BY THEALUMNI COUNCILVol. XI No. 8 s June, 1319LSPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY INTHE MODERN WORLDBy EDWARD CALDWELL MOOREPlummer Professor of Christian MoralsHarvard UniversityN authoritative book on this subjecthas long been needed. The writer,who has for many years been identified with the American Board ofCommissioners for Foreign Missions, has provided a work which will be. welcomed by everystudent of the history of Christianity. Thebook gives a survey of the history of missionssince the beginning of the modern era, about1757, and depicts the missionary movementagainst the background of general history. Itsets forth the relation of missionary endeavorto contemporary conditions, political and commercial, social and intellectual. The authorshows the part which missions have played inmaking the modern world what it is, and thepart which the modern world with all its manifold elements and complex tendencies has hadin making modern missions what they are. Thebook may be used as a text in the senior college, the seminary, or the adult department ofthe Sunday school.$2.00, postpaid $2.15THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS5859 ELLIS AVENUE - - - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS®ntbergttp of Cfjtcago jfWaga?tneEditor, James W. Linn, '97. Business Manager, John F. Moulds, '07.Advertising Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. KThe subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. ^Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba. Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands. Shanghai. H Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscrpitions (total $2.27). on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).U Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in the Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.Ali correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Actof March 3, 1879.Vol. XI. CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1919. No. 8Frontispiece : Reunion in the Circle.Government and Other Notices Events and Discussion Alumni Affairs Reunion Review History of the.University Ambulance Unit. . . .University Notes Retirement of Chamberlin, Hale, and MoultonThe Letter Box Quadrangle News Athletics Roll of Honor : Some War Statistics Alumni and Alumnae in War Service News of the Classes and Associations Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths Book Notices 27527727928128fi289292294296297298299302308311THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Frank McNair, '03.Secretary-Treasurer, John Fryer Moulds, '07.The Council for 1918-19 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Term expires 1919, John P. Mentzer, '98; AlbertW. Sherer, '06 ; Harold H. Swift, '07 ; Alice Greenacre, '08 ; William H. Lyman,'14; Term expires 1920, Leo F. Wormser, '05; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; John F.Moulds, '07; Mrs. Lois Kaufmann Markham, '08; Ruth Prosser, '16; Termexpires 1921, Mrs. Agnes Cook Gale, '96; Scott Brown, '97; Emery Jackson, '02;Frank McNair, '03 ; Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98; Edgar J.Goodspeed, Ph.D., '98; H. L. Schoolcraft, Ph.D., '99.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Warren P. Behan, '97; Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97;Walter Runyan, !07.From the Law School Alumni Association, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., 09; Alice Greek-acre, '08, J. D., '11; Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15.From the Chicago Alumni Club, Walker McLaury, '03; Earl D. Hostetter, '07; HarveyL. Harris, '14.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, '11; Mrs. KatharineGannon Phemister, '07; Miss Agnes Sharp, '16.From the University, James R. Angell.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank McNair, '03, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago.Secretary, John F. Moulds, '07, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Edgar J. Goodspeed, '98, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, '98, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, John L. Jackson, '76, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, Walter L. Runyan, '07, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Jose \Y. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago.Vice-President, Norman H. Pritchard, J. D., 'OS, Oo'.i The Rookery, Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, J. D., '15, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association ; insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.AND OTHER NOTICES 275Government and Other NoticesTHRIFT IS POWERIn the recent Victory Loan the University exceeded its quota of $100,000 by 50 percent. Through Dean Frank J. Miller thefollowing subscriptions have so far beenreported: The Faculties, $37,500; womenstudents, $26,900; men students, $9,450; theadministration, $10,350; the University ofChicago Press, $5,050; the University HighSchool, $53,000; the University ElementarySchool, $7,550. The approximate total is$150,000. The prize of a German leatherdress helmet for the greatest amount andnumber of subscriptions was presented inchapel to Miss Katherine Clark, who secured $6,050 in subscriptions.OUR KINGDOM FOR A BOOKThree darky doughboys were discussingdecorations during a little smoker in themess hall in Coblenz one evening. Thebiggest and brawniest of the three confessedto a secret hankering for "this here crossthey call the Craw dee Gaire.""Huh," snorted another in deep contempt,"you all don't know crosses. Give me thisDistinguished Service Cross, there's thecross for a life-sized nigger."A heated altercation ensued, and they appealed to the third darky for help. Hethought very hard for a minute and thensaid solemnly, "I think I'd like this Crossde Ocean about the best of all."The rest of the A. E. F. on the Rhine iswith him. With the excitement of fighting campaigns over, all they can think about isthe "Cross de Ocean." For this reason General Pershing, through the American RedCross, has cabled another request for booksand magazines. He says the boys need interesting reading matter as never before.So far the supply has not approached thedemand. Remember, the one cent privilegestill exists, even if the magazines have inadvertently dropped the lines announcing thatpublications would be carried overseas under a one-cent stamp. The ruling is still inforce, and the magazines are asked to printit again in the upper right-hand corner oftheir first page. Don't forget to send books,too.HELP HIM FORGETUpon the manner in which the woundedsoldier spends the period of his convalescence in a military hospital may depend hisentire future career. In those months directly preceding his re-entrance into theindustrial world, he is likely to form a habitof mind which will manifest itself in hisbusiness life. Educators have long realizedthe importance of spending leisure wiselyand the necessity of healthful influences forour convalescent service men is a matterinvolving not only the welfare of the individual, but the general interest of society,in the broadest sense of the word.Desiring to repay, in just one more way,the nation's debt to the fighting men and atthe same time to raise social standards, theRed Cross has enlisted some of the besteducational minds in the country in devisingan organized recreational program for themen in the government hospitals throughout the United States. In the old orderof things, institutional life was a depressingenvironment, its hard and fast disciplinebreeding discontent and stifling initiative.Under the new regime, so varied are theactivities provided, that every man has ample opportunity to spend his time in a manner both profitable and enjoyable with theresult that discipline can be reduced to theminimum.E wuW3 "1 3r »i SUniversity of ChicagoMagazineVolume XI JUNE, 1919 No. SEvents and DiscussionExercises of the June reunion were bycommon consent of those present the mostagreeable and interest-The Reunion ing up to date. Theathletic dinner onThursday, June 5, including the C dinnerin Hutchinson and the Woman's AthleticAssociation dinner in Ida Noyes, beganthe program. President Judson, by the exercise of a little slight-of-hand, spoke atboth. Friday evening the Sing in Hutchinson Court certainly surpassed in management and effectiveness any other so far.Each fraternity was allowed one song only,which gave time for general singing andfor the presentation of the Alumni Flag.The decorations of the court, which included the Alumni Service Flag and all theseparate Service Flags of the various fraternities, were superb; the lighting effects,especially when President McNair of theAlumni Association and President Judsonwere offering and accepting the AlumniFlag, were quite perfect. On Saturday theConference M'eet, the dedication of theShanty, the Alumni Dinner in Hutchinson,and the Blackfriar's Show, followed hardon each other, and were all well handled.Class-Day exercises on Monday and Convocation on Tuesday were largely attended•and well stage-managed.A review of the reunion indicates thatseveral matters of considerable importanceabout reunions should be considered by theCouncil. The Sing is now thoroughly es tablished; thousands attend it regularly,and the system seems to have been workedout as it should be. The erection of theShanty was more successful even than hadbeen expected; as a novelty and as a feature of use, to the hungry crowds it wasall that could have been hoped. Threethings, however, should be noted:First, the Conference Meet, when heldon Stagg Field, is an interference with theSaturday program. Everybody wishes tosee the meet; but as it occupies the wholeafternoon, it gives too little time for gossip and ncne for a business meeting. Perhaps the regular reunion should be placedon Friday.Second, Hutchinson is too small for theAlumni Dinner. A great many this yearwere unable to get tickets, though the placewas jammed with extra chairs. Dinner outdoors is not practicable. The service is difficult, and the weather is uncertain.Third, the element of a procession shouldnot be abandoned. Some of the class costumes this year were first-rate, but therewas no chance for an ensemble. The number of graduates returning each year isgrowing, and it would be increasingly aninspiration to see them all together.There is no question, however, that theCouncil is rapidly learning by experience.The old wheelhorses are still forced to dotoo much of the work; but hard as it is onthem, it is advantageous to the rest of usin the smoothness of detail it begets.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe scheme for alumni life, sustaining,and contributing memberships which waslaunched at the dinnerLife Membership is already successful.and Others A thousand life memberships at $50 eachmay be expected, judging from the responseon June 7. There is no possibility of calculating the number of sustaining and contributing memberships, but a calculation of$35,000 from these sources seems not toooptimistic. Anything approximating eitherguess will put the Alumni Association beyond difficulty even in these days of hugeprices for everything. Every alumnus andalumna will presently have an opportunityto say what he or she can and will do inthe matter. The announcement of a full-time secretary and of the completely organized business system was also heartening;in conjunction with the campaign for lifememberships the announcement meansthat the old days of happy-go-lucky dependence on Providence are gone forever.The Council and the Executive Committeethis year have proved themselves the mostuseful, perhaps, that the Association hasever had. The only blow is the resignation of John Moulds '07 from the secretary-treasurership. Only those on the spot knowhow much work and of how high an orderMr. Moulds has accomplished in the yearshe has stuck on the job. The hero of tencampaigns, he deserves the service medalof the Association.On May 17 a Memorial Service for theseventy students and alumni who died inservice was held inThe Memorial Bartlett Gymnasium.Service President Judson madea short address, andVerdis Requiem was sung by the ApolloClub. Probably the largest crowd Bartletthas ever seen listened. The Requiem, withits reverbatory Latin and its amazingly-varied music, was touching in its spirit;but the recollections that crowded thehearts of the audience made the afternoonthe most remarkable of the year. Shouldnot a similar service be held annually; andmight it not be made a part of the Reunion? We are in no danger of forgettingthe men who died for us; but all the moreever seek an opportunity to honor them inpublic.Hutchinson Commons— Scene of the Annual Reunion DinnerAFFAIRS 279Alumni AffairsMeeting of Colorado AlumniTuesday evening, May 20, thirty alumniand former students of the University ofChicago, gathered around the banquet tableat the Hotel Metropole in Denver, to takesteps to revive the once flourishing University of Chicago Alumni Association ofthe Rocky Mountains. The announcementof this meeting stated that Dr. Shailer Matthews was to be present, and this fact nodoubt accounted for the enthusiastic attendance. It was the first meeting in sixyears, and for many of those present it wasa renewal of old acquaintances almost forgotten. Among those present were VictorE. Keyes, Attorney General of the State,Mrs. Ella Metsker Milligan, Mrs. C. E.Lowe, Eugene Parsons, and Dr. J. D. S.Riggs, Dean H. A. Howe, Miss LouadaNewton, most of whom were active andenthusiastic members of the Association inyears gone by. After those present wereseated each arose, in turn, stated his or hername, year of graduation, what he or shewas doing, where located, and what his orher life work had been. These talks disclosed some very interesting facts. Itshowed that some of those present wereeither very young when they were graduated or their looks belied their age. Italso showed that all of the alumnae presentwere engaged in some useful occupationother than running their own home. Thisfact is probably due to Colorado havingbeen an equal suffrage state for so manyyears. It also showed that one of thosepresent had completed the entire course andobtained a degree by summer work. It alsoshowed that there were present four youngladies who recently attended the University,of the class of 1917, and are now occupational instructors at United States GeneralHospital No. 21 at Aurora. One of them,Miss Van Dyke, gave us a very interestingtalk on her duties at the hospital, explaining in some detail the work required ofthem.Dr. Shailer Matthews gave us a most interesting talk concerning the University,its present physical