18 19PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COUNCILVoL XI No. 5 March, 1919one of the divisions of the Universityand is Organized primarily to print and publishscientific and educational books, mpnographs andjournals. It maintains special facilities not only forsupplying the trade, but also for retailing. TheUniversity of Chicago Press is ready to serve thepublic either in printing or in publishing.The manufacturing plant is equipped to do all kinds of printing and book-making. In the composing room, apart fromthe common fonts of book and job type for hand composition, the Lanston monotype machine is employed. Assortments of accents, mathematical and astronomical signs, andfonts of Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, and Ethiopic typeare a part of the mechanical equipment. A completelyequipped stereotyping foundry is also maintained. Thepressrooms contain job and cylinder presses and the binderyis equipped with the necessary machinery for the productionof firstrclass bookwork. The binding of magazines and important manuscripts, as well as the rebinding of old volumes ,is given special attention. Prices will be given upon receiptof information as to the nature of the work to be done.A catalogue which rimy be had upon application gives prices ;of all publications. Special descriptive catalogues or descriptive circulars' of individual .titles or series are also available ■for distribution upon request. The list of 'book titles now •numbers about eight .hundred, and twenty*seven journals are iregularly issued, in addition to the proceedings and papers of Ivarious scientific and educational societies for which the Pressis the publishing agent. Inquiries regarding books of a \special nature and requests for information will be given Jpersonal attention. Address all communications to jTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS5859 ELLIS AVE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS©nfoersttp of Chicago Jtflaga?tneEditor, James W. Linn, '97. Business Manager, John F. Moulds, '07.Advertising Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November io July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. II The subscription price is $2.00 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. H Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. U Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $2.18), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $2.27), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).If Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch S, 1879.Vol. XL CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1919 No. 5Frontispiece: The British Educational Mission.Government Notices Events and Discussion Alumni Affairs The Brave Soldiers of Italy. (By Professor Clark)The Higher Commissions The Letter Box News of the Quadrangles Athletics University Notes The Roll of Honor Alumni and Alumnae in War Service News of the Classes and Associations Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths Book Notices 153 155157159160162163169171172176177182188190Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Frank McNair.Secretary-Treasurer, John Fryer Moulds.The Council for 1918-19 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Mrs. L. K. Markham, Ruth Prosser, John FryerMoulds, Albert W. Sherer, Alice Greenacre, Harold H. Swift, Frank McNair, Scott Brown, John P. Mentzer, William H. Lyman, Mrs. Agnes CookGale, Emory Jackson, Mrs. Ethel Kawin Bachrach, Earl Hostetter, Leo F.Wormser.Prom the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Edgar J. Good-speed, H. L. Schoolcraft.From the Divinity Alumni Association, Walter Runyan, Edgar J. Goodspeed, WarrenP. Behan.From the Law School Alumni Association, Hugo Friend, George Mathews, MaryBronaugh.From the Chicago Alumni Club, France Anderson, Walker McLaury, Bradford Gill.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Martha Landers Thompson, Mary McDonald,Charlotte Foye.From the University, James R. Angell.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank McNair, Harris Trust & Savings Bank., Chicago.Secretary, John F. Moulds, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Edgar J. Goodspeed, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, John L. Jackson, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, Walter L. Runyan, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident. Alice Geenacre, 70 W. Monroe St., Chicago.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, 1609 Westminster Bldg., Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holder of two or moredegrees from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association; insuch instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Associations involved.154UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 155Government and Other NoticesNotice to "Chicago" Soldiers SeekingEmploymentIf you are seeking a position, the following agencies will assist you:The Chicago Chamber of Commerce, 10S. LaSalle Street.The U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 10 S.LaSalle Street.The State Council of Defense, 120 WestAdams Street.Mr. Hall, Secretary, Intercollegiate College club, 16 West Jackson Blvd.Mr. Walker McLaury, Chicago AlumniClub, University of Chicago, National CityBank of Chicago, 105 South Dearborn St.The Alumni Office, Cobb Hall, Universityof Chicago.The Employment Bureau, University ofChicago.The U. S. Employment Bureau, FederalBuilding, Chicago.For women who may be seeking positions:In addition to the State Council of Defense and University of Chicago Agencieslisted above:The Chicago Alumnae Club, Ida NoyesHall, University of Chicago.Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, 904 Stevens Bldg., Chicago.The purpose of the above list is to assistany "Chicago" graduate or former studentwho, returning from war service, may nowbe seeking a position. Getting in touchwith the people or places named will eitherput you in line for a position or enable youto obtain helpful advice on obtaining satisfactory employment.The situation in general, it should beborne in mind, is now somewhat acute.Many who are seeking new positions, oftenentirely different from their former occupation, have not returned to their formeremployers. It is our advice that, unlessyou have a new position already beforeyou, you first return to your job held before the war, which in practically all in stances is still kept open for you. This willassure you employment at once; anychange you may be contemplating can thenbe made later under more favorable conditions. Do not immediately, and oftenneedlessly, put yourself at once "on themarket," wherever you can avoid it. Accept the situation as it is now, and do whatyou can in your own way to relieve thepresent employment difficulties.Educators Pass Resolution on ThriftThe leading educators of the UnitedStates pledged their support to the thrifteducation movement of the United StatesTreasury on February 28th when the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association in session atChicago adopted the following resolution:"As essential to character formation, tothe welfare of the American people, andto the promotion of a national habit, weurge that the national program of thriftinstruction, and the sale of Thrift andWar Savings Stamps become a permanentpart of the public school procedure. Werecommend that a committee of the National Education Association be named tocooperate with the Savings Division of theTreasury Department in pushing a campaign in all state school systems."PREPAREFOR THEVICTORY LOANFifth Liberty Bonds WillComplete OurVICTORYTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEftfe■ .,.*S * ■/ . »i^i^i^BB"!.UiiMMi ►J8 O qjl-t wn, mo. WMK5 uwago S2Mog« c<O«om< sess s<O ^-0" liC&£«< .8.C> CO•aCmc «H O «u) oPQWWiH pq au £M *•i.stoSi3 oW o■3EUniversity of ChicagoMagazineVolume XI MARCH, 1919Events and DiscussionThe University has definitely adopted thepolicy of giving academic credit for workin the army and navy.War-Service Every student whoCredit wishes such credit isrequired to file with theuniversity examiner a statement of his war-service — when he enlisted, what courses hehad in training, with evidence that he satisfactorily completed them, and when he wasdischarged. If he was in the service sixmonths or more, and can present a statement of work and study which is' at leastequivalent in hours to what he would havedone had he remained in college, and if hiscollege record is B — or better, he automatically receives six majors toward hisdegree; in other words, he may graduatewith thirty majors. If he was in serviceless than six months, or if his academicaverage was below B —, his case is handledas an individual submission of a claim foradvanced standing. This is in part simplyan extension *of a former ruling wherebymen who were within six majors of theirdegree when they entered service, and whohad a B record or better, automatically received their degrees after six months inservice. A further action is in the case ofpreparatory school students who did notcomplete their four years. Any such student who offers twelve preparatory schoolunits, and who was in service nine monthsor more, may be admitted to the university;with thirteen units and six months' service;or with' fourteen and three months' service;fifteen units, it will be remembered, constituting the regular entrance requirement. The quality of the grades of the units submitted must be the same as before, and toget his degree with thirty-six majors anysuch student must have at least two extragradepoints for each half-unit so allowed.That is to say a boy who is admitted withtwelve units must have a minimum of 84instead of 72 gradepoints for graduation.Alumni will be doing the university and theyoung men of their acquaintance a favor ifthey will spread the information containedin the foregoing paragraph.The only cases still obscure are those ofmen who left college before the war brokeout, but enlisted later. Several such caseshave been presented; one, for instance, ofa well-known former student who left Chicago in 1902, within six majors of his degree; enlisted in 1917 and served with credit.Shall the university now grant him his degree? There are strong reasons both forand against doing so. How about a specialdegree in such cases, honoris causa?Captain and Professor Charles E. Merriam was badly beaten in his effort to securethe Republican nomina-Captain tion for mayor, receiv-Merriam ing officially only atrifle over 18,000 votes.The actual vote for him was probably a fewthousands larger, but not great enough tomake an investigation important. He wasbeaten by the apathy of the voters, less thansixty per cent of whom went to the pollson February 25; by the efforts of theDeneen-Brundage machine on behalf ofOlson, or at any rate in opposition to Mer-THE UNIVERSITY OFriam; and by the solidity of the Thompsonorganization. The Chicago Evening Postcharges openly, and without apparent fearof libel suits, that Deneen had no particulardesire to beat Thompson, preferring a sortof understood alliance whereby the Deneenorganization got patronage from Thompson. This is as it may be. It was obviousfrom the first that Merriam was wanted byno big political organization, because hecould not be controlled; Deneen told himthat, frankly. One Olson lieutenant, Mr.Thomas Knight, offered Merriam the citycomptrollership if he would withdraw fromthe race here. When Merriam published thisfact, Olson denied that Knight representedhim or had authority. The field is nownarrowed to Thompson, Sweitzer, Hoynewho runs as an independent Democrat, andFitzpatrick, . the independent Labor candidate. As Hoyne and Sweitzer will splitthe Democratic vote, Thompson will probably win again, which is about what wedeserve. The only bright spot in the primaries was the nomination in the SixthWard ("the university ward) of CharlesScribner Eaton '00, to fill the unexpiredterm of Dr. Nance. The nomination is ofcourse equivalent to election, so that theSixth can count on a well-trained and intelligent alderman to assist Alexander McCormick. Mrs. Eaton, it will be remembered, was Davida Harper, daughter ofPresident Harper.In his sympathetic undergraduate fashionMr. John Joseph comments elsewhere inthis issue on the pres-The Dramatic entation by the Dra-Club matic Club, in Mande!on Feb. 28 and March 1,of "Seven Keys to Baldpate." The Clubspent five hundred dollars on the performance and cleared nearly three hundred. Theperformance of "Fashion" last year costthree hundred and lost five. These twofacts are significant of what? Apparentlythat the Dramatic Club must be contenteither to offer "popular" plays or to doubleone foot over the edge of a financial precipice. "Fashion" was a revival of a play CHICAGO MAGAZINEhistorically important and interesting; the"Seven Keys" is a pleasant entertainment,without the least relation to academicthought or responsibility. What is the business of a college dramatic club? If to giveits audience amusement, and its membersa chance to develop their technique of acting, then no apology is needed for the choiceof "Seven Keys." Buf if it is haunted bya consciousness of responsibility for theadvancement of learning, such things as"Seven Keys" keep it- awake nights.A fund was three years ago establishedby an alumnus whoThe Moody prefers not to beLectures named, the incomefrom which goes toproviding occasional lectures for the university and its friends; these lectures to begiven by as good men as can be secured, onsubjects in no defined field. But the fundwas named the William Vaughn MoodyFund and the lectures are called the Moodylectures; and inasmuch as Mr. Moody was apoet and playwright, it has generally beenassumed that the material of the lectureswould be steadily literary. So far the lectures have included writers like StephenLeacock, Paul Elenore More, poets likeAlfred Noyes, Robert Frost and JohnMasefield. Nevertheless there has beendissatisfaction. The quality of the lectureshas on the whole not been what was hopedfor. Moody was a great man; the lecturesare generously endowed; and it seems tosome as if more could be made of the fund.The Lowell lectures in Boston are almost anationl institution; each year they are a unit,they are published later as the Lowell Lectures; and they mean much in tradition. Thecommittee in charge here take their job veryseriously, and are eminently fitted for it:but would they regard as criticism the suggestion that the lectures be more unified.and of a more definite type? One yearGeorge P. Baker on plays and play-writing;another year Samuel Crothers on the essay;a third year Percy Mackaye on currentpoetry; a fourth year Wilbur L. Cross onthe novel — are these tenable suggestions?They are offered not to be accepted but togive a basis for discussion.