'�NOTICE TO READER .After reading this copy place a 1 cent stamp here, handsame to any postal employee and it will be placed in thebands of a soldier or sailor at the front. No wrapping;no addr ess - A. S. Burleson, Postmaster General.PUBLISHED BY THEALUMNI COUNCIL::Vol. X Noc 4 February, 1918 �of�fntQUR FOOD SUPPLY MUST BE CONSERVED.' HOUSE��WIVES, NURSES, PIjYSICIANS, HEALTH OFFICERS,librarians, dietitians, bacteriologists and others can gain informa-;tion on how to deal with food poisoning in its various forms and 'how to- prevent its occurrence", in the new volumeFOOD POISONING,By EDWIN OAKES JORDANChairman of the Department of Hygiene and BacteriologyThe University of Chicago '$1.00, postage extra (weight 11 o s.)Housewives. It is of vital interest to the housewife not to waste ifood by careless treatment. To mention but one point: the proportion ofillness due to uncooked, imperfectly cooked or raw food, which couldeasily be avoided by proper cooking, is astonishing. Professor Jordan'lays special stress on this feature. The particular foods involved, howthey became poisonous, and how to avoid the possibility of poisoning, are;all clearly explained nt this book.Nurses. The frequently fatal �outcome of some forms of food pois-'oning-i-if vigorous �mergency measures are not carried out-make neces-'sary prompt diagnosis of the malady on the part of doctors or nurses. iThe different types of food poisoning, their causes, the symptoms, treat-.'ment, and means of prevention are briefly and clearly presented in this book.:Physicians. Every physician feels' the lack of time for sufficient readingto keep up with current progress ill different lines of medicine. This bookgives in concise form the types of poisoning and discusses the recent in­vestigations of various diseases due to food poisoning. A number ofthe most character istic and best studied outbreaks of food poisoning aredescribed. Over one hundred references to original sources are given.Health Officers. Health officers have an excellent opportunity to im­prove the sanitary' conditions which are, frequently responsible for food �poisoning and to educate laymen in avoiding the possibility of infection.:In this book special emphasis is laid on means of prevention in the dis- icussion of each form of poisoning."Housekeepers, nurses, physicians, as well as the victims of organic 'atta.cksof indigestion', will find in the pages of this volume rn.uch of illumination.".-The Survey.The University of ChicagoChicago' 5859- Ellis Ave�ue Press!IllinoistEbe mntbetsttp of <!btcago maga,tnellditot"1 JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '0'1.Advertising Monaqer, ADOLPH G. PIERR�T, '07;Assistant ssu», JAMES C. HEMPHILL, '19.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publlshers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. � Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson' annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).V Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local ch eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Al umni Council; Box 9, Faculty" Exchange, The" Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Aet ofMarch 8, 1879.VOL. X. CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1918. No.4.FRONTISPIECE: Old Bill January.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION................................................................ 135THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY UNION '138DREXEL HOUSE, by Helen Hendricks, '07 .. 0 •••••••••••• � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 140ON THE QUADRANGLES, by Bartlett Cormack, 20...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141THE UNIVERSITY RE.cORD •• ".•••..••..•...•....•..............••••••••.••.•••••.•••••••.•• 143THE MASQUE OF Y OUTHo• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 145THE LETTER Box -. o •••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 146BASE HOSPITAL UNIT No. 13 .; - .; .; 148THE ALUMNI COUNCIL.................................................................. 149AN AMERICAN CITIZEN (with pictures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151ALUMNI AFFAIRS 152News of the Classes; Engagements, Marriages; the Law School Alumni Association;The Association of Doctors (with re�ort of Committee on Promotion of Research).ATHLETICS 165The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoChairman, SCOTT BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1917-18 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MISS SHIRLEY FARR, RUTH PROSSER, JOHNFRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAW­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN, HARVEY HARRIS.From the Association of Doctors of Philosoph», HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED,MRS. HANNAH CLARK POWELL.From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSPEED, WARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALICE GREEN ACRE, JOSE W. HOOVER, WM. P.MACCRACI<EN.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARTHA LANDERS THOMPSON, DOROTHY EDWARDS,MRS. HAZEL KELLY MANVILLE.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Association Represented in the Alumni Council:fHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, University of Chicago.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT� University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER L. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, HuGO M. FRIEND, 137 S. La Salle St.Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including SUbscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 131"A Sound Mind in a Sound Body"is dependent on proper nourishment"Swift's Premium" Sliced Bacon(in cartons)has sound body building quali ties. It is high in food energy value."Swift's Premium" Sliced Bacon is mild, sweet and delicious.It is an appetizing and nourishing breakfast food. Put up insanitary, one pound cartons­not touched by hand in slicingor packing.Swift &: Companyu. s. A.CHICAGO WAR RECORDSConfident that you can appreciate the great importance to the University of Chicagoand its alumni of obtaining a complete record of our loyal war service, we ask you tofill out this blank with the names of Chicago graduates and former students youknow to be in any form of the national service. The suddenness of the war situationhas resulted in great difficulty in obtaini ng complete information along this line.Consequently we are relying much on your assistance, through this blank form, forobtaining information which we might be able to obtain in no other possible way.We trust to your firm interest in the welfare of our Alma Mater and her eagernessto obtain a complete and accurate record of the service her sons and daughters haverendered to our country in this crisis. PLEASE FILL OUT.1. Name Class .Service and Rank .Service Address .Person who will always know that address .2. Name Class .Service and Rank .Service Address ·.Person who will always know that address .3. Name Class .Service and Rank .Service Address .Person who will always know that address .Return to the Alumni Office, University of Chicaso.132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo carry out the plans of the Alumni Council to send the MAGAZINE to allmen in service, a War Subscription Fund of at least Five Hundred Dollars forthe remainder of the year is needed. This.' subscription is as directly for thebenefit of the soldiers as any that could be made. We get scores of lettersfrom the men in the camps and in France, demanding the MAGAZINE if theyhave not been getting it, or expressing their thanks and good wishes if theyhave. Contributions to the Fund may be made on the following form, andshould, if possible, be accompanied by check or money order:Alumni Council, The University of Chicago:Herewith find my subscription of_ 4011ars, to the WarSubscription Fund of the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZ,INE.Check Enclosed.Money Order Enclosed.Payable 1918.Sign Here .Return to Alumni Office, The University of Chicago.25 Charts in Seta",.(oftlfl1""' .. ,,..,MILITARY INSTRDCTION CHlBTSSCHOOL OF THE SOLDIERORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS LEARN TO DRILLLIKE REGULARSActual size llx14 inches Military efficiency of a high order is only ob­tained by continuous study and drill. You canreach the regular army standard by using ourMilitary Instruction Charts, which teach themanual of arms in complete detail, the care ofthe army rifle, and the correct ways to shoot.Used in Reserve Officers' Training Camps,schools, colleges, and extensively in the Regu­lar Army. If you have a son, brother or friendin the National Army, a set of these charts willaid him in getting promotion. If you, your­self are studying for a commission, they willmake you more proficient. Highest endorse­ments. Edited by Lieut. Col. George S. Si­monds, U. S. A., until recently Senior TacticalOfficer at West Point. Endorsed by General,Leonard Wood.PRICE THREE DOLLARS, POSTPAIDNo More Sets Sold at Reduced PricesNATIONAL ARMY SCHOOL314 East 23rd St., New York CitySupport our advertisers I They support the MagazinelTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 133"CHICAGO"INSURANCE MENThe fact that �hese are all Chicago men insures safety, integrity, helpful, courteous service.In favoring THEM you are favoring YOURSELF.(Arranged Alphabetically)C. F. Axelson, '07SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.900 The RookeryTelephone Wabash 1800 TEL. WABASH 3720BRADFORD GILL, '10INSURANCE OF ALL KINDSMARINE I NSURANCE ESPECIALLYROOM 1229, INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING175 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGOBen H. Badenoch '09SPECIAL AGENTNorthwestern MutualLife Insurance Company969 The Rookery Tel. Wabash 1800 Ralph H. Hobart, '96HOBART & OATESCHICAGO GENERAL AGENTSNorthwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.900 The RookeryNorman L. & Wm. Storrs Baldwin, '15INSURANCERepresenting All Companies in All LinesPhone Wabash 12201423 Insurance Exchange Chicago ASK HOWES and [will be 'glad to talk toHE KNOWS you at any time about yourLIFE INSURANCEor the opportunity which exists for any CHICAGOMAN in the Insurance business.BYRON C. HOWES, Ex'13;Manager, Union MutualLife Insurance Co. of Portland, Maine7 West Madison Street CHICAGDTelephone Wabash 400Mortimer L. Cahill.. Ex �06GENERALINSURANCE1625 Insurance Exchange CHICAGO Horace G. Lozier, '94INSURANCEof all kindsInsurance Exchange Bldg. 175 W. Jackson BoulevardTelephone Wabash 83 I 'Member Illinois Insurance FederationJohn J. Cleary, Jr., '14ELDREDGE, MANNING &/CLEARYINSURANCE175 West Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1240CHICAGO Harry W. Thayer, Ex '85INSURANCEIn All I ts BranchesCorn Exchange Bank Bldg. Fidelity and Casualty134 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Company of New YorkTelephone Main 5100Support our adoertisers l They support the Magazine!The Main Road A Dug-Out20th Century Shovelry On the Way to CobbThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME X No.3FEBRUARY, 1918THE WAR SUBSCRIPTION FUNDTo carry out the plans of the Alumni Association to send the MAGAZINE free tomen in service, for the remainder of the year, will cost approximately five hundreddollars. This sum is to be raised by direct subscription. A special appeal will haveto be made, of course, to many individuals. But every alumnus and alumna whothinks that he or she, if in camp or in France, would like to have news from home,is hereby asked to send in a contribution NOW to the War Subscription Fund.Any amount will be welcomed. Please send checks or money to War SubscriptionFund, Alumni Office, the University of Chicago.Events and DiscussionThe total attendance for the winter quar­ter shows a falling off, compared with thewinter of 1917, ofAttendance 18.7%. The autumnquarter showed acomparative loss, it will be remembered, ofapproximately 12%. The figures are: Inthe graduate schools, 312 men, 212 women,or 524, compared to 650 last year; seniorand junior colleges and unclassified, 845men, 827 women, or 1,672, compared to2,159 last year � professional schools, includ­ing law, medicine, divinity, education, andcommerce and administration, 602 men, 391women, or 933, compared to 1,041 last year;making a total university attendance withduplications deducted, of 1,497 men and1,407 women, or 2,904, compared to 3,572last year. The only gains are in the medicalschool, 37 more, and in the college of com­merce and administration 190 more (ac- counted for by the ordnance courses andthe transfer of C. and A. to the professionalschool group). The senior colleges havefallen off from 846 to 680, the junior col­leges from 1,213 to 904, and the law schoo!from 269 to 117, a drop of nearly sixty percent. Of course, all this decrease is dueindirectly, and nearly all directly, to thewar. The College of Education, for in­stance, has only 9 men in attendance and275 women. It is interesting to note thatthe undergraduate men eligible for athleticsare fewer than five hundred, of whom ap­proximately twenty-five per cent are drill­ing.The recent Convocation Statement .ofPresident Judson showed an attendance ofmen during the autumn quarter of 2,018, asagainst 2,508 a year ago, a loss of 19 � percent. The attendance of women is prac­tically unchanged as compared with that of136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElast year. The fact, also, that so manyUniversity of Chicago students are graduatestuden ts beyond the military age tends tolessen the decrease' here.Walter B. Schafer, '17, was the first Amer­ican officer to go over the top from theA mer i can lines.Over the Top Schafer was commis-sioned a second lieu­tenant in the regular army from the firstcamp at Fort Sheridan. He was ordered inthe summer to France for service. Schaferwas a member of Skull and Crescent, IronMask and Phi Kappa Psi. He was a "C"man, playing on the Varsity football andbasketball teams for three years, on theformer as half-back and full-back, makingthe teams in his Sophomore year. In hissecond year of basketball competition,Schafer scored the highest number ofpoints of any forward in the Conference.(From the Cornell Sun.)A professor, an '05 man, speaks:"They are going. And there is some­thing very fine aboutthe quiet way inwhich these boyshave taken to theirHow OurBoys Leaveunpleasant task. There has not been anyenthusiasm. That was right. A war likethis does not ask for words, but for silentdeeds. Our boys seem to understand it. Atodd moments they drop into the office.There is very little talk."'Going away?'" 'Yes, sir.'"'Army or Navy?'"'I don't know yet. I called up my peo­ple on the long-distance 'phone last night.They said it was all right. So I am goingto New York tonight and then home tosay goodby.'"'Want to go?'" 'Not particularly. But I suppose it isthe only thing to do.'"And that is all."They are going, and many of themnever will come back. The pleasant lifeof mediocre endeavor has come to an end.To be sure, we had never looked at themin the light of heroes. They were nice,lovable fellows. Their outlook upon life was simplicity itself. Graduation and ajob. Then, after a few years, another job,a little higher up. Finally, a home of theirown and some nice girl to be their wife anda few babies and a car and two weeks'vacation. to go hunting and fishing. Hereand there a man with a hobby or the am­bition to do, or write, or build, or achievesome particular purpose. To most of them,however, life meant a cheerful gift to beenjoyed as the faithful days came along.There was no searching for hidden mo­tives or for an ulterior purpose. The- amia­ble Divinity of Things-as-they-are ruledtheir realm. They accepted whatever camewith a smile, and they did not ask ques­tions. And now, without a word of warn­ing, they have been asked to face the In­visible Mystery. There was no complaint.They packed their trunks, and God blessthem, they are going."Thus far they have been my students.But now, in an humble fashion, I am grate­ful that I have been their teacher."Completion, which is to say collection,of the fund for a university ambulance,to which many of thealumni subscribed lastspring, was not in timeto put the car in thehands of the Field Ambulance Service. Ac­cordingly, after much discussion, the moneyhas been turned over to the American Fundfor French Wounded, which will put anambulance, bearing the university's name,at work in the devastated parts of North­ern France. It will operate mostly amongcivilian and refugee population, rushing inas fast as the Germans are driven back tohurry the survivors to hospitals, etc.The UniversityAmbulanceJanuary saw two contests with Michigan,one in debate and one in basketball. Chi­cago got the unani­mous decision of theThe Old Rivaljudges in the debate,and were victorious, 22-6, in basketball. N 0-body regards either victory as significant,Michigan's real interests, like our own, be­ing in other matters at present. Still, Chi­cagoans can hardly help a momentary flashof pleasure that the meetings resulted asthey did.