Ube Unibtf!itr \!fQhkago O)agalintI��� PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI CoUNCIL ���r!JpUBJ;!!l!:;: �ut for ServiCeExtensive editorial preparation must be provided before anauthor's manuscript can be given to the printer. When firstsubmitted for publication it is read and evaluated by a competent�authority in the proper field, and is then presented to the Board of University!Publications. Inhe approval of the critic and of this £q:cuiLty committee are.secured, the manuscript is then ready for the editorial readers, who go over.every sentence to make sure that the author's style and grammatical construction are consistent throu:ghout. They indicate sizes and styles of evpeto be used, and after the coraposkton 'is finished, read the proofs for com ..parison with the manuscript.The principles governing the editorial procedure at the Univer ..shy of Chicago Press have been published in a small volume,A Manual of S�yle. This codifiicadon of rales of grammar, rhetoric, andtypography is now in its. seventh edition, and duough years of use has become the standard authority in many places where good books are made.Q." T:he Negra in Chicago illust.. rat. es t.he, effectiv... en.ess of SUdh. editorialJl preparation. In manuscript form rhis 6n-page volume, by theChicago Commission on Race Relations, was a vast. collection ofreports summarizing three vears of study. This material was classified, tabulated;and Indexed under the dtrection of the editorlal readers ofehe Press and finaliv.puhlished as a riarraetve, which· is now being .evervwhere received as 'one of theoutstanding: contdbut,ions to the llteracureon ,the Negro problem. ,THIS IS THE SECOND OF A SERIES OF ADVERTISEMENTSTHAT WJ!L'I .. iDI!,sCRIIBE THE MAKiING OF GOOD BOOKS ATTHE U'NIVERSITY OF CHICAG'O PRESSEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Editorial BoardC. and A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association-A. G .BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Association-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M.,' '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association=-Dtu.t s KIBBE, '21.The Magazine is published monthly from N overnber to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20' cents. ITPostage is prepaid by' the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philip.pine Islands, Guam, Samoan Islands. ITPostage is charged extra as follows: For 'Canada, 18 cents onannual SUbscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).URemittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within th e month following the regular month .of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been Jost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to TLe Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.VOL. XV CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1922 No.2FRONTISPIECE: YERKES OBSERVATORY.CLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS , 43,EVENTS AND CO'MMENT ........•.............•........................•.. " .........•.• 45PRINCETON ApPRECIATION 47ALUMNI i\FFAIRS '.............. . .. '" ...••• , 48PRONIINENT ALUMNI ......•...................•.....................................•. 51THE LETTER Box .....................................................•............... 52TICKET TROUBLES-ELSEWHERE 54"THE CIRCLE" ..... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES 56CRICAGO DEA�S (A SERIES). DEAN NATHANIEL BUTLER .............................•..• 57ATHLETICS ........................................................................•.. 58UNIVERSITY NOTES ............................................................•...•... 61SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS). NOTES 64BOOK REVIEWS ..............•..............................................•. ', . . . . . . .. 66NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS .............................................• 68MARRTAl.fS, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS .. , ;. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 794142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Councilof the University of ChicagoChairman" CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretary-Treasurer. ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1921-22 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1923, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '8;;);THOMAS J. HAIR, '03; LEO F. WORMSER, '05; ALICE GREENACRE, '08; WILLIAM H.LYMAN, '14; MRS. RUTH DICKINSON, '15; Term expires 1924, MRS. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRS. GERALDINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MARGARET 'V. MONROE, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHN P.M!!'NTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H. SWIFT,'07; ELIZABETH BREDIN, '13; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18.From the Association ofDoctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.-SLAUGHT, PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGDON, PH.D., '21. 'From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. ]. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.BRJiGGS, .ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law School Alumni Association, S. CLAY JUDSON, J.D., '17; CHARLES F. McELROY,A.M., '00, J.D., '15; BENJAMIN F. BILLS, '12, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; J. ANTHONYHUMPHREYS, A.M., '20; MRS. GARRETT F. LARKIN, '21.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;DONALD P. BEAN, '17; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, WILLIAM MACCRACKEN, '09, J.D., _'12; HOWELL W. MURRAY,'14; RALPH W. DAVIS, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; MRS. HOWARD W1LLETT, '07; HELENNORRIS, '07._From the' University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the A lumni Council:.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Ch-icago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCI;\'rrONPresident, W. H: JONES, '00, D.B. '03, 4400 Magnolia Ave., Chicago.Secretary, A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresiJent, S. CLAY JUDSON, J.D., '17, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago,SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Al_UMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, W. E. McVEY, A.M., '20, Thornton High School, Harvey, Ill.Secretary, FLoRENCE WILLIAMS, '16, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14, Halsey; Stuart & Co., The Rookery, Chicago.Secretar», Mrss CHARITY BUDINGER,. '20, nOR1 Kimhark Ave., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University, of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-:-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIES'IJ�.'1J4.'95.'!)(I.·!J7.'U8,'99.'00.'01.'02.'03;04:'01),'06,'07, Hermal) von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.Scott Brown, 208 S, La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66thPlace.James M. Sheldon, 41 S. La Salle St.Edith L. Dymond, Lake Zurich, Ill.Clara H. Taylor. 5838 Indiana Ave.James D. Dickerson, 9246 S. Robey St.Helen Norris, 72 ·W. Adams St. 40.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay. 5330 Indiana Ave.'10, Bradford Gill, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy,' 4830 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. W.· Ogden Coleman. 2219 S. Halsted St'15. MI·s. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 1124 E. 52nd St.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 1204, 134 S. La Salle St.'18. Barbara Miller. 5520 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 Woodlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 52nd St.'21. John Fulton, Jr. (Treas.), 4916 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Ave.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Pope,.702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Mona Quale Thurber, 320 Tappan St.,Brookline, Mass. "Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Harriet L. Kidder, 1310 W. 22nd St.,Cedar Falls, Ia._Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., Ralph W.Davis, 39 So. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. CharlesHiggins, 203 Forest Ave., Oak Park.Cincinnati, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Sec., Nell C. Henry, Glenville High School..Columbus, O. Sec., Roderick Peattie, OhioState University.Connecticut. Sec., Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919· Foster Bldg,Des Moines, Ia. Sec., Hazelle Moore, Des.Moines Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec., Alvan Roy Ditt-rich, 511 Board of Trade Bldg.Iowa City, Ia. Sec., Olive Kay Martin,State University of Iowa.Kansas City, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.LOuisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1514Rosewood Ave.MilwaUkee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 425�. Water St.Mtnnp.apolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin Cities Club). Sec., Charles H. Loomis, Merchant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Sec.,Lawrence J. MacGregor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 Wall St.New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. HelenePollak Gans, 15 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., Madeleine1. Cahn, 1302 Park Ave.Peoria, Ill. Pres., Rev. Joseph C. Hazen..179 Flora Ave.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W .. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., M. R. Gabbert; University of Pittsburgh.Portland, Ore. Sec., Joseph Dernmery, Y.M. C. A.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., Vol. H. Leary,G25 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (N orthern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., Tracy W. Simpson, 91 NewMontgomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall.603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia. Sec., Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.South Dakota. Sec., E. K. Hillbrand,. Mitchell, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, Ia., Rock Island andMoline, Ill.). Sec., Miss Ella' Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Vermont. Pres., Ernest G. Ham, Randolph,Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington, D. C. Sec., Gertrude Van Hoesen, 819 15th St.West Suburban. Alumnae (Branch of Chicago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.George S. Hamilton, 367 Franklin Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,-112 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis. P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. John Y. Lee, ShanghaiY. M. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. K W. Clement, First HighSchool.44 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZiNEYerkes ObservatoryThe present year witnessed the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Yeo kes Observatory at Williams Bay, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The Observatory site comprises 71acres. Dr. .Edwin Brant Frost, Professor of Astrophysics, is the Director. In thefirst quarter-century of its service, just closed, the Observatory has taken rank amongthe' foremost observatories of the world in its contribution to astronomy and astro-physics.University of ChicagoMagazineTheDECEMBER, 1922 No.2VOL. xv•\Vithin the last two weeks or so a greatdeal of adverse criticism was aroused againstthe University because ofNeeds and an ill-advised and entirelyOPPortunities unauthorized editorial which, appeared in the Daily M a-�Ron. This unfortunate editorial, rashlyl11spired" by the, tremendous demand fortnore seats at Chicago football games,gat.ed that a stadium is 110t wanted at thenIversity nor does the University care toaCC�)tnmodat'e the public at games, that theUnIversity is not related to the city of Chic�gO, and that the University has plenty1 !l!0ney and hence would not welcome ateg�tImate income from athletics. This edi-onal caused such a wide-spread attack��ainst the University that it has requiredt/. spontaneously combined efforts of thet nIversity authorities, the alumni, and the� uden! body to convince the public thate�h 'edItorial did not in any way representthIt �r the facts or the general attitude ofe InstItutlOn.v S� far as the public is concerned, the Uni-ersIty desires to accommodate as manypeloPle at the football games as can be proper y provided for, whether by use of thenew Grant Park Stadium now being erected,or, perhaps, by building a stadium of its�wn. . So far as a stadium is concerned,. lere IS no particular objection provided it�s .�ot. emphasized, either in interest or con-rIuU�lOns, as against the, very serious andpreSSl11g needs of the Universitv in the�ay of hospital, laboratory, classroom,' lirary, and other facilities of an educational�ature. In due time, in fact, the general�ol gram of development along' all linesWI I be announced by a special committeerow being appointed from the trustees, theaculty and the alumni. Unquestionably a � �COMMENT�, �Istadium will be a part, in one way or another, of this great University programa program in which all alumni will have anopportunity to cooperate for the advancement of their institution.When the Maroon editoria I stated thatthe University was not related to the cityof Chicago, that it "is not an integral partof the city" because it receives no moneyfrom taxation, the present. writer f-elt likeurging' a University regulation requiringall students to read Goodspeed's "Historyof the University of Chicago." It is true,of course, that we receive no funds throughtaxation. But the University was practically organized by Chicagoans, most ofthe buildings and grounds worth millionsof dollars have been donated by Chicagoans,the Noyes war service scholarships camefrom a Chicagoan, most all of the trusteeshave been and are Chicago citizens; morethan one-third of the students come fromthe city; through the University College,through lectures, special investigations andotherwise, the 1] niversity makes every effortto serve the Chicago public; thousands ofour alumni are now citizens of Chicago;and, indeed, the whole University programhas been designed as a contribution to anda definite part of the life of the city of Chicago .As mentioned above, another of �he damaging statements made was that "the U niversity has plenty of money." The fact isthat the University has plenty of need ofmoney. It is no exaggeration to state thatif any group donated ten million dollars tothe U niversitv it could soon account forevery penny 'expended on some vital educational need, and still show many important needs unsatisfied. It is not surprisingthat the erroneous and harmful "rolling in4546 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwealth" idea about the University has goneabroad so glibly when a student editor,who ought to be familiar with the seriousfa. ct s, writes as quot-ed. Most likely it willcome as a great surprise to even manystudents and alumni, as well as the generalpublic, to learn that the University is constantly in most serious need of funds.In view of the general situation, the special committee now being organized willhave an opportunity to start a movementthat will really mark the second great periodin the history of the University. It shouldaccomplish two things: First, bring a fullrealization to the alumni and the public ofall the needs o� the institution as requiredby the large - general program of development;. and, second, point out, as well aspossible, the ways and means for obtainingthe necessary funds to meet those needs.In the scheme of endeavor then to follow,the alumni will rightfully be called upon toassume their proper share in the responsibility for fullest achievement. The alumni ofother large universities have loyally risen tosuch occasions-and we are fullv confidentthat our alumni can and will do likewise ;that at the proper time our alumni will nothe found wanting in loyal and enthusiasticsupport. -* * *One of the best instances of how analumni club can serve the University oc-curred at Columbus, on the oc-Let's cas ion of the Chicago-OhioClub State football game a monthTogether ago. More in detail regardingthe services of our Central OhioAlumni Club on that occasion will be foundelsewhere in this number of the Magazine.The care' bestowed on our visiting footballteam, the welcome everywhere accorded.Chicago visitors to Columbus and at thegame, the great Chicago dinner which followed the game, bringing together, as itdid, alumni from many sections of the country, were all the result of the work of theofficers of that alumni club. The point isthat when Chicago went to Columbus itfound a well-organized alumni group allworking together, prepared to serve only as such an organization could or would serveChicagoans. - When that club was organized such a special service was not anticipared. But the chance came-and the clubwas 'there, ready, willing and able to takecare of it in every way. And so it must bewith every alumni club. A year or moremay pass without any chance for notableclub accorrrplishment ; yet at any time someoccasion may arise_ where the organizedalumni in any large C0111111 unity will begiven the right of way to express theirChicago loyalty. If there is no club suchservices can not be effectively rendered. Itrequires organization, mutual Chicago interest born of such organization and association from time to time at club meetings toenable an alumni group to assist and cooperate as the alumni naturallv would desire.And in the meantime, it is always good tomeet fellow alumni in whose minds andhearts the gray and ivied Quadrangles holda lasting place. We say it again-"Let'sclub together I"* * *A letter in our November "Letter Box,"from Mrs. Marjorie Coonley MacLeod, '17,suggested an introductoryFreshman survey course for Freshmen.Introductory Our attention has since beenCourses called to a favorable reporton this subject, entitled "Special 'Courses for Freshmen," prepared byProfessor Ernest H. Wilkins of the University of Chicago. This report is reprintedfrom the October, 1922, Bulletin of theAmerican Association of University Professors, and treats quite fully of such coursesas are now being given at Columbia, Princeton, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Williams, andother universities and colleges. The reportconcludes: "It is the hope of the Committee as stated above, that each individual institution which may be interested in thisquestion may work out its own problem,and that in so doing' it may derive helpfrom the facts recorded and the suggestionsmade herein. '\lV e shall be glad to providereprints of this report for use in local discussion. Ernest H. Wilkins, Chairman."PRINCETON APPRECIATION 47Princeton Appreciation(From the Princeton Alumni Weekly)Never before has there, been such aPrinceton gathering west of the Alleghenies.Forty-seven alumni associations, comprehending almost the entire country, were:epresented hy the delegates, and they werelntensely interested in the first-hand reportsfrom the University which were made byrepresentatives of the Trustees, the Graduate Council, the Faculty and the un der graduates; More than five hundred alumni attended the dinner on Friday night whichc,Iosed the formal programme of the N atIonal Association meeting, and a� the footbal! game the next day the entire easternstand was filled with several thousandPrinceton men and their friends. Many ofthe latter were Harvard and Yale alumni:V�o live in the Middle West, and wl�o!Olned in supporting <?ur f�:)Qtba�l �eam 111Its gallant demonstration, 111 th is instanceat least, of the superiority of eastern foothall OVer the best product of the West. Andthe significance of that demonstration, frolpthe standpoint of the alumni of eastern u.l11-yersities who reside west of the Alleghenies,IS perhaps more keenly appreciated by th�mthan by their eastern brethre_n,-such. a VICtory as that scored by Princeton 111 theWestern metropolis makes life so muchpleasanter for them. After saying which,We hasten to add that Princeton was everywhere most cordiallv welcomed in Chicago,that both on and off the football field thebest of good feeling was manif�sted. .Therewas of course keen intersectional rIvalry,but all in the spirit of good sportsmanship.President and Mrs. Hibben were theg.ll·ests of President Judson of the UniverSIty of Chicago. Dr. Judson was an ho�ored guest at the Princeton dinner on FrIday night and felicitously welcomed thePrInceton men to Chicago, and between th.ehalves at the football game" the two Prest-. def!