July, 1923PUBLISHINGN� for Profit-but for. Sef'tViceTwo distinct organizations within the University of ChicagoPress fu.ncdon in the publication of its books. Maintainedas separate unitsf the Manufacturing and. the PublicationD�partments assume tesponsibili� respectively for the production and disttibutiml 'Of aU (of the volumes. brought out wi.th. the imprint <of the Press.Employing throughout the year about 125' skiUed workers inaddition to its office staff, the Manufacturing. Department pro ..duces all of the printed material used �Y. the University and all'of th:e volumes,. newly publisbed 'O'I' :reprinted, that are listed In the catalogue<of the Press. The Publication Department, eoraprlstngthesales, advertising,stock, and shipping divisio,ns. 'Qf the Press,. is concerned with. (distribution ofthe pt:lblishe� volumes.. A force of 45 is regularly employed in the per ..tot'm<aoce of these ope:tatto,ns.fir Ris'k and Risk-Bearing, by Charles o. Hardy, recently published by the.J Unlversity of Ohica�Q Press, is .oneof twenty ...six, new books listed .for Spring and Summ-erpubUcation. Its production and distributionwitt p�a'Oe in tae hands of busiaess men and educaeors the twelfthV'o[ume in the Press's series, "Matedafs. for the Study of 'Business."THi:S' ms THE NINTH AND OC,A'S;r OF fA SERlES, os ADVER'llSEMENTSTFlAT DESCRIBE THlt MAKING OF GOOD :SOOKS ATTHE UNIVERSITY (OF CHICAGO PRESS�be mnibersitp of C!Cbicago :.fflaga?ineEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial' BoardC. and A. Associatian-s-Don»:» P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association-A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-FLoRENCE WILLIAMS, '16.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. �Postage is. prepaid by the publishers on all orders from' the UnitedStates, Mexico,. Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. �Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, .27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 28 cents).�Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the 'Chicago or 'New Yorkexchange, postal or express. money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month fallowing the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they. have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni ¥agazines Associated.VOL. XV. CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1923 No. !)FRONTISPIECE:. THE UNIVERSrTY OF CHICACO BANDCiASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS, ; 323EVENTS AND COMMENT ; •• '" ., '" ••• , • 0 •• ,00, ••• 0 •• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 325DR. BURTON ELECTED PRESIDENT.......... .. . ' 326A.. LU11:NI AFFAIRS " : , , , 327CHICAGO DEANS (DEAN JAMES H. TUFTS) '331UNIVERSITY LIFE UNDER THE SOVIETS 332.FOOTBALL TICKETS-SEATING PLAN 334CHANGES IN THE REYNOLDS CLUB 336THE LETTER Box · 337UNIVERSITY NOTES , , .. ',' 339SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING IN HIGH SCHOOLS-W. C. REAVIS) 344BOOK REVIEWS 346NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 348MARRIAGES) ENGAGEMENTS) BIRTHS) DEATHS .. , " ...•...•.................. 356321322 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumn�of the University Councilof ChicagoChairman; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer. ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1922-23 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1924, MRS. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHNP. MENTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H.SWIFT, '07; MRS. DOROTHY D. CUMMINGS, '16; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18; Term expires 1926, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85; HERBERT 1. MARKHAM, '06; HELEN NORRIS,'07; RAYMOND]' DALY, '12; MARTHA NADINE HALL, '17; ROBERT M. COLE, '22.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGSDON, PH.D, '21.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.BRIGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni 'Association, EDGAR J. PHILLIPS, L. L. B., '11; CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15; HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; MRS. GARRETTF. LARKIN, '21; BUTLER LAUGHLIN, Ex. '22. .'From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, FRANCIS F. PATTON,'l1; HOWELL W. MURRAY, '14; WILLIAMH. LYMAN, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; ALICE GREEN ACRE, '.08; MRS. HELENCARTER JOHNSON, '12.From the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98" University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JAMES McGEE, D.B., '08, 165 York Street, New Haven, Conn.Secretary, CLARENCE W. KEMPER, A.M., '11, D.B., '12, First Baptist, Church, Charleston, W. Va.LA W SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HENRY F. TENNEY, PH.B., '13, J.D., '15, 137 So. La Salle St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, GEORGE L. WILLETT, PH.D., '23, Lyons Township High School, LaGrange,Illinois.Secretary, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16, A.M., '20, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, DONALD P. BEAN, '17, University of Chicago.Secretary, MISS CHARITY BUDINGER, '20, 6031 Kirnbark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine.rare $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICE1<.SCLASS SECRETARIESja. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Scott Brown, 20S S. La Salle St.'9S. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4S05 Dorchester Ave.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66th PI.'03 Agness J. Kaufman, Lewis Institute.'04. Mrs. Ida C. Merriam, 1164 E. 54th PI.'01). Clara H. Tavlor. 583S Indiana Ave.'06. Herbert I. Markham, N. Y. Life Bldg.'07. Helen Norris. 72 W. Adams St.'OS. Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago 323'09 Mary E. Courtenay, 1538 E. Marquette Rd.'10. Bradford Gill, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave. .,'12. Harriet Murphy, 4830 Grand Blvd. t''13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La:Salle S't.'14. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219' S. Halsted SI -'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 7214 Yafes Ave.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 1204, 134 S .. La Salle St.'IS. Barbara Miller. 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll· MaSO"n Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel. 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. Katherine Clark, 5724 Kimbark Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.'23. Egil Krogh (Treas.), 5312 Ellis Ave ..All addresses. are in Chicago unless otherwise st at e dOFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY. OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Pauline L. Lehrburger, 88 Browne St.,Brookline ..Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Harriet L. Kidder, 1310 W. 22nd St.,Cedar Falls, Ia. .Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., William H. Lyman, 5 N. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. FredHuebenthal, 4119 Washington Blvd.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Nell C. Henry, Glen-ville High School. .Columbus, O. Sec., Mrs. T. G .. Phillips, 1486Hunter Ave.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, Ia. Sec., Hazelle Moore, Rollins Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway. .Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,Sta te Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First J udicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Alvan Roy Dittrich, 511 Board of Trade Bldg.Iowa City, Ia. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa. .Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lansing, Mich. (Central Michigan Club).Sec., Stanley E. Crowe, Mich. Agr. College.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss' Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1483So. Fourth St.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 912Railway Exchange Bldg.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin Cities Club). Sec. Charles H. Loomis, .Merchant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St. .New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. HelenePollak Gans, 15 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Juliette, Grif-fin, South High School. .Peoria, Ill. Pres., Rev. Joseph c. Hazen,179 Flora Ave.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, 'Pa. Sec., M. R. Gabbert, Uni-versity of Pittsburgh. .Portland, Ore. Pres., Virgil A. Crum, 1313Northwestern Bank Bldg.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H .. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg. .San Francisco, Cal. (N orthern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., William H. Bryan, 406 Montgomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec., .Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St. .South Dakota. Sec., E. K. Hillbrand, Mitchell, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., Rock Island andMoline, Il1.). Sec., Miss Ella Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Tucson, Arizona. Sec., Estelle Lutrell, University of Arizona.Vermont. Pres., Ernest G. Ham, Brandon,Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick; EastRadford, Va.. .Washington D. C. Sec., Bertha Henderson,No.1 Heskett St., Chevy Chase, Md.West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.George S. Hamilton, 367 Franklin Ave.,River Forest, 111. uWichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. John Y. Lee, ShanghaiY.)If. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchoal.The University of Chicago BandThe photograph shows the new Band of the University as eq uipped last fall in new uniforms and with new instruments. Theinstruments, as noted previously in the Magazine, were the gift ofMr. C. D. Greenleaf, '99, and included the largest bass drum in theworld. This photograph of the Band, which will again appear on Stagg Field riext fall, is something of a reminder to alumni tocooperate promptly with the plan for distributing Football Tickets announced elsewhere in this number. The Band is now one ofthe best college bands in the country. (Cut by courtesy of C. G. Conn, Ltd., Elkhart, Ind.) w��ttlc::;.�........�ttl�V)........"-j�()"lJg........(j�c;j()��c;j�N........�ttlUniversity of ChicagoMagazineTheJULY, 1923 No. ,9VOL. XV�OMMENT�In this number of the Magazine appears a'presentation of the plan of distribution offootball tickets for the 1923season, with' an outline of themore important changes fromthe plan in operation last year.Allowing for some individual dissatisfactionand for some difficulties in detail encountered last year, the plan put in operation in1922 was unquestionably a very successfulone. Certainly it was a great step forward,in the accommodation of alumni and theUniversity community, over any formerdistribution. The plan for 1923, essentiallythat of the previous year but with such modifications as suggested by a special alumnicommittee and other alumni familiar withthe practical difficulties, should meet withgeneral approval. As experience is accumulated and as conditions change there will, ofcourse, be further modifications and adjustments. But, for the present, the plan to befollowed is a'Tair one under all the circumstances and, as was the case last year, willbe fairly and equitably administered. It remains for the alumni to again assist byprompt cooperation and with good spirit.With. cordial cooperation, with appreciativeunderstanding of obvious limitations, andwith the rightly expected assistance of ahelpful, broad-minded attitude, the distribution this year should result in general satis-faction. * * *This number of your Magazine closes the"magazine-year" for 1922-1923. We wish toremind our readers-lest theyUntil feel "forgotten" during the comNovember-ing three months-that the nexttime they hear from us will bein November. The Magazine, as usual, isFootballTickets regularly published for nine months, N 0-vember to July inclusive; the Novembernumber will start the year 1923-1924.The "alumni year" now closing has beenmarked by important progress and gratifying activity. Our membership has materially increased and our Associations havegrown in strength; Alumni Council meetings, Association meetings, and class gath-.erings have witnessed advancement; severalnew alumni clubs have been organized andmost of our clubs have been active, some ofthem exceptionally so; the gift of rare andvaluable manuscripts from alumni to theUniversity marked a new development inalumni interest; improvements in the Magazine have been effected; and the year closedwith a successful Reunion. And with it allwhat is most pleasing, and what has madeprogress possible-is the underlying alumniloyalty and the increasingly helpful supportfrom alumni everywhere.The outstanding development of the year,no doubt, is the frank and cordial invitationto the alumni, from the University, to cooperate and assist in the achievement of thegreater University of the future-as expressed so ably in the recent address ofActing President Burton which was mailedto all alumni on our records. New responsibilties, new opportunities, for service to theUniversity are now upon us. The next year,we be-lieve, will see them more dearly comprehended, more widely appreciated, andplans on the way for effective realizationand definite accomplishment.325326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+11-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-111'-1111-1111-1111-1111-111''''''';'1111-_1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111_1111_1I1I_I:I'_IIII_IIII_lllt_III"ft� .r! Dr. Burton Elected President i! New Trustees �+,.1-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-'111-1111-1111-1111-1111-111:-1111_IIII_UII_IlII_1I11_1111_1111_ItII_illI_IIII_IIII';'_UII_1I11-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-11+Dr. Ernest D�Witt Burton, who has beenActing President of the University since the'retirement of Harry Pratt / Judson last F ebruary, was formally elected President ofthe University at a meeting of the Board ofTrustees on July 12th. In the election ofDr. Burton, who has been a leading figurein Baptist denominational affairs for years,the University still follows precedent bychoosing a Baptist as President, althoughthe recent action of the Board of Educationof the Northern Baptist Convention, as toldin our June number, removed the Baptistrestrictions on that office. The election ofDr. Burton, therefore, was not due to denominational restrictions, but came as a fitting recognition of, and deserved tribute tohis great services to the University in thepast thirty years and his remarkable energyin starting the University on paths of definite progress within the brief period of hisservices as Acting President,Through the Magazine and other channels,our. alumni are already familiar with President Burton's life and high achievements.In connection with the announcements,Harold H. Swift, '07, President of theBoard of Trustees, said: "President Burtonis a scholar of international reputation in hisfield, an educator of wide observation, andan exper ien ced and accomplished administrator. His connection with the Universityfrom the beginning and his studies abroadadmirably fit him for the important positionto which he has been elected."On behalf of all Alumni we extend our con- gratulations and our best wishes for a mostsuccessful administration to President Burton. We congratulate the University, too,on his acceptance of the great responsibility-for we know it has been placed in handsthat are strong, able, and guided by inspiring ideals for the advancement of all sidesof the University. Again the Alumni extend to Dr. Burton their eager and loyalwillingness to work with him in any wayand at all times he may call upon themfor cooperation.At the same meeting Mr. Frank H. Lindsay, of Milwaukee, was elected a trustee ofthe University, to fill a Baptist vacancy onthe Board. Mr.' Lindsay, who is owner ofa large agricultural machinery business inMilwaukee, has been a trustee of WaylandAcademy, Wisconsin, for some time. Hisfather has long been prominent in Baptistcircles. His sister is the wife of ThomasAllan Hoben, Ph.D. '01, President of Kalamazoo College, Michigan. Mr.' Lindsayhas been keenly interested in Universityand educational affairs for some years.Samuel C. Jennings; 1312 Oak avenue,Evanston, was elected a member of theboard of trustees on Friday, June 15 -.Mr. Jennings is president of the Columbian Bank Note Company and has been inbusiness in Chicago for thirty years. He isa trustee of the Baptist Theological Union,presiden t of the Baptist Social Union, and amember of the First Baptist church ofEvanston.Convocation Scene in Hutchinson CourtAt the next Convocation, August 31, Dr. Ernest DeWittBurton will preside as President of the University,ALUMNI AFFAIRSALUMNI 327A F FA I RSThe Big 'ren Dinner at New YorkOne of the most successful "Big Ten" gatherings of the year was that held atNew York City. Dr. David Kinley, President of the University of Illinois, Major JohnJ. Griffiths, Western Conference Commissioner of Athletics, and Walter Camp, ofYale, addressed the gathering.Class of '86 Holds Annual ReunionChicago, Il1., June 16, 1923.Dear Mr. Pierrot:It may interest you and some of theAlumni and students of the University,old and new, to know that the Class of'86 met for its thirtv-seventh Annual Reunion and Dinner at the Palmer House,Friday evening, June 15th.This class, the last out of the Old University. has kept its class organization andhas not f-ailed to get together every yearsince its graduation in old Central MusicHall, June 16, 1886.Of the original class, August G. Anderson, Edwin R. Rundell and Rufus A. Sageare deceased. Those present at this year'sreunion were Lincoln M. Coy, George E.Newcomb, Frank J. Walsh, James G. Elsdon, Thomas R. Weddell, Edgar A. Buz- zell and Isetta Gibson Buzzell; also Mrs.Newcomb and M-rs. Elsdon.Letters and regrets were received Ir ornGuy Brockway in San Diego, California;George F. Holloway in Sawyer, Michigan,and William L. Burnap in Sutton Bay,Michigan; so that the entire class was present in person or in spir it excepting HarryJ. Furber, j r., who is somewhere abroadand could not be reached. Can any otherclass of the University make a better showing?In the old days before '86 the PalmerHouse was the center of many social activities of the U niversitv and for that reasonit always seems "like going back home."Occasionallv we alter the program by meeting at the University on Alumni Day, andthis we voted to do next year.Cordially yours,Edgar A. Buzz ell, '86.328 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDean Mathews Addresses Pittsburgh ClubMr. Stagg "Lays" Gymnasium Cornet"StoneThe University of Chicago Club at Pittsburgh held a special meeting' at the luncheon hour on June 9th-Alumni Day. Theguest of honor was Dean Shailer Mathews,who spoke in his happiest vein in tributeof President Judson's administration andin description of present trends of development on the Quadrangles. The