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 137Elsew here 111 this issue will be found afull account of the American UniversityUnion in Europe, ofThe American which Chicago is aUniversity Union member, and HaroldSwift, '07, on theBoard of Trustees. The Union is beingsupported in part by direct contributions.I ts tremendous value to the many alumniand students who will find themselves inParis hardly neeQ_s to be stated. Any al­umni who' wish to subscribe should sendtheir subscriptions to David A. Robertson.The President's Office, University of Chi­cago. Subscriptions from one hundred dol­lars to five dollars, or anything between,will be greatly needed and appreciated.A vigorous correspondence, conducted onboth sides with great credit, appeared inthe �M aroon in January,between Paul J e an s,'18, president of thePoefry Club, and DavidA. Robertson, '02, on the subject of theMoody Lectureship. Mr. Jeans' point wasthat the lectures were not fulfil ling theirreal purpose of offering information onmodern poetry by "representative modern­ists," and he declared that a suggestionfrom Mr. Moody that a certain poet shouldbe asked to speak was not acted upon. Mr.Robertson's answer, in brief, was to quote'from the donor's original letters:"The Alfred N oyes lecture, financed bythe Senior Class, is an example of the thingI think desirable. I should not, however,'confine the lectures to any particular sub­ject,"Fundamentally the fund is to be used tobring men and women, leaders in theirlines, before the university students, to givesuch inspiration as students receive frorncoming in contact with great minds."This Mr. Robertson contended had beenaccomplished. "The committee," he says,selected the following:"Alfred Noyes, whose readings beforethe university seem to have been the oc­casion of establishing the fund; StephenLeacock, an alumnus of the University ofChicago, whose work in economics and seri­ous criticism, were not so well known ashis humorous writings; Paul Elmer More,'The MoodyLectureship for many years literary editor of the Nation;Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, poet, and a criticof temporary literature; William LyonPhelps of Yale, who will give one lecturein 1918."On behalf of the committee," he adds;"which has, of course, been preparing forthat happier time when the world will havebeen made safe for democracy, advanceshave been made to Thomas Hardy, JohnGal swo rthy, H. G. W ell�, Margaret Deland,Edith Wharton and William Dean How­ells."The records of the Alumni Council meet­ing of January 23 are printed on page --­of this iss u e. TwoThe AlumniCouncil Meeting points of special inter­est should be noted:the plans for the warsubscriptions, mentioned at the beginningof Events and Discussion; and the matterof the June Reunion. The council favorsa one-day reunion. Attention may be calledalso to the financial situation. The highprice of paper, the high cost of labor, andthe falling off of subscriptions due to warconditions make reduction of expense, some­how, imperative. A very simple thing is toreduce the size of the MAGAZINE to 32 pages.Wha t do you think? Don't all speak atonce.The record of January was two feet of snowon the level, high winds and more than fourweeks without a thawsoRude far. The result of theseBoreas conditions, unparalleledin Chicago in the mem­ory of man, was very nearly disastrous.The frontispiece is a slight evidence of ap­pearances. After the first heavy storm twohundred and fifty shovels were supplied theuniversity by the city, and the undergradu­ates were invited to assist in the task ofdigging the city out. One regrets to re­port that the invitation was not very heart­ily accepted. On one day, it is true, everyone of the shovels were in use, but a greatpart of the time a hundred or so remainedmournfully stacked in Mandel Hall lobby,listening, if shovels have ears, to the clickof the billiard balls in the Reynolds Club.�he faculty; the company officers of the138 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINER. o. T. c., and many of the girls weremore enthusiastic than the run of the men.The Moroon, in an accession of benevo­lence, published two editorials condemningthe work in "rich and aristocratic W ood­lawn" and suggesting labor on the west sidein the districts of the poor. As a three­hour stretch at a time was the most whichmost men could afford, and as under theconditions it would have taken the menabout four hours to get to the west sideand return, this suggestion was thought bysome cynics to be camouflage.The result of the storms, combined with the hindsight of the government, on thecoal supply, is well known. Following Gar­field's famous order, the university closedthe High School and the ElementarySchool for a week, and agreed to shut offmost of the heat everywhere from Satur­day noons to Monday mornings; as oneresult of which the editor's ink is freezingas he writes. The university purchased 5,000tons of coal last summer at three dollars aton, and still has some on hand; but as un­der normal winter conditions it uses abouta hundred tons a day (the record is 145tons), it is in no very plethoric state.The American University Union m EuropeAs the University of Chicago is a regu­lar member of the American UniversityUnion in Europe, represented on the Boardof Trustees by Harold H. Swift, '07, andas business manager by Van RensselaerLansingh, '97 (who is, howover, registeredfrom thtlMassachusetts Institute of Technol-ogy), it seems desirable that a fuller state­ment of the purposes of the Union beprin ted in the Magazine than has hereto­fore been given. The following has beenprepared, therefore, from the pamphletpublished by the Union in December.The general object of the Union is tomeet the needs of American university andcollege men and their friends who are inEurope for military or other service in thecause of the Allies. Among its specific ob­jects are the following:1 To provide at moderate cost a home with theprivileges of a simple club for American college menand their friends passing through Paris or on fur­lough; the privileges to include information bureau,writing and newspaper room, library,. dining room,bedrooms, baths, social features, opportunities forphysical· recreation, entertainments, medical advice,etc.2. To provide a headquarters for the variousbureaus already established or to be established inFrance by representative American universities, col­leges and technical schools.3. To co-operate with these bureaus when estab­lished, and ·in their absence to aid institutions, par­ents, or friends, in securing information about collegemen in all forms of war service, reporting on cas­ualties, visiting the sick and wounded, giving advice,serving as a means of communication with them, etc.The Union served as a headquarters for the bureaus of such institutions as maydecide to send their special representativeto Europe to look particularly after the in­terests of their own graduates and stu­dents. The internal affairs and policies ofeach of these bureaus, when not inconsist­ent with the general regulations and bestinterests of the Union, are subject to itsown jurisdiction.After many conferences with officials ofthe Red Cross, the International Commit­tee of the Young Men's Christian Associa­tion, and the War Department, a meetingwas called at the University Club, NewYork City, on July 15, 1917, for the purposeof establishing the American UniversityUnion in Europe, adopting a constitution,and electing officers. The plan of organ­ization agreed upon included, a representa­tive Board of Trustees in America, a smallExecutive Committee in Paris, appointedby the Board; arid an .t\dvisory'� Councilcomposed of representative American col­lege and university men living in France.It was decided that the Union should be aco-operative enterprise enlisting the gen­eral support of American colleges and uni­versities. The following institution? wererepresented at the organization meeting:College_ of the City of New York, Colum­bia University, Cornell University, Dart­mouth College, Harvard University, JohnsHopkins University, New York University,THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY UNION IN EUROPE 139Northwestern University, Princeton Uni­versity, Tulane University, University ofMichigan, University of Pennsylvania,University of Washington, Vanderbilt Uni­versity, and Yale University. Of these,six-namely, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Yale, Princeton, Harvard,Michigan, and the University of Virginiahave already sent over their special repre­sentatives, who. have offices in the head­quarters of the Union, while a total ofabout ninety American institutions havebecome members of the Union. Amherst,Bowdoin, Brown, Dartmouth, and Will­iams unite with Harvard in supporting aBureau. The interests of men comingfrom colleges which do not support spe­cial Bureaus are looked after by the StaffSecretaries of the Union.The Union was opened October 20, 1917.Representatives of thirty different Amer­ican colleges took rooms the first night,while two weeks thereafter the ExecutiveCommittee cabled that the accommodationswere "overflowing." By the close of thethird week men had registered from eighty­three different institutions, as far separatedas the Universities of Alabama, California,Maine, Minnesota and Texas.The members of the Executive Commit­tee first planned to secure a hotel in theresidential section of Paris between theChamps Elysees and the Bois, and madetentative arrangements for such a hotelwhen the increasing difficulties connectedwith the problem of transportation madeit seem essential that headquarters nearerthe center of Paris be secured. Conse­quently, acting on the advice of ·the Ad­visory Council in Paris, the Executive Com­mittee unanimously recommended to thetrustees to rent for the period of the warthe Royal Palace Hotel on the Place duTheatre Francais, This hotel is at thehead of the Avenue de l'Opera and nearthe Louvre and the Tuileries Gardens. Itis within a block of the Palais Royal sta­tion of the "Metropolitain" -the Paris sub­way, and accessible by all Avenue del'Opera and Rue de Rivoli omnibuses.The Royal Palace Hotel, built in 1911,faces south on an open square and has 80outside bedrooms accommodating over onehundred men, in addition to attractive pub­lic rooms for reading and social purposes, and 42 modern bathrooms. There is anelevator and every other convenience. Eachbedroom has running water, and throughthe co-operation of the municipal author­ities, the Union is allowed to supply hotwater daily, instead of only twice a week,the usual war allowance. At the entrance,8 rue de Richelieu, a sign: "AmericanUniversity Union," replaces that of theRoyal Palace Hotel. At the desk are kepta Members' Register and a Visitors' Book.In the former are registered all AmericanCollege men, with their college and class,degree (if any) or department, militaryrank or form of service, home address, andEuropean address. In the latter are regis­tered all guests with the names of the col­lege men who introduced them. A can­teen or small shop has been opened in thelobby of the Union. The canteen carriesbooks, toilet articles, flash lights, station­ery, tennis balls, chocolate, tobacco, etc.Tennis rackets can also be rented.The restaurant provides luncheon for 4�francs, and dinner for 5 % francs, in addi­tion to a very moderate priced petit de­[eurner. The pension for three meals isfixed at 10 francs. Members who are onfurlough in Paris for several days cansecure pension at from 15 francs a dayupward, everything included. A room fora single night costs from 6 francs up, aroom with bath 10 francs. In view of thehigh cost of supplies in Paris, where an­thracite coal sells at from $60 to $70 aton, the tariff seems moderate, especiallyas the franc is now the equivalent of only17� cents, and as no fees are expected orallowed.The first floor and the eniresol are usedfor the general purposes of the Union, theseparate college Bureaus being on theupper floors, visitors being assigned as faras possible to bedrooms on the same flooras the College Bureau with which they areaffiliated. Writing tables and tables forchess and other games have been placedin the petits salons on each floor oppositethe elevator.A special feature is made of the ReadingRoom and Library. In addition to the mostrepresentative English and French periodi­cals, and the leading college papers, 23American daily newspapers and 29 maga­zines are regularly on file.140 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEArrangements have also been made bymembers resident in London of the alumniof various colleges to establish a generalmeeting place for college: men when inEngland. These headquarters will beknown as the "American'University Unionin Europe-London Branch," and will be forthe use of alumni of all universities andcolleges in the United States.Through the courtesy of the London of-Drexel� ot so long ago, the editor of the maga­zine was heard to remark, to his reqrei, itwas only when alumni were far away pur­suing pirates in Honk Kong Harbor, orrouting robbers in the Yarig tse gorges, thatthey deigned, or dared (I have forgottenwhich word be used) to write to the MAGA­ZINE. When an alumna after years of wan­dering returns to the campus she can, inview of this remark, do no other than writeto the MAGAZINE. Although she is sorelytempted to discourse at length upon somesuch subject as "Life on the Campus AfterSeven years" or "The Extreme' Youth ofthe Modern Undergraduate-a Matter ofGrave Concern to, Alumni"-yet she is heldby a clue consideration of the raised postagerates as well as by the limited number ofpages of the MAGAZINE, to confine herselfto bestowing upon the alumni one piece ofinformation which should be of special in­terest to them.This year there has come into being anew order of university activity. A newbuilding has sprung upon the campus-,-soswiftly and silently that few may havenoted a change. To the casual eye an olduniversity apartment building still standsnext the vacant lot on Drexel Avenue at;39th Street. But to the initiated DrexelHouse has opened its doors. Here is aplace for the immediate practice of all thearts, sciences and social accomplishments�ith which the University equips its stu­dents. Drexel House is at once a dormitoryand a laboratory, a University House and acampus home, for here is being worked out fice of the Farmers Loan & Trust Co. ofNew York, rooms in their building at 15Pall Mall East, S. W. 1, have been givenover for this purpose and are being ade­quately furnished. The building is nearCockspur Street and Haymarket. Thetelephone is Gerrard 9200. American papers.and periodicals will be found there, andproper facilities afforded for registration,forwarding mail, letter wri ting, etc.Housean experiment in co-operative housekeep­ing. Fifteen University women, classifyingas Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors,Gradua tes, are living together in harmonyand happiness, doing their own cooking,.cleaning, marketing-in fact rendering everyform of service except janitor service, andtaking full University work.Co-operative houses exist in a number ofcolleges and universities, but at Chicagothey are new. Drexel House is the pioneer.Upon the success of Drexel, House willdepend the establishment of other co-opera­tive houses. Inasmuch as the present dor­mitories cannot accommodate all thewomen who apply, there is a rieed for moreUniversity houses. If the co-operative planwork s out with enough saving of expenseto justify the amount of work done andtime spent in housekeeping, it seems to be­a solution to the housing problem. Asidefrom the matter of expense, however, thereis something to be gained through the co­operation. The very fact of working to­gether in the performance of commonhousehold tasks makes for a spirit of"hominess" which can be gotten in noother way. Each resident daily puts somelabor into the house. Therefore, the houseis peculiarly hers. The tasks are divided upand assigned in two weeks' shifts, each girltaking her turn at being cook, dishwasher,kitchen helper, dining room girl, living roomgirl, or caretaker of halls and bathrooms.If the table talk seems frequently to run to"shop," perhaps it is because there are fe wsubjects which do not seem to apply inON THE QUADRANGLES 141Drexel House, where the practical holdsequal sway with the theoretical, and learn­ing and usefulness go hand in hand.Drexel House should be of special in­terest to alumni because it was founded byan alumna, backed up by alumnae with theassistance of alumni among the Universityauthorities. Miss Thyrza Barton, formerhead of the Housing Bureau, is the "found­er." She had a committee of alumnae con­sisting of Miss Mary Morton and Mrs. Mil­likan, to assist her in buying for the house.They contributed time, effort and thoughtto the furnishing of the house, and theresults show for themselves. A number ofalumni have made gifts to the house. MissMary Morton gave a piano, Miss ThyrzaBarton books, Miss Helen Gunsaulus pic- tures, Miss Alice Greenacre and Mr. JohnF. Moulds each a picture, Miss Ethel Terrysome kitchen necessities, and Mrs. GeorgeB. McKibbin a vase. Mrs. Millikan has beenof great helpfulness as House Counselor.Realizing the particular interest of alumnaein the new venture, the Chicago AlumnaeClub has appointed a special committee forDrexel House. If the house is to be asuccess, it must have the true Chicago spiritof wil lirig ness and co-operation. And whobetter than alumni can put this in? Thosewho wish to see for themselves what Chi­cago women can do in homemaking areinvited to call at 5845 Drexel Avenue._Helen Hendricks, '07,Head of Drexel HouseOn the QuadranglesThose of you who read this far awayfrom the Midway and, the middle west willbe interested to know that this past monthhas been the winter of our discontent allright. Decidedly. Sunday, January 6th, andthe day following brought to Chicago ablizzard which, they say, was the worstaffair of its kind in fifty years. A high windduring the two day_s scattered the snowwhich fell continually until drifts were piledhigh throughout the city. Transportationwas ruined; streets were impassable on ac­count of the heavy snow; class attendancewas decimated; and (as said the Maroon)Ellis Ha 11 was dangerously close to col­lapse. Even when the snow stopped it con­tinued bitter cold. The men of the R. O.T. C. and student volunteers instituted asnow-shove ling campaign to clear thestreets nearby the University. Themen volunteering for this service were ex­cused from their classes, and worked insmall groups. Prof. H. G.· Moulton fath­ered the idea. The Bureau of Streets fur­nished shovels to the men and the house­holders hereabouts handed out coffee andsandwiches. Members of the faculty wieldedshovels with the men. Not to be outdone,the women of Drexel House, co-operativealways, shoveled also. You can see it wasa bad storm. At the one hundred and :fifth convocation,held at the close of the Autumn quarter,eighty-eight degrees were presented tograduating students by President Judson.Nineteen students were given special hon­ors; three making Phi Beta Kappa; five­departmental honors, and eleven, graduationhonors. Phi Beta Kappa took DorothyRoberts, Barbara Miller, and VesperSchlenker.The University Head Marshal is, thisyear, Stanley Roth, '18. Roth, a prominentman about campus, is a member of Owl andSerpent and Phi Beta Kappa. Also, he ispresident of the Undergraduate Council andathletic editor of the Maroon.Election for members of the U ndergrad­uate Council and Honor Commission willbe held this year on February 8th. Sevenundergraduates will then be selected by thestudent body to fill the places of sevenmembers of the council whose terms haveexpired. Three will be chosen from theJunior class; two from the Sophomores,and two from the Freshmen. Ten studentswill be elected to the Honor Commission.The nominations will be made as in pastyears-s-the retiring members of the com­mission nominating and the students bal­loting. Florence Lamb has been appointedby the Council as general election chairman.142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrank Breckenridge and Roland Hollowayare her assistants.Of Blackfriar plans nothing definite isknown. However, they have practically de­cided not to give a regulation Friar showthis year. War conditions are reasonfor the decision. But, if the faculty permits,the Friar think they will present a showless pretentious than those of former years,perhaps incorporating in its program revuesfrom former Friar successes. The Maroon,editorializing, comments on the situationthus: "This week a faculty committee 1.Sconsidering the arguments for and againsta Blackfriar performance in the Spring. Insuch a consideration the opinion of the stu­dent body should enter with weight. Youngpeople demand activity. 