported for failure in work or for some un­social attitude. In brief, this method ofprocedure is followed: (1) A completephysical history is taken, not only of herpresent state but her condition. from birth,also contributing prenatal forces; if 'possible,physical history of both parents and familyof both parents. (2) A study of her out-THE HIGH SCHOOL DEANside activities is made. This includes. �hetype of her associates, her manner of livingand her vacations. (3) Information con­cerning her various scholastic achieve�entsand difficulties is collected. (4) Her dIsP�­sition or temperament is judged by.peop.le inschool and out of school. (5) Her intelligentquotient 'is secured from the results ofseveral mental tests...At the completion of such a diagno sisusually enough material has been secured. todefinitely solve and help remedy the diffi-culty.. hFurthermore, the dean, in cooperation WItthe medical director attempts to sttmulateparticipation and enjoyment in the mostnatural, wholesome, and healthful sports.There is offered the best outlet for the newenergy and almost overwhelming emotionsof this neriod. In connection with thisdepartment, hygiene charts are kept week�y.These arouse an interest in forrning habitsof walking, eating the proper food, sleepingthe necessary number of hours, and personalcleanliness. At times nutrition classes �reformed to take care of the underweight gir l.. Through the committees of a well-or­ganized and functionin� girls' club, everygirl in High Schoo! .I� �wen an oppor­tunity to develop mIttatt�e.' a sen�e ofresponsibility, and a real spmt of service �othe school and the community. Each gl:lautomatically becomes a member of thisclub upon· entrance into the high school.The club is not in itself a social orgaruzationbut has as its aim the promotion of ademocratic spirit among all girls and theestablishment oof high ideals of service. Tofurther the spirit of democracy, SOCIal gath­erinzs are held for girls alone, for girls andthei; parents, and for girls and the faculty.Each year its various ccrnrruttees do someform of philanthropic work. For example,a scholarship of one hundred and fi�ty ?ollarsis raised to help some needy gIrl. in theChicago public high �chools; parties forchildren and old folks In the University ofChicago Settlement are held. monthly;special holidays, such as Christmas andThanksgiving are celebrated by helpingsomeone else to be more comfortable andhappier. An attractive club room WIth a�­joining kitchen is kept in order and ISmanaged by the girls. In these roomsstudents may rest, study, eat luncheon, andentertain. Through all these channels op­portunity for development. <;>f il!jtia�ive, re­sponsibility, and dependabIh�y IS grven.In conclusion, the whole aim of all of thescientific study and work of the dean ISdirected toward helping the girl of high­school age to develop into a wholesome andcontributing citizen; to learn to inter1?ret lifein terms of high ideals and accomplishmentrather than in terms of financial success; tocreate in young girls a. desire for genuineservice to the community: and to furnishthe incentives for the finest type ofwomanhood. 265I SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES IA report of the School of Education Re­union and Dinner will appear in the Junenumber of the Magazine.The Department of Art Education s�nta large exhibition of its work to the meetingof the Western Arts Association at Dayton,Ohio, May 6 and 7. Mr. Whitford at�el!dedthe meeting and Miss Florence Williamsserved in the capacity of chairman of theArt Round Table Meetings.The first meeting of the newly organizedMid- West Conference on Supervision washeld at the School of Education on Saturday,May 10. A. S. Barr, Asst. Director ofSuervision in the Detroit Public Schools,was mainly responsible for the calling of theconference and he and Mr. Gray were incharge of the two sessions. It is plannedto develop the conference i�to a perma_nentorganization and one that WIll be of nationalinfluence. The papers presented at thismeeting were as follows: Estimating theWorth of Supervision-W. H. Burton, Fel­low in Education, University of Chicago;Organization of County Supervision-�issKate Offerman, Primary Grade Supervisor,Wood County, Ohio; The Application ofScientific Methods to SupervIsIon-A. S.Barr, Asst. Director of Supervision, Detroit,Mich.; The Training of County Supenn­tendents to Supervise Instruction-L. B.Job, Asst. State Superintendent of Schools,Indiana' Supervisory Programs-F. L.Clapp, School 0.£ Educa,tion, :University ofWisconsin' The Teacher s Attitude TowardSupervisio�-H. W. Nutt, Ohio Wesl.eyanUniversity; Discovering the Sup�rVIsoryFnmctions of a Supervisor of Industrial Edu­cation-Emery T. Filbey, University ofChicago; A Case Study of Supervision-s-C.J. Anderson, Asst. State Supenntendep! .ofSchools, Wisconsin; Study of the ActivitiesCarried on by the Superintendent in the II?­provement of Instruction-H. A. Perr in,Superintendent of Schools, Joliet, Ill.Miss Temple, Miss Olga Adams and Mr.Bobbitt attended the meeting of the Interna­tional Kindergarten Union at Minneapolis,May 5-9. Miss Temple was chairman of theConference of Training Teachers. Mr.Bobbitt spoke at one of the meeting� o�"Education as Growth through Expression.Miss Ruth Abbott, of the School of Ed�­cation Library, sailed for France on April9. She will spend several months in Europe,returning to Chicago about September 1.