NOTICE TO READERAfter reading this copy place a. 1 cent stamp here. ha.ndsame to any postal employee and it will be placed tn thehands of a soldieror sailor at the front. No wrapping;no address. - A. S. Burleson, Postmaster General •. -, PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COUNCIL \Vol. X No.5 ,March, 1918� •. i Another Patriotic Service RenderedPROFITING BY SIX MONTHS) EXPERIENCE IN THE TEACHING OFMilitary French, and by reports from many other teachers whoare using their previous books, Professors WILKINS and COLE­MAN, of the University of Chicago, have now prepared:ARMY FRENCH; In "Army French" the three main features of the "First Lessons,"1;' described below, are retained:(1) French words, French phrases, and statements about French are all pre­sented from the point of view 0.£: the spoken language.(2) The book contains just enough grammatical material, stated with sim­plicity and clearness, to lead to a constructive. knowledge of French.(3) The French word's given in the Word-Lists and used :n the Exercises areselected with reference to the. particular needs of men in military service.The new book differs from the old in four respects:(1) All French phrases and sentences, in" the text and the Exercises, are givenin normal French spelling as. well as in sound-transcription.(2) The Exercises. are greatly expanded and improved; They now offer anabundance of excellent conversational material.(3) The grammatical statements have been still further simplified, and theirorder has been carefully revised.(4) An English-French vocabulary has been added.Bound in stiff paper-40 cents (postpaid 44 rents)Three French Books which are widely used:First Lessons in Spoken French for Men ill Military ServiceBy WILKINS, COLEMAN) and RUSE. Cloth) 50 cents (postpaid 54 cents)Le Soldat Ameri�n en FranceBy COLEMAN and LA MESLEE. Cloth} 50 cents (postpaid 54 cents)To be used as a conversation book or supplementary readerFirst Lessons in Spoken French for Doctors and NursesBy WILKINS} COLEMAN) and PRESTON. Cloth) 50 cents (postpaid 54 cents)Royalties devoted to war work,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS- •__ - 5859 Ellis AvenueCHICAGO ILLINOISEditor, JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MoULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, ADOLPH G. PIERROT, '07.Assistant Editor, JAMES C. HEMPHILL, '19�The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama 'Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. � Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for ali other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions <total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).� Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims' for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica:tion, The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Al umni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914. at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch S, 1879.VOL. X. CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1918. No, '5.FRONTISPIECE: From the Painting of The Mas que of Youth.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................ 175THE ROLL OF HONOR: HAWLEY BROWNELL OLMSTE�.J '17 178MILITARY SCIENCE COURSES AND CREDIT ...................•.............................. 179SIXTEEN CAUSES OF WAR ' 181THE NOVAES-MAXWELL CONCERT: 182ONE OF OUR LEADERS .... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 183ON THE QUADRANGLESJ by Bartlett Cormack, "20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184THE UNIVERSITY RECORD .' 185IN FRANCE (with sketch), by Leroy Baldridge,'l1 : ',' 188THE LETTER Box : .- . � ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 189ALUMNI AFFAIRS ....................................................................... 192News of The Classes; The Association" of Doctors; The Law School Associa­tion; Engagements, _ Marriages, Births, Deaths.ATHLE'fICS . � : � . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, SCOTT BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1917-18 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MISS SHIRLEY FARR, RUTH PROSSER, JOHNFRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAW­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN, HARVEY HARRIS.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED,MRS. HANNAH CLARK POWELL.From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTF:R RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSPEED, WAlUUtNP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALICE GREENACRE, JOSE W. HOOVER, WM. P.MACCRACKEN.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARTHA LANDERS THOMPSON, DoROTHY EDWARDS,MRS. HAZEL KELI,.Y MANVILLE.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONp,.esidenl, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, University of Chicago.Secretary, I:IERBERT E. SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, 111.Secretary, WALTER L. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave •.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HuGO M. FRIEND, 137 S. La Salle St.Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership' in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO. MAGA%INE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 171THE WAR SUBSCRIPTION FUNDTo carry out the plans of the Alumni Association to send the MAGAZINE freeto men in service, for the remainder of the year, will cost approximately five hun­dred dollars. This sum is to be raised by direct subscription. A special appeal willhave to be made, of course, to many individuals. But every alumnus and alumnawho thinks that he or she, if in camp or in France, would like to have news fromhome, is hereby asked to send in a contribution NOW to the War Subscription Fund.Any amount will be welcomed. Please send checks or money to War SubscriptionFund, Alumni Office, the University of Chicago.Men in any branch of the service who recei ve the MAGAZINE are also asked to co-operateby filling out the blank at the bottom of the pa ge and returning it to the alumni office. Anyother alumni who are acquainted with the ex act addresses of men in service may likewise usethe blank.WAR FUND DONATIONAlumni Council, The University of Chicago:Herewith find my subscription of dollars, to the WarSubscription Fund of the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.Check Enclosed.Money Order Enclosed.Payable 1918Sign Here .Return to Alumni Office, The University of Chicago.SOLDIER'S ADDRESSName Class .Service and Rank � � � .Service Address .Person who will always know that address , ..172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEvery Man Here is Doing What He Can Toward W.inning This War!"CHICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that these are all Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favoring YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 TEL. WABASH 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMARINE I NSURANCE ESPECIALLYROOM 1229. INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING175 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGOBen H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 Ralph H. Hobart; '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryNorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, '15INSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago ASK HOWES and [will be rglad to talk toHE KNOWS you at.any time aboutjyourLiFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which ·e,xi�ts for any CHIGAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex '13, Manager, Union MutualLife lnsurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGl>Telephone Wabash 400Mortimer L. Cahill., Ex �06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO Horace G. Lozier, '94INSURANCEof all kindsInsurance Exchange Bldg. 175 W. Jackson BoulevardTelephone Wabash 831M ember Illinois Insurance FederationJohn J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE, MANNING & CLEARYINSURANCE175 West Jackson Blvd. . Telephone Wabash 1240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer, Ex '85INSURANCEIn All I ts BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fidelity and Casualty134 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 5100IDLENESS, either physical or mental. tears dO.Wll your ability t.o work. Idle Money-Money not utili.zed for somecreative enterprise-becomes the curse of an individual or a people. Money can be nut at work on a very profitableand safe basis to bring achievement of those wishes and desires you have for yourself and family. It is a privilegeto have one thousand dollars to invest at the present rates of interest ann the present basis of dividends. Americanenterprises were never so well established as now. For our reeommendattons, write or call.A. D. O'NEILL & CO., Investment BankersA. D. O'Neill, Ph.B., 1912. 208 S. La �alle St., CHICAGOSupport our advertisers! They support the Magazine!THE MASQUE OF YOUTH[This is a section of the mural paintings by Mrs. Botke, recently unveiled in Ida Noyes Hall. The first figure is The Spirit of Worship;Knowledge follows her, and then comes The City, preceded and followed by her pages.]The University of ChicagoMagazine.VOLUME X No.5.MARCH, 1918Events and DiscussionsThe Archbishop of York, Most ReverendCosmo Gordon Lang, D.D., D.C.L., L.L.D.,Litt.D., Fellow of AllThe Convo- Souls' College, Oxford,cation Orator will be the next Convo-cat ion 0 rat 0 ronMarch 19. ArchbishopLang, who was educated at Glasgow Uni-versity and Balliol College, Oxford, wasfor six years a student of the Inner Tem­ple, London, and for three years was Fel­low and Dean of Divinity at Magdalen Col­lege, Oxford. He became Vicar of St.Mary's, the University church at Oxford,in 1894, Bishop of Stepney in 1901, Canonof St. Paul's the same" year, and was Hon.Chaplain to Queen Victoria. In 1908 he wasappointed Archbishop of York. Among hispublications are The Miracles of J esus, asMarks of the Way of Li] e, and The Oppor­tunity of the Church of England.Major Henry Gordon Gale, '96, profes­sor of physics and dean in the colleges, isnow in France, whereDean Gale he has been placed inIn France charge of instructionof the U. S. meteor­ological service. Major Gale was seniorinstructor of the infantry division of thethird Officers' Training Camp at CampGrant, but in January was transferred firstto Washington and then to France for hispresent service. The work of the meteoro­logical section is not principally connectedwith aviation, as frequently supposed, butwith the artillery. Some twelve hundredtrained observers will be presently attachedto our army in France, their duties beingto note all atmospheric conditions that af­fect long-range gunfire. The story that Ambulance Unit Number12, generally called the University of Chi­cago Unit, and now intraining at Allen town,Pennsylvania, has beenor is about to be dis­banded, is not accurate. The cubic capacityrequired for shipment of ambulance equip ..ment is so great, and the numbers of menin the service now in France with our armyis so large, that the prospect Unit No. 12has of being sent over does not seemimmediate. Therefore, the governmentoffered the members of the unit the op­portunity of transfer to some other branchof service, if they were fitted for it. A fewhave been returned to medical study,though they are still sworn in to govern­ment service. Most are still at Allentown.In this connection the fact may be notedof unofficial information that out of a hun­dred men in the first Ordnance Groupswho have been sent to France, eighty-twohave been promoted to second lieuten-AmbulanceUnit No. 12antcies.Yale University has taken the step of re­organizing its undergraduate work towholly military ends.Military or Non- The basic study will beMilitary Colleges? of war, the basic train-ing military; all othercourses adjunct to this purpose. Exceptthat it will not be a government institution,Yale will in all main features resembleWest Point. President Hadley, in prt.­senting. the plan, declares that no study canbe of value unless motived, and that thepresent crisis admits of no fundamentalmotive in the young man except the wishto serve his country. The Chicago Tribune176 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhighly approves of this step. Apparentlythe colleges in general do not. Says theCornell Sun: ."The business of the college, amid thetumult and havoc of war, as in times ofpeace, is to conserve American ideals. Andtrading our educational system for militar­istic training alone, is a betrayal of our besttraditions. War brings new burdens, andone of those burdens is taking up militarytraining intensively in the time once usedfor pleasure and frivolities."America must don Mars' arms untilpeace comes. But America must not de ...sert her educational ideals for that mili­taristic educational system which has madeGermany the mad dog among nations."American education as constituted nowwill forever prevent America from becom­ing militarized. Education along broadlines exercises a restraining influe�ce uponthe militaristically inclined individual, andhe maintains a sane outlook on life."For a time we must fight with Germany'sown weapons. But our educational idealsmust be preserved and continued along withmilitary training if we are to be saved fromthe damnation awaiting Germany."So it is that Yale's decision to grant de­grees for military work, including only afew of the other educational influenceswhich keep militarism in its place, seems astep in the wrong direction."The plan of having the courses given bythe University of Chicago re-organized withthe war as the only determining factor isnow under discussion. There has neverbeen any intention of adopting Yale's ideas.But the omission of all so-called culturalcourses, the emphasizing of the sciences toa far greater extent even than they are nowemployed, has been pleaded for, and a com­mittee is now wrestling with the problem.What do the alumni think? 'The Hart, Schaffner & Marx prizes forEssays in Economics have been awardedfor 1917 as follows:Class A.Prize Essaysin Economics 1. The First Prizeof One Thousand Dol­lars to Edmond Earle Lincoln, B. A., OhioWesleyan University, 1909, B. A., Oxford·University, England, 1910, M. A., Oxford University, 1914, Ph.D., Harvard University,1917, instructor in Economics Radcliffe Col­lege, for a paper entitled "The Results ofMunicipal Electric Lighting in Massa­chusetts."2. The Second Prize of Five HundredDollars to Frank Hyneman Knight, B. S.,University of Tennessee, 1913, Ph. D., Cor­nell University, 1916, instructor in PoliticalEconomy in the University of Chicago, foran essay entitled "Cost, Value and Profit."3. Honorable Mention to Homer E.Gregory, A. B., Washington State College,1914, Graduate student in the University ofChicago, for an essay entitled "The Alum­inum Industry."4. Honorable Mention to Paul F. Bris­senden, A. ·B., University of Denver, U. S.Department of Labor, Bureau of LaborStatistics, Washington, D. c., for an essayentitled "The Industrial Workers of theWorld."Class B.1. The First Prize of Three HundredDollars to Moses B. Levin, undergraduatein the University of Chicago, for an essayentitled "The Marketing of WrappingPaper."2. The Second Prize of Two HundredDollars to Miss Nellie Martin, undergradu­ate in the University of Missouri, for a pa­per entitled "The Theory and Practice ofLegal and Minimum Wage in the UnitedStates."It will be noted that the second prize inClass A, open to all graduates, was awardedto an instructor in the university, and thefirst honorable mention to a graduate stu­dent here; and the first prize in Class B,open only to undergraduates, to a Uni­versity of Chicago student. The chairmanof the committee of awards is J. LawrenceLaughlin, who until his retirement twoyears ago, was head of the department ofpolitical economy at Chicago.Since writing of the American UniversityUnion in Paris, in the last issue of theMag a z i n e, the fol­lowing statement of an­other overseas Ameri­can University Club hasbeen received from A. H. Swan, '11, who is inShanghai, China:The American University Club of China isA UniversityClub in ChinaEVENTS AND DISCUSSION 177composed of near ly three hundred gradu­ates and former students of American uni­versities, who are now living in China. Themembership is about equally divided be­tween Chinese graduates of American uni­versities who have returned home to China,and of Americans who are engaged in thevarious business, educational, medical andmissionary enterprises that Americans areconducting in the Republic of China.The club was organized in 1903 and themembership has grown steadily. The pur­pose of the club is to stimulate a closer feel­ing of fellowship on the part of Americancollege men who are living