Gbt qnibcesitr �Qhtcago Olagalint, .'�6,�<"Speaking of Books- '- ,_and,especially those published by. the Uniuersit» .ojChimgo ness� x �There 'should be for Chicago alumnino tale more fascinating than that of the evolution of thelittle frontier post at historic. Fort Dearborn into the cityof Chicago that they know today. Noone book chroniclesfor them the entire story of this city's growth, and howin the progress of Illinois from' savagery to civilization in­surmountable courage and rave foresight made possiblethe building of a metropolis that in time became the siteof their Alma Mater.No one 'book depicts this story for Chicagoans, but fromthe Press of their own University have come. at varioustimes a number of volumes that together give a most un­usual picture of this development. Milo M. Quaife's Chicanoand the Old N orthsoeei tells of the frontier period and isas thl'iUingly interesting as romance. The Uni"l'ersity ofChicago Bio.qrapihical Sketches, by Thomas W. Goodspeed,recounts the achievements of eighteen men whose influenceupon the growing city and university was profound.Throuoh. Three Centmries, hy Jesse W. Rosenberger andA History of the Univ,ersity of Chicano, by Thomas W.Goodspeed, are books to be read and reread for their ac­count of a history that is vital to all Chicago men andwomen ..The world of today is also described in the books of the. University of Chicago Press. In The N eqro in Chicago,The Hobo, Government in Illinois, Modern Tendencies inSculpture and A Naturalist in the Great Lakes Ref/ion thealumnus will find interesting and authoritative statementsof many things with which he should be familiar. Thesebooks and those that are beinz published month by monthat the Press will well repay their readers. Further infor­mation on any of them will b@ sent on request.The first of a series of advertisements addressed tothe readers of University of Chicago Press books."THE TRUE UNIVERSITY IS A COLLECTION OF BOOKS"-CARLYLE�be mniber�it!' of <tbicago maga?ineEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G .. PIEl\ROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. and A. Association=Don vu» P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association-A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-FLoRENCE WILLIAMS, '16.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The . Alumni Council of TheUuiversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave.; Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexica Cuba, Porto .Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philip­pine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. IlPostage . is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents' on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 28 cents).URemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers sh'ould be made within the month following the regular month of publica­__ ",n. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, .at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.VOL. XVI. CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 192:1 No.1FRONTISPIECE: PRESIDENT ERNEST DE WITT BURTO:'<CLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS .........•..••............•... ,. . ..• .••.....•• 3EVENTS AND COMMENT.... .••.....•.....••....... . . . 5GREETINGS FROM PRESIDENT BURTON-NEW TRUSTEES " ,. 6ALUMNI AFFAIRS .............•..............................................••....... 7CHICAGO DEANS (DEAN SHAILER MATHEWS) 11'THE UNIVERSITY ANn. THE VVORLD'S FAIR .- ' 12NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES ....................................................•....... 13ATHLETICS ..•.••.......................................•.......................••••.. 14THE LETTER BOX-JAPAN EARTHQUAKE , 16UNIVERSITY NOTES .....•...................................................... : ..•.... 20SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ..........................•.................. 22LAW SCHOOL ..... : ......................••................•.......................... 23SCHOOL OF EDUCATION .......•.................•..•..•.......•........•................ 24BOOK REVIEWS-EDGAR J. GOODSPEED'S NEW TESTAMENT TRANSLATION 26NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIA'FIONS ...........................................•.. , 28MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS ..............•..........................•.• 3912 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Councilof the University of ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer. ADOLPH G. PIER ROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1924, MRS. WARREN GJRRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHN'P. MENTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXl':LSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, '07; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVE�N, JR., '18; Term ex­pires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT 1. MARKHA�, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND J. DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; RO�ERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PjI.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGSDON, PH.D, '21'.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98;' OSCAR D.BRIGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21. •From the Law School Alumni 'Association, EDGAR J. PHILLIPS, L. L. B., '11; CHAhES F. Me­ELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., 'ia, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MR9-. GARRETTF. LARKIN, '21; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, FRANCIS F. PATTON/ll; HO\VELL W. MURRAY, '14: WILLIAMH. LYMAN, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; ALICE GREEN ACRE, '08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSON, '12.From the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secre'tary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JAMES MCGEE, D.B., '08, 165 York Street, New Haven, Conn.Secretary, CLARENCE W. KEMPER, A.M., '11, D.B., '12, First Baptist Church, Charles­ton, W. Va.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15, 137 So. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, G. WALTER WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, La Grange,. Illinois.Secretary, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16, A.M., '20, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kimbark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including· sub­scriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS· SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFIClif<.SCLASS SECRETARIES 3Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St. '09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. '10. Bradford Gill, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave. '11. William H. Kuh, 2.001 Elston Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St. '12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd.Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St. '13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank. '14. W. Ogden Coleman. 2219 S. Halsted St.Josephine T. AHin, 4805 Dorchester Ave. '15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave. '16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yates Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave. '17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 230 S. Clark St.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI. '18. Barbara Miller. 6520 Woodlawn Ave.Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute. '19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI. '20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel. 1222 E. 52nd St.Clara H. Taylor. 5838 Indiana Ave. '21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kirnbark Ave.Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg. '22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.Hele? Norris, 72 W. Adams St.. '23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave ..Wellington D, Jones, University of Chicago All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSClub), Sec. Charles H. Loomis,' Merch­ant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. HelenePollak Gans, 15 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette Grif­fin, South High School.Peoria, Ill. Pres., Rev. Joseph C. Hazen,179 Flora Ave.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., M. R. Gabbert, Uni­versity of Pittsburgh.Portland, Ore. Pres., Virgil A. Crum, 1313Northwestern Bank Bldg.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 406 Mont­gomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec., Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.South Dakota. Sec., E. K. Hillbrand, Mit­chell, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., Rock Island andMoline, 111.). Sec., Miss Ella .Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Estelle Lutrell, Uni­versity of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., Ernest G. Ham, Brandon:Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No.1 Heskett St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chi­cago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.George S. Hamilton, 367 Franklin Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. John. Y. Lee, ShanghaiY. M. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool."g.'94.'95.'96.'97.'98.'99.'00.'01.'02.'03'04.'05.'06.'07.'08.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford. .Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne. St.,Brookline.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Alison E. Aitchison, Iowa State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, Ia.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Ly­man, 5 N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd..Cincinnati, O. Sec., E: L. Talbert, Univer­sity of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Nell C. Henry, 2074East 107th St.Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Sec., Hazelle Moore, Rol­lins Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,Sta te Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First J udi­cial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Mabel Washburn,H15 Broadway.Iowa City, la. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec., Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Ca1. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 912Railway Exchange Bldg.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin Cities4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresident Ernest DeWitt BurtonDr. Burton began his first quarter as President of the University at theopening of the University in October. Although in office but a few months,the University has begun definite progress in many directions under his wise,energetic and stimulating leadership.University of ChicagoMagazineTheVOL. XVI Nc.1:NOVEMBER, 1923This number of the Magazine heralds thenew year for alumni activities. The Uni-, versity last "came to you" withThe New the July number which closedYear activities for 1922-1923. Thatyear, as noted in July, was avery significant period in which importantalumni projects on behalf of the Universitywere begun or advanced. The year : nowcommenced promises to be one of still fur­ther definite progress along various lines.October witnessed the Fall opening of theUniversity. For over a month, now, theQuadrangles have been busy with the rushof returning and new students. Despitethe market increase in tuition the attendanceis larger than ever before and every avail­able space is being utilized for class-roomand laboratory purposes. Even to alumniwho left the University but a year or twoago the increase in activity would be notice­able. To alumni who have not returnedwithin the last decade or more the U niver­sity would seem like a new world. We hopethat every alumnus will return some day, atReunion or some other time, and see howlarge, how active, how stately and impres­sive the University of Chicago wor ld nowis. The University and the alumni havestarted ] 9;23-1\)24 with auspicious activity.We trust that you-that all alumni-willtake some helpful part in making this ayear of important accomplishment.* * *On February 20, 1923, Dr. Ernest DeWittBurton became Acting President of the Uni­versity. At the July meeting of the Boardof Trustees he was elected toPresident the office of President. In theBurton five months of his work as Act­ing President, Professor Bur- ton had shown such clear understanding of.the fundamentally important problems nowconfronting the institution, such decisiveability in the way of solving those prob­lems, and such energetic leadership leadingto .their solution, that inevitably he was re­garded on all sides, among. Trustees, theFaculty, students and alumni, as the rightman to serve with the freedom and powerof President. His election to the Presi-.dency in July was hailed everywhere withsincere enthusiasm. On August 31, at the130th Convocation, Dr. Burton was fer­mally installed and presided as President.The ceremonies were brief and simple, yetimpressive and fraught with significance enthe advancement to be made by the Univer­sity within the next few years.Through the Magazine and the publicpress our alumni are already familiar withthe life of President Burton and his pastgreat services to the University. Througha pamphlet mailed last Spring, addresses toalumni en various occasions, and the Mag­azine, they are also somewhat familiar withhis wise and comprehensive policies. Inthis November number he sends his firstgreeting to the alumni as President andagain points cut the desire for loyal alumnisupport. Our alumni, we knew, willdeeply appreciate his cordial greetings andread his communications with thorough at­tention. At this time, en behalf of the alum­ni, we again congratulate President Burtonen his deserved election, we extend himbest wishes for a most, successful .adrninis­tration, and gladly renew our offer of thefullest cooperation from the alumni.56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+._nn_"'_I.- •• _'._ •• _I'_aU_ •• _ln_ •• _.I_III_na_.I_.a_nl_UI_ •• _.1- •• -OII-III-al-.I- •• _In_.I_I __ .,,+1 President Burton's Greetings-New Trustees I..... - •• - •• - ........ - •• - •• -.0- •• - •• - •• - •• _ •• _ •• _.'_ •• _.11_ •• _In-UII-ua-III-III1-la-IIU-IIU- •• -I.- •• -aa-n+Greetings from President BurtonTo the Alumni:At the beginning of the thirty-second yearof its work, the University sends itsheartiest greetings to its alumni, near andfar. Developments of marked importancehave crowded so hard upon one anothersince the Quarter began, that the accountof them, which was planned for this num­ber of the MAGAZINE, has grown to suchsize as to require a special pamphlet. Adetailed statement of these developments isnow being prepared and will be sent outto the alumni before the end of the AutumnQuarter. For the present, I will only say. that the year has begun with a notable spiritof interest and enthusiasm on the part· of. both students and .faculty, and that longall lines we have the feeling that progressis being made. We rejoice in the successof our alumni, so real and vital a part ofthe Institution, and relp on their continuedloyal support.Very truly yours,Ernest D. Burton,President.New Trustees-An Alumnus AppointedAt the November meeting of the Boardof Trustees of the University of Chicago,held on November Bth, two new trusteeswere appointed-Edward L. Ryerson, Jr.,and Charles F. Axelson, Ph. B. '07. Theseare the additions to the B-oard of Trusteesauthorized by the recent change in the Arti­cles of Incorporation of the University.Edward L. Ryerson, Jr., is Vice Presidentof the firm of Joseph T. Ryerson and Son,a large Chicago wholesale iron, and steelconcern. He was graduated from the Shef­field' Scientific School of Yale Universityin 1908 and is a man long prominent inChicago civic, business and social affairs.Mr. Ryerson was a captain in the R. M,Air Service in the Great War. He is a'member of the Committee of Fifteen, Direc­tor of the Northern Trust Company, VicePresident of the Chicago Council of SocialAgencies, and a Director of Chicago Com­mons. He is an Episcopalian. His residenceis 1431 Astor Street, Chicago. Mr. Ryer­son's appointment ,brings to the Board thevaluable and helpful services of a public­spirited citizen who has shown deep inter­est in the welfare and progress of theUniversity.The election of Charles F. Axelson, �07,President of the College Alumni Associationand Chairman of the Alumni Council fortwo years (the second year of his term ex­pires this coming June), is a distinct recog­nition of ability and loyal services to theUniversity in alumni affairs covering a period of fifteen years. No other alumnushas devoted more time and energy to thesteady and successful development ofalumni organizations and undertakings thanhas Mr. Axelson. His addition to theBoard brings a man thoroughly familiarwith the history, organization and aims ofthe alumni in serving the University, TheBoard could have chosen no man who wouldbetter represent alumni opinion, and boththe Board and Mr. Axelson are to beCharles F. Axelson, '07heartily congratulated. He will unquestion­'ably render important assistance to the Uni­versity in many ways.Charles F. Axelson has been connectedwith the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur­ance Company for a number of years. Hewas prominent in student activities duringhis years in College and is a member ofDelta Tau Delta fraternity. He is a memberof the Hyde Park Baptist Church, Presi­dent of the Men's Club of Hyde Park, anda member of the University and other clubs.For two years he was Secretary of the LifeUnderwriters Association of Chicago. Dur­ing