'.,: .. . 'Mi ptftSjbof(MmHiiiSiil| #«PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COUNCILi /ol.XII No. 2. December, 1919\^y IMPORTANT BOOKSThe Revelation of John. By ShirleyJackson Case, Professor of EarlyChurch history and New TestamentInterpretation, the University ofChicago. $2.00, postpaid $2.15. Thecentral idea of the book is: to explainthe meaning of Revelation as itsauthor intended it to be understoodby those to whom it Was first addressed. It is an interpretation andnot a commentary.Some Religious Implications ofPragmatism. By Joseph R. Geiger,Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, William and Mary College.50 cents, postpaid 53 cents. Dr.Geiger says that if pragmatism is toprove fruitful and suggestive for theinterpretation of religious realitiesand for the criticism and evaluationof religious knowledge and truth,this must be by reason of its generaldoctrines concerning reality, knowledge and truth. What are thesegeneral doctrines of pragmatism,and what contribution do they maketo the interpretation of religion?Food Poisoning. By Edwin OakesJordan, Chairman of the Department of Hygiene and Bacteriology,the University of Chicago. $1.00,postpaid $1.10. This book presentsin an interesting and readable manner the results of a thorough investigation into the extent of foodpoisoning. Housekeepers, nurses,physicians, as well as the victims oforganic "attacks of indigestion," willfind in the pages of this volume material of great value. General Psychology. By Walter S.Hunter, Professor of Psychology,the University of Kansas. $2.00,postpaid $2.15. This introductorybook gives a survey of psychologywith the emphasis upon the concreteexperimental facts so far as they areavailable. Much attention is givento the description of experimentalmethods and results. Psychologicaltheory is not neglected, but it is ingeneral treated as of lesser importance for the initial understanding ofthe science. The book is writtenfrom the biological point of view,presenting facts both from behaviorand from the structural phase ofconsciousness.Readings in Industrial Society. Ifyou are interested in the great problems of industrial society you shouldread this book. Edited by L. C.Marshall, Dean of the School ofCommerce and Administration of theUniversity of Chicago. $3.50, postpaid $3.75. Contains selections fromthe writings of two hundred leadersin the field of economics. AmericanIndustries calls it "the bftt discussion of the Industrial question."Current Economic Problems (Revised Edition). Edited by WaltonH. Hamilton, Professor of EconomicInstitutions, Amherst College. $3.50,postpaid $3.75. A selection of readings from the widest range ofsources. The revision presents newmaterial made available as a resultof the war, and the new point ofview brought about by the war inmany lines of thinking on economicsubjects.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS5859 Ellis Avenue Chicago, IllinoisUmberattp of Cfjtcago Jflaga?tmEditor and Business Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, B8th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. UThe subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. II Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 37 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).I Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Vol. XII. CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1919 No. 2Frontispiece : Medal presented by the University of Paris.Class Secretaries 43Events and Comment 45The Alumni Fund Campaign 47Alumni Affairs 48School of Education Alumni Association 50Field Artillery at the University (By Col. Harold E. Marr, F. A.) 53University Notes 56The Trustees (A Series of Biographies) 58Writing in a University (By Robt. M. Lovett) 60The Letter Box 61Quadrangle News 63Athletics 64Conference Football (By James Weber Linn) 66News of the Classes and Associations 68Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 76Book Notices "' 8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Frank McNair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Council for 1919-20 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1920, Leo F. Wormser, '05; Earl D.Hostetter, '07 ; John F. Moulds, '07 ; Mrs. Lois Kaufmann Markham, '08 ; RuthProsser, '16 ; Term expires 1921, Mrs. Agnes Cook Gale, '96 ; Scott Brown, '97 ;Emery Jackson, '02; Frank McNair, '03; Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11;Term expires 1922, Clarence Herschberger, '98 ; Harold H. Swift, '07 ; MollieCarroll, '11; Hargrave Long, '12; Lawrence Whiting, ex-'13.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Edward Scribner Ames, Ph.D., '95 ; Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98 ; H. L. Schoolcraft, Ph.D., '99.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Warren P. Behan, '97; Edgar J. Goodspeed, '91 ;Walter Runyan, '07.From the Law School Alumni Association, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09; Alice Greenacre, '08, J. D., '11 ; Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Walker McLaury, '03; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; HarveyL. Harris, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11 ; Mrs. KatharineGannon Phemister, '07 ; Miss Agnes Sharp, '16.From the University, Henry Gordon Gale, '96, Ph. D., '99.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank McNair, '03, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago.Secretary, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Edward Scribner Ames, '95, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, John L. Jackson, '76, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, Guy Carlton Crippen, '07, D. B., '12, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Lewis Wilbur Smith, A. M., '13, Ph. D., '19, Joliet, 111.Secretary, Marjorie Hardy, '18, University of Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago._ The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association ; insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.SECRETARIES 43Class Secretariesi'93. Herman von Hoist, 72 W. Adams St.'94. Horace G. Lozier, 175 W. JacksonBlvd.'95. Charlotte Foye, 5602 Kenwood Ave.'96. Harry W. Stone, 10 S. LaSalle St.'97. Scott Brown, 208 S. LaSalle St.'98. John F. Hagey, First National Bank.'99. Josephine T. Allen, 4805 DorchesterAve.'00. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, 5744 Kimbark Ave.'01. Marian Fairman, 4744 Kenwood Ave.'02. Mrs. Ethel Remick McDowell, 6806Constance Ave.'03. James M. Sheldon, 41 S. LaSalle St.'04. Grace D. Howell, 205 S. Madison Ave.,La Grange, Illinois.'05. Clara K. Taylor, 5838 Indiana Ave. '06. James D. Dickerson, 5636 Kenwood Ave.'07. Medora H. Googins, 5514 University Ave.'08. Wellington D. Jones, University ofChicago.'09. Mary E. Courtenay, 5330 Indiana Ave.'10. Eloise Kellogg, 5211 Woodlawn Ave.'11. William H. Kuh, 2001 Elston Ave.'12. Raymond J. Daly, 2223 E. 70th St.'13. James A. Donovan, 209 S. LaSalle St.'14. Howell W. Murray, 137 S. La Salle St.'15. George S. Lyman, 5220 Blackstone Ave.'16. Miss Dorsey Cummings, 1154 E. 52ndSt.'17. Lyndon H. Lesch, Auditor's Office,University.'18. Carleton B. Adams, 127 E. 48th St.'19. Sarah J. Mulroy, 1533 E. Marquette Rd.All addresses are in Chicago unless otherwisestated.Capital . . $200,000.00Surplus! . . 20,000.00JHnirer g>tate gmperbifiton1354 (East 5511) S>t., at a&ibgetoooo CourtJiearesrt Pank to tije Mnibtvxitp (general ^Bankingg>abtngs anb SnbesftmentsfTN this neighborhood bank, conducted for and by Hyde Parkpeople, you have every essentialbanking facility at your command and3n gfobtttona degree of personal attentionto your requirements whichmakes a genuineBANKING HOMEfor you.3% on SavingsChecking Accounts InvitedSound Investment Securities SoldAdvice and Counsel on Businessand Financial Problemsgladly extended.UNIVERSITE DE PARISAUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Paris Paris, July 29, 1919.To the President:In commemoration of the war, the University of Paris has ordered struck a medalrepresenting Learning in the service of Right and recalling the services rendered byits teachers and its students either on the field of battle or in the silence of the studyor the laboratory: scientia instrumentum justitiae, libro, ense, such is the inscriptionon the front of the medal.The University of Paris has decided to offer a copy of this medal to each of thecountries that were allies of France; it experiences peculiar pleasure in thus havingan opportunity to thank the University of Chicago for the brilliant part played byits professors and students in achieving the common victory; it begs you to see inthis medal a testimonial of its fraternal friendship.Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my most respectful and devotedsentiments.The Vice-Rector,President of the University, L. PoincareTo the President of the University of Chicago.The medal was presented to all American colleges and universities. (Cuts by courtesy of WisconsinAlumni Association.)University of ChicagoMagazinevotuMEXii DECEMBER, 1919 No. 24»n ap aa aa aa aa aa aa aa— aa aa aa— na aa nn nu nn nn aa aa-aa— aa— ua aa aa na nn n. u aa n«— .j.I j| Events and Comment in By James Weber Linn, '07 I»-———— — " »— ««— aa— a. ..—..— »._.,_.,_,„_„,_„_.—„_.„_,._.._.,_.,_„„_„__,._.+The university is nearing the close ofthe most populous autumn quarter of itsexistence. With a freshmanMerry class larger than the wholeChristmas! attendance, including facultyand janitors, of the autumn twenty-seven years ago, whenit first met and declared itself a university,it feels nevertheless that it has hardlycrossed the threshold of its opportunities.It looks back upon the eighty thousand orso who at one time or another have matriculated, and the eleven thousand or morewho have earned one or more of the degrees it confers, and they become an army;but it looks forward down the vista of itspromise, and is almost terrified by thethrongs that seem to be sweeping towardit. Nevertheless it is not afraid with anyamazement. Though every step forwardseems to demand another immediately tofollow, for which preparation is not quiteripe, it believes, by the assurance of thepast, that the highest development willbe possible, more quickly almost than adream. To the host of its alumni andalumnae who by their work have proved itsvalue, it offers thanks and praise; and inthe midst of perplexity and social turbulence both almost unequaled, it wishesthem with confidence a merry Christmasand a happy New Year.From the strictly alumni and alumnaepoint of view, the out-The Endowment standing event of earlyFund December was the launching of the campaign foran Endowment Fund for the Alumni Association. The goal ultimately to be reachedis a quarter of a million dollars. Every former student of the university whose address we have, some fourteen thousand,including of course all the subscribers tothe magazine, has received a letter fromthe Committee of the Alumni Council, giving a fairly full account of the reasons for,and the methods and purposes of this fund.Response to date has been hearty enoughto make the council believe firmly in thesuccess of the plan. But it will not succeed unless the response is general, as wellas individually generous.The time has not yet quite come whenthe university is dependent on its alumni.It has come for such older institutions ofour sort as Harvard, Yale, Princeton. Theyare raising endowment funds now on alarge scale. Harvard is asking her alumnifor sixteen million dollars, Princeton forfourteen. They will get what they seek,for their alumni are organized everywhere.In ten years, perhaps in less time, Chicagowill be asking us for like sums, or greater.She will not get them, unless we are organized. The Alumni Endowment Fundis wanted for organization.At present the whole organization restsupon the contributions of a few individuals,and a subsidy from the university itself.Much has been done, especially in the lastyear; but much remains to be done. Ouralumni office accommodations are inadequate, our system is antique, our staff isoverworked; there is no possibility of thefollowed-up, intensive, cumulative effortnecessary for effective development andmanagement of our resources. It is thiseffort which the Endowment Fund willbring into being; an effort without whichwe can never pay our debt to the university,and through the university to the societythat gave us our chance and our training.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA statment made again and again in thelast month from alumni is this: "Chicagois not interested as muchThe Undergrad- in her undergraduates asuate at Chicago in her graduate work.We holders of the bachelor's degree are step-children." One whohas been at the university steadily fortwenty-five years, as I have, wonders wherethat tale originated, and what nourishes it.By all rights, apparently, the universityshould be an institution particularly forresearch. We are surrounded by state universities of great size and splendidfacilities, whose chief aim is the trainingof the undergraduate. It is easier to get athousand dollars from a state legislaturefor the teaching of undergraduates thanten dollars for research. Yet in spite ofthis fact, and the fact that in apportioningour incomes the administration need notconsider politics, our undergraduate bodyhere has steadily become of increasingconcern and attention. Take the Collegeof Commerce, with its six hundred students, given probably more intensive training than any other similar group in thecountry. Take the organization of the pre-medical work, with its constant lifting ofstandards and constantly growing pressure of attendance. Take our athletics,which by virtue of the attention paid tocoaching and equipment, are year afteryear on a level rather above than belowthose of our sister institutions with two orthree times as many eligible men to drawfrom. From any point of view, it isequally obvious that the undergraduate atChicago has at least as much time, andthought and money spent on him per capita as at any other institution in theseparts; and the quickness with which ourrepresentatives have risen after gettingtheir training here is an evidence of oneof two things; either that training was unusually effective, or else we have beenamazingly lucky in the quality of what Dr.Harper used to call our matriculants.The Conference has re-affirmed its regulation regarding the penalty placed onthose who while stillProfessional undergraduates engageAthletes in professional football.Football is essentially aschool and college game, with all that implies in the way of amateurism and "eligibility." When an undergraduate seeks tocapitalize the reputation which the privilege of representing his institution giveshim, he ought by rights, the conferencethinks, to forfeit his college honors. Themore drastic the legislation, the better. Fofthis matter of professional, or semi-professional, football is going to become moreacute a problem than it has been for a long time. Five men from the university ofPennsylvania turned professional in a bodyafter the Cornell game. Center College, ofKentucky, which won favor enough thisfall to secure a place on Harvard's schedulenext season, was represented chiefly byprofessionals disguised as students. Paidplayers are so common on many easternteams as to provoke no remark. Take thecases of Eielson and Erickson, former GreatLakes half-backs. Eielson was dismissedfrom Northwestern for poor scholarship;Erickson applied for admission there, buthad insufficient credits. Both turn up atWashington and Jefferson, a fine old true-blue Presbyterian institution in Pennsylvania, and are promptly "mentioned forail-American honors." The University ofPittsburgh would hardly care to publishany statement of the scholastic standing ofits splendid team. Unless the good olddays of the nineties are to return in thewest, when those should grab who had thecash to pay strong aspiring young coal-miners with, and those should worry aboutclasses who wore the 'varsity' letter, theconference will do well to keep its eyesopen.November EleventhBy Hilmar Baukhage, 'uThe following poem appears in the volume ofsketches by C. Leroy Baldridge, "I Was There."Baukhage contributes some poems to the volume.We stood up and we didn't say a word,It felt just like when you have droppedyour packAfter a hike, and straightened out your backAnd seem just twice as light as any bird.We stood up straight and, God! but it wasgood!When you have crouched like that formonths, to standStraight up and look right out toward No-Man's LandAnd feel the way you never thought youcould.We saw the trenches on the other sideAnd Jerry, too, not making any fuss,But prob'ly stupid-happy, just like us,Nobody shot and no one tried to hide.If you had listened then I guess you'd heardA sort of sigh from everybody there,But all we did was stand and stare andstare,Just stare and stand and never say a word.ALUMNI FUND CAMPAIGN 47j THE ALUMNI FUND CAMPAIGN " IThe Campaign in ProgressBy William H. Lyman, '14Secretary, Alumni Fund CommitteeThe Alumni Endowment Fund Campaignis in progress. In general the plan is touse the personal solicitation method inspots. throughout the country where a considerable number of The University ofChicago graduates or ex-students havecongregated. Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Denver, Washington, Louisville,Sioux City, Tulsa, Fort Worth, Dayton,Minneapolis, Peoria, St. Louis, Columbus,Omaha, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, RockIsland, Atlanta, Des Moines, Kansas City,Lawrence, Wichita, Emporia, Detroit,Houston, St. Paul, San Francisco, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Boston are the focalpoints. One or two men or women, activein alumni matters, are responsible for anaverage subscription of $50.00 for everygraduate or ex-student in their territory.In addition to this the Alumni Office hassent a personal letter and descriptive folderto every one of the 11,000 graduates whosecorrect addresses are on file in the office.As there are over 70,000 people who haveentered the University, the names and addresses of 59,000 non-graduates who mightbe interested in this movement are soughtby the campaign committee.As it is a little early to give detailed reports by classes and cities, partial results inChicago alone may be noted. A committeeof women directed by Miss Shirley Farr,'04, held a dinner at the College Club and atea at Ida Noyes Hall with subscriptionsamounting to over $10,000.00. The mendirected by the general chairman, FrankMcNair, '03, held two dinners at the HotelLaSalle attended by 64 and 125 respectivelyat which over $30,000.00 was raised. Atboth men's dinners, one, James WeberLinn, did yeoman service in presenting theproposition to those present. The names ofother people in Chicago were dividedamong the women and men at the meetings and the result of this personal solicitationis growing daily.The quota of $250,000.00 has not yetbeen reached. In order that the object maybe obtained it will be necessary that anumber of subscriptions for a substantialamount be made as well as a multitude oflife subscriptions. To date seventeen menand women have pledged one thousanddollars or more. Of these one subscription was made on a percentage basis tostimulate competition. This subscriber offered to give 10% of the amount raised upto the quota. Nineteen have subscribed$500.00 and the lesser subscriptions arenow numbered by the hundred.It is hoped that one of the results of thiscampaign will be to increase the membership in the Alumni Association. The idealsituation is to have every former studentequally interested in the welfare of theUniversity. The first step towards such amillenium is a large membership list, wellinformed through the magazine as to thehopes, plans and needs of our Alma Mater.The campaign is not ever. No subscription will be too late.IMlMIMIHIMIM Plill^IiUillillHIilliETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI Alumni Affairsi+._. .. . n , a, ._, a—,.—..—..-The Sioux City ClubJune, 1917, the University of ChicagoClub of Sioux City, Iowa, held its lastmeeting and adjourned for the duration ofthe war. Practically without exception the27 men in its membership went into serviceand the first meeting after the war broughtto light the fact that from this list hadcome one Lt.-Col., 6 Captains and over adozen Lieutenants.The visit of Dr. Butler to Sioux City wasthe incentive for the first gathering of theyear and some 45 alumni and former students of the University met at the Elks'Club for dinner on Nov. 6 in honor of therepresentative of the Alumni Council. Thenumber of those present would have beennearer 75 if it had not been for conflictingdates caused by the short advance noticegiven of the affair.Dr. Butler in his interesting talk to theClub told of the cities he had already visitedin which similar bodies were functioningand mentioned the different plans proposedin those places to make their organizationsof more value to the University.In the course of his talk he showed thegrowth of Chicago from its start 28 yearsago to today, told of the present positionof the institution in the educational worldand painted a vivid picture of what the future held in store.The last idea brought to the Club members was the plan of the Alumni Councilthat each city should have a body reallyincluding all who should be members, theactual holding of meetings at intervals frequent enough to keep things moving in theright direction and, finally, educating potential students to the possibilities of theUniversity. In connection with this theopportunity offered by a Club scholarshipwas brought forward.Mrs. Frederick Roost, wife of Lt. Col.Roost, furnished some highly-appreciatedentertainment with her songs. MortonHoward accompanied her on the piano.The next meeting of the Club will takeplace during the Xmas holidays when it isestimated that close to a hundred alumni,students and former students can bebrought together for a dinner, entertainment and dance.Dan H. Brown.The Omaha ClubOn November 7 the local alumni gave aluncheon at the Omaha Athletic Club incelebration of the visit of Dr. Judd. Oversixty alumni and former students of theUniversity were in attendance, including, besides the usual Omahans, a number fromvarious points in Nebraska and Iowa (StateTeachers' Convention being in session hereat that time).Besides bringing us campus news, forwhich we are always eager, Dr. Judd, toldus of the aim and potential effectiveness ofthe University of Chicago clubs and of thedesire of the University to cooperate withall alumni organizations.We also appreciated hearing from Dr.William B. Owen, formerly of the University of Chicago, but now at the ChicagoNormal School.With the help of our many new membersand the loyalty of the "old guard," theOmaha club is going to be a live organization, and plans are already in formulationfor a meeting in December.Elizabeth Morgan '17,Secretary.The Alumni Meeting at Columbus, OhioSaturday, November 8, in Parlor A of theHotel Deshler at 5:30 o'clock, about thirty-five former students of the University ofChicago met to form the Columbus AlumniClub. The Chairman and Toast Masterwas the Reverend Vernon Sirvilian Phillips. The Chairman of the Committee onArrangements was Mr. James H. S. Ellis.Dean James R. Angell, Dean R. D. Salisbury, Dean A. W. Small and Professor D.A. Robertson, who were in attendance atthe meeting of the Association of AmericanUniversities, remained over to be presentat this Alumni Dinner. Each spoke of therecent progress and existing characteristicsof the University of Chicago. These gentlemen left at 9:00 o'clock to take the trainfor Chicago. The club remained in sessionto receive the report of the Committee onConstitution and By-Laws.Among those present were Dean andMrs. McPherson of Ohio State University,Professor and Mrs. William Lloyd Evansof Ohio State University, Professor McNeil, M. S. North, E. Roe Hayhurst, MissSheets, recently of Mr. Field's office in theAllied Shipping Council of London, Mr.and Mrs. Harmon of the class of 1900, atpresent living in Columbus, Miss Brey-fogle, formerly Dean of Women in OhioState University, and Charles Lee Sullivan,who came up from Dayton to attend themeeting. During the dinner full telegraphicaccounts of the Michigan-Chicago game byquarters aroused the enthusiasm of thosepresent.The following officers of the new Univer-AFFAIRS 49sity of Chicago Alumni Club of CentralOhio were elected:President — William Lloyd Evans.Vice-President— Mrs. E. H. Baxter.Secretary-Treasurer — J. H. S. Ellis.J. H. S. Ellis,Columbus Savings and Trust Bldg.,Columbus, O.The Indianapolis ClubOn November 19 the Indianapolis Alumni Club of the University of Chicago hada dinner at the Columbia Club in honor ofDr. Nathaniel Butler. Thirty were present.Miss Ruth Bozell introduced Dr. Butler,whose short, jolly, expressive speechbrought us all back into the invigoratingatmosphere of the University. The Indianapolis Club has been organized since1910, but had, in common with many organizations here, gone into retirement lastyear under the combination of the war andthe influenza. Dr. Butler's talk was justthe impetus needed to renew our vitalityand interest, and we ended the meetingwith a general visit and Chicago songs,agreeing unanimously that we were mightyglad we had come.At. Dr. Butler's suggestion Miss Bozell,the president of the Club, announced thatwe would put off the election of officersuntil the January meeting, when we shouldhave become better re-acquainted.Those present at the dinner were: Dr.Butler, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richardson(Mr. Richardson formerly on the facultyof the School of Education), Mrs. Nuckols,Miss Ruth O'Hair, Miss Adele Storck,Miss Minnie Mason, Mrs. Arthur Jones(Mabel Harter), Dr. Jackson M. D. '04,Rush Medical, Dr. Young D. D. '06, MissMartha Allerdice '02, Miss Florence Morrison '02, Mrs. W. W. Thornton (IreneBlackledge '04), Miss Jessie Grant '07, Mrs.J. A. Miner (Lucia. Cole '09), Miss HelenE. Jacoby '09, Miss Margaret McLaughlin'12, Miss Ruth Bozell '13, Mrs. BlancheChenoweth '15, Miss Lili Lieber '17, Mr.and Mrs. Albert Schumacker (Mrs. Schu-macker-Pearl Gardner '17), Mrs. PierrePhilblad '17, Miss Marguerite Orndorff '17,Miss Alta Smith '18, Miss Dana ElizabethEnloe '18, Miss Mabel Washburn '18, MissCorinne Eddy '19, Miss Josephine Eddy,Miss Katherine Haggerty '19.Helen E. Jacoby,Secretary pro tem. The New Peoria ClubOn the evening of Wednesday, November 26th, at the call of a committee composed of Messrs. H. D. Morgan, Joseph C.Hazen, George R. MacClyment, Sidney H.Easton, Frederick A. Stowe, Wales H.Packard, Charles Mason, and J. W. Fisher,the former members of The University of.Chicago met at the Creve Coeur Club withthe avowed purpose of organizing a University of Chicago Club in Peoria, underthe^ auspices of the Alumni Council of theUniversity.After the very excellent dinner — excellent not only from the point of view of theinner man, but also from the opportunityit gave for pleasant conversation and renewing friendships and forming new ones— the chairman, Harry Dale Morgan, briefly outlined the object of the gathering, andintroduced the speaker of the evening, Dr.Nathaniel Butler, who brought greetingsfrorn the Alumni Council, and from thePresident of the University, and who toldus much of the "home news," and of whatother clubs are doing. One of the itemswhich interested us greatly was that although he had attended thirteen of thesegatherings in a very few weeks, and although many of them were in much largercities than Peoria, the Peoria gatheringwas a record-breaker in point of numbers,and the largest number before was forty-while there were fifty-four present on thisoccasion.Those who know Dr. Butler — and whodoes not, among those who have been atthe University? — will not need to have itrecorded here that the address was mostinteresting, and that the time flew by alltoo quickly while he was talking. Wewere all inspired to form this Club andmake it one of the best clubs in the groupof such organizations. And, of course, wemade Dr. Butler an Honorary Member ofthe new Club.Some present were among the membersof the University in its very beginning, andothers of more recent times. There werethose who had taken Baccalaureate degrees, those who had taken Doctor's degrees, and some who had no degrees atall, but all met on the common ground ofloyalty to our Alma Mater.The "talk-around" gave each an opportunity to know who all the others were,when they were at the University, andwhat they are doing now, and was one ofthe many pleasant features of the evening.The Nominating Committee, consistingof J. W. Fisher, Miss Jean Love, Dr. W.H. Packard, presented the following nominations: President, Harry Dale Morgan,Vice-president, Dr. Sidney H. Easton, Secretary-treasurer, Anna Jewett Le Fevre,Executive Committee, George R. MacClyment, Dr. Joseph C. Hazen, Frederick A.(Continued on page 79)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI School of Education Alumni Association!X . .„ nn .. „News Notes from a Given DepartmentEach MonthThe material for this section of the University of Chicago Magazine is furnishedthis month by the Department of Education of the School of Education. In theissues which follow the changes and developments in other departments will be included. Miss Alice Temple, chairman ofthe Kindergarten-Primary Department,Miss Katherine Blunt, chairman of theHome Economics Department, and Mr.Sargent, chairman of the Art Departmentare each preparing interesting reports fortheir respective departments. The committee is glad to announce to formerstudents in the Kindergarten-Primary Department that Miss Temple's report willappear in the next issue of the Universityof Chicago Magazine.The University of Chicago DinnerThe University of Chicago Dinner whichis held each year in connection with themeeting of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association will be held at 6:30 on Tuesdayevening, February 24, 1920, in the Electrical League Dining-Room on the fourteenth floor of the Statler Hotel, Cleveland,Ohio.This annual gathering of former studentsand alumni of the University has becomeincreasingly popular and successful duringrecent years. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to meet formerfriends and classmates and to learn of theactivities and developments at the University. A very interesting program is beingorganized. Members of the faculty willdiscuss recent developments in the University and progressive changes in the Department of Education. Students who havetaken work in the Kindergarten-PrimaryDepartment will be interested to knowthat Miss Alice Temple will speak. Prominent alumni of the University will discusstopics of special interest to all former students. Mr. Matthew Willing, who receivedhis Master's degree in 1916, is arranging aseries of musical numbers for the evening'sprogram.A most cordial invitation is extended toall former students and alumni to attendthe dinner. The price per plate is $2.00.Please send reservations to the AlumniCommittee of the School of Educationearly. Secure tickets at the desk of theStatler Hotel, Monday, February 23, or nolater than 10:00 a. m. Tuesday, February 24. The Members of the Department ofEducationAll members of the Department are inresidence during the Autumn Quarter excepting Mr. Butler and Mr. Jernegan. Asection which follows describes in detailMr. Butler's activities. Mr. Jernegan willgive courses in the history of educationduring the Winter and Spring Quarters.Inasmuch as he gives courses both in theDepartment of History and the Department of Education and supervises thepreparation of a large number of these ineach department, Mr. Jernegan has had anunusually heavy program during the lastyear.Director Judd will be in residence eachquarter during the current year. He isconducting a series of conferences with themembers of the Department in regard toprogressive changes in the scope and character of the courses given in the Department. Furthermore he is chairman of acommittee of the National Society for theStudy of Education known as the Committee on the Materials of Instruction. Duringthe past months he has been collecting alarge amount of material organized byteachers in various parts of the country tomeet local needs. He is editing this material for the next yearbook of the NationalSociety. It is believed that this book willbe a distinct contribution to current educational literature, and will serve as aneffective stimulus to the creation of morematerials of a similar type.Dean Gray is busily engaged during thisquarter with plans for the Summer Quarterof 1920 and for the following academicyear. The increase, of forty per cent lastsummer in the enrollment in the School ofEducation has made it necessary to providean unusual amount of instruction for theSummer Quarter of 1920. The increase inthe enrollment in the various departmentsof the College of Education has broughtnumerous problems for consideration inplanning courses for the next academicyear. In addition Mr. Gray is carrying forward his investigations in reading. It isexpected that the year's work will result ina book entitled "How to Teach and Supervise Oral and Silent Reading."Mr. Bobbitt is giving courses in the curriculum and in administration. It will berecalled that his book, The Curriculum,was published last year. He is at the present time engaged in studies of administrative problems. It is hoped that he willpublish a book in the field of public-schooladministration in the near future.OF EDUCATIONMr. Breed was out