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 159Alumni AffairsWalter L. HudsonWalter L. Hudson, '02, who has been selected asChairman of the Reunion Committee. He is with thebond department, Harris Trust and Savings Bank,Chicago. Prominent in college, energetic and loyal,a successful reunion is "on the cards" under his guidance and leadership.Dinner to President and Mrs. JudsonThe Chicago College Club gave a dinnerin honor of President and Mrs. HarryPratt Judson on Tuesday evening, March11th, at 6:30 o'clock, at the club roomsin the Stevens Building. President Judsonspoke concerning the recent AmericanCommission to Persia and the Near-East.of which he was a member. A number ofmembers of the Chicago Alumnae Club,Chicago Alumni Club, and Law SchoolAssociation of the University of Chicago,and their husbands and wives, attended.Alumnae Club Entertains SoldiersOn February 16 members of the University of Chicago Alumnae Club entertained men in uniform at the Chicago CollegeClub, Stevens Building, with a dinner anda program. Miss Alice Greenacre hadcharge of. the program.New Washington Club Elects OfficersThe second meeting of the Universityof Chicago Alumni Club of Washington,D. C, was held on Tuesday, February 18.A constitution and plan of organizationwas presented by the committee appointedat the previous meeting composed ofMartha Green, Helen Strong, BarbaraSells, Mrs. John Barber, Mrs. Scott V.Eaton, and Captain Thomas Knott. Boththe constitution and plan of organization,which contemplates having both alumni andalumnae as club members, were adopted.The following were elected as the firstofficers of the club: President. CaptainThomas A. Knott, '12; vice-president, MissMartha Green, '13; secretary-treasurer,Miss Helen Timberlake, '16.The attendance was larger than that ofthe first meeting, over fifty attending.Among those who attended are: CaptainJohn M. Manley, Captain David W.Stevens, Captain Colby, Major Moulton,Lieutenant Philbrick Jackson, LieutenantSietsema, Connor B. Shaw, Mrs. Barber,Miss Van Nest, Ruth Herrick, Helen. Timberlake, Regis Lavery, Theo Griffith,Theresa and Celia Quigley, BlancheCheney, Eleanor Hunter, Vera Donecker,Mildred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Scott V.Eaton.An executive committee was chosen.made up of the officers, the chairman ofa membership committee, and the chairmanof an entertainment committee. The newclub cordially invites all "Chicago" graduates, former students, and faculty members in Washington to join; a card to MissBarbara Sells, 1769 Columbia Road, of themembership committee, will bring full particulars. As one of its activities the clubhas already arranged for visits to woundedand ill "Chicago" soldiers who are at theWalter Reed Hospital. From the general(Alumni Affairs continued on page 181)THE BRAVE SOLDIERS OF ITALYThe Brave Soldiers of ItalyBy Professor S. H. Clark[Professor Clark returned last November from athree months' visit, in Y. M. C. A. work, on thefronts in France and Italy and is therefore particularly qualified to speak on matters pertaining to thewar. In his travels throughout Italy he was particularly impressed with the wonderful spirit of theItalians, their sacrifices, their aims and ambitions andmore than all dsc their admiration for the Americansand their high ideals so like those of the Italians.Since his return Mr. Clark's services as a speakerhave been in such demand that he has not found itpossible to write out his impressions. We are fortunate in having secured this article from him. Asnoted in the February isstie. Professor Clark is now ona speaking tour for the League of Peace. IAlthough Americans have heard of theheroic work accomplished by the Italiansoldier, the story of his indomitable courage in the presence of almost insurmountable obstacles cannot be told too frequently. "Lest we Forget."Britain's valor at Cambrai, Rheims, andlions; France's valor at the Marne and atVerdun; the valor of our own boys atChauteau Thierry and in the Argonne willnever be forgotten so long as the causeof Liberty is held dear; but on the samepage that recounts those valorous achievements will be found the tale of Italy's sonsalong the line from Cimi di Fonte to thelow lying plains of the Piave river.It was my Rood fortune to visit the highspot1- (in both senses) of this battle line in October, 1918, and I will tell you brieflya few of my experiences.When Italy decided to go into the war,she was far inferior to Austria so far asman power, number of trained officers,motor transportation, and food were concerned; and nothing but the bravery, pluck,and endurance of the sons of Italy savedthem from defeat.Fighting in the MountainsIn the Trentino they had to advance fromthe plains up into the mountains 6,000 to10,000 feet high, among glaciers and snow,and in the face of Austria's heaviest artillery fire. And when the objective wasgained at enormous sacrifice, they foundthe enemy entrenched behind five and sixlines of trenches, prepared for years, andwell nigh impregnable. Yet in spite of all,the army of Italy slowly but relentlesslybeat back the enemy at every point.The engineers had to cut roads throughsnow and ice, and even in solid rock onthe face of mountains, transporting gunsand food and clothing and ammunition onmule back a few pounds at a time. Andwhen soldiers and engineers got to the topthey found themselves among wildest blizzards, and in a temperature frequentlytwenty degrees below zero. At other timesthey fought on high plateaus where therewas not a drop of water (as in the Asiago),and where over a million gallons of waterhad to be brought daily for the men andhorses.But their greatest obstacles were the defenses which Austria had built at everypoint along the road and on every pass fortwenty or twenty-five years, when she hadItaly at the cruel disadvantage permittedunder the treaty which Austria forced uponher in previous wars.The Defeat of CaporettoFor over two years Italy won an uninterrupted series of victories, and then suddenly came the tragic defeat of Caporetto.The full explanation of this disaster mustbe left to the future, but this much we canUNIVERSITY OFsafely say: If Caporetto was the greatestdisaster that ever befell Italians, the memory of it was more than wiped out by theglorious victory on its anniversary!I have stood on the top of Cima di Fonteand looked across the terrain separatingItalian and Austrian trenches; and made myway through miles of barbed wire entanglements; and visited the thousands of splendid Italian soldiers, Bersagliers, Arditti andAlpini as they walked, or lounged, or laywithin the fortresses of the mountain whosecrest is Cima di Fonte, and I know whatthese heroes have had to contend with. Iclimbed the crest of the "Cima," and gazedup at the observation balloons ten or twelvethousand feet over our heads, and listenedto the deep-throated thunder of the 105'sor 155's, or the sharp snick-snap of the 500-a-minute machine guns, and saw bombsbursting in air as they sought to reachItalian aviators hanging over Austriantrenches, and I know what Italy sufferedand endured in those awful days betweenCaporetto and the Piave!I have been in the trenches on the plainswhere the Piave runs, I could have reachedover the top of the trench and literallydipped my hand into the stream (if I hadn'tfeared the Austrian sniper), and from thisexperience again I learned the valor ofthese splendid men, who took up an "impossible" position after Caporetto and withall the odds against them turned defeat intovictor}'.The Battle of Monte GrappaI have climbed the zig-zag path that leadsto the top of Monte Grappa — but let metell that story in detail:This rugged peak faces the more ruggedand more inaccessible heights occupied bythe Austrian forces, but to the South andat its foot lies the fertile plain of Venetia.And what fertility and what beauty liesthere! Austria had told its peasants and itssoldiers: "See, those plains are to be yours.We have only to take Monte Grappa andthose farms and vineyards belong to you!All the cities of the plains are yours, Yea,from Milan to Venice." And it was true,and every son of Ital}' knew it. If the Aus-trians could take Monte Grappa Italy wasbeaten. Then from every city and hamlet CHICAGO MAGAZINE 161along the highways and byways from thetip of the toe of the boot — trom Calabriato Mestre poured the tens of thousands ofItaly's sons to defend the fatherland, andat= they neared the line of battle they found,nailed to tree and post, and sides of housesthe thrilling placard, "AI Fronte" (To theFront!) To the Front — To the Front! Toarrive there in time to save Italy, that wasthe sole aim that inspired and drove onthese soldiers. Caporetto had to be wipedout. Italy must be saved.Roads Cut in Mountain SidesIt was a bright snappy morning when ourparty began the ascent of Monte Grappa.The road was a miracle of Italian engineering. It is cut in the face of the mountain and turns back on itself continually asit mounts 6,000 feet to the top. It makesno circular turns, but zig-zags for fifteenor sixteen miles from the foot almostto the crest. As it turns from one levelto the next it brings the passengers in theauto to the very brink of precipices withsheer descent of one, two, three, or fourthousand feet. A skid at the wrong moment and it's all over. (A camion containing several soldiers had gone over a fewweeks before, and was smashed to bits, Iwas informed by the chauffeur as wetwisted around a particularly sharp turn!)And those wizards of Italian engineers hadconstructed that road, sixteen miles long,and from fifteen to twenty feet wide, assmooth as a billiard table, in less thanthirty days!The road ends three or four hundred feetfrom the top: and as we got out of our autowe were greeted by a group of Americanambulance boys (one of them was killed afew days later by a piece of shrapnel froman Austrian gun), who were chatting andjollying with their Italian comrades. Here,too, we met that splendid Viking, ColonelGarotti, for he is that. He stands six feettwo, straight as a rod. he wears a heavyfull russet beard, and this and his eyes ofblue complete the picture of the Viking. Helives with his men and his bunk is in a cavein the mountain with his fellow officers.He assigned an adjutant, to guide usthrough the galleries in the very heart ofHIGHER COMMISSIONSthe mountain, galleries he, Gaviotti himself,had planned and cut; and through these sixto eight miles we walked hither and thitheruntil we came out at the other side andstood face to face with the mountain a mileor so away held by Austrian troops. Between the two mountains were long linesof trenches now held by Italians, now byAustrians, and high above the trenchestowered the Austrian-held fortresses. NowI could appreciate the task Italy had hadto face all those long years. Every pointof vantage was in Austrian hands andItalian advances could only be made byclimbing steep hills in the face of theenemy's pitiless fire.Daring of Italian AviatorsIn our eagerness to take in the scene westepped out of our cave forgetting we werein full view of Austrian snipers, until thesound of shrapnel shells bursting above usreminded us we had better "duck." Butthe sight of two Italian planes overheadand flying toward the Austrian trencheswas too thrilling to turn from. So we stoodthere and watched these Italian aviatorscalmly pursuing their way while literallyhundreds of shrapnel shells were burstingaround them. Fortunately they did not"get" our man (we were soon calling them"our" men) who returned after a while withthe photographs they were evidently after.It was time now to think of our safetyand we got out of the spotlight and backinto the observation caves, where gunswere pointed in every direction along whichthe enemy could advance.Marvellous Grappa. Glorious Grappa. Invain did Austria send her hosts against her;but Grappa stood firm and the countlessgraves of Austrian soldiers tell the priceAustria paid. At Verdun the French hadsaved the day with their spirit that foundexpression in the immortal watchword, "Onne passe pas!" (They shall not pass!) ButItaly in adopting the slogan of their FrenchAllies went one step .further: "Non sipassa!" ("They shall not pass!") cried theItalians; but they added, "Passaremo noi"("We Will pass!!"); and four weeks laterthey passed and Austria was beaten. THE HIGHER COMMISSIONS(Additions and corrections)ColonelsBacon, Raymond F., Ph.D., '04, ChemicalWelfare Division, Am. E. F., France.Brown, Carey H., ex-'07, formerly E. 0.T. S., Camp Humphrey, now in the Officeof the Engineer Commission, Washington,D. C.MajorsByran, George S., Ph.D., '14, 35th Division, 1st Battalion, 139th Infantry, Am. E.F., France.Lord, Arthur E., '04, Medical Corps,129th Infantry, 33rd Division, Am. E. F.,France.McLean, Franklin C, '07, Medical Corps,Am. E. F., France.Wheeler, Lester M., ex-'12. U. S. Regular Army, now at Camp McClellan, Anni-ston, Alabama.CaptainsBall, Douglas P., '15, U. S. Infantry,Am. E. F., France.Cadwell, Sidney M., Ph.D., '17, ChemicalWelfare Service, U. S. A.Chapman, Frank A., ex., LT. S. A. A. S.,Am. E. F., Italy.Goes, Arthur A.. Ph. B., '09, PersonnelSection, Adj. -General's DepartmentHayes, Charles S., Ph.B., '02, Construction Division, U. S. A.Parker, Cola G., '10, J. D., '12, Co. F.,86th Infantry, Camp Travis, Texas.Lewin, Philip, '09, Medical Corps, Evacuation Hospital, A. E. F., France.Pincoffs, Maurice, S. B., '09, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A.Plantz, Truman, Jr., J. D. '17, Field Artillery, 33rd Division, A E. F., Germany.Russell, Paul S. Ph. B., '16, 61st Infantry, U. S. A.Shick, Harvey B., ex-'13. Infantry, U. $.A.Stone, Raleigh Webster, ex., 334th Infantry, S4th Division, U. S. A.LETTER BOX 163The Letter BoxThe "Cootie" Has a RivalU. S. Naval Hospital,Portsmouth, N. H.February 3, 1919.Your letter of November 17, 1918, hasfinally reached me. When you mailed it Iwas bound for Bordeaux, on the U. S. S.Charlton Hall, a 10,000 ton transport. Iwas the "Gunnenr Officer" aboard. I shallnot annoy you with an account of the trip,for it was uneventful except for occasional"rough" weather; nor shall I bother youwith an account of my experiences in Bordeaux, because they would seem trifling ascompared with the "red-hot" letters youhave received from the "front."However, I cannot read all of this prattle about "cooties" without feeling humiliated because of the lack of publicity whichsome of our navy's de facto crew havelong since deserved. I refer to the bedbugs and cock-roaches. I'll back ten of ourbedbugs against a hundred of the best"cooties" that