BY THEg^jf ALUMNI COUNCILVol. XI No. 1 November, 1918iUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYBOOKSReadings in the Economics of War. By J. Maurice Clark, Associate Professor of Political Economy, University of Chicago; Walton H. Hamilton,Professor of Economic Institutions, Amherst College ; and Harold G. Moulton, Associate Professor of Political Economy, University of Chicago. 708pages, cloth; $3.00, postage extra (weight 2 lbs. 8 oz.). -The latest volume in the series Materials for the Study of Economics. Thisvolume interprets the economic aspects of the war and indicates what mustbe the future organization of industrial society. The editors have compassedthe major portion of the literature of the world for their material.Readings in Industrial Society. By L. C. Marshall, Professor of PoliticalEconomy and Dean of the School of Commerce and Administration, University of Chicago. 1,106 pages, cloth; $3.50, postage extra (weight 4 lbs.).Published in the series Materials for the Study of Business. This book furnishes a foundation for a thorough understanding and intelligent handling ofindustrial questions. The fact that all phases of the subject are discussed,each by an expert in his particular line, renders the volume unexcelled inusefulness.The Nature of the Relationship between Ethics and Economics.By Clarence E. Ayres, Instructor in Philosophy, University of Chicago. 72pages, paper covers; 50 cents (postpaid 54 cents).Philosophic Studies, No. 8. An analysis of the underlying conceptions of thenature and function of the sciences under consideration.The Geology of Vancouver and Vicinity. By Edward M. J. Burwash,14 half-tone, 10 line drawings, and two colored maps. 112 pages, papercovers; $1.50, postage extra (weight 13 oz.).A thorough geological survey of the area.The Book of Revelation. By Shirley J. Case, Professor of Early ChurchHistory and New Testament Interpretation, University of Chicago. 44 pages,paper covers; 50 cents (postpaid 52 cents).One of the new Outline Bible-Study courses presenting the real historicalfacts regarding the Book of Revelation. This course of study clears awayall the accumulation of temporary theories of individual men and of thedifferent sects.Realities of the Christian Religion. By Gerald B. Smith, Professor ofChristian Theology, and Theodore G. Soares, Professor of Homiletics andReligious Education and Head of the Department of Practical Theology,University of Chicago. 64 pages, paper covers; 50 cents (postpaid 52 cents).Another new Outline Bible-Study course which deals in a vital manner withthe religious questions of our own day.The New Orthodoxy. By Edward S. Ames, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago. 138 pages, cloth; $1.00, postage extra (weight12 oz.).A popular, constructive interpretation of man's religious life in the light ofthe learning of scholars and in the presence of spiritual heroes.The Life of Paul. By Benjamin W. Robinson. Professor of New TestamentLiterature and Interpretation, Chicago Theological Seminary. 264 pages,cloth; $1.25, postage extra (weight 1 lb. 14 oz.).A popular biography of Paul in close relation with the life of his time. InPaul is seen the same spirit which today impels men to start out for otherlands to give their all that the nations may have liberty and light.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSCHICAGO - - 5859 ELLIS AVENUE - - ILLLINOISAlumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, Frank McNair.Secretary-Treasurer, John Fryer Moulds.The Council for 1918-19 is composed of the following delegates :From the College Alumni Association, Miss Shirley Farr, Ruth Prosser, John FryerMoulds, Albert W. Sherer, Alice Greenacre, Harold H. Swift, Frank McNair, Scott Brown, John P. Mentzer, William H. Lyman, Mrs. Agnes CookGale, Emory Jackson, Ethel Kawin, Earl Hostetter, Dorothy Edwards.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, Herbert E. Slaught, Edgar J. Good-speed, H. L. Schoolcraft.F.'om the Divinity Alumni Association, Walter Runyan, Edgar J. Goodspeed, WarrenP. Behan.From the Law School Alumni Association, Hugo Friend, George Mathews, MaryBronaugh.From the Chicago Alumni Club, France Anderson, Walker McLaury, Bradford Gill.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Martha Landers Thompson, Mary McDonald,Charlotte Foye.From the University, James R. Angell.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council.:THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, Frank McNair, Harris Trust & Savings Bank.Secretary, John F. Moulds, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, Edgar J. Goodspeed, University of Chicago.Secretary, Herbert E. Slaught, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, John L. Jackson, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, Walter L. Runyan, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, Alice Geenacre, 70 W. Monroe St.Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, 76 W. Monroe St.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.HntoerSttp of Chicago Jlaga?tn£Editor, James W. Linn, '97. Business Manager, John F. Moulds, '07.Advertising Manager, Adolph G. Pierrot, '07.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 68th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. J The subscription price is $1.60 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. IT Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. H Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, IS centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).IF Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postofhce at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch S, 1879.Vol. XI. CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1918 No. 1Frontispiece: Opening Exercises, S. A. T. C, at the University of Chicago.Events and Comment 5The Y. M. C A. War Service 7The S. A. T. C. at the University of Chicago and the \Y. S. T. C 8The Roll of Honor 9News of the Quadrangles 10Athletics -qAlumni Affairs 12The Letter Box _ 13University Notes 16Alumni in Service 1<?Alumnae in Service ooNews of the Classes 04The Association of Doctors of I'nii.cisnriiY (.Votes) 07Marriages, Engagements, Births, Deaths ->sUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3"CHICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that these are ali Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favoring YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 JAMES A. DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATEI make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the UniversityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance, including Fire. Burglary,Automobile, Life, Accident, Health.1500 E. 57th STREET, corner Harper AvenueTelephone, Hyde Park 136Ben H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 Tel. Wabash 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMarine Insurance Especiallyroom 1229, insurance exchange building175 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoNorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, 'isINSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 400Mortimer L. Cahill, Ex 06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO ASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS y°u at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex '13. Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGOJohn J. Cleary, jr., 14ELDREDGE. MANNING & CLEARYINSURANCE1 75 West Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1 240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer, Ex '85INSURANCEIn All Its BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fidelity and Casualty134 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 5 1 00METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago — also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.Support our advertisersl They support the Magazine!James R. Angell, Major Henry S. Wygant, C. O., and Adjutant, at the firstassembly of the Student Army Training Corps, at the University of Chicago, October1, 1918. Messages from President Wilson and War Department Officials are beingread. Below, a view of officers and men to be inducted, facing platform.University of ChicagoMagazineVolume XI NOVEMBER, 1918 No. 1Events and DiscussionThe outstanding development of theUniversity this fall is the formation of aunit of the Students'The Army Training Corps,S. A. T. C. usually referred to asat the S. A. T. C. ThisChicago corps, which fairlycredible rumor declares to have originated in the brain ofCharles Riborg Mann, formerly professorof physics here, but now in governmentservice in Washington, has organized unitsat more than four hundred colleges andnuiversities in the country.Every member of the S. A. T. C. lives inbarracks, is paid $30 a month by the government, and is under military disciplinetwenty-four hours a day, like all other privates. In addition, his tuition is paid by thegovernment and he must spend at leastfourteen hours a week in the classroom orlaboratory (two hours of laboratory workcounting for one of classroom work). Atirregular intervals the government assignsselected men elsewhere — the best to officers' training camps; others to vocationalemployment, to noncommissioned officers'schools, or as privates in cantonments.The choice will be made on the basis ofattainment or lack of it, in both militaryand academic work.Any man in class lA in the September 12draft is eligible if he has a high school education or its equivalent. Chicago's quotawas thirteen hundred in the army and twohundred in the navy. These figures havenot been reached. Exactly how many menthere are in each branch has not yet beenofficially given out. Popular estimate saysabout eleven hundred in one and 125 in theother. The enormous machine was bound tostart with a creak, and there have beenmany hitches. Some men practicallywasted October in their efforts to get inducted. The class schedule has been verydifficult to adjust. Conflict between military requirements and class reuqirementscould not altogether be avoided, especiallywith the rest of the University continuinguninterrupted. Some gems of phrase havecirculated, as for example the remark ofone lieutenant to a boy who asked for tenminutes to consult his dean: "To h — 1 withyour dean; the army is your dean now."But on the whole the work, both militaryand academic, has been amazingly efficient.Of alumni killed in action, the deaths oftwo particularly have attracted wide attention — 1st Lieuten-Shull and ant Laurens Shull ofGoettler the 26th Division, themost famous in thearmy because of its position at ChateauThierry, and Captain Harold Goettler ofthe air service. Shull died from wounds inAugust, Goettler was killed in Octoberwhile relieving the besieged American company that was surrounded and besieged inthe Argonne, and was subsequently rescued. Shull and Goettler were the well-known all-western tackles on the 1914football team. Many a time they headedattacks together on the football field. Indeath they are not divided.Since the foregoing was written the following communication has come from theWar Department:"The Distinguished Service Cross hasbeen posthumously given to LieutenantTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELaurens C. Shull for extraordinary heroism. Near Soissons, France, July 19, 1918,he led his platoon with brilliant couragein two attacks and was badly wounded ina third when, with equal vigor, he advancedagainst a machine gun nest."To which may be added a word fromone of Shull's letters, dated June 30. "Idon't want to be buried in a cemetery overhere. I hope they put me somewhere allalone. The Hun artillery fires on the graveyards because he fancies we use the crossesfor observation posts or the like. But Idon't see the use in being buried and un-buried and then buried and unburied again.Put me by my lonesome in some oldtrench."Among the University women the striking novelty is the W. S. T. C, or Women'sStudents' T r a i ningThe W. S. T. C. Corps. This organization (a notice ofwhich is given elsewhere in this number),the plan of Dean Elizabeth Wallace, is nota government, but a Chicago scheme. Ithas attracted wide attention, and will bewidely imitated. Every woman student iseligible, and more than 600 have joined. Auniform (not required) has been adopted,and the women drill under the direction ofthe army officers in charge of the S. A. T.C. The drill feature is, however, altogethersecondary to the service and vocationalfeatures.As alumni know, president Judson isnow in Persia at the head of a commissionto provide for thatDean Angell stricken country. HeNow left in midsummer andActing is expected to returnPresident at Christmas time.Meanwhile, the actingpresident is Dean James R. Angell, whoin the old and sacred phrase has perfomedthe duties of his office in a fashion to winthe admiration of all; indeed, even betterthan that.The class-schedule has undergone and isundergoing some amazing alterations. Atpresent it stands as follows (on November1):8:00-N:55, !l :05-10 :<)(), 10:10-1 1 :0r>, 11:15- 11:50, (chapel hours), 11:50-12:45, 12:55-1:50, 2:00-2:55, 3:05-4:00, 4:10-5:05. Notethe early beginning, the ten minutes of freetime between class-periods, the fact that theschedule is continuous, classes being heldat every hour,The Class and the late clos-Schedule ing. At presentthe drill-hours ofthe A. A. T. C. are from 10:00-12:00, nomembers of that organization, except pre-medical students being registered for anyclass work between 10 and 1. A furtherchange is proposed, however, for A. O. T.C. men, which would leave them all freefor recreation from 12:45 to 2:30. The reason for this lies in the fact that in Octoberit was found the boys had no free time alltogether except from 5:05 to 5:30 (retreat).What this did to organized sports may beimagined; and the army insists on organized sports. Hereafter Mr. Stagg will drillthe football squad between 1:00 and 2:30,so it is said; though how mess is to bemanaged deponent sayeth not. The reason for the original change was the necessity of getting class-rooms, which had become at some hours practically unprovid-able.THE COMMISSION OF RELIEF INBELGIUMGive Your Worn Clothing to the NeedySeveral million men and women in theoccupied territory of Belgium and Northern France are in dire need of clothing.They are now making garments from oldsheets, tablecloths, and sacking, and eventhese materials are almost exhausted. Theyhave no resources; and if they had, thereare no stocks of clothing to be bought.The>' need proper clothing as a measure ofdecency and as a protection against theweather and against disease. The Commission for Relief in Belgium asks vourco-operation in the. task of protecting thesedestitute sufferers and will forward in itscargo ships such articles of civilian clothing as you are willing to give. Every kindof garment is most urgently needed. Ifyou are willing to help the people of Belgium and northern France in this way,send your spare clothing to the above-named committee at 101 New Jersey Railroad avenue, Newark, N. J.AND DISCUSSION 7V||1|'IH'liM"|liB'!