/";:;-po(JfntPUBLISHBD BY THEALUMNI COUNCIL \Vol. IX No.8 June, 1917;�R\JNSWIC�IIOME BlLLIAIlD TABL�SSomeone Says, "Billiards!"And Out Comes the . Brunswick Table' .Folded up in a closet or in any sparespace, the "Quick Demountable" Bruns­wick Home Table is triumphantly broughtforth by eager hands and set up in the cen­ter of the room. It is only the work of aminute to push back the chairs, rack theballs and nre the shot that starts an eve­niug of royal sport.Carom and Pocket Billiards never tire-theircbarm is endless. Sparkling hours of merryrivalry witb those you love-moments of tenseuncertainty I .Expert Playin'g'QualitiesTo live a healthy, worry-proof life, to enter­tain friends and to keep boys bome=-instatl ascientific Brunswick Home Billiard Table.Beautiful oak aud mahogany, accurate augles, fast ever-level beds and qulck-acting Monarcbcushions. Our handsome b.Hiard catalog showssizes andstvles to fit in any home. Write forfree copy today. .:Balls; Cues, Etc., FreeComplete Higb Grade Playing Outfit in­cluded with every Brunswick-Balls, Cues,Rack. Markers, Tips; Cue-Clamps, Chalk,Brush, Expert Book of 33 Games, etc.Write for Color-CatalogSee these tables in photograpbs of homeslike yours. Get our low-prices. easy terms thatlet yOJ! playas you pay and home trial offer.All contained iii our interesting billiard bookand color-catalog, "Billiards-The Home Mag­net." Send coupon or write for. free copy today.The Brunawick-Balke-Collender CompanyDept. SIC.623-633 S. Waba.b A ...... Cbic:aaor··----·.···--········.····.········--·.···� THE BRUNSWICK·BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY= pept. SIC, 623-633 S. Waba.b A ...... Cbic:aao• Without obllzatlon, I should like to re_ILelve YW' color-= catalog, "BILUARDS -THE HOME IVIAGNICo.," .aDd,• details· of your free trial offer.i Name ....... • Add ·••• •• •• •••••• .. ·······_·····_····_···· .. •••• __ .."BABY GRAND"CombiaatioD Carom aDd PocketTabl. with AceelOo.." DrawerThat.Hold. Full Pla"iDa Outfit.t[bt �niber�tt!' of C!Cbicago jfIaga?iiteEditor, JAMES W. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, LAWRENCE). l\1.\CGREGOR, '16.T4e Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. U The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is �O cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, 'Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. � Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Unfon, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents),� Remittances should be made payable to The Alum ni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. It' local ch eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made with in the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit,All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Bex 9, Faculty' Exchange; The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, ru,, Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1.914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch 3, 1879.VOL. IX. CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1917 NO.8FRONTlSPIECE: General Joffre at the University.EVEN'l'S AND DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 321TiIE FRENCH MISSION AT 'THE UNIVERSITY .. : '� � 326THE UNIVERSITY AND THE \VAR ' 327AT FORT SHERIDAN, by Lawrence J. Macfiregor, '16 (with pictures) 331. FOR PREVENTION OF SHE'LL SHOCK ................•...... ; 335THE UNIVERSITY AND THE SPANISH WAR '.' ', 335GROUP ASSOCIATIONS, ; 336On THE QU�DRANGLES, by F; R, Kuh, '17 '.. ',' 3371"'HE UNIVERSITY RECORD _. '.' '. 339THE JUNE CONVOCATION ORATOR (c. A. H uston, 1902) " '........................ 341ALUMNI AFFAIRS � - '" . . . . . . . . . . . 342Eastern Alumni As'sociation; Milwaukee Alumni Association'; Alumni at Louisville;-Alumni News; Association of Doctors of Philosophy; Engagements and Marriages.ATHLETICS ' ' :.. ', , � .. : . -. 351The Alumni 'Council of the University of. ChicagoChairman, SCOTT BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1916-17 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MRS. MARTHA L. THOMPSON, MRS. GEO. B. McKmBIN,JOHN FRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREEN ACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR,' GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT .BROWN, LAw­RENCE WElTING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN.From the Association '0/ Doctors of PJ"ilosophy, SA�Un, MACCUNTOCK, HENRy C.COWLES, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alumni Associatlon., WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GoODSPEED, WARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association; MARCUS HIRSCHL, EDWARD FELSENTHAL, MARYBRONAUGH.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, ETHEL PRESTON, KATE B. MILLE�.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alfmmi Associations Represented In the Alumni Council:rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF. DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, 2550 S. Michigan Ave.Secretary, HERBERT R SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First- Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER P. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave; ,LA W SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, WM. P. MACCRACKEN, 959 The Rookery Building.Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. C ,The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF C:HicAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. .In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.A bout OurselvesWeare I glad to welcome the followingnew suhscribers to the MAGAZINE:Donald R. Mather, Saugatuck, Mich,ex-'16.Lillian R. Lonek, 1658 S. Central ParkAve., ex:-'16.Michael Freund, 5930 South: Park' Ave.,ex-'15.Sophia M. Erickson" 4356. Drexel Bl vd.,ex-"09. �. .Mrs: Mabel S .. Condon, 61.48 Green. s.;ex-'04. . .Mrs. Irving· W. Durfee, 5744 Kenwood::Ave., ex-'12. . .Eva R. Robinson, Vermillion, S. Dak., '17 .R. K. Strong, Kent Chern. Lab., U. o.fc., '17. ..John Gordon, 3714 N.· 18th St., Phila­delphia, Pa., '7,0.R. L. Sensenich, 206 J. M. S. Bldg., SouthBend, Ind., ex-'05.Frederic C. Smith, 1229 Franklin St., Gary,Ind., ex-'OO..Flora Kammerer, 1806 S. Austin Blvd.,ex-'17.Mrs. Kathryn W. Staehling, 940 E. 56thSt., ex-'16.Arthur R. Schweitzer, 452 Oakdale Ave.,Ph.D., '16..Mrs. Myrta R. Marman, 412 N. 10th St.,Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Ex-'oo.Elizabeth Brunig, 701 Parallel Ave., Kan:­sas City, Kan., ex-'17.Geo. S. Skinner, Jr., 810 S. Euclid Ave.,Princeton, Il1., ex-'13.Schuyler B. T'e rr'y, 400 The Rookery,.Ph.D., '10.Frank E. Dingle, 5822 Drexel Ave., '14.Harvey B. Larsen, 415' Maple St., Manis-te e.. Mich., ex-'04. .Henrietta Burchfield, Morton, N. Y.,ex-'18.Esther Hedquist, Princeton, Ill., ex-'04.Emily J. Raymond, 904 Lane St., Topeka,Kan., ex-TO. . ,William M. Hartman, Macomb, 111., ex-'04.Mrs. E. W. Thompson, P. O. Box 281,Cascade, Mont., ex-'ll.,Cora B. Closterhouse, Kalamazoo Rd.,Grand Rapids, Mich., ex-'ll. . ,Theresa Tracy, 3328 Cass St." Ornaha.,Nebr., ex-'07.· . '."Horace F. Scruby, Wilmer; Texas, ex-'-�,14. Reunion WeekTHURSDAY, JUNE 7th6 :00 '�C ". DinnerHutchinson Cafei�I� FRIDAY, JUNE 8thSpecial Class Reunions.,(The Sing and Ball Game will not'be held as originally planned.)SATURDAY, JUNE 9th11 :00 Alumnae Breakfast-.'Ida Noyes Hall.1 :30 Conference Meet­. Stagg Field.5':00 Military Drill­Stagg Field.6:00 General Alumni, DinnerHutchinson Commons7 :30 Ceneral Sing­Hutchinson Court.8: 15 Presentation of Stagg, Portrait-.-Mandel Hall.8:30 General Announcements.8:45' Vaudeville.SUNDAY, JUNE 10th10:45' Convocation Religious" ,. ..'Service,MONDAY, JUNE 11th10 :00-4 :00 Class Day Events.8:30 Convocation Reception.im';�n��f;"t0tc���ad�)�njOy,-the Magazine _. _I'_. Convo��ti6nTIay: -"I surely am glad tosend in my money for Charles A. Huston, '02,the alumni magazine, for I am prouder of Convocation Orator.it each issue and welcome it more than anyother magazine."-Indianapolis. I>By Lyman Atwell, Chicago Herald.-General Joffre and M. Viviani With President Judson on May 5The University .of Chicago'Magazine:' ) ,VOLUME IX JUNE, 1917Events and DiscussionIn spite of all efforts to prevent it, thenational situation has cut .into Reunionplans, with 'the resultthat at I e a st' t w oevents have been defi­nitelyabandoned. TheInterfraternity Council, in a moment of in­, tense patriotism, if that is the proper term,. voted. to abandon the Interfraternity Sing.With the undergraduate chapters not work­ing for-the success of that event, the AlumniCommittee in charge at once realized thatif would be a very difficult matter to makethe affair a success, The naturalsequel. ofI this change in plans was the calling off ofthe baseball game, between the alumni ofthe University of Lllinois and the Universityof Chicago, the Athletic Department feel­ing that the attendance at the game wouldnot' be large enough to warrant- the troubleand expense of carrying it through.. So far the actual, number of undergrad-- uates who have left the University has notbeen very. large. The abandoning' of the'.Sing was due more to the absence of desirefor that sort of thing on the part of under­graduates than to actual inability to makethe affair a success._ The program as revised at a' meeting ofthe .Reunion Committee on . May 21 nowstands -, as follows; Thursday, June 7, "C"dinner, -Hutchinson cafe. This event will.- be held as in other years, except that alar-ge number of "C" men are now in Ithetraining camp 'at Fort Sheridan and there-,fore will be .unable to 'attend. No eventsThe ReunionPlans . are scheduled for Friday, June 8. TheAlumnae breakfast will be heid as was orig­inally planned at'11 :00,' Saturday morning,June ',9, at Ida Noyes Hall. Reservationsshould be sent to' Miss Dorothy Edwards,5601 W oodlawn avenue, or· to the Alumnioffice. The Conference Meet will be heldon Stagg Field at 1 :,30, all proceeds beingdevoted to the ,War Wor�, Fund of theY. M. C. A. At the clo�e of themeet, therewill be a patriotic display and drill .in whichthe Undergraduate e- Regiment and 'theAlumni Battalion will take part. The Gen­eral .Alumn] Dinner, with. classes: sitting ingroups, will be held at 6 :0'0 in HutchinsonCommons and will he followed by a GeneralSing in Hutchinson Court. After the con­clusion of the Sing the crowd will adjournto Mandel Hall, where a portrait. of Mr.Stagg will' ,be presented to the University.General announcements of interest to thealumni 'will be made following the presenta­tion, and' then a short vaudeville under thedirection of the' Class of '16 will be pre­sented, thus ending the formal Reunion pro­gram.The charge for the di_nner will be $-1.00...Reservations should be sept to, the Alumni.Office, An admission charge 'of 50 cents�i11 be made to. the vaudeville, ali. 'of thereturns being given 'to the Woman's WarAid of the University of. Chicago.. A state­ment of the purpose of that body, as sub­mitted by the secretary, is found elsewherein this issue,322. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWill not all alumni who are now servingthe country in any capacity connected withthe war let the AlumniMen in Office know at onceService where they are andwhat they are doing?And-will not any of you who .know of suchmen also notify us ? We have no way ofdiscovering these men except by personalnotification. And yet at present these factsare perhaps more vitally interesting to thealumni .body as a whole than any others.The office will keep 'such information sepa­rate, complete' and accessible, and the MAGA­ZINE of course will publish it as it comes in,If, as most people believe, we are in for along struggle, the absolute necessity of sucha record is obvious. Please co-operate atonce and fully!-Subscriptions from the alumni for theambulance to be sent to the French frontfrom the University·of Chicago totaled$555, from the. follow­ing thirty-nine men, inamounts ranging from $5 'to $25: Old Uni­versity-Frank A Helmer, Dr. John Rid-lon, Dr. John E. Rhodes. New University-Arthur C. Allyn, Burt Brown Barker,William Scott Bond, Scott Brown, ·W. RoyCarney, Percy B. Davis, Ed. R. Ferris,Harry W. Ford, Charles F. Glore, ArthurGoes, Roy C. Griswold, E. T. Gundlach,John F. Hagey, _ Huntington Henry, Win­ston Henry, Ralph Hobart, Harold Ickes,Arthur Johnson, Roy D. Keehn, B. C. Lin­gle, Herbert 1. Markham, Lee Maxwell,John P. 'Mentzer, Stacy Mosser, HerbertMulford, Walker G. McLaury, Frank Mc­Nair Donald S. McWilliams, Ralph Norton,Don�ld R. Richberg, Ernest E. Quantrell,James M. Sheldon, Albert Sherer, ClarenceSills, Calvin Smith, J. Elmer Thomas. Ifthere had been time and office force to sendout requests to the alumni generally, it wasobvious that a large sum could have beenraised. As only $500 was asked from thealumni, letters were sent to a limited few.The whole fund' has been raised, but stu­dent subscriptions, which were mostly ofa dollar or less, are somewhat slow. in 'pay­ment, and if any of the aiumni_ who havenot had their share in the fund will sendThe AmbulanceFund checks to the editor of the Magazine he canassure them that it will be gratefully appre­ciated.To: the University of Michigan alumniand former students over 45,000 question­naires on possibili-War ties for war serviceQuestionnaires were sent out in April,and by May 1 over25,000 replies had been received. Collatingand classifying these replies has occupiedpractically every afternoon of some thirtyor forty girl volunteers (undergraduate) andthe evenings of a considerable number ofmen, also volunteers. Ordinarily not morethan fifteen or twenty replies can be han­dled in an hour, yet up to May 15 about15 000 had been classified. The problem oftaking care of the replies to our own alumni.questionnaire is still unsettled. More thana thousand answers were received by May20, and they were averaging about 1�50 permail. Meanwhile, however, all alumni whohave not signed up these blanks are urg­ently requested to do so at once.Early in Mayan open letter to PresidentWilson placed upon the bulletin board in. .Harper Library for"If This Be, signatures, a n d_ i nTreason"-- substance requestingthe President to 'pro­pose to, the various powers definite termsfor peace, was so multilated that the author,G. Walter Lawrence, a student in the Divin­ity School, was forced to prepare' a freshcopy. The signatures appended to this copywere almost exclusively noms de plumes',such as 1. M. Deutch, Judas Iscariot andBenedict Arnold. As a reflection of under­graduate opinion the incident was' interest­ing rather than conclusive.According to the Buildings and GroundsDepartment more than two hundred indi­viduals were allottedPlots and plots 'of ground forPlotters gardening purposes, inaccordance with theplan set forth in the May issue of the MAGA­ZINE. The ground under cultivation includesVinc�nt Field, at 57th street and UniversityEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONavenue ; land at the southwest co�ner of58th street and Ingleside avenue; land atthe southwest corner of 58th street andDrexel avenue; land on 59th street betweenMaryland and Cottage Grove avenue; thesouthwest 'corner of 59th street and Drexelavenue; land ori Sixtieth street between Cot­tage Grove and Drexel avenues: land onIngleside avenue from 61st street to the stu­dio of Lorado Taft. As no provision hasbeen so far made for supply water to thesevarious plots, prospects for good crops arenot as bright as they might be" but withthe co-operation of the city it is hoped thatthis difficul ty may be overcome. IRegistration for the Spring Quarter showsan increase over that for the, same quartera year ago. In theAttendance Graduate School ofArts and Literatureare 182 men and 165 women, a total of 347;'and in the Ogden Graduate School of Sci­ence 235 men and 61 women enrolled, atotal of 296, making a total for the Gradu­ate Schols of' 643. In the' Senior Collegesthere are 482 men and 395 women, a' totalof 8.77; and in the Junior Colleges 624 menand 440 women, a total of 1,064. The totalfor the' Colleges, including the unclassifiedstudents, is 2,038. In' the ProfessionalSchools there are 187 Divinity students, 202Medical students, 241 Law students, and353 students of Education, a total of 983.Exclusive of', duplications. the total num­ber 'of -men -in the University for the SpringQuarter' is 1,928 and of women 1 476 mak­ing a total of 3,404, an increas�' of 32'8 overthe quarter a year, ago. In University Col­lege (downtown) the total enrollment forthis. quarter is .791, an increase of 1-40. Thegrand total. for the U niversity is therefore4,195, and the total increase over the �ttend­'ance a year ago is �68.By action of the Board or Trustees therates of tuition of the University ha�,e been.raised f r o m $40 aqua r t e r for threecourses to' $50 a quar­ter for three courses.The fourth course as before is to be $15'extra. The fee for a single major in the col-HigherFees 323leges has been raised from $15 to $25. Therat�s of tuition in correspondence work willremain for the present· unchanged. Thisadvance in the prices of tuition, which hasbeen previously discussed in the MAGAZINE,'is still, of course, a long way from meetingthe actual cost of tuition of every student.It still leaves the tuition fees of the U ni­versity below the fees of most Eastern uni­versities of its educational standing. Inconjunction with the unsettled condition ofthe country, it is thought likely that theincrease will result in some diminution ofthe attendance for the Summer Quarter.Thirteen undergraduates completed a nor­mal program in the University with themaximum number ofgrade points in. theWinter Quarter. Two,Vesper Schlenker and Alice Stone, carriedfour majors with a grade of A in each. Oneother: Ernest Zeisler, carried four majorswith a total 'of twenty-three grade points.The other ten students completing theirprograms with a grade of A were: Ada Cole,Florence Olson, Esther Sable, Arthur Baer,'Edward Blankenstein, Rosemary Carr, AI�fred Dorjahn, Marie Farnsworth; -EleanorBooher, James Toigo. -Twenty-five students completed at leastthree majors each with seventeen gradepoints. Eightg-two completed three majorseach with fifteen grade points. The totalnumber of students with grade of A- orbetter on three majors was 166, out of aregistration of 2,534, as compared' �ith 155out of 2,255 in the, corresponding quarter ofthe preceding, -year. Of the' total number,97' were men and �7- were women. Eightwere registered in the school of Commerceand Administration, fourteen in the college;of Education, and i44 in the colleges of Art,Literature, 'and Science.Excelsior_.)Francis Wayland Shepardson �has been ap­pointed by Governor Lowden of IllinoisDirector 'of Registra­Professor Shepard- tion and Educationson _Leaves' for the state. Regis ..tration and Educationis one of the nine departments of the recon­structed -Hlinois government. _ The field 'Ofthis department is very large.