�Iaht {(nibtfl3itr U� Qhtcago O)agalittt" "Speaking of Books ...and especially those published hy lthe University of ChiCflgo nesscg x �The ,Nucleusof a science library that consists of books written not onlyfor the scientist but also for the educated layman is to befound in the well-known "University of Chicago ScienceSeries." Here in fifteen small volumes, uniform in size andbinding, are presented the complete results of experimentsand investigations dealing with specific scientific problemsof current interest. Written with as little technical detail asis consistent with sound method, they occupy a position between the technical journals with their short articles andthe elaborate treatises which attempt to cover several orall aspects of a wide field.Famous among the titles in this series are The Electronby Robert A. Millikan, The Origin of t,he Earth by ThomasC. Chamberlin, The Biology of Twins and The Physiologyof Twinnin'g by Horatio Hackett Newman, Problems ofFertilization by Frank R. Lillie, The Uving Cycads byCharles J. Chamberlain, Th�' Evolu:tion of Sex in Plants byJohn M. Coulter, and The Antiquity of ,Disease by Roy L.Moodie.A new catalogue, "Books for a Science Library," has justbeen issued. There is a copy for you. May we send it,free of charge?The thiFd of a series of advertisements addressedto the readees of University of Chicago Press books"THE TRUE UNIVERSITY IS A COLLECTION OF BOOKS."-Carlyle�be . Ilntber11ttp of <!btcago �aga?tntEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. and A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association-A.' G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-FLoRENCE WILLIAMS, '16 ..The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, III. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. nPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. nPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents. (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, S' cents (total 28 cents).nRemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer-sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. .Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the. Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XVI. CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1924 No.3FRONTISPIECE: THE CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARYCLASS SECRETARIES ANn CLUB OFFICERS ..... :......................................... saEVENTS AND COMMENT............................................................... Sf}ALUMNI AFFAIRS S7THE AMERICAN PEACE AWARD PLAN.................................................. 91CHICAGO DEANS (DEAN JOHN MILTON DODSON)....................................... 92NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES __ .. _ . . . . . . . .. 93ATHLETICS .......................................................................•.. 94THE LETTER Box _ __ . 95UNIVERSITY NOTES _ . • .. 98LA W SCHOOL .........................................•............................. 101SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION (INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN MEAT PACKERS) .. 102SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (THE COMMONWEALTH FUND) 104BOOK REVIEV.'S ....................................................................•. 106NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS, 108MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS 120R182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumniof the University Councilof ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1924,- MRs. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHNP. MENTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, '07; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term expires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT 1. MARKHAM, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LoGSDON, PH.D, '21'.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.B�IGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni 'Association, EDGAR J. PHILLIPS, L. L. B., '11; CHARLES F. MeELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. GARRETTF. LARKIN, '21; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From- the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, FRANCIS F. PATTON,'l1; HOWELL W. MURRAY, '14; WILLIAMH. LYMAN, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; ALICE GREENACRE, '08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSON, '12.From the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '9�, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JAMES McGEE, D.B., '08, 165 York Street, New Haven, Conn.Secretary, CLARENCE W. KEMPER, A.M., '11, D.B., '12, First Baptist Church, Charleston, W. Va.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15, 137 So. La. Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,Illinois.Secretary, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16, A.M., '20, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRET ARiES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIES'09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1588 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford liill, 171) W. Jackson Blvd.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'H. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.'18. Barbara Miller. 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel. 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kimbark Ave.'22. Mi na Morrison. 5tiUU Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSClub). Sec. Charles H. Loomis, Merchant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. HelenePollak Gans, 1 West 89th St., New YorkCity.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette Griffin, South High School.Peoria, Ill. Sec., Anna J. LeFevre, BradleyPolytechnic Institute.Philadelphia, Pa. Pr es., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., Rheinhardt Thiessen,U. S. Bureau of Mines.Portland, Ore. Pres., Virgil A. Crum, 1313Henry, 2074 Northwestern Bank Bldg.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 406 Mont ..gomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Sec., Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.South .Dakota, Sec., Anna Fastenau, Sioux1354 Falls, S. D..Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Island andMoline, Ill.). Sec., Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Estelle Lutrell, University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., Ernest G. Ham, Brandon,VL.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No.1 Heskett St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.George S. Hamilton, 367 Franklin Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Sec" Victor Hanson,Shanghai College.Tokyo, Japan. h.. W. Clement. First HighSchool.,S.'94.'95.'96.'97.'98.'99.'00.'01.'02.'08'(;)4.'05.'06.'07.'08. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.Clara H. Taylor. 5�38 indiana Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St.Wellington D. Jones, Urnversrty of Chicago.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne St.,Brookline.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, la.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Lyman, 5 N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Nell C.East 107th St.Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, Ia. Sec., Hazelle Moore, Rollins Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. Sec" Lester H. Rich,Broadway.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N.· D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn,H15 Broadway.Iowa City, Ia. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec., Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A .. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 912Railway Exchange Bldz.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. {Twin Cities 83The Chicago Theological SeminaryThis frontispiece shows the proposed design of the new buildings of the Chicago Theological Seminary on Fifty-eighthStreet, between University and Woodlawn avenues. This Congregational Seminary is the largest of the theological schoolsnow affiliated with the University. Construction of the section on the right, with the tower, was begun last spring and isnow almost completed; the main dormitories are located here, on Woodlawn Avenue. The architecture conforms to theGothic style of the University, but the building material of brick and stone, similar to that of the new Quadrangle Club,preserves the individuality of the Seminary. A note concerning the Seminary appears in our "University Notes." 00�'-l�tJ:1c:::<.......�tJ:1�V)...........,0..::::o'1;<)�.......C}��()�����.......<tJ:1The University of ChicagoMagazineVOL. XVI No.3JANUARY, 1924tEVENTS� .At the December Convocation anothergift of rare and valuable manuscripts wasmade to the University. ElseAnother where in this number the giftMSS. Gift and presentation are recorded insome detail. This gift-of threemanuscripts greatly desired by several departments of the University-carries on theplan of presenting such much needed research material by the Alumni which wasstarted so auspiciously last spring, as recorded in the Magazine at that time. Theremay be, of course, occasional lapses in thegiving of such material-but a "manuscripttradition" has been well started, and as theyears pass this tradition should certainly result in considerable timely benefit to manyDepartments.A most significant feature of this lastgift is that it was presented not by an individual alumnus or by some group, but by aclass. This is the first gift of any specialimportance ever made to the University byany class after its graduation. To the Classof 1911, therefore, belongs the high honorof making the first important contributionto Alma Mater as an alumni class. William Kuh, the present Secretary of 1911,who initiated the idea and who did muchto bring about its realization, made thepresentation on behalf of his class at theConvocation.The idea of class gifts after graduationis not new in alumni history. In fact, at anumber of institutions, particularly in theEast, class gifts, and especially class anniversary .gifts, are often the basis for annualalumni donations to the institution. It isnot uncommon for the twenty-fifth or thirtieth or forty-fifth class anniversary gift to reach as high as fifty thousand dollars; andfrequently the combined 'class gifts of anyone year attain a 1110st impressive sum.Weare, perhaps, too young as alumni toexpect any very large sums from anniversary classes at the present time. But theclass gift idea is both inspiring and effective,and we hope that the Class of 1911 has begun a movement that will result in everincreasing class donations and the development of a feature of pronounced importancein alumni co-operation- on behalf of the University. For, after all, in what better waycan a class "celebrate" a special anniversarythan by making some worth-while gift to theUniversity? The amount of the gift, generally considered, need not necessarily belarge. The point is that the creation of thegift, whether large or small, brings classmembers together in a high spirit of common purpose as nothing else can, while thegift itself represents in a most striking manner a renewal of class allegiance and anassurance of constructive loyalty on the partof such definite groups of alumni.1911 has appeared as the "pioneer." Allhonor to them! May the other classes "follow the trail"-to discover and develop atruly great field of promise of alumni contributions.* * *In connection with alumni contributions-whether by classes or individuals-we arepleased to call close attentionAn Alumni to a letter from Mr. Lees BalEndowment linger, '02, in the JanuaryFund "Letter Box." The letter em-phasizes the desirability ofestablishing an Alumni Endowment Fundfor the University. We urge upon all of8586 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEour readers a serious consideration of thatsuggestion. IWhat Mr. Ballinger urges is a generalfund, to be raised each year by the Alumni,any amount from one dollar up being gratefully acceptable. Such a fund is distinguished from the present Alumni Fund, established in 1919, with Association memberships of varying degrees involved, and consequently requiring a minimum subscriptionof fifty dollars and having certain fixedcharges against its income. Other university alumni associations have both such special membership and such general endowment funds, each operating in its own wayto the benefit of the institution.The most striking and successful exampleof the type of fund that Mr. Ballinger hasin mind is the Yale Alumni Fund. Everyyear Yale alumni contribute to that fundwhatever .their circumstances at the timepermit. • The first year in which this Yalefund was started, early in the nineties, therewere only a few hundred contributors, andthe total amount raised was around $11,000in all. In recent years the annual alumnicontributions to Yale, under this fund, haveaveraged well over $25@,000. In one yearit reached half a million, with close to 10,000alumni contributors. The fund is obligatedto no special purpose. In general, a certain percentage is annually set aside forpermanent Yale endowment and the remainder used for any Current expenditureswhich the University authorities might findnecessary. The amount annually contributed, of course, changes from year toyear, depending on various conditions.But the Fund is an established annual feature of Yale alumni activities; it is, perhaps, the center of the general Yale alumniprogram and is by far the most successfulfund of its kind.We have reached a point in our ownalumni history when thoughtful considerationshould be given by our Alumni toward thecreation of some such flexible method ofcontributions to our University. Mr. Ballinger's letter is indeed timely. The start,as was the case with Yale and all otheruniversities receiving such. helpful cooperation from alumni, will very likely be small;but the resultant development will be great -in numbers contributing, in amountsdonated annually, and in direct service tothe University. The Magazine will be gladto receive from Alumni expressions of opinion and suggestions on such a program.* * *At the request of a Committee on theAmerican Peace Award, a digest of thewinning peace plan, submittedAmerican under the $100,000 contest re-Peace cently established by Edward W.Plan Bok, appears in this number.The winning plan was announced about January 1st. Mrs. Frank A.Vanderlip (Narcissa Cox, '03) has beenprominently active on the American PeaceAward Committee. Undoubtedly most ofour readers will have access to reading theplan in full; yet the digest herein printed,we trust, will prove helpful to them nevertheless, while it will enable such other ofour readers who by some chance cannot seethe plan in full, to get its essentials.Following the prize-winning announcement, the American Peace Award Committee is now conducting a nation-wide ballotto enable the American people to vote favorably or unfavorably on the plan chosen:Most of our Alumni will receive a ballotthrough such newspapers and other agenciesas are cooperating in the vote. The Com:'mittee is particularly eager to have the educated men and women of the country takean interest in this voting and express anopinion by means of the ballot made available. Information on the olan and a ballot will be sent to anyone requesting them,by addressing the Committee at 342 Madison Ave., New York City. We respectfullysuggest that our alumni, in common withthose of many other institutions, give thismatter their attention and take part in thevoting.* * *No-it's not "too late," by any means.The January Magazine serves as our "NewY ear card" to all of our Alumni.Happy We hope you thoroughly enNew Year! joyed the Holidays, and we takesincere pleasure in extending toall of you our Best Wishes for a Happyand Hearty New Year!ALUMNI AFFAIRSALUMNIConnecticut Alumni MeetingConn. Agr. Exp, Sta.,New Haven, Conn.December 6, 1923.On November 10 twelve former University of Chicago students had luncheon atHotel Bishop. Though the number presentwas small, it was considered a very pleasantmeeting. Interest and loyalty are not lack;1'}g though it is to be regretted that it seemsimpossible to get a larger attendance at ourieetings. The spirit of our president, Dr.v. E. Tucker, is shown by the fact that herefused an invitation, given by a life-longfriend, whom he seldom sees, to the Princeton-Harvard football game in order that hemight be present at this annual meeting.We were disappointed that, owing to Yaleduties, Pres. Angell was unable to be withus but we hope that we can arrange ournext meeting for a time when he can bepresent.For several reasons we think it better tochange the time of our annual meeting fromfall to spring, beginning March 1924, so thatthis year we shall have two meetings. Thesame officers, who have now held office forseveral years, were again re-elected: President, Dr. G. E. Tucker, '00; Vice Presidents,Miss Mary L. Marot, '94, and Prof. W m.R. Longley, '03, Ph.D. '06; Secretary, MissFlorence A. McCormick. I am enclosing acopy of my list of former students and Ishall be yery grateful if you will send anyadditional names or corrections. I am alsoenclosing my check for the University Magazine.Yours sincerely,Florence McCormick, Ph.D. '14,Secretary.To Start Alumni Club in BirminghamA request for a list of Alumni residing inand near Birmingham, Alabama, has beenreceived from Ludd M. Spivey, '21, A.M. '22,D.E. '22. Mr. Spivey, who is a Dean atBirmingham Southern College, is planningto start a University of Chicago AlumniClub in Birmingham. The list and otherinformation on clubs has been supplied. Arrangements are under way for putting Birmingham on the "Chicago club map". TheAlumni Office is always glad to cooperate instarting Chicago clubs.Shanghai Alumni Meet Professor CoulterNovember 21, 1923.I am enclosing a copy of the list of present members of the University of ChicagoClub in Shanghai. On December 27, 1922, 87AFFAIRSa large number of the members met at thehome of Mrs. C. S. Lobingier and re-organized the University of Chicago Club andadopted the constitution proposed by theAlumni Council. The following officerswere elected: .President, Dr. John Y. Lee, S.B. '07, Ph.D. '15; vice-president, Mrs. C. S. Lobingier,ex; secretary-treasurer, Victor Hanson, Ph.B. '13, A.M. '14.During the past year we have not hadmany visitors from the University of Chicago, but Dr. and Mrs. and Miss Coulterare now in China and last Friday, N overnber 16, the University Club gave a dinner inShanghai in honor of these guests. We hada very good attendance and enjoyed especially a brief speech by Dr. Coulter in whichhe presented the new plans of the University.I can assure you that all members of theClub will be very glad to get from time totime any word from the University and tokeep in touch with its plans and