BY THEALUMNI COUNCILVol. XIII No. 1 November, 1920dbc University of CbicatjolibrariesTipy n 3^_lU^.J«.\L .VGIFT OF.. ... .. * . . ...... I C^ .K< -The:"Unive'rs"ify:of •CHidagoWtaVah'SeVfeS" eciite'd by Ernest H. Wilkins,Professor of Romance Languages in the University of Chicago. This seriesis to consist of a grammar, a reader, and editions of modern Italian novels,plays, and other works. There have already been publishedA First Italian Book by Ernest Hatch Wilkins is along distinctively new lines, carefullyadapted to the particular needs of the American student. $1.50; postpaid, $1.65.The second volume in the series, Giacosa's Tristi Amori, edited by Rudolph Altrocchiand Benjamin M. Woodbridge, has a very full and interesting introduction by StanleyAstredo Smith, in which the opinion is expressed that the present play is Giacosa's masterpiece. $1.50; postpaid, $1.60.An Introduction to the Peace Treaties. By Arthur Pearson Scott, Assistant Professor of History, the University of Chicago. $2.00; postpaid,$2.15. In the present crisis every intelligent American should know whatis in the Peace Treaty and why it is there. This book gives valuable information regarding the causes of the war, the aims of the belligerents, the peace proposals, and the framing of the Treaty of Peace. It is also a comprehensive explanation ofthe League of Nations.Principles of Accounting. By Albert C. Hodge and James O. McKinsey,the School of Commerce and Administration, the University of Chicago.$3.00; postpaid, $3.15. This book fills the special need of a beginning textin accounting to prepare the student for business. The discussion of principles of accounting is primarily in terms of the function of accounting as an administrative aid to the business manager. Consideration is given to the forms of reports andrecords and the classification of accounts.The Great Awakening in the Middle Colonies. By Charles H. Maxson,Assistant Professor of Political Science, the University of Pennsylvania.$1.25 ; postpaid, $1.40. In the middle of the eighteenth century a tidal waveof religious fervor and reforming zeal swept over the British colonies inAmerica, which the friends of the revival and their descendents called the Great Awakening. The author shows that religious forces liberated at that time have been of greatimportance in making the American people.Elementary Russian Grammar. By E. Prokosch, Bryn Mawr College. $2.25 ;postpaid, $2.40. Employs the direct method, the main features of which arean exposition of Russian pronunciation on a phonetic basis, the inductivepresentation of grammatical principles, and the oral approach to an elementaryvocabulary through object teaching. The author aims at the development of a consciouslycorrect pronunciation, an intuitive feeling for grammatical structure, and an endeavor toread Russian literature without the crutch of translation.The Revelation of John. Is the Book of Revelation a Mystery to You? ByShirley J. Case, Professor of Early Church History and Xew Testament,the University of Chicago. Sv.\75; postpaid, $?.U0. This is a popular presentation of thesubject and not a technical commentary. The author tells why and when the book waswritten.The Geography of the Ozark Highland of Missouri. By Carl OrtwinSauer, the University of Alichigan. $3.00; postpaid, $3.15. The purpose ofsuch a study is twofold: to furnish an adequate explanation of the conditions of life in a given area, and to contribute proved statements which will aid in workingout fundamental principles. -V valuable feature of the volume is the forty-four figures inthe text and twenty-six plates.The Flora of the Eagle Creek Formation. Contributions from Walker Museum, Vol. II, No. 5. By Ralph Chaney, State University of Iowa. Paper,$1.00; postpaid, $1.10. The Eagle Creek formation is exposed along thebottom of the Columbia River gorge on the Oregon side. It is Ihe oldest formation in theregion. The monograph contains a number of drawings, tables, and nearly a hundredhalf-tones.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS5859 Ellis Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOISM 632205tKije ®mbergttp of Chicago jWaga?tneEditor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. UThe subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. H Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).It Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 8, 1879.Vol. XIII. CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1920 No. 1Frontispiece : The Theological Building and Bond Chapel.Class Secretaries and Alumni Club Officers Events and Comment A Message to Alumni From President Judson Alumni Affairs The New Commission Plan Class Costumes at Reunions (By George M. Morris, Law '15) . . .Views of Universities (University of Illinois) University Notes Athletics News of the Quadrangles Prominent Alumni ( A Series ) The Letter Box School of Education (Summer Quarter of 1920) News of the Classes and Associations Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths L ' ; * 1 74 906 s1011121-116irIS20212S36THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Thomas J. Hair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1919-20 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1921, Mrs. Agnes Cook Gale, '96;Scott Brown, '07; Emery Jackson, '02; Frank McNair, 03; Mrs. Ethel Kawin'Bachrach, '11; Howell Murray, '14; Term expires 1922, £larence Herschberger,;'98; Harold H. Swift, '07; Mollie Carroll, '11; Hargrave Long, '12; LawrenceWhiting, ex-'13 ; Walter Hudson, '02; Term expires 1923, Elizabeth Faulkner,'85; Alice Greenacre, '08; William H. Lyman, '14; Marion Palmer, '18; Leo F.Wormser, '05 ; Thomas J. Hair, '03.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Henry Chandler Cowles, Ph.D., '98; Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; Katharine Blunt, Ph.D., '08. „VFrom the Divinity Alumni Association, Guy C. Crippen. '07; Charles T. Holman, '16; J. M.P. Smith, Ph.D., '99.From the Lan.' School Alumni Association, Norman H. Pritchard, J. D., '09; Charles F.McElroy, A. M., 'on; J. D., '15.From the School of Education Alumni Association, J. Anthony Humphreys, A.M., '20;Miss Grace Storm, '12, A.M., '17; R. L. Lyman, Ph.D., '17.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Charles F. Axelson, '07; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; HarveyL. Harris, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Helen Norris, '07; Shirley Farr, '04; Mrs. PhyllisFay Horton, '15.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph. D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Thomas J. Hair, '03, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Henry Chandler Cowles, '98, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, C. D. Case, D.B., '98, Ph.D., '99, University of Chicago.Secretary, Guy Carlton Crippen, '07, D. B., '12, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Norman 11. Pritchard, J. D., '09, 209 S. La Salle St ChicagoSecretary, Charles F. McElroy, A. M 'on, J. I >.. '15, ic,09 Westminster Bldg., ChicagoSCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Lewis Wilbur Smith, A. M., '13, Ph. D., '19, Joliet 111Secretary, Delia Kibbe, '21, University of Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder 'of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association- insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.SECRETARIES— ALUMNI CLUB OFFICERS 3Class Secretaries'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. LaSalle St.'97. Scott Brown, 208 S. LaSalle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allin, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 6806Constance Ave.'03. James M. Sheldon, 41 S. LaSalle St.'04. Edith L. Dymond, Lake Zurich, 111.'05. Clara K. Taylor, 5838 Indiana Ave.'06. James D. Dickerson, 5636 KenwoodAve.'07. Medora H. Googins, 5514 UniversityAve.Atlanta and Decatur, Ga. (Georgia AlumniClub). Sec, Mina L. Blount, Girls' HighSchool, Atlanta.Chicago Alumni Club. Sec, Harvey L.Harris, West 35th and Iron Sts.Chicago Alumnae Club. Sec, Mrs. Katherine Gannon Phemister, 1413 E. 57th St.Cincinnati, O. Sec, E. L. Talbert, University of Cincinnati.Cleveland, O. Walter S. Kassulker, 1006American Trust Bldg.Columbus, O. Pres., William L. Evans,Ohio State University. .Connecticut. Sec, Florence McCormick,Connecticut Agr. Exp. Station, NewHaven.Dallas, Tex. Sec, Rhoda Pfeiffer Hammill,1417 American Exchange Bank Bldg.Denver (Colorado Alumni Club). Pres.,Frederick Sass, 919 Foster Bldg.Des Moines, la. Daniel W. Moorehouse,Drake University.Emporia, Kan. Pres., Pelagius Williams,State Normal School.Grand Forks, N. D. Sec, H. C. Trimble,University of North Dakota.Honolulu, T. H. H. R. Jordan, First Judicial Circuit.Indianapolis, Ind. Sec, Miss Helen Hare,4270 N. Meridian St.Kansas City, Mo. Pres., John S. Wright,524 Keith & Perry Bldg.Lawrence, Kan. Pres., Professor A. T.Walker, University of Kansas.Los Angeles, Cal. (Southern CaliforniaAlumni Club). Sec, Frederick A. Speik,1625 Fair Oaks Ave., S. Pasadena.Louisville, Ky. George T. Ragsdale, 1514Rosewood Ave.Milwaukee, Wis. Sec, Rudy D. Mathews,700 First National Bank Bldg. '08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 5330 Indiana Ave.TO. Charlotte Merrill, Hinsdale, Illinois.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Eva Pearl Barker, University of Chicago.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. LaSalle St.'14. W. Ogden Coleman, 2219 S. HalstedSt.'15. Frederick M. Byerly, 19 S. Wells St.'16. Mrs. Dorothy D. Cummings, 1124East 52nd St.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, 117 N. DearbornSt.'18. John Nuveen, Jr., 5312 Hyde Park Blvd.'19. Sarah J. Mulroy, 1523 E. MarquetteRoad.'20. Theresa Wilson, Lexington, Mo.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwise stated.Minneapolis (and St. Paul), Minn. Sec,W. H. Bussey, 429 S. E. Walnut St.New York, N. Y. (Eastern Alumni Association.) Sec, E. H. Ahrens, 461 4th Ave.New York Alumni Club. Sec, LawrenceJ. MacGregor, care Halsey, Stuart & Co.,49 Wall St.Omaha (Nebraska Alumni Club). Sec.Elizabeth Morgan, 3319 Sherman Ave.Peoria, 111. Pres., H. D. Morgan, 903 Central National Bank Bldg.Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., W. Henry Elfreth.21 S. Twelfth St.Pittsburgh, Pa. Pres., Walter V. D. Bingham, Carnegie Inst, of Technology.Salt Lake City, Utah. Pres., W. H. Leary,625 Kearns Bldg.San Francisco, Cal. (Northern CaliforniaAlumni Club.) Sec, Mrs. Leonas L. Bur-lingame, Stanford University.Seattle, Wash. Pres., Robert F. Sandal!,603 Alaska Bldg.Sioux City, la. Sec, Dan H. Brown, 801Jones St.Tri Cities (Davenport, la., Rock Islandand Moline, 111.). Sec, Miss Ella Preston, 1322 E. 12th St., Davenport.Vermont. Sec, Mrs. E. M. Lovejoy, SouthRoyalton, Vt.Virginia. F. B. Fitzpatrick, East Radford,Va.Washington, D. C. Pres., Connor B. Shaw,Munsey Bldg.Wichita, Kan. Pres., Benjamin Truesdell,412 N. Emporia Ave.FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVESManila, P. I. Sec, Dr. Luis P. Uychutin,University of Philippines.Shanghai, China. Tohn Y. Lee, ShanghaiY. M. C. A.Tokyo, Japan. E. W. Clement, First HighSchool.Alumni Club OfficersUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa ort OJx: tJlo ' 'T3 —"C reOM ffioT3 ^C ^rt uB ^JPd uMO v."o aOJ boJ3 cH rtOJj3 rtH 5o-aoUniversity of ChicagoMagazineVolume XIII NOVEMBER, 1920 Nn. 1Il■*Events and CommentBy James Weber Linn, '97The summer quarter at the universitywas, in spite of the increase in tuition andin railway rates, the largestCrowded in in the history of Chicago. Thethe Cabin autumn quarter also sihowsthe tendency of the times.Certain departments are smaller than inprevious autumn quarters, but the institution as a whole is bigger than ever before.The number of undergraduates entering forthe first time — what the uninformed alumnuswould probably call the freshman "class —is just under a thousand. In consequencethe facilities of the university are strainedto the utmost. A new schedule has beenadopted, with classes at eight different periods during the day, from 8-12 and from1-5, and every available inch of class roomspace is being utilized. But even so, it» proved very difficult to find room for theclasses. However, what seemed at first impossible was accomplished.The undergraduate interests, from theadministrative point of view, are beinglooked after by a newChanges in the dean — David A. Robertson,Administration '02, for some years secretary to the president, butin July appointed to a new position created by the Board of Trustees, the dean-ship of the colleges. Dean Robertson istoo well known to alumni to require introduction. His position invests him with a part of the responsibilities formerly held byMr. Angell, who resigned in the spring-to become president of the Carnegie Corporation, and with those of ProfessorLovett, who resigned the deanship of theJunior Colleges in the summer. In placeof the writer, who resigned as dean lastJune, has been appointed Assistant Professor David H. Stevens, of the departmentof English,So far as attendance goes, the problem ofthe university, like that of its sister institutions, is not to in-Raising the crease it, but to ad-Admission Standard just it. Next year aradical advance willbe made in requirements for admission.No students will be permitted to enter oncertificate unless their average grade intheir preparatory school work is higherthan that actually demanded for "passing,"by one-third of the difference between thepassing mark and one hundred. For instance, if the "passing" mark is 70, thestudent must have averaged 80 to be allowed entrance to Chicago. Exception willbe made to some specially recommendedstudents, who pass a psychological test;the object of the exception being to permitthe entrance of the sort of really ableyoung men and women who wake up lateto the importance of study. Whether thischange, and the higher rate of tuition (nowTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE$60 a quarter) will hold down the attendance cannot be even guessed at yet.A raise in the salary scale of the university went into effect at the beginning ofthe summer quarter that inMeeting the connection with the pre-Cost of Living ceding raise of last year putsthe university among theleaders in the country in respect to theremuneration of the staff. The whole scalewill be presented in detail in the magazinein next month's issue. In general it maybe said to be surprising, as university salaries go, in its liberality. The changes inthe scale, last year and this, involve theincome from a principal fund of four million dollars. Much of the increased sumfrom tuition fees, however, can undoubtedlybe used for this increase in salaries.The football team this season has encountered a series of accidents that hasthrown into the shade any-Hoeing a thing ever before experienced.Hard Row In the first place, Elton, captain in 1918, was declared ineligible by the conference, because he would have been in residence for twelve quartershad he not taken the trip to Japan withthe baseball team in the spring, and couldhave completed the requirements for hisdegree by attending