appearance, its plansand its doings. He also told us of the plansof the Alumni Council, their aims and desires. He spoke of the scholarship plan, thealumni building plan, and an educationalplan. We were particularly interested inthe last plan. We, of Colorado, being sofar removed from the University, feel theneed of some direct connection with theUniversity to keep us in touch with itsaffairs. We know that many of those connected with the University as professors, Dean Shailer MathewsDean Mathews Addressed the Meeting of ColoradoAlumni May 20. He Is Greatly Interestedin Assisting Alumni Club Activities.instructors or lecturers, pass through Denver on their way to other places, and manycome to Colorado for rest, recuperation andto breathe the elixir of life. We know thatno place affords greater opportunities forsatisfying the mind as well as the body,than Colorado, with its wonderful scenery,its sunshine, and invigorating atmosphere.It is justly named the "Playground otAmerica." Some of its hotels even advertise that guests do not have to pay forthose days in which the sun does not shineat some time during the day. Why wouldit not be a good plan to arrange that suchpeople, connected with the University ofChicago, get in touch with our local alumniand tell them about the University and givean educational lecture, or otherwise, to anaudience assembled as the guests of theAJumni Association? We feel that wecould make it worth while for the alumnias well as for the professors. We promiseany such that pass our way, who will notifyus of their coming, that we will not onlygive them a good time but a good feedas well. We feel that if the Alumni Council could arrange for such meetings, theywould be productive of much good. Theywould strengthen the alumni and wouldspread the good influence of our University.If the Alumni Council are successful in thisundertaking, their scholarship plan andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbuilding plan would follow in natural order.Before the meeting adjourned, steps weretaken to breathe new life into the AlumniAssociation of the Rocky Mountains. Thefollowing officers were elected and weregiven instructions to be active in the prosecution of the plans of the Association andto call another meeting for a day at whichthey could submit a definite program:President, Frederick Sass, '01.Vice-President, F. F. Hintze, Ex.Treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Lowe, Ex.Secretary, Mrs. E. W. Milligan, '06.Meeting of Minneapolis Alumni ClubWe had a very enthusiastic and interesting meeting at our Chicago alumni dinner,Friday evening, May 23, at the MinneapolisAthletic Club. There were forty peoplepresent. The speakers of the evening were:Dr. Joseph Sundwall, '03, Donald Bridg-man, '07, and Dr. Butler of the UniversityDean Nathaniel ButlerDean Butler, of the University College, Who Addressed the Minneapolis Alumni Club, May 23.With Dean Mathews He Is RenderingValuable Aid to Alumni ClubDevelopment.of Chicago. Dr. Sundwall spoke of somereminiscences of his university experiencesand Mr. Bridgman, who was a captain inthe Service, spoke of his experiences intraining men for service overseas and gavethe club some inside information on themethods of the Ordnance Department withwhich he was connected.Dr. Butler came with a great deal of enthusiasm and gave us all of the interestingcampus news together with a lot of inspiration for the future relating to the possibilities of the alumni club activities in thiscountry. The club voted to appoint anexecutive committee to consider followingout some of the ideas suggested by Dr.Butler and to perfect a permanent organization along business lines which will make the services rendered by the clubmore vital and efficient.The officers elected for next year are:H. J. Kenner, president, W. H. Bussey,secretary-treasurer. The officers last yearwere: W. D. Reeve, president, H. J. Kenner, secretary, and H. B. Street, treasurer.Meeting of Milwaukee Alumni ClubWhen we counted noses last night in theEmpire Room at the Hotel Wisconsin herewe found there were eighteen of us University of Chicago Alumni present. Mr.Albert Houghton, 1907, presided and at theother end of the table was Mr. Theo. W.Hammond, 1885. We corrected up our address list and decided that next fall wewould surely get after a strong localAlumni Club. Quite a number of thosepresent are going to attend the UniversityReunion June 6th and 7th, according to thetwo-minute talks made by each of thesepresent. Mr. Hammond gave us some veryinteresting stories about Dr. Harper andProfs. Moulton, Chamberlain and Hale,who are now retiring from the faculty.With only two hours' run from Chicagowe intend to have a number of speakersfrom Chicago at each of our meetings herenext fall, if possible. We are going to invite the high school seniors and attempt toget as many as possible down at Cobb Hallthe following year.Those present with their classes are asfollows:Marearet Grobben, 1915; Mrs. ElizabethF Poole 1910; Rachel M. Campbell, 1912;Airs. Helen B. Raignel, 1910; J. Van deErve 1911; Alfred Axt, 1918; Howard E.Jensen 1917; Blanche Lovett, 1910; BarinkaNeuhaus, 1906; Dr. H. L. Rose, 1917; Theo.W Hammond, 1885; Ida V. Roberts, 1918;Nina C. Vandewalker, 1895-7; Macy D.Rodman, 1907; H. C. Henderson, 1895.Yours sincerely,R. D. Matthews, '14, Secretary.Walter L. Hudson, '02As Chairman, 1919 Reunion, much of the great successof the Reunion is due to Walter Hudson.REVIEW 281Frank McNair, '03Chairman McNair of the Alumni Council, Who Presided at the Reunion Dinner. It Is Largely Dueto His Work That the Alumni Fund Cam- ....paign Has Been so SuccessfullyPlanned.The 1919 Reunion will live long in thememories of those who were fortunate toattend. As was stated by President Judson,in one of his several addresses during theReunion, "The Reunion is the most significant ever held by our Alumni." The attendance at the dinner on Saturday night,June 7th, over six hundred and fifty, wasthe largest in the history of any Reunion.The diners filled the Commons, the Hutchinson Cafe, and a number had to be takencare of at the Quadrangle Club. Furthermore, at the last moment over fifty had tobe turned away as there was no possibleway of accommodating them. Perhaps thebest way to review this Reunion wouldbe to take up some of the events chronologically.The "C" DinnerThe annual "C" Dinner was held inHutchinson Cafe, Thursday, June 5, at 6:30 ReviewP. M., and about one hundred and fortyattended. A number of men just returnedfrom France told of some of their experiences. Mr. Stagg and President Judsonboth spoke a word of welcome and com-piented on the significance of the gathering. It was one of the largest, if not thelargest, gathering of "C" men in the history of this annual function. Every yearwas represented from the time the University entered intercollegiate athletics in1893.Alumni SmokerAfter the "C" Dinner the Alumni Smokerwas held in the Theatre of the ReynoldsClub. A number of the "C" men attended.A feature of this gathering was a talk onhis experiences at the Peace Conference byHarry Hanson, '08, who had just returnedfrom France as a representative of the Chicago Daily News. His presentation of thegeneral situation in Paris was fresh andmost interesting to all. The Smoker wasgiven, in general, under the auspices of theChicago Alumni Club. It was felt that hereafter this Club could well look forward toholding two large events, the Annual Football Dinner in the Fall, which it has beenholding for some years, and the AnnualReunion Smoker in the Reynolds Club, beginning this year.University SingOn Friday, June 6th, the fraternity mengathered at the chapter house, as formerly.At eight o'clock the Sing began before anunusually large crowd. The custom ofhaving each fraternity march in, sing itssongs, and march out, was abandoned thisyear. Instead, after having marched in,the fraternity men took places, allotted inthe court, and, after all were present, ageneral program was given. There was thepresentation of "C" blankets to winners ofthe "C" who have competed this year forthe last time under Maroon colors. Theentire audience, together with fraternitymen, joined in singing "Chicago" songs,accompanied by the University band. ThenMr. Frank McNair, Chairman of the AlumniCouncil, presented to President Judson onbehalf of the University, an American flagin memory of the University of Chicagomen and women who were in the Service.The Service Flag, which was one of thedecorations in the Court, showed 4,20S stars,and 70 gold stars. The presentation of thisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEScott Brown, '97, President of the AlumniAssociation. 1916-1918Scott Led in Fostering the Construction of the Shantyand Thus Started a Most Interesting flag was made on the run-wayover the Cafe, in full view of the crowd.Mr. McNair spoke as follows:"President Judson, Fellow Alumni andFriends :This setting — this peaceful June night —makes it difficult to realize that we are justemerging from a great war. It is especiallydifficult to realize that here among us aremen and women who within a few shortmonths have been active participants inthat war. They have returned so quietlyto their accustomed places as to add toour admiration for them, if that were possible, but at the same time in a mannerwhich has made it difficult to honor themas we should like. We have therefore triedto make the alumni reunion of this year anexpression of our appreciation to there whohave returned to us, and to those who willnot return, a devout tribute. In doing thiswe should especially like the President ofthe University, the Board of Trustees andthe members of the faculty, as well as the alumni and the students, to know that weare never unmindful of the large and generous part which they have played in carrying on the exalted task which the government set for its people. We have wishedthat we might leave with the Universitysome simple symbol which would possiblya little more adequately express our feelings than it is easy to do in words, and ithas seemed to us that for this purpose ournational flag is peculiarly fitting. On behalfof the alumni of the University, I thereforeask you to accept for the University thisflag in the hope that when it is used anddisplayed it will be understood to expressthe feelings we cherish toward the men andwomen of the University who have been inwar work and especially to those who haveserved beyond praise and now sleep inFrance and elsewhere.'-President Judson received the flag on behalf of the University, stating that no giftfrom the Alumni could, on such an occasion, be more acceptable to the institution.He felt that it expressed the spirit of loyalty,of courage and patriotism of the LTniversity,its Alumni, and students as manifested inthe great war just closed. He stated thatit would ever be cherished by the institutionand serve as a most forceful and fitting reminder of that spirit. The entire gatheringthen sang the "Star Spangled Banner" and"America," and joined in a silent tribute tothe dead. With the playing of the chimesand the singing of the Alma Mater themost interesting and most significant University Sing ever held was closed. Themass singing was very effective.The Alumni, students, and their friendsthen adjourned to the Reynolds Club, wherean informal dance was given.Alumnae BreakfastThe opening event on Saturday. June 7th,was the annual Alumnae Breakfast. It washeld in Ida Noyes Hall at 11:30 a. m. Almost two hundred Alumnae attended andthe spirit manifested throughout the gathering was most pleasing to all who had cometo enjoy this function. As in the past, theBreakfast was given by the ChicagoAlumnae Club. Mrs. Walter Bachrach, '11,recently elected president of the Club, presided.Conference Track MeetAt 2 p. m. the Conference Track Meetwas begun on Stagg Field. A Urge numberof Alumni attended. Indeed, the general attendance at this meet was the largest inthe history of the Conference, over eightthousand watching the contest. The meetwas won by Michigan, with Chicago second. (A more extended notice of the meetappears on the Athletics page of this issue.)The ShantyDuring the afternoon the Ingham Shanty,which had been set up the night before,REVIEW 283The University Sing, June 6, at 8:30 p. m., in Hutchinson Courtproved the attraction of the outdoor gathering in the Circle. As shown by the frontispiece in this issue, it was flanked on bothsides by a number of tents for variousclasses. Everything, as in the old days,was served, and from early morning untilwell on in the evening it was crowded withvisitors, particularly the older Alumni,eager to enjoy once more the "ham whatam" sandwiches, home-made pies and similar fare that had made the Shanty famousin the earlier days of the institution. Miss Josephine Allin, '99, was in general charge,and proved so efficient that she soon became known as "Mrs. Allin Ingham."Elinor D. Flood, ex-'99, and her brother,ex., ably assisted in satisfying the ravenousmultitude that constantly sought nourishment in the Shanty. Scott Brown, '97,sold maroon tamoshanters, made especiallyfor this occasion, and worn by the"Shanties," a new organization "created onthe spot" and composed solely of membersof the earlier classes. Very frequentlyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhen business was particularly rushing,Flood was heard playing ragtime on thecash register. Mrs. J. J. Zeigler and Mrs.L. Trainham, who in the '90's had assistedMrs. Ingham at the Shanty, were presentto meet many of their old friends and toagain wait upon them.Mr. Stagg was the first one to eat in theShanty, and after him followed a long lineof "old timers," among whom also appearedHarry English, manager of the ReynoldsClub, who had known Mrs. Ingham foryears and who took care of providing thecandy, cigars and incidentals, and "Jimmy"Touhig who was tickled to "meet the byesagin."At 5 o'clock President Judson wasescorted before the Shanty, at which timethe "corner stone" was laid, and with dueceremony, in which "Teddy" Linn officiated,President Judson was made an honorarymember of the "Shanties" and duly andproperly capped with a tam-o-shanter. President Judson was greatly pleased and tothe delight of the gathering outdid "Teddy"in witty remarks concerning the Shanty andmany former students of the "Shanty days."Unquestionably it was the attraction of thisstructure that was responsible for the return of so many of 'the old Alumni. It hadcreated such an interest that every Chicagopaper had written it up, and some had presented pictures of it. The Shanty was built as a result of theinterest and effort of Scott Brown, assisted by the following committee: Herman Von Hoist, '93, Horace Lozier, '94,Charlotte Foye, '95, Harry Stone, '96, JackHagey, '98, Josephine Allin, '99, and DavidaHarper Eaton, '00. It is constructed sothat it can be taken apart in sections andset up each year as a central feature ofReunions. The time will come when allpresent will have passed away, but theShanty will continue to dispose of pies,cigars, candy, etc. forever. Plans are being formulated for the organization of"Shanties" so that each year, perhaps withthe tenth Reunion of each class, new members will be admitted. Two pictures of theShanty appear in this issue. It is the unanimous opinion of all who attended the Reunion that this "stunt" is one of the bestever given at any of our Alumni gatherings.Alumni DinnerAs noted previously, the Alumni Dinnerwas the largest and most successful evergiven. The following were guests: Mr.and Mrs. Judson, Mr. Julius Rosenwald,Miss Rosenwald, Mr. Rosenwald, Mr. andMrs. R. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. GardnerHale, Mrs. Trevor Arnett, Judge JesseBaldwin and his daughter, Mr. C. R.Holden, and Mr. J. Spencer Dickerson.Class of 1869Standing, left to right: Frank J. Kline, J. M. Coon, Alonzo D. Foster Robt DShepherd, Adrian C. Honore, Charles Stearns, J. Frank Rumsey ''Sitting, left to right: Edward F. Stearns, Wm. B. Keen, Robt. Leslie, Georo-e BVVoodworth, Albert H. Hawkins, Heron B. Pray, Wm. E BosworthREVIEW 285All the Trustees and the retiring Professors, W. G. Hale, T. C. Chamberlin, andR. G. Moulton, and their wives and friendswere invited as guests to the UniversitySing, Alumni Dinner, and the Blackfriarperformance.A brief business meeting was held atwhich time Chairman McNair reviewed theactivities of the Alumni Office, announcedthe results of the College Association election (a detailed report of the election appears on another page in this issue), andpresented Alumni conditions in general.He told of the War Fund, over $600.00, thatwas raised in a brief campaign in 1917, andwhich enabled the Alumni Office to sendthe magazine free to Alumni in servicewhose addresses were known during theperiod of the war. He remarked uponthe new quarters given by the Universityfor the Alumni Office, on the new biographical files which have been started,and on the work being done in preparationfor the next Alumni Directory, which willappear, perhaps, this coming fall.Alumni Fund PlanHe then told of the campaign decidedupon by the Council, after much investigation and deliberation, for obtaining threekinds of Alumni Memberships: (1) LifeMembership ($50), (2) Sustaining Membership ($100-$1,000), (3) Endowment Membership ($1,000 and over), all Membershipsto include Association dues and magazinesubscription for life. Cards were distributed and Alumni were requested to check off what Membership they hopedthey could take when request was made bythe Council. He announced that at theAlumnae Breakfast, twenty-six Life Memberships and one Sustaining Membershipwere taken immediately. At this time wehave no definite record of the numbertaken at the Dinner, but from the information at present available we can state thatseveral Endowment Memberships, a number of Sustaining Memberships, and a largenumber of Life Memberships were indicatedon the blanks thus far returned to theAlumni Office. Mr. McNair then spokebriefly of the excellent work of the ClubsCommittee, now in charge of Harold H.Swift, in overcoming many difficulties inthe way of organizing clubs in cities somedistance from the University. He statedthat plans were being made for havingClubs center their work along lines ofholding a local Forum, to which the University would send speakers. This wouldbe an unique plan, keeping the Alumni inthe largest cities in touch with the institution and enabling the Alumni Clubs toextend their influence in their localitiesalong various lines. The carrying out ofthis plan would mark one of the most im7portant steps yet taken in Alumni activities.Presentation of Flag and Machine GunOne of the most interesting events of theReunion then took place. Fred Hueben-thal, '17, who was a member of AmbulanceUnit, Number 555, a Unit made from the(Continued on page 301)The Shanty— a "Close-Up"Horace Lozier, '94, on the left, at ease before the tent, telling offormer days. Notice his tam-o-shanterTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHistory of Section 555, U. S. A. A. S.This is the former University of ChicagoSection(This History is taken from the Ambulance Service News, printed in Italy. TheUnit recently returned to America. Asnoted in the review of the reunion, FredHuebenthal, '17, a member, and on behalfof the Unit, returned to the University theAmerican flag presented to it at the timeof its departure, and also presented to theUniversity an Austrian machine gun captured in the great battle of the Piave, inwhich this Unit rendered notable service.)Histories like portraits are generallymost interesting to the subject portrayedand it ma3' therefore happen that in writing this we will lose ourselves in our ownreminiscences, forgetting the size of ouraudience, and making hints and illusionsunderstandable only to those who are orhave been in our inner circle. And yet because of "shake-ups" and transfers we arenow connected by blood ties — as it may becalled — with a great many if not most ofthe other Sections, and it is very hard tothink of a narrow section circle. Formerlywe passed in review every Saturday, nowwe are passing in what may be a final review in the successive issues of our paper.We of '55 will try as of old to keep ourown line straight and keep step to the music, not forgetting meanwhile to applaudthe success of others.Beginnings of the SectionOn June 15, 1917, the Pasadena Ambulance Company of Pasadena, California,passing through Chicago, Illinois, on itsway to Allentown, Pennsylvania, was surprised by an enthusiastic greeting giventhem by a group of uniformed men in thetrain sheds. This group was a delegationfrom Ambulance Company Number 3 ofthe LTniversity of Chicago, which at thattime had been enlisted in the Medical Reserve Corps for several months. The Company then numbered ninety men which ina few months was doubled — and had been"going to France in two weeks" for two orthree months. The passing of the PasadenaSections was a sort of Renaissance periodin our history, an infusion of new life. Herewere some men actually headed East atany rate. How jealous we were of theirgood fortune and how little did we dreamthat despite of their early start we shouldactually leave the shores of America at thesame time; namely, one year later.On July 3, 1917, the University of Chicago Ambulance Unit was sworn into the Federal Service and on August 11th, 1917,was ordered by the Central Department toproceed to Allentown, Pennsylvania, "assoon as transportation can be provided."Transportation was provided August 20thand the next day (to use the parlance ofthe Philadelphia Ledger) "Allentown sawthe Mid-west Huskies breeze into Camp."Quoting further from that paper "Thebars having been let down because the departure of a good many men has made roomfor new cnes there arrived at the UnitedStates Ambulance Camp today the contingent of the University of Chicago consisting of 180 men, the largest single contingent from any College in the United States.With Chicago on the ground there are nowin the Camp representatives of 48 Collegesand Universities." Those were the daysthat College pennants were in front of Barracks; College yells at every "get-together;"and at night the sound of College songs inthe air. How well all of us remember ourcordial reception by the Fordham boys whowere quartered just across from CasualsBuilding in which we were all bunched.They were to leave on mid-night of theday we pulled in — a fact officially notknown — but which every one of us knewten minutes after we were in the gate, andthe knowledge of which gave us addedthrills.Section 555 FormedOur organization was now changed toconform to established lines and Section555 with three others emerged in full bloomwith the following as non-commissionedofficers:Sergeant 1st Class Alan F. Wherritt,Sergeant Kenneth H. Owens,Sergeant Edmund F. Hadley,Corporal Helman R. Cloud.One by one these "non-coms" have leftus along with many of our best among the.Privates and it would not be out of placeto stop in our story long enough to notetheir careers. We of '55 who remain havea pardonable pride in the men who weretoo big to be restrained in our sectionlimits. We are proud of the men and weare proud of their number. First to bementioned is former University of Chicagolaw student Alan F. Wherritt, first our classmate and comrade, then our sergeant, nextour "top-sergeant." Later we accorded himour glad salute as lieutenant and now he isCaptain Wherritt, the prized captain of ourpresent neighbors, Section 532. Our former"second sergeant" is probably now evenOF UNIVhKSiTY AMBULANCE UNIT 287more widely known. You have only to lookat the official orders of Camp Crane andyou see his name, Kenneth H. Owens, Captain, A. A. S., Adjutant. Sergeant EdmundF. Hadley left us to join the Intelligenceservice for which his collegiate training andlinguistic abilities peculiarly fitted him. Ourone time Corporal Holman R. Cloud is nowa lieutenant in charge of Section 562 inFrance. The privates who left us to acceptcommissions should also be mentionedhere. In giving their titles we give them aswe last knew them; no doubt in many casesthe rank should now be raised:Paul R. Cannon, 1st Lieutenant, SanitaryCorps,Ralph G. Lemmen, 1st Lieutenant, Sanitary Corps,Julian M. Mac Millan, 1st Lieutenant,Ambulance Service, George C. Branner,1st Lieutenant, Ambulance Service,Arthur C. J. Carlson, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry.A special word should be said for Lieutenant Cannon. As many may rememberthe Chicago unit brought to Allentownamong much other equipment a finely outfitted Laboratory Car. Before his acceptance of a commission Lieutenant Cannonwas in charge of this car which was stationed near the Camp Infirmary and wasused in connection with it.Experiences in CampIt can be easily seen that with such asthese making up and leading the Sectionthe early days of "Rookyism" in Camp werepassed with the extreme minimum ofshocks and friction. No doubt, those earlydays will loom up large in our memoriesas 'the years pass by. Many of us enduredexposure and hardships on some of thehikes and trips which seemed (and no doubt in some cases) much more severe than anywe have had since. Notable among thosetrips was the famous Washington Propaganda Excursion.Who of the thousand "USAACS" who atebeans and tomatoes in the White Houseyard will ever forget it? Again, we wouldrespectfully remind our Cleveland friendswho happen to read this of our celebratedpup tent drill. At any rate we livedthrough it, and came out hardier andtougher soldiers as our leaders intended weshould. Who minds staying up with the carall night by the side of the road waitingfor the rescue party to show up? We haveall been trained for those little incidents.The Section was first organized as part ofBattalion VIII along with the three otherChicago Sections, the Texas crowd, and theBand; but after the big "shake-up" in theCamp the latter part of February wastransferred to Battalion XIII and cameacross as a part of that organization.Experiences in Italy'55 played its part and did its share inthe big events of last June and July. Common history it was to all of us and no oneneeds to be told what June the 13th andJune the 27th were. We just missed gettingto the Front from Genova before the ordercame through for the final re-organization,and as a consequence were delayed in starting out. Instead of leaving the 20th ofAugust as our first order read we did notleave until September the 10th. Notwithstanding that many of the men had verylittle driving experience the drive to theFront was without accident of any kind,and the run to Mantova was made in recordbreaking time. The train got in there at8:30 at night making the trip in 13^2 hours.The next day the journey was completedThe University Ambulance Corps Drilling on the Midway in the Spring of 1917THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto Vicenza but there we were held up fivedays awaiting orders. On the morning ofthe 16th we left for our station at Pregan-ziol, between Treviso and Mestre, whichpost was held until after the big offensive.There we were quartered in the verycommodious and comfortable Villa Co-mello, the picture of which may be seen onanother page of this issue. Here the merryround of cleaning cars and house, guardduty, kitchen police, and (let us not forget)driving went on. What with Stoy-Puts-Toates and the big boy from Aurora (disrespectful names for our shepherds) ourlife moved forward smoothly and triumphantly. When the Major came around wewere not ashamed to greet him, and whenthe Colonel's car stopped in front of theVilla we did not quake for fear of his keenscrutiny of our quarters. From his post onthe second floor our Captain could keep awatchful eye on all that passed, could detect sounds of too loud revelry at night,and could listen for the shift of second gearwhen the cars turned in at the gate. Fromthere during the period extending fromSeptember 18 to November 13 we droveambulances that carried 14,119 patients over42,602 miles, .an average of 8 patients on anaverage of 24 miles. 