developments. We are especially delighted withthe choice of the University for President.Dr. Burton holds a very high place in theesteem and in the hearts of all alumni. Weshall be glad to receive word from you concerning University of Chicago people coming to the East and to meet such representatives here from time to time.Cordially yours,Victor Hanson, Ph.B. '13, A.M. '14,Secretary.Alumni Play in Christmas RevelsAlumni took a very prominent part in theAnnual Christmas Revels of the QuadrangleClub, given on Friday evening, December21st. The main play of the evening, a travesty with music, entitled "Selective Admission", was written by James Weber("Teddy") Linn, '97, who has been writingthese annual Christmas plays for about a decade. Leading parts were taken by Mrs. Schuyler Terry (Phoebe Bell, '08), Arthur Bovee,'07, David H. Stevens, Ph.D. '14, DunlapClark, '17, Anna Gwin Pickens, '23, Paul MacClintock, '12, Ph.D. '20, Vories Fisher, '22,Sarah Mulroy, '19, and Elizabeth Bell, ex-'21.A. G. Pierrot, '07, staged the performance;James Hoge (grad) was in charge of themusic. Robert W. Stevens, '14, Henry D.Sulcer, '05, and Mrs. Sulcer, ex-'10, assistedin the singing of Christmas carols beforethe play. The Revels were attended by thelargest crowd in the history of the Quadrangle Club.88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECleveland Alumnae Meeting-New OfficersDecember 16, 1923.The University of Chicago Alumnae Clubof Cleveland has held its last meeting Of theyear 1923 arid elected a new corps of officers. We met as usual at the Woman'sCity Club, Saturday, December 8.Eighteen members were present, and oneguest, the speaker, Miss Helen Smith, Deanof Women at Western Reserve University.After luncheon she gave us a most instructive and interesting talk on the present effort of universities and colleges to bringtogether faculty and students through advice as to studies and through courses outlining and unifying work in various branches.She pointed out that first each course definitely dictated, then came the swing back toa too free elective system and now a medium course with faculty advisors is to betried. Miss Smith's personality and diction are charming: We all enjoyed verymuch meeting and hearing her.The new executive committee is:President, Mrs. S. H. Greenstone 10820Fairchild Ave.. Cleveland, (Jeanette Israel,'13); vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Walz, 7912Detroit Ave., Cleveland, (Eleanor Dumeldinger, ex-'21); secretary, Mrs. F. C. Loweth,3277 DeSota Ave., Cleveland Hts., (AliceLee); treasurer, Miss Sophie Wulf, '20,1649E. 86th Street, Cleveland.Sincerely yours,Mrs. F. C. Loweth, '11,-(Alice Lee), Secretary.Dr. Judd and Dean Gray Address PittsburghAlumni ClubOn Saturday, December 8th, the annualmeeting of the Pittsburgh Alumni Club ofthe University of Chicago was held at adinner at the Fort Pitt Hotel, in the diningroom Annex. The dinner was held at 5 :45P. M. to allow the alumni to attend theAnnual Western Conference Alumni Association smoker, to take place at the samehotel that evening. This club meeting waswell attended and an excellent programthoroughly enjoyed.Dr. Charles H. Judd, Director of theSchool of Education, and Dean William S., Gray of the School of Education, who werein Pittsburgh attending educational conferences, were the guests of honor and speakers. They told of the later developmentsat the University and of the interest developing among the Alumni-both of thespeakers giving very effective talks on Chicago. A former member of the Chicagofaculty, now at Columbia, was also presentand spoke briefly.At this meeting the annual election ofClub officers was held. The following were. elected: President, M. R. Gabbert, Ph.D.'21, formerly secretary of the Club; Secretary, .Reinhardt Thiessen, '03, Ph.D. '07, whohad. served as a Club officer in previousBoston or to study or teach at Harvard, years; and Treasurer, Ralph L. Brown, Ph.D. '17. Dr. Gabbert, the new President, ison the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Thiessen and Dr. Brown arewith the United States Bureau of Mines atPittsburgh. After the meeting adjournedthe men attended the Western ConferenceAlumni Smoker noted in this number of theMagazine.Pittsburgh Alumni Take Part in Meetingof Western Conference AssociationThe Tenth Annual Smoker and meetingof Pittsburgh alumni of the Western Conference universities was held on December8th, in the Norse Room of the Fort PittHotel, with a large and enthusiastic attendance. Musical numbers were given by the"Western Conference Orchestra" and anumber of soloists. The university anthemswere sunk by each group of the Big Tenschools.The speakers were Maj or John L. Griffith,Western Conference Athletics Commissioner, Dr. Edward C. Elliott, President ofPurdue University, Dr. C. W. Petty andthe Honorable James Frances Burke ofPittsburgh. The speakers dwelt on athletics as a feature of university life andactivity, and on the place of alumni incooperation with the universities for theiradvancement.Reinhardt Thiessen, '03, Ph.D. '07, whois Treasurer of the Association, was on theAttendance Committee, and on the Executive Committee; Roy H. Brownlee, Ph.D.'07, and M. R. Gabbert, Ph.D. '21, presidentof our Pittsburgh Alumni Club, were o-n theReception Committee; Ralph Lyman Brown,Ph.D. '17, is Secretary of the Western Conference Association.All of the Big Ten universities were wellrepresented at this gathering, and the annual meeting of this Association has become a fixed event on the calendars of allalumni 'of Western Conference universitiesin Pittsburgh.Massachusetts Alumni Club MeetingOn Thursday evening, November 1st,the University of Chicago Club of Massachusetts held its first fall meeting at an informal dinner served at the Girls' City Clubin Boston. _Twenty-nine of us were present (including seven "Chicagoans" by adoption), and notes of greeting and regret camefrom many more Alumni who live in Massachusetts but who were prevented from attending by distance or circumstance.The president, Alfred D. Radley, '03, waschairman of the gathering, and Herbert L.Willett, Jr., '12, gave us an entertaining andinforming account of his, and Mr-s. Willett'sadventures and observations in Syria andMediterranean ports during the past summer.The meeting was a particularly jolly one.Among those who recently came to live inALUMNI AFFAIRS"Tech," and Wellesley, we renewed old college friendships. Everyone sang Chicagosongs with enthusiasm and, lingering aroundthe piano reluctant to go home, voted to gettogether soon and often.Those present were: Gertrude Bissell,'23, Hunford Davison, '21, Marion Gilchrist,ex '24, Professor Charles H. Gray, '04, andMrs. Gray, Livingston Hall, '23, Henry G.Hardy, '23, Lillian H. Hadley, '15, and Mr.Hadley, E. Fletcher Ingals, '19, and Mrs.Ingals, Pauline Levi Lehrburger, '17, andMr. Lehrburger, Grace Lingham, '10, Forrest L. Martz, '22, Theodore W. Noon, '13,Roberts B. Owen, '11, and Mrs. Owen, Alfred D. Radley, '03, John Slifer, '17, Mrs.Florence Kilvary Slifer, '18, Enid Townley,'21, Emily Talbot, '23, Rowena EwartWoodman, '07, and Mrs. Woodman, Herbert L. Willett, Jr., '11, and Mrs. Willett,and Karl E. Zener, '23.Pauline L. Lehrburger, '17,Secretary.Chicago Alumnae Club Holiday Luncheon-Dr. Goodspeed Speaks on NewTestament TranslationThe annual holiday luncheon of theAlumnae Club was held Friday, December 28, at the Chicago College Club. [SinceMolly Carroll, now professor at GoucherCollege, wrote that the Club needed a partyespecially for the alumnae home from theirvarious jobs, the holiday luncheon has beenan institution in growing favor.] This yearthe roll-call of those present included MissBurton of New York City, Miss Lermit ofSt. Louis and Mrs. Essington of Streator,Ill., besides a good turn-out of Chicago folk.The guest of honor was Dr. Edgar Goodspeed, who spoke admirably on "WhyTranslate the New Testament?" What hesaid fitted into Miss Greenacre's emphasisupon President Burton's convocation address, in which the service of the Universityin the fields of scholarship was the key-notefor new enthusiasm and new support."The Chicago Alumnae Club is now in aposition where its usefulness, its functionsand its burdens and responsibilities are developing and expanding," said Miss Greenacre. "The Settlement Committee and theCommittee on the Collegiate Bureau of Occupations have already served notice thatthey wish to increase the financial and otherparticipation of the Alumnae Club in theseactivities. Further, they recognize that theprimary obligation is to the University itself.It is not enough to maintain a renting textbook library for undergraduates, to pay forone four-quarter scholarship, or to pass thehat at a business meeting for a small sumto complete the purchase of a rare manuscript."Of our own thinking, we know that analumnae club in this city, with over 3,000women who are former University of Chicago students, should do something morethan just these things. 89"Dr. Burton has said that the Universitymust soon appeal to the friends of the University and the alumni for financial supportto further the program of research and administrative development he has mapped out."But the Alumnae Club was already atwork before the president's message upona plan by which, with no undue burden toany individual, the club may increase itsfinancial support of Settlement and Collegiate Bureau work and at the same time dosomething more for the University itself.The plan is to be presented in toto at thenext meeting of the Executive Committee."Attention is called to the following committee activities:Athletic ClassesThere will be an additional registration onThursday, January 3. Bowling will commence January 3, and all other classes willcommence January 10. The afternoonclasses for this quarter are swimming andrythms; the evening classes are swimming,bowling and a co-educational class forAlumnae and their husbands and theirescorts in folk dancing, to be conducted byMr. Wellington Downing Jones. A chargein addition to club dues of $3.00 for oneclass and $4.00 for more than one is made.Of this amount $1.00 goes to the Universityfor locker fee and the rest is used for theexpense of music, instructors' expenses andother incidental expenses.Thursday TeasAt three o'clock every Thursday afternoontea is served in the Alumnae Room in IdaNoyes Hall. Miss Charlotte Foye is hostessin behalf of the club.Collegiate BureauA convention of all of the collegiatebureaus in the country will be held in Chicago during the last week in February. Atleast two meetings will be open to membersof the Alumnae Club:(a) A meeting at the Chicago CollegeClub on Wednesday, February 27, at 8 P. M.This is an open meeting held especially forwomen who have used the service of theChicago Bureau, and all members of· theChicago Alumnae Club are invited.(b) A meeting at Ida Noyes Hall on Friday, February 29, at 3 :30 P. M., to whichthe undergraduate women will be invited,as are also members of the Alumnae Club.High School TeasThe membership committee, Miss MiriamSimons, chairman, announces that the highschool teas undertaken last year as an experiment were so successful that it hasdecided to continue them as a permanentactivity. A separate committee on highschool teas, under Miss Ruth Hostetler, hasbeen formed.SettlementThis year's Settlement Dance -brought$1,500 less than expected. The contribu-90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtions in Mandel Hall, which go to the Settlement, have been less than usual. And nowthe Settlement is about $3,000 behind on itsbudget so far this year. But in addition itwants to raise $6,000 this year with whichto begin work on a boys' building.Plan Alumni Club in Lexington, Ky.December 22', 1923.My dear Mr. Pierrot:As there seems to be considerable agitation for the organization of a Universityof Chicago Club here in Lexington, I amwriting for your plans and suggestions.There are about twenty-five or thirty alumniand former students here, which ought toform the nucleus for such an organization.Several Chicago men are added to our community each year ..With kind regards and best wishes forthe New Year, I am,Very trul'y yours,M. N. States, Ph.D. '22.Department of Physics,University of Kentucky,Lexington, Kentucky.Chicago Chi Psi Lodge Celebrates TwentyFifth AnniversaryOn November 24, Alpha Epsilon Deltacelebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary ofChi Psi at The University of Chicago.Of the thirteen founders of the localAlpha, November 25, 1898, those presentwere: Ainsworth W. Dark, '99'; CharlesN. Crewdson, '98; Michael F. Gallagher, '99;John F. Hagey, '98; John P. Mentzer, '98;Ralph L. Peck, '98, and Rufus M. Reed, '99.The other founders, represented by letters and telegrams, are: Newell M. Fair,'99, Mankato, Kan.; Marcus P. Frutchey,'98, New York, N. Y.; James M. Gwinn, '97,Chicago; Clark S. Reed, '99, Chicago; Rowland T. Rogers, '00, New Yorik, N. Y., andArthur W. Smith, '98, Hamilton, N. Y.Sixty attended the banquet in the eveningat the Quadrangle Club. Many came fromout of town. There are one hundred andseventy-five alumni living. Because of therules of the Quadrangle Club the undergraduates were not present at the banquetand had a celebration at the Chi Psi lodge.A newspaper edited by them was circulatedat the banquet. Over a hundred messagesof congratulation were received fromalumni and from the twenty-one Alphas of Chi Psi at other colleges and universities.Preceding the addresses stereopticon pictures were shown depicting the progress ofthe university and the' fraternity. Amongthose exciting the most interest were pictures of Wilber M. Kelso, '96, the day heentered the university in 1893; of the threesons of R. L. ("Pat") Henry, '02, Worcester College, Oxford, Eng., and of Walter W.Goddard, '13, who was killed in an airplaneaccident in France in 1918. The Service Roll, of the local Alpha was shown. Thefirst picture was that of Philip Spencer, oneof those who founded Chi Psi in 1841.Lees Ballinger, '02, toastmaster, introduced as the speakers, for the universityDean Ernest H. Wilkins and Director A. A.Stagg, and for the fraternity John M. Anderson, Michigan, '90, of Detroit, nationalpresident, and Michael F. Gallagher, of Chi-cago. •Dean Wilkins and Director Stagg aremembers of other fraternities and the former accordingly addressed his remarks tohis "cousins in Chi Psi". He first readfrom a book of poems, "Yankee Notions",by an Amherst friend who is a Chi Psi,G. S. Bryan, and then spoke on the trendof undergraduate educational methods. Mr.Stagg suggested to his hearers two needeclmovements in which they might be pioneers,one to establish an endowment fund throughyearly alumni contributions and the other. to secure more men's dormitories for theUniversity.The reunion was under the auspices ofthe Alpha Epsilon Delta of Chi Psi Educational Association, whose officers are:President, Lees Ballinger, '02; Vice-President, Wi11is H. Linsley, '01; Treasurer, Arthur T. Goodman, '14; Secretary, Hiram L.Kennicott, '13, and Directors, Wilber M.Kelso, '97; Lees Ballinger, '02; Oscar V.l.Johnson, '05; Ernest R. Reichmann, '14, andDonald L. Smith, '20.Members of Chi Psi from the facultypresent included Recorder-Examiner Walter A. Payne, Chicago, '96, and Major Frederick Barrows, Hamilton, '07. .Will Start Alumni Club in LincolnLincoln, Neb., Jan. 2, 1924.Secretary, Alumni Association.My dear Sir:I have thought that it would be of mutualinterest -if we could have a University ofChicago Club in Lincoln. If you will sendme a list of ex-Chicagoans in Lincoln Ishall do what I can to effect such an organiza tion.Very truly yours,Everett M. Hosman, A.M. '15.General Secretary,Nebraska State Teachers Assn.Missouri Alumni Luncheon for Dr. JuddSixty graduates and former students ofthe University of Chicago, attending theMissouri State Teachers' Association meeting in St. Louis, entertained Dr. Charles H.Judd at luncheon in the Hotel Claridge, Friday, December 7th. Principal H. H. Ryanof the Blewett Junior High School presided.Dr. Judd gave a brief account of recentsplendid achievements of the University ofChicago. He especially pointed out somegoals for the School of Education which(Continued on page 115)THE AMERICAN PEACE AWARD PLAN 91tN-'--"-I--"-"-.'--"-"-' __ 'I-.�a-"_"_"_'_.II_"._.It_"1- ... -. __ •• _"._ •• _ • .- •• _ •• _ •• _ .... +, .. II The American Peace Award Plan i! . i+- .. -II.-.II-."� •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• -M"_ •• _""_IIM_H ••• _""_ •• _ •• -I.-III_ •• _lIlI_II"":"' .. _""_I .. _PI_II"_81_"+Statement of Jury of AwardThe Jury of Award realizes that there is no oneapproach to world peace, and that it is necessary torecognize not merely political but also psychologicaland economic factors. The only possible pathway tointernational agreement with reference to these complicated and difficult factors is through mutual coun�eland cooperation which the plan selected contemplates.It is therefore the unanimous opinion of the Jury,that of the 22,165 plans submitted, Plan Number1469 is "the best practicable plan by which the UnitedStates may cooperate with other nations to achieveand preserve the peace of the world."It is the unanimous hope of the Jury that the firstfruit of the mutual counsel and cooperation amongthe nations which will result from the adoption ofthe plan selected will be a general prohibition of themanufacture and sale of all materials of war.Elihu Root, Chairman,James Guthrie Harbord,Edward M. House,Ellen Fitz Pendleton,Roscoe Pound,William Allen White,Brand Whitlock.The Question to be Voted UponThe substantial provisions which constitute the plan selected by the Jury of Award,and upon which the vote of the Americanpeople is asked, are hereby submitted by thePolicy Committee as follows:I. Enter the Permanent CourtTha t the United States adhere to the Permanent Court of International Justice forthe reasons and under the conditions statedby Secretary Hughes and President Hardingin February, 1923.II. Cooperate with the League of Nations,Without Fun Membership at PresentThat with cut becoming a member of theLeague of N ations as at present constituted,the United States Government should extend its present cooperation with the Leagueand propose participation in the work of itsAssembly and Council under the followingconditions and reservations:Safeguarding of Monroe Doctrine1. The United States accepts the League of Nations as an instrument of, mutual counsel, but it will assume no obligation to interfere with political questions of policy or internal administration of anyforeign state.In uniting its efforts with those of other States forthe preservation of peace and the promotion of thecommon welfare, the United States insists upon thesafeguarding of the Monroe Doctrine and does notabandon its traditional attitude concerning Americanindependence of the Old World and does not consentto submit its long established policy concerning questions regarded by it as purely American to the recommendation or decision of other Powers.No. Military or Economic Fcrce2. The only kind of compulsion which nations canfreely engage to aI!ply to each other in the name ofPeace is that which arises from conference, frommoral judgment, from full publicity, and from thepower of public opinion.The United States will assume no obligations underArticle X in its present form, or under Article XVIin its present form in the Covenant, or in its amendedform as now proposed, unless in any particular caseCongress has authorized such action.The United States proposes that Article X and XVIbe either dropped altogether or so amended andchanged as to eliminate any suggestion of a generalagreement to use coercion for obtaining conformityto the pledges of the Covenant.No. Obligations Under Versailles 'Treaty3. The United States will accept no responsibilitiesunder the Treaty of Versailles unless in any particular case Congress has authorized such action.League Open to. All N ations4. The United States Government proposes thatArticle I of the Covenant be construed and applied,or, if necessary, redrafted, so that admission to theLeague shall be assured to any self-governing Statethat wishes to join and that receives the favorablevote of two-thirds of the Assembly.Development of International Law5. A� a condition of its participation in the workand counsels of the League, the United States asksthat the Assembly and Council consent-or obtainauthority-to begin collaboration for the revision anddevelopment of international law, employing for thispurpose the aid of a commission of jurists. ThisCommission would be directed to formulate anewexisting rules of the law of natione, to reconciledivergent opinions, to consider points hitherto inadequately provided for but vital to the maintenance ofinternational justice, and in general to define thesocial rights and duties of States. The recomrnendations of the Commission would be presented fromtime to time, in proper form for consideration, to theAssembly. as to a recommending if not a law-makingbody.!J2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+1I_UII_.W-IIII_'IN_&lN_IIIf_IIN_tflt_IIM_II..