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Registration part relates to the va­rious boards of examiners for all of thosepersons for whom the state requires a li­cense, such as physicians, druggists, den-tists, etc. On the education side.. the w�rkis quite inclusive; the five normal schools,the state geological survey, the state mu­seum of natural history, the state study in'botany, zoology, entomology, bacteriology,and a great deal of similar work heretoforedone by separate boards but ],lOW broughtunder one department.Professor Shepardson, after graduatingfrom Denison University in 1882, took anA. B. the following year at Brown. Hetaught four years at Granville, Ohio, and'then for three years was editor" of the Gran­ville Times. In 1892 he received his Doc­tprate of Philosophy from Yale University,and came to Chicago at the opening of theUniversity in the fall of'1892, and has beenconnected with it ever since. ,Besides hiswork 'as Assistant Instructor, and AssociateProfessor of History, he has been at dif­ferent times Secretary to the President, Sec­retary to' the Lecture Study Department ofthe Extension Division, acting Recorder, andDean of the Senior Colleges. Few, if any,'of the' members of the faculty have beenmore intimately connected with the under­graduate work of the University than Pro­fessor Shepardson. ' Every member of BetaTheta Pi anywhere in the United Statesknows him and his work for the fraternity,and his influence in the general developmentof fraternity life in general throughout thecountry. Professor Shepardson has alwaysbeen a good Republican and he is an old per-sonal friend of' Governor Lowden, but hispresent appointment reflects only' his .intelli­gent interest. in the problems of education. inthe state, and is as suitable a selection, theeditor of the MAGAZINE ventures to state, asany that could possibly have been made.During the year 191q;.,16 Professor Shepard-son contributed a series of articles to theMagazine on 'phases of the history of theUniversity, in its early days that probablydid more, to build up the circulation of theMAGAZINE than any other single feature. . Charles Riborg Mann, Associate Profes-sor of Physics in the University, 'who hasbeen for two years onleave of absence from.the University in con­nection with researchwork for the Carnegie Foundation for theAdvancement of Teaching, has been' invitedby the president of the Massachusetts Insti­tute of Technology to act as chairman ofa newly organized committee, the purposeof which is to inquire into the methods' ofinstruction used iri the Institute and to sug-.gest any possible changes for' betterment.In view of the importance of this work Dr.Mann has resigned his position in' the De­partment of Physics at the University "ofChicago, and his resignation will take effecton Sep-tember 30, 1917. His new, positionwill be that of director of, educational re-,search in the' Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. .Professor MannResignso skar Gross of Chicago has been selected'to paint the portrait of Mr. Stagg, funds- forwhich were recently'raised a m.o n g thealumni, and sittingsare now going on. Mr.Stagg will he shown outdoors, in character­istic outdoor costume, possibly with one �fthe University buildings as a background.The portrait will be three-quarter, length;' Itis planned to present it 'in connection withthe exercises of Alumni Day, June 9, and, tohang itpermanently in the Trophy Room 'ofBartlett Gymnasium. It has been proposedthat reproductions of the portrait be madeand sold to alumni who desire them. Thecommittee (Wm. Scott Bond '97,25 N. Dear­born Street, chairman) would welcome sug-gestions concerning this plan. ' .The Portraitof Mr. St�ggThe May number of the Chicago .LiteraryMagazine was an Alumni number. It in-,eluded an article onAlumni in "Lectures" by J. W;the Lit. Linn, '97, and' shortstories by C. H.­Grabo, '03, "Rip J Van Arden"; and HermanDeutsch, '09, Ph. D e • 1915, "After Thirty.'-'·Mr. Grabo is an instructor in the Depart- ;ment of English and' the author' of .The.Amateur Philosopher, a selection of whichEVJ3,NTS AND DISCUSSION 325appeared in thee April issue of the Magazine.Mr. Deutsch is news editor of the CivilService News and is also connected with theChicago Daily Journal. Robert Barton, '16,contributed' an essay on "The Simple Proc-ess of Becoming an Old Grad." Mr. Bar­ton is now in N�'w 'York as an 'associateeditor of Leslie's, Weekly. There were alsotwo poems, one by Harold Van Kirk, '16,"After Reading from Marlowe and Swift,":and the other by Hilmar Baukhage, '11. Mr.Van Kirk is, now at, Ft. Sheridan in 'theR. O. T. c., and Mr. Baukhage is in the ad­vertising - department of the ' Leslie-JudgePublishing Compa'ny of New York.TheN aples Table Association for Promot­ing Laboratory Research by Women an­nounces the offer ofThe RichardsResearch Prize a ninth prize of onethousand dollars forthe best thesis writtenby an American woman, qn, a scientific sub-j ect. _ This thesis must embody new 0 bser­vations and new conclusions based on inde­pendent laboratory research in biological(including psychological), chemical, or phys­ical science. Papers published as 'a wholebefore' 1916 'are .not eligible. Theses pre­sented for a Ph. D'. degree are not eligible.The theses offered: in, competition are to bepresented to the Executive Committee ofthe Association and must be in the hands ofthe Chairman of the Committee on the Prize,Dr. Lillian Welsh, Goucher College, Balti­more, Md., before February 25, 1918. Thetide page. of' each manuscript must. bear anassumed name; and the writer imust sendwith her manuscript, a sealed envelope con­taining her application blank and super-.scribed, with her assumed name. The Asso­ciation reserves -the right to withhold theprize, 'if the theses presented are' not, in thejudgment of the regularly appointed Board .of 'Examiners, or by such specialists as ·theymay choose, of adequate merit to deservethe award.' The decision will be announcedat the annual meeting in April, 1918. The,Board of Examiners is: Biological 'sciences:D�. ' William' 'H. Howell, Johns Hopki'ns.-Medical School; Dr. Florence Sabin, JohnsHopkins .Medical School; Chemical sciences:Dr. 'Elmer P. Kohler, Harvard: University; Physical S'ciences': Dr. Henry Crew, North­western University. '.In April, 1911, this prize was named theEllen Richards Research Prize, in recogni­tion of the devoted service of Mrs. Richardsas Chairman of the Committee on the Prizesince its appointment in 1900. Requests forapplication blanks should be addressed tothe Secretary, Ada Wing Mead (Mrs. A. D.),283 Wayland Avenue, Providence, R. LMichigan is to come back into the Con­ference. The Board of Regents at its Aprilmeeting passed thefollowing resolution:"I t is the sense ofthe Board of Regentsthat athletic competition with the members.of the Western Intercollegiate Conferencewill be for the best interests of the U niver­sity of Michigan; therefore be itResolved, That the actions of the Boardof Control of Athletics shall be reported tothe Senate Council of the University andthat the, Senate Council is hereby v-estedwith power of veto over the actions of ,theBoard in Control of Athletics. 'The scarcely' percegtible ripple which thisaction produced even in the somewhat shal­low pool of the sporting page is indicativeof the general attitude toward college ath­letics at the present time .. Nearly three col-.lege generations have passed without seeinga Michigan team in action against her nat­ural rivals. 'But the long-drawn-out mistakeis now -a matter of history only. . When thewar is over we may look forward to a re-.newal of associations whichwere to Chicagoin the past perhaps the most stimulating andexciting in the whole field .of athletic compe­tition. Michigan will win' more' victories,it is probable than we; all the more oppor­tunity or contemplating with philosophicaldelight that interesting phenomenon, the ex­pression of the Michigan spirit in exultation.AchillesReturns'Meanwhile the 'Conferen�e authoritieshave decided to go' on with the intercol-legiate meet, which-will be held June 9th,on Stagg Field. Allthe proceeds 'over- ex­penses will b� devoted- to the War· 'Reliefwork of the Young Men's Christian Asso­ciation. Some famous: rivals will b� missingThe Conferencein War-Time326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�particular1y Wisconsin, 'winner the lasttwo years in succession. Other teams alsowill be weakened. But the decision of theConference will in all probability be gener­ally approved. The business of the ordinaryundergraduate at present is to go on withhis mental and physical development untilor unless he is called to service. The feel­ing that everything should be subservient tothe needs of the country is right; but that isnot to say that ordinary activities should beabandoned. If the country, as charged, isnot awake to the realization that we are actu­ally in a desperate, an incomparably mur­derous, and probably a long conflict, the set­ting aside of the normal and reasonable rou­tine of life in the colleges is neverthelessnot going to accomplish anything. Indivi­duals must make their own decisions, asCharles Higgins, '19, the best athlete at Chi­cago, has made his. Too young for draft,he has enlisted in Red Cross work. But heawaits his summons; until it comes, he isgoing about his daily affairs, which includepractice in field sports. Alumni may attendthe Conference meet in full confidence thatthose who are in charge of it are workingin harmony with the' expressed belief ofPresident' Wilson, and that their admissionfee will be turned directly to an absolutelyessential service. A suggestion made through the MAGAZINEand by letters sent out to alumni all overthe co u n try, thatJune 9 be observed asChicago Night by allwho could not meetChicagoNight- in Mandel Hall, has met with immediate ap­proval from all quarters. Harold Swift, thechairman of the Alumni Clubs Committee ofthe Council, has received a large number ofletters from alumni assuring him of their de­sire to co-operate in' making the affair a suc­cess. The 'July number of the MAGAZINEwill contain as complete an account as pos­sible of the various meetings.A slightly different type form is em­ployed in this issue of the. Magazine andwill be continued. Itsaves paper by allow­ing more material tothe page; and it is be­lieved it also improves our appearance. Thecomparative preponderance of war news inthis issue is perhaps hardly to be apologizedfor. It is almost inevitable. Informationrather than general comment is probablywhat is wanted at the moment.A Changein FormThe French Mission at the UniversityThe French Mission to the United Statesvisited the University on May 5. No eventfor many years has aroused so much ap­parent, interest .on the quadrangles, yet thereis little to record. The members of themission, including ex-Premier Viviani andMarshal Joffre, were first received by, Presi­dent Judson and Mrs. Judson at the Presi­,dent's House, and were then conducted be­tween double lines of the Reserve Officers'Training Corps and the Ambulance Corpsacross the quadrangles to the Reynolds Clubwhere they were received by the Presidentand the Board of Trustees. Following thereception, a luncheon was served in Hutchin�son Hall for the members of the Mission,the trustees, faculties, and administrativeofficers of the University, some two hundred in all. Of the faculties, all ranking as as­sociate .professors or above were invited,and all members of the departinent of Ro­mance Languages. President Judson- wel­corned the visitors and M. Rene Viviani,French Minister of Justice, responded. Thegreatest enthusiasm, of course, centeredaround General Joffre; next to him in popu-lar estimation probably was Col. Fabry,the "Blue Devil of France." General Joffrecould not, however, be induced to speak.Presiden t � Judson in his address' referred tothe fact that among the Convocation Ora­tors of the University and recipients of itshonorary degree of Doctor of Laws, have"been M. Jules Cambon and His ExcellencyJ. J. J usserand, French Ambassador to theU nited States.THE UNIVERSITY AND THE WAR, 327The University 'and the WarMore than a hundred men from the fra­ternities of the University have entered onebranch or another of national service, in­cluding the army, the navy, the marines, thesignal corps, the ambulance corps, RedCross work and Y. M. C. A. war work.,Three from one chapter, Alpha Delta Phi,have been accepted for the aviation service,John J. Seerley, Jr.,' a sophomore; LionelTefft, junior, and William H. Vail, a fresh­man. Those who have been tentatively ac­cepted for service in the marines includeex-Captain P. W. Jackson of Psi Upsilon;J. McBrayer Sellers, Beta Theta Pi; Hamil­ton Walter; Alpha Delta Phi, and H. N.Potter of Delta' C4L Others who expect tojoin the marines are Owen Wilson of BetaTheta Pi and Fred C. Lusk of Alpha TauOmega.' At Fort Sheridan are from Phi. Kappa Psi, Gordon Heggie, Hans Norgren,Walter Schafer and Edward Orr. From BetaTheta Pi is' Harris Cox ;' from Alpha DeltaPhi, William Templeton; from Sigma Chi,Willis Craig; 'from Phi Kappa Sigma, JamesEvans', Sumner Veazey, Carl Hoffman andRoy Montgomery; from Siga Alpha Epsilon,Andrew Dallstream and Claire Gurney; fromKappa Sigma, Harold Huls, John Moormanand Earl Ketcham; from Psi Upsilon, How­ard Copley; from Delta Tau Delta, BryanRadcliffe, and from- Delta Upsilon, GeorgeSetzer and Francis Broomell. To the Ameri­can Ambulance Corps, Beta Theta Pi hassent Francis Johnson and Roland More;Delta Kappa Epsilon, Buell Hutchinson,'David Annan" Thomas Gentles, Norman. Smith, Roland Campbell and William Gem­mill; Alpha Delta Phi, Gale Willard; Sigrna .Alph� Epsilon, Arthur /Foster; Psi Upsilon,Arthur Rogers and Donald Anderson; DeltaTau, Delta, Jewell Whyte; .Alpha TauOmega, Fred Heubenth�l, Paul Heilman,Arne) Uhlhorn, Roland Moser, Erwin Cope,A. J. Ascher and Harry Comer; Phi GammaDelta, -Robert Redfield, Jr. For all branchesof the service Phi Kappa Psi has' sent or issending. ten men; Beta Theta Pi, eleven:Alpha Delta Phi, fourteen; Sigma Chi, thir-'teen; Delta Kappa Epsilon, nine; Chi Psi"three; Phi Kappa Sigma, seven; Sigma AI­phaEpsilon, four; Phi Gamma Deltavthree ;Kappa Sigma, five; Psi Upsilon, six; Delta Tau Delta, two; Delta Upsilon, four; SigmaNu, one; Alpha Tau Omega, twelve; DeltaChi, four; Acacia, four. So far as is knownthe only undergraduates who have' enlistedas privates in the regular army are CharlesW. Overholt, a sophomore from Delta Chi,formerly a student at the University ofArkansas, and Williani Patchell, a junior,who is a member of the same' fraternity.This list, which is largely taken from theDaily Maroon of. May 18th, is incompleteand in all probability to some extent inac­curate, but it represents the substance ofthe! information now available.In view of the fact that so many of themembers of fraternities have left or areleaving for war service, a plan was sug­gested by the Interfraternity Coun.cil forconserving the strength of all chapters, inthe autumn. It. proposed to make arrange­ments whereby men of chapters not owninghouses might board and lodge in other chap­ter houses and to limit the number of meneach fraternity should pledge to six in theAutumn Quarter and one or two additionalin each succeeding quarter of the year. Nofinal action was taken and the plan is stillin abeyance, but the sentiment of the meet­ing seemed to be opposed to its adoption.Up to_ May 5�h the number of studentsfrom various western colleges who had ap­plied for places at Fort Sheridan or othermilitary training camps was as follows:University of Illinois, 393.University of Chicago, 202.University of Michigan, 200 .University of Wisconsin, 175.,Purdue University, 175.Considering the fact that Chicago hasnever had military training classes, and itscomparatively small undergraduate attend­ance, this is considered