PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COUNCIL!Vol. X No.7 May, 1918WRITERS, EDITORS, BUSINESS MENStenegraphers, Teachers, Librarians, Ministers, Lawyers" Publishers, PreefreadersSHOULD USE THE TWO BOOKS DESCRIBED BELOW ASCONSTANTLY AS THEY DO THEIR HAND DICTIONARIESThe fifth revised edition ofA MANUAL OF STYLEBy the Staff of the University of Chicago Pressis for all whose work involves typography and contains, among other things:One hundred eighteen pages of Rules for Composition.An entire chapter devoted to Technical Terms.A page illustrating Proofreader's Marks.An appendix of valuable Hints to authors and editors, proofreaders, andcopyholders.A full and comprehensive Index.. ?One hundred fifty pages illustrating Specimens of Types in Use at theUniversity of Chicago Press."The besf book of the kind publish�d."-The IndependentCloth bound.....-.$I.SO� postage extra.A companion volume to A Manual of Style isA MANUAL FOR WRITERSBy JOHN M. MANLYHead of the Department of English in the University of Chicagoand JOHN A. POWELLThis book is designed to aid all who are concerned with the writing ofEnglish. It aims to answer the practical questions that constantly arise in theeveryday experience of individual writers, business houses, schools and colleges,editors, secretaries, etc. The. table of contents suggests the practical usefulnessof the book."I use it as I do my hand dictionary."-BERTRAM L. JONES� Head of theDepartment of English, Western State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Michigan.Cloth bound-$I.2S� postage extraTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS\CHICAGO 5859 Ellis Avenue ILLINOIStlCbe llnibefsltp of C!Cbicago .maga�intEditor, JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Assistant Editor, JAMES C. HEMPHILL. '19.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive. by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of singJe copies is 20 cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico. Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands. Shanghai. � Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada. 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68). on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents)., Remittances should be made payable to The Alum ni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made with in the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago. Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914. at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of.March 8, 1879.VOL. X. CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1918. No. '1GOVERNMENT NOTICES 24;3FRONTISPIECE: The Sargent Portrait of John D. Rockefeller.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION, 2'47AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. by F. B. Tarbell 249WILLIAM JEWELL WHYTE, '19 250"HATE," by Leroy Baldridge, '11 252WORKIN� FOR WORKERS, by Thyrza Barton .ON THE QUADRANGLES, by Lee Ett elson, '19 " 255THE UNIVERSITY RECORD................................................................. 256COLLEGE WOMEN'S ATHLETIC CONFERENCE 258THE LETTER-Box_ c., •••_ •••••• � ••••• � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 259OUR CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE 263ALUMNI AFFAIRS � .........................•.. ' 254Notices: "Over There"; Over Here; Association of Doctors.B'OOI( NOTICES " .....•... " 2'71ATHLETICS ................•... .- 274The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, SCOTT BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.TUE COUNCIL for 1917-18 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MISS SHIRLEY FARR, RUTH PROSSER, JOHNFRYER MOULDS, ALBERT \V. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAW­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN, HARVEY HARRIS.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED,MRS. HANNAH CLARK POWELL.From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSPEED, WARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALICE GREENACRE, JOSE W. HOOVER, WM. P.MACCRACKEN.From the Chicago Alumni Club, 'HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARTHA LANDERS THOMPSON, DOROTHY EDWARDS,MRS. HAZEL KELLY MANVILLE.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL .. Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:fHE COLLEGE ALUJ\1NI ASSOCIA nONPresident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretor», JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, University of Chicago.Secretarv, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER L. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HUGO 1\1. FRIEND, 137 S. La Salle St.S ecrttary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.GOVERNMENT NOTICES 243Government NoticesThe Magazine will hereafter devote one page of each issue to such notices as the gov ...ernment requests publicity for. This action is taken at the suggestion of the Committeeon Public Information. .WAR PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THECOMMITTEE ON PUBLICINFORMATIONI Red, White and Blue Series1. How the War Came to America.2. National Service Handbook (15 cents).3. The Battle Line of Democracy.4. The President's Flag Day Address,with Evidences of Germany's Plans.5. Conquest and Kultur.6. German War Practices: Part I-Treat­ment of Civilians.7. War Cyclopedia. A Handbook for aReady Reference on the Great War. (Price,25 cents.)8. German Treatment of Conquered Ter­ritory. (Part II of German War Practice.)9. War, Labor, and Peace: Some RecentAddresses and Writings of the President.II War Information Series101. The War Message and the FactsBehind It.102. The Nation in Arms.103. The Government of Germany.104. The Great War: From Spectator toPar ticipant,105. A War of Self-Defense.106. American Loyalty.107. Amerikanische Biirgertreue.108. American Interest in Popular Gov­ernment Abroad.109. Home Reading Course for CitizenSoldiers.110. First Session of the War Congress.111. The German War Code.112. American and Allied Ideals.113. German Militarism and Its GermanCritics.114. The War for Peace.115. Why America Fights Germany.116. The Study of the Great War.117. The Activities of the Committee onPublic Information.III-Loyalty Leaflets201. Friendly Words to the Foreign Born.202. The Prussian System.203. Labor and the War.204. A War Message to the Farmer.205. Plain Issues of the War.206. Ways to Serve the Nation.207. What Really Matters.IV Official Bulletin Published Daily($5 per year)How to Secure the PamphletsGive the'titles of the two publications you desire. Do not order by catalogue number.Give your name, street number, city andstate. Write plainly. Typewriter preferred.Use Official Request Blanks when avail-able. .Address:Committee on Public Information,10 Jackson Place,Washington, D. C.The United States Government is inurgent need of thousands of typewriteroperators and stenographers and typewrit­ers. Examination for the service, for bothmen and women, are held every Tuesday in450 of the principal cities of the UnitedStates, and applications may be filed withthe Commission at Washington, D. c., atany time. The entrance salary ranges from$1,000 to $1,200 a year.The Government is calling for volunteertelephone girls to go to France on warservice. The girls must understand andspeak French perfectly. Operators will get$60 a month, supervisors $72, and chiefoperators $125. Rations and quarters are tobe given in addition to the pay.Information can be obtained from all chiefoperators in local telephone exchanges andblanks can be procured for application fromthe chief signal officer of the army, Room826, Mills building annex, Washington, D. C.To meet the national emergency in mili­tary and public health nursing by recruitingcollege women, there has been establishedat Vassar College a new summer school,known as the Training Camp for Nurses.This camp will open June 24 and continueuntil September. 13, and will be under theauspices of the Red Cross. The camp is thefirst scientific attempt to fit educated womenas quickly as possible to officer the nursingprofession.Anyone wishing information as to thecamp or the opportunities for: nurses shouldwrite the Recruiting Committee, 106 East52nd Street, New York City, or courses,instructors, etc., may be obtained by ad­dressing Dean Mills, Vassar College, Pough­keepsie, N. Y.244 TllE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"CH,ICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that these are all Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favor lrrg YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 JAMES A. DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATEI make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the UniversityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance. including Fire. Burglary.Automobile. Life. Accident, Health.1500 E. 57th STREET. corner Harper AvenueTelephone •. Hyde Park 136Ben H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 TEL. WABASH 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMARINE I NSURANCE ESPECIALLYROOM 1229, INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING175 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGONorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, '15INSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wahash 400Mortimer L. ca.m. Ex �06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO ASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON c. HOWES, Ex '13, Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGOJohn J. Cleary, jr., '14ELDREDGE, MANNING & CLEARYINSURANCE175 West Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer; Ex '85INSURANCEIn All I ts BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fideli ty and Casualty134 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 5 J 00METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago-also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.SupporLour advertisers! They support the Magazine!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 245The Enchiridion(Published instead of the Capand Gown by the class of 1897)Who Has a Copy?A n alumnus is anxious to secure a completeset' of Cap and Gowns; would be pleased tobuy copies issued prior to 1900; , he is also"anxious to have a copy of The Enchiridion.If you have a copy of any of these which youare willing to sell, you would confer a realfavor by communicating with him. Pleaseaddress,x Y Z, Alumni Office,The University of Chicago.Also wants copies of Official Bulletins, 1 to 6,issued at time of foundation of the University.Interested in any early official documents ofthe University.What Have You?JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, FROM THE PAINTING BY JOHN S. SARGENTCopyright, by American Federation of Arts. Published in The American Magazine of Arts.The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME X Noo '7MAY, 1918Events and DiscussionElsewhere in this issue appears a noticeconcerning the Chicago Alumni Club, whichevery male subscriberto the Magazine in andnear Chicago, is par-ticular Iy asked to note.When the war broke out, every executiveofficer of the Club went into service. Ofcourse, the development of the Club feltthe blow. There has been confusion andstumbling. Now the Club is to be reorgan­ized on a war basis. It is far too valuablean institution to be allowed to lapse ordecline. When the regular announcementof the meeting for reorganization goes outin a week or two, every member shouldplan to be present, and those who are notmembers should give themselves a reallyconvincing reason, if they find one, fornot coming to join. The spirit of the Clubhas been a tremendous asset to the U ni­versity, and as the exigencies of war-timeforce us closer, will become more influential,Do your bit.The AlumniClubThe part which the former students ofthe U niversity are beginning to play in thelife of the city is no­ticeable. After twenty­five years, it would besad if this were nottrue. But the practically simultaneous pub­licity given to the re-election as aldermanof Walter Steffen, with the warm approvalof the Municipal Voters!' League; to theactivities of Alvin F. Kramer as executivesecretary of the Liberty Loan organizationin Chicago, and to the work of Donald R.Richberg as city attorney in the affairs ofthe Peoples Gas Company, made the situa­tion more obvious. Richberg has now been"fired" by Samuel Ettleson, the City Coun-A Potpourri ofSocial Service cil, following public charges that Ettlesonwas not working disinterestedly for the city'swelfare in the gas problem; but the Councildoes not yet seem content to accept Et­tleson's action as final, and newspaper com­ment wholly supports Richberg and com­mends his work.Evidence of a different sort concerningthe social value of alumni may be foundby consulting the Spring Educational num­ber of the New York Nation. Fourteenformer students are either contributors tothe number, or have work reviewed in it;the mention varies from a remarkable poemby Carl Grabe, to a study of third yearmathematics by E. R. Breslich.The part former students are playing inthe war grows daily more influential. Thedeaths of Jewell Whyte '19, and A. L.Sundvall (graduate) are mentioned else­where, and Corporal Frank M. Pumphrey �19has been reported wounded. It is estimatedthat almost thirteen hundred alumni andalumnae are now in some form of govern­ment service. The most rapid promotionas yet has come to Lieutenant-Colonel Law­rence Whiting, whose work in connectionwith the organization; of the army person­nel has been admirable. Warren D. Fosterhas been made director of all governmentmoving picture work in France. An in­cidental matter is the planning and carryingout by Lieutenant Walter Poague, nowamong the marines in France, of an elab­orate entertainment given by the men ofthe American Naval Base in France for thebenefit of the Portuguese Red Cross. Thedate of the entertainment, by the way, wasApril 6, the anniversary of our entrance intothe war; its title, in Portuguese, "A EllesRapazes 1" which, being translated, equals"Up and at 'Em!U24B THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe inclusion in this single notice of suchvaried exhibitions of social co-operation ismeant merely to illustrate the types ofactivity which constantly come to notice.Everywhere, from the loop to the Vosges,from the council to the poet's corner, Chi­cago men and women are in service. Ifonly they were less chary of letting ushere know what they are doing, what anaccumulation of real news we could makein our alumni columns in the Magazine. Foreveryone of the doings herein recited, itmay be noted, has been brought to our at­tention by somebody other than the actorconcerned.111 the column opposite is the programfor the June Reunion. It is, as it should bein such a season ofwar, compact; but itretains, nevertheless,most of the old fea­tures. So many of us are gone that thosewho remain feel the old tie binding usvery close this year. CornelThe AlumniReunionFirst Lieutenant Royal F. Munger(See Page 267) Reunion WeekFRIDAY, JUNE 7th6 P. M. "C" Dinner­Hutchinson Cafe6 P. M. Fraternity Reunions-­Chapter Houses8 P. M. Band Concert­Hutchinson Court8:30 P. M. Song of the "C", and Pre­sentation of "C" blankets­Hutchinson Court8:45 P. M. University Sing­Hutchinson Court10:15 P. M. Informal Entertainment­Reynolds ClubSATURDAY, JUNE 8th1 P. M. Alumnae Luncheon­Ida Noyes Hall2 P. M. Conference Track Meet­Stagg Field2 P. M. Kelly Hall and SpecialReunions-6 P. M. General Alumni Dinner-Hutchinson CommonsWelcome: President JudsonInitiation of SeniorsBusiness meeting and announce-mentsClass of 1868 (Semi-centennial)'War SpeechesService Flag PresentationBand ConcertSUNDAY, JUNE 9th10:45 A. M. Convocation Religious Ser­vice--Mandel Hall2 P. M. Class and Group Reunions.MONDAY, JUNE 10th10:00 to 4:00 Class Day Events.8:30 P. M. Convocation Reception.TUESDAY, JUNE 11th12:30 P. M. Doctorsof PhilosophyAssociation Luncheon-Quadrangle ClubConvocation Day, Sir George AdamSmith. M. A., D. D .. LL. D .. Litt. D .•Principal of Aberdeen University. Con­vocation Orator.Reunion this year will be •• inure appreciation ofthe loyalty and Mrvi<:e of our Alma Mater to our. nation at war. Your attendance will be a definite""prewon of loyalty and patriotism. Plan now toattend.AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 249After Twenty-five Years[Professor Frank Bigelow TarbeII, as announced inthe April issue of the magazine retired after twenty­five years of teaching at the university. The editor'spersonal acquaintance with Professor Tarbell began in1894. His kindly spirit will forgive this publicstatement that no more consistent idealist, no morefriendly counselor, no more gracious personality, hasserved the university in the twenty-four years sincethen. Professor Tarbell wrote what follows after press­ing solicitation for "a few words to the alumni beforeyou leave us."