-fttt_ttQ_IIU_"..-"I_HM_t.I._r.'_I�U"_""_"._. __ " __ II __ ' __ II __ If'_''_''+& it � Chicago Deans � ii � "They Lead. and Serve" � I: T+ .... -nl'-".- .. "-NII-IIII- .. II-,. .. _WII_IIII_IIII_I_U'I_IIII_IIU_U .. _IfU_IfN_IIIII_n"_lfil_uM_."_ •• _MIf_."_ .... _ •• _ •• _N._.+Dean John Milton DodsonAmong the Chicago deans who have rendered exceptional service to the Universityfor a period of twenty years or more, JohnMilton Dodson, Dean of Medical Students.is a very prominent figure. Since 1889 Dr.Dodson has been on thefacultv of Rush MedicalCollege; since 1901 he hasbeen Dean of MedicalStudents at the University of Chicago.John Milton Dodsonwas born at Berlin, \i\Tisconsin, on February 17,1859. Being the son ofa physician his choice ofa life work in medicalfields was the result ofthe happy combinationof inheritance and personal desire and aptitude.After receiving his grammar and high school education in the town ofhis birth, he entered theUniversity of Wisconsin.While an undergraduateat Madison he was activein one of the student literary societies, and became a member of BetaTheta Pi fraternity. Hereceived his A. B .. atWisconsin in 1880; in 1888 the Universityconferred upon him the degree of A. M."in course".After leaving college he entered uponstudies in medicine, pursuing his studies attwo institutions; he received an M. D. degree at Rush Medical College in 1882, andan M. D. degree at Jefferson Medical College in 1883. In 1889 Dr. Dodson formedhis faculty connection with Rush MedicalCollege-a connection which has continuedto the present time. He began at Rush asLecturer on Anatomy and Demonstrator,carrying on this work until 1893. Thereafter he became, in rapid succession, Professor of Physiology, Professor of Histology, and Professor of Medicine (Pediatrics).In 1898 he was made Junior Dean at Rush,and the following year was appointed Dean.During this period Dr. Dodson also servedas Professor of Diseases of Children forseveral years at Northwestern UniversityWoman's Medical School.As noted previously, his connection with the University of Chicago began sometwenty-two years ago, in 1901, three yearsafter the affiliation of Rush Medical Collegewith the University. Since that time Professor Dodson has been on the faculty ofthe University as Professorial Lecturer onMedicine and Dean ofMedical Students. Theformation of pre-medicaland medical courses, theexceptionally high standard of work maintained,and the intense studiousinterest of the medicalstudents at Chicago arelargely the result of hispersonal interest and inspiring leadership. DeanDodson has written anumber of important andinfluential articles onMedical Education andAdministration for thevarious leading medicaljournals.Dr. Dodson's first wifedied in 1887. In 1890 hemarried Jessie P. Kasson; his second wife diedin 1914. There are twochildren, by the secondmarriage - Kasson M.,Ph.B. '15, and Elizabeth.Dean Dodson is amember of a number of medical associations,including the American Medical Associationand the American Association of Anatomists.He is a member of the Quadrangle and University clubs, and a Director of FlossmoorCountry Club.In commenting on the recent advances ofmedica! . science, Dean Dodson says: "Ithas been a great privilege to be associatedwith such a splendid, devoted body of menas are the members of the faculty of RushMedical College, on the west side, and atthe University. To have witnessed the marvellous development of Medical Educationin the United States in the last quarter century has been a rare experience. To thatprogress Rush Medical College, beginningwith the wonderful, inspiring leadership ofPresident Harper-the greatest of University administrators-has made worth whilecontributions."Dean John Milton DodsonNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 93NE\vS OF THEQUADRANGLESBut few events of interest attended theholiday period on the University campus, thecompletion of the drive for the UniversitySettlement, and the holding of SettlementNight being the most important. Dean Wilkins' announcement of a "Better Yet" campaign for the University are other important features.Settlement Night was held December Bth,for the seventeenth annual time, and wasnoted for the grandiose way in which thevarious events were conducted. As usual,the fete occupied all of the Reynolds groupand Mandel Hall, the hall being used for thevaudeville and the Reynolds rooms forbooths, and a dancing and exhibition pavilion. Immense interest was shown by thenumbers of people who were present, andwho purchased articles for the benefit of theSettlement. About a thousand five hundreddollars' were cleared from the proceeds ofthe fete alone.The annual Settlement night drive waswon by Seward Covert's team from themen's division of teams with a total of overeight hundred dollars collected, a record forany team of men, and second high recordfor both men and women. Dodd Healy'steam was second among the men, andJoe White's third. Aimee Graham'steam was high among the women's divisionof drive squads with a sum of more than fivehundred dollars collected, one hundred ofwhich was accounted for by a donation fromGalli Curci. Laura Chamberlain was secondfor the girls with just under five hundreddollars as a total. As a group, the teams,both men and women, totaled about fourthousand dollars.Elections of Settlement Night heads fornext year will occur some time within thenext month; a change in the time of holdingSettlement Night is contemplated by thepresent heads, Arthur C. Cody and HesterL. Weber, the date being moved from theearly part of December to April.During the performances of the Settle-. ment Night Vaudeville, several universitystudents were found in a state of intoxication which was investigated by Dean Wilkins. After the official inquiry into the conditions, three men were dismissed fromschool, one permanently, and the other, twotemporarily, with the following statementfrom the President's office:' "The administrative officers of the University of Chicagoregard the use of intoxicating liquor by students as physically, intellectually and morally dangerous, and as contrary to the spiritof the law of the land. They therefore be-. lieve that it tends to defeat the purpose ofeducation. The' University will not tolerate The' Holidays Are Overthe use of intoxicants by its students in theterritory subject to its government and willexert its influence to discourage su'ch use ofthem elsewhere."In addition to the three men who weredismissed, six others had lesser penalties inflicted.The "Better Yet" campaign has been instituted by Dean Wilkins, to improve, as faras possible, every institution or conditionaffecting .th� undergraduate. Preliminarily,Dean Wilkins had a circular letter sentamong all Seniors now in attendance at theUniversity, asking that they submit to him,ill letter, any suggestions they might have relating to university conditions. In return,he received some two hundred answers, relating to every imaginable subject. Of thetwo hundred suggestions received, the number was reduced to thirty, which will beactively investigated by special committees,appointed among the faculty and undergraduates by a personnel committee headed bythe dean. Each of these thirty committeeswill investigate the practicality of its suggestion, and will report whether or not itsadoption is feasible. In adopting the suggestions as reported by the committee, DeanWilkins hopes to make the campus "BetterYet" for the undergraduate.The failure of Friar McCollister, presidentof the Junior class on the campus, to returnto the campus for the winter quarter, resulted in the appointment of Elsa Allison,his vice president, to his place by the undergraduate Council. This is the first time inthe history of the University that a womanhas held the position of class president.C V. Wisner; Jr., '26.94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDespite the fact thatthe Purdue Boilermakers sent the Maroonteam down to defeat bya 35-24 score in theBig Ten basketballopener, January 5, prospects for a successfulyear in the cage sportremain brighter than inany recent year. TheBoilermakers w ereplayed on their ownfloor at LaFayette andthe Maroons will havean opportunity to stagea comeback when theymeet them again March6 at Bartlett gymnasium.Two days before thePurdue game, on Jan.3, Coach Norgren's mentook the Yale basketball squad, Eastern Intercollegiate champions,into camp by a 24-21count. The victory wasCampbell Dick- much more decisiveson, '24, than the score indi-Basketball captain cates. Taking the leadwithin five minutes ofthe start of the game, a substantial lead waspiled up which at one time amounted totwelve points. With the score 24-12 aboutthe middle of the second half and the gameapparently on ice, Coach Norgren withdrewthree 'Of his regulars and sent in Abbott,Barta and Robert Howell. The Yale men,on the alert for some sort of a break, tookadvantage of the weakened Maroon teamand ran up seven points in less than threeminutes. At this juncture the Maroon mentor returned his regulars: to the game andstopped the rally with one more Yale basket, made simultaneously with the final gun.The game, though hard fought, and oneof the stiffest contests played in Bartlett forseveral years, was cleanly played throughout, both teams showing exceUent sportsrnanship under difficult conditions. The Maroons won largely on the superiority oftheir defensive playing, the Yale men having a slight advantage in shooting, especially in the matter of long shots, whereinNorgren's men were rather unsuccessful.Alyea, a sophomore, was the only newman to play during the larger part of thegame, playing both at center and at forward. He is tall and unusually clever at (k,dging and promises to be a real asset tothe team both this and the two succeedingyears. Captain Campbell Dickson, 'who wasinjured in the Purdue football game lastfall, has still to play his first full game thisseason, although he has played part time inseveral contests. In the Yale contest heW:lS inserted at the 'Opening of the secondhalf and was responsible for six of Chicago's points. In the Purdue battle he wentin a, the same time and again made threefield baskets. Since basket shooting is theweakest part of the Maroon . offense, hispresence, especially when he starts playingthe entire game, promises to be a strongfactor in the Varsity attack. With the advent of Alyea at center and with Dicksonand Srnidl, ex-center, at the forward positions, Harrison Barnes, who was the universal choice for one of the all-conferenceforward positions last . season, has beenmoved to guard where he will play a running game. This 'will mean that the Maroons will have four 'Of their five menthrowing baskets and will be no little advantage in dose contests. In the collegiatepractice games which were played prior tothe Yale contest, the locals broke even, winning handily from the Michigan Agricultural college and losing to De Pauw 24to 18.With the opening of the winter quarter,indoor trackmen have gotten under way andare training daily in Bartlett gymnasium.Although the chances for a conference titlein this line are not very great, the trackteam should finish fairly high in the conference meet next spring. Clifton M. Utley, '25.Missouri Kindly Compliments ChicagoThe Missouri Alumnus, in commenting onthe football game to be played with Chicagonext season on October 4, quotes Mr. C. L.Brewer, director of athletics. at the U niver-sity of Missouri, as follows: '."There is probably no higher class teamin the country. To get on their schedulerepresents an achievement of the first magnitude. Chicago does not schedule gameswith everybody. They invite teams to meetthem and these may be assured that theyare among the elite, or Chicago would nottrouble with them."The Chicago game will mean much toMissouri. It will give the Missouri alumniin and near Chicago a chance to see theirteam, . and represents Missouri's debut intothe 'big league,' with a good chance of national recognition should our showingagainst Stagg's team be a good one."THE LETTER BOX 95rQ--·-ol��I·��:··�:;;::-;:---'�-�·l�dHII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"llIl11ll1l1l11l11l1l11l11ll1l1l11l11l11ll1l11ll1ll11l11ll11ll1l1l11l1l1l11lll1ll1l1ll1l1nllllllnnnlnnnlllllUtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIIlIlIUlI1II1II11111111UIIIIIIIIIIIHlIIIIIIUllUUftilUllIIfIIIIIIlllllUrges Annual Alumni Contributions toUniversityEvanston, Illinois.December �, 1923.Dear Mr. Pierrot:At the twenty-fifth anniversary dinner ofChi Psi at the University of Chicago, Mr.Stagg, as a guest, and as one of the speakers made an earnest plea for annual contnbutions to the University on the part of itsalumni. He spoke of the Alumni Endowment Fund for Yale University and the factthat the yearly contributions to this Fundare now very large because most of thealumni are giving something .each ye�r.Believing that the Alumni Council andthe University of Chicago Magazine areinterested in furthering this thought, theChicago Chapter .of Chi Psi and its alumnihave asked me to write you with the earnest request that concrete action be taken,at as early a date as practicable, to bringabout an Alumni Endowment Fund to whichall alumni and alumnae may make annualcontributions as they may desire.There is little doubt that, in a very fewyears, the annual contrib�tions to such aFund would be substantial, But of fargreater importance is the fact that alumniand alumnae would welcome such an opportutnity to give regularly to their Universitywhich has done so much for them, and forwhich most of us have done so little.Yours sincerely,Lees Ballinger, '02."Remember the Time When --"Chicago, Illinois,November 26, 1923.Alumni Association,University of Chicago.Dear Sirs:I would like to learn the whereabouts ofMr. Joe Thomas=-Class of 1912, I believe.The story goes as follows:.The writer and Mr. Thomas were bunkiesand pals together in service in the ?�c�)lldEngineers, Company �, Second Division,Thomas was wounded in the knees on thefirst front we were on. After the armisticewas signed the writer left for the States, andlater Thomas did also. Many friends ofhis with whom I have communicated, knownothing of his whereabouts. It is knownthat he was ill with a touch of the "Flu"after leaving the Rhine. It is feare� thathe died of the same. Can you advise usconcerning him?Most sincerely,Arthur Brewer,Purdue, '22. Tells of New University in ChinaThe Ming Kuo University,Western Section,Peking, China.Dear Mr. Gurney:I do not know whether you know when Icarne back to this side of the earth. I leftChicago on the fourth of August; sailedfrom Vancouver on the nmth; and arnvedat Shanghai on the twenty-fifth of the samemonth. I stayed in Shanghai for a shorttime then in Nanking for a few days, andfinaliy came to Peking.. .I am giving a few courses 111 the MmgKuo University which lit�r�,ny m�ans ."theUniversity of the Republic. ThIS ?nn�ersity is a private institution, i.e.,. a,n instrtution established by a group of citizens, notby the government. At present the university has only four departments: Law, Political Science Political Economy, and Commerce and Administration. One peculiarcharacter of the university is that most ofthe subjects are taught in English..As the university is only six years old, Ithas had a very small enrollment, at pres�nta little over five hundred students of WhICha little more than one dozen are girls.The quarters which the uniyersity nowoccupies is the residence of Prmce Shwen,the father of Kwangshi, the second emperorto the last of the Manchu Dynasty. Theemperor was born here �nd . the hall inwhich' his birth took place IS now made the"Commons" of the university. On thecampus of the university we do not see somany' big and tall buildings as we do onthe campus of the University ?f. Chica�o,but we see many picturesque buildings WIthroyal air, small hills and lakes, and big andtall trees several hundred years old. I:'lmstaying in the university .. I have the fee_Im.gthat I am staying in a wild woods. This ISenough. I suppose, to give you a picture ofthe ca�pus of the university. Indee.d, it. isquite different from that of the Universityof Chicago.I wish you to kindly give my address tothe Alumni Council and ask them to sendthe Alumni Magazines to me directly.With my best regards,Yours sincerely,Chuang Liu, '20.From a Loyal VeteranNovember 28, 1923.My dear Mr. Pierrot:I am pleased to be permitted to hand youthis check which is the last payment �n .. mylife membership in the Alumni Association.96 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI have suffered many months from illhealth during the past three years, but atpresent am fairly comfortable. Just threeyears ago, my left leg, which was shot topieces in the battle of Spotsylvania, May 12,1864, gave out entirely