a remarkable show­ing.Base Hospital Unit No. 12 sailed forFrance on the Mongolia on May 12th. Dr.Kellogg Speed, '01, was one of the threephysicans in charge, with the rank of major.Norman Cahn, '17, center fielder, half-backand last. year librarian of the Reynolds Club,and ten other undergraduates were on theunit .. The accident which killed two nurses328 THE UNIVE�SITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.and injured a third, necessitating the Mon­golia's return to America, left the Chicagorrien unharmed. Forty-six un dergraduateshave signed for Units Nos. 13 and 14, aswell as various alumni, among them Law­rence Mac Gregor, '16, assistant alumni sec­retary. Unit No. 13 will probably be sentabroad about July 1.lAn ambulance company has been organ­ized at the University under the directionof the American Red Cross,' and to beknown as Ambulance Company No.3. Thelocal chapter of the Red Cross has set asidefunds for the equipment of the company.Two motor ambulances, complete fieldequipment, quartermaster and. medical sup­plies, and uniforms for the men are fur­nished. A hospital sergeant, who will beof great assistance in the training of thecompany in field work, will be detailed tothe company. The University assumes re­sponsibility for the- company.All the officers of the company are mem­bers of the medical school faculty. Thecompany consists of ninety-one officers andmen and . will be organized and drilled inthe same manner as ambulance companiesin the, medical department of the UnitedStates Army. Obligation for service is fortwo years. In case of need the companywill be turned over to the War Departmentas a unit and will maintain its identity andrank as a company. I t is planned to makethis ambulance company a permanent or­ganization from year to year so long as thepresent unsettled condition of internationalaffairs obtains.The officers of the company are CaptainElbert Clark, who is Assistant Professor ofAnatomy in the University and a graduateof Rush Medical College, and LieutenantsJames Patterson, A. G. Bower, C. F. Wattsand E. F. Hirsch.. The membership is fulland there is already a waiting list. Dailydrill and medical instruction began May 14,as well as special courses in conversationalFrench, under the general direction of Pro­fessor E. H. Wilkins. According to recentinformation the company will go to Franceas soon as it is fully organized and drilled-�tobably June � --Forty-three per cent of the undergr'ld-'uate male students of the, University weredrilling on May 7th, according to the re­sults of a questionnaire 'Circulated by the -Un- dergraduate Council at the various chapelexercises_ the first week in May. 360 menreplied that they were engaged in militarydrill and 480 were not. Of those who werenot, 49 said that college work interfered,65 that outside work interfered, and 42merely that they had no time, without fur­ther specification. Fourteen declared thatathletic work prevented and - four gaveBlackfriars as an excuse. The other rea­sons for not taking the work included phys­ical disability, membership in the MedicalSchool, membership in the AmbulanceCorps, previous enrollment for service, andalien citizenship, which was cited by 15. Inanswer to a further question regarding will­ingness to drop all college work and gointo a camp for the summer, 290 said yes,174 were undecided, and 359 said no.Martin H. Bickham, executive secretaryof the University Y. M. Co A., and four­students of the University early in Maytook up the duties' of secretaries in theY. M. C. A. headquarters at the GreatLakes Naval Training Station at Lake Bluff,Ill. They will have charge of the first oftwo buildings to be erected -at the stationby the association to provide facilities forthe entertainment of 21,000 men who aresoon to be quartered at the camp. Mr.Bickham, who will serve as executive secre­tary of the association at the station, issupervising the erection of the first largehall. Both halls will,' be finished withinthirty days. Mr. Bickham will continue hiswork at the University for the present.The University students who will serve.as undersecretaries- to Mr. Bickham are:Fred Wise, '17; Frank Torell, '18; Edwin B.Chappell, a graduate student in the Chicago.Theological Seminary, and a fourth man tobe 'selected from among twenty-seven vol­unteers. Their work will be entirely at thestation and. will require all of their time.Twenty-seven students have volunteeredto serve in the other buildings to be erectedat the naval station .and at the other mobili­zation camps in the state.Samuel G. A. Rogers, M. A., '16; ArthurW. Rogers, '18; Paul C. Rogers, '20, withtheir younger brother, Horatio R. Rogers,of Evanston High School, the four sons ofRev. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers of Evanston,Ill., have 'all enlisted for service. Paul is inBattery C, the older - brothers are in theTHE UNIVERSITY AND THE WARAmerican Ambulance Corps, and the young­est is in the Mosquito Fleet.At Fort Sheridan are Frank Templeton,'10, Stewart Tem..pleton (Williams, '12) andWilliam Templeton, '17, all the brothers ofone house. Frank was captain of the base­ball team in his senior year.The following statement was sent out onMay 16th to all instructors of the U niver­sity:According to action of the Faculty, stu­dents who are leaving college to enter mili­tary or ambulance service of the UnitedStates or its Allies will receive at the closeof the quarter such credit as they might beexpected (on the basis of their registrationand previous record) to r eceive had theyremained in residence. This arrangementis a utoma tic.Students who are leaving college for otherreasons connected with the present nationalcrisis, or who are dropping certain of theircourses at the middle of the quarter in orderto add work in military training, may receivecredit according to the provisions stated be- -low. The particular procedure is to be de­termined by the student in conference withthe instructor, and should be reported inwriting to the Bureau of Records. Testsand examinations will be conducted by theinstructor in private arrangement with thestudent, and only the results need be re­ported to the Bureau.1. The student may take such test as theinstructor prescribes and on this and hisdaily work receive one-half major of credit.This test may be postponed until the end ofthe quarter and be given in connection withthe final examination, or it - may be givenat once under such conditions as the in­structor may direct.2. Credit for one-half major may be givenprovisionally, dependent. upon the comple­tion of the cour-se in residence in some fu­ture quarter.3. Credit for one-half major may be givenprovisionally, dependent upon the comple­tion of the course by correspondence.4. In English 1 .and 3 the Departmentwill allow students, whose standing is sat­isfactory, to make up the work in absentia.James R. Angell,Dean.The "other reasons" herein mentioned in-clude such things as farm work, Y. M. C. A.'York, and work in business undertaken di-.rectly as a result of the present crisis. It isnot possible at the present to make any defi­nite statement of the number of men whohave left the University for these variousreasons, but the MAGAZINE expects to be. ableto present a full list later.Seventy· men have dropped their other 329university work and enrolled for a train­ing course in Stores Service, now beinggiven under the general direction of DeanL. C. Marshall of the College of Commerceand Administration. The course began May18. It is given under the auspices and atthe request of the Council of National De­fense and has received the unofficial en­dorsement of General Crozier, Chief of Ord­nance, and of Colonel Burr, in charge ofordnance work in the Central" Departmentof the Army. I ts purpose is to start thetraining' of men who will be needed in StoresService work, particularly in the OrdnanceDepartment. Dean Marshall's preliminarystatement said:"N 0 final promise of positions for men sotrained can be given at this time. Notice,however, that the Council of National De­fen.se says this matter has been consideredand that there is every reason to believemore men will be needed than can possiblybe supplied; that a large number may betaken on for further training at ordnancetraining schools ·in connection with regu­lar training camps. Colonel Burr writes thatunquestionab-ly several hundred men will berequired and that the trained men would begiven preference. Since legislation has notbeen passed on this subject, no definitestatement can be made concerning the rankof men. accepted. The possibilities are (a)as civilians under civil service regulations(b) as privates, (c) as ordnance sergeant�and above. On this matter, the Council ofNational Defense says: 'Those fitted for itto be mustered in as ordnance sergeantsand above.'"The tentative schedule of work is as fol-lows: .All men will take numbers 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.Numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 will be assigned accord­ing to individual need.Hours Weeks1. Governmental Control Sys-tems (Frazer) 24 12. Statistics as an Instrument.of Control (Field)... . . . 3 8. 3. Accounting as an Instru-ment of Control. . . . . . . . 3 84. Modern Business Organi-zation (Marshall) 3 85. Army Organization andRegulations (Spencer).. 3 86. Transportation (Marshall) 6 27. Stores Keeping (Simons). 10 68. Summary on Forms' andBlanks (Frazer) 19. Field Work throughout thecourse with possibilityof intensification at theend... ... .. .. . . . ... . . . .? 910. Military Drill (Bell)...... 12 9THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe class has been divided into squads ofnine men. Each group has a corporal (ap­pointed by Major B�l1) and a foreman _(ap­pointed by Dean Marshall). The corporal,of course, works in conjunction with themilitary drill, the foreman as general squadleader and intermediary in study and 'dis­cussion, on field trips, and in reporting in­dividual efficiency. The course, which lasts9 weeks, ancL requires the full time of all itsmembers, filled immediately upon its an­nouncement.Military training has been - announced for'summer quarter; students may register forthree majors in military science and tactics.The work will be offered by the Universityas one of the regular branches of the cur­riculum, students having the option of reg­istering for one, two or three majors. Mennow enrolled in the Reserve Officers' Train­ing Corps may register for three major s,which will take approximately as much oftheir time as three science laboratorycourses, and by the end of the summerquarter they will have completed the num­ber of hours of work specified by the gov­ernment in its outline for the four years'R. O. T. C. course. They may then be rec­ommended for commissions.The work will be of two classes. Thetheoretical work will consist ot" lecturehours, of varying number, according to thenumber of majors of work for which a stu­dent is' registered. The practical work, orlaboratory side of the training, will be drillon Stagg field, -going through the school ofthe soldier, the school of the squad, and onto the work of handling companies and bat­talions. The a-m will be under the directionof the present organization, headed by Colo­nel Leland B. .Morgan, '18, the other officers'continuing in the positions they now holduntil they go into one branch or anotherof active service. The theoretical work willcontinue to be directed by Major Bell, theundergraduate officers assisting in lecturesand seminar .work on minor tactics, mapreading, camp sanitation and hygiene, andother theoretical- work necessary for thetraining of a successful officer.The action of the University i� addingthese courses to its curriculum makes itpossible for a man to receive something ofthe same training, on the South Side as is being received by the men who are now atFort Sheridan .. Arrangements have beenmade whereby a large number of targetson the Fort Sheridan range will be avail­able for .University students on Saturdaysand Sundays throughout the summer, andalthough no official announcement to theeffect has been made, it is quite possiblethat there will be week-end trips into thecountry for the purpose of working outproblems in tactics, The announcement ofthe summer courses has particular signifi­cance for University men who were not ableto attend the Fort Sheridan camp.A committee on University service in thewar, composed of fifteen members of thefaculty, has been appointed by PresidentJudson. The purpose of the body is to de­vise ways and means by which the resourcesof the University and the University menmay be most effectively utilized in the pres­ent war.The .members of the committee are: DeanShailer Mathews, head of the DivinitySchool, chairmanjProf. Andrew McLaugh­line, History; Prof, James Hayden Tufts,Philosophy; Prof. James' Parker Hall, Deanof the Law School: Associate ProfessorWalter Dodd, Political Science; Prof. EdgarGoodspeed; Prof. Albion Small, Sociology;Prof. Nathaniel Butler, Education; Prof.William Gardner Hale; Dean James Row­land Angell; Associate Professor JamesField and Assistant Professor 'Harold G.. Moulton, Political Econorny ; Assistant Pro..;fessor'Samuel Harper; Assistant ProfessorHenri David; Associate Professor John PaulGood, Geography.The committee has not yet -deterrninedupon any definite plan of action, but amongthe possible propaganda are public lecturesand pamphlets upon the issues and sugges­tions of the war, and 'questionnaires to besent out to determine for what service theUniversity students are best fitted. They'will probably also collect and preserve alldata concerning the part played by the U ni­versity and its students in the war. Sub:committees for aiding the work of the mainbody will probably he appointed later.The Women's War Aid of the Universityof Chicago, which has just been formedthrough the efforts of Mrs. Harry PrattJudson and others, includes a body of gen-AT F0RT SHERIDANeral officers and groups of members, each�group having its own officers. The purposeof the organization is to co-ordinate . thevarious activities which may be -carr ied onby the women of. the University faculty, int4e University families, among the students, 'and among neighbors and friends of theUniversity, in. the interest of helping in_various ways toward the war. The officersare: President, Mrs. Harry Pratt j udson ;first vice-president, Mrs. Fran.k H. Mont­gomery; second vice ... president, Miss Eliza­beth W allace ; treasurer, Mrs.· Eliakim H.Moore; recording secretary, Mrs. J ames R.Angell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Rich­ard G. Moulton. The Women's War Aidhas already had two large general meetingsand three executive committee meetings, andthe groups already incorporated in the or­.ganization include the .Needlework Guild, 331the University branch of the "FatherlessChildren of France," the Hyde Park BaptistChurch of Chicago, a branch of the A�eri­can Red Cross, the University of, ChicagoSettlement League, "The Ida NoyesGroup,"which Mr. La Verne .N oyes is giving specialsupport; and the Alumnae Group, Withinthree days over �two thousand dollars wasraised for the: purposes of the new' organi­zation, which is expected to be of very' greatservice in promoting unity and effectivenessof effort. " •One hundred and thirty women of the. University have registered for work in First,Aid, ninety for S?cial Service in War Time,twenty-five tor Food Conservation and Pro­duction, and twenty-five for voluntary InfantWelfare work. Several other groups ofwomen have already enrolled and are beingorganized.At Fort SheridanThe Reserve Officers' Training Camp at �Fort Sheridan is apparently totally unguard­ed. Perhaps there are armed guards sta­tioned high in the. watch 'tower, perhapsfrom clumps of. shrubbery or from barrackswindows rifles are trained upon the unsus­pecting guest, but in appearance the campis on a peace footing. Farther north, alongthe lake shore, the Great Lakes TrainingStation is patrolled day and night by 'armedguards, but the Sheridan- camp is so easyof access that it makes getting into football. practice on Stagg field. seem like stormingthe Bastlle. .No restrictions are placed "on the move­ments of guests or on the use of cameras.Anyone who cares to have photographs of,the camp needs only to walk in, focus hiscamera, and squeeze the bulb. Nothing willstop him but the exhaustion 'of his supply -offilms. Motor cars drive up on SheridanRoad within 'a hundred .feet of the bunkhouses .with out being annoyed by a sharp"Whd goes there ?', or by' anything else, un­Jess .. it be the other cars lined up near the camp. Whether or not this state of affairswill change as -time goes on is a mattter ofconjecture. The camp has been in operationfor only a week.The application blanks describe FortSheridan as "Two camps under one corn-'mand." The exact mea-fling of that .phrase:does not become apparent until one visits;the Fort and then it is easy to see- that thereare really two camps. The Wisconsin andMichigan men. are quartered in the brickbarracks ordinarily occupied by 'the. regulars;Companies � to L of that camp living inthose quarters. To the south; across a deepravine that bisects the reservation, are theremaining companies of the>' Wisconsin-:Michigan camp, and the headquarters of theArmy Y. M. c. A. Across Sheridan Road,!to the .east, is the Ill'inois camp, complete in:itself. -The