policiesof President Burton's administration weredescribed. with special emphasis upon thestudy of the problems of the undergraduatecolleges, and the furtherance of research,both scientific and humanistic, in the graduate schools.This meeting of the club was made possible because Dean Mathews was visitingPittsburgh in the capacity of baccalaureatespeaker at the Commencement of CarnegieInstitute of Technology.On June 13th, many of us had the privilege of welcoming also Professor A. A.Stagg, who gave an address at the laying ofthe corner stone of the new gymnasium ofCarnegie Institute of Technology.W. V. Bingham, Ph.D. '09, Pr·esident University of Chicago Clubof Pittsburgh.Kansas City Alumni Club Annual PicnicThe. Kansas City University of ChicagoAlumni Club held its annual picnic in celebration of Alumni Day on May '31 1923.This was a little early, but we found thatthere were too many conflicts with otherevents in which the members were interested, to have it during the University'sAlumni Week.As usual we had the picnic at the beautiful country horne of Dr. John G. Hayden,'02, five miles south of Kansas City. Theorder of events was a baseball 'game on thelawn, a tour of the country-side, picnic supper cooked al fresco, a business meeting onthe porch of the Hayden's house, and endingwith dancing in their living room.Among the motions passed in the business session were the following: To send atelegram of greetings to Acting PresidentBurton on Alumni Day; to make a gift often dollars from the Club to the Gold StarScholarship Fund in memory of our MissMary Lyons, who died this past winter; torequest the Alumni Council to assist us insecuring a faculty speaker for the annualbanquet next winter. \I enclose a pamphlet describing the Gold'Star Scholarship fund, and an article takenfrom the Kansas City Star concerning Inghram D. Hook, J.D. "06, who has recentlybeen appointed Police Commissioner ofKansas City by Governor Hyde.Sincerely.Florence Bradley, '15,Secretary, K. C. Univ. of Chicago Club. Southern, California Club Reunion MeetingOf course you had a great Alumni Reunion back in Chicago on June 9th. Youwere not the onlv ones. We alumni inSouthern California had a reunion of ourown on that very 'night. Sixty of usgathered at the University Club in LosAngeles for dinner. We, too, sang "AlmaMater" and other Chicago songs and. gavethe good old Chicago yells.Milton Sills, '03, who is one of the bestloved actors' on the silver screen, gave usa talk on the movie. In the course of ithe paid tribute to the influence which theUniversity of Chicago had on his life, andespecially to two men, Dr. Angell and Dr.Dewey. As we listened to this intellectual,idealistic talk. we were proud that our University was helping to shape this great industry through one of her graduates.The main address of the evening wasgiven by Dr. R. B. von KleinSmid, president o�f the University of Southern California, a leading educator and magneticspeaker. He delighted us with his talk011 the education needed to meet the changedconditions of the times.We had a rare musical treat. CharlesL. King. dramatic tenor, sang, and ClydeMorris Gates, wonder boy violinist, played.This boy is only seventeen years old, buthe so charmed us with his playing thatwe brought him back again and again.Altogether, this was voted the best meeting we have had yet.Eva Jessup, '07,Secretary.Southern California Alumni Club.Cincinnati Club Alumni Day MeetingSixteen' members of the University ofChicago Club of Cincinnati assembled onAlumni Day, Saturday, June 9th. DeanLouis A. Pechstein, a Doctor of the University of Chicago, 1916, addressed the gathering. The club secretary was authorized tosend a message of congratulation to Acting President Ernest De Witt Burton andthe Alumni gathered in Chicago on AlumniDay. E. L. Talbert, '02, Ph.D. '10,President, Cincinnati Alumni Club.'Washington Club Reunion MeetingThe Washington, D. C. Alumni Club ofthe University of Chicago met for theirannual reunion on Saturday, June 2nd, at 7p. m. Twenty-seven members gatheredaround a table at the National Club House'of the American Association of UniversityWomen. After dinner we were entertainedby Negro folk stories by Dr. Wyche, ex-'10.Then, after the usual round of gossip inwhich each told the others what we weredoing and how we liked it, the followingofficers were elected for the coming year:President: Patty Newbold, '14Vice-President: Harold G. Moulton, '07,Ph.D. '14ALUMNI AFFAIRSSecretary-Treasurer: Bertha Henderso-n,'10A letter from Secretary of State CharlesE. Hughes, expressing his disappointmentbecause he could not be with us, was read.One more story was coaxed out of Dr.Wyche. Then the "young set" went offto dance and the 'Older ones went home.Our club always "comes to life" for theannual June dinner. Cordially yours,Bertha Henderson, '10,Secretary- Treasurer.No. 1 Heskett St., Chevy Chase, Md.The Speakers at the Alumnae BreakfastEveryone pronounced the AlumnreBreakfast this year the best one we hadever had. Of course. it served a doublepurpose. the usual reunion and as a farewell to Mrs. Judson, who with Mrs. Burtonshared the honors. We had. an agreeableinnovation, too, a short recess, during whichthe tables were cleared and everyonemoved her chair toward the speakers' tables,so that I am sure we all heard the talks.Alice Greenacre, '08, J.D. '11, the newpresident of the Chicago Alumnae Club, presided ably and the "speeches" were startedoff with a remarkably fine talk by Laura L;Runyan. '98. who came back for her twenty-fifth reunion and told us all about theorganization of the club and what thefounders hoped for it. It made us all promise ourselves that we would do everythingpossible to make those dreams true. Mrs.Robert E. Graves, '98. was another"founder" present.Margaret Burton. '07 was there also andbro ugh t us a fine message from the NewYork Association -. and Helen Hendricks,'07, told us how it felt to be an alumna inChina, and how even way off there withoutany warning she met President and Mrs..T udson on the street. Mrs. Judson saidthat she was only leaving us officially, andMrs. Burton greeted us, but we know shewon't be so shy when she gets to know usall better._ Miss Langley was there from the Wedgewood School with Miss M vra Reynolds,Ph.D. '95, whom she is taking away fromus, and that made Miss Talbot. commentingon Miss Reynold's resignation, tell us howfew women professors there were on theUniversity faculty and how hard it was toget them there, although I'm sure from herreport we hold our own on fellowships,Then Alice raised our hopes a little by i11-troducing a new woman member of thefaculty in the mathematics department, although I'm sure Mrs. Mayme I. Logsdon,'13, Ph. D. '21 is known already to a goodmany of us.Miss Talbot's report was very interesting. The action of the undergraduates inextending the time a freshman is on probation before rushing for a fraternity or s-o- 329ciety beyond that required by the University is a step in the right direction. Itwill give them time to find themselvesand their desired place in the Universitylife.Miss Josephine Allen, '99, told us howshe is still shooing high school "kiddies"under the Alma Mater wing since shefirst tried her hand 'On Alice, and if shestill keeps up that caliber Miss Talbot willhave nothing to worry about. At thewind-up Miss Greenacre greeted the graduates, whose spokesman, Miss Anna GwinPickens, made a big hit with her clever remarks to the effect that after all the roundof farewells they had just passed through,it was mighty nice to say "Hello, how do'you do."Arrangemen ts for the reunion were incharge of a committee headed by Mrs.Charles G. Higgins, '20, Mrs. Fred Huebentha1, '18, secretary of the club, and MissAlice Greenacre, president.Alumnae Club "Shows Chicago" to 1,600High School Senior GirlsThe "why" of the Law Building's horn�dowl and book, the raison d'etre of a gargoyle water-spout, and the interest attachirig to the grotesqueries on. the gatesof Hull Court on the campus of the University of Chicago-have been among thethings explained this spring to some 1,600girls, seniors in the Chicago and suburbanhigh schools.For three months the University of Chicago Alumnse, under the leadership of MissAlice Greenacre, president of the club.and Miss Ruth Hostetler of the EvanstonTownship High School, assisted by Mrs.Edgar Goodspeed and Miss Foy of the University, have been giving a series of Sunday afternoon teas in honor of the highschool seniors . and the three hundred ormore of U. of C. women who are teachingin those high schools.The series now ended with the approachof the Commencement season aroused somuch interest that Joliet High School especially requested an' invitation, and cameen masse. The guests on each occasionwere escorted through Harper Library,where they were shown rare manuscriptsand other treasures; throug-h the LawScho-ol, through Mandel Hall and Hutchinson Commons; through the women'sdormitories and finally through Ida NoyesHall, the women's building, where tea wasserved.On the occasion of the first tea, PresidentBurton himself came to the tea, conductedthe party through Harper Library, andheld open house in the president's 'Officean innovation in University of Chicago history.330 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresidents of the Chicago Alumnae ClubAt the Alumnre Breakfast held on thisyear's Alumni Day, the Chicago AlumnreClub, as noted in our June number, commemorated on this occasion its twenty-fifthclub anniversary. Interesting facts on the'club's history were brought out. We givehere a list of the past presidents of the-Chicago Alumnae Club in the order of theirterms of office:Mrs. Robert E. Graves (Angeline Loesch,'98)Miss Charlotte Foye, '95Kate B. Miller, '02Laura M. Wright, '98Mrs. Charles E. Russell (Ida T. HirschI,'01)Mrs. Frederick H. Sheets (E mil y C.Thompson, '97)Dr._ Sara Hansen Langille, '00'Dr. Marie Ortmayer, '06Mrs. Emma HirschI, '10Mrs. James W. Thompson (Martha Land-ers, '03)Mrs. Irwin McDowell (Ethel Remick, '02)Miss Ethel Kawin, '11Miss Helen Norris, '07. Mrs. Howard L.Willett (Grace Williamson, '07)Seven women present at the Breakfastwere members of the class of 1898, celebrating its twenty-fifth class anniversary.Miss Laura L. Runyon, '98, Ph.M. '06, - thefounder of the Chicago Alumna; Club, wasone of the speakers on the program. Theprese.nt president of the club, who presided,IS MISS Alice Greenacre, '08, J.D. '11.Alumni Council Fourth Quarterly MeetingThe fourth regular quarterly meeting ofthe Alumni Council, for 1922-1923, was heldin the Alumni Office on Thursday, July 12,at 8 P.M. Present: Charles F. Axelson,chairman; Robert M. Cole, Herbert 1.Markham, Charles F. McElroy, Rollo L.Lyman, Mrs. Margaret M. Macpherson,Frank E. Weakly, Butler Laughlin, Mrs.Mayme 1. Logsdon, A. G. Baker, FrancisF. Patton, Mrs. Ruth A. Dickinson, AliceGreenacre, Helen Norris, Thomas]. Hair,Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, Henry G.Gale, Grace A. Coulter, Leo F. Wormser,Paul S. Russell, John A. Logan, ann A. G.Pierrot, secretary-treasurer.The minutes of the previous meeting andCouncil financial statements were read, approved, and ordered filed.The following were elected chairrn en ofthe standing committees, for 1923-1924:Athletics, Paul S. Russell; Class Organizations, Helen Norris; Clubs, Henry D.Sulcer; Finance, Herbert E. Slaught; Funds,Frank McNair; Publications, William H.Lyman. All of these were re-elect ed, toserve another term.Two Directors of the Alumni Fund wereelected, as follows, for the regular term of4 years: from the Alumni Council group, Grace A. Coulter, '99; from the Subscribersgroup, Dr. Marie Ortmayer, '06.At this meeting the news was received ofthe election of Dr. Burton as President ofthe University. By unanimous and enthusiastic vote the secretary was instructed toextend the Council's heartiest congratulations to President Burton and best wishesfor a most successful administration; andpledge again the offer of fullest cooperationfor the progress of the University.The reports of the standing committeesand of the Associations were presented. S.Edwin Earle, chairman of the 1923 Reunion,presented complete reports from his committee on the organization and managementof the Reunion, with recommendations forfuture conduct of these gatherings. Byunanimous vote, the Council extended toMr. Earle and his committee their cordialthanks for the excellent work done thisyear.After general discussion of several alumniand Council matters, with reference to thecommittees for further study and action,the meeting adjourned at 9 :50 P. M,.Women's Athletic Field to be EquippedTransformation of the present Woodlawnfield into an up-to-date athletic field equipped with all the apparatus and improvementsnecessary for complete women's athleticwork, is planned by the alumnae of W. A. A.Work on the actual remodeling of the fieldwill be begun as soon as suitable bids havebeen secured.W. A. A. on June 7 accepted the planoffered by the alumnae committee, appointedby Pres. Emeritus Harry Pratt Judson, consisting of Misses Josephine Allen, EthelPreston, and Marie Ortmayer, which recommended the use of the W. A. A. buildingfund for this purpose.The new field, according to the plan, is tocontain a running track, hockey field, tenniscourts, volleyball courts, baseball diamond,and space for field and track events, such asthe high jump, discus and javelin throw.The completion of a field properly fittedfor athletics will provide the supplement ofIda Noyes hall, which now contains all theequipment necessary for the women's use.The need for a field of this sort has longbeen felt, and great enthusiasm has beenexpressed by W. A. A. members at the prospect of its immediate fulfillment.The plans for the new field were completed at a meeting of W. A. A. June 7. Atthe same time the election was held - for thenew secretary-treasurer to fill the vacancycaused by the resignation of Helen Robbins.Catherine Rawson will be secretary-treasurerfor the coming year. ,The committee has also suggested that atablet commemorating the work and enthusiasm of the women of the class of '09who originated the fund. be placed on thememorial gateway which leads from IdaNoyes hall to the field.CHICAGO DEANS-DEAN TUFTS 331Dean James H. TuftsAt the request of Acting President Burton,last April, the Board of Trustees of the University created a new dean-the office of Deanof the Faculties. Theduties of the new officerare to cooperate with thePresident in matters pertaining to the educationaladministration of the University. To this new andmost important deanshipDr. James Hayden Tufts,Professor and Head ofthe Department of Philosophy and a former Deanof the Senior Colleges.was elected. This electionwas a "popular" and mcsthappy one-certainly nomember of the Universityis better qualified to aciminister the duties required.J ames Hayden Tuftswas born July 9, 1862, atMonson, Massachusetts,the son of the Principalof Monson Academy. Heattended that Academy,where he prepared for college, chiefly under his father's instruction. He thenwent to Amherst, receiv-ing his A.B. in 1884. At Amherst he playedfootball, was a member of debating societies,and was active in Y. M. C. A. work. He thenpursued graduate studies and received thefollowing degrees: B.D., Yale, 1889; A.M.,Amherst, 1890; he studied at Freiburg andBerlin Universities, receiving his Ph.D. atFreiberg in 1892. In 1904 Amherst conferredupon him the honorary degree of LL.D.During this period of graduate studies, hewas Principal of Westport, Connecticut, HighSchool one year; Instructor in Mathematicsat Amherst, two years; and Instructor in'Philosophy at the University of Michigan fortwo years. In 1892, at the opening of theUniversity of Chicago, he came to· Chicagoas Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Sincethat time, for over 30 years, he has beenconnected with the University, steadily bringing renown, national and international, tothe institution by his great work in philosophy,and constantly endearing himself to an everwidening circle of undergraduate and graduate students. The most important publications of Professor Tufts are: A translation of Windelband'sHistory of Philosophy; joint author, withProfessor Dewey, of Ethics; author of OurDemocracy, The Rea 1Business of Living) TheEthics of Cooperation)and, very recently, Education and Training forSocial W ork, published bythe Russell Sage Foundation of N ew York. Hehas been President of theAmerican Philosophicaland of the Western Philosophical Associations. Heis a member of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science,American PsychologicalAssociaticn, of the Quadrangle and City clubs, 01Beta Theta Pi and of PhBeta Kappa.On August 25, 1891, hemarried Cynthia HobartWhitaker, 0 f Leverett,Massachusetts. Mrs. Tuftsdied January 11, 1920.The two Tufts' childrenare graduates of the University, Irene Tufts, A.B.,1915, and James WarrenTufts, Ph.B., 1916. Dr.Tufts married Miss Matilda Castro, '00, Ph.D.'07, Professor of Philosophy in Bryn MawrCollege, on June 18, 1923, in New Y or k City.In speaking of his new position of Dean ofthe Faculties, Dr. Tufts states: "Accordingto the statute creating the office of Dean ofthe Faculties, this officer 'cooperates with thePresident in· matters pertaining to the educational administration of the University.'The demands upon the President of a greatUniversity have increased to such an extentthat it is practically impossible for anyoneperson to d'O justice to all of them. The studyof the more strictly educational problems andthe working out in cooperation with membersof the faculties of educational policies seemsto be one obvious division of the President'stask. Certain of these problems concern primarily some one school or college, but manyof them sooner or later' involve relationshipst'O the development of the University as awhole. The development of research in thegraduate schools is probably a most important(Continued on page 340)Dean James H. Tufts332 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+11-1I11-"H-II1I-IIII-II"-IIII-IIH�MI1-II1I-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIN-n-11II-11II-IItI-NU-IIH-un-HII-IIII-IIII-IIM-"'III-IIII-IIII-IIII-UII-+! If University Life Under the Soviets 1i ' Otto Struve', Assistant, Yerkes Observatory I+-IIII-IIII�IIII-IIII-nll-'"I-NII-IIU-IIi1-IIII-IIII-IIII-II"-III1-UII-II-11II-IIU_lJlI_IIU_.III_IIU_ull_lIn_III1_IIII_IIII_IIU_IIII_IIII_II .... -On the fifteenth of March, 1923, the American Relief Administration discontinuedthe acceptance of food remittances to Russia. This action means practically an endto the various efforts on the part of a greatmany American scientists and students inhelping their distressed colleagues in Russia,The American Committee for the Reliefof Russian Astronomers, under the chairmanship of Professor E. B. Frost, has received a great many letters, from practicallyall Russian universities, and it seems interesting to bring together the different factsstated in these letters, which characterizethe life of the Russian scientists and students.Undoubtedly conditions in Russia haveimproved greatly since the first half of 1922,when many professors and students wereactually suffering from hunger: .Then thecases of death on account of hunger or' undernourish.nent were not rare among thoseconnected with the universities as well asamong the whole population. But at thepresent time the most acute distress seemsto have been overcome: food can be obtained at reasonable prices and bread madeof sawdust is no longer used.Unfortunately, in many other respects theconditions have not improved so much: insome ways they are perhaps now worsethan ever. The lack of foreign scientificliterature has, in part, been relieved by thefine work of a committee organized for thatpurpose by Dr. Vernon Kellogg. But itmust be remembered that the Russian roubleis so low that the various institutions arenot able to subscribe for even the mostimportant periodicals. Connections with foreign countries have been almost entirely interrupted since 1914, and it is not surprising that this lack of information as to thescientific progress abroad is being felt severely by all the Russian scientific workers.I t is mainly this circumstance, together withlack of supplies such as photographic plates,chemicals, etc., which makes research exceedingly difficult in Russia, and it is almost surprising that in spite of all hardships this work is being continued.The personal life of the professors andstudents and their families is still far frombeing pleasant, The salaries of the members of Russian universities and other scientific institutions must be regarded as verylow, though they always consist of manymillions of roubles. A few facts concerning this may be quoted from a recent letter(dated February 9, 1923) from a well-knownRussian astronomer in the Crimea:"Some time ago I succeeded in getting from the Department of __.