and compelled meto go en crutches. I get about the houseand take a little exercise on the large porchof my residence, and go out during suitableweather in my automobile. I am thankfulto Almighty God for the many blessingswhich I have enjoyed through the pasteighty years and make no complaint if Ican not run with 'you boys now on the athletic field.The University Magazine keeps me informed regarding many of the activities ofthe dear old Alma Mater. I wish for the'University, its Faculty and students a continuation 'of the Divine favor, and personalsuccess to an Alumni.Very truly yours,E. H. Sawyer, '73.Word From Professor Coleman, Director ofAmerican University Union in ParisAmerican University Union173, Boulevard Saint-Germain.Paris, France.November 12, 1923.Dear Friends:Just to show that I have not lost myinterest in the University Settlement because of the distance between us, here is asmall manifestation of it. I hope verymuch that things go well and that theregular Settlement funds are coming in.You must be in the thick of the football'season and preparations for SettlementNight and all the other joys of the season.Good luck in them all tWe have seen a number of people fromhome: the Baskervills, Robertsons, Mrs.Taft, Miss Carter, and a considerable number of students, and enjoyed each meeting.My work at the Union together with mystudies and social duties keep me as busyas at home, but most of it is enjoyable andall interesting.Paris is a lively, beautiful city, full ofinterest. We started to two museums yesterday, found them closed, but had suchan interesting time looking up the 16th and17th century palaces-now used as factoriesand workshops-in that neighborhood, thatour "expedition" was a great success. People seem busy and prosperous, though theprofessional classes are hard hit by theprices, as at home, and there is no tellingwhat will happen in ten years. My regardsto you all.Yours cordially,Algernon Coleman. Urges Broadcasting Station for theUniversityChicago, Ill.Alumni Secretary,University of Chicago.Dear Sir:Radio, in my estimation, is one of thegreatest inventions in history. Within thetwo years of actual and practical broadcasting, the radio "fans" throughout America andCanada are being furnished with lectures,concerts, speeches, news items of all sort;and, in fact, with a gist of almost everything. that may be considered of current and special interest.As a member of the Alumni of the University of Chicago, and as one of those particularly interested in the science of radio,it seems to me that our Alma Mater mightdo well to consider the advisability of theestablishment of a broadcasting radiophonestation. There are lectures, concerts, dramas, and all sorts of occasions at the University of Chicago from which the publicmight receive great benefit. The upliftingtendencies of these various entertainmentsare certainly beneficial to all who have theopportunity to hear them. More than afew of the universities and colleges throughout the country have established broadcasting stations; and each of these stations isfurnishing programs which are of inestimable value to the radio public.A great many people still consider radioa sort of plaything rather than an actual andvaluable utility. This consideration' is entirely erroneous; for, more rapidly than thepublic can realize, radio is becoming one ofthe most effective entertaining and educatingutilities that has ever existed in the world.Let us try to imagine the large number ofpeople listening in, all over the country, toone given period of broadcasting from oneindividual station. To visualize, if possible,the magnitude of radio, let us multiply thenumber of listeners to one station by thenumber of stations broadcasting, say, fromseven P. M. to ten P. M. on a given date.If it were possible to ascertain the exactnumber of listeners within these hours on agiven date, we would be utterly astoundedat the inevitable influence of the radio uponthe public as a whole.Radio is here to stay. It is not a passingfad whose influence and existence may fadewith the present generation. It is but amatter of time and scientific energy till theave rage listener, with the ordinary receivingset, will be able to hear stations in everysection of the world. In the contributionof education and cultural material to thepublic at large the University could take avery important part. I should like to see abroadcasting station established at Chicago.With best wishes for your year of successI am Sincerely yours, 'George Rex Clarke, '08.THE LETTER BOXFoundation Work for the Chinese RepublicThe National CommitteeYoung Men's Christian Associations ofChina20 Museum Road, Shanghai,In twenty years in China nothing has. impressed me more than the mass. educationalmovement now developing. This work began on the battle fields of France among t�eChinese labor corps so helpful to Brrtain,France and the allies. Serving t�e corp�sas "Y" secretaries were my associates, G.H. Cole' and James Y. C. Yen. Cole hadthe technique of the visual method and"Jimmie Y en," a Yale graduate, editor ofThe Overseas Magazlne, there caught. t1�evision of what the educating of China smasses would mean for China, for democ-racy and the world...Since those days in France J Im�ll!e Yen,as a secretary of the "Y" educational department, has conducted a 100�g mvestigatron111 collaboration WIth South Eastern University (Nanking), and selected a remarkablyeffective vocabulary of one thousand characters. There has been developed a serresof very effective, yet economical text books(2c gold a copy). .Then came the first test in the far lilterior provincial capital, Changsha. Thelocal "Y" organized a general committee ofseventy. Then a great mass meeting, Thegovernor of the province is 111 the chair.The slogan is, "Changsha 100 per cent lt� ..erate." Newspapers bombard the publicand 26 000 dodgers are distributed. Twolarge �ass meetings of shop masters areheld. .Student recruiters canvass seventyfive districts of the city. There are morestudents than can be received. Normalschool trained teachers, 120 in number, startthe classes.. Four months pass. Of 1,420 students registered 1,200 attend to the last .day. and 967successfully pass the final exarnmatrons. Atthe graduating exercises the governor pr�sents certificates. The oldest student ISforty-two years the youngest six. Theyrepresent fifty-five different trades. Thegovernor announces the beginning of. thenext term, and so Changsha, from a nationally initiated campaign, "a blossom fromFlanders Field," takes up as <l: local responsibility making her masses hterate.Other cities hear the good news: Hankow Peking, Foochow, etc. They sendurge�t requests for campaigns.. Chefoo, anorthern secondary manufacturing seaport,is chosen for the next experiment. InApril 192'3 it adopts the slogan, "Chefooliterate in' five years!" The whole town.boosts and on the opening day 15,000 lineup for the parade. .In August Madam Hsiung, the wife ofthe ex-premier, distributes diplomas to 1,100men and boys and 400 women and girls,and announces the coming meeting of theNational Mass Education Convention.,In the meantime a significant experiment 97is being conducted in the southern town ofKashing. It is born of the desperate realization that China has more than 300 millionilliterates and that larger numbers of stu ....dents must be handled per teacher. Ascheme of visual instruction is worked out.A very expert teacher is assigned a classof 250 in one room. Lights go out! Thestereopticon flashes on the screen, coloredpictures, written sentences, and enormouslymagnified individual characters. The teacherdirects and then each section of ten reviewsunder its own student leader, again thegroup as a whole. A powerful subconsciousaction is induced by: means of many contacts: eyes see the graphic material, earshear the voice of the teacher, throats repeat,minds grasp meanings. The hand writesand 250 other voices pound on the eardrumsin unison. The results are most amazing.Students eat, dream and sleep Chinese characters. They come through ram, flood andmud, and will not be denied. Two suchclasses are conducted. At the end of theterm we are forced to the conclusion thatnot only can large numbers, 200 to 300, behandled by one teacher, but that the workcan be carried forward on this quantitybasis with greater speed and· with highergrade results than the individual small class.Then came the formation of the NationalAssociation for the Promotion of the Education of the Masses. Enquiries are coming from many parts of the country. Manydifferent centers plan campaigns on theirown initiative. Now is to be developed thesimple practical, cultural educational system based upon the 1,000 characters, andone thousand more in the "Commoner'sDictionary." Some books are "The Commoners Geography," "The Commoners Letters," The Commoners Accounting," "TheCommoners Bible," etc. News comesthrough the "Commoners Weekly." Schoolsare providing scholarships. Nationally prominent people are dedicating their lives to theenterprise. A great light begins to shine inAsia. I believe it will reach iri beneficientand healing rays around a dark and needyworld.Most cordially,C. H. Robertson (ex-Grad.)September, 1923.(Note: This interesting letter was sent to Professor J. Paul Goode, Departmen.t of Geography.Mr. Robertson was in war service with the Canadianforces on the western front, and later in Russia at thetime of the Kerensky revolution; his work was notinterrupted in Russia. He also served with Czechoslovakian forces in Siberia and came around the worldwith them when they were permitted to leave Siberia.This letter indicates the kind of superb service he isnow rendering in China.)Christmas and New Year CardsDuring the Holidays the Alumni Officeand Secretary received a number of Christmas and N ew Year greeting cards, all ofwhich we now acknowledge with sincere(Continued on page 117)98 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETwo Vice Presidents for the UniversityAlumus AppointedProfessor James Hayden Tufts, Head ofthe Department of Philosophy and Dean ofthe Faculties at the University of Chicago,and Mr. Trevor Arnett, formerly Auditor ofthe University and for the last five yearsSecretary of the General Educati-on Boardin New York, have been appointed VicePresidents of the University, according tothe announcement of President Burton atthe December Convocation. Professor Tuftswill continue his service as dean and as suchwill take a leading part developing the University's enlarging educational program.Mr. Arnett will have supervision of theinstitution's financial affairs and will perform the duties of Business Manager Wallace Heckman upon the latter's retirementnext June. The appointment of Mr. Arnettis regarded as a significant departure inuniversity administration, as in connectionwith it it is hoped to bring about a closerco-ordination between the educational andthe business administration.Mr. Arnett, a graduate of the Universityin the class of 1898, and for twenty years theUniversity Auditor, is a recognized authority on college finance and is the author ofa widely used volume on that 'Subject.Congregational Seminary in Affiliation withThe UniversityIn the conduct of its Divinity School theUniversity of Chicago has followed to agreater extent than in any other field ofwork the policy of associating with itself byaffiliation schools originally founded independently of the University. As a resultof this policy it is likely to be the case thatin a few years there will be grouped aboutthe University a number of schools, eachhoused in its own building, but intimatelyrelated to the University.The largest of these theological schoolsis the Congregational Theological Seminary,founded in 1855 on the West Side of Chicago, and affiliated with the University in1915. The recent laying of the cornerstone'of the new and beautiful group of buildings,which is to extend on 58th Street fromWoodlawn Avenue to University Avenue,is suggestive of what may happen in coming days, not only in theology but in otherfields of learning.Already the Ryder (Universalist) Divinity- House has its own group of buildings onthe Midway, and the Disciples' DivinityHouse will soon have completed its beautifulnew chapel and community house at 57thStreet and University Avenue. New Member of Board of TrusteesAnnouncement was made at the recentConvocation of the election of Mr. RobertP. Lamont, of Lake Forest, president of theAmerican Steel Foundries Company, as amember of the University Board of Trustees.Mr. Lamont, who is a graduate of the University of Michigan, was one of theengineers connected with the World's Columbian Exposition, is a member of theEpiscopal Church and of many prominentclubs, and a director of the First NationalBank, Chicago, and of other large corporations.The other new Trustees elected duringthis quarter are Mr. Charles F. Axelson, '03,and Mr. Edward L. Ryerson, Jr., a graduateof the Sheffield Scientific School of YaleUniversity, as announced in our Novembernumber.President Emeritus Judson Reelected Chairman of American University UnionPresiden t Emeritus Judson has been reelected chairman of the trustees of theAmerican University Union in Europe.Among the new members of the administrative board are President A. LawrenceLowell, of Harvard University, and AnsonPhelps Stokes, former secretary of the YaleCorporation.Professor Algernon Coleman, of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago,succeeds Professor Paul van Dyke, ofPrinceton, as director of the continental division, with headquarters in Paris.Increase of American students in Frenchuniversities and colleges is reported for thepast year. The total of American studentsin France, representing forty-one states' andthe District 'of Columbia, was 1,400.Lowell Institute Lectures by . ProfessorManlyProfessor John Matthews. Manly, Head ofthe Department of English, is. to deliver theLowell Institute Lectures in Boston duringthe last week of January and the first weekof February, 1924. His subject for the seriesof lectures is "Some New Light on Chaucer." Some of the lectures will be illustrated with hand-colored slides showing theilluminated pages of the Ellesmere Manuscript. This manuscript, now in the Huntington Library, is among the choicest manuscripts preserved from the Middle Englishperiod. Hitherto, the illuminated pages ofthe manuscript have been accessible to onlya few scholars.UNIVERSITY NOTES-I9II CLASS GIFTClass of 1911 Presents MSS to UniversityAt the Winter Convocation of the University, held in Mandel Hall on December18th, a feature of the program was the presentation of three rare manuscripts to theUniversity by the Class of 1911. This isthe first presentation of a gift to the U niversity made by an alumni class. .The threemanuscripts presented are con tamed 111 asingle volume and were recommended to the1911 Committee by Professor Manly of the. Department of English. They are describedin detail in the presentation address madeby William Kuh, Chairman of the Committee on behalf of 1911. President Burton,made the address of acceptance. In presenting the gift, Mr. Kuh said:"Mr. President:"I deem it a very great privilege to beable to present to you.on behalf of the. graduating class of 1911 of the University ofChicago these volumes for the UniversityLibraries. The first is a manuscript of thefifteenth century, containing three workswritten in England in the fourteenth century. The first work, said to have beenwritten in 1377 by a Franciscan friar is entitled ((Speculum HU111,ane Salvationis," andis of considerable interest as the probablesource of several pieces in Middle English.The second work in the volume is calledthe "M anuale Sacerdotis" and is attributedto John, Prior of the Abbey of Lilleshull inShropshire. It dates from somewhere between 1309 and 1329. The work is :t veryrare one, and is particularly interesting because it throws considerable light upon thereligious life of the Middle Ages, and particularly upon the duties of parish priestsof the time and upon their relations withtheir parishioners. As few works of thischaracter are available today the value ofthe material which this volume contains isconsiderable. The third work entitled "TheProphesy of John of Brydlyngton," is a 'political poem in Latin hexameters, written inall probability by an official of the household of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancasterin the latter part of the fourteenth century.The volume has passed through many handsand contains' fhe names of seven of its previous owners."The second volume of the gift is not anoriginal manuscript but an exact photographic facsimile of one of the two earliestmanuscripts of Dante's "Dvuina Commedia." Two of the manuscripts of this PQ�m,known as the Landiano and the Chigi areearlier and more important for the text thanany of the others. A facsimile of the former,. and earlier, manuscript is the one nowpresented. The University library alreadyowns a. copy of the Chigi manuscript, butuntil now has been unable to obtain one ofthe Landiano. The two together should beof great service to students of Italian literature. 