NOTICE TO READERAfter reading this copy place a 1 cent stamp here. handsame to any postal employee and it will be placed in thehands of a soldier or sailor at the front. No wrapping;no address - A. S. Burleson, Postmaster General.PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COONCIL\Vol. X No.6 April, 1918PUBLISHED RECENTLYTheQuarter�Centennial Celebrationof the University of Chicago, 1916By DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSONAssociate Professor of English. The University of Chicago. Secretary to the PresidentThis commemorative volume contains not onlyinteresting accounts of the Quinquennial celebra­tion, the Decennial, and the general outline of theevents of the Quarter-Centennial, but also manynotable addresses.It includes accounts of especially significantevents like the alumni and student celebration,the departmental conferences, the fiftieth anniver­sary of the Divinity School, and the dedication ofIda Noyes Hall. Numerous photogravures addto the attractiveness of the book.246 pages; $1.50, postage extra (weight lib. 14 oz.]A COMPANION VOLUMEThe University of ChicagoAn Official GuideBy DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSONA book 'for those who want accurate, con­densed information about the University and asouvenir of pleasant hours or years on the Chicagocampus. It gives in convenient form profuse in ...formation about the University, its history, build­ings, grounds and customs.134 pages; 25 cents (postpaid 29 cents)SEND ORDERS TOThe University of Chicago Press5859 ELLIS AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIStltbe Wntbetsitp of C!tbtcago JMaga�tneEditor, JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Assistant Editor, JAMES C. HEMPHILL, '19.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill; U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. V Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. 11" Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).� Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local ch eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer-sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. .Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch 3, 1879.VOL. X. CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1918. No.6.BOOK NOTICES .............................•............................................ 211THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS........................................................... 213FRONTISPIECE: Hawley Brownell Olmstead, '17.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION . 215THE UNIVERSITY VOLUNTEER UNIT 216THE CONDITION OF THE FRATERNITIES 217DEMOCRACY AND THE WORLD-ORDER" by F. D. Bramhall, '02 218ON THE QUADRANGLES, by Lee Ettelson, '18 . .- 220THE UNIVERSITY REC·ORD � .. � : . . . . . . . .. 221THE LETTER-Box � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 222ALUMNI AFFAIRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 226Eastern Alumni Association; Chicago Alumnae Club; Oklahoma Alumni; "OverThere"; Over Here"; The Law School Association.A""HLETICS 238The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, SCOTT BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1917-18 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MISS SHIRLEY FARR, RUTH PROSSER, JOHNFRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAw­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN, HARVEY HARRIS.From the Associatio'n of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED,MRS. HANNAH CLARK POWELL.From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSP�, WARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALICE GREEN ACRE, JOSE W. HOOVER, WM. P.MACCRACKEN.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.Front the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARTHA LANDERS THOMPSON, DOROTHY EDWARDS,MRS. HAZEL KELLY MANVILLE.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNl ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER L. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HUGO M. FRIEND, 137 S. La Salle St.Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary 0 f the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues 'for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including SUbscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.BOOK NOTICES 211Book NoticesOne of the most elaborate sociologicalvolumes published in recent years by theUniversity Press is The Polish Peasant inEurope and America, by Professor William1. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki, who isnow giving courses at Chicago. The wholework is to be in five volumes, of which thefirst two are now ready. They comprise astudy, in over eleven hundred pages, of theorganization of the peasant primary groups(family and commune), and of the partialevolution of this system of organizationunder the influence of the new industrialsystem and of immigration to America andGermany. The materials are selected fromabout 15,000 peasant letters (many of themfrom America) and Volume I contains ageneral introduction of 250 pages. The thirdvolume will be the autobiography of a Po­lish peasant, with a minute view of Polishpeasant character and customs. Volume fourcontains a great deal of material on radicaland revolutionary movements among thePoles. Volume five is based on studies ofthe Polish immigrant and has a special bear­ing on the question of our immigrationpolicy after the war. All the materials havethe interest of the "human document" in itsmost naive form. � (The University of Chi­cago Press; Vols. I and II, now ready,$5.50; not sold separately.)Anyone who has a child in school willhe interested in an elaborate report onScientific Method in the Reconstruction ofNinth-Grade Mathematics, prepared by HaroldO. Rugg, Assistant Professor of Educationin the University, and ]. R. Clark, teacherof mathematics in the Harper High School.The whole problem of teaching mathematicsin the grades makes the poor parent a so­cial revolutionist. Why should his child beso badgered about inessentials and emergeso unacquainted with either the principlesor the processes of rapid and accurate rea­soning and calculation? Prof. Rugg andMr. Clark have been experimenting since1913. Now they suggest herein a complete­ly reconstructed course of study as an out­come of tabular analyses of both school andoccupational needs and a careful study ofthe psychological outcomes of instruction.This is more than a report on standardizedtests in secondary mathematics. It is anevaluation of the measuring movement ineducation, and sets forth a systematic pro­gram for future procedure. (The U niver­sity of Chicago Press: $1.0'0.)Edwin P. Hubble, '10, was awarded aRhodes Scholarship at Oxford; returned toChicago, where he took his doctor's degree;attended the first training camp at FortSheridan, and was made a captain in artil­lery; has since been promoted to major. /N ow from Camp Grant he looks on benev- olently at the appearance of his PhotographicInvestigations of Faint Nebulae, which ap­pears as Vol. IV, No.2, of the publicationsof the Yerkes Observatory. Hubble wascaptain of the track team, and on occasion,in the high jump, struck the stars with hissublime head. This volume is, however, theresult of more recent and more scientificstudy. (The University of Chicago Press:$1.00.)Elizabeth E. Miller, instructor in Art inthe School of Education, has written a shortbook on The Dramatisation of Bible Stories.I ts purpose is to show teachers how to pre­sent such material most effectively. It isa presentation of the methods and resultsof dramatic work that has been carried onfor several years by the author in adaptingthe striking Biblical stories for presen ta­tion by children. The book presents goodreasons for leading children to dramatizegreat religious stories; it develops the proc­ess of creating a drama from a Biblicalstory; shows stories in all stages of de­velopmen t by children engaged in theirdramatization; and suggests simple andpractical directions for staging. (The Uni­versity of Chicago Press: $1.00.)Among recent reprints by the Press aretwo volumes by alumni. One is The Story ofthe New Testament, by Edgar J. Goodspeed,B. D., '97, 'Ph. D., '98. The book is a straight­forward account of just what its title indi­cates, written with the skill that makes allof Edgar Goodspeed's work readable,whether it is serious, as here, or in [eu« d' es­prit. The other is Elements of Debating, byL. S. Lyon, '10. Lyon coached the JolietHigh School debating teams for some yearswi th steady success. He is now an in­structor in economics at Chicago. The bookis about the clearest and simplest explana­tion "how to debate" on tlre market. Bothare published by the University of Chi­cago Press '($1.00 each).Alumni who do not own Dr. Goodspeed'sHistory of the University of Chicago are cut­ting themselves off from the only reallysignificant source of information about theUniversity's past. The history is perhapsmost valuable on the period of founding,1887-1892; but the elaborate account of thefirst year is the most dramatic chapter.There are twenty-two full-page illustra­tions, the finest. series concerning the uni-- versity yet produced. It is a big book, allof value. Dr. Goodspeed is still, thoughnow retired, in his regular health and vigor.Perhaps he will write his autobio.graphysome day-as here he has written it in part,for he was intimately concerned- in theUniversity's. history. (The University ofChicago Press: $3.00.)212 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"CHICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that these are all Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favoring YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 JAMES A. DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATE1 make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the UniversityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance, including Fire, Burglary,Automobile, Life, Accident, Health.1500 E. 57th STREET. corner Harper AvenueTelephone. Hyde Park 136Ben H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 TEL. WABASH 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMARINE I NSURANCE ESPECIALLYROOM 1229, INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING175 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGONorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, '15INSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 400Mortimer L. Cahill. Ex �06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO ASK HOWES and will be glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex '13, Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGOJohn J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE, MANNING & CLEARYINSURANCE175 West Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer, Ex '85INSURANCEIn All Its BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fidelity and Casualty134 ·S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 5 J 00IDLENESS, either physical or mental,. tears down your ability to work. Idle Money-Money not utilized for somecreative enterprise-becomes the curse of an individual or a people. Money can be out at work on a very profitableand safe basis to bring achievement of those wishes and desires you have for yourself and family. It is a privilegeto have one thousand dollars to invest at the present rates of interest and the present basis of dividends. Americanenterprises were never so well established as now. For our recommendat.ions. write or call.A. D. O'NEILL & CO., Investment BankersA. D. O'Neill, Ph.B., 1912. 208 S. La Salle St., CH ICAGOSupport our advertisers! They suP/U)rt the Magazine!ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS 213Association of DoctorsN. R. \Nilson, Ph. D., '87, is a lieutenant,Royal Garrison Artillery, care of Messrs.Cox & Co., 16 Charing Cross, London,S. W. England.] ohn Coulter, Ph. D., 1900, has been inFrance for a year, first in the French ambu­lance service, and since last October inY. M. C. A. work in charge of the enter­tainment features in the American camps,chiefly in the form of lecturers. In visit­ing the camps, and especially the front linetrenches, he had become impressed by thewonderful gardens maintained by the Ger­mans as near the front as possible. Heurged that the same thing be done by theallies; as a result, he was summoned toheadquarters, been given the rank of cap­tain, and put in charge of the establish­ment of kitchen gardens, designed to sup­ply the entire army in France with greenvegetables.Charles J. Bushnell, Ph. D., '01, has ac­cepted the position of professor of sociol­ogy and economics in the PennsylvaniaMilitary College, Chester, Pa.]. R. Me.Arthur, Ph. D., '02, is actinghead of the department of English languageat Kansas State Agricultural.William H. Allison, Ph. D., '05, IS teach­ing church history and also giving a seriesof public lectures for Colgate University on"International Policies and Democracy,1814-1914."Fred W. Upson, Ph. D., in chemistry,'10, who has been professor of chemistryin the agricultural college of the Universityof Nebraska, has been made head of thedepartment of chemistry in the universityproper and will have charge of the two de­partments in the university and in the agri­cultural college.A. C. Trowbridge, '07, Ph. D., '11, whohas been educational secretary at the Y. M.C. A. of Camp Dodge, will resume histeaching of geology at the University ofIowa and the University of Chicago thissummer. Dr. Harlan L. Trumbull, Ph. D., '11, wasreported in a recent issue as having beenappointed captain in the ordnance reservecorps. Dr. Trumbull is, however, a firstlieutenant in that corps. He has been as­signed to duty in the trench warfare sec­tion.Robert K. Nabours, Ph. D., '11, now atKansas State Agricultural College, is doingimportant research work on inheritance inOrthoptera. The October, 1917, number ofthe English Journal of Genetics was de­voted to two papers by Dr. Nabours andone by his assistant, A. W. Bellamy, nowa fellow in zoology at Chicago.Mr. H. H. Kuy, Swift fellow in chemistry,has been made head of the department ofchemistry at the Kansas State AgriculturalCollege.R. R. Price, ex., has been made actingdean of the division of general science atKansas State Agricultural.Norma E. Pfeiffer, Ph. D., '13, assistantprofessor of botany in the State Universityof North Dakota, is absent on leave dur­ing the second semester. Dr. Pfeiffer isengaged in research at the Missouri Bo­tanical Gardens in St. Louis.Harold Nelson, Ph. D., '13, is professorof history at the Syrian Protestant College.Frank C. Jordan, Ph. D., '14, has beenappointed acting director of the AlleghenyObservatory, Pittsburgh, Pa., to continueas such during the continuance of the war.Stephen S. Visher, '09, Ph. D., '14, is aland classifier in the United States Geo­logical Survey, engaged in determiningwhat use parts of the slightly used mil­lions of acres of public lands in the morearid parts of the western states can bestbe put to.John W. Campbell, Ph. D., '15, is in theCanadian Officers' Training Corps, 42 Lans-'downe avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.C. H. Maxson, Ph. D., '15, is assistantprofessor of political science at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania.MINNEAPOLIS409 