Illinois men are housed in' long nar-.row bunk-houses with.. about sixty mensleeping in one house. There are fourteenor fifteen Illinois companies, with 'fourbuildings to each cornpany.. While there is332 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnothing elaborate about the construction ofthe cantonments, rough pine being usedthroughout, the buildings were evidentlyerected to stay at least through thecoming winter and probably longer,judging from the foundations, heat­ing and lighting arrangements. Inside thebunkhouses the cots are ranged around thebuildings, heads to the outer walls, withenough space between the cots for each manto store his duffle bag, and with a few nailsabove the head of each. cot for clothes andpack. Some of the companies have beenfurnished with enameled iron beds, but atpresent the majority are sleeping on GoldMedal camp cots. Needless to say, a num­ber of the cots are already in need of repair.The administrative arrangements are com­paratively simple, consisting of a small officeat the south end of the first bunkhouse ofeach company. There the company com­mander holds forth, mail and packages arereceived, and a bulletin board carries noticeto the men of general orders, assignmentsand the like..No mention of the administrative arrange­ments of the camp would be complete with-.out a word as to the work of the Boy"Any Mail for L. H. Whiting?" "So You'd Like to be a Soldier?"Scouts. At least one member of a Scouttroop has been assigned to the office of eachcompany, and the service they are renderingwill never be forgotten by the men in thecamp. Many Army men have consideredthat the Scout movement was a childish af­fair, and have tended to make light of thewhole business. Now all that is changed.The intelligent, efficient service as orderlieswhich the boys have done and are doinghas proved that their organization and train­ing is of distinct value. There is no surerway to make one's self de trop around theSheridan camp than to speak slightingly ofthe Boy Scouts.As has been said, the men are dividedinto fourteen or fifteen companies. Theclassification has disregarded personal likesand dislikes to a large extent, so that theChicago men at the camp are scattered allthe way from Company 1 to Company 15.There are general recreation hours, whichpermit of visiting, but the companies areunits, to a large extent, and an inquiry forsome particular man often brings theanswer: "I don't know where he is ; he'snot in my company." The best way to lo­cate anyone person, barring inquiries at theAT FORT SHERIDANcommandant's office, is to step into a bunk­house during an hour when the men are offduty and to shout for the man you want to­see. It was in that way that I discoveredthe whereabouts of Pete Russell, down inCompany 8 or 9, and by similar methods 1was able to see and talk to ten or twelvemore Chicago men who happened to be incamp at the time.Much has been said in the metropolitandailies about the hardships the men have toundergo, and the strenuous program theyfollow day in and day out. Maybe the workis really unusually hard and the men won'tadmit it, or maybe after training under thedirection of one Amos Alonzo Stagg anyother training seems easy, but the fact re­mains that none of the Chicago men I talkedwith thought that the work was unbear­ably severe. Of course, it is a hardship toget out of bed at 5 :15 every morning, withthe stove outside the door, disconnected,and the cold lake only 300 yards away. It ishard also to be told from morning to nightwhat to do and how to do it, with no chanceto answer back, particularly if your officeboy's chum happens to be giving you theorders. Although some of the men werefaint from the effects of the inoculationagainst typhoid, complaints about the se­verity of the daily program are few and farbetween. Incidentally, the Illinois men weregiven leave of absence the first week fromSaturday noon till 10:00 Sunday night-arelief from the bareness of camp life thatwas welcome to most of them.But it would be a mistake to think that themen do not like what they are doing .• 2,500or 3,000 American college men could not gettogether for a three months' outing on theshore of Lake Michigan and not have agood time about it. The food is plain, butthere is plenty of it, and a march throughthe rain and mud is not so bad if there are150 or 300 others in the same fix. Formali­ties like neckties and cuff links are quicklydisposed of, and in spite of the steady roundof work there are always a few minutes dur­ing the day which can be devoted to rag­time harmonies, cards or a quiet game withthe bones. 333"It Must Be True."At present all the companies are doing thesame sort of work. The' first month willbe devoted entirely to infantry drill, andafter that the men will be divided into in­fantry and artillery companies with perhapssome cavalry drill, although there willprobably be little demand for that sort ofwork. First Call blows at 5 :15, and afterfifteen minutes in which to dress, there ishalf an hour for police duty, breakfast, andthen the day's work begins. All the menhave rifles-the entire equipment straightthrough the camp is surprisingly complete­and the morning's study may include setting­up exercises, the manual of arms and theo­retical work. In the afternoon the companymay go on a long march in any directionaway from the camp and may listen to lec­tures on -camp sanitation and hygiene, withsignal drill or a short practice sessionon aiming and firing practice.Then there is a little leisure before supper,more theoretical work and a chance to study,and finally Lights Out at 10:30. The workfor any one day 'may be widely differentfrom that of another, and so it is only pos­sible to say that the general scheme is toalternate physical and mental work so that334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeach is discontinued just before the point ofexhaustion is reached.If one could forget for a minute the grimpurpose for which the camp is organized, itwould be easy to consider the whole affairas one of the greatest outings that Americancollege men ever enjoyed. Here are someof the best men that anyone could find any­where in the world, congenial, intelligent,willing to help each other in every way theycan, all living a life that would fit an Egyp­tian mummy for a Maroon relay team. Themen in command of the companies are forthe most part regular army men, whichmeans they are real men and as keen judgesof human nature as walk on two legs. TakeSergeant Haynie, of Company 8, for ex­ample. He has been in the service forseventeen years, and what he does not knowabout drilling men into companies could besafely inserted into anyone's favorite eye.As a proof of his ability to handle men, oneof the photographers snapped Company 8doing setting-up exercises with smiles ontheir faces. That indicates powers whichone who has not had setting-up exercisescannot even estimate."He's a Fine Lad, That." _j Lake Michigan, with a broad, sandy beach,lies at the foot of the bluff, a scant quarterof a mile from the camp. North and westthere is the beautiful Lake County terri­tory for hikes and scouting parties. Butour minute of forgetfulness is up. Some onepulls a bayonet out of its sheath. "Do youknow why that bayonet is so sharp?" heasks. "Do you realize that we are up hereto learn to kill men?"If one word could define the spirit of thecamp, that word is competition. There isno need for anyone to post a sign on thebulletin board announcing that only one manout of four will receive a commission at theend of the three months' period. Everyoneis perfectly aware of that fact. And so itis that when there is a bit of leisure, drillregulations, and not novels, are what themen read as they lie on their cots. That iswhy a man takes his rifle and goes off in acorner to see how perfectly he can gothrough the manual of arms. Past experi­ence, rich fathers, suave manners, racingcars, count for nothing if a man does notknow drill regulations by heart, if he is notready to jump at every command, and if heis not watching with all his powers of con­centration the man in the place ahead ofhim. A new way of cleaning rifles, an ap­parent contradiction in drill regulations, alieutenant who gives an improper command-all these things are matters of supreme im­portance to the men at Sherid�n. If Scha­fer '17 can tell Gundlach '01 how a move­ment should be executed, then sixteen yearsmakes' no difference. The fact that FrankWard can run a fast 220, or that Edwin Hub­ble is a Rhodes scholar, or that Mart Steverswas editor of the Maroon, or that Pete Rus­sell, or the Whiting boys, or Val Appel, orJ ud Lyman, or anybody else was this or thatin college matters not a bit., One questionis asked: "Does he know what he is talkingabout now and can he teach it to me?" On"the surface it may seem like play. At bot­tom there is one idea-"We're in it now.Let's get to work."-Lawrence MacGregor, '16.MEN IN TRAININGAT FORT SHERIDAN 335The following men are now at the FortSheridan Officers' Training Camp. The listis admittedly incomplete:John Moorman Walter SchaferEarl Ketcham Carter CordnerBryan Rad�liffe Nicholas Lenz.Frank Broomell Dewey KnightVallee Appel Louis BergerSam Beckwith John CanningF. M. Byerly Robert Matthews'Kent Chandler Henry MeadKasson Dodson Lawrence HarpoleN. J. Flanagan Harvey HarrisE. T. "Gundlach' Paul RussellJohn E. Hubble' Howard Copley.T. B. Lawler J. R. McGannMillard Lawrence L. K. SloanAl Lindauer A. G. DuncanGeoffrey Lyon Paul LaveryWalter Lyon F. B. McConnellGeorge Lyman T. Elmore AllenAlfred Eddy Henry TenneyK. J. Michel 'Henry HulsHans Norgren Harold Van KirkMax Sickle Gordon HeggieT., R. Stains Edward OrrMartin Stevers Willis CraigOrville Taylor James Evans. Frank Templeton Sumner VeazeyWilliam Templeton Carl HoffmanJ ames Tufts .Francis WardGeorge Setzer Claire GurneyLawrence Whiting W. L'Hart, Frank WhitingH�ye.s McFarland. Roy ,MontgomeryAndrew DallstreamGeorge M .: EckelsFOR PREVENT10N OF SHELL SHOCK, Professor Albert A. Michelson, head ofthe Department of Physics, has constructedand 'offered to -the allied governments a de­vice for the prevention of- deafness arisingfrom shell- shock. Tests in the laboratoryhave indicated the efficiency of the device,and it is to be tried out extensively at FortSheridan. If it ultimately works, it mustinevitably prove one of the most- valuable ofthe minor inventions of the war.At a' meeting of the Chaos Clu'b i1;.1 April,Dr. Gordon Wilson, the well-known Chicagoaurist, who spent much o{ last year in medi­cal service with the Allies, presented' to his hearers-Professor Michelson among them,the question whether any instrument' couldbe devised �hich would allow a 'whisper tobe heard, but would shut off the shock of anexplosion near the, ear. Orders must oftenbe given in the trenches in very low tones,so that it is quite impossible for the' soldiersto stuff their ears with cotton, or in anyother such simple way shut outthe sound.On the other hand, 'Dr, Wilson pointed outthat the, effect of an exploding shell uponmen within a teri-yard radius, who otherwisemight be unhurt, was in a great many cases'to. produce imme-diate and even permanentdeafness.After considering the problem for a shorttime, Professor Michelson devised a smallrubber tube to fit into the ear, over the endof which was placed an aluminum cap upona spring, which normally held the cap about1-50 of an inch from the tube. To the en­trance of any ordinary sound, the cap wasno barrier. When a revolver was fired closeto' the tube,. the aluminum cap shut downinstantly, and prevented the shock fromreaching the, ear. In the laboratory tests;the instrument was connected with a rubbertube leading into a' sm�ll vessel half full ofwater. Without the valve, when the re­volver was fired close to the, tube, the levelof the water changed at least half an inch.With the valve, no change was perceptible.'Of course, as' Professor Michelson pointsout, no final judgment can be passed on .th�invention until it is tried out under war con­dition's. At best, two difficulties are likelyto arise. For one thing, dirt may dog .thevalve. This may be avoided by a fine wiregauze which would keep out the di�t but'not interfere with the sound. Th'e other an­ticipated difficulty would be in inducing thesoldiers to wear the device constantly underbombardment; but such matters, of course,are for the- War Department and not for theinventor to settle.THE UNIVERSITY AN'n THESPANISH WARAccording to the Daily Maroon the Span­ish-American War' exerted no particular in­fluence on the life of' the University. TheMaroon says: 'Investigation of the files of theUniversityof Chicago Weekly for 1�98-99, which at- that336 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtime was the college paper, reveals few ref­erences to the war. The declaration of warpassed unnoticed in the editorial columnsand the news sections do not show that anywar preparations were made on the campus.Fervid editorials on the athletic situationand columns of football stories are in evi­dence. The references to n umerous athleticevents indicate that none of, the collegescalled off their athletic schedules.Debating teams were also active, but thesubjects were all foreign to the war. Oneseries' of articles from a former member ofthe University faculty who enlisted in thenavy was run under the title "Our Navy inWar Time." Another proof of the fact thatthe students knew there was a war wasfound after the conclusion of peace whenCart" Sc'hurz gave a Convocation address.His subject was "Imperialism," and he de­dared against the annexation of the Philip- .pines.Dr. Shailer Mathews, who was on the cam­pus at the time, said that there was very lit­tle excitement noticeable."The college went on in a normal way.There was no drilling of the students byarmy officers, nor, I believe, any pleas madeto them to enlist .."The only outburst came in a mass meet- ing held in Kent, which then contained ourlargest assembly hall. Dr. J. L. Curry wasgiving an address on Calhoun and StatesRights. In the middle of his speech a tele­gram was handed to President Harper. Dr.Curry stopped speaking while PresidentHarper read the message, which stated thatthe American forces had just captured SanJuan Hill and were about to storm Santiago.For a few minutes the meeting was a sceneof 'wild enthusiasm. That probably was thehigh point of feeling reached in the U ni­versity."Of course, the cause of the comparativelyundisturbed condition here in the college ascompared 'with the present situation is foundin the difference in the gravity of the Span­ish incident and the world war. There wasreally no need at that time to go to thelengths that are' now necessary. The gov­ernrnent did not ask for aid on the part ofthe college, and there was no great cause forupsetting the normal course of the U ni­versity.""The war had no great effect on the enroll­.rnent of the University. During the summerquarter of 1898 it climbed to the highestnumber yet known to that time, .and thisrecord was broken in the Autumn registra­tion.Group AssociationsAbout a year ago a number of graduatesactively interested in advertising organizedthemselves into the Association of YaleMen in Advertising. Timeliness was addedto the Association's other reason for being,the inauguration in the SCientific School ofthe graduate business course (a part ofwhose work to date is described elsewherein this issue of the Alumni VvT eekly) pro­viding good ground for the belief that closerrelations and cooperation between the Uni­versity and the Alumni engaged in adver­tising, might thereby be established. Theannounced object of the organization wasto advance the interests of business educa­tion at Yale and to promote the better ac­quaintance of Yale men in business. LastFriday evening's meeting of the Associa­tion bore convincing evidence of the estim­able manner in which this object has beenkept in view. This single smoker, one ofthe several held occasionally throughoutthe year, brought to the attention of agroup of .alumni devoted to the University'sgeneral welfare and development such va- ried matters as the Alumni Fund (with theimperative need of. directly aiding the U ni­versity in meeting its wartime deficits), theBelgian Relief work (to which-several NewYork alumni have been devoting their bestenergies), the plans and results of theCommittee of Seventy-one's canvass ofYale sentiment regarding the liquor prob­lem, and the publication of the two organsdevoted to Yale events and "thought, TheYale Daily News and The Yale AlumniWeekly. In these and various other insti­tutions and movements begun in the hopeof helping the' University, the Associationof Yale Men in Advertising has renderedthrough its 'president, its committees, andits individual members -service of greatworth. The value of such an organizationis not to be measured in terms of ordinarysolicite4 service.