(Notes continued on page 2.73)2'66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI .IW Book ReviewsThe Court of a Mosque in AleppoOriental Forerunners of ByzantinePaintingBy James Henry Breasted(The University of Chicago Press)In the ancient stronghold of Dura-Salihi­yah-the "Nameless City," Our archaeologi­cal predecessors called it-explorers foundburied under the sands of the Syrian desertthe only surviving forerunners of Byzantineart. They uncovered painted walls, templefrescoes, ancient altars, and. parchment frag­ments. Professor James Henry Breasted,who was able near the close of the GreatWar to penetrate with an armed escort tothis frontier fortress, has examined theseworks of art and has described and repro­duced them in "Oriental Forerunners ofByzantine Painting."The story of the expedition that made thisvolume possible is one of romantic adven­ture. As for the documents themselves,their importance can -scarcely be overesti­mated. The history of the city and fortressof Dura, where these documents were pre­served, epitomizes the conflict of East andWest, the rise and fall of empires, and theintermingling of oriental and occidental cul­tures.Dura-Salihiyah lies in the plain of Khana­Mari in the heart of the Syrian desert, onehundred and forty miles beyond the desertmetropolis of Palmyra.. It was left like awave mark by the receding tide of Graeco- Macedonian invasion under Alexander andhis successors. The plain of Khana-Mariwas a· green, fertile oasis, on the desert lineof communication between Persia, Baby­lonia, and Assyria on the East; and AsiaMinor, Egypt, and the Mediterranean world011 the West, and it became a flourishingoriental horne of Hellenistic culture.On the plain of Khana-Mari, a number ofbattles in the age-long struggle of Eastagainst West were fought. But the city ofDura was too far from the Mediterranean. to tall under Roman control, and it sufferedno violent destruction. It gradually de­cayed, was forsaken, and covered with aprotecting mantle of sand.A Christian ascetic dwelt alone in itsruins in the reign of Constantine. It wasa desert when the Emperor Julian passedit in 363 A. D. For sixteen centuries It waslost to all but prowling Arabs who stirredto heroic memories of Saladi� (S�lah ed­Din) gave its jutting ruins the name ofSalihiyah, "place of Salah."During the Great War Dura - Salihiyahagain played a part in the struggle of Eastagainst West. Early in 1920, General Cun­ningham, Commander of the British Army011 the Euphrates, after a sharp engagementwith the Arabs, threw his farthest outpostinto its silent defenses.It was at this time that Professor Breas­ted, bac� from Nineveh and resting in Bag­dad, was offered the opportunity of visitingthe hitherto lost city. LHe met General Cunningham at AlbuKamal, twenty-seven miles from Dura, andunder an escort of British East Indian sol­diers, dashed across to the fortress whichwas still very much of a war area. 'Standing in this home of ancient Syriancivilization, which had been completely lostto the Western wor Id for sixteen centuries,Professor Breasted viewed its massive fort­ress, its archaic architecture following tra­dition reaching back to remote ages, andits rich mural decorations revealing Graeco­Syrian art. It was as if it had all been con­jured up by magic out of the desert, and hehad before the British evacuation but .asingle day in which to record and preservethis marvelous find.The party went to work with note-books. and cameras, and succeeded 'in securing aremarkable record of the more importantpaintings and documents." The n,ext m�r�ing th�y dashed acrossno-man s land 111 an arabanah, and weremet by an escort sent out from Deir ez­- Zor. 'Just before their arrival in this city,(Continued on page 2'78)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 267r�II""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""""""""." ""'''''''".'''''''''' " ""''''' "'''''''''i'lij'l� IIIIIIIII.F. �IIIIIIIIII :Jill [i:111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 � 11111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 r.U. of C. Book EndsSPEC! AL MAYa�d JUNE(Only a few left)$' 85 'NOW 4= PostpaidOrder To-dayorSave up your pennies for a purchase during Reunionfrom,The UNIVERSITY oj CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVENUE:?68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENE"'WS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'95- Joseph Leiser of Helena, Arkansas,has recently completed a manuscript' onAmerican Judaism. He has a son, Lester,now attending the University:'OS-Cora L. Scofield, 220 Hemenway St.,Boston, has just published through Long­man, Green & Co., London, The Life andReign of Edward the Fourth.'D9-Grace Chandler, who is very active inour Columbus, Ohio, Alumni Club, has wona high reputation as an organist and teacherof the piano.'03-F. F. Tische is a canvas goods manu­facturer at 236 State St., Boston.'o6'-\Villiam G. Matthews, formerly Chi-·cago representative of the Kansas City Star,is now manager of the Chicago office ofWilliam J. Morton Co., 7 So. Dearborn St.,pu blishers represen ta tives.'09--Anthonette Durant, head of the Eng­lish department at Platteville, Wis., StateNormal School, has been elected Vice Presi­dent of the Wisconsin State Teachers' As­sociation.Chicago Alumni­have a unique chance for Serv­ice and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou­sands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago. Illinois '10-H. F. Hancox, A. M., '11, is directorof the Central Y. M. C. A. Schools, 19 So.LaSalle St., Chicago.'lO-Grace E. Lingham, 19 MonadnockSt., Dorchester, Mass., teaches at the Girls'Latin School, Boston, and is editor andmanager of The Trail Maker, a magazinefor Massachusetts Girl Scouts.'ll-Herhert L. Willett, r., is speaker forthe Near East Relief, Boston.'15- Josephine H. MacLatchy, A.M., iswith the Bureau of Educational Research atOhio State University.'17- John Slifer is with the Proctor &Gamble Co .. in Boston; he and Mrs. Slifer(Florence Kilvary, '18) reside at 243 War­ren St., Allston, Mass.'19-Maurice Walk, J. D. '2'1, formerlyUnted States Vice Consul in Hamburg, hasbeen transferred recently to Hong Kong,China.'24-Alired H. P. Sayers, ex, is treasurerof the Chicago Book Store, 62 E. MonroeStreet; the store specializes in books on art,architecture and decoration.For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe doumtoum department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the Univer.