-Ed.]Some weeks ago I was in the office of oneof those great bond houses which take sucha flattering interest in the small investor.My business was to file an income tax re­turn, and this involved declaring myself aprofessor in the University of Chicago.The courteous stranger who mediated be­tween the United States collector of inter­nal revenue and myself, seeing my declara­tion? informed me that he had been a stu­dent in the University of Chicago, and thathe took the title role in "The DeceitfulDean" during the revival of that musicalcomedy, some eleven or twelve years ago.He asked me whether I had been in theuniversity at that time. It so happened thatI had been much interested in the Uni­versity of Chicago Settlement, for whosebenefit "The Deceitful Dean" was produced,and had even had a share, though an insig­nificant one, in the highly composite author­ship of the book of the play. Yet I couldconjure up no memory of the young manwho had helped the cause so devotedly,while his unawareness of my existence hadevidently been at all times complete.This fact of our mutual 'unacquaintanceillustrates the smallness of my contact withthe student body during the twenty-fiveyears of my connection with the university.I t has been a great contrast to my experi­ence in Yale College, where, under a corn­pulsory system of studies, I met in the class­room all the members of all the classesfrom that of 1879 to that of 1889, inclusive.Even at Harvard, where I spent three lateryears obscurely enough, my classes werelarger than they have been here.This point is not made with any inten­tion of faultfinding. According to my ownjudgment, Greek art and Roman art, thesubjects with which I have been mainlyconcerned, offer much of interest and valueto' young Americans today. But it hasneeded a more compelling voice than mine to impress this view upon our students. Thecourses which I have spread out upon therichly loaded board of departmental an­nouncernents have been "caviare to the gen­eral." The young men especially have heldaloof. I suppose that most of them regardart as a feminine accomplishment and every­thing Greek and Roman as lying outside thedomain of practical life. Only now and thenhas a young man, prompted by exception­ally artistic tastes, ventured to sample mywares.Furthermore, the quarter system pro­motes a rapid "turn-over" of classes. Is thisa good thing? In the short-lived ChicagoLiterary Monthly there was published anadmirable paper entitled "New College Lifefor Old." The author, a member of thefaculty who has grown up amongst us, ap­praised our social and educational situationwith a far more intimate knowledge than Ipossess. If he is right, the rapid "turn­over" of classes works to the advantage ofstudents; it brings them into contact witha comparatively large number of teachers,thus substituting a stimulating variety fora dull monotony. Such at least is the im­pression, perhaps somewhat distorted, whichmy memory preserves of that argument.The doctrine runs counter to all my preju­dices, but for the sake of our students Ishould like to believe it true. I can onlysay that to the instructor it spells sacrifice­the sacrifice of such prolonged dealing withindividual students as might enoble him tomake a considerable contribution to theirdevelopment.Somewhat similar is the story of my offi­cial relations with my colleagues: these re­lations have been less close than I wishthey had been. At Yale and at Harvardfaculty meetings were, and I suppose stillare, frequent, important and well attended.Especially do I remember with satisfactionthe faculty meetings at Harvard under theinspiring leadership of President Eliot.These were occasions of high debate onquestions of educational policy. Not onlywere they intellectually stimulating, butthey served to bind the teaching staff to­gether. The humblest member could feelthat he was not a mere specialist nor a250 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmere hireling, but a co-worker in the up­building of a great university. Here, on thecontrary, faculty government has had novigorous life. Interest in meetings has de­clined rather than grown, and I supposethat the great majority of members of ourmultifarious "ruling bodies" treat their mem­bership with complete indifference. In part,this situation is atoned for by efficient or­ganiza tion of departments and groups ofdepartments. But I cannot help believingthat the schools and colleges of arts, litera­ture and science are the poorer for theirfailure to develop a vigorous organ of gen­eral control. However, I would not end these jottingson a note of dissatisfaction. As I look backover the past twenty-five years I see manycauses for pride and gratitude. I rejoice inthe friendships which have enriched my life.I rejoice also, and less egotistically, in theamazing material growth of the university,in the ability and wisdom of those who havechiefly directed it, and in the achievementsof my colleagues in every field of scienceand learning. It will be a great satisfactionif, in the long vacation which lies beforeme, I can find opportunities for serving theUniversity of Chicago.F. B. Tarbell.William Jewell Whyte, '19.William Jewell Whyte, ex-'19, was thefirst regular undergraduate of the Universityto be killed in France. Just before com­pleting his training in aviation, on March 20,one wing of the machine he was in broke.He fell 6,000 feet, "fighting all the waydown," the instructor reports, but withoutsuccess. He is buried at Bordeaux.Whyte entered the University from Dan­ville, 111., in October, 1915, when hewas just 18. He was a good student,and at once showed promise as an athlete.He played halfback on the football team in1916, and was expected to run the hurdlesin the spring. In April, 1917, however, heleft college for France to go in the ambu­lance service. When the ambulance servicewas taken over by the regular army organi­zation he transferred to aviation. His fatherand mother are dead; his aunt, Mrs. Lil­lian Cadwallader, lives at 1111 East Sixty­second street.His letters from France show the strenu­osity of the training, as well as his ownpowers of description. Just before the fatalaccident, he writes that on a high altitudetrial he froze one cheek through. "Theytell me," he remarked, "that I am livingon borrowed time, but I think I have along-time loan."The last letter received by friends atChicago (since his death) follows:"Your good, long letter received overtwo weeks ago. I was almost tempted to believe that the University was sending memy degree, but I was not disappointed whenI opened it. I enjoyed the history of thosepoor credits, but I am sorry that they weresuch a source of bother and trouble."Y ou spoke in your letter of how Ameri­canized Paris has become, Yes, it is true­only too true. I visited Paris last Decem­ber, and I could not but realize what a greatchange had come over the city since mysojourn there last April, You notice it inthe stores, the restaurants, the cafes, andeven in the traffic. And somehow, to mymind, this is all sadly out of place�thisAmericanism of Paris; it is not in harmonywith the mode of living at all, and seemsto take away a certain continental atmos­phere that makes all of these large citiesover here so interesting to a foreigner.However, all of the United States headquar­ters have been removed from Paris and -con­sequently there are not nearly so manyAmericans there now."Flying is going as well as ever. I amnearly finished with my last advanced train­ing and am expecting orders now any time.Before I can receive any really active ordersI shall have to receive my commission.Through some error I r eceived appointmentas a second lieutenant and didn't accept it,as I was entitled to a first. This was earlyin January and the government has beenall this time trying to rectify the mistakeWILLIAM JEWELL WHYTE) J I9 251and grant a new commission. But there isso much 'red tape' I-even in the army."I had an interesting experience a weekago. I was on cross-country voyage workand had landed at a chateau to say 'bonjour' to the family whom I knew, becauseI had landed there before. After a fifteen­minute visit I got ready to make my depar­ture, but no one could crank the engine. So Iplaced a small boyan the step in the fusil­age to hold back the stick that works theelevator, and a man on each of the wingsto hold the plane down when the motorstarted. I succeeded in getting it startedand jumped back out of the way of theturning propeller, but when the Frenchmenon the wings saw me jump they let looseof the wings and ran away. Before I real­ized it the plane started to move away. Iattempted to reach it and would have suc­ceeded had I not stumbled. By the time Iregained my feet the plane was soaring offthe ground with the small boy still cJingingto the side. At a height of about twentyfeet he let loose and dropped. Immediatelythe plane nosed down and struck the groundon one wheel and then turned completelyover after breaking the propeller and bury­ing its nose in the ground."This unlooked for performance seemedto put me in a sort of trance. I couldhardlY believe that the thing had actuallyhappened. But. after a while I regainedsome of my composure and telephoned thecamp."I spent the afternoon and night at thechateau and monsieur and madame and theirtwo daughters did everything they could tomake me forget the accident, but I was un­able to do so."Another aviator arrived the next after­noon. It was one of my friends from camp,a � T a from Ohio State. Well, now listen.He placed two men on each wing-twocivilians and two soldiers-and no boy onthe side. When he turned over the engineand the propeller started to rotate the twocivilians let loose of their wing, but the sol­diers held on. As a result, before my friendcould get around to the side to get in, theplane was turning around like a merry-go­round with the soldiers acting as a pivot.Finally it gained so much momentum that the soldiers had to let go and the planetook one big jump in the air and then camedown and turned over."I met him coming up the road with hisflying clothes in one arm and the youngermademoiselle on the other. He telephonedfrom the chateau and then "the family in­sisted that he stay with me until the me­chanics came to take our machines backin a tracteur. We stayed at the chateauuntil Monday morning, when the mechanicsarrived. As both my friend and I had beencaged up at camp on account of a quaran­tine we were in a new-found paradise.The Christmas Maroon arrived a few daysafter your letter. I enjoyed reading the col­lege news and catching sight of a familiarname here and there, but it all seemed faraway and vague. Honestly, I feel as if I hadbeen out of college for years."The following article on Whyte, by AlbertGavit, '19, appeared in the Daily Maroon:Yesterday the Stars and Stripes in frontof Kent might well have. hung at half-mast,in memory of William Jewell Whyte, thefirst undergraduate of the University to diein France in the war with the Huns.On the campus many of you knew himbetter than 1. Of the more fortunate ofyou-those who knew him as a fraternitybrother in Delta Tau Delta, as a memberof Skull and Crescent, or on the footballfield-he won undying respect and friend­ship. Like you, I, too, came to count Jewellas one of my dearest friends. Last Aprilhe and I left the University to becomeambulance drivers in the French army. Forthree weeks we were together, and then badluck separated us, sending him to one sec­tor of the front and me to another.After that we saw nothing of each otheruntil one September afternoon during myfurlough, when, out of the cosmopolitancrowd passing the Cafe de la Paix in Paris,I caught sight of Jewell. I hummed hisfraternity marching song; he heard andCame.Tha t evening we dined together in anout-of-the-way cafe. Next morning he wasleaving for Avard to train for aviation; andI was returning to Verdun. For an hourwe forgot ourselves and the war and Paris,252 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand lived again at the University, exchang­ing what meager news we had of thecampus. As we parted I said, "Well, Jewell,'bon chance,' and I'll see you later at theUniversity or in Ber lin.""I hope so," he answered, "but not manyof us come back from the Suicide Club.(The Suicide Club was French aviation.) But why worry? There never was a timewhen it was as easy to die as it is now."Those, I think, were the last words hespoke to anyone from the University.And now, over a green spot in France,stands a white cross, with this inscription:Mort pour la FranceWilliam Whyte, Americain, aviateur"H ate"Reserve Mallet,Etat Major.The first American regiment to be calledinto action was marching toward the front.For months past it had been shooting atcircles on cardboard, stabbing stuffed dum­mies, and throwing fuseless hand grenadesat imaginary trench lines. Now conditionswere to be different. The Americans weregoing into the real work for which theyhad come. Their automatics were loaded,the two reserve magazines were full; theircartridge belts were heavy with the weightof clips-of-five. They were at the front.From this village where of the houses thereremained only underground caves fortifiedinto soldiers' abris, they could feel therumbling hundred-and-fifty-fives;' and over­head they could see a score of white puffs,French shrapnel reaching for a Boche, asilver speck in the blue-probably takingsnapshots of them for his artillery.It happened that by the roadside there was a temporary camp for prisoners.Through the double fence of barbed wirethose just captured looked from their pens.Both groups stared: the field-grey mencaked with mud and stained with blood;the brand-new army.The new army grinned. It shouted school­boy German over the fence to "Fritz."Someone tossed a cigarette. Then as otherssaw the eagerness with which the gift wasseized they reached into their own pocketsand tossed dozens. Their grin was con­tagious. Thus the long line passed firing itsfirst volley over the barbed wire.Standing next to me was a person whohad gone through three and a half years ofwar. He took in a breath sharply throughhis teeth."Wait," said he; "wait till their pals havebeen blown to pieces beside them. Waituntil they have been gassed once. Then see!"And as we watched these young men ofpeace who had gone to war to destroy hate,I wondered. C. Le Roy Baldridge, '11.·Working for Workers[The following article is from a letter from ThyrzaBarton, now in France engaged in what might becalled social service in connection with 'women workersin the French munition factories. Miss Barton, untilshe went to France, was in charge of the HousingBureau of the University.-Ed. JI t has been hard from the first to secureenough labor for the needs of the Bourgesmunition plants. Recruits were secured inthe large centers of population and to beginwith were largely single women. I t has.been found more satisfactory, however, tofavor family groups, as the women provedto be unstable and unreliable in much thesame way that large groups of single men are found to be; they are more easily avail­able, but they do not stick to their jobs asdo employes with family ties. At the be­ginning of the war there was no thought ofproviding anything but shelter, and that ofa most elementary kind for these women,but as month followed month, and one yearpassed into the next, it became evident thatif good results industrially were to be pro­duced, the health arid comfort of employesmust be given due consideration.The Ecole de Pyrotechnic, in which ourtwo foyers are loca ted, is one of the threeWORKING FOR WORKERS 253plants at Bourges. It employs 14,000 per­sons, of whom 5,000 are women. Variouspowders are manufactured here, and theshells for 75s and 155s are charged. Likeall factories which make explosives it isspread out over a very large area. About2,500 employes are housed in furnished quar­ters provided by the administration, in theimmediate vicinity of the Pryotechnic. Thereare three units, one was formerly a hospitaland is now occupied by "menages." Thesecond was originally a barracks which havebeen converted into dormitories for womenwith the addition of a few housekeepinggroups. The third, La Cite des Bigarelles,is a cantonment specially built for employesof the Pyrotechnic, and although originallyplanned to house groups of women in dor­mitories, the growing preference for morestable labor has reduced the number toabout 150, although the menages bring upthe total number of inhabitants to morethan 1,000 Bigarelles is half an hour's walkfrom the gates of the Pyrotechnic, over themuddiest road I ever want to see. Sabotsor trench boots are the only practicableform of footgear.The functions of the mayor and city coun­cil and chief of police at Bigarelles arevested in two persons, an adjutant, who isknown as the Surveillant, and the Surin­tendante, who is a woman welfare worker.I wish I could picture the garb worn bythese Surintendantes (there are four in allat the Pyrotechnic) as I remember wonder­ing what on earth could persuade anywoman to get herself up like that, the firsttime I saw one, which was soon after myarrival in France. It is a Mother Hubbardof khaki belted. in and cut low neck infront. (Now that we are wearing high col­lars I notice uniforms which are less mili­tary in appearance.) With the very shortskirt absolutely necessary because of thedeep mud at one extremity, the head is cov­ered with a coif of khaki colored material.For out-of-doors there is a cape very muchlike those that trained nurses wear. Theeffect is bizarre in the extreme. These twopersonages reign over a group of long,low tile pavilions, most of them only onestory high and all enclosed by a high wallbeyond which no :t:nan is admitted exceptthose who live at Bigar elles with theirfamilies. In their realm there is neitherschool, nor hospital, though both are under .construction, nor church, nor any opportu­nity for social gatherings and recreation ex­cept that supplied by our recently openedFoyer de l'Ouvriere.We have two large rooms, one 35 feetsquare, which the French architect callsthe Salle de Couture. As it contains a piano,a phonograph, ironing boards, and a cinemaas well as the sewing machine, it is quiteevident that he did not need to choose thatdescriptive name because there was nochoice of occupation open to those whoventured within its doors. There is a coldgray cement floor, with gray and whitewaIls, the "locale" furnished by the adrninis­tration; a number of rather striking foliageplants, some brilliant orange curtains anda lovely colored print