-ts exchanged visits. These official ccurtestes were reflected in the cheers of theChicago students for Princeton and of thePrinceton crowd for Chicago, and in the�raceful action of the Chicago student band111 fOrmino- a huge "P" on the field andplaYing the Princeton song, "Chargethrough the Line,"-they played i� veryWell .... It's a good thing for the inhabitants of Manhattan Island (just for examPle) to be reminded that Altoona, Pa., (just,for. example) is not the farthest outpost. ofenhghtened civilization' it's a good thingfor East and V/est to �eet; and it's an esPecially crood thing for the undergraduatesof East �nd West to intermingle,-and for the alumni too for they are only boys of anolder growth; 'it broadens their horizon andmakes for better citiz·enship. Our underzraduates and the alumni from the East�ho were in Chicago last week-end cameback with a very wholesome respect for theMiddle West,-a feeling which, �e may l?esure, is fully reciprocated for Princeton 111Chicago, and throughout our boundlesswestern territory.As to Chicago TeamOct. 28 on Stagg Field, Chicago, Princeton defeated Chicago 21-18 in one of themost thril1ing games of football ever played.Each team scored three touchdowns.Princeton's margin of three points wasearned by three goals kicked by Ken Smith,one after each touchdown. Chicago missedall three goals.Even those who watched, or rather, listened to this game in Princeton (the wonders of wireless telephony were. never better exemplified) were weak and_ tremblingwhen in the last few seconds of play, Chicago 'was held for downs less than a, yafdfrom the Princeton goal. What those whosaw the game with their own eyes musthave suffered I can scarcely imagine.Surely this Princeton team, whatever. it maydo in the future, can not surpass Its collective effort in those last few desperateseconds. We who listened on UniversityField were praying that time would hecalled. \Ve are glad now-and proud-thatChicago had four downs to try to get theball over the line. All the same I am getting too old to wish again to undergo a likeexperience.It may be the last intersectional gamethat Princeton will play. As such thePrinceton team carried the hopes of theentire eastern section, if the newspapersmay be believed. While these same newspapers are now proclaiming that Princeton'svictory represents a tr iumph of eastern football over western, it must not be forgottenthat only a week before Iowa defeated Yale6-0. As a matter of fact it is doubtfulwhether there is such a thing as eastern orwestern football. In the beginning easterncoaches invaded the West., Alonzo. Stagghimself is a graduate of Yale. The tide hasturned now and a number : of eastern 111Stttutions are coached at present by graduatesof western colleges. If this game provedanything at all it proved that a fine forward-(Continued 011 page 51)48 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNINOTICEAssociation Dues and Club DuesTo avoid confusion as to dues', which hasrecently been brought to our attention, wewish to announce that dues for membershipin our alumni associations do not includedues in our alumni or alumnae clubs. Theassociation dues cover association membership and subscription to the Magazine. Ouralumni and alumnae clubs are financed separately and independently from our associations; such club memberships are paidaccording to the dues each club may chargefor membership. In all instances such clubdues are small and accord special club privileges in each case. All alumni and alumnaeare most cordially invited to join the clubsin their vicinity and to take part in theirspecial meetings and programs.That Columbus Club Football DinnerAll of the five hundred alumni and students who attended the Football Dinnergiven by our Central Ohio Alumni Clubon November 11th, after the Chicago-OhioState football game, will agree that thisgathering was without question one of thebest and most enthusiastic Chicago gatherings ever held. The dinner, which tookplace at the Chittenden Hotel, was a greatclimax to a great Chicago day at Columbus,following the Chicago 14-9 victory overOhio State in the rre w Stadium that afternoon.Professor Edgar H. McNeal, '97, Ph.D'02, President" of the Central Ohio AlumniClub, presided, both ably and humorously.The first speaker wa_s William S. Harman,'00, who welcomed the alumni and studentsand told them that by unanimous consent of.the city authorities "Columbus was theirsduring their stay." His fine welcome wasin the cordial spirit in which Chicagoanshad been received throughout their visit.Harold H. Swift, '07, President of the Boardof Trustees, then spoke on the common interest all alumni of the University, regardless of what department they had been connected with, should have in the Universityas a whole. It was a forceful talk andbrought home to all present the desirabilityof welding together our alumni in the common interests of Chicago. "Teddy" Linnthen delighted the crowd with reminiscencesof his experiences athletic while an undergraduate, and told of the Chicago fightingspirit. The closing speaker was Mr. Stagg,in whose honor and for the team, the dinner.was given. The' Old Man told of experiences in coaching teams, of the difficulties RSoften encountered in overcoming the"breaks of the game," and of the fine spiritshown by the players, a spirit, he pointedout strongly, quite in contrast to unjustcriticisms of them that sometimes wer-eloosely rumored about. It was a wonderfultalk, in the Old Man's usual plain, straightfrom-the-shoulder style, and was followedby great cheering.The members of the team then were calledupon, each one confessing that it was easierto play football than to make an impromptuspeech. At the request of Mr. Stagg, theteam arose and gave a Chicago cheer for"Bill" Harman, who had so loyally lookedout for them, to the last detail, during theirstay in Columbus. Mr. Stagg and the entire team stated with heartfelt appreciationthat no alumnus had 'ever shown more interest and assistance to a visiting Chicagoteam than had William S. Harman, '00.The work which the officers of the Central Ohio Club did in getting up this dinnerwill long be remembered and deeply appreciated' by all. President McNeal, RoderickPeattie, '14, the club secretary, Grace E.Chandler, '10, who had charge of the announcements, and William S. ("Bill") Harman, who cooperated with Peattie 0t?- �hedinner, all deserve fully the appreciativecheers .they got in turn. They set a realstandard in such club activity-"Long liveour Central Ohio Alumni Club !"Annual Chicago Alumni Football DinnerThe Annual Football Dinner, given bythe Chicago Alumni Club in honor of Mr.Stagg and the team, was held on Wednesday evening, November 22nd, at the University Club. The three hundred alumniwho were present to welcome and honorthe team and the Old Man will attest thatin enthusiasm and. spirit it was one of themost notable football dinners 'ever held.President Judson, the first speaker, dwelton the high value of athletics in the generaluniversity and college program of developing young men and women for successfuland helpful later life as citizens, and paid ag-reat tribute to Mr. Stagg for his servicesin building up moral and physical staminain all those who have come under his chargeon the various athletic teams. Mr. Stagg'scontribution to this great end, he pointedout, extended over a period of thirty years,and he expressed the hope that his influenceand services as coach and physical directorwould continue for the University for manyyears more..Ralph C. Hamill, '99, the great half-backon the championship team of that year.ALUMNI AFFAIRSRobert S. ("Bob") Harris, ex-'09, of the1908 champions, Nelson H. ("N org ie")Norgren, '14, captain of the 1913 championsand assistant coach to Mr. Stagg, and PaulS. ("Pete") Russell, '16, captain of the 1915team, told of the Chicago spirit in the famous games of former days, and urged theteam to play and complete their schedule inthat true Chicago fighting spirit.Mr, Stagg then spoke, telling of the fineSPIrIt the 1922 team had thus far displayed�nd expressing his confidence in them andIn their loyalty to Chicago. He thanked!he alumni for their coritinued and unfailingII1terest and cooperation in his work, andstated that there was something quite abovethe turning out of successful football andother teams that he always aimed at, namelyf�e developing of the spirit of loyalty, man-Ine.ss, sportsmanship, courage and determination in the boys with whom he was privileged to work, and the constant building upof a great spirit for Chicago. The OldMan stated that he had received many offers to go as coach to other institutions, butth.at Chicago is not only his first love, butWIll always remain his love. It was a:..peech that brought a spontaneously enthusiastic and appreciative response frorrithe crowd.As customary, Mr. Stagg then introducedthe players, one by one, each one beingCompelled to stand up on a chair until theentire team was "displayed," and each onereceiving cheers and applause from thealumni. "Jimmy" Tuohig was called uponand made a most original and catching appea} to the team to fight for the honor oftheIr captain and for the senior memberswhho would be playing their last game ont e fOllowing Saturday.W. France Anderson, '99, presided, andarn�sed the gathering with anecdotes ofC�IcagG's first football team, on which, hes.aId, a number of "beavers" played. WillWIarn MacCracken, '08, president, and Ralph.. Davis, _ '16, secr etary of the Chicagotlurnni Club, deserve high commendationlOr their fine work for this big 1922 FootJaIl Dinner.Massachusetts Club Holds LuncheonT�e first meeting of the year of the Univh_rsity of Chicago Alumni Club of. Massa�h Usetts was held at a luncheon at 1 p. m. atB 'e Girls' City Club, 8 Newbury Street,aston. Herbert L. Willett, Jr., '11, treasurer of the club, who has recently beenaddressing clubs, churches, forums andSchools on the situation in the Near Eastand the revival of the Turks, was thesPeaker. Willett told of the Turkish rise toPower, and answered questions from then:ernbers in attendance on the Near EastsItuation. It was a very interesting meeting,and rnade an excellent start for the club'sactivities for this year. Mrs. Mona QualeThurber, '13, secretary of the dub, advises that our Massachusetts alumni plan to havea dinner around December 27-29, for Professor E. H. Moore and other members of theUniversity, who. may attend the annualmeeting of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science in Boston atthat time.Want Alumni Club in Chicago HeightsChicago Heights, Ill.Dear Secretary:Will you kindly send me the necessaryblanks for the organization of an alumniclub of the University of Chicago in thiscity. Will you also send me the names ofthe University alumni living in this city andvicinity. Kindly accord my letter yourusual prompt attention, as we plan to organize a Chicago club here. Thanking you, Iremain,Very truly yours,Howard P. Roe, '13, J.D, '15.Organizing a Club in Lansing,. MichiganThe following telegram has been receivedfrom Fred N. Walker, '08, now footballcoach at Michigan Agricultural College:"My dear Pierrot: Alumni in MichiganAgricultural College are organizing anAlumni Association in and around Lansingand asked me to get list of Chicago alumniin State' of Michigan. Could you send methis list? Fred N . Walker."The list was sent; the new club is startingon its way-s-and success to it!Sioux City Club Luncheon and AffairsThe following notice was received fromSioux City:"The Merry Bunk Artists Meet Again.""Be at the Chamber of, Commerce thiscoming Wednesday noon, the 22nd of N 0-vember, for the monthly University of Chicago Club luncheon. A quarter past twelvewill find them all on hand-don't you be theone to spoil a one hundred per cent turnout."For your entertainment, Sylvester Wadden, '16, will paint a vivid word picture ofthe Princeton game-take you through theline for those touchdowns-relive that moment when .th e ball shot out into space forthe fatal Princeton score that did the damage-and then down the field .with Chicagoin that last desperate drive that ALMOSTspelled victory."One of our ta!en ted members will beback in time to give us all the dope on theIllinois game Saturday."See you Wednesday.Dan H. Brown, '16,Secretary."The Sioux City Club held a dinner andreception for Mr: D. C. Shull and Mrs.Shull on December 1st. Mr. Shull, ourreaders will recall, who resides in Sioux50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECity, was elected a trustee of the Universitylast summer. An extended notice of thisdinner and reception in his honor will appear in our January number.Southern California Alumnae Luncheon!Franklin High School,Los Angeles, Calif.,November 22, 1922.Dear Mr. Pierrot:The women of the University of ChicagoAlumni Association of Southern Californiahad a most delightful luncheon last Saturday, November 18, at the Orange Tea Shophere in Los Angeles. There were twentysix women present, the largest number wehave had at any luncheon. Our speakerwas Miss Lloy Galpin, a teacher of Historyand a well-known speaker on current civicsubjects. Miss Latham, who was in Chicago this summer, brought us recent newsof our Alma Mater. After each womanpresent introduced herself, we had a regular"talk fest" about Chicago. The alumnae whowere there are certainly loyal.We expect to have a dinner at the homeof Dr. and Mrs. Speik about the middle ofJanuary and our banquet early in February.Among those present at the luncheon were:Bernice Allen, '09; Alice E. Alfred, '06; Mrs.Margaret S. Anderson, '09; Dora.A. Atkinson, '05; Alice Beardsley, '00; Erna M. Brenneman, '16; Mrs. Lillian T. Brewer, '07;Myrtle Collier, '12; Kate Gordon, '00; Ph.D ..'03; Clara L. House, ex.; Mary F. Heap;'O�; Edith A. Kraeft, '17; Melva Latham, '14;Mrs. Josephine L. Miles, '02; Mrs. CarolineE. ¥orton, ex.; Mrs. Edwin R. Post, '07;Manon W. Segner, '07; Mrs. Ralph E'. Vandervort, '11; Mrs; John V. Vruwink, ex.,and Mrs. E. R. Yundt, '96.With kindest personal regards,Yours very truly,Eva Jessup, '07, Sec'y.Southern California Club PlansOn November 14th, Dr. Arthur H. Sutherland, '10, visited the Alumni office whileon his way through Chicago for a shortvisit in New York City. Dr. Sutherlandwho resides at La Crescenta, California i�president of our Southern California dubof which organization Los Angeles is tn�centre. President Sutherland reported thatthe club is making arrangements for itslarge annual Fall Gathering and stated that.our Southern California alumni are seekingto work out some definite program throughtheir club to bring the University of Chicagomore prominently to the attention of peoplein their section of the state. He cordiallyinvites all alumni and alumnae who come tothat section to get in touch with their clubsecretary, whose name and address will befound in the club officers' list in the Magazine, and to join the club in its work forChicago. Chicago Alumnae Club Gym ClassesThe Chicago Alumnae Club at its lastmeeting arranged gym classes for its members at convenient hours on Thursdays. Theclub meets for tea each Thursday at 4 in thealumnae room of Ida Noyes, after whichthe women attend gym classes according tothe following schedule: Rhythmic dancing,4 :15-5 :15; swimming', 5 :15-6 and 7 :15-8;bowling, 5-6, and 6 :30-7 :30; social dancing,7 :30-8 :30.The members have dinner together in IdaNoyes refectory.Physical examinations are given by thePhysical Culture department to all womenbefore they enter the classes.Membership and the accompanying privileges of the club may be obtained for $3.00a quart·er. More complete information maybe had from the secretary who will be present at the Thursday teas at 4.Alumni Discuss University ProgramAt an informal dinner given at the DeltaTau Delta fraternity house, on Friday, N 0-vember 24th, President Judson' and Mr.Stagg met with a number of alumni in honorof William S. Harman, '00, who had donesuch excellent work for the visiting alumniand the football team at Columbus, and whohad come to Chicago to attend the Wisconsin game. The table was most attractivelydecorated as a football field, with the players lined up for the kick-off period.Because of the discussion abroad concerning the need for a stadium for the Chicagofootball games, the conversation turned toa general consideration of this question.President Judson stated that if the matterof a stadium is made a part of the largeUniversity program and would