the Great War he obtained the rankof Major, Adjutant Genera1's Division,O. R. C. A biographical sketch of Mr.Axelson appeared in the November, 1922,number of the MA'GAZINE. He resides at 545!)Hyde Park Boulevard. With the appoint­ment of Mr. Axelson there are now sixalumni members of the Board of Trustees.ALUMNI AFFAIRSALUMNI 7AFFAIRS"The Maroon Five"Left to right: Benjamin Turner, Wilfred Combs, Grenville Davis,.] Oh11 Combs, Roger Combs. This Chicago student orchestra made a tripto Japan this summer. Among the places at which they performed was atLos Angeles for our Southern California Alumni Club. They witnessedthe Japan earthquake.First Luncheon Meeting Chicago AlumniClubColonel Horatio B. Hackett, West Point,and Coach N elson H. Norgren, '14, were theprincipal speakers at the Chicago AlumniClub luncheon attended by over 102 mem­bers .at the Morrison Hotel on Thursday,October 11th.Colonel Hackett. one of the 1110St promi­nent fo·otball referees in the country. spokein detail with regard to the 1923 footballrules and related several amusing experi­ences which have occurred during his nine­teen years as a football official.N orgren gave his impressions of the can­didates for the football team, stating whathe thought was their strength and theirweaknesses and Riving some ideas of themethods employed by the coaching depart­ment in pounding out a good team. He alsointimated what might be expected at someof the games still to be played.The date set for the annual football Thursday, November 15th, 1923, beforethe Ohio State game, the place to be an­nounced later.P. S. Russell, '16, Vice-President of theClub, presided and stated that the attendanceat this first meeting would seem to warrantother luncheons during the year and sug­gested State Senator Essington, one of the Republican candidates for Governor, andAuthur Sears Henning, Washington Corre­spondent of the Tribune, as possible speak­ers. Both attended the University.The 1923 membership is now over 500.W m. H. Lyman, '14,Secretary.Tacoma Bl dg., Chicago.Cedar Falls-Waterloo Club Shows How toHold Successful Summer MeetingJuly 27, 1923.Dear Mr. Pierrot:While still "all pepped up" as a result ofthe picnic which the Cedar Falls-WaterlooClub enjoyed . last evening, I want to tellyou something about it. and to thank youfor sending the material which in no smallway contributed to its success.As you know, a large majority of our Clubmembership consists of faculty members ofthe Iowa State Teachers College, and thispicnic was planned in order that the newmembers of the Summer School facultymight get acquainted with the rest of us, andwith each other. The scene of our gather­ing was Washington Park, a delightfullynatural woodland, nearly ninety acres in.extent, adjacent to Cedar Falls. 'When wesat clown to the supper tables. forty-threewere present, including thirty-six who have8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEattended the University, and seven who havemarried into the "Chicago" family. Allperiods of the University's ·life were repre­sented. C. A. Fullerton spent the year1896-97 on the campus, and regaled us withstories of President Harper, Mr. Moulton,and others. S. A. Lynch, M.A. 1900, toldus of the athletic prowess of Stagg's menin the early days. H. E. Christianson, LouisBerg and Ethel Woolhiser, all '23, were onhand to join the ranks of the alumni, and toldus 'Of the life on the campus now, and"Christy" gave us some inside informationregarding toot ball prospects for this fall.Owing to the fact that we had spent asocial hour together before supper, and wereeach decorated with a Maroon ribbon and acard showing our name, and the years thatwe were at the University, there was asplendid spirit of good fellowship pervadingthe meeting. While we were finishing our· supper, and before the business meeting, welistened. to the reading of a considerable partof President Burton's address, given beforethe Chicago Alumni Club, emphasizing thefact that the University's policy in the futureis to be one of inclusion, and not of exclu­sion. President Burton's dream for thefuture strengthened our community of in­terest, reassured those of us who graduatedfrom the Colleges that we may see Chicagotriumph on the gridiron in the future as inthe past, and helped all of us to appreciatethe many-sidedness of the University. Thatpart of the address which reported some ofthe many accomplishments that have beenwrought in the laboratories proved mostinteresting to us.At the business meeting the following of­ficers were elected for the ensuing year:President, Reno R. Reeve, '11, J.D. '16;secretary-treasurer, Alison E. Aitchison,M.S. '14; executive committee, Louis Bege­man, Ph.D. '10, Ida Huglin, '12, Harriet L.Kidder. M.A. '10, Sloane M. Wallace, '12,and Phil E. Kearney, '14.Those who were present were as follows:· V. L. Tanner, Ph.D. '22, Indiana NormalSchool; Harriet Carter, M.S. '21, CityNormal School, Pittsburgh, Pa.; AubreyGrubb, Ph.D. '21, University of Saskatche­wan; Phil E. Kearney, President, Alamo Util­ities Co., Waterloo, Ia.; J. ]. George, '22,Denison University, Ohio; Olive Tilton, '17.· graduate student. Columbia ' University; R.: Hartshorne, graduate· student, Chicago; M.M. Maynard, Monmouth College, Illinois:Laura E. Meier, Emporia College, Kansas:Fred J. Kluss, West High School, Waterloo,Iowa. and Mrs. Kluss; Harold E. Christian­son, '23, U. of C. Press; Louis Berg, '23;Winnie Eubank, '20, East Waterloo Schools,\i\Taterloo. Iowa; Ethel Woolhiser, '23, Nor·mal. Michigan; Blanche Simmons, SchoolCritic, Mason City, Iowa: Mrs. Roy L. Ab­bott (Miriam Helen Hooker), '17; Bessie C.Engle, Normal, Illinois; Lydia Jacobson,Home Economics Division, Iowa State Col­lege, Ames, Ia.: Reno R. Reeve, '11, J.D. '16, and Mrs. Reeve and, the following membersof the faculty of Iowa State TeachersCollege, at Cedar Falls: Prof. Louis Bege­man, Ph.D. '10, head of Physical ScienceDepartment, and "Mrs. Begeman; Prof. W.H. Kadesch, Ph.D. '15, and Mrs. Kadesch;Prof. C. A. Fullerton, head of Departmentof Music; Prof. E. J. Cable, head of NaturalScience Department, and Mrs. Cable; Har­riet L. KIdder, M.A. '10, Library Staff:Alison E. Aitchison, M.S. '14; C. O. ToddM.A. '16; E. C. Denny, M.A. '16, and Mrs:Denny; Laura Bolles, '16, M.S. '22; Pwf. S.A. Lynch, M.A. '00, head of English De­partment; Ida Huglin, '12; J. A. Wiley andMrs. Wiley; Agnes Cole; C. W. Wester;G. E. Hartman; May Smith, and M'innieStarr.We were sorry not to have had with usRev. w». C. Deer, '16, D.B. '12, pastor ofthe First Baptist Church, Cedar Falls, andRev. Roy D. Echlin, D. B. '03, who has justaccepted a call to the pastorate of the FirstPresbyterian Church of Cedar Falls. Bothwere absent from the city and could notarrange to be present.Plans are being laid to bring Dr. CharlesH. Judd to the College here in the fall, tovisit our Club, and to speak before thefaculty and students of the College. In thisproject we will have the co-operation of theFaculty Clubs of the College.I ought to add that Dr. Aubrey Grubb isinterested in organizing a Chicago Club atthe University of Saskatchewan. If youwill write him about October 1st, sendinggeneral information regarding organization"he will get the results, I feel sure. 'With best wishes, I amSincerely yours,Reno R. Reeve, '11.Cedar Falls, Iowa.. Alumni Club of Japan MeetingThe annual meeting of the University ofChicago Club of Japan was held at ScottHall, Waseda University, on June 9th, 1\)23.After dinner the Club was addressed byProfessor Ernest W. Clement, '80, of theFirst Higher School of Tokyo, and by DrJames F. Abbott €lf the American Embassy.It was voted that the Club adopt the plat'.of having two regular meetings a year-onean afternoon session to be held on or about\Vashington's Birthday, which should· in­clude a business meeting, and the other inthe early summer to be held on the dateof Alumni Day of the University of Chicago.Club officers f-or the coming year wereelected as follows: President, E. W. Clem­ent, '80; vice-president N. Otsuka, '06; Eng­lish secretary, D. C. Heltom, '07, Ph.D. '19:Japanese secretary. R. Hoaschi. '16, Ph.D�'17; treasurer, T. Kamijo. ex. This was oneof the best meetings the Club has ever held.Daniel C. Holtom, '07, Ph.D. '19.Secretarv.American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.Tokyo, Japan.ALUMNI AFFAIRSIndianapolis Club-New Officers and PlansSaturday, October 6th, about a dozen cameto the first indianapolis University of Chi­cago Club meeting of the year-an informalluncheon in a downtown hotel.At the election of officers, following theluncheon, Walter G. Gingery, A.M. '17, wasre-elected president, and Mrs. BlancheChenowith, vice-president. Mabel Wash­burn, '18, was elected secretary-treasurer totake the place of Alvin Dittrich, who re­quested to be released because of extraheavy business duties ..There was real enthusiasm for further"gettings-together," and it was decided tomeet once a month for lunch at Hotel Lin­coln, which is centrally located. To startthings off for the year there is to be a "realfor sure" club picnic, with all sorts of eatsand stunts, This is to come off on someSaturday when the weather signs are allpropitious,We shall keep you informed of all activi­ties. With best wishes for a good year,Yours very sincerely,Mabel Washburn, '18,Secretary.1415 Broadway, Indianapolis, Indiana.Alumni Association Organized in IndiaThe American CollegeDepartment of History and EconomicsAlbert J. Saunders, M.A., F.R., Econ. S .. Kodaikanal, Madura, India, May 22, 1923.Dean Shailer Mathews,Divinity School, University of Chicago,Chicago ..My dear Dean:Kodaikanal (altitude 7,000 feet in thePayni Hills) is the favorite missionary hillstation all over India. Over 400 mission­aries from a score of different societies fromall parts of Central and Southern Indiagather at this station during the months ofMay and June every year.One or two of us thought that it wouldbe a good thing this year if we could havea reunion of University of Chicago men andwomen. We putup a notice in the Mission­ary Union inviting all former Chicago stu­dents to a picnic breakfast at a pretty water­falls spot. There were ten families presentat the picnic, including twenty' adults andtwelve children. I enclose the names andyear of residence of those who were presentWe had a very pleasant reunion. Mr.Bryce took a group picture, a copy of whichI will enclose if they turn out well. Afterlunch we had a little informal meeting atwhich it was resolved to organiz.e a Univer­sity of Chicago Association of South India.for the purpose of organizing an annualsocial gathering and: encouragement in ourcommon interests and tasks during the Ko­diakanal season, and also as a bureau ofinformation for- returning missionaries who. may he thinking of spending their furloughperiod in study at the University of Chicago.Mr. Angus S. Woodburne, D.E. '17, Ph.D. '18, of Madras Christian College, was electedpresident; Mr. Albert J. Saunders, D.B. '10,M.A. '13 (F.R. Econ. S, 1921), AmericanCollege, Madura, was elected secretary ofthe Association.We would very much like to have yourendorsement of this organization, and wewould be pleased to have some literatureabout the Divinity School and the U niver­sity that we may place in the hands of en­quirers with special reference to courses 'Orstudy, Divinity School scholarships, and fur­nished fiats.We have recently heard of Professor Bur­ton's election to the high office of presidentof the University. and we are sending ourcongratulations to him by this mail.The alumni present at this first meetingwere: M. W. Strahler, '22, Kolhapur;James H. Potter, '18, Chittoor, MadrasPresidency; T. V. Witter, '20, Pocteli, Nel­lore District; E. W. Felt, '11, Sirur, PoonaDistrict; Clarence E. Wolsted, '20, Marka­pur, Kurnool District; A. S. Woodburne,'17, Ph.D. '18. Madras Christian College;Mr. Hannum, ex-'18, Kolhapur : George P.Bryce, '09, Indore, Central India; and A.J. Saunders, '10, M.A. '13, American Col­lege, Madura.I am, sincerely yours,A. J. Saunders,Secretary, University of Chicago Associa­tion. South India.Cleveland Alumnae First Meeting of YearThe University of Chicago Alumnae ofCleveland, Ohio, held their first' fall meetingfor the year 1923-24 on October 13th, atthe Women's City Club. The meeting tookthe form of a delightfully informal luncheon.Twenty were present to enjoy the gay banterand good food. Nell Henry gave us herprivate opinion (not at all complimentary) of"Grey Towers," the recent book concerningthe University. There was no definite pro­gram.We hope to have a speaker for our nextluncheon, to be held 'On N overnber 10th.Will there be anyone from the U. of C. inCleveland on or about that date who couldtalk to us P: Let me know, if you please, assoon as possible. With best wishes,Very sincerely yours,Mrs. Alice. Lee Loweth, '11,Secretary.5':277 DeSota Ave., Cleveland Heights,· O.Other Meetings of Alumni ClubsMeetings have recently been held, or arebeing arranged for the near future, by 'theChicago Alumni, Chicago Alumnae, Wichita.Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati and 'Otheralumni clubs. At most of these meetingstraveling schedules, fortunately, have en­abled; or will enable, members of the Fac­ulty to be present. Reports of these gath­erings will' appear in the December numberof the MAGAZINE.10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOfficers of Chicago Alumnae ClubPresident-Alice Greenacre, '08, 70 W.Monroe St., Chicago (Central 2102).Yice-President-Mrs. Roderick J. Mac­pher son, '17J 4800 Kimbark Ave.Secretary-Mrs. Fred B. Huebenthal, '18,4119 Washington Blvd. (Van Buren 3513).Treasurer-s-Miss May Rose Freedman, '19.4363 Greenwood Ave., Chicago (Kenwood2659) .Social Chairman-Mrs. H. A. Miller, '08,5€> North Vine St., Hinsdale.Delegate to Settlement=-Miss SusanneFisher, '14, Harrison High School.C. C. B. O. Delegates-Miss Helen Nor­ris, '07, Commonwealth Edison Co.; Mrs.George T. Howell, '04, La Grange, Illinois.C. C. B. O. Finance' Committee-MissMarion Schaffner, '11, 3957 Ellis Ave., Chi­cago.Alumni Council Delegates-Miss Grace A.Coulter, '99, 16' North Wabash Ave.; Mrs.Ralph G, Johnson, '12, 2211 East 67th St.Library Committee Chairman-Miss Lil­lian Richards, '19, 5118 Dorch-ester Ave.Athletics Class Chairman-Miss RebaMackinnon, '16, care Richter & Friedlander,12 N. Michigan Ave. (Central 8453).Thursday Afternoon Teas-Miss Char­lotte Foye, '95, 5602 Kenwood Ave. (Mid­way 2345).Drexel House Chairman-Mrs. William G.Whitford, '16, 1209 E. 60th St.Press Chairman-Miss Grace Leininger,'16, Chicago Title and Trust Co., 69 WestWashington St. (Central 4880).Auditing- and Budget Committee-s-MissCharlotte Merrill, '10, 58 First St., Hins­dale.Oak Park, River Forest Branch-Mrs. V.M. Huntington, '12, 233 Ashland Ave., RiverForest, Ill. (River Forest 2336).Membership-Miss Miriam Simons, '21,2319 Sherman Ave., Evanston (Evanston2873).Sunday Afternoon -High School Teas-­Miss Ruth Hostetler, '18, 2116 ShermanAve., Evanston."Maroon: 'Five" Entertain Los Angeles ClubOn Thursday, October 4th, early in themorning-c-at 1 :30 a. m. to be exact-welearned that the famous "Maroon Five," theChicago student orchestra that had made thetrip to Japan this summer, had reached theCity of the Angels and would be with usonly until Saturday morning. We hurriedlynotified as many members as it was possibleto reach on the telephone, and, in spite ofthe short notice, succeeded in gatheringabout forty for dinner Friday night at theUniversity Club. We thoroughly enjoyed the snappy musicof the Maroon Five. They were surely in"great form" and won most enthusiastic ap­plause. Mrs. Elizabeth Cloud Miller, a for­mer University of Chicago student .whoteaches in the Franklin High School, alsogave us a rare treat in some dramatic read­ings.It was an inforrnel, chatty, get-acquaintedmeeting. We all certainly enjoyed it! Butplease, "you famous Chicagoans," hereafternotify us a minute or two before you arrivein Los Angeles so that we may fittingly dohonor to you and to our Alma Mater.Eva Jessup, '07, Secretary.First Quarterly Alumni Council MeetingThe first regular quarterly meeting ofthe Alumni Council for 1923-1924 was heldin the Alumni Office, Cobb Hall, on Wed­nesday, October 24th. Present: Charles F.Axelson, chairman; A. G. Baker, Donald P.Bean, Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, Ray­mond J. Daly, Elizabeth Faulkner, AliceGreenacre, Mrs. Helen C. Johnson, ButlerLaughlin, Mayme 1. Logsdon, R. L. Lyman,Mrs. Margaret M. Macpherson, Howell W.Murray, Helen Norris, John Nuveen, Jr.,Paul S. Russell, H. E. Slaught, Henry D.Sulcer, Frank E. Vveakly, H. L. Willett,and A. G. Pierr ot, secretary-treasurer.Financial reports for the preceding year,which closed September 30, were presented,reviewed and adopted. A budget for theyear 1923-1924 was presented, discussed indetail, and adopted.Reports were given by the chairman ofthe standing committees, by the Chicagoclubs, and by the delegates from the Associ­ations. The reports briefly reviewed the ac­tivities of the past year and outlined someof the plans for the year now starting. TheChicago clubs are showing a marked growthin membership, each club-the ChicagoAlumnae Club and the Chicago Alumni Club-now having over 500 members. The sev­eral Associations have also shown an im­portant -increase in membership and haveplans for considerable activity during thecoming year.A number of communications relating toalumni affairs and interests were read, dis­cussed and referred to committees. Somenew plans for the Reunion were also con­sidered. One of the especially importantmatters taken up was that of cooperatingwith the University for establishing a riewand complete addressograph system and anextended filing system. The general aim isto make the alumni files better and morequickly available for university, class, club,and other similar purposes. - A· committeeof the Council will confer with Univer­sity authorities designated to consider thisdevelopment. The meeting, which lastedtwo hours, adjourned at 10:15 p, m.CHICAGO DEANS-DEAN MATHEWS 11+U_.M...