of residence duringthe Spring Quarter participating in the survey of public education in Virginia. He isengaged at the present time in preparingreports on spelling and handwriting forVolume II of the report of the survey committee. He is also giving a considerablepart of his time to the work of the Committee on Organizing College Courses inEducation, a committee of the CollegeTeachers of Education.Mr. Freeman has a number of importantstudies under way. A laboratory investigation of wide significance is a study of theamount of illumination which is necessaryfor school buildings to meet the requirements of reading. Supplementary to thisstudy is an investigation of the manner ofconstructing a building in order to securethe required amount of light. Mr. Freemanis also cooperating with Mr. Rugg in thedevelopment of a number of parallel intelligence tests which can be given to groupsand scored easily and accurately. Thesetests have been organized primarily forhigh-school pupils. The development ofgroup intelligence tests for young childrenwho cannot read has also been started. Inaddition Mr. Freeman is preparing a manualon the teaching of handwriting which putsinto practice the conclusions of his researches in that field during the last fewyears.Mr. Morrison, Superintendent of theLaboratory Schools, has been devoting allof his time to the supervision of the elementary and high schools. A number ofsignificant projects have already beenstarted and others are to follow. Reportswill be made from time to time of the_ results of these experiments. Mr. Morrisonwill give courses in administration duringthe Winter Quarter.Mr. Parker is in residence looking morehale and hearty than ever. The book onwhich he has been working during the lasttwo years entitled, General Methods ofTeaching in Elementary Schools, was published last summer. It is a companion bookto his Methods of Teaching in High Schools.It is another evidence of Mr. Parker's valuable contribution both to the work of theSchool of Education and to education ingeneral. He is working at the presenttime on Types of Teaching in ElementarySchools which supplements the discussionsof General Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools.Mr. Sargent plans to be in residence alarger number of quarters than usual thisyear. He plans, however, to be away mostof next year to make careful detailedstudies of the current demands for art, particularly design, in commercial and industrial fields. He intends to use the information secured through these studies in aprogressive reorganization of art courses.Mr. Snyder, the Principal of The Univer- ALUMNI ASSOCIATION sisity High School, was elected to fill thisposition after the resignation of PrincipalJohnson a year ago. He is giving all ofhis attention this year to the administration of the High School. Later he willgive courses on administration in theCollege.Dean Butler and The University ofChicago ClubsDuring the last year the Alumni Councilof the University has cooperated withalumni members in the organization ofUniversity of Chicago clubs. The objectivesproposed for these clubs are, (1) establishing a closer fellowship among thealumni, former students and friends of theUniversity, (2) organizing from time totime public lectures and recitals to beoffered by members of the University Faculty and by others for the entertainmentand benefit of the local communities, (3)promoting all public measures which arefavorable to education, social reform andthe public good, (4) maintaining one ormore University of Chicago scholarshipsavailable to selected local graduates fromhigh schools, (5) maintaining one or moregraduate scholarships in the University ofChicago for local superintendents and principals who may wish to take their advanceddegrees.During the Autumn Quarter Dean Butlerhas been giving a large part of his time tothe promotion of these clubs. Wheneveralumni members and former students makea request for a speaker from the University,Dean Butler is sent to speak at a meetingof the club. Between October and Christmas plans for meetings include the following cities: Rock Island, Davenport, Moline,Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Washington, DesMoines, Sioux City, Indianapolis, Dayton,Columbus, and probably Detroit and Cleveland.The Alumni Committee of the School ofEducation takes this opportunity to suggestthat former students of the School of Education take the initiative in the organization of such clubs, if none have been organized in their communities. If such stepsare contemplated, the Alumni Councilshould be requested to send instructionsand a copy of the proposed constitution.The Education ClubThe Education Club of the School ofEducation has had a series of most interesting meetings during the Autumn Quarter.The discussions of each meeting have centered about a significant educational problem The first topic which was discussedwas' "Pupil-Maturity as Determining theOrganization of the Course ot Study." Theproblem was introduced by Mr. Judd andits presentation was followed by a livelydiscussion to which students and facultymembers contributed. The remainingUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtopics for the Autumn Quarter and theleaders in each case follow:Particularizing the Objectives of Education Mr. BobbittOrganization of Method DiscussionsBased on Special Types of Learning Mr. ParkerMethods of Developing Appreciationof Art Mr. SargentSupervised Study Mr. BreedApplication of Scientific Method to theMaking of the Curriculum Mr. RuggWhat the Superintendent of SchoolsNeeds to Know Mr. MorrisonThe Public School and Junior Employment Mr. FilbeyReading as the Most Significant Unitin the Organization of Elementary-School Instruction Mr. GrayThe Contribution of Mental Tests toOur Knowledge of Mental Capacitiesand Mental Development. . .Mr. FreemanIndustrial EducationThe University of Chicago has been authorized to train a limited number ofspecialists for the Junior Section of theFederal Employment Service. There is aprospective demand for inspectors, directors, investigators, and counselors, allof whom need to be specially trained if thework is to measure up to the high standardsnow being established for this branch of theFederal Service. In order that this training may appeal to graduate students, liberalfellowships have been provided. In addition to the fellowships the students entering upon such training are given an opportunity to do field work in connection withactual employment practice. The department is interested in investigating suchproblems as the sources of junior laborsupply, the labor demand, educational opportunities, organization of administrationin junior offices, methods of cooperationwith school systems, etc. It is expectedthat fellows will find material for thesesin connection with such fields' of investigation. Students operating under these fellowships will be sworn into Governmentservice at the beginning of the trainingperiod and will be permitted to use theGovernment frank for all correspondence necessary in carrying forward their research studies, investigations, or follow-upwork. The following graduate students inthe Department of Education have beengranted fellowships for the present year:Lloyd E. Blauch, H. D. Byrne, Joseph V.Hanna, Charles M. Larcomb.Resignation of Dr. H. O. RuggDuring recent years Mr. Rugg has beendevoting a large amount of his time andenergy to investigations of school subjects.The monograph entitled Scientific Methodin the Reconstruction of Ninth-GradeMathematics, written jointly by Mr. Ruggand Mr. Clark, is a concrete illustration ofhis valuable contributions in this field ofeducational investigation. When he wasrecently offered the position of Educational Psychologist for the Lincoln Schoolof Teachers College, Columbia University,he saw an opportunity to devote all of hisattention for a period of years to this important field of research. In acceptingthis position, he becomes a member of theTeachers College Faculty. During theacademic year he will give all of his timeto various scientific studies. His investigations will include intensive studies ofchildren's abilities and methods of learning. In this connection Mr. Rugg will bein immediate charge of all investigationsinvolving measurement, and he will cooperate with others in the school in furthering the scientific reconstruction of thecurriculum. During the summer sessions,he will give courses in education in Teachers College.Mr. Rugg has been a member of the faculty of the School of Education for fouryears. During that time he has contributedin many ways to the refinement of scientific technique in educational research. Hewill be missed very much at the School ofEducation both personally and professionally . He leaves, however, with the knowledge that his present colleagues will follow his work in the future with the greatest interest and will be willing to co-operatewith him in any way possible to furtherhis contributions to the science of education.ARTILLERY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 5:1i •—•—.*| Field Artillery at The University of ChicagoBy Col. Harold E. Marr, F. A., Professor of Military Science and TacticsThe most important provision made byCongress in recent years for the purposeof. utilizing the facilities of educational institutions in imparting military instruction,broadening its scope and placing such instruction and training on a firm basis, wasembodied in certain sections of the "Act ofJune 3rd, 1916," commonly called the"National Defense Act." These sectionsestablished the Reserve Officers' TrainingCorps, the primary object of which is toqualify, by systematic and standardmethods of training, students at educational institutions as reserve officers.The institutions directly affected were ofcourse the so-called land-grant collegesand universities, and the essentially military schools. The former, by virtue of thefederal aid received, had for years been required to give a fixed amount of militarydrill. Military drill and discipline were tneavowed foundation of the latter. With thepassing of the new law and the approachof our entry into the World War a fewother institutions availed themselves of theopportunity and established units of various types, mostly infantry, but these wereshort-lived. They gave way to the nowdefunct S. A. T. C, which should by nomeans be confounded with the ReserveOfficers Training Corps. The StudentsArmy Training Corps will probably neverbe revived. The R. O. T. C. has receivedsuch approval from the heads and authorities of leading institutions generally thatit will undoubtedly form an important element in any system of military policydetermined upon by the next Congress.The law established these military training units and provided for their maintenance. Except for a few broad provisions,however, the details of the work were leftto the Secretary of War. That official verywisely invited to a conference on the subject leading educators throughout thecountry, mainly .college presidents, and themeeting was held in Washington, D: C. inFebruary, 1919. Dean James R. Angellrepresented President Judson and theUniversity of Chicago. Officers detailedupon and interested in the work also attended, and the result of the discussion anddeliberation was an entirely new set ofregulations under which military trainingin colleges functions today.In connection with the support given bythe universities themselves, it is interestingto note the attitude of the War Department as evidenced by Secretary Baker in a II— *Herecent address to students at Lehigh.said in part:"It is to the collegiate institutions of thenation that we must always look to supplythe material from which commissioned officer personnel for our immense citizenarmies must be developed. More thanfifty thousand of our Army and NavyOfficers in this war were drawn from onehundred and fifty institutions of learning."At the early training camps for officersthere was evident one very striking fact, —that the young men who had come fromthe schools and colleges where militarytraining had previously prevailed were themen who most quickly and readily becameavailable for active and efficient service."Modern warfare demands of its officer-leader a complex and scientific professionalskill and careful and thorough groundingin the fundamental principles upon whichto build."As our armies will in all probabilityalways be those of citizenry drawn to thecolors when the emergency arises, it follows that the bulk of our officers must bealso citizens who leave their civil pursuitsand take up their arms already trained inthe habit of dicipline and the principles ofleadership. This training and experience itis believed can best be secured through themilitary instruction which can best be imparted in the schools and colleges."The law provides, in effect, that when aninstitution makes application for the establishment of a unit it shall agree to maintain at least one hundred physically fitmale students in the military courses, thatit shall adopt into its curriculum suchcourses, and that proper facilities for givingthe instruction and caring for the equipment shall be furnished. In granting theapplication the government agrees to detailthe necessary commissioned and enlistedpersonnel and to provide the requisiteamount of material and other militaryequipment.There are as many types of units asthere are branches or arms of the service.By "unit" is meant the military organization or group of students pursuing thesame course of military instruction: Infantry, cavalry, field artillery, coast artillery, engineers, signal corps, motor transport corps, medical corps, etc. Several institutions have more than one unit, thesebeing chiefly the land-grant collegeswhere military work is compulsory, thoughNorthwestern University, for instance, hasTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthree — infantry, , coast artillery, and engineers — and the work there is elective.On account of the expenditures involvedin furnishing proper facilities only thestrongest institutions can afford to establish a Field Artillery Unit. Among themost important universities, having military instruction elective, at which F. A.units are either established or being organized are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Chicago, University of Utah, andLeland Stanford. Of these, Yale's aloneexisted prior to the war, and her remarkable contribution to the Field Artillerywhen during the conflict that arm wasexpanded over seventy-one hundred percent is now a matter of history. Throughthe generosity of her Alumni, Yale's unitpossesses a wonderful riding hall, stables,gun-sheds, and a building on the campuscalled "Artillery Hall" which providescomplete facilities for indoor instruction,even to the conducting of sub-caliberartillery practice. Harvard's plans areequally elaborate.The University of Chicago has providedwell for the strictly field artillery instruction while the unit is still in a formativeperiod by turning over to the Departmentof Military Science and Tactics practicallythe west half of Ellis Hall. Partitions havebeen removed so that in the center is alarge hall or armory eighty by fifty feetwith floor of cinders, while along thenorth and south sides are class rooms,store rooms and offices for the head of thedepartment, the instructors, and the necessary clerical force. Excellent stables forthe horses supplied were secured onlythree blocks from the University.To list the equipment by items would require all the pages from first to last inthis magazine. Its actual money value isabout three hundred thousand dollars.Briefly it consists of one American three-inch firing battery complete, including fourguns, six caissons, and the battery andstore wagons; French, British, and American 75's; one 4.7 rifle; one 155 m/m howitzer; and a 155 m/m G. P. F. gun, weighingwith carriage about twenty four thousandpounds. These constitute the very latesttypes of ordnance. In addition there is inamount equal to that supplied a battalionof field artillery, the latest signal, fire-control, and engineering equipment consistingof such articles as telephones, switchboards, telephone wire, complete wirelesssets, battery-commanders' telescopes, aiming circles, observation towers, sketchingcases, and numerous valuable and delicateinstruments necessary to attaining a highdegree of accuracy in mapping and orientation. Forty artillery and riding horsesare here, with complete riding equipment,and also artillery harness. The illustrationof course shows only a small part of theordnance, one each of the smaller types of guns and caissons, and the 155 m/m howitzer; the 155 G. P. F. would have monopolized the entire picture. To insure properinstruction in Field Artillery motor transportation a tractor, truck, motorcycles, anda