in· China andalso stimulate a closer fellowship amongAmericans and Chinese which is so neces­sary to the future peace and well being ofthe Pacific.Approximately 1,200 Chinese graduatesand former students of American and Euro­pean Universities have now returned toChina. More than half of this numberhave been educated in America and theirrecords since returning to China show thattheir education has not been in vain. Inpractically every line of endeavor in China,engineering, railroad management, manu­facturing, education, medicine, business,and governmental service they are to befound in positions of trust and responsibil­ity.There are .n ow about 7,000 Americans in China and the last few years has seena great stimulus in the growth of Ameri­can business and other interests in China.Since China is now being rapidly modern­ized along Western or American lines theAmerican University Club desires to em­phasize the importance of a closer study oiquestions dealing with the Far East on thepart of American colleges and universitiesI t also desires to call the attention o,American young men and women to thepossibility of becoming of service to Amer­ica through a closer study of world-wideaffairs and questions, especially those deal­ing with the Far East.American college students or professorsdesiring special information on subjectsdealing with China and the Orient areurged to communicate with the AmericanUniversity Club, Shanghai, China. Captain Charles E. Merriam, of the avia­tion section of the signal corps, professorof political science inthe University, hasbeen ordered to Romeby the Secretary ofWar, for the purpose of organizing a bureauof public information there. The need ofsuch a bureau has been felt since the UnitedStates' entrance in the war. Its object willbe to counteract the work of Germanpropagandists in I taly. The publications ofthe bureau will review the war aims of theUnited States; the purpose of the Americangovernment not to interfere in the internalpolicies of Europe; and the extensivepreparations which are being made to lendthe allies all of the United States' militarypower. A similar bureau has been estab­lished in Russia for several months.Prof. MerriamSent to RomeThe University has been asked by theIntelligence Section of the War Departmentto provide a list ofundergraduates,' andrarticularly of alumni,whose connection withA Service tothe Governmentforeign groups and command of a foreignlanguage qualify them to speak to groups ofnon-English speaking people. All men ofthis sort who will undertake the work areasked to communicate with President J ud­son at once. It is possible that universityfunds as well as government funds may becontributed toward this work. The Intelli­gence Section is naturally desirous of keep­ing in close touch with foreign-speakingsoldiers and their families. Alumni who canand will help will be doing the governmenta service entirely comparable with thatwhich is done in the field.A College Exhibit was held at the CityClub of Cleveland in January. Thirty-twocolleges were represented,each by a booth. The Chi­cago Exhibit, a photographof which is here reproduced,was immediately off the main dining-room,in one of the bays of the lounge. The roomswere visited by many high school students,and a number of special entertainments werearranged. One afternoon tea was served bystudents of the Woman's College, WesternReserve University, and several hundredChicago atCleveland178 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOwomen were present. Something over fourthousand visitors saw the exhibit in all. Thepicture of the Chicago Exhibit was takenby the City Club. S. C. Moule, ex-'04, wasin charge.We want letters from men in governmentservice. This means anybody in Washing­ton, camp, or field;War army, navy, Y. M. C.Letters A., or Red Cross; any-body doing a bit orbetter. This notice is addressed, first, tothe men themselves in service, and second, to all of you who are receiving letters thatwould be of general interest. The fact thatthis editor is connected with the departmentof English need not deter anybody. Thestuff is enough; never mind the style. Ifthose of you who are getting letters willcopy them, legibly, on one side of thepaper only, we shall be obliged. If that istoo much trouble, send them in as they are,and they will be returned to you. As forthe men themselves, if they write in leadpencil on a sheet of wrapping paper, weshall not complain. We shall be glad. Butwrite.The Roll of HonorHawley Brownell Olmsted, '17, is thefirst student of the university to die for hiscountry in France. His death, announcedon February 26, was from pneumonia, in anAmerican camp. Olmsted was born in1892, and lived at Taylor, Pennsylvania. Hematriculated at the University of Virginia,where he spent more than two years. Heentered the University of Chicago in theautumn quarter, 1916, registering in theCollege of Arts, but later transferring tothe College of Education. In the ordinarycourse of events he would have received his degree at the end of the autumn quarter,1917.In April, however, Olmsted enlisted. Hewas sent to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri,and then to Fort Bliss, EI Paso, New Mex­ico, and assigned to the 15th Field Artil­lery. In June he was sent to Syracuse, NewYork, and in the early summer, overseas.The news of his death reached the Maga­zine too late for any extended notice, which.however we shall hope to 'include in theApril issue.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 179Military Science Courses and CreditThe first officially recognized training inmilitary science at the University of re­cent years was given in the Spring Quarter,1917, Just after the declaration of war.The MAGAZINE at that time gave a con­spectus of the plan, and has frequently re­ferred since then to its working. Thisarticle is intended merely as a statement ofconditions at the present time.The first commandant, Major Ola \V.Bell, was transferred to other service inJune, H117. The courses in the summer wereunder the supervision of Major E. B. Tol­man, well-known in Chicago; the under­graduate in charge was Lee Ettelson, '19,who had been for two years in the NationalGuard, and served on the Mexican botderthe year before. In September direction ofaffairs passed into the hands of Major] olinGrisard (retired). In November Ettelsonresigned, and Dunlap Clark, '17, was ap­pointed in his place. Physical disahilitygreatly hampered Major Grisard; after themiddle of December he was seldom able toleave his home. All lectures and drill inthe first weeks of the current quarter", erehandled by Clark and the undergraduateofficers.On January 25 Clark was summoned fortraining in the Signal Corps (balloon ob­servation section) at Omaha, where henow is. Eugene Carlson, '19, was appointedin his place, and carried on the work of thecorps until February 1S, when CaptainWilliam McAndrew, Ex-'ll, of Company F,:H1 Infantry, was assigned to duty here.Captain McAndrew, after three years atVincennes University, came to the Uni­versity of Chicago in 1907, was here for ayear, taught a year, went back to Vin­cennes for his A. B. in 1910, and then spentanother year at Chicago. From 1913 to 1917he was athletic director of the SouthernIllinois Normal School. In 1914 he becamea captain in the 4th Illinois National Guard.He went to the first training camp at FortSheridan, and was commissioned captainAugust 15. He was assigned to CompanyF, 341st Infantry, National Army, stationedat Camp Grant; his senior first lieutenant,by the way, who is now in actual charge ofthe company, is William Templeton, ex-'lS.On February 15 Captain McAndrew was de- tailed to take charge of the Department ofMilitary Science at Chicago. He is a mem­ber of Phi Kappa Psi, and while an under­graduate was on the] unior College Counciland joined Skull and Crescent.Captain William McAndrewThese constant changes, however neces­sary, had an obvious effect on the morale ofthe R. O. T. C. The undergraduates feltthat the training they were receiving wasto some degree fragmentary, and not pro­gressive. In the autumn quarter the actualnumber regularly in the work fell to ] 55.This quarter it has risen to only 220. Therewas no criticism of the staff. Clark, indeed,in Major Grisard's illness, managed allair sin a fashion which would indicate that hisorganizing ability was unusual; and Carl­son in his interim of command showed ex­traordinary good sense and judgment. Butthe feeling of instability was always, pres­ent.The difficulties were immensely increasedby the conditions which always prevailamong our undergraduates in regard to thenecessity of outside work fur self-support.180 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFew outside the university, comparativelyfew even of the alumni, appreciate this con­dition. At least fifty per cent of the men,probably many more, earn part or all oftheir way through the University. Theymust, in most cases, have their afternoonsand Saturdays for job-hunting and job-fill­ing. This being so, when were the drills tobe held? If in the morning, they conflictedwith other class-work; if in the afternoon,scores of men were shut out at once. It wasthis state of affairs which made compulsorydrill seem not feasible. Why not bothmorning and afternoon, in different sec­tions? Because no sufficient staff was avail­able.With the coming of Captain McAndrew,the situation has changed somewhat. Hisknowledge and Carlson's training beingsimultaneously available, more sections canbe given. The program as announced forthe spring quarter includes M. S. 0., with­out prerequisites, and for physical culturecredit only; and M. S. 1, 2, 3 and 4 plannedfor students of varying stages of advance­ment, and each carrying a major's credit.Lectures will be given both morning andafternoon. All drill will be either at 3 :40in the afternoon, or .Saturday morning; itis not yet possible to arrange for othermorning drills. But the much greaterelasticity of the 'arrangement would be plainto anyone who studied the schedules of thepast and the future.One final word should be added. Noreally complete program can be arrangedunless the University takes the step ofmaking military science study compulsoryfor the present. The problem of so doingis one wholly of organization. There is noobjection on the part of either students 'orfaculty, but in the quarter system and thefinancial problems of the students, there aredifficulties which have to be recognized.A matter directly connected with warservice, though not with the foregoing, isthat of giving (a) university credit to thosewho leave for service before a quarter hasended, (b) a degree to seniors who leavefor the same purpose. A committee havingthis matter in charge has received state­ments from some forty institutions, state­endowed and privately-endowed, Americanand Canadian. These statements show the most amazing diversity of practice. Forinstance, Toronto and McGill give, in effect,a year's credit, without examination, to allstudents who enter war-service and arehonorably discharged. Wisconsin offers itsdegree to all seniors who leave at any timeIn their final year for service, but the degreecontains a special clause stating the basison which it is given. Harvard, Yale, andPrinceton give no credit to students wholeave, though Harvard allows them to taketheir final examinations earlier than theregular time set; these examinations, how­ever, must cover the work planned for thewhole semester. Princeton gives all who goa 'specially designed "war certificate," whichhas no relation to a degree, but recites thepride of the University in her son who hasenlisted. Michigan gives no credit excepton special examinations, and then only tothe general amount of the hours actuallycovered in residence, with no special con­sideration to seniors. Illinois has adoptedmuch the same plan so far as amount ofcredit is concerned, but waives the specialexaminations. And so it goes. The generalstatement is that more liberality was exer­cised to men leaving last spring than is nowshown.At Chicago, up to the present time, eachindividual case has been adjudicated, so faras possible, on its apparent merits. Last.spring all seniors in their final quarter weregiven their degrees. Some lacked threemajors of graduation, some four, one fourand a half, with an appreciable deficiencyin grade points; he went into the hopper,however, and came out a Ph. B., as well asa lieutenant. The general plan has been,also, to give all men who left during a quar ...ter, credit for that quarter; if they left be­fore the middle of it, they got a minor ineach course and three (or four, if they weretaking four courses) minors in militaryscience; always provided their grades were"passing." Seniors are leaving now, how­ever, who lack more than three, or four,majors; what shall we do about them?And on what basis shall what we do bedone? Shall enlistment entitle the studentto a sort of educational bonus? Or shall wesay that the training he receives in serviceis educational, and we will, therefore, onhis return, evaluate it and give him "ad­vanced standing" to the amount we thinkSIXTEEN CAUSES OF WARhe has earned? Both plans have their ad­vocates, The objections to the former areobvious. Credit or a degree means so muchwork, over so many hours, in such and suchspecified courses. If this work is not done,does a degree cease to mean anything?That is Princeton's view. On the otherhand, what educational training does a pri­vate get, and how shall we honestly esti­mate its worth in majors?The position of the seniors, particularly,is peculiar. They have honorably advancedto a position close by their degrees. Thesedegrees they would, it is certain, secure ifthey remained. They leave through no faultof their own. If the war goes on even ayear, it is unlikely that when they returnthey will be in a position to take up collegework again. Yet conditions will be hard,and the degree they worked for will have adistinct market as well as a social value.The probability is that, as far as theseniors are concerned, Chicago will adoptsome plan based on the quality of their workin residence. If they have enough points 181to graduate, and lack three majors (or evenfour, the number they could secure in onequarter), they may be given the degree,with the idea that they would certainlyhave gained it if they had not been calledby war. If they lack more than four majors,they may be given their degrees if theyhave averaged, say, B-if they lack six, orB if they lack more than six. As far asconcerns men not seniors leaving beforecompleting the work of a quarter, a similarsliding scale, including both grade and num­ber of hours spent on the course beforeleaving, may be employed. It is fairly clearthat a man who has averaged B for sixweeks has got as much out of course asone who has averaged C for eleven.What is certainly needed is a conferenceof American universities to agree on bothprinciple and action. The situation hasnever risen before, will probably never riseagain, but means a great deal to thousandsof our young men, and ought to be metsquarely.Sixteen Causes of W arThe fourth of the war papers of the U ni­versity, now being issued in pamphlet form,is called Sixteen Causes of War, and iswritten by Professor A. C. McLaughlin,head of the Department of History. Pro­fessor McLaughlin begins:"The forces which brought on the world­wide war can be understood fully only whenwe know a long course of historical events.In the few words of this pamphlet that longprepara tion, the social and economic re­actions, and the diplomatic controversy can­not be even summarized; we must contentourselves in general with a very brief state­ment of what has taken place in the lastfour years. It is necessary to begin withthe time before America was plainly andopenly affected by European conditions ifwe would see how we became entangleduntil we had to take part in the conflict oraccept unbearable wrong and turn our backson principles that are part of our lives."He then enumerates the sixteen causesas follows:1. Germany began the war. 2. Germany began war, not for safety,but on account of am bi tion,3. Germany invaded Belgium.4. The German troops sacked Belgium.5. Germany disregarded her pledges inthe conduct of the war.'6. Germany flung aside internationallaw.7. Germany pursued the policy of ter­rorizing on the high sea.8. Germany openly defied the world.9. Germany filled our land with spies.10. Germany's conspiracy and espionagethreatened democracy.11. Germany menaced our safety.12. Germany threatened the MonroeDoctrine.13. Germany imperiled the integrity ofour nation.14. In peace and war Germany threat­ened the peace of the world.15. Germany made the world unsafe fordemocracy.16. Germany's conduct and principlesconflict with any plan of world-organizationfor peace.182 , UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe pamphlet, as Professor McLaughlinsays, consists of illustrations, not of proofs.His method of presenting his facts may beshown by giving his treatment of pointnumber eleven - Germany menaced oursafety:"We came to see that German success inthe war meant attack, perhaps immediateattack, upon ourselves. A thoroughly tri­umphant Germany almost surely imperiledus. Again, this danger will seem somewhatfantastic to anyone who has not carefullyread, watched, and studied during the lastthree and a half years; but Germany's needof indemnities to replenish her resourceswould at least conceivably tempt a victory­drunk government to pounce upon our coastcities. Be that as it may, a victorious Ger ...many was sure to be our enemy. Possiblyonly the student of psychology of militar­ism will see why she should be our enemy;but most of us now have some slight kriowl­edge of that psychology. It rests, not onthe basis of friendliness or good-naturedrivalry, but on intrigue and force, on thesupposition that a rival must be beateneither by foul means or by fair, open bru­tality-if not by intrigue, then by war.German .leaders (for all the way throughI have in mind the predatory classes) in­cluded America in the "Anglo-Saxon block"-:-the British and ourselves+-whose up build­ing endanged, they believed, the extensionof their own power. Not that there was any block, with political aims or secret pur­poses; but Anglo-Saxon progress was sup­posed to rival or overreach Germanicworld-influence, not to say power. We camewithin the scope of their world-policies:First, der Tag, the day in which the Britishfleet should be beaten (happily still a dis­tant day), and then America, peace-besotten,incoherent, incautious, and unwise, shouldbe taken in hand. Noone can ser iouslysuppose that a successful Pan-Germanystretching from the North Sea, where shetoday holds Norway, Denmark and Hol­land by fear and holds Belgium in her icygrip, down to and across the Bosphorusand over Asia Minor-no one can seriouslysuppose that that nation would suddenlybecome peaceful and law-abiding and bewilling to live decently with other nations,when she has hesitated at nothing odiousin her war of conquest and has trampled onthe rights of distant nations like ourselves."Three pamphlets have been so far issued,The Threat of German World-Politics, byPresident Judson; A mericans and the W orld­Crisis, by Professor Albion W. Small; andthis of Professor McLaughlin. Number 3,Democracy, the Basis of a World-Order, byF. D. Bramhall, '02, instructor in PoliticalScience, is in preparation. They are receiv­ing wide circulation, and their value is great.Professor McLaughlin goes to Englandearly in April to lecture on the war, at therequest of the government.The Novaes-Maxwell ConcertOn April 3rd, at 8 :15, at Mandel Hall,the N ovaes-Maxwell concert will be givenunder the auspices of the Sigma Club ofthe University of Chicago, for their annualbenefit for the Trade School of the Univer­sjty of Chicago Settlement. Mlle. GuiomarN ovaes, a brilliant Brazilian pianiste,created a sensation on her first appearancein Chicago recently before the MusiciansClub of Women, at the Blackstone Theatre.Miss Margery Maxwell, soprano; was withth� :-,�hiGago Opera Company, and is nowon .tour with that company: in New Yorkand Boston; she appeared in New York as a shepherdess with Ga'lli-Curci on theoccasion of the great triumph "Dinorah."Supporting the concert is helping theSigma Club to "hold the home lines" at.the Settlement. In this Trade School thegirls are taught sewing and then placed inmuch-needed positions, and with reliablepeople.,This concert, independent of the occa­sion' as a most 'worthy benefit, will be afine "musical trea t "for / those . fortunateenough to attend. The -suppOrt of all mu­sic-lovers is earnestly .so licited, Ticketsare to be on sale at Cobb H�ILONE OF OUR LEADERSOne of Our Leaders 183John Merle Coulter, head of the depart­ment of Botany, was recently elected presi­dent of both the American Association ofUniversity Professors, and of the AmericanAssociation forthe Advance­men t of Science.I n this latterposition he hasbee n precededby two othermembers of theUniversity fac­ulty - ProfessorChamberlin andProfessorMichelson. Heis, however, thef rst scientist tohold the presi­dency of theAmerican Asso­ciation of Uni­versity Profes­sors, his twopredecessors be­ing- John Dewey,pro f e s s 0 r ofphilosophy a tColumbia (for­merly at Chi­cago),andFrankThilly, professorof philosophy atCornell. Mr.Coulter is theonly man whohas eve!" helds i m u I taneouslythe headship oftwo national professorial associations. Mr.Coulter is so well known that to restatehis educational past here seems almostfoolish, .but co�vention seems to call forit. Graduated A .. B. from Hanover College (Indiana) in 1870, he received the A. M.from the same institution three years later,and the Ph. D. from both Hanover andIndiana University III 1882. He wasprofessor of Na­tural Sciences inHanover fro m1874 to 1879; ofBiology in Wa­hash from 1879to 1891, andpresident of andpro f e s s 0 r ofBotany in In­diana Universityfrom 1891 to1893. Doubtlessattracted by theWorld's Fa i r,he left Indianafor Illinois in1893, and hasremained in ourstate ever sinceas president ofLake For estCollege fro m1893 to 1896,and as head ofthe Universityof Chicago, De­par t men t ofBotany, sin c ethat time. Hehas been twicepresident of theAmerican Bo­tanical Societyin 1897 and in1915, editor ofthe Botanical Gazette for forty-three years,and member of various scientific societies\0.0 numerous to mention. Considering hisage and attainments, Professor Coulter ISprobably the youngest man in the: country.184 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOn the QuadranglesImportance attaches itself in this reviewto the "Portfolio" of the \'Y. A A. the elec­tion of Honor Commission and Undergrad­uate Council representatives; the whaling ofthe Illini basket-tossers by our own five;the twenty-first Washington Promenade;and the plans of the University dramaticclub, which, casting off its cocoon of inertiaand comercialism, is getting down to busi­ness with a vengeance.The "Portfolio" (heretofore the "Cam­pus Follies") was given by the local W. A.A. February 15 in Mandel Hall, three­fourths of the proceeds going- to the Y. M.C. A. war fund, It consisted of a dramaticskit, a double pianologue, a vaudeville act,and a cantata for speaking voices, this lastbeing Vachel Lindsay's "Chinese Nightin­gale." According to the review printed in"Maroon," Miss Frances Hessler was thestar of the thing, acting "in manner almostprofessional and having of the stuff thatputs things across." To further quote thereview: "It proved a much a better enter­tainment than last year; its coaches andstaff worked hard; it showed ability, snap,and a decided effort at real entertainment."Dorothy Lardner was general manager forthe "Portfolio"; Dorothy Scholle, businessmanager.February 8 saw several prominent campus­ites elected to the Honor Commission and theUndergraduate Council. The Council:(] uniors) George Martin, Charles Greene,Marion Llewellyn; (Sophomores) FrankLong, Eleanor Atkins; (Freshmen) MarionAmy, John Prosser. Honor Commission:(Juniors) George Otis, Frank Breckenridge,Arline Falkenau, Gladys Gordon; (Sopho­mores) Leona Bachrach, Jasper King, GeraldWestby; (Freshmen) Edythe Flack, Mar­garet Robinson, William Ducker. Of thoseJuniors elected Greene is a member of PhiKappa Psi, Iron Mask, Blackfriars, and isnews editor of the "Maroon"; Martin is amember of Psi Upsilon and Iron Mask;Miss Llewellyn is a member of MortarBoard; Breckenridge is a member of theUndergraduate Council, Iron Mask, Chi Psiand is manager of the 1918 Blackfriars andvice-president of the local Y. M. C. A;Otis is captain of the 1918 cross-country team, a member of the varsity track team,Iron Mask and Delta Upsilon; Miss Falk­enau is chairman of several Junior commit­tees and a member of Quadranglers, andMiss Gordon is a member of Mortar Board.You will be interested to know that onFebruary 2 the Maroon basketball team"overwhelmed the niini with dazzling floorwork and skill." The words are those ofa Maroon "head" writer, but the fact re­mains. This victory put Chicago in therunning again and was responsible for agreat many peppy doings about campus.As to the dramatic club, on March 8 and9 in Mandel Hall it will present a revivalof "Fashion�" an ear ly American play, firstproduced in New York City in 1845. TheUniversity, the Drama League of Chicago,and a great many interested off-campus.people are backing the venture and itseems as if the club at last was about toredeem itself. The play is being directedand produced by Glen Millard, '19, withassistance from Dean Boynton. Those inthe cast are: Dorothy Scholle, Emily Taft,Lee Ettleson, Margaret Haggot, Ruth Mal­lory, Marion Palmer, Frederick Nipper,Carlin Crandall, Irving Wills, Mr. FrankAbbott (of the Romance Department), andMaurice DeKoven. Millard has done adeal of professional stage work; has beenimportant in the doings of the club here­abouts; is an officer in the local R. O. T. c.,and is a member of Beta Theta Pi.The "Prom" this year was an economicalaffair. Flowers and cabs were prohibited.The number of couples present was 175.The usual midnight supper was also absentas a help-Hoover measure. The leaderswere Carleton Adams with Rosemary Carr,and Charles Cottingham with Flor.enceKilvary. Adams is a member of Owl andSerpent, Psi Upsilon, and has been promi­nent in Blackfriars. He is a Prior in Friarsand president of the Honor Commission.Miss Carr is a University Aide and is amember of Esoteric. Cottingham is amember of Owl and Serpent and of ChiPsi. Miss Kilvary is a member of Nu PiSigma and a University Aide.On interest is the founding of a new fra­ternity for negroes on the campus. KappaON THEr QUAPR4NGLESAlpha Psi, a national negro frater nity, wasinstalled on February 9. The charter meni�bers are G. K. Lewis, j. c. M�ili�o�" W.: E.Green, William Beatty, A. o. Jeffries, N.Willis, and E. G. Brown. They' plan tohave a chapter house near the U niversitysoon.The fraternities, on January 22, startedtheir annual bowling tournament, but itwas cancelled as an "economic war meas­ure" by the Undergraduate Council twoweeks later. It is estimated that over twohundred dollars will thus "not be wasted."Dunlap Clark, '17, who for the pastmonth has been in charge of the local R.O. T. C. (Major Grisard being ill) left re­cently for the balloon aviation school atOmaha, where, after a period of training,he will be commissioned in that division ofthe service. Eugene Carlson, '18, succeedsClark as cadet major of the R. O. T. c., andon February 9 the war department sent tous as commandant of the corps, Capt. Wil­liam McAndrew, a one-time student here,and lately of the 341st N. A. Infantry atCamp Grant. Major Grisard has been re­lieved and ordered south for his health.A patriotic mass meeting was held inMandel Hall February 7. The chief speakerfor the state was Lieut. Andrew Naismith,a Canadian officer, recently inval ided homeafter two trying years under fire over there.A jackie band from the Great Lakes helpedinject the necessary pep and the "Maroon'generously characterized the meeting bysaying that "enthusiasm ran riot."The Y. M. C. A. cabinet for the winter 185quarter, as provided for by the. new admin­istrative organization, includes WalterEarle, president; Frank Breckenridge, vice­president, and Crandall Rogers, secretary.Blackfriars has finally broken the ··longsilence. The annual comic opera will notbe given this Spring. I quote from a state­ment by Sherman Cooper, Abbot, asprinted in the "Maroon:" "The time, workand money usually spent in producing ashow represent, as far as the war is con­cerned, almost complete waste. . . . Thefrivolity which the Friar show presentsbrings up the question of propriety in wartime. Our performance would nothave been canceled unless it seemed anabsolute necessity. It is one of thesacrifices Blackfriars and the student bodyare making toward a successful prosecu­tion of this war." The campus is sorry, ofcourse, but seems to uphold the decisionand maintains that Friars have the rightidea.Miscellaneous happenings are these:Score Club capered about Rosalie Hall J an­uary 24; Maroon debaters defeated Michi­gan, the judges being unanimous in theirvote; thrift stamps sold to the tune of $147in one week; the various classes have heldconstant activities that included tea, danc­ing, and jazz bands; and great excitementwas caused when one morning it was dis­covered that S. Gurman (the "g" is hard),a student in the law school, is a cousin ofLeon Trotsky.Bartlett Cormack, '20.The University RecordMajor Frank Billings, Professor of Medi­cine in the University, who 'was appointedmedical adviser to the governor of Illinois,in the creation of the medical advisoryboards, has been assigned to the ProvostMarshal General's office in Washington.Major Billings' work is understood to bethat of adviser to the Provost Marshal inconnection with the medical problems underthe Selective Service Law. m. Billings waschairman of the American Red Cross Com­mission that recently returned from Russia.Major Basil C. H. Harvey, Professor ofAnatomy, has recently joined Base Hos­pital No. 13 at Fort McPherson, Ga., afterhaving served six months at Camp Cody.New Mexico, in charge of the sanitation of the camp and of the planning of the rations.Major Harvey has also conducted an armymedical school in Camp Cody for trainingmen in sanitation.Dr. C. Judson Herrick, Professor of N eu­rology in the Department of Anatomy, hasrecently been commissioned major in theSanitary Corps of the National Army andhas been assigned to active service as neu­rohistologist in the Neurosurgical Labora­tory of the Surgeon General's office, locatedat Johns Hopkins Medical School, Balti­more.Captain Anton J. Carlson, chairman ofthe Department of Physiology at the Uni ...186 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversity, who is in the Sanitary Corps of theNational Army, and now at the Army Medi­cal School, Washington, D. c., has been di­rected to proceed to Ottawa, Canada, forthe purpose of conferring with the. surgeon­general of' the Canadian forces concerningthe nutrition of the Canadian army. He willvisit Montreal and Toronto to observe thefood conditions of the concentration campsand will later inspect camps in the UnitedStates.At the recent meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Sciencein Pittsburgh, Professor Henry ChandlerCowles, of the Department of Botany, waselected president of one of the affiliatedsocieties of the Association, the EcologicalSociety of America. Professor Cowles hadalready been elected a member of the Coun­cil of the Association for two years. Dr.Cowles, who received his Doctor's degreefrom the University of Chicago, has beenpresident of the Association of AmericanGeographers and of the Geographic Societyof Chicago.Professor Rollin D. Salisbury, head ofthe Department of Geography and Science,was presented with the Helen Culver goldmedal of the Geographic Society of Chicagoat a banquet in the Hotel Sherman, Chicago,on January 26. The occasion marked thetwentieth anniversary of the society, ofwhich Professor Salisbury was the firstpresident. The Helen Culver gold medal isconferred in recognition of valuable contribu­tions to the science of geography, and hasalready been bestowed on Admiral Peary ofthe United States Navy for Arctic exploration;on Professor Thomas C. Chamberlin, Headof the Department of Geology at .the Uni­versity of Chicago, for his enunciation ofthe planetesimal hypothesis of the earth'sorigin, and on Sir Ernest H. Shackleton,for antarctic exploration.At the recent meeting of the AmericanAssociation of Anatomists, held in the newInstitute of Anatomy at the University ofMinnesota, Professor Robert R. Bensley,of the Department of Anatomy at the Uni­versity of Chicago, was elected president ofthe Association. Professor Bensley hasbeen connected with the Department ofAnatomy at Chicago for seventeen years.Professor Nevin M. Fenneman, Ph. D.,'01, head of the Department of Geology atthe University of Cincinnati, has recentlybeen elected president for 1918 of the As­sociation of American Geographers: At thesame time Professor Walter Sheldon Tower,of the Department of Geography at theUniversity, was made a councilor of theAssociation.A new organization. of graduate studentsat the: Univeraity has been formed 'under the name of "The Social Science Club," andits membership will include graduate stu­dents in the Departments of History, Phil­osophy; Political Economy, Political Sci­ence, Psychology and Sociology. "Prob­lems Involved in the Introduction of Inter­nationalism" was the subject of discu-ssionat the first meeting of the club, a topicchosen in connection with the question nowbeing everywhere considered as to whateach can contribute toward reconstructivework after the war. The subject was pre­sented from the point of view of the his­torian, philosopher and sociologist. Thenext meeting will consider a question pre­sented by the Departments of PoliticalEconomy, Political Science, and Psychol­ogy.