99"The volumes constitute, I believe, the firstdirect contribution of an Alumni Class ofthe University to the educational resourcesof Alma Mater. The Class of 1911 israther proud that it is the first to offermaterial of this kind to the University, andhopes that the gift will be only the first ofseveral which the class may make as timegoes on. It hopes also that this gift maylead other groups of students and alumnito assist the University by placing at itsdisposal research material such as is nowpresented."At the time of its graduation from theUniversity, the Class of 1911 presented toAlma Mater the bronze tablet of the University Coat of Arms which is set in thefloor under Mitchell Tower. It is the fondhope of .1911 that this second gift may insome small way assist the University in therealization of its aim as expressed in theCoat-of-Arms:"Crescat scientia; vita excolatur."Work of an American Orientalist as Seenby a Great AstronomerIn writing about the work of Director JamesHenry Breasted, of .the Oriental Institute of theUniversity, in Scribner's Magazine for October,Dr. George Ellery Hale, Director of the MountWilson Observatory, California, refers to Dr.Breasted's History of Egypt as based on thefive large volumes of Breasted's Ancient Records, comprising the original Egyptian sources,which are published by the University ofChicago Press.Director Hale calls the Oriental Instituteof the University of Chicago a true researchlaboratory for the investigation of the careerof early man in the Near East, and says thatDr. Breasted's long experience and familiarity with conditions in Egypt and his recentexploratory expedition to Mesopotamia andSyria mark him as the ablest of leaders forsuch an enterprise.In concluding his article Dr. Hale says:"It is fortunate that the University of Chicago, aided by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,has established the Oriental Institute, whereit is to be hoped that increasing means willsoon provide, under Dr. Breasted's generaldirection, for the rapid assembly, by skilledassociates, of the great body of materialwhich he is so competent to interpret andto weave into a history of early civilization,"Fourth Annual Dinner to Faculties by the. TrusteesWhat is thought to be a unique feature inthe history of educational institutions is theannual dinner given at the University ofChicago in honor of the members of theFaculties by the Board of Trustees. Thisyear the dinner, given in Ida Noyes Hall onDecember 13, had an attendance of aboutthree hundred.100 THE UNiVERSiTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMr. Harold H. Swift, president of theBoard of Trustees, who is an alumnus of theUniversity, presided, and the new Trustees'were introduced by Mr. Howard G. Grey.The new members of the Faculties werein troduced by James Hayden Tufts, Deanof the Faculties, and Dr. Charles W. Gilkeyspoke in behalf of the Trustees. The reosponse for the new members of the Faculties was given by Emerson H. Swift, recently appointed Assistant Professor of theHistory of Art; the Faculties were represented by James Parker Hall, Dean of theLaw School; and the closing address forthe University was given by President Ernest DeWitt Burton.The University and Phi Beta KappaIn the new general catalogue of Phi BetaKappa, covering the history of the fraternity from 1776 to 1922, the University ofChicago chapter, the Beta of Illinois, occupies more than twelve pages. The chapter,organized in 1899, had ten charter members,including President William Rainey Harper(Semitics), President Emeritus Harry PrattJudson (political science), Professor Benjamin Terry (history), Professor EliakirnHastings Moore (mathematics), ProfessorThomas Chrowder Chamberlin (geology),Professor John Ulric Nef (chemistry), Professor Albert Harris Tolman (English),Professor William Gardner Hale (Latin),Professor Albion Woodbury Small (sociology), and Professor Paul Shorey (Greek).Fifteen honor graduates of the old University of Chicago were elected members at thetime the chapter was organized and arelisted among the alumni members of theyear 1899..Beginning with 19000 the new membersare listed by years up to 1923, and the totalelected to the Chicago chapter is over twelvehundred.Among the officers of the fraternity isFrancis Wayland Shepardson, formerly Associate Professor of American History inthe University of Chicago, who is now vicepresident of the United Chapters. His termas senator extends to the year 1925 as doesthat of Professor Paul Shorey. Head of theDepartment of Greek at the University.Appropriations for Armenian and RussianCoursesThe trustees' of the Friendship Fund.upon the recommendation of Mr. Charles R.Crane, have appropriated $2,000 a year forthree years for Armenian, courses to beconducted at the University of Chicago byMr. Antranig Arakel Bedikian, of New YorkCity; arid also $5,000 a year for three yearsfor expenses of the Russian courses conducted by Samuel I\J. Harper, AssociateProfessor of Russian Language and Institutions.Mr. Bcdikian, who received the degreesof. A. M. and D. B. from the University of Chicago, has given courses of lectures onArmenian subjects at the University duringseveral Summer Quarters; and Mr. Harper,also an alumnus of' the University, is theauthor of a Russian Reader published by theUniversity of' Chicago Press.Professor Lovett Resumes His Workat UniversityProfessor Robert Morss Lovett, of theEnglish Department, who has been for sixmonths on the editorial staff of the New Republic, resumed his regular work at the Univer-sity on January 1.,Professor Lovett, who has done much tostimulate an interest in poetry at the University, has recently written the introductionto a new volume of verse published by pastand present members of the Poetry Club ofthe University. Among the poems includedare those by Bertha Ten Eyck James, Marian Manly, and Elizabeth Madox Roberts,all of whom have been awarded the JohnBillings Fiske Prize in Poetry given annually at the University of Chicago.Honorary Degree for Professor DoddAt the recent home-coming day exercisesof the University of Alabama, Dr. WilliamE. Dodd, Professor of American History inthe University of Chicago, delivered an addres to a great audience on "What ArmisticeDay Meant Five Years Ago and What ItMeans Today." On the same day the University conferred the honorary degree ofDoctor of Laws on Professor Dodd and alsoon United States Senator Oscar W. Underwood.Dr. Dodd, who recently gave a series of lectures at Emory University, Georgia, on "Liberty and Authority," is the author of Statesmenof the Old South and Woodrow Wilson andHis Work, and the editor and joint author ofThe Riverside History of the United States.Grants From National Academy of SciencesAnnouncement is made of two grantsfrom the National Academy of Sciences forresearch work in chemistry at the U niversity of Chicago. One grant is of five hundred dollars from the Joseph Henry Fund toProfessor William Draper Harkins, of theDepartment of Chemistry, in support of thework on the stability of atomic nuclei andon isotopes, and in particular for the manufacture or purchase of a powerful electromagnet.A second grant of $300 is made from theBache Fund to Professor Hermann I.Schlesinger to continue his studies on thedegree of dissociation of complexions ofhigh stability.In addition, a grant of $500 from theCleveland Fund of the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science has beenmade to Professor. Harkins for use in thecontinuation of his work on the photographic study of atomic; collisions,THE LAW SCHOOLII Law SchoolLaw School in Class AThe November number of the AmericanBar Association Journal contains a list ofLaw Schools that have met the standardslaid down by the Association, which areas follows:(a) It shall require as a condition ofadmission at least two years of study in acollege.(b) It shall require its students to pursuea course of three years' duration if theydevote substantially all of their workingtime to their studies, and a longer course,equivalent in the number of working hours,if they devote only part of their workingtime to their studies.(c) It shall provide an adequate libraryavailable for the use of the students.(d) It shall have among its teachers asufficient number giving their entire timeto the school to insure actual personal acquaintance and influence with the wholestudent body.The list of Class A law schools includesthe University of Chicago, with the following note:"This school now admits students whoare over twenty-two years of age as candidates for the degree of LL. B. with lessthan two years of college work, but the proportion of such students is not in excess ofthe proportion of special students of someschools in Class A. From the fall of 192'4,all students will be required to have atleast two years of college work."Professor Willard E. Atkins. '14, ]. D.'18, is co-author with Paul H. Douglas andCurtis N. Hitchcock of The Worker inModern Economic Society, recently published by the University of Chicago Press.I t is the latest of a series of books dealingwith the study of business compiled by theSchool of Commerce and Administration ofthe University of Chicago, and is a collection of readings on all phases of the laborsituation. The authors rely principally onAmerican material, using the comparativepoint of view. Mr. Atkins' work was givenlargely to the parts of the book devotedto unemployment, accidents, disease, andthe laws controlling strikes, boycotts, wages,hours and shop conditions.Professor Atkins was a member of theDepartment of Economics in the University since 1915, and was coach- of the debating teams. This fall he left to becomeAssocia te Professor of Economics andBusiness Law in the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel um, N· C, 101Senator Essington, J. D., '08,' AddressesLaw School Association Luncheon'State Senator Thurlow G. Essington,J. D., "08, of Streator, candidate for Governor of Illinois, was the guest of honorat the Law School luncheon December 18,1923, at the Morrison Hotel. Sixty-threepersons were present, breaking all recordsfor a noon meeting.Professor Floyd R. Mechem, who- was onthe faculty of the Law School when Senator Essington was a student, introducedhim to the meeting. He said he regardedEssington as one of his boys, and that inLaw School he looked on Essington as aman of "intellectual rig ht-rnindedness." Thesenator's career, both as a practitioner andin public office, has been a demonstrationof that quality.The meeting was not intended for political effect, but as a testimonial of good willby the Association to a fellow-member. Ofcourse, the political situation could not beentirely suppressed, and in the course of histalk Senator Essington gave a short sketchof the forces and influences which madehim an active candidate for Governor.Several meetings of both announced andpotential candidates for that office wereheld in an effort to find the most desirableman to oppose Governor Small in the primary next April. All candidates agreed toeliminate themselves and abide by the decision when reached. At the last conferenceill Chicago Senator Essington's representatives withdrew his name after the first ballot at his request and voted for anotherman on ten straight ballots. The sentiment at last swung around to Essington,but the announcement that he was selectedcame as a surprise to him.He did 110t go into the issues of his campaign in detail, but mentioned the principal reasons that caused the opposition to thepresent governor to unite. The attitude ofthe various candidates for Governor in selecting one of their number and eliminating themselves is without a precedent inIllinois.To say that Senator Essington made agood impression is a mild statement. Hisplain speech and avoidanace of effect wereevidences of sincerity and courage, plusability and power.Of the faculty who were in the LawSchool in his day, there remain Dean Hall,Professors Mechem, Freund and Bigelow.Dean Hall was out of the city. ProfessorBigelow 'Sent regrets at being unable to be(Continued QP page :t.l�)102 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECommerce and AdministrationThe Institute of American Meat PackersCharles E. HerrickVice-President, Brennan Packing Co.President of Institute of American Meat PackersOn February 24, 1922, Thomas E. Wilson, who was then president of the Instituteof American Meat Packers, proposed anextensive development to plan the executivecommittee of the packers' association. Heproposed that the Institute of AmericanMeat Packers, which is the trade and research association of the packing industry,should become an organization of a combined educational institution, research institute, trade association and industrial museum. The plan became known as theInstitute Plan_The executive committee at its nextmeeting, April, 1922" directed that the plannow known as the Institute' Plan be transmitted to the entire membership of the association and that the commission and committees provided by the Plan be appointedand called into action. The Institute PlanCommission and committees began work inJune, 192'2.,At a general session of the Institute inconvention October, 1922, the Institute PlanCommission, after having heard previouslythe recommendations of Its several committees, proposed to the Convention a reportrecommending that the Institute Plan beadopted: The recommendations of the Commission were adopted by unanimous vote.In the report of the Commission to theInstitute, Mr. Thomas E. Wilson, Chairmanof the Institute Plan Commission, stated theobjects of the Plan as follows:1. As an educ;ational institution it should: a. Provide broad. but specialized collegiate education for young men intending toenter the packing industry, just as the Colorado School of Mines provides such trainingfor young men expecting to begin theirwork in the mining industry.b. Furnish special training to intermediate sub executives . (prospective departmental heads) of promise already engagedin the industry.c. Conduct a continuation school forplant employes and junior office help.2. As a research institution it should:a. Develop and systematize' a body ofscientific and practical data for the serviceof the whole industry.b. Carryon agreed researches into newscientific and, practical problems common toall packers, without infringing on researchalong individual lines being done by specificcompanies.c. Conduct experiments on the extensionof products and reclamation of materials(except where such experiments would infringe on original work done by some individual company).Thomas E. Wilson. President of Wilson & CompanyChairman of Institute Plan Commissiond. Collate and disseminate informationconcerning discoveries and developmentshaving relation to the packing industry,without invading material, developed by particular companies.e. Conduct merchandising surveys. andcommercial research work.f. Discover waste and means of eliminating it.THE INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN MEAT PACKERSg. Test .materials and equipment offeredto. the industry.3. As a trade association it should continue to do what the Institute is now doingin this direction.4. As an industrial museum it should pro.vide space for permanent exhibits of modelsshowing modern packing-house operations,specimens, and processes; and it shouldrent out space for exhibits of materials ofindustrial value, and for a permanent exhibitof packing-house machinery and suppliesa sort of scientific museum and centralizedmarket place, a gigantic permanent showwindow, conveniently located (being at Chicago), where packers from all parts of thecountry may come and view samples beforemaking purchases and installations.These recommendations included a provision that the Institute raise by volunteersubscription $150,000 to be spent on educational and research activities with the guidance of the Institute Plan Commission.As an introductory gesture, to call theattention of those engaged in the AmericanPacking industry to the educational plansof the Institute Plan; arrangements weremade in the Spring, 1923, for a series ofeight lectures giving a perspective surveyof the meat industry, under the joint auspices of the School of Commerce and Administration and the Institute Plan Commission. The lectures were highly successful.There seemed to be a real live interest insuch a venture.While the lectures were in progress, theInstitute of American Meat Packers appointed Willard E. Hotchkiss director ofthe Bureau of Industrial Education, W. W.Woods vice-president in charge of the Department of Education and Research, andOscar G. Meyer chairman of the Committee on Educational Plans, The questionwas raised during the course of the lectureswhether the University of Chicago mightnot cooperate with the institute of American Meat Packers in working out the educational provisions of the Institute Plan.It seemed highly appropriate that the resources of a great university and a greatindustry should be combined in carrying on.such an educational .enterprise.Representatives of the University and ofthe Institute Plan Commission and itsCommittee on Educational Plans met anddiscussed the situation. Certain very definite plans which were reported to the Boardof Trustees of the University at their June,1923, meeting were laid.On July 9, 1923, President Burton presented the Institute's proposal, with a favorable recommendation, to the Board ofTrustees. The Board of Trustees approvedthe President's recommendation and gaveauthority for undertaking the work proposed. On September 18 the Institute ofAmerican Meat Packers, in convention atAtlantic City, New Jersey, ratified the negotiations with the University and authorized 103W. W. Woods, Vice-PresidentIn charge of New Packers Institutethe undertaking. . . .At the beginning of thIS academic year(October, 1923) a joint administrative committee, consisti�g of seven representativesfrom the University and four from the Institute of American Meat Packers, was appointed. Activities administered under thisjoint cooperation, in accordance with theInstitute plan, should:1. Further research in the physical sciences and in economics and business as applied in the packing industry.2. Provide in evening courses oral instruction designed primarily for men engaged in the industry in Chicago.3. Provide in correspondence courses instruction available to men in industry elsewhere.4. Provide in day courses a four-year curriculum, with emphasis on the natural sciences and on business management, designedprimarily for men intending to enter thepacking industry. .Evening instruction began October 1,1923; correspondence instruction is to beginJanuary 1, 1924, and a four-year curriculumof day courses on October 1, 1924.The research phases of the plan are toserve two purposes: (1) the organization ofmaterial for instructional uses in direct connection with the evening courses, correspondence courses and day courses; (2) theextension of the boundaries of knowledgewith respect to the sciences applied in themeat-packing industry. Some of the subjects of research are to fall within the fieldof physical and biological science; othersin the field of economics and business. Alimited number of research fellowships areto be provided in order to supplement theindividual and joint efforts of research menin the Institute and in the University.(Continued on page 110)104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+ __ I'-"_.,,_ •• _ •• _ .. I_III_IIII_III1_ ... _ ... _ ... _ .... _INI_ .. ..- .. _ .. _IIII_ •• -11.-.11-.1- ... - •• -.11-11 .. - .. 