reconnaissance car have been orderedshipped.The commissioned staff consists of twoofficers though more are urgently neededas the work develops. Three were originally detailed but the acute demand forofficers rendered it necessary for the WarDepartment to send the third elsewhere.If the military instruction is to be efficiently handled, it is absolutely essential that alarger number of officers and non-commissioned officers be authorized by law fordetail to civilian educational institutionsand the university alumni can render greatservice by apprising their congressmen ofthis fact. A detachment of twenty enlistedmen of the regular army is furnished tocare for the equipment and, in a few cases,to assist in the instruction.Training during times of peace is especially essential in such a branch of theservice as the field artillery, which requiresa high degree of specialized and technicalknowledge. This very requirement, withthe great diversity of subjects renders instruction in field artillery peculiarlyadapted to introduction into the universities. The course in Military Science andTactics admits primarily the intimate relation between the academic and the military. The purely military subjects, which inthemselves have a high educational valueand interest are coordinated with the regular curriculum and fitted into it so thatthey take equal rank in credit toward degrees with the strictly academic subjects.Among the military courses are Fundamentals, Ordnance, Horse and MotorTransportation, Military Law, Topographyand Orientation, Gunnery and Conduct ofFire, Minor Tactics and Map Maneuvers,Military History and Policy of the UnitedStates. On the other hand credit towardcompletion of the military course is givenfor such subjects as the following, all ofwhich have a military value: Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Geography, Modern Language, Economics, Education, Psychology, Law, Hygiene, andBacteriology. Physical Training will begiven by both the Military Department andthe Department of Physical Culture; thecourse by the former includes instructionin Equitation.In addition to the technical and theoretical instruction, there remains yet a largeamount of practical work before a studentmay be considered qualified for his prospective duties as a subaltern of FieldArtillery. This is expected to be accomplished in summer camps of from four tosix weeks duration two of which are contemplated, though as will be seen laterARTILLERY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 55only the advanced camp, normally attended at the end of Junior year, is requiredby law. Attendance at the first or basiccamp is optional.As an inducement to students to pursuethe courses to completion, the work thefirst two years, including camps, is whollyelective. If this be satisfactorily completedand the student be approved by the President of the University and by the Professor of Military Science for further training,he then may so elect, executing an agreement to continue the work the remainderof his college course, or for two years,whereby he immediately becomes entitledto payment of commutation of rationsfrom the beginning of his Junior to theend of his Senior year, including the intervening vacation, but excepting the timespent in camp, which he thereby obligateshimself to attend. Expenses of the studentto and from the camp, and while there, arenow provided for by law. Proposed legislation gives pay for the time spent in campalso, and if this is enacted two will doubtless be required instead of one. Regularmilitary equipment and clothing is provided the student while in attendance atcamp, and incidentally this is the only time during the entire course when he is required to don a uniform.In return for its big investment, the government expects to secure an ever increasing number of trained and educated officerswho will be instantly available in the eventof another emergency. Even though thestudent declines to accept the commissionoffered him upon satisfactory completionof the course, he still is of much greaterpotential military value than the man whohas not been so trained.The University, on its part, secures alarge amount of equipment suited to scientific and technical study, the installation ofcourses which enrich its curriculum, andwhat means most to the University of Chicago, an opportunity to broaden the scopeof its service to the nation.The student who takes full advantage ofthe opportunity offered receives in returnfor his own time and effort a trainingwhich develops in him his spirit of patriotism and loyalty, teaches him the meaningand necessity of discipline, and makes himalert, enthusiastic, resourceful, and aggressive. With his practical and technicaltraining in Military Science, he justifies hiscitizenship by being ready at the call toaid in the defense of his country.The picture shows part of the artillery equipment and some members of thedepartment of Military Science at the University, lined up on EllisAvenue beside the University Press building.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE* , . ._.._._.._.._tUniversity Notes IT- ,„ „. „ „ ,,„ ,„ „„ ,,„ „, „ „, „„ „„ „„ „„_,, „ „„ „ „„ „ „„ „ nn nn nn nn .. nn n. n.}.,},-,„ „ „ „ -a YA View in Ida Noyes HallAn alumnus of the University of Chicago,Dr. John C. Hessler, who received his doctor's degree and was for several years aninstructor in chemistry at the institution,has been made acting president of theJames Millikan University at Decatur,Illinois.To increase its capacity for the production of anti-pneumonia serum, the laboratory in charge of Dr. Preston Kyes, Professor of Preventive Medicine, is to beenlarged at a cost of five thousand dollars.Dr. Kyes has been giving regular and successful treatment with the serum to soldiersat Camp Grant.Dr. Edson Sunderland Bastin, of theUnited States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C, has been appointed to a professorship of economic geology, fromJanuary 1, 1920. Dr. Bastin received hisdoctor's degree from the University of Chicago in 1909. Other new appointments arethose of Russell Stafford Knappen to aninstructorship in geology, and of DerwentStainthorpe Whittlesey to an instructorshipin geography.Over three hundred and thirty scholarships on the La Verne Noyes Foundationhave been awarded for the Autumn Quarter at the University of Chicago. In previous quarters more than five hundred wereassigned. The foundation, of an estimatedvalue of $2,500,000, provides for paying thetuition of deserving students who servedin the Great War or who shall be descendants by blood of any one in service in thearmy or navy of the United States in thatwar. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, D.Sc, curator of Indian Art at the Boston Museumof Fine Arts and author of notable booksin his special field, gave an illustrated lecture on "Indian Painting, Buddhist andHindu" before the Renaissance Society ofthe University of Chicago on November 11.The society the same evening held its annual meeting and elected as president Gor-d o n Jennings Laing; vice-presidents,David Allan Robertson, Horace SpencerFiske, J. C. M. Hanson, Charles L. Hutchinson, Lorado Taft; secretary, Mrs. HenryGordon Gale; treasurer, Walter A. Payne;executive committee, Antoinette B. Hollis-ter, Elizabeth Wallace, James A. Field,Walter Sargent, and Barrett Spach.Dean Shailer Mathews, who becameState Secretary of the Illinois War SavingsCommittee of which Mr. Martin A. Ryerson was director, reports that the totalsales of War Savings Stamps up to January 1, 1919, were approximately $72,000,-000. In 1918 Dean Mathews became vice-director of the committee, having generalcharge of the various details of war-savings securities in Illinois. Since the organization of this branch of the work of theTreasury Department, he has been a member of the executive committee of theseventh Federal Reserve district and director of educational work in that district.Two important industrial fellowships inthe Department of Botany have recentlybeen established by the Gypsum IndustriesAssociation at the University of Chicago.Each fellowship provides a stipend of $750and also $300 for the purchase of specialmaterial and apparatus.The holders of these fellowships are toinvestigate the value of gypsum and othersulphur compounds as fertilizers for various crops on various soils in the UnitedStates. This work will involve both plotcultures and pot cultures in the greenhouse. It will also involve the analyses ofmany soils for many crops. The Universitywill appoint the fellows and make publicthe results of the investigation.The latest appointment to the Faculty ofthe University of Chicago Law School isthat of Dr. Clay Judson to an instructor-ship in personal property and mortgages.Dr. Judson, who received his J.D. degreefrom the Law School in 1917 cum laude andhis A.B. degree from Harvard in 1914, isthe son of Brigadier General William V.Judson, of the United States Engineers.NOTES 57Some Registration FiguresThe student registration for the AutumnQuarter at the University of Chicago isjust officially announced and shows a remarkable increase over the attendance inthe corresponding quarter a year ago.In the Graduate School of Arts and Literature there are 206 men and 168 women,a total of 374; and in the Ogden GraduateSchool of Science, 228 men and 82 women,a total of 310, making the total attendancein the Graduate Schools 684.In the Senior Colleges 474 men are enrolled and 400 women, a total of 874; and inthe Junior Colleges 894 men and 608women, a total of 1,502. The total for theColleges, including 152 Unclassified students, is 2,528.In the Professional Schools there are 156Divinity students, 203 Medical students,306 Law students, 242 in Education, and576 in Commerce and Administration, atotal for the Professional Schools of 1,483.In University College the registrations are1,225. The totals for the University, exclusive of duplications, are 2,934 men and2,715 women, a grand total of 5,649, whichis a gain of 1,337 over the Autumn Quarterof 1918.At the recent annual conference of theAssociation of American Universities heldat the Ohio State University in Columbus,Professor James R. Angell, Dean of theFaculties at the University and chairmanof the National Research Council, presented a paper on behalf of the University,his subject being "The Organization of Research." President Judson discussed thepaper by President Ray Lyman Wilbur, ofLeland Stanford Junior University, on"Remunerative Extra-University Activities." Others in attendance from the University of Chicago included Dean AlbionW. Small, Dean Rollin D. Salisbury, Professor Julius Stieglitz, Chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry, and Associate Professor David A. Robertson, who is secretary of the association.By action of the Board of Trustees Professor Harry A.. Millis, Ph.D. '99, of theDepartment of Political Economy, hasbeen authorized to give instruction half-time during the current academic year inorder to render service as arbiter in questions relating to the clothing trade in Chicago. Professor Millis, who was at onetime Chief of Investigation of Immigration in the West, has been connected atvarious times with Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity and the University of Kansasat which latter institution he was head ofthe department of economics. Conference on War MemorialThe president of the Board of Trusteeshas appointed a committee of three of thetrustees to confer with a committee of thealumni on the question of a suitable memorial to be placed in the quadrangles ofthe University for alumni who have giventheir lives in the war with Germany andAustria-Hungary. The committee fromthe trustees consists of Mr. Charles L.Hutchinson, President Harry Pratt Judson, and Mr. Harold H. Swift. The committee from the alumni consists of Mr.Frank McNair, Ph.B., '03; Mr. Leo F.Wormser, Ph.B., '05, J. D. '09; and Mr.Emery B. Jackson, A.B., '02. Mr. McNairwho is chairman of the Alumni Council, isa banker, Mr. Wormser, a lawyer, and Mr.Jackson an architect.Roy D. Keehn, '02, J.D., '04, has justgiven to the University funds for the support of a graduate fellowship in the LawSchool during the current year. Mr. Keehnis a prominent lawyer in Chicago, havingformerly been associated in the practice oflaw with ex-Secretary of War Jacob M.Dickinson, and being now consulting counsel for the Chicago American and the Chicago Hcrald-Examincr.Two foreign professors of note lecturedat the University on November 19, 20, and21. One is Professor Vito Volterra, ofRome, and the other, Professor AbbeDinmet, of Paris. Professor Volterra, whois professor of mathematics and physics inthe University of Rome and during the warwas director of the National ResearchCouncil of Italy, spoke in French, November 19, on "The Organization of Scienceduring and after the War." On November 20 he spoke in Italian to the RomanceClub on "Carducci," and on November 21to the Physics and Medical clubs on atechnical subject. Professor Dinmet, whois in this country to interest friends of education in the University of Lille, lecturedNovember 20 on "Some Aspects of theBronte Sisters," of whose lives and workshe has written an authoritative appreciation. This lecture was on the WilliamVaughn Moody Foundation.Professor George de Bothezat, of thePolytechnic Institute of Petrograd, Russia,gave three lectures at the University onNovember 19, 20, and 21, under the auspices of the Department of Physics. Thefirst lecture was on "The FundamentalPrinciples of Dynamics," the second on"The Fundamental Principles of Hydrodynamics," and the last on "The Actual Question of the Present State of the Theory ofFluid Resistance."(Continued on page 79)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.j, -,.«. ..— a aa ,.— a. „—..—, a. .._..—,. a.—.— a. .. a. „ a. a. „— a. a. an aa— a. a. n*j The Trustees1 Our Guides, Philosophers and Friends,._,_„_.._.._,. ._,._,._,._„_.„_„ . „_. .._.._.._.. *Eli B. Felsenthal, '78Referring to a substantial sum raised bythe Jews of Chicago in 1890 for the newUniversity, Dr. J. W. Goodspeed, in hishistory of the University, says, "This generous co-operation was one of the essentialfactors in the final success achieved." EliB. Felsenthal wasone of the Committee of Ten who "entered heartily intothe undertaking,"and largely throughhis personal effortsthis contribution wasraised. Having received the degreeof B. A. from theold University ofChicago, and havingserved as a member of its Board ofTrustees fromshortly after 1880until that institutionwas closed, it wasbut natural that hisfull interest wasaroused at the prospect of the revivalof an institution ofhigher learning inthe city, and thathe himself accepteda direct responsibility for the successof the project. Inrecognition of hisready response andco-operation, as wellas for his evidentfitness for the responsible task, he was elected one ofthe members of the Board of Trusteesupon the incorporation of the Universityand he has loyally served it as a trusteeever since.Eli B. Felsenthal was born on ClarkStreet, Chicago, in 1858, the son ofHerman Felsenthal and Gertrude Felsenthal (Gertrude Hyman). Both of his parents came from Germany. Mr. Felsenthal'sgrandfather was a teacher there. Hisfather, after receiving his certificate asteacher in the Hebrew schools at the ageof fourteen, came to America about 1855. At this period there was a large exodus ofGerman Jews into the United States, whichseemed to offer greater opportunities thanwere afforded at home. Although hisfather's ambition was to be a teacher,necessity drove him into business life, andsoon after reaching Chicago he engagedfirst in the grocery and then in the commission business, with success. In 1857 hemarried Mr. Felsenthal's mother, and notlong after the family moved to theWest Side of thecity where the childhood days of Eli B.Felsenthal werespent.In 1872 his parents moved to theSouth Side in orderto afford their sonan opportunity toenter the preparatory department ofthe old University.Mr. Felsenthal diligently attended thisinstitution until hisgraduation in 1878.Two years later hereceived his diploma (cum laude)from the old UnionCollege of Law, andhe then entered thepractice of law inChicago, in whichprofession he hasattained notable distinction. He haspracticed law in association with various distinguishedmembers of the Chicago bar, and is atpresent associated in the law firm of Felsenthal, Wilson & Struckmann, of which hisson Edward G. Felsenthal, '08, J. D. '10, isalso a member.On January 11, 1883, Mr. Felsenthal wasmarried to Nettie Goldman, of New York.They have five children: Mrs. Leo Schoen-brun, of Hubbard Woods, Edward G.Felsenthal, Mrs. M. W. Simon, of Buffalo,Herman and Robert M. Felsenthal. Hehas been prominent in civic, religious, andsocial activities as a member of the UnionLeague Club, Northmoor Country Club,(Continued on page 75)Eli B. Felsenthal, '78TRUSTEES 59Willard A. SmithWillard Adelbert Smith, who has been atrustee of The University of Chicago since1894, was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin,September 20, 1849, the son of WilliamHarrison and Mehitable (Allen) Smith. In1869 he received the degree of A. B. fromShurtleff College, at Upper Alton, Illinois,and six years later received the degree ofA. M. from the same institution. In 1906Shurtleff College conferred upon him thehonorary degree of LL.D.After leaving college, Mr. Smith took upthe study of law at Washington University,St. Louis, and wasgraduated LL.B. in1871. A year later,May 1, 1872, he wasmarried to Maria C.Dickinson, of St.Louis.In 1873 Mr. Smithbecame the publisher and proprietor ofthe Railway Review.of the corporationpublishing which influential publicationhe is still the president. Early in hiscareer he gaineddistinction as a civilengineer and as anauthoritv, particularly, on railwaytransportation. Thathis exceptional ability was internationally recognized isclearly shown bythe positions ofhonor and importance he has heldand by the specialhonors conferredupon him. At theWorld's ColumbianExposition, in 1893,Mr. Smith was chiefof the departmentof transportation exhibits; he was the director of transportation and civil engineering on the American Commission to theParis Exposition in 1900; and he again wasChosen as chief of the department of transportation for the St. Louis Exposition in1904. He was twice a delegate for theUnited States to the International RailwayCongress, to that held in Paris in 1900, andto the 1905 congress at Washington.Among the special honors that have beenconferred upon him, in recognition of hisservices to the development of railwaytransportation, was that of Chevalier,Willard A. SmithLegion of Honor, by France, in 1901, andin 1906, of Officier. Japan acknowledgedhis contribution to railway science, in 1905,the Rising Sun.For many years Mr. Smith has beenclosely associated with the leading engineering and railway societies of thecountry. He is a member of the AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, the WesternSociety of Engineers, the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association, theAmerican Society of Railroad Superintendents, the Master Car Builders' Association, and of the Chicago Engineers Club.As a member of these organizations Mr.Smith has assisted in the general progressof railway management and affairs. Hehas been an influential factor in mak-i n g the City ofChicago the world'sgreatest railwaycenter.H i s interests,however, have extended beyond engineering and railways. For sometime he has been anhonorary curator ofthe Field Museumof Natural History;as a member of theUnion League Clubhe has been connected with important civic and socialmovements. For aquarter of a centuryMr. Smith has mostably assisted theUniversity as a trustee; he has been oneof its loyal friends.He is at present,with Mr. Felsenthal, a member ofthe committee onPress and Extension and of that onAudit and Securities. This assistance is but one expression of his interest in matters pertaining to higher education.It is essential in the management and inthe development of a large and progressiveuniversity that the men who have its destinies in charge should bring to the conduct of the institution a variey of points ofview, based on varied training and experience. Willard A. Smith is among thosewho have benefited the institution bybringing to the many deliberations uponits growth and activities the necessary mature judgment of a mind trained in matters(Continued on page 75)_,.— .*THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWriting in a UniversityBy Robert M. Lovett(From the Literary Number of the Daily Maroon)The modern teaching of English composition began at Harvard in the early yearsof President Eliot's administration. Sometwenty years later I remember hearingProf. Barrett Wendell comment pessimistically on the fact that all the critical effortexpended on thousands of themes had resulted in no great contribution to American literature. Indeed, it may plausibly beargued that this pedagogic activity isreally hostile to the production of work ofdistinction. An English department in acollege must have as its chief object theraising of whole classes to a high level ofintelligence, workmanship, and efficiency inwriting, not the invitation and stimulationof genius, and genius, should it enter ourclass rooms, would speedily be put toflight. In twenty-five years of teaching Ihave had many pupils of extraordinarytalent, and I have always prayed to thattenth muse who knoweth not Apollo that Imight not hurt them.The teaching of composition in the modern world where everyone must write andwhere the demand for reading matter islike the demand for coal or wheat musthave as its aim the production, not of masterpieces, but of practicable pieces. It isimportant, however, that the distinctionshould be always recognized. It was admirably illustrated the other afternoon inMiss Beatty's exposition of the attitude ofthe editor of a great American magazineand Mr. Herrick's comments thereon.Characteristically, Mr. Herrick believesthat there is no truce between black andwhite, good and evil, artist and public. Yetmost college work is at best capable ofbeing raised to a level of workmanshipwhich will make it acceptable and useful.I have often had to suggest the changesthat would make an article or story public-able. Sometimes I have devoutly hopedthat the writer would reject them. Ofcourse, the business of college teachingwith the craftmanship, the recognition ofvalues which are fundamental in all goodwriting. The unpardonable sin againstyouth is the substitution for them of thetricks of the trade, the current formulae,the standard specifications, according towhich the mill work of the modern magazine is mechanically turned out. Scores ofletters come to my desk every summerinquiring about our "short story course."I am glad to answer that we have no shortstory course, that we teach writing, notfiction.With the best writing in college, teach ing has little to do. I tell students frequently that the most effective teachingthey will get will be from themselves, andthe greatest stimulus from each other. Thechief use of a class in higher compositionis to provide an atmosphere in which thestudent is inspired to work by the kind ofcameradie and rough competition which wethink of in connection with an atelier. Thehighest service which a department ofcomposition can render to literature in acollege is the diffusion of such an atmosphere throughout the institution. As Isuggested at the outset, it may be questioned whether the formal instruction ofthe class is not often an expedient ratherthan an inspiration. The best writing atHarvard when I was there was done forThe Harvard Monthy. George Santayanaand William Vaughn Moody never appeared in English Five. The most promising writing I have seen at the Universityof Chicago (and some of the worst) wasin the Literary Magazine of recent memory. Some years ago there was an insistent demand that the English Departmentshould establish a course in the writing ofverse, as Princeton and Amherst were doing. We looked about us. Mr. Hulbertwas teaching the technique of poetry bycorrespondence, but had been granted immunity from composition of any sort atclose range. Mr. Linn was a practicinglyrist, but was fully occupied with otherlabors. Mr. Howard Jones was nominated,but accepted a call to Texas. Then I suggested to the students interested thatthey form a Poetry Club, and the resultwas most happy. In three years the production of the club has passed beyond anypossible "instruction" which we could havegiven. I shudder to think of those brightand daring spirits piously responding toacademic descipline in the heroic coupletor formulating sonnets. Fortunately theyhave known how to train themselves andeach other in the technique, the craftsmanship of their art, and we can honestlysay that the University of Chicago has aschool of poetry though it has no professorof it.LETTER BOX 61The Letter Box !iOn the Situation in the Near EastShwen, Lebanon.My dear John:We are now up in the mountains at oursummer home, and the pressure of work isnot so great. Let me thank you first forthe pamphlets you sent me. They werevery welcome indeed. We were shut offfrom all sorts of literature, except German,for so long that I have been reading, reading everything I could get hold of since.A large part of what is printed is even lessworth reading than usual, but there is somewheat among the chaff. We have been getting in books through the post, and that isa great help. As I take five or six magazines and papers, I now have about all Ican do in the way of reading.The influenza hit us out here as well asyou at home. The population was so rundown as the result of the starvation, thatthousands died of the flu without even astruggle. It was particularly hard on theBritish army, English as well as Indian.But the general health of the district isgood now and the people ought to getthrough the winter fairly well as far asdisease is concerned. The winter is, however, going to be hard for many, as it willtake years before the country is back towhere it was before the war. Some moneyhas come to the natives. from their familiesin America and elsewhere, but that willnot keep them going. Just at the presentthere is plenty of work for the men, butwhen the worst of the damage of the warhas been repaired, work will largely stopowing to the high wages demanded. Thedanger this winter is especially for thewidows with children of which there aretens of thousands. The women cannotearn enough to keep their families going,and when the winter sets in they will haveto depend largely on outside help. But weare no worse off than are European countries; in fact, I believe we are better thana large part of Europe. But the prospectat best is not very bright.The political situation is the all absorbing topic at present. There was plenty ofintrigue going on before the war, but it isnothing to what exists at present. Thepeople here talk a lot about self-determination and independence and rights, but theydo not understand anything about the matter. A large part are ready to sell themselves to the highest bidder. The feelingbetween Moslem and Christian is more intense than ever, and political unity seemvery remote. The leaders talk glibly ofdemocracy but they have no conception of what it means. With all the difficultiesthat we have experienced in America inendeavoring to secure democracy, I do notknow what kind of a mess these peoplewould make of it. They need a strong andimpartial hand over them for several generations yet.The College has a good prospect of asuccessful year before it. It looks as ifwe could exceed our record of attendanceif we so desired. However, we have set alimit to the numbers that we are readyto take, and may in that way be able toget better work done. The trustees are apparently ready to back us up, for they aresending out this year several new additions to our professorial staff as well asthe usual quota of temporary men. WhenI get back to Chicago, I want to see if Icannot induce some of the men from theuniversity to try a term out here. It is agreat experience for any young man. Wehave just received word of an increase insalary dating back five years, and alsoword that the Trustees are going to adjust the matter of the paper money — whichwe drew all during the war — on the basisof the actual gold value of the money. Thetwo combined will take a great load fromour shoulders. It will also probably enableus to get back to America for the year1920-21. The cost of living in Americafrightens one until one compares it withthe cost out here. Then it is evident thatit is about as expensive living here as it isat home. We may perhaps do without afew things in the way of clothing that youhave to have in America, but otherwise itis the same. Of course we do not have toprovide fuel for heating our houses to anyextent, as we have only a small wood fireto the evenings during the winter months.That is certainly a great saving. Houserent has nearly doubled, and houses arealmost impossible to secure. So you seewe have the housing question here as wellas at home.I wish I could send you some pictures ofour summer home and of the wonderfulviews from our front porch. We are located some 4,500 feet above the sea, but onlyabout ten miles away from the shore as thecrow flies. We can look up and down theLebanon ridge for twenty miles in eitherdirection, while before us is Mt. Sennin,rising some 8,000 feet, a rocky barren peakcovered all winter with snow, which evenyet lingers in the hollows of the top. Ourhouse is surrounded by pine trees, whichgrow well in the red sandstone soil of theimmediate neighborhood. It is fairly cooland bracing up here, while in Beirut inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsummer it is very oppressive. If we hadnot some such place to go to in the summer, we would find it very difficult to livein Syria at all.I have had several very pleasant lettersfrom Professor Breasted and hope to seehim out here before so very long. I amafraid he will find me very rusty on myOriental studies as I have had no time forsuch for several years. But I hope to getback to the subject this eoming winterwhen the press of work will not be so greatas it was during the last few years. Iwould like very much to get into regulararchaeological work but I probably nevershall. If it came to the pinch and I hada chance of leaving my position here forarchaeological work, I am not sure that Iwould leave. There is something about thelife that grips one. It is big, and free andcertainly useful and I do not believe thatI would be happy anywhere else. But Ishall make up my mind finally on that subject when I return to America next year.Sincerely,Harold H. Nelson '01, Ph.D., '14.Extract from a Letter Written by Professor Frederick Starr, to J. V. Nash, '16.Osaka, Japan,October 18, 1919.I got into this city last night after midnight As for myself, I have beenrusticating. I was invited by Baron Kuki,whom I have known for several years, tobe his guest at Sanda, his country property,about 30 miles from this city. His invitation was for 40 days or more.I was really at his villa twenty days. TheBaron himself was there very little of thetime, being usually at Tokyo. We had apleasant time there and made a number ofinteresting little trips from Sanda as acentre. The last one was a two-days tripto Sasayama, where we saw the curiousceremony of their annual festival.We came down from there last night. Asit was a national holiday the train wascrowded and we came in an hour and a halflate. We are now again out in the currentof active life and there will be no morequiet for Hanzo (Prof. Starr's Japanesephotographer and interpreter) and me until the trip is ended.Today will surely be a busy day. Lastnight seven or eight people called to seeus or telephoned anxiously about us — noneof whom we saw, but all of whom willprobably be "left-overs" this morning. Weare now cutting on the good autumnWeather. The last two or three days have been splendid days and the finest weatherof the year in Japan is the month overlapping October and November.We shall be here, at Kyoto, and at Nara,for the next six or seven days. We planthen a hasty trip into Kyushu (the southern island) and then we begin on our Shikoku pilgrimage. And, after it is done, itwill be a "whirl" in Tokyo until our leaving time Settlement NewsOn Monday evening, December first, acommittee of fifteen members of the community met at the Settlement to form plansfor a South-west Side Open Forum. Atthis meeting there were present representatives from many different walks in life,among them being several physicians,stockyards employes, a lawyer dentist,railroad engineer, bank cashier and others.The purpose of this forum, as of all openforums, is to provide for men and womenthroughout this entire south-west districtan opportunity for free discussion of anychosen topics. Dr. Herbert E. Phillips waselected chairman, and Mr. Harry Rosenberg (U. of C. Law School, 1915), secretary. At the first meeting of the forum, tobe held at the Settlement on Sunday evening, December 14, Prof. Robert M. Lovettof the University is to speak on A Leagueof Nations. This will be followed the nextSunday evening by a further discussion ofthe same subject, led by Mr. Horace J.Bridges.The fact is that more children have entered High School this year than ever before, and that the parochial and publicelementary schools are over-crowded. Onecannot prove that this growth in schoolattendance is the result of the higher standard of living caused by the increase inwages and the greater leisure of the eighthour day. Yet a near view of our neighbors leads us to suspect at least that therehas been a psychological change effectedby a year and a half of more leisure andmore money. These neighbors say thatwhile the money buys less, it has made itpossible to purchase some things theynever were able to secure before. A newself-respect and a new ambition have comeinto the community, as is evidenced by theenlarged classes in the High School. TheSettlement adult classes also show the effect of the shorter day in the change ofmind in the students. They come restedand eager for study; they learn morequickly and with thoroughness what beforewas impossible because of weariness ofbody and of mind.OF THE QUADRANGLESNews of the Quadrangles 63 .._ *Just as everything was settled down fora long winter's hard work the coal strikecame. Often the University is comparatively undisturbed by the convulsions ofwhat we like to call the "outside world,"but in the matter of coal there is no exemption. All social events have been cancelled, even the Thirteenth Annual Settlement Night which was to have taken placeDecember 13. All buildings, including thelibraries, close at 6.Probably elections were tne most interesting events, or rather event of November. On November 21 a heavy vote wascast in all four classes. Bernard MacDon-ald was elected president of the seniorclass, Elizabeth Walker was elected to thevice-presidency, Teresa Wilson, secretary,and Harold Walker, treasurer. The Juniorclass elections were: Crandall Rogers,flfli The other clubs had fewer: Wyvern, 11;Chi Rho Sigma, 10; Esoteric, 9- Phi BetaDelta, 8; Quadranglers, 7; Phi Delta Phi,6; Deltho, 6; Sigma, 1; Delta Sigma, 1.General campus opinion is that the pledging this year was rather exclusive. At anyrate, the Kenwood club was crowded.In November the campus witnessed theorganization of an American Legion post —and also a section of the Vocational Board.Permanent officers have not been appointed in the Legion post as yet, but DeanHall assisted in the organizing, and Norman Harte is acting as chairman. HaroldDe Baun was elected president of the Vocational Board, which is composed of allmen on the campus who are being sentthrough school by the government becauseof service disability.Dances have been numerous. The fra-,/fwtfwi firing | [ | jDecember, Along the Midwaypresident; Marion Creyts, vice-president;Mary Seymour, secretary; Mortimer Harris, treasurer. In the Sophomore class thefollowing were elected: Allan Holloway,president; Helen Palmer, vice-president;Clare Smith, secretary; Huddler Moore,treasurer. The freshmen cast over fourhundred votes, and the following receivedthe majorities: Gilford Read, president;Ruth Bowers, vice-president; Marabel Jer-rems, secretary; William Keith, treasurer.Another event of interest was pledge dayfor the women's clubs. Sixty-six womenwere pledged, their pledging made public atthe Score club dance held November 15 —pledge day — at the Kenwood club. MortarBoard led the list with thirteen pledges. ternities and clubs have been busy. Amongthe more important affairs were the Interfraternity dance held November 22, at theHyde Park Hotel. Perhaps the crowdwould have been even more morose thanit was (November 22 was the day of theWisconsin-Chicago debacle) had not theMortar Boards cheered the campus sociallions at a tea in Ida Noyes Hall directlyafter the game. The Senior class entertained themselves at a night party on November 15, and a good time was reportedparticularly since that was the night of theMichigan game. There have also beenReynolds Club parties to satisfy those whodid not attend other affairs.John E. Joseph, '20.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthletics I"Red" GrahamEnding of the Football SeasonThis chronicle of Chicago achievementended abruptly with the score of the Michigan victory. Since then the Maroons havewon from Iowa, 9-6, and have been defeated by Wisconsin, 3-10, finishing theconference season in third place.The line came back in great shape for theMichigan game, and the 13-0 score hardlyindicates the margin of Maroon superiority, for the Wolverines fought a defensivegame all the time. To the "Old Man" andthe alumni present it was a satisfactory renewal of the rivalry, but to the averageundergraduate, who knows little of the oldtime feud, it was merely a game, not asinteresting as the Illinois battle.Iowa provided the most exciting gameof the season, and Jimmy Sheldon andothers who have seen the seasons roll past,say it was the thriller of them all.Aubrey Devine, Iowa quarter, was a sensation in passing and running, and his workin the last few minutes of the game,nearly turned the contest into a tie. Passesand two end runs, coupled with a 15 yardpenalty, put the ball on the 4 yard mark,just as the one minute warning was given.In a fever of haste Iowa hit the line threetimes, but the Chicago defense held, and before a fourth attempt could be made, timewas called. Carpenter of Wisconsin deliberatelyjumped on Graham while out of bounds atthe start of the Badger game, and hurt"Red" so badly that he had to be taken out.The Chicago shift plays were disorganizedas a result, but the defense was good,- andthe fourth period was nearly ended, withthe score 3 and 3, when Higgins was forcedto punt. Davey, a newly inserted substitute, caught the ball, and simply ranstraight through the thickly clustered Maroons for the winning points.The same afternoon Mr. Stagg announced the winners of the "C": HerbertCrisler, end; Robert Cole, half; Moffat Elton, half; Percy Graham, quarter; RobertHalladajr, end; Harold Hanisch, fullback;Capt. Charles Higgins, tackle; Paul Hinkle,end; Buel Hutchinson, half; Colville Jackson, tackle; Charles McGuire, guard; Bernard MacDonald, end; William Pheney,guard; James Reber, center; and WilsonStegeman, guard.The players pictured on these pages, andCaptain Higgins, have played their lastfootball for Chicago.Basketball, Track, SwirnmingPractice for the basketball season hasbeen going on for two weeks now, andwith the best squad of years. Coach Pageexpects to turn out a good team. Because of the exceptional material all overthe conference, Pat says the Maroons mustbe 30 per cent better than the Chicago"Moff" Elton65team which won ten straight games lastyear. Capt. Hinkle, and Crisler, guards;Birkhoff and Williams, forwards, Hitchcock, Connelly, Dougall, and Madden, subs,all of last year's team, and Vollmer andCurtiss, forwards; and Jackson, guard, of1918, are the most seasoned of the candidates.Active work in track has not started asyet, but the prospects are for a good team,with the usual plenty of middle-distancemen, the usual lack of performers in thedashes and hurdles, and a fair strength inthe field events. ..Maroon track men will be busy allspring, starting April 24, with the Drakerelays. Dual meets with Purdue and Michigan, have been arranged for Stagg field,and meets with Illinois and Wisconsin onthe out of town tracks. Michigan isawarded the conference meet on June 5,because the Stagg Interscholastic will berenewed on June 12.The swimming team is getting ready todefend its conference title, and in the opening meet with the alumni on December 3,defeated the former stars, 35-24. Some SchedulesSix conference games have been scheduled for next year, Purdue opening onStagg field October 9. It is possible thata pre-season game will be arranged withsome eastern team for October 2, but notvery likely. Ohio state will make its firstfootball appearance at Chicago October 30,and Illinois comes the week following. Theonly out of town game is at Michigan, onNovember 13.Pat Page has a fairly strenuous schedulefor his baseball team, with 10 games listed.Ohio State will play the Maroons on Staggfield, and Illinois, Michigan, Purdue, and'Wisconsin will also play on the Midway.diamond.Two swimming meets with Big Ten teamshave been scheduled by the Maroons, oneat home and one away. On February 28,Illinois will send its swimmers here, and onMarch 6, the Maroons will go to Madisonfor the meet with Wisconsin. The Conference will take place at Evanston, March17 and 18. Preliminaries will be held onthe first date and the finals on the 18th.W. V. Morgenstern, '20.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIi Conference Football II| James Weber Linn ?The "Old Man'Talk of a "champion football team" in theconference is nearly always ridiculous, forreasons too obvious to require presentation. Nearly everybody who has followedthe fortunes of the elevens believes that,week in and week out, Illinois had themost consistent team; that Wisconsin,Iowa, Ohio State, Minnesota, and Chicagowere so equal in strength as to be indistinguishable; and that Michigan, Northwestern, Indiana and Purdue were a notchbelow the rest, and also practically on apar. Further talk simply runs into partisanship and might-have-beens.Conference football was as good as anyin the country this fall. Probably any oneof the six best teams could have beatenHarvard, Yale, or Princeton. The eastsimply does not understand the forwardpass; they use it hesitatingly and clumsily,and fail to cover against possible interception. Again and again touchdowns werescored from intercepted passes in the east;not one in a conference game. The ordinary forward pass in the conference isthrown from a run; in the east, from astand. Until eastern coaches come westthey will have teams inferior in the presentgame. In the same way, the east has con sistently failed to appreciate the possibilities of shifts. Their players are well-coached; their teams are not.An all-conference eleven is more thanusually difficult of satisfying selection.There should be fairly general agreementthat Aubrey De Vine of Iowa at quarter,Carpenter of Wisconsin at center, Meyersof Wisconsin at end, and Jackson of Chicago at tackle, are the best in their respective positions. Further selection is a toss-up. Most newspapers will pick Harley ofOhio State at half-back, but he is merelya fetish, a fast and shifty runner and agood kicker, but worthless on defence andvery much inclined to quit under fire.Stinchcomb and Williamson are both morevaluable to Ohio than Harley is; andStinchcomb is nowhere near DeVine'sequal, as Williamson is hardly equal toHanisch of Chicago, Huffine of Purdue, orCrangle of Illinois. De Vine is the outstanding back-field man in the west, probably in the country. He is fast as a flashon his feet, still faster with his head; cankick well, and throws forward passes likea bullet while on the dead run; and on defense, he is a deadly tackier.For Chicago, Reber at center was outplayed by Carpenter of Wisconsin and De-Capt. HigginsFOOTBALL 67pier of Illinois; the rest he held more thaneven. Stegeman and Pheney were fairguards; Stegeman locks grip and Pheneyspeed. McGuire was a fine guard, but washurt so long that he lacked opportunity ofproving himself fully. Captain Higgins attackle is probably the next best in the conference after Jackson; he has everything,but dislikes to use teeth and claws. If hewere by nature a firey spouting flame, hewould be a world-beating tackle. Mac-Donald, Hinkle, Halladay, and Fouche areaverage ends; Crisler, like McGuire, couldbe a shining star, but was hurt nearly allthe time. Behind the line Graham was, after De Vine, the best quarter-back in theconference — cool, calculative, and brilliant.His value to Chicago was shown when hewas hurt in the Wisconsin game; the team-play dropped forty per cent. You will findno Chicago man to believe that with Graham in Chicago could have lost.Elton at half and Hanisch at full-backwere rocks of confidence for Coach Stagg.Aside from three fumbles, Elton played allseason without a mistake, according toCoach Stagg: that is to say, he was alwayson the job. Offensively he is a power, defensively a demon. Hanisch was, I think,the most reliable fullback in the west; certainly so on defense. It was Jackson andHiggins in the line, Hanisch and Elton behind the line, that made Chicago's defenseso difficult to penetrate. At the other half,Cole and Hutchinson have mostly alternated. Hutchinson is very small, but fiercein attack and sound in defense, exceptagainst forward passes, which he seemedtoo short to break up well. Cole has themakings of the best half in the conference,with his tremendous speed, great kickingability, and power of shooting forwardpasses. Even this season, no Chicagoanwould have traded Cole even for Harley.Weakest, but not really weak, at end andguard, Chicago could probably have gonethrough the season undefeated except forthe roughest sort of luck in the matter ofinjuries. Chicago has always so fewmen to pick from that injuries hamper herworse than any other teams. Against Illinois Jackson, McGuire, and Crisler were allunavailable; against Wisconsin, Grahamwas put out in two minutes, Crisler in ten,and Cole before the close of the game.The officiating this fall was in two gamestragically bad. White of Illinois must bearthe brunt of two instances. He penalizedHinkle of Chicago for saying "Come on,boys," to a team that did not have theball, and he let Captain Carpenter of Wis consin get away with the dirtiest play ofthe season when he jumped on Graham outof bounds and tore the ligaments from hisribs. But the champion stupidity of all occurred in the same game when Elliott ofWisconsin carried the ball at least a footover Chicago's goal line and was twistedback while on the ground; the refereecalled the ball down where it finally rested,and refused to allow the touchdown. According to general speculation, this was byway of "evening up" for the failure to ruleCarpenter off the field.Chicago's prospects for next season will"Pat" PageAsst. Coachdepend largely on the workings of theeligibility rules. There are enough promising men now in college who should beavailable next fall to assure a good eleven.Reber at center, McGuire, Pheney, Swen-son, Redmon and Newhall at guard, Jackson at tackle, Crisler, Halladay and Foucheat end, Tatge at quarter, Cole, Annan, Neffand Rouse at halves, and Hanisch andPalmer at full-back, seventeen good men,remain from the first-string group as anucleus; and among the freshmen Curtis,Lewis, Blinks, Hedeen and others in theline, and Read, Strohmeyer, Norgren, Morgan, Fryer, Barney, Timme and others behind the line look good. The backfield isalmost certain to be far above the average; the line, barring injuries, somewhatabove it.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE+_..-News of the Classes and Associationsj..