· This inter-departmental club will haveno dues and no membership fees.Mr. John Masefield gave the second ofthe William Vaughn Moody Lectures forthe present year at the University on theevening of February 14. Mr. Masefield,whose recent volume on The Old FrontLine does for the campaign in France whathis preceding book did for the Gallipolicampaign, lectured on the subject of "TheWar and the Future." At the close of thelecture Mr. Masefield read some of his ownpoems.The first of the William Vaughn MoodyLectures for this year was given by Pro­fessor William Lyon Phelps, of Yale Uni­versity, who spoke on "A ContemporaryEnglish Realist Novelist." The lecture wasan appreciation of Archibald Marshall,whose novels largely concern present Eng­lish country life.On Feb. 13 the Renaissance Society anothe Department of the History of Artopened an exhibition of modern paintingsin the museum of the Classics Building.The paintings exhibited from February14 to February 21, inclusive, were lent bythe Art Institute of Chicago, Mr. CharlesL. Hutchinson, president of the Instituteand a University trustee, Mrs. Crane Chad­bourne, Mrs. Chauncey J. �lair, Mr. Mar­tin A. Ryerson, president of the Board ofTrustees, Mr. Paul Schultze, and the UnionLeague Club of Chicago. The painters rep­resented in the collection include Bellows,Corot, Daubigny, Diaz, Fr oemkes, Hassam,Horner, Innes, Manet, Metcalf, Monet, Mur­phy, Ranger, Renoir, Schofield, Le Sidaner,and SYJ;11ons. 'The president. of the Renais­sance Society is Ernest Hatch Wilkins,Professor of Romance Languages ip theU niver sity, and the secretary is David AllanRobertson, '02. 'The ',gift of Egyptian .antiquities recentlypresented to the Haskell Oriental" Museumof �l}�: p niversity .of: Chicago by !�� N� "}n-THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 187stitute of Chicago is a very miscellaneouscollection of great value to a museum likeHaskell, which uses its collections chieflyfor instruction. Among the most notableitems in the gift are: an alabaster vase ofthe First Dynasty (began 3400 B. C.), fourstone tomb tablets, a number of woodenmortuary figures, an offering table, gildedmummy masks, miscellaneous pottery, stat­uettes, amulets, and a small model sledgeof wood from the foundation deposit of theDeir el Bahari temple, fifteenth centuryB. C.Many years ago the late Dr. Henry Ab­bott of New York City put together a con­siderable collection of Egyptian antiquitieswhich were afterward acquired by the NewYork Historical Society, in whose fine newbuilding the collection now is. A part of theAbbott collection, however, reached thehands of Mr. Thomas L. Learning of Phila­delphia, before the Civil War. There theywere recently accidentally found by theDirector of Haskell Museum, ProfessorJames Henry Breasted, as part of the pet�sonal property of an estate about to besold, and they were acquired by the U ni­versity of Chicago. Besides a number ofamulets, the collection contains chiefly aseries of Egyptian scarabs, 124, in number,which furnishes the Oriental Museum ofthe University with a very useful workingcollection. The collection comprises 184o b j ects in all.The Press has recently published "ArmyFrench" by Professor Ernest H. Wilkinsand Assistant Professor Algernon Coleman.French words and phrases are presentedfrom the point of view of the spoken lan­guage; the book contains just enough gram­matical material, simply and clearly lead to a' constructive kpowledge ofFrench; and the French words in the wordlists and exercises are selected with refer­ence to the particular needs of men in mili­tary service.All French phrases and sentences aregiven in normal French spelling as well aein sound-transcription; and an English- French vocabulary has been added. Theroyalties from the book will be shared be­tween the army work of the Y. M. C. A.and other forms of war work.The popularity of the books in, this "Mili­tary French" series, published by the Press,are illustrated by the fact that the first vol­ume in spoken French has gone to a sixthimpression, the volume for doctors andnurses to a third impression, and Le SoldatAmericain en France to a second.In the report of the. commissioner ofeducation of the United States for the yearending June 30, 1917, are embodied educa­tional statistics for the year 1915-16. Thefollowing facts are given with regard tothe number of degrees of Doctor of Phil­osophy granted by American universities:Men Women TotalColumbia University 75 13 88University of Chicago 65 14 79Harvard University 52 52Yale University 40 10 50Johns Hopkins University 34 3 37University of Wisconsin. 34 3 37Cornell University 32 2 34University of Illinois 29 4 33Princeton University 27 27University of California .. 21 1 22University of Michigan .. 21 1 22After this the number given by any in­stitution falls to a dozen or less.A taxi-cab stand has been established on58th street, between Ingleside and Ellis.One or more cars will be available fromthis stand at all times during the day, andup until 10 o'clock at night. Connectionwith all campus telephones has been estab­lished. Arrangements have been made forthe sale of coupon books to the faculty andstudents at a 15 per cent discount. Thesecoupon books will be sold through the officeof the University cashier. To members ofthe University, the price of books worth$5.00 in taxi rides will be $4.25; and theprice of the $10 books will be $8.50. TheEmery Motor Livery will supply the cars.New York Alumni DineThe Eastern Alumni Association held itsannual dinner on March 1 at the PegWoffington Restaurant in New York City.George E." Vincent, Ph. D;, president ofthe Rockefeller Foundation, was toast- master. Among the speakers _ were MiltonJ. Davies, r etiring president of the Asso­ciation, ,and President j udson. One hun­dred attended. A full account will be givenin the April issue. .188 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn France(Courtesy of Leslie's Weekly)(From the New Republic)This morning near the front ill north­ern France I met an American woman. Itwas in a narrow cobbled street lined withtumbled ruins and the charred skeletons ofhomes. In the midst of these grim sur­roundings the sight of her Yankee face, thefirst I'd seen in six months, was most wel­come. She was engaged in some sort ofrelief work. What did she think of it all,I was anxious to know."Oh," she exclaimed, her eyes bright withexcitement, "I'm having the time of mylife!"Around the corner ther e trudges a de­tachment of poilus, just from the trenches.Men of middle age: some with their strag- gling mustaches tinged with gray; backsbent under the heavy loads of packs;musettes, hidons, rifles, horizon blue cas­ques and coats splotched with mud. Aftertheir long watch and six kilos this mortl­ing, their drawn gray faces and tired ex­pressionless eyes show no interest in thetwo Americans."Oh," says the American Relief worker,"isn't it thrilling!"Tonight with my poilu companions atour popote, I know how far from my owncountry I have come.C. I.e Roy Baldridge, '11.THE LETTER BOX 189The Letter BoxIn France, Jan. 26, 1918.To the Editor:I've sent you two or three screeds fromover here, but never no more! I've beencensoring letters since I hit this regiment(every second lieutenant gets it, so the jobis no tribute to my fancied journalistic apti­tude for reading copy), and I certainly feelthat the old bromide about brevity and withas new life and meaning. Therefore,brevity, if not wit, will characterize this com­munication.First - personalities. They finally gotthrough chasing me to school (every chaseinvolved a night trip-sitting up, because"wagon-lits," I suppose aren't, I've seenone in France) and turned me over as anexpert in telephone and radio, to a regiment.I am now an officer d'antennae, or radio of­ficer, and it's some job. Just like every otherradio officer in the army I have a little flockof amateur sharks, and only furious nightstudy enables me to keep one jump aheadof them. I have Professor Millikan's bestseller on electricity, sound and light at myelbow, and I got the following formula:p == 2 7T' V L C out of an Electrician's Hand­book I saw lying about in school, and withthis material I throw out a lot of camou­flage and keep them from plumbing thedepths of my abysmal ignorance.It's a gay life over here. Getting backwith the army means getting into seas ofmud, work early and late, worry galore;but it also means American food-partic­ularly breakfast instead of petit dejeuner,and white bread-so I think the two thingsset off against each other pretty well-par­ticularly so since the American army hasn'tyet 'discovered that rabbits are classed asedible. If ever anyone offers me rabbitback home, I'll go through the roof-s-it'sabout all I ate in France while in the handsof the French. I even had it thrown at mein the wagon restaurant during table d'hotehours, so I had to eat it or go hungry.I see by the papers that Rudy Matthewsconnected-and in artillery, too! That'sgreat news. Being a "wagon soldier" my­self, I hated to see the way Yale grabbedoff our arm of the service, while all ourChicagoans trooped into the infantry. Butthen I suppose the infantrymen will leapdown my throat and tell me to let Yalehave the artillery-that the infantry doesthe work in this war; so perhaps Td betterdeliver further congratulations to Matthewspersonally.And now I'll chop it off, in conformitywith my promise, and in order to securepeace of mind. This latter considerationarises from the fact that I adopted a sug­gestion and put on a gas mask and a five­pound "tin hat" in order to write this letter under proper influences; my gas mask isgetting used up and is stifling me (it's theone I used all through the various' "gass­ings" they gave us at the schools) and Ihave looked up and seen that the metallicringing noises I have heard have beencaused by one of my jocular roommates,who has been beating me on the head withan ax. He can't get through the bonnet,but he might hit the edge and so give myneck a nasty wrench-therefore I shall quitand remove temptation from his path.Best regards to you, personally, and anymutual acquaintances-and here's to a re­union of Chicago men in Berlin!Martin D. Stever s,2nd Lt., F. A., U. S. A.Hdqrs. Co., 103rd F. A.Section 579-U. S. Army AmbulanceService, Allentown, Pa.To the Editor:Here I am turning up again, so long awayfrom the University that I don't knowwhether I can write a "regular" letter anymore or not. Well, I won't try to do that,but I have been thinking so much latelyof old friends and associations at the U. ofC. that I am sure writing to you will makeme feel better. I shall do my best at anintelligent letter, but it will be very diffi­cult-there is a first-class boxing-matchgoing at full blast right behind me here inthe barracks, and a very musical boy at thepianola. Do you know that piece: "WhenYankee-Doodle Learns to Parleyvous Fran­cais?"You will be surprised, perhaps, to seethat I am still in this country. Last AugustI hurried East to enlist, as you know. Idecided finally to enter the AmbulanceService, and came up to the ConcentrationCamp at Allentown, where I entered theBrown Universit.y Section. We expectedat that time to be ordered across immedi­ately, and were completely equipped forshipment overseas. But week after weekwent by and nothing happened, and wefinally settled down for the winter. Andhere we still ate and prospects for' goingacross are as indefinite as ever.In the letter you wrote me shortly aftermy return to West Chester, you hinted thatmy military experiences might be of rathera monotonous nature. You were right;they have been just that. I am not so sureafter all that we have not been in a wayfortunate, for we are warm and well fedon this side, not struggling through arough winter over there. Of course, if wewere in demand it would be different. Ihear from the Rogers boys, and they saythat so far their work has been rather quiet190 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand far from the strenuous and exciting lifethat such books as "Ambulance No. 10" and"Friends of France" would lead one to sup­pose. There will be no more sent from AI.;.lentown, I imagine, before spring, and ifthis damnable war comes to an end thissummer, perhaps not at all.During our long wait we have had ampleopportunity to become acquainted with oneof the most curious cities in the country.Allentown is in the Pennsylvania Dutchdistrict, and its natives are just the type ofpeople a daily diet of sausage and sauer­kraut would naturally breed. They are quiteimpossible, but very good-natured, andperfectly harmless. Perhaps you saw Mrs.Fiske once in "Erstwhile Susan." Thatstory was laid in Allentown. They use the'queerest English in the world, from thegrocer who tells me "It is al1 anymore," toa friend of mine, a little Miss , whoasks me in perfect good faith and withmuch stress on the verb: "Are you herelong?"There are a good many people, on theother hand, who have come here to live fromother places. One who has been very goodto us all came originally from Chicago, andis the daughter of Dr. Gunsaulus .. The Uni­versity of Chicago section has very dis ..tinctly made good out here. The men areamong the best in camp and are very wellliked by the other men and by the people ofthe town.They have put me to work fortunately,and I am trying to teach here at camp theIittle French I have managed to remember.Each section is required to take an hour ofFrench every day. It is interesting, espe­cially among the non-college men, who arevery quick to catch on, as a rule, and .whomake quite as rapid progress as the reg­ular college sections. I have been appointedsection interpreter, and have been trying tobrush up my German a little, and also to'pick up a smattering of Italian. It was onthe strength of this, I suppose, that I wasrecommended for a commission, althoughthat by no means indicates that I shall everreceive one; things seem to move so slowlyhere that I am quite sure the war will beover before anything like that comes myway. Milton H. Stansbury,(Graduate Student 1915-17.)January 15, 1917.Ordnance Dept., N. A.,.TJ. S. P. O. N o. 706,,. ,; , A. E. F. via N e,w York City.To the Editor:,Recently I asked Bourke Corcoran to re­quest that: my copy of the Alumni Magbe � serit to Jhe above address, Since writingthat- 'letter I have, seen the I informationblanks Mr. Robertson is sending out, al­though i.L have not received one. PossiblyI .can .furnish you with information for theAlumni Association records and his. I enlisted with Mr. Marshal1's first Ord­nance group on june 18 and was called intoservice and ordered to report at Rock IslandArsenal July 22 .. On September 13 I wastransferred to Watervliet Arsenal, NewYork and remained there until November25, when I was ordered overseas.After reporting at Rock Island we weresoon joined by fifty other men from Michi­gan and Wisconsin. As the Captain re­marked, it was the queerest gang of pri­vates he had ever dealt with. But we didour best to conform with our notions ofwhat a private should be, and the officerswere tolerant. But when we reported atWatervliet we found that our efforts hadbeen poorly directed. The officers there hadjust graduated from Fort Sheridan and thedefinition of an enlisted man (most of ushad been made sergeants before we leftR. 