the university in thesummer quarter. Crisler and Cole, the twobest halfbacks available after Elton, werehurt, Cole dislocating his shoulder earlyin the Ohio State game and going out forthe season. Hanisch, the first-string fullback, broke his wrist on the third play inthe Illinois game, and though he playedthrough the rest of the contest, was thenretired for the season. Lesser injuries innumerable have played havoc with the otherback-field candidates and the ends. As adirect result Chicago has been defeated, atthis time of writing, by Ohio State (7-6)and Illinois (3-0). The eleven has, however,endeared itself to the university by the exhibition of a fighting spirit seldom surpassed in our annals. The action of Hanischin concealing his injury and playing forfifty-eight minutes with a broken arm,though foolhardy, has for sheer nerve probably never been equalled in football history.Cobb Hall and the C BenchAFFAIRS yMembers of the Executive Committee-Clarence C. Bulger, Rachel M. Foote.It was then decided to hold meetingstwice a month, the following meeting tobe held October 29th, but the dates andplace of meeting for subsequent gatheringsto be determined by the executive committee. It was also left to the committee toconsider programs for future meetings,although an informal discussion was held bythe members to give some suggestion ofwhat might be acceptable. Plans were alsomade for putting notices of the club in thepapers, and for advertising the club bypersonal efforts of the members. The meeting as a whole was most informal, businessbeing suspended momentarily several timesfor reminiscences of the "good old days"and discussion of what's doing on thecampus now.Those present were Mrs. T. B. Kendrick,'02; Miss Kendrick, Clarence C. Bulger,'02; Prof. J. S. Mcintosh, Ph.D., '09; MabelWeston, ex-'13; Chester A. Hammill, '12;Rhoda I. Hammill, '14; Prof. Frederick D.Smith, Ph.D., '16; H. H. Guice, '16; H. T.McBrayer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Day, HugoSwan and Miss Harvey.Sincerely yours,Rhoda I. Hammill, Sec'y.P. S. — It has been impossible at this 'earlydate to get detailed information regardingeach of the members of the Dallas Club, butI hope in the near future to be in positionto send you all the facts which may be ofinterest to our fellow alumni.Annual Football Dinner of Chicago AlumniClubThe annual Football Dinner, given bythe University of Chicago Alumni Club ofChicago to the "Grand Old Man" and histeam, was held on Thursday evening, November 3, at the University Club. Somethree hundred alumni attended and thetalks, songs, cheers and fine spirit againmade this annual affair a great success.The credit for the big success of thisgathering is mostly due to Charles F. Axelson, '09, President of the Club, who presided, and to Harvey L. Harris, '14, Secretary of the Club.John Schommer, Henry Gale, '"Pete" Russell, "Charlie" Higgins, "Babe" Meigs,"Jimmy" Sheldon, "Nels" Norgren,"Bubbles" Hill, Dan Boone, and otherformer football stars, gave talks to theteam, and letters and telegrams were read,from Adam Wyant, Walter Eckersall andothers. Don Richberg again furnished hisexcellent annual "amusement," this time inthe form of a "Prophecy" of football, officials, style of play, and the crowds, as theywill appear in 1950.Mr. Stagg, as customary, presented themembers of the team one by one, telling ofthe merits and weaknesses of each player. Despite frank criticism here and there, however, all the boys were cheered, the alumnishowing appreciation of their efforts. Afterthe team departed, Mr. Stagg discussed thefootball situation, pointing out how unusualinjuries had repeatedly broken in on hisplans for the development of a team, especially destroying chances for a strong offense with a well-rounded backfield. FredWalker; assistant coach, also told of thedifficulties which confronted the coachingstaff, but predicted that the men would be acredit to Chicago as a fighting team. It isneedless to add that the "Old Man" andFred were roundly cheered."Teddy" Linn and others also gave interesting talks. This annual football dinner is undoubtedly one of the best alumniaffairs of the year. At this dinner theOld University and every class from '93to '20 were well represented.Alumni Council Quarterly Meeting.The first regular quarterly meeting of theAlumni Council, for the year 1920-1921, washeld in the Alumni Office, Cobb Hall, onThursday, October 21, 1920, at 8 p. m.There were present: Thomas J. Hair,chairman;. Norman H. Pritchard, CharlesF. McElroy, Shirley Farr, Elizabeth Faulkner, Guy C. Crippen, William H. Lyman,Harold H. Swift, Howell W. Murray, Walter Hudson, Earl D. Hostetter, Marion E.Palmer, Frank McNair, Lawrence H. Whiting, Henry G. Gale, Charles F. Axelson,Leo F. Wormser, Alice Greenacre, Mrs.Ethel Kawin Bachrach, Helen Norris andA. G. Pierrot, secretary-treasurer.Financial statements of the AlumniCouncil for the year 1919-1920, were presented and discussed, and a budget for thecoming j^ear prepared. Mr. William H.Lyman was appointed chairman of theAuditing Committee, to audit the booksof the Council arid to report thereon atthe next regular meeting in January. Thesecretary pointed out the rising costs inthe manufacture and distribution of theMagazine and in office expenses. The budget was so drawn in an endeavor to meetthe increased costs.At this meeting the first Alumni FundDirectors were elected, a notice of whichappears elsewhere in this number.Howell W. Murray, chairman, announcedthe following as members of the AthleticsCommittee: Dan Ferguson, Harvey L.Harris and Hays McFarland. Among otherthings, this committee hopes to make arrangements whereby aluSini can obtaintickets for athletic games through thealumni office. Harold H. Swift, chairmanof the Alumni Clubs Committee, stated thatthe alumni clubs work was just gettingunder way for the year; there were indications of considerable club activity, starting(Continued on page 33)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEan— n«Jt<The New Commission Plani._.„- _*Trustee Harold H. Swift, '07At the Trustees' Dinner given by theBoard of Trustees to the members of theFaculty of the University in October, announcement was made of a new step recently authorized by the Trustees whichpromises to have far reaching effects inbringing together the Alumni, the Trustees,the Faculties and leading citizens of Chicago in the interests of the University.The plan contemplates the establishmentof fourteen University Commissions, onefor each of the main groups of Universityinterest. On each Commission will be twoAlumni, one tp be chosen _by the AlumniCouncil, the other to be appointed by thePresident of the Trustees on the nomination of the President of the University.On 'each Commission there will be one ofthe University Trustees with an alternate,two members of the particular Faculty withthe work of which the Commission is todeal, and two or more other residents ofChicago or the central west who will beappointed by the President of the Boardon recommendation of the President of theUniversity. It will be seen that on eachCommission there will be represented fourimportant groups, Alumni, Trustees, Faculties and citizens not already officially related to the University.Each Commission is to meet at least once each quarter excepting the summer quarter and is to hold at least one meeting eachyear with the whole teaching force of theeducational group with which it deals. Therewill also be in the Spring Quarter one jointmeeting of all the Commissions with theBoard of Trustees. The fourteen Commissions to be appointed will be for the LawSchool, the Medical School, the GraduateSchool, the Divinity School, the School ofEducation, the School of Commerce andAdministration, the Colleges of Arts, Literature and Science, Women's Interests, Historical Group (Political Economy, PoliticalScience, History, Sociology and Anthropology), Modern Language Group, ClassicalLanguage Group, Physics, Chemistry andMathematics, Geology and Geography,Biological Group (Zoology, Anatomy,Physiology, Botany, Pathology, Hygieneand Bacteriology). Of each the Presidentof the University will be an ex-officiomember.The duty of each Commission will beto study the work of its school or groupof interests and make occasional suggestions to the Board of Trustees as to themanner of improving the work of the schoolor group.The Commission's plan is the fruition ofa plan which has been long cherished byPresident Judson and which has been under advisement by an able committee ofthe Board of Trustees for some monthspast. This committee consisted of HaroldH. Swift, '07, chairman; T. E. Donnelleyand Charles W. Gilkey. It is believed thatthe Commissions will greatly stimulate andinvigorate University work by bringingFaculty and Trustees together and by actively relating representative Alumni andother citizens with the work and organization of the University.The plan promises a new degree of integration of the principal groups concernedand interested in University affairs and anew efficiency and sympathy and co-operation among them. It makes it possible notonly to bring more and more Alumni intoactive relations with the University, butmore and more of the representative citizens of Chicago and the central west, somany of whom have testified their interestin the University by great gifts to its resources.This plan, it is believed, will effect threethings: (1) Fostering a closer relationshipbetween the alumni and the University;(2) developing a closer relationship betweenthe Faculties and Board of Trustees; (3) developing more actively the interests of representative Chicagoans in the University.COSTUMES AT REUNIONS u"""^— MB— H»— ■.Jin— UN— :iu— UN— M— - Krl—— NH— «-HPI— M-^— uu — —UN— NR<^I«—- tK-^lK^— Nlt~ll«— -NH-^— mi — im — m,.^>iH-JLClass Costumes at Reunions jBy George M. Morris, Law '15 !Reacting to the suggestion in the Junenumber of The Magazine that you inviteopinions on the costuming of fraternitiesat the annual University Sing and the wearing by the classes of designative headgearat the June reunions, I offer the following:It must be evident that if the somewhatunwieldy body of the alumni is to be ledto an achievement of the 'expressed objectsof the Alumni Association, we must selectone or more units of organization of thatvaried and scattered body. The first obvious division is an arrangement of thealumni into the various schools from whichthey have been graduated. By far the mostimportant of these "schools" for the purpose of alumni cohesion is the undergradu-rate college.Taking this type as an example that willdo for all, it is still obvious that all thegraduates of that department require afurther division. The generally recognizedsubdivision is that of the classes in accordance with the year of graduation. These aresocial groups selected in a large measure bychance. The only other unit that readilysuggests itself is the social group resulting from self-perpetuating selection, i. e., thefraternity, the girls' club, etc. The questionis,_ to the development of which of theseunits should we devote our greater energies?It is, of course, clear that, from the standpoint of numbers at least, that the greaterpossibility of cultivation is in the classesdesignated by their graduation. That this isrealized by the University while a studentis still an undergraduate is evidenced bythe encouragement given to the formationof class organizations, class dances, parties,etc., and the attention and money put intosuch projects as the Reynolds Club andIda Noyes Hall, where the groupings of themen and women are nearly always byclasses. It is true that in these latter institutions and those similar, the distinctionof Senior and Junior college membershipis sometimes made, but the distinction isnecessarily a temporary one only, so faras the individual student is concerned.There are many other evidences of the desire to clasify undergraduates by the 3rearthey are listed to graduate, or hope tograduate, and one of the appeals of everyreunion is the opportunity it affords tomeet again one's classmates. The "quarter"'system does present difficulties to the whollysuccessful operation from this basis, but inspite of this we find always manifest theemployment of the graduating class system as the basis upon which to establish anucleus.There_ can be little_ doubt that thefraternities, clubs and societies supply something in the social life of. the Universitythat would be unfilled except b_y similar organizations under a different name, but thesphere of influence of these bodies is limitedby the circumstance that they cannot, because of their nature, include everyone. Onthe other hand, the classes do include everyone and render him "get-at-able" by his classofficers. To achieve a similar homogeneityupon the fraternity classification basis wemust embrace all non-members of thefraternities in some catch-all such as "TheCampus Club." This, however, seems tome to accentuate "the sheep and the goats"ideas and is very apt to lead to difficultiesof various natures.If these arguments, together with themany more they must suggest to the mind,have carried conviction as to the desirabilityof employing the graduating class as theunit of the alumni organization it should beconceded that, except where the fraternities,clubs and societies have something to offerwhich the classes cannot yet give, 'everyeffort should be devoted to the development of the class as the unit. Indeed thisis the principle which I feel should be theone to guide not only all the reunion andalumni activities, but should be applied withemphasis from the moment a boy or girlenters the University.For the present, immediate application ofthis principle may be made in answeringthe suggestion that "each group or fraternitybe accompanied by musicians, wear funnycostumes, or in some other way add to thecolor and variety of the occasion." TheUniversity Sing is a splendid custom, inspiring, entertaining and, I understand,original with the University of Chicago.The fraternities really are responsible forthe success of this affair, because while theirmembers could hardly be called "trained,"they are accustomed to singing together. Inthe absence of well-developed class singing,the fraternities and groups associated withthem furnish something unobtainable elsewhere in our ranks. At the same time theymake an additional appeal to bring theiralumni members back to the campus.So far fine; but if we begin to place additional emphasis upon the fraternity division,particularly when we can better employ thatemphasis to develop the spirit of the class(Continued on page 32)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE— Htji^HH-— Mil—Views of Other UniversitiesThe University of Illinois ,x.