ever drew blood, for anyside bet agreeable to the challengees."Of course, I expect half of the "picturerights."Some other time I'll tell you about thecockroaches. Owing to the importance ofeach of these shipmates I think that itwould be lese majeste to attempt to be impartial and at the same time give the propercredit to each — all in the same letter. Noprose that I can command in the presentmoment could so fittingly describe myfriends as a little jingle does — a jinglewritten when the bedbugs were at theirbest.The Navy BugbearIWhen work is o'er, and in my bunkI seek to rest my weary trunk,Who keeps me company day or night,To practise his incisive spite?The bed-bug.IIAnd when asleep upon the deep,I dream that we to victory sweep,Who sticks his sword into my hide,And makes me heave the sheets aside?The bed-bug.IllThen later when my watch I stand.And strain my eyes for "subs" and land.Who makes submerging seem a jest?Be it heaven or hell, I'll 'scape this pest,The bed-bug.IVThe war it seems is nearly throughSo even the Devil should have his due;A hundred wounds my limbs do bear,I'll say he earned the Croix de Guerre. Since that time I have been transferredsuccessively to the U. S. S. Lakewood andto the U. S. Naval Hospital at Portsmouth,N. H. I have about recovered from a veryminor operation, and hope to be dischargedfrom the hospital in a couple of weeks. Atthe time of my discharge I am hoping tobe released from active service also.Please give my best regards to Mr.Charles F. McElroy, the secretary-treasurer of the association.With best wishes to all, I remain,Yours sincerely,Clifford H. Browder, J. D. '16.Ensign U. S. N. R. F., U. S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, N. H.Miss Lingle Tells of Events at MarseillesA. P. O. 752, January 11, 1919.My Dear Miss Greenacre:Your letter dated October 28 reached meon Christma's day. So yours became theChristmas letter and I have delayed answering it because I knew a reply wouldnot reach you in time for the Alumnaemeeting in December.I am stationed at Marseilles in CampCapellete where there are about 3,000American Soldiers. It is a Motor Reception Camp and our men assemble and convoy the cars which are landed here by thethousands. The American ' docks andwarehouses in Marseilles are immense butwe think we have a more interesting sightat our camp; where every variety of armycar and truck are found in all stages fromthe crates to those all ready to be drivenoff. We have ambulances in rows as faras you can see, trucks of many kinds,water tanks, gas tanks, ammunition trucks,repair shops on trucks, cars that carry thesoldiers forward, Fords, Camions, Cadillacs, and Dodges, for the use of the officers. I have ridden in most of them, fora car seldom passes us on the road withoutoffering a lift.The men of the Motor Transport Corpsconvoy the cars up into Northern Franceso we have a constantly changing group ofmen to work with. This is very interesting for it brings us in touch with what isgoing on at the front. Today I talkedwith men of a tank company who haveTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbeen transferred to motor transport sincethe armistice. They have been over a yearin France and have just come down fromCoblenz for cars. Can you imagine howthrilling it is to listen to these men tellof their experiences, the last hard fightbefore the 11th, and their long marcheswith the army of occupation in Germany?They come to us tired out and glad to seethe sun shining, although we too havemud and rain. It means so much to themto find the hot chocolate and sandwicheswe serve in the Y hut, to sit by a brightlire and read some real American magazines; and I did not half realize beforehow much it would mean to them to talkwith American women. Over and overthey have told me in as many differentways. I must have many doubles inAmerica for I resemble ever so manymothers, aunts, sisters and cousins. Thatis the good part about it for these boysare all of them very homesick and it doesthem good to come in contact with something that makes them think of home. Ifwe sew on a chevron, some lad will besitting close by and say, "You don't mindmy watching, do you? I liked to watch mymother sew."We have a new hut built since the armistice in a central part of the camp and thearmy have given us everything possible forour convenience. There are three womensecretaries and we have two French womento help us make the innumerable sandwiches and cups of chocolate which ourboys devour. We have been taking partiessightseeing in Marseilles and to some ofthe historical places near here. Aix-en-Provencale has an interesting library,museum and collection of tapestries. NextSunday we will take a party there of onehundred for an all day excursion. One interesting trip was on the Mediterranean tothe Ille d'lf and around the harbor.We have had invitations on Sundayafternoons to some of the best Frenchhomes for hundreds of our boys. This hasbeen in many ways a splendid thing because otherwise they come in contact withthe worst element in the city. It has beenbard for them to judge fairly of the Frenchpeople and customs. A port town likeMarseilles which has more than doubled in population since the war and which hashordes of African and Asiatic colonialswould necessarily become very lax. Conditions are so bad that much of the cityis restricted to the American soldiers.They naturally feel that French standardsare lower than our own. But the men whohave gone into these real French homesof the better class are delighted and willbring back home a different idea of France.I have gone with them, and have been entertained in some wonderful chateaux. Youwould be proud of our American soldiersif you could see how well they appear.We do not pick the men for these parties,but announce them and take all who askto go. One lad when we sat down at abeautifully arranged table for tea, heaved asigh and said, "This is the first time ineighteen months that I have sat at a tablein a real home and I don't feel as if Ibelonged here."I felt when I was sent to Marseilles thatI was going a long ways from the centerof interest, but I have found every hour tobe absorbing. It is hard to stop work. Inthe spring I hope to go up where all thereal things have been happening. We expect our base to close when the last shipment of cars are cared for.I should be delighted to hear from youagain. Letters from home are always welcomed. I have found a dozen Chicago boysin camp but none from the U. Two Chicago boys who are LT of Wisconsin graduates are editing our camp paper, "TheAccelerator."Cordially yours,Elizabeth Lingle, '00,12 Rue d'Aguessean, Paris.Weston, '01, Tells of Experience on theFrontAudun-le-Tiche, Lorraine,December 26, 1918.Only to think, yesterday was Xmas andthere was nothing in the life here to evensuggest it. The usual army grub was inevidence and the chief occupation, to theextent we worked at all, was in gettingsettled after moving.Up to the 24th we were at Liverduneabout twenty miles south of Metz in theLETTER BOX 165Marbache sector Moselle Valley the mainheadquarters of the 6th corps being atSaizerais about three or four miles away.While there I spent a good deal of timewith the Inspector General riding aroundthe corps area on inspections and investigations. On this work I have seen soldiers living under every condition of comfort and discomfort, living in everything'from pup tents to abandoned chateaux. Ihave eaten at all sorts of messes, sometimes entirely out of doors, sometimes inbarrack buildings, several times in shell-wrecked structures and once in a dugout.I have seen villages absolutely leveled sothat one could pass within a quarter of amile and not know a village had beenthere. On wet days we would go throughmud, mud, mud and then more mud. Anumber of villages in the area were entirely abandoned by the original inhabitants,and in one case an officer of an organization quartered in one of these ruined villages told of a pathetic case of two oldwomen returning and quarreling over acertain ruin, each claiming it had been herhome.We recently got word that our army,the 2d, was to be an army of occupationand finally got orders to move. We loadedour plunder and sent, the enlisted personnel of the office on the trucks. I was fortunate enough to get a ride in the autowith the two Inspector Generals of theoffice. We came up through Belleville,Pont-a-Mousson, passing through the edgeof Metz, that is the suburban part west ofthe river, St. Privet (the scene of a battleof the Franco-Prussian war of 1870), Brieyand Sancy. We supposed we were headedfor the main headquarters at Villerupt, inthe part of Lorraine that remained Frenchafter 1871. However, we finally turned upat Audun-le-Tiche, in the part of Lorraineheld by Germany from 1871 to the recentarmistice, about two miles east of the mainheadquarters. As we were driving throughthis place the chauffeur remarked, "Why,there is one of our corps cars," indicatinga car stopped at the edge of the street. Itwas the car of the Corps Surgeon. Westopped and one of the medical officersstanding by said to our Senior Inspector General: "Colonel, your office is right upstairs." So here we are.This place has I should say about fouror five thousand inhabitants, a large partof whom speak both French and German,but French is the language usually heard.It is in the iron mining region. The Germans on leaving did their best to wreck themines and it will cost hundreds of thousands to put them in working condition.Our railhead, where the trucks go daily todraw our rations, is at Esch-sur-1'Alzette,about three miles east, in Luxembourg, andthe Belgian line is not a great many milesto the north. Our move was one of abouteighty miles. Our officers are located ina mansard-roofed building a good deal likea country courthouse in the U. S. A.I am billeted in the house of a MadameFleuret, a very intelligent little woman,whose husband is in the French Army,and who has two very bright children, aboy of ten and a little girl of eight. Shetold me last night of her husband's military experiences. He was first forced intothe German Army and they kept the poordevil going at a pretty lively jump, servingon the western front, on the Russian Front,in Galicia and finally up to the Belgianfront, where he escaped to the English,who permitted him to go over to theFrench. Since going into the French Armyhe has been serving down in the Salonicaregion. He is to be home on leave in afew days. I wish I had a better knowledgeof French conversation in order to get hisexperiences first hand. Madame's fatherwas an artist and a writer. She showed mehis library, which is quite respectable indeed and a pile of manuscripts about threeor four feet high, among them a history ofAlsace-Lorraine. The billet is as comfortable as an unheated room in a Frenchhouse can be, but there is a damp, chilly,tomb-like dreariness in these stone andconcrete houses that sometimes goes tothe bones. It is quite a lot better than thebillet at Liverdun, which was over a cafe.There I was on the same floor with a'private wine room, in which certain people,sometimes French, sometimes American,were accustomed to celebrate, and occasionally there was no lack of noise. Therewas also a smell of stale tobacco smokeTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat was not quite agreeable. However,when a crowd of French had possession,the rollicking French songs that theywould sing had a charm that made me verywilling to be kept awake. By the way, aFrench bed, a part of the covering ofwhich consists of a feather tick, or pillow,covering the foot half of the bed (supplemented by a couple of army blankets), isone of the warmest things I know of. Itis the getting up in the morning that hurts.This Xmas was a great contrast toThanksgiving. That day I got a pass andwent to Nancy, a city of about 150,000 or200,000 inhabitants, a sort of pocket edition of Paris in its way. There I partookof a turkey dinner served by the Y. M.C. A. at five francs. I came back to Liver-dun on a French leave train, run for thebenefit of French soldiers returning totheir commands. On the platform at thestation, I spotted a nice intelligent lookingboy in French uniform and tried to saysomething in French, without making outvery well. He said: "I think if you talkEnglish, we will get along much better."It seems he was of French birth, but hadbeen brought up in New York, and reallyknew very little French himself, but hadhappened to be caught in France when thewar broke out. He was able to tell methings about the life that I could hardlyhave picked up otherwise. He was a verynice kid indeed.This town, judging from the look of thehouses, is a much newer place than othersI have been in, and there have been somelittle efforts in the direction of modernimprovements, sanitation, etc. The averageFrench town, in that respect, leaves verymuch to be desired. There is, as mightbe expected, considerable of the Germanelement and the people of that persuasionlook at us rather glumly. Night beforelast there was a young woman, a teacherin the place, calling where I am billeted.I made some remarks about the Boches,which seemed to amuse Madame Fleuretvery much. She explained last night thatMademoiselle is Boche. I seemed to bedoomed in getting in trouble that waywhenever opportunity offers. However, inthis case remorse has not killed me yet. Letter from Bob Harris Tells of TrainingDoughboys on the Rhine. He isAthletic Officer of Third Army(University of Chicago athletes coveredthemselves with glory in the war againstGermany; some of them lost their lives,some were decorated with the D. S. C.and some are still over there with the armyof occupation. One of them who was inthe thick of the fighting at Argonne Forestand at St. Mihiel and fortunately emergedwithout a scratch, is Lieut. Bob Harris, ex-Maroon football player and Central Y. M.C. A. basket ball player. He is still overthere, being located at Cochem, Germany,with the fourth corps of the third army.Cochem is a town of Prussia in the Rhineprovince, twenty-four miles southwest ofCoblenz. — The Chicago Daily News."You can hardly realize what it is forme to miss the old ball games after having seen them for the last fifteen yearsor more," writes Harris. "The boys overhere feel the same way. Most of themare eager to get back in time to see mostof the National and American leaguegames. Baseball is the one big topicamong them, and from the enthusiasmthat is shown wajr over here in PrussiaI rather think the national pastime is infor a big year. Many of the soldiers willbe back in time for the season's games.Now that the excitement of the "biggame'' is almost forgotten we get a littletime to think of the folks and