­sity and their friends to know thatit now offersEveni ng, late Afternoon andSaturday Cla.ssesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Spring Quarter begins March 31THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPublished inllie interest of Elec­trical Development byan Institution that willbe helped by what­ever helps theIndustry_ - and still they saycollege men don't study!The critic who charges college men with lackof diligence never heard a freshman repeat hisroll of fraternity chapters without a slip, or asenior dilate on the life history of every foot­ball captain from 1890 011.Of course this takes study -sometimes toomuch study. The student must be cautionedagainst the mental strain resulting from con­centration 011 too limited a field of thought.It is a good thing to specialize, but not tothe extent of becoming narrow. If it is rightfor the man who concentrates on engineering tobe up on his campus activities, it would seemright for the 'man who is quoted on thehistory and philosophy of Comparative Base­ball Scores to have some knowledge of thechemistry and thermo-dynamics from which heexpects to make his Ii ving.For it is still true that in industrial councilsthe talk sometimes swings fr vm batting aver­ages to coefficients of expansion and thehysteresis losses in iron.This is all a matter of balance, and satis­factory mental balance is a means to an Im­portant end - satisfactory bank balance.'esrern Eltctric CompanyThis advertisement is one of a series in studentpublications. It may remind alumni of their oppor­tunity to help the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to get more out of his four years. 269ON LAKE MICHIGANTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE270§issonWhen You' Come Back\fisit �his l1rotel!Here you'll find spacious rooms)fine quarters for all your family.We welcome you for a day or fora year. And the Sisson is buta few blocks from the campusDURIN G JUNE RE·UNIONCome to the Restaurantwater's edge! Dancea-top the Sisson on theRoof-the gayest placein Hyde Park! At theSisson youmeet yourfriends andclassmates!Lake Michigan at Fifty-Third StreetChicago +U-IIII-lln-IIU-UII-IIII-IIU-ItH-OJt-II""';"RU-IIII-an-lSll-a+i Annual Election II College Alumni Association It - Be Sure to Vote! I= I+"-IIU-IIIl-IIII-IIU-IIII---IIU�IIU-UU-UII-IllI-IUI-lln-IIII-II-ttThe annual election of officers for the Col­lege Alumni Association is regularly held inthe latter part of May and the first week inJune. All members of that Association areentitled and are urged to vote. A postcardballot is sent out, as . usual, with the firstReunion announcement. If, by some chance,this does not reach you, the. Alumni Officewill mail you a ballot upon request. Ballotsmust be returned on or before Thursday,June 5. The result will be announced' asusual, on' Alumni Day and in the Magazine.The candidates, selected by a nominatingcommittee, are always presented in the orderof seniority ; if in the same class, then alpha­betically. This year a President, a SecondVice-President, two members of the Execu­tive Committee, and six Delegates to. theAlumni Council are to be elected. All can­didates have been prominent in college, classand alumni affairs. These elections are mostimportant-be sure to vote!President (2 years)Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01, General Manager, R. R.Donnelly & Sons, Chicago; Psi Upsilon, Owl &Serpent member of University and other clubs. -Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D. '09, Lawyer, witfi Wilker­son Cassels and Potter, Chicago; Sigma Chi, PhiDelta Phi, member of Bar Associ.ation and severalclubs.Second Vice-President (2 years)Clara H. Taylor, '05, Teacher, Englewood HighSchool, Chicago; class secretary.Sarah S. Mulroy, '19, in business, Chicago; Quad­rangIer, Nu Pi Sigma.Executive Committee (2 years)(Vote for Two)Margaret E. Haas, '11, in business, Chicago; MortarBoard, Kalailu; Women's City Club, SettlementLeague.William II. Kuh, '11, S.M. '14, Ass't-Supt., Eisen­dr ath Glove Co., Chicago; Washington House; classsecretary. 'Anna Gwin Pickens, '23, Examiner's Office, Universityof Chicago ; Esoteric.Delegates to Alumni Council (3 years)(Vote for Six)Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01. (See above.)Frank McNair, '03, Vice-President, Harris Trust &Savings Bank, Chicago; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Owl& Serpent; University and other clubs; (for re­election).Leo F. Wormser, '04, J.D. '09, Lawyer, Rosenthal.Hammill and Wormser, Chicago; Phi Beta Kappa;member of several clubs.Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J.D. '09. (See above.)Arthur A. Goes, 'OS, Vice-President, Goes Lithograph­ing Co., Chicago; Delta Kappa Epsilon, HC" man;University and other clubs.Florence B. Leavitt, ex-'OS, Secretary, Sheldon Leavitt :Lectures, Chicago; Sigma; Chicago College Club.Olive Greensfelder, '16, Teacher, Chicago schools.Class officer.Lillian Richards, '19, Nu Pi Sigma, Sign of theSickle.John W. Fulton, Jr., ex-'21, Radio business Chicago;Kappa Sigma, Owl & Serpent; Olympia FieldsCountry Club.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS+----..- .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -"-111-"+L�:.����" ��.�����JJohn M. Campbell, J. D. '22, and JamesJ. Magner, LL. B. '23, are associated withTaylor, Miller, Dickinson and Smith, 112West Adams Street, Chicago.Albert L. Green, J. D. '15, is a member ofthe law department of the Standard Oil Corn­pany of Indiana, 910 South Michigan Avenue,Chicago.H. H. Guice, J. D. '18, is teaching busi­ness law in the Southern Methodist Uni­versity, Dallas, Texas.William P. MacCracken, '09, J.D., '11, hasacted for six or eight months as SpecialAssistant Attorney General, in charge ofpresenting evidence to the Grand Jury inconnection with the Chicago School Boardand other investigations.George D. Mills, '21, J.D., '22, is asso­ciated with Good, Childs, Bobb and Wescottat 76 W. Monroe St., Chicago.John W. Morland, J.D., '22, was electedPresident of Vincennes University, Vin­cennes, Indiana, last summer.A. Robert Pakulaz, '18, J.D., '20, is in gen­eral law practice at 4645 So. Ashland Ave.,Chicago.Roy D. Thatcher, LL.B., '09, has movedhis offices from Logan, Utah, to 305 EcclesBldg., Ogden, Utah, where he representsvarious important interests.Weightstill Woods, J.D., '13, reports thatMrs. Woods and the four children are spend­ing the winter at San Diego, California.+U_UU_RII_IIU_tm_I,n_III1_IIII_IlII_III1_IIII_IIII_IIU_IIII_II+i =i School of Education 1.. 