* N b — ■!) M — " « " ■— UK™A Woman's DormitoryThe School of MusicThe Magazine aims to present this year a series of views of the grounds and someimportant buildings of other universities, east and west. In our March, 1920, number,views of some buildings of Columbia University were shown. The series this year startswith the accompanying pictures of the University of Illinois, which has within thelast ten years grown so rapidly as to become the fourth or fifth largest university in thecountry, with a present enrollment of around 9,000 students. The University of Illinoishas been rendering exceptional service to the State through its agriculture, engineeringand other large departments.OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 13The College of EngineeringThe College of AgricultureTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+-.._... «— — <*iI University Notes•j* n — ■ n — ■ ■ — h b — n n — ii n — « h —- u n — — a s _ r h — D* — — n « — u » — u • — n n — _Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97, Ph.D. '98, Appointed Secretary to the PresidentEdgar Johnson Goodspeed, Professor ofBiblical and Patristic Greek, is now Secretary to the President, succeeding DavidAllan Robertson, who has been made Deanof the Colleges of Arts, Literature andScience.Professor Goodspeed, who is the son ofDr. T. W. Goodspeed, corresponding secretary of the Board of Trustees and for manyyears its secretary, has been connected withthe Department of Biblical and PatristicGreek for more than twenty years. He is•especially conversant with the history andactivities of the University.Mr. Goodspeed is the author and editorof numerous works, including "A Harmonyof the Synoptic Gospels in Greek" (with E.D. Burton) and "The Story of' the NewTestament," the last mentioned being oneof the most successful volumes in the serieson "Handbooks of Ethics and Religion"issued by the University of Chicago Press. .„ — nw— •$*Recent AppointmentsThe following appointments to theFaculty have been made:To an assistant professorship in theDepartment of Physiology, Lester R. Dragstedt; to an instructorship in the Department of Psychology, William Berry; toinstructorships in the School of Commerceand Administration, Garfield V. Cox andPaul M. Atkins.Professor Dragstedt, who received bothhis Bachelor's and Master's degree at theUniversity of Chicago, has recently beenconnected with the State University ofIowa.Remarkable Acquisitions for the OrientalInstituteDirector James Henry Breasted, of theOriental Institute of the University, who recently returned from an archaeological survey of the Near East, reports that theremarkable collections which the expeditionwas able to purchase have arrived at theHaskell Oriental Museum and are now unpacked preparatory to their public exhibition.Among these is a complete group oftwenty-five painted limestone mortuarystatuettes from Egypt, representing the deceased and the members of his family engaged in all sorts of household activities.They date from the Old Kingdom (3000 to2500 B. C.) and form the most extensivegroup of such figures ever discovered in onetomb. In addition to a group of royal seal cylinders and a group of some seventy-five alabaster vases, is a collection of abouta hundred and fifty predynastic and earlydynastic hard stone vases, one being inscribed with the name of the first Pharaoh(3400 B. C).Among other acquisitions is a group ofabout one hundred bronzes, including ^omesixty-five statuettes and a series of fine battleaxes which form the finest collection ofbronzes ever brought from the Near East toAmerica. A beautifully written papyrusroll of the Book of the Dead, probably ofthe seventh or sixth century B. C, is farthe best manuscript of this book as yetbrought to America; and the purchase ofthe Timins Collection of stone weaponsand implements gives to the University thefinest collection of Egyptian Stone Age industries in this country.From Asia comes a series of two hundredand fifty-eight cuneiform tablets containingbusiness records and a copy of the RoyalAnnals of Sennacherib. The latter document is in the form of a six-sided prism ofbuff-colored terra cotta in perfect preservation. It records the great campaigns of thefamous Assyrian emperor, including thewestern expedition against Jerusalem, inwhich he lost a large part of his army.No such monument as this has yet been acquired by American museums, and it willbe of primary value to students and ofunique interest to the public. Of othercuneiform documents the purchases total athousand tablets, some of special literaryand religious interest.The New School of Social ServiceAdministrationIn speaking of the new Graduate Schoolof Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, President Judson in hissummer Convocation statement said: "Aninteresting feature of the past summer hasbeen the establishment by the Board ofTrustees of a new curriculum of graduatework under the head of the School of Social Service Administration, which is insuccession to the Chicago School of Civicsand Philanthropy, for many years maintained as an independent organization inChicago, and which under the unselfishdirection of Dr. Graham Taylor and of hisable staff has rendered an excellent service."For the maintenance of the School a fundof $25,000 a year for five years has beensubscribed by Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Mr.Charles R. Crane, Mr. Morton D. Hull, Mr.Edward L. Ryerson, Mr. Julius RosenwaldMr. Harold H. Swift, Mrs. Arthur Aldis, theAmerican Red Cross, the Jewish Charities ofNOTES 15Chicago, and the United Charities of Chicago.Under the deanship of Professor LeonCarroll Marshall, Dean of the School ofCommerce and Administration, the newSchool has been organized and is now infull operation. Among the courses offeredare those on labor conditions and problems,social pathqlogy, modern cities, municipalgovernment, public hygiene and methods ofsocial investigation.The Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy was founded eighteen years agoby Professor Graham Taylor, and amongthose who assisted in its early work wasthe late Professor Charles R. Henderson ofthe University of Chicago. Among its laterfaculty have been Dr. Sophonisba B. Breckinridge, Assistant Professor of Social Economy, and Dr. Edith Abbott, Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Chicago, whohave had charge of the special work insocial investigation. Nearly 3,000 men andwomen have been trained in the school, andit has furnished many investigators for expert service.A New Honor for Professor A. A.MichelsonDr. Albert A. Michelson, head of the Department of Physics, who has already received many scientific honors, has beenawarded the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts for 1920, according to adispatch from London. It is a recognitionof the scientific value of Professor Michel-son's optical inventions, which have provided the means of carrying out measurements with a minute precision hitherto unattainable.Professor Michelson has also receivedfrom British scientific societies the RumfordMedal, and the Copley Medal of the RoyalSociety, London, as well as the Nobel Prizefor Physics ($40,000) from the SwedishAcademy of Sciences. His publications arechiefly on researches in light. He has beenpresident of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science and of theAmerican Physical Society, and is a corresponding member of the French Academyof Sciences.Dr. Frank Billings' Gift to the University ofChicagoAnnouncement is just made by the Boardof Trustees that Dr. Frank Billings, who isProfessor of Medicine in the University, hasjust given to the University his medicallibrary valued at $25,000. It will form thenucleus of the clinical library of the Medical School of the University and will beeventually housed in the Albert MerrittBillings Hospital.Dr. Billings, who has long been connected with Rush Medical College, is oneof the donors, with other members of the Billings family, of the new Billings Hospitalto be erected on the south side of the Midway. He has been president of the American Medical Association and of the NationalAssociation for the Study and Preventionof Tuberculosis, and has received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science fromHarvard University.The New Head of the Department ofPsychologyDirector Charles Hubbard Judd of theSchool of Education, who is also head ofthe Department of Education in the University, has been made chairman of theDepartment of Psychology to succeed Professor James R. Angell, who resigned toaccept the presidency of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.Director Judd, who formerly was professor and director of the psychologicallaboratory at Yale University, has beenpresident of the American PsychologicalAssociation and editor of the monographsupplements of the Psychological Review.He has written a general introduction topsychology, as well as a recent volume on"The Psychology of High School Subjects."Dr. Leonard Eugene Dickson a Delegate toEuropean CongressesProfessor Leonard Eugene Dickson of theDepartment of Mathematics, who recentlyreceived the high honor of election as corresponding member of the French Academyof Sciences, went to Europe as the officialrepresentative of the National Academy ofSciences at the London Conference on International Scientific Literature, meetingsof which began September 28, at the officesof the Royal Society of London.Professor Dickson also went as a delegate of the American Section of the International Mathematical Union, of whichhe is chairman, to the meetings of the Unionat Strasbourg on September 20 and 21. Atthe International Mathematical Congress atStrasbourg, September 22-26, he gave byspecial invitation of the directors of thecongress one of the four general addresses,and also presented a more technical scientific paper.Before sailing Dr. Dickson met in NewYork representatives of several scientific institutions to discuss recommendations to theRoyal Society of London in regard to itsfuture policies concerning the InternationalCatalogue of Scientific Literature.Honors for Ernest Hatch Wilkins Fromthe King of ItalyThe King of Italy has recently conferredupon Professor Ernest Hatch Wilkins ofthe Department of Romance Languages andLiteratures* the title and insignia of Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy.(Continued on page 22)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE*,.- ,._-§.AthleticsiIBlflStagg Field Grand StandAt the present time, with the Ohio defeat just past, and the Illinois game looming, Chicago chances of having a championship football team are almost hopeless.To date the Maroons have won three games,two of them conference meetings, and lostone. Injuries, more than the loss of theOhio game, have crippled the championshiphopes.To start the training season on September 15 Mr. Stagg had a S'quad that numbered close to 50 men. About half thatnumber were football players, and most ofthe reserve strength was in the line material. There were about five backs, of average ability, but no more. Letter men onthe squad included Capt. Jackson, McGuire, tackles; Hinkle, Crisler, Halladay,ends; Pheney, guard; Reber, center; Cole,quarter; Rouse, Hutchinson, halfbacks;Hermes and Hanisch, fullbacks.The season started auspiciously enoughwith a 20-0 victory over Purdue. Chicago'sline was not quite so good as it might havebeen, and Purdue gained fairly steadily, butthe Boilermakers made too many slips, andthe Maroons followed the ball all the time,turning slips into touchdowns. A niceshort-pass game was one of the satisfactory features of the Stagg attack.Wabash a week later was much too weakfor Chicago. For one quarter, by playinga straight defensive game, Wabash heldeven, but they cracked in the second quarter, and the final score was 41-0. Againthe short-pass game was worked successfully by Chicago.Iowa offered stiffer resistance, but wasdefeated, 10-0. Aubrey Devine, Iowa quarterback, was the main reliance of the visit ors, and though he bothered the Maroonswith twisting runs off tackle, and his accurate passing, he alone was not sufficient tocarry the ball down the field. A long pass,from Crisler to Hinkle, put Chicago in position to score in the first quarter. In thelast period, Cole dropped the ball over forthree points.The Maroons, including Mr. Stagg, ratherbelieved they could defeat Ohio. Chicago,Illinois and Ohio on October 30 were theonly undefeated teams in the conference.An Ohio fumble, picked up by FullbackPalmer, brought Chicago a touchdown earlyin the first quarter. Capt. Jackson missedthe goal, but the Maroons worried littleover that. In giving Palmer interferencefor his run, Cole's shoulder' was fractured,and he was taken out.Tatge took his place at quarter, andunder his guidance the Maroons played asafe game, attempting to make the sixpoints win the game. Crisler, the bestpasser on the squad, was hurt in the thirdquarter, and went out, and Hinkle, end,likewise a good passer, had not been ableto start because of a "charley horse."Hanisch, regular full, was also kept out ofthe lineup.The last three quarters saw the Maroonsmake their gamble on six points, neveropening up with the passes that had beentheir main reliance all season. There weregolden opportunities in the second quarterfor passes, but Tatge refused to use them.Mr. Stagg said after the game that Tatgeshould have opened up, especially duringthe second quarter, and that he also toldthe quarter between halves that he mustuse more open plays. For some reason,however, Tatge refused to obey, and therewas no one left to send in to direct theteam.The fourth quarter, was practically overwhen Clark, a green man, the same whowas tennis doubles champion with Lin-dauer in 1917, was sent in to do the kicking.Chicago was on its own 20-yard line thesecond time Clark essayed to punt, and thekick went 15 yards down the field, into thehands of an Ohio man, who came back fiveyards. That break dazed Chicago, and infour smashes and one pass, the ball wentover, Workman kicking the winning goal.Loss of the game was not so disastrousas loss of Cole, who will be out for theseason, and Crisler, who will not be ableto play against Illinois, and probably notagainst Michigan. Stagg is without half-continued on page 27)OF THE QUADRANGLES nNews of the QuadranglesThe college year opened with a largeregistration than ever before. There was a:ain of 331 students in all the schools.?he Arts, Literature and Science, and Commerce and Administration departments re-iorted gains, while the Medical, Law anddivinity schools registered less studentshan last year.Activities took an early start this yearyhen The Daily Maroon issued a specialegistration number a week before the open-rig of school which was sent to all the stu-lents who would attend this year. TheTap and Gown announced on the first dayif school the election of Richard Flint,32, as editor-in-chief, and Robert Adler,32, as business manager. Work on the'earbook, which will be enlarged and moredaborate than last year, is well under wayvith over forty freshmen trying out foritaff positions. The Phoenix, the newnonthly magazine started last year, issuedts first number on Nov. 4. The magazinelas been made larger in size and endeavorso cover both the literary and humorousiides of college life. The first number waslevoted to football. Robert Collins was:lected editor to succeed Edward Waful,22, who is now at Leland Stanford University. Plans for a new publication to beniblished weekly are under consideration>y