ROOMS275 ROOMS All 81.75 TO $2.50 PER DAY.MODERN - FIRE PROOFSupport our advertisers! They S14pport the Magazi1le!Hawley Brownell Olmstead, '17, was the first student of the University, and theonly one, 50 far as information has yet been received, to die for his country in France.The following extract is from a letter written by Olmstead to his father shortly he­fore America declared war a year ago. He enlisted immediately on the declarationof war.III saw by the paper tonight that three more American ships have been sunk. How long, r won de r-,shall we remain the moron among nations, the nation without decision, without honor, and without moralcourage? We have grown so soft and flabby; we chant songs of peace and utter moral platitudes, while themost rapacious, bloodthirsty, barbarous, and damnable force that the world has seen, seeks to Quench in itsmadness the lights of liherty, of honor, and of truth."If we must bow before the dictum that lnight makes right, that peace maintained through loss of per­sonal honor is peace worth having, then-very good. But if we have faith in the advancement of humanity,in the purposefulness of the universe in which we live. tben might does not make right. We must stand onone side or the other, for one cannot straddle a moral issue. If we sit comfortably by and watch Englandand France, the upholders of democracy, go down, then we have shown tIle world t1131 we accept the Germandoctrine, and the principles for which our fathers. fought, when they carved out this nation-that those prin­ciples have left our consciousness."Belgium was offered peace, peace with material reward, but with dishonor. She made her glorious deci­s ion. She was crucified, and suffered as no other nation of the modern world has suffered, but she did morefor civilization in those few days than the nation that so foully attacked her has ever done, and she will livein the memory of all the world as the savior of Europe."Germany bas broken every law of humanity. She has outraged women, and murdered non-combatants.Led by a mad emperor, and a vicious prince, she has iorfeited all consideration and should be treated likethe outlaw that she is. This is more than a war for democracy, it is a war for RIGHT-a war that virtue,liberty, and righteousness 'may not perish from the earth.' It is our duty to stand by the right, to throwour weight into the balance, come what may. We must show the world that America can yet distinguishright from wrong, that the character of her people has not disintegrated, and that she has the will to act. andwill to set her hand to the sword, and carry with it the message that the pen has failed to give."University of ChicagoMagazineTheVOLUME X No.6APRIL, 1918Events and DiscussionTwo hundred and nine received degrees,titles, and certificates at the One Hundredand Sixth Convoca-The March tion held on March 19.Convocation Sixty-nine received thetitle of Associate, andeigh t the cer tificate of the College of Edu­cation. In the College of Arts, Literature,and Science sixty-nine received the Bach­elor's degree, two in the College of Com­merce and Administration, and twelve inthe college of education, a total of eighty­three in the Colleges.In the Law School there were four can­didates for the degree of Bachelor of Lawsand three for the degree of Doctor of Law(J.D.). In the Divinity School there weresix candidates for the Master of Arts, threefor Bachelor of Divinity, and onefor Doctor of Philosophy, a total of ten.In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literatureand Science seventeen candidates receivedthe degree of Master of Arts, two that ofMaster of Science, and thirteen that ofDoctor of Philosophy, a total of thirty­two in the Graduate Schools. The wholenumber receiving degrees is 132. Of thisnumber, one is a Japanese, who will re­ceive the degree of Bachelor of Divinity,and one 'a Chinese, who will receive thedegree of Master of Arts.Among the list of graduates were ninemen in service.The Convocation Orator was the Arch­bishop of York, Most Reverend Cos-1110 Gordon Lang, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D.,Litt.D., Fellow of All Souls' College, Ox­ford. Archbishop Lang, who was educatedat Glasgow University and Balliol College,Oxford, was for six years a student ofthe Inner Temple, London, and Dean ofDivinity at Magdalen College, Oxford. He became Vicar of St. Mary's, the Universitychurch at Oxford, in 1894, Bishop of Step­ney in 1901, Canon of St. Paul's the sameyear, and was Hon. Chaplain to Queen,Victoria. He has been Archbishop of Yorksince 1908. The subject of his address was"The Universities and the War."Count Johann von Bernstorff, formerambassador to the United States fromGermany, has been de­Count Bernstorff's prived of his honoraryDegree Revoked degree of Doctor ofLaws by the Facultiesof the University. The degree, which wasgranted in 1911 at the occasion of evonBernstorff's acting as Convocation orator,was revoked by the University authoritiesand the announcement made by PresidentJudson at the recent Convocation. Theaction taken by the University authoritieswas not inspired by the fact that the UnitedStates is now at war with the German Em­pire. The degree was revoked because ofvon B ernstorff' s actions prior to his dis­missal. These were contrary to the Con­stitution and laws of the United States,and as such, in the opinion of the U niver­sity authorities, necessitated the revocationof the degree.Announcement is made that ProfessorFrank Bigelow Tarbell, of the Departmentof the History of Art,Professor Tarbell after twenty-five yearsTo Retire of service in the U ni-versity has at his ownrequest been retired, his retirement to takeeffect on April 1. Professor Tarbell, whowas the annual director of the AmericanSchool of Classical Studies at Athens in1888-89 and later its secretary, became As-216 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOsociate Professor of Greek at the Univer­sity of Chicago' in 1892, and Professor ofClassical Archaeology in 1894.Last month the Magazine appeared onthe tenth; this month it will come forthsomewhere between thefifth and fifteenth. If theA Half-BrotherTo Delay alumni will try to ap-pr-eciate the difficultiesof the editor they will be able to keep someof the bitterness out of their complaints.Teaching, administration work, "outside work for self-support," as it is euphemistic­ally called, pile up. The printers are alwayscrowded now, and the sort of magazine thismust be, which does not allow of materialin stock, but must be kept as fresh aspossible month by month, make pre­arrangement very difficult. As AlbertChevalier used to sing (or nearly as he usedto sing), so the editor: "I'll take a chancewith another man's job; anyone's welcometo mine!" Or (if you prefer it), "Don'tshoot the professor at the piano; he's doingthe best he can."The University Volunteer UnitThe University of Chicago Unit of theIllinois Volunteer Training Corps startedenrollment in Nevember, 1917, under theauspices of the Chicago Alumni Club andwith the approval and patronage of Pres­ident Judson, who attended the first meet­ing, at which twenty men were present.The University has since then given to theUnit the advantage of all of its facilities,as follows:The use of the Reynolds Club for a meet­ing' place, the use of Bartlett Gymnasiumas a drill hall and armory, the use of StaggAthletic Field for a drill ground, the useof the University Rifle Range, instructionin physical training by the Department ofPhysical Culture, instruction in militarydrill by the army officers detailed at theUniversity, and the use of arms, ammuni­tion and equipment of the Department ofMilitary Sciences and Tactics.The Unit has been growing in memberseach week, and now numbers seventy menand three officers. The officers are atpresent only acting officers, having beenelected by the members of the companyafter a competitive examination runningover three weeks. They are:George O. Fairweather, Acting Captain.A. C. von Noe, Acting First Lieutenant.Thomas A. Knott, Acting Second Lieu-tenant.All three officers are holders of Doc­tor's Degrees from the University, and havespent considerable time in military train­ing under regular army officers.The Unit meets regularly on Saturdayevenings, having first its company mess, atsix o'clock in Hutchinson Hall, 57th Street and University Avenue, followed by theNon-Commissioned Officer's School from6 :30 to 7 :30, in the Reynolds Club, whichjoins the Mess Hall. At 7 :30 the companymarches to Bartlett Gymnasium for twohours of drill.The personnel of the company is inter­esting, I t contains ten Doctors of Phil­osophy, seventeen' instructors in the gram­mar and high schools of the city, twelveinstructors in the University of Chicago,twenty men in business pursuits, three law­yers, four graduate students, one dentist,and several mechanics and artisans, in ad­dition to men in clerical office positions.Over thirty members have degrees fromcolleges or universities. The company hasa considerable. number of men who havehigh grade military training and experience,including three 111:en of several years' stand­ing in the National Guard, fourteen menwho have had from three to six months'work in the University Reserve Officers'Training Corps, six graduates of Plattsburgand other Reserve Officers' Camps, and twoDirectors of Physical Culture and MilitaryDrill in Chicago high schools.With this personnel and equipmen t thecompany is anxious to make the best pos­sible use of its opportunities, and expectedto present itself for inspection on March30. It planned to have the maximum en­rollment of o ne hundred by that time, andinvites all able bodied citizens betweenthe ages of eighteen and fifty-five to applyfor admission on any Saturday evening,7 :30 to 8 :00 o'clock, at the Reynolds Club,southwest corner of 57th Street and U ni­versity Avenue.THE CONDITION OF THE FRATERNITIES 217The Condition of the FraternitiesThe situation of the fraternities in theUniversity has been made in some casesdifficult by the war. A brief account of thedifferen t chapters, in alphabetical order,Follows, with their scholastic standings forthe autumn quarter. The standings for thewin ter quarter will not be available for an­other month.Alpha Della Phi was very hard hit Inthe autumn quarter only four upper class­men remained. For the coming quarter,two others return, Albert Gavit, '19, whowas in the ambulance service in France.and John N uveen, '18, who is enlisted inthe balloon observation service, but has notbeen called Ten men were pledged, ofwh orn nine have been initiated. The houseat 5747' Lexington Avenue, owned by thechapter, has been rented to a private fam­ily for two years, and the chapter makesits headquarters in Hitchcock Hall.Alpha Tau Omega found itself in the au­tumn with six men back. Since that timetwelve have been pledged and eight ini­tiated Five undergraduates and threealumni live in the house at 923 E. 60thstreet, which is rented from the Univer­sity.Beta Theta Pi was fortunate enough toreturn thirteen men. Ten were pledged andeight initiated. The house owned by thechapter at the corner of 56th Street andWoo dlawn Avenue, has been torn down,prepara tory to building a new chapterhouse; the building, however, has beenpostponed till better times. Meanwhile tenundergraduates are living in rented quar­ters at 5717 Blackstone Avenue.Chi Psi returned fourteen men, of whom,however, two have since enlisted. Itpledged and initiated seven men. Chi Psiowns its own house at 5735 University Ave­nue, where seven undergraduates and twoalumni are living.Delta Chi, which is largely composed ofmen in the law school, also had fourteenmen back. It records only one pledge. Itowns its property at 5125 Kimbark Avenue,where ten undergraduates and two alumniEve. Delta Kappa Epsilon returned elevenmen. David Annan, '19, and Buell H utch­in son, '19, returned from ambulance driv­ing in France, however, before the end ofOctober. On the other hand, Donald BSkinner, '18, and L. D. Taylor, '20, haveenlisted. Delta Kappa Epsilon pledged andinitiated nine men Six undergraduates andtwo alumni live in the house owned by thechapter at 5754 Woodlawn Avenue, "justback of the Alpha Delta Phi house." (Dekesplease write)Delta Sigma Phi returned six men, ofwhom Henry Schmitz, Jr., has since en­listed 1 t pledged eight men, and initiatedseven. Nine undergraduates and five alumnilive in the house at 5735 Kenwood Avenuewhich is rented by the chapter.Delta Tau Delta had ten men back, ofwhom Eugene Rouse, '20, has since enlisted.It pledged the unprecedented number ofeighteen, of whom twelve have been in­initialed. Delta Tau Delta owns its houseat 5607 University Avenue, wherein livenine undergraduates and five alumni.Delta Upsilon returned ten men, but GailMoulton, '19, and George Otis, '19, haveenlisted for war service. Thirteen werepledged and ten have been initiated. Eightmen live in the house, owned by the chap­ter, at 5747 Blackstone Avenue.Kappa Sigma returned nine men, but Mil­ton Coulter, '18, has enlisted in the navalreserves. Eight were pledged and initiated.The chapter owned its house at 5820 Wood­lawn, but has sold it to the University, asits grounds will form a part of the approachto the new chapel when that is built. Mean­while six undergraduates and two alumniare living there.Phi Delta Theta has resigned its charterto the national fraternity and no longermaintains a chapter at the University.Phi Gamma Delta returned twelve men,pledged thirteen, and has initiated nine ofthem. It rents its house at 975 East 60thstreet from the University. Ten men livethere at present.Phi Kappa Psi returned ten men andpledged six, of whom four have been in-218 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEitiated. Eight undergraduates and fouralumni live in the house which the chapterowns at 5635 University Avenue.Phi Kappa Sigma returned eight men, ofwhom Wilmer T. Graham has since goneinto war service. It pledged seven and in­itiated six. It owns its house at 5733 Uni­versity Avenue, in which five undergradu­ates and five alumni are living.Psi Upsilon, most favored by circum­stance of all the chapters, saw seventeenmen return in the autumn. Of these, how­ever, Carleton Adams, '18; John Bannister,'19 ; Jay Chappell, '20, and Colville Jackson,'20, have enlisted and Harold Stansbury,'20, has left college. Twelve men werepledged and nine initiated. Eight under­graduates and five alumni are listed as liv­ing in the house which the chapter has justbuilt at 5639 University Avenue. 5828 Woodlawn Avenue, and though it hasnot formally resigned its charter, hasceased to be a chapter active in Univer sitylife.Sigma Nu returned five men, of whomLewis L. Fisher, '20, has since enlisted.Nine men were pledged and six initiated.Six undergraduates and five alumni are liv­ing in the house, rented from the Universityat 5824 Wodlawn Avenue.Tau Kappa Epsilon, which was recog­nized by the University last year, began itsactive life with seven men and pledgedseven, of whom it initiated four. It rentsa house at 1317 East 53rd street.Tabulated, the status of the fraternitiesin the University is as follows:rNames-I Alpha Delta Phi ScholarshipNum- Living in Rank(inbel'S Prcperty house autumn)15 Ownedbut notSigma Alpha Epsilon returned nine men, �i�d u·None 3(2.822)of whom Charles Higgins, '19, has since g ABlphaT'{au 0p�ega.. 14 Rented 8 13(2,308)• . . :J eta heta 1., , . • . 