- •• _.a- .. _II._ •• _ .. W_WJl_.,..-lIfI_.II_.It_M ..... __ a._ .. -.1- •• -1111-11"-.11_11_ •• _ •• _11 __ .11_1"_+! iI � Chicago Deans � ill� "They Lead and Serve" �+-a._'I-UI- •• - ... -IfIt-I.- •• - •• -I .. -an-aR-tltt_NI1_._ •• _I._ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ ... _ .. 1_.11_ ... _11._1.-11 1 __ 1-11+Dean Shailer MathewsDean Shailer Mathews, as a prominentand very influential figure in the history anddevelopment of the University of Chicago,certainly requires but lit­tle "introduction" to thegreat majority of ouralumni. While studentsin the University or'through the public press,our alumni have becomeacquainted with the highservices he has renderedthe University through aperiod of almost thirtyyears.Shailer Mathews wasborn May 26, 1863, atPortland, Maine, the. sonof a local merchant. Hisearly. schooling was ac­quired in the grammarand high school of Port­land. He then enteredColby College, Maine,where he received his A.B. in 1884. He was activein student affairs, be­ing President of the Ath­letic Association, Presi­dent of the Y. M. C. A.,chairman of his seniorclass executive commit­tee, and a member ofDelta Kappa Epsilon. He pursued graduatestudies at Colby, receiving his A. M. in 1887.He did further graduate work at NewtonTheological Institution and at the Universityof Berlin, until 1891. The honorary degreeof D. D. has been conferred upon him byColby and Oberlin colleges and by Brownand Miami universities; Pennsylvania Col­lege conferred the degree of LL.D uponhim in 1915.For two years, 1887-89, Mr. Mathews wasAssistant Professor of Rhetoric at Colby,and for the next five years he was Profes­sor of History and Political Economy there.In 1894 he came to the University of Chi­cago as Associate Professor of New Testa­ment History and Interpretation. Sincethat time he has been on the Faculty atChicago, becoming Junior Dean of the Di­vinity School, 1899-1908, Professor of Sys­tematic Theology, and Professor of His­torical and Comparative Theology. In 1908he was appointed Dean of the DivinitySchool, in which capacity he has served, inaddition to his class-room and lecture work, for fifteen years. Dean Mathews was edi­tor of The World Today for some years,and editor of The Biblical World from 1913to 19:W. He has written many notable ar-ticles an d books on re­ligious, historical and so­cial subjects, and hasgained wide distinction asa lecturer. Among theimportant positions hehas held are President ofthe Western EconomicSociety, President of theCouncil of Churches ofChrist in America, andDirector of ReligiousWork of the ChautauquaInstitution.He was married on, July 16, 1890, to Mary P.Elden, of Waterville,Maine. The Mathewsha ve three children.Dean Mathews is amember of the Univer­sity and City clubs, andwas President of theQuadrangle Club. He isa member of the Amer­ican Historical Associa­tion and of the Americanand Chicago societies ofBiblical Literature.In the brief space al­lotted here for this biographical sketch it is,of course, impossible to more than suggest hismany and varied services to the Universityof Chicago. His twenty years association withthe University have literally been crowdedwith great efforts on behalf of the institu­tion-efforts that have assisted and 'advancedthe University in many ways. In this re­spect students and alumni have long feltdeeply indebted to him. .During the last four or five years he hasaddressed a large number of our alumniclubs while on his lecture trips. None ofour club speakers enjoys thus meeting ouralumni in various parts of the country morethan he does-and our clubs are constantlytrying to get him for visits and addresses.Dean Mathews is keenly interested,' notonly in the development of our DivinityAlumni Association but also in the progressof our general alumni organizations' andaffairs. He is 'always gladly willing to dowhat he can in their furtherance. We arefortunate, indeed, in having his loyal andhelpful services from time to time.Dean Shailer Mathews12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEt"-R.-""_""_AM_."_ .. M_AM_IIM_AII_" ...... ""_II"_""_""_n�II"_IIII!-.II-",._-M"-""-fil"-"II._..""-I._""_II!"�"II_""_II+. .. . .... iI The University and the W orId's Fair. '+.- .. - .. _ .. .-; .. _ .. _,.,.... .. _._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. ,....,._n._ •• _ •• ..,..-._ .. _ .. ..,..- .• _._.n_ .. _ .. _,,_ .. _ .. .-. .. _.-,l"Egyp,t" and the New University on the MidwayThis unusual picture, one of a collection on display at the recent World'sFair Memorial Exhibit noted below, will recall happy, though often noisy, daysto many of the "Shanties." This wide driveway was known as the Midwaybefore the Wor ld's Fair. During the Fair it was called the "Midway Plaisance."During the first week of October the 30thanniversary of the Chicago World's Fair wasobserved, under the auspices of the Chi­cago Historical Society, by an exhibitionof. World's Fair relics, mementoes, and pho­tographs, sketches and paintings. The largeexhibit, on' display at the retail store ofMarshall Field & Company during the en­tire week, was attended by crowds everyday. The exhibit was arranged in booths,extending over a considerable portion of thesecond floor of the store.The University of Chicago participated inthis exhibit, the University's. section beingin charge of the Chicago Alumnae Club.Mrs. Charles Scribner Eaton (Davida Har­per, '00) and Mrs. Roderick Macpherson(Margaret Monroe, '17) were chairmen ofthe Alumnae Club's committee which gath­ered and arranged the University exhibitand took charge of the University booth dur­ing the week. The University exhibit in­cluded pictures, official slides showing theUniversity from its: beginning at the timeof the World's Fair of 1893 until the pres- ent, and drawings and architects' models ofproposed new buildings. The lantern slideswere shown at stated times each day andvarious alumnae took turns in telling theaudiences about the buildings and growthof the University as thus illustrated. Manyalumni attended the exhibit..Among' the Worid's Fair pictures on dis­play was the one shown above. The pic­ture shows the "Egyptian" section of thefamous Midway Plaisance with the newUniversity buildings in the background. Onthe left can be seen Cobb Lecture Hall­the first University building erected, andbuilt about a year previous to this date;Kent Laboratory is seen in the center. Onthe right is shown Foster Hall in the courseof erection. The style of dress of 1893 canbe noted among the sightseers on the Mid­way. The style of dress and view of theMidway will be of particular interest to thealumni who saw the amusing performanceof "The Naughty Nineties" hy the Black­friars in 1919.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESNE"WS OF THEQUADRANGLES.Preparation for Settlement NightActivities on the campus for 'the Fallquarter of 1923 center about the formationof the committees for the Settlement Nightcampaign. Arthur Cody and Hester Weber,the two committee chairmen who did themost work last year, were appointed asgeneral heads of this University organiza­tion which is making its annual campaignto raise money to support the UniversitySettlement at 4630 Gross Ave., which wasfounded twenty-eight years ago by a groupof University students interested in socialservice.The general campaign for raising moneyamong University alumni and others inter­ested in the movement is being managed byM. D. Kirk and Elizabeth Hyman, both ofwhom were leaders in this line last year.Settlement Night proper, which is managedin the form of a bazaar, is under the direc­tion of the following committee heads:Louis Stirling and Martha Bennett of theEntertainment Committee; Willis Hardyand Dorothy MacKinlay, Booths; WilfredCombs and Jeanne Birkhoff, Music andDance; Leslie River and Weir Mallory,Publicity; William Drake and CatherineCarnpbell.j Specialties; Frier McCollisterand Julia Phodus, Decorations; Carroll Mag­genheimer :and Calista Twist, Refreshments.Settlement Night will be held December8 in the Mitchell Tower group and cloister,as in the tears past.Some Campus DifficultiesIn addition to Settlement Night, the cam­pus is agog over a rather troublesomepledge tampering case, and the reorganiza­tion and definite abolishment of the ThreeQuarters <Hub, Freshman honorary SOCIety.The pledge tampering, case, which is nowbefore the Interfraternity council for de­cision, concerns a star trackman from St.John's Military academy, who was pledgedon October first, the first night of school.I t is charged that he dropped his pledgeafter solicitations from a member of an­other fraternity's alumni. -Possibly there wassome unfortunate misunderstanding on allsides, but .the matter will be settled by theInterfraternity council.The Three Quarters club was suspendedby Dean E. H. Wilkins the first part of thequarter "in order that a committee - consist­ing of faculty and students might investigateto 'discover whether or not it might be madea valuable institution of the University. It.'_was reinstated-r.Octcber 24, after the com­mittee made' a favorable report, but in itsfirst' meeting it violated every' ideal upon The Ferris WheelFrom this famous Wheel, about 250 feet high,on the "Midway Plaisance," the new Universitywas viewed by thousands in the W orld'sFair days.which it was reinstated. Dean Wilkinsthereupon suspended it for the second timeuntil it could be abolished by the Board ofStudent Organizations.Social ActivitiesAn unusual amount of social activity hasbeen seen on the campus for the first partof the quarter. The Phi Kappa Psi fratern­ity officially opened its new chapter housewith a tea given October 21 for the wholeUniversity. Several Undergraduate mixershave been held, both in the newly organizedReynolds Student Clubhouse, and that fol­lowing the annual Freshman Frolic held inIda Noyes.Leaders· for the Washington' Prom wereelected by the Undergraduate Council, Octo­ber 25th. Campbell Dixon of football .fame,and Cap-tain of" basketball; will, lead theright wing with Nellye Newton;'. ClarenceBrickman, Captain of the track .team, willlead theIeft with Winifred King. Dixon isa .member of Psi Upsilon and Bric-kman ofDelta Upsilon; Miss Newton is a memberof Chi Rho Sigma, Miss King of the Quad­ranglers.The campaign fo·r Cap and Gown salesstarted Oct. 29, while the 'Phoenix broughtout its first issue November 1, and· TheCircle, November 7th. C. V: Wisner, Jr-. !26.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECaptain James Pyott, '24, HalfbackPlaying under one of the severest handi­caps that ever faced a Big Ten football team,the Maroons' hopes for a conference cham­pionship went glimmering on November 3when the Stagg men took the short end of a7 -0 score at the opening of the great IllinoisMemorial Stadium at Champaign. Sixty-fivethousand people braved a drenching rain towitness a battle worthy of a stadium 'open­ing.The Chicagoans went into the game with­out the' services of Campbell Dickson, starend, who was on 'the sidelines with an in­jury, ,and Harry Thomas, the' "key" halfback,whose withdrawal from the :game just twen­ty-four hours before the, start, on accountof scholastic deficiencies, completely wreckedplays which the team' had been working on'for three weeks '::rnd forced the' Maroons torely on aj'slow familiar Tinebucking attackwhich. tRe' IlIini 'easily' solved before the endof the first quarter.' . ."Red'" Grange, the' brilliant Illinois' half­back, fully lived up to his' ever-growing rep­utatiorr and aside from' making the' lone'touchdown of the game, tore off several longruns,. one of 60 yards, and also saved histeam from athreatened score in the' openingQuartet: ; The Illinois team, showed a pow­erful Iine and' a fast; hard�driving back field.They' were "keyed' 'to the top" for' this' game and played great football from whistle towhistle. Illinois is to be congratulated, too,on the wonderful memorial stadium openedon this occasion. This gigantic structure,when completed, will have both architectu­ral and utility value and will be a fittingscene for many great athletic and otheroccasions in the years to come.Up to the time of the Indian contest theVarsity season had been, if riot brilliant, atleast moderately successful. In the season'sopener, which was played on September 29,before the opening of the University and ata time when the Varsity had practiced butten days, the Michigan Agricultural Collegegame resulted in a defeat for the MichiganAggies by a one-sided score of 33-0.At the time, the playing of the Maroonswas severely and justly criticized for beingboth rough and sloppy. Fumbling by thebacks was frequent and the line, with bothFrank Gowdy and "Fighting Joe" Pondelikon the hospital list, was so weak that eventhe green Aggie team was able to tearthrough for considerable gains.J ohI?- Thomas;' '24, . FullbackThe next week brought Colorado Agri­cultural College to Stagg field and gave·Maroon supporters a number of scares in' agame that finally ended' 10:0 -in favor ofChicago. Rib ben' was the' star of the day,ATHLETICSmaking the Maroon's only touchdown afterblocking a Colorado kick. The RockyMountain farmers played in tough luck allthrough the contest, loosing two possibletouchdowns through fumbles just when theball seemed about to cross the Maroon goalline.With the coming of Northwestern, ac­companied by practically every member ofthe north shore university, the Maroonvarsity showed marked improvement in theirplay. Pondelik arid Gowdy returned to theline, making it practically impenetrable; andin the backfield Harry Thomas, CaptainJim Pyott and Willis Zorn, together withFred Law, at quarter, made a combinationthat the Purple were unable to solve. Al­though Pyott clung to his old position athalf, he took over the additional job ofcalling signals and brought the team out OJlthe long end of a 13-0 score., After an interim of two weeks, the OldMan started on his annual fear of Purdue.This year the game proved that the tear. forthe first time in ten years, was amply justi­fied. At the end of the first half the scorestood 6-0 in favor of Coach Phelan's boysFrank Gowdy, '25, Right Tackleand the west stand of Stagg field soundedlike a cemetery at midnight. Spradling, theflashy Boilermaker halfback, who during theweek had been reported out of the gamewith a fractured knee, hopped into the con­test and made the lone Purdue score.In the third quarter the Maroons, evi­dently smarting under the effects of a be­tween halves lecture from the Old' Man,came back and ran up three touchdowns in 15less tha!l twenty minutes. Abbott, newlytried out at quarter, Zorn and Pyott did thescoring. In the final period, Stagg, satis­fied with the lead that his men had rolledup, started making substitutions and endedJoe Pondelik, '25, Left Guardwith a practically new team. Gowdy, stellartackle, was the only man to play clearthrough for Chicago.The scores to date, and the remaininggames are:Chicago 33, Michigan Aggies O.Chicago 10, Colorado Aggies O.Chicago 13, Northwestern 0.Chicago 20, Purdue 6.Chicago 0, Illinois 7.Chicago 27 Indiana O.Chicago vs. Ohio State (Nov. 17).Chicago vs. Wisconsin (Nov. 24) ..All the games, with the exception of theIllinois game, played at Stagg Field.Aside from football, sports at the Uni­versity has been confined to the cross coun­try team. Although the Maroon harriersha ve the best team in years with VictorLevine and Harry Bourke, who won secondplace from a field of 400 in the Daily Newsroad race last summer, the season has' notbeen marked by success .. Although Bourkewon the first meet, the team as a wholelost by a large score to the Purple roadmen.The second contest, with Purdue, resultedin' a tie. A Boilermaker .i:nan won the race,but the Chicago runners succeeded in gettingenough men well up in the -list to tie upthe team score. Clifton Utley, '25.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEc."IUlIllIDUIIIIIIIIIIIUUlUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIUIUIUIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIU UIIIIUIlDUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIllIlIlIllIllIllUtUIlIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIlUIIUIWUIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111".=I �,-, The Letter Box �. II � � I;;:'llHlllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I11111111111111111UlllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIInIlIUIIIIIIHIllUllllUmlnWUIU_1IIIiAppreciation from President BurtonThe University of ChicagoOffice of the PresidentMy dear Mr. Pierret:WiH you please accept, for yourself andmake known to the members 'Of the AlumniCouncil this expression of my sincere andgrateful appreciation 'Of their action as re­ported in your note of- July 13.You and they will readily believe that thereis no source from which I derive, more CGm­fort and assurance in my administration ofthe University than from, what I cannotdoubt, the confidence, sympathy' and heartygood-will of 'Gut alumni.Cordially yours, .Ernest D. Burton.Congratulations to President Burton fromIndiaMy dear President Burton:At a first reunion 'Of Chicago' Alumni inSouth India, at which a University of Chi­cago Alumni Association of South Indiawas organized, it was voted to convey to youour hearty congratulations on your electionto the high office of President of the Uni­versity. We pray for you God's richestblessing of health and strength and wisdom.