69.8% of this workwhich was done at night much of the timewith no lights at all and always under thedifficult conditions known to every"USAAC." The work of the Section duringthe big offensive was of an extraordinarycharacter and will be found described inanother article. December 2nd we movedto Cervignano and at the present time haveeight cars operating from that point withfour others working from the Smistamentoat Gradiska.'55 During the OffensiveOn the evening of the 26th of Octoberthe heavy bombardment, preceding the bigdrive, started in the Ronchi-Ponte di PiaveSector of the Front. The Section had beenoperating up to this time from Treviso andthe Smistamento at Preganziol. This day,however, four cars were sent up to the littletown of San Ambrogio, north of Treviso tohelp in the evacuation of a Smistamentothere. About midnight wounded and sickbegan to arrive, a very few at first but laterin ever increasing numbers. At noon ofthe day following, each of these four carshad made eight fourteen-mile trips carryingan average of some forty patients. Othersections know of the congested conditionsof the roads, due to war traffic, which helped to make driving at this time notwholly a pleasure. As luck or the SupplyDepartment would have it the Ambulanceswere without lights so a little trouble anda decided uncertainty was added to ourwork. A day or two later the section carswere operating regularly, or rather irregularly, because of moving war materials andmen, from Ronchi. The blocked roadwaywas the chief source of difficulty on thelower side of the Piave. It was not untilthe crossing of the river was made and themachines started working from Oderzo andSan Vito, that the roads themselves provedalmost impassable.The prize story of the section seems tobe that one told about a trip from Oderzoto Preganziol, a distance of some thirtymiles, that took fourteen hours to make.The night was dark and the road strange.The cars were held up for hours by passing artillery and supplies. The rest of thetime apparently was spent in running upblind alleys and backing out again. At SanVito some of the boys had a unique experience — they not only hauled soldiers andcivilians with Small Pox but on two orthree occasions buried some of the patientswho died while being carried to hospitals.From San Vito these cars moved up to alittle town a few miles beyond Udine wherethey worked several days before being recalled to the Section.There was lots to do during the driveand we were kept busy all the time. That'sall there was to it.NOTES 289University NotesMain Reading Room, Harper MemorialLibraryTwo New TrusteesAnnouncement has just been made of theappointment of two new trustees, Dr. Wilbur E. Post and the Reverend Charles W.Gilkey.Dr. Wilbur E. Post received his A. from the University of Chicago in1901. For some years he practiced medicine in Chicago, being Assistant Physicianat the Presbyterian Hospital; he is now associated with Dr. Frank Billings of Chicago. While a student at the Universityand at Rush Medical College, Dr. Postbecame a member of the Delta Upsilon college fraternity, Nu Sigma Nu medical fraternity, and Alpha Omega honorary fraternity. In the summer of 1917 Dr. Post wasa member of the American Red Cross Mission which went to Russia under the headof Dr. Frank Billings, Lieutenant-Colonel.He was made a Major in the Red Cross inthat service and did notable work on thatmission, on which Samuel Harper, '01, andHarold H. Swift, '07, Major, also served.Dr. Post has for some time been AssociateProfessor of Medicine at Rush Medical College. Last winter he went with PresidentJudson on the American Relief Commissionto Persia. (The photographs which appeared on the frontispiece of our. last issuewere kindly loaned to the Alumni office byDr. Post.) He is a. member of the University, Union League and Quadrangle Clubs.He resides at 5600 Kimbark avenue. Dr.Post has always taken a keen interest inUniversity and Alumni affairs, and was oneof the speakers at the recent Annual Meeting of the Chicago Alumni Club, at which time he told of some of his experiences onhis trip to Persia. The notice of his appointment as a trustee of the Universitywill undoubtedly be received with enthusiasm, not only by the many Alumni withwhom he is intimately acquainted, but byAlumni everywhere.The appointment of the Reverend CharlesW. Gilkey, since 1910 pastor of the HydePark Baptist Church, is also a very happyone. Few men of prominence, living in thiscommunity, have taken such an active interest in Quadrangle affairs. Mrs. Gilkey(Geraldine Gunsaulus Brown) is a niece ofDr. Gunsaulus and a graduate of the University in the class of 1912. The Gilkeysreside at 5828 Woodlawn Ave. They havetwo children. Mr. Gilkey is a graduate ofHarvard University, A. B., 1903, A. M., 1904,and of Union Theological Seminary, NewYork City, B. D., 1908. He studied as aFellow of Union Seminary, 1908-1910, atBerlin, Marbourg, GlasSow> Edinburgh, andOxford. He is a member of Delta Upsiloncollege fraternity, and of Phi Beta Kappahonorary fraternity. In 1917 Mr. Gilkeywas acting chaplain with the R. O. T. C. atFort Sheridan, Illinois. He is a member ofthe University, Quadrangle, and HarvardClubs. For some time Mr. Gilkey has rendered valuable service to the University asa Trustee of the Divinity School. He is anoted speaker, having been UniversityPreacher during recent years at Harvard,Yale, Princeton, Cornell, and other colleges. His election as a Trustee of the University is a fitting recognition of his continued interest in its progress.President Judson, at a recent meeting ofthe Board of Trustees, presented a plan forthe organization of an Oriental Institute inthe University of Chicago as outlined in ageneral sketch by Professor James HenryBreasted, Chairman of the Department ofOriental Languages and Literatures. Theplan contemplates an expenditure of approximately $10,000 a year for the first fiveyears, and Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., hasoffered with characteristic generosity tosupply the necessary funds for the carryingout of this notable project. The recentpolitical changes in the Near East whichhave followed the collapse of Turkey makeaccessible for exploration a vast domain.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGas Mask Work at the UniversityNow that the censorship on scientific workconnected with war problems is being liftedit becomes possible to announce the publication of work done on our campus which hasheretofore been known only by rumor.Under the title, "Studies in Charcoal Adsorption," two papers by Dr. Harvey B.Lemon, Assistant Professor of Physics,have recently been released for publicationunder the authority of Major General William L. Sibert, of the Chemical WarfareService. These papers will appear in thePhysical Review and in abstract in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.The first deals with the variations in theadsorption power of charcoal produced byaltering the heat treatment. These variations are enormous, amounting to severalhundred thousand per cent. Their controlled to what is known as the hydrocarbontheory of activation which was the basis ofthe process developed by the United StatesGovernment for the quantity production ofthis material for the masks. Many importantdetails of the process have been contributedby others who were later called into thework, notably by the members of the staffof the National Carbon Company's laboratories at Cleveland, Ohio.The second paper, written jointly withMiss Kathryn Blodgett, M. S., Chicago '13,now research assistant with the GeneralElectric Company, deals with the relativeabsorption of mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen by charcoal and establishes a linearrelation between the logarithm of the final.pressure and the percentage of oxygen inthe mixture. This work is at variance withprevious work along similar lines by Berg^ter, but it is hoped that ultimately the continuation of these experiments on mixtureswill shed light on the rather obscure natureof these phenomena and yield results ofconsiderable theoretical interest, as well asof practical importance. Several other papers along related lines are in progress.Mr. H. H. Sheldon and Miss Ann Hepburnare collaborating on them. Sergt. Harry C. Thompson, at presentwith the Meteorological Section of the Sig-nel Corps at Kelly Field 2 in Texas, hasdone important work on the adsorption ofcertain hydrocarbons and, in collaborationwith Dr. T. E. Doubt, on the adsorption ofthe noble gases. This work will be pushedto completion as soon as Sergeant Thompson can obtain his discharge.Mr. William Huber, Jr., of Hamilton,Ohio, has recently given to the Universityof Chicago Libraries his entire library, consisting chiefly of music. The collection hasalready been received at the University, butno exact inventory has as yet been made.It is estimated that it numbers 13,000 organscores, all the leading composers being represented, and approximately 9,000 otherscores, chiefly arranged for the piano, andin addition about 700 volumes dealinglargely with the literature of music.The donor has for many years been aprominent organist and choir-leader, andthe present collection is the result of yearsof effort in bringing together the bestscores, particularly in his special field oforgan music. The library contains a greatmany publications which it is no longerpossible to obtain through purchase. It ishoped the collection may be made accessible in a few months.Dean Angell has accepted the headshipof the National Research Council of Washington. This position is of one-year tenureand becomes effective July 1. The Councilhas been the chief agency of the government in mobilizing scientific men and scientific resources for the war. It consists ofan association of the leading scientific societies and organizations of the UnitedStates, and has thirteen divisions, six ofgeneral relations and seven of science andtechnology.As head of the National Research Council Dean Angell will have control of thework of mobilizing, stimulating, and coordinating the scientific activities of" thecountry. Dean Angell has been granted ayear's leave of absence from the University.NOTES 291Director Stagg HonoredDirector Stagg has had a unique honorconferred upon him. Through ColonelWaite C. Johnson, of General Pershing'sstaff, who is the chief athletic officer of theAmerican army, Mr. Stagg has been invitedto be director of the Inter-Allied gameswhich are to take place between the Alliedarmies during June and July. Championship contests are to be held in football,basketball, baseball, cricket, lacrosse, wrestling, boxing, and track and field athletics.These events for the most part will beheld in Colombes Stadium in the suburbsof Paris, which is being built for the purpose by the American Expeditionary Forcesand the Y. M. C. A., to be presented lateras a gift of America to France. Unfortunately, because of ill health, Mr. Staggwas unable to accept the invitation to directthe games.Professor Gordon J. Laing, of the Department of the Latin Language and Literature,was elected president of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South atthe annual meeting of the association inAtlanta, Georgia. Professor Laing, whoformerly edited the journal of the association (Tne Classical Journal, published bythe University of Chicago Press), resignedfrom that position to become General Editor of the University of Chicago Press. TheClassical Association of the Middle Westand South has vice-presidents from thirtystates and a membership of about two thousand.The new president, who was the AnnualProfessor at the American School of Classical Studies in Rome in 1911-12, is associateeditor of Classical Philology and vice-president of the Archaeological Institute ofAmerica.The University appropriates annuallytwenty-two thousand dollars for fellowshipsin the Graduate Schools and $3,705 in theDivinity School. They range in valuefrom $120, or tuition fees for three quarters,to $520. PromotionsAmong the promotions announced at theUniversity are the following: To professorships: Conyers Read, of the Department of History; George Tyler Northup,of the Department of Romance Languagesand Literature; James Weber Linn andCharles Read Baskervill, of the Departmentof English; and Herman Oliphant, of theLaw School.To associate professorships: Daniel D.Luckenbill, of the Department of OrientalLanguages and Literature; Thomas A.Knott, of the Department of English; JohnA. Parkhurst, of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Elbert Clark andGeorge W. Bartelmez, of the Departmentof Anatomy; and Rollo M. Tryon, of theDepartment of Education.To assistant professorships: Franck L.Schoell, of the Department of RomanceLanguages and Literatures; Carl H. Grabo,George W. Sherburn, and David H. Stevens,of the Department of English; Mabel B.Trilling, Lydia J. Roberts, and Emery T.Filbey, of the Department of Education;Arthur P. Scott, of the Department of History; and William H. Spencer, of the Schoolof Commerce and Administration.New Fellows AppointedMore than one hundred Fellows, including Honorary Fellows who receive no stipend, have just been appointed for the year1919-20. Of the whole number, twenty-twoare women. Thirty-eight of the appointeeshave already received their Master's degree.Appointments of Fellows are made forthirty departments in the University, andfifty-three different educational institutionsare represented in the present award, including the universities of Toronto, Manitoba, and Alberta, McGill University, andAcadia University, in Canada; the University of Soochow, China, the University ofBristol, England, and the University of theCape of Good Hope.(Continued on page 306)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERetirement of Chamberlin, Hale and MoultonThe retirement this year of three of ourbest known professors, Thomas C. Chamberlin, head of the Department of Geologyand Palaeontology, William Gardner Hale,head of the Department of the Latin Language and Literature, and Richard GreenMoulton, head of the Department of General Literature, emphasizes the fact that theUniversity is passing away from the daysof its founding. All three professors came President of the Chicago Academy ofScience, Illinois Academy of Science, andthe American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was consulting geologist of the United States and the WisconsinGeological Survey, and Commissioner ofthe Illinois Geological Survey. His son,Rolland Thomas is a Professor in the University in the Department of Botany. Notlong ago Professor Thomas C. Chamberlin,Dr. T. C. Chamberlin, 1892, and—with the University in 1892 and have servedit ever since. Professor Chamberlin camefrom the Presidency of the University ofWisconsin; Professor Hale from CornellUniversity; Professor Moulton from theUniversity of Pennsylvania, after manyyears of service with Cambridge Universityin England.Professor Chamberlin has become famousas a geologist. He is the originator ofPlanetesimal Hypothesis of the Origin ofthe Earth, the now generally acceptedtheory. He is also the author of a number of books on Geology, and editor of theJournal of Geology. He was born at Mat-toon, 111., September 25, 1843; was graduated A. B. from Beloit College in 1866, andreceived the degrees of A. M. from Beloitin 1869, Ph. D. from the Universities ofMichigan and Wisconsin in 1882, LL. D.from the University of Michigan, BeloitCollege and Columbia University in 1887,and from the University of Wisconsin in1904; Sc. D. from Illinois in 1905. He wasgeologist to the Peary Expedition in 1894.At various times Dr. Chamberlin has been Dr. Chamberlin, 1919in recalling earlier days of the University,said: "I had one strong impression in 1892— that we were at the beginning of things,in many senses, and the outcome would bewhat we made it."William Gardner Hale was born at Savannah, Ga., February 9, 1849, and wasgraduated A. B. from Harvard in 1870. Hereceived the degree of LL. D. from UnionCollege in 1895, Princeton in 