23 Rented 10 16(1.844)enlisted. Seven were pledged and initiated, Z Chi Psi. .,...... .. .. . 19 Owned 9 5(2.653)The chapter owns its house at 5817 Ken- ;-B�i�� ���p'� 'Ep�ii�� U g:�:� 1: Wi:�mwood Avenue, where seven men are now _:;. DDellta Sigma Phi... 12 Rented 14 9(2.455). . of 1. eta Tau Delta , 21 Owned 14 17(1.538)living. Sigma ChI returned eight men; � Delta Upsilon 18 Owned 8 6(2.651)h h f . th d I�Kappa Sigma 16 Owned 8 10(2.366)t ese, owever, our were In e or nance liPhi Delta Theta Withdrawn from the Universitycourse and one Irvin Jones '18 has been I�Ph� Gamma Delta . . 21 Rented 10 12(2.31),. " j.J Phi Kappa PS1..... 14 Owned 12 8(2.5)graduated and has enlisted, Of the seven JPhi Kappa Sigma... 13 Owned 10 4(2.797)1 d d 1 t li zib! f ,l'1?si Upsilon 21 Owned 13 14(2.146)men p e ge on y wo were e 101 e or" Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 15 Owned 7 2 (3.111)initiation. Sigma Chi, therefore, has given It 1'S!gma Chi .5 None None 18(1.025). ' . . ."Slgma Nu 10 Rented 11 7(2.625)Up ItS house, rented from the Univer sity at � ,Tau Kappa Epsilon. 11 Rented 1(3 315)Democracy and the World-Order"Democracy the Basis for World-Order,"by Frederick D. Bramhall, '02, is the thirdin the series of the University of ChicagoWar Papers. "I want," says Mr. Bramhall,"to try to indicate in what sense it is truethat Germany stands as the chief enemy ofdemocracy; how it is impossible for her, solong as that enmity lasts, to be a goodneighbor in the world, and how that is thechief obstacle to our American hope forpeace and world-order."Germany in its organized capacity standsfor autocracy. This is not the time to dis­cuss in detail German imperial institutions.They have been much discussed during thiswar, both intelligently and unintelligently.A Reichstag based, it is true, on universalsuffrage, but i in a positive sense endowedwith little power and elected from districtsnone of which have been changed since1870, and most of them not since 1867, in spite of the fact that the movement of pop­ulation has been greater and more politi­cally significant in the Germany of the lastgeneration and a half than almost anywhereelse in the world; districts which the gov­ernment refuses to refOrlTI because as theystand they grossly over-represent the back­ward-looking reactionary elements andunder-represent the democratic, forward­looking elements and under, representsthe democratic, forward-looking ele-ments; a council of German executives setover it; made up of representatives ap­pointed by and responsible to the mon­archs of the states; all under the presi­dency of a Kaiser who does not know how,if indeed it could be done, to distinguishbetween his Prussian kingship by divineright and his imperial presidency by con­stitution enactment. That sort of utterancewhich was decribed in the Reichstag at thetime of the famous Daily Telegraph inter-DEMOCRACY AND THE WORLD�ORDERview in 1907 as 'the impulsive manifesta­tions, the effervescences, the explosions ofmonarchical subjectivism' is apparentlymade without distinction between Prussianand imperial authority. 'That which waslacking in the old Hansa,' said the Em­peror in the nineties, 'a strong united em­pire obedient to one will, we now have,thanks to the grace of heaven and the deedsof my grandfather. Only one is master inthe Empire and I am that one-I tolerateno other.' And the Junkers join in main­taining the confusion.' 'The king of Prussiaor the German emperor,' said von Olden­burg-j anuschau in the Bundesrat on Jan­uary 29, 1910, 'must always be in a positionto say to any lieutenant: "Take ten menand close the Reichstag.'""I t would be a mistake of serious conse­quence, however, to' believe that the essenceof German autocracy was spread evenlythroughout the Empire. Its source and itshome are Berlin and the dominance ofPrussia. Prussia has since 1870 commandedthe Empire."The Prussian malady, in political terms,is the 'monarchical principle'; and Prussiaresents as a threat to her position and pres­tige any impairment in Germany (and even,as we have recently been enabled to see, inRussia) of the doctrine, of royal power.'All that the Emperor gains,' said Yorckvon Wartenburg in the Prussian House- ofLords in January, 1914, 'is a loss for theKing of Prussia. Now Prussia representsin Germany the monarchical principle.'Wha t then is this monarchical principle?J t is the doctrine of the hereditary execu­tive, not as a form within which the popu­lar will operates, as in Great Britain, Italy, .Spain, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norwayand Sweden, but as an active and dominantpower. It is monarchy by divine right. Themonarch is not within the constitution,' asin truly constitutional states, but outside ofit and above it; not an organ of the con­stitution, but anterior to it. What politicalinstitutions' exist have their being by theking's grace. He consults for his own guid­ance and information, but not for the con­trol of his judgment, a legislature one houseof which is in the absolute control of thehopelessly reactionary Junkers, who aremore royalist than the king, and the otherbased upon a travesty of popular suffragewhich practically excludes the mass of thepeople from all representation, and whichBismarck himself denounced as the mos tsenseless and miserable in the world. Theking, say all the commentators, is respon­sible to God and his conscience, and to no­body and nothing else. In Great Britainand other liberal monarchies the maximthat the king cari do no wrong has longsince yielded the practical corollary that, �since any human being may do wrong if hedoes anything, the king must be constitu­tionally prevented from doing personally 219any act whatsoever that can have anypolitical significance. Not so in Prussia.There the doctrine still holds that what anactive king does is politically unchallege­able.-a doctrine that disappeared in GreatBritain with the Stuarts in 1688, and inFrance with the Bourbons in 1830. ."The elementary schools, the upperschools, the universities, and even the stagehave been the agencies of the Prussian statesystem. Speech, press, and public meetinghave been carefully controlled. The right ofassociation has been rigidly limited. Thegovernment with all its resources of social,economic, and intellectual pressure hasentered actively into political contests tosupport the forces of reaction and suppressthe promptings of change. Never has therebeen an attempt on such a scale, so com­petently engineered or so nearly successfulto distort a people's mind by the pressur�of authority. At the time of the Zabernaffair there happened to be at the Universityof Chicago an exchange 'professor of the­ology from a Prussian university, to whomI mentioned the incident, casually, expect­ing the sort of reaction one would, I think,naturally expect from a man of his sort inGreat Britain or America. Not so! We couldnot in this country understand, so his replyran, how necessary it was at all costs 10maintain the prestige of the military andin that strain he continued with som'e ve­hemence. We may thank heaven that wecannot understand."But you may be asking yourselves, Whyis all this our business? Why can we notleave the democrats of Germany to settlethis business for themselves? Why· can wenot leave the Prussian autocracy to run itsinevitable course to ruin? For surely noneof us believes that such an enterprise canpossibly in the long run succeed; the seedsof disaster are planted deep within it andtheir roots were visibly spreading b'eforethis war began. The answer is, on the onehand, simply the commonplace that nonation can nowadays live unto itself alone,tha t in this day of. growing in terna tiona!interests and activities. isolation is impos­SIble; and, on the other hand, that Germanyunder such management cannot possibly bea tolerable neighbor. The same small groupthat is dominating Germany's domesticaffairs is managing also German world-poli­tics. The same men who clashed the saberin the streets of Zabern are the men who, inthe name of Germany, have been swash­buckling through the streets of Europe,sending the gospel of the Hun to Asia, andspreading intrigue and the threat of warfrom America to India. The same blindpride of caste that they display at home,the same ruthless pursuit of power, thesame contempt for the intrinsic value ofhumanity, are reflected in their disregard ofsmaller nations, of different cultures, and ofinternational right."220 THE Uf{IVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOn the QuadranglesDuring the month various elections wereheld, the basketball season was ended in anot-so-bad fashion, the Dramatic clubboosted itself to the skies with "Fashion,"and examinations brought. to a close thewinter quarter, after the Right Honorableand Most Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang,Archbishop of York and Primate of Eng­land and Metropolitan had spoken at theone hundred and sixth convocation.The Reynolds club elected WilliamHenry president for the coming year.Henry, '19, was secretary of the club lastyear, is head cheerleader, a member of thetrack team, managing editor of the 1918Cap and Gown, and a member of ChiPsi. Benson Littman, '19, of the tennisteam, was electe-d vice-president; MoffatElton, '18, a member of the football teamand of Alpha Delta Phi, is secretary;Arthur Colwell, '19, Tiger's Head and BetaTheta Pi, is the new treasurer; and Abra­ham Rudolph, '18, baseball '16 and '17 andcaptain this year, is librarian. . . . TheW. A . .f\. elected Helen Driver president,Marion Glaser vice-president, Helen Sulz­berger secretary-treasurer, and Helen Mof­fet recording secretary. . . . The Un­dergraduate council chose Walter Earle,'18, president pro-tempore, in the absenceof Stanley Roth, '18, who has gone toWashington to take up governmental workwith the Committee on Public Information;Florence Lamb was elected secretary­treasurer, and Eleanor Atkins librarianof the council. Buel Hutchinson is the new.president of the Junior College Council,and Frank Long secretary.In the meantime, after many ups andmore downs, the basketball team bursts outwith talent in the end and swamps Purdue,as it quite proper, and came out tied forfourth place with several other institutions.We claim the real fourth place, however,on the basis of having been the only teamnow tied which defeated the championsfrom Madison. Fuller review of the seasonis found elsewhere in this issue.As to the Dramatic club's play, "Fash­ion," it was a huge success in every but afinancial way. Everyone who saw either ofthe two performances, March 8 and 9, saidthat it was one of the best amateur per­formances seen in some time. The reviewerfor the Maroon, Bartlett Cormack, spenttwo columns 'in denouncing the campus forits lack of support, and two more columnsin praising the show as a whole, the actorsspecifically, and especially Glen Millard,the director. Millard, '19, Beta Theta Pi,deserved all the praise Mr. Cormack gavehim, as your reviewer knows well enough,having been one of the cast. There is a prospect of the play's being given again inthe spring quarter for the Drama League,.but nothing definite has been decided. Thecast consisted of Dorothy Scholle, EmilyTaft, Margaret Haggott, Ruth Mallory,Marion Palmer, Frederick N epper, CarlinCrandall, Inving Wills, Mr. Frank Abbott.Maurice De Koven and Lee Ettelson."Fashion" was an American play first pro­duced in 1845, and was given in Mandelwith a specially painted set representingthe wainscoting of. the time and with thecostumes of the day. The club is veryproud of the achievement and the campuswould be had it come to see the production.One hundred and thirty-two degrees weregiven at the one hundred and sixth convo­cation, and one degree taken away. Therewas much .applause when President Judsonannounced that the faculties had taken fromVon Bernstorff, the former German ambas­dador, the LL.D. which had been given himin 1911., Archbishop Lang spoke, as convo-cation orator, of "Universities and theWar," telling of the work done by Oxfordand Cambridge men and praising the menin the Universities of America. Sixty-threeof the degrees given were baccalaureate andthe rest higher or professional degrees.During convocation week,� seven undergrad­uates were initiated into the Beta of Illi­nois chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The sevenwere: Eleanor Booher, Morton W eiss,\i\T alter Earle, William Gorgas, Max Green­stein, Bernard Nath and Benjamin Perk.The last four are elected as Juniors, Earlegraduates in the spring, and the othersgraduated last month.A general conference of all the Women'sAthletic Associations of the country, thesecond of its kind, the first having beenheld at Wisconsin last year, will conveneon this campus Friday, April 12, under thedirection of the local unit. Arline Faulke­nau, '19, is general chairman, and is arrang-ing much entertainment for the delegates.The affair will last two or three days, andthe men of the campus are 100ki1).g forwardto the conference with hopes and fears.The Bureau of Records announced thatthe best fraternity average grade for theautumn quarter was B, and there was muchrejoicing. Tau Kappa Epsilon leads, withSigma Alpha Epsilon second, and AlphaDelta PJ_i third. The rest of the list in orderis: Phi Kappa Sigma, Chi Psi, Delta Upsi­son, Sigrne Nu, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta SigmaPhi, Kappa Sigma, Delta Chi, Phi GammaDelta, Alpha . Tau Omega, Phi Upsilon,Delta Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, DeltaTau Delta, Sigma Chi and WashingtonHouse. Lincoln House, Beta Phi and PhiDelta Theta made no returns.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 221Of miscellaneous interest: "Pat" Pagehas begun work on his baseball team andsquad as much as the wet field will allow.during the spring vacation will develop the.' Captain Hanaut, a member of theFrench general staff, came here with motionpictures and a great deal to say' about thewar, and the place was filled and manyscores turned from the Mandelian portals... . . Our swimming team went up toWisconsin and was defeated, owing to a'new conference ruling pulled on them fiveminutes before the first event, and owingalso to a certain murkiness of the waterwhich kept Earle and his team from goingalong mathematical lines. . . . Somenew pan-Hellenic rules were invoked re­cently by the Interfraternity council, whichwill affect, in some unknown way, rushing methods, etc. We have hopes.. As­sistant Prof. Nelson of the Public Speakingdepartment, has gone to Washington totrain the "four-minute" men in the art oflucid and concise speech. . . . A seis ..mograph has been installed in Rosenwaldhall for the purpose of locating earth­quakes. The entire forecasting apparatusof the Weather Bureau in Chicago will soonbe on our campus. . . . A new ordnancecourse is under way at this wr iting and willwork while the others of us are on vacation.The men are all uniformed after a fashionand with them and the R. O. 