not interferewith the realization of that program throughthe cooperation of the alumni, there was noparticular· objection to a stadium. Mr.Stagg expressed the belief that a stadiumcould he made the means of bringing a largeamount of funds annually to the University. All present were of the opinion thatthe time had come when the University program of which a stadium might well be apart, 'shoul.d be definitely settled upon, announced, and ways and means planned forits fullest realization. I t was agreed that aspecial commitee should be appointed, withrepresentation from the trustees, the faculty,and the alumni, to consider and present thewhole matter. Steps are now being takento appoint this most important committee.1fr. Rov O. West, a prominent Chicagocitizen and leading member of the University community, showed the plans for thenew Grant Park Stadium now being erected.Others present at this dinner were: CharlesF. Axelson, Dean David A. Robertson, CarlD. Greenleaf, George O. Fairweather, JohnF. Moulds, Otto Strohmeier, \Valker Kennedy, Arthur Goes, Frank McKey, ScottBrown, Harry Armitage, and A. G. Pier rot.PRINCETON APPRECIATION-PROMINENT ALUMNI .51Princeton Appreciation(Contin�ed from page 47)passing game can defeat a fine line-plunginggame. This might fit in well enough withthe preconceived notions of a number offcribes and prophets were it not for the un-ortunate fact that the conservative East,:epresented by Princeton, �put on the passlng game and won with it over the daring,rec�less West, represented by Chicago,whlch scored all her points with the mostconservative type of line-plunging. And bythe way there can have been in the historyof the game very few exhibitions of individual line-plunging power greater than thatof John Thomas. I am sincerely sorry thatI did not go to Chicago because, by staying1ome, I missed watching this man in action.do not lose sight of the fact that no man,no matter how great, can repreatedly plungethrough a well-coached line for gains ofirom five to fifteen yards unless the line inront of him is performing miracles. Before the team went to Chicago we knew inneed that the Princeton line had a great dealth learn. But we fancied that most of whatkey had to learn related to offensive play ..o one at Princeton conceived it possiblethat any team could punch out three earnedtouchdowns between tackle and tackle.I t is difficult to speak of individuals whenall did so well. For Chicago John Thomas,of course, was the outstanding star, a really1reat plunging back. Strohmeier, movedrom end to quarterback at the eleventh�.ur, directed his offense in flawless fashion.p IS kicking and that of Pyott was excellent.Yott and Zorn were excellent. As usual,You see that the backs got the praise. ImUst again emphasize the superb work ofthe Chicago line.NOTICE!Chicago Alumnae Club ChristmasLuncheon_ \ The Chicago Alumnae Club will hold itsD nnual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday,ecember 28, at the Chicago College Club,151 North Michigan Blvd. An interestingprogram has been arranged. All Alumnae1� town for the holidays are cordially inVllted. This Annual Christmas Luncheon isa ways one of the most successful affairson the regular calendar of the AlumnaeClu):> , and a large attendance is assured. AreVIew of it will appear in the Januarynumber.Big Ten Dinner in Kansas CityThe Big Ten alumni in Kansas City allBounce a holiday dinner and dance at therookside Hotel, December 20. Graduates,tormer students, and undergraduates arelBvited. Secure tickets from Samuel E.usler; '14, 203 Rialto B1dg., Chicago's representative. Florence E. Allen, ex-'12Florence Allen Elected to Ohio Supreme- Court.It will surely interest all of our readers tolearn that Miss Florence E. Allen, ex.:.'12(Law), was elected .to the Supreme Courtof Ohio in the elections on November 7th.This was a statewide election; Miss Allenreceived a plurality of over 20,000 votes.About two years ago Miss Allen waselected J udg'e of the Court of CommonPleas of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, bya very large vote. She was then probablythe first woman in the entire country tobecome a judge in a court of general jurisdiction. Her splendid record in that courtresulted in her nomination and election tothe Ohio Supreme Court last month.In her career as a lawyer she has beenunusually successful, having been attorneyin some very important Cleveland cases.Three years ago she was appointed assistantcounty prosecutor of Cuyahoga County, thefirst woman to hold such a position in Ohio,Miss Allen, who has been active in thewoman suffrage movement, is an ablespeaker, and has several times addressed our:Chicago Alumnae Club. A biography ofMiss Allen was presented in the July, 1921,number of our Magazine.52 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO l11AGAZINE- "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IlI11I11JiiIllIIlIIlIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1I11I1I1II1I1I1I1II1II1II1I1I1I1I1II1I1II1II11I1I1I1I1II1I1I11I1I1I1II11V!f;I � The Letter Box '. ��. I= � � =�lIIl1l1l11l1l1l1l1mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIlIIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIlIlI1111111111111111111111111 II 1111 11I1I1Il11i1 II III II 111111 1111 II II 1 III II III 1I11llllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1II1111111111111111111111111�III1IlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIConcerning Alumni Ticket Priorities209 So. LaSalle St.,Chicago, Ill.Nov. 21) 1�22.Dear Mr. Pierrot:Mayan "entirely unknown" alumnus 'comment on the second paragraph of your admirable article on "Football Tickets" in theNovember number of the University ofChicago Magazine?Weare all agreed, I believe, that theAlumni should have preference as to seatsfor our football games, but when we beginto draw the line between alumni we aretreading on dangerous ground. Just whatconstitutes a "prominent alumnus"? Is itthe size of his income tax, the accuracy andfrequency of the reports of his comings an.dgoings and doings in the daily. press, hisscientific or literary achievements, or theefficiency of his bootlegger?Vve attend football games as alumni, tosupport Chicago's team, to yell. Chicago'syells and our "priorities," if we must havethem', should he based on the regularity withwhich we attend games and support ourteam. The alumnus who buys tickets for allgames is entitled to more consideration thanthe alumnus who goes only to Princeton andIllinois games.If there is any way in which the presentsystem can be improved it should be to. assign the better seats to alumni who buy tickets for all games, but I think that if weattempt to draw distiJ?ctions. based on"prominence" we are doing an injustice tothe thousands of mere alumni who are justas keen and consistent supporters of t.heOld Man and the team as any alumnus. withthe whole alphabet after his name, SIX ciphers after his income figures, or a member-ship upon every committee., .As you know we. have over 3q Chicagoalumni in our orgamzation and this opmiouis shared by each of them that I have approached on the subject.Yours very truly,W. D. Dalgetty, '17.Again About Priorities Among' AlumniDecember 5, 1922.The Uinversity of Chicago Magazine.Attention of The Editor.My dear Sir: _.,I noticed in the November, 1922, Issue, 111the section headed "Events and Comments,"some discussion of the distribution of football tickets and particularly I noticed inthe second 'paragraph of the discussion the following sentences: "Undoubtedly+-and �heCommittee admits it-there were seernmg'injustices' done in personal instances. Prominent alumni found themselves in less desirable seats. while others almost entirelyunknown oc�upied much better seats."I was very much surprised to find thissort of humor mixed in an otherwise seriousarticle.This article was, I assume, a serious discussion of the difficulties of the distribution, offootball tickets. Certainly it has been takento be such by the alumni of a number ofother colleges with whom I have discussedit. The language quoted has been particularly interesting to some of the alumni ofother universities with whom I have had occasion to discuss the general question of distribution of football tickets. Most of themseem to have taken this statement with regard to the distribution of �eats to prominent alumni as being a serious announcemen t of the wish of the University to givegood seats to more prominent alumni andto give th� less desirabl;, seats to "othersalmost entirely unknown.I have heard nothing but extremely unfavorable comment on this course. Thealleged snobbish institutions of the E.astnever at their very worst attempted anythingof this sort. I have in discussing the matter constantly maintained that the statementin question was not serious but that it wasmerely inserted by the writer as a joke. Ibelieve, however, that it would be well inan early issue of the magazine if some statement was made to clear up any doubt on thispoint. Certainly the University cannot putitself in the position of attempting to distinguish between its alumni in the matter ofthe distribution of football tickets.If the good seats are to go to prominentalumni who is to be the judge of the necessary degree of prominence? How prominentmust an alumnus be before he secures seatsfrom which he can see the game? Must hehave been prominent in college, or is it sufficient that he has become prominent sincethen? Must he have been a good student,or must he be a scholar· now, or will it besufficient if he has let one of the "proms"?Must the alumnus be rich in order to besufficiently prominent to secure good seats?If he must be rich, must he have inheritedhis money or must he have earned it?Clearly, there would be a great deal of com:plication in determining the exact degree orprominence that must. be possessed by thealumnus to permit him to secure good seats.All of these points have been suggested toTHE LETTER BOXtne bv alumni of some of the alleged snobbish eastern universities, and in reply I hayeonly been able to say that the Universityproposes to give tickets to alumni quite irrespective of their respective degrees ofprominence, and that the statement whichcrept into the article in question was meantto be humorous.I wish again to suggest that at an earlydate an authoritative statement may be made�enying the extremely unfortunate imp licauon contained in this article.Very truly yours,Leslie M. Parker, '17, J.D. '18.140 S. Dearborn St.,Chicago.[Editor's Note: The statement in question, com,mented .upon by the two preceding letters, simplysoug.ht to point out that, under the plan as adopted andadmInistered, the "injustices" done to prominent�lumni in their getting poor seats were merely "seemIJ?g" injustices. However, there is really anotherside. to this question which perhaps deserves consideratIOn, and it will be discussed in our next number.]How Would You Answer This?Dear Mr. Pierr ot :I am enclosing my check for Twentydhopars to pay the rest of my Life Members .Ip SUbscription to the Alumni Fund. I�lght as well pay all now as to let the lastInstallment go another year.How about �aking the Fund a million-dollar Fund soon? Yale is . approachingthree million dollars.Sincerely yours,H. E. Smith, '03.Suggests Stadium for ChicagoColumbus, Ohio.November 14, 19:�2.Dear Mr. Pierrot:I t Occurs to me that a Stadium that wouldSeat 100,000 people would be a very acceptible addition to the University of Chicago.n fact, we are going to have it sooner orla�er, and the sooner we g'et it the better itWIll be.. �hy would this not be a very good ac�Vlty for the alumni to put over? Younow, the Stadium here at Columbus wasb.uilt by the alumni of Ohio State Univer-sIty. .Cordially yours,William S. Harman, '00.Educational Difficulties in GermanyD Leipzig, Oct. 29, 1922.ear Mr. Gurney:Please excuse the tardiness of this 110tCo� thanks for the service which you soktndly rendered in sending me the letter 53concerning a "statement of good conduct,"required by the University of Leipzig Matriculation Commission. The letter, I amcertain, could not have been improved uponin conveying the "What's What & Why"idea into the somewhat befogged minds ofthe lethargic German university authorities.That it has completely fulfilled its purposeis demonstrated by news which I receivedyesterday-that my entrance application hasbeen accepted.My case, however, may be compared totha t of the heroine in the "movie" thriller,who is rescued from one unpleasant situation only to find herself in another. Itseems that the (aforesaid) authorities hererequire all students in chemistry to passa rather long-winded examination beforebeing allowed to do research leading to thedegree "Ph.D." from this institution, Thepreparation for, and the carrying out ofthis examination, which is composed ofpractical as well as, theoretical tests, re-,quires from three to four months; and as.my stay abroad is limited, I am clearly in110 position to devote so much time solelyto a review, which I should have to repeatbefore taking the "Doctor's" examination,Moreover, I have neither intention nor desire to take a higher degree from this university-my plan being to take the Doctor'sexamination at' Chicago when I return.Life in Germany is just one moneymarket report after another. Prices changedaily-always in the same direction-upwards. A suit of clothes costs now Mk.70 oOO.-the salary' of the Prime. Ministerin' 1913. Other prices range proportionally. Of course, from our point of view,things are very reasonably priced here; foreign students in the sciences, however, mustpurchase all instruments and apparatuswhich they use in their research, themselves,besides paying their tuition in gold values.The most striking thing about the German universities today (outside of the deplorable lack of equipment) is that the greatrna jor ity of students are graduates-thereare" very few beginners. The r.eason forthis is that most of the professional menin Germany are at present scarcely able tomake a living; and the. young people, knowing this choose busmess' careers, ratherthan sta�vation in the midst of science orart. All indications seem to show thatunless the economic situation here improvesconsiderably within the ne:ct year ?r two,Germany will degenerate into an intellec-tua! desert.I fear that this letter has already rambledmuch too far, so will put "the brakes" onthe typ�writer. . Allow me to thank youagain for your kindness.Most sincerely,Julius Hyman, '22.(Continued on page 78)54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 111AGAZINE+"_IIU_IIU_IIII_IIU_III1_IIN_IIU_IIM_IIH_IIU_IIlI_IIII_IIU_IIII_IIII_11II-1I11-uu-nU-.-I'H-IIH-HH-IIU-llII-IIII_IIII_IItI_UJI_MH_+! =I Ticket Troubles-Elsewhere I= I+_IID_IIN_It_U_IIH_HII_HII_llI_III1_IIU_IIII_I_IIII_H"_IUI_IIIt_UII-UU-Ull-HII-"II-III1-IIII-UII-IIII-IIII-HII-."I-"II-IIII-IIII-11+AT YALE(From Yale Alumni Weekly)The Tremendous Demand for TicketsThis year again, foreseeing another andheavier demand than before, the Yale TicketDepartment prepared for it by taking thenatural course of cutting down the professional-school allotment and the non-graduates from three to two tickets apiece, so as togive the undergraduates and graduates thefirst chance. It was expected that this ruling would permit the first degree graduatesof the College and Sheff to have three seatseach, and the application blanks so informedthem.But it became obvious soon after the shoalsof applications began 'to come in, that eventhis retrenchment would not suffice, and thenext step was to cut the College and Scientific School graduates as well from threetickets to two.And here the trouble began. 'For inasmuch as this step was contrary to the general expectation when the application blankswere sent out, it caused embarrasing predicaments among the graduates who had askedtwo other persons to accompany them. Oneof them simply had to be "un-invited."How difficult that task was is indicated by. the hundreds of letters and telegrams whichthe Ticket Department has received, askingthat an exception be made in this or thatparticular case-which was of course mechanically impossible, as well as unfair toall the others equally affected. The reasonsurged ranged from the pathetic to the ridiculous (except to the applicant!); each .perfectly good in the' mind of the writer who�an!s his tickets, but all together fo;ming,111 VIew of the actual situation in the ticketo ffic e, a curious collection.One. loyal Yale man tabulated, with subhead�, el�ven. points bearing upon his J?leafor hIS third ticket, the final and most urgentone being that his two children, whom hehad invited to attend with him, would nowbe undergraduates at Yale had it not sohappened that they are attending Smith.Another, who had invited his daughter andone of her girl friends, ended his letter withthe following postscript: "If you cannot letme have three seats, can't you at least letme have three tickets good for two seatsonly? My daughter and I are lightweights(our combined weights being less than 200pounds). and the three of us could easilysqueeze 111to two seats."One disappointed graduate, who had neglected to fill out his application blank in accordance with the regulations, wrote: "Yale sends representatives to us at times to cheerus up, b-ut I think a couple of tickets oncein a while, for which we are willing to pay,would be more likely to open our wallets thanall the speeches and visitations. I presume Ihad better encourage my son to prepare -forPrinceton, and then probably he can take hisDad to see the game."Evert an occasional member of the Faculty, that austere group which seems to theundergraduates to be the embodiment ofmeticulous accuracy, finds it impossible to�diev� that, because h� d�d not do .his part111 filling out the application blank he willhave to give up the tickets he might have hadto some one who did follow instructions.The sound of Faculty pleading would nodoubt delight the heart of a Freshman whoforgot to s�gn �is n<l:me to the honor pledgeor to turn 111 hIS assigned work on time.These, and scores of like "reactions" tothe inevitable this year were the Ticket Department's only ray Of light in the darkhours they have been spending-for fromtheir point of view there is no particularpleasure in .rnaking people uncomfortable,or even in letting them incur the results oftheir own neglect of the rules.AT HARVARD(From Harvard Alumni Bulletin)"Football TicketsTo the Editor of the Bulletin:Having drawn some exceedingly poorseats at the Stadium for Saturday, and