the Board of Student Publications. Itipproved, the staff, headed by Harry Shul-nan, '22, intends to make the magazine aveekly open forum review of international>olitical questions. The name given thelew venture is Chanticleer.Elizabeth Stone, '21, was elected president)f the Dramatic club, to succeed Ruth Lov->tt '21 now at Radcliffe College. The Dra-na'tic club will produce three plays in Man-lel hall on December 3 and 4: Schmtzler shiatal, Vachel Lindsay's The Chinese Nightingale, and Percival Wilde's sketch The NobleLord December 1, is announced by Black-Erairs as the closing date for competition forhe 1921 production manuscripts. The Annual Freshman Frolic, givenunder the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., washeld Friday night, October 20, in Mandeland Ida Noyes halls. More than 800 womentook supper at Ida Noyes hall, then marchedin a lantern parade to Mandel hall, wherea three-act sketch, written by Marie Nier-garth, '21, was produced to a full house.On Wednesday night, November 4, theannual hall vaudeville was given by thewomen in Ida Noyes hall.Four successful pep meetings have beenheld, the one before the Illinois game being featured by a torchlight parade aroundthe campus. The pep session before theOhio game was combined with an all University sing held in Mandel hall Thursdaynight, October 28.The recent national political campaignwas evidenced on the campus by the activities of a Republican club led by CharlesGreene, '20, and a Democratic club underthe leadership of Royal Montgomery, '21.These clubs arranged debates on the leagueof nations which drew large crowds toMandel hall.Four seniors were elected to the HonorCommission to serve until graduation.They are Glenn Harding," president of theUndergraduate council and Y. M. C. A.;Mortimer Llarris, captain of the track team;Kate Smith, president of the Y. W. C. A.;Elizabeth Mann, secretary of the Y. W.C. A.Freshman luncheons were held by theY. M. C. A. on the last three Fridays inOctober at which the freshmen were giventalks by leaders in campus activities and byDean Robertson, Prof. Linn and CoachStagg. The Three Quarters Club hasstarted its activities again and is underprobation to prove its worth. An effortat improvement was made in having the"Its" guard, the "C" bench, Mitchell Towerseal, and Senior bench, to see that the traditions regarding them are maintained.Settlement night will be given eitherthe third of December or the tenth. KeithKindred, '21, was appointed chairman ofthe affair by the Undergraduate Council,with Allan Holloway, '22, as vice-chairman.Tulia White, '21, is the woman chairman.Tryouts for the Portfolio, women's production under the auspices of W. A. A.,were held Tuesday, November 10. Theshow will rival Blackfriars this year, theyannounce, and over two hundred womenwill be engaged in its production. Six performances will be given some time in February. John Ashenhurst, '21.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE_„_-BB— BBfProminent AlumniDavid Prescott Barrows, Ph.D., '97Alumni who dwelt about the .Quadrangles — or, rather, Quadrangle — in the "earlydays" of 1896-7 will remember David Prescott Barrows, who was studying at thattime for his Ph.D. degree. He was a "mostlikeable chap, indeed,"and always clear anddefinite in his views. Ayear ago, December 1,1919, Barrows was electedPresident of the University of California —and this brief biographical sketch may possiblyexplain why.David Prescott Barrows was born June 27,1873, in Chicago, the sonof Thomas and EllaAmelia (Cole) Barrows.The earliest subject ofstudy which attractedBarrows was the life andhabits of the AmericanIndians, particularlythose of southern California, the Colorado desert, and the southwesternUnited States generally.From 1890 to 1899 hespent nearly every vacation in researches amongthem, thus laying thefoundation of thoseethnological studieswhich later gained him the directorship ofthe Bureau of non-Christian tribes in thePhilippines. In 1894 he received his from Pomona College, California,and in 1895 his M.A. degree from the University of California. In 1896 he studied atColumbia University, and then came to theUniversity of Chicago, receiving his in 1897. The honorary degree ofLL.D. has been conferred upon him byPomona College and by the University ofCalifornia.On July 18th, in 1895, Mr. Barrows wasmarried to Miss Anna Spenser (Nichols), ofBurlington, Vermont.In 1900 Mr. Barrows went to the Philippines as superintendent of schools at Manila,and thus entered upon the pioneer workthere of laying the foundations of the modern school system of the Philippine Islands.The next year he became chief of the BuDavid Prescott Barrowspines, and then, from 1903 to 1909 served asdirector of education for the Islands. Ex-President Taft is reported to have said during his visit to the Philippines in 1906 thatthe work of the educational department wassecond to no work being done by the American Government in thePhilippines, and that Dr.Barrows possessed amost profound .knowledge of and sympathyfor the Filipino people.In 1910 Dr. Barrowsreturned to America tobecome Professor ofEducation and Dean ofthe Graduate School ofthe University of California; in 1913 he became Dean of the Faculties there, and duringthe absence of PresidentBenjamin I. Wheeler, in1913, he served as ActingPresident of the University.Mr. Barrows was commissioned Major of Cavalry in the NationalArmy, in 1917, and detailed to the Ninety-FirstDivision at Camp Lewis.In 1918 he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel of Cavalry and ordered to the Philippinesas Commanding Officerof the 348th MachineGun Battalion. Later he was designated Intelligence Officer of the Army, with headquarters at Manila, and in March, 1918, hewas ordered to Siberia on a special militarymission. He returned to Manila in July,1918, to assist in the organization of theAmerican Expeditionary Force that was pulinto Siberia. In April, 1919, he was discharged from the Army, and recommis-sioned in the Officers' Reserve Corps.Shortly after his return to the Universityof California, Dr. Barrows was electee!President of that university, an institutionwith an enrollment of around 10,000 students. He has published a number of booksarticles and reports, among them being arimportant History of the Philippines. LaslJune President Barrows was the Convocation orator at the University of Chicagcand was the guest of honor at the annuadinner of our Association of Doctors o:reau of non-Christian Tribes of the Philip- Philosophy.ALUMNI 19Milton Sills, '03Political parties are not the only organizations that can "point with pride." TheUniversity of Chicago Dramatic Club canwell "point with pride" to some of itsformer members who have achieved notable success in dramatic fields. Perhaps the"leading man" among the Dramatic Clubalumni is Milton Sills, '03, who, ever sincehis entrance into stage work in 1906, hasrisen steadily in that profession."Milt," as they called him, was born inChicago, the son of a Chicago merchant,and, after graduation from Hyde Park HighSchool, entered the University in 1899.From the first he was deeply interested indramatics and dramatic literature, and heplayed a number of partsin the Dramatic Clubplays of his student days.His "farewell performance" with the club was inthe part of Dave Hardy,in Esmeralda of the South,presented January 23,1903, at the Fine ArtsMusic Hall down town.Sills is a member of theDeta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. After leaving theUniversity he did a yearof "road work," and thenentered the Chicagodramatic art studio ofDonald Robertson, partlyfor further study and partly as an instructor.The next year he playedleading parts with thecompany which Mr. Robertson organized to playin Chicago and in the university towns and cities inIllinois and adjoiningstates.This company enteredupon an unusual venture,by playing a large repertoire of classicalplays, such as Moliere's "The Miser,"Ibsen's "Rosmerholm," and plays byBjornsen, Calderon, Browning, Maeterlinckand other great dramatists, past andpresent. The company achieved considerablesuccess, although presenting many playswhich were not considered commerciallysuccessful. In this endeavor Mr. Sills wasan enthusiastic worker, and he attainedprominence by his acting in a number ofleading and difficult parts, though still ayoung man. Incidentally, a number ofother former members of the Universityof Chicago Dramatic Club entered into andassisted this venture.In 1908 Sills went to New York City in aplay produced by the Shuberts, and for someyears thereafter he played in New Yorkand London, with occasional engagementsMilton Sills, '03in some of the large cities of America,particularly in the East and the Middle-West. A large share of his work was doneunder David Belasco, for whom he actedas leading man for several seasons. Herose rapidly in his profession, and soonachieved that common desire of most actors, namely, to have his services in suchhigh demand as to keep him engaged inNew York City practically all of the time.On May 26, 1910, in London, England,he was married to Gwladys Wynne, a sisterof the famous actress, Edith Wynne Mathe-son. The Sills have one child, a daughter,Dorothy, and reside at 450 Riverside Drive,New York City.Mr. Sills is a member of the Players Cluband of the Lambs Club,New York. He has written several articles on thedrama and allied subjects.Some articles by him inthe Actors' Equity Magazine, on "The Actor andthe Labor-Capital Problem," attracted wide attention. During the greatwar he was active in Liberty-loan work.Within the last fewyears he began doing moving picture work, at firstlargely as a "side line" tohis regular work on thestage. His success in the"movies" was such, however, as to bring him moreand more in demand, until,as at the present time, hehas come to devote hisservices almost entirely tothe screen. He is now astar in special productionsof the Famous Players-Lasky corporation.Sills states that his"hobby" is still his "oldin music and philosophy."college interestRecently he was asked what he thought ofa university education and this is his opinion :"It is the richest background possible forall of one's later life. A university traininggives one a method of approach and attackon any occupation. In my particular workon the stage and screen it has been invaluable. But, more important than its utilitarian value, is its value in enhancing one'sleisure life — one's life of reading and appreciation and social pleasures. There is nopoint of contact with the world about methat doesn't take on an interest and a meaning, largely due to what I bring to it frommy college background."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI The Letter Box \Good Cheer From ProvidenceOctober 18, 1920.Alumni Council,University of Chicago, .Chicago, 111.Dear Mr. Pierrot:I enclose a check for the second installment of my pledge (to the Alumni Fund)with my heartiest wishes for the final success of the undertaking. I feel rather lostand alone way out here, away from everything connected with the U. of C, but TheMagazine helps greatly to keep my spiritlinked with our grand institution.Very sincerely yours,Richard F. Aust, '18.Providence, R. I.On Chicago Alumni Club MeetingsSeptember 17, 1920.Chicago Alumni Council,University of Chicago.My dear Pierrot:Please pardon my delay in answering yourletter of August 31st, but due to my beingout of town it has just come to my attention.The Football Dinner on November 5,1919, I attended, but I never realized thatthat dinner was given by the ChicagoAlumni Club, as my information concerningthat dinner was general through the Alumnioffice and not direct from the Alumni Club.In reference to the May meeting held at theUniversity Club, I never heard of that meeting at all. I agree with you that theFootball Meeting was one of the best wehave ever had.In reference to activities of the AlumniClub, I think there should be more thantwo meetings during the year. I also thinkthat there is a very large field that could becovered by the Athletic Committee withthe Chicago and suburban high schools.In view of your explanations concerningthe Alumni Club, I shall be very glad torenew my membership if the organizationis going to really become a live wire.Thanking you for your letter and interestin the matter, I am,Very truly yours.William M. Shirley, Jr., '16.On Chicago SpiritSeptember 2, 1920.Editor U. of C. Magazine.58th and Ellis Avenue,Chicago, 111.Dear Sir:The article by Howard K. Beale, in theJuly number of The Magazine, entitled "Has Chicago a Spirit?" ought to be printedin the form of a little pamphlet and distributed, not only among our own alumni,but to the general public in Chicago.Mr. Beale has answered his own questionby stating that the U. of C. has a collegespirit of a type which is far more to bedesired than the college spirit of other institutions. The college spirit of the U. ofC, as explained by Mr. Beale, is on ahigher plane and indictative of more broad-mindedness and culture than the collegespirit of any other institution about whichI have 'ever heard.W. J. McDowell, '03.To the Daily Maroon"I have read with a great deal of interestyour editorial, 'Opportunity in Ellis,' (Military Dept.), in the October 7th edition ofThe Daily Maroon. Your statement of thetension existing in the relations betweenthe countries of the world, and your conclusion that the outlook for the world at largeis not a peaceful one, are correct. It is certain that anything that can be done toproperly prepare for war is a greater guarantee for peace, and as a nation we musthave a great interest in preparedness."The people of this country, especiallythose of us who are in the service as aprofession, deprecate war, and to all theterm 'preparedness' has a forbidden sound.It must be remembered, however, that everyinvention or improvement which makes thecountry economically stronger, adds to itsmilitary strength. In like measure, everyelement in the training of men, whichmakes them wiser, more eager, andphysically stronger, adds to the nationalstrength a force, valuable alike in the pursuits of peace and in the response to callin times of national need. The trainingof officers after the outbreak of hostilitiesis one of the most serious problems asdemonstrated in the last war, and theR. O. T. C. has been instituted in orderthat a reservoir of trained officers may beproduced in time of peace."Present estimates indicate that theUnited States Navy will be the largest andmost powerful of all navies of the worldin 1923, with that of Great Britain second.The development of the land forces of thiscountry must keep pace to the limit enforced by Congressional legislation."Very sincerely,"WM. J. SNOW,"Major General, U. S. A"Chief of Field Artillery."