"Speaking of Books-,and especially those puhlished bythe UniversitY' ojChimgo Pressi X �In the Lost ;Cityof Dura on the Upper Euphrates at the close of theGreat War, explorers found buried under desertsands a part of the hitherto lost ancestry of Byzaritine art. They uncovered painted walls, templefrescoes, ancient altars, and parchment .fragrnentsthat opened a new vista leading back from Byzan- ,tine art to an earlier Oriental background. Professor Breasted, of the University of 'Chicago, whowas able to .penetrace with an armed escort to thisfrontier stronghold, has carefully examined theseworks of art (since destroyed by vandals) and reproduced them photographically in the first of thenew Oriental institute Publications: Oriental F orerunners of Byzantine Painting.This beautiful illustrated volume is but one of anumber on art already published by the Universityof Chicago Press. All art lovers and students willappreciate them, and especially, Joseph Pennell's IThe Graphic Arts, Lorado Taft's Modern Tendencies in Sculpture, Ferguson's Outlines of ChineseArt, Carrington's Engravers and Etchers, Six Lectures in Architecture by Cram, Hastings, and Bragdon, Sturgis' The Interdependence of the Arts otDesiqn, and Allen's A Handbook of the EgyptianCollection of the Art Institute of Chicago.Let us send 'you without charge or obligation descriptive lit�rature on any of these books that interest you.The Fifth of a Series of AdvertisementsAddressed to the Readers of Universityof Chicago Press Books.''THE TRUE UNIVERSITY IS A COLLECTION OF':BOOKS."-CarlyletEbe mniber�it!' of C!bicago :Maga�ineEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. Ml-d A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association--A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Assodation--HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Associationr-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Educa'tion Association-FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. nPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. nPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents) •.nRemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XVI. CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1924 No.5FRONTISPIECE: STEPHEN A. DOUGLASCLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS ...............................................• 164EVENTS AND COMMENT 165ALUMNI AFFAIRS-(GOODSPEED-CLUB LECTURES) ',' .. " , ,'. 167CHICAGO DEANS (DEAN WILLIAM S, GRAY, '13, PH.D. '16) ,. 171NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES ...........................•........... ; 172ATHLETICS ." 173THE LETTER Box ,................. 174UNIVERSITY NOTEs ,....................................... 178COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION 182LAW SCHOOL (MECHEM PORTRAIT FUND) 183SCHOOL OF EDUCATION-INSTITUTION ECONOMICS�CHICAGO DINNER ,......... 184NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 188MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS , 198161162 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumniof the University Councilof ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer. ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1924, MRS. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHNP. MENTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, 'ff7; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term expires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT 1. MARKHAM, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGSDON, PH.D, '21'.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.BRIGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni 'Association, EDGAR J. PHILLIPS, L. L. B., '11; CHARLES F. MeELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. GARRETTF. LARKIN, '21; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, FRANCIS F. PATTON,'l1; HOWELL W. MURRAY,'14; WILLIAMH. LYMAN, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER,"99; ALICE GREENACRE, '08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSON, '12.Prom the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JAMES McGEE, D.B., '08, 165 York Street, New Haven, Conn.Secretary, CLARENCE W. KEMPER, A.M., '11, D.B., '12, First Baptist Church, Charleston, W. Va.LA W SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15, 137 So. La. Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretary, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16, A.M., '20, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided-and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIES'09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1588 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4880 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kimbark Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne St.,Brookline.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, Ia.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Ly·man, 5 N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae . Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, Univer·sity of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Nell C. Henry, 2074East 107th St.Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg ... :C •Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, Ia. Sec., Hazelle Moore, Rollins Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. see.. Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.' .Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., II. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota>Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judi:cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn,1-115 Broadway.Iowa City, la. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec., Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Lexington, Ky. Sec., W. Lewis Roberts,University of Kentucky.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 912�8.'94.'95.'96.'97.'98.'99.'00.'01.'02:'03'04.'05.'06.'07.'08. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.Clara H. Taylor, 5925 Indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago. 163Railway Exchange Bldg.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin CitiesClub). Sec. Charles H. Loomis, Merchant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. LoisSutherland Spear', 2683 Morris Ave., N.Y.C.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette Griffin, South High School.Peoria, Ill. Sec., Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore., Sec., Jessie M. Short, ReedCollege.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (N orthern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 406 Montgomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,612 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec., Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.South Dakota. Sec., Anna Fastenau, SiouxFalls, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., Rock Island andMoline, IlL). . Sec., Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th' St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Mrs. Chester F. Lay,__ University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., E. G. Ham, Brandon, Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No.1 Heskett St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.V. M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell.412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Sec., Victor Hanson,Shan.ghai College.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchoel.164 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEStephen A. DouglasStephen Arnold Douglas, United States Senator from Illinois, knownas the "Little Giant," and famous in history for the Lincoln-Douglas debates, who contributed the site of the first University of Chicago. On thewall of the cloister of the Mitchell Tower group is a bronze tablet, the giftof the Class of 1901, showing a bust of Stephen A. Douglas. Below thebust is the following inscription:In honor of Stephen A. Douglas, who, in 1855, generously contributed to the foundingof the first University of Chicago, established in Chicago, this tablet is erected in June,1901, by the Decennial Class of the University of Chicago.University of ChicagoMagazineTheMARCH, 1924 No.\'01. XVI�EVENTS � .. --��COMMEN�Dean Ernest H. Wilkins, as the readers ofthe Magazine have already been informed,inaugurated a few months ago aBetter "Better Yet" campaign, the purposeYet of which is to inquire into the lead"ing and most characteristic phasesof undergraduate life and activities on theQuadrangles, to report on conditions andsuggest improvements, and, as the situationswarrant, to bring about such improvementsas may be deemed desirable and practicable.After recommendations for fields of investigation were obtained from the students, alarge number of special committees wereappointed, each committee having studentand faculty representatives. There are committees, for instance, on the distribution ofthe students' time, on development of classorganizations, the life in the dormitories, thedining halls, the social program, and manyother aspects of student life both in and outof the classroom. Some of the committeeshave already reported and made recommendations. Most of the committees, however,are still carrying on investigations in theirspecial fields.In due time the reports of all the committees and their recommendations will be in,and Dean Wilkins then will be able to drawup a report with definite improvements inmind, as based on a rather thorough studyof the various needs in the student life atChicago. Undoubtedly there is room forimprovement-there is room for improvementin such matters in any large institution wherestudent relationships arise and develop inmore or less unsystematic fashion. Already,as a result of having both students andfaculty members on the committees, a notablycloser relationship has been established be:" tween the undergraduates and the faculty.Several highly important results will be obtained from this "Better Yet" campaign:First, a better understanding and recognitionof the more fundamental phases of studentlife in a large university; and, second, asystematic and concrete, as well as generallypopular program on student life and affairs.The campaign is most timely, as it fits wellinto the aim of President Burton to "humanize" the University. Dean Wilkins is to becongratulated on the idea and its successfulprogress.* * *Within very recent years our alumni clubsthroughout the country have developedrapidly and, in the main, withGoodspeed creditable success. .During theLectures period of formation, however,it was generally felt that whatwas most needed, for more effective club organization and interest, was some programwherein the clubs could take a definite partin somewhat direct connection with the University. Many times in the last three yearsthe clubs or their officers have expressed thisneed. The Alumni Council and its ClubsCommittee are now endeavoring to presenta program in which the clubs can assumeactive and helpful responsibility-in fact,the whole success of the program will dependmostly on the effective cooperation of theclubs.A few weeks ago Professor Edgar J.Goodspeed, D.B., '97. Ph.D. '98, won immediate national recognition and distinction bythe publication of his American translation ofthe New Testament. Noli terary achievement in recent years has created so much interest and discussion. Since the publication165166 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof his now famous translation, which hasbeen printed serially by a number of newspapers in the United States and Canada, andappears now in book form as published bythe University' of Chicago Press, Dr. Goodspeed has been called upon for lectures onthis subject. In response, he has prepareda brilliant and entertaining lecture, and he isnow finding it difficult to meet the rapidlyincreasing requests for this lecture.At the last Alumni Council meeting it wassuggested that here was an opportunity forhaving this lecture presented in various citiesunder the auspices of the- alumni clubs. Thesuggestion met with hearty favor and theClubs Committee is now preparing to establish connections for the lecture with suchclubs as are willing to actively cooperate.The University is willing to allow Dr. Goodspeed to take off from his University worksuch of his time as may be necessary tofurther the project; and Dr. Goodspeed iswilling to favor the clubs and club localitiesin the matter of engagements. Such a program will enable the clubs to do a constructive piece of work in the way of "presenting" the University to their . localities.Already lectures have been arranged for inCleveland, Columbus, and Birmingham. 'Ifthe plan succeeds it may well be the forerunner of a fixed program whereby, fromtime to time, our alumni clubs will "present"the University to their communities througha lecture by some noted member of thefaculty. It might be highly desirable, for instance, to have Dr. Breasted, if his workpermits on his return from Egypt, to give alecture, and so on in a great and continuous"club series."The success of the whole plan, obviously,depends primarily on the interest and assistance of the clubs. If adopted, however, itshould be a very influential factor in achieving closer and more effective club organization and give the clubs a worthwhile aim,around which their club activities couldcenter. Mr. Henry D. Sulcer, '05, Chairmanof the Clubs Committee, tells of the planand club opportunity in this number of theMagazine.· We urge all of our club officersand club members to give this matter closeattention and we trust that their responsewill fully justify the hopes and constructiveaims of the Clubs Committee.* * *Well, we're now a month nearer AlumniDay, and this year Alumni Day comes onSaturday, June 7th-from severalJune 7th days to a week earlier than usual.We have previously commentedon the "Better Yet" campaign in progressat the University. Why not extend the spiritof that campaign beyond the walls of theQuadrangle? Our aim should be a "BetterYet" Reunion. This certainly is the aim of those who have the Reunion in charge-butthe attainment of that aim must always restwith the alumni. It will not be long beforedefinite announcements will be reaching you,in the Magazine and through the mails. Butyou know the date now-Saturday, June 7th.Reserve that week-end for Chicago, for yourclassmates and City Gtay friends. Mark yourcalendar Now!* * *As the years pass and our organized classesbecome more numerous, and the June Reunion and other alumni activitiesClass become more effective throughSecretaries class activity, the necessity forha ving strong class officers, particularly class secretaries, becomes inreasingly obvious. We have" indeed, reached atime when it might be well to form an Association of Class Secretaries. The purposeof such an association would be to bring thekey officers of each class together severaltimes a year-not merely once, just beforeReunion, as is now the case-so that mattersof class interest, organization and activitiescan be discussed and each officer derive thebenefit of discussion and contact with similarofficers in the other classes. There wouldthus grow up a "class secretaries tradition,"with the officers and the classes profitingdirectly by more systematic information onwhat had been accomplished in the past, andvaluable-guidance on successful methods inclass functions and procedure.In the March "Letter Box" appears aletter from Eli E. Palmquist, '00, D. B. '05,pointing out the desirability of building upclass interest by having the class memberswho reside in the Chicago district holdmeetings during the year. The idea is agood -one, to say the least, and should beconsidered by all of our class officers. Butprobably, to supplement that idea and betterassure its success, some organization of theclass secretaries-such as an Association ofClass Secretaries-would be most effectiveand bring quicker and surer results. If suchan association is formed, and winter meetings of the classes are held at Chicago, thesecretaries can carry back regularly to theirclasses information on what other classesare doing or seeking to do, and thus everyclass, or at least an important class nucleus,would be constantly informed on matterswhich would be of great help in shapingclass policies and steadily furthering classdevelopment.In view of the approaching Reunion andthe usual annual meeting of class officers todiscuss the Reunion program, this suggestion is offered for consideration at this time.We urge that it be taken up and given attention and that, if some such association befound desirable, it be organized this year.ALUMN AFFAIRSALUMNILexington Alumni Club OrganizedFebruary 12, 1924.M v dear Mr. Pierrot:It gives me great pleasure to inform youthat on January 16th, 1924, a meeting ofalumni and former students of the University of Chicago, who live in Lexington, washeld in the Science Building on the U niversity of Kentucky campus and the Universityof Chicago Club of Lexington, Kentucky,was organized.The following officers were elected: President: Dr. H. N. States. Ph.D. '22; VicePresident: Dr. A. W. Fortune, Ph.D. '15;Secretary- Treasurer: Professor W. LewisRoberts, J.D. '20.At this meeting eleven were present andthe names of thirty-two former students ofthe University were given to the secretary.I t is proposed to have a banquet sometimebefore the middle of May next, at which itis hoped that those in attendance may havethe pleasure of listening to someone fromthe University faculty. Owing to the factthat we have two colleges in Lexington,Transylvania and the University of Kentucky, it is very desirable to have some onewho is well known to address the club.Possibly President- Burton or Dean ShailerMathews might be coming this way sometime this spring and might be willing tostop over at Lexington. Is this at all likely?Yours very truly,W. Lewis Roberts, J.D. '20,Secretary.College of Law,University of Kentucky.President Burton Addresses Central OhioAlumni ClubPresident Ernest D. Burton was the guestof honor and speaker at the sixth annualbanquet of the Central Ohio Alumni Club,at Columbus, on Saturday, February 23rd.The banquet and meeting was held at theColumbus Athletic Club, with fifty-fouralumni and a number of guests from OhioState University present. President Burton's visit and address were greatly enjoyedby all present.In the course of his address, PresidentBurton stated that research in educationalfields will be the foundation for future life,just as pioneer research of the past has beenthe basis for the present educational pro-- gram. In commenting on the future of education he prophesied that a school of politicswill be established at the University, pointing out that if such a school were added itwould be for the development of more effi- 167AFFAIRScient and conscientious mayors, congressmen, statesmen and other politicians.Because of the widespread increasing desire for higher education which is accompanied with increasing enrollments togetherwith a lack of adequate teaching staffs, aseparation of undergraduate and graduatestudents is a necessity, Dr. Burton stated.Too much stress is being laid on figuresrelative to enrollment and graduation ofstudents-with the deplorable fact thatcloser contact between student and professoris lacking more now than ever. As a curefor this condition, he advocated an increasein the number of colleges.Dr. W. O. Thompson, President of OhioState University, one of the guests andspeakers, spoke on the necessity of interpretation in the educational program.Dean William McPherson, Ph.D., '95,Dean Alfred Vivian, Dean William E. Henderson and other prominent Ohio StateUniversity educators were guests. Dr. JoelE. Carman, Ph.D. '15, acted as toastmaster.At this meeting it was announced that, underthe auspices of the Central Ohio AlumniClub, Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed would soongive his lecture, on the translation of theNew Testament, at Columbus.Mrs. Thomas G. Phillips, ex, club secretary, William S. Harman, '00, and other clubofficers had this meeting, one of the best inthe history of the club, in charge.Washington, D. C., Alumni ClubMeetingsThe University of Chicago Alumni Clubof Washington, D. c., met on February 4,1924, in the library 'Of the Institute of Economics. Dr. William Edward Dodd talkedfor more than an hour on "Woodrow Wilsonand His Work." Between fifty and sixty enthusiastic members came out to -hear him,despite one of the stormiest nights w« havehad this winter. .With Dr. H. G. Moulton, '07, Ph. D., '15,in the chair we felt that the club had started'Off with plenty of momentum and that thernomen tum will be easilv sustained through-out the year. .Plans are almost completed for a bigdinner on March 20th for Professor Staggand the next biggest shining light of theremaining faculty that we can induce theUniversity to spare for us for the occasion.We are very much "alive" this year andour club affairs are moving fast.Bertha Henderson, '10,Secretary.168 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChicago Alumnae Club Bulletin forSpring and Winte'r Quarter, 1924General Club MeetingsTuesday, March 4-8 p. m.