neverhaving drawn a good seat, even for an unimportant game, while I find men with littleor no interest in Harvard College occupyingexcellent seats, I am prompted to make asuggestion that I have not seen in any ofthe numerous letters to the Bulletin on thissubject. -The Harvard College teams are still spokenof as varsrty teams, perhaps to distinguishthem from the freshmen teams. In mytime there were varsity teams, men fromthe professional schools played on them, andthere was undoubtedly a general interest inHarvard events among men 111 the professional schools. Today the teams are purelyCollege teams. Old varsity players, whethergraduates of Harvard College or not, aretaken care of through the Varsity Club.Why should men who have -graduated fromother �olleges, have never had any corinection with Harvard College, and have no interest, other than an hostile one in theCollege, be given seats for purely 'HarvardCollege events merely because they have at-(Continued on page 76)b A magazine of literature which shall reallyhe repres'entative of the best that is said andt. ought among the students of the UniversIty of Chicago is a hard thing' to get underway.. For one thing because it cannot payCont.nbutors, the best writers of the Universl.ty prefer to try their luck with outsidePubhc.ations. For another, the city of ChicagO IS such a center of pure reading mat�er that a college magazine finds difficulty111 attracting the attention even of thestUdents .. It is for these reasons that so many maga�Ines, from "The Lakeside" in 1893 tob�hanticleer" in 1920, have flourishedrleRy but to fade. It is undaunted bv�hese conditions that "The Circle" throwsIts hcl.l1dsome hat into the ring.Pub!ished by the undergraduates it IS noteXclusIvely, perhaps not even primarily, forundergraduates. It does not hesitate to�ssert its appeal to the general reader, and�t addresses itself particularly to alumni-o those graduates of the University whocO.mbine a personal interest in good writingWIth a sincere desire to see that interestgrow among the undergraduates here.Contributions will be welcomed, indeedsou?,ht after, from folks of distinctionagaInst whom we must not hold it too seri°rs1y that they have missed the advantages�h at!endance here. The leading feature of, e hrst number of "The Circle," for instance, is a hitherto untranslated manu�,cript of Alexander Dumas the elder.Monsieur de Paris" is the executioner of?aris, and Dumas' brief presentation of him�s lbeau�if�l1Y characteristic: In numbers too low It IS to be expected that poets andessayists of distinction from foreign partsas well as from this country, will be repr elellted. For good writers, like good actors,ov� .their calling, are not disturbed by comP�htJon, and gladly give their time and� rellgth to further the ambitions and de/Iop the technique of the younger generat 1011. Even in the absence of such contribunrs, however, and aside from the notableCUtnas sketches, the first number of "Thelrcle" is strong. The book reviews aresound and sensible. and one group of three,on the Daily :t\ ews group of Harry Smith, Lennox Grey, '23,Editor of "The Circle"'97. Ben Hecht, and Carl Sandburg (withsome clever caricatures accompanying) isabsolutely first rate. There is little poetry,but that little fresh without silliness. "Solitaire"-critical musings by an undergraduate-is remarkable, no less. And an analysis of Mr. John Alden Carpenter's musicalfantasy, "Krazy Kat," will, I think, giveMr. Carpenter as much pleasure as it certainly will many others.The business management of "The Circle"is sensible. Published by members of thestaff of The Daily Maroon from the Maroonoffices, the magazine has no overhead. Itspresent editor-in-chief, Lennox Grey, '23, isan unusually steady and competent youngman of conservative but sure taste. Thesuccess of "The Circle" will really be decided by the alumni. If they subscribe toit, and contribute to it, we shall all be presently proud of it. It will be publishedmonthly and the subscription price is a dollar for the remainder of the 'year. This includes the first issue of December and sixto follow.11111111111111 •--W=w=m=m=m=m=w=m=m=w=�11I1i1i1!!liilllillllllllllllllllllilllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIJlllllnllllllllllili1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111156 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENE-WS OF THEQUADRANGLESThe Clock in Foster HallDuring the last month there have been agreat many elections and appointments tooffice on the campus, including the annualchoices of undergraduate class officers, Promleaders, Settlement Night heads, footballcaptain, and Three-Quarters club officers.Otto Strohmeier, president of the Reynolds club member of the football team, andDelta Tau' Delta', was selected to head the1923 class. Other Senior officers ar e AlmaCramer, vice-president; Virginia Ault, secretary; and Eg il Krogh, treasurer.In the Junior class, Russell Carrell waselected president, with Marguerite Nelsonas vice-president, N ellye Newton as secretary, and Louis Sterling, treasurer. TheSophomore presidency went to Joseph Hektoen, and the vice-presidency to Helen Harpel; Jeanne Birkhoff was uncontested in hercandidacy for secretary, and John Kettlewellwas selected as treasurer. The Freshmenofficers are: President, Walter Stevens; vicepresident, Alta Cundy, unopposed; JosephineBedford, secretary; and Gordon Smith, treasurer.James Pyott was elected to captain the1923 grid team. Pyott has played two yearson the Varsity, is a member of Owl andSerpent, and of Alpha Delta Phi.The selection of Sig ne Wennerblad; Dorothy Husband, Frank Linden, and GeorgeHartmann as leaders of the Washington Prom was recently announced. The Prom,ail annual affair, takes place on February21.Settlement Night, headed by Arthur Whiteand Melvina Scoville, was held December 9,and was successful in its campaign for fundswith which to conduct the U niver sitySettlement in the stock yards district throughthe coming year. Student teams engaged incompetition for securing the largest amountof contributions. Settlement Night itselfwas featured by the usual booths, dancing.and vaudeville entertainment, all managedby undergraduates.The Order of Blackfriars' announced itsnew staff of managers' and assistant managers, and is now busy choosing a showfor 1923. The list of staff members follows: Costume manager, Robert Koerber,assistant, William Kerr; Property, ShermanSpitzer, assistant, Alton Jones; Scenery,'Franklyn Barber, assistant, Richard Bucholz; Box Office, John Coulter, assistant,Robert Campbell; Score, Gale Kahnweiller.assistan t, Louis Sterling; Press, RussellPierce, assistant, Leslie River; Art, HenryHardy; Chorus, Donald Lockett; HeadUsher, Denton Hassinger; Program, CharlesDwinnel, assistant, George Harvey; Publicity, John Kettlewell, assistant, Frier MeCollister; Orchestra, David Drubeck.Three-Quarters club initiation took placeNovember 26, and the following officers werechosen: President, Barry; vice-president,Young; secretary, Carlson; and treasurer,Alfred. One hundred new men were admitted to the organization.On December 15 is scheduled to appear thefirst issue of "The Circle," a new literarymonthly at the University, supported by thebusiness staff of The Daily Maroon. Theidea for the monthly, to be issued in connection with the University daily, was firstconceived by Olin Stansbury, the editor ofthe MarOON, who, having received the sanction of the Board of Student Organizations,appointed Lennox' Grey to be its first editor-in-chief. Grey and Stansbury, in company with those interested in the project,worked out the final details of the publication. Of interest among the contents of thefirst issue are two hitherto unpublished talesof Dumas. More concerning "The Circle"appears elsewhere in this issue.W. L. River, '25.CHICAGO DEANS 57"-""'-- •• - •• _ •• _",,_U._ •• _ ... _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _III_IIII_.I_.1 __ I- •• -· •• -r"- •• - •• _'._'If� •• _'._ •• _'"_"_+I'M Chicago Deans M I� "They Lead and Serve" � i..... ,,-- •• - •• - •• - •• - •• -.U_.11_1111_ •• _ ... _"II_ •• _.II_""_.,._I1._111- •• - •• -."-,*-1.'-1111-.1- •• - •• - •• - •• --1_.+Dean Nathaniel Butler.1 Probably no less than twenty-five of oura Umni clubs, or groups of alumni about too�ganize clubs, have had the pronouncedPh easure of meeting and�aring a direct, entertaming and instructiveghicago message fr0111Sean Nathaniel Butler.OlUe two years ago,when our new clubs wereheing organized, the U ni"nersity kindly "loaned"r. Butler for a period.because of his great organizinO" ability and enthusias� for alumni inte:est and development,Wrth the result that forthe first tim e in ouralulUni history our dubsWere started on a soundbasis. The impetus givenat the time of Dr. But�r's ready cooperationas never been lost, and,as every number of themagazine s how s, ourclUb.s are now firmly establtshed as a vital andmost helpful feature ofo.u� general alumni achVlty. To "present" him,therefore, in this series,tneans simply reintroducing him to hismany alumni friends.The good old state of Maine gave us notonly Dean Small, but also Dean Butler,�ho. Was born at Eastport, Maine, in 1853.gam like Dean Small, he was the son ofa clergyman. After attending grammarschool at Camden Maine and preparatoryschool at Cobur;l Insdtute, Waterville,�aine, he entered Colby College at WatervIlle. He was graduated A.B. at Colby in1873, and A.M. in 1876. After several years� teaching and service as principal at FerryP all, Lake Forest, Highland Hall, HighlandC a:k, and then the Yale School for Boys,. hlcago, he was ordained a Baptist minIster in 1884, and in the same year becamePiofessor of English in the old University� �hicago; he was professor of Latin it:i lat Institution until the old University closedsn 1889. From 1889 to 189,2 he was profeso�rlo� �nglish Literature in the Unive,rsity1ltnOlS.g Professor Butler is among "that famousroup of educators" who joined the Uni- versity of Chicago faculty at the time instruction started in 1893. He became Director of the University Extension Divisionand it is largely to his ability and energythat this division of theeducational work of theUniversity was SOstrongly organized andhas since been so successfully conducted. In1895 he was called toColby College, his almamater, as Pres ide n t,which distinguished position he held for six years,doing much to build upthat college. Colby conferred upon him the degree of D.D. in 1895, andthe degree of L.L.D. in19'03. Last June Dr. Butler was the commencement orator at Colby.In 1901 Dr. Butler re.turned to the Universityof Chicago as professorof education, and in 1905he was made Bean of theCoIl e g e of Education,which branch of the University at once advancedunder the influence of hisprogressive organizingdirection. In 1916 hewas made Dean of the . University Collegethe downtown branch of the Universityand the growth of that college, with a registration this year of over 1,400 students, again. testifies to Dr. Butler's exceptional powers inorganization and development work. He isat present Professor of Education and Dbnof the University College. His great serviceto the University, therefore,' since his return in. 1901, has been unbroken for a periodof over twenty-one years.In 1881 he married Florence Sheppard ofHighland Park; three children, Sheppard,Albert, and Frederic came of this marriage.Mrs. Butler died in .1902, and in the following year Dr. Butler married Lillian M .Googins of Chicago; there are three childrenof his second marriage, Jeanette, Franklin,and Nathaniel, Jr. His son Sheppard, A.M.'os, is now the dramatic critic on the ChicagoTribune.Dean Butler has held a number of positions of honor in the educational world andis the author of a first-year Latin text anda large number of important articles and re-(Continued on page 75)Dean Nathaniel Butler58 [HE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe 1922 Football Team,.Top Row (left to right): Coaches Crisler, Norgren, Stagg, Molander, Trainer j ohnsornThird Row: Dickson, Gowdy, King, Zorn, Pondelik,Second Row: Strohmeier Dawson, J. Thomas, Fletcher, Lampe, Miller.Bottom RoW': H. Tho�as, McMasters, Proudfoot, Lewis (Captain), Byler, Pyott,Leggette, Rhorke.Since the last writing the Maroons havecompleted . their football season, defeatingboth Ohio State and Illinois, and playingthe Uinversity of Wisconsin eleven to ascoreless tie in the closing game of the yearon . Stagg field.The Ohio Game.The Ohio game was second in interest onlyto the Princeton game, and kept the howlingmob of Chicago rooters who journeyed toColumbus to witness the game in a highstate of excitement. Although beaten in thefirst half, the Maroons came back strong inthe third quarter with a dazzling offense ofpasses and end runs, that enabled the Maroons to emerge on the long end of a 14-9score.Coach Wilee employed a special defense to stop the rushes of John Thomas by playing his center back with the secondary defense, and the line plunges of the Maroonstar were stopped. This defense forced theMaroons to play an open game, and it sawHarry Thomas and Jim Pyott play the leading roles. Pondelik, Fletcher, Zorn andStrohmeier also covered themselves withglory in this fiercely fought contest.The Illinois GameMainly through the great line plungingof Bi ll Zorn and John Thomas, the Maroonssucceeded in scoring a well deserved 9-0victory over Zuppke's fighting Illini beforepacked stands at Stagg Field. It was thefourth straight Big Ten victory for CoachStagg's men. The superiority of the Maroons was evident from the start of hos-, , ATHLETICStilities, and the Illini, fighting though inexperienced, were forced to give' way to thePowerful drives of the Maroon backs. Twicethe Illini held for downs within their fiveYard mark.After an Illini pass was intercepted by�trohmeier, John Thomas ripped the IndianlIne for 23 yards in two attempts, and on aateral pass play, Pyott to Harry Thomas,the latter skirted end for a touchdown .. Theadditional three points were scored by�horke who drop kicked from the 35-yardInc earlier in the game.The Wisconsin GameThe final game of the season saw the Ma�oons and the Badgers wage a great duel ont tagg Field, with neither side scoring. Bothcams failed on attempts to score, when Barrof the Badgers made a wild kick from the�O-yard line, and Rhorke's attempt from the8-Yard mark was short.The Maroons were outclassed in the first�alf of the game, but returned after a speechy the "Old Man," and played the Badgersofff their feet during most of the remaindero the fray. Zorn starred on defense for'thbe Maroons, and was the only Chicago mana le to gain consistently.The tie game knocked the Maroons fromCha�pionship consideration, as the UniverSIty of Iowa team completed its Big Ten�chedule with five victories, and Michiganad four wins to her credit.f At the close of the season the Department�h Physical Culture and Athletics awardede "C" to nineteen men. The new men toffceive the award for superior ability are:ranklin Gowdy, tackle; Lloyd Rhorke, end�nd guard;' Joseph Pondelik, guard; Campb ell Dickson" end; and Harry Thomas, half-ack, Four men received the award forfhod ability and service over a period ofI ree Or four years. They are: Rodney MilRr, guard; Lewis McMasters, quarterback;1 alph Leggette, halfback; and Howard Byer, halfback. The old men to receive theaWard ar e.: Captain Harold Lewis, guard;�alph King, center; Otto Strohmeier, endJ nd quarterback; Harold Fletcher, tackle;b ohn Thomas, fullback; James Pyott, halfZack; Alexander Proudfoot, guard; WiBisorn, fullback, and Aubrey Dawson, centerand, guard.hAt a meeting of the "e" men' shortly after� e close of the season, James Middletont :yott of Oak Park, Illinois, was elected cap-am for the 1923 season, running a closera�e for the honor with John Thomas.1 ��rospec�s for the 1923 seas.on are quite)dght, WIth the several ster ling performers from the freshman team; Henderson, 191POUnd tackle; Hibben and Hobscheid, 59James, ("JimH) Pyott, '23,Halfback, Elected Captainof 1923 l!'ootball Teamtackles' and McCarthy, Schlaback, andBeane, 'halfbacks, are the men who are likelyVarsity material.The sched�le for the 1923 season was arranged by Mr. Stagg at the meeting of thecoaches of the Western Conference held atthe Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, December2, and consists of six Big Ten games.The 192:3 Football ScheduleOctober 13-Carnegie Tech.October 20-N orthwestern.October ,27-Purdue.November 3_:_Chicago at Illinois.November 10-Indiana.November 17-0hio State.November 24-Wisconsin.One 1110st notable feature of the schedulefor next year is the game with Illinois. Chicago has been awarded the honor of playingthe game which will dedicate the new INinois Stadium. The Chicago-Illinois gamewill -be the only one' played on the newStadium field; all the other games at Illinoisare to be played on the old Illinois gridiron.Chicago authorities, students and alumnideeply appreciate this honor accorded byIllinois.John F. McGuire, '24.60 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETll-IIII-1ilt-IUI-UII-IIH- .... -IIIt-IIII-III1--.UM- .. II-IiN-IIII-II+1 ii The 1922 Football Team if (By James Weber Linn, '97) II! I-I- -I,,-'IIII-UII-IIII-IIU-UII-MII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-".