1.) had become seriously perverted inits travel from West Point to the northshore suburb. But we took what they hadto offer and called it "experience"-why isit that a college man always takes that stuffas experience? I have found a lot of themsince and they all call it that. But it wasgood training, and my recommendation tothe Trustees is that they hold up thediplomas until the men can get a little ofthe training of this sort, but it "took" andwe became vastly better soldiers. The Ord­nance department does not prescribe thatits men shall receive much more militarytraining than is necessary to enable themto master the salute, but we had the greatfortune to work under a man who believedthat a member of any department 'shouldknow the fundamentals of military science,and he proceeded to impart it. Our sched­ule began at 5 :45 a. m. and ended at 10 p.m., and included four hours of drill, sema­phore practice, interior guard manual, andtactical hikes, in addition to classes inOrdnance storeskeeping and accounting.When orders came for overseas duty, wehad the satisfaction of having him tell uswe were fairly well trained soldiers, andfrom observation of the other staff troopshere, I believe we were.Before leaving Watervliet I had the for­tune to read the October edition of theMagazine in which Martin Stevers told ofthe trip across the Atlantic as viewed byan officer, and I had been hoping to tell itfrom the standpoint of an enlisted man;but a queer distinction made betwe.en .en­listed men of Grade' 17 and those 'below, bywhich the former are entitled to better ac­commodations, makes this impossible. Iagree with everything Martin says with theexception of that class in French conver­sation. I do not" believe there was one onour transport, although they are really anecessity over here. If there is one thingI cannot forgive you for now and one thingwhich would have given me a better firstimpression (L'rn a great believer in 'the in ...adequacy of first impressions, anyhow), itTHE LETTER BOX 191is the first words you spoke to me when Iintrepidly approached you for registration,October 1, 1913. As I remember it, you de­cided that I had better take a foreign lan­guage and you asked me what I had had.I replied that I had taken two years of Ger­man and you prescribed German 4. Youdisplayed poor insight; why didn't you giveme French I?We have had the fortune to be associatedwith a fine lot of men, and until I camehere to the general headquarters I havebeen constantly with the men from Chi­cago. At present, Harry Gorgas, HaroldA. Moore, Wallace Miller, Donald Swett,Joe Day and John Donahoe are the onlyChicago men here. I understand that Cap­tain Barrett Andrews, ex-Chicago, is at­tached to headquarters, but as far as Iknow, there are no other Chicago men here.All the men have proven themselves, andthe majority are as far advanced in the non­com ranks as they can go. Perhaps Mr.Marshall was right when he said that themen going into the Ordnance departmenthad a wider field before them than the mengoing to the training camps-at times wehave doubted and still we are rather skep­tical, but we went into it firmly believingin him and these are no times to lose faithin anything. Certainly we have been faringwell, our housing, mess and treatment haveheen excellent, and we haven't a kick com­ing.My observations of the French country­side have been made through the doors ofa box car (and the French box cars are notto be compared with our palatious side-doorPullmans) and the dirty windows of a third­class coach, and I cannot say that it is muchto rave about-it is unique, but it is iden- tical mile after mile, and the uniqueness issoon replaced by monotony. The townsare wretched, dirty and poorly improved.The country is miles behind the good oldU. S. and I haven't found an American whowould not sell the whole works for a nickelif he owned it. It is all right to travel aboutand sightsee and picture knights and Joand'Arcs riding down the street, but when youare required to consider it as a temporaryhome for an indefinite period, it is not quiteas appealing. The French people are aredeeming feature, though. Outside of theshopkeepers who evidently are starting toamass fortunes by soaking the Americans.they are extremely likable and wonderfullybrave. Of course, by now, they have learnedto take the war as a matter of course, buteven those who have recently been bereavedare just as sincere in their belief in thecause as they ever were. I hope it does nottake the same training as the French haveundergone to make the American peoplewake up, but until they do, I am convincedthat we shall not attain our full effective­ness.Needless to say, one of the things wemiss most is the lack of information ofwhat is going on at home, and the Univer­sity constitutes a large part of "home." AtWatervliet we got the usual dope on thefootball season and I can truthfully saythat something was lacking as we passedthose autumn Saturday afternoons. TheAlumni Mag is bound to fill part of the gap.The rest of the men join me in sendingbest wishes for a happy New Year to ourfriends in the University community.Sincerely yours,Bernard C. Newman, '17.Sergeant, 1st CI.The picture shows the "C" men in Hos­pital Unit 13, now a,t Fort McPherson,Geor�ia. The' men from left to right are:standing, Kahn, 'SO', football; Mahannah, '17,wrestling; Bent,' '17, track and basket-ball;1." .' ".' - . ..", sitting, Fisher, '17, track (captain): and loot­ball; Rochermel,,'17, basket-ball; R�u,s�,.;80,football; Hart, -'17, baseball (captail\�;; andHiggins, '19, track and football.192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni AffairsREMEMBER-YOUR magazine can continue, not on first subscriptions, but only onRENEWALS. War economies ,DOW make prompt renewals Imperative,We rely on you.Minutes of the Meeting of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Alumni CouncilThe regular monthly meeting of the ex­ecutive committee of the Alumni Councilwas held Monday, February 18, at the Col­lege Club, Stevens Building, at 6 p'. m.There were present: Scott Brown, chair­man; Mrs. Martha Thompson, Miss ShirleyFarr John P. Mentzer, Frank McNair,Ho�ell Murray, William Lyman, John F.Moulds and Adolph G. Pierrot.Mr. Pierrot of the special war fund com­mittee reported that the list of places of theY. M. C. A. camps and huts throughout thecountry had been received an� that it yvasestimated there were some 500 10 the UnitedStates. There has been received as yet noreply from the general secretary in France.He reported that a request for contributionshad been inserted in the magazine, and thatthe special appeal letter to be sent out wasin course of preparation and would be com­pleted by the end of the month. It wassuggested by Mr. McNair that on theseletters the names of the members of thecouncil be placed. Approved.Finance Committee-Mr. Moulds presenteda treasurer's report comparing January, 1917,and January, 1918. The report showed ashrinkage in receipts for the month of J anu­ary of $171.06, as compared with last year.To offset this, there has been a curtailmentof expenditures resulting in a saving of $169.83,as compared with January of last year. Asum of $183.95 was reported as outstandingfor advertisements published but not paidfor. It was estimated that the loss in sub­scribers is due much to the entering the armyof a number of former subscribers. The re­port was adopted.Publications committee, no report.Clubs committee, no report.Business committee. Mr. Mentzer re­ported that a campaign for advertising wasbeing conducted and that there was a pros­pect for $100 and more in advertising alreadyin sight .. Professional advertising was dis­cussed. Mr. McNair stated that he wouldundertake some work in connection withthe bond men among the alumni. Mr.Brown suggested that the matter of pub­lishing a law school professional list beconsidered.Funds 'committee. no report. Reunion committee, no special report.There was a general discussion, however, ofgetting up a Glee Club of former alumniwho were members of the Glee Club whilein college. Referred to committee. Mr.Howell Murray stated that as there was tobe no Blackfriars show this year, it couldnot be considered as a probable part of theprogram. Mr. Moulds stated that a Black­friars performance would tend to changethe alumni into a formal meeting, whereasthe evening should be spent mostly in visit­ing, with perhaps a few talks; by alumnirecently in the service. Mr. Brown sug­gested erecting a large tent in the middleof the campus and having a lunch,sings, and visits, and a band con­cert, all in one place. He sug­gested that the classes have tablestogether, each class having its table in ac­cordance with the number' of reservationsmade. Suggested, by Mrs. Thompson, thatthe university pay for a modest lunch forthis occasion and act as host. All of thesesuggestions were unanimously approved bythe committee and Mr. Moulds was re­quested to take the matter up with the uni­versity. It was requested by Miss Fan- thatthe names of class secretaries and officersbe sent her so as to enable her to keep inbetter touch with the classes. She suggestedthat at this reunion, separate class activitiesand picnics should not be particularly encour­aged as it was desirable that a single largelyattended reunion be held if possible, this year.Athletic committee, no report.Chicago Alumni Club. Mr. Mentzer statedthat a luncheon, which was being arranged for,was to be held at the City Club. Somespeaker of the university faculty, who hadbeen engaged in war service, would be in­vited to address the club.Chicago Alumnae Club. Mrs. Thompsonreported on the president's reception to thealumnae and stated that the occasion wasmuch enjoyed by .all. The club is preparinga big party March 2, for Mrs. Judson, allwomen of the faculty, and all women grad-uate students at Ida Noyes Hall. .New Business. Mr. Moulds and Mr. Pier­rot stated that conditions in the' office ne­cessitated more help. Discussion. The com­mittee requested Mr. Moulds to 190k intothe matter of purchasing an addressographALUMNI AFFAIRSto facilitate mailing the magazine and keepup to date various address lists of thealumni. The committee approved .gettingadditional stenographic help in the office.A letter from the National SecurityLeague to the president of the alumni wasread, requesting co-operation in the workof the Securuy League. Mr. Brown an­nounced that the matter would be taken uoby him, as president of the alumni, withPresident Judson.Mr. Mou ... ds discussed the prospect and plansof forming a new medical association andstated that methods for incorporating thealumni of Rush Medical College into a newUniversity of Chicago Medical Associationwere being considered.New features of the magazine were dis­cussed. It was suggested some reporer beobtained from the professional schools soas to develop their news departments. Re­ports from the University of Chicago Set­tlement were suggested by Mrs. Thompson.Mr. Murray stated that the subscriptioncommittee was getting together and that asharp campaign would soon be under way.Mr. Pierrot suggested working out a per­manent subscription committee, the per­sonnel of which was to be changed eachyear and the purposes of which was to con­duct, during the course of the year, a steadypersonal campaign for subscriptions. Dis ...cussion. This matter was referred forfurther consideration to the publicationscommittee.Then followed a general discussion ofalumni conditions. The meeting adjournedat 8:10 p. rn.The Chicago Alumnae Club gave a tea inIda Noyes Hall March 2 from 3 to 5 o'clock-to meet Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson-thewomen of the Faculty and the women ofthe graduate school of the University.The Chicago Alumni Club of southernCalifornia held a dinner in Los AngelesDecember 19. Dean Matthews and Mr. Sar­gent were the guests of honor and the prin­cipal speakers of the morning. They seemedto know how anxious the former students.who are away from Chicago, are to hearabout the activities of the University andso told about her activities, especially herendeavors to help in the present crisis. Mr.Bush, a graduate of the first University ofChicago in 1871, gave an interesting sketch :, " :" 193of the founding of the present university.After the speeches all stood and sang theAlma Mater � and then just visited andvisited. A wish was expressed by manypresent that several meetings might be ar­ranged for during the year.,The Kelly Hall Altmuiae. Association,formed June, 1917, has, been growing rap­idly. A great Kelly' Hall Homecoming isplanned for Alumni Day' :and all housemembers, past arid 'present, are invited.Indianapolis, Indiana,February 27, 1918.Mr. Harold H. Swift, Chairman,Alumni Clubs Committee,University of Chicago.My dear Mr. Swift:In reply to your letter of the 20th ofFebruary, I am glad to report that the Uni­versity of Chicago Alumni Association ofIndianapolis is decidedly large and active.We decided this year to continue our actionof last year, namely, to contribute our duescollected from the members of the Asso­ciation toward the salary of a social serviceworker at our City Dispensary here inIndianapolis. We feel that the need forsupport in civilian relief work just now isas imperative a one as the war work, andwe feel that we have placed our interest ina field eminently worth while.Since Christmas we have decided to havemonthly meetings and we believe we canarouse enough enthusiasm to assure us ofgood attendance of members. We weremuch interested in learning of the - possi­bility of University representatives being inour vicinity during the spring and especiallyif any of them would be willing to tell usof the Alumni work in other localities. Iam voicing the expression of all the In­dianapolis Alumni when I hereby extend amost cordial invitation to any University ofChicago representative who would come toIndianapolis to talk to us. If notified in ad­vance, we feel sure we could assure a goodattendance at the meeting. We would wel­come any alumnus or faculty member mostheartily.Hoping to bear from you in case 'such anarrangement is made, I am,Very sincerely yours,(Signed) HELEN HARE,Secretary, Indianapolis Association ofChicago Alumni.194 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the ClassesEdward C. Sisson, '93, - has been madepresident of the State University of Mon­tana, and Professor of Education. Presi­dent Sisson 'was born in England in 1869;came to America i1.1 18�2; was graduatedB. S. fr orn Kansas State Agricultural Col­lege in_ 1886, and B. A. from_ Chicago in1893. He received the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy from Harvard in 1905. Histeaching and professional record is as fol­lows:Teacher and principal of public schools,1886 to 1891; principal of the South SideAcademy of Chicago, 1892 to 1897; directorof Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria,Ill., 1897 to 1904; assistant professor of edu­cation, University of Illinois, 1905 to 1906;director of the department of education,University of 'Washington, i906 to 1912;head of the department of education, ReedCollege, Portland, Ore., 1912 to 1913; com­missioner of education, State of Idaho, 1913to 1917. In 1909 he was president of theEducational Council of the WashingtonState Educational - Association. He is amember of the Association of CollegeTeachers of Education, arid of the ReligiousEducation Association. He has written"The Essentials of Character," published in1910, and is also the joint author of twoother important books, "The Social Emer­gency," published in 1913, and the "Prin­ciples of Secondary Education;" publishedin 1914.Maria Beatty, '96, is teaching English inthe Englewood high school, Chicago.John L. Hulsart, '96, writes: "I am cashierof the Manasquan National Bank; treasurer,Branch of American Red Cross; president,Board of Education, Manasquan, N. J.;member county Y. -M. C. A. committee,and trying to be' generally useful in thesestrenuous times." "--James P. Whyte, '9:0; A� M., '03, writes:"Let ; 'us hear from you on your acknowl­edgment of rny subscription to the AlumniAssociation, had its: effect as you see.I hunger for a look at the" U. of C. I havetried to�; satisfy: 'my hunger by readingGoodspeed's History of the first quartercentury, but although if is a feast and makesme swell up with - pride at being 'a son,· stillI'm coming back some:' day to have a look,a long look at: the growing glory of ourAlmar.Mater.. �Whit: a privilege' we old fel­lows had in helping. -torlay the'-foundations,and now to stand and look back to thevery beginning of the University. I havealways felt that the spirit of her growthentered into us ..I am pleasantly located here at BessieTift College, Forsyth, Ga., as dean and thehead of the Department of Literature, Ido a lot of publicity work for the collegeand have many opportunities to speak on Christian Education throughout the state;thanks to my practical training at the U.of c., tinder the inspiring Clark."Scott Brown, '97, and Warren Gorrell, '00,have dissolved the co-partnership (withothers) of Warren Gorrell & Co., with of­fices at 1134, 208 S. La Salle street, andGorrell continues in business at the sameaddress under his own name, dealing ininvestment securities.