BY THEALUMNI COUNCILVol. XI No. 9 July, 1919of ChicagoBooksAs an Alumnus you are interestedin the University of Chicago.The University of Chicago: AnOfficial Guide, by D. A. Robertson, gives in convenientform just the informationwhich one needs to be anintelligent friend of the institution. Over sixty illustrations. Twenty-five cents,postpaid twenty-nine cents.A History of the University ofChicago, by T. W. Good-speed, presents in an interesting way full informationregarding the founding andgrowth, of the University.Twenty-two full-page illustrations. $3.00, postpaid $3.25.The Quarter-Centennial Celebration of the University ofChicago, by D. A. Robertson.A record of the twenty-fifthanniversary of the foundingof the University. The volume contains the availableaddresses, forty-seven illustrations and eleven statistical charts. $1.50, postpaid,$1.65.The Publications of the Members of the University ofChicago, 1902-1916, by G. J.Laing. A valuable referencebook containing a completelist of the published worksof the members of the University from July 1, 1902, toJune 30, 1916. Postpaid,$1.50.The UniversityS859 Ellis Avenue Everyday GreekGreek Words in English, IncludingScientific Terms.By Horace A . HoffmanProfessor of Greek and Dean of ihe College ofLiberal Arts, Indiana University.A textbook for classes. » A reference book for libraries. A handbook for students and teachers inall branches of study.The author has for several yearsbeen giving this course without atextbook, by means of lecturessupplemented by mimeographedlists of words and exercises. Themanuscript for the present bookhas developed in connection withhis preparation of material for hisclasses.In Everyday Greek the vocabularies are restricted to Greekwords which have English derivatives and more especially to thosefrom which are derived Englishwords that are common and wellknown. Under some heads a largenumber of such Greek words canbe found as illustrations, underothers relatively few. The authorhas tried to give all such wordsthat he could find. In each list thenumber of ' words is large. Itseemed important to the authorand the publishers that the bookshould contain the full lists of suchwords for the benefit of those whowish them, and because of theadded value, of the volume for reference.The purpose has been to restrictthis book to such things as are nototherwise accessible to the student. A person who wishes totrace a word will turn to the English index and key at the end ofthe book and from the referencegiven he can find all there is in thebook about that word and its relatives.Price $1.25, postpaid $1.35.of Chicago PressChicago, Illinoisfje Mntberssttp of Cfjtcago jHaga?meEditor, James W. Linn, '97. Business Manager, John F. Moulds, '07.Advertising Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. HThe subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. UPostage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian- Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai, fl Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscrpitions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).H Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 events must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing, numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December .10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Vol. XI. CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1919. No. 9Frontispiece : Convocation Scene in Hutchinson Court. *Government and Other Notices 315Events and Discussion 317The Alumni Fund 319Alumni Affairs 320News of the Quadrangles 3231919 Cap and Gown Review 324Report on Teaching Doctorate 327Something Good Out at Northwestern 328University Notes 329School of Education Alumni Association 330The Letter Box 335Alumni and Alumnae in War Service : Roll of Honor 337Unknown Addresses, for Directory 340News of the Classes and Associations 350Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths 356Book Notices 359THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Frank McNair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer, John Fryer Moulds, '07.The Council for 1919-20 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1920, Leo F. Wormser, '05; Earl D.Hostetter, '07; John F. Moulds, '07; Mrs. Lois Kaufmann Markham, '08; RuthProsser, '16; Term expires 1921, Mrs. Agnes Cook Gale, '96; Scott Brown, '97;Emery Jackson, '02; Frank McNair, '03; Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11;Term expires 1922, Clarence Herschberger, '98 ; Harold H. Swift, '07 ; MollieCarroll, '11 ; Hargrave Long, '12 ; Lawrence Whiting, ex-'13.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Edward Scribner Ames, Ph.D., '98 ; Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98 ; H. L. Schoolcraft, Ph.D., '99.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Warren P. Behan, '97; Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97;Walter Runyan, '07. •From the Law School Alumni Association, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09; Alice Greenacre, '08, J. D., '11; Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Walker McLaury, '03; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; HarveyL. Harris, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11; Mrs. KatharineGannon Phemister, '07; Miss Agnes Sharp, '16.From the University, James R. Angell.Alumni Association Represented, in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank McNair, '03, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago.Secretary, John F. Moulds, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Edward Scribner Ames, '95, University of Chicago.Vice-President, Jessie Louise Jones, '97, Lewis Institute, Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, John L. Jackson, '76, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, Walter L. Runyan, '07, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago.Vice-President, Norman H. Pritchard, J. D., '08, 959 The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association; insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.AND OTHER NOTICES 315Government and otherNoticesTHE WORLD PROGRAM OF THERED CROSSEastern Europe now becomes the theatre for supreme Red Cross effort. Theappalling distress in the wake of the war,in Poland, Lithuania, the Balkans — in allcountries east of the former Central Empires — cries out for relief in tones that theRed Cross heart must heed to the uttermost limit. For this reason the first officialreport of the recent formation in Parisof the League of Red Cross Societies appeals to us with special interest.The objects of the League of Red CrossSocieties, as formally set forth in its Articles of Association, are:1. To encourage and promote in everycountry in the world a duly authorizedvoluntary National Red Cross organizationhaving as purposes, improvement of health,prevention of disease, and mitigation ofsuffering throughout the world and to secure the co-operation of such organizations for these purposes.2. To promote the welfare of mankindby furnishing a medium for bringing withinreach of all peoples the benefits to be derived from present known facts, and newcontributions to science and medical knowledge and their application.3. They furnish a medium for co-ordinating relief work in case of great nationalor international disaster. For TrainingCity Managersand MunicipalExecutivesA course will be offered by THETRAINING SCHOOL FOR PUBLIC SERVICE OF THE NEWYORK BUREAU OF MUNICIPALRESEARCH during the year 1919-1920. This course will be limited to20 men selected for exceptional qualifications.The phenomenal spread of the manager plan of city administration hascreated a pressing emergency becauseof the shortage of men qualified toserve as city managers. To succeedin his task the city manager shouldbe a trained executive, who has madea special study of the peculiar problems of city administration. He mustto a degree combine the knowledgeand training of the lawyer, the engineer, the accountant, the sanitarian,and the specialist in police and correctional problems.Such training is difficult to obtainbecause the educational institutionsof the country have not had time todevelop staffs of specialists in municipal administration. The TrainingSchool for Public Service has beenable to solve this problem by utilizing for instructional purposes thespecialists of the staff of the NewYork Bureau of Municipal Research,who have devoted years to the studyof the problems of municipal administration.The course will begin on October1, 1919, and will continue until May31, 1920. The work will consist ofreadings, conferences, lectures, visitsto offices and institutions, and of aconsiderable amount of practical fieldresearch. A moderate tuition fee willbe charged.Apply toCHESTER C. MAXEYSupervisorTHE TRAINING SCHOOL forPUBLIC SERVICE261 Broadway, NEW YORKUniversity of ChicagoMagazineVolume XI JULY, 1919 No. 9Events and DiscussionThis July issue completes our currentmagazine year. It has been an historicyear, and our Alma Ma-Until ter, together with her sonsNovember and daughters, has playeda worthy, honorable, andmemorable part in the making of that history, whether the workshop happened to bein camp, on sea, in laboratory, or in thefield. The Magazine has attempted duringthe past year, indeed during the entirelength of the war, to inform its subscribersof the activities of "Chicago" men andwomen in war service, of the war activitiesof the University and its faculty, and, ingeneral, of war conditions "among ourselves." In this attempt we feel that wehave in some measure succeeded; not, ofcourse, to our satisfaction, but well enoughto have placed the inspiring story of "Chicago at war" before our readers; we regretthat our limited facilities prevented us fromtelling that story more fully, as it deserved.Our Letter Box has provided us with oneof the most interesting features of the tale;the last two volumes, from November, 1917,to July, 1919, have presented over one hundred letters and excerpts, adding a uniquepersonal touch to our general narrative.These voices from afar have reached usfrom France, Russia, China, India, andother foreign countries, as well as fromAmerica; they have come to us fromtrench, ship, plane, and camp. They havereflected almost every angle of the Great War, from America's entrance, throughoutthe struggle, to the sudden occupation ofthe Rhine and the "Sign Here" at Versailles. If you ever want to get an idea ofhow battles "feel," of how victory "felt,"take up your back issues and re-read thoseletters as a sort of connected chronologicalcollection from your "Chicago friends";you will be surprised at their fascinatinginterest. And does it not speak well forthe Magazine that so many of our alumniand alumnae — we were unable to publish allthe letters, because of space limitations —even in the midst of difficulty and privation,remembered us? Our general story has notalways been happy; it has, at times, beentinged with intense sorrow; but it has always been noble. That great drama is nowdone; this issue is practically the curtainto our part therein. When next we call onyou, in November, the Magazine will againbe visiting you largely on a. peace basis.But this by no means implies that it willbe an uninteresting visitor; in fact, we haveplans afoot to send you a better Magazinethan ever. Wait and see!A time for reconstruction is at hand, andfor going ahead with plans that were longdelayed or postponed.Reconstruction No group realizes thismore clearly than doesour Alumni Council. On other pages ofthis issue the project for raising a much-needed alumni fund is set forth; the newTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEplan for organizing and assisting alumniclubs wherever club development is probable, is explained; a special section tells ofthe formation of a new Association, by theSchool of Education. Nor is this all. Withan eye to an immediate and propitious future the Council and its Committees haveheld almost thirty meetings during the pastyear. The several Associations and theclubs, too, are mending their organizationwherever mending appears desirable, arebuilding up numerical strength, and are selecting, as has the Council, able officers forcarrying on their work with renewed vigor.We have just held the largest and mostenthusiastic reunion in our history. Subscription campaigns have been mapped out,and excellent results are in prospect. TheMagazine — our Magazine, your Magazine — •is arranging to present next year a seriesof special articles, illustrations, news items,and additional features that, if we are ableto consummate our plans, will make oursone of the best alumni publications in thefield. There is renewed interest in the University everywhere among our alumni; everywhere appears a desire to strengthen our organization, to get together for "Chicago."Your part in these developments, in theseactivities, is very simple — answer eyery callpromptly, to the best of your ability; interest other alumni whenever you meetthem; do what you can to hasten our general efforts, in whatever way, toward aquick and "happy ending."The Summerwith the usualThe SummerSession Quarter opened June 16jam of registration andr o o m-seeking. Theactual attendance hasnot yet been announced, but even thehigh railroad fares and the accommodations, not quite so easy to secure asusual, seem to have had no effect on thenumbers. Increasingly the attendancecomes from the east, where young fellowsfrom Amherst, Dartmouth and other NewEngland colleges flock in to make up backwork or shorten the period of their college necessities. The list of instructorsfrom other colleges who offer courses hereis larger than ever. Attendance will certainlybe between 4,000 and 5,000.m™ '■mm •W-*±.iS*:('No, this is neither Florida nor Southern California. This is Scammon Gardens,School of EducationAlumni FundFor some years the Alumni Council hashad under consideration the establishmentof an Alumni Fund. It has been recognized that the best way to conduct alumniwork is to have that work upon as permanent a financial basis as conditions willpermit. Investigation has shown that otherinstitutions, by the establishment of anAlumni Fund, the income from which wasused to run the office, the magazine, andother phases of Alumni work, as well as bythe creation of a general Fund, increasedthe efficiency and value of Alumni workmany fold. The larger .eastern institutionshave long had such funds, which have increased yearly with the increase of theclasses as they left the institutions. In themiddle-west the University of Michigan andthe University of Minnesota are conspicu-our examples of institutions where thealumni work is most valuably assistedthrough an Alumni Fund.The outbreak of the war made it obviousto various committees of the Alumni Council that the campaign for subscriptions tothe Alumni Fund should be postponed untilafter the war. This year, with general conditions rapidly returning to normal, the AlumniCouncil felt, at its spring meeting, that thetime had come to present some plan for establishing; an Alumni Fund. Mr. EmeryJackson, Chairman of the Alumni FundCommittee, with his committee, made avery careful investigation into the work ofour previous committees on such a fund andpresented his conclusions to the Council ata special meeting held in May. Variouskinds of funds were discussed and it wasfinally decided that the best plan would beone which would allow all classes of ourAlumni to contribute proportionately withinhis or her means. It was decided that thereshould be established three classes of memberships: (1) A life membership at $50.00;(2) a sustaining membership at $100.00 to$1000.00; and (3) an endowment membership^ $1,000.00 and over. All membershipsare to include association dues and subscription to the magazine for life.This feature of association dues and magazine subscription for life is based uponthe plan that the income from $50.00, atapproximately 4J4 per cent, will be equivalent to the current annual dues and subscription rate of $2.00 a year. The saving tothe Alumni Office on such a plan in 'the wayof work and cost, will be very great. Atpresent, to obtain a $2.00 renewal or a newsubscription costs the Alumni Office sometimes from 10 per cent to 25 per cent of theamount received. The result' has been thatnot only has alumni work in general beenheld back, but the quality of the magazine has been seriously affected. Several timesthere have been plans on foot to increasethe attractiveness and interest of the magazine but in every instance finances havemade it absolutely impossible to continuewith such plans.It will be obvious, then, to every subscriber who has the alumni work and theinterest of the magazine at heart, that bypaying $50.00, at once, or perhaps $10.00 ayear for five years, he will be rendering theoffice and the magazine a most valuableservice, and will simply be paying in ashorter time what he would be paying ifhe sent in his $2.00 subscription year byyear for a long period. In return for thathe obtains better service from the AlumniOffice and a better magazine.As noted in our June issue, cards weredistributed at the dinner which were designed to give the Council something as abasis for estimating possible results. Thesecards were not a pledge, but simply an indication of what the party signing hoped heor she might be able to subscribe when thecampaign started. Unfortunately the greatattendance at the dinner, and the hurriedconclusion for attendance to the Blackfriarperformance immediately following, prevented the collection of the cards, but without solicitation many have already comeinto the Alumni Office and there is everyindication that when the campaign is inaugurated it will prove successful. A specialcommittee will be selected, operating underits own separate organization. The workof organization, under the direction of LeoWormser, '04, has already begun. WilliamH. Lyman, '14, will act as secretary. Thecampaign will be started before the end ofthis summer and will be. well under way byfall. The plan is to make this campaignas wide as possible, hence Alumni in various cities will be placed on the committee.This is the 10th anniversary of the establishing of the Alumni Council. It is gratifying to note that after a decade of sincereand hard work the Council has placed Alumnimatters on a basis where it can confidentiallycall upon alumni for assistance of such a permanent nature. We ask you to "get your housein order" in preparation for this campaign;also, do not be content merely to send invour own - subscription, but urge every"Chicagoan" with whom you come in contact to do the same; in other words, regardyourself, as, in a general sense, a member ofour "Committee at large," and, as such, doyour best to see. that in the quickest possible' time we' raise a- fund that will showthat Chicago spirit, as thus tested, is asstrong and as loyal as that of other Universities. "For Chicago — I will!"319THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni AffairsOriental Alumni Meet(From "The Citizen," Manila)The dinner which the alumni of the Chicago University gave at La Campana inhonor of Hon. Wenfu Yiko Hu, AssociateJustice of the Supreme Court of China,loyal sons of the Chicago University foundin the city twenty-two of them, gathered atthe dining table, and were college chumsagain. Songs of the Alma Mater were sung;and the entertainers cracked college jokes.Speeches were delivered. Dean ConradoBenitez of the College of Liberal Arts presided and acted as toastmaster. Justice Huin his speech dwelt on what the Chicagoalumni can do, if well organized. ProfessorR. A. Rowley, head of the Department ofGeology, College of Liberal Arts, University of the Philippines, gave a very entertaining talk; while Dr. Jesus Gonzales ofthe College of Medicine and Surgery, another loyal Chicago man, voiced the ideaof the formation of a federation of all theclubs of Chicago alumni in the Orient.In the same meeting a permanent constitution for the Chicago University AlumniAssociation was adopted, and the officers for the year were elected. For presidentDean Benitez was unanimously chosen. Dr.Luis P. Uychutin was elected Vice President; Prof. Artemas L. Day, University olthe Phillippines, Secretary-Treasurer, andDr. Potenciano Guazon and Prof. R. A.Rowley, members of the board of directors.A series of resolutions were adopted.One of the most important of them was tothe effect that the association will worktoward the formation of a federation of theclubs of Chicago Alumni in China, Japanand the Philippines. Another resolutionprovides that the secretary of the association is authorized to gather data about theChicago University and to give information to all those desiring to go to that institution. A vote of thanks to Justice Hu wasapproved also.Among those present were: Justice Hu,Dean Benitez, E. Benitez, Ding B. Chan,Tomas Confesor, Vincente Fabella, JoeFabella, Prof. J. Gonzales, Dr. P. Guazon,Prof. A. L. Day, T. Dar Juan, J. del Rosa-rio, Prof. M. V. del Rosario, Prof. LRivera, Prof. R. A. Rowley, S. Unson, Dr.L. Uychutin, and Horace Reed.The Philippine Alumni ClubBack row, left to right— Tomas Corfesor, Dr. Jose Fabella, Dr. P. Guazon, ErnestoTantoco, Eulogio Benitez, Prof. R. A. Rowley, Dr. Mariano del Rosario, Dr. T. DarJuan, Dr. Jesus Gonzalez, Prof. Jose del Rosario, Vicente Fabella, Prof. L. H.