---- Yale Alumni Weekly.Is it too early in our life as an institutionto suggest similar organizations among theformer students .of the University. of Chi-ON THE QUADRANGLES 337cago? The matter of the foregoing extractparticularly struck the editor's attention,because, comparatively speaking, so verymany Chicago men are in the advertising orgeneral publishing business. New York Cityas well as Chicago shows more U. of C.graduates and former students at work withgreat success in this field than probably anyother western institution has. Consider onlya few in New York alone-George Buckleyand Lee Maxwell, '05, respectively generalmanager and advertising director of T. Y.Crowell & Co; L. -D. Fernald, ex, and Hil­mar Baukhage, '111' with the Leslie-JudgePublishing Company; Barrett Andrews, ex,with the Automobile Blue Books and Van­ity Fair; Edward Ahrens, .'06, with System-all in high executive positions. The pur­pose of such an organization, as far as itwas an alumni purpose, would hardly be exclusively to reflect attention back to Chi­cag(); rather to get and keep in touch �ithyounger aluinni who wish to go into diebusiness. But shop talk, combined withreminiscence, is perhaps the most" fascinat­ing in the world to most of us. The editorsuggests to Baukhage and others in NewYork, to Albert Sherer and others in Chi­cago, that smokers organized not for alumnias a whole, but for. the group to. which in abusiness way they belong, would be easierto plan, easier to finance, and more product­ive of results than almost any other sortof small reunion. Suppose the bond mengo� together; or the newspaper, men; or theinsurance men. Could such an informal or­ganization be sterile? We do.ubt it. Evennow, with the world at war, business mustgo on-the business of life as well as thebusiness of death.On the QuadranglesWith tire confusion .which characterizedApril war preparations dispelled, the Uni­versity devoted its brisk activities through­out 'May to concentrating its heterogeneousforces. Over 100 .fraternity men have al­ready aligned themselves with the colors;and twice as many - plebeians have joinedmilitary units. A census of undergraduatesrevealed the fact that forty-three per' centof the student body are enrolled in the Re­serve Officers' Training Corps on the ';Quad­rangles. At the outset of the month, theUniversity announced a credit bonus tothose who desired mOR frequent drill; sev­enty-seven gluttons forthwith augmentedtheir amount of training to ten hoursweekly.' _Twenty-eight University men left on May12 for the Fort Sheridan camp. Others, lesspatient, enlisted as second lieutenants in themarine corps-among them Donald Ander­son, Arthur Rogers, MacBrayer Sellers;Philbrick Jackson, Hal Jeschke -and Ham.;;.ilton Walters. From a list of 3,000 appli­cants, 'three Midway men were accepted forservice in the flying division'; the embryonic .aeronauts are J ohu Seerley, William Vailand Lionel Tefft. Eleven students sailedfor France in the Northwestern. Hospitalunit, and were aboard the S, S. Mongoliawhen two - Chicago nurses were killed by'the explosion of a defective shell; amongthose on ship were Norman Cahn, RobertDunlap, Harold Hanisch, Clarence Collierand JQhn, Stapler. Many unsuperstitiousmen have 'registered in Base Hospital Unit13; the duties of these college men range from clerical to menial tasks; they antici­pate departure before August. Forty' earn­pus men, with uniforms like Shaw taxichauffeurs, are awaiting orders to leave withthe' Varsity Ambulance Company f.or partsunknown in France; the work of these vol­unteers will consist in combing battlefieldsat night to administer first-aid to shatteredhumanity. Extensive activities are now beling inaugurated in the City Gr�Y by tl1�Red Cross. More than one huridred co-edshave tendered themselves for service in th�Women's War Aid, under the directionlofMrs. Harry Pratt Judson; swept away�::fDYmartial enthusiasm". .University Jeans ar�holding sewing bees 'galore. Led by" JbhiiGuerin, John N uveen, C!1r,leton',Adams,' ,Lyri';;don Lesch, Norman.. Ha;�t,. Jerome Fi-slier,Marion Palmer, Helen" Westcott, ' MargaretLauder, Lucy Williams, and others, a cam­paign ,has - been started to swell'· the Red-Cross: coffers. .Among the most impressive ;sig�s';:h'f ,th�times was the visit Of' Marshal J offre 'andMinister Rene Viviani to the University '011:May 5; a regimental parade, and a luncheoncomprised the principal tokens of respectaccorded ,the illustrious guests. .: AssociateProfessor David' Allan Robertson. informedthe community that Joffre had kissed Mr,Robertson, Jr., aged 2. Prolific expressionson war topics were voiced from campus plat­forms during May. Among 'those which re­ceived mention disproportionate. to. theirtrue, significance were lectures by· VictorYarros and Clarence Darrow, who spokeagainst military conscription, and by .Irwin338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGA�INESt. John Tucker, former editor of TheChristian Socialist, who delivered an ad­dress on "Democracy Through the War."Miss Jane Addams, discussing "Patriotismand Pacificism,"· presented a humanitarianplea for the protection and welfare ofwomen and children during the conflict.Professor Ferdinand Schevill outlined na­tional and international problems' beforemembers of the Cosmopolitan Club; MissMary McDowell urged the safeguard of .thelives and homes of down-trodden workers.The Y. M. C. A. has organized a waradvisory council, which will seek to enhancepublicity, recruiting and comfort during theperiod of hostility; another projects restswith a band of faculty members from theDivinity School, who have been designatedto consult with students on problems ofwarfare. Twenty-one volumes on militaryscience have just been placed on the shelvesof the Reynolds Club library for the trench-literati. '"'The Undergraduate Council voted' toabandon the Upper-class Counsellor systemin favor of a more efficacious mode of wel­coming matriculating students; no specificsubstitute has yet been evolved. Leadersof the Interclass Hop, held on May 29, wereselected by the Council; they were JosephLevin and Alice Kitchell, seniors; CarletonAdams and Eloise Smith, juniors; Van Me­ter Ames and Dorothy Hough, so-phomores,and Frank Priebe and Priscilla Bradshaw,freshmen. Attendance at- the Hop was re�stricted to 225 couples, and the proceedswere donated to the American war relief.Whatever distinction lies in the office ofpatron and patroness was conferred uponfifteen faculty members and their wives andupon the parents of the dance leaders. Bart­lett decorations were chauvinistically remi­niscent of George M. Cohan's finales.A report on the Honor Commission, pub­lished in The Maroon, indicates that thatbody suffered a grave relapse during thepast two quarters. The president of thecommission wrote: "At present the corn­mission has so many cases that it cannotdo the publicity or educational work."Parents of University· students receivedofficial recognition on May 18 in what wasstyled the First Annual Parents' Day, thepurpose of which, as explained by the com':'mittee of the Women's AdministrativeCouncil; was to give fathers and mothers "anopportunity to view the University in actionfrom behind the scenes." This view in­cluded a tour of the ground and buildings,reception and refreshments at Ida NoyesHall, a display of the R. O. T.C tactics onStagg field, and a women's baseball game onWoodlawn field. The day closed with aninformal entertainment in Mandel Hall,arranged by a committee headed by JeanetteRegent, the program of which included ad­dresses of welcome by Deans Talbot andAngell, performance by, the military band,selections from the Blackfriars chorus spe- cialties; and the presentation of a one-actplay, "The Stepmother," by the dramaticclub, in which Marion Palmer, Emily Taft,Lee Ettelson and Lael Abbott took part. OnMay 23 a May Day fete was held. by theW. A; A. on Woodlawn field, in place of theannual Spring festival, which was thoughttoo expensive a celebration for war times.The women, coached by Nadine Hall, Flor­ence Lamb, Katherine Llewellyn and Elea­nor O'Connor, presented a program of oldEnglish folk dances. Among other indica­tions of the approaching wind-up of under­graduate affairs is the announcement of theprogram of the Senior class day exercises,the one time of the year when the sentimentof older and eastern college days finds ex­pression here. Dunlap Clark is to be classorator; Esther Helfrich, class poet; JosephLevin, class historian; Frederick Kuh, donorof the 1917 gift on behalf of the Senior class.The Senior bench, the class gavel, and theCap and Gown will be transferred to thecoming generation of Seniors with the usualsolemnity, Lyndon Lesch, Milton Herzogand Margaret Monroe assisting at the obse-quies. .The biggest event of the quarter was, ofcourse, Blackfriars. '''A Myth in Mandel"was this year's alliteration, performed tofour joyous and enthusiastic audiences earlyin May. The author, Richard Atwater, '11,again demonstrated' the unconquer-able ro­mantic proclivities of the Friars, who intheir fourteen years of picturesque existencehave wandered through all countries andages. This year's librettist being an instruc­tor in the Greek department took us back,naturally, to classic Athens and imparted tohis lines a literary flavor, probably as a sopto the carping highbrows lurking here andthere in the audiences. Conventional in hu­mor and in situation, mediocre in regard totunes, the performance was otherwise dis­tinguished by its spectacle, colors and elabo­rate choruses. These is no denying thatBlackfriar women grow plainer and moreangular from year to year; yet Joe Levin asa bride was worth, as they say, the price ofadmission. The performance ended like aZiegfeld folly, with tights and the nationalanthem. Of the large 'cast of. principals,Stellan Windrow and his deshabille affordedthe' most joy. James Hemphill placed him­self gracefully and creditably' in the galleryof Blackfriar beauties, while Bartlett Cor-. mack and Paul Zeisler, one as a· HebrewCassius and the other as a very black Friar,behaved in a manner almost professional.Charles Stern, the reviewer, calmly analyticin his comment, was reproved three dayslater by the effervescent enthusiasm of Pro-fessor Allen. .On June 1, the Dramatic club. presentedfour one-act plays written by undergradu­ates. These were "To Be or Not to Be," adepiction of the effects of war on studentlife, written by Jeanette Regent; "Lone­some," by Cedric Strohm; "The Heroism ofTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDMr. Peglow," by' Samuel Wasser strom, and"Their Soul Mistake," by Arthur Baer. Theentertainment was not an' unmitigated joy tothe spectators: Marion Palmer was electedto an associate membership in the club.The 1917 Cap and' Gown arrived on May21, containing, in addition to its customaryrecord, art work by Ronald, McLeod andHelena .Stevens, snapshots of over, a thou­sand persons, and a section of singular un­dergraduate wit. The book is dedicated toDean Boynton. In view of the offer of afree copy to the first recipient of the An­nual, Eliakim Moore spent the night beforethe Cap and Gown s-anctum, and awoke todiscover that he was four days previous tothe book's, publication. Moore is a Fresh­man. Arthur Baer was elected managingeditor of The Daily Maroon for the comingyear; Charles Greene was named news edi­tor; Roland Holloway, night editor; LewisFisher, John Joseph, and Harold Stansbury,day editors, and Wade Bender, athletics edi­tor. The newly chosen staff entered uponits responsibilities on May 24. The Mayissue of The Literary Magazine appeared asan Alumni number, with contributions byJames Weber Linn, '97; Carl Grabo, '03;,Hermann Deutsch, '09; Robert, Barton, '16;Hilmar Baukhage, '11, and Harold Van Kirk,'16. Owing to a lethargic editor the Maga­zine was sans editorials.The Interfraternity Council decided toeliminate the annual Sing, scheduled forJune 8. William Boal was elected president of this council ; Arthur Baer, vice-president;Charles Cottingham, recording secretary;John Orendorff, corresponding secretary,and Van Meter Ames, treasurer. Electionsto the Law school honorary society, theOrder of the Coif, included Clay Judson,A. B. Willard, Leroy King, .Ralph Lucas,Sidney Pedott, Ernst Puttkamer andThomas Ryan. The Order of the Iron Mask,Skull and Crescent and Score Club, under­graduate societies, chose sixty-two men tomembership. ',Judson Tyley was picked as president ofthe Glee Club; Albert Lindauer as businessmanager; Clifford Manshardt, secretary, andSterling Bushnell, librarian. Chester Ward-low was honored by the presidency of theChristian Science Society; Julia Stebbinswas elected secretary-treasurer of that quix­otic organization. As the result- of a bal­lot held by the French Club, Blanche Firthwas named president; William Anderson,vice-president; Evelyn MacPike, secretary,and Ivan Ostberg, treasurer.Miscellaneous matters -which come tomind are 'the facts" that registration at theUniversity for the Spring quarter shows anincrease of 328 over the corresponding quar­ter a year ago; that Hitchcock and Snell ad­vertised "A Joint 'Smoker," which conjuresup visions of Turkish carpets and longpipes; that a faculty committee was ap­pointed to improve chapel exercises-whichis gilding the lily with a coat of No.1 white.Frederick R. Kuh, '17.The University RecordAt- the recent Educational Conference ofthe University of Chicago with the Acad­emies and High Schools in relations with theUniversity the number of registrations forthe Departmental Conference was 1,207, andfor the administrative sessions 161. In thecompetitive examinations held in Botany,Chemistry, Commercial Geography, English,'French, German, History (including Civicsand Political Economy), Latirz Mathe:"matics, Physics, Physiography, and Zoology!165 boys and girls participated; in the read­ing contests, twenty-five; and in the' public­speaking contests, forty-eight.As a result of these examinations andcoritests thirteen high school seniors weregiven scholarships in the University, sevenof $150.00 each and six of $75.00 each. Inthe examinations each student- was testedin one subject representing three or moreunits of high school credit arid 'in anotherrepresenting two units of credit. The win­ners of the full scholarships in their order' ofmerit are as follows: Esther Marhoefer,Parker High School; Stanley Ecker, HydePark High, School; Frances D'Andrea,Wendell Phillips High School; AlexanderLornansky, Wertdell Phillips High School;Ina Bartells, Wendell Phillips High School; Arthur Schuch, Lake View High School;Edward Willcox, Oak P�rk High School,The winners in the second group, rankedin, order of merit, are as follows: RachelCohen, Wendell Phillips High School; Lo­villa-Butler, Hyde Park High School; Paul­ine Hahn, Oak Park High School; EdwardWagenknecht, Oak Park High School;James Sheean, Pana Township High School;Ethel Robinson, Hyde Park High School,Wendell Phillips High School leads thelist with three winners in the first group, andone in the group receiving half tuition. OakPark High School and, Hyde Park are tiedwith one apiece in the first group and twoeach in the second. Parker and 'Bake Vte'weach were given a' place in the fi f'sF'gr"6 up',while Pana High 'of 'Pana, Illinois, produceda winner in the secondary division.Ben Herzberg, of Wendell Phi11;ipS' HighSchool, was announced the, prize' winner ofthe effective public-speaking contest. Wen­dell Phillips High School, 'represented byBen Herzberg- and' Joseph Steiner, was thecup-winner in the effective-speaking contest.Dorothy Estabrook.. Oak Park and RiverForest Township High School, Oak Park,111., won the contest in reading aloud. !The total attendance 'in the Divinity340 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESchool during the four quarters beginningwith the Spring Quarter of 1916 and endingwith the Winter. Quarter of 1917 was 523.In addition the Chicago Theological Semi­nary, affiliated with the University, had 69students, a grand total of 592 students. Ofthe 381 different students in the GraduateDivinity School, 1'09 were also graduates oftheological schools.The recent gift of $200,000 to the DivinitySchool for the erection of a new theologicalbuilding has been supplemented by a giftof $50,000 from Mrs. Joseph Bond for achapel for the Divinity School. This build­ing is to be erected in memory of Mr. JosephBond, who was for a 'number of years amember of the Board of Trustees of theTheological Union.An unusually large number of missionaries�)ll furlough are now studying in the DivinitySchool of the University of Chicago TheUniversity has attempted to meet theirneeds by furnishing one of its apartmentbuildings, so that apartments may be sup­plied to some of the missionaries in resi­dence. At the present time there are fiveof these apartments of four rooms each', andone of seven rooms.Of interest in connection with the de­velopment of the Divinity School is the pro­posal to publish a special edition ofthe Bib­Iical W orld once a quarter for the formerstudents of the school. There will be addedto the regular edition of the 'Biblical W orld,which will go to all subscribers, sixteenpages of interesting news items dealing withthe work of the faculty, alumni and studentsof the Divinity School.,, 'Pledges to the fund of $5,300,000 neededfor the new medical school had reached inApril $5,+93,000, or all but $107,000 of the.amount required .. -Since that time no newannouncement has been made, but a semi­.official statement was issued May 20 to theeffect ,that "it is expected the fund will .be'completed and all the necessary legal .ar­.rangements made so that at the Convocation-in June the entire plan with funds completed'and plans and policies outlined will be an­.nounced.",A fund has been provided by Mr. and Mrs.Jesse L. Rosenberger "to found an endow­'men t in perpetuity to provide, from time to-time, -frorn the income or portions of such'endowment, an honor medal to be known as"The: Rosenberger MedaL' Such medal is-to be awarded by the University of Chicagoin-: recognition of achievement through re­-search, 'in, authorship, in invention, for dis-covery; Jar" unusual public service, or for,;�tliythfngU"deemed of great benefit to hu­.manity: -: If> at, any time it is' thought best,-the 'awards': 'may be restricted to personsconnected with the University of Chicagoand' its various ·departments, including its.faculties, .students (graduat€ and undergrad­uate), and the alumni. The medal may beof such material and 'design and contain suchspecial inscriptions as may be deemed best, and in. such respects may' be changed fromtime to time.Announcement is made of the appoint­ment 'of one hundred and eighteen fellows. for the year .1917-18. Sixty different univer­sities and colleges are represented in the dis­tribution, and thirty different departments ofthe University of Chicago receive assign­ment of fellowships. Of the total numberreceiving fellowships, twenty-one 'are wo­men. Sixty-five of the successful candidatesfor . fellowships have already received theMaster's 'degree from some institution, andtwerrty-orie have taken a degree from theUniversity of Chicago. The University ap­propriates annually $21,500 for fellowshipsin the Graduate Schools and $2,700 in theDivinity School, the fellowships ranging invalue from $120, or tuition for three quar­ters, to $520. The list of new appointees in­cludes honorary Fellows who receive nosti­pends.The Howard Taylor Ricketts prize for .ex­cellence in research in Pathology and Bac­teriology was this year awarded to EnriqueE. Ecker, for work upon a thesis entitled"The Pathogenic Effect and Nature of aToxin Produced by Bacillus ParatyphosusB." The award is made on the third ofMay annually, which is the anniversary ofthe death of Professor Ricketts. The prizeamounts to' about $,250.00, the net annual in­come of $5,000.00 given by Mrs. Ricketts.Miss Jane Addams of Hull House spokein Mandel Hall on May 5, under the auspicesof the Women's Administrative Council on"Patriotism and Pacifism;" .The body of thehouse and the stage were crowded andscores were turned away, although the lec­ture was held at the very unpopular hour of7 p. m. Miss Addams confined her addressto a discussion of the general principles ofpacifism without suggesting specific actionin the present emergency.Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, the English poetwho lectured in February at the Universityof Chicago, appeared again at the Universityon the afternoon of Thursday, May 17, inreadings from his poems. This appearancewas under the auspices of the WilliamVaughn Moody Lecture Association, whichalready provided three other lecturers dur­ing this quarter-Alfred Noyes, the Englishpoet; Stephen Leacock, Ph. D., '02, the Can­adian humorist; and Paul Elmo're More,critic and essayist. .In a series of public lectures on "WarProblems" at the University, Miss Mary E.McDowell, Head Resident of the UniversitySettlement, gave the, first, her subject being"The Allies' Labor Lesson." On the sameevening Professor Graham Taylor, presidentof the Chicago School of Civics and Phil­anthropy, spoke on "Community Standards."On May 16 Mrs. Catherine M. Briggs, gen­eral superintendent of the United Charitiesof Chicago, discussed the question of "v 01-unteer Service in Conserving the Horne Dur­ing War Time," and Judge Harry M: Fisher,THE JUNE CONVOCATION ORATORof the Boys' Court, Chicago, spoke on "TheTask of Conserving Our Future Manhood."Professor George Burman Foster, of theDepartment of Comparative Religion at theUniversity of Chicago, gave the sixth ad­dress in the series on May 17, on "The Warand Christian Ideals."Professor Carlson, who has been connect­partment of Physics, is now chairman of thePhysics Committee of the National Acad­emy of Sciences and also Director of Re­search of the National Research Council.He is now in Washington, D. C, havingbeen granted leave of absence during theSpring Quarter.At a recent banquet in honor of ProfessorAnton Julius Carlson, chairman of the De­partment of Physiology at the University ofChicago, fifty of his former students whohave taken higher degrees under him pre­sented him with a Sigma Xi key jeweledwith diamonds, and a memorial booklet con­taining the autographs of the participants.Professor Carlson, who has been connect­ed with the University of Chicago since1904, has been a member of the council andsecretary of the American Physiological So­ciety, as well as a member of the Society forExperimental Biology and Medicine.Arrangement has been made by which 341William Draper Harkins, Associate Profes­sor of Chemistry, gave a full graduate courseof lectures on thermochemistry at the Mel­lon Institute and Graduate School of theUniversity of Pittsburgh during April andMay, while Professor M. A. Rosanoff of theInstitute has delivered at the University ofChicago during the same time a full univer­sity course of lectures on stereochemistryand a briefer one on his theory of chemicalreactions. Dr. Harkins, who was formerlya chemist for the United States governmentand has done research work under the aus­pices of the Carnegie Institution of Wash­ington, has been connected with the Depart­ment of Chemistry at the Universityof Chicago since 1912.The University Auditor, Trevor Arnett,'98, who was given several months' leave ofabsence in connection with the work of theRockefeller Foundation and the AmericanRed Cross for the prisoners' camps inEurope, left Petrograd with Mrs. Arnett onthe first of May via the Trans-Siberian Rail­way and sailed from Yokohama on May 19.Mr. Arnett left Chicago about the middleof January, and spent several weeks in bothCopenhagen and Stockholm. He is expectedto return to his regular workin the Univer­sity of Chicago about the end of June.The June Convocation OratorCharles Andrews Huston, A. B. 1902, J.D. 1908, Dean of the Law School of LelandStanford, Jr., University, will be the Convo­cation Orator on June 12-the first holderof the bachelor's degree from the Univer­sity of Chicago to act as ConvocationOrator. Next month we shall print his for­mal biography, with his degrees and titles,as set forth by his classmate, David AllanRobertson; this month we are crowded forspace. Just note that Brother Huston is bybirth Canadian; by original professiontheme-reader, like us; graduated into de­bating coach; studied "law, which hadalways been his intention; took his JurisDoctor with high honors; married Mar­garet Davidson, '03 (they met in the Eng­lish office) and went out to Stanford toteach the coast idea how to organize a case.He has gone rapidly up the hill since; andwas one of our first J. D.'s to become aDean in a Law school, as he is our firstConvocation Orator-appropriately, on hisfifteenth graduation anniversary. 1902 wasa good class; so was 1908 in the LawSchool with Fred Baird and Dwight Dick­erson 'and Bert Enoch and Hugo Friend"and R. L. Henry, Jr., and Horace Reed andothers equally well known. The picturedoes the dean no justice; for all his legalmind he always has a lurking laugh in hiseye. He will make a grand speech, forGc d made him a grand lad, and all. Charles Andrews Huston342 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumniEastern Alumni Association.- The East­ern Alumni Association of the University ofChicago gave a luncheon on May 12th at theCity Club, 55 West 44th St., to ProfessorOtis W. Caldwell, Ph. D., '98, the directorof the new experimental school fostered bythe Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Caldwellspoke on "Modernizing Education." EdwinE. Slosson, Ph.D., editor of the Independent,and C. R. Mann, formerly Assistant Profes­sor of Physics, took part in the discussion,and Alexander Smith, formerly Professor ofChemistry, commented briefly.Milwaukee Alumni Association.-At thebusiness meeting of the Milwaukee Alumni ...Association, held in' connection with thedinner, which was reported in the last issueof the MAGAZINE, the following officers wereelected: Albert Houghton, '06, President;Caroline M. Murphy, '04, Vice President;Rudy D. Matthews, '14, Secretary andTreasurer. The Association plans to. holdanother dinner on Wednesday evening, J nne6th, just preceding the general Alumni Re­union, at which. the editor of the MAG-'\ZINEhas been invited to speak., Alumni at Louisville.-The following ac­GGunt...()f, a-luncheon held at Louisville dur­ing 'the meeting, of the Kentucky Educa­tional Association is of interest because itshows the possibilities of the development ofalumniinterest in what may be called a newdirectioti};>:The number of those present at'the luncheon who 'had attended the U niver­sity of Chicago during one Summer Quar­ter only was large, and yet the definitenessof their interest in the institution was 0 b­vious. It is not always the length of timeone, spends at a college that counts most.Sometimes it is the appreciation of, the op­portunities it offers.Sixty -alumni and former students of theUniver sity assembled at a luncheon given inhonor of Dr. Chas. H. Judd, who was presenttQ'�;;iii.ddress the Association on Friday, April27tl1� ,J. H. Risley, Superintendent of CitySchools at Owensboro, acted as toastrnas­ter: .for the occasion. Principal M. E. Ligon(>fL�,Lexingtoll, Professor A. C. Burton oft�'�_� St���, Normal at Bowling Gree,n, Super­ii1t�ndei1t:: M,. M. Faughender of Mayfield�rl(t'St1pefintendent O. L Reid of Louisviller:esPQnq�'d .br iefly to, tOClStS 'on "¥y .Impres­�i¢fhs<'�f::the: .. Univ�Isi�&-:· of Chicago.", Thefdl,fure of, 'tne:·';'occasidn was' an inspiringaddress by Dr. Chas. H. Judd, the guest ofhonor for the occasion.. The guests presentunanimously voted to make the luncheon an Affairsannual affair and a permanent organizationwas formed. Superintendent J. H. Risleywas elected president of the association andSuperintednent O. L. Reid was appointed aschairman of the committee on arrangementsto provide for the next annual luncheon.The following alumni and former studentswere present at the luncheon: (Name, homeaddress, when at Chicago): Anstatt, Lizziec., Louisville, Ky., Summer, 1916; Bache,Ada G., Louisville, Ky., Summer, 1915;Baskett, M. Dazey, Henderson, Ky., 1912-1913; Bentley, Mrs. Jerome H., Urbana, 111.;Burton, A. C., Bowling Green, Ky., 1912-1913-1914; Breckenridge Elizabeth, Louis­v_ille, Ky.; Chapman, Lula, Lebanon, Ky.,Summer, 1913; Cabell, Inah G., Henderson,Ky., 19003-1913; Caldwell, David C., Louis­ville, Ky., Summer, �914; Caldwell, J. A.,Minerva, Ky.: Calhoun, Rena, Owensboro,Ky.; Chapin, E. P., Louisville, Ky.,; Sum­mer, 1916; Dasher, George F., Russellville,Ky.,; Dorsey, Alice Y., Henderson, Ky.�1912-1914.; Duncan, Myrtle, Louisville, Ky.,1913-14-15-16; Faughender, M. M., Mayfield,Ky.; Felt, Ida A., Munfordsville, Ky., 1901-1906; Ferguson, W. D., Berea; Ky.; Fogle,D. �., Georgetown, Ky.; Foust, J. L.,Owensboro, Ky.; Gaither, R. F., Newport;Ky.: Gracernan, Emma, Louisville, Ky.;Hadsell" H. L, Columbus, Ohio; Hallect,Reuben Post, Louisville, Ky.; Harrington,Lee W., Louisville, Ky., Summer, 1916;Hartley, B. W.,' New Albany, Ind., 1908-12;Hopkins, P. H., Lancaster, Ky.; Jetton, W.c., Mt. Sterling, Ky., Summer, 1915; Kohn­horst, Gertrude, Louisville, Ky.: Kohnhorst,E., Louisville, Ky.; Ligon, M. E., Lexing­ton, Ky., Summer, 1915; Lovell, Ethel M.,Louisville, Ky., 1913, Summer, 1915; Mc­Linn, Chas. B., New Albany, Ind., Sum­mers, 1909, 1911; Meldahl, Horace S., Louis�ville, Ky., 1915-16; Mobberly,. Mary L.,Owensboro, Ky.: Newbold, Patty T., Louis-:ville, Ky.: Pennington, Vv-� L., Owensboro,x-, Summer, 1916; Peratt, C. 0., Elizaville,Ky.: Reed, Mrs. C. E., Louisville, Ky., Sum­mer, 1916; Reed, C. E., Louisville, Ky., Sum­mer, 1916; Reid, O. L., Louisville, Ky.;Riley, Laura 'B.,' Henderson, Ky., 1910; Ris­ley, J. H., Owensboro, Ky.; Rhoton, A. L.,Georgetown, Ky.: Ryan, Anna c., Louis­ville, Ky.: Robinson, Nannie Louise, Lex­ington, Ky.; Simpson; Susie, Lebanon,Summers, 1913-14; Selph, Ophelia A., LaGrange, Ky.: Singleton, G., Standford, Ky.;Shoringer, Nashville, Tenn.; Steinberg,Julia T., Louisville, Ky., .Sumrner, 1916;Stouffer, Elizabeth P., Louisville, Ky�;Thwing, F. F., Louisville, Ky.,; Tinsley, A.B., Louisville, Ky., Summer, 1916; Wheeler,Beatrice, Louisville, Ky., 1917; Williams,Florence, Paducah, Ky.; Wolkon, Leo,Louisville, Ky., 1909�'Alumni PersonalsALUMNI PERSONALS 343W. J. McDowell, '03, has joined the salesforce of the General Motors Truck Com­pany in) Chicago, and says he. hopes "tohave the honor of serving th�, editor_ on. all -traffic and delivery problems. The e�:btorhas no traffic problems except a� occasionaltouch of rheumatism, but when it comes todelivery problems, we have always know.nwe needed help ever since we took PublicSpeaking One and if Mac can help us atthis we shall h'e more than indebted to him.C�r1 Van Vechten's ('03) new book, Musicand Bad Manners, is elaborately reviewed ma recent issue of The Dial. One of the mostinteresting of, the essays . in the book is"'M usic for the Movies." Van Vechten sug­gests 'that new musical forms will have. tobe provided to accompany films, and predictsthat before long some enterprising directorwill engage an' enterprising musician to 'com­pose music for a picture. '. Claude. C. Nuckols, ex-'03, has resignedas president of the Consolidated Car Heat­ing Company of Albany, N ew York, and hastaken a commission as major in the Ord­nance Department' of the U. ,S� Nuckolslast year handled a 'large contrac.t for shellsfor.. the Russian government: HIS technicaland practical .knowledge will be .t,!�ned toservice in the awarding: of munition con-.tracts. ...Channing W. Gilson, '04, who teaches m'Manual Training High School, Brooklyn,and who lives at Hill Farm, Montville, N.J.,has been excused from school duty and hasbeen appointed 'by· the New. York Board. ofEducationto supervise a large group of highschool boys' who are taking 'Up. farmi_ng .�sthe most practical way of doing their 01t."Gil" considers that he is as much a part of"the service" as the most bloody soldier.Strong Vincent Norton; '06, is mana�erof truck: tire sales for the B. F. GoodrichCompany - of Akron,'. Ohio. J us.t at presenthe is in.Washington, however, m charge ofthe government specifications d;par�ment ofthe "company, in preparation for. the �m?1ense'output. of rubber: �oods, tires m ��rtt�ular,which the war wlll require. Elhott N or­ton' '01 is also in Washington, having leftthe' National City Bank of New York forwork with the Council of National Defense.Thurlow G. Essington (Law '08) waselected for Mayor of the city 'of Streator, Ill .•.on the Republican ticket; election April 17,1917.1909.Zelma Davidson reports that 'under' herdirection 91 gardens have been planted bythe children of the Hyde Park Center. Theplayground is now in full swi�g�. and thefriends of the· Center are all rejorcmg thatit is to be 'located' in the school building ·o.n54th Place next year. A course in economic.cooking and marketing will be conducted this summer and there will be classes inRed Cross sewing for .the women .and girls.Norma E. Pfeiffer, who is teaching at theU niver:sity of North Dakota, holds the rec­ord for generosity in dues; she recentlysent ·one. dollar to the treasurer. We hopethat others will follow her example.Among those of our membet:s who. are d?­ing Red Cross work. and taking Fir st Aidcourses are Rosemary Quinn, Mary Courte­nay, Valentina Denton and Edna. Heller.Mary Courtenay recently put on an opera.The Mascot, at Englewood High School. Itwas. the, hit of the season. ',,Mary Swan, who is working strenuouslyin the teaching profession, spends her sparetime starring in Hull House plays. Ver­satile Mary!Bill McCracken has recently been doingcivilian recruiting and as one of the Four­Minute Men is rendering fine service.Winston. Henry, who: really belongs to,1909 (although he sometimes IS assigned to1910) is taking instruction in artt1lery workin T�ls�, Oklahoma, and working hard forhis country. . .-,Wallie Steffen was recently elected alder­man of the twenty-third, ward of Chicago,We are proud a�d glad t� be so well repre­sented on the City Council.Fred Carr is so busy that we can neverfind him in much less reach him by mail;but we hope to see him at the reunion.Take notice: If, when you read this, youhave not received' a special letter from theReunion Committee, write at once toKatharine Slaught, 5548 Kenwood Avenue,Chicago, for news of the plans for oureighth reunion on the 'campus, Saturday,June 9th, 1917. 'As a representative of the Class of 1909,I am adding that our Reunion Commit­tee very heartily approves the' decisionof the Executive Committee of the Councilconcerning the coming celebration on June 9, ..