|T^V ',|'1'11 ''K iiNflWfiYMCAIn the late spring of 1917, the AmericanY. M. C. A. in France consisted of a diminutive tent on a dock in a certain Frenchbase port and a handful of secretaries. Inthis tent the secretaries were waiting forthe first American troops when theylanded, greeting them with a phonograph,writing material, some "eats" of a nondescript character, a genuine hospitality andsuch other facilities as could be hastilygotten together and transported to the seaboard from Paris.Today the American Y. M. C. A. has approximately 2,500 workers, about 300 ofthem women, serving American and Frenchsoldiers in almost 1,200 different centersthroughout France. The familiar Red Triangle holds out its invitation to black andwhite, Catholic, Protestant, Jew or unbeliever — to hundreds of thousands of men —in the base ports, in the training and concentration camps, the billeting villages, theshellfire zone and even in the trenchesthemselves. No group of soldiers any place"over there" has to look far for a "Y" hut.In addition to its usual activities maintained for the men, the American Y. M. C.A. has been called upon to manage the entire post exchange system for the American Expeditionary Forces. This is thehugest single phase of all the Association'shuge work. Gross sales in the post exchanges are expected to amount to $75,000,-000 a year. Every month three to fourthousand tons of post exchange supplies— the maximum amount for which shippingspace can be secured — go from America toFrance to stock the six hundred exchanges.Additional supplies are purchased in Franceand in England, and because of the enormous quantities consumed, the Y. M. C. A.has taken over eight factories in France.The entire facilities of all are required, fivefor making chocolate for the post exchanges, the other three for biscuits andcookies. Sugar for the chocolate has tocome from the United States, but theFrench are able to provide the raw chocolate. Certain of the raw materials for thebiscuits and cookies also are furnishedfrom this country To Establish Khaki CollegeThe most recent — and perhaps most significant — development in the work inFrance is the founding of a "Khaki College." This is a sort of transplanted publicschool system, which is to reach every partof the army.The Khaki College will enable the mento take advantage of their period of servicefor intellectual betterment. Courses fromthe most elemental to the most advancedwill be available for all applying, each soldier according to his qualifications andmental equipment. While the men are being made good soldiers, they will simultaneously be given opportunity to study tobe better doctors, lawyers, clerks, accountants, chemists and so on on down the listof vocations and avocations.The Khaki College will be maintained inaddition to — and eventually probably to replace — the present informal, but comprehensive, educational activities. This informal educational work is designed to giveemergency training in order that deficiencies of education detrimental to militaryefficiency may be corrected. Thus the illiterate and the foreign-born are taught toread and write English. French for conversational and military use is taught theenlisted men from the most elementary tothe advanced lessons. Classes in automobile repairing and the like have been established where the need was manifested. TheKhaki College will include, enlarge on andcoordinate all this work. Its field of greatest usefulness will, of course, come in thedemobilization period after the war, duringthe two years that all estimates fix as theminimum time for the complete demobilization of the American troops in Franceand their return to this country.In its war work, the Y. M. C. A. programis fundamentally threefold. Back of theathletics, the "movies," the post exchanges,the reading and religious services is thefundamental philosophy of ministering toall of a man. In this comprehensivenessis undoubtedly found the reason why theY. M. C. A. work appeals to practically allmen.Here's YOUR ChanceTo cheer and comfort oursoldiersUNITED WAR WORKCAMPAIGNNovember 11-18, 1918.Do the best you can !THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe S. A. T. C. at The University of ChicagoThe first public assembly of the StudentArmy Training Corps at the University ofChicago was held on October 1 at 11 o'clockat the flagpole in the central quadrangle,when the students took the oath of allegiance to "the flag and the Republic forwhich it stands." This impressive ceremony of saluting the flag and swearingallegiance, two views of which are presented in the frontispiece of this issue, occurred at the same time with similar ceremonies at all institutions throughout the countryhaving a Student Army Training Corps.Dean James R. Angell, vice-president ofthe University, in the absence of PresidentHarry Pratt Judson, addressed the corps,and significant messages from the President of the United States and the ActingSecretary of War were read by MajorHenry S. Wygant, commanding officer.The Student Army Training Corps atthe University of Chicago is limited to1,500 students, of whom 200 may be members of the Naval Unit. Up to October 1,1,745 applications had been received for enrolment in this service. Of this number,1,100 have already been examined. Of thetotal number of applicants, 523 are formerstudents of the University and 1,222 arenew students.Barracks have been built in the concretegrandstand of Stagg Field, which will accommodate about 500 men. The remaining soldiers of the unit are housed inthe former men's dormitories, and in adjacent fraternity houses.Major Ripley L. Dana, U. S. A., was appointed commanding officer of the S. A.T. C. at the University of Chicago onOctober 14, Major Wygant, commanding officer, having been transferred totransferred to the charge of Inspector ofthe Central Division of the S. A. T. C. Major Dana was graduated from Bodoin College in 1901. He obtained a law degree atHarvard University Law School in 1904,and practiced law in Boston from 1904 to1917. In 1915-16 he attended the businessmen's camp at Plattsburg, then under thecharge of Major General Wood. In 1917Major Dana entered the Plattsburg Officers'Training Camp, where he was commissioned captain of infantry and appointed tothe 304th Infantry at Camp Devens, Massachusetts. From November, 1917, to May,1918, he served as commander of severalU. S. Army training detachments at Kingston, R. I. In August, 1918, he was commissioned major.Up to August 28, approximately 400 menhave been trained at the shops of the University High School in machine work, carpenter work, sheet metal work, and automobile repairing. One large building andthree houses are now in use for housingthe men, who mess in Hutchinson Cafe atthe University.These men are now in Group B, Industrial Training Section, of the S. A. T. C. The men who have gone, into servicehave been detailed to Camp Jessup inGeorgia, the American University in Washington, and to an engineering unit inFrance. Reports from Washington indicate that the army officers in charge areespecially well pleased with the characterof the training the men have received atthe University of Chicago.The W. S. T. C.More than seven hundred women at theUniversity of Chicago, who desire to havea definite and practical share in winning thewar, took the pledge of allegiance to theflag as members of the Woman StudentTraining Corps on the evening of October11, when Vice-President James R. Angell,Dean Elizabeth Wallace and Major HenryS. Wygant made addresses. Following thismeeting in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall,a less formal meeting was held in IdaNoyes Hall, where the names of the newofficers of the corps were announced.One of the chief purposes of the organization also is social and philanthropicwork in connection with the war. Militarydrill will be required of all members whoare physically able to take it. Nineteencommissioned officers have been appointedto take charge of this part of the work,which will be under the general supervision of the department of physical education in co-operation with the commandingofficer of the Student Army Training Corps.At the meeting in Ida Noyes Hall, MissCronin, head of the department of PhysicalEducation, explained the military side ofthe W. S. T. C. Drill is held every day except Friday at 11:50. These officers havebeen appointed by a committee consistingof Major Dana, Miss Cronin, Dean Flintand Dean Wallace, who selected them forqualities of leadership, physical ability andhigh scholarship.Those appointed are as follows: EleanorAtkins, Lyssa Chalkley, Pauline Davis, MayFreedman, Kathleen Grant, Frances Henderson, Dorothy Lardner, Marjorie Leopold, Marion Meanor, Sarah Mulroy, Mildred Powilson, Phyllis Palmer, LillianRichards, Lillian Reynolds, Arline Falke-nau, Carol Smith, Helen Sulzberger, Marjorie Winslow, and Enid Towneley.The pledge of the organization is as follows:As a member of the Woman Student TrainingCorps I promise: (1) That while in college I willprepare myself definitely for some essential occupation whereby I may serve my country efficiently inmy own home or elsewhere. (2) That after leavingcollege and during the major portion of long vacations, I will practice an essential occupation systematically for the duration of the war. (3)Furthermore, I pledge myself to support the President of the United States, to honor the flag, and touphold by my acts and influence, in all business andsocial relations, the best ideals of American womanhood. As a loyal member of the University of Chicago I hereby pledge my faith.9First Lieutenant Laurens C. Shull, '16, U. S.A., died August 5, 1918. of wounds receivedin action. He was a well-known footballstar, and captain of the 1916 baseball tea.mthat played Waseda, Japan, during- the University Quarter Centennial celebrations. Hewas a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternityand Owl and Serpent. His home was inWoodward, Iowa.DISTINGUISHED FOR BRAVERYMrs. Maude Radford Warren, '96,was made a Sergeant in the U. S.Marines for bravery under fire atChateau Thierry, and awarded theCroix de Guerre.J. B. Carlock, '04, awarded theCroix de Guerre.Edward McDonald, '14, awardedthe Croix de Guerre.Lieutenant Edward Orr, '17, whowas killed in action, in aviation, wasawarded the Distinguished ServiceCross by General Pershing.First Lieutenant Laurens C. Shull, '16,posthumously awarded the DistinguishedService Cross for extraordinary heroism near Soissons, France, July 19, 1918.J. M. Sellers, '17, received the English Distinguished Service Cross forbravery in action.William Bowie, '18, awarded theCroix de Guerre.Frank S. Neromb, ex. '18, awardedthe Croix de Guerre for bravery un-, der a raking shell fire. ROLL OF HONORKilled in ActionLester Clement Barton, '06, SecondLieutenant, 101st Field Artillery,killed in action near Chateau Thierry,July 2-st, 1918. Awarded DistinguishedService Medal posthumously.Walter Goddard, '13, First Lieutenant, Aviation.William Heffron, '13, First Lieutenant, Infantry.Harold E. Goettler, ;14, Captain,Aviation, killed in combat.Edward Orr, '17, First LieutenantAviation.Died of Accident or DiseaseLloyd Le Due, '14, died Oct. 28, ofinfluenza, Marine Hospital, Chicago.Pvte. Elroy D. Golding, '15, A. E.F. ; died, October, at sea, enroute toFrance.Cedric B. Strohm, '17, died of influenza, Oct. 19, at Camp Wadsworth,Spartansburg, S. C.Lieutenant Charles Taylor, '17, infantry, died October, at Camp Cody,Seining, N. Mexico.Elmer Krause, '18, died of influenza, Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kv.Silbert C. Moss, Ex. '20, died ofpneumonia, Philadelphia Navy Yard.Jaspar French, Ex. '18, Aviation(accident).Glen Tenney, '19, naval aviation,died of influenza at Salt Lake City.Frank J. Oliver, Ex. -St., Aviation(accident), Waco, Texas.Stillman Jamison, '21, enrolled inS. N. T. C), at the University of Chicago, died Oct. 16, of influenza.C. E. Reiss, died of pneumonia,Camp Grant. Rockford, Illinois.C. H. Wilbur, Infantry, died ofpneumonia, Camp Taylor, Kentucky.Missing in ActionRichard Matthews, '16, Cadet in U.S. Air Service. Plane shot down behind the German lines.Wounded in ActionRalph Chapman, '14, gassed.Robert Hall, '17, Lieutenant Infantry; gassed and severely burned.Henry Mead, '17, Lieutenant U. S.A.; severely wounded.Wm. Beauchamp, Ex-'18, PrivateBritish Royal Army Medical Corps;gassed in France; returned to thetrenches, contracted trench fever andis now in a convalescent hospital inEngland.Walter Snyder, Ex. '18, Private 48thHighlanders of Canada; wounded; inhospital, London.Bernard McNeil, Ex. '19, Lieutenant Infantry; wounded.Lieutenant Wayland Brooks;wounded.Otis Cromwell, Ex. St., gassed.Willis Hubbard, Ex. -St., wounded.John McKeown. Ex. -St., crippledin airplane accident in France.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the QuadranglesAnyone hunting for "something new under the sun" will find it right here, becausethe University of Chicago is, this year,practically minus a "campus." Physicallywe have such an article, but undergradu-ately speaking, the "campus" is not. It hasbeen loaned to the United States, and thatorganization has promptly turned it over tothe Student Army Training Corps.Consequently student activities, as usual,are quite feeble. Clubs and leagues have anunusual feminine touch and this touch, too,is becoming warlike, so to speak. Exceptions must be made in the case of fraternities and Varsity teams, naturally. Fraternities are not what they used to be, butthey are still in existence. Their houses,if owned, have been rented to the government, and, in some cases, rooms have beenrented near the campus to replace formermeeting places. But in the majority, localchapters have been observing the nationalrequest to temporarily cease. Little rushing took place after October 1. With buttwo exceptions, Sigma Uni and Phi KappaPsi, fraternity pledgings were below normal, as the approximate total of 115 againstlast year's 158 (then considered a "dull season") shows.The Daily Maroon continues business asusual, but with a staff mainly composed ofwomen editors. Ruth Genzberger, as NewsEditor, is carrying the burden of editorialwork. Charles Green. '19, was to have returned as Managing Editor, but as he isnow a second lieutenant in Uncle Sam'sservice, the position fell to John Joseph,'20. Grant Mears, '20, and May Freedman,'20, are running the business end.Other student publications have not beenas fortunate as the Maroon. The Chicagoan,last year's merger of the Green Cap, and theLiterary Monthly, has not appeared. TheCap and Goivn editorships have been thrownopen to all classes. Joseph Eaton, '20, andJames Mulroy, '20, hold the positions ofeditor-in-chief and business manager, respectively.A new and quite important activity isthe Woman Students' Training Corps. Thisorganization was the result of plans madeby senior women. More than 800 namescomprise the present roll. The W. S. T. under the Students' War Activities Committee, which js headed by Miss Wallaceand Katherine Frost, '19.Influenza hit the campus, as it did everywhere, but serious results were low. Still-man Jamison, '21, died from the disease;outside of that casualty no others havebeen reported so far. Health bulletins andthe elimination of unnecessary gatherings(classes excluded) seemed successful pre ventatives. But campus activities weredulled considerably.The University Y. M. C. A. has beencombined with the army Y. M. C. A., whichnow occupies quarters on the second floorof the Reynolds Club. Clarence Brown,'19, still continues as Business Secretary,while Elbert G. Stevens, who has been inFrance, is the Activity Secretary. "C"books were issued.Other organizations still alive are theThree Quarters Club, the Dramatic Club,the Honor Commission, the Undergraduate Council, the W. A. A. and the Y. W. C.L. But they are all, especially those inwhich men participate, but slightly active.No. decidedly, the "campus" Autumn, 1918,is something the likes of which we havenever seen before; neither "campus'' norwar camp, but a mixture of both — a mixture, however, that reveals a fine spirit ofloyalty and patriotism.John Joseph, '20.Charles J. Merriam has the distinctionof being the first to receive a scholarshipunder the La Verne Noyes Foundation,University of Chicago, which is granted tothose who have served in the Army orNavy of the United States, in the presentwar, and their descendants. Charles J. Merriam is the son of Professor C. E. Merriamof the Political Science Department, whohas been serving as a Captain in the Aviation Section, and who is now the head ofthe United States Commission to Italy.PROGRAM BY CHICAGO MENMAKES HIT WITH FIGHTERSA recent number of Plane News, the airservice paper of the American Expeditionary Forces, contains the following accountof an entertainment held "somewhere inFrance" in which University men of BaseHospital Unit 13 took a prominent part:"One of the largest audiences which everfiled in Y. M. hut No. 1 greeted the musical number presented there upon Thursday evening. The feature of the eveningwas the work of the University quartet,which might more appropriately be called'The Comedy Four.' The quartet is composed of men from Base Hospital 13 andthe crowd was for them from the first.Every member of the quartet is an artistin his line and the duets, monologues, andcomedy songs they gave kept the house ina constant burst of applause. Their entirerepertoire exhausted, they repeated manyof their best hits and left the stage amiaa roar of applause."11AthleticsThe story of the football team up toNovember 1 is fifty-fifty tragic and amusing. Mr. Stagg, after a fine period ofspring practice, got the men together Sept.18 and worked them steadily for two weeks.In that time he showed the makings of agood eleven. As soon as college began,the lack of a general recreation hour maderegular practice impossible. One gamewas played, however, with the team fromthe Municipal Pier and the team, althoughragged and defeated 14-7 by an experiencedand much heavier aggregation, showedsomething. And the next day Cole, quarterback, Crisler, half, Hutchinson, half,Hinkle and McDonald, tackles, and Dygert,sub-fullback, were all sent to officers'training camps, five of them to Waco,Texas, where with Westby of the gymteam they now make up the camp eleven.Such a slaughter of the innocents has beenunparalleled anywhere. It left only onegood man in the backfield, Captain Elton.However, as freshmen can play this fall,Stagg took up the job a second time.Then for two weeks he faced the situationof having no time when all the men couldpractice together. The influenza luckilyprevented any games; for there were practically no group of eleven men who allknew the signals and had practiced together. Finally, late in October, a gamewas played with Loyola Academy; andStagg, Jr., the only remaining quarterback,Neff, the best halfback, and Swenson, oneof three good linemen, were all knocked out.Stagg, Jr., got a broken collar-bone, whichwill keep him out for the season; the othertwo will resume activities later.At present the lineup includes Reber,center, the sub center last year; Miller,Grey, Swenson and Kaspers, guards; allfreshmen and none remarkable; Stegeman(brother of H. J. Stegeman) and McGuire,a freshman, tackles, about average; Schwaband Halladay, freshmen, ends, neither oneeither experienced or very promising;Smith, Mills and Tays, quarterbacks, allfreshmen, all recent acquisistions, and noneof them ever having played the position;Sears, Neff and Eubank, halves, all freshmen and not remarkable; Hermes, fullback,a freshman who looks pretty good; andCaptain Elton, who would like to play half,but who fills in anywhere in the backfieldand is a really able player. If with no timeto practice, that aggregation wins a game this fall, let us give thanks. And they facefive games in November, as follows:November 9, Michigan at Chicago.November, 16, Northwestern at Evanston.November 23, Illinois at Chicago.November 30, Minnesota at Chicago.On October 2, Chicago played its firstConference game with Purdue. Because ofthe influenza epidemic the game was playedat Lafayette, this being our first visit tothe Indiana school in many years. Purduewon, 7 to 3, in a game between teams thatwere quite evenly matched. In the firstquarter Stejerman made a place kick, givingChicago a narrow lead of 3 points, whichpromised to be the deciding score; severalChicago chances for a touchdown werelost, however. Until the last half of thefourth quarter Chicago had the contest wonwhen the break of the game came, Purduemaking a forward pass that caught Chicago off its guard and scored the onlytouchdown of the game. The Maroonsafety men were fooled, became panicstricken, and allowed Markley, the Purduefull-back, to slip off by himself. ThreeChicago men had their hands on him, butfailed to hang on; it was the poor type oftackling that reveals inexperience.Chicago displayed plenty of faults, theline particularly seeming very weak; yetthe showing of the men was not withoutsome promise. With time, a team may bedeveloped, but it seems now that the bestthat can be done will be far below thelevel of other years, and very far below thelevel desired with a Michigan game, afterthirteen years, standing right before us.Municipal Pier GameThe Municipal Pier game on October 12was one of lost opportunities. Chicago beatback a fierce attack on her two-yard line,and then scored a touchdown. After thatthe stage-fright and the Navy team, whichwas ten pounds per man heavier and farmore experienced, scored twice in the second half. Its calibre may be judged by thefact that Gale Blocki, Chicago's quarterback last year, now at the Pier, and JohnBryan, who would have been a star at theUniversity this fall if he had not enlistedin the Navy, are both substitutes in itsback-field.THE UNIVERSITY OFALUMNI COUNCIL MEETINGThe first Alumni Council quarterly meeting, 1918-1919, was held Wednesday, Oct.23, 8:00-10:30 p. m., in the Alumni office,Cobb 4D. There were present: MaryBronaugh, Alice Greenacre, Mary MacDonald, Ruth Prosser, Emery Jackson, W.H. Lyman, Walker MacLaury, H. E.Slaught, John F. Moulds, A. G. Pierrot andRoy Nelson. Absent in war service:Dorothy Edwards, Shirley Farr, FranceAnderson, Earl Hostetter, Walter Runyonand Harold Swift. Chairman Frank McNair and Mrs. Ethel Kawin Brachnachwere absent owing to illness. John F.Moulds presided. Minutes of July 2ndmeeting were read and adopted.A report of Secretary-Treasurer Moulds,for the year ending Sept. 30. was read,which showed some loss in surplus as compared to the previous year, due to subscription loss and cost increases under war conditions. A supplementary report showedthat the War Fund, up to Oct. 1, 1918, hadon hand $389.57. Chairman Slaught, Finance Committee, presented a budget for1918-1919, much the same as presented lastyear. All three financial reports wereadopted and ordered filed.Mr. Roy Nelson, who had agreed to commence work on the directory, and to assume secretarial duties when Mr. Pierrotdeparted for war service, was presented.Several matters pertaining to the management of the Magazine during the comingyear were discussed, and were referred tothe Publications Committee for decision.It was moved that it be the sense of thismeeting that dues for all Associations, including Magazine subscriptions, be $2.00per year, and that the new rates take effectafter Jan. 1, 1919. It was pointed out thatwithout this increase it would be difficultto maintain the Magazine. This motionwas unanimously adopted.The meeting was interesting and important, as general groundwork was laid forcarrying through Alumni affairs for thecoming year as successfully as war conditions would permit.Law School Association MeetingThe first meeting of the year of the LawSchool Association was held on Tuesday,October 20, at a luncheon at the MorrisonHotel, Chicago. Judge Orin N. Carter,of the Supreme Court of Illinois, was theguest of honor and principal speaker. Hespoke on "The Constitutional Amendment,"a subject of great interest to lawyers andcitizens of Illinois at this time. There weretwenty Association members present. Themeeting was in charge of Miss Alice Greenacre, A. B., '08, T. D„ '11, President of theAssociation, and Charles F. McElroy, A. M.,'06, J. D., '15, Secretary, lt was greatlyenjoyed by all present, and gave promiseof an interesting and active year for theAssociation. The next meeting will be heldabout the end of November. CHICAGO MAGAZINELieutenant Paul Perig-ord, A. M., '13, whowas the principal speaker at the 1918 Reunion. Lieutenant Perigord was honored byColumbia University In June, 1918, with anhonorary M. A. degree. Priest, soldier, loyalson of France, he is one of but two survivorsof a group of sixty-two officers who with the14th Regiment of Infantry defended Franceagainst the invader in August, 1914. He wasdesperately wounded once, cited five timesin General Orders, and decorated for conspicuous bravery on the field of battle. Honored with the Croix de Guerre, he has beenassigned to the task of military instructionand the enlightenment of public opinion inthe United States.MEETING OF THE NEW YORKALUMNI CLUBOn Saturday afternoon, Oct. 9th, at 5:00p. m., a meeting of the Eastern Alumni Association was held at "Beechwood," thebeautiful home of Mr. and Airs. Frank A.Vanderlip, Ex. '04, in Scarborough-on-the-Hudson, New York. The entertainmentwas indoors, and, following a buffet supper, the party assembled in Beechwood"Playhouse." where there were brief, and motion pictures of war scenesrun for the first time. The films of the University Quarter Centennial were also exhibited. The speakers were Alumni and Faculty members, who gave first hand information on various phases of war work.A most attractive invitation was sent outby A. T. Stewart, '04, President, and E. H.Alliens, '06, Secretary, of the Association!The meeting was very well attended andwas another proof of the loyalty to andinterest in the University of our New YorkAlumni.LETTER BOX 13The Letter Box[Tom Hollingsworth, '15, sergeant in the ordnanceservice in France, writes (address Ordnance Dept.,A. P. O. 717, A. E. F., France), as follows:]We have not slept in any one place mp-refthan two nights since we arrived, but Ithink we are finally settled here "at thisadvance depot, and will probably remain forsome time. We arrived here a few daysago, but were immediately sent out on aspecial detail to convoy some horses to thefront. It was quite an experience takingcare of a carload of horses, sleeping betweenthem, feeding and watering them. After arriving at the destination we unloaded thehorses and then went to a small camp notfar away. There was no room for us in thebarracks, for which we were thankful sowe pitched our pup tents and prepared forthe night. We were close enough to thelines to hear the guns and see the shrapneland star shells. The night before we werethere they had an air raid; so they wereparticularly watchful. Twice during thenight the alarm sounded and we were ordered to the dugouts, but nothing happened.' In the afternoon a "boche" plane cameacross our lines and was fired upon by ourguns. We only stayed there a day and thenstarted back here by a very roundabout wayand finally arrived about midnight two orthree days later. Next morning we startedwork in the new depot here, everybody rustling boxes, loading and unloading cars.We all said good-bye to the captain today. Some of the first group of Chicagoordnance men are here — the only ones Iknow are Norm MacLeod, a D. U., andDick Kuh. A few of us have been recommended to an officer's training school herein France. I am listed for the artillery,but, of course, there is nothing definiteabout it, and we may never hear from itat all.I am at the Y. M. C. A. waiting for Eastermorning services to begin. It is a rainy,disagreeable, cold morning, with much ofthe far-famed French mud under foot. Itwas so uncomfortable and damp down atthe barracks that we waded through a half-mile of mud to get here where it is a littlebetter, and also to attend services.Two American women are here arrangingthe flowers around the pulpit, and it's beginning to look like a real church.I'm at the new location now, in the officeof the chief ordnance officer of A. E. F. Weare located in one of the largest and mostprogressive cities of France, a big changeover what we have had the past month. Iam assigned to the division which will bringme into close contact with my old favorites,the machine guns. My work will be partlyas draughtsman and partly other officework,- the nature of which I am not sure ofas yet. I feel that it is a fortunate changefor me. Harry Gorgas, Harold Moore, JiggsDonohue, Bunny Newman and Joe Day, allChicago boys, are here. Five of us came over here last night and eight were alreadyhere. The recommendation of us for theline officers' training school has all fallenthrough; enlisted men of this departmentare not allowed to attend. Carl Defebaughand Harry Borroff are still at the depot.There is a nice "Y" here, very homelike andwith a good restaurant. The city is really awonder. We hardly know there is a war.We are quartered in what used to be thebarn of a French army post — stone floor andfine spring cots. It's a little crowded now,but several men will be transferred soon, Iunderstand. Bristow, Kite and I came downtown tonight and bought some chocolateice cream, which cost us each a franc, but,believe me, it was well worth it — the firstI've had since leaving the States. They tellme that on Sunday we can get a finechicken dinner with apple pie for 3 francs.Lucia W. Parker, Ex-'15, Writes:"I have simply worked like a dog' allwinter, no regular meal hours; not in bedusually before midnight, to be up by 6 to 7a. m., and often on duty for thirty-sixhours on a stretch. Five days after goinginto the service, I was made directrice ofone of the largest canteens connected withthe French army. We fed about 800 mendaily for dinner and about 400 for supper,with counter service in between times. Ihad a large force under me and was kepton the jump every moment. It was a wonderful experience. I would not have missedit for worlds. While there I had a visitfrom General Petain and received from himsome words of commendation which I shallalways treasure. Then in February I wasmade directrice of one of the rest stationsfor our own boys. That was an inspiring,glorious opportunity for which I shall always be grateful. It was so satisfying tofeed those hungry, tired, dirty fellows onthe troop trains and to hear them say itwas the best thing they had had since leaving America; and to see their enjoymentof the easy chairs and drop lights in the restroom and their rejuvenation after enjoyingone of our 20 fine showers, all did my heartgood. We fed as many as 9,000 in 36hours, and we got the system so well organized that it took just 45 minutes to feedover 1,300 men — of course not a meal, butcoffee and sandwiches. Now I have beengiven a new job. I am assistant organizerof all Red Cross canteens and rest stations for both French and American armies.I go from place to place, 'have the interiordecorating done, engage servants, buychina, and furniture and kitchen utensils,start the pantry and start the directress offin the way she should go and then go elsewhere to do the, same thing. In betweenacts, I report to headquarters in Paris, geta fresh supply of money, balance up pastaccounts and then start out again.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"I must tell you what an odd coincidencehappened recently. I was at to openup a canteen and the first night we served(the very night before I left) I noticed agroup of American boys out on the platform. I asked them whether they knewthere was an American canteen at hand,and when they said 'no,' I said, 'Well, comein and let us see what we can do for you.'Soon I found a long line of some 250 filinginto the restaurant, so I was busily engagedpouring hot coffee and iced tea. For somemoments I was too rushed to look up, thenin a chance glance I stole. I suddenly foundBuell Patterson waiting to be served. Thenit developed that the unit was from Chicago, many University boys among thenumber, and that Dr. Harvey of the faculty was one of the officers. Miss RuthAbbott's brother (Dr. Donald P. Abbott)was also along. It was great fun. Twoof the youngsters hung around the counter until they had an opportunity to askif I knew the girls to whom they are engaged (two girls who received their bachelor's degrees in June, 1918,) and then eachsat down at one of our writing tables andwrote a letter to which I added a fewlines."Do write when you can; letters from theStates are precious things and news ismost welcome."Letter From Ensign Samuel Leland, Jr.,'17, to His Brother, C. F. Leland, '04October 14, 1918.Things have happened so fast lately Ihaven't had time, inclination or ambition towrite. In fact, I thought I'd be home totell it to you, but it looks as if that will notbe possible.To begin with — we left October3rd, 11 a. m. At 12 we crashed throughthe net at the entrance to harbor —bad luck No. 1. Well, things went alongfine after that, the officers all fine men,etc., good quarters, brand new ship andeverything. I was assigned to the 12-4watch as junior watch officer. Things weregoing along fine till Monday a. m. I wason watch and at 1 o'clock it began to rainand we couldn't even see our hands infront of our face. At 2:33 another steamship in convoy with us struck us on ourstarboard quarter and our ship sank in 17minutes.Being on watch I was one of the last toleave, and so when I got to the lifeboat,of which I had charge, No. 6, some hair-brain had let go the forward fall and thebow was in the water and stern in the air.Nice state of affairs with about 30 menwaiting to get into that boat. I managedto get it straightened out and then hadto slide down a life line to get in. Thenin trying to cast off the sea painter jammed,and. as there was a high sea running, keptdashing our boat against the side of theship. Three waves struck us and then over we went. I came up underneath the upturned boat and managed to get my headabove water and was getting along finewhen the boat was suddenly lifted and Iwas sent whirling away in another direction. When I came to I saw the lifeboatsome distance away and swam to it. (Istill had my rubber boots — slicker andsouthwester and life belt on) some load,but made the boat, whose gunwale wasonly about three inches above water. Shewas full of water inside. For some reasonI had a lot of trust in that boat, so got inher. Then as the ship was about to diveto Davy Jones, I noticed the sea painterstill fast, and as I had that big jack knifeof grandfather's, just cut it in time to escape going down in the suction.There were seven other men in our boat,all that were left of the original crowd, andthe air tanks were all that was keeping upafloat. After quite a while, we attractedthe attention of another lifeboat and theymanaged to get to the ship that hadrammed us and was standing by trying tohelp us. When we got aboard her, wethought we had surely been saved, whenthe officers told us that their ship had a badhole in her bow and they didn't knowwhether she would stay afloat or not.After getting all aboard we could find, welost seven enlisted men out of a crew of101 — all officers were saved. We startedfor , the nearest port. The accidenthappened about 500 miles off shore.During the day a terrific storm startedand we had to buck it, and if you don'tthing I was a worried sailor all night long,you are mistaken. The pumps were goingall the time, yet the water was gainingabout half an inch an hour, and it was justa matter of endurance. Of course, therewasn't any room for two crews on thisship so we all had to sleep on the floor ordecks any place. I slept on the ward roomfloor four nights. We got to andhad to wait for a couple of days for a train,and when we dropped into Fridaya. m. we were a sorry looking sight; onlythree other officers and I had a uniform.The rest of the officers had dungarees oroveralls and sweater on.I got pretty well banged up in the scrape.My face pretty well cut up and my legsand knees badly skinned and bruised, butotherwise am O. K. I have a uniform — nohat, a pair of rubber boots left of the entire fine outfit I had. Wouldn't it make youmad? And to make matters worse, I foundwe were bound for , and here I amback in the U. S. "U shall never reachFrance" is true so far.I hope soon to be over the shock, butI still jump every time a whistle blows.As ever, Sam.Note: "U shall never reach France" isthe navy slogan made up for the initialsU. S. N. R. F., denoting this branch of theservice, and standing for United StatesNaval Reserve Force.LETTER BOX ISEditor:Dear Sir: —Tickled to receive your letter. You areright in conjecturing the circumstancesunder which a soldier has to write. "Onceupon a time" I actually used to enjoy penning a half-way clever epistle, but now —"not possible." Worse than the din of abattery of 210s is that on an animated gameof African billiards going on under yourvery proboscis (whatever that is), or thewails of a peasant woman trying to cometo an understanding with one of the "nocompus" boys about a laundry bill.Had one "swell" time at Lyons. Thecity surely offers plenty of opportunitiesfor recreation, study and sightseeing. MetProf. Harvey of the history department(in officer's garb). He is attached to theFrench staff at that place. Quelque coincidence!Looking forward to the next issue of theU. of C. Magazine, November seems faroff.Yours sincerely,Pte. A. H. Schutz, '15.Co. B, 28th Engrs., Am. Ex. F.Ensign Willard P. Dickerson, '14, Tells ofSub ChasingSaturday, June 15.I weathered out two pretty good blowsand saw my food but once and that wasgoing down and not coming up. Believeme, this old ship does roll and pitch some.You can stand on the quarter deck and thebow looks right straight above you oneminute and way below you the next. WhenI was on watch as battery officer, whichwas every other four hours, day and night,I had to climb up in the crow's nest, 85feet, every hour and inspect the lookouts.And maybe she wasn't rolling some upthere! You were way out over the waterhalf of the time. Roller coasters, shootthe chutes and elevators have no thrill forme anymore. You get them all at once upthere, combined with half-filled buckets andslippery decks of some poor sea-sick lookout. Going up the ladder was the greatestsensation I ever had, especially at night.The wind blowing a gale and the ship tossing about so that first you would be aboutfive feet from the mast and then you wouldgo slamming into it or curve way aroundand wrap yourself around it a couple oftimes. Believe me, the tar is completelysqueezed out of all that rigging.-We had numerous sub warnings andsome not far from us, one directly ahead ofus about 30 miles, and one within five milesof us a half hour before, but we saw narya sign. We saw quite a little wreckagefloating around where thgy had been operating, but, of course, could not tell if theyhad caused it. At times you would getquite a thrill. Once a black fish, a smallwhale, showed up just as the general alarmfor battery drill sounded. You could just see this thing off about a thousand yardsand when it "blew" it looked just like aspray of the periscope or conning tower.Then the word came down over the voicetubes, "point of aim is the horizon, use noammunition!" Or in the middle of thenight to have the general alarm sound andevery one pile out, ranges and bearing comedown over the voice tube and then "secureand report when secure."On Active Service With the American Expeditionary Force, Sept. 4, 1918Dear Teddy:I finally got over.I was about two weeks going throughthe S. O. S., which is not the "same oldstuff," but the service of supply. Thatwas while I was getting assigned, and itnecessitated much moving about. I saw agood deal of France from various classcoaches, by motor and on foot. For a weekI was billeted with the manager of a largechocolate factory, who fed me well onchocolate, liquors and war stories. Hisvery attractive daughter spoke a little English, I a little French. So with this andthe father's quick wits we managed to talktill midnight almost every evening.A couple of weeks ago I was assigned toa regiment, then a company and platoon,all of which, except the latter, have beencited in orders. At present we are livingin pup tents in a thick wood, whose formerpopulation seems to have been principallyspiders. I've not yet seen any suddendeath, but since we are in sound of thebig guns I suppose I'll not have to waitlong for my craving to be satisfied. WhileI am writing considerable booming is going on, and judging by the sound, it is abattery of anti's after a Gotha. In severalplaces that I passed through, the game of"find the wine cellar" was prevalent, thoughnot popular.Unfortunately — oh, very! — I lost my baggage for three days when coming throughParis. ^1 knew I had not enough time todo justice to any of the most famed places,so I followed the American tradition andvisited the "Casino de Paris," and the"Follies Bergere."— I was properly impressed.I saw many familiar names on the University register at the Union, but FrankCushing is the only one I've met. I cameacross him at a replacement camp, wherewe were both waiting to be shipped out.He left a day before for an ammunitiondump, and I met him returning the next asI left. Why, I was unable to find out, andhe may still be indulging in beer at thelittle cafe, trying to inveigle "mademoiselle" to give him another egg or somebread without a ticket.I have had no mail for seven weeks, soany handouts will be gratefully received.Paul Mooney,"K" Co., 39th Infantry, A. E. F., France.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity NotesFROM PRESIDENT JUDSONA cable from President Harry PrattJudson of the University, who is enroute for Persia as the chairman of theAmerican Commission for Relief in theNear East, was sent from Bombay, India.His itinerary so far has taken him fromNew York to London, from there to Paris,Rome, and by way of Cairo, Port Said, andthe Suez Canal, to Aden. From Aden theparty crossed the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean to Bombay.The cablegram from Bombay follows:Guest Viceroy Simla last week-end. Sailing. Greeting University opening year.Judson.The latest cable which has been receivedfrom President Judson, states that he isabout to leave Bagdad for Teheran, thecapitol of Persia. He says that the conditions in Bagdad were very bad, as there are30,000 people in a starving condition, andat the same time there is a severe epidemicof Spanish influenza. So far, however, allof the members of the President's party arewell. At present, the commission is takingfood, clothes and medicine to the people ofTeheran, and other cities in the vicinity.DEAN ANGELL NOW VICE-PRESIDENTDuring the absence of President HarryPratt Judson, of the University of Chicago,as head of the American Commission forRelief in Persia, the Dean of the faculties,Professor James R. Angell, Head of theDepartment of Psychology, has been designated by the Board of Trustees as Vice-President of the University. Dean Angellhas been actively engaged in national service as a member of the Committee on Personnel under direction of the AdjutantGeneral, War Department, Washington.STARR GOES TO CENTRAL AMERICAProfessor Frederick Starr, world-famedanthropologist of the University of Chicago, whose researches in three continentshave brought him decorations from France,Italy, Belgium and other countries, leftChicago this week for a three months' visitto Central America. He will sail from aGulf port to Havana, going thence to Guatemala. He will make his headquarters inthe City of Guatemala for a time, afterwhich he will make an extended tourthrough Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, returning from thelatter country to the United States earlyin January.Besides the scientific researches whichhe will conduct into the prehistoric civilizations of the countries visited, ProfessorStarr expects to collect material for several books, one of these being a series ofselections from the writings of Central American authors, in Spanish, and anothera general work on Central America forpopular reading.THE NEW MEDICAL SCHOOLAnnouncement has been made at theUniversity of Chicago that the Universitywill establish two separate medical schools,each with its own administration and faculty and each providing for instruction andresearch. In the quadrangles on the Midway there will be a medical school with theprimary purpose of training students forthe degree of Doctor of Medicine. TheBachelor's degree from a reputable collegewill be required for admission, and provision will be made for about 350 students.Members of the faculty in the laboratorydepartments and in the main clinical departments will give their entire time toteaching and research, receiving no personal fees for practice. The staff of thehospital will consist of the medical faculty,patients being admitted only if willing tohave their cases used for teaching or research. This will be a new school in everyrespect and will be known as the University of, Chicago Medical School.In connection with the Presbyterian Hospital and the trustees of Rush Medical College there will be a medical school, theprimary purpose of which will be the further training of practitioners of medicine.Only students holding the degree of Doctor of Medicine from a reputable medicalschool will be admitted. While provisionfor full-time members of the faculty willbe made to some extent, eminent practitioners of medicine will be sought for faculty positions, without interfering with theirprivate practice. In recognition of thelong history of Rush Medical College,which under the new organization will ceaseto give the degree of Doctor of Medicine,this new school on the West Side will beknown as the Rush Postgraduate MedicalSchool of the University of Chicago.Medical research will be carried on inboth schools under the general directionof a University Board, and the subject ofpublic health will receive especial attention.Forty students and three members of thefaculty of the University of Chicago wereappointed to the Training Camp at FortSheridan, which began July 18 and closedSeptember 16. Only students who were atleast eighteen years of age and who expected to be in residence at the Universityduring the autumn quarter were appointed.The appointees from the faculty weretrained as assistant instructors to help officers assigned to institutions. The maximum age for members of the faculty wasforty-five years. Students and members ofthe faculty were under temporary enlistment for sixty days.NOTES 17QUARTER SYSTEM ADOPTED INOTHER INSTITUTIONSThe adoption by many educational institutions, and especially by all Student ArmyTraining Corps colleges and universities,of the four-quarter system, makes of special interest, the discussion of the subject inthe latest President's Report from the University of Chicago, which was the pioneerin this educational experiment. Among theadvantages of the system pointed out byPresident Harry Pratt Judson in his report are the following:The four-quarter system makes it possible for students to enter at the beginningof any of the quarters and degrees alsoare given at the end of each of the quarters. A' student may take any one of thefour quarters for his annual vacation, andhe may, if he wishes, work for all the fourquarters consecutively and thus shorten thetime required for his degree. The advantage to a member of the faculty is that hemay arrange his vacation as may be mostconvenient for him, or he may be in residence for four consecutive quarters in oneyear and so have six months of accrued vacation, which he can use for travel or forstudy in foreign lands.From the point of view of administrationthe four-quarter plan makes possible thefull utilization of buildings during elevenmonths of the year, and in the case ofdormitories results in receipts by the University of a third more income than wouldordinarily be received. It also enables theUniversity to organize economically its administrative offices on a yearly basis. Inthe experience of the University of Chicagothe attendance in the summer quarter hasusually been larger than in any other quarter of the year, and the fees from studentsare correspondingly larger.LEAVES OF ABSENCE GRANTEDLeaves of absence for service to theUnited States government in the war havebeen granted by the University of ChicagoBoard of Trustees to the following members of the faculties:To Professor Albert A. Michelson, headof the Department of Physics, who has beencommissioned as Lieutenant Commander inthe Navy, the highest rank conferred on anaval officer who returns to service. Lieutenant' Commander Michelson is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy atAnnapolis, where he later became a member of the faculty. Professor Michelson,who several years ago won the Nobel Prizein physics, is the author of a volume onLight Waves and Their Uses. He has recently been giving his attention to the improvement of the ordinary range finder.Leave of absence has also been grantedProfessor Charles Henry Beeson, of theDepartment of Latin, for service in the Intelligence Branch of the War Department. NEW BOOKS FROM THE PRESSAmong the books published by the University Press are the following:"Readings in Industrial Society," editedby Leon C. Marshall."Readings in the Economics of War," by]. Maurice Clark, Walton H. Hamilton andHarold G. Moulton."The Geology of Vancouver and Vicinity," by Edward M. J. Burwash."The Life of Paul," by Benjamin WillardRobinson."The Book of Revelation," by Shirley J.Case."The Realities of the Christian Religion,"by Gerald B. Smith and Theodore G. Soares."The New Orthodoxy," by EdwardScribner Ames.The "Readings in the Economics of War"is perhaps the best book which has come toour notice of this type. It interprets theeconomic aspects of the war and outlinesits significance for the future organizationof industrial society. The editors havecompassed at least the major portion of theworld for their material, and have selectedwhat to them appears the best economicthought of the times."Readings in Industrial Society" coversa wide range of subjects and can be usedeither for a general review of the manyquestions involved in the industrial side ofthe war, or for a handbook on particularpoints. Professor Marshall's book is mosttimely.The book by Edward M. J. Burwash is athorough and authoritative survey of theregion, made more interesting by the remarkable photographs, which include aprofile of the Grouse Mountain spur, theLions from Mount Brunswick, a view ofRed Mountain from Black Tusk Mountain,Mount Garibaldi from the south, a glacialsection from a cutting on Keith Road, andothers equally interesting. One coloredmap shows the topography of Vancouverrange and the other is a geological mapof Vancouver and vicinity."The New Orthodoxy," by Associate Professor Ames, seeks to present in simpleterms a view of religion consistent withthe mental habits of those trained in thesciences, in the professions, and in the expert direction of practical affairs. It suggests a dynamic, dramatic conception designed to offer a means of getting behindspecific forms and doctrines. It aims toafford a standpoint from which one mayrealize the process in which ceremonialsand beliefs arise and through which theyare modified. When thus seen religion discloses a deeper, more intimate, and moreappealing character. As here conceived itis essentially the dramatic movement of theidealizing, outreaching life of man in themidst of his practical, social tasks.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni in ServiceCharles Winston, '96, is in the SignalCorps.E. A. Balch, '98, is at the front in France,serving as secretary in the Y. M. C. A.W. F. Anderson, '99, has gone to take upa position with the Red Cross in Washington, for the duration of the war.Carl Davis, '00, is a Captain in the Medical Corps, Prov. F. H. Co., A. M. O. T. C,Ft. Riley, Kansas.Professor C. H. Van Tuyl, '02, is in RedCross work at Camp Grant, Illinois.Don Joseph, '04, a Major in the M. O.R. C, is in charge of the Food Division inthe Aviation section. Dr. Joseph is Professor of Physiology and director of theSt. Louis University Medical Department.Oliver B. Wyman, '04, is a First Lieutenant, 802nd Aero Repair Squadron, American P. O. 724, 3rd A. E. C, American Expeditionary Forces.W. H. Ford, '04, is a Captain in the MotorTransport Corps.Ovid R. Sellers, '04, is Chaplain, FirstLieutenant, 17th F. A. A. P. O. 710, A. E. F.Alva Brasted, D.B., '05, is Chaplain, 8thInfantry.Schuyler B. Terry, '05, head of the flyingsquadron, which has been working in theloop for the Fourth Liberty Loan.Harold Swift, '07, is a First Lieutenant in the Personnel Division, Camp Sherman,Chillicothe, Ohio.Amoud Dresden, '09, is doing child welfare work in France with the Red Cross.Earl Hostetter, '09, is in the ArtillerySchool. at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky.Fred W. Gaarde, '10, is on his way toFrance with an Evacuation Hospital Unit.Edward Buckman, '11, is a First Lieutenant, surgeon-specialist, with the 85th Division, U. S. A., now in service in France.William S. Cooper, '11, is at Great Lakes,111., in the Y. M. C. A. 16th Regiment.J. T.. Wilson, '11, is now in the Navy.Benjamin Wilk, '11, enlisted as private inthe Quartermaster General's Office, stationed in New York City.James F. Meagher, '11, is an Ensign in theU. S. N. R. F.F. A. Raul, '11, First Lieutenant in theSignal Corps, A. E. F.Ralph H. Kuhns, '11. is a Captain in theMedical Reserve Corps.W. C. Rogers, '12, is a First Lieutenant,7th Div., 80th Reg., F Z.. A. E. F.George A. Deveneau, '12. is in Washington, D. C; he is to have charge-of the Boys'Working Reserve.Edward M. McConoughay. '12, is traveling secretary, Central Military Department,Recent Professional BooksTHE EVOLUTION OF A DEMOCRATIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. By CharlesHubbard Judd. A vigorous presentation of the arguments for the reorganization of American schools on the six and six plan. It shows how the wastefuleffects of conducting the work of the seventh and eighth grades are due tothe importation into this country of the undemocratic Prussian elementaryschool system, and sketches the methods by which the reform may bepromoted. Riverside Educational Monographs. $0.75THE CURRICULUM. By Franklin Bobbitt. A practical discussion of the educational readjustments already being demanded by new social conditions. Itenlarges the schoolroom viewpoint to include world-wide interests andactivities. Houghton Mifflin Professional Library. $1.50STATISTICAL METHODS APPLIED TO EDUCATION. By Harold O. Rugg.In presenting this volume, Dr. Rugg says : "1 have been primarily concernedto put into the hands of school people a book which will equip them to usestatistical methods accurately and interpret the results properly." To thisend the illustrative methods have been definitely applied to concrete educational problems. Riverside Textbooks in Education. $2.00HOW CHILDREN LEARN. By Frank N. Freeman. A valuable study in appliedpsychology. It takes up the growth of the child's mind and shows how goodinstruction in any subject and in all parts of the school system must befounded on certain general application of psychology to the teachingprocess. Riverside Textbooks in Education. $1.604 Park St.Boston HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY New YorkChicagoIN SERVICE 19National War Work Council of the Y. M.C. A.Martin Stevers, '13, is back from Franceand instructing in the Artillery school.First Lieutenant Lawrence G. Dunlap, '13,M.'C, U. S. A., is Senior Oto-Laryngolo-gist, General Hospital, No. 25, Ft. Harrison, Ind.Ralph Chapman, '14, Lieutenant, has beenwounded, and is in Base Hospital No. 13,A. E. F., France.Donald T. Grey, '14, is a First Lieutenant Chaplain in the 12th Infantry, CampFremont, California.Lieutenant I. W. King, '14, is in the Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, now on duty at Detroit, Mich.Theodore Pease, '14, is a Second Lieutenant in the I. R. C, 126th Infantry,A. E. F.Rene De. Poyne-Bellisle, '14, is in thenavy.Rudy Matthews, '14, Second Lieutenant inthe Artillery, is now with the IntelligenceCommission in Paris, France.Arthur Hansen, '15, formerly Y. M. C. A.Secretary, Boyonne, N. J., is now Chaplainand First Lieutenant, U. S. A.Walter Smith, '15, is in hospital servicein France.Lieutenant G. A. Gray, '15, M. C, U. S. N.,Assistant Surgeon with the 3rd Battalion ofthe Eleventh Regiment of the U. S. Marines, expects to sail very soon.Lieutenant F. A. Williams, '15, M. C,U. S. N., is on the U. S. S. Tonapah, European waters.Lieutenant H. B. Hager, '15, M. C, U. S.N., is on duty with the Marines in SantoDomingo.J. M. Allison, '15, is doing Y. M. C. A.war work at the Great Lakes.Merrill Dakin, '15, is a Corporal in the119th F. A., France.Harry N. Giyens, '15, who received hisFirst Lieutenantcy at the 1st R. O. T. C,Ft. Sheridan, was recently promoted to aCaptaincy, and is now in France with the86th Division.Roswell Magill, J. D., '16, is a Lieutenant,U. S. A., now instructing in the S. A. T. the University of Virginia.Richard Matthews, '16, who is in the Aviation Corps in France, was shot down inhis plane over the German lines, September27th. No word has been heard of him since.Robert Vanderpool, '16, who is on theChicago Local Staff of the Chicago DailyJournal, expects to leave for England verysoon as a Red Cross Journalist.Earle Shilton, '16, Second Lieutenant,F, A., who has been in France since July5th, has just completed a three months'course at the Artillery School for Officers,at Saummer, France.Robert S. Hilport, '16, is in the U. S.Infantry, France.Y. E. Matties, '16, is a First Lieutenant inthe Air Service, U. S. A., at Ellington Field,Texas. SERVICE based uponmore than fifty yearsof conservative banking is placed at the disposal of responsible firmsand individuals by theFirst National Bank ofChicago. Organized in1863 with a capital of $205,000,the bank today has capital andsurplus of $22,000,000. Itsdeposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$193,297,000 at the end of1917.Under its divisional organization depositors are classifiedaccording to their line of business and receive the close,prompt and personal attentionof officers who are specialistsin the financial needs of specific lines.Calls or correspondence areinvited from those desiringcomplete, convenient and satisfactory financial service.The First NationalBank of ChicagoCharter No. 8James B. Forgan, Frank 0. Wetmore,Chairman of the Board PresidentTHE UNIVERSITY OFIsadore M. Jacobsen, . '.16, is AssistantChemist, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, and has been assigne'd to specialaeroplane problems.Denton Sparks, '16, is in France with theOrdnance Department.Pink Davis, '16, Advance Sergeant, nowon furlough at Aix Les Baines, France.Frederick Burche, '16, Medical ReserveCorps, U. S. N.Philbrick Jackson, '17, captain of the 1916football team, is instructor in the U. S. Marines, at Quantico, Va.Ralph R. Williams, '17, is at Camp Travis,Texas, 165th D. B., 27th Co., 7th Battalion.H. Swanson, '17, is serving on a warshipoff the coast of Virginia. He is a SecondLieutenant in the U. S. Marines.W. H. Walter, '17, is a Captain in theOverseas Depot, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va.Lieutenant Tommy Goodwin, '17, andLieutenant J. M. Sellers were severelywounded on June 6th, 1918, in the battlearound Chateau Thierry. Lieutenant Sellers received the English Cross for bravery.Ensign Samuel Leland, ex '17, was inservice on the U. S. S. Westgate, whichwent down Monday morning, October 7th,at 2 A. M., due to a collision with theSteamer American in a very dense fog andrainstorm. He was one of the survivorspicked up by the American and carried toHalifax, Nova Scotia.James Darnall, '17, is at Camp Bradley,Peoria, 111.Dunlap Clark, 17, is in the Balloon Schoolat Arcadia, California.M. Khorasch, '17, is a Gas ResearchChemist, American U.S. M. McClure, '17, is doing ChemicalWork at the American U.Sidney Wiseman, '17, is a Gas OffenseChemist, American U.George Travers, '17, is an Ensign, U. S. N.Roy K. Knipcbild, '17, Ensign, U. S. N.Maurice Block, '17, is in active servicewith the Base Hospital Unit, No. 13,•A. E. F.Sergeant William D. Dalgetty, '17, whoenlisted with the U. of C. Ambulance Corps,transferred to the tank service last spring,and is now at the front.Donald Delaney, '17, is a First Lieutenant in the Chemical Warfare Service,U. S. A.Emanuel R. Parnass, '15, and '17, is anOrdnance Sergeant, E. O. C, U. S. A., atpresent engaged in assisting the Organization of Trade Companies. He expects toreturn to Camp Hancock soon.Paul Gerdes, ex '18, formerly on the football and basketball teams, is with the advance guards of the American army in Siberia.William Beauchamp, ex '18, was gassedin France. He returned to the trenches andpromptly got trench fever. While a convalescent in the hospital recovering from CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Chicago"Alumni —understand that a college' degree but serves as a favor-i able introduction to the business or professional world.Successful men, everywhere,vouch for the need of continuedstudy and application to makegood its promise.The Correspondence-Study Department of your Alma Mater is designed to facilitate such study in Business, Literature, Science, Theology, andEducation . To you, The University ofChicago needs no introduction.Write today forthe 1918-1919 Circular ofits successful Correspondence-Study Department, addressingThe University of Chicago(Box S) - - Chicago, IllinoisBOOKS\Y/E, will be pleased to forward toreaders of this magazine anyof recently published books at theadvertised prices postpaid. .'. .'. .'School and College Text Booi\sfor sale new or second hand.We Buy and Sell Boot\sof all kinds. Send us a list of thoseyou have for sale.WOODWORTH'SBOOK STORE1311 East 57th Street, Chicago, IllinoisIN SERVICE 21the fever, he was again laid out; this timethe Germans bombed the hospital, and hisright arm was shattered. He is now attending a reconstruction school in England.Walter Francis Snyder, '18, CanadianArmy, was wounded on the western frontduring the Canadian drive over the Hin-denburg line. He is now in the MilitaryHospital at Colchester, England.Sherman Cooper, '18, who is in Y. M.C. A. work at Ft. Monroe, Va., plans to takea course in Artillery.G. E. Sandr, '18, is a Gas Offence Chemist, American U.E. Sandauer, '18, is a Gas Research Chemist, Washington, D. C.C. Helgesen, '18, is a Junior Chemist,Washington, D. C.Frank S. Neromb, ex '18, has beenawarded the Croix de Guerre for braveryunder fire.Myron B. Chapin, ex '18, is a private inthe d28th F. A., 85th Division, A. E. F.,and at present is attending a CamouflageSchool.Francis Townley, '18, has been made aninstructor in Aviation, San Diego, California.Robert M. Moor, ex '21, is a Lieutenantin the U. S. Infantry.James Fairweather, ex St., is a SecondLieutenant in the Quartermaster's Department, in charge of the Ocean transport"Englewood."Lieutenant Richard J. Davis, ex St., is aChaplain in the Navy.Divinity War ServiceSeventy-four members of the DivinitySchool of the University of Chicago areengaged in war service. Two of the formerstudents of the institution have died in service — Harvey Clark, who died in Mesopotamia, and August L. Sundwall, who diedin France. Eighteen of the students are inmilitary service proper, nineteen are chaplains in the army or navy, thirty-four are inY. M. C. A. work, one is in war-camp community service, and one is a denominationalsecretary.Of the faculty, Dean Shailer Mathews isgiving a major portion of his time as secretary of the War Savings Committee for Illinois. Associate Professor Allan Hoben, ofthe Department of Practical Theology, isnow in France directing the recreationallife of the soldiers. Professor Theodore G.Soares, head of the same department, whohas been lecturing on the war both in NewYork and in Chicago, is under appointmentto speak in the American camps in Franceand expects to leave about the first of August to be gone till the opening of thewinter quarter in January, 1919.The registration in the Divinity Schoolnaturally reflects the war situation. Thespring quarter showed a decrease of 33 percent.- The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital ... . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000Ernest A. Hamill, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentD. A. Moulton, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentFrank W. Smith, secretaryJames G. Wakefield, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierEdward F. Schoeneck, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Chauncey B. BorlandEdward B. ButlerBenjamin Carpenter ' Clyde M. CarrErnest A. HamillCharles H. Hulburd Charles L. HutchinsonMartin A. RyersonJ. Harry Selz Edward A. SheddRobert J. Thorne Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumnae in ServiceMaude Radford Warren, '95, has beendecorated by the French Government forCanteen work under fire. Affiliated withthe Y. M. C. A. she was the first womanto reach the U. S. Marines in the heavyfighting around Chateau Thierry, where atthe request of her commanding officer shebrought food to the wounded, night afternight under fire. For this signal serviceshe has been made a sergeant in the UnitedStates army.Mrs. Brownlee, '03, is called for theNurses Training School at Camp Grant,Rockford, 111.Shirley Farr, '04, has left for France todo Red Cross work.Nina Nation, '05, is doing Volunteer nursing in one of the Base Hospitals in France.Ginevra Bateman, '10, is in Paris withthe Red Cross Commission.Thyrza Barton Dean, '07, is doing housing work for the Y. W. C. A. in and aroundParis; she examines the living quarters offered to the munition workers and theirfamilies.Lucia Parker, '11, former Dean of Girls atthe University High School, is the AssistantDirector of Organization of new canteensboth in France and America.Ruth Reticker, '13, is Assistant Supervisor, Women's Branch, Industrial ServiceSection of the Ordnance Department, inCleveland districts. Mary Kidder, '12, is Home Service Agentfor the American Red Cross, S. W. Division, Houston, Texas.Margaret Laing, '12, who has been a RedCross Canteen Worker in the war zonenortheast of Paris, has returned to America.Helen Lee Herrick, '12, is a Canteenworker for the Red Cross in the war zone.Zalia Jenks, '13, is doing war researchwork in Chemistry Bureau of Standards,Washington, D. C.Ruth Agar, '14, has received her passports for France, where she will serve asa Canteen Worker in a hostess hut.Dorothy Philbrick, '14, is a Red CrossSecretary, in France.Helen A. Ranlett, '15, is in Paris at theLycee, where she does editorial and proofreading work in the Sho pfor Books forBlind Soldiers.Irene T. Mead, '15, returned in June aftersix months' service with the American Fundfor French Wounded; she accompanied Dr.Clara Davis and her party to a dispensary15 miles behind Verdun, where the commission worked constantly.Margaret MacDonald, '16, is preparing togo to France as a telephone operator. Sheis at present engaged at the Bell Telephoneoffices in Chicago.Margaret Hess, '16, is doing war workwith the Y. M. C. A.Hotel Del Prado(Blacks tone and the Midway)Adjoining the University, is a handsome home for out-of-townstudents, and the logical home for the relatives of students and foralumni while visiting the University.It takes pride in the fact that it has for years entertained manyAlumni, Faculty Members, and Fraternities of the University ofChicago.Open for the comfort and entertainment of the Army TrainingCorps.Home of the Naval Navigation Students.ALBERT F. GIDDINGS, Mgr.Always at Your Service.IN SERVICE 23Miss EIsgl FreemanMiss Elsa Freeman, '17, who was one ofthe first women to enter the telephone division of the TJ. S. Army Signal Corps.Francis Starn, '17, is in France as anurse with the U. S. A. Nurses Corps, BaseHospital 53.Ruth Sheehy, '17, is at Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., in the Nurses Training School.Celeste Post, '17, is a Home Service Visiting American Red Cross Nurse, ChicagoChapter.Elsa Freeman, '17, is one of the first togo to France as a telephone operator inthe Women's Telephone Unit, A. E. F.Dora Christenson, '17, is at BellevueTraining School for Nurses, Bellevue Hospital, New York.Jeannette Parritt, '17, left for SalvationArmy Canteen Service in the front lines.Miss Betsy Blodgett, '17, left for France,October =S0th, to do "work in the SalvationArmy Service. Her work will take her tothe front lines. Her training for this severe duty included service in the trenchesin the sham battles which were performedat the Chicago War Exposition in September.Julia Rickettes, '18, is in the Y. M. C. A.War Service in Munition plants.Esther Thayer, ex '18, is Settlement Assistant at Rush Settlement House, Houston,Texas.Helena Stevens, '18. who is at CampGrant, in the Nurses Training School, andwho has been home on sick leave, has returned Agnes Murray, '18, who has been takinga nurses' training course, is at Camp Dewey.-Agnes Anderson is doing civilian reliefwork for the Red Cross at Perignan, inS. W. France; she is occupied particularlyin establishing refugees from Belgium andnortheastern France in new living quarters.Miss Elizabeth Wallace of the RomanceDepartment of the U. of C. returned tothis Country in May after six months' service as an infant welfare worker in southern France, particularly at Lyons and Bor-deau.Miss Alida J. Bigelow is doing civilianrelief work for the Red Cross as delegatefor the department of Correze, with headquarters in Tulle.Miss Sophia Berger is in military reliefwork and was for some time doing canteenwork at the largest American aviation center in France. She has now, however, beentransferred to Bourges.Mrs. Harry Channon, 1434 Astor street,is working at the Alliance Francaise inParis.Miss Henrietta M. Dilla was originallyassigned as a social worker in the civil relief department of the A. R. C, but wasalmost at once transferred to the AmericanMilitary Hospital in Neuilly, where she isworking as nurse's aid and record keeper.Dr. Clara M. Greenough and Miss Margaret G. Wood are with the Smith Collegerelief unit, now helping at Chateau Thierry.They are doing military relief and canteenwork for the wounded of the evacuationhospitals there.Mrs. Grace King Haviland is working inParis on the staff of "Home Service."Miss A. Evelyn Newman is working forthe Y. M. C. A. and Dr. Lillie A. Arnettis with the children's bureau of the RedCross.Miss Unity Fletcher Wilson, who wasfor some time research assistant to Dr.Simon Flexner, is now assisting Dr. Lambert, chief surgeon of the Red Cross, withhis research work into trench fever, shellshock and other medical problems of thewar.Mrs. Harriet Herrick, former wife ofRobert Herrick, is assisting at the militaryhospital in Neuilly.Employers and College WomenWanted at theChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants. LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives, Book-keepers,Draughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines.904 Stevens Bldg.17 N. State St. Tel. Central 5336THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the Classesm&~.NOTICE!In accordance with a request of theWar Industries Board, we are reducing the size of the Magazine 10%.We have, also in accordance with arequest from the same Board, discontinued our practice of sending a copyof two subsequent issues of the Magazine after a subscription has expired.In order to insure keeping your Magazine files complete, and to assist theAlumni Office, we urge that you renew promptly upon notice of your expiration.George H. Gaston, '98, is instructor inHistory and Social Science in the ChicagoNormal School.Lawrence Jacobs, '99, is Vice-Presidentof the International Banking Corporation,now financing imports of raw material ofpresent National importance, from China,India, and other Eastern countries.Laura E. Benedict, '00, is Acting Assistant Reference Librarian to the Universityof Michigan.J: W. McDowell, '03, is affiliated with theFairbanks Company, Chicago, one of thelargest merchandising corporations in theU. S.C. F. Leland, '04, is District Manager forthe Wayne Oil and Pump Co., at present inGovernment work.Henry Davidson, '04, is building housesfor Munition workers in Whiting, Ind.Victor J. West, '05, on September 1 wasappointed Associate Professor of PoliticalScience of the Leland Stanford University,and is now serving in the United StatesBureau of Efficiency, Washington, D. C.Lucy Spicer, '05, has been granted a year'sleave of absence from her duties as Deanof Women of Colorado State NormalSchool, to study at the Teachers' College,New York.George B. McKibbin, J. D., '05, is nowManager, Advisory Division, Gas DefensePlant, United States Army.Miss Anne Davis, '07, has gone to Wash- Henry Porter Chandler, J. D., '06, formerSecretary to the President of the Universityof Chicago, now a member of the law firm ofTolman, Redfield & Sexton, Chicago, wasDirector of Speakers for the Seventh FederalReserve district during the Fourth LibertyLoan Campaign. His vigor and enthus'asmhad much to do with the success of the loanin this district.ington to begin the work of making a studyof vocational guidance and education inAmerica for the Federal Children's Bureau.Mollie Ray Carroll. '11, is living at HullHouse, and managing the Industrial ServiceCourse at the Chicago School of Civics andPhilanthropy.Sidney Loewenstein, '11, is in charge ofthe bakery division of the United StatesFood Administration, Chicago.Mrs. Robert Scott Miner (Nellie Milan),'11, besides taking care of her three-month-old son, is rendering clerical assistance toher husband, who is Senior Major of theThird Regiment of the Illinois Reserve Militia, Chicago.'.ore/ jvaysso/7MINNEAPOLIS409 ROOMS275 Booms at $1.75 to S3. 50 per day.MODERN" - FIRE PROOFOF THE CLASSES 25Pleasant EconomyAt this time, the conservation of food is of vital importance to the Government.It is not only our patriotic duty to economize on our tables, but it is alsoessential that we choose those foods which will give the most energyvalue for the least money.Swift's PremiumOleomargarineenables you to save 15 to 20 cents a poundon one food item without the sacrifice ofone iota of food energy value.Swift's Premium Oleomargarine is sweet,pure and clean — not touched by hand in themaking or packing.Excellent on bread — fine for cooking andbaking.Swift & Companyu. s. A.Margaret E. Haass, '11, is with the FoodAdministration, Chicago. •Alice Lee Loweth, '11, is doing work forthe Food Administration, knitting, and taking care of the North Side Young People'swork for the Presbyterian Church, Chicago.Fanny Loueng, '11, is studying medicineat the University of Chicago.C. W. Toepfers, '11, and Grace Spayd, '07,are teaching in the Waite High School.Mabel West, '12, is teaching in the SeniorHigh School, Rock Springs, Wyoming.Victoria M. McAlmon, '12, is teaching inthe Girls' Vocational High School, Minneapolis, Minn.Isabel Jarvis, '12, who hopes to go toFrance next month, is now working withthe Food Administration.Florence Knight, '12, is working with theChicago Food Administration.Winnifred Whipple, ex '12, is doing private secretary work in Dean Matthews' office.Martha Green, '13, is working in the Library of Congress. Washington, D. C, asAssistant to the Chief of the Division ofDocuments.Zalia Jencks, '13, is doing war researchin Chemistry at the Bureau of Standards..Teannette Israel, '12, is at present on theAdvertising Staff of Hart, Schaffner &Marx. O. F. Diersen, '13, is Superintendent ofCity Schools, Napoleon, N. D.Suzanne Fisher, '14, is at AssociationHouse, Chicago.Nancy Miller, '14, is in the Statistics Department of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency, Chicago.Celia Gamble, '14, is teaching in Canada.Adelaide Spohn, '14, is in the Departmentof Chemistry at Northwestern University,Evanston, 111 .Blanche Mason, '14, is a radio instructorat Indianapolis.Ethel Morrow, '14, is teaching in the St..Louis High School.Lillian Gray, '14, is teaching English inthe Central High School, Duluth, Minn.Melva Latham, '14, is head of the HistoryDepartment of the Los Angeles NormalSchool.O. W. Silvey, Ph.D., '15, is professor ofphysics in the A. & M. College, College Station, Texas.lone B. Schmidt, '15, is head cataloguer atthe Minnesota Historical Society, at St.Paul, Minn.Florence Bradley, '15, is the Physical Director for Girls, at the Westport HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Dorothy Strachan, '15, is teaching modern languages in the High School at Sunny-side, Washington.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGenevive Edmonds, '15, is with the Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia.Irma Gross, '15, is teaching in Ames,Iowa.A. A. Bedkean, '15, is pastor of the American Evangelical Church, New York, N. Y.Gail Ryan, '16, is teaching at the SummitSchool for Girls.Rosalie Barnard, '16, is head of the Department of History at Neqanee.R. A. Burt, '16, who specialized in chemistry, is a First Lieutenant as Chemist inthe Sanitary Corps, on duty at Fort Riley,Kansas.M. Louise Sawyer, '16, is instructor in botany at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa.Dave L. Patterson, '16, wh ospecializedin chemistry, is in the Ordnance Department, United States Army, as inspector ofpowder and explosives at New Brunswick,N. J. Harry H. Herron, ex '17, who specialized in chemistry, is inspector of powder and explosixes there.Jean Dorrell, '16, is the Household ArtsTeacher at the Westport High School, Kansas City, Mo.Olive Greensfelder, '16, is teaching inWard, Illinois.Alice Foster, '16, is teaching NormalTraining Classes at the Osage, Iowa, HighSchool.Lois Day, ;16, attended the VassarNurses Training Camp last summer.Adda Eldredge, '16, who has been withWest & Eckhart, Chicago, has gone to theIndustrial Relations Group of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia. Mr.Leon Marshal and Mr. H. Oliphant, both ofthe University, are the Director and Assistant Director of this Group.Marjore Fay, '16, is teaching in Hinckley,111.Helen Timberlake, '16, is in Washington, D. C.Dorothy Davis, '16, is teaching at Paxton,111.Gracia Webster, '16, and Esther Franz,'16, are doing Geological Work in Tulsa,Oklahoma.Ethel Callerman, '16, is Advertising Manager of Swartchild & Co., Chicago.Ethelyn F. Mullock, '16, is teaching Spanish to the women and French to soldiersat Eureka College, Eureka, 111.Mildred Clark, '16, is teaching Mathematics in High School at Cleveland, Ohio.Anne W. Raynor, '17, is teaching Spanishand French in Marshall College State Normal School, Huntington, W. Va.Azele Barrow, '17, is teaching Spanish inthe high school, Ottumwa, Iowa.Lee Sutherland, '17, is in Washington doing special work in wireless.Margaret Parke, '16, is teaching geologyat Wellesley College.Margaret Conley, '17, is at Wellesley College.Helen Flint, '17, is teaching in ChicagoNormal School. Edith Kraeft, '17, is teaching in the HighSchool at Twin Falls, Idaho.Anna Koutecky, '17, is Superintendent of1500 women in one of the Stock YardPacking houses.Katherin MacMahon, '17, is in the English Department of the Duluth CentralHigh School.Ross Nath, '17, is teaching History atthe Polo High School, Polo, 111.Ethel Zimmerman, '17, is teaching History at the Polo High School, Polo, III.George Vander Veen, '17, is doing Chemical Work for Armour & Co., Chicago.Pauline Levi is Assistant Secretary ofthe Rock Island Red Cross Chapter.Horace L. Olson, '17, is an Instructor onMathematics at New Hampshire College.Paul G. Blazer, ex '18, is with the Chittenden Printing Company, Chicago, 111.W. F. Sanders, '18, is teaching Frenchand German at Park College, Parksville,Mo.Ida Powell, '18, is Dean of Women inthe Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.Mary Quayle, '19, has gone to Washington to engage in statistical work for theShipping Board. Miss Quayle won theDavid Blair McLaughlin prize in 1917 andthe first prize offered by the Chicago Woman's Club for poetry in 1918.Paul H. Davis &(sompai2irWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on reque t., PAULH. DAVIS, '11.N. Y. Life Bldg.- CHICAGO - Rand. 2281 MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial. SUMMER COURSES PAUL MOSER, Prin.Ph. B. 1910. J. D. 1912. U. of C.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 5158UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27The Association of Doctors of PhilosophyDr. C. H. Neilson, Ph. D., '03, M. D., '05,is Professor of Medicine, Director of theDepartment of Medicine, and Contract Surgeon the St. Louis University S. A. T. C.Unit.Dr. R. F. Bacon, Ph. D., '04, has beenpromoted from the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel to Colonel in the Chemical WarfareService, and Dr. Wm. McPherson, Ph. D.,'99, has been promoted from the rank ofMajor to Lieutenant-Colonel in the Chemical Warfare Service.Dr. C. R. Stauffer, Ph. D., '05, is chieffield Geologist for the Greenwood Companyin Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. He ison leave of absence from the University,where he is Professor of Geology.Associate Professor H. I. Schlessinger,'05, and Assistant Professor Ethel Terry,'14, have been given special war problemsby the National Research Council, to becarried out in Kent Chemical Laboratory.Professor N. R. Wilson, Ph. D., '07, isnow a Major in Artillery, "somewhere inFrance."Miss Catherine Blunt, Ph. D., '08, assistedin writing "Food and the War," which isnow published in book form by Houghton,Mifflin & Co. Dr. Charles Frederick Ward, '11, has beencalled to an associate Professorship in Romance Languages at the State Universityof Iowa. Dr. Ward was formerly connected with Rice Institute, Texas, and wassupervisor of all French instruction at CampTraverse, San Antonio, Texas.William S. Cooper, Ph. D., '11, is Educational Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., 16thRegiment, Great Lakes Naval School.H. R. Kingston, Ph. D., '14, was promoted this summer to Assistant Professorof Mathematics and Astronomy at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.Ellsworth Faris, Ph. D., '14, who is Professor of Psychology of the University ofIowa, is serving as Acting Director of theIowa Child Welfare Research Station, forthe duration of the war.Miss Olive Hazlett, Ph. D., '15, is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at MountHolyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.Arthur H. Hirsch, Ph. D., '15, is now Professor of History and Head of the Department at Morningside College, Sioux City,Iowa.T. T. Quirke, Ph. D., '15, who is AssistantProfessor of Geology at the University ofMinnesota, is teaching map reading to candidates for the air service in the S. A. T. C.£m-~^T^ffe: \Jahn &011ier IngravinftbrCOLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES &. DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO F= L O O R SOf;^ he Editor of theLONDON PROCESSWORKER Said-'I found theJAHN and OLLIERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveaad Up -to -DateEngraving Plantin Chicago"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAllan W. Cooke, '15, is awaiting his passport to France, where he will again takeup his work with the Y. M. C. A.Mr. Richard O. Joliffe, Ph. D., '16, professor of Latin and Greek in the Universityof Manitoba, was recently exchange lecturer at the State University of North Dakota. Dr. Joliffe gave an illustrated lecture on "The City of Pompeii" and a convocation address on "The Strength andWeakness of the Athenian Democracy."During Dr. Joliffe's visit he was entertained at a dinner by the University ofChicago Club of Grand Forks.Lieutenant L. M. Henderson, Ph. D. inChemistry, 1916, has been advanced to theappointment of Divisional Gas Officer atCamp Grant and put in charge of the GasDefense Department of the Division.Laura Hatch, Ph. D., Geology, 1916, goesto France in the Red Cross work.Dr. Clyde, Coleman, Ph. D. in Chemistry,'16, . is now a chemist for the Ault &Wiborg Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is engaged in industrial work for theGovernment. W. Suer, who held a scholarship in chemistry during the autumn quarter, is also with the Ault & Wiborg Co. ashead of their Analytical Department. LouisM. Larsen, assistant in chemistry from 1915to 1917, is research chemist for the samecompany.Arthur L. Bakke, Ph. D., '17, now associate professor of plant physiology, IowaState College, Ames, Iowa, spent the summer in the employ of the Bureau of PlantIndustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture,in the interests of greater wheat productionin Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri.Dr. William A. Crowley, Ph. D., '17, hasjust been appointed to a professorship ofpsychology in the College of Education atthe University of Arkansas.Miss Flora Le Stourgeon, Ph. D., '17,is teaching mathematics at Mount HolyokeCollege, South Hadley, Mass.John K. Knox, Ph. D., '17, is geologistfor Roxane, Wyoming.J. O. Lofberg, Ph. D., '17, who is AdjunctProfessor of Greek in the University ofTexas, is also teaching a class of S. A. T. in war issues.Dr. E. J. Cohn, Ph. D., '17, is Lieutenant inthe Sanitary Service. He has found a simplechemical prevention of "Rope" that is foundin war bread, owing to the substitutionsused for flour.Dr. Sidney M. Cadwell, Ph. D. in Chemistry, 1917, has been made a second lieutenant in the chemical service of the OrdnanceDepartment.Mr. Thomas T. Phillips, who recentlytook the Ph. D. examination in the BotanyDepartment and who specialized in thechomcical side of Botany, has entered theservice and been transferred to chemicalservice. He is in a laboratory of the Ordnance Department at Columbus Barracks,Columbus, Ohio. J. A. Barnett, Ph. D.,. '18, is instructor in.mathematics at the Washington University,St. Louis, Mo.Lloyd K. Riggs, Ph. D., '18, is in thelaboratory of Squibbs & Co., New Brunswick, N. J., to work on serum problemsfor the army.MARRIAGESMr. and Mrs. G. P. Barton of Altadenaannounce the marriage of their daughter,Miss Thyrza, '07, to Sherman Wilkie Dean,on June 26th at the Paris apartments of thebride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeWelles. Miss Barton, who was formerlyin charge of the housing bureau of theUniversity of Chicago, was called by theWar Council of the Y. W. C. A. to take upwork among the French women .munitionworkers. She sailed November 3 jn theEspagne. Mr. Dean, a graduate of Colorado College, is business manager of construction, transportation and accounting forthe Fifth Division of the Association atthe Western Front. Through the introduction of a mutual friend, Miss Barton andMr. Dean became acquainted while crossingthe Atlantic last November. The marriageceremony was performed by an old friendof the Welles family, Dr. Goodrich, of theAmerican Church, in Paris.Mrs. George H. Waterman annonuces themarriage of her daughter, Alice A., toFrancis T. Ward, '15, September 30, 1918.Eva Southworth, '11, was married toCharles H. Walker of Lima, Montana, January 1, 1918.Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Armacost announcethe marriage of their daughter; Beulah, '10,to Mr. Lawrence J. Hess, '10, September 26,1918, at Delavari, 111.ft Hall CoOne of the largest and mostcomplete Print-ins plants in theUnited States.Printing andAdvertising Advisers and theCooperative andClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications Tou hare a standing invitation to call and inspect ourplant and op-lo-date facilities. We own the building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both to meetIhe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and DDIWTTDCPUBLICATION rlYllilEiKaMake a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseLelUiEstimate onTour NextPrinting Order(We AreStrong on OurSpecialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Slreels CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381WE PRINT(EhcTlttfoersitp ofwliimiiiwseeUndorwoo.lB, $25. Olivers, $19. Smiths, $18,RominfrtonB, $10. Write for cut rate list.pTMTnal.Ev*ryoiw|Mrf«etiS year* guaranty,ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO.193N. Dearborn SL, D.pi. , CHICAGOTelephone} Central 6034UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29News of the appointment of First Lieut.Edward Buckman, '11, 25 East Washingtonstreet, as a surgeon specialist of the Eighty-fifth division, U. S. A., reached Chicagofriends at the same time as the announcement of his marriage. Mrs. .Buckman wasMiss Alfreda Hartenstein of Vicksburg,Miss., who was visiting at Battle Creek,Mich., when the Eighty-fifth division wasin cantonment at Camp Custer. The marriage took place just before Buckman wasordered overseas.'The marriage is announced of RichardFlynn, J. D. '15, and Clara C. Kolf, onJune 12, at Oshkosh, Wis.Mr. and Mrs. Moses Iralson, announcethe marriage of their daughter, VirginiaJanette, '17, to Mr. Mortimer Frankel, onJune 2, at Chicago.Lieut. F. Claire Maxwell, ex-' —. U. S.Aero Service, and Miss Dorothy Boyden,were married on June 22. Lieut. Maxwelland Mrs. Maxwell have gone to Minneola,L. I., where he is stationed.The marriage is announced of RichardA. Johnson, '15, and Miss Ella Dennis, onJune 15, at Palo Alto, Cal.Marian Mortimer, '16, was married onMarch 26, to Ensign Wilton RooseveltBlend, U. S. N. R. F.The marriage has been announced ofCaptain Kent Chandler, 333rd MachineGun Batallion, to Grace E. Tuttle on June15, at Lake Forest. Lieutenant Roswell Magill was marriedto Miss Catherine Biggins, '16, in Washington, D. C, September 7, 1918. LieutenantMagill graduated from Dartmouth College,1916. They both entered the law school inthe fall of' that year, where as class matesthe acquaintance was formed that culminated in their marriage. Lieutenant Magillwon his lieutenancy at Fort Sheridan and isnow stationed at the University of Virginiaas an instructor for National Army men.Miss Biggins has been engaged in researchwork in Washington in connection with theWar Trade Board.Mable De La Mater, '14, was married onSeptember 7th to M. L. Scacheri.The marriage is announced of Miss FemeO. Gildersleeve, '16, to Edward L. Clarkon Thursday, October 17, 191b.Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Kuhlman announcethe marriage of their daughter, Cora, toMr. Robert M. Moore, ex. '21. Mr. Mooreis a lieutenant in the U. S. I.Mary Bates Blossom, '09, was marriedto Dr. Charles Newton Huston on Thursday, October 3, 1918, at Peoria, 111. Dr.and Mrs. Huston will be at home after December 1, 1918, at 225 North Third street,Hamilton, Ohio.Miss ' Ethel Kawin, '11, was married toWalter Bachrach. Mr. and Mrs. Bachrachare residing at 6235 Greenwood avenue,Chicago.iiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffl44 Dili It -InS\ip er ior ity *»WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILMEN'S SHOESSuccess has followed honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,we have symbolized Quality.THREE CHICAGO SHOPS106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St.29 E. Jackson Blvd.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYou will be interested—To know that the newCHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERis a morning newspaperwhich has successfully combined and now offers all theexcellent news and specialfeatures that were formerlycharacteristic of separateleading papers. The resultwill prove decidedly to youradvantage.THE CHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERMr. and Mrs. Michael Lahey announcethe marriage of their daughter, Anna R.,'17, to Mr. Thomas Francis Tyan, '15 and'17, on August 26, 1918.Lieutenant James E. Arnold, M. C, '15,and Miss Laina Lauray were married September 7, 1918, at Louisville, Ky.Annie Louise Ford, '13, was married toEdward M. McConoughey, '12, on July 27that La Grange, 111. Mr. McConoughey istraveling secretary of the Central MilitaryDepartment of the National War WorkCouncil of the Y. M. C. A.Edith Whitten Osgood, '09, M. A., '13,and Scott V. Eaton were married on September 4, 1918, at Chicago. Mrs. Eatonwas formerly a teacher in the School ofEducation. Mr. Scott Eaton took an S. M.,1913, and has been working for his doctorate in botany. At present he is assistantplant physiologist at the Maryland Experiment Station, a short distance from Washington.Miss Lydia Lee, '14, who is still with theordnance in Washington, cataloguing standard names for materials, was married August 12th to Lieut. James W. Peauce, agraduate of the Colorado School of Mines.Lieutenant Peauce is at Camp Humphreys,Va.. instructing in mining engineering.V. T. Jackson, '17, was married lo LouiseStenhouse, September 22. 1918.Arthur C. Hoffman. '10, was married inAugust to Zelma Davidson, '09. They areliving at Minneapolis, Minn. ENGAGEMENTSAnnouncement is made of the engagement of Miss Caroline Peck, '19, to Philbrick Jackson, '17. Lieutenant Jackson wascaptain of the football team in 1916. He isnow at Quantico, Va, an instructor in theU. S. Marines.Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buddig announce theengagement of their daughter, Louise, toHarry A. Fischer. Mr. Fischer has enlisted in the radio department of the U. S,Naval Reserve Forces.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stenhouse, of 5458Greenwood Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise Josephine,'18, to U. J. Jackson of Memphis, Tenn.The engagement is announced of FemeGildersleeve, '16, to Edward L. Clark, ofthe Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago.The engagement is announced of Lieut.Rudy D. Mathews, '14, and Miss GertrudeB. Palmer, daughter of Captain Charles H.Palmer, of Milwaukee, Wis. Lieut,Mathews is with the 18th Field Artillery,U. S. A., in France. Captain Palmer isalso in France with the Red Cross. Thewedding will take place after the war.The engagement is announced of William Crowley, Ph. D. '17, and Mary Roberts.The engagement is announced of LeslieLobinger, '16 and Elizabeth Miller, '15,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnll 31jg Woit to tfle gluntm®his is an age of Democracy.3ft ii an age, too, tohen thinking people are glancing bpinstitutions that habe ptobeo themselbes staunch sup=porters of intelligent Democratic principles.GChe Chicago American — a great ebening netaspaper —has altoaps been such an institution. 3ft inbites pourco-operation in the toorfe of oemocracp it is constantlyseefeiug to abbance.Wjje Cfncago AmericanBIRTHSMr. and Mrs. Edward H. Stein, '13, announce the birth of a son, Howard E., August 30, 1918.Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Neilson announce thebirth of a daughter, June 10, 1918.Ensign Willard P. Dickerson, '14, andMrs. Dickerson (Harriet Tuthill, '14) announce the birth of a son, Willard D., onJuly 19, at Evanston, 111.Lieutenant John E. Thomas, '12, and Mrs.Thomas (Mary Sturges, '15) announce thebirth of a daughter, Mary Sturges, on September 28, 1918.John F. Moulds, '07, and Mrs. Mouldsannounce the birth of a son, CharlesHenry, on July 3rd.Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lewis (Helen Gross,'13), announce the birth of a son.Oakley K. Morton, '14, and Mrs. Mortonannounce the birth of a son, Oakley Kendall Jr., on May 27th, at Los Angeles,Cal.W. C. Allee, Ph. D. '12 and Mrs. Allee(Marjorie Hill, '11), announce the birth ofa daughter, Barbara Elliott, on May 19th.Herbert G. Hopkins, '11, and Mrs. Hopkins, announce the birth of a daughter,Kate Hopkins, on May 22nd, at Washington, D. C.Edward E. Jennings, '12, and Mrs. Jennings announce the birth of a daughter,Isabelle Edes, on May 23rd.Howell Murray, '14, and Mrs. Murray(Elizabeth Sherer, '14) announce the birthof a son, Howell Sherer Murray, on April29, 1918. i|l||l|||||||||||||||||||||||il|lj0DEATHSHulda Augspurger died October 9, 1918.Thomas G. McLean, D. B., 1869, diedrecently.Solomon T. Clanton, D. B., 1883, diedMay 19, 1918.Charles Barker, D. B., 1882, died recently.Samuel D. Hirschl, '04 and '06, died September 22, 1918, after a brief illness.Moses Dwight Mclntyre, '98, 5712 Dorchester avenue, died Oct. 28th at his home.He was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity, and Iron Mask and Owl and SerpentClass Societies. He was a member of theUnion League and the University Clubs.After obtaining a degree from the Harvard Law School, Mr. Mclntyre enteredthe wholesale hat business at 200 SouthMarket street, Chicago, and achieved anotable success. He was prominent inAlumni affairs, and was always esteemedas one of our most enthusiastic and loyalAlumni.Mrs. Ella Flagg Young died of pneumonia in Washington, on Oct. 26th, after abrief illness. She contracted Spanish influenza during a speaking tour in the westin behalf of the Fourth Liberty Loan.Mrs. Young received the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1900,and was a member of the Faculty from 1899to 1904. During her whole life she wasconnected with educational work in Chicago, rising in 1909 to the position ofsuperintendent in the public school systemof the city. She was once president of theNational Educational Association.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE£25 Thos . .$32.50 to $1500A BIG TOURING CAR FOR FIVE PEOPLEThough other cars have entered theprice-class in which Saxon "Six" isthe original "Six" they have notaffected in the slightest degree thegrowing preference among buyersfor Saxon "Six". Comparison merelyserves to make more clear its enviable excellence.431SAXON MOTOR CAR CORPORATION, DETROITAdvantages ofWearing a Capper &Capper Overcoat/^\UR assemblage of OVERCOATS is now complete, and comprises the finest display in our history.That we have been able during this year of stress to holdto CAPPER & CAPPER STANDARDS and obtain OVER-COATS of such high quality and distinction, is a remarkable commentary on the efficiency and farsightedness of our organization. It hasmade possible the UNUSUAL VALUES WE NOW OFFER the publicEnglish Fleece Cloth Shower-proof Overcoats (thegreat coat of London) are shown in heavy and light weights,in double-breasted models, with the handy slit pockets.There are Camel's Hair Overcoats made in England— perhaps the only genuine Camel's Hair Overcoats nowdisplayed in Chicago. Semi-Ulsters, three-quarter lengths,of extra warmth without burdensome weight. Also Chesterfields,Ulsterettes in staple weaves, and beautifully fur-trimmed Overcoats, allin styles that captivate one's fancy, and at prices that spell economy.To obtain the advantages offered by this unusualexhibit we urge early selections, that you may secure theOvercoat of your choice.MICHIGAN AV. at MONROE ST."By the Lake"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFlorence M. Barrett, '14, has left Colorado College and is now teaching in TheUniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.Mrs. Roswell Magill, '15, is working forItalian Embassy in Washington, D. C.E. L. Kimball, '15, is teaching at LyonsTownship High School, La Grange, 111.Colleen E. Browne, '15, is an Instructorin Business English at LaSalle ExtensionUniversity, Chicago; she was formerly amember of its Editorial Staff.G. M. Hoyt, '15, is Scout Executive ofthe Boy Scouts of America, with headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska; he was formerlyan instructor at Culver Military Academy,Culver, Indiana.Gladys E. Janes, '17, is Secretary andTreasurer for a Chicago corporation, onthe South Side; she resides at 10206 Long-wood Drive.Albert H. Miller, '17, is an instructor inSt. John's Lutheran School, La Grange, 111.Last year he was with the Wisconsin Geological Survey.Miriam Lowenberg, '18, is working in theChildren's Bureau, Department of Labor,Chicago.Ethel Maloney, '18, is in the same Department.Ruth Michaelis, '18, is teaching DomesticScience at Marian, 111.Everett D. Xorris writes from Copenhagen that he is now well started in hiswork there in connection with the American Mission to the Scandinavian countries.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONJoseph C. Ewing, '01, J. D., '03, has beenCity Attorney of Greeley, Colorado, forsix years. He is Captain of the permanentwar teams that do the war work of thecity.Victor E. Keyes, '07, was elected Attorney-General of the State of Colorado on.November 5th.Thurlow G. Essington, '08, is mayor ofStreator, Illinois.F. Schnack, '10, is still practicing law atHonolulu, T. H.Walter Steffen, '10, J. D., '12, has beenalderman for a year from the Twenty-third Ward, and, according to the M. V. L.,"is finishing first year in council with goodrecord, has shown energy, initiative andpublic spirit." On April 2 he was reelected. SERVICE based uponmore than fifty yearsof conservative banking is placed at the disposal of responsible firmsand individuals by theFirst National Bank ofChicago. Organized in1863 with a capital of $205,000,the bank today has capital andsurplus of $22,000,000. Itsdeposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$193,297,000 at the end of1917.Under its divisional organization depositors are classifiedaccording to their line of business and receive the close,prompt and personal attentionof officers who are specialistsin the financial needs of specific lines.Calls or correspondence areinvited from those desiringcomplete, convenient and satisfactory financial service.The First NationalBank of ChicagoCharter No. 8 ■ yJames B. Forgan, Frank O. Wetmore,Chairman of the Board PresidentOF THE CLASSES 67Law School Association WomenMiss Sophonisba P. Breckenridge, J. D.,'04, is busy at the Chicago School of Civicsand Philanthropy.Mrs. John C. Moore, J. D., '06, is in Cleveland, where her husband, a captain in theOrdnance Department, is stationed.Fannie A. Bivans, LL. B., '12, is practising in Decatur, 111.Eilleen Markley Znanieki, J. D., '15, is agraduate student at the University of Chicago in the Department of Philosophy.Mrs. Benjamin F. Bart, J. D., '16, is withthe War "Industries Board, Washington.Adda Eldredge, J. D., '16, has become amember of the law firm of Miller, Eldredgeand Dodds, Marquette, Mich.Elizabeth Perr-y, LL. B., '17, is practisinglaw in Chicago.Greta Coleman, J. D., '18, has a positionwith a Boston law firm.Lillian Leffert, LL. B., '18, is with theIllinois Legislative Reference Bureau inSpringfield, 111.Dorette F. Miller, J. D., '18, is workingfor one of the judges of the Federal courtin Chicago. Florence Allen, Ex., is practising in Cleveland, Ohio.Statira Biggs, Ex., who was ill at thePresbyterian Hospital in Chicago, is backin Bellingham, Wash.Elizabeth Marshall, Ex., is in France witha Red Cross unit.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYWallace Atwood, Ph. D., '13, is Map-reading Instructor in the S. A. T. C. at Harvard University.E. M. Harvey, Ph. D., '14, is now Professor of Horticultural Research, Departmentof Horticulture, at Oregon AgriculturalCollege, Corvallis, Ore.J. Ermest Carman, Ph. D., '15, is working with the Recreation Branch, Y. M.C. A., located on the Loire river, near St.Nazaire, France.Fred Smith, Ph. D., 16, is in the 35thProv. Ordnance Dept., Ord. Repair Shop,U. S. A., P. O. No. 741.Jahn &011ier Ingravi^CaCOLOR PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES & DESIGNS Clhe Editor of the*" ' LONDON PROCESSWORKER. Sccid-"\ found theJAHN and OLL1ER.ENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveaad Up -to -DateEngraving PlantDRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES & DESIGNS II tn<gravin<g Vl<554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO *S^. »n ChicagoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMARRIAGESClarence A. McBride, '07, to Miss RuthCabaniss Owsley, Nov. 8, at Owensboro,Ky.Dana E. Morrison, ex '13, to Miss Eleanor Cundriss, Aug. 4, at Chicago; at homeat 6825 Cornell Ave., Chicago.Willard E. Atkins, '14, to Miss NancyClaire Culver, July 19, at Albion, Mich.Lieut. Robert Haviland Thompson, '14, toMiss Clara Cary, Nov. 8, at Chicago; athome at 308 West Eighty-second street,New York City.Miss Feme Gildersleve, '16, to EdwardL. Clarke of the Central Y. M. C. A., Chicago, Oct. 17; at home at 4329 Ellis Ave.Albert H. Miller, '17, to Miss EdnaTheiss of Roselle, 111., Aug. 25; at home at327 N. Brainard Ave., La Grange, 111.Lieut. Robert M. Moore, ex '21, to CoraL. Kuhlmann, Oct. 19; at home at Wichita,Kansas.ENGAGEMENTSFlorence Chaney, '13, to Paul H. Benedict, now in Peng Pa, China.Elizabeth Louise Shutter, ex '20, to Sidney Wanzer, Chicago.BIRTHSMr. and Mrs. B. B. Burg, '15, announcethe birth of Eugene Burg on Oct. 12.Mr. and Mrs. F. Schnack, J. D., '10, announce the birth of their second son, Harold Clifford, Sept. 27, at Honolulu.Mr. and Mrs. Louise C. Upton (BethFogg, '10) announce the birth of their second son, Philip Quentin, Nov. 3, at St. Joseph, Mich.DEATHSHorace G. Nebeker, '03, died last winterat Los Angeles, Calif. He was a memberof Phi Kappa Sigma, and of Phi Delta Philaw fraternity. He was graduated from thelaw school in 1905. He was particularlyprominent in debating activities.Jesse R. Kauffman, '05, died at BlueIsland, 111., October 29, of influenza.R. E. Sheldon, Ph. D., '08, died July 9, atPittsburgh.Eldon Cobb Evans, Ph. D., '15, died ofpneumonia on Sept. 26, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, of which college he had beena member of the faculty for two years. "Chicago"Alumni —understand that a collegedegree but serves as a favorable introduction to the business or professional world.Successful men, everywhere,vouch for the need of continuedstudy and application to makegood its promise.The Correspondence-Study Department of your Alma Mater is designed to facilitate such study in Business, Literature, Science, Theology, andEducation. To you, The University ofChicago needs no introduction.Write today for the 1918-1919 Circular ofits successful Correspondence-Study Department, addressingThe University of Chicago(Box S) - Chicago, IllinoisPaul H. Davis & CompanyWe are anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in unlisted stocks and bonds — quotations on request.PAUL H.DAVIS, Ml.N. Y. Life Bldg.— CHICAGO — Rand. 2281One of the largest and moatcomplete Print-Ins plants in theUnited StateB.Printing udAdvertising Advisers inn theCooperative mdClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Pnbficitioni You have a standing invitation lo call and inspect ourplant and np-Io-dale facilities. We own Ihe building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both to meetthe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and DDIMTUDCpublication r KIN ILK jMake a Printing Connection with a Special!*!and a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseWE PRINT LelDiEstimate onROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk nd U Salic Strait CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381OF THE CLASSES 69Professor Samuel WillistonThe unexpected death at the PresbyterianHospital in Chicago, recently, after a surgical operation for cancer, of Samuel Wendell Williston, Professor of Paleontologyin the University of Chicago, brought tothe scientific world the loss of one of itsablest and most versatile members. As apaleontologist he was a foremost authorityand among the books that brought himgreatest fame were "American PermianVertebrates" and "Water Reptiles of thePast and Present." He was a voluminouscontributor also to the literature of entomology, zoology, sanitation, and comparative anatomy.For many years Professor Williston wasconnected with Yale University and servedas the health officer of New Haven. Laterhe became professor of historical geologyand anatomy and dean of the medical schoolat the University of Kansas. For the lastsixteen years he was professor of paleontology at the University of Chicago, where theresults of his research attracted wide attention among scientific men.Dr. Williston had many honors conferredupon him by scientific societies and institutions, among them being membership inthe National Academy of Sciences, the presidency of the honorary scientific society ofSigma Xi, and the presidency of the Societyof Vertebrate Paleontology. His reputation abroad was recognized by his appointment to represent the United States government in the International Congress ofScientists at Monaco in 1913.A Williston memorial meeting was heldin Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on December 8, the speakers being Professor E. C.Case of the University of Michigan, andProfessors Stuart Weller and Frank R.Lillie of the University of Chicago.Registrations with American UniversityUnion in Paris, London, Rome, fromAugust 21st to September 17th,191?, University of ChicagoAbbott, L. Ray, '18. U. S. Naval AviationSchool, Porto Corsini, Italy, care P. M.,N. Y. C.Bates, Ross W., '13, 2nd Lt. A. S. S. C,A. P. O. 717.Baukhage, H. R., '11, Pvt. C. A. C, 54thRgt., Battery F.TYPEWRITERS $10. UPfrUnderwooda, $25. Olivers, $19. Smiths, $13.Reminptona, $10. Write for cut rata list.Frtx>Tria1. Everyone perfect. 5 years guaranty.ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO. g1 63N. Dearborn St., Dept. , CHICAGOTelephone Central 6034 The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital ... . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSErnest A. Hamill, presidentCharles L. Hutchinson, vice-presidentD. A. Moulton, vice-presidentOwen T. Reeves, Jr., vice-presidentJ. Edward Maass, vice-presidentNorman J. Ford, vice-presidentFrank W. Smith, secretaryJames G. Wakefield, cashierLewis E. Gary, ass't cashierEdward F. Schoeneck, ass't cashierJames A. Walker, ass't cashierCharles Novak, ass't cashierDIRECTORSWatson F. Blair Chauncey B. BorlandEdward B. ButlerBenjamin Carpenter Clyde M. CarrErnest A. HamillCharles H. Hulburd Charles L. HutchinsonMartin A. RyersonJ. Harry Selz Edward A. SheddRobert J. Thorne Charles H. WackerForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYou will be interested—To know that the newCHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERis a morning newspaperwhich has successfully combined and now offers all theexcellent news and specialfeatures that were formerlycharacteristic of separateleading papers. The resultwill prove decidedly to youradvantage.THE CHICAGO HERALD-EXAMINERBausch, William C, '18, 2nd Lt. Air Service, A. P. O. 724.Borgerhoff, J. L., Secretary. Y. M. C. A.,41 Rue de Provence, Paris.Brown, Charles E., '13, 1st Lt. 4th Div. Inf.Carlo, Ernest R., '18, Pvt. Base Hospital 13Charlesworth, Guy R., '17. Advanced Ordnance Dept. 4.Clark, Solomon H., '96. Y. M. C. A., 12 Rued'Aguesseau.Colwell, Donald L., '16. Field Detach.Meteorological Section, A. P. O. 731,A S CCulbertson, Henry C, '00. Y. M. C. A., 12Rue d'Aguesseau.Darlington, H. C, '07. Y. M. C. A., Valines.Duggan, John A., '19, Pvt. M. D. N. A.,U. S. Base Hosp. No. 12.Evelon, "H. G., '97. J. V. B.Goddard, Walter Wood, Jr., '13, 2nd Lt.Air Service, A. P. O. 724.Gore, Frank M., '17. Ord. Sgt. A. Y. O.Till.Griffin, Robert J., '19, Pvt. Base Hosp. No.12, care Gen. Hosp. 18, B. E. F.Hastings, R. E., '07. 3rd Anti-Aircraft Art.,A. P. O. 702.Hirsch, Edwin W., '14, 1st Lt. M. C,Evacuation Hosp. No. 1.Hoy, Austin Y., '02, 2nd Lt. 196th Sie^eBattery, R. G. A.Judson, Clay. Inf. 2nd M. M. Regt., S. C.Kitson, Harry D., 2nd Lt. F. A.Knight, Duerson, '15, 1st Lt. Air Service, 35 Eaton Place, London.Lewin, Philip, '09, Capt. Medical Corps,Evacuation Hosp. No. 18, Base Hosp.No. 9.Lord, Arthur E., '04, Major. Med. Corps,129th Inf., 33rd Div., A. P. O. 750.Lowe, Elmo C, '05. Y. M. C. A. MotionPictures.McFarland, Allan P. Co. B, 2nd BalloonSqdn., A. S. S, U. R. R.McKinley, Earl B., '17, 1st Lt. 42nd Div.,166th Inf.Matthews, Stewart B., '14, 2nd Lt. Art.Miller, Ward L., '18, Pvt. 353rd Inf., Co. M,A. P. O. 761.Myers, Richard E., '11, Pvt. Gen. Hdqrs.,Bn, Co. D, A. P. O. 702.Otis, Herbert C, '16, 2nd Lt. Ord., careChief Ordnance Officer.Parkinson, Sterling B., '06, 1st Lt. 2nd Art.,Aero Obs. School, A. P. O. 702.Payton, Robert C. '20, 2nd Lt. U. S. AirService, A. P. O. 731A.Reber, Hugh J., 2nd Lt. C. A. C, Bat. M,53rd Art.Schutz, Alexander H., '15, Pvt. Co B 28thEngrs., A. P. O. 747.Whiting, Frank S., '16, 1st Lt. 7th Aviation,A. P. O. 717.Whiting, Lawrence H., '13, Major. A G O.,A. P. O. 717.Yates, Julian E., '00, Capt. C. A C 53rdArt., A. P. O. 719.Young, Walter X., '14, 1st Lt. U. S AirService, A. P. O. 702.BOOKS FROM THE PRESSuiiiiiiifiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiw 71& Woxh to tfje Alumni®f>is is an age of bemocracp.3lt is an age, too, bjfjen tfjinliiug people are Stanbing lipinstitutions that babe probcb tfjcmselbes staunch Supporters of intelligent bemocratic principles.®he Chicago American — a great ebening netospapet —gas altoaps been such an institution. St inbites pourco-operation in the toorfe of bemocracp it is constantlyseeking to abbance.Wfyt Chicago AmericaniiuiiiiiiiNew Books from the PressAmong the new books published by theUniversity Press are the following:"The Relation of John Locke to EnglishDeism," by Samuel G. Hefelbower, Ph. D.Probably all students of English thoughtof the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesrecognize some sort of relation betweenJohn Locke and English Deism, but theydiffer as to how they are related. Somewriters make him a part of the movement,others consider him its father, and severalof the leading historians of philosophymerely note the fact that there is some relation without defining it.That these statements are wrong or inadequate the present monograph undertakesto show, and also that Locke and EnglishDeism are related as coordinate parts ofthe larger progressive movement of theage. This challenging of widely acceptedhistorical opinions requires that the proofof the thesis to be established should bemade accessible to the reader and shouldbe as complete as possible. Accordinglythe book is to a great extent a detailedmarshaling of evidence. "A History of Suffrage in the UnitedStates," by Kirk Porter.The purpose of this timely historicalstudy is to bring out the fact that a vigorous fight has been going on ever since 1776to secure suffrage for some large and discontented group — ever growing larger andmore discontented until it finally includedwomen. Many will be surprised to learnthat the franchise was so limited when theConstitution was adopted, and the historiesgive but scant hint of the fact that in theearly decades of the last century the greatest statesmen were throwing the wholeweight of their logic and oratory in favorof restricting the suffrage to the smallgroup of property owners and taxpayers.An attempt is made in the book to carrythe reader rapidly on from decade to decadewithout getting lost in the details of localhistory. Political ideals, arguments, andtheories, social conditions, and economiccircumstances that caused men to want thesuffrage and think they had a right to ithave been sought out, and thus the development of the move toward universal suffragehas been traced in its broader aspects.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESpecial emphasis has been placed on theCivil War, the reconstruction period, andnegro suffrage, which is so vitally connectedwith Congressional representation. So faras the latest phase of the subject is concerned, woman suffrage, the author hasgiven the reader a background from whichhe can approach the issue in the light ofother suffrage history."Starved Rock State Park and Its Environs," with maps and illustrations, byCarl O. Sauer, University of Michigan, Gilbert H. Cady, Illinois State Geological Survey, and Henry C. Cowles, University ofChicago.This thorough and interesting geographical study of the best-known feature of theIllinois Valley has been prepared for thebenefit of those who are interested in knowing more about the region than can be gathered by personal observation in a few hoursor a few days spent in the park. The physical geography of the park and its surroundings has a number of features, suchas the beautiful little canyons, which areunusual in this part of the country. Part I is given up to the geography of the park,its surface features and their origin, andthe exploration, settlement, and development of the region; Part II, to the geologyof the park; and Part III, to its botany.It is especially fitting that this bulletinis published by the Geographic Society ofChicago, as this society was one of theprime movers in the establishment of thepark. Dr. Sauer has prepared for the society the geographical section; Dr. Cady,the geological section; and ProfessorCowles, the botanical section. The book isequipped with topographic and geologicmaps and forty-five illustrations, some ofthem of great beauty."A Survey of Religious Education in theLocal Church," by William C. Bower.This book, the result of the use of thesurvey method in the department of religious education at Transylvania College,presents a full treatment of the method,thus making it available for the use ofthose who have had no previous experiencein social or educational surveys.ALUMNI, PLEASE NOTEOur Alumni, proud of the title, "The Fighting University," which theirAlma Mater's patriotic service has won, are everywhere showing renewedand deeper interest in their great institution.There has arisen, as one result, a request that we renew, if possible,the recent special offer to our Alumni of theHistory of the University of ChicagoBy DR. T. W. GOODSPEEDWe are able to obtain, however, only 131 copies, and these we offer, only toAlumni, as follows :I. One copy of the History of the University of Chicago. One year's subscription tothe 'Alumni Magazine. One membership in any Association. (Present members andsubscribers may have present expiration date carried forward one year.) $3.50.II. Present subscribers whose orders have been entered since January 1, 1918, mayhave a copy of the History for $1.50.Alumni say:"The book is one which every graduate of the University of Chicago ought to ownIt is only by reading Dr. Goodspeed's History that one can grasp the true significance ofbeing a Chicago alumnus. The fight which President Harper and his associates finallywon, sweeping tremendous difficulties out of their way, is told forcefully intimatelygrippingly. Read it."The regular price is $3.00. If you desire to accept the above offer to Alumniwe advise you to send in your order now.ADDRESS: ALUMNI OFFICE, BOX 9, FACULTY EXCHANGECHICAGOD v£HLVH)HU ,TM (1W ATTK e eMINNEAPOLISChristmas Giftsx from Capper & Capperpossess that distinction ofquality and refinement thatis so pleasing to the recipients. For men, no happierselections could be con-ceived than those of utilityand beauty from the Capper& Capper Holiday stocks ofapparel and accessories.Michigan Avenue at Monroe. Street- and Sherman HotelCAPPER &. CAPPER ChristmasNeckwear is artistically 'packedin individual boxes.