'They wanta turnthe campus into, a morgue!' is what can beheard in many quarters. The faculty shouldconsider that the opinion of the studentbody is against turning the campus into amorgue." And so on. As yet the facultyhave not decided.Further activities along dramatic lineshave to do with the Dramatic Club. Theclub has taken itself by the bootstraps aridattempted to lift itself once more into cam­pus favor. Discussion as to methods ofreorganization was rampant one afternoonwhen the club's most active members metto draft a new constitution. Their winterplay will be selected by Dean Lovett, Mrs.Flint, and Mr. Robertson of the Englishdepartmen t and will be given, they hope, onthe evening of March 8th in Mandel Hall.Student opinion, of late, has given the clubthe inquiring glance and the club has deter­mined that this must stop. So, they havereorganized.Also, anent performances-the W. A. A.Portfolio (an entertainment supplanting theformer biennial Campus Follies) will begiven in Mandel Hall on the evening ofFebruary 15th. It will be in three acts, theysay, including a dramatic bit by Emily Taft;some vaudeville fooling; and a rendition ofLindsay's "Chinese Nightingale." The lastis a cantata and is under the direction of Mrs. Irene Hyman. The W. A. A. has askedloudly' for posters, wanting this year to haveexceptionally good ones, so that city-wideadvertising may be indulged in,Socially, nothing much has happened.The class affairs have gone on as usual, butthe war has scratched from the social cal­endar many events that have usually fur­nished recreation to the student body.Score Club, however, gave its annualPledge dance on the afternoon of January26th, in Rosalie Hall. Nearly a hundredfreshmen girls were pledged to the variouscampus clubs.The program of the Reynold's Club in­cludes an informal dance February 1st, asmoker March 1st (which is election night),and an informal dance March 15th. Theregular formal dance this year has beeneliminated.Various happenings are these: Priva tefeat, of bookstand fame, lectured lastmonth in Mandel Hall. He was greeted bya crowd that completely filled the place.Among other things, he paid a tribute toour drafted men, saying that they were asfine a bunch of men as he had ever seen.Prof. Starr, returned from the Orient, was.greeted with a large, large class. The Amer­ican Red Cross has formed a UniversityUnit with Mrs. Wilber Post as chair­man. Dunlap Clark, '17, has (during theillness of Major Grisard) been made com­mandant of the University R. O. T. C.Clark was Abbot of Blackfriar s, lots ofother things, and a member· of Beta ThetaPi. Discussion as to whether or not theUndergraduate Council should be dis­banded is on again. Gilbert Moss is thenew President of the University Rifle Club.Forty books, the gift .of James V. Nash,have been added to the library of the Rey­nold's Club. Thrift stamps are on sale atthe Press. They are selling fast. AndFlorence Kilvary, Rosemary Carr, CharlesCottingham, and Carleton Adams are tolead the grand march at the simplifiedWashington Promenade.Bartlett Cormack, '20.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 143The University RecordOver seventy members of the Facultiesof the University are now in war serviceOf this number twenty-seven are of pro­fessorial rank, including the President ofthe University, the Dean of the Facultiesof Arts, Literature, and Science, the Deanof the School of Commerce and Adminis­tration, the Dean of the Divinity School,the Director of the School of Education,and the Dean of Science in the Colleges.Eighteen departments of the Universityhave represen ta tives in the national service,as follows: Psychology, three, includingthe head of the department; Education,nine, including the head of the department;Political Economn, five; Political Science,two, including the head of the department;History, one; Oriental Languages and Lit­eratures, one; Romance Languages and Lit­eratures, three; English Language andLiterature, two, including the head of thedepartment; Astronomy, two; Physics, six;Chemistry, six; Geology, three; Geography,six; Anatomy, four; Physiological Chem­istry and Pharmacology, three, includingthe head of the department; Physiology,two, including the head of the department;Pathology, two; and Hygiene and Bacteri­ology, three. In addition, there are fourmembers from the University Law Schoolfaculty, and the Dean of the DivinitySchool. Rush Medical faculty is not con­sidered in this summary. Four membersof the University Board of Trustees havealso been in important war service for thegovernment in this country and abroad.A year's leave of absence has beengranted by the Board of Trustees to Pro­fessor Shailer Mathews, Dean of the Divin­ity School, to act as Secretary of the WarSavings Committee for Illinois. Mr. Mar­tin A. Ryerson, president of the Board ofTrustees, is director of this committee. Thechief work of the Committee is to sell "VarSavings and Thrift stamps amounting toapproximately $125,000,000, Illinois' shareof the total amount of $2,000,000,000. Other1eaves of absence granted are:To Associate Professor Carl Kinsley, ofthe Department of Physics, for work in.the Radio Division of the Signal Corps ofthe United States Army.To Professor Henry Gordon Gale, of theDepartment of Physics, who is now a cap­tain of infantry in the United States Army.To Professor John Matthews Manly,Head of the Department of the English Lan­guage and Literature, who is now a captainin the Intelligence Division, War College,Washington, D. C.The sixth section in the training coursefor Army Supply Service at the Universitybegan on January 9 and will last till Feb- ruary 20. The seventh section begins onFebruary 21. These six weeks' trainingcourses are being given at the request ofthe Ordnance Department of the UnitedStates Army, and there is assurance thatthe government will take promptly foractive duty all who successfully completethe prescribed course. The subjects in­clude army organizaton in general and theorganization of the Ordnance Department;the supply service of a modern army, withemphasis upon the supply work of the Ord­nance Department; money and propertyaccountability, including practice in the useof paper forms; company administration;stores and stowing; govern men t purchas­ing methods; and "military correspondenceand orders. The courses were under the di-rection of Lieutenant W. H. Spencer, of theSchool of Commerce and Administration, inthe absence of Dean Leon Carroll Mar­shall, who is now on the War IndustriesBoard at Washington. Spencer, however,has in turn been called into service, andProf. Wright has assumed general supervi­sion.The Director's report on the Universityof Chicago Libraries contains the state­men t that on account of the difficulty ofmaking systematic purchases in belligerentcountries it has been deemed advisable 1.0devote some of the funds available to thedevelopment of the history and literatureof certain neutral countries. As a resultthere have been valuable additions in thefield of Scandinavian and Spanish litera­tures, including forty volumes of authors'autograph presentation copies, mainly firsteditons.Among the important gifts to the Li­braries have been the William VaughnMoody collection of books in American lit­erature by Mrs. Edward Morris, of Chi­cago; early manuscripts and printed booksby Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus and Miss HelenC. Gunsaulus; and books and manuscriptsof the Reformation period by Mrs. EmmaB. Hodge. Especially notable are a re­markable fifteenth-century manuscript ofPetrarch's Sonnets donated by Dr. GUll­saulus in addition to previous gifts of man­uscripts and books of the Renaissanceperiod, and a copy of Milton's ParadiseLost (London, 1669), bound in crushedlevant morocco, which was presented byMiss Gunsaulus in honor of Richard GreenMoulton on the occasion of his twenty­fifth anniversary as professor in the U ni­versity of Chicago. Mrs. Hodge's giftsincluded two manuscripts, one from thehand of Melanchthon, the other of Eras­mus. A beautiful copy of Hendley's AsianCarpets, containing sixteenth- and seven-144 THE UNIVER,SITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEteenth-century designs fro 111. the J aipur pal­ace; a large number of books on Jewishhistory and literature from the Intercol­legiate Menorah Society; three framedplates, from Colonel George Fabyan, re­ferring to the existence of cipher in Englishprinted works of the sixteenth and seven­teenth centuries; and a copy of Livy pub­lished at Frankfort on the Main in 1568,are among other gifts of the year.The total number of bound and acces­sioned volumes added during the yearreached 35,310, making the total in the U ni­versity 517,936. The uncatalogued and un­accessioned volumes are estimated at over100,00.0. Of pamphlets, in part cataloguedand classified, there is no accurate countavailable, but it is thought that they maynumber about 200,000. There were cata­logued and classified according to the Li­brary of Congress system about 84,000 vol­umes, making the total number of volumesnow catalogued and classified under the newsystem 362,437, or nearly 70 per cent ofthe total of bound and accessioned volumes.The readers in the main reading-roomof the General Library numbered duringthe year 396,346, and in the reserved-bookroom 362,477, a total of 7'59,823, as against290,874 in 1913-14. The day use of reservedbooks has increased to such an extent thatthe total circulation of the past yearamounted to 367,267 volumes. These fig­ures are only for the circulation in theGeneral Library. Of the departmentallabraries which keep statistics, the ClassicsLibrary reports 50,960 readers and a cir­culation of 6,0.99 volumes, and the Schoolof Education Lib rary 276,001 readers witha circulation of 55,194 volumes.Representative accessions of the past yearto the William Vaughn Moody Library ofAmerican Literature were placed on exhibi­tion January 28 in the Directors' office inHarper M27. These purchases were madepossible through the gift of $5,000, whichwas presented to the University by Mrs.Francis Neilson.Associate Prof. Percy H. Boynton hasbeen taking charge of the purchasing ofthe books, which has been carried on chieflyin four or five lines: Completion of theprinted works of sixty or seventy repre­sentative authors, as far as possible, inrare or first editions; anthologies, collec­tions on special histories; important cur­rent books, especially in poetry, drama andcriticism. periodical files, and privatelypr-inted monographs or unique copies withreference to special authors.In the last eleven months 1,701 volumeshave been purchased. The gift was avail­able on February 1, 1917, and work wasbegun immediately. Dealers and auction­eers throughout the United States havebeen consulted. Boston, New York, Phila­delphia, Nashville, St. Louis, Minneapolis, San Francisco and local book sellers andcollectors have assisted in making the col­lection, with result that the gift sum is,not completely exhausted.One of the rare and unique purchases isa two-volume, de luxe edition of the"Croaker Papers," by Halleck and Drake ..These papers, which are really satiricalpoems, were very popular in N ew Yorkabout 1819-1821. The edition was printedin 1860 by the Bradford Club. The binding,gilt edging, paper, etc., are all of the finest.In the pages are inserted letters, manu­scripts, prints, etc., with special referenceto the papers themselves, which are alsoinserted. The craftsmanship is very fine,and it is only possible to tell that thepages are inserted by feelirig the edges.Such letters as those from the attorney­general of the United States, from WilliamCullen Bryant and other famous men makethe volumes even more valuable.Some of the books contain the author'sinscriptions, one of Miller's, the Californiapoet, being exceedingly humorous. Of the700 printed American plays, the collectioncontains 213. Probably more will be addedla ter. With this collection added to thepresent accessions of the libraries in theEnglish, church history and history sec­tions, students in American literature willhave 5,000 to 5,500 volumes on the subject.When the collection has been completedthe University of Chicago will probablyhave the best collection west of New Yorkor Philadelphia. 'A t the seventh meeting of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Sci­ence, held in Pittsburgh from December28 to January 2, among the vice-presidentialaddresses given were three by members ofthe scientific faculties of the Univer-sity.Professor Julius Stieglitz, Chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry, as the retiringvice-president for the Section of Chemistry,spoke on "The Electron Theory of Valenceand Its Application to Problems of Inor­ganic and Organic Chemistry"; ProfessorRollin D. Salisbury, Head of the Depart­ment of Geography, as the retiring vice­president for the Section of Geology andGeography, discussed "The EducationalValue of Geology"; and Professor EdwinO. Jordan, Chairman of the Department ofHygiene and Bacteriology, as the retiringvice-president for the Section of Physiol­ogy and Experimental Medicine. presentedthe subject of "Food-borne Infections.". Among the officers of the Association forthe Pittsburgh meeting was Dr. Walter VanDyke Bingham, Professor of Psychologyin the Carnegie Technical Institute, whois .secretary of the Council. Dr. Binghamreceived his Doctor's degree at the Uni­versity of Chicago in 1908. The secretaryof the Section of Mathematics and Astron­omy in the Association is Professor ForestTHE MASQUE OF YOUTH 145R. Moulton, of the Department of Astron­omy and Astro-physics; and the secretaryof the Section of Geology and Geographyis Assistant Professor Rollin T. Chamber­lin, of the Department of Geology and An­thropology.Among the members of the Council forthe same meeting were past-presidents ofthe Association, Professor T. C. Chamber­lin, Head of the Department of Geology,and Professor A. A. Michelson, Head orthe Department of Physics. Other repre­sentatives in the Council from the Univer­sity were Professor John M. Coulter, Headof the Department of Botany, and Pro­fessor Henry C. Cowles, of the same de­partment. Among the affiliated societiesholding meetings at the same time with theAssociation were the American PhysicalSociety, of which Professor Robert A. Mil­liken, of the Department of Physics, is thepresident; the American Chemical Society,of which Professor Julius Stieglitz, of Chi­cago, is the president; and the Society ofthe Sigma Xi, of which Dr. Stieglitz is alsothe head.The fourth annual meeting of the Ameri­can Association of University Professorswas held at the University of Chicago onDecember 28 and 29. The headquarters ofthe Association was at the Reynolds Cluband the sessions were held in the ReynoldsClub Theatre. Among the reports consid­ered were those on "Co-operation withLatin-American Universities and Recom­mendations of the Second Pan-AmericanScientific Congress," the report on "Acad­emic Freedom and Academic Tenure," andthe report on "Honorary Degrees." Pro­fessor John M. Coulter, Head of the De­partment of Botany, was elected president.Professor Henry W. Prescott, of the De­partments of Greek and Latin, was chair­man of the local committee.The Chicago Theological Seminary, inaffiliation with the University, has com­pleted plans for a group of buildings suffi­cient for offices, social center, dormitory, library, assembly hall, and president'shouse, to occupy the entire frontage be­tween University and Woodlawn avenuesFifty-eigh th Street. The buildings are toconform to the Colonial architecture rep­resented in the house on the corner of Uni­versity Avenue and Fifty-eighth Street, for­merly occupied by Professor WilliamGardner Hale. The faculty of the ChicagoSeminary has made this house its admin­istrative headquarters for the last twoyears. The Seminary, under the presidencyof Professor Ozora Stearns Davis, is rapid­ly perfecting its plans for the developmentof its academic and physical equipment.I t is con templa ting a new professorship inmissions in the near future, and is devel­oping its Hammond Library, under the careof a trained archivist, to gather and con­serve the sources of the religious historyof the Middle West. .The Ryder (Universalist) Divinity Houseat the University has also completed plansfor a group of four buildings on the cornerof Dorchester Avenue and the MidwayPlaisance, and the foundations of all thebuildings have been laid. The group willinclude a church auditorium where theunited parishes of St. Paul's and Woodlawnwill worship and where Ryder divinity stu­dents will be trained in actual church andparish administration. There will also bea well-equipped parish-house, with gym­nasium and all needed working-rooms forcommunity Christian service. This build­ing is now practically completed and willbe used temporarily as a place for worshipand for such school purposes as are pos­sible. A library and office building and adean's residence, with dormitories for stu­dents, are also included in the plans.Howard Shaw, the well-known Chicagoarchitect, has completed plans for the newQuadrangle Club building, which is to beerected at the corner of U niversity Avenueand Fifty-seventh Street, directly acrossfrom the Reynolds Club and the MitchellTower.The Masque of YouthThe official unveiling of the new muralpaintings in Ida Noyes Hall, postponedfrom January 14 because of unforeseen con­ditions, took place January 26. The paint­ings commemorate the "Masque of Youth"as presented at the dedication of Ida NoyesHall by University women on June 5, 1916.The artist, Jessie Arms Botke, a nativeof Chicago, has spent more than a year on the painting of the decorations, whichextend in a frieze five and a half feet indepth completely around the Assemblyn-n.On the east wall, above the proscenium,is the Coat-of-Arms of the University ofChicago with palm leaves and branchesof laurel. T() the left are symbols of some�f the studies pursued in the University:146 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEArchaeology (a Pompeian lamp, an Egyp­tian papyrus, and an Ionic capital), Drama(tragic and comic masks), Chemistry (aretort and balance), Art (three whiteshields in a blue field), Medicine (the staffof Esculapius, herbs, and a medicine jar),Literature (two books and a lighted lamp),and Pharmacology (a mortar and a pestle).To the right are other symbols of the cur­ricula: Mathematics (a globe, map, anda ruler), Architecture (five Ionic columns,a blueprint, and a compass), Economics,Commerce, and