{.The football season of 1922 has been ofgreat interest to millions of people; of special interest to the particular friends of theUniversity of Chicago. From the point ofview of victorious accomplishment it hasbeen above our average, and from the pointof view of sport-drama, remarkable.Two games-those with Princeton andOhio State-e-were heartbreaking in the intensity of their thrill. The Princeton game.was probably the most exciting ever playedon Stagg field, and the Ohio game was notmuch less of a disturber of the pulses. Theothers were the usual run of football asplayed by high-class elevens nowadays, disappointing in spots but on the whole amazingly enjoyable in the variety of their technique and the fierceness of their contention.The conference teams I. should rank asIollows : First, Michigan; second, Chicago,Iowa, and Wisconsin, on a par; fifth, Minnesota; sixth, Ohio; seventh, Illinois; eighth,Northwestern; ninth, Purdue and Indianaon a par. I very much doubt if any teamin the east playing Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin or Iowa, could score four victoriesin ten games, and I have no hesitation what-'ever in giving my opinion that Michigan is,with the possible exception of mysteriousNebraska, the best, team in the country.The Chicago team, which is for some unknown reason the target for more. dirtthrown by Chicago newspapers than anyother eleven in the country, has shown itselfan aggregation of great power, endless courage, but (as a group) little brilliance. Except in the Princeton game, it made fewmistakes of any consequence, but it neverrose to the inspiring heights. As for a number of years now, it subordinated individualbrilliance to team play, which is the successful policy in the long run; as also for anumber of years, it concentrated its finestpowers on defense, which is also a soundenough policy. But the two in combinationtend to dim the, team's flash. It is like alocomotive in the daytime; the strange feeling of power which comes as one watchesthe same locomotive thundering through thedarkness behind a headlight is missing.There is, it is true, little doubt that JohnThomas will be Camp's selection for al lAmerican. Yet just as when last year MeGuire was chosen and Crisler put on thethird eleven, we who have watched the gameswill be annoyed. .Splendid player and grandgentleman as John Thomas is, quite as much service has been rendered to victory this yearby Zorn; by Pyott, by Strohmeier, by HarryThomas, behind the line. One of IohnThomas' finest qualities is exhibited in" thecertainty that he would insist on this statement as much as I do.H one must pick out individual brillianciesfor notation, I personally would cite Pyott'shandling of punts. In two seasons he ha:;fumbled two, receiving both and making again; he has practically never been stoppedwithout a gain of at least a few yards; he hasaveraged a larger gain than any opponenthe has ever met; and he has caught at leastfive this year which verged on the miraculous. I have Mr. Stagg's word for it that"no man he has ever seen has handled puntsbetter." .In the line this evenness of excellence wassimilar. King emerges, it is true. He iscertainly the best center in the west-s-fiftyper cent better than he was last year. ButLewis (when not too much hurt to be keen)Pondelik, Gowdy, and (next to King)Fletcher, have all' been beautifully reliable.OUf ends, by reason of injuries and inexperience have been less effective ; yet Rh<1rke'Sshowing against Illinois and Wisconsin.where circumstances forced him to undertakethe role, was warming to the heart.But the finest thing about the team hasbeen. what might be called its moral quality. One hears a lot of talk about the goodeffect of football on character. As a matterof fact, football is full of muckerism. Thereare plenty of teams (clever teams and stupidteams both) which we refuse to play, andone we do play though we shouldn't, that art'muckerish by policy. The eleven at Chicagothis fall was a team of fighting gentlemen;the sort of fellows one would like to havetutor one's sons or take one's daughters todances, The professional spirit and thespirit of meanness are alike lacking in theirmake-up. That is what Mr. Stagg meant,I think, when he said he had never coacheda better team.Finally as to its accomplishment; we stoodas high as we have had any reason to stand.In the long run, and "induced" athletes, acommodity we do not deal in t , aside, footballvictory will rest with the heaviest battalions.Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa.have from three to two and a half times asmany male 'undergraduates to choose a teamfrom as we have. Guess the answer over aten-year period. Yet we were this seasonundefeated in the Conference; last seasonwe lost but one game; and if the freshmenthis year have the moral qualities of, thisyear's varsity as they certainly have thephysical, it is highly improbable that weshould lose more than one' game next year,if indeed we lose any.UNIVERSITY NOTES 61'Growth of the UniversityFacts of striking interest concerning thegrowth of the University since its founding,lIe printed in the report of the Universityress on President Harry Pratt Judson'sSpe-e�h at the thirtieth anniversary of theOpenmg of the institution.. The total area of the University groundsIn 1892 was 24 acres; in 1922 the total is98 (with 71 additional acres in the Observatory. site at Williams Bay, Wis., and 10Ccres .m' the Geological Fie 'd Station, St.1 enev1eve, Mo.). The total buildings in892 were 4; in 1922 there are 50..h The faculty in 18�2 numbered 140., which,as grown to 375 m 1921-22. Matriculai�ons, October 1, 1892, were 551; rnatricula-IOns to October 1, 1922, reached a total of98,511. Registrations in the opening yearWere 742; in 1921-22, 12,439. There weren10 alumni in 1892, while the total number in922 is 14,951. .The total assets in 1892 were $2,778,166;loast year's budget 'expenditures were - $3,374,-83.43.Spirit and Purpose of University WorkPresiden t Judson, in addressing the stud�nts on the thirtieth anniversary open!¥, made the following striking comment:b he material growth of the University haseen marvelous. I t will, I believe, in the�ear future be still more marvelous. But. hese material things are after all of leastl1Portanc'e in an institution of learning.They are the things which strike the eye.t e things which are of more vital importance, however, are the things which affect�:e. spirit of University life, the spirit ofn1versity work. They are far more imPhrt�nt than the mere magnitude of the� YS1cal plant. Great spirit, not great��lth, means great things.b l�he University is not educating any'to v. We can only give you an opportun-1'y, an.d if you avail yourself of it you can�e\ thmgs that are priceless, that' will last� ong as you last, and will make you moreo a man or a woman."A New Laborator; for Hygiene and Bacteriologyla Ground has been broken for the newboratory of the Department of Hygienebn� Bact'eriology at the University, to standth ween the Psychological Laboratory one north and the University Press on theSouth. The building, of brick, will front 110. feet on Ellis Avenue, and will containa general laboratory, a laboratory devotedto the bacteriology and chemistry of waterand foods, five research rooms, 'a roomequipped with sterilizing devices, and -an animal room. The cost of the building will beabout $50.,0.0.0.. The chairman of the department for which the new labo-ratory is beingerected is Professor Edwin Oakes Jordan,who' is editor of the Journal of InfectiousDiseases, and member of the InternationalHealth Board.Valuable Gift of Fossil Plants and AnimalsIn the course of a field trip the past summer with a class from the University ofChicago, Dr. Adolph C. N oe, '0.1, Ph.D. '0.5,assistant professor of Paleobotany, securedfrom Mr. C. D. Young of Morris,_ Illinoisa very valuable collection of fossil plant�and animals from the Mazon Creek. Mr.Young, who is master in chancery o�Grundy County, presented the· collection tothe University of Chicago. It consists of9;0.0. choice specimens selected from a greatnumber which Mr. Young has been collecting through nearly forty years, and is thelast great private collection of Illinois fossils available. The collection, which repr esen ts a value of several thousand dollarsand was donated to the University, withoutany conditions or reservations, will behoused in the Walker Museum .Tribute in the London Times to J amesHenry BreastedIn connection with the recent tercentenaryof the foundation of the Camden Professorship of Ancient History at Oxford University the London Times pays a special tributeto Profess-or James Henry Breasted, chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures and director of theOriental Institute at the University of Chicago, who received at the celebration thehonorary degree of Doctor of Letters, 'The Public Orator at Oxford, after noting that a great amount of research work inancient history is now done by American'scholars, declared that of these ProfessorBreasted was among the foremost, especiallyin his work on the, history and records ofEgypt. He is the author of Ancient Records of Egypt in five' volumes and of thestandard history of Egypt, and is now atwork on the great group of coffin texts inthe National Museum at Cairo.62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity Preachers for DecemberThe first preacher in December willbe Dr. Jones, who will be followed by Rev.Archibald Black, of the First Congregational Church, Montclair, New }ersey, andRev. Alfred W. Wishart, of the FountainStreet Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan,who will be the convocation preacher onDecember 17.Concerts and Recitals for the Season 1922-23Ten concerts and recitals are announcedby the University of Chicago OrchestralAssociation for the season 1922-23. TheChicago Symphony Orchestra, under theleadership of Frederick Stock, will give aseries of concerts in Leon Mandel AssemblyHall, beginning October 24, the other datesbeing November 21, December 5, January16 and 30, February 13, March 13, and April10.On February 20, Mona Gendre, the .leading juvenile comedienne of the Paris Odeon,will sing the old French songs and war ballads she sang for the soldiers during theGreat War, and the same evening the Salzedo Harp Trio will give a recital under theleadership of the distinguished harpist, Carlos Salzedo.Autumn Attendance at the UniversityOfficial announcement is made of the registration for the Autumn Quarter up toOctober 13.In the Graduate School of Arts and Literature there are 275 men and -209 women, atotal of 484; and in the Ogden GraduateSchool of Science, 318 men and 126 women,a total of 444. The total for the GraduateSchools is 928.In the Colleges of Arts, Literature andScience there are 991 Seniors, 1,499 Juniors.and 109 Unclassified studen ts, a total of2,509.In the Professional Schools there are 191Divinity students, 209 Medical students, 316Law students, 251 in Education, 629 in,Commerce and Administration, and 73 inSocial Service Administration, a total of1,669. In University College 1,437 studentsare enroll-ed.Exclusive of duplications, the total enrolment for the University is 3,372 men and2,960 women, a grand total of 6,332, a gainof 346 over the corresponding date a yearago. Of the whole number enrolled 1,594are graduate students and 4,738 undergraduate.Address at McGill UniversityBy John Merle CoulterAt the recent opening of the new Biological Building at McGill University, Montreal,Professor John Merle Coulter, head of the Department of Botany at the University ofChicago, gave one of the four, addresses.The building.. provided through the generosity of th� Rockefel1er Foundation, containslaboratones for the departments of Botany.Zoology, Physiology, Biochemistry, andPharmacology. There was a large representation of scientific men from the UnitedStates and England for the formal dedication of the building.Father and Son as Editors of the Journal ofGeologyThe November number of the Journal ofGeology at the University of Chicago willbear the names of father and son as editorand managing editor, the former. beingThomas C. Chamberlin, professor emeritusof q-eology, and the latter Rollin T. Chamber lin, associate professor of geology whoreceived both his bachelor's and docto;'s degree at the University of Chicago. Fromthe founding of the journal twenty-nineyears ago T. C. Chamberlin and the lateR. D. Salisbury were the editors and made.It the standard American publication in thegeological field. The other editors are:Stuart WeUer� invertebrate paleontology'Edson S. Bast1l1, economic geology; AlbertJ oha!lnsen,. petrology, and J. Harlen Bretz,stratigraphic geology. Associate editors include repr'ese.nta.tives of Great BritainFrance, . Germany, Norway Sweden Aus�tralia, and Canada. ' ,Successful New Portrait of Professor A. A.MichelsonMembers of the faculty and alumni of theUniversity recently contributed a fund for (l,portrait of Professor A. A. Michelson thefamous physicist, who for thirty years' hasbeen head of the Department of Physics.The portrait, which has just been completedby Ralph Clarkson, the widely known Chicago painter, IS regarded as one of his moststriking and successful pieces of work.Other University portraits by Mr. Clarksoninclude those of Dean Rollin D. Salisbury,Dean Albion VV. Small, Professor T: C:Chamberlin, Leon Mandel, donor of MandelHall, and A.· C. Bartlett donor of BartlettGymnasium. 'Professor Michelson, who spent the summer. at Mount Wilson Observatory California, in experimentation on the velo'city of. light and its bearing' on the Einstein theoryof relativity, has' received many honors forscientific research, including the Copley111(2dal from the Royal Society of London,the Nobel prize from the Swedish Academyof Sciences, and the Draper medal from theNational Academy of Science. He has alsob-een president of the American PhysicalSociety and of the American- Association forthe Advancement of Science.UNIVERSITY NOTESNew Church Building at Fifty-SeventhStreet and University Avenue.A. !lew stone church for the Disciples'�IVllllty House at the University of Chicagoa.ready has the foundations laid at the corAer of Fifty-seventh Street and Universityvenue. It will be one of three building sgrouped about a court which together willCost about $200,000. The building, in perpendicular Gothic, of gray' and yellow limestone with B-edford stone trim, will have asa striking architectural feature on University:-'\yenue three large bays, with mullionedb'Indows. The plans include an educationalhUilding to the 'east, connected with thecapel by a five-arched cloister, and to thenorth a refectory building.. The chairman of the building committeeIS Associate Professor Edward Scribner-1tn'es� of the Department of Philosophy in� e Ul11Verslty,. who IS. p�stor of the Hyd.�ark Church of the Disciples, The ar chitects are Howard Shaw and Henry K. Hols-lUan, of Chicago. 'Japanese Research Assistant at YerkesObservatoryth Issei Yamamoto, assistant professor ine Kyoto University Observatory, Japan,�as recently received appointment as Voluneer Research Assistant in the Yerkes Ob�hrvatory, according to an announcement o]h e board of trustees. Professor Yamamotoas been sent to the United States by theJapanese government to spend about a yearIn several of our active observatories.N ew Chairman of the Department ofGeologyf Dr. Edson Sunderland Bastin, professoreh.Economic Geology in the University ofI�ago, has been .made chairman of thedep;:trtment to succeed the late head, Dean�Ol1in. D .. .Salisbury, according to a recentrnn?uncemertt of the board of trustees. Pro. �SS6t -Bastin, who for fifteen years was§e.?logist in the United States Geological.urvey and was recently chid of the DiviMon of Mineral Resources, received both hisv as�er's and Doctor's degrees at the Uni-ersIty of Chicago. He has done specialwork for the government in Maine and thetestern mining districts, made an examinaIOn of copper properties in Chile, and is thefUhthor of numerous scientific reports pub-IS ed by the United States Geological SurVey.'. Pr'ofessor Bastin's father was a professor111 th_e '014 University of Chicago ..University Lectures Over RadioA series of lectures by prominent Unived�ity professors will be' broad casted byr� 10 to all.points within 'a ·1000 mile radius�h Chicago. Prof. Forrest Ray Moulton ofe department of Astronomy inaugurated 63the series from the Daily News radio station WMAQ.Nathaniel But!er, dean of the UniversityCollege, is il). charge of the lectures, whichwill be broadcasted every Tuesday night, until Feb. 6. In giving the public this, opportunity to hear many of the famous members of the faculty, Dean Butler is co-operating with W. S. Hodges, Radio editor ofthe Daily News.The next lecture was given by Prof. J.Harlan Bretz, On the subject of "Earthquakes." The other dates· in the series arebeing arranged, but the following membersof the University faculty have agreed tocontribute addresses on: the subjects inwhich they have achieved distinction:Forrest Ray Moulton, J. Harlan Bretz,Charles Hubbard Judd, Bertram G. Nelson,Harvey Brace Lemon, Ernest De. Witt Burton, S. Henry Clark, Charles E. Merriam,David Allan Robertson, Julius Stieglitz, J.Paul Goode, John Merle Coulter, TheodoreG. Soares, Edson S. Bastian, Henri David,and J ohn F. Norton. -The lectures will be brief, lasting from 7to 7 :30. .Charles Andrews Huston, '02, J.D. '08, Dean of theLaw School in Leland Stanford University, diedsuddenly ,Tune 19, 1922. The following sonnet, byProfessor Raymond M. Alden, editor of the variorumedition of Shakespeare's sonnets, and professor ofEnglish in Leland Stanford, appeared in the November number of the Stanford (Alumni) Review.3Jn ;fflemotpCHARLES ANDREWS HUSTONTwo matchless windows open in the soul:One where the cold dry rays of reason. shine,Another lucent with the light benignOf faith, of insight, from the opposite pole.And when the curtains of the first unroll,Most often does the second window inclineTo darkness,-for how hardly we divineThe blended beams of both, a luminouswhole! IBut. you, my friend, with open face drankfree .The light of every heaven, and so possessedIn equal reverence faith's and reason's rays.Therefore without you darker grow ourways;Yet still we' hail your further-faring questToward the one orient light we long to see.R. M. Alden.On State 'Board of Natural Resources'Professor Edson S. Bastin, Chairman ofthe Department of Geology ill; the University of Chicago, has been appointed a member of the State Board of Natural Resourcesand Conservation by the Governor of Illinois. John Merle Coulter, Head of the De.partment of Botany, is the other memberof the Board from the University Faculties.64 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESchool of EducationJunior High School MathematicsE. R. Breslich. Within the last thirty years junior highschools have been started all over this country. Broadly speaking, this new institution combines into one school the seventh.eighth, and ninth grades. It aims to reorganize the subject-matter to be taught froma social standpoint; to develop courses andmethods which conform to the demands ofearlv adolescence; .to provide a type of workbest- adapted to the needs and abilities of aspecial group of pupils who are above theelementary grade of instruction but not yetready for high school work; to break awayfrom traditions and to admit only materialwhich can be justified upon sound pedagogical and psychological principles; and toeliminate, or at least diminish, waste of timein these three grades. The success of thejunior high school movement depends uponthe degree to which these aims are accomplished.With the coming of the