1896, Aberdeenand St. Andrews in 1907. Professor Halewas the first Convocation Orator of theUniversity, his speech being delivered at theThird Convocation, only President Harperspeaking at the first two. It was in thisaddress that Professor Hale made comparison between the City White of theWorld's Fair and the City Grey of the University, which was subsequently embodiedby Dr. E. H. Lewis in the "Alma Mater."Dr. Hale is the author of many studies connected with the Latin language. Severalyears ago, in remarking on the University,Professor Hale said: "My present impressions are that the University has fulfilledits promise. The rest of the country doesn't293know how good it is. Europe knows farbetter."Professor Moulton was born at Preston,England, on May 5, 1849, and was graduated A. B. from London University, 1869,and from Cambridge in 1874. There haveDr. R. G. Moulton, 1892, and—been conferred on him also the degrees ofA. M. by Cambridge in 1877, and Ph. D. byPennsylvania in 1891. Dr. Moulton has attained widespread recognition for his workson Shakespeare, on the Ancient ClassicalDrama, and on the Bible as literature. InDr. W. G. Hale, 1892, and—comparing English and American Universities he once stated:"I was most struck by the contrast to thesystem of the English Universities, wherethe common examinations have the effectof reducing the freedom of the teacher, andso the interest of the teaching, to a minimum. I believe as much as ever in the superiority of the American sytsem." Dr. Moulton was Convocation Orator forthis June, where he delivered a splendid andcharacteristic address on "The TurningPoint in the History of Culture."The announcement of the retirement ofthese three Professors will bring backDr. Moulton, 1919memories of days at the University to hundreds of our Alumni who have had the goodfortune to come into contact with themduring their residence at the University.These Professors have endeared themselvesto hundreds of the students who look backDr. Hale, 1919with the feeling of reverence for them andof thankfulness for the inspiration they havebeen in their various fields of endeavor.The three Professors and their wiveswere entertained at the Convocation reception at Hutchinson Hall on June 9, andwere honored on June 10 at a dinner in IdaNoyes Hall, given by members of the University Senate.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Letter BoxWard Dl, Base Hospital,Camp Upton, N. Y.Dear Editors': — Indeed, I do rememberyou and the time when we were making ourtry at getting into the O. T. C. in 1917; andI was delighted to have your letter of February 28th. I regret that I have not beenable to answer it sooner.I know that it is "naughty" for me to rubit in by saying that you missed the mostwonderful "show" ever in not getting to goacross. However, in saying it I am fullyaware that you doubtless did your "bit" in amore patriotic way than I did. At least,my army friend associates told me, verygood naturedly it is true, that as a chemistI should have gone to the munition factory!But personally I never for a moment regretted that I refused the higher commission tendered to me as a chemist and wentover classed as "expendable material."I tried to do my "best" to perform myvarious duties and — really, I don't think thatI was altogether "looney" — I enjoyed everybit of it at the front. Of course, there werehardships and sufferings, but in the excitement of the game a fellow forgot all aboutthat. When you got back into the restbillets (so called!) you found out that youwere tired and sore and had been cold andhungry and wet, but what did that matter?It was always such a rush to get ready togo back in again that you did not have timeto bother about the hardships of the past.And now that it is all over except thephysical pains and aches — well, we did whatwe went over there to do and some day,maybe, the pains and aches will all be goneand then there will be only the memory of"over there.''It was a great show and worth the price.I would not have missed it for anythingwhatsoever, and I consider myself mostlucky in getting to be a part of it; also, Iwas lucky, in my assignment — to the 18thInfantry, 1st Division, the "regulars," thefirst soldiers to go over and the first to go into the line. We were in twice before anyothers went in. I was further lucky in having for my C. O. a West Pointer, who was aman, a gentleman, and an officer. And Iwas lucky to go through the show and beliving at the end of it. I was wounded fourdifferent times and in about every way onecould get it — except internal gassing (thechemist knew the value of the gas mask!).Some day perhaps we shall meet again andI can tell you of it.I am sending you a copy of the FrenchArmy Citation that I received a few daysago. I do not know when I shall be ableto get out of the hospital. 'Tis a feature ofthe game that I do not like to think of, for,oh, I am so sick and tired of being in ahospital. But the piper must be paid.Sincerely,Robert A. Hall,1st Lt. Inf., U. S. A., A. E. F.Vladivostok, Siberia,March 17, 1919.My dear Editors : — I intended to write youmany times, but the officials at Washingtonhave seen fit to keep my address on the.uncertain list, and I've been traveling aboutthe United States, the Pacific Ocean andSiberia ever since. But, with the armisticesigned and the terms of peace about to belaid down, I've been given a rest, for a shorttime at least, at Vladivostok, Siberia. Because of the strong German influence inthis part of the Orient, the enormous storesof military supplies in and around the city,which had to be kept out of German hands,and because of an agreement made by theallied nations to send representative troopshere, this is today, in the opinion of thenewspaper men and war correspondents whohave passed through it on their way to andfrom the Eastern front, the most cosmopolitan city on the face of the globe. I believe every nation has a quota of men quartered in the Russian military barracks, ofwhich there are many in and about this harbor of refugees.At the completion of my preliminaryLETTER BOX 295course of training in ordnance work at theUniversity of Chicago, July 20, 1917, I wentto my home at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,to await the orders which directed me toSan Antonio Arsenal, Texas, the followingmonth. In November I left the Arsenal forCamp Shelby, where I worked as an ordnance sergeant untill was ordered to reportto the Commanding General, Camp Meade,Maryland, for a course of training at theSecond Ordnance Supply School. I leftCamp Meade for Camp Fremont, California,the 7th of June, a second lieutenant of ordnance. I remained at that camp six weeks,when I received a telegram directing me toCamp Kearny, in Southern California, atwhich place I stopped only ten days becauseofficial orders directed me to join the advance guards of the Expeditionary Forcesto Siberia.One need not go out of Vladivostok toget a good idea of the customs of all orientalcountries, because within its boundaries are"towns" of Japanese, Chinese, Koreans andother less read of people. Here they enjoythe freedom to practice their respectiveideals and to associate with their kind. Butthe majority of the city's inhabitants areRussians, very few of whom have lived heremany years. These people are mostly refugees from European Russia who have cometo escape the rule of the Bolsheviki, because here the allies have complete control.The condition to which some of these people were forced to live is pitiable. But theAmerican Red Cross is doing great workamong them, and now that the horrors ofwinter are past, and the railroad problem isbeing rapidly untangled, the outlook isbright for a speedy relief."When are we going home?" is the bigquestion in the minds of the men of this expedition. We read of the return of this andthat division and the probable return withinthe next two weeks of other divisions, butnothing is ever mentioned about our tripback to the United States. If we are returned soon I contemplate entering theUniversity of Chicago next fall. Since theAmerican Library Association had suppliedus with very good text books and while Ihave the time I am availing myself of the opportunity to study up in the work I intend to follow at the University.Yours sincerely, Paul W. Gerdes.Lt. Paul W. Gerdes,Ordnance Dept, A. E. F., Siberia.Professor Anton Julius Carlson, Chairmanof the Department of Physiology, who as amajor in the Sanitary Corps of the UnitedStates Army inspected American camps inEngland and is now a member of the American Relief Administration in France, writesfrom Paris in a private letter: "You mustnot believe all the tales carried to you bymy friends and enemies. I am by no meansan expert aviator, although I have used theaerial route as means of transportation tosave time; no mishaps, except one forcedlanding because of a stalled motor. Anothertime we were struck by a rainstorm andwent above a cloud and lost our way overthe mountains of Wales. Last January, intrying to get down through Servia, in faceof wrecked railroads, bad wagon roads, andno camions or automobiles, I had an offerof being taken in an airplane from Belgradeto Uskub but I declined the offer, partlybecause the machines were rather shaky,partly because I did not have much confidence in the pilot, and thirdly because itwas snowing. I know of several pastimesmore pleasant than flying over the Serbianmountains in a snowstorm."Professor Carlson, whose particular dutyin connection with the Children's Reliefwork in several countries has kept him inParis for about a month, expects to takethe field again for the American Relief Administration, probably going up to Finland,and returning by Esthonia, Lettonia, Lithuania, Poland, Roumania, and Vienna."We had a big dance here at the Castlelast week — got 18 or 20 Red Crossers fromTrier and Coblenz. It was lots of fun andwe had a peach of a time. And you knowthe girl who is running it — Miss Herrickfrom the Gargoyle. Isn't it strange I shouldrun into her! She is making a great successof a Red Cross Canteen at the railroad station. She is very nice and is one of themost capable women I have ever run into.She gets all the cooperation because sheknows what she wants and goes out for it,then follows it until it is finished."Very sincerely yours,"Lieut. Harold B. Hoskins,"Fifth Marines, A. E. F."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEQuadrangle NewsSpring came at last, and just about intime, because it looked as if the youngladies and gentlemen going to the Interclass Hop would have to be heavily reinforced beneath their gay and giddy andthin summer clothes. The Hop, while weare on it, was a grand affair, held on theusual date, the night of May 29, in Bartlett.Decorations this year were more elaboratethan ever and the crowd large and joyous.The month of May has been working upclimatically. May is the month for theSecondary school conference, held Friday,May 9, with 300 competitors from 42schools. And also the month for theMoliere Soiree, held May 2, and for thepledgings into honor societies, for the newelections to offices.Hop leaders were: Harry McCosh andDorothy Lardner, senior; Gerald Westbyand Frances Henderson, junior; ElmerDonahue and Enid Townley, sophomore;Jerome Neff and Demaris Ames, freshman.Frank Madden and Helen Thompsonwatched over the highschoolites during theSecondary school conference, with the assistance of our more prominent campusladies and gentlemen.Spring fever and the presence of greencaps, no doubt, lead to a little battle overin Hitchcock. The hefty seniors hazed afew of the frosh by walking them down to63rd St., in bathing suits, and the frosh,believing that the worm should turn everyso often, stagged a come-back scrap, whichwas halted by Mr. Spencer, head of thehall. There were no bad results.Score Club and Skull and Crescent announced their pledgings first. Score Clubhad: Frederick Aley, Roland Barber, AlstonBennett, Robert Collins, Charles Evans,Frank Fenner, Vories Fisher, Richard Flint,Allan Holloway, Wilmer Jenkins, HowardJones, Lewis Kayton, Homer Kline, HenryMoore, Charles Redmon, Louis Roberts,Karl Seyforth, Ivan Smith, Murray Vick-ers and Edward Waful. In Skull and Crescent are: Adolph Bartky, Elbert Bushnell.Thomas Campbell, Albert DeWitt, DonaldFranklin, Roy Goltz, Robert Halliday,George Hartman, Alfred Hawk, CharlesMcGuire, Rodney Miller, Jerome Neff,Howard Peirce, Mervin Phillips, JohnSchwab, Merwin Swenson, Luther Tatge,Albert Veeder, Robert Voiland, and EarlWooding. Iron Mask recently announcedthe following: Duncan Annon, Robert Cole, Herbert Crisler, Glenn Harding, MortimerHarris, Theodore Helmholz, Paul Humphrey, Colville Jackson, Frederick Manter,Chalmer McWilliams, Norman Nelson,Kenneth Newhall, Harold Nicely, FrankSchneberger, Perry Segal, and Louis Tilden. Owl and Serpent did not make anyformal announcement of its new men.Aides and marshals were announced June5. They are: Marshals — Edwin Curtis,Moffat Elton, Roland Holloway, JohnJoseph, Jasper King, Frank Madden, JamesNicely, Edgar Reading, Robert Redfield,Edwin Sackett, and George Serck; Aides-Eleanor Atkins, Leona Bachrach, MarthaBehrendt, Edythe Flack, Margaret Haggott, Frances Henderson, Frances Lang-worthy, Phyllis Palmer, Jean Pickett, Mildred Powlison, and Helen Thompson.This month's report reads like a roll ofundergraduates but these are THE eventsof the season. Nu Pi Sigma elected: Eleanor Atkins, Florence Falkenau, EdytheFlack, Frances Henderson, Phyllis Palmer,Mildred Powlison, Helen Sulzberger, HelenThompson, and Edith West. Sign of theSickle took the following members from thefreshman class: Damaris Ames, ElizabethBurnham,^ Jean Falconer, Margaret Foss,Nanine Gowdy, Katharine Moore, MinaMorrison, Helen Palmer and Ruth Seymour.Frank Madden will head the Undergraduate Council next year, and George Serckwill watch over the Honor Commission.Carlin Crandall was elected president of theDramatic club. John Joseph was mademanaging editor of The Daily Maroon fornext year, and Grant Mears the businessmanager of that paper.Memorial Day the Friars held a banquetat the LaSalle hotel and afterwards wentto see "A Prince There Was." Grant Mitchell, the star of the play, was present atthe banquet as guest of honor, and alsocame to the soldier-day performance of"The Naughty Nineties," given the afternoon of June 5 for the wounded soldiers ofthe city's government hospitals.There are many more things to tell, suchas the Y. M. C. A. conference to be held atLake Geneva, the public speaking prizes,the burning of the green caps, the W. A. A.festivities, the Commerce club's parties andlectures, the military plans for next year,the young ladies who smoke near the campus, the bolsheviki (funny