Industry (a beehive), Po­etry (Peg-asus), Household Arts (hearthand a spinning wheel), Law (an open bookand the scales of Justice). On this sidetoo are three heralds summoning themasquers.On the south wall, against a backgroundof trees and of the buildings of the U ni­versity and above a foreground of millefleurs, are the characters of the masque:The Spirit of Gothic Architecture, the tallfigure of a gray-bearded man in a grayrobe; a maroon-garbed page bearing theCoat-of-Arms of Alma Mater; and AlmaMater in white garments, against the LawBuilding, which was the background of theacted masque. Against the background ofIda Noyes Hall is the figure of Youth witha crown of spring flowers. The blue wavesand the Lake, in a shimmery dress of blue that merges upward into green and theninto a white crest, pass beneath Ida NoyesHall and the Mitchell Tower. Then followthe mist-veiled figure of the moon, thegolden Sun Chariot, the Treaders ofGrapes, and the Harvesters, the contest­ants of the Olympic Games, the Dancersof the Persian Romance near tall cypresses,the blue-robed Spirit of Worship, andKnowledge with her lighted lamp. Behindthe two helmeted pages the City followswith her gray-coated pages waving theblue banner of the Lake. The final sectionon this wall represents the Endless Cycleof Youth.On the west wall above the main door­way are decorative figures supporting agolden scroll, and on the north wall thepanels between the doors illustrate epi­sodes in the masque. Here the waters ofLake Michigan are used as the motif, andthe subjects from left to right are a dec­orative panel of trees and shrubbery, theAppeal of Youth to Alma Mater, the Olym­pic Games, the Harvesters and Workers inthe ripened fields, Youth at the behest ofthe City receiving from Alma Mater theGift of Service, and Alma Mater and theCycle of Youth.The mural paintings are the gift of Mr.LaVerne Noyes, the donor of Ida NoyesHall.The Letter Box[The following excerpts are taken from a letterreceived from Major Joseph M. Flint, '96 (formerlyof the Department of Anatomy), who is of Base Hos­-pital Unit No. 39, serving in France. The letter isdated December 15. It is printed by permission ofMrs. E. F. Flint.]The early part of our voyage was ex­tremely interesting in studying the meth­ods, which the British navy had workedout so successfully for convoying a largenumber of transports. The rendezvousjust outside the danger zone between theAmerican destroyers and our transportswas an unforgetable experience. Theycame up over the horizon and met the ap­pointed spot exactly the way you wouldmake an appointment to meet someone onthe street corner downtown. These littleocean greyhounds came racing up, eachone picked out its consort, broke out theAmerican flag and was met with cheers fromthe troops on board. A few uninteresting days passed intraversing the war zone, and finally onthe afternoon before we landed our greatexcitement began. A submarine wassighted by one of the chasers, which openedfire, and our destroyer raced around thebow of the vessel and joined the attack.The destroyer put up a rocket, threw outa marker to show the spot where the sub­marine had disappeared and then turned.By this time we were speeding off to portand were about a thousand yards distantwhen a terriffic concussion occurred. Itdid not fit my preconceived notions ofwhat a torpedo .felt like, and I said to themen standing along side: "That was nota torpedo."I turned and started down the compan­ion way, when suddenly five blasts of thewhistle, ordering us to the boats, weresounded. It was a curious sensation, forTHE LETTER BOXI was on the boat deck where I could geta good view of the show, and for the firsttime in four days was separated from mylife-preserver. I had carried this aroundconscientiously like my sins, and the onlymoment that I really needed it, I was asfar away as I could be from it on thatship. On the way down_ to the deck be­low, I had a chance to quiet a couple ofwomen who were anxious about their hus­bands, took them to their boat and thenstarted down to my cabin. In the mean­time all of the people began to come upto the upper decks.The morale was superb, particularly thatof the women. Their faces were set, buteveryone looked serious and there was notthe slightest evidence of panic. On theway to my boat station, I passed my cabinand got my life preserver. I listened tothe roll call of the men assigned to thatboat, as I was the senior officer present.In the meantime the ship was racing alongfull speed and we looked overboard tosee whether or not she was listing.During this time I had left my sta­tion, climbed up a ladder to see whetherthe men of my command were in place,as I was given a seat in another boat. Thelights were put out and we had a longwait, until finally the whistle was blown,indicating that the danger had passed.All sorts of theories were advanced asto the cause of this concussion. One wasthat it was a dead torpedo; another thatwe had struck a second submarine, andthe third that we had felt the explosionof the depth charge, which our destroyerhad dropped on the submarine. Our cap­tain evidently thought we had been struckand had ordered the crew and soldiers to theboats Our destroyer signaled shortly afterthat we could proceed on our course, andstated that the submarine had been sunk.It was not until a month or five weekslater that we heard on pretty good au­thority that the third theory advanced wasproved and what we felt was the chargethat destroyed the U-boat.While this thing was going on, we hadall of the sensations of being torpedoedwithout the last experience of being setadrift in the boats.I had a letter from Elizabeth Wallaceabout a week ago. She is in Paris and isworking for the Rockefeller Tuberculosiscommission and the Red Cross. We expectto have a visit from her very shortly. Twoof our officers, who went to Paris, calledon her and bring back enthusiastic reports.[The extracts which follow are from letters ofBernard Newman, '17, to R. B Corcoran, '15 N ew­man is a first sergeant in the Ordnance Department,and one of the first group to be sent to France -ED.]"I will state everything that the cen­sor permits, namely that I am well andcomfortable, getting all I can eat and sleep­ing more than I need. This in a nutshellis all I have seen so far of A E. F. life 147in France. . . . As for the wonderfulFrench ladies one used to hear about, Iunderstand that a fellow knew anotherfellow who had heard of a fellow who sawone. Jimmy's would be a bright spot inthe town I have been in, and the ArrowHead would shock the populace . . . I amreally working, and still hoping that myefforts will land me where I could havebeen if I had gone to Fort Sheridan,But I am enjoying everything, and I haveplenty to tell when we get together roundthe fire at 5639 University Ave. (The PsiUpsilon House). I am anxious for all thedope; don't forget the famous HomeGuards, Base Hospital 13 ... Since writ­ing the foregoing I have changed stationsand am now (January 1) in the Ordnanceoffice at General Pershing's headquarters.You can rest assured that the General andI will take good care of the war. Atpresen t I am busy wrestling with Frenchparle. I would trade my four years ofGerman for one of French. But how wasa fellow to know that he was going to getto France before he was old, rich, andobese? Still, I can already buy everythingI want, by which I mean that the Frenchtradespeople render every possible assist­ance to a man in getting rid of his money.. . . I suppose Copley is still trying toteach the rudiments or artillery to thatGerman delegation of his from Wisconsin.Red Jackson is dying to lead his boldMarines against the sub, and Ed Marumgets his regular twenty hours' sleep atRock Island Arsenal. . . . There is littleof interest I can write and still keep insidethe regulations. But imagine the conver­sations around fireplaces for two years afterthe war! ... '�[The following extracts are from a letter fromMargaret Laing, 1909. She left the United States inNovember for the Canteen Service of the Red Crossin France. The "Lucia Parker" mentioned was for­merly a teacher in the University High School; "theWilliamsons" are Mr. and Mrs H. P. Williamson,Mr. Williamson having been an instructor at theUniversity for several years; "Miss Wallace" is DeanElizabeth Wallace.-Ed.]Paris, Jan. 2, 1918.It is just a month today since we sailedand here we are still 111 Paris and waitingto be sent to our canteens. They tell meI'll go to the war zone next week; youcan imagine how anxious I am to go.Paris is not at all as I expected. For in­stance, I was asking Miss Curtis yesterday­to tell me where to go really to see thingsand see what was being done. 'She an­swered, "You Americans are all alike, youwant to see misery." I insisted we didn't,only there must be some evidences of warhere besides a few crippled soldiers on thestreets and tire various hospital signs. Wedon't see the. badly mutilated and disfig­ured soldiers in public, though we hear ofthem and I saw some awful sights whenI went to the American Ambulance atN euilly, The stories of how the Germans:THE UNIVERSITY 'OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtreat the American prisoners make yo urheart stand still. Mrs. Farrand (Dr. Far­rand is head of the Rockefeller Institutehere) told me last week that the first pris­oners taken were decapitated and theirheads thrown back in the trenches. Somebodies were found with only the throatscut, but most of them had their heads cutright off. She said she was told that byAmerican officers who were there and say.it. The newspapers here have tales everyday of bruta'l treatment by the Germansof prisoners of all kinds; but especially arethey cruel to the Americans.All the things that were prominent be­fore are not prominent in Paris now. Thestreets are filled with women. We see noyoung men anywhere except in uniforms.There are women conductors on the tramsand in the under-ground railways. Womeneven clean the streets. The busses wereall taken by the army and there are fewtaxis and cabs; the latter 110 longer driveup and down looking for fares, but standin mournful rows like a dignified funeralprocession. At night only about one streetlight in ten is lighted, and the tops of themare covered. There are no lighted win­dows. All the curtains must be drawn orthe shutters down; no store windows andno hotel door-ways are brightly lighted. Onthe other hand, there is plenty of food.It is very expensive, but we see no savingof it; no meatless days, and after NewYear's no more war bread but white breadagain, though strict bread rations. Thewar bread is very good, about as dark asour rye bread. There are 110t any teas, for cakes may not be eaten where they aresold and no sweets at all can be boughton Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Butter isa dollar and twenty cents a pound and eggsten cents each, yet there is an abundanceof those things here at the hotel. We are;1 t the Hotel Royal, very close to theEtoile. I have not seen Miss Wallace yet,but I went out to the Williamson's Chateauone Sunday. It is a wonderful old place.The chateau dates from the sixteenth cen­tury and the garden back of it contains fiveor six acres and is surrounded by an oldstone wall about twelve feet high and alsohundreds of years old. The village is onthe Seine and must be wonderful in sum­mer. The school is flourishing-ten teach­ers, some French children and some Amer­ican. All five of Dr. Farrand's childrenare there. Mr. Williamson looks mucholder. Mrs. Willamson's older brother hasbeen killed; he left a wife and four boys.Three of the boys are here at the Chateau,but I was there in vacation time and didnot see them. The other brother is inthe army, too. He is still safe. He hasa wife and three children. All the Frenchpeople, especially the soldiers, and moreespecially the officers, have such sad faces;they look so worn. I have not had a lettersince I left New York. * * * A hun­d red sailors came over on our ship, all inthe aviation corps, and every ship is bring­ing them. There are so many people herefrom the East in the Red Cross. LuciaParker is directrice of a can teen only anhour from Paris; but it is in the war zonea nd so I couldn't go to see her.Base Hospital Unit 13 In ServiceFifty-five students and alumni of theUniversity left Chicago January 19, whenBase Hospital Unit No. 13 was orderedin to service.Base Hospita113 was formed in the springof last year. At the time of its organiza­tion much interest was shown in . it byUniversity students, and since then it hasgained probably a larger student enlist­ment than any other one unit. At pres­ent the students and alumni form over athird of the entire unit.In the company's enrollment are "C"men, campus journalists, members ofBlackfriars, former Marshals, and an ath­letic coach. Fourteen are graduates of theUniversity, two graduate students, and therest are either members of the undergrad­ua te colleges' or the Law school. Among the graduates are several "C"men. Charles Bent, '17, played forwardon the 1917 varsity basketball team. Heis a member of Psi Upsilon. Anothermember of the same team, a guard, isSamuel Rothermel, '17, who is a memberof Delta Tau Delta. Jerome Fisher, '17,won his "C" as center of the Maroon foot­ball team, and captain of the track team.He was a member of Iron Mask and Owland Serpent and was University Marshal.He is a member of Sigma N u. Three menwho played on the 1917 varsity footballteam are members of Unit No. 13. CharlesHiggins, all-western guard, and captain­elect of the 1918 team, played fullback dur­ing the past season. He was also a mem­ber of the track team, for which he threwthe shot and the javelin. He is a memberMINUTES OF THE ALUMNI COUNCILof Iron Mask and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.Louis Kahn was a substitute used by CoachStagg on the 1917 team. He played guardand tackle positions. He is a member ofSkull and Crescent. "Gene" Rouse, whostarred as an open-field-running halfback,is a member of Delta Tau Delta. LawrenceMacGregor, '16 acted as representative ofthe Alumni Council for a year after hisgraduation. He was formerly editor ofthe Chicago Literary Magazine, Head Mar­shal, and member of Iron Mask and Owland Serpent. He is a member of BetaTheta Pi. Alfred MacGregor, Lawrence'sbrother, is a member of the same unit. Hewas last year's circulation manager forthe Literary magazine. He is a memberof Beta Theta Pi. Buell Patterson, '17,took the part of Brutus in last Spring'sBlackfriar production, "A Myth in' Man­del." He was a member of Owl and Ser­pent, and was University Marshal. He isa member of Psi Upsilon. Another Black­friar who will leave for French service isLewis Fisher, brother of Jerome. Fisheris day editor of the Daily Maroon, mem­ber of Score Club, and publicity managerof the 1918 Blackfrair play. He is a mem­ber of Sigma Nu, Raymond Smith, amember of Sigma Chi, is the composerof several songs in the last two Blackfriarproductions. Paul Blazer, 17, was businessmanager of the 1916 Cap and Gown andgeneral chairman of the 1916 Inter-scholas­'tic. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega. 149Otto Teichgraeber, a member of Phi Gam­rna Delta, was vice-president of the Rey­nolds Club. Edward Mahannah, '17, wasfor three years University championwrestler and two years captain. Duringthe past quarter he acted as coach forth : team. The University men who wentate:Arvid AndersonSummer AndersonIrwin BakerWilliam BeattyRalph BenderCharles BentPaul BlazerMaurice BlockErnest CarloJoseph CarolanRobert ChapmanJohn EdgeworthHervin EllenbergerJerome FisherLewis FisherPhillips GoddardVernon GrushNorman HarsenCharles HigginsHans HoeppnerLouis KahnJoseph KingsburyJoseph KouckyEdward KratzJames McBridePaul McCreadyHenry Macfarland Alfred MacGregorLawrence MacGregorWilliam McMillanEdward MahannahPaul MatthewsTheodore NuttBuell PattersonMark PenickHoward PrattRoy PrestonCharles Raisbeck. B enj amin RedfieldSamuel RothermelWilliam RothermelEugene RouseChauncey ScottDonald SkinnerAlfred SleightRaymond SmithClement StandishAlpheus StreedainOtto TeichgraeberDominick VoliniAnderson WacaserRo bert WaddellWillis WeldGeorge WhitesideMinutes of the Meeting of the Alumni CouncilThe second quarterly meeting of theAlumni Council was held in room E41,Harper Memorial Library, on Wednesday,January 23, at 8 :15 p. m.There were present: Scott Brown,Chairman; Miss Shirley Farr, Miss AliceGreenacre, Miss Grace Coulter, Miss RuthProsser, Miss Dorothy Edwards, Dr.James R. Angell, William Lyman, HerbertK Slaught, Harold Swift, Howell Murrayand A. G. ·Pierrot.Minutes of the previous meeting aspreviously mailed to all members, wereapproved.Dr. Slaught presented a comparative re­port of the Finance Committee, for Octo­ber, November and December, 1916 and1917. The decrease in subscriptions andrenewals was attributed largely to the lossof many active workers in our club organ­izations, particularly in the Chicago Alumni.Club, attributable to war conditions. Thesame' conditions deprived the Magazine ofseveral former large and steady 'adver­tisers, and made it difficult to collect billspayable for past advertising. The condi- tion at January 1, 1918, showed a loss ofover two hundred dollars as comparedwith the corresponding period of last year.The report was adopted.Chairman Brown then explained the twoplans to improve finances. First, Mr. M ur­ray's plan of having ten alumni conducta personal campaign among their formerUniversity acquaintances, each man select­ing about 200 as the number to write tOJThis plan was favorably received by theCouncil and Mr. Murray, who was ap­pointed chairman, discussed the plan indetail. Second, Mr. Pierrot, in the absenceof Mr. Mentzer, Chairman of the BusinessCommittee, explained the advertising' cam­paign being conducted by the members ofthe Business Committee. He stated itwould take several weeks before the re­sults of this campaign· could be known,but that there were some prospects forgetting advertising. Dr. Slaught statedthat the. situation, while not. discouraging,called for strong work.· Methods of mak­ing advertising pay·. were discussed.. .'