·In accordance with the. general purpose toorganize "on a war basis," we have econo­mized as much as possible in the details ofpreparation - and we are hoping that' we �aybe able to undertake more constructivemeasures of co-operation and support later.We are proud and happy' to ,be celebratingour eighth anniversary" this year and oprenthusiasm will unquestionably express It­self in good works. You may count on usto stand by the colors! c.". Katharine Slaught,Secretary, '09.Edith S. Reider, '10, is welfare secretaryof the International Harvester Company.Fanny Butcher, '10, in a recent review inthe Chicago' Tribune of the most -recentnovel' by Marjorie Benton Cooke, '9'9,� re­marks: Cinderella Jane (Doubleday-Page)is 'Marjorie Benton Cooke's latest best sel­ler .. It's the story of .an all around, handygirl in . Greenwich village who handily knewOscar Wilde well enough to playa Salome344 , THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin a great pageant and save the day for anartist who married her because she was sohandy to have around. It is the conven­tional village story. There are readers in­Red Oak, Ia., and Sauk Center, Minn., whobelieve in the divine right of the printedword, so I refrain from saying that Cinder­ella Jane and her development into a per­sonality and a famous hostess in a ravishingstudio aren't always the certain results ofgoing to New York with a longing to writein your heart and acquiring a key to a gar­ret in the village." Girls will be girls.Edith Prindiville Atkins, '11, writes fromHanover, N. H., sending various items of in­terest 'concerning alumni. She says: "Asfor myself, there is nothing thrilling to re­cord. I work 'a little for war sufferers.Everyone here in Hanover is deeply iriter­ested in the war. The women are engag.edin various ways, the Dartmouth students aredrilling and enlisting in the AmbulanceCorps and the Mosquito Fleet, and the fac­ulty are drilling and directing their skilledlabor along suitable lines. The MedicalSchool will inoculate against typhoid over1,000 students who are drilling." She adds:"The- Chicagoans here in Hanover are sin­gularly unproductive of news items. How­ever, I can at least enumerate their namesand 'positions on the Dartmouth faculty."Francis Joseph N eef, Ph.B., '05" is As­sistant Professor of German and Sopho­more Class Officer."Pulaski King Cook, Ex. '14, is instructorin Public Speaking."Gordon Ferrie Hull, Ph.D., '97, is Apple­ton Professor of Physics and head of thePhysics department."Erville Bartlett Woods, Ph.D., '06, is. As­sistant Professor of Sociology. He built ahouse last summer on one side of the local��oid Coast.'-.� -"George- Breed Zug, formerly of the De­partment of Art at the University of Chi­cago, is Assistant Professor of Modern"Art. He bought a house last summer on theother side of the 'Gold Coast.''''Eldon Cobb Evans; Ph.D., is instructorin Political � Science."Charles Ross Dines, Ph.D., '15, is instruc­tor in Mathematics. .He was married lastSeptember to Miss' Charlotte Everett ofKenilworth."From Hilmar' Baukhage, '11, come thefollowing notes:"Evelyn , 'N ewman, ,fortnerly of the StudioClub in New York City, who is a memberof the Executive Committee of the EasternAlumni Association, has accepted work inthe: .. Paris bureau of the Surgical DressingCommittee, which works among Frenchw.orking women 'made, destitute by the war,She leaves on J une 2 to take her post,_ -Dana Atchley, '1.1, has received. strikingrecognition for r.emarkable progress in hisprofession inasmuch as he has' now beengiven a place on the faculty of ColumbiaU riiver sjty. I. have no doubt I:e is the youngest man to hold such a position inthe university and I would not be surprisedif he were one of the youngest to achievesuch an honor in the country.Roy Baldridge, who "came across" whenPresident 'Wilson called the Guard to theborder last year, has offered his services tothe Red Cross.I met a young man from the University,Gale Willard, '17, who is going over toFrance with the American Ambulance Serv­ice and who was here under the care ofBarton, '16. This care was so well exer­cised that I am very much afraid when Isaid good night to the ambulancier at mid­night that he would never catch his eleveno'clock boarthe next day. However, I be­lieve he did, for he never turned up-andperhaps never will."The "Official Bulletin" of the YoungMen's Christian Association of Chicago forMay contains a report from W. P. Harms,'11, manager of the South Chicago depart­ment, on t�e work of the South Chicago de­partment 10 the recent campaign of theY. M. C. A. to secure $200,000 in CookCounty for the War Work Fund. A totalof 14,113 subscriptions, totaling $228,057,was secured 10 Cook County. The Bulletinsays: "The response from the South Chi­cago industrial interests, with 5,215 subscrip­tions totaling $20, 632 from workmen of 28nationalities, was the most significant eventof the campaign." Harm's report is in partas follows: 'It was voted to s= South Chicago's goalat $3,000 and to enltst fifty captains, each tobe responsible for at least $60, and to' useother men if desired., No representativesfrom the Illinois Steel Company were 'pres­ent at this meeting!Several of the captains set out that nightenlisting helpers and subscribers as well­all of them requesting only small amounts­and promising to call later regarding thelocal budget. By Monday noon-the t6th­Chairman 0 Wallace had lined up thirty-twocaptains, though the. Illinois Steel men hadnot been reached. . But at 1 :30 Mr. Newton.the general superintendent of the steel 'corn­pany, had been. seen and asked to line up at. least ten captains and have them down tothe great, rally meeting at the Hotel Sher­"man. He had eleven men there.The total of. fifty captains was at oncecompleted. Reports' came in at once. Pres­ent!,y some new Americans (called "foreign­ers by some) overheard one of the IllinoisSteel Company captains telling his foremanabout the War Work -Fund, These menasked to have a share in it! This was arevelation indeed. The idea spread to otherdepartments at the big mills. 'And anothercaptain found he must suggest to his menwhat might be a reasonable. contributionfor many of these men who had 'fought i�European wars, or who had relatives therenow, and knew the discomforts as well asthe misfortunes' of soldiers, were quick inALUMNI PERSONALStheir, response to help serve them. Many,too; ,had heard what the Y. M. C. A. haddone in Europe., So this 'superintendent or"captain" helped evolve this ratio, "an hour'spay each month"-and that became a' sloganat once. ',Twenty-nine departments or sections atthe big steel works organized for this can­vass. The, individual amounts were rela­tively small. There were 'but two for onehundred, one for sixty and three for fiftydollars, the others ranging from twenty-fivedollars to twenty-five cents. Below is givena table showing how the subscriptions fromthe Illinois Steel Works ran. The otherswere similar. 'Out of a total of 5,311 subscriptions fromthis plant for $20,563.14 there were these out-standing figures: '384 subscriptions @ $10.00186 subscriptions @ 8.00204 subscriptions @ 6.00454 subscriptions @ 5.00,1,17 subscriptions @ 4.50432 subscriptions @ 4.001,416 subscriptions @ 3.00912 subscriptions @ 2.00104 subscriptions @' 1.50577 subscriptions @ 1.00142 subscriptions @, .5027 subscriptions @. .25Rev. Paul H. Perigord, A. M., '13, former­ly in St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., ishow in the French trenches.Herbert W. Granquist, '13, is treasurer ofthe Fisk Teachers' Agency, 814-823 Steger'Building, 20 East Jackson Boulevard, Chi­cago.Loyd' Neff, '14, is connected with theDaily Drovers J ournal-Stockman of SouthOmaha, Nebraska, in what capacity he doesnot say, although .he writes thati'any lettersto the editor of the Journal-Stockman willreach me." He says: "We had, a collegemen's dinner at 'the University Club ofOmaha not long ago and Chicago .was rep-:­resented for the first time. The Universityof Chicago delegation' consisted, as nearly asI can make out from the names scratchedon the 'back of my program, of> WaylandMagee '05, Herd Stryker '14, D. ,P. Pook,John T. Meyers, H. P. Haney, E. Blazer, J.,Williams, Harold Kramer, 'J.' M. Masters,R. T. Vaughn, one other whose writing I "can't make, out at all and Loyd Neff. Vvehad a good meal and also a good bit ofentertainment on the 'order of the Revels,and also some good yelling. A number ofthe men were from Rush, the 'DivinitySchool and other "near campus" places, andall of us were a bit rusty - on the yells, but ,we made: ourselves heard just, the same.Magee came from his farm' at Bennington,Kramer came up from the state a way, butI don't' know where the rest of us' camefrom." ,,, Ward Cutler writes from Carthage, .Illi­nois: "It, is probable that there are not, The First National-Bank of ChicagoOrganized in 1863, was the eighthnational bank to receive the ap­proval of the federal Government.During half a 'century its growthhas been coincident, with that ofChicago and that yast area of whichit ,i?_ the. co�rne!cial.center.,'THE bank's. capital in 1863 was $205,-000; today the bank has capitaland surplus of $20,000,000. In 1863the first published statement showeddeposits of $273,000; deposits at theend of 1916, were $176,000,000. 'THE Bo:nk's business is internationalin scope, and under its divisionalorganization customers 'come into'close personal contact with officersfamiliar with financial requirements in'their specific' lines.THE First, National Bank of Chi-,'cago welcomes and appreciatesaccounts of responsible people, believ­ing_ tha t- its extensive ellen tete, de­veloped - by consistent, considerate _service, is splendid endorsement ofthe agreeable and satisfactory facili­ties accorded to customers.Northwest Corner Dearborn'.'. 'i '.,�and Monroe StreetsJames -B. Forgan,- 'Frank O. Welmore,Chairman of the' Board President 345346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmany alumni engaged in the production of , unemployment, and wage problems and allHereford cattle, which is my specialty. the rest are thrilling, but out here these areThere is a widespread interest in this busi-. so gigantic and complicated that people doness and I occasianaly meet college people not know where to begin. Just now thein my work. During the past year. I have great cry of the social and political leadersshipped as many as a full carload into five is for unity. Thus far it has been practicallydifferent states and my correspondence has impossible to make progress because thereached many others. different castes and religions were each pull-"Two other Chicago men are near me, viz: ing their own way. It is hard in America toA. M. Wilson, '12, and Harold. Black, '13, realize how every phase of life here is boundboth on farms in this county. Wilson was up in. religion. Trade, politics, education,in the Law School, but came here as prin- - everything is affected, by it. Just here incipal of the local high school; was later our .college dormitories, the problem ofcounty agent of our Soil Improvement As- keeping peace and happiness among the boyssociation, and a year' ago leased a soo-acre is one of keeping' like religions together.farm, which' he is now operating. This past They, simply cannot mix. .The attitudewinter he has fed successfully large- droves toward labor is hard for us to understand,of cattle and hogs, for which a hungry world too. There is practically no freedom inis clamoring." Cutler should get into' com- choice of a vocation. Moreover, if theymunication with Edward Jennings, '12, could choose, no one who is at all ambitiouswhose success with Holsteins was mentioned would think of going into anything involv­in the May Magazine. ing manual labor. Our agricultural depart­" Charlotte Viall Weiser, '15, writes from ment is helping to break down this notionEwing College, Allah-abad, India, -to Alice among its students. Lots of those boysGreenacre, '08. J. D. '11: . "I often wish that would have their servants do the work onsome of you people with your big minds and the farm machinery, but this is not allowed.experience might get at some of. the One youth ruined three silk suits before heproblems which are facing us here. Never ' could come out dressed like a farm worker,was there a country more alive than India. but he was interested enough to' swallow hisIt may have a reputation as a sleepy nation, pride. Another boy, among his servants,but that is all wrong. At home our labor, brought a secretary to fake his class notes.Tobey - Made Furnitureis made in our own shops and is soldonly by us.I t is intended to be -the best furniturethat -can be purchased at any price.We will take great pleasure in showingyou why we believe it fulfills theseintentions.The Tohey Furniture Co.WABASH AVENUE AND WASHINGTON ST�EETSALUNINI PERSONALS 347The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000II·U.��.'�:,� �,_ .. --r.'�Ii�l.;��fOFFICERSERNEST A. HA MILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-President.OWEN T. REEVES, JR., Vice-PresidentJ. EDWARD MAASS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, Secretary] AMES G. WAKEFIELD, CashierLEWIS E. GARY, Assistant CashierEDW ARD F. SCHOENBECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBENJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLJ. HARRY 5ELZ ROBERT J. THORNEForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings Deposits You can imagine how long he kept said sec­retary. But this is the way some, - in factmost, of the higher ups feel about working."How .you would startle them if youshould open up an office here in Allahabad!Women are supposed to be of no use what­ever except to feed and amuse men folk.They do make exceptions of American wo­men, however. They speak of us with muchrespect, but down in their hearts I thinkthey hope their women will never have achance to break loose and become indivi­duals. People who are distressed about thelegal status of women at home would giveup in despair out here."John J. Cleary, Jr., '14, has been appointedone of the three -resident managers of theUnited States Casualty Company, conduct­ing a general insurance office at 731 Insur­ance Exchange Building, Chicago.Roy Wheeler, '16, is in business in LosAngeles, California.W: E. Leland, '16, writes: "I am teachingEconomics at Culver Military Academy andfind it right congenial, with six other Chi­cago men on the faculty. F. L. Hunt, A.M.,'02, is head of the English department; R.H. Mowbray '07 is head of the Historydepartment; Sherman H. Conrad is teachingChicago debating methods to the cadets;Guy M. Hoyt, '15, is aid to the Head Master;and J. M. Hackler and H. W. Ricketts (bothA.M., '16) are teaching Mathematics andLatin, respectively. Guy Hoyt surprised usall last March when he went on leave toChicago and returned with Mrs. Guy M.,formerly Gladys Ireland, ex-'17."ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYMarion Lee Taylor (Ph.D. '08) is nowteaching in a high school in Brooklyn. Afterleaving Erie College in Ohio she spent sixmonths at the University before taking upher present work.Fred C. Ayer (Ph.D. '15) has accepted aone semester position as Acting Professorof Education in the State University ofIowa, taking the work left by Dr. Jessup,CHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions Filled-Trained Women PlacedAre You � �d��::�f WriterInstitutional Managera Household Economic ExpertDo You Ne d Laboratory Assistant.e , Research WorkerRoom 1002 Stevens Bldg.17 N. State Street Central 5336348 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO'MAGAZINEwho has been elected President of the Uni-versity. ,Frederic W. Sanders (Ph.D. '95) has re­cently published a notable book on the Re­organization of Our Schools. This bookwill be used for class study in many schoolsof Pedagogy and departments of Education.