-Lecure byMr. Ernest Hatch Wilkins on "Humanizingthe College," at the Chicago College Club,153 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago.Saturday, April 5-Annual Meeting andLuncheon, at the Cordon, 410 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago.Annual Reports and Election of VicePresident, Treasurer and one delegate tothe Alumni Council.Mrs. Marion Chase Schaeffer will entertain with a program.Luncheon at $1.50 per plate will be servedpromptly at 1 p. m. Reservations for luncheon must be made in writing by April 1st toMrs. Harold Miller, Social Chairman, carethe Cordon, 410 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.Saturday, May 10-,2 :30 p. m.-Children'sParty; at Ida Noyes Hall, at WoodlawnAvenue and the Midway, for members' children up to high school age.Separate entertainment for the little children in charge of Miss Priscilla Kinsman;for the older children, a program in thetheatre, including lantern pictures; tea formothers and other members-of the AlumnaeClub in the second floor reception rooms.Saturday, June 7-Alumni Day-AlumnaeBreakfast in Ida Noyes Hall.Special MeetingsSunday, February 10-3 p. m.-Ida NoyesHall. Tea to the senior girls and theirparents from Chicago Normal School,Bowen, Calumet, Englewood, Fen g e r,Flower, Hyde Park, Morgan Park, Parkerand Phillips high schools. 'Hostesses: Miss Hazel L. Stillman, MissRuth Hostetler and the alumnae on thefaculty of the various schools.Wednesday, February 27-8 p. m.-Openmeeting of the National Committee of Collegiate Bureaus, at the Chicago College Club,153 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Speakerson vocational subjects.Friday, February 29-3 :30 p. m.-Openmeeting of the National Committee of Collegiate Bureaus of Occupations at Ida NoyesHall. The undergraduate women have beeninvited.Presiding Officer. Miss Helen Norris; vicePresident of the Chicago Collegiate Bureau.. Speakers: Miss Emma Hirth, of theBureau of Vocational Information, NewYork; Miss Florence Jackson, of the Women's Industrial and Educational Union,Boston; Miss Ruth Stone, Chief of theWomen's Service Bureau, Western ElectricCompany, Chicago.Sunday, March 9---,-3 p. m.-Ida NoyesHall. Tea to the senior girls and theirparents from Austin, Harrison, Hibbard, Lindblom, Marshall, McKinley and Medillhigh schools.Hostesses: Miss Mary E. Courtney, MissRuth Hostetler and the alumnae on thefaculties of the various schools ..Wednesday, March 12-3 p. m.- WestSuburban Branch. Meeting at the residenceof Mrs. Ralston Lewis, 229 N. Cuyler Ave.,Oak Park.Miss Kathleen Foster will speak on IrishPlays and Folk Songs.Sunday, April 6-3 p. m.-Ida Noyes Hall.Tea to the senior girls and their parentsfrom Lake View, Schurz, Senn, Tuley andWaller high schools.Ho�tesses: Mrs. Laurie R. Frazeur, MissRuth Hostetler and the alumnae on thefaculties of the various schools.Saturday, April 12-3 p. m.-Ida NoyesHall. Tea to the senior girls of the OakPark High School, under the auspices ofthe West Suburban Branch of the AlumnaeClub.Mrs. Ralston Lewis, chairman in charge.Sunday, May 4-3 p. m.-Ida Noyes Hall.Tea to the senior girls and their parentsfrom Blue Island, Evanston, Joliet, Mortonand Thornton high schools.Hostesses: Miss Nancy Oglevee, MissRuth Hostetler and the alumnae on thefaculties of the various schools.Wednesday, May 14- West SuburbanBranch. Annual election of officers. Meeting at the residence of Mrs. V. M. Huntington, 233 Ashland Ave., River Forest, Illinois.AnnouncementsALUMNAE ATHLETIC CLASSES. IdaNoyes Hall. Thursday afternoons and evenings during the winter and spring quarters.Swimming, bowling, rythmics and folkdancing.Spring quarter begins April 3, charge forclasses is made in addition to Alumnae Clubdues; $3:00 for one class and $4.00 for morethan one. This additional charge is necessary in order to cover locker fees, and othernecessary incidental costs.Registration should be made in advanceby mail and accompanied by check to MissReba Mackinnon, chairman, 5455 GreenwoodAve., Chicago.THURSDAY AFTERNOON WEEKLYTEAS. Every Thursday afternoon the clubserves tea in the Alumnae Room in IdaNoyes Hall to visiting alumnae and theirguests, Miss Charlotte Foye, chairman.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS OCCUF once each month, generally onthe first Wednesday evening of the month.Any communications to the Executive Committee, which consists of the officers andcommittee chairmen of the club, should bein the hands of the secretary by the first ofthe month.ALUMNI AFFAIRSNOMINATING COMMITTEE requestssuggestions for the offices of vice-president,treasurer and delegate to the Alumni Council. Address the chairman, Mrs. Charles G.Higgins, 203 Forest Avenue, Oak Park,Illinois.Nominations may also be made from thefloor of the annual meeting.FINANCIAL NOTE: The general activities of the club are maintained out of dues,but the club carries in addition a philanthropic budget to cover a four-quarterscholarship at $75.00 per quarter, and contributions to the. Chicago Collegiate Bureauof Occupations and the University of Chicago Settlement. This philanthropic budgetis made possible only through the annualvoluntary contributions of members.To maintain efficiency and to keep downexpenses, this one bulletin has been preparedto cover a full half year. There may be nomore notices until June.NOTICE is given that amendments tothe by-laws may be proposed at the annualmeeting on April 5, 1924, which may includean increase in the amount of the annual. dues.Mrs. F. B. Huebenthal, Secretary.4119 Washington Blvd.,Chicago.Two meetings of Massachusetts AlumniProfessors Soares and Manly SpeakersThe presence of Professor TheodoreSoares, in Boston as University preacher atHarvard, became the occasion for a luncheonmeeting 0.£ the Massachusetts Alumni Association of the University of Chicago onJanuary 19. Professor Soares brought usthe first direct word we had received of thepolicies, organization and plans under President Burton,. and we eagerly heard hisreports of the new and creative. enthusiasmat the University. Thirty-two members andguests were present.On February 2 we again met, this timeto hear Professor John M. Manly, who waspresent in Boston as lecturer for the LowellInstitute. Twenty-eight of us sat down toluncheon, and heard Professor Manly tellof the present needs of the University, particularly that for greater support from thealumni body in contributions (howeversmall) for specific purposes, such as thepurchase of special pieces of laboratoryequipment, and of particular manuscripts orbooks for the libraries.Both meetings brought us into far closertouch with the University and increased ourpride in its accomolishments.At the first of these meetings we took acensus of activities of those present, theresults of which I enclose for use as theMagazine sees fit.. Pauline Lehrburger, '17,Secretary. 169TIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-,III-IIU-IlI1-IIII-IIU-UU-IIII-tl+I Goodspeed-Club Lectures I+n-III1-IIM-IIU-lIn-lIn-nn-AM-IIlI-IIII-lin-nll-IIM-nn-weleIt is only a few weeks since the first announcement of Dr. Edgar Goodspeed'stranslation of the New Testament waspublished, but already his fame has spreadfrom coast to coast.Since the appearance of the Translation,Dr. Goodspeed has been in constant demandto appear personally before such groups inChicago as the University Club, City Club,Hamilton Club, Fortnightly and manysimilar organizations.' His lecture, which isentitled "Why I Translated' the New Testarnent," is more than just a record of anachievement in a scholarly field. Dr. Goodspeed is witty, he has applied his learning toa practical problem and his personality andstory carry conviction. More than once theverdict from those who have heard him hasbeen "The most inspiring lecture I haveheard in years."The Alumni Club's Committee and theAlumni Council desire to give the AlumniClubs throughout the country an opportunity to hear Dr. Goodspeed and the University has consented to release him from hisclassroom for the necessary time during thespring quarter to appear under the auspicesof local Alumni Clubs. Already Cleveland,Columbus and Birmingham have datesscheduled and it is suggested that AlumniClubs or groups of Alumni desiring to haveDr. Goodspeed appear in their cities writeimmediately to the Alumni Clubs Committeein care of the Alumni office for complete details of the plan and open dates.As it is desirable to arrange for Dr.Goodspeed's engagements in April andMay, Alumni should arrange immediatelyfor definite date for the lecture.Henry D. Sulcer, '05.Chairman, Clubs Committee.Alumni Secretary Meets Wisconsin AlumniAlumni Secretary A. G. Pierrot was aspecial guest at the Seventy-fifth Ariniversary Celebration of the University of Wisconsin held on February 9th, at the HotelLa Salle, by the Wisconsin Alumni aridAlumnae Clubs of Chicago. On February29th Secretary Pierrot addressed the Wisconsin Alumni Club of Chicago at a luncheon meeting at the Palmer House Hotel.These invitations were deeply appreciated,and afforded opportunity for furthering thefine relations between the two universitiesand discussion of alumni relationships.170 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBig Ten Clubs Meeting at ClevelandUnder the leadership and auspices of theBig Ten Club of Cleveland, there was agathering of Big Ten alumni at Cleveland on,Friday and Saturday, February 15 and 16,to consider the matter of development ofBig Ten clubs throughout the country andthe advisability of forming an enlarged organization in which such clubs could takepart. Benjamin C. Boer (Iowa), presidentof the Cleveland Big Ten Club, presidedover. the conferences.The club representatives present were:H. R. Brady (Ohio State) of Pittsburgh; J.Leo Scanlon (Iowa) and E. H. Hagstrom(Purdue) of Buffalo; M. P. Bensley (Michigan) and C. H. Buckingham (Wisconsin) ofNiagara Falls; B. C. Boer (Iowa) andArman L. Merriam (Chicago) of Cleveland.The following university representatives andalumni secretaries were present as visitors:President W. O. Thompson, Ohio StateUniversity; Dean C. M. Thompson, University of Illinois; Professor J. F. A. Pyre,University of Wisconsin, and secretary ofthe Western Conference; W. A. Alexander,Librarian, Indiana University; the AlumniSecretaries present were, J. L. Morrill, OhioState University, E. C. Von Tress, Jr., Indiana, and A. G. Pierrot, Chicago.The discussion centered mainly aroundtwo questions-as to whether some form ofnational Big Ten organization is desirable,and, if so, whether it is desirable at thistime. After considering various angles inthe two-day conferences, it was felt generally that there was some question as towhether any form of national organizationis needed. In view of the small attendanceand limited representation, it was the generalopinion, also, that no definite action shouldbe taken at this conference. A committeewas appointed, however, to take the matterunder consideration for a year, during whichtime it was hoped to obtain more definiteinformation and representative opinions fromsuch Big Ten clubs as are now, or arebeing organized, and from the alumni secretaries and the universities interested. TheBig Ten Club of Cleveland offers its services to any Big Ten club on advice as toits organization and program. The conference closed with a plan to hold a similarmeeting at Cleveland next year, for furtherdiscussion and consideration of Big Tenclub developments.The sessions closed with the Third AnnualBanquet of the Cleveland Club, at the Winton Hotel, on Saturday night, February 16th.There was a gathering of over 100 alumniat the banquet. Attorney Luther Day(Michigan), of Cleveland. presided. Thespeakers were: President Walter A. Jessup,Universitv of Iowa: President W. O. Thompson, Ohio State University; Dean C. M.Thompson, Illinois; Professor ]. F. Pyre,Wisconsin: W. A. Alexander, Indiana: A. G.Pierret, Chicago; and A. P. Baston, Minnesota. The speakers dwelt upon the increas- ing alumni relationships and responsibilities,the marked and significant growth of western educational institutions, and alumnicooperation on proper development of athletic interests. During the dinner the songsof the various universities were sung and ahigh spirit of college pleasantries prevailed.Throughout the conference the ClevelandClub, which occupies attractive club roomsat 1620 Euclid Avenue, proved a cordial host.It should be called to the attention of BigTen alumni everywhere that whenever theyare in Cleveland they are always welcome todrop in and visit the Cleveland Big TenClub rooms.Invitation to Alumni to Attend New YorkBig Ten Dinner and Chicago LuncheonI am writing to let you know of the BigTen Dinner to be held in the Hotel Astor,Friday evening, March 21st.Mr. Stagg will be in New York at thattime and has consented to be one of thespeakers. It is probable that PresidentAngell of Yale and Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip(Ex-Chicago) will also speak.I hope that this advance notice will reachmen who are in Philadelphia, New England,and within traveling distance of New York,and that they may make plans to be present.I t is our presen t in ten tion to have, also, aspecial Chicago luncheon for Mr. Stagg thatnoon, March 21st, probably holding it inthe new Fraternity Clubs Building at Madison A ven ue and 38th Street.All Chicago men will be welcome at bothmeetings, especially at noon, and, if theywill send their names in to me I shall' beglad to see that the necessary reservationsare made. Yours very truly,Lawrence McGregor, '16.Halsey, Stuart & Co.,14 Wall Street, New York City.Denver Alumni Hold .Two MeetingsM v dear Mr. Pierrot:i presume that you will be glad to knowthat Mr. and Mrs. Lawton A. Gilbert, whosedaughter, Beatrice, is a recent graduate ofthe University of Chicago, and who are nowresidents of Denver', entertained the U niversity of Chicago Alumni at their home theevening of 'Wednesday, February 13th, inhonor of Dr. Otis Caldwell, formerly of theUniversity, and now of Columbia.We also had a surprise in finding DeanDavid Robertson in Denver last Saturday,and entertaining him at luncheon. Wecertainly spent a few delightful hours. overour noon day lunch; and it was our expressed desire that we should have morelike apportunities afforded us.For your information, Mr. Robertson explained to us why we did not hear of hiscoming beforehand.With kind regards, I amYours very truly, Frederick Sass, '01.