happeningsback home. From present indications Iwill be lucky to get back in time to see theworld's series. Reserve seats for me.In the Rainbow Division"After serving with the Rainbow- division for the last five months I have hadto leave the outfit. I hated to do this,for having fought through the St. Mihieland Argonne operations, and havinglearned the sterling qualities of that hardfighting bunch of youngsters I had awarm spot in my heart for every last onein my company. I had been in commandof my company for the last three months.Had a little hard luck. After being recommended for my captaincy a general orderLETTER BOX 167came out cutting out all promotions in theA. E. F. A little tough but not so badwhen one thinks of all these splendid fellows that are crippled for life. When youcome down to it, I guess a fellow thatpassed one year here, and most of that inthe front lines, is pretty lucky to comethrough without a scratch. But don't thinka few of us didn't come pretty close togetting it."I almost forgot to tell you why I leftthe old 42d division. Well, they arem I I :'% *! r/Courtesy of The Chicago Daily News.Bob Harrisboosting athletics over here to beat theband. There is something doing all thetime, and when the boys return home wewill have more real athletics than ever before. Sports ought to be immense.Shaeffer Game to the Last"I was with the 168th infantry, 2d bat-tallion, and Walter Shaeffer, the old Maroon football player, was their scout officer. He was killed while I was withthem. Every one says there is no gamerofficer in the outfit and from what the fellows say he earned a D. S. C. several timesover. The 'stuff' the Old Man of the Midway taught his boys was not forgotten andyou can bet your last dollar they all foughtgamely and died the same way." Emma Clark Writes of Trench Experiencesand the Paris ReunionAlcazar d'Ete, Champs-filysees,v Paris, January 14, 1919.Dear Dean Linn:I never dreamed, back in the good olddays of our English III class in Lexington,that I should ever be writing you fromParis, and especially under the existing conditions, but here I am, living in a queerdump of a little hotel in the Latin Quarter,and working for the American Fund forFrench wounded. A war worker, but eventhough the war is over, still a worker! Forthere is a tremendous lot of work to bedone here, and we are now clothing andfeeding the repatriated and destitute women, children and prisoners.Oh, if in those old days when we rackedour brains for theme topics I might buthave had some of the experiences whichI am having now! Events crowd on eachother's heels so that I scarcely have timeto jot them down in my diary, to say nothing of writing home letters about them.I have had three experiences within thelast ten days, however, which I feel I absolutely must let you know about, andperhaps through you some of the U. of C.alumni whom I can't write individually.A week ago Friday was a red-letter day.I received the Alumni Magazine which myfamily had forwarded on to me from Chicago (and by the way, if my subscriptionhas run out please renew it and collectfrom my mother, for it would be heartbreaking to lose this gold mine of U. of C.news); then I went out on the Champsfilysees where I bumped right into ourMajor Lawrence Whiting, who told me of aU. of C. luncheon the next day and invitedme to attend, and about five minutes farther up the Champs, Rudy Matthewsrounded a corner and almost ran into me.I don't know when I have been so pleasedto see anyone as I was to see Rudy. Wehad a long walk up the Champs, fairlyhurling the latest home gossip at eachother. There are of course other U. of C.people in Paris, but he and the major werethe first I had seen. To celebrate he tookme to a very grand place for luncheon,and paid enough for it to feed a whole fam-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEily back in old Chicago for a month! Butthen, everyone gets mercenary over here.In a country where they charge for waterto drink and water to take a bath in, youalmost have to be a millionaire to existat all.The following day, Saturday, January 4th,was the gala occasion for all U. of C. people in Paris, or who could get to Paris. Wegave a luncheon at the American AviationOfficers' Club in the Champs filysees (inpeace times a tres chic restaurant) in honorof President Judson and the members ofhis commission returning from Persia. Thesurroundings were lovely, the luncheon delicious, the wine of the best, and the partycongenial — what more could one ask?Besides President Judson the guests ofhonor were Mr. Maurice Wertheim of NewYork (the financial head of the PersianCommission); Professor Wm. Jackson(Head of Persian History Department ofColumbia University) and Mrs. Jackson;Mrs. J. Hamilton Lewis; and Mrs. Harahanof Chicago.There were about twenty U. of C. menpresent, among them a major by the nameof Mac Lean, U. of C, 07 (U. S. MedicalCorps), who is soon to go to China to beDean of the new Medical School in HongKong.The other older U. of C. men I unfortunately did not have an opportunity tomeet, so cannot give you their names. Iwas quite busy during luncheon betweenMr. Wertheim with the financial brain onone side and dear old Professor Jackson,with his tales of Persia, on the other. Butthe men whom I had known in college andwho were there were: Lt. Rudy Matthews,Lt. Donahoe (the '16 <£ k #), Lt. Joe Peg-ues. Lt. Birdsall, Sergt. Pink Davis, HilmarBaukhage, George Kuh (who is Rudy Matthews' orderly), LeRoy Baldridge.There was one other U. of C. girl besides myself, a girl from the class of '07,and I am much ashamed to admit that Ihave forgotten her name. The Presidenttcld us in a quite informal and most enjoyable manner of his traveling experiencesto and in Persia, and when it was all overwe drank to his health and Rudy jumpedup and lead a regular old cheer, whichnearly scared -the French waiters into for getting about their tips. All in all, it wasan affair to be remembered, and one whichtied us with bonds anew to the dear oldwhite-haired Prexy, who is strongheartedenough to make these difficult trips for thebenefit of humanity, and to our gloriousAlma Mater, who has made the supremesacrifice of so many of her sons in thisstruggle.I spent all of last week at the Britishfront, going up and down the Sommecountry. Saw Amiens, Montdidier, Albert,Bapaume, Peronne and dozens of smallertowns, trudged through miles of muddytrenches and investigated hundreds of dugouts. I have a lot of notes from this tripand pictures, so will try to bring it backto you all in the States. It would be criminal selfishness to have an opportunity suchas I have had and not bring back something. I also collected with my own handsfrom the battle fields and discovered intrenches all sorts of war material — German spiked helmets and Boche, French andBritish tin hats, bayonets, entrenchingtools, empty shell cases which had beenused as gas alarms, the signs off some ofthe trenches where one of our friends hadlong been in action, buttons from dead Germans' uniforms, a Lewis machine gun case,all kinds of bullets, and even a six-weeks'old fox terrier pup born in a front-linetrench and a beautiful oldL hand-carvedLouis XIII chair which the Boche hadstolen from some chateau and then carrieddown into an officers' dugout near Mesnil.They evidently couldn't carry it with themwhen they retreated. If I make many moretrips to the front I fear I shall have tocharter a steamer to bring my things home.As you see, I could write on forever, but Iknow you are wearied long ere this.Please remember me very kindly to Mrs.Linn and your two adorable little daughters. I wish so I might see them, and I'msure they would love my little puppy "Tuppence."Give my best to all my friends aroundthe University and please, Mr. Editor, keepthat much-appreciated magazine coming tome. We still all prefer the good oldL1. S. A. to France (belle as she is).Sincerely,Emma A. Clark.OF QUADRANGLES 169News of the QuadranglesThe campus is going fast and furious.Not content with launching every logicalwinter quarter enterprise, it brings innumerous other events, leftovers from theautumn quarter war conditions. Fraternitiesand clubs, fearful of their social reputations, are holding elaborate parties, andwhile the young women are looking in vainfor beauty naps young men are searchingfor the needed wherewithal, declaring complete financial ruination. The paths ofpeace are not so easy after all.The return of President Judson was th©first big event of the month. Prexy arrived in Chicago on the morning of February 5th and was greeted by an enthusiastic delegation both at the train and athis home. Charles Greene, '19, presidentof the Undergraduate Council, made aspeech of welcome. A reception was heldthat evening after the President had talkedbriefly of his trip before a large audiencein Mandel Hall.Next day class elections were held. Thisyear's elections were rather calm. DavidAnnan, '19, was the unopposed candidatefor presidency of the Senior class, and hisfellow officers turned out to be LorettaLamb, vice-president; Sarah Mulroy, secretary, and Bernard Nath, treasurer. FrankLong, '20, was elected president of theJunior class, Glenn Harding, '21, of theSophomore, and Charles McGuire, '22, ofthe Freshman. Recent announcement bythe Council set March 13 as the date ofelections for Undergraduate Council andHonor Commission officers.Nor have dramatics been neglected. TheDramatic Club played to really crowdedhouses on the nights of February 28 andMarch 1. "Seven Keys to Baldpate" wasthe play produced, and those_ taking partwere: Paul Humphry, '21; Helen Saunders,'22; James Evans, '19; Gerald Westby, '20;Fern Broadbent, '19; Frances Hessler, '19;Elizabeth Brown, '20; Carlin Crandall, '21;Glenn Harding, '21; Frederick Knepper,'21; Vories Fisher, '22; Bernard MacDon ald, '20; Carl Piper, '31; and Alan LeMay,'31. Glenn Millard, '20, directed the play,which was pronounced a real success,Margaret Haggott, '20, watched the publicity and Howard Beale, the financialtroubles. The second dramatic event of theseason was the W. A. A. Portfolio, heldMarch 7; Frances Hessler, '19, and FannieTempleton, '22, took the leading roles.Five skits showing various phases ofcampus life were presented — Tag Day, theS. A. T. C, the W. S. T. C, the Flu, andArmistice Day. Marian Llewellyn, '19,managed this annual entertainment.Settlement Night, held on February 14,was declared a wonderful success, bothfinancially and socially. Campus societyturned out in full force, and a morningpaper- announced the next day that $2,000had been taken in. All reports have notyet been filed, so that no final statementhas been issued by General ChairmanDavid Annan, '19. The change from Bartlett Gymnasium to the Mitchell Towergroup of buildings — the Reynolds Club,Hutchinson Hall, Mandel Hall and theCorridor — was declared a change for thebetter. There was dancing in the club, andall star vaudeville in Mandel, and entertainment of all sorts in the other halls.Score Club made a name for itself by putting on an exceedingly good skit in thevaudeville and by its "hit-the-baby"booth.Of course the event supreme of the season was the Washington Promenade, heldthe evening of February 21 and the morning of February 22 at the South ShoreCountry Club. About two hundred andtwenty-five couples composed of lovelyyoung ladies and handsome (more or less)young men made up the gala assembb'.All the pre-war ritual — flowers, cabs, midnight supper, grand march, midnight edition of The Daily Maroon — was in evidence, and everybody had a gorgeous time.Harvey's Orchestra furnished the music,and even the heartsick and footsore — ifTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthere were such there — danced merrilyuntil two o'clock.The Reynolds Club has been the sceneof much masculine competition. Interfraternity bowling tournaments, club bowling,billiards and pool tournaments, and all thathave kept the employees busy. There willbe a dance on March 7 to celebrate theday's elections for officers. Many are thecandidates and keen the competition.Various women's organizations arebusy, The W. S. T. C, having lost itsprimary purpose with the advent of peace,is being remodeled into a non-war organization. Plans are somewhat indefinite, butit is understood that every universitywoman will be asked to join. Miss Elizabeth Wallace is the chief sponsor amongfaculty members, and Helen Thompson,'20, one of the most active of the undergraduate workers. The league, towardsthe close of the month, launched its annualMadras compaign for missionary funds.Jean Pickett, '21, is general chairman, withFlorence Falkenau, '21, and Theresa Wilson, '20, as assistants in publicity and team direction, respectively. Four hundred dollars was raised the first day of the campaign semi-color; the desired $1,300 totalwas obtained.Two centenaries have been observed during the month, first that celebrating JohnRuskin. Exercises were held February 7.Associate Professor Linn, of the department of English, spoke on "Ruskin as aWriter and Prophet," and Professor Sargent, of the department of art education,on "Ruskin as an Art Critic." The secondcelebration was in honor of James Russell Lowell. Associate Professor Boynton,of the department of English, and Professor Hale, of the department of Latin, delivered addresses at the meeting held February 26.The Y. M. C. A. has been holding publiclectures almost every week. Such men asDr. Soares, recently returned from France;Professor Harper, who visited Russia lastyear; John Fitzpatrick, president of theChicago Federation of Labor, and Fred H.Rindge, of the International Y. M. C. A.committee, have talked.John E. Joseph, '20.* Hf ' ii ' ". .fcyt'*'v' "Jjj^Bv' .-..l«Mi^*iiirta^^Do You Remember ?