1+"_IIII_nlt_IIII_IIII_UII_IIII_lIf1_IIII_IIU_IIII_UII_";'IIII_U"-11+'10- John R. Pelsma, Ph.M., is Professorof Public Speaking at the State TeachersCollege, Pittsburg, Kansas. A. revised edi­tion of his "Essentials of Speech" has beenissued by Thomas Y. Crowell Co.'15-Mrs. J. L. Lobingier (Elizabeth Er­win Miller, Ph.B.) is the author of "Storiesof Shepherd Life," a course of study forthe second grade in schools. It ispublished by the University of ChicagoPress.'16-Mrs. Cox (Hazel Wolf, Ph.B.,) isliving at Corydon, Iowa.. '17-0Iava G. Bakken, Ph.B., is teachingdomestic science and art in the High Schoolat Casselton, N. D.'19-Edna B. Liek, Ph.B., is Instructor in The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con­venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000.000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago 271THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE272Elementary Education at the State NormalSchool, Kalamazoo, Michigan.'19-Margaret E. Smith, Ph.B., is In­structor in Institution Economics at theUniversity of Wisconsin.'20-Delia C. Briggs, Ph.B., is Junior HighSchool Supervisor of Independent District18, Gilbert, Minn.'Zl-Ruth Streitz, Ph.B., A.M., 1922', Asso­ciate in Research at the University of Ill­inois, writes of "Teachers' Difficulties inArithmetic and Their Correctives" in Bulle­tin No. 18, Bureau of Educational Research,University of Illinois. Miss Streitz plans tospend 1924-25 in graduate study at TeachersCollege, New York.'22'-Mrs. Ruth Witter Riekman, Ph.B.,is teaching in the Clay School, Chicago, Ill.'22-Robert R. Cook, A.M., is Principal ofRoosevelt High School, Des Moines, Iowa.'23-Halbert C. Christofferson, A.M., isHead of the Mathematics Department of theState Normal at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.'2'3-Emy K. Miller, Ph.B., is Principal ofthe High School at St. Marys, Kansas.'23-Alegra M. Nesbit, Ph.B., is teachingin the Tennessee Iron, Coal and RailroadCompany School at Muscoda, Alabama.TEACHERS WANTED!If you are available for an educationalposition of any kind, you are invited to callat the offices named below. The work isnational in scope, and comprises the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU1610 Chicago Temple77 W. Washington St.(Exclusively for college and univer­sity teachers.)FISK TEACHERS AGENCY814 Steger Bldg.28 E. Jackson Blvd.EDUCATION SERVICE1210 Association Bldg.19 S. La Salle St.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., Evanstono- ROSELAND DISTRICT OF CHICAGO(West of the Illinois Central. South of 87th Street, and beyond city limits)FIRST \MORTGAGESNot even a foreclosure in 28 yearsMaximum interest rates with maximum security. Wood­lawn security increased as that district grew. Thisexperience is repeating itself in the rapidly-growingRoseland District. Send for our descriptive booklet.TENINGA BROS. & COMPANY11324 Michigan Avenue"The House of Service"Edward B. Caron, '13Cornelius Teninga, '12, J 0 Do, '15SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTESSchool of Education Notes(Continued from page 265)The University of Chicago Press. has justpublished the report of the studies in visualeducation which were made under a grantfrom the - Commonwealth Fund. The studieswere under the direction of Mr. Freemanand were contributed to by twelve other in­dividuals. Among these were several who'have been connected with the School of Edu­cation as graduates or students. F. DeanMcCluskey, A. M. '20, Ph.D. '22, Education at. the University of Illinois,had a large share in the investigation andused part of his experiments as his Doctor'sthesis.' Miss' Carolyn Hoefer, A. M. '18,Research W 0 r k e r with the Elizabeth'McCormick Memorial Fund of Chicago,with Miss Edith Keith, Kindergarten-Pri­mary Supervisor of Joliet, Illinois, conductedthe study of the use of motion pictures inhealth education. Mr. Howard Y. McClusky,who is a candidate for his Doctor's degree ineducation, was associated in several of theexperiments. Mr. A. P. Hollis of the De VryCorporation and a former graduate student,also participated. Mr. David - E. Walker,Asst. Superintendent of Schools in Evanston,Illinois, and a former -graduate student of theDepartment, collaborated in the study of theuse of the motion picture film in teachinghandwriting. The report includes thirteenindividual studies. Most of these consist ofseveral experiments. Experiments wereconducted in public schools of seven citiesand in two university schools. In generalthe purpose was to compare the effectivenessof various visual methods such as slides,stereographs, charts, maps, pictures, andother demonstrations and to measure theeffectiveness of oral presentation either aloneor in association with these. A further aimwas to discover which methods are mostsuitable for the various kinds of subject­matter. Particular emphasis was laid uponthe study of motion pictures because of theprominence which they are assuming inpresent-day education.Miss Helen Cook of the faculty of theUniversity Elementary School will givecourses in methods for the intermediategrades during the summer at Emory Uni­versity, Atlanta, Georgia.Important Gift to the LibrariesEdward S. Curtis' The North 'AmericanIndian, copy 457 of a limited edition of fivehundred copies, has been presented to theUniversity Libraries. The work consists oftwelve volumes, each volume accompaniedby a large portfolio of plates, the bindingof the volumes and portfolios being in a finebrown morocco._ The estimated value of theset is $1,800, and because of its contents,printing, binding, illustrations, and plates, isregarded as one of the most valuable and ar­tistic acquisitions so far received by theUniversity Libraries. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapita I and Surplus • • - $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND JOHN J. MITCHJl:l,LEDWARD B. BUTLER MARTIN A. RYERSONBENJAMIN CARPENTER J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWKU. ROBERT J. THOIlN •.ERNEST A.. HAMILL CHARLES H. WACKER-Foreign Exchange Letter. of Credit .Cable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun. Kif.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 273274 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTS,WithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H. Davis & G'ompanyMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We f pecialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, 'II . Herbert I. Markham, Ex:06Ralph w. Davis,'16 By,ron C. Howes, Ex:13N. Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesorundergradua tes given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print !Q!;bt 1Jnibtf'sitp of Ql)bicago jflaga?ineMake a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Abso­lutely RELIABLE Printing House�t1t���¥�oj:J PRINTERSPrinting and Adoertising Adoiset»�s'r �r��r:t anJ the CooperatiOe and Clearing Houseoom� Prlnt- for Catalogues and PublicationsI rri;f�tp��td;�t�OC�;��;:rti;;FORMElRLY ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 338I University Make's Good Showing in ChessEarly in the fall the University ChessClub was replaced by the University ChessCircle with headquarters on the second floorof the Reynolds Club. Whereas the for­mer organization was open to students only,the new one admits both faculty membersand students.Under the able leadership of Mr. A. E.Elo, president of the club, a one roundtournament was held during the winterquarter. Fourteen players participated andthe six best results were:' S. Broyde, '25,10.5 points; B. E. Goetz, '24, 10 p.; H. F.Schwede, '27 and H. Holck, '21, 9.5 p. each;A. E. Elo, '25, 8.5 p.; and M. L. Beck, M. A.'21, 8 points. At present a tournamentamong members of the Circle is in prog­ress with seven players in first class andeleven in second.The University is entered in the Inter­club Tournament of Chicago, in whicheleven clubs are participating; in this tour­nament each club is to meet some otherclub about every fortnight with an eight­man team until the ten matches have beencompleted. Success has been measurablein that the University team has taken pos­session of second place and expects to holdthis in spite of eager competition by the"Northwest" and the "Sinai Center" clubs.The personnel of the University team hasvaried a little, and in addition to the abovesix players the following have played inmore than one match: L. M. Blumenthal,'23; W. C. Howe, '26; A. W. Makels, '26; M.Mooney, '23; R. W. Stevens, '13; N. Kap­lan, '22; and H. M. Kraus, '26. The finalmatch of. the season will be played at theReynold's Club on May the 13th at 8 p. m.against the "Commonwealth Edison Club."Chess friends among the alumni are wel­come to attend this meeting.Lectures in Belgium by Dr. ShoreyProfessor Paul Shorey. head of the de­partrncn t of the Greek Language and Liter­ature, who sailed on the "Olympic" March22 for Belgium, will give a series of lec­tures at the Belgian universities on Platoand Aristotle. One public lecture will begiven at the Fondation Universitair e inBrussels on "Le Platonisme dans la Litter­ature Francaise" and four lectures on "L'Evolution d' Aristcte" to be repeated at eachof the four universities of Brussels, Lou­vain, Liege. and Ghent. Professor Shoreywill return to Chicago about July 25 to givecourses in the Second Term of the SummerQuarter.Professor Shorey, who recently contribu­ted a volume to the new series on "OurDebt to Greece and Rome," has already beenthe Roosevelt Exchange Professor in Ber­lin, Lowell Lecturer in Boston. Turnbulllecturer at Johns Hopkins, and Sather Pro­fessor in the University of California. andhas received many honorary degrees,_THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�"l��-;:.$�"'����..s�'���&.��It'�.i���.r���"",,�(f.7"������.J.:1O'..... ' ......... ����"" __ .��� ...... ;j�'1l�::y"���� ...���...�.:""-..,......���:£'� 'I!�� �,�� Business .Life Insurance f:�� 1· �.ts� Now Recognized as a Permanent ���� ���� Economic Factor-Executive Ability ����1� an Asset, and a Loss if Displaced �lJ�� BUSINESS LIFE INSURANCE whose skill and industry have ��� must be recognized as an become a permanent and sub- ��'i,� economic factor in indemnity stantial part of the business. '/J,���� for the loss of capital and �ft�(� brains. The death of a man The loss of anyone of these ,;f,)t1j. closely identified with a busi- may throw the organization ��tJ� ness cannot but result in a out of gear, resulting in dis- �.iY1.J shock to the organization, arrangement and actual loss. .��'tr� possibly affecting its financial All business men recognize 'If..����J credit, its business, getting the need of adequate fire- Ifl7.J. ��1:� ability, or its efficiency of opera, insurance protection for their �t��� tion, all of which may bring credit-in fact, they could get �...'fli� about pecuniary loss. no credit if they did not have ll,���\, Hence it is both wise and this insurance-and yet loss �lf) ,,,� prudent for business concerns by fire is infrequent and may ��,�� to have the lives of men whose never occur, but death is cer- �-�i!i � tain to come sooner or later. ���� death would affect them in ���!\' this way properly protected Here is developed a great 'f!,��� by life' insurance, thus assist, need for the [ife-irisur a nce ��'��1 ing to tide over temporary policy, and it would seem that f��cI'..� difficulties and provide for good businessjudgmentwould �..� continuance. prompt the setting aside of ���� A man who has great exec- the life-insurance premium ���,� utive ability, or whose knowl- among the fixed charges of a �,�¥�J h h business concern. l�ll�� l�� edge assists in s aping t e l�j ��h; destiny of a business, is of dis- The life ... insurance policy is �xJJ..� tinct economic value to the easily adaptable to varying � ..,�� organization, and the same conditions-to replace ability .,�,11� may be said of the Financial and brains,to safeguard credit, ��'k� Man in touch with business to buyout a retiring partner's 'If..���A conditions,banks,bankers,etc. interest, to satisfy the estate ���{�j� The same is true of the Sales of the deceased member, to ���� !� Manager, whose ability and esta?dlish an emergency fund �rF-'", tact have developed the pro, to ti e over re-organization, o�1t!J� clueing factor. It may be true In contracts of this descrip- ��J�� of the Buyer of the concern, tion, Security of the indemnity �§�,�� whose knowledge of market will be the first thought of ����"l� conditions leads to closer the careful business man and fl.f�It'� trading and better profits; also in this respect this Company ��'If'., of the Foreman of the shop, offers the very best. ';"",M ��l\' 'IJ.��� ���1�� ,\J�r�i ��� �� ��l\' 'IJ��� OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ���l�� Sixty-one years in business. Now insuring over One Billion Eight ;.\f1� Hundred Million dollars in policies on 3,300,000 lives. �M. �.r��.s���'(�������r;:i��t')�����·������·�..:4�""'-�-';'Il ::J��""....... lr_ 'Il ", ...,,;t_ "''''' (I_$�... ", III """,-ti __ ..,��o.;;; �ll.._-�Jo:," 2752'76 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE$1.00 $100.00Starts aChecking: AccountSavingsAccountA SOUND COMMODITY.FOR A SOUND DOLLARWe own and offer for sale 6% %and 7% First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HydePark Property.'The notes and bonds are certifiedto by the Chicago Title and' TrustCo :" trustee; and the title guaranteedfor-the full amount of the loan.UNIVERSiTY STATE BANK.; A CLEARING HOUSE BANK135{East 55th St. . "Corner Ridgewood"ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY39th Year25 East Jackson Blvd., ChicagoIn 'many hundreds of Colleges, Uni­versities, Normals, Secondary Schoolsof all kinds, there are today U niver­sity of Chicago graduates, many withadvanced degrees, who secured theirpositions through Albert Teachers'Agency.For years this Agency has been inthe front rank of teacher placementbureaus, especially in College and Uni­versity positions, and good positionsin other high class institutions.University of Chicago students arealways welcome in our office. If notnear enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We arehere' to serve you.We have busy offices also inNew York, Denver and Spokane Alumni Affairs(Continued from page 253)New York Alumni Meet With Mr. StaggMarch 25, 1924.Dear Mr. Pierrot:On Friday noon, March 21st, the AlumniClub of New York City entertained Mr.Stagg at a luncheon at the Fraternity Club'sBuilding. There were forty-six present in­cluding Mr. Stagg and after the luncheon hemade a short talk in which he outlined someof the-activities and plans of the athleticdepartment.In the evening we were well representedat the Conference Dinner, about thirty-eightChicago men being present at that gathering.You have undoubtedly heard from the Com­mittee in charge regarding that affair, butI am enclosing with this letter a list ofthose who attended. as it might be of ill-. terest. Yours very truly,Lawrence J. MacGregor, '16.Secretary,Milwaukee Club Elects New OfficersApril 22, 1924.This is to inform you that at a recentmeeting the Milwaukee Alumni Club ofThe University of Chicago the followingnew Club officers were elected: .President: Rudy D. Matthews, '14.Secretary: Karl A. Hauser, A. M. '20.The Club is looking forward to the visitby Dr. Goodspeed on May 9th, and we arenotifying our local members of this oppor­tunity to dine with him and hear his lec­ture on the New Testament Translation.Very truly yours,Karl A. Hauser, A. M. '20,Secretary.42fl E. Water Street,Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Dean Mathews Addresses Atlanta AlumniDear Mr. Pierrot:On March 20th' the Chicago Alumni inAtlanta were particularly favored in havingas a banquet guest Dean Shailer Mathews,who happened to be en tour in this sectionof the South. The number assembled was,for a variety of reasons, rather small, butthe results of this visit will be a much moreactive and extensive organization of thealumni in this vicinity.Dr. Mathews addressed the students ofEmory University at the chapel hour in themorning and returned in the evening for aformal lecture, under the auspices of theStudent Lecture Association, which left asplendid impression.I wish to thank you personally for ar­.... ranging for this visit" of Dean Mathews.Don't let us ever miss him!Very cordially yours,Malcolm H. Dewey, Ph.D. 'l�.Emory University, Ga.ALUMNI AFFAIRS. Mr. Stagg Addresses New York Big TenAlumniThe Annual Banquet of the New YorkAssociation of Western Conference U niversi­ties was held at the Hotel Astor, in NewYork City, on the evening of March 21st.All of the Big Ten universities were wellrepresented and the entire affair provedhighly successful.Glenn Frank, Editor of Century Magazineand noted lecturer, a graduate of North­western, acted as toastmaster. Impressivespeeches were also' made by Walter Jessup,President of the University of Iowa, for­merly Dean, College of Education, Universityof Indiana; by David· Kinley, President of\ the University of Illinois; and by AmosStagg, 32 years athletic director and footballcoach at the University of Chicago.Musical entertainment of a very high or­der was furnished by Manton Marble, tenor,who is a graduate of Michigan, and by Gil­bert Rosa, violin virtuoso, graduate of Wis­consin, who made a special trip to NewYork, following his appearance as soloistwith the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.During the meal, the banquet hall reverb­erated with the cheers and songs of thevarious Alma Maters and to the music ofthe Castle Club Orchestra, which was ledby J. H. Friedlander of Iowa and composedof Western Conference University men.The new officers elected for the ensuingyear were: President, George O. Hays, Pur­due; vice president, F. O. Nichols, Chicago;Raymond Bill, Wisconsin; and George L.Sawyer, Illinois, Secretary, and Treasurer,Arlo -Wilson, Iowa.The Annual JuneREUNIONis rapidly approaching.Anniversary Classes, other classes,and Alumni in general are layingplans for' a great Chicago gather­ing.ALUMNI DAYcomes, this year, onSaturday, June 7thMark your calendars now-makearrangements to be on theQuadrangles at Reunion.Chicago CallsChicagoans! RALPH C. MANNING, '00REALTORChicago West Suburban .Town and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. ILL.Sam A. Rothermel '1 7.InsurancewithMOORE. CASE. LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities208 S. LaSalle St. Wabash 0829Kenwood:South Shore: Hyde Park: Woodlawn:Chatham Fields: Flossmore:Vacant or ImprovedREAL ESTATEMatthew A. Bowers, '22Midway 0620 5435 Kinibark Ave.Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans for Building EstatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOTHE YATES - FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicago .Other Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland. Oregon 277278 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.918 The RookeryTelephone Wabas'h 180'0CHARLES R. GILBERT, '10 BRADFORD GILL, '10GILBERT Be GILLALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBAR'f & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, ' 14REAL 'EST A TEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment Securlties"WITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGOState 1414John J. Cleary, Jr., '14.ELDREDGE & 'CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius T eninga, ' 12REAL ESTATETeninga Bros. & Co., 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000Jobn A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting(Continued from page 266)a Jewish merchant had been robbed of somethousands of pounds in gold on the way.J our neying through the tribes of the uppermiddle Euphrates, they carried the records insafety to the Mediterranean and civilization.Their's was the first Western expedition tocross the newly proclaimed Arab state.These records are now made available inthe first of the Oriental Institute Publica­tions, "Oriental Forerunners of ByzantinePainting." Franz Cumont, distinguishedBelgian archaelogist, says in his introductionto the volume:"The discovery of which Mr. Breastedgives an account . . . is one whose im­portance can hardly be exaggerated. Itthrows vivid light upon numerous questionsof which science still awaits the solution."The Dura paintings and documents openeda new vista leading back from Byzantine artto an earlier Oriental background. That artwas itself a precursor of European pre­Renaissance painting and the Dura-Salihiyahdiscovery is thus a cultural link connectingthe Orient and later Europe. Mr. Breastedhas reproduced in color large compositionsthat give for the first time a clear concep­tion of the processes employed by theGraeco-Syr ian artists in drawing and group­ing figures.The documents add to our knowledge ofthe political history of ancient Syria. Forthe history of religion they have even greaterimportance ill the indication they give ofreligious symbolism, attire, and ceremonial.Since Professor Breasted's visit to Dura,the most important of the wall paintingshas been destroyed by Arab depredations.It is therefore to his published record thatthe archaeologist, the historian, and the artstudent must turn for knowledge of thisextraordinary piece of discovery.Incidentally, this record is published inunusually attractive format. It is illustratedwith fifty-nine figures in the text, two maps,and twenty-three plates. four of which arein color.Harry Bingham.Class Anniversary Reunions!Final preparations for the Annual JuneReunion are now under way. The anni­versary classes, as customary, will be calledupon for the prominent class features. Detailsannounced-but begin now to get intouch with your class officers and friends!The Class Anniversaries this year are:Fiftieth Anniversary Class of 1874Fortieth, Anniversary Class of 1884Thirtieth Anniversary .........•.. Class of 1894Twenty-fifth Anniversary Class of 1899Twentieth Anniversary ........•. Class of 19&4Fifteenth Anniversary Class of 1_Tenth Anniversary ......•........ Class of 1914Fifth Anniversary Class of 1919First Anniversary Class of 19Z3"All together-for Chicago!"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 279It is a Course for the man beyond the campus; the manwho is already in bushle�s and cannot leave, the man who r ...- - - - - - - - - - - -1wants to supplement hIS col1ege. educabo�. �f you are I! Alexand,er Hamihon Institute Isuch a man, may we send you, without obligation, a copy 88 Astor Place New York City 1of "A Definite Plan for Your Business Progress"? It tells 1how 200,000 men have profited by a business training 1 Send me the b('loklet,"A Definite Plan for Ifounded upon university principles, and conducted in 1 Your Business Progress," which I may keep 1without obligation. ..accordance with university ideals. I II Name ·piecue· write piat"rili; · .. · .. · 11 �d����s 1I I;;=;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;��=r.(l";jl.;;;;;;;;;����;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 II ��:fti��. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . IL __ , .... ...... _.:.-.For the manbeyondthe calDpnsFIFTEEN YEARS AGO Joseph French Johnson, whowas, and is, Dean of the School of Commerce, Accountsand Finance of New York University, found himself faeedwith a problem to which there was no satisfactory answer.He was constantly in receipt of letters from business men,many of them occupying places of executive responsibility.The letters asked such questions as these:"What books shall I read?""Can you lay outfor me a course in business economics?""How can I broaden my knowledge of salesmanship, oraccounting, or factory management, advertising or corporationfinance?"Those were pioneer days in the teaching of Business.Dean Johnson, wishing to help, yet feeling keenly the lack ofsuitable facilities, conceived the plan of a faculty includingboth college teachers and business men, and a Course soarranged that any man might master it in his own home.Thus began the Alexander Hamilton Institute. DeanJohnson has continued as its President; its Advisory Councilincludes these men:DEXTER S. KIMBALL, Dean of the Engineering Colleges, Cor­nell University; JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON, Dean of the New YorkUniversity School of Commerce; GENERAL COLEMAN DUPONT,.the well-known business executive; PERCY H. J9HNSTON, Presi­dent of the Chemical National Bank of New York; JOHN HAYSHAMMOND, the eminent engineer; FREDERICK H. HURDMAN,Certified Public Accountant; JEREMIAH W. JENKS, the statis­tician and economist.To young men of college age, the Institute says: " Matric­ulate at a college or university if you possibly can; thereis no substitute for the teacher." To older men, the universi­ties and colleges, in turn, are constantly recommending theModern Business Course of the Institute.Alexander Hamilton InstituteIn Canada:C. P. R. Building, Toronto In Australia:�e Hunter St., Sydney THESE COLLEGES and uni-versities, and 80 others, haveused parts of the Alexander Ham­ilton Institute Course in theirclassroom work.Amherst CollegeBoston UniversityBrown UniversityBucknell UniversityCollege of the City of New YorkColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDartmouth CollegeGeorgetown UniversityGeorgia School of TechnologyLafayette CollegeMassachusetts Institute ofTechnologyNew York UniversityNorthwestern UniversityOhio State UniversityPennsylvania State CollegeSyracuse UniversityUniversity of AlabamaUniversity of CaliforniaUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of IndianaUniversity of MichiganUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of TexasVanderbilt UniversityWilliams CollegeYale UniversityTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI Ma::ge�,�;:;:;ement:-,� lBirths, Deaths. I+ , ... -u-u __ • ._.I-*._..__..---+280The Railroads and the Meat SupplyFrom 1870 to 1885 a great impetus was given torailroad building in the West.Mile on mile of iron track crept up the water­ways and reached out into the open solitary plains..As these roads were being built, the vast plainswhich they penetrated were becoming, even tothe distant slopes of the Rockies, the grazinggrounds of ever-increasing herds.This growing accumulation of live stock waspressing the stock raiser for a wider market out­let; while the. more densely populated East, whichthe roads first served, was clamoring for meat.The railroads were drawn into the service ofthis double need by the imperative demands ofdeveloping society.During this period of intense railroad develop­ment, Gustavus F. Swift was laying the foun­dations for the present organization of meat hand­ling and distribution which is now Swift &Company.Mr. Swift recognized that it would be better andcheaper to ship dressed meat long distances than to shipthe live animals. He therefore saw to it that Swift &Company's packing plants were placed in the most ad­vantageous locations -near the sources of live-stocksupply where the hauling of the live stock and the haul­ing of the dressed meat would produce the shortest po s­sible route to the corieurner at the Iea st expense.Nowadays,twenty-three modern packing plants,thou­sands of Swift refrigerator cars, hundreds of refrigeratedbranch houses, and hundreds of traveling salemen in­sure a wide distribution of wholesome meat products tocity, town, and village.This service brings to your dealer government-in­spected meats' prepared and handled in accordance wit IImost exacting standards. Swift's Premium Hams andBacon, the preferred meats in .thousands of homes, "sn­verIeaf" Brand Pure Lard, Brookfield Butter, and a widevariety. of Swift's meat and prod uc e foods reach yourdealer at their best through this highly perfected service.The cost of this nation-wide service is surprisingly low.Ifwe were to waive all our profit, the price to your dealerwould be reduced only a fraction ,of a cent a pound.'Swift & CompanyFounded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by' more than46,000 shareholders :ilflattiage�Florence Genevieve Fanning, '11, to Law­rence Northcraft Dunihue, February 9, 1924,at Chicago. At home, 108 Highland Avenue,Larchmont Woods, New Rochelle, NewYork.Hans Norgren, '18, to Miss B. Ostranderof Twin Falls, Idaho, August, 1923. Athome, 2210 E. 70th Street, Chicago.Emil Durbin Ries, '20, to lone Marie Cook,February 11, 192'4, at Long Branch, NewJersey ..Kathleen K. Foster, '20, to Donald Camp­bell, January 25, 1924, at Chicago. At home,St. George Hotel, 1435 E. 60th Street,Chicago.Marion Louise Ringer, '20, to TheodorePortis of Chicago, December 27, 1923.Ruth E. Burnham, '2'1, to K. H. Holden,December, 1923. At home, Three Oaks,Michigan.Eleanor C. Block, '2'2, to Charles J.Greenebaum, March 31, 1924, at Chicago. Athome after June 1, The Moraine Hotel,Highland Park, Illinois.Lucile Goldstine, '23, to Harold N. Rosen­heim of Chicago, December 15, 192·Q. Athome, Windermere Hotel, Chicago.jSittb�To Thomas N. MacBurney, '06, and Mrs.MacBurney, a son, John Wallace, September,1923, at Chicago.To William G. Mathews, '06, and Mrs.Mathews, a daughter, Emily Virginia, De­cember 3, 1923, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Ermin F. Plumb (AlmaV. Ogden) '13, a daughter, Priscilla Ogden;October 31,. 1923, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Luhmann,(Ilona B. Schmidt) '15, a daughter, JanetRuth, December 14, 1923, at Madison, Wis­consin.To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vincent Benet(Rosemary Carr) '18, a daughter,. StephanieJane, April 6, 1924, at New York City.1Beatb�Oscar Doyle Briggs, ex. Div. '09, January18, 1924, in Chicago. The Reverend Mr.Briggs was pastor of the Parkside BaptistChurch, Chicago, and was a delegate to theAlumni Council, Divinity Association ..Fred Stanley Benson, '12, J.D. '13, Octo­ber 19, 1923, at Magangue, Columbia, SouthAmerica, while swimming in the San Jorgeriver at Magangue. Mr. Benson was in theemployment of the Singer Sewing MachineCompany in South America.Cecilia, Doerr, '16, March 8, 1924, Cl.i.]1erhome in Chicago.Broadway around the world•Compare these hugeturbines with the tinylamp used by sur­geons. to examine theinside of an- ear, andyou will r ealdz e thevariety of G-E prod­ucts. Between theseextremes are lamps,motors, generators,switch- boards andother equipment=-alltools by which elec­tricity works for you. The biggest machines builtby the General Electric Com­pany are steam turbine gen­erators of 80,000 horse power,used in great power houses.One of .these giants couldgenerate enough current torun al{ the street cars intwelve cities as large asWilmington or Spokane.Ten could light a street as .bright as Broadway runningaround the world.GENERAL ELECTRIC"America's FinestMen's W�ar Stores"SPECIALIZINGIn the Science of Stylesfor MenTHE bi,ghest standards are attainedonly by the developed aptitude ofthe highly trained specialist.Famous examplesare the lustrous beautyof a Tiffany setttng=-tbe mat c h l e s spurity of a Steinway's tones__.:._and,. inequal measure, the exquisite tailorcraftand fabric of every g a r m e nt offeredunder our "New Order of Things" inclothes for men. These supreme master­pieces reveal the hand of the specialistin every line.Complete Displays �f SpringStyles. Are Now Being ShownSuits, $50 to $125Topcoats, $50 to $125LONDONCHICAGOS'f. PAUlLDE'TROITMILWAUKEEMilNNEAPOLISTwo Chicag« Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand HOTEL SHERMAN