- Maude L. Stone, '97, is teaching hygienein the Manual Training high school, Brook­lyn, N. Y.Laura Benedict, '00, has moved to 48 PostAve., New York, N. Y.W. C. Hawthorne, '00, is teaching physicsin the Crane Junior College.Donald S. McWilliams, '01, is 1st Lieut.,. N. A�, Inf., A. E.' F., France. -Clinton L. Hoy, '01, is a Captain, M. R.c., F. H. Co. 21, M. O. T. c., Fort Riley,Kan. .Wynee Lackersteen, '01, has moved fromChicago to 610 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis,Minn.Mary J udson Averett, '02, has recoveredher health and is now enthusiastically rais­ing chickens by the scientific method atOrchard Cottage, Chatham, N. J..I. B. Carlock, ex-'04, is a Captain in the30th Engineers; address A. E. F.; via NewYork City.Mrs. Walter Rittenhouse (Iria Griffin,'04), has moved f;rom Wilmette, Ill., to Box206, R. 1, San Diego, Cal.Frederick R. Darling, '04, is superinten­dent of schools at Dunkirk, N� Y.Joseph Lewinsohn, '05, has been appoint­ed Deputy Attorney-General for the Stateof California, in charge of the SouthernCalifornia District.George Schobinger, '05, and Helen J ohn­son Schobinger, '15, with their daughter,Elizabeth, have left for New Mexico, wherethey have lived irrthe desert for four yearswhile working on the Elephant Butte proj­ect of the U. S. Reclamation Service. Mr.Schobinger is now helping build the U. S.Emergency fleet. His address is 140 No.Broad St., Philadelphia, c]o American In­ternational Shipbuilding Corporation.From the Chicago Journal: "William LeBaron, author of 'The V ery Idea,' which isnow at the Garrick, is a native of Illinois.He was born in Elgin and was graduatedfrom ,the "high school hi that' outer suburbin 1901. He- entered the University of Chi­cago as a member of the Class of 1905. Hefinished his education in New York andthere took to playwriting. For the lastthree years he has been assistant editor ofCollier's Weekly."Dr. William A. Parks, '06, is practicingsurgery in Akron, 0., with offices in theSecond National Bank Bldg. He announcesNEWS OF THE CLASSES 195that he is the happy father of two boys,William-A. Parks, Jr., and James W., Parks.Anna McLaury, '06, is head of the Englishdepartment of the Fredonia State Norrnal.School, Fredonia, N. Y.Pearl Foltz, '06, is instructor in Germanin the Elgin Junior College and Academyof N orthwestern University.P. W. Jenkins, a fellow in astronomy herein 1906, writes from the 7-Bar Ranch, Cora,Wyoming: "My health gave way while Iwas at Yerkes observatory and I 'was com­pelled to seek open-air employment. I haverecovered my health and in the meantimehave succeeded in doing much work in irri­gation engineering, and gathered togethera good-sized and well-stocked cattle ranch.In spite of the years spent in the moun­tains my heart still yearns for college hallswhere I spent twenty years. On this rangeI bear the brands. A. B. (Miami); A. M.(Columbia), D. K. E., and q, B K."Marjorie Sheets, '07, is employed in busi­ness research in the National Bank of Com­merce, New York City.Mrs. James H. Greene (Flora T. Jones,'08), is living at 702Yz W. Oregon street,Urbana, Ill.Gertrude Chalmers, '08, is librarian inHarper Memorial Library, E. 11, ReserveBook Room.Anna Lauren, '08, is now employed atthe Chicago Historical Society and is liv­ing at 6231 Woodlawn avenue.Adelaide Spohn, '08, has moved from NewYork City to 2033 E. 72d Place, Chicago.Frances Killen, ex-'08, is supervisor ofelementary schools at Dunkirk, N. Y.Russell D. Hobbs, 09r is a private, Co. A,503 Engineers Service Battalion, A. E. R.,France.Charles S. Lee, '09, has joined the forcesof the Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago, andwill have charge of .the Liberty Loan or­ganization work in the state of Michigan,for the duration of the war. His standingwill be equivalent 'to that of a captain.Persis Smallwood Crocker, '09, writes, "Iam keeping house for my husband and ourtwo sons and knitting socks. Mr. Crocker,Ph. D. '06, works for Uncle Samuel in theBureau of Plant Industry."George E. Fuller, '09, writes, "I have se­cured a leave of absence from Simons, Day& Co., stock brokers, during the period ofthe war, to go with the Community Mo­tion Picture Bureau, furnishing the motionpicture entertainment for training campshere and abroad. This is a Y. M. C. A.activity. I am director of the Central de­partment for the Community Co."William ' P." �'MacC(a<;ken; Jr., '09, aftertaking the ordnance course at the U niver­sity," arid receiving an apointment as as­sistant paymaster in the Navy, with the rankof Ensign; and � selected for the secondofficer's camp, dec-ided to go in for aviationand is now making Bights, at Waco, Texas.; ::::.f�;::.;:�; :�.�.i.g_l1." -: �Q_9_,- J?:: qr_�-:a_n_is.t and.. choir director of the Third Baptist Church andteacher of piano and organ at the Strass­berger Conservatory of Music, 3866Lafayette avenue, St. Louis, Mo.Villa B. Smith, '09, and Jessie Solomon,'07, are teaching in the Elgin high school.They are also actively engaged in the Camp Girl's work at the local Y. W. C. A.Ro bert T. Radford, '10, is cashier of theTonica State Bank, Tonica, Ill.R. C. Miller, '10, is now with the En­gineers' Detachment, Camp Meade, Md.Left work with the Interstate CommerceCommission to join the army.Jean A. Dorrel, '16, is teaching House­hold Arts and Drawing in the. Westporthigh school. Her address is 3915 Walnutstreet, Kansas City, Mo.Lieut. Alfred K. Eddy, '16, is with the333rd F. A., Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill.Dane L. Patterson, '16, has moved fromKansas to 303 Raritan avenue, New Bruns ..wick, N. J.Emma S. Weld, '10, is teaching in thePolytechnic high school at Santa Ana, Cal.Dr. E. R. Bowie, '10, may be addressedat 607 W. 116 street, New York, N. Y.Charles Mason, '10, is teaching Englishand trying to make good sharpshooters bycoaching basketball at the Manual Train­ing high school, Peoria, Ill.Daniel Glomset, '10, writes, "I am Cap­tain in charge of the Base Hospital Labora­tory, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Mrs. Glomset,(Anna Glerum, '10), has practical charge ofMercy Hospital Laboratory at Des Moines,Iowa."Grace E. Lingham, '10, is teaching in theGirl's Latin School, Boston, Mass.Esmond R. Long, '11, is living at 110Main street, Saranac Lake, N. Y.Maynard O. Williams, '11, has, for thepast eighteen months, been special cor­respondent of the Christian Herald in theOrient. He has lately been drafted intothe work of American Relief at Tiflis, Rus­sian Caucasus.Elizabeth Perrin, '12, is teaching generalscience at the Union high school, GrandRapids, Mich.Paul MacClintock, '12, is with Co. A, 29thEngineers, A. E. F., France.Bobby Baird, '12, writes: "Still at 'GreatFalls, Montana; but I passed my examina­tions for entrance to the aviation sectiona month ago, and expect to enter the groundschool at Berkeley, California, soon. Mywife will be at Harlem, Montana."W. H. Hughes, ;13, is Educational Secre­tary, Y. M. C A; Camp Fremont, PaloAlto, Cal.Mrs. W. K. Farrell (Eli�abeth' J ones, '1_�,) �has left New York and is -livit:1g at 15 N.; 16th street, East Orange, N. J.Bertha Bushman, ex-'13, is teaching -in thefifth grade in a portable school at RockIsland. Her address is '-1016' 19th street,Rock Island,' Ill. ',- ,- , .Alan D. Witkowsky, '13, writes:196 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"I received the December number a fewdays ago, and stayed up un til the wee smallhours of the next morning reading it. Newsfrom home, even about others away fromit, especially in these times, is most en­joyable to one temporarily severed fromthe City Grey and the great metropolis.The blank in the front asked for informa­tion about those doing war work, so I amtaking the liberty to tell a little of myself,although not in any military service. I amthe chief of the Tracing Division of theBureau of Imports of the War Trade Board."Shortly after arriving I in Washingtonabout six weeks ago I took up my dutiesof what in ordinary language would becalled manager of a complaint department(t'would be some job over at Sears-Roe­buck) but is not so large here, yet! I worksix full days a week, some nights and gen­erally half a day Sunday, but must admitI enjoy it. My four years previous bank­ing experience come in handy in the work,besides having helped me qualify for thejob."The bureau issues Import Licenses asrequired by the President's Proclamation ofNovember 28, 1917, but more than that Icannot tell until after the war as we aresworn to secrecy. There are many Chi­cagoans in the city but offhand I can thinkof only two alumni, Ben Cohen, '15, J. D.'16, who is in the legal department of theShipping Board, and Robert Stenson, '13,with the Fuel Administration Board."Howard B. McLane, '13, J. D., '15, writes:"I went to Washington, presented variousletters of recommendation and was toldto go to work immediately; but because Ihad been rej ected in the first draft, I foundI could not enlist. So I went home, triedand won a lawsuit, was notified I could en­list, and was presently sworn in at FortMeyer, Virginia, on December 12, as aprivate, second class, in charge of the pur­chase contract work of the motor equip­ment section of the Ordnance Department-the only enlisted man having charge ofa contract section in any subdivision of theOrdnance Department. Since then I havebeen made a sergeant, and put in the legalsection of the Procurement Division. Mypresent address is 1341 L. Street, N. W.Washington."Frances Taussig, '14, is superintendentof the Relief Department of the Jewish AidSociety and a member of the ConsultationCommittee of the Home Service Section,American Red Cross. Her address is 4911Washington Park place, Chicago."Shorty" Leonard, '14, is now with a Flv­ing School in France.Henry Beech Carre, '14, who has thechair of English Bxegesis and Biblicaltheology at Vanderbilt ·University, is goingto France in March to join the Y. M. C. work. He is president of the Anti­saloon league of Tennessee.Harvey Harris, '14, second lieutenant in SAVE! BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPSThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PRESIDENTCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON_, VICE-PRESIDENTD. A. MOULTON, VICE-PRESIDENTOWEN T. REEVES, JR., 'VICE-PRESIDENTJ. EDWARD MAASS, VICE-PRESIDENTNORMAN J. FORD, VICE-PRESIDENTFRANK W. SMITH, SECRETARYJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CASHIERLEWIS E. GARY, ASS'T CASHIEREDWARD F. SCHOENECK, ASS'T CASHIERJAMES A. WALKER, ASS'T CASHIERCHARLES NOVAK, ASS'T CASHIERDIRECTORSWATSON F. BLAIR CHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLER �BENJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRERNEST A. HAMILLCHARLES H. HULBURD CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONMA·RTIN A. RYERSONJ. HARRY SELZ EDWARD A. SHEDDROBERT J. THORNE CHARLES H. WACKERFOl'eign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersSavings Department, James K. Calhoun, Mgr.3% Paid on Savings DepositsINVEST IN LIBERTY LOAN BONDS!NEWS OF THE CLASSES 197artillery, writes from Chickamauga Park,Georgia, January 26: ."I have been down here with the 3rd Am­munition Train for six weeks, and pros­pects are excellent for pulling out. Pullingout is right. The weather has been con­tinually rain or snow, and when it comes tomud I'll bet Flanders has nothing on thisplace-six inches everywhere. We, whenwe get across, carry the ammunition tothe artillery and infantry, and work atnight; good chances for a poker game howand then. For the last month I have beenActing Assistant Adjutant. When we gothere there were 45 officers and one en­listed man. Now we are the eq uivalen tof a regiment. A large number of our mencame from cavalry outfits in Texas."Rudy Matthews, '14, is in a battery of the18th F. A. at Fort Bliss, Texas; has hismount, goes into EI Paso to write his let­ters, and enjoys himself. Skee Sauer andDolly Gray are at Camp Taylor, Louis­ville. Rollie Harger, '14, writes that hishydro-aeroplane outfit has been orderedover. Yours for one eluva reunion whenthis little party is done."Flora E. Perrin, ex-'14, has moved to 151Knapp street, Milwaukee, Wis.Ernest Iter, '14, is superintendent of CitySchools, Antigo, Wis.Lieut. George S. Lyman, '15, has beentransferred from Camp Bowie, Fort Worth,to Camp Grant, Ill.Orville D. Miller, '15, has taken a po­sition with the Dale-Brewster MachineryCompany, New York and Chicago, as as­sistant to the president.Carl V� Fisher, ex-'15, has made good atCamp Lewis, and is now director of boxingfor the 'entire camp.Cowan Stephenson, '15, is with theCanadian Royal Flying Corps, now on theway to France.Reginald Robinson, '15. is New Englandcredit manager of the Sinclair Oil Com­pany, headquarters at Brockton and Bos­ton, Mass.Francis T. Ward, '15, is with the 19th In­fantry, U. S. A., Galveston, Texas.James R. Cowan, '15, is a private in BaseHospital No. 28, Fort McPherson, Georgia.Harry T. Fultz, '15, is a Lieutenant in theField Artillery, Headquarters, A. E. F.,France. .Bertha Kaplan, '16, is research laboratoryassistant in the department of botany atthe Bussey Institution of Harvard U ni-versity. .Elizabeth Berger, '16, is teaching sciencein the Alexis high school, Alexis, Ill.Flora Bryson, '16, writes, "I am head ofthe science department of the Radford StateNormal School, Va., managing a Red Crossknitting unit, trying to show the peoplehow to substitute corn syrup for sugar. Ialways look forward to the Magazine withinterest and hope some time to De a studenta t Chicago." E. J. O'Connor, 16, who specialized illchemistry, is entering the navy.Mrs. Charles Spaulding (Kathleen Stein­bauer, '16), has left Providence, R. 1., andis visiting at the various Southern Campswhere her husband is doing anti-meningitiswork.Bessie Soyer, '16, is teaching biology 111the Murphysboro Township high school,Murpyhsboro, Ill.Margaret Lauder, '17, is now Mrs. DwightH. Early and is living at 209 E. 6th street,Dixon, Ill.Sidney Pedott, J. D. '17, is a private inNavy Aviation, Mass. Inst. of Tech., Bos­ton, Mass.Irma Olive Schultze, '17, is teaching firstand second year English and German atthe Bensenville high school, Bensenville,Ill. Her home address is �1248 Franklinboulevard, Chicago.Bertha Baumgartner, '17, "is living at DeerLodge,. Mont.Isador Glenner, '17, is assistant superin­tendent at the Carnotite Reduction Corn­pany, 2600 Igelhart court, Chicago, in chargeof the production of radium; Edwin D.Leman, Ph. D. '15, is superintendent.Ralph Davis, '17, writes: ."This is one of the few letters that I havewritten since I arrived in France, so feelduly honored:"One must state at the outset that Franceis not at all like the States. It is said tobe a sunny country, but to me it has ap­peared to be Mr. Fog personified, worsethan Chicago on its worst days. You wouldlaugh at the cars on the chemine de fer.They remind me a lot of that old stage­coach that used to be located in that lotnear the Capitol in Denver, and the whistlesrecall the rides on the old Hinky Dink carthat ran on 61st street when the conductorwould blow twice to go ahead. It cer­tainly would seem a lot more homelike ifthey were equipped with one of those NewYork Central whistles that used to keep meawake nights when the trains pulled outof Woodlawn."The people though are interesting, andto say the least, cordial and hospitable tothe Americans. I can't understand verymuch of what they say, yet I know enoughof their language to get something to eat,provided I have the necessary francs, or'Frogs' as the expression goes. I knowI can count in their money,· and I can re­port that I haven't been short-changed yet."I have had more amusement out of theFrench barbers than any other of the ex­periences I have had. I got my hair cutdarned close because I did not know howto tell the barber to stop. Since then Igot a shave, as follows: The barber cov­ered my face with lather, including thowhite-washing of my mouth· he then tookfive swipes with the razor, two on thesides of my face, two under the chin andone across the mouth; handed me a towel,198 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThis War Must Be"-W on ,By the AlliesNothing else mattersJAl-JN & OLLIER ENGRAVING COMPANYHalftones Zinc EtchingsPhotographers (Commercial) Drawings (Commercial)554 WEST ADAMS STREET, CHICAGOA Patriotic DutyWith grim determination to win, our country has entered thegreat war. To make victory possible, sacrifice, conservation,saving and thrift on the part of those who stay at home are es­sential, Our soldiers must have the moral and financial supportof all loyal and patriotic citizens.Organized in 1863, when our country was in the midst of theCivil War, the First National Bankof Chicago, as part of itsorganization, purchased government bonds. I� believed in themthen and believes in them today. Both this bank and its affiliatedinstitution, the First Trust and Savings Bank, and their officersand employees purchased bonds of the First and Second LibertyLoan issues.We urge participation in future issues and invite the public tomake use of our facilities in the making of purchases., The First National BankOf Chicago199NEWS OF THE CLASSESpointed to the wash basin across the room,said 'Voila' and took on his next victim.All that for 30 Centimes."I was in Paris a while back, took in allthe sights, and visited the University Union,the Y. M. C. A. and the Soldiers and Sail­ors Club, all of which are wonderful places,especially after one has not been near civili­zation for some time. I ran into or heardabout many of the boys I went to collegewith or knew elsewhere. I listened to abetter orchestra than the one that manu­factured Livery Stable Blues, and ate somereal American pie, ice cream, and severalham sandwiches served by some real Ameri­can girls. It was very satisfactory and willkeep me going until I get the opportunityto enjoy them again."I am hard up for something to read, sokindly bundle up some magazines and shipthem over."J. c. Sandall, '17, writes from Camp Sheri­dan, Montgomery, Alabama:"Some time last year I wrote you a fewlines concerning my intention to make ap­plication for appointment as an Army FieldClerk. You may be interested to know thata few days after that I received the ap­pointment I was seeking, and that eversince November 19th I have been servingas such. Although the number of FieldClerks is limited by the Act creating thecorps I happened to strike a vacancy herein camp and was assigned to the Head­quarters of this Division. There are onlyeight of us in the Division, all in theDivision Adjutant's office."We are appointed for an indefiniteperiod by authority from the Adjutant Gen­eral's office, we purchase our own uniformsbut are entitled to quarters and rations, weare paid all the way from $1,000 to $2,000 ayear, and have most of the privileges of acommissioned - officer about the camp,though of course we have no authority tocommand. Being at Headquarters we arein touch with 'most everything that goeson, and have a splendid opportunity, itwould seem, to get acquainted with the"ropes" with a view to further advance­ment."I was quite sorry to leave the job I hadas a civilian with the Camp Quartermaster.The Quartermaster is a Regular Army Cap­tain, a West Pointer, and a very pleasantand intelligent man, also one whom I, as acivilian, could approach easily. There Iheld the dignified title of Local PurchasingAgent, being in charge of local purchasesof supplies needed in too small quantitiesor on too short notice to make requisitionfrom the Depot Quartermaster practicable.Most of. the purchases were small, but itwas work that I thoroughly enjoyed, andwhich I was finding valuable experience."Though it was by the merest chancethat I became connected with this camp, Iam quite happy in the outcome. If I couldchoose another organization I wouldn't." MENW-ANTED!The Federal Sign System (Elec­tric) is looking for FOUR 1917 grad­uates to enter its employ with theidea of starting a two years' studentcourse with pay.These men will be trained in alldepartments of our business with theultimate plan of placing them in exe­cutive positions in its Branch Officesthroughout the country. Electricalor technical training is not a pre­requisite to the work.Apply in writing for an appoint-ment. AddressR. D. HUGHESDistrict Sales Mgr.Federal Sign System(Electric)Lake and Desplaines Sts.CHICAGOManufacturers and DistributorsTrue, we had an unusually troublesomewinter for this part of the country. Ourcoldest weather, I believe, was ten abovezero, which came after a hard rain. How­ever, the cold is much more uncomfortablehere than the same temperature is with you,it seems to me, because of a peculiar qual­ity of the atmosphere that clothing won'tstop. I had a ten-day leave of absence acouple of weeks ago, to go home, where Ifound it eighteen degrees below a part ofthe time, but I did not find it especially un­comfortable by contrast. I returned, how­ever, to find some of the most beautifulspring weather I have ever seen. The lastfew days the temperature at noon hashovered around 83 degrees above. We havetents here rather than barracks."The health of the camp has been un­usually good, 'Very few of the camps,whether National Guard, National Army orRegular Army being able to surpass itsrecord. The men, all Ohio Guardsmen sup­plemented by a few conscripts from CampSherman at Chillicothe, are a splendid lot,and the most orderly bunch of army menone could expect to, find. There has beenno disorders of any kind worth mentioningand the people of Montgomery have ap-preciated that fact.."Weare all wondering. when we will getto move towards Berlin,· and as time goeson the quantity or rumors, or 'latrine-og ..200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErams,' as they are technically known here,increases at an alarming rate. Some ofthem are amusing. Half the men in theDivision have each day some new conclu­sion they have established or deduced con­cerning the near-future history of theCamp. The only conclusion I have reachedis that it is not worth the while to try toconclude anything concerning our move­ment."Donald Scott, '18, is a cadet in aviationat the school of Military Aeronautics, Aus­tin, Texas.Richard Hughes, ex-'-, is geologist withCosden & Coinpany, with headquarters atTulsa, Okla.P. S. Doane, ex'-, is now Major Doane,Hospital Unit No. 11.Louise Florence, ex'-, is teaching in theHiro Union School, Hilo, Hawaii.R. T. Walker Duke, ex'-, may be ad­dressed as First Lieutenant, Inf., U. S. R.,Army Post Office 702, A. E. F., France.Jeanne Merrill, ex'-, is principal of thegrammar department of the Fredonia StateNormal School, Fredonia, N. Y.Grace Page, ex'-, is a kindergartenteacher at Dunkirk, N. Y.E. Louise Stone, '18, is teaching Germanin the Lake Forest University, and assist- ing in the French department three hoursper week.Max B. Miller, ex-'18, may be addressedat the Cadet Flying Squadron, Kelly FieldNo.2, San Antonio, Texas.Lieut. Ove M. Olsen, ex-'19, stationed atFort Gibbon, Alaska, writes that the ther­mometer registered 73 degrees below zerowith a whipping wind at noon on Christmas_ day. There are 200 men at the fort, firstclass mail once a week, no second classmail in the winter, movie show every Sun­day night at 50 cents a ticket. Ove gotthe results of the Chicago-Illinois footballgame on December 16th.You have a. standing invitation to call and inspect ourplant and up-to-date facilities. We own the building aswell as our printing plant, and operate both to meetthe requirements of our customers.CATALOGUE and PRINTERSPUBLICATIONMake a Printiog Connection with a Specialistand a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing HouseWE PRINT Estim��� �:me1lntversity of Prjn�::rO�d::0IItttag �M ,. (We AreO,!l1l��an:nt Strong�n .Our� �. Specialties)ROGERS & HALL COMPANYPolk and La Salle Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3381P'IINTERSCHICA(",JOOne of the larg­est and mostcomplete Print­ing plants in theUnited States.P rin tin g andAdvertising Ad­visers and theCo-operativeandClearing Housefor Cataloguesand PublicationsPleasant EconomyAt this time, the conservation of food is of vital import­ance to the Government.It is not only our patriotic duty to economize on our tables, but it is alsoessential that we choose those foods 'Which will give the most energyvalue for the least money.Swift's PremiumOleomargarineenables you to save 15 to 20 cents a poundon one food item without the sacrifice ofone iota of food energy value.Swift's Premium Oleomargarine is sweet,pure and clean-not touched by hand in themaking or packing.Excellent on bread-fine for cooking andbaking.Swift & CompanyU.S.A.Support our advertisers/ They support the Maga#nelNEWS OF THE CLASSESTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORSMerton L. Miller, Ph. D. '97, has gone toChina in the interest of the National Citybank of New York.Frank B. Jewett, Ph. D. '02, is Lieuten­ant Colonel, Signal Corps, U. S. A., 463West street, New York City.Mrs. Fannie Brisbee Jewett, Ph. D. '04,writes, "I am looking after Frank B. Jewett,Jr., who is a lively youngster born April 4,1917, quite adored by the Colonel, as hisfather is entitled to be called, by his bigbrother Harrison and by his mother."Samuel MacClintock, Ph. D. '08, recentlyattended in Pittsburgh a meeting of a Com­mittee of Fifteen, of which he is a mem­ber, appointed by the Commissioner ofEducation to study the educational require­ments for foreign service, either govern­mental commercial, medical, or missionary,and indirectly the whole of our commercialeducation. Dr. MacClintock spoke for theuniversity extension work, correspondenceschools and corporation schools.Har1;n T. Trumbull, Ph. D. in Chemistry,'11 is a Captain in the Ordnance Depart­m�nt, Chemical Service, United StatesArmy. ..George H. Milligan, Fellow in Chemistry,was called for service and left on February28th..H. D. Arnold, Ph. D. '11, is a Captain,Signal Corps, U. S. R., address 463 Weststreet, New York City.Norma E. Pfeiffer, '09; Ph. D. '14, hasmoved from University N. D;, and is locatedat the Missouri Botanical Gardens, St.Louis, Mo.George F. Kay, Ph. D. '14, is dean of theCollege of Letters and Science at the U.of Iowa in addition to being head of thedepartm�nt of geology and state geologist.Ella Ruebhausen, Ph. D. '15, is head ofthe modern language department of theMontana Wesleyan College, Helena, Mont.A. W. Slater, Ph. D., '16, is acting pro­fessor of. English Bible and Church His­tory, Y. M. C. A. Col1�ge, Chicago. H� isalso giving the work m the Enghsh Bibleto men being trained in the Y. M. C. A.War Schools for association army work.Earle E. Eubank, Ph. D. '16, is also teach­ing in the same college, where he has beenfor several years as professor of sociologyand is also dean of association war work.C. W." Tomlinson, Ph. D. '16, was re­cently appointed associate in the depart­men t of geology in the University of Illi­nois.Dudley D. Griffith, Ph. D. 'i6, is associateprofessor of English at Grinnell College,Grinnell, Iowa.Elbert Clark, Ph. D., '17, is in the M. R.c., U. S. A., and now in the Adjutant Gen­eral's office, Washington, D. C.L. L. Thurstone, Ph. D. '17, of the Car­negie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, 201has written a series of popular articles forthe "Personal Efficiency" magazine, pub­lished by the LaSalle Extension Universityof Chicago, dealing with mental tests andtheir applications.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONArnold R. Baar, '12; J. D., '14, writes, "OnJanuary 1, 1918, I formed a law partnershipwith William Kixmiller, '09; J. D. '10, andhe is co-author with me of very successful'U. S. Income and War Tax Guide,' Spe­cializing in Income Tax practice. We maybe addressed at 1118 Gas Building."Thomas F. Ryan, '15, is practicing lawwith the firm of Montgomery, Hart, Smithand Steere, in The Rookery.Stephen R. Curtis, '14; J. D. 16, may beaddressed, Battery 1, 3rd O. T. c., CampGrant, Ill.Walter Hammond, J. D. '16, is practicinglaw with the firm of Buckmaster and Ham­mond, assistant fuel administrator forKenosha County and Counsel for local foodadministration. 172 Market street, Keno­sha, Wis.ENGAGEMENTSMrs. John H. Vanderpool announces theengagement of her daughter, Dorothy, '16,to Nelson M. Mathews.Mr. and Mrs. C. F. VanWie announcethe engagement of their daughter, MaymeLouise, to Harry G. Sullivan, ex-'20. Mr.Sullivan is a member of the aviation officers'reserve corps.Employers and College WomenWanted at theChicago Collegiate Bureauof OccupationsTrained Women PlacedasEditorial and Advertising Assistants. LaboratoryTechnicians, Apprentice Executives. Book-keepers,Draughtswomen and Secretaries and in other lines.904 Stevens Bldg.17 N. State St. Tel. Central 5336H 0 M E in addition to resident-work. offers also ins true-STUD" y tion by corr�pon�ence.For detailed 10-formation addrea.26th Year U. of C.(Div. H) Chicqo, m.The University of Chicago202 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMARRIAGESSylvanus G. Levy, '02, was married toRuth Wile, on November 14, 1917.Harold F. Keen, '09, and Mary L. Dillonwere married October 27, at Peterboro, On­tario, Canada.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bell announcethe marriage of their daughter, Hazel, toJulian C. Risk, J. D., '14, on September 17.Mr. and Mrs. Risk are at home at 6948Crandon avenue.Lieutenant W. A. Jones announces themarriage of his daughter, Harriet Winni­fred, '15, to William B. Noyes, on January:�2, at Portage, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Noyeswill be at home after April 1, at BeaverDam, Wis.Angela Moulton, '17, and Earl A. Trager.'17, were married last August and are liv­ing in Bartlesville, Okla. Trager is assist­ant subsurface geologist for one of thelarge oil companies there.Mr. and Mrs. Lyman C. West announcethe marriage of their daughter, ElizabethSophia, to Caspar W. Cox, '17, on Decem­ber 23. Mr. and Mrs. Cox are at home at73,1 N. Sheridan road, Waukegan, III.DEATHSClar-ence Lcffingwel l, 'n:!, died December13, 1917.R. Eddy Mathews, '07, died January Tientsin, China, of smallpox. A letterdated December ;22, received by J 01111Moulds, '07, some time after his death, saysthat he was in excellent health, and wasplanning a reunion with a number of alumniin China.Mathews was born January 10, 1885, andlived ill Marquette, Michigan. In collegehe was a member of the freshman footballand track teams, on the varsity track teamthree years, and the cross-country team four,being captain in his senior year; was seniorclass treasurer, managing editor of the DailyMaroon, and a member of Owl and Serpent.After receiving his degree, he became theWashington correspondent of the ChristianScience Monitor, holding that position forfour years, and achieving great success.When he left, many favorable commentswere made by metropolitan newspapers onhis work, and he was referred to as one ofthe most able of the correspondents inWashington.On leaving the journalistic field, he be­came associated with Robert Dollar, thehead of the Dollar Steamship Company, andin the autumn of 1916 went to Tientsin,China, .as the representative of the Dollar line. In his work there he was as success­ful as in the newspaper field, and was onthe way to promotion. A short time ago,in the company of six soldiers and a gangof coolies, he made a trip into the interiorof China, striking deeper into the heart ofthe country than a white man had ever donebefore, inspecting mines.One brother, Abe, Jr., and two sisters,Frances and Mary, are alumni of Chicago,and a third sister, Marjorie, is now anundergraduate.No one who knew Mathews could over­look or forget the sturdy friendliness of hisR. Eddy Mathews, '07character. In track athletics he was an in­spiration to all men, the kind of man thatcoaches appreciate; he never wearied oitrying; never started a race that he didnot finish, and never finished withoutgiving all he had. Since graduation hehad been keenly interested in alumni af­fairs. Efforts were made at one time tosecure him for the secretaryship of theassociation and editorial conduct of theMagazine, but he felt that his work layelsewhere. Few men had more friends, oras well deserved them.ATHLETICS 203AthleticsTrack.-The team has had two tryouts,beating Purdue 47-33 -at Lafayette on Feb.8, and scoring 14 points in the A. A. at Patten Gymnasium, Evanston, onFeb. 22. They won the mile relay at Evans­ton in 3 :30%, without the services of Cur­tis, '19, the best man, who was off with thebasket ball team. Purdue requested thatthe relay be omitted.At Purdue Chicago qualified all four menin the 40-yard dash finals. Buchman, '20,was given the decision in 41i, though Feuer­stein, '18, and Henry, '19, were practicallytied with him, and Annan, '19, was close up.Buchman also took second in the 40-yardhurdles, Ames, '19, falling. Chicago scoredanother slam in the quarter, Curtis winningin 56Y,5, with: Annan and Kennedy, '20, twoor three yards back. J ones of Purdue wasbeaten for ty yards, which would indicatethat again Chicago has a nice little groupof quarter-milers. Greene, '19, was beatena foot by Newman of Purdue in the half,time 2:07%. Fighting with his team-mate,Lewis, Greene was twenty-five yards be­hind N ewrnari on the next to Tast lap, butalmost made it up. Lewis was third. Me­Cosh, '19, turned the tables in the mile, win­ning from Newman of Purdue very easilyin 4 :321i. Cox, '20, was a poor third. Otis,'19, ran away with the two-mile,. lapping thePurdue men twice and breaking the gym­nasium record in 9 :49}5.The field events were another story.Feuerstein, '18, was second in the highjump, doing five feet six inches; Earle, '18,captain of the swimming team, who hadbeen pressed into service, tied for first inthe vault with ten feet, the first time he hadever vaulted in competition, and Jackson,'20, and Grossman, '20, took second andthird in the shot-put, Jackson doing 36 feet5 � inches and Grossman 34 feet 80 inches.At Evanston, besides Chicago's victoryin the relay, McCosh won the mile from 25yards in 4 :28, and Otis was second in thespecial mile invitation, won by J oie Rayin 4 :24}:5. This is the fifth big race in ninemonths that Otis has competed in, and thefifth time he has been second. Buchmanwas. fourth in the low hurdles. Feuerstein fourth in the dash, and Ames third in thehigh hurdles, all handicap events.There seems no reason to doubt thatChicago will be the strongest team in theconference in the track events, and one ofthe weakest in the field events.Basketbal1.