from the Christmasnumber of l'I11ustration, with the inspiringposter of the National League for Women'sService.Every time I am placed in the position tosee things from a new angle, I realize themagnitude of what we Americans are under­taking in France. The need for these foyersis so obvious, and the establishment of themso comparatively simple that it is a job tohave a hand in the organization of them.The opening seems a tremendous achieve­ment in these days of heart-breaking delays,but as I call to mind the enthusiasm of thewomen I realize that it is only the firststop and that there is a long road ahead ifwe justify the high hopes that are beingplaced in us.When I add that labor trouble is everlurking in the background and that Germanpropaganda is suspected, you will know thatlife has its sober aspects even behind thelines.I t also has its amusing side. Yesterdayafternoon I was invited by the daughter of aFrench colonel to have a cup of tea, andwas paralyzed to view on entering a circleof about twenty J eunes Filles, It was aregular minstrel show, and I was Mr. Bones.They asked me all sorts of impertinentquestions-whether I smoked, and whetherI approved of smoking, and if it was truethat American women smoked pipes on thestreet. Then they asked me for the Englishequivalent of "zut," and "je m'en fiche," andT told them "gee" and "I don't give a darn."This pleased them immensely, but I toldthem not to use them, so I was convulsedto receive a note from one of them today254 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto which she added a postscript saying "J ene dis plus DJL"I thoroughly enjoyed my search for twosecond-hand pianos at Bourges. I put anadvertisement in the paper, and had a num­ber of answers. One was from a neighbor­ing chateau, and I decided to drive out thereas it was a grand piano for 500 francs. Itwas a heavenly afternoon, and we thor­oughly enjoyed the leisurely drive throughthe_ early spring sunshine. The cab drewup in front of a big, rambling old countryhouse of grey stone, not one less than 300years old. I was met by an old woman in adirty dark blue apron, a wool cape and feltslippers. Much to my surprise, she turnedout to be the mistress of the house, andled me into an enormous salon with abeautiful renaissance ceiling, and muralpaintings, where stood the object of ourquest. The other members of the familysoon came in and were quite as patheticand badly dressed as the mother. Weagreed to take the piano and now it standsin our foyer, on the cement floor, and givesfar more pleasure than it did in that sceneof former grandeur. It was not scandalousto pay only 500 francs, either, as it was alsoin the same state as its owners. After con­cluding our business arrangements, we wentto call on a camp of American soldiersacross the road, and after chatting with thecaptain and refusing a very tempting invita­tion to supper we asked if they could notsend the piano over to us on one of themilitary trucks. It caused wild excitementat the Pyrotechnic the next day when twelveAmerican soldiers with a lieutenant incharge drove up to deliver the piano.Another very interesting experience I hadjust before leaving Bourges was that of be­ing in the station when an American trooptrain went through. Some of the boys werein freight cars and some in third-class car­riages, but they were grinning and jolly.They had landed only two weeks previously,and were presumably on their way to thefront. At least they had had four days'rations issued to them, and that means afairly long trip in this country. There weretwenty-five or thirty coaches on the trainand to make the situation as striking aspossible a train of Tommies pulled in onthe adj oining track on their way homefrom Saloniki. It was the first glimpseeither group had had of their new allies, and they lost no time in getting acquaintedOne of the Tommies was a dear, and afteiI had sympathized with him because 0:his malaria, he wanted to know if I likecorange marmalade. Quite unsuspectingly, jsaid I surely did, whereupon be vanisherinto his compartment and returned with �big can, which he urged me to accept as cremembrance. The Tommies pulled out be­fore our boys, and I was walking along theQuai with the jar under my arm, when omof our boys called out, "Say, you aren':going away with that are you?" I tossed i1up to him as the train pulled out.The night of my return to Paris I experi­enced my first air raid. It was said to beone of the worst there has ever been itParis, but I was surprised to find there wascomparatively so little to see and hearThe sirens gave the alarm at about 9 o'clockI have a room on the sixth floor with a bal­cony, so I stepped out and listened to thebarrage fire of the anti-aircraft guns for Gwhile. Pretty soon I could begin to distin­guish aerial combats. The machines wenvery high and the reports at first were jus1like popguns, but the answering flashes oifire were awe-inspiring and convincingWhen the flashes seemed to be right above:my head and the noise was quite alarmingI decided to come in for a while. I thendescended to inspect the cellar and found aY. M. C. A. secretary finishing dictating tchis stenographer in one corner, and in theother, three or four New Zealanders takinga lesson in French from one of our maids,The house was in total darkness all the timeand the servants were gathered in the down­stairs hall visibly suffering. Different varia­tions of negligee were promenading hitherand yon.Regular raids are expected from now on:and all precautions are being taken. Thehouses with good cellars are all marked, asare the metro stations which might serveas shelters. Electric lights which are visibleat all from outside (and this would, 01course, include all street lamps) are tinteddark blue. Some theaters are closing, and 1fear any evening class work at my club isgoing to be nipped in the bud. I have beentrying to get hold of an English teachertoday and the Gothas seem to be a strongdeterrent. It isn't that it is any more dan­gerous one place than another, but thestreets are so dark on the night of a raid.ON THE QUADRANGLES 255On the QuadranglesYour recorder of significant current his­tory regrets to say that nothing much hap­pened this month.The first issue of the Maroon this quarterinformed the campus that the university hadgranted leaves of absence to ProfessorsMoulton, McLaughlin and to Mr. Sherburn.Professor Moulton of the Department ofAstronomy and Astrophysics was appointeda major in the Reserve Corps and orderedto Washington preparatory to his departurefor France. Professor McLaughlin, head ofthe History Department, has left for Eng­land. Mr. George W. Sherburn of the Eng­lish Department, after a futile attempt toenlist in various services, finally accepted asecretarial position in the Y. M. C. A. forservice in France.President Judson has been appointed amember of the advisory board for the newPlattsburg idea, which is, in a word, a planto train university men under draft age atPlattsburg. The work, however, will not beas intensive as -forrnerly, as more time willbe given 'to athletics and recreation. Presi­dent James of Illinois is the honorary headof the committee. Dean Miller is the activefaculty member here in charge of the plans.He is receiving applications for the camp,also the partial payment of fifty dollars onthe total two hundred and fifty the campwill cost the boys.On April 8 Major S. L. James, 36th U. S.Infantry, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., inspectedthe local R. O. T. C. and, to judge by hissilence, found the unit all that it should be,except in numbers. The major stronglyurged the student body to turn out for thecorps, as' it has not hitherto been doing.The registration for the present quarter isonly 187, which is 63 less than the enroll­ment last quarter. The inspector announcedthat a summer camp for R. O. T. C.'s wouldbe held during one month this summer;seventy-eight men volunteered for the camp,but perhaps half of these men will be in eli- .g'ible on account of inexperience.. .Mrs. St. Clair Stobert, a major m theSerbian army, gave a lecture in Mandel onApril 11, telling of her experiences in thewar and Serbia's condition. Mrs. Stobertwas once condemned to die as a spy, butdid 110t, by the miracles of a fictionalescape.April 12 the athletic conference for womenopened in Ida Noyes Hall, with 150 dele­gates from various American colleges anduniversities. There were many discussions as to ways and means, but finally camethe dinner at night and the luncheon thenext day, and the women departed home­ward. What they accomplished seems tobe: (a) women from one university whogo to another may retain membership in theW. A. A., and (b) the women will do every­thing in their power to advocate and pushthe Woman's Land Army of America move­ment. Lift your glass of Bevo to the farm­erettes!The next day the Maroon stated withlarge headline proclaiming that the inter­class hop has been cast to the foul winds ofChicago for the period of the war. On theother hand, the interfraternity sing is to becontinued as ever., The news was published that Culver Mili­tary Academy had defeated our rifle teamby a few points. But only later news camefrom the Washington headquarters of' theN. R. A. that the scorer of the events madea mistake, and that the University of Chi­cago won by six points.Sixteen fraternities have enlisted in thespring pan-Hellenic tennis tournament, eachorganization to play both doubles and sin­gles. The first round is to be played offbefore May 11, but you never can tell withthis April stuff.During all this time there has been thecampaign for the control of La Purse, withthe Liberty Loan gaining better control ofthe situation daily. A big. mass meeting inMandel under Dean Miller's supervisionstarted matters, and another with Mr.Harry Wheeler, Illinois food administrator,as speaker, awoke much latent patriotism.Incidental music is: Bernard N ath, '19,was elected captain of the 1918 tennis teamto fill the vacancy caused by the enlistmentof Coleman Clark, '18. . • . Elsa Free­man, '17, was the first U. of C. woman toenlist in the Signal Corps as a switchboardoperator. After a brief training period shewill go to France. . . . The A CapellaChoir sang in concert April 19. . .Some six members of the local R. O. T. C.will leave college for the fourth officers'training camp at Camp Grant, May 15.Names have not as yet been announced.. . . The following officers of the honorcommission were elected: Clarence Brown,president; Arline Falkenau, vice-president;Jasper King, care secretary; Leona Bach­rach, recording secretary..Lee Ettelson, '19.256 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University RecordMore than five hundred courses will beoffered during the summer quarter, whichopens J u!le 17 and closes August 30.Forty Instructors from other institutionswill offer courses in this quarter. Amonzthe other educational institutions repre�sented are Yale, Princeton and Brown uni­ver�ities, . the University of Pennsylvania,Smith College, N orthwestern University,and the universities of Illinois WisconsinMinnesota, Iowa, Oklahoma, a�d Washing�ton.The seventh section of the OrdnanceTraining School of the university openedon March 18 with an enrollment of 101 men.These men were inducted by their localboards, upon orders from the ordnance of­fice, and sent to military posts, where theyare enlisted and equipped before being for­warded to the University of Chicago fortraining. The training will cover a periodof six weeks, at the end of which time thede tachrnen t will be transferred to somecamp or arsenal for six weeks' furthertraining.Messrs. H. R. English and H. A. Blan­kenship, who for some time have been in­structors in the Ordnance Training Schoolupon recommendation of the officer i�charge, have been transferred to an officers'training c�mp _for ordnanc� men at Camp IMeade, Virginia, Mr. WhIttlesey, also aninstructor of long standing, was inductedinto the service and assigned to the Uni­versity of Chicago as an instructor. He hasbeen recommended for promotion to thegrade of ordnance sergeant. The ordnanceoffice, before the beginning of the course,had detailed Sergeant Schweitzer as anassistant of Lieutenant Spencer at the uni­versity, but within a few days after hisarrival he was taken with pneumonia. Uponorders of the ordnance office Privates Whiteand Wold were transferred from the RockIsland Arsenal to the university as assist­ants after Sergeant Schweitzer was taken ill.One hundred National Army men who areto be given instruction in the repair ofaeroplane motors and parts in the universityshops are stationed at the old telephoneexchange at Fifty-seventh street and Dor­chester avenue.The men have all been chosen from localdraft boards, Boards 6 to 22, 69 and 71 to 75.Many of them have had experience as me­chanics and others have been carpentersin civil life. Their training at the universitywill be in the woodworking and machineshops of the university high school underthe instruction of teachers from the Schoolof Education.The men bunk in the large barrack roomson the second floor of th� building. The university has furnished cots, mattressesand blankets, while the government will fur­nish the remainder of the equipment.This first course has been started as aresult of the failure of volunteering to se­cure the necessary number of mechanicsfor. the aviation section of the Signal Corps.It IS expected that these courses will con­tinue at the university as long as the de­mand for mechanics exists.. The Board 0; Trustees of the university,111 order to assist the members of the uni­versity in making their payments for theLiberty Loan bonds, permitted subscrip­ticns to be made through the university tothe second Liberty Loan issue on a planwhereby a. subscriber could make his pay­me�ts m eight equal monthly installments,ending July 1, 1918. Three hundred andfifty-one persons availed themselves of thisplan, subscribing for bonds to the amountof $51,800. The Board of Trustees has alsooffered to the members of the university aplan whereby they may subscribe for thethird Liberty Loan bonds and pay for themin four equal monthly installments, com­mencing August 1, 1918, and ending N ovem­ber 1.The university subscribed to the firstLiberty Loan issue $100,000, to the secondissue $200,000, and to the third issue $100,-000, a total of $400,000.Almost immediately after the declarationof war by the United States the Intercol­legiate Intelligence Bureau was formed,with a central office in Washington, whosefunction was to bring the universities andlarger colleges of the country in to closetouch with the War Department. The par­ticular service of this Bureau has been toobtain as expeditiously as possible fromthese institutions men specially trained forany service which the government desires.Each college or university or technicalschool is represented in the Bureau by onemember of its faculty, styled adjutant, towhom from time to time calls for special­ized service are issued by the Bureau. Theadjutant, consulting the department con­cern ed, is able to recommend at once theproper men.Professor Frank J. Miller, Dean in theJunior Colleges, was appointed adjutantfor the University. Many calls could notbe met, since the University has no depart­ment of mechanical engineering, but he hasbeen able to recommend many Chicagomen for specialized services. The latestcall was for meteorologists and physicists,and with the aid of the Departments ofGeology and Geography and Physics anumber of men well trained in theseTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDsciences have been offered to the War De­partment.By a recent action the executive commit­tee of the Bureau -has turned over its listof adjutants and this personal-service calldepartmen t to th e War Service Exchangeof the War Department, a division of theCommittee on the Classification of Per­sonnel under the Adjutant General o£ theArmy. 'The thirtieth educational conference ofacademies and high schools in relationswith the University was held on May 9 and100 The prize scholarship examinationsfor preparatory school seniors were heldon May 10. After addresses on May 9,there was held on May 10 a conference forprincipals and superintendents to considerthe general topic of the curriculum of theJunior High School, at which Superintend­ent Shoop of the Chicago schools made theopening speech. President Burton of theUniversity of Minnesoha spoke in the eve­ning on "Changes Ahead."Francis O. Parker, a trustee of the uni­versity, is in Y. M. C. A. work in France.He is not in the executive headquartersin Paris, but in command of an "area" atthe front (the seventh area). He has setup 29 Y. M. C. A. canteens in a district of�OO square miles and is, responsible for keep­mg them all manned and supplied. He haslost forty pounds in weight, but not anhour's work from sickness. As an illus­tration of how he gets things done the fol­lowing bit from The Standard may bequoted:"Unexpectedly to himself and all his or­ganization, his whole division was orderedto take up a very important position at thefront. Senator Parker and a few of his staffarrived at the town which was to be theirheadquarters at 6 o'clock one Saturdaynight. While eating their supper theylearned that a troop train of American sol­diers was due to arrive in town some timevery early in the morning. One of SenatorParker's men proposed that they serve hotchocolate to the boys on their arrival. Itrequired the chartering of a cafe, the com­mandeering of the entire supplies of a localstore, hunting up the proper city officialin his own home, and working all night, but"when in the grey dawn of the morning thatfirst trainload of cold, weary, stiffened Yan­kee lads arrived to the number of 950 in oldca ttle cars, they were greeted by their owncompatriots with a cup of steaming hotchocolate. And for three days following,succeeding trains were met in the same hos­pitable manner. For an organization thathad itself been in town only a few hours,this was quite a piece of work."The Board of Trustees has granted leaveof absence to Professor Forest R. Moulton,of the Department of Astronomy and Astro­physics, for one year, from April 1, 1918. 