• Fernandez.Front row— D. B. Chan, Prof. Artemas L. Day, Horace S. Reed, Hon. Wenfu Yiko Hu,Dean Conrado Benitez, Dr. Luis P. Uychutin, Major H. Gomez, Prof. Luis P. Rivera.AFFAIRS 321Annual Meeting of Chicago Alumni ClubAt the annual meeting of the ChicagoAlumni Club held in the latter part of Mayat the University Club, Parlor B, the following officers for the coming year wereelected:President — Earl D. Hostetter, '07.Vice-President — J. E. Rhodes, '76.Secretary-Treasurer — -Harvey L. Harris,'14.Executive Committee — Ray Schaeffer,'06, Dan Ferguson, '09, R. Burt Corcoran,Ex. '15, J. Craig Redmon, '16.George O. Fairweather, '07, was re-elected secretary of the Alumni Loan Fund, aposition which he has held for several years.The club delegates to the Alumni Councilare: Walker McLaury, '03, President Earl D.Hostetter, ex-officio, and Secretary-Treasurer Harvey L. Harris, ex-officio. Asmembers of the Athletic Board of Controlthe following were nominated: E. BrentVaughn, '97, Jack Hagey, '98, Hugo Friend,'06. Walker McLaury, presided at the dinner and meeting. There was a talk byDuerson Knight, '16, Captain in the FlyingCorps, who told of some of his experienceson the British Front. Among the otherspeakers were Henry Gale, '96, RalphBrown, '02, Donald McWilliams, '01, andWilliam Shirley, '16, who told briefly ofsome of their war experiences in France.The meeting was attended by a number' ofclub members, and it was the general feeling that an effort should be made next yearto strengthen the club, particularly as alarge number of former members have nowreturned to Chicago.Georgia Alumni MeetA group of loyal Chicagoans living inAtlanta and Decatur met at Agnes ScottCollege on May the seventh and formulated plans for an Alumni Club, the members to include graduates of Chicago livingin the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia. The following officers were elected:President— Dr. L. H. Anderson, '14, 20Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta.Vice President — Miss Catherine Torrance, Agnes Scott College, Decatur.Secretary-Treasurer — Miss M. L. Blount,'15, 29 Sterling St., Atlanta.The next regular meeting will be held inOctober. Earl DeWitt HostetterEarl DeWitt Hostetter, '07, J. D. '09, who hasrecently been elected President of the ChicagoAlumni Club. He is with the law firm of Wilker-son, Cassels & Potter, the Rookery building. Chicago. Hostetter has been active in alumni affairssince his graduation, and his election will undoubtedly result in marked development of the localClub.Omaha Club Holds Picnic.The Omaha University of ChicagoAlumni Club celebrated the afternoon andevening of June 7th with a picnic at Child'sPoint, on which occasion the spirit of theday was appropriately observed in song,story and stunt.Sufficient pause was made in the festivities for transaction of business, and the following were elected officers for the comingyear: Eugene N. Blazer, President; Elizabeth Morgan, Secretary; O. E. Turpin,Treasurer.Those in attendance at the picnic were:Misses M. E. Carter, Juliette Griffin, Jean-ette McDonald, Helen Alexander, IsabelMcMillan, Irma Gross, Elizabeth Morgan.Catherine Lentz; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Masters, and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hoyt; IraTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJones, O. E. Turpin, Robert Savidge,Eugene Blazer.A word should be said about Mr. Masters,who is principal of Central High Schoolhere. He and Mrs. Masters were so eagerto get to the meeting that Mr. Masters exceeded the automobile speed limit, and theywere arrested by a motor-cycle policeman.Despite their brief court experience, resulting in the usual fine, their ardor was notthe least dampened and they came to thepicnic feeling "maroon," not "blue."Elizabeth Morgan, '17.Secretary."Shanties" Hold ElectionThe earlier classes, 1893 to 1900, whobuilt the Shanty for the Reunion, held anorganization meeting before the Shanty onSaturday, June 7, after the Blackfriars performance. Scott Brown, '97, was electedpresident of this group; Josephine T. Allin,'99, vice-presideri,t^ John P. Mentzer, 98,secretary, and Jack Hagey, '98, treasurer.It is the plan of this group to perfect anorganization that will more or less centeraround the Shanty, and to bring back asmany of the earlier classes as possible atthe Reunion. The Shanty has been tuckedaway in the Stadium, with the ready consent of Mr. Stagg. Its future usefulnesswas obvious to all who enjoyed its hospitality at the June, 1919, gathering. This organization plans to extend "Shanty membership' from time to time, but no definitedecision as to qualifications has as yetbeen announced. However, this organization is considering plans that will undoubtedly arouse the greatest interest and makethis first group one of our strongest andmost effective for reunion activities.Haskell Museum ALUMNI CLUB PLANSThe time has come for a fuller development of our alumni clubs. The Clubs Committee of the Council, under the leadershipof Harold H. Swift, has begun a movementthat should bring excellent results, notonly in the way of building up the clubsalready established, but in helping to startnew clubs where there is a prospect ofclub development. The plan decided uponcalls for sending Dean Butler, DeanMathews, or some other noted member ofthe faculty and good speaker, to specialmeetings at such places where clubs are tobe assisted, or newly organized; the speakerwill bring suggestions for club work, aswell as news about the University andalumni work in general. The Universityhas kindly and heartily consented to somearrangement which will enable our ClubsCommittee to avail itself of the servicesof these speakers, or, better, "club visitors."In the June issue we were pleased topresent a report of the successful meeting in Denver, which Dean Mathews attended, and the equally successful gathering in Minneapolis, at which Dean Butlerwas the guest. At Denver, a club that hadall but passed away was revived, and, under the presidency of Mr. Frederick Sass,'01, a strong Colorado club is now is prospect; at Minneapolis, a club that alreadyhas considerable strength, was assisted inthe way of suggestions for proper andeffective club work. Unquestionably, thesetwo meetings fully justified the new plan,as above outlined.But the plan goes further; for whenevera club wishes to hold a meeting at whicha speaker from the University is desired,a request to Mr. Swift, or to the Alumnioffice, sent in proper time, will result insuch a speaker being furnished; or, wherever a group of "Chicagoans" believe thata club can be organized at their center,and are willing to undertake a preliminarymeeting and the club organization, aspeaker will be sent upon request. It isplanned, too, that the established clubs willhold, as a club feature, a Forum to whichthe clubs can invite the citizens of its community and to which the University willarrange to send a prominent speaker.Yet all depends, in the end, on the spiritand willingness of our alumni. Whereveryou are — get together! Join a "Chicago"club, if there is one in your vicinity; if not,start up a club at once! Whether large orsmall, nothing can replace the fun of anenthusiastic meeting where "Chicagoans"get together. If you want advice, speciallists, a club plan, or any other assistance,write your Alumni office, and we will doeverything we can to make your club asuccess. Eventually — why not now?OF THE QUADRANGLES 323News of the QuadranglesIn the irritating security of a summer jobI sit and write quadrangle news, whichwill partake this month more or less ofthe nature of a wake. There will be a 'fewparties, doubtless, though most of the summer folks will have time for nothing butstudy. They attended the President's reception on Tuesday, June 17, and also apleasant get-together meeting on Friday,June 20, in Hutchinson Court.Last month's report was such a hodgepodge that I scarcely know where to begin.Those of you who did not attend the reunion no doubt gathered details about thateventful and most enjoyable week-end fromthe June Magazine, so that I shall justadd "a good time was had by all" and dispose of the June reunion. Convocationwas as usual, except that it was held inBartlett. The beloved Mr. Moulton, retiring, talked of culture's history, but theweather was too warm to properly appreciate what was said. Class Day, on thepreceding afternoon, was much less formal and very much less impressive. Members of the class of 1920 officially took uptheir seniorship and bade farewell to 1919.The reception that evening was marked byone of the largest crowds of recent years,and the receiving line worked hard untilalmost 11.•While not held on the campus, the Y. M.C. A. Conference at Lake Geneva might beconsidered this month, because the University sent a large delegation to the annualconvention of college men held June 12 to32. Fifty-five delegates represented our"Midway institution," and on their returnthey reported a most successful and enjoyable series of meetings. Most of them wereexceedingly wroth at the newsy gentlemanwho sent in a story to the Chicago Tribunestating that there was a strike at the conference, led by University of Chicago men,because not enough free time had beenallowed for entertaining young women during, the convention. Of course the reportwas an out-and-out lie, composed for space-rates, no doubt.Oh yes, Blackfriars held its annual initiation, banquet, and election of officers atthe Morrison Hotel oh June 14. About fifty-five men, a startling number compared withthe former twenty-eight, were put through.Frank Priebe was elected Abbot, with thefollowing Superiors to aid him: JamesNicely Frank Madden, Edgar Reading, andWilliam Ellis, all members of 1920. Rol-land Hollowav will manage the 1920 show.Mr. Linn made a great hit with his speech(everv time you hear him soeak you say."Well that's the best one I've heard him make") during the dinner. The retiringAbbot, Frank Breckinridge, looked rathertired (he had been ill) but he certainlyshould have been proud of himself and hisorganization. The alumni performance of"The Naughty Nineties" was more than asuccess, and heaven knows the other fiveperformances were unusually successful.And then the inauguration of the new election system which insures a merit standard and cuts out politics is an epochalmark in the order's history.Campusites are still waiting for the 1919Cap and Gown, which I hope will be outby the time this reaches subscribers.Through some sort of miscalculation thebook was lengthily delayed. According toThe Daily Maroon there were slackers onthe staff, and according to the editor-in-chief of the annual there was no such thing;so the affair will have to remain one ofthose unsolved mysteries. However, thecampus resented not having the book onscheduled time.The artillery courses planned for nextfall have already enrolled more than onehundred men, so that Major Lewis promises the military work. Equipment will arrive during the summer.Of matters more scholarly: Eleven ofthe high school students who entered thecompetitive examinations in May during theSecondary School Conference, were recently awarded scholarships, and no doubtthey will follow in the footsteps of thetwenty-four initiates into Phi Beta Kappaduring Convocation week. Benjamin Jaffeand Edgar Bernhard won first and secondplaces respectively in the Julius Rosenwaldoratorical contest, and Frances Hessler andCharles Breasted took corresponding prizesin the Florence James Adams reading contest. The long-anticipated French house,located at 5810 Woodlawn Ave., has beenopened. I shall not go into details as nodoubt there will be a special article (or hasalready been) on the house in this magazine. In brief: it will house women whoare specializing in French, and also providemeeting places for the French Club. OnlyFrench will be spoken inside its doors — andon its lawns, too.I'll close with a list of the "C" men: Robert Birkhoff, '21; David Bradley, 20; Herbert Crisler, '21; Robert Halliday, '22;Hastings Moore, '20; Bernard Nath, '19;Raymond Hermes. '22: Cecil Lewis, '19;Charles MrGnire, '21; Hastings Moore, '20;Bernard Nath. '19: Ruthven Pike. '19;Tames Reber, '20: Fmil T?''es. '19; WilsonStegeman, '21 ; and Harry Williams, '21.John E. Joseph, '20.Cap and Gown ReviewPresidentDavid Annan Senior Class OfficersVice-President SecretaryLoretta Lamb Sarah Mulroy TreasurerBernard NathScene from "Seven Keys to Baldpate" — Dramatic Club Play191S Football Team— Under the S. A.Officers — Green, Martin, Breckinridge, McCosh, WillettElton 1919 Baseball TeamLong Mochel Vollmer1919 Track TeamAmes Kennedy Lewis Long Johnson'"r'""~" THE UNIVERSITY OF CHWJ^^MAG AZINEThe S. A. T. C. in ActionThese pictures, from the 1919 Cap and Gown, show the Students' Army Training Corpsin action at the University during the Autumn Quarter of 1918(Review continued, page 349)ujs m/iLHING DOCTORATE 327Report of Committee'of the Doctor's Association onthe Teaching DoctorateYour committee, continued and enlargedto consider the desirability of a new doctorate for those more interested in teaching than in research, and reinforced by theinvited counsels of the president of theassociation, begs leave to report as follows:We see no advantage in a change of name.A doctorate of education or of pedagogywould seem to imply more emphasis ontechnique than is prudent even for him whomakes his dissertation in methods, ormeasurements, or administration, or anyother item of the rich program offered bythe department of education. By paternityand " by courtesy philosophy includes thesciences and the arts. It implies that therecan be no ultimate separations in thoughtor in reality. It implies that a man is morethan his abstractions and corrects them bybeing a person. If, then, the highest academic degree is not to be cheapened, itshould, in the judgment of your committee,remain one degree.But we are inclined to stress its educational possibilities. In time of war the University has energetically enriched life byfaith made whole with deed, and it willdoubtless endeavor to make the doctoratethe best preparation for the real business ofliving and leading. The need is apparent.The war has annihilated a quarter of thewealth of Europe, and a few more suchdisasters, would preclude the possibility ofserious culture anywhere in the world. Wehope that such disaster will not recur, butthe instinct of hope expresses itself in themost contradictory theories. Meantime adecimated humanity gropes its way towardits instinctive goal,- its adaptation to theplanet of which it knows so little. And forbetter, for worse the education of youthcontinues. But not in school. For the majority, school stops at puberty. It is a factwhich should arouse the most seriousreflection and the most earnest action.The war revealed unsuspected • heroismand unsuspected intellect, but it also revealed much illiteracy and much badscience. For every inventor there wereseveral rule-of-thumb men and several visionaries. For such blind empiricism andsuch baseless speculation somebody musttry to find remedies. There must be whatour eloquent speaker of last year called"complete control of experimental conditions and scrupulous circumspection in theeffort to detect false interpretation," andsomebody must teach it.The case is not otherwise for the humanist. Though physical research alwaysenlarges the public mind, so that moreknowledge is everywhere more easily car ried, research inevitably outruns appreciation. Much of it issues in new mechanisms,and these demand of the public engrossingstudy. The results of the most obtruseand well meant co-operation are launchedas upon a sea of instinct, and impulses aremechanically empowered before they arecriticised. The means are so marvelous thatthey create their own ends, but these arenot necessarily moral. The temperate zone,enriched by its carbon, will doubtless accelerate the tropics as far as may be,namely until it realizes that reflection andeven indolence have survival value. Massproduction of energy will increase, oralcommunication will be instantaneous Torthe whole planet, trade will conquer whatmay be conquered. Yet the judicioushumanist need not grieve. If to himthe mastery of the air seems less important than self-mastery, and trade lesssignificant than what is traded in, yet hemay not judge of consequences beyond hisvision. His debt to physical research isimmeasurable. And if the material of theplanet is not too precious to be recast,neither are its ideals. But somebody mustteach the humanist and the scientist how tokeep step.In these circumstances the graduate student naturally feels his limitations of natureand of nurture. Essentials are hard to define, but he regrets the loss of some whichwere neither remembered nor transmuted.They failed to grow with his growth andstrengthen with his strength. For examplehis elementary knowledge of the earth,which was well enough planned in severalsciences, and which should have integratedall his future studies, was too nearlycrowded out. The war found him with novital knowledge of the places and peoplesat war. His citizenship is a thing ofshreds and patches, unable to warm him inhis own community, much less in the world.He recalls various definitions of the educated men, say Huxley's, and knows thathe fails to measure up. His natural partsare poor to those of a Kelvin, but he wishesthat sound thought might inform them withlife, as sound thought informed Kelvin'sthermodynamis, his micrometrics, his telegraphy, his navigation, and his personalcharacter. In very truth the student has aright to integration. It is high time for himto" become an organism, a mind in whichevery cell is good for every other cell. Heneeds wholesome tension between parts,actual" exchange of substances and stimulibetween parts, and some symmetry aboutan axis.