'T. C. men, thecampus is quite khaki. . . . The exam i­nations will probably be unsuccessful thisquarter on account of the balmy air ofspring which calls youth to love and tennis.Lee Ettelson, '18�The University RecordThe attitude of the, University regardingcredit for war service has been finally de ...cided by the faculty of the Colleges of Art,Literature and Science, and the plan ap­proved by the University Senate.The recommendations, made by the Com­mittee on War Service, which were ac­cepted for guidance in the colleges ex­clusive of the professional schools, are asfollows:I. Credit for Courses in Progress(a) A student called or enlisting for im­mediate war service, after an attendance ofnot less than four weeks in' any quarter,shall receive one-half credit in each coursein which his record at time of withdrawalis satisfactory.(b) A student called or enlisting for im­mediate war service, after an attendance ofnot less than eight weeks, in any quarter,shall receive full credit in each course inwhich his record at time of withdrawal issatisfactory.Note-No special examinations are 're­quired. The instructor in each course may,however" require such an exarninatoin, his judgment; he cannot give a fair esti ..mate of the student's standing without it.The student should not assume that creditwill be given unless at the time of his with­drawal the instructor's official report is inthe hands of the University Recorder.Credit shall be recorded as or the grade in­dicated in the instructor's report.11. Graduation of Upper Seniors(a) A student lacking four majors or lessfor his degree at the time of call or enlist­ment for immediate war service shall begranted the degree at the next convocation,provided that his average grade in all resi- dence work has been at least C, and thathe has spent at least three fulb quarters inactual residence and received credit for notless than nine majors of residence work.(b) A student lacking at the time of hiscall or enlistment for immediate war servicenot more than six majors for his degree,shall be granted the degree on evidence ofsix months' honorable service, provided thathis average in residence work (not less thannine majors, covering at least three fullquarters) is B, or better, and providedfurther that at least two-thirds of his se­quence requirements shall have been ab­solved.III. Claims for Further CreditClaims for further credit on the Basis ofWork of Educational Value in W'ar Servicepresented by Students returning to the Uni­versity after honorable discharge will be han­dled as claims for advanced standing, and willbe presented to the Board of Admissions,after consideration by a permanent Commit­tee on Credit for War Service, consisting ofthe Dean of the Faculties, the Chairman ofthe Committee on Military Science and theUniversity Examiner. Note i.-Credits willbe recorded and degrees conferred as pro­vided herein only in case the student con-tinues his college work up to the time ofenforced withdrawal.Note-War Service as used in this reportshall be considered as including: Anybranch of direct military or naval service;any allied service overseas; any allied serv­ice which involves group training such ashospital or ambulance work; any form ofservice which from the character- of thework required will give the student contactwith scientific methods and make a positivecontribution to his education.222 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. Appointments recently announced by theBoard of Trustees of Chicago are:To instructorship: Charles Drake andCarlos Castillo, in the Department ofRomance Languages and Literatures; J. O.McKinsey, in the School of Commerce andAdministration; and R. C. Gunning, in theDepartment of Physiology.,Dr. Harvey B. Lemon, an instructor inthe Department of Physics, has been pro­moted to an assistant professorship; andDr. A. L. Tatum, Professor of Pharma­cology in the University of South Dakota,has been made an Assistant Professor inPharmacology and' Physiology in the Uni­versity of Chicago.Professor James R. Angell has been ap­pointed to the Advisory Board of Educatorswhich is to co-operate with a special com­mittee of Army officers to be known as theCommittee on Education and Special Train­ing. As defined by the general order of theWar Department the functions of this com;mittee are as follows: "To study the needsof -the various branches of the service forskilled men and technicians; to determinehow such needs shall be met, whether byselective- draft, special training in educa­tional institutions, or otherwise; to secureco-operation of the educational institutionsof the country, and to represent the WarDepartment in its relations with such insti­tutions; to administer such plan of specialtraining in schools and colleges as may beadopted."Dean Angell has recently served as amember of the Committee on Personnel, under direction of the Adjutant General ofthe War Department.Professor Edwin O. Jordan; chairman ofthe Department of Hygiene and Bac­teriology" has recently' returned from amonth's inspection of several army camps'in the south and southwest for the purposeof studying certain infectious diseases, espe­cially cerebro-spinal meningitis. This in­spection was conducted at the request ofthe Surgeon-General of the United States.Professor J. H. Breasted, chairman ofthe Department of Oriental Languages andLiteratures, is to give the Earl Lecturesearly in March at the University of Cali­fornia. The general subject of the series is"Egyptian Civilization and Its Place inHistory."Professor Breasted recently gave thepresiden tial address at the meeting of theAmerican Oriental Society (WesternBranch), held at the Hebrew Union College,Cincinnati, on February 22. The subject ofhis address was "The Place of the NearEast in the History of Civilization."A fellowship in physiological chemistryhas just been established at the Universityby the Fleischmann Company, of Peeks­kill on Hudson, New York, for the purposeof investigating some of the scientific ques­tions which have arisen in the course of themanufacture of compressed yeast underpresent war conditions. The University hasappointed the first fellow on this foundation.The Letter Box25 Pine Street, Phila., March 18, 1918.To the Editor:At the recent reunion of the EasternAlumni, President Judson suggested that Icommunicate with you regarding the workof our . Committee 'which is helping tofurther the music in the army and navy, asa powerful military factor.·We have placed over fifty song leaders inthe war, navy, and marine camps and thereis need for more. Men are required whohave some musical training and who areabove all, natural leaders. Men who havehad experience as glee club leaders, pro­vided they have sufficient musical training,ought to make ideal camp song leaders.Mr. John Alden Carpenter, of Chicago, is amember of our Committee and I know thathe will be glad to interview any men whowould like to go into this service. It isGovernment work, the salaries being paidthrough the Quartermaster's Department, and is now $1,800 per annum, which is sup­plemented by an expense allowance.. In addition to this singing work, we aretaking an interest in the development ofthe band music, and the U niver sity couldhelp by getting the younger men to learnto play band instruments, so that when theygo into the service they will be qualified toenter the bands. Several colleges are con­sidering the advisability of starting bandschools.Trusting you will lend your co-operation,I am Very truly yours,M. Morgenthau, Jr.,Treasurer.[The two following letters will interest; the firstfrom H. Roudil, Etat-Major in the French Army,written to President Judson and dated February 11;the second from Assistant Professor Chester W.Gould.]I am very thankful to the University ofChicago for its kind greeting and I amTHE LETTER BOXdeeply touched to see that it still remembersone of its former instructors, W30 likes tospeak of the years he spent in the UnitedStates as having been the most interestingand instructive of his life. If I am spared inthis war I hope I may one day have thepleasure to revisit America and perhaps towork there at creating new intellectualbonds between our two countries whichare now, for the second time, fighting sideby side for a common ideal.I am going to translate this very day thereport "The University and the War" andI am certain in advance that our general,our chief of staff and everyone among ourofficers will take a deep interest in the stepstaken and the methods adopted by a greatAmerican intellectual body to organize thewar and promote the triumph of a justcause.Belonging to the army class which wasmustered in 1897, I have been in the warfrom the very first day. The corps to whichJ then belonged had on its left the BritishExpeditionary Force and I had several timesthe perilous honor to go over night toGeneral Sir Douglas Haig's headquarters toaccompany our liaison officer. More thanonce did we just miss being captured by theenemy. Those were tragical days and thehair of many a thoughfu1 man turned whiteduring the sad hours when the roads werecovered with flying civilians from Belgiumand the north of France, the villages burn­ing at night while the cannon thundered andexhausted women and children gave up theghost by the roadside. Then the Marnecame, a splendid victory, in which our sol­diers once more proved that they were bornwarriors. From Reims I passed to Arrasunder General Petain's enlightening com­mand, with the British again as neighbors.After our men had taken their share of theimmortal defense of Verdun, I was en­trusted with one of the sections of thecensorship which deals with German cor­respondence. I performed for some monthsthese delicate and interesting duties andthen asked-in spite of my forty years andmy three children-to be sent to the frontagain. Thus I became acquainted with theChemin des Dames and with the regionround St. Quentin where the Germans, be­fore being compelled to retire, destroyedand scientifically ruined everything that hadbeen built or made by human hands; Not aroof has been left and not a tree, not akitchen utensil and not an agricultural im­plement; the factories have been burnt downand what could not be taken away has beenscien tifically wrecked. In one place theGermans left two coffins placed one on an-other; by removing the upper one you setfire by means of a detonator to an explo­sive charge which was placed underneath 1They have thus gone so far as to enrolldeath among their accomplices, and you will 223surely believe me, Mr. President, if I tellyou that it is impossible to form a just ideaof what this country has suffered in thecause of freedom and of 'justice; we firmlybelieve that the day will come when it willearn its well-deserved recompense.It was my good fortune, some time ago,to meet a certain number of your men, as­sembled round the Stars and Stripes; theymade on me the deepest impression, andI am certain our common enemies will feelthe weight of the American sword bran­dished by soldiers whose high ideals willinspire the noblest deeds.I wish I may one day have the privilegeto place what I know at the disposal of yourexpeditionary forces. I have meanwhileworked at a military dictionary in threelanguages (French, English and German)which is now ready to be printed. I amtold that it would render good service justnow, but shortage of labor and scarcity ofpaper render it more and more difficult forour publishers to engage on new work. Thedisposition of the manuscript allows it toput either of the three languages under con­sideration, first in alphabetical order. Some­body in Chicago may possibly get inter­ested in the scheme.Reports concerning the University andthe share it takes in the war will alwaysinterest me. Were it possible for one or theother of your committees to provide mewith the necessary materials in a condensedform I might think of delivering one ortwo lectures on the most interesting aspectsof American life and institutions, as well ason what may be made public of the organi­zation of the new army before an officers'audience which I address from time to time.I remain, Mr. President, with thanks,Yours very respectfully,H. Roudil.I knew Mr. Roudil very well while hewas here, and since his return I have keptup a correspondence which has increasedin frequency since the Getman attack onBelgium.Roudil was here for one year as a travel­ing fellow, being on a stipend from theFrench government, the academic year of1903':'4. France at that time made a prac­tice of selecting each year a few of the bestyoung men who had completed their studiesand were candidates for teaching positionsand sending them out as stipendiaries for ayear. Although a report was required onsome investigation or observations, the pur­pose was more to let the student supple­ment his studies by seeing foreign countriesthan to encourage research. Roudil choseto come to the Middle West and put in histime at the University of Chicago. Therewas need here for extra instruction inFrench, and he was asked to give severalcourses during the year. A number of usbecame very well acquainted with him.224 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOther members of this group now in theUniversity are Professors J ernegan,Goettsch and G. L. Marsh.There is nothing peculiar or "Frenchy"about him. He is just an exceptionally nicehuman being. He is a modest but determinedfellow, a stocky blond, quick-thinking andwitty. At that time holdups were commonabout here, but he insisted in taking eveningwalks in \i\l ashington Park just as usual.He comes of an old Protestant family inMontpeIlier. He is just as clean-living andclean-thinking as an American of the sametype. Several years ago he wrote me thathe would like to come to America to teach.Since then he has been transferred fromCaen to Paris, which is much more desir­able. He must have been successful. Hewrites and speaks English fluently and cor­rectly, and speaks German so well that hecan pass himself in Germany for a German.e. N. Gould,Base Hospital Unit 13, Atlanta.To the Edi tor :Having discovered a place where 1 canpound a Maroon office typewriter, with allthe copy paper in the city of Atlanta at myelbow, I believe the circumstances are fav­orable for writing the letter I have had inmind for six weeks.I don't know where to begin; but I amsending a picture of Jerry Fisher jumping,which he would be glad to have publishedto show the girls. And speaking of girls,I am reminded that there are some in At­Ian tao Knowing me as you do, you will notimagine that I have a great deal to do withthem, but some of the boys do, and thereis something about the way they pronouncetheir words that tends to make a man comeover to this side of the room so he can hearit better. I'm not engaged to any of them,as far as I can remember, but if we stay hereanother seven weeks, there is no telling.The people of Atlanta have been tremen­dously cordial, and I only hope that thepeople in the North are doing their share,as well I have had a chance to talk withsome of the people whose memory of themarch to the sea is a distinctly unpleasantone, people who until recently have hadonly the Stars and Bars in their homes, andit seems to me that finally the North andSouth are really being united. There areall sorts of places of interest in connectionwith the Civil War around here, and I onlyregret that I have so little time during theday to explore 'round.You will notice that I say during theday. Our evenings are entirely our own,from 5 