1- •• _ •• _+ii i1 The School of Education tl - . __ .:��"���ej:���::___._. .JAnnouncement has been made from timeto time in this section of the Magazine ofsubventions for educational research madeby the Commonwealth Fund. The Commonwealth Fund is the youngest of thegreat foundations. It has undertaken anexperiment in the support of research whichis much more significant than appears fromthe various individual grants which havebeen mentioned.r'The problem of supporting research adequately is one of providing the opportunityfor investigators to carry on their workwithout destroying the institutional organization which trains the successors forresearch men of the older generation. Universities are sometimes embarrassed in supporting research because the funds whichthey have are given them primarily for thepurpose of providing instruction. If theyallow a given instructor to reduce his program in order that he may spend his timein the library or the laboratory carrying onoriginal investigations, they lay themselvesopen. to the criticism of failing in their chieffunction, which is teaching. On the otherhand, if foundations or other organizationsinterested in research withdraw the leadinginvestigators from university connectionsand give them all of their time for carryingon the investigations which will increaseknowledge, they tend to cut off the supplyof future investigators and they limit theactivities of the investigators themselvesbecause they take them away from the stimulus which always comes from contact withstudents.The Commonwealth Fund, with these difficulties in mind, organized a committeemade up of a number of men who had distinguished themselves in educational research and gave to this committee controlof $100,000 a year for a period of five years.The committee receives proposals from allparts of the country with regard to problems in the educational field which oughtto be investigated and for which the authorsof the proposals feel that they have devisedadequate methods of investigation. Theseproposals are passed on by the educationalresearch committee and certain of them areselected. A budget is agreed upon by thecommittee and the investigator who proposesthe research. A definite period of time isalso agreed upon in which the report willbe submitted. The investigator is left freein this way to continue his work at the institution with which he is connected. Hemay take as long or as short a leave ofabsence as he finds it advantageous to ar- range with his institution. He may utilizea part of his budget for his own salary, forthe purchase of apparatus, or for the employment of assistance. In some cases thenature of the investigation is such that aportion of the budget is employed for traveling expenses. The subvention gives theworker a degree of freedom that he couldnot have under ordinary conditions and atthe same time leaves his regular institutional connections undisturbed. In fact, thebudget is always administered through theinstitution rather than through the individualinvestigator.The result of this type of organizationhas been very stimulating. Some fifteen institutions have participated in the subventions which have been granted by the committee during the past three years, and aconsiderable quantity of valuable scientificmaterial has already been published as aresult of the grants which have been dis-tributed. .In addition to such specific subventionsas have been described, the committee hasorganized in its own membership severalcommittees which are actively engaged inpromoting special work in the fields forwhich they were appointed.There is a committee on social studies.This committee was appointed because itwas clearly recognized that the schools ofthe country need more material with whichto train high-school and elementary-schoolpupils regarding the institutions of thiscountry and in the obligations of citizenship. The social studies committee hasbeen able to bring together in a number ofconferences the leading representatives ofthose school subjects which are directly related to its problem. As the result of theseconferences a pronouncement has been prepared and published which describes thefunction of each of the school subjects incontributing to a knowledge of citizenshipand to preparation for the general participation of each individual member of thecommunity in the duties of citizenship. Thecommittee is still active and will undoubtedly promote definite and detailed contributions to the introduction of social studiesinto the schoo1.A second committee is known as the committee on the reorganization of administrative units. This committee is devotingitself to a series of investigations with regard to the activities of various grades inthe ele:mentary school, of subdivisions ofthe high. school, and of colleges and professional schools. Its main purpose is toTHE COMMONWEALTH FUNDbring together a body of facts which willexhibit the present practices at these different levels of educational activity, andwill thus lay the foundation for a consideration of those changes which may be found.to be desirable in order to standardize therelations between different educational institutions and promote the better selectionof materials for instruction in each of them.For example, the best body of materialto be used in the conduct of a professionalcourse is being studied in detail by Professor Charters of the University of Pittsburgh.He is cooperating with the national organization representing schools of pharmacy.An analysis is being made of the requirements of trained pharmacists in actualbusiness. The results of this analysis willbe presented to the national society andwill be of assistance in reconstructing theelaborate syllabus which is now publishedby that society and is used as the basis ofthe courses in pharmacy in the professionalschools of the country.A second investigation which will illustrate the scope of the committee's work wascarried on by Mr. J. M. Glass of the Pennsylvania State Department of Education.Mr. Glass visited fourteen cities and secureddetailed information with regard to the timedevoted to various topics of instruction inthe elementary-school curriculum. He secured from teachers in these cities an exactstatement of the point in the elementaryschool where certain topics were treated ineach of the leading subjects of instructionand he also secured information with regard to the exact number of minutes devoted to these topics. His findings will bepublished in the form of a monograph.They make it perfectly clear that there isat the present time unlimited diversity ofviews with regard to all of the subjects ofelementary education. Very striking differences appear in all of the fundamental subjects. It was found that the difference infifth grades in various cities as to the amountof time to be devoted to the fundamentalsin arithmetic amounted to 3,000 minutes ina year. Other examples of the same typeappear in Mr. Glass' 'results. In view ofthese striking variations the committee hasundertaken to bring together in monographform a summary of all of the recent scientific investigations which have been madein the various fields of instruction in theelementary schools.A third inquiry made under the directionof the special committee on reroganizationof administrative units related to -the artscollege. Dean Kelly, formerly of the University of Kansas and now of the Universityof Minnesota, visited a number of collegesand universities in different parts of thecountry and through consultations withdeans and professors made a study of thevarious types of organizations exhibited inthese different institutions and of' the aims 105wh�c.h seemed to the officers of the collegeslegitimate In guiding their activities. Dear,Kelly came to the conclusion that a fundamental distinction must ultimately be drawnbetween the courses in which a student specializes and those which he takes for purposes of general training. His report willalso be pubhshed shortly and will undoubtedly serve as a stimulating basis for thediscussion. of college problems.The foregoing examples of the work ofthe Commonwealth Education Committeecould be supplemented by references toother lines of investigation. The Commonwealth Fund is devoting itself through otheragencies also to investigations of problemsclosely related to the work of schools. Ithas. an active committee engaged in attackmg the problem of delinquency in children and through this committee has setup a number of experimental clinics in different cities which aim to discover thecauses of delinquency and remove themthrough school training.School of Education NotesThe annual meeting of the Departmentof Superintendence of the National Education Association will be held in Chicago during February and the CHICf\GO DINNERin connection with that meeting will be heldon the evening of Wednesday, February 27,1924, at the Auditorium Hotel. Tickets,which are $2.00 each, can be secured bysending your check to Dean Gray, Schoolof Education, University of Chicago, Makechecks payable to William S. Gray.Professor Buswell and William HenryWheeler are the authors of three readers,"The Silent Reading Hour: First, Second,and Third Readers," published by theWheeler Publishing Company of Chicago.Professor Buswell has also publishedthrough the same company "Practice Exercises in Careful Silent Reading: Set One andSet Two." On December 1, 1923, at theThirteenth Annual Meeting of the NationalCouncil of Teachers of English in Detroit,Professor Buswell spoke on "Silent Reading in the Elementary School."Mr. Frank of the Science Department attended the meeting of the National Association of Science and Mathematics held inCincinnati during the last week in December.Professor Blunt attended the recent meeting of the American Home Economics Association in New Orleans and spoke on "N utrition Courses in Colleges."Miss Mary R. Barnette, a summer student111 education, has been awarded the second(Continued On page 114)106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBook ReviewsPlough Tavern (1748) Lancaster, Pa.THE PENNSYLVANIA GERMANSBy Jesse L. Rosenberger(The University of Chicago Press)An excellent example of old world tradition, persistently preserved in a new environrnent is furnished by the PennsylvaniaGermar;s. These people have subjectedthemselves to the molding force of inheritedsocial forms. Instances of just this sort oftenacious isolation and invariability are notplentiful in America, and for that reason thePennsylvania Germans offer a fruitful andinteresting field for study. Moreover, e:renthis type is passing, and is gradually beinglost in the formless and traditionless societyor America.Mr. Rosenberger fixes the genre so definitely and so concretely, that, were thePennsylvania Germans completely to losetheir individuality in American life, theirpeculiar flavor would still be r�tained. Fr?mhis pages the type emerges WIth a defill1�eness which is astonishing when one corisiders that the purpose of the book is notprimarily artistic. The author himselfemphasizes the historical motive, and hopesthat his work "will be useful to others."Mr. Rosenberger .has succeeded in presenting so faithful a picture of the. Pennsylvania Germans because he has written SImply, concretely, and naively, and fn?mfirst-hand information. He has not triedto be subjective about a people who arethemselves highly objective. He has simply selected. the detail that determines the type, and he has done this with an accuracy which is the result of long familiarity,The book begins with the Pennsylvaniabackground, and discusses briefly the conditions in Germany which led to the migrations. Mr. Rosenberger gives an account ofthe life of the pioneers, and of the changesin that life which slowly and infrequentlycame. Hits picturesque detail ranges' fromthe building of churches to the making of"schnitz." The Mennonites and the Amishare described in all their curious asceticismand insistence upon non-resistence. Proverbs and' superstitions that have grown outof the daily life of the people, and that illus-. trate the Pennsylvania German characterare an interesting feature of the volume.These are typical of Mr. Rosenberger's selection:"A man who can build a good fire willmake a good husband.""A diligent house-wife is the best sav-ings box." ,"The middle course is the best way."The final chapter is devoted to "gleaningsfrom old records" which are chiefly wills.The author's interest here is genealogical,and he takes a pardonable joy in presentinghis family history. The account is interesting for its inventories of articles in use atvarious periods in the history of the Pennsylvania Germans, and it has the characteristic of all Mr. Rosenberger's detail of suggesting and revealing the type.Something should be said about Mr. Rosenberger's style. It is curiously awkward,inverted, and naive. Yet one feels that it isBOOK REVIEW-UNIVERSITY PREACHERS 107University Preachers for Winter QuarterAnnouncement is made of the UniversityPreachers for the Winter Quarter at theUniversity.The first Preacher in January was BishopJames E. Freeman, of Washington, D. c. .who spoke on January 6. On January Ii{and 20 Bishop Francis J. McConnell, ofPittsburgh, Pa., will preach; and on J anuary 27, Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, ofthe First Presbyterian Church, New YorkCity.For February the University Preacherswill be Rev. Miles H. Krumbine, of theFirst Lutheran Church, Dayton, Ohio; Dr.Robert E. Speer, Secretary of the Board ofForeign Missions of the PresbyterianChurch, New York City; Rev. William S.Abernethy, of the Calvary Baptist Church,Washington, D. c.; and President W. H. P.Faunce, of Brown University, Providence,Rhode Island.Professor Hugh Black, of Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and Dr.Albert Parker Fitch, formerly president ofAndover Theological Seminary and laterprofessor of the history of religion in Amherst College, will be the University Preachers in March, the latter to speak on Convocation Sunday, March Hi.peculiarly appropriate to its subject, and thatin itself it helps impart the racial tang. Witness the following sentences:"Milk was used a great deal but butterWas to a large extent taken the place of by"smearcase.",. "They might be called the owners of theirusually small farms, but the majority ofthem had to the lands only limited titles, towhich were attached many burdensome conditions and restrictions, while at any timethey might be compelled to sell their interest in the land."and the revelation of character in the following:"Nor was there any inclination to shirk;but both the men and the women undertookto do all they could, and apparently as aclass neither especially suffered ill from it."Mr. Rosenberger does not analyze deeplythe Pennsylvania Germans as representatives of a traditional mode of life in a traditionless environment. He does not give asense of conflict nor does he discuss the implications of the defeat of the PennsylvaniaGerman individuality by modern influences.The work is little more than a picture, butit is a faithful one, and its value lies in thefact that it preserves an interesting typewhich is gradually passing.Harry Bingham, '2;").CHICAGO CALENDARSfor 1924Two Styles1. Twelve pages; gray-toned throughout; tied with silk cord.2. Six pages; hand-colored views; two months on a page;Vernon Howe Bailey's etching of Harper Library on thecover.Each $1.10 postpaidOrder yours to-day fromTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVENUE108 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENE\vS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association N otes'98-George MacDougall, B. D. '05, ispastor of the Arco Baptist Church, Arco,Idaho.'O'l-W. W. Martin, A. M. '��2, is Professorof Education, North Carolina College,Greensboro, N. C.'04-C. B. Mathews is principal of the E.W. Grove Henry County High School,Paris, Tenn.'Og-Aaron Arkin, Ph. D. '13, is in Viennastudying Internal Medicine and working inthe Clinic Wenckebach; he writes thatamong -the 15 American doctors there atpresent are a number of Rush graduates.'ll-Edna M. Feltges is instructor ofEngineering Mathematics at the Universityof Wisconsin.'12-Fridelle Newberger is with the editorial department of Callaghan & Co., lawpublishers, Chicago.'12-Ruth Reticker, formerly in Cleveland,is now with the Taylor Society (ScientificManagement), 29 West 39th St., New YorkCity.'13--:-Davicl S. Merriam is treasurer of theThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan A venuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins March 31For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, ChICagO, Ill. PAKO Corporation, Minneapolis; the company manufactures photographic machinesand appliances, with extensive sales in thiscountry and Canada.'13-John C. Werner, A. M., is Directorof Training, State Normal School, Albion,Idaho.'14-Marjorie Nind is Professor and Director of the Manual Arts Department, College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas.'15-Mrs. Malcolm Sickels (Ada Huelster), formerly in Cleveland, now resides at1338 Birchwood Ave., Chicago.'16-C. L. Williams is Chicago representative of Funk & Wagnalls Co., the largeNew York publishing house.'16-Adolph O. Knoll, who has been invarious European cities for three years asSecretary to Commercial Attache, expectsto return to Chicago this winter.'17-De Witte S. ("Dobby") Dobson issales and advertising manager of the MidWest Manufacturing Co., Minneapolis,manufacturers of garage and automotiveequipment.Chicago Alumnihave a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Cataiogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicaro, IllinoisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPuhlislzetl in,h, interest 0/ st«.'trical Development hyon Institution that willhe helped h, whatepe, helps'theIndustr,. Order your 1940calendar now.Now IS the time to plan your work for 1940. Whatyou are doing then will depend a good deal onwhat you do today and after graduation-and theway you do it.Obviously, you improve your chances for a big jobif you go where big jobs are and will be. That meansfit yourself to take a place in some industry witha future.Planning twenty or more years ahead is all inthe day's work, among the telephone companies ofAmerica. The electrical generating and manufacturing companies likewise look far into the future.To put a telephone in every home, to light the16,000,000 houses that are not yet wired, to deviseand promote many appliances for the comfort of man-all this will require decades of time and billionsof capital. Chiefly it will need the brains of men.It has long been said that electricity is in itsinfancy. That is still true. You are fortunate whocan see this industry a little further along on its wayto a glorious maturity.'esrem Eltctric CompanyThis advertisement ;s one of a series in studentpublications. It may remind alumni of their opportunity to help the undergraduate. by suggestion andadvice. to get more out of his four years. 100110 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS WANTED!Consult us if you are available for a teaching position now or September, 1924. Youare cordially invited to call at the officesnamed below. We maintain the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.E. E. OLP" Director28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoAffiliated offices in principal cities.EDUCATION SERVICE19 S. La Salle St., ChicagoFills commercial in addition to teaching positions.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., EvanstonAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., ChicagoExcl usi vely for college and university teachers.$1.00Opens aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts a. Checking: AccountA SOUND COMMODITYFOR A SOUND DOLLARWe own and offer for sale 6� %and 7% First Mortgages and FirstMortgage Gold Bands on HydePark Property.The notes and bonds are certified Ito by the Chicago Title and TrustCo. trustee, and the title guaranteedfor the full amount of the loan.