little things),and such, but space and time are dear.John E. Joseph, '20.297AthleticsCapt. Harry McCoshCapt. Harry McCosh Ran His Last Race for the University of Chicago in the Conference Meet. HeIs One of the Best Track Men ChicagoHas Had, arid Is Conference Champion in the Mile.The Conference MeetMaroon track men placed second toMichigan, Saturday, June 7, in one of thegreatest conference track meets ever held.The Wolverines, aided by the great performance of Carl Johnson, who took fourfirsts, and broke two records, piled up 44*4points, to the 34 gathered by Chicago. Illinois was third, and Notre Dame a closefourth.Chicago men won the quarter, half, andmile, and a tie for first in the pole vault.The Maroon hopes for victory in the relay and two-mile were not realized, andanother, predicted in the pole vault, did notmaterialize. Ted Curtiss ran a great 440,and. had little trouble in beating the famed McMahon of Nebraska, who finished third.Speer came through in good shape in thehalf mile, and was never threatened. Capt.McCosh took first in the mile, and Mooresecond, with a big margin to spare overthe field.Capt. Sedgwick of the Wolverines beatthe two Maroons to the tape in the two-mile, but was himself beaten by Foremanof the Kansas Aggies. Sedgwick stayedout of the mile in order to be fresh for thetwo-mile, and the tired McCosh and Moorewere not quite able to hold him, though thetime was exceptionally slow for a conference meet. The relay went to Nebraska,with Illinois second, and Chicago third,after the Maroons had led for three-quarters of the distance. Graham and Bucheitof Illinois tied for first in the pole vaultat 12 feet.Johnson of Michigan was the bright andshining star, with his two records and 20points. Johnson set ,a new mark of 6 feet,2J4 inches in the high jump, and a broadjump record of 24 feet 1 inch. In additionhe won both hurdle races. Hayes of NotreDame starred in the sprints, taking the100 and 220 without difficulty.Speer Elected Track CaptainStanton Speer, '20, conference half-milechampion, and one of the most dependablerunners on the Maroon squad, was electedcaptain of the track team. He succeededCapt. Harry McCosh, who won his lastrace, the mile, in the conference meet.Speer is the best of the half milers in theWest, and is expected to break into therecord class next year.Vollmer Elected Baseball CaptainClarence Vollmer, '20, varsity catchertwo years, was elected captain of the nextyear's baseball team. Vollmer is one ofPage's most dependable players on thediamond. He also played on the basketballteam five two years ago. The baseball teamloses only three regulars by graduation thisspring and the prospects for next seasonare excellent. "Bobie" Cahn, Brad Smithand Captain Terhune received their lastathletic awards at the Sing.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI THE ROLL OF HONOR s_. . .. .,, i Al^vnn^r Ao-npw Mrfnrmick.Died of WoundsJohn Kenneth Brock, '15, Company A,604th Engineers, died in France, December10, 1918. His company was in the last engagements and was still in the dugouts December 3d, when he was burned by a con-dite explosion.Died of DiseaseHoward Woodhead, '00, Ph. D., '07, diedin France, lune 8, 1919, of pneumonia. Heentered Y. M. C A. work from the Universityof Pittsburgh. For his courage and valuablework with the French troops during the greatGerman offensive he was commended by General Petain. At the time of his death Wood-head was Acting Director of the Y. M. C. A.district which included Paris.Theodore H. Clark, ex. Died in September, 1917, while in Y. M. C. A. service inMesopotamia.Count de Rochambeau Lovellett, ex,Lieutenant Medical Corps. Died of disease,December, 1918, France.Roy Bennett Pace, ex. Died in Y. M. C. A.service in France in August, 1918.Died in ServiceThe University High SchoolPaul Cody Bentley.Paul Greenwood Cox.Thomas Edward Naly He'fferan.Fryar Patrick Hutchinson. Alexander Agnew McCormick.Rowland Hazard McLaughlin.Walter Smith Poague.Wellborn Saxon Priddy.Sons of Trustees and Members of theFacultiesRobert Morss Loevett, Jr.Kenneth MacLeish.Harrison Foster.Rowland Hazard McLaughlin.Wounded in ActionWilliam Vail, ex '19, First Lieutenant, AirService, A. E. F., wounded in an air engagement on the Western Front, causingloss of one leg. The battle occurred whileVail was going to the assistance of "Joe"Pegues, another "Chicago" aviator.HonorsLieut. Duerson ("Dewey") Knight, '15,U. S. Aviation Service, made an "Ace," withsix combat victories accredited. He saweighteen months' overesas service, with fourmonths on the British Front. Lieut. Knightwas the speaker at the recent Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Chicago AlumniClub.Second Lieut. Bernard F. McMeel, ex '19,9th Reg. U. S. Inf., who died of woundsreceived in action at Soissons, July 18, 1918,was posthumously awarded the Croix deGuerre, with silver star and a Citation Certificate.SOME UNIVERSITYTotal of students and alumni in service(June 1, 1919) 4,208Records are constantly coming in; thefinal roll will probably reach 5,000.Total killed or died in service (June 15,1919) 71Officers in the Army (all branches)Colonel "'Lieutenant-Colonel 12Major 55Captain 1531st Lieutenant 2442nd Lieutenant 290Non-Commissioned 128(Incomplete)Chaplains 45Instructors 1Total : 823Officers in the NavyCaptain ~Lieutenant (Senior Grade) 4Lieutenant (junior Grade) 11Ensign 44C. P. O 'Instructor 4Chaplain 4Total 7(i WAR STATISTICSMarinesCaptain 41st Lieutenant 32nd Lieutenant 3Non-Commissioned : JTTotal 17Total of Officers:Army 823Marines 17Navy 76Grand Total 916New Records are steadily coming in; thefinal roll will very probably show over 1,000officers.Aviation Service:Army 156Marine 6Navy • 13Total 175Other branches of war work:(Foreign service)Y. M. C. A 143Y. W. C. A 8Red Cross 78Other Reliefs 5Gov. Civil Service ■ 204Total 464AND ALUMNAE IN WAR SERVICE 299Alumni and Alumnae in War ServiceMaude Radford WarrenMaude Radford Warren, '96, who has returned to America after almost two years ofservice on the Western Front under the Y. M.C. A. Perhaps no woman rendered more valiant and helpful service to the soldiers whilein actual fighting than did Mrs. Warren. Inthe fight at Chateau Thierry she was the onlywoman who succeeded in working on the lineduring the battle. She has been decorated forcourage, and was made an honorary Major inthe 117th Field Signal Corps, 42nd (Rainbow)Division, A. E. F. She recently told of someof her experiences to the Chicago AlumnaeClub. A noted writer, she is now contributingwar articles to various periodicals. THE HIGHER COMMISSIONSCapt. Howard P. Kirtley, '00, has beenpromoted to Major, Medical Corps, Evacuation Hospital No. 36, France.Anthony L. Nuderhill, '00, Ph. D. '06,Captain, 50th Art., A. E. F., France. Heis now Administrator of the American Detachment at the University of Grenoble.Captain Underhill is a brother-in-law ofPresident Judson.Ralph H. Mowbray, '06, Captain, U. S.Army. He was one of the instructors invarious military camps. Mowbray is nowrepresenting Allyn & Bacon, Publishers,with headquarters at Philadelphia.Charles A. Kirtley, '05, Ensign, U. S.Navy; discharged; now in Pittsburgh, Pa.Earl I. Gray, '11, is an Ensign, U. S.Navy.George A. Gray, '14, Captain, 3rd Batt,11th Regt, U. S. M. C, A. E. F., France.Ralph G. Lucas, '17, was a Lieutenant,Junior Grade, U. S. Navy. DischargedApril 6, 1919.ALUMNI IN WAR SERVICEHoward P. Kirtley, '03, First Lieutenant,Engineering Corps, U. S. A., now discharged.Lieutenant William R. Peacock, '10, iswith the American Expeditionary Forcesand is at present studying commercial andcivil law in a French university. He is, scheduled to return to the United States inJuly.Lloyd L. Neff, '15, is First Lieutenant,F. A., and now at Brest, France.Edward Moore Jackson Burwash, Ph. D.'15, was discharged from the CanadianArmy on December 20 last, after a littleover two years' active service as a Chaplain, with the rank of Honorary Captain.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHe went overseas in September, 1916, withthe Twelfth Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, but served most of his time overseasas a Hospital Chaplain at Bramshott, England, and Le Havre, France, and as Chaplain to the Canadian Infantry Base Depotat Etaples. After his return he was attached to the Alberta Military District forthree months.Ralph W. Davis, '16, is Second Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, Finance Branch,Paris.A copy of the Lorraine Sentinel, the publication of the American students attendingthe University of Nancy, France, has beenreceived. Samuel Schuchter, '18, SecondLieutenant of the Intelligence Corps of theUnited States Army, is business manager,and is the only representative of this university among the 140 American studentsenrolled at Nancy.George N. Wigeland, ex, arrived inFrance October 31, 1917. He is at presentstationed at Adv. Ord. Depot No. 1, actingas foreman in one of the "Groups" handlingsmall arms and machine guns.ALUMNA IN WAR SERVICEHazel D. Peek, '08, of A. and M. College,Stillwater, Okla., has been vice-president ofa war service organization working withthe War Camp Community Service in thatstate Tor over eighteen months.Amelia I. Dorland, '16, is reconstructionaide at Base Hospital, Angers, France,A. E. F.Lili Marie Lieber, '17, is reconstructionaide in medical social work at Camp Grant,111.THE UNIVERSITY MILITARYDEPARTMENTLieutenant Colonel Harold E. Marr, U. S.A, who is a graduate of Bowdoin College, hasbeen assigned by the United States government to take charge of the work in MilitaryScience and Tactics at the University of Chicago. Work in this department will includeexpert instruction fitting students on the technical side for one or another of the severalbranches of army service. The Government has required that a preliminary enrollment of one hundred be attainedbefore a military branch will be established atany university; this enrollment has been obtained at Chicago. Artillery equipment, therefore, will be sent on to the University thissummer ; it will comprise several field guns andone or two larger guns. Horses will alsobe provided. An artillery range will be set upon the lake front somewhere south of JacksonPark. It is most likely that the military department established at Chicago will be one ofthe best in the country.The department of Military Science andTactics is now printing a bulletin which explains the courses in military science andthe co-ordination of this work with othercourses in the University. Any matriculated male student in the University whois physically fit and over fourteen years ofage may be enrolled in the new department.Although the applicant must show creditfor three units of English in his preparatory school work, the other required units,comprising foreign language, history, science, and mathematics may be made upduring the student's first two years in college.THE HOME-COMINGDver the gray street where the cars blow byBroods a long stretch of sky,2uiet with one star.The lighted windows peep out wistfullyWith little flags of war.They can be taken down now;He lights his pipe and strollsAround the corner where the store, —The Deutsch Delicatessen storeWith the same sign overheadAnd the same white letters off the door —Shines on the pavement in the very sameWay as before.He steps inside to buyA half dozen rollsAnd a loaf of graham bread.Some fellows passing call his name and meethimWith the old smile.. Strange! It's a long while . . .He'd scarcely thought that any one wouldgreet himOr know him any more.—Maurice Lesemann, '21, in the literary issue of theDaily Mnroon.REVIEW 301(Continued from page 285)University of Chicago Ambulance Unit,presented to President Judson on behalf ofthe University the American Flag whichhad been given to that Ambulance Unit bythe women of the University at the time ofits departure in the summer of 1917. Hestated that the flag was the first Americanflag, connected with a military organization,to fly upon the soil of Italy. It was at thehead of the American columns that weresent up to the Austrian Front, and was oneof the first flags that appeared in thegreat battle of the Piave. For that reason, and in token of the loyal interest ofthe University in forming the Unit andstarting it on its noble work in Italy, thecompany had unanimously voted that theflag be returned to the University of Chicago. With this flag they also presented anAustrian machine gun captured in the battle of the Piave. President Judson, in receiving these gifts, thanked the Unit forthis flag and the gift, and stated that theUniversity was proud of the service thisUnit rendered. In commenting on the waractivities of the University, its students andalumni he spoke in part as follows:President Judson Suggests Memorial"During the great war which is just closing the alumni, of the University have contributed thousands to the national cause,and there are seventy golden stars on ourservice flag. It is I think eminently properthat we should begin to consider at anearly date the best means of establishingin the quadrangles a suitable memorial forthose of our number who have given theirlives for their country. It is not a matterfor hasty consideration, but should involvevery careful deliberation. Various viewsas to a suitable memorial are held and expressed in different parts of the country.A memorial building is eminently adaptedto commemorate a single person, and thatis the case with us in several instances.For the commemoration of a group of persons, however, I doubt very much whethera memorial building is the best means. Astime passes the memorial idea tends to disappear, and the utility of the building islikely to take first place in the thoughts ofthe great majority of people. For a memorial of this character, therefore, it seemsto me it is better to create something whichis a memorial, and a memorial only, quiteapart from any practical utility. To illustrate what I have in mind, for instance, Iwould suggest as a suitable structure forour grounds a memorial arch, to be placedperhaps at the head of Fifty-eighth Street,at the entrance to the quadrangles at thatpoint. Such an arch should be constructedon the best lines of architectural and artistic beauty. It should have the choicest sculptural decoration. It should contain abronze tablet, or tablets, containing thename and record of each one of our soldierand sailor dead. It would stand as long asthe University lasts, to commemorate thesenames and the spirit of the Universitywhich honored them. Furthermore, amemorial of that character is within reachof the members of the University. It wouldbe far better in my opinion to have it thegift of a great number of people, many ofwhom should