(Hull Court on Winter Nights)171AthleticsFrieze in Bartlett GymnasiumBasketballThe season ended March 8 with Chicagosecond to Minnesota, Northwestern a goodthird, the other teams distanced. Chicagowon the first eight games easily, never being pushed either at home or on foreignfloors. The game with Purdue at Lafayettewas probably the best 'exhibition of basketball during the season; the first half ending12-2 in favor of Chicago, and not a Purdueman having had a toss at the basket fromcloser than twenty-five feet. After theseeight games the nervous strain began totell. Michigan was beaten at Ann Arbor,25-22, on Feb. 22, in a bitter battle;, thescore looks a trifle closer, however, than thegame really was, as Chicago alwaysseemed to have something in reserve. Onthe following Saturday, March 1, Illinoiswas beaten for the second time, this timeat Urbana, before a crowd of more thanfour thousand, said to be the largest in thehistory of basketball. The score was 17-15,and only Gorgas' uncanny accuracy in freethrows pulled the game out of the fire.That made ten straight.Then the balloon went up. Northwestern,at Evanston, won 15-12 on March 5, Chicagomaking only three baskets. The team hadplayed all season with six men. Madden, aseventh, being used only for five minutesat Purdue. Gorgas was grievously afflictedwith blisters, and Birkhoff was bent and unable to continue early in the second half.Moreover the Evanston gymnasium is soarranged that the apparatus hangs low overthe floor, and shot after shot by Chicagohit did it, ruining their team play. To witness the extraordinary satisfaction theEvanstonians showed over the victory wasalmost worth the defeat, several young- ladies in particular giving remarkable oscu-latory evidence of their pleasure.On comparative scores, as well as on thepercentage system, Minnesota showedstrongest in the conference. It is too badChicago and Minnesota did not meet, buteven if they had it looks as if the championship would still have rested in Minneapolis.Of the individual Chicago players Ex-Captain William Gorgas concluded hisplaying career most satisfactorily. In spiteof 'his weight and a slight tendency to sulkwhen he missed an easy shot, has coveredthe floor admirably; he showed a good eyefor the basket, scoring more points thanany other man in the Conference; and heguarded steadily and well. Captain Hinklewas the best guard in the Conference, andCrisler, playing his first season of basketball, was a good second to him.TrackUp to date the team has won one dualmeet from Purdue on February 28. 48 to 37,and lost one to Michigan on March 7, 33 to44. In both meets it showed strength in thelonger runs, and weakness in the dash, thehurdles and the field events. Moore in thetwo-mile, Capt. McCosh in the mile. Speerin the half and Hovris and Kennedy in thequarter are very good; and to support themare Long, Lewis, Harding, Greene, andHall, all pretty good men. The best raceof the season so far was between McCoshand Sedgwick of Michigan in the mile,which McCosh won by seven yards in4:35%. Speer won the half from both Purdue and Michigan, and Hovris the quarterfrom Purdue and Kennedy the quarter fromMichigan. The relay went handily to Chicago in both meets.UNIVERSITY NOTESUniversity NotesAuguste FabianiAuguste Fabiani is one of the Frenchsoldiers sent to American universities bythe French government. He is a student inthe Law School at the University of Chicago. He studied at the High School ofPolitical Sciences in Paris, and graduatedfrom the University of Paris School ofLaw, where he obtained an M. A. in philosophy. He was advocate of the Court ofAppeals of Paris and attache to the Ministry of Justice when the war broke out.M. Fabiani enlisted at once as a volunteer.He fought in Artois, Champagne, Sommeand at Verdun, serving on the front from1914 to 1917 in the infantry, cavalry, flyingcorps and artillery, being transferred to thelatter arm of the service on account of physical disability incurred at the front. Forthree months he was detailed with theAmerican army. He is greatly interestedin American customs and laws, and enjoyshis work and new acquaintances at the university which has welcomed him.Professor Julius Stieglitz has been appointed chairman of the Committee on Publication of Compendia of Chemical Literature for the American Chemical Society.Professor Stieglitz, who was president ofthe society during the year 1917, was chairman of the Committee on Synthetic Drugs,National Research Council, during the war,as well as special expert in the PublicHealth Service. A letter from Arthur C. Boyce, formerlya student in the Department of Educationof the University of Chicago, who is withthe American Mission in Persia, tells ofthe notable reception President Judsonrecently received in that country:It has been a great treat for us here tobe. associated with Dr. Judson in this work,and we are hoping that his visit may meanmuch good for the future of Persia. I donot believe that any foreigner has been soroyally received in Persia since the days ofShah Abbas and the early English ambassadors to the Persian court. The name ofAmerica is magic these days, and the people are expecting much from us in thefuture. The coming of this Commissionhas made the government and people feelthat America has a special interest in thewelfare of Persia, and, as one Persian gentleman expressed it at a meeting of ourRelief Committee the other day, "thatthere is still upon the earth a people whowill work for other and weaker nationssincerely and unselfishly." Dr. Judson willtell you no doubt about the way they havebeen received and honored and decoratedby Shah and people, how they havebeen dinnered and teaed by every part ofthe community from Armenian Council toZoroastrian Assembly. Professor Jackson's scholarship in things Persian anddeep sympathy for the Persian people, together with Dr. Judson's fine diplomacyand keen appreciation of the difficultiesunder which the government is working,have greatly enhanced the name ofAmerica, and gives us who stay behind agreat deal to live up to.(Note: The Order of the Lion and the Sun (ofthe first class with brilliants), the highest honor inin the gift of Persia, was conferred on PresidentJudson.)In referring to these unusual attentions,a letter from President Judson quite characteristically has this simple statement:The commission has beenshowered with attentions. . "NOTES 173Another Gift for ScholarshipA gift to the University of Chicago toendow what are to be known as The SusanColver Rosenberger Educational Prizes hasjust been made by Mr. Jesse L. Rosenberger as a special memorial to his wife(Susan Esther Colver, '82), who died November 19, 1918. The plan is to have theprizes awarded, alternately, in two or moredifferent departments of the University,thus: One prize is to be awarded to students in the School of Education or in suchother department of the University as maybe deemed best, for a thesis giving theresults of valuable original research onsome important phase of sound elementary,home, kindergarten, primary, or grammarschool education, its principles, needs,methods, or discipline, or pertaining tochild welfare. Another prize is to beawarded, in connection with such other department or departments of the Universityas may be thought best, as reward formeritorious original research and an acceptable thesis on some important phaseof education or educational principles,needs, or methods in relation to, or as anessential part of, religious, home or foreign mission, Sunday school, social settlement or betterment, work, or in relation tothe general welfare, whichever it is believed will do the most good. It is particularly desired to encourage original research of a kind to warrant publication.But, should it ever be thought best, theprizes may be awarded for the best practical essays produced in competition andtreating in some original way of one or theother of said subjects.It was stated that this endowment wasmade so that Mrs. Rosenberger's namemight distinctively continue in the cause ofeducation to be something of the inspiration which she herself was in her lifetime.She spent thirty years in the service ofthe public schools of Chicago, first as ateacher and then for twenty-two years asa principal, with great success. She possessed not only exceptional intellectualability, great strength of character, andboundless energy, but also a keen sense ofjustice, and a very democratic spirit, andtook great pains to encourage, and show appreciation for, the advancement otteachers and pupils. She also did what shecould to further the educational work ofthe University of Chicago, especially injoining with her husband in providing forthe endowment of important future lectures,fellowship, scholarship, etc., at the University.University Rifle ClubFive crack riflemen representing the University Rifle Club competed in the NationalRifle Association sharpshooter's contestlast week. A. J. Kolar, Professor Bensley,of the department of Anatomy; Robert D.Bensley, treasurer of the Rifle Club; Professor Land, of the department of Biology,and Professor Chamberlain, of the department of Morphology, represented the localclub. The final scores are not yet announced.Lieutenant Robert Nichols, British Poet,Gives Moody Lecture"New Elizabethans" was the subject ofthe second Moody lecture of the quarter,Thursday, March 6th, in Mandel hall.During the war Lieut. Nichols servedGreat Britain in the Royal Field Artillery.He found time to continue his writing ofpoetry during the progress of the war.Lieut. Nichols, although only twenty-sevenyears of age, has for several years occupied a position of literary prominence inEngland. His poetry has been quite widelyread in this country also. Of his worksbefore the war, a book of poems entitled"Ardors and Endurances" is the bestknown. Another of a later date, publishedunder the name of "Invocation: WarPoems and Others," has won him fame. Inaddition to this, Lieut. Nichols has duringthe war written for the "Oxford Book ofPoetry" and for several magazines. Lastyear some of his work was published in avolume entitled "Georgian Poetry." In hislecture Lieut. Nichols discussed one phaseof modern poetry under the title of "TheNew Elizabethans," speaking of the worksof Sassoon, Graves, Sorely, and others ofthat school.THE UNIVERSITY OFUniversity Settlement NewsOur School of Citizenship for foreignmen and women is continuing this yearunder the direction of Miss Frances K.Wetmore, one of the Settlement residents,who is also the director of Americanization work under the Board of Education.This work, which is being conducted byMiss Wetmore throughout the city, is atelling development of a movement inwhich the settlements were the pioneersand which for many years was carried onby the settlements alone. Now both cityand nation are actively concerned in itsgrowth and expansion.The Department of the Interior, underSecretary Lane, has recently appointed aDirector of Americanization work who hasin turn appointed a District Director foreach congressional district of the UnitedStates. The work in Chicago under theBoard of Education, together with the invaluable help and co-operation of the Association of Commerce, is taking the formof factory classes, classes for mothers inthe public schools, classes for scrub-women in office buildings, and co-operationwith community centers for English classesand the development of the social side ofthe schools. At the present time twenty-three mothers' classes have been started.In twenty-five factory classes now in operation the effort is being made to secureas far as possible full company time, or atleast part company time. The growth andprogress of the classes have been moststeady and encouraging.Miss McDowell's recent return fromFrance and England has given occasionfor two very interesting Home-ComingWelcomes at the Settlement. The welcomegiven by the various children's and youngpeople's clubs took the form of a Patrioticrally on Monday evening, February 24, andwas full of patriotic color, spirit and enthusiasm. The gymnasium was filled to itscapacity by the young people as theymarched in carrying flags and wearing thered, white and blue. After a short programof dances, flag drills, winding of the Maypole in the tri-colors, and patriotic songs.Miss McDowell gave an interesting description of some of the experiences of hertrip, after which the boys and girls gavevent to their enthusiasm in echo-raisingcheers and yells. Spirited but friendlyrivalry .between the forty Girl Scouts,proudly making their first appearance innew uniforms, and about seventy-five ofthe Boy Scouts, also in new uniforms, lentzest and spontaneity to the cheering.On the following Sunday evening theadult clubs and the older friends, some ofrwenty-five years standing, some who hadmoved far away from the neighborhood,were invited back for a Home-Coming. CHICAGO MAGAZINELa Maison FrancaiseA French House at the University ofChicago has been assured through thegenerosity of citizens of Chicago, includinga group of Bohemians and a group ofPolish citizens who desire to express inthis way their admiration for France. LaMaison Francaise owes its conception tothe conviction that in the years to comethe teaching of French will assume moreand more importance in the secondaryschools and colleges in the country. Moreand better-prepared instructors will beneeded. Thus far higher institutions oflearning have been content with givingstudents specializing in French a knowledge of the language and literature ofFrance.A large and varied experience with thepreparation of teachers of French has convinced the staff of the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Chicago that this purely linguistic and literarytraining was far from sufficient. Althoughstudents generally completed their knowledge by a trip abroad, for practical purposes they were not equipped at the startto get the full benefit of their study inFrance. Moreover, all could not afford thisprivilege.To meet the needs and wishes of Frenchscholars along the line of general improvement, the Professors of Romance Languages at the LTniversity of Chicago havecome to the conclusion that, in additionto academic instruction, students must begiven a practical knowledge of the social,esthetic, political and ethnic features ofthe French.To bring this about La Maison Francaise has been organized. Already Columbia and Wisconsin have such an institution. The usefulness of La Maison Francaise at Columbia has been clearly proved.Moreover, frequently prospective studentsask for just such an organization where itwill be possible to hear and speak Frenchoutside of the class room. La MaisonFrancaise will be such a place. Frenchexclusively will be spoken.The House will be a dormitory for women — for most of the specializing studentsin French are women. As in the otherNOTES 175women's halls, the residents will dine ata common table, which in this case willhave a French menu as far as it is compatible with American taste and the income of the House.In addition to this feature, the Housewill be a kind of club, a meeting place forthe "Cercle Francais" of the University,and other French societies as may arisefrom time to time. It will have a readingroom open to all students, men and women,at fixed hours.It will have a special library of Frenchpapers, periodicals and books dealing mainlywith non-academic subjects such as travel inFrance and French-speaking countries,sports, fashion, arts, society, commerce andindustry, the stage and dramatic literature,manners and customs, etc.There will be also a small musuem ofphotographs, lantern slides, pictures, illustrated papers and books for the purpose ofbringing