(Continued on page 34)OF EDUCATIONSchool of EducationSummer Quarter of 1920The Summer Quarter of- 1920 was oneof the most interesting and successful quarters which the School of Education has everexperienced. The registration approximated that of 1916, which was the previoushigh-water mark in attendance. Those whohave been in attendance during the regularacademic year only will be interested toknow that there were more than five hundred graduate students taking courses inBlaine Hall and more than one thousandundergraduate students. These numbers donot include the hundreds of students registered in the Colleges of Arts, Literature andScience who took one or more courses in•education.The student body was composed of anunusual group of more or less mature menand women. They came from practicallyevery state, from the countries to the north,to the south and across the seas. One instructor reported that the members of oneof his classes represented forty-one statesand four foreign countries. This wide distribution of students makes the classroomsvaluable clearing houses of educationalpractice.All of the regular instructors were in residence. In addition more than forty visiting instructors gave courses. These included men of national reputation such asDr. Leonard P. Ayres, Director of the Division of Education, Russell Sage Foundation,New York; Stuart A. Courtis, Director ofEducational Research, Public Schools, Detroit, Mich.; John W. Withers, Superintendent of Public Instruction, St. Louis,Mo., and others of equal note.Alumni of the School of Education playeda very important part in making the Summer Quarter a successful one. Twenty-three of the visiting instructors had previously taken courses, and in most cases hadreceived one or more degrees in the Schoolof Education. The Alumni Committee believes that this large representation ofalumni on the summer faculty is a verysignificant fact. It indicates that our graduates are rapidly assuming positions of leadership and are contributing in a very effective way to the further development of theSchool.Numerous opportunities were provided forthe social life of the students. The usualnumber of receptions were held in Scam-mon Gardens. A country fair was held inBlaine Court one afternoon. Social half- hours each day furnished a meeting placefor students and members of the faculty.These different social functions resulted inthe development of a spirit of friendlinessand good fellowship. Special mentionshould be made of the Graduate Women'sClub. This club was organized during thefirst term and had a number of very successful meetings. It is a social club forthe discussion of professional problems bythe women graduate students.During the first term of the SummerQuarter the Education Club held weeklymeetings. The numerous programs carriedout by the Home Economics and the Kindergarten-Primary Departments were attended by large numbers of the students inthese departments. Groups of students,such as high school principals, elementaryschool principals and superintendents, organized conferences which dealt with theirspecial interests. Their regular weekly discussions were very interesting and valuable. Conferences of a similar characterhave been carried on successfully for somany years that they are now considereda necessary and important part of the Summer Quarter. These students deserve muchpraise for their interest in professionalproblems and for their willingness to organize such conferences at the expense to themselves of a great deal of time and effort.Recent Appointments in the College ofEducationDr. Guy T. Buswell has been given therank of assistant professor in education.Dr. Buswell received his degree from theUniversity of Chicago in June of the current year. During the last year he has beenan assistant professor of education in Ham-line University, St. Paul, Minn. He willgive courses in educational psychology, experimental education and methods.Mr. Karl Holzinger has been appointedinstructor in the Department of Education,In his earlier academic career he specializedin mathematics. In 1915-16 he was an instructor in mathematics in the University ofKansas and in 1916-17 he held a similar position in the University of Minnesota. Forthe past two years he has pursued advanced work at the University of Chicagoin education and mathematics. He alsogave instruction during the last year in theMathematics Department of the UniversityHigh School. He will give courses instatistics and public school accounting.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMr. N. B. Henry, who is doing advancedgraduate work at the University, has beengiven the rank of instructor and will giveintroductory courses in education, coursesin methods and a course on school buildings and equipment during the coming year.Mr. I. N. Edwards, an instructor in theDepartment of History of the University ofChicago, will become a member of theDepartment of Education with the openingof the Spring Quarter and will give coursesin the history of modern education, the history of American education, and the constitutional basis of public school administration and organization. Mr. Edwards isat the present time completing his work forthe doctor's degree. In this connection heis making intensive studies of the legal basisof many current school procedures.Miss Inez Boyce, who has been in chargeof the Department of Home Economics atthe Northern Illinois State Normal School,has been made instructor in home economics. She will give courses in methodsand organization of home economics education. Miss Boyce is a graduate of theUniversity of Wisconsin.Miss Mary E. Koll was for several years'an instructor in the Oregon AgriculturalCollege and in charge of the large practicehouse of its Department of* Home Economics. She has been appointed as an instructor in home economics and will givecourses in home management, includinghousehold organization and the mechanicalcare of the house. Miss Koll took her degree in home economics at the Universityof Chicago in 1915.Miss Ethel Coe, an instructor in the ArtInstitute of Chicago, will give courses inart during the Autumn and Winter Quarters of the current year. Miss Cce's courseswill take the place in a measure of thosewhich have usually been given by ProfessorSargent, who is on leave of absence for theyear. Professor Sargent is making an intensive study of the commercial uses ofdesign and a careful investigation of modernart tendencies. He is looking forward to areorganization of art instruction in publicschools which will be more practical andeffective than traditional types of trainingin art.Mr. Louis Henry Sandhusen, a graduatestudent in the Department of Education,has been given the rank of instructor in theArt Department.Mr. Henry T. Fultz, who has charge ofthe work in industrial education in the University High School, will give courses in thesame field in the College during the current year in the absence of Mr. Emery Filbey. Mr. Filbey has secured a leave of absence for the year in order to carry oninvestigations in the Junior EmploymentService of the Federal Department of Labor. In this connection he will inspect the workof the Junior Employment Service in various parts of the country.Reorganization of CoursesLast year the members of the Departmentof Education devoted" a great deal of timeto the organization of new courses. Thepurpose of this undertaking was to enlargethe scope of its work. Until recently manyproblems of education have been discussedin general courses. A course in publicschool administration formerly included information concerning every phase of the superintendent's work. As investigations havebeen carried forward and as accurate detailed information has been secured it hasbeen possible to organize specialized courseswhich consider in detail the various phasesof the superintendent's work. Courses arenow given on school finance, the administrative management of pupils, the teachingstaff, the curriculum, school buildings andequipment, and other problems of a similarcharacter. What has been said of coursesfor superintendents is equally true of coursesfor teachers, principals, supervisors andnormal school and college instructors ofeducation. It is believed that the organization of specific courses of this characterwill contribute largely to the thorough,effective training of students of education.University Notes(Continued from page 15)Professor Wilkins has long been activein the development of the study of Italianin this country, and has published a numberof books and articles dealing with Italianliterature. For some time during the warhe had general direction of the recruitingof men for Y. M. C. A. service with theItalian army.Dr. Wilkins, who recently received thehonorary degree of Doctor of Letters fromAmherst College, has been vice-presidentof the Modern Language Association ofAmerica and of the Dante League ofAmerica.The One Hundred and Seventeenth ConvocationThree hundred and sixty-eight candidatesreceived degrees and certificates at the OneHundred and Seventeenth Convocation ofthe University, held on Friday, September:!. This Convocation will be notable for thenumber of Master's and Doctor's degreesconferred in the Graduate Schools — onehundred and nineteen of the former andforty-four of the latter. In the DivinitySchool thirty-three degrees were conferred,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOur Alumniwill remember Ellis Hall butdo you recognize it now?It is now the "busiest place** on theCampus — and this is the reason:1^■jSJlpN J:':* 1IP ' ^wtwaa ^SB-We invite all Alumni to makeus busier than ever.Please be sure to visit uswhenever you can. In themeantime — we'll be glad tohave you "visit us by mail,"also. We always accommodatepromptly all mail orders fromalumni.We will serve not only yourordinary needs, but are readyto assist you in Holiday Giftsfor your "Chicago" friends.The new SONG BOOK (132pages of famous Chicago and other college songs) will pleaseany Chicagoan. $2.10, postpaid.Our new UNIVERSITYCALENDAR (10" x 13") withtwelve beautiful Universityviews, all suitable for framing,will make a most acceptable"Chicago" gift. Only $1.10,postpaid.We also have "Chicago" jewelry, pennants, books, athleticsupplies, etc. For anythingpertaining to the University,we are at your service at alltimes.The University of Chicago Book Store5802 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IllinoisUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYOUR,Qhe American Red Cross, bqits Congressionalcharter, is ofEciallij designated ••<To continue and cany on a system of national relief in time of peace and to apply thesame in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, Jfoods, and other great national calamitiesand to devise and carry on measures for preventing thesame,<Tb furnish volunteer aid to the sick and woundedof armies in time of war in accordance with theConvention of Geneva,-To act in matters of voluntary relief and in accord withthe military and naval authorities as a medium oFcommunication between the American feople andtheir Army and Navy. — c&t of congress, Jan. 5, 190s.FburthRed CrossRoll CallNovember n-25, 1920MEMBERSHIP FEEAnnual.. $1.00Contributing. . .$5.00 Life . . . $50.00Sustaining. ..$10.00 Patron*100.00Pair dues now to nearest Red Cross ChapterNOTESand in the Law School ten; while a totalof one hundred and sixty-three were conferred in the Colleges of Arts, Literatureand Science, the College of Commerce andAdministration, and the College of Education. The total number of degrees conferred (exclusive of certificates of the Schoolof Education) is 359.Among the candidates were a Filipino andfour Chinese, one of whom (a woman) received a Bachelor's degree, one a Master'sdegree, one th* degree of Doctor of Law(J.D.) and one the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy.Plans for the New Bond Chapel at theUniversity of ChicagoThe new Bond Chapel at the Universityof Chicago, which has been given by Mrs.Joseph Bond in memory of her husband, isto be connected with the proposed TheologyBuilding by a cloister and has thereforebeen designed to provide an appropriatemeeting place for a comparatively smallgroup, as the new Founder's Chapel willprovide for the general religious servicesof the University. The new Divinity Chapel will accommodate two hundred people, with places fortwenty-five or thirty others in the chancelstalls. Its walls will be paneled to a heightof twelve feet from the floor, and above thatlevel they will be finished in Bedford stone.A series of tall traceried windows will runcompletely around the room. Those at theeast and west ends of the building will beespecially rich and large, measuring sixteenfeet in width and twenty-one in height. Theroof will be timbered. The building will bea characteristic example of the English collegiate type of Gothic architecture and willbe most advantageously situated on thenorth side of the quadrangle between Haskell Museum and the Divinity Halls.This beautiful new Divinity Chapel, amemorial to Mr. Joseph Bond, who wasformerly a trustee of the Divinity Schooland a highly successful business man ofChicago, was provided for by a gift of $50,-000 in 1917, and the completed plans willbe carried out as soon as building conditionspermit.Rogers & hall CoOne of the largest and mostcomplete Print.iiur plants in theUnited States.PrinlingandAdvertising Advisers and IheCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications You have a standing invitation to call and inspect ourplant and up-lo-date facilities. We own Ihe building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both to meetthe requirements of our customers.^alli°cgaute.o^ PRINTERSMake a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseLet UsEstimate onYour nextPrinting Order2UJSltfnC Strong on™"* Specialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhone9 Local and Long: Distance Wabash 3381WE PRINT(Sketmtocrsitpof, €rneat €. <&lpEDUCATIONAL EMPLOYMENTManager, Fisk Teachers Agency.28 East Jackson Blvd., CHICAGODirector, American College Bureau(College and University employment exclusively)810 Steger Building, CHICAGOThrough our various connections we dothe largest teachers agency business inthe country. We not only cover theentire United States, but we havecalls from foreign countries.THURSTON TEACHERS' AGENCYRailway Exchange Bldg., Cor. Jackson Blvd. and Michigan Ave., ChicagoChoice positions filled every month in the year— grades, high schools, colleges andThe Thurston Agency is one of the oldest and most reliable.universities.NO REGISTRATION FEEMETROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEESlgSglMiMSIMHMlMlMlMlMlMlMBSJames M. Sheldon, '03INVESTMENTSWithJohn Burnham & Co.41 South La Salle StreetUNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe down-town department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offers courses in all branchesof college workEvening, Late Afternoon,and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesA limited number of courses will be offered in theevening on the University Quadrangles in additionto courses given downtown.Winter Quarter begins January 3Spring Quarter begins March 2SFor Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A Message to AlumniFrom President Judson(Continued from page 7)building. The Club and its friends have provided $50,000 more.A very satisfactory plan has been preparedand it is hoped that at an early date the workmay proceed.These buildings are all important and interesting and will be a very distinct additionto the appearance of the quadrangles as wellas to the efficiency of the various features ofUniversity life concerned.