- at Sebastopol, food-rations for our employees forthree months (January, February, andMarch), and a load of fuel for our electricplant. Weare therefore supplied for : a fewmonths and need not fear a reduction ofour staff before the end of March. At thepresent time the government is trying tostabilize the rouble and to establish a budgetwithout deficit. For this purpose thereare, from time to time, reductions in thelists of members of the various institutions,and the chiefs of these institutions are soused to such reductions that they usuallyestablish beforehand the order of dischargefrom service among their employees. Atthe present time we receive salaries foronly two men instead of for four as formerly, and for some time we have had nojanitor. The scientists divide their salaries, which consist of 1000 million roubleseach, and their food rations, worth about 30million roubles, with the engineer, for wewould .have to close down entirely if wecould not run our electric plant."According to .another letter from thesame man, the whole salary, including foodrations and monetary remuneration, is decidedly less than the equivalent of onestandard $10 food package delivered by theAmerican Relief Administration. In thevillage near the institute, where there were350 inhabitants in 1921, more than 100 diedfrom hunger during the terrific famine of1922.In the southern part of Russia, theUkraina, all research work at the universities was discontinued by the bolshevik government and their only function now isteaching. The standards of teaching are,of course, also much lower than before thewar. The title, "professor," which was prohibited by the bolsheviki, has recently beenreestablished in the universities. Scientificdegrees. are regarded as useless, and no diplomas are given, as in former years.The following is an abstract from a letter written by a member of the Universityof ---: "It is sad to. see what has become of our .Alrna Mater. The number ofprofessors has been increased greatly, andthere is a greater variety of subjects taughtin the universities than before. U nfortunately, the authorities have admitted forprofessorship a great number 'Of so-calledscientists who in former times would hardlyhave been regarded as fit for entering theuniversity. The students of the present arenot better. They resemble, on the whole,'the youths in a reform 'School, or, at thebest, in an alms.house,' as one of my col-UNIVERSITY LIFE UNDER THE SOVIETSleagues - a stu den t - expressed himself.There are among them young lads, oftenwithout any preliminary high-school education, who do not even recognize the chemical symbol for hydrogen (H), but read it asa Russian letter 'N.' (The Russian letter'H' is pronounced like the English 'N,'while the chemical symbol 'H,' for hydrogen, is pronounced like the �renc� 'H').Their only right to enter the unrver srty consists in their political standing (blagonadiojriost ). It seems almost as though Russian life cannot exist without this conception, and just as it was under the .Tsar'sgovernment everybody has to get hIS c�rtificate of political standing from the policeif he wants to enter the university."I t is a matter of fact that only personsknown as communists, or at least not opposing the -communistic rule, are permittedto continue their education. Of course, thereare many arnon g them who have in realitynot the least interest' in politics. There arealso many who belong to the so-called"bourgeoisie," but who have entered theuniversities under the pretext of being insympathy with the bolsheviki. Tuition hasrecently been reestablished: it amounts to300' million roubles a year, and many of ourstudents who are not able to pay this sumhave had to give up their studies.In addition to this, the writer may addfrom his o-wn experiences when he was connected with a Russian university, that afterthe bolsheviki had overthrown the Republican government in October, 1917, they completely changed the whole system. of administration at the university. Nothing was leftof the autonomy which had been granted.even by the tsarist government. The officesof president and dean were abolished,and the whole administration, including theappointment and discharge of professors,was placed in the hands of a so-called commissary who had not the least kno-wledgeof administrative duties, for he was an undergraduate student of a veterinary institute; but he was a good communist! Thewriter remembers also ho-w the elections ofdelegates from the students were declared asvoid by the same commissary, solely because they gave a majority to the anti-communists.Similar conditions have existed at otheruniversities. It was believed for a time thatthe situation had improved considerably.and that the political intolerance shown bythe communists during the first years oftheir rule had become less acute during theyears 1921 and 1922, after the "white" Russian armies were defeated and all of Russia, except the new independent countries,Esthonia, Latvia, Finland, etc., was in thehands of the bolsheviki. Unfortunately,this belief did not prove to be justified.Only half a year ago a great number ofprofessors and teachers were expelled fromRussia for their "anti-soviet" idealogy. 333The follo-w ing is translated from a letterwritten by one of the scientists who sufferedexpulsion:"At the end of August I was suddenly arrested and imprisoned, together with aboutforty other professors and writers. Laterthe authorities informed us that we wereaccused of having, in general, an anti-sovietidealogy, but did not state any concretefacts. Somewhat later we were freed, oncondition that we leave Russia immediately,and our return was forbidden, under penalty of death. The same procedure, thoughon a smaller scale, was repeated in Petrograd and several other large cities. Fortunately, we were permitted to take our families with us. In a few days we had to sellwhat was left of our belongings, includingour scientific libraries, in order to raise thenecessary money for travelling expenses. InGermany we were hospitably admitted. Inspite of all that we have suffered, we do notlose our, faith in a future resurrection ofRussia. The unarmed population hates thepresent government."It should be, mentioned, of course, thatthe author of this letter has never undertaken any action against the government,being entirely occupied with his scientificstudies. But political indifference is regarded in Russia as hostility.Political intolerance on one side, and poverty and distress on the other, have produced a real exodus of Russian scientistsand students from their own country.About 600 university and college professorshave left Russia since the bolsheviks assumed power, and are now scattered all overthe world. Some of them are teaching inthe universities and schools of western Europe and America. In the small republic ofCzecho-Slovakia alone there are at the present time 91 university professors from Rus-sia in government employ. ,Fourteen thousand students of variousuniversities and similar institutions have lefttheir country during the past' few years.Many of them had served in the anti-bolshevik armies of General Dinikin and General Wrangel, and left Russia with the remnants of those armies. Others crossed theborders of Germany or Poland or Roumania. Only a small number of these students are now able to pursue their studies.A few of them have been able to continue,and are at the present time studying at theUniversity of Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), atvarious universities in Serbia, and in someof the universities of France. But the great. .iajor ity who fled from Russia are engage ...in various kmds of labor in other countriesin order to sustain: life. Some joined thenavy, and still others joined the French Foreign Legion. This French corps organizedfor service in the African colonies, contains'at the present time nearly 15,000 Russians,mostly soldiers and officers from GeneralWrangel's army.334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtU-III1-nn_ml-nll-III1-IlIl-IIII-IIlI-nll-IIII-l1l1-III1-I1I1-I1I1-IIII-IIII-'1II-111I-1ll-1II1-1I1I-1I1I-1I1I-1I11-lIn-IlI1-IIII-IlI1-1111_I111_1-� It Football Tickets !g II �+"IIII�IIII_III1_lIn_1I11_1111_111I_1I11_1I11_1111_1111_11�_1I11-1I11-IIII-UII-lIjl-I:II-IIII-IIII-IIII-JIII-IIII_IIII_lill_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_11+Before the close of last season Mr. Wallace Heckman, Counsel and Business Manager of the University, invited a committeeof representative alumni, with Mr. WilliamScott Bond as chairman, to investigate theoperation of the plan for the distributionof football tickets and to make recommendations for the future. The report of 'thiscommittee, as to the 1922 distribution, appeared on page 179 0.£ the March numberof the Magazine. After studying the suggestions of this committee and ca.refullyconsidering numerous suggestions fromother alumni, a plan of distribution of ticketsfor the coming Football Season, followingsubstantially the plan of last year but withcertain .chang es, has been adopted.DifficultiesPerhaps the most important source ofdifficulty encountered last year lay in (1)the almost universal request from Alumnifor tickets in sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 in theWest Stand; and (2) a general misconception of the capacity of these sections and ofthe capacity of the West Stand as a wholein comparison with the demand. Withsome 10,300 alumni desiring to get in thefour center sections, and approximately3,000 seats available there, it was, of course,and is impossible to place all alumni in theWest (Chicago) Stand between the 25 yardlines. Furthermore, with the students andFaculty taking up several West Stand sections, it was and is .absolutely necessary, ifthousands of alumni are to . be accommodated at all, to use the end sections of theWest Stand and the North and SouthStands in addition. The distribution at theWisconsin game last year, which will illustrate, was as follows: Wisconsin's requestedallotment, 10,300 seats, in the East Stands;West Stand, Alumni, 7,600, Student SeasonBooks, 1,700, Faculty, 600, Students, 2,500;End Stands, Alumni, 2,700, Public SeasonPurchasers, 6,600. Total maximum capacity,32,000. .The accompanying chart on the next pageshows the probable distribution for the1923 Wisconsin game.General Features of PlanThe main general features of the plan fordistribution adopted for this year, andbased on the experiences of 1922 sales as ageneral guide, are as follows:(1) Alumni season-ticket purchasers willbe given preference over alumni ordering forindividual games. A coupon book containing a ticket for each game will be issued to season applicants, the same seat beinz assigned for each of the seven games. S�asonpt�rchase�s . (alumni, students and faculty)will be limited to 3:Y;l sections in the WestStand.(2). S.tudent Season C-Book purchasersare limited to 2 West Stand sections.(3) General Public season purchasers arelimited to 3 sections in the West Stand and3 sections in the East Stand.. Se:'lson ticket applications above the capacitres 111 each group will be placed in other locations as determined by lot.(4) Non-season purchasers amongAlumni, Students and Faculty.(5) Non-season purchasers among theGeneral Public.PrioritiesPriorities: In each group priority willbe given in the following or der ; first, oneand two seat orders; second, three and fourseat orders.Preference in each alumni classificationwill be given to applications' from "C" menup to a total of 2 seats per application' thebalance of "C" men orders will be cot1:::idered'on the same basis as orders from otheralumni.LimitationsLimitations: Season orders will be limitedto 4 tickets per application, with the rightreserved to reduce to two in case of overdemand. Non-season orders will be limitedto 4 tickets for .all games with the exceptionof. the WISCOnSltl game, for which the limitwill be two tickets. Alumni Season purchasers for two tickets may order two additional tickets for any particular gameexcept Wisconsin, these having same priorrty as other non-season alumni orders.. Bec';luse of the large demand for seats,including allotments of tickets for the visiting universities, the lirnitations herein outlined and given in detail on applicationfO!'ms_, must. nece.ssarily be enforced. Application forms WIll be mailed on or beforeSeptember 15th and it is requested thatall orders be withheld until that time. Thereis no priority in point of time, all ordersfiled before the closing dates announced onthe forms receiving the same considerationwithin their respective classifications, andthe ticket assignments within each groupbeing made strictly by lot.Alumni CooperationThe Football Tickets Committee againre lies upon the cooperation of alumni in(Continued on page 336)FOOTBALL TICKETS-FIELD DIAGRAM 335NORTHSOUTHChart of Probable, Seat Assignments at 1923 Wisconsin GameThe chart shows how the entire capacity of Stagg Field is taken with classifiedallottments. "Alumni" sections include Faculty. "Alumni" non-season sections includesome student non-season orders. The reserved areas show, also, the classifications ofseat orders. The chart illustrates how alumni are given consideration in priorities andseat assignments. .336 . THE UNIVERS1Ty'OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+"_1111_011_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_111I-IIO-IIII-IIII-II-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-lln-IIII-11M-IIH-1I11-1111-1I11-"II-Hn_�! It Changes in the Reynolds Club I+-IIII-II"-"II_nll_llll_IIII_III'_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_111I_U_IIII_IIII""";"IIII_IIII_MII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IlI1_IIII_1111-1111-1111-11+In his June Convocation address ActingPresident Ernest D. Burton made a lengthystatement regarding the new status of theReynolds Clubhouse which will be of primeinterest to all Alumni. He reviewed theearly history of the Reynolds bequest, tellinghow the University decided to use themoney for the erection of a men's clubhouse; how the Reynolds Club had beenorganized to use the equipment and howthrough the succeeding years the club hadsucceeded in its purpose. In recent yearsthe multiplication of fraternity houses hasfurnished social accommodations for a largepercentage of the undergraduate men, a.ndother forces have combined to make theRevnolds Club less efficient than it former ly was. During the past year the membership dropped to approximately four hundredand the executive council appealed throughthe "Maroon" for suggestions of ways inwhich to rejuvenate the organization andmake it more effective. During the springquarter the "Maroon" published a series 01'articles analyzing the present condition otthe club, the needs of the University for amen's social headquarters, and offeringsome suggestions for the future.For several months the Board of Trustees,through its commission on the moral andreligious status of the University has beenmaking a thorough study of this wholequestion and a study of the status of othermen's organizations. In view of all thefacts discovered the President announcedat the June Convocation that the U niversi tyhad decided to take over the Reynolds Clubhouse and make it available to all men ofthe University on essentially the same basisin which the Ida Noyes Hall now servesthe women. This means that all men areentitled to use the Clubhouse privilegeswithout paying a membership fee; that allmen's organizations may use the rooms inthe clubhouse for their meetings by registering for them in advance; and that mixedgroups may use the house when the menof the group become the hosts for theoccasion and the affair has been sanctionedby the Dean of Women.Permanent headquarters have been assigned to the Black Friars on the third floorat the rear of the stage and to the Y. M. C.A. on the second floor in the old correspondence room. Slight changes .have beenmade in the rooms as follows: The correspondence tables and the books of thelibrary are now found in the first floor reading room. The original library furniturehas been placed in the large north loungeof the second floor and the old library has .been refurnished as a lounge. It is hopedthat the north lounge will become a realsocial room where men may use the piano,talking machine, chess tables, etc. Thetheatre and four club rooms on the thirdfloor will be available at all times, for booking by men's organizations.The clubhouse has added a free checkroom service for men in the basement andis thus attempting to meet a need that hasbeen long standing at the University. Forthe present student help will be used in thecheck room and at the counter in the gameroom.A Director of the Hall has been appointedby the University and will have his officein the first floor lobby where he can bealways accessible to the students.The Reynolds Club is of course greatlychanged by this new plan of the University.I t will no longer function as a social organization, but a referendum vote is being takenfrom the spring quarter members on anamendment to the old constitution whichwould make all men of the school eligibleto vote annually for an executive councilwhich would be advisory to the Director ofthe Hall on the use of the Clubhouse. TheUniversity Administration hopes in this wayto continue the identity of the old ReynoldsClub and through it achieve a real democratic control of the building.Alumni members will always find a cordial welcome in the old clubhouse and theUniversity hopes that in future years it maybe a real center to which the old men willreturn when they visit their Alma Mater.Football Tickets(Continued from page 334)making the distribution as successful aspossible- under the circumstances. Throughthe cooperation of alumni last season openspeculation in football tickets at loop ticketbrokerage offices was practically eliminated.A close checking system was maintained sothat the original purchaser's name wasreadily ascertainable when a given ticketwas reported as having been offered, for saleat more than its face value. Such few alumni .and students as- were among those detectedmisusing tickets have been and will bedenied the privilege of ordering tickets inthe future.No plan, clearly, can satisfy everybody.In establishing the priorities, prescribedsections, and limitations, every fair effortis being made toward a just distribution ofseats.THE LETTER BOX 337r···"'Q"'·""""'W""'''''''"''''''''''''.'