\Ve wish you many years 'Of splendid serviceas you guide OUf dear Alma Mater to largerand greater usefulness.. We all here thinkof you there often, and wish you to knowof 'Our abiding loyalty and interest in dearold Chicago.Sincerely yours,Albert J. Saunders, D.B. '10, M.A. '13,Secretary, University of Chicago Association'Of South India.The American College, Madras, India.President Burton's Reply, My dear Mr. Saunders:I thank you very much for your verykind letter of May 22nd. I am greatly inter­ested· in knowing of the organization of aUniversity of Chicago Alumni Associationin far off India.I appreciate your greetings to me person­<illy, and fully reciprocate your good wishes.You are doing an important work in a landin which I once looked forward to spendingmy own life, and I wish you many moreyears in your work than I can possibly giveto mine.Very cordially yours.Ernest De Witt Burton. Suggests Club Representatives to ReunionsJune 27, 1923.Mr. Charles F. Axelson,The Rookery, Chicago, Illinois.Dear Ax:The thought occurred to me during recentAlumni festivities that the natural way forour Alumni Clubs to keep more closely intouch with the University is for each club tosend a representative to the University at aspecified tithe during the year. First, tohave the benefit of the contact of represen­tatives of other clubs throughout the coun­try. Second, to renew acquaintance with themembers of the faculty and others in theUniversity group. Third, to answer anyquestions which members of the club fromwhich the representative comes may have.I believe that other advantages would ap­pear from such a meeting as this which IwiU not take time tQ enumerate.I was reminded of this idea by a recentletter in which the same thought in a littledifferent form was suggested. Possiblythere are only a few of our Alumni Clubsthat are strong enough to finance or helpto finance such a trip of. a- representative,but it seems to me that there is a germ ofan idea here that it would � .. worth whilefor the members of .the Alumrii Clubs Com­mittee and the Council to. consider.I am addressing this letter' to you as Ido not happen to know who the chairmanof the Alumni Clubs is ..Yours cordially,r.. A. W. Sherer, '06.From "Next to, Nowheres"Dear Mr. Pierrot: ,Enclosed please find my' Alumni dues andsubscription for THE UNIVERSITY ;OF' CHICAGOMAGAZINE. . Way out here, in th� backwoodsof the Philippines (riext to nowher es) Ifound one other U. of C. graduate, Mr. Se­villia, who is a native of this town. He isof the class of '21. ,Are there any other alumni on: the Island'Of Leyte? We· might be able to organizea local alumni club.Well-best wishes to you, and all of theU. of C., from the one absolute hiding-placeon this terribly crowded planet of ours.Yours,A. K. Spielberger, '19.Tacloban Leyte, Philippine Islands.A Letter on Wheels, Berlin, Germany, August 5, 1923.Dear Mr. Pierrot: .Unfortunately I packed my alumni ad­dress catalog in a trunk which I shippedTHE LETTER BOXdirect to China from America. I am nowanxious to get the names and addresses ofUniversity of Chicago graduates in Indiaand Ceylon.If it would be possible for you to send meimmediately such a list to Port Said, care"S.S. Delta" (P. & O. Steamship Co.), itwould reach me in time.My wife and I bicycled 400 miles in Eng­land and Wales, sped through Paris annBrussels, bicycled 100 miles up the Rhinefrom Cologne to Mainz, with a boat ridethrown in, and are now circuiting from Ber­lin to Rome and Marseilles. Hope to spendthree weeks in India before going on to mywork in Shanghai. We find reasonable menand "phobes" generously mixed.Maurice T. Price, '10.Criticises Glass Reunions-Suggests FieldExecutiveJune 26, 1923.My dear Axelson:I attended the recent class day exercises­I traveled a thousand miles to come-may Iwrite to you as a fellow alumnus, my im­pressions, and I write 'Only because of myinterest in the U. of C.My first impression was of the utter in­sipidity of the affair, all lack of class spiritand of organization. This will seem unfairto those who worked and planned the day,but so it impressed me and the comment ofothers was in the same tone. I have at­tended class days at other colleges, notablyHarvard, and the contrast would makeangels weep.What should be done?1. The Alumni Association should put anexecutive in the field. (The U. of C. as apublicity program could well afford tofinance him.) This man should get a few­three or more alumni from each class-whoare in or near Chicago. This ,small group ofthree or more should begin a little fund forpublicity, and proceed to bring togetherclasses about three times a year. Of courseonly local alumni could come, but a seriouseffort should be made to have class dinnersat least three times a year. Once a yearin an institution with the ouarter systern->once a year-is not enough for a meeting.2. In time such a program will bringenough interest into class groups to arrangea class day in June in which each class willcontribute some attractive stunt or feature->and the fiasco of this year will not recur.3. Some additional attractions for classday besides class day exercises should beevolved. .4. Classes should arrange to dine bythemselves at the June class day dinner­and if need be join in an evening mas:")meeting. .Take these suggestions in good part-theyare so intended.Sincerely,Elim A. E. Palmquist, '00. D.B. '05.1420 Chestnut s-, Philadelphia, Pa. 17.A Most Loyal Alumnus Passes OnThe Alumni Council,University of Chicago.Dear Sirs:Among the death notices in the Magazineshould go that of Mr. Neighbor, and I amsorry that illness on my part has preventedmy sending it in sooner.Reverend Robert Edward Neighbor, A.B.1867, died on Friday, May 11, 1923, at thehome of his sen, R. W. Neighbor, in Port­land, Oregon. As a loyally enthusiasticalumnus he was a delight and an in spira­tion to the younger members of the Indian­apolis University of Chicago Club. He at­tended nearly all the meetings and enjoyedthem tremendously.' He left the first of theyear to visit his son, and telephoned me be­fore he left to ask me to say good-bye for'him to the other alumni and to tell themthat if he lived he would return and joinus at our own meetings again.Speaking for myself, I think most of usare inclined to forget that that earlier group.may take as keen' delight in the presentUniversity and iii the fellowship our clubs,make possible as any new-pledged alumnus-and I hope you can give him as muchnotice as possible, for he has given us Some­thing valuable by being with us.Very sincerely, "Helen E. Jacoby, '09:850 East 59th St., Indianapolis, Indiana.Located in IndiaKodoli, Kolhapur, India, Aug. 27, 192;)'.The Alumni Council,University 'of Chicago.Dear Friends:'Your kind letter of 24th ult. enclosingcard for information for your record, is re­ceived. I am pleased to get into some slighttouch again with the University, for mymemories of residence there in 1907-8 arehappy. I have filled the card and return: itherewith.Yours sincerely,William H. Hannum, '80.Tells of Mediterranean TripS.S. Canada, September 3, 1923:Dear Mr. Pierrot: 'Remembering your requests for the wheresand whys of alumni wanderings I report my:'self from the eastern end of the Mediter­ranean, en route from Syria and Palestineto Constantinople, Athens, Smyrna, andpoints west. 'Mrs. Willett, 'Our two youngsters and Istarted out the middle of June to call onher mother, Mrs. F. E. Hoskins, in Beirut,Syria. We also wanted to see what a French.mandate. looks like in action and to' get ac­quainted with the. orphanage work of theNear East Relief.' ,In all points we weresuccessful. -'._. ,I should no� care to live long under thatsame mandate if I were a native. The ooin-18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEage is based on the franc and fluctuates withit. So our dollar was worth all the way from72 to 91 piastres during our stay, on a parvalue of 25. That makes buying and sellingquite a problem, emphasized by comparisonwith nearby Palestine, where there is verylittle variation, Taxes are even more nu­merous than under the Turks, especially thepetty kind, and are being collected for allthe years from 1917 on, So the poorer peo­p],e, the drivers and farmers and the like,who are easy to reach, are paying exorbi­tantly. The trouble seern s to be a big armythat has to be supported in spite of the factthat they were not asked for, are not .neededin such numbers, and have no interest incommon with the people, Everyone talkspolitics, everyone is discontented, everyoneexpects some change to occur, but no def­inite idea as to the form is obtainable.In contrast the Near East Relief orphan­'age work and program are a joy to watch,Ten thousand youngsters, largely 'Orphans.are well housed and cared for, eat simplefood with good appetites, and are hard atwork on a variety of .tasks preparing them­selves for. self-support. It is mighty impres­sive to see a thousand boys doing everythinga normal boy likes to do and to realize thatbut for some Americans they would all bedead or worse, I have never before been soimpressed with the achievements and possi­bilities of the N. E. R. Wish all travelerswould take time to look the orphanages over.They are such a hopeful contrast to thetragic refugee camps.I am looking forward to a better AlumniClub year in Massachusetts than ever before.Vlfe want Chicago men and women as speak­ers. or just to lunch with a few of us, andhope that we can know of those who are inBoston early enough to get hold of them.To' all other clubs and to the Association Isend best wishes for a splendid year.Cordially.Herbert L. WilHett, Jr., '12.Pride and PrejudiceJuly 27, 1923.Dear Pierrot:I just picked up a number of THE UNIVER­SITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, and since this isthe last number of the year I cannot resistthe temptation to write to you and con­gratulate you upon the splendid progresswhich the Ma-razine has ��rle. It has de­veloped under your control from a dis­tinctly second rate Alumni mazazine to oneof the best in the country.We receive in our office the Cornell AlumniNews and the Harvard Alumni Magazine, andoccasionally the alumni magazine from North­western and other eastern and western univer­sities, and your paper takes a back seat fornone. of them. It is perhaps, though I may beprej udiced, the best of the lot.Yours. verv trulv,Francis W. Parker, T r -. , '07.1410 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Japan Earthquake Described by ProfessorFrederick Starr(Special to The Daily Maroon)On Board S. S. Pres. Grant, Sept. 28.­To all members of the University, and toall O. M. D., greeting: It has been sug­gested to me by Mr. H. G. Davis, who is afellow-passenger with me on this steamer,the President Grant, that I should addressyou through The Daily Maroon.On July 28, I sailed from Seattle by theAlabama Maru for an expedition that wasto include Japan, Korea, China, Indo-China.and Siam, and which was to last untilMarch of next year. I reached Yokohamaon Aug. 12 and at once began' the work Iexpected to do in j anan. The next nineteendays were busy. I made my third ascentof Mount Fuji, spent five great days in theSarnni-do (a district in western Japan)where I was a welcomed and feted guest,saw the great fire ceremony at Yoshida, andmade the ascent of Ontake, Japan's secondgreat sacred mountain. There was but oneitem left in my Japanese program-the tripover the Kisakaido, which I expected to fillthe time from September 4 to September-as.On August 31, I returned to Tokyo to restbefore starting out upon this final under­taking.Quake Interrupts WorkOn the next day I was in Tokyo when theearthquake came. It was not only themost dreadful in my experience, it was prob­ably (with its resultant fire) the most dread­ful disaster of its kind in history. My inter­preter and I were working in my room onthe third story of my Japanese hotel. Wehad the full effect of the shock and for amoment neither expected to escape with life.Tiles were falling; plaster, timbers, glass,furniture-everything was giving way andheaping UD around us. . When the' shakingceased, we made our way downstairs andoutdoors, where the streets were filled withterrified and fleeing people.Fires were breaking out in all quarters ofthe city. The first great shock was at 12noon: a second heavy shock came at 12:20.By 4 o'clock we saw fires in every direction.The streets were full of fugitives, fleeing forlife and carrying whatever they had saved.The people of the hotel begged us to preparefor flight. Two steamer trunks of mine andthe baggage of other guests were heapedupon a truck and we ourselves climbed uponto the pile and hurried to Shiba Park.Here, with many thousands of other fugi­tives, we camped out for the night amongthe trees, with trunks, .satchels, and bundlesaround us. It was then about .6 :30.Refuge in TempleAt 10 we were forced to flee again andmoved evervthing into the enclosure ofZorji (Buddhist Temple) .. Here we wererecognized by young priests, who took us totheir rooms to sleep while they went out toLETTER BOX-JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 11)Tokyo Street Scene After the EarthquakeThe view shows a Tokyo street after the first quake. The Japanese built their noon­day fires as usual. The complete collapse of residences and widespread loss and confusionare evident in the the fugitives. At 3 in the morning theyroused us again; it was feared that the tem­ple would be burned. This time they ledus to the innermost temple, where we wereactually in a place of safety and where westayed until morning-the morning of mybirthday. It was a sad celebration. Thenext two weeks I spent in the ruined city,among simple Japanese, sharing with themthe experiences that follow such a disaster.All' the results of my nineteen days' hardlabor went up in flames and smoke. I lostsome money and papers. The indirect losses due to the disaster were serious. So I haveabandoned my further expedition and amreturning home. For the next year I be­lieve I shall be continuously in Seattle.Among the things I lost was my addresslist. I do not know the addresses of mostof my correspondents-either in foreignlands, the United States. or Chicago. Pleasethen, if I had your addresses before, or ifyou care t·o have me have your addresses forthe future, send them to me. A postal cardaddressed to me at 5727 Thirty-fifth avenue,N. E., Seattle, Wash., will reach me.Fire Breaking Out in TokyoFollowing soon afterThe first severe shocks, fire' broke ,out in many sections of Tokyo."The view shows the fire sweeping' alongover a residential section of the unfortunate ,city.Former Professor Starr, who wasiiri the capital at the time, ·lost his valuable collections"in the destruction, as told in his accompanying letter.,W THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMedical School to Be Reorganized-c-Dr.MacLean, '08, Ph.D. '15, AppointedFirst Professor of Medicine.Reorganization of the medical school ofthe University and preparation of plans forthe new medical buildings will be under­taken by Dr. Franklin c.' MacLean, formerdirector of the Peking Union Medical Col­lege, whose appointment to the position ofProfessor of Medicine was announced re­cently.A telegram received by President ErnestDeWitt Burton. October 17th informed himof Dr. MacLean's acceptance. The newlyappointed professor was graduated from theUniversity in 1908, and in 1910 from RushMedical .College. The University conferredon him the degree of Master of Science in1913 and that of Doctor of Philosophy in1915.He served in the hospital of the Rocke­feller Institute in New York City as as­sistant resident physician from 1914 to 19]16.In 1916 he was appointed director ·of thePeking Union Medical College, and Pro­fessor of Medicine in that institution, whichwas about to be established by the Rocke­feller foundation. Dr. MacLean took aleading part in the planning of that college,with its elaborate system of hospitals andschools.In 1918 he was ordered overseas with therank of captain. Subsequently he was ap­pointed senior consultant in medicine forthe A. E. F. with the rank of major,In addition to his connection with thePekinz Union Medical College, which hascontinued since 1918, Dr. MacLean's pro­fessional experience includes service on thefaculty of the University, the staff of theCook Courity Hospital, the medical schoolof the University of Oregon, the Universityof Gratz in Austria, and t.he RockefellerInstitute for Medical Research.His first tasks at the University will bethe planning of a system of buildings forthe new medical school, and the reorganiza­tion of the school. His appointment is thefirst step toward these undertakings.Congratulatory Notices to "A" StudentsStudents with the grade of "A" and "Aminus" received administrative recognitionat intervals during the course of theirstudy for the. first time in the history ofAmerican universities, when congratulatorynotices were sent to them recent lv from theoffice of Dean Wilkins of the Colleges ofArts, Literature and Science. This institu­tion of. "reversed flunk notices" is anotherstep in. -the new plans -to bring the better student into closer contact with officers ofadministration and instruction.The notices, in the form of four by sixinch cards with the report of the student'swork, and the instructor's remarks, will bemailed to all students having a grade of "Aminus" or more in one subject at the closeof each term. If an undergraduate hasan average of "A minus"_ in three subjectshe will get three cards from his three sepa­rate instructors. The method of despatchine­will be the same as that used for the "flunk�notices, which will be sent out at the sametime. -"The college deans," said Dean Wilkins"believe that the ablest students deserve spe�cial consideration, both from instructors andadministrative officers, in even higher meas­ure than less able students. This use of