(Continued on page 195)CHICAGO DEANS 171+U_AU_ltn_IIH_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIIl_IIII_ltQ_I,tt_ulI_Hn-1I11-lltl-lin-lIn-II-II .. -IIII-IIII-IIH-III-lln-HU-IlH-nll-UI_ •• +! i':.1 � Chicago Deans �,11:� "They Lead and Serve" �!, i�NU-lla-SlII-N,II�IIII_tllI""'IiIII_IIII_IIII_UII_U"_I_tllI_lln_tla_IIH_Mn_ •• _.tI_lIn_ntl_U"_all_IIlI_lln_IIII_III1_MU_.II_I.I"�II+Dean William S. Gray, '13,Ph.D. '16Dean William S. Gray, '13, Ph.D. '16If inheritance, experience and backgroundare necessary for success in the field of Education, certainly Dean Gray of the School ofEducation is thoroughly qualified. Althougha comparatively young man he has hadmany years and wide variety of experiencein educational work, covering the teachingprofession from rural schools to universities.William Scott Gray was born at Coatsburg, Illinois, on June 5th,1885. His father had beena teacher for twenty-fiveyears, later engaged inbus i n e s s, and he is atpresent a member of theIllinois State Senate. William Gray obtained hisgrammar school educationin his native town, and hishigh school education inthe Map lew 0 0 d HighSchool at Camp Point,Illinois. In 1904-5 he wasa rural school teacher, andfrom 1905 to 1908 wasprincipal of a v i l l ageschool at Fowler, Illinois.He entered the IllinoisState Normal Universityat Normal in 1908, whichinstitution he attended fortwo years and in whichduring the next two yearshe was principal of theTraining School.As an undergraduate Gray was mainly interested in debating and literary activities.At lllinois State Normal University he wasa member of the Cicero Debating Societyand of the Wrightonian Literary Society.He was also a member of the Musical Club.At the University of Chicago he became amember of Phi Eta and of Phi Delta Kappafraternities; he is at present National President of the latter fraternity.In 1912 he came to the University of Chicago, where he received the S. B. degree in1913. He obtained his A. M. degree at Columbia University the following year. Hereturned to Chicago in 1914, as assistant inEducation, and continued his graduatestudies. In 1915 he was appointed instructorin Education, and in 1916 he obtained hisdoctor's degree at Chicago. The same yearhe was appointed Assistant Dean of theCollege of Education, and in the followingyear, 1917, he was appointed Dean and Assistant Professor. In 1918 he was appointed Associate Professor and in 1921 Professorof Education. His services as Dean covera period of almost seven years.Dean Gray has become a national authority on the problems of Reading in theschools. He is frequently called to citiesthroughout the country to examine and report upon the teaching of Reading in thelocal schools and to lecture on the place ofreading in the pupil's training and educa-tional progress. He isoften called upon to makerecommendations for improvement in reading conditions, special cases ofdifficulties in reading, andfor more effective methodsof teaching reading in theschools. He has publishedStudies of ElementarySchool Reading ThroughStandardized Tests, in 1916,Remedial Cases in Reading.' Their Diagnosis andTreatment, in 1922, andsome supplementary educational monographs.On September 14, 1921,he married Beatrice Warner Jardine, of Kenvil,New Jersey.Dean Gray is a memberof the National Educational Association, theAmerican Association forthe Advancement of Science, the NationalAssociation of Directors of Educational Research, and a member of the Quadrangleand University clubs. He has been activefor some years in developing Alumni organization, interests and activities, and was oneof the organizers of our School of EducationAlumni Association. He is an interestingand effective speaker and has addressed anumber of Alumni gatherings, more particularly in connection with Alumni meetings held at conventions of state teachersassociations.Concerning the Alumni he states: "Thequality of the work done by an institution isreflected to a large extent by the success ofits graduates. It is very gratifying to notefrom year to year that an increasingly largenumber of Chicago alumni are holding positions of leadership in American education.We rejoice in the progress of our formerstudents and wish for them all the largestmeasure of success."1�2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEW"S OF THEQUADRANGLESSenior Mustache Race Begins SoonFebruary has been a particularly signifi- _cant month on the Quadrangles, with atleast five important changes in the routineof the campus _ being made or proposed.The Daily Maroon, the daily newspaper of theo niversity, enlarged its size from five columns to six, which has resulted in the publication of a paper one-third larger than before; two of the "Better Yet" committeesmade radical proposals for changes whichmet with the approval of Dean Ernest HatchWilkins; the Navy Department of the UnitedStates announced that it contemplated moving its graduate naval school at Annapolisto the campus here; and the UndergraduateCouncil definitely adopted the Hare systemof proportional balloting, which was introduced in the Junior class elections - for theUndergraduate Council. The WashingtonProm, the Freshman-Sophomore Prom,Portfolio, definite announcement of thechanged names for the Blackfriars show,and preliminary tryouts for the 1924 showalso occupied the period.Russell Pierce, the Managing Editor, andHoward Landau, Business Manager, werechiefly responsible for the enlarged MaroonThis has been their ambition ever since theyfirst assumed office at the beginning of thefall Quarter, and they reached the culmination Tuesday, February 26, when the sixcolumn issue first appeared. The institution of a daily summary of world events,and of an experienced editorial board with adefinite editorial policy are two of the newfeatures which have already caused muchfavorable comment among the students.The "Better Yet" committee studying thematter of the appointing of undergraduatesto positions on the Board of Student Organizations reported favorably to Dean Wilkins and suggested that a clause be addedto the statutes of the University providingthat the President appoint two students toplaces on this board from a group of fourselected by the Undergraduate Council. Already this measure has passed the Boarditself and the University Senate. I twillcome up for the sanction of the Board ofTrustees at its next meeting. Another committee. reporting on the reorganization of the Honor Commission, suggested a body consisting of six faculty andsix undergraduates to handle matters of student honor. The situation has not beendefinitely decided as yet, as the suggestionis still under consideration. The "BetterYet" committee on the distribution of students' time has reported with a questionnaire which Dean Wilkins has required everyone enrolled in any of the colleges to fillout. From it, the Dean hopes to tabulatevaluable data which may be of use in anynumber of ways. The addition of a Schoolof Music will also be considered after questionnaires concerning such a school havebeen turned in.The announcement of the intention of theNavy to remove its graduate school herefrom Annapolis came as a decided surprise,as none of the University authorities hadheard anything of it. But in a bulletin issued to a Washington paper, several weeksago, the announcement was tentatively confirmed, and it seems only a matter of timebefore the University will hear of it officially, one way or another.The Hare system of voting threw_ thecampus into "chaos", in that it absolutelybroke up all "political" combinations. Because of the successful way in which itworked, it will probably be used in all classelections hereafter.Five men from the Junior class and fourwomen were nominated for the Council.Kenneth Laird and John Abraham, for themen, and Martha Smart for the women,were elected. Don Irwin, Edward Wilson,and Erling Dorf were the defeated candidates among -the men, Catherine Rawson,Gladys Walker and Margaret Viberts amongthe women. The newly elected membersimmediately took their places on the Council. Election of the president for next yearfor which Laird and Abraham alone are eli�gible, will be held early in the spring Quarter. At present, Joseph Duggan, famousguard on the basket ball team, is president."So Long Susan" has been chosen as thenew name for the Blackfriars - show in theplace of "The Potion of Passion". In thepreliminary tryouts under the direction ofHamilton Coleman, Friars show directorextraordinary, forty-five men wen' tentatively retained to be given parts in the cast.Two men will be allotted to each character,and the better of the two will make theshow in the elimination tests soon to come.(Continued on Page 197)ATHLETICSMaroon conference title hopes, which havehad more ups and downs this year than anexpress elevator, took another sensationalrise when the Varsity triumphed over theinvading Purdue Boilermakers in the returngame with the LaFayettemen played onBartlett floor. The final score was 35-21and the Maroons were at no time in dangeror even pressed. Capt. Campbell Dickson,playing his last game on the home floor,was the outstanding star of the crucial combat, scoring six field goals and one freethrow, for a total of 13 points. His firstcame seven seconds after the opening whistle and gave the Maroons a lead which theynever lost. Duggan, at guard, clung like aburr to Spradling, Purdue's star basketshooter, while Weis, at the other defensiveposition, pushed the whole Boilermaker teamaround like so many chess men. For thefirst time since the Wisconsin game theMaroons actually hit their stride.As a result of the Purdue contest theMaroons remain on top of the Big Ten, andwith any kind of luck should win the Conference championship. Just prior to thePurdue contest, all hopes of the Varsity hadbeen dashed to the ground by a one pointdefeat at the hands of Michigan in a hardfought game played on the Wolverine floor.The Ann Arbor men bewildered the Maroons from the start and took a big lead,. with the result that when the Varsity stageda whirlwind rally shortly before the end ofthe game, it was cut short by the final gun,with the score 24-23 and the Maroons on theshort end. Barnes, Varsity ace, was suffering from a Charley horse at the time,and aside from being slow in his plays,missed three out of five free throws.The Michigan game would have beenthe final spike in the Varsity coffin and madea tie for the leadership the best they couldhave possibly hoped for had not Purdue, onthe same night. dropped a high scoring gameto the lowly but rejuvenated Iowans, who,led by the brilliant Heine Jensen, rang upforty points to the Boilermakers' 31.While the floor basketmen were still worrying about their final conference rating, theMaroon waterbasketmen went out and wonthe conference title by trimming Wisconsinin the final game of the season at Wisconsinby an 8 to 6 score. The victory over the Badgertankmen, coming after the Varsity's brilliant21-0 win over the Hawkey's in a meet at IowaCity. successfully closed-one of the most brilliant seasons in the history of the Maroonwatercagers, John Merriam and �'Mike"(Continued on page 197) tll_an_ .. _ .. _ln_UN_N._II._UI_IIII_'II_.U_R .. _IN_I+f The National Interscholastic Ii Basketball Tournament f+11-JlU-IU-lu-aU-I.-IIII-IIII-IIII-lln-llu_all_ •• _aa_ll+More than five hundred high school basketball stars, together with their coaches,trainers, and supporters, from all parts ofthe nation will travel an aggregate of morethan forty thousand miles this year to cometo Chicago in order to participate in theNational Interscholastic Basketball Tournament to be held at the University April 1-5.State champions from practically everystate in the union, as well as a few otherleading teams with exceptional records, willattend the tournament which decides thehigh school champions of the country. Because of the high calibre of the competitionand the large number of teams in the tourney plans are being formulated this seasonto run a consolation tourney in addition tothe regular championship meet. All teamslosing out in the first round will form asecond flight which will play through for aconsolation championship for which trophieswill be awarded the same as in the regulartourney. During the first part of the weekgames will be run off both at Bartlett gymand on the floor of the Chicago Y. M. C. A.college .Leading teams from all parts of the country from California to Maine have alreadysignified their intention of taking part inthe tournament if invitations are forthcoming from the University. Coach Herbert(Fritz) Crisler, who is managing the affairfor the University, is limiting the bids tostate "champs", however, and all teams applying for invitations are being advised toparticipate in their state tournament· if theywish to be sure of a place in the National.Among the leading teams billed to takepart is the Windsor, Colorado, five. Thewesterners have lost but one' game in thepast two years, and that game was to theKansas City team in last season's Interscholastic at Chicago. Charlestown HighSchool, the diminutive team which put upsuch a wonderful fight to get into the semifinals last year, is another team which iscoming on well again this year and seemslikely to repeat in the National. The SouthCarolina boys have cleaned up most everything in their own state and in addition havetaken teams from several neighboring statesinto camp.State tournaments are now going on in(Continued on page 197)174 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEE�llllIIlIllIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIlh"IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUlUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIllIUIIDHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H1�I Fl. The Letter Box .. � �I� � ��IHIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllmll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIlIlIlIltIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIllIU!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU1I111111111111111111�IIII11H11II11II1I1II1I"III11IUIUUHItIl ••And Entirely Without SolicitationFebruary 28, 1924.Gentlemen:I enclose herewith my check in the sumof $20.00, being for final installment on subscription of $100.00 to the Alumni Fund.I would like to make an additional subscription in the sum of $500.00 payable $50.00per annum commencing 1925.Very truly yours,Charles Leviton, '09, J. D. '11.Appreciation of Letters to AlumniFebruary 20, 1924.Editor,University of Chicago Magazine.Dear Sir:I wish to say a word of appreciation ofthe letters to the Alumni from PresidentBurton and "Teddy" Linn.I recall that one of the last acts of President Harper was an endeavor to bring theAlumni into closer contact with the affairsof the University. Shortly before his deathhe invited representatives of each class tomeet him at dinner to discuss the question.There was a very spirited discussion at thedinner, and some of the suggestions weremade subjects for further consideration atanother dinner to be held shortly thereafter.A date was fixed, but before it arrived President Harper was overtaken by his fatal illness, and the adjourned meeting was neverheld.I know that in the meantime much hasbeen done by the University and Alumni tobring about closer relations, but I think therecent letters represent the most concertedeffort made in that direction since the movement inaugurated by President Harper. Ithink that the letters, bringing informationin a personal, intimate way about what isgoing on at the University, will mean muchto all the Alumni.Very truly yours,Harry N. Gottlieb, '00.'Chicago, Illinois.On the Matter of Alumni ContributionsEvanston, Illinois,February 10, 1924.Dear Mr. Pierrot:On my return from a business trip, I findyour thoughtful letter of January 25, and Ijust wish you to know how genuinely I appreciate your letter, and the consideration'which you gave to' the open letter I wrote you under date of December 6, and "Hi"Kennicott's report of the 25th Anniversarydinner of Chi Psi at the University.All that I desire, or that any members ofmy fraternity desire, in giving to you Mr.Stagg's thought, is that some plan acceptable to the majority of the alumni be put intoeffect. I truly believe that most of us wouldwelcome an opportunity to make an annualpledge to the University, and it gives methe greatest pleasure to know that committees have various plans under consideration.That you will decide upon the best plan, Ihave no doubt, and that you will accomplishsomething really worth-while for the University and its alumni in such plan, I amcertain.May I tell you also how much I enjoyreading the Alumni Magazine, and howhappy I am always when a new numbercomes to .rrie.Believe me always, with' kindest regards,Very sincerely,Lees Ballinger, '02.To President Burton-Class OrganizationThe Philadelphia Federation of Churches, February 6, 1924.My dear President Burton:I t is a source of constant pleasureto someof us to know that you are the Presidentof our great institution. Almost a quarterof a century separates me from the dayswhen I lived on the campus and sat at yourfeet and that of your colleagues, but distanceis constantly lending enchantment to thosefellowships and those days.I am particularly anxious about the activities of our Alumni Council. I feel a greatresponsibility should be assumed by thatgroup, a responsibility that should. expressitself in a serious effort to bring togethertwo or three times a year in addition to theJune Commencement the members of eachclass that are in the neighborhood of Chicago. They can thus develop a greater classcohesion, and at the same time become areal asset to the Institution itself.As I wrote to the Alumni Magazine sometime ago, I think it would be a good publicity investment if the University itself putsome money in such an enterprise.Here in Philadelphia we are, trying to revive the old Alumni Club. We have not setthe date of our meeting, but I am writing toask when next you are to be en route toNew York for the Atlantic Seaboard if youcannot swing off from the train, drop in toour meeting, which would be called to suitUNIVERSITY NOTESyour convenience, and give us a messagethat would greatly stir our local Alumni.If Mrs. Palmquist knew that I were writing she would surely send her love.Kindest regards to Mrs. Burton and yourself., Sincerely,Eli E. Palmquist ('0'0, ['.B. '(5),Executive Secretary.A Correction-About the Early GamesDear Pierrot:I have just been reading in the Januarynumber of the Alumni Magazine and findan article headed "Amusing Events of EarlyFootball Days." It is not essential that youmake corrections in the magazine, but inaccuracy in statements always gives me asort of shock, so I am transferring thatshock unto you and particularly for yourpersonal information.Since you are. regarded as the source ofall information, I want you to be informedthat Chicago played two games with Illinoisin 1892, the first of which Chicago won 10-4and the second she lost 12-28. I played inthe first game but a few days before thefinal game in signal practice McGillivray,left half, ran into me in such a way as tosprain my ankle, so I served as referee in,the final game and still I let Illinois win it!Still another correction was that the Michigan game was played at Toledo and not atAnn Arbor.For your information, the correct scoresfor 1892 were as follows:Oct. 22, 1892-Chicago, 0; N orthwestern, O.Nov. 2nd-Chicago, 4; Northwestern, 6.Played at Evanston.Nov. 5-Chicago, 18; Lake Forest, 18.Nov. 12-Chicago, 10; Michigan, 18. Playedat Toledo.Nov. 16-Chicago, 10; Illinois, 4.Nov. 19-Chicago, 0; Purdue, 38. Played atLafayette.Nov. 24-Chicago, 12; Illinois, 28. Playeda t Champaign.The reason the first game was so late inthe season was that it took time to, arrangeour schedule and get the team. It took threeweeks to get a team and a schedule.The University opened on Saturday, Oct.1st, and Monday, Oct. 3rd, 1892, marked theinitial football practice of the University ofChicago. .Sincerely,A. A. Stagg.Again Concerning Women Class PresidentsJanuary 29, 1,924.Dear Dean Talbot:I had not noticed the statement concerning the choice of a woman as president ofthe Junior Class because I hcve been tied upwith examination papers. I can not say thatthat statement is incorrect. In 1911 when Iwas made vice-president of the Senior Class, 175I found that only once before had a womanheld that office; Helen Sunny hc.d been vicepresident of the Senior Class in 1908. As faras it concerned other than the senior classes,I am not certain. I do know that the greatargument that the men in our class gaveagainst my election as vice-president wasthat it would set a precedent and that thereafter there was likelihood that the class offices would go to two men and two womeninstead of three men and one woman. As amatter of fact, I believe that the vice-presidency of the Senior Class since has beengenerally held by a woman. Beyond that Ican not say. Of course, I was acting president for two weeks while Vallee Appel wassick.The tea party which you and Miss Breckinridge gave in Washington during the Holidays was a great joy. It was indeed apleasure to see both of vou and so manyother University of Chicago people, also.The new year is going very happily forme; I hope it is equally happy for you.Loyally,Mollie Ray Carroll, '11.Goucher College,, Baltimore, Maryland."Such Honors Weren't for Women"The New York Times of February 5th had,under the above caption, the following editorial on the subject of women class presidents at the University:"Recent protests against what was calledthe failure of co-educational colleges to coeducate-e-tc put the boys and girls, that is,on a real equality for all college activitiesseem to be justified by a sad tale that comesfrom the