�'�:IU'''�:';:::''''''';:':'Wm"�···'··"'""""·"'Q'''·'"'''l!'.'IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII0101I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1I1I1I1IIIi;oFavors Dropping Requests for RenewalsPeking, China.May 11, 1923.Dear Pierrot:I surely am in favor of the plan to keepon sending the Magazine until ordered discontinued. You are wasting postage on meby these continual "duns." I have alreadysent in my check, but it takes two monthsfor you to hear from me. I want the Magazine tight along. Just send me a bill annually.I have moved my family to Peking, China,where I ani now Treasurer and BusinessSecretary of the Presbyterian Mission, treasurer of several institutions, and also secretary of the North China Mission (Presbyterian).I am having a wonderful time. Yours.Clark C. Steinbeck, '07.News From BorneoSingapore, Straits Settlements,April � 7, 1923.Dear Sir:Having been graduated from the Department of Zoology of the University ofChicago, in the class of '16, I have alwaysfelt a great interest in scientific fields, although my work now is purely commercial.I am enclosing a clipping from theSarawak Gazette of April 3, 1923. I havefound it very interesting and am passing iton to you in hopes that you will likewiseappreciate it, and then pass it on to theZoological Department.For fear that you would not recall atonce the little country of Sarawak, I mayremind you that it is a very interesting government in the heart of Borneo, a government at the head of which is found a whiteruler. The famous Brooks familv came intopower there over fifty years ago, and sincethen have held the throne from the nativeroyal family. It is the only government ofits' kind in the world today.Sincerely yours,F. M. Starling, '16.c/o Standard Oil Company of New York,Singapore, Straits Settlements.Teaching Girls in ChinaAlumni Council,University of Chicago.To use a common good Chinese expression, I'm enclosing. $2 for my alumni duesto "save my face." I really have greatpride in acknowledging that I'm a graduateof' the University of Chicago, despite thefact I've "neglected" her so Iong-c-and I shall be greatly pleased to get the. AlumniMagazine again and get in touch with theUniversity's activities once more.I have been out here two years, teachingin the Southern Presbyterian Mission Schoolat Soochow, China. Everything is just asinteresting to me today as it was when Ifirst arrived. I love everything, from therickshaw rides, the boat rides on the GrandCanal (we are right on the Canal), themassive city walls, the narrow, dirty streetsfilled with teeming children, passengers conveyed on donkeys or in sedan chairs, orrickshaws-the lovely landscape of yellowmustard fields, dotted frequently with gravemounds covered with clumps of trees--.Ilove all this. And then, my school girls areadorable.Truly, we missionaries are here witnessing a real Renaissance period the Chineseare experiencing. Everything is changing,from the bound foot to the French heel shoefoot-from the secluded aristocratic helplesslady to the school girl athlete-from thesenseless (?) inferior woman to the woman's rights woman-from the heathen to theChristian-from the Christian to the agnostic-God only knows how it will end.Yours loyally,Alma L. Hill, '10.Geo. C. Smith Girls' School.Soochow, China.On President Burton's AddressJune 12, 1923.The Alumni Council,University of Chicago.My dear Sirs:Permit me. to thank you for the thoughtin sending forth President Burton's Addressto the Chicago Alumni. It is most stimulating reading. Continue the good work!Sincerely yours,Rev. Charles H. Me Curdy, Ph. B., '12.St. James' Church,Birmingham, Michigan.Concerning Education on the Continent .University of Poznan,Poznan, Poland.Please don't look for any $2.00 accornpan):'ing this epistle. I have no hopes ofgetting back to Chicago this year or formany years to come. And $2.00 means 120,-000 Polish marks, which is not to be givenout without a very substantial quid pro quo.Probably you now guess which side of theAlumni family I belong to, and doubtless itis my good law training which makes me338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfeel like protestirig against the idea whichmost Americans have in common as to European education., The ·only sense in which European education can be said to be undemocratic is dueto the fact that there are. separate popularschools for children who do not intend togo beyond the legal minimum of education,that is up to 14 years, generally. Theirschool; have a different program and aremore numerous than the gymnasiums, whichcarry the child up to the University.The gymnasiums are free a!ld open to thepublic. It is, therefore, entirely a matt�rof choice for the parents whether 'they wIllsend their children to the one school or theother. If some social differentiation resultsit is of the same kind which we find in thelower schools of America. The publicschools situated in wealthy districts' have adifferent clientele from those in poor quarters. Also, in the larger High Schools=-forinstance, in the one which I attended. 111New Y ork---<those preparing for college werein a separate division, and we never cameinto contact with those taking businesscourses etc. Moreover, I and the Iar g'ernumber' of my friends had come up fromprivate lower schools, which meant that wenever mixed with the "hoi polloi." So far,it seems to me the distinction betweenAmerican and European education is notvery great. I should add' that a child cantransfer from the popular schools into thegymnasium at any time should he decide togo on with his education. For instance, weare just now transferring our golf caddyfrom the popular school- to the gymnasium.His parents have agreed that he should continue his education to the University, atleast. There is no reason why other parents cannot do the same.As to University education, if �nything itis more democratic than American in thesense that it is more available to the poorstudent and is actually frequented by alarger pr-oportion of poor students. I shallnot attempt to go into figures, but merelygive two fundamental explanations of thisfact. In the first place, the fees are verysmall, practically nominal. This year thefee was 15,000- Polish marks for the year.That would' never count with anyone, nomatter how poor. Whereas, the Americantuition fee of around $150 a year is a considerable item, and where scholarships art:.given they only too frequently mean onlythat this fee is worked off at a low rate ofpayment for services rendered by the studen-to Thus, two hours a day for a wholeyear may be consumed in merely workingoff the tuition fee through a scholarship.The second large factor in the matter isthe fact that students in European universities are not required to attend classes regularly and perform as much steady grind asin American universities. It is quite pessihle for a man to have a regular job all the time, even miles away from his U111versrty, If he shows up occasionally that' isenough. He usually must attend a Seminarat least once every couple of weeks. Butthat is all that is expected of him. He borrows the notes from those who can attendclasses. Often he does not even do that,but simply works along on his own hook.There are no periodical examinations; inmost fields there is only the final doctor'sexamination. In the worst case there arefinal yearly examinations, oral, for only afew minutes in each subject, and one graduation examination for those who wish to beteachers with a university diploma, but nota doctor's degree.This is the Continental system generally,and everywhere there are students workingall day rezular lv for their living and yetgoing through the university. The nearestthing to this in America is the correspondence system, but this is a mere side line andas yet has very little place in the whole ar-rangemen t. 'Perhaps some of the above does not applyto the English system, for I have seennothing of that. But, in criticising Europe,Americans usually make .a mental reservation-consciously or unconsciously-in favor of their cousins in England, and thepoint is directed to the continent. And Itruly 'think that much of it is due to prejudice and failure to come into contact withthe actual facts. My own ideas as to European education were identical with theaverage American ones, and only since Imarried a foreigner-by the way, a formerlecturer .at the University of Chicago-andhave lived in ,close contact with Universitycircles here I have come to see the, otherside of the matter. Thinking you might beinterested, I hereby pass it along to you.With kind regards to all the Universityof Chicago, I am,Very sincerely yours,Mrs. Eileen Markley Znaniecka, J. D., '15.Lector of English, University of Poznan.P. S. My husband is professor of Sociol-ogy at the University of Poznan, the onlyprofessor of Sociology in Poland.Persistency-and RewardJune 21, 1923.Dear Mr. Pier rot :I always admire the persistence with whichthe Magazine goes after subscriptions. Ithink it is a fine thing that every man andwoman who was graduated from or attendedChicago should be frequently -rerninded of theopportunities that the Magazine offers forkeeping in touch with the campus. I am always looking for my Magazine. I f you cometo N ew York, and have time, I should be' veryglad to have you look me up.Sincerely yours,]. Albert Dear, r-, '19.The Jersey Journal,Jersey City, N. J.UNIVERSITY NOTES 339Remarkable Tribute to John MatthewsManly, Head of the Department ofEnglishA remarkable tribute to Professor JohnMatthews Manly, Head of the Departmentof English at the University, is a volumejust Issued from the University of ChicagoPress under the title The Manly AnniversaryStudies in Language and Literature. The volume is presented to him by his students andassociates on the completion of his twentyfifth year as Head of the Department ofEnglish in the U niversity of Chicago. Thebook, of nearly five hundred pages, boundin blue buckram and stamped in gold withthe coat of arms of the University, has fortytwo contributors, including, among others,Robert Morss Lovett, whose appreciation ofMr. Manly opens the volume, Robert Herrick, Frederic I ves Carpenter, Joseph QuincyAdams, Charles Read Baskervill, David H.Stevens, George Sherburn, George L. Kittredge, Tom Peete Cross, William A. Nitze,Ernest H. Wilkins, Karl Pietsch, and CarlDarling Buck.The volume concludes with a record ofProfessor Manly's life and a bibliography ofhis work.On May 22nd Professor Manly gavethe commencement address before the literary societies of Furman University, SouthCarolina. Professor Manly, whose father,Dr. Charles Manly, was for many yearspresident of Furman, has already receivedfrom that institution the honorary degreeof Doctor of Laws. He has been presidentof the Modern Language Association ofAmerica and is general editor of 1\;1oden1,Philology, published by the University ofChicago Press.Honorary Degree' Conferred on DirectorStaggWhat was regarded as the first time thatany institution of higher learning has conferred an honorary degree for work inphysical education was the action on Wednesday, June 20th, at Oberlin, Ohio, whenOberlin College conferred the honorary degree of Master of Arts on Director A. A.Stagg at its june Commencement.The degree was conferred upon Professor Stagg for "outstanding position in thefield of sport, for uplifting influence overin tercollegia te athletics, and for pioneerwork in physical education." The alumnigladly join in congratulating Mr. Staggupon this signal and well deserved honor.Coach Stagg was returning, at the time,from New Haven, where he attended' the30th reunion of his class of 1888 at Yale. Tablet in Mandel Hall CloisterCommemorating Service of Martin A. Ryerson to the University.An Adviser of Foreign StudentsThe large number of students of foreignbirth attending the University has led theUniversity to appoint a new officer, an Adviser of Foreign Students. Mr. Bruce W.Dickson, who has just been appointed to thisoffice, is a graduate of Carson and NewmanCollege, Tennessee, and has studied at YaleUniversity, the University of Arkansas, andthe University of Chicago, receiving hisMaster's degree at Chicago in 1916.The University now enrolls 85 Chinesestudents, 64 of Russian birth, 35 Japanese, 28Filipinos, 25 of Canadian birth, six born inPoland, six in Italy, and five in Korea; in allthirty-six foreign countries are representedin the student body. Of the 335 students offoreign birth in the University, one-fourthare Chinese. .More than sixty of these students are earning their way, partly or wholly. As to theirscholarship, it is an interesting fact that,while the foreign students number aboutone-twentieth of the enrolment at the University, they contribute one-tenth of themembers to Sigma Xi, the scientific honorsociety. Mr. Dickson's work will be to advise these students in their choice of studies,and in every way possible help to make theirstay at the University profitable to them.340 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERecent Gifts to the UniversityDuring the Spring Quarter just closedgifts to the University of Chicago included$180 from the Chicago Woman's Aid for theFellowship Fund of the Graduate School ofSocial Service Administration;' $255 from theBlackhawk Post of the American Legion asa scholarship for the best essay on the subject, "Why I am Proud to Be an American";and $360 from the Jewish Social Service Bureau of Chicago to provide two undergraduate scholarships in Social Service Administration.There were also two gifts of a thousanddollars each, one from the" Institute of Economics of Washington, D. C., to aid theDepartment of Political Economy in conducting research; and the other a bequestfrom the estate of Francis W. Parker" aformer Trustee.Fifteen thousand dollars also came as agift to the University from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial.On the recommendation of Mr. CharlesR. Crane the Friendship Fund has appropriated $5,OOQ for the Russian courses at theUniversity for the year 1923-24. Mr. Cranehas also promised $2,00<0 a year for threeyears for work in Armenian and Armenianhistory.Approximately $200,000' has been receivedby the University of Chicago from the Seymour Coman estate, the income of which isto be devoted to "scientific research withspecial reference to preventive medicine, andthe cause, prevention, and cure of diseases."This bequest is of special interest becauseof the recent request of the Senate that theUniversity should provide the sum of $1,-00'0,0'00 for research in the fundamental sciences and the suggestion of the Senate Committee on the Medical School that a likesum should be provided Ior medical research.Honors for Scientists at the UniversityProfessor Frank R. Lillie, chairman of theDepartment of Zoology, has been appointedby the National Research Council chairmanof the board on National Research Fellowships in the Biological Sciences. The newseries of fellowships in the biological,sciences (including zoology, botany, anthropology, and psychology) will be awarded topersons who have demonstrated a high orderof ability, for the purpose of enabling themto continue research at suitable institutions,preferably in the .United States. The baskstipend for first appointments will be $1,800.Professor William D. Harkins, of the Department of Chemistry, has been electedsecretary for four years of the Committeeon Grants of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science. Professor C.Judson Herrick, of the Department ofAnatomy, is a member of the same committee. Professor Coleman New Director of U niversity UnionProfessor Algernon Coleman of the Romance Department of the University hasbeen made director of the continental division of the American University Union forthe academic year 1923-24. Prof. Colemanwill be stationed at Paris, the headquartersof the Union, which was founded in 1917 forthe benefit of college men in the UnitedStates' armies.The new director will succeed Prof. VanDyke of Princeton who has been in chargefor two years, and will be aided by theAssistant Director and Secretary, Dr. H. S.Krans, who has served continually for anumber of years, and is thus the connectinglink between the new director and the pastof the institution.The Union, which has been placed On apermanent footing to represent, through itsParis and London offices, the American College and University world in France andthe British Isles, is supported chiefly bycontributions from 54 colleges and universities in this country. It is governed by aboard of trustees, of which former PresidentJudson of the University is chairman.There were 1,848 students from' the UnitedStates registered with the Union last year,of whom 817 were working in institutionsin Paris. The University of Paris throughthe Union has appointed three members ofits staff as advisors for American studentsand French authorities have always cordiall;seconded the Union in all of its activities.