(Continued on page 332)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESomething Good Out At NorthwesternKeith Preston's "Types of Pan" (Houghton-Minin. New York)(Ed. Note: Keith Preston, '05, Ph. D. '14; "Riquarius" is Richard T. Atwater, '11.)"Spider and Spinner"1"Arachne spins a gauzy netThat floats and shimmers on the lawn;By noon that web is fouled and rentWhich hung so perfect on the dawn;And when the wind of evening stirs,Arachne's gossamers are gone.Arachne, as no doubt you guess,Arachne is the daily press."Grave Clio weaves through circling yearsHer age-enduring tapestry,Of threads of gold and gossamer,The warp and woof of history;But since her threads she filches fromArachne's webs, 'tis hard to seeWhere ends the web Arachne spins,Where Clio's filament begins."Keith Preston, '05, for some years a decorous pedagogue in classics at Northwestern, is further claimed by the City Greyby virtue of a Mandel Hall Ph. D.,in 1914, granted this since winged mocking bird when he was known merelyas a promising candidate for the sober honors of philological research. It is now acampus tradition, how young Preston'sthesis in the Love Vocabulary of LatinComedy culminated in a romantic Midwaymarriage. Mr. Preston has not only livedhappily ever after: he has accomplished themiracle of continuing his academic successtogether with a still more brilliant and increasing fame as a light of contempararyliterature. His recent nomination, in B. L.T.'s well-known "Colyum," as The MostPopular Contributor, was a foregone conclusion throughout that recent exciting contest in the "Line." (Preston, by the way,has said that he chose his "Pan" name not,originally, with the great Greek god inmind, but modestly to indicate that hisrythms are as the beatings of a tin pan:but this scholarly commentary is not accepted by the hoi polloi, who assert thatPan is here exercising his prerogatives asthe Goat God by kidding somebody.) Preston's weekly department, "The Periscope,"in the Chicago Daily News' book page, hasbecome one of the most warily eyed geysers^ of up-to-date criticism. K. P. slingsa wicked typewriter. But his sarcasms areat once so apt and so diplomatic, that theobjects of his scorn first wince, thenchuckle, then invite the Prestons to dinner.And now, overwhelmed with the multitude of clippings of his printed whimseys,Mr. Pan acknowledges the popular debt of genius by publishing a permanent thesaurusof his fugitive successes. The resulting"TYPES OF PAN" is a delightful littlevolume which, however affectionately hisadmirers may dam, K. P. may justly beproud to have sired.There is honor among thieves: it takesa critic to catch a critic. Reviews of"Types of Pan" have acclaimed Preston asthe new Tom Hood, the new Martial, thenew Propertius, the new Horace. One whowears these laurels may not refuse afurther decoration: for cleverness ofsatire, exquisitely turned, on the literaryfoibles and political paradoxes of the day,we recollect no comic and lyric parabasisof Aristophanes more pleasingly piquantthan Dr. Pan's preserved pickles of immortalized ephemeridia. We recommend especially at this time the delicious conceit of"Noah 1919:""If good old Noah were here to-day,He would not build in the olden way;He would not hammer and peg an ark;He'd hie to the back yard after dark,And dig and delve in the cool dark groundA cellar an hundred cubits round.And when that cellar was delved and digged,The bins all laid and the tackle rigged,He'd hoist to rest in the cool dark groundThe critters he loved from the whole worldround.He'd lower the demijohns, two by two,And the little fat kegs of Milwaukee brew,The squat black bottles with squirrel inside,The little pinch bottles from over the tide,The magnums marching in stately pairs,The flasks in couples with monkish airs,These and more like a chubby mole,Noah would stow in his cubby hole.Honest Noah! that good old man!What would he do when the -drought began?Would he pity and let them in,Shem and Japhet and all his kin?Could he, fresh from the flowing spout,Watch poor Ham when his tongue hungout?Well, I wager he'd pause and thinkTwice at least on the cellar's brink."Durn their hides," he would likely say,"Why did they go for to vote that way?Going dry in the flood was pieTo keep wet when the world is dry."1Riquarius, '11.NOTES 329University NotesOriental Institute EstablishedBotany Building in JulyDr. Julius Stieglitz, head of the Department of Chemistry, appeared before theCongressional Ways and Means Committee at Washington June 18, in connectionwith the efforts to establish American chemical independence in the manufacture offiner products, dyes, medicinals, etc., in thiscountry. His topic was the importance ofthis from the point of view of medicine.Miss Sophanisba P. Breckenridge receivedthe honorary degree of doctor of laws fromOberlin College on June 18, 1919. This is awell-deserved recognition of her ability inthe field of social economy. It is the thirddoctor's degree which she has received asshe is already a Ph. D. and a J. D. of theUniversity of Chicago.Because of the large attendance of teachers at- the Summer Quarter of the University of Chicago more than a hundred coursesof special interest to teachers will be offered. During Superintendents' Week(July 14-18) educational conferences wereheld under the supervision of DirectorCharles Hubbard Judd, and there werespecial lectures by Superintendent ShattuckO. Hartwell, of St. Paul; Henry C. Morrison, Assistant Secretary of the State Boardof Education, Connecticut; SuperintendentJohn W. Withers, of St. Louis;' and Superintendent Charles E. Chadsey, of Chicago,who has been engaged to give instructionduring the Summer Quarter. The lost chapters in the story of thecareer of man can be recovered only in thelands of the Near East; for the great civilizations which they brought forth from thetransition from prehistoric savagery to theearly civilization of Europe, which indeedwas born in the Near East. The countriesaround the eastern end of the Mediterranean are today a vast magazine of survivingmonuments and documents, written and unwritten, on the basis of which we canreconstruct and recover the missing chapters of human history.Before this can be done the ancient records mentioned must be brought togetherby some efficient organization and collectedunder one roof, where they must be correlated with the known documents alreadyavailable in photographs, hand copies, or inpublished form. This process would buildup a kind of historical laboratory containing all the available early human records insystematically arranged archives.Recognizing the remarkable opportunitybrought about by the results of the war inthe Near East, the President and Trusteeshave adopted a plan of organization submitted by Professor James Henry Breasted,Chairman of the Department of OrientalLanguages and Literatures, and have established the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. This new organization hasbeen made possible by a gift of $10,000 ayear for five years by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. The Institute will be housed in Haskell Oriental Museum. Besides a group ofassistants for accessioning and cataloging,the personnel of the Institute will comprisethe leading members of the Department ofOriental Languages as a research staff,including Dr. T. G. Allen as secretary andProfessor Breasted as Director.While the Institute does not expect underits present budget to undertake any largecampaigns of excavation, the director orsome member of the staff will be frequentlyin the Orient and the body of records andarchives organized bv the Institute will besteadily enlarged. One of its chief aimswill be a careful survey of the work ofexcavation and preservation still to be accomplished in the Near East, in order tostimulate and direct excavations and epi-graphic surveys. The ultimate aim of all itswork will be to furnish a basis for a historyof the origins and development of civilization.(Notes continued, page 348)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESchool of EducationThe School of Education is co-operatingwith the Alumni Council this summer inthe organization of University of ChicagoClubs and in the organization of the Schoolof Education Alumni Association. OnThursday, July 17, all students in the Schoolof Education assembled in Mandel Hall todiscuss the possibility of organizing University of Chicago Clubs at various centersthroughout the country. Dean Butler presented the general plan; A. C. Parsons,State Inspector of High Schools of Oklahoma, discussed the problem from the pointof view of a former student of the University; Harold H. Swift, Chairman of theClubs Committee of the Alumni Council,presented the matter from the point of viewof the Alumni Council; Dr. Charles H. Judd•described the various advantages to alumniand former students which can be securedthrough the organization of these clubs.On Friday, July 18, all students in theSchool of Education who have taken degrees or certificates met to organize theSchool of Education Alumni Association,and to elect officers for the ensuing year.It is hoped that the organization of theAssociation will do much toward stimulating alumni activities among former graduates of the School of Education.The Alumni Committee of the School ofEducation has been appointed to supply tothe University of Chicago Magazine eachmonth two or three pages of material concerning significant events on this part ofthe campus. It is the purpose of the committee to keep former students of theSchool of Education informed in regard tochanges and developments.The Appointment of Henry C. MorrisonHenry Clinton Morrison has been addedto the Department of Education of theUniversity of Chicago. His title is Professor of School Administration and Superintendent of the Laboratory Schools.Professor Morrison has had a long andsuccessful experience as a school man.After graduating from Dartmouth Collegein 1895, he filled the positions of high-schoolprincipal at Milford, New Hampshire, andsuperintendent of city schools at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. From the latterposition he went to the State Departmentof Education, where he served as Superintendent from 1904 to 1917. Alumni AssociationThe improvements that were worked outin New Hampshire during SuperintendentMorrison's administration are well knownto students of education. The reportswhich issued from his office have beenwidely quoted in administrative literature.His studies of normal schools, his suggestions with regard to the reorganization ofthe course of study, his statistical reportson attendance, and his vigorous attacks onthe problems of child labor are among the.notable achievements which he accomplished during his administration. One ofthe early centers of the junior high-school'movement was at Concord, where planswere worked out under his immediate suggestions. The adaptation by the secondaryschools to the needs of their environmentconstituted one of the most significantchanges in the New Hampshire system ofEducation. The problem of developing highschools in such a way that they should beindependent of the dictations of college requirements was also solved by the development of a system of state inspection andaccrediting of secondary schools.In 1917 Professor Morrison was invitedto go to Connecticut, where for two yearshe was Assistant Secretary of the StateBoard of Education. During this short period he had charge of the normal schoolsand secondary schools of the state. Professor Morrison organized a Bureau ofEducational Research under a special subsidy of the General Education Board. Anumber of important educational investigations have been derived from the work ofthis bureau.His publications include City School Reports in Portsmouth, six State EducationReports for New Hampshire, a series ofpedagogical and administrative bulletins issued in New Hampshire and Connecticut bythe state departments, and a contribution tothe Thirteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education.Professor Morrison holds, in addition tohis A. B. from Dartmouth, an M. S. fromNew Hampshire College and an LL.D.from the University of Maine.Professor Morrison will have supervisionover the University High School and theUniversity Elementary School. The addition of this new officer to the faculties ofthese two schools is designed to facilitatethe type of scientific work which has beencarried on in both of these schools duringSCHOOL OF EDUCATION 331the past few years. A number of improvements in the organization of the materialsof instruction are well under way in theseschools. Professor Morrisson will have general charge of these investigations and willalso co-operate with the individual membersof the faculties in their routine work andin the development of the curricula of thetwo schools. He will also give courses in Schools during the First Term. Arthur J.Jones, Professor of Secondary Education,the University of Pennsylvania, is givingsimilar courses during the Second Term.Charles E. Chadsey, who has recently beenappointed Dean of the School of Educationof the University of Illinois, is givingcourses on Public School Administrationfor superintendents of large cities. JohnThe School of Education, from the Midwaythe Department of Education in School Administration, co-operating with ProfessorBobbitt and Professor Rugg in the development of that division of the courses ofthe department which deals with school organization and the functions of superintendents, principals, and general supervisors.Summer Instruction in the Department ofEducationAn unusual number of prominent educators from various parts of the country aregiving courses this summer in the Department of Education. It is fortunate that suchprovision was made, inasmuch as the attendance in the School of Education isvery large. .Henry C. Morrison, formerly AssistantSecretary of the State Board of Educationof Connecticut, is giving courses in HighSchool Administration and on Junior High ).W. Withers, Superintendent of Schools, St.Louis, is giving courses on Public SchoolAdministration and on the Scientific Supervision of Elementary Schools during theFirst Term. Ernest Horn, Associate Professor of Education, State University ofIowa, is giving courses on the Applicationof Scientific Methods to the Developmentof Elementary School Curricula and on theMethods of Supervising the Study Habitsof Grade and High-School Pupils, duringthe First Term. Edward H. Cameron, Assistant Professor of Education, Yale University, is with us again throughout thesummer to give courses in ExperimentalEducation and in Educational Psychology.John E. Stout, Professor of Education,Cornell College, is giving courses on PublicSchool Administration and on the Historyof Education, during both terms. In addition to these visiting instructors all regularmembers of the Department of Educationwill be in residence.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE(Continued from page 327)In such mood he faces the requirementsfor the doctorate. They include an actualcontribution to existing knowledge, or atleast to the knowledge known by his instructors to exist. On some point he mustinstruct his instructors. The requirementhas raised the standards of scholarship, hasbeen more kindly administered than someof us deserved, and has doubtless resultedin more integration than discovery.We know of no agent so effective as research for keeping a teacher in touch withthe progress of his subject and inspiredwith the desire to explain it to others. Wethink that the chief value of research formost of us is its effect upon ourselvesrather than the intrinsic value of the resultsobtained.Yet doubtless it is this requirement whichled to the appointment of your committee.Some doctors must have felt that it encouraged more ingenuity, a trivial curiosity, a greed for novelty that was neitherphilosophy, nor philosophy of life, nor trueresearch, nor preparation for teaching.They must have felt that it placed a premium on false abstraction; that it intellect-ualized esthetic or moral reality; that itled to classification where living logic wasdemanded. They may have smarted underthe charge of dilettantism, and retortedthat some actual contributions to existingknowledge are the height of dilettantism.Knowledge is, of course, a flexible term.There is knowledge of, and knowledgeabout. There is knowledge that is conduct.There is knowledge which, in the course ofany successful investigation, must pass intohabit, skill, knack, unconsciously goodjudgment. The comprehension of languagerests upon knowledge of persons, and is amatter of good will that always transcendslinguistics. Language itself is unconsciously philosophical, continually recordingsome implicit hypothesis, as when wholeness becomes holiness, or an iron sky sidereal regularity. The knowledge presentedin art is often profound but never abstract,must be interpreted in kind, and is ruinedif treated as concepts. Mathematicalknowledge ranges from the purely estheticto the purely economic.Such being the case, it is obvious that theUniversity does not expect the candidate tosurpass his instructors in learning or injudgment. Now and then a Pasteur outruns a Biot under his very eyes, but ingeneral the pupil will not anticipate themaster in the master's own language. Ifthe better mind really guides the investigation, it will be the first at the goal, courteously waiting to applaud the apparentlyindependent arrival. If the better mindleaves the learner to his own devices, theyouth may indeed stumble upon some great discovery, but only by accident or truancy.A great investigator, precisely because hehas become an intuitive artist in one medium, notoriously finds expression difficultin another. The mathematician has passedso far beyond arithmetic that it seems, tohim an abstraction; so far beyond stretchedlinen and straight lines that the shortnessof neither can interest him. But the properly integrated pupil may contribute to themaster's existing knowledge of his ownsignificance, just as the master of quantitative perception can take the mathematician's formula and amaze him with somemiracle of incorporation. In this senseeach department is the pupil and the teacherof the others. This is the purpose of aUniversity, lest words or any other mediumof expression be used for ends not social.In view of such facts, we trust that theintending teacher's actual contribution toexisting knowledge will be socially construed. It seems to us desirable that thepedagogy of each subject, in its bearing onevery stage of that subject's developmentin the mind of the learner, should be a concern of the candidate, and that always heshould be helped to become a noble artistin his own medium, which is the two-foldand inseparable logos of subject and pupil.If he can draw out the full resources ofhis teachers, constantly challenging theorganization of their knowledge by intelligent inquiry, we fancy that his dissertation,without surpassing their knowledge at anypoint, may nevertheless so soundly re-organize it, or so clearly interpret it, or sousefully apply it, as to be of doctoral dignity. His task is to express them, so faras may be, to the growing mind. It is notindiscriminate popularization, but philosophical adaptation. It is teaching a part thatis chosen with the whole in mind. The skillwith which that feat is performed will makeall the difference between degrading theUniversity and doubling its value.The undergraduate mind is a subject forsympathetic research. The weary teachermay say that it is known well enough, thatit is a thing of pathetic limitation. But ifthis be true, there is no hope; the generations will repeat every error of the past. Itis not true. The growing mind is the future parent, home, and judge of every possible discovery. Were it possible for everyinvestigator to turn from his own problemsto this focus of all problems, a greater resultmight accrue than when medicine turnedfrom astronomy to microscopy, or whenPasteur reluctantly abandoned crystallography and the possibilities of stereo-chemistry for the study of penicillium glaucum.Of course no such change of focus is possible. For that matter, very few men areable to recall their youth so vividly, so critically, so constructively, as to help the ris-ON TEACHING DOCTORATEing generation rather than hinder it. Butall who can do so, must.Such men are the proper stuff of teachers. In them there is something of theeternal boy, and they manage to remainplastic in an age which threatens even theplasticity of their pupils. They know howto study their pupils. Most persons neverreally see a countenance, but only somesketch or feature, whereas the genuineteacher must study faces no less intentlythan they are studied by