257He is commissioned major in the OrdnanceReserve Corps of the United States Army,and will have the duty of directing thecomputation of range tables and all exte­rior ballistic data connected with trajec­tories of shell and shrapnel of all calibers,for both low-angle and high-angle fire.On the invitation of the British univer­sities and the Royal Society of Great BritainProfessor Andrew McLaughlin, head of theDepartment of History, has gone to Eng­land to give a series of patriotic addresseson democracy. For this purpose the Boardof Trustees has granted him leave of ab­sence during the spring quarter.At the recent semicentennial celebrationof the University of California ProfessorJames H. Tufts, head of the Department ofPhilosophy, gave the Barbara Weinstocklecture, his subject being "The Ethics ofCo-operation." Professor Tufts was one ofthe official representatives of the Universityof Chicago at the celebration.Professor James H. Breasted, who is chair­man of the Department of Oriental Lan­guages and Literatures, received the honor­ary degree of Doctor of Laws from theUniversity of California at its semicen ten­nial. Professor Breasted gave a series oflectures on "Egyptian Civilization and ItsPlace in History" as a part of the semicen­tennial program.The scholastic record of the fraternitiesfor the winter quarter was as follows:Twenty chapters were graded, combining277 men, as compared with 22 chapters and422 men in the winter quarter of 1917.GradePointsPerMajorTaken4.083.83.473.162.942.912.642.632.562.512.472.352. MenRank Society Graded1. Washington House..... 82. Tau Kappa Epsilon.... 93. Sigma Alpha Epsilon... 134. Phi Kappa Sigma...... 95. Sigma Nu.............. 136. Phi Kappa Psi......... 157. Aloha Delta Phi....... 138. Chi Psi................ 169. Delta Upsilon.......... 2210. Delta Sigma Phi....... 1211. Kappa Alpha Psi.. . . . . . 912. Phi Gamma Delta...... 2213. Alpha Phi Alpha. . . . . . . 314. Psi Upsilon............ 2415. B eta Theta Pi......... 2116. Delta Kappa Epsilon... 2017. Kappa Sigma �. 1718. Delta Chi.............. 419. Delta Tau Delta .... 0 •• 2020. Sigma Chi............. 7258 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthletic Conference of AmericanCollegeTwenty-nine colleges and universitieswere represented at the Athletic Confer­ence of American College Women, held inIda Noyes Gymnasium of the University ofChicago, April 12-13, 1918. Arline Falke­nau, '19, was general chairman of the con­ference, and Helen Driver, '19, president ofthe University of Chicago Women's A. A.,was the presiding officer; Magdalene Croninof the University of Wisconsin was secre­tary.The principal address of the conferencewas made by Mrs. W. C. Deusrier, whospoke on the "Land Army of America."Mrs. Deusner has a large farm at Batavia,Ill., and is taking part in the Government'swork of interesting women in farm work.Miss Blanche Trilling of the University ofWisconsin spoke on recreational war workfor women. The conference has planned totake the lead in a systematic campaign ofrecreational war work, which will includethe furthering of games and recreation forU. S. soldiers in training at the variousarmy camps, and also the overseeing andorganization of games, playground activi­ties, meetings and physical education ofhigh school, shop and factory girls in citieswit.hin the radius of activity of the col­leges. This important recreational warwork will be undertaken under the leader­ship of the Universities of Wisconsin andMinnesota in the West, and Smith Collegein the East. These three institutions willbe in charge of such work, until the nextnational conference in 1921 at Indiana Uni­versity, Bloomington, Ind. The phases ofthe campaign include the enlistment of col­lege women members of the respective wo­men's athletic associations at differentschools, in farm and war garden work this Womensummer in Red Cross service, in headingthe campaign for sale of thrift stamps,raising funds for Y. M. C. A. work inFrance and in providing proper meetingplaces for soldiers and young women.The Conference decided against givingmaterial awards for college women's ath­letics, such as pins, sweaters and medals.The giving of numerals and letters wasproposed instead of the material awards.For the 1921 session the presidency wasawarded to Indiana University, the treas­uryship to the University of Washington,and the corresponding secretaryship toVassar College.The following were the delegates at theconference: 'Josephine Moore, University of Chicago.Edith Messinger, Cornell University.Katherine McGraw, Women's College ofDelaware.Goldye Pyle, Depauw University.Jessie N oretins, Grinnell College.Anna Polkowski, University of Illinois.Katherine Brown, Indiana University.Edith Curtiss, State University of Iowa.Isabella Waterman, Lawrence College.Alvira Lehrer, Miami College.Helen Hoppin, Milwaukee-Downer Col­lege.Dorothy McGraw, University of Minne­sota.Dorothy Munford, University of Mis­souri.Emma Frazier, Mount Holyoke College.Madeline Girrard, University of N e­braska.Flora Ellis" Northwestern College ofPhysical Education, Chicago.Millet Davis, Northwestern University.Lucille Mahan, Ohio State University.Lucille Knisely, Ohio Wesleyan Collage.THE LETTER BOX 259The Letter Box110 Main St.,Saranac Lake, N. Y.,April 10, 1918.To the Editor:It is a long time since I have communi­cated to the magazine anything more thanone of my frequent changes of address. ButI have been tempted to write somethingfor some time, although anything I can saymust be of minor interest compared with thestirring tales coming in from France. Butit is largely because I want to get back intouch with the authors of those letters andpick up some lost threads of correspond­ence, that I prefix my address and write thislittle account of my own present situation.I am living in what must surely be thestrangest town in the United States, anAdirondack village of five thousand wherea thousand sick provide a living for all therest. It is a very light-hearted place on thewhole, and that in the face of a terrible loadof tragedy. Most of us are young-TB hitsoftenest between twenty and thirty-andthere are plenty who are too well to bewilling to pass up the joys of an idle lifefor a more serious attempt to cure, andmany more too sick to chance missing themwhile the opportunity is still there. A gooddeal of the eat, drink and be merry spiritthus creeps in and queer things happen, tothe open delight of the scandalmongers,who, if ever, have come. into their ownhere. With the prevalent idleness it is natu­ral that many conventions go by the board,but he who harkens to the talebearers islost; it is a wise rule to believe nothing ofwhat you hear and only half of what yousee. Things usually look worse than theyare.Saranac boarding houses are most ab­surd places-or would be anywhere else.The free and easy life always reminds mea little of a fraternity house, if you canconceive of one where half of the boardersare girls. Bridge and' five hundred are go­ing much of the time, various parties areon, and sleigh bells ring for the merrymak­ers far into the night. You make manygood friends, but that is unsatisfactory in away, for they are always leaving, some"cured," some traveling off to try the cureelsewhere, and others=-as sometimes hap­pens-going home to die. It is a strangething, but the healthiest looking patientsare often the sickest ones. And what avariety of points of view you find! Some,soured by the long beating, have their ham­mers out for everything good in life, whileothers, giving up former ambitions, seemremade for a life' of unselfishness. Anyonewith a philosophical turn of mind can' makeup a wonderful mental scrap book of Sara­nac types. There is a certain amount of scientific re­search going on, for which there is unusualopportunity, and it is that which hasbrought me here. I am contributing mymite to the study of some of the life habitsof that arch-demon of the microscopicworld, the tubercle bacillus, working at theSaranac Laboratory under Dr. E. R. Bald­win, in whose direction the laboratory hasbeen since the death of Dr. Trudeau, pioneerin tuberculosis therapy in this country. Iam disheartened at times at not doing some­thing mor e of the hour; I would like to bein the Big Fight, but it is beyond me. Ihave, of course, been rejected for militaryservice, or exempted, or whatever you wishto call it, and unless the war lasts a verylong time it is unlikely that I can get in inany capacity. Several from here who areyears ahead of me on the cure have beenturned down even for the "limited militaryservice" we are beginning to hear of.What sympathetic elevener who readsthis is going to write to me from France?Yours, Esmond R. Long, '11.[The following extracts are from letters of Rudy D.Matthews, '14, and Richard Perry Matthews, '17. Rudywas made a second lieutenant of artillery in the regulararmy at the second training camp· at Fort Sheridan,and appointed Smoke Bomb officer in the 18th F� A.,stationed at El Paso. In February he was sent toFrance for special instruction. Richard went intoaviation, receiving his ground school training atPrinceton, when he headed the list with an average of98.5. He sailed for England last October, was imme­diately transferred to France, and took his flyingcourse at Tours.-Ed.]Hotel Continental,Brest, France,March 12, 1918.I cabled today . . . It is very difficult tocable and I imagine it will take three tofive days to reach you. France is intenselyinteresting, and we have been very welltaken care of at this hotel, although noheat in rooms and no hot water, no butter,and no sugar. The Y. M. C. A. is the bestplace to eat; you get butter and sugar there.The streets are filled with women in mourn­ing-poor people. All wear wooden shoes,every man in uniform, and the whole im­pression is one of seriousness and strainedresources. America didn't step in a minutetoo soon. The drizzle started this morningand mud is everywhere. Hard for me torealize that I'm fast getting up to the frontline and I suppose I'll be actually fightingbefore I realize it all. As soon as I am. located, in a few days I shall attempt toget in touch with Rick. I am feeling verywell and eager to go through with it, but,take it from me, it is going to be little fun.I came over with Ensign Ohlmstead, aSigma Chi, 1916; he expects to be back 0!1the campus this spring. I've gotten into the260 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstream; there are going to be many anxiousmoments and much discomfort, but I'll getthere just the same. It's a man's game I'min now.Tuesday, March 19, 1918.At last I am definitely settled for aboutfive weeks or so. I am not at either of theplaces that I expected to land, but it is verycomfortable and I expect -to learn a zreatdeal of ar.tillery whi le I am here· in f:ct Ihave to, for it is the same old c�mpetiti�nthat we had at Fort Sheridan. We had quitea railroad journey through France. Theofficers in our regiment had a first-class carof three compartments and six of us in oneof them had a great time, especially at nightwhen we had a hard time keeping warmwith nothing but our overcoats. Of course,we went clear around Paris and I'm afraidit will be after the war before I get there.We had to hustle for our - meals en route;we would scurry out at the little Frenchvillages, separate, and run through the�treets and dodge into shops to buy brown­Ish white bread; very good; cheese, sardines,bottled water, chocolate once in a while,small apples, pears, etc. We got no butteror sugar except at the one or two Y. M. C.A. places where it seemed wonderful tosee and to talk to American women. Atsome of the stops we went into the restau­rants and sat down to a meal of eggs, roastbeef, bread, light white wine, cheese, a dishlike boiled dandelions and cafe au lait.The soldiers of France are everywhere,no young men out of uniform. We sawsome Turks and other blacks. All along theline we passed German prisoners at work.They would all stop and look at us, theirofficers with a sneer on their faces, the menwith just a stupid stare; good, big men allof them. Seven of us are quartered in acomfortable American shack, one of thethousands sent over here in parts all readyto put up. My baggage all came through.Our shack has a dry, good wooden floorand we have a stove and plenty of wood.The weather gets around freezing at night,but warms up in the day. We alI wear littlefatigue caps with red trimming for artillery,and must keep on our tunics and SamBrowne belts all the time, at work and class,except from 8 to 9 in the morning, when wehave some very snappy setting-up exercisesand kid games that get us in good shapephysically. Our meals are excellent; butterusually, good coffee, eggs and bacon, roastbeef, biscuit or white bread, plenty of sugar,puddings once in a while, and I look for pieone of these days. Our officers' mess costsus 6 francs a day. We have an orderly as­signed to our shack who sweeps up, bringswood and gets articles for us in the villageone kilometer away. My cot feels like anOstermoor r and I get nine hours sleepnightly. We are not many miles from thefront and some night I expect to hear thebooming of the big guns up there. We have seen the searchlights once or twice at night,playing in the sky for aeroplanes. Candlesprovide light at night to study by, but wehope to get lanterns. So far I haven't gotin touch with Rick, but hope to do so some­how before long.I imagine I shall rejoin the regimentabout May 1 and try to pass on to themthe thousand and one things I hope to learn.How long it will be then before we willmove up to the front I suppose dependsupon our ability as a regiment to use artil­lery, and, believe me, it will be a real job.America is certainly in this war, and wehave moved a tremendous number of menand material up to the front. By the way,Secretary of War Baker came over in thesame convoy arid got in on our one subma­rine scare, which turned out to be a spar.I didn't see him, as he was on anotherboat, and we didn't know he was aboutuntil we landed. Martin Stevers, '14, is atthe front as a radio officer with artillery.Palm Sunday, March 24, 1918.Here I am sitting comfortably in myfolding chair from EI Paso while the bigbattle rages up on the British front. I amstudying to beat the cars at a place I didnot know about when I left the States, Weare safe enough, but at night we can, once ina while, hear the big guns booming up there.Our buildings, wooden shacks set up, aregrouped around an old French chateau par­tially burned down two years ago throughthe neglect of some drunken officers. Thegrounds of this estate are off bounds, butwe can see some lovely roads � windingdown through the trees that surround us toa fine little lake. All about us is rollingcountry, uncultivated for the most part, dueto shortage of man power, I suppose, andalso all account of its stony sandy character.The hard, stone-like, white roads of Francethat you know about furnish good walksand the little French village a kilometeraway has many little shops for militaryequipment, pastry, nuts, tobacco, etc. Anofficers' club there, one room on the secondfloor of one of the many stone houses thatmake up the village, is quite good for anoccasional omelet and bottle of beer. Showerbaths, rather small but still mighty. pleas­an t, are only ten steps from my shack. Mylaundry is carried down to the village byour orderly and done up very well at smallcost. The work is very stiff and six days aweek we are going from early until late;that means little time for letter-writing.We get a chance not only to see the firing,and at other times through our field glassesthe effect, of artillery, but we go over tosee the infantry at work and everything isdone snappily. If an officer doesn't makegood here, out he goes, and I realize I shallhave to work even harder than I did at FortSheridan. I feel very well indeed, and amglad of the exercise I get daily. This 'morn­ing, a beautiful spring day, I went toTHE LETTER BOX 261church at the Y. M. C. A., and was glad tosing some American hymns and hear ashort sermon born the chaplain. Throughall this war I am. drawn more and more torealize how much ··1 believe in God, butI have so much to ask Him for that I feela little ashamed.Address: Lieutenant Rudy D. Matthews,c]o Credit Lyonnais,19 Boulevard des I taliens,Paris, France.March 23, 1918.Your letter written February 13 I justreceived today. No doubt your letter tooklonger because I am no longer at Tours ornear there. I have finally finished there,with about 30 hours flying to my credit nowand two cross-country flights of over 150miles each. I have my wings now, and amexpecting my commission daily (first lieu­tenant). I am at another flying school now,where I get my perfection or finishing work.Hope I am lucky enough to get one of theselittle: single place chasse machines. We areflying them here; they go very fast and landaround 100 miles an hour. Lots of sport tofly the1l?