.Mr. Swift presented C the report of' th'�150 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEClubs Committee. He stated that afterconsiderable work, the Committee decidedto concentrate and strengthen the clubswhich had succeeded in establishing an or­ganization in 13 cities, rather �han scatterthe energies, attemptmg to budd up clubswhere as yet, no success seemed possible.The �ar conditions, too, justified makingno attempt at building up new organiza­tions but rather urged holding togetherand 'strengthening those organizations al­ready established. He then presented theplan of having the faculty members, ontheir lecture trips, address the clubs atAlumni meetings wherever possible. Inresponse to a letter sent out by Mr. Rob­ertson a very gratifying number of re­plies �ere received from the faculty, .andit was planned that, wherever possible,the faculty members be brought in touchwith some Alumni meeting in various citieswhere such meetings could be held. Dr.Angell commented on the alumni situationas he found it on some of his lecture tripsthroughout the country. He stronglyfavored Mr. Swift's plan of keeping thepresent organization together and not at­tempting to build up new clubs in freshfields. Mr. Swift's report was approved.The report of the Chicago Alumni Club,by Mr. Lyman: The affairs of the Clubwere turned over to John P. Mentzer,Arthur Goes and Walker McLaury, as therest of the officers are in service. Asthe Club year, from May to May, wasnearly over it was not thought advisableto attempt a special campaign for delin­quent dues. It was suggested that Mr.Fairweather arrange to collect the annualLoan Fund pledges due in September, asthe Owl and Serpent Society was con­templating withdrawing all of its �1,090in the fund to finance a scholarship Inthe University. As to the War MagazineFund the sentiment of the Committeefavor�d sending 500 magazines to reading­rooms and Y. M. C. A. huts and UniversityUnions at home and abroad, rather thanattempt to place the magazine in the handsof 1100 alumni in service whose locationwas' ever changing. The Executive Com­mittee of the Club is planning a luncheonand talk for Club members, within thirtydays, at which some members of the facultywill be invited to address the Club.Business Committee: Taken up in con­nection with Finance Committee, above.Reunion Committee: Mr. Lyman dis­cussed the plan of having, because of warconditions, simply a one-day reunion, tobe conducted with as little expense as pos­sible. A suggested program was: First,Short meetings in the morning; second, theConference Meet in the afternoon; third,Dinner with speakers; fourth, Interfrater­nity Sing; and fifth, if possible, a Black­friar performance. The Council favored aone-day reunion plan and referred the pro- gram back to the Committee to be reportedfor definite action at the next quarterlymeeting in April. Dr. Angell suggestedthat a plan be devised for having an ex­hibit of alumni activities, in the war, todate. Discussion; referred to Committeefor further consideration. I t was sug­gested that the Seniors be included inthe program, and invited to a place atthe dinner. This was unanimously ap­proved, and referred to the Committee forincluding this arrangement among plans.Miss Greenacre read a letter from MissSchobinger, of the Kelly Hall Alumni As­sociation, containing a list of former resi­dents of Kelly Hall, and requesting a defi­nite place on the program of the reunion.Referred to the Committee.Class Organizations Committee, MissShirley Farr, no report.Athletic Committee, Mr. ]. P. Mentzer,no report.Chicago Alumnae Club, Mrs. Thompson,no report.New Business: Chairman Brown pre­sented the report of the Executive Com­mittee and outlined the plan of sendingthe Magazine free to (1) all Y. M. C. A.cantonment reading rooms, huts and Uni­versity Unions, both in the United Statesand Europe, two copies to be sent toeach place, (2) to the known addresses ofmen, the Magazines are to be sent direct,(3) to the women in the service; the Maga­zines are to be sent direct. It was esti­mated that this would require an additional500 to 1,000 Magazines per month, andwould cost approximately $750 to $1,000per year. The reason for sending theMagazines this way is that according tothe report of Mr. Pierrot, of the SpecialCommittee, it would be impossible to ob­tain for any length of time, definite andreliable addresses of the great majority ofmen in the service. Under this plan theMagazine would reach definite fixed places,and would be most apt to reach practicallyall men in the service at some time withsome degree of sureness. I t was suggestedthat the Magazine carry a general requestto soldiers to send in their addresses tothe Magazine at all times when their ad­dresses change. -This plan, thus outlined,was unanimously approved by the Com­mittee.The financing of this project is to bedone by direct appeal, by letter, on muchthe same plan adopted for raising the fundfor the Stagg Portrait. Miss Greenacr esuggested that the direct appeal for a spe­cific sum be supplemented by a generalappeal carried in the Magazine. This re­port, with Miss Greenacre's suggestion, ap­proved and adopted. Chairman Brown re­ferred the drawing up of the appeal letterand the Magazine appeal to the SpecialCommittee, composed of Mr. Linn, Mr.Slaught, Mr. Moulds, and Mr. Pierrot.AN AMERICAN CITIZEN 151Methods of keeping down the expensesof the Magazine were discussed. Dr.Angell suggested reducing the number ofdiscussion issues. It was the general opin­ion that the Magazine should be publishedin nine issues as in the past, but con­densed to 32 pages, if necessary.It was suggested that the 1 cent stampforwarding regulation, as used by mostmagazines, be printed on the cover, sothat subscribers could send the Magazineto soldiers indirectly, at least, as well as directly through the special fund plan.This was adopted and the Assistant Sec­retary was instructed to inquire into thepostal regulations necessary to carry thisinto effect and, If practicable, to print aforwarding notice on the cover.The Assistant Secretary presented maga­zines from various Universities which wereexamined as to number of pages, appear­ance, and advertising. There was generaldiscussion as to the Magazine.The meeting adjourned at 10 p. m.An American CitizenThis is Adolph C. von Noe, second lieu­tenant of Hussar Regiment No.8, in theAustro-Hungarian Army. He entered asprivate October 1, 1894; was made a cor­poral March 1, 1895; passed the secondlieutenant's examination September 23,1895, with the highest number of points inthe brigade; was made first sergeant Oc­tober 8, and sub-lieutenant December 28,1895; became second lieutenant in the re­serve December 22, 1896; was honorablydischarged November 16, 1903, on acqui­sition of American citizenship. And the middle figure in this is AdolphC. von Noe, attendant on first Fort Sheri­dan Camp in 1915; Plattsburg TrainingCamp, 1916; 1st Cavalry, Illinois NationalGuard, February, 1916 honorably dis­charged, for eye defects, with rank ofsergeant, at Springfield, June 30, 1916; inspite of eye defects holds certificates assharpshooter and expert rifleman; in­structor in military drill at University,1915-16; organized and IS assistant secretaryof the University of Chicago Rifle Club,and is drilling the alumni.152 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni AffairsREMEMBER-YOUR magazine can continue, not on first subscriptions, but only onRENEWALS. War economies now make prompt renewals imperative.We rely on you.A get-together luncheon was held at theChicago Club on Friday, December 28.Given during the holidays it afforded awonderful time for a jolly reunion. Themeeting turned into a general discussionof the various war activities, carried onby the members of the Alumnae .Club.President and Mrs. Judson received themembers of the Chicago Alumnae Club attheir home for a mid-winter meeting Satur­day, January 7.The Alumnae Athletic Association an­nounces that Ida Noyes Hall is open toall Alumnae and members of the AlumnaeClub on Tuesdays from 4 :30 to 8 :30 forswimming, bowling and dancing. The duesare $2.50 per quarter,. payable to MissElizabeth Bredin, 5721 Drexel Ave.All University women who, are in busi­ness in Chicago are invited to join with a number of C. & A. graduates at lunch­eon the first Friday of every month at12.15 at the Chicago College Club, 17thfloor, Stevens Building. Those wishing tocome to these luncheons should write ortelephone Miss Florence G. Knight, 5652Maryland Ave., Midway 5794.A Christmas tea for 1916 women washeld at the horne of Marion Mortimer, Sat­urday, December 29 Boxes of homemadecandy, cookies and nuts were packed andsent to the members of the 1916 class whoare in France: Ralph W. Davis, George H.Dorsey, John F. Donahoe, Otto W. Lieber,Richard P. Matthews, Robert McConnell,Laurens P. Shull, Frank Whiting, GaleWillard.A greeting is extended to all of our '16Army and Navy boys, with a wish for thebest of luck for the coming year.(Signed) Reunion Committee.News of the ClassesFred Merrifield, '98; D. B., '01, is speak­ing for the Four Minute Men, NationalSecurity League, and drilling with IllinoisVolunteer Training Corps.' .J. P. H. Gauss, '99, is serving out a fel ...lowship in Medicine on the Mayo Foun ..dation at Rochester, under the U. of Minn.His address is 724 West Fifth St., Roch­ester, Minn.Leroy T. Vernon, '00, has been electedPresident of the Girdiron Club of Wash­ington, the club of the newspaper men.Vernon has been the representative of theChicago Daily News in Washington since1903. In 1912 he was publicity managerfor the Taft Campaign Committee, OhRoy! The cut or him which the DailyNews runs makes him look like Sam' Bl v­the before he ate and grew thin. In col­lege he was lithe �s a rabbit, and playedaround second base like a lambent flame.He joined Beta Theta Pi when very young,and nQ)V he is' older has not departedfrom it. Walter S. Kennedy, ex-'OO, writes:"Tommy Atkins is in your department.Tommy tried to enlist in every depart­ment of the army and all the ambulancecorps. He applied to both officers' trainingcamps by mail and in person. Everywherehe was turned down because of his weight-or lack of it. Finally he found one re­cruiting officer who offered to waive sevenpounds if he would P\1t on five. Tommycame back to Albion and drank chocolateeggnog every hour for four weeks, andput on about two pounds. He decided hecould eat and drink enough just beforethe examination to get by, but the weigh­ing-in was delayed for so long after hereported to the recruiting officer that out­raged nature inter.vened, and Tommy lostout by more than a pound. Then some dis­ciple of Bernar Macfadden told him of asure way to gain weight by fasting. I Tommyfasted four days and then drank aglass of milk an hour for a while.I think it almost _ broke his spirit thatNEWS OF THE CLASSES 153he never regained the weight he lostin that experiment. But he is now tryingfor Millikan's new department of "Mete­orogolists," to be attached to artillery andto aviation corps. They expect to tossTommy up in the air to see which waythe wind blows." [Ken refers to WillardAt kin s, '14, now debating coach at th e Uni­versity.- Ed.]Louis A. Higley, '00; Ph. D., '07, is headof the department of chemistry of the NewMexico College of A. & M. Arts. Alsostation chemist of the New Mexico Agri­cultural Experiment Station. In the lat­ter position he is engaged, at present, onalkali problems.Edwin D. Solenberger, '00, is GeneralSecretary of the Children's Aid Society ofPennsylvania with headquarters in Phila­delphia; also serving in the Civic ReliefDepartment of the Pennsylvania PublicSafety Committee. During the past yearMr. Solenberger has also worked in vari­ous parts of Pennsylvania in the CivilianRelief Department of the American RedCross.Ella K. Walker, '07, has moved fromWashington, D. c., to 5225 Kimbark Ave.Mary Miles, '01, is Chairman for Car­roll County, Illinois, and Beth Hostetterfor Salem Township, of the Women'sBranch of the National Council of Defense.Herbert E. Fleming, '02, recently joinedthe staff of the Efficiency EngineeringDepartment of Arthur Young & Co., cer­tified public accountants and efficiency en­gineers, of Chicago, New York, Milwau­kee, and Kansas City. He retains generalsupervision of the editing and managementof Civil Service News, a weekly publica­tion devoted to employment problems inthe civil service field. On December 6 last,Mr. Fleming gave an address before theconvention of the National Association ofGarment Manufacturers at the Hotel As­tor, New York City, on "The EfficiencyDemand of the Hour." He contended thatto help win the war it is the duty of everymanufacturing concern, in meeting the sit­uation caused by - the transfer of men fordirect and indirect war activities, to in­crease its organization efficiency. Sometime ago Mr. Fleming's services were con­tributed to the American Red Cross forseveral weeks, to manage the so-called"War Fund Clean-Up Campaign," in thecentral division made up of the states ofIllinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa andNebraska.Captain Robert L. Henry, Jr., '02, is withthe 341st Infantry, Camp Grant, Rockford,Ill.B ertha Ward Evans, '02, has returned toher position in the' Hughes High School,of Cincinnati, where she is a very success­ful teacher of English. She had a sixmonths' leave of absence last year forstudy at Columbia Uriiver sit y. She re- cently received . her Master's Degree atthe University of Cincinnati .. ',Arthur ]. Walters, '02, writes: "I amassistant cashier of Scott,.: Walters &Rakestraw, bankers, at Wyoming, IlL, stillsingle and no prospects to better (?) mycondition." "Lieut. R. W. Merrifield, '03; D. B., .'07, isChaplain of the 123rd Field Artillery, CampLogan, Houston, Texas.Lillian Clark, '03, is head of the Englishdepartment in the Oshkosh High School,Oshkosh, Wis.Elsie Flersheim, '03, is now Mrs .. Theo­dore Kargan and is living at 5426 EllisAve.Harry F. Burns, D. B., '05, has leftOshkosh to do work in the ArmyY. M. C. A.Wade Hulette, ex-'05, is a private in Co.B., 9th Field Battalion, U. S. Signal Corps,Camp Samuel F. B. Morse, Leon Springs,Texas.Clara H. Taylor, '05, is teaching Englishin the Englewood High School. She is,working Sundays as well as week days asChairman of Red Cross Auxiliary of theEnglewood High School.Elsie Morrison, '05, is lady principal andlan instructor in Mathematics, in theFrances Shimer School, Mount Carroll, Ill.Marie G. Ortmayer, '06, is now stationedat the Cincinnati General Hospital, pre­sumably as an interne.Austin D. Crile, ex-'06, has been Presi­dent of the New Mexico College of A. &M. Arts since last April.Mrs. James M. Gray (Mae Ingalls, '07),writes: "I am keeping house for my hus.­band and two little girls. My husband has,been advanced from county farm demon­stration agent to district agent with eigh­teen of the Mountain counties of NorthCarolina under him. This work is veryimportant at this time." Mrs. Gray has:moved to 11 Clayton St., Asheville, N. C.Mary Hulburt, '07, is doing welfare workwith the Kimberly-Clark Co., at Niagara,Wis.Mrs. A. P. Slichter (Helen Roberts,'07), is district superintendent of the DeKoven district of the United Charities.Thyrza M. Barton, '07, who resigned ashead of the Housing Bureau of the Uni­versity, to do welfare work in France un­der the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., canbe addressed c]o Y. W. C. A., 13 AvenueLaFayette, Paris, France. A letter writ­ten just before her arrival at a French portreported an uneventful voyage 'withoutrumor of submarines. .Stanley R. Linn, ex-'07, is running .wlemon ranch in Southern California. Hisaddress is R. F. D. No.4, Arlingtqn, Cal.Ernest G. Ham, A. M., '07, has beenPrincipal of Randolph, Vt. High Schoolsince 1904. In 1913 Randolph completedits $60,0.00 High and Graded School Build-154 THE UNIVERSiTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEing, The High School numbers 170 stu­dents, with courses in teacher training,and commercial work, in addition to theregular courses, and has a strong record inathletics in Vermont. About 25 studentsfrom this school, at present, are attendingvarious colleges and universities. Since1907 this school has been on the approvedlist of the N. E. College Entrance Cer­ti+cate Board.Helen Gunsaulus, Mary Morton andHelen Sunny McKibbin, all from the Classof '08, are assisting District Board 39 atthe Chicago Commons in clerical workconnected with the questionnaires for thedraft and in interviewing a few of the5,700 foreigners in the district who cometo the board to have their questionnairesfilled out.H. H. Chandler, Ir., '08, is a lieutenant,Quarter 82 North, 342nd Regiment, CampGran t, Rockford, Ill.Frederick M. Sisson, '08, is district sup­erintendent of Chicago Public Schools.His daughter is in her first year at theUniversity.Valentina J. Denton, '09, is teachingcommercial subjects at Parker high school.John W. Shideler, '09, is superintendentof schools at Vermillion, S. D.Melvin J. Adams, '09, has moved fromDetroit, Mich., to 6153 St. LawrenceavenueRussell D. Hobbs, ex-'09, Company A-503,is in the Engineers' Service Battalion, A.E. F., in France.Margaret Lane, who was at the Uni­versity for two years, about 1908 to 1910,who has since taken nurse's training, is inthe Red Cross Nursing Service in France.Her address is, American ExpeditionaryForces, Base Hospital No.4, c]o GeneralHospital No.9.Benjamin C. Allin, ex-'08, who was listedin last month's issue as an ex-member ofthe class of '98, should be listed as an ex­member of the class of '08.Florence Manning, '09, was married lastOctober to Mr. Arthur E. Needham andis now living at Rockford, Ill.O. R. Post, '10,. is in the Department ofEnglish, King College, Bristol, Tenn.John M. Houghland, '11, is a captain inthe 342nd Field Artillery, Camp Funston,Kansas. 'Marion Pierce, '11, now Mrs. Siler, isenjoying life in China. Her address is 7Via Principe de U dine, Italian Concessio,Tientsin, China.George Braunlich, '11, M. D., JohnsHopkins, '15, is a clinical pathologist incharge of the laboratory at the Mercy Hos­pital, Davenport, Iowa.John B. WilUams, '12, has moved to 528North 5th street, Keokuk, Iowa.. Clair W. Houghland, '12, is a first lieu­tenant of infantry.Julia Hatz, '12, is teaching in the home economics department at the State Uni­versity, University, N. D.Matilda Fenberg, '12, writes, "I am teach­ing in the Central high school, Akron,Ohio, where I have been for the past threeyears. There are many U. of C. men work­ing in the rubber factories here, and whenI meet any of them we talk Chicago so fastthat we almost forget the war."William Bachrach, '12, supervisor ofcommercial work in Chicago high schools,has recently been instrumental in estab­lishing continuation schools in the stock­yards and in the "loop" district for officeboys. This is the first step Chicago hastaken in this line of education.Wi1li�m L. Hart, '13, Ph. D., '16, is asecond lieutenant, C. A. c., 1st Co., C. A.,Officers' Camp, Ft. Monroe, Va.Louise C. Robb, '13, writes, "Am prin­cipal of the Glendale high school, Glen­dale, Ohio; teacher of English and inci­dentally assisting in directing a Junior RedCross unit."Sanford Sellers, Jr., '13, is a captain ofinfantry, 89th Division, School of Mus­ketry, Camp Funston, Kan.Luman T. Thurber, '14, is a captain inthe Aviation Division, Signal Corps, FirstMotor Mechanic Regiment, Camp Han­cock, Augusta, Ga.M. A. Milkewitch, '14, is practicing lawat 1982, 208 South La Salle street.Alexander Schutz, '15, is attached to the28th Engineers, Co. B, Camp Mead, Md.Dorothy Kuhns, '15, is working in theintelligence department of the governmentat Chicago. She was the only one out of52 applicants to get the position.Herman C. Nixon, '14, is a first classprivate in the National Army, Co. 2, 4thBattalion, 163rd Brigade, Camp Dodge,Iowa.Genevieve Edmonds, '15, who is workingin the Division of Commercial Research ofthe Curtis Publishing Company, Philadel­phia, is living at 247 South Juniper street.Fred W. Croll, Jr., '15, has recently re-signed his position with the Halsey-StuartBond House, The Rookery, Chicago. Heis planning to enter the service during thewar. c .Clyde E. Watkins, '15, and Earle Shilton,'14, are in the Officers' Training Camp atRockford, which began on January 7.Dr. G. A. Gray, '14, U. S. Navy, 8thRegiment, U. S. Marines, Fort Crockett,Galveston, Texas, writes: "I have come i).