• Two other important actions by the Boardof Trustees require attention.A plan has been made for the formation ofInstitutes which will carry on primarily research and in some cases the application ofthe results of research to the various industries. The Institutes thus far organized andfor which plans are in progress are those ofPhysics and Chemistry, of Plant Agriculture,of Mining, and of Education. There is alsoestablished an Oriental Institute. For thislast Institute, Professor Breasted, the Director, made an expedition to the Near Eastthis last winter and spring, visiting Egypt,Mesopotamia, Arabia and Syria. His reportinvolves very important information along theline of future Oriental investigation, and alsoprovided for interesting and important additions to the collections in Haskell OrientalMuseum.It is believed that the discovery of newtruths by the various University Departmentsmust be put on a distinct and permanent basisin order not to be absorbed by the imperativedemands of other University work, and it isfurther believed that it is the function of theUniversity to discover new ways of practicalapplication of the pure sciences to the industries. Further still, it is believed that theUniversity through its Institutes should properly train students for their share in the industries which rest on the application of purescience. This should be the University's contribution toward the material progress andproductiveness of the nation.A new departure has been made in theorganization of the University whereby in thevarious schools, classes, and groups of Departments, a series of Commissions has been established. Each Commission will contain representatives from the Board of Trustees, fromthe University Faculties, from the body ofalumni, and from citizens of Chicago not connected in other ways with the. University. Itis hoped and believed that in this way therewill be a closer union between all those interested in the University, and that thus theremay be better understanding on all sides andadded interest given to the vitality of almamater. It is especially desired that in thisway the alumni should be brought into closertouch with the various forms of University-activities. This is the more important becausethe articles of incorporation of the UniversityJUDSON'S MESSAGE— ATHLETICS 2 7are such that an official relation of the alumnito the institution such as is possible in otherinstitutions is practically debarred.The University enters now on its new lifeafter the great war and it is not merely aduty but a privilege to share in the newactivity that has come to the institution. Thesuccess of its new life is in a large measuredependent on the fundamental Universityspirit which on behalf of those entrusted withits administration, or on behalf of its students, or on behalf of its alumni is alwaysand for all simply the spirit of loyalty.Harry Pratt Judson.Athletics(Continued from page 16)backs now, and his passing attack isespecially crippled by the absence of thesetwo men.The conference decided, after muchwrangling, that Moffat Elton, right half,who was counted on to play for Chicago,because he had extended his academicresidence beyond four years, by going toJapan with the ball team, is ineligible. Itwas contended by Chicago that the S. A.T. C. season was not one of competition,and hence that Elton was eligible. Thispoint was at first denied, and then admitted,but the board then barred him on the otherground. Reber, center, was declaredeligible, under the S. A. T. C. rule.Football is occupying the stage rightnow, but Tom Eck has a cross-countryteam in training. The Wisconsin team defeated them in a dual meet October 30,19-36. There are some promising freshmen, but the prospects for good middledistance men for the indoor track seasonare not very good.The basketball schedule drawn up forthis winter's games: January 18, Illinoisat Urbana; January 22, Iowa at Chicago;January 25, Ohio at Columbus; January 29,Michigan at Chicago; January 31, Iowa atIowa City; February 5, Minnesota at Chicago; February 8, Northwestern at Evanston; February 19, Ohio at Chicago; February 22, Minnesota at Minneapolis; February 26, Wisconsin at Madison; March 5,Illinois at Chicago.M. V. Morgenstern, '20. BOOKSOld and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the book you want.WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORESV. A. WOODWOPTH. -06, ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 E. 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, - 1540 E. 63rd StreetEnglewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueThe orders of Teachers and Libraries SolicitedPLEASE NOTESome reserve copies of our newAlumniDirectoryare being held for delayed alumni orders.It will be some years before the nextDirectory is published.This book, with 12,000 names— published for alumni— is most useful. It iseasily worth many times its price to analumnus.SPECIAL OFFERTo alumni only (one-third actual cost)$1.00 postpaid.Just send $1.00, give name and address,and say "Directory."Checks to, and addressAlumni CouncilThe University of ChicagoUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEi!i News of the Classes and Associations-™_ .*COLLEGE AND DIVINITY NOTESAdam M. W'yant, '95, a "C" man of the1894 football team, was elected representative to congress from the Twenty-seconddistrict, Greensburg, Pa., in the recentelection.John F. Voight, '96, now resides in Morgan Park, 11104 South Hoyne avenue. Mr.Voight is in the general practice of law withoffices in the Edison Building.Bruce McCully, A.M. '01, left in Augustfor a year's study and travel in England,France and Italy.Roy B. Nelson, '01, sprent the summerin Colville, Washington. His address is44 Mt. Vernon street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.Frank S. Righeimer, '02, was electedCounty Judge of Cook County at the recent election.Mrs. William T. Somervell, 'o:i, visitedher son, Lieut. Col. Brehon Somervell, assistant chief of staff of the American forcesin Germany, stationed at Coblenz, thissummer and also toured Europe. Sophia Berger, '04, is now residing inJerusalem, Palestine, where she can be addressed in care of the Joint DistributionCommittee for the Relief of Jews Suffering From the War. She is engaged inAmerican Jewish relief work there, and isin charge of the children's department.Mrs. George D. Byers (Clara L. Primm,Ph.B. '05) writes from Kachek, Island ofHainan, as follows: "This is the southernmost part of China, about 240 miles distant from Hongkong. The station is interior three days' journey from the port ofHoihow. The work is especially interesting in that it includes the Miao people,primitive tribes living in the mountain forests, who lead a nomadic life. The Islandof Hainan has had *its share of politicaldisturbance during the past few years andthe mission compound has been under fireseveral times." Mr. and Mrs. Byers areconnected with the American PresbyterianBoard of Foreign Missions. They expectto return to America with their three children in the summer of 1921 for their furlough.Capital . . $200,000.00gmrplua . . 20,000.00©nber H>tate cSmpertrisfimtUmbersittp g>tate Panfe1354 Casrt 55tfj £>t., al Kibaetooob CourtJleareat jfiJank to tfje Umbersitp Tl/TAKE this Bank Your Bank•*■"-'- You are assured carefuland personal attention as well asunquestioned protection for yourmoney.We are equipped to render even'form of up-to-date banking service in keeping with sound banking practice.Mt toant pour j&u&intsteChecking accounts from $50.00 upward.3% paid on Savings Accounts.We offer for sale 6% 1st mortgages, payable inHold. Chicago Title & Trust Co., TrusteesNotes certified and title guaranteed by themg>af etp ©epostt ^ault Jloxes;$3.50 a year and upwardOFFICERSC. \\ . Hof f PresidentLeonard H. Roach Vice-Pres.Lawrence H. Whiting Vice-PresO. W. Gates CashierDIRECTORSMarquis Eaton Roy D. KeehnFrank Kelly Leonard RoachJohn F. Hagey W. J. DonahueJ. V. Parker Frank G. WardLawrence H. Whiting C. W. HoffOF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 29Alice M. Krackowizer, '06, is supervisorand principal in Rocky Ford, Colorado.She has written "Projects in the PrimaryGrades," published by Lippincott.James McKeag, '07, has been an attorneyand examiner for the Federal Trade Commission for the past two years, with officesat 38 South Dearborn street.Paul O'Donnell, '07, J.D. '09, has changedhis home address and is now living at 716Bittersweet place, Chicago.Mrs. Paul H. Benedict (Florence J.Chaney), '08, A.M. '13, returned from Chinain July for vacation. She will be in theUnited States until Christmas.Thomas S. Miller, '09, has moved to 9200South Robey street, Beverly Hills.Nathaniel Peffer, '11, correspondent inPeking', China, has changed the spelling ofhis name. It was formerly Pfeffer.Mollie Ray Carroll, '11, A.M. '15, is Associate Professor of Sociology at GoucherCollege in Baltimore.Melvin B. Erickson, ex-'12, Captain, AirService, U. S. A., has returned from Bulgaria, where he was assigned as MilitaryAttache to the American Legation in Sofia.His address is 210 Davis street, Evanston,Illinois.J. Elmer Thomas, '12, announces theopening of offices as Consulting Geologistat 751 First National Bank Building, Chicago.Fridelle" Newberger, ex-'12,_ 5176 Michigan avenue, is copy editor with the University of Chicago Press.Georgia P. McElroy, '12, A.M._'13, issupervisor of the Home Service Section,American Red Cross, Boston MetropolitanChapter, Boston. Her address is 131 Newbury street, Boston.Mary E. Chaney, '12, graduated fromNurse's Training School, Cincinnati, inJune.Nellie C. Henry, '12, S.M. '15, is teaching Biology and General Science in Glen-ville High School, Cleveland, Ohio.Anna E. Moffet, '13, sailed in August forChina, where she is engaged in secretarialwork for the Presbyterian Board of ForeignMissions in Nanking.The address of John B. Canning, 13, andMrs. Canning (Dorothy Plumb), '16, is1535 Bryant street, Palo Alto, California.George T. Coonley, ex-'14, is manager ofthe Paige Sales Company, 1601 Oak street,Kansas City, Missouri.C. Marie Dolese, '18, 501 W. One Hundred and Twenty-first street, New YorkCity, spent the summer in England and' Frank Breckenridge, '19, may be addressed at 22 Wiiithrop Hall, Cambridge,Massachusetts. .Norris C. Bakke, '20, LL.B. '19, is servingas County Judge of Logan County, Colorado, with office at Sterling. How much easier toentertain with aVICTROLAStart a lively record and seethe guests "Loosen Up.We have a wide variety ofstyles at prices ranging from$25.00 to $415.00, and all maybe purchased on our extendedpayment plan if desired.We are particularly anxiousto serve University of Chicagomen and women.Chas. M. Bent, '17R. Bourke Corcoran, ex '15H. J. MacFarland, Jr., ex' 17Tfue Music Shop Inc.TELEPHONEBARR. 4765 SOUTH WABASH AVE..THE UNIVERSITY OF9mNEED MUSIC?Phone "COPE" HARVEYRandolph OneThe Harvey Orchestras, 190 North State St.FOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines1804 Mailers Bldg.S S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 5336Chicago Alumni —have a unique chance for Service and Loyalty.Tell your ambitious friends whocan not attend classes about thewhich your Alma Mater offers.Through them she is reaching thousands in all parts of the country and indistant lands.For Catalogue AddressThe University of Chicago(Box S) - Chicago, Illinois CHICAGO MAGAZINE*{*B-_ BB^BB— BB— IB ■■— BB^BB— Bl— BB— Bl— BB— BB— BB-1I Law School AssociationHoward B. Black, LL.B. '19, is locatein Kalispell, Montana.Wallace G. Black, J. D. '08, is a membeof the firm of Barnes, Magoon & Blaclwith offices in the Peoria Life Bldg., PeorijIllinois.DeWitt S. Crow, J. D. '20, and WilliarL. Crow, J. D. '20, have formed a partnership with offices in the Peters Trust BldgOmaha, Nebraska.Rufus E. Christian, J. D. '20, is wit:Emry, Johnson & Kidd, Liberty NationaBank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Hugo M. Friend, J. D. '08, has been appointed Judge of the Circuit Court in CoolCounty by Governor Lowden.Charles F. Grimes, J. D. '19, is in thLaw Department of the Chicago Title tTrust Company, Chicago.Robert Guinther, J. D. '15. is a membeof the firm of Slabough, Seiberling, Hube& Guinther in the Second National BanlBldg., Akron, Ohio.Robert L. Henry, Jr., J. D. '07, has openeioffices in the Southern Bldg., WashingtonD. C, and is specializing in cases beforGovernment Departments and the Courof Claims. Until recently he was a member of the War Department Board of Contract Adjustment.Miss Esther Jaffe, J. D. '20, is in the offioof Daniel S. Wentworth, Room 1005, 51West Randolph street, Chicago.Albert Johnson, J. D. '19, and HerberF. Schoening, J. D. '17, are in partnershijat 719 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.Clay Judson, J. D. '17, is with WinstonStrawn & Shaw, 1400 First National BanlBldg., Chicago.Ellis P. Legler, J. D. '11, is practising aCallahan Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio.Carl S. Lloyd, LL.B. '20, is with MundayClarke & Carpenter, 907 Marquette Bldg.Chicago.Harry J. Lurie, J. D. '05, a member othe firm of Lurie & Fishell, has removechis offices to 1237-43 Stock Exchange Bldg.Chicago.George H. McDonald, J. D. '20, has accepted a position with the Federal Legislative Drafting Bureau in 'Washington, D. CHarry D. Morgan is a member of th(firm of McRoberts & Morgan, Central National Bank Bldg., Peoria, Illinois.J. Clinton Searle, J. D. '13, is practisingat 307 Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, Illinois.Edwin Weisl, J. D. '19, has been appointed an Assistant United States DistricAttorney in Chicago.OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 31Doctors' Association?BB— BB OH— BB BB— BU BB— BU BB BH— BB llll BB B*|*Henry Parker Willis, '94, Ph.D. '98, isprofessor of banking at Columbia University and Director of the Bureau of Research and Analysis of the Federal Reserve Board. Dr. Willis organized a Bankof the Philippines and was its first president. In 1919 he made an investigationof banking conditions in Australia.John C. Hessler, '96, Ph.D. '99, is nowat Mellon Institute, University of Pittsburgh.Wallace St. John, '98, Ph.D. '00, is teaching Philosophy in Judson College, whichis affiliated with Calcutta University, India.He expects, within, the coming college year,to join the faculty of the Burma University,which is now in process of organization.Isabella Bronk, Ph.D. '00, has started hertwentieth year as head of the Romance Department of Swarthmore College. She alsoserves as Secretary of the Faculty.Jessie Allen Charles, Ph.D. '04, is doingresearch work for Stephens College andCarnegie Institute of Technology. OtherDoctors of Philosophy at Carnegie Institute are Kate Gordon, '03, Clarence S. Yoakum, '08, and Lewis L. Thurston, '18.Edgar H. Johnson, Ph.D. '10, is Professorof Economics and Dean of the School ofBusiness Administration, Emory University, Georgia.Ernest Anderson, Ph.D. '09, was appointed Professor of General Chemistry