Gbt Unibtr,Sitr �Qhicago roagallnt��� PUBLISHED BY TIlE ALUMNI CoUNCIL ����-tHE. PRESS BUiLDING, pUBJ;���:�'tt fayFor twenty-nme years the Univiersity of Chicago Press has beenpublishing books and journals in its plant on the campus.Organized in 1893 at the suggestion of President Harper as anintegral part of the University, this oldest and largest of American univer­sirv.presses has continuously served the educated reader the world overthrough the manufacture and publication or worth ... while books.ServiceCompletely equipped. to produce and distribute volumes ofevery description" the University of Chicago Press has been,through these years, a medium for the publication of noteworthycontributions to many fields of learning. Its publications, in many differentlanguages, are found: wherever good books are read and studied; its imprintis now seen on the pages of over one thousand titles; its reputation forgood printing craftsmanship is yearly strengthened by newaccomplishments,err,'., There are a numher of disdlilct processes involved in the pub,J Iicacion of a book or magazine, each of which demands theservices of skilled workers. A glimpse of these successivestages of manufacture at the Press should not only make eachof its volumes more interesting, but should suggest the signifi­cance in the publishing field ofthis great unit of the University.THl'S IS THE FIRST OF A SERIES OF ADVERTISEMENTSTHAT WILL nE'SCRilB!E THE MAKING OF GOOD :BOOKS ATTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS�bt mnibet!)Up of €:bitago .maga?ineEditor and Business Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERRor, '07.Editorial BoardC. and A. Association-DoNALD P. BEAN, '17.Divinity Association-=X, G .BAKER, Ph.D., '21.Doctors' Ass;dation-HENRY C. COWLES, Ph.D., '98.Law Association-CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M., '06, J.D., '15.School of Education Association-s-Diun s: KIBBE, '21.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th" St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. . �Po:;;tage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. �Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cents onannual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all' other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on. single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).URernittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Bo� 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, Hl14, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, '1.879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.VOL. XV CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1922 No.1FRONTISPIECE: THE UNIVERSITY "NEIGHBORHOOD."CLASS SECRETARIES AND CLUB OFFICERS '........... .. 3EVENTS AND COMMENT ..•..•..••.•....•.•...••.....••..... �.... ..•..........• 5MESSAGE TO THE ALUMNI (PRESIDENT JUDSON) •....•................ " 7ALUMNI l\FFAIRS ''. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8. PROMINENT ALUMNI ; 11THE LETTER Box � "'" 12CHICAGO DEANS (A SERIES), DEAN ALBION W. SMALL ;., .•.. ; 17ATHLETICS ..•..•...•........••.......................................................• 18NE\VS OF THE QUADRANGLES '" � '_ .•.. " ......•........................•..••...... 20UN1VERSITY NOTES .•.....................................•...........................•SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (MOTION PICTURES ;N EDUCATION). NOTES ....................•.BOOK REVIEWS •.••..........••...............•........••....................••........ 262124NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS ...•.•................••....................•• 28THE UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT ..........................................••............• 36MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS •...................••••....•.........•...•• 391THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumniof the University Councilof ChicagoChairman, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07Secretory-Treasurer, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.THE COUNCIL for 1921-22 is composed of the fol'lowing delegates:From the College Alumni Association, 'Term expires 1923, ELIZABETH FAULKNER, '85;THOMAS J. HAIR, '03; LEO F. WORMSER, '05; ALICE GREENACRE, '08; WILLIAM H.LYMAN, '14; MRS. RUTH DICKINSON, '15; Term expires 1924, MRs. WARREN GORRELL,'98; CHARLES S. EATON, '00; FRANK McNAIR, '03; MRs. GERALnINE B. GILKEY, '12;PAUL S. RUSSELL, '16; MARGARET V. MONROE, '17; Term expires 1925, JOHN P.MENTZER, '98; HENRY D. SULCER, '05; CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07; HAROLD H. SWIFT,·'07; ELIZABETH BREDIN, '13; JOHN NUVEEN, JR., "18.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT L. WILLETT, PH.D., '96; HERBERT E.SLAUGHT� PHD., '98; MRS. MAYME LOGDON, PH.D., '21.From the Divinity Alumni Association, E. J. GOODSPEED, D. B., '97, PH.D., '98; OSCAR D.BRIGGS, ex-'09; A. G. BAKER, PH.D., '21.From the Law SGho01 Alumni Association, S. CLkY JUDSON, J.D., '17; CHARLES F. McELROY,A.M., '06, J.D., '15; BENJAMIN F. BILLS, '12, J.D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, R. L. LYMAN, PH.D., '17; J. ANTHONYHUMPHREYS, A.M., '20; MRS. GARRETT F. LARKIN, '21.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14;JOSEPH R. THOMAS, '20; JOHN A. LOGAN, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, WICLIAM MACCRACKEN, '09, J.D., '12; HOWELL W. MURRAY,'14; RALPH W. DAVIS, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, GRACE A. COULTER, '99; MRS. HOWARD WILLETT, '07; HELENNORRIS, '07.From the University, HENRY GORDON GALE, '96, PH.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, CHARLES F. AXELSON, '07, The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILSOPHYPresident, HERBERT L. WILLETT, Ph.D., '96, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, W. H. JONES, '00, D.B. '03, 4400 Magnolia Ave., Chicago.Secretary, A. G. BAKER, Ph.D., '21, University of Chicago.LA W SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, S. CLAY JUDSON, J.D., '17, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago ..Secretary, CHARLES F. McELROY, A.M." '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF 'EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, W. E. MCVEY, A.M., '20, Thornton High School, Harvey, Ill.Secretor», FLORENCE WILLIAMS, '16, University of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, FRANK E. WEAKLY, '14, 'Halsey, Stuart & CO., The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, MISS EDNA CLARK, '20, University of Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the'Alumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including sub­scriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.CLASS SECRETARIES-CLUB OFFICERSCLASS SECRETARIES'os. Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago:'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 5330 Indiana Ave.'10. Bradford Gill, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Harriet Murphy, 4803 Grand Blvd.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'15. Mrs. Phyllis Fay Horton, 1229 E. 56th St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 1124 E. 52nd St.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 1204, 134 S. La Salle St.'18. Barbara Miller. 552·0 Woodlawn Ave.'19. Mrs. Carroll Mason Russell, 5202 W,90dlawn.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 1222 E. 5.2nd St.'21. John Fulton, Jr. (Treas.), 4916 Blackstone Ave.'22. Mina Morrison, 5600 Dorchester Aye ..All addresses are in Chicago unl�ss' otherwise stated.'93.'94.'95.'96.'97.'9S.'99.'00.'oi.'02.'03.'04.'05.'06.'07. Herman von Holst, 72 W. Adams St.Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson B-lvd.Charlotte Foye, 5602 :,Kenwood: Ave ..Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La "Salle St.Scott Brown, 20S S. La Salle St.John F. Hagey, First National Bank.Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66thP�c� � . � .'James M. Sheldon, 41 S. La Salle St.Edith :C Dymond, Lake Zurich, 'Ill.Clara H. -Taylor , 5838 Indiana Ave.James D. Dickerson, 5636 Kenwood Ave.Helen Norris, 72 W. Adams St. 3OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSAtlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford. .Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec., Mrs. J.' P. Pope,702 Brumback St., Boise.Boston (Massachusetts Club). Sec., Mrs.Mona Quale Thurber, 320 Tappan St.,Brookline, Mass.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec.,Harriet L. Kidder, 1310 W. 22nd St.,Cedar Falls, Ia.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec., .Ralph W.Davis, 39 So. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec., Mrs. Charles.Hi?,gins: 203 Forest Ave., Oak Park.ClnCmnatI, O. Sec., E. L. Talbert, U niver­sity of Cincinnati.Cleyeland, O. Sec., Nell C. Henry,' Glen-ville High School. " .Columbus, O. Sec. Roderick Pecfttle, Ohio'State University. ' ... �Connecticut. Sec., Florence Me Cormick,Connecticut Ag r, Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec., Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSass, 919 Foster Bldg. .Des :tyIoines, Ia. Sec., Hazelle Moore, DesMomes Hosiery Mills.Detroit, Mich. Sec., Lester H. Rich, 1354Broadway.Emporia, Kan. 'Pres., Pelagius Williams,.Sta te Normal School.Grand Forks, 'N. D. Sec., H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Ho�olul':l' T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judi­cial CIrcuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec. Alvan Roy Ditt-rich, 511 Board of Trade ,;Bldg.Iowa City, la. Sec., Oli�:�> ';Kay Martin,State University of Iowa." 'Kansas ·qty, Mo. Sec., Florence Bradley,4113 Walnut Street.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor' A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los' - Angeles, Cat (Southern CaliforniaClub). Sec., Miss Eva M. Jessup, 232West Ave., 53.LOuisville, Ky. 'George T. Ragsdale, 1514Rosewood Ave.MilwaUkee, Wis. Sec., William Shirley, 425�. Water St.M1nnp.apolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin Cities Club). Sec., Charles H. Loomis, Merch­ant's Loan & Trust ce., 'St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Alumni Club). Syc.,Lawrence J. MacGr egor, care Halsey,Stuart & Co., 14 WaH St. .New York Alumnae Club, Sec., Mrs. Helene'Pollak Gans, 15 Claremont Ave., NewYork City.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec., MadeleineI. Cahn, 1302 Park Ave.,Peoria, Ill.. Pres., Rev. Joseph c. Hazen.179 Fl'ora Ave.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth,21 S. Twelfth St. .Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec., M. R. Gabbert, Uni­versity of Pittsburgh.Portland, Ore. Sec., Joseph Demmery, Y.M. C. A.dSt. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonal ,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., Vv'. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec., Tracy W. Simpson, 91 NewMontgomery St.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, Ia.. Sec., Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St..' . .South Dakota. Sec., E. K. Hil1brand, MIt-chell, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Island andMoline, m.). Sec., M�ss E1l.a Preston,1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Vermont. Pres., E.rnest G. Ham, Randolph,Vt.· .Virginia. Pr"es, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington, D. C. Sec., Gertrude Van Hoe-sen, 819 15th St. .West Suburban Alumnae (Branch of Chi­cago Alumnae Club). Chairman, Mrs.George S. Hamilton, ,3'67 Franklin Ave.,River Forest, Ill.Wichita� Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell..41� .�. Emporia .Avt;_. .FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. 1. Sec., Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Pbilippines,Shanghai, China. John Y. Lee, ShanghaiY. M. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University "Neighborhood"White City Tower, J ackson Park Lagoon, the Dunes, Lorado Taft's new Statue,"The Fountain of Time," at the west entrance to the Midway, and such affairs as theChinese Bazaar, are scenes familiar to many Chicago alumni.University of ChicagoMagazineTheNOVEMBER, 1922 No.1VOL. XV�EVENTS �COMMEN�It's been three months since we've readand talked things over, things of interest toall true Chicagoans-UniversityHe�10, affairs, alumni activities studentChicago! activities, association matter's ath-letics, and other feature� ofMaroon interest. A large and most success­ful ?ummer Quarter has passed into Uni­ve�slty annals since last we met on ourpr111ted pages. This November issue startsaf new year for us-for you-for a.ll' memberso. ou!" Association. From present indica­tions It promises to be a "big year" in manyw�y�, and the Magazine appreciates thepnvtlege of telling you about it as themo�ths pass. Indeed, we would be quiteremISS if we did not accept it as a rare privi­kge to thus keep in touch with you andeep you 111 touch with the alumni. And sowe �ccept it. We shall try to keep on im­�10Vll1g the Magazine-your Magazine..��s.e remember that letters, news-notes,err lCIsms and suggestions are always wel­come. We like to regard every reader as a�ember of the editorial board, as a contribu­"or, as part and parcel of our Magazineorganization." Join us in that spirit! Andso-here goes for Volume Sixteen!*.* *As : . df . was anticipate last year, the demandor hckets to the Chicago-Princeton footballF b game was so great that inevitably. Ti� all thousands of people were disap-c ets P0111ted 111 not being able to se-t cur.e. admission. Many hundreds,.00, who obtained tickets were disappointedin not getting better seats. During the�eek of the game, in news columns car-oons, and comic columns of Chicagonewspapers, as well as in 'clubs, hotel lob- hies, and vaudeville theatres, the standingjoke about the "Height of Affluence," orthe "Height of Importance" was to "possesstWG tickets to the Chicago-Princeton game."The newly organized Football Tickets Com­mittee labored under most trying conditionsin seeking to place the tickets in the handsof the proper parties who, in view of thelimited capacity of Stagg Field-with ac­commodations for 32,OOO-best deservedthem from the University and alumni pri­ority point of view. Much of the work hadto be done in an office-space that was justbeing built, with carpenters and other jour­neymen banging around with a norse thatsometimes rivaled a boiler-shop. . Althoughthe priority plan was modelled on the plansused at Yale, Harvard, and Princeton-withmany years of experience-there was noprecedent to guide the Committee as toworking the scheme best under local condi­tions. In other words, the Committee inmany ways undertook a pioneer job, and,as always happens in pioneering, rough lineshad to be drawn and the chips had to beallowed to fall as they might.Undoubtedly-and the Committee admitsit-there were seeming "injustices" done inpersonal instances. Prominent alumni foundthemselves in less desirable seats, whileothers almost entirely unknown occupiedmuch better seats. The Committee, however,had no machinery for handling the person­nel 0'£ applicants, and, indeed, as was an­nounced in the plan last July blocked outand distributed the seats by 10t'solelY on themass basis.. Again, the best help obtainablewas secured, but there was inevitably a fac­tor of inexperience involved. Office errorsand mailing mistakes crept in despite fairand constant vigilance, with such troubles56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEas naturally arise out of such mistakes.Three main things were accomplished,however, in the great mass: (1). Studentsand alumni had first call on the tickets aridgot them; (2) students and alumni were al­lotted the best seats to be had; and (3) theevil and unjust factor of ticket speculationwas practically wiped out. Such speculationas did occur was on a very, very small scale,and in most cases under unusual and hiddencircumstances which could not be discoveredand combated by the Committee.There is, of course, room for much im­provement. Perhaps priorities should bedrawn on finer- lines, having certain priori­ties within priorities. At all events, theCommittee and the Magazine will be disap­pointed if the alumni do not write in withcriticisms and suggestions. Let us hear fromyou-but please try to offer some construc­tive remedy for any defect you wish topoint out.In the main, the new plan was certainlysuccessful. But that is not sufficient. Whatis wanted is a plan that is as wholly suc­cessful and as fully satisfactory to all con­cerned as can possibly be obtained under thecircumstances. And the best way to get itis to "talk it over." Talk it over this year­and we can feel assured that every just im­provement that can be made will be gladlyattempted by those in charge.* * *Mr. Stagg has rendered services to theUniversity in many -ways besides such ascome within the immediate prov­No ince of Director of Athletics­Gambling services that will live long inour University life and tradition.This Fall he added most conspicuously tohis long list of such services. He carried outa campaign among the students to stop bet­ting on football games, and succeeded, withthe help of other administrative officers andstudent leaders, in stopping such practice.FOF many years, it should be frankly ad­mitted, students had a confused notion that by "betting on .the team" they were bestproving their. loyalty to the team and totheir Alma Mater. It was forcibly pointedout during the campaign-a campaign whichis likewise being conducted at all the West­ern Conference institutions-that such gam­bling is in no sense a "proof of loyalty," thatit results in placing an emphasis on themoney wagered rather than on the game,that it smacks of professionalism and under­mines the solid ground of amateur sports­manship, and that it has an injurious effecton the players themselves who commenceto feel that one of the main : purposes oftheir efforts is to win money for collegecomrades. We are glad to announce thatthe campaign was highly successful, that thestudents caught the true spirit of it andacted accordingly, and that "betting on theteam" was conspicuous by its absence.* *' *The forthcoming numbers of the Maga­zine will, as in the past, carry advertisementsthat are of real interest and canRead prove of true service to ourThem readers. The University of Chi-Carefully cago Press, for example, is run-ning a series of advertisementsthis year, which will tell how books arcmade .. Every reader of this Magazine surelyis inter_ested in the process, step by step, ofbook manufacture. This interesting serieswill be illustrated. Read it carefully and 'youwill find it well worth while.The Western Electric Company andSwift and Company are also running seriesthat every reader will find well worth atten­tion. Indeed, all of the advertisements werun-which are limited both as to amountand kind-many of which are from .alumnior from firms in which alumni are inter­ested, are true messages of service .and ofopportunity to our readers. And remember,the advertiser has _ selected your publicationfor his message; he thereby supports yourpublication, and, in return, fairly deservesfullest attention and support.Ellis HallThe Entrance on the Right Leads to the Office of the New FootballTickets CommitteeMESSAGE TO THE ALUMNI 7+u-au-n'�llu-a.a_nU_lln_IIII_IIII_lrll--:'IIII_IIII_IIII_111I-111I'_il1i--e.IIII_llil_UIl_IIU_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII----:-UII_I�P- •• _IU_ •• _n_.+l . . ,',I Message to the Alumni 'Ii Fro,m President Harry Pratt Judson i= I+"�an-ua_uR_na_un_IIII_IIII_II"_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIII_IIU._11II_11II_IIII_nll_IIII_liD_IIII_UII_.II_nlf_na_.o_a._ •• _a.�.+... � f _"• . -) .; - A cordial greeting is extended to theAlumni on the occasion of the opening ofthe :'31st year "of instruction. The alumni - arenow 16,659 in number. Thirty years ago�hen the new enterprise was put into opera­hort there were no alumni, few students andonly the beginning of a suitable plant oforganization. ' I need 'not dwell on the his­tory: of these 30 years,but .rne rely wish to pointout that now practicallya generation has passed,a new generation is com­ing; and a new era isopening. 'Conditions areradically changed, andhereafter the alumnirriusj take a larger partIII all University affairs.In other words, the Uni-­yersity must in the com­mg years depend' for itswelfare much more large­lYon the alumni than�ould have been the case11l the early decades.Of COurse at the outsetthe new institution re­cerver] and had to receivea large SUPport from- thegeneral [-ublic.' It mustdepe!ld on the generalp�bltc - still _ for manythltlgs because' the plansare very large. Still it isalso true that' the alumnimust more and more takean active interest in theseplans - and in their de­velopment. -A most significant factof the present situationr.elates to the organiza­t�on of the, Board of Trustees. The dis­t�nguished President of that Eoard, Mt. Mar­tn A. R�erson, who has from the beginningten C!-t Its head, has felt that he oug hti tobe' relteved from administrative duties. Heremains a Trustee, but the Board was, re­gretfully. o-bliged to accept his resignationas PresIdent. The new President of the�oard is Mr. Harold H. Swift of the collegec ass of 1907. New members of the Boardre-c-ently ,-elected are: Mr. William ScottBond of the college clas-s of 1897;- Mr. Albert�: Sherer of the college class of 1906; Dr.llber' E. Post, who took his Bachelor'sdegree in 1901, has been for several years am�n;ber; a' -Trustee who was one of theBngmal members of that Board was Mr. Eli. Felsenthal, a graduate of the old U niver- sity of Chicago in 1878. Under the lin�itc!-­tions as to membership on the Board It ISobvious that the younger alumni are ca11edon to assume larger responsibility.Many members of the alumni are now 011the Faculty.The lamented -'death of, Dean Rollin D;Salisbury last summer has' involved recon­structions, and amongother things, in the Dean­ship of the Ogden Grad­uate School of Science.Professor Henry GordonGale of the college class'of 1896 has been ap­pointed to that Deanship,and I may say that hisappointment was re­quested by the head ofevery department in theOgden School, ' TheDean of the Colleges ofArts, Literature and Sci­ence is David A. Robert­son of the college class of1902.A plan, is under footto organize commissionswhich will act in an ad­visory capacity to thev a rIO u S departmentalgroups in the University.In-each of these cotnrnis-'sions several alumni wilt-'be members.However, quite asidefrom any official' conriec­tion with the University,the alumni throughoutthe country may share inassisting, and I hope theywill be' watchful for op­portunities' to - do so.They may take occasion to advise stu-:dents of the right type to come to the Uni­versity of Chicago. It is not a question ofour desiring an indefinite addition to' ournumbers. The alunini - know the spirit ofthe University and the type of character'which we like to have represented here. Ifthey can be helpful in securing students ofthat type they are tendering a distinct serv­ice. Any communication as to such cases'sent to the Examiner or to the Dean of theSchool or College which the student wouldnaturally enter will be gratefully receivedon the part of the Administration of theUniversity. All alumni can render a serviceby keeping. informed' as to the progress of,the University. Of course the most natural(Continued on page 23)_President Harry Pratt Judson8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNISulcer New Chairman of Clubs CommitteeHenry D. Sulcer, '05, was elected Chair­man of the Clubs Committee at the meetingof the Alumni Council on October 18th.He succeeds Harold H. Swife, '07, in thatoffice. Owing to his increased duties on theBoard of Trustees, of which Board he isnow the President, Harold Swift, who hasdone great work in the last two years inbuilding up alumni dubs, will no longer be, able to serve as chairman of the Clubs Com­mittee.Henry Sulcer served as Reunion Chair­man last June, and much of the success ofthat reunion was due to his. energetic work.At that time he was elected a delegate fromthe College Association to the AlumniCouncil, Sulcer is, keenly interested in de­veloping our alumni clubs and is, eager tocarryon the fine work started by Swift.Unless addressing the Alumni Office, aXlclub officers are hereby requested to writeto Henry D. Sulcer, 167 East' OntarioStreet, Chicago, Illinois, when writeng to uson club affairs and problems. We are confi­dent that with the continued co-operationof the club officers· the year will he mostsuccessful in dub activity under the chargeof Henry Sulcer.Alumni Council-First Quarterly Me.e.fingThe first regular quarterly meeting of theAlumni Council, for 19.22-1923, was held inthe Alumni Office on October 18th. Present:Charles F. Axelson, Chair man ; A. G. Baker,Grace A. Coulter, Elizabeth Faulkner,Henry G. Gale, Mrs. Geraldine B. Gil1k:,ey,Alice Greenacr.e, Thomas J. Hair,. J. A.Humphreys, S. Clay Judson, Mrs. MaymeLogsdon, William H. Lyman, William P.MacCracken, Charles F. McElroy, John P.Mentzer, Margaret V. Monroe, Helen Nor­ris" Nuveen, J r., Paul S. Russell, Her­bert E. Slaught, Henry D. Sulcer, HaroldH. Swift, Frank E. Wieakly, Mrs. GraceWilliamson Willett, and A. G. Pierrot, sec­retary-treasurer.Several communications were read andreferr-ed to the proper committees for aUen­tion. Financial reports, on ,the AlumniCouncil finances for 1921-1922, and on theAlumni Fund to date, were presented, re­viewed in detail, approved and! ordered filed.William H. Lyman was appointed chairmanof an auditing committee, to audit the Coun­cil books and report thereon at the Januarymeeting. Chairman Slaught reported, forthe Finance Committee, that the Budget for1922�1923 would be drawn up at a specialmeeting of the Executive Committee and A F FA I RSreported on in January. Reports from theStanding Committees were received anddis cusse d.Henry D. Sulcer was elected chairman ofthe Clubs Committee, A chairman for theUndergraduate Relations committee and thechairman for the 1923 Reunion will be an­nounced at the next meeting of the Council.By vote, on an offer from the Shanty or­ganization, the Council accepted charge ofthe Shanty, to h'e run each year as a specialReunion feature; tn'e Shanties will, as in thepast, conduct the special Shanty program.It was voted that members of the alumniassociation receive priority over otheralumni in the allotment of football tickets,en a plan which was referred to the Ath­leeics Committee to be worked out in detaillater. The 'Council noted with pleasure thegift of one hundred band instruments to theUniversity Band by Mr. C. D. Greenleaf,'99, and the secretary was instructed to senda letter of appreciation and thanks to Mr.Greenleaf. It was decided to hold a specialrnee ting of . the Council Executive Commit­tee to consider a nurnb er of important mat­tN'S relating Ito alumni records, office duties,and retated matters, this committee to re­port in January. Attention was called tothe dinner at Columbus, being planned bythe alumni at Columbus, after the Chicago­Ohio State footbafl game, and the assistanceof the Council members was solicited to­ward making this dinner a big success. Themeeting, which lasted two and a half hours,adjourned at 10:30 P. M.Cleveland Club Starts Successful YearGlenville High School,Cleveland, 0., Sept. 18, 1922.Mr. A. G. Pierrot, Sec'y.The Alumni CounciLMy Dear Mr. Pierrot:The Cleveland Club had a royal good timeWednesday evening, Sept. 13. Fifty of usmet at the Woman's Club to entertain Dr.Slaught and Dr. Shepardson, who were inCleveland attending the Triennial Councilof Phi Beta Kappa. We had hoped to haveDr. Shorey also>, I but' he was unable to bewith us.The Woman's Club afforded a beautifuland convenient place for our meeting, withplenty of room for informal visiting beforeand after dinner. The whole spirit of theevening was that of informality and enthu­siasm. Everything seemed to conspire inour favor.The business meeting consisted of a re­port by the secretary-treasurer regarding ac-ALUMNI AFFAIRStivities since the April meeting and a reportfrom W. S. Kassulker concerning the plansfor attending the Ohio State game and din­ner at Columbus on Nov. 11. The secretarywas glad to report seventy paid-up member­ships, with more coming in on every mailin response to a letter recently sent out.Ruth Reticker, acting as toastmistress, in­troduced our speakers. Dr. Shepardson tookus back to the beginnings of the Universityin 1893. Many present had been on thecampus in the early days and were especiallypleased to hear about the first chapel service,the founding of the Information Bureau, theBand, and other campus institutions, and thepersonal anecdotes of those once humbleand now famous. Dr. Slaught took up thestory where Dr. Shepardson left off, payingspecial attention to alumni interests. Hetold of the early struggles of the magazineand the Alumni Council, its growing suc­cess crowned by the success of the alumnifund, and the future hopes and plans.At 10 o'clock we sang the Alma Mater asa fitting close to the evening. For with allour fun there was an undercurrent of solemndevotion and renewed loyalty to Chicago.There was a universal expression of satis­faction with the progress of the club andanticipation of future meetings. Letters re­ceived from those unable to attend the din­ner express the same spirit. Evidently theCleveland Club is firmly established anddestined to grow.Those present at the dinner were: Dr.F. W. Shepardson, Dr. Herbert E. Slaug ht,Ruth Reticker, Walter Scott Kassulker, J. A.Greene, Nell C. Henry, Jeannette A. Israel,Vv P. Dickerson, Helen R. Olson, Lois. Ol­son, O. Crandall Rogers, Webster G. Simon,Agnes W. Simon, A. D. Pitcher, Harry N.Irwin, Pauline J. Irwin, Metha Wulf, RachelBevington, Edith Peters, Cornelia A. Zis­mer, Homer Hoyt, Margaret King, Clara D.Severin, Bessie Brown Avery, Wm. Lever­ing, E. T. Soukup, Anna H. Blake, Anna G.Koblitz, Lola Blanche Lowther, Villa B.Smith, Emily Becht, Marilla W. Freeman,E. D. Christopherson, May Hill, Mary Cam­eron, Isabel Robinson, Harriet Dougherty,Hamilton Walters, C. C. Arbuthnot, AnnArbuthnot, Clarade Milt, W. L. Carr,Everett L. Jones, Grace E. Booth, JustineAusman.Sincerely yours,-Nell C. Henry,Secretary of Cleveland Club.Chicago Alumnae Club Open MeetingThe most enthusiastic dinner-meeting everheld by the Chicago Alumnae Club occurredat the club's open meeting, which startedthe activities for the present year, on Oc­tober 26, at the Chicago College Club, 153North Michigan Avenue. Some eightyalumnae attended, taxing the accommoda- 9tions to capacity and making it necessary toturn others away. The meeting, as wasplanned, was attended mostly by alumnae inbusiness in the Loop. It was an interestingdemonstration of the fact alumnae inbusiness are interested in the Universitytype of lectures.Mrs. Laurie R. Frazeur, '01, past secretaryof the Chicago Geographic _ Society, a mem­ber of the American Alpine Society and ofthe Chicago Classical Club, and a travelerof extended experience, who had just re­turned from a trip to Greece and the East­ern Mediterranean, lectured on conditions inAsia Minor under the present conflicts in-that country. Mrs. Frazeur's address provedintensely interesting 'throughout, and wasfollowed by most sincere and prolo-nged ap­plause.Alice Greenacre, '08, J.D. '11, chairmanof the club's membership committee, ablypresided in the absence of Mrs. HowardWillett, the club president, owing to illness.Ethel Preston, '08, A.M. '10, gave informallysome piano selections. The method of allot­ment and distribution of football tickets wasexplained and the members were urged tosend in any constructive cr iticisms and sug­gestions which they might have to make tothe Alumni Magazine. Alar ge number ofnew members joined the Alumnae Club atthis meeting. -With this dinner-meeting theclub has started what promises to be Its mostsuccessful year.Chicago. Alumnae Club Officers for 1922-23The cempleee list of offi-cers and addressesof the Chicago Alumnae Club is as follows:President: MFS •• Howard L. Willett, '07,.3400Sheridan Road, (Phone Lakeview 604'0);Vice-President: Miss Margaret V. Monroe,'17, 5318 Hyde Park Blvd., (Hyde Park4118) ;Treasurer: Miss May Friedman; '19, 436,3Greenwood Avenue;Secretary: Mrs. Frances Henderson Hig­gins, '20, 203 Forest Avenue, Oak Park,in., (Oak Park 33);Alumni Council Delegates: Miss -HelenNorris, '07, 72 W. Adams Street, (Ran­dolph 1280); Miss Grace A. Coulter, '99,16 N. Wabash Avenue, (Dearborn 5945);Athletics Committee Chairman: Miss AnneRoyston, '16,' 5549 Dorchester Avenue,(Midway 7993);Chicago Collegiate Bureau Delegates:' MissHelen Norris, 07, (see above); Mrs. Kath­erine Gannon Phernister, '07, 1413 East57th Street, (Dorchester 2911);Library Committee Chairman: Miss AgnesPrentice, '18,. Ida Noyes Hall, (Midway800);Membership Committee Chairman: MissAlice Greenacre, '08, 70 West MonroeStreet (Central 2102).10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPublicity Committee Chairman: Mrs. HelenCarter Johnson, '12, 2211 East 67th Street,(Midway 4380);Social Committee Chairman: Mrs. CharlesS. Eaton, '00, 5744 Kimbark Avenue,(Midway 0122);West Suburban Branch Chairman: Mrs.Arthur Brown, '18, 411 N. Ridgeland A ve­nue, Oak Park, Ill.U. of C. Settlement Board Delegate: MissElizabeth Lingle;" '00, 4534 Lake ParkAvenue, (Drexel 5360).Colorado Club Activity, Plans.Denver" Colo., Oct. 11, 1922.Dear Mr. .Pier rot :For the coming year the Colorado Clubplans to have a luncheon and "get-together"the first part of November, at the time of theTeachers' Club meeting in Denver. We alsohave a weekly luncheon among the men,and are planning to have a luncheon atwhich all, men and WO�11en, may attend, atleast once a month during the coming winter.I trust that we may be favored by moreof the Chicago faculty members corning outhere during the coming year. I know thatit is impossible for you to keep track of allthe trips of the different professors, but Iwould appreciate it if you would make aspecial endeavor to find out those who aregoing West.With best wishes for a most successfulyear, and kindest regards, I am,Yours very truly,Frederick Sass, '01,President Colorado Club.. W'est Suburban Alumnae Club Plans. Mrs. Arthur E. Brown (Edith Watters.Ph.B., '18') of 4H N. Ridgeland Ave., OakPark, II 1. , is president of the West Sub-ur­ban Alumnae Club of the University of Chi­cago, which is in its second year and hasover 40 active. members. The membershipcomprises, besides Oak Park and RiverForest alumnae, teachers from the Oak Parkand River Forest high school who havebeen students at the, University of Chicago.Last year the Club made clothing for ayoung woman going to college who couldnot have gone without their aid. This yearthey hope to be of assistance to more thanone college girl.Dramatic Club Entertains Club AlumniThe Dramatic Club entertained the ClubAlumni at a Club Reunion Tea in Ida NoyesHall on the afternoon .of November 5, atwhich a good number of alumni appeared.The Club gave a one-act play. Plans for thefuture were discussed, particularly about thealumni presenting "The Beaux Stratagem"in February, and the Club's program for theyear. From the high interest shown, it isclear the Club is entering upon a most suc­cessful year. Dr. Carlson Meets Rochester, Minn., AlumniDr. Anton ]. Carlson, Professor -andChairman of the Department of Physiology,while in Rochester, Minn., giving one of theMayo Foundation Lectures, was the lunch­eon guest of a group of twelve Chicagoalumni in Rochester, on October 12th. Dr.Carlson talked to the alumni on the recentimportant developments in the University, asubject in which all present were intenselyinterested. On the night of October 12th,Dr. Carlson gave the annual address at thebanquet of the Minnesota State MedicalAssociation in Minneapolis, at which ban­quet .a number of Chicago alumni were inattendance.Montana Plans ClubDr. Lawrence G. Dunlap, '13, of Ana­conda, Mont., was a visitor at the Alumnioffice this fall. .He states that MontanaAlumni are very enthusiastic about startinga University of Chicago Club in the stateand that plans are being made for gettingsuch a club started this year. Dunlap thinksthat a membership of thirty will be ob­tained at the start. Although this member­ship would be rather widely scattered, theclub plans to have at least two stated meet­ings during the year with good attendance.Cedar Fans-Waterloo Reunion MeetingThe University of Chicago Club of CedarFalls and Waterloo, Ia., held a dinner atBlack's tea room Saturday night, June 10,1922. A most enjoyable time was had. Atfhe business meeting immediately after thedinner the incumbent officers were re-electedfor. another year. A telegram of greeting forAlumni Day was sent in to the University.After the business meeting the club enjoyedthe singing of a number of varsity songs,concluding with the Alma Mater...H. L. Kidder, Secretary.Club Meetings Being PlannedThe Central Ohio Club, at Columbusholds a big dinner at the Chittenden Hotel,after the Chicago-Ohio State football game,at which students and alumni will be present,with Mr. 'Stagg and the team as guests ofhonor.The Kansas City Club reports thatanother steak roast at the farm of Dr. JohnG. Hayden,' '02, will be held "when theleaves have turned."· Dr. Hayden was hostto the club on a similar occasion last yearof the Kansas City Club.which was greatly"enjoyed by the membersThe Northern California Club at SanFrancisco is planning its Annual Gather­ing for some time in December or January.The Milwaukee Club is arranging for itsFall Dinner on some Friday in Novemberor December. They will also have anotherdinner for the Chicago swimming team if itcomes to Milwaukee.PROMINENT ALUMNI 11+N-ln- •• -.n-'.-".-NN_JlM�" .. _"._an_""_II"_II""""N._"'_IR_n.- •• -MA-n.- .. -n.- ... - .• - .. - •. - ... - •• - •• - ••. +I· ai W Prominent Alumni W Ii The Alumni Council Chairman !• I+ .. II_·._ •• - •• -Mn-Nn-MN-Nu_NH_UII_NH_.II_HII_MII_"I_Na_Nu_IIn_ •• ...;... •• _.n_ •• _MN_ •• _II._.tI_ •• _ •• _ •• -tt._n+Charles F. Axelson, '07The announcement last June of the election:of "Charlie" Axelson as President of theCollege Alumni Associa-tion met with enthusi­astic res p 0 n s e fromalumni evervwhere. Atthe annual m-eeting of theAlumni Council in thefollowing July Axelsonwas elected Chairman ofthe Council for the usualtwo-year term. T h es ehonors have been be­s�-{)_we.d on him in recog­nition of his loyal andunfailing service as allalumnus to our Associa-"�.ion and to the U nivers­ity,Charles Frederic Axel­son was born August 2018�1. on a farm nea�_Prm�ton, Illinois. Hav­mg properly absorbedw�at was taught in thelocal "little red schoolhouse," he came to Chi­cago with his parents,who then sent him toSou t h Side Academyir.o hW . the UniversityIg School) for hispreparatory education. After he had "suc­cessfully completed" at the Academy Axel­son entered the University of Chicag'o .tak-l11g k' ,d wor 111 the Department of Commercepl A�ministration. He was graduated,h.B., In the now justly famous class of1907.During his four college "years he was sopopular as to achieve two n icknarnes-e­"Cha.rlie" and "Ax." It takes a real fellowi<? win tvvo nicknames in four years. Among11.IS student activities the following can beisted , Chairman of the Junior Day Com­mIttee, Chairman of the Junior Council,Be�ber of the Senior Council, AssistantUSmess Manager of the 1906 Cap andGown and President of the Y. M. C. A.Among alumni of that day it is generallyagreed that no fellow was better liked ormade and deserved more campus friendsthan "Ax" or "Charlie." He is a member ofDelta. T�u Delta fraternity, in the nationalorganlZatwn' of which fraternity Axelson,as an alumnus, is a member of the Arch�haPter and for six years was President oft e Western Division. His helpful activities in our alumni workhave been many-a service that began prac­tically from the day he was graduated. Fortwo years he was secretary of the ChicagoAlumni Club, he was vice­president for one year.and president for oneyear. During this clubwork he did much towardbuilding up and strength­ening that organization,and he managed severalof the most successfulAnnual Football Dinnersin the history of theClub. He has held someminor offices in the Col­leg e Association; 0 fwhich he is now thePresident, served severalterms as a delegate tothe Alumni Council, antihas assisted on ReunionCommittees, t a kin g aprominent part in thenotable 15th anniversaryreunion of the class of'07 last J nne. .I n business, CharlesAxelson has representedthe Northwestern MutualLife Insurance Companyas Special Agent for overtwelve years. He hasbeen a member of the Executive- Committeeof that company's association of agents, andserved as Secretary of the Life UnderwritersAssociation of Chicago. During the war,Axelson served in the Personnel Section ofthe Adjutant General's office, having chargeof the classification of enlisted men and therating of officers in the Eastern and North­eastern Departments. He' obtained the rankof Major, A. G. D., O. R. C. He was mar­ried July 28, 1915, to Katherine LouiseStrong of Battle Creek, Michigan. TheAxelsons have two children-Charles Fred­eric, Jr., aged 5, and Kenneth Strong, threemonths old. Axelson is a member of theU niversity Club, is now President of theHyde Park Men's Club, and is on the Boardof Deacons of the Hyde Park Baptistchurch. .Anyone who knows "Charlie" Axelsonand his familiarity with alumni affairs andloyal interest in the University, knows thatthe right man has been selected to head ourAlumni Association and feels assured thatthe coming, two years under his leadershipwill witness distinct progress.Charles F. Axelson, '0712 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEr .... " ..... .,.'"OO ••• ",.""'''''''',.,""''"."'"'''''"''''"''''"w,,'",w.,,,,.PI.w."""""UI',""'UI"m"""�'''UI.''''''nww",w'''''''''''"'''"'''''''''''''''"''''"'''"'Hw"""""'WIi Q The Letter Box @ i�1II111111111111111l1ll11l1l1l1ll1l1ll11l1l1l1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l11ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1111II11111111111111111111.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlUUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllliF.The Junior College Movement AgainOpposition to the Junior College was ex­pressed so strongly in the July number ofthe Alumni Magazine that I felt that thearticle should not remain unchallenged. Theauthor of the artiJde" (Josephin:e M. Burn­ham, '01) took her junior college work inChicago. twenty-five years ago, when theUniversity was. much smaller than manyof the leading higher institutions today andconditions were far different for a freshman.I took part of my junior college work inChicago from 1906-08 and [ was not sofortunate as to obtain many noted. teachersas my instructors. The services of suchinstructors were devoted to senior collegeand graduate work and we had to take whatwas left, just .as .the condition is in manyof the larger Ihigher institutions today.The standards' which are being set forjunior colleges today are that aH instructionshal] be given by teachers holding, master'sdegrees and who have shown 'ahnity asteachers and that al! work must be measuredby college standards. While it is becomingquite wel] recognized that tbe first two yearsof college work is more related to secondaryeducation than are the junior and seniorYears, yet it does not follow that the juniorcollege should follow along the lines of highschool administration. One general ruleshould always apply that whatever obtainsin administration in the high schoof shouldhe changed in the junior college.There are many legitimate reasons for theexistence of the public junior college, a fewof which: wit! be meutioned. Some purposeswill obtain in some communities, yet bewholly lacking in others.The expense of attendance at college hasmore than trebled during the past twenty­five years and many young people are de­prived of a college education. Even thougha person might have sufficient funds for ayear or two, this should be spent on seniorcollege and graduate study. The tendencyof the age is to obtain a college educationas early in life as, possible, so that the in­dividual will have more successful yearsahead of him.Many high school students graduate atan early age. The freshman year in collegeis considered the educational cemetery formany owing to the fact that they are lostin the crowd. It is this reason, perhaps,more than any other which 'explains thestrange attitude which the larger institutionsof the country have for junior colleges.The classes in the junior college are or di­narily much smaller than corresponding classes in many of the larger institutionsand each student receives more individualattention. By means of this personal super­vision at a time when it is badly needed, theresults obtained by the junior college stu­dents are excellent.The junior college is a place to tryoutmany students. I Some students are unableto carry college work successfully. If theycannot, it is far better and cheaper to failat home than elsewhere.The junior college has' an influence onthe nigh school, Better library and labora­tory facilities are provided and are used bythe high school also.The junior college serves as a city train­.jng school from which anum ber of stu­dents may do some substitute work andbecome more efficient teachers.The rrrovement is gaining ground and Ibelieve it is' here to stay, as is evident bythe increased enrollment in many junior col­leges the past few years.J. W,. Shideler, '09, kM. '21,Dean Fort Scott Junior College, Fort Scott,Kan.Suggests General Introductory Course forFreshmenSept. 27, 1922.The Alumni Council,University .of Chicago.Dear Fellow Chicagoans:In of Chicago Alumni in the Eastlast winter a discusison arose dealing withthe general background with which the aver­age University freshman begins his collegecourse. We all regretted that, as fresh­men, we had entered into a new and intricaterealm of knowledge with no index as to thefundamentals. upon which this knowledge isbased. We were shunted into the elementarystudies of particular branches-language.history, science-without the opportunity ofcatching even a "glimpse of the trend of lifeas,' a whole.We felt that such a glimpse would provehighly beneficial in orienting the student andin re-enforcing his interest in the particularfields of learning. Wells, through his "Out­line of History," endeavors to meet a need inthis respect, Yet we believe that at theUniversity of Chicago a general course mightbe organized which would meet such a needmore ably.Clark University, under the presidency ofDr .. Hall, gave such a course. True, it. wasfor graduate students, but according to Dr.HaH it should properly have been for fresh­men.TIlE LETTER BOX 13I .believe the Faculty have consideredoffering some general introductory courses10. the' freshman year'. Cannot the Alumnibnng to their attention the benefits accruingIrorn such a survey course as I have men­tioned above ? We have, for instance, Prof.Breasted in the early civilizations, for thecontributions of the Romans and Greeks,the History and Classical Departments, aswell as able and popular instructors in theSCIences, Later History, Philosophy, etc.1£ authorities in the various fields concernedin so general a survey would unite in mak-109 'up its content, the future freshmanwould have the privilege of starting uponhIS college course in a far more intelligentfashion than those of us who have gonebefore him. .Sincerely, 'Marjorie Coonley MacLeod, Ph.B. '17.Getting an Educ�tion in MoscowThe Brown House,M Moscow, Russia, Sept. 21, 1922.Y Dear Mr. Pierrot:You asked for my impressions of Moscow.I 'a� stealing time from a very busy weekto grve you a few because I am sure it mustbe now or never. Each day I feel lesscapa�le .of recording my impressions andless inclined to attempt it. Anyone whowrrtes with assurance about Russia todaymd.ust have either a prophetic or a preju-Iced mind. I admit that I am a mosthumble, bewildered observer.The other evening, while I was admiringa sunset gorgeously blended with goldendomes, a small boy, one of the ArtfulDodger tribe which infests . the city, ranoff with my purse. That is Moscow, as Isee It; fascinating one minute, exasperatingthe next; dirty and run down, but pictur­esque. The streets are filled with a greatdrab crowd constantly in motion. It sur­rounds you and jostles you and tracks mudaf 11 OVer you, but it has a host of interestingaces.hBusiness is improving every day. Around! e edges of the crowd open markets stand1hmpromptu merchants holding forth little.0Usehold ornaments or personal bits ofJewelry for which they hope to receiveenoug� rubles to buy a Iunf of potatoes anda hernng. The Michigan Boulevard of Mos­cow, Kunetski Most has almost come intoIts own again. A �hopper is enticed intothe. stores by the furs and jewels and artCU�lOs displayed in the windows. He enters,POInts at the treasure, says; "Skoilka?" andhands the clerk a pencil. She writes downthe prrce. ,If the shopper .is a newcomerand. hasn't learned to do his, number workr�p1dly, he probably staggers out. ",A casual observer judging Russia by Mos­cow would probably say that the hard times. had been exaggerated, but one has to worka�ong the people only a few days to appre­,clate the suffering they have endured and are still enduring. I see it from the pointof view of the university students becausemy work is with the Student Relief Division,the American section or the European Stu­dent Relief. The hardships 90 per cent ofthe Russian students undergo would make.the most ambitious college manjn Americaleave school, Securing food is a daily prob­lem, bad enough now, but apt to be muchworse with the advance of winter. Clothing,especially shoes, is another worry, and allthe authorities say that the housing of stu­dents has never been so critical.Ten thousand men and women from theRob-Fac, workers' colleges, are scheduledto arrive here before the first of Octoberto enter the first year of the university.Many of the more advanced students from'Kazan, Kiev and other towns are comingto Moscow because their colleges have beenclosed and also because Moscow is the edu­cational, governmental and every other cen­ter of Russia. Then, too, it is out of thefamine stricken territory.The government has dormitory space for6,5,0,0. To make room for the newcomersmost of the old students were turned out.Some men from the Mi1nil'lg Engineers' Col­lege sought shelter in absolutely impossiblequarters-c-an old warehouse half underground.One man took a spot that had been vacatedby a goat, laid some boards over the mudand tacked a sack over the window. Therailway engineers secured permission fromthe Soviet of their district to use a largevacant house, which is practically uselessbecause of the broken windows and burstpipes. A representative asked me if it wasnot possible to discontinue the, feeding forthree weeks and turn the money into repairs.He said that his classmates would be willingto starve for that period in order to hesure of a roof over their heads.A few nights ago I visited a' studentpreornnik, or receiving station, with twoother Americans and a government repre­sentative. We did not go until 10 o'dock,hoping to find a number of the occupants athome. Russians stay t::p half the night.But these fellows had a good reason forwalking the streets. Never in my life haveI seen such squalid quarters. From twenty­five to forty students were living in oneroom, furnished only with a few chairs, atable and four beds. Some had brought inplanks to sleep on, others were lucky enoughto have a blanket to put on the floor, butmost lay down as they were in the dirt. Oneroom had one piece of furniture-the mostuseless one could imagine, a large coat rack.Under an inadequate electric light several, boys were pouring over books on highermathematics, preparing. for examinations,they said. There was only one text bookin the group; the rest were hand writtencopies in notebooks. A cheerful lad fromthe Urals was studying geometry in hiscomer against what. was', left of14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe food he had brought with him. He hadpotatoes all mixed up with theorems.Our relief, which consists of feeding 3,000students one meal a day, is concentratedon the two upper classes of the higher in­stitutions, the three Moscow universities andseveral specialized schools. With a regis­tration of 20,000 in these two classes you cansee that only the most needy cases can hehelped. The ,choice rests with student com­mittees made up of two members from theco-operative society, one from the govern­ment, and two appointed by our office. Com­mittee meetings for me are both painful andpleasant: painful because of the struggle Ihave with names and the language, althoughI have a splendid interpreter, and pleasantbecause of the chance they give me to ob­serve the public-spirited brilliant young peo­ple who come into. the office.We have seven kitchens which serve ameal estimated at 1,500 calories, or a doublechild-feeding portion with a little morevariety in the' dishes. The Russian childrenmust picture America as a land flowing withcom grits and cocoa. A typical student mealis cabbage So.UP, corn, grit pudding, breadand tea.As we work under the American ReliefAdministration, we have the same arrange­ment with the government: only the foodis supplied by us, all other expenses bejnghorn by the R. S. F. S. R. But the fundswhich we use have a different source fromthose of the American Relief Administra­tion. They are collected from the studentsof colleges in every part of the world. InAmerica it is called the Student FriendshipFund. But 'without the extensive progra ""and the efficient organization of the A. R. A.our difficulties would be much greater. Myoffice is in the headquarters of the MoscowDivision, a famous restaurant in the pre­revolutionary days called the the largest child feeding kitchen in thecity.This evening as I picked my way ho-nethrough a pouring rain, I wished that someAmerican firm would get a sidewalk layingconcession in Moscow and that the pieceof pink paper in my pocket marked onemillion rubles would turn into dollars. Wehad more' than the usual number of patheticstories to listen to today.. I am afraid my impressions are a bitgloomy. The jump from the most opulentcountry in the world to the most poverty'stricken is responsible.Yours truly,Elizabeth Bredin, '13.(Ed. : Note: Miss Bredin . served as Chairman ofthe .Class Organizations Committee at c ur Reunionlast June.)Concerning Chicago "College Spirit"The .Editor, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGA­ZINE�Dear Sir: Occasional contributors to theMagazine during the past year seem to think that there ought to be more "collegespirit," "college life" and "undergraduateactivities" at the University, and to urgethat the University imitate Eastern institu­tions and the state universities in these re­spects.Well, the under signed, a University ofChicago bachelor and doctor, has taught inthree state universities and two of the betterknown Eastern colleges. It is true that allthese institutions excel Chicago in "horseplay," class rushes and hazing. There �ismore time to loaf, and "lifelong friendships"are readily formed. A man has to . learn tobe a "good mixer," to be adaptable, to turnout to cheer arriving and departing teams atall hours of the day and night, and to escapethe reputation of a "high brow" by confininghis leisure reading to the sporting pages of'the New York Tribune and the fiction inthe Saturday Evening Post. In after .lifehe will be likely to fill acceptably anysubordinate position for which adaptabilityand good nature are the chief qualifications.But boys who "play college" for four yearsare not likely to equal the average Chicagoman in intellectual power, self-reliance, inde­pendent thinking and personal initiative.The influence of the graduate and pro­fessional schools at the University when Iwas an undergraduate stimulated us to moreserious inteflectual concentration than Ihave since found among undergraduateselsewhere. We thought of ourselves as Uni­versity men and woman, and the facultyfrom Dr. Harper down, so treated us-at anage when many of our contemporaries inother institutions were simply "college boys"and "college girls," and nobody dreamedof their taking a serious view of life. Itrust that conditions at the University ofChicago have not changed in these respectsand never shall.An Alumnus of the Nineteenth Century.Is There a "Chicago Spirit"? The "Sing"AnswersHutchinson Court aglow with multi­colored Iights ; the velvety quadrangle teem­ing with people-freshmen thrilled at theirfirst experience, sophs taking it for gran tedin their' usual manner, juniors revelling inutter enjoyment of it, seniors a trifle wist­ful and moist-eyed, alumni reminiscent, andvisitors frankly curious; the overflow fromthe crowd accommodating itself in Botanywindows, on the Reynolds Club balconiesand Hutchinson steps; here and there' insome shadowed corner a girl and boy, ob­livious to passers-by-"The Sing." .A flash of letters on the immense whitescreen stretched across Botany, a cheerleader springing into the air, and 'the crowdelectrified into a "Chicago for Prexy, let 'ergo!"-"The Sing"!An audible hush as the first strains ofthe singing reach the campus-"We come,we come, we come"-and as the crowd givesTHE LETTER BOXway, we see them four abreast, ar111S locked-gr:ay-haired men, portly business men,famlhar professors, and in the rear the col­lege fraternity men, s-inging their marching�ong. As· they circle about the fountain1ll a .broad human "C," they pledge lifelongallegiance to their fraternity and AlmaMater. "The Sing"! 'For well nigh two hours the processionpasses, a pageant of U niversitv friendshipunchangeable through the years-and thereare those who say Chicago has no spirit!After the last thrilling fraternity and Chi­cago .song, the Grand Old Man puts on thefinlshmg touch-e-the presentation of the "C"to the men who have achieved athletichonors, amid resounding cheers.As the crowd stands at the close, singingthe Alma Mater with almost religiousfervor, the bells of Hutchinson send outtheir nightly caress over the City Gray.Tradition? Spirit? Let those who doubta ttend "The Sing"!Irene H. Taylor, '15.Kind Appreciation From a "Friend Indeed"D Grand Beach, Mich., July 29, 1922.ear Mr. Pierrot:Mr. Moulds showed me a copy of theJUly Alumni Magazine (my copy is 110doubt in New York) in which, under thecapttor,t, "Another Frie·nd Gees," most sym­pathetic reference is made to mv service toihe University as trustee and -as deeply touched by your kindly refer­. ence to me and I desire herewith to expressmy t�anks and appreciation.It IS no easy matter to withdraw fromthe University where I spent the greaterpart of my life, and from the associationof the many true and warm friends which Ihave the good fortune to possess within itswalls. But you may be assured that myl�yalty and affection for it is in no wisediminished and my esteem tor them in nomeasure abated.1 It. will always be my pleasure and privi­ege to serve the University to the utmostof my ability.WIth most cordial regards, I am,Yours sincerely,Trevor Arnett, '98.The Magazine Avoids ShipwreckLeffric, Kotagiri, India,June 18, 1922.Dear Sirs:Enclosed please find an order to pay mydues t? the College Alumni Association and?ubscnptlon to the Magazine. You may bem�e:ested to know that the envelope con­tammg the slip which I return herewith andmy May issue of the Magazine should havec0r:te to India by the Steamship Egy�t,Mhlch was sunk in the collision early 111ay, off the island of U shant, near thenorthwest coast of France. 15The letter and Magazine came, however,with only the delay of a few days. Whenthe Egypt left London, all the packages forIndia, by post, were put on board. The let­ters and papers were held back, <;t� th� cu.s­tom of the English postal authorities IS, tillsuch time as they can be shipped across theEnglish Channel and sent by rail to Mar­sailles. It would take the Egypt about tendays to go by sea to Marsailles. But for thecollision she would have called there andtaken on the letters and papers .. The steam­ship company in London sent a wireless toa vessel of their line, then between Mar­sailles and Port Said, intercepted it and or­dered it back to Marsailles to bring the mailthat the Egypt should have brought.My wife and I have been five times overthe place where the Egypt was sunk. Wecame out from London to Bombay in 1898on this same steamship Egypt. We were onboard four weeks and came to know her.quite well.My wife and I once made the run fr�mCape Finisterre, on the north coast of Spain,in the India, to Eddystone Light, 577 miles,in a fog all the way. The ship was less thana mile off the course. Listening to the sirenevery fifteen minutes for about two dayszets on. one's nerves. These experiences areit1teresting enough to us who have passedthrough them-a long time after they areover-but they may be of no value to others.Yours sincerely,Frank H. Levering, '72.A Place for PilgrimageOctober 9, 1922.My dear Mr. Pierrot:While touring the hills of southeasternOhio this summer I came quite unexpectedlyupon an historic spot-the birthplace of Dr.William Rainey Harper.Not a poor place for a pilgrimage! The014 home itself, a gift to M uskingum Col­lege, is used for a tea room and museum.The village of New Concord is attractiveand the villagers love to talk of the "boygenius," "the youngest graduate of M uskin­gum College,"-Dr. William Rainey Har-per. .I wonder if there are not others of theAlumni who, like myself, had never thoughtof Dr. Harper in any other setting than atthe University of Chicago.It may be that the photograph of Dr.Harper's birthplace which I am sending un­der separate cover will be of interest forthe University of Chicago Magazine.Yours sincerely,Zoe Bayliss, '17.(Ed. Note : Views of Dr. Harper's birthplace, ex­tenor and interior. w.ere presented in the May, 1919,number 0.£ the Magazme, WIth an article on Dr Har­per's early college days. A framed picture �f thebirthplace is in the Alumni Office. However theeditor deeply. appreciates the loyal interest and 'help­ful cooper ation extended by Miss Bayliss in theabove letter.)16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHow to Be VindicatedMr. A. G. Pierret, Secretary,The Alumni Council.near Mr. Pierrot:Sincerely I'm chagrined to be on the de­.linquent list. The summer 'is always full ofdiverting things, and that is all the excuseI have for not being prom pt.. .I'm strong for our magazine, all indica­tions to the contrary. It is a capital publi­cation in comparison to others of its kind.From time to time you let us read varyingopiniens as to the proper batance of its de­partrnents. Some suggest more campus gos­sip others less alumni personals, More orles� of the less important features in itwould not affect its strong equilibrium. Ithas the dignity which people with U. of C.background are expected to develop; it lacksas it should the abandon of the campus pub­lications.I'm .looking forward to the first issue thisautumn.Sincerely. yours,Marion Stein, '21.P. S. To vindicate myself I enclose a newsubscription.Suggests Memorial GatesJuly 29, 1922.Dear Mr. Pierret:. I never see Mr. Stagg with his squad butwhat [ think of the gaHamil: group of "C"men who never came back, except in spirit,from those spots in France which they havehallowed. I have sometimes thought:Would it not be appropriate if the maingates at Stagg Field were named after theseheroes who gave so freely on our own fieldof honor in who knows how much the samespirit In' which they gave their all on thoseyonder battle-fields? Suitable tablets mightbe placed at the various entrances inscribedto those in whose memories thev wereplaced. I would not care to have' this sug­gestion made in my name, but it .occurred tome you might care to treat the same e di­tor ially, if you see merit in it.Very truly' yours,W. J., ex-'16.To a "C'' Man in FlandersLose thought of thee-Ah, No!The ou' Man'� blast· still �ounds the call,A bark, a thud, a spiralled bali,A rush, a lunge, their side aroar,'A loss !---':No! Gain, and more, 'we score!A shout, a song, One does not hear;A borne-off form-A cheer, a tear,­A thought of Thee-God! Yes! Getting the World's Biggest Drum for OurBandOctober 13, 1922.Mr .. Chas. F. Axelson,Chairman, Alumni Council.Dear Mr. Axelson:We told the University that we could fur­nish a drum seven and one-half feet in diam­eter, as I wanted to be safe. The drumwhich we are actually making will be eightfeet three inches in diameter, which is justone :foot larger than the famous Purduedrum. I do not think they will beat thisrecord very soon, because this takes abso­lutely the largest skins that can be obtained.Our man spe at two. days at the stockyardshunting for steers large enough to furnishthis size heads, so that we know that wehave them.With best regards, I am'Yours very truly,C. D. Greenleaf, '99,President,Conn Instrument Co.,Elkhart, Ind.Columbus Club Dinner InvitationDear Chicagoan:The Chicago football team makes its firstvisit to Ohio on November 11th, and alumniare corning from a11 over the country tosee the great game.The Alumni Clubs of Ohio are planningto entertain the "Old Man" and the team atthe Chittenden hotel at 5 :30 on Send in your application for a ticketto the dinner ($2.00) and meet your oldfriends and celebrate with the team.Treat them as if you wanted them tocome back again. Send in your applicationsoon as the ha]] will hold only 500, andthere are thousands of Chicago people com­ing .to the game. \l\l e will give them awelcome such as alumni never gave a teambefore.If you know of amy Chicago alumni whohave 'not been notified, please pass the wordalong,For the Central Ohio Alumni Club.Grace E. Chandler, '10.17.78 North High Street, Columbus, OhioANNUAL FOOTBALL DINNERBy Chicago Alumni ClubFor the Old Man and The Team!. Wednesday, November 2'2" 6:30At the University ClubAll alumni cordially. invited!CHICAGO DEANS 17... ·-··-··-··-··-··- •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - .. II!- •• - •• � •• -'.II- .. - .. -··-··-· .. -".·- ... - .. - .. - ... -."- .. -1111- •• - .... +1 � . C.��aL�� an?s::'?S � I··_··_··-··_··-'·_··_"-"_"_''_''_''_''-''-'''-'''_ltI_ .. -"- .. -IIoiO.-.",- •• - •• - •• - •• - •• --.-n-.4�Dean Albion w. SmallThe present volume of the Magazine willund.ertake the interesting teature . of intro­ducIng and "re-introducing" to the alumnithe Deans who are now'in charge at the U niver­sity. Alumni hear muchof "presidents," "secre­taries," "coaches," and"managers," but seldomso frequently of thatgroup of men and women- the Deans - who, inmany ways, are upper­most in the minds of thestudent bodv throughout�,he year. Indeed, by thusmeetmg the D e a n s .�gain" the alumni will bebrought back" to theQuadrangles in a waymore intimate than mightb� accomplished other­WIse. And it is a pleas­u�e to start the serieswith Dean Albion Small,who. has served the Uni­verSIty from the day itopened Its doors in 1892,and Who is no doubt theb�st-known Dean to the'wIdest circle 0 f 0 u ralumni.Albion Woodbury Smallwa� born at Buckfield, Oxford County,, on May 11, 1854, the son of a Baptist�mlster. �e attended .gram�ar school atango:, Mame, and received hIS preparatoryedUcatlOn at the Portland Maine, HighSchool. He then was gradu�ted from ColbyCollege, and, after graduate studies at theNewton Theological Institution, one year atthe. University of Berlin and one year at theUmve_rsity of Leipzig, he studied at Johns.JHoPktns University, receiving his Ph.D. atohus Hopkins in 1889.I?uring his college days at Colby, he wasaChye in student affairs; he was captain ofan mfantry company, manager of the base­ball team, and a member of Delta Kappa�psilon fraternity. Although he now occu­pIes What has been styled the "chilly intel­lectual peak of Graduate Dean," Dr. Smallhas never lost his interest in undet-graduaeestudents and their perennial stunts, nor inathletics. Among his many other duties atthe. University, he has tong served as theUnIversity's representative on Western Con­ference athletic affairs, always .exercising fair-minded appreciation of athletics andtheir proper place in university life.From 1881-88 Mr. Small was professor ofhistory and economics at Colby College:.after a year as reader 111history at Johns Hop­ki'l1s University, 1888-89,he was elected! Presidentof Colby College, inw h i c h high office heserved his' Alma MaterU10S,t effectively for threeyears. Joining a numberof leading e.d u. cat 0 r sthroughout the country,Dr. Small came to thenew University of Chi­cago in the opening daysof 1892, starting at onceas Head of the Depart­ment of Sociology, aposition he has occupiedwith truty eminent suc­cess to this day. In 1903he was appointed Deanof the Graduate Schoolof Arts and Literature,and it is as Dean of thatSchool that the alumniwill probably best· re­member him.Dean Small has beenPresident of the Arrreri­can Sociological Society,and since 18'95 has been editor of the well­known American Journal of Sociology.Among his most important publications arehis works on General Socioioqy, The Cameral­ists. The Meaning of Social Science} and Be­.fw·e�n Eras; [ro-m. C apitali:sm to Democracy.Dean Small states that his "chid profes­sional interest has' been work for such CQ­operation between the different divisions ofsocial science that they may in effect mergeinto a single science."Dr. Smal1 was married to Fraulein Valeriavon Massow in Berlin, in June, 1881. Thereis one child, a daughter, now Mrs. HaydenB. Harris of New York. Dean Smal] is amember of the Quadrangle Club, of whichhe was President in H):07, a member of theUniversity Club, and of the American Socio­logical Society.AFumni realize that if is men like DeanSmall who have made the Universityone of the great educational centers ofAmerica and they apereciate his rare andoutstanding service to Chicago.Dean Albion W. Small18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG.AZINEAmos Alonzo StaggWith ten "C" men back and a wealth of'promising material from last year's secondstring and freshmari players to choose from.Coach A. A. Stagg began work on Septem­ber 15 to mould together a team that wouldbe a worthy representative of the U niver­sity. A stiff schedule faced the Maroonsand it was clearly evident that the "OldMan" had a big job on his hands. The 1922schedule consisted of seven games, five BigTen contests and two intersectional tilts.Despite the fact that such stars as "Chuck"McGuire, "Fritz" Crisler, "Mit" Romney,"Bobby" Cole and "Death" Halladay had fin­ished their Big Ten careers, several capableperformers had been groomed to take theirplaces..The greatest problem that faced the "OldMan" was the development of a quarter­back to fill the shoes of "Mit" Romney, oneof the most competent field generals in theBig. Ten last season. Seven men on thelarge squad competed for the berth, includ­ing McMasters, Burgess, Heile, Barnes,Curley, Stagg Jr., Schultz and Hoff. Mc­Masters had the inside track to the position,because of his greater experience. A de­pendable kicker was also needed. The out­look for a successful season was go o d.. how­ever, with the notable John Thomas and Bill Zorn to take care of the Maroon attack.In Strohmeier and Dickson, ends; Fletcher andDawson, tackles, Proudfoot and Miller, guardsand King, center,' Stagg had as good linematerial as. any team in the Big Ten. Afterthree weeks. of intensive drill, in' which greatstress was laid upon the fundamentals of thegame, the Maroons were ready for the openingof the season. .The Georgia Game: October. 7thThe' University of Georgia team, coachedby Herman Stegeman, a former Maroonstar, was the first team on the schedule toreceive a defeat. The score was 20-0. TheMaroons had little difficulty in piercing theSouthern line, while the Georgia attack wasstopped by the Varsity line. The plungingof Johnny Thomas and Bill Zorn was thesalient feature of the game, but the playingof t-h e Chicago line was pleasing to the Chi­cago partisans.Pyott, and Heile booted field goals in thesecond.rand third periods, respectively, andJ Ohn!Iy�1}homas plunged over the Southernwall fOF�� two touchdowns' in the secondhalf.The ON orthwestern Game: October 14thChicago 15, Northwestern 7. °The Purple, showing unexpected strength'and fight; held the Maroons to a 15-7 score;in a rough and uninteresting game on Staggfield. "The game was played in a heavydrizzle and fumbles were .numerous.' Inthis game the Maroons were a. sad disap­pointment both on offence and defense. BillZorn. was the star of the fray, scoring bothof the" Chicago touchdowns. ,The Purdue Game: OCtober 21stChicago 12, Purdue O.The Maroons scored their second Big Tenvictory over Coach Phelan's Purdue Univer­sity eleven, 12-0, in one of the worst exhibi­tions of football seen in the past two years.'Stagg employed a makeshift lineup, notwanting to take chances with his starplayers .As usual, the Boilermakers showed apowerful defence and. the sub line-up hadconsiderable trouble in breaking up theiroffensive tactics. Otto Strohmeier was thestar of the game, both on offence. a�d de­fence. Law, sophomore fullback; madegood gains through the line, and 'appears tobe a coming star.. .' '. 'Then the "Old Man" set out to polish therough spots in his team, so' that it would be'close to perfection for the big intersectionalgame with the Princeton Tigers. Farlingto find a quarterback who could run theATHLETICSteam proper�y,. Stagg surprised the footballwOrld. b� shifting Strohmeier from end tothe PI�Ot s. berth, and placing Lampe, a newman, 111 hIS wing position.The Princeton Game: October 28thChicago 18, Princeton 21.With Princeton alumni from all over theworld, and ,Chicago alumni from every state111 the Union in the stands, the Maroonsencountered .t�e. Princeton Tigers in thegreatest exhibition of football ever wit­nessed. The East met the West and theE�st was .triumphant-but not b� a verywide margin.The &ame was desperately fought through­out, WIth. each team doing its utmost toScore a VIctory.In the first half the Maroons showed apowerful offence, John Thomas scoring' twot�)llchdowns through plunges through theline, Both of the attempts to kick goalswere blocked. In .the first quarter, Prince­ton opened up WIth a series of forwardPSas?es, and Crum scored on a playoff tackle.mith of the Tigers kicked goal.In the third period the Maroons gained�he ball on the Tiger 25-yard line, after anHarold LeWIS '23 Tackle Captain 19'2ftFootball', Teamexchange of punts. Thomas and Zorn alter­nhated at carrying the oval and planted it ont e 3-yard mark, ,where John' Thomascrashed over the line, for his third touch­down of the game.Score: Chicago 18, Princeton 7�Owing to 111juries,' Stagg sent in. anumber of substitute linemen, includins Ralph King, '24, Center, Dawson at center, who made a poor pass toThomas. The ball was fumbled, and Gray.Tiger end, scooped it and raced 30 yards, for a touchdown. Smith kicked goal.Score: Chicago 18, Princeton 14,;,>Here the Tigers rallied, and with only.eight minutes remaining, Gorman, thePrinceton quarterback, staked all on a pos­sible victory. Pass after pass brought theoval to the Maroon 30-yard rnark, whereChicago was penalized for interference witha Tiger receiver, and the ball was placedon the six-yard line. The Maroon line held,but Crum finally scored on playoff tackle.Score' Chicago 18, Princeton 21The Maroons fought back, and passes andbucks, aided by a Princeton penalty, broughtthe ball to the six-yard mark. On threeplays directed at the center of the line, theMaroons could only gain five' yards, and thefourth attempt, aimed at the same spot,failed by 'inches to bring a score. . TheTigers punted out to, Pyatt on the 30-yardline. and the game was over.Although Chicago lost, she' greatly out­classed the Easterners, and the vast throngwho witnessed the battle will mark downthe name of John Thomas as one of thegreatest fullbacks who ever do nried themoleskins. 'John F.' M'cGuir(t, '24.ANNUAL FOOTBALL DINNERThe Old Man! The Team!Wednesday, 'November 22, 6:30At the University Club26 THb UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENE"WS OF THEQUADRANGLESU ndergraduate activities have not yet de­parted to any great extent from the usualroutine which marks the first month ofschool, except in the tense interest mani­fested among the students over the Chicago­Princeton game. An enormous parade andmass' meeting, featured by red lights, bandmusic, cheering and singing, preceded theintersectional gridiron battle, under the aus­pices of Score Club, the sophomore society.Pep sessions held before the other gamesthis fall have also been extremely successfulin attracting large gatherings of students,thereby disproving the time-worn indictmentthat the undergraduates at <the Universityare sadly lacking in school spirit and loyalty.Of importance also is thi,e "anti-betting"crusade started by Coach Stagg. This move-.ment, which is intended to put an end tothe practice prevalent among the students ofplacing money .ori the foot baeli 1 games, hasreceived the endorsement of nearly every..campus organization. Aided by Egil Krogh,'23, Coach Stagg reached to the heart of thematter when he stated, in a circular lettersent to the organizations, that "the spiritexpressed by the snidents in betting is,totally at variance with the spirit of self­sacrifice which the players out for the teamexhibit in their work for the University'ssuccess in football,"The head� of two of the campus publica­tions did not assume their duties this faU,Frank Reese" '24, who was chosen editor-in­chief of the Ca.p and Gown, last spring, not returning to school, and Locke Douglas, '23,editor 0'£ the Phoenix, resigning because oflack of. time. Their places have been filledby Lathan Crandall, '24, who is now editorof the annual, and Hal Noble; '23, who headsthe comic magazine. The old "e. and A.Magazine" has been both renamed and re­made. With Carl P. Fales, '23, as editor, itwil] appear quarterly under the name of"The University Journal of Business," andpromises to be of great aid to students inthe business school.The annual fraternity and club pledginghas been accomplished, and a new class of"slrnkers" and Three-Quarter's Club "Lts"has appeared. The Score Club pledge dance,given armual ly in honor of the pledges to�he women's clerbs, was held October 20 atthe Cooper-Car lton. The same day saw theinnovation of what promises to become ayearly affair, "Freshman Day." Among themany social 'activisies of the day were theSoph-Frosh "'Mixer,." the Y. M. C. A. din­ner, the Y. W. C. A. dinner and the Fresh­man Frolic, product of the combined effortsof Elaine Blackman, '25, and the Y. W.Surpassing aJ� expectations is the new'Uuiver siuy band, The instruments, withgold crests stamped on each, were donatedby Cad H. Greenleaf, "99, who gave 100 newpieces to the organization, .imcluding what issaid to he th'e largest drum in the Confer­ence. It measures over eight feet in diam­eter. The band has also new uniforms.Design. of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity House.This New Fraternity House Will Cost About $125,000.UNIVERSITY NOTES 21The Last Fiscal Year of the Universityt�lor. all educational pu�poses includinga etics the University of Chicago ex­�ended during the fiscal year ending June0, 1922, the sum of $3,374,083.43, an increaseove_r th� year .1920.-21 of $142,866,.65. The.l!nlverslt� received for all educational pur­poses dunng the year ending June 30' 1922$3,376,076.48. ' ,Of these total receipts about 40 per centcame from invested funds, 44 per cent fromstull dent fees, and the remainder from rnis­ce aneous sources.ed o.f t.he University's total expenditures forucatlOnal purposes during the year, 44fer ce�t was for instruction, 13 per centl�r maIntenance of buildings and. grounds,. l?er cent for educational and library ad­�lnls�ration, 4 per cent for business admin­lStthrahon, and the remainder for variouso er purposes.�he total amount of gifts received by theUl11versity during the last fiscal year was$329,730.72.Honors for Members of the Facultyh Among Chicago men who have recentlyFad honorary degrees conferred on them iso ores� Ray Moulton, Professor of Astron­cU:Y, In the University of Chicago. who re­Albied the degree of Doctor �f Science fromIn on College, Michigan, at Its recent COIn-�ncement. Professor . Moulton, who re­ielved the degree of Doctor of Philosopbyl��T t�e University of Chicago summa cumn .e, IS a research associate of the Car­b egle Institution of Washington and hasn een. for eight years secretary of the astr o­(omlia! section of the American Associa-lOp or the Advancement of Science.D rofessor Frank R. Lillie, chairman of theepartment of Zoology' has recently beenmade ch . , d·' . .of . aIrman for. 1922-23. of the lV.lSI,onResblology and -:agnculture 111 t?� N ational1 ea�ch CouncIl. Professor Lillie, who isa so director of the Marine Biological Lab­orat<;>ry at Woods Hole, Mass., has beenPT�ldent of the American Society of Natu-Zra. !�lts . and of the American Society ofPo OglStS.L At the. meeting of the American ClassicalJ:ague In Faneuil Hall, Boston, Dr. FrankU s�us Miller, Prof.. essor of La, tin .in the111V· ••r .erslty of Chicago, was elected vlce-P eSldent. Professor Miller w he has heen111a " , vvf. nagl11g editor of the Classical J au-rnal foro?§teen y�ars, is the author of The Trage.diefeneca 1n English Verse and Two Dremou- zations from Virgil, as well as the translatorof Ovid's Metomorphoses for the Loeb Classi­cal Library.Dean Rollin D. SalisburyDean Rollin D. Salisbury, of the Univer­sity of Chicago, who died August 15, andwhose bequest of a large fund for the en­dowment of scientific fellowships was an­nounced, has long been recognized as agreat teacher and strong administrator, .andhis influence has been widely extendedthrough graduates in geology and geographywho ha,v€ gone to important positions inmany educational institutions.Corning from the University of Wiscon­sin to the University of Chicago at its found­ing, Professor Salisbury gave remarkableservice to the new institution, being Dean0.£ the Ogden Graduate School of Sciencefor over twenty years, head of the Depart­ment of Geography for sixteen years, andhead of the Department of Geology at thetime of his death.Among his notable achievements was hisshare in the Peary Relief Expedition whichbrought the explorer hack from the Arctic.He was also a: member ofa research expedi­tion to South America, going by way ofPanama and Valparaiso and thence across.the Andes to Argentina. During the admin­istration of Governor Lowden he was amember of the Illinois Board of NaturalResoarces and Conservation, .His chief publications include three volumes22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon Geology (with T. C. Chamberlin), threevolumes on Physiography, and Modern Geog­raphy (with H. H. Barrows and W. S.Tower). From the founding of the Univer­sity, also, he has been joint editor of the] ournal of Geology, the foremost periodicalin its field.Death of Mrs. Annie HitchcockMrs. Annie Hitchcock, who made possiblethe construction of Hitchcock hall, and whosince 1900 has been interested in all the af­fairs. of that dormitory,' died in Berea, Ky.,at the advanced age of 90. She had been indeclining health for a number of years. Theminutes of the Board o·f Trustees, for themeeting of July 11 contain the followingtribute to her memory:"Mrs. Hitchcock was a loyal friend of theUniversity for many years. In January,1900, she conveyed to the University prop­erty worth $250,000. Upon the basis of thisliberal gift Charles Hitchcock hall, a dormi­tory for men students, was constructed,which has continuously housed some ninetystudents, to whose happiness and comfortMrs. Hitchcock has ministered with tirelessdevotion. In this hall the University preach­ers from time to time have lived in roomswhere she placed the rare old furniturebrought from her eastern home in the dayswhen Chicago was a mere village; Thebeautiful library she provided with books,paintings, and bric-a-brac. The 'entire build­ing has been a veritable home for manyhundreds of students whose lives have beenmade memorable by the thoughtfulness, thecare, the generosity which she. bestowed,while her love for her husband, 111 hIS dayone-of Chicago's foremost lawyers, has beenand is permeated by this lasting memorial.It is fitting to place in the permanent rec­ords of the Board of Trustees this recogni­tion of Mrs. Hitchcock's graciousness' andliberality." ,An agreement between the University andMrs. Hitchcock provided a fund of $25,000to endow a fellowship designated as theDaniel L. Shorey Traveling Fellowship inGreek. By the death of Mrs. Hitchcock theincome from this fund now becomes avail­able and the Fellow will be appointed forthe coming year. .The fellowship was endowed as a memo­rial to Judge Daniel L. Shorey, formertrustee of the University, whose son, Profes­sor Paul Shorey, is the Head of the Depart-ment of Greek.Largest Attendance on Record at SummerQuarterIn many ways the Summer Quarter re­cently closed at the University was its mostsuccessful one. The attendance was thelargest on record, reaching a total of 6,4'70students. Of this number upward 0·£ 41000 were enrolled in the Departments of Arts,Literature, and Science, and upward of 21°00in the Professional Schools. More than1,,500 were in the College of Education; Oneof the striking features of the attendancewas the remarkable number of graduate stu­dents, 3,121, the undergraduates numbering3,349.New Professor' of Physics AppointedOfficial announcement is made by theBoard of Trustees of the appointment to thefaculty of William F. G. Swann, Sc.D.,professor of physics in the University ofMinnesota. Professor Swann, who receivedthe degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Sci­ence from London University, was con­nected with the Royal College of Science,London, and the University of Sheffield be­fore coming to the United States in 1913.For six years he was chief of the physicaldivision, Department· of Terrestrial Mag­netism, Carnegie Institution, Washington,before going to the University of Minne-sota..During the Summer Quarter at the Uni­versity Professor Swann gave a course on"Thermodynamics, Radiation, and QuantumTheory." He began his new work in July,1923.The following have also been appointed:Martin Hanke, to be instructor in the De­partment of Physiological Chemistry; JohnW. Coulter, recently connected with. theUniversity of California, to be instructor in. the Department of Geography; Harvey C.Daines, to be instructor in the School ofCommerce and. Adrninistration ; and L._ E.Garwood, to be lecturer in the Departmentof Political Economy.Alumnus Presents Band InstrumentsSuccess of. the newly organized. U niver­sity band of 100 pieces was made certainby the donation of complete musical equip­ment by Carl D. Greenleaf, of the class of'99. At a recent meeting in the President'soffice, at which Mr. Greenleaf was present,President Judson,. Dr. E. J. 'Goodspeed,Dean David' A. Robertson, Major HaroldMan, Walker Kennedy, Lieut. Bixby and'Director Wilson accepted the gift on behalfof the University.' ..The gift comprised the .entire . equipmentof 100 band instruments, including a marn-..moth drum, said to be the largest' in' the.Conference. This instrument, which meas�;ur es eight feet three inches in diameter, islarger even than the famous bass drum of. the Purdue U niversity band. . The instru-ments cost about $10,000.. . ' .Mr. Greenleaf, who made the big dona­tion, was granted his B. S. degree at' theUniversity in 18'99. He was prominent. incampus activities and was a charter member. .of Delta Tau Delta. . .UNIVERSITY NOTES-MESSAGE TO ALUMNIAlumni Recommend Military Scie�ceA. committee of alumni interested in pro­motl11g and extending the principle of mili-tary tr' .-at . aming among college men calledut�ntlOn to the work of the Field Artilleryrut of the Reserve Officers Traininz Corpsat the U' . . '"h 0 ntversIty 111 a bulletin issued fromt e 0ki?ce of the University. ,The committee;spea 111g for many Chicago men who haverendered service to the state and nationr�commended to all incoming students 9-C�tive participation in the work of this depart­ment.The ·bulletin urges' that every Chicazoman should have some measure of fund�o­fenhtal training in citizenship and advisesres men to include this subject in theirprogram of Courses.�he alumni statement was signed 'by:191 aul S.· Russell, 1916; Lyndon H. Lesch,191�: �ester S. Bell, 1913; Frank Whiting,C -t; . rn. P. MacCracken, Jr., 1909; Dulap. Clark, 1907; George C. Fairweather, 1907.Fraternity Scholarship Ranking Last JuneGradeR k for Av. Fraternity. the vr. per qr.1. Tau Kappa Epsilon C C +) 32�. �hi �eta Delta, 0 0 •• ::: C C+) . 21o caCIa.... C C+) 194, Lambda Choi' 'Aiph�: : .. C c +) 305. �l�ha Delta Phi C C+) 29G. T ettaD Cri C C +) 187, Pha? ,eta Phi CC+) 8K I SIgma Delta; 0 •••• c C+)· 12�. D appa N u C (+) 13. S.elta Upsilon .:.0 C 26i�: A�h: Chi ...... 0 ' C 24'12 Phi Sigma Phi:.... C 3513:' p' Gamma Delta..... C 3'514. K�lp'p� p�(lon Cc 3815,. S· . Igma '. 27 .16.' Igma Alpha -Epsilon'.·. C 22ZAeta Beta Tau .. � . . . .. C HIi�:·. p'��ha Phi Alpha � C 019. Alp\�aTPpaoSigma Cc' 22�20, au' mega...... ' iJ21. BChe�a .. T�eta Pi_ . .. C 3022; Ph�' PSI ., ' C 29'23: Pi IL��b�a Jh�' § 2024. Ph',' D 1 a 1. .. . . . . . . 172� D' 1., e .ta Theta C (-) 22o.'. elta SIgma Phi C (..:_) 2526. D�lta Kappa EpsiI011 .. 'C- (_;_) 2627. ,Kappa Alpha Psi ...... C (_) to'n Less Than Three Qearters. S .. elta' Tau Delta ., C 31 '. Igma Nu C(+) 26, x. Y. W. Broadcasts Football GamesF·gld_t the first time in th�" history' of Staggpi:, and the. Maro.o,n teams," grjdirongamesie/ed at the Univer sity.. are broa.dcasted�hlr: by pl,ay. Station K. Y. W. WIll be m.secrge.:.012er9-tors .are ,located in .th e press,1Qfl }n the west .starids, where the West- 23inghouse cornpany . has installed a micro­phone and an amplifier.The messages are transmitted to the K.Y. W. aerial on the top of the Edison build­ing in the loop; from there they are sent allover the country. W. E. Evans, general en­gineer for station K. Y. W., directs thework. Robert Campbell, a sophomore atthe University, announces the plays.Five Hundred Degrees ConferredOfficial announcement is made, of the de­grees conferred at the One Hundred Twen­ty-sixth Convocation, September 1.In the Colleges of Arts, Literature, andScience 135 Bachelor's degrees were .con­ferred; in the School of Commerce andAdministration 12; and in the College ofEducation 63, a total of 210.In the Divinity School 12 students, re­ceived the degree of Master of Arts, 7 thatof Bachelor of Divinity, and 4 the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy, a total of 23. In theLaw School 11 students received the degreeof Bachelor of Laws, and 11 that of Doctorof Law (J.D.), a total of 22. In the Schoolof Social Service Administration one Mas­ter's degree was conferred.. In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Litera­ture, and Science there were 192 candidatesfor the Master's degree and 61 for the Doc­tor's degree, a total of 253. The total num­ber of degrees conferred is 509.Among the graduates were a_ Hindu, aSouth African, an Afrikander, a Greek, aFilipino a Japanese, and four Chinese. ,Ofthis number' five received the Master's de­gree and one the Doctor's degree.President Judson's Message to Alumni(Continued from page 7)way of keeping in touch is through THEUNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, which publishes allthe news' of what is in progress here. Anyinformation which alumni may desire willbe sent on application. ,The alumni also may be helpful by send­ing any suggestions for the welfare of theUniversity which may occur to them. Theymay be sent to the MAGAZINE or to thePresident directly. In either case they willbe gladly welcomed.,I t is not a question of legal control whichI 'am discussing. There- is with the alumnia .far larger question of co-operation, andthat co-operation we ask from all alumniand I am sure that their loyalty which hasbeen so far displayed will- lead them to giveit freely.Many of our alumni are coming to occupypositions of influence in the world. Theyhave made a record of which the Universityis justly proud. We are looking to stilllarger developments in the. years to come.The University extends its cordial" bestwishes to all members of the great alumnibody. Harry Pratt, Judson ..24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESchool of EducationMotion Pictures. in EducationF. N. FreemanThere has been a great deal of discussionrecently about the use of motion pictures ineducation., In his widely circulated articlesin the Saturday Ev'ening Post, H. G. WeUspredicted that the time would come whe nschool teaching would consist almost en­tirely of exhibition of motion pictures. Hisargument was that there are few real expertteachers and if these teachers could in someway formulate their lessons so that theycould be broadcasted on a larger scale allchildren would be able to profit by theirskill. Motion pictures, he· believed, consti­tute a possible method of this broadcasting.More recently Mr. Edison has been reportedas saying that the greater part of schoolteaching could be done by means of thiseasy and rapid method.These men agree with a very widespreadopinion that information can be gainedthrough pictures or through the· sense ofsight more easily than through the custom­ary means which are employed in theschools. It is a common statement in recenteducational literature that between eighty­five and ninety per cent of our experiencewith the world about, us is gained throughsight. From this premise it is concludedthat the type of teaching which. appeals tothe sense of sight is overwhelmingly moreeffective than that which appeals to theother senses.These. somewhat novel ideas have caughtthe imagination of a good many personsboth inside and outside of the field of edu­cation. The man -on the street takes it forgranted that a novel and important d�sc<?v­ery has been made which WIll revolutlOl1lzeschool procedure. Professional educatorshave been led to believe that motion pictureswould largely displace the textbook, oraldiscussion and teaching. There has beenwidespread propaganda for the introductionof motion-picture pr oj ectors 111 to theschools.' Companies have been formed toproduce educational films. Some of thispropaganda, of course, emanates from com­mercial organizations which have an interest. in selling materials for visual education.Much of it, however, is the outgrowth of asincere conviction on the part of profes-sional and lay educators. .. 'ltll of this sounds very familiar to onewho has read the history of education. Ed­ucation has been subject to periodic wavesof enthusiasm or crazes for one innovationafter another. This does not mean that theintroduction of new devices has not fre­quently and may not in the future represent important advances. The point is that thereis often enthusiasm for the new which isout of proportion to its value and whichunderestimates the old and the customary.This consideration, however, does not provethat aM that is claimed for motion picturesis not true. It merely makes one cautiousand on his guard.It is this spirit of caution which hasprompted a number of investigations to findout Just how much value motion picturespossess in comparison with other kinds ofvisual education, such as slides, stereo­graphs, and pictures, and also in comparisonwith the textbook and oral discussion or,indeed, the laboratory method 'and actualmanipulation of materials.This is a period of self-examination in ed­ucation. During the past twenty yearsnumerous kinds of tests and scales havebeen devised to measure the results ofteaching. The introduction of motion pic­tures comes, then, at a fortunate time. Wehave at hand the methods of examining theeffectiveness of modes of instruction andwe are accustomed to surveys and scien­tific experiments in the schools. The pros­pect is that visual education will be givena more thorough examination than any ofthe innovations which have been introducedinto the schools in the past.During the past year the directors of theCommonwealth Fund of New York author­ized the appropriation to the University ofChicago of $10,000 for the study of visualeducation in the schools. Quite a largenumber of experiments have been made al­ready and others are being made at thepresent time under this grant.The ways in which motion pictures havebeen used in the schools' and the kinds ofmotion pictures which have been tried outare so numerous that one hardly knowswhere to begin in a study of their value. Insome instances the school uses exactly thesame kind of pictures as are used for enter­tainment in the motion-picture theater. Anillustration is the motion _ picture based onthe poem "Evangeline." Such pictures asthese are used for the purpose of supple­meriting the. study of literature.Another type is the historical film, whichis in itself of more than one kind. Besidesthe film in which actors represent historicalcharacters and in this way attempt to makethem more concrete to the child; is the typein which there are shown animated mapsand pictures of historical scenes to showthe chronological development of history.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES. In addition there is a large class of filmsll1 the general field of science. Some ofthese represent the habits, appearance, andthe development of animals, including 111-sects and micro-organisms. Others repre­sent the growth of plants. Speeded-up filmssho� the unfolding of flowers or the rami­fication of roots and branches. Slowed-upfilms make an analysis of movement pos­s!ble. Other films represent the demonstra­tion of laboratory experiments. Stili an­other: type, by means of pictures or animateddrawmgs, show the action of machines.Without attempting to make a complete .catalogue it will be seen that the characterof films is varied and it may not be possibleto say in a wholesale fashion whether theyare more or less advantageous than otherm?des of teaching. Furthermore, the aimwith which films are used differs. In somecases. the aim is to stimulate interest and�hereby serve as the introduction to a sub­je ct Or a summary after the topic has beencompleted. 'On account of this variety in the charac­ter �nd aims of motion pictures it will bepossIble only to make a beginning in thestudy of their effectiveness. Enough has�een done, however to indicate that thereIS. a great difference'in the value of motionPIctures for education just as in the case types of material. The extravagantclaIms which are made by some educators,such as those quoted at the beginning, ar.enot at all borne out. On the other hand, lIt�eems very likely that there are �0m.e sub­Jects or some projects in which motron PIC­tures can he of great assistance. It seemsvery unlikely that they will displace in anyyery large measure our customary modes ofmstruction. They have, however, provedv'ery valuable supplements.In order that motion pictures may be ofas mUch value as we may reasonably expect.the techniqUe of their production must hevery carefully worked out. The disti_nctionbetween educational pictures and picturesfor entertainment will probably, he drawn�ore sharply than is done at the pre sen ttime., Much difficulty is now experienced Insecurll1g satisfactory educational films be­cal}-se these films are frequently producedPrtmarily for the theater and are avaiiahieto !he school only after they have outlivedt�elr usefulness. The enthusiasm for m.o­h<;>n pictures often blinds producers, drs­trtbutors; and users to the fact. that. th�demand of the school is different from thafof the theater and that the technique of theorgani.zation of any educational material iscomplIcated and difficult.Many problems remain to be investiga�edcon�ernin'g the types of projects to Whl�hmO�lon pictures are best suited; the way� inwhlch the film can best be incorporated irrto�he w�ole plan of presentation; the manner1U whIch it can best be used as, for exam­ple, with or without simult�neous ledure; 25the best manner of organization of the filmitself; and so on. A' beginning is beingmade in the present study. W � ma� hopethat the recent effort of the Motion, PicturesProducers and Distributors of America, un­der the direction of Mr. Will Hays, to se­cure the cooperation of the National Edu­cation Association, may result I� some. plan,by which such problems may b.� subjectedto continuous. study so that .tIDiI'o·hon PIctureSmay yield the greatest service to educationof which they are capable,S-CHOOL OF E.DrUCATION NOTESThe Autamn Quarter in the School ofEducation has opened with an increasedundergraduase and!, graduate registration.Of the regular members of the faculty thefollowing are out OF residence for the Au­tumn. Quarter : Mr .. Sargent, Mr .. Lyman,Mr. Tryon, Miss Edith Parker, Mr .. Myers,Mr. Downing, Mr. Freeman, and MISS Hal­liday.A number of building changes were madeduring September in the School of Educa­tion quadrangle. By a concentration of theshops in the Univer�ity High School enoughspace was made avarlable for SIX classroomsand five offices. .All high-school classes :;tndactivities were therefore taken out of Kim­bark Hall and that buitding is now devotedto College of Education offices, rest. roomsfor instrnctors and graduate students, andthe publication rooms of the Ele:nentarySchool Journal and the School Revl�w. I.nElaine HaH the School of Education LF­brary has a large rea<:iing room for. gradu­ate students on the thir d floor covering thespace formerly occupied by the. museum.The' print shop has be�n trarrsferred fromthe fourth :floor of Blaine H(�Jl to BelfieldHal] to make it more accessible to j'um<;>rhigh-school classes .. Roo�s 206 and 207 inEfaicue have been remodeled to take careof the testing work and the various phasesof record work 'of the Elementary and HighSchools. .Mrs. Eva Pearl Barker Rademacher, whohad a wide acquarntance. with the. alumnithrough her years of se�vLce as regis.trar mthe College of Education office, died onSeptember 2:9, 1922.During September Mr. Judd spent a weekin Oklaclntocma City lecturing ,to the teacherswho were attending the city institute. Mr.A. C. Parsons, formerly 0'£ t:'e. Departmentof Education of the U nrver srty of qkla­horna and a graduate student of the Univer­sity of Clricag'o, is the newly elected .super­intendent of schools of Oklahoma CIty ..'The IlHnofs Home Ecorromics ASSOCIa­tion which was organized in Chicago. lastOct�ber with Mis's :Blunt of the Home Eco-(Continued on page 34)26 THE UNIVERSrTY OF CHICAGO lVlAC;AZINEBook ReviewsCrowd Leaving the Beach Where theChicago Riot BeganTHE NEGRO IN CHICAGOBy The Chicago Commission on RaceRelations(The University of Chicago Press)Quite recently a writer for a far westernperiodical, in reviewing a new book pub­lished by the University of Chicago Press,commented on the publishing activities atthe University in these words, "the Univer­sity of Chicago through its general publica­tions is rendering an eminent service." Theservice to which he referred has in the pastbeen provided mainly for teachers and stu­dents, Now, however, the general publicwill find that_ the University of ChicagoPress. through the publication" of The Negroin Chicago, has extended the limits. withinwhich that service applies and has issued avolume that treats of a problem affectingevery American citizen. '. The Negro. in Chicago is the work of anumber of the. city's pr o minent citizens whowere called together by Governor Frank O.Lowden to investigate the causes of the raceriots of July and August, 1919 .. It Isn large,well-illustrated volume that". contains in. or­ganize d "form 'all the information these men.found in their three years' study of the N e­gr o problernjn Chicago. Its.pages will givethe reader marty new impressions of a racialcondition of life that he has only suspectedin the past .. Its' detailed story of how theNegro is induced to migrate from the South,how. he supports himself in. northern cities,how he finds a home in the "black belt,"and how he adjusts 'himself, Or fails to ad­just" himself as the case. may be, .to his newposition in. a great white population, is a tremendously vital and vivid narrative.Property owners in the city will find inthis volume a section devoted to the prob­lem that is uppermost in their minds, theeffect of the coming of the Negro on prop­erty values. Employers will be interestedin the chapter 011 Negro industry. Parents,educators, and enforcers of the law will turn.first to the pages that tell of the contactswith Negroes in the playground, school andrailway coach, arid of the relation of theNegro to the criminal and vicious side ofcity life. The casual reader who is lookingfor general knowledge will be particularlyattracted to the chapters headed "PublicOpinion in' Race Relations." Here the vol­ume offers a splendid study of Negro char­acter, of his sentiments and attitudes as theyactually are, and as the white man thinksthey are, of the myths that exist about him,of the propaganda that is used to influencehim in everything he does, and of the treat­ment that he receives by the white andNegro press. .The great value of The Negro in Chicago,however, is the ser ies of fifty-nine recom­mendations that the authors' of the bookmake as a suggested barrier behind whichto wall up the race prejudice arid evil forceswhich cause race clashes. It was for thesefifty-nine aids to the betterment of the racesituation that the Chicago Commission onRace Relations spent over three years ofstudy rand investigation and more than $40,-000. It was to let. every American citizenprofit by these suggestions that the bookwas published.The Negro in Chicago will not be acceptedby everybody, as it makes many suggestionswhich will seem ultra-radical to the personwho has had only the recognized prejudicesof the times to. guide his thought on raceproblems. But that is the fate of all mo've­ments designed to throw light on problemsthat have been kept in darkness. The au�thors of this volume, seven of them whiteand six Negro, have sincerely presentedtheir findings and in like sincerity it is to behoped they will be received and acted upon.:rhe Chicago Commission on Race Rela­tioris was' composed of the following repre­sentatives of the two races: (white) EdgarA, Bancroft. (chairman), William Scott. Bond, Edward Osgood Brown, Harry Eu­gene Kelly, Victor F. Lawson, Julius Rosen­wald and Dr. Francis W. Shepardson;(Negro) Robert S. Abbott, George Cleve­land Hall, George H. j ackson, Edward H.Morris, Adelbert H. Roberts, Lacey Kirk\i\!iIlialTIs·. ..THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO .MAGAZINE 27+n_''_ .• _t'''_.111 '. . Wi -.·-I"-I'-'.-:--."-:--I.-:- •• _n._ •• _n._'._.I�I,"_II_""_"M_'"_ •• -11'-'.-11'-"-'.- •• - •• -,'1'= II �: II l:i= I! =I A!iiI Wall Shield1iiiIiiiII1IiiiI11iiIIi.jIi+_. ,i. "--n"--ItH_."- .. U_HII_HH_N"_ltl' __ IIN_IIII_IJII_IIII_tlll_1I11_1111_""_tl"_H'I_""_HII_III_III'I_llfI_.II_N"_Mn_ •• __ "_n+WITH THEw. of ct. ({oat=o·f=�rm�IN BRONZEmakes a dignified, durable decorationfor your room, or a handsome giftfor your Chicago friendsPrices---- $5.75 --- $9.25SEND FOR YOURSNOWFROM THE. Wnibtt£iitp of. ctCbtcago· 11Jook£itOtt5802 Ellis AvenueTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZ!NENEWS OF THE CLASSE SAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association'g7-Burt Brown Barker. gives us his ad­dress as care American Express Company,11 Rue Screbe, Paris, France,"97-Mayo Fesler, �ormerly secretary ofthe �.l-ooi{iyn Chamber ,of Commerce, wasrecently appointed execntive . secretary ofthe City Club of Chicago.'97-Dr. A. R. E. Wyrant, matriculationnumber 207 at the University, first footballcaptain and a "C" man, has practiced medi­cine and surgery in Chicago for the pastfourteen years. His office is at 6'9th street. and Normal boulevard.'01- John Mills, with Mrs. Mills and theirthree children, spent' a part of the summercamping in the Adirondacks.'03-Agnes R. Wayman spent two monthsin Alaska and the Canadian Rockies thissummer. Did all the usual "tourist" 'stuntsand. several more, including a slide downMount Rainier for about a mile Oil! a tinThe downtown department ofThe ,U:niviersHy of :C'hlcago• 116 So. Michigan A venuewishes the Alumni of the Univer­sity and their friends to know thatit now offers,EVi8,ni:n:g, tatel AUernOiQin ,andS,at:or;d!8'J 'mas:s e:s.Two-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be' offered In the, evening on the U niversity Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins April 2For Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean" Univ,el'sit,y College.The University of Ohicago" Chicago, Ill. sheet on which had been posted a govern­ment map once.'07-Arthur G. Bovee has recently had pub­lished by Ginn & Co. a text hook, Bovee'sPremiere Annee de Francais."97-Dr. A. R. E. Wyant, matriculatio-nPremiere Annee de Francais. It presentsBovee's orig inal method of teaching, andthe result 0'£ some years in experimentationand study. ,'O,9-Esther Godshaw is teaching American.History in the Los Ang ele s High School.Her address is 2207 West 11th street.'09-Eleanor L. Hall has recently returnedfrom a stay of six months in England andon the Continent. ' While in Paris she at­tended, as a delegate, the International Con­ference of University Women; at whichseventeen different nationalities were repre­sented.'13-David S. Merriam, treasurer and as­sistant general manager of the Pako Cor­porati-o-n, Minneapolis, spent some time inChicago duri,rng September,'14-Edwin D. Hun, S.M. '16, is now in-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVEHSITY LECTURE ASSOCIATIONLectures and ReadingsSElAJ�ON OF 1922-23NOFiTH 810'E-Monday Evenings-Fullerton Ave­nue Presbyterfan Church, Fulterton Parkway atGeneva Terrace. Lecturers: Earl Barnes, EdwardHnward '}riggs, Edwarcl A, Steiner.S-O I!IITA S,IDE-Tu@sday Evenings-e-St, James M, E.Church, EHis Avenue at Forty-sixth Street. Lec­turera: Sydney Greenbie, Robert Herrick, EdwardA. Steiner. .RQGE:IilS PA,RoI<-Thtll'$(tay Evendngs-e-Rogers ParkWOill3ill'S Club, AsM-and and Estes Avenues. Lee­tueers: SYdl'rey Greenbte, H'rarrk Ferguson, HobertHerrlek.OA K P:ARK-Monday Eveuings-(i)ai{ Park HighHch�l, Ontario Street at Scoville Avenue, Lee­turers : S. H. Clark, Lorado Taft, Ian C. Hannah.N�OR:M'AL PARK - Thursday Evenings - People'sLiberal Church, Stewart Avenue at Sixty·fifthStreet. Lecturers: Ear] Barnes, Edward HowardGriggs". James Weber Link Edward Clarke.Ticket admttting holder and, one other person to alllectures, $7..00,For Circular _\nnouncement Address Box 500,The Univers,j,ty Lecture AssociationI;1: Fifty-Eig,th Street at 'Ellis Avenue:!INEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSOstructor in Biology, University of Maine,rono, Maineti'14-AI.fred Livingston, A.M. '16, is, Educa­SOhal I?Irector at the Vocational Trainingc, 001 III Phoenix, Arizona.t 14-Max M. Kulvin is practicing medicinea ,6159 South Park' avenue, Chicago.18-Mrs. Stephen V. Benet (RosemaryCarr) sends us her address as 326 East 57thst�eet, N �w York City.I 18-ElIzabeth L. Steiglader is head of the,nsurance Department of the Citizens Na­h�nal, Bank, Spencer, Iowa.i Ex� 20-Isabelle Watson of New York Citys dOlUg volunteer community work at pres­ent.b '20-Katherine Frost is teaching at Scar-Norouygh School, Scarborough-on-Hudson,ew ork.'20 K.-:- atherine Prosser, who spent the sum-m�r tn Eu�ope, expects to be gone a year .:t 21-:-LYdIa Allen and Irma Eareckson areGachI�g �nglish in South High School,��nd . RapIds, Michigan.t If Anderson A. Owen was elected an edi­Nr 0 the :Harvard Law Review. James M.·c lCe�y, '20� is also one of the editors. It ist o�sldered a real distinction for a universityt? ave two editors on the board at the sameM�ej N �xt year Nicely will be secretary to'21 UFhce Holmes, at Washington, D. - lorence E. Wyant, who spent theg �mer abroad, returned on the S.S. Beren­u ar;a. Her trip included a visit with herDnc e, Ada� Wyant, '95, in Washington,v�n�:' who IS Congressman from Pennsyl-'22 wim- I lam A McWhorter' Jr is officeman .' ,.,p . ager for the Bradford Draft Gear Com-a]:?, ,23 West 43rd street, New York City:ch �-:- 23-Kenneth H. Koach of 5647 Dor­waes er. aven�e is associate editor of Ra}l­BU�d :Age, with office in the Transportation_ I .' lUg, ChIcago.Chicago Alumni!Plan Now to AttendThe AnnualFootball Dinner(Under auspices of Chicago Alumni Club)Honoring .. The "Old Man" and our Team!WednesdayNovember 22, 6 :30 p. m.At the University Club :ALL ALUMNI CORDIALLY INVITED i rL:::;- EVERYBODY -LET'S GO! EveryVictor RecordAL,WAYSATVictrol'a Head,quartersFORUni'v(ersily of ChicagoMfa'. a:D�J: W\\i"·o"m·; le'D','\1,:1\1 : I, .0, ' :', .' I ,1 : :, � ;, i ; :,(OME STRAIGHTTO';" B,'::E·.: IN······iJ:.i !! j '.>. I� .' r, '\. i i •,.' _:,1',',1 ',. \\:, IFOR. YOURTbanks,giviogV'ictrolaBENT MUSIC SHOPINC.214-%l6 South Waibash Ave.TELF;PHONEHARRISON 4767' 2930 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE r �-FOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureau,of Occnpatie,nsTrained 'Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines1804 Mailers Bldg.5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central' 5336We. Print m:be Wnibeuitp of �bitago .fflaga?ineCall and inspectour building.plant and up-to­date facilities. Make a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist and a Large, Abso­lutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICATIONPrinting and Advertising Advisers�ti�e ���r��Tt and the Cooperaiio« and Clearing Housecomplete Print- for Catalogues and Publications�gif��ntsl�t��� Let us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones-Local and Long Distance-Wabash 3381A Clearing House Bank inthe Center ofHyde ParkReady to Serve YouFIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS.on Hyde Park Property. You can pur­chase these Bonds on the installmentplan, and receive 7% interest while youpay for them. Bonds. are registered andtitle guaranteed by the CHICAGO TITLE& TRUST COMPANY, Trustee.UNIVERSITY STATE BANK1354 East 55th StreetCo�ner Ridgewood +1I-'.-II.-N.-N.-tl.-JlM-a.�'M-tl._."_n._ •• _II._.+I c. and A. Association. I+II-aLlI-Un--all-IIII-MII-IIU-HII-UII_III_HII_ •• _ •• _ •• _II+This year our student publication "Com­merce and Administration" is to be replacedby a more ambitious enterprise, "The U ni­versity Journal of- Business." This will takethe form of a business magazine, publishedquarterly, for circulation wider than ourown campus. It is to be edited by studentsin the School of Commerce and Administra­tion of the University of Chicago, in co­operation with the students of the schools ofbusiness of the Universities of Nebraska,Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois.The purpose of the magazine is to providean outlet for results of student investigationalong business lines; to reward scholarshipthrough staff positions; to effect greater co­operation between faculty and students; andto provide information of practical value tothe business man and teachers of businesssubjects.Each issue is expected to cover as nearlyas possible all fields of business activity andeducation.+._ .. _ .. _nl_ •• _.I_ •• _ •• _ •• _I .. _IIII_I .. _ •• _ •• _I'+t Divinity Association I+11-I111_ln_.n_.llI_111 __ a-lIn-110-1I .. -I.- •• - •• ---_U+Dean Mathews Meets Divinity AlumniOn Oct. 8 Dean Shailer Mathews met asmall gathering of Divinity School Alumniwho are pastors in Minneapolis and St. Paul.There were present John H. McLean, A.M.'09, D.B. '12, of the Calvary Baptist Church;Mark Sanborn, D.B. '09, of the JacksonChurch; L. ]. Velte, ex; F. H. Fahringer,A.M. '18; John G. Briggs, Jr., D.B. '99, ofSt. Paul, and W. L. Runyan, D.B. 'Q7, of theBaptist Union of Minneapolis. Amongother things, tentative plans were discussedfor possible later meetings in Minneapolis.Dr. E. A. Hanley represented the DivinitySchool at the inauguration of PresidentSwartz of the Pacific School of Religion 011Oct. 11, 1922.Guy C. Crippen, '07, A.M. '12, D.B. '12,formerly secretary of the Divinity AlumniAssociation, returned from a severalmonths' trip to Europe and is temporarilyfilling pastorates near. Chicago.Mark F. Sanborn, D.B. '09, has beenelected! president of the Baptist Young Peo­ple's Union of America.Dr. E. LeRoy Dakin, A.M. '10, D.B. '11,has become pastor of ,the great BrooklynTabernacle, Brooklyn" N. Y.C. J. Ritchey, Ph.D. '18, has been appointedto a professorship at Carleton College,Northfield, Minn.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONSE, E. Aubrey, D.B. '22, has been ap­fomted to an instructorship at Carleton Co1-ege, Minn., E. ?', Harkin, Ph.D. '22, is giving lecturesy: _rehgIOUS education in the School of Re­KglOn, associated with the University ofansas, Lawrence, Kan.t·_--··-··_··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··_··-··- +i L ii aw School Association l+-··-··'_'._'._"_"._"_ .. _.'_IU_I._.a_I._a+d George W. Adams, J.D. '22, may be ad­ressed at Carlsbad, N. M.B J. W. Huffman, LL.B '. '22, is with Scott,hancroft, Martin & McLeish 1620 Corn Ex­c ange Bank Bldg., Chicago:Ph��wey G. Hutchinson, r.o. '22, is withW 1 I��, Mack & O'Brien, Suite 805, 69 Westas Ington Street, Chicago.N �ar:iel J. Korn, J.D. '22, is practicing with� Sll1ger & Walchli, Kalispell, Mont.o h�ana Latham may be addressed at 1817rc 1 Avenue, Hollywood,�an Hui Lo, J.D. '11, is chief Englishretary for the Chinese Government Rail­ways, with offices at Shanghai, China. 'in GFrant L. Martin, LL.B. '22, will practiceargo, N. D.'to Le�and S. Hamilton is a professor of his­vi[t HA1 the University of Arkansas, Fayette-e, rk.m�bmas E. McCollough, LL.B. '20, is aSla' er of the firm of McCollough &Bir u�hter, 217 First National Bank Bldg.,mtngham, Ala.Sc�,eorg� A. Mundy, a student in the LawCle 001 In the year 1914, died June 10 inve and, O.Ed J -of th;a.; . Philip�, J.D. 'II, is, a �nember69 We rrnWof �hIhps, Mack & 0 Bnen, 805,J oh stJ ashll1gton Street, Chicago.dresse� . Radford, J.D: '07, may be ad­Ia wh at 501 West Third Street, Spencer,Pr'�du reC he is an officer of the CementH c s ornpany.dres���n A. Ranlett, J.D. '15, may be ad-5 Place care Bankers Tr'ust Company, 3 andW It' Vendorne, Paris, France. '.. a er A R d J D' .hcmg . h' aymon, . . 22, IS prac-TempI wItK Judge �yle, 1204 Grand AvenueG e, ansas CIty Moeorg S' fki ' .the fi e ie 111, LL.B. '17, is a member ofFirst N t?f Fouston, Ebright & Siefkin, 413Hob a io nn] Bank Bldg., -Wichita, Kan.the Leal't M. Shulenburg, J.D. '22, is withSuranc g� Department of the Travelers 1n­Chica�' orn_pany, 175 West J�ckson Blyd.,bark gA' HIS house address IS 6047 KIm-D . venue.of tl�':�r A. Skee.n, LL.B. '10, is a memberWalker B of 1rv111e, Skeen & Thurman, 1401ank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. The First National BankOF CHICAGOand its affiliated institution. theFirst Trust and Savings, Bankoffer a' complete, con­venient and satisfactoryfinancial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings Department'Trust DepartmentThe stock of both banks is owned by the samestockholders. Combined resources exceed$330,000,000Northwest CornerDearborn and Monroe Sts.Chicago 313.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE·BOOKSO,ld (and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of school. and college text books,. 'Wrile us for the hook you want.W'O", '0''··D' "W', ..... 'O"R' .·T' '·H·.' 'S'!1 , ".' ,. " "� '/ ' .' 'I ,i;;B:OiOK ST'Q:R'ESV. A. WOODWOFTH. ''06. ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1.311 E. 57th St.Hyde. Park. Book Store, - 1540 E. 63.rl StreetI Englewood Book Store, 6212 Stewa!}' !'¥eoueOur new "Loo.p Store"112 So. Wabash Av.e., (near Monroe St.) Dearborn 2259 .!,' The ortlers .Q/ T tachers ,and LfS"ari'es Solic.fieJChicago Alumni­have a unique chance for Serv­ice and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thou­sands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For. Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, Illinois Clarence E'r Tripp, LL.B. '22, is practicingat 69· West Washington Street, Suite 1201,Chicago, m.James H. Turner, J.D. '22, is with Hoyne& O'Connor, 1.05 West Monroe Street, Chi­cago, Ill.Miss Olga Vondracek, J.D. '22, may be ad:"dressed at 1436 Fifth Avenue, Cedar Rapids,Iowa.Miss Lilliam A. Leffert, LL.B. '18, isDeputy Secretary of State for Iowa, DesMoines, Ia .John E. Wilson, J.D; '20, was married toMiss Pearl Scrivner on July 26, 1922, atDanville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will. make their home in Hazard, Ky.'T1I-1I11'_ •• -IIII-IIH-·UII-lln-nH-nn-IIII-IIII-IIU-UII_n"_"+,=1 =1SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONI i+'II-ltU_tllI-IIII-UII-IIII-IIU-IIN_ItU_HII_""_nll_UN_IIII_II+'05-Knight, Adelaide L., Ed.B., directsthe two Y.W.CA. cafeterias at 59 E. Mon­roe and 1612 W. Van Buren Streets, Chi­cago.'07-Scott, Florence R, Ed.B., is in Glen­dale, California, on leave of absence fromthe Sterling Morton High School, Cicero,In .. , where she teaches English.'08-Durant, Ant ho nette, Ed. B., has beenconnecsed with the English Department ofthe State Normal School at Platteville, Wis.,since I9l0. .'09-Loomer, Archie S., Ed;B., designedthe new science building of the ExeterUnion High Schoof, Exeter, California. Heis head of the Department of Science.'ll-Davis, Mary E., Cert., is critic inthe primary grades at Huntington, Indiana.'12-Merry., Elizabeth B., Ph.B., is StateSchool Attendance Officer located at Indi­anapolis, Indiana."13-Montgiomery, John A., A.M., is aphysician specializing in diseases of the eye,ear, nose, and throat. He is located atFresno, California.'14-N�ch.elsol1!, Arthur M., A.M., Ph.B.,1912,. formerly in the economics departmentof Crane Junior College is now Principal ofthe Whittier School in Chicago.'15-Simmons, Henry S., A.M., Ph.B.,1914, is manager of the Clark TeachersAgency at Minneapolis, Minn.'16-Mutz, Mami� R, Ph.B., is studyingat the California School of Fine Arts in SanFrancisco.'17-Parmele,. Alma M., Ph.B., is touringthe southern states under the professionalname of Patricia Parmelee giving lectureson health before the g'eneral public and:women's. organizations and organizing shortterm classes.NEWS OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS'18-McMillan, Eva M Ph B, is ho meeco· . ., .. ,T nOllICS lecturer at : the University oforonto, Canada. .'s 'lg-Fake, Florence·L., Ph.B., teaches thea�cWon.d grade in the Hubbard Woods School111netka, lllinois.'20 H· .Uni � . arrrs, Helen, Ph.B., formerly of theki verSlty Elementary School faculty, is�nDderga�ten .teacher in the Liggett Schoola etrott, MIch.A '2�-pCunningham, Harry A., A.M., ist s�.. rof. of Education giving teacherua�n111g Courses in biological science at the�Iversity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.wo;1-;-Herriott, Marion E., Ph.B., 'while�111g for his Master's degree at the Un i­�hrsIB" of Missouri is supervising science incl:s n;versity High School and . .teaching, ses 111 the School of 21-S<!-ndhusen, Louis H., A.M., is teach-fgBart In the Erasmus Hall Hig'h Schoolo rooklyn N Yth'22-J?:Uff,' Be·rni�e, Ph.B., is Principal ofat\6" unSlor High School and English critice tate Normal School Edinboro Pa.w�;�-Vil,,!-s, Elizabeth, Ph.B., is a nut;itionD 1 Re� witb the American Red Cross ate 10, Texasst;��-M.cCallis·ter, James M., A.M., is in­V jllctor }.n education, State Norma! College,a ey CIty, N. D. Alb;ert T eachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoEstablished 1885. Oldest Agencyunder the same active management.FREE REGISTRATl'ON to University of Chi­cago students. On r eturriing docu­ments a College President wrote:"I am grateful for the promptat ten tion you always give to ourappeals for help. I am especiallygrateful for the courteous atten­tion given to me on my personalvisit to your office in September.It . was a surpr-ise to see so manyManager-s, Clerks, .Stenographers­all earnestly engaged in their work,and to meet so many groups ofschool men from day to day, onthe same errand a.s myself."Students and Alumni of the Uni­versity are always welcome, It costsyou nothing to irrterview our Man­agers and will bring results' Wehave the business.Other offices437 Fifth Ave., New York, NSymes BMg., Denver, Colo.P.eyt.on Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 33SMITH SAUER MOTOR CO.2534 SO.' MICHIGAN ,AVED ISTR.IB·UTORSCASED. UNDERHILL SMITH Ex'12 CLARK G. SAUE� '1234 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERALPH C. MANNING, '00, J. D. '03Realtor and Insurance BrokerSpecialist in ChicagoWest Suburban PropertiesTown and Country Homes209 West Liberty Drive Phone: 195Wheaton, IllinoisJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithBartlett, Frazier Co.111 W. Jackson Blvd.Wabash 2310Paul H. Davis & @ompangMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We f pecialize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds-quotations on request.Paul H. Davis, '11 Herbert I. Markham, Ex:06Ralph W. Davis,'16 Byron C. Howes, Ei:13N. Y.LifeBldg.�CHICAGO- State 6860MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEA business school of distinctionSpecial Three Months' IntensiveCourse for university graduatesor undergradua tes given quarterly.Bulletin on Request.PAUL MOSER, J. D., Ph. B.116 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago School of Education Notes(Continued from page 25)nornics Department as president, held itssecond annual meeting in Decatur on Octo-ber 27 and 28. '.In October Miss Temple addressed theLake Superior Teachers Association at Su­perior, Wisconsin, on "Unification of Kin­dergarten-Primary Grades" and spoke alsoto the Superior Kindergarten -Club and theDuluth Kindergarten-Primary Club. 'Mr. Lyman and Miss. Martin both at­tended the meetings of the State TeachersAssociation in Kansas in October MissMartin spoke at Hays and Pittsbqrg to theprimary section and Mr. Lyman at T<?p�kaand Hutchison to the high-school section,Elizaoeth W. Miller, Ph.B., 1914; A.1t(,1915; Ph,D.. 1921, former instructor inHome Economics in the College of Edtica�tion, and Dr. Fred Conrad Koch of the De­partment of Physiological Chemistry of theUniversity, were married in September,1922, and are living at 1903 East 72nclStreet, Chicago.Miss May Hill, Ph,B" 1922, who has 'forseveral years been _ a member of the summerfaculty of the School of Education. has ac­cepted the principalship of the ClevelandKindergarten-Primary Training School.This school is supported by the ClevelandFree Kindergarten and Day Nursery Asso­ciation, a strong and influential organiza­tion which has for years maintained a sys­tem of free kindergartens and day nurseriesin the; city of Cleveland. This year thetraining school is being radically reorgali_;:ized and properly equipped to give unifiedkindergarten and primary training of themodern type. Miss Hill has secured, amongothers, the services of four of our alumnaeas members of her staff. Miss Marv Cam­eron, Ph.B., 1917, has been appointed assis­tant principal in the normal department.Miss Isabel Robinson, Ph.B., 1920, will di­rect the largest of the practice kindergar­tens and give instruction in the normal de­partment. Miss Margaret Manning, Ph.B:.1918, and Miss Harriet Dougherty, Ph.B ..1922, have been appointed to critic positionsin the school.Dr. N athaniel Butler has returned fromhis vacation in Boulder, Colorado, in excel­lent health and - very enthusiastic about Col-,-orado people and the climate. During the:la tter part of A ugust he addressed the LionsClub of Denver on the "Desirability andNecessity of Education as a Civic Asset."The new School of Education facultymembers this year make up a group ofabout twenty. In the College, Kate Daurn,M.S., University of. Kansas- who is wor kirigfor her Doctor's degree, is an assistant inthe Home Economics Department, andFlorence Williams; Ph.B" 1915, who'- wasSCHOOL OF EDUCATION NOTES 35�hupervis<?r of Fine and Industrial Arts in in city schools of Oklahoma, third-gradewi�l, p�bhc schoo!s of Richmond, Indiana, teacher; Inez de Parisot, who has had teach-E gIve COurses In both the Art and Home ing experience- in England and the UnitedtoConomics Departments. In the Labora- States, instructor in French in the Highh rv. bSchools the following appointments School; Mata Roman, Ph.B., 1922, home-Save een made: Mary F. Honey, formerly economics instructor; Mrs. Beatrice Mac-st����vls<?r of Art. in Dowagiac, Mich., in- Gowan Scott, author. of several music text-1920 <?r ,Ill art; Mildred J. Janovsky, Ph.B., books, teacher of music in grades four, five,Ada� 111�tructor In SOCIal science; J. Olga and six; Lillian Stevenson, Ph.B., 1921, for-and t s, Cert, 1908, student during 1921-22 mer instructor in home. economics in the'If"' eacher In the Joliet city schools takes University of Iowa, home economics in thelVUSS Robl"n ' I'· .' E d H' h S h I Ch I AP' I sO.n space In the kindergarten: lemen tary an rt ig . C 00 s : ar es -'-.tion M .. COOk, graduate student in educa- Stone, B.S., University of Illinois, instructoror' d.llrlt�g the past year is.In charge of the in high-school mathematics; Jessie Todd,h' �anIzatlOn of records especially the case formerly connected with the public schools-S�sh��1 �'epo�ts, in the Elementary and High of Duluth, art in the Elementary School;Stat s, Nina Jacobs, graduate of the Harris R. Vail, who was for two years su-teach N o_rmal at Kalamazoo and first-grade pervisor of high-school music at Hinsdale,:first er 111 Muskegon and Grand Rapids, is in charge of the, music work in the Higr,0-' teacher' Erskin Jones girls' School; Heber P. Walker, A.B., A.M., Indi-""Wy�nll�1asl11m instructor in the High 'School' ana University, recently connected with theI lam G 'K' ' ,Ie e hi . Immel, A: B., Di�ki�son <;:01- schools of Evansville, Indiana, history in theill g, Igh-school English: PrISCIlla Kl11s- High School; Robert Woellner, S.B., Uni-te��' rih·NB., 1922, assistant in the kindergar- versity of Cincinnati, and for three yearsfor' w r.. . p;uth Mc.Guir e, school physician in public-school work' in Cincinnati, is headSch fmen In the Elementary and High of the manual training work in the High� Agnes Morrissey, formerly teacher Schoo 1.Don't miss the Sisson Football Luncheon!Remember the terrible delays in.traffic going out? Start early­enjoy the special Sisson FootballLuncheon - it will be served fromnoon on-and the Sisson is onlyten minutes from Stagg Field.Come out and get into the spiritof the game! Special table d'hoteluncheon, one dollar per cover,Stagg Field2:00 P. Ill.: ,. • and every Wednesday and Saturdayntght, there is a Sisson Dinner Dance. You'llS find here unequalled music by the Sisson Societyyncopators and an atmosphere always delightful ��issonT·AKE MICHIGAN AT FIFTY-THIRD STREETFAIRFAX 1000THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE36The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus .. $15,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, CHAIRMAN OF THEBOARDEDMUND D. HULBERT, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESI-DENTOWEN T. REEVES; JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EnWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, VICE-PRESIDENTEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WA,LKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERHUGH J. SINCLAIR, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BI.AIR CHARLES H, HULBURDCHAUNCEY B. BORLAND CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONEDWI,RD B. BUTLER JOHN J. MITCHELLBENJAMIN CARPENTER MARTIN A. RYERSONCLYDE M. CARR J. HARRY SELZHENRY P. CROWELL ROBERT r THORNEERNEST A. HAMILL CHARLES H WACKEREOM UND D. HULBERTForeign Exchange Letters 0,' CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun. Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits'---. ----�------�----- + .. __ .. _ .. _'._ .. _.'_III_ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _.i-III_'._.+'The University Settlement I+,_ .. - .. � .. .....; .. -- .. --- .. _.;. .. - .. - .. - .. -- .. --.- .. -.+An outgrowth of the settlement movementin England, the University of Chicago Set­tlement at 4630 Gross avenue was foundedtwenty-eight years ago by a group of Uni­versity patrons interested in human investi­gation and social service. They recognizedthe need of an institution which shouldfamiliarize the foreign dement of Chicagowith better phases of American life andsought to accomplish this through their littlesecond floor room just hack of the Stock­yards. From this meagre beginning theSettlement has developed into a very highlyspecialized and efficient organization study­ing the needs and. problems of the com­munity and administering as it has seenbest.With its gymnasium, clubrooms for girlsand boys, its library, sewing school, it hasdirected the activities of thousands of youngpeople who have never had an opportunityto come in contact with the finer things oflife, along normal, healthy, instructive, edu­cational and moral lines. This is not donein a paternalistic way but achieved only bythe trained assistants of the Settlementsafter they have sincerely gained the friend­.ship an<ill confidence of their people.Regrslar classes in Americanization pre­pare the aliens for citizenship and throughthe kindergarten and the expert advice of anutrition specialist, the life of the childrenis made more healthful. During the pastsummer over ten thousand youngsters en­gaged in the supervised playground activi­ties, and five hundred others were given an'Outing at the Sand Dunes Camp. Evenduring the winter over three thousand peo­ple participate in the weekly affairs con­ducted in the Settlement House.But the Settlement is not a charity in thesense of giving clothing and such suppliesto its members. It is a more personal agent.It interprets to the foreigner the best idealsof American family and public life. Therapid rise of the Settlement [s due, of course,primarily to the contributions and donationswhich have been made. But the work ofMiss McDowell and Miss Addams and theirnineteen assistants has been responsible forthe pleasant and: constructive character ofthe opportunities offered to the Stockyardsyoungsters. The Settlement is the fourthlargest o-f the sort in Chicago, and is as weHknown as any in the United State's. Itdirects its policies and activities as ac­cura tely and effectively through its Boardof Directors as does a large industrial corn­pany,The services 'Of the University of Chicagostudents are very valuable in two ways:first, they volunteer their cooperation in theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHlCAGO MAGAZINE 37What college failed to give himAn unusual letter from a. successful man to a younger manA hundred men graduate from college in the same class with identi­cally the same training. At the end of ten or fifteen years, a few.of the hundred have forged far ahead. They have "made a placefor themselves" while the great majority are still held-manyof them permanently held=-in the routine places of business.WHAT causes the differ-ence? What t . .d .' ex ra training1 0 the few add to their col-ege work which carriestfhem So much farther andaster?A dear-cut that . .' InterestIng answer.. .. qUestion was given recentlyIJ!l a letter byA college blan to whomsUccess cable earlyStephen B Mdent f . ambert, Vice-Presi-o the wid d .estabr h esprea enterprisesIS . ed by Th A Ed'is still in . omas. ison,desk th. hIS early thirties. To hisYoun . ere :ame a letter from ag man In Texas "Iducting I' I . am con-. a Itt e business here" theYoung man Wrote "Wh t' Ido to' . a can'WoUldgr;; and to make it grow?Inst't e Alexander HamiltonI ute be '.for me?" a paYIng InvestmentTo which M Mr. ambert replied:"In answcannot do er to your inquiry Imore than outlineMy own experience"The chief th'college wa . lng I learned inWithstand" s how to study. N ot­Schoo l' In. g the fact that myOlQg .. provlded me with all opportunity to study many of thethings which are regarded as valu­able, I very keenly felt, upon leav­ing college and entering business,that I was like a wheel with spokesof different lengths, and that Ineeded something to round outand to bring together into a com­plete whole the different spokelengths. In fact; I entirely lackedseveral spokes. In my individualcase, the Alexander HamiltonInstitute Course served this veryuseful purpose."The little added training thatmakes successWhat, precisely, did the AlexanderHamilton Institute give to Mr.Mambert in addition to whatcollege had given him?It gave him the same sort ofgraduate training in businesswhich hospital experience givesto the physician, or the law officegives to the lawyer. This trainingincludes a knowledge of the prin­ciples underlying every majoractivity in business.-.sales, ac­counting, costs', merchandising,advertising, factory and o1iIicemanagement, corporation finance.Add this training to the fouryears of college, and you give aman a distinct advantage over his classmate who has the cultural ortechnical training of college alone.And the cost of the added trainingin money and time is trivial incomparison with the rewards.A book worth sending forThe facts about the AlexanderHamilton Institute - what itsCoarse is, and just what it hasdone for other college men - havebeen condensed into a lIS-pagebook "Forging Ahead in Business."To many a man the evening whichhe spent with this hook has provedmore valuable than any other inhis business life. There is a copyfor every thoughtful college mall;it is a book well worth adding toyour business library. Merelyfill in the coupon; your copy willbe sent at onee, and without obli­gation.Alexander Ham.ilton Institute584Astor Place, New York CitySend me "Forging Ahead inBusiness" which I may keepwithout obHgation.Name, .P.rint hereBusinessAddress ..Bus.i�e8S .Position ,.· .Canadia_n Address, C. P. R. Building, Toronto: Aust'ralian Addre/M, 4,� Hunter Street, SydneyCOPIITi(Jht, 19!;!2. Alexander HamUton. InstituteTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTe.)'ep'hone Wabash ,I' 80"0BRADFORD G:LL, '10 WILL,IS H. LINSL'EY, '01GILL, LINSLEY & MIDDLETONALL INSURANCE FORMS175 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD, T�LEPHONEWABASH 941 1 CHICAGORalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life In:;. Co.900 The RookeryEarle A. Shilton, '14REAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTY637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 74RAYMOND J. DALY, '12J nveslmenl SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7440John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoCornelius T eninga, '12REAL ESTATE and: LOANSPullman Industrial District. Teninga Bros. &:Co, '11324 MicMgan Ave.PULLMAN 5006John A. Logan, '21Investment Securities,withH. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY208 So. La Salle St. Wabash 0820 active and instructive operation of the Set­tlement, living among the people; and sec­ondly, they contribute in a financial waythrough their annual Settlement NightBenefit. So large has the scope of thisaffair become that it now contributes overtwenty per cent of the budget required bythe Settlement.This year the benefit will be held in theMitchell Tower Group on the evening ofDecember 9th, and will include among itsfeatures vaudeville performances, booths anddancing. The Settlement is a child of theUniversity body and the students have aparticular and distinct loyalty and pride inall its achievements. Consequently overfour hundred undergraduates are now en­gaged in boosting the Settlement NightBenefit and its accompanying financial cam­paign among students and alumni. Thealumni, who have responded whole-heartedlyin the past, are again cordially invited toassist this most worthy cause.Mucilage Fourit.airi PenLatest Office-Home Necessity for 50cMONEY BACK GUARANTEEAGENTS BIG PROFITS. WHIRLWIND SELLERMUCILAGE FOUNTAIN PEN CO.STJ:.GER. ILL.. U. S. A.Joseph Fishman, '1,5GENUINE NAVAJO RUGS & NOVELTIESdirect from IndiansFor prices, addressDANOFF, FISHMAN COMPANYGallup, New MexicoLuther M. Sandwick '20WithH. M. ByUe'sby and CompanyInvestment Securities208 S •. LaSalile, St. Wabash 0820The Largest College Annual.Engraving Housein AmericaJAHN & OLLIERENGRAVING CO .554 W. Adams se., Chicago, Ill.ENGRAVERS OF OVER 400BOOKS ANNUALLYNot�: We Never Sub-let Any Plates or ArtWork.Unusual Personal Service on AUBooksMARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS+----- . ._.- . ._'I Marriag:�;me:;-lBirths, Deaths. i+._ .. _.. ,--"-11_ •• _ •• - •• - •• - •• - •• - •• -- •• ---.+H . marriage£)M Thert N. McCoy, Ph.D. '98,' to EthelChica��?' '07, Ph.D. '14" June 14, 1922, atLo�ay�on� Davis Elliott, S.B. '09, to MaryBeach ernJl, October 7, 1922, at LongC l'f ' .CalIfornla. At home La Habraa 1 orn1a "toMLrs. Ze'lma Davidson Hoffman Ph B '09ero F H ' .. ,5470 H Yd' P arza, May 27, 1922. At home,C � e ark Boulevard ChicagoberrAlIW�arie Cossum, Ph.B. '14, t'o Her­horne 6 1 dt;nan, '23, August 7, 1922. AtPa�l b47 KIm?ark Avenue, Chicago.l11uson f eS J ar dien, Ph.B. '15, to Viva Ras-Ro 0 t. Paul, August 12, 1922.garet B W. Knipschild, Ph.B. '17, to Mar­South pelle dGardiner, September 20, 1922, atFra asa ena, California.Sobe nC1S LeRoy Copper, A.M. '18, to Mae1922 y Aof Hancock, Michigan, August 23,qUette �.hoht;ne, 124 West Arch Street, Mar-H t'· IC Igan.H. M tt1· H. Goldstein, Ph.B. '18, to Nathan, ar 111 of N e w York City, December 29,---- 1921. At home, 927 South First Street,Louisville, Kentucky.Adelheid Steiner, Ph.B. '18, to Elden G.Gieske, July 26, 1922, at Chicago. At home,Barrington, Illinois.B. Lee Brink, Ph.B. '21, to Alice LouiseSabin of Lake Forest, Illinois, April 4, 1922.At home, 1357 East 57th Street, Chicago.Wilham B. Gemmill, Ph.B. '21, to FrancesTolerton, September 28, 1922, at Chicago.John A. Logan, Ph.B. '21, to DorotheaHalstead, October, 17, 1922, at Chicago.Alan B. Le May, Ph.B. '22, to Esther G.Skinner, at Monte Vista, Colorado, August9, 1922.;Bittb£)To Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bradshaw(Helen A., Freeman), '05, a daughter, MaryHelen, July 14, 1922, at Ann Arbor, Michi­gan.To Charles F. Axelson, Ph.B. '07, and Mrs.Axelson, a son, Kenneth Strong, July 31,1922, at Chicago.To Albert G. Duncan, Ph.B.. '13, J.D. '14,and Mrs. Duncan, a daughter, AlbertaKatherine, February 2, 1922, at Chicago.To Asher K. Mather, D.B. '14, and Mrs.Mather (Ruth Delzell), Ph.B. '12, a daugh­ter, Alice Royce, July 15, 1922, at Granville,Ohio.To Charles Michel, Jr., Ph.B. '16, and Mrs.CONVENIENT- -because those who carry them arenot dependent on banks andbanking, hours; they are acceptedat all times and in all places - - - - -TRAVELERS'Ask for them at your bankor write for particulars toBANKERS TRUSTCOMPANY,New York City 3940 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYou can depend upon"Premium"There are very 'definite reasonswhy you can always depend uponthe uniform good quality of Swift'sPremium Hams and Bacon.Our plants are so situated' inproducing centers that we canselect the finest hogs sent by thebest hog raising states.Our processes for dressing, curing,and smoking have been reduced toa science; our curing methods arealways the same. The meat isfirst selected for size and quality.It is trimmed uniformly. It is keptin a uniform cure in sanitary sur­r ou nd ings at a uniformly lowtemperature and for a fixed periodof time. The various processesare tested at stated intervals by ourcuring experts and chemists.When it comes to smoking, we haveregular smoke houses in which the meat iskept for a fixed period of time, at a fixedtemperature, in a uniform density of hard­wood smoke.Throughout the whole process we keepthe meat scrupulously clean, and finallywrap it in parchment paper so that it mayreach you without contamination, with allits natural flavor and juiciness intact.Our organization has long experienceand expert knowledge. Its I standards ofquality are so high that only half the hogswe buy are suitable for "Premium" brand."Swift's Premium" has become ahousehold phrase.Swift & Company, U.S.A.Founded 1868A nation - wide organization owned by morethan 45,000 shareholders Michel, a son, Walter Charles, August 14,1922, at Chicago.To Lucius O. McAfee, Ph.B. '16, A.M. '21,and Mrs. McAfee, a daughter, Lucy Alice,August 31, 1922.To Charles W. Tomlinson, Ph;D. '16, andMrs. Tomlinson, a daughter, Ruth Louise,October 16, 1922, at Ardmore, Oklahoma.To Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bowen(Merlda Orr), '1�, a daughter, ElizabethOrr, June 1, 1922, at Chicago.To William John Mather, Ph.B. '17, andMrs. Mather,' a son, Charles Etnyre, Sep­tember 14, 1922, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Platt (JeanetteRegent), '17, a daughter, July 16, 1922, atDanville, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Wendel J. Weigel (Ger­aldine Stone), Ph.B. '17, a daughter, Martha,November 26, 1921.To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barbre (HelenWestcott), Ph.B. '18, a daughter, HelenLouise, June 26, 1922, at Baltimore, Mary­land.To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Barclay (Ma­rion Stearns), Ph.B. '19, a son, EdwardStearns, August 15, 1921, at Chicago.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clement (HelenDriver), '19, a son, Charles, September 24,1921, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Rothermel, Jr.(Theresa Wilson), Ph.B. '20, a son, August18, 19·22', at Chicago., To Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Stark (Eva Bern­stein), '20, a son, Morton Burris, June 24,1922.1!leatb!)William E. Parsons, A.B. '68, September1, ,1921, at Los Angeles, California.Fred Berry, Th.B. '93, Director of Evan­gelism for the Western Washington Con­vention, at his home in Seattle, May 28,1922.Charles Andrews Huston, A.B. '02, J.D., '08, Dean of the Law School in Leland Stan­ford University, suddenly, June 19, 1922.John Alexander Black, A.B. '03, March10, 1920.Robert W. Maxwell, ex. '06, former all­American guard, June 30, 1922, at N orris­town, Pennsylvania, the death resulting froman automobile accident.Clarence A. McBride, Ph.B. '07, May 11,1922, at New Albany, Indiana.,Mrs. Eva Pearl, Barker Rademacher,Ph.B. '12, wife of ' Charles Rademacher, S.B.'12, suddenly, September 29, 1922, at a hos­pital in Chicago. Mrs. Rademacher wassecretary at the School of Education forsome years before her marriage to Mr. Rade­macher a year ago, and was a very prom­inent officer and Reunion worker in herclass of 1912. It is planned to edit theclass paper this year in her honor.Bertha L. Merrill, A.M. '17, December 24,1921,,' in New York CitY.,� ,Publislzed .tlzt .. 'Intricol'�erest 0/ 1 " . evelopment byII �t'tlftion that wilte elPed II, wlzat.eVer kelps tlzeIndustr". It will pay you tolisten:' to this. music" ALL over the country the whistle is blowing for the£\:., kick-oW,,' the; start of' that, 'great game-'aoo;thercollege year.Be on your toes when the whistle blows.Let the football candidate start by working away 'tillhis muscles ache from bucking the line.Let the, aspirant for manager put in careful study ofhis team's needs, always eager to help-e-arranging a trip.or carrying a pail of water •.Let the publications man be alert for news and tirelessmIeerning the details of editorial work,Whatever activity you come out for, crowd a lot ofenergy iut,o, these early Fan days.And if a good stad helps-win campus honors, it helpswin class room honors, too. The.sure way to be up in yourwork is to aim now for regularity at lectures, up-to-datenote-books and particular attention to the early chaptersof text-books, thus g;etting a. grip on the' basics.This is best in the long run, and-selfishly-it is easiestin the long run. That is, if, lite after college is madeeasier by the things a bigger income can buy.'esrern E/�cfric CompanyThis advertise,ment ;s one 0/ a' series, in slnde»tpu,biications• It may remin'd alumni o/tlteir o/J/Jor·tun.ity to' ,help the u,ndergrad:uate� by suggestion andadvice. to get more out ,o/.I#s/o"r years. ,,I:IJ,I', '1 I Gentlemen :-,University 'Of Chicago Alumni-We wish to express 'Our appreciation to you men whohave {contributed to 'Our growth and. success.'We appreciate your patronage and good, wilt Wevalue it highly and it is 'Our desire, that you know thatthis firm is eonstantly endeavoring to. earn the right to.such support a'S you have ,given us, and further to. 'S'Oconduct ourselves from both a merchandising point 'Ofview, and' a service 'point 'Of 'view, as to. merit the sup-.port. of those liten 'Of the Alumni who. are not nowdealing with this institution.On this basis do we solieirt the patronage 'Of all men ofthe Alumni.Come in and see us.LONDON'CH'.C·AGOSA'INT 'P�ULDE T'R 0 IT,MI,LWAIU,KEEMil:NNIEA'POUS •TWO CHICAGO STORESMicbitan Avenue at MODl"oe Stl"eet, Hotel ShermanClotbina ls. sold at :both storesII America's Finest Men'.$ Wear Stores" ,. :i:1