— a.College and Divinity AssociationsDr. Lucy Waite Robinson, A. B. 1880, isnow living in Norwood Park, 111.Mrs. Etta B. Winter '97, has been livingon a ranch in Peckville, Wyoming, for thepast two years.Mrs. Lillian Snow Greenleaf '00, is Associate editor in "The Community Journal,"a paper devoted to woman's work in Minneapolis. She also holds a scholarship inthe department of philosophy at the University of Minnesota.Mrs. Roy B. Pace (Bertha Pattengill'00), is living in Washington, D. C, 1819 G.St., N. W.A. H. Hirsch D.B. '01, Ph.D. '15, is nowhead of the department of history at theOhio Wesleyan University, Delaware,Ohio.John Mills, A. B. '01, who is connectedwith the Research Laboratories of theWestern Electric Company has published a new book this fall, "The Realities of Modern Science."Mrs. Sherman W. Dean (Thyrza Barton'07) who was in the overseas service of theY..W. C. A. from November 1917 to September, 1919, is now living in New York, at Briarcliff Manor. Mrs. Dean at thetime of her return was one of a commission of three Y. W. C. A. workers sent toPoland at the invitation of the Polish government to study reconstruction problems.Bernard I. Bell, '07, is President of St.Stephens College, Annandale-on-Hudson,New York.Walter L. Runyan, '07, Secretary of theDivinity Alumni Association, after a longperiod of war work in the camps, is goingto China to do welfare work in thatcountry.Luther D. Fernald, ex-'08, has becomebusiness manager and a member of theboard of directors of The Christian Herald,New York. For the past five years he wasadvertising director of Leslie's Weekly andJudge.Evelyn Newman, Ph.B. '08, Ph.M. '09, isnow ill as a result of her war work abroad.She is recuperating at Colorado Springs,1414 Nevada Ave.Dr. Russell Morse Wilder, '08, is nowwith the Mayo Brothers at Rochester,Minn.Gustavus S. Paine, Ph.B., Ph.M., '09, isnow in Boston doing some special editor-TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Twentieth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerMETROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 69ial writing for the Christian ScienceMonitor.Alvin F. Kramer, '10, former executivesecretary of the Chicago committee in thelast three liberty-loan campaigns, is vice-president of the Federal Securities Corporation, First National Bank iildg., Chicago,a newly organized bond house.Capt. Norman Lee Baldwin '11, has beenordered to Siberia, the first officer fromthis vicinity to be sent to the scene ofRussian disturbances.Herbert L. Willett, Jr., Ml, (Floyd Willett) has been appointed an assistant in history at Harvard University. Address: 6Ashton Place, Boston, Mass.Ruth Reticker, '12, is Employment Manager for the House of Kuppenheimer, 733S. Karlev. Her address is 3301 W. Monroe St.Katherine L. McLaughlin, S.B. '13, A.M.'18, formerly on the staff of the School ofEducation, is now State Supervisor of theElementary Schools in the cities of Wisconsin. Her headquarters will be the StateCapitol, Madison, Wisconsin.Paul Perigord, A.M. '13, is now Professor of Economics at Throop College ofTechnology, Pasadena, California.Lawrence Whiting ex-'13, LieutenantColonel and personnel officer on the staffof General Pershing, spoke at a Cornellluncheon in the City Club of Chicago,October 23rd, on "The Business Management of the A. E. F."C. C. Hand, '14, is now connected withthe LaSalle Extension University, Chicago.O. K. Morton, '14, has been appointedassistant district attorney of the RiversideCo., Suite 14, Evans Bldg., Riverside, Calif.J. J. Lipsky, ex-'15, is with the InlanderPaper Company, Chicago.Cowan D. Stephenson, '15, who is an inventor and aviator with the Royal AirForce, London, England, was decorated in1918 with the Air Force Cross.Helen L. Drew, A.M. '15, has been madeprofessor of English at Rockford College.For the past two years Miss Drew hasbeen instructor in English at WellesleyCollege. CHESTER A. HAMMILL '12GEOLOGIST1417 AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK BUILDINGTelephone Main 7131DALLAS, TEXASFOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepersDraughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines1804 Mailers Bldg.5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 533GUNIVERSITY COLLEGEThe down-town department ofThe University of Chicago116 So. Michigan Avenuewishes the Alumni of the University and their friends to know thatit now offers courses in all branchesof college workEvening, Late Afternoon,and Saturday ClassesTwo-Hour Sessions Once or Twice a WeekCourses Credited Toward University DegreesWinter Quarter Begins Friday, Jan. 2, 1920Registration Period,December 6, 1919 to January 10, 1920For Circular of Information AddressNathaniel Butler, Dean, University College,The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETO THE ALUMNI:We have often served you in thepast. Our new store is now prepared to serve you betterthan ever.We will promptly fill all mail orders for:Pens Books PennantsTypewriters Stationery Athletic GoodsPaper Jewelry PicturesPurchase holiday gifts for your "Chicago" friends here.Our new Illustrated University Calendar will make a beautiful as well as useful gift.FOR ANYTHING PERTAINING TO THEUNIVERSITY, WRITE US. LET USPLEASE YOU WITH OUR SERVICE.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOK STORE5802 Ellis Avenue -:- Chicago, 111.Howard M. Jones, A.M. '15, has recentlybeen made associate professor of generalliterature in the University of Texas,Austin, Texas.Ilona B. Schmidt, '15, is head cataloguerin the library of the Minnesota HistoricalSociety, St. Paul, Minn.Pauline A. Humphreys, '15, is teachingat the State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Mo.Lawrence J. MacGregor, '16, returnedfrom service, is now with the bond houseof Halsey-Stuart & Co., in tne New YorkCity office.Agnes A. Sharp, '16, is with the Y. W.C. A. at the New York headquarters; shewill be travelling to all parts of the UnitedStates until about January, in connectionwith nurses for the Y. W. C. A.Barbara Sells, '17, is attending Mrs.Prince's School of Education for Store Service. Address: 81 St. Stephen St., Boston, Mass.Olive P. Burchfiel, A.M. '18, is now living in Berkeley, California, at 2303 DurantAve.W. B. Charles, A.M. '18, B.D. '18, sailedOctober 18th for Capiz, Panay, P. I.,where he will be engaged in missionarywork.Frank E. Pershing, ex-'18, is connectedwith the Ohio Cities Gas Company and isnow working at their refinery in Warren,Pa.Carl B. Nusbaum '19, is now living at 190E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich.Newton M. Edgers, ex, discharged fromthe navy, is travelling through Japan,China, and the Philippines for an electricalsupply company during the fall; he expects to return to the University about thewinter quarter.OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 71Law School AssociationNathaniel Rubinkam, Ph.B. '10-J.D. '12,has resumed the practice of law with offices at 1109 Title & Trust Building.Vallee O. Appel, Ph.B. '11-J.D. '15, hasbeen appointed trust officer of the GreatLakes Trust Company.Cornelius Teninga, '12, J.D. '15, is withthe firm of Teninga Brothers and Pon,Investments, in the Pullman District ofChicago.George M. Morris '15, is specializing ingovernment claims with offices at 806-808Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C.LeRoy Campbell, Ph.B. '16-J.D. '18, isconnected with White & Case, Attorneys,14 Wall St., New York.Robert S. Buzzard S.B. '16-S.M. '17, isteaching in the Geography Department ofthe Northern Illinois State Normal School,De Kalb, 111.Susan Brandeis '19, is practicing law inNew York City; address, Room 29, 15Broad St., New York City. General Finances of Alumni Council from1914 to 1919.1914 (July 1st)Receipts $ 2,519.91Disbursements 2,518.11Balance on hand $ 1.801915 (October 1st)Receipts $ 4,895.95Disbursements 4,397.80Balance on hand $ 498.151916 (October 1st)Receipts $ 7,070.47Disbursements 6,516.69Balance on hand $ 553.781917 (October 1st)Receipts $ 7,485.29Disbursements 7,001.96Balance on hand $ 483.331918 (October 1st)Receipts $ 6,843.19Disbursements 5,977.01Balance on hand $ 866.181919 (October 1st)Receipts $14,389.09Disbursements 13,410.30Balance on hand $ 978.79FIRST CHICAGODeveloped through the growth and experience of more thanhalf a centuryThe First National Bank of ChicagoJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Frank O. Wetmore, Presidentand theFirst Trust and Savings BankJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Melvin A. Traylor, Presidentoffer a complete financial service, organized and maintained at amarked degree of efficiency. Calls and correspondence are invitedrelative to the application of this service to local, national and tointernational requirements.Combined Resources over $350,000,000Dearborn and Monroe Sts. CHICAGOTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMANUFACTURERS RETAILERSM en s Sh oesTHE BOURSE is the conventional model forformal occasions.Made in high button Patent Colt, clothtop, with or without tip, or low lace shoewith special "Dancer" sole.106 S. MICHIGAN AVE.29 E. JACKSON BLVD.15 S. DEARBORN ST.BOSTON BROOKLYN NEW YORK CHICAGOPHILADELPHIA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITYDoctors' Association NotesDinner in Honor of Dr. ChamberlinOn September 27, a dinner was given inhonor of Dr. Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, retiring Professor Emeritus of the University, at the Chicago Beach Hotel. Thedinner was given by former students ofgeology under Dr. Chamberlin, a numbercoming from long distances to be presenton this occasion. The speakers were President Judson, Dean Rollin D. Salisbury, Dr.Forrest Ray Moulton, of Chicago, and Dr.Charles Kennedy Leith, University of Wisconsin.Dr. George Frederick Kay, '07, Dean ofthe College, University of Iowa, and headof the department of Geology there, presided. In his introductory remarks, Dr.Kay spoke in part as follows:It is indeed a worthy purpose that has inspired us to assemble in this place at thistime. We are here to pay tribute to a manwho has been for nearly fifty years a leaderin the science of Geology, and who now atthe ripe age of 76 years is retiring fromthe Headship of the Department of Geologyof the University of Chicago, with whichdepartment he has been connected sincethe founding of the University, twenty-seven years ago. I am reminded on an occasion such asthis that the science of Geology, to thedevelopment of which Doctor Chamberlinhas devoted the major part of his life, isone of the youngest of the sciences. Youwill recall that the name Geology was firstused by De Luc in 1778, less than a centuryand a half ago. You will recall also that itis little more than one hundred years sincethe foundations of the science of Geologywere laid. The Geological Society of London, which was organized in 1807, may perhaps be considered to mark the beginningof important geological work. These werethe days of Werner, of William Smith, ofPlayfair, and of Cuvier. Hutton had butrecently passed away. Lyell was in earlychildhood, Agassiz was in infancy. Moreover, these were the days of controversybetween the Neptunists and Plutonists.Later came the important contributionsof Sedgwick, Murchison, Lyell and others.Among these Lyell stands out conspicuously. Frequently reference is made to himas the Father of Geology. It was he whochampioned the doctrine of the Uniformi-tarians in opposition to the views of theCatastrophists.I have just said that Lyell is consideredby many persons to be the Father of Geology, and yet the guest of the evening livedthirty years of his life during the time thatSir Charles Lyell was exerting his mostprofound influence upon geological thought.OF THE CLASSES AND ASSOCIATIONS 73Again, it was in 1837, only six years beforethe birth of Doctor Chamberlin, that LouisAgassiz gave to the world the concept ofcontinental glaciation. Our guest wasthirty years of age at the death of Agassizin 1873. What the influence of Lyell, Agassiz, and others was upon Doctor Chamberlin as a young man no one but himselfcan tell. It was about the time that thelife of Lyell and Agassiz closed that ourguest began to make important contributions to the field in which he has nowachieved such marked distinction. Something of that which has been accomplishedby Doctor Chamberlain from the time hewas a young man until now will be presented to you by the speakers to whom weshall listen this evening. Well may it besaid of our guest, as was said of Agassiz,"And Nature, the old nurse, tookThe child upon her knee,Saying: 'here is a story bookThy Father hath written for thee.'" 'Come wander with me,' she said,'Into regions yet untrod;And read what is still unreadIn the manuscripts of God!'And he wandered away and awayWith Nature, the dear old nurse,Who sang to him night and dayThe rhymes of the universe."And whenever the way seemed long,Or his heart began to fail,She would sing a more wonderful song,Or tell a more marvelous tale."Dr. Thomas Chrowder Chamberlain — theTeacher, the Scholar, the Co-worker, andthe Man.G. F. Reynolds, '05, recently AssociateProfessor at Indiana University, is nowhead of the department of English at theUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.At the University of Illinois the following changes in the Department of Geology involve Chicago Doctors: Eliot Black-welder, '14, recently resigned the headshipof the department. He is now chief geologist for a rich company interested in theRocky Mountain region. T. T. Quirke, '15,has just been appointed Associate Professorof Geology. M. M. Leighton, '16, will takeup his duties as Assistant Professor of Geology, Jan. 1.James H. Hance, '15, recently of the University of Iowa, is now a petroleum geologist with the Internal Revenue section ofthe Treasury Department.Dr. Charles Bray Williams, '08, has justbeen installed as president of Howard College, Alabama. Presidents of all the stateand denominational colleges of Alabama at- The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital .... $5,000,000Surplus and Profits . 10,000,000OFFICERSErnest A. Hamill, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentD. A. Moulton, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentJames G. Wakefield, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierEdward F. Schoeneck, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierJoseph C Rovensky, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson E. Blair Edmund D. HulbertChauncey B*. Borland Charles H. HulburdEdward B. Butler Charles L. HutchinsonBenjamin Carpenter Martin A. RyersonClyde M. Carr J. Harry SelzHenry P. Crowell Edward A. SheddErnest A. Hamill Robert J. ThorneCharles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJahn &011ier Engravin|XKCOLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES -ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES S. DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO ik WORKER Socid-"\ Found theJAHN and OU.IERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up -to -DateEn<3ravinQ Plantin Chicago"tended the installation. Howard College(Baptist) is the largest denominational college in the state.Miss Harriet Glazier, A. M. '09, Professorof Mathematics at the Western College forWomen, Oxford, Ohio, has been given ayear's leave of absence, which she will spendin Los Angeles, Calif.O. D. Skelton, '08, is the author of theleading article, on Laurier of Canada, in theOctober Century.G. F. Kay, '14, in addition to being StateGeologist and head of the Department ofGeology at the University of Iowa, has recently become Dean of the College ofLiberal Arts there.Ralph W. Cheney, '19, is Assistant Professor of Geology at the University ofIowa.M. G. Mehl, '14, is now in the GeologyDepartment at the University of Missouri.K. F. Mather, '15, recently left for SouthAmerica, where he will make a reconnaissance cross-section of the Andes for anoil company.R. T. Chamberlain, '07, spent the summerin Alaska and northwestern Canada on ageological investigation.J. A. Tolman, '01, Ph. D. '11, has beenelected President of Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Evan Taylor Sage, '08, has been madeProfessor and Head of the Department ofLatin at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr.Sage was a lieutenant in the aviation service during the war and later was made acaptain in the reserve corps.Some early University of Chicago Presspublications will be "The Geography of theOzark Highland," by Professor Carl O.Sauer, Ph. D. '05, of the University of Michigan; "Some Religious Implications ofPragmatism," by J. R. Geiger, A. M. '14,Ph. D. '16; and "The Platonism of PhiloJudaeus," by Professor Thomas H. Billings.Six scientific graduates from the University of Chicago are holding industrial fellowships in the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research at Pittsburgh. Dr. JamesB.Garner, who is a Senior Fellow, is carryingon investigations in the subject of gas, thefellowship paying $7,500 a year; Mr. _R. K.Brodie, S. M., is conducting research in thesubject of glycerine, the annual stipendbeing $5,000; Dr. B. A. Stagner, in keratin,the annual stipend being $4,000, with abonus of $5,000; Mr. A. E. Coxe, S. B., insynthetic resins, the stipend being $5,000;Dr. Oscar F. Hedenburg, in the subject ofinsecticides, the fellowship paying $3,500;and Dr. George O. Curme, Jr., one of fiveconducting research in organic synthesisand sharing a fellowship of $32,400 a year.TRUSTEES—.Eli B. Felsenthal, '78(Continued from page 58)Sinai Congregation, Standard Club, Landmark Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and otherorganizations.By inheritance and by nature Mr. Felsenthal has always possessed a keen interestin education and educational institutions.It was to the good fortune of the University, therefore, that a large share of thatwise interest has been bestowed upon it.As a member of the Committee on Pressand Extension, and of the Committee onAudit and Securities, the University hassteadily received the benefits of his rarejudgment and willing assistance. In thedays when foundations were being laid, hislegal ability and his tactfulness were mosthelpful in the negotiations which securedfor the University its splendid site. Indeed, no record of the founding and remarkable growth of The University of Chicago,of its wide and increasing influence in education and ideals, would be in any sensecomplete without presenting the constantattention and able service rendered to itby Eli B. Felsenthal.Willard A. Smith(Continued from page 59)of organization and extension. Not onlyhis close associates, but the University atlarge, fully recognize that without suchever-ready and ever-willing assistance ashe has rendered, The University of Chicago could not have taken its place so rapidly as one of the world's leading educational institutions.