Che Qbibetsitij sfChicago (BapinePublished by the Alumni Council yy/ixwv;N November, 1921Volume XIV. No. 1 MCHICAGOBOOKSEvolution, Genetics, and Eugenics 1*7 £ I /J?XBy Horatio H. Newman.Most thoughtful people today are interested in these subjects.This book has been prepared to meet an increasing demand foran account of the various stages of evolutionary biology condensed within the scope of a volume of moderate size. Illustrated. $3.75, postpaid $3.90. r 4Introduction to the Science of SociologyBy Robert E. Park and Ernest W. Burgess. «<_Nothing better for the person who desires a foundation for realsociological understanding. It defines and illustrates the concepts and principles of sociology. If one would understand thesocial structure of his time — its peculiarities, its customs, itstendencies, and various institutions — he should read this book.$4.50, postpaid $4.70.The Graphic ArtsBy Joseph Pennell.This latest volume of S'cammon Lectures at the Art Instituteof Chicago deals with the processes and modern development ofall the graphic arts : drawing, printing, engraving, etching, andlithographing. One hundred fifty examples of the finest workin these fields have been chosen by the author to illustrate thepoints of his discussion. $5.00, postpaid $5.20.Modern Tendencies in SculptureBy Lorado Taft.Lovers of art have given it a cordial welcome. A charming andinstructive volume written in the inimitable style of the creatorof the Fountains. This beautiful book discusses the work ofRodin and other European sculptors, and of Saint Gaudens andother American sculptors. The attractiveness and value of thevolume are enhanced by four hundred twenty-nine illustrationsof the best of recent sculpture. $5.00, postpaid $5.20.Business AdministrationBy L. C. Marshall.Designed to help the modern business man solve his problemsof policy, organization, and operation. In dealing with concretesituations it "gets down to brass tacks." Ready in December.$4.00, postpaid $4.20.Madeline McDowell BreckinridgeBy Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.An inspiring biography of a noted social worker. It is morethan a biography; it is a fascinating history of social progressin Kentucky and especially in the city of Lexington. $2.50,postpaid $2.65.The University of Chicago Press5859 Ellis Avenue Chicago, Illinois !Gtfje Untbergttp of Cfncago JflagajineEditor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.Editorial BoardC.and A. Association — Donald P. Bean, '17.Divinity Association — Guy C. Crippen, '07.Doctors' Association — Henry C. Cowles, Ph.D., '9S.Laiv Association — Charles F. McElroy, J.D.. '15.School of Education Association — Delia Kibbe, '21.',The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 68th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. UPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copirs, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).? Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 8, 1879.Member of Alumni Magazines Associated.Vol. XIV CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1921 No. 1Frontispiece: The University Chapel.Class Secretaries and Clue Officers 3Events and Comment 5A Message to Alumni From President Judson 6Alumni Affairs 7Prominent Alumni (A Series) 11News of the Quadrangles 12Do You Remember — (A Series) 13University Notes— Marshal Foch 14Athletics 1GViews of Other Universities (Pennsylvania University) 18The Letter Box 2°The C. and A. Alumni Association 23School of Education Notes 25News of the Classes and Associations 2SMarriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 371184192THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Thomas J. Hair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1921-22 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1922, Clarence Herschberger,'98; Harold H. Swift, '07; Elizabeth Bredin, '13; Hargrave Long, '12; LawrenceWhiting, ex-'13; Walter Hudson, '02; Term expires 1923, Elizabeth Faulkner,'85; Alice Greenacre, '08; William LI. Lyman, '14; Marion Palmer, '18; Leo F.Wormser, '05 ; Thomas J. Hair, '03. Term expires 1924, Mrs. Warren Gorrell, '98;Charles S. Eaton, '00; Frank McNair, '03; Mrs. Geraldine B. Gilkey, '12;Paul S. Russell, '16; Margaret V. Monroe, '17.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Henry Chandler Cowles, Ph.D., '98; Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98 ; Katharine Blunt, Ph.D., '08.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Guy C. Crippen, '07; E. J. Goodspeed, D. B., '97,Ph.D., '98; Oscar D. Briggs, ex-'09.From the Lazv School Alumni Association, Frederick Dickinson, ex-'05; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., '06, J. D., '15; Chester S. Bell, '13, J. D., '16.From the School of Education Alumni Association, J. Anthony Humphreys, A.M., '20;Fannie K. Templeton, Cert., '19 ; R. L. Lyman, Ph.D., '17.From the Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, Frank E. Weakly, '14;Joseph R. Thomas, '20; John A. Logan, '21.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Iames M. Sheldon, '03; Charles F. Axelson, '07; RalphW. Davis, '16.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Howard Willett, '07; Helen Norris, '07; Grace A.Coulter, '99.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph.D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council ;THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Thomas J. Hair. '03, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, LTniversity of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILSOPHYPresident, Henry Chandler Cowles, '98, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, '98, LTniversity of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, W. H. Jones, '00, D.B. '0?>, 4400 Magnolia Ave, Chicago.Secretary, Guy Carlton Crippen, '07, D.B., '12, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frederick Dickinson, ex-'05, 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, A.M., '06, J.D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, W. E. McVey, A.M., '20, Thornton High School, Harvey, 111.Secretary, Delia Kibbe, '21, LTniversity of Chicago.COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank E. Weakly, '14, 1152 E. 47th St., Chicago.Secretary, Andrew E. Wigeland, '18, 400 The Rookery, Chicago.All communications should he sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the LTniversity of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the LTniversity of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association; insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.SECRETARIES— CLUB OFFICERS 3CLASS SECRETARIES'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. Jackson Blvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. La Salle St.'97. Scott Brown, 208 S. La Salle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 Dorchester Ave.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 1440 E. 66thPlace.'03. James M. Sheldon, 41 S. La Salle St.'04. Edith L. Dymond, Lake Zurich, 111.'05. Clara H. Taylor, 5S38 Indiana Ave.'06. James D. Dickerson, 5636 Kenwood Ave.'07. Mrs. Medora Googins Marx, 5514 University Av.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia Club).Pres., M. H. Dewey, Emory University,Oxford.Boise Valley, Idaho. Sec, Nona J. Walker,St. Margaret's Hall.Cedar Falls and Waterloo (Iowa). Sec,Harriet L. Kidder, 1310 W. 22nd St.,Cedar Falls, la.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Ralph W.Davis, 39 So. LaSalle St.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Frances Henderson, 203 Forest Ave., Oak Park.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Walter S. Kassulker, 1006Ulmer Bldg.Columbus, O. Pres., William L. Evans,Ohio State University.Connecticut. Sec, Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Club). Pres., FrederickSaas, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Daniel W. Moorehouse,Drake University.Detroit, Mich. Sec, William P. Lovett,110 Dime Bank Bldg.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec, H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Mrs. Pierre A.Philblad, 963 N. Meridian St.Kansas City, Mo. Sec, Adela C. Van Horn,322 Ridge Bldg.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaClub). Pres., Frederick A. Speik, 1625Fair Oaks Ave., S. Pasadena.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1514Rosewood Ave.Massachusetts (Boston). Sec, Mrs. MonaQuale Thurber, 320 Tappan St., Brookline,Mass.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Rudy D. Mathews,700 First National Bank Bldg. '08. Wellington D. Jones, University of Chicago'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 5330 Indiana Ave.'10. Charlotte Merrill, Hinsdale, Illinois.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Eva Pearl Barker, University of Chicago.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. La Salle St.'14. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. Halsted St.'15. Frederick M. Byerly, 19 S. Wells St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 1124 E. 62nd St.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 1204, 134 S. La Salle St.'18. Barbara Miller, 5520 Woodlawn Ave.*19. Sarah J. Mulroy, 1523 E. Marquette Road.'20. Mrs. Theresa Rothermel, 4524 Oakenwald Ave.'21. John Fulton, Jr. (Treas.) , -4916 Blackstone Ave.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Twin CitiesClub). Sec, Charles H. Loomis, Merchant's Loan & Trust Co., St. Paul.New York, N. Y. (Eastern Association).Sec, E. H. Ahrens, 461 4th Ave. NewYork Alumni Club. Sec, Lawrence J.MacGregor, care Halsey, Stuart & Co.,49 Wall St.Oak Park-River Forest (Branch of ChicagoAlumnae Club), Chairman, Mrs. GeorgeS. Hamilton, 367 Franklin Ave., RiverForest, 111.Omaha (Nebraska Club). Sec, MadeleineI. Cahn, 1302 Park Ave.Peoria, 111. Pres., Rev. Joseph C. Hazen,179 Flora Ave.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth.21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Pres., Walter V. D. Bingham, Carnegie Inst, of Technology.St. Louis, Mo. Pres., Bernard MacDonald,112 So. Main St.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaClub.) Sec, Mrs. Leonas L. Burlingame,Stanford University.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandall,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Sec, Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.South Dakota. Pres., Arleigh C. Griffin,Brookings, S. D.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Miss Ella Preston, 1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Vermont. Pres., Ernest G. Ham, Randolph,Vt.Virginia. Pres, F. B. Fitzpatrick, EastRadford, Va.Washington, D. C. Sec, Gertrude Van Hoe-sen, 819 15th St.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Sec, Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. John Y. Lee, ShanghaiY. M. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsafe*The University ChapelThe University Chapel, soon to be erected as a part of the new building program,will occupy the Woodlawn Avenue side of the block on which the President's Housestands, fronting the Midway. The plan at present includes a massive tower two hundredand sixteen feet in height above the crossing, which will be the dominating feature ofthe Quadrangles. The Chapel will cost approximately one million five hundred thousand dollars, this amount being part of the final gift made by Mr. John D. Rockefellerten years ago. With such buildings as Ida Noyes Hall, the Harper Memorial Library,the University Chapel, on one side, and the new Billings Hospital on the other, theMidway will be one of the stateliest academic avenues in the world.University of ChicagoMagazineVol. XIV. NOVEMBER, 1921 No. 1This number of the Magazine — of yourMagazine — reaches you shortly after thenew year in alumni activities hasHello! begun. On other pages the annualmeeting of the Alumni Council, apresentation of the aims of our new Commerce and Administration Alumni Association, organized last spring, and reports ofclubs getting under way for a "big season"are recorded. President Judson sends herein his hearty annual greetings to the alumni.Last year it was the good fortune of theMagazine to record an unusual advance inour alumni activities, culminating in thelargest and most successful reunion we haveever enjoyed. We look forward with confidence that the volume now starting willlikewise record marked advance. Indeed,in club activities, for instance, the start ofthe year appears exceptionally auspicious.As a subscriber and loyal member of ourassociation we know that you will read ofthe progress of alumni and University affairs with deepest interest.* * *Is there anything in particular that youcan do? There is. An effort will be madethis year to increase the number"Get of our subscribers. The AlumniOne!" Council, the alumni officers, theMagazine, all deserve fullest support. In this present program every presentsubscriber can render most helpful assistance. After you have finished with theMagazine, kindly bring it to the attention ofother Chicagoans. Every subscriber probably knows at least one Chicagoan who isnot at present "in the fold." And why not?There is no valid reason. Let the slogan be,"Get onel" If every subscriber accountedfor just one new subscription, our circulation would be doubled within a month.Other alumni associations have accomplished this — and so can we. No subscription slipis necessary — the name, address, and twodollars are sufficient. More subscribersmean a still better Magazine, a strongerassociation, a wider and more effective rangeof activities. You want all this as well aswe do. Do you know a single Chicagoanwho cannot afford, who will not set aside,about half a cent a day for Chicago? EveryChicagoan you know can at least give us"a year's trial," can at least serve to theextent of that minimum. And especiallywhen the Magazine itself is worth the subscription to every truly interested Chicagoan. There can be no argument. If theone you approach happens to be a subscriber, then go on to the next acquaintance.Nor need you stop at one, if you happen toknow several who are not now with us.Let's get together — everybody "Get one!"All interest in the Chicago-Princeton football game was suddenly shadowed by thesad news of the death of fourOur Deepest students, and the injury ofSympathy another, caused by the wreckof their automobile while enroute to the game from Chicago, by theengine of a fast-moving freight train. Thestudents killed were Herschel Hopkins,Stanwood Johnstone, Thomas Monilaw, andHarold Skinner. Walter Reckless, '21,though seriously injured, escaped death.Louis Roberts, also in the party, by somemiracle was thrown away from the tracksand not hurt. With very limited time, andbent on making the game, they were speeding along through the dusk, about sixtymiles south of Chicago, when the accidentoccurred. The alumni extend their deepest sympathy to the parents and relatives ofthese unfortunate students.">THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Message to the Alumni IFrom President Judson jIPresident Harry Pratt JudsonTo the Alumni : —The University is now entering on itsthirtieth year since the opening in 1892.These thirty years have been eventful andcontain a varied history. The end of thewar has brought the University back to normal conditions. The total attendance ofstudents during the year 1020-21 was 11, .385;the attendance during the Summer Quarter of 1921 was 0,458; and the attendanceduring the current quarter is 6.088. Thesefigures are evidence of an attendance beyond any year of the past.Attention was called a year ago to thebuilding plans which have been adopted.During this past year building conditionshave continued to be adverse. It is onlywithin the last few days that it has been possible to let contracts for the erection of thenew building for the Quadrangle Club. Thisis to be on the southeast corner of University avenue and 57th street. The architectis Mr. Howard Shaw. The building will bebeautiful and commodious and a distinct addition to the University group. The costwill be approximately $200,001), of whichthe LTniversity contributes $150,000 andfriends of the Club the remainder. It ishoped