\contact with the following men: J. M.Sellers, '16; Phil. Jackson, '16; Hall Jeschke,'16; Denton Sparks, '16; George Patrick,ex-'16, and Francis Ward, '15."Edwin P. Hart, '15, is a second lieuten­ant, A. A. c., U. S. A., 1st Co., C. A.,Officers' Camp, Ft. Monroe, Va.The ma.ster's dissertation of Miss LeahF. Jackson (now Mrs. L. T. Wolford), M.A., '15, has been published by the IndianaNEWS OF THE CLASSESHistorical Commission. It is entitled "ThePlay-Party in Indiana." The words, theair and full directions are given for eachplay-party game, also full references andexplanatory comment.Florence Gridley Knight, '15, writes:"Gladys Jones, '15, was married September2,1917, to Hiram Jones at Des Moines. Mr.J ones is in the Machine Gun Division incamp at Kansas. The marriage was in truewar style. Mr. and Mrs. Jones had set thewedding date for October, 1918, but Mr.J ones received a twenty-four-hour noticeto report to the National Army late oneSaturday night. As he had expected to gointo training at Des Moines, the summonsto Kansas decided them to get married atonce. Sunday morning a county clerk hadto be hunted up and coaxed to go to thecourt house and get a license, which hedid, and then a minister trailed down tomarry them, the ceremony taking place ina friend's house Sunday evening."Clifford Liston Burnham, '15, who re­ceived a first lieutenancy at the secondcamp at Fort Sheridan is now located atCamp Funston, Kansas, with the 342ndField Artillery.]. D. Ferguson, '15, is second lieutenant,Infantry, O. R. C, 329th Machine Gun Bat­talion. Camp Custer, Mich.Frank S. Whiting, '16, and DuersonKnight, '15, have completed their trainingin England and have been sent to Francefor final touches. Lawrence Whiting, '11. hasbeen transferred from Rockford to Wash­ington, where he is to a considerable extentmanager .of the personnel service of thearmy. There are persistent unverifiedrumors that he has been made a lieutenant­colonel. The accompanying picture showsboth the Whiting boys at Fort Sheridanin the early days of the first camp.Ada Huelster, '15, writes: "I am stillteaching school in the Cleveland Heightshigh school. Teaching the young mind toshoot-a necessary requisite in these wartimes." Her address is 14440 Superior road,Cleveland, Ohio. The First NationalBank of ChicagoOrganized in 1863, was the eighthnational bank to receive the ap­proval of the Federal Government.During half a century its growthhas been coincident with that ofChicago and that vast area of whichit is the commercial center.THE bank's capital in 1863 was $205,-000; today the bank has capitaland surplus of $22,000,000. In 1863the first published statement showeddeposits of $273,000; deposits at theend of 1917 were $193,000,000.THE Bank's business is internationalin scope and under its divisionalorganization customers come intoclose personal contact with officersfamiliar with financial requirements intheir specific lines.THE First National Bank of Chi-cago welcomes and appreciatesaccounts of responsible people, believ­ing that its extensive clientele, de­veloped by consistent, considerateservice, is splendid endorsement ofthe agreeable and satisfactory facili­ties accorded to customers.Northwest Corner Dearbomand Monroe StreetsJames B. Forgan Frank O. WetmoreCb3irman of the Board PresidentSupport our advertisers! They support the Moguifle! 15;5156 THE UNIVERSITY OF 'CHICAGO MAGAZINEJosephine Pettis, '15, has moved to 1147Ohio street, Lawrence, Kan.Alice E. Barton, �16, is teaching at FerryHall, Lake Forest,: Ill.W. E. .Teichgraeber, '16, is a sergeantwith the 117th Ammunition Train, TruckCo. No.3, A. E. F., in France.James W. Tufts, ,'16, is a private in theFirst Infantry, 1. N. G., now at CampLogan, Houston, Texas.Y. D. Mathes, '16, second lieutenant inSignal Corps, writes from Ellington Field,Texas: "This is a fine camp here, and,when we get things running smoothly, wewill be turning out flyers at a rapid rate.We are just getting organized, and manyof our men have just enlisted the pastweek. Our chief task now is to get foodand clothing for them. For example, anofficer requested a cot today from the quar­termaster, but none are available for offi­cers until the men are all supplied. Theofficer, therefore, went to town and boughtone."Raymond Anderson, '16, was commis­sioned second lieutenant a t Fort Snellingin the first camp.Mabel Jacoby, '17, is teaching Englishin the Emerson Building high school atGary, Indiana.Jacob W. Sietsema, '17, writes: "OnOctober 27th I enlisted in the Quarter ...master Enlisted Reserve Corps along withthe others who were at that time takingthe Stores Course at the University. Onthe 18th of December we were called intoactive service and transferred to the N a­tional Army and assigned to Camp JosephE. Johnston, at Jacksonville, Florida, formobilization and training. I am a corporal;as yet I have not been assigned to apermanent company, but am expecting anorder any day to be transferred to somespecific company for some specific duty orto some other camp for quartermasterfunctions there, as many are being put intosuch positions who have never before hadany training "in the organization of thisbranch of the service. In this same corn­pany there are three others who took thestores course, namely, Harry A. Hanke,Paul G. Carlson and Charles A. Mortenson,all corporals, and two others who tookthis course have been transferred, namely,Corporal Julius E. Silverman to the FirstProvisional Base Spare Parts. Depot, thiscamp, and Corporal George Sanborn Smithto the Expeditionary Quartermaster, atHoboken, N. J. Of the others whom Iknow to have taken the October course atChicago, there are in this camp, CorporalOtto Ziegler, Corporal]. Mortimer Peskin,Private (first class) Clarence Patty, andC. E. Hutton, Or lo F. Miller and Baker,whose ranks I do not know. How long I,or for that matter any of these men will bein this camp can not be told with anydegree of certainty, as. on account of the The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-:-President.OWEN T. REEVES, JR., Vice-PresidentJ. EDWARD MAASS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CashierLEWIS E. GARY, Assistant CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENBECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. W ACKEW ,. MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBENJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLJ. HARRY SELZ ROBERT J. THORNEForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings DepositsSupport our advertisers! They support the Magazine!NEWS OF THE CLASSES 157grea t need of men to fill the openings,men are being moved out daily without thetraining that they came here to receive.The climate here is varied, ranging fromlight snow and frost to hot, sultry weather,such as we are having this afternoon. Thecamp is slowly approaching a finishedstate, though many of the details are nowonly crude and they probably will not bechanged to any extent in the near futureon account of the pressing need of neww o r k."Max S. Sickle, J r., 'Hi, writes: "I ampresent regimental sergeant-major of the341st Infantry, N. A., stationed at CampGrant, Illinois. Lieutenant Hans W. Nor­gren, '18, is also assigned to this regiment.I would not think of burdening you withmy many duties. Suffice it to say that theyare numerous and extremely interesting."I am contemplating entering the thirdofficers' training camp."William Reid, '17', writes from. CampMeade, Md.: "I am in the Base Depot inFrance, or, at least, will be eventually. Weare at Camp Meade waiting for orders togo over; we were supposed to get there byFebruary 1, but that is hardly possible now.lvIy address is, Division of American Ord­nance Base Depot in France, Camp Meade,Md.; my permanent address (my sister's)is 1624 Sumner street, Philadelphia, Pa."George W. Traver, '17, is acting as com­pany commander in the 7th Regiment,Camp Perry, Great Lakes, Illinois.Percy Dake, '17, has moved to 521 Cab­ban court, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.I. D. Reedy, ex-'17, is commander, 2ndBattalion, 341st Infantry, Camp Grant,Rockford, Ill.Dora Christenson, '17, is teaching atGilbert, Minn.C. W. Cox and Walter Krupke, '17, maybe addressed Co. A, 341st Infantry, N. A.,Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill.L. O. McAfee, '17, writes: "I am tryingto keep a school going. Organized juniorhigh school under unusual conditions-ac­tually reducing faculty, increased enroll­ment 30 per cent at same time." He maybe addressed at Anamoose, N. D.R. H K. Walter, '18, is at Camp Merritt,Tenafly, New Jersey.Elizabeth Bell, ex-'19, is attending Wel­lesley College.Louise Ryther, ex-'19, has a position inthe Chicago Public Library.Duncan Annan, ex-'20, says that when�1e's not �ying high he is busy shootingJack rabbits-e-tc make the Kaiser's fur flylater on. His address is Barracks 20' El-lington Field, Houston, Texas. 'Underwoods, $25. O'ivera, $19. Smiths. $13.Remingtons, $10. Write for cut rate list.IFrMTrial. Everyoneperiect.5yearsguaranty.ALL MAKES TYPEWRITER CO.1 93 N. Dearborn St., Dept. . CHICAGOTelephone Centra r 6034Swp p ort OU1' advertisers! Thomas Cassady, ex-'18, wrote recently toa friend on the faculty:January 1, 191,'.After chasing me up and down France fora period of three weeks your very welcomeletter finally found me; for you will remem.­ber it was addressed to Tours whichtown I left a few weeks before youwr o te for Camp dAvor. From Avor Iwent to Pau in the Basses Pyrenees to domy acrobatics and thence to Plessis Belle­ville, north of Paris, and finally here-withinsight of Mont Blanc, the Rhine and theVosges; so you may guess where I am. The"Maroons" also arrived and I was especiallyinterested in them, as was Gale Willard.Willard is the only U. of C. man besides my­self in the Lafayette Escadrilla. Rubinkam,Gates and J ohnson, who were in the sameambulance section with me, are in NavalAviation. Donald Anderson was also in thesection, but I think he has returned.We had good times in the old ambulancedays. All the interesting aspects of the warwere seen without it becoming too grave forourselves, and we acquired a little knowl­edge of French by trading candy and cigar­ettes to the poilu for "bosch" souvenirs. Ofcourse it never occurred to us but that thevspoke the choicest French, a suppositionthat many times later got me into embar­rassing positions. One time in particular Iremember, I was visiting an American ladyat Biarritz, who had invited me to pass apermission at her house, and, being all"puffed up" with the rapidity I had learnedFrench, I essayed to talk it, although every­one present could speak good English. Thequestion was put to me, whether or not Iwould rather play golf or tennis and wishingto be impartial I replied [deleted by censor}.I thought the silence that followed wasrather ominous, but I never "dropped" untilthe good lady dragged me aside and toldme never to employ that expression in politesociety. That incident so completely tookthe wind out of my sails that I have sincespoken the lingo only to poilu who inflictedit on me.I quit the front in July and went throughthe elementary schools at Tours and Avor.As I said before, I went to Pau to do myacrobatics. Henry of Navarre hailed fromPau and the old chateau in which he wasborn still stands facing the Pyrenees. WhenT was there in November they were allsnowy and on foggy days we used to steera course by the Pic du Midi. One wouldbe flying along, his altimeter registering amile or so in height, when but a hundredfeet or so below you would see a littlemountain cabin and tracks in the snow.Then it was time to hike back, for the Span­ish anti-aircraft guns await the over curious.On the plains back of Pau it was quitedifferent, for even in November Palms andBowers were flourishing.When I was a mile high at Pau I seemedto look down on the peaks, but here at twomiles one still looks up . at the Alps, whichThey support the Magaz.i1'le.!158 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEjump up and down like a graph of Wallstreet quotations since the war's beginning.They are to the right when you face thelines and tend to curve in behind. In frontfar away, but in full view, glistens "TheRhine the Rhine, the German Rhine," butthe c�ll for guards of its sacred course hasbeen answered; at least one thinks thatwhen he gets too near, for the "crumpycrump" of anti-aircraft pieces make you de­cide that "no fear be thine," as far as youare concerned.The weather has been too wintry for muchflying, an avera�e of only two or threepatrols daily going out. Then, too, therehas been so much bunk spilled about airfighting that a fellow is ashamed to mentionit any more. For that reason I am not go­ing to describe any of it. Floyd q-ibbonsand Phillip Gibbs have already described allthat is ever possible to happen! Suffice itto say that it is not one-tenth as terrible asthe aforesaid would lead you to think. LastMay and June I used to lie on my backwatching German and French patrols pass­ing up and down continuously without stop­ping to say "hello" and asking "Why don'tthe boobs fight?" I know now.Apropos of magazines, we had none untila few weeks ago. We wrote to an indulgentAmerican at Paris and he swamped us withScribners, McClures, etc. I drew amongother books "Ingoldsby Legends" andHooker's ecclesiastical works. Did you everread the former? They are funny.I don't smoke and as sweets are almostunprocurable here, I choose chocolate. Ifyou pack the box with a "Maroon" or so Iwould call it perfect. I think you are verykind to offer to send me these things, butmost of all I appreciate your letter; so besure to write again, for you know mail oftenmeets with rough play on the submarine'spart. Yours very truly, .Thomas Cassady,N15F, Par B. C. M.S. P. 101, Paris.Following is the revised list of AlphaTau Omega Fraternity men in service:1. Paul Heilman, Ambulance, Allentown,Pa., Section 555.ALUMNIFor Your Dances, Parties, Cluband Fraternity Entertainments-Inquire 01-GEORGE W. KONCHAS, ManagerFAMOUS"((Opt" J}arbtpertbt�tra �trbict900 Lytton Bldg., Phorie Harrison 1147 2. Fred B. Hubenthal, Ambulance, Al­len town, Pa., Section 555.3. Amo G. Uhlhorn, Ambulance, Allen­town, Pa., Section 555.4. Herbert W. Clough, Ambulance, Al­lenton, Pa., Section 555.5. A. Graham Ascher, Ambulance, Al­lentown, Pa., Section 555.6. Erwin C. Cope, Ambulance, Allen­town, Pa., Section 555.7. Harry Comer, Ambulance, Allentown,Pa., Section 555.8. Lieutenant Fred Clark Lusk, Ma­rines, Quantico, Va.9. Corporal Blaine G. Wiley, Marines,in France.10. Ellis T. Kipp, Marines, in France.11. Paul G. Blazer, Base Hospital No.13,. Chicago.12. William Beatty, Base Hospital No.13, Chicago.13. Fred Wise, Y. M. C. A., Great LakesNaval Station.14, Sergeant Leo C. Hupp, Ordnance,Camp Cody, Deming, N. M.15. Sergeant William Carey Martin,Ordnance, Watervliet, N. Y.16. Sergeant Orville B. Droege, Ord­nance, Waterwhet, N. Y.17. Sergeant Roy A. Burt, Gas Defense,Fort Riley, Kan.18. Lieutenant Roscoe Harry, Base Hos­pital No. 12.19. Gordon B. Harries, National Army.20. Holly Reed Bennett, MeteorologicalService, Indianapolis, Ind.21. William Russell Jordan, Ft. Snelling,Minn., National Army.22. Donald Faxon, Aviation, Rantoul,Illinois.23. Howell Snyder, Ambulance Corps.24. Charles D. Raisbeck, Base HospitalNo. 13, Chicago.25. Stellan S. Windrow, U. S. SecretService.26. William P. Lambertson, Ft. Sher­iran, Officers' Training.27. David E. Shambaugh, NationalArmy.28. Lee O. Brown, Na1ional Army, Hat­tiesburg, Miss.29. Earl H. Neville, Ft. Snelling, Minn.,Officers' Training.30. Lieutenant Francis L. Hustler, Ord­nance Corps.31. Edward R. Kerwin, Captain, Quar-termaster Corps.32. c. J. Hibbard, Meteorlogical Service.33. J. Z. Gaston, Medical Reserve Corps.34. C. E. Schultz, Medical ReserveCorps.35. Fred Stangl, Med�cal Reserve Corps.An intelligent person may earn $100monthly corresponding for newspapers;$40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experi­ence unnecessary; no canvassing; .sub] ectssuggested. Send for particulars. NationalPress Bureau, Room 2514, Buffalo, N. Y.Su/J/Jort ou,. advertisers! They supporl fAit Maga.zinelNEWS OF THE CLASSES30. Irving Bowing, Medical ReserveCorps.37. Fred E. Carpenter, Medical ReserveCorps.38. Robert K. Ort, Medical ReserveCorps.The following is the revised list of PhiGamma Deltas in war service:A. Floyd Anglemeyer, '18, U. S. NavalReserve, U. S. S. "Gopher."Vernon D. Beatty, '19, Ex-American Am­bulance Service in France.F. Stanley Benson, '12, Aviation Section,Signal Corps, Texas.Walter A. Bowers, '18, U. S. Navy Y.M. C. A., Great Lakes, Ill.Charles H. Breasted, '19, U. S. ArmyEngineers, Camp Deven, Mass.Willard L. Brooks, '08, Adj. Gen. Dept.,Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill.Paul E. Danker, '16, U. S. Army, Ar­tillery, 2nd Illinois Field Artillery, Houston,Texas.Stanley K. Faye, '10, Sergeant, OrdnanceArsenal, San Antonio, Texas.John M. Foote, '16, First Lieutenant,Aviation Section, Signal Corps.Carleton H. Foster, '16, U. S. Army En­gineers.Robert E. Goodyear, '16, Aviation Sec­tion, Signal Corps, San Diego, Cal.Homer A. Guck, '02, Second Lieutenant,U. S. National Army.Robert H. Harper, '16, U. S. Army Ar­tillery, 149th F. A., "Rainbow Division,"in France.O. Clifton Harper, '18, Aviation Section,Signal Corps.Gerard N. Krost, '11, Captain, MedicalCorps, U. S. A., Field Hospital No. 18,British Expeditionary Forces, in France.Ward H. Maris, '15, Second Lieutenant,National Army.J. Oliver Murdock, '16, First Lieutenant;Artillery, National Army. .Cola G. Parker, '10 and '12, First Lieu­tenant, Infantry, National Army.Robert Redfield, Jr., '19, Ex-AmericanAmbulance Service in France.Allen J. Rodgers, '18, Captain, U. S. Na­tional Army.Francis . J. Sherwin, '15, Second Lieu­tenant, U. S. Army Engineers.Harvey B. Shick, �13, R. O. T. c., FortBenjamin Harrison, Indiana.Harry R. Swanson, '17, Sergeant, U. S.Marines, Barracks, Paris Island, N. C.Otto O. Teichgraeber, '18, Base HospitalNo. 