until reveille the next morning, un­less we happen to be in Class B or Class C,which imposes restrictions. On Saturdayswe can get away at noon, and do not needto report back until reveille on Monday.Our commanding officer is all that anyone can ask, and so far we have got on famouslytogether. By "we" I mean the boys in theunit, who, as a whole, are men that reflectcredit on the University and on Chicago.There are so many athletes and men of par­ticular tastes that it is hard to keep any hotwater in the shower room. At a party in thefashionable part of town last night-a partywhich was given for us-the conduct of themen was more like that one would expect tosee at a University reception than that of a"soldiers' affair."I am describing the men and their habitsat length more or less because the sort ofmen a man is with makes such an awfuldifference in his view of army life. I've seensome of the men on guard duty here atFort McPherson, and I've been to CampGordon, on the other side of Atlanta, andif I were put in the midst of some of thecrowds I've seen I'd be in misery 24 hoursa day. I've seen men with chains on theirlegs and an armed guard behind them, walk­ing along as if they hadn't a care in thewor Id, when everyone that saw them invol­untarily pitied them. There are a lot ofphases of human life in the United Statesthat I haven't had any idea of - and Ihaven't even mentioned the colored folkshere in Georgia; and "the Brotherhood ofMan" and "equal rights" and 'public opin­ion" aren't just exactly the same phrasesthey used to be in my mind.But here I am wandering on about socialproblems and all that instead of giving youthe dope. As far as I am concerned, I amin the supply end of the unit, and believeme a man that has done supply work in thearmy is going to make some mean book­salesman, or follow-up system or bulldogtrainer or something like that after thewar. There are all kinds of paper work todo, and after you do it, you find you shouldhave done something else, and then you dosome more paper work, and after that won'tget it, you give a cigar to the fellow andmaybe he tells you where to head in, andmaybe he tells you how you can getwhat you want. I had an idea that in thearmy a man just used what he wanted, andthen went away and left it. The truth isotherwise, however. Every hat cord, 3-tontruck, thermometer, kitchen stove, hair pil­low, and everything under the beautifulStars and Stripes must be accounted for,and somebody has to sign for it and pro­duce it when required to stand and deliver,or somebody is going to miss 5 or 100 dol­lars, as the case may be, out of somebody'senvelope on payday. There is a great dealmore to army life than going over the top,I have discovered, and war is hell in manyother places than the trenches-in the sup­ply office, for example, when there are only152 pairs of russet shoes when the supplyofficer has signed for 153.In slightly different circumstances, itwould be funny to watch the definite stepsof authority. The principal advantage aTHE LETTER BOXsecond lieutenant has over' a sergeant, sofar as I can see, is that the former has oneless person to bawl him out than the otherdoes. After seeing the bills some . of thesecond lieutenants pay for board, room,clothes, carfare, etc., etc., etc., some of ushave come to the conclusion that financiallyat least we are very comfortable indeedwhere we are.The Y. M. C. A. has been great, and Ihope that people at home realize how much'that organization means in army life today.I t is a place to go when the barracks gettiresome, and through the Y. M. C. A. wehave made any number of very pleasantacquaintances. \Me don't know when weare going, and we couldn't say if we did,but we are fully equipped and anxious toget over to where things are happening ina hurry. In the meantime, it seems mightygood to hear about what is going on athome, and the MAGAZINE, the Maroon, andthe Chicago papers are read whenever wehave time. We have classes all morning­I'm teaching a section in French-and drillmost of the afternoon; and between doinglaundry work, bathing, fatigue duties andtaking care of the barracks, and most of allwriting letters; there is little spare time.We're glad we're in it, but we have one ideaand that is to get it over with in a hurryand get home.' Lawrence MacGregor, '16.I Part of a letter from Margaret Laing, '09,dated "France, Feb. 23," but postmarked"Epernay, Marne, Feb. 23."]I know you expect me to write interest­ing letters telling all about what I haveseen and heard; here I am in the war zone,within the sound of guns and not allowedto write anything, however insignificant,about the army. Naturally, we know verylittle, and we are not allowed to go any­where without a: special permit. They don'twant people circulating about any morethan can be helped. *.. * *I wish you could see our can teen, a long,low room, with the ceiling hung with raffia­like brown southern moss, lighted with elec­tric bulbs with yellow shades. The men sitat heavy tables with white tiled tops, onwooden benches; and we have a kind ofglorified cafeteria-glorified because the menlove it so, but centuries away from the glit­tering modern 'places in Chicago. They buy 225their little tickets at the caisse and thencome to one of the other of the "guichets,"and we give them whatever they want. Atthe "repas chaud" at noon or at night youcan picture me handing a soldier a bowl ofbouillon and a plate with a helping of veg­etables and one of meat and a hunk ofbread. I take two corners from his ticketand later he comes to the chocolate win­dow and gets his cup of black coffee whichmakes his "rep as" complete; but while heis at the window I take two corners fromhis ticket, give him the piece left and tellhim what it is for and see that he doesn'tforget it on the ledge, hand him a knife anda fork, for which he hands me a franc for"conseigne," often make change for thefranc, give him his food and keep the othersoldiers in line and good natured. It's lotsof fun and I'd rather serve "repas" thananything I know of. At the other windowwe serve bowls of coffee or chocolate,chunks of cheese, jam on little butter plates,sausage in hunks, which has garlic in it,which the French soldiers adore and whichthe Americans detest, and always the thickpieces of bread. It's war bread and brown,but really very good'; it's what we all have.At the chocolate window, where I happento be now, I pour chocolate and coffee tillmy arm aches. But the work isn't hard,not nearly as hard as I expected, and weare abominally comfortable. We all live to­gether in a French house with French serv­ants and we have grate fifes. I'm sittingbeside one this instant. When I first camein January it was cold, but the cold lastedonly a couple of weeks, and since then ithas been like April. The English ivy on thewalls has never frozen and the little grassborders are green and the tree trunks arealways green. * * * Lucia Parker wasin the war zone and I couldn't see her andnow she has been moved and I don't knowwhere she is. * * * While I like thework here immensely I am begging to betransferred to an American canteen. 'Onlyan occasional American boy comes in,rarely an English one, sometimes an I tal­ian, but usually our soldiers are French.They are wonderfully kind and courteous;we all like them so much, but I do wantto work with our own men. * * *Address:c/o American Express Company,11 Rue Scribe,Paris.226 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumniALUMNI NOTICEAs Reunion is approaching, and asother important matters must now beattended to, it is desirable to call yourattention to the following preliminaryand regular meetings:1. Meeting of Executive Commit­tee of the Alumni Council. To beheld: Wednesday, April 24, 6 p. m.,Ida Noyes Hall.2. Third Quarterly Meeting of theAlumni Council. To be held: Wednes­day, April 24, 8 p. 'me Room E41, Har­per Memorial Library.3. Publications Committee: A spe­cial meeting of the Business Commit­tee of the above Standing Committeewill be held at 12:30, Marshall Field'sMen's Grill. Date to be announcedlater.Special letters, as to these meetings,will be mailed. All who are notifiedare urged to attend their respectivemeetings.Eastern Alumni Association.c-sThe annualmeeting and dinner of the Eastern AlumniAssociation took place in New York at the"Peg Woffington," Friday evening, March1, with President and Mrs. Judson as guestsof honor, and Dr. Georze E, Vincent, Ph.D.,as toastmaster. Dr. Judson spoke on theUniversity and the War, stirring the gath­ering with Chicago's roll of honor, men andwomen, who were enlisted in war work, illthe fighting line, in staff positions, or prom­inent in civilian activity. Professor PaulMonroe, Ph.D., of Columbia University, in­troduced by Dr. Vincent as one of Ameri­ca's foremost authorities on the history ofeducation, spoke on the effect of the warupon his metier, showing where our systemof training had broken under the stress ofnew conditions, and explaining the lanes ofprogress which had been now opened toacademic endeavor. Dr. Katherine BementDavis, formerly Commissioner of Correctionof N ew York, informed her hearers of thesocial progress that the war had started.Dr. Davis is now in charge of the Bureauof Social Hygiene of the Rockefeller Foun­dation. Dr. Edwin E. Slosson, of The In­dependent, revealed some startling facts Affairsconcerning the role that science had playedfrom behind the lines to the battlefields ofthe home fighters. Henry Bruere, formerlyNew York City Chamberlain, spoke on Mex­ico and outlined the plan for perfecting aninternational organization that might plottogether peacefully for the welfare of theMexicans and establish a condition whichwould permit them to have internal "self­determination." An added feature of inter­est was the talk of Mr. M. Morganrhau, Jr.,who explained the work of teaching soldiersto sing, spoke of the surprise with whichEurope greeted America's first army be­cause that was a "silent army," and toldwhat was being done to strengthen themorale of our forces with the cheerful dem­ocracy of music. George Mitchel, one ofthe United States Army Song Leaders, waspresent, and soon had the room ringing with"Mr. Zipp" and "Keep the Home FiresBurning."Letter From President JudsonPresident Judson's own account of themeeting, written on his return to Chicago,is as follows:The dinner of the New York Alumni Clubwas a rare occasion. There was, of course,as always, the pleasure of meeting the oldfriends, and of hearing from their ownlips the story of what they are doing-oftheir hopes and of their successes. Thenthere is the word brought of others whocould not be there-of Harry Caraway's ill­ness, from which he is so rapidly recover­ing-of Rudy Mathews' sailing for Franceonly three days before-Rudy is a lieuten­ant of infan try-c-an d of many more.But the speeches by the alumni reached ahigh plane. Each was from one who hasachieved a position of weight-each, besidesthe sparkle that should go with an after­dinner speech, had something real andthought-provoking. One speaker had beenMajor Mitchell's Commissioner of Correc­tions in the City of N ew York. Anotherhad held an important financial post in thesame administration and was just backfrom a study of conditions in Mexico. An­other holds the chair of History of Edu­cation in Teachers' College, Columbia Uni­versity. Another has charge of training thecamps of our new soldiers to sing, so thatthey may go to the battlefield. with cheerin their hearts and song on their lips. Stillanother is the brilliant editor of the Inde­pendent. The toastmaster was the inimi­table Dr. George E. Vincent. I have neverattended any alumni gathering of any insti­tution of learning at which the after-dinnertalk was more thoroughly interesting andso well worth while. I was proud of ouralumni.I am sure that such a gathering meansALUMNI AFFAIRSfar more than a mere social occasion, forall who were present. One cannot fail tocarry away an inspiration for the best, anda renewed joy in the alma mater,(Signed) Harry Pratt Judson.An election of officers was held with thefollowing result: 'President-s-A, T., Stewart.Vice-President=-Dr. Katherine BementDavis.Secr etary=-f To be chosen.)Treasurer-N. E. Tarson.The Eastern Alumni Association has beenactive during the past year. It has had fourlive luncheons and dinners at which educa­tional and patriotic subjects have been dis­cussed. Something was .also accomplishedfor Hover there." The Eastern Alumni As­socia tion undertook to raise the money fora kitchen trailer for feeding the woundedand the ambulance companies at the front.Because many of the members had contrib­uted to the ambulance fund of the GeneralAlumni Association, the entire amount wasnot raised, but through the generosity of ananonymous doner the fund was completed,and so there is to be on the battle front akitchen trailer bearing this nameplate:American Red CrossPresen ted byThe Eastern Alumni AssociationofThe University of ChicagoThe Eastern Alumni take pardonablesatisfaction in knowing that they have hadthis part in bringing help to those who arefighting, our battles.The Chicago Alumnee Club.-An alumna!tea was given March 2 at Ida Noyes Hall inhonor of Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson, thewomen of the faculty, and the women ofthe graduate school. Those in the receiv­ing line were: Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs.George Goodspeed, Miss Margaret Monroeand LaVerne Noyes. J ackies from theGreat Lakes Station were entertained attea Sunday evening, March 10, by the Chi­cago Alumnse Club in the College Clubrooms in the Stevens Building. Twenty­five were 'expected and nearly one hun­dred arrived. Mrs. J. W. Thompson, MissAlice Greenacre and Miss Shirley Farr hadcharge of the tea. Professor Rollin D. Sal­isbury gave a talk.Former Chicago students living inOklahoma gathered in February to meetProf. Salisbury, who went down to the an­nual meeting of the Southwestern Associa ...tion of Petroleum Geologists at OklahomaCity. Three officers of the Association, Dr.M. G. Mehl, sec-treas.; P.rof. Chas. H. Tay­tar, editor, and ]. Elmer Thomas, president, 227and perhaps thirty other members, hads.tudied geology under Prof. SalisburyThomas- writes : "You can imagine ho:.. vpleased we were when he made the longtrip from Chicago to Oklahoma City to bewith us for two days. His plans for thetrip .were delayed until a late hour andcould not be announced in advance 'of themeeting, but about twenty-five' 'of his for­mer students were, present at the meeting."Among the officers for the coming yearare Prof. Taylor, who was unanimously re­elected editor, and Mr. W. E. Wrather, '07,the new secretary-treasurer. Although theUniversity of Chicago is not an engineeringschool and has no separate department forpetroleum, geology arid technology, it is in­teresting to note the remarkable contribu­tion of its department of geology to this'important work in the petroleum industry."I REPORT OF MEETING OF THEEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFTHE ALUMNI COUNCILExecutive Committee ReportThe regular monthly meeting of the Ex­ecutive Committee of the Alumni Council. was held Monday, March 25th, at 6 p. m.,at the College Club, Stevens Building.There were present: 'Scott Brown, chair­man; Miss Shirley Farr, Albert W. Sherer,Harold H. Swift, William H. Lyman, JohnF. Moulds, and Adolph G. Pierrot; MissAlice Greenacre was also' present on par­ticular business in connection with classorganizations and reunion.Mr. Moulds presented treasurer's reportfrom October 1, 1917, to February 28, 1918;the report showed that there had been aloss in subscriptions and sorne loss .in ad­vertising as compared with the: similarperiod of 1916 to 1917. The' indications werethat the financial year of 1917-19}}S wouldprobably come out even, and not with, asurplus, as was the case last year. ,Several reports were considered and sug­gestions made in connection with publica­tions and club work. The plans of theFunds Committee in connection with thespecial war fund, are rapidly maturing. Mr.Lyman reported, for the Reunion Commit­tee, that the cost of getting a large tent asa feature was too high to make it practi­cable. The Committee decided to send Mr.Moulds to the annual meeting of the Asso­dation of Alumni Secretaries at New Haven,Conn., May 10th arid" 11th, because this yearimportant matters will be taken up in theway of management of alumni affairs andpublications 'under war conditions, Planswere made for the cornrng meetrngs, an­nounced in this issue, and there was gen­eral discussion as to preparations for thesemeetings before the reunion.