University of Chicago."There it has come to be the invariablecustom for all the class Presidents to bemen and all the Vice Presidents to' bewomen. That, in itself, is one of the discriminations against which complaint wasmade, but still worse is it that when at theUniversity of Chicago this year three classPresidents, sophomore, junior and senior,were compelled to step out of their proudpositions, a truly dreadful thing happened.Were the Vice Presidents allowed to takethe places of the departed, which is whatVice Presidents are supposed to do automatically and to be what they are for? Nota tall! The thought that commencementwith all its joys and glories is approachingcame instantly to the minds of the masculine students, and immediately it was decidedthat it never would do to let feminine officials lead the classes at such a time."The remedy promptly was found in thecalling of special elections, a thing of which,apparently, there would have been nothought had the class Vice Presidents beenboys instead of girls. To the latter anhonor was accorded while it was expectedto be empty, but when it ceased to be emptyit was taken away."176 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUrges Vocational Counselling in CollegeMy dear Mr. Pierrot:Thank you for. your letter of October 30,with the information regarding the AlumniMagazine. I am inclosing a check for $2.00,which will cover my membership dues andmy subscription to the Magazine for theyear 1924.My experience with the Federal Board forVocational Education, and as Personnel Di. rector for the Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation, has afforded me an opportunity totalk with many hundreds of university menand women. This experience has borne inupon me the necessity for inducing students,during their college days, to give very serious consideration to the requirements of theworking world, at the time they are selecting their courses.The University could do no greater service than to ·provide vocational counsellorsto advise with the students about the various occupations and professions, and thebest courses to take, with the idea of preparation for the business and industrial world.Such counselling as is being given at thepresent time is inadequate, and as a result,many students on leaving the university, areregretting the poor selection they have madeof courses.Cordially yours,George A. Deveneau, '12,Director of Personnel and Research.Reuben H. Donnelley Corp.,Chicago, Illinois.Real Alumni Spirit-He Is EligibleJanuary 30, 1924,Chicago, Illinois.Dear Mr. Pierrot:I received your serial letter sent underdate of January 24 to the various Chicagoalumni.If I thought this communication referredto me, I certainly would feel somewhat disappointed in myself. I did not know that Iwas eligible for membership in the AlumniAssociation of the University of Chicago. Iwas at the University for three years in theScientific Department but did not graduate.I obtained my letter in football.In 1900 I went to the University of Michigan and obtained my degree in MechanicalEngineering and have belonged for manyyears to the Michigan Alumni Association.If I am eligible for membership to yourAlumni organization, I would be verypleased to join as I have the greatest respectfor Mr. Stagg and have a great many warmpersonal friends who are graduates or onthe faculty.There may have been some mistake insending this comm nication to me but if Iam eligible I would be glad to sign up forlife membership.Awaiting your reply, I amYours very truly,Edward P. Rich. Concerning the Debating Teams SituationTo the Editor,Alumni Magazine:In view of the statements concerning thisyear's debates in the "News of the Quadrangles" last month, in which your correspondent said that the teams were "rentwith internal dissension" and that "severalmembers resigned", we feel called upon tostate the facts .No one "resigned" from the team. One ofthe members of the negative squad becameill, had to undergo an operation, and wasprevented by doctor's orders from debating.A second member was declared ineligible bythe registrar's office, and in addition his debating work proved unsatisfactory. Thework of a third member of the negativesquad was unsatisfactory, he failing even todevelop an acceptable constructive speech orto make a showing which would have justified the coaches in sending him againstMichigan. The second and third membersof the squad did not write letters to thestudent paper "resigning" until nearly aweek after we had removed them for theabove reasons. .With only two weeks' preparation thenegative team put up an excellent fightagainst Michigan, losing by a 2 to 1 decision,,while the affirmative team defeated Northwestern in Mandel Hall.Homer Hoyt; J.D., '18,Royal E. Montgomery, M.A., '23.(University Debate Coaches.)When Football Was an "Indoor Sport"Dear Mr. Pierrot :I have just received a letter from JonathanE. Webb, one of our old football players,concerning the death of Dr. Robert N.Tooker. In it he mentions that he has sentyou a copy of his letter concerning Tooker.I am writing to correct the mistake as tothe year Tooker played football and won his"C". He was a member of the 1896 footballteam and not the 1897.Bobby, as the boys called him, made hisgreatest reputation in the Thanksgiving D�ygarr.e with Michigan which was played 111, the old coliseum on 63rd Street. That yearMichigan had a famous 205-lb. guard namedCarr and I remember that I was very muchconcerned about Bobby's ability to handlehim because Bobby was quite young andcomparatively inexperienced and was outweighed about 30 lbs. The boy, however,rose to the emergency and played a gameof which we were all proud. I rememberBobby telling me after the game how ratherearly in the game he had gotten an especially good head charge on Carr and puthim out of the play and Carr, who had notpaid much attention to him before that,looked at him and said, "That was a damnedgood poke, young fellow." Chicago won thegame 7 to 6.Sincerely, A. A. Stagg.THE LETTER BOXOld University Echoes=-From IndiaAbout College PapersDear Mr. Pierrot:Did I ever tell you that I was one of thepublishers of the "Volante," the paper thatwas published by the students of the OldUniversity? When I joined the Universityin September, 1868, the students maintaineda, publication that appeared once a year, inmagazine form, bearing the ponderous andweighty name of "T.he Index Universitatus."It was about as ponderous in matter as inname, as I recollect the publication, afterhalf a century.Several men, of whom I think three wereBreckenridge, Barker, and Weston, all of '70,started a new paper named "The CollegeTimes." That was a private publication, begun in opposition to the Index. That didnot suit the student body and it was decidedlo try again. That time the Students Association took the. matter up and other menwere named, but of the editors I only recallClark of my class. Davidson of mv classand I were the publishers and we selectedthe firm to do our printing, that had thereputation for doing the best work in Chicago, in their day. Clark and Davidsonha ve both been dead many years. Theselection of a name gave us some troublebut we took the Latin word "volo" and made"Volant e." How long it lived I do not know,but it was still being issued when I wasgraduated in '72. .Yours sincerely,Frank H. Levering, '72',Phonographic Records at GamesSheffield, Illinois,February 2, 1924.I was deeply interested in what Mr. Williams had to say in the January Universityof Chicago Magazine, a propos having theVictor people make records of Chicagosongs. Truly it is a worth-while suggestion.But a happier thought occurred to me afterhearing the Chicago-Illinois game (althoughthat contest antedates Mr. Williams" letter)via KYW ... and that is this-Would. itnot be possible to have some phonographicconcern bring its recording apparatus out onStagg Field' at the next Chicago-Wisconsingame and make several records by the several bands, student body choruses, et al.?I was back for that fight on November24th last. I shall never forget the thrill afforded by those glorious bands, especiallythe Maroon with its peerless drum-anddrum-major; the esprit du corps breathedforth in those mighty Chicago songs andcountered by "On Wisconsin" from the eastand north stands; the inimitable gyrationsof Arthur Cody and his satellites; the whitecapped "C".. surmounting the maroon; theyells and cheers for the Olympians on thegrid. . . • Is there a man Who would not 11'1give much to be able to have it all broughtback again in his own home? What a priceless possession for the club or fraternityhouse. . . . If such a thing were possibleand no one will lay himself liable to beingknown as a "fogey" by assaying the contrary.Thank you for your attention, Mr. Pierrot,and I shall be glad to hear from you if anything materializes after placing the suggest.on in the proper channels.Yours very truly,Evan M. Klock, ex '26.Two College Marching SongsA recent issue of the Min·nesota AiumniWeekly has this article concerning the famous song, "On Wisconsin":"Had it not been for the irony of fate"On Wisconsin" might have become "OnMinnesota," for William Purdy composedthe song for the University of Minnesota."The Minneapolis Tribune had offered$100 for a University of Minnesota footballsong. William Purdy, a graduate of Hamilton College (class of 1906) composed atune for that purpose. But his friend, CarlBeck, a Wisconsin graduate, suggested thatit be written for his alma mater, so he himself wrote the words."On the night before Homecoming thecampus at Madison was tense with excitement and enthusiasm. They wanted a fightsong, so they called a mass meeting. Astranger walked to the front of the assem-.bly and played a tune. The crowd cheeredwith delight and immediately accepted thesong-s-t'On Wisconsin"-as their collegefight song."Purdy became sick. He was reduced topoverty and was suffering from tuberculosis.The University of Wisconsin took up a collection-but it was too late; William Purdydied before hearing the news. The collection, amounted to about $3,000, was givento his widow and children."This story is of particular interest to Chicagoans-not only because of OUr great admiration for "On Wisconsin," a song thatis often sung at all Chicago fraternityhouses-but because it was the same William Purdy who wrote the music for oneof out popular marching songs. Purdy,who was then connected with the CollegeMusic Agency, Chicago, wrote the musicfor "The March of the Maroons," the opening lines of which are:"Plunge, plunge on t�rough the line,And fight for old Chicago's fame!"The words for this song were written byCampbell Marvin, '12."The March of the Maroons" remainsone of our most popular football songs-so.that William Purdy has to his credit themusic for two notable college songs of theMiddle West.178 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEStriking Origin of aNew AnaestheticIn a recent address before the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce, President Burtonrefers to the remarkable discovery of a newanaesthetic at the University:"Some of you have "heard of Dr. Arn oLuckhardt's discovery of a new anaestheticwhich prorriises to supplant all other anaesthetics, and to make no mean contributionto the healing art. It is a rather interestingfact that the occasion for this discovery, theoriginal impulse to it arose not in the medical school nor in the medical sciences, butin commerce and in botany. A Wisconsinflorist, observing that his flowers witheredmuch more rapidly when shipped to Chicagothan when sent to other cities, asked theDepartment of Botany at the University ofChicago to find out why. It was soon discovered that these flowers were anaesthetized by a certain gas prevailing in thestreets of the city of Chicago, and a furtherstudy of this anaesthetic proved that it washelpful to dogs and human beings."Dr. Luckhardt has been granted leave ofabsence by the Board of Trustees to enablehim to accept the invitation of the GeneralEducation Board to go abroad for a year oftravel and research. Dr. Luckhardt, WJ:1Oreceived the degrees of S.B., S.M., and Ph.D.from the University of Chicago, is famousfor his recent remarkable discovery of thenew anaesthetic, ethylene, which is alreadywidely used in hospitals and private practice.Need of Research in the Social Sciences"There is a widespread conviction," saidPresident Burton in the same address recently before the Chicago Association ofCoi:nmerce, "that unless there is a sufficienttransfer of interest in our thinking and inthe field of research from the physical towhat I may broadly call the human sciences,the physical sciences themselves carry withthem an element of danger. This danger liesin the fact that, if we go on learning moreabout explosives and more about poisongases and more about transportation andmore about communication of thought, anddo not also learn the great fundamental factsconcerning how civilization rose and fell,what are the social forces that affect thedevelopment of a nation and propel it upward or downward, what are the fundamental principles in accordance with which menmust live, both individually and socially,there is great danger that civilization willperish, not by its excessive knowledge, butby its ill-balanced un symmetry of knowledge."If the real values of the world, whichultimately lie' in men and not in things, are mNOTESto be conserved and increased, there must,in these coming days, be a study of humansociety and human history as keen, as penetrative, as far-reaching as the last fifty yearshave witnessed in the field of astrophysicsand bacteriology."Many Contributions for Research WorkA remarkable number of organizations andpersons are contributing toward the maintenance of research work now going on at theUniversity. For the most part the contributions are made with the assurance that theywill be continued annually for a period ofyears. The list includes the following:The E. 1. Dupont de Nemours Company,Fellowship in Chemistry; Gypsum IndustriesAssocia tion, Two fellowships. and $300 forexpenses' in Botany; National ResearchCouncil, Fellowships in Physics, Chemistry,and Biology, fellows appointed for six years;National Tuberculosis Association, Contributions for research; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Appropriations for studyof respiratory diseases, influenza, pneumonia/etc.; National Canners' Association, Fundfor investigation of Food Poisoning; ArthurH. Lowenstein, through the Institute ofAmerican Meat Packers, Fellowship for investigation of Bacteriology of Meat Products.The National Academy of Sciences contributes for research work in Chemistry, andthe American Association for the Advancement of Science for research in Chemistry.The Institute of Economics maintains twofellowships, supported' in part also by theUniversity. "Mr. Marshall Field contributes a fellowship in Political" Economy and Mr. HaroldH. Swift, a fellowship in the same depart-ment. ""The Wieboldt Foundation' 'contributesscholarships in the School of Social ServiceAdministration; The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial makes an appropriation foran investigation to test the possibility offurther sociological research, using the cityof Chicago as a laboratory, and also makesa grant for the preparation of materials forinstruction in Commerce and Administration. The Commonwealth Fund provides forthe continuation of research in "BusinessTexts for Secondary Schools" and also fora study in methods of teaching- Arithmetic.Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., contributestoward the support of the work of the Oriental Institute, and Mr.' William Wrigley,T r. for the Santa Cci ta1ina AstronomicalExpedition. ;' '-,' '.The total amount' of 'these gifts for research is $145,000.UNIVERSITY NOTESInauguration of the Institute of the HarrisFoundationAnnouncement is made at the Universitythat the Institute of Public Lectures on theHarris Foundation, the purpose of which isthe promotion of a better understanding onthe part of American citizens of other peoples of the world, will be .inaugur ated duringthe first term of the coming Summer Quarter. The Institute will be in session aboutfour weeks, beginning June 24. Eminentrepresentatives from European countrieswill be present to give public lectures onEUropean conditions Of international problems, and to take part in conferences orround tables which will be organized forstudents of international affairs.Enlarged Summer Quarter FacultyIII preparation for the most extensive program it has given during summer quarters,the School of Education will have. in addition to its regular Faculty, approximatelysixty visiting instructors. These includeThomas W. Butcher, President of the Kansas State Teachers College; James WillisClarson, j r., Professor of Secondary Education, University of Arizona; William BayardSharp, Professor of Preventive Medicine,University of Texas; Reed Smith, Professorcf English, University of South Carolina;and John Calvin Wright, Director of theFederal Board of Vocational Education,Washington, D; C.Others included in the Summer QuarterFaculty are Florence Eilan Bamberger, Associate Professor of Education, Johns Hopkins University; John H. Beveridge, Superintendent of City Schools, Omaha, Nebraska;Shattuck Osgood Hartwell, Superintendentof Public Schools, St. Paul, Minnesota;Walter R. McCormack, School Architect,Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio; andPaul C. Stetson, Superintendent of Schools,Dayton, Ohio.Members of the faculties from Minnesota,N ebraska, North Dakota, and Simmons College, Boston. will give courses . in HomeEconomics. Vocational Education, and Institution Management.The Next Convocation CraterDr. William Edward Dodd, Professor ofAmerican History in ,the University and author of the widely known volume' on W oodrow Wilson and His Work} will be the nextConvocation Orator at the University. Theaddress will be delivered at the' One Hundred and Thirty-second;: Convocation onMarch 18.. �Professor Dodd, who': gave an address onArmistice Day at the' University of Alabamaand received the honorary degree of Doctorof Laws, also' ga ve a series of lectures atEmory University, Georgia, on "Liberty andAuthority," and in March gave the FoundersDay 'a'ddress at Randolph-Macon Woman'sCollege, Virginia. He is the author of 179Statesmen of the Old South and editor andco-author of the Riverside History of theUnited States in three volumes.Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to FormerChicago ScientistThe Nobel Prize for Physics has beenawarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences to Professor Robert Andrews Millikan,formerly of the Department of Physics atthe University of Chicago but. now directorof the Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics and member of the administrative councilof the California Institute of Technology.Professor Millikan, who was connected withthe University of Chicago for twenty-fiveyears, has already received the Comstockprize for research in electricity from the National Academy of· Sciences and has been'vice-president of the National ResearchCouncil. Among his best-known books isThe Electron} which is Soon to be publishedin .a revised and enlarged edition by theUniversity of Chicago Press.Science Remaking the WorldUnder the title given above two doctorsof philosophy from the University of Chicago, Otis William Caldwell, director of theLincoln School of Teachers College, Columbia University, and Edwin Emery Slosson,director of Science Service at Washington,D. c., have recently had published a valuable volume which records what science hasdone, or is now doing, to rearrange the environment in which evolution progresses.Besides the editors the contributors includeJohn Mills, a graduate of the University ofChicago who wrote Realities of ModernScience, and President George E. Vincent,of the Rockefeller Foundation, who receivedthe degrees of Ph.D. and LL.D. from ,theUniversity.The topics dealt with include public health,tuberculosis, influenza, Pasteur's contributions to the prolongation of life, problems ofagriculture and food chemistry,. and also anessay on '''The Meaning of Evolution," byProfessor John M. Coulter, Head of the Department of Botany at the University ofChicago.Chicago Professor Among the Twenty-oneLeading Chemists of AmericaJulius Stieglitz, Ph.D., Professor andChairman of the Department of Chemistry,is rated one of the twenty-one leading chemists in America, according to a committee ofthe American Chemical Society. ProfessorStieglitz has been connected with the Department of Chemistry since the foundingof the University. He was recently awardedthe Willard Gibbs Medal by the ChicagoSection of the American Chemical Society,of which he was president in 1917. His latest work has been on a Theory of Color inOrganic Substances. He has done a greatcleal of work in molecular rearrangement,180 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand bas also been interested in an ElectronTheory of Valence. Professor Stieglitz, whois the author of a very successful book onQuantitative Analysis, is vice-president of thedivision of chemistry in the National Research Council.University Wins Against Ticket ScalpersTicket l.r ckers attempting to deal in football tickets were dealt a severe blow February 5th, when Judge Timothy D. Hurley,sitting on t he cases of three suits againstthe U niversi ty which arose two years agowhen the Football Tickets committee refused to honor scalped tickets, handed downdecisions favoring the University in all threeof the cases.Together with the verdict, j udg e Hurleygave the attorneys for the brokers a scathing rebuke for attempting to put throughcases without adequate foundation. Beforethe case was considered the jurist had attempted to persuade the prosecution to withdraw their suits because of the meagernessof their case.The action of the court establishes a precedent in ticket scalping cases that have beenhanging fire for some time and clearly demonstrates that the University was within itsrights when it refused admission to footballgames to persons holding scalped seats.The decision was hailed by University authorities as marking the end of attemptedscalping in football tickets. The cases decided, and which serve as precedents for allcases coming up in the future, were threeMcElroy vs. the University, Fruden vs. theUniversity and Deegan vs. the University.In each case the damages requested were$10,000.Extension Courses in ReligionDuring February and March there is beinggiven on Tuesday evenings in the HarperMemorial Library a series of extensioncourses in religion that are attracting wideattention. Dean Shailer Mathews, of theDivinity School, lectures on "What Is Modernism?" "The Bible in Religious Educationof Fourth to Seventh Grades" is discussedby Miss Georgia L. Chamberlin, Secretaryof the Institute of Sacred Literature; "TheSocial Origins of Christianity," by ProfessorShirley Jackson Case and Dr. Donald W.Riddle; and "The Debt of Modern Civilization to Egypt· and the Ancient East," byMrs. Edith W. Ware in a Museum course.Egyptian "Styles" Not CorrectIf King Tut were to walk down "Boul.,Mich." he would not cast as much as afriendly glance at the Egyptian styles affected by Chicago's flappers."J ust because they are not Egyptian,"explains Professor T. G. Allen of the Oriental Institute. "The modern conception ofEgyptian life is more deception than conception: By no means were the Egyptian people muscle-bound or built at right angles.The people of those times were no morestiff-legged or awkward than we are, andthe ordinary movements and motions of thepeople were as natural as ours."The Egyptian friezes which we have inour possession sometimes show the characters in peculiar positions and awkwardpostures, but this may be attributed to, nottheir physical carriage or· bearing, but tothe Egyptian artist's ideas of perspective,similar to the futurist artists of today, inreproducing them."The Egyptian fashions as representedtoday are entirely inaccurate. Bizarre colors, peculiar figures, grotesque designs werefeatures entirely absent from the Egyptiandress. Toe Egyptian women, from picturesand information we have on hand, wouldhave scorned to wear the loud and grotesquedesigns that are today supposed to representEgyptian dress."New Address of American University Unionin ParisThe Bulletin of the American UniversityUnion, just issued, calls attention to the removal of the Paris office to more commodious quarters at 173 Boulevard St. Germain,where students and professors visitingFrance will receive a cordial welcome fromthe Director, Professor Algeron Colman,(Chicago), and from Dr. H. S. Krans, (Columbia), Assistant Director. The retiringDirector, Professor Paul VanDyke (Princeton) in his annual Report states that duringthe past year the -Union registered 1392American students, of whom 700 were women and 692 men; 1,164 were working atthe University of Paris and 325 followedcourses (including Summer courses) atprovincial universities. Dr. George E. MacLean, retiring Director of the British division, reports 1,255 registrations. and Mr. R.H. Simpson, the Assistant Director, summarizes the different lines of work undertaken by the London Office. Conies of thisand of another Bulletin including lettersfrom professors and students who have madeuse of the facilities offered by the Unionmay be obtained from the Secretary, Professor). W'. Cunliffe, Journalism Building,Columbia University, New York City.Degrees To Be ConferredOfficial announcement is made of thetentative list of degrees to be conferred atthe One Hundred Thirtv-second Convocation on March 18. The list includes the following candidates:Bachelors, 102; Masters, 32; Doctors ofPhilosophy, 12; Bachelors of Divinity, 4:Doctors of Law �J.D.), 8; and Bachelors ofLaw, 4-a total of 162. President Burtonwill preside and confer the degrees.Among the graduates will be four Chinese,two of whom will receive the Bachelor's degree .. and tWQ the Ma�t�I;"S degree,UNIVERSITY NOTESProfessor William F. G. SwannWilliam F. G. Swann, Professor of Physics in theUniversity, came recently from the University ofMinnesota. He is one of the leading mathematicalphysicists of the country. His special interest hasbeen in the field of electricity and magnetism.The Ratio of College Graduates toPopulationIn his address to the graduates at therecent Convocation of the University, Professor Albion Woodbury Small, Head of theDepartment of Sociology and formerly Deanof the Graduate School of Arts and Literature, discussed the ratio of college grad ua testo population:"In the year 1920, the latest for whichcomparable figures are available, the American colleges graduated a total of 36,718 menand women-one out of each 3,000 of thepopulation. In the same year 2,607,000human infants were born in the UnitedStates-2,607,000 potential aspirants to college privileges some eighteen years. later.Assuming that the factors on both sides ofthe equation of college availability will remain constant, and ignoring the certaintythat some children who entered this countryin 1920 in the arms of immigrant parentswill outfoot some of the native children inthe race for education, not more than onein each seventy-one of the children bornhere in 1920 will receive a college diplomaat or about the year 1942. You are thefortunate survivors of the same processes ofnatural and artificial selection which will reduce each of those groups of seventy-one inthe 1920 class to a single individual. Assuch survivors you are admitted into themost enviable association in Americansociety." 181Professor Chauncey Samuel BoucherChauncey Samuel Boucher, Professor of History inthe University, was formerly professor of history inthe University of Texas. His special interests aresouthern and western history. He is the author ofseveral books upon phases of the history of the South.Wife of Professor Goode Candidate forRepresenta tiveMrs. Katherine Hancock Goode, wife ofProfessor]. Paul Goode of the Departmentof Geography, is a candidate for nominationfor State Representative for the 5th CU niversity) District, on the republican ticke�.The Illinois primaries will be held on Apnl8th. Mrs. Goode has had long experience incivic and political work and has been activefor years in connection with women's political and civic organizations. The Goodesreside at 6227 Kimbark Avenue. Thomas J.Hair, '03, now completing a term as Representative from this district, has announcedthat he has withdrawn as a candidate for reelection and urges the support of Mrs.Goode.Valuable Gift to Law SchoolThe University has received from ThomasB. Marston, executor of the estate of Margaret Lawrence, a valuable gift of IllinoisSupreme Court Reports for the Law .SchoolLibrary. The set includes more than threehundred volumes. .The Law Library now contains nearly50000 volumes, including all of the America�1 English, Irish, Scotch, Canadian.: Australian, New Zealand, and higher Indian reports; recent South African reports; andnearly all of the session laws of the American states,182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECommerce and AdministrationSocial LifeOne of the ideals around which the workof the School of Commerce and Administration has revolved has been to foster aspirit of cooperation between the studentsand the faculty. The new Commerce andAdministration Building offers a real opportunity to further such a spirit.An attempt has been made to give thebuilding the aspect of a clubhouse. At thetime the School of Commerce and Administration moved into its new home, the porchof the building was set aside as the recreationroom and common meeting ground of thestudents and faculty and their friend? Theporch is furnished with rugs, tables, comfortable chairs, a victrola with records andbook-shelves. Here a house library has beenestablished. The library consists of a collection of books on history, poetry, biographyand fiction, containing some of the world'sbest literature. A piano has been placed inone of the larger class-rooms; a kitchenetteis now being equipped; and one of the smallerrooms on the first floor has been furnishedas the offices of the University Journal ofBusiness, the student publication, and theStudent Association, the student body organization. The entire management of theserecreation rooms is in the hands of theStudent Association.Every Friday afternoon from four to sixthe porch is opened for a general good time.Tea is served by the girls of the Schoolunder the supervision of some of the wivesof the faculty. There is dancing to themusic of the victrola. Once a month an orchestra is obtained and both the porch andlarge class-room are thrown open for dancing. The faculty, facuIty-wives and studentsattend these Friday afternoon affairs, mingleand enjoy themselves.Outside LecturesN at only has an attempt been made tofoster a spirit of cooperation between thefaculty and the undergraduate body butalso between the faculty and graduate body.Each quarter it is planned to hold a FacultyGraduate dinner meeting with a speaker andinformal discussion. Two of these meetingshave been held this year. On December 14Professor von Schulze-Gavernitz, Universityof Freiburg, Germany, talked on "America'sWorld Mission." On January 24, John R.Commons, professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin, also Chairman of theBoard of Trustees of the UnemploymentFund of the Men's Clothing Industry, Chicago, addressed the group on "PittsburghPlus."connection with r esearch work in the School Group MeetingsTo bring the problems, methods and personalities of business closer to the students,the Council of the Student Association hasorganized discussion groups in each of, thegeneral fields of business. A member of theCouncil is in general charge, each grouphas a student chairman, and each group hasas an adviser a member of the Faculty specializing in that particular field.Groups have been organized in marketing,finance, personnel, accounting and production. The group organization is very flexible-a student may be a member of as manygroups as he wishes; and the Council willorganize groups in any other fields if asufficient body of students so desire.Each group attempts to hold two meetings a quarter, at which time it is addressed by some executive in its field. Afterthe address an informal discussion is held.During the past quarter the marketinggroup was addressed by Mr. John Kneebones,Department of Market Analysis, Ladies'Home Journal, Curtis Publishing Company,Chicago, and Mr. D. S. McMahon, NationalAdvertising Staff, Chicago Tribune, Chicago;the finance group by Mr. Walter Lichtenstein, Executive Secretary, National CityBank, Chicago, and the personnel group by• Mr. A. H. Carver, Personnel Manager, Swiftand Company. Chicago.University Journal of BusinessAs a part of the general program of business research in the School of Commerceand Administration, the need of a proper outlet for the publication of the results of theresearch has long been felt. This outlet hasbeen partially provided for in the UniversityJournal of Business, the publication of whichwas begun over a year ago by the studentsof the School of Commerce and Administration in cooperation with the studentsof the schools of business of the Universityof Illinois, Indiana University, University ofMinnesota, I University of Nebraska, OhioState University, and the University of Wisconsin.The venture has been a highly successfulone from the viewpoint of circulation andfrom the viewpoint of the purpose for whichthe Journal was first published. A circulation has been built up not only on the campuses of the cooperating universities but alsoin the outside business world. The J our nalis sent to some of the best known and mostprogressive business men in the country. Avery large number of the contributions hascome from faculty members and students asa direct result of investigations.THE LAW SCHOOL 183Law SchoolMechem Portrait FundThe following letter has just been sentout to members of the Law School Association in an effort to hasten the collection ofthe Mechem Portrait Fund. Perhaps thiswill meet the eye of some who failed toreceive the letter, and of others who wouldlike to share in this tribute to Mr. Mechem:"Dear Fellow-Alumnus or Alumna:"We are glad to report that real progresshas been made in collecting the fund necessary for having Professor Mechem's portrait painted. However, we are not yet ina position financially to have the workcommenced."Weare very anxious to have the portrait' commenced this spring and in fact havestated that it would be ready for the annualdinner in June. ,"This is an appeal to you, who admire andlove Professor Mechem, to participate inthis tribute to him, and to send in your checkat this time. We need ten dollars from eachof one hundred men and five dollars fromanother hundred. The amount of your subscription however is not the important thing,but the fact of your participation in thisundertaking is of great importance."Will you please fill out the enclosed cardand forward it with your check-today."Yours very truly,"Henry F. Tenney,"Laird Bell,"Charles F. McElroy,"Mechem Portrait Fund Committee."Rudolph E. Schreiber, 10 South La SalleStreet, Chicago, is Secretary-Treasurer ofthe Fund. Checks may be sent to him, orto Charles F. Me Elroy, Secretary of the LawSchool Association, 110 South DearbornStreet, Chicago.The Annual Law School SmokerThe annual Law School Smoker, held Jan.23, 1924, was attended by a crowd of studentsand faculty members that completely filledthe Reynolds Club theater. Prof. Woodwardread some poetry of his own composition,commenting upon the frailties of his fellowfaculty members. Dean Hall followed witha talk about the work of The American LawInstitute in attempting to restate the law.Each class then put on a short play. TheSenior skit, depicting the difficulties of alaw school graduate attempting to applyhis theories to practical problems, seemedto win most approval. About ninety dollars was .cleared, and after paying for thesubscriptions' to the papers in the smokingroom, the remainder was applied to theMechem Portrait Fund. The Good Old DaysThe Secretary of the Law School Association made a trip east last summer, andwas handed the following transcript of ajudgment, which a friend claimed to havecopied verbatim from the court records atBedford, Pennsylvania. It is submitted without recommendation:"PROTHONOTARY COURT"OCTOBER SESSION 1782"PA. v. DANIEL PALMER-Irtdictmentfor horse stealing."I t is therefore considered by the courtthat the said Daniel Palmer shall be takentomorrow morning to the public whippingpost and between the hours of eight and tenof the clock shall receive thirty-nine lashes�o be well laid on his bare back, and thatimmediately afterward the said Daniel Palmer shall be placed' in the pillory where heshall stand for one hour and have his earscut off and nailed to the pillory and shallforfeit to the Commonwealth the sum offifteen pounds, being the value of the goodsof Ludowich Friedline of which the saidDaniel Palmer is convicted of stealing, andbe committed until the whole of this sentence is complied with."School NotesAt a recent meeting of the freshman lawclass, pledges were made by practicallyevery man present to the Mechem PortraitFund, as the class of 1926 wished to support the worthy project sponsored by thealumni and upper-classmen.j---Mr. S. K. Schiff, J.D. '23, who has takenthe place of Prof. Magill, is teaching Contracts II and Bills and Notes this quarter.The prize winning portrait of Dean Hallwhich caused so much favorable commentat the Art Institute is now hanging in theLaw Library, just to the right of the maindoor.The Law School is contributing' morethan its quota to the title seeking Maroonbasketball team. Captain Campbell Dickson and Joe Duggan, both outstanding stars,are in the freshman law class. .,A course in' the Preparation of LegalDocuments started Feb. 23, under Leo F.Wormser, '04, J.D. '09, and will continueuntil the middle of May. It meets on Saturday mornings at 9 o'clock.184 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE���ut�����: __�sfw:?n�h��a�p��M. Faith McAuley"Do I smell ginger cookies?" asks the'freshman girl who is being shown to herFrench classroom