inthe University of Nebraska. Dr. Anderson has been for the past three years Professor of Agricultural Chemistry in Transvaal University College, Pretoria. OtherChicago men in the same department areFred W. Upson, '10, Chairman of the Department, and Denton J. Brown, '19, Professor of Analytical Chemistry.Jasper C. Barnes, Ph.D. '11, Dean andProfessor at Maryville College, Maryville,Tennessee, taught Psychology in OhioState University during the Summer Session.Franklin L. West, Ph.D. '11, Director ofthe School of General Science and Professorof Physics at Utah Agricultural College, isals~o Physicist at the Utah AgriculturalExperiment Station, Logan, Utah.Thornton S. Graves, Ph.D. '12, has beenin England for the summer. He is locatedat Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina.Wellington D. Jones, '08, Ph.D. '14, recently declined a position in the Department of State as adviser on Japanese affairs. In September he left for sevennonths of field work in India. FIRST CHICAGOBuilt year by year uponexperience of more thanhalf a century, the FirstNational Bank of Chicagoand its affiliated institution,the First Trust and SavingsBank, offers a complete,convenient and satisfactory financial service, includingCommercial BankingForeign ExchangeTravellers ChequesDepartment for LadiesInvestment BondsSavings DepartmentTrust DepartmentThe stock of both banksis owned by the samestockholders. Combinedresources exceed $400,-000,000.Northwest Corner Dearborn andMonroe StreetsChicagoUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMANUFACTURERS RETAILERSMEN'S SHOESl|llllll!!!lll!l!llllllllllllllllllllllll!llMII!lll!l!lllllliraill]lllll^lllllWFigure The Cost By The Year — Not By The PairiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiffluiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiM^106 South Michigan Avenue 29 East Jackson Boulevard15 South Dearborn StreetiiiiiiinNiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM^BOSTON BROOKLYNPHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CHICAGOST. PAUL KANSAS CITYClass Costumes at Reunions(Continued from page 11)organizations, we are developing a sideshow that may swallow up the main tent.Keep the University Sing as it is; it is"great" and rapidly becoming a justifiablytraditional event. If any development isundertaken let it be away from the selectedgroup feature.With the present cost of paper I am probably asking you to rob your readers ofsomething really interesting to read, but Icannot stop without giving a cheer for thesuggestion that the "re-uning" classes weara distinctive headgear. Indeed, I am hoping that this is but the first step and thatthe growth of the idea may result in futureclasses assuming an entire garb of the "costume" variety and in staging "stunts" appropriate to the character of the costumes.The possibilities to the success of reunions which lie in this idea strike me asimmense. One of the features of life atthe University upon which many of its bestfriends have commented in various observations, is a certain lack of "color." The intellectual opportunities which the Universitypresents to its members are recognizedeverywhere. But what serious attention hasit given to the emotions of its sous anddaughters, particularly in the developmentof their loyalty and enthusiasm for the Alma Mater? Is it not just this lack whiclthe Alumni Association is endeavoring t(supply? If this is one of the objects othe association, let us examine the opportunity opened up by this headgear suggestion.One of the surest ways to awaken, or keejalive, an interest in an institution or ;periodical event is to make a man feel thasuch interest or attendance at the event insures him of thorough enjoyment. Th(shortest route to the pleasurable enjoymenof most of us is through our sense of humorMake us relax and laugh and we are on ouiway to "a good time." The "Shanty" organ'ization with its unique recalling of thememories of the fun had in that old shadwhen it was virtually the University's Commons, Reynold's Club and Gymnasiunrolled into one, and its humorous appeal tcthe younger generations, has injected raonreal fun into the spirit of the reunions thaianything yet attempted.To this same sense of frolic the class costurning should appeal. Dress us as clown:and we are much more apt to think and aclike clowns. Take from us some of the restraining dignity which the city brings altoo close to the campus and we may shak<off some of the pall of conventionality whiclseems always hovering over the "all-University" gatherings.As the turn of a class conies for reunionCOSTUMES'—ALUMNI AFFAIRSgather its members by an intensive effortin that class. Advertise the fact that thekeynote of the affair is "Boys and GirlsAgain." Then so arrange the activity ofthe class while it is on the campus that theresulting merriment and 'enjoyment convinces that the prevailing color of the University is not the grey of its college hajlsbut is indeed maroon.[Ed. Note: This article by Mr. Morris, of Washington, D. . C, is in. response to an editorial in themagazine of last June. Unfortunately it arrived toolate for the July number. We are glad to present itto alumni at this time, and especially for consideration by all class officers, in preparation for our nextreunion in June. We invite further comment.]Alumni Affairs(Continued from page 9)with this autumn. The council receivedword from Mr. Stagg that a baseball gamewith Waseda University, Japan, is proposed for our next reunion, in June. Thismatter was referred to the Athletics Committee.After general discussion of various alumniaffairs, the meeting adjourned at 11 p. m.The Alumni Fund and DirectorsThe first Alumni Fund Directors wereelected at the regular quarterly meetingof the Alumni Council, Thursday, October21, 1920. On the report presented by thespecial committee, appointed last July tomake recommendations, the following Directors were elected:For one year: Alice Greenacre and JamesS. Riley.For two years: Frank McNair, ErnestE. Quantrell, and Thomas J. Hair.For three years: Shirley Farr and HelenGunsaulus.For four years: Harold H. Swift andJames Weber Linn. Scott Brown and RuthAgar were elected as alternates.According to the Articles governing theFund, four of the nine directors are chosenfrom the Alumni Council and four from subscribers who are not members of the Council. James S. Riley, of Los Angeles,California, Ernest E. Quantrell, of NewYork City, and Helen Gunsaulus and JamesWeber Linn, of Chicago, represent the subscribers, accordingly. The chairman ofthe Alumni Council (at present Thomas J.Hair) is ex-omcio a member of the Boardfor the length of his term as Council Chairman. An effort was made, as may be noted,to have the representation on the Boardsomewhat distributed both as to men andwomen and geographically.The first meeting of the Directors washeld on Monday, November 8, 1920. A report of that meeting, and of the generalAlumni Fund situation will appear in thenext number of the magazine. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof Chicago 'Capital anJ Surplus . . $15,000,000Ernest A. Hamill, chairman of theboardEdmund D. Hulbert, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-president .James G. Wakefield, vice-presidentEdward F. Schoeneck, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierJohn S. Cook, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Charles H. HulburdChauncey B. Borland Charles L. HutchinsonEdward B. Butler John J. MitchellBenjamin Carpenter Martin A. RyersonClyde M. Carr J. Harry SelzHenry P. Crowell Edward A. SheddErnest A. Hamill Robert J. ThorneEdmund D. Hulbert Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJahn &011ier In§raving G).COLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES -ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES &. DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGOThe Letter Box(Continued from page 20)A Helpful Letter From HawaiiHonolulu, Hawaii, August 17, 1920.Mr. A. G. Pierrot,Secretary, The Alumni Council,The University of Chicago.My dear Mr. Pierrot:I am in receipt of your circular letter ofAugust 6th. I have delayed sending mysubscription and dues for the reason that Iwished to take the time to write you somewhat at length regarding the classificationof Hawaii in the list of Alumni Clubs andrepresentatives in The Magazine.It will probably seem a very trivial matter to you, but it looms rather large withthe people down here— that Hawaii shouldnot be classed as a foreign country nor as a"possession," but that it be listed as a territory. A slight investigation will reveal thefact, I believe, that Hawaii has practicallythe same status as Arizona or Oregon or any of the other states had when they wereterritories, except that it is non-contiguous,and, therefore, it will probably never be astate. Its status is different from that ofPorto Rico or the Philippines. I would,therefore, suggest, in case the list of Alumniclubs and representatives is again publishedin The Magazine or any other publicationof the University, that Hawaii be properlyclassified and that the abbreviation "H. I."be not used, as that is obsolete, but that theword "Hawaii" or the abbreviation "T. H."be substituted. As I recall, the Territoryof Hawaii is properly classified in theAlumni Directory in all places except at thebeginning where a list of the clubs and representatives is given, and there again thecorrect classification does not appear.I am enclosing you a newspaper clipping(one of hundreds that are published by thepapers here during the year) which willtend to illustrate how our egotism is irritated by failure to recognize that we areLETTER BOX 35as much a part of the United States as anyterritory ever was on the mainland.All of this would be of no moment, except that few students go from Hawaii tothe University, and anything that in theslightest might tend to prevent their choosing the University as their alma matershould be eliminated. I do not know exactly how many students from Hawaiiyearly go to Harvard, Yale, California, andother mainland universities, but the numberis very large in proportion to the whitepopulation. The other day the cadets fromAnnapolis arrived here on their annualcruise, and there were about ten or more ofthe midshipmen in the fleet who belongedto prominent families in Hawaii. A number from Hawaii are always at West Point,and a reference to Harvard's directory willreveal that every year there are many fromHawaii. I think for some years Harvardhas had one or more students from Hawaiion its football or baseball teams. Harvardis very popular down here and next comesYale.In this connection, that is with an effortto get some students from Hawaii in theUniversity of Chicago, I shoufd like to askif there is not a fund for supplying University clubs throughout the country withAlumni Directories and other publicationsof the University. If so, and I think thereshould be, I wish you would see that theUniversity Club of Hawaii is put on themailing list. Also, it seems to me that theclub here would be pleased to receive aChicago pennant to be placed with the otherpennants in its dining room. The UniversityClub of Hawaii has a very nice club housewith large grounds near the Capitol inHonolulu and has a membership, I judge, ofthree or four hundred. They are the mostprominent men of Hawaii, of course.The largest preparatory school is called"Oahu College" or "Punahou PreparatorySchool." Some years ago. it celebrated itsseventy-fifth anniversary. Time was whenthe youth of California came to Punahoufor its education, before California had anyschools to boast of. It yearly sends students to Harvard and Yale and California.It seems to me that it might not be beneaththe dignity of the University to endeavor tofind out why no students go from Punahouto the University of Chicago.I am enclosing my check for two dollarsto cover my annual membership dues andmagazine subscription. I do not feel able,at the present time, to subscribe for a LifeMembership, but hope to be able to do soat some time in the future. I trust you willnot be bored by this long letter and willaccept my suggestions in the spirit in whichthey are offered: "For Chicago — I Will!"Very sincerely yours,H. R. Jordan, '97. WALTER A. BOWERS, '20Federal Securities CorporationInvestment 38 South Dearborn StreetSecurities CHICAGOTelephone Randolph 7440RAYMOND J. DALY, '12Investment SecuritiesWITHFederal Securities CorporationCHICAGORandolph 7440CHARLES G. HIGGINS, '20Federal Securities CorporationInvestments38 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGOTelephone Randolph 7440Esther RoethARTISTCOLOR DESIGNS, PEN AND INK WORKBookplates5445 Drexel Ave. ChicagoTelephone Midway 5648-Pau I H . Davis & ©ompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We fpecia ize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS, '11.N.Y. Life Bldg.— CHICAGO— Rand. 2281-SPECIAL-INTENSIVE COURSEGiven quarterly (April, July,October, January) open touniversity graduates and undergraduates only.Bulletin on this and other courseson request.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michiagn Ave. Randolph 4347PAUL MOSER, Ph. B., J. D.EDNA M. BUECHLER, A. B.CHICAGO MAGAZINE•!•> B. .. BB BB BB BB ■■ Bl BB BB BB BB BB ■ +3G THE UNIVERSITY! Marriages, Engagements, j1 Births, Deaths. j1 !•■•l— — BB— ■— BB«~wBB~» BB-~»BB— "BB — KB-*— BB— BB— — BB— BB— BB— »B^— BBJIMarriages.Alvin Lester Barton, '00, to Ruby Mc-Clure, October 14, 1920, at Houstonia, Missouri. At home 360 Hazelwood Avenue,Detroit, Mich.Edith J. Harding, '03, to Charles H. Per-rine, April 24, 1920. Their address is 4527Forrestville avenue.Alice Marion Rohde, '03, to Harvey Nathaniel Davis, September 20, 1920, in NewYork City. At home 19 Ash street, Cambridge, Mass.Carl H. Davis, '06, to Elizabeth Uphamof Milwaukee, Wis., September 6, 1919.Residence 82.5 Lake Drive, Milwaukee.Medora H. Googins, '07, to Emmet R.Marx, October 30, 1920.Paul R. Gray. '07, to Katharine WrightScudder, September 8, 1920, in New YorkCity.Lucy Barroll, '08, to Frederick P. Hale.Their address is 430 E. 49th street, Chicago.Emily Amanda Schmidt, '10, to HermanDerenthal, July 14, 1920, at Xew Rochelle,New York. At home, 40 Parcot avenue,New Rochelle.Howard H. McKee, '11, S. M., '12, toMabel Lloyd Hughes, September 21, 1920,in Chicago. Mr. McKee is in business inNew York City.Antoinette Palmer, '11, to Bruce Jarvis,July 21. 