that the building will be finished,ready for use by October, 1922.The experience of this building will showwhether it will be possible to go on with theplans of the Theology building and the Bond Memorial Chapel for the DivinitySchool, for which funds have been provided.We are very hopeful now that this may beaccomplished. The plan for the BillingsHospital, to be erected on the south side ofthe Midway in connection with the newMedical School, are complete. The workhas been a very long and slow one as thebuilding will contain something like 5,000,000cubic feet. It is, we believe, quite unique,including a hospital, laboratories, and lecture rooms for the clinical work of the medical staff and for the Department of Pathology, and also the Max Epstein Dispensary.While building conditions are better thanthey were a year ago, nevertheless, thisbuilding has so grown in its developmentthat more funds must be obtained beforeproceeding with its erection. In any event,it will take several months now for thearchitects to make the details and specifications preliminary to letting the contracts.I am quoting from the letter of one yearago a statement which I wish to repeat andemphasize."It is many years since the Universityhas had a deficit at the end of its fiscal year.It may be said that it is the distinct policyof some institutions to expend more thana normal income, depending on the alumnito fill up what is lacking when the year isended. The University of Chicago stronglydissents from that policy. We believe thatan institution of learning ought to be conducted on business principles and that unless in case of some extreme emergency thebudget should keep expenditures within theincome. The alumni should never be calledupon to make up deficits. If there is everoccasion to ask the alumni for contributions, this should be in the form of somedefinite new departure in the shape of buildings or improvements, the result of whichwill be visible in the new energy which willbe given to the institution."Alumni of the Colleges will perhaps beespecially interested in the development ofthe Department of Physical Culture andAthletics during the current year. New regulations adopted by the faculty and put intooperation on and after the first of July, 1921,have lessened the amount of time whichundergraduates are required to give to physical culture. Instead of ten quarters' workthe work may now be completed in sixquarters. Of course, optional work in the(Continued on page 26)AFFAIRSALUMNIAlumni Council Annual MeetingThe first regular quarterly meeting — theAnnual Meeting— of the Alumni Council,for 1921-1922, was held in the Alumni Officeon Tuesday, October 18, 1921. There werepresent: Thomas J. Hair, Chairman; Katharine Blunt, Elizabeth Bredin, Grace A.Coulter, Henry C. Cowles, Ralph W. Davis,Henry G. Gale, Alice Greenacre, J. A. Humphreys, Delia E. Kibbe, Hargrave A. Long,William H. Hyman, Charles F. McElroy,William E. McVey, Margaret V. Monroe,Helen Norris, Herbert E. Slaught, Frank E.Weakly, Andrew E. Wigeland, and A. G.Pierrot, Secretary-Treasurer. A numberwere absent for attendance at the Chicago-Princeton game.Minutes of the last meeting, July 19, 1921,were approved as read and ordered filed. Anumber of communications were read andpassed on to the proper committees forfurther consideration. The Treasurer's report for the preceding year, and a reportfrom Mr. Moulds on the costs of maintaining Alumni records were read, discussed indetail and ordered filed. H. E. Slaught,Chairman of the Finance Committee, thenpresented a budget for 1921-1922, which wasadopted. These reports were followed bythe appointment of William H. Lyman toaudit the books of the Council and reportthereon at the next regular meeting inJanuary.Following the regular reports of theStanding Committees, the Chair was empowered to appoint a Reunion Chairmansome time during the fall, after receivingwritten suggestions from members of theCouncil. It was felt desirable that, hereafter, this Chairman be appointed as earlyas possible so as to better enable him toprepare for the annual reunion. By vote ofthe Council, the Chair was also empoweredto appoint a new committee — a special committee on undergraduate relations, so thatsome agency would be established throughwhich, when necessary, contact between theundergraduates and the Alumni Associationcould be effected.In the annual elections, the following wereelected:Chairman of Alumni Council — Thomas J.Hair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer— A. G. Pierrot, '07.Chairmen of the Standing Committees:Athletics— Paul S. Russell, '10.Class Organizations — Elizabeth Bredin.'1.3.Clubs— Harold H. Swift, 07.Finance— Herbert E, Slaught, Ph. D. '98. A F F A I R SFunds— Frank McNair, '03.Publications — William H. Lyman, '14.Most of these are re-elections, the Council desiring to keep in office those who werecarrying on at the time some very importantwork.In the opinion of the Council, the pastyear had witnessed very definite progress inAlumni activities, and it is the aim that thepresent year should show a distinct furtheradvance.The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p. m.Attention — Chicago Alumnae!What would be your answer if you wereoffered free a membership in the most beautiful women's club in the country, with ayearly due of one dollar for the use of athletic privileges? Suppose some one gaveyou the use of a splendid swimming tank.a perfectly appointed bowling alley, anddancing lessons at a cost of three dollarsfor three months! Would you be eager toaccept what it is possible for members ofthe Alumnae Club, alone of all the womenof Chicago, to enjoy? Or would you continue to overlook the distinction of membership in such an organization?Almost a thousand women in Chicagohave paid amounts ranging from one hundred to three hundred dollars for the privilege of belonging to an association whichhopes sometime to have a clubhouse with aswimming tank and facilities for athleticwork. This is because many people havefelt that one of the big needs in Chicagowas for a great athletic club for women — aplace where women might enjoy the sameprivileges as do men in their numerousclubs — a place where physical fitness couldbe developed in charming, congenial andadequate surroundings.Those who built Ida Noyes Hall had thesame vision coupled with the means and thegenerosity to make the vision a reality. Wehave the delightful clubhouse, we have theathletic classes for Chicago women, functioning through the Alumnae Club. Everywoman graduate of the University, everyformer student who has completed nine majors of resident work has the privilege ofbelonging to the most wonderful women'sathletic club in the country.Think what the Alumnae Club would beif we had a thousand members! Thinkwhat Ida Noyes Hall would mean to us, ifhundreds of alumnae used the advantagesso freely offered. And these are the advantages for which a thousand other womenUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhave paid thousands of dollars in the hopeof enjoying a still tentative clubhouse. There-are various other women's clubs to whichthe members pay annual dues of twenty-fiveto a hundred dollars and use them only.perhaps, as a place to lunch, to spend aleisure hour and to meet congenial friendsat tea. Such a place, too. is Ida Noyes.Tuesday is Alumnae day at your clubhouse. Come for a social cup of tea at louro'clock. Watch the dancing classes, and thejoyous mermaids swimming in the greatpool. See how much fun we are having, andhow much good it does us, keeping us phys- Chicago Alumnae Club Officers— 1921-1922President— Mrs. Howard L. Willett(Grace Williamson '07 hVice-President — Miss Emily Allen Frake,'09.Secretary — Miss Frances Henderson, 20.Treasurer — Miss Charlotte Merrill, '10.Committee ChairmenAthletic— Miss Nadine Hall, '18.Membership — Miss Alice Greenacre, '08.Social — Mrs. Dallas B. Phemister (Katherine ( iannon, '07 ).Library — Miss Agnes Prentice, '10.The Kansas City Alumni Club Reunion PicnicRead the letter — they had a great time.ically alert and mentally stimulated. Thisis the schedule of the present classes:Bowling — 5 to (i; 0:30 to 7:30.Swimming — 5:15 to <i.Dancing — 7:30 to 8:30.There is still plenty of time to enter thisquarter's classes and the fee is reduced forthe time remaining. Additional classes willbe organized as registration increases andit is possible to have an evening swimmingclass if fifteen women desire it. The moreclub members we have, the more interestingthe classes will be and the better the instruction. If you cannot arrange any leisuretime this fall, come in the winter quarterwhen exercise is most needed and facilitiesmost lacking.Come next Tuesday ;it four' Miss NadineMall, Athletic Committee Chairman, will he- Ralph Johnson (Helenchl (les-in charge and give you a cordial welcome. <»(Her address is 533(3 Universitv Ave. Tele (phone Hyde Park 9203.) wBefore you lay aside this magazine, we Purge you to mail your dollar membership sfee to Miss Hall or the Alumnae Club treas- 1urer, Miss Charlotte Merrill, Hinsdale,nois. Publicity— MrsCarter, '12).Drexel House— Mrs. M. A. Hinsie Heckman, '10).Oak Park — River Forest Branch — Mrs. G.S. Hamilton (Elizabeth Hurd. '13).U. of C. Settlement Board Delegate— MissElizabeth Lingle, '00.Collegiate Bureau of Occupations Delegates — Miss Helen Norris, '07, Mrs. Carl B.Roden ( Lora Rich, '07 ).Alumni Council Delegates — Miss HelenNorris, Miss Grace Coulter, '99.Mrs. Judson Receives Alumnae ClubMembersMrs. Harry Pratt Judson received themembers oi the Chicago Alumnae Club ather home on November 12, from four to sixclock. She was assisted by officers of thelnb. and women members of the Facultyho arc- University of Chicago graduates,mred. This meeting was postponed fromaturday, November 5, on account of Mrs.idson's luncheon lor Marshal Koch, who•ceived an honorary degree from the Uni-ersity of Chicago at the Special Convoca-AFFAIRS 9tion mil that day. The reception was verylargely attended, and all the members ofthe Club enjoyed the charming hospitalityof the Judson home.A Report from Kansas CitySe#ember 11, 1921.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,LTniversity of Chicago. •My dear Mr. Pierrot:This is a late date to be, sending in anaccount of our Alumni Day celebration, butit happened that I was late going to andearly leaving the gathering so that I had todepend on someone else for notes on whathappened. By the ]ime I got those, theyoung lady who took the pictures was goneon her vacation, so that I have but this pastweek got everything together.Did you receive any word in regard to themarriage of Inghram D. Hook, '05, and MissMary Rockwell of Kansas City? I remember sending in the announcement of theirengagement. Miss Rockwell spent the winter in Coucy-le-Chateau with the Committeefor Devastated France, and on her return inthe spring Captain Hook met her and theywere married in Philadelphia. CaptainHooks is Chairman of the Committee onTransportation for the American LegionConvention, to be held here October 31stand November 1st and 2nd. Also Miss VanHorn is President of the Women's Overseas League of Kansas City, whose members are to assist in caring for the thousandsof delegates and their wives who are expected to be here at that time.As to the picnic, it was given at thebeautiful suburban home of Dr.- John G.Hayden who, assisted by Mrs. Hayden,offered a charming hospitality which wejoyfully accepted. Twenty-six Chicago andRush people were transported in buses tothe picnic, where the program included aball game between the men and the women(to the humiliation of the men), a trampthrough the woods to the creek, bountifulrefreshments, washed down with coffeemade on Dr. Hayden's outdoor^ oven, andvarious speeches of satisfaction induced bythe day's pleasures. It was voted unanimously to make the Alumni Day gatheringan annual affair.Perhaps it will be of interest that theKansas City Club has succeeded in gettinga LaVerne" Noyes scholarship for JerauldDissman, a navy "veteran" and one of themost promising pupils in our WestportHigh School.Trusting that the affairs of the Alumni aregoing well, I am,Most sincerely yours,Adele C. Van Horn, '13,Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. Frank Justus Miller Visits DenverThe Denver group of the Lmiversity ofChicago graduates enjoyed a visit from Dr.Miller, who, returning from Estes Park,sojourned with them a few days. Mrs.Charles E. Lowe (Mary S. Compton) gavea luncheon in his honor at which there werea number of alumni and alumnae amongthe invited guests. On the following daya luncheon was given in his honor by thealumni and alumnae, in the Italian Gardenof the Metropole Hotel. At this affair Dr.Miller gave an address. He wTas down tospeak on the "Revivification of ClassicPoetry in the Twentieth Century," but heaptly turned this subject into "A Place forthe Classics in the Sun."Among the guests who came to hear Dr.Miller were Mr. William H. Smiley, andalso Mr. A. L. Ihrekelt, both assistant superintendents of the Denver Public Schools,the latter recently called from ColumbiaUniversity; Professor Ida Kruse McFarlancand Professor Edmund Cressman of theUniversity of Denver: the Rev. FatherO'Brien of the St. Paul's Seminary, St.Paul, Minnesota, and the Rev. Dr. JohnBailey, President of the Baptist Women'sCollege of Denver, besides others. Duringthe luncheon Dr. H. E. Slaught and MissKatharine Slaught, passing through the cityon their way to Estes Park, delayed a few-minutes to lie presented to the assembly.While in Denver, Dr. Miller was the house.guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward WilliamMilligan. On Thursday, the first of September, with his son Raymond, who had beensummering in Denver, he returned to Chicago, leaving many pleasant memoriesbehind.Omaha Club Never Weakens1302 Park Avenue,Omaha, Nebraska,October 24, 1921.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,University of Chicago.Dear Mr. Pierrot:Omaha's Alumni Club is growing rapidly,and judging by the number of new studentswe send each year, we'll soon be, in sizeand spirit, a chapter hard to beat. Wedon't meet so very often, but when we do,the event is memorable.We last gathered at a luncheon in honorof the new students just entering this fall.those leaving us for a long while, and thosenew to Omaha. After exchanging itemsof news from the campus, we sang the AlmaMater.The meeting before that was even moreinformal, being a picnic supper. We rewarded our chief cook, Mr. J. G. Masters,by electing him our next President, and Iwas elected Secretary.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWe hope to be active again soon duringthe Nebraska State Teachers' Associationin November. But meetings or no meetings,there's always Chicago in Omaha spirit hereSincerely,Madeleine I. Cahn,Secretary Nebraska Club.Buffet Luncheon at Princeton forChicagoansOn October 22, the day of the Chicago-Princeton football game, a buffet luncheonwas served by Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft, '96,and Mrs. Raycroft (Sarah Elizabeth Butler,'99) at their home, 298 Nassau Street,Princeton, from 12 to 2 o'clock. A numberof Chicago visitors enjoyed the cordial hospitality of the Raycrofts and a spirit ofreunion pervaded the gathering.Chicago Alumni Club ActivitiesUnder the leadership of James M.