in Lexington by her senior adviser. The answer that I've mostoften heard is, "No, 1 don't believe so, 1t'Snot possible; this is Lexington Hall, for illerly the Women's Building." And so thefreshman, accepting without question, asfreshmen should, the expert guidance of herupper class man, in her turn later passes onto her freshman the same information, disregarding the numerous, subsequent olfactory reminders of pumpkin pie and cinnamon rolls met with in the halls.Large numbers of the student body come,live for four years on the campus and become alumni, knowing nothing of many ofthe numerous activities of their university.It may be that the "tentacles of inqury" arenot functioning in the case of many studentsand then too, it may be that "It pays toadvertise" is not yet an academic slogan ofgood standing. One of the campus activitiesabout which little seems to be known is thefeeding of the campus "multitude" althoughit is not at all a dark secret.A - major reason for lack of knowledge inany field is lack of interest. This lack ofinterest has been especially evident in matters of food. I t is true that the poet B ulwerLytton has pertinently remarked - about theimportance of cooks and their relation tocivilization, but he must be regarded as aprophet in the proverbial wilderness. Theimportance and significance of the servicerendered by the woman in the home, whoherself either prepares or supervises thedaily meals, are not yet appreciated. Thislack of appreciation is even more markedwhen the group served, instead of the home,is the larger community group. Only lackof appreciation can account for our _ willingness to turn over such important and complex a problem as the proper preparation offood to unskilled and untrained workers.The maladministration of food for the student group can quickly lower the generallevel of physical well-being and so impairmental achievement.Feeding of a student group presents special problems. The food must be adequate,wholesome, and as inexpensive as possible.It must present variety, and be attractive,since the enjoyment with which food is eatenis found to influence its digestion. Then, too,it must satisfy usua-lly a more or less cosmopolitan group so that few members may long unduly for the flesh pots of home.Thus, hot bread, finnan haddie, sauerkraut,cornbread, or ham, each may have its placein giving special satisfaction to certain members 'Of a student group. In meeting theseproblems the director of the food unit for anycommunity group has the opportunity aridthe responsibility of rendering a vital socialservice.The demand for the trained individual asdirector of the fo·od and housing units of thelarge group is steadily increasing, and isresponsible for the courses in institutioneconomics which have been organized inthe leading colleges and universities of thecountry. Such work had its beginning in1890, when 1",rrs. Ellen H. Richards began inBoston, with Mrs. H. A. Abel assisting, herexperimental work later known as the NewEngland Kitchen. Four years later, in 1894,the Boston School Commission passed anorder which provided that only inspectedand approved foods should be sold in theschools of the city. As a result, the NewEngland Kitchen has for over thirty yearsbeen providing the food for the school lunchrooms of Boston.This work, with its emphasis on the scientific preparation of food, gradually extendedto ·other and various community groups, witha resulting demand for trained directors.Drexel Institute offered in 1899 the firstcourser in "Lunch room cookery;" other educational institutions followed, beginning instruction in institution economics as follows:* 1902, Pratt Institute. Brooklyn, N.Y.; 1904, Simmons College, Boston, Mass.;1907, Teachers College of Columbia University, New York City; 1907, MargaretMorrison of Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. Fa.; 1907, Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y.; 1908, PennsylvaniaAgricultural College, State College, Pa.:1908, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.;1910, Lewis Institute. Chicago, Ill.; 1910,Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.From 1910 to the present the growth ofthe educational phase has been extremelyrapid, both as to the number of collegesintroducing the work and in the number ofcourses organized.Prior to 1913 the several lunch rooms anddormitories of the University of Chicago"F'r orn Master's thesis, "The Development and Present Status of' Instruction in Institution Economics,':by Katherine McFarland.INSTITUTION ECONOMICS ON THE CAMPUSwere 'Operated separately. In that year thedirection of the lunch' room 'of the Collegeof Education was assumed by a member ofthe faculty. Gradually other units wereplaced under the same control and by 1915the lunch room of the College of Education,Lexington lunch room, the Women's Hallsand the Men's Commons, were all being operated from a single office. The operation.of the Commons for both men and womenfrom a central point has made possible largequantity production with resultant loweringcost. The use of standardized formulas isalso made possible and insures the production of products of unvarying quality inknown amounts, and the elimination of muchwaste. The various units of the Commonsare supervised by members of the facultywho constitute the Commons staff and sharethe administrative duties. This administrative work involves as major activities thedirection of workers, purchase and ca�e ofsupplies, supervision of the preparation offood, and careful accounting.Seven food units are at present operatedfrom the central office in Lexington Hall.Three of these serve six dormitories forwomen; three serve the cafeterias of H utchirison I:Iall, Ida Noyes, and the College ofEducation ; the seventh serves a club the"U High" for the boys of the U niv�rsitvHigh School. Lunch is also served in th-eprimary room to the children of the primarygrades, the food being prepared in the cafeteria kitchen of the College of Education.A central store room, located in Lexington Hall, is used for supplies of the standardgrocery type. These supplies bought inwholesale amounts, are here broken up andissued upon demand to the various kitchens,in the amount required.A meat shop is also operated in Lexington Hall. Meat ordered on the previousday is received early in the morning, prepared for use. and sent out to each of thefood units. The amount of business doneby the campus shop exceeds that of theaverage retail market, running from $4,000 to$6,000 per month, depending on the season.The meat used, exclusive of fish, averagesabout 19,000 pounds per month. In June,1923, for example, 19,066 pounds costing$4,807.67 were consumed. Six months later,in January, 1924, the records show 19,776pounds purchased at a cost of $4,873.50.The source of the ginger cooky odor, thebake shop, is also located in Lexington Hall.This is an efficient unit, equipped with a double-decked oven, dough 'mixer, proof box.dough divider, cooling racks, steam-jacketedcooker, and refrigerator for holding pie fillings, milk, butter. etc. The bake shop, operating continuously' both day and night,makes all of the breads and pastries usedby' the Commons, except for a short periodin mid-summer when a limited amount ofbread is purchased. An average day's out- is!>put gives some idea of the contribution madeby this unit.Bread-white ' 120 loaves. Bread-brown 60 loavesRolls-e-sweet '" .. , . . . . .. 60 dozensRolls-plain 50 dozensRolls--special 35 dozensCakes 50Pies 125The pie order for the Summer Quarter isabout doubled, running about 240 daily.A delivery truck is operated by the Commons for distributing supplies from storer·oom; meat shop, and bakery to the individual campus units. This service, for example, delivers hot rolls to dormitories andcafeteria every morning at six-thirty, andcakes, cookies, pies and breads, fresh fromthe oven are again delivered for the twelveo'clock luncheon.Two small laundries, fitted with manglesand the other necessary equipment, are alsooperated where the Commons linens arccared for.An electrically operated ice chopper andfreezer, and a concrete "cave" for holdingthe frozen products, make possible the production of creams and ices. During theSummer Quarter the daily output runs fromtwenty to thirty gallons.A second aspect of the work of institution economics is the educational. TheCommons staff. in addition to administrativeduties, present the courses in institution economics, the kitchens, bake shop, market,laundries, and cafeterias, serving as lab-ora-tories. ..Courses in institution economics have beenrapidly introduced in the leading colleges andu iiver sities, especially in the last six or sevenyears. This parallels the modern tendencytoward large group living in our cities withthe consequent demand for individualstrained to organize and manage the housingand feeding of large groups. A new realization of the relationship existing betweenproper living conditions and physical wellbeing is. also probably responsible for therapid development in this field. The firs!course in institution economics at the University of Chicago, as indicated earlier, wasgiven in 1910 and was a general course called"Institutional Problems." The number ofcourses offered has increased to fourteen,the following fields being emphasized: 1,Problems in large quantity food preparation; 2, organization and management; 3,equipment; 4, food purchase; 5, practice man,agement; 6, research.With the exception of four courses. including a course in practice management,the work is of graduate level. A study madeof the registration for the Summer Quarterof 192'2 showed a total enrollment of 57 inthe six courses offered. Of this number 24,or 42.10 per cent, were graduate students.The work. then, of institution ec·onomicshas two phases. First, the administrative,186 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhich concerns itself with feeding the student. The aim is to provide a wholesome.adequate, palatable, satisfying diet. The social needs are also not overlooked and animportant service is "rendered in catering tothe various campus organizations. In themonth of October, 1923, for example, a totalof 1,187 banquet services were prepared forseventeen different campus organizations.Incidentally, too, a definite effort is madeto provide student service for those who mayfind this desirable; eighty-three are at present employed in various capacities by theCommons, This student service is often extended at the inconvenience of the Commons,the employment of regular full-time workersusually presenting less difficulty.The second phase of the work of institution economics, the educational, has from thebeginning grown with and been an intimatepart of, the administrative. The courses ininstitution economics are organized and presented to meet the needs of students preparing for administrative work and of teachersof college courses in institution economics.Many of the graduates have gone into thecommercial field, but the largest number arein high schools and colleges. Thus' the U niversity is represented through its graduatesat such representative schools as San DiegoHigh School, Wyoming Agricultural College.University of Texas, Kansas AgriculturalCollege, Iowa Agricultural College, U niversity of Wisconsin, Indiana State UniversityIndiana Agricultural College, University ofTennessee, University of Kentucky, CarnegieInstitute of Technology, and the LincolnSchool of New York City.• __ 0_"_"_"_.'_111_.'_"_'._ .. _'._"_1111_ ti The Chicago Dinner fI ,+ 11- ... -11.-.1-111-,,- .. -.,,_ ... - •• -.1-1.- •• - •• -,,+Director Judd escorted President Burtonto his place of honor at the speakers' table,four hundred alumni from thir tv-two statesrose in ovation, and the big Chicago dinnerheld annually in connection with' the meetings of the Department of Superintendenceof the National Education Association was011. The attendance packed the banquethall of the Auditorium Hotel and additionaltables bad to be provided.At the appropriate moment the toastmaster. Professor Lyman, lifted his croquet mallet, banged vigorously, and then assured thebanq.ueters 'Of the University's deep interestin the welfare of every graduate. A reporterinformed him, he said, that the editor ofthe University of Chicago Magazine is always glad to hear of the death of any alumni.President Burton spoke of the unparalleled 'growth of education in the UnitedStates-the rapid increase of enrollment insecondary schools and higher institutions,and the amazing amounts of money now available for educational purposes in thegreat foundations. The spirit of inquiry isabroad to improve the quality of education.Discontent is the mother of progress. TheSchool of Education is passing out thisinquiring spirit,-a promise that we shalllearn to do the job.I t is well known that President Elliott ofPurdue was a professor of education beforehe became a college president, As the nextspeaker he first explained the teacher thenhe explained his present self. Thos� whocan, do; those who can think, teach. Learning' .h'Owever, is not necessary for the pres iden t�a! office. Neither is physical beauty arequisrte, he confidently confessed as herotated his facial lineaments through anangle of 180 degrees. There are just threenecessrtres : extirpation of conscience anepidermis extraordinary, and an alime�taryapparatus lined with lead. Earning dinnersby word of mouth is one of the outstandingr equir ements of the presidential office. President .Elli'Ott d istirig uished four groups ineducation-a-the cenSOrIOUS, the sentimentalthe scientific, and the complacent-andclosed with a fine tribute to the University ofChicago.Vice-President Tufts, the second memberof the new administrative trinity of the Univers.ity to appear on the program, is by profeSSIOn a philosopher. The impossible hashappened. A philosopher has become a business man. The speaker disabused thealumni of the notion that the University ofChicago is a rich institution, and then eff��tively performed the functions of publicity agent for the summer session.Dean Gray followed. By some accidentof the printer's art it appeared that thetoastmaster was to furnish the celery andolives for the occasion, President Burton1 he steak and mushrooms, Dr. F 1""peas .in case," and Dean Gray the Thous-.and Island dressing. True enough, the Deanbegan with the potential power of Niagara,the stream of students flowing through thedoors of our summer session and out overthe Mississippi Valley, our unexampled opportunity to influence the educationalthought of the nation. Dean Gray informedthe alumni that there were over 8,000 courseregistrations in the College of Educationlast summer and indicated the geographicdistribution of the students by referring toone course in which forty-four states wererepresented.Mrs. H. R. Vail performed exquisitely onthe violin,. accompanied by Mr. Vail, andthe alumni, according to the general understanding were ready for the fresh strawberryice cream. Dean Laing attended to this.Hiatus in the reporter's story. In the midstof the hilarity that accompanied DeanLaing's offering, the reporter rolled off hischair and spilled his notes. The rest of thetime he forgot to write anything. He recalls happily enough, however, that theCHICAGO DINNER-BOOK NOTICEDean expressed a belief in what might bedesignated a proper pedagogic approach.This was admission enough to make a classicist welcome in a stronghold of moderneducators. The two Smiths illustrated thepoint. Both were professors-one of systematic theology, the other of organic chemistry. A student of chemistry got intothe class of the wrong Smith. After ninedays of bewilderment with intermittent butfeeble flashes of something that seemed likeillumination, he discovered the real difficulty.In summarizing his remarks Dean Laingurged his teacher audience to be missionaries, preserve the humane elements in education, and watch the appointments to teaching positions.Dr. Judd confined his remarks to two ofthe major movements for the improvementof the University. He referred to the plansfor the expansion of the university libraries,on the one hand, and the program for increased attention to student needs, on theother. The system of selective admissionand the "Better Yet" movement illustratethe recent promising trend in methods ofdealing with the problems of instruction andguidance at the University."For decades and for centuries,Her battlemented tow'rs shall rise,"all sang in final solemn concourse.Frederick S. Breed. 