France to the patrons of theHouse. There will be short talks, recitations and reading, dramatic performancesand musicals, conversation circles. All entertainment will be under the direct supervision of the "Directrice," who will be theHead of the House. She will live in thehouse, preside at the table, supervise allactivities, engage and direct the servants.The directrice will be assisted by a committee appointed by the Head of the Department of Romance Languages.The House will be located at 5810 Woodlawn Avenue in a building belonging to theUniversity of Chicago. The House will beorganized at the beginning of the SummerQuarter 1919. Provision is made for thesupport of the House during the first threeyears. It is expected that it will be sosuccessful that permanent provision foran even larger House will be made.Associate Professor Algernon Coleman,of the Department of Romance Languagesand Literatures, recently returned fromParis, where for eight months he has beenexecutive secretary of the Commission onEducational Work in the American campsin France under the direction of the Y. M.C. A. National War Work Council. President Judson Speaks on Persian MissionSince his return President Judson hasgiven addresses in the Auditorium from thepulpit of Central Church, at the IllinoisTheater under the auspices of the ChicagoChurch Federation, and at the Quadrangleand University clubs. President Judsonwas a member of the special Chicago committee to welcome Major Leonard Woodon his arrival to take command of the Central Department of the United States Armyon Lincoln's birthday.In a recent interview regarding the activities of the Russian bolshevists PresidentJudson said: "They are spending millionsto spread their doctrines throughout Europe and, I strongly suspect, in the UnitedStates as well. They have no more use forthe republic of the United States than theyhave for any other government. They areas much opposed to labor unions as theyare to governments. The movement seemsto be one in which all foes of governmenthave joined forces, and I cannot see anything in it that looks like human progress.The whole movement is nihilism and anarchy behind a camouflage of socialism.We gathered our impressions from so manysources that I am convinced of their truth."Dr. H. Gideon Wells, of the Departmentof Pathology at the University of Chicago,who is also director of the Otho S. A.Sprague Memorial Institute, recently leftConstantinople as head of the AmericanRed Cross Mission to Roumania with largerelief supplies for that country. Dr. Wellshas already spent several months in Serbiaand Roumania in connection with RedCross medical work.Dean Shailer- Mathews, of the DivinitySchool at the University of Chicago, hasbeen engaged to give a series of lecturesin June before the Summer Assembly forPreachers at Dallas, Texas. The assemblyis the first summer school of theology ofthe Southern Methodist University. DeanMathews, who has been president of theFederal Council of Churches of Christ inAmerica, is the author of many books onreligious subjects.THE ROLL OF HONORThe Roll of HonorWalter W. GoddardWalter W. Goddard, '13, killed in action duringan aviation engagement on the Western Front onOctober SO, 1918. Phillip W. HartzellPhillip W. Hartzell. ex-'lS, killed in action inFrance while fighting with the 5th Separate Battalion,U. S. Marines, September lfi. 191S.-fc-fc-K-fc+-Mc*-K-K***++-K*+**-K-K+*+-fc*^^KILLED IN ACTION'17, Aviation; killedCo B\ 5thkilled inRichard P. Mathews,the Western Front.Phillip W. Hartzell, ex-'18, PvtSeparate Battalion, U. S Marinesaction in France, September 16, 1918.Clarence A. Brodie, '18, 1st Lieutenant, BalloonObservation, Signal Corps.DIED OF DISEASEPvt. Fenimore Merrill, '13, died of pneumoniawith the Army of Occupation in Crrmany, February 3.WOUNDED IN ACTIONwounded in ac-injured by a'15Lieutenant Harry Gorgastion (ni Western Front.Lieutenant D. H. Sparks, '1G,shell explosion in the Arninnie.Frank Whiting, 'Jii, A\iatinn, wounded, on Western Front. CITED FOR EXTRAORDINARYHEROISMLieutenant Robert A. Hall, Ph. D., '07, hasbeen wounded in action four times and has received four citations for bra\ er\ . He was. duringthe course of his service in the held, awardedthe croix de guerre with palm and promoted to aFirst Lieutenancy.Lieutenant Josiah Pegues, '11, 03th Aero Squadron. For extraordinary heroism in action nearDun-sur-Meuse, France, Xm ember .">. 191S.Andiew Solan t, '17. I". S. Ambulance Service,with the French Army, lias lu en decorated by theSecretary of War of the Republic of France withthe Medaille d'Honneur for notable work andpromoted to Sergeant in Provisional Battalion.John J. Seerley, 'IH. cited for heroism in aviation. Officially rated as an "Ace."'Lieutenant Tracy Stains, Ex., U. S. A., Am.E. F.. awarded Distinguished Service Medal.W. H. Vail, Ex., awarded the 'DistinguishedService Cross for heroism in action near Dun-sur-Meiue, France, November 5, 191 S.**++**+*++***++++*++*++4+*+*++*^^AND ALUMNAE IN WAR SERVICE 177Alumni and Alumnae in War ServiceMEN IN WAR SERVICERichard Tupper Atwater, '10, was withthe Camp Personnel Detachment, CampDodge, Iowa. He conducted the "colyum"called "At Ease" in The Camp Dodger.After the armistice was signed the columnwas styled "At Rest." Atwater was theauthor of the 1917 Blackfriars' show,"Myth in Mandel." He has returned tocivilian life, and is again at literary work,writing book reviews, articles, and vaudeville sketches.Golder L. McWhorter, '11, 1st LieutenantMedical Corps.J. Elmer Thomas, '12, has been discharged from the Air Service.Dundas Hunter, ex '13, has been a Sergeant in the Quartermaster's Corps andhas been stationed at Ft. Sheridan, 111.Philip E. Kearney, '14, 2nd Lieutenant,R. A. F., London, England.Lathrop E. Roberts, '14, 2nd Lieutenant,Chemical Welfare Service, A E. F. He hasreturned to Chicago on sick leave.Edwin D. Hull, '14, Sergeant, Co. K, 5thRegiment, U. S. Marines, Am. E. F., is nowwith the army of occupation in Germany.Everett E. Rogerson, '15, Lieutenant, U.S. Naval Reserve Force, has returned toChicago, released from active duty.Rqbert P. Vanderpool, '16, is now 1stLieutenant, American Red Cross, now stationed at Liverpool, England. His workhas taken him through a large part of theBritish Isles. He has made applicationfor transfer to work in Russia, Siberia, orGermany.Sylvester F. Wadden, J. D. '16, Lieutenant, was instructor in the LT. S. A. TrenchMortar School, in the artillery camp atSouge, near Bordeaux.Stanley H. Eddy, '17, 1st Lieutenant, U.S Army, is in the Department of theProvost Marshal General.Alva Lipman, '18, Lieutenant, who hasbeen at Camp Hancock, has returned to6331 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Emma A. ClarkEmma A. Clark, '15, is with the American Fund forFrench wounded, Paris. See her letter, p. 167.Edward J. Martini, '18, Lieutenant, Ordnance, U. S. A. Since his discharge Martinihas entered the employ of Morris & Co.,Packers, Chicago.Arnold J. Hoffman, ex '19, Sergeant,Rifle Range Detachment, Paris Island, S. C.Franklin M. Hartzell, ex, 1st lieutenant,Infantrty, U. S. A.: now discharged.T. T. Crooks, ex. 2nd Lieutenant, Bacteriologist in Laboratory at LaRochelle,France.Max B. Miller, ex, recently dischargedfrom aviation service, is now with theDale-Brewster Machinery Co., Inc., NewYork City.T. C. Sims, ex-law, is 1st Lieutenant,77th Field 'Artillery, with the army of occupation, near Coblenz, Germany.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENelson H. NorgrenNelson H. Norgren, '14, on board the Italian shipDuca D'Aosta, at Gibraltar. "Norg," one of Chicago's most prominent athletes, entered the aviationservice.WOMEN IN WAR SERVICEMarrilla Waite Freeman, '97, Librarianof Goodwin Institute, was Base HospitalLibrarian for four months at Camp Dix,N. J.Anna E. Newman, '08, has been doingY. M. C. A. canteen work on the WesternFront since America entered the war. Forher work with a heavy artillery organization at Chalons sur Marne she was presented with a handsome bag by GeneralPetain. She has a record of having delivered addresses to about 1,000,000 American soldiers in the course of her work.Mary Morton, '08, is in France doing Y.M. C. A. work. At present she is inBourges.Mrs. Edith Osgood Eaton, '09, is doingresearch work on the geographical andeconomic problems in the Bureau of Research, War Trade Board, at Washington.Helen Timberlake, '16, is now with theItalian Embassy in Washington.Minnie Goldman, ex '17, has been a member of the Women's Te'epbone Unit, Signal Corps, Am. E. F., France, A P. O. 702. REGISTRATIONS with AMERICANUNIVERSITY UNION in PARIS,LONDON* & ROME**(From November 5th, to December 4th,1918)Abbot, Lail Roy, '18, Q. M., U. S. NavalAviation, Porto Corsini, Italy(**).Appel, V. O. '11, 1st Lt., 344th Inf., APO916.Barnes, Rockwell Alonzo, 355th Inf.Hqrs. Co.Blair, Wm. R, '04-06, Major, Meteorological Section, Sig. Corps., APO 731-A.Boal, William S., '18, 2nd Lt, OrdnanceDepartment, Hqrs. 1st Army, APO 774.Bowden, Lloyd M., '18, 1st Lt., Air Service. (**)Buckley, John R., '13, 1st Lt., Field Artillery.Cannon, George M., Jr., '15, 1st Lt., FieldArt. 65th Brigade.Carlo, Ernest R., '18, Cpl., Medical., APO753.Carlson, Anton J., Major, SanitaryCorps., APO 721.Clark, Harold R., '18, Pvt., S. S. U. 639.,U. S. A. A. S. Convov Autos, par B. C. M.Cohn. B., '18, Pvt, Base Hosp 12.. APOS 18.Copps, L. A., '13, 1st Lt.. Med., A. R. C.Mil. Hosp. No. 5, APO 702.Cornwell, Ralph O., '16, 2nd Lt, Ord.Aircraft Armament Sect., APO 702.Creedan, Richard, '18.Dillehunt, Richard B., '10, Capt., Med.Corps., APO 731.Dorsey, George C, '16, 1st Lt., 148 AeroSqdn.Ferguson, D. W., 2nd Lt., 76th Field Art.,APO 902.Foote, Frederic L. B., '15, 2nd Lt., AirService., APO 77S.Gale, Henry G., '96. Major, Signal Corps.,APO 717.Gates, Carroll Walter, '17, Cadet. U. S.Naval Av., American Embassy, Rome (**).Hamill. Ralph, Major, A. R. C. Medical.,14, Via Sardegna, Rome (**).Handlev, Max C. '19, Cpl., Artillerv.APO 702. Base Censor.Harris. Wm. D.. 2nd Lt.. F. A. N. A.,142nd F. A.. 3rd Bn., APO 711.Heller, Daniel B., 2nd Lt, 148 F. A..U. S. A.Kiley, Le Roy D., '15. 1st Lt., AirService.Leisure. George S.. '14, 2nd Lt. Air Service, Pursuit Pilot.*Lieber, Otto W.. '16. 1st Lt.. Inf., APO706.McAndrew. William, '11, Capt, 39th Division.McConkey, Mack, '19. 2nd Lt., San.Corps., Dijon.McCormick. Tohn Brian, '15, 1st Lt., 15thF. A.. 2nd Division, APO 710, (Chaplain).McKnight, Robert B.. '14, 2nd Lt. AirService, c/o Equitable Trust Co., 23, R. deIt Paix, Paris.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 179Mac Clintock, Paul, 29th Engrs., Co. A.,APO 714.Murdock, James Oliver, '16, 1st Lt., BaseHosp. No. 15, APO 706.Myers Richard E., '11, Pvt., Gen. Hqrs.Personnel, APO 902.Payton, Robert C, '20, 2nd Lt., U. S. AirServ., 11th Sqdn., APO 774.Potter, Hal Netherton, '19, 1st Lt., FifthMarines, APO 703.Rubinkam, Henry W., '18, Cadet, U. S. N.Aviation, American Embassy, Rome. (**)Sammons, Neil F., '18, Sgt, Adv. Ord.Depot No. 4. •Seydel, Frank, '18, 1st Lt., M. I. C, APO701.Shine, Joseph B., '15, 1st Sgt, 5th A. A.Bn.Shirley, William M., Jr., '16, 2nd Lt.,Hqrs, 2nd Amer. Corps.Taylor, Orville J., Major, Judge Advocate Hdqrs. 86th Div., Office of JudgeAdvocate, Paris.Traer, Morton, '17, 2nd Lt., 333rd FieldArtillery, c/o Chief Air Service.Vordgaard, Ernest J., '13, 2nd Lt., 300thInf., 77th Div.Washburn, C. A., '08, Amer. Red Cross,Paris.Waterhouse, Charles A. M., '14, 2nd Lt.,Air Serv. 168th Aero Sqdn. ■ - White, Robert D., '13, Sgt. H. B. S. 3London, Belgrave Mansions Hotel, London, S. W. 1. (*)Winchester, G., '06, Casual., 4, PI. d'Jena,Paris.Yates, Julian E., '00, Capt., C. A. C,Base Sect. 5, S. O. S. Hdqrs.(From December 4th, 1918, to January 3rd,1919)Allen, C. W., '17, U. S. Shipping Board,Lancaster House, London, S. W I.Atkins, Willard E., '14, Musician 1st CI.,Hq. Co., 337th Infantry.Baker, John C, '15, Capt., 129th Infantry.Bare, Leslie T., '14, 2nd Lt, Field Artillery, APO 717.Boal, William S., '18, 2nd Lt., OrdnanceDept, Hdqrs. 1st Army, APO 717, c/oChief Ordnance Officer.Bolibaugh, O. B., '15, 1st Lt., MedicalCorps.. Bowden Lloyd M., '18, 1st Lt., Air Service, APO 724. (**)Cannon, Paul R., 1st Lt., San. Corps.,B. H. 114, APO 705.Coleman, F. E., '15, Q. M. Sgt, 328thSupply Co., APO 702.Crawford, Goodell, '18, 2nd Lt., C. A.H. A. S„ APO 733.Darby, Arleigh Lee, '07, Y. M. C. A. Sec,Hotel Regina, Bologna, Italy. (**)puiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Bxiilt-InEXTRA ^i£KIN&!L*^Q.UALITY<S\xp er iorvty ■'WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILMEN'S SHOESSuccess has followed honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,we have symbolized Quality.THREE CHICAGO SHOPS106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St.29 E. Jackson Blvd.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlim llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllilllllllllllDIIIMIII ' Illlllllllllllllllll!!!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDillehunt, Richard B., '10, Capt, MedicalCorps., APO 731.Finger, S. W., '07, Y. M. C. A. (Athletics), 12 Rue d'Aguesseau, Paris.Fisher, D. Jerome, '17, S.,t lcl., F. A. Replacement Division, APO 718, Saumur Artillery School.Gaarde, Fred W., '09, Capt., EvacuationHospital 35, Camp Hospital 33.Gallagher, Paul, '08, 12 Rue Boissyd'Anglas.Gibbs, Milo Sargent, '16, Gen. Staff, A.R. C, APO 717.Golden, Clear C, '17, 2nd Lt, Field Art.,APO 778.Hamill, Ralph, Major, A. R. C. Med. (Returned to the States). (**)Hart, William L., '13, Major, Coast Artillery Corps.Hering, Frank E., '98, Civilian.Kentwortz, E. K., '18, Ord. (Detached)26th Div. Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop,APO 709.Kerner, Robert J., '08, Member AmericanCommission to negotiate Peace, HotelCrillon, Paris.Knight, Duerson, '15, 1st Lt, Air Service, APO 724.Kuh, George E., '13, Pvt. lcl, PersonnelDept., A. G. D.Lanning, Elmer A., '06, Y. M. C. A., 12,Rue d'Aguesseau.Lasher, George Starr, Y. M. C. A., Educ.Divisional. Supt, 12 Rue d'Aguesseau.Lewis, Leon L., Capt., U. S. A. Army, A.G. D.Lightbody, James W., '08, 2nd Lt., 161stField Art, APO 902.McClain, Elmer, '08, 1st Lt, Q. M. C.Army Transport Serv., New York .City.McCready, Paul E., '18, Sgt., F. A. Replacement Division, Saumur Art School,APO 718.McDermott, Geo. T., '09, 1st Lt, 339thField Artillery.Mac Neish, John, '13, 2nd Lt., 119th FieldArtillery, APO 734.Matthews, J. D., '12, Capt.. 122nd FieldArtillery.Michener, John Morrison, '17, Pvt. FieldHosp. Co. 353, 314th San. Train.. APO 761.Miller, Geo. C, '97, Capt., Base Hosp.56, APO 785.Mooney, Paul, '19, 1st Lt.. Co. M., 39thInf. c/o Am. Express Co.. Paris.In the Illinois Reserve MilitiaEarly in the war men from the UniversityPress formed five squads for drilling twicea week on Stagg Field. A number of themen are now members of Company 13, Illinois Reserve Militia, as follows: CorporalF. A. Feller, Sergeant O. C. La \ard, G. C.Crippen, J. E. Replinger, A. A. Green. S. S.Marshall, D. McGowan. Employers and College WomenWanted at theChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedEditorial and Advertising Assistants, LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives. Book-keepers,Draughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines.904 Stevens Bldg.17 N. State St. Tel. Central 5336MOSERSHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial. SUMMER COURSES PAUL MOSER, Prill.Ph. B. 1910. J. D. 1912. U. of C.