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUBSDuring the Summer Quarter steps weretaken to organize University of Chicagoclubs throughout the country. The purposeof these clubs is to bring about a closerfellowship among the alumni, former students and friends of the University; to promote literary, civic, educational and scientific pursuits and matters related to them;and to advance the interests of the University. Proposed constitutions and by-lawshave been formulated which can be securedon request from the Alumni Council.Alumni, former students and friends ofthe University are now organizing clubs invarious cities. The Alumni Committee ofthe School of Education takes this opportunity to urge former students to initiatethe organization of such clubs in local communities. If a club has not already been organized in your community, write to theClubs Committee of the Alumni Council forsuggestions concerning the steps in organizing. If you make your request early youmay be able to secure without expense aspeaker from the University who will reportto you recent developments and outline aprogram which University of Chicago clubscan follow to advantage. "Chicago"Alumni —in business, literary work orteaching — are you meeting theneed for daily progress in yourfield?Your Alma Mater has planned toaid you through its Correspondence-Study Department. This department, conducted on the standards ofthe University, provides for those ambitious to continue preparation for success in Business, Literary Work,Education, Languages, Science andTheology.For you, The University of Chicagorequires no recommendation. Writetoday (urge your friends to do likewise)for the 1919-1920 circular of its successful Correspondence-Study Department, addressingThe University of Chicago(Box S) Chicago, IllinoisBOOKSOld and NewThe best of the new booksand a complete line of schooland college text books.Write us for the look you want.WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORESV. A. WOODWORTH. "06. ProprietorUniversity Book Store, 1311 E. 57th St.Hyde Park Book Store, - 1540 E. 63rd StreetEnglewood Book Store, 6212 Stewart AvenueThe orders 0} Teachers and Libraries SolicitedTHE UNIVERSITY OFBYRON C. HOWES, Ex' 13, Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGO CHICAGO MAGAZINE.|.._„,_.._.._.. a— a ,a— a«-a— ..— «— a— «— .+: Ij Marriages, Engagements, jI Births, Deaths. jI4. a. .——.. —. —a*MarriagesFaun Marie Lorenz, '12, to CharlesElmer Nixon, '06. Address 5621 Woodlawn Ave.Hazel Eliza Brodbeck, '12, S. M. '18, wasmarried in Chicago, August 5, 1919 toArthur Royall Gay, A. M., '18.Mabel A. De La Mater, '14, was marriedto M. L. Scacheri. Address, 789 E. 32ndSt., S. Portland, Oregon.Phyllis Fay, '15, was married to HoraceB. Horton, '10. Address 1229 E. 56th St.,Chicago.Gracia M. Webster, '16, was marriedFebruary 22, 1919 to John Frier Bartramof Lakeville, Conn. Address Ardmore,Okla.Marie S. Bender, '16, was married November 30, 1918 to Charles J. Darlington.Address 1910 West Street. Wilmington,Del.Annie Gardner, '16, was married at Se-quanato Charlevoix, Mich., Sept. 3, 1919, toRev. Carl Archibald Glover. Address 222N. Leamington Ave., Chicago.Elsie Belle Johns, '16, was married inChicago, Sept. 15. 1919, to Otto NedhamFrankfort. Address, The ourf, Surf St.,and Pine Grove Ave., Chicago.Elizabeth Hazelton Nicol, '16, was married in Chicago, July 12, 1919, to SidneyMarsh Cadwell. Address, 475 Grand Ave.,Leonia, N. J.Paul Moser, Ph. B., J. D., '17, was married to Mary Knoedler, ex-'18, of Argo,111. Address, Auditorium Hotel.Harry Grove Wheat, '17, was married atBellefontaine, Wise, to Florence CatherineBodey of Bellefontaine, Wis.Oscar E. Lindemann, '18, was marriedSept. 15, 1919, to Clara Pritzloff of Milwaukee.Greta Hoglund. Ph. B., 'IS, was marriedin New York to Merck L. Tooker.Blanche Firth, '18, was married June 28,1918, to Captain Frederic B. Wipperman.Florence Kilvarv 'IS, was marriedAugust 2, 1919 to John Slifer, '17. Address1502 Jones St., Sioux City, la.Dorothy Dorsett '19, was married July28, 1919, to Jerome Fisher, '17.Jessie Heaton Ph. B., '18, was married inAugust, 1918, to Stanley Mills. Address514 Monroe St., Ann Arbor, Mich.Miriam Belden Libby '17. was marriedOct. 4, 1919, to James Miles Evans, '19.Mary Birch '19, of Council Bluffs, la., toJohn Shaw Brocksmith of Chicago, Nov.19, 1919. MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial.-SUMMER COURSES-PAUL MOSER, Prin.Ph.B. 1910, J.D. 1912. U. of C.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 5158C. F. Axelson, 07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ben H. Badenoch, '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Norman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, isINSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange ChicagoTel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229, insurance exchange building175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at anv time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS 77EngagementsMr. and Mrs. A. C. Burrell of Bronson,Miqh., announce the engagement of theirlaughter, Margaret Eleanor, to LaurenceMcHatton Tharp, ex-'17, of 4343 Lake ParkA.ve., Chicago.Announcement is made by Dr. and Mrs.James Burry of 5430 East View Park ofthe engagement of their daughter, EmilySherrill, '15, to Arthur V. Lee Jr., ofDetroit.BirthsTo Mr. Harold Tuthill Moore, (HaroldTuthill Moore, '16, Doris MacNeal Moore,'15), a daughter, in May, 1918.To Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Lobingier,(Leslie Lobingier, '16, Elizabeth E. Miller,'15) a son, John Leslie Jr., on July 19, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Miller, (A.H. Miller, '17), a daughter, Edna Lois, onJuly 4, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Paltzer, (C.W. Paltzer, Ph. B., '05, J. D. '09) a son,Charles A. II, on July 20, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Weightstill ArnoWoods, (Mr. Woods, J. D. '13, Mary Hold-erman, ex), a daughter, Leona Harriet,August 9, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Freyburger,(Mr. Freyburger, J. D. '13), a daughter,Elizabeth Jane, Nov. 2, 1919.DeathsJune M. L. Pirscher, Ph. M., '04, diedMay 20, 1919, in Ottawa. Kansas.Horace Greeley Nebeker, L. L. B. '06,died February, 1918.Mrs. Roy T. Youngman, (Helen Kendall) '08, died in Chicago, June 1918.Isabelle Kelley '08, died July 6, 1918.Katherine Jacobson, Ph.M. '07, died Dec.8, 1913, in Chicago.William W. Johnson, '10, died Dec. 1,1917 in Chicago.Dora Elizabeth Christenson, '17, diedNovember 4, 1918.Frank R. Aldrich, A.M. '17, died Aug. 38,1918, at Emporia, Kansas.Charles Oliver Taylor, ex-'17, died inCamp Cody, Deming, N. M., Oct. 13, 1918.Sophie Charlotte Starman, '18, died Dec.14, 1918.Julia Louise Dickinson, an assistant inthe University Libraries for the past twenty-three years, died at her home Oct. 28,1919, following a brief illness. Paul H. Davis & GompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS, '11.N. Y.LifeBldg — CHICAGO— Rand. 2281"COPE" HARVEY'Sfamous ORCHESTRASFor Arrangements Inquire{pe Jparbep fl^rcfjesitras.GEORGE W. KONCHAR, Managing Director190 North State Street Phone Randolph OneJ. BEACH CRAGUNU. of C. Band DirectorRogers a Hall CoOne of the largest and moatcomplete Printing plai.ts in theUnited StateB.P r i n t i a g andAdvertising Ad-risers and IheCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications You have a standing invitation to call and inspect ourplant and up-to-date facilities. We own Ihe building aswell as our printing plant, and operate hotb to meetIhe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and DDIMTFBCPUBLICATION I IVlll 1 UMXOMake a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseLet UsEstimate onYour nextPrinting Order(We areStrong on ourSpecialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Lone: Distance Wabash 8381WE PRINT{HieTtofoersitp ofdtocujoHagajmcTYPEWRITERSall makes, all models, guaranteed for five years.From $15.00 up. Why pay $100.00 ?Olivers, Remingtons, Monarchs, Underwoods,Smiths, Hammonds, Etc.DROP IN AND PAY US A VISITor write for free trial offer, descriptions, prices, andspecial five day discount offer. We ship from Coastto Coast, with exchange privilege.Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing HouseNorthwestern University Building193 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhone Central { 5035UNIVERSITY OE CHICAGO MAGAZINE*-5 Book Notices 1+■Some Religious Implications of PragmatismBy Joseph R. Geiger, published by theUniversity of Chicago Press.This study is concerned with the religious problem as it has come to be formulated in the history of modern thought.The author proposes to examine this problem in the light of its historical background, and more particularly, to determine what implications there are for anadequate treatment of it from the point ofview of the current philosophical movement known as "pragmatism." The pragmatic movement to which he refers is thatof William James and John Dewey.Dr. Geiger says that if pragmatism is toprove fruitful and suggestive for the interpretation of religious realities and forthe criticism and evaluation of religiousknowledge and truth, this must be by reason of its general doctrines concerningreality, knowledge, and truth.What are these general doctrines ofpragmatism, and what contribution do theymake to the interpretation of religion?The modern student of religion will follow the author's discussion with interestand profit, as the monograph abounds inphilosophic information and stimulatingsuggestions. Current Economic ProblemsEdited by Walton H. HamiltonProfessor of Economic Institutions, Amherst College, published by the Universityof Chicago Press.The revision will present new materialmade available as a result of the war, andthe new point of view brought about bythe war in many lines of thinking on economic subjects. This material, in connection with other readings dealing with themore fundamental general principles involved, will make a book useful in a widerange of courses.The work is intended for the use of students in elementary economics and is designed particularly to meet the needs ofthose who, having had a course in economic theory, need a general introductionto current economic problems. It will befound especially useful in colleges and universities which give in the first semester acourse in applied problems. The plan ofthe book is strictly in line with the prevailing tendency in the teaching of economics. It consists of readings selectedfrom journals, books, and other sources;and these excerpts, presenting as they dodifferent points of view, form an admirablebasis for classroom discussion.Fatima contains more Turkish than any other Turkishblend cigarette.20 for 23c and at the William PennPittsburgoA fact:At the William Penn, one of Pittsburg's finest.hotels. Fa tima's sales are greater than those of any)other cigarette. Another evidence that everywheremen are switching from expensive, over-rich,straight Turkish cigarertesTo this moderate-priced"just enough Turkish" blend that takes no accountof how many you smoke.(£jffj?tfrl±4cyJC^\/i&>'CaeCsKFATIMAA Sensible CigaretteCLUB— UNIVERSITY NOTES 79(Continued from page 49)Stowe. These nominees were elected toserve the first year.The following were present: Messrs. andMesdames G. C. Ashman, Henry Lottman(Mary Ellis), T. C. Burgess, Wells,Schweitzer, A. F. Siepert, Dickman, L. L.Simpson, V. F. Swaim (Gladys Ditewig),G. E. McMurray (Iva Rockwell), J. C.Hazen, Van Nuys, W. H. Packard, F. A.Stowe, H. D. Morgan; Mrs. A. S. Oakford,Mrs. Law, Mrs. Stumpf, Misses Georgia E.Hopper, Grace Brinton, Helen Eicher,Dorothy Crowder, Jean Love, HelenNixon, Edna Brown, Mollie Rabold,Georgina Lord, Irene Bunch, Louise Lines,Florence Cutright, Anna J. Le Fevre;Messrs. C. T. Wyckoff, Nathaniel Butler,Charles Mason, O'Hern, J. W. Fisher,Charles Speck, C. E. Comstock, S. H.Easton.Anna Jewett Le Fevre,Secretary-treasurer.(Continued from page 57)Professor de Bothezat, who is director ofthe aeronautical laboratory at the Polytechnic Institute in Petrograd, was thechief builder of the aeronautic institute inOdessa and during the war was a scientificexpert in the Russian war department. Formore than a year he has been in Washington, D. C, as the scientific expert of theNational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics of the United States government.Professor Gordon J. Laing, of the Department of the Latin Language and Literature, has been made Chairman of theDepartment, to succeed Professor WilliamGardner Hale who retired this year. Professor Laing, who has been connected withthe Department of Latin for twenty years,is president of the Classical Association ofthe Middle West and South, which hasvice-presidents from thirty states and amembership of about two thousand. He isalso vice-president of the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America, as well as associateeditor of Classical Philology and generaleditor of the University of Chicago Press.In 1911-12 Mr. Laing was the Annual Professor at the American School of ClassicalStudies in Rome.The One Hundred and Fourteenth Convocation of the University will be held inLeon Mandel Assembly Hall on Tuesday,December 23, at which time degrees will)e conferred and the Convocation State-rient presented by President Judson. TheConvocation sermon will be delivered onDecember 21 by Professor Theodore Ger-ild Soares, Head of the Department ofPractical Theology. The NewUniversity of ChicagoAlumniDirectorywill be ready for saleabout January. Owingto unsettled war conditions, n o Directorywas published in 1916.There have been manyrequests for a new Directory. This will beyour opportunity toobtain the largest andmost complete AlumniDirectory we haveever published.Among other things it willpresent:An alphabetical list and addresses of almost 12,000 graduates. A complete geographicallist. A class list of Bachelors.Interesting statistical tables.The volume will containover 800 pages of high-grade workmanship. Onlya limited number will bepublished. On the finalannouncementSend Your OrdertoTHE ALUMNI OFFICEBox 9, Faculty ExchangeThe University of ChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Gateway — ElectricalONLY a forty-foot gateway bounded by twobrick pilasters and ornamental lamps, butunlike any other gateway in the entire world.For back of it is the General Electric Company'smain office building, accommodating 2300 employees. And just next door is its laboratorywith the best equipment for testing, standardizing and research at the command of capableengineers. Then down the street — a mile long— are other buildings where everything electrical, from the smallest lamp socket to thehuge turbines for electrically propelled battleships, is made by the 20,000 electrical workerswho daily stream through. What a story this gate would tell, if it could,of the leaders of the electrical industry andbusiness, of ambassadors from other institutions and from foreign lands.The story would be the history of electriclighting, electric transportation, electric industrials and electricity in the home.This gateway, as well as the research, engineering, manufacturing and commercialresources back of it, is open to all who areworking for the betterment of the electricalindustry.Illustrated bulletin, Y-863, describing the company'sseveral plants, will be mailed upon request. AddressGeneral Electric Company, Desk 43, Schenectady, N. Y.GenGeneral OfficeSchenectady. N.Y. Company Sales Offices inall large cities. 95-100 IO N O G R A PWhen Comparison is theSincere st Form of FlatteryA NYTHING is good enough until something•** comes alongg that's better. , , A good imitationpearl gains admiration until compared with thegenuine. Then the difference is readily seen.Likewise with phonographs. The market is flooded with many makes. Extravagant claims ofperformance run riotous. By the expertly-trainedmusical ear, however, quality is quickly detected.To the average buyer only comparisons will tell.Compare the Brunswick Phonograph with othermakes, and its superiority is noted immediately. Come in today for demonstration.TheBrunswickPhonograph Shop225 SOUTH WABASH AVE.GolfOUR SPORT SHOP, downstairs at theMichigan Avenue Store, has become aWinter Golf Glub — three deep practice courses,a putting green,, dressing rooms, lockers, and, ashower. Two professionals on hand — John Mc-Elhattoit and Eddie Loos. A place for you todrop in and gossip golf in a cozy, chummy, informal country club atmosphere in the heartof the city.6 "Black Bugs1 "Little JackGive Golfers This:Special Price$gJ5Marker $6.003.50$9.50ByTheWayAny man likesany-thing that comesfrom Capper &Capper. Prestigeadds VALUE, "butnot cost. Everything from a scarfor pair of gloves toa dressing gown ora fur overcoat.The "Black Bug" is the famous Capper & CapperGolf Ball."Little Jack"' Marker is the best thingyet, men say, for' marking golf balls. Itgoes in the golf bag — always ready.LONDONCHI CAGODETROITM I L. WAU KEEMINNEAPOLISTWO CHICAGO STORESMICHIGAN AVENUE AT MONROE STREETHOTEL SHERMANClothing is Sold at the Michigan Avenue Store Only