187Immigration"A journey in the steerage should be oneof the first subjects of study for Americanstudents of immigration," says ProfessorEdith Abbott, the new Dean of the Graduate School of Social Service Administrationat the University of Chicago. With thisexperience in mind Dean Abbott has assembled in her new volume on "Immigration",to be published by the University of Chicago Press, laws, reports from organizationsand individuals, and a remarkable set ofsocial case records. Typical documents ofthe attempted regulation of steerage conditions tell the story of early emigrant shipsfrom 1751 to 1882, and reports frorn ourmodern commissions show the conditions ofthe twentieth-century journey.The admission, exclusion, and expulsionof aliens are dealt with in the second partof the book, and domestic immigration problems in the third.This collection of material will make itpossible for large numbers of students touse conveniently an important series of documents heretofore accessible to only a few.and will, for the first time, make availablea body of unpublished case records of greatsignificance in the field of immigration.188 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'75-Herbert A. Howe is Dean of the College of Arts at the University of Denver,Denver, Colorado.'g9-Alice Davis is teaching history in theNorris High School, New York City. Herhome address is 112 Nagle Ave., New YorkCity.'02-F. D. Bramhall is teaching politicalscience in the University of Colorado, atBoulder.'04-Zerlina Hirsh has an article on "Whois the Unknown Soldier?" in The Civic Pilot,a New Jersey publication, for November.'o4-A. T. Stewart is Chief of the Communications Bureau. United States Chamberof Commerce, Washington, D. C.'05-George R. Beach, Jr., is secretary-treasurer of the Ripon Produce Company,Ripon, Wisconsin.'06-Mrs. J. G. Masters (Helen GenevaSmith) was recently awarded first prize bythe Omaha Woman's Press Club for the bestone-act play; her play is entitled "The Kingof Culture."UNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEveni ng, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Spring Quarter begins March 31For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. '07-Mary E. Hulburt is a deputy with theWisconsin Industrial Commission, at Milwaukee.'07-Estelle B. Hunter is director of theSchool of Filing of the Yawman & ErbeCompany, 164 W. Monroe Street, Chicago.She also has charge of the Service Department of the company. The company recentlypublished her book entitled "Modern FilingManual."'07-C J. V. Pettibone is associate professor of Physiological Chemistry in theMedical School of the University of Minnesota.'07-William F. Rothenburger is pastor ofthe First Christian Church at Springfield,Illinois.'08-Mrs. Llewellyn C Jones (BerthaHenderson) recently moved from Chicagoto the suburb Downers Grove. now residingat the corner of Lyman and Orchard Sts.'09-Daniel J. Coyne, J r., is president ofCoyne & Nevins Co., dealers in poultry anddairy products, at 168 W. South water St.,Chicago.. which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue Address·The University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, IllinoisChicago Alumnihave a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS'Og-Lillian Pauline Gubelrnan, A.M., '23,is . teaching romance languages in StateTeachers College, Valley City, North Dakota. She writes that there are a number 01Chicago alumni in administration and teaching positions at that College, including Dr.C: E. Allen, the President.'Og-Pauline D. Johnson is teaching inMontclair High School, Montclair, NewJersey.'og-Sister Antonia McHugh, Ph.M., '10,is President of the College of St. Catherine,St. Paul, Minn.'IO-Orville R. Post is now in his tenthyear as head of the Department of Englishat King College, Bristol, Tennessee.'ll-Matilda Fenberg is practicing law inher own office at 748 Conway Bldg., Chi-.cago.'12-Georgia P. McElroy, A.M., '13, isDean of Girls in the Superior, Wisconsin,High School.'12-Frank B. Meseke, formerly with theLegal Department of the U. S. InternalRevenue Bureau, at Washington, is nowpracticing law, specializing on income andother federal tax matters, at 512 GuarantyBldg., Indianapolis, Ind.'13-Mary Louise Porter is associate professor of Modern Languages in MeredithCollege, Raleigh, N. C.'13-Alvin L. Wagner and his brother,Percy E. Wagner, '16, are in the real estateand building construction business, underthe firm name of Wagner Brothers, at 6236Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago.'14-Ellen Jeffries is head of the department of Geography in Western KentuckyTeachers' College.'IS-Marie E. Goodenough is supervisorof Visual Education in the Shaker HeightsHigh School, Cleveland.'IS-Elizabeth Steichen is principal of thehigh school at Two Harbors, Minnesota.'16-Anna I. McGuire is teaching household arts at Nicholas Senn High School,Chicago.'16-Mamie R. Mutz is teaching household arts in Stout Institute, Menominee,Wisconsin.'16-Rev. Olave H. Walby is deputationassistant, Western Provinces, for the Canadian Bible Society, with headquarters atthe Bible House, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.'17--Hannah E. Pease is instructor ofhousehold arts in the State Grade School,Putnam, Conn.'17-Eleanor J. Pellet, A.M., '1�, is assistant professor of Romance Languages inCarleton College, Northfield, Minn.'17-A. F. Styles is managing a building'and loan association at Wichita, Kansas.'17-Mabel C. Wann now resides at 727Mildreda Avenue. Fresno, California.'18-William E. Elliott, A.M., recently organized a student branch of the Y. M. C. A.at Washington University, which organ ization he will serve as executive secretary. TEACHERS WANTED!If you are available for an educationalposition of any kind, you are invited to callat the offices named below. The work isnational in scope, and comprises the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU1610 Chicago Temple77 W. Washington St.(Exclusively for college and university teachers.)FISK TEACHERS AGENCY814 Steger �ldg.28 E. J acks.m Blvd.EDUCATION SERVICE1210 Association Bldg.19 S. La Salle St.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston$1.00Operi s aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts a. Checking: AccountA SOUND COMMODITYFOR A SOUND DOLLARWe own and offer for sale 6}4'. %and 7% First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bonds on HydePark Property.The notes and bonds are certifiedto by the Chicago Title and TrustCo. trustee, and the title guaranteedfor the full amount of the loan.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. "Corner Ridgewood" 189190 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'18-C. E. Standish, now of Wauseon,Ohio, sailed last month for a trip throughAlgiers and France, "to go over the oldstamping ground.".'19-Sumner G. Veazey is located atTemecula, California. He says, "I am learning banking in this jerk-water town-50white people and 100 Indians and Mexicansc-and live on a big 100,000 acre ranch whereI spend Sundays and the numerous bankholidays in hunting, fishing, helping workthe cattle, and doing meteorological work."'lg-Grace White is general supervisor ofgrade schools at Freeport, Illinois; this isher fourth year in that position.'20-Gerald H. Westby. is working asgeologist at St. Aime, Oran, Algeria; he expects to return to America this spring.'21�}Iarry Lewis Wilmot is assistantdirector of the Extension Department andinstructor in Education at the State NormalSchool, Indiana, Pa.'21-Alexander Monto is now in his secondyear as principal of Bayambang NormalSchool, Pangasinan, P. 1. The school has450 students. Mrs. Monto is also teachingin the same institution.'22-Frances Jane Morgenthau is travelingthis year with her mother in Italy, Viennaand Switzerland; she plans to remain inEurope until next fall.'22-Ellen, L. Morrow is instructor inEnglish in Baylor College, Belton, Texas .. t·-o-._ •• -._ •• - •• - •• - •• -._._ •• - •• - •• -.+I Divinity Association I+ "_IIU_I._RU_ •• _ •• _ •• _III_ •• _ ... _1 .. _ •• _.'_0 __ +LeRoy Allen, A. M., '20, was elected abouta year ago to be professor of economics inSouthwestern College, Winfield, Kansas.Lucy W. Markley, D.B., '21, is pastor ofthe Universalist Church of the North Shore,Chicago.Edward Z. Rowell, Ph.D., '22, is assistantprofessor of public speaking in Universityof California.Eugene A. Lower, A.M., '22, formerlypastor of Rogers Park Baptist Church, Chicago, now pastor of First Baptist Church,Kewanee, Illinois, is arousing a great dealof interest with a unique form of Sundayevening services. A series of questions onreligious and social topics sent in by themembers of the congregation, are answeredby the pastor from the pulpit.William Duncan, ex-, is financial secretaryfor Pikeville College, Pikeville, Kentucky,one of the schools under the PresbyterianBoard of Education. His present address is89 South Professor Street, Oberlin, Ohio.D. C. Kite, A.M., '08, pastor of CentralBaptist Church, Trenton, New Jersey, isleading his people in the moving and rebuilding of their church edifice.E. J. N ordlander, D. B., '10, is servingthe Baptist Church in Arthur, Iowa, aspastor.Cornelius Teninga, '12, J. D., '15"The House of Service"Edward B. Caron, '13 oROSELAND DISTRICT OF CHICAGO'(West of the Illinois Central, South of 87th Street, and beyond city limits)FIRST MORTGAGESNot even a foreclosure in 28 yearsMaximum interest rates with maximum security. Woodlawn security increased as that district grew. Thisexperience is repeating itself in the rapidly-growingRoseland District. Send for our descriptive booklet.TENINGA BROS. & COMPANY11324 Michigan AvenueNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSr--'---jt Doctors' Association.. ,J _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• __ • .+M.eeting . of the Psychology Section of theAssociation of Doctors of PhilosophyTwenty-two doctors, or about forty-fourper cent of the entire number of the Chicagodoctors in psychology, were in attendanceupon the 1923 meeting of the American Psychological Association which was held inMadison on December 27, 28 and 29. Tenof these read papers: Drs. Arlitt, Bingham,Faris, Hunter, Kitson, J. Peterson, E. S.Robinson, Rosenow, Thurstone and Webb.In addition to the regular program there wasa session for reports by graduate students.Of the twelve on this program five werestudents from the Chicago laboratory: Mrs.Sherman, Miss Miller, Mr. Darrow, Mr.Mayberry and Mr. Rockwell.On the evening of December 27, the groupheld its annual dinner at the UniversityClub. There were in attendance Drs. Arlitt,Bingham (and Mrs. Bingham), Carr, Culler,Downey,. Faris, M. Fernald, Hunter, Kingsbury (and Mrs. Kingsbury), Kitson, Kjerstad, Ludgate, ]. Peterson, Rahn, Richardson-Robinson, Robinson, Rosenow, Thurstone,Vincent. Warden, Webb and Wiltbank, Professor Freeman, and the following graduatestudents and former students: Alonzo, Bills,Blatz, Darrow, Kornhauser, Miller, Rockwell, Sherman, Tulchin, Uhl and Wilson, atotal of thirty-six, which constitutes an attendance record for these dinners.Following the dinner Professor Carr toldthe group about the activities in the department and the general news of the progress ofaffairs in the University. The secretary extended greetings from President Angell andread a letter from Professor Judd.Dr. Watson was elected chairman for thecoming year and Dr. Robinson was reelected secretary.News Notes of Psychology DoctorsThe University of Iowa conferred the degree of LL.D. upon Professor Judd, on theoccasion of the celebration of the fiftiethanniversary of the founding of the department of education. Professor Thorndikeof Columbia University was similarly honored.In the Chicago department Dr. Carr hasbeen promoted to a full professorship andDr. Kingsbury and Dr. Robinson to associate professorships.The first death among our number hasoccurred during the past year, HarryHaynes Wylie, '17" Professor of Education,Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania,died on June 10, 1923.June E. Downey, 07', is the author of"The Will-Temperament and its Testing,"recently issued by The World Book C01'11-pany, The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, convenient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago 191192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Annual JuneREUNIONis rapidly approaching.Anniversary Classes, other classes,and Alumni in general are layingplans for a great Chicago gathering.ALUMNI DAYcomes, this year, onSaturday, June 7thMark your calendars now-makearrangements to be on theQuadrangles at Reunion.Chicago CallsChicagoans!n=====================A HISTORY of theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBy Thomas W. GoodspeedThis beautiful volume, published during the 1916 Quarter Centennial, printedby the University of Chicago Press, isoffered only to Alumni-and at a special price of $2.20, postpaid.The book, 522 pages bound in maroon,has 23 notable illustrations of prominentUniversity buildings and leading figuresin the University's history, and is mostattractively printed. The history is afascinating story with which everyAlumnus should be familiar.No book better suited for a Chicagoan's library-table. You will be proud toshow "Chicago" to your friends. The62 copies left are offered on lv to Alumni.Order yours Now.Address and Checks to]Alumni Council University of Chicago Of those admitted to membership in theAmerican Psychological Association at theMadison Meeting, two were men who hadtaken their doctorates in psychology underJoseph Peterson, '07, at Peabody College.Florence Richardson-Robinson, '08, isteaching. in the department during thewinter quarter.Mary H. S. Hayes, '10, is director of theVocational Service for juniors, with officesat 122 East 25th Street, N ew York.Joseph W. Hayes, '11, has recently putout an imposing volume embodying theresults of his research with the CrowellPublishing Company.W. S. Hunter, '12, has issued from theUniversity of Chicago Press the secondedition of his General Psychology. He isnow editor of the Comparative PsychologyMonographs.F. A. C. Perrin, '12, has been promoted toan associate professorship at the Universityof Texas.Carl L. S. Rahn, '12, has resigned his position at the University of Illinois and plansto devote his entire time for several years towriting. He may be reached through theUniversity Club, Urbana, Illinois.Dexter Freeman Kitson is a very recentaddition to the personnel of the class of1915.Ada H. Arlitt, '17 is the psychologist ofthe Central Psychiatric Clinic, Cincinnati,Ohio.E. S. Jones, '17, is now assistant professorof psychology in the University of Buffalo.L. A. Peckstein, '16, was elected vicepresident of Section Q of the A. A. A. S. atthe Cincinnati meeting.E. S. Robinson, '20, .an d Florence Richardson-Robinson. '08, last summer publishedthrough the University of Chicago Press abook entitled Readings in General Psychology. -A second printing is now coming fromthe press.Joseph U. Yarbrough, '20, after spendinga year's leave of absence teaching in theCarnegie Institute 'of Technology is nowat the Southern Methodist University,Dallas.Helen L. Koch, '21, has been promoted toan adjunct professorship at the Universityof Texas.E. A. Culler, '22_ is an instructor in psy-chology in the University of Illinois. .C. J. Warden, '22, is an instructor inpsychology in the University of Wisconsin.No doctorates in psychology have beenconferred bv the department during the pastyear. W. T. Heron has taken his examination and will probably return for his degreeat the winter convocation. He is assistantnrofessor of psychology in the University ofKansas. During the holidavs he marriedMiss Oakland Maupin of Carrolton, Missouri. Miss Maupin was a graduate studentwith us last year. J. C. Rockwell who wasa graduate student here for two years isNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSnow assistant professor of education in theUniversity of Minnesota. Miss RiettaSimmons is instructor in educational psychology in the University of Texas. Herthesis has recently been published althoughshe' has not yet taken her examination.Several other graduate students. who arenow teaching here and elsewhere' expect tocome up soon. If all of those who are nowplanning to come up this year take theirdegrees, the year 1924 will probably be arecord year for the department.In addition to the researches of graduatestudents in progress in the laboratory thatwere reported in last year's letter there arethe following:Vivienne R. McClatchy-The optimal position of a period of rest in a learningprocess.C. Tsai- The curve of retention for an actof skill.Irene C. Sherman-The suggestibility ofnormal and defective children.Paul L. Whiteley. M. A. '22, is instructorin psychology in Washington University.Chalice M. Kelly, M. A. '23, is assistantto the employment manager of the NationalCarbon Company, Long Island City.Mattie C. Hardy, a doctorate candidate, isthe psychologist with the McCormick Foundation and is now in Joliet.Professor E. A. Bott of the University ofToronto will give two minors in the firstterm of the coming summer session and L.L. Thurstone, '17, of the Bureau of PublicPersonnel Administration, Washington, willg-ive two minors during the second term.Professor R. P. Angier has leave of absencefrom Yale for the coming year and expectsto spend most of the year in Chicago working in the laboratory. He will offer coursesduring the winter and spring quarters.Ernest D. Burton, then Acting Presidentof the University, was last June appointedto the Presidency. It is highly gratifying toall of us that affairs here are moving forward so successfully. A nunber of additions to and changes in the administrativepersonnel have been made during the year.Professor Tufts and Mr. Trevor Arnett havevery recently been appointed vice-presidentsof the University. Professor Ernest H,Wilkins is now dean of the colleges andalready has made an excellent record in thatposition. Professor Gordon J. Laing wasbrought back from McGill to be dean ofthe Graduate School of Arts and Literature,and Professor Henry G. Gale was aonointedto be dean of the Ogden Graduate School ofScience to fill the vacancy due to the deathof Dean Rollin G. Salisburv. The letter r ecentlv sent out from the President's officeto the alumni indicates how energetic andfar-sceinr- is this administration.E. ·S. Robinson, Secretary,Psychology Section,Association of Doctors of Philosophy. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN ]. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDEr-lTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER,\ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. Bl.AIR CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND JOHN J. MITCHELLEDWARD B. BUTLER MARTIN A. RYERSONBENJAMIN CARPENTER J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWELL ROBIi:RT J. THOR.NBERNEST A. HAMILL CHARLES H. WACKERForeign Exchange Letters o·f CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 193THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE194James M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H.Davis&GompangMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We pecialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis. 'I 1 Herbert I. Markham. Ex-'06Ralph W. Davis,'16 Byron C. Howes. Ex-'I3N. Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print a!::ue Unibeuitp of �bitago ;£flaga?ineMake a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Absolutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICATIONPrinting and Advertising Advisers�s'ie ���':r!�r:t ana the CooperaliOe ana Clearing Howefor Catalogues and Publications• Fnm�f81�lr�;. . .Ugi�ed State.. Let us estimate on your next prmtmg order, Printing' Products CorporationI FORMERLY ROGERS 6< HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Phones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381 +11-1111-I:II-IIII-IIII-IIII_IIII_IIU_IIII_III1_IIII_IIII_1111_1111_11+1 =i School of Education != 1+1I_1111_1I11_1111_1111_1111_lIh_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_1I1I_1111_11+'06-Mrs. E. A. Fessenden (Louise FrenchMatheny, Cer t.) is living at 15 Alder Ave.,Troy, N. Y.'09-Richard J. Kiefer, A.M., is Superintendent of Schools at Niles, Ohio.'17-Zoe Bayliss, Cert., formerly of theState Normal School at Kent, Ohio, is nowDean of Women at the State Normal, Whitewater, Wis.'ls-Louise Allen Green, Ph.B., is Asst.Prof. of Primary Method, Iowa StateTeachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa.'lS-Inez G. Kilton, Ph.B., since April,1923, has been Principal of the WhittierSchool at Long Beach, California.'20�Ethel Feldkirchner, Ph.B., is Instruc-tor in Home Economics at Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.'20-Gertrude Kohnhorst, Ph.B., A.M.,1922, is Principal of the Western Departmental School, Louisville, Ky.'22-Boyd M. McKeown, A. M., is Deanand Professor of Education at McMurryCollege, Abilene, Texas.'22-Ross Herr, A. M., is Instructor inMathematics at the Chicago Normal College,Chicago, Ill.'22-Guy Phillips, A. M., is an instructorin the Thornton Township High School,Harvey, Illinois.'22'-Lydia C. Miles, Ph.B., is Instructorin Home Economics at the State TeachersCollege, San Jose, California, and also manages the cafeteria of the Training School.'23- Josephine H. Weatherly, A.M., isAssoc. Professor of Psychology at the StateTeachers College, Hays, Kans. 