the physician orthe portrait painter. What he finds beforehim, when his eyes are opened, is variousstages of civilization in the process of recapitulation. Myth-maker and sceptic, thetraditional mind and the mind in revolt,every indifference and every ardor, everyhasty generalization incarnate — these arehis persons, these are the ends that he isto consider for their own sakes. He, towhom anthropology was but a name is nowgreeted by the living Celt and Teuton, Hebrew and Hellene, Slav and Latin, Ethiopian and Mongol. They have not come tomake actual contributions to his existingknowledge, though heaven knows they doso, and in ways that would intimidate thepale scholar. They have come to see if heknows anything that can be of any earthlyuse to them. They wish very earnestly toknow whether he is a dilettant, a pedant,a machine for adding hypothesis to hypothesis, or a man thinking. They are theremnant that were temporarily spared. Canhe make them leaders of the majority?Fortunately your committee is notrequired to define the whole duty of thisman. But he stands judged by the future.He cannot escape by pleading his specialty,or conceal the poverty of his manhoodamong men. If his bodily digestion is poor,his pupils may forgive his petulance, but ifhis spiritual digestion is bad, they eventually .desert him. Once he may have toldhis teachers something, but now he .is ableto tell his pupils nothing. To them he is afragment and- a bore. But if the graduatedepartments stand by him in his graduate/days, he may escape this fate.The didactic implications of the word"doctor" have never been wholly lost, andmay in time be reinstated. The physician,struggling desperately against commercialism, gradually emerges from remunerativereticence to the open teaching of health.And in spite of the sudden impoverishmentof nations, which necessitates greater industrial productivity, raises the cost of living, and tempts every specialist to sell hisknowledge in the dearest market, others mayfollow the medical lead. Every doctor mayhave a hand in the continued education ofmen and women. We refer less to extension work than to the press, the factory.the laboratory, the commercial house, andeven to the cinematograph. That educator, so fleeting in its impressions, so excit ing and so blunting, might become the bestof map-makers, take it how you will. In allthese houses of life the soundly integrateddoctor may be a teacher indeed.Our report, then, urges no change ofname, but only the need of leaders who canlead. Our comment on the present requirements is a query rather than a recommendation. Our sympathy is heartily with research and with pedagogy. But the doctormust be awake to the present crisis of democracy. There must be no pedantry and noevasion. He who would gladly learn mustgladly teach.E. H. Lewis, chairman,H. E. Fleming,Isabelle Bronk,G. A. Bliss,G. G. Tunell,C. D. Gray,E. J. Goodspeed,CommitteeAssociation of Doctors of PhilosophySecretary's ReportIn addition to the brief report of the15th annual meeting given in the June magazine, the following items should be announced: The newly elected officers are:President, Edward Scribner Ames. '95;Vice-President, Jessie Louise Jones,'03; Secretary-Treasurer, .Herbert EllworthSlaught, '98; additional members of theExecutive Committee, Henry ChandlerCowler, '98, and Sophonisba PrestonBreckenridge, '01; Delegates to the Council: President Ames, Secretary Slaught andHenry Lawrence Schoolcraft, '99.The most important item of business,aside from the committee report printed infull in this issue, was a resolution ratifyingfull co-operation with the other alumniassociations in the new plans for the enlargement of the scope and powers of theAlumni Council. As explained briefly bythe Secretary, a new and long step forwardis about to be taken with respect to alumniaffairs. The three most important phasesto be emphasized at once are: (1) Theemployment of an Alumni Secretary, whoshall give his whole time to the work of theAlumni Council, including editing the magazine and the direction of all alumni activities centered in the alumni office: (2) thelaunching of the life membership campaign, whereby the alumni may have directand concrete opportunitv to assist in putting the Alumni Council on a permanentand self-sustaining basis, or a preliminarystep toward greater thines to be done bythe alumni later on: (3) the immediate concentration in the alumni office of all alumninropaganda formerly carried on bv the various organizations separately. All associa-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion dues will be handled by the Counciland definite budget assignments will bemade for the special project of the individual associations. The dues will be identical in all the constituent bodies and allconfusion and duplication of notices, payments, etc., will be entirely eliminated.All doctors will receive in due time a fullannouncement of the life-membership planand of the opportunities for contributingto the memberships. Without doubtit will be found in this respect, or inall other forms of support and evidences ofloyalty, the doctors will show as large apercentage in proportion to their numbersas any other alumni body. Please beready to act when the announcement comesstating that the plans are fully matured.The other important business at thismeeting was the report of the committeesappointed two years ago and re-appointedand enlarged one year ago, to consider thequestion of new doctorate or a modifieddoctorate for those whose interests aremore directly in teaching than in research.The committee gave long and careful consideration to all phases of this question astheir report in full, page 327, will show.The report was received and ordered printed,there being no discussions at this time owing to the lateness of the hour. It is hopedthat all members will give careful attention to the report and that agreements orobjections will be made freely by mail tothe chairman of the committee, Dr. E. H.Lewis, Lewis Institute, Chicago, Til.H. E. Slaught.DOCTORS' ASSOCIATION NOTESJessie Louise Jones, '03, is now Vice-President of this Association, and is professor of Spanish at Lewis Institute.E. L. Talbert, '09, has been appointedActing Director, for the summer season, ofthe Home Service Training Course of theAmerican Red Cross.Aaron Arkin, '13, professor of pathologyand bacteriology at the University of WestVirginia, was a contract Surgeon in theU. S. M. C. during the war.Margaret Daniels, '19, has been appointedAssistant Executive of the Department ofForeign-Born Women in the War WorkCouncil, New York City.L. S. Shiveley, '18, who is professor ofMathematics at Mt. Morris College, Illinois, has been made President of thatinstitution.C. C. Adams, '08, has been made Directorof the Roosevelt Wild-life Forest Experiment Station, connected with the NewYork State College of Forestry.Frank Chambers McLean, '15. is professor of Medicine and director in the Peking Union Medical College, Peking,China, which is acting under the Rockefeller Foundation. Annie M. MacLean, 00, is the author ofa new book called "Cheero."George E. Vincent, '96, president of theRockefeller Foundation sailed on June 2,1919, for a summer in China, on businessconnected with the Foundation.E. A. Bechtel, '00, is professor of Latinand Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Tulane University, New Orleans.Agnes R. Riddell, '16, is Associate inItalian at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania.Jessie Taft, '13, is director of the Department of Child Study of the Seybert Institution, Philadelphia, Pa.Walter S. Monroe, '15,' has been appointedAssociate Professor of Education at theUniversity of Illinois. He was formerlyof the University of Indiana.Theodore Lindquist, '11, professor ofMathematics at the Emporia Kansas StateNormal School, has published a text forteachers of arithmetic and has in press aseries of mathematical texts for JuniorHigh Schools.E. S. Bastin, '09, is Chief of the Divisionof Mineral Research, U. S. Geological Survey, with headquarters at Washington,D. C.Joseph Peterson, '07, formerly of theUniversity of Minnesota is now professorof Psychology at Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. He collaborated in the publishing of a book during the war on "ThePsychology of Handling Men in the Army."Samuel MacClintock, '08, is special agentof the Federal Board for Vocational Education with headquarters at Washington,D. C. He will soon join the McGraw-HillBook Company of New York as Directorof Publication.F. H. Pike, '07, has leave of absence forthe next half academic year and will spendthe time in France and England.T. J. Meek, '15, is professor of theLanguage and Literature of the Old Testament, in the Meadville Theological School,Pennsylvania.H. F. McNeish, '09, formerly of YaleUniversity, is now instructor in mathematics at the College of the City of NewYork.W. L. Bray, '98, is Dean of the GraduateSchool of Syracuse University.W. A. Gardner, '16, is professor of Botany at Auburn College, Alabama.F. E. Brown, '18, Associate Professor ofChemistry at the Iowa State College, hascharge of all work in Inorganic Chemistryand Undergraduate qualitative analysis.W. E. Bingham, '08, is Dean of the division of Applied Psychology at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. This division includes the Department of Psychology, Vocational Educationand Personnel Administration.(Continued on page 354)l^niTER BOX 335The Letter Box[The following extracts are from a letterfrom Walter Francis Snyder, ex-'18 whoserved in France as runner for the 75thCanadian battalion, received last summer.He was wounded in the Douai-Lens sectorthe first week in September and was in ahospital in England for five weeks. Whatdoes it remind you of — just a year ago?]You can see that things are lively aroundhere when I can salvage German report-blanks to write letters on. We have beengathering in the Hun like mad, and asfast as we can bring up reserves andsupplies. We keep on driving further, andin his wake he leaves his possessions ofevery sort — books, valuables, food, ammunition, guns — all. Over the fields we havegone finding the rotting bones and thegory remains of men wherever we go.I was behind the lines when the Canadian advance commenced about threeo'clock in the morning. We were wakenedwith a shout, "Get into the trenches." Thegreat guns were howling and tearing andblasting till the earth trembled and groundwith perturbation. Gradually dawn cameand at the road came marching the hosts ofGerman prisoners — bandaged, blood-clotted— weighted down with the stretchers ofthe wounded near to death.Although the battle could make a verylong story, I will tell you now somethingof myself. After the first trip to the lines,Captain Cummins put me with the companyrunners. From time to time he had metranslate German pamphlet for him. Now,I am salvaging German literature (as interpreter to the staff captain) and readingwith might and main to regain my lostlanguage. I like this work still better thanthe other. It keeps my mind on the alertand lets me see the war from a larger viewpoint. I wonder if I can satisfy the demandwhich will be made of me.The war is drawing to an end, thank God.You remember when I wrote that Victorywould come in August? Everywhere theenemy is retiring, leaving the field sprinkledwith his dead. Many a Canadian lies herestark, a victim of the cause, and a welcomesight for the worms. But the sufferings otCanada are nearly over, and Germanynearly exhausted. Luxury, love of the home,is the undoing of the German army Doyou know we have found in the billets ofour enemy red plush chairs bottles andbottles of liquor, paintings, glass windows,every sort of pillage from the French yetout own officers, though they may havetheir likings for nicety and comfort, often bivouac under the stars and carry theircheese and jam sandwiches for meals. Thereal significance of this contrast is perhapsmore significant to me than to you, for Ihave seen, the toiling and straining of theprivate soldier and 1 know that a soldierawearied with futile labor is not a hero inbattle. That is the real truth. The Germans are too tired to fight.American Young Women's ChristianAsociation.Office 8 Place Edouard VII, Paris, IXeYour letter has just come. You see theabove address of our headquarters offices,8 Place Edouard VII. The Lafayette address is now a Y. M. C. A. place. 1 supposethat is why it reaches us too — generally,though I think our own address is safer.I have missed your letters. I have thoughtmaybe I was going to see you yourself instead. Yes, Thyrza, '07, Mary Morton, '08,and I are now in the same office. Thyrza(Thyrza Barton Dean) has charge of educational work. I am working in the publicity department, and Mary is coming up tojoin our department: especially for postersand artistic work. Isn't that interesting,that we have all three been stationed atBourges and now are to be all three in thesame office in Paris? Thyrza has taken overa "tenement" apartment in the Latin quarter for the residence for the Deans for thenext few months. One never plans farahead over here. So many changes areoccurring.We are in the midst of interesting happenings. Secretary Daniels has just beenin to call on us. There is always somebodybeing shown around. Mrs. Dorothy Can-field Fisher is to give a program for ustonight, reading from her book, "HomeFires in France."I will deliver your messages to Mary andThyrza. Just now I am snatching a moment to write when they are out. It is thenoon hour. I must go myself. I spent themorning taking a sick girl to the hospital,so must make up for lost time this afternoon. Lunch now. Thank you much foryour letter. You may know how I appreciate it by this immediate response.Helen Hendrix, '07.If a tall skinny individual had been seenrunning around this encampment in pajamas, waving a letter and inviting everybody to read parts of it, it would only havebeen I doing as I felt like doing when Iawoke at noon and found your letter underTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmy pillow the other day. . . . There hadbeen a letter famine for a week or twoand yours came with a couple from my immediate ancestral chain, so that you cansee what an effect it must have produced.Also you must think that it's a prettynice war when a fellow awakens at noonwearing pajamas. Well, of course, it's oneof the luxuries of the way-behind-the-linestyle of fighting that one can have andmaintain pajamas, but even at that the"noon" part must sound inexcusable — although there's a reason, namely, that Iwork nightly from 7:30 to 7:30, whichmakes my noon my midnight.This being Monday morning, or the tailend of Sunday night, I felt it desirableto take a day away from sleep yesterday,and spend it in the interesting world outside of the big chicken-wire fence whichsurrounds the hospital to keep the hospitalin and Limoges out. Jerome and I hadplanned to take a bicycle ride to a neighboring village and see an ancient castlewhose ruins are there, but that was not tobe, for the renters of bicycles, who haveno trouble in finding American riders fortheir terrible and ancient contraptions, decided that, since it was beginning to rainand might continue, they would rent nowheels that day.But we were going to go with a French ladof sixteen whom I met one envening.He expected us to call around with our bicycles, but since we couldn't get them, wewalked over. Madame Bouchemoussen (thatis exactly a sneeze — I've often wondered howto spell one) invited us to take dinner thereand of course we accepted. She is somemadame, inclined to be stout, good-natured andas happy as can be, and quite an intelligentwoman.We went with her to the market-place —she told us she was going and we went forthe walk. I told her I'd go to carry herbasket, but she laughed and thought I wasquite plebeian, I guess, for here all the ladieswho can, go to the market in state, followedby their maids with a bag to carry home thepurchases.Lewis Fisher, ''20.How About This? All Married Alumni andAlumnae, Take Notice!Dear T. Linn:This correspondence would be muchmore in keeping with the times, probably,if it struck some popular keynote such asbad postal service, with its annoying habitof bringing one returned manuscripts andduns from class treasurers. But anothersubject has been preying on my mind.Have you ever married anyone from theUniversity of Wisconsin? I have; justonce. If you ever have any impulse to fol low my lead, consult me. 1 will introduceyou socially to every living graduate of theUniversity of Wisconsin since the Class of1867. The only exception is Rev. StephenB. Nearly of the Class of 1902. He is nowa missionary in the Ukraine, and because ofthe unsettled conditions there I have notmade his acquaintance yet, but I will. It'sinevitable. Meet one Wisconsin graduateand you have begun your social acquaintance with that University's alumni body.I was still combing rice and confetti outof my hair when I began the mysteries ofinitiation which are open to the Wisconsin-Alumnus-by-Marriage. By the time a briefwedding trip had ended, I was calling bytheir first names everyone on pages 1-54 ofthe Alumni Directory.The graduate of Wisconsin is, ipso facto,a member in good standing of an order thatmakes the ties of Masonry seem about asclose as the bonds between fellow Democrats. He is pledged to know every othermale and female in whose educational history Madison has figured. By terrible oathshe is bound to recall, perfectly, every incident in the history of the institution, everyinch of its environs, every text book, everyface, everything everyone ever said. AndArticle One, Section One imposes on everymember of this band the solemn obligationto boost Madison 24 hours to every day. Inthe final analysis, Madison is found to bethe sum total of all the ecstatic adjectivesending in — est.Imagine the effect on the subject, victim, in this case, me. I had always held aquiet pride in the fact that I had struggledand bluffed through a course at Chicago,and while I never opened a conversationwith that fact, I was never ashamed of itnor of the history and reputation of theCity Grey. But now I acknowledge having gone to the publicgrammar school; I admit having attendedhigh school, but from there on my recordis a blank, so far as my mental improvement is shown. I am now obliged to recallChicago, dimly, as an institution humbledby Wisconsin hosts in football, baseball,tennis, track, craps, stud, strip, and jackpot, and in such other contests as haveadded to the fame of the Badger.You've got to give 'em credit. They putthe 'ell in LoyaL. Nothing ever happens toa Wisconsin graduate that approaches inimportance the experience of having beenat Wisconsin, and to their graves they godown with a U-Rah-Rah on their lips.