-----------------Dean James H. Tufts(Continued from page 331)problem at the present moment, but this raisesquestions as to buildings, equipment, libraryfacilities, proportioning of funds which reachout in many directions."The problem of better college work andbetter college life is similarly interwoven withthe ideals and methods of our graduate andprofessional schools. We are, of, course,limited in many directions by the financialconditions of our budget, but we need firstof all to see as clearly as is possible what ourparticular task is and how we can best accomplish it. In proportion as we think theseproblems through clearly and wisely from theeducational point of view we may with confidence present them to the alumni and friendsof, the University for their approval and support. It is my' .hope that I may be able toserve the University by cooperating with thePresident in studying these problems."With all members of the University andalumni who know Dean Tufts there is noquestion but what his services to the U niversity will be of great and, lasting benefit.And he may feel assured, with equal "confidence," that he will be accorded most hearty"approval and support" by the alumni.,uNIVERSITY NOTES-PROFESSOR STARR RETIRESNew Officers of the Renaissance SocietyOfficial announcement is made at the University of the new officers of the RenaissanceSociety for the year 1923-24. ProfessorFerdinand Schevill, of the Department ofHistory, has been' elected president; Mrs.Charles H. Judd, Mrs. Marquis Eaton, Mr.O. S. Davis, Mr. Walter Sargent, Professorof Art Education, and Mr. Henry H. Holsman, Chicago architect, vice-presidents; MissSusan Peabody, secretary; and Dean William Scott Gray, of the College of Education,treasurer. The new members of the executive conimittee include Professor Harry A.Bigelow, of the Law School; Professor JohnM. Manly, Head of the Department of English; Miss Sarah B. Tunnicliff, Mr. WallaceHeckman, and Miss Helen Gardner.Elected Director of John Crerar LibraryProfessor Ludwig Hektoen, Head of theDepartment of Pathology at the Universityfor over twenty years and director for thesame time of the John McCormick Institute for Infectious Diseases, has been electeda director of the John Crerar Library inChicago. Dr. Hektoen, who has. been president of the Association of American Pathologists and Bacteriologists and the ChicagoMedical Society, is the editor of The Journalof Infectious Diseases,Presentation of Hamlet at the UniversityUnder the auspices of The Gargoyles andthe University. of Chicago Dramatic Association three scenes from Hamlet were presented on June 2 in Mandel Assembly Hallby students of the University, the coach ofThe Blackfriars, Mr. Hamilton. Coleman,taking the part of the Prince, and Mrs. Coleman, a professional actress of note, that ofOphelia. The three scenes, which were presented in the Playhouse, Chicago, on theanniversary of Shakespere's birth in April,were given at the University in conjunctionwith Master Pierre Patelin, the fifteenth-century French farce.Promotions and New AppointmentsDuring the Spring Quarter just closedeighty-three members of the Faculties of theUniversity were promoted to a higher rank.. One hundred ninety-seven, with or withoutchange of rank, have had their salaries in- \creased; and eighteen new appointments tothe Faculties have been made, the latter including Major F. N. Barrows, to be Professor in the Department of Military Scienceand Tactics; Chauncey S. Boucher, Professor of History; Gordon J. Laing, Professorof Latin, general editor of the UniversityPress, and Dean of the Graduate School ofArts and Literature; and Quincy Wright,Professor of Political Science.Andrew C. Ivy was made Associate Professor of Physiology; Ernest P. Lane, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; and Baldwin Maxwell, Assistant Professor of English. 341Professor "Freddy" StarrProfessor Frederick Starr RetiresProfessor Frederick ("Freddy") Starr, fordecades one of the best loved members ofthe Faculty, pictured here in well-known"campus garb"-except, perhaps, that heshould be reading-retired in June, at theage of 65. At Reunion time, three notable"farewell" dinners were given in his honor.On June 5th, at the Hotel La Salle, a dinnerwas held under the. auspices of the Kongo13 Club, a group of his former students who,as a climax of their many years of interestin his work, are raising a fund to purchasea bungalow for him; on June 6th, at theChicago Beach Hotel, he was guest of honora t the tenth anniversary dinner of the classof 1913, having been, also, the guest of honorat the fifth anniversary of that class; and aweek later, at the Hotel Atlantic, a dinnerwas given for him under the auspices of agroup of prominent citizens of Chicago.Professor Starr, who was connected withPresident Harper when he was at Yale inthe late' eighties, joined the University's faculty at the "beginning" and met his firstclasses at the opening on October 1, 1893.In his thirty years at Chicago some 4,000students have been in his classes. His keenmind, his sharp, incisive wit, his pervadingoptimism, his wide knowledge made hisclasses notable as "eye-openers for themind." His kindly personality gave to hisclasses that element of personal interest inthe student, that helpful "human contact"that is desirable in large institutions."Freddy," as he was affectionately called,was constantly the source of many popularcampus stories.He was born September 2, 1858, at Auburn, N ew York, the son of the ReverendFrederick Starr of Auburn. He received hisS. B. at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, in1882, and his Ph.D. from the same institution in 1885. From 1884 to 1887 he wasProfessor of Biological Sciences at Coc Col-342 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElege, Iowa. For two years, 1889-91; he wasin charge of the Department of Ethnologyat the American Museum of Natural History. In 1907 Lafayette College conferredupon him the honorary degree of Sc.D., andCoe College conferred the honorary degreeof LL.D. upon him in 1922. His wide travels, particularly in Africa, South America,and the Orient, his. many books and articles,his connection with museums and worldfairs, and his striking lectures and debates,brought him very wide prominence in thefield of anthropology and ethnology.He was always interested in the alumniand alumni progress. During the QuarterCentennial Celebration in 1916 he was themain speaker at the Chicago banquet in Tokyo, Japan. During his travels he has addressed many Chicago alumni clubs, and has'attended a number of our alumni reunions.Professor Starr plans to make his home inSeattle, where, as he puts it, he "can easilyget back and forth to Japan and the Orientas occasion might require," and where hewill complete a number of books that hehas been planning for some time. The U niver sity, the students, and alumni regret tolose him, but all join in most heartily wishing him long life and fullest success in thetasks he has planned for the closing workof his notable career.Portrait of Professor Michelson Presentedto UniversityA highly successful portrait of ProfessorA. A. Michelson, for over thirty years Headof the Department of Physics, which waspainted by Ralph Clarkson, of Chicago, is agift to the University from a large numberof Professor Michelson's former studentsand other friends and admirers. Dean HenryG. Gale, of the Ogden Graduate School ofScience, has been a leading spirit in the enterprise. The portrait has been temporarilyplaced in the Quadrangle Club.Among Professor Michelson's achievements, which have brought him world-widefame among scientists, have been the fixingof the length of the French meter in lightwages, and the invention of the interferometer and its application to the measurementof giant stars.Announcement is made from Philadelphiaof the award to Professor Michelson of theFranklin Medal, regarded as one of the highest scientific honors in the world. The awardwas made by the Franklin Institute.Recently Professor Michelson was electedpresident of the National Academy of Sciences at Washington. He has also beenpresident of the American Physical Societyand of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science.At a recent meeting of the executive boardof the National Research Council ProfessorMichelson, as president of the Academy ofSciences, was elected first vice-chairman ofthe board. New Head of Dept. of Military ScienceBy appointment of the War DepartmentMajor Frederick M. Barrows, of the FieldArtillery, U. S. Army,. will succeed MajorHarold E. Marr as Head of the Departmentof Military Science and Tactics in the University on completion in August of the latter's four-year appointment at the U niversity. Major Barrows' first military experienceand training began with the Spanish-American War as a member of the 32d MichiganInfantry, and later he served an enlistmentof three years in the Third Cavalry of-theregular army.Returning to civil life he entered HamiltonCollege and upon graduation in 1907 wasappointed second lieutenant of Field Artillery, U. S. A., in which branch he has sinceserved continuously, attaining the rank ofMajor in 1920. During the World War heheld the grade of lieutenant colonel.Medal Awarded to Professor StieglitzProfessor Julius Stieglitz, Chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry, has been awardedthe Willard Gibbs Medal, given annually by. the Chicago section of the American Chemical Society to a chemist pre-eminent for hisresearch in pure or applied chemistry. Themedal, established by William A. Converseof Chicago in 1911, has been awarded inpast years to Madame Marie Curie, the discoverer of radium; Svante Arrhenius, director of the Nobel Institute at Stockholm; T.W. Richards, of Harvard University; A. A.Noyes, formerly president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston; andW. R. Whitney, director of the research laboratory of the General Electric Company,and others, The medal was presented by itsfounder, Mr. Converse, at the meeting of theAmerican Chemical Society at the City Club,Chicago, on the evening of May 25. Professor Stieglitz, who spoke on the "Theory ofColor Production in Dyes," was awarded themedal in recognition of his remarkable workin organic chemistry.Professor Stieglitz has been a member ofthe Department of Chemistry at the University since its foundation in 1892, Director ofthe University Laboratories since 1912, andChairman of the Department of Chemistrysince 1915. He has been president of theAmerican Chemical Society, and is a member of many scientific societies, Americanand foreign.- New Graduate Fraternity FormedA new graduate fraternity of the professional type has been formed on the U niversity campus to -include students in sociologywho are working for higher degrees. Theinsignia is a key bearing the Greek letters,Zeta Phi, which is the name of the organization. The society elects its own personnelon the basis of compatibility, scholarship,and high attainment in social research.There are six charter members and the active membership is limited to ten.UNIVERSITY NOTES+"�IIII_IIU_IIII_III1_IIII_IIII_IIII_III1_IIII_IIII_IIU_III1_I1II_I'�I =i Acting President Burton's Address on!i Acceptance' of 1923 Class Gift !. i+;I_"H_R"_III1_IIII_IIII_�III_IIII_IIII_III1_IIII_lIfl_IIII_11II�II"''''"Mr. Grey:"Members of the Class of 1923:"It gives me great pleasure on behalf ofthe University to accept the gift which youtoday tender to the University, and topromise you that it will be carefully preserved and cherished by the University. Idesire also to express my pleasure in theparticular character of the gift which youare presenting, and in the wisdom of yourselection. It is eminently suitable that thegifts of successive classes should constitutean historical record which successive generations of students will read. It is oneof the charms of the great English Universities that they abound in such memorials.'Ve are still young, and we have comparatively few. We ought to have more andmore as the years go on, and I am gladthat you are adding one today. _"I am especially happy that you are giving the University a bas relief of Mr. Judsonwhich will preserve his portrait in imperishable bronze for centuries to come."He has been the President of the Univer sity practically throughout your collegecourse, and it is' eminently appropriate thatyour class should in this way perpetuate thememory of his presidency."I do not know how many of you havecome to know President Judson personally.I hope that many of you have done so. Butprobably none of you can have known himas well as I, who have been his colleaguefor over thirty years and have served underhim as P-resident for seventeen years. Perhaps, therefore, I may venture to say to yousome things about him on the basis of mymore intimate acquaintance with him."The world knows him as an author, andas an educational administrator of unusualability, as a member of important �oardsand Foundations, and as representative ofthese Boards and of the national government on important Commissions to foreignlands. But I, who may claim to haveknown him as friend, should like to speakto you of two or three of his more personalqualities."President Judson is eminently a just man,one who in all the complex questions thatcome before the executive officer of a greatuniversity could always be relied upon' tosee all sides of a question, to weigh all considerations judicially, and to be preeminently just in his decisions."In the second place he is an absolutelyunselfish man. I remember his saying tome once in the confidence that he mightshow toward a colleague of many years,'N 0 one has any right to take this office inany other than a spirit 'of a�s?lute sel�sacrifice.' In that spirrt he adrninister ed his 343office. No tinge of self aggrandisementever marred his administration."In the third place, Mr. Judson is a verykindly man. To be just is not always to bekind. There is a justice that is cold andsevere. To be unselfish is not necessarilyto be kindly. The martyr, who is ready tolay down his life for a cause, may be harshand hard to live with. Mr. Judson is notonly just and unselfish, but kindly. Notthat he carries his heart on his sleeve, notthat he is emotional or gushing. - He isneither. But all those who have reallvcome close to him have found him to bea most genuinely kindly and sympatheticman."A president has to do many things thatare not pleasant for him to do, and that arenot welcome to those who are affected bythem. It is a great thing to have in thepresidential chair a man whom people trust:because they know that he is just, unselfish,kindly. I congratulate you that you inyour gift today are honoring a man whonot only has been a scholar and administrator, but a man whom his friends admire annlove because of his high personal qualities."Chicago Theological Seminary CornerstoneLaidThe cornerstone' of the new dormitories ofthe Chicago Theological Seminary was laidJune 5 in an impressive ceremony in whichthe half million dollar group of buildingsthat are to constitute the auditorium, library,and dormitories of the seminary was dedicated. The laying of the cornerstone waspreceded by exercises in Harper assemblyhall at which addresses were delivered byOzora S. Davis, president of the theologicals chool, and Dean Frank G. Ward.Victor F. Lawson, a member of the advisory committee of the seminary, presidedever the outdoor exercises, in which a groupof men prominent in literary and educatronalfields took part. 'Acting President ErnestDeWitt Burton, of the University, PresidentEdward A. Birge or the University of Wisconsin, and Dean Shailer Mathews and Professor James Hayden Tufts of the Univcrsity were among those participating in theceremony.President Davis in speaking of the connection of the seminary with the Universitysaid: "We are affiliated with the Universityof Chicago. Our administration and financesare independent, but we exchange creditswith the University and cooperate with thatinstitution in the work of our departments."The new group of buildings which are toconstitute the home of the Chicago Theological Seminary are to occupy the site betweenUniversity and Woodlawn avenues on Fifty,eighth street. They will consist of an auditorium, a small chapel, a library, dormitories,and social rooms. The buildings on U niversitv and those on Woodlawn avenues will beunited by a bridge over the alley that runsbetween them.344 THlj, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtll-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-lln-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-111I-11"-II�"II-IlI1-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-III1-IIII-IIII-IIII-III.I-11II-1U1-IIII-t� • If School of Education Ii Personnel Accounting, in High Schools !i William Claude Reavis !4'-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_11_1111_11II_1I1I_11I1_1I1I_1I11_.III_IIII_IIII_IlII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_UII_II+The enormous increase in enrollment inpublic high schools during the last two decadesand the attending changes in aims have createdmany administrative problems which were notrecognized or thought of in earlier decadeswhen ,the - chief function of the secondaryschool was to prepare for college. Then, highschool education was highly selective, andelimination and failure were regarded as satisfactory evidence that the preparatory schoolwas performing its task successfully, Now,secondary education is considered as fundamental for adolescents and as such it �mustprepare for citizenship and vocations as wellas for college. This change of educationalopinion gives the high school a new statusin public education. It no longer plays anintermediary role between the elementaryschool and the college. It supplements theelementary school on the one hand in assurning responsibility, to the state for the development of a higher type of citizenship in theyouth of our country and in discovering anddeveloping such inherent capacity as the individual student may have. On the other hand,its responsibility to the college is greater thanever before, for it must discover and sendon to the colleges for further developmentthose individuals who are best fitted to re-'ceive collegiate training.The high school 'has been slow in adjustingits administrative technique to the changedconditions. Until very recently it has mani-:fested no great concern regarding student lossthrough elimination and failure, But an elimination rate of approximately two-thirds ofthe enrollment between the dates of admission and graduation, and a failure rate involving over half of the remaining student per,sonnel in one or more subjects each year, havebrought to a focus the issue of institutionalefficiency and a realization of the importanceof reducing student waste to a more reasonable minimum.People are no longer blind to the fact thatit is one thing to enter large numbers ofpupils in the first grade and quite another toretain a large per cent of them until theycomplete the high-school course. Merely toreport pupils as "withdrawn" or "failed"satisfies no one. It is at best an expression ofopinion, not a statement of facts. Who knowsbut that the teacher has failed rather than thepupil t Indeed, judgment of teachers regarding "passing" or "failure" is no longer regarded with the finality of bygone days. Itfollows, then, that the school must set up more scientific media for acquiring facts andfor determining their value.It should be generally recognized by teachersand administrative officers that many of the"so-called" failures of students are onlysymptoms of underlying causes. The causemay be in the school system or in the studenthimself. To temporize with the symptomswithout attempting to determine and to re-.move the causes will never materially reducepupil waste. The machinery must be installedin the school for ascertaining the causes, andthe remedial treatment and the technique ofadministering it must be acquired before asatisfactory personnel accounting can be made.If the cause of failure is found to be' theresult of maladj ustment between pupil andschool, the school must survey itself with theview of determining its