(The Palmer Company, 120 Boylston Street,Boston.)O. W. Silvey (Ph.D. '15) .is Professor ofPhysics at College Station, Texas. -J. M. Steadman, Jr. (Ph.D. '16) is Instruc­tor in the University _ of .North Carolina.W. A. Gardner (Ph.D. '16) is AssociateProfessor in the University of Idaho.J. A. Clo (Ph.D. '11) is Professor ofPhysics in Tulane University.H. S. Adams (Ph.D. '15) is PhysiologicalChemist with E. R. Squibb and Sons, New'Brunswick, N. J. ..W. S. Hunter (Ph.D. '12) has been pro­moted to a position as Professor of Psy­chology in the University of Kansas. �. .F. T. Rogers (Ph.D. '16) is Assistant Pro­feasor-in Baylor University, Waco, Texas.Arthur H. .Hirsch (Ph.D. '15) has beenin the Department of History at Morning­side College, Sioux City, Iowa, during thepast year.Cecil C. North (Ph.D. '08) will be As­sistant Professor of Economics and Sociol­ogy at Ohio State University after Septem­ber 1, 1917.J. S .. Caldwell (Ph.D. '14) is Plant Phys­iologist at the Washington Agricultural Ex­periment Station in Pullman, Washington;he has been there since January 1.M. C. Elmer (Ph.D. '14) has been As­sistant Professor' of Sociology in KansasUniversity since last September.C. D. Miller (Ph.D. '16) has been ResearchPhysicist for the Westinghouse'. Electric- andManufacturing Company in,' Wilkinsburg,Pennsylvania, since last fall.; 1. M. Rapp (Ph.D. '15) writes:' ·"It may beof interest to yOU and others to know thatthe State Legislature of Oklahoma in its re­cent session, granted' the State' Bureau .ofStandards the sum of $8,500 for the purposeof securing standardization of equipment. Itis the intention of the Bureau to secure pri­mary and, secondary standards of. weightsand measures and for testing gas, water, andelectric meters. It is also planning theequipment of a laboratory for the measuringand testing of heat values of fuels as coaland petroleum. The Bureau is situated: atthe State University of Norman' and withthe equipment planned will be' able to pro­vide the people of the state a place wherethey may have their 'weights .and .measures,etc., calibrated.": Olive C. Hazlitt, '15, is Instructor in Math­matics at Bryn'Mawr College.. She has justpublished in the Transactions of the Ameri­can Mathematical Society results of researchdone. since . taking her doctorate on "TheT'heory of Associative .Division Algebras.' The annual meeting of the Association ofDoctors of Philosophy will be held on Tues­day, June 12, lJ)17, at the Quadrangle Club.The meeting will follow the annual luncheontendered 'to the Doctors by the University,and will close in time for the ConvocationExercises later in the afternoon. The im-. portant items of business will be the 'pre­liminary . reports of the various committeesnow working and the election of officers forthe ensuing year. A circular will be mailedto all Doctors, making the final announce­ments and asking for reservation at theluncheon.I PUBLICATIONS WANTEDThe Alumni Office would like to securecopies of the "Cap and Gown" for the fol­lowing years: 1917 to, '04, inclusive;' '06; '09;'11; '12, and '14.I t would also like copies of the ChicagoAlumni Magazine for April, 1907; October,1907, and January, 1908.Also of the University of Chicago Maga­zine for January, 1911; February, 19.16, andMarch, 1916.. ENQAGEMENTS�The engagement .. is announced of ArthurC. Lake, ex-·'08" and Elma A. Filley, '17:The engagement is announced of RuthWainwright of Chicago to William H. Ly­man, '14. The marriage is announced forOctober, unless Mr. Lyman is called to warservice. . .The engagement of Eugene Ford Wil­liams, ex-'17. to Miss Blanche' Heath of 843Drexel. boulevard, Chicago, is announced.Williams left the U niver'sity at the begin­ning of. the year .to takeja .position withSears-Roebuck & Co. .'Announcement has been made by Mr. andMrs, R' E. Hoag of .the engagement of theirdaughter, Katherine, to Nelson H .. Norgren,'14, at present coach of athletic teams at theUniversity of Utah. The marriage will takeplace early in June. Norgren has beenelected vice .president of the Preferred' In­vestment Company 'of Ogden, of which hewill be assistant manager. .An elaborate article in: the Salt Lake Tri-. An intelligent person. may earn $100monthly corresponding for newspapers; '$40.to $50 monthly in spare time; experience un­necessary; no canvassing; subjects suggest­ed. Send for particulars. National' PressBureau, Room 2514; .. Buffalo, N. Y ..TYPEWRITERS $10. UPALUMNI. PERSONALS"-bune for May 13th on Norgren's career as a'coach at the University of Utah is inclosedto the MAGAZINE by George Parkinson, '13.To quote the Tribune: "He introduced newtheories and methods into Western athleticswhich have affected in some way almostevery institution in the Far Western Con­ference. His football tactics startled themall, but because the Utah men had riot timeto master the new system, Norgren did notbring home the championship either year.In basketball, he may be called the father ofa new type. His men won the, NationalCha:mpionship . in 1916 against the best teamsin the country, and 'they gave all the creditto Norgren's baffling style of game. Histrack teams carried off both State Champion­ships which have been held since he tookcharge, by virtue of his development of newmen to fill in the gaps. In baseball, after hisfirst year, the game was discontinued as acollege sport. Norgren's theory of coach­ing, according to the men who have trainedunder him, as well .as those who havewatchedhim, cannot fail to have a very pro­nounced .effect on the "future of, intercol­legiate athletics iri Utah.MARRIAGESThe. marriage is announced on May 24thof Roberts Bishop Owen, '10" to Monica 349Burr:ell, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. JosephD� Burrell of Brooklyn and Chicago. Dr.Owen is a son. of William B. Owen, head ofthe Chicago N ormal School. He is one. ofthe three youngest men who ever received aBachelor's degree from the University ofChicago, and the youngest who ever 're­ceived a Doctor's degree. He is a memberof Alpha Delta Phi.The marriage is announced of WilliamBishop Owen, Jr., ex-'16, also a son of Wil­Ham B. Owen, to Eleanor Mary Fleming ofGarden City, Long Island, on May 12th.Mr. and Mrs. Owen will live at 370 NormalParkway. Since leaving college, Owen hasbeen working at the Chicago Art Instituteon Woodstock-on-the- Hudson.The marriage is announced on May 3 ofIrene Tufts, '15, daughter, of Professor andMrs .' J. H. Tufts, and Henry Castle AlbertMead, '17, son of Professor and Mrs. GeorgeH. Mead, in New York City. Henry 'Meadis now at Fort Sheridan. 'The marriage is announced of 'Don' JoseLedesuea J alandoni, '14, and Maria .Benitade la Vina, on the Hacienda Nueva ApoloniaVallehermosa, Uruguay, on March '19. Senorand Senor Jalandon are living at the Ha­cienda Isabel., The marriage' -is announced of HelenRicketts, '15, and ArthurT, Goodman, ex-'14,. on May 8 in Chicago. '§J!lllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll1I11111l111111111111111111111111111!111111111111IItlllllllllllllllili1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1I11111l1l1fllllll�I .�1:�U.it t -I�· . Ii ii Supedodty" .ii WE ;E;��UR;���;TAIL Ii . !;�:� ;�i\i:;�:i::,���:;v;;n:::::�. I!i TWO C H.I C AGO S HOP s 'Iillllllllllilillllilill II II II III IIIl1lilllllllllllllilillili II illl:::11 I::i 1I:::::I::il:: ::I1I1I1i1 III 111111 1Il11111111lll111illlliill 1II::III:::I::::::li::: UII III II II II UIII IIIIIIIIIU 1I1I1I1fI ffillllllil III II IIi II II IIlILook at ,p. 356.350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOn account of the fact that the Inter­fraternity Council has called off the AnnualSing, Friday evening June 8, will be a par­ticularly good time for holding individualclass reunions. The Class of 1916 will meetat 5:30 in Ida Noyes Hall for a party, andthe Class of 1914 is making plans for asimilar gathering. Why not arrange for aninformal meeting of your class? Miss Reynolds and the members ofNancy Foster House invite all former mem­bers of the house to a reunion at NancyFoster Hall on Alumni Day, June the ninth,at three o'clock. It is hoped that this NancyFoster House reunion may recur annuallyon Alumni Day.FISK Register NowFor Spring and FallRoads to the best positions and thebest teachers radiate from this center­the largest and best equipped agency inthe United States.The Gateway to Opportunity-Fisk Teachers' Agency, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We pers mally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerC[\4RK EQR·A:SINGLE·ru�YQJJ�·ALl;OFFICESTEACHERS .. ;. ..AGENCY2BTHYR. KANSAS CITY.MO.STEINWAYHAu FLATIRONBI.D'G. MUNSEY 6LO'G. N.Y. LIFE BLD'Ci.JACKSONVILL£.FLA. CHATTANOOGA.TENN. SPOKANE WASH.U.S. TRUST BLD'G. TEMPLE COURT CIUMlfROFCoMMfRCf BUR;.NO EXTRA CHARCEThe --- - -McCullough Teachers' AgencyA SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL AND COLLEGE BUREAUJ. F. McCULLOUGH Gives discriminating service to employers needing GEO. T. PALMERteachers and to teachers seeking positionsRAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOISTHE ALBERTTEACHERS' AGENCYE.tabll.1aed 1 SSS623 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGO ILLINOISWeltern Olliee: SPOKANE. WASHINGTON OUR BOOKLET"Teaching as a Business"with new chapters, suggestive letters,etc. U sed as text in Schools of Edu­cation and N onnal schools.FREE TO ANY ADDRESSTHURSTON TEACHERS' AGENCYShort Contract. Guaranteed Service. Write for ourFree Booklet How to Apply. 26th Year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr. 224 S. Mich. Ave. Chicago, III.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMEN"WANTED!The Federal Sign System (Elec­tric) is looking for FOUR 1917 grad­uates to enter its employ with theidea of starting a two years' studentcourse with pay._, These 'men will be trained in 'alldepartments of our business with theultimate plan �f placing them in exe­cutive positions in- its Branch Officesthroughout the country. Electricalor technical training is -not a pre­requisite to the work.·Apply in writing for an appoint-ment. AddressR. D. HUGHESDistrict Sales Mgr.Federal Sign System(Electric) _Lake· �nd Desplaines Sts.CHICAGOManufacturers an,d Distributors- E. BURNHAM138-140 N. State St. 351E. Burnham.�Coiffures 1917Beautiful and' Novel"Effects' :HAIRDRESSINGSHAMPOOING �hich brings lustre an� life' to the, hairMARCEL WAVING with ... est becoming "dips"'MANICURING by dainty operators who know the, artCOM�LEXION BEAUTiFYING by expertsC�I1ROPODY for the comfort of the feetTURKISH BATHS � • . •ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS 5 airY sunshine rest roomsEverything for the comfort and b-eauty of ladies at .'moderate pricesHave You Voted?352 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAthleticsBaseball-c- The Conference standing onMay 23, when this article was wr.itten, wasas follows:PerWon Lost CentOhio State. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 5 1 .833Indiana ,.......... 4 2 .667Illinois '... 5 3 .625'Northwestern '" 4 3 .529Chicago 2 5 .286Iowa 2 5 .286Purdue 1 4 .200Chicago's low standing is 'due, as waspreviously predicted, to poor pitching. Theteam has fielded fairly well, and hit vicious­ly; in fact, it has been one of the be-st run­getting nines of recent years. But opposingteams have been able to score so freely that,as one of the players remarked, ,after theOhio State game: "If we got 26 runs youcould be sure the other fellow would get27." Part of the weakness in pitching wasdue to the absolute wretched weather. OnMay 19, the 'only warm day of the season,_Marum held Purdue to two hits. In generalthe games have been listless and badly at­tended. The Ohio State game was marredby a row, Skelly, the Ohio third baseman,being' put off the_ field for fo�l language,and the Ohio State coach holding up pro­ceedings for twenty 'minutes to protest.Cahn, centerfielder, and Wiedemann,- thirdbaseman. 'left college, Cahn for France andWleaem�nn for' Fort Sheridan. Both pitch­ers' . Marum .and 'Larkin, also applied forplaces at Fort' Sheridan, but failed to get in.Scores of the seven games played were:-April 14�Iowa 9, Chicago 7.April 25-Northwestern 8, Chicago 6.April 28.;....-.Ohio 8, Chicago 6.May 1-Northwestern�, Chicago -. (AT,Evanston.)May 7-Iowa 1, Chicago 8, (At Iowa'City.),May 12-I1linois 8, Chicago 4. (At Ur­bana.) ., May 19-Purdue 2, Chicago 5.: Track.-The track team has so far (May23) ,\lefeated Northwestern 94 to 42, an�'Notre Dame 83� to 510. Purdue called offthe dual meet on May 19, three of .her best.men -having left for service. . A_���fist N orth- western, Graham, '19, starred, taking first inthe pole vault, second in' the broad jump,high jump and high hurdles, and third inthe shot. The day was very poor, 'and no.good performances were registered. Sny­der's two-mile in 9 :55, being probably thebest. Higgins, who' would have added. 15points, was sick and did not compete. C�i­cazo with Jones, Otis and McCosh, allso;h�mores, scored a slam in the half-mile.Smart of Northwestern took four firsts, inthe 220, both hurdles, and the' broad jump;he ran the low hurdles in 24%, breakingthe Northwestern record.N otre Dame, met for the first time, in 17years, failed to came up to expectations.Feuerstein, '18, won the 10.0" the 220, andthe broad jump, and Clark took the half andthe quarter in easy fashion. Again the daywas evil. Bent, '17, ran theJow hurdles in2� seconds. fiat, and Powers, '17" ran awaywith the two mile..The test meet was scheduled for May 26,with Illinois. Chicago was expected to win,but not by much of a margin, Illinois havingdefeated Notre Dame by the' same score,Chicago did. Chicago is still favorite forthe Conference on June 9. The ConferenceCommittee has announced that the proceedsof the meet will go to the War Relief Work'of the Y. M. C A.In the Pennsylvania Relay Races Chicagowon the distance medley (quarter, half,three-quarters and mile) in 11 :'02%, and thefour-mile in 18':29%, in both races finishingso' far 'in the lead the faces lacked interest.PautH. Davis & GompangWeare anxious to serve you in'youf'selection of high grade in­vestments. We specialize in un­listed stocks and bonds --:- quo­tations -on request.PAUL H. DAVIS,-'lJ"N:Y.UfeBldg.�CHICAGO--RaDd. 2281ATHLETICSThe sixteenth anuual Interscholastic Meetwill be held on June 2 despite the war con­ditions. The Athletic Board has decideddefinitely that military developments willnot interfere with the secondary school trackand field games and the competition for thetennis championships. The committee incharge of the meet is looking forward to thelargest contest of its kind ever held at theUniversity, inasmuch as the Universities ofMichigan and Illinois have both called offtheir secondary school contests. Last yearover five hundred preparatory school ath­letes participated in the Interscholastic, anda hundred more are being arranged for thisyear.Tennis.-Captain Albert Lindauer havingbeen accepted for Fort Sheridan, the careerof the. tennis team has 'been somewhatcheckered. Ohio State was defeated at Co­lumbus on April 28, Lindauer beating MaxonG-3, 6-2, Littman, '19, Iosing to Zuch, 4-6,6-4, 6-4, and Lindauer and Littman winningthe dou,bles 4-6, 6-4, 6-1. Coleman Clark, '18,was out with an injured ankle. In the re­turn match, May 14, Clark beat Zuch.s-z, 6-4, 353Litttnan beat Friedman 6-2, 12-14 .. 8-6, andClark and Littman beat Zuch and Friedman6-2, 6-1. Captain Lindauer of Chicago andCaptain Maxon of Ohio State were bothabsent on government appointments. OnMay 26 Illinois won three out of four singlesand both doubles. Clark beat McKay ofIllinois 6-3, 3-6, 6-2; Becker, Illinois, beatLittman 5-7, 6-1, 6-4; Wiley of Illinois beatWegeland 7-5, 6-2, and Blank of Illinois beatWeiner 6-0, 6-4. In the doubles McKay andBecker, Illinois, beat Clark and Littman 8-6,9-7. The Conference championships werescheduled for May 28 and 29. Chicago hasa fair chance in the doubles and should winthe singles with Clark.Captain Jackson of the 1916 football teamis commissioned a second lieutenant in themarines. Captain Pershing of the 1917 teamis taking the ordnance course. Captain Lin­dauer of the tennis team is at Fort Sheridan.Captain Jeschke of the gym. team is a sec­ond lieutenant in the marines, and CaptainTownley of the basketball team and CaptainHart of the baseball team are in Base Hos­pital Unit No. 13, which goes to France inJuly.All Working for a C(ommission)354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�HH"lIIll1mlllllllllllllll"lIIll11l1l11lll1l1lllllll1llll1lllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lIlUlllIUlllillllllllllllllIlll1lll�� §� �e 5a �i � iI Refinement Iof mind generally shows itself in refine­ment of dress. Many men unwittinglygive the world a wrong impression ofthemselves through choosing the wrongI !tailor and wearing clothes that fail todo them justice.One of the important features of ourservice is studying the requirements ofour patrons, which has met the approvalof the most discriminating clientele inChicago.Richard W. Farmer CompanyI 16 W. JaCkson��v��hant TailorsChicago II IiOlllllllllll'Rlmm unllllllllll II III II II II 1111111111 11111111111111 II II II III III III II III II III III II IIlHll II II II II III III III II 1111 1l1U1I1I1I 111111 II III II II II III II 11111111111 ill 11111 III 11 II II 1111 11111 11111111111 III III III III II III 1I111llllllllllnilili 11 1IIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllluillUllmnJTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErr••• on that morning the post brought news from our.Richmond friend,-good news in the substantialform of packets of cigarettes of Virginia tobacco."I t is like stepping back into a quieter, more courteous period,to dip into the aristocratic contents of a box of "good oldRichmond Straight Cuts."No other cigarette is quite like them. They have a subtlecharm and quaint, old-time delicacy to he found only in theirpure, �{"hright" Virginia tobacco.Y ou w,ill find them just as appealing today as when th � firstones were fashioned over two generations ago. /1H���EJ]L�CigarettesPLAIN or CORK TIPFifteen centsAlso in attractive tins.50 for 40 cents; 100for 75. centS. Sent pre­paid if your dealer can­not supply you. __ A.�-� ���h� RICHMON. D.V'Rca.mA,U.5.A.�v w� UGGEn&f1)'ER&TOBACCOCO.sUCC£S50ILPreferred by Gentlemen Now as Then356 THIi UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Student's Breakfast should beappetizing and nourishing."Swift's Premium"Sliced Baconwill form the chief dish for such a meal. The secret ofits goodness lies in' the mild "Swift's Premium" cure."Swift's Premium"Sliced Bacon is putup in sanitary onepound cartons-nottouched by hand inslicing or packing.Swift & Companyu.s. A. ." ,/1iAll members of the College Alumni Association are entitled to vote for officersand delegates for next year. In order that the organization may be mostefficient it is suggested that officers and members of the Executive Committeeshould also be delegates to the Council wher�ver possible. Ballots should besigned and returned to Box 9, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, before5 :00 p. rrr., Friday, June 8th.1st VICE PRESIDENT:o E. A. Buzzell. '86o Shirley Farr '04·SECRETARY.TREASURER:o ]. F. Moulds '07MEMBERS of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:Vote for twoo Mrs. Geo. E. Shambaugh '97 (Edi'h Capps)o Paul Davis '11o Harvey Harris '14o Ruth Prosser_'16NameAddress----------------------DELEGATES TO COUNCIL (3 Years)Vote for threeo Shirley Farr '04o ]. F. Moulds '07o E. A. Buzzell '86o Paul Davis '11o Ruth. Prosser '16o Mrs. Geo. E. Shambaugh '97 (Edith C,ppo)DELEGATE TO COUNCIL (1 Year)Vote for oneo Harvey Harris '14. 0 Mrs. Douglas Sutherland '02 (Lill Steven,)Vote Here!