13.Evan Thomas, '16, Assistant to AdjutantTobin, Brigadier General Hoffman's Staff,618t Depot Brigade, Camp Bowie, Texas.Clarence R. White, '19, Sergeant, Med­ical Corps, Fort Benjamin Harrison, In­diana.William E. Wiley, '17, Second Lieuten­ant, 57th U. S. Infantry, Fort BrownBrownsville, Texas. 'Support our advertisers! MEN'WANTED!The Federal Sign System (Elec­tric) is looking for FOUR 1917 grad­uates to enter its employ with theidea of starting a two years' studentcourse with pay.These men will be trained in alldepartments of our business with theultimate plan of placing them in exe­cutive positions in its Branch Officesthroughout the country. Electricalor technical training is not a pre­requisite to the work.Apply in writing for an appoint-ment. AddressR.D.HUGHESDistrict Sales Mgr.Federal Sign System(Electric)Lake and Desplaines Sts.CHICAGOManufacturers and DistributorsCHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions Filled-Trained Women PlacedA Y f Secretaryr e 00 Editonal Writera Institutional ManagerHousehold Economic ExpertDo You Need Laboratory Assistant, Research WorkerRooID 1002 S·tevens Bldg.17 N. State Street Central 5336You have a standing invitation to call and inspect ODrplant and up-to-date facilities. We own the building aswell as our printing plant, and operate botb to meelthe requirements of our customers.R�GE��!T�:SLLCO �t?ltPc?r:IOn� PRINTERSCHICA�,O Make a Printing Connection with a Speci�ist�s�e ���h��:t and a large, Absolutely Reliable Printing Housecomplete Print- W lei UlJgi�dnt����� ·E PRINT Estimate o!aIte1lmmsi� of Pna- Yti-onDgrONrdeXrlPrinling and .�AdYertisiDg Ad- 1irL.+"..,.... 11 . (We Arerisers aDd Ibe ""I�O agapUt Sirong�n �urCo-operative and Specialties)Clearing HODse ROGERS & HALL COMPANY�anord pCuabtlailocaOtgul'oness Polk and La Salle Streels. CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhones Local and Long Distance Wabash 3881They' support the MagaEine! 159160 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJoseph E. Wheeler, 'rs, Ensign, U. S.'Navy..Lester M. Wheeler/ '12; Captain, U. S.Regular Army, EI Paso, Texas.ENGAGEMENTSMr. and Mrs. Arthur : Chamberlain an­nounce the engagement of their daughter,Gertrude French, ex-'lp, to Philip T. Mal­len.'The engagement is' announced of GladysArlington, '17, to George Hyde Redding.Mr. Redding is a graduate of Washingtonand Jefferson, '13.The engagement is announced of Caro­line Peck, '19, and Philbrick W. Jackson,�17. Jackson is a Lieutenant in the U. S.Marines, arid is stationed at Quantico, Va.The marriage is announced of Clyde M.Joice, '12; and Rebekah H. Alden, on NewYear's Day at Winnetka" Ill.Bertha Carter, '13, and Eddy B. Fns­nocket, were married on August 11. Mrs.Fosnocket is teaching in the New HavenHigh School.The engagement is announced of RuthEstelle Mount, 'lS, daughter of Mr. andMrs. H. S.' Mount, of 7157 Yale Ave., toFrank Jay Chappell, 'is, grandson of Mrs.Charles H. Chappell, 3657 Michigan Ave.Mr. Chappell has entered the aviationcorps.MARRIAGESMrs. Henry V. Freeman announces themarriage of her daughter, Helen Alden,'05, to John W. Bradshaw, on December25. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw are living at1057 Lincoln Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.The marriage is announced of Donald P.Abbott, '07, and Marion Dummer. Dr.Abbott is a Lieutenant in the Presbyterian Hospital Unit and expects to sail for Francesoon.The marriage is announced of EdithShope Reider, '10, to Dr. Charles G. Bar­ron, on December 31. Dr. Barron is incommand of Field Hospital No. 301, CampDevens, Mass.The marriage of Lander MacClintock,'11, to Miss Beatric.e Stewart, took placeJanuary 1, 1918, in New York City. Theywill be at home after February 1 at 4Whittier Place, Swarthmore College, Pa.Isabel Sullivan, '16, and Frederick Mills,were married September 15, and are livingin Oak Park, Ill. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnston announcethe marriage of their niece, Lois G. Suther­land, '15, to Moncrieff H. Spear, on Oc­tober 5. Mr. and Mrs. Spear are at homeat 1446 East Fifty-sixth St. Mrs. Spearwill continue her work as Secretary to theDirector of Ida Noyes Hall.Mary M. Morrison, '15, and Clyde EWeed, were married on August 29, and areat Hancock, MichThe marriage has been announced ofErling Hjor th Lunde, '15, and LauraCaroline Hughes. The marriage took placeDecember 29, 1917. Their address is 6625Olympia Ave., Edison Park, Chicago, Ill.The marriage is announced of Dr. CarlF. Snapp, '13, Rush, '15, of Grand Rapids,Mich., to Miss Alice Noyes Stafford, ofChicago, on December 12, 1917. Dr. Snappis a 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Re­serve Corps, "arid is stationed at Ft. Mc­Pherson, near Atlanta. He expects to besen t to France soon.The marriage is announced of LieutenantEstill I. Green, M. A., '16, and Sara Va­linda Grant, on January 5, at Fulton, Mo.The marriage is announced of Lynne Sulli­van, '15, to Mathias J. Hartford of NewYork.The Law School Alumni AssociationArthur L. Adams, '11, is a member ofthe firm, Little, Lasley & Adams, in Blythe­ville, Ark.D. O. Cargill, 'lS, is with Judge FrancisE� Baker, of the United States CircuitCourt of Appeals in Chicago.John W. Chapman, '17, is with Krauss,Goodwin & Rickard, 1230 Tribune Build­ing, Chicago.Guy A. Gladson, .is, is with, Winston,Payne, Strawn & Shaw, 1400 Fir st NationalBank Building, Chicago., Max Haleff, '17, 'is with Stedman &Soelke, 54, 106 N. La. Salle St., Chicago.John Barry Hedges, '08, is practicinglaw at Rochelle, Ill. Charles A. Logan, 'rs, is with Wilson,Moore, Mc I lvaine, 1605 Marquette Build­ing, Chicago.George B. McKibben, J. D., '13, has goneto New York to become head of the LegalDepartment of the Gas Reform Plant ofthe Medical Department of the U. S. A.,at Long Island, N. Y.Daniel W. Mumaw, '12, is a member ofthe firm of Kennedy & Mumaw, 604 Mahon­ing Bank Building, Youngstown, Ohio.J. Stanley Moffatt, '17, is associated withE. A. Williams, S09 Griffith-McKenzieBuilding, Fresno, Cal.Howard P. Roe, '15, is with Foreman,Robertson & Blumrosen, 1150 First Na­tional Bank Building, Chicago.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS 1'61The Association of DoctorsReport of the Committee orr the Promo­tion of Research through Prizes, Honorsor Other Awards, endowed by the Doctors'Association and open to competition by allthe doctors of the University.A form letter was sent out by the Chair­man to all those who had signified to theSecretary of the Doctors' Association theirwillingness to serve on -the Committee, sofar as their addresses could be verified fromthe data at hand. In addition, the Chairmanhas importuned some of his friends of knownresearch or administrative ability and inwhose judgment he reposed much confi­dence, for an expression of opinion. Inthe report the replies will be· abstracted,yvit?�ut mentionin�, for the. most part, theindividual responsible for any given sug­gestion. A list of those who have replied1S given at the end of the report. Otherreplies have been promised.The following' letter was sent to eachmember of the Committee:I am writing to you as a member of committee num­ber three, recently appointed by the officers of theAssociation of Doctors of Philosophy, to consider thepromotion of research through the award of prizes orhonors for suggestions and advice on the followingpoints or any other that may occur to you.or l�th�rhea::rsj��bility of offering such prizes, honors2. Shall prizes be offered in each of the greatgroups of the .subj�cts in the undergraduate school,such as the biological group, the mathematical andphysical, the historical, etc., or shall the prizes befewer In number and open to all contestants? .3. Shall the awards be limited to work done in purescience as opposed to applied science? How distin­guish between the applied sciences and the work of ascientific man in the service of a corporation?4. How can the awards be made in such a way asto exclude personal or political influence in the selec­tion of the recipient? Should the Association assertits independence of the University in making theawards?I trust that you will consider this matter carefully,since I feel that we may do something of actual valuein promoting. research in America. Is there any con­dition in your own institution which might be so mod­ified as to render research less difficult or moreeffective?The replies have been both for andagainst. The statement for the generalscheme is so well summarized in the replyof one member of the Committee, that theletter is presented in its entirety.r have been thinking about the points you mentionedin your letter of May 1st, and was intending to writeyou soon, when a letter from the secretary of theDoctors' Association indicating how near the annualmeeting was, made me realize that my reply shouldreach you at once. I hope the letter reaches you intime.1. I believe that it is distinctly worth while for theassociation to offer some sort of prize or honor as areward for research accomplished. It seems to methat we as a nation are doing too little to stimulatethose men who are accomplishing something. Honorscome to the mature and older men in the form of elec­tion to societies and as recipients of the few medalsoffered in this country. By the association offering such prizes, etc., for all its members, the younger menearly in their most productive period can feel thattheir results will be recognized. • This should be a val­uable stimulant to produce better results.2. Let the prizes for a few years be few in numberand open to all. The plan is new and will require con­siderable discussion to actually get in operation, andsuch results as we obtain can be used in developingplans for prizes and honors in the individual groups.This should certainly be done eventually, but just nowlet us try and get the entire association back of theplan and make the prizes general. As a suggestion forthe smaller groups, have a committee appointed ofmembers of each group to develop plans and raisefunds for prizes, honors, etc.3. I believe it is desirable for the association torecognize work done in both pure and applied science.If it is preferred, allow honors of equal value to beoffered in both fields. This would throw the competi­tion between the members of each division, a thingwhich is desirable.The character of the research work accomplishedshould determine to what division it belongs. Theactual occupation of a scientific man frequently has nobearing on the character of the work done. He mayproduce results which are of value in pure scienceonly, although the major part of his results may be inthe field of applied science. A committee composed ofscientific men in both pure and applied science wouldhave to decide the question, either from. the paperdescribing the research or from data furnished by theworker or his associates, This, it seems to me, will bea matter that must be thoroughly studied. The associ­ation might formulate a few suggestions as to thecharacter of the work in the two divisions.4. The award must be made by a committee whichit seems to me should be composed of men from out­side the Doctors' Association. This will not excludethe possibility that some member or even members ofthe committee might be a personal friend of the can­didate or very familiar with his work, but this couldbe met by having a small committee or by having alarge committee and requesting members personallyaware of the candidate's work to refrain from voting.3uch a procedure· might of course appear to reflectupon the ability of a member to give unbiased judg­ment and hence might not be for the best. However,selection through such a committee seems to ine to bethe only feasible method. It would probably be neces­sary to have more than one committee, because of thegreat number of groups included in the Doctors' Asso­ciation.The Association should make the awards itself. Itsown strength will be increased by doing so and theuniversity should welcome this co-operation.In our institution the most serious handicap to re­search is the usual one, lack of funds. However, ourpresident favors such work and the university fur­nishes a means of publication when possible. As a.member of the executive committee of Sigma Xi, II have come to realize more and more that some sortof stimulus is needed to induce our men to take upresearch. Possibly the plan which the Doctors' Asso­ciation has in view may aid in this. There are ninedoctors from Chicago here.I shall be glad to learn the results of the conference�t Chicago and wish that I might be present.There is a general agreement among themembers of the Committee that awardsshould be made in each of the great groupsof subjects. Most of the members alsofavor the inclusion of work in applied sci­ence as well as in pure science, althoughsome are in favor of limiting the awardsto work in pure science. Opinion on thenature of the awards varies. The sugges-162 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtions range from yearly awards to awardsonce in three 01 five years. There is onesuggestion that' the recipient be invited togive a course of lectures or perhaps a labor­atory course on an exchange professorshipat the University. The idea of a volumeknown as the Alumni Lectures, or by someother name to indicate the relation of theauthors to the University, has certainattractive features to commend it. It mightinclude the work of several people eachyear.There is a general agreement also thatthe association should act independently ofthe University. Only one writes, "I thinkthe University could be trusted in makingthe awards."Considerable difference of opinion has de­veloped in connection with the first andthe fourth questions. Apart from some ob­jections to prizes or awards as a matterof principle, the adverse criticism of thegeneral scheme hinges upon the method ofdetermining to whom the awards shall bemade. Further discussion of this point,therefore, seems advisable. The remarks ofone correspondent on this phase of thesubject are worthy of consideration here:"In reply to your questionnaire for the Associationof Doctors of Philosophy, I would say that I am verydoubtful of the value of prizes in stimulating research.After a brilliant discovery has been made its valuewill be recognized by the profession if it is in purescience while if it is in applied science the financialadvantages will be greater than any prize that couldbe offered. What is needed is not a prize after thework has been done, but encouragement and assistanceat first. The most useful thing would be to find outthe young man who may be struggling by himself insome out-of-the-way college to do a bit of researchwork and to give him money to provide equipment andhelp. Even if money is not given, a public recogni­tion of the value of his research from an outsidesource would have a great effect in improving thestatus of the investigator in his institution and localityand consequently in facilitating his work. This dis­covery of the genius in embryo is of course a difficultand delicate task. The two institutions which wereespecially founded for that purpose have virtuallygiven up the undertaking and diverted their funds toother purposes."The Carnegie Institution was founded for the ex­press purpose of discovering the exceptional manwherever he might be and setting him at his peculiarwork. I think Mr Carnegie was quite right in assum­ing that this was what needed to be done more thananything else, but the managers of the institution be­came discouraged over the waste of the funds whichthey distributed in small sums to independent investi­gators and are now devoting most of their money tothe amendments of well organized research establish­ments. These are unquestionably doing splendid workfor the advancement of science, but I am very sorryto see the other feature of the work dropped entirely."The Nobel Foundation was established with a sim­ilar aim and it was expressly stipulated by the founderthat the money should be divided into five annualprizes, which would have amounted to nearly $100,000apiece, for the greatest achievement made in the pre­ceding year in the fields of chemistry, physics, physi­ology, literature and pacifism. But the trustees havepaid no attention to the wishes of Alfred Nobel. Theyhave absorbed half of the fund in local administrativeexpenses and given the prizes, amounting now to some$35,000, chiefly to men who have finished their im­portant work. Instead of taking the trouble to huntout the important discoveries of the preceding yearthey have given the prizes mostly to men that anyschool boy could name as the most famous in theirfield. Some of them had completed their active careermany years before, being seventy or eighty years old,and it was in some cases clearly understood that the prize was given as a charity to support the decliningdays of those who had deserved well of the world.Some eighty of the Nobel prizes have been awardedand in very few instances can it be said that theyhave accelerated the recognition of a deserving in­vestigator or have provided needed funds for hisfuture investigations although this was obviously theprimary purpose of the fund."If. anything in the way of honors or prizes is tobe given, I trust that an effort will be made to meetthe needs of the unknown man struggling to carryon a promising piece of investigation."I suggest that the University of Chicago could beof greater service to its doctors and other graduatesif it would keep watch of them, and, knowing theircapabilities and ambitions as well as their deficiencies,would put them in the way of advancement wheneveropportunity offered."I do not mean merely helping to get a job for aman when he gets his diploma or gets thrown out ofa position, but in suggesting to him openings, notnecessarily scholastic, which may come to the knowl­edge of the university authorities. I have heard thecomplaint made many times in the last twenty yearsthat the University of Chicago did not look after itsmen as well as other institutions, although personallyI have no fault to find. I have known men who hadstudied at the University of Chicago because of thefacilities it offered but had gone to other institutionsto get their degree because they could in that way geta better 'push.'"Other comment follows somewhat thesame tenor. Another correspondent writes:"As regards the 'prize' proposition of the Associa­tion of Doctors of Philosophy my sentiments aredivided. If it could be properly carried out it wouldbe a good thing, but I am very much afraid that theawards would be made on the basis of influence withina select clique rather than on that of real scientificachievement. All too frequently a piece of work thatis heralded as one of the great achievements of theday obtains its notoriety because the author has somegood personal friends who like to make favorable com­ments