-:-more fun than the slower typeswe had at Tours.I was ·in 'Paris for three days on my wayto this school. The Germans bombed thetown two nights I' was there;' it didn't causeany special excitement, and wasn't half asthrilling as I imagined a raid to be. Haven'tdone any special damage to the town, either.I'm glad Rudy is on his way here. I surelyexpect to see the old boy.In a few weeks I'll have a little scout ofmy own and will fly over to see him someweek-end if he is .. not too far away. I'mstill in central France. Spring weatherseems to be here now, and it is much morepleasant flying. Don't worry about me, be­cause the chances are I won't be at the frontbefore the middle of May. I hope to cele­brate my birthday up there. Will send an­other picture as soon as I get my commis­sion. Sox are by far the best thing I canhave that you can send me; the home knitones last so much longer than the ones youbuy or the ones you get from the govern­ment.Address: Cadet R. P. Matthews,U. S. Air Service,A� E. F., France.1718 Grand Ave.,Santa Barbara, Cal.To the Editor:In the Magazine for March, under thehead of "Events and Discussion" appearedan article which was, to my mind, so aston­ishing and almost unbelievable as to war­ran t further discussion, and in view ofthe invitation given the alumni to expresstheir views, I take the liberty to expressmine. ,The article to which I refer is that which sets forth the plans of Yale to make itsundergraduate work wholly subservient tomilitary ends, making the basic trainingmilitary; all other courses adjunct to thispurpose. If Yale 'had decided to add to itsother colleges a mjlitar'y college, it wouldhave been a surprrse, but readily explainedby the prominence of the business of warwhich has been forced upon us through nofault of our own. But that Yale, which hasstood for scores of years for the highestattainments of civilization for the idealswhich raise men from the �nimal to the di­vine and teach them how to live-that Yaleshould suddenly throw these ideals to thefour winds of heaven and adopt in theirstead the doctrine of the iron hand and themailed first, teaching the science of deathinstead of the science of life, is, I mustfrankly confess, the most discouraging factwhich has come to my attention since theoutbreak of the war.There is no justification either in historyor reason for such a course as Yale hasadopted. The one argument which has beenand always will be used in its defense, istha� "t� prepare for war is to insure peace,"which IS very true, provided we interpretarightly that· phrase "to prepare for war."In 1772 a little group of colonies began toprepare for war; one hundred years laterGermany began to prepare for war. But,oh! what a difference in the meaning of thatphrase "to prepare for war" as applied tothese two cases! Could two ideals possiblybe farther apart than those which impelledthese two preparations for war. In the onecase, this preparation meant a medicine; inthe other it meant a food. HeretoforeAmerica has followed the ideal of 1776. To­day Yale would have us follow the ideal ofGermany. If there ever was a time whenthis country needed military training in 'itscolleges, it was in the years following therevolution. The nation was small, poverty­stricken, worn out, constantly darkened byEngland's scowl, beset by pirates on the seaand the savages on the land. Yet our col­leges were founded on the ideals of peaceand good-will and happiness. Again, in 1812our liberty was threatened, and in yearsfollowing the '60s we would have been aneasy prey to a powerful nation. Yet todaywe have grown strong and mighty not be­cause we have been protected by forts,the coat of mail and the goose-step, butbecause we have kept before our eyes thatfor which the big statue out from New Yorkharbor stands. American ideals have stoodfor the best that civilization knows. Yet itwould appear that Yale has become tiredof them and had found in Germany's idealsthat which Japan discovered at the handsof Commodore Perry: the dawn of civiliza­tion.The whole trouble seems to De a confus­ing of the issue. Today we are at war. Itis the expedient thing for us to do. It isthe necessary thing, a duty which we must262 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEface. But it is a necessary evil.' We areusing Germany's unworthy method becausewe must beat her with her own weapons.When we come upon a snake in the grasswe must stamp its life .out or lose our own.Yet we should hardly deem it wise to makethe chief business of our lives learning tostamp out lives. Scientists tell us that anantidote to a poison is another poison.Whiskey has cured snake-bite, yet we couldnot safely make it our chief diet. We valuemedicine very highly when we are sick, buthow we hate it when we are well! Our sol­diers are being trained at camp for a par­ticular purpose. Well and good. Yet someday this war will be over and the incentivefor training soldiers will be past. Whatthen? We must either supply the incentiveor stop training the soldier. And it is thefirst oj these alternatives which is the dan­gerous one. Will any teacher of psychologysay that a boy who goes to college andspends four years in learning military tac­tics will not do so with the purpose someday of using his knowledge, and if condi­tions are not right for this use, will he 1I0tdo all in his power to make them so?This letter mayor may not have theeffect of changing anyone's opinions con­cerning military training in the colleges,but I write it because I love the old U. ofC. and what she has always stood for, andI cannot bear to think of her adoptingSuch an unworthy plan as that of Yale.Sincerely, A. B. Barnett.Walter F. Snyder, '18; after being re­jected last May for ambulance service, onaccount of his lack of height and weight,went to Canada and enlisted in the 48thHighlanders. He wrote in April from Eng­land:"Having received Daily Maroons and theUniversity of Chicago Magazine, it hasoccurred to me to tell you that whereas theone puts me in France and the other inCanada, a happy medium would be thetruth. We are still in reserve in England,but the losses have been so heavy in thismagnificent "retreat" that it is likely weshall be needed right away."Today at about half-past six in themorning, I left Newport, South Wales,where I had gone on a four days' leave, andtraveled until nearly three o'clock (pass upat noon-will they sentence or not-ooh!)."Train service is curtailed so as to savecoal for the army, and the trains are leis­urely, even for English trains. We get tosome little hamlet and the engineer getsout to eat his luncheon, comes back andprepares to start.·"Oh! no, says the guard, I saw that el­derly lady taking tea in the first-class re­freshment room and she will be terriblyoffended if we start too soon. There's nohurry."So, by and by, we go to another station.The parcel-tenders begin to rummage about Walter F. Snyderto see if there are any goods to put into thegoods carriage. They finally decide that asther� isn't very .much room in the goodscarnage" they WIll let the goods wait forthe next train."So, you see, it took nine hours to gofrom Monmouthshire to Surrey. But int-hese days one must be chary of irony."When I reached camp it was upsidedown; my bedmates were preparing to leavefor the front. I rushed after the walrus(our orderly sergeant)."Am I on the draft?" I asked."No.""Any chance of getting in on it?" •"Go over to the orderly room and findout." They told me that very likely I mightbe added in a day or two; so, at last, thedream of seeing France seems near. I knockon wood, for fear of dispelling the spell, andwrite you this hasty note. and send i't ab­ruptly and tell you that South Wales is abeautiful country, which you already know.Sincerely, Walter Francis Snyder.""P. S.-The sergeant-major promised thismorning to put me on the next draft forFrance; so I expect to see the Big Push."First Lieut. Roswell T. Pettitt, '08, wasin the Big Push, as a member of the Med­ical Reserve Corps, attached to the Britisharmy. He writes:"All I know is that on this part of thefront the Germans attacked us in over­whelming numbers; in places ten divisionsto our one; that they suffered terriblelosses; but finally broke through our linesof defense, one after another, and fightingfor the most part, a rear guard action, weretired about fifteen mile, in a straight line."ALUMNI AFFAIRS 263Candidates for Offices in the College AlumniAssociationBelow is a concise college and businessrecord of the candidates, grouped in theorder of the office, and arranged in theorder of seniority:Frank McNairFor PresidentFrank McNair, Ph.B" '03; Delta KappaEpsilon. Member of the University Y. M. C.A.; Assistant Manager, Bond Department,Harris Trust Savings Bank, Chicago. Servedon a number of Class, Alumni, and ReunionCommittees. Residence 5480 Hyde ParkBlvd., Chicago.Earl D. Hostetter, Ph.B., '07, J.D., '09;Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity.Member of Law Firm, Wilkerson, Cassells& Potter, 1141 The Rookery, Chicago.Member of the City Club, Illinois Bar Asso­ciation, Chicago Legal Club. Served on anumber of Class, Alumni, and Reunion Com­mittees. Residence 6233 Kenwood Ave.,Chicago.For Vice-PresidentElizabeth W. Robertson, Ph.B., '05, Ed.B.,'06. Director of Art, Carl Schurz High School, Chicago. Member of Chicago Col­lege Club, University of Chicago AlumniClub, and Secretary of Chicago High SchoolTeachers' Club. Residence 3129 Fulton St.,Chicago.Hargrave A. Long, Ph.B., '12, Phi GammaDelta, Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity, Black­friars, Owl & Serpent; Post-graduate Chi­cago Kent College of Law; Secretary ofHickory Products Association. Member ofAdvertising Association of Chicago, GyroClub. Residence 1409 Greenleaf Ave.,Chicago.For Executive Committee of CollegeAlumni AssociationEmery Jackson, A.B., '02, Delta Upsilon.Architect. Member of University Club.Residence 1606 Estes Ave., Chicago.Earl D. Hostetter264 THE UNIVERSITY OF'CHICAGO MAGAZINEHarold H. Swift, Ph.B., '07, Delta KappaEpsilon and various Campus Organizations;President of Class '07; Executive, Swift &Company, Beef Packers, Union Stock Yards,Chicago. Member of University, Chicago,and Quadrangle Clubs. Elected Trustee ofUniversity of Chicago, 1914. Served on va­rious Class, Alumni and Reunion commit­tees. Residence 4848 Ellis Ave., Chicago.Helene Pollak, Ph.B., '14; Kalailu, SignetClub, Nu Pi Sigma. Business address, Chi­cago Little Theatre, Fine Arts Bldg., Chi­cago. Social Secretary of Ravisloe CountryClub. Residence 4514 Oakenwald Ave., Chi­cago.For Delegates from College Association toAlumni Council-Two-year Term "Leo Falk Wormser, Ph.B. '05; J.D., '09.Phi Beta Kappa, Order of the Coif. Memberof law firm of Rosenthal & Hamill, 105 Mon­roe St., Chicago. Member of City Club,Standard Club, Chicago Society of Advo­cates, Chicago Law Club and American BarAssociation. Residence 4737 Kimbark Ave.,Chicago.Dorothy Edwards, Ph.B., ;16. Spelman.House; on a number of Campus committees;Chicago Alumnae Club; representative onCouncil, 1916-1918. Rockford College de­gree. Residence 5601 Woodlawn Ave., Chi­cago.For Delegates from College Association toAlumni Council-Three-year TermMrs. Henry Gordon Gale (Agnes Cook),A.B., '96. Mortar Board, Foster House, NuAlumni Pi Sigma. Wellesley College one and one­half years. Director of English, Universityof Illinois, '97-'99. Published Children'sOdyssey; Achilles; Hector. Residence 5646.Kimbark Ave., Chicago.Scott Brown, A.B., '97. Alpha Delta Ph.i,Owl and Serpent, Phi Delta Phi Law Fra­ternity, LL.B., Northwestern, '99; Presidentof Class of '97; President of College AlumniAssociation and Chairman of Alumni Coun­cil, 1916-1918. General Director of Chau­tauqua Inst., until 1905; Secretary and Gen­eral Counsel of Studebaker Corporationuntil '14. Member of University; UnionLeague, Quadrangle, Chicago, Detroit atDetroit, and Lotus Club at New York. Resi­dence, 1745 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Ill.Moses Dwight McIntyre, A.B., '98. PsiUpsilon, Iron Mask: Owl and.Serpent, Har­vard Law School. Member of Union League,University Club. Treasurer of Parrotte,McIntyre & Co. (wholesale hats). Resi­dence 5712 Dorchester Ave., Chicago.Mrs. Herbert I. Markham (Lois Kauf­man), Ph.B., '08. Served on several Campuscommittees. Sigma Club. Residence 5408Blackstone Ave., Chicago.Ethel Kawin, Ph.B., '11. Member of NuPi Sigma. In several campus organizations.Vocational supervisor, Vocational Bureauof Education, Chicago. Residence 5419Drexel Ave., Chicago.AffairsNOTICETo ALL MEMBERS of the CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBBe On the LookoutYou Will Receive a Call for a Big Meeting Soon! See theEditorial in This Issue. Everybody Get Together.Be Sure To Attend.The third quarterly meeting of the AlumniCouncil was held in Room E 41, HarperMemorial Library, on Wednesday, April 24,the meeting being called to order at 8 :15p. m. There were present: Scott Brown,chairman; Dorothy Edwards, Shirley Farr,Alice Greenacre, Jose W. Hoover, WilliamH. Lyman, Frank McNair, John P. Mentzer,Mrs. A. V. Powell, Her1:>ert K Slaught, Har- old H. Swift, Mrs. Martha L. Thompson,John F. Moulds and A. Go. Pierr.ot.Mr. Moulds, secretary-treasurer, presenteda comparative report of financial conditions,from October 1 to April 1, 1916-17, and .1917-18, which showed a loss during that period.This loss is due primarily to the droppingoff subscriptions, under war conditions, andpartly to advertising difficulties, particularlyALUMNI AFFAIRSin collections. In the same period the officehad effected a saving" this year, in generalexpense, but not enough to counterbalancethe loss. Mr. Moulds stated, however, thatletters and reports indicated that the Alumniare now taking greatly increased interest inthe University, especially in its splendidrecord of loyalty and service in the war.The Council then made plans whereby everymember should conduct a personal cam­paign for subscribers to the Magazine andAssociation membership. Mr. Pierrot pre­sented a detailed report of the advertisingsituation, which showed that the amount ofadvertising carried this year was about thesame as was carried during 1916-1917.The reports of the Clubs Committee Mr.Swift chairman, and the Class Organiza'tionsCommittee, Miss Shirley Farr, chairman,showed that plans were being carried outfor making the coming reunion a success.Mr. Swift stated that the Alumni Clubsthroughout the country would be asked thisyear. t.o plan to keep up �he "Chicago Night"tradition, but that their meetings shouldbe made patriotic, in line with the generalReunion at Chicago. Mr. Lyman, chairmanof the Reunion Committee, reported on theprogram of the Reunion which is as setforth in this issue of the Magazine. TheReunion this year will center around thepresentation of a service flag to the U ni­ver sity, and will be distinctly a "War Re­union." Mrs. Thompson reported on theRed Cross activities of the Alumnae Clubshowing that out of the Ida Noyes Hadmeetings alone some 3,238 garments hadbeen made and shipped; this represented buta part of the Alumnae Club's Red Crossactivities.The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p. m.Ev� Pearl Barker, secretary of the Classof N meteen-twelve, and her committee areputting in some concentrated efforts on"The Midnight Special," the official publica­tion of the class, hoping to have the 1918edition appear in the June number of theU N,�VERSITY . OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. "Twelv­ers are being .asked, therefore to send in­formation about themselves or other "Twelv­ers" to Miss Barker, The College of Edu­cation, The University of Chicago.The annual reunion of the Nancy FosterHall Alumnae Association will be held atFoster Hall on Alumni Day June 8 from3 until 6 o'clock. All prese�t and formerhouse members are cordially invited to bepresent.AGNES J. KAUFMAN, '03.Pittsburgh Alumni Club.-On April 11 anumber of PIttsburgh Alumni met in aninformal reception to Prof. J. Paul Goode,of the Department of Commercial Geog­raphy, on the occasion of his lectures in, 265Pittsburgh before the Academy of Artsan.d Sciences, April 11 and 12. The local�embers had a very pleasant time in meet­ing Professor Goode. Among those pres­ent w�re, Waldo P. Breeden, president ofthe PIttsburgh Alumni Club' Miss LillianM. Jordan, Miss Lillian 0.' Sprague, Dr.Robert Retzer, Mrs. Robert Retzer DrRalph Sheldon, Dr. Berthold Ullman' andDr. Roswell H. Johnson. The PittsburghClub has been growing, and promises tobe one of our strongest alumni clubs.Omaha Alumni Club.