thecongratulatory notice, which, to my know[.,edge, has never been employed before in justthis way, will be an important factor in thecampaign we are putting forth. Of courseit would be premature to speculate upon it�success, but I think from our investigationsthe innovation will be effective."Attendance Figures for Autumn QuarterAttendance at the University at the endof the second week of the autumn quartershows an increase of 415 over the attend­ance at the same date last year. The at­tendance this year numbers 6,747.The number of men in attendance is justone in excess of the number of women-3,374 and 3,373 are the respective figures.The largest increase is in the Universitycollege, which now numbers 1.908. In theCollege of Arts, Literature and Science are2,592, and in the Graduate Schools of Arts,Literature and Science 995. This is a totalof 3,587, an increase over last year.The total attendance on the Quadranglesis 4,839, of whom 2,957 are men and 1,882women. In view of the fact that the tuitionfees were substantially increased on July I,the increase in attendance is. regarded byUniversity authorities as highly gratifying.Appreciation of Professor ManlyProfessor F. L. Paxson, Chairman ofCommittee on Honorary Degrees, in pre­senting John Matthews Manly to the Presi­dent at Commencement of the Universityof Wisconsin. June 18, 1923, stated:"Mr. President:"John Matthews Manly has probably nonemore than any other teacher in the Westto throw light upon the history and prac­tice of the. tongue we speak. He is a South,ern man, who was a student of Child atUNIVERSITY NOTES. Harvard in that decade a generation agowhen American universities were first turn­ing to creative scholarship. For the lasttwenty-five years, at our neighboring insti­tution in Chicago, his seminary has been. the training place for a multitude of teach­ers. His writings have made an imprintupon our thought and his generous person­ality has made the imprint permanent. Hismen, teaching in every faculty, and carry­ing on investigations that he started, havemade his place secure. He has been Presi­dent of the Modern Language Association,and of other learned societies, both Ameri­can and international. He is modernenough to have brought real intelligenceinto the Intelligence Division of the Gen­eral Staff of the Army during the W or1dWar; yet he is traditional enough to knowthat the basis for the understanding of to­day lies in the life of the past. His encyclo­pedic knowledge ranges from Piers Plow­man to the secret ciphers of the army."By recommendation of the Faculty, andby vote of the Regents, I present to youJohn Matthews Manly, to receive the hon­orary degree of Doctor of Letters."Observations of 'Solar Eclipse Prevented byCloudsAfter weeks of preparation at Camp Wrig­ley on Catalina Island for observing thesun's total eclipse on September 10 DirectorEdwin B. Frost and his party 'from theYerkes Observatory were prevented byclouds from using the elaborate apparatusinstalled for observation. For several hun- .dred miles along the coast the weatherconditions were wholly unfavorable, Direc­tor Frost said, and all the American ob­servers were deeply disappointed, except thecombined party from Swarthmore and Alle­gheny observatories, whose station waslocated in the state of Durango, Mexico.Clouds at an altitude of 7,000 or more feetprevented. the observers of the Yerkes,Carleton, and Dearborn observatories fromtaking photographs of the eclipse. One ortwo of the smaller cameras were operated,but the larger instruments were not used.Timed to the second, the moon passedbefore the sun, and the sky turned apurplish green. The temperature at CampWngley dropped ten degrees during theeclipse .. Dr. Oliver .L Lee, who was to have op-. erated the Yerkes sixty-foot camera andwho spent forty days in preparation' onCatalina Islan-d, worked under varyingweather conditions, the temperature in thedark room of the coelostat at Camp Wrig­ley ?n September 6 being 118 degrees.Director Frost reports that Camp Wrig­ley, some 1,300 feet above the sea, had aboutsixty-five astronomers and their associatesat the time of the eclipse, and among these.were representatives of not less than twenty-five institutions. 21Dean Albion Woodbury Small Withdrawsas DeanProfessor Albion Woodbury Small, Headof the Department of Sociology at the Uni­versity, who has been for eighteen yearsDean of the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature, has at his own request been. li'e­lieved of the duties Of the deanship, andDean Gordon J. Laing, of McGill. Univer­sity, Montreal, has been elected his suc­cessor.In accepting Professor Small's resignationas Dean, the University Board of Trusteesassured him of its high appreciation of hislong and distinguished service to the Uni­versity from the beginning of its history.In addition to his duties as dean and headof the sociological department, Dr. Smallhas been editor since 1905 of the AmericanJournal of Sociology} to which he is nowmaking contributions on the history ofsociology. He is the author, among othervolumes, of General Sociology, Adam Smithand Modern Sociology, and The Meaning ofSocial Science, and has been president of theAmerican Sociological Society and the Insti­tut International de Sociologic.Memorial Services for President HardingA Memorial Service for' President if�rd­ing was held in Mandel 'Hall, by the Uni­versity, at twelve o'clock, on Friday, August3rd. Special memorial announcements ofthis Service were sent out from the officeof the President. President Burton presidedand memorial addresses were given by DeanJames H. Tufts and Professor Charles E.Merriam. The simple but impressive Serv­ice was attended by many hundreds of- the(Continued on page 34) . ,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI W Commerce and Administration IDevelopments m: the C. & A. SchoolWhen+the School of Commerce and Ad­ministration' was organized in 1912 therewere 74 students. In the autumn quarter,1922, there were 631 registered, of whom555. were 'U:rtd:ergraduates, 48 graduates and28 unclassified .students: .The increase hasbeen gradual each autumn quarter with acorresponding increase during the summerquarters. . This has been particularly .trueof the graduate 'registration. In -the sum­mer quarter 1923" there' were 150 graduatestudents "in ,the- :fidd'ot economics and busi­ness, ar&f'.t3V:�J:"'::5() 'qftheri?' were instructorsin othet'Z,�?!i'ege's .and ul)iveY$ities..The �c"\)o6L .has .not. only, <il�creased . Innumberg;::c:but", '(BOrne' of the' ideals, aroundwhich th-e work: of the School revolves havebegtiri" '1--0' be realized. 'lOuring-' the :pastyears four of the main issues have been: (1)to develop a coherent collegiate cur riculu min which technical courses will be presentedon � found'atian' :�'f ,fu�'ctional courses; (2)to q.�Yrlop busi�ess research; (3) to developgreater 'opportunities for contact, both ?ythe t.iastructing staff and by students, WIthactual b-usiness' operations; ( 4) and to de­velop.ia spirit of co-operation between thestudents and the faculty.As a part of the general work of develop­ing '::a coherent 'collegiate curriculum andco-ordina ting -the various courses in theSchool of' Commerce and Administration,a committee of the Faculty has compiled a. seri�s of. reading lists for student use. Thereare three principal lists: "General Readings,""Concentration Readings" and "Supplernen­tary�.,Re�diJ.1g8." The series which is nowreadYrlhr' publication contains in all about750"'titles.An, effort has been made to develop busi­nesevresearch . by sending students as wellas iii'sftuctors out into industry to investi­gate certain problems. - For the past threesummers a nurnber-of-irrstructors have goneout gnto";�the '. different fields of businesspart(y., ,.\y;ith the idea of getting first handcont�,cf,-:w:ifh "business problems and the 'so­lutions. ofThese .problerns, and partly withthe :ldea. .Qt: gathering case material whichcan; ',b.� used in, ,formal class instruction.During. i�:e summer quarter, 1923, a fieldcourse in fin,ance was organized to', whichespecially prepared. students were admittedThe, group, 'Jmder: direction of an instruc­tor, spent six weeks in the. study and, investi­gation of one, of. the large '. investment houses in the city. The University Journalof Business, the student publication, prom­ises to furnish an outlet for the publicationof the results of these investigations.A significant development in connectionwith the problem of furnishing greater op­portunities for contact, both by the instruct­ing staff and by students, with actual busi­ness operations, is an agreement entered intobetween the University and the Institute ofAmerican Meat Packers during the lastyear which, beginning with the autuJ.?nquarter, 1923, provides for a co-operativeeducational program in the meat packingindustry.The new Commerce and AdministrationBuilding greatly facilitates opportunities tofurther the ideals of the School. It fur ,nishes library space for extra-curricularreading; study rooms for class exper irnenta ,tion; and recreation rooms wh'ich, it ishoped, will foster a larger spirit of co-opera­tion between the students and faculty.The University Journal of BusinessThe University Journal of Business, pub­lished by the students of the School ofCommerce and Administration of the Uni ,,versity of Chicago in co-operation with theSchools of Commerce of the Universities ofIllinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, OhioState and Wisconsin, continued publicationduring the summer and is just starting acampaign for subscriptions for the comingyear. The November issue, to appear about.the fifteenth of November, contains a read­ing list of all well known books in eachone of the Functional Fields of BusinessBesides this list there will be articles 01;"The Why of Stock Dividends," by Wal­ter J; Matherly of the University of NorthCarolina; "Rural Credit Considerations," byWaldo C. Mitchell of Evansville College'"The Relations of Commercial Pape;Houses," by Stuart P. Meech of the Uni­versity of Chicago;' "The use of Psychologj;cal Tests for Office Employees," by ArthurV. Kornhauser of the University of Chi­cago; and "The Works Committee of theDennison Manufacturing Company," byFranklyn Meine of Harvard University. '"The staff for the coming year follows:Editor O. Paul Decker; Associate EditorsJoseph G; Knapp .. Rachael Marshall; As�sistant Editors, Albert Wolfson, William C.Krumbein; Busirtess Manager, Chas. L.Dwinell; Assistant Business Managers, EarlBight, Edwin Kunst; Business Assistants'Robert Weiss, Jame Cooksey, Roger Goetz'Margaret Dill. 'THE LAW SCHOOL 23Law SchoolLaw School Association LuncheonA free-for-all frank discussion was had0'£ the m�rits and de-merits of the res pee- ,trve candidates for judges who are to bevoted for at the coming election in Novem­ber, at a luncheon of the Law School As­sociation on Thursday, October 18, 1923 atthe Morrison Hotel, with President HenryF. Tenney, '13, J. D. '15, in the chair.The pamphlet issued by the Chicago BarAssociation, with a write-up. of the candi­dates, was used as the basis of discussion.As the Bar Association recommended thirtyof the. candidates for the twenty regularjudgeships, and all four candidates for twoof the vacancies, the meetinz resolved it­self into an effort to supplem�nt the reportby sifting out the best from those recom­mended.Those present included: Merle E. Brake,DeVere F. Bustin" Leo. W. Hoffman, Ru­pert. R. Lewis, Henry W. Lackey, MosesL�vItan, George B. McKibben, George D.1111ls, Herman T. Reiling, Norman H.Pritchard, Joseph A. Golde, Alfred F.Me.c�lenburger, Edwin J. Nunn, Edgar J.Phillips, Charles F. McElroy, Secretary. Vis­Itors,.-Hubert L. Huddleston and H. C.Greissner. 'Charles F. McElroy, '06, J. D. '15,SecretaryLaw Men Meet at MinneapolisIn connection with the first annual meet­ing o� the Law Class of 1915, held upon theoccasion ,of the meeting of the AmericanBar Association at Minneapolis from August:Z9th to 31st, inclusive there was held in theViking Room of the Hotel Radisson onWednesday, August 15, a luncheon of thealumni of the Law School. At this luncheont�ere w�re present: J. 1. Brody, J. D. '15,SI.OUX CIty, Iowa; Alan Loth, '13, ForrestCIty, Iowa; Jesse D. Coon, J. D. '15 SiouxFalls, South Dakota; W. P. MacC�acken'09,,1. D. '11, Chicago; J. W. .Madden, ;:D. 1:,>, Morgantown, W. Va., and GeorgeMaurice Morris, ]. D. '15, Washington, D.C.Considerable discussion was had relativeto the Alumni Association of the Law Schooland .it was the consensus that now havingobtained a rather substantial size the AlumniAssociation, which has heretofo�e dependedupon graduates and former students resi­dent in Chicago for its constituency, woulddo well to undertake a cultivation of the in­terests .of th� for�er students and graduatesnot resident 111 Chicago and suffering from alack of information relative to the develop­ment of the Law School and its alumni bodvgenerally, . One question discussed was the develop­ment of the various movements which havebeen made from time to time to provide amachinery to 'assist in finding positions forgraduates of the Law School of the Un i­vers.ty. All present expressed their willing­ness' and desire to co-operate in assisting anygraduate of the School in getting located inthe practice, but, with the exception of Mr.MacCracken, stated they were handicappedby a lack of information as to method ofprocedure. As a consequence, it was:Voted: that the officers of the Alumni As­s·ociation be requested to provide a machin­ery for assisting graduates of the Law Schoolto find positions in the practice and thatthese officers keep informed the alumni liv­ing outside of Chicago and endeavor tosecure their co-operation.So successful and enjoyable was theluncheon that it was:Voted: that a luncheon of the alumni ofthe Law School of the University of Chicagobe held at each annual meeting of the Amer­ican Bar Association. George M. Morris,'15, was appointed to arrange for the lunch­eon to be held at the New York meeting in1924. George M. Morris, .'15.On the Law of AeronauticsWilliam P. MacCracken, Jr., Ph. "B. '09,J. D. '12, as chairman of the American BarAssociation Committee on the Law of Aer­onautics, presented to that association at itsannual meeting in Minneapolis the reportof the committee recommending the passageof the Civil Aeronautics Act as introducedin the last session of the 67th Congress.Mr. MacCracken has been a member of thiscommittee for three years, during the lasttwo of which he served as its chairman. 'In1921 the committee's report presented to theAssociation the legal questions involved inthis latest method of transportation, In1922 a joint conference of the committee ap­pointed by the Commissioners on UniformState Laws and the American Bar "Associa­tion was held in Washington, as a result ofwhich the uniform state law was redraftedand subsequently ratified by the 'Comnfrs­sioners; it has since become law in' S1Xstates. The conference also recommendedagainst a constitutional amendment.westingexclusive jurisdiction over aeronautics'Tn' theFederal Government.' " j :1.;At the meeting of the first' Nati6ttcif'NirInstitute held in Detroit, Mr. MacC\"acHnread a paper on aeronautical legal problemsdealing with such subjects as "Whal·'-a·rean A via tor's Rights ? What are his I ;Li� b'il­ities? What Regulation is Desirable? WhyUniformity is Indispensable." .. ,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+1I __ 1111_,.._tltI_IIU�II"_II"_IIII_II"_UM_IIII_II"_"II_IIII_HII-all-IIII-IIII-IIM-"U-IA-IIII_n,,_,,"_ttN_IO_IIII_""_II .. _ .. ,_.11-+!: i1; School of Education iI· ::-,i Science Instruction in Some European Schools I:: '" J-I Elliot R. Downing, Ph,D" '0'1•= i+_"" na_tlN_""_lm_nll_ulI_nll_nn_ull_llt-tnl_III1_IIII_UII_HII_IIH_1I1I_UII_Im_IIII_HII_UII_IIH_nll_llII_ttn_"U_.II_lm_ueteDuring 1922-23 the writer spent a semesterat the University of Montpellier and a monthat the University of Parrs ; . visited the uni­versities of Marseilles and Grenoble inFrance, of Geneva in Switzerland, of Oxford,Portsmouth, and London in England; visitedteacher training schools at Montpellier, Paris,Geneva, Chichester, Portsmouth, and Lon­don, 'and secondary and primary schools inall of the above cities and in many othercities as well. Agricultural colleges, medical,commercial, technical, and other types of- schools were also visited, primarily to ob­serve the science instruction. Members otthe writer's family were enrolled both in theuniversity and secondary schools so thatsome information was gained at first handfrom the student's point of view. A baresummary must omit the many illuminatingexperiences.The science work in the universitiesseemed very like that in similar Americaninstitutions. One misses the catalogue ofour schools giving details of courses. Thatinformation is found on the bulletin board atthe university. The professor lectures to hisstudents, rarely conducting a recitation orquizz. There is no roll call at class; studentsattend or not as they please. If there is acounter attraction in the city, like an excel­lent matinee at the opera, the classroomsmay be nearly deserted, but the lecture pro­ceeds just the same. But in the laboratorywork there is the same freedom of questionand answer, the same aid to and supervisionof students that we are accustomed to. Thelaboratory instructors seem very skillful andconscientious in their attention to students.The final examinations are very thoroughand many students cram under tutors who,in every university town, become quitefamous for their ability to successfully coachstudents for the finals, each in his specialline.Many universities in France are poorlyhoused, often in old monasteries or palacesthat are adapted with difficulty to universityuse. Laboratories are therefore likely to bepoorly lighted and inconvenient. The Uni­versity buildings in Switzerland and Englandare as a .rul'e built for the purpose and soare more commodious and convenient. TheOxford campus and buildings are incom­parably. beautiful though little space is de­voted to science. Cambridge and London;are quite strong on science lines. Labora­tory equipment is usually adequate withoutextravagance and is not under lock and key.The display of historically interesting ap- paratus used in famous investigations by thegreat scientists furnishes an element in theappara tus cases largely lacking in our own.l.t compensates in a measure tor the occas­ional lack 'of modern appliances.The university professor is as a rule anefficient, charming man of broad culture,always hospitable both at home and in hisclassroom or laboratory, welcoming the op­portunity to show the visitor about whenproperly accredited, and alert to learn all hecan of American schools and customs. Hisrelations with his students are friendly, oftenintimate.The French and Swiss lycees and collegesare, as far as age of pupils is concerned, theequivalent of our high schools for the Frenchlad typically spends, after his kindergarten,five years in the primary or elementaryschool, then, if he graduates successfully,seven years in the lycee or college. If hepasses the stiff finals-about sixty per centfail each year-he reaches his bachelor'sdegree and proceeds to his professionalschool at about seventeen years of age. Ifhe elects a classical course he must takeeleven year-hours of science out of a totalof one hundred and seventy-two, while inthe scientific courses he must have twenty­six. Expressed in American equivalents thiswould mean that pupils receive in grades sixto twelve inclusive a minimum of a year anda half of science instruction five times a weekand a maximum of four years. The sciencework of the lycee consists of zoology thefirst year, botany and geology the secondphysics and chemistry continuously fromthe third to the seventh years, zoology againin the fourth year, natural science in theseventh. Physics and chemistry have be­tween them twenty-one out of the twenty-sixrequired hours'. The Swiss requirements arevery similar. In English secondary schoolswhile science is offered, it is seldom electedand the equipment is meager. 