-Standing of the conferenceteams February 24th:Won. Lost. Pet,Northwestern 4 1 .800Minnesota 5 2 .714Wisconsin 5 2 .714Indiana 3 2 .600Purdue 4 3 .571Illinois 5 4 .556Chicago 4 4 .500Ohio � S 5 .375Iowa 3 5 .375Michigan 0 8 .000Chicago is doing so far not quite so wellas was expected. She has won all her gamesbut one at home, but lost all three away.She should win from Michigan, Purdue andperhaps from Illinois, and will probablylose to Wisconsin, which would give her afinal standing of .583-well up in the firstdivision.Three of the home games have been asexciting as any for years. The defeat byMinnesota, 25-23, which went an extra five­minute period, and the victories over Illi­nois, 23-19, and Wisconsin, 23-20, were heart­breakers. As said last month, the Minnesotagame should have been a victory; the sea­son's championship was probably decidedJAMES A. DONOVAN, '13REAL ESTATEI make a specialty of Hyde Park property in the vicinityof the UniversityINSURANCEand write all forms of insurance. includi!\B Fire. Burglary.Automobile. Life. Accident. Health.1500 E. 57th STREET. corner Harper AvenueTelephone. Hyde Park 136TYPEWRITERS $10. UP204 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 'MAGAZINEright there. The Illinois game was rather adogged exhibition, full of loose play andrather rough; afflicted also by an umpirewho evidently regarded himself as the realcenter of attraction, and called fouls withbeautiful impartiality on everybody on bothteams, sending out Vollmer, '20, and Mittle­man of Illinois with four each. But theWisconsin game was a real humdinger, thefastest and cleanest since Pat Page's ownday. Chandler, Wisconsin's captain, gotonly one goal, Gorgas, '19, making him looklike a novice. Vollmer, '19, played his poor­est game of the season, but the other fourmade up. Hinkle, '20, was the best man onthe floor, shot four baskets and guardedlike Cerherus, and Blocki, '20, also gave apretty exhibition. The game was a triumphfor Page's style of play, as the Wisconsinteam used the short pass with extremehandiness, but seldom got near enough tothe basket to accomplish a throw. Thespeed, especially of the second half, wasdazzling.Of the men individually. Vollmer has not fulfilled his early promise. If Bryan had notso weakened his ankle as to be usable onlya short time in each game, Chicago wouldbe pretty nearly unheatable. He went inthe last ten minutes of both the Illinois andWisconsin games, and against Illinois notonly guarded beautifully, but shot the twobaskets that won the game. Against Wis­consin his guarding had the same fire, buthe missed both of the only two shots hehad for the basket. Gorgas is steady andstrong and Hinkle is everywhere on thefloor.Swimming.-The only meet held up toFebruary 24th was against the Grand Rap­ids Y. M. C. A., Chicago winning 35-27.The Michigan men took first and second inthe diving; the races went mostly to Chi­cago, Capt. Earle winning the forty yardsin 19 seconds, which is the record, and thehundred yards in 5911;\. Carlson, '18, takingthe plunge from the Michigan state champion,and Chicago walking off with the relay. Ofthe new men Ries, '20, showed best.ALUMNIFor Your Dances, Parties, Cluband FraternityEntertainments-Inquire o{-GEORGE W. KONCHAS, ManagerFAMOUS"(!COpt" �arbt!'ercbt�tra �trbict900 Lytton Bldg., Phone Harrison 1147 Paul H.Davis&GompzmyWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize in un­listed stocks and bonds-quo­tations on reque t,PAUL H. DAVIS, 'II.N. Y. Life Bldg.- CHICAGO - Rand. 2281------------------------------------------------------------------MINNEAPOLIS409 ROOMS�75 ROOMS AT $1.75 TO $2.50 PER DAY.l\IODEBN - FIRE PROOFSupport our advertisers! They support the Magazine!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 205'Focus Your University Trainingon Business ProblemsBusiness today, no less than publicservice, needs the strong leadership ofcollege men. It is calling them to thehigher type of service in managerialwork, financing, salesmanship, advertis­ing, accounting, railroad and industrialtraffic work, etc. Opportunity to serveis today limited only by desire andability.Many a college man with a well­trained mind, inspired by ideals of serv­ice and eager for action, has found thatsomehow he is not quite prepared forthe higher commissioned offices of busi­ness. He has not been able to focuss.harply his training and strength upon,the problems of present-day business.PROFESSIONAL BUSINESSTRAININGHis college training has not been tech­nical business training. He has had tolearn most of the executive processesby the slow and wasteful method of ex­perience. But why should he spend yearsto "learn from experience what has beenorganized and set forth in such a waythat he may profit from that experienceimmediately?LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITYThe business training courses of La­Salle afford just that opportunity. Thefollowing facts are significant:1. LaSalle has enrolled many university men­young and old-some with advanced degreeswho are taking the courses with great benefitto themselves. They become better able tofocus their ability on business success. 2. LaSalle's courses are based on its own textsand other instructional material (now used innearly 100 colleges and universities). They areas good as we know how to make them.3. LaSalle's list of textbook and lecture contrib­utors numbers over. 300 well-known and au­thoritative college, business, legal, account­ing, and traffic experts from every part ofthe United States.4. LaSalle's teaching and administrative organ­ization consists of over 340 people, many ofthem University of Chicago graduates. Thesehave been selected from the staffs of univer­sities and from high positions in business.There are C. P. A.'s, members of the bar, andexperts in organization,. sales, advertising,business-letter writing, industrial and rail­way traffic work, banking and finance, etc.5. LaSalle has a capitalization of $1,000,000 andresources of over $2,000,000 and, therefore, hasthe financial strength to do big things in theright way.6. LaSalle has nearly 35,000 active students fromall branches of business life. It has enrolledin all more than 132,000 members since its or­ganization: 990 with the Pennsylvania Rail­road Company, over 250 with the United StatesSteel Corporation, 162 with Armour & Com­pany' 591 with the Baltimore & Ohio Rail­road. Scores of concerns employ from 50 to100 LaSalle men.Every LaSalle cours e is a complete,vocational course. A trained man canmaster them quickly and with compara­tive ease.INFORMATION AND BOOKLETSIf you, too, have sometimes felt a de­sire for that "something" that wouldgive you a stronger working grip onbusiness affairs, look into the LaSallebusiness courses and services. Mark thecourse in which you are most interestedfor more complete information.--- .. _- ... -.,_- ... ------_ ... - ........... ------LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY,Dept. R-452, 4046 Michigan Ave., Chicago.1 am interested in, your plan for special business training in the subject checked.D ��t:sf�r�:J�Si.ra!��,Sales and Executive positions inBusiness. Under direction ofWilliam Bethke, A. M., formerlyof University of Colorado.o ���ng for admission to barand executive-business positionsrequiring legally trained men.Under direction of Richard C.Samsel, A.B., J.D., Memberof Illinois Bar. D:��� ��C�����<J:AUdi-tors, Comptrollers, Certified Pub­lic Accountants, Cost Accountants,etc. Under direction of WilliamB. Castenholz, A.M., C.P.A.,M.A.I.A., formerly Comptrollerand Instructor in Accountancy,University of IllinoiS.o ��Ifn��o��!!����itionsin Banks and Financial Institu­tions, Tellers, Cashiers, TrustOfficers, Financial Managers, etc.Under direction of FrederickThulin, LL.B.. formerly withUnion Trust Company. and other special kinds of letters,and fOor correspondence supervi­sion. Under directton of F. W.Dignan; Ph.D., formerly of Uni­versity of Chicago.D ���t¥R��RCE ANDTraining for positions as Rail­road and Industrial Traffic Man­agers, Traffic Experts, etc. Un­der direction of N. D. Chapin,formerly Chief of Tarifl' Bureau,New York Central Railroad.o �J'�CTIVE PUBLIO SPEAK-Training in the art of forceful,effective sperech-Ministers, Sales­men, Fraternal Leaders, Poli­ticians, etc. Under direction ofF. W. Dignan, Ph.D., formerlyof University of Chicago.D ��a=��s�J��!HiroreignCorrespondents with Spanish­Speaking Countries. , Under di­rection of Luis E. Rodriguez. for­merlz . of Armour Institute ofTechnology. .Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Address................... Position .206 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE25 Charts in Set�"" .. ,...,r,.,MILITARY INSTRUCTION CHIRTSNo.9SCHOOL or THE SOLDIERORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS LEARN TO DRILLLIKE REGULARSActual size l1x14 inches Military efficiency of a high order is only ob­tained by continuous study and drill. You canreach the regular army standard by using ourMilitary Instruction Charts, which teach themanual of arms in complete detail, the care ofthe army rifle, and the correct ways to shoot.U sed in Reserve Officers' Training Camps,schools, colleges, and extensively in the Regu­lar Army. If you have a son; brother or friendin the National Army, a set of these charts willaid him in getting promotion. If you, your­self are studying for a commission, they willmake you more. proficient. Highest endorse­ments. Edited by Lieut. Col. George S. Si­monds, U. S. A., until recently Senior TacticalOfficer at West Point. Endorsed by GeneralLeonard W 004.PRICE THREE DOLLARS, POSTPAIDNo More Sets Sold at Reduced PricesNATIONAL ARMY SCHOOL314 East 23rd St., New York City�IIII11U"IIIlIlIllIllIll"III1I1I11I1I11I1111IllIllIllIIllIllIllIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111 111111 1l11111111111111111111111iiliiillllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIl1l1nlllllllllIlIlIlIlUlllll11llll111111IlUlllllllln�§ .. §I "Bu i 1t - In :: :�tA�o�A�an iTo Help WIN IT!Supe"do-rityt.WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILMEN'S SHOES_;�_==� Success has followed honest and progressive endeavor. �__=�=�Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,_- we have symbolized Quality. -I 106S.:��g�:�v;.::c::::��SS�D�;b�St. iiiilllllHlIIlIllllllIIlHlUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllnUlllllllllllll11II1111llllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnUlIIlIlIlIllllllIlllHlIlIllllllllIlllIlllIllUIIUlffiUIiIII1HIIUlIlllllllllllllllltnUlUlIUlllllllllllllllllllliiHTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 207A Plant that Growswith the TimesAbout five years ago we conceived a tremendousidea-the idea of giving to America a softdrink such as it had never before tasted. Anew kind of soft drink in flavor and in itscereal ingredients-a soft drink that shouldbe nutritious as well as delicious-pure andwholesome.The idea took root-it was cultivated, experimentedwith, tended with all the care and skill that sciencecould apply. For four years this work went on andthen finally about a year ago there sprang into beingBevo-the drink triumphant.Less than two months after its introduction Bevo hadleaped into such popularity that even our already largefacilities could not supply the demand.The result is that soon will be completed (built bypublic demand) the largest plant of itskind in the world-daily bottling capacity,2,000,000 bottles.You will find Bevo at all places whererefreshing beverages are sold. Be vois sold in bottles only-and is bottledexclusively by .ANHEUSER -BUSCHST. LOUIS.208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELoyalty-Patriotism-Dutyarecharacteristicsof all these American InstitutionsAlbert Teachers' Agency"Teaching as a Business," with chapters on War, Sal­aries,etc.,sentfree. Thirty-thirdyear. Register in fouroffices with one fee. Branch offices-25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago Now .... , 437 5th A... Don .. " ....... ..... ._n..... ..... 81 •••The Colorado Teachers' AgencyA high-class Agency whose superior facilities appeal especially to those who are available forpositions as Superintendent, Supervisor, High School Principal, or special teachers in HighSchool, Normal School and College.Communicate with FRED DICK, Manager, 504-505 Kittredge Building, Denver ColoradoTEACH E RS' AGENCY28 E.Jackson Blvd.,Chicago �fo���o���n::=!�Oe�;����;�;��;�P::'�-'::::Bosion New York Birmlnghzm Denler inga survey of the whole educational fieldPortland Berkele, Los Angeles for best teachers and teachingopportunitl ...Sabins' Educational Exchange (Irrc.) FO�9�edOUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY TWENTY·FIVE YEARS of Succe..rul Service.Tens of Thousands have been located in good teaching positions. Our Contract plain. Our terms most liberal. Write for our plans. Our territory extends fromthe Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast.Manhattan Building •• DES MOINES, IOWATEACHERSWANTED SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAUat onceto enroll in21 E. '-'AN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better lalary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManallerMETROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago-also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.Support our advertisers I They support the MagasinelHow d youn� men rose frontAudiior fo Generdl Mdnd�er-and how it took him only three short years to do itThirty-six monthsago, just three shortyears from the timeyou read this mes­sage, this man wasearning the averagemoderate pay of anauditor for a Lightand Power Com­pany.Today this same manis the General Manager-the active executivehead of a consolidationof eleven similar Sys­tems-and his yearlyearnings have increased.right along with his responsibilities.While filling the position of auditor herealized that, to outgrow that position, heneeded a much broader business knowl­edge than he could possibly acquire thrumere contact with his daily work.With this idea fixed firmly in his mind,this then auditor-now chief executive­enrolled for the Modern Business Courseand Service of the Alexander HamiltonInstitute.The application of the lessonSoon after his enrolment, he laid beforehis Chief a plan for organizing a PublicUtility Company. The Chief expressedhis surprise that a man occupying the placeof an auditor should possess so thoro aknowledge of the details the plan con­tained.It was upon this plan that the Corporation wasorganized, a Corporation which since has acquired tenother Electric Light and Power Systems. The formerauditor holds the office of Secretary in these Corpora­tions, and is the General Manager of them all.He says: "Thru the application of the businessprinciples which the Course teaches, I have beenenabled during the past year to successfully assume larger responsibilities in con.nection with the businessmanagement of public utilitiesproperties than were !livenme when l held 8 posmon ofauditor.I feel that it has been largelyon account of your ModernB'�siness Course that my ad­vancernent was brought about."The point is this-This man first mastered theseprinciples, then applied them tohis business needs. After thathis advancement was rapid. Hisprinciples were right.The need for trainedbusiness men is greatThe Alexander HamiltonInstitute lays before you-e-ininteresting, easily readable torm, for absorption in yourleisure hours-the fundamentals which underlie allbusiness. Thus, after acquirmg the broad basic busi­ness facts it brings to you, you are equipped and readyfor bigger responsibilities.This man's experience is only one of hundreds.Stories of success like the one related here are con­stantly coming to the Institute. In every instance thewriters are enthusiastic in their praise of the Courseand the training it has given them to assume greaterresponsibilities with increased profit to themselves,Get more informationA careful reading of the interesting 112-pace book,"Forging Ahead In Business," which we will sendyou free, will show you how to prepare for tbe in­creasing number of business opportunities that arebound to come during the next few years.It will show you how to obtain the business infor­mation to which this young man attributes his rise.Simply fill out lind send the coupon below.Alexander Hamilton Institutefa.l8�_"!,s!?!:.�I!c� �e���!S!tySend me "FORGING AHEADIN BUSINESS"��-i-�t�h-"-e---------­BusinessAddress _BusinessPosition _The &0 B l a c k B 'U gKeep your eye en the Bugand YOtlR win never miss the baHSold at Capper S't o r e sand at variousGolf Clubs Do what you Ican to help, win the war.CAPPER�S 3 BUGSBlack Bug 31 d w t ,Green 29a t e r 27(Floats)best golf ball sr n Americas'Cost more than theordinary k in d, butworth the priceasked. 8Se each" Tendollars dozen"I:��==�-=�-=��=-�������--�-=��===-�����--�����MICHIGAN AVE., AT MONROEandHOTEL