junior highschools, teachers were confronted with thenecessity of supplying suitable courses ofstudy. Such courses have now been formulated by committees and writers of textbooks. For a number of years the Department of Mathematics of the University HighSchool has been working on this problem.From the beginning, the fact has been recognized that a modern course cannot be madeup on the basis of tradition, conjecture, oropinion alone; that the problem calls forinvestigation and experimentation; that thematerial selected must be dependable 011the " basis of definite principles and that itmust be organized with, reference to thereal needs in' the life and studies of the children. It is hoped that the present schoolyear will see the completion of· this investigation.In constructing new courses, as in any newfield, mistakes are likely to occur. Many ofthese grow out of the attempt to compromise with the traditional courses, with theresult that no real reconstruction is takingplace. The Department has tried to settleall questions by careful- experimentation.Some of the most common mistakes madein 'the reconstruction of the mathematicscourses of the seventh, eighth, and ninthgrades are the following. In most of thenew courses the traditional arithmetic ofthe seventh, and even the eighth grade, hasbeen continued. Various reasons are advanced to support this position. It is saidthat there is a decided advantage in hayingthe pupil feel that the work he is about to study in the junior high school is not verydifferent from the work of the sixth grade.However, this does not consider the largenumber of pupils hoping for a change andexpecting to study new subjects, especiallythose pupils who found arithmetic difficult.They would take up a new type of work withincreasing interest and enthusiasm.Fur therrnor e, it is said that the work ofthe sixth grade has not been done sufficientlywell and must be reviewed as a part of thebeginning seventh grade work. Experiments show that this review and proficiencyin the fundamentals can be attained muchbetter by supplying a new type of workwhich calls for continuous use of the formerarithmetic than by formal reviews coveringold work in the same old way. This methodalso does away with much of the .formaldrill work called for in most of the newcourses of study. Mastery of the fundamentals in cfdthmetic in the junior highschool is no longer simply a drill undertaking, but a process of assimilation.A striking feature of some of the juniorhigh school courses is that advanced work inarithmetic precedes the study of algebraand geometry. Some phases of arithmeticinvolve more difficult reasoning than thefundamentals of algebra and geometry andmay better be given later when pupils havebecome familiar with the elements of thesesubjects and when their reasoning powersare better developed. Much of the commercial arithmetic is unessential or fundamentally beyond the pupil's experience.Topics like stocks, bonds, exchange, compound interest, are foreign to the pupil atthis age, are seldom touched upon in futurecourses, and are not permanently retained.Too much time spent on them is thereforenot profitably employed, especially as faras training in arithmetic is concerned. Itis maintained that the usefulness of thesetopics is. so great in the later life of thepupils that they should be retained. Investigations show that much of the type of workis nonessential for future use and may beomitted without loss to the learner.Another common mistake made in organizing the mathematics for the junior highschool is to have· .the arithmetic of theseventh and eighth grades followed by thetraditional algebra of the first year. ofthe senior high school or by demonstrativegeometry. Surely, some of the work nowtaught in the senior high school should bebrought down, but the traditional coursesin algebra and geometry are out of -theSCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTESqUestion because they have been workedout for pupils several years older, and evenf?r them they have been open to-severe critiClSm. Algebra taught as an organized SC1-ence is to the pupil of junior high school agebut a wearisome iteration of meaninglesslUanipulation. The fundamental .concepts inboth subjects must be developed very gradually through wide experiences. The approach to a typical study, must be gradualand easy. Geometry being the most availaQle material and being very concrete, shouldfurnish most of the application needed fortraining in arithmetic, and should be usedto make clear abstract 'algebraic principlesand processes. The greatest part oj thework should be the solution of algebraic, geOlUetric, and arithmetic problems.When compared with results attained inthe schools of Europe, the traditional sys!em of teaching mathematics in this countryIS wasteful as to time. I t is as serious amistake to consider the organization ofCOUrses for the junior high school withoutrelation to the senior high school as to haveIt dominated by the powerful influence oftradition. The junior high school is an intermediate school which forms a link betWeen the elementary and the high schoolThere is no justification for making thosewho wish to go on with school work takethe traditional courses in algebra and georne�ry. re�ardl�ss of what they have learn�d int e JunIOr high school. The problem IS top�an the work preceding the high school sot at those who do not go on derive the largest Possible benefit, while those who plan togo to high. school should not have to reP.eat work previously mastered. The soluhon of these problems is difficult, but shouldn.ot be impossible. The investigation carrIed on by the Department leads to a coniplete reconstruction of the courses in math,eruati,cs to be offered in the seventh, eighth,and ninth grades.The Chicago Dinner at Cleveland on Wednesday, February 28, is an event to look forWard. to. All Chicagoans attending the�eet1l1gS of the Department of SuperintenCence and those living in the vicinity 9fthleyeland are urged to include the dinner inP elr plans':" Further announcement will apear next month.. The Education Club has been following anInter ..t estlllg program on Monday eveningthlks. Mr. Bobbitt started the series withT e topic, "Interesting the Los Angeleso eachers in Their Curriculum." Presidentti Wen of the National Education Associaion SPoke concerning that Association; Pro-eSsor Starr addressed the Club on "A Com- parison of the Chinese and Japanese People";Mr. Judd discussed "The Master's Thesis,"and Mi. Morrison "The General Theoryof Instructional Technique in the Laboratory Schools." During December Mr.,Beauchamp talked on "Application to theTeaching of a Content Subject at HighSchool Level," and Miss Helen Cook on"Application to the Spelling Problem." Theofficers of the Club are: H. H. Nickel, President; Ruby M. Harris, Vice-President;Emma K. Miller, Secretary; \iVilliam A.Brownell, Treasurer.Mr. Whitford has accepted a position withthe California School of Arts and Crafts atBerkeley, California, for the winter quarter.The various clubs of the College of Education have been active socially this quarter. There has been a reception and dancefor College of Education students, a Hallowe'en party under the auspices of the Education Club, a Home Economics Club tea anda dinner at .Ida Noyes, and a KindergartenPrimary Club beach party.Lambda Chapter- of Pi Lambda Thetahas begun its year's work with the followingofficers: May Stewart, President; HelenCook, Vice-President; Marjorie Hardy,Corresponding Secretary; Delia Kibbe,Keeper of Records; Mary L Dougherty,Treasurer. The plan of work for the yearmakes each member responsible for the program for one meeting. The first initiationwill be held at the regular meeting in December.Mr. Tryon attended the meeting of theHigh School Principals Association at Mendon, Illinois, in November and addressed_ themeeting on "The Problem of ReorganizingHistory Teaching in the County."Miss Ethel Coe and Miss Laura van Pappelendam, both instructors in the Art Department, had paintings on exhibition at. the35th Annual Exhibit of American Paintingsand Sculpture held at the Art Institute ofChicago, November 2 to December 10. E�hibitions of the work of students of the ArtDepartment have been shown during the pastyear at Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Birmingham.Phi Delta Kappans to the number of thirtyhad dinner in Hutchison Commons onNovember 23. The new initiates were theguests of honor and the principal speakerwas Professor Jones, Director of the Schoolof Education, Northwestern University. Mr.J ones gave a most interesting talk on theeconomic, social, and educational conditionsand prospects irt Albania, from which country he has recently returned after conductinga survey at the. invitation of the Albaniangovernment.Permanent and satisfactory quarters. forPhi Delta Kappa have been found in Kimbark Hall. The south suite on the third(Continued on page 75)66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBook ReviewsTHE NEGRO PRESS IN THE UNITEDSTATESBy Frederick G. Detweiler(The University of Chicago Press)Last month attention was called on thispage to a significant survey of the Negroproblem in Chicago made under the direction of the Chicago Commission on RaceRelations and published by the Universityof, Chicago Press as The Negro in Chicago.This volume in analyzing the causes of the.serious race riots of 1919 paid considerableattention to the part played in race affairsby the .Negro press. For many years therehave been a number of papers edited by andfor the Negro, but little has been knownabout them by white people. Anyone interested may now, however, learn of thegrowing importance of this Negro "fourthestate" by reading «The Negro Press in theUnited States" by Frederick G, Detweiler,which the University of Chicago Press hasrecently published.Mr. Detweiler tells an interesting storyat the same time that he acquaints thereader with the facts of Negro journalism.For the five hundred or more race papersin circulation today he builds up a historical background by an account of early slavery days with their first little journals edited by N eg roe s. He traces the history ofthese short-lived bulletins which were thefirst printed expression by the blacks themselves of the hopes and ideals that stirredwithin the slaves. He quotes from someof these papers and tells the history of themore famous of the Negro writers who pro-duced them. 'The press edited by the free Negro, however, has be-en produced under increasinglybetter conditions as compared with the preCivil War papers, and it is with this bodyof periodicals that Mr. Detweiler is mostconcerned. He describes a great many of.the more influential papers, particularlythose which are still a force among theblacks. He tells what seems to interestthem most, what their favorite themes are,wherein they are similar, wherein they aredifferent from the white man's papers. Heanalyzes' the source of their appeal andshows how important an item they havebecome in the direction of race problems.'It is' in this portion of the book that thereader will find the' most to interest him,for here he will discover, just what theNegro is thinking. In the editorials andnews columns he will see reflected the sentiments arid schemes' of .ambitious, oftenwell-educated men. In the communicationsand letters that come to the papers frorn their readers he will find evidence of thereactions of the uneducated Negroes tothese appeals.A portion of the book is devoted to thedominant atmosphere of conflict, the demandfor rights, which inspires the editors to publish despite great odds. These pages suggest the source of the power 'exerted bythe periodicals and analyze the various solutions of the race problem which the presshas sponsored. Here are indicated the r'elationships that exist between the white andNegro press services and the programs, political, economic, and social, which are advocated by the various periodicals.Mr. Detweiler makes clear, throughout hisbook that he beli-eves that the race papershave an important part to play in the Negroproblem and that, in the words of PresidentHarding, "Publicity is going to be the greatest weapon of all in furthering the causeof the colored people of the United States."He presents the material of his volume because he believes that "the newspaper, regarded simply as an agency of communication, is a unique social' instrument." Hisinteresting book closes with these two paragraphs on the significance of the press."The press supported by the Negro comesin 'this way to be a means for making hislife significant to himself. The long yearsof slavery resulted in the impression thatthe black mind did not count in the realworld. But now, on the printed page, notonly does a man's name appear before hisfellows, but the whole 'race seems to becomearticulate to mankind."Instead of merely reflecting 'life' thenewspaper, in setting themes for discussionand suggesting the foci of attention, helpspowerfully to create that -Iife. No part ofthe Negro race in America is quite stagnant.It may be that those who are on the fr ontier s of their world, chiefly in the cities andthe ranks of the educated, are most sensitiveto the new forces and new standards. Butback in quiet rural areas, others are reading-t he ir news and arguments, and the wholemass is responding to the printed suggestion. A young Negro is sent to Annapolis;through this press he becomes a symbol forall. The Anti-Lynching Bill passes theHouse, and publicity engraves it in MagnaCarta. Even a street fight, if the racialissue enters in, stiffens the whole line ofconflict and sounds the call to a holy resistance. The advertising pages play their partin influencing the standard of living. And,so the press, ephemeral as it is, keeps mov-ing on the main currents of interest, andhelps to bring into being the life that itspages report."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 67+"--IIH_IUI-H"_IIH_n .. _"M_'UI_Un_IIt._HH_IIH_NII_IIII_IIII_n1I_111I_1U1_IIII_H"_NII_IIII_nn_IfN_IIff_IIN_Nn_IIH_IIN_NU_a+! . I1 11 i! iI � �elu ((bicago ((alenbar II =� iI for (( hnstmas j� iI =� i! Six hand-colored views, two months it on a page; tan deckle-edged paper, i! with reproduction of Vernon Howe II Bailey's etching of Harper Library i! on the Cover. Postpaid $1.10 i! i! i! i! U. of C. II ctCbristmas �retting $tals jI lSc pkg. of 10; 20 for 25ciIrI!fiI PROMPT SERVICE IN MAIL ORDERSI ---I mbe Wnibetsitp of <tbicago rgoottstote._I 5802 Ellis Avenue-I =�_ +i----MII_""_H"_NII_IIM_11l1_1II1_"II_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIIII_IIII-II·"-1IN_MII_IIII_IIII_IIII_NH_"II_IIII_IIII_IIII_tllI_I'I_IIU_IIII_1I�ift5 anb �reettng ctCarb5If you have not seen the new Bookletfor Christmas Suggestions, ask for it68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCOLLEGE ASSOCIATION'80-M'ajor Edgar B. Tolman of Chicagohas been awarded the distinguished servicemedal for his work during the war as anexecutive officer in charge of the selectivedraft in Illinois.'Ol-Donald Richberg has recently written a stirring football song, "Chicago Victory Chorus."'05-Frederick D. Hatfield, 4475 Oakenwald Avenue, Chicago, writes that duringthe six years occupancy of his apartmenthe has been robbed three times and two attempts were frustrated. To discouragerobbers he wishes to say he has no liquorin his home, in fact nothing left but oldclothes.'09-Walter P. Steffen, J.D. '11, was installed as Superior Court Judge, December4, 1922.'l1-William C. Craver is TravelingStudent Secretary, International Y. M. C.A., N ew York City. His headquarters are1000 Euclid Street, N. W., Washington, D.C.UNIVERSITY 'COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEv'ani ng, Late Afterno:on andSaturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins April 2For Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean, University College.The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 'l1-J unia Emry is Dean of the JuniorCollege of the South Dakota State NormalSchool and is President this year of theSouth Dakota Educational Association.'12- William R. Carney is President ofthe Chicago Radio Appliance Company,450 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, andVice President of the John A. Logan CoalCompany.'13-Harriet Edgeworth received herPh.D. in chemistry from Columbia U niversity last March. She is now registered asa medical student at the University of Chicago.'14-Charles W. Brittan is instructor ofMechanical Drawing at the Crane JuniorCollege, Chicago.'14-0le J. Kvale defeated Andrew J.Volstead of Minnesota for Congress fromthat State in the November elections. MeKvale proclaims himself as "drier than Mr.Volstead."'14-Mrs. I. H. Wynne (Mary Dorrance)has returned from South America, whereshe' lived for some years, and is now inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY LECTURE ASSOCIATIONLectures and ReadingsSEASON OF 1922-23NOf,TH SIDE-Monday Evenings-Fullerton Ave-'nue Presbyterian Church, Fullerton Parkway atGeneva Terrace. Lecturers: Earl Barnes, EdwardHoward '}riggs, Edward A. Steiner.SOUTH SIDE-Tuosday Evenings-St. James M. E.Church. Edlis Avenue at Forty-sixth Street. Lecturers: Sydney Greenbie, Robert Herrick, EdwardA. Steiner.ROGERS PA.RI(-Thursday Evenings-e-Bogets ParkWoman's Club, Ashland and Estes Avenues. Lecturers: Sydney Greenbie, Frank Ferguson, RobertHerrick.OAK PARK-Monday Evenings-Oak Park HighSchool, Ontarto Street at Scoville Avenue. Leeturers : S. H. Clark Lorado Taft, Ian C. Hannah.NORM.A,L PARK - Thursday Evenings � People'sLiberal Church, Stewart Avenue at Sixty-fifthStreet. Lecturers: Earl Barnes, Edward HowardGriggs, James Weber Linn, Edward Claxke.Ticket admitting holder and one other person to alllectures, $7.00. .For Olrcular .innouncement Address Box 500.The University Lecture AssociationFifty-Eigth Street at Ellis AvenueNEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSWarren. Arizona. She has two children, aboy of five and a girl of three years.'15-Ruth Gartlant is working with theAssociated Charities in Cleveland. Herad,dress is 1838 E. 81st Street .. 