* * *You'll have to excuse me now. I haveiust had a phone call that Rev. Stephen B.Nearly is believed to be on board the shipjust coming in, so we're going down to thedock to meet him. Sincerely,Robert Barton '16,New York City.AND ALUMNAE IN WAR SERVICE 337Alumni and Alumnae in War Service! The Roll of Honor IHoward Woodhead, '00, Ph.D., *07The death of Howard Woodhead in France, June 8,1919, while in- Y, M. C. A. work at Paris, was announced in our June issue. General Petain had commended him for his courageous assistance to Frenchtroops during the 1918 German offensive; at the timeof his death he was Acting Director of the Y. M.C. A. district which included Paris. Woodhead is theonly University of Chicago doctor who has lost hislife in war service. After receiving his doctorate hebecame, successively, Acting Professor of Sociology,Butler College, Indianapolis ;. Instructor, Universityof Chicago; Head, Department of Civics, School ofCivics and Philanthropy, Chicago; and Head, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh ; fromthis latter position he had entered Y. M. C. A.foreign service. He leaves a wife, a son, Edward,and three sisters. Active and popular in college, ayoung man of much achievement and larger promise,a loyal alumnus, his loss is deeply felt by a wideacquaintance and many friends.fsssstmtsmsssssssssssssssssmmmDied of DiseasePhilip F. Schaffner, '07, First Lieutenant,'Medical Corps, died at Fort Riley, Kansas,October 21, 1918, following an operation.George F. Read, '12, First Lieutenant,Infantry, died while in service in France. THE HIGHER COMMISSIONS(Additions and corrections)Lieutenant-ColonelsMcPherson, William M., Ph. D., '99,Chemical Warfare Service, manufacture ofpoison gases at Edgewood Arsenal andoverseas; discharged and back again in hisformer position as head of department ofchemistry and dean of graduate school,Ohio State University.. Davis, Dr. George G., '02, is at presentin the Army of Occupation, R. A. M. C,British Expeditionary Force.Bingham, W. V. D., ex-Adjutant General's Office.MajorsParker, Francis L., '01, Medical ReserveCorps.Wrightson, Philip G., '01, regular army.McKirahan, Josiah, '02, Medical Corps,Base Hospital No. 100, Savenay, France.Turner, John W., '04, Medical Corps,tuberculosis specialist, 36th Division.Straus, D. C., '05, is still in active serviceof the United States as surgeon at Bordeaux.Perrill, Irving, '09, Medical Corps, A.E. F.CaptainsRobertson, Egbert T., '02, F. A. R. C-Walsworth, Henry E., '04, QuartermasterCorps.Wyman, Oliver, '04, just retiirned fromten months' service in the Aviation Corps,France.Leseman, Joseph F., '06, Medical Corps.Jackson, Harry, '07, surgeon, Base Hospital No. 136, Vannes, France.Marsh, Hadleigh, '09, Veterinary Corps.Crumpton, R. C, '09, Medical Corps,recently discharged.Burket, Walter C, '11, Medical Corps,with Evacuation Hospital No. 1.Matthews, Jewett D., '12, 122nd Field Artillery, A. E. F..Bethurum, John J., ex-adjutant of the64th Infantry, has just returned to theUnited States.NavyLieutenants (Senior Grade)Greene, John W., U. S. N. R. FLebensohn, James E., '15, Medical Corps,U. S. Navy. xt „ _Hawk, Paul J., ex-'18, U. S. N. R. F.EnsignsSquair, Alex. M., '14, U. S. N. R. F.Plume, Gifford, '16, U. S. N. R. F.; discharged.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMEN IN WAR SERVICERalph C. Hamil, '99, physician in nervousand mental diseases, was in the medicaldepartment in the American Red Cross inItaly from April to December, 1918.Coe S. Hayne, '01, is Y. M. C. A. inter-divisional games manager and publicityman at Le Mans, France.Maxwell K. Moorhead, '05, has beenAmerican consul in Nantes, France, for thepast two years.Orris O. White, '07, is Y. M. C. A. secretary in France.Joseph Pedott, '07, has just returned fromFrance, where he served for the last sixmonths with the Jewish Welfare Board.William F. Hewitt, '08, instructor in obstetrics and gynecology, Rush Medical College, and surgeon for the I. C. R. R., didhospital work in Glasgow Scotland, summerof 1916.John B. Canning, '13, major of infantry, isat the Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J.,where he personally conducts returningtroops from transports to ferries, then totrains and camps.Oliver Lee, '13, is at present trainingofficers for the Merchant Marine.Henry Beach Carre, Ph. D., '14, is withthe Y. M. C. A. in Germany with the Armyof Occupation.George S. Bryan, Ph. D., '14, is in Germany as commanding officer of a Russianprison camp at Quedlinburg.Roderick Macpherson, ex., has been discharged from the navy and is back in Chicago, taking orders for Cadillacs, at 2301Michigan avenue.O. T. Sadler, '18, is in France engaged ineducational work. His present address isA. E. F. University, Beaune, France.Arthur F. Turman, '18, has been teachingat A. E. F. University at Beaune.WOMEN IN WAR SERVICEMrs. Vinnie Crandall Hicks, '97, is supervisor of reconstruction aides in occupationaltherapy in Letterman General Hospital,San Francisco, Cal. She has charge ofabout sixty aides, doing all kinds of reconstruction work, with about six hundreddisabled men.Laura M. Houghton, '03, is in Francedoing canteen service with the Y. M. C. A.Shirley Farr, '03, has returned from RedCross work in France.Elizabeth W. Robertson, '05, is HeadAide in the Orthopoedic Section, FortSheridan Reconstruction Hospital, FortSheridan, 111.Elizabeth J. Matheny, '07, is now engagedin overseas work for the Y. M. C. A.Linda D. Rodenbeck, '12, was InvoiceClerk in the construction of Camp LasCasas, San Juan, Porto Rico, and is nowclerk at the Tank School, Raleigh, N. C. Helen A. Hannan, '12, may be addressed,Y. M. C. A., 12 Rue d'Aguesseau, Paris,France.Edith Sexton, '12, is Dramatic Aide, FortSheridan Reconstruction Hospital.Mrs. Florence Patrick Gebhardt, '14, hasjust been released from service, having beenstationed since April, 1917, at Camp Upton,Long Island.Agnes J. Barker, '16, has just returnedfrom Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., after serving five months as a Student Nurse.Rosa E. Lee, '18, American Red Cross,Jerusalem, A. E. F., has been doing reconstruction work in Palestine for a year.Alice Irwin, '18, is doing Y. M. C. A. canteen work at Dierdorf, Germany, with theArmy of Occupation.Nadine Hall, '18, is assisting in Ward Occupations at the Fort Sheridan Reconstruction Hospital.Irma Sachen, '18, is teaching French atthe Fort Sheridan Reconstruction Hospital.Helen Thompson, '19, is also assistingwith Ward Occupations at Fort Sheridan.Margaret Daniels, Ph. D., '18, 600 Lexington avenue, New York City, is AssistantDirector in the Department of Americanization, War Work Council, Y. W. C. A.This work concerns the foreign-bornwomen in industry and has as its chief purpose the education of the industrial groupin regard to its responsibilities for raisingindustrial standards and promoting legislation.Grace Varney, Ex-, the first woman to gooverseas from the University of Chicago,returned after many months' service in theQ. M. C. at Tours.Louisa Frazem, Ex-, has returned fromY. M. C. A. work in France.Alumni and Students (American Citizens)in Service of the AlliesBeauchamp, William — Cf. Otto Hermann,5700 Lincoln St., Chicago 111. He was aprivate in the British Roval Army MedicalCorps, 495-452, H.- C. F." A., Royal ArmyMedical Corps, B.E.F., France. He wasgassed in 1917, in France, had Trench feverand was wounded in June, 1918.Campbell, Rowland — 5527 KenwoodAve., Chicago, 111. He was in the FrenchAmbulance Service, France.Cassady, Thomas . G. Capt. — Cf. Mr. O.E. Cassady, Spencer, Ind. He went withthe French Air Service in August, 1917,and then transferred to the American AirService in February, 1918. He was commissioned as 1st. Lieutenant of the LaFayette Squadron. He was officially credited with nine victories and unofficiallycredited with nine others. He is an American Ace and has received the following:AND ALUMNAE IN WAR SERVICE 339Croix de Guerre with 3 Palms and Star,Knight of Legion of Honor, DistinguishedService Cross, and two citations. He wasone of the twelve aviators attending thePeace Conference in Paris, on the officialinvitation from the French Government.He was commissioned Captain.... Davis, George G. — University Club, Chicago, 111. He was a Major, Inspector ofField Hospitals in the Medical OfficersReserve Corps. Later made a the R.O.M.C, British E. F., France, andthen Commanding Officer of EvacuationHospital No. 1.Ellis, Howard— 1418 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. EJeve Aspirant, Brigade 59erne Quartier Lar., Ecole d'Artillerie, Fon-tainbleau, S. et M.Gaines, Ira Julian— 215 W. 32nd St., Savannah, Ga. He was with the French Minesweepers for the French Government.Gates, Reginald Ruggles — University ofLondon, King's College, Strand, London,W. C. 2. He was an instructor in the Aerial Gunnery, Royal Air Force.Harman, Carter — Cf. Dale Harman, 4148Harison St., Kansas City, Kan. He was inthe British Royal Flying Corps and was aninstructor in Toronto.Harris, Norman M. — Faculty Exchange,University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. He wasa captain in the British Over Sea's Forces,Sanitary Detachment.Hickey, James Vincent — 4866 WinthropAve., Chicago, 111. He was a private in theCanadian Ex. Forces. Private 3233625, 20thBattalion, Co. "C."Hoy, Austin Y.— 2 Chartfield Ave., London, S. W. 15, England. He was in theBritish army.' Hunter, William Armstrong — 521 Indiana St., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. He was aLieutenant in the Canadian Royal FlyingCorps. Was wounded in action June 3,1918.Kearney, Philip E. — Osage, Iowa. Hewas a 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal FlyingCorps,. Cf. Cox & Co., Charing Cross, London, England, St. Martins Lane, but laterentered the Royal Air Forces of GreatBritain. He drilled a company of Chineselaborers in China and delivered them inFrance.Kirkland, Robert M— 46 Panola St.,Asheville, N. C. He was a Sergeant in theCanadian Army and taught in the KhakiCollege, Surrey, England, Witby Camp,Surrey, Eng.Lewis, John Simon— 1258 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa. He was in the Battalion ofthe Guards, Canadian Regiment, and waskilled in action on the front in France nearGrandcourt on the Somme, received D. S. O.Mcintosh, Douglas C. — 1113 EdwardsHall, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.He was Chaplain in the Canadian Exp. Forces in 1916, and in 1918 was a Y. M. C.A. secretary with the A. E. F. in France.Patterson, James — 6022 Kenwood Ave.,Chicago, 111. He was in Medical Servicewith the British Army, and was made Captain in the C. A. M. C, Granville CanadianHospital, Buxton, England.Pierce, Paul R, — 6131 Woodlawn Ave.,Chicago, 111. He was a 2nd Lieutenant inthe Royal Flying Corps, Cf. Cox & Co.,Charing Cross, St. Martins Lane, London,England.Snyder, Walter Francis — Cf. H. H. Snyder, 6940 N: Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.He enlisted July 11, 1917, (had previouslybeen rejected as physically unfit for U. S.Army) and was a private, Company A, 48thHighlanders, Exhibition Grounds Barracks,Toronto, Canada, Infantry. He waswounded on Western front during driveover Hindenburg line and was then sent to75th Bn. France, Toronto DemobilizationCenter.Stephenson, Cowen — Cf. Dr. C. V. Stephenson, Bon Aqua, Tenn. He was in theRoyal Flying Corps, France, and in London,with British submarine aviation chaser.Strauch, Harry H. — 5740 Kenwood Ave.,Chicago, 111. He was a lieutenant in theFrench Aviation. He received a war crossand was cited an Ace. He died September18, 1918.Walter, Ralph— Cf. W. H. Walter, 4526Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. He was in theCanadian Army, Kimmel Park, Wales.Willard, G. G.— 6018 Stony Island Ave.,Chicago, 111. He was a cadet in the Lafayette Flying Squadron. He received aCroix de Guerre.Zimrring, Ofsha— 3352 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. He was in the British Expeditionary Force.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni of the University of Chicago, WhosePresent Addresses Are UnknownThe following list contains the names ofAlumni of the University of Chicago whoseaddresses are entirely unknown, or whocannot be reached through their last knownaddresses, as given herewith. Unlessotherwise specified, the city address is Chicago, 111. Information concerning thesealumni should be sent at once to the AlumniOffice, The University of Chicago.Abramovitch, William Morris, Ph.B., '14, RushMedical College.Adams, Helen Emily, Ph.B., '02, 1910 Ashland Ave.,Indianapolis. Ind.Ahearn, Annie Grace, Ph.B., '13, 644 Barry Ave.Alden, Mrs. Horace F. (Mabel Avery Kells), A.B.,'00, 1816 Morgan PI., Los Angeles, Calif.Allen, Hiram Howard, Th.B., '95. No address.Allen, Mrs. (Margaret Coulter Traner), Ph.B., '03,18 Cobb Blvd., Kankakee, 111.Allen, Mary Stlckney, S.B., '09, Belvidere, 111.Ammerman, Emir Frances, Ph.B., '12, RosalingHotel, Kansas City, Mo.Anderson, Hannah Matilda, A.B., '97, 204 E. 35th St.Anderson, Harold Ernest, A.B., '98, Craig, Colo.Anderson, Jacob Nelson. D.B., '01, Harvey, 111.Anderson, Jesse, A.M., '04, 5745 Drexel Ave,Anderson, Swen Benjamin. Ph.B., '98, 61 DevisaderoSt., San Francisco, Calif.Anderson, Thomas, D.B., '90, Dillon, Mont.Andrus, William Cyrus, Th.B., '92, Woods, N. D.Ardon, John G. (John Ard Jones), Ph.B., '17, Asst.Div. Personnel Adj., Camp Beauregard, La.Ashby, James William, D.B., '94, England.Aston, David Holmes, A.M., '17, Abilene, Texas.Bacon, Mrs. Margaret Heardon, Ph.B., '04, 5702Drexel Ave.Baer. Mrs. A. W. (Rose Berns), Ph.B., '09, 5500Cornell Ave.Baird, Perry Edward, A.B., '77, Chadron, Neb.Baker, Edward Donald, A.B., '03, 1159 E. 61st St.Baker, Mrs. Frank S. (Mary Ellen Wilcoxson),A.B., '05, 6049 Ellis Ave.Baldwin, John Russel, Th.B.. '91, Larium, Mich,Baldwin, Onias Barber, A.M., '11, Winfield, Kans.Baldwin, Rae Casena, Ph.B., '03, New York, N. Y.,N'ormal College.Banker. Joseph Birdsall, D.B., '85. No address.Banks. Caldore, J„ D.B., '87, 178 W. F St., Colton,Calif.Banks, Lilian Carroll, Ph.B., '00, 244 N. 2Sth St.,Billings, Mont.Barnes, Benjamin Spafford, S.B., '06, S.M., '09, 1415W. Congress St.Barnes, Jean Standish, Ph.B., 'OS, Gum Lake, Mich,Bart, Mrs. Benjamin F.- (Carol S. Prentice), A.M.,'14, J. D., '17, 6426 Blackstone Ave.Bassford, Albert Francis, A.M., '09, Corvallis, Ore.Bates, Ellen Coalter, Ph.M., '05, 3522 WashingtonAve., St. Louis, Mo.Bauknight, Pinckney Milton, A.B., '02, New Zealand.Bawden, Henry Heath, Jr., Ph.D., '00, Encanto, SanDiego Co., Calif.Beale. Mrs. (Mildred Blanche Richardson), Ph.B.,'02. No address. Beam, Nellie Grace, Ph.B., '11, High School, Waterloo, Iowa.Beardsley, William Eugene, A.B., '05, U. of Ft.Worth, Ft. Worth, Texas.Beatty, Wallace Appleton, A.B., '96, Ph.D., '02, Research Fellow, Rockerfeller Inst., N. Y.Beckmann, Frederick Ernest, A.B., '97, Ph.D., '00,Broadway H. S., Seattle, Wash.Beckwith, Floyd Irving, S.B., '06; D.B., '08, 3355 W.Monroe St., Chicago.Beckwith, Mrs. Floyd Irving (Dorothy GracePierce), Ph.B., '00, 3355 W. Monroe St., Chicago.Beemer, Alma Genevieve, A. B., '05, Ridgmont,Yonkers, N. Y.Beifus, Joseph, A.B., '02, Munich, Germany.Bell, Edna Annie, Ph.B., '14, Fair Oaks, Sacramento Co., Calif.Bennett, Holly Reed, S.B., '14, 458 Bowen Ave.Bennett, Judson Gerald, S.B., '08, Chamber of Commerce, Muskegan, Mich.Benson, Charles Lee, S.B., '06, Paseo Colon 161,Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A.Benson, John Leonard, A.M., '13, Kenilworth, N. J.Benton, Dean Scott, Ph.B., '09, J.D., '10, StoryBldg., Los Angeles, Calif.Berg. Oliver J., S.B., '13, 115 S. East Ave., OakPark, 111.Berry, Henry Havelock, Th.B., '95, Harley, 111.Berry, Mary A., Certificate, '15, 637 Ashley Ct.,Jacksonville, Fla.Besaw, Josephine Genevieve, A.B., '07, 225 WoosterAve., Akron, Ohio.Beverly, Clarence Albert, A.B., '72, 209 GarrisonSt., St. Louis. Mo.Beyl, Frederick Almon, D.B., '01, Anaconda, Mont.Beynon, William Henry, D.B., '07, St. Charles, 111.Bingham, Mrs. Maro A. (Grace Whiting Knudsen),S.B., '06, DeKalb, 111.Bisdom von Cattenbroeck. Fredericus Augustus,S.B., '11, The Hague, The Netherlands.Bixby, Florence Adele, S.B., '03, 645 Cass St., Milwaukee, Wis.Bixon, Frank Prince, Th.B., '94. No address.Black, Paul, S.B., '14, Cook County Hospital.Blake, James, Th.B., '94. No addressBlanchard, William Lewis, D.B., '93, Barrington,111.Blomquist, Hugo L., S.B.. '16. No address.Bo, Saum Song, A.B., '84. No address.Bodin, George Edward. Ph.B.. '12, Moore, Mont.Boganau, B., A.B., '75, Rangoon, Burma.Bogert, Horace Vanden, A.B., '01, 6031 ChamplainAve.Bohlen, Augusta H., Ph.B., '16, 4168 N. 25th St.,Chicago.Bolt, Albert William, A.B., '98, Patent Office,Washington, D. C.Borden, Edwin Howard, D. B., '97, Central CityColl., Macon, Ga.Boston, Irma Willard, Ph.B., '13, Mt. Carroll, 111.Bouroff, Vasili Andreevitch, A.B., '06, St. Petersburg, Russia.Bowen, Mrs. George H. (Merlda Beatrice . Orr),Ph.B., '17, 4259 Grand Blvd., Chicago.Bower, Leslie, Th.B., '93. No address.Boyd, William Edington, Ph.B., '08, Amarillo, Tex.Boyle, Allys Field. Ph.B., 'II, r.709 Kimbark Ave.ADDRESSES 341Braam, Jacob William, S.B., '98, Salem, 111. ( ?)Brace, Edith Minerva, S.M., '96, 48 Courtland St.,Rochester, N'. Y.Bradwell, James Dowse, Ph.M., '00, Atlanta, Ga.Braun, Samuel Alvin, S.B., '11, 613 S. 2nd St.,Louisville, Ky.Braunt, Mrs. O. F. (Minne Lester), Ph.B., '99,Breckinridge, Millard Sheridan, Ph.B., '18, 367 ElmSt., New Haven, Conn.Breed, Charles Francis, S.B., '98, 5606 Ellis Ave.Breen, Frances, A.B., '06, 4402 Greenwood Ave.lireene, Eulalia A., Certificate, '16. No address.Tuscola, 111.Brenneman, Jesse Lamar, S.B., '08, 20 Barrett St.,Schenectady, N. Y.Breta, Harry, A.B., '11, A.M., '17, 6235 InglesideAve.Briggs, Lawrence Palmer, Ph.M., '10, Hibbard,Spencer, Bartlett & Co., State St. Bridge, Chicago.Brockway, Guy, A.B., '86, 331 Rose Ave., Spokane,Wash.Brooks, Edward Hammond, D.B., '83, 2710 HarvardBlvd., Los Angeles, Calif.Brown, Carolyn Louise, A.B., '97, 304 S. WabashAve.Brown, Florence E., Ph.B., '15, 306 N. Mayfield Ave.Brown, Louis Paul, J.D., '08, 637 W. 36th St., DesMoines, Iowa,Browne, Agnes May, A.B., '97, 5815 Drexel Ave.Browning, Mrs. Holton L. (Olive Louise Rogers),Ph.B., '03, 2916 Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.Brownlee, Charles Fleming, Th. B., '89, Turnwater,Wash.Bruckner, Eugene Everheart, LLB., '17, 6033 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.Brumbaugh, Jesse Franklin, A.M., '01, Univ. ofS. D., Vermilion, S. D.Bryce, Ellsworth, Ph.B., '13, Y. M. C. A., Detroit,Mich., or 230 Claremont Ave., Ashland, O.Buckingham, Lola May, Ed.B., '09, 7022 VernonAve., Chicago.Buckman, Edward, S.B., '11, St. Joseph Hospital.Buckmaster, Jeanne Arwilda, A.M., '11, Evanston,Wyo., or Charleston, 111.Buell, Julia Thurber, Ed.B., '08, 828 Ewing St.,Chicago.Bullock, Royal Wesley, Ph.B., '06, Colo. StateTeachers' College, Greeley, Colo.Bunts, Alfred Jackson, Ph.M., Ph.B., '05, Ed.B., '06,Hico, Texas.Burnham, Archibald Mowbray, A.M., '09, Columbus, Ohio.Burt, Alice, A.B., '07, Box 347, Superior, Neb.Burt, Anna Howell, A.B., '08, Indianapolis, Ind.Burton, John Carlton, Ph.B., '12, Karpen Bldg., Chicago, or Aurora, 111.Bushnell, Albert Curl, A.B., '10, 5758 Ellis Ave.,Chicago.Butler, Blanche Morton, S.B., '09, 6118 JacksonPark Ave.Cameron, Don Franklin, A.M., '10, 1003 Ivy St.,Minneapolis, Minn. -Cameron, Mrs. Edward R. (Grace Kendrick Rigby),Ph.B., '02, 1527 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn.Campbell, John Tyler, S.B., '97, Swift & Co., Kansas City, Mo.Campbell, Joseph Bailey, A.B., '06, Covington, Ky.Campione, Nicholas Louis, S.B., '17. No address.Carlson, Walter Gustavus, D.B., '97, Oak Park, 111.Carroll, Robert, Th.B.', '95, Park Place, Houston,Texas.Carter, George Wishart, D.B., '12, c|o Dr. McLean,Grant's Pass, Ore.Carter, Mrs. Robert I. (Bertha Bradford McCloud),Pli.B., '04, 101 W. 78th St., New York, N. Y.Cartwright, Forest Simpson, Ph.B., '01, 108 La SalleSt. Case, Frank Almerian, Th.B., '96, Council Bluffs, la.Case, Irene, Ph.B., '16, 3414 Indiana Ave., Chicago.Casteel, Mary Elizabeth, Ph.B., *00, 1909 CapitalAve., Omaha, Neb.Chadwick, Perry Moreland, Ph.B., '18, Tuscola, 111.Chamberlin, Mrs. C. C. (Marie Anna Lamb), Ph.B.,'03, 116 N. Crawford St., Dallas, Texas.Chambers, Lucy Eleanor, Ph.B., '01, Corsicana, Tex.,or Marietta, Ohio.Chandler, Alfred Ernest, D.B., '92, 1011 WoodrowAve., Eagle Rock, Calif.Chandler, John, D.B., '00, Jeffersonville, 111.Chapin, Adelaide May, Ph.B., Ed.B., '08, 403 S.Alvarado, Los Angeles, Calif.Cheng, Pekao Tientou, Ph.B., '10, Education Dept.,Canton, China.Chester, Washington, D.B., '71. No address.Chivers, N'orman Moore, A.B., '02, Bur. of Navigation, Manila, P. I.Chow, Kwo Hsien, Ph.B., '11, 100 E. Randolph St.Clark, May Theresa, Ph.B., '09, 108 St. Joseph St.,Mobile, Ala.Clark, Robert Fry, A.M., '06, Lombard Coll., Gales-burg, 111., or Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y.Clark, Samuel C, S.B., '01, U. of 111., Urbana, 111.,or Warren, Ohio.Cleaver, George, A.B., '03, Houghton, Mich.Clifford, Catherine, Ph.B., '05, 1043 Byron St.Cline, Carrie, A.B., '07, Angola, Ind.Cloyd, Luther L., D.B., '85, Tacoma, Wash.Cochrane, Beatrice, A.B., '09, Hartford, Mich.Coffin, Fulton Johnson, A.B., '98, Pres. of Coll., Isleof Trinidad.Cohen, Herman Max, A.B., '10, 440 E. Chestnut St.,Louisville, Ky.Cohn, Aaron, Ph.B., '00, Evanston, 111.Conn, Eugene Roland, Ph.B., '12, J.D., '13, 6315Michigan Ave., or 5440 Prairie Ave.Cole, William Wallace, Jr., A.B., '77, Encampment,Wyo.Coleman, Anna Agnes, Ph.B., '12, 148 E. SuperiorSt.Collier, Bertha Elsie, Ph.B., '15, 6117 DorchesterAve.Colman, Helen Rowe, A.B., '99, Kalamazoo, Mich.Compton, Mrs. Mary Stevens, Ph.B., '07, 333 16thSt., Toledo, Ohio.Condray, Benjamin Franklin, Ph.B., '02, Ph.M., '05,Agricultural College, Miss.Conlan, Mary Meroe, Ph.B., '03, c|o F. M. Conlan,330 26th St., Cairo, 111.Cooke, Elizabeth, Ph.D., '96, San Diego NormalSchool, San Diego, Calif.Coombs, James Vincent, A.B., '82. No address.Cooper, Horatio Seymour, D.B., '89. No address.Coppuck, Mrs. Thomas D. (Edna Lisle Martin),Ph.B., '05, 970 Post St., San Francisco, Calif.Corbin, David, A.B., '04, 6632 Ellis Ave.Cormack, Mrs. Charles A. (Jessie A. Gasser), Ph.B.,'06, 620 N. Willow Ave.Cosand, Charles Elbert, A.M., '14, Prof, of English,Friends Univ., Wichita, Kan.Coulter, Samuel Henry, A.M., '17, no address.Cowley, Abigail Wells, Ph.B., '03, 6216 South ParkAve.Coy, Lincoln Manchester, A.B., '86, 191 Unity Bldg.Crane, Arthur Wesley, A.M., '05, Nicola, la., orMinhurn, la.Crawford, Rena, Ph.B., '03, Columbus, Miss.Crayton, Catherine Benson, Ph.B., '11, Pomeroy,Wash.Crosby, James Jefferson, D.B., '87, Milwaukee, Wis.Crouse, Fred Coburn, Th.B., '90, Chicago. No address.Culver, Anna Evelyn, A.B., '08, 3819 Jansen Ave.Curry, Louis Thomas, S.B., '12, 1832 W. Adams St.,or c|o Robert F. Curry, Springfield, 111.Dahl, Axel Valdemar, D.B., '90, Ipswich, S. D.