contribute quite small sums,rather than the gift of a few who are ableto give large sums. Let it be the expressionof our honor and our gratitude and ouraffection. Of course, I am not urging theplan of an arch as the sole idea. Otherbetter ones may be suggested. It is, however, the underlying principle involvedwhich I am urging on the attention of thealumni."A silent tribute was then paid to the dead.Naughty NinetiesAt 8:20 the curtain arose in Mandel Hallfor the performance of the Blackfriarswhich was given at the Reunion this yearby the consent of the University. NoBlackfriar play ever had a more intimateappeal to Alumni than the play of thisyear, and no Blackfriar organization everplayed before an audience that was so enthusiastically interested in its show as thisaudience of Alumni, hundreds of them fromthe earlier classes. From prologue to finaleevery number and every stunt broughtgreat applause, and an unusual number ofencores was necessary, in some instancesthe clamor of the audience stopping theshow to insist upon another encore. Itwas apparent that everybody was greatlypleased throughout the evening. This performance closed the main features of the1919 Reunion, although some of the classeshad arranged for additional class gatheringson Sunday, June 8th, and on Monday,June 9th.The ClassesClass spirit was very strongly in evidencethroughout the entire Reunion. The earlierclasses, as noted before, wore the tain-o-shanter; the class of 1912 appeared in reddresses as Bolsheviki; 1914 came decked outin white coats; 1918 had yellow caps anddaisies as a distinguishing class dress.Most of the other classes had tags or otherinsignia to distinguish themselves. Thefiftieth, or semi-centennial, reunion of theclass of 1869 of the old University wasrepresented by Mr. George B. Woodworth.A photograph of that class at the timeof its graduation appears in this issue. The program was so arrangedthat in addition to the class gatherings onthe campus the seating at the dinner and(Continued on page 307)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the CICollege Association ElectionThe College Association election thisyear indicated much interest on the part ofthe members of the Association. The following were elected:Howell Murray, '14, Elected 1st Vice-PresidentVice-President — Howell Murray, '14.Secretary-Treasurer — John F. Moulds, '07.Executive Committee — Lawrence Whiting, ex '13; Hargrave Long, '12.Delegates to the Council — Harold H.Swift, '07; Lawrence Whiting, ex '13; Clarence Herschberger, '98; Hargrave Long,'12; Mollie Carroll, '11.Clarence Herschberger, '98, Elected Delegate to the CouncilThe names are given in order of the number of votes received. Over three hundredand fifty ballots were cast, and in some instances only fourteen votes separated thewinners from the losers. This electionbrings Clarence Herschberger, Mollie Carroll, Hargrave Long and Lawrence Whiting as new members in the College Association and Alumni Council work. The proposed work fo'r the coming year gives them,as well as the hold-over members, an opportunity to advance Alumni interest and tocarry on Alumni activities to a degree heretofore unattained. and AssociationsCollege and Divinity AssociationsHarry A. Lipsky, '96, general manager ofthe Jewish Courier, Chicago, 111., is chairman of the Cook County Civil Service Commission.Joseph Norwood, '97, is a dealer in commercial paper, Union Bank Building, Columbia, S. C. He writes that he deeply regretted being unable to "eat in the Shanty"this year.Mr. A. T. Burns, '98, is director of thestudy of Americanization Methods, Carnegie Corporation, New York City.Brent Vaughan, '98, is spending twomonths in London and Paris on businessfor his publishing house, Frederick J. Drake& Co., Chicago.Dr. H. E. Watkins, '05, osteopathic physician, Muskegon, Mich., announces the removal of his office to the Union NationalBank Building.Chicago Alumni—C We were glad to meet themany who visited our newstore during Reunion.C We are now equipped tofill your orders promptly forjewelry, such as rings, fobs,pins, and buttons, for banners, pennants, and blankets,for stationer}-, view books,athletic goods — indeed, forany articles relating to "Chicago."C Let us hear from you.The University ofChicago Book Store5802 Ellis Ave.OF THE CLASSES 303Bernard I. Bell, '07, who was assistant tothe Senior Chaplain at the Great LakesNaval Training Station, addressed almost90,000 men in the course of his work there.With his headquarters now at 1166 EastFifty-fourth place, Chicago, Dean Bell isnow making trips to all sections of theUnited States, delivering special addressesto young men. His first book, "Right andWrong After the War," was published byHoughton-Mifflin about a year ago. Bernard was on hand at the Reunion, arranginghis schedule so as to be sure to again eatin the Shanty.Mrs. Edith Terry Bremer, '07, is Executive Secretary, Division of Work for Foreign-Born Women, War Work Council,Y. W. C. A., New York City. John H. Carstens, ex '09, formerly PastorFirst Baptist Church, LaFayette, Ind., isnow head of the Department of ReligiousEducation, Y. M. C. A., at Youngstown,Ohio.Nels M. Hokanson, '10, was recently appointed vice-president of the Union Bankof Chicago.Nora Edwards, '11, is now Superintendent of the Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Lodging House, 2412 Prairie avenue,Chicago.Dr. H. H. Wheaton, '11, is Director of theDepartment of Americanization, State Council of Defense, Hartford, Conn.James A. Donovan, '13, is with Halsey,Stuart & Co., bonds, 209 South La Sallestreet, Chicago.AI RTDT Teachers' Agencyr% ■■■#■■ Im I 25 E. JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO34th Year. Our Booklet "TEACHING AS A BUSINESS" with timely chapterson Peace Salaries, Prospects, Critical Letters of Application, etc., sent FREE.437 Fifth Ave., New York; Symes Building, Denver; Peyton Building, SpokaneTEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions w« have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Twentieth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerMETROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.ntuu ii VSSO/7iiiiiniiiiiiiitirii409 ROOMS375 Booms at? $1.75 to $3.50 PEK DAT.. FIRE PROOFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUllllllllllllllllllllllflllWIlllllllllillllllMu B\xitt-InSuperiorityWE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILMEN'S SHOESSuccess has followed honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,we have symbolized Quality.THREE CHICAGO SHOPS106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St.29 E. Jackson Blvd.Gertrude Van Hoesen, '13, is doing assistant extension work with women, in theUnited States Department of Agriculture,Washington, D. C.Weighstill Woods, '13, is located at 112W. Adams street, Chicago.Frank M. Starling, '16, is connected withthe Standard Oil Company, and has leftfor Hong Kong, China.J. G. Lowry, M. A. '18, is Dean of Education at Muskingum College and Superintendent of Schools, New Concord, Ohio.Egbert Robertson, '02, is now practicinglaw at 1422-23 First National Bank Building, Chicago. Law School AssociationMr. Trevor Arnett, '98, Auditor of the University, was elected president of the Association of Business Officers of Universitiesand Colleges of the Middle West at its recent meeting in Chicago. Mr. Arnett presented a paper at one of the sessions on"Business Organization of Universities withExhibit of Organization Charts." Amongthe universities represented were Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Indiana, Iowa,and Michigan. Leo F. Wormser, '04, J. D. '09With Rosenthal, Hamill & Wormser, 105 W. MonroeSt., Chicago. His work on the Reunion Committeewas very effective.Willard Brooks, '08, J. D. '10, is now amember of the firm of Houston & Brooks,429 Beacon Building, Wichita, Kans.Urban A. Lavery, '10, having returnedfrom service in the First Gas Regiment,A. E. F., has resumed the general practiceof law, with offices at 76 West Monroestreet, Chicago, in association with the lawfirm of Gardner & Carton.Devere F. Bustin, '17, is at present employed by the Legal Aid Society of Chicago, at 127 North Dearborn street.OF THE CLASSES 305Association of Doctors of PhilosophyCharles A. Shull, '05, Ph. D. '15, is nowProfessor of Plant Physiology, Universityof Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.At the ninth annual meeting of the American Association of Collegiate Registrarsrecently held at the University of Chicago,Director Charles Hubbard Judd, of theSchool of Education, discussed the "Contribution of Registrars to the Solution ofEducational Problems," and Dean Walter V.Bingham, Ph. D. '08, of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, presented an important paper on "Adaptability of Army Intelligence Tests in College Administration."Among the universities represented at themeetings were Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Columbia.Alpheus W. Dupler, S. M. '15, Ph. D. '16,is Dean and Professor ' of Biology atBridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va.Among the industrial fellowships assignedby the Mellon Institute of the University ofPittsburgh are five to men who receivedtheir Doctor's degree from the Universityof Chicago. Dr. Ernest Dana Wilson, 1915,conducting researches was assigned the industrial fellowship on leather belting, forwhich $3,800 a year has been available. Thefellowship expired this spring. Dr. BertAllen Stagner, 1914, is doing research workon the commercial use of hair. This fellowship, which has an appropriation of $3,000a year, expires" October 1. The researchesby Dr. James Bert Garner, 1897, concern thesubject of gas, and the fellowship, whichhas an appropriation of $7,500 a year, expires September 1.Thomas Wearing, Ph. D., Divinity School,'17, is principal of Woodstock (Ont.) Baptist College.Dr. Albert Eustace Haydon, Ph. D., 'IS, hasbeen appointed to an instructorship in theDepartment of Comparative Religion in theUniversity. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000V^£M ■i-VOFFICERSErnest A. Hamill, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentD. A. Moulton, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentJames G. Wakefield, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierEdward F. Schoeneck, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierJoseph C. Rovensky, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Chauncey B. BorlandEdward B. ButlerBenjamin Carpenter Clyde M. CarsErnest A. HamillCharles H. Hulburd Charles L. HutchinsonMartin A. RyersonJ. Harry Selz Edward A. SheddRobert J. Thorne Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOREmployers and College WomenChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepers,Draughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines.1804 Mailers Bldg.S S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central S336£Sft TYPEWRITERS ju/- " -filBsL a" ma'tes' a" models, guaran-^KfS-ri<{gSplliaia leed for five years. *JSa5iFrom $15.00 up. Why pay $100.00?Olivers, Remingtons, Monarchs, Underwoods,Smiths, Hammonds, Etc.DROP IN AND PAY US A VISITor write for free trial offer, descriptions, prices, andspecial five day discount offer. We ship from Coastto Coast, with exchange privilege.Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing HouseNorthwestern University Building193 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhone Central { [l{]jj|"Chicago"Alumni —understand that a collegedegree but serves as a favorable introduction to the business or professional world.Successful men, everywhere,vouch for the need of continuedstudy and application to makegood its promise.The Correspondence-Study Department of your Alma Mater is designed to facilitate such study in Business, Literature, Science, Theology, andEducation . To you, The University ofChicago needs no introduction.Write today for the 1918-1919 Circular ofits successful Correspondence-Study Department, addressingMMIIttHllllllllllllimThe University of Chicago(Box S) - - - Chicago, Illinois Settlement NewsThe Adult Clubs from all of the Settlements belonging to the Chicago Federationof Settlements held a most interesting Sunday afternoon meeting at Hull House onMay 18. The program consisted of folk-dances and songs given for the most partin the national costumes by groups representative of the various Settlement neighborhoods. Miss Emily Janovsky, a memberof the University of Chicago Settlementclubs, sang in costume several very effective and dramatic Bohemian songs.The Annual Meeting of the Settlementwas held on Wednesday evening, May 21.The entire house was thrown open. Beforeand after dinner the guests were entertained by Boy Scout and Girl Scout drills,an exhibition of Czecho-Slovak handiwork,folk dances and songs by the "Little Neighbors" in old country costumes and by theKindergarten Orchestra.Miss Anna Koutecky, (U. of C, 1917)and Mr. Harry Rosenberg (U. of C, 1913,U. of C. Law School. 1915) have recentlybeen elected members of the SettlementBoard. Both have been active members ofsettlement clubs, and Mr. Rosenberg, before entering military service, was leaderof a flourishing Boys' Debating Club. MissKoutecky, representing both the SettlementBoard and the Settlement NeighborhoodCouncil, was a speaker at the National Settlement Conference in Philadelphia May 30.The Young Men's Christian Associationhas blossomed out in great shape. Threerooms in Ellis have been taken over, onea reading room, another the office, and thethird a cabinet and meeting room. Earlyin the quarter Clarence Brown, '19, andElbert G. Stevens, who are acting as secretaries, Stevens in charge, got representative campus men together and formulateda new and considerably more active association. Ambitious plans seem to be succeeding very well. Weekly discussiongroups and a World Problems Forum, inaddition to numerous lectures and socialevents, are held. A formal opening of thenew quarters took place January 10, andthe annual reception held in conjunctionwith the Y. W. C. L. was given January 31.The officers of the organization are:Charles Greene, president; Buel Hutchinson, vice-president, and Edgard Johnson,'22, recorder. Elmer Donahue, '21, JohnJoseph, '20, Leland Morgan, '19, SumnerVeazey, '19, George Martin, '19, JosephEaton, '20, Chancellor Dougal, '20, NorrisBalke, '19, Kenneth Mather, '20, and Howard Beale, '20, make up the first cabinet.REVIEW 307(Continued from page 301)at the play was, as far as practicable, byclasses, and throughout these events various class yells and songs were given, anddid much to liven up the gatherings.Ph. D. Association LuncheonThe annual luncheon of the Associationof Doctors of Philosophy was held onTuesday, June 10th, at the Quadrangle Club.Over eighty Doctors attended, and an unusual interest was manifested in the University and in the activities of the Association. Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, '98, presidedProfessor H. E. Slaught, Secretary of theAssociation, managed the luncheon, and reported on the progress the Association hasbeen making during the last year. DeanAngell delivered a most interesting addresson the work of the National Research Council, of which he will be the head duringthe coming year. This luncheon was a greatsuccess.Law School Association DinnerThe first annual dinner of the Law SchoolAssociation was held at the Hotel La Salleon Wednesday, June 11, at 6:30 p. m. Thedinner was arranged by Alice Greenacre,J. D. '11, President of the Association, andCharles F. McElroy, J. D. '15, Secretary.About fifty attended, perhaps the largestgathering of Law School Alumni at any Re-(Continued on page 310)FIRST flKIMlSl CHICAGODeveloped through the growth and experience of more thanhalf a centuryThe First National Bank of ChicagoJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Frank O. Wetmore, Presidentand theFirst Trust and Savings BankJames B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board Melvin A. Traylor, Presidentoffer a complete financial service, organized and maintained at amarked degree of efficiency. Calls and correspondence are invitedrelative to the application of this service to local, national and tointernational requirements.Combined resources over $300,000,000, Alice GreenacreAlice Greenacre, 'OS, J. D. '11, who retires asPresident of the Law School Association, after a termof office that has strengthened that organization ; shewill continue as a Delegate to the Council for the Association. She is a successful lawyer, having built up alarge practice in connection with her father's firm at70 W. Monroe St., Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEC. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ben H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Norman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, >isINSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201 423 Insurance Exchange ChicagoTel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229, insurance exchange building175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex '13, Manager, Union Mutua1Life Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7West Madison Street CHICAGO Marriages, Engagements,Births, Deaths.MarriagesAnnouncement is made of the marriageof David R. Kennicott, '05, to Nina Spaf-ford, at Winnetka, April 26th. Mr. andMrs. Kennicott will reside at llll Sprucestreet, Winnetka, 111.Willowdean Chatterson, '09, to EdwardSmith Handy III; at home, Cambridge,Mass.Florence Oliphant, '12, to Mr. Fred GroveFrankenberry, United States Marine Corps,on Saturday, December 28, 1918, at St.Joseph, Mo.Freda Marie Bright, '14, is now Mrs. JohnD. Chappelle. Mr. and Mrs. Chappelle reside at 346 Lafayette avenue, Kansas City,The marriage of Miss Gertrude Buckingham Palmer of Milwaukee and Rudy D.Matthews, '14, took place at 5 p. m., Tuesday, June 10th, at the Palmer home in Milwaukee. Miss Palmer is a graduate ofDobbs Ferry on the Hudson, '17. Thewedding was a very quiet one because ofthe fact that Matthew's brother, Richard,was killed in action as a day bombing aviator on September 26, 1918. The weddingparty included Harvey L. Harris, '14, andFrancis T. Ward, '15.Marion Ray Larkin, '15, to Bert ForestHarman, 4886 Magnolia avenue, Chicago.Elizabeth Louise Drott, A. M., '16, toIrving Richard Davis. Home, 4703 NorthAdams street, Spokane, Wash.BirthsTo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton Walker (Eva Southworth, '11) a son, JohnIngraham, November, 1918, at Lima, Montana.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prole Rumsey(Gertrude Fish, '12) have a son, WillistonFish, born April 4th at Pittsburgh, Pa.Born to Captain and Mrs. T. A. Knott(Mr. Knott, Ph. D. '12), May 11, 1919, adaughter, Margaret Carlisle, Washington,D. C.To Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gray, adaughter, on February 5, 1919. Gray, '14, isa captain in the U. S. M. C.Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Spaulding(Kathleen M. Steinbauer, '16) announce thearrival of Charles Frederick, May 2, 1919,Columbia, S. C. MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial. SUMMER COURSES PAUL MOSER, Prin.Ph. B. 1910. J. D. 1912. U. of C.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 5158lht!.*, ji.\u.-u,jimENTS, BIRTHS, DEATHS 309DeathsMrs. Alice Boise Wood, wife of Rev.Nathan E. Wood, A. B. '72, D. B. '75, agraduate of the old Chicago University,died at Arlington, Mass., March r>S, 1919.A brief notice of her death appeared in theMay issue. Mrs. Wood was a daughterof Prof. James R. Boise, who was head ofthe department of Greek in the University,and at the time of the founding of the University of Chicago was a member of theDivinity School Faculty, and came to theUniversity from Morgan Park.Mrs. Wood was the first woman graduateof the University, and was the first womanto receive a degree, receiving the degreesof A. B. and M. A. She was a teacher ofGreek in the old University, and was aworthy coworker in that department, whichwas given such distinction by the remarkable work of her father, one of the bestteachers in that school for many years.Mrs. Wood was a rare scholar and had anexpert knowledge of Greek, Latin, Frenchand German. She made many contributionsto literature, especially in poetry.Her sisters are Mrs. Julius W. Johnsonof Chicago and Mrs. Reuben G. Bush ofNew Orleans, who were also students andva'.ued teachers in the old University. Sheis survived by her husband and three sons,Nathan R. Wood, Reuben S. Wood andBasil B. Wood, and two grandsons.Frank C. Bingham, '86, died of heart failure, September 6, 1917, at Kansas City, Mo.(Notice printed at the request of a relative.)Grace Chapman, '04, died May 15, 1918,at her home, 3840 Harrison boulevard, Kansas City, Mb.Lill:an Mae Ryder, '15, died July 6, 1916,at Manitowoc, Wis. (This notice is printedat the request of her sister.)Mrs. Beatrice O'Neal Bouton, A. M. '18,died of pneumonia, May 2, 1919, at Spring-dale, Ark., where she was visiting her husband, Lieutenant Bouton, U. S. A., who hadjust returned from service abroad. Mrs.Bouton did exceptional scholarly workwhile at the University.Mrs. Herbert E. Slaught, wife of Dr.Slaught, '98, died June 11th, after an illnessof several years, at the Slaught residence,5548 Kenwood avenue, Chicago. Paul H. Davis ftGompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on request.PAUL H.DAVIS, '11.N. Y. Life Bldg.— CHICAGO — Rand. 2281You have a standing invitation lo call and inspect ourplan! and np-lo-date facilities. We own Ihe building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both lo meetthe requirements ef our customers.Wooers & hall Co.One of the largest and mostcomplete Printing; plants in theUnited States.Printing andAdvertising Advisers and theCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications PRINTERSPUBLICATIONMake a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large. Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseLet DiEstimate onYour NextPrinting Order(We AreStrong on OurSpecialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381WE PRINT(EheTtofoersitp of(IhfcagoHagajfncfif hurstH CAROLINAS^STHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHotel Del Prado(Blackstone and the Midway)Adjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of-townstudents, and the logical home for the relatives of students and foralumni while visiting the University.It takes pride in the fact that it has for years entertained manyAlumni, Faculty Members, and Fraternities of the University ofChicago.One distinctive feature is its constant emphasis on the "home"element in the care of its guests.ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE(Continued from page 307)union. Mr. Thurlow G. Essington, J. D. '08,who is State Senator from the Thirty-ninthDistrict of Illinois, at Streator, was thespeaker. Senator Essington spoke on legislative problems. The Association electionof officers resulted as follows: President,Jose W. Hoover, '09; Vice-President, Norman Prichard, 'OS; Secretary-Treasurer,Charles F. McElroy, '15; Delegates to theCouncil, Alice Greenacre, Charles F. McElroy and Jose W. Hoover. The enthusiasm manifested at this dinner indicatedthat the Law School Association wouldmake much progress in the coming year.Detailed ProgramA more detailed program of the Reunionfollows :Thursday, June 5W. A. A. Dinner, Ida Noyes Hall."C" Dinner, Hutchinson Cafe.Alumni Smoker, Reynolds Club.Friday, June 6Fraternity Reunion Dinner, ChapterHouses.University Aides Dinner, Ida Noyes Hall.University Sing, Hutchinson Court.Informal Dance, Reynolds Club. Saturday, June 7Alumnae Breakfast, Ida Noyes Hall.Twenty-fifth Anniversary of EsotericClub.Conference Track Meet, Stagg Field.Special Hall Reunions at the Halls.Class Reunions, Shanty and Class Tents.General Alumni Dinner, Hutchinson Commons.Blackfriars' "Naughty Nineties," MandelHall.Sunday, June 8Convocation Religious Service, MandelHall.Monday, June 9Class and Group Reunions, as selected.Senior Class Day Events, Quadrangles.Convocation Reception, Quadrangles.Tuesday, June 10Ph. D. Association Luncheon, QuadrangleClub.One Hundred and Eleventh Convocation,Quadrangles.Wednesday, June 11Law School Association Dinner, HotelLa Salle.NOTICES 311Book NoticesProblems of Fertilization, by Frank R.Lillie. There is perhaps no phenomenonin the field of biology that touches so manyfundamental questions as the union of thegerm cells in the act of fertilization. Theelements that unite are single cells, eachusually incapable, under natural conditions,of continued existence or development; butby their union a rejuvenated individual isformed which constitutes a link in the eternal procession of life by virtue of its powerof reproduction.The purpose of the latest addition tothe University of Chicago Science Series,Problems of Fertilization, by ProfessorFrank R. Lillie, Chairman of the Department of Zoology, is to focus on the moment of fertilization itself, and to give acritical statement of the progress of investigation on this subject up to the presenttime. The discussion is an outgrowth ofthe author's own studies in this field, incorporating, however, into a single treatment the entire literature of the subject.The book is written so as to be intelligibleto any scientifically educated person.A large share of the recent work on fertilization, including the author's own work,has been carried out at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Hole, Massa chusetts, of which Professor Lillie has beenthe director since 1908. Published by theUniversity of Chicago Press.Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, ofHarvard University, who is now in theNear East as a representative of the American Board of Commissioners for ForeignMissions, has just finished an importantbook on the development and internationalrelations of modern missions, which theUniversity of Chicago Press is to publishshortly under the title of The Spread ofChristianity in the Modern World.Attempting a survey of the history ofmissions since the beginning of the modernera, about 1757, the author depicts the missionary movement against the backgroundof general history and sets forth the relation of missionary endeavor to contemporary conditions, political and commercial,social and intellectual. He shows the partwhich missions have played in making themodern world what it is, and the influencethe modern world has had on missions.Dr. Moore gives especial attention to themissionary situation in India, Japan, China,the Ottoman empire and the Moslem world,and Africa.Jahn &011ier Ingravin^GotCOLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES & DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO fThe Editor of the*" ' LONDON PROCESSWORKER Said-"\ found theJAHN and OLL1ERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up-to-DateEngraving PlantVi^^ in Chicago"<©>THE UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Story of Your Study LampIF you were studying by an old smoky oil lamp and suddenly amodern, sun-like MAZDA lamp were thrust into the room, thecontrast would be dazzling. That instant would unfold theresult of thirty years' development, research and manufacturingin electric lighting.And this development commencedwith Edison's first lamp — hand-made,when electricity was rare.The General Electric Company was apioneer in foreseeing the possibilitiesof Edison's invention. Electric generators were developed. Extensive experiments led to the design and construction of apparatus which wouldobtain electric current from far-awaywaterfalls and deliver it to every cityhome.With power lines well distributed overthe country, the use of electric lighting extended. Street lighting developed from the flickering arc to the great white way. Electric signs andfloodlights made our cities brilliant atnight, searchlights turned night intoday at sea , and miniature lamps wereproduced for the miner's headlightand automobile.While the making of the electrical industry, with its many, many interests, was developing, the GeneralElectric Company's laboratories continued to improve the incandescentlamp, and manufacturing and distributing facilities were provided, sothat anyone today can buy a lampwhich is three times as efficient as thelamp of a few years ago.GeneralPj^lElectricCoiri^any Schenectad^General OfficeTHE Brunswick requires no exclusive artists. Itplays all records — and at their best.The "Ultona" Reproducer and the new "Tone Amplifier"— exclusive Brunswick features — make perfect reproduction possible with all makes of records.The Brunswick Phonograph Shop225 South Wabash Avenue,cVS^s?£d>AK W WI mlof Hats!Plenty of Ideas! 'Manufacturers tell us that there is a straw hatshortage this year.Not at Capper & Capper's.There is an abundant supply; we are gettingmore right along.What is even more important, there is anabundant supply of hat ideas.Last year it seemed as though straws could notbe improved upon.But this .year we worked out some new ones with ourhatters. The Ping Chu and the University, for instance."Adding good hats like these to the dress resources ofmen, season after season, is one of the things that hasestablished Capper & Capper, in a few years, as one ofthe leading hatters of the country.TWO CHICAGO STORESMichigan Avenue at Monroe Street Hotel ShermanClothing is sold at the Michigan Avenue Slore onlyChicago London Detroit Milwaukee Minneapolis