15-Miles O. Price is Librarian, ScienWc Library, United States' Patent Office,,ashington, D. C.16-Sterling A. Lewis is teaching in theCl;veland High School, St.' Louis, Missouri.D I8-Margery Mathews is in charge of the°dmestic Science department of the Howar, High School, Marquette, Michigan.19-Leonard A. Hammes, J.D. '21, announces the opening of offices with J. J. Fer�ulson, Suite 208, Rogers _Block, Council,tiffs, Iowa.' •20-Wendell S. Brooks presented ataper on the "Objectives of the CollegeE eacher of Latin" before the Minnesota�cation Association meeting at St. Paul,��. Was elected President of the Latin Di-l�lOn for the ensuing year.. 20-Mrs. A. C. Cooper (Marie Rummel)IS doing social service work with the De�arhtment of Attendance, Detroit Publicc, ools.li 20-Alice D. Lawrence and M'ary Mil-·�:a�,. Ph.B. '20, attended one of the Unieu rSltIes on the .western coast during theth mIner. They. came home fully convincedO':-.t there's no place like the University of,1Cago.f 20-Hilbert A. WaldkoenilS, Statisticianp o� the Detroit City Census of 1921, was apAOt�1ted Assistant Supervisor, Department of192�ndance, Detroit Public Schools, on July 1,o t 'b Granted a nine months leave of absenceS� ? er 1, 1922. Appointed Instructor in1 c119010gy, University of Washington, October, ' 22re�21�Richard W. Canman is Acting Seclil��r of Tientsin Building Company,',> 1 ed, Tientsin, China.ins;I-Rhoda C. Collins is dietician andCOllr�ctor at Kemper Hall, Kenosha, WisSInU::t��M.aude B. Davis is Professor of Edat Don 111 the College of Industrial Arts'21 enton. Texas.'ful -F. Taylor' Gurney, after a vear inlab�a, Oklahoma. spent in the chemicalCept ratory of the Cosden Oil Company, ac:For e,d an appointment under the Board ofChuelRhl Missions of the Presbyterianherarc to teach in the high school of TeAuQ' n Collesze, Teheran Persia. He sailed�l,ip·ust 2� from New York on the Stearnsix CeltIc and arrived at Teheran about, Weeks ago",;�;I:-Gladvs 'Hawlev is Assistant GeoloIllin' I� the State Geological Survey, Urbana,01S.I'i::l�x�'�-Tohn M. Rise For me r lv Statisti-t"oit' �t):1.rtmef1t of Publi� W't'1f:.1re. De-'Stati tY Ichlg-;:m, has returned to Detroit. asspend.IcIan. Motors Service Corporation, afterlng the summer in the Black Hills. EveryVictor RecordALWAYSATVictrola 'HeadquartersFORUniversity of ChicagoMen and· WomenCOME STRAIGHTTO BENTFOR YOURChristmasVictrolaBENT MUSIC SHOPINC.214-216 South Wabash Ave.TELEPHONEHARRISON 4767 6970 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOREmployers arid College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other hnes1804 Mailers Bldg..5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 5336We Print �be 'mlnibefsitp of Qtbicago :!$laga?ine� Call and insoectour building,s���t ���ifi�i!�: Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist ana a Large, Absolutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICATION ,. ,Printing and Advertising Advisers�s�e ��jh':r!�r:t and the Cooperalio« and Clearing Housecomplete Print- for Catalogues and Publications\:'l�if!�n�l!'t��� Let us estimate on your next printing order· Printing Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets· CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381BOOKSOld· and NewThe ·best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the hoo� you want.WOODWORTH�S8·00K STORESv. A. WOODWOFTH. '06, ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 E. 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, - 1540 E. 63rd StreetEn.glewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueOur new "Loop Store"112 So. Wabash Ave., (near Monroe St.)Telephone Dearborn 2259The ordeT$ of Teachers and Lih,arie3 Solicited t·_··-··_··_ .. _··-··-··_·· ..... ··_··-··-··_··_·tI C. and A. Association I+._.n_lIu_ •• _aU_ •• _"II_.U_.U_ •• _.u_a._ •• �u._n+New C. & A. Association OfficersOwing to the resignations of Joseph R:Thomas, '20, as delegate to the AlumniCouncil from the C. & A. Association, andof Miss Edna Clark, '20, as secretary of theAssociation, both resignations because ofleaving Chicago, the Executive Committeeof that Association announces the followingappointments to fill the vacancies:Secretary: Miss Charity Budinger, '20, 6031Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.Delegate to Alumni Council: Donald P.Bean, '17, University of Chicago Press.Both appointees have been actively interested in advancing the new C. & A. Association and their new duties will afford themfurther opportunity for developing the organization and association program.C. & A. Association Quarterly DinnerThe Commerce and Administration AlumniAssociation held its first quarterly dinnerand meeting of the present year on Tuesday.December 5th, in Hutchinson Cafe. Whenthe alumni sat down to dinner at 6 :30 there:were some fifty alumni present. Frank- E.Weakly, '14, President of the Association,presided. . William H. Weiser, '15, who recently returned from several years of educational work in India to continue studiesat the University, rendered violin selections and led in the singing of Chicago songsMr. Wilbur Helm, of \iVilsey & Co., gavean interesting talk on "Vicissitudes of theUniversity Man on Tackling th e World,"pointing out effectively the need for findingthe right kind of work for each individual,for patience, and for persistent, determinedeffort. Nelson Norgren, '14, outlined thebasketball prospects for the season. Mr.Nels Anderson, a graduate student in sociology, gave an unusual .address on "TheTramp or Hobo as Found in America," andread a number of tramp poems that illustrated the characteristic tramp 'attitude andsentiments. A. G. Pierrot, '07, explained ho�the C. & A. Association could co-operatewith the Alumni Council in furthering bot}�the special association and the general alurnr"interests and affairs. He closed his talk bypresenting to Mrs. Charlotte Weiser, '14, 01;behalf of the Association officers, a "Skeezi){' •prize for having the largest class attendance at this meeting.This dinner and meeting was a successful inauguration of the Association activiticffor 1922-1923,. and showed that the new C. 8LA. Association is maintaining a very activeinterest in alumni progress.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS'·---'--I--"-_II-"-"-"-'.-.'-"-I.- .. -utI Divinity Association I+ ...... II_ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... _II._II._.II_ .. _IIII_ ... _.a�u._a+M�. D. C. Holtom, Ph.D. 1919, has beenapPOlt1ted editor in chief of The ChristianMovement in Japan, the annual publication°hf the Protestant Missionary Societies oft at country.Mark F. Sandborn, D.B. 1904, formerlytahstor of the Judson Memorial Baptisturch of Minneapolis, has accepted thec�l1 of the First Church, Detroit, and beEns. his ministry in that. city Nov. 12th.Urtng his six years in Minneapolis 465new 111embers have been added to the�hurch and a very strong and well organIzed Sunday School has been developed.f Geo. E. Lockhart, D:B. 1913, has resignedW111 the First Baptist Church, Wheeling,. est Virginia, where he has labored efficl'ently for the last four years.G. 1. Hoover, D.B. 1907, is now serving�sd one. of the Secretaries of the Board of� Ucahon of the Disciple Church.f E. LeR.oy Dakin, D.B. 1911, has resignedW111 the First Baptist Church, Charleston;th est Virginia, to succeed Dr. Massey, ofN e Tabernacle Baptist Church, Brooklyn,. Y.R. W. C. Deer, D.B. 1922, is leaving Bigp °Ick,. II 1. , to accept a pastorate in Cedara Is, Iowa.of B. L. Rust, A.M. 1916, formerly pastorh. the First Baptist Church, Kokomo, Ind.,};S accepted the call of the Baptist church,orthwood, Iowa.ta W. D. Whan, D.B. 1909, of Bil!ings, Mone na, has successfully led his church in theo:ection of a new church edifice, costinger $100,000.be':' N. Hutchins, Ph.D. 1913, who hasVill� Pastor of the Baptist Church, KentBibl' N. S., has been appointed professor ofW tf . and Homiletics in Acadia College,o vIlle, N. S.of Che.ster N. New, Ph.D. 1914, professorrontBIstory in McMaster University, Tothe °i:)'�a� on the staff of instructors ofQu IVln1ty School during the Summerarter.tu�"l' Shar111an, Ph.D. 1906, recently rebeene fr0111 a trip to China, where he hastian �rave!Iing in the interests of the Chris-. tudent Movement. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution, theFirst Trust and SavingsBankoffer a complete, convenient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$330,000,000Northwest CornerDearborn and Monroe Sts.Chicago 7172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Clearing House Bank inthe Center ofHyde ParkReady to Serve YouOur service includes:Real Estate Mortgages,Foreign Exchange TravelersChecks,Safety Deposit Vaults,Insurance 01 all kindsUNIVERSITY STATE BANK1354 East 55th StreetCorner RidgewoodChicago Alumnihave a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, Illinois +.--- .. - .. - .. - .. � .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - +,1 •I Law School Association I+-- .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - ......... -.+Law School Association Noon MeetingWhen the Law School Association getsthirty-two men out to a noon luncheon, thefact is worth recording. It happened Wednesday, November 15, 1922, at the Morrison Hotel. The meeting was an auspiciousstart for the association's activities for thepresent year.The proposed new constitution for Illinoiswas discussed by Mr. Charles H. Hamill, ofthe law firm of Rosenthal, Hamill & Wormser, the guest of honor and speaker, whowas a member of the Constitutional Convention and chairman of two important committees. He reviewed the provisions relating to taxation, Chicago home rule, enlargedpowers of the Supreme Court, and consolidation of courts in Cook County, all ofwhich he analyzed and commended as distinct advances. He pointed out the increasedfacility for amendment, saying that if for 110other reason we should adopt the new constitution to get the benefit of that, eventhough we should proceed to scrap thewhole document piecemeal to remove suchdefects as we obj-ect to. He gave a we 11-reasoned argument for adoption, and answered objections raised by his audience.Besides the speaker, the members presentwere:Roy P. Kelly, H. L. Ellsworth, RichardM. Gudeman, David J. Greenberg, Earl K.SchEck, Urban A. Lavery, A. H; Veeder,Louis S. Hardin, Charles V. Clark, BernardNath, Arnold R. Baar, Edward A. Seegers,George B. Cohen, Charles P. Schwar tzJoseph Fisher, Harry F. Chaveriat, GeorgeK. McKibben, Clay Judson, Harry N. Weinberg, R. D. Lucas, H. E. Soble, D. Levinson, C. S. Lloyd, J. R. Bryant, T. Leeming,Leo J. Carlin, Frank Madden, Willard L·King, Ben Herzberg, W. H. Moses, CharleSF. McElroy.Hamlin K. Buchman, J.D. '22, is withFelsenthal, Struckmann & Berger, 810 Title& Trust Btdg., Chicago.Leonard J. Curtis, J.D. '12, is professor oflaw in the University of Arizona at Tucsot':Arizona.Sidney Frisch, J.D. '22, has 'formed apartnership with his father under the nameof Frisch & Frisch with offices at Suite1003, 6 North Clark St., Chicago.Leonard A. Hammes, J.D. '21, is a member of the firm of Ferguson & HammeS,215 Rogers Block, Council Bluffs, Iowa.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSL. Dana Latham, ex-'21, is now withlIopkins, Starr & Hopkins, 1300 Westminster Building, Chicago .. Frederick C. Lusk, J.D. '22, is practicing�ltth Ingraham D. Hook at 318 Scarrittdg., Kansas City, Missouri.John F. McGrath, LL.B. '22, is with the�gal department of the Morris PackingS°tnpany, Chicago. His residence is 6030outh Park Avenue.Amos M. Mathews, J.D. "21, has becomea .tnember of the firm of Jensen & MathewsWC!th offices in th-e Iowa Building, Siouxtty, Iowa.Ch<!eorge D. Mills, J.D. '22, is with Good,11; lIds, Bobb & Westcott, 1100-76 West'onroe St., Chicago.th'Lorenzo D. Nichol, Jr., J.D. '22, is withe legal department of the Casualty Insurance Co., 175 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago.f Alison Reppy, J.D. '22, is Assistant Prohessor of law in the University of Okla-Otna, Norman, Oklahoma.Nathaniel Rubinkam, J.D. '12, is with�h°.Yne & O'Connor, 105 West Monroe St."tcago.l' �amuel 'R. Shambaugh, J.D. '22, is pracSh_lng with Price & Martin, 1212 Lake�re Drive, Chicago.th lOYd B. W-eak!y, LL.B. '18, is now ina � Trust Department of the Peopl-es TrustC1' Savings Bank, 30 North Michigan Ave.,lCago. +.--- .. - .. -.-.- .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. ._.;" .. - .. --- ....... �I Doctors' Association I! i+_ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ •. _ •. _ •. _ •. � •• _a_.+Doctors of Philosophy at the University ofChicagoA striking illustration of the scope andextent of the work in the Graduate Schoolsof the University is given in the new Register of Doctors of Philosophy covering theyears from 1893 to 1921. In the SocialSciences 313 Doctor's degre-es- have beenconferred by the University; in the DivinitySchool 129; in the Classics 95; in ModernLanguages 135; in Mathematics and the. Physical Sciences 329; in the Earth Sciences65, and in the Biological Sciences 283.The total number who have received theDoctor's degree from the U niversity in thetwenty-eight years covered by the newRegister is 1,349, of whom fifty-two aredeceased.Up to date the University of Chicago hasconferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on 1,448 candidates.SMITH SAUER MOTOR CO.2534 SO. MICHIGAN AVEDISTRIBUTORSTHE STURDYCASED. UNDERHILL SMITH Ex'12 CLARK G. SAUER '1274 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERALPH C. MANNING, '00, J. D. '03Real tor and Insurance BrokerSpecialist in ChicagoWest Suburban PropertiesTown and Country Homes209 West Liberty Drive Phone: 195Wheaton, IllinoisJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Pa.ul H.Davis& G'ompaugMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, 'II Herbert I. Markham, Ex_"06Ralph W. Davis,'16 Byron C. Howes, Ex.;'13N.Y.LifeBldg.-CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctiopSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergradua tes given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago +1I-._-"_O"_IIO __ II_IIII_IIO_IIII-OIl_.O __ O--:IIO_II-'rI SCHC_>OL OF EDUCATION . i+1I-HU-UII-NU-UH-tlJI-III1-UII-IIII-nll-llII-uu-nu-IIII�II+'04--Mary M. Steagall, Ed. B., is on leaveof absence from the State Normal Universitvat Carbondale, Illinois, and is studying atthe University of Chicago.'07-Carlotte Koch, Cert., is primary supervisor in the city schools of Glendive,Mont.'09-Walter R. Jones, Ed. B., teaches industrial geography in the Technical HighSchool of Brooklyn, N. Y.'12-Elsie A: Wygant, S.B., is in chargeof the Children's Community School, including babies from walking age to sevenyears. 2126 Lincoln Park West, Chicago:'14-Ammon Swope, A.M., is assistant professor of trades and industry at. Purdue University.'15-Harry T. Fultz, S.B., is principal ofthe Albanian Technical School, Tirana, Albania.'15--:-Gladys 1. Scharfenstein, Ph.B.; is assistant professor of textiles and clothing atthe Connecticut Agricultural College.'16-Charles E. Skinner, A.M., is doinggraduate work and giving courses in educational psychology at the School of Education, New Y ork University. .'16-Beryl Parker, Ph.B., director of theDrake University Elementary School, taughtduring the summer of 19Z2 in the Demonstration School of the Southern Branch ofthe University of California.'16-Doris E. Hotchkiss, Cert., is a teacherof primary subjects in the Royal StreetSchool, Honolulu, T. H..'17-Grace H. Woolworth, Cert., is kindergarten critic at the State Normal School.Bowling Green, Ohio.'17-Laurence S. McLeod, A.M., is headof the Dept. of Psychology and Education,University of Tulsa, Okla.'17-Marion G. Miller, Ph.B., is continuing her art studies in Chicago and is livingat 404 N. 5th Ave., LaGrange, Ill.'lS-0rpha McPherson, Ph.B., is directorof rural education at the State NormalSchool, Bloomsburg, Pa.'lS-Florence J. Morgan, A.M., is head ofthe mathematics department of the LiggettSchool, Detroit, Mich.'Hl-Mary E. Icke, Ph.B., is supervisor ofintermediate grades in the public schools otCedar Rapids, Iowa.'20-Helen G. Thompson, Ph.B., has beenconnected with the advertising department ofMarshall Field & Co. since September, 1922.'21-Bonnie Mellinger, Ph.B., is demonstration teacher at the State Teachers College, San Jose, California. .SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES-DEAN BUTLERh '21-Nancy Trompen, A.M., S.B., 1913, is"'1��ad of the mathematics department ofvv illiam Woods College, Fulton, Mo.'21-Robert H. K. Walter, Ph.B., is onleave of absence from his position in theLos Angeles Public Schools and is livingat 6536 Normal Blvd., Chicago.'21-Anna W. L. Janzen, Ph.B., is directorAOf the Commons, University of Texas,� ustin, Texas. ''2:2�William W. Martin, A.M., is profes�r of education, North Carolina College,.. reensboro, N. C.. '22-Anna W. Titterington, Ph.B., is anll1structor in the Janes Hayes Gates Insti�te, a trade school for girls and women.ansas City, Mo.School of Education Notes(Continued from page 65)�oor . is now to be used for the meetings ofbhe. fraternity and suitable furniture wille ll1stalled from time to time.th Mr. Judd was absent from the Universitys e Week of November 27 in order to makeiveral addresses before the Arizona Stateeachers Association which had its annualmeeting at Phoenix.Mr. Arthur Gibbon Bovee is the authorCf a textbook recently issued by Ginn ando.tnpany entitled Premiere Annee de Franfats. This book is the result of Mr. Bo-vee's f' hf very success ul expenence as teac er? the direct method in beginning French�? the University High School. As he says,Anyone can learn French fr o m his book."h Ralph E. Huston, a senior in the University,thS been chosen Rhodes. scholar of Illinois bye committee for the Rhodes trustees.Dean Nathaniel Butler(Continued from page 57)fiil�s on extension and other educationald s. He is a member of the Quadranglean�b, the Chicago Association of Commerce,111. of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Noup�n . h�s contributed more than he to theVe �tldll1g of important phases of our unitintSIty work and he stands among that disCh�ulshed group who have helped to makelCagO a truly great university.PLEASE NOTE THAT THEMAGAZINE PRINTSAlumni Professional . CardsFOR RATES. ADDRESSALUMNI OFFICE. UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO Mucilage Fountain PenLatest Office-Home Necessity for .sOcMONEY BACK GUARANTEEAGENTS BIG PROFITS. WHIRLWIND SELLERMUCILAGE FOUNTAIN PEN CO.STEGER. ILL.. U. S. A.Joseph Fishman, '15GENUINE NAVAJO RUGS & NOVELTIESdirect from Indians_For prices. addressDANOFF, FISHMAN COMPANYGallup, New MexicoThe Largest College Annual Engraving Housein America-JAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO.55,4 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill.ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNote: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AllBooksAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoEstablished 1885. Oldest Agencyunder the same active management,FREE REGISTRATION to University of Chicago students. On returning documents a College President wrote:"I am grateful for the promptattention you always give to ourappeals for help. I am especiallygrateful for the courteous attention given to me on my. personalvisit .to your office in September.It was a surprise to see so manyManagers, Clerks, Stenographersall earnestly engaged in their work,and to meet so many groups ofschool men from day to day, onthe same errand as myself,"Students and Alumni 'of the University are always welcome. It costsyou nothing to interview our Man-.agers and will bring results! Wehave the business.Othe'r offices437 Fifth Av·e .. , New: Yor'k, NSymes Bldg., Denver, Colo.Peyton Bldg., Spoka·ne, Wash. 7576 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, CHAIRMAN OF THE:SOARDEDMUND D. HULBERT, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERHUGH J. SINCLAIR, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHARLis H. HULBURDCHAUNCEY R BORLAND CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONEDWARD B. BUrLER JOHN J. MITCHELLBENJAMIN CARPENTER MARTIN A. RYERSONCLYDE M. CARR J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWELL ROBERT J. THORNEERNEST A. HAMILL CHARLES H. WACKEREDMUND D. HULBERTForeign Exchange Letters o,f CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.. 3 % Paid on Savings Deposits Ticket Troubles-Elsewhere(Continued from page 54)tended some graduate department of Harvard University, to the disadvantage of theundergraduates and Graduates of HarvardCollege itself? There are some men in' theDental School, and perhaps in other departments, who are not graduates of other colleges, and consider themselves as Harvardmen. They should he taken care of.As to matters affecting the University atlarge, all graduates of any department ofthe University are interested and should,and do, have proper representation, but whyshould not undergraduates and graduates ofdepartments of the University, other thanHarvard College, who hold degrees fromcolleges other than Harvard, be at leastplaced in a class by themselves, so far ascollege athletics. are concerned, and comein after both undergraduates and graduatesof Harvard College?Boston. C. T. Davis, '84.AT OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY(From Ohio State Alumni Monthly)Stadium TicketsAlumni subscribers to the Stadium aregiven assurance by the Athletic Board thatthe confusion and the "grief" over seat allotments for the Michigan game this yearwon't recur.The location of some subscribers' seatsdear above or below the goal lines, the failure of many patrons to re'ceive ticketsthough the checks sent with their app lications had been cashed by the Athletic Board.the inability of the Stadium ticket office illmany cases to tell a man whether his orderhad ever been filled or even received-theseare a few of the circumstances that madethe Stadium ticket office in Ohio Union almost a madhouse for some days before' J:hededication game, with a big. overflow ofworry and complaint into the Alumni Officewhich is just across the hall from Hen Taylor's hangout.In justice to the Athletic Board, DirectorL. W. St. John and Henry Taylor, '09, illcharge of ticket distribution, the Monthlyfeels that it can and should explain "insidethe family" that:Delay in finishing the Stadium itself delayed the making of charts showing the nurI1�bering plan for seats, which in turn held uPthe printing of the tickets themselves.Taylor and his assistants were in fact unable to issue a single ticket for even thepreliminary' games until less than two weeksbefore the whistle blew.Peculiarly, the tremendous rush forMichigan game tickets was very much .::1"last-minute" dernand-s-near ly 30,000 appliTICKET TROUBLES�ELSEWHEREcations being received within the last two:eeks before the game-a situation whichof Set advance calculations as to the sizeh the crowd and the amount of time andPl·lp +�eeded to handle and fill the ticket ap-ICalIons, day by day.t The working force in the ticket office had01 be d,oubled, then trebled within the periodin h week or two, which resulted naturallyD t. e addition of many untested and inexeffi.rI�nced helpers-with the penalty of in-CIen�y that such help always brings.QoJhe Job of handling applications for 75,do ,to 8?,OOO seats, 10,000 or more of whichant eXIst, with the further comp lication ofti system of involved and rather elastic ope�ns, .probably would have swamped even anti�enenced ticket office force with plenty ofthe e to g�t ready. It does, annually, swampand orga11IZatlOns at Yale, Harvard, Chicagothat elsewhere according to the news storiesCorne from those places.AT 'MICHIGAN(From the Michigan Alumnus)S. R. O. For Wisconsin Game,bo Proof that the millionaire and the day lase�er. are .on equal terms when it comes to'gan�rl11g tickets for the big games on :M;ichida SS football schedule was furnished a fewlI�nr ago when a telephone' message fromY Ford to the office of the Athletic 77Association was answered by the familiarformula, "Sorry, but we have no seats leftfor the Wisconsin game.",This doesn't mean -that the man whosebusiness activities. have had so much to dowith American road-making won't be somewhere in the stands on the day that Michigan and Wisconsin clash, but if he is a spectator it will only be because he has foundsome lucky possessor of a ticket who wasopen to persuasion by the Ford pocketbook.But if the speech of a student whochanced, to overhear the local end of thebrief telephone conversation may be takenas typical, the millionaire's chances of £:etting a ticket from a Michigan man aren'tworth mentioning. The student in questionlistened with interes-t, then pulled his ownticket from an inner pocket, looked at itwith satisfaction and remarked as he restoredit to safekeeping:"N 0, I don't think he's got money enoughto get my ticket!"Mr. Ford is by no means alone in histicketless condition. For days past the officials at the Athletic Association headquartershave been returning money orders' to tardyinquirers for tickets from all parts of thestate, and even the standing room tickets,which entitle one, at a cost of $1.50, to standfor three Hours on a sloping platform, withno chance to change his position and hardlyroom to keep his feet warm, are .going fast,6-3 Years of SafetyA business that has been established for morethan half a century has had an opportunityto demonstrate its ability to render a worthwhile service to the pub'ic.Time with its economic changes has tested tothe utmost the facilities of this Company andhas always found it ready to meet the test.Such a Company deserves the most seriousconsideration of those men who are seeking aconnection that will promise a real future.THESTRAUS BROTHERSCOMPANY10 South La Salle Street Chicago, Illinois78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash t 800BRADFORD G1LL, '10 WILLIS H. LINSLt::y, '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL I NSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDTt::Lt::PHONt:: WABASH 9411 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life In;, Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Sbilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE aUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY63;7 No. Michigan Ave., Superior 74RAYMOND ]. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7440John J. Cleary, Jr., ,'14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety Bo'ndsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 Chi�agoCornelius Teninga, '12REAL ESTATE and LOANSPullman Industrial Di,ltirictTeninga Bros. & Co, 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000John A. Logan, '21lnuestment SecuritieswithH. M. BYLLESBY' & COMPANY208 So. La Salle ss, Wabash 0820 The Letter Box(Continued from page 53)A Letter Endorsed by HundredsNovember 17, 1922.�is Honor, The Mayor,CIty Hall,Columbus, Ohio.Dear Sir:On behalf of the U n.ver sity of Chicagoalumni who visited your city on November11th to attend the Ohio-Chicago footballgame, I want to express a sincere appr eciation of your wonderful hospitality. Man),of us have followed the University of Chicago teams for fifteen years or more, butin no instance have we received the war rrlreception that was extended to us by yourmunicipality. The mounted police escortreturning to the business district after thegame was an honor appreciated by all ofus and frequently commented upon. Thetreatment received makes us want to return at an early date.With best wishes for yqur self and thefine city of which you are chief executive,I amSincerely yours,C. F. Axelson,President, University ofChicago Alumni Association,A "Hearty Smile" from China. Samshui City,West River, Via Canton, China.Oct. 17, 192,2.Dear Mr. Pier rot :I do really fee! ashamed of myself formy delay in renewing. However, wheflyou know the reason of my delay I atllsure you will not blame me too severely. 1have been ill for almost a year, hence business of all kinds has been unduly neglected,Besides I am living in a small town, andit's very difficult to buy foreign exchange.N ow enclosed please find a bill of tw?dollars for my membership dues and rJ})'Magazine renewal.I am sending you "a hearty smile."Yours very" sincerely,Yat Kwan Liang (Miss), '20.Appreciation of War Service ScholarshipsPresident Judson has received the following communication from General Robert A·Davis, Adjutant General of the War Department at Washington, with reference tothe La: Verne Noyes Scholarships:"The Commanding General of the Si)(tfiCorps Area informs this office that yOUrinstitution will grant scholarships (about350) from students who served in the WorldWar, or who are descendants of anyotl'e(Continued on page 80)MARRIAGES) ENGAGEMENTS) BIRTHS) DEATHS+--"_ .. _"_ .. _"-"_ .. _.'-"-"-"-, "-'jII Marriages, Engagements,. Births, Deaths.+"'_··--"-"-&I-"-.'-"-"-"-".-"--"---'":marriagesElsie G. Clark, A.M. '12, to Andrew H.�rug. At home, 2227 St. Paul Street, Balltnore, Maryland.I Boward B. McLane. J.D. '15, to MaudeI' d�1arks, September 2, 1922, at Plymouth,t plana. At home, 1002 Monroe Street,a orte, Indiana.b Jhatnes O. Murdock, Ph.B. '16, to Eliza. et O. Lea, December 2, 1922, at Washc-gton, D. C. At home, 'The Strathcona,Shtarles River Road, Cambridge, Massachue ts.t �bert S. Landauer. S.B. '18, Ph.D. '21,nO 11 uth H. Kronthal. At home, 5339 Cor-e Avenue, Chicago.t �nifred H.' Franz, Ph.B. '19, S.M. '22,A. alker M. Hinman, Ph.B. '20, S.M. '22,Ugust 12, 1922, at Chicago, Illinois.C Mary H. Shipley, Certificate '20, to H. S.0' atnpbell. At home, Kalamazoo, Michisan.S Jhatnes Reber; Ph.B. '20, to ElizabethC oUe. 'D Walter E. Kramer. Ph.B. '20, to NanetteCh�enberg. ex-'24, October 10, 1922, atB',lclago, Illinois. At home, 4737 Drexelau eVard, Chicago.'ThEula B. Sleeth, A.M. '21, to DavidIi: °tnas. August 4, 1922, at AuditoriumOkoltel, Denver, Colorado. At home, Perryahoma.�ngagementsD James Stanley Moffatt, A.B. '12, to Dorisrutnmond.r----__ � ,George S. Lyman, '15ARTISTROGERS & 'COMPANYTwen tieth and Calumet____ Telephone Calumet 5620 79Ruth M. Sandberg, Ph.B. '16, to HaroldE. Culbertson of Joliet, Illinois.Stanley D. Wilson, Ph.D. '16, to Anna M.Lane of Peking, China.Maude 1. Harnish, Ph.B. '19, to HerbertDival of New Jersey.Herbert O. Crisler, Ph.B. '22, to DorothyAdams, Ph.B. '22.jljirtbsTo Paul P. Rohns, S.B. '09, and Mrs.Rohns, a son, Paul Philip, J r., January 6,1922, at Grand Rapids, MIchigan.To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Smith (LucileHeskett), '12, a daughter, Martha Joan, November 4, 1922 .To Dr. and Mrs. Burne O. Sippy (M.Dorothea Driscoll) '14, twins, KennethNoyes and Francis Hewitt, October 24,1922, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Hur st (Fern'PI yor ) '14, a daughter, Jessie Jean, May16, 1922, at Leon, Iowa.To Miles D. Sutton, Ph.B. '16, and Mrs.Sutton, a son, Miles Delmar, j r., June 28,'1922, at Duluth, Minnesota.To Captain John Huling, Jr., '17, andMrs. Huling (Helen Moffet) ex-'21, a son,September 11, 1922, at Watertown Arsenal,Watertown, Massachusetts.To Charles 0, Haskell, A.M. '20, andMrs. Haskell,' a son, July 12, 1922, at Harvard, Illinois.1!\;eatbsEthel M. Johnson, S.B. '19, October 29,1922, at Chicago, Illinois.Francis W. Parker, former Trustee ofThe University of Chicago, at his home,1514 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, October 9, 1922.Wabash 0820Luther M. Sandwick '20With -H. M., ByHeshy and CompanyInvestment Securities,208 S. LaSaUe St.Twenty-seventhYear The Love T eachers' Agency A. A. LOVE,ManagerTelephone 1353-W Free EnrollmentFargo, No:th Dako<ta62 Broadway80 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe S-wift Arro-wsia nds for�2rvice-preparing meats and distributing them over thousands of.. miles to 110,000,000 Americans.�peed-fresh �eats, hanging in thecooler an hour after the animal enters, the plant; all in the hands ofthe consumer within two weeks.�an:itation and· cleanliness - liberal, habitual use of water throughout plants; bathing and dressingfacilities for plant workers; rigidinspection of animals and meat, byour own as well as by federal government employes.�ize-twenty - three plants, morethan four hundred branch houses,thousands of refrigerator cars, atrained army of workers and distributors, fitting the nation's size 'andable to meet its vast food needs.@cope - world - wide markets;country-wide access to sources of. supply.,@aving- in. cost of preparing andhandling meat because of scope, size,equipment, modern methods, efficient handling of by-products.(�teadfastness-alWayS on the job;furnishing a steady cashmarket ferthe live stock producer and keepingup a steady stream of meat to theconsumer,Swift & Company, U. S. A.Founded 1868A Dation-wide organization owned by morethan 45,000 shareholders The Letter Box(Continued from page 78)who honor ably served in the Army or Navyof the United States during said War. Permit me to express the appreciation of theWar Department for your generosity ahdinterest in this matter."Your institution has been placed on thelist. of educational institutions granting concessions to children of Army personnel andon the list of institutions granting concessions to honorably discharged enlisted men."The Princeton Game1922 -- 21-18I played the Princeton game last nightI've 'dreamed it through ten times-in all:The Tigers had a lot of nerve;Chicago had "nerves"-and the ball.They bucked and bucked-against therules-They tore the signals into shreds-The men all had on headgears-butSomewhere, somehow they'd Io=t theirheads.'We'll jam it through the center quick,"Our brawn and bone they cannot beat,"\Ve'll show 'em we don't need our brains"So long as We can keep our" feet."T ohn Thomas tried it twice and then. i said: "Please, won't you let me try?""Oh, call in Jimmy Tuohig," saidStr ohme.er and he shut one eye.I ran across the field where StaggWas nibbling on a bunch of hay;"Get Jimmy in a uniform"\Ve're going to try our other play!"N ext thing I knew Tuohig ran out;He wore a derby hat, but oh!Y ou should have heard the grandstandshout:"J am Jimmy through! Chicago-go!"Then, just before he reached the squad,He stopped, a divot to replace,A nd when he saw the torn up sodHe shook his fist in Princeton's face"T'l l teach you to tear up my fie!d"-A thrill went through Chicago's team"Gimme the ball!" he cried, and thenMost fluently he dd blaspheme.I n front of us the goal posts stood,Two feet away the Princeton line,Strohmeier tried to signal, butJimmy kept yammering: "Mine! Mine!"He grabbed the ball and up my backHe scrambled like a crazy cat.Leaped off my head and there uponThe Pr inceton cross-bar Jimmy sat!The bleachers cried : "A goal, a goal.'Then as the final whistle blewo·j imrny fell off the bar and soJ think he scored a touchdown too;And just as I am waking upNot "Twenty-one-Eighteen" I see,But on the dream scoreboard: "Princeton->Chicago-Nineteen- Twenty- Three."Donald R. Richberg, '01.Eclipse of' the sunThis is the month when the sun is outshone, and. wemortals 'draw greater warmth and sustenance from thathomely provender+-mmce pie.It is the warmth of �he holiday spirit:, which causeshuman hearts to glow when temperatures are' lowest.Mother's cooking-the familyunited+-Cbristmas trees-andcracklingIogs+-wbatwould this world be without them ?In promoting the family good cheer the college man's '"part is such that modesty often blinds him to it.It would hardlyoccur to the glee club man to sing overthe songs of Alma Mat<erfor the still Dearer One at home.The foot ban man would scarcely suspect that his youngerbrother is dying to have him drop-kiek fo� the "fellers .. "The Prom leader would not presume to think that amongthose sisters who have been waiting to share his agilityat fox-trot may be his own 'Sister.And in general, college men would scorn to believe thatany conversational prowess they might possess on books,professors or campus activities could possibly interest acertain Gentleman Who Foot'S the BHls.But just try it, all qf you. The welcome you get willwarm the cockles of your 'heart.This suggestion, amid .sighs as they look back across theyears, is the best way a bunch of old grads here know ofwishing you. '-'l\1,erry Christmas"..: i'e9�em Electric CompanyThis atJiverlis,ement.is one 0/ a series in stude.ntpublications. It may remind alumni o/their oppocrtunity to "·elp the undergraduate, by suggestion andadvice, to get more out o/his.!()uryear.Ji. � IIii.:1America's Finest Men's Wear StoresMen of the .Alumnie+CAPPER & CAPPER are interested in serving you well-in such away as to earn the righ� to you.r centinued supp.or:t and patronage.It has been said that because of various connections. we are in a position and organized to serve you better thall'many other firms onChristmas gift packages.If we can be of service to you at this time. we shall be pleased. andshould you see fit to place your confidence in us. as regards giftpackages. we will save you much annoyance. .Just give us an idea of what you want. and' the price you want to payWe' will work: �ith yo� on selections, or we will make the"select'iolls; we win see that :the selections are wrapped in such away as to be most pleasing, and we will deliver to the recipient ifyou. say so'...A ring, a call. or a letter. and we will be at your service.LONDO,NC:H'ICAGOSAINT PAULD,ETR,OITMil LWAU,KEEMINNEAPOLISTWO CHICAGO STORESMichigan Avenue at Monroe StreetHotel ShermaaClothing is sold at both stores