on all occasions. Or else the award is made toa person whose worth is so generally recognized thatthe prize becomes a superfluous mark of distinction.If you can devise a scheme of overcommg these diffi­culties you deserve the first prize to be awarded."The chairman does not feel that his ownadministrative genius is sufficient to over­come these difficulties. The suggestion hasbeen made of an impartial jury selectedfrom the faculties of institutions in whichUniversity of Chicago doctors have no rep­resentation. It might be difficult to findenough such institutions in the UnitedStates to furnish a satisfactory jury. Itmight still be possible to find in such insti­tutions departments in which Chicagodoctors are not represented.The replies of the correspondents haveraised certain doubts in the mind of thechairman as to whether the award of prizeswill meet the fundamental difficulty. Inorder to present this view of the case, itmay be necessary to go somewhat beyondthe strict limits contemplated for the re­port of this committee, but the considera­tions are so important that the chairmantakes the liberty on his own responsibility.Only the general outline of the situationcan be given here, but it is to be hopedthat if the matter is of general interest tothe 'members of the association, well con­sidered written suggestions and matters ofhistorical or administrative detail will besubmitted to the association during theyear.I t will be well, after the manner of theTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORSevolutionist in seeking for the origin ofthings, to go back a few centuries to getthe classical picture of the prototype ofthe research man of today-Chaucer's Clerkof Oxenford. It must be remembered that,in drawing his portraits of the Clerk ofOxenford, the monk, the friar, the regular,and the secular and parochial clergy, "Thepoet is making no socialistic attack uponthe foundations of society, and no hereticalonslaught upon the church." (Rait, "Lifein the Mediaeval University," Cambridge,1912, p. 3.) Evils had crept into the church,particularly in its high places."The history of pious and charitablefoundations is a vindication of the truth ofthe portraiture of the 'Prologue.' Thefoundation of a new monastery and theeridowment of the friars had alike ceasedto attract the benevolent donor, who wasturning his attention to the universities,where secular clergy were numerous. Theclerks of Oxford and Cambridge had suc­ceeded to the place held by the monks, and,after them, by the friars, in the affectionand respect of the nation." (Rait, ibid.)The implication drawn from these consid­erations is that the Anglo-Saxon nation atthat time cared much more that the clerkmight have his "Twenty bokes, clad in blakor reed" and the leisure to read them thanthat the princes of the church might revelin their magnificence. There was a certainbasis of self-denial on the part of the recipi­ent which was at the time required by thedonors of foundations.If it be true that the research man is thelineal descendant of the Clerk of Oxenford,and that it may truly be said of him, as itwas said of the clerk, that "gladly wolde heIerne, and gladly teche," the scholar hascertain hereditary rights in educational in­stitutions which were his in the beginningand should be his without question today.It has become rather fashionable for facul­ties to attack administrative and other offi­cers of universities, occasionally with somejustification. It is too often forgotten thatevils may lurk elsewhere in educational in­stitutions. Following the example of a dis­tinguished administrative head, the facultymay perhaps make some confession of itsguilt. President Emeritus Eliot once saidthat Harvard was the only university inAmerica where one might hold an ideal.Without enquiring into the exact truth, pastand present, of this statement, it is at oncea statement of the objects of a universityand a confession of widespread evil or fail­ure. Faculties should recognize that "Thesurest way to secure academic advancementis to scheme for it through administrativedexterity" implies either that the originalideal of the Clerk of Oxenford no longerobtains in a university where such a stateof affairs is possible, or that certain officialweaknesses prevail to such a degree as toobscure it.It would be idle to deny that such condi- 163tions prevail in some American universities.I t would be idle also to deny that thingshave been done under the plea of academicnecessity which do not differ appreciablyeither in motive or manner of execution,but simply in the magnitude of the results,from some things which have been doneunder the plea of military necessity. Thechairman is not yet wholly convinced thateither brand of necessity has demonstratedits usefulness for the progress of civiliza­tion in general. Both seem to him foreignto the conception of a university in whichthe Clerk of Oxenford might find the bestopportunity for the devolpment of histalents.In the chairman's opinion, it has not beensufficiently demonstrated that the primaryobject for which universities were foundedhas ceased to be the chief justification fortheir existence today. And instead of be­ing merely a dust-covered antiquity whichis no longer of any service in the world,certain discussions which he has heard orread and certain mere travesties on univer­sities which he has seen, cause the chairmanto wonder whether there may not be certainelements of novelty in Chaucer's conceptionof a scholar to many people at the presentday.In view of these considerations, the chair­man confesses that he is still apprehensivelest the establishment of directors and sub­directors and overseers lead to the further­ance of personal ambition rather thanscholarship, and to the increase of indi­vidual or personal political power ratherthan service, and thus intensify the evilsthey were designed to correct. Personalaggrandizement and the attainment of po­litical dominion over his fellows are notthe primary qualifications of a scholar. Theuniversity was originally founded to pro­mote scholarship and service. None exceptthose willing to accept these as cardinalprinciples should enter upon a universitycareer. And if the scholar is unreasonablyrestricted in the matter of idealism, he hasjust grounds for complaint. The questionarises whether prizes given as a reward. forattainments in research would be an ade­quate remedy for the evils that now exist.Although such recognition might help, it isdoubtful whether it would really reach thefundamental difficulties.The situation, however, is not whollywithout remedy, nor is the doctor's asso­ciation wholly powerless to aid. A concretesuggestion comes from a correspondent:"I have had only a little experience with encourag­ing research. Last year I did appoint some committeesfor the encouragement of research in the EcologicalSociety of America. One, a committee on soil tem­perature, asked various men to take records-thesemen were such as were interested in the subject. Itworked well in that it assisted men to get recordingsoil thermometers. One man in a prominent uni­versify had been unable to get the desired instrument,but when he presented a letter from this nationalsociety the instrument was provided. This is a goodexample of the influence of the society; it worked thatway in many cases.164 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENotes"The most important work the association can dois, to my mind, along that line. I would suggest theuse of the prize money to pay the expenses of com­mittees or single members of the association to lookafter the research of doctors in particular fields ofknowledge. The duties of this person or committeewould be to keep in touch with the work of doctorsfalling in his field and have each keep him informedabout the progress he is making in his work; but inparticular to see that the institution in which he isworking supplies him with the things he needs whenhe needs them. Probably the foreign forces whichare camping on research in the form of administratorswould not need any further stimulation than thesimple fact that the association of doctors had its eyeon them. However, if this were not enough, and aman who has good ability and good work did not getwhat he needed, the overseer could write to theauthorities and tell them the man and his work wereworth paying attention to. Of course only methodswhich would not make Chicago doctors undesirablecould be employed. Research men are born and notmade or bought with prizes, and such as are mostworth while in research are usually most hampered bythe administrators, especially at the outset."The chairman submits the replies andsuggestions of the correspondents withoutrecommendation as to which shall be fol­lowed. He must apologize once for all forthe undue prominence which he assumes inthe body of the report, but, since extendeddiscussion of the subject with the variousmembers of the committee has been impos­sible,· he has felt that it would be unfairto the committee to intimate that theyshared his views, or sustained them in anyway beyond the degree indicated by eachindividual letter. Without the aid of thesuggestions of the various members of thecommittee the report could not have beenwritten. The chairman trusts that the col­umns of the University of Chicago Maga­zine will be open to any member whoseviews have been inadequately or inaccu­rately stated for amplification or correction.Much more discussion is necessary beforethe general situation is cleared up.The chairman has one suggestion to makeentirely on his own responsibility. If theAssociation of Doctors of Philosophy ofthe University of Chicago should decide toadopt any of the suggestions contained inthe report, or should refer the matter to acommittee for further report, only suchmeasures should be taken as will not in­volve any large expenditure of funds. Afriend remarked two years ago that hehoped one result of this war would be tomake our universities less Prussianized.The chairman believes this to be a war inwhich the scholar is involved no less thanthe man of affairs, and the result desiredby both can come about in only one way.All resources should be devoted to makingtha t result certain.The personnel of the committee is as fol­lows: H. S. Adams, Eliot Blackwelder,Alice F. Braunlich, Allen D. Hole, GeorgeP. Jackson, E. P. Lyon, R. E. Sheldon, V.E. Shelford, E. E. Slosson, C. K. Staudt,\V. A. Tarr, C. C. Todd, Charles Zeleny,F. H. PIKE, CHAIRMAN. A. H. Sutherland, Ph. D., '99, at a recentmeeting was elected Treasurer of theAlumni Association of Southern California.Edwin E. Slosson, Ph. D. ,'02, is writ­ing a book on the history of Americaneducation and another on "Creative Chem­istry." His book on "Great American U ni­versities" is to be translated into Japanese.Rollo M,. Tryon, Ph. D., '15, has movedto 1329 East Fifty-fourth St.Lieutenant Colonel Bacon, Ph. D.( Chemistry), '04, is now on his way toFrance to take charge of the division ofChemistry at the front. With him are Mr.Lee Finkelstein, Instructor in Chemistry,on leave, and Mr. L. E. Roberts, Assist­ant in Chemistry, on leave.Dr. William Lloyd Evans, Ph. D.(Chemistry), '05, is a Captain in the Ord­nance Department, and has been appointedto establish a new factory in the East forOrdnance work. Dr. R. E Hall, Ph. D.( Chemistry), '16, is entering the service,and will co-operate with Dr. Evans in thisundertaking. He has been active underDr. A. L. Day of the Carnegie Institutionin the preparation of optical glass for theGovernment which has been one of thesuccessful operations in chemistry.A letter from one of the chemists withthe American forces in France says thatLieutenant Ralph L. Brown, Ph. D. (Chem­istry), '17, who is working with ProfessorMoreau, "is getting results." Incidentally,"he has been laid up for a couple of daysbecause of too intimate contact with someof his materials."Dr. W. A. Roberts, Ph. D. (Chemistry),'16, is in the service of the inspector'sdepartment of the Aviation Corps on dutyin Washington.Elsie Hobson, Ph. D, '16, writes: "Mywar work has been confined to ten weeksof work last summer at the Headquartersof the Red Cross Supply Service in Bos­ton. I found the wor k quite as enlighten­ing, in some way s, as a summer quarterat the University and rather more strenu-ous."At present, I have to console myselffor any apparent uselessness in this crisisby the reflection that the proper educa­tion of the rising generation is still an. important task."The record of war service by facultyand students as reported in the UNIVERSITYMAGAZINE is inspiring. It furnishes ex­cellent material for enlightening Easternpeople who think that Chicago's Mayortypifies the western attitude toward thewar."Miss Hobson's address is 216 Hope St.,Providence, R. I.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlbert Teachers'Agency"Teaching as a Business," with chapters on War, Sal­aries,etc.,sentfree. T'hirty-third year. Register in fouroffices with one fee. Branch offices-25 L Jackson Blyd., Chicago N_ Y."" 437 Sth Ave. D.n.... S,m ... "",. • ...... , P ...... Bldl.TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ. ManagerThe Colorado Teachers' AgencyA high-class Agency whose su_perior facilities appeal especially to those who are available forpositions as Superintendent. Supervisor. High School Principal, or special teachers in HighSchool. Normal School and College.Communicate with FRED DICK, Manager, 504-505 Kittredge Building, Denver ColoradoSabins' Educational Exchange (Inc.) Founded1893OUR SILVER ANNIVERSARY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS of Successful Service.Tens of Thousands have been located in good teaching positions. Our Contract plain. Our terms most liberal. Write for our plans. Our territory extends fromthe Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast.Manhattan BUilding • • • • • • DES MOINES, lOW AMETROPOLITAN BUSIN ESS COLLEGEA high grade Commercial School featuring a strong SECRETARIAL COURSE.Courses, also, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Shortwriting.Colleges in every part of Chicago-also, in Joliet, Elgin and Aurora, Illinois.Phone Randolph 2205 for detailed information.TEACH E RS' AGENCY28 LJackson Blvd. Chicago To tbisorgsnizotion-national inscop�em., players and teachers naturally turn In mak-Boston Hew York Birmingham Denver inga survey of the whole educational fieldPortland Berkeley Los Angeles for best teachers and teaching opportunities.SuHort our advertisers I They support the Magazinel 167168 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHow d bi� manplayed an up-hill gdme andWONtWhen E. M. Paget took charge of theSales Department of the Iliff-BruffChemical Company, Chicago, the prob­lem was to market the product of a newconcern in an already crowded field andat a time of great business depression.It was freely predicted that he wouldfail within six months. But this man'sback was to the wall. It was strictly upto him. He had to make good. How?The determination to win was thereall right. But Mr. Paget realized thathe had to have a broader business train­ing to carry his determination thru.So he enrolled for the Modern Busi­ness Course and Service of the Alexan­der Hamilton Institute.With the unfolding of this vast fundof business knowledge, he applied thefirst principles he thus acquired to hisown business needs.His knowledge was soundAnd Mr. Paget now says: "I look back at the leanmonths we had experienced, and when I contrast thewonderful business we are now doing, I know it is notenough to simply have a superior product, a well-man,aged factory and a loyal organizalion fired with pushand energy."One must understand the great business funda­mentals. He must know how and why certainmethods have led to success, while others, many ofwhich we are prone to almost unconsciously adopt,spell only failure."He says further: "If the total cost of the Sales De­partment in any other line were figured against thetotal cost of my department, it would probably befound that we are operating at a smaller percentageof expense than the average sales department."This is due to methods, a great many of whichwere gathered from your Course."What results training bringsHere was one Sales 'Manager-one of thousands-who won out by absorbing basic facts-by gettingdown to the bare fundamentals of business and fittingthem to the work he had to do. 1iJ. A .. PagetSale.ManaoerIliff·B.uffChemMaIOo ..ChicagoAnd, the answer? When Mr. Pagettook charge of the Sales Department hissalary was $3,600 per year. His earn­ings have now reached a point attainedby few Sales Managers.This man only one of manyThis same material which has helpedhundreds of other men to success will beyours to use as a guide to certain busi­ness growth.The Alexander Hamilton Institutegives you the best thoughtandexperienceof thousands of successful business men-brings it to you in the most practical,most interesting, easily readable form forabsorption in your leisure time.In the final analysis you and every other man inbusiness are selling one thing-service.Every source that can be drawn on for the improve­ment of self-for the betterment of that product-isworthy of the little time, the little effort, that you areobliged to give.To learn how you, personally, can use this knowl,edge in your business, send for our booklet.'Forging Ahead In Business"Learn how you can develop yourself as Mr. Pagetdid to become a bigger, better working executive.Send for the interesting 112-page book, "ForgingAhead in Business" which we will send you free.Simply fill out and send the coupon below.Alexander Hamilton Institute�8��t� �a� N�w_ '.:_o:k_ �i! �Send me "FORGING AHEAD INBUSINESS"-FreeN.me'----------Pri�·n�t·h-.r-.--------------­BusinessAd��s � __BusinessPosition __"Built"InSupe-riol:'i ty"WE MANUFACTURE AND RETAILSHOESuccess has followed honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service,we have symbolized Quality.THREE CHICAGO SHOPS1 06 S. Michigan A ve, 15 So Dearborn St.29 E. Jackson Blvda�lIIimlmHlI!lIln!iHll!milililtllllll!!lIll11llllllllllllllmlmII!lUmlllllll!llllllllll!lllmlmmml!!IllllHlll1l!IIlIII!llll!l!11l!111l!llIlHlllllllllIl1l1l11ll1l11l111l1l1111ll!lH111II1l1ll1!1llillilll!l!llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll11l111!1111111111111111�MEN'SE, managers of the University of ChicagoMagazine, assured Mr. Adolph Jahn, ex �03,of the Jahn-Ollier Engraving Company, that anadvertisement of the Jahn-Ollier Engraving Companywould be appreciated by the alumni and proveprofitable.They make half-tones, zinc etchings, commercialphotography and commercial art for advertising andcatalogue purposes,Address 554 W� Adams Street Phone Main 3821ChicagoWe know their service-it never disappoints"Please patronize themeJohn F. Moulds, '07A. G .. 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