-Chicagoans in andaround Omaha celebrated the visit of DeanMiller and Professor Bonner (who at­tended the Western Classical Associationheld here in Omaha) by a dinner at theBlackstone Hotel on Saturday, April 6.We had a full share of honor guests forwe found three Chicago men at the 'Bal­loon School at Fort Omaha-Orno Rob­erts '12, Dunlap Clark '17, and WilliamGemmill ex-'19. It is impossible to tenwhat a delightful time everyone had· butthose _of us who enjoy all the Chicagogathenngs felt that this was the o-ala oc-casion of them all. 0Dean Miller and Professor Bonner tookus back to the campus in spirit as they toldof the war activities and war attitude ofthe University, and the Balloon School mentold of their present interests. Mr. Clarkalso described the military training at theUniversity, and Mr. Gemmill recounted hisexperiences with the ambulance unit inFrance last year.The local alumni included George Mac­dougall '96, Dr. A. D. Dunn '96 Mrs. StephenDavies '99, Celia Chase '08, J. G. Masters'12, and Mrs. Masters '06, Wayland Mageeand Mrs. Magee, Juliette Griffin '12, SusanPaxson, Ellen Rooney, Isabel McMillan '14Lillian Cherniss, Mrs. Elin Y ouno-bera'Cecile Lyon, Elizabeth Morgan '17, IrvingGarwood, Eugene Blazer, Law '13, TheresaTracy, and Irma Gross '15.. At a recent business meeting the follow­mg officers were elected for the comin 0-year: President, George Macdougall' vice�president, Robert Savidge; secretary,' IrmaGross; treasurer, J. G. Masters.yv e are 100kin� forward to another gath­enng on Alumni Day, when Dr. Judd willbe in Omaha to deliver the high school com­mencemen t address. Plans are under wayfor a luncheon on that day.IRMA GROSS,Secretary,"OVER THERE"Les Ballenger, '02, is a ser ceant with theAviation Corps, in France. ;::,Herbert V. Mellinger, '02 is a first lieu­tenant in the Medical Reserve Corps andSEurgeon, 1st Ba,t., 65th Art., C. A. G., A.. F.266 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBarrett Andrews, ex-'07, in charge oftransportation for the American Red Crossin France, has been made a Major.George W. Sherburn, instructor in Eng­lish, has arrived safely in France, where hewent to engage in Y. M. e. A. work. How­ard Woodhead, A.B., '00, Ph.D., '07, is inthe same service; also John C. Granberry,Ph.D., '09.e. S. Yoakum, Ph.D., '08, is Captain San­itary Corps, Office of the Surgeon General,302 Mills Bldg., Washington, D. C.Renslow Sherer, '09, resigned as vice­president and head of the bond departmentof the Northwestern Trust Company at-St.Paul, to become assistant director for theState of Minnesota in the sale of War Sav­ings Stamps. Later, when Mr. J. H. Skin­ner, president of the Merchants Trust &Savings Bank of St. Paul, was appointedUnited States Food Representative of theInter-Allied Council, which sits in Paris,Sherer joined him, and is now in France.Averill Tilden, ex-'10, is a First Lieut.,Air Service, Signal Corps, A. E. F., and hasbeen in France since November, 1917.Jefferson Myers, Ph.B., 1913, J.D., 1914,has been practicing law in Oury, Colorado,but is now in the American Aviation Serv­ice in France. His address is 15th For. Det.Air Service, A. R. D. 725, A. E. F., France.Lane Rehm, '14, has gone to Italy for' theAmerican Red Cross, after vainly endea vor­ing to get into the army, the navy, or avia­tion.Roderick Peattie, '14, and Mrs. Peattie(Margaret Rhodes, '14) announce the birthof a son, Roderick Elia, on March 26th, 1918.Sergeant Peattie sailed for France last J an­uary with Company B of the Twenty-ninthEngineers. Recently he has been in theSurvey Engineering School in France, study­ing Sound 'and Flash Range Finding. Hisspecial work is Topographical Mapping, andhe is to be connected with the Artillery.He writes: "Before I am through I amthrough I shall have had a full opportunityto use almost every bit of training I hadbefore the war. . .. I am in a great place.It is the guard room of an old Napoleonicbarracks. The garrison is a clean inclosure,out on sunny, gentle hills. All about us thefields are green. I was nev er in a more rest­ful place. The room I ani in is stone, floorand all. There' is a little fire-place. As soonas it gets dark my only light will be candle ..light. The place I washed up in this after­noon was fit for a cloister. We marchedhere this morning. Our company led acolumn of Americans through a town andout into the country. It was Sunday andthe town was out in its best. The womenhad wonderful stiff lace head-dresses andthe men queer broad black hats with rib­bons, and they drove to church in peculiarhigh-wheeled carts. I've .never been in atown more completely French, and its main attraction wasIn its provincialism. It wasmighty interesting to watch how the folkreceived us-all with interest. Some of' thegentlemen lifted their hats. One widowstood crying-Alas! we are too late for her.There are too many widows about. . . .Once we stopped to do honor to a militaryfuneral. The day was full of the complete­ness of France's sacrifice. I am proud tobe here to help her. Tonight I shall sit inthe guard room and smoke my pipe withthe old grenadiers."Guy Fairbrother, '16, is in France withthe 8th Provisional Ordnance Depot, Com­pany, A. E. F.Edward Reticker, '17, who is in Englandas a member of the statistical staff of theAmerican section of. the Allied MaritimeTransport Council (address 12 Eaton Square,London) writes:"The first London dinner of the AmericanUniversity Union in Europe (March 14) wasan inspiring occasion-a wonderful get to­gether of civilians and men in, uniform and awonderful show of college spirit of the uni­versal type. Viscount Bryce, former ambas­sador to the United States was the guest ofhonor and the white-haired and bearded oldman (he said he was an undergraduate sixtyyears ago), who has striven so hard forAnglo-American unity, was an impressivefigure as he painted a picture of a newunion of educated men. It was inspiringto hear him talk of Oxford and Cambridgemen of the future going to American Uni­versities instead of German ones for theirpost-graduate work, and prophesying thecommon interest and common understand­ing which must grow out of this commonsacrifice.The presence of some 200 at the dinnermade one realize that an American is notquite alone here. The dinner, however, waspretty largely a Harvard and Yale and allothers affair, as they each had twenty orthirty men, while I doubt if there were anyother institutions represented by more thanten. As for Chicagoans, Smith (HarrySmith, ex-'19) and Wardlow (Chester C.Wardlow, graduate work, 1913-17) found atthe table marked for Chicago and Michiganonly one other Maroon alumnus, a mannamed Balzer, a law man of about ten yearsago, who has been here five years withArmour & Company, in advertising, I think.If we Chicagoans were not numerous, wewere nevertheless noisy. There had beenplenty of Yale and Harvard and Princetonnoise, and two or three threesomes hadtried to make themselves heard. Then,when everybody had just finished "It's al­ways fair weather," and there was a second'squiet, we jumped up and gave a big "Hello"which took the roof off, as Rudy Mathewswould say. Then from another table an-ALUMNI AFFAIRS 267other alumnus (Moser, of about '03) camerunning, -and the five of us finished it offwith a "Chicago" that, I think, they heardin the Reynolds Club, Anyhow, afterwardswe couldn't make anybody believe that therewere only four or five of us.The Union, which is doing real servicein Paris, is just getting established here, andProfessor Cunliffe, of Columbia, with whomI had many interesting conversations on thetrip over, is coming back from Paris to bein charge here."First Lieutenant Royal F. Munger, '19,was recently commended in British GeneralOrders for bravery under fire. Munger wentout into "no man's land" at midnightwith two English officers of a regiment towhich he was attached as liaison officer.When they got near the German wire a ma­chine gun began firing at them. Both theBritish officers were killed immediately, butLieut. Munger made his way back to theBritish trench with one of the officers on hisback. He made another trip through ma­chine gun fire and brought back the other.It was his first trip out of the trenches.Lieut. Munger received his commissionat the second Fort Sheridan training camp.He applied for the first, but was rejectedbecause he stammered slightly. The defectdoes not seem to have affected his heart.Munger is a member of Delta Upsilon, andthough an undergraduate has published anumber of stories in popular magazines."Charlie" Higgins, '19, and Norman("Tiny") Hart, '17, have been appointed ser­geants in Base Hospital Unit No. 13, whichrecently left the University, and is now saidto be really on the way to France."OVER HERE" .Harry F. Atwood, '97, has publishedthrough Laird and Lee of Chicago "Backto the Republic: The Golden Me'an, theStandard Form of Government." He ar­gues that a democracy is promiscuous par­ticipa tion in direct government; that a re­public is in essence delegation of thepeople' s authority, He urges that democracym thi s sense IS dangerous; that the form ofthe republic is the only safe form. And heexplains historically and with diagrams justwhat he means. The book is short, simpleand clear. If you do not agree with it, youknow at least what it is you are disagreeingwith.Dr. Charles H. Treadwell, a graduate stu­dent in 1897, died in April in Chicago.From 1897 to 1917 he was a teacher of sci­enc·� in Marshall High School; in 1917 hetransferred to Hyde Park High. He is sur­vived by his wife, Harriet Taylor Treadwell,'11, and one son.Corinne L. Rice, Ph.B., 1899, J.D., 1908, has just concluded successfully a case underthe Federal Employers' Liability Act. Sherepresented the plaintiff 'in a suit for dam­ages for personal injuries suffered at Hud­son, Michigan, in the yards of the defend­ant railroad company while plaintiff waslevelling coal in a coal tower, the coal to beused in coaling interstate engines. In theMichigan Circuit Court they. recovered averdict and judgment of $a5,OOO, and thiswas affirmed by the Supreme Court of Mich­igan (Guy vs. Cincinnati Northern RailroadCompany, 166 N. W., 667). The defendanttook the case from there to the UnitedStates Supreme Court by petition for writ ofcertiorari, which was denied. During thedelay of these appellate proceedings thejudgment grew by the interest it carried;and the amount finally collected was about$40,000. An interesting thing to Miss Riceis that it gave her a fee of about $10,000.But the real interest of the case is tolawyers and in the questions of law raised.Among the defenses made were claims thatat the time of the accident the plaintiff wasnot employed by the defendant railroad,but by an independent contractor who hadcon tracted to supply the particular serviceto the railroad ; that the plaintiff was notthen engaged in interstate commerce andtherefore not under the Federal Act; thatthe defendant had not been guilty of anynegligence; that the plaintiff had assumedthe risk of such accident by accepting theemploym�nt; that the suit was barred by arelease grven by plaintiff's mother in hisname after the accident in considerationof a settlement of under $500 made by theforeman (independent contractor) underwhom the plaintiff worked. The case istherefore a decision upon the doctrine oflaw involved in each of the defensesclaimed.Miss Rice's office is at 1108 Cunard Build­ing, Chicago. She and Mr. A. H. Ranes,who was associated with her in this caseare office associates. And she has a good�sized general practice of her own.B. G. Nelson, '02, instructor in publicspeaking in the university, is stationed inWashington as associate director of FourMinute Men. He has been all over thecountry organizing and advising, but sincethe recent Liberty Loan campaign beganhas been stationed in Washington, writingbulletins and speeches. His only permanentaddress IS 5714 Dorchester Avenue. Hisplace on the executive committee of thefour-minute men in Chicago has been takenby Prof. R. L. Lyman.James M. Sheldon, '03, J.D., '05, captainof the 1903 football team, has been electedpresident of the Mutual Film Corporation.The Mutual is now distributing picturesstarring Charles Chaplin, Edna Goodrich,268 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO'MAGAZINEthe Charles Frohman stars, William Russell,Mary Miles Minter and Margarita Fischer.The roster of stars which have been in itsservice through the period of its historyincludes a majority of the celebrities of thescreen. Its gross output has ranged as higha's one million feet of motion pictures aweek.James M. Sheldon is known in the motionpicture business through his connection withthe Syndicate Film Corporation, as presi­dent of the Randolph Film Corporation andmore recently as head of the Empire All­Star Corporation. Prior to his motion-pic­ture connections Sheldon practiced law inChicago. Warren Gorrell, '00, has beenelected a director of the Mutual and PaulH. Davis, '11, is treasurer; three reasonswhy alumni will patronize the Mutual.J. Oscar Lofberg, A.B., '06, has just pub­lished his thesis on the subject, "Sycophancyin Athens." For two years he was teach­ing in the Oak Park, Ill., High School, butnow is an adjunct professor of Greek in theUniversity of Texas.Charles F. Axelson, '08, is in Washingtonin the Adjutant General's Department. Withhim are Arthur A. Goes, '08, and HarryFord, '04, formerly the president of theSaxon Motor Company. Axelson, who hasthe title of supervisor, is working under thedirection of the Committee of Classificationof Personnel, and travels from one armycamp to another, testing the efficiency of themethods used by the Personnel depart-ment. .This department, which has been butlately created, has for its task the inspec­tion of the various qualifications of all theselected men, and the placing of these menin the branch of the service for which theyseem to be best fitted. The work is natur­ally of the highest importance, and uponthe success of the methods employed willrest a great part of the efficiency of thearmy. , ,Hooper Pegues, ex.-'08, who has been forsome years in Alaska, has enlisted in theCanadian army. He is a lance corporal,No. 2021534, and he writes from the 1stDepot Batallion, Vancouver, B. C.:, April 11, 1918.I am in the army, and so far have no com­plaint to make, The training is not strenu­ous. In fact, I would like it better if therewas more actual drill, instruction and phy­sical training and less fussing about shiningbuttons, shoes and aggravating putteringabout. I suppose it is one of'the essentialsof discipline and helps one to forget that hisown interests and ambitions are of conse­quence. Anyway, I am learning to lookstraight ahead and when on parade I havea cigar stand wooden Indian beaten forimmobility.San Lyon, '07, and his wife (Helen Peck,'07) are living here and I see a great deal of them, They have a beautiful home andfour children. .I suppose you saw a letter I recentlywrote and know that we were quar­antined for some time. Had we not beenwe would probably be well on our way toEngland. The quarantine was lifted Mon­day evening and I suppose that before youreceive this I will be on my way East. I ammost fortunate in being able not to thinkof the future and in crossing no bridges be­fore I come to them. I do not resent beinga private at all. Someone has to be and Ireally think that for' a good rugged fight­ing man the ranks .is the place. If I canwork up from there I shall be proud. Iknow good men who have returned, dis­abled after months of service who are stillprivates, while men who are their physicaland intellectual inferiors are sporting offi­cers' stripes. I used to think that no onebelow the rank of Colonel amounted tomuch, but now I know that a Corporal isto be respected and that a Sergeant is apersonage with the powers of a Czar. I sup­pose an officer really has some function.They probably possess the "master minds"that direct operations. You see, so far wehave really had nothing very complicatedand the sergeants, with their stentorianvoices, and so much more effective drill mas­ters and the physical training instructorsso much more proficient in bayonet fighting.Our kit is limited to essentials, and althoughthere ought to be lots 'of room here, theauthorities probably figure that we mightas well become accustomed to crampedquarters and inconveniences.I am writing this in the "Y" and thenightly performance is [ust ' starting so Ishall have, to close abruptly,,The going is easy, but sometimes at thetheatres and concetts the songs and versesmake a fellow appreciate that it is hard forthe people at home, and at church I invari­ably get all choked up when they substitutethe recent version, "God Save Our SplendedMen" for "God Save the King."(Lights out.)Robert V. Titus, ex.-'l1, writes: I quit myjob with Marshall Field & Company October1st, came out to the University and tookthat Ordnance Course given under the direc­tion of the Government. At Rock IslandArsenal I did some interesting work in con­nection with the Taylor Scientific Manage­ment System in use there, writing a text­book for the training of Ordnance men andofficers. I was given an Ordnance Ser­geancy and ordered to headquarters of theAmerican Ordnance Base Depot in France,then in Washington. After two monthsthere was ordered to Camp Hancock,Georgia, where after a short intensive drillwe'll be shipped across. I was appointedSecond Lieutenant March 22nd, held to beALUMNI AFFAIRSquite a rare recognition hereabouts to begiven an enlisted man after only threemonths' service in the ranks.I might add that officers write us fromis a two-pound jar of tobacco, old man. Iam going to send one just like it the first ofevery month., You can count on it. Hopeabroad that it's a Godsend when some realfriend or relative goes about it thus: "Hereyou enjoy it." They remark that the pleas­ure of having things sent is immeasurablyincreased when a man can tell about howlong he has to make a certain supply of athing last, instead of continually thinking,"Doggone it, this shaving soap's near gone.Wonder if they have thought to send somemore by now?"H. C. Gifford, '11, has enlisted for servicein the U. S. N. R. F., Municipal Pier,Chicago.Oliver J. Lee, '12, Ph.D., '13, is director,School of Navigators, United States Ship­ping Board, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago. Hehas turned out 115 licensed deck officers,most of them now on active duty.Patty T. Newbold, '14, and Elizabeth New­bold, ex.-'17, are in Washington, workingin the Treasury Department. Their addressis The Wellington, 17th St. and Park RoadN. W., care of Mrs. Burt. Their office ad­dress is The Windsor Building, 17th and FSts. N. W.; telephone Franklin 2150. Theyare very anxious to get into touch withany Chicago alumnae in Washington.Helen Jeannette Thielens, '14 (Mrs. T. B.Phillips), has been for two years a corre­spondence instructor in Household Arts forthe American School of Home Economics.She has students now in practically everystate, as well as in Canada, Australia, andthe Philippines.Lieut. John M. Foote, ex.