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDaniel, John Milton, A.B., '72, Tuscola, 111.Davis, Mrs. Alfred H. (Cora Leadbetter), A.B., '06,The Chaborn, Bakersfleld, Calif.Davis, George Berkeley, D.B., '79, Wallaceburg,Ont.Davis, Henry Bethel, D.B., '71, Centralia, 111.Davisson, Clinton Joseph, S.B., '09, 609 Worth St.,Pittsburgh, Pa.Dean, John Alvin, A.B., '05, A.M., '08, 1501 JonesSt., Sioux City, la.De Graw, Orley Andrew, S.B., '11, 14 Oriole Gardens, Toronto, Canada.De Le Fond, Charles, A.B., '15. No address.Deming, Janie Polk, S.B., '11, High School, Shelby-ville, Ind.Dickerson, Philip Jackson, A.B., '94, Mountain View,Okla.Dickey, Frank Coburn, A.B.. '01, Coeymans, N. Y.,or Virginia Union Univ., Richmond, Va.Dickinson, Frederick Eugene, D.B., '86, Kendall-ville, Ind., or Cherrydale, Kan.Doerfer, Louise Charlotte, Ph.B., '03, 1210 LawrenceAve., Canton, Ohio.Donaker, Mrs. Raymond L. (Edith Blanche Chapman), Ph.B., '09, 316 Logan Ave., Belvidere, 111.Dotts, Grace Bell, Ph.B., '08, 920 Ogden St. Denver,Colo.Doty, Flavia May, S.B., '11, Brodhead, Wis.Dow, Ethel Lucretia, S.B., '13, Plankinton, S. D.Dowd, Mrs. W. F. (Muriel Annette Massey), Ph.B.,'99, Van Nuys. Los Angeles, Calif.Doyle, Eleanor Mary, Ph.B., '01, 235 E. 14th St.,New York City, N. Y.Drucker, Aaron Phinius,, '11, 5460 UniversityAve., or Denver, Colo.Duncan, Mattie, Ph.B., '12, 323 6th Ave., N. Nashville, Tenn., or Riverside, Calif.Easterbrook, George Harold, Ph.B., '14, Universityof Chicago.Eastman. Frederick Wilson. A. B., '98, Seattle, Wash,Eaton, Rachel Caroline (Mrs.) A.M., '11, Waxa-hachie, Texas.Edwards, Edith, A.B., '01, 204 6th Ave., La Grange,111.Elias, Edward, A.M., '18, Purdue Univ., Lafayette,Ind.Elliott, Charles Button, A.B., '03, 1025 Mallory Ave.,Portland, Ore.Elliott, Isabel, Ed.B., '06, 36 Tyndall Ave., Toronto,Ont.Elliott, John Waterman, Th.B., '94, no address.Emery, Junia, S.B.. '11, Paonia, Colo,English, Albert Averell, Ph.B., '04, 4404 SidneyAve., Chicago.Ettleson, Abraham Alcon. Ph.B., '99, Austin, Tex.,or 353 Hermitage Ave., Chicago.Evans, Edward Brice, A.B., '97, Polo, HI.Evans, Rees Price, D.B., '72, Olathe, Kan.Fahey, Margaret, Ph.B., '12, 603 W. St. CatherineSt., Louisville, Ky., or 5740 S. Elizabeth St.Falls, James Washington, D.B., '93, Arco, Idaho.Farnham, Charlotte Aurie, Ph.B., '99, 25 ChestnutSt., Boston, Mass,Farrell, Margaret Elizabeth, S.M., '13, The Chelsea,W. 23rd St.. New York City.Ferguson, Mrs. George A. (Lucia Holliday Ray)Ph.M., '99, Lake Forest, 111.Ferguson, Mara Lu, Ed.B., '04, Joliet, 111.Field, Jasper Newton, D.B., '88, 1732 W. 49th St.,Los Angeles, Calif.Fielding, William Haines, A.B., *03, Cleveland, O.Findley, Joseph Franklin, D.B., '07, Irvington, Ind.Fine, Nathan, Ph.B., '15, 3122 Carlisle PI.. Chicago.Fisch, Fannie, A.B., '04, 5501 Kenwood Ave.Fisch, Hattie Ferrill, Ph.B., '10, 124 E. 46th Place.Fischer, Nellie Mlgnon. A.B., '06, Las Animas, Colo.Flsk, Henry Alfred, D.B., '95, 72 Greenwich St., SanFrancisco, Calif. Fitzhenry, Newman Lee, S.B., '05, Eugene, Ore.Flack, Robert William, Ph.B., '11, J.D., '13, 901 S.Fountain St., Springfield, O.Ford, Anna, Ph.B., '07, Bakersfleld, Calif.Foster, Henry Albert, A.M., '13, Maxwell, Tenn.Fox, Bertha Weiman, A.B., '07, Maywood, 111.Fox, Florence Cornelia, Ph.B., Ed.B., '08, WinonaLake, Ind.Fox, Herbert Wright, S.B., '95. No address.Fradenburg, John Victor, Th.B., '95, Kalamazoo,Mich.Frank, Hannah, Ph.B., '06, 5312 Indiana Ave., Chicago.Franklin, Charles Beman, A.M., '11, 1244 HumboldtSt., Denver, Colo.Frost, Minnie Carfield, S.M., '14, 6488 Ellis Ave., or1134 S. Preston St., Louisville, Ky.Fuller, Floyd Hamilton, LL.B., '17, 1124 Bank ofCom. & Trust Bldg., Memphis, Tenn.Gardner, Emelyn Elizabeth, A.B., '03. No address.Garfield, William Henry, D.B., '04, Baraboo, Wis.Garner, Mary Virginia, Ph.M., '04, Kobe, Japan.Garton, Richard, D.B., '71, 612 St. Paul Ave., LosAngeles, Calif.Germann, Allen Charles, S.B., '13, 5511 UniversityAve., Chicago.Gibbons, Laura Evelyn, Ph.B., '06, c|o John Gibbons, 4403 Lowe Ave.Gibson, Mrs. Charles G. (Margaret Piper), Ph.B.,'98, 1514 Pierce St., Sioux City, la.Gidart, Augustus William, A.B., '07, 2858 SeeleyAve., Chicago.Girdwood. Joseph Haddon, D.B., '93. No address.Gittler, Henry Nathaniel, Ph.B., '10, 4929 Vincen-nes Ave.Givens, John Paris, D.B., '02, Simmonsville, Va.Gleckler, Homer L., Ph.M., '10, 7031 Carpenter St.,Chicago.Glover. F. Nelson, Th. B., '90. No address.Goddard, Florence Marian, Ph.B., '13, Carrizozo,N. M.Goldberg, Samuel Torgus, LL.B., '18, 223 IndianaAve., St. Joseph, Mo.Goldberger, Bruno Abraham, A.B., '09, 4925 Vin-cennes Ave.Goldsmith, Lillian Rosalie, Ph. B., '98, 423 AshlandBlvd.Grablechoff, Wiliko, Th.B., '94. No address.Granbery, Elizabeth Walker, Ph.B., '05, Memphis,Tenn.Grant, Helen, Ph.B., '01, 2900 Groveland Ave., or4610 Hazel Ave.. Chicago.Graves, Ruth Eleanor, Ph.B., '05, 5852 Harper Ave.,Chicago.Gray, Edwin William, D.B., '05, Box 242, GlenEllyn, 111.Gray. Mary Richards, Ph.B., '05, 227 E. 54th St.,Chicago.Gray, Robert, Th.B., '96, Washington, Iowa.Greenleaf, Mrs. Lillian Snow, A.B., '01, UniversityStation, St. Louis, Mo.Gregory, Cornelius William, A.B., '73. No address.Gunderson, Gudrun Cornelia, Ph.B., '08, 579 E. 46thSt.Gunthorp, James Monroe, S.B., '15, Elizabeth, 111.Gwin. James Madison, Ph.B., '97, 105 S. La Salle St.Haeseler, Paul Carl, S.B., '11, 2130 Mapes Ave.,New York, N. Y.Hale, Thomas Jefferson, A.M., '14, Anaconda, Mont.Hall, Elizabeth Asenath, Ph.M., '07, 26S2 N. Hermitage Ave.Hallock, Earl Kenneth, S.B., '15, 200 S. AshlandBlvd.Halsey, Richard Lenox, D.B., '83, 2429 Grove St.,Berkeley, Calif.Hamilton, Ira Calvert, Ph.D., '07, Colgate U.,Hamilton, N. Y.ADDRESSES 343Hammond, Johnson Francis, S.B., '08, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A., 136 E. Cantonment, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.Hampton, Esther, Ph.B., '09, Deland, Fla.Hand, Chester Culver, Ph.B., '14, 2914 WashingtonBlvd., Chicago.Hannum, William Hamilton, A.M., '09, Vengurle,India.Harding, William Fletcher, Ph.M., '96, 660 24th St.,Ogden, Utah.Harmon, Alta Annette, A.M., '99, Iron Mountain,Mich.Harper, Sarah J„ Ph.B., '01, 288 Washington Ave.,Albany, N. Y.Hartzman, Samuel M., Ph.B., '10. No address.Harvey, Robert, D.B., '16. No address.Hatch, Elmer Ellsworth, Th.B., '97. No address.Hayde, Evelyn Marie, Ph.B., '06, 3265 Ellis Ave.,Chicago.Hayden, Charles Albert, D.B., '73, Santa Cruz, Cal.Hayden, Walter Scott, Jr., D.B., '03. No address.Healion, William Corbett, LL.B., '05, Okmulgee,Okla.Heath, Elbridge Lyonal, Ph.B., '02, Santa Barbara,Calif.Heeren, John J., A.M., '09, Chancellor, S. D.Henley, Ralph Bernard, Ph.M., '07, Libertyville, 111.Henninger, John Wesley, Ph.M., '06, Macomb, 111.Henriksen, Martin Emil, S.B., '10, U. of 111., Urbana, 111.Henry, John Quincy Adams, D.B., '80, 822 BerendoSt. Los Angeles, Calif.Hess, Phares Gross, J.D., '13. No address.Hewitt, Floyd Lee, A.B., *03, 322 W. Park Ave.,Savannah, Ga.Hibbard, Herchel Vincent, S.B., '98, 226 E. 61st St.Higgins, William Addison, A.B., '96, 2905 Rader St.,Indianapolis, Ind.Hill, Luther Boone, A.B., '98, 6225 Dorchester Ave.Hirsch, Mrs. Gilbert J. (Charlotte Rose Teller),Ph.B., '99, 55 Charlotten St., Berlin, Germany.Ho, Abraham Mo, Ph.B., '17, 2023 Kalorama Rd.,Washington, D. C.Hofmann, Philip, A.B. '10, 5624 Maryland Ave.Holmes, Robert Benjamin, Ph.B., '11, 5755 DrexelAve.Holste, August Fred, A.B., *99, Hastings, Neb.Hope, Chauncey Edward, Ph.B., '11, 1007 LakeBlvd., St. Joseph, Mich.Hoppe, Edith, Ph.B., '14, 5716 Kimbark Ave.Horak, Yakub, Ph.B., '17, 15525 Turlington Ave.,Harvey, 111.Hornstein, Frederick, Ph.B., '06, Boone, la.Hostetter, Abram Bowman, A.B., '68, 1810 E. 4thSt., Duluth, Minn.Howard, Mrs. H. D. (Neletta Elida Pettet), A.B.,'98, Luskville, Wyo.Howard, John J., D.B., '70, Grant's Pass, Ore.Hoy, Nathaniel Elisha, Ph.B., '06, Winthrop, S. D.Hoyt, Norman Fox, D.B., '72, Middletown, Calif.Hubbard, Mary Laura, A.B., '96. No address.Hudd, Nellie Catherine, Ph.B., '15, Newberry Hotel,Chicago.Hughes, John Canaid, D.B., '91, Exeter, England.Hughes, Mrs. Robert (Nellie Gertrude Van RiperSpence), A.B., '09, 1759 W. 16th St.Hull, Edith Renner, S.B., '09, 2602 La Branch St.,Houston, Texas.Hunt, Esther D., A.B., '95, 638 Market St., Oska-loosa, la.Hunter, Austin, D.B., '02, Ada, Ohio.Hurd, Charles Henry, S.B., '01, 5600 Michigan Ave.Hurlburt, David, Ph.B., '99, 19 S. LaSalle St.Hurlbut. George Henry, A.B., '68, Shoreham, L. I.,N. Y.Hyde, Mrs. Jesse E. (Edna May McCleery), S.M.,'09, 208 Albert St., Kingston, Ont. Hyman, Isaac Barney, A.B., '98, 31 W. 27th St.,New York City.Ince, Edward Armstrong, D.B., '74, Reed City, Mich.Ingham, Helen Aurelia, Ph.B., '11, Salem, W. Va.Ireland, Jay, S.B., '15, 609 S. Hoyne Ave. -Irish, Miles, S.B., '11, Grand Haven, Mich.Irvin, Edna Clare, Ph.B., '09, 6803 Dorchester Ave.Irving, Charles H., D. B., *85, 276 E. 19th St., Oakland, Calif.Irving, Hugh Schoor, Ph.B., '14, J.D., '15, 3544Washburne Ave.Isbell, Nellie lone, A.B., '09, Columbus, Neb.Iversen, Andreas, Ph.B., '16. No address.Jackson, Cora Belle, A.B., '97, 143 B. 63rd St.,New York City.Jackson, William A., A.M., '16, 6830 Blaekstone Ave.Jacobson, Katharine, Ph.M., '07, 6411 DorchesterAve.Jacobson, Olga Maude, Ph.B., '06, 4122 ColoradoAve.James, Catherine Alma, A.M., '03, 2002 DelawareSt., Indianapolis, Ind.Jamieson, William Henry, S.B., '10. No address.Jeffries, Mrs. Clyde W. (Eva Twombly), A.B., '02,2635 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.Jennings, Warner Adnah, S. B., '14, 5532 KimbarkAve.Johlin, Jacob Martin, S.B., '08, Toledo, Ohio.Johnson, Albin O., Ph.B., '18. No address.Johnson, Carl August, Th.B., '89. No address.Johnson, Elodie Blanche, A.B., '12, 1228 W. 62ndSt., Los Angeles, Calif.Johnson, Joseph Oliver, Ph.M., '10, North Judson,Ind., or Cedar Falls, la.Johnson, Julian Philip Mathew, A.B., '00, D.B., '99,1002 Rogers Ave., Springfield, O.Johnson, Luella, Ph.B., '10, 212 S. Main St., Princeton, Ind.Johnson, Mordecai Wyatt, A.B., '14, RochesterTheol. Seminary, Rochester, N. Y.Johnson, Rachel, A.B., '00, A.M., '11, Glendale, Cal.,or Lordsburg, Cal.Johnston, William Walter, Ph.B., '10, Lebanon, Pa.Jones, Albert Lincoln, Ph.M., '05, Madison, S. D.Jones, Mrs. Philip C. (Elizabeth Sheridan Burke),Ph.B., '13, 6239 Ellis Ave., or 32 Rua desPyrinens, Sao Paulo, Brazil.Jones, Robert Young, S.B., '05, Cook Co. Hospital,Chicago.Jones, Sylvester, D.B., '07, Gibara, Cuba, or Oska-loosa, Ind.Juel, Marie Eline, Ph.B., '13, 3744 Ellis Ave.Kaar, Alfred Calvin, Ph.B., '04, 1208 Comm'l Nat.Bank Bldg., Chicago.Kalamatiano, Xenophon de B., A.B., '03, 1012 College Ave., Racine, Wis.Keeler, Clifton Mabie, S.B., '12, Box 546, San Antonio, Texas.Kelley, John Harris, S.B., '98. No address.Kelly, Raymond Ransom, A.B., '05, 30 W. 70th PI.Kemper, Malcolm, S.B., '16, Cincinnati, Ohio-.Kendall, Ann Dean, Ph.B., '14, 1648 N. AlabamaSt., Indianapolis, Ind.Kennedy, Berthold S., S.B., '15, Cornersville, Tenn.Kenyon, John Samuel, A.M. '03, 6533 Kimbark Ave.Kern, Mrs. F. L. (Adda Frances Norton), Ph.B.,'97, 1603 6th St., Des Moines, la.Kern, Penolope Virginia Belle, Ph.B., '01, Green-town, Ind.Killie, Guy Edward, A.B., '06, 9861 Prospect Ave.Killips, Everett Benson, A.B., '03, D.B., '06, WestAllis, Wis.King, Lota M., Ph.B., '17, 5817 Maryland Ave.,Chicago.Kinney, Hallie Nathan, S.B., '10, Hillsdale, Mich.Kinney, Harriet Morgan, Ph.B., '02, Manila, P. I.Kissling, Robert Christian, Ph.D., '13, 1718 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEKline, Eugene Felsenthal,. LL.B., '12, 904-8 Trust &Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.Kline, Frank J., A.B.', '69, Crookston, Minn.Knauf, Arthur Raymond, S.B., '14, 5536 KimbarkAve.Kodjbanoff, Sophie Georgia, A.M., '11, AmericanSchool, Monastic, Macedonia.Kohler, Anna Pearl, A.B., '09, 5731 Kenwood Ave.Kohn, Mrs. Jack S. (Florence May Silberberg),Ph.B., '12, Statler Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio.Kotkov, Wilfred Phinehas, Ph.B., '14, 5460 University Ave.Krauser, William Heinen, S.B., '12. No address.Krogen, Inez Zabra, Ph.B., '11, Three Rivers, Mich.Kron, Edna Hildegard, A.B., '13; A.M., '14, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.Kuhne, Julius William, A.M., '06, 2019 Maple Ave.,Evanston, 111.Lamb, Francis P. S., D.B., '85, Moline, 111.La Motte, Frank Alexander, S.M., '00, 605 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111.Landin, Marie, Ph.B., '14. No address.Lane, Michael A., S.B., '08, 451 W. Jackson Blvd.Larkin, Manuel, Ph.M., '11. No address.Larkin, Thomas Jackson, A.B., '03, Talladega College, Talladega, Fla.Laxman, Olga J., Certif., '16, 912 S. Main St.,Tulsa, Okla.Lee, James E., S.B., '16, Rush Medical College,Chicago.Leech, Lillian Jane, Ph.B., '99, 1050 Orange St.,Los Angeles, Calif.Lenington, Nellie Blanche, Ph.B., '98, Des MoinesCollege, Des Moines, la.Levin, David, S.B., '17, 1308 Hastings St., Chicago.Levin, Isador M., S.B., '16, 1246 N. Robey St., Chicago.Levinson, Samuel Nathaniel, Ph.B.. '11, 934 TenthSt., Milwaukee, Wis.Lewis, Louisa Wilhelmina Whitly, A.M., '14,Beecher Hall, Univ. of Chicago.Libby, George Nelson, S.B., '00, Tecumseh, Neb.Liemert, Johann Ritter von, Ph.B., '17, c|o Austro-Hungarian Consulate, Chicago.Lienau, Oscar Paul, A.B., '05, 515 Gordon Ave.,Seattle, Wash.Lightfoot, Ella Irene, A.B., '12, 6201 WoodlawnAve., Chicago.Lindholm, Lillie Mathilda, Ph.B., '05, 1352 Vine PI.,Minneapolis, Minn.Lindsay, Sarah Frances, Ph.B., '00, 5465 BlackstoneAve., Chicago.Lindstrom, Emil, Th.B., '89. No address.Lockwood, Clarence Herman, Th.B., '95. No address.Lowenstein, Gustave Henry, A.B., '96, New YorkCity.Logan, William Clark, A.M., '96, S05 Cottage Ave.,Indianapolis, Ind.Loring, Julia Elizabeth, A.B., '03, 650 W. AdamsSt., Chicago.Lowrey, Mary Luella, A.B., '06, Corning, Iowa.Lowther, Lola B., Ph.B., '16, IS N. WittenbergAve., Springfield, Ohio.Lucas, John Garfield, Ph.B., '12, Vancouver, B. C.Lull, Sara Louise, Ph.B., '06, 1929 Lovelace Ave.,Los Angeles, Calif.Maguire, Olive, Ph.B., '99, 2S73 Monroe St., Chicago.Mahon, Albert Eugene, LL.B., '11, 205 Court House,Birmingham, Ala.Marie. Mrs. Bertha H. von, Ph.B., '07. Nn address.Martin, Alice Sarah, Ph.B., '07, Ph.M., '09, 6049Ellis Ave., Chicago.Martin, Mrs. (Clara Shaw). Ph.B.. '06. No address.Martin, Henry W., A.B., '67, 110 Dearborn St., Chicago. Martin, Mary, Ph.B., '13, 6127 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. .Martin, Murrey Kerr, A.M., '09, 6117 KenwoodAve., Chicago.Martin, Vella Vernelle, A.M., '12, Capitol Bldg.,Springfield, 111.Martland, Marion Ida, Ph.B., '16, 163 WashingtonAve., Naperville, IH.Marx, Nanna Eiles, S.B., '05, 1710 Humboldt Blvd.,Chicago.Mason, Curtis Eugene, S.B., '09, 1511 Adams St.,Chicago.Mason, George Claude, Th.B., '95. No address.Mathers, George Shrader, S.B., '11, Cook CountyHospital, Chicago.Mathews, Grace, Ph.B., '10, 115 S. Emerson Ave.,Indianapolis, Ind.Matthews, Jewett De Witt, J.D., '12, 220 TribuneBldg., Chicago.Mayall, Mary Ethel, Ph.B., '11, Edmond, Okla.Mayall, Vada, A.B., '06, Decatur, 111.Meadows, Mrs. J. G. (Dorcas Fidelia Merriman),A.B., '09, 7001 Perry Ave., Chicago,Melody, Margaret A., Ph.B., '16, 902 Yale St.,Portland, Ore.Mendelsohn, Henry, Ph.B., '07, Casper, Wyo.Merriman, Eugene Duette, Ph.M., '11, 1113 GrandSt., Washington, Ind.Metcalf, Guido Conti Sleeper, A.B., '98, 6956 Wallace St., Chicago.Metlen, Michael, A.M., '17, Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio.Meyer, Harriet Rose, Certif., '17, 4502 Grand Blvd.,Chicago.Mierswa, Meta, Ph.B., '07, Beloit, Wis.Miladofsky, Emily, S.B., '00, High School, Helena,Mont.Miller, Clara, Ph.B., '07, 6052 Ingleside Ave., Chicago.Miller, Emma May, Ph.B., '12, 7336 Parkhurst Ave.,Chicago; (h) Lincoln, Neb.Miller, Harry Adelbert, A.B., '05, Grand Junction,Colo.Miller, Nancy Maria, S.B., '04. No address.Miller, Richard Chadwick, Ph.B., '10, Washington,la., or Groves, Colo.Mills, Florence Howland, Ed.B., '08, 5719 KenwoodAve., Chicago.Mills, Ward Magoon, S. B., '01, Marquette, Mich.Montgomery, John Andrew, A.M., '14, OkanagonCollege, Summerland, B. C.Moore, Gordon Beverly. A.B,, '99, Hendersonville,S. C.Moore, John Howard, J.D., '17, 5548 UniversityAve., Chicago.Morris, Mrs. Lila Kemble, Ph.B., '08, 5467 University Ave., Chicago.Moss, Charles S., A.B., '69, 1315 E. 15th Ave., Kansas City, Mo.Mueller, Charles E. R., A.B., '68, 262 E. Ohio St.,Chicago.Mulvane, Ralph Phineas, Ph.B., '05. No address.Munden, Edward, A.M., '12, Box 383, Waxahachie,Texas.Munger, Elizabeth, Ph.B., '06, 120 Broad Mead,Princeton, N. J.Murphy, Ella Josephine, Ph.B., '09, 908 HamphillSt., Ft. Worth. Texas.Murray, Bben Hugh, Ph.B., '01, Moscow, Idaho.Murray, Josephine Harriet, S.B., '14, 5624 EllisAve., Chicago.McBride, Caroline Lenora, Ph.B., '06, ElPaso, Tex.McCafferty, Lula, S.B., '94, High School, Davenport, Iowa.McCallum, William Burnet, Ph.D.. '04, International Rubber Co., Ocean Beach, San Diego, Cal.McCann, Irving Goff, A.M., '13, 6718 S. Green St.,Chicago.ADDRESSES 345McCarthy, June, Ph.B., '08, 3216 N. Halsted St.,Chicago.McCauley, Harry Arthur, Ph.B., '13, J.D., 'IS, Room626, 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.McClain, Edward, Th.B., '88, Monticello, 111.McCleary, Thomas Galbraith, A.B., '03, 39 W.Prospect Ave., Washington, Pa.McCloskey, Richard Clyde, S.B., '08, 230 E. 56thSt., Chicago.McCollum, William J., D.B., '88, Hedrick, Iowa.McCord, Mrs. Joseph (Clara Kingswell Wheeler),Ph.B., '06, 20 12th Ave. E., Duluth, Minn.McCurdy, Raymond Scott, S.B., '01, Grand Rapids,Mich.McDonald, Jane, S.B., '12, 6049 Ellis Ave., Chicago.McFarland, Fletcher Olin, S.B., '08, Army Med.School, Washington, D. C.McGugin, Winifred, Ph.B., '05. N'o address.McGuire, M. Ella, Ph.B., '01, 4797 Vincennes Ave.,Chicago.Mcllvaine, Paul, S.B., '16, 1460 E. 57th St., Chicago,MacKellar, Jean Edith, Ph.M., '08. No address.McKinsey, James Oscar, Ph.B., '17, 6127 Ellis Ave.,Chicago.McManis, Charles A., D.B., '80. No address.McNally, Eva, Ph.B., '03, State Normal School,Emporia, Kan.MacNeal, Rose, Ph.M., '98, Indianapolis, Ind.McReynolds, Ralph, S.B., '11, City Hospital, St.Louis, Mo.Nakamura, Yoshitaro, J.D., '08, Seattle, Wash., orJapan.Nellans, Charles T., S.B., '16, 709 S. Ashland Blvd.,Chicago.Nelson, Charles Frederick, S.B., '09. No address.Nelson, Joseph Frederick, A.M., '01, Savannah, Ga.Neptune, Carl Irvin, A.B., '02, 1830 Grant St., Denver, Colo.Neptune, Richard Cones, A.B., '03, 400 Main St.,Memphis, Tenn.Nerica, Elfriede Victoria, Ph.B., '14, 1141 Main St.,Dubuque, Iowa.N*ewbecker, Ethel Eileen, A.M., '14, Missouri Wesleyan University, Cameron, Mo.Newell, Emma, Ph.B., '15, High School, Guthrie,Okla.Newson, Sidney Carlton, A.M., '00. No address.Niblack, Henry Clay, S.B., '18, 6109 DorchesterAve., Chicago.Nieuwdorp, 'James, S.B., '10, 10816 Wabash Ave.,Chicago.Noa, Claribel, Ph.B., '07, 2354 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, or Gray's Lake, 111.Northrup, Alfred Sayles, A.B., '97, Trebizond, Turkey.Nourse, Mary Augusta, Ph.B., '05, Nanking, China.Nunn, Gedrge Enara, S.B., '07, Sioux City, Iowa.Oldberg, Mrs. Virgil (Ruth Terry), A.B., '03, 7415Princeton Ave., Chicago.Olson, Adolph John, Ph.B., Ed.B., '05, Brandon,Minn.Olson, Alma Luise, Ph.M., '11, 733 Fine Arts Bldg.,Chicago.Oram, William George, D.B., '97, 123 N. WilliamSt., Dayton, Ohio.Osborne, Cornelia Stewart, A.B., '99. No address.Osborne, Sarah Nicoll, A.B., '98. No address.Packer, Eli, D.B., '88, Chicago, 111.Paine, John Colwell. S.B., '06, Painesdale, Mich.Palm, Mrs. William M. (Rosalie Stern), A.B., '05,1349 E. 48th St., Chicago.Palmer, Cecile Morse, A.B., '06, Oshkosh, Wis.Palmer, Goldie M., Ph.B., '16, 315 Washington Ave.,Warren, Ohio.Parker, Achsa Snow, A.M., '04, Greeley, Colo.Parker, Laura Minerva, S.B., '02, Decatur, Tex.Parkins, Horace G., Ph.B., '79, 112 Dearborn St.,Chicago. Parks, Francis Squire, Ph.B., '04, 425 Queen St.,Seattle, Wash.Parsons, Morton, D.B., '87, 729 N. 72nd St., Seattle,Wash.Parsons, William E., A.B., '68. No address.Patton, Halford E., S.B., '16, 6035 Ellis Ave., Chicago.Paulsen, Waldemar Edward, Ph.B., '06, 4520 Cham-plain Ave., Chicago.Pearce, Van Sumner, Ph.B., '99, 710 Summit Ave.,Seattle, Wash.Pearce, William, Th.B., '93. No address.Pedersen, Tellef Christian, D.B., '04, Osco, Neb.Peirce, Marion Virginia, A.M., '04, Mt. Vernon, la,Peirce, Ruth Anna, Ph.B., -12; A.M., '13, 212 Lin-wood Ave., Kansas City, Mo.Peiser, Martha, Ph.B., '11, Striegan, Schlesten,Germany.Penny, Raymond Deforest, Ph.B., '12, Box" 14,Aurora, Calif.Perry, Edward Fayette, Th.B., '89. Palisades, Colo.Perry, Henry Francis, A.B., '99, 300 Jarvis St.,Toronto, Canada.Peterson, Andrew Peter, A.M., '06, Carthage, Mo.Peterson, Charles Wilson, S.B., '07, 637 W. JacksonBlvd., Chicago.Peterson, Isabel Alberta, S.M., '07, Rockford, 111.Peterson, Otto Edward, Ph.M., '10, 5535 KenwoodAve., Chicago.Peterson, Wilhelm August, D.B., '90, 6413 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago.Pfunder, Malcolm C, S.B., '15, State Medical College, Charleston, S. C.Phelps, Elmore Waite, S.B., '09, Edmonton, Alberta,.Canada.Pierce, Bertha Elizabeth, Ph.B., '06, Hotel Fremont,.Los Angeles, Calif. .Pierce, Harriet Gertrude, Ph.B., '03, Cedar Falls,.Iowa.Posse, Christine Fredrika, S.B., '12, 935 Argyle St.