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 5158TYPEWRITERSall makes, all models, guaranteed for five years.From $15.00 up. Why pay $100.00?Olivers, Remingtons, Monarchs, Underwoods,Smiths, Hammonds, Etc.DROP IN AND PAY US A VISITnr write for free trial offer, descriptions, prices, andspecial five day discount offer. We ship from Coastto Coast, with exchange privilege.Manufacturers Typewriter Clearing HouseNorthwestern University Building193 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhone Central j j^Have YOU AnyCopies of theCap & Gown?Why not present them tothe new Alumni Library?MM AFFAIRS 181(Alumni Affairs continued from page 159)interest shown at the previous meetingsit appears that a strong alumni club willbe built up in Washington.Council Executive Committee MeetingThe monthly Executive Committee meeting of the Alumni Council was held at theAlumni office, March 6, at 8 p. m. Present:Frank McNair, chairman; Walter H. Hudson, Emory Jackson, Harold H. Swift, JohnF. Moulds and A. G. Pierrot. Minutes ofthe previous meeting were approved andordered filed. Mr. Moulds presented a financial report for the months of January andFebruary. Mr. Hudson, chairman of theReunion Committee, presented a report ofthe developments for the Reunion to date.Members for the Reunion Committee werediscussed and a tentative list was drawn up.The program and dates for the Reunionwere also discussed and tentative arrangements suggested. Mr. Jackson presented areport of the Funds Committee. The matter was referred to Mr. Jackson for furtherdevelopment. Mr. Swift presented a reportof- the Clubs Committee, telling of correspondence with various clubs in the matterof holding local reunions at the time of theJune Reunion at Chicago. After generaldiscussion of alumni and magazine matters"■■e meeting adjourned at 10:15 p. m.College of Education Alumni Hold AnnualDinner at ChicagoFor several years it has been the custom of the College of Education to arrangea dinner for alumni and former students ofthe University of Chicago, at the annualmeeting of the Department of Superintendence. The Department met in Chicagothis year, and the "Chicago" Dinner washeld at the Auditorium Hotel on Tuesdayevening, February 25. Former students ofthe University, as well as a large numberof faculty members, met on the parlorfloor of the Auditorium Hotel at sixo'clock, and spent an hour in renewingformer acquaintances. Dinner was servedat seven o'clock, at which more than 250were present. Dr. Charles H. Judd servedas toastmaster. The speakers were DeanSalisbury, Professor Tufts, Dean Butler,Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, of the LincolnSchool, New York City, and SuperintendentI. M. Allen, of Springfield, Illinois. Therewas a larger attendance than at any of theprevious dinners. The evening was a veryenjoyable one. "Chicago"Alumni —understand that a collegedegree but serves as a favorable introduction to the business or professional world.Successful men, everywhere,vouch for the need of continuedstudy and application to makegood its promise.The Correspondence-Study Department of your Alma Mater is designed to facilitate such study in Business, Literature, Science, Theology, andEducation. To you, The University ofChicago needs no introduction.Write today for the 1918-1919 Circular ofits successful Correspondence-Study Department, addressingThe University of Chicago(BoxS) - Chicago, Illinois|| You will never have anopportunity to attend aReunion so significant, soimportant, so interestingas the one to be held nextJune.j| Be sure to be on hand towelcome our returning soldiers and alumnae of whomwe are all so proud.NEWS OF THE CLASSESNews of the Classes and AssociationsFrederick R. Baird, '06, J. D. '08, now counsel andlegal adviser for Armour & Co., Ltd., London. THE COLLEGE, LAW SCHOOL, ANDDIVINITY ASSOCIATIONSClarence Russell Williams, '01, is delivering a very interesting series of lectures,"The Romance of the Manuscripts," invarious parts of the country He treatsof the discovery of well-known ancientmanuscripts, their interest and importance.Professor Samuel N. Harper, '02, recentlyappeared before the Overman subcommittee of the United States Senate testifyingon conditions in Russia. He gave it ashis opinion that so far as he was awarethere was no connection between Bolshevism and various lawless outbreaks inAmerican cities.James M. Sheldon, J. D. '03, has enteredthe John Burnham and Company, Investment Securities, and is actively connectedwith the Chicago office.Charles R. McMillen, '04, is vice-president of the Union Bag and Paper Corporation, New York City.THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL DO—1. Read it straight through, with keenest interest.2. Always keep it conspicuous on your library-table, as it is a book youwill be proud to show to your friends.3. Frequently enjoy its many beautiful views of our famous quadrangles.History of the University of ChicagoBy Dr. T. W. GOODSPEEDThe regular price is $3.00. Subscribers only may obtain it for $1.50.(With subscription to the Magazine, after January 1, 1919, $3.50.)Only 99 copies left at this offer. (The last notice sold 10.)P. S. Why not send one as a birth-day or other gift to a "Chicago"friend? You could not please better.ADDRESS: ALUMNI OFFICE, BOX 9, FACULTY EXCHANGEOF THE CLASSES 183Arthur LeRoy Young, '04, is with theChicago office of the William Solomon &Co., Investment Bankers.Jane B. Walker, '04, 244 W. 104, NewYork City, is teaching lip-reading, and lecturing to lip-readers at the New YorkSchool for the Hard of Hearing and theMetropolitan Museum of Art.Anna L. White, '06, has returned to herteaching in Tokyo, Japan, under the Methodist Board of Foreign Missions.Harold H. Swift, '07, who has been atrustee of the University since 1914, hasrecently been elected a member of theboard of directors of the United Charitiesof Chicago for a term of three years andhas been appointed a member of the executive committee. Mr. Swift was a member of the American Red Cross Mission to Russia with the rank of major. He hasrendered excellent service . to the AlumniCouncil as Chairman of the Clubs Committee.Arthur Warren, '07, is at the head of theSan Diego, Cal., Library.Gertrude Murrell, '07, is at the NationalWomen's Christian Association headquarters in New York City.Mildred Wigley, '07, is head of the department of Home Economics at the University of Minnesota.Dudley H. Miles, '08, of the English Department, Evander Childs High School, isPresident of the New York City Association of Teachers of English.Anna L. Strong, '08, is a feature editoron The Daily Union Record, Seattle Washington.AI RTRT Teachers' Agencyrt !■ 1# ■■ Im I 25 E. JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO34th Year. Our Booklet "TEACHING AS A BUSINESS" with timely chapterson Peace Salaries, Prospects, Critical Letters of Application, etc., sent FREE.437 Fifth Ave., New York; Symes Building, Denvsr; PeytDn BuiHi.ig, SpokaneTEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.foi many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Twentieth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerMETROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.r7wte/Jiic^sso/7METOTEAPOLISllllllllirilllllllll409 ROOMS375 Booms at $1.75 to $3.50 per day.MODERN" - TIRE PROOF ■ i"Klip:■ cu.HiMt; ;sTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHotel Del Prado(Blackstone and the Midway)Adjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of-townstudents, and the logical home for the relatives of students and foralumni while visiting the University.It takes pride in the fact that it has for years entertained manyAlumni, Faculty Members, and Fraternities of the University ofChicago.One distinctive feature is its constant emphasis on the "home"element in the care of its guests.Helen C. Gunsaulus, '08, who has beenin the East for the past two months, hasreturned to Chicago and is again doingwork in the Field Museum.Harold Kramer, ex '09, who has returnedfrom service to his home in Columbus, Nebraska, is planning to take up a soldierhomestead in Wyoming.Marie C. Adsit, '09, is at 514 \V. Mistletoe Ave., San Antonio, Texas, for herhealth.Cora E. Gray, '09, is Associate in HomeEconomics, University of Tennessee.Kate Knowles, '10, is Principal of theMercedes High School. Miss Knowles expresses the wish that the girls who livedin Beecher when she did, 1906-1909, wouldwrite for the magazine or better still,would write to her.Alan D. Witkowsky, '13, formerly withthe War Trade Board at Washington, hasreturned to his home in Chicago.M. Emma Woodbury, '13, Virginia In-termont College, Bristol, Va. ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Mgr.Always at Your Service.'08, who has been Professor Harold T. Moulton, Ph.D, '14,it two months, has recently went to Washington as a membernd is again doing of the employment delegation from the:um. City of Chicago, to urge government aid in3, who has returned the development of greater industrial ac-e in Columbus, Ne- tivity to furnish employment for return-take up a soldier ing soldiers.Catherine L. Norton, 13, is teaching ati at 514 W. Mistle- tne Marshall High School, Chicago.o, Texas, for her Erna B. Hahn, '15, is now teachingFrench at the Rawlings Junior HighAssociate in Home School, Cleveland, Ohio.of Tennessee. Howard. P. Roe, J. D. '15, is practicings Principal of the ,aw m partnership with Raymond H.Miss Knowles ex- Schultz, with offices in Harvey, Illinois,the girls who lived and Chicago.id, 1906-1909, would Paul H. Dans, '16, is no longer at Clem-ne or better still, son College, S. C; is now living at 582Orange Ave., Yuma, Ariz.'1.3, formerly with Elizabeth A. Bergner, '16, is teachingat Washington, has Science at Routt College, Jacksonville, III..1 Chicago. Bessie F. Saver. 'IS, is teaching Sciencef, '13, Virginia In- in the Public High School, Jacksonville,3l, Va. 111.OF THE CLASSESTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYDr. Herbert N. McCoy. '98, is presidentof the Carnotite Reduction Co., Chicago.Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, '98, has been electedpresident of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. This organization, nowin its fortieth year, publishes a journal andhelps to control the conduct of the American School for Oriental Study and Research in Palestine.Drl Emily R. Gregory, '99, has been confidential research investigator for the Intelligence Bureau of the War TradeBureau.Dr. Allen D. HoleAllen D. Hole, Ph. D.. '10, head of the Departmentof Geology, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana,was recently chosen vice-president of that institution.He is a member of Sigma Xi honorary fraternity anda member of the Indiana Academy of Science.Dr. C. D. Case, '99, formerly pastor ofthe Delaware Baptist Church, Buffalo, isnow pastor of the First Baptist Church,Oak Park, 111.Dr. W. A. Clark, '00. is Professor ofPsychology and Education, State XormalSchool, Kirksville, Mo.Dr. Alary B. Harris, '00, is AssistantDirector of Commission on Training CampActivities Section on Reformatories andDetention Houses, War Department. Q1ERVIGE based uponO more than fifty yearsof conservative banking is placed at the disposal of responsible firmsand individuals by theFirst National Bank ofChicago. Organized in1863withacapital of $205,000,the bank today has capital andsurplus of $22,000,000. Itsdeposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$208,425,000 at the end of1918.Under its divisional organization depositors are classifiedaccording to their line of business and receive the close,prompt and personal attentionof officers who are specialistsin the financial needs of specific lines.Calls or correspondence areinvited from those desiringcomplete, convenient and satisfactory financial service.The First NationalBank of ChicagoCharter No. 8James B. Forgan,Chairman of the Board Frank 0. Wetmore,PresidentTHE UNIVERSITY OFThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital ... . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000Ernest A. Hamill, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentD. A. Moulton, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentJames G. Wakefield, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierEdward F. Schoeneck, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierJoseph C. Rovensky, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Chauncev B. BorlandEdward B. ButlerBenjamin Carpenter Clyde M. CamErnest A. HamillCharles H. Hulburd Charles L. HutchinsonMartin A. RyersonJ. Harry Selz Edward A. SheddRobert J. Thorne Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Katherine B. Davis, '00, general secretary of the Bureau of Social Hygiene inNew York, has been loaned to the Commission on Training Camp Activities ofthe War Department stationed at Washington, D. C.Dr. Isabelle Bronk, '00, delivered the address before the Phi Beta Kappa Societyat the last meeting of the Swarthmore College Chapter.Memorial service for Dr. Ella FlaggYoung, '00, was held recently at the Me-dinah Temple. Mr. Young received herdoctor's degree at the University in 1900and was for six years Professor of Education.Dr. P. F. Peck, '01, has been AssociatedField Director in charge of Home Servicefor the Red Cross, stationed at CampShelby, Miss. He was given leave of absence from Grinnell College for the periodof the war.Dr. Allan Hoben, '01, spent six monthsin France in the service of the Y. M. C. A.as physical secretary.Dr. G. A. Mulfinger, '02, for fifteen yearsProfessor of German at Allegheny College, is now residing in Chicago.Dr. Elmer C. Griffith, '02, has been appointed for one year as acting Professorof European History and the Backgroundof the War, William Jewell College.Dr. Irving King, '04, of the Universityof Iowa, College of Education, is supervisor of the Army Convalescent School,Camp Travis, Texas. This school wasorganized by Dr. King during his servicein the southern cantonments.Dr. C. H. Gray. '04, is Professor of English at Tufts College.Dr. H. F. Rudd, '04, is Professor in theDepartment of Education at West ChinaUnion University, Chengtu, Szechuan,China.Dr. A. R. Schultz, '05. has left the U. S.Geogolical Survey and is superintendentof the Burkhardt Milling & Electric PowerCo., at Hudson, Wis.Dr. Frank G. Lewis, '07, -Librarian ofCrozer Theological Seminary, also Librarian of the American Baptist HistoricalSociety, gave the Matriculation AddressOF IHE CLASSES 187at the opening of the Seminary on September 25, 1918.N. Johanna Kildahl, Ph.D., '09, may beaddressed at Maza, N. D.Dr. J. C. Granberry, '09, has been engaged in Y M. C. A. work in the FrenchArmy since September, 1917.Dr. F. G. Henke, '10, gave commendableand notable service as one of the "fourminute men" during the last year of thewar. He was in constant demand forpatriotic addresses.Dd. G. P. Jackson, '11, is Associate Professor of German, Vanderbilt University.Dr. E. S. Bogardus, 11, is author of anintroduction to Sociology which was published by the Press of the University ofSouthern California, where he is Professorof Sociology.Dr. L. A. H. Warren, '13, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University ofManitoba, has been Acting Professor ofMathematics and Astronomy during theabsence of members of these departmentswith the Imperial Forces in Flanders. Dr. Aaron Arkin, '13, is Professor ofPathology and Bacteriology at the WestVirginia University School of Medicine.Dr. G. F. Kay, '14, is Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Ellsworth Faris,acting head of the Child Welfare Stationat the University of Iowa.Dr. Elliott Blackwelder, '14, of the University of Illinois, is Acting Professor ofGeology at Sanford during the winter.Dr. W. J. Donald, '14, is Executive Secretary of the Niagaga Falls Chamber ofCommerce and Manager of the Bureau ofResearch.Dr. H. R. Kingston, '15, Lecturer inMathematics and Astronomy, Universityof Manitoba, has been promoted to Assistant Professorship.Professors Warren and Kingston joinedthe Yerkes Observatory party at GrainRiver, Wyoming, to observe the totaleclipse of the sun next summer.Dr. E. D. Lemon, ',15, is superintendentof the Carnotite Reduction Co., Chicago.Jahn &011ier Ingravi^CaCOLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES & DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO ^fThe Editor of the^ ■ LONDON PROCESSWORKER. Said-"l Found theJAHN and OLLIERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up -to -DatePlantEngin Chicagc<©5CHICAGO MAGAZINE188 THE UNIVERSITYThe American Mathematical SocietyAt the recent meetings of the AmericanMathematical Society and the MathematicalAssociation of America at the University ofChicago, Professor L. E. Dickson, '96, delivered his retiring address as President ofthe American Mathematical Society on thesubject "Mathematics in War Retrospect."Professor H. E. Slaught, '98, was electedPresident of the Mathematical Associationof America. Professor E. J. Moulton ofNorthwestern University was Acting Secretary of the American Mathematical Societyand Professor G. A. Bliss, '00, was chairman of the Chicago Section of the Society.Professor F. R. Moulton, '00, ProfessorW. D. McMillan, '08, and Professor OswaldVeblen, '03, were prominently mentionedin scientific papers on ballistics which wereread at these meetings. Professor Moultonis in charge of the Revision of the RangeTables for the new artillery and ProfessorVeblen is in charge of the experimentalwork carried oh at the Aberdeen ProvingGround in connection with the revision ofthe range tables. These and many otherprominent mathematicians of the countryhave been doing effective work in the Ordnance Department under the direction ofDrs. Moulton and Veblen.MARRIAGESMajor John Bruce Carlock, ex '04, FirstGas Regiment, U S. A., to Miss JaneWhiteside, on February 4, 1919, at NewYork City.Maurice Pincoffs, '09, Captain M. R. C,U. S. A., to Miss Katherine Randell, ofBaltimore, February, 1919.Lydia M. Lee, '14, was married August12, 1918, to Lieutenant James Pearce, ofthe U. S. Engineers.George D. Parkinson, J. D. '14, to EdytheM. Fuchs, of Detroit. Mich., December 24,1918. At home Salt Lake City, Utah.Lucile Bates, ']j, to Glidden Hinman, onFebruary 15, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Hinmanwill reside at Dundee, 111.Miss Eva Robert Robinson, '17, formerly a member of the University of Chicago Home Economics Department, toProfessor Henry E. Davis, of the SouthDakota College of Agriculture, February,1919, at Vermilion, S. D."CHICAGO"INSURANCE MEN"Chicago" insures integrity andhelpful, courteous service.C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800Ben H. Badenoch *09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800Norman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, 'isINSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange ChicagoJAMES A. DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATE1 make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the UniversityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance, including Fire, Burglary,Automobile. Life. Accident. Health.1500 E. 57th STREET, corner Harper AvenueTelephone. Hyde Park 136Tel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229. insurance exchange building175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in tbe Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex ' 1 3, Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGOUNIVERSITY' OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 189Announcement has been received of themarriage of Miss Jane Abt to EdwardReticker, ex '17, at Chicago.Priscilla Bradshaw, '18, to LieutenantDavid M. Suttle, Aviation Service, February 12, 1919, at Oak Park, Illinois. Lieutenant Suttle is now stationed at SoutherField, Americus, Georgia.Adele Schroeder, ex, to Rufus Cushmanof Boston, February, 1919.EngagementsJust before sailing for France to docanteen work, Helen D. Magee, '13, announced her engagement to Charles Shedd,nephew of John G. Shedd of MarshallField & Co.Dr. and Mrs. Cassius D. Westcott of1360 East Fifty-eighth Street announce theengagement of their daughter, Helen, '18,to Clarence Barbe of Baltimore, Md.BirthsBorn to Dr. Marjorie Hill Allee, '11, andWarder C. Alee, '11, a daughter, BarbaraElliott, May 19, 1918, Lake Forest, 111.Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Paine, 13, a boy,Lyman Paine, Jr., October S.Born to Lieutenant and Mrs. Fred Dig-gins Farrar (Cora E. Hinkins, '13) a daughter, Virginia Crane Farrar, November 33,1918. .Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard PierceRoe, J. D. '15, a daughter, Charlotte Bonni.DeathsClarence W. Russell, 'OS, died February5, 1919, at Visalia, California. For threeyears he had taught in New Mexico StateCollege. Later he returned to California;at the time of his death he was in the employ of an electric-light company at Visalia. Mr. Russell was a Maroon footballplayer for three years, and was very prominent in college. He is survived by awidow and a son six years of age.J. A. McAtee, Ph.D. '17, formerly ofWilliam Jewel College, died with influenzain December, 1918. He had just gone tothe University of Illinois as instructor inthe Department of Mathematics.Mrs. Charles Langdon (Margaret Kin-nick, ex) died February 1, 1919, of influenza, at Chicago. Paul H. Davis & CompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on reque.t.PAUL H. DAVIS. '11.N. Y. Life Bldg.— CHICAGO — Rand. 2281ROGERS Si Hall COOne of the largest and mostcomplete Printing plants in theUnited States.Printing andAdvertising Ad-risers and theCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications You have a standing invitation to call and inspect outplant and up-to-date facilities. We own the building aswelt as our printing -plant, and operate both to meetIhe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and DDINTI7DCPUBLICATION rlVllllLKoMake a Printing Connection wilh a Specialistand a large. Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseLetU>Estimate onTour NextPrinting OrderROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Slreels CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Lone Distance Wabash 3SS1WE PRINT(EheTtofoersitp ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYou will be interested—To know that the newCHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERis a morning newspaperwhich has successfully combined and now offers all theexcellent news and specialfeatures that were formerlycharacteristic of separateleading papers. The resultwill prove decidedly to youradvantage.THE CHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERBook NoticesTHE GOSPEL IN THE LIGHT OFTHE GREAT WARBy Ozora S. Davis,President of the Chicago TheologicalSeminary.An adequate idea of the nature of thisbook may be secured from the author'spreface which is given below:This book is not a treatise on formalhomiletics. It is designed as a workablemanual for the preacher who is facing theopportunities of the pulpit in an age whichthe writer believes is the most challengingand fascinating in the history of the Christian church. The Great War not onlyraised tremendous questions with which thepreacher must deal; but it called a literature into being which is throbbing with lifeand power. The letters and meditations ofthe soldiers are priceless and many of themwill become permanent possessions of anew world which will discover that these young writers have spoken in free andvaried forms the deepest message of thisurgent generation.The great experience through which wehave passed has also added a new senseof reality and worth to our appreciation ofthe Bible. It, too, was born from fierceand long struggle; it is amazing how muchof the temper of the war and of the constructive purpose following it is reflectedit; the Scriptures.To define the great subjects that havebeen thrust forward during the last five>cars, to show how the vital documents ofthe new literature bear upon them, andchiefly to bring the Bible into use as asource of text and subject and illustrationis the purpose of this volume.The writer has ventured to offer practical suggestions concerning the use oftexts and illustrative material. This isdesigned to be only in the way of suggestion. The horror of "canned outlines" ofBOOKS FROM THE PRESS 191■lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll^g[ Wov% to the mumniQHjiS is an age of Democracy.3t ijS an age, too, tofjen thinking people are stanoing fapinstitutions tfjat ijabe probeb tljemselbes staunch supporters of intelligent Democratic principles.%$t Chicago American — a great ebening netospaper —(jas altoaps been such an institution. 3ft inbites pourcooperation in tfje toorfe of bemocracp it is constantlyseeking to abbance.Sfje Chicago Americanlill!llll!l!l!IIIIIII!lllllll[llllin[lll!!lll!!l!llllllllllllllllll!lllHlU[l!llllll!lllisermons or garlands of poetic gems forillustration is unspeakable. The suggestions offered are simply examples of a profitable way to work the rich mine of biblicaland recent literature. No plagiarism wouldbe involved in using them; but they are presented to stimulate study rather than tostifle it.The writer is a preacher. He knows thehardship and the splendor of the task.These pages have been written in a temperof grateful regard for the high quality ofthe American ministry and a resolute devotion to the work of preaching. He nowsends the book forth to his comrades withthe earnest hope that it may help somewhatin making the old message of the gospelvibrant with new meaning and power to aconfused and yearning age.Table of ContentsI. New Conditions Defining the Preacher's Task.II. The Influence of the Modern Pulpit.The Moral Aims of the New Era.Where to Find the Sermon Stuff.Preaching on Patriotism.The Worth of Humanity.III.IV.V.VI. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiii^VII. "The Everlasting Reality of Religion."VIII. God the Father: His Love and Care.IX. Christ the Lord.X. Sin and Forgiveness.XL Death, Comfort, and Immortality.XII. Prayer.XIII. International Convictions and Conscience.An announcement of special scientific interest is just made by the University ofChicago Press that a notable addition issoon to be made to the University of Chicago Science Series. Professor CharlesJoseph Chamberlain, of the Department ofBotany, has prepared an untechnical account of the Living Cycads, fernlike plantswith a fossil ancestry reaching back intothe Paleozoic Age which afford valuablematerial for studies in evolution and phylo-geny. This book will present some of thefacts and conclusions obtained from fifteenyears of study in the field and laboratory.Nearly all of the illustrations are from theauthor's own drawings and photographs.It will be published in March.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe answer to your questionsabout the cost of meat!Send for Swift & Company's 1919 Year Book. Gives factsand figures about America's meat supply that everyhome should understand. Write for it now — sent freeWhy is the price of meat so high ?Do the packers control it?What has the war had to dowith it?How was the American armyfed?Why are the prices of butterand eggs so high?Are the packers responsible forthe high price of shoes?What are the real facts revealedby the Federal Trade Commission's investigation of the packing industry?Swift & Company's year book shownabove, will give the answers to these and many other interesting questions about your greatest food problem. Write for it now.There is no mystery in the meatpacking business. It operates underconditions of intense competitionand, like every other industry, iscontrolled by fundamental businessprinciples.This Year Book presents a review ofSwift & Company's operations during 1918 and shows that the profitsearned (about 2 cents on each dollarof meat sales) were too small to haveany noticeable effect on live stockand meat prices.Send us your name for this' valuablebook now — sent free — a postalwill do.AddressSwift & Company4183 Packers Avenue, Union Stockyards, Chicago, BlEstablished 1868A nation-wide organization owned by more than 23,000 stockholdersCHICAGODETROITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISSPRING SHIRTINGSMADE TO MEASUREOPR department of custom-madeShirts announces an unusuallycomplete and attractive exhibit ofimported and domestic shirtings forthe coming season. The beauty of fabricand pattern selections, the precision of workmanship and perfect fit of CAPPER &CAPPER made-to-order Shirts will appeal to eoeryman of discriminating taste in the choice of his apparel.' MICHIGAN AVE. at MONROE ST.and SHERMAN HOTELmTillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllliW^