m=-yof.�fntPUBLISHED BY THBALUMNI COUNeILIVol. X No.9 July, 1918The Control of Hunger in Health and DiseaseBy ANTON J. CARLSONProfessor of Physiology in theUniversity of Chicago(A volume of "The University of Chicago Science Series.")"Not 'How we may control hunger in ourselves and others,'-but 'what physiological action produces and modifies hunger in the system,' is the substance of thisbook. It is a record of careful and repeated experiments with the stomach and itsaction, carried out upon animals, young infants, and adults."-J ohns Hopkins Nurses'Alumnae Magazine.$2.00, postage extra (weight 2 lbs.)The Electron:Its Isolation and Measurement, and the Determination ofSome of Its PropertiesBy ROBERT A. MILLIKANProfessor of Physics in theUniversity of Chicago"The favorite introduction to electrical texts a decade ago was 'we do not knowwhat electricity is,-we can merely study its effects.' But recently scientists havecome perilously near to answering the questions of the ultimate nature of electricity.Foremost among these has been the author of this book. The text will prove intenselyinteresting to even the layman and exceedingly valuable to the technical man." -J ournal of Electr'icity.$1-50, postage extra (weight I lb. 4 oz.)A Chemical Sign of LifeBy SHIRO TASHIROInstructor in Physiological Chemistry in theUniversity of Chicago(A volume of "The University of Chicago Science Series")"By means of an ingenious apparatus sufficiently small quantities of carbondioxide can be detected to determine whether a single seed, or rterve fibre, or anyplant or animal tissue, still possesses the irritability characteristic of life. The'biometer,' by means of which these tests are made, is fully described in an appendix."-American Journal of Science.$1.00, postage extra (weight I4 oz.)Food PoisoningBy EDWIN O. JORDANChairman of the Department! of Hygiene and Bacteriology in theUniversity of Chicago"This book presents in an interesting and readable manner the results of athorough investigation into the extent of food poisoning, various kinds of foodpoisoning, and articles of food most commonly connected with food poisoning."$1.00, postage extra (weight II oz.)The University ·of Chicago Press5859 ELLIS AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOISThe Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairnuiti, FRANK McNAIR.Secretary-Treasurer) JOHN FRYER MOULDS"I' HE COUNCIL for ItJ18-19 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alunin i Association) MISS SHIRLEY FARR, RUTH PROSSEH, ] OHN FRYERlVloULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, AL1CE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, FRANK MeNAIR, SCOTT BROWN, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN, MRS. AGNES COOKGALE, EMORY JACKSON, ETHEL KAWIN, EARL HOSTETTER, DOROTHY EDvVARDS.From the Association of Doctors of Philosoph}') HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, H. L. SCHOOLCRAFT.Front the Divinity Alwmni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EVGAR J GOODSPEED, \IVARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Aluninl Association, HUGO FRIEND, GEORGE :MATHEWS, :MARYBRONAUGH.FrO'1n the Chicago Alumni Club) FRANCE ANDERSON, WALKER McLAURY, BRADFORD GILL.From the Chicago Alumnae Club) Mas. l\IARTHA LANDERS THOMPSON, rdARY J\lcDoNALV,CHARLOTTE FOYE.From the University) JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Association Represented in the Alunvni CouncilTHE COLLEGE ALUl\lNI ASSOCIATIONPresident) FRANK McNAIR, Harris Trust & Savings BankSecretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident) £DGAR J. GOODSPEED, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary) WALTER L. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident) ALICE GEENACRE, 70 W. Monroe St.Secretary) CHARLES F. McELROY, 76 W. Monroe St.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, including subscriptions to the University of Chicago Magazine, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per yearEditor, JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Mtinap er, JOHN F. MOULDS_, '07.Advertising Munaqer, ADOLPH G. PIERROTJ '07.Assistant Editor, JAMES C. HEMPHILL_, '19.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive. by The Al umn i Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, m. U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. Ii[ Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. <I[ Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).err Remittances should be made payable to The Alum ni Council and should be in Chicago orr New Yorkexchange, postal OT express money order. If local en eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publication. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.An correspondence should be addressed to The' Al umni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10. 19140 at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch 3, 1879.VOL. X CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1918 No.9FRONTISPIECE: The June Convocation Orator e 0 0 ••• 0 0 ••••••••••••EVENTS AND DISCUSSION . 3'63THE 1918 REUNION.............................. . . 335FROM THE JUNE CONVOCATION STATEMENT .THE ROLL OF HONOR . 338339THE CAMPUS Is DEAD; LONG LIVE THE CAMP, by Lee Ettelson, 1919THE UNIVERSITY RECORD .THE LETTER Box.................. . . 340ALUMNI AFFAIRS ' . . . .. . .. . . . , 347The Alumni Council; The Chicago Alumni Club; Alumni in Service; Alumni Notes;14th Annual Meeting of Association of Doctors; The Law School Association.NEW BOOKS FROM THE PRESS . 359ADDRESS TO ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS, by Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin 360TllE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO" MAGAZINE 331"CHICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that these are all Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favoring YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)c. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 JAMES A DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATEI make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the Univer$ityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance. including Fire. Burglary.Automobile. Life, Accident, Health.1500 E. 57th STREET. corner Harper AvenueTelephone. Hyde Park 136Be-ni'H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENT: Northwestern Mutual;: Life Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 TEL. WABASH 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMARINE INSURANCE ESPECIALLYROOM 1229, INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING175 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGONorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, '15INSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All Lines,Phone Wabash t 2201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryT elepho�e VI abash 400Mo.rtimer L. Cahill. Ex �06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO ASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON c. HOWES, Ex '13, Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGOJohn J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELD�EDGE, MANNING & CLEARYINSURANCE175 WeSt Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer, Ex '85INSURANCEIn All I ts BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fidelity and Casualty134 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 51 00METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago - also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.Support our advertisers! They support the Magazine!6825 University RecordThe Very Reverend Sir George Adam Smith. Convocation OratorUniversity of ChicagoMagazineTheVOLUME X No.9JULY, 1918Events and DiscussionEven at' the late date of this writingexact plans for military training at theUniversity cannot be given. They werepractically complete when the' contemplated lowering of the draft age madefurther changes probable.The University will maintain a unit ofthe Student's Army_ Training Corps. Thatis assured. Compulsory drill for all physically fit male students is also assu,red.Beyond these two things the course is, inoutline only, as yet.The Student's Army Training Corpscontemplates the enlistment of all students of 18 or more who wish to take advantage of it in the United States army.These students will then be furloughedback to the University for such time asthe government deems wise before callingthem to the camps or other service. Whilein college they will be given all uniformsand equipment, but (it is understood atpresent) not subsistence or pay. Theirtraining must include at least three hoursof drill per week, plus at least ten hours ofclassroom work in "military" studies. Justwhat constitutes "military" studies is stillto be determined. English composition,French, mathematics, physics and chemistry will certainly be included.The military drill will be compulsoryfor all male students physically able totake it.. whether they are members of theS. A. T. C. or not.The commandant will be Major E. O.Wygant, last year at Wesleyan College,Massachusetts. Major Wygant reported tothe University late in August and willspend September in organization.The training camp at Fort Sheridan,which is discussed elsewhere in this issue, was attended by Mr. Page and Mr. Hofferof the faculty, and by forty-two undergraduates, all of whom were when theywere appointed expected to return to college this fall. Since the ne w selectiveservice act, however, some will not doso. There will, however, be a considerable increase of undergraduates with atleast two months intensive military training, who will serve as offcers in the corps.As organized at Chicago (and elsewhere) the corps does not lead to a commission, nor does it place its members ina deferred class for active service. Itsmembers, however, will, when called to thecamps, have an unusual opportunity of being selected for the various R O. T. c.,which are continuously in session, andwhich gives second lieutenancies to thesuccessful, whether the applicants are orare not twenty-one.The plan at Chicago is to concentratefor the first quarter on infantry drill, andsubsequently to or ganize certainly machine gun units and probably artillery andnaval training courses as well. All thepreliminary courses (trigonometry andnavigation) for the ensign s school at theMunicipal Pier have been given by theUniversity during the summer.Mr. LaVerne Noyes has conveyed tothe University of Chicago certain fee andleasehold real estate, inThe Gift of value about $2,500,000,Mr. Noyes the income of which isto be used-"To pay tuition at not to exceed theordinary rate in the University of Chicago, whether in its colleges or in itsgraduate or professional schools, for de-334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEserving students without regard to differences in sex, race, religion, or politicalparty, who shall be citizens of the 'UnitedStates and who either:First. Shall themselves have served inthe army or navy of the United States inthe war for liberty into which our republic entered on the sixth day of April,1917, provided that such service was terminated by an honorable discharge, or,Second. Shall be descendants by bloodof anyone in service in the army or navyof the United States, who served in saidwar, or,Third. Shall be descendants by blood ofanyone who served it). the army or navyof the United States in said war, providedthat such service was terminated by anhonorable death or an honorable discharge."I t is declared to be the purpose of thedonor in establishing this Foundation atthe same time to express his gratitude tothose who ventured the supreme sacrificeof life for their country and for the freedom of mankind in this war, and also bygiving them honor, to aid in keeping alivethrough the genera tions to come the spiritof unselfish, patriotic devotion withoutwhich no free government can long endureor will deserve to endure."The gift will be designated "The LaVerne Noyes Foundation."Twenty per cent of the income may beused in paying salaries of the Universitystaff engaged in teaching American His-tory or the public duties of citizenship,including Political Economy,' PoliticalScience and Sociology.The property conveyed consists of thefollowing:Mr. Noyes' homestead on Lake ShoreDrive, of which he reserves a life use.The LaVerne building, 2005-2029Michigan avenue, 270x160 feet.A vacant lot at 1533 Dearbornway, 50x132 feet.The fee of the factory propertypied by the Aermotor Company atbell avenue and Twelfth street, SouthPa:rkOCCtl ..Campabout9% acres.The Pickwick building and leasehold at2001 Michigan avenue, 30X160 feet .. The shops, building and leasehold at 17-29 North Wabash avenue, 72x162� feet.A quarter interest in the Metropolitanleasehold and building at to South- Statestreet, 72x120 feet, of which the donor reserves the income for life.The Chemical building and leasehold,15-21 North Dearborn street, 60x80 feet.Stephanne Lauzanne, editor-in-chief ofthe Paris Matin, wrote recently in the NewYork Evening Post:France to "A year ago, whenAmerica Joffre and Viviani weregoing t h ro ugh thethe United States, they were welcomed atthe entrance of the University o'f Chicagoby the president of that university, whosaid to them : 'We are brothers in the samecause. For that cause, you shall have ourlast man and the last beating of our hearts.'"It was nobly spoken, and these generouswords shall one day be carved in bronze."Yes, to the last �an and to the lastheart beat, so that free nations may livefreely. To the last man and to the lastheart beat, so that our children and thechildren of our children may enjoy in peacethe blessing of the sun, without having tofear a return of similar horrors. To thelast man and to the last heart beat, so thatthe Bastile of Germanism may crumble tothe dust and that right may once againreign over the" world!"The Union -League Club of Chicago hasrecently published for national distributiontwo pamphlets by Harold Moulton '07; thefirst, entitled "UnusualBusiness, Not Businessas U sual," and the second, "Your Business and War Business." The argumentof both is that inessentials in manu':'facture 'must give way to essentials; butthe second goes on further to outline themore recent developments with referenceto the government's policy in the matterof priorities, and to show how manufacturers in the less essential lines of industry may make the" necessary conversion'of their plants, in whole or in part, forwar production.Two WarPamphletsEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe outlook for athletics this fall andwinter depend altogether on whether ornot the rule is temporarily rescinded thatprevents the use offreshmen. Of upperclassmen there will be too few, in a11 probability, to form teams that could standthe strain of hard games. It is expectedthat Elton, '20; Serck, '20, and Hutchinson,'20, will return, and Cole, '21, and Hales,'21, are pretty certain to be back; whichwould assure a back field for football thatwould probably class with anything in theconference. Of line men, however, therewill be a great dearth. Both the 'varsityand freshmen basketball teams of last sea-AthleticsThe 1918The 1918 reunion, though affected innumbers by the demands of war service,was amazingly satisfactory. From theannual dinner of the Woman's AthleticAssociation, on June 5, to the Convocation Recessional, on June 11, the programwas real. The high lights for the recentalumni perhaps were Lieutenant Perigord'sspeech at the dinner on Saturday evening,June 8, and the unveiling ·of the service flagat Convocation, with its 1,068 stars (nowincreased to over thirteen hundred, thirteen gold for men who have died in theservice).The full program follows:Wednesday, June 53 p. m Women's Athletic Association-Field Day, Woodlawn Field.6 p. m. Dinner Of the Women's AthleticAssociation, Ida Noyes Hall.Thursday, June 68 p. m. Final contests for (1) the JuliusRosenwald prize for public speaking; (2)the Florence James Adams prize for Artistic reading, Leon Mandel Assembly Hall.6 p. m.6 p. m.8 p. m.Court. Friday, June 7Fraternity dinners and reunions."C" dinner, Hutchinson Cafe.University Sing, Hutchinson 335son are practically all either in the servicenow or trying to get in. Of the baseballteam of 1918, Vollmer, Terhune, Long,Rudolph, Smith, and Bryan will not behere, and of the plans of the rest, exceptSerck and Elton, outfielders, nothing isknown; and yet that team, except forthree men, was made up of sophomores.So it goes.On the other hand, boys are being vigorously urged by the government to entercollege, and the colleges are being as vigorously entreated to keep on with athletics. It looks very much as if, to complywith both requests, freshmen would haveto be allowed to compete in intercollegiatecontests.ReunionSaturday, June 8-Alumni Day1 p. m. Alumnae luncheon, Ida NoyesHall.2 p. lTI. Conference' track meet, StaggField.2 p. m. Kelly Hall and other reunions,Ida Noyes Hall6 p. m. Alumni dinner, Hutchinson Hall.Sunday, June 9-Convocation Day10:30 a. m. The Convocation prayer service, Harper Assembly Roorn10 :45 a. m. Th e procession.11 a. m. The Convocation religious service, Leon Mandel Assembly Hall.Monday, June lO-College Day9 :30 a. m Flag exercises, flagpole.10:10 a. m. Junior College final chapel exercises. The conferring of -titles and certificates. Leon Mandel. Assembly Hal l.11 :45 a. m. Junior-senior base ban game,The Circle.1 p. 111 Senior luncheon.2 :30 p. m Class exercises, senior bench.3 p. m. Annual meeting of the Beta ofIllinois Chapter Phi Beta Kappa. Reception of new members. Reynolds Club Theater.5 to 7 p. m. - Reception by members ofwomen's houses. Woman's Quadrangle.9 to 11 p. m. Convocation reception.Hutchinson Hall.Tuesday, June ll-Convocation Day12 :30 p. m. Luncheon and meeting ofthe Doctors' Association, the QuadrangleClub.4 :30 p. m. The one hundred and seventh336 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZIljEconvocation. The convocation address, bythe very Reverend Sir George AdamSmith, LL.D., Litt.D., F.B.A., principal andvice-chancellor of Aberdeen University,moderator of the General Assembly of theUnited Free Church of Scotland (1916-17).Hutchinson Court.The conferring of degrees.Among the class reunions by far themost distinctive was the fiftieth, of theclass of 1868, of the Old University. Threemembers were preesnt-Elan N. Lee ofWebster City, Iowa; Ferdinand W. Peck,of Chicago, and Rev. E. P. Savage, of St.Paul, Minn. Reunion letters were receivedalso from the following members whowere unable to attend: William Evertsof Roxbury, Mass.; Joel A. Minor of AnnArbor, Mich.; Albee Smith of Minneapolis, Minn.; Rev. E. O. Taylor of Boston;Rev. Loren, Y. Bush of Long Beach, Calif.,and ]. P. Philips of Watsonville, Calif.Others of the immediate group presentwere: T. B. Posey, '69, and Thomas W.Goodspeed, '66.The following poem by J. P. Philips,1868, was read at the reunion:Dear fellows, friends of former days,I do not say "the better days,"Old college days, of glorious youth,Thrilled through with 'life and search oftruth!Today I'm sure we feel good reasons,Since swift flight of fifty seasons,For singing now the old refrain:"So may we all .of us," again.In looking back it seems a joke,How we, submissive, wore the 'Yoke,In hope as students to be ableSome day to sit at "scholars' table."By day and night we "boned" at books,And went to class with earnest looks:Tried hard to plow with honored Bur ..roughsStraight the philosophic furrows.As memory unfolds the scrollAnd calls by nam e the old class roll,Each member stands in light so clearThe far off days draw almost here.There come to us both tears and cheers,As we recall far hopes and fears;So unlike to your thought and mine,We've found lifes' shadow" and its"shine." And now a toast to Sixty-eight,Whose fifty years we celebrate;"The long gone days, to memory dear,The 'boys' passed on, and those stillhere!""After the battle, the reward,"Is motto worthy, as towardThe goal we press, with steadfast mind,For good for self and all mankind.u. C. is dead! Long live U. c.!Stronger, statelier may she 'Yet be,Than Burroughs' vision ever grew,On plans that wondrous Harper drew!Hail and farewell! Our youth renew:The search for life and truth pursue;Assured, as in the days of 'Yore,The better things still lie before.At the alumni dinner on June 8, Rev. E.P. Savage, 1868, spoke for this class.Among other things, he said: "Fiftyyears have passed away since the class of18'68 bid good-by to the shelter of theAlma Mater. Eighteen of us graduated,the largest number up to that period fromany class." He referred with tender affection to Dr. Henry C. Mabie, who hadjust died. He spoke of Dr. Burroughs, thefounder of the Old University, who obtained from Senator Douglas the sitewhere the Old University soon arose, andthen concluded as' follows:"Fifty years! I doubt whether any ofus took into contemplation plans for fiftyyears. I am thankful that a providencethat seemed most dark, but was most berieficen t, led me, after twenty years, to thefounding of a society that has cared formor-e than 4,200 needy little ones, is amplyequipped with beautiful grounds and buildings, and has blessed many homes by placing these needy little ones in them to becared for in the Master's name. It is destined to exist and to exert its blessed influence upon the .generations yet unborn.More than fifty of these once needy onesare now fighting that "Government of thepeople, by the people, for the people maynot perish from the earth.""Fifty years ago. the wounds from theCivil War were still fresh an d bleeding.In 1865 we had marched in . that almostendless procession at the funeral of theMartyred Lincoln. Members" of Congress,Governors of the States, Diplomats fromother nations, Generals whose names. hadbeen blazoned high upon the toll of undying / fame, and thousands of the common . people marched. I t was the mostTHE I9IB REUNIONheart-broken throng ever marched, Whenwe looked upon that gaunt visage, that faceso marred with care, carved by all thoseyears of a sympathy and suffering, in bearing upon his heart the woes 0 f a griefstricken nation, South as well as North,what wonder that the memory of thatface is stamped ineffably upon all ourhearts. But the nation was already takinggiant strides in that spl enrnd. developmentthat has taken us from the 30,000,000 of theSixty's to the 100,000,000 of_ today. Surelywe had an era of magnificent possibilitiesin which to carve careers wo r th v- of theopportunity; but, young graduates of today, do not stand envying us; splendid aswere our opportunities,. yours are still moresplendid. Today an era of still nobler ideashas burst upon us. Today the question isnot 'how much we can get for ourselves,'but 'how much can we do for the world deliverance from the remorseless fangs ofthe most stupendous greed that has everexisted.' The heroic age is here and now.The wand of an enchantress, the divinespirit of self-sacrifice has touched multitudes of ordinary men 'and women andtransformed them into heroes, eager to givetheir lives, if need be, for a sore strickenworld. Young people, I congratulate youupon your privilege of living now and taking part in this most stupendous drama ofall the ages. Weare proud of our ServiceFlag with the more than a thousand stars.May it be yours to add to the glory of thosestars.""I am thankful that in 1862� as a boy ofeighteen, it was my privilege to spring tothe defense of the Union, when FatherAbraham called for 300,000 more; to joinin the toilsome march of more th an threehundred miles that fall, day after day, facing shot and shell; and one day when hobbling along in the rear of the army, unableto keep up with the march because of apainful injury to my foot, I was gobbled upby Morgan, the Raider. Then as a prisonerfor two and a half years, kept marching,every step with pain that increased untilit became agony. Then when waiting tobe parolled, suspected of being a spy, ordered under guard to be shot. But in spiteof all those trials and sufferings, lookingdeath in the face again and again, I wouldnot have that period out of my life for anything which I can conceive. Young people, Plymouth Rock, Concord Bridge, Valley Forge, and all the trials and conflictsof the Civil War summon you to the loftyprivilege of service now."America, my Country, I come at thy call,I plight thee my troth, I give thee myall,In peace and in war, I am wed ,to thy weal,I will carry thy flag through the fire andthe steel. 337Unsullied it floats o'er our peace-lovingrace,N or on land, nor on sea shall it sufferdisgrace.In reference I bow at sweet Liberty'sshrine,America, my Country, command me, Iam thine."In presenting the Service Flag, J;_.eo F.Wormser spoke as follows:International programs for true understanding require a world perspective. Yet,after a lapse of almost four years, our focusis not too close nor our lens too dull for usto see clearly that this war is a conflict ofideals.Whether it be styled the philosophy ofBismarck, or the policy of the Hohenzollerns, or the militarism of Prussia, the basic-coricept of the present German state ismight. Whether it be termed the originalprecept of Washington, or the constantguide of Lincoln, or the present democracyof Wilson, the basic concept of the UnitedSta tes is Right.In Teutonic statecraft the privileges ofthe individual are limited to those yieldedby royal prerogative; in our representativegovernment, the consent of the governed isthe foundation of the power of the state.The essence of German regime is force;of American order, cooperation. Germanyprostitutes science to bolster tottering autocratic formulae; America promotes science to enlarge human freedom. The learning of Germany is the servant of sinistermachinations and the tool of Pan-Germanplottings; the learning of the United Statesis the torch of a larger liberalism and theguide to a broader brotherhood. Germanyfights to make men slaves; America tomake slaves free men.When this conflict of ideals finally burstinto war, the college men and women ofthis country-always the standard bearersof our ideals-were the first to respond tothe call of duty .. The nation's chief executive had disproved the fallacy that a col�lege doctrinaire. If he was not precipitatein action, he displayed the strength of forbearance and the fortitude of patiencewhich gave more resolute torce to his finalaction. To his cause and under his flag,college men and women eagerly rallied.Among the foremost in these ranks, therestand today-known to the University anddoubtless many more whose names are notyet known-l,068 valiant ones of the University of Chicago.Loyal to the in spira tion of this U niver sity, these men have given to our country their services, their careers and if needbe, their lives, to exemplify the dignity ofduty and the sublimity of loyalty; to provethat man's body is the servant of his soul;and to establish forever the rule of Rightabove the domination of Might.338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMr. President, the Alumni, speaking toyou through the inspiring light of morethan 1,000' stars in the University's serviceflag, are committed to the conviction thatculture shall not become enslaved to governmental dictates, but shall remain unfettered to' attain beneficient achievementsand to serve the American people in theirequality of opportunity. Otherwise, education is a failure.The flag which the College Alumni pre-.sent to you tonight, Mr. President, is consecra ted by seven gold stars, placed therein memory of John Simon Lewis, ThomasLyons, Seymour Mason, Hawley B. Olmstead, William Jewell Whyte, Lieut. Sundwall and Lieut. Neville-seven vanishedyoung 'soldiers who are now martyred heroes in the cause of freedom. Without theancient horrors' of passing into the beyond,without the orthodox ceremony or ritual,without self-pity, but with self-sacrifice forthe preservation of an ideal and with unfaltering faith in the future of their cause,these noble men have died to enhance andenrich our lives and the life of our nation.In whispered eloquence they call upon usto achieve the destruction of the strongholds of evil and the upbuilding of the citadels of goodness. In loving memory of them, in hearty support of the hundreds ofour brothers and sisters now in the nation's ranks, in loyal devotion to our country, we present to the University this flag,dedicated to the endurance of eternaltruths and the triumph of justice .overpower.One admirable feature of the reunion wasthe pledge of the class of 1918. It wasgiven by Miss Marion Palmer, vice-president, and ran as follows:We, members of the Senior Class of 1918,in appreciation of the many honors, benefits, and advantages conferred upon us byour Alma Mater, the University of Chicago, •and realizing that by becoming loyal andactive alumni, we can, in some measure, re-:pay our Alma Mater for the honors, benefits and advantages so conferred, do hereby, in the presence of the alumni of theUniversity of Chicago, pledge ourselves individually, and as a class, to .remain loyalto the University of Chicago throughoutlife, to assist in maintaining the alumniorganization, to the best of our abilities,to cherish the memories of our collegedays, to attend reunion whenever possible,and to strive to uphold the honor, dignity,and name of our .great university.From the June Convocation Statement-The Convocation Address today discussed the relationship of the war to British universities. Weare beginning to feelthe effects in this country,' although, ofcourse, it has not gone so far as it naturally would go under the distressing conditions in the British Islands. For thespring quarter just closing the attendanceshows a diminution of 21.9 per cent, ascompared with the spring quar ter a yearago. Of COurse we bear in mind the considerable' number of wornen among ourstudents, and also of advanced graduatestudents, beyond the military age. Whatthe war means to us, therefore, is shownmore clearly in the fact that the totalnumber of men this quarter is 33.4 percent less than a year ago, and that in theLaw School, in which the students arenearly all men, the attendance shows .ashrinkage as compared with a year ago of60 per cent.At the gathering of alumni Saturdayevening last the University was presented,on behalf of the organization, with 'a serv- , ice flag containing 1,068 stars. These arethe alumni who 'so far as is now knownare actually in the army or navy in someform. of service. Other names are continually coming in, -and from time to timethe number on the flag will be altered tosuit the facts.The members of the faculty have been)eager to render service to the governmentin the war in any way in which they arerespectively best fitted: The Board ofTrustees have generously allowed leavesof �bsence for those who are taken fromtheir duties for the national service, andthe number who have left is 104. Ofcourse some of these are in the army;others in the navy; others engaged in various forms of civilian a.ctivi ty in Washington or in the laboratories of the Universityin Chicago. Departments have been variously affected. The Department of Ana tomy, with eight members of the staff, hasfive in the army, three of whom are majors. The 'Department of Physics hascalled to the service its head, ProfessorFROM THE JUNE CONVOCATION STATEMENTMichelson, who is tendered the rank oflieutenant commander in the navy; Professor R. A. Millikan, who is a lieutenantcolonel in the army; Professor Henry Gordon Gale, a major in the army, now inFrance; Associate Professor Carl Kinsley,who is a captain in the signal corps, inthe United States army; Assistant ArthurJ. Dempster, engaged in submarine workin the United States national army, andInstructor Ralph Sawyer, serving in thesignal corps in Washington. Of the 39members of the School of Commerce andAdministration faculty, 29 have enterednational service. But it is invidious to particularize.An interesting feature of, the effect ofthe war on universities is its relation totheir finances. Obviously th;re is, witha shrinkage of attendance, also a loss ofincome from student fees. There is insome cases reduction in income from in- 339vested funds. There is obviously also anincrease in expenses. During the currentyear the reduction in income of the U niversity is upwards of $146,000, and theincrease in expenses owing to higher costof 0 supplies, like coal, is about $74,000. Thetotal effect therefore of the war will bea loss to the University practically of$220,000. Nevertheless, I may say thatso prudent has been the financial administra tion of the University by the Boardof Trustees that the 30th of June, the endof our fiscal year, will show no deficit.Almost alone, I believe among institutionsof the larger rank, the University of Chicago has not been compelled for the coming year to dismiss members of its facultyin order to reduce a deficit. What thenext year may bring to us I cannot say,but we certainly are all grateful that thefirst year of the war has not brought financial disaster to us.The Roll of HonorIThe following former students of theUniversity are known to have died, beenwounded or been taken prisoner in service. It is altogether improbable that therecord is complete:Killed in ActionJohn F. Lewis, '96, major Canadian Battalion of the Guards.August L. Sundvall, graduate student1916-17; first lieutenant.Earl H. Neville, ex, a second lieutenant.Laurens C. Shull, '16, first lieutenant.Died of Accident or DiseaseHawley B. Olmstead, '17, private (pneumonia).William Jewell Whyte, '19, first lieutenant of aviation (accident).Jefferson Myers, ex, cadet in aviation(accident).John Goad, graduate student, second lieutenant in aviation (accident).W .A. Narwood, ex, private (accident).Raymond Anderson, '15, second lieutenant, honorable discharge January '18, diedfrom illness contracted in service.Hadley Cooper, ex, private (disease). Thomas C. Lyons, '19, yeoman (pneumonia).Seymour Mason, ex, private (disease).Missing in ActionWalter B. Schafer, '18, second lieutenant,severely wounded and missing since April,1918.Alfred R. Strong, '18, second lieutenant.a via tion (prisoner).Wounded in ActionThomas A. Goodwin, '16, second lieu-tenant (recovering).B. F. W�nchell, ex. second lieutenant.Archie L. Lake, '17, private, marines.Paul R. Pierce, '14, English Royal FlyingCorps.H. N. Potter, graduate student, secondlieutenant marines,James M. Sellers, '17, first lieutenantmarines (recovering). .Total So Far ReportedDead 13Missing 2Wounded 6340 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELive the CampThe Campus .IS Dead-LongMajor Edward McCaskey, t4e commandant of the S. A. T. C. camp at Ft. Sheridan, is, as you can readily see by lookinginto his soldier's blue eyes, a truthful man.And Major McCaskey informed me thatthis S. A. T. C. camp is going to be no"rah-rah" business; there will be no place10 or about Ft. Sheridan for "pusseyfooters." What I saw up there agreed prettywell with the major's statement.This commandant of the S. A. T. C. isalso the professor of military science and'tactics at the Univer sity of Illinois.The war department is training now oneman in every twenty-five enrolled in thecolleges. These men are not being trainedfor commissions for the immediate, present.On the contrary, every man at Ft. Sheridan is expected to return to his college in.the fall as an assistant instructor of militaryscience and tactics. Hence 3,150 youngmen, sweating by day and "cramming" bynight at the fort. Or, bette!" I should say,3,080 young men.For as I walked from the lake downMain street (or whatever they call it), fromCo. 1 up to Co. 19, I sa w nothing butyoung men such as I would see on thecampus of any university but our own(why do they grow so old here?); but whenI came to Co. 20, I rubbed the perspirationfrom my eyelids and looked again'. Thecompany was lined up for "chow," someseventy-five or so of them. '"Whence,'�, asked I increduously "allthese grey hairs? Why these moustachesand beards? And there's Pat Page and DocHoffer! And Mr. Ott!"No, I wasn't having a sun stroke or anightmare! I had simply stumbled ontothe faculty company. Not content withtraining the boys to be assistant instructors, they were making assistant professorsof war out of professors of Greek andmathematics and athletics. The temporaryofficers of Co. 20 were students who hadbeen through the recent R. O. T. C. camp.Have you a picture of young Jack Smithfor ins�ance (who was flunked last quarte;111 Latin by Professor Jones), shouting atsaid Private Jones, "Get in line there you!Do you think you're the prow of a battleship, sticking yourself out" ahead of thefront of the company?" 0, boy!You old "grads" who write "sixty days"on a bill think nothing of what that meansexcept a discount. But sixty days to .ourfriends at the Fort meant work. Here forexample, is the list of daily calls, which' youmay compare with a list for the NationalArmy:R�vei11e (under arms) First Call 5 :00 a. m,Mess (breakfast) 5 :30 a. m.Drill .....•.................... 6 :30 a. m.Guard Mounting � 11 :00 a. m. Recall � ' 11 :30 a. m..Mess (dinner) 12 :00 m., School (or .conferences) .. � . .. 1 :00 p. m.Recall (from school) ', 4 :45 p. m.Retreat and Inspection (underarms) �. 5:15 p. m.Mess (supper) 5 :45 p. m.School '. . . . . . . . .. 6 :55 p. m.Call of Quarters 9 :00 p. m.Taps 9 :30 p. m.The leisure time will be devoted to washing clothes, cleaning rifles, dressing and undressing.The work of the camp is divided into twophases, of four weeks each. During thefirst -phase, those who were at the recentR. O. T. C. camp assisted the officers intraining the men who have had no previOU$ work. This : gave the experienced mena wonderful opportunity to develop theirqualities of leadership and to become ex-'pert in drill and' instruction. In the firstfour weeks the new men got all the training offered those in the last camp, and asmuch more as could be given. Then thesecond phase began and the advanced workfor alL. To give an outline of all the studyand -dr ill to he "offered would (take manypages: - I can here barely suggest the typeof thing by phrases. Such things will beoffered as work in Outposts, Shelter TentCamps, the Company and the Battalion inAttack and Defence, Hand Grenades RifleGrenades, Automatic Rifles, the Eu;opeanmethod of Formation for Attack; Cooperation with Artillery, Signalling (Semaphoreand Wig-Wag), Bayonet Practice, PersonalHygiene and Camp Sanitation, Field Service Regulations, Guard Duty, Map Reading,Gas Defence, Target Practice, Patrolling,Advance and Rear' Guard Duty, and otherminor matters .of drill and routine. If youknow anything of military work, you willrealize that this is a big order, both forMajor McCaskey and his aids, and for theboys. The work will be almost as completeas that offered in the first O. T. c., whichhad ninety days. 'Besides this general work for all the men,during the second phase there will be special study for selected men, so chosen thatthe following percentages from each college will become more or less expert in thefollowing arts:30 per cent in musketry.30 per cent in bayonet attack and defence.20 per cent in automatic rifles.. 10 per cent in hand grenades.10 per cent in rifle grenades.During the l-ctst \ .weeks, - also, there willbe long' marches, of from one to severaldays duration, witfi 'new tactical situationsTHE CAMPUS IS DEAD-LONG LIVE THE CAMPto be 'l11et Jrequently. Not to speak of lectures .ori-machine guns; trench mortars, andthe French 37 millimeters (one pounders)!It is for this strenuous life that the University of Chicago has sent forty-two students and several members of the faculty 341to Ft. Sheridan; and if there are any students back next year, you may expect tosee results. Meantime the campus issuspiciously quiet, and on the quadranglesthere is nothing to see or do.Lee Ettelson, '19.The University RecordThree portraits were presented to theUniversity on June 11. The portraits of EliBuell Williams and Hobart \V. Williams,painted by Ralph Clarkson, N. A., werepresented by Mr. Wallace Heckman, Counsel and Business Manager of the U niversity ; and the portrait of Thomas ChrowderChamberlin, also painted by Ralph Clarkson, was presented by Professor BaileyWillis, of Leland Stanford Junior University.Mr. Hobart W. \Villiams has given to theUniversity property to the value of $2,000,-000, the gift being in memory of his father,Eli Buell Williams, and his mother, HarrietB. Williams. Part of the income of thisgreat gift goes toward the development ofthe School of Commerce and Administration at the University.Professor Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, Head of the Depar tm'ent of Geologyand Paleontology, whose portrait was givenby former students of the Department, hasbeen connected with the University sinceits founding, coming to his present positionfrom the preisdency of the University ofWisconsin, He has long been recognizedas one of the leading geologists of theworld, having been for many years UnitedStates geologist in charge of the glacialdivision, and since 1902 an investigator offundamental problems of geology for theCarnegie Institution.Among the recent appointments announced by the Board of Trustees are thefollowing:C. O. Hardy, Dean of Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas, to be lecturer in theSchool of Commerce and Administration.A. C. Hodge, Instructor in Economics, .University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to be lecturer in the School of Commerce and Administration.Helen R. Goodrich, to be instructor inthe Department of Home Economics in theSchool of Education.Isaac V. Edwards, to be associate in theDepartment of History.Leaves of absence have been granted bythe Board of Trustees to the' followingmembers of the Faculties: Professor Leon Carroll Marshall, chairman of the Department of Political Economy and Dean of the School of Commerceand Administration, to take charge of thelabor work of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, leave to extend to October 1, 1918.Associa te Professor Algernon Coleman,of the Department of Romance Languagesand Literatures, to act as Executive Secretary of the Commission on EducationalWork in the American camps in France,under the direction of the National WarWork Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States, during the summer and autumn quarters, 1918.Professor Theodore Gerald Soares, headof the Department of Practical Theology inthe Divinity School, to give special service in speaking at the American Camps inFrance during the autumn quarter, 1918.A t the beginning of the campaign nowbeing conducted by the University forbooks to be sent to American soldiers andsailors it was hoped that something like1.600 to 2.000 volumes might be collected.As a rna tter of fact, already m ore than7,000 volumes have been received for thepurpose an d in large part classified andcatalogued, and a thousand books ready foruse have already been shipped to variouscamps. Not only have members of theFaculty, students, and other members ofthe University made large contributions,but many people residing in the neighborhood of the University have also madegenerous gifts. Many who have not hadbooks to contribute have volunteered cashcontributions. Members of the librarystaff have worked evenings for severalweeks in preparing the books for shipment,and members of the Y. M. C. A. and offraternity houses have offered their automobiles for carrying books to and fromthe deposit stations, which have been located in the bookstores of the Universityof Chicago Press, at the Reynolds Club,the Quadrangle Club, Hitchcock Library,the various departmental libraries, andHarper Memorial Library. The campaignhas been carried on through four committees acting under the general supervision342 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE(This is not the portrait of Prof. Chamberlin referred to, but a very interestingphotograph taken at the University of Wisconsin. With Dr. Chamberlin are Prof. W.A. Henry and Prof. S. M" Babcock.)of the Associate Director of the universityLibraries, Mr. ]. c. M. Hanson, in cooperation with the Chicago Public Libraryand under the �pices of the American Library Association.Among the industrial fellowships assigned' by the Mellon Institute of the University of Pittsburgh are five to men wboreceived their Doctor's degree from theUniversity of Chicago. Dr. Ernest DanaWilson, 191;;, was assigned the industrialfellowship on leather belting, for which$a,800 a 'Year has been available. The fellowship expires this spring. Dr. Bert AllenStagner, 1914, is conducting researches inconnection with the commercial use ofhair. This fellowship, which has an appropriation of $3,000 a year, expires October 1. The researches by Dr. James BertGarner, 1897, concern the subject of gas,and the fellowship, which has an appropriation of $7,500 a year, expires Septemher 1. A fellowship on organic synthesisis held by Dr. George Oliver Curme, Jr.,1913. It has available funds of $10,000 ayear, with a bonus of $5,000, and expiresJanuary I, 1919. Dr. Oscar Fred Heden- burg, 1915, is investigating the subject ofinsecticides on a fe llowslup which makesavailable $:l,OOO a year. It also expiresJanuary 1, 1919.All these holders of industrial fellowships took their Doctor's degree at theUniversity of Chicago in the Departmentof Chemistry.The Dupont de Nemours Company, ofWilmington. Delaware, has granted theUniversity a fellowship in Chemistry forthe year l!JlS-l!J for $750. The fellowshipwill be available for Ph. D. candidates pursuing some scientific (not industrial) lineof investigation. The Department ofChemistry has now four especially endowedfellowships, having besides me one indicated, the Swift Fellowship. the Lowenthal Fellowship and the Edith BarnardMemorial Fellowship.The following students. who have hadat least two years of work in chemistry,hut who have not completed their chemistry training, are working in the laboratories of the Illinois Steel Company: MaryHardy, Ruth Strahn, E. Johnson, MarianFine, Katherine Heskett, Pauline Lyon andTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 343Belle Finkelstein. The demand for womenchemists has increased exceedingly rapidlywithin the last few months. The DupontCompany is building a plant in which women chemists will be exclusively used during the war, and the Eastman Kodak Company is developing a new department tomanufacture organic chemicals in whichwomen chemists will be used exclusively.The U niver sitv is to have an exhibit ofthe University �t the Illinois State Fairin September, 1918, on the occasion of thecelebration of the hundredth anniversaryof the admission of the state of Illinois tothe Union. A committee, with ProfessorErnest DeWitt Burton, Director of the University Libraries, as chairman, has beenappointed to have charge of the exhibit.Dr. C. Judson Herrick, Professor ofNeurology was elected to membership inthe National Academy of Sciences at itsrecent annual meeting in the SmithsonianInstitution, Washington, D. C. . At thesame meeting Professor Ludvig Hektoen,Head of the Department of Pathology, wasalso elected to membership.Thomas A. Knott, Ph. D., '12, and DavidH. Stevens, Ph. D., '15, who wer e assistant professors of English in the University,have followed Prof. ]. M. Manly to \Vashington, and are now both in the Military Intelligence Service, with the rank of captain.A new anthology of American poetryfrom the earliest times to the present dayhas recently been published under the titleof American Poetry, the editor being PercyH. Boynton, Associate Professor of English, in the University. He has been assisted by Howard M. Jones, A. M., 1915,now of the University of Montana, andGeorge W. Sherburn, Ph. D., 1915, andFrank M. Webster, Ph. B. 1915. In making the selections the editors have hopedto show the progress of American poetryand American thought and at the same timeto have the poems fairly represent the chiefcharacteristics of the authors. The collection closes with poems from WilliamVaughn Moody, once connected with theDepartment of English at the University.Professor Julius Stieglitz, chairman ofthe Department of Chemistry, has been appointed as special expert in the UnitedStates Public Health Service of the Treasury Department. This WIll not involve thelessening of his duties at the University,nor his residence work. The governmentassigns him two assistants, who will be inthe employ of the Public Health Serviceand will carry out their work in KentChemical Laboratory under ProfessorStieglitz', direction.The Letter BoxCamp Merritt, N. J.,Fort Hamilton, J. A. R. D.,July 13.To the Editor:With one foot on the gangplank and theother a few inches from a trench shoethat surrounds it. I pause to register mywhereabouts.I am Private _ 604918, Coast Artillery; addone and you have Dick Myers.Weare veterans of three campaigns (consisting of 48 days of service in the U. S. A.)at Ft. Wadsworth, Ft. Hamilton and CampMerritt. Tomorrow when the sun looksover at the palisades he will rub his eyesand remark, "Good God, is that Dick Myersunder that pack and blanket roll?" And Iwill remark, "Right you are, and mark mepresent, too; we didn't join the tanks afterall, despite that campus gossip, and we're. going over to see if all they say about thiswar is true." You see Dick chose this branch of service because he liked the view from theparapet at Wadsworth, and someone hadtold him they served pie. That man hadbetter not try to go over the top in frontof Myers, for he'll get his name in the papers in the wrong column if he does. IWe like the army and rather proud otthe fact that we are the only two membersof the Class of Eleven, who have achievedanything better than a commission. AtWadsworth we signed our name sixty-fivetimes and learned how to use up' any afternoon cleaning a twelve-inch gun withoutworrying the sergeant or waking any ofthe other non-coms. Both of us were in-.structed in sweeping, mopping, peeling potatoes and washing dishes. After this intensive training we were transferred to acasualty company and are now, as I said,with one foot on the gangplank.344 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA.GO MAGAZINEBefore we left Wadsworth the commanding officer there tried to force us into oneof those undemocratic officers' schools. Itwent very well with the examination for awhile; we ambushed the logarithms,caught two secants and were correctingthe range for a large exponent when somebody let in the Azimuth. I will not try todescribe it. Perhaps you know what theyare. 'Dick and I left and said if it cameto Azimuths we would rather face the Hun.I think the school was a failure. Two for'mer curators of the zoo were accepted andone professor of mathernatrcs.N ow we are going to an artillery schoolin a cleaner, greener country where theynever let in the azimuths without theirkeepers.I never earned thirty dollars so easily inmy life' and as soon as I get a pair of pantsthat fit I am going to make my positionhere permanent. For the last week I have'been living in a barracks wrth a lot of vetswith gold v's on their sleeves and a lot ofstuff to say that would make good reading.Most of them are anxious to get back toFrance. They are fine fellows from everystrata, just like the rest of America andthe army. The only people I am sorry forare the men who will realize too late thatthey haven't had the chance to do theirshare.It isn't the pack on your back or the jobyou've got that weighs, it's the thoughtof the folks at home that is the heavyburden.Heavens! Here I have written a pageand haven't told you when the war will beover. Well, it's too late for that now, soyou'll have to tell the boys that I havenothing to say about that today. Sufficeit to mention that we hope it won't be over'fill we are.I have found the army a wonderful placefor meditation, especially on sentry dutywhile �eping always on the alert andobserving all that takes place within sightor hearing, as the G. O. puts it. Andthere is much to mediate upon. Chieflywhat America is and who is doing it.Much of this for instance from my comrade at arms N ello Arrnani, late of Tuscany, in fact so late .rhat he only has hisfirst papers but says with a smile thatwould make millions on the screen, "Nomatter,-and I fight for two, bella Italiaand United State'!" And much the samefrom Ignatz Kat of Minsk and Gary, Ind.,and Dick bunkie, a red-headed Michiganbarber who can roll a pack so well thathe likes to do Dick's just to show his skill.Dick joins in regards" and we look forward to the reunion that's corning whenit'es over .over there. � ,(Since the foregoing was written Baukhage and Myers have reached France.)H. R. Baukhage, '11. Extracts from letters from Miss LuciaParker, formerly Dean in the UniversityHigh School:Dijon, May 7th.I have been leading such a busy life, socrowded every .momen t that I have scarcelyhad time to think. Mrs. Vanderbilt sent> me here to open up a new rest station forour American boys. When I was first detailed here I felt quite rebellious (thoughI tried not to show it), because I thoughtthe French needed us 'so much more thanour ow.n men. But I have wholly changedmy point of view and am grateful to bedoing service with our own' armv. We have�he most attractive can tine you can imagme. I have a pretty garden made in front- and our myosotis and pansies and "paquerettes" are blooming gaily as if they hadalways lived just where they are. Soon Iam going to have heliotrope, a geratum andlobelia set out and J have sweet-peas, nastursiums and all sorts of. seeds: planted.The boys take such pleasure in the gardenand in our efforts to have things home-like.In our rest .roorn I have #four big easychairs, softly cushioned, with drop-lightsabove, and those chairs are certainly popular. At present. there is a youngster banging most frightfully on the piano and hehas been doing it for hours! C' est laguerre. He and a friend are passingthrough, separated from their regiment,without pay for two months. So we "setthem up" to a fine, large dinner, at noon,gave them cocoa and sandwiches this afternoon and now they are waiting for supper,which will also be "on the house."We serve breakfast from 8-9, bread anddrings and egg s ; luncheon from 11 :30-1, andsupper from 5 :30-7; and in between timewe serve dr-inks, puddings and sandwiches.We really have awfully. good things; grid-- dle-cakes are among our. specialties, andyou should see the line at the counter whenwe have them. c •However; our real job is feeding thetroops who pass by en route for the' front.Last week in 36 hours 'we fed over 9,000.To make coffee, cut bread, slice cheese andcount out cigarettes for 9,000 men is nolittle job" especially whel',l' our equipmentis very primitive and inadequate. We giveeach man 2 slices of bread,' 2 cigarettes,.a hunk of cheese, and coffee or cocoa: orsometimes; instead of cheese we give jamsandwiches. The troop trains are greatfun, the men cttecf 8-0 delighted to> see American wornen. A few days- ago, as a soldiercame into "th,e' cantine and saw -one of thegirls serving: coffee and. heard her tatking,he said.. ":M.:y God, she talks English! Let'sstop and listen!'THE LETTER BOXA f.ew days ago; just to make conversation, I said to an old regular army sergeant: "Where are you from?" meaning,where did he land. To my surprise he replied, "I am from the Philippines andfrom Mexico, and I wish to God I were[rom France!"Recently an officer came in and askedif he could shave+somewhere. \!\l e have afine bath-house with 20 showers in processof construction, but as it is not finished, Itold the officer in question that he mightshave in the women's cloak room. Havingprovided him with hot water and all necessary details, I shut the door and put up anotice to this effect:"Watch out; guest shaving and makinghis toilet."Later I discovered the following:"Guest has finished. Many thanks toGod's greatest gift, American women."The Guest."I am keeping that scrap of paper as asouvenir.Our man of all chores is a young Russian ex-soldier, with the most wonderfulmanners you can imagine. I am convincedhe is of the nobility. Wh en I tell him toempty the garbage or to fill the coal-scuttles, he salutes in such an impressive waythat I feel as if I were a general, directingsome vast manoeuvres of supreme importance.Speaking of manoeuvres, I am invited byGeneral Duplessis, the commanding general of this region, to share his wife's boxon Saturday at the presentation of Croixde Guerre to a number of French officersand poilus. I am delighted to have theopportunity; it must be a thrilling sight.Dijon is beautiful beyond words. I spendhours every day motoring about shopping,and have learned to know all the old corners and picturesque spots. I hope thingsare going well with you.Paris, Tune 14.� have been a dreadful correspondent thiswmter, but my excuse was good. I haveworked like a dog-literally day and night;no regular meal hours, generally to bedabout midnight, to be up by 6 or 7 ,a. m.,and frequently on duty 36 hours on astretch. But there has been intense satisfaction in it all-the satisfaction of havingthings well done and the occasional joyof an expressed appreciation.Since last writing to you T have beengiven a new job-a wonderful job. I amassistant-cantine organizer for both theFrench and American tantines-and amsent about from place to place to open upa cantine and get it going and then Iturnit over to a directress. T am just back inParis from a three weeks' stay at C---, 345where I left a charming little rest stationbehind me. I have all the interior painting done, engage servants, buy china andkitchen supplies, arrange about suppliesfrom the quartermaster and actually startthe directrice going, then leave and go elsewhere. In between places I return to Paris,settle up my accounts for each cantine represents the outlay of considerable sums),and then start out again. I have a fine opportunity to see France and especially enjoy the motoring that I do.I am writing especially to tell you ofsuch an odd coincidence that occured afew nights ag-o. The first night that thecantine at C------ was open (the very&night before I left), I noticed a group ofAmerican boys on the platform, so I askedthem if they kriew there was an Americancantine near-by. They said: "No," so Isaid: "Well, come in and let us see whatwe can do for you." Forthwith the cantine was inundated and I was very busypouring 'coffee, when I glanced up to -fin dBuell Patterson waiting to be served. Thenit developed that the '-unit was from Chicago and Dr. Harvey of the UniversityFaculty was one of the officers. Wasn'tthat odd? I had just been dining with agroup of officers, immaculate-looking creatures, and when the rush began I put themto cutting and spreading jam sandwiches,and when they had finished, they weresticky frpm head to foot. But the boysgot the goods. Two of the fellows madetime to lean across the counter and ask ifI knew to whom they are engaged: ArlineFalkenau and Frances Roberts. And MissAbbott's brother was one of the officers.Altogether it was quite a christening forthe can tine.Paris is pathetic-tense and strained,awaiting the inevitable new outbreak onthe part of the Boches. For five days theyhave left the city alone and as my tailorsays: "The quiet of the Boches is ominous." The city is absolutely empty, except for Red Cross workers and military.Yet I never saw Paris lovelier-it will bea crime if the savages bombard it.From a letter from Helen A. Ranlett,J. D., 1915. Present address, care Morgan Harjes & Co., 31 BId. Hanssrnann,Paris: 'Paris, May 31, 1918.There never is time in the day to writeletters; but this time my day is iniquitouslyextended past midnight, which means thata raid is on. Generally I lie on my bedand doze between the canonadingsj : butthis time I drifted to the cave, and as Ihave this paper in my bag, here goes:I am still working for the blind, proofreading in the imprimerie. I set up a howllately that I was riot earning my wheat346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand that I should have more self-respect ifI were making something that countedtoward the war, like bandages or munitions. But I was tenderly handled and Iseem to be sticking to my job. My chiefwas at the start, and is likely to be again,Dorothy Canfield Fisher.June 4th. At this point everybody wentup-stairs, and my letters followed the fatethat always happens to one not finished onthe spot. These recent days have not inspired one to write. One is taking tookeen an interest in buying newspapers.At the moment I am installed in thegarden, a beautiful square of green, withshrubs and real trees. It is this that holdsme to the club. One does have green inChicago, but not to anv extent in NewYork. I lived here ten -months last year.I was telling you about my work for theblind, and I am in a state of high disgust,because the press has broken down andwe are being given a vacation, so th�t weshall probably be refused one later, whenwe could hav.e arranged in advance tospend it elsewhere. Besides at the presentmoment, one has no inclination to leaveScott Brown, 1897, Retiring President of theAlumni Association Paris. It is much more interesting to stickit out.I am getting quite regular in my habits.I take off my dress and shoes at the normaltime for going to bed, and lie down on thetop of my bed. At eleven or so I am awakened by the wail of the sirens, I cock myears, wince when the firing sounds toonear, and on the whole go to sleep again.At three I wake, hear nothing, and go tobed. I should say I really go to bed.Nights when I wake at three without having been wakened by the siren I feel rrruchsurprised. In that way, I get through without much nervous fatigue. Nights when Ihave gone down stairs, I have risked a cold,to say nothing of dispensing a disproportionate amount of my slender stock of energy. We will hope that if a bomb doescome my way, it will do things thoroughly,for I have no wish to crawl mangledthrough existence.Remember me to any of my friends yourun across; I really do not have time andstrength for regular correspondence, formy list is long.Rev. E. P. Savage, Member of the SemiCentennial Class of 1868ALUMNI AFFAIRSAlumniThe regular annual meeting of theAlumni Council (the fourth quarterly meeting for 1917-18) was held in the newalumni office room 4D Cobb Hall, onTuesday, Jul; 2nd, at 8 :00 P. M. Therewere present: William H. Lyman, AlbertW. Sherer, Harold H. Swift, Frank McNair, Hugo Friend, George Mathews,Ethel Kawin Mrs. Hannah Clark Powell,Mary Brona�gh, Dorothy Edwards, Charlotte Foye, Shirley Farr, Alice Greenacre,Emery Jackson, Howell Murray, John. P.Mentzer, John F. Moulds, and A. G. Pierrot. In the absence of Chairman ScottBrossn who was out of the city, Mr. JohnF. Mo'ulds was elected temporary chairman.The report of the Secretary-Treasurerwas read by Mr. Moulds, giving comparative financial statement, for the period ofSeptember 1st to June 30th, between theyears 1916-17 and 1917-18. The reportwas adopted.- President Judson visited the alumni, atthis time, arid spoke to them for a Jewminutes. He congratulated the alumni ontheir new quarters and outlined the advantages that the new quarters would givein the way of collecting and safely keepingthe valuable records of the alumni.' Helaid stress upon the importance of keeping up such records and of following theactivities of the alumni closely] and keeping in touch with the classes, as they madeolder classes particularly.The President then spoke briefly of hismission to Persia, which was then toleave in a few days. The purpose of themission is to endeavor to alleviate the terrible famine conditions in sections ofPersia, and he stated that Dr. Post, analumnus of the University, would attendhim on that mission. He plans to visitthe alumni again on his return, sometimenext January, 1919. He extended his bestwishes to the alumni for the continuedsuccess of their work on behalf of theinstitution.Mr. Lyman, Chairman of the ReunionCommittee, presented his report on the1918 June Reunion. He outlined the program and gave details of all "the events.The report showed that the expense of thereunion was over $200.00 above the lllcome. The increased expense was duemostly to (1) extra costs incurred forsome of the events, (2) failure on the partof many alumni to attend after havingsent in dinner reservations. The reportwas adopted.Reports were made by the chairmen ofthe several other committees, reviewing 347Affairsthe work of their respective committeesduring the past year, and suggesting workfor the coming year.On motion, the Chair appointed as anominating committee, for selecting thenames of those to be elected for the officesand chairmanships for the coming year,John P. Mentzer, Chairman, Mrs. HannahClark Powell, Dorothy Edwards, HaroldH. Swift, and A. G. Pierrot. The N ominating Committee reported the followingnomina tions, and nomina teet that the chairman of the standing committees be theExecutive Committee of the Council:Alumni Council Chairman - Frank McNair.Alumni Council Secretary-TreasurerJohn F. Moulds.Alumni Council Assistant - SecretaryAdolph G. Pierrot.Chairman of Standing Committees:Funds-Emery Jackson.Clubs-Harold H. Swift.Finance-H. E. Slaught.Publications-Scott Brown.Athletics-France Anderson.Chicago Alumni Club-Walker McLaury.Chicago Alumnae Club-Mrs. J. VV.Thompson.Class Organizations-Miss Dorothy Edwards.It was moved and seconded that theofficers, as thus presented by the nominating committee, be declared elected for theyear 1918-19. This was unanimouslyadopted.Mr. Frank McNair then presided. Heurged the Council to endeavor to get newsubscribers for the magazine; this, hestated, was one, of the most urgent needsunder present conditions.Several general plans for alumni workwere discussed. Mr. Pierrot outlined thenew postage zone rates that came intoeffect July 1st. He stated that the University of Chicago Alumni Magazine wasnot, apparently, on the exempt list andthat the new rates would be an added costfor the Magazine next year and should bekept in mind when any plans for the Magazine are under consideration.Mr. Pierrbt also stated that the alumnioffice would endeavor to collect photographs of, and oictures of events in connection with, the alumni, which wouldbecome a part of the permanent alumnirecords.The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M.Chicago Alumni Club.-The annual meeting of the Chicago Alumni Club was heldin Parlor C, the University Club, at 6:30THE UNIVERSITY or CHICAGO MAGAZINEp. m., on Wednesday, June 5, 1918. Therewere fourteen present.The officers elected for the year ,�9l�,::-\9are as follows: .President=-Walker McLaury.Vice-President-Albert W. Sherer... Secretary- Treasurer-Bradford Gill.'Secretary of Club Loan Fund-Geo. O.Fairweather. (Re-elected.)Delegate of Alumni Council-France Anderson. (Other delegates, ex-officio,Walker McLaury and Bradford M. Gill.) It was the general sentiment that by"keeping up the records and carrying on areasonable amount of active work somehundred members could be kept active inthe club throughout the course of the war.Mr. Gill was asked to make plans to sendout regular bills to all the members of theclub, and arrangements were made forkeeping the club finances and records upto date. Much interest in the Univers.ityand alumni, conditions was manifested atthe meeting. ' .Alumni 10 Service- The following registrations from theUniversity of Chicago have been madewith the American University Union in its<London ana Paris Branches.Baker, Ben c., 1914, M. G. Inf.-A. P.O. 714.Bowie, E. R. (L), '08-'10, Lt., M. R. C.Ease Hosp. No. 24.Caelock, J. B., 1904, Capt., 1st Bn.-3QthEngr. 4tDale, Perry A., 1st Lt., Engr, Unattached.Darlington, H. C., 1907, Y. M. C. A., 12Rue d' Aguesseau.Ellis, Howard, Hotel Continental, Paris.Ferguson, D. W., 2�d Lt., 3rd Brig. F.A.-A. P. O. 711. 'Graham, P. W., 1919, 1st Lt., Air Service.Grogan, Roy L., 1917, 21st Engrs.-A.P. O. 709.Hoben, Allan, Y. M. C. A, 12 Rued' Aguesseau,Jordan, Edmund J., 1915, 2nd Lt., .Inf.A. E. F.Lawrence, Benj. (L), 1913, Hdq. Co. B.-,-503rd Engrs. Service Bn -A. P. O. 701.Loh, Z-Ying, 1917, Y. M. C. A:, 12 Rued'Aguesseau.McLeod, Norman, 1'917-, Sgt., Ordnance-D. S. M. P. O. 712.McWilliams, Donald S., 1901, 1st Lt.,Inf. N. A. ...,Matthews, Rudy D., 1914., 2nd Lt., 18thF. A. or care Credit Lyonnais, Paris.Munger, R. F., 1918, 1st Lt., A. P. O. 714'-Inf.Myers, Jefferson, 1912, Cadet, A. S. R. C.Barracks-A. P. O. 725.Paulin. Wm. T., 1904, Y. M. c.' A., 12Rue d'Agusseau..Shaw, Herschel G., 1909, Pvt, 304 Laundry Co., Q. M. C. N. A., A. S. D. 1., NO.8 ..Sherburn, Geo. W., 1905, Y. M. C. A.,_12Rue q' Aguesseau.Schuchter, Samuel, 1918, Pvt., Ord. Dept.,A. r. O. 7]3. \Smith, Harry B., 1919, Allied MaritimeTrans. Council, Arner Section, c/o Amer.Embassy, . London. Wadden, S. F. (L), 1916, 2nd U,', ArmyTrench Mortar School, A. P.O." 714, A.E. F.Wardlow, Chester C, Allied MaritimeTrans. Council, Amer. Section, c/o Amer-ican Embassy, London. .Wendrick, Carl F., 1918; Sergt., c/ochief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F.Wilder, Russell W., 1907, EvacuationHospital No.2.,Williams, Harry M., 1st Lt., 3rd Brig.F. A., A. \ P. O. 711.Woodhead, H., 1900, Y. M. C. A., 12 Rue- d' Agusseau. .The following former students in the Department of Chemistry have been reportedsince the last issue of the magazine' as ingovernment service:Assistant Professor G. L. ;Wenc1t hasbeen granted leave of absence for the duration of the war and has joined the researchstaff of the Gas Offense Division in Washington. ! ! � iLauder W. Jones, Ph. D., 1897, professorand head of the Department of Chemistry,University' of Cincinnati, has been calledto Washington to head one of the researchdivisions in the Gas Offensive Service, withheadquarters at the American U niver sity,Washington, D. C. Dr. Jones .will haveover one hundred research men workingunder him. . Professor Jones has beencalled to the Deanship of the University ofMinnesota and been given leave of absence during which time an acting Deanwill set:ve� .Dr. James H. Hansom, Ph. D., 1899, hasbeen' appointed professor and head of theDepartment of Chemistry at VanderbiltUniversity, Nashville; Tenn.Professor B. B. Freud, of Armour Iristi.tute, B. S.� 1904, has- been appointed captain of the Chemical 'Warfare Service inthe National Army.ALUMNI IN SERVICEWilliam Horace Ross, Ph. D., 1907, andthen connected with the Bureau of Soils.Department of Agriculture, Washington,D. c., is a captain in the Chemical WarfareService, U. S. A.William Lloyd Evans, Ph. D., 1911, hasbeen promoted from a captaincy to therank oj major in the Chemistry WarfareService; N. A. Major Evans is chief chemist in charge at the Edgewood Arsenal.Harland L. Trumbull, Ph. D., 1911, hasbeen promoted from a lieutenancy to becaptain in the Chemistry \N arfare Service,N. A� Captain Trumbull is head of thelkaboratory Section in Or&"anic Chemistry'at the Edgewood Arsenal III Maryland.Willard A. Roberts, Ph. D., 1916, hasentered service in the Sanitary Corps andis at present in the 'Training School of Dr.Van Slyke in New York in preparation forservice in base hospital work.Sidney M. Cadwell, Ph. D., 1917, hasbeen promoted from a first lieutenancy toa captaincy in the Chemistry WarfareService, N. A. Captain Cadwell's advancement has been exceedingly rapid. He wasappointed to a second lieutenancy aboutMay 1st, promoted to first lieutenant earlyin June and now has been made captain.Captain Cadwell is on the staff of MajorGeneral William L. Sibert, who is commander of the Chemistry Warfare Service.Lieutenant James K Senior, Ph. D .. 1917,has been laid up in the hospital in Franceas the result of serious burns received inLaurie R Frazeur, '02, has left for Franceto do Y. M. C. A can teen work. Her addressis c/o Y. M. C A, 12 Rue D'Aguesseau, Paris,France.Jane M Rattray, '02, is leaving shortly forFrance for canteen service in connection w i ththe Y. M. C. A. She will receive a week'sintensive training at Princeton, N. J., andwill then sail for Europe.James Hickey, '06, has enlisted in the Canadian Army and is now in France.John W. Tope, '08, is in Medical Service,American Expeditionary Forces.Fritz Steinbrecher, '10, is in the Ensigns'School at the Municipal Pier, and has beencatching for the Training School baseballteam.Charles F. Grey II, '11, is with the 306thCavalry Supply Troop, at Fort Clar, TexasWord has been received from Austin Men-aul, '12, connected with Supply Company 301(address A. P. O. 713, A. E. F.), that in atrack meet held in June his company wonwith 43 points in competition with othercompanies at the same station; the companybaseball team, coached by 1st LieutenantPaul Des Jardiens, was also victorious.John B. Canning, '12, who got his captain'scommission at the first camp at Fort Sheridan, has been made a major. After somemonths at Camp Grant he was sent to FortSill, Oklahoma, for the musketry course inthe School of Arms Mrs. Canning (Dorothy 349service. He will shortly, be able to returnto his service.E. N. Roberts, Ph. D., 1918, has been appointe� lieutenant in the Sanitary Corpsand wi ll proceed to the Rockefeller Institute for intensive training in preparationfor his duties. --_.Stephen Popoff, Ph. D. In Chemistry,1918, will join the Air Nitrates Corporation at Mussel's Shoals, Ala., at the closeof the quarter. This is one of the largeundertakings to convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitric acid for the manufacture ofexplosives.B. C. Renick, scholar in chemistry, enlisted during the spring quarter in the Artillery and is now in service.Edward Noel Roberts, Ph. D., 1918, hasbeen appointed lieutenant in the SanitaryCorps and entered the Rockefeller Institute Training School.Nicholas D. Cheronis, student assistantin chemistry, was recently inducted intoservice as a private in the Chemical Service Section of the United States Army.Warren W. Ewing, U. S., '18� has entered the chemistry service section of theUnited States Army.R. Q. Brewster, assistant in the department, has been appointed chemist in thePublic Health Service and detailed to workin Kent Laboratory. Julius R Kahn, 1918,has likewise been appointed chemist in thePublic Health Service and detailed to workin Kent.Plumb, '16) writes to announce the birth oftheir son, John Howard, on November 28thlast, and enclosed a bit of an account fromthe major of 'life at Fort Sill:". . . I think I am coming on well enoughhere for all practical purposes; lonesome asthe North Polar Bear, though. Luckily, Ididn't plan to go to Oklahoma City this weekend About eleven o'clock Saturday morningthere came a memo saying no one will leavethe Post until after the funeral of the LateLt somebody or other. Then came an orderthat all student officers should attend. Weformed in a po ur+ng rain and waited in athunderstorm and marched a couple of milesin a cloudburst, and stood wailing in somemore rain for a Rock Island train to carryaway the late So-and-So; then marched backthrough what was left of the rain and whatthe rain left. It was such a lovely funeral.A. nd by that time the trains for OklahomaCity had gone and the rain was over So Iscrubbed the mud off me and swore a.whfle."Howard B. McLane, J. D, '15, has beencommissioned a second lieutenant in theOrdnance Reserve and assigned to EdgewoodArsenal at Baltimore.Word has been received that Rud D. Matthews, '14, second lieutenant in artillery, nowin France, has been operated on for appendicitis, and is just recovering Richard P.J'.trf-l<-thews. '17, a first lieutenant in aviation,is now known to be at the front.350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI, PLEASE NOTEOur Alumni, proud of the title, "The Fightitig University," which theirAlma Mater's patriotic service has won, are everywhere showing renewedand deeper interest in their great institution.There has arisen, as one result, a request that we renew, if possible,the recent special offer to our Alumni of theHistory of the University of ChicagoBy DR. T. W. GOODSPEEDWe are able to obtain, however, only 131 copies, and these we offer, only toAlumni, as follows:I. One copy of the History of the University of Chicago. One year's subscription tothe Alumni Maaaeine. One membership in any Association (Law Association 50cents extra). (Present members and subscribers may have present expiration datecarried forward one year.) $3.00II. Present subscribers whose orders have been entered since January 1, 1918, mayhave a copy of the History for $1.50.Alumni say:"The book is one which every graduate of the University of Chicago ought to own.It is only by reading Dr. Goodspeed's History that one can grasp the true sigrlificance ofbeing a Chicago alumnus. The fight which President Harper and his associates finallywon, sweeping tremendous difficulties out of their way, is told forcefully, intimately,grippingly. Read it."The regular price is $3.00. If you desire to accept the above offer to Alumni,we advise you to send in your order now ..ADDRESS: ALUMNI OFFICE, BOX 9, FACULTY EXCHANGE";�::t��:·;�:�:.;f@tg:::;;�::Mtim\t�;:·;::: .. ·::��:... � " ".Jabn &Olli;hg��v!Iig�� � .;COLOR. PR.OCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES -ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL) .DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETcHES 6i. DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO FLOORS�e Editor of theLONDON PROCESSWORKER. Said-"I fou�d theJAHN and OLLlERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up-to-DateEn�ravin� Plantin Chicago"®>ALUMNI IN SERVICERobert E. Simond, '14, enlisted in the navyon May 1, and when last heard from was"awaiting disposition" on the U. S. S. "Commodore,"R. B. McKnight, ex--' 15, who was granted adegree for war service at the June convocation, is aI flrst lieutenant In avta tton, now atthe rront.Harold L. Allsopp, '15, is 2d Lieut. of Infantry Camp L�e, Petersburg, Va.The .address. of Irvin L. Sigler, '16, is asfollowf!: U. S. N. R. F., 3rd Class Elec. Radio,U. S. S. Sub-Chaser No. 213 (Foreign Service),c/o Jostmaster, N. Y. C.W. M. Shirley, Jr., '16, is a sergeant In 78thDivision, Headquarters Detachment Intelligence ·S(lction, Expeditionary Forces. Hiswork is acout duty, including investigationof No-Man's Land, questioning prisoners, etc.His sergeant-major Is Kingdon Gould of NewYork, and his captain a son of John Wanamaker of Philadelphia. Every man in thedetachment is a college graduate.Gale Willard, '17, first lieutenant in aviation, flying with the Lafayette Escadrille, hasreceived the war cross for conspicuous gallantry in action.Willard, GaleDuerson Knight, '17, first lieutenant inaviation, has been at the front since May.The address of D. R. Powers, '17, is asfollows: U. S. N. R. F., 3rd Class Elec. Radio,U. S. Armed Guard Radio, c/o Postmaster,N. Y. C.Lloyd M. Bowden, '18, is a 1st Lieut. inAviation, with the American ExpeditionaryForces.Supply Sergeant Charles W. Overholt, exis with Battery E., 10th Field Artillery,American Expeditionary Forces.Norman Du eh r-ln g. ex '.. , is with .t he NavalRadio School, Harvard University, Cambridge,Mass. 'TheCorn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESIDENTD. A. MOULTON, VICE-PRESIDENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTFRANK W. SMITH, SECRETARYJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIEREDW ARD F. SCHOENECK, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLERBENJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRERNEST A. HAMILLCHARLES H. HULBURIl CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONMARTIN A. RYERSONJ. HARRY SELZ EDWARD A. SHEDDROBERT J. THORNE CHARLES H. WACKER'Foreign Exchange Letter. of CreditCable Transfer.Savings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Depesits351352 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAndrew McPherson ex �18, is Acting TopSergean t, 9th Cadet Squadron, Camp Dick,Dallas, Texas.Murray E. Smith, LL. B., '18, is attached tothe 9th Cadet Squadron, Camp Dick, Dallas,Texas: :John M. Wyman, Ls with Battery C., 16thAlumniHenry W. Adkinson, '97, has reprinted asa pamphlet an article from the Engineerin2."and Mining Journal, entitled "The CommonSense of Mine Management." Adkinson is amining engineer. with headquarters in theWalker Bank Building of Salt Lake City.Mayo ;,Fesler, '97, has been since August 1executrve secretary of the Brooklyn Chamberof 'CO·mmerce. Before that he had been foreigh t years secretary 'Of the Civic League ofCleveland. Fester waa secretary of the Cleveland Charter Association, which framed thefamous city charter of Cleveland.Clarence B. Herschberger, '98, for a yearin New 'York City in the educational workof the' National City Bank, has moved toChicago, and is selling bonds for the NationalCity Company of Chicago.Gertrude Seymour, '06, Social Hygiene Divfston Commission on Training Camp Activities, 105 W. 40th St., New York City.. William J. Matthews, J. D. '08, has recentlyireturned to Chicago and is associated with:the firm of Dickinson, Wet.ten and Keehn.rwi t.h offices in the Temple, 108 S. La Salle St.CLASS OF 1909We were sixteen at the Alumni Dinner:Saturday night, the eighth, seated well up!by the speakers' table and we had a right;jolly reunion. Of course we missed our old'time stand-bys, such as Bill MacCracken and�Wallie Steffen and Bob Harris and Herschel:Sha w. Even John Dille who had reported-hi maelf as "leading a qutet, orderly life" arrd.as intending to appear at vthe dinner, did not.show up, and Zelma Davidson, one of' ourifaithfuls, did not even report. Where .are'you, Zelma? If you read tbts, send us a lme!Here 'is: the list of those who' 'di d attend::Valentia' Denton, Ca.r rte Geiorge, Mary .E.:Courtenay, Rosemary Quinn, Marie Kellogg; Miller, Alice Johnson Bostick,' 'Edn,a Heller,Melvin Adams, Ben F: Newman, Alice N..Mfll er, Ben. ,H. Badenock, Sophia ·Camenisch,Doris Morgan ,Scott, Harriet Biesen Fitz.g ibbon, : Emily Frake, Katharine' Slaught. 'l We "in'�d� a big hit with our one cheer.cornposed by the two. Bens (see .above):I. Over the. :Rhine, OYer / the Rhine,i Varsity, Varsity, Nineteen Nine!.a.n d we helped out nobly on the singing. Also.we pledged money, enthusiasm and loyal. support for: the big Tenth R�unibn' in 1.919,: of which' you will hear more arid hear often: during the coming year. Your Secretary is.on the wa.rvpa.th l l I! Won't you enlist in the'cause? .'Following' are bits of news of some of theabsentees: ..Wm. P. 'MacCracken, Jr., Second Lieutenant,R.M.A. Ri ehffel d, Waco, Texas. Instructor inAviation Section. Pretty fine, Bill, congratulations!Eugene :C� Hoadley, Chief Petty Officer, atGreat Lakes, Illi.nois.George E. Fuller is doing Y. M. C. A. work.Samuel M. Morwitz, M. D., is comI:XlisslonedFirst Lieutenant in the Medical ReserveCorps and is probably in the army now.Helen M: Cramp ls�Editor of the Parents'Magazine, publtsbed by the Paren.ts' Association, New. York City. Her home address isr14 Ma.dison Av.enu.e,. the Vanderbilt Studi.os. Field Artillery, American ExpeditionaryForces.John Nuveen, '19, is a cadet in aviation,stationed in Barrack 2, Urbana, Illinois. Hesays that F. T. Byerly, '15, (now a secondlieutenant in aviation), is instructor at Rantoul, Illinois.NotesCarrie George and Jessie Strate are doingRed Cross work.Sophia Camenisch is helping with the warwork in the public schools.Mrs. Dracass is chairman of the LibraryExtension Committee of the Woman's Clubsof the Third Congressional District, whichmeans that she has charge of the collectionof books and magazines for the soldiers inthis District. 'Helen Jacoby, down. in Indianapolis, isknitting, taking care of. a few soldiers shedoes 'not know, running the house moreeconomically than a maid would, canning hergarden stuff and doing a lot of other thingsthat (she thinks) dont stand up verygrandly; she is also drawing quite a little,taking a commercial. cour-se 'by correspondence, and earning enough money to keep herin yarn and war savings, stamps. (The Secretary calls this a ha.n dsome array of activities;would that more of us could boast as much!)Otto N. Berndt has been helping on thevarious drives, but is proudest of his latestpossession, a baby gtrl, Muriel Eileen, bornApril 9. Congratulations! ..Marie Kellogg Miller is doing heroic worktaking care of two marvellous babies; sheattended the dinner at that! and we wereglad to see her.Persis Smallwood Crocker has organized aRed Cross Unit and is knitting like mad.Valentina Denton is knitting and teaching,"just plodding away, grinding out ,stenog-raphers." Good work, Vallie. 'Minna Hoskins sent greetings to the Class.Mrs. Marion Jackson Givens sent greetings.also, in the form of a poem:.Some of you like me,' I dare sayWould like to go to France;To serve our boys in some canteenOr drive an ambulance.But duties keep use here at home;We cannot choose our work,80 let's save food and buy our BondsNor Red Cross labor shirk.Longing to do some greater work"I'i s hard to sit and kni·t!But fatthful to all dutres . herePerhaps we're doing our bit:Charlotte Barton,' 1'09, died suddenly onMay 12, at Clarion, Pa.Mabel Fernald, Ph. D. '10, psy-chologist, hasbeen appointed to the Army Medical Department at Washington, D. C., h G Donnelly, '11, is Chief Geologist, Sinclair Gulf Oil .Co., Cisco, Texas, and H.Harper McKee, '11, is Geologist at the sameplace. 'From .the Lin-O-Type, Chtcag'o Tribune,July 3:Sir: Novee may come and cabbage-mothsmay go, but the Line goes 'on forever.Horace's monumentum would have been yetmore perennius had he exegi'd his versiculosin your Columna: as it is, vou, if I rem,em'herr'ightly� had to do 'it for him. You wHl .aecordingly give me your heartfelt sympa,'th:Yin my present errand. Clara Loufse, whoseALUMNI NOTESinitials stand also for Classics Library, chidesme for negligence to troubadour her: lyricacknowledgment, she wistfully insists, is dueto the pride of her heart, the C. L. Index.Now be it far from this unpretentious dianthus to pull any press agent stuff. But onthe Line (Helicon, Parnassus & HymettusLyreway), what fairer Fare could be offeredto the Muses' conductor by a humble birdI mean bard-than a Homeric Hymn toTHE ANGEL OF TH;E STACKS.Sing, my liquid lyre, of the gods that longhave fledTo their ivory tower refuge, where they sleepbut are not dead;Praise the comely virgin priestess whoguards the sacred tomesIn the mazda-starlit book-stacks, wherestuden ts blink like gnomes.She builds the index boxes high, in order,A to Zed;She sorts and adds and files the slips andputs them all to bed:White and blue cards, yellow cards, andgreen and purple, too- .Her rainbow Webster every day puts on another hue!o Vestal of the Indexed Flame, by those filedgods. you serve,We bless you for your kindly heart and cataloguing verve;Though Meleager's roses fade and profs makelearning drier,The classic class may dwindle down,-:yourcards but flame the higher! RiquariusRiquarius suggests "at water"; which inturn suggests Richard Atwater ';'11. But farbe\ it from us to insist on these implications.Chester A. Hammill, '12, who is connectedwith the Rocona Petroleum Company ofOklahoma, is now at Brownwood, Texas. Thearrival of Rhoda Elizabeth Hammill is announced as having taken place December22, 1917. -"Rube" Rehm, '14, whose marriage toJanet Flanner was announced in June, hasbeen unable to go to Italy with the Red CrossCommission by reason of physical disability(bad eyes). He has been rejected for armyservice four times. In spite of his marriagehe is feeling a trifle despondent over hischances for war service. .George S. Bryan, Ph. D., '14, is a Captainof Infantry, First Company, Fort Sheridan,Ill.Ro bert LEwing '14, has charge of theAmerican Y. M C. A. in the United Kingdom,47 Russell Square, London, W. C., England.THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OFTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORSOF PHILOSOPHYThe fourteenth annual meeting of the 'ASsociation of Doctors of Philosophy was heldat the Quadrangle -Club on Tuesday, June 11,1918, immediately following the annual luncheon to the doctors tendered by the Uni versi tv,There were present President Harry Judson, Professor Thomas Chrowder Cham berlain as guest of honor, Dean Albion W. Small,Professor E. H. Moore, Professor Baily Willisof Stanford University, and the followingmembers of the Association:W. S. Gray, T. E. Doubt, M. A. Lampath,J. M. P. Smith, E. R. Downing, Wellington.Jones, D. A. Tear, W. S. Gordis. E. D. Grant,W. D. MacMillan, William Crocker, J. Ha rIenBretz, T. C. Scares, E. A. Stenhenson, r S.Duncan, Ethel Terry, H. I. Schlesinger, G. A.Bliss, Samuel MacClintock, H. C. Cowles, E. E.Eubank, Mary P. Blount. Shiro T-ashir.o, AaronArkin, D. H. Stevens. E. S. Ames, KatharineE. Dopp, L. E. Dickson, G. T. Northup, J. F.Norton, Clara Schmitt. G. D. Fuller, C. D.Case, C. R. Baskerville, B. W. Robinson,Ev�lyn M. Albright, E. H. Lewis, W. C. Behan, SERVICE based uponmore than fifty yearsof conservative banking is placed at the disposal of responsible firmsand individuals by theFirst National Bank ofChicago. Organized In1863withacapital of $205,000,the bank today has capital andsurplus of $22,000,000. Itsdeposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$193,297,000 'at the end of1917.Under its divisional organization depositors are classifiedaccording to their line of business and receive the close,prompt and personal attentionof officers who are specialistsin the financial needs of specific lines.Calls or correspondence areinvited from those desiringcomplete, convenient and satisfactory financial service.The First NationalBank of ChicagoCharter No. ·8James B. Forgan,Chairman of the Board Erank O. Wetmore,President 353354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINET. L. Neff, R. J. Bonner, R. M. Tryon, A. C.von Noe, Jessie Jones, Rollin T. Chamberlin,C. J. Chamberlain, W. S. Monroe, Stella B.Vincent, Hannah B. Clark Powell, H. L.Schoolcraft, Geneva Misener, P. H. Phillipson,E. J. Goodspeed, President, H. E. Slaught,Secretary.There were present also as guests of honorthe following candidates for the,Doctorate atthe Convocation immediately following thismeeting:Perci val Bailey, Anatomy.Israel Albert Barnett, Mathematics, Astron-omy.Ellinor Helene Behre, Zoology.Elmer Newman Bunting, Chemistry.Margaret Daniels, Philosophy.Malcolm Howard Dewey, Germanics.Arthur Thompson Evans, Plant Mophology.Emanuel Bernard Fink, Pathology.James Harold Hance, General Geology.Ernest Preston Lane, Mathematics.Kirk Harold 'Porter, Political Science.Kia-Lok Yen, Philosophy.One of the candidates, Karl FreidrichMuenzinger, was unable to attend the luncheon, and five of them were unable to attendeither the luncheon or the Convocation exercises afterward, because of being already eng'a.g-ed in war service. These latter are asfollows:James Elias Cribbe, Plant Zoology.Henry Homer Helnuch, Chemistry.Thomas Guthrie Phillips, Botany.Edward Noel Roberts, Chemistry.Sumner Huber Slichter, Political Economy.On account of the meeting of the Board ofTrustees of the University at two o'clock,President Judson was obliged to leave soonafter sitting down to luncheon, but not untilhe had given his words of greeting to theDoctors and expressed his great confidencein their fidelity to the University, to the causeof learning, and to the cause of freedom inthe world.The Secretary, in presenting his report,gave the statistics to date concerning theDoctors as follows:Total number, including June, 1917,Convocation � 1,029Added during the year 1917-1918.... 77Grand total, including June, 1918,940 men, 166 woman 1,106�umber of deceased doctors 30Total number of living doctors .. � .1,076Number added in 1914-1915......... 77Number added in 1915-1916......... 86I Number added in 1916-1917........ 67'Ne also gave such data as he had been ableto collect concerning the Doctors in thenational service. This list will be amplifiedin connection with a complete register of theDocto-rs soon to be made and published bythe University. When this is complete thenames of all Doctors in the national servicewill be published in the Magazine and a copyof the Doctors' - Register will be sent to eachmember of the Association.In the line of war service, t he Secretaryreported that the Committee appointed at the'last meeting, headed by Doctor Annie MacLean, had made its final statement to theAssociation as rottows:Appropriation from the treasury ... $100.00Contributed by members personally. 104.50Contributed by a friend............ 42.12Total contributions $246.62Disbursements for Soldiers' Comforts Fundthrough the general University a.n d Community Organization (headed by Mrs. HarryPratt Judson) 'of' the entime amount, thelarger part going to the, Ambulance Corps ofUniversity of Chicago boys. Applause of thisreport showed the gratification of the. :JTIem-bers occasioned by it. .The financial report of the Secretary-Treas-urer for the year was as follows: ' Buy at Bent's. The Friendly StoreAFine Victrola Outfita t a Low PriceThis splendid model ($90.00),with three record albums ($3.00)and ten selections, five double ...faced 85 cent records+-$97.25Terms-For July Buyers$5.00 per monthSPECIAL NOTICE-. Theprice of Victrolas has advanced. twice in the' last nine months.Buy now to be sure of presentpnces,GEO. P. BENT COMPM�Y214 South Wabash AvenueTelephone, Harrison 4767ALUMNI NOTESBalance from 1916-1917 $168.67Received from dues during the year. 114.00Total receipts $282.67Total expenditures 190.37Balance to 1918-1919 •............ $ 92.30Attention was called to the falling off inreceipts from dues as compared with previousyears and the Association was strongly urgedto recover and hold the prestige heretoforeheld f?r large and liberal participation in theflna.ncla.l support of the Alumni Council. TheSecretary said that he had promised for theAssociation at least fifty new subscribers tothe Magazine from among the Doctors astheir contribution toward the relief ofstrin�ent. conditions now being encountered,con tr-Ib ut lon s through the Magazine beingthe only source of financial support for theAlumni Council.In this connection it was reported that thefund �or sending the M�gazine to all Chicagomen IJ? the �ar service had been liberallysubscrtb ed to In response to a Single requestfrom the Alumni Office, the fund now amounting to over five hundred dollars.In response to' a statement of the Secre!ary concerning the sharing of responsibilityIII the conduct of the Alumni Council, it wasvoted that a payment of about $40.00 be authorized as our pro rata share of expenseconnected with the Alumni reunion last year,which payment the officers had not felt freeto make without explicit authorization.The Executive Committee last year hadbeen directed to look over the Constitutionand report any amendments that needed tobe made in order to bring this document upto date. This committee reported that onlyone article seemed to need revision, namely,Article VI, Nominating Committee. Provisionhad originally been made for election by mail,but now that the membership has becomelarge, the expense for this seemed hardlyjustifiable. Hence, this article is amerided toread:"At the annual meeting of the Association the President shall appoint a nominatingcommittee of three to prepare and presenta list of officers for the ensuing year. Opportunity shall then be given for additionalnominations from the floor. If such additional nominations are made, then the votingshall be by ballot. If no such additionalnominations are made, then the officers shallbe elected by viva voce vote of the memberspresent."The nominating committee at this meetingconsisted of W. S. Gordis, E. E. Eubank, EthelTerf��' following officers were nominated andel1i��dp��Si';l::t :vo��e J�oJ��dspeed, '98For Vice-President: Mrs. Hanna B. Powell,'97.For Secretary-Treasurer: H. E. Slaught,'98For additional members of the ExecutiveCommittee: W. S. Gray and H. L. Schoolcraft,'99.It has become customary on these occasions to invite some distinguished person asguest of honor to address the Association.On this occasion we had the great pleasure oflistening to a most interesting and stimulating talk by Professor Thomas ChrowderChamberlin . head of the Department ofGeology. The address is printed in this issueof the Magazine and reprints will be sent toall Doctors, as was done last year with Pro-fessor Laughlin's address. .Two committee reports were presented .atthis meeting: (1) The report of the comm I ttee on possible awards or honors to be established by the Doctors' Association for ex.ceptional work in researc�, CI;airman, Dr.F. H. Pike, Columbia UmversIty;. (2) thereport of the Committee on a po astb le substft ut.e for the Doctorate as a mark of p r ap a-,ration for teaching, Chairman, Dr. E. H. B-O-O-K-SC]f We can supply any of thelatest books at the advertisedprices. Mail orders from University Alumni will be verycarefully filled.(]I In University, Educationaland Students' Ref ere neeBooks we have one of thelargest and be s t selectedstocks, new and second hand,as can be found in the middlewest.WOODWORTH'SUNIVERSITYBOOK STORE1311 E.57thSt., Chicago, Ill.355We buy and sell books of all kindsFederalHouseholdAppliances-SAVE-TIMEMONEYWORKWRITE US TODAYFEDERAL SIGNSYSTEM ELECTRICLake and Desplaines Sts.CHICAGO�56 THE UNIVERSiTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINHLew,js:, of Lewis Institute. The former report was reprinted from the Magazine ariddistributed to .a.Il members in advance of themeeting. � . The Ia.t te r 'report was presentedby Dr. Lewis and is attached to t.hta report.There was' no discussion of the first report,and in respect to the second, it' was. votedthat the committee be enlarged to include awtde repreaenta.tton of interests and that thewhole question be considered fuIlther' andpresented next year.By a rising vote the thanks of the Association were extended to the Uni verst ty 'f(jr thehospitality proffered .on this the fourteenthannual reunion of the" Doctors.Respectfully submitted,, H. E. Slaught,Secretary-Treasur!�r.REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON A POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE FOR THEDOCTORATETo :the Association:. Your committee does not see its way clearto ,recommend that the Association go onrecord as favoring a teaching doctorate c9-ordinate with the degree in philosophy. Wefear that the new doctorate would stHl standfor research and erudition rather than forassured teaching power. That power restson personal interest in persons and imaginative sympathy with the learner. Its art isthe art of friendship as much as the art ofdoctrine. We recognize that the method of'thinking is one for all subjects and stages;that it involves research and reflection, andthat the teacher must be quick to recognizeand foster any exceptional gift for research.'But: the power of the specialist comes by .sacrifice of attention to the needs of theaverage student, and even when the researchis pedagogical it may be, too dearly bought.This was sometime a proverb, but now thetime lends it point. Our young citizens findthemselves confronted by the task of understanding more of t.he earth we live on that ithas been customary for Americans to know.Under the circumstances they need the helpof teachers with background and perspective.They vastly need to correlate their studiesand focus them on life. We do not needdlletarites, but we do need citizens.It would seem better to the committee tostrengthen the master's degree than. to introduce a new degree. Professor Nrtae, aschairman of a committee of the' Associationof American Professors, a committee to consider the relations of research and teaching,TYPEWRITERS $10. UP f�els .that the master's degree should be madea 'bona fide TeaC'hets' deg-ree. '. Your committeemakes "no 'definite recommendation on thispoint, however.Sig'ned, ." Edwin Herbert Lewis, Chairman.Herbert E� Fleming (per E. H. ;L. JIsabel Bronk.Note.-All changes of address, p romotions, appointments, etc., which have beenreported or may be reported to' the Secr,eta�yduring the summer will be published in theOctober issue of the Magazine.Yours very truly,H. E. Slaught.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONThe armua.l- meeting of the Law School Association of the University of Chicago washeld at the City Club, 315 Plymouth Court,Chicago, at 8 p. m. on Wednesday, June 12,1918. The meeting was largely a generaldiscussion of the functions of the associationand was followed by the election of officers,each for a terrn of one year. The officers fornext year are:President-Alice Greenacre, A. B. 1908, J. D., 1911, 822 First National Bank Bl dg., Chi-cago. Central 2102.Vice-President-Jose Ward Hoover, Ph. B.1908, J. D. 1909, 801 City Hall Square Bldg.,Chicago. Randolph 5954.Secretary-Treasurer-Charles F. McElroy,A. M. 1905, J� D. 1915, 827 First NationalBank Bldg., Chicago. Majestic 8893.Delegates to the Alumni Council-William John Matthews, J. D. 1908, 108 So.La Salle St., Chicago. Main 4466.Hugo M. Friend, Plio B. 1906, J. D. 1906, 137So. La Salle St., Chicago. Central 5355.Mary Bronaugh, L. B. 1914, 137 So. La SalleSt. Majestic 7434.Paul H. Davis & GompaogWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade investments. We specialize in un�listed stocks and bonds-quotations on reque t.PAUL H. DAVIS. '11..N. Y. Life Bldg.- CHICAGO - Rand. 2281MODERN275 ROOMS AT $1.75 TO $:2.50 PER DAY.FIRE PROOFMINNEAPOLIS409 ROOMSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAn .Al'l-vear-tr'ourid Sof't.Dr-lrikfor the BluejacketsOur boys in the navy enjoy their Bevo.The esteem in which it is held by theNavy Department is clearly indicatedby the fact that it is sold and servedon U. S. vessels and in training camps.Afloat or ashore, you will find Bevo unusually refreshing, good and healthful.Soft in the strictest sense of the word,but a thoroughgoing man's drink. Tryit by itself, or with a bite to eat.Served everywhere-families suppliedfIii-I���-?l by grocer.Manufactured and bottled exclusively byAnheuser-Busch St. Louis358 ,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI-At your visits to the University, we desire tocall your attention to the furniture in Ida NoyesHall. Many fine pieces from the Colby stockor made to order in our factories,JOHN A. COLBY & SONSFURNITURE129 N. Wabash AvenueCHICAGONew Books from the PressAmong the books published by the U niversity Press this summer are the following, all by members of the Universityfaculty:"A Chemical Sign of Life," by ShiroTashiro. ."The Election," by Robert A. Willikan."Food Poisoning," by Edwin O. Jordan."The Control of Hunger in Health andDisease," by Anton J .. Carlson."Plant' Genetics," by John W. Coulterand Werle C. Coulter:"Spirit, Soul and Flesh," by Ernest D.Burton.Of these, Professor Tashiro's book prepares and explains a method by which itcan be determined at once whether a seedis alive or dead. The vitality of a simplekernel of wheat; for instance, can be determined in ten minutes. Professor Tashirois instructor in physiological chemistry, andhis tests are chemical in nature, and comprehensible to "laymen" 'as well as to scientists.A volume in an: allied field is ProfessorJordan's "Food Poisoning." The book tellsbriefly the types of food poisoning, explains their causes, and methods of prevention, and describes a number of the mostcarefully studied outbreaks of such poisonmg. The introduction of organic poisons into food, the presence of- typhoid, cholera,tuberculosis, or other bacteria, poisonousmeats resulting from diseased animals, animal parasites which menace man, poisonous products which have been generated infood before being eaten, and descriptions ofvarious forms of food poisoning of obscureor unknown nature all form reading whichis interesting, as well as of practical value.Professor Carlson, now a major in theU� S. Medical Service and abroad, gives theresults of experiments on himself (in afiveday fast) and on many others, extending over a period of four years.Dr. Coulter and his son (Merle Coulter,'14, now instructor in botany), have givenin "Plant Genetics" 'an introduction to thesubject, which is both accurate and easyreading. Anyone interested in evolutionary theories can understand the book andfind from it the results of the most recentand important investigations of the subjectso far as they concern botanical forms.Professor Millikan (now LieutenantColonel Millikan, in charge of investigations into submarine detection)' presents hisinvestigation in his own particular field,the election. Professor Millikan is oneof - the best known physicists in the worldtoday, and his book has been internationally awaited.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS 359Address Before the Association of Doctors of Philosophy ofThe University of Chicago, June 11, 1918By Thomas Chrowder ChamberlinThe report of the Secretary that the membership of the Association of Doctors ofPhilosophy of the University of Chicagopassed the one-thousand mark some time agois a source of congratulation. The passingof this iandmark invites reflect.ion on theplace in 'the intellectual world which theAssociation has come to occupy or is destined to occupy. It is perhaps wise for usto ask at this stage what special f�nc!ion �nthe intellectual world the Assocta.tton ISlikely to fulfill, or may fullfil if �t so c�ooses.We have little precedent to g ui d e us In. anyforecast. Associations of Doctors of PhIlo�o phv are yet too young to ha �e made. t.het rmark as distinctive factors In the Intellectual development of the world. That theyare destined to become sources of profoundinft.uence in time, goes, I trust, with. u� atleast, quite without the sa.yi ng'. A�soclatlOnsof this kind, connected WI t.h a.ct iv el.y productive universities, are r-a.p id Iy com m g tobe not only large bodies of trained talentbut the chief centers of accession. to theforces that are bringing forth new substanceof thought and imparting spirit and zest toresearch. They em brace a large part of suchnew devotees of research. as are equipped fortheir high function by prolonged training, a.ndhave been self-selected for the work by t herrown impulses toward that which is h;ighestand best in the intellectual world. It IS safeto assume that they include the more tmportant portion of prospective investigators Inwhose hands must rest the higher ordersof inquiry in the future. '..While not all members of these aSSOCIations will give their lives to special researchas a calling, it is our hope, as well as ourconfident expectation, that all will contributevitally to the spread of the spirit of researchand to an increased public appreciation ofthe indispensable value of research. 'I'o Doctors of Philosophy, in some special measure,falls the task of. fostering that higher intellectual atmosphere on which the progressof serious inquiry so largely depends for itsmaintenance. A worthy clientele is scarcelyless essential to the promotion of researchthan an effective working personnel. Thereis thus a vi tal function for every Doctor ofPhilosophy to fulfill, whether it takes theform of a life of research or not.The sp ecta l thought that comes wellingup, as I look upon this notable gatheringof the. Doctors of Philosophy .of the University of Chicago, is the question whethert.hf s particular association, this relativelynew body, this product of a young institution, has taken on or is in process of takingon a distinctive character of its own. Thisis by no means identical with the questionwhether the members of this Association havecontributed or are coming to contributeweightily to intellectual progre.ss; that I takefor gran ted. I am sure you will not takei ssue with me on this point. But such contribution, however great, may be merely thesum of individual contributions; may be dissociated and heterogeneous; may be lackingin organic unity. There may even be littlethat reveals any special impress of this university, tho that seems scarcely possible; atany rate, there may be little that implies alThe address was not written or even putinto formal notes, and the following, writtenout at available intervals some time later, atthe request of the Secretary, is only a substitute for what was said. coordinated intellectual effort of the members of this body, either of set purpose orby instinctive impulse.With little doubt the spirit of the University of Chicago has given to this body,sprung from it, more or less distinctiveness,whether we are conscious of this or not;whether the world has observed it or not.Perhaps a specific trend of intellectuality isalready discernible. If S01 is it, as yet, sodeclared that wherever you go your academic history is detected by the evidences ofthe distinctive attainments you bear or bythe distinctive attitude toward truth youcarry as an ever-present atmosphere aboutyou?Allied very intimately to this question isthe more specific inquiry whether any common intellectual objectives bind together theinvestigative efforts of the Doctors of thisUniversity and serves to unite them in working relations with the staff of the University-linking parent and product together. Theindividual work of the members of the Association is and doubtless always will bewidely diverse; none the less it may havevital under-bonds; it may be knit together below by basal elements to which all specificcontributions may be tributary. Has this asyet come to be a common feature of thework of our Doctors of Philosophy and ofthe university staff? This broader question cannot fittingly be asked of those alonewho have gained their laurels within theUniversity. It must include the whole bodythat makes up the intellectual life of the University, staff and product alike. But specialinterest "attaches to the product, for theworking staff within these halls each yearem braces a larger and larger proportion ofthe sons and da ugh ters of the Uni versi t y,At an early day, the membership of thisAssociation will quite certainly form thedominant element in the institution and willdetermine its intellectual trend.But quite irrespective of considerationsthat .grow o.ut of personal academic history,t.h e �dea� ptct ure which rises in propheticim agf na.ttori IS that of the associated doctorso.f p hi Io sop hv of the University, its most distmctIve product, united in close workingbonds with the staff of tne institution inf'orm i n g' an organic body moved' by an instf n ct.Ive purpose to make definite contributions to some common aspect of intellectualprogress broad enough, and deep enough, andv�tal enough to form a fundamental elementin all our special lines of inquiry. Clearlyenough, a phase of intellectual inquiry socomprehe�sive must, in its very nature, beone that IS basal to all research and vital toall intellectual lifeNow, considered in respect to their basalaspects, all our fields of inquiry seem to fallIn to three great categories, or if you preferth.ree bro�d domains. To these perhaps yo�WIll pe r-mi t me to apply for our convenienceter�s, not unfamiliar in themselves, butWhICh, for the purpose of the hour, may perhaps take on somewhat special senses.1. Let us designate the first of these threedomains, The COSDlOS, and by The COSDlOS letus agree to mean all that realm which embraces the concrete aspects of the universe.I �o not say the "material" aspects .of theun rver se, for the nature of matter is one ofthe burning questions of the hour, and shouldbe one of our subjects of inquiry. It shouldbe a first care in this discussion to avoid, sofar �s we. may, unconscious assumptions,especia.Ily that class of insidious assumptions360 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 'MAGAZINEtha t so easily hide under the mantle. offamiliar terms. Let us not therefore defineThe COSlllOS as the material part of the universe, but merely as that part of the universewhich see:ms to confonn strictly to orderlysequence; in other words, all those sequencesthat seem to be invariable. I beg you to notetha t I· do not say inevitable, but merely invariable, invariable so far as such tests as wehave made up to the present seem to declare.II. The second domain may, then, inanalogous phrase, be designated The Psychos,if under The Psychos we include all thatrealm which seems, to the best of present determinations, to he sentient and volitional,whether attended by higher orders of mentalquaiity or not. Let us,. for distinction, emphasize the function of voluntary cho ice, because this attribute seems to stand in rathersharp antithesis to the invariability of sequence which we have emphasized as a distinctive quality in the 'preceding domain.III. Let us give to the third domain, thedesigna tion, The Theos. By 'rhe. Theos letus mean all that directive aspect of thetotality of things which either philosophy,or belief, or working hypothesis postulatesas pervading, enveloping and Insptr+ttng theuniverse" giving to it at once evolutionaryimpulse and organic unity, possibly even inultimate analysis constituting the universe.Altho quite beyond any adequate comprehension on our part, it may seem more tangibleif likened to the mode in which certain organized masses of The Cos:mos are permeated,enveloped and unified by The Psychos, andrendered living beings endowed with directive runcttcns. It may perhaps be reallytruer to say of this biological union thatderivatives from Th'e Cosmos and The Psychos mutually penetrate, en ve lope, and unifyone another, and so constitute a living being.Let us agree to use these terms in a mostliberal generic sense merely; let them bestrnplv convenient designations of realmswhose real natures and whose actual relattons . to �me another are the very· subjects ofour m qurrv. Let us not trammel the freedomof. research at the very outset by trying todraw ,defini te border lines between theserealms, or even by assuming that there arenecessarily such definite bor d er lines. Letus not compromise the outcome by any hid ..den assumptions or by any unconscious pre ..determinations, if we can detect these andk�ep them out. Let it be our clear and conSCIOUS purpose that these terms shall merelyrepresent. the .dominant aspects of three greatfields of rnqui rv and that their precise relati.on . is that which perhaps most of all invtt es our scrupulous study. Let the plasticityof our terms and the openness of our' spiritgo so !ar. that research may be free to assume, In Its alternatIve working hypothesesthat these realms grade into one another o�are even transmutable into one another onthe one harid, or that, on the other they' arewhol ly distinct ?-nd. radically diffe�ent. Letour Judgf!lents mclme precisely as the inherent evidence, drawn from the automaticrecords of The Cosmos, The Psychos, and, TheTheos �hemselves, may seem to indicate.. Cer tatn.ly, the real natures and the workingtn ter-rela ttons of these three domains constitute a most profound problem. Do we notall feel, more or less acutely, that this deepproblem c�l_ls urgently for a solution at thepresent crfttcal stage of intellectual progress,or, more accurately, calls for new stepstoward a sol utf on ? We are, r venture toassul1?e, qut te ;agreed that the world haspressmg need for new and enlarged con-cept s on these great themes. 'Fo:r: the sake of concreteness, let us notece�tam phases of current· thought Whichbrf ng out sl_larply the need of mor-e harmOnIOUS adJu�tme.nts. between the: basalpostulates, of rnqurrv In these allred fields.We may agree that yery_ notable successes have been .a t ta.in ed by reaea rch in recentyears In all three fields; but still perhaps wemay agree that in no one of them are thefundamental concepts on which research proceeds free from em barrassmen ts whenbrought to the sharp test of ultimate analysrs. We are doubtless agreed that in eachfield there is obvious need for: a serioussearch for broader and better working bases.Research in the realm we have chosen tocall The Cosmos .ha.s been conspicuouslyfruitful in recent decades. To a large extentthis fruitfulness appears to be due to therelatively, rigorous methods of i nqu lr-y thatdominate research in this field. This rigoris largely ba.sed on the working tenet thatstrict order is observed in the sequences inthis realm. Because of the over-wh elm ln gevidence gathered by personal observationand by experimental tests that the sequencesin this realm are preponderantly invariable,and that such sequences as seem erratic areusually if not always illusive, it· has cometo be taken for granted, as a working maxim,that each everrt is the invariable antecedentof an equivalent event or series of eventsthat follow. This is now the scarcely q uestioned working basis in almost all inquiriesin the natural and physical sciences. Themode of inquiry built upon this tenet, has,in some excellent quarters, taken on therather infelicitous name "mechanisticmethod." If terms are to be restrainedwithin strictly scientific senses, the method,at most" merely postulates as its workingbasis that .all acttvttres and expressions ofenergy 'in The Cosmos follow the same pathsunder the same conditions. The dictum thatthey mnst do so is not the phraseology· ofstrict science; it is an inheritance from anolder atmosphere of thought where evidencewas less imperative and logic less strict. Theinterpretation that the, action is mechanisticis but an interpretation. 'Working on the postulate of the reign ofinvariable sequence in the cosmic realm, research has attained phenomenal success. Bythat very success it seems to amply justifyits working postulate. Moreover, the evidence of invariable. sequence seems to berapidly multiplying and broadening from thefresh results constantly accruing from thegrowing multiplicity and added refinementof experimental researches. Viewed fromthis angle, there seems iess and less roomto auspect the play of any choice or any realvolition or any other source of deviation fromstrict predetermined sequence in the cosmicrealm.And yet, viewed from another angle, thiscoricl uston, seemingl¥' so amply supported,seems sharply at va.rrance with the very assumptions on which scientific research rests.Applied to- the assumptions that underlie investigation, it seems to react fatally. Thet.erret that the investigator can make a choicebetween what is true and what is false entersthe process of inquiry at the very threshold.If it be supposed that every mental action ismechanically predetermined, arid quite without a chance of variation, it would seem thaterror is an impossibility. The correct andthe incorrect in a world of strictly, invariablesequences would seem to be merely a. vagaryof terms. Either all psychic products wouldseem to be scientific, or none; the termscience would seem' to have lost meaning.The rules of research 'lay emphasis on thecritical importance of ehofee in method ofcomplete eont:r-ol of experimental conditi�ns,of scruItulous circu:mspection 'in the effort todetect the false in i nj.e rjrr-e ta.t ion. It is heldto be vitally, important r to keep under snbjection the emotions 'and: all other mentalphases that are lIable to artect the'; integrityof volition' or to t ramrriel the freedom and�elicaey of discrimination. between the trueand the false.. The imperative requirementof unbiased merrta.l .actton is perhaps morestrenuously urge,d by scientific inquirers thanTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS 361by any other class of men. All this seemsin sharp contrast to the tenet that sequepcesare predetermined and invariable, especia.Ilvif one goes so far as 'to postulate that theyare necessarily so. Wherein then lies thereconciliation � between the postulates . onwhich research proceeds and the w o r k i n g'tenet it reaches by their use?Do we find any real relief, if we say thatthe men tal processes employed by researchbelong to The Psychos and not to The Cosmos? How are the manifestations of ThePSyc]1.0S related to those of The CosnlOs in thegreat automatic record of the earth's evolution? The Psychos appears to have emergedfrom The Cosmos by a long succession of almost infinitesimal increments At firstscarcely det ec tab Ie-c-ear-He r not detectable atall-the psychic element gained by minuteadditions, until, in the course of tens of millions of years, or perhaps nundreds of millions of years, it reached its present state.In its evolution, it has thus put on the appearance of an educt from The Cosmos, ifnot a product 'of The Cosmos. What doesthis imply?If fixed invariable sequences hold strictlythruout The COSDlOS, can anything really different in fundamental nature be supposed toarise from it or even to arise logically withinit, . unless some other essential factor bepostulated as participating in its origin andimparting the radically different factor?Specifically, can a radically new entity, withthe distinctive functions of sensation andvolition, emerge by almost infinitesimal increments from a world in which there isnothing but invariable mechanical sequences?Can we find relief by questioning the verityof volition-not necessarily the freedom ofvolition, which is obviously hampered, buttbe existence of any real choice at aUl Ifthis question is raised, it calls forth a conflict between' our confidence in our reactionsrespecting the cosmic world and the psychicworld respectively. Under the evolutionaryview, we are the products of millions of yearsof working trials in which the survival ofthe fittest is one of the determining principles. On what just ground do we assumethat the most distinctive feature of thepsychic evolution is a profound and persistent illusion? To be rational at all, mustwe not assume the essential integrity of ourbasal organic reactions? If we make ourown real working faith the basis of test weobserve that, as investigators, as educators,as writers, as citizens, and in other relations, we rest quite as much instinctive confidence in the verity of our voluntary processesas in the verity of the sense-products onwhich we work. The trustworthiness of ourorganic reactions is so' intimately linked together i n . the two fields that it seems suicidal to trust implicitly in one set and utterlydistrust the other. As a matter of fact, thruout the whole history of the evolution ofthinking beings, there does not seem to havebeen any serious working distrust either ofthe verity of volition or of the verity ofsense products. In the sharp conflicts of theevolution of the ages we might expect theset of organic reactions that was illusive tohave gone to the wall, if either set was reallyillusive.Is any escape from the apparent dilemmasto be found by abandoning the unitary evoluinherited tenet that the psychic and the cosmic elements are fundamentally diverse, theone ruled by inflexible law, the other endowed with free volition? Retroaction inhypothesis will not alter the testimony ofthe critical work of recent decades that mostmanifestations of psychic power in thebiologic world at once vanish if the cosmicelement is removed. Great as has been theeffort to demonstrate The PSYCh08 apart fromThe COSDlOS, the results have not been convincing to the main body of critical students. This is no reason why they should not becontinued and made more searching andcritical, but the weight of evidence at pr-esentseems to be that manifestations of pSYChICpower are confined to appropriate associations with cosmic substance and energy,much as tho the two were manifestations ofsomething in common.Under the conditions of its natural association with the cosmic the distinctive powerof the psychic is, however, abundantlydemonstrable to the satisfaction of all. Thereis perhaps no more discriminative illustration of the two factors than the familiar testof the relations of the cat to gravity. If thecat is held by her feet well above the floorback downwards and if her psychic activityis suspended by a drug and she is then letgo, she will fall on her back; but if herpsychic faculties are normally active, she willfall on her feet. In both cases, the fall is anexpression of cosmic energy, t n e presence ofthe psychic factor is an organic provision toensure the comfort of the cat.'The historical emergence of the psychicworld from the cosmic world, alike with theemergence of the psychic manifestations ofeach individual organism from the unconscious factors of his being, taken in connection with the almost indefinable blending ofthe physical and the psychic in the biologicalworld generally, suggest that an importantpreliminary step toward a satisfactoryaria.l.y sl s of these intimate relations lies inthe detection of the precise ground in whichthe two seemingly diverse factors unite inpuzzling joint action; in other words, theborderland between the living and the nonliving. This borderland seems to be concealed in the obscure and complicated zoneknown as colloidal, a field barely comingunder scientific control. While this field preeminently invites direct exploration, it is notto be assumed that some light may not begathered even from fields quite remote fromthis, fields where fixity and unswerving orderare most declared. If intimations of something that functions much a.s does thep sy ch i c factor are detectable in the fieldswhere the seemingly invariable display themselves in greatest perfection, it will givesome plausibility to the hypothesis that boththe cosmic and the psychic are universal andmutually interpervasive.System and fixity of internal action seemnowhere so well exe'mplified as in the formation of crystals. If organic life is the zenithof plastic a.da.pt.abf Ii ty, the crystals that formthe foundations of the earth seem to be thenadir of stolid endurance. Indifferent asthese archaic crystals seem, and devoid ofself-directed adaptation, they are singularly well sui ted to the part they play in theevolution of the earth. The dominance ofcrystals in the firm foundations of our planetis coming to be more and more recognized asearth science progresses. As an antitheticaltype of o t-g'a.n iza.t lo n of a high order of perfection of its kind, they are very suggestive,if not instructive Externally, they seeminert and passive; internally, they are activeto a degree that surpasses the realization ofeven the most powerful imagination. Theactivity seems to be cyclic and the fixity ofform seems due to this cyclic activity. Onthe one hand, they are symmetrically builtand held stiffly to their form; on the other,they take on and give off units of structurein close accordance with their own individualnature. They are so definite in organizationthat they may be regarded as scarcely lessthan specific organisms. Their individual lifemay last a hundred million years or more,and thruout the whole of this their activitiesconform with marvellous fidelity to the lawsof their own system. If one tries to comeclose home to their birth and growth, heencounters mysteries for which the phrasesof life are most expressive than those of theinorganic world. How a crystal assembles362 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEitself, as it often does, deep within the heartof a dense rock mass under enormous pressure, is one- of the new questions pointedlyraised by the phenomena of metamorphism.The result seems clearly due to the individualaction of the multitude of molecules thatgather to build the crystal, but how theyworm their several ways thru· the denserock, and under what impulse, is little clearerthan the analogous assembling of moleculesto form a microbe. By what directiveagency they find their systematic places inthe growing crystal, as much remains to belearned as the similar assemblage does in theforma tion of a unicellular animal. In eithercase, it seems clearly to be individual molecular action; it squints a little towards thedawnings of personality. The individual history and the actuating motives of one ofthese molecules, if ever written, will be aninstructive contribution to biography as applied to cosmic units, a field scarcely touchedas yet by science or philosophy. The pointto be emphasized here is that tho the crystalis the best known type of organized fixitythe fixity being in reality orderly cyclic activity-neither absolute fixity, nor strict invariability, nor undeviating order can beaffirmed in a strict scientific sense withoutq ualifica tion or reserva tlon.At the other extreme of organization,where plasticity and variability most abound,there is a corresponding limit to the unsystematic, the erratic, the whimsical andthe unpredictable. In our most emotional,wilful and even lawless manifestations, thereare usually traceable physiological states orphysical conditions that predetermine action.T'h e closest scrutiny seems thus far to havefailed to reveal strictly scientific evidence ofpsychic action absolutely unassociated withcosmic action.If now inquiry starts at the extreme ofinvariability in organized action, representedby the crystal, and follows the long series ofgraduations toward the plastic and adaptableextreme. it is led to the colloidal state. Thereis a certain kind of plastici ty in certainamorphous states, but the amorphous statei � not here considered a state of organizat i o n , but merely a transitional phase betweenorganized states. At best it is obscure andrelatively uninstructive. The colloidal stateimp�rfectly as .it is known, is full of sug�ge st i on. In t h i s state a large measure oforderly organization is attained, but the polarforces that so effectively make for definiteness a�d fixity of cyclic acti vi ty in thec r yat a.l l in e organization grow progressivelyfe�bler and .fee�ler as the Intricacy of coll o i d a.I o rg a.ni sa.tton increases, perhaps as theresult of mutual neutralization. With thisdec�i1?-e in the. element that gives fixity ina.ct i vl ty there IS a progressive adaptabilityperhaps best shown in new powers of com�bination. An increased variety of compoundsf'o rrn ed of the same basal elements seems toa.rr se ; new and strange qualities emerge fromsour�e.s. that wholly elude detection. ThePoSS} b i l i ty of new apparitions seems to growmore and more ample as the colloidal or�anization rises in intricacy and complexity.I here seems to be more and more responsive-nes.s to influences that are relatively feeble,w h i l e the r e.su It.s are quite unpTedictable.!he progressIOn is such as to suggest thatIt m.ay lead on to a state in which thet a.n g i ble polar factors are so nicely balancedtha t a subtler order of agents may begin tohave some influence, however completely theymay have escaped the coarse net of ordinaryph vsf ca.l expe rtm en ta.tton before. It is notq u it e III keepmg with good scientific practiceto Imply th.at these subtler agencies, if theythus come Into play, are other in k in d thanthe more tangible ones that are �rn�l1:;lhlp.to de teet ion and measurement; nor is it goodp ra.ct ice to assuI?e that they are necessarilyof the same k i n d. The field is open to multiple hypotheses and to the most searching inquiry. It is, however, certainly safeto assume that something may have escapedprevious approximate modes of experiment,and that elusive factors yet await the netof more refined investigation. It is at leastpermissible to entertain the hypothesis thatin this borderland, the agencies we callpsychic whatever their real nature and theirulterio� so u rces, begin to manifest themselves tangibly. Back of the nearly 'balancedpolar state assigned to this borderland,agencies so subtle as these may be so overwhelmed by the dominance of the polarforces that tend to give invariability of action as to escape detection. Where a sufficiently balanced state of polarity obtains, thesubtler elements may rise into such degreesof effecti veness as to consti tu te the activitieswe call psychic.Whether these suggestions have value ornot, the solution of the profound probleminvolved in the intimate blending of themanifestations of The COSIllOS and ThePsychos .. invites the attention of workers inboth realms. Whether the results corn e' fromthe one field or the other, they may betrusted to marshal themselves into a common contribution t o wa r d the solution of aproblem equally essential to both fields. Theworkers in the cosmic field may well scrutinize the putative inorganic world for submerged phenomena of the psychic type. Theyare quite sure to come to see that what wecall inorganic is, barring transitional amorphous states, in reality or-g a.n rc after its kind.Workers in the psychic field may well searchfor occult evidences of polarity in their realm;for such inherent tendencies to orderly andsystematic procedure as may spring frompartial polarity, even tho conjoined wi th avolition that seems more or less lawless because guided by conscious purposes thatcenter on personal rather than cosmic ends.Like trigonometric partners, the workers atthese two angles of the triangle may welldirect their lines of sight first on one angleand then on another, not overlooking thethird angle of the triangle, so that, whentheir measurements from all angles are complete, the result may disclose the essentialproperties of the whole triangle.The third angle of the triangle, in ourphraseology, is The Theos.. the somethingpostulated by faith, or by philosophy, or byworking hypothesis, to fill out a completeand consistent concept of the uni verse sofar as we can know it at all. As experimentation grows in refinement and exactitude, unexpected phenomena are revealingthemselves. These seem likely to be but theforerunners of much more of the unexpectedyet to be revealed. Already the whole aspectof what once seemed the substance of a verystolid world-and was' lightly, indeed almostprofanely, dubbed "dead matter"-has undergone a radical transformation. A completerevision of concepts has been forced. Theold picture of matter as an inert mass ofhard, indivisible, impentrable atoms has beenrelegated to the discard. It is no exaggeration to say that the most enlightened concept of the real nature of what we have longrather deprecatingly called matter is todayreally less materialistic in essence than werethe old concepts of what we call spiritual.The old phraseology of the latter was commonly drawn from the gases expired by living beings-rather intangible assemblages ofmolecules, to be sure, but not less materialistic in reality than the more compactmanifestations of matter. Little really remains of the older symbolization of thesuper-cosmic and the super-psychic but theelement of intangibility associated withpower, and this concept is today best symbolized by energy and its potentialities andactivities. In the light of the latest research,energy and acti vi ty seem to be by far theTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS 363greatest and most pervasive factors of theuniverse-indeed they seem to constitute theessence of nearly all the phenomena of theuniverse. In ultimate ana.lysts, The Cosmosseems little more than organized expressionsof energy and activity. The ultimateanalysis of The Psychos ends in essentiallythe same terms, qualified by the attributes ofconsciousness and volition, the ultimate nature of which is unknown. But, In eithercase, the analysis has Its limitations. It Isprobably never complete even in Its ownspecial fields, and it is never strictly universal. We make little headway in studyingThe Cosmos as a whole. Much the same isto be said of the sentient factor in thebiological world, considered as a whole, Ifjndeed we are accustomed to consider it asa. whole a.t all. For the purposes of thehour, we have called It The Psychos, but Itslimits, its real definition, and its total configuration are quite as vague and even moreintangible than our summation of the concrete world under the phrase The Cosmos.An adequate concept of The Theos, embracing·all that assumes aspects of me psychic typein the whole universe, cosmic or psychic, isstill more remote from present realization inclear terms ot thought or in defiriite workinghypotheses suited to stimulate and promoteresearch.None the less, it is an appropriate part ofthe Intellectual struggle to which, as doctorsof philosophy and as devotees of research,we have committed ourselves, to reach outafter harmonious concepts of the third realm,as also of the three realms conjointly, andto' give these concepts a place in the basalhypotheses and assumptions on which wefound our processes of inquiry. If we endeavor to do this, we come upon commonground, whatever our Individual fields. Thespecial contributions that spring from eachof the three fields must, If true to reality, bealso contributions to the two other fields thatmerge Into it so intimately. The present apparent divergencies and dissonances seem tolie chiefly In a prevalent tendency to ignorethose elements that are least impressive fromthe particular points of view which th;e several inquirers choose to assume for thetr ownspecial work. We are all too prone to makesweeping affirmations of the universality ofthe quartttes on which our eyes are focused-all the more so because we feel that wehave been very careful in focusing them andhave found them very effective because sowell focused.Recalling the multiplicity of our specialfieldS and the wide range over which theseare spread, may I not ask, in conclusion, isnot a common, spontaneous effort, each inhis special field, to entertain and fosterdeeper, broader, and more harmonious viewsof the pro founder relations of the great basalfactors of being, the Hne along which ourwork may most naturally converge? Doesnot the very breadth of our University, deployed so widely over the great fields ofthought, in itself constitute an urgent invitation to blend our several contributionsin the formation of broad and harmoniousbasal concepts? Is not spontaneous concurrence and sympathy in such an asstmttatronof produc.ts a most appropriate function forthis Association? Most eapec la.Ily, will notthe cherishing of a spirit of cordial hospitality toward the deeper aspects of truth, asit emerges from the scrutiny of research,form most fittingly that distinctive featureof which I ventured to dream as the outstanding characteristic of the Association ofDoctors of Philosophy of this young university? GET READY FOIRTHE NEXTLIBERTY LOANDEATHSJudge Christian C. Kohlsaat, whose deathon May 11 was announced in the Junemagazine.Prialiag ...Ad,.rtisiDc Ad·visers IDd theCoper.ti �C1earia. H ..ror Calol.au".. d Publication. You h.,. a slaadio. ia';1060. 10 call and in.p." .urploal .ud a.-I.·dol. r .. ilitieL W. owu Ih. buildia. ISwall IS our prialing plul, IlId .per." hoi. IG .... ,lb. ,.,wemeDl. of our •• "0IDen.CATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICATIONMoke • Prialia, c.n.ecIio. wilh I Specialisl.ad .Iar,e, Absolutely Reliable Prialin. H ....WE PRINT. E • ...':.�:ahtllmmsity of Pria�:ro�3:t1I1.".......... 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Banking and Finance:Under direction of FrederickThulin, L.L.B., formerly withUnion Trust Company.Business Correspondence:Under direction of F. W.Dignan, Ph.D., formerly of Uni ..versi ty of Chicago.Commercial Spanish:Under direction of Luis E.Rodriguez, formerly of ArmourInstitute of Technology.Effective Public Speaking:Under direction of F. W.Dignan, Ph.D., formerly ofU ni versi ty of Chicago. Interstate �ommerce andRailway Traffic:Under direction of N. D.Chapin, formerly Chief ofTariff Bureau, The New YorkCen tral Railroad.LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 4046 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGOoLEARN TO DRILLMILITARY INSTRUCTION CBlBT8 . LIKE REGULARSSCHOOL OF THE SOLDIERORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS Military efficiency of a high order is only obtained by continuous study and drill. 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