("Jimmie") Sheldon, President, and Ralph("Pink") Davis, Secretary, the ChicagoAlumni Club has been having a busy fall.In connection with the Chicago-Princetonfootball game the officers endeavored to getup a special train to Princeton, but, while alarge number of alumni attended the game,they preferred to go as their time best permitted rather than be tied down to somedefinite train schedule. Enough were listed,however, to make up several coaches. Forthe alumni unable to attend the game, theclub arranged, in conjuntion with the Princeton Alumni Club, for a buffet luncheon atthe LaSalle Hotel, wdiere a direct wire fromthe game told the story play by play. Thisgathering numbered hundreds of alumni.The Annual Football Dinner was held bythe club on Wednesday, November 9, at theLaSalle Hotel, a few days before the Illinoisgame. The "Old Man" and the team were,as usual, the honored guests and werecheered to the echo. An interesting programof music and speeches kept pace with thelively gathering. Arrangements were announced for a train to accommodate alumniwho were unable to go down to the gameat LTrbana on the student specials. President Sheldon presided, and to him and Secretary Ralph Davis belongs the credit forthe success of this meeting. To their work.also, is credited the fact that the club isshowing a noteworthy increase in membership.Chicago Alumnae Club — The CollegiateBureau of OccupationsTin- Chicago Aumnae Club submits to theAlumni al large, reports from time to timeon its various activities. The following letter was recently received from the ChicagoCollegiate Bureau of Occupations. TheAlumnae Club is one of the organizations upon which the Collegiate Bureau is dependent."The Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations desires to bring to the attention ofsome of your Association some of the results of its eight years of existence. Duringthis time it has registered 5,379 girls, placed3,953, received (fills from employers to thenumber of 6,780, and interviewed in theoffice 73,323 carters. Seventy-five per centof this latter number were seeking vocational advisemejit."We call the^york of finding positions forapplicants and of finding women to fillvacant positions^ our placement work. Forthis we charge a commission on the salaryof the first year and this work pays foritself. •."By vocational advisement we mean something very different and, we thin/k, muchmore important. Girls or women alreadyin one sort of position, wish to change tomore congenial work or more remunerativework, and come to us for suggestions as toways and means of change and suggestionsfor further training. Young women andgirls still in school are confronted with theproblem of selecting a life work towardwhich they shall direct their schooling.They come to us with innumerable questions of fact and policy to be answered.Questions as to what course they shall pursue in college if they are afterwards to be"in" advertising work, or what will theactual opportunities be and in what linesof practice if they do study law and whatwill be the chance of earning a decent livingfor the first ten years? All these questionswe answer to the best of our ability and alsomany more. When we do not answer, wec^o our best to find out."The Bureau was established to do this sortof work and to do it free of charge towomen and girls who seek such information.Some of these applicants for advice makedonations to the Bureau, but in the natureof things this vocational advisement workcannot be made financially independent. Weneed the continued financial support of theconstituent organizations to do it as well aswe are now doing it or to do it at all."As this latter feature is the element ofour work which especially appeals to thecollege woman, the Bureau desires to urgeupon the various associations the necessityof continued and even increased financialsupport, because of the needs of the increased office force for the advisement wrorkthat we may be able to help our youngersisters over what promises to be a veryhard time."Will you kindly read this letter beforethe next meeting of your Association, thatits members may be a little more conversantwith the Bureau and its needs?"(Continued on page 34)ALUMNI nProminent Alumni+■Stephen Osusky, 14, J. D. '16Among the young men who came rapidlyto the front as a result of the Great Waris Stephen Osusky, '14, J. D. '16. Threeyears after he receivedhis law degree from Chicago he was appointedCzecho-Slovak Ambassador to England. A briefsketch of his life therefore will no doubt proveof interest to our alumni.Stephen Osusky wasborn March 31, 1889, theson of a wool dealer, atBrezova, Nitra Zupa. Thestate of Nitra Zupa, atthat time part of theAustro - Hungarian Empire, is now part of thenew Czecho-Slovakia Republic. He was educatedin the public schools ofhis native town, and thencompleted a three - yearcourse in the Lyceum.He entered upon advanced studies, but because he persisted inreading native books thelocal Hungarian authorities expelled him. Dissatisfied with conditionsat home, he came toAmerica in 1906, and for fifteen monthsworked as a laborer in Chicago.Being a talented speaker, his first desirewas to enter the ministry. Accordingly,he attended Concordia College, at Springfield, Illinois, where he was graduated in1910. fie at once entered the pulpit in aSlovakian church at Cudahy, Wisconsin,near Milwaukee, where for over a year heserved among Slovakian people in that district. His deep interest in political economyand government, however, soon asserted itself so strongly that he decided to take upstudies in that field.Mr. Osusky came to the University ofChicago, specialized in political economy,and obtained the Ph. B. degree in 1914.Assisted by a relative, he continued hisstudies, entering the Law School and obtaining the degree of J. D. in 1916. For abrief time thereafter he practiced law inChicago.The outbreak of the Great War in 1914,during the time of his studies at the Univer-Stephen Osusky, 14, J. D. '16sity, gave him the opportunity to enter intoimportant activities for the welfare of hiscountry. He identified himself with Czecho-Slovakian interests centered in the city ofChicago, and in 1915, atthe Czecho - SlovakianCongress in Chicago, hewas elected Vice-President of the SlovakLeague in America. Atthe request of ProfessorThomas G. Masaryk —who later became thefirst President of Czechoslovakia — Mr. Osuskywas sent by this Leagueas a delegate to lookafter the interests of hiscountrymen at Paris during the war, to whichwork he went in 1916,the year of his graduation from our L a wSchool. An accomplishedlinguist — he speaks eightlanguages — he publisheda number of articles inEuropean political journals and newspapers during this period, and in1918 wrote an enlightening book in French onAustro-Hungarian political conditions. For theseservices he was appointed General Secretaryfor the Czecho-Slovak delegation to thePeace Conference at Paris.His appointment, by President Masaryk,as Ambassador to England immediatelyfollowed the organization of the new Czechoslovak Republic. He has since been transferred to Paris, as the representative of hiscountry, and has been active in the conferences at Geneva, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Mr. Osusky was married in 1919at Prague.It is indeed seldom that a man so younghas been called upon to serve in work ofsuch high importance in connection withthe freeing, the organization, and the advancement of his native land. StephenOsusky,we are pleased to add, is frankin stating that he regards his thoroughschooling at Chicago, and the inspiration ofthe contact with her noted professors, as thereal foundation of his service and progress.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESShedwood Eddy, noted lecturer, who spokeat Mandel Hall recently on "The Challengeof a New Age," under the auspices of theY. M. C. A.The tragic death of four young undergraduates, Thomas Monilaw, '24, HaroldSkinner, '24, Stan wood Johnstone. '22, andMerschel Hopkins, '21, on October 20, casta pall over the campus which is still felt.The men, who were all members of BetaTheta J'i and well liked at the University,were killed by a freight train while on theirway to the Princeton game in an automobile. Walter Reckless, '21, was seriouslybut not fatally injured, and Louis Roberts.'22, escaped unhurt. ( >ther fraternities andthe student body joined in mourning thissevere loss.The greal intersectional battle at Princeton was the occasion <>i much student enthusiasm, fhc team and Mr. Stagg wereguests ol honor at an interfraternity toot-hall banquet October 1 s, and the followingday throngs oi undergraduates turned outto see the team off for the east. The returnsof the game were announced play by playwith a special wire in Mandel Hall, and thenews of the Chicago triumph sent the rooters wild. A spontaneous rally Monday night following the return of the team attractedfifteen hundred students, who joined in apilgrimage to the home of The Old Man,and then paraded through Hyde Park andWoodlawn.The Blackfriars have announced as their1922 production "Anybody's Girl," by Bartlett Cormack, '22, under a new system ofselection. Hamilton Coleman, producer ofsix previous Blackfriar entertainments, willstage the show, and Frank Linden, '23, hasalready announced his staff of assistants.Other dramatic events include the presentation at the annual Freshman Frolic, forwomen, of a musical skit, "Find the Girl,"by Jean Brand, '24, and the Dramatic clubprogram on November 11.\\\ the business of finding their place inthe sun three fraternities have bought largerhouses on Woodlawn or L niversity Avenue,Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Gamma Delta andAlpha Sigma Phi making the move. KappaSigma and Phil Kappa Psi have planned tobuild new houses in the fraternity district.Movements of a semi-religious or philanthropic nature include the Sherwood Edd\rmeetings October 25, 26 and 27: a Tag Dayfor the University Band, netting $230; a"Hello Week;" an abortive attempt to introduce the Ku Klux Klan on the campus;and another move to make knickerbockersthe conventional campus garb for men.The Daily Maroon appears with new features, notably a literary section by JohnGunther, '22, a dramatic review section edited by Bartlett Cormack, '22, and a radionews service in exchange with other BigTen universities. Herbert Rubel, '22, ismanaging editor, and Burdette Ford, '22,business manager. Among other undergraduate publications, the Phoenix, a humorous monthly now in its second year, hasappeared with a Deluge number; the Commerce and Administration school magazineis shortly to appear as a bi-monthly; andwork has been begun on the 1922 Cap and( iown.The women are getting fun out of a newlyestablished course for them in equitation,under the direction of the Military ScienceDepartment. They all seem to be gettingthe "habit" . . . the V. W. C. A. collectedover $1,000 in its annual finance drive amongthe women. Things are already brewing forthe class elections later in November. TheThree-Quarters club is providing the quadrangles with slapstick comedy. All signspoint to a busy and bustling year.Harry Bird, Jr., '22.YOU REMEMBER—Do You Remember-*■"Jimmie" TwohigProfessor: "What makes the grass green?"Chicago student (enthusiastically): "JimmyTwohig!" Professor: "Locally considered— correct!"Probably every Chicagoan has had, in someway or another, occasionto appreciate the industry of Jimmie Twohig.To his zealous attentionis largely due the factthat Stagg Field is oneof the best playing fieldsin the country. His official position is StaggField Ground Keeper, butJimmie's actual activitiesextend beyond the wallsof that field and includeour tennis grounds andother "playground" sections of the Quadrangles.Who among you recallshim not! (No one stepsforth.)Where was he born?One kindly greeting fromJimmie and the answer isinevitably — I r e 1 and!James Twohig was bornon the gem of the IrishSea, April 20, 1857. Hisyouth was spent in tilling the auld sod, where he learned whatthe real green of real grass is. Jimmie thencame to America, and in time to Chicago.On February 17, 1900, nigh twenty-oneyears ago, he was employed by the University. Tradition has it, however, that heactually commenced his labors for Chicagojust one month later — March 17th. Be thatas it may not have been, he tells you, withringing brogue and honest eye, that hisambition has always been to have StaggField and our athletic grounds second tonone. Hail to this man who has fully succeeded in his ambition!It is not generally known that Jimmie isskillful at improvising mechanical devices;he is also quite an inventor. The ball-bearing hammer, for instance, now used inhammer throwing contests, is Jimmie's invention. He devised the circular drainagesystem which keeps Stagg Field so perfectly drained; it takes a long spell ofrain, indeed, to put that field in bad condition. Jimmie is perhaps best known to the "Shanties." With them he lunched, ate,dined, and fed at the Ingham shanty formany a year. When it was reconstructedfor our reunions, Jimmie's memory wasconsulted for a final veri-cation of the plans — hencewe guarantee the reconstructed Shanty as in allrespects true to form.To many of us, our reunions would not seemquite the same, were Jimmie absent.For 04 years, now, behas remained unmarried.Don't you think he hasearned a bachelor's degree? Perhaps at somefuture Shanty ceremonyit will be conferred. Certainly he deserves fullappreciation from allChicagoans. He haslaughed more heartilyover our victories, andshed more tears over ourdefeats, than any of us.The real secret of whywe defeated Princeton isjust this: Jimmie wastaken along to "incour-age me byes." He did— they won. Truly, wesay, "did some campusfourteen years agone —"What busy bee is that I see,That seems the soul of energy?His emerald voice convinces me —It's Jimmie, tiny Jimmie!"As by, in restless toil, he goes,To every man a smile he shows;Each friend looks back, thinks what he owesTo Jimmie, happy Jimmie!'If on these grounds he'd cease to beam,The flowers scarce would grow, I ween,The grass no longer would be green —Jimmie, begorrah Jimmie!'What's half so pleasing to a grad,What makes him ever feel so glad,As when he shakes and says, 'By gad!How's Jimmie! loyal Jimmie!'"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENew Gifts to the UniversityMrs. Alice Shirk Edwards, of Peru, Indiana, and Mrs. Milton Shirk, of Chicago,have contributed an additional $1,000 to theElbert H. Shirk Scholarship Fund, makingit now $4,000, the income from which willbe sufficient to meet the present requiredtuition fee in the Colleges of Arts, Literature, and Science. A new fellowship, to beawarded to a graduate in medicine who isdevoting his entire time to special phases oflaryngology, is established by the gift of$8,000 from Alice L. Friedberg, of Chicago.Tt is to be known as the Stanton A. Friedberg Fellowship.Alumni Honor Goettler and SchaeferRepresentatives of the University of Chicago, the Alumni Association, the "C" men,and the Chicago chapters of Delta KappaEpsilon and Phi Kappa Psi fraternities werepresent to honor the bodies of LieutenantHarold Ernest Goettler and Lieutenant Walter Beaumont Schaefer when they arrivedin Chicago, from France, in August. Bothmen were prominent Chicago athletes.Lieutenant Goettler entered the aviationservice at Rantoul, Illinois. He was killedOctober 16, 1918, while carrying suppliesby airplane to the "lost battalion" in theArgonne, on his second supply trip for thatday. Lieutenant Schaefer won his commission at the first officers' training campat Fort Sheridan, and was the first UnitedStates officer to go over the top. He waswounded and captured in the engagementand died of his wounds in a German prisoncamp, April 22, 1918.Harold Goettler received his degree fromthe University of Chicago in 1914. TheUniversity conferred a degree post mortemon W'alter Schaefer at the Convocation inSeptember, 1920, the degree being dated asof June, 1917. Lieutenant Goettler's bodywas buried at Graceland cemetery, Chicago,the American Legion and members of theChicago chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilonconducting Ihe ceremony. 'fin- body ofLieutenanl Schaefer was sent to his home,( )t( nm wa, Iowa, f< »r burial.Among the representatives present andthose mi charge were Paul S. Russell, DeltaKappa Epsilon; Frank S. Whiting, PhiKappa Psi; Charles M. Rademacher, the "C"men, and A. G. Pierrot, Mmnni Secretary. An Attractive Lecture SeriesThe twenty-first season of the UniversityLecture Association opened September 26th.The advisory councils of the five centers inco-operation with the LTniversity of Chicagohave arranged for a total of one hundredand fourteen lectures. The centers are located on the north side at the FullertonAvenue Presbyterian Church and the RogersPark Woman's Club; on the south side atthe St. James M. E. Church and the People's Liberal Church; in Oak Park at theOak Park High School. The lectures aregrouped in courses of six lectures each.The lectures announced are Professor S.H. Clark, James Weber Linn. John MerleCoulter, Forest Ray Moulton, Bertram Griffith Nelson, T. G. Soares, of the Universityof Chicago; Arnold Bennett Hall, of theLTniversity of Wisconsin: Edward HowardGriggs, Earl Barnes. Horace J. Bridges,Lorado Taft and John Cowper Powys.The interest and attendance of alumni andtheir friends at these lectures is steadily increasing.Four Hundred Degrees Conferred at theSeptember ConvocationAt the One Hundred Twenty-first Convocation, September 2, degrees were conferredas follows:In the College of Education fifty-sevenBachelor's degrees; in the College of Commerce and Administration nineteen; andin the Colleges of Arts, Literature, andScience one hundred twenty — a total of 196in the Colleges.In the Divinity School three students received the Bachelor's degree, ten the Master's, and one the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy, a total of 14; in the Law Schoolfour received the Bachelor's degree andfifteen that of Doctor of Law (J.D.), atotal of 19: in the Graduate Schools ofArts, Literature, and Science one hundredfifty-two received the Master's degree andforty-two that of Doctor of Philosophy, atotal C){ mi The total number of -degreesconferred by the University at Ibis Coin-oral ion was 123.Among the graduates were two PortoRicans, a woman from Palestine, twoGreeks, one Japanese, and three Chinese.Five of these received Master's degrees.NOTES— MARSHAL FOCFI•j»n— nil— mi— *■— an— nn— — nu— mi— uu— mi— nn— iih— — nn— un— R«S(University Confers Honorary jDegree Upon Marshal Foch jAccompanied by his aids and a guard ofhonor, Marshal Foch arrived at the University Saturday morning, November 5, toreceive the honorary degree of Doctor ofLaws at a special Convocation. MandelHall and Hutchinson Court was packed withpeople eager to get a glimpse of the famoushero. The University artillery unit crashedout its salute while the student cadet body,drawn up at attention at the gates of Man-del, presented arms.In the procession first came the University marshal, followed by the variousfaculties, the administrative officers, thesenate, the guests of the President, and theTrustees. The convocation chaplain, Mon-signor Francis C. Kelley, came next withPresident Judson and Marshal Foch. Thecandidate was presented by Dean HenryGordon Gale, '96, Ph.D. '99, formerlyLieutenant-Colonel, Signal Corps, UnitedStates Army, and under command of Marshal Foch.In presenting the diploma President Judson said: "Marshal of France, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies, Professor ofStrategy and Tactics and chief of the Ecolede Guerre, author of an authoritative workon the principles of war, greatest leader ofmen in the world's greatest conflict, forthese achievements and for the qualities ofintellect and character that have lifted youto the position you occupy in the world'sesteem and enabled you to conduct thearmies of the Allies to victory, on behalfof the University Senate, by authority ofthe Board of Trustees, I confer upon youthe honorary degree of Doctor of Laws ofthis University and all the right and privileges thereto appertaining."In token thereof I bestow upon you thediploma and hood of the degree. Let thembe the symbols of the high honor in whichyou are held by the University of Chicago,by all American institutions of learning, somany of whose sons served eagerly underyour inspiring and victorious command, andby all true Americans. The names of twoFrenchmen will always be cherished in theannals of our Republic — Lafayette andFoch."Marshal Foch bowed in acknowledgmentof the tumultuous applause of the crowd,his gestures eloquent with thanks. Whilethe stirring strains of the "Marseillaise"pealed forth the Marshal's figure stiffenedperceptibly and a gleam appeared in hiseye. In conclusion a stanza of the AlmaMater was sung, the national anthem played Marshal Ferdinand Fochand a benediction pronounced. His illustrious name now appears on the files in thealumni office — Marshal Ferdinand Foch,LL.D. '21.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfi.p '„',( rt_ pj rt fi3) q (?) , -?5»fi mA i# H $> B s©V4Captain Charles ("Chuck") McGuireRight TackleStart of the SeasonThis is the tale of a championship thatmight have been, but is not; of the chancethat comes once in a decade, and then is letslip, it is, in short, the story of how Chicago defeated Purdue, Northwestern, Princeton and Colorado, only to lose to Ohio.To start at the beginning: The materialthis year was very good — the best that the"Old Man" has bad in many years; certainlymuch better than last year. There weresixty-one men in the squad on September15. The squad wore down as the seasonwent on, but even at this date there airabout thirty-five men still working.The letter men to return were: Capt. McGuire, tackle; Crisler, Strohmeier, Halladay,ends; Redmon and Lewis, guards; Cole andXcfi, halt's; Timme and Hermes, fullbacks,ami Tatge, quarterback.New men who have been important figures in the Chicago drive are: Romney,quarter; Bryan, Pyott, Hurlburt andMoecher, ball's; Thomas and Zorn, full-hacks; King and Dawson, centers; Leather-man, Proudfoot and Miller, guards, andNrtcher, tackle.The secondary material includes Mc-Mastcrs, quarter; Greenebaum, center;Flack, guard; Schwab, Dickson and (lark,ends, and I >ygrrt, fullback.Northwestern was first on ihe schedule,and Chicago duplicated the score of twoyears ago, 41-0. Northwestern was helplessat all times, lacking defense and having nooffense. Chicago did everything — runs, passes, plunges — successfully. The gamegave Mr. Stagg a chance to try out the newmen; that was about all. In fact, it wasso easy that there was doubt about theMaroon strength.Purdue was next; Chicago won, 9-0. ThePurdue team was "keyed," while Chicagowas not. The Maroon line, more or lessgreen, was strong enough defensively, butnot particularly effective on offense. Blockedkicks brought the only scores, a touchdownand a safety, but there was at no time anydoubt as to Chicago's superiority.The Princeton GameTwo weeks later Chicago made footballhistory by beating Princeton, 9 to 0. The"Old Man's" eleven was the first westernteam to beat one of the "Big Three." Thatgame probably represented the peak of theChicago form; at least it looks that wayMilton ("Milt") RomneyQuarterbacknow. It was expected that Chicago wouldplay an open game, but the Maroons wentin with orders to plunge, and they plunged.They took the ball on their own 20-yardline, and to the astonishment of the eaststarted down the field. They were stopped;but not until Romney had missed a shot at17a_ field goal from the 25-yard line. In thesecond quarter, Romney kicked a goal fromthe 15-yard line. Princeton, on the defensive from the start, never had a chanceto catch up, but Chicago took no chancesand carefully nursed that lead. In thefourth quarter, a pass, Cole to Romney,scored a touchdown, after a march fromthe Chicago 27-yard lineJames ("Jim") PyottHalfbackThe entire team played a great game, theline especially rising to the occasion. Threefullbacks, Timme, Thomas and Zorn, andthe halfs, Cole, Hurlburt and Bryan, battered the Princeton line until the secondarydefense was reeling, but the Chicago linewas making the holes for the plungers togo through. Crisler and McGuire, or Mc-Guire and Redmon, as the play might be, sohandled Capt. Keck, the all-American tackle,that most of the Chicago gains were madethrough him. It is impossible to start mentioning individuals on the Chicago team, forthe victory was a team victory.The next week Colorado came east toplay on Stagg Field. The western teamhad lots of hope, but nothing else. Chicagowon, 35-0. The field was soggy from heavyrains, but the Chicago team outran and out-passed the Colorado eleven. Colorado hadpractically no offense at all. The RockyMountain team got as far as the 12-yardline when the score was 21-0 in the secondquarter, but could not get over. The Ohio State GameOhio, as last year, wrecked the championship hopes. The game was the best playedin the conference this year, so far as goodfootball is concerned. Chicago started witha rush, and got to Ohio's 12-yard line in thefirst ten minutes, only to lose a chance whena pass was intercepted behind the goal lineon second down. In the first three-quartersChicago outgained Ohio, but the gainingwas done too far away from the goal line.In the fourth quarter, Ohio went 62 yardsfor a touchdown, using passes and runsfrom a very effective end-around play. Onthe 12-yard line Capt. Myers went acrossfor the touchdown, on a fake pass from theplay that had carried Ohio down the field.Herbert ("Fritz") CrislerRight EndWhen the touchdown was made, Chicagowas without Crisler, who had played a finegame at end; Redmon and Lewis, the tworegular guards, and Bryan, who is the bestpasser on the team. Whether or not theycould have stopped the score is somethingthat can't be said; but their loss was felt.Chicago made mistakes that were costly —as the pass across the goal line in the firstquarter on second down. But Ohio had apowerful team, with a veteran line and abewildering offense.Two more games remain on the schedule— Illinois at Urbana, November 12, andWisconsin at Chicago, on November 19.W. V. MORCAXSTERN, '20.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEViews of Other UniversitiesPennsylvania University+- IDormitory Arch and the Provost's TowerPennsylvania University had its origin in the school that was founded in 1740 by anumber of plain citizens of Philadelphia, upon broad catholic lines. Benjamin Franklinput it into proper form and gave it direction as the head of its Trustees for over 40 years.The addition of the Medical School in 1705 and of the Law School in 1790, each "beingthe first oi its kind upon the continent, has caused the institution to be looked upon asthe first university in America.Its gifts (,, the nation include 19 members of the Continental Congress; 10 signersof the Declaration of Independence; 0 signers of the Constitution of the United States;3 commanders-in-chief of the United States Army, and a rong list of cabinet officers,judges, congressmen and men distinguished in literature and art, science and religion,education and law.UNIVERSITY 19to-.. ~- ■Hinuillll| Hiiiif5 o^s.^^"^**^ ^^^HIMSI — niim,,Medical LaboratoriesIts present living alumni body comprises 30,000 and its student body is over 12,000.The University occupies a tract of 117 acres on the west bank of the SchuylkillRiver, ten minutes from the heart of Philadelphia. Its activities are housed in seventybuildings and in addition it has at hand the broadening influences of the hospitals,courts, the great industrial plants and the best in music and art.More than 4,000 graduates took part in the Civil War, this being a larger numberthan from any other university. Nine thousand two hundred and four are alreadyrecorded as having taken part in the recent Great War. The present head of the institution is General Leonard Wood, at present on a year's leave of absence to act as Governor-General of the Philippine Islands.Bonfire After a Big Game — The Spanish War Memorial TowerUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEi.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii i 1 1 1 ; m f f i r n : 1 1 1 r . i f 1 1 1 1 1 m i 1 1 1 m j . . i ! ; I ! i . ! : i i 1 1 : 1 1 : i < 1 1 1 n m n m j i , l j , , , . i ...<..! : L : ; i l . i [ l k . l i ; > . i . : i . 1 1 , m iii.immmjiiTTM.eimi j ; m i , : ; ; i l l l 1 1 , . . i j .1 ; . - '- 1 , . : - 'The Letter Box'llllllllllllllllllllllinill.illlllll'llirii:!:,'!!!'!::!''!!! '■! ■'Illllll I ll.'U'MV.I'llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirColumbia Congratulates Us on ReunionIn the July Commencement number ofthe Columbia Alumni News appears thefollowing editorial, under the heading of "ATeam Twenty-live Years Out," which weknow will be sincerely appreciated by all ofour readers:"In the June issue of a contemporary,The University of Chicago Magazine, wefind the picture of the 189(3 championshipbaseball team of that institution again inuniform for the 1921 Commencement. Theentire team was present, its members coming from many parts of the United States —Omaha, Des Moines, New York City, SaltLake City, etc. The editor says, 'The teamand Coach Stagg are now all twenty-fiveyears younger. An entire team back aftertwenty-five years — truly a unique tribute toChicago! The crowd will never forget theirfun and fine spirit.'"The News heartily agrees and congratulates the University of Chicago on alumniloyalty which can bring about such an unusual feature of Commencement."Professor Starr's Views on AsiaticsChicago, July 29, 1921.The Alumni Council,The University of Chicago.Dear Mr. Pierrot:Thank you for the copy of the July number of the Magazine with various personalnotices. In the report from Denver I amapparently quoted in propositions absolutelycontrary to my opinions. Usually I do notpay attention to such things, but this timethe matter has somewhat serious bearings.I shall be glad, then, if you will print theenclosed note in your next number.Very truly yours,Frederick Starr.Communication :I had a line time at Denver, but I seemto have been misunderstood. I quote fromthe last (July) number of The [Tniversilyof ( hicago Magazine"In main his subjeel was an answerto the question. 'What is the matter withthe Asiatics?' The answer is summed upin four points about as follows:"The Asiatics are to be criticized forthe low position ol woman. She is adrudge, an animal. Domestic life is notideal in the ( )rient."The Asiatics do not sufficiently prize the fundamental principle of Christiancivilization summed up in the phrase, thesacredness of human life."The Asiatics are not friends of republicanism, that is, equal rights for all andequal opportunities for all."The Asiatic is not an anti-national; heis too loyal to his ruler; he is not enoughof an internationalist."1 said none of these things. They do notat all express my views. I do not criticizeAsiatics for the low position of women.Neither in Japan or China is she a drudge, amere animal. Domestic life in the Orientmay not be ideal, but it is surely as happyand successful as here.I do not understand the point regardingsacredness of life. I do not expect Orientalnations to admire the exemplification of thefundamental Christian civilization principleof it that took place in 1914 to 1918.The third point would require more extended discussion than I can give here. Icould not make the statement as it stands.I made no remark about nationalism andinternationalism. If there is any nation inAsia today that is more emphatically andnarrowly nationalistic than the United Statesor France, I have still to learn of it.1 was asked the question. "What is thematter with the Asiatics?" I did not answerit with these "four points." I replied withthe simple statement — "The one thing thatis the matter with the Asiatics is that theycare more for the things of the spirit, thanfor things purely material."Frederick Starr.The Magazine Will Follow HerAugust 22, 1921.Alumni Council,'fhe University of Chicago.hear Friends:I am sailing for Poland next Friday andI would be very much obliged to you if youwould please change my address to TorunPomorze, Ulica Rejtana, Xo 4, Poland. Ienclose stamps to cover the extra postage.I am going to be there at least one yearand it will be a great pleasure to receive theMagazine of my Alma Mater. The purposeof my trip is to continue my studies at oneof the universities of Poland — presumablyihe University of Cracow, or maybe Posen.Hoping to see The University of ChicagoMagazine next fall in a foreign land, 1 remain,Very sincerely yours,Radzia Jankowski, '21.LETTER BOX 21Some Memorable "Memoirs"Hill Farm, Montville, N. J.,_. . , August 29, 1921.Ihe Alumni Council,Chicago:Dear "Chicagoans" :I am sending in my renewal to the Magazine. I suppose I belong to the new Commerce and Administration Association. Thedepartment was new in my time and I wasadvised by Dean Hatfield to take International Law as a "cultural course" withDean Judson. I was the only woman in theclass. I wonder if anyone remembers ajoke we had about it. Do you still havechapel in Cobb Hall where I used to play afunny little two-manual reed organ? Thatorgan wasn't to be compared with the absurdity we had to use in the Sunday tentservices. We had a piano in Kent Theatreuntil the beautiful Mandel Hall was finished.I am glad to have been at Chicago longenough to enjoy that building. The JuniorCollege women had chapel for a time in the"hen coop" (Dr. Harper's coup d'etat). Itwas impossible to hear anything and so nowonder there was some disorder. Dean Vincent asked me, as a woman editor on theDaily Maroon, to say something on this. Ofcourse I did, but I remember rubbing it inon the faculty for giving the girls such aplace for devotional exercises. I thoughtmy title and fame was secure when I won aten dollar prize offered by Miss Talbot for amusical yell. It was never used, but I hadthe ten dollars, and I needed it. I shouldlike to reminisce on many things — settlement work, Thomas Orchestra (The LTniversity Box), Green Hall, etc., but it won'tdo. You want news.By the scarcity of personal news I amsure others feel as I do that there is verylittle in one's life that would be of interestto several thousand people one has nevermet. Perhaps as a matter of statistics youwould like to know how many of the alumnikeep married to their original spouse. ¥ I amone of the eight out of every nine wives notdivorced. It may be old fashioned but it'snice to realize that we still belong to themajority. I cannot accept the challenge ofMrs. Gerald Rahill of Caldwell, nearby, butI have two daughters in the Caldwelj HighSchool and at home, only ten months old,a wonderful man-child. Mrs. Rahill considers Caldwell the country, but it is far toocivilized for us. We are five miles from anyrailroad, on a picturesque old farm. Myhusband flivvers to Caldwell an-d thence toBrooklyn every school day of the year andthrives on it, for he has bees in the back ofthe house and a laboratory in the cellar.I wish the people I knew in '02, '03, '04would speak up. Where are Edith Bickell,Zoe Bellew, the choir boys for whom Taccompanied, and many others?Yours faithfully,Anne E. Floyd Gilson, '04,(Mrs. Channing W, Gilson.) How We Stand in IndiaEwing Christian CollegeAllahabad City, IndiaT, A1 . „ .f June 27, 1921.1 be Alumni Council,The University of Chicago.Dear Folks:I am a loyal alumnus. I have been in anumber of institutions, and never one tookhold of me with the grip that Chicago didI am prouder all the time to be a son ofthe old LTniversity.I find here in the East that Chicago isrespected— and few of the American Universities are much known. I think I shouldadd that something calling itself "ChicagoUniversity" sells degrees to Indians whowant degrees without the training that thedegree stands for; and there is confusionbetween ^this name and "The University ofChicago." Whenever I have a chance I try-to point out the difference between the twoinstitutions.If you were a missionary, living on theprincely salary that a missionary draws, andwith the Rupee at Rs. 4.2 to the dollar (theold normal rate was Rs. 3 to the dollar),you would see why it is difficult to keep upa subscription to even the Magazine. YetI want it, and am sending a subscription.(Right back at you), Yours for Chicago,Win field Dudgeon,Ph. D. (Botany) 1917.Another Interesting Letter from IndiaLeffric, Katagiri,Nilgiries District, India.May 28, 1921.Dear Mr. Pierrot:I have your letter dated April 18th, bythe mail which arrived a week ago.I am anxious to have my subscription tothe Magazine renewed and I enclose an order on The Lafayette Loan & Trust Co.,Lafayette, Indiana, to cover the subscriptionand the postage to India.Please change my address from Secunderabad, to that given above. My old field,Secunderabad, was too large for a man 7:;years old to manage. In area it is about400 square miles, larger than the State ofRhode Island.The city of Secunderabad has a population of about 115,000. The Wesleyan andthe Church of England churches are working there in addition to the Baptists. In thecity the responsibility is divided. In thefield outside the city there are 100,000people for whom I am responsible, from theview of a Christian missionary. These otherchurches have fields for which they areresponsible, outside the city. The variousmissions divide up territory. It was my dutyto spend a good part of each year visitingthe villages on my field. I came to the conclusion that I am too old to do the work asit ought to be done, and I have given it overtc a younger man.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI am not going to lose my interest in mission work or in the LTniversity.For almost 30 years I have lived amonga nation of about 25,000,000 people— theTelugus. Now I have come to live amonga cluster of tribes— the Todas, about 1,000strong; the Badagas, 15,000; the Kotas,about 1,500, and the Kururubas and theIsulas, both small tribes. Each has its separate language, builds its houses after atribal style, never intermarry, all dividedamong themselves by caste. They are apart of my daily life and have been for anumber of years.Yours very sincerely,Frank H. Levering, '7 2.The Welcome Volunteer Spirit1222 E. 52nd St., Chicago, Illinois.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,University of Chicago.My dear Mr. Pierrot:As I told you in the spring of 1920, I expected to be in Chicago after that winter.I am living at the above address after October 1st, and I shall be very glad to becomeactive again in College alumni work.I am enclosing a check to the AlumniCouncil for my dues.Yours sincerely,Theresa Wilson Rothermel,Secretary, Class of 1920.Almost a Hold-upFlenry M. AdkinsonWalker Bank Building-Salt Lake CitySeptember 6, 1921.Mr. Adolph G. Pierrot, Secretary,Alumni .Association, LTniversity of Chicago.Dear Pierrot:We have duly returned to our westernhabitat, and I write to thank you for thecourtesies you showed Mrs. Adkinson andme on our Reunion at the U. We haveparticipated in a memorable occasion, andthe recollection of the meetings with oldfriends, and the re-visiting of the placesabout the campus, dear to us, will always bea delightful memory.I have the "literature" of the Reunionwhich you so thoughtful^ sent to me here,ami I want to express my sincere appreciation o| your courtesy.Our trip from Chicago to Salt Lake wasuneventful until we pulled out of Ogdenon the l.i t Hi-mile stretch lo Salt Lake.Then two hold up men took possession ofihe three rear coaches and relieved thepassengers of money, and made their getaway in the outskirts of Salt Lake. It wasdone in true western style, as you will seefrom the extended account in the Salt Lake Tribune which I send you. Fortunately theporter of the "Chicago car" thoughtfullylocked the rear door so no entrance wasmade into our car. He was no morethoughtful than I, however, because I, withequal readiness locked the steel door of ourd rawing room — and so we rode into SaltLake in full possession of our chattels. Itwas a real "welcome home."The hard part of our return is to see thetears standing in the eyes of the otheralumni here who did not go back for theJune festivities. It is all that I can do tocheer up Kirtley, Tobin, McBroom, Parkinson, Bill Leary and the rest. I am doing allI can to let a little joy into other lives, butenvy of my happy lot seems to have takenpossession of their souls, and I tell them ofthe royal "C" dinner, the enthusiastic "Sing,"the exiting Circus, and the memorableball game between 1896 and 1921 at the riskof my life.With renewed expression of our pleasureand satisfaction in the renewal of the daysof our youth, which on occasion we findnot to be so far distant, I want to compliment you, on behalf of Inez Dwight RiceAdkinson and myself, on the great successof your Reunion.Sincerely yours,Henry M. Adkinson, '97.A Good Club Suggestion50S Griswold Street,Detroit, Michigan,August 15, 1921.Alumni Council,LTniversity of Chicago,Chicago, 111.Dear Sirs:I am enclosing herewith my check forannual dues for membership in the AlumniAssociation and subscription to the LTniversity of Chicago Magazine. I appreciate itvery much and am glad to contribute thismite toward the support oi the Associationand the keeping up of the loyalty to theinstitution.I have wondered for some time if themembers of the Alumni Association in Detroit would not be greatly benefited by apublished list of the names. I have thoughtot this more recently than ever beforebecause of the fact that my College Fraternity has such a list, and we find it greatlyincreases the interest and personal supportot. the members. If this suggestion meetswith your approval perhaps a note to somemember of (he Association would help toincrease the spirit of the membership, andstart such a movement, if advisable.Yours verv truly,U. M. Chaille, '73.C. AND A. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 23Commerce and Administration AssociationGreetings From the DeanTo the Alumni Association of the Schoolof Commerce and Administration, Greetings:The enthusiastic request from the Alumnifor a separate organization has been asource of no little satisfaction to the facultyof the School. We had, of course, knownthat small groups of the Alumni were meeting occasionally to live over again their college experiences and to plan for the future,but we had not quite realized that this relatively new school had developed the espritde corps indicated by the almost unanimousrequest for an alumni association. We welcome heartily this new association as a vitalpart of the organizat on of the School. Wewish to cooperate with it in every possibleway.And in the same breath we ask your aid.The School has before it an ambitious program filled with serious problems. As anundergraduate-graduate professional schoolin a new field, it must cont'nue to organizea coherent curriculum, build up a strongstaff and develop a professional attitude. Butit seeks to do much more. It sees an opportunity for leadership not only in its ownpeculiar territory, but also in the field ofsecondary education and it is actively atwork upon that problem. In all this workit looks to the new alumni association, notonly as the nucleus of a purposeful grouparound which the present alumni will gatherand to which the new alumni will turn forhelp and inspiration, but also as a sourceof counsel and substantial aid to the schoolitself L- C. Marshall.A Letter From the PresidentTo the Graduates of the School of Commerce and Administration:The Alumni Association of the School ofCommerce and Administration of the LTm-versity of Chicago is an open invitation toallgraduates of this splendid institution tointerest themselves more seriously in thecause of education and training for business, which until a very few years ago wasnot accorded the place in the curricula ofthe leading universities which its importance has justified. Specialized training forlaw, medicine and other professions is notnew or unusual. Professional training forbusiness, however, is just in the beginning.It will within the next generation be developed to a degree which will rival thebest in all professional training. The fieldwill attract the highest and most aggressive type of young manhood and womanhood thecountry has to offer.Post-graduate courses in foreign fieldsand universities as in other professions willnot lie considered exceptional or unusual."Internship" is coming more and more to apoint of high development, although therelationship is not usually defined in thismanner. The result, however, is the samelor those who upon graduation enter business in a minor capacity to learn the practical application of all the various thingsthat they have been taught while in theuniversity.Some time ago I received a letter fromthe president of a very large eastern manufacturer of a nationally known product enclosing a reprint of an article that he hadwr.tten for one of the lead ng trade journals. This article briefly was a plea formore training in economics for the headsand executives in business. He brought outin a forceful manner the great need whichexists in industry today for a more thorough understanding on the part of businessadministrators of the fundamentals ofeconomics. He even went so far as tosuggest that perhaps a licensing of mento enter upon business and financial projectsinvolving the money and labor of the peoplesimilar to the plan followed by professionsof law and medicine, in order that the peopleand state nv'ght know that their leaderswere fully qualified by training and experience to shoulder the responsibilities. Thesuggestion, no doubt, seems radical to some,but in the principle of it there is food forthought. The statement brought out veryclearly that the gentleman had no Utopiato suggest nor any well defined plan toaccomplish the thing that he had in mind,but that he was calling attention to thesituation in order to provoke discussion on atopic of vital interest.The general inefficiency of businessexecutives as a group is a matter of common gossip, and is frequently and freelycommented upon wherever one finds acongregation of business men. A properunderstanding of the fundamentals of economics and an intelligent and broad application of them would contribute much to asolution of this situation. In this is theopportunity for the thoroughly trained manand woman. It should appeal particularlyto all graduates of C. & A. Dean Marshallhas said, "There is something far morefundamental in business education than instruction in a mass of technical details.This more fundamental something has toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdo with the development of ability to formulate policies and to make correct businessjudgments." We who have been out onthe firing line for some years and now havebecome somewhat tempered by the conflictknow exactly what Dean Marshall means.A strict interpretation and earnest application of the broad principles as defined, plusthe physical health and vigor coupled witha strong will, should enable us to accomplish many worth while things.The School of Commerce and Administration Alumni Association now makes possible a closer contact and greater unity ofinterest for graduates of C. & A., not onlyamong themselves, but among the undergraduates as well. The constitution whichhas been adopted states that, "Its objectshall be to advance the interests, influenceand efficiency of the LTniversity of Chicago,and to strengthen the connection betweenthe members of this Association and theirAlma Mater, and to cooperate with theother Alumni organizations of the Lmiver-sity of Chicago in all matters of commoninterest to the Alumni." Further, our Association hopes to foster and perpetuate amongits members a serious respect for educationand training for business, to the end thatfrom year to year it may be better and better done. As products of this type ofspecialized training, may we justify morefully its position as a major school in notonly the University of Chicago, but alsoin every other large university.One member of each year's class will beasked to serve as class chairman for thatyear. These chairmen collectively will become an activities committee whose firstduty will be to concentrate on a membershipdrive. There will be other duties on finance,Alumni meetings, publicity, local chilis, classorganizations, class reunions and cooperation with the undergraduates' CommerceClub. Other committees will be appointedas the occasion demands. With the activesupport of the Alumni, the Association willbe interesting and worth while. Plans areunder way for three meetings this year, onefor the fall, winter and spring quarters. Thelatter will be the final meeting of the year,which will be about reunion time when allundergraduates will be invited to attend.Mr. Donald Bean, LTniversity Press, LTni-versity of Chicago, is our representative onthe editorial board of the Alumni magazine.We want all graduates to feel free to sendhim reports of themselves and what othersare doing. Contributions to the magazinein the form of papers, articles, etc., will berequested from time to time and we anticipate the loyal support of each one in makingour space in the magazine as interesting andas attractive as possible. We expect to hearfrom our classmates all over the world.The dues for membership in the Association are $2.00 a year, which carries with it a subscription to the magazine as well asmembership in the general Alumni Association. In this respect it is like the otherAlumni groups. If you are not already amember, fill in the blank which has justbeen sent to each one and return it with$2.00 to the Alumni Office. Become anactive member and lend us your help. Yourcriticism and suggestions will be welcomeat all times.Very sincerely and cordially yours,F. E. Weakly,President School of Commerce and Administration Alumni Association.Our Instructors — Past and PresentAir. H. G. Moulton attended, the International Conference of Chambers of Commerce held in London in June, 1921. Herepresented the Chicago Chamber of Commerce. On his return, he taught at thesummer session of Columbia L niversity.J. O. McKinsey, A.M. '19, has returned tothe School of Commerce and Administration after a year's leave of absence.During the summer of 1921 the Schoolof Commerce and Administration undertookto send out a number of its men into industry, in order that they might make a studyof conditions in the fields of business inwhich they are particularly interested. Mr.Paul H. Douglas, Assistant Professor inIndustrial Relations, spent some six weeksin studying conditions in industrial plants.During the earlier part of the summer hewas a Lecturer at the Bryn Mawr SummerSchool for Women Workers.^ Mr. N. W. Barnes, Assistant Professor inCommercial Organization, worked out andsupervised a field work course in advertising.Mr. C. O. Hardy, Assistant Professor inFinancial Organization, was engaged in research work in the financial management ofcorporations both in New York and Chicago.Mr. L. C. Sorrell, Assistant Professor inCommercial Organization, carried on investigations in the Transportation Department of Swift & Co., collecting problemstor a traffic course, and studying the organization of the Industrial Traffic Department.Mr. A. C. Hodge, Assistant Professor ofAccounting, spent the summer studyingproblems in retail cost accounting in connection with several large retail houses inChicago.Ann E. Brewington, 1921, is an assistantin secretarial work in the School of Commerce and Administration.S. P. Meech, '20, has been appointed aninstructor in the School of Commerce andAdministration.F. W. Simons, Jr., a former instructor inthe School of Commerce and Administration, is an industrial engineer with the firmof Arthur Andersen & Co., New York City.OF EDUCATION NOTES 25•X*!! — — MM — Nil— — IIM — llll — llll — UH — MM...— UH — MM — nH — — ml — DU....— IIU — UU — UU — UH — — UH U(l ,| H — nU — Mil — H H Mil ml MM — llll — MM — ...I — Mil — III 4*ip,,— iiii— -iiii [ih nn nu nu— nH— uh — mm— nn— .nn— nn nu— uu nn uh nn fSchool of Education NotesNew York State SurveyMr. Judd spent the month of Septemberin New York State in conference with thedistrict superintendents who are in chargeof the 208 rural school districts of the state.He also attended a conference of the SurveyCommission at which the details of the general report to be rendered by the Commission were agreed upon.The contribution of the Division of Supervision and Administration to this report, forwhich the material has been prepared verylargely by members of the Department ofEducation of the LTniversity of Chicago, including Professor Bobbitt, Mr. T. D. Brooksand Mr. T. H. Shelby, will make a numberof radical recommendations for the reorganization of the administration of the ruralschools of New York State.The present common-school district is toosmall for the proper organization of theschools because of the great inequalities inthe assessed evaluation of these small districts and also because of the difficulty ofsecuring in many instances representativecitizens to take charge of the organizationof the district. A plan has been devised bythe Division of Supervision and Administration for the creation of a larger taxingunit which shall be a community unit. Allof the common-school districts around acenter of population and trade will be organized into a single community district with aboard of education and with a uniform taxrate throughout the region thus controlled.This larger unit will make possible a varietyof forms of cooperation not now possible.Special supervisors of subjects can be employed and the relation between the districtsuperintendents and the community boardswill be very much more satisfactory than atthe present time. These boards will alsoserve as agencies for the consolidation ofschools, which up to this time has not beenpossible in New York State on any largescale because of the destructive plan oforganization that has prevented rather thanpromoted consolidation.The members of the Survey Division ofSupervision and Administration are preparing a full report giving the detailed evidences in support of such a plan of reorganization.Clubs and AssociationsThe Education Club has had regularweekly meetings since the opening of theautumn quarter. The program thus far hasconsisted of the following discussions: "Requirements for Advanced Courses," by Dr.Judd; "The Development of Courses in theDepartment of Education," by Dean Gray;"Problems of Educational Research," by Dr. Bobbitt, and "Investigations of SchoolFinance," by Professor Morrison. Duringthe remainder of the quarter members ofthe faculty will report upon such topics asthe validity and reliability of tests, the New-York Survey, comparisons of various basesfor the classification of pupils, and reportsby students of activities in school systemsin various parts of the country. The meetings have been well attended and the yearpromises to be an unusually successful one.The Kindergarten-Primary Club had itsfirst tea on October 20 and reorganized forthe present year. Miss Edena Smith waselected president and Miss Priscilla Kinsman, secretary-treasurer. The club is nowbusy making plans for the year's activitiej.The organization meeting of the new Illinois Home Economics Association was heldFriday and Saturday, October 21 and 22.The Friday meetings were held at the ArtInstitute and the Saturday meetings in IdaNoyes Theatre and Emmons Blaine Hall ofthe L niversity. Katherine Blunt, chairmanof the Home Keonomics Department of theUniversity, was elected president, andFrances Swain, S.B. '12 and A.M. '14, headof Household Arts of the Chicago NormalCollege, secretary. Other officers are: RuthWardell, University of Illinois; Mrs. JohnC. Hessler of Galesburg, Ilk, and Alice Tre-ganza of Bloomington.The local chapter of Pi Lambda Thetagave a dinner at the Gladstone Hotel onOctober 28 in honor of the National President, Ella Victoria Dobbs of the Department of Education, LTniversity of Missouri.Miss Dobbs outlined plans for the year'swork of the chapter. There were twenty-five present at the dinner, including members of the faculty of the Kindergarten-Primary Department. The officers for 1921-22 are: Delia Kibbe, president; Kate Vick,recording secretary; Lilly Englescn, corresponding secretary; May Hill, treasurer;Helen Cook, keeper of records.The Art Club gave its annual Halloweenparty to the School of Education studentsMonday, October 31. The studio of the ArtDepartment, where the party was held, wasdecorated by members of the art classes.The FacultyAlumni and former students of the Schoolof Education will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of WilliamScott Gray, Dean of the College of Education, to Miss Beatrice Warner Jardine onthe evening of September 14 at the bride'shome in Kenvil, N. J. Miss Lillian Gray ofthe class of 1914 was one of the bridesmaidsand Mr. Charles J. Pieper of the School ofEducation served as best man. Air. andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAirs. Gray are at home at 1372 East Fifty-seventh Street, Chicago.Miss Helen Harris conducted a demonstration kindergarten and classes in methodsfor three months this summer at the Southwestern Texas State Normal School at SanMarcos.During October Mr. Judd made a numberof out-of-town addresses. On the 20th and21st he talked to the Indiana State Teachers' Association at Indianapolis on the introduction of the social studies into the curriculum; on the 7th he met with the IllinoisSchoolmasters' Club at Peoria for a discussion of the use of tests as a means of supervision; and on the 14th his address beforethe Central Division of the Minnesota StateTeachers' Association was about the revision of the course of study in the publicschools.Mr. Whitford displayed several specimensof his work in pottery at the exhibition ofAmerican Applied Arts held at the Art Institute of Chicago during the past month.Miss Lydia J. Roberts addressed the Wisconsin State Teachers' Association on November 5, on "The Relation of Food Teaching and Health."The LTniversity of Indiana has secured theservices of Air. Buswell during the autumnand winter quarters for an extension courseon educational tests and measurements forthe public-school teachers of Hammond,Indiana.Mr. Sargent is painting landscapes inMassachusetts and Vermont this autumnquarter. He will exhibit his work at severalcities during the year.Miss Martin spent a week in northernAlichigan in the early part of November doing institute lecturing.Miss Katherine Blunt spoke before thenutrition specialists of the Central States atthe LTniversity of Minnesota on November0 and the Minnesota State Teachers' Association on November 7.Air. Filbey is spending the autumn quarter in Detroit, Alichigan, organizing a vocational guidance division in the publicschools. This is a continuation of the workon which he was engaged last year for theJunior Placement Service of the Departmentof Labor. Mr. Filbey was in residence during the summer quarter and will begin hisregular courses in January, 1922.Miss Antoinette Ilollister is in Bostonmaking a study of American sculpture andother works of art at the galleries of the city.Aliss Temple and Mr. Gray appeared onthe program of the Kansas State Teachers'Aleeting November 3 and 4. Aliss Templespoke at Pittsburgh and Salina and Air.Gray at Topeka and Pittsburg.Miss Ella Champion, Primary Supervisorin Niles, Alich., who was instructor in methods in nature study for the summer of 1921,was director of the Berrian County Institute in August. Aliss Temple, Miss EdithParker and Mr. Lyman were among thespeakers on the program A Message to the Alumni(Continued from page 6)gymnasium or in connection with it may becontinued throughout the entire course.In the Spring Quarter of 1920 the Baseball Team made a visit to Japan and playeda number of games with University teamsin the Island Empire. This visit was returned in 1921 by a Japanese team from Waseda University. The arrangements for football during the current year comprised a gamein Princeton with the Princeton Universityteam. In 1922 a second game with Princeton will be played on Stagg Field in Chicago. It may incidentally be noted that theChicago team won the game on October 22with a score of 9 to 0. It was an excellentgame and the team is worthy of all commendation. Indeed, the football team thisyear is exceptionally strong.The work of the Alumni Clubs has beenvery interesting and it is certainly hopedthat these clubs may be extended in numberand influence. An example of what may beaccomplished is perhaps found in the factthat the New York Alumni Club took incharge the sale of tickets for the Princetonfootball game and disposed of more than800. There are many forms of LTniversityactivity in which the Alumni interest will beof great value to the University.With best wishes for all,Harry Pratt Tudsox.ISP**VAmerican Red Crossthe service of those who sufferUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27READY NOWWL. of C. Christmas. &eate(With the Coat-of-Arms surrounded by Christmas greenery)VERY ATTRACTIVE15 cents per package; two for 25 cents■ n • aUnusually beautiful line of5|o!tbap #tf t£ anb Greeting CartaBook Ends — leather, copper, and heavy bronzeChess and Checker Sets — in leather casesBillfolds, Address Books, Key-cases, Desk SetsVases, Bowls, Desk Lamps, Perpetual CalendarsAsh Trays, Purses, Chicago Jewelry, Wax SetsGift Stationery, Leather Kodak and MemoryBooks, Chicago Pillows and Banners•D-DLet us send you a $1.00 assortment of Creeling CardsI ®fje SJmbergttp of Chicago PooksitoreI 5802 Ellis Avenue, ChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OFTHE CLASSESAND ASSOCIATIONSCollege Association'02 — Maurice Mandeville is president ofthe Lake Bluff School Board.'03 — Our alumni will be glad to know thatXenophon de B. Kalamatiano, who was inRussian prisons for nearly three years, hasarrived in Chicago and is living at 5.5.33Dorchester Avenue.'03 — Vida Ravenscroft Sutton of New-York City spent September with Airs. A. B.Fairbank (Lorena King) '03, at the latter'shome, The Cedars-in-Hunter's Grove, SiouxFalls, South Dakota. A play by Miss Suttonappears in the November Drama.Ex-'05 — Ernest E. Quantrell, who is vice-president of Halsey, Stuart & Company, atNew York City, published an article in theOutlook of July 27, on "The Bond Businessas an Occupation for College Men." Thearticle was reprinted by the firm and distributed in booklet form.'06— "Gold Shod" is the striking title of anew novel by Newton A. Fuessle of NewYork City. Like his first novel, "The Flail,"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY LECTURE ASSOCIATIONLectures and ReadingsSEASON OF 1921-22NORTH SIDE— Monday Evenings— Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Ohureh, Fullerton Parkway atGeneva Terraee. Leeturers: S. H. Clark. EdwardHoward Grisss, .lames Weber Linn, John CowperPowys.SOUTH SIDE— Tuesday Evenings— St. James M. E.Church, Ellis Avenue at Forty-sixth Street. Lecturers: Arnold B Hall. Edward Howard Grigus.Horace •"!. Bridges, .Tames Weber Linn.ROGERS PARK— Thursday Evenings— Rogers ParkWorn an's Club, Asldand and Estes Avenues. Lecturers: Earl Barnes, Lorado Taft. Theodore G.Soares, Arnold B. Hall.OAK PARK— Mm, day Evenings— Oak Park HighSchool Ontario Street at Sroville Avenue. Lecturers: Earl Barnes, John M. Coulter, ForestRay Moulton, Bertram Griffith Nelson.NORMAL PARK— Thursday Evenings People's Liberal Church St.uait Avenue at Sixty-fifth Street.[/•rtmers: S If. Clark, Arnold B. Hall. JohnM. Coulter, John Cuwnci Powys.Ticket admittinAll lectures, $7.00Sinple admission,Fo, Olieulai / ticket (six leet.iiI, I. -hi \dd.rss I ) , $1MI0.The University Lecture AssociationFifty-Eighth Street at Ellis Avenue the present novel has part of its backgroundin Chicago.'06— Howard L. Willett and Mrs. Willett(Grace Williamson) '07, have moved to 3400Sheridan Road.'07 — John F. Moulds, cashier of the University for a number of years, has been appointed assistant secretary of the Board ofTrustees. He will continue to serve as cashier also.'12 — Ruth Sherwood, sculptor, wasawarded the. John Quincy Adams Scholarship and also the Bryan Lathrop MemorialScholarship in June for her relief "Harvest"at the Art Institute. A copy of this reliefhas been placed in the amphitheater atCastle Park, Michigan.'13 — Kenath T. Sponsel and Mrs. Sponsel(Gertrude O'Meara) '15, are living at 1167E. f>2nd street.'13 — Chester A. Hammill is the author ofa bulletin, "The Cretaceous of NorthwesternLouisiana," published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.'15 — George S. Lyman is the designer ofthe new cover of the University of ChicagoMagazine. He has designed a number ofposters for University organizations.COLLEGEThe downtown department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offersEvening, Late Afternoon andSaturday GlassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 2Spring Quarter begins April 3For Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean, University College.The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2%Every AlumnusEvery Alumnawill findGoldShodA most fascinating novel —ByNewton Fuessle, '06It is the story of a youngbusiness man of the MiddleWest, a penetrating andpowerful study in misdirected temperament.New York, Chicago, Brooklyn, San Francisco andother papers acclaim itone of the best novels in adecade.Published byBoni & Liveright, Inc.105 W. 40th St., New YorkPrice $2.00Chicagoans will enjoy thisnovel by a Chicagoan FIR3T CHICAGOBuilt year by year uponexperience of more thanhalf a century, the FirstNational Bank of Chicagoand its affiliated institution,the First Trust and SavingsBank, offer a complete,convenient and satisfactory financial service inCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsReal Estate Mortgagesand CertificatesSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banksis owned by the samestockholders. Combinedresources exceed $400,-000,000.Northwest Corner Dearborn andMonroe StreetsChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines1804 Mailers Bldg.5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 5336("all and insoectour building,plant and up-to-We Print 3H)e fflnibergitp o( Cfncago jffl.aga?ineMake a Printing Connectionwith a Specialist and a Large, Absolutely RELIABLE Printing HouseCATALOGUE and DDIMTTDCPUBLICATION riUlll Lift JPrinting and Advertising Advisersand the Cooperative and Clearing Housefor Catalogues and PublicationsLet us estimate on your next printing orderPrinting Products CorporationFORMERLY ROGERS 8c HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones—Local and Long Distance — Wabash 3381One ofthe largest and m o a tcomplete I'rint-invr plants in theUnited States.Chicago Alumni —have a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about the450which your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, Illinois ! C. and A. Association jCecil Dehner, '18, has given up her workwith the U. S. Children's Bureau to becomea "farmerette." She has been working ona farm near Marblehead, Mass.A. O. Brungardt, '18, is now AssistantProduction Manager of the Boston worksof the Walworth Manufacturing Company,Boston, Mass.Helen A. Brown, ex '17, is in New Yorkwith a position as secretary of the XewYork office of Arthur Andersen & Co., NewNational City Building, Xew York.May Rose Freedman, '19, has given upher position of secretary to the New Yorkoffice of Frazer & Torbet to continue herstudies at the University of Chicago. Sheis an assistant in the School of Commerceand Administration.Olga Law, '20, is a high school teacher inWatertown, Wis.Norman G. MacLeod, '20, is assistant tothe treasurer of the Reed Prentice MachineTool Company, Worcester, Mass.Franklin Meine, '17. has returned to theUniversity of Chicago and is studying for aDoctor's degree in Political Economy.Mrs. William Wiser (Charlotte Yiall, '14)returned from India last summer because ofthe serious illness of her father. She is nowemployed in the office of the School of Commerce and Administration.Cleona Lewis, who received her bachelor'sdegree from the School of Commerce andAdministration in 1917, also received amaster's degree from this school in the summer quarter, 1921. She is an Assistant inthe School of Commerce and Administration.Ruth Reticker, '11 ; Helen Olson, '17, andClifford Allen, 'is, are all with the firm ofJoseph & Feiss Company, Cleveland. O.I Divinity Association'03 Richard E. Sayles is now in chargeof the welfare work of the Dort MotorCompany, Flint, Mich.'04 Perry J. Stockhouse is the new pastorof the First Baptist Church, Chicago, 111.'04 Daniel J. Flemming is teaching inUnion Theological Seminary, New YorkCity.'or> John R. Ewers, now pastor of the EastEnd Christian Church of Pittsburgh, is reported as doing a significant piece of workin religious education.OF THE CLASSES.'06 Wade C. Barclay is doing editorialwork with the Methodist Book Concern,Cincinnati, O.'06 Charles G. Wright is now pastor ofthe First Baptist Church, Mt. Ayr, la.'16 John L. Lobingier has recently severedhis connection with the Chicago Federationof Churches to become director of religiouseducation in the First CongregationalChurch, Oberlin, O.'16 Arthur W. Slaten, professor of biblicalliterature in the Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago, is spending six months in study andspecial work for the "Y" in Salonica, Greece.He will return about January 1, 1922.'20 Alfred Tonness is teaching philosophyand sociology in Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich.'21 Arthur C. Wickenden has started hiswork as pastor of the Baptist Church ofOwatonna, Minn.'21 E. J. Chave has recently become pastor of the City Temple, Sioux Falls, N. D.Doctors' Association ji+_„_.■_..— ..— ..„„il_.._<1_ii_il_i_11_i4,Dr. Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph. D. '99,Professor of Physics, has been made Chairman of the Division of Physical Science inthe National Research Council, Washington, D. C. Dean Gale has been physicistand research associate at the Mt. WilsonObservatory, California, and is one of theeditors of the Astro physical Journal. During the war he won the rank successivelyof captain, major, and lieutenant coloneland was cited by the commander-in-chief ofthe A. E. F. for "especially meritorious andconspicuous service." He has also beenmade Chevalier of the Legion of Honor bythe French government.Dr. Preston Kyes, Professor of PreventiveMedicine, has recently been given the honorary degree of Doctor of Science byBowdoin College, of which he is an alumnus.1 j1 Law School Association jI — _ . ..-4Robert P. McLarty, J. D. '20, is practicinglaw at the Healey Building, Atlanta, Ga.Alden S. Young, J. D. '18, and HenryJunge, Jr., LL.B. '21, are practicing withMcBrayer, Guice & Young, Tidwell Building, Graham, Tex.Leonard B. Sears, J. D. '21, and Ralph C.Prichard, J. D. '21, have formed a partnership for the general practice of law underthe firm name of Sears & Prichard, withoffices at 408-9 Trimble Building, Sioux City,Iowa. Buy yourVICTROLASVICTOR RECORDSanaPOPULAR SHEET MUSICatThe Music ShopaOur facilities and sales staffcoupled with our "distinctivepersonal service, offer youexceptional satisfaction in purchasing here.The patronage of ''Chicagoansis especially invited.ESCtarles M. Bent, 17R. Bourke Corcoran, 15H. J. Macfarland* Jr., '177te Music Shop Inc.BABIl.4W> IjRHfKffll WOW WABASH AV&,THE UNIVERSITY OFBOOKSOld and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the book Uou want.WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORESV. A. WOODWOPTH. '06. ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 EL 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, - 1540 E. 63rd StreetEnglewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueThe orders oj Teachers and Libraries Solicited CHICAGO MAGAZINEMiss Ev. Victoria Allen, J. D. '20, may bereached at Olds, Alberta, Canada.Leonard J. Curtis, J. D. '12, is a memberof the Law Faculty of the LTniversity ofArizona at Tucson, Ariz. Robert McNairDavis, J. D. '08, is also a member of thisFaculty.Arthur O. Frazier, J. D. '21, is in the officeof Judge Baldwin of the Circuit Court atDecatur, 111.Lowell Wilson Berry, a student here during the year 1920-21, of 340.°, East 27thStreet, Kansas City, Mo., died in Augustafter a brief illness.Frank Seydel, J. D. '20, is practicing at516 Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver, Colo.Ehlers W. English, J. D. '.21, is with thefirm of McCormick, Kirkland, Patterson &Fleming, Tribune Building, Chicago.Louis M. Mantynband, J. D. '20, andStephen T. Allie, J. D. '1'.), have formed apartnership for the practice of law underthe firm name of Mantynband & Allie, withoffices at 641 Fort Dearborn Bank Building,76 West Monroe Street, Chicago.William G. Butts, J. D. '09, has openedan office for the general practice of law at304 Bonfils Building, Tenth and WalnutStreets, Kansas City. Mo.YOUTH WINSOVEREXPERIENCE20-year-old Albert Schneider, the 1921world champion shorthand writer, made anaverage of 97.9% at speeds ranging from 200to 280 words a minute, and established newworld records at 175 and 215 words a minute.These remarkable records were made withGregg Shorthand in competition with thegreatest number of experienced writers everentered in a championship contest.Learn Gregg Shorthand, the best-by-testsystem for speed, accuracy and simplicity.Send for free circulars. "Greii£-inXHis Way to Fame" and "The World'sChampion Shorthand Writer."'The Gregg Publishing Co.623 South Wabash AvenueChicago, IllinoisOF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 33School of Education l'10 — J. H. Risley, Ph.M., formerly superintendent of schools at Owensboro, Kentucky, is this year in charge of the schoolsof District No. 1, Pueblo, Colorado.'11 — W. C. Reavis, A.M., is Principal ofthe University High School of the LTniversity of Chicago.'12 — Elsie A. Wygant, S.B., has moved to31 E. Elm Street, Chicago, to be near theChicago Latin School where she is supervisor of the primary grades.'13 — May Hill, Cert., for several years oneof our summer quarter instructors, is onleave of absence from the Ethical CultureSchool of New York City and is studying inthe School of Education.'14 — Ruth Watson, Ph.B., is teaching inthe University Elementary School this year.'17— Marie Dye, M.S. (S.B., 1914), fellowin Home Economics for the past two years,now holds a fellowship at the Nelson MorrisInstitute for Medical Research. MichaelReese Hospital, Chicago. She is continuingthe work on basal metabolism which shebegan at the LTniversity.'20 — A. C. Griffin, A.M., is connected withthe Division of Psychology of the PublicSchools of Los Angeles, California.'20 — Frederick D. McClusky, A.M., is aninstructor in the Department of Educationat the LTniversity of Illinois.'20 — M. Ethel Brown, Ph.B., who was amember of the LTniversity ElementarySchool faculty during 1920-21, is now Kindergarten-Primary Supervisor in the publicschools of Springfield, Illinois.'21 — Ira Sankey, A.M., is Superintendentof Schools at Ida Grove, Iowa.'21— W. P. Boyle, A.M., has located atBeloit, Wisconsin, where he is Principal ofthe Junior High School.'21 — M. Herriott, Ph.B., is connected withthe science department of the Francis Parker School of San Diego, California.'21 — Bonnie Mellinger, Ph.B., is a memberof the faculty of the University ElementarySchool this year.'21 — Margaret O'Loughlin, M.S., and RuthKern are instructors in home economics atthe University of Illinois.'21 — Sybil Kemp, Ph.B., is teaching homeeconomics at Princeton, Illinois.'21 — Mary Stubbins, Ph.B., is dietitian forthe Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Sheis conducting nutrition classes for children.'21 — Lillian Stevenson, Ph.B., is a memberof the Department of Home Economics atthe University of Iowa.'21 — Sophie Reed, Ph.B., is instructor inhome economics at the WTestern IllinoisState Normal College, Macomb. U.ofC.Men and Women nowassociated withHalsey, Stuart 8C Co.Charles S. AndesHarry Benner William F. BrownA. Earl Bryson Ingalls D. BurnettThomas G. CassadyJ. Milton CoulterFrederick W. Croll, Jr.Wm . D . Dalge tty Jas . A . DonovanEdward R. FerrissHarold J. Gordon Helen S.HallK. A. Hauser Harold HeinsfiirterAlice M . Holden Ralph B . KraetschNoble W. Lee E. Hill LeithLawrence J . MacGregorClarence T. MacNeilleRuth Mclnnis J. T. O'ConnerErnest E. QuantrellJames L. Say lerRoselyn L. Scott Clarence W. SillsRobert E. Simond Arthur H.VailFrank E. Weakly E. P.WellsHalsey, StuartSC v^O .Incorporated209 S. La Salle St., ChicagoChicago New York Boston PhiladelphiaDetroit Milwaukee St. Louis MinneapolisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHENRY M. ADKINSON, '97MINING ENGINEERWALKER BANK BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAHProfitable Mines Are MadeBy Good ManagementMy business is to show mine owners how to maketheir mines successful, what is ahead, and how toavoid failure and losses.Send for Booklet:"Common Sense of Mine Management"James M. Sheldon/03INVESTMENTSWithJohn Burnham & Co.41 South La Salle StreetRandolph 3446Paul H. Davis & CompanyMembers Chicago Stock ExchangeWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We cpecia ize inlisted and unlisted stocks andbonds — quotations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS, 'II.RALPH W. DAVIS, '16N.Y. Life Bldg — CHICAGO— State 6860-SPECIAL-INTENSIVE COURSEGiven quarterly (April, July,October, January) open touniversity graduates and undergraduates only.Bulletin on this and other courseson request.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michiagn Ave. Randolph 4347PAUL MOSER, Ph. B., J. D.EDNA M. BUECHLER, A. B. ALUMNI AFFAIRS(Continued from page 10)Cleveland Club Getting Under Way1005-0 American Trust Bldg.,Cleveland, O.September 16, 1921.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,University of Chicago.My dear Mr. Pierrot:Last week Tuesday we commenced ourweekly Fall luncheons at the HollendenHotel Cafeteria for men only, which willbe continued every Tuesday at the aboveplace at 12:15 o'clock, and it seems thatthe luncheons should be successful and thatour attendance will grow; for each, of aboutten on whom we can regularly rely, proises, if possible, to bring one more to ^ 'luncheon until gradually we hope to countamong ourselves a regular, enthusiastic,weekly affair.Some time ago I had a conference \v:*-'Miss Ruth Reticker and she agreed that sh'would look after the Cleveland alumnae ofthe University and that they would, nodoubt, have some such arrangement as ours,so that it would be fairly easy to bringboth bodies together in case of some specialevent.I wish that you would inform the Alumniof Cleveland through your magazine to inquire of either Miss Reticker or me for anyIf it's supplies you want,SEE BROWNSouth Side Automobile Supply Co.DISTRIBUTORSOLDFIELD TIRESMonogramMobile andVeedol ( )ils!>W LAKE PARK AVE.Phone Ilvde Park 1989information concerning the Clevelandalumni meetings, and if you have any information that might interest the alumni, Iwish that you would kindly send same toeither of us; so that we can inform themdirectly of current events concerning theUniversity. I assure you that when thingsloosen up, we will readily lend what assistance we can in fact as well as in spirit.Miss Reticker, as well as I, will appreciateany suggestion from you or the AlumniCouncil.Give my best to the Old Man, and Ihope that the University will have a greatyear in all its branches.Yours very truly,W. S. Kassulker.A November Meeting by Virginia ClubSeptember 24, 1921.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,Alumni Council, LTniversity of Chicago,Chicago, 111.My dear Mr. Pierrot:I have your letter of September 20th, andam enclosing herewith a check for $2.00 torenew my subscription to the Alumni Magazine. I am glad you reminded me of thisduty. During the summer I was so busythat I neglected it.If you have a revised list of the Chicagopeople of Virginia, I wish you would sendme a copy of that list. I need it in workingup our meeting for November. You willnotice from the enclosed that I have beenmade the Director of the Extension Department of our Normal. This gives me, ofcourse, a great opportunity.Yours very truly,F. B. Fitzpatrick,East Radford, Ya.Cedar Falls- Waterloo Club Summer PicnicCedar Falls, Iowa,August 25, 1921.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,Secretary of Alumni Council,The LTniversity of Chicago.Dear Mr. Pierrot:The Cedar Falls-Waterloo Club is planning to bring our Alma Mater more prominently to the attention of the people in thissection of Iowa. We plan to carry on some^ood "Chicago" meetings, starting in thefall.I want to add that our Club enjoyed anice picnic a couple of weeks ago, at CedarHeights, located between here and Waterloo, at which twenty members were present.We had a mighty pleasant time, and becamemuch better acquainted, and sang and yelledourselves hoarse.With kindest regards, I am,Yours for Chicago,Reno R. Reeve, '14, J. D. '16. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital and Surplus . . $15,000,000Ernest A. Hamill, chairman of theboardEdmund D. Hulbert, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentJames G. Wakefield, vice-presidentEdward F. Schoeneck, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierHugh J. Sinclair, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Charles H. HulburdChauncey B. Borland Charles L. HutchinsonEdward B. Butler John J. MitchellBenjamin Carpenter Martin A. RyersonClyde M. Carr J. Harry SelzHenry P. Crowell Edward A. SheddErnest A. Hamill Robert J. ThorneEdmund D. Hulbert Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabaah 1800Ben H. Badenoch, '09special agentNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Tel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, M0INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSROOM 1229, INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILD'NG175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life In;. Co.900 The RookeryWALTER A. BOWERS, '20Federal Securities CorporationInvestment 38 South Dearborn StreetSecurities CHICAGOTelephone Randolph 7440RAYMOND J. DALY, '1 2Investment SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7440CHESTER A. HAMMILL '12GEOLOGIST1417 AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK BUILDINGDALLAS, TEXASCornelius Teninga, 12REAL ESTATE and LOANSPullman Industrial DistrictTeninga Bros. & Pon, 11324 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000 Connecticut Club MeetsThe Connecticut Club held its annualmeeting on October 15th, at New Haven.Mary Louise Marot, '04, entertained thegathering with reminiscences of the University in the early days. Everyone presentenjoyed her talk immensely. Arrangementsare being made to have it published in theMagazine. Florence A. McCormick, '14,Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station, New Haven, continues as the ClubSecretary. There was keen interest in theapproaching game with Princeton. Themeeting was most pleasant for all, and arenewal of affection and loyalty for Chicagowas expressed.Lawrence, Kansas, Club MeetsThe University of Chicago Club of Lawrence, Kansas, held a meeting on October13th, at which some thirty Alumni were inattendance. The gathering was held at theFaculty Club of the University of Kansas.Dean Shailor Mathews was the principalspeaker. In the elections, Professor A. T.Walker, Ph. D., '98, was re-elected President of the Club, and the Reverend Mr. I.F. Jennings, '16, D. B., '17, Pastor of theLawrence Baptist Church, was re-electedSecretary. All present voted the meetingone of the most interesting ever held bythe Club.Dean Mathews Talks to Denver AlumniTwenty members of the University ofChicago Club of Colorado gathered at the(Continued on page 40)Charles E. Brown, 13Eldredgc & Clear yGeneral Insurance, Fidelity and Surety BondsInsurance Exchange Bldg., Ch cagoTelephone Wabash 12 40John J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE & CLEARYGeneral InsuranceFidelity & Surety BondsInsurance Exchange BuildingTel. Wabash 1240 ChicagoEarle A. Shilton, mREAL ESTATEUPPER MICHIGAN AVENUE BUSINESSAND FACTORY PROPERTYI 637 No. Michigan Ave. Superior 74ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHSMarriages, Engagements, jBirths, Deaths. j. fjffflarrtage*Beatrice Irene Davies, '02, to Edwin Huston Eardley, October 3, 1921. At home, 50Euclid avenue, Detroit, Mich.Inghram D. Hook, '06, to Mary Rockwellof Kansas City. They are living in KansasCity, Mo.Lora A. Rich, '07, to Carl Roden. Athome, 3708 Pine Grove avenue.Channing L. Sentz, J.D. '07, to Alta Nelson, '20, October 10, 1921. At home, Riverside, 111.Eva Pearl Barker, '12, to Charles M. Rad-emacher, '12, September 2, 1921. At home2322 E. 70th street.William Scott Gray, '13, Ph.D. '16, toBeatrice Jardine, September 14, 1921. 'Athome, 1372 E. 57th street.Chester S. Bell, '13, J.D. '15, to HelenWright of Chicago, October 8, 1921.Harry S. Gorgas, '15, to Margaret Ale-shire, in June, 1921.Lucille Baumann, '15, to Dr. SumnerKoch, September 7, 1921. Their address is625 Barry avenue.Leonard B. Loeb, '12, Ph.D. '16, to MarionHines, Ph.D. '17, September 3, 1921.Ethel Frances Russell, '16, to Arthur C.Wickenden, A.M. '20, D.B. '21. June 30, 1921.At home, 215 East Vine street, Owatonna,Minn.Marjorie H. Coonley, '17, A.M. '20, toNorman G. MacLeod, '20, August 6, 1921.At home, 22 Downing street, Worcester,Mass.William John Mather, '17, to Mabel Et-nyre, September 17, 1921, at Oregon, 111.At home, 5631 Kenwood avenue.Elizabeth MacClintock, '17, to Otto Wal-ther Lieber, '17, J.D. '20, October 22, 1921.At home, 1230 Central avenue, Indianapolis,Ind.Clay Judson, '17, to Sylvia Shaw of Chicago.Rose Nath, '17, to A. Lincoln Desser,in June, 1921. At home, 660 W. Jeffersonstreet, Los Angeles, Cal.Ralph W. Hoffman, A.M. '18, D.B. '21, toAnne Abel, formerly secretary in the Divinity School, August 2, 1921. They will livein Sullivan, Ind.Agnes C. Yutzey, '20, to James Atkinson.Jr., August 30, 1921. At home, Pass-a-Grille.Fla. The Men Behind the MeatEvery morning the housewife decides whatmeat she wants for the family that day, andtelephones her dealer or goes to market andselects it.Before noon it is delivered at her door —clean, fresh, sweet, appetizing.What is behind this service? Where doesit come from, this unfailing supply of whatevermeat she wants ?For one thing, there are over 50,000Swift & Company employes behind it, likethose shown here, trimming "Premium" Bacon;hundreds of skilled workers who know meatand know how to dress it best, working withmodern equipment and facilities under conditions of scrupulous cleanliness.Hundreds of carefully trained men work inthe 23 Swift & Company packing plants, locatedat points where the balance of distance betweenthe cattle range and farm and the cities andtowns is economically adjusted.There are branch houses in centers of consumption, where freshly replenished stocksof meat are always kept on hand, under refrigeration, ready for the dealer. Men who knowhow to handle this highly perishable food arein charge of these branch houses and give theirentire time to seeing that their products reachthe retailer in the best of condition.Refrigerator cars radiate from supply centers each week to furnish meat to town, village,and hamlet not served through branch houses.These cars are watched over by men fullyalive to the necessity of keeping cars iced andwho see that the cars reach their destinationon schedule.The general office force in Chicago keepsthe whole mechanism throughout the countryin perfect working order. Accountants, salesmen, shipping forces, etc., all are keyed to thehighest point of efficiency.Swift & Company's profit for this service isso small that the cost to the average Americanfamily is less than a nickel a week. Dividends,distributed amongst more than 40,000 shareholders, whose invested savings make theservice possible, and who themselves areSwift & Company, come from this small profit.Swift & Company, U. S. A.Founded 1868A nation-n>ide organization owned by more than 40,000shareholdersTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECOLGATE'SThe Reilll Shaving StickThere's no comparison—In hot water or cold;In hard water or soft.FOR that luxurious moist lather thatmeans an easy shave — there's nothinglike Colgate's Shaving Stick, and in the"Handy Grip" there's nothing like it forConvenience and Economy.Putting a Colgate "Refill" into the "HandyGrip" is easy and simple— just a couple ofturns, and it is screwed in firmly. The soapitself is threaded. There is no waste.Colgate's Shaving Stick not only producesthe most soothing lather for the averageman but it is a little more economical thancream. As we make all three, we can giveyou this impartial advice.COLGATE 6C CO., Dept. 212, 199 Fulton St., N. Y.The metal "Handy Grip" containinga trial size stick of Colgate's ShavingSoap, sent for I Oc. When the trial stickis used up you can"Refills, threadedThere are 350 sha..Sha oing Stick — do ub lecan get from a tubesame price. Theresa Wilson, '20, to William H. Roth-ermel, Jr. At home, 1222 E. 52nd street.Norris C. Bakke, '20, LL.B. '19, to EstherNewell Banks, August 12, 1921. At home,Sterling, Colo.Mont R. Gabbert, Ph.D. '22, to Myra A.Love, September 7, 1921. At home, Pittsburgh, Pa.engagementsPaul Russell, '16, to Carroll Mason, '19.Harold J. Gordon, '17, to Ethel JosephineByford of Chicago.Rosemary Carr, '18, to Stephen VincentBenet.Walter D. Krupke, ex. '19, to BerthaBrackett of Seattle, Wash.S. Louise Mammen, '20, to Milton M.Bowen, '22.Mark Tapley, '20, to Virginia Ault, '23.To Arthur G. Vestal, Ph.D. '1.3, and Mrs.Vestal (Wanda Pfeiffer) '04, Ph.D. '08, adaughter, Phoebe Charlotte, August 13, 1921.To Mr. and Mrs. Emmet R. Marx (Me-dora Googins) '07, a son, November 1, 1921.To Mr. and Mrs. LHysses S. Schwartz(Marguerite Swawite) '11, A.M. '13, adaughter, Ruth Elizabeth, October 8, 1921.To Howell Murray, '14, and Mrs. Murray(Elizabeth Shcrer) '14, A.M. '15, a daughter,Virginia, October 10, 1921.To William H. Lyman, '14, and Mrs. Lyman, a son, William Osborne, September15, 1921.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Spaulding(Kathleen M. Steinbauer) '16, a son, RobertAllan, September 2, 1921, at Springfield, 111.To Robert G. Buzzard, '16, S.M. '17, andMrs. Buzzard, a son, John Andrew, July30, 1921.To James O. McKinsey, '17, A.M. '20, andMrs. McKinsey, twins, Richard and Robert,May 20, 1921."To D. Jerome Fisher, '17, and Mrs. Fisher(Dorothy DorsetO '19, a son. David Lewis,July 14/1921.To Buell A. Patterson, '17, and Mrs. Patterson (Ruth L. Sheehy) '17, a daughter,Ann Worthington, May 18, 1921.BeatfjsAlexander Blackburn, D.B. '73, September9, 1921, at Cambridge, Mass.George Bronson Woodworth, '69, at hishome in Evanston, August 16, 1921.Mrs. Guy C. Crippen, wife of the Secretary of the Divinity Alumni Association,died August 13, 1921, while on a visit withrelatives in Colorado.Jane Perry Cook, '09, head of the Department of Geography of the Chicago NormalSchool, August 19, 1921, at Salida, Colo.William R. Douglas, '20, July 3, 1921, atLaPorte, Ind.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 39Why Take a Chance?Careful, scientific adjustment ofteacher to position is yours by enlisting our services. We operatethe American College Bureau, theNational Teachers' Agency, theFisk Teachers' Agency of Chicago,the American Educational Service Bureau, and the NationalTeachers' Service Bureau.Write us. Our unique supplementary service will interest you.EDUCATION SERVICEE.E.OLP, DirectorSteger Building, Chicago Southern Bldg., WashingtonSecurity Bldg., Evanston 14 Beacon St., Boston1254 Amsterdam Ave., New YorkBREWER TEACHERS' AGENCYSuite 50-51 Auditorium, Chicago"A Bureau of Fair Dealing and Discriminating Service"The Oldest National AgencySpecializes in Chicago Suburban SchoolsFifty per cent gain in volume of businessthis past year.Fifteen per cent of all placements this yearwere in Chicago suburbs.An agency of personal service, where aclient is more than a file number.Free Registration — Write for Enrollment Card Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoEstablished 1885. Oldest Agencyunder the same active management.Free Registration to University of Chicago students. On returning documents a College President wrote:"I am grateful for the promptattention you always give to ourappeals for help. I am especiallygrateful for the courteous attention given to me on my personalvisit to your office in September.It was a surprise to see so manyManagers, Clerks, Stenographers-all earnestly engaged in their work,and to meet so many groups ofschool men from day to day, onthe same errand as myself."Students and Alumni of the University are always welcome. It costsyou nothing to interview our Managers and will bring results. Wehave the business.Other offices437 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.Symes Bldg., Denver, Colo.Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash.The Clark Teachers' Agency32nd Year FREE RegistrationVacancies in Colleges and Public SchoolsCHICAGO, 64 East Van Buren St. Phone Harrison 1277 NEW YORK— Flatiron BuildingBALTIMORE— 1 10 E. Lexington StreetLOS ANGELES--California BuildingKANSAS CITY— N. Y. Life BuildingThe Yates-Fisher Teacher's AgencyPAUL YATES, Manager620 South Michigan Avenue - - ChicagoOther Offices:91 1-12 Broadway Bldg.. Portland, Oregon 722 Stahlman Bldg.. Nashv lie. TeiTEACHERSFREEWESTECHICAGO, ILL.Peoples Gas Bldg. Eventually you'll join our Exchange.Because we successfully promoteTeachers to Better Positions.ENROLLMENT — ALL OFFICES — REGISTER NOWRN TEACHERS' EXCHANGEDENVER, COLO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BERKELEY, CALIF.Gas & Electric Bldg. The Plymouth Bldg. Berkeley Bank Bldg.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWHITE ELEPHANT SHOPEconomy Clothes ShopWe handle all goods onconsignment and guarantee satisfaction on all oursales. If you want tobuy or sell, bring yourgoods to us and we willdispose of them promptly.Bric-a-Brac and Curios5435-5437 Lake Park Ave.Phone Midway 7463MRS. G. ROCKEFELLERShop PhoneMidway 6036 Res. PhoneMidway 7865Hyde Park Auto andMachine WorksG. ROCKEFELLER, Prop.1516-18-20 East 54th Place,near Lake Park Ave.Wrecking ServiceDay and Nigh tRepairing Overhauling— CarbonRemoved— Second Hand Cars Alumni Affairs(Continued from page 36)home of Mrs. C. E. Lowe, '07, Secretaryof the Club, to meet Dean Shailer Mathews,who had stopped in Denver to deliver alecture, on October 14th. Dean Mathewstold of our University activities, and discussion followed as to desirable phases ofAlumni Club work. The opinion was expressed that many of our Clubs couldpossibly render valuable service by cooperation with the Board of Recommendations of the University, but no special actionwas taken at this time. The Alumni icltgrertly pleased to meet with Dean Mathews.Suggestion to Club SecretariesSeptember 7, 1921.Dear Editor:I have a suggestion for the Magazine,or perhaps for the Alumni Council. I believe that one of the duties of Secretaries ofAlumni Clubs is to send in informationregarding Club members. It occurs to methat readers of the Magazine would relishnews items of Club members much morethan fancy write-ups of Club meetings. Orperhaps the letters reporting Club meetingscould contain news items of those present.I'm strong for the Magazine, but I wantto see more real news of the Alumni, aswell as news to the reader of the University.Yours sincerely,Reno R. Reeve. '14, T. D. '16.New Appointments at the UniversityOfficial announcement is made by theBoard of Trustees of new appointments tothe faculties. Dr. Charles A. Shull (Ph. D..University of Chicago, 1915), now professorin the University of Kentucky, has beenappointed to an associate professorship inthe Department of Botany. First Lieutenant Lawrence B. Bixby, U. S. A., and SecondLieutenant John Hinton, U. S. A., have beenappointed to instructorships in the Department of Military Science and Tactics.HYDE PARK STUDIOArtistic PhotographersHARRY KAMER, Prop.1426 East 55th Street, Chicago(Midway llll)HOLIDAY PHOTOGRAPHS A SPECIALTYALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEBusinessMen— as desirable asan escapefrom details — «X T» X-* American /~irAJ5 *A JSSSn Chequesft Facts AboutABA" Cheques-universally used and accepted-your countersignature in presenceof acceptor identifies you—safe to have on the person becausethey cannot be used until theyhave been countersigned by theoriginal holder-safer than money, and frequentlymore convenient than Letters ofCredit because the bearer is lessdependent on banking hours-issued by banks everywhere in denominations of # 10, £20, £50, and£100-compact, easy tocarry, handy to useLet Fatima smokers tell youAsk them atthe big GamesBetween periods, just look aroundyou and see the Fatima packages popout. College men first "discovered"Fatima, years ago; and present generations seem likewise to agree thatFATIMACIGARETTESTWENTY for 25c— but taste the differenceLiggett & Myers Toeacco Co.Your StrokeCapper & Capper's Winter Golf School opensDecember 1st — about the time most fellowshave to give up their outdoor golf.If you don't know what this means to you,you had better drop in soon and find out.There are three practice courts, puttinggreens, lockers and showers.There are two or three professionals to givelessons if you want them and most of thetime there is a bunch of golf fans around totalk it over with and give a real golfing flavorto the Winter Golf School.It is down stairs at the Michigan AvenueStore — come in; keep your stroke going rightall winter and be ready for the first of thegolfing next spring.A Store Within A Store.LONDONCHICAGOSAINT PAULD ET R O I TMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISTWO CHICAGO STORESMichigan Avenue at Monroe StreetHotel Sherman