'Instruction in lycees and colleges is bylecture. Textbooks are used by pupils onlywhen points in the lectures are not quiteclear. Lectures are accompanied by demon­strations made by an understudy of the p ro ,fessor. The apparatus for such dernonstra,tions is ample in physics and chemistry, veryinadequite or totally lacking in biology andphysiology. Facilities for laboratory workare provided for students only in the fewlycees that are distinctly vocational schools.Most of the French and Swiss lycees andmany English secondary schools are board,ing schools with an average of half the pupilsSCIENCE INSTRUCTION IN SOME EUROPEAN SCHOOLS 25living in the -school. Day pupils attend fromeight o'clock in the morning to seven in theevening, with a few coming only for recita­tions.The above statements apply to the boys'schools only. The lycees for' girls have quitedifferent courses and a smaller proportion ofthe pupils live in the school. If the girldesires a degree she must, however, pass thefinal examinations of the boy's lycee.The instruction in the lycees impressesone as excellent. All lycee 'professors mustbe university graduates. Many are gray­haired men of long experience. Only menteachers are found in the boys' schools.Since the war a. majority of the teachers inthe girls' schools are women.The course of study, textbooks, and eventhe content of the courses are uniformthroughout France, all prescri:bed by thecentral board under the Minister of Educa­tion. The same is true in each Swiss can­ton. There is no corresponding' uniformityin England. While the academic schools arethus under one control, the entire educationalsystem is not unified. Schools of agricultureare under the direction .of the Minister ofAgriculture, technical schools under theMinister of Labor, etc.In the elementary and primary schools ofFrance and Switzerland about one hour aweek out of twenty of instruction is devotedto science. This work consists largely inreading from a series of books on objectlessons. Occasionally' a teacher is. suffi­ciently enthusiastic to bring objects studiedinto the school room or even to take pupilsout for out-of-door study, but this is ex­ceptional. Pupils are supposed to get theirown contacts with illustrative materials bothin elementary and secondary schools.School. of Education NotesThe General Education Board has awardedfellowships to three graduate students in theDepartment of Education which make it pos­sible for them to carryon their work towardadvanced degrees. The purpose of the Gen­eral Education Board in. awarding thesefellowships is to give an opportunity to menfrom the South, who have made conspicuousrecords in the educational field, to trainthemselves in modern methods of educa­tional study and administration. Mr. Frenchresigned his position as' superintendent ofschools at Drumright .. Oklahoma, to acceptone of. these fellowships. Last year Mr.French carried on a series of investigationswith regard to the supervision of teachers.Mr. Rainey, formerly a member of the De­partment of Education of Austin College,Sherman, Texas, was a graduate student ineducation at the University of Chicago dur­ing the past year and is now completing thework for his Doctor's degree. Mr. Romie D. Judd was recommended by the State Super­intendent of Schools in Kentucky· after aperiod of successful teaching in the higherinstitutions ·of that state.Mr. Holzinger has been in England sinceearly in September working with ProfessorKarl Pearson who is one of the leadingauthorities in the world on statisticalmethods of dealing with. biological andpsychological facts. Mr. 'Holzinger will beback for the beginning of the winter quarter.At the biennial meeting of the, NationalCouncil of Pi Lambda. Theta Fraternity, heldJ nne, 1923, in Ida' Noyes' HaU," the sum of$1,000 was voted by the.' Council to be usedin an investigation of some research problemin education and measures were also takento establish a permanent fund, the income ofwhich is to be used for research in the edu­cational field. An Efficiency Trophy, basedon a professional and financial report, wasawarded by the Executive Committee toLambda Chapter, University of Chicago.Professor Freeman has published withHoughton Mifflin Company a book entitled"How to Teach' Handwriting." This is theconsummation- of a series of studies whichProfessor Freeman has been carrying on forsome years. He has published a number oftechnical works on handwriting. In hisearlier 'monographs and books on this sub­ject he brought together the results of' ex­perimental and statistical studies on a moreextensive scale than any educational writerwho has dealt with this special field. In thepreparation of the present volume he hashad the cooperation of a number of schoolpeople and the special cooperation of MissMary L. Dougherty who has tried out ex­periments in normal schools and city sys­tems. On this basis of theoretical 'andpractical study of handwriting ProfessorFreeman has now recommended a definiteplan of procedure which can be utilized byteachers in the course in conducting their in­struction in penmanship. This volume is ad­dressed, accordingly, to the teacher andgives the exercises which should be used in'the grade together with an exposition of theprinciples underlying the course of studyoutlined.Professor Filbey has been appointed Deai;lof the University College to succeed Dr.Butler. Professor Filbey is devoting. theentire autumn Quarter to the management ofthe affairs of this division of the University.Miss Laura Lucas has resigned from thefaculty of the University Elementary Schoolin order to devote the year to study."The Education of Children from Four toSix Years of Age" was the topic of MissTemple's address before the Ridge Woman'sClub on October 31.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBook ReviewsEdgar J. Goodspeed, D.B., '97, Ph.D., '98The New Testament: An American Trans­lation. By Edgar J. Goodspeed (The U ni­_ versity of Chicago Press),The New Testament has had more pub­licity in Chicago during the past few weeksthan it has received in this busy city fora long while. It is being published seriallyin one daily paper and in. a dozen in othercities. Almost every daily has devoted aleading editorial to it. Not only he whoruns but-a much more difficult matter­he who drives a car may read its name atleast, blazoned in foot-high letters uponbillboards and the sides of - delivery wagons.! t has been a common topic of conversation111 clubs and at dinner-tables. The occasionand stimulus for all this has been the ap­pearance of a new translation.Much of the discussion has taken the- di­rection 'Of -argument for or against the pro­priety of any new version of our mostcherished classic. Much of the interest hasbeen furnished by the comments of editorswho apparently do not realize that the writ­ings which make up that collection of lit­erature were vividly and pungently con­temporary to the people to whom they wereaddressed and who read them for the firsttime in the original Greek; that any statelybeauty and sonorous rhythm which occa­sional passages may have possessed werelargely accidental. since the first desire of thewriters was to be understood by commonpe�ple; and that that flavor of antiquitywhich the admirers of the King James ver­sion are SO zealous to retain is not the flavorof the original text, but merely the antiquityof Elizabethan Envlish. One writer bo ldlvdeclares that the King James version is "anerfect translation"-meaning, one mayfairly suppose, that it is a per�<:t translation for us. Perhaps he would refer for his authority to the statement of Professor WIl­ham Lyon Phelps (in the introduction to"Human Nature and the Bible") that, whetj.,er the origin�l was inspired 0: not, the KingJames. versron cer tainly IS. ProfessorPhelps IS ardent for the use of that versionrather than any revised 'Or modern transla­tion ; and yet he must feel that it lacks some­t�ing of contempoary appeal and that thesignificance of the content is somewhatmasked by the antique dignity of the style,for 111 the book mentioned he comes muchnearer to "jazzing" the Biblical narrativesthan any modern-speech translator ever has. Goodspeed's translation does not lack dig�nity. To be sure, Ben Hecht .calls it "giv­ing God a shave and a hair-cut"; but thenBen Hecht is not a high authority in thi�particular field,. and probably he had notread much of this translation, possibly he hadnot read any of it, when he coined this cteverphrase. I am glad he coined it, for it is agood. phrase which accurately describes ac�r!a1t1 flippant and _familiar attitude towarddIv1I1e things, But It does not describe thisbook. Wh:'lt Goodspeed has done is to letPaul talk like Paul and not make him talklike Milton.There. is, fortunately, such a thing asclear, direct, man-to-man language, which�an be understood without a dictionary. ItIS not flippan t or slangy, but the kind oflanguage that intelligent people use whenthey are talking to their friends about im­portant things in which they are deeplvin ter ested, and when they are not makingspeeches or trying to be eloquent. Any�thing that is worth talking about at all canbe talked about in that sort of speech. Thepersonality of the speaker shows through?u�h language, and. whatever beauty thereIS in the thought shines through it like sun­light through a clear window. (Have webeep trying too long. to see God thrOughstained glass?) Sometimes such speech risesto eloquence, and when it does it is of a truerquality than that eloquence which dependsupon studied cadences or an obsolescentvocabulary.It is not .easy to read a chapter in thistranslation-and then stop. A chapter i�only a page or two. Who can read any goodand interesting book or page or two at asitting? We were informed in childhoodthat. if one would read three chapters onweek-days and five on Sundays, the wholeBible would be finished in a- year. Themethod has one merit: it is better than notreading the Bible at all. But this version istoo much alive to be cut into such arbitrary(Continued on page 40) -THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2;'c �.CHICAGO GIFTSu. of C. LampsWall ShieldsLeather PillowsU. of C. Book Ends (New)with Coat-of-Arms in BronzeKodak and Memory Books .Jewelry and Pennants'. Chicago Christrnas Cardsand SealsTo assure' prompt serviceSend In Your Order Today.The University of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis Avenue28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'97-Joseph Norwood. a banker in Colum-'bia, S. C, has written a novel entitled'"Breaking the Shell," published by J. W.Burke Co., Macon, Ga. The story dealswith Southern college life, and critics havepronounced it "a valuable contribution toSouthern literature."'97-Frederick D. Nichols is president andmanaging editor of Music, a new illustrated.monthly published in New York City.'Ol-Coe Hayne' has an interesting articleentitled "Brother of the Unprivileged" inthe September Missions, a Baptist magazine.Mr. Hayne has achieved notable success, as .a snecial writer for various religious pub­lications.'Ol-Donald R. Richberg, Attorney, hasinoved his offices to the London Guarantee& Accident Bldg .. 360 N. Michigan Ave.'03-Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip (NarcissaCox) is on the American Peace Award Com­mittee for the $100,000 Peace Award recentlyestablished by Edward W. Bok.'05-Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, Principal of a�Chicago public school. has recently made anUNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe doumtoum department ofThe UniveJsi,ty of Chicago.116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the Univer­sity and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon and'Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University Degrees;.. limited numher of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses �iven downtown,Winter· :Quarter . begins Januarl 2Spring Quarter begins March 31For Circular of Information AddressEmery T. Filbey, Dean, University College,The Univmli<ty,ofClucago, Chicago.Tll,... � : �. !']:'�� '�'.� .�. !""�� ',.: .:: _� :: : f'�: _�: �:� �::! _�:'�� f: _! unusual record for evangelistic work on aspecial mission to Czecho-Slovakia.'07-Charles F. Axelson, chairman of theAlumni Council, spent the summer touringEurope, returning in time to conduct theCouncil meeting in October. ,'07-Martin Flavin is the author of a three_act play, "Children of the Moon," whichopened in New York in August. John Cor ,bin. dramatic critic of the New York Times,writes: "At the end of the second act theaudience arose in a spontaneous outburst ofadmiration and applause such as has seldonl. or never greeted an American play of suchliterary and artistic intention." Flavin wrotefor the Blackfriars when in college.'09-The September 19th Los AngelesEvening Express has an article on DanFerguson, recently appointed manager ofthe Hollywood branch of the Reo MotorCar Company of California.'ll--Hilmar R. Baukhage, in charge ofthe Western Division of the Consohdate-]Press Association in Chicago for the pas'ttwo years. has been made Pacific Coast Su­perintendent. with offices in the Spreckej ,Bldg., San Francisco.Chicago Alumni­have a unique chance for Serv­ice and Loyalty.Tell your 'ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450 .which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching, thou­sands in all parts.of the country and indistant lands. ' -For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, Illinois-'� !�":::��:f._��':�: 1..: or .�=.'�� =:.�.,.�! l �.� :: -� .. ��-: .:-� .�-.�'-!' '�"'!"�. :• THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJlp. MON. TUES.. WED. 111URS. fRT.PubUshed ;tl'be interest of Ele»tricDl Development h,(In Institution that willbe helped II, what­ever helps theIndustr,. 11'!M. DJNtolER K •• ;r.9"P.M.lOP.M.Does your P.M. scheduleread like this?If your burning ambition is to excel as an all­around society man, you. couldn 't have plannedyour evenings better. Such persistence will winout over the indolence of the rank and file, for asthe poet says,'''fhe heights by great men reached andWere not attained by sud .But they while the co\Vere toiling uut if yocertainly it ishe math andscience ean bread .andbutterRemem this-the harder you work rightnow in getting a grip on fundamentals, the easierthings will come to you when you must solvestill bigger problems, And if you take it easynow-well, look out for the law of compensation.It's up to you. While you've got the chance,seize it, dig in. plug hard. It will pay-incold cash.estem Eltctric Company• Two years ago this advertisement appeared inthe Western Electric college paper series. It receivedso much friendly comment from your facultyand alumni, including some graduates who havesince entered our business, that we now reprint it-as a suggestion in this husy month 0/ schedules. 2930 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"CorneStraightto Bent"ForVictrolasand'RecordsLarge StocksAssure Youof aSatisfactorySelection- BentMusic Shop, Inc.214-216 S. Wabash Ave.Harrison 4767CHAS. M. BENT, '17R. BURKE CORCORAN, '15H.J. MACFARLAND, '17 rZ:;;'-"A:::::'l+.- .. - .. --.- .. - .. - .. _..- .. - .. - .. --._..