1920. At home 6727 East Endavenue, Chicago.Dorothea Kohn, ex. '11, to Frank Gray.Their address is St. Charles, Illinois.Frederic C. Smith, ex. '11, to Mary Fontaine Alexander, June 12, 1920, in St. Louis,Missouri. Their address is Keokuk, Iowa.Leon L. Lewis, '11, J. D., '13, to RuthLowenberg, August 4, 1920, at Chicago.Sudie Buck, A. M. '13, to H. D. Buck.Their address is Box 1608, El Paso, Texas.Cora Hough, '14, to Robert D. McCord,June 3, 1920. At home 555 Middle drive.Woodruff place, Indianapolis, Indiana.Sarah Rex Gray, '14, to Thomas R. Kreu-der, May 1, 1920. Their address is 1528East Seventy-third place, Chicago.Albert E. Hennings, Ph. D., '14, to Kathleen K. Stevenson, July 31, 1920. They areat home in Vancouver, B. C.Loraine Louise Landenberger, '15, toHarold Pcarse, April 14, 1920, in Chicago.At home 5493 Cornell avenue.Margaret Louise Hess, '16, to MichaelJ. Callahan, May 15, 1920. Their addressis Parlin, New Jersey.Thomas A. Goodwin, '16. to Olive Reynolds, Tune 25, 1920, at Beaver Dam, Wis-C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ben H. Badenoch, 09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Tel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229, insurance exchange build'ng175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryA. C. GOODRICH '12WITHThe Northern Trust Company-BankCHECKING ACCOUNTS. BONDSSAVINGS ACCOUNTS. TRUSTSN. W. Cor. LaSalle and Monroe StreetsMain 5200CHESTER A. HAMMILL '12GEOLOGIST1417 AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK BUILDINGDALLAS, TEXASTelephone Cal. 1946Daniel W. Ferguson '09Premier and Case AutomobilesSales Manager 2619 S. Michigan Av.The Megerle Brinkman Co. CHICAGO, ILL.Cornelius Teninga, 12REAL ESTATE and LOANSPullman Industrial DistrictTeninga Bros. & Pon, 11227 Michigan Ave.PULLMAN 5000ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHSconsin. At home 4002 Lake Park avenue,Chicago.Anna K. Koutecky, '17, to Frank Kadlec.Their address is 5000 South Ashland avenue,Chicago.Mary Lois Brown, '18, to Keehn W.Berry, June 5, 1920. Their address is 332Ridgely Apartment, Birmingham, Alabama.Elsie May Lawson, '18, to Ralph SamuelScott, June 16, 1920. At home, Area, Illinois.Daz Vito Taglia, '18, to Lena F. Riccio,June 8, 1920.Andrew C. Ivy, Ph. D., '18, to EmmaKohman, Ph. D., '19, December 25, 1919.Address S17 South Springfield avenue.Chester K. Wentworth, '18, to MildredS. Porter, ex. '23, August 17, 1920, on Black •Mountain, near Big Stone Gap, Virginia.Address University of Iowa, Iowa City.Margaret Lucy Park, '20, to Robert Red-field, Jr., '20, June 17, 1920. Address 5716Dorchester avenue, Chicago.James Spencer Dickerson, Secretary ofthe Board of Trustees, was married August11, 1920, to Mrs. Leontine FarringtonTompson, of Portland, Maine. Their address is 1358 East Fifty-eighth street, Chicago.EngagementsGeorge E. Kuh, '13, to Helen Stix of St.Louis.Charles Michel, Jr., '16, to Ruth Bergerof Chicago.J. Craig Redmon, '16, to Carlesta Mine-singer of Indianapolis.Sylvia Meyer, '19, to Michael M. Hammer.George L. Otis, '19, to Marie Kurns, '21.Gertrude Makowsky, '20, to ClarenceMuehlberger of Hammond, Ind.BirthsTo Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Leonard, Jr.(Mrs. Leonard, Kathryn Van Pheel, ex.),a son, John Holmes, August 21, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. McCaskill(Mr. McCaskill, J. D., '05), a son, September 5, 1920.To Robert K. Nabours, '05, Ph. D., '11,and Mrs. Nabours, of Manhattan, Kansas,a son, Robert Kirkland, Jr., January 13,1920.To Mr. and Mrs. John William Brad-shaw (Mrs. Bradshaw, Helen Alden Freeman, '05), a son, John Alden, December 9,1919.To Mr. and Mrs. George T. Shay (Mrs.Shay, Frances Montgomery, '07), a daughter, Marjorie, June 16, 1920.To Albert G. Duncan, '13, J. D., '14, andMrs. Duncan, a daughter, Patrice Elizabeth, June 21, 1920.To Mr. and Mrs. William Baeder Bos-worth (Mr. Bosworth, '14), a daughter,Lorraine, July 23, 1920.To Mr. and Mrs. George G. Shor (Mrs.Shor, Dorothy Williston, '14), a son, Samuel Wendell Williston, June 25, 1920. By -Products andthe Price of MeatThe price live animals will bringdepends upon what the meat andby-products are worth. That inturn depends on the number ofanimals offered for sale comparedwith the quantity of meat andby-products that consumers willbay at current prices.By-products have had an importanteffect upon cattle, sheep and lamb pricesthis year.Hides went down from 43 to 24 cents;oleo oil from 28 to 13'/2 cents; the declinein wool prices was even greater.This made a difference in August1920,compared with August 1919. of over$20.00 per head in the value of live cattle,and nearly $3.00 per head in sheep andlambs.But we couldn't get more for the beefbecause by-products were low. All wecould get was the market price. We alsodid the best we could on the by-products.Consequently cattle and lambs wereworth much less to" us and had to bebought at lower prices if we were tohandle them at all.No packer, of course, can remain inbusiness long if he pays more for liveanimals than he can get for them in theirfinal form— meat and by-products.Swift & Company gets no particularbenefit from lower prices paid for liveanimals. Our profit averages no higherwhen the price of beef, by-products orcattle is on a lower plane.If the foregoing raises any question in themind of the reader, we will endeavorto answer it, upon request.Swift & Company, U. S. A.-k UBORfREICH^ of This| AND OTHEUfror Producing.'Swifti \"|3a^a»ilMa*«illg.'et>mpanys\^^fc'"l,y■Pro/irlS'/}THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo Fred E. Lindley, L. L. B., '11, andMrs. Lindley, of San Diego, California, adaughter, August 21, 1920.To Erling H. Lunde, '14, and Mrs. Lunde,a son, Leif Hjorthoj, August 19, 1920.To Rudy D. Matthews, '14, and Mrs.Matthews, a son, October 2, 1920, at Milwaukee, Wis.To John M. Allison, '15, and Mrs. Allison, of Amery, Wisconsin, a boy, JohnMurray Allison, Jr., December 22, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barton (Mr.Barton, '16), a son, August 89, 1920, in London, England.To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davidson Wile(Mrs. Wile, Adelle Frankel, '16), a son,Richard Frankel, July 29, 1920.To Bruce W. Dickson, A. M., '17, andMrs. Dickson (Marjore Hale, '19), a daughter, October 14, 1920.To Elbert Clark, Ph. D., '17, and Mrs.Clark, a daughter, April 25, 1920.To Morris T. VanHecke, J. D., '17, andMrs. VanHecke, a son, August 12, 1920, inSpringfield, 111.To Montgomery S. Winning, J. D., '17,and Mrs. Winning, a daughter, August 29,1920, in Oak Park.To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Gans(Helene Pollak, '14), a daughter, Nancy,August 20, 1920. DeathsCharles A. Marsh, long time Chicagolumberman, died at his residence, 5639Blackstone avenue, Sunday, October 31,1920. Mr. Marsh was President of theBoard of Trustees of the Chicago BaptistTheological Union.Mrs. Benjamin Simpson (Alice Northup,'82), died July 21, 1916.Hiram van Kirk, Ph. D., 1900, died August 14, 1920, at Noroton, Conn. Mr. vanKirk was pastor of St. Luke's Church atNoroton.Adolph Jahn, ex. '03, President of Jahn& Oilier Engraving Co., died August 16,1920, at Chicago.Sadie M. Rice, '13, died June 5, 1920, atLewiston, Idaho.Sidney Pedott, '15, J. D., '17, was killedin a hydroplane accident on Lake Michigan, October 2, 1920. He was a memberof the Naval Reserve and was engaged inthe yearly training required of its members at the Great Lakes Station when theaccident occurred.G. Waldo Gelvin, a promising Sophomore track man, dropped dead in front ofthe west entrance of Bartlett gymnasium,October 19, 1920. Gelvin, who came fromMarshalltown, la., was out for the crosscountry team, and had just finished running two miles in Washington park.At the U. S. Naval AcademyAnnapolis, Md..LJ.ERE at Annapolis, as withNavy Officers generally, Fatimais the largest-selling cigarette.This, and similar facts, show thatsmokers do discriminate— that, asbetween cigarettes containing toomuch, too little or just enoughTurkish, the lasting preferenceis for Fatima, with "just enoughTurkish."FATIMACIGARETTESUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 39"How few of themare making any money"rWO college men Sat at luncheon recently in Naturally and inevitably he earns more than the average man ota New York hotel. One is a graduate \>f the same yraTS and "^"ion-Cornell University, a man in the middle years; More than fifty universitiestie other graduated from Amherst twelve years ago. rpHAT the Institute is of special value to college men 14loth are Presidents of successful corporations; and A Proved by the fact **** 35# ofthe men who enrol in ita„.u _•. „ • ,i„ „ 1 „„„,. „„„:„„„ „r Modern Business Course and Service are graduates of Americanotn are active in the endowment campaigns 01 „ . . . . °1 colleges and universiues.r^ ' The authoritative character of ita training is proved by the adop-'The thing that has amazed me in this campaign," tion of its volumes as text-books by more than fifty of the lead-aid the younger man, "is to discover how few of ing universities and colleges ofthe country.he men who were in my class at college are really Tne members ofthe Advisory Council represent national lead-tiaking any money. They have been out twelve ershiP both in education and in business- T1"* are!.=„« -«J %..*♦. •«....« „r ,l „M j • 1 _jl„ „.„, Frank A. Vanderlip, the financier: General Colemanears, and yet many of them are doing hardly any duPont, the weu known business executive ; John Hay.letter than had they never been to College." Hammond, the eminent engineer; Jeremiah W. Jenks,J ° the statistician and economist j and Joseph Frenchttfrti r 1 Johnson, Dean of New York University School ofI hey never find out commerce.what business is all about" Look over the largest businessesrHE older man nodded agreement. "The same "* «"AKE a list ofthe most successful businesses in America.thing h*S impressed me," he said. "The 1VA It is interesting to note that in every single instance theyrouble is that many men assume that a college edu- have amonS their officers and younger executives a large per-. 1 - ,f 1 „ r 1 centage of Alexander Hamilton Institute men.ation is, by itself, a complete preparation for business. bni {j b. » . J • j- • I" the United States Steel Corporation, tie men are enrolled :fhey would never expect to succeed at medicine or in the Goodyear Tire and ^ 'c™^ ^ . ^ ^»W Without special training. Standard Oil Co., 801; in the Ford Motor Company, 343 j•But they enter business from the university, in the General Electric Company, 40s and so on thru-out the_ •t , . 1 ..• , , ., „ biggest concerns in into a departmental position and stay there all 66, , , . v ri^u -i. 1 -• •_• c Surely when the leading universities and the leading businessheir lives. They never master the relationship of mg^K, of the country uflite in such u„animou, indorsement,he different departments to each other. They are the training which they indorse must be worthy of your in-ogs in the machine, without understanding quite vestigation at least..rhat it is all about." "Forging Ahead in Business"A Course Whose product XHE A1"ander Hamilt°n ^"tute's Course i, not for every« ^|"»'^ ^""^ -J" vi* w»* ^ man it is no magic to save from failure the man who doea15 Utlu€TSt(Itlultlg not deservc to succeed. Most of the men enrolled in its CourserHE Alexander Hamilton Institute was founded would b<= successful, in the long run, even without its training.. <• 1 • j j >_ The Institute is a broadener or vision; a more direct path toby a group of business men and educators who executive reSDonsibilitv. a firm foundation for the man who isealized that modern business was developing spe- entering business on his own account. Any man who ii notialists, but not executives; that somehow more men willing to be content with the small rewards of business will findout be taught the fundamentals that underlie the \ "dl worth while to send for "Forging Ahead in Business-5 , , , the 116-page book which tells the whole story of what theperations of every department of business. Institut<. £ a6nd does Send for your copy today.rhe Institute has only one Course. It takes a man •IT*■ut of college or a man who knows one department Alexander Hamilton Institute>{ business — advertising, or accounting, or costs, or 935 Astor Place New York Cityactory production, or whatever his experience has Canadian Address: C. P\ IL Bldg._, Torontoaueht him and gives him a working knowledge Send me "Forging Ahead in Business"f all the other departments of business. which l may keep without °b"Batl0niuch a man receives in a few months of reading what jjame - c . . Print henrdinarily would consume years of practical expen- BusineBSnee. He finds in the Institute a more direct path Address- rom where he is to where he wants to be. He hasae satisfaction of carrying large responsibilities while BuaineB~e is still young, $ Position CWrilrlt 7020. AUxtmdtr Kdmilnn ImtitultTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHERCULESPOWDERS Finishing TouchAt the end of the Dynamite Line is the box packinghouse. Here Hercules Dynamite receives its finishing touch.In this house three operations take place. The cartridgesare dipped in melted paraffine and made thoroughlymoisture proof. They are given a final inspection. Theyare weighed and packed, and every effort is made to seethat each box contains not an ounce less than its 25 or 50pounds of dynamite.The hands of the men who do this work are the last to touch,their eyes the last to see Hercules Dynamite before it reachesthe scenes of its appointed tasks. Their care, their thoroughness, supplies the final check necessary for the successfuluse of overfifty million pounds of Hercules Dynamite a year.* * *A farmer in Minnesota is clearing a field of stumps. Aminer in Pennsylvania is bringing down a breast of coal.Engineers are driving a great tunnel through the heart ofthe Rockies. In a great city the foundation of a skyscraper is being carved out of solid rock.Hercules Dynamite is on the job in every case— dynamitewhich a few short weeks ago passed under the hands andeyes of men at the end of a Hercules Dynamite Line —dynamite which has made the name Hercules a synonymfor dependability in explosives.HERCULES POWDER CO.Chicago St. LouisPittsburg, Kan. DenverSan Francisco Salt Lake CityChattanooga Pittsburgh, Pa. New YorkHazleton, Pa,JoplinWilmington. Del.on the Oceanwith Electricity at the HelmIN the old days, life before the mast wasrated in terms of man power but the newsea is measured in horse -power, with electricity as the controlling force.A modern electric ship, like the "New Mexicoor the "California," is a great city afloat. Withoil or fuel, a central power plant generatessufficient energy to propel the massive vesseland to furnish light and power for every need.And on the shore the application of electricityto the loading, unloading and repair work savestime and labor.To make possible marine electrification thefuture needs aboard ship had to be visualizedand then the machinery engineered to meetthose needs. In this capacity the organization,experience and facilities of the General ElectricCompany have been serving the AmericanNavy and Merchant Marine.95-853 ]is a good plan to watch the Capper &Capper windows right along, and look fortheir advertisements in the newspapers.We are doing some big things in handingdown reductions to you as they occurhigher up in our lines. We've made somegreat purchases and will keep on makingthem.Just now we are selling some beautifulties at amazingly low prices. If they areall gone by the time this advertisementreaches you, better luck to you next time.There'll be other opportunities. Butyou'll always have to be spry about them.The town is on its toes for these Capperchances.TWO CHICAGO STORESMichigan Avenue at Monroe StreetHotel ShermanClothing is Sold at the Michigan Aeenue Start Only