„Chicago.Post, Ansel Howard, Th.B., '93. No address.Powell, Mildred, S.B., '09, Carson City, Mich.Price, Mrs. Henry B. (Helen Newman Roney),Ph.B., '06, Hotel Munroe, Portsmouth, Va.Pritchard, Fred Paige, S.B., '05. No address.Pyle, Dora Alice, A.B., '09, Manual Training HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Quigley, Raymond Leamore, S.B. in Ed., '14, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.Quigley, Samuel, A.M., '12, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minn.Quinn, Edmund Lennon, S.B., '06, 2957 Loomis St.,Chicago.Quiring, Jacob, A.M., '13, Kufsteins Strasse 6, II.,Berlin, Germany.Rabb, Robert Morris, A.B., '99, Columbia, S. C.Raffle, Sinore Muzaffar, S.B., '09, Columbia University, New York City.Raymond, Lucia Effinger, Ph.B., '10, Peru, Ind.Read, Isaiah "Wolfe, D.B.. '79, Leland, Mass.Reed, Alta Gratia, A.B., '84, Hotel Vincennes, Chicago.Reed, Mrs. Joseph (Carolyn Ladd Moss), Ph.B., '97,5913 17th St., Seattle, Wash.Reilly, Caroline L. (Mrs.), Ph.B., '16, 6143 Kenwood Ave., Chicago.Reiterman, Alice Amelia, S.B., '03, 235 N. 1st St.,De Kalb, 111.Ren, Sz-Dah, Ph.B., '17. No address.Reynolds, Arthur Hornhrook, A.B., '03, ChicagoHeights, 111.Rice, Launa Darnell (Mrs.), Ph.B., '04, 113 ChurchSt., Montgomery, Ala.Richardson, Burt Parker, Ph.B., '05, Gridley, Calif.Risser, Christian Hotter, S.B., '08. St. Louis Schoolof Med., St. Louis, Mo.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERistine, Irwin Magnus, A.M., '11, 233 N. EwingAve., Dallas, Texas.Roberts, Alfred, D.B., '70, Belton, Texas.Roberts, May Helen, S.B., '10, 739 Tilden Ave.,Chicago.Rocen, Johan, D.B., '01, Adelphia College, Seattle,Wash.Roderick, Rodri M., D.B., '89, 65 Homer Ave. E.,Cleveland, Ohio.Rogers, Jessica Milrae, Ph.B., '17, 124 N. CiceroAve., Chicago.Rooks, James Thomas, A.B., '07; A.M., 11, 6047Drexel Ave., Chicago.Rosenberg, Rose, Ph.B., '05, 5242 Greenwood Ave.,Chicago.Ross, Mrs. Fay B. (Marie E. Juel), Ph.B., '13.- Noaddress.Rossouw, Servaas Hafmeyer, A.M., '18, Montagu,South Africa.Rudens, Samuel P., Ph.B., '15, 1441 N. TalmasAve., Boston, Mass.Rumble, Theodore, Jr., Ph.B., '18, Macon, Ga.Rumsey, Bessie Emma, S.B., '08, Ovid, Mich.Russ, Ira A., Ph.B., '15, 5820 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.Russell, John Milne, A.B., '82, Hastings, Neb.Samis, Francis Joseph, Th.B., '91. No address.Samuelson, John, Th.B., '97. No address.Sanford, Edwin Merritt, A.B., '97, Stevens Inst.,Hoboken, N. J.Sanko'wsky, Nickolas Alexander, S.B., '11, Moscow,Russia.Satter, Pearl, Ph.B., '17, 326 W. 64th St., Chicago.Sawyer, Mrs. C. N. (Myrta Belle McCoy), S.B., '12,Shawnee, Okla.Scambler, Arthur G., A.M., '15, Des Moines, Iowa.Scanlan, Arthur G., Ph.B., '16, 730 E. 45th St.,Chicago.Scanlan. Marguerite, Ph.B., '07, 4356 Lake ParkAvenue.Schlamann, Ernest Alfred, Th.B., '96, 1543 W.67th St.Schnelle. Friedrich Oscar, S.B., '95. No address.Schub, Frederick Otto, Ph.D., '01, Sandersville, Ga.Scott, Randolph Eugene, S.B., '11, Reno, Nevada.Scott, Thomas, Ph.B., '16, Guthrie, Okla.Scrimger, Louise Lydia, S.B. ,'03, 1927 1st Ave.,Seattle, Wash.Seller, William Edmund Ward, D.B., '07, Carman,Manitoba, Canada.Shapiro, Many Zachary, S.B., '09. No address.Shaviro, Nathan, Ph.B., '14, 5800 Maryland Ave.,Chicago.Shearer, Harold Kurtz, S.B., '12, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.Sheldon, Dio Pease, D.B., '85. No address.Sheppard. Robert Dickinson, A.B., '69, Houston,Texas.Sherbondy, Thomas Andrew, D.B., '06, 4S10 DelmarBlvd., St. Louis, Mo.Shull. Renata May, Ph.B., '03, St. Joseph, Mo.Simons, May Wood (Mrs. Algie M. Simons), Ph.B.,'06, 2319 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.Smith. Annette Menrow (Mrs.), Ph.B., '17, 957 E.54th Place, Chicago.Smith, Arthur Maxson, A.M., '99; Ph.D., '00, Berkeley, Calif.Smith, Charlotte Dillingham, Ph.B., '02, 5735 Black-stone Ave., Chicago.Smith, Edson Campbell, Ph.B., '11, 6028 InglesideAve., Chicago.Smith, Edward F., A.B., '72. No address.Smith, Henry, Ph.D., '07, Goshen College, Goshen,Indiana.Smith, Nellie L111I-, A.B., '02, 12 Lafayette St.,New Rochelle, N. Y. Smith, Mrs. R. M. G. (Rizpah Margaret Gilbert),Ph.B., '93, 121 Dakota Ave., Hollywood, Calif.Smith, Robert Lewis Irvine, S.B., '10, Hemet, Calif.Smith, Susan Ella, Ph.B., '07, Paducah, Ky.Smyth, Sarah Angela, A.B., '09, 2022 Jackson Blvd.,Chicago.Snider, Aaron W., D.B., '84, Dexter, Miss.Sobernhelmer, Mrs. Harry B. (Edith Maia HolbrookLatham), Ph.B., '07, The Latonia, ColoradoSprings, Colo.Solomon, Frieda Viola, A.B., 05, 578 E. 45th St.,Chicago.Spaulding, Mrs. Edith W. (Edith Mary Wilcox),Ed.B., '07, Lake Forest, 111.Spaulding, Myra Louise, A.B., '01; A.M., '05, Lu-therville, Md.Speicher, John Gabriel, Th.B., '95. No address.Sperry, Maud Charity, Ph.B.; Ed.B., '09, Potomac,Illinois.Sprouse, Claude W., Ph.B., '15; D.B., '16; Richmond, 111.Stafford, John, D.B., '89, Corona, Calif.Stains, Tracy R., Ph.B., '15, Hotel Hayes, Chicago.Stam, Nicholas Cornelius, S.B., '15, 10731 Wentworth Ave., Chicago.Stanford, Mary Virginia (Mrs. G. W.), Ph.B., '04,2026 W. Monroe St., Chicago.Steans, Henry Gerald, A.M., '05. No address.Steele, Ira Davis, A.B., '04, 340 S. 8th St., SanJose, Calif.Steele, Viola Alice, Ed.B., '09, 738 Rampart St., LosAngeles, Calif.Steichen, Lilian Anna Maria Elizabeth, Ph.B., '04,299 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis.Stephenson. George Malcolm, S.B., '06, 3635 TyndaleAve. S., Minneapolis, Minn.Stern, Gertrude Hattie, Ph.B., '07, 3425 South ParkAve., Chicago.Stern, Mamie Adeline, Ph.B., '03, 4718 CalumetAve., Chicago.Stewart, George Benjamin, D.B., '07, 167 SalemAve., Dayton, Ohio.Stewart, John Henry, Th.B., '94. No address.Stiles, Bertha Vernon, A.B., '00, R. R. No. 6,Kansas City, Mo.Stone, Josephine Frances, Ph.B., '03, 5129 HarperAve.. Chicago.Stoner, Mary Kimbrough, Th.B., '93. No address.Stotter, Arthur L., S.B., '15, Rush Medical College,Chicago.Stout, Edwin Gillespie, A.B.; Ed.B., '07, UniversityMilitary School, Dallas, Texas.Strawn, John Thomas, S.B., '07, 2501 W. MonroeSt., Chicago.Tanner, George Frederick, S.B., '10. No address.Tapper, Mrs. Bonno (Margaret Elisabeth Nehler),Ph.B., '15, 2626 Emerson Ave. S., Minneapolis,Minnesota.Taylor Agnes Inez, Ph.B., '15. No address.Taylor, Freda Weitzel (Mrs. Edward), S.B., '11,1944 W. Monroe St., Chicago.Taylor, Margaret Kathleen, Ph.B., in Ed., '14. Noaddress.Taylor, Thomas Jackson, A.B., '95, Bureau of Forestry, Washington, D. C.Terrell, Alexander Bismarck, S.B., '07, 616 JenningsAve., Fort Worth, Texas.Terry, Lee Walton, A.B., '81; D.B., '84, 702 S.Fife St., Tacoma, Wash.Theobald, Walter William, Th.B., '93. No address.Thomas, Ana Louise, Ph.B., '03, Sioux City, Iowa.Thomas, Arthur George, A.B., '03, 2138 CaliforniaSt., Washington, D. C.Thomas, James Elliot, D.B., '88, Dayton, Ohio.Thomas. John Wilson, A.B., *02. No address.ADDRESSES 347Thompson, Carl Dean, A.M., '02, Denver, Colo.Thompson, Christiana, Ph.B., '11, Muncie, Ind.Thompson, Glenn Stanley, S.B., '15, 833 E. 65th St.,Chicago.Thompson, John Giffin, A.M., '04, University ofWisconsin, Madison, Wis.Thompson, Mabel C. Hedges, .Ph.B., '05. No address.Thompson, Pierce McNeil, A.B., '06, 1824 AddisonSt., Philadelphia, Pa.Thompson, Samuel Hope, A.B., '99, 139 N. ClarkSt., Chicago.Thompson, Thora Maria,. Th.B., '96. No address.Tiblett, Thomas John, Th.B., '95. No address.Tinker, Francis Enos, S.B., '09. No address.Tower, William Lawrence, S.B., '03.Traner, Margaret Coulter (Mrs. Allen), Ph.B., '02,18 Cobb Blvd., Kankakee, 111.Trowbridge, William Riggs, Ph.B., '08. No address.Tuthill, James Edward, A.B., '97. No address.Tyler, Dorothea, Ph.B., '14, 1221 East 57th St.,Chicago.Urmston, William Butterfleld, S.B., '06, 7 PlazaBlock, El Paso, Texas.Valentine, Louis Peter, D.B., '00, 7609 WhitsettAve., Los Angeles, Calif.Van Kirk, Harold Alexander, Ph. B., '17J Hudson,Michigan.Van Kirk, Hiram, Ph.D., '00, Washington CourtHouse, Ohio.Van Wormser, Henrietta Lynn, Ph.B., '06, 167 Jackson St., Aurora, 111.Vaughan, Katharine Julia Elizabeth, Ph.B., '05,931 W. 51st St., Chicago.Vaughan, Lynn Brian, S.B., '13, 1140 Jackson Blvd.,Chicago.Vogt, William Claude, A.M., '09, 424 W. 60th St.,Chicago.Vollertsen, John Joseph, S.B., '03. No address.Wahlberg, Karl William, S.B., '10, Cook CountyHospital.Walsh, John James, Ph.B., '00, 665 Sheridan Road.Walter, George Earle, A.B., '04, J.D., '05, Canton, 111Walworth, Edith Luella, Ph.B., '09, Cassopolis, Mich.Wann, Mabel Clare, Ph.B., '18, 1462 "N" St., Fresno,Calif.Warner, Louis Ulysses, Th.B., '89, Sedan, Kansas.Warren, Edna May, Ph.B., '15, Centralia, Mo.Waterbury, Ivan Calvin, Ph.B., '98, 5475 Ridge-wood Court.Waters, Kate, A.B., '97, Charleston, 111.Watkins, Edmund Daugherty, S.M., '07, 6517 EllisAvenue.Watts, Clyde Franklin, S.B., '14, S.M., '15, Lancaster, Ky.Waugh, Anna May, A.B., '04, Belle Plaine, Iowa.Weinberg, Callie Amelia, Ph.B., '10, Dowagiac,Michigan.Weisman, Sidney Maurice, S.B., '17. No address.Weller, Oliver Clinton, A.B., '73. No address.Wetzel, Frank Slusser, S.B., '09, 6031 Ellis Ave.Wever, Anne-Marie, S.B., '10, Twengerste 28, Strass-burg, Els, Germany.Whipple, Mrs. Vernon H. (Louise Bosley Lyman),Ph.B., '09, 6640 Woodlawn Ave., or 414 FarragutSt., Bay City, Mich.White, Cecile Dulaney, Ph.B., '14, 5451 GlenwoodAve.. Chicago. White, Mrs. Charles E. (Augusta Evelyn GiffardEngels), S.B., '03, 26 Dorval Road, Toronto,Canada.White, James Jeremiah, Ph.B., '07, University HighSchool, Birmingham, Ala.Whitmoyer, Clinton Benjamin, Ph.B., '04, Charlevoix, Mich.Whitney, Wilson, A.B., '71, Martinsville, Ind.Whittlesey, Deo Elizabeth, A.B., '02, Convent ofSacred Heart, Albany, N. Y.Wilcox, Maude Josephine, Ph.B., '07, 453 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.Wilderman, James Hervey, D.B., '70, Edwardsville,Illinois.Williams, Carl Oscar, A.M., '18. No address.Williams, John William, Ph.B., '95. No address.Williams, Paul, A.B., '09, 502 S. 16th, Independence,Kansas.Williams, Ruby Carolyn, Ph.B., '11, 1249 S. GrandAve., Los Angeles, Calif.Williams, Winifred Maude, Ph.B., '99, Corvallis, Ore.Willis, Carl Lyman, A.M., '03, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.Wilson, Alfred Mundy, D.B., '84, University ofIllinois, Urbana, 111.Wilson, Crawford Page, D.B., '91, Campells, N. B.Wilson, John Fisher, A.B., '68, 2019 Michigan Ave.Wilson, Thomas Matheson, S.M., '04, 684 W. AdamsStreet.Windes, John Riley, A.B., '78, Ina, Tenn.Winter, Mrs. Benjamin B. (Etta Fulcomer Beach),Ph.B., '98, 918 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo.Wintin, Leota King, Ph.B., '13, 211 W. EugaulaSt., Norman, Okla.Wisely, Allen N'ewton, Jr., S.B., '11, Michael ReeseHospital.Wolcott, Harry Riggs, Ph.B., '99, Grinnell, Iowa;Manchester, Iowa.Wolfe, William Leonard, D.B., '80, Chicago.Wolfram, Philip Herman, S.B., '12, 3427 South ParkAve., or Rush Medical College.Woodward, Henry G., S.M., '14, University of Montana, Missoula, Mont.Woodward, Woodie Stone, Ph.B., '13, Dendridge,Tennessee.Woolhiser, Ethel Martha, Certif., '17, Dillon. Mont.Wright, Mrs. Albert E. (Florence ChamberlainCole), Ph.B., '01. No address.Wright, Charles Allan, A.B., '03, 6013 Calumet Ave.Wright, Emilie Barrington, Ph.B., '07, 6049 EllisAve., Chicago.Wright, Lela Mildred, Ph.B., '08, c|o Supt. T. W.Miller, P. O. Box , Hot Springs, Ark.Wulstein, Mrs. W. J. (Lottie Agnes Graber), A.B.,'05, Glenyille, Navada, or Knoxville, 111.Yaskevich-Hanunian, Adam Myriam Theodore, D.B.,'14, c|o Mrs. Clark, 6141 Dorchester Ave., Chicago.Yeretzian, Aram Serkis, Ph.B., '09, Harpoot, Turkey.Young, Charles Alexander, Ph.B., '98, 438 67th St.,Chicago, or U. of Va., Charlottesville, Va.Young, Margaret Hoyt, A.B., '06, 485 E. 65th St.Young, Mrs. R. M. (Roberta Irvine Brotherton),S.B., '99, Sidney, Iowa.Yu, Wen Twan, Ph.B., '17, Harvard Law School,Cambridge, Mass.Zarobsky, Mrs. Joseph J. (Emilie Tuma), Ph.B.,'09, 4013 W. 12th St., Chicago.(See next page for Supplement)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF UNKNOWN ADDRESSES(Too late to be included in preceding list.)Carr, Mary Eleanor, A.B., '08, 6423 Minerva Aye.,Chicago, or Rosedale, Kan.Coffman, Mildred Adelaide, Ph.B., '09, Springfield,111.Erickson, Elizabeth E., Ph.B., Ed.B., '09, Washington, 111.Givens, Harrison Crandall, S.B., '13, State NormalSchool, Buffalo, N. Y.Hageman, Simon Sylvester, D.B., '99, Abilene, Kan.Hemry, George Watson, D.B., '16, TransylvaniaCollege, Lexington, Ky.Hepburn, Alice Richmond, S.B., '04, Paxton, 111.Herrick, Mrs. Hilda, L., S.B., '02, Urbana, Ohio.Jenkins, Alice Justine, Ph.B., '17, Hot Springs, Ark.Leonard, Mrs. William E., (Lillian L. Ramsdell)Ph.B., '01, 105 E. 38th St., Austin, Tex.Morrison, Edna B., Ph.B., '16, Parsons, Kan., R. 1.Mortimer, Theron Winifred, D.B., '00, Boulder, Colo.Movttz, Lena Rosella, Ph.B., '09, 1022 2nd St., E.,Ashland, Wis.McGrath, Madeline Agnes, Ph.B., '13, 4938 Washington Blvd., Chicago.Neyman, John W., D.B., '90, Bedford, Iowa.Okuda, Hidejiro, Ph.B., A.M., '16, Kobe, Japan.Orvis. Susan Wealthy, A.M., '16, 141 Coates Ave.,Dubuque, Iowa.Paisley, Minnie McDonald, A.B., '00, Hillsboro, 111.Phillips, Thomas, A.B., '80, Raymond, Iowa.Rawls, Percy Scott, S.B., '03, Kremmling, Colo.Shellow, Henry, Ph.B., '18, 3149 W. 15th St., Chicago.Slocum, Arthur Gaylord, Jr., A.B., '02, 117 Woodward Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich.Smith, Joseph Nelson, A.M., '14, Murfreesboro, Tenn.Smith, Walter Marion, A.M., '12, Memphis, Tenn.Spangler, Norman Ulysses, S.B. in Ed., '14, Long-mont, Colo.Spencer. Walter James, S.B., '14, Rudy, Ark.Spring. Mrs. Wm. A. (Dorothea Watson), Ph.B., '12,219 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y.Vitelli, Mrs. Francesco (Wilhelmina Joehnke),Ph.B.. '05, 867 W. 181st St., New York, N. Y.Waterston, Elizabeth, Ph.B., '17, McKinney, Tex.Weum, Thurston William, S.B., '07, 1737 E. 5th St.,Duluth, Minn.Wood. Frances Ruth, Ph.B., '17, 660 Pierce St.,Gary, Ind.Youngman, Mrs. Roy Thomas (Helen Kendall),Ph.B., '08, 2216 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago.□ □ Q D DThe earnest attention of all readers ofthe University of Chicago Magazine iscalled to the list of names on the precedingpages. In most cases the Alumni office willbe able to locate these alumni only throughtheir friends who will take the time to sendinformation to the office. In the last fewmonths the most insignificant clues haveoften led to the locating of other hundredsof alumni, from some of whom no wordhad reached the office since their graduation. Send in all the facts you can, withdates as nearly accurate as possible. Letus have your heartiest co-operation, andlet us have it promptly. What will you doto help make the Alumni Address List onehundred per cent perfect? (Notes continued from page 329)In discussing the subject of research inphysics and chemistry at the recent Convocation President Judson said: "The greatwar has made very vivid the necessity ofthe applications of science to various formsof human activity. In fact, the war hasbeen conducted by means of applied scienceon an extraordinarily large scale. But it isalso quite obvious that applied science depends absolutely on the principles elucidated by pure science. Hence it is of paramount importance that research in purescience should have every possible encouragement. It is absolutely necessary thatprovision should be made in chemistry for aresearch building, either as a separate building or as an addition to the Kent ChemicalLaboratory. That laboratory is now filledto overflowing, and the special needs ofpresent-day science require adaptationswhich do not now exist in Kent. The firstneed, therefore, of the University in carrying out the work planned by the NationalResearch Council is to obtain the funds forthis research laboratory in chemistry."President Judson also asked for the endowment of research professorships both inchemistry and in physics.In addition to the five hundred coursesto be offered during the Summer Quarter,which began June 16, there was a seriesof public lectures of special interest in connection with the war. In June, phases ofthe war and of world-reconstruction wereconsidered in lectures by President Judson,formerly Chairman of the Commission onRelief in the Near East; James HaydenTufts, Head of the Department of Philosophy; Charles Edward Merriam, formerCommissioner to Italy, Committee of Public Information; William Ezra Lingelbach,Professor of Modern European History,University of Pennsylvania; Theodore Gerald Soares, Head of the Department ofPractical Theology, recently returned fromY. M. C. A. work in France; and Leon Carroll Marshall, Director of the School ofCommerce and Administration, formerlyDirector of Industrial Relations, UnitedStates Shipping Board.Among the gifts announced at the OneHundred and Eleventh Convocation is oneof $100 from the ladies of the ColumbiaDamen Club of Chicago for a scholarshipin the Department of Germanic Languagesand Literatures. E. I. du Pont de Nemours& Company have for the second time given$750 for a research fellowship in the Department of Chemistry, and Mr. William Hoskins of Chicago has given $400 for a fellowship in the same Department. A donorwhose name is withheld gives $600 for a fellow ship in the Department of Home Economics in the College of Education.AND GOWN REVIEW 349(Cap and Gown Review, continued from page 326)"College Life" in ActionThe above views of some "campus activities'* were selected to show that the Three Quarters Club ofthe Freshmen is"peace" for them still a going concern.