---- ....'13-Ellsworth Bryce, Ph. B., has recentlybeen made Division Sales and AdvertisingManager, Sun Maid Raisin Growers Asso_ciation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.'14--F. E. Burleson, Ph. B., is FinancialRepresentative, Pacific Division, AmericanRefining Company, Berkeley, California.'15-Elizabeth M. Benthien, Ph. B., isteaching history and Spanish in the UnionHigh School, Marysville, California.'16-Blanche Apple, Ph. B., is doing mis_sionary work under the Woman's ForeignMissionary Society, in Hinghwa, China.'17-Clem C. Crossland, Ph. B., has beenwith Montgomery Ward and Company, Chj ,cago, as Expense Auditor, since September1, 1921. He has recently been made Secre_tary of the Advisory Board.'19-Kenneth A. Mather, Ph. B., is nowManager,. Extension Division, Brown andBigelow, Advertising Specialties, St. PaulMinnesota. ''20-L. R. Flora, Ph. B., is Chief Ac_countant, Johnson Oil Refining CompanyChicago. ''21- Julius Godon, Ph. B., is selling lifeinsurance with the International InsuranceService Company, Chicago.'22--]' N. Charters, A. M., is Instructorin Finance, State College of Washington,Pullman, Washington.'23-Chester F. Lay, A. M., is AssistantProfessor in Marketing and Control at theUniversity of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona.Tn-ttn- .. -.n-n.-II._ .. -RtI- .. -."- .. -.A- .. - .. --.. ....I Divinity Association I+n�"It-If.-.It_"M_Nn_II._'"_'If_IIIt_ •• _ •• _."_a.---. ...Rev. W. H. J0n�s, D. B. '03, who for thelast two years served as the president 'Of theDivinity Association, has resigned the pas­torate of the North Shore Baptist ChurchChicago. He left ,the first week in AugUstto take charge ot the Immanuel BaptistChurch, Portland, Maine.Edward Charles Kunkle, D.B. '01, receivedthe degree of D.D. from his Alma MaterBucknell University, in June, 1922; Mr'Kunkle served as Chaplain in the Americ:a�Expeditionary Forces in France from Sep_tember, 1918, to June, 1919, and also ·didservice at Camp Hancock, Augusta, in thewinter and summer of 1918.Rev. Herbert Hines, Ph.D. '22, 'Of Kan_kakee, Illinois, has organized a party ofBaptists from the Middle West to attendthe Baptist Convention in Stockholm, andincidentally to tour the British Isles andContinental Europe.Rev. Charles T. Holman, D.B. '15, hasresigned from the Normal Park BaptistTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChurch, Chicago, and accepted an appoint­ment as Assistant Professor 'Of PastoralDuties and Extension Secretary in the Divin­ity School of the University of Chicago.Thomas Wearing, Ph.D. '17, formerlyPresiden t of Woodstock College, Canada,has become Professor 'Of New Testament inColgate University, New York.+._I. __ ._I._I._ •• _al_ ... _u"_tllI_nl_ ... _an_tlll_a+I Ii Law School Association I+._III_IIIII_III_stll __ I_ •• _III_IIII_ •• _III_la_AA_IIII_n+Miss Ev. Victoria Allen, J.D. '20, haspassed the bar examinations in the state ofWashington and is located at 5043 15th Ave.N. E.. Seattle.John H. Bass, J.D. '20, is with the Fed­eral Trade Commission, 1100 BrowningBldg., 14 W. Washington St., Chicago.Chester E. Cleveland, Jr., LL.B. '21, hasbecome a member of the firm of Clevelandand Otis, 605 A. G. Bartlett Bldg., Los An­geles, Calif.Horace Dawson, J.D. '23, is with Dyren­forth, Lee, Chritton & Wiles, 1508 Mar­quette Bldg., Chicago.Frank E. Dingle, J.D. '16, is a member ofthe firm of Stedman. Kesler & Dingle, 128North Wells St., Chicago.Donald J. DeWolfe, L. L. B. '11 has be­come a member of the firm of Hopkins,Starr & Hopkins, 110 So. Dearborn St., Chi­cago.L. P. Holt, J.D. '23, is practicing withChapman, Cutler & Parker, 111 West Mon-roe St., Chicago. ,Mrs. Esther Jaffe Mohr, J.D. '20, is locatedat 4535 Brooklyn Ave .. Seattle, Washington.Leslie F. Kimmell is with Harmon, George& Gilbert, 1200, 155 N'O. Clark St., Chicago.Olin P. Kirkpatrick is associated withLevinson. Becker, Schwartz & Frank, 1546,76 W. Monroe St., Chicago.Jewett D. Matthews, J.D. '12, is a Captainin the United States Army, stationed at theUniversity of Chicago as one of the officersin the Military Department there.William V. Morgenstern. J.D. '22. is asso­ciated with Dent, Dobbyns & Freeman, 549,The Rookery, Chicago. .James B. Ogg, LL.B. '17. has transferredhis practice from Phoenix, Arizona, to 930Bank of Italy Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.Robert H. Palmer, J.D. '12, m::lV be ad­dressed in care of Instituto Geological, Mex­ico City, Mexico.Sydney K. Schiff, J.D. '23, has been ap­pointed Instructor of Law in the Universityof Chicago Law School for 1923-24.Roscoe W. Shumaker, J.D. '23, is prac­ticing with Marshall and Fraser, Toledo,Ohio.Clifford E. Smith, LL.B. '23, has openedoffices in the Haskell Bldg., Ashland, Ky.Meyer R. Sturman, J.D. '23, is with Gott­lieb, Schwartz & Markheim, 0 North ClarkSt., Chicago. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, con­venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$350,000,000Dearborn,Monroe and Clark StreetsChicago 3132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS WANTED!Consult us if you are available for a teach­ing position now or September, 1924. Youare cordially invited to call at the officesnamed below. We maintain the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.E. E. OLP, Director28 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoFISK TEACHERS AGENCY28 E� Jackson Blvd., ChicagoAffiliated offices in principal cities.EDUCATION SERVICE19 S. La Salle St., ChicagoFills commercial in addition to teaching posi­tions.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., EvanstonAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU77 W. Washington St., ChicagoExclusivelyfor college and university\§I Your Alumni IE =Magazineis made stronger and moresuccessful-First, by subscrip ...tions, and second, by promptrenewals.5 5.1 If you are not a Life Sub ... 'I'�:c:-=: scriber+-and .wI·le bhope in go<?dl'l: =�_=.;time you WI e-you WI� assist your magazine very ma- �� terially by promptly renewing �I ��u��l�:'�fbffic��wal from It"u���;���:::�oou::��::::::::.�"J +' "-.II-'I __ U-Ia- • ._ •• - • .-. __ II-tIII __ .-.+! iI School of Education I+ "- .. - .. - .. - ... -a.- •• _'.-III'-tlI_'I- •• _'I-n-,'Ie'10-0ra E. Cox, Ph.B., A.M., 1914, ex­pects to .sail from New York City duringJanuary, 1924, for a cruise around the world.She will be abroad for about a year.'10-George R. Johnson, Ph.M., has beenmade Director, Division of Tests and Meas­urements of the Public Schools of St. LouisMissouri. ' ,'ll-Wilfred G. Binnewies, A.M., is doinggraduate work toward his Ph.D. at the Uni­versity of Minnesota.'17-Mary L. Dougherty, A.M., Ph.B.1916, has accepted the position of Instructo�in Primary Education at Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, Maryland.'19-Corinne Rielag, Ph.B., has been madeprincipal of the Horace Mann School, 10-dianapolis, Indiana.'20-Fifi D. Goldstein, Cert., is kinder ,garten director in the public schools ofAudubon, Iowa.'20:--0scar Granger, Ph.B., is in residenceat the University of Chicago this quarter do­ing graduate work in education.'21-May Holmes, Ph.B., studied at th.,University of Buffalo during the past sum.,mer and is now a member of the faculty ofthe Park School at Snyder, New York.. '21-Goldie C. James, B.S., is teachingscience in the High School at ChampaignIllinois. ''22�Richard W. Bardwell, kM., afterserving for nine years as superintendent ofschools at Woodstock, Illinois, resigned thatposition to accept the superintendency atRock Island, Illinois.'22-Earl W. Blank, Ph.B., who taught lastyear in Lawton, Oklahoma, is this year COn_nected with the High School at Eau ClairWisconsin. . . .' , . •'22-Af�er being a member of the �eachingstaff for four years Edgar Burnette, A·M.has been appointed Principal of the' GrantTownship High School at Boswell, Indiana.'22- Jessie Duboc, A.M.,. is State Supoj-;visor of Rural Education for Montana withheadquarters at Helena. ''23-Bryan Emmert, Ph.B., has accepted aposition in the English Department of theSenior High School at Bisbee, Arizona.'23-Elizabeth J. Kaasa, Ph.B., has a sixth_grade teaching position in Minneapolis, Min_nesota.'23-Clifford W. Rice, Ph.B., is Principalof the Thornburn Junior High School atUrbana, Illinois.'23-Ruth Rumsey, Ph.B., is a dietitianwith the Infant Welfare. Society of Chicago'23-Amy R. Woller. Ph.B., is continuingher art studies at the University of Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTESThe Art Club entertained the School ofEducation faculty and students at a Hal­lowe'en party, Friday evening, October 25.The entertainment consisted of dancing anda Hallowe'en stunt contest. Mr. Whitfordwas master of ceremonies and Mr. Gray, Mr.Breed, Mr. Swift, and Mr. Rainey served asjudges for the contest. Their decisions wereaccepted with great hilarity and demonstra­tions of enthusiasm.Miss Lydia Roberts will attend the Nutri­tion Institute for Home DemonstrationAgents to be held in Auburn, Alabama, dur­ing the week of November 26. Miss Robertsaddressed the meeting of the American ChildHealth Association in Detroit on October Hion "The Place of the Nutrition Specialist inthe Health Program," and on October 17she talked on "Recent Developments in Die­tetics" before the American Dietetics As­sociation in Indianapolis.The University of Indiana has secured the 33services of Miss Storm for an extensioncourse at Gary on "The Teaching of Read­ing" and one at Hammond on "The ProjectMethod," and the services of Miss Shermanfor a course on "The Teaching, of Mathe­matics in the Elementary Grades" at Gary.Miss Martin addressed the Southern Min­nesota Educational Association at Rochester,Minnesota, October 5 and 6. She spoke atthe general session on "Problem Solving inthe Prima,.ry Grades," at the intermediategrade section on "Supervised Play," and atthe kindergarten-primary section on "Litera­ture in Primary Grades." Miss Martin willspeak at Evansville, Indiana, on November30 to kindergarten-primary teachers on"Kindergarten-Primary Projects and Prob­lems."OIl October 18 Mr. \Vhitford gave anillustrated lecture on "American Art Pottery':before the Chicago Woman's Ideal Club atthe Blackstone Hotel.At Chicago on Saturday!Don't miss the Sisson Foot­@\� \ �bal1 Luncheon, before the�} /<1 �ame, Everybodygoes!, Fiveminutes from Stagg Field.GRIDIRON LUNCHEONone dollar and a. half.And remember there is a spe-cial Sisson Dinner-Dance onSaturday night. Everybodyinvited!· Wonderful music forthe party is promised, too.SPECIAL DINNER DANCEtwo dollars per plate.j'issonLAKE MICHIGAN AT FIFTY·THIRD STREETFAIRFAX 100034 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W.·Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H.Davis& €>'ompangMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We·' pecialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex-'06Ralph W. Davis,' 16 . Byron C. Howes, Ex.'13N. Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergraduates given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. ChicagoWe Print m:bt 'Wnibtrsitp of C!t:bicago :fflaga�itltCalland Insoectour building.plant and up-to­date facilities. Make a Printing Connection• with a Specialist and a Large, Abso­lutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTER SPUBLICA TIONPrinting and Advertising AdvisersOne of the larg- and the Cooperative and Clearing House������ �r��t� fOT Catalogues and Publications\'J�ir.!�n�l.:.'t��� Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorpcratioaFORMERLY ROGERS Be HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381 University Notes(Continued from page 21)University community, all available space 111Mandel Hall being taken.Appointment of Additional DeansIn pursuance of the new educational pol­icy at the University of bringing studentsand members of the Faculties into closerrelations, the Board of Trustees announcesthe appointment (in some cases reappoint­ment) of twelve College Deans. ProfessorErnest Hatch Wilkins, of the Departmentof Romance Languages and Literatures, hasbeen made Dean of the Colleges, and thefollowing have been made Deans in theColleges:Mayme Irwin Logsdon, Instructor inMathematics; Elizabeth Wallace, Professorof French Literature; John Foote Norton,Associate Professor of Bacteriology; Wel­lington Downing Jones, Associate Profes­sor of Geography; James Alfred Field, Pro­fessor of Political Economy; J. W. E.Glattfeld, Assistant Professor of Chemistry;Thomas Vernor Smith, Instructor in Phil­osophy; Edith Foster Flint, Professor ofEnglish; Basil C. H. Harvey, Professor ofAnatomy; and Sophonisba Preston Breck­inridge, Associate Professor of SocialEconomy.New Appointments at the UniversityOfficial announcement is made by theBoard of Trustees of the following new ap­pointments to the Faculties:To assistant professorships: Dr. 1. S. Falkin Hygiene and Bacteriology, and R. Vig�neron, in Romance Languages and Litera­tures; to instructorships: Donald W. Riddlein New Testament and Early Christian Lit�erature ; Ralph Linton, in General Anthrop ,ology ; Jessie Pitkin, in Physical Culture'Sydney K. Schiff, in Law; and Leslie Hel�lerman, Research in Chemistry.J ohn C. Dinsmore, J. W. Scott, and AllenB. Forsberg have been appointed Lecturersin the School of Commerce and Admin ,istration.Seventeen Promotions to AssociateProfessorshipsSeventeen promotions to associate profes ,sor ships in the faculties of the Universityof Chicago have been announced by theBoard of Trustees, as follows:Georges Van Biesbroeck, in Astronomy·Storrs B. Barrett, in Astronomy; George W'Sherburn, in English; David H. Stevens, i�English; Edward S. Robinson, in Psycho l;ogy ; Forrest A. Kingsbury, in Psychology .Jacob Viner, in Political Economy; CatiE. Huth, in History; Arthur P. Scott, inHistory; Nathaniel W. Barnes, in theSchool of Commerce and Administration·Paul H. Douglas, in the School of Com�merce and Administration; James O. Mc­Kinsey, in the School of Commerce and Ad­ministration; Arthur J. Dempster, inUNIVERSITY NOTESPhysics; Warder C. Allee, in Zoology;Esmond R. Long, in Pathology; Emery T.Filbey, in the College of Education; and GuyT. Buswell, in the College of Education.. Remarkably Successful Year for UniversityPressThe volume of book sales by the Univer­sity of Chicago Press during the past yearhas been the largest in its history. Forty-­one new titles in eighteen different fields ofstudy have been issued, and among theseare included significant volumes in the fieldsof bibliography, botany, business, Egyptol­ogy, English, geography, history, mathe­matics, nature-study, 'pa1eopathology, physi­ology, political science, religion, sociologyand travel. The _ books range chronologicallyfrom a volume setting forth the ancient evi­dences of disease in fossil vertebrates andthe bones in early man to books dealingwith modern business and sociologicalproblems.The University Press has always beenmaintained as an educational agency of theUniversity, not for financial profit. But of interest to note that financially theyear just closing has been the best in itshistory. The wisdom of the University inestablishing a Press as an adjunct to itswork of research and teaching, when noother American university had such anagency, and in maintaining it through manytimes of difficulty and doubt, is now fullydemonstrated.Commissioner of Public Welfare Convo­cation OratorThe Commissioner of Public Welfare inthe present administration of Chicago, MissMary E. McDowell, Head Resident of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement in thestockyards, was the Convocation Orator atthe University' on August 31. The sub­ject of her address was "Social Service inChicago."Miss McDowell, who has been for thirtyyears head of the University Settlement, hashad numerous positions of honor and re­sponsibility, having been a director of theImmigrants' Protective League, vice-pres­ident of the Illinois Woman's Trade UnionLeague, and chairman of the industrial com­mittee of the Illinois Equal Suffrage As­sociation.Recently Miss McDowell spent severalmonths in Czecho-Slovakia, at the invita­tion of President Masaryk, for the purposeof inspecing the various organized charitiesof the new republic.Remarkable Portrait of Former Dean AngellThe University has received a remarkableportrait of former Dean James RowlandAngell, for twenty-five years a member ofthe Faculty of the University, and Dean ofthe Faculties from 1911 to i920. now presi­dent of Yale University. When Dean Angell The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .• $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERC. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHAR.LES H. HULBURDCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONEDWARD B. Bun.E. JOHN]. MITCHELLBENJAMIN CARPltNTElt MARTIN A. RYERSONHENRY P. CROWELL J. HARRY SELZERNEST A" HA)lILL ROBII:RT J. TBOIlN.CHARLBS H. W ACXBllForeign Exchange Letters of CredItCable TransfersSavinga Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 353() THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERALPH C. MANNING, '00.REALTORChicago West SuburbanTown and Country Homes210 W. LIBERTY DRIVE Phone 195WHEATON. ILL.Sam A. Rothermel ' 1 7InsurancewithMOORE, CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange Wabash 0400Luther M. Sandw�ck '20WithH. M. Byllesby and CompanyInvestment Securities208 S. LaSalle St. Wabash 0820Motion Pictures?Educational-Characterbuilding - EntertainingMathew A. Bowers, '22TEMPLE PICTURES, Inc.Cal. 4767 2301-11 Prairie Ave .• ChicagoMain 0743 249 Conway Bldg.WILLIAM ARTHUR BLACK, '19LIFE INSURANCESpecializing onPlans/or BUilding EstatesLIFE INSURANCE, WILLS and TRUST FUND SERVICEPLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional CardsFOR RATES. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRA VING co.554 W. Adams se, Chicago, m,ENGRAVERS OF OVER. 