shortcoming and ofmaking the readjustments required. This maynecessitate thorough curriculum reorganization, improvement of the technique of teach- .ing, the selection of better textbooks, the useof more and better supplementary materials,more scientific program-making, better classification and grouping of students, more scientific methods of measuring results, andgeneral improvement of the physical plant ofthe school. Progress along anyone or all ofthe foregoing lines should contribute to schoolefficiency and should be regarded as evidencethat the school as an institution is not temporizing with its task.. If, on the other hand, the cause of maladjustment is found to be within the student,then where does the responsibility rest? Thereare, no doubt, cases of maladjustment forwhich the school cannot accept responsibilityfor remedial treatment. But in general suchcases constitute a real test of the efficiencyof the school, and failure to put forth reasonable effort to discover the cause of themaladjustment and to give or to advise theproper remedial treatment is' an admission ofincompetence. .In the average high school no great arnoun 'of consideration is given to the maladjustedstudent. He is marked "failed" in the schoolrecords and is usually required to repeat thecourse. An accumulation of failure marksgenerally means r the elimination of the student from school, Some high schools haveattempted to meet this condition by the establishment of' special help classes after scheol.If the. maladjustment is caused by absence,poor foundational preparation, or slowness,the pupils affected may be able as a result ofthe supplementary assistance to retain stand-PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING IN HIGH SCHOOLSing in regular classes. On the other hand, ifthe difficulty is caused by lack of mental capacity, attitude, or organic disability, othermeasures must be adopted.The University High School has attemptedto develop sa system of personnel accountingbased on the principle that the school has aninstructional duty to every student. The individual pupil is regarded as the unit of administration as well as instruction. To thisend the administrative officers have developeda technique which makes the administrativeoffice the clearing house for problems of maladjustment involving either the class-roomprogress or discipline of the students. Theadministrative officers do not wait until thestudent has actually failed before they beginto act. Teachers report at the end of eachweek any pupil whose work has been unsatisfactory with suggestions for administrativecooperation. The report is studied and thepupil is summoned for interview or the reportis mailed to the parent if it is considered necessary or desirable. Maladjustment thusreceives attention in its incipiency and as aresult failure may be averted.In order that the pedagogical history 9£the students may be known by the administrative officers, personnel reports on eachpupil are made once each year by the teachers.These reports are cumulative in character andafford valuable data for diagnostic purposeswhen maladjustment has to be dealt with orfor personnel rating when required.Other facts regarding the student's pastare made accessible in order. that a case maybe studied in the light of its background. Inthis connection it should be pointed out thatit is rarely possible to find leads to the solution of a difficult case of maladjustment inthe results of a superficial physical examination or a single intelligence test. Such resultsare no doubt worth getting, but the array atfactual evidence must be much greater. TheUniversity High School secures a completerecord of the developmental history of thestudent which includes the results of athorough medical examination and anthropometric measurements on the student's birthday, or as near thereto as possible, each yearof his residence in the school. Cumulativerecords of school attendance and progress with. the scores made at different intervals on standard tests and examinations are accessible,as well as evidence of mental capacity revealed'through various psychological tests. Observations of volition, emotional and socialcharacteristics, habits of attention and. work,are also available for examination and study.From the records containing the data enumerated the interplay between the problem caseand' his environment can be studied and cuesmay be found which may lead to successfuldiagnosis and proper remedial measures.For purposes of remedial treatment, maladj usted pupils are roughly classified accordingto the following types: (1), intellectual casesthose lacking the knowledge and training re- 345quired to do the work upon which they areengaged; (2) volitional cases-those who canbut won't because of indolence, insubordination, or lack of power to concentrate on uninteresting material; (3) physical cases-thosehandicapped by bad health, malnutrition,crippled or developmental conditions ; (4)psycho-physical-those incapacitated by defective sense organs, incoordination or defectsof the central nervous system and its endorgans; (5) mental cases-those actually deficient in mental capacity; (6) emotional cases'-those who appear to be controlled by attitudes detrimental to the successful accomplishment of school work.If the administrative officer is able to classifythe maladjusted pupil according to the characteristics of type or types exhibited in thestudent's behavior, it becomes relatively easyto prescribe or advise remedial treatment, andto secure the cooperation of teachers andparents in carrying out the corrective measures. Of course, it is hardly possible that allmaladj usted students can be effectively restored to normal work in the school by thetechnique described. However, this factaffords a poor excuse for the absence of adefinite, well-formulated administrative policyfor per capita accounting in a modern highschool.It should be recognized that skill to copesuccessfully with the problems enumeratednecessitates special training and administrative fitness not required when secondary _ education was practically limited; to the "fittest"and when. the emphasis in teaching wasplaced on the subject-matter taught. Therapid growth of secondary education, with itsincreasing demands, has created a new type ofinstructor and a new type of administrator,who regard personnel accounting as a professional responsibility rather than another'stask.Some progress has already been made inpublic high schools in the directions indicated.Personnel deans have been added to thefaculties to account especially for the problems which influence the high-school girl.Some high schools have added similar officersfor high-school boys. A few are utilizingthe services of specialists in gathering dataregarding the developmental history of thestudents, and in the more scientific measurement of students and their school work.However, student waste in secondary schoolsis still too great. and the obligation of theschool to account for what it receives is stilltoo lightly assumed and too blindly discharged.NOTICE!This July number closes the Magazine-year for 1922-1923. The Magazineis published 9 times a year. The nextnumber, starting Vol. XVI, will appearin November, as usual.346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBook ReviewsThe Manly Anniversary Studies inLanguage and Literature(The University of Chicago Press)Friends and colleagues of Mr. Manly, following an old precedent of universities hereand abroad, have commemorated his twentyfifth year as head of the Department of English in the University by publishing a volumeof research studies in language and literature. Lest the common error of ascribingto Mr. Manly the original authorship of theselections in his collection of English poetryand prose be repeated in this connection, wewant to emphasize the fact that he did notwrite this volume, however much he mayhave inspired it. The 'Anniversary Studies. are the work of eminent scholars from various univerisities of the country.The variety of specialized talent in scholarship which has gone into this volume hasbeen productive of a great deal of valuablematerial on literary problems. The bookpresents in convenient form research papersnot available elsewhere. The problems dealtwith are of vital interest to lovers of literature, and that they are not always solveddoes not detract from the value and interestof the discussions.Consider the following as suggestive of thetype of problems with which the studies inthis volume are concerned. John Tatlockhas written on Lazamon's poetic style andits relations, pointing out its profusion of epicformulas, and the popular rather than classical nature of its versification. Was thename of the Green Knight, Bercilak or Bertilak? is the problem which James Hulbertsets himself. Edith Rickert discusses theprobability of Chaucer's having entered literature by way of the law. A new principleof Elizabethan staging is uncovered byGeorge F. Reynolds. Helen Hughes' studyof English Epistolary fiction before Pamelaadds interest to Richardson's work and disposes of the myth of the novelist's unnatural isolation. George Sherburn's note onthe Canon of Pope's works is a contributionto the establishment of such a canon, whichis so necessary to the revision of many opinions about the poet which appear unjust inthe light of recent discoveries. The deter-.ruination of a sound text of Burns is furthered by -George Marsh's contribution. TomPeete Cross draws some interesting conclusions as to the source of the "Passing ofArthur" legend and Albert Tolman dealswith sign-words and pro-words in modernEnglish.The studies are not limited in subject matter to purely technical questions of scholarship, involving sources" dates, and language development. Wideness of interest is obtained by the inclusion of non-technicalstudies in interpretation. To those interested in questions of literary method, Robert Herrick's account of Henry James'change of working habits and its effect uponhis style, will be of especial interest.There is a popular superstition that scholars invariably search out the technical andthe dull side of their subjects, and neglectthe elements of human interest. Here is awork which constitutes a strong argumentagainst such a notion. These scholars havehad an eye for the interesting phases ofhuman nature, and they escape being termedjournalistic only because the things theydiscuss happened centuries' ago instead ofyesterday. Edith Rickert gives us a glimpseof Chaucer beating a Franciscan friar inFleet Street, and D. D. Griffith points outhis very human attempt to remove 'the unorthodox from the G. Prologue following hischange of religious attitude. John QuincyAdams presents Shakespeare as a scribbler ofrhymes for grave stones. Jonson as a maker ofnone too delicate jests appears in the paper byTheodore S. Graves. C. B. Cooper showsus Captain Morris as .an enthusiast withpower of expression inadequate to his ideas-a figure for the novelist as much as forthe scholar. G. L. Kittredge lingers overthis question: was Percys' Nancy. handsomeas some say, or plain, as others affirm ?Altogether the Manly A nniversa1'jl Studiesestablish points of contact with varied tastesand represent much solid scholarship. Thebook is a delight to the discriminating asmuch for its admirable purpose of making abow to true distinction as for the excellenceof its materials.Assignment of Honors at the UniversityOn the basis of scholarship and leadershipin undergraduate activities Acting PresidentBurton appointed the following students asCollege Marshals and College Aides for the-year 1923-24.Marshals: Russell Cowgill Carrell, headmarshal; Clarence Jacob Brickman, ArthurCochrane Cody, Orladay Paul Decker,Campbell Dickson, Irwin Le Roy Fischer,Russell Pierce, Robert Peace Pollak, PearceShepherd, and John Laurens Van Zant. Thenew Head Marshal is president of the Juniorclass.Aides: Margaret Bassett Abraham, LucilleMarie Hoerr, Winifred King, Dorothy HelenMcKinlay, Savilla Story Schoff Millis, JuliaCrancer Rhodus, Helen Chapman Tieken,Adeline Elizabeth Vaile, and Dorothy Canfield Wells.AFTER EDUCATION FOR ALUMNIAfter Education for Alumni"A recent issue· of School tm.d Society,that stimulating and wide-ranging weeklyjournal of educational thought and action,contains the following item: 'A uniquereading and study plan has been offeredto the 5,500 alumni of Amherst College,The college proposes, through its faculty,"to offer guidan-ce to, and to promote conferences for, its alumni and their friends,in order that those who wish to employtheir leisure time after graduation in seriousand orderly study in subjects of particular interest to them may have the opportunity." ,"Although the proposal of after-cducation for alumni is not unprecedented, we. know of no plan for such work which hasbeen brought to the stage of continuous andsuccessful operation. The Bulletin, without design to make itself a channel forsystematic in-struction to alumni, hasprinted occasional lectures by members ofthe Harvard faculties. The PrincetonAlumni Weekly started a year or two agoto issue certain college lectures for distribution among graduates, but the Princetonplan contemplated no enrollment of studen ts, no conferences and no con tin uedguidance in reading. The Amherst schemeis more ambitious. Apparently it involvesinstruction, at least to the extent of guidance . in reading, by corresondence and byconferences at stated intervals. That is very different from the sporadic publication of lectures, and if it works out wellit will indeed be unique."The difficulties in such a scheme are obvious enough. How many alumni haveleisure for 'serious and orderly study,' except on the lines of some special interest,which is likely to be very practical andwhich may so shape itself as to be remotefrom the interest of the college professor?Can the professors take on a new burden,which may demand the reorganization oftheir materials, or researches in special dir ections, without detriment to their teaching and productive study? In spite ofthese and other doubting questions, theAmherst plan may realize certain promisesin the very idea of university study whichhave never been fully realized before. Itmay keep alive the desire for study aftergraduation and it may keep collegiate teaching and research in closer touch with common needs. If in these two respects itdraws the college and its alumni into closertouch, the effort to maintain it will bejustified. As in .such enterprises generally,the chief problem will doubtless be theproblem of organizing the machinery formaking the scheme work effectively andwithout undue sacrifice to other and moreimmediate concerns. If Amherst can showthe other colleges how to do it, Amherstwill have done a piece of valuable pioneering."-The Harvard Alumni Bulletin 347�our Jjook of :Jffltmorit�of lour ((ollege 1i\ap�FUN TO FIX AND FUN TO LOOK ATBrown Leatherette Book with tooled Harper Library design111 upper right corner, and coat-of-arms in lower left.Size, 12 x 16 inches.NOW AT SPECIAL PRICE$3.00 Postpaid348 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSE S'AND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association Notes'95-The Rev. Franklyn Cole Sherman,D.B. '99, is president of the American Guildof Health, 1108 Ullmer Bldg., Cleveland, O.'98-Mrs. Robert A. Hall (Lolabel House,A.M.), now Dr. Lolabel Hall, head of theEconomics department of Bay Ridge Highschool, was recently appointed a memberof the Ettinger Survey Committee to studyteaching effectiveness in the New YorkCity high schools; her address is 446 Seventy-fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.'98-Laura L. Runyon, founder of the Chicago Alumnse Club, teaches history in theCentral Missouri State Teachers" College,Warrensburg.'99-N. M. Fair is cashier of the FirstNational Bank in Mankato Kansas.'99-Arthur Sears Henning, for runeyears chief Washington, D. c., correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, recently lectured on press work at Washington beforethe students of the School of Journalismof Northwestern University.UNIVERSllY COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEveni ng, Late Afternoon andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.For Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean, Univet'sity College.The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. '02-Miiton H. Pettit is vice-president ofthe Simmons Company of Kenosha, \visconsin; his business 'Office is at 110 East42nd St., New York City.'03-Mrs. Florence Ellenwood (FlorenceAshcraft), wife of the Rev. E. Dean Ellenwood, pastor of the Universalist Church atWoonsocket R. 1., is on the Board of Directors of the Children's Horne at Woonsocket:'03-W. J. McDowell is factory repre-·sentative of the Buffalo Forge Company,with offices at 562 West Washington St.,Chicago.'04-Floyd E. Harper, J. D. '06, is nowgeneral counsel of the Albert Emanuel Co.,public utilities, 61 Broadway, New YorkCity.'06-Mrs. Helen G. Masters . (Helen G.Smith), wife of Principal J. G. Masters, '12,A. M. '16, 'Of Omaha Central High School,recently won the prize given by the OmahaWomen's Press Club' for the best shortstory. Mr. Masters will teach this summer at the University of Pennsylvania.Chicago Alumnihave a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, IllinoisNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS'07- J. M. Baptiste is manager of the.United Chemical Companies, 401 DelawareSt., Kansas City, Missouri.'07-vVilliam A. McDermid, general salesmanager of the Autographic Register Co.,Hoboken, New Jersey, was a special lecturer in the School of Administration and Finance, at Dartmouth College, in April.'08-Paul W. Pinkerton, of Coffield,Sanders & Co., Indianapolis, was recentlyelected president of the Indiana Associationof Certified Public Accountants.'09-Aaron Arkin, Ph. D. '13, is studyingconditions in Vienna, Austria, where he will• be for about a year.'09-Fielder B. Harris, M. S. '15, is County Superintendent of Schools, 'Warrencounty, at Franklin, Ohio.'l1-,Nicholas A. Sanko wsky is teachingat Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey.'13-Chester S. Bell, J. D. '15, is withTaylor, Ewart & Co., investment securities,105 South La Salle St., Chicago.'13-Helen Dorcas Magee, a Red Crossworker since 1918, is at present at the U.S. Veterans Hospital, No. 30, Chicago; herhome is at 5626 Dorchester A venue.'14-W. F. Coolidge, A. M., is principalof the Community High School, GraniteCity, Illinois.'14-Mrs. G. W. Whiting (Florence Barrett)' now resides at 433 Albert Ave., EastLansing, Michigan.'16-0rville D. Miller is with the Consolidated Machine Tool Corp., 17 East 42ndSt. New York City.'17-Herbert J. Wachter is manager,credit department, of the Ruberoid Co., 417S. Dearborn St., Chicago.'18-Chester K. Wentworth, who receivedhis Ph. D. at Yale this June, has. beenawarded a Bishop Museum (Hawaii) Fellowship in Geology by Yale University for192::-24.'19-Kenneth A. Mather is manager ofthe extension department of Brown & Bigelow Co., St. Paul, Minn.'21-Howard K. Beale, who received hisA. M. in history at Harvard in 1922 and isnow studying there for his Ph. D. is anAssistant in 'history at Harvard. '- '21-Karl D. Hesley is director, BoysDepartment, of the Henry Street Settlement, 265 Henry Street, New York City.'21-Gordon H. Simpson is executivesecreta�y of the Urban League of St. Louis,Mo., with offices at 2329 Market St. '. '22------:Helen M�lls has been teaching Chernistry 111 the High School at South Milwaukee. Wisconsin.'22-Fredericka V. Blankner, A. M. '23,recently won the prize for the best ode onthe restoration of the Columbian Fine ArtsB�ilding in Jackson Park, Chicago.23-Ralph E. Huston was chosen asR�od�s scholar at Oxford, England, forIll1110lS for 1923-25; he will specialize inmathematics at Oxford. 