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. "Corner Ridgewood" +1_U_ .. _I._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. -aI_I--III---- .. _.I-11. -L���,�����+A. Carnes, Ph.B., has resignedas Personnel Director of theBuilding Company, Seattle,She is in Chicago for the pres-'15-Helenher positionMetropolitanWashington.ent time.'15-Leo C. Hupp, Ph.B., is practicing lawin Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Hupp also tookhis law work at the University.'19-Sigrid M. Johnson, Ph.B., has beenin Phoenix, Arizona, since last summer.'20-Robert G. Happ, Ph.B., is in the realestate business with his father in SouthBend, Indiana.'20- Vera Bena Lee, Ph.B., writes fromLouisville, Kentucky, that she has been illfor the past year. She says that she holdsthe record for hospitals, having been in fivein twelve months.'21-Robert H. Gasch, Ph.B., is cashierwith the Joslyn Manufacturing Supply Company.'21- Joseph B. Hall, Ph.B., is engaged inspecial investigations with the GordonStrong Company, real estate firm.'22-Harold A. Fletcher, Ph.B., is estimator in the Caslon Printing Company,Toledo, Ohio.Institute of American Meat Packers(Continued from page 103')In accordance with this plan a gift of$2,500 a year for the purpose of creating aresearch fellowship in connection with thiswork has recently been made by Mr. ArthurLowenstein, chairman of the Committee onScientific Research, of the Institute of American Meat Packers, and vice-president ofWilson and Company. The fellowshipwhich is to be devoted to the prosecutionof scientific investigations associated withthe packing industry is to be known as the"Arthur Lowenstein Research Fellowship."The name of the Fellow is to be announcedsome time in the near future. The research 'is to be carried on under Professor EdwinO. J otdan, chairman of the Department ofHygiene and Bacteriology at the University.The results of this research are to be madeavailable to the entire meat-packing industry.The purpose of the Institute in offeringevening courses is to give to employes inthe packing plants in Chicago an opportunity to think constructively upon the fundamental problems with which the industryis concerned. They are intended primarilyfor those who are occupying minor executive positions and for those who are ambitious to. rise to executive positions.The correspondence courses are to servethe same purpose for employes in the packing industry outside Chicago.MEAT PACKERS INSTITUTE-LAW ASSOCIATION 111The four-year curriculum planned is toprovide for a degree of specialization. in thephysical and biological sciences, in the social sciences, and in business management.In the first two years attention is to bedirected to the foundations of a universityeducation in which the fundamental principles of the sciences as well as of businessmanagement is to be emphasized. Duringthese years the direct contact of the students with the packing industry is to beconfined to frequent excursions to the plants.In the later years the courses are to be morespecialized and students are to spend anincreasingly larger part of their time in theYards.The creation of an education unit in whichthe resources and viewpoint of a great university and a great industry are combinedin one educational enterprise is indeed aunique coalition. Just as the foundationprinciples of the sciences have been workedout through systematic experiment and observation, so experience in business needs tobe assembled and systematized, and testedpractice made available for dealing withproblems in the future. The business houseshould furnish an ideal laboratory. Opportunity is offered to study with instructorswho bring the scientific viewpoint to bearon subject-matter with which the industryis concerned, and with business men whosepower of analysis has been trained throughpractical experience. It should furnish anopportunity for the student to prepare himself to take greater. responsibility, rendergreater service and realize larger achievement, for the industry, for himself, and forthe community.+ .. _ •• -aI_.I_II._ ... _In_IIII_""_111_0n_t1II_nll_III_II+I -:::11 Law School Association 1+.- .. - .. - .. -n1l- •• -III-IIII-lln-nll-UII- .. -III-nll-ll+Walter F. Boye, J.D. '18, is practicing inVandalia, Illinois.Arthur C. J. Chittick, J.D. '19, ChaunceyL. Blankenship, J.D. '18, and Guy C. Baltz,J.D. '18, are members of the firm of Chittick, Blankenship and Baltz, with offices at5 North LaSalle St., Chicago.Benjamin V. Cohen, J.D. '15, may be addressed at 305 West 72nd Street, New YorkCity.John O. Degenhardt, LL.B. '23, residesat 6226 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Frank E. Dingle, J.D. '16, is a member ofthe firm of Stedman, Kesler and Dingle, 403Wells Bldg., 128 North Wells Street, Chicago.Blayney F. Matthews, ex. '25, may be addressed at 2821% Ellendale Place, Los Angeles, California.Thomas F. Ryan, J.D. '17, is trust officerfor the Sheridan Trust and Savings Bank,4738 Broadway, Chicago.John G. Sims, J.D. '16, Maryville, Ten- The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution. theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, convenient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000.000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnessee, IS Department Commander for theAmerican Legion in Tennessee.Robert B. Shanner, Jr., ex. '25, is practicing with Roderick H. O'Connor, TribuneBldg., Chicago.Bernard W. Vinissky, J.D. '16, has movedhis offices to Suite 710, 10 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago.James E. Willcockson, ex. '2'1, is a member of the firm of Willcockson and Willcockson, Sigourney, Iowa.Leonard B. Zeisler, J.D. '10, has becomea member of the firm of Parsons, Crosbyand Zeisler, 43 Exchange Place, New YorkCity.Miss Lisette F. Henderson, LL.B., '23,may be addressed at 42 Broadway, Newtonville, Massachusetts.Clarence Richard Hodge is located at Davis Junction, Illinois.Miss Ellen M. Rourke is associated withA. M. Fitzgerald in the practice of law,Reisch Building, Springfield, Illinois.Howard H. Moore, J. D., '22, is withBrown, Fox & Blumberg, 105 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll!illlllllllllllllillilillillllllii1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllillI ��1Rg���I��� I_I:=g_ �:�t7s��::�d!:' p��u� l���a!oa:d !_=o�==_=ii sense probably suggests that your �advertising be run in this magazinealongside personal news notes-tobe read by a picked list of substantial men.Forty .. four alumni publicationshave a combined circulation of160,000 college trained men. Advertising space. may be bought individually or collectively-in any way desired. Twopagesizes-onlytwoplatesnecessary-group advertising rates.The management of your alumni -magazine suggests an inquiry to =x"'"ALUMNI MAGAZINESASSOCIATEDROY BARNHILL, Inc.cAd'J'ertising 6J(epresentatweCHICAGO230 E. Ohio St.NEW YORK_ 23 E. 26th St.11I1I11I11II11II11I11I1I1IImllllllll!1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111l11111111111111TIUIIIIWIIIIDllmnmlllllllllffillllllllllllii Law School Association Notes(Continued from page 101)present. Professor Freund sent a messageto be read, as did Henry P. Chandler, J. D.,'06.The following were present:Henry F. Tenney, President;' Corinne L.Rice, Alice Greenacre, Elizabeth Miller, A.R. Baar, H. Bebb, Arthur Boroughf, MerleE. Brake, D. T. Bustin, L. J. Carlin, HarryT. Chaveriat, J. D. Dickerson.. W. J.Dowd, W. D. Freyburger, J. W. Fisher,D. J. Greenberg, M. L. Griffith, S. E.Hirsch, M. A. HirschI, Leo W. HoHman,·Earl D. Hostetter, Hubert L. Huddleston,W. H. Jackson, Clay Judson, H. H. Kennedy, W. L. King, U. A. Lavery, MosesLevitan, Rupert R. Lewis, C. S. Lloyd,Sidney Loewenstein, W. P. MacCracken,James McKeag, A. L. Mecklenburger, G. D.Mills, H. W. Norman, Charles A. Pardee,Harvey S. Pardee, L. M. Parker, F. W.Parker, N. H. Pritchard, E. W. Puttkammer, L. L. Richmond, J. C. Risk, H. P. Roe,Harry O. Rosenberg, N. Rubinkam, L. Rubovits, J. A. Russell, M. Scolnik, E. A.Seegers, C. L. Sentz, H. E. Soble, J. M.Sternhagen, Cornelius Teninga, C. L.Thayer, R. K. Thomas, W. A. Trimpe, GuyVan Schaick, A. H. Veeder, H. Young,Charles F. McE'lroy, Secretary.In the proceedings of the Illinois BarAssociation for 1923, just issued, the reportof the Committee on Office Management isby the Chairman, Henry F. Tenney '13, J.D. '15, who is president of our Law SchoolAssociation. -The report briefly summarizes as follows: . During the past year the Committeesent out questionnaries to all members ofthe Association and gathered a large amountof first-hand information on the management of law offices. Among the 'Subjectscovered were those of filing, bookkeeping,time records, charging, billing, cost accounting, etc. They collected also a large number of office forms which have been mountedand are available for study by members ofthe Association.Mr. Tenney is also on the Committee onAdmission to the Illinois Bar, which hascharge of the ceremony at Springfield fourtimes a year. On these occasions the newmembers are sworn in by the Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court, who addresses theclass from the bench. Afterwards the BarAssociation holds a meeting, and the newmembers are instructed in legal ethics andon matters connected with office management. In 1922 Mr. Tenney was present ontwo of these occasions and delivered thetalk on Office Management. He was presentalso in October of this year and spoke tothe class, which numbered about two hundred.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS+- • u_ • ._.o-. • __ • __ • .-. __ • .-. __ •• -_+I' School of Education I,'_"_"-" __ '_" __ '-"_III_"_"_'I-al-aa_ ....'12- Jean Krueger, Ph.B., is Dean andInstructor in Home Economics at Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing,"Mich.'13-LeRoy Eugene Cowles, A.M., Professor of Education at the University ofUtah, made a survey of the high schoolsof Utah during the winter of 1923.'14-Mrs. Robert J. McGlashan (MaryWest Dodds, Ph.B.), is living at 3780 Center Street, San Diego, California.'15-Thomas Scott, Ph.B., has been inthe life insurance business in Tulsa, Oklahoma, since ·1921.'16-Alice Adams, Ph.B., is" Acting Director of the Primary Department of the StateNormal School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.'16-Matthew W. Willing, A.M., is Associate in Research at the Lincoln School ofTeachers College, New York City.'17-Luella Knight, Ph.B., teaches house-hold arts in the East High School, Aurora.Illinois.'18-Nancy Hill McNeal, Ph.B., Cert.1914, Assistant Professor of Home Economics at Cornell University, is in chargeof the subject-matter program for junior extension work in New York State.'19-Florence Collins, Ph.B., is kindergarten instructor at the College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas.'19-Gerald F. L. Manning, Ph.B., Instructor in Art and Writing, NormalSchool, Camrose, Alta, Canada,· secured hisA.M. at the University of Alberta in 192'3.'20-Elizabeth Bruene, A.M., is spendingthis year as school counselor at the Southern Branch of the University of California,Los Angeles, California.'20-Myron Butman Chapin, Ph.B., is Director of the Lansing Academy of FineArts, Lansing, Mich. "'21-Earl William Combs,· A.M., teacheshistory in the High School," Toledo, Ohio.'21-Margaret Elizabeth Seymour, Ph.B.,is studying for her M.S. in bacteriology atthe University of Chicago.'22- John L. Bracken, A.M., is Superintendent of Schools, Clayton, Missouri.'22-Maude Rose Jones, Cert., is teachingin the Francis Parker School of Chicago.'23-Lloyd E. Blauch, Ph.D., A.M., 1917,recently accepted the position of Professorof Education at the North Carolina StateCollege, Greensboro, N. C.'2'3-Irma Langford is connected. with theHome Economics Department of the StateTeachers College at San Marcos, Texas.'23-May Libbie Stewart, A.M., Ph.B.,1922, is Rural Supervisor of the schools ofGarrett County, Oakland, Maryland. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus •• $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTQR�WATSON F. BLAIR. CHARES H. HULJlUJl.DCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND CHARLES L. lIUTCHINSONEDWARD B. Bun.. JOHN J. MITCHIU.LBENJAMIN CAaPENTER. MARTIN A. RYIUlIONHENRY P. CROWELL J. HARRY SELZ"ERNEST A. HAMILL ROBERT J. THO.H.CHARLES H. W ACX ...Foreign Exchange Letter. of CrecUt.Cable Transfer.Saving. Department, James K. Calhoun. Mar.3 % Paid on Savings Deposits113114 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames M.Sheldon,'03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H.Davis&@omp(lnyMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds--quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, 'II Herbert I. Markham, Ex.'06Ralph W. Davis,'t6 Byron C. Howes, Ex.'13N.Y.UfeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergradua tes given quarterly.Bulletin on Reques�.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print t!l:bt 1:lnibetstit!, of �bita:go ;ffiaga?ineCall and insnectour building,s��t ��irfti!�: Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Absolutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICA nONPrinting and Advertising Advisersanti tire CooperaliOe anti Clearing HOl18ejor Catalogues and PuhlicationsOne oftha largest and mostcomplete Print-\'fn�"'�l!':"� Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS 8< HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381 School of Education Notes(Continued from page 105)prize of fifty dollars in the normal schooland teachers' college section of the W orldEssay Contest for 1923 conducted by theAmerican School Citizenship League.Miss Jessie Todd of the Art Departmenthas supervision of the section for gradeteachers in the School Arts Magazine.Dean Gray will be one of the speakersat the· Oklahoma State Teachers Association in Oklahoma City on February 8.The Home Economics Department hasbeen given a scholarship to be awarded toa student majoring in the food and nutrition division of home economics who will"keep herself physically fit." The donor isan alumna, Elizabeth Vilas, 1922, who isnow serving as nutrition worker with theAmerican Red Cross in Del Rio, Texas.She believes that a home economics teacheror nutrition worker should herself be ingood' health. The first recipient of thescholarship 'is Mary Cannon, a senior in theDepartment.Professor Whitford left on December 30for Berkeley, California, where he will givecourses during the winter quarter in theCalifornia School of Arts and Crafts.' OnDecember 6 he gave a talk on "Basic' Principles Underlying the Planning of HighSchool Courses in Art" at the meeting ofthe Missouri State Teachers Association inSt. Louis.The series of articles by Miss Temple andMr. Parker, which are appearing in the Elementary School Journal, are portions of thebook "Unified Kindergarten and FirstGrade Teaching" which they are preparingfor publication.New Volume on Contemporary AmericanAuthorsA new .volume on contemporary American authors is to be published by the University of Chicago Press. including suchwriters as Robert Frost, Amy Lowell. Edgar Lee Masters, Carl Sandburg, EdithWharton. Booth Tarkington, and JamesBranch Cabell. The author, ProfessorPercy Holmes Boynton. of the Departmentof English, is now on leave of absence forsix months to give courses in his specialfield of American literature at his alma mater, Amherst College. He is one of five professors chosen 'from the teaching staffs ofother institutions to give variety to theyear's program at that college.Professor Boynton is the author, amongother volumes, of London in English Literature, and of school and college text-bookson the history of American Literature.ALUMNI AFFAIRSAlumni Affairs(Continued from page 90)aroused the enthusiasm of every loyal graduate who heard him. Miss Olive Jones ofNew York City, President of the NationalEducation Association, was present as aguest. She spoke very briefly but interestingly of Dr. Judd's work before he. came toChicago. By a unanimous expression ofdesire on the part of those present at thisluncheon, a committee was appointed to cooperate with existing Alumni· organizationsin Missouri to the end that gatherings ofthis sort might be perpetuated at the annualconventions of the Missouri State Teachers'Association. The committee consists of thefollowing persons: Mr. George R. Johnsonand Miss Jean Kimber, St. Louis; MissMontgomery, Sedalia; Miss Tillie C. Adamsand Miss Dora Pyle, Kansas City.George Ray Johnson, Ph.M. '10,Director of Division of Tests and Measurements, St. Louis, Mo.South Dakota Alumni MeetingNew OfficersDecember 1, 1923.-I have your letter of November 27, andam happy to say that I can make a reportconcerning the meeting of the South Dakota Alumni Club. This meeting was heldat Watertown, South Dakota, on November 27 at noon, at the time of the SouthDakota Educational Association meeting.At noon on Tuesday, November 27, allthe University of Chicago alumni, who couldget away from round table and committeemeetings, met at the Immanuel' ConceptionSchool for luncheon. The following werepresent: Miss Miriam Cressey, Teacher ofFifth Grade in the Emerson School, SiouxFalls, S. Dak.; Ionia J. Rehm, High SchoolTeacher of Mathematics, Sioux Falls, S.Dak.; J. H. Clause, High School Teacher ofPhysics, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; MargaretJane Foglesong. Head of Department ofEnglish, State Teachers' College, Spearfish,S. Dak.; R. V. Hunkins, Supt. Schools, Lead,S. -Dak.; H. S. Simmons, Manager ClarkTeachers' Agency, Minneapolis, Minn.; J. A.Williams, Prof. of Education, Director ofSummer Session, South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak.; Margaret Briscoe,Prof. Methods and Supervision, NorthernState Teachers College, Aberdeen, S. Dak.;E. K. Hillbrand, Prof. of Education, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, S. Dak.;Anna Fastenau, Prin. Emerson School,Soux Falls S. Dak.Since I have been president for two years,I selected Supt. R. V. Hunkins, A.M. '21,of Lead, S. Dakota, one of our most progressive members, and urged his electionfor president. I was made Vice-president,and Miss Anna Fastenau, Ph.B, '22, a veryalert and promising grade school principalof Sioux Falls, S. D., was made SecretaryTreasurer. ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY39th Year25 East Jackson Blvd., ChicagoIn many hundreds of Colleges, Universities, Normals, Secondary Schoolsof all kinds, there are today University of Chicago graduates, many with'advanced degrees, who secured theirpositions through Albert Teachers'Agency.For years this Agency has been inthe front rank of teacher placementbureaus, especially in College and University positions, and good positionsin other high class institutions.University of Chicago students arealways welcome in our office. If notnear enough for an interview, makeyour wants known by mail. We arehere to serve you.We have busy offices also inNew York, Denver and Spokane IA HISTORY of theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBy Thomas W. GoodspeedThis beautiful volume, published during the 1916 Quarter Centennial, printedby the University of Chicago Press, isoffered only to Alumni-and at a special price of $2.20, postpaid.The book, 522 pages bound in maroon,has 23 notable illustrations of prominentUniversity buildings and leading figuresin the University's history, and is mostattractively printed. The history is afascinating story with which everyAlumnus should be familiar.No book better suited for a Chicagoan's library-table. You will be proud toshow "Chicago" to your friends. The80 copies left are offered only to Alumni.Order yours Now.Address and Checks toAlumni Council University of Chicago115116 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWhile only a small number were present,due to the large amount of committee andround table work, we had a very interestingand worthwhile meeting. We decided tomake all arrangements for next year's meeting several months ahead of time, and tosecure, if possible, a speaker from the University of Chicago Faculty for the meeting.I am sure you will find that the interestsof the University of Chicago alumni will bewell taken care of by our new president, Mr.Hunkins.Cordially yours,E. K. Hillbrand, ex '23.THE YATES-FISHERTEACHERS' AGENCYEstablished 1906Paul Yates, Manager616-620 South Michigan AvenueChicagoOther Office911-12 Broadway BuildingPortland', OregonIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I YOUR AL�i��=mTlON II are made stronger, more service- II �:r���3t:�����2i;d��� I� we trust in good time you will be- �I �E�!{;l��i�I::::::: I� appreciated. Urge your Chicago �I friends to join l We should all work i� together-sfor Chicago. �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Dramatic Club Alumni Read a PlayOn December 12th, at Recital Hall, FineArts Building, a group of alumni of theUniversity of Chicago Dramatic Club read"The Enchanted Cottage," by Arthur W.Pinero-a play not yet published in America. The reading was given at a joint meeting of the Drama Study Class and the Literary Study Class of the Chicago Woman'sClub, with an attendance of about threehundred club members and guests.The alumni who took part are Mrs.Schuyler B. Terry (Phoebe Bell, '08), Mrs.E. V. L. Brown (Frieda Kirchoff, ex-'04),Henry D. Sulcer, '05, Howard L. Willett,'06, and A. G. Pierrot, '07. Mrs. HowardL. Willett (Grace Williamson, '07), whowas in charge of the play, read the introduction and stage descriptions, and Mrs.Henry D. Sulcer, ex-lto, composed andplayed the incidental music used during thereadings. The play, a three act fantasy, waswell received.Amusing Events of Early Football DaysIn a recent issue of the Soui': Side Reviewappeared a biographical sketch of Mr. Stagg.In telling of the early days of the Universitythe article states:"At the opening of the University of Chicago Mr. Stagg was asked by former President Harper to come to the University ashead of the athletic department. In theautumn of 1892, with only fourteen men outfor football and not many more for baseball,the coach played as captain of both teams.And consequently the 'Grand Old Man' hashis 'C' blanket with two stars, an honorwhich he has bestowed upon many athletessince."Football practice the first year was heldat Washington park, and the first game waswith Englewood High School, Chicago winning, 6-0, when the captain made a touchdown."The Chicago scores that first year were:"Chicago 0', Northwestern O."Chicago 10, Michigan 18."Chicago 9, Purdue 38."Chicago 4, Northwestern 6."Chicago 12, Illinois 28."Until 1896 Northwestern and Chicagoplayed two games each season. The recollection of the first game with Michiganmakes the 'Old Man' chuckle. Michiganwas scheduled to play with Lehigh, he said.But at the last minute Lehigh' sent wordthat they could not play and Michigan askedChicago to come to Ann Arbor. 'It was notuntil the game was nearly over that thespectators knew that Chicago was playing.'"Among the stars on that first team wereHenry Gordon Gale, now dean of the OgdenGraduate School of Science at the University; 'Biily' Rapp, who later married Schumann-Heink ; Dr. Joseph B. Raycroft, nowathletic director at Princeton; and HarryChase, the 'red-headed end,' now an attorney in Chicago."THE LETTER BOXThe Letter Box(Continued from page 97)thanks and appreciation; The cards camefrom Alumni in various parts of the country, from officials of Alumni Associations ofother universities, from President Burton,from Trustees, and from faculty membersand officials of the University. We extendto them all our best wishes for a happy andsuccessful New Year!John A. Lomax, Alumni Secretary of theUniversity of Texas, a noted authority oncowboy songs who lectured on cowboyliterature at the University last July, sent usa greeting on which appeared the followingcowboy poem:"'Twas good to live when all the rangeWithout no fence or fuss,Belonged in partnership with God,The Government and us.With sky-line bounds fr0111 east to west,With room to go and corne-I liked my fellow man the bestWhen he was scattered some.When my soul hunts for range and restBeyond the last divide,Just plant me in some strip of westThat's sunny, lone and wide.Let cattle rub my headstone round,And coyotes wail their kin,Let hosses come and paw the mound,But don't you fence it in!"Suggests Chicago Phonograph RecordsMy dear Sir:Upon inquiry among the sales rooms ofthe phonograph records, I find we have norecords of the songs usually sung at theUniversity of Chicago. I am of the opinionthat if we have records of this kind that agreat many more people who attend thesports of the University of Chicago wouldbe able to join in the songs, and with thisin mind I spoke yesterday to Mr. MarkHealy of Lyon & Healy who informed methat if the proper demand was made forsuch records they could have them producedin the East, the only place, I understandwhere phonograph records are made.As Secretary of the Alumni Association.I would suggest that you call this matterto their attention and at the same time havethe Alumni select such songs as they wouldlike to have records made of and mail thesame to Mr. Mark Healy in care of Lyon& Healy. with the request that he shouldcommunicate with the record producers inthe East with a view of having these recordsmade and shipped to Chicago for sale. I tmight also be well for the Alumni to statein their letter to Mr. Healy whether or notthey would like to have the songs producedby a soloist or quartet.Yours truly, George J. Williams, RALPH C. MANNING, '00REALTORChicago West SuburbanTown and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. ILL.Sam A. Rothermel ' 1 7InsurancewithMOORE. CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyIruiest menb Securities208 S. LaSalle St. - Wabash 0820Motion Pictures?Educational- Characterbuilding - EntertainingMathew A. Bowers, '22TEMPLE PICTURES, Inc.Cal. 4767 2301-11 Prairie Ave., ChicagoMain 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans for Building EstatesLIFE INSURANCE WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE. UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.554 W. Adams St., Chicago, nl. -ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AllBooks 111118 THE UNiVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800BRADFORD GILL, '10 WILLIS H. LINSLEY. '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSI NESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND J. DALY, '12I nveslment Securil iesWITHF ederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7500John J. Cleary, Jr., ' 14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius Teninga, '12REAL ESTATETeninga Bros. & Co" 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 Successful Literary Work of Universityof Chicago AlumniA new volume of .literar y reminiscence byHarry Hansen, literary editor of the ChicagoDaily News, is announced under the title ofM idwe st Portraits. He writes of suchauthors as Robert Herrick, Sherwood Anderson, and Carl Sandberg; of other literaryfigures who have caught the spirit of theMiddle West; and of the poetic renaissancein Chicago.Mr. Hansen, who graduated in 1909 fromthe University, where he was one of theeditors of the University of Chicago Magazine, has had an unusual experience in newspaper work. Appointed Berlin correspondent of the Chicago Daily News in 1914, hereached the Belgian border two days beforethe opening of the Great War, and was laterwith the Germany army until the battle ofthe Marne. He was also a press representative at the Peace Conference in Paris. Mr.Hansen, who is the author of A Peace Congress of Intrigue (Vienna, 1815) and TheAdventures of the Fourteen Points, has recently been made head of a book reviewdepartment in Harper's Maga:::ine.Another graduate of the University ofChicago, Maude Radford Warren, '94, whosenew novel, The House of Youth, has justappeared, also saw service abroad and washonored with the rank of major. In. 1918she wrote The White Flame of France.Carl Van V ech ten, '03, wrote last yearPeter Whiffle.' His Life and Works, whichreceived much critical commendation; anda new novel of his has just appeared underthe title of The Blind Bow-Boy.Miss Margaret Wilson, '04, whose firstnovel, The Able M cLauglzlins, recently wonthe $2,000 Harper fiction prize, was gradua ted from the University of Chicago in1904. The three judges, Jesse Lynch Williams, Henry Seidel Canby, and Carl VanDoren, without consulting one another, gaveher novel first place among over seven hundred competitors.Among other alumni who are achievingnotable literary success are Martin Flavin, '07,playwright; N ewton A. Fuessle, '06, novelist,and Edwin H. Lewis, '94, novelist and poet.In the field of journalism wide distinctionhas been achieved as correspondents, columnists, critics, or as writers of special articles by Arthur Sears Henning, '99, Leroy T.Vernon, '01, Keith Preston, '05, Richard T.Atwater, '11, James Weber Linn, '97, FannyButcher, '10, and Nathaniel A. Peffer, '11.Exhibit Paintings By Walter SargentUnder the auspices of the Renaissance Society of the University an exhibit of recentpaintings by Walter Sargent, Professor of ArtEducation, was held in Ida Noyes Hall, earlyin January. Professor Sargent, who recentlyalso exhibited thirty-one canvases at Pratt Institute, New York City, resumed his regularwork in the College of Education with theopening of the Winter Quarter.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 119.������3����r-��;3s.�������������.�,� I>""'"�_'->' ,"""_�A� A��_:;�"c ���-,�"''''"' . ��_""�j� �fs� FtC. Y Old B ss�N itteen- ear- oy ��(�\� (By Strickland Gillilan) �!��� ��� THERE is just one thing in carrying some life insurance. ���,� the world finer than being 'jt",�� ��: �f�� a fifreen-year-old boy - it is II�J'ljl0:>1,.. owning one. I'm the lucky If I take out insurance on r."'�� one in this case. My boy will his life (which I can do when i�1II � be fifteen next Christmas (yes, he has turned fifteen), J can :"''S�� he was a fine present), and do' 1 A d ��r, � get it at a very ow rate. n .� '1��AI you know what I'm going to what does this do? Well, (a) l�tX�... �j� do right afterward? if the lad were to meet with II�\��I.... Gl some fatal misfortune before r� I'll tell you: ,��'(\l� the finish of his college career �,,�(�).' i'm going to take out an (and some do), I should be ,��1r� endowment policy on his life. financially reimbursed for the �'f!'fd And now I'll tell you why: cost of his education to date; ���� (b) if he were to lose his r��� H ' b blv zoi I r"K,""1� e s pro a y going to coi- bealrh.Lshould have pcovided ����� lege some day. That'll cost me him with a policy he could �.f,��i�1 money. I don't begrudge it. not get later; (c) and if (as I r ... t&l� He has to have his equipment verily believe, in my faith and �t! ., for life in competition with a h d 1 £ h h '!Is�� ope an ove ror im) e �r.ii�,� lot of school-taught chaps. It should live to complete his 'jt",���J is money well-spent. Like life schooling and settle down in l�"l��"�� insurance premiums, it is an a home of his own, he will �LU j�i,..., investment and not an ex, h r."'��� ave insurance protection at �.rr.-� pense, It will help him acquire a rate so low (owing to accu- I��'I�T.. the ability to help himself. mulated dividends) as to be ��'j..� Maybe later on he will almost negligible. 'IJ.�t��A amount to a great deal more ���... 1)� than I think I amount to at See? ����� present. Now if you can discover any I�.�� After college, he will be way in which the above plan ���'I..� starting out on his own hook. is unwise, write and tel!l me. 'fl.��� Paddling his own canoe and Personally, I can't see any- ���1.t' all that. And if he's even as thing but wisdom and profit I'A�Jtt� smart as I am, he will be in the scheme. ��� �M �"l:� "iJ.�m ���).' ,���� �� .�M �f'j;-� 'IJ.��� OF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS ����).� Sixty-one years in business. Now insuring One Billion Seven Hundred ,A �Jtt�� Million dollars in policies on 3,250,000 lives. ��� ��fj;� I!��120 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE© s.& Co."This will be the Gate of Empire,this the Seat of Commerce"Thus did Robert, Chevalier de la Satre, in a prophecy, foresee a New France in the MississippiValley.His' exclamation was called forth by the discovery that the divide between the great valleysof the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi was onlyone mile wide and a few feet high.This spot for a century was a famous portagefor the fur trade along the two great water systems. Later when the United States gained possession of this territory, traders began to put uptheir cabins on the banks of the river.Then came railroads tapping the rich areas atthe Middle West.The thinly settled country of great distancesnaturally turned to live stock production.In the early days and until the Civil War, theoutlet was in the form of barreled salt beef andpork, or heavily salted and smoked meats. Freshmeat could be had by consumers only by theshipment of live animals. This serious limit onthe output of live stock made necessary a moreefficient and economical method.* * *Under the pressure of this necessity, Gustavus F.Swift, founder of Swift & Company, conceived theidea fifty years ago that fresh meat, kept cool byice, could be transported long distances.In the fifty years since then, Mr. Swift and hissons and the organization that they have built up(now comprising about 50,000 men and women,highly trained in handling perishables) have carried forward the idea to its logical conclusion inthe present distributing organization of Swift &Company.The company has twenty-three packing plantswhich furnish nearby cash markets for the livestock the farmer raises. Thousands of refrigeratorcars radiate from these plants to hundreds ofbranch houses and car routes which make available to retailers fresh and delicately cured meats.Swift's Premium Ham, Premium Bacon . andother products are now articles of every-d ycommerce throughout the country.Swift & Company, U. S. A.Founded 1868A nation-wide organization ownedby more than 45,000 shareholders.Swift & Company's profit from all sources averages onlya fraction of a cent per pound. l�arriages, En�a�e::nt:,· 'jBirths, Deaths.--- •• _a. • __ • __ ._.._.I_.a-u __ • .. • 811:flflatttage�Mabel Anna West, '12, to Glidden]. Barstow, October 17, 1923. At home, Creston,Iowa.Dunlap Cameron Clark, '17, to ElizabethA. McFalls, ex '21, October 29, 1923. Athome, 5529 University Avenue, Chicago.Ruth H. Wilson, '18, to Owen G. Wilson,Jr. At home, 2114 Procter Street, Port Arthur, Texas.Germaine Leclerc, '21, to Dr. EdmondGrasset, September 6, 1923, at Rerny, France.At home, Remy.Helen Lingle, '21, to Thomas VernonBarry of Springfield, Tennessee, November28, 1923. At home, 1414 East 50th Street,Chicago.(!EngagementsUlrich R. Laves, '20, to Aldine Sears; '22.Gwendoline Gurnett, '22, to Arthur E.Gaut, S. M. '21.Lewis McMasters, '23, to Margaret MeClenahan, '23.lSittb�To John F. Dille, '09, and Mrs. Dille, ason, Robert Crabtree, April 8, 1923 at Ev-anston, Illinois. 'To Aleck G. Whitfield, '11, and Mrs.Whitfield, a son, Gordon Edward, October28, 1923, at Evanston, Illinois.To David S. Merriam, '13', and Mrs. Merriam, a daughter, Doris Jean, October 1,1923, at Minneapolis, Minnesota. .To Charles L. Hyde, J. D. '16, and Mrs.Hyde, a daughter, Marjorie Ann, November24, 1923, at Pierre, South Dakota,To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lovett(Phoebe Frances Miller), '19, a son, MillerCurrier, March 18, 1923, at Lynn, Massachusetts.To Louis R. Dooley, '22, and Mrs. Dooley (Elizabeth S. Brown), '20, a son, LouisR. Jr., October 28, 1923, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Campbell(Mary H. Shipley), Cert. '20, a son, HerbertS. Jr., September 24, 1923, at Chicago.To Victor J. Smith, '23, and Mrs. Smith,a son, Harlan King, August 20, 1923, at Alpine, Texas.1lBeatbsCharles S. Menzies, '0'(, of Portland, Oregon, in September, 1923, at his home inPortland.Dr. John Clifford, D. D. '11, formerlyPresident of the Baptist World Alliance,November 20, 1923, in the council chamberof the Baptist Church House, London, England. Dr. Clifford, one of the great leadersin the Baptist world, occupied his pulpit inLondon far more than sixty years.He took the world to herThe modern vacuumtube, used in radiotransmission andreception and in somany other fields, is; aproduct of the Research Laboratoriesof the General Electric Company. TheseLaboratories are constantly working todevelop and broaden theservice of radio. Twenty-five years, ago a boyleft a little country town tofind his fortune. He found it.Two years ago, when radiowas still a novelty, he took areceiving set back to the oldhome and set it up in hismother's room. That eveningthe world spoke to her.She could not follow her boyaway from home. But thebest that the world has to give-in music, in lectures, in sermons-he took back to her.,GENERAL ELECTRICBlazing a Wider TrailA Broader Scope in 1924 for Our "NewOrder of Things" in Clothes for MenOl,JR extraordinary clearance sale,now in progress, differs fundamentally from the usual clearance of 'Oddsand ends, 'Or "slow movers." We areoffering exquisite masterpieces of styleand tailorcraft at astonishing reductionsfor one purpose only-to acquaint allcareful dressers with the unap-proachedqualities represented by our "New Orderof' Things" in clothes for men.The following reductions are now in effect on all Business Suits and Overcoats.AU $50 Suits & O'Coats now $37.50All $55 Suits & O'Coats now $41.25All $60 Suits & O'Coats now $45.00All $65 Suits & 0 'Coats now $48.75All $78 Suits & O'Coats now 552.50All $75 Suits & O'Coats now 5S6 .. 25All $80 Suits & O'Coats now 560.00All $90 Suits & O'Coats now $67.50All $180 Suits & O'Coats now 575.08All of our finer Overcoats formerly sold by us from$110 t'? $150 are now offered at proportionate reductionsLONDOItCHICAGO.T. PAULDIETIROITM ,·L W A:U K E IEMt NHIlAPOLa.Two Chicago StortJ,.:.Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetan·' HOTEL SHERMAN