^ In spite of war conditions, things happened much as in the days ofl; many Freshmen cried out, "Peace! Peace! There is no peace!"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the Classes and AssociationsFrank Howard LeveringFrank Howard Levering, '72, has been a missionaryin India for many years. He is now stationed atSecunderabad, India, where he is a member of theDakota, Madras, and Kotagira Missionary clubs. Hehas done notable work in his missionary fields.Levering is one of our most loyal alumni, has been asubscriber since the Magazine started, and alwayskeeps in touch with the University. We hope to havehim back to a reunion some day. College and Divinity AssociationsV. R. Lansingh, '96, has resigned fromthe American University Union at Parisand is now President of the Lunken Window Co., Cincinnati, O.H. R. Jordan, '97, is Official Reporter,1st Judicial Circuit, Honolulu, T. H.Merton L. Miller, '97, is going to Bangkok, Siam, to open an office as commercialrepresentative of the Singapore bank.Sue Harding Rummler, '98, has just published a book, "Natural Food and Care forChild and Mother."R. L. Peck, '98, Law, Harris Trust Bldg.,Chicago, is President, Assembly of CivilService Commissions, U. S. and Canada.H. B. Campbell, Ex-'98, Ass't. SalesManager for China, Japan and Siberia, E.J. Dupont de Nemours Co.Lawrence M. Jacobs, '99, is Vice-President of the International Banking Corporation, 55 Wall St., New York.Mary B. Harris, Ph.D., '00, is Superintendent of the State Home for Girls, Trenton, N. J.P. G. W. Keller, '01, with R. Bjorkland,has written an Educational Book onPhysics from the Student-Experience Standpoint.Eleanor C. Doak, '01, is Associate Professor of Mathematics, Mt. Holyoke College.Emanuel Schmidt, '02, is Professor ofFrench in the High School, Stromsberg,Nebr.A I RFRT Teachers' Agencyki l# !■ Im ■ 25 E. JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO34th Year. Our Booklet "TEACHING AS A BUSINESS" with timely chapterson Peace Salaries, Prospects, Critical Letters of Application, etc., sent FREE.437 Fifth Ave., New York; Symes Building, Denver; Peyton Building, SpokaneTEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Twentieth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, Manage*METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 351Many MastersWe who serve the nation by providing itsmeat have many masters.There are hundreds of thousands of stockraisers asking for a quick market and a highprice for their stock.There are the millions of consumers looking tous, through tens of thousands of retail dealers,for a constant supply of meat at as low a priceas possible per pound.There are the thousands of wage earnersproperly eager to earn more.There are the 25,000 holders of Swift & Companyshares — 8,000 of them women — who have a right to expectreasonable returns on their investments.There are the hundreds of competitors, big and little, alertto discover, for their own advantage, any momentary breakdown or lapse in our service.In all our activities we try to deal on a basis of equity, sothat all may benefit and none be injured by the advantagesthat go with organization, wide scope, and efficient management.And this service of Swift & Company is performed at aprofit of a fraction of a cent per pound.Swift & Company, U. S. A.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEiiuiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu B-uilt-irv 1SuperiorityWE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILMEN'S SHOESSuccess has followed honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,we have symbolized Quality.THREE CHICAGO SHOPS106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St.29 E. Jackson Blvd.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiii niMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiriHelen M. Walker, '02, is Examiner in theTeachers Division of the U. S. EmploymentService, Chicago.E. H. B. Watson, Ex-'02, is Vice-President, F. M. Lupton Publishers, Inc., NewYork City.Agnes R. Wayman, '03, has been appointed Physical Director of Barnard College, Columbia University, with the rankof Assistant Professor.Xenophon de B. Kalamantiano, '04, a former employe of the American consularservice in Moscow (who has been imprisoned for several months), is to be allowedto go to Finland for simultaneous exchange,for Professor Lomonosov.J. B. Carlock, Ex-'04, is with the DravoConstruction Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.R. B. Wylie, Ph.D., '04, has been appointed head of the Department of Botanyat the Iowa University.Elsie L. Drummond, '05, is with WilsonWelder & Metals Co., New York.Alice M. Krackowizer, '06, is Grade andRural Supervisor, School Dist. One, Itasca,Co., Grand Rapids, Minn.Olive S. Parsons, '07, is Principal ofRogers Hall School, Lowell, Mass. Shecontributed an article to a recent centenarybooklet commemorating the birth of theFounder of the School.W. E. Wrather, '07, is now living in Dallas, Texas; is Consulting Geologist — Oiland Gas. C. R. Frazer, '07, is Dean of Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C.Charles A. Koepke and Guy Van Schaick,J. D., '09, announce their association forthe general practice of Law at suite 903,64 W. Randolph St., Chicago.Henry T. Louthan, '09, is Instructor inHistory, Staunton Military Academy,Staunton, Va.George Garrett, Ex-'09, is Ass't. to theAss't. Secy, of Treasury in charge of Internal Revenue Dept. and Bureau of WarRisk Insurance.F. B. Harris, '09, is now living in Lebanon, Ohio, and has been appointed CountySuperintendent.Wm. C. Carver, '10, International Sec'y.,Y. M. C. A., colored men's Dept., Washington, D. C.Eva B. Milam, '10, is Dean of Home Economics, Oregon Agricultural College.Mary R. Parkman, '11, has written threebooks, "Heroes of To-Day," "Heroines ofService," and "Fighters for Peace." Allthree books were published by the CenturyCo.Mollie Ray Carroll, '11, is teaching atthe Chicago School of Civics and Philan-throphy.W. S. Turner, '12, is Professor of SocialScience and Historv, Shaw University.Ray T. Wilken, Ex-'12, is Eastern Advertising Manager of System.Ruth Reticker, '12, is Industrial Investi-OF THE CLASSES 355R. M. Tryon, '15, has been promoted toan Associate Professorship in the Schoolof Education at the University of Chicago.Katheryn Dopp, '02, resides at 5730Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. She is no longergiving courses in the Correspondence StudyDepartment.E. E. Eubank, '16, after several monthsof service on the staff of the Y. M. C. A.National War Work Council, has resumedhis former position as professor of Sociology in the Y. M. C. A. College of Chicago.Dean H. Rose, '17, Assistant Pathologistin the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, is engaged in thestudy of diseases of fruits on the market.B. L. Ullman, '08, head of the Department of Latin, University of Pittsburgh,has accepted the headship of this department at the University of Iowa.Raymond F. Bacon, '04, director of theMellon Institute of Industial Research, received the Honorary Degree, Sc. D. fromDe Pauw University at its recent Commencement.Elliott Blackwelder, '14, has resigned asprofessor 'of geology at the University ofIllinois, and after September 1, 1919, willgive his time entirely to research, especiallyconcerning the Rocky Mountains; he willmake his headquarters at Denver.Developed through the growth and experience of more thanhalf a centuryThe First National Bank of ChicagoJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Frank 0. Wetmore, Presidentand theFirst Trust and Savings BankJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Melvin A. Traylor, Presidentoffer a complete financial service, organized and maintained at amarked degree of efficiency. Calls and correspondence are invitedrelative to the application of this service to local, national and tointernational requirements.Combined resources over $300,000,000Jose Ward HooverJose Ward Hoover, '08, J. D. '09, elected Presidentof the Law School Association. His law office is inthe City Hall Square Bldg., Chicago. He will bringthe Law Association the benefits of alumni experienceand loyal interest.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson, '07 *SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern 'Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ben H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Norman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, >isINSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange ChicagoTel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229, insurance exchange building175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Es' 13, Manager, Union Mutua1Life Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7West Madison Street CHICAGOMOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial. SUMMER COURSES PAUL MOSER, Prin.Ph. B. 1910. J. D. 1912. U. of C.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 5158 Marriages, Engagements,Births, Deaths.MarriagesFlorence J. Chaney, '08, A. M., '13, wasmarried December 17, 1918, to Mr. Paul H.Benedict of Hwaiyuan, China.Anita Sturges, '09, was married on June19, 1919, to the Rev. Louis A. Dole. AfterSeptember first Mr. and Mrs. Dole will beat home at Urbana, Ohio.Roma Vogt, '10, to Alfred P. Brown. Athome, 271 Beech avenue, Toronto, Ont..Canada.Ruth Koenig of Chicago to Wade Mc-Nutt, '11, of Highland Park, 111. The wedding took place June 26, 1919. They willmake their residence in Highland Park.Edith I. Hemingway, '11, was married toJoe S. Park. They are living at 2000 5thstreet, Port Arthur, Texas.Ellen Schmidt, '11, to Josef Brandstetter.Their home is at 4146 Kenmore avenue,Chicago.F. A. Paul, '11, just returned from France,married Mattie H. Martin of Clarendon,Texas.A. A. Bedikian, '13, was married June 2,1919, to Marie Bashian, A. B., Constantinople College. Mr. Bedikian is pastor ofthe Armenian Evangelical Church of NewYork City.Marie Nagl, '14, of Glen Ellyn, 111., andMr. Edward Crossland were married June28, 1919. After August first Mr. and Mrs.Crossland will be at home at 226 Lincolnavenue, Watseka, 111.Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Phillbrick announce the marriage of their daughter,Mary Dorothy, '14, A. M., '18, to MajorDwight L. Smith, U. S. A., which tookplace on June 29, 1919, at Glencoe, 111. Mr.and Mrs. Smith will be at home, 4222 Ken-more avenue, Chicago.Charlotte Gleason, '17, to Paul F. Webster, '15. Mr. and Mrs. Webster live at 730Amherst street, Buffalo, N. Y.Margaret S. Havens. '15, to Rev. D. Stanley Coors. Their home is at 214 Spencerst. eel, Grand Rapids, Mich.Rachel Ott, '15, to Dale R. Snow, '16.Mr. and Mrs. Snow are living at 1624 EastSixth street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.Evelyn A. Hattis, '16, to Dr. Nicholas I.Fox. Their home is at 3501 Douglas boulevard, Chicago.Lucile Hurd of Chicago was married June4, 1919, to Harry B. Bogg, Jr., '17, wellknown athlete of the University of Chicago.ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS 357Louisa E. Nagely, '17, to John W. Turner.Mr. and Mrs. Turner are at home at 1510A avenue, Newcastle, Ind.Virginia J. Iralson, '18, to MortimerFrankel. At home, 354 East 50th street,Chicago.Mary Flournoy, a Wellesjey graduate,and Edward L. Hicks, ex-'19, were marriedlast April.Jeanette Walker of Chicago to HoraceKent Tenney, Jr., ex-student.EngagementsRecently announced was the engagementof Mary F. Swan, '09, to Emmett J. Grahamof Kewanee, 111. Miss Swan resides withher parents at 5714 Calumet avenue, Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kile of Baltimore,Md., announce the engagement of theirdaughter, Madeline, to Mr. Francis J.Broomell, '17, of Chicago. The weddingwill take place in Baltimore September 1,1919.Announcement of the engagement ofFrances S. Deneen of Chicago to CaptainCarl A. Birdsall, '17, of Fairbury, Neb. Nodate has been set for the wedding.BirthsTo Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jenson (LillianFrances, '10) a daughter, Frances, July,1918.Born to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Launder(Belle Murray, ex-'lO), a son, May, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. O'Neill, '12, agirl, April 22, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Leibert W. Bower, '15,a son, Leibert W. Bower, Jr., on March25, 1919.To Mr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Harvey, Ph.D., '18, a son, Hale M. Whittier Harvey,April 26, 1919.DeathsCharles W. Robinson, '95, died April 9,1915, at Stamford, N. Y.Frederick R. Pettit, '05, died at his homein Racine, Wis., June 16, 1919, following anillness from influenza and complicatingdiseases.Earl L. Uhl, '10, died of pneumonia February 10, 1919, at Baldwin, Kan.John S. Bridges, '11, died February 27,1918, at Atlanta, 111.John William Hilding, '12, died March27, 1918, at Grand Rapids, Mich.Mrs. Markham Sunday, '12, died March 8,1919, at Lamar, Colo.George F. Chandler, '14, died June 25,1917, at Zionsville, Ohio. Paul H. Davis & CompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS. 'II.N. Y. Life Bldg.- CHICAGO — Rand. 2281ROGCRS * HALL CO.One of the largest and mostcomplete Printing plants in theUnited States. You have a standing invitation lo call and inspect ourplant and up-to-date facilities. We own the building aswelt as our printing plant, and operate both to meetIhe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and DDI1UT17DCPUBLICATION r Kill 1 LI\0Make a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large. Absolutely Reliable Printing HousePrinting andAdvertising Advisers and theCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications WE PRINT{EheTtofoersitpof Lei UsEstimate onYour NextPrinting Order(We Aremm* asaaROGERS & HALL COMPANYFolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOIS■ Phones Local and Lone Distance Wabash 3381THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHotel Del Prado(Blackstone and the Midway)Adjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of-townstudents, and the logical home for the relatives of students and foralumni while visiting the University.It takes pride in the fact that it has for years entertained manyAlumni, Faculty Members, and Fraternities of the University ofChicago.One distinctive feature is its constant emphasis on the "home"element in the care of its guests.ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEREMEMBER—Wyman, McDermid, or Johnny Moulds himself, or even in theold days of the Chicago Weekly back in '00 when Losey heldthe tiller?"Them was the days," you'll say, when Chicago had a "regular"sheet, when we made Princeton, Harvard, and all the down-and-outers sit up and take heed !It's that and more so, now, folks. Next year we'll have the oldMaroon getting a "rep" that can't be beaten in a thousand years.Special editions, local talent in the art line on the front page,good stuff on the editorial sheet, and all the old campuspepper chronicled.We'll write to you personally, we hope, but show that you havethe old Maroon spirit and write to us first! Same place. BoxO, Faculty Exchange, U. of C.Your name, address and check will be plenty, with your goodwishes understood!THE DAILY MAROONOFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOManaging Editor, John E.Joseph Business Manager, Grant S. MearsBy Mail, Year $3.50— Quarter $1.50NOTICES 359Book NoticesEveryday Greek, by Horace A. Hoffman,Professor of Greek, Indiana University,Is Just Off the University of ChicagoPress.The author has for several years beengiving this course without a textbook, bymeans of lectures supplemented by mimeographed lists of words and exercises. Themanuscript for the present book has developed in connection with his preparationof material for his classes. The first threedivisions of the book (pages 1 to 41) shouldbe given first and in the order followed inthe text. The remainder of the book consists of laboratory material for use in applying the principles learned in the preceding part. The first three divisions ofthe book are arranged by topics in whatthe author conceived to be the natural order of their study. The unequal length ofthe groups of illustrative words or exercises grows out of the purpose of the course.In the usual beginner's Greek book the whole vocabulary of Xenophon is availablefor the selection of words, and it is possible to divide the work into exercises andvocabularies of uniform length for each lesson. In Everyday Greek the vocabulariesare restricted to Greek words which haveEnglish derivatives and more especially tothose from which are derived English wordsthat are common and well known. Itseemed important to the author and thepublishers that the book should contain thefull lists of such words for the benefit ofthose who wish them, and because of theadded value of the volume for reference.The final vocabulary and index are arrangedalphabetically for convenience in finding adesired word, and the word groups are arranged to show how a number of words aredeveloped from a common root. The purpose has been to restrict this book to suchthings as are not otherwise accessible tothe student. A person who wishes to tracea word will turn to the English index andkey at the end of the book and from thereference given he can find all there is inthe book about that word and its relatives.COLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES & DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET ♦ CHICAGO fTTTe Editor of the^ ■ LONDON PROCESSWORKER. 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Electric cooking utensils,hair driers, cigar lighters, burglar alarms,door bells, and furnace regulators, arenow operated by the magic wand ofelectric power.The development of the miniature mo- •tors for the kitchen and electrical deviceswas made possible by the rapid progressin experience gained by the GeneralElectric Company's Engineers, whoseefforts in the application of electricityfor every sort of industrial endeavorduring the past quarter century havebrought freedom from the drudgeryof other days.Electric.^ Schenectady, N.Y.*^^^ 95-881<TKe-THE Brunswick requires no exclusive artists. Itplays all records — and at their bestThe "Ultona" Reproducer and the new "Tone Amplifier"— exclusive Brunswick features — make perfect reproduction possible with all makes of records.The Brunswick Phonograph Shop225 South Wabash Avenue3 *^?{?^S:^=r'^sxe^^:£SW^K ITSS>PlV^*c*xS6^K?;"V^ *&iClothesMen— strangers as well as our friends— keep, telling us that .we have the most satisfying layout of summer clothes and summer wear in town. Every daycustomer after customer who went out to shop comesback to buy. ,. --..We hope we have. We feel we have pretty thoroughly met the situation this year, when it is more ;aquestion of obtaining merchandise than it is of sellingit. One would riot guess the general condition from alook around in our salesroom on the second floor in theMichigan Avenue Store.The Palm Beach is still supreme. Novelty clothshave not displaced it. It is cool, clean, :neat, serviceable,has character, wears well, and keeps good looking.That is the great point. We have a varied abundanceof them — tailored and trim._So it goes, all.'the way to bathing suits in the SportShop down stairs — summer shirts, ties, collars, underwear, hosiery, straws for town and country — anythingyou are likely to want.Two Chicago StoresMichigan Avenue at Monroe Street , Hotel Sherman..Clothing is sold at the Michigan Avenue Store onlyChicago London '; Detroit .....Milwaukee .Minneapolis-'-■'*9*3989 \Z^°l! 3^0"blbl-bLoLE9£ HZ £fc