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AllBooks was called away from the University, hismany friends provided a fund for securingthis portrait, and it has been executed by'Mr. Ralph Clarkson, of Chicago, who hasalready painted a number of successful Uni­versity portraits, including those of Profes­sor Albert A. Michelson, the late Dean Rol­lin D. Salisbury, and Professor EmeritusThomas C. Chamberlin.President Angell's portrait will be hungfor the present in the, dining room of thenew Quadrangle Club. Other portraits inthe Club are those of Professor MichelsonHead of the Department of Physics, andDean James Parker Hall, of the Law School.Fifteenth, Season 0'£ University OrchestralAssociationEleven concerts in Leon Mandel Assern ,bly Hall at the University of Chicago areannounced for the fifteenth season of theUniversity Orchestral Association. TheChicago Symphony Orchestra will give con­certs November 6, January 15, February 12and 26, March 11, and April 8.Three recitals of remarkable interest arealso announced, the first one being by Ed­ward Johnson, tenor, on December 11Claire Dux, soprano, will appear on January29, and Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, pian­ists, on March 4.All concerts will be given on Tuesdayafternoons at 4 :15 o'clock. Season ticketsfor the eleven concerts will be $10, $12, and$14, according to location.Summer Quarter AttendanceOfficial announcement is made of the at­tendance for the Summer Quarter endingAugust 31.In the Graduate School of Arts and Lit­erature there were !t,961 students and in theOgden Graduate School of Science 853, atotal of 2,814.In the Senior Colleges of Arts, Litern ,ture, and Science there were 598, and inthe Junior Colleges (including the unclasg].,fied), 734, a total of 1,332.In the Professional Schools there were284 Divinity students enrolled, 196 Medicalstudents, 223 Law students, 1,405 in Edu­cation, 26<9 in Commerce and Adiminstra_tion, and 40 in Social Service Adrninisn-g,tion, a total of 2,417.The total attendance for the Universityexclusive of duplications, was 3,072 men and3,266 women, a grand total of 6,338, ofwhom 3,263 were graduate students and3,075 undergraduate.Institute of American Meat PackersThe University of Chicago has authorizedan arrangement with. the Institute of Amer­ican Meat Packers by which the followingplan of instruction has been adopted:Evening courses for men engaged in thepacking industry, which are now beinggiven. Correspondence work to begin laterUNIVERSITY NOTESin the present academic year. Researchconnected with the preparation of instruc­tional material for the evening, correspond­ence, and day courses. Day courses of col­legiate grade to begin probably in theautumn of 1924. Research for the purposeof extending· the boundaries of scientificknowledge.By this co-operative plan activities admin­istered under the Institute of Meat Packingconstitute in effect the beginnings of aschool of the science and economics of meatpacking.College Students and the Red CrossThere is probably no word harder workedin the colleges and universities today than"vision." And it is because of this quest ofvision that students are thinking with aclarity, a degree of penetration, an inclu­siveness, and an earnestness of purposewhich did not characterize preceding gen­erations. Underneath a certain surfacelightness engendered by the healthful give­and-take of present day campus life, there isdeveloping a fibre which will stand the testof the epoch upon which the world is enter­ing.The Red Cross, national and international,recognizes the fact that in the American col­leges and universities 'of today is to be foundits leadership for tomorrow, in a work whichperhaps more than any other is interpretingto the world at large the full scope andmeaning of the ideal of the Brotherhood ofMan. Consequently it voices at this timean appeal to the students of America, notonly for support in the oncoming AmericanNational Red Cross Roll Call. N overnber11-29, but for serious constructive study ofthe work and methods of the organization,looking toward the day when they will as­sume their r ightful positions of community,state and national leadership. .The demands of the time are increasinglycomplex, and the future is heavily chargedwith forces which as yet defy analysis. Itis not by chance that you have come to y o urhigh place in life. We believe that it is fora purpose, and that without the best eachone can do in service to his fellowmen, alllife must be poorer in the end.Will you not therefore, stand with theunconquerable will of a Sidney Lanier to theideal of service? Through years of povertywhich he could have changed by sacrifice ofhis ideals, and through a greater number ofyears of illness from tuberculosis which hehad not the power to change, the belovedpoet of the Southland struggled on until witha temperature of 104, and while too weak tofeed himself, he penciled his last and great­est poem, "Sunrise," afraid that he woulddie ere the completion of his task:"Knowledge we ask not-knowledge Thouhas lent;But Lord, the will-there lies our bitterneed;Give us to build above a deep intent,The deed, the deed!" $1.00Starts aSavingsAccount $100.00Starts a. Checking�n._ ... ....iiII.,.,,,. - AccountDo You KnowThat a Clearing House BankMeans Safety?Not a DOLLAR has been lost toany depositor in a CLEARINGHOUSE BANK in SEVENTEENyears.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. "Corner Ridgewood"BOOKSOld and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the hook you want,WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORESV. A. WOODWOPTH. '106. ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 E. 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, - 1540 E. 63rd StreetEnglewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueOur new"Loop Store"112 So. Wabash Ave., (near Monroe St.)Telephone Dearborn 2259The orders of Teachers and Lihl'ariu Solicited 3738 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800BRADFORD GILL, '10 WILLIS H. LINSLEY, '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 0074RAYMOND j. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7500John J. Cleary, Jr., ' 14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius Teninga, '12REAL ESlATETeninga Bros. & Co, 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 Significance of "Coal Balls" Discovered by aBotanist from the UniversityIn a recent contribution Dr. Adolf C.Noe, '01, Ph. D. '05, Assistant Professor ofPaleobotany in the University of Chicagosays that the University has come into pos�session of a specimen which is the oldestknown stem of a highly developed plantever found in America or anywhere else inthe world. It was, found in a so-called coalball from the O'Gara Mine, No.9, of Har ,risburg, Illinois. Coal balls are round lumpsof limestone which form in a coal seamand usually preserve plant tissues from car�bonization. While all the vegetable matteraround the coal ball becomes shapelessblack coal, the forms of life in microscopi�minuteness are saved from destruction asfar as they are inclosed in the preservinglimestone. Our whole knowledge of theanatomy and morphology of the ancientplants which grew hundreds of millions ofyears ago is derived, Dr. Noe says, froU}these lumps which are found in coal seams.Dr. Nee thinks that the study of Amer i.,can coal balls promises to enlarge enor-,mously our knowledge of ancient plant life.Considerable quantities of such coal ballshave already been secured, and every en­couragement has been given for the develop;ment of this subject through' appropriationsby rne University of Chicago, the IllinoisGeological Survey, and the National Acad­emy of Sciences in Washington.Serial Publication of American Translationof New TestamentA remarkable achievement in newspaperpublishing is the daily appearance of allinstallment of Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed'sAmerican translation of the New Testamenton the editorial page of the Chicago EveningPost. In parallel columns is given the cor­responding passage from the King Jamestranslation of 1611, commonly known as theauthorized version and for more than 300years the recognized Bible of English-speale ,ing people. In this way readers are ableto draw their own conclusions as to themeasure of success Dr. Goodspeed has at­tained in conveying the meaning and spiritof the New Testament writers in the ver­nacular of the United States. This transln ,tion has also been syndicated to journalsin New York, Chicago, Cleveland, OmahaSeattle, Birmingham, Denver, Pasadena'Halifax, and Toronto. 'So widespread have been the interest anddiscussion aroused by this serial publica ,tion of the' New Testament that the Uni­versity of Chicago Press announced forOctober 15 a first printing of Dr. GOOd_speed's translation in two large editions-alibrary edition and a student edition onIndia paper.M,:,-}.RRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS;§MarriagesHarriet F. Biesen, '09, to James AndersonBarclay, in Chicago. At home, �115 E. Mar­quette Road, Chicago.Ruth Carpenter Morse, '14, to WilliamBaird Calkins, '19, June 30, 1923, in Chicazo.At home, 109 E. 44th Street, Chicago.Jane Ruth Swan, '16, to E'. Tracy Blake,June 30, 1923. At home, Rockford, Illinois.Della E. Hairgrove, '17, to Ray MarsSimpson, May 30, 1923, in Chicago. At home,Charleston, Illinois.Bertha M. Evans, '19, to J. Trench Turner,July 23, 1923. At home, Rajkumar College,Rajkot, Kathiawar, India.. Henrietta Winkler, '20, to Willard Porter­field, June 30. 192:)'. At home, Fairmount,Illinois.Nona J. Walker, '20, to George H. Daugh­erty, Jr., '21, M'arch 28, 1923, in Chicago.Leonard J. Bezark, '22, to Harriet Rolfe,ex. '22, January 2, 1923, in Chicago. Athome, East End Park Hotel, Chicago.Orletha E. Healy, ex. ':�2, to Walter Olson,June 6. 1923, in Chicago. At home, 6940Harper Avenue, Chicago.Mollie Bahr, '23, to E. R. Nieland, July11, 192;:). At home, Bangor, California.QengagementsEllis P. Egan, ex. '11, to Lucille H. Guer­tin of Chicago.Richard Anderson Jones, '20, S. M. '21, toGrace Wright Darling of Chicago.Coleman Clark, '21, to Sarah Murdoch ofDavenport, Iowa.Theodore B. Janovsky, ex. '21, to MildredTr iner of Chicago.John Holmes, '23. to Elinor Mills. '23, ofChicago.To William Eugene Stanley, '12, J. D. '13,and Mrs. Stanley (Margaret Long), '20, adaughter, Margaret Anna, April 12, 1923, atWichita, Kansas.To Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Wertheimer(Ruth Schloss), ex. '14, a daughter, DorisAnn, April 30, 1923, at Ligonier, Indiana.To George Maurice Morris. J. D. '15, andMrs. Morris, twins, Miriam Hillis and HughRoss, April 30, 1923, at Washington, D. C.To Joseph P. Carey, '16, and Mrs. Carey,a son, Terrence Joseph, March 27, 1923, atMount Pleasant. Michizan.To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allin-Smith (Cor­rine Allin), '19, a son, Wesley, May 21, 1923,at London, England. . 39The "Wild West" ofTwo Centuries AgoThey had their "wild and woolly west" in theseventeen hundreds, just as we had it a fewyears ago.The first "Wild West" was in the uplands ofNorth and South Carolina, on the rich, rolling,wooded slopes of the eastern foothills of the .Appalachians, before the push-over of popula­tion into Kentucky and Tennessee.There were open ranges, cow towns, cow-boys;rough-riding, hard-living, plain-talking, straight­hitting, picturesque frontiersmen; boisterous,noisy, unruly fellows, dead shots, full of pranks.They were vital to their times, because theyfurnished meat, serving the society of their dayas their successors - the western cowboys-­serve theirs today.Huge herds, half wild, ranged the forests, knee­deep in luxuriant pea-vine grass. Here and theregreat cow-pens were built. Cabins clusteredabout them. Towns sprang up.Here the cattle were rounded up and branded,some to be turned back on to the range again;some to be driven off to Charleston, Norfolk,Baltimore or Philadelphia, to be killed, dressed,salted, packed and shipped, or eaten fresh onthe spot.Those early "cowboys" tapped the outer-mostresources of the country of their day and broughtmeat. to man in the best wayit could be doneat that time, just as the cowboys of our later daybrought the wider abundance of newly openedcountry under tribute to the necessities of theirtimes.Three factors - railroads, refrigeration, andthe packing industry - made this later servicepossible. .While cattle were still raging in the West inmighty herds, Swift & Company was placing packingplants (23 of them) at convenient points, buying liveanimals sent in by rail, dressing the beef, and sendir·gthe meat country-wi de in refriger-ator cars to be distrib­uted through refrigerated branch houses.It is a far cry from the freshly killed, and thereforetough meat of early days, to the tender, corn-fed refrig­erated, government inspected beef which Swift &Company delivers today to retail dealers everywhere.Swift & Company's profit from all sourcesaverages a fraction of a cent per poundSwift & Company, U. S. A.Founded 1868A nation-wide organization owned by more than45,000 shareholders40 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENewspapers•InMagazineFormUnlike anything published to- ,day! Alumni weeklies, month ..lies and quarterlies are carryinglive news items of the collegesand personal friends to thosemen who are doing the major ..ity of the big jobs.Honestly, isn't this a goodtime and place to register yourname or your product?Weare sure you feel friendlytoward the advertisers in this,your own publication.We believe that your com ..pany will benefit from advertis­ing in this and other alumnimagazines.Forty�four alumni publica­tions have a combined, circula­tion of 160,000 college trainedmen. Advertising space may bebought individually or collec­tively-in any way desired. Twopage sizes-only two plates nee­essary-group advertising rates.The management of youralumni magazine suggests aninquiry toAlumni Magazines, AssociatedROY BARNHILL, Inc.cAdvertising CJ(epresentativeNEW YORK23 E. 26th St. CHICAGO230 E. Ohio St. To' Scott V. Eaton, Ph. D. '20, and Mrs.Eaton (Edith Osgood), A. M. '13, a daugh­ter, Harriet McAllister, June 6, 1923, atChicago .To Cyrus Colton MacDuffee, S. M. '20, Ph.D. '21, and Mrs. MacDuffee (Mary AugustaBean), A. M .. '21, a son, Robert ColtonApril 23, 1923, at Princeton, New Jersey. 'To Harner H. Jamieson, '21, and Mrs.Jamieson, a daughter, Maurine PatriciaGreen, July 23, 1925', at Pasadena, California.To Lawrence W. Miller. A. M. '22, andMrs. Miller (Ruth A. Miles), '22, a son,Jacob Hall, July 9. 1923, at Mount Carroll,Illinois.Jennie M. Kuyper, A. B. '01, was one ofthe two missionaries who lost their lives inthe Japan earthquake.Delonzo Tate Wilson, Ph. D. '06, Octo­ber 12, 1923, at Washington, D. C. He wasProfessor of Astronomy at the Western Re­serve University, where he had served manyvears.-Arthur Dunn Pitcher, Ph. D. '11, suddenly'On October 5, 1923, at Cleveland, Ohio, wherehe was Professor and Head of the Depart­ment of Mathematics in the Adelbert Collegeof the Western Reserve University.Arthur Hood Moon, A. M. '23, died june4, 1923, in Atlanta. Georgia.Many Chicagoans in Who's WhoThe 1922-1923 edition of the noted bio­graphical volume, Who's Who in AmC1'icQshows a large number of members of th�Faculty and Alumni of the University ofChicago in various fields of endeavor listedand written up. This volume particularly,the largest and most valuable ever pub­lished, shows the increasing number ofleading positions held by Chicago alumniin 'the field of higher education and givesindirect testimony to the rapidly growinginfluence of the University in educationalwork in America.New Testament Translation(Continued from page 26)measures. It would bleed. Begin one ofthese gospels or letters; you go 'On to theend. You can net turn away while Paulor James is still speaking and only jUstwarming to his thrilling theme.It is a great service that has been renderedin the Goodspeed translation. It makes thebest book also one of the most readablebooks. It presents to the modern reader ac­curately both the content and the spirit ofthe original. And it is a convincing ex­ample of the possibility of speaking aboutthe most important subject-that is, religion-in simple, direct and intelligible language\;V. E. Garrison, D. B., '97, Ph. D., '97. .A seven days won­der in 1903, but al­ready outgrown in1909-so rapid is themarch of electricaldevelopment.A monument to courage'The total capacity ofthe steam turbinegenerators producedby the General Elec­tric Company is equalto the working powerOf 170 million men.More and more thehard tasks of life arebeing transferredfrom human shoul­ders to the iron shoul­ders of machines. This machine is a CurtisSteam Turbine Generator.Many called it a "piece offolly" in 1903 .. It was thelargest turbine generatorever built up to that time.Today General Electric Com­pany butlda-steam turbinegenerators ten times as bigas this pioneer; and the "pieceof folly" is preserved as amonument to courage.GENERAL ELECTRIC"America's FinestMen's Wear Stores"A·,menca s Finest Clothes for MenTHE "all exclusive" woolens nowbeing shown at our stores are aselect group of styles and patterns thatwere specially designed for Capper &Capper, and cannot be found elsewhere.This entire assortment of "super-clothes"has been manufactured to meet the re­quirements of men who are accustomedto and can afford the finer things of life.. Yet even as low as $50 you can makeselection from an exceptionally desirablegrouping of suits and overcoats.There is no other complete stock in thiscity representing the quality-standard towhich these "super-clothes" belong;they are restricted to us, and fulfill theone 'Condition under which the word"exclusive" can be accurately used.Suits, $50 to $100Overcoats, $50 to $200LONDONCHIC,AGOST. PAULD E'T R 0 ITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISTwo Chicago Stores:Michigan Avenue at Monroe Streetand HOTEL SHERMAN