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"O�4 'Th "� ¥.�r ere(The following is a very incomplete and probablyinaccurate, l,lst 0, £" form, er students no\\,w, in, France.The di�c�tty of getting accurate in.for�ion h�� sofa: beera. ��2e!j,ible. Any correctlOnsJ or additionswill be hear!ll��elcomed.) �- fAnderson, '_onald, '17, Ambulance.Andrews, Barrett, Captain, '06, MotorTransport, Group, Amer. Ex. Force. 'Bacon, R. F. (Lieut. Col.), '04, Army, ex­perimental work on gases.Baker, Donald, '20, Base Hospital UnitNo. 12.Baker, G. R., N. W. U., Unit, Red Cross.Baldridge, C. LeRoy, '11, care Amer. FieldService, Paris, 21 Rue Raynouard SectionT. M. U. 184.Barton, Lester c., 2d Lieut. N at'l Army,Field Army, Amer. Ex. Forces.Barton, Thyzra M., '07, care Y. W. C. A.,13 Ave. La Fayette, Paris.Beatty, Vernon, '19, Ambulance Service.Beauchamp, William ex '17, Private,British Royal Army Medical Corps, 495-452H. C. F. A., Royal Army Med. Corps, B.E. F.Berger, Sophia, '04, Amer. Red Cross Can­teen Service, Third Training Detachment,Arner. Aviation School, A. E. F.Brecher, J ohn, '20, Medical Corps, BaseHospital No. 12.Campbell, Roland, French AmbulanceService.Carlock, J. B., ex '04, care 30th Engineers,A. E. F.-Cassady, Tho'mas G., Aviation.Clark, C. G., '18, American Field Ambu­lance.Clark, H. R., '18, American Field Ambu­lance.Collier, Clarence c., '17, Orderly-Hos­pital. Base Hospital No. 12, U. S. Army,S� 18, France, care A. P.O.-B. E. F.Cormack, Edward B., American Ambu­lance.Corning, W. S., '12, Army.Credon, Richard, '20, Base Hospital UnitNo. 12. .Davis, Ralph, '16.Dibble, Lester c., Y. M. C. A.Duggan, John A., '20, Base Hospital No.12.Duk�, R. T. Walker, '18, First Lieut. In­fantry, U. S. R. A. E. F., Par B. C. M. Paris,Army P. O. 702.Dunlap, Robert H., '17, Sergeant, BaseHospital Unit No. 12.Etheridge, W. S., First Lieut., Engineers.Foreman, Herbert S., '04, Second Lieut.Field Artillery.Foster, Arthur, ex. '17, Aviation.French, C. J. T., ex. '19, Lieut. 16th Cana­dian Machine Gun Co., B. E. F."Fultz, Harry T., '15, Field Artillery, Head­quarters Amer. Ex. Forces. Gates, Carroll W., '18, American Ambu­lance Corps.Glore, Charles F., ex. '10, Captain, careAmer. Ex. Force, Paris.Graham, Percy, '19, Aviation.Griffin, Robert, '20, Base Hospital No. 12.Hanisch, Harold, Base Hospital No. 12.Heath, Monroe, '16, Second Lieut.Hicks, Theodore, '19, Ambulance.Hiss, Harold c., American Ambulance.Hobbs, Russell D., ex. '09, Co. A, 503Engineers Battalion, Amer. Ex. Forces; inFrance, Via N. Y. C.... Hollingsworth, Thomas, '15, 8th Prov­Ord., Field Depot Co., A. E. F.Hull, Edwin D., '14, Hdqts. Co., BaseDet., 5th Reg., U. S. M. C., A. P. O. 705,A E. F.Johnson, Francis K., '17, British AviationCorps.Johnson, Leonard L., Base Hospital No.12.Kipp, Ellis T., '17, Private, Marines.Knight, Duerson, '15, Aviation.Krost, Gerard N., '11, Captain Amer. BaseHospital, No. 12.Laing, Mrs. Margaret, '11, care Amer.Express Co., 11 Rue Scribe, Paris, France.Leonard, Warren B., '14, Aviation Sec­tion, P. O. 725, Amer. Ex. Forces, France.MacClintock, Paul, '12, Company A, 29thEngineers.MacDonald, Edward, '14, Aviation.McLeod, Norman, ex. '17, Second Lieut.Ordnance.MacN eal, Kenneth, ex. '16, Sergeant"Quartermaster's Mechanical Repair Shop,Unit No. 303, A. E. F.Mc'Williams, Donald S., '01, First Lieut.Infantry, Amer. Ex. Force.Matthews, Richard, '16, Aviation.Meier, N orman C, Junior Master En­gineer, 419th Depot, Detach. of Engineers,A. E. F.Moore, Harold Tuthill, '16, Sergeant inQuartermaster's Mechanical Repair Shop,Unit No. 302, A. E. F.More, Roland R�, '20, Ambulance.Neil, P.Newcomb, Frank S., Ambulance.Newman, Anne Evelyn, '08, with NewYork Surgical Dressings Committee, 6 Ruede l'U niversite, Paris, France.Newman, Bernard, '17, Ordnance Dcpt.,N. A., U. S. P. O. No. 706, A. E. F.Farker, F. W., '07, Allied Service.Parker" John VanZandt, Aviation, 4;3thAvenue Montague, Paris.Pegues, Joseph, '10, Aviation.Potter, H. N., Lieut. Marine Corps.Rogers, Arthur, '18, Ambulance.Rogers, Samuel G. A., '17, Ambulance.Rovdil, H., ex., Officer Interpreter, E.M. C. A., Secteur 95, French Army.Roscoe, Harry, '12, Medical Corps.Roth, Walter E., '16, Second Lieut., Inf.Rubinkam, Henry W., Ambulance.Rubinkam, Nathaniel, '09, Captain.Rudd, Margaret (Mrs. Kellogg Speed),'14, Secretary, General Hospital, 18, BaseHospital No. 12, Amer. Ex, Force.Salisbury, Laurence,. '16.Sayre, Sidney L., '16, Ambulance.Schafer, Walter B., '17, Second Lieut., Inf.Sec.; Fran�e.Sellers, J. McBrayer, '17, Second Lieut.U. S. Marines.Shull, Laurens c., 'l6, Second Lieut. In­fantry.Speed, Kellogg, '00, Major, Base HospitalUnit No. 12.Stapler, John W., Base Hospital UnitNo. 12.Stevers, Martin D., '14, Second Lieut.Artillery.. Straube, Alfred H., '11, U. S. N. A. En-.gineers. .Teichgraeber, W. E., '16, Sergeant, 117thAmmunition Train, Truck Co. No.3, Am.Ex. Forces.Tope, J. W., '06, First Lieut. MedicalCorps.Unger, Leon, '13, Lieut. M .. O. R. c., 110thField Ambulance, British ExpeditionaryForce.Upton, Gregory, Ambulance.Watkins, John B., '19, S. L. V. No. 17,Paris, care Morgan, Harjes & Co.Williams, Roy, '16, Forest Reserve.+ + +From the American University' Union in Pariscomes the following' list of forty former students ofthe University who have registered at' Paris. VanRensselaer Lansingh, '96, is assistant director of theUnion. -Note:-Following the name, appears theclass, European address, rank- and date reg­istered.Alnall, Lawrence c., 1916, Co. F., 26thInf., A. E. F., Second Lieut., Dec. 16, 1917.Bacon, Raymond F., 1904, A P .. O. 702,Lieut. Col., Jan. 30, 1918.Baker, D. W., 1920, Med. Corps, A. E. F.,Jan. 14, 1918.Baker, H. L., 1913, Gen. Hosp. N Q. 18,B. E. F., First Lieut., Feb. 1, 1918.Becker, J. c., 1920, Gen. Hosp. No. 18,Jan. 14, 1918.Brecher, Jack A, 1920, Gen. Hosp. No. 18.Brown, Ralph L." 1917, Hotel Regina,Paris.Cann, Roy R, .1914, A. P. O. --'.' S. 18,B. E. F., Base Hosp. No. 12, Jan. 29, 1918.Conlen, J. G., 1900, Y. M. C. A., 12 Rued'Aguesseau, Dec. 12, 1917.Cooke, Alan _W., 1916, S.: P. 215, Y. M.C. A., De�. 7, 1917. 229Davis, Ralph Waldo, 1916, No. 702 A. E._F., Ordnance Officer, Dec. 31, 1917.Duggan, John A., 1919, Base Hosp. No. 12,18th Gen. Hosp., B. E. F.Dunlap, Albert, 1917, A P.O., S. 18,. B.E. F., Base Hosp. No. 12, Dec. 7, 1917.Elliston, Robert L., 1914, Base Hosp. No.39, U. S., Nov. 7, 1917.Field, Ralph E., 1914:, Engrs. U. S. R,A. E. F., Dec. 30, 1917.Follansbee, Russell, 1916, A. P.O., S. 18tB. E. F., M. D. N. A, Jan.' 31, 1918.Freed, Richard, 1916-17, Base Hosp. No.12, A. P. O. S. 18, B. E. F., Jan. 29, 1918.Glaspel, Cyril J., 1915,. Gen. Hosp. No.18, B. E. F., First Lieut., Feb. 1, 1918.Gordon, Harold J., 1916, U. S. Naval AirService, Foreign Service.Gunnell, Vaughan c., 1917, Hotel Con­tinental, Paris, Dec. 25, 1917.Hanisch, Harold, 1919, Base Hosp. No.12, M. D. N. A., Private.Hicks, Ed L., Jr., 1918, S. S. U. 638, Con­vois Auto. par B. C. M., Feb. 2, 1918�Jacolson, H., 1916, Y. M. C. A., 12 Rued'Aguesseau, Dec� 25, 1917.Lansingh, Van Rensselaer, 1896, Am.Univ. Union, 8 Rue �ichelieu (Asst. Dir.).Leonard, Warren B., 19.14, Air ServiceConcentration Barracks No.2, Base Sec­tion No.2, Cadet.Lewis, Leon L., 1911, War Risk Ins.Detach. Gen.' Army Headq., Battalion Sgt.Major, Dec. 29, 1917.McMullin, H. c., 1916, Base Hosp. No.6 (temporary), Jan. 14, 1918 (by letter).Mathews. R. D .. U. S. Air Service.Miller, Albert G., 1903, Field Art., MotorTractor School, A. E. F., P. O. 702.Miner, J. G., 1919, Ordnance, A. E. F.,Jan. 16, 1918.Dulman, Mandel, 1919, C. & A., A. E. F.,Jan. 17, 1918.Robertson, C. W., .1915, M. R. c., U. - S.A., 18th Gen., B. E. F.,' Lieut., Jan. 1, 1918.Smith, R H., 1920, Cadet Signal Corps,45 Ave. Montaigne, Paris, Nov. 15, 1917.Parkinson, Sterling B., 1906., U. S. A.A. S., Dec. 20, 19t7.Stansbury, Ralph W., 1914, Field Art.,O. R. c., U. S. A., A. P. O. 7i8, SecondLieut., Feb. 1, 1918. . .Stevers, M. D., 1914:, F. A., U. S. R, A. E.F., Nov. 30, 1917Stranch, Henry R, 1916, U. S. Air Service,A. E. F., Jan. 28, 1918.Unger, Leon, 1913, U. S. Army,' FirstLieut.Wallin, Walter R, 1917, Hdqts. A. E. F.,Nov. 28, 1917.Watkins, John B., 1921, Morgan, Harjes &Co., Dec. 3, 1917.Wendrick, Carl F., 1918, care Chief o-a.Officer, Sgt., Feb. 2, 1918.Wilkinson, V. A., 1913, Chief Ord. Officer,Dec. 12, 1917.230 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" OverMajor Edgar B. Tolman, 1880, has beendirected to assume charge of the Cook coun­ty branch 'of State Headquarters in connec­tion with the administration in Illinois ofthe Selective Service Act.Herbert S. Foreman, '02, who was the firstalumnus to drive an ambulance in France,and who contributed an article on the serv­ice to .the MAGAZINE last year, has beengraduated from the officers' artillery train­ing school 1.t Fontainbleau, France, andcommissioned a first lieutenant in the 149thField Artillery, American ExpeditionaryForces, most of the members of which arefrom Chicago.William Kuh, '12, is a first lieutenant- inthe Medical Corps, doing special analyticalwork. He is in the government chemicallaboratory at Savannah, Georgia.Neil B. MacLean, ex-'12, is a major, O.c., 269th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Ar­tillery, B. E. F., France.S. Sellers, Jr., 1913, 342 Machine Gun Bat.:.talion, Camp Funston, Kansas, writes:"After completing training camp at Ft.Riley last summer, I went to Ft. Sill, Okla.,for a two-months course in machine gun­nery. One officer from every division inthe military forces of the country was sentfor the course, and so you know it was aninteresting class. Upon completion of thecourse, I came to Funston and was madean instructor in the divisional school. Ihad been there until this week when I wasattached over here. I requested the trans­fer since I was beginning to feel the needof work with troops. In the school we hadonly classes of officers. Mack is already inFrance as a first lieutenant with the 6thRegiment. of Marines. His first letter wasmailed Feb. 8."-Arthur R. Robinson, '13, is captain, 334thInf., N. A., 84th Division, Camp ZacharyTaylor, Ky.Leon 'Unger, '13, writes: "I have beenon duty with the British since last July andcan assure you the work is fine and thetreatment accorded us by the British leavesnothing to be desired." He is a first lieu­tenant Med. Res. Corps, U. S. A., with the14th Royal Irish Rifles, B. E. F., France.Corporal Edwin D. Hull, '14, writes: "Ihave read how loyally Chicago has re­spondedin the present crisis, as I knew shewould. I have always been very proud ofmy University and would like nothing bet­ter than to spend another year there." Hisaddress is 20th Co., 3rd Battalion, 5th Reg i­ment, U. S. Marines, A. E. F., via New YorkCity.Lieut. Walter S. Poague, '14, may be ad­dressed: 1st Marine Aeronautic Co., NavalBase No. 13 clo Postmaster, New YorkCity. Aaron E. Kantor, '15, IS a lieutenant inthe medical branch of the navy.Ord. Sgt. Harry S. Gorgas, '15, Interme­diate Ord. Depot, No.1, A. E. F., writes:"There are a number of Chicago.' men here,most of them' having taken the, first 'cou�sein the Ordnance work at the' University.We shall, however, be separated within ashort time, Among those here are: B. E.Newman, '17; J .. J. Donohoe, '16.; W. S.Boal, '18; H. A� Moore, '15; D�·Swett, '17,and N .. W. Mi11er, 'rs. We had a very satis­factory trip across and have been workinghard since arriving." ,Ira A. Russ, '16, is a sergeant in the 5thField Artillery, American ExpeditionaryForce, now in France.Frederick Kilner, '16, is a member of Bat­tery E, 149th U. S. Field Artillery, France.Byron Gendreau, '17, is a private, U. S. M.c., Paris Island, S. C.Sgt. Leonard A. Strauss, ex.:.'17, is supplysgt. in the 3rd officers' training camp, CampGrant, 111.Arnold J. Hoffman, '19, is a private withthe U. S. Marine Corps, Co. R, Rifle Range,Paris Island, S. C.Tom Hollingsworth, Harry Boroff, CarlDefebaugh and Marshall Davies have ar­rived in France. They are with the 8thField Depot Co.William H. Vail, ex-'20, has been coin­missioned a first lieutenant in the AmericanAviation Corps abroad. He graduated fromthe aero training school at Rantoul, 111., andwas sent to France in December, 1917.Richard Davis, ex-, has been appointedthe first Christian Science chaplain in . thenavy, with the rank of lieutenant. He istemporarily stationed at the Charlestownnavy yard.T. N. Treat, '74, writes: "A.m runninga country law office and schooling my chil­dren-this is a country town-a mile and ahalf from R. R. station-but quite an edu­cational centre; have the Southern'S. D.Normal, a public school and a governmentIndian school for girls. Have a son andtwo daughters in the Norma!' Will be 67in July, but am serving in the S. D. NationalGuard-am told I am the oldest memberin the state, but can march as far in a dayas any of the boys." "J. H. Reynolds, '97, is president of Hen­drix College, Conway, Ark.George E. Tucker, '00, is conducting aninvestigation in the field of Industrial Med­icine in behalf of the National IndustrialConference Board. His office is located at15 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.