-'16, is instructorin "Stunt" flying at Rockwell Field, SanDiego, Cal.Dunlap Clark, '17, writes from Ft. Omaha,where he is a flying cadet:I have never studied before in my life.Had I worked this' way at the Universitythey'd have had to organize a new honorsociety. Two weeks ago we had our exam­inations and finished our ground course. Iwas fourth in a class of fifty-five. Ourcourse of work included training in thefollowing subjects: Artillery Observation,Military, Captive Balloon, Cordage, MapReading, Map Squares, Tower Observation,Winch (Gas Engine), Telephone, Meteor­ology, and Gases. Some course!V\Jhen I got here I was made a SectionLeader, being put in charge of about thirtycadets who entered when I did. A couple ofweeks ago I was appointed "Assistant Mili­tary Instructor" in a Special Order by MajorKennedy. I am the only one in the mili- 269tary instruction end beside Captain O'Brien,a West. Point man. I am in charge of thedrill of the cadets and teach about half theclasses. Capt. O'Brien is busy with hisofficers' classes. Before I can expect toget my commission I must complete 20hours of flights. Thus far I have had three.We have had some very windy weatherwhich made it inadvisable to put the captiveballoons up. I made my first ascent on arather windy day. I fed the birds. TodayI had three flights scheduled, but no balloonswent up because of the wind. We operateat a height of 1,000 or 1,200 feet, and learnto observe, spotting points on the groundfrom reference to the map, and vice versa.We have high power field glasses.Orno Roberts, 1910, entered at the sametime I did. Bill Gemmill, '19, came on abouta month after me. They are both cadets.Clough, who played a little baseball a coupleof years ago, and went. with the U. C. am­bulance group to Allentown, was here in thestraight meteorological department. He leftlast night for the East and expects to getright over. This Saturday evening the U. C.alumni here in Omaha are going to have abanquet at one of the hotels and Dean Mil­ler is to speak I shall be there in full force.I received a note from the secretary, andI was surprised, for frankly I had no ideathey knew I was here.I am in a room alone now, a pleasantchange after a barracks with 63 other men.I just got a letter from Gene Carlson theother day, telling of military affairs at theU. I was naturally much pleased last monthupon receiving a MAROON telling of Capt.McAndrew's appointment, and thought thatfinally things were breaking right for ourunit. But, according to Carlson's letter,there are only something like 126 men regis­tered for work this Spring. How do youaccount for this? Don't they know we areat war? Do the students think they can sittight and do nothing? Not that I advocatecollege men joining the colors, for I don't.But I certainly think that those who arestaying at home, and rightly, too, improvingthemselves so they may be of greater servicewhen the time comes, should give a littleof their time to military affairs, so that theywill not be absolute Lukes when they gointo the service. I also think that if theywill not do it of their own accord, theyshould be made to by the University author­ities, and NOW.Gustav E. Landt, '18, has entered thechemical service section of the EngineeringDepartment and is working in the Amer­ican University near Washington in the GasService Section.M. Kharasch has been inducted into serv­ice and will. serve as a, chemist first in theBureau of Standards and then in a largeGovernment manufacturing plant.270 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE\Association of DoctorsIn response to a letter from Dr. A. A.Holtz, Ph.M., '11, D.B.,· '12, relative to diffi­culties experienced hy the doctor returningto the campus in getting access to the stacksin Harper Library, the following communi­cation from the Director of Libraries wasreceived by the Secretary of the Associ­ation:"At a meeting of the Board of Librariesheld this morning, your letter of February21st, enclosing one from Mr. A. A. HQltz,was carefully considered. It was the judg­ment of the Board that no modification ofexisting rules is necessary or practicable,but "that a more general understanding ofthe existing situation is perhaps desirable."I beg leave to inquire whether it wouldseem to you wise and expedient to publishto the Doctors of the University throughyour office an announcement somewhat asfollows:"'Doctors of the University are at all timeswelcome to use the libraries of the U niver­sity for purposes of reading and consulta­tion. No formalities are necessary. Theprivilege of drawing books for use outsidethe Library, subject to the general rules ofthe Libraries, can be obtained on applicationto the Library Adviser of a departmentallibrary or at the Director's office in HarperMemorial Library. For a permit giving ad­mission to the stacks in the Harper Mem­orial Library application should also bemade at the office of the Director.'"For your information, I enclose copiesof the forms already in use. We have inmind the preparation of an additional onewhich can be used at a departmental librarywithout the necessity of applying to theDirector's office. May I direct your atten­tion also to Rules 40 and 41 in the enclosedcopy of the Rules of the Libraries?"Harry Foster Bain, Ph.D. geology, 1897,is Assistant Director of the Bureau ofMines in Washington, having left privatework in China for work here during theperiod of the war.Annie Marion MacLean, '00, is writingthe book reviews of sociological books forChicago Evening Post.Professor F. R. Moulton, Ph.D., '00, ofthe department of astronomy, University ofChicago, has been commissioned Major inthe Department of Ordnance and has leftfor Washington, where he will have fullcharge of the working of revising of therange tables to adopt them to the newartillery and modern conditions of warfare.The Government is spending two billions ofdollars on new guns and will fire two hun­dred thousand rounds in testing them andsecuring the data on which to base thenew range tables. R. H. McKee, '01, is in charge of indus­trial organic chemistry at Columbia U niver­sity. He was formerly head of the depart­ment of chemistry in the University ofMaine, where he initiated and developed alaboratory for the study of making pulpand paper, the first of its kind in any col­lege in the country.Professor Oswald Veblen, Ph.D., '03, ofthe Department of Mathematics, PrincetonUniversity, is a Captain of Ordnance andstationed at the Sandy Hook provinggrounds. 'Professor Thomas E. Doubt, '04, ofArmour Institute, has an article in thePhysical Review on "Talbot's Bands andthe Revolving Power of Spectroscopes,"which represents the results of his recentresearch.F. H. Pike, Ph.D., '07, Associate Pro­fessor of Physiology at Columbia Univer­sity, has been appointed consulting physiolo­gist in the U. S. Bureau of Mines. As soonas the laboratory which is being constructedis finished, he expects to go to work thereduring such time as he can spare from theUniversity. In the meantime he is prepar­ing a report on his views of the organi­zation of the nervous system for the useof the British Committee of Physiologistswho are studying shock as resulting fromwar conditions. A part of the report hasalready been sent to London.M. Lyle Spencer, Ph.D., 1910, is complet­ing a year of editorial work for the Mil­waukee J ournal. Having had this sabbaticalyear vacation, he will return to LawrenceCollege in September. His (1917) bookon N ews- Writing is in its third edition.Dean Jasper c. Barnes, '11, is presidentof the Association of Colleges of EastTennessee. 'Albert D. Brokaw, Ph.D. Geology, 1913,Assistant Professor. in this University, is inWashington until October 1st in connectionwith the Government's administration of theoil industry.J. C. Hossler, S.M., '13, has been electedpresident of the Illinois State Academy ofScience. He is Professor of Chemistry atJ ames Millikin University.Chester H. Leaton, '15, is in the SignalCorps of the Aerological Service and sta­tioned at St. Louis, Mo. He is workingunder Major Blair, Ph;D., who has recentlybeen in France studying the need of theservice.CarlO. Sauer, Ph.D. in Geography, 1915,is promoted from an instructorship to anassistan t professorship of Geography in theUniversity of Michigan.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIBOOK NOTICESThe Greek Theater and Its Drama byRoy C. Flickinger, professor of Greek atN �rthweste�n University, is a vigorous,animated history of Greek dramatic art.The noteworthy features of ancient dramaand its production, which are usually re­garded as unrelated, have been marshalledby the author under a coordinating principle.In addition, the material is freshened atevery point by the conclusions of the lat­est investigators. The range of topics dis­cussed is unusually wide; scores of books,magazines, and monographs would be re­quired to obtain the same information.Moreover, the results of the author's ownresearches appear on every page.The illustrative material is profuse, andmuch of it appears now for the first time.The bibliographical references are suffi­cient to put the reader in immediate touchwith the latest and most significant worksin the field. In recent years an importanttopic of investigation in the field of scenicantiquities has been dramatic technique,and this matter receives adequate attentionin the present volume. Parallels from thedramatic literature of other peoples andfrom modern dramatic theory are cited. Afull General Index makes it easy to reas­semble the material and examine it from adifferent point of view. The work is writ­ten in a style attractive to the generalreader and does not require a knowledge ofthe Greek language for its appreciation.The introduction is primarily intendedfor Greek students; yet the topics whichare there treated are presented so clearlythat few general readers will wish to omitit. It opens with a discussion of the an­cient notices dealing with the origin oftragedy and comedy, which rejects someof what the author regards as the vagariesof comparative anthropology, and yet doesnot hesitate to accept others of its conclu­sions which seem really valuable. Therefollows a full and up-to-date account of the .Greek theater, structurally considered.Especial attention is devoted to the stagequestion, this volume containing the firstadequate', sympathetic presentation ofDorpfeld's views in English.The complete Index of Passages, whichis appendefl to the volume, will enableteachers to emphasize the salient points ofantiquarian - interest in any play which theymay be reading with a class. (The Uni­versity of Chicago Press; $3.00.)What Is Christianity? by George Cross,Professor of Theology in Rochester Theo­logical Seminary. (The University of Chi­cago Press; $1.00.)The great war is significant of much morethan the issue between opposing political SERVICE based uponmore than fifty yearsof conservative bank­ing .is placed at the dis­posal of responsible firmsand individuals by theFirst National Bank ofChicago. Organized in1863 with a capital of $205,000,the bank today has capital andsurplus of $22,000,000. Itsdeposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$193,297,000 at the end of1917.Under its divisional organiza­tion depositors are classifiedaccording to their line of busi­ness and receive the close,prompt and personal attentionof officers who are specialistsin the financial needs of spe­cific lines.Calls or correspondence areinvited from those desiringcomplete, convenient and sat­isfactory financial service.The First NationalBank of ChicagoCharter No.8James B. Forgan,Chairman of the Board Frank O. Wetmore,President 271THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE272The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, VICE-PRESIDENTD. A. MOULTON, VICE-PRESIDENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTFRANK W. SMITH, SECRETARYJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T ,CASHIEREDWARD F. SCHOENECK, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERDIR�CTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLERBENJ AMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRERNEST A. HAMILLCHARLES H. HULBURD CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONMARTIN A. RYERSONJ. HARRY SELZ EDWARD A. SHEDDROBERT J. THORNE CHARLES H. WACKERForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits BOOK NOTICES-Continuedideals. The worth of the whole structureof modern civilization is being put to thetest. There is scarcely a single maxim ofconduct, custom or institution of Chris­tendom that has not been assailed or sub­j ected to revaluation in the course of thestruggle. It is probing the depths of thehuman spirit and disclosing the most po..;tent forces latent in our nature. The strainis felt the most painfully in the religiousrealm and' particularly in Christianity, inas much as most of the peoples involvedare professedly Christian.From a date long prior to the war greatchanges have been in progress in the in­ternal life of the Christian churches. Theirconviction as to the significance of theGospel for the present life of men has beenbroadened and intensified. Their knowl­edge of the history of the 'Christian faithhas greatly increased their understandingof its character. Their sympathy withscientific and philosophic investigation hasbeen deepened. The Christian mind haslately undergone a great transition.I t must be evident that the competencyof the inherited views of the Christian re­ligion to maintain their hold on' the confi­dence of intelligent men and to exercise acontrolling influence on the affairs of na­tions, as well as individuals, is seriously inquestion. A reinterpretation of our faith isessential to the prosperity of the faith it­self. It is imperative that this task be un­dertaken.The work of Professor Cross, "What isChristianity? A Study of Rival Interpre­tations," is an attempt to indicate the man­ner and the direction in which this maybe most successfully accomplished. Themethod of the book is, in short, the his­torical-experimential. The new consciousiriterpr etation which the thinker is now re­quired to produce is not to proceed by wayof opposition to the earlier interpretations,but it is to be arrived at by means of asympathetic understanding of these, and bycarrying forward the good that is in themit is to reach a most adequate view of thesignificance of our faith in such a worldas the present.In pursuit of this aim the great typicalinterpretations, as these have appeared inthe lives of Christian peoples in successiveages and in the works of their great think­ers, are set forth and evaluated. This leadsup to an attempt to anticipate the govern­ing elements of the new interpretation thatis now painfully emerging into light. Itis evidently the author's intention to fol­low this' first instalment of his thought withanother volume exhibiting his view more indetail.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27325 Charts in SetMILITARY INSTRUCTION CHlRTSSCHOOL OF THE SOLDIEROROER ARMS TO RIGHT SMOULOER lRMS LEARN TO DRILLLIKE REGULARSActual size llx14 inches Military efficiency of a high order is only ob­tained by continuous study and drill. You canreach the regular army standard by using ourMilitary Instruction Charts, which teach themanual of arms in complete detail, the care ofthe army rifle, and the correct ways to shoot.Used in Reserve Officers' Training Camps,schools, colleges, and extensively in the Regu­lar Army. If you have a son, brother or friendin the National Army, a set of these charts willaid him in getting promotion. If you, your­self are studying for a commission, they willmake you more proficient. Highest endorse­ments. Edited by Lieut. Col. George S. Si­monds, U. S. A., until recently Senior TacticalOfficer at West Point. Endorsed by GeneralLeonard Wood.PRICE THREE DOLLARS, POSTPAIDNo More Sets Sold at Reduced PricesNATIONAL ARMY SCHOOL314 East 23rd St., New York Ci tyMINNEAPOLIS----MOSER--­SHORTHAND COLLEGEEnrolls high school and Academygraduates exclusively in day school.Secretarial and stenographic coursesare therefore unusually thorough;surroundings refined and congenial.----SUMMER COURSES ---­PAUL MOSER. Prin.,Ph. B. 1910. J. D. 1912. U. of c.MOSER SHORTHAND COLLEGE116 S. Michigan Ave. Central 51581.!75 ROOMS A'll $1.75 TO $2.50 PER DAY,409 ROOMSMODERN � FIRE PROOFSupport our advertisers! A VOCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS PAYSExplanatory Leaflet on RequestE. G. BRADFORD, Specialist,P. O. Box 178 Brooklyn, N. Y.They support the Magazine!274 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBasebal1.-Contrary to all expectation,Chicago has a good nine this spring. Thesettling down process has produced V 011-mer '20, and Bryan '20, as catchers; Hinkle'20, and Terhune '19, pitchers; Sproehnle'20, first base; Captain Rudolph '18, secondbase; Smith and Long '19, short-stops;'Mochel '20, third base, and Serck '20, Elton'20, O'Brien '20, and Smith '19, outfielders.Long has also been used at first, Bryan,Hinkle and Terhune' in the outfield. It is asmall squad, but versatile. Short-stop seemsto be the weak spot.The first conference game, on April 25,with Iowa at Iowa City, was a terrible af­fair. Hinkle could not pitch and the fielderscould not field, and Iowa won 9-4. OnMay 3 and 4 Michigan was met at AnnArbor, the games resulting in a victory forMichigan 1-0 on Friday and for Chicago7-3 on Saturday. Hinkle pitched on Fridayand held the Michigan men to three hits,but a triple and a single coming together inthe first inning produced a run, which wasenough to win. Chicago collected five hitsand five bases on balls off Ruzicka, butcould not bunch its efforts. On Saturday,Terhune allowed Michigan five hits, Chicagogetting six off Captain Glenn of Michigan,and scoring four runs in the seventh inningon an error, two bases on balls, and threelong singles. Six thousand people saw theSaturday game. Illinois won 9-2 on May10; Wisconsin was beaten 6-5 on May 11,and Purdue 4-0 on May 15. Chicago hasnow won three and lost three games.Track.-The track squad, by the enlist­ment of Brelos '18, Curtis '19, and Jackson'20, is reduced to microscopic proportions.At the Drake games (at Des Moines onYou have a standing invitation to caU and insped ourplant and np-te-date facilities. We own the building aswell as our printing· plant, and pperate beth to meetthe requirements of our customers.. CATALOGUE and PRINTERSROGE���T��LI. co. PUB LIe AT IONCHICAGOOne of the larg­est and mostcomplete Print­ing plants in theUnited States. Make a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseWE;· PRINT Estim��! �:",... .....'-11 .. d .,...�·t" of Your Next\l1..RC wuV ..... gl '1J Printing Order<lrIttmg It � (We AreStrong 0 n Our. 0 aga)lut Specialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381Printing �ndAdvertising Ad·visers and theCo�operativeandClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications April 20)· Chicago won the two-mile relay,was second in the one-mile and third in thefour-mile. Chicago started a team in the. half-mile, but Annan '19, the first runner,was so badly spiked by an opponent that hecould not finish, and will not be able to runagain till late in May. As a result a greenman had to be started in the mile relay, andChicago lost that also. The runners in themile were Henry '20, Kennedy '20, Speer'20, and Feuerstein '18. In the two-mile,Lewis '20, Greene '19, and McCosh '19, ran,and in the mile Speer '20, Lewis '20, Moore'20, and McCosh '19. The races were runin a heavy snow, and the times were veryslow.At Philadelphia on April 26 and 27, Chi­cago entered two races, winning the dis­tance medley on Friday and taking secondin the two-mile on Saturday. In the dis­tance medley, Feuerstein ran the quarter,Greene the half, Lewis the three-quartersand McCosh the mile. The time was 11 :04 2-5.In the two-mile Speer was substituted for. Lewis; Massachusetts Institute of Tech­nology won in 8 :19 3-5. Gorgas '19 was sec­ond in the discus and fourth in the shot put.Against Illinois, on May 10, Chicago pre­sented Buchman '20, Henry '20, and Feuer­stein '18 in the sprints; Nicely and Ames'19 in the hurdles; Kennedy '20, Speer '20,Greene '19, Lewis '20, ·Moore '20 and Mc­Cosh '19 in the longer runs; Feuerstein inthe broad jump; Williams in the high jump;Ries in the pole vault; Erelos '18 (compet­-ing for the last time for Chicago) in thehammer; Grossman '20 in the javelin, andGorgas '19· in the shot and discus-eighteenmen all told in sixteen events. Illinoiswon by the score of 70� to 65�.Paul H.Davis& GompangWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize in un­listed stocks and bonds-quo­tations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS, '11.N. Y. Life Bldg.� CHICAGO - Rand. 2281THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1647 Teachers NeededTwenty-four Days.D uri n g twenty-four consecutiveworking days last season employersasked us to recommend 1,647 teachersfor positions in thirty-two states. Noenrollment fee necessary. Easy terms.Department of Education, WesternReference and Bond Association, 761Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. .InTel. Central 5336275Employers and College WomenWanted at theChicagoof Collegiate BureauOccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Adv011:ising Assistants. LaboratoryTechnicians. Apprentice Executives. Book ... keepers,Draughtswornen and Secretaries and in other lines.904 Stovens Bldg.17 N. State St.The Colorado Teachers' AgencyA high-class Agency whose superior facilities appeal especially to those who are available forpositions as Superintendent, Supervisor. High School Principal, or special teachers in HighSchool. Normal School and College.Communicate with FRED DICK, Manager, 504-505 Kittredge Building. Denver ColoradoTEACH ERS' AGENCY28 LJackson Blvd Chicago T<>thisorganization-national inseop,,--em •., ployers and teaehers naturally torn 10 mak·Boston Me"York Birmingham Denver in ... a surve, of the whole educational fieldPortland Berkele, Los ADgeles for best teach ere and teaohing opportunitl ...Sabins' Educational Exchange (Irrc.) F°is'9'AedOUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY TWENTY·FIVE YEARS of Successful Service.Tens of Thousands have been located in good teach­ing positions. Our Contract plain. Our terms most liberal. Write for our plans. Our territory extends fromthe Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast.Flynn Building •• DES MOINES, IOWAAlbert Teachers'Agency"Teaching as a Business,"with chapters on War, SaI­aries, etc. ,sent free. Thirty-third year. Register in fouroffices with one fee. Branch offices-25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago "_ y_ 437 "t. Aft. Don..... " ...... ald.. _.t ... _ B' ....TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good potition. we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManqerSup(Jort our advertisers I They m(Jporl IhI MOIl"",el276 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE§!JlllJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJJItlllJlllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlIlIllJllllllllIllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�.� Worb to the �Uumnt- ---�bis is an.ISJe of bemotratp.1ft is an age, too, wben tbinking people are �tanbing bpin�titutions tbat babe probeb tbemseIbe� stauntb sup=porteu of intelligent bemocratit printiple�.tEbe tCbitago �meritan - a great ebening newspaper­bas alluaps neen sutb an tnsttnuum. 3Jt inbitt� POUtto=opetation in tbe work of bemotratp it i� ton�tantIp�ttking to abbauct.tE-be ((bicago §mericani"IllUIllIllIllIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIlIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIlIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIlIliIi1I1111111111nlllllilUllIIIIUlllIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIlIIIIUlIIIUlUlUIIIllIIIIIIIUllUlllllllUllUIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUliJUIIUlllllUUlllllllllllUlIUUlllllllliI ·'Butlt-In II .. II II Supe"dorttyJ' iI WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAIL II MEN'S SHOES I; Success has followed honest and progressive endeavor. II Both in our shoes and in the manner- of 'our service, I� we have symbolized Quality. �I THREE CHICAGO SHOPS II 106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St. II 29 E. Jackson Blvd. If.illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillHIIIIIIIIIIlIII1111111111111111l11l111111111111111111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111I111ll111l1l11111111l1111111111111l11!IIU1I11I1II1I1I1l1ll1ll1fI1I1I111II111UIIIIIIIUllllllllllllillitffiSupport our advertisersl They support the MagazinelTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 277@f11II1II1III1I1111lllllllllllllllilllllllllllfilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ:§i �be butp of a ne\u�paper to ft� ccmmunttr !Joe� lleponb tbe nems anb II amusements. II �be ctCbicago �xaminer ba� trieb to serue it� reaners. II 3Jn line wftb tbi� be�ire tbe �xamfner ba� prtnteb: II u:mp jfour �ear� in �ermanp," tbe book bl' ex=�mba�sabor =I jJame� g. C!9trarb.I Heber �be�op," tbe da��ic of war stories, Ill' �rtbur �u!' QEmpep.I H�be jfaU of tbe �omanoffs," bp lHlfobor.I H�n �irman's ®uting," bp 180!,b (tCable.I "J)iplomatic!\eports (!onceming ;Gdgfum" .llp jSranb mtbftloclt.I 3Jn turtheranee of tbi� polte!, tbe mail!' anb �unba!, QfxaminefI will number among ft� rcntrtbutcrs:I �ir �ttbur (!tonan 1!ldple �eorge ;Gernarb �baluI 1Jan �ap lllr .• oobs �utcbinsonI :mrs. �umpbtep .arb �tnolb .ennett====;=======_� �. � .• ells �all (taine1Ebt JLonbon bureau ba� been reorgani?eb unber that brilliant corresponb=ent j}etuton �. �arke.1Ebe �ar"� bureau is being serueb b!, a superb staff beabeb bl' (tC. jf.I l8ertelli anb �enr!, �. gales._�11Il1I1I1111I111111111I111I11111111111111111111I11111111I111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfilllllllllllnlllll:llllllllllllili11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1l111111111l111111111111I111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111Im· Pleasant EconomyAt this time, the conservation of food is of vital import­ance to the Government.It- is not only our patriotic duty to economize on our tables, but it is alsoessential that we choose those foods which will give the most energyvalue for the least money.Swift's PremiumOleomargarineenables you to save 15 to 20 cents a poundon one food item without the sacrifice ofone iota of food energy value.Swift's Premium Oleomargarine is sweet,pure and clean-not touched by hand in themaking or packing.Excellent on bread-fine for cooking andbaking.Swift & CompanyU.S.A.278 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAt the Reunion.gluring the inspection of build­ings, we. desire to call your attention to thefurniture ·in Ida Noyes Hall. Many fine piecesfrom the Colby stock or made to order in ourfactories.JOHN A. COLBY & SONSFURNITURE129 N. Wabash AvenueCHICAGOALUMNI-We �re the jfirst �tubioto obtain immediate renewal of theCap and Gown contract.To introduce to AlumnimagUerre �rt �rints(in French-gray finish)The newest, most artistic creationin photography.We offer�brte m",guerre �rtprintsSize 10x14 inches. or�ix maguerre .�rtprintsSize 7x 11 inches. forjf ibe lJaollars(Regular price. 10x14, $3000 per doz; 7xl1. $1500per doz.)1!\aguerre �tubioTop Floor McClurg Building,214 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGOPhone Harrison 7684 for appointment FederalHouseholdAppliances-SAVE-TIMEMONEYWORKWRITE US TODA YFEDERAL SIGNSYSTEM ELECTRICLake and Desplaines Sts.'CHICAGOSupport our aduertisers l They�'suppor't the Magazine!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 279Training for Executive WorkBusiness today calls for the leadership of trained men. It needs expert account­ants, auditors, comptrollers, business managers, banking experts, office managers,cost accountants, sales managers, traffic managers, interstate commerce experts andbusiness correspondents.The late James J. Hill said: "There will never be too many trained executives."College men, as well as others, often need additional training of a distinctlypractical character-something a little different from what they have had-beforethey find themselves. .• The LaSalle training is thoro and practical. Each department. is under thedirection of a business or professional expert. The staff of over 300 instructors,administrators and assistants numbers many U. of C. graduates. Samuel MacClin­tock, Ph.D., is General Educational Director.Write for information concerning:Business Administration:Under direction of WilliamBethke, A.M., formerly of Uni­versi ty of Colorado.Caw:Under direction of RichardC. Samsel, A.B., J.D., Memberof Illinois Bar.Effective Public Speaking:Under direction of F. W.Dignan, Ph.D., formerly ofUniversity of Chicago. Higher Accountancy:Under direction of WilliamB. Castenholz, A.M., C.P.A.,M.A.I.A., formerly Comptrollerand Instructor in Accountancy,University of Illinois. Banking and Finance:Under direction of FrederickThulin, L.L.B., formerly withUnion Trust Company.Business Correspondence:Under direction of F. w,Dignan, Ph.D., formerly of Uni­versity of Chicago.Interstate Commerce andRailway Traffic:Under direction of N. D.Chapin, formerly Chief ofTariff Bureau, The New YorkCen tral Railroad. Commercial Spanish:Under direction of Luis E.Rodriguez, formerly of ArmourInstitute of Technology.LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 4046 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGOFLOORScp'\:e Editor of the. LON DON PROCESSWORKER Said-"I found theJAHN and OLLlERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up-to-DateEn�ravin� Plantin Chicago"�.J .: ::::::nl::::?tk.:.::.::::::�:q.::;.�::�:���.:: .. :.: fi�n &Ollier IngravinelD�COLOR. PROCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES -ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (COMMERCIAL) SKETCHES &.DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGOHere ere fwelve successful menprepdrin� for sfill4,reafer success-and how the lesson they have learnedis directly applicable to You!James Leffel &L Company, Springfield, Ohio, maketurbine engines-good turbine engines,Twelve men in this organization are enrolled in theAlexander Hamilton Institute. Most of them are pastmiddle ege, Included in this group are the President,Vice-Presidentand General Man­ager, T re csurer. theSales Manager,Superintendent,two de pa r t m e ntmanagers, a sales­man.t v o drnftsrnenand two foremen.The motive thatprompted thesemen to enrol wasthe dere rrru n at ronto better themselves=-to learn how todevelop their positions-to make themselves and theirwork just one hundred per cent worth while,To accomplish this, for these men in their maturityof years. there was only one open course, only oneway. There was only one thing to do:To master the ess=nlials of business-to acquire a first­hand and practical knowledge of h n» all business successis huilt-to absorh for application in their own dav's workthose business facts and bas c fundamentals which under­lie all business.These men are acquiring valuablemental capitalThese men have all progressed far along the busi­ness highway. But they realized the need for some­thing greater than their own experience to carrythem on.The bigger the man in business. the greater thenatural need to absorb more business knowledge­the stronger the desire to have actual contact withother great business minds.No bus mess bram can be successfully nourishedwithout u.;mg as a feeder the best product of othermore successful brains,The function of the Alexander Hamilton InstituteIS to give you thru its Modern Business Course andService the best thought and experience of hundredsof successful busine�s men-to bring them to you inthe most practical. most interesting and easily read­able form for absorption in your leisure time.The Course and Service gives you a thoro under­"dl,UlIlg of business fundamentals, Once mastered,they can be applied successfully to any business,If vou are an Executive III your own business or another's, to develop yourself and your work, youneed the positive helpfulness the Alexander HamiltonInstitute can bring.If your eye is on the EXf'.cutive desk ahead, you needthe business information th:s Course furnishes. Youneed It more nowthan ever becausethe need for betterExecutives is great­er now than thebusiness world hasever known.Wherever thewheel of busi­ness turns­the need isgreatOpportun i tiesabound in everyfield. The demand for trained men is far and awayIII excess of the supply. The war is forcing thou­sands of businesses to readjust their Executive staff.Every man called for duty "over there" affects thestatus of some other one man here.The sooner you enrol. the sooner there is broughtto you the business information that has been success­fully applied by hundreds of our subscribers.Advisory CouncilThis Council includes Frank A, Vanderlip, Presi­dent of the National City Bank of New York; JudgeE. H, Gary, head of the United States Steel Corpo­ration; John Hays Hammond. the eminent engineer;Jeremiah W. Jenks. the statistician and economist;and Joseph French Johnson, Dean of the New YorkUniversity School of Commerce,Get further informationA careful reading of the interesting 112-page book, "ForgingAhead In Business," which we: will send you. free, will show youhow you can develop yourself for higger responsibilities the sameas these twelve men in the Leffel Company ace doing.Every man and woman with either 8 business or a career toguide 10 bigger, Slifer success should read this book. Simply fillout and send the coupon below.Alexander Hamilton Institute�,�o� _�s!:>� �I�� N_e�_ ���S�ySend me .. FORGING AHEADIN BUSINESS"-FreeName __BusinessAddress _Busin-ssPositic n _Print here.. �-="''''-"/�/-�fJust the drink after drill-or any other stiff bit; of work. Keeps army andnavy men fit and ready-and college men, too-s-breaks theroutine of training without breaking the rules.A sparkling, healthful, true cereal beverage prepared fromchoice grains and imported Saazer hops.Serve:" at best places everywhere, in the quaint Bevo bottle,hermetically patent-crowned to insure original pUrity e Famlt>iliee supplied by groceZ-1>Manufactured and bottled exclusively byAnheuser-Busch St. Louis, Ue Se AeShould be se�'V�d colduThe all-yearill'round soft drink'·THE GREEK THEATREAND ITS DRAMABy ROY C. FLICKINGERProfessor of Greek and L�tin, Northwestern UniversityHE noteworthy features of ancient drama and its pro­duction, which are usually regarded as unrelated, havebeen marshaled by the author under one co-ordinatingprinciple. The material is freshened at every point byconclusions of the latest investigators. The range of topicsdiscussed is unusually wide; scores of books, magazines, andmonographs would be required to obtain the same information.Moreover, the' results of the author"s o�n researches appearon every page. The illustrative material is profuse, and muchof it appears now for the first time. The bibliographical refer­ences are sufficient to put the reader in immediate touch withthe latestand most significant works in the field.A full General Index makes it easy to reassemble th� ma-\terial and examine it from a different point of view. To anyserious student of the drama, whether ancient or modern, thework is indispensable. It is written in a style attractive tothe general reader, and presupposes no knowledge of the Gree�language.The complete Index of Passages which is appended to thevolume will enable teachers to emphasize the salient points ofantiquarian interest in any play which they may be readingwith a class.xxviii+342 pages, cloth; $3.00, postage extra (weight 2 Ibs. 11 oz.)THE UNIVERS,ITY OF CH�CAGO PRESSCHICAGO 5859 Ellis, ,Avenue ' ILLINOIS