349- - - - -- - - - -SPALDING" Stepon Air""Rajah" Soles of crepe rubberare so light and resilient thatthe effect is of stepping on air.They permit a viselike grip onthe ground yet will not inj urethe most delicately keptgreens. Attached to the popular Spalding low cut tan calfleather shoes - equally suitable for street or fairway.Pair $10.00Golfers' Headquarters211 South State St. Chicago_-.;.... _-_-_-Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoEstablished 1885. Oldest Agencyunder the same active management.FREE REGISTRATION to University of Chicago students. On returning documents a College President wrote:"I am grateful for the -promptattention you always give to. ourappeals for help. I am especiallygrateful for the courteous attent ion given to me - on my. personalvisit to your office in September.It was a surprise to see so manyManagers, Clerks, Steno-graphersall earnestly engaged in their work,and to meet so many groups ofschool men from day to. day, onthe same errand as myself."Students and Alumni of the' University are always welcome. It costsyou nothing to interview our Managers and will bring results Wehave the business.Other offices437 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.Symes Bldg., Denver, Colo.Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash.350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained, Women PlacedasEditorial' and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines1804 Mailers Bldg.,5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 5336We Print �be Wnibeuitp of Qtbicago maga?ineCall and inspectour. building,��'i�t ���ifi�i!�� Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist and a Large, Absolutely RELIABLE Printing House�t�i���¥ro� PRINTERSPrinting and AdoerUsing AdvisersOne of the larg- and the CooperatiVe and Clearing House������ePr1:t� fOT Catalogues and Publications�ir��n�l.:.'t��� Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and LaSaUe Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones+Local and Long Distance=Wobask 3381BOOKSOld and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the hook you want.WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORE·Sv, A. WOODWOPTH. '06. ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 E. 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, • 1540 E. 63rd StreetEnglewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueOur new "Loop Store"112 So. Wabash Ave., (near Monroe St.)Telephone Dearborn 2259The orders 0/ Teachers and Lihraries Soliciled +"-U_ .. _.'_"_'._.I_.'_"_"_"_"_"_"_'+i c. and A. Association I+"_'H_.n_"�'._IIII_.It_I;I._ .. _ .. _.u_ .. _ .. _ .. _n+'2o�E. B. Mittleman, Ph. D., has beenpromoted to an Assistant Professor in theSchool of Commerce, Oregon AgriculturalCollege, Corvallis, Oregon.'22-Harold R. Geobel is in the investment security business with A. C. Allyn &Company.'23-Homer P. Balabanis, A. M., has accepted a position as an instructor in Humboldt State Teachers College, Arcata, California, for the coming year.'23-Harold Noyes, Ph. B., will be withthe Palmolive Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.'23-Hazel Piper, Ph. B., is in ActingPresident Burton's office at the Universityof Chicago.'23-C. B. Raval, Ph. B., has direct charge- of the financial administration of a branchof the Philippine government service.'23-Harold E. Christiansen, Ph. B.; willbe at the University of Chicago Press afterAugust 1.rr;:::�s::::-l• 1+-"-.'_'.-'.- .. -.'--'_"_'.--'_'I_'.---'+Nineteenth Annual Meeting of Associationof Doctors of PhilosophyThe nineteenth annual meeting of the Association of Doctors of Philosophy of theUniversity of Chicago was held at the newQuadrangle Club on Tuesday; j une 12, 1923,immediately following the Annual Complimentary Luncheon. tendered by the U niver-:sity to the Doctors. There were 133 members and invited guests in attendance, including the 35 new candidates.The special guests of honor were ActingPresident Ernest De Witt Burton, ProfessorMyra Reynolds, now retiring after 30 years'continuous service at the University; DeansAlbion W. Small and James Hayden Tufts,and Professors John M. Coulter and Eliakim Hastings Moore.The doctors celebrating their twenty-fifthanniversary at this time were: . PhilosophyA. W. Moore, E. C. Moore, A. K. Rogers,Amy ,E. Tanner; Political Economy-H. J.Davenport, H. P. Willis; Political ScienceL. B. Evans, Ethel G. Hatfield, Anna L.Inskeep; History-v E. A. Balch, J. W. Fertig Cora L. Scofield; Sociology-I. W. Howe�th; Oriental Languages and LiteraturesP. C. Baird, F. J. Coffin, H. E. Jones; NewTestament Literature, and Interpretation-E.J. Goodspeed; Greek-T. C. Burgess; Latin-F. B. Hellems, Esther B. VanDeman, A.T. Walker; Comparative Philology-HelenM. Searles; Romance Languages and Lit-NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSerature-L. C. Cipriani; English-EleanorP. Hammond; Mathematics-H. E. Slaught;Physi_cs-E. S. Johonott; Chemistry-F. B.Dains, O. Folin, Elizabeth Jeffreys, H. N.McCoy; Physiology - W. D. Zoethout;Botany-W. L. Bray, O. W. Caldwell, H. C.Cowles, W. D. Merrell. Of these the onespresent were E. A. Balch, H. C. Cowles,E. J. Goodspeed and H. E. Slaught.The total number of Chicago doctors isnow 1,510, of whom 56 are deceased. Thetotal number added during the year 1922-23is 114, of whom 35 were candidates of thisJune Convocation. The number of doctorates in the Sciences leads those in Arts inabout the ratio of 75 to 62.In accordance with the resolution passedlast year, to establish a class of AssociateMembers to consist of those members of ourfaculties (not· our own doctors) who haveat any time supervised a Ph.D. thesis, opportunity was taken to elect Acting President Burton as the first Associate memberin this class. He was given a most heartygreeting-indeed, an ovation-and he responded in a most interesting and inspiringimpromptu address.A second ovation was given ProfessorMyra Reynolds, the first one of Our members to retire from active service with theUniversity. She was the first fellow in English and had been in active service for threedecades as a member of the English facultyand as head of Foster Hall. She spoke inher inimitable style, to the great pleasure ofall present. Nothing but a verbatim reportcould do this address justice.In reply to a question proposed in connection with the call for the meeting, some twohundred responded with respect to-the newalternative plan for publication of doctors'theses. This plan is printed on pages 9-10of each departmental circular and every doctor is on the permanent mailing list for thereceipt of this circular of his own department. Any member who has not receivedhis copy should so state by card to theMailing Division of the University Press.The responses were not sufficiently definitive to tabulate satisfactorily, but those whoexpressed a categorical opinion were threeto one in favor of the new plan. Some ofthe replies given below will indicate the nature of the reasons both for and against thenew plan:(1) For the New Plan:"A step in the right direction. It gives achance to preserve the necessary details inthe thesis proper and to publish a shorteraCCOUI1 t for the important findings for thegeneral scientific reader.""Generally favorable, but I hope thatmeans may be found within. the departmentby which significant studies may be published.""Needs to be supplemented by provisionfor publication of selected theses, but other- The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, convenient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$330,000,000Northwest CornerDearborn and Monroe Sts.Chicago 351352 THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEwise is a necessary financial relief to thegraduate student.""In view of the fact that dissertation� nowgenerally get into print in some standardjournals in the field covered, I heartily approve the new plan."(2) Against the New Pian:"The old plan was better. A mere abstract is not enough. It is even difficultsometimes .to locat� theses where they arepr inted entrre as separate documents.""The abstract plan is not desirable at leastin the science departments, since �nly thecomplete thesis, as it appears in the journals, will ever be consulted.". "There is. a distinct loss to' the University111 not having duplicates of all theses fordistribution to other universities."The treasurer reported a balance on handof $61.41 after payment of all bills for theyear. As is well understood, the clues arenow paid to the Alumni Council and henceno funds now. come in to the SecretaryTreasurer, but there is still the aboveamount left over from the previous reaimewhich the Association is using for itt expenses as needed. When this is gone weshall draw upon a budget allowed from' thegeneral treasury of the Council. It is unnecessary to urge the doctors to continuethis loyal support to .the Alumni Council bypayment of membership dues-we, havealways been relatively among the foremost111 our support.The Committee. o? By-Laws, appointedlast year, stated that Its formal report wouldbe presented at the next meeting. The Dir�ct�ry of Doctors has been published anddistributed to all doctors and. to univer sities, colleges and public libraries in thiscountry and abroad. It is a very irnpor tant :document, showing the output of doctors bydepartments, by groups of departments andby years,' ,The Nominating Committee proposed thatthe present officers be re-elected for thecoming year; this recommendation wasunanimously carried. They are as follows:President, Herbert Lockwood Willett, '96.Vice-President, Mayme Irwin Logsdon'21. 'Secretary-Treasurer, Herbert EllsworthSlaught, '98.The officers represent the Association asdelegates to the Alumni Council.Herbert E. Slaught, Secretary. Doctors' News NotesE. C. Case, Geology '97, Professor of His!orica� Geology at the University of Michigan, IS on leave of absence in South Africacontinuing his investigations of Permian'vertebrates. He has also been visitinz mu-seums in Europe. bG. A. Bliss, Mathematics '00, who is Professor of Mathematics at tte University, hasbeen chosen together with D. R. Curtis ofNorthwestern University as members of theEditorial Committee for the Carus Mono ...graphs. The third member of this' committee is Professor H. E. Slaught of the University of Chicago.' The Carus Monographsare to. be small booklets, each treating inexposrtory style some topic of mathematicsin such a way as to bring the subject withinthe reach of those who have studied theordinary college course in mathematics, buthave not specialized further.Annie M. MacLean, Ph.M. '97, Sociology'00, of 902 Elmwood avenue Evanston Illinois, recently received the honorary d�greeof Doctor of Letters from Acadia U niversity, Nova Scotia, Canada; this is the firsthonorary degree ever conferred by that institution on a woman, and it is the first timethat institution has conferred an honorarydegree on anyone in absentia.G. F. McKibben, Romance Languages andLiteratures '05, who has been for two yearsin the Seminario Bautista at Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, will spend the summermonths at Mansfield, Ohio.Samuel MacClintock, Political Science '08,has recently located in Chicago as EconomicResearch expert with the firm of MarshallField & Company.A. D. -Hoie, Geology '10, Vice-Presidentof Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana,plans to take a class of students in Geologyto the Yellowstone National Park duringthe coming summer.K. F. Mather, Geology '15, who is Professor of Geology at Denison University, isspending the summer in Alaska working under the auspices of the U. S. Geological Survey. For the first semester of next year, hewill serve as "Visiting Lecturer in Geology!'at Harvard University.R. C. Moore, Geology '16, expects tospend the summer in western Kansas engaged in petroleum geology.Lester Dragstedt, Physiology '20, who isAssistant Professor, has accepted a positionas Professor of Physiology and Head of theTwenty-seventhYear The Love Teachers' Agency A. A. LOVE,ManagerTelephone 1353-W Free EnrollmentFargo, North Dakota62 BroadwayNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacol-ogy at Northwestern University MedicalSchool.R. E. Wilson, Mathematics '23,. who isProfessor of Mathematics at NorthwesternUniversity, has recently been appointedDean of Men, which is a new office in thisinstitution.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONArthur V. Bishop, J.D. '21, is practicingwith Goss and Rooney, 1040 Tribune Bldg.,Chicago.Castie M. Brown, J.D. '17, is Professor ofPolitical Science at the State Teachers' College, Moorhead, Minnesota.. Earl B. Dickerson. J.D. '20, 707 W. Washington St., Chicago, has just been appointedAssistant Corporation Counsel under MayorDever in Chicago. .Inghram D. Hook has moved his lawoffices to 1508 Federal lteserve Bank Bldg.,Kansas City, Missouri.Harold P. Huls, J.D. '21, is practicingwith Joseph Scott, 1012 Black Bldg., LosAngeles, California. •William Kixmiller, J.D. '10, and ArnoldBaar, J.D. '14, have moved their offices tothe lllinois Merchants Bank Bldg., wherethey will continue the firm of Kixmiller andBaar, specializing in federal tax matters. Louis Lasman, LL.B. '23. is with ShelleyB. Neltnor, 123 West Madison St., Chicago.Frederick c.. Lusk, J.D. '22, is with Inghram D. Hook, 1508 Federal Reserve BankBldg., Kansas City, Missouri.William V. Morgenstern, J.D. '22, hasmoved to 1253 Conway Bldg., Chicago.Edward D. McDougal, Jr., J.D. '23, iswith Cutting', Moore, and Sidley, 11 SouthLaSalle St., Chicago.LcRoy D. Owen, J.D. '23, is practicing at1305 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago.Miss E .. Victoria Allen, J.D. '20, may beaddressed at 5043 15th Ave. N. E., Seattle,Washington.Walter. L. Backer, LL.B. '20,_ is . _withHowe, Fordham. & Kreamer, TribuneBldg., Chicago.Axel J. Beck, J.D. '22, is practicing at.1202 Marquette Bldg., Chicago .John M. Branion, LL.B. '23, is with J.Gray Lucas, 204 East 35th St., Chicago. .Arthur E. Borough, J.D. '23, is .. withLongworth, Stevens & McKeag, 1235 FirstNational Bank Bldg., Chicago.George A. Carmichael, LL.B. '22, is practicing at Suite 801, 69 West W as hi ngtonSt., Chicago.Benjamin B. Davis, J.D. '23, is with William L. Sullivan, 426 First National BankBldg., Chicago.Arthur M. Gee, J.D. '15, is with the OhioOil Company, Casper, Wyoming.Fred W. Gee, J.D. '23, is practicing atLa wrenceville,-- Illinois. 353SMITH SAUER MOTOR CO.-2436 SO. MICHIGAN AVEDISTRIBUTORS•THE STURDYCASED. UNDERHILL SMITH Ex'12 CLARK G. SAUER '12354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERALPH C. MANNING, '00, J. D. '03Realtor and Insurance BrokerChicago West Strbuebarr Real EstateTown and Country Homes210 West Liberty Drive Phone: 195Wheaton, IllinoisHome Ownership is True CitizenshipJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.rn W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310·Paul H.Davis&GompangMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We! pecialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, , 11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex-'06Ralph W. Davis,'16 Byron C. Howes, Ex.'13N.Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three l\;1onths' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergradua tes given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago Benjamin Herzberg, J.D. '22, is with Rosenthal, Hamill & Wormser, 10.5 West Monroe St., Chicago.Louis P. Holt, J.D. '23, is with Chapman,Cutler & Parker, 111 West Monroe St., Chicago.Morgan P. Jones, J.D. '22, has been teaching debating and political science in SiouxFalls, South Dakota.Ralph D. Lucas, J.D. '17, and Robert C.Woolsey, J.D. '13, have formed a partnership under the firm name of Woolsey &Lucas, with offices in the Weinberg Bldg.,Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. Lucas was for-merly a member of the Chicago Bar.Roy B. Marker, J.D. '15, has been appointed City Attorney of Sioux Falls, SouthDakota. He has been practicing in that citysince 1915.Frank D. Mayer, J.D. '23, is with Mayer,Meyer, Austrian & Platt, 208 South La SalleSt., Chicago.Hulme Nebeker, J.D. '23, is with Bagley,Fabian, Clendenin & Judd, Suite 409 KearnsBldg., Salt Lake Csty, Utah. Robert L. Judd,LL.B. '10,· is a member of this firm.Julian P. Nordlund, J.D. '23, may be addressed at 1673 York St., Denver, Colorado.Carl D. Ottosen is with Teed & Hess, 105West Monroe St., Chicago.Allin H. Pierce, J.D. '23, is with Alden,Latham & Young, 134 South La Salle St.,Chicago.Joseph R. Rose, J.D. '23, is with AaronSoble, 11 South La Salle St., Chicago.George Rossman, J.D. '10., is a CircuitJudge in Portland, Oregon.Berthe Fain Tucker, J.D. '23, is practicingat Greencastle, Indiana.Weightstill Woods, J.D. '1'3, has movedhis offices to 232 South Clark St., Chicago.+I-U- .. � .. -"-'.- .. - .. - .. - .. -.'-'.-"-"-·+! it . School of Education I.+II- .. - .. - .. - .. _ .. - .. - .. _ .. _ .. - .. - .. - .. -n-.J.'i 7-Alice Irwin, Ph.B., has been connected with the Publicity Department of thePeoples Gas Light and Coke Company ofChicago ,since March, 1922.'17-Katharine L. McLaughlin,· A.M.,S.B., 1913, who is in residence this summer,has published "A Suggestive Course ofStudy for Kindergarten-Primary Grades forCalifornia" as one of the recent Bulletins ofthe California State Department of Education.'22-May Hill, Ph.B., is spending the summer in Europe.The following alumni are giving coursesin education at the institutions indicated during the present summer: Mary L. Dougherty, Ph.B. '16, A.M. '17, State NormalSchool, Moorhead, Minnesota; Paul W.Terry, Ph.D. '20, University of Missouri;Warren D. Bowman, A.M. '22, Peabody. Col-NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSlege, Nashville.. ';renn.; Delia Kibbe, Ph.B.'20, A.M. '22, Emory University, Georgia;Yard L. Tanner, Ph.D. '22, State TeachersCollege, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Marjorie Parker,Ph.B. '23, University of Colorado, Boulder,Coloradoj George W.