((OVER HERE'Alvin L. Barton, '00, is teaching history,French and music in the Northern highschool, Detroit, Michigan. His home ad­dress is 55 Blaine av., Detroit.Charlotte Collins, '01, is teaching Englishin the Lewis and Clark high school, Spo­kane, Washington.Gertrude Dudley, ex-'03, is in the depart­ment of physical education, Barnard Col­lege, Columbia University, New York City.Lena Vaughn, '03, is head of the depart­ment of physics in the Mississippi IndustrialInstitution and College at Columbus, Miss.Her horne address is 624 Main St.Byron G. Moon, '03, is conducting,through his advertising agency at Troy, N.Y., a newspaper campaign for Leslie'sWeekly, in northern New York. The Les­lie's end of it is being looked after by Lu­ther D. Fernald, '08, advertising managerof Leslie's, with Hilmar Baukhage, '11, as­sistant managing editor, preparing some ofthe copy. All three are old Daily Maroonmen, Moon having been business manager,Fernald managing editor and business man­ager, and Baukhage reporter on the Daily.Rowland Anthony, ex-'04, is general man­ager of the E. A. Wilcox Mfg. Co., 6330Stony Island av., Chicago.Edith W. Arnold, '04, has just become aregistered pharmacist and is assisting in herfather's drug store in Lake Geneva, Wis., inthe place of her brother, who is in service.Gladys Bray, '04, is teaching in the OakPark high school. She says teaching isalmost a side issue compared with RedCross and other war activities.Jane B. Walker, '04, is teaching lip read­ing and giving lectures on literature to lipreaders in the N. Y. School for the Hardof Hearing. She also gives four annual lec­tures to lip readers at the Metropolitan Mu­seum of Art.Mrs. ]. P. Clark (Eunice Hunter, ex-'04)is taking an active part in the preparationsfor work among our deafened soldiers andsailors.Elsie Morrison, '05, is teaching at theFrances Shimer School, M t. Carroll, Ill.Mary S. Sanders, '06, is assistant profes­sot of English in the Southwestern U ni­versity.J. E. Collins, '06, is manager of Swift &Co. produce plant, Alma, Mich.Alice Krackowizer, '06, is assisting in thedepartment of philosophy of education,Teachers' College, Columbia University:New York. She has done some experimen­tal teaching in one of the Bronx publicschools and some testing of Horace Mannschool children.Grace S. Barker, '07, is teaching scienceand mathematics in an outdoor school. Heraddress is 208 Stratford Rd., Baltimore, Md.Charles Newberger, '07, is practicing med­icine and teaching in the department of ob- The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON_, VICE-PRESIDENTD. A. MOULTON, VICE-PRESIDENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAJ'T J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTFRANK W. SMITH, SECRETARYJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIEREDWARD F. SCHOENECK, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLERBENJAMIN CARPENTER /CLYDE M. CARRERNEST A. HAMILLCHARLES H. HULBURD CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONMARTIN A. RYERSONJ. HARRY SELZ EDWARD A. SHEDDROBERT J. THORNE CHARLES H. VVACKERForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings Deposits231232 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESERVICEbased upon more than fifty yearsof conservative banking is placedat the disposal of responsiblefirms and individuals by TheFirst National Bank of Chicago.Organized in 1863 with a capitalof $205,000, the bank today has acapital and surplus of $22,000,000.Its deposits have grown from$273,000 in October, 1863, to$193,297,000 at the end of 1917.Under its divisional organizationdepositors are classified accord­ing to their lines of business andreceive the close, prompt and per­sonal attention of officers whoare specialists in the financialneeds of specific lines.Calls or correspondence are in­vited from those desiring com­plete, convenient and satisfactoryfinancial service.J�MES B. FORGANChairman of the Board FRANK o. WETMOREPresidentThe · First National Bankof ChicagoNorthwest Corner Dearborn. and Moriroe Streets stetrics of the University of Illinois, Collegeof Medicine.Joseph Pedott, '07, is general agent forthe New York Life Insurance Co., 175 W.Jackson Blvd. .Benjamin Brawley, '07, is dean and pro­fessor of English, Morehouse College, At­lanta, Ga.Helen Sunny McKibbin, '08, is living at144 E. 36th St., N ew York City.Gustavus S. Paine, '09, writes:"Out here in the wild town of Reno Ipractically never see anyone from Chicago.Chicago men and women are to be con­gratulated that so far they have seldom hadto serve time in benevolent Nevada. On atrip East, just before Christmas, in goingthrough to Washington and New York, Iwas glad not to have to spend more than afew hours in the temperature that Chicagowas enjoying on that particular day. Thoughthe two feet of snow that you picture inthe February number seem mild in com­parison with the ten and fifteen feet outhere in the Sierra that I ski over numeroustimes every winter just for the sport; stillsnow in the mountains and snow in a city busi­ness district are two very different mat­ters. To me California, only eleven mileswest, really is the paradise that the 'Come,to California' advertisements in the papersmake it out to be-plenty of oil for heat,water-power for lights, beef and mutton formeat, and snow in the mountains where itshould be. Still it won't do to get too com­fortable and complacent in these war times.Nevada really is just as alive to what thewar means as N ew York, arid so is Cali­fornia."Edith Barnett, '10, is teaching in the his­tory department of the Northeast HighSchool of Kansas City, Mo.Mrs. C. R. Holton (Nina Yeoman, '10)writes: "I am keeping house for CharlesR., Helen and Margaret Holton; secretaryof the Auxiliary of the Red Cross; knittingand sewing for soldiers."John H. Shantz, '11, is at NorthwesternCollege, Naperville, Ill.,Mary A. Miller, '11, is teaching in theLatin department of the Northeast HighSchool, Kansas City, Mo.Wilber Hattery, Jr., ex-'ll, is secretary­treasurer of the Geo. T. Mickle Lumber Co.and working very hard trying to furnishlumber for government contracts.George K. K. Link, '10, is established atthe Bureau of Plant Industry at Washing­ton, which he represents as pathologist en­gaged in training inspectors in the detectionof plant diseases and their occurrence un­der market conditions. The work is donein the open, in cars, in freight yards, andon docks, and Link says it has been a coldjob this winter. He is on leave of absencefrom the University of Nebraska, where hehas been appointed professor of plant physi-((OVER HERE) 233Training for Executive WorkBusiness today calls for the leadership of trained men. It needs expert account­ants, auditors, comptrollers, business managers, banking experts, office managers,cost accountants, sales managers, traffic managers, interstate commerce experts andbusiness correspondents.The late James J. Hill said: "There will never be too many trained executives."College men, as well as others, often need additional training of a distinctlypractical character-something a little different from what they have had-beforethey find themselves.The La Sa.lle training is thoro and practical. Each department is under thedirection of a business or professional expert. The staff of over 300 instructors,administrators and assistants numbers many U. of C. graduates. Samuel MacClin­tock, Ph.D., is General Educational Director.Write for information concerning:Business Administration:Under direction of WilliamBethke, A.M., formerly of Uni­versi ty of Colorado.Law:Under direction of RichardC. Samsel, A.B., J.D., Memberof IIIinois Bar.Effective rublic Speaking :..t.Under direction of F. W.Dignan, Ph.D., formerly ofUniversity of Chicago. Higher Accountancy:Under direction of WilliamB. Castenholz, A.M., C.P.A.,M.A.I.A., formerly Comptrollerand Instructor in Accountancy,University of Illinois. Banking and Finance:Under direction of FrederickThulin, L.L.B., formerly withUnion Trust Company.Business Correspondence:Under direction of F. W.Dignan, Ph.D., formerly of Uni­v er si ty of Chicago.Interstate Commerce andRailway Traffic:Under direction of N. D.Chapin, formerly Chief ofTariff Bureau, The New YorkCen tral Railroad. Commercial Spanish:Under direction of Luis E.Rodriguez, formerly of ArmourInstitute of Technology.LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, 4046 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGOology and physiologist of the experimentstation.Myra Reed, '11, of McCall's Magazine,writes:"The magazine is going along splendidly.They made me editor last spring on a sixmonths' basis; the first of November theymade the thing permanent, and put myname on the magazine with the Januaryissue."Herbert L. Willett, Jr., '12, is acting asexecutive secretary of the Chicago Commit­tee for Armenians and Syrian Relief, withoffices in the Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 19 S. La­Salle st. His home address is 1205 E.60th st.Bena K. Hansen, '12, is principal of theModel school in the Humboldt State N or­mal School, Arcata, Cal.Charles H. McCurdy, '12, is rector of St.James' Church, Birmingham, Mich.Ernestine Evans, '12, is working in Wash­ington for the Publicity Department of theRed Cross.Hiram L. Kennicott, '13, is advertisingmanager of the United Autographic Regis­ter Co., S. Western blvd., and W. 43rd st.Bertha Riley Ewing, '13) writes: "I amtaking care of my little son, Paul McDon­ald, born December 21, 1917. He was theyoungest Red Cross member in our littlecity during the 'Xmas drive.'" Her ad­dress is 536 Forest Glen av., Ames, Ia. Alma Ogden Plumb, '13, writes: "Myhusband is in the third O. T. C at CampPike, Ark. I am dividing my time betweenStreator, Chicago and Little Rock, Ark.,where the camp is located. .I have devoteda large part of my time for the past sixmonths to the making of surgical dressings.The other University people in Streator arePaul Heflin, '10; J. D. '12, and FlorenceRothermel Heflin, '03, who are engaged inraising a most attractive young daughter,and Thurlow Essington, J. D., '08, and DavieHendricks Essington, '08, mayor and may­oress of Streator. The latter has been 'verymuch occupied with Red, Cross work. Mysister, Marjorie Ogden Stanard, ·'11, is liv­ing in Huntington, W. Va., and has twodaughters, aged three years and ninemonths, respectively."Muriel McClure, '14, is teaching botany inthe Indianapolis Manual Training School,Indiana.Hilda McClintock, '15, is going as teacherof English in "The Girls' College" of Do­shesha University, Kyota, Japan. She sailsfrom San Francisco on April 1st.Bessie E. Harvey, '15, was married toRev. Edward N. Harris on Sept. 6. Rev.and Mrs. Harris sailed on March 5 on theS. S. China for mission work in Burma.Their address is A. B. Mission, Shwegyian,Burma, Asia.234 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE� Worb � !Jl£ §[umni\Ebis i� an age of bemocracp.1ft is an age, too, tuben tbinking people ate stanbing apinstitutions tbat babe probeb themselnes stauncf sup=porteu of intelligent uemoecattc principles.�be «:bicago %lmerican - a guat ebening neblspaper­bas alwaps been sucb an institution. 1ft muues pouree-cperauen in tbe work of bemocracp it is cl)nstantlpseeking to anuanre.tEbt C!tbicago �merican--�11111I[lIIIIlIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111illllllllllllllllllliliIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!111111IIIIIIII!IIII©Esther Livingston, '15, is teaching homeeconomics in the Riverside grammar schooland in the Riverside Brookfield Townshiphigh school, Riverside, Ill.John G. Burtt, '15, writes: "I am en­gaged as geologist for the Roxana Petro­leum Co., of Oklahoma, doing field workin North Texas, and teaching my youngson, John Gurney Burtt, Jr., born October21, 1917, to drive a jitney; aside from thatI have practically no worries."Guy M. Hoyt, '15, is teaching history andacting as aide to the headmaster of CulverMilitary Academy.George A. Gray, '15, writes: "AssistantSurgeon F. A. \f\Tilliams, '15, and I wereseparated in Washington last October. Wil­liams went to the First Marine AeronauticCompany, at Cape May, (His address iscare Marine Headquarters, Washington.)Williams wrote me of a mad dash whichWalter Poague, '14, made at a million milesan hour to pick up a flyer. I wonder ifthat was Rollin Harger, '14? Anyhow,Williams and the rest are now 'over there'­not in England, France or Italy, but ondry land, nevertheless."Personally I was sent to the 8th Marinesin Quantico, Virginia, in October. Mud!Cold! Poague speaks in his letter of theheat. He' took it all with him."I remained at Quantico about threeweeks and was just beginning to get ac- c1imated to the army life when we receivedorders to break camp. Naturally. specula­tion as to our destination was rife. Firstit was France, next Villa was invadingTexas, and finally it was the Nation's semi­annual rebellion. Anyhow, I examinedabout every mouth and throat in camp, andafter finding a case or two of contagiousdisease, we· started, leaving suitcases be­hind. Within 72 hours from the time wereceived our orders, we had traveled toPhiladelphia, boarded our transport andwere sailing down the Delaware for "some-where." I claim that that is speed. ."The advantage the Marine Corps hasover other branches is something like theargumen t for the quarter system over thesemester arrangement-viz., concen tra tion.We are small units, and, hence, very mo­bile. I might say that 88.5 per cent of themen in our regiment qualified for marks­men or better in 1917 on the rifle range. _Our voyage, if I may call it one, gave meabout the same sensation that Martin Ste- Ivers described when he left port. We, 'too,went through our darken ship and aban­don ship drills. For the life of me I couldnot see how all of us were going to get.into the boats, etc.; but thank heavens wedid not have to try it."The weather continued to get warmer,and after about four days out we passedalong the sandy coast of Florida. We are((OVER HERE)'�llllIIIIIHHUlUl!lU1111HIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllIlHlllIIllllllIlHllllllllllI1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlHIllIIIIIIIIIIllIIIHlIIHlIIIllIIHlIIIIIIllIII1l11111l11111l11ll1111l111111111l1l1l11l1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l11l1l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I �be but!' of a new�paptt to its cennnunttr goe� he!,onb tbe ntws anb !I amusements. II �bt <!Cbicago <!Examiner bas ttitb to serue its reaners; II 3Jn line wttb tbis besire tbe Qfxamintr bas printtb: II H�p jfour �eat;£i in �ermanp/' tbt hook hl' tx=�mhassabor I� 3famts _. �ttarb. �I Heber �lje �op," tbt classic of war stoties, bp �ttbut <!@up �mptr. II H�be jfall of tfJe l\omanoffs," bl' 3JUiobor. II H�n �irman'1i ®uting," b1' jaopb �able. II "jDiplomatit!\epods (!onterning 1&dgiumH • bp Jljrant! mlbitlodt. II 3ln futtbtrance of tbis poltcr the mail!' anb �unba!, <!Examiner II will number among its conttibutors: II �ir �rtljur �onan jDopIe (!@eorge 1&ernarb �babl II 3Jan �a!, Dr. mooob!i �uttljin50n II �rS'. �umpljte!, moarb �rnolb 1&ennett I�be l£onbon bureau bas been reorgani?eb nnner tbat brilliant corrtsponb=tnt ·.§l.ewton €. tlatlte.1ibt �atis bureau is being sttbtb bp a superb staff btabtb b1'�. jf.fStrttllt anb �tnr!, �. Malts.