'Various members of the faculty andalumni. of the School of Education took partin the extensive program of the Departmentof Superintendence at its meeting in Chicago during the week of February 25. A listof these speakers and their subjects follows:J. H. Risley, '10, Supt. of Schools, Pueblo,Colorado.Some Uses and Abuses of Intelligence andAchievement Tests.Educational Publicity.H. D. Fillers, '16, Supt. of Schools, Corsicana, Texas.A Method of Curriculum-Making.W. C. Reavis, '11, Principal, University HighSchool.Some Practicable Next Steps in the Reorganization of Secondary Education.Pa ul C. Stetson, '17, Supt. of Schools, Dayton, Ohio.Making the High School a Social Institution: The Program.City Schools and Community Service.Frank N. Freeman, University of Chicago.The Value of Visual Aids in EducationScientific Evidence.NEWS OF THE CLASSES-ALUMNI AFFAIRSScientific Evidence Bearing on SpecialTreatment of Gifted Children.Physical and Mental Development and ItsRelationship to Mental-Age Norms.Charles H. Judd, University of Chicago.Progress Achieved and Desirable in VisualEducation.'Case Studies and, Discussions of theShortening of the Elementary-SchoolCourse of Study.Laboratory Analysis of Arithmetic.Joseph A. Baer, '18, Asst. County Supt. ofSchools, Cleveland, Ohio.How to Raise· the' Standards of CountySupervision through a Research Department.L. V. Koos, '16, Professor of Education,University of Minnesota.The Junior High School : Reorganizationin Smaller Communities.The Coordination of Work Between theSenior High School and the JuniorCollege.Job Analysis in Teaching.W. W. Charters, '04, Professor of Education,University of Pittsburgh.Principles Underlying the Making of theCurriculum of Teacher-Training Institutions.Analysis and Method of Job Analysis.Technique of Trait Analysis.]. F. Bobbitt, University of Chicago.The High-School Principal's Responsibilityin Curriculum-Making.Discovery and Formulation of the Educational Objectives for Colleges andSchools of Education.VV. H. Hughes, '14;, Director of EducationalResearch, Pasadena, Calif.Organized Personnel Research and itsEffect on High-School Practices.W. S. Gray, '16, University of Chicago.The Case Method of Studying ReadingDeficiencies in the Junior High School.Alumni Affairs(Continued from page 170)Alumnae Party for High School GirlsThe Chicago Alumnae Club gave thefirst of a series of teas for senior girls .ofChicago high schools, Sunday at 3, February10, in Ida Noyes hall. This tea, for southside institutions only, is to be followed byothers for schools in the various sections ofthe city.The purpose of this series of teas is toacquaint the high school senior girls withthe University campus life and to give theman opportunity to decide whether they consider college essential to their future careers,according to Miss Alice Greenacre, presidentof the Alumnae club.The reception committee, of which MissHazel Stillman, '11, head of the Englishdepartment at the Chicago Normal school,is chairman; conducted the tour throughcampus. Other members of the committeeare University of Chicago graduates 'Whoare now teaching at these high schools. AnnuitiesSecure Guaranteed In ..come For Life.$10,000 PURCHASESMen WomenA.lle 55°5 $629. $684. Yearly'( 704. 771.".. 60 804. 889... 65 943. 1,050.e . 70 1.132. 1.255.Proportionate income forlarger or smaller amountof purchase money.Payable semi .. annually,quarterly or monthly ifdesired.Exempt from FederalIncome Tax.Complete Annuities issued bySixty-one :years in business.Now insuring over One Billion, Eight Hundred Million Dollarsin policies on 3.300,000 lives.ALBERT TEACHERS AGENCY39th Year25 East Jackson Blvd., ChicagoIn many hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normals, Secondary Schoolsof all kinds, there are today University of Chicago graduates, many withadvanced degrees, who secured theirpositions through Albert Teachers'Agency.For years this Agency has been inthe front rank of teacher placementbureaus, especially in College and University positions, and good positionsin other high class institutions.University of Chicago students arealways welcome in our office. If notnear enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We arehere to serve you.We have busy offices also inNew York, Denver and Spokane 195196 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE YATES - FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland, OregonClass Anniversary Reunions!Preliminary preparations for the AnnualJune 'Reunion are now under way. The anniversary classes, as customary, will be calledupon for the prominent class features. Detailsannounced later-but beg in now to get intouch with your class officers and friends!The Class Anni versaries this year are:Fiftieth Anniversary Class of 1874Fortieth Anniversary Class of 1884Thirtieth Anniversary Class of 1894Twenty-fifth Anniversary Class of 1899Twentieth Anniversary Class of 1904Fifteenth Anniversary Class of 190�Tenth Anniversary Class of 1914Fifth Anniversary Class of 1919First Anniversary Class of 1923"All together-for Chicago 1"1"""YOUR"Ai�MNiIAS;C�i�ON"""'!I MAGAZINE. Iare made stronger. more serviceable to the University and Alumni,and increasingly successful-First, by memberships, and second, by prompt payment of dues.I f not now a Life Member-andwe trust in good time you will beyou will assist your Association andMagazine very materially bypromptly co-operating on noticefrom your Alumni Office.Every loyal membership is deeplyappreciated; Urge your Chicago= friends to join I We should all work =t"::�::�::I:I::"��I:'::I:I:I:""""'."III'''''I''''III.",,",.,1 New York Big Ten Dinner-NoticeOn Friday, March 21st, the Second AnnualBanquet of the New York Association ofWestern Conference Universities, will beheld at the Astor, one of the, leading hostelries of New Y or k.Among those scheduled to speak are:James R. Angell, toastmaster, now Presidentof Yale, a graduate of the University ofMichigan, Alonzo Stagg, the nationallyfamous Athletic Director of the Universityof Chicago; W. A. Jessup, President ofIowa; and Glen Frank, Editor of CenturyMagazine and a former Northwestern man.There will also be special entertainmentprovided in the nature of violin selections byGilbert Ross, the distinguished violinist, ofWisconsin; the Castle Club Orchestra, ledby J. M. Friedlander, an Iowa man, andmade up mostly of Iowa men; Manton P.Marble, a well known tenor, formerly ofMichigan; and other novelties.Last year, the affair proved a tremendoussuccess and was attended by several hundred. This year, an even larger attendanceis anticipated.Raymond Bill,Secretary.383 Madison Ave.,New York City.Pittsburgh Big Ten Club ProgramA printed program received from theWestern Conference (Big Ten) UniversityClub of Pittsburgh gives a list of the specialdays to be observed during March and April.March 29th will be Chicago Day at theSaturday noon Club luncheon. On April30th will be held the First Annual Dance ofthe Club. The Club now has ,100 chartermembers and is attempting to get 200 more.At the Saturday luncheons, which are heldat Kaufmann & Baer Co.'s Dining Room,eighth floor, there are always special speakers. All alumni of western conference universities, whether residents in, or visitors tothe Pittsburgh district, are cordially invitedto attend the Saturday luncheons.Seventh Annual Interfraternity DinnerThe Interfraternity Association of Chicago held its seventh annual dinner in theCrystal Ball Room, Blackstone Hotel, onThursday, February 7th. Some 500 fraternity alumni attended. Richard HenryLittle-"R. H. L.", Line-O'-Type conductor,of the Chicago Tribune-presided as toastmaster.The matter of building a $3,000,000 Interfraternity Club for Chicago, similar to anational fraternity club building recentlycompleted in New York City, was explainedat this dinner. A number of fraternitvalumni of the Chicago chapters were 011committees and a large Chicago delegationwas present.QUADRANGLE NEWS--ATHLETICSNews of the Quadrangles( Con tin ued from Page 172)Chorus tryouts will come at the beginningof the spring Quarter."Ragamuffin Road", the Portfolio show,given biennially by the women of the University, had four successful performancesin Mandel Hall, February 22, 23, and 29,and March 1. The play was very clever,with excellent acting, dancing and scenicand chorus effects. Many considered it "asgood as the Blackfriars shows", and it wasgenerally regarded as the best Portfolio playyet produced.The "deadline" for all material for theCap and Gown came on Match first. Thelargest and best annual ever published atChicago is the aim of the editors, who expect to have the book in the hands of thestudents much earlier than heretofore. Anenlarged section has been given to theAlumni. At present, Don S. Irwin, '26, thebusiness manager, is staging the biggestsubscription drive ever attempted, and prospects are for a very large sale. With theseand other affairs, and the large winter program in athletics, the students are not wanting for campus activities.C. V. Wisner, Jr., '26.Athletics(Continued from page 173)Greenabaum with 2'4 and 21 baskets respectively this year, are highpoint men forCoach White's team.Following the windup of the basketballseason, all eyes at the University turn tothree minor sports, wrestling, fencing andgymnastics, which are to hold their conference meets at Chicago this season. Themeet is to take place on March 14-15 atBartlett gymnasium and will rival a threering circus in variety of attraction. W restling bouts will run off all day between various Big Ten teams, while fencers from allparts of the conference will engage at theother end of the gym. Coach Hoffer's men,in addition to nine others, will provide entertainment for the crowd by disporting onthe flying rings and 'parallell bars and similar gymnastic equipment..Clifton M. Utley, '25.National Interscholastic Baskert:ballTournament(Continued from page 173)all parts of the nation on the basis of whichinvitations will be mailed out. The prepmen will be the guests of the University during the five days in which they are in Chicago and will be housed by the variouscampus fraternities, who see to it that theathletes' stay in the Windy City is as pleasant and interesting as possible. The Alumniare invited to attend the Tournament andassist in making the visitors welcome. 197RALPH C. MANNING, '00REALTORChicago West SuburbanTown and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. ILL.Sam A. Rothermel '1 7InsurancewithMOORE, CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities208 S. LaSalle St. Wabash 0820Motion Pictures?Educational- Characterbuilding - EntertainingMathew A. Bowers, '22TEMPLE PICTURES, Inc.Cal. 4767 2301-11 Prairie Ave .• Chicago." ,Main 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR aLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans/or BUilding EstatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES, ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.554 W. Adams st., Chicago, m,ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AllBooks198 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.925 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800BRADFORD GILL, '10 WILLIS H. LINSLEY, '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL I NSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7500John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius Teninga, '12REAL ESTATETeninga Bros. & Co., 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 1�: �n�a�e::nt�. - 'fBirths, Deaths.,---.-------.-..-------.-.-..-.. . ...:marriage�Ruth Dean, ex '12, to Ayrnar Embury II,September 15, 1923. At home, 150 E. 61stStreet, New York City.John C. Baker, ex '15, to Katherine Condeof East Orange, New J er sey, June 19, 1923.At home, 201 Sedgwick Street, Syracuse,New York.Lawrence J. MacGregor, '16,,to Mary E.Childs, October 6, 1923, at Basking Ridge,New Jersey. At home, Summit, New Jersey.Miriam Wenner, '17, to Clarence Irion,'21, August 8, 1923, at Chicago. At home,2'0 Cranford Apartments, Ames, Iowa.Edna Friedlander, '21, to Herman H.Lowenstein of Nashville, Tennessee, August1. 1923. At home, 5476 Everett Avenue,Chicago.Maurice Grimm, '22, to Eloise Sandlin ofArdmore, Oklahoma, September 5, 1923. Athome, 620 Prospect Avenue, Shreveport,Louisiana.Helen Cohn, '22, to A. Bert Cromer, ex'20. At home, Miami, Florida.Nettie Bloom, '22', to Al Seeder. At home,850 Margate Terrace, Chicago.Ida Wendover Bond, '22, to James Marshall Osborn of Bixby, Oklahoma, August26, 1923. At home, Bixby, Oklahoma.Helen Rosetta Weber, '22, to Frank W.Ramm, September 22, 1923. At home, 4309N. Laramie Avenue, Chicago.William Warren Martin, Jr., '23, to VivianPrentice of Chicago, in June, 1923. At home,204 Tate Street. Greensboro, North Carolina.Melvina Scoville, '23, to Ezra Pike Rounds,June 26, 1923. At home, Soule Hall, PhillipsExeter Academy, Exeter, N. H.Betty Gatewood Johnson, '24, to RonaldBartlett Levinson, (Ph.D. '25), January 10,1924. At home, 155'7 East ooth .�treet,Chicago.�ngagement�Ruth N. Drake, '22, to Edward Whittemore Willcox.Carl P. Fales, '23, to Constance E. Hunterof Chicago.Eleanor C. Block, '23, to Charles J. Greenebaum.To William O. Coleman, '14, and Mrs.Coleman, a daughter, Rowena Kirby-Smith,November 10, 1923, at Winnetka, Illinois.To Reno R. Reeve, '14, JD. '16, and Mrs.Reeve, a son, Donald Austin, January 9, 1924,at Cedar Falls, Iowa.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE ivy of tradition is a slender support.A man or a team or a college that clings toit, harking back to the glories of yesterday, islikely to be outstripped by some young but sturdyrival. That is a sermon we have taken hometo ourselves.The Western Electric Company is proud ofits fifty-four years of history. But it is a greatdeal more concerned with the next fifty-fourand that is why we have been talking to thecollege men of America month after month nowfor four years .. The future of this business depends not somuch on the physical equipment we have builtup as on the mental equipment which men ofyour generation are building-on your habitsof study and conduct, on your right choice ofa profession and your' proficiency in it. So wehave made suggestions for your guidance, withthe conviction that they can help you--and us.* * * *This company; with its laboratories, its distributing organization and its great telephonefactory-in every respect a modern industry andin many respects a leader-will have openingsfrom time to time for men who can qualify.the interest of Elec:trical Development byan Institution that willbe helped by what.ever helps theIndustry,I ! ester» Electric CompanyThis advertisement is one of a series in studentpublications. It may remind alumni of their opportunity to help the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to get more out of his four years. 199200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVital Facts About TheMeat SupplyDo you know that in 1923there were-The largest supplies of porkin the history of the country?Thirty per cent more hogsmarketed than in 1922?These are some of the facts tobe found in Swift & Company's1924 Year Book.This Year Book also contains our financial statement.Earnings for 1923 were$13,184,619.32, an average ofless than 2 cents on each dollar of sales, or about � of acent per pound on all productssold.These earnings amountedto 8 7/10 per cent on capitalstock, or 6 1/10 per cent ontotal shareholders' investment.Send for the Swift & Company'1924 Year Book and read theseand many other interestingfacts.Swift & Company, U. S. A.Founded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by more than46,000 shareholders@S&Co.Swift & Company, Public Relations Dept,4273 Packers Ave" U. S, Yards, Chicago, Ill.Please send me, free of charge, a copy ofSwift & Company's 1924 Year Book.Name ", .. , .............••.......•......•......•••Address ......•........ ; '" ..•••••••••••• To George W. Caldwell, '15, and Mrs.Caldwell, a son, Charles Warner, November26, 1923, at Princeton, Illinois.To Oakley K. Morton, '15, and Mrs. Morton, a son, McDonald Grant, November 2,1923, at Riverside, California.To Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wiedemann(lone V. Bostaph) '17, a daughter, VivianJeanne, August 26, 1923, at Chicago.To Vestus T. Jackson, '17, Ph.D. '22, andMrs. Jackson (Louise J. Stenhouse) '18, adaughter, Betty Carolyn, July 7, 1923, atChicago.To Earl B. Miller, '17, and Mrs. Miller, adaughter, Pauline Almstead, May 5, 1923,at Madison, Wisconsin.To Robert Guy Buzzard, '16, S.M. '17, andMrs. Buzzard, a son, Henry Lewis, June 5,1923, at Normal, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Walker M. Hinman(Winifred H. Franz) '19, S.M. '22', a daughter, Dorothea Elizabeth, December 10, 1923,at Chicago. 'To Chester K. Wentworth, '19, and Mrs.Wentworth, a son, Thomas Porter, October5, 1923.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lovett'(Phoebe Miller) '19, a son, Miller, March,1923.To Lester E. Garrison, '19, and Mrs. Gar-,rison, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, July 6,1923, at Chicago.To Heth G. Smith, '22, and Mrs. Smith,a daughter, Elaine Alta, December 10, 1923,at Cameron, Wisconsin.To Victor J. Smith, '23, and. Mrs. Smith,a son, Harlan King; August 2'0, 1923, atAlpine, Texas.To W. Norman Graham, '23, and Mrs.Graham (Leona Bachrach) '20, a son,Stephen Geoffrey, July 23, 1923, at Chicago.Jennie M. Kuyper, '01, lost her life in thegreat earthquake in Japan, September 1,1923.Ernest Evans Jones, '05, August 27, 1923,at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where he wasAssistant Professor of Industrial Chemistryat Lehigh University.Robert E. Wilson, Ph.D. '23, December20, 192'3. He was for years a member ofthe faculty at Northwestern University, andwas Dean of Men there at the time of hisdeath.Mrs. Zella Allen Dixson, former associatelibrarian of the University, at her residence,5220 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, January 12,1924.E.very idle stream or waterfall that is put .tQ work, and furnishes light and power to homes and factoriesmany miles away, weans a saving In-coal ana. what is more important, a saving in humau energies.How far can a waterfall faU?•,Improvementsmelectrieal development donot "happen." Theycome from the tirelessresearchoftrainedscientists. The General Electric Company invests in thework of its ResearchLaboratories morethan a million dollarsa year • In 1891 General ElectricCompanyequipped an electric plant at San AntonioCanyon for transmitting electric power 28 miles-sa record .. Today electric power from awaterfall is carried ten timesas far.Some day remote farm homeswill have electricity andstreams that now yield nothing will be yielding powerand light.. GENERAL ELECTRIC"America's Finest}vI en's Wear Stores"AMERICA'S FINEST-·CLOTHES FOR MENReady for SpringCOMPLETE displays of our finest Clothesare now ready for early Spring. Manyof our patrons prefer to make theirselections now, in order to take full advantage of an unrestricted choice of color,pattern and design, and to enjoy the satis-. faction of being ready to greet the first Springdays fully prepared.The Capper & Capper label, identifying theseStra tford Clothes, rep res e n t s the finestproduction of America's tailorcraft. Most ofthe patterns exhibited are exclusive and restricted to us, and cannot be found elsewhere.Suits, $50 to $125.Topcoats, $50 to '$125LONDO,NCHICAGO$T. PAULDE-TROITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand HOTEL SHERMAN