· Willett, Ph.D. '23,Flagstaff, Arizona.Some of the alumni in residence at theUniversity of Chicago this summer are:'10-George B. Johnson, Ph.M., Mrs. IdaC. Langerwisch, Cert.'13-Ruth Coggeshall, S.B.'14-Margaret S. Chaney, Ph.B.'15-Margaret Feeney, Ph.B., Frederick P.Schoeppel, S.B.'16-Lura M. Dean, Cert.'17-0Iiver E. Seaton, A.M., Audrey E.Tanzey, Cert., Ruth Woodring, Cert., GraceH. Woolworth, Cert.'18-Margaret Canty, Ph.B., May Gleason,Ph.B., Florence Morgan, A.M., Eva M. McMillan, Ph.B., Minna Ullrich, Ph.B.'19-Avis Gray Chapel, Ph.B., Florence R.Eddy, Cert., Cornelia Enos, Ph.B., MaryEllen Icke, Ph.B., Edna Liek, Ph.B., Russell Wise, A.M ..'2(}-M. Ethel Brown, Ph.B., ElizabethBruene, A.M., Harry A. Cunningham, A.M.,Oscar Granger, Ph.B., Charles W. Hill,A.M., Helen Laurie, Cert., Georgina H.Lord, Ph.B., George W. Patrick, Ph.B., Leslie Quant, A.M., Ira H. R. Welch, A.M.'21-George J. Drossos, Ph.B., ·Floyd E.Farquear, A.M.'22-Charles W. Baker, Ph.B., Henry E.Bennett, A.M., James W. Clarson, Jr., A.M.,Eugene M. Hinton, A.M., Gertrude Malloy,Ph.B., Elizabeth C. Miller, Cert., Laura R.Thomure, Ph.B.University Preachers for Summer QuarterThe University Preachers for the Summer Quarter have been announced at theUniversity as follows:The first University Preacher, June 24,will be Herbert Lockwood Willett, Professor of the Old Testament Language and Literature in the University. July 1, EdwardScribner Ames, Associate Professor ofPhilosophy, will be the Preacher; and July8; Dean Shailer Mathews, of the DivinitySchool.Other Preachers for July are Dr. Carl S.Patton, of the First Congregational Church,Los Angeles, California, and Dr. ShirleyJackson Case, Professor of Early ChurchHistory and New Testament Interpretationin the University of Chicago.For August Peter George Mode, AssociateProfessor of Church History in the U niversity ; Dr. Thomas Wesley Graham, Professor of Homiletics in the Oberlin GraduateSchool of Theology; and Rev. Noble S.Elderkin, of. the Pilgrim CongregationalChurch, Duluth, Minnesota, will be thepreachers. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL) PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS) VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERc. RAY PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASHIERFRANK F. SPIEGLER, ASS'T CASHIERWILLIAM E. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHARL'ES H. HULBURDCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONEDWARD B. BUTLER JOHN J. MITCHELLBENJAMIN CARPENTER MARTIN A. RYERSONHENRY P. CROWELL J. HARRY SELZERNEST A., HAMILL ROBERT J. THORNBCHARLES H. WACKERForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits 355THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS WANTED!If you are available for an educationalposition of any kind, you are invited to callat the offices named below. The work isnational in scope, and comprises the largestteacher placement work in the United Statesunder one management.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU1610 Chicago Temple77 W. Washington St.(Exclusively for college 'and university teachers.)FISK TEACHERS AGENCY814 Steger Bldg.28 E. Jackson Blvd.EDUCATION SERVICE1210 Association Bldg.19 S. La Salle St.NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston$1.00Starts aSavingsAccount $100.AlOOpens. aChecking. : AccountThe most efficient capitalist keeps hismoney working. Every dollar is a littleworker and you 'should put it to work,not to sleep.Invest in our First Mortgage BondsON HYDE PARK PROPERTYINTEREST 7 PER CENTThe bonds are certified and registered by the Chicago Title & TrustCo., trustee, and the title guaranteed forthe full amount of the bonds.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKA CLEARING HOUSE BANK1354 East 55th St. Corner Ridgewood �·-----Il_::���·����n:__�atriagt5Jennette Kennedy, '96, to David MoffatMyers, April 10, 1923, in Portland, Oregon.At home, New York City.Dr. Franklin C. McLean, '07, S. M. '13,Ph.D. '15, to Helen Vincent, June 11, 1923,in Tientsin, China. At home, 706 Huntington avenue, Boston, Massachusetts.Helen Hare, '15, to Dr. James O. Ritchey.At home, 1641 Central avenue, Indianapolis,Indiana.\i\Tilliam M. Shirley, Jr., '16, to Meta J.Schickel, May 3, 192::t. At home, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Margaret Monroe, '17, to Roderick Macpherson, ex '16, May 12, 1923. At home,4800 Kimbark avenue, Chicago.Alfred Ray Strong, '17, to KatherineTrumbauer of Newark, New Jersey, in December, 1922. At home, 1815 Jones' street,Sioux City, Iowa.Barbara Hendry, '18, to Newton Holman,June 9, 1923, in Oak Park. At home, Bar-tlesville, Oklahoma..Caroline Louise Jenks, A.M. '19, to JoshuaShaw Wingate, May 26, 1923. At home,Roseville, California.Pearl 1. Henderson, '19, to Milton C.Asher, January 12, 1923, in St. Joseph, Michigan. At home, Sherman Apartments, Michigan City, Indiana.Paul Yates Willett, '19, J.D. '22, to EdithVestal Doan, '20, April 28, 1923. At home,6648 Kenwood avenue, Chicago .Mildred Janovsky, '20, to Alvin O. Wiese,June 20, 1923. At home, 2301 W. Garfieldboulevard, Chicago.Florence W. Chinn, A.M. '21, to Dr. SungTao K wan, May 12, 1923. At home, SanFrancisco, California.Helen Graham, '21, to J. Thomas M usselman. At home, 5426 Dorchester avenue,Chicago.Ellen Gleason, '21, to Robert D. Birkhoff,ex '21, November 28, 1922. At home, 6802Merrill avenue, Chicago.1Sirtb5To Arthur L. Adams, '11, J.D. '14, andMrs. Adams, a daughter, Luane, April 13,1923, at Jonesboro, Arkansas. .To Grant C. Armstrong, J.D. '11, and Mrs.Armstrong, a daughter, Mary' Janet, N0-vember 29, 1922, at Pontiac, Illinois.To Horace Sloan, J.D. '12, and Mrs.Sloan, a daughter, April 11, 1923, at J onesboro, Arkansas.To Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Applegate (J ennie M. Houghton), '12, a daughter, Margaret Alice, April 29, 1923, at Manasquan,New Jersey.MARRIAGES) ENGAGEMENTS) BIRTHS) DEATHSTo Miles O. Price, '14, and Mrs. Price(Fannie Elliott), '13, a son, Miles, June 16,1923, at Washington, D. C.To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiner (MaryElizabeth Koll) , '15, a daughter, HarriettKatharine, April 10, 1923, at Chicago, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Dickinson(Ruth Allen), '15, a son, Philip Hugh, April5, 1923, at Chicago, Illinois.To Albert B. Moore, A.M. '15, Ph.D. '21,and Mrs. Moore, a daughter, Jean Myrick,November 23, 1922, at Ames, Iowa. .To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dodd (Mildred A.M. Smith), '18, a son, June 13, 1920, at NewYork City.To Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Reis (RoseFrances Kramer), '19, a daughter, Marjorie,February 17, 1923, at Chicago, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Allin-Smith(Harry B. Smith, '19, and Corinne E. Allin,'19), a son, Wesley, May 21, 1923, at London, England.To Arthur C. Wickenden, A.M. '20, D.B.'21, and Mrs. Wickenden (Ethel" Russell),'16, a son, Herbert Russell, March 21, 1923,at Owatonna, Minnesota.To Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Higgins (EdithRuff), '20, a daughter, Joanne, May 7, 19n,at East Cleveland, Ohio.To Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Gordon Neale(Margaret K. Mumford), S.M. '21, a 357daughter, Julia Anne, January 9, 1923, atMinneapolis, Minnesota.To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gier (MarianCreyts), '21, a daughter, Susanne Creyts,August 21, 1922, at Lansing, Michigan.To Claude W. Sankey, A.M. '21, and Mrs..Sankey, a daughter, Miriam Lucile, in April,1923, at Ida Grove, Iowa.meatbsElisha Anderson, '79, D.B. '82, August 22,1920, at his home in St. Louis, Missouri.John G. Schliemann, D.E. '90, July 1, 1922,at Hennessey, Oklahoma.Francis Marion Merica, '97, January 22,1923, at Garrett, Indiana.Oliver E. Wells, '98, December 26, 1922,at Wausau, Wisconsin.Frank W. Pickel, S.M. '99, head of theDepartment of Biology in the State University of Arkansas, in November, 1922, atLittle Rock, Arkansas.Clifton O. Taylor, '99, head of Department of Education at Pratt Institute, April10, 1922, at Brooklyn, New York.Thomas A. Hillyer, '01, November 25,1922, at Edinboro, Pennsylvania.Thomas L. Comparette, Ph.D. '01, in July,1922, at Philadelphia; Pennsylvania. He wasCurator of the Museum of the United StatesMint for sixteen years.Day i�nd day outI•FATIMA358 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson. '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co�900 The Rookery .Telephone Wabash 180.0.BRADFORD GILL, '10 WILLIS H. LINSLEY, '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTELEPHONE WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96. HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 74RAYMOND J,.-DALY, '12Investment 'SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7500.-John J. Cleary.i jr., '14ELDREDGE' & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange Building1';1. Wabash. 1240. ChicagoCornelius T eninga, '11REAL ESTATE and LOANSPullman-Industrial DistrictTeninga Bros. & Co, 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000.John A. Logan, '21Investment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY20.8 So. La Sane 'St. Wabash 0.820 Virgil E. McCaskill, Ph.D. '01, May 2,1922, at Superior, Wisconsin.Mrs. Mary D. Somervell, '03, April 14,1922, at Washington, D. C.Mrs. Ada Warner Gray, '03, August 10,1922, at Granby, Massachusetts.Lucy R. Watkins, '03, July 28, 1922, atOakland, California. -Mrs. R. K. Maiden (Martha CarolineDowell), '05, A.M. '16, October 13, 1921, atBelton, Texas. Her husband, Dr. Maiden,has given Baylor College for Women atBelton a memorial fund in her honor.Mrs. T. W. Wheat (Genevieve Sisson),'05, February 16, 1923, at Malta, Montana.Charles H. Turner, Ph.D. '0'7, February14, 1923, in Chicago, Illinois.Rachael A. Harris, Ph.M. '08, AssistantLibrarian of the University of N orth Carolina, in August, 1922, while visiting in Chicago.Floy A. Raven, '13, August 14, 1922, ather home in Holland, Michigan.George Ethelbert Lockhart, A.M., D.B.'13, April 28, 1923, in Barrington, Illinois.Cora Davis, '15, Supervisor of VocationalHome Economics Education in the Stateof Illinois, January 8, 1923, at Springfield,Illinois.John F. McBride, S.M. '15, research instructor in chemistry at the University ofChicago, March 4, 1923, at Chjcago.(Concluded on, page 360)Joseph Fishman, '15GENUINE NAVAJO ROGS:'& NOVELTIESdirect from IndiansFor prices, addressDANOFF, FISHMAN COMPANY- . Gallup. New MexicoSam A. Rothermel '1 7Insu�an'ce,'w,ithMOORE, CASE. LYMAN. & HUBBARD1625 Insurance Exchange. .: Wabash 0.40.0Luther M. Sandwick '20-, ',With _ _,H. M. ByUesby and Company,Investment Securities -. ,208 S. LaSalle St. .:Wab�s}i --0820 .,�Motion Pictures?Educational- Characterbuilding - EntertainingMathew A. Bowers, '22TEMPLE PICTURES, Inc.Cal. 4767 230.1-11 Prairie Ave .• ChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 359����HATEVER your "Choice ofa Career", college traininghas increased your economicvalue. In any business or�����, profession, adequate lifeinsurance is a proper self.. appraisal ofvalue to the State, the family and your ..self. The traditions, practices and financialstrength of the John Hancock Life Insur ..ance Company are such that you cantake genuine pride in a John Hancockpolicy on your life. It is a distinct asset.Should you desire to go into a satisfac ..tory business for yourself-to build yourown business with the aid of a strongorganization, to secure substantial remuneration in return for hard, intelligentwork-then it will pay you to sell JohnHancock Insurance.We invite inquiry from you regardinga possible career or an adequate JohnHancock policy on your life.Address Agency DepartmentOF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTSSixty,one y eatsin Business Largest Fiduciary Institutionin New England .360 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEarly Meat Parades inPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia saw the first "fat stock shows" inAmerica.William Penn started them-semi-annual fairsto encourage fine stock raising, and semi-weeklymarkets to get the meat to the consumers.They became a part of the city life.Fine animals, gayly bedecked, were driventhrough the streets on parade, with a trumpetergoing ahead, the butchers bringing up the rear,and the citizens lining the way.When properly advertised in this fashion, theanimals were dressed and the meat carried tothe market on High Street, where the peoplehad to go to buy it.Twice a week the Quaker housewives walkedover to the markets with their baskets on theirarms-the only w�y -they had of' getting meat.* * *People do not have to follow fat animals downthe street today to get their daily meat.It is waiting for them at their nearest dealer;whatever kind or cut they desire; fresh, sweet,wholesome; brought often from great distances,by a thoroughly organized, but competitiveindustry that gathers together, prepares anddistributes the meat supply of the nation.Swift & Company has 23 packing plantslocated at strategic points throughout the country, where live animals are received and turnedinto meat by modern, sanitary methods. Branch'distributing houses at consuming 'centers supply-retail dealers continuously.Direct refrigerator car shipments serve countrypoints and towns not large enough to warrant branchhouses.Refrigeration keeps the meat at a constant low temperature, from the time it is dressed until it reachesyour dealer's ice-box a few days later.All is planned and operated so scientifically thatthis food wealth is conveyed from where it is raised towhere it is needed at the lowest cost possi-ble.Swift & Company profits from all sources are sosmall compared with the volume handled that theyare only a fraction ofa.cent per pound, on the average.Swift & CompanyFounded' 868A nation-wide organization owned by more than45,000 shareholders Deaths (Concluded)Dr. Joseph O. Balcar, S.M. '16, in February, 1923, at West Frankfort, Illinois.Edna Marion King, Certificate '17, November 6, 1922, at Springfield, Massachusetts.Elmer J. Wilson, '18, August 14, 1922, atFond du Lac, Wisconsin.Harry Amos Eyler, '19,. January 27, 1923,at Parnassus, Pennsylvania.Rebecca Davis, '20, in August, 1922, atAva, Illinois.Dorothy Brody, '23, June 26, 1923, at' herhome in Chicago.The wife and eight-year-old son, Edward,of Earle E. Eubank, Ph.D. '16, suddenly asa result of an automobile accident near NewPalestine, Indiana, June 16, 1923. Dr. Eubank was motoring to Chicago; where hewas to deliver a series of lectures before aconvention of sociologists. The injuries ofDr .. Eubank and his three daughters are notserious.Registration of Students at Chicago for1922-23In the June Convocation Statement ofPresident Burton the following strikinz record of registrations for the past year wasgrven :In the Graduate Schools, 3,452; the SeniorColleges, 1,741; the Junior Colleges, 1,934;unclassified students, 711 ; University College, 2,301; the Divinity School, 491; theCourses in Medicine, 390; the Law School,440; the College of Education, 1,772; theSchool of Commerce and Administration,840; arid the Graduate School of Social Service Administration, 111_:_a total exclusiveof duplications, of 12,760. 'If to this number are added the 6,800 receiving instruction in the CorrespondenceStudy Department, the grand total ofpersons pursuing studies under the Facultyof the University was 19,560. .Degrees Conferred by University DuringPast Academic YearDuring the past academic year the U niversity has conferred the degree of Bachelorof Arts, Philosophy, or Science on 770 students; the same degree in Education on 119;the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) on24; that of Master' of Arts in the DivinitySchool on 36; that of Master of Arts or Science in the Graduate Schools on 291; thedegree of Bachelor of Divinity on 15; thedegree of Doctor of Law (J.D.) on 60; thatof Doctor of Philosophy in the. DivinitySchool on 9; and -that of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate Schools on 105-a totalfor the year of 1,327. .Six hundred and fifty-eight degrees wereconferred at the recent June Convocation,and the total number conferred since thefounding of the University thirty-one yearsago is 17,627.To men who begin. at the bottom - nextmont' for big men.b�g :fi.eld! there's always. room'f»ere, is Foam up here., In. anation. ypu can reach the top., energy, experience aad imagistre'Dg,tb to climb. Wrtbadded"college tFaiDiitg will give you, faeturimg' and commercial. Yourgraduates,-engineering" mann ..'divisions of the industry 0llen, ,toThere are three ever-broadenin,g"l'al'ge.,a,nd :finally thewholeweeld,town are the state, the: eOl!l�b:y ator COD1'Rl.cliiDication. And after theeleetrified- j'n .heat, light, power, , iyaul"own home town is eomp�ete�yis now only in its }7'0utb., Nlot 'evenmanner'rem'embertbaifttbeind!uslry'Pubtislzed in,IIze ;,,,ierest 01 Electrical Develo/lmmt byan Institution that will'be helped b, whatever helps the/"d"stey� its iifl!faocy. As you begfn In a lIikewhen the electrical i"lldns.iry was in 'HERElis'wh:erethe'e�ecutivesbe,gan"I't!sl'em Electric: ColI/pallYTil,;,' ,aJ've,rtisement .is o,n:e 0/ II series in stuate,nlpubUeat;o""". It mq,.r.em;nd' alumni 01 tbe;r ·uppo,r.tuni-ty, :to' heJp .tlle .undergt:adtlote, ,by suggestio,n anaad'O;ce •. to get morll ,o,ut 101 b;s lour year,. )1,ItiIi:1::tJOURNE. Y.. fN;G back.. to Jranual'Y- if mernory serves y01,l we. H-you will r�call OUT"Dynamite and Printer's Ink" announcement.,. which was the first definite step, towards the inauguf.ation of our "new :merchandising plan." ,In ihis widely ,dis�ussed: piece of .commercial'.lite.ratu re-charge� wi#lz 3inceri(g,. and hrea,#lzintdepance fiJ,the pld gua,rrd-:-we laid: .considerable stress upon the, fact that our new ,pianwas ·'far-reaching." Indeed. that ttl would revo'iut,ronize the ,cI.othing ,ind,ustry;, that.,itsinfluence would be fett, th,.oughout the leng,th and breadth of the land.And so, hooking up past predictions with present realities" it gives us pleasure to pubHcly acknowledge ,the compliment paid us by many of the lc:�din� do,thing firms 0'£ the,na,tion. who have. alrelldy adopted our "new plan," and who thilik as we think, anddream ,aa we dream of .lli�her ideals. ..-Thi-s: ;s 1m era of P.rpgr·ess-an age ofSe,ptce� . AIi>1:tnd'ant. p,rGof of this is atfG\t'�ed by the firstsix months .grueliling test ,6f the "new'plan" in our own 'business. Raising the standardof the clothing industry has. enabled us. to otfer the fin est clothes: in America. And thepublic has shown its appreciazion by t.rebH�g ou·r c1'O,t�ing business.At the outset 'of the ":new order :of thj,ngs�' not 'aiFf, hut many' patterns were exclusive,and it is a notable Ifact that. men w\he had not worn. relldyoolto-wear cfe;thes for. yearscame to :avail ,themselves of these "exolusive thinp. '" In other w:o'l,ds" the ":exclusivethings" were $na1pped up'qruickty, thus,. proviJil'g d)·at the big, outstaJil�Hng feature ofour new pla"n-�'exclusiveness," -is precisely what, the well d�essed man ,desires.Time has solved i'ntrioate manufactueing' preblems for us, and with the ides of Septemher practlieally every g,armell't in the Capper & Crappe,r stoeee wiH be "exc'lusive."This will be not at ,aU difficult, all oaeef the lRvioIa)&:Ie rules, of this institution is toc.ariF)! no goods over f,roInI$eltson to eeason,Fa,r-reaclzing •. ,indeed: As the 'silent, ,speedy !�oUs-�oyce maintains >IIi position of leadership in the automobile wodd, so Capper'(Ie Capper "heart and soul" clothes dominatethe clothing industry. PI'�l'ess simply will not be denied.