�llllllllllllllllll!lIIlIIIlIIIIII!!II!l!!II!!1I11111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlililI11111111l111l1I1l1ll1111111111111111111llilli.bragging now that we were at Palm Beachas we nassed that point at about two milesoff shore."We hike, dig first aid stations and dug­outs, pitch shelter tents, do skirmish work,and wig-wag signals. There is always acertain amount of competition between theMarines or Girenes and the Navy or Gobs.You see the Medical Corps of the navy takescare of the marines, too. Hence, it is upto us to be fit for anything from an epi ...demic of mumps to a 25-mile hike. Nowwe are at Fort Crockett, Galveston."I met Frank Ward, '15, here in town.He is a second lieutenant with the 19thinfantry, and they are doing guard duty onthe wharves. I also met Ernie Cabanne, '16,He lives here but is not in the service asyet."Denton Sparks, '16, was at Houston andhe made the ordnance officers' trainingschool at Camp Meade, Maryland, and wonhis commission as second lieutenant. Heis now in Washington for about six weeks,William M. Gray, ex. '15, is with him; healso got a second lieutenancy out of theschool."While in Houston one day I met GeorgeW. Patrick, ex. '16. He is a corporal withthe 129th Infantry Band."I also met the Cornwall boys, Max andRalph, up there.. "Last Sunday I went out to the Oleander 235Golf Club, near by here, and ran into A.Rubovits, '14, a sergeant in ordnance atHouston."Gifford Plume, '16, passed through hereone day and we had a fine visit together."On Christmas I was married to MissFlorence 1. Little of Detroit. We went upto Waco, where the Detroit troops were incamp, and had a 'home town wedding' outof it, with our friends there."Joseph B. Shine, '16, is teaching Englishand history in the Englewood High Schooland drilling at Bartlett, getting ready forUncle Sam.Hannah Pease, '16, and Anna Olsen, '17,are both teaching domestic science in theFort Dodge High School, Fort Dodge, Ia.Leland W. Parr, '16, is teaching in AssuitCollege, Assuit, Egypt.Isadore J acobsohn, '17, is assistant chem­ist, Bureau· of Standards, 1845 Ontarioplace, Washington, D. C."Charles F. Allen, '17, has. recently beenpromoted to the principalship of the Pea­body School, which, with its enrollmentof nearly 1,200 grade school students, isthe largest ward school in the state. Heis also supervisor of grade school lan­guage work of Little Rock, Ark. His ad­dress is 1922 West Twenty-second street.Zalia Jencks, '13, is teaching generalchemistry in the University of Washington .236 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.Law School AssociationU rider the caption of "Leaders in Ameri­can Finance and Business" the Magazineof Wall Street for Feb. 16 prints a photo­graph of Clark S. Jennison, LL. B., '06, ofGoethals & Co., New York. The photo­graph shows Clark's brow unruffled by NewYork problems; in fact, he looks as he didwhen he rumbled over the sod of MarshallField in 1904 and 1905. His hair is moresmoothly brushed, that is all. He declaresthat "one of the most important elementsof national financial soundness is an in­telligent public understanding of the basicprinciples of finance." As Mr. Micawber re­marked many years ago, "income twentypounds, outgo nineteen pounds nineteenshillings and eleven pence; result, happi­ness; income twenty pounds, outgo twentypounds one penny; result, misery." Werecommend this to Clark as the real basicprinciple of finance.Leo Spitz, '08, J. D., '10, has been assist­ant attorney of the Sanitary District of Chi­cago for the past three years.Lieutenant William R. Peacock, '09, J. D.,'11, was married to Leote M. Maher, ofDelphi, Ontario, Canada, on Jan. 7, at CampPike, Little Rock, Ark., where they willmake their 'home for the present.Roy D. Keehn, '04, has become one ofthe original members of the new firm of Dickinson, Wetten & Keehn, with officesat 108 South LaSalle street. Former Sec­retary of War J aco b M. Dickinson is thesenior member of the firm.Harry J. Lurie, '05, is a member of thenew firm of. Lurie, Fishell .& Levinson, withoffices at 1303, 79 West Monroe street.George T. McDermott, '09, is a mem­ber of the firm of Stone, McDermott &Caster, New England Building, Topeka,Kan.Jesse E. Marshall, '14, was married toMiss May L. Weeks on February 6th, 1918.Captain Marshall is now located at CampSherman, Ohio.Yorick D. Mathes, '17, was married toMiss Cora P. Carr on Feb. 2nd at Houston,Texas. Lieutenant Mathes is at CampLogan, Texas.Thomas J. Meek, '17, is practicing withBurry, Johnstone & Peters, 108 South LaSalle street, Chicago.Forest D. Seifkin was married -to MissMary E. Capps on Feb. 7th at J acks.onville,Ill. Mr. Siefkin is ordnance sergeant atthe San Antonio arsenal, Texas.W. E. Collins, ]. D., '05, has resignedhis position with the trust department ofthe Daly Bank of Butte, Mont., to practicelaw in Great Falls, Mont.25 Charts in SetM1LITlRY INSTRUCTION COABTSSCHOOL OF THE SOLDiERORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS LEARN TO DRILLLIKE REGULARSMilitary efficiency of a high order is only ob­tained by continuous study and drill. You canreach the regular army standard by using ourMilitary Instruction Charts, which teach themanual of arms in complete detail, the care ofthe army rifle, and the correct ways to shoot.Used in Reserve Officers' Training Camps,schools, colleges, and extensively in the Regu­lar Army. If you have a son, brother or friendin the National Army, a set of these charts willaid him in getting promotion. If you, your­self are studying for a commission, they willmake you more. proficient. Highest endorse­ments. Edited by Lieut. Col. George S. Si­monds, U. S. A., until recently Senior TacticalOfficer at West Point. Endorsed by GeneralLeonard Wood.PRICE THREE DOLLARS, POSTPAIDNo More Sets Sold at Reduced PricesNATIONAL ARMY SCHOOL314 East 23rd se., New York CityActual size l1x14 inchesTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1647 Teachers NeededTwenty-four Days.D uri n g twenty-four consecutiveworking days last season employersasked us to recommend 1,647 teachersfor positions in thirty-hvo states. Noenrollment fee necessary. Easy terms.Department of Education, WesternReference and Bond Association, 761Sca rr itt Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. .InEmployers and College WomenWanted at theChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants. LaboratoryTechnicians. Apprentice Executives. Book-keepers.Draughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines.904 Stc!vens Bldg.17 N. State St. Tel. Central 5336237The Colorado Teachers' AgencyA high-class Agency whose superior facilities appeal especially to those who are available forpositions as Superintendent. Supervisor, High School Principal, or special teachers in HighSchool, Normal School and College.Communicate with FRED DICK, Manager, 504-505 Kittredge Building. Denver ColoradoTEACH E RS' AGENCY28 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago To this organizstion-national in eeope-e-em-, ployers and teachers naturally turn In makeBoslon New York Birmingham Denver in" a survey of the whole educational fieldPortland Berkeier Los Angeles for best teachers and teaching opportunitl ...Founded1893OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY TWENTY·FIVE YEARS of Successful ServiceTens of Thousands have been located in good teach­ing positions. OUf Contract plain. Our terms most liberal. Write for OUf plans. Our territory extends fromthe Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast.Flynn Building • • • • • • DES MOINES, IOWASabins' Educational Exchange (Inc.)Albert Teachers' Agency"Teaching as a Business," with chapters on War, Sal­aries, etc. ,sent free. Thirty-third year. Register in fouroffices with one fee. Branch offices-25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago N_ yo .... 437 5'. Ave. Den.... s".. .. B'". Spokan.. P.,.on B' •••TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to 611. E.nroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ. ManagerSupport Ollr advertisers I They support the Magazinel238 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthleticsBasketball-w. L. Pct.Wisconsin 9 3 .750Minnesota :......... 7 3 .700Northwestern 5 3 .625Chicago � 6 6 .500Illinois 6 6 .50'0Purdue 5 5 .500Ohio State 5 5 .500Indiana 3 3 .500Iowa 4 6 .400Michigan 0 10 .000Chicago tied for fourth, fifth, sixth, sev­enth, and eighth places in the Conferencebasketball championship by defeating Pur­due, 22-15, in the final game of the sea­son, at Bartlett on March 16. She wonfive games out of six at home (losing toMinnesota in an overtime game) and lostfive out of six abroad (beating Michiganat Ann Arbor). Chicago had a good team,but failed at critical points. Bryan's injuryin' the second game lost one game certainlyand probably two. There was no excuse forthe defeat by Iowa. Northwestern, Indianaand Ohio State played weak schedules.Northwestern particularly showed question­able sportsmanship by refusing to playMinnesota in the final scheduled game, andMinnesota has accordingly announced itsintention of scheduling no more gameswith the lads from Evanston. The cham­pion hard luck team was Illinois, whichlost its best player to Uncle Sam early inthe season and another by ineligibility.Hinkle, '20, was probably the best playerin the conference, though Illinois, withAnderson; Wisconsin, with Chandler;Northwestern, with Underhill, and Minne­sota, with Gillen, would all deny this. Hin­kle was at all events a real star. CaptainGorgas was hardly up to his expectedform. Like Captain Earle of the swimmingteam, he was busy getting Phi Beta Kappa-the first man in Chicago to win three C'sin one year and Phi Beta Kappa into thebargain.Basebal1.-Coach Page has a squad oftwen ty men out regularly, more than forsome seasons. Their quality is not certain.Vollmer, '20, and Bryan, '20, will catch;Hinkle, '20, Terhune, '19, and Mulligan, '20,six months at Camp Grant, rejected for badeyes, will pitch. Spr oehrile, '20, will playfirst; Captain Rudolph, '19, will play second;B locki, '20, short, and Long, '19, third, atleast it looks so now. There are a numberof outfielders, none very remarkable. Elton,'20, seems as good as an_y.. Success dependson the pitching, which does not promisehighly. On account of the cold weather,only one game had been played up' to April5th, the Libby, McNeil & Libby team fromthe yards getting eleven hits off Hinkle and Terhune and winning 5-3 on March 30. Pageis as talkative as usual about prospects; hesays the freshmen look unusually good.Swimming.-N o rthwesterri won the Con­ference. championship meet held at. Evans­ton on March 23, with 47;1 points; Chicagowas second, with 29;1, and Wisconsin third,with 25. Illinois scored three points andIndiana one-third of a point. Captain Wal­ter Earle of Chicago was the outstandingcompetitor, winning three races and break­ing the Conference record in each. Heswam the 40 yards in 191i seconds; thehundred in 5�iseconds, and the 220 in 2 :31¥s.Simonson, .N orthwestern captain, madethirteen points and broke the record in the440, swimming in 5:41'7'5. Biersach, of Wis­consin, broke the record in the 200 yardbreast stroke, swimming in 2:45.BUYLIBERTYBONDS"Everybody's Doing tu:A VOCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS PAYS�Explanatory Leaf'Ief on Request'E. G. BRADFORD, Specialist, iP. O. Box 17,8 ' Brooklyn, N. Y.ROGERS Be HALL CoPRINTERSCHIC,AGOOne of the larg­est and mostcomplete Print­ing plants in theUnited States.Printing andAdvertising Ad·visers and theCo-operativeandClearing Housefor Cataloguesand Publications You have a standing invitation to call and inspect ourplant and up-to-date facilities. We own the building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both to meetthe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and PRINTERS·PUBLICATIONMake a Printing Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseWE PRINT Estim�� �:aItt'University of Prin�::ro�.i::<mttcag �M � . (We Areo JI1ll�"au:nt Strong � n �u�� �., Specialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 239FLOORS�e Editor of theLONDON PROCESSWORKER Said-'ll found theJAHN and OLLlERENGRAVING COMPANYthe Most Progressiveand Up-to-DateEn�ravin� Plantin Ch icago "®X:::::f:�����·���. . .Jabn &Ollier Ingravine�� _ .;COLOR. PR.OCESS PLATE MAKERSHALFTONES -ZINC ETCHINGSPHOTOGRAPHERS (COMMERCIAL)DRAWINGS (OOMMERCIAL) SJ:tETCHES &.DESIGNS554 WEST ADAMS STREET • CHICAGO§Ujll IIIUIII III III III 11111111 II 111111 II 111111111111111111 III1I11UlHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIlIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1I11llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I1111111l1l1l1ll1l1l1l1ll1l1ll1lUlIlIlIIll�·'Buttt.-InI WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAIL 'II MEN'S SHOES I-1__=_ Success has followed honest and progressive endeavor. �=�_.:.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,__=!=_= we ha; :;b;l:ed �:l;t�. AGO S HOP S: ii'§106 S. Michigan Ave. 15 S. Dearborn St.�5 29 E. Jackson Blvd. §§111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III II II II II III II III II III III II II 111111 II II II II IliIlJlJ 1111 JIJIII III III II III II II III II II III II II III IIl11illlllllllllllllll 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilUlllllllllllllllllllllllliSupport our advertisers! They support the Maga�';'nel240 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWe �rt tbe jfir�t �tubioto obtain immediate renewal of theCap and Gown contract.To introduce to Alumni]Baguerre �rt �rint£i( in French-gray finish)The newest, most artistic creationin photography,We offer�brtt ]BagUerre �rtprintsSize 10x14 inches, or�ix ]Baguerre �rtprint£iSize 7x 11 inches, forjf ibt 1!lollar£i(Regular price, lOx14, $30.00 per doz; 7xl1, $1500, per doz.)1!lagutrrt �tubioTop Floor McClurg Building,214 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGOPhone Harrison 7684 for appointment ALUMNIFor Your Dances, Parties, Cluband Fraternity Entertainments-'Inquire 01-GEORGE w. KONCHAS, ManagerFAMOUS'�(!COpt" �arbt!'<!f)rcbt£itra �trbitt900 Lytton Bldg., Phone Harrison 1147Paul H. Davis & GompanijWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize in un­listed stocks and bonds -- quo­tations on request.PAUL H. DAVIS, 'n.N. Y. Life Bldg.- CHICAGO - Rand. 2281Pleasant EconOlnyAt this time, the conservation of food is of vital import­ance to the Government.It is not only our patriotic duty to economize on our tables, but it is alsoessential that we choose those foods which will give the most energyvalue for the least money.Swift's PremiumOleontargarineenables you to save 15 to 20 cents a poundon one food item without the sacrifice ofone iota of food energy value.Swift's Premium Oleomargarine is sweet,pure and clean-not touched by hand in themaking or packing.Excellent on bread-fine for cooking andbaking.SWift & CompanyU.S.A.On Shore and Offmen like our collegians who are training for thenavy and Uncle Sam's seasoned sea fighters-menwho must maintain their vigor, quickness and'"he,adiness'�-are tuning up onSoft in the strictest sense, but a thoroughgoing man's drink-gives you the full flavor of wholesome grains and the nipand fragrance of genuine Bohemian Saazer Hops.Try Bevo by itself-see how good it makes things to eat taste.Served at the best places everywhere. Families suppliedby grocers. ' � -Manufactured and bottled exclusively byAnheuser-Busch ' St. Louis, U. S. A.Bevo should be served cold"The all-vear-rround soft drink"Black: Bug 31Green " 29Water " 27 (Floats)Test them in Practice,Courts in our SPORTSSHOP before you purchase.Sold in CAPPER STORESand at various Clubs. Cost more than the ordinary kindbut worth the price asked.They are the best golf b�llls"in America"LONDONCHICAGODETROITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLISA ,STORE WITHIN A STORE1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllili11111111111111111111111111'111111111111111111111111111111111"111111111111NEW SPORTS SHOP I, Occupies about 4000 square feet